id,url,score,title,body,top_comment1,top_comment2,top_comment3,top_comment4,top_comment5,date 7szhg,,1,The largest independant website about the country of Tunisia,,,,,,,2009-01-28 06:49:00 9g897,,1,Tunisia (4)- Sidi Bou Said - Christmas Vacation,,,,,,,2009-09-01 15:04:11 f2146,,1,The First WikiLeaks Revolution? | WikiLeaked,,,,,,,2011-01-14 04:50:40 f3hpc,,1,"Túnez revienta, ¿habrá efecto contagio?",,,,,,,2011-01-16 23:55:15 f3gx6,,3,Tunisia Revolution News (Latest Updates),,,,,,,2011-01-16 23:05:48 f3ft9,,3,Tunisia at Wikipedia - Free Encyclopedia ,,,,,,,2011-01-16 21:49:31 f3ain,,3,Tunisia Twitter Users : WeFollow,,,,,,,2011-01-16 15:33:40 f35y1,,1,top search results for tunisia at reddit,,,,,,,2011-01-16 06:29:03 f3pij,,6,"Ben Ali's family fled with gold bars 1,5 TON GOLD",,,,,,,2011-01-17 09:13:40 f3lyb,,2,"Please assist with our project to produce a single, concise guide by which Tunisians can establish secure methods of discussion and civic participation.",,,,,,,2011-01-17 04:47:15 f3llp,,7,Please Distribute to Tunisians: Safety in Confrontations,,,,,,,2011-01-17 04:23:50 f3ig9,,3,r/OperationTunisia News from the resistance in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2011-01-17 00:52:59 f4qp1,,1,We can help Tunisians by giving them the tools they need to secure their own liberty.,,,,,,,2011-01-18 23:38:02 f4cm8,,6,Tunisian Reddit Alien [PIC],,,,,,,2011-01-18 09:46:17 f4cfg,,7,Yes we Do FIXED [PIC],,,,,,,2011-01-18 09:26:55 f5bn7,,5,The Big Picture : Uprising in Tunisia,,,,,,,2011-01-19 20:21:13 f58j7,,3,Le journal de Ben Ali : a satirical animation about ben ali's escape.,,,,,,,2011-01-19 18:00:07 f576w,,3,"From Huffingtonpost: keep an eye on the heart of North Africa, a true story about the lovely and free Tunisia.",,,,,,,2011-01-19 17:00:30 f54q9,,6,"Tunisian Revolution, the comic version [PIC]",,,,,,,2011-01-19 15:03:26 f60we,,5,"Good analysis of the Tunisian revolution: ""Tunisia Rising"" by Laila Lalami",,,,,,,2011-01-20 20:38:26 fakzu,,4,"""Egypt, Tunisia, and the fight against US imperialism"" - the growing revolutionary upsurge of the masses has revealed that the pillars of Washington's own policy in the Middle East are rotten and crumbling.",,,,,,,2011-01-28 06:50:24 fbe5z,,2,No let-up in Tunisia protests,,,,,,,2011-01-29 17:33:34 fl9hc,,2,"One month after the fall of Ben Ali's regime in Tunisia, did things really change? 20 tunisians are still being held in Somalia yet the government hasn't done anything to get them back.","With the events that took place in Tunisia recently, the hijacking of the tunisian tanker Hannibal II and the kidnapping of its crew composed of 31 persons has been unfortunately overlooked by our media. 20 tunisians are held in Somalia now with 10 others who have various nationalities. 95 days have passed now since the day the tunisian tanker Hannibal II was hijacked. The families are receiving heartbreaking SOS calls from the victimes and were obliged to be silent and kept uninformed about the negociations that were presumably taking place. When the ousted president's regime was still functionnal, we had no right to demand for any clarifications, now we were able to protest and spread the word, however it appears to be that the government is unable to solve the matter and more likely to be focusing on the political disorder phase we are going through...not that they would have the money to pay the ransom anyways. My cousin is the captain on board and he made a clear statement when he called, the crew can't take it any longer, they run out of meds, food, they are under lot of psychological pressure, some of them are having thoughts about commiting suicide, it's a matter of life or death. The families of the kidnapped crew are planing for more protests in order to urge the authorities to take immediate actions and save them. There is a significant distorsion between the statements that were originally heard from the victims and what the owner of the tanker has been telling us. Suspicions rose when the promises of being informed regularly with proven elements that negociations are taking place weren't kept and the business man who should be in charge for it is suspected of simply speculating till the ransom goes down. The reason why I'm posting this to reddit is first and foremost to get perhaps some attention concerning this subject, as I would be interested in hearing any thoughts, actual facts, important records, ideas or maybe some advice concerning the piracy phenomenon in that area. And second, to ask if we should really turn our shoulders in disbelief of the victims' appeal, because that's what we were told to do. [Here]( are some pictures taken during protests in order to help the kidnapped crew.",,,,,,2011-02-14 18:32:34 fq9zq,,3,Friend from Sousse is depressed and in drastic need of help. I live in the US can someone please help me help her.,"I'm trying to find help for my friend in Tunisia. They live near Sousse. She has been severely depressed and has talked of harming herself. What resources are there that she can go to to get help? She is too proud to try to get help herself but as a friend I cannot let this stand. I'm afraid she will eventually do something stupid. Please help. I've found a hospital near her but I do not speak French and on the English portion of the site there is no ""Contact"" portion so they may not understand my google translated email to them. Thank you for help.",,,,,,2011-02-22 14:16:08 frzdr,,2,Family of the man who set himself on fire?,"The man who triggered this world-changing set of events by setting himself on fire after being harassed and beaten by police for selling vegetables to feed his family died from his wounds. But his family, the ones he was trying to provide for, are still alive. Does anyone know who they are? Are they being provided for? Does he have children who need clothing, schooling, etc? Can we identify and possibly help this family? They lost their father when he helped change the world; it'd be tragic if his sacrifice merely compounded their problems.",,,,,,2011-02-24 19:06:36 gnglh,,3,Ben Ali brother arrested in Tunisia,,,,,,,2011-04-11 15:48:13 h6ovd,,1,Tunisian police break up protests,,,,,,,2011-05-08 16:13:42 hbacm,,2,After the revolution: What job hopes for young Tunisians? (video),,,,,,,2011-05-14 15:57:36 hb6zv,,3,Fuck the Tunisian poste!,"Today, a friend of mine had to withdraw some money from his e-dinar card. When he logged to the Tunisian post e-dinar platform, it has confirmed to him that his card was valid. I went with him to the ATM, but he couldn't withdraw money because HIS CREDIT CARD HAS EXPIRED. We went to the post bureau and asked if we could renew it, they said that in order to withdraw we had to send the money AS FUCKING WIRE TRANSFER. So, we go back home, and get lost for about an hour before reaching our destination. We perform the required application, and guess what? 5 DT taxes and 48 hours to process! Fuck this, fuck everything about this. I've lost my saturday morning just for this?????!!!?? I sometimes hate my country. ",,,,,,2011-05-14 11:36:24 jov1q,,0,A new community on reddit for sharing world news in Arabic language. If you are interested please come and join.,,,,,,,2011-08-20 14:40:19 jsweq,,5,I saw this rage comic shared on facebook...I bet it was made by a redditor,,,,,,,2011-08-24 14:43:29 kf6va,,2,Tunisia: The Ballot Box Obsession,,,,,,,2011-09-14 08:53:56 l8b9a,,1,"Moving to Tunis next week, what should I know?","I'm moving there to teach English, what's the scene like there at the minute, where are the good nightspots, what sights do I absolutely have to see? Any other comments appreciated.",,,,,,2011-10-11 14:45:03 lle4l,,1,Cinema listings and bookshops in Tunis?,"Hi, I'm new to Tunis, does anyone know of any cinemas that show English language movies (and if they have listings online) or any english language bookshops?",,,,,,2011-10-22 21:48:25 llyoy,,23,"People of Tunisia are voting freely for the first time. This blue finger is the proof that I voted. So happy, so proud. ",,,,,,,2011-10-23 12:14:31 llvh0,,2,Google is celebrating Tunisia's first free and Clean Election Day after the Revolution! crosspost from r/pics,,,,,,,2011-10-23 08:38:56 lluyo,,6,Constitutional Assembly Election in Tunisia and the very first one after the Revolution! I think I was so excited that I overdone it...crosspost from r/pics,,,,,,,2011-10-23 08:04:31 lljc5,,0,"Naming a Revolution - A day before historic elections in Tunisia, reflections on the naming process of the ""Jasmine Revolution""",,,,,,,2011-10-23 00:34:02 map95,,3,"Thoughts about the future, Tunisians?","I'm currently doing an essay about Tunisia, specifically about the revolution, and it turned out to be much more interesting then I first thought. However, all of my sources are newa reoprters, so I tought it would be great if I could get some input from a native Tunisian! How is the current situation? What are your thoughts about the future? What can we from the rest of the world (I'm from Sweden btw) do to help? **TL;DR:** Want info about Tunisia!",,,,,,2011-11-13 13:44:08 mr5ik,,2,Sahara Festival in Douz,"I'm living in Tunis for the past month and will be here for a while more, I have some time off at Christmas, so want to go to the festival in Douz. Has anyone got any experience with the festival? What's the best way to get there? I was looking at the train to Tozeur, how comfortable is that trip? How much should I pay to get from Tozeur to Douz? where should I stay during the fest?",,,,,,2011-11-27 20:48:07 ng7q0,,2,Does anyone know anything about the policewoman who slapped Mohamed Bouazizi?,"It'll be interesting to know how she feels regarding how her stupid actions resulted in the most amazing change the Arab world has seen for centuries. Has there been any interviews done with her? Any background about her at all?",,,,,,2011-12-17 09:24:52 np4fl,,3,Mr. Ghannouchi Goes to the Washington Institute,,,,,,,2011-12-24 13:43:49 o0fce,,3,La situation une année aprés ,,,,,,,2012-01-03 00:28:22 oh79c,,1,14th of January,,,,,,,2012-01-14 21:42:26 on2pz,,1,Mauvaises surprises et c’est ce qui s’est passé avec SW Agence ou plus connu sur le nom de Sparklesweb mais encore Katfaoui Tijani ...,,,,,,,2012-01-19 09:39:48 ovycb,,3,"Volleyball: Tunisian men beat Egypt, Algeria, Cameroon and Ghana to the Olympics slot",,,,,,,2012-01-25 11:50:53 oxfgm,,4,A Tunisian Girl's recent Blog post,"My amazing friend from Tunisia and her recent blog post. She's the most courageous and brightest person I know.",,,,,,2012-01-26 10:01:58 q748a,,1,Things to do for a week,"Hi all, I'll be visiting Tunisia (not for the first time, but the first time without family) for one week over my spring break March 12 - 19. what are some things I can do to maximize what I get out of my trip? I have a car, and I will mostly be between the Hammam Lif/Rades area and elMarsa. ",,,,,,2012-02-26 21:16:15 qigkg,,3,Hello People of Tunisia,"Hi, I'm a ProductDesign student who has been given a project involving your country. * It is to design a device that will enable someone to move from a wheelchair to a bed on the floor. * We were advised to not rely on electricity and it is something that should be made in a local workshop. Can any of you give me any advice on how reliable electricity is? or what materials are easily obtained ? At the moment I am still trying to decide whether wood or metal would be better.",,,,,,2012-03-05 11:42:47 qigfm,,1,Question about converting Dinar,"I have been here for a few months and have a couple of thousand Dinar i need to change before leaving. I do not have any receipts, what is the best way to go about buying euro/pounds? I have been in touch with a bank in London who will convert it for me, but I know that taking dinar out of the country is illegal. ",,,,,,2012-03-05 11:35:33 rpwle,,1,Is there a demand for Android/Mobile software development in Tunisia?,"In short, I am in USA and would like to know if Tunisia has a demand for mobile tech work...I can provide details over PM.",,,,,,2012-04-02 19:06:22 s175e,,2,"Could corruption be worse in Tunisia, Egypt after Arab Spring?",,,,,,,2012-04-09 18:56:19 rzzs4,,1,[x-post from r/atheism] Tunisia: 7 years jail and ~700$ (1200 Dinars) amend for being Atheist,,,,,,,2012-04-09 00:32:39 sul97,,1,Tunisian Jews invite Zuckerberg to pilgrimage,,,,,,,2012-04-27 01:46:17 t5utp,,1,Julian Assange speaks with Moncef Marzouki,,,,,,,2012-05-03 22:37:43 tllvt,,1,MöñtäsSär Möñtä Rïzöö | Facebook,,,,,,,2012-05-13 23:21:43 u1ja0,,1,Planning a trip to Tunisia,"Hey r/Tunisia, I'm planning a trip here in the summer. I am looking for travel tips: suggestions on what to see and do, where to stay, and any other helpful tips. Also, are there any changes or situations I should be wary of in the wake of the revolution? Any general info would help! Some helpful info about me: I speak standard and Iraqi Arabic; I hope to pick up some of the local variety quickly. I have a dark complexion and shouldn't have too much trouble blending, at least until I open my mouth. Cheers!",,,,,,2012-05-23 20:14:57 uaj4z,,0,je veux un job - site d'emploi tunisien,,,,,,,2012-05-29 16:39:51 vdg88,,3,Arab Spring's second revolution,,,,,,,2012-06-21 08:05:59 vqhis,,1,baha ,,,,,,,2012-06-28 11:02:00 vz96k,,1,لقاء خاص : الباجي قائد السبسي,,,,,,,2012-07-03 14:19:18 wfhuv,,1,"Před pár lety název Djerba v Česku nikdo neznal. Dnes prakticky všichni ví, že je to krásný tuniský ostrov. Víte ale proč jet na Djerbu na dovolenou, co vše na něm můžete zhlédnout, kam se vypravit za zajímavostmi?",,,,,,,2012-07-12 06:29:41 xh157,,3,TUNISIAN NATIONAL BASKETBALL TEAM JERSEY????,"Hey guys I'm from America and currently watching the national basketball game. My roommate and I really want Tunisian basketball jerseys but can't find them anywhere online. We'd be willing to pay via PayPal if someone could help us out. Please let me know. We seriously want to buy jerseys ",,,,,,2012-07-31 22:22:15 yikrb,,1,How The Olympics Is Helping Tunisia ,,,,,,,2012-08-20 09:10:08 ymhsc,,3,I am writing a book set in Tunis! ,"My first novel, Soup's On, is set primarily in Tunis (you can read about it at or here: and I was hoping someone might have some insider tips about how to best communicate the local flavor. I've visited once and so have some idea, but any info would be greatly apprecated!",,,,,,2012-08-22 05:49:13 z6usm,,4,Mossad in the Maghreb (I): Stepping Up its Game,,,,,,,2012-09-01 17:00:18 zx34f,,1,"Tunisia promises to end Internet censorship ",,,,,,,2012-09-15 07:48:49 11cgci,,3,Tunisian social faux pas?,"Hi guys! I need to do a French project about selling food, and I (while blindfolded) picked Tunisia. I need your help, as I don't know of any online gatherings of Tunisian and Google isnt helpful. Also, I think Tunisia is pretty interesting so I want to expand my knowledge of the country. So the question is, can you guys give any examples of Tunisian faux pas, preferably linked to the French and in a vending situation. Any answers will be appreciated! Thanks!",,,,,,2012-10-12 02:32:08 11fnv6,,1,"Rights group: Police rape woman in Tunisia, then charge her with indecency -",,,,,,,2012-10-13 22:55:35 11sifx,,1,Funny Jokes and Pictures - Website | Facebook,,,,,,,2012-10-20 08:58:40 124ma3,,7,Tunisia Jews: A tiny community hanging on - and cooking,,,,,,,2012-10-26 15:46:41 12itig,,1,"I am planning to go to Tunisia, what town would you recommend?","I have no clue where to go, it all looks good. To give you an idea, i really enjoyed sharm el sheikh and Marrakesh. I am arabic and enjoy activities during the day and shisha cafes at night. Any help would be great?",,,,,,2012-11-02 17:15:39 12mupm,,1,Can someone please explain this to me?,"Hey, I don't really know if this is the place for it, but I need help with this. I love this song so freaking much because it really speaks to me. I speak Sham Arabic and I'm obsessed with Tunis and the Tunisian accent. I get most of this, but only in general. This is the link: Thank you a ton for this! ",,,,,,2012-11-04 22:53:48 12xwgn,,4,"Hello r/Tunisia! We are announcing r/arabs, pan-Arab subreddit for discussing all things related to Arabs and Arabic culture and language. Join us!",,,,,,,2012-11-10 00:23:43 13q1ym,,1,"Chatroulette le phénomène ""Next""",,,,,,,2012-11-24 19:00:19 13u9ov,,7,r/tunisia meetup anyone?,,,,,,,2012-11-26 23:39:03 13tfpl,,2,"Tunisia CryptoParty | Hotel Golden Tulip Carthage, November 27th ",,,,,,,2012-11-26 16:22:56 13xuq1,,10,/r/tunisia is now part of the Reddit Africa Network!,"Three points of business for this subreddit: 1. /r/tunisia is now under new management! I have taken control of this subreddit from its dead moderator. Please bear with us as we work through this transitional period. 2. /r/tunisia is now a founding member of the [Reddit Africa Network](/r/AfricaNetwork)! If you are a member or a moderator of an Africa related channel, please see /r/AfricaNetwork for more information on how you can cross-promote! 3. **We are looking for moderators** who will be committed to growing the subreddit. Please message the moderators for details. If you have any comments, please leave them here in this thread. Thanks, and have a great day!",,,,,,2012-11-28 16:45:36 13xd6t,,1,Solar Energy in Tunisia,,,,,,,2012-11-28 09:15:56 140tch,,2,"I'm visiting in 2 weeks, anything I should know or check out?",,,,,,,2012-11-29 23:47:14 142n95,,3,Please welcome Enti_San to the moderation team of /r/Tunisia!,"As part of our plan to grow this subreddit, Enti_San is committed to making this a great place for Tunisians and visitors, please welcome him. ",,,,,,2012-11-30 22:00:19 142hy6,,3,1 photo + 20 dinars. It's all you need to be part of the AMIDEAST's American Corner,,,,,,,2012-11-30 20:38:37 142fr7,,5,Tunisian Police Use Shotgun Shells Against Protesters (x-post from /r/worldnews),,,,,,,2012-11-30 20:04:52 14a2mc,,12,"A suggestion for a new reddit alien for r/tunisia subreddit, if you have any other ideas, Bring them out!",,,,,,,2012-12-04 20:29:27 149zbs,,7,"On the commemoration of the assassination of Farhat Hachad, the Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT) he founded, gets savagely attacked resulting in about 20 injuries",,,,,,,2012-12-04 19:45:22 14kiwp,,2,"How is the state of the internet in Tunisia, mainly Carthage ?",I ask because my gf went there for a week and she said she couldn't talk to me because the internet was so crappy in her hotel. She was there for a conference and she even said she subscribed to 3G and it was also very crappy. Is that possible in Carthage ? That she was in a hotel and that happened ?,,,,,,2012-12-09 22:49:57 14mipb,,4,Tunisian recipes,"Hi r/Tunisia, I have a Tunisian boy in my life who I'd like to cook a nice dinner for. He lives in the states now and I was hoping to make something that would remind him of home. What would a typical Tunisian dinner look like? Can anyone recommend any recipes that wouldn't be too difficult to make? Any suggestions would be great...Thank you!",,,,,,2012-12-10 21:22:20 15239j,,1,Studying in Germany ,I'm going to graduate this year from high school and I'm very interested in studying psychology in Germany. Any advice ? ,,,,,,2012-12-18 16:48:55 154olm,,0,فيلم وثائقي قصير يروي قصص من قلب ثورات تونس و مصر,,,,,,,2012-12-19 21:28:27 15irw9,,0,Strange Charlie Brown Mugshot pictures,,,,,,,2012-12-27 15:20:58 164fqi,,8,khobza style : parodie Gangnam style en tunisien - ,,,,,,,2013-01-07 15:33:19 16vv9z,,1,visit the beautiful medina ,,,,,,,2013-01-19 18:11:25 16xfw4,,1,Ichkeul - A Beauty in Tunisia - My North Africa | My North Africa,,,,,,,2013-01-20 13:44:33 17c285,,1,"TRISTAN IN TUNIS: I recently moved to Tunisia and am blogging about my experiences here, with a heavy emphasis on politics, food, and cats.",,,,,,,2013-01-26 21:42:32 180kn8,,1,Fears of Escalating Violence After Assassination of Opposition Leader,,,,,,,2013-02-06 19:33:17 18go04,,1,Looking for a timeline of events in Tunisia from Dec. 2010 until now,"I want to find anything that's like a timeline (any form) of all events from that date in Tunisia or anything that would help make such a timeline. I've already found some links (from the Gardian and a sportify page etc...) so if you a have a page/link etc. with such a timeline (again any form) or that would help make it (partial list of events etc.)... I'm looking for thing that I can't find via google or wikipedia (or hard to find) thanks for your help & answers",,,,,,2013-02-13 19:39:51 18pyp9,,3,Steam and PC Gaming in Tunisia,"Selem 3alaykom, Recently discovered this subreddit and I have a question: Do Tunisians have any means of owning legit Steam accounts and buy subscriptions with Paypal/Credit card? I have yet to see a fellow Tunisian own a non-stolen digital collection of games. PS. I know there's more important stuff we should discuss in this subreddit, but I see it more like a Tunisian community. We should totally make a Steam community group :) ",,,,,,2013-02-18 00:43:12 192jtu,,1,"Jedete na dovolenou do Tuniska? Navštivte oblíbené tuniské letovisko Tabarku. Přečtěte si článek a vyrazte za zajímavostmi, které můžete spatřit na vlastní oči.",,,,,,,2013-02-23 07:06:14 19ch7u,,1,Political Realities and the Tunisian Constitutional Drafting Process," Monday in Geneva, the Tunisian National Constitution Assembly’s Speaker Mustapha Ben Jaafar stated that finalizing a draft constitution by April would be “a real challenge.” Such a comment by the Speaker illustrates the point discussed previously on this blog that it is extremely difficult to set arbitrary dates on the completion of such an important process. Tunisia took a novel if difficult approach to the creation of a time frame in sharp contrast to the approaches of Libya and Egypt. Tunisia has set no legal time frame on the completion of the constitution, but the country’s current leadership has promised the populace that the document would be completed first by October of 2012, then by February of 2013 and most recently by April of 2013. It appears that keeping this promise will once again prove immensely difficult. It is important to understand that this does not meant the process is devoid of progress. The announcement came only a day after the general debate on legislative and executive powers was ended, clearing a major hurdle in the process. Constitutional drafting is vitally important for the future of a free country. Progress takes time. Tunisia is showing solid progress; however, the political realities that have forced leadership to place arbitrary dates on the completion of the constitution could hasten the process and endanger the progress made. Please discuss more here or on twitter @AndrewBFriedman",,,,,,2013-02-27 19:55:22 19ivgf,,1,American here - Is now a safe enough time to plan a tourist trip to Tunis?,"I know there has been some political turmoil recently, and back in September the US embassy was attacked, but if we stick with a tour guide and stay away from large demonstrations, are we going to be okay?",,,,,,2013-03-02 15:11:19 19ifpl,,8,"tunisian harlem shake interrupted by ""salafisit""","a group of students about 150 including myself were in the prosess of making a harlem shake video.they knew about it because it was stated on facebook.everyone was affraid because of the reputaation of these people.they have been patroling us for a while then the came up saying ""god damn you stop filming!!!!"".noting that we didn't plan any nudity or sexual references.",,,,,,2013-03-02 06:27:01 19kk94,,1,elhadhra harlem shake,,,,,,,2013-03-03 09:38:55 1a8n23,,7,"Hi, I will be working in Tunis and Sfax for 2/3 months. Advice would be appreciated.","I am 22 year old, British male about to start work as an English teacher in Tunisia. I have never been to Tunisia before and know very little about it (one of the reasons I am going). What do I need to know about living and intergrating in Tunisia. Thanks",,,,,,2013-03-13 20:50:05 1anlcl,,8,Looking for an explanation about a song I heard when I lived in Tunisia.,"When I used to go to some clubs and bars last year in Tunis. Whenever Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes would come on, the crowd would sing a song about Ghannouchi. It was explained to me at the time that it was quite rude. Can anyone tell me the exact lyrics in arabic and English translation? You can pm me if you don't want to say it in public.",,,,,,2013-03-20 09:58:11 1and51,,7,"Hi, can someone please tell me what 'aaycheck rouh kalbi' means? I know aaycheck is 'thank you'. I think kalbi is heart?",,,,,,,2013-03-20 05:58:26 1ar4sv,,0,"Emel Mathlouthi - ""Ma Katlou Had"" (Who killed him?)",,,,,,,2013-03-21 20:13:36 1arqdd,,4,Flight from Tunis to Djerba?,"Hi /r/Tunisia I have a question to the ones living in Tunis. I want to fly to Djerba(Living in Swe) ,however, there are no direct flights anymore to Djerba from where I live. So I'm thinking of first, flying to Tunis and, then to Djerba. My question is how much could it cost from Tunis to Djerba? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2013-03-22 00:42:35 1b00hc,,4,Help me translate this short conversation in Tunisian Arabic,"ma7laha binti! gotoussa Haha thanx guys :) ama cho lgombla li 7dheya se3a ;) hhhh don't worry sayé 3malna 3lih tala Funny! ma ykoun kan bouhali ittarrass! I was tagged in a picture with a Tunisian exchange student and was just wondering what the comments were, thank you!",,,,,,2013-03-25 21:46:36 1dfmol,,1,Berber underground homes!,,,,,,,2013-04-30 20:22:30 1dgkz8,,1,Neyssatou: Ila Selma - بديعة بوحريزي: إلى سلمى,,,,,,,2013-05-01 03:33:17 1dqz9n,,14,"First Reddit Meet Up Tunisia 2013, Sidi Bou Said, Café des Nattes, June 16th, BE THERE!",,,,,,,2013-05-05 20:31:03 1dq6xm,,11,"Open Suggestions Thread for The First Tunisian Reddit Meet Up In June, Invitations are ON, Beverages and Treats are ON THE HOUSE!","**UPDATE:** ---> Kindly follow us on So you can keep up with all news concerning the upcoming event, I hope you will all be able to make it! Hello Everyone! ASSLAMA! (it means **Hello** in Tunisian not Ass Lama :D ) Many of this small subreddit users have already tried to organize the first Tunisian Reddit Meetup but haven't been successful in doing so. However I really hope that this message gets to as many people as possible to actually make it happen this time. Yes Reddit! you heard me! I am inviting my fellow redditors for a meeting in any place in Tunis (I was thinking first about Sidi Bou Said): Beverage will be of course for free (Non Alcoholic Beverages, I can't buy alcoholic drinks for personal/religious reasons sorry!) and any other treats as long as they won't be extremely expensive (not superiour to 4-5 dinars!). If you have any questions in regards to myself or the place and time we will be meeting at, don't hesitate to send me a pm! If you have any reddit themed material bring it and show it off! I am getting mine as well! My preferences for the Meet Up Day is June 16th . Let's see first how many of you would be able to make it on these days or what would their preference be!",,,,,,2013-05-05 11:24:53 1fd2ty,,2,Quick help with dissertation on Mohamed Bouazizi?,"Hello! I'm writing my masters dissertation on some iconic images from the arab spring and was wondering if someone could help me with one of them. I'm trying to find the original context this photograph first appeared for referencing reasons. I've found it in numerous places, but I'm having trouble tracing the original source. Moreover, there seems to be some dialogue going on in the photograph between Ben Ali and Bouazizi, and what I'm also hoping to find in the original source is what is being said here. tl;dr Can someone tell me the original source/article of the photograph? ",,,,,,2013-05-30 21:28:46 1fji3q,,2,A plea from kindred souls in Turkey,"Brothers and sisters, You have no doubt seen what is happening in Turkey in the media. I can tell you the situation here is much, much worse than you will see on tv. The Prime Minister, R. Tayyip Erdoğan, has caused untold harm to the people of the country which he is sworn to serve. He has done so callously, cruelly and has gone so far as to insult all sensibilities of ""his"" people. **This COWARDLY DICTATOR is now headed to your country on ""a business trip"", to turn a blind eye to the violence he has unleashed against us. Please, in the name of solidarity, show him that Tunisia, the birth place of the Arab Spring, does not welcome him.**",,,,,,2013-06-02 21:47:40 1fid2z,,3,"REMINDER, Tunisian Reddit Meet Up, in two weeks and change of date to 15th of June","Hello everyone again! Please notice that the date has been changed to meet the GLOBAL REDDIT MEET UP DAY!! yay! SO who is as excited as me about the up coming Meet up??!! If you have any ideas on the activities we could have on that day, maybe board games, maybe interesting subjects to discuss? Maybe Harissa or Chappati eating contest??! You NAME it! Jun 15, 2013 at 10:30 AM Sidi Bou Said Café des Nattes Kindly follow us on[1] So you can keep up with all news concerning the upcoming event, I hope you will all be able to make it! ",,,,,,2013-06-02 07:32:59 1fogah,,0,My favorite photo that I've taken anywhere in the world (I'm American). Its the souq in Tunis.,,,,,,,2013-06-04 21:34:45 1gabt2,,4,"Reddit Meetup Reminder - June 15th, 2013 at 10am - Sidi Bou Said Café des Nattes","Asslama once again, Kindly note that this is a reminder about the GLOBAL REDDIT MEET UP Day and our first Tunisian Reddit Meet Up on Saturday 15th 2013 at 10 am in Sidi Bou Said Café des Nattes (Al Kahoua Al Alya). Please confirm that you will be coming to attend by posting in here. If you have any suggestions on where to go from there, any ideas on what to do together, themes to be talking about or even games to play! Let Us have a good day of it!",,,,,,2013-06-13 19:09:47 1gdcvj,,0,Can someone give me a rundown on what's been happening since Ben Ali stepped down?,I need to catch up.,,,,,,2013-06-14 23:26:31 1geoqn,,23,"Reddit Meet Up Day Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia, Saturday 15th of June 2013, We made it!",,,,,,,2013-06-15 17:15:45 1geokn,,0,"Reddit Meet Up Day Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia, Saturday 15th of June 2013, We made it!",,,,,,,2013-06-15 17:13:14 1gelnx,,5,I see your meetup pics before I came and I raise you my best taken one.,,,,,,,2013-06-15 16:26:54 1ge7fv,,7,We are waiting on you in Sidi Bou Said Café Des Nattes! You are all welcome to come!,,,,,,,2013-06-15 10:33:59 1gia8s,,6,"My girlfriend and I are visiting Tunisia in September for just over a week, arriving in Tunis and then making our way to Sousse.. Any advice, tips or general inside information?","We have visited Morocco before and absolutely loved it, we're from the UK.",,,,,,2013-06-17 10:06:22 1gwwpf,,6,One of the best concerts I've ever attended in Tunisia. Hoba Hoba Spirit.,,,,,,,2013-06-23 16:21:48 1gwmi2,,7,Happened days ago between Sfax and Gabes.,,,,,,,2013-06-23 12:37:25 1gwjsb,,7,We maybe were just three but we actually made it on the Reddit Blog!,,,,,,,2013-06-23 11:03:36 1gw9xe,,4,"Nights In Tunisia, Jazz Café, Sousse, an amazing performance, awesome food/beverages and lots of fun!",,,,,,,2013-06-23 05:47:05 1gxs0v,,0,Female cop in uniform boots and stockings fucking a male inmate,,,,,,,2013-06-24 00:26:59 1h4x9x,,1,Emino - Wanted (HD),,,,,,,2013-06-26 21:40:18 1hgcpq,,5,"I am traveling to Tunesia in about a month, so I have a questions: What is the difference between traveling with Grand and first class service in the trains?",,,,,,,2013-07-01 21:43:19 1hivix,,0,Summer Mix #3 ● New Romanian Club Music 2013 ● Dj Cristopher,,,,,,,2013-07-02 21:26:40 1hk7ky,,4,Thinking of visiting in August,"Me (24) and my girlfriend (21) are thinking about visiting Aug 4 -11th. Was looking through some deals and was just wondering what would be the best to go for? (I'll post the link in the comments so this post doesn't get flagged as spam) I've had a search through the posts on this subreddit to see similar threads and I get the impression Hammamet is the best place to go? Is there plenty of stuff to do outside the hotel? My sister is just back and said she was swimming with dolphins, etc but not sure if that was in the same location. Would be ideally looking to do things like scooba diving, visiting tourist attractions, etc. Any tips would be great. We're from Scotland too - should I be concerned about getting hassled for being tourists? (especially my girlfriend) ",,,,,,2013-07-03 11:28:44 1hmv9h,,4,Tunisia Putts off Vote to Ban Ex-Regime Figure,,,,,,,2013-07-04 14:35:59 1hv78u,,1,Ibn Khaldun - Arabic Historian and Philospher,,,,,,,2013-07-08 14:54:53 1hyfyz,,10,Romdhan Mabrouk!,To all of Tunisians inside and outside its territories.,,,,,,2013-07-09 19:58:18 1i5m14,,0,Tunis 2050 - Saison 04 - Episode 02,2050,,,,,,2013-07-12 14:54:26 1i5fgl,,1,Liste sans titre (playlist),,,,,,,2013-07-12 13:09:56 1ic4n2,,5,Cool web radio. #7ellRadyoon,,,,,,,2013-07-15 12:58:10 1ibxwv,,10,#Fater Links Tunisians Refraining from Ramadan Fast,,,,,,,2013-07-15 10:10:52 1ijr0n,,1,سورة يوسف كامله بصوت القارئ ماهر المعيقلي,,,,,,,2013-07-18 08:53:15 1inn1i,,1,THE LATEST NEWS : Tunisian activist 'shocked' over killing watch,,,,,,,2013-07-19 20:57:21 1ioifd,,1,Lesbea HD Stretched teen pussy juices cover a dildo with glistening wetness,,,,,,,2013-07-20 05:19:20 1j1fz7,,1,"Currency exchange, help!","Hello! I'm currently visiting Tunisia, staying in the picturesque sidi bou said. When I arrived I converted GBP to tnd to the value of around 800 tnd, I still have the exchange receipt. The problem is I have 200 dinar left over and leave tomorrow and I've read on some websites that there is a limit of 100 tnd that can be converted back! Is this true? Initially I thought it was just a limit of 30% of what was originally converted, any help would be greatly appreciated ! ",,,,,,2013-07-25 17:33:22 1j0toe,,6,Opposition NCA member Mohamed Brahmi has been killed.,"11 bullets, in front of his own place. RIP. EDIT: Live update [here](",,,,,,2013-07-25 12:10:11 1j5m5a,,5,"American, traveling to Tunisia tomorrow.","Should I be concerned about anything? I am a little nervous with the recent news and I would greatly appreciate anyone that can help me, will it be ok for me to travel there?",,,,,,2013-07-27 11:16:42 1j4two,,6,A Popular Front activist was killed in Gafsa after being struck in the head by a tear gas canister fired by police.,- See more [here](,,,,,,2013-07-27 00:48:55 1jb3uk,,5,Do I need to worry about restrictions?,"Hey, I'm going to travel to Sousse next week and i want to know if there could be some restrictions for me. I'm German-Tunisian so im going to live at my families house near to the hotels in Sousse where all the tourists stay. Is it possible that there are going to be some bans of going out at night? And do I have to expect public protests? I'm not really scared or anything like that but i would like to have an answer to my questions :D",,,,,,2013-07-29 22:32:37 1janlb,,4,Protests Invasion,,,,,,,2013-07-29 19:20:45 1ji3y2,,0,Message of Mohamed Brahmi's Daughter to the Tunisian People,,,,,,,2013-08-01 16:32:13 1jgxd3,,8,"Abdel Almi, head of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, threatens those eating during the day during Ramadan",,,,,,,2013-08-01 03:23:46 1jk62i,,1,La francophonie a maintenant son subreddit. Bienvenue sur r/francophonie," Un lieu de discussion pour les francophones de tous les pays, pour partager découvertes ou créations culturelles, trouvailles sur internet, donner nouvelles de votre pays ou pour en prendre sur les autres pays de la francophonie. Venez poser vos questions aux autres francophones, ou encore partager vos interrogations sur la langue française. Ce subreddit a vocation à permettre des discussions qui traversent les frontières. Nous cherchons également des modérateurs pour avoir une équipe aussi diverse que la francophonie ! M'envoyer un message si vous êtes intéressés ",,,,,,2013-08-02 12:23:13 1jmc2p,,4,"I recommend everyone to give this son a try, I am not a big fan of rap music but this one has told so many true words",,,,,,,2013-08-03 09:55:53 1jp6nh,,10,"The story of a young Tunisian who is travelling around the world in ""Tunisian Gahaf"" mode: ""Gahaf tounsi fi tarf eddenia""",,,,,,,2013-08-04 21:00:40 1jrokm,,3,"Hi, could somebody explain the situation in Tunisia please?","Hi, I worked in Tunisia for 6 weeks previously this year. I could sense that something was about to change politically/socially but left just after the salafist protest at Kairouan (which were then held in Tunis). I would love an update about the current atmosphere and thoughts about the future. I hope everything will get better. Thank you ",,,,,,2013-08-05 21:50:30 1jsy66,,7,Anti-Flag - The Ranks of the Masses Rising. A song made by an anarcho-punk band mentioning Bouazizi and the Tunisian revolution.,,,,,,,2013-08-06 10:39:29 1jvckd,,7,Bardo Sit In on 6th August 2013 Demanding that the government be dissolved and replaced by a technocratic government,,,,,,,2013-08-07 07:36:05 1jukhl,,0,Tens of thousands rally to oust Tunisian government,,,,,,,2013-08-07 00:12:20 1jxea8,,0,O.G Ft Blidog - My flow killin'em Rap-Tunisien,,,,,,,2013-08-08 01:54:40 1k8g5l,,0,"Tunisian ""Tamarod"" declares hunger strike at Bardo sit-in",,,,,,,2013-08-12 21:36:34 1kcgkn,,5,Mr President and Minister of Women's Affairs,,,,,,,2013-08-14 13:14:57 1ktvtx,,2,chihab smiti,,,,,,,2013-08-21 21:05:58 1l6hb4,,0,Chelsea Manning and the Arab Spring,,,,,,,2013-08-27 10:36:51 1le9ho,,6,3000 years of history projected in 3D mapping last night.,,,,,,,2013-08-30 12:31:45 1ldsg8,,1,"Opposition divided over ""Irhal"" campaign against public officials",,,,,,,2013-08-30 05:07:39 1lihhj,,0,"""Week of Rage"" protests as opposition fractures",,,,,,,2013-09-01 12:05:15 1lrwyn,,1,The people of Tunisia,"Hello For school I'm going to wright an essay about the people of Tunisia. So I was hoping you guys could help me. How would you describe the people of Tunisia?",,,,,,2013-09-05 09:46:26 1lyq1v,,2,Tunisians stage anti-government rally,,,,,,,2013-09-08 09:58:15 1m1h72,,1,what do u know about tunisia,tunisia ,,,,,,2013-09-09 16:19:40 1ms4dg,,0,Connections to Hackerspaces in Tunisia and Google Entrepreneurship Week?,"I'll be visiting Tunisia for a few days next week (Sep. 27 - Oct 1) with the #ProFellows group. I'm looking to connect with hackerspaces and people interested in them! On the 28th I'll be running a workshop on Hackerspaces/Makerspaces as part of Google Entrepreneurship Week in Tunis. It would be awesome to have a couple people familiar with the Tunisia hackerspace scene help out! I'm talking with a couple wonderful individuals on on IRC, any other recommendations? Background: I help run All Hands Active, a hackerspace in Ann Arbor, MI USA. I am traveling with a group that is looking to communicate, share, and learn about entrepreneurship. Thank you!",,,,,,2013-09-20 15:05:39 1n4uiu,,4,"Jebjoob, a jobboard the Tunisian way",,,,,,,2013-09-25 22:01:56 1n69fe,,1,An Emerging Presence: Tunisia’s Top Galleries,,,,,,,2013-09-26 13:01:52 1n9sna,,6,"While Tunisia faces big economic and political crisis, Tunisia's President enjoys giving speeches abroad.",,,,,,,2013-09-27 20:30:20 1nb2ey,,5,"""I was promised the Paradise, So I offered myself to 152 men"" the Story of a young Tunisian woman coming back from ""Jihad AL Nikah"" in Syria",,,,,,,2013-09-28 11:35:51 1nd6zc,,2,"Ranya Al-Huthaili, a saudi american woman has been in five hold ups of bank branches in three weeks",,,,,,,2013-09-29 09:31:43 1nsd6g,,7,"Tunisia's ruling Islamists, opposition start crisis talks",,,,,,,2013-10-05 15:16:04 1nxmfh,,2,A video message from NY to Tunisia in support of Klay BBJ and Weld El 15,,,,,,,2013-10-07 20:36:06 1nwiae,,3,FEST 2013. See you there ;),,,,,,,2013-10-07 11:07:34 1o21h7,,0,Lat Lag Gayee - Race 2 - Official Song Video - Saif Ali Khan & Jacqueline Fernandez,,,,,,,2013-10-09 11:31:16 1o921t,,1,Pokemon Theme - Redeemers Bel3araby [3:33] pure awesome !,,,,,,,2013-10-11 21:57:16 1oiimu,,4,Looking for someone who was in Tunisia during the revolution to participate in a Skype interview.,"I'm currently in a class called Reform, Revolution, and Jihad in the Middle East and have been assigned a project to study the revolution of a country in either the middle east or north africa. I would really appreciate some assistance via a short skype interview!",,,,,,2013-10-15 17:40:38 1owp5m,,4,"Am I the only one that hates the ""red butterflies"" background of r/Tunisia?","I have nothing against butterflies. It is just that it is too dark to properly read posts. I have to scroll down or up constantly. I think just making it a little lighter will be great. EDIT: Thanks mod. The new background is perfect!",,,,,,2013-10-21 15:53:41 1p1tsm,,0,برنامج فلاش بلاير 20 اخر اصدار 2013 مجانا - Download Flash Player 20 Free.,,,,,,,2013-10-23 14:09:16 1p0xmj,,4,"Tunisian locals, what games did you play as a child?","I am doing a school project and thought that it would be fun to teach the class a game ",,,,,,2013-10-23 03:11:34 1p9zmi,,5,"It is 'bout time for a second Reddit Meet Up! If anyone is interested, make a post and let us know!","Since our last meet up that actually made it on the [Reddit Blog Post]( (on reddit International Meet Up Day)! we were only three to make it that day and I have been hoping for more tunisian redditors to join us on our next Reddit Meet Up ever since. If you are interested please let us know by indicating: - The date on which you think would be more suitable for you - The city in which you would like to have the reddit meet up/or you could go to in order to attend the meet up - The café or place that is Geeky enough for some great redditors to meet up! We will be waiting on your suggestions!",,,,,,2013-10-26 21:26:42 1pkaed,",-m%C3%83%C2%AAme-les-salafistes-peuvent-s%C3%82%E2%80%99%C3%83%C2%A9clater-%C3%83%C2%A0-la-plage,523,41886,3",2,"Hammadi Jebbali's response on Terrorist Attack in Sousse ""Amateurs!"" Keep the best of the tunisian Satire regarding the newest terrorist atacks coming!",,,,,,,2013-10-30 20:19:19 1pj92k,,4,"Tunisian redditors, 9adech 3morkom?",I'm 17 going on 18 this nov.,,,,,,2013-10-30 12:25:38 1pphj1,,9,Happy Hallowe... wait wut?,,,,,,,2013-11-01 19:46:41 1prnux,,9,Goultrah Sound System (Halim Yousfi) at Mouzika,,,,,,,2013-11-02 20:20:43 1prd69,,9,"The song that is playing on Tunisian Radios quite often, HOUMANI حــومــانـي , with that very special touch of AH NENDEBHOM!",,,,,,,2013-11-02 17:50:04 1pqq87,,1,Was curious if there are any adult stores in Tunisia?,"I'm looking to get a few fun things for the wife and I from an adult toy store. However, we're both new to this and are not aware of any shops that could sell marriage aids. I am sure there is some. If not, is there a way to get some?",,,,,,2013-11-02 09:02:17 1pwuam,,8,"Ya twensa, brabbi twa7ashnekom barsha! Arwa7ou zourouna 3la /r/arabs.",,,,,,,2013-11-04 23:54:47 1pwop6,,4,"Tunisia begins government overhaul: Larayedh to resign, Salvation Front to join national dialogue",,,,,,,2013-11-04 22:50:26 1pyvxm,,10,Happy Islamic New Year! Have a peek at what I ate today ;) Traditional Couscous with lamb,,,,,,,2013-11-05 19:15:09 1pyu7e,,4,"They would give million reasons, maybe even make up their own means to just not give that up",,,,,,,2013-11-05 18:55:18 1py70d,,4,Tunisian talks 'suspended' after hitting impasse on PM,,,,,,,2013-11-05 14:09:39 1qe3ks,,3,I'm going to be representing you in this year's PalMUN :),"you should be honored, im kind of a big deal ^jk anyway it would be cool if i could talk to a few of you and see how you feel about certain topics such as the situation in Syria and what the general consensus in tunisia is about it and a few other things if you don't mind spending a bit of time talking to me PM me :) and comment any tips you can think of here's the list of topics on the agenda fostering a peacful resolution regarding north korea's nuclear program combating marittime piracy in the strait of indonesia the question of sovereignty in western sahara the question of united states involvment in afghanistan examining ways to more efficently use the potential of large underemployed arab youth demographics and yeah, there's some more stuff but i've done research on those, and i'm just looking for an insider view on these peace :D ",,,,,,2013-11-11 18:19:16 1qdfft,,3,Looking for an Apartment for a couple of months!,"Been to Tunisia before, especially Tunis and some places in the south. I'm not a Bourguiba student or anything, just looking for a place to live. I can speak a little Arabic and medium-level Italian (not French though, curses!) I have some friends in the Ariana neighborhood who are going to show me around, but if anybody knows of a quality and inexpensive apartment that would be awesome! We can drink heaps of cafe together when I get there in a couple of weeks. By the way, I'm a freelance journalist who was covering the Tunis revolutions back in July and August. Spent some time in Sicily working on a book and now I want to come back :) ",,,,,,2013-11-11 12:41:51 1qdat3,,0,kk,kjn hyyj7un ujmuh,,,,,,2013-11-11 10:38:25 1qkr9u,,4,A good book about Tunisia?,"Hello /r/Tunisia! I am a university student in Modern Arab League. My group wants to do a book club and our first book will be on Tunisia! Are there any books that you feel would provide an interesting insight to Tunisia's history, cultural and political? Thanks!",,,,,,2013-11-14 00:11:34 1qrrtn,,0,I love kpop world every thing about korea <3 let's go to korea,,,,,,,2013-11-16 18:10:24 1rkawf,,11,Only in Tunisia (seen on my Twitter's timeline),,,,,,,2013-11-27 10:04:14 1rp7zf,,4,The new 10 TND ticket has a similar picture of Belgassem Chebi as the one in the header banner of this subreddit.,,,,,,,2013-11-29 08:44:15 1rtfip,,1,Tunisian Web Aggregator,,,,,,,2013-12-01 04:02:42 1s0t61,,1,Environmental Crimes Run Rampant in Tunisia,,,,,,,2013-12-03 21:11:46 1t6xhc,,1,immature but hilarious.[NSFW],,,,,,,2013-12-18 20:24:50 1tj6tf,,7,redditor in sfax ??,"is it Just me and myfriends that i introduced to reddit, or there is someone else? ",,,,,,2013-12-23 15:08:53 1trfvg,,0,New 200 millim and 2Dt coins will be in circulation starting 26 december 2013.,,,,,,,2013-12-26 21:38:28 1u92yz,,4,A little bit late but still not too late for a Happy New Year Tunisian redditors :),alfin warba3tash,,,,,,2014-01-02 19:55:02 1uq4au,,8,Protest erupts in Tunisia amid discontent,,,,,,,2014-01-08 17:56:53 1usgpb,,1,"Tunisie : consensus qui met fin aux reports de la transition Un compromis aujourd’hui, le projet de société c’est pour l’avenir !",,,,,,,2014-01-09 11:36:21 1ut7y4,,0,"Tunisia, Feminist Paradise?",,,,,,,2014-01-09 17:58:13 1vpnie,,0,Djerba Island’s Jewish community endures tension in Tunisia,,,,,,,2014-01-20 23:07:20 1vutgd,,4,"When: Feb 21-22-23. Where: Star Wars' Planet Tatooine, Naftah. I'm going and you will join the party. (link in comment)",,,,,,,2014-01-22 15:32:15 1w0x12,,3,"Moving to Tunis soon, any American Football fans around?","I'm moving to Tunis soon (mid March) and was hoping that maybe there were some American Football fans around. I'm a Panthers fan and if I can't find Panthers fans any football fans would do just to watch games with. The Football season will be over with at that point but would like to still find some people for when they start back up.",,,,,,2014-01-24 11:09:29 1wdbul,,3,This website will ask your questions if you're English in (or going to) Tunisia.,,,,,,,2014-01-28 14:01:17 1wdv7z,,3,Quick question about a holiday that I was hoping you'd be able to answer,"Me and my girlfriend (both 19) are planning a holiday and looking at Tunisia as an option. I've read that the age of consent is 20 and unmarried couples sleeping together is illegal and/or frowned upon. Will we have an issue getting a hotel room together? And if that isn't a problem will we be able to get a double bed or would twins be necessary? Obviously what goes on behind closed doors is private but I'd rather not get in any trouble, and avoid being disrespectful of your culture if possible.",,,,,,2014-01-28 17:37:18 1wl3ox,,5,Tunisia’s new constitution and government suggest a hopeful future,,,,,,,2014-01-30 20:38:17 1wmzkv,,1,Any suggestions on an ethical dilemma currently going on in Tunisia?,"I have a school project going on, and part of the essay is to mention an ethical dilemma (such as the child labor in Ivory Coast). Do you know of any ethical dilemmas I can look up on Google? I am aware of the revolution and the whole Islam thing, but I need to write about a specific dilemma.",,,,,,2014-01-31 11:25:42 1wtcqi,,3,"Tunisia, please help me make my brother's birthday extra special!","Greetings everyone! My younger brother is going to be 21 and I thought it would be a neat idea to have people film themselves saying ""Happy Birthday -name-!"" at a location that they deem typical or representative of wherever they're from. I'm looking for a video message that sort of captures the feel and the environment of the place, if you get what I mean. His birthday is on February 9th and I haven't had the chance to get in touch with anyone outside of Sweden to make a video like this. Would anyone be willing to help me? I'd happily pay a small sum to your Paypal account for your time. Send me a PM if you're interested. :)",,,,,,2014-02-02 16:45:35 1wu4x6,,3,مع ملحد تونس - اعرفوا رسولكم 8 - محمد قرصان الصحراء,,,,,,,2014-02-02 21:31:42 1ww4b2,,5,This brings many memories to me. We used to watch it and then go out with my cousins and flight like him :D,,,,,,,2014-02-03 13:51:54 1wzxuk,,1,Tunisie : transition et résidus terroristes Le dernier baroud d’honneur du « Djihad » au pays des Jasmins !,,,,,,,2014-02-04 17:03:09 1x0r2a,,5,[Documentary] L'armée de terre tunisienne,,,,,,,2014-02-04 21:37:54 1x195c,,2,"Coming to Tunisia soon, any board game players?",Looking for players who play games like Ticket to Ride or 7 Wonders or things like that. Maybe even Cards Against Humanity. I'm going to be moving there for a while starting in March and want to make some friends!,,,,,,2014-02-05 00:26:06 1x6f5x,,3,"r/Tunisia, can you help a (soon to be) very hungry traveler?","No, I'm not asking for food, just advice. I'm vegan, and my vegetarian boyfriend and I were hoping to spend a week or so in Tunisia sometime in April. We're living in Turkey right now and doing fine food-wise, but what I'm reading about Tunisia is leaving me less than hopeful. Will I be able to find decent food with no meat, dairy, or eggs? Or will I need to bring a jar of peanut butter and hope for the best? ",,,,,,2014-02-06 13:43:07 1xbuy6,,8,"In Kasserine, Tunisia’s forgotten poor continue their struggle for freedom",,,,,,,2014-02-08 03:25:44 1xllpp,,0,"on Tunisian tv, a guest was calling ben laden a hero.",,,,,,,2014-02-11 08:50:16 1y8707,,5,Ar9am: Indicateurs du Développement - Tunisie Post-Révolution,,,,,,,2014-02-18 08:49:48 1ym096,,3,"Libyan official, patients killed as military plane crashes in Tunisia",,,,,,,2014-02-22 08:21:12 1ymkw7,éménage_à_tunis_dans_deux_semaines_jai_besoin/,9,"Je déménage à Tunis dans deux semaines, j'ai besoin de vos conseils !","Bonjour à tous ! Je suis une étudiante française en science politique et je vais vivre à Tunis pendant quatre mois pour un stage à partir de mars. Je n'ai pas trouvé de subreddit ""Tunis"" pour m'aider, donc si par chance certains d'entre vous résident à Tunis, je souhaitais vous demandez si vous aviez des conseils à m'apporter. J'aurais avant tout besoin de l'adresse d'une auberge pas chère où loger le temps de me trouver un appartement. Les seules adresses que je trouve sur internet sont des hôtels hors de prix. Je suis également preneuse si vous avez l'adresse de sites internet utiles pour trouver un logement ? Pour l'instant je cherche avec Tayara. Je me demandais aussi si il était facile d'ouvrir une ligne de téléphone mobile sans engagement, et quel est le meilleur opérateur ? Une dernière question aussi : comment est-ce que les filles s'habillent à Tunis ? J'ai peur d'être mal vue si je porte des robes et jupes. Et si vous pensez à autre choses dites moi :) Merci d'avance !",,,,,,2014-02-22 15:22:22 1ys51q,,1,A Dispatch from the Left (Tunisia),,,,,,,2014-02-24 08:44:22 1yw58z,,3,Electronic Dunes in Tunisia (Naftah),,,,,,,2014-02-25 14:22:29 1zedxh,,5,Tunisia in 2014,What is Tunisia like now after the uprising? general thoughts on government? unemployment and effects of the uprising? Terrorism emerging in Tunisia? how has Tourism been effected? also what was the Ben Ali regime like to live under? I can remember going to Hammamet on holiday in 2009 and flags with his face were EVERYWHERE and armed police were common,,,,,,2014-03-03 02:37:27 1zm6dg,,1,Big Ass Booty Phat Ass Whooty Compilation,,,,,,,2014-03-05 10:08:18 1znoec,,1,"“If this new government does not take things seriously and start an investigation, I will have no trust in them either"" - Mbarka Brahmi, widow of assassinated NCA member",,,,,,,2014-03-05 20:51:58 20m72i,,1, : annonce tunisie,,,,,,,2014-03-17 08:04:34 20xtpm,,3,Happy 58th Independence Day,,,,,,,2014-03-20 21:26:28 210m3c,,7,Happy ~Pharrell Williams ~ version Star Wars ~ made in tunisia,,,,,,,2014-03-21 18:44:48 21ed6k,,6,Why Tunisia is the best Investment Destination?,,,,,,,2014-03-26 07:57:47 21v94r,,0,a Man named Mohamed Bouazizi found his hill to die on and inspires a world.,,,,,,,2014-03-31 22:25:00 21x1l1,,3,Tunisian policemen jailed for rape,,,,,,,2014-04-01 12:29:28 22bjl7,,1,Need to find out what to do,,,,,,,2014-04-06 03:32:57 22vj7u,,6,Need help with translating mysterious tunisian letter dated 1967,,,,,,,2014-04-12 20:15:45 234k6h,,4,Tunisian Food: Makloub & Baguette Farcie,"Hello, I spent some time in Tunis and wanted to try to make a makloub (a round bread/pizza dough with chicken and salad and harrisa) and also a Baguette Farcie (a wrap with meat and cheese, cooked in a stone oven). But I cannot find any good recipes or guides on how to make them. Does anyone know of a website that would be good ?",,,,,,2014-04-15 21:13:35 23i0ps,,1,Tunisie annonce : PubTunisie,,,,,,,2014-04-20 09:00:38 23vv1v,,2,Travailler en Tunisie comme psychologue? yay or nay?,"Alors j'explique vite vite ma situation, mon mari (26) est tunisien, je suis canadienne/roumaine (24), mariés depuis 4 ans avec deux enfants. On pense éventuellement déménager en Tunisie après avoir ramassé de l'argent et je me demandais quelles sont les réelles opportunités pour les psychologues là-bas. Je sais qu'en Tunisie on peut pratiquer avec une maîtrise (ce que j'ai déjà), mais je vais commencer un doctorat, quelle serait la meilleure branche? (neuropsy, cognitif, enfance, enseignement et recherche, etc.). Aurai-je plus de chances à me trouver un emploi avec un doctorat, même en tant qu'enseignante? Quel est le salaire moyen? Merci",,,,,,2014-04-24 19:15:49 23xuj7,,4,Un nouveau comparateur de prix des produits des grandes surfaces et magasins.,,,,,,,2014-04-25 10:04:47 24le6u,,3,VIDEO Tour of Vacant Star Wars Sets In Tunisia #MayThe4thBeWithYou,,,,,,,2014-05-03 02:36:38 25a185,,1,Location Appart S+4 Jardins de Carthage,,,,,,,2014-05-11 13:35:11 25ayxm,,4,Tunisia - The Revolution (Ont Road Zine),,,,,,,2014-05-11 20:32:41 25gf08,,3,"""Dare to be free"" : Gahaf Tounsi At TEDxIHECCarthage",,,,,,,2014-05-13 15:39:57 25msfw,,3,"Blogger and activist Aziz Amami arrested for ""drug use"". What do you think about it?",,,,,,,2014-05-15 15:41:46 26os8i,,1,"LA JUSTICE TUNISIENNE DISSOUT LA ""LPR"", LA MILICE PRO-NAHDHA Les ramifications, de l’islamisme virulent, entamés par l’interdiction.",,,,,,,2014-05-28 11:52:36 270dqf,,1,What language should I learn to visit Tunisia? Arabic or French?,"I believe Arabic is the official language, but I do not know where to learn Derja. Would it be useful to learn French instead? ",,,,,,2014-06-01 05:00:39 27jhj4,,7,"Reddit Global Meet Up Day 2014, it has been a year since our last one, anyone interested?","**14.06.2014 3:00 pm UPDATE** : We are meeting at 4:30 pm at [716 Café ](, If you would like to join us Call me or send message to 96.085.431 _______________________________________________________________________ **14.06.2014 UPDATE** : Dear Redditors Unfortunately the [Joujma Tuning event]( has been cancelled for security reasons. The tickets will be reimbursed though. If you would like to meet, I will be waiting on your confirmation. We can go to different nice cafés of your choice, [the 716](; [Smug's]( or [Cosmitto Café]( Call me or send message on 96.085.431 _______________________________________________________________________ **12.06.2014 UPDATE** : Our Meeting will be held on June 14th, 3pm on the roof of Carrefour Lafayette! We will be attending the [Joujma Tuning event](, entrance fees are 7 dinars. We will be enjoying some local music bands (mostly blues, jazz and rock) Some of the groups that will be playing: [Road66](, [Jukebox]( There will be some cars exhibitions by various racing clubs. Thank you **SpaceLord** for bringing up the event! _______________________________________________________________________ I have been quite busy this year and have been wanting to do something special for our small community on reddit, the reddit global meetup would be the best opportunity to start it. I am hoping that more will be attending our meetup this year. I will just wait for your suggestions on when/how and where to meet! If you would like to make this reddit meetup even more colorful we could just attend the [HOLI FESTIVAL OF COLOURS TUNISIA 2014 - JUNE 14th at YASMINE VALLEY GOLF CLUB HAMMAMET]( Or I could suggest that we meet at a nice café at Les Berges Du Lac like Smugs's café or Cosmito café to hang out and have fun, maybe plan for more stuff then.",,,,,,2014-06-07 10:40:27 27n9zj,,3,Help recommend internet connection,Hi this will be my 3rd visit to Tunisia. In the past trips lasting about 2 weeks each I had very bad internet connection using the hotels WIFI. This time I plan on being there for about 6 weeks (renting an apt.) and really need super fast and reliable internet connection for my work. I plan on being in Tunis as well as Djerba. Any suggestions? Thanks. ,,,,,,2014-06-08 21:31:23 27yk73,,6,Cross post from /r/pics. Marina in ancient Carthage.,,,,,,,2014-06-12 12:41:52 27z6xv,,1,Advice about traveling in Tunisia?,"So my friend invited me to go visit Tunisia with him at the end of the month. I'm really excited to go, I think it would be an interesting experience to go to Tunisia with someone who's Tunisian (granted he's Tunisian-European and mostly grew up in Europe, but he goes to Tunisia every year so he at least knows a little about what's up). I'm definitely all for learning about another culture, and this seems like a great opportunity to do so. But I'm an American woman who grew up with a somewhat racist and Islamophobic mom. I know nothing about Tunisia (I've since done some Wikipedia-ing), or Africa, or.. Well... Anything. What I'm saying is that there's a part of me that's afraid to go. My mom and TV have lead me to believe that by going to Africa I'm going to come back with some terrible freaky disease, or that because I'm a woman I'm going to get kidnapped or raped or something (because Muslims, amirite? /s). He just invited me last night and said he'd call me today with more details, so I don't know what area I'd be in exactly but I can update that information. Would you recommend I go to Tunisia? What should I expect when I get there? And just any other advice you could give me about making the most of this experience and getting past some of the irrational fears I have about traveling in Africa/Tunisia. This is really my first time outside of the ""Western world"".",,,,,,2014-06-12 16:55:38 2823gj,,9,Tunisia is set to hold separate parliamentary and presidential elections at the end of the year after political parties resolved a dispute over the election date,,,,,,,2014-06-13 15:30:37 284gtf,,5,Dad Burns Daughter To Death For Walking Home From School With Male Clasmate,,,,,,,2014-06-14 10:53:55 289te0,,7,Last year we were just 3. This year's meetup went a lot better.,,,,,,,2014-06-16 11:32:20 28a27k,,4,Inkyfada : a very interesting web-technology-based magazine. Check out its team's first project about terrorist acts since the revolution.,,,,,,,2014-06-16 13:51:05 28bcd1,,3,Quadcopters and RC Helis/Planes. Are they legal there?,"So i'm a fan of [quadcopters]( as well as Remote Controlled helicopters and planes. Are these legal to fly there? What, if any, are the restrictions. In the US I know they are cracking down on a lot of these so not sure if Tunisia has forbidden them or just not ruled on it yet. I'd like to get some aerial shots of the area i'm going to be in for photographs and videos but would rather not go to jail for it.",,,,,,2014-06-16 21:36:42 28cszq,,1,Looks like Karboul's selfies aren't enough.,,,,,,,2014-06-17 09:09:09 28cz7w,,3,Elections to be planned for October 26th. [link in French],,,,,,,2014-06-17 11:17:03 28dvh6,,3,Hamzaoui Med Amine - Des images,,,,,,,2014-06-17 17:30:20 28g5ce,,4,"Fake sales in a super-market (Carrefour, Tunis)",,,,,,,2014-06-18 10:07:30 28g6dl,,3,OFFICIAL: Legislative Elections are planned for the October 26th and Presidential Elections for the November 23rd.,2014 of course.,,,,,,2014-06-18 10:27:14 28hz6k,,1,"Eya tuée par son père en Tunisie, la société civile questionnée ! Le droit à la vie dans la tradition qui fâche !",,,,,,,2014-06-18 22:09:32 28jype,,4,Bringing Bupoprion into Tunisia,"Traveling to Tunisia tmw and need to bring my meds. Coming in from Sweden. Don't have any special paper or so regarding my meds, just white pills in original container but without name or docs signature since they came in a big pack and only the cartoon, which I didnt keep, was signed. Will this be a problem? Is Bupoprion classified as narcotics in Tunisia?",,,,,,2014-06-19 14:41:19 28mlwv,,2,50th Festival de Carthage edition's official schedule.,,,,,,,2014-06-20 08:49:15 28n4dq,,2,The Tunisian Symphonic Orchestra to play Legend of Zelda and Supermario's soundtracks in Tunis next week. Anyone in?,,,,,,,2014-06-20 14:10:43 28nkk3,,4,"The company ""Président"" is reducing the weight of the cheese without alerting consumers",,,,,,,2014-06-20 17:00:27 28q9mk,,6,Recently went on holiday to Sousse? Here's the video of my experience in this wonderful place...,,,,,,,2014-06-21 16:19:54 29c6ah,,2,"May be moving to Sfax for a short-term work contract, what to know?","I am 23 and female and speak French but no Arabic. It would be for 3 months, I am not sure when it would start, so I am trying to learn as much as I can about Tunisia before I agree to anything :) What's it like? Would it be okay to travel to different cities alone, like on the weekends and such? Should I take some kind of basic Arabic course before I go? How's the ""youth"" culture nightlife, dance clubs, outdoors clubs, it easy to make friends? Ease of travel to other countries in the region? Anything else I should know? Thank you!",,,,,,2014-06-28 18:47:56 29oji7,,4,mine and my girlfriends first holiday to Sousse :),,,,,,,2014-07-02 20:40:27 29rc99,,4,tv programs for ramadan 2014,hei guys! What are the best tv shows for this ramadan seqson on tunisian channels? Any links for youtube or something else is jore than welcome :),,,,,,2014-07-03 18:07:43 29yyrf,,0,New prices for cigars and cigarettes in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2014-07-06 15:07:10 29zdqi,,4,"Juan Cole, Middle East expert and author of 'The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East', is doing an AMA in /r/LevantineWar","[Link to the AMA.]( Juan Cole is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. He is author of *Engaging the Muslim World* and *Napoleon's Egypt*. He has been a regular guest on PBS's *News Hour* and has also appeared on *ABC Nightly News*, *Nightline*, the *TODAY* show, *Charlie Rose*, *Anderson Cooper 360*, *Rachel Maddow*, the *Colbert Report*, *Democracy Now!*, *Aljazeera America* and many others. He has commented extensively on al-Qaeda and the Taliban, Iraq, the politics of Pakistan and Afghanistan, Syria, and Iranian domestic struggles and foreign affairs. He has a regular column on the []( Visit []( > [*The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East*]( > >The renowned blogger and Middle East expert Juan Cole illuminates the role of today's Arab youth — who they are, what they want, and how they will affect world politics. > >Beginning in January 2011, the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests, riots, and civil wars that comprised what many call ""the Arab Spring"" shook the world. These upheavals were spearheaded by youth movements, and yet the crucial role they played is relatively unknown. Middle East expert Juan Cole is here to share their stories. > >For three decades, Cole has sought to put the relationship of the West and the Muslim world in historical context. In *The New Arabs* he outlines the history that led to the dramatic changes in the region, and explores how a new generation of men and women are using innovative notions of personal rights to challenge the authoritarianism, corruption, and stagnation that had afflicted their societies. > >Not all big cohorts of teenagers and twenty-somethings necessarily produce movements centered on their identity as youth, with a generational set of organizations, symbols, and demands rooted at least partially in the distinctive problems besetting people of their age. The Arab Millennials did. And, in a provocative and optimistic argument about the future of the Arab world, *The New Arabs* shows just how they did it.",,,,,,2014-07-06 18:13:06 2a0co3,,2,"Prime minister Mehdi Jomaa seen shopping with his family in ""Carrefour""",,,,,,,2014-07-07 00:55:44 2a8ldl,,5,"False price reduction in Carrefour (""Fraidoux"" Cheese)",,,,,,,2014-07-09 13:52:34 2am6l4,,7,hey any tunisians redditors here ?,,,,,,,2014-07-13 22:21:19 2aut1b,",10.253621&spn=0.085418,0.189154&source=embed&dg=feature",8,#Fater : A map of the available places for the ones who don't fast Ramadan.,,,,,,,2014-07-16 13:15:54 2awyd6,,3,Maktoub this year is a mixture of Brazzers and 4070,,,,,,,2014-07-17 01:42:36 2axthn,,1,Terrorist assault on Chaambi: 14 soldiers killed and about 20 injured,,,,,,,2014-07-17 08:37:29 2axtkr,,5,Terrorist assault on Chaambi: 14 soldiers killed and about 20 injured,,,,,,,2014-07-17 08:39:23 2ay4oh,,1,‘Terrorist’ ambush kills 14 Tunisian soldiers,,,,,,,2014-07-17 12:12:03 2b00ug,,6,I was watching this anime about zombie apocalypse until...,,,,,,,2014-07-17 23:31:26 2b23g0,رسالة-هامة-من-المجاهدين-كتائب-القسام-ل-2/,1,رسالة هامة من المجاهدين كتائب القسام للشعب التونسي ! الله أكبر,,,,,,,2014-07-18 16:34:08 2b4fvs,,2,"Facebook page ""Fajr/dawn of Kairouan"" publishes details of Chaambi attack against the army by Okba Ibn Nafaa brigade.",,,,,,,2014-07-19 10:02:18 2b8khv,,7,Hey Tunisians where are from ?? (city),i'm from Monastir :)),,,,,,2014-07-20 20:59:37 2bhrc0,,2,- Stop #A2T -,,,,,,,2014-07-23 13:28:19 2bnm72,,2,Tunisia is our country of the day. Please join us & tell us about your home!,,,,,,,2014-07-25 02:22:13 2bslha,,3,Anyone ever considered Bitcoin ?,"I'm sure at least some of you guys have heard about the new peer-to-peer decentralized payment network called BitCoin. I have been watching the BitCoin 101 series on Youtube which explain the concept in detail and I have been toying with it. The main advantages are: It is deventralized, so there is no central authority controlling it, like the BCT. It is fast to setup and use. It is secure (cryptocurrency) It transcends national borders meaning you can pay anywhere in the world! And many more benefits I believe it is THE currency we need to promote in Tunisia. What are your thoughts ?",,,,,,2014-07-26 17:54:57 2c6zvh,,8,TIL Tunisia was the first Arab nation to broadcast Doctor Who in 1967. (x-post from /r/todayilearned),,,,,,,2014-07-31 00:26:55 2chgzj,,2,Lake appears in middle of Tunisia desert,,,,,,,2014-08-03 06:35:32 2cjld9,,4,"A bit afraid of vacation in Tunisia in September 2014, thoughts, insights?","Hey guys! We plan to go on a vacation with my gf and one befriended couple. In our search for a place to visit, we stumbled upon Tunisia. Half of the vacation advertisements lately seems to be about that country. It seems just great but... our (polish) ministry of foreign affairs has issued a warning lately against flying there (because of ""increasing terrorist activities""). I can see some examples on the web ( What is going on in there? Would you recommend to visit Tunisia in September? Is it safe? What are the safety measures? I've heard that there are people with guns in every hotel in Egypt - is it the same in Tunisia? I'm not sure if their sight would make me feel more secure or quite otherwise anyway :) What are the perspectives (those rebel activities - are those in decline or should I expect them to blow up). How do they affect everyday life in Tunisia?",,,,,,2014-08-04 00:25:34 2cnio8,,6,Tourists visiting Tunisia. Where do we absolutely have to go? What are your favorite places?,"We're thinking of doing a road trip from Tunis to the Sahara, but our plans are very flexible. What are the places that we cannot miss? Do you have a favorite restaurant/food stand/activity/destination that you recommend? What can we see or do that will give us a good idea of what Tunisia truly is like? We're so excited to come visit! Thanks!",,,,,,2014-08-05 03:03:55 2cvy8v,,1,Need Help regarding Tunisia,"I've been selected to represent the nation of Tunisia at a Model UN Conference, and have a few queries. What was Tunisia's political scenario in 1967? Who were it's allies in the Arab League? How were it's relations with Egypt? I'd be very grateful if somebody would answer one or more of these questions. Thanks a lot.",,,,,,2014-08-07 14:47:03 2dgzym,,2,Looking to work in Tunisia,"Hello, I am an American looking to work in Tunisia. I have a degree in International Affairs from top ten IA Program. My Arabic is intermediate. I've worked on U.S Government contracts, but am open to any type of work. Are there any options to teach English in Tunisia? Work for a private company, NGO, or research institution? Would a ex-pat be able to start a small company in Tunisia? Any feedback would be welcomed. Thanks ",,,,,,2014-08-13 20:35:54 2dhcpt,,2,How can I make some burritos or enchiladas with what we have in Tunisia?,"Hi all, I have been living in the U.S. for quite some time and I tried some Mexican meals. It hasn't been long since I came back to Tunisia and I tell you what, I'm CRAVING those [burritos](! [Picture]( I decided to look for recipes on the internet, but they are all in English and assume that you live in the U.S. For example I do not know what the name of the ""Tortilla"" is in Tunisia, or where I can find guacamole etc.. I know that probably some ingredients will be missing but I am okay with that. I would be so happy and thankful if someone could help me with the burritos/enchilada recipe!! ",,,,,,2014-08-13 22:27:37 2dhigu,,0,"hi , i started a small business in sfax , my project is going down , i need a partner ...",,,,,,,2014-08-13 23:21:12 2djbyx,,19,Tunisians are awesome,"Just got back from a 2-week vacation in your fine country, and I have to say I was blown away by how welcoming people were. Highlights: * First day, wandering around Tunis, we took shelter from a rain shower under a shop's awning. Someone came out and started chatting; when we mentioned we were headed to Kairouan he phoned up a friend of his who lives there and arranged to have him show us aruond. * Upon arriving, friend in question picked us up from the louage station, recommended a hotel, where he arranged a discount for us with the manager and bought us a meal of couscous and lamb at a restaurant, among other things. * In Mahdia, when we asked about where to find a shop to buy water nearby, we were given a bottle and then invited into the family's home to look around and see the decorative tiling. * On a louage from Tozeur to Kebili, a woman struck up a conversation with us, invited us to her home (we were unable to accept, unfortunately, being short on time) and spontaneously gave my wife a watch as a souvenir I've travelled pretty extensively in the Americas and Europe, but have never experienced anything like this kind of hospitality. It was an amazing trip, thanks for everything!",,,,,,2014-08-14 13:32:27 2dvhfi,,1,"Demande d'accès au contenu de la convention signé avec Microsoft - a Freedom of Information request to Ministry of higher education, Scientific research, Technology Information and Communication",,,,,,,2014-08-18 10:28:13 2egwx2,,1,Banzai Event that was made in Tunis during thia weeked,,,,,,,2014-08-24 20:24:01 2egxde,,4,Banzai 2014 : an event that took place in Tunis during this weekend for the anime and the Japanese culture fans.,"[Pics I could take]( The organizers' [facebook page]( Event's [website]( PS: I'll upload some short videos and you will be forced to excuse me for the quality. ------------------------------ **EDIT :** [L's Theme]( performed by a local band... Almost nailed it. **EDIT 2 :** Another [song]( from Death Note",,,,,,2014-08-24 20:28:58 2ek4r5,,10,I can't believe there's a sub for Tunisia,"I mean , i always hang out in reddit and when i started almost 8 months ago i started by going through r/random (**A LOT**) which eventually i discovered that some countries have their own subs and each US state had it's own sub so i tried typing r/tunis which led me to some bizarre search , then r/tunisie which is private so i had a clue that there were some of us in here ... until last night in a moment of ... let's say clarity and decided to just search (i don't know why i didn't do that from the start) and found this sub , which is glorious. So i'm intrested in you guys , what other subs do you go to? Are you guys open for discussing sensitive matters ? (by sensitive i mean matters that aren't usually discussed in public like sex ,religion drugs...) What intresting stories you got from reddit and want to tell to your friends but they won't understand because they don't know what reddit is ? Are you guys intrested in meet-ups ? ",,,,,,2014-08-25 19:52:56 2f5xv9,,7,Major power blackout in Tunisia - The Tunis Times,,,,,,,2014-09-01 12:31:31 2f8wi7,,6,The Maghrebi thief trio • /r/polandball,,,,,,,2014-09-02 10:11:25 2fcfsl,,3,"If you guys are interested in a meetup, this event could be a good idea.","So since many members have missed the our second annual [meetup]( back in June, and because many of the new members somehow [requested]( for another one. This could be the opportunity to make it happen so here is how to do it : * Event : [Noise]( Concert * When : Sunday September 7th at 5pm * Where : [Whatever Saloon](, aka Ellou7 * Bands : [Gultrah Sound System](, [JazzOil](, Blow, [Old'9 school]( Be there!",,,,,,2014-09-03 10:30:07 2ffwlp,,10,In Pictures: Tunisia town embraces street art - AlJazeera,,,,,,,2014-09-04 09:57:39 2fkr3b,,9,Djerbahood,,,,,,,2014-09-05 19:27:12 2fso6h,,10,Plans for a Tunisian Reddit get together? The Tunis Science City!,"So I was out last week and saw something. I was with /u/Enti_san and she told me it was the Planetarium. Immediately I wanted to go. I looked it up and it looks [awesome!]( They have a big planetarium to see a ""show"" and you can go on a virtual tour of the museum on the site itself. It all looks really fascinating. Unfortunately it's closed until September 17th but, I was hoping that would be enough time to get some people to go. Perhaps we can make plans for September 20th to go here and have a good look around. It appears to have fossils (not sure if real but, probably are) and the planetarium itself. Afterwards we can maybe hit up some food at the nearby restaurants's that are nearby. Warning, my Arabic/Tunisian/French is non-existent but I assume most here (if not all) speak English at least pretty well. So there shouldn't be too much of a language barrier and if so, /u/Enti_San will be there so she can translate a bit. If anyone is interested, let me know. Also, I have an idea for something else that is not related that i'll be posting about soon too (RPG/Tabletop Gaming nights).",,,,,,2014-09-08 10:19:34 2g3cmq,,0,Software Freedom Day Tunisia 2014,,,,,,,2014-09-11 10:47:58 2g4yf0,,0,VBTunisia posted a pic of the new Apple Watch yesterday (haha!),,,,,,,2014-09-11 20:34:45 2gb4th,,16,tunisian phone operators.,,,,,,,2014-09-13 19:01:04 2h21j4,,0,Skype ban?,"Has anybody heard about possible ban on Skype in October? My relatives are currently in Tunisia on a business trip and they heard some strange rumors that government is going to block Skype soon to prevent possible protests. They will have to stay here for a couple of weeks, so they would really like to know if this could happen in the nearest future. Has anybody else heard anything about that? Has that happened before?",,,,,,2014-09-21 19:09:50 2h42bc,,5,Bilel Oueslati: Incredible Places in Tunisia. Most Travelers Don't Know About.,,,,,,,2014-09-22 09:32:16 2h7pg2,,0,Actualité politique tunisie - Tunisia Politic News,,,,,,,2014-09-23 09:11:45 2h7s9y,,1,Jeunes tunisiens au GIST 2014,"GIST est un concours destiné à venir en aide aux jeunes des pays en développement qui se lancent dans les nouvelles technologies. Les votes sont toujours ouverts (jusqu’au 1er Octobre). Vous pouvez voter tous les jours afin d’aider une équipe tunisienne à accéder à la finale. Ils comptent sur votre aide! Merci! il suffit de voter ici",,,,,,2014-09-23 10:04:38 2hbf9d,,2,"I don't even know what kind of events is ""Tunisia Awards"" but this video is GREAT!",,,,,,,2014-09-24 10:07:35 2hzor4,,3,Amazing back-heel goal from Tunisia,,,,,,,2014-10-01 14:04:01 2i9z9m,,8,"Eid moubarek Tunisian redditors, what are your rituals during this feast? Mine are Meat, Chicha and wine .",,,,,,,2014-10-04 14:18:44 2j2jsv,,6,Enquête exclusive ( complète ) : Tunisie : le trésor caché du dictateur - 12/10,,,,,,,2014-10-13 00:03:34 2j51c8,,0,Annonces Tunisie,,,,,,,2014-10-13 18:46:56 2jb3bz,,1,Tunisia breaks up terror group’s media arm,,,,,,,2014-10-15 11:12:15 2jiivn,,2,My Name is Sebssi,,,,,,,2014-10-17 13:20:35 2k19ex,,5,Travel questions,"Hello there! I am having problems finding a lot of information online so I thought I would come to you fine folks. I have a few questions and would like honest feedback on as many as you can answer! 1.) Is the Borj El Amri Airport a legitimate airport? Will people need to worry about flying in there at all? 2.) How is travel along A3? For instance, if I was traveling from that airport to the Hotel Membrassa in Medjez El-Beb, Béja, would I have anything to worry about? 3.) How is the business environment there? Would opening a small business there be a good idea or are a lot of businesses failing? Specifically in the Medjez El-Beb, Béja area. 4.) Is there anything else I should worry about in the general area of all of my questions? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2014-10-22 21:44:18 2k3j9n,,6,Backpackers en Tunisie,,,,,,,2014-10-23 14:31:58 2k3k2u,,1,Security forces member killed in firefight near Tunisian capital,,,,,,,2014-10-23 14:39:59 2k8hsj,,1,Tunisia: 6 dead as police storm besieged house,,,,,,,2014-10-24 21:43:42 2kakm4,,1,Tunisian forces kill six after standoff with militants,,,,,,,2014-10-25 15:57:05 2kct3r,,3,Let's share pics of our blue fingers here!,I'm still waiting at the line. You'd think it wouldn't be this crowded at 8 am. Not complaining.. I know it's a good thing.,,,,,,2014-10-26 07:59:23 2kk0ka,,1,"Les femmes, symbole de la citoyenneté pendant l'élection en Tunisie",,,,,,,2014-10-28 10:17:51 2koerv,,1,boubaker,,,,,,,2014-10-29 14:33:27 2kqn24,,1,Is the Tunisian election result a victory for secularism over Islamism?,,,,,,,2014-10-30 01:42:33 2ks9li,,4,Tunisian groups sending youths to fight for ISIS,"Does anyone know the names of organisations that send people from Tunisia to Syria and Iraq to battle for ISIS? No, I'm evidently not planning to go and fight. I'm an investigative journalist who wants to have more of an insight. Any help is much appreciated EDIT: spelling",,,,,,2014-10-30 14:40:20 2kstk8,,3,Any Halloween themed parties going on?,"So the wife (/u/Enti_san) and I are going (most likely) to [The Dalton Coffee Shop]( for their Halloween thing. They have coffees and drinks and some foods and karaoke. Should be a fun night. Unless, of course, anyone has anything else cooler to do? So, join us! Not sure what i'll be wearing to let other redditors know it's us but [this is us](",,,,,,2014-10-30 17:35:40 2lhymn,,1,Fifth Tunisian soldier dies in bus shooting,,,,,,,2014-11-06 18:44:01 2lyav6,,2,"E-FEST 2014 is happening this week, lots of electro to explore.",,,,,,,2014-11-11 09:38:12 2mv9bu,,1,"Tunisia dictator son-in-law returns, is jailed",,,,,,,2014-11-20 11:27:32 2mvgn2,,4,I think we must change the theme of this subreddit!,"Hello, I was surfing countries' subreddits and I found that this subreddit needs some changes. Take a look on [Libya's subreddit]( for example. All what we need is, that theme (we don't even need to change colors) and a large Tunisian flag. Or why not designing a Reddit Alien for Tunisia (better than that one on the top of the page). And, Thanks :) (btw, is it possible to talk about Tunisian language here? some polls for example?)",,,,,,2014-11-20 13:24:13 2n6wda,,2,Tunisians vote for first freely elected president,,,,,,,2014-11-23 19:57:36 2n7jna,,2,Help with reading!,"Hello everyone! I'm new to the subreddit - could somebody help me understanding how numbers are used in the middle of words? Examples: lil3ada, a7sen, and so on an so forth. I see them everywhere on twitter and here, but I don't know how to read them... Thanks!",,,,,,2014-11-23 23:29:29 2nb8xi,,2,"Anyone could recommend me a good source (book, website, whatever) if I wished to learn about Tunisian folktales or mythology?",,,,,,,2014-11-24 23:06:45 2ndizd,,0,Recharge Dinar -> €uro,,,,,,,2014-11-25 14:54:48 2neld1,,4,So what happens when the 3000+ Tunisians fighting in the Syrian civil war come home?,interested to learn the opinion of the subreddit.,,,,,,2014-11-25 20:13:30 2nh5u5,,6,"My husband's extremely hippy cousin is moving to Tunisia in like, a week to marry a guy she met in Paris... how bad of an idea is this?","So, my husband's cousin is an extreme hippy. She's vegan, against government anything pretty much, and just got her Oregon medical marijuana card (despite it going legal here shortly) just to ""stick it"" to the man and have a few weeks more of marijuana use legally before everyone else. She met this guy (a native Tunisian) in Paris while she was on vacation there for a couple of weeks. He's been described to me by family as a ""beach bum"" without a job. When she returned, they corresponded for about a month and now are getting married. I've read a little bit about Tunisia (and I'm thinking she has not). She does not speak Arabic or French (just English)-- how screwed is she? She's decided her money making scheme/job is going to be crystal healing and is not religious at all (in fact, I would go so far as to say she's frankly contemptuous of religions themselves). She seems to think she won't have to end her marijuana use (not sure if this is because she thinks she can get away with it now having an Oregon Medical Marijuana card or that it just generally won't be an issue) Don't get me wrong, I don't think Tunisia is a terrible place, I just think she is going into this without the right research and attitude which may not end up serving her very well. /r/Tunisia what kind of things should I try to bring up to make her realize what she's getting in to while we're at Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? ",,,,,,2014-11-26 13:38:30 2nt4rr,,4,"[Law advice] It's my money, i should be able to use it anywhere and everywhere !!","Hello, I was wondering if any of you is aware about [this news (or rumor) which consist of allowing Tunisian mobile developer to have an international credit card](, At first this might sound like a good news but when you think about it is nothing more than another **WTF!!** joke from the *rulers* of this country. As a developer, gamer and a Tunisian citizen, i believe that i have the right to use my money anywhere and everywhere as long as am not using it to buy illegal stuff. I really hope there is a lawyer or anyone who has some law knowledge here who can finally answer this question, Why we can use our money **only** inside the country ?? am not talking about paypal or an international Master/Visa card, am talking about money transfer, 3 days ago i went to my bank hoping that i can make a bank transition to someone who work with me and i was really surprised when my banker said ""unfortunately you can't do that"". Bank services and financial low is so shitty here, i can't even access my bank information online -__- but that is not a big deal, the real problem is why the government is trying ""her"" best to limit us and what can we do to change this ?? Thank you ",,,,,,2014-11-30 02:07:18 2nxn3w,,1,Tunisia’s outgoing PM backs broad coalition,,,,,,,2014-12-01 12:09:23 2o0icd,,5,Bonsoir r/Tunisia,"Salut, je suis canadien, (d'la Nouvelle -Écosse), et le français est ma deuxième langue. L'année prochaine, je vais étudier à Copenhague, et je vais avoir de vacance pendant l'hiver quand je pourrais quitter la pays et voyager. Si je vais en Tunisie, Est-ce que mon français acadien difficile pour comprendre? De même, est français tunisien très différentes de la standard? De plus, je ne parle pas l'arabe, sera-t-il difficile pour trouver mon chemin autour Tunis si je parle français et anglais seulement? ",,,,,,2014-12-02 04:12:48 2o21pn,,1,Where can i buy a Graphic tablet ?,"Hello, i've been searching for months and i couldn't find any good one, the only graphic tablet available are very low quality, i am looking for a ""Wacom Intuos small CTH480"" . the only place where i could find it is in but they keep saying that the product is not available (even that their website say it's available -_- ) anyway, i would really appreciate your help. Thank you ",,,,,,2014-12-02 16:25:32 2pgb0c,,6,Tunisia - A Spontaneous Storror Adventure,,,,,,,2014-12-16 08:42:55 2pscsf,,16,"The Economist Country of the year: Tunisia! Mabrouk, Tunisia!",,,,,,,2014-12-19 13:57:25 2pvm0z,,3,Presidential elections tomorrow: who are you voting for ?,"I'm not a fan of either candidate, do you have a favorite?",,,,,,2014-12-20 11:07:17 2pztae,,6,"The next President of Tunisia, Beji Caïd Essebsi (55.5%) was elected, and won against incumbent President Marzouki (44.5%) (SIGMA CONSEIL)",,,,,,,2014-12-21 19:24:14 2q1gbl,,4,Looking for a part time assistant - Details Inside,"Without going into details, I am looking for someone who can assist me in running some errands and doing a few things for me. This can vary from picking up groceries, light housekeeping (doing some dishes or just sweeping the floor, no mopping or anything like that). You would need a car in case if we need to go somewhere for an errand and I need to go with. Also being able to translate for me with a doctor or lab technician or if I need to speak to someone else. I only speak English just as a heads up. We can discuss more details if you're interested. Can interview on skype or in person. My general location is Lac 2. A good knowledge of where stuff is in Tunisia helps too like pharmacies, florists, things like that. If interested, please send me a PM. Thank you. *edit* I forgot to add this would be for about 4-6 hours a week typically. Anywhere from 2-3 hours twice a week. This may vary but would give a couple days notice to see when you're free whenever possible. May setup a set schedule as well.",,,,,,2014-12-22 04:54:40 2q2xtf,,2,Four Years Later: What Can We Say about Democracy in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2014-12-22 16:48:02 2qb689,,4,Weird clouds shapes in the sky (Jimla Tunisia),,,,,,,2014-12-24 21:00:32 2qcr2j,,1,Blogger Yassine Ayari Arrested,,,,,,,2014-12-25 09:23:57 2rb2nk,,1,Residence yasmina immobilier Djerba,,,,,,,2015-01-04 16:07:21 2rqb92,,3,"What would be equivalent name(s) to ""John Smith"" in Tunisia? (Inspired from a thread i've seen on our Algerian friends' sub /r/Algeria)",I'd say Ali Ben Salah?,,,,,,2015-01-08 09:58:31 2rzhoh,,6,"Hey compatriots, how are you doing?","i'm having first session exams in Monastir Med school and i'm really tired but it's ok , hope you are doing well :)",,,,,,2015-01-10 19:03:27 2s40bp,,1,I love you - أحبك,,,,,,,2015-01-12 00:10:52 2s8sbp,,3,tunisian internet warriors unite for their right to get paypale (event in description )," will any redditors be there ? ",,,,,,2015-01-13 03:45:23 2s9q08,,1,Buying a used motorcycle in Tunisia,"Hello y'all, I am coming to Tunisia in February and want to buy a motorcycle to ride to Libya where I am working for the rest of the year. Is there a place where people go to sell their used cars and or motorbikes? Thanks!",,,,,,2015-01-13 10:45:12 2sglym,,1,Bank account questions...,"In Tunisia do you have to pay to have a bank account, like a monthly fee or anything?",,,,,,2015-01-15 00:18:53 2sj0yp,,1,Tunisia arrests 3 Europeans in record drugs haul on yacht,,,,,,,2015-01-15 16:40:15 2sty4i,,1,A week with the Presidential candidate,,,,,,,2015-01-18 14:26:22 2sx5i0,,2,Asslema forum is back in action,"This was one of the best forums when forums were cool, and it's now back in action since weeks ago, so if you're an old member this could be a big news. [Link](",,,,,,2015-01-19 09:17:32 2tfaoo,,5,"Hey fellow countrymen and countrywomen , I'm having this interesting artistic idea which I thought will be appreciated by redditors.","as a new fun of vintage culture/style , i though it'll be realy original and intresting creating a subreddit or maybe just post here pictures of tunisian vintage lifestyle , how would you like it dear friends ? ",,,,,,2015-01-23 17:59:47 2to1dq,,1,Hammamet - Tunisia's 'garden resort',,,,,,,2015-01-26 00:11:27 2tpl2m,,1,Tunisian Islamists reject new government ahead of vote,,,,,,,2015-01-26 10:52:00 2ub1n2,,5,"hey guys , i think we need an English speaking tv channel or website broadcasting from Tunisia , what do you think ?",,,,,,,2015-01-31 14:33:45 2uj190,,3,Is kath legal in Tunisia?,I'm planning on making a trip to Tunisia and would like to know.,,,,,,2015-02-02 16:23:19 2vbmra,,9,Report designates Tunisia the first 'free' Arab country in decades,,,,,,,2015-02-09 18:15:35 2vra4y,,1,liposuccion tunisie,,,,,,,2015-02-13 11:46:17 2vt29d,,6,What is going in Tunisia with these student protests and the uni being closed at the moment?,Anyone know what is going on?,,,,,,2015-02-13 21:19:06 2wqky9,,3,Radical new music from Tunisia [HQ] buzz,,,,,,,2015-02-22 06:13:32 2ws37m,,0,"Hey , any tunisian girl want to date ?",Sahel region especially ,,,,,,2015-02-22 18:15:04 2x8qtd,,6,Travelling to Tunisia for a week in June (but can't wait) - what should I know about you? (Funny or serious advice are both welcome.),"Hi, I'm from Hungary, but I have always wanted to visit an Arab country in my whole life, and it seems Tunisia will be the first, yay! I'm not really interested in any of the tourist stuffs, if I could freely choose I would just spend a week in an Arab village and talk to locals. I'm usually more interested in cultural stuffs and especially how local people live their lives when there are not tourists around, but I'm travelling with my girlfriend so I will mostly do the regular stuff. I like to be prepared, reading a lot about the place where I go but before I start, I thought it would be a good idea just to ask here. So what are the do's and don't do's? Also, if you could write some polite phrases in Tunisian Arab (like welcoming someone), I'd grateful for that, too. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2015-02-26 15:59:29 2xu81n,,1,Tunisian Developers Network,,,,,,,2015-03-03 22:34:21 2y6bb0,,2,"I'm applying for a summer internship in Tunis, and I need advice!","Hi! I'm Portuguese and I'm applying for a internship in webdesign in Tunis. The payment is 320 TND/Month, and the work hours are 6h work/day, so I guess I will have a lot of time to explore. My questions are basically: * is the payment is enough for a month? * what is the average cost of living/lodging? * what should I expect from the natives (mindset/culture)? * how are foreigners treated? * how high is the criminality? * how is Tunis during the summer? * do I have to get some kind of vaccination? Any other important topics that I didn't mention are welcome too! Thanks Edit: Thank you guys. Feel free to come to /r/portugal to talk about bacalhau, debt and such",,,,,,2015-03-06 21:05:48 2y91xw,,2,To try to get some more activity going - What are your plans for tonight!,"So, the weather, though still cold, is starting to warm up a little. What are your plans for tonight? I'm heading to Hemingways in a couple hours to chill, eat something, read some comic books, just to be out. So, what are your plans?",,,,,,2015-03-07 16:41:18 2ycqe3,,2,Chances to practice/teach architecture in Tunisia?,"Hi r/tunisia! I hope I am not too much off topic. I am 22yo tunisian who was born and raised in Italy, and as such I have a double passport. I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Architecture this past september, and I am now studying for my Master's degree, with hopes of continuing with a Phd. I would like to continue my work in academia, but I would be happy to work as an architect. It may sound too romantic or cheesy, but I feel like I am home pretty much only when I am in Tunisia (I have come back for vacation every two years since I was born), and as such I was wondering how are the possibilities of employment in my sector, especially in the academics (and if its possible to make a decent living out of it). I currently speak: -italian: with a perfect level of proficency -english: with a good level of proficency -arabic: but only tunisian. A shame of mine is being unable to write/read arabic, but I speak tunisian decently (for example I can understand 90% or the talk in a tv show, but very little of a news segment). I hope to improve this once I graduate -french: at a very basic level. Is the idea of working or teaching (after some years of exprience) in Tunisia feasible, or am I delusional? Thanks to everyone who will reply! EDITS: grammar",,,,,,2015-03-08 17:45:12 2ygg0t,,5,Tunisia finds another large arms cache near Libya border,,,,,,,2015-03-09 16:45:00 2ygg80,,4,US Backs Tunisia's Efforts to Improve Investment Appeal,,,,,,,2015-03-09 16:46:33 2yr2wt,,3,Djerba’s Museum of the Streets,,,,,,,2015-03-12 02:30:06 2yvrgc,الرجاء_هل_يمكنني_الحصول_على_مساعدتكم_ترجمة_شيئا/,2,الرجاء هل يمكنني الحصول على مساعدتكم ترجمة شيئا؟,"got this from this beautiful Tunisian girl 3al bouhèli talleG martou w 3tahèli and I have no idea what it says...",,,,,,2015-03-13 05:23:35 2z0rge,,7,Thank you for the warm welcome!,"Hello r/Tunisia! Some friends and I are visiting your beautiful country and I just wanted to say thank you so much for the warm welcome and amazing atmosphere. Our guides have been exceptional, the food is delicious, and everyone is so kind. I really hope I get to come back one day. Edit: I came back home the night before the events in Tunis at the Bardo Museum and was heartbroken when I saw the news. This does not change in any way my opinions, or those of my friends, about Tunisia, we still think it's an awesome country filled with proud, hard working, and kind people and I would go back in a heartbeat! Hope you are all safe! Edit 2: Happy Independence Day r/Tunisia!",,,,,,2015-03-14 14:26:51 2z1fie,,2,Any [scientific] explanation for the horrible internet speed almost everywhere ?,"the phone operators never give the actual explanation, and you are paying for a particular ""high"" speed when you actually get way less. just, why? ",,,,,,2015-03-14 18:02:23 2z5t0j,,1,3la slemetkom r/Tunisia my first post here (testing the waters)!!! This guy did an amazing job!,,,,,,,2015-03-15 21:05:09 2zgc8m,,4,"More than 7,000 Tunisians said to have joined Islamic State",,,,,,,2015-03-18 10:22:54 2zgm03,,3,"'Shots fired' at Tunisian parliament (Bardo, Tunis)",,,,,,,2015-03-18 12:36:56 2zgmc0,,1,Tunis attack: Gunmen kill 7 tourists and a Tunisian in museum raid,,,,,,,2015-03-18 12:40:47 2zgmfg,,10,Tunis attack: Gunmen kill 7 tourists and a Tunisian in museum raid,,,,,,,2015-03-18 12:42:04 2zgvgf,,1,"Response to Terrorism at Favorite Museum....The Bardo--Tunis, Tunisia",,,,,,,2015-03-18 14:12:17 2zh4qv,,1,تیونس: عجائب گھر پر حملہ، غیر ملکی سیاحوں سمیت 11 ہلاک,,,,,,,2015-03-18 15:28:18 2zh69c,,1,"Tunisia museum attack 7 tourists, 1 local, 2 militants killed",,,,,,,2015-03-18 15:39:51 2zi4yh,,1,Really Tight Teenage Asshole CD2,,,,,,,2015-03-18 19:47:07 2zizn3,,1,"At least 20 people were killed when gunmen attacked the National Bardo Museum in Tunis,Tunisia. Prayer for the innocent victims: eternal rest grant unto them,O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them.",,,,,,,2015-03-18 23:34:22 2zj00b,,1,Dating a Tunisian Girl,"I know the topic may be a bit provocative for some but hear me out. I visited Tunisia last year and met a local girl. We met in a professional setting (but not for any business) so the initial exchanges were cordial at best. After coming back home, we started chatting and slowly we started liking each other. I'm planning a trip to Tunisia soon so need a bit of advice from you all. 1. Are there any customs and traditions I should be aware of? (I'm also a muslim and understand that most muslim countries are conservative) 2. What should I do to make this trip to meet her the best time for her. Any particular activities a Tunisian girl might enjoy. We will be in Tunis mostly. 3. Any other words of advice? Thank you.",,,,,,2015-03-18 23:37:19 2zkmzi,,6,"Gunmen storm Tunisian museum, kill 17 foreign tourists and two Tunisians",,,,,,,2015-03-19 10:56:18 2zlvu2,,1,تیونس: میوزیم حملے کی ذمہ داری داعش نے قبول کرلی,,,,,,,2015-03-19 17:51:40 2zm46j,,0,"Rashid al-Ghannushi :"" This barbaric attack BardoMuseum is the opera of a mentally ill mind IS """,,,,,,,2015-03-19 18:53:51 2zmlk6,,1, - dashboard,,,,,,,2015-03-19 21:03:56 2zr78y,,15,Stay strong my Tunisian brothers.,"My dearest Tunisian friends, The day after: Tunisia has awoken stronger than ever The day after: Tunisia will NEVER kneel for sad minds The day after: Tunisia feels more solidarity than ever The day after: Tunisia remains inspiring with its way to democracy The day after: Tunisia, no one can take away your beauty and heritage I'm a 17 year old Moroccan who lives in Holland, but i want you to know, my dear Tunisia, that the world will be with you. And the dogs that call themselves ISIS, will be no more if we show solidarity. Stay strong no matter what they say. A country with so much hidden beauty and heritage, will never go down at the hands of the wicked. Love, from the Netherlands.",,,,,,2015-03-20 23:36:12 2zsx3t,,4,The Tunisian Constitutional Process: Main Actors and Key Issues,,,,,,,2015-03-21 13:20:05 2zxn3z,,2,Searching for flatmates in la marsa tunis.,"max budget 400d/person :) Im looking for two persons max to share th place I live in. If any of you is interested you can just send me a request, you can also ask for a visit.",,,,,,2015-03-22 19:56:34 300o3q,,3,[Law advice] Custom law (douane) when receieving an electronic device,"Hello everyone, Can anyone please explain to me what are the procedures I must follow if someone in Europe send me an electronic device ? I need this [graphic tablet](, i can't find it anywhere in Tunisia but i can buy it on eBay (i can pay online), or ask a friend to buy it and send it by mail as a gift. Can anyone please clarify this for me ? is it possible to do such a thing ? and if yes then what are the rules ? and if the answer is no, then can you please explain why ? Thank you very much and have a great day. ",,,,,,2015-03-23 15:11:04 308zw2,,1,اعتقال مهندس هجوم متحف باردو في تونس,,,,,,,2015-03-25 13:26:38 30bbq8,,1,Youth employment and regional development must rank as top priorities in Tunisia to secure stability and prosperity,"This is an article form the OECD , (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) talking about the importance of youth employment and regional development in Tunisia and how it should be a top priority Its really worth reading :D",,,,,,2015-03-25 23:52:19 30dtog,,1,Tunis: a fearless World Social Forum,,,,,,,2015-03-26 15:57:04 30iyus,,5,Ridha Diki Ana Andi Rendez-Vous,,,,,,,2015-03-27 19:47:52 30xngs,,1,belle robe a vendre en tunisie,,,,,,,2015-03-31 15:24:49 310e6g,,1,مكونات التيار “السلفي الجهادي” في تونس وروافده الأربعة بعد الثورة / بقلم سيف الدين الطرابلسي,,,,,,,2015-04-01 03:22:40 3132ys,,4,Need help finding volunteer opportunities in Tunisia,"I am currently traveling in Tunisia and am searching for any opportunities to either volunteer or work in exchange for room and board. Programs such as WWOOFing, workaway, and helpx only offer one or two options. The only other options I have found are for SOSchildren or the Red Cross, who work near the Lybian border. Which is said to be unsafe for travellers. I am looking for work helping people in their daily lives, such as farmwork, tending to their animals or crops, building projects, ... Any suggestions welcome, Thanks",,,,,,2015-04-01 17:52:41 31da9s,,0,"Honest question, What do you think of Atheists?","Are they a threat? or not? I'm an Arab Atheist. I know that sounds very much moronic to say. But I am rather very much Anti Theism. I think you Tunisians know this more than anyone else. But I'm not here to convince you or anything. What do you personally think of Atheists? ",,,,,,2015-04-03 23:55:29 31ihtw,,2,"For any of you Tunisian Pan-Arabists, you may consider participating in discussion in this subreddit",,,,,,,2015-04-05 12:09:53 31m3vj,,1,Des éléves manifestent la Journée internationale de la sensibilisation au problème des mines et de l’assistance à la lutte antimines,,,,,,,2015-04-06 10:14:13 31sj1t,,0,"Kidnappers of Tunisia, how long before you will let me go once you get me and I refuse to pay?",,,,,,,2015-04-07 20:47:26 31y8ea,,2,Staying in Tunis,"Hey I am working in Uganda this summer and am visiting a friend who is learning Maghreb at the University of Carthage what are some cheap places I could stay near there? Also what are some musts and things I should do when in Tunis? I am only there for 5 days if that helps. Also how long does it take to get through security at the airport! Much Love, Wowatsunami",,,,,,2015-04-09 02:15:48 31zdfl,,1,"Braving the Tunis Rain, From a Single Drop to a Thunderstorm!",,,,,,,2015-04-09 10:02:55 32553a,,3,CARTES BANCAIRES INTERNATIONALES SEMAINE PROCHAINE EN TUNISIE,,,,,,,2015-04-10 17:41:56 327yiz,,3,3 months vacation in Tunisia. Suggestions for an optimal circuit (wheelchair friendly)?,Hey folks! I will be in Tunisia for three months this summer and I would like to get the most out of my vacation. What would you recommand for me knowing that I am on a wheelchair so that many places would not be accessible for me.,,,,,,2015-04-11 11:13:33 32lmka,,0,فولكسفاغن تعلن عن صاروخها الجديد: الاختبارية جي تي أي سوبر سبورت غران توريزمو,,,,,,,2015-04-14 19:50:30 33l62o,,2,Where can I find a used PS3 and what price range?,"I'm looking to get a PS3 as my brother-in-law is really wanting his back and my wife needs it. So, I may offer to buy his and if that's a no-go, where can I pick one up (new or used, preferred used) and what price range?",,,,,,2015-04-23 12:34:06 340hjt,,1,Découvrez DjerbaHood – Une véritable expérience humaine en Tunisie,,,,,,,2015-04-27 09:34:42 340i6u,,1,Nouvelle magasin ToutEstLA - Des cadeaux adapté à toutes les occasions,,,,,,,2015-04-27 09:45:39 3455yk,,1,What footwear to use in the Sahara?,"Hello all, I'll be travelling shortly to Tunisia and part of my trip is a expedition into the Sahara. I'm wondering what would be the best choice of footwear for a guy. Thanks ",,,,,,2015-04-28 11:40:11 34bu5o,,2,What's the thing about Nettler/PlanetWin365 ?,"Hi, During the past 2 weeks i got asked almost everyday if i could load someone ""Nettler"" card or his PlanetWin account (i've been making mobile apps for the past 2 years and i always have money in my foreign bank account). today i saw more than one Facebook announcement about new ""stores"" that sells 1€ for 3TND!! so basically you give them 1.6€ to take 1€. So can anyone explain what the fuck is happening ? and is this legal ? Am really worrying about this because am 100% sure that it will effect the upcoming international credit card made for developers, these scammers will just request a card that has 1000TND and find a way to sell it back for 1600TND, this will really be bad for us (developers) because even if it won't affect us right now, the number of the given card compared to how useful it was in development would be very obvious and it may lead to bad results, for example the government may think that this was a bad decision and they just cancel it. So please let me know what do you think ? Have a good day :) ",,,,,,2015-04-29 22:13:20 34vf9k,,2,Are people in Tunisia worried about ISIS coming into the country?,"I heard about a recent story in which ISIS declared that they were moving toward Tunisia through Libya, and was just curious to gauge the public perception in Tunisia. ",,,,,,2015-05-04 21:54:53 34zh05,,1,Suicide rates skyrocket in poor Tunisian neighbourhoods,,,,,,,2015-05-05 21:06:00 356e5i,,1,Tourist information needed please and thanks,Hi I'm visiting the Monastir area later in the month and I'm just wondering about things to look out for or be aware of (i.e. bugs/insects that are a nuisance or pick pockets/thieves etc) any useful advice would be appreciated. ,,,,,,2015-05-07 14:15:30 35acgt,,3,What was life like under Ben Ali?,"Hello /Rtunisia, hope all is well. I've been curious about life under the Ben Ali regime for a while. What was the general view toward Ben Ali, and what type of 'control' of sorts did his regime exert? I understand this is a divisive topic and not trying to start any political debates, just curious about what life was like under his regime. ",,,,,,2015-05-08 13:12:16 35ev60,,2,Libya or Tunisia: Who Needs the Other More? by Hiba Safi,,,,,,,2015-05-09 17:49:49 35t3t7,,2,Anyone got the new international credit card?,,,,,,,2015-05-13 07:43:54 360whg,,2,"US Delivers Humvees, Patrol Boat To Tunisia",,,,,,,2015-05-15 03:57:12 365xpq,,1,La Poste Tunisienne lance sa Carte Technologique Internationale,,,,,,,2015-05-16 13:38:38 36cvxb,,5,"Hi r/Tunisia, I'm travelling to Tunisia for a week with my girlfriend. Some suggestions of do's and don'ts?",I'm particularly interested in clothing. Is there something that is inappropriate? ,,,,,,2015-05-18 11:13:47 36e96f,,1,Tunisia says 172 nationals held by Libya militia,,,,,,,2015-05-18 18:29:51 36vgpf,,14,"Reddit Global Meetup - June 13th, 2015 (IDEAS) - Please upvote for visibility, no karma is gained from this.","So it was announced yesterday that the global Reddit Meetup is going to be June 13th, 2015. So, we need ideas. I know that /u/enti_san and /u/flesmih have gone to the ones in the past 2 years and they had a great time. Someone else, I forget who, went to the second one and someone to the third one, I forget their names, so my apologies. We need ideas. Bowling? Cafe? Ruins of Carthage? I'm not from here so I'm not sure what to do exactly. This is going to be just before Ramadan so would be a great time to get together and eat and drink while we still can. Some ideas: Bardo Museum: Attendance has been down since the attacks and it would be great to go and show solidarity for the country and against the terrorist trying to scare people away Cooks: [A good restaurant in Sidi Bou Said]( Golden Cafe: [Another good place for food]( [Berber Village]( Not sure what this place is but sounds interesting. Thoughts? I will also try to get some playing cards (If you have some, let me know) so we can play some cards. I can teach some games like No Limit Texas Hold 'em, Go Fish, Rummy, or Bullshit (Can be called Liar if played in public). If anyone has any board games (scrabble, settlers of catan, Ticket to ride, that sort of thing) please let us know. We had 3 people the first and I think 4 the second. I'd like to see a lot more people, like 10. Also, this post is in English because it's all that I know but I'm trying to learn some Arabic. My wife is Tunisian so she can translate to me if need be.",,,,,,2015-05-22 13:10:59 36xsah,,1,"IMG 0170: Meeting with my Grand Uncle, Beji Caid Essebsi",,,,,,,2015-05-23 00:23:47 374uoy,,6,BCE and Obama meet @ White House (English and Arabic),,,,,,,2015-05-24 22:04:36 37b02j,,1,Tunisian soldier shot dead after killing comrades,,,,,,,2015-05-26 08:17:54 37eai0,شنية_حكاية_البيترول/,2,شنية حكاية البيترول؟,,,,,,,2015-05-27 00:16:29 37pn98,,2,Coming to Tunisia on Sunday...,"Hey /r/Tunisia, I'm a New Zealander based in Doha and was just given the unexpected opportunity to go to Tunis for 5 days next week. Would anyone on this sub be keen to meet up for a coffee/beer/whatever sometime next week? I've found reddit to be a good medium to meet cool people in different countries in the past. Also, I do some work for a media watchdog organisation based in Doha, and since I'm coming I would like to try and do a story on the current media landscape in Tunisia - does anyone know any English speaking journalists I could chat to? Looking forward to checking out your country, I've only heard good things :) ",,,,,,2015-05-29 12:19:45 37pswo,,1,Tunisia – The Jewel of the Mediterranean,,,,,,,2015-05-29 13:14:29 385oi5,,2,Where to buy peanut butter ?,Is there anywhere where we can buy it here ? thanks,,,,,,2015-06-02 01:02:45 38w67s,شكون_عنده_فكرة_على_الموسوعة_التونسية_الي_أصدرها/,2,شكون عنده فكرة على الموسوعة التونسية الي أصدرها بيت الحكمة في 2013؟,,,,,,,2015-06-07 09:51:13 38y6nm,,3,"Reddit Global Meetup - June 13th, 2pm at Mokayshi Spirit","So, the meetup for June 13th will be at 2pm at [Mokayshi Spirit]( We have some UNO cards and conversation. If someone has some playing cards they would be greatly used as I'm suspecting we'll have 6-10 people. I will be calling Mokayshi Spirit tomorrow just to double check. This is a geek/nerd kind of place so, feel free to bring comic books or whatever you want. I figure that we'll probably spend 3 hours (or longer if you want) talking, getting to know everyone, playing cards, eating, drinking, laughing, just having a lot of fun. I know that myself, /u/flesmih, and /u/enti_san will be there so you can also get to know your moderating team. I am American who speaks very little of anything else other than some Spanish and am hoping to try out what Tunisian I know on some new people =). If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please, post here and let us know. I know that Ramadan is soon but this is going to be just before so this could be your last chance to really eat and drink and relax on a weekend before the holidays. If enough show up and there is a receptive audience, we can meet up a couple weeks into Ramadan to break fast one night on the weekend.",,,,,,2015-06-07 21:12:33 39lkpu,,1,"Visiting Tunis! Could i Wear my ""Je Suis Charlie"" T-shirt or should i leave it at home?",,,,,,,2015-06-12 16:13:19 39omdf,,5,"Reddit Global Meetup - TODAY!, 2pm at Mokayshi Spirit in Tunis","Just a reminder that at 2pm today we will be meeting at Mokayshi Spirit in Tunis. We have Rami cards (I'm guessing like Rummy but he said Rami so I am not sure) and some Uno card. If you have some other games or cards we can use, please do bring. We are expecting a good turn out and have told them to reserve a space of ~10 for us. Myself and /u/enti_san will probably be there 1:30pm or so and there will be a sign on our table (or should be, if not look for a guy with a Samsung Laptop with a [Reddit coat of arms]( sticker on it. I'm a big guy, so i'm hard to miss =) I look forward to meeting all of you and having a great time!",,,,,,2015-06-13 07:19:04 39pb7s,,6,Tunisia start campaign with huge win,,,,,,,2015-06-13 13:00:15 39preu,,12,Pictures from meet up 2015! Not too late to join us!,,,,,,,2015-06-13 15:47:51 39svgn,,14,[History] Map of Tunisian tribes and clans (1976) (English/German/French),,,,,,,2015-06-14 13:06:35 39twi5,,3,Ces femmes pilotes de chasse de l'armée tunisienne,,,,,,,2015-06-14 19:00:51 39z868,,2,Anyone knows Tunisian soccer player Mohamed Ali Moncer?,"I would like to konw something about him, is he a good player? I think he's in the national team, right? Thank you.",,,,,,2015-06-16 00:00:18 3a1nu3,,1,16:54 - #Tunisie 🌍 :double attaque meurtrière contre la police à Sidi Bouzid - #EI 🔗 ✏💬👇,,,,,,,2015-06-16 15:11:19 3a2tzy,,3,Deadly Tunisia train and lorry crash in El Fahes,,,,,,,2015-06-16 20:04:50 3a7chr,,3,Ramadhan mubarek for all tunisians ; what are your plans during this holy month ?,,,,,,,2015-06-17 20:16:13 3a9ri5,,2,Old Political Habits in Tunisia,,,,,,,2015-06-18 10:28:47 3an91z,,6,Tunisian map of the Baccalaureat results of 2015 by Gouvernorate,,,,,,,2015-06-21 21:59:12 3arioh,,9,Map of the Punic Wars (264-201 BC) [4410X3000],,,,,,,2015-06-22 22:42:49 3b6ajm,,5,What is /r/tunisia's plan for this weekend?,"So, what is everyone doing this weekend? With it being Ramadan I'm interested on what Tunisians do while not eating. Cafes are closed (and boy, you guys love your cafes), so do you go out? Stay home?",,,,,,2015-06-26 09:07:44 3b6lrq,,25,Terrorist Attack in Sousse today at tourist Hotel,Please be careful out there today guys. Please post details here as you know them.,,,,,,2015-06-26 11:43:50 3b7c5h,,1,تیونس میں ہوٹل پر دہشت گردوں کا حملہ، 27 افراد ہلاک,,,,,,,2015-06-26 15:39:08 3b86nc,,1,Father And Husband-To-Be Saves Fiancee's Life After Throwing His Body In Front Of Terrorist Attack,,,,,,,2015-06-26 19:20:01 3b8e0s,,1,Some Great Collections of Tunisia |,,,,,,,2015-06-26 20:15:01 3ba9o3,,2,Tunisia hotel attack as it happened: At least 5 British tourists among the dead as toll hits 37,,,,,,,2015-06-27 07:23:27 3bd45q,,1,Bigest Worldlist for Cracking Emails passwords,,,,,,,2015-06-28 02:13:30 3be7tv,,1,Horrifiv! Eye witness catches gunman on camera (Tunisia) - YouTube,,,,,,,2015-06-28 11:46:20 3becz3,,1,Eye Witness Interview From One of The Hit Hotels – Tunisia,,,,,,,2015-06-28 13:01:32 3bfk3k,,1,Terror in Tunisia by Rory McCarthy,,,,,,,2015-06-28 19:52:50 3bg0dt,,3,Father of Tunisia beach gunman: 'I am so ashamed',,,,,,,2015-06-28 22:08:07 3bg1j6,,7,Tunisia tourists reveal hotel workers formed 'human shield',,,,,,,2015-06-28 22:17:47 3bg6ar,,1,Tunisia: Why It Is Under Fire For Birthing The Arab Spring,,,,,,,2015-06-28 22:59:31 3bge8a,,1,قتلى بريطانيا في هجوم تونس بلغ 30 سائحا,,,,,,,2015-06-29 00:11:29 3bhmvh,,6,American headed to Tunisia,"Americans aren't big on traveling outside their wide-load comfort zone. Countries that aren’t in Europe aren’t on the visit list. You're going to Tunisia...where is that? Did you see the news of that attack in Tunisia - don't go there. Support for my leaving on this very unclear adventure is at an all time low. You can find support for anything on the internet, all sorts of weirdos out there -- so here I am. I'm not really worried about my security, but I do enjoy being alive. And I’m not really worried I’m getting in over my head, I didn’t sign up for anything but to keep living. I’m only casually self-discussing the darija course at the Bourguiba institute. First off, my plan is this, I've got a guy on couchsurfing that says I should bring him some organic cacao nibs and he'll let me stay with him for a bit until I can find an apartment. The chocolate is in the mail, Habibi. I've ended up with an extra 600 dollars a month (this is enough right?) in my life to go hang out in Tunisia for a bit. I want to run the beach, eat the fresh food, swim around and get tan and feeling good. My Arabic understanding is pretty bad with this Tunisian dialect (I've been watching some Tunisian films - oooh lala) I understand gulfies more. I was a student of Arabic for several years but when talking to people I would hear a sentence without understanding a single word sometimes. I throw my MSA out there, smile, they get what I'm going for, then they start talking like a baby to me. Its pathetic, but it gets the shugul done. My flight date approaches. I bought my ticket before this fiasco and I’m poor so I’m flying there just to get my money’s worth. I’m reading through everything on google about expats or Americans in Tunisia. I suppose its not everything, I'm only reading in english. Bien, merci. Ca Va? Bonjour, bon voyage, menage a trois, mime - thats all the French I know. And I'm too lazy to use the Arabic right now. But I’m reading through all the english expat materials and basic travel information sites. I am just very laissez faire about the whole thing, you know, I think its just gonna work itself out. What do you think?",,,,,,2015-06-29 08:12:33 3bjk4r,,2,Tunisia Attack New Raw Video : Gunman with Machine Gun inside Hotel Begi...,,,,,,,2015-06-29 19:16:28 3bkfx9,,9,Watercolor painting of Roman Coliseum in El-Djem,,,,,,,2015-06-29 23:14:54 3bl9zs,,2,[Question] Why does Tunisia have such a high percentage of educated joining ISIS?,"First off, my father is Tunisian and my mother is Swedish. I've always been extremely proud of my Tunisian heritage, I still am. From the early history of the Phoenicians travelling to the cape of africa to the north of europe, to Carthage and Hannibals father founding Barcelona. Hell, Tunisia gave women the right to vote over 20 years ahead of portugal and sweizz. And the university-graduation levels are on par with Sweden which is quite amazing considering the history of ben ali. So I must ask; **How is it that there are so many educated tunisians joining ISIS?** My father couldn't answer me when I asked this, he didn't even know the statistics and found it strange. As do I, because from everything I've experienced of tunisia it's a great, open and somewhat secular country. [So why do some decide to join ISIS?]( I want to know what down to earth tunisians in tunisia have to say about this I am also curious as to how ISIS is percieved in tunisia, since from all that I've read people seem to not think to badly of ISIS. I know that all stories have two sides, just look at russia-today, al-jazeera, and CNN covering stories and you see widely different views. But from all the news I gather ISIS seems to be such a horrid party, worse so than saudi arabia, qatar etc. and I've lived a year in Saudi-Arabia and I hate that country with a passion. It all just seems so weird to me that the tunisia I love, the tunisia I am proud of, somehow also is the biggest source of isis jihadists in the muslim world. ",,,,,,2015-06-30 03:30:35 3bqjlh,,3,ESPRIT (or similar) is it possible to get accepted in 2nd year ?,"Hello everyone, I studied 2 year in ISET Bizerte, passed the first year and failed the second one with a score of 9.98. (nope am not too weak for it, i was busy [working]( and [developing personal projects]( ) I wanna know if any of you know someone who had a similar case to me and could tell me what happened. My problem here is that i don't want to re-study the first year, i saw the curriculum it's a pure waste of time for me, so if you know any other private Institute that won't give me this problem then please share your knowledge :) Thank you and have a good day ",,,,,,2015-07-01 09:55:44 3bqkmy,,1,"Tunisia: dozens killed in a terrorist attack at the resort, ISIS claims responsibility",,,,,,,2015-07-01 10:10:32 3bt2z9,,2,"In Tunisia, Gunman kills 39 at Tunisian beachside hotel, ISIS claims attack",,,,,,,2015-07-01 22:38:41 3bu4qv,,3,"Ariana, what are the available education institutes there ?","Hello, I am from Bizerte, and will probably study in ESPRIT or SESAME next year (IT), but this post isn't about me, i know someone who want to study in the same area but doesn't have anything to do with Technology (bac lettre) also she doesn't want to study things related to economy, marketing or management. (eg: Business English, Optics and Eyewear, pharmacy, etc...) I know about the UC (*université central*) but it's a little bit far. Please recommend something with good reputation. Thank you and have a good day :) ",,,,,,2015-07-02 04:15:55 3buccf,,1,India-Tunisia Renew Bilateral Relationships,,,,,,,2015-07-02 05:38:07 3c1stv,,1,Britain votes against Imperialism,,,,,,,2015-07-03 23:42:38 3c3ojf,,1,President will declare state of emergency in today's speech,,,,,,,2015-07-04 13:36:34 3chg39,,3,Hi /r/tunisia! I'm creating a playlist with one song from every country in the world! What song would you recommend from your country?,"السلام عليكم /r/Tunisia ! I'm trying to put together a playlist that has one song from each country in the world. What song would you recommend from your Country for me to add to my playlist? You can check out my submission to /r/Africa [here]( if you are interested in checking out some suggestions from other countries in Africa or contributing songs from other African countries that you don't see mentioned! Please don't downvote if you don't like the song, only if the Artist is incorrectly being represented as from/involved with your country or if it's an obvious troll suggestion! **Rules:** -I'm not looking for anything *stereotypical* to represent the country culturally, just an enjoyable song by an artist from your country! Feel free to choose those kinds of songs if you like however! -The Artist has to be from or live in the country. -The song *does not* have to be in the language of the country but it can be. -The song can be any genre, contemporary or traditional. The majority of songs chosen so far have been contemporary but I don't want to discourage traditional submissions at all if you feel they are still enjoyable today. -Feel free to recommend songs that you have heard or know of from other countries! (Although these tend to be downvoted so PM these if you don't like downvotes!) -Links are appreciated! (If you say ""Anything by *This Artist*"" please link to your favorite song by them) ***Examples of songs/genres I have added so far:*** [Germany - Modern Pop]( [New Zealand - Reggae]( [Norway - 80's SynthPop]( [Mexico - Classical]( [Russia - Hip-Hop/Alternative]( [India - Traditional/Emotional]( [Kenya - Pop]( [Argentina - Alternative/Rock]( You can see there is a wide variety and I'm not looking for one specific thing, just a song that I enjoy! Thanks for your input in advance and enjoy the musical discussion! --- ***^(F.A.Q.)*** *^(-I've also had a lot of people ask if I will be posting this somewhere when it's done! Hopefully in /r/music and on Youtube/Spotify! It will take a while to finish as I'm only getting 4-5 countries done per day.)* *^(-If you are curious about what songs I have picked for a certain country feel free to PM me! It's not a secret I just don't want to reveal them to everyone before I get to publish the playlist!)* *^(-Current Progress: 133/201 Countries. ETA - 1-2 Months)*",,,,,,2015-07-07 22:58:48 3ckh1p,,2,Americans traveling to Tunisia,"Hello, I am wondering the state of Tunisia right now following the recent attacks. Especially in regards to security and safety of Caucasian/Christian/Americans. A band I am in is supposed to play the brand new International Noise Festival in Hemmemet in August and we are now rethinking going. Any thoughts on being in Tunisia for a big music event over a long weekend? Any one heard of the festival or know any details about the security there? Thanks!",,,,,,2015-07-08 16:46:10 3crzhz,,5,British government tells UK tourists to leave Tunisia over terror risk,,,,,,,2015-07-10 08:13:50 3csy3g,,1,Tunisian Government has authorised plans to build barrier to secure its border with Libya - Jokpeme News,,,,,,,2015-07-10 14:53:18 3cuahx,,3,My thoughts on Tunisia attack - Post Holiday,"To be honest i think this ban on all flights to Tunisia from the UK is bullcrap. Here's my two cents in the video...",,,,,,2015-07-10 20:55:06 3cxbnb,,2,Designation of Tunisia as a Major Non-NATO Ally,,,,,,,2015-07-11 16:38:58 3d190n,,3,Sousse + Hammamet sightseeing,"I will be visiting Hammemet and Sousse this summer. What are some must sees in those places? Nightlife, cultural, restaurants etc. Thanks!",,,,,,2015-07-12 18:08:18 3d5mw6,,0,"WTF Tunisia, if you do this then you're on your own",,,,,,,2015-07-13 18:39:16 3d876k,,0,Tunisia says almost wipes out al-Qaeda group after attacks,,,,,,,2015-07-14 07:11:20 3dczpu,,1,UK wants to review Tunisia travel warning,,,,,,,2015-07-15 08:31:00 3di1af,,1,Avantage Ontario,,,,,,,2015-07-16 13:04:51 3dlm9o,,1,"U.S. State Dept. Updates Tunisia Travel Alert, July 16, 2015",,,,,,,2015-07-17 07:06:03 3dqo85,,7,Tunisia digs trench along Libya border to stop infiltration,,,,,,,2015-07-18 14:57:08 3dxd2t,,3,Tunisian politicians to visit British families of beach attack victims,,,,,,,2015-07-20 09:02:45 3dy04v,,1,Prix tunisie,,,,,,,2015-07-20 13:36:54 3dy3tc,,3,HELP: Most inexpensive way to get my mother to Tunisia?,"My mother, a native Tunisian, is over 60 and has not been to Tunisia in over 20 years and has been praying every night to return. She desperately wants to see her mother before she passes away. My mom has worked two jobs in fast food and raised me and my siblings to adulthood by herself. Life has been very unkind to her, but she still perseveres for the well being of my family. I'm not sure where to look for good deals on flight tickets, but I checked Expedia and saw tickets for 1500-2000 for just her, which is way out of our measly budget. Are the any options for making my mother's dream a reality?",,,,,,2015-07-20 14:08:11 3eai80,,3,Tunisia lawmakers debate new anti-terror bill,,,,,,,2015-07-23 05:40:40 3eccdk,,2,"« En Tunisie, les failles de la sécurité relèvent d’un dysfonctionnement structurel de la police »",,,,,,,2015-07-23 17:01:36 3ejkfy,,2,"Cycling Tour - Sousse, Tunisia",,,,,,,2015-07-25 08:39:49 3ek0rm,,3,"SportsCam Tour: Sousse, Tunisia - Ramadhan 1436/2015",,,,,,,2015-07-25 12:58:18 3er3yd,,2,"In Tunisia, many young people heed the call of ′IS′ and al Qaeda",,,,,,,2015-07-27 09:10:28 3f03ya,,1,"Diplomacy, Tunisia's First Line of Defence, Security and Sovereignty",,,,,,,2015-07-29 07:29:24 3f0kt0,,3,"Un Tunisien, ancien membre de Daesh: ""Ils n’ont rien à voir avec l’Islam""",,,,,,,2015-07-29 11:14:18 3f5gh4,,3,Tunis capitale universitaire africaine?,,,,,,,2015-07-30 12:05:59 3f5gv4,,2,Tunisie: fermeture de 80 mosquées salafistes,,,,,,,2015-07-30 12:09:41 3f66nz,,1,[Appel au don]Coeur de Mohamed Aziz,,,,,,,2015-07-30 15:39:08 3f9ucu,,4,Syphax Airlines Safety video,,,,,,,2015-07-31 10:06:04 3fj0j9,,2,How safe it is for a foreigner to travel by taxi in the Tunis area?,"Long short story, I'll have to take a taxi to go from Mégrine to le Lac 2. Being a foreigner and having my arabic rusty, I'd like to know if there's anything to know. Thank you guys. ",,,,,,2015-08-02 17:51:46 3fm5wp,,7,Your identity is safe with us. (x-post from r/funny) Tunisian TV at its best!,,,,,,,2015-08-03 13:04:17 3fqh61,,1,Plan Your Upcoming Holidays In Dubai,,,,,,,2015-08-04 11:20:53 3g08yx,,1,"Cycling Adventure - Sousse/Monastir, Tunisia",,,,,,,2015-08-06 14:18:49 3g35dw,,0,How is French fluency among Tunisians?,"I read that French is taught in schools, but it's not a recognized language. How is French fluency among Tunisians? Do they just learn it in school but can't really speak it, or can a large portion of the population speak French even though it's not an official language?",,,,,,2015-08-07 03:14:32 3g83hf,,2,Has the revolution changed anything?,"Hi Tunisians, I am a fellow redditor who lives in Philippines, I was wondering how you guys feel about the situation in Tunisia after the revolution. Has the country changed? Do you personally feel the change? Have social attitudes changed at least to certain things? Where would you like your country to head? ",,,,,,2015-08-08 07:57:07 3gd00f,,1,International Credit Cards,"Is it possible to obtain an international credit card in tunisia without the bacaloria degree? I'm a new developer. I made an android app and I want to market it, but I don't see how without the credit card.",,,,,,2015-08-09 16:14:32 3h1rvw,,0,can an unmarried adult woman (+21) travel without parent permission ?,"I have a friend with a bit of complicated case (divorced parent) she live with her mother, she want to travel for a week or so anywhere in the world (far from the ""terror"" area). Does she have to do anything special compared to what a man should do ? Thank you",,,,,,2015-08-15 01:23:30 3i2s6g,,0,Klay BBJ Ekram El Mayet - إكرام الميت + lyrics,,,,,,,2015-08-23 13:19:32 3il51p,,1,What happened in that spy network case?,,,,,,,2015-08-27 11:34:15 3imgvn,,1,What are your favourite Tunisian media?,"Hello /r/Tunisia I am very interested in Tunisian Arabic and culture, so I wanted to know what it is that Tunisians like in terms of media. Who are your favourite singers and youtubers from Tunisia? What are the best TV shows and movies? What are some popular websites among Tunisians? I am especially interested in what young people like, like from late teens to twenties. Any content in Dialect, Fusha or French is gladly accepted. Seeing the stuff that goes on in your country would be really awesome. Choukran bercha! ",,,,,,2015-08-27 17:43:07 3ivt2e,,3,"Bolice, S01E01, hotel scene, from an algerian fan :)",,,,,,,2015-08-29 20:41:55 3izua7,,1,Follow me,,,,,,,2015-08-30 20:39:52 3j7o1r,,1,Masta = Samta ?,"I was watching an episode of Bolice a couple minutes ago and they kept repeating this word ""masta masta"", I was wondering is that a tunisian word and what does it mean ? source :",,,,,,2015-09-01 12:29:00 3j7wqs,,1,Aventure et Randonnée en Tunisie Adventure and Hiking in Tunisia,,,,,,,2015-09-01 13:51:08 3japgl,,2,utilite de francais,"On m'a offert un emploi à Sousse, Tunisie . Je me demande comment utile française sera . Est-il couramment parlé ? Le français est ma langue seconde et je suis assez à l'aise avec elle . Je préfère parler français plutôt que d'apprendre une troisième langue , il est seulement un travail de neuf mois . ",,,,,,2015-09-02 01:27:13 3juout,,2,Kapitalis Djerba : Un policier «voleur» se fait filmer par ses victimes (Vidéo),,,,,,,2015-09-06 12:53:16 3khio2,,2,Repost from r/India: India ranks lower than Mongolia and Tunisia in helping small businesses,,,,,,,2015-09-11 01:37:57 3kiu1p,,1,"Reminder: Avenue Habib Bourguiba, a main downtown artery, will be closed until Monday, September 14 for security reasons. - Be careful out there Redditors!","I got a warning from the US Embassy as there are apparently some reasonable threats. They usually don't send these out unless there is a good reason to. I know there is probably all of 1 American here (Me) but it has some good advice. I will copy/paste the important parts of the text below: The Embassy of the United States in Tunis alerts U.S. citizens traveling or residing in Tunisia to the publicly reported closure of Avenue Habib Bourguiba, a main downtown artery, until Monday, September 14 for security reasons. The Ministry of the Interior has also announced a ban on all demonstrations for security reasons, citing threats against ‘sensitive sites’. The Department of State has further been apprised of information that, out of an abundance of caution indicates we should institute precautionary steps. As a result, the Embassy will not offer public services on Friday, September 11; other Embassy business will continue as scheduled. The Embassy will continue to provide emergency American citizen services as needed and resume public operations on Monday, September 14. U.S. citizens are reminded to exercise caution and avoid areas where large gatherings may occur. Even demonstrations or events intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence. U.S. citizens should monitor local events, report suspicious activity to the local police, and take appropriate steps to bolster their own security. The U.S. Embassy reiterates our standing guidance that U.S. citizens in Tunisia should exercise caution when frequenting public venues that are visited by large numbers of foreigners, such as hotels, shopping centers, and tourist sites and restaurants. U.S. citizens should also be alert to the possibility of kidnapping. Travelers contemplating trips to the interior of the country should assess local conditions and routes when making travel plans. In particular, all travel south of the designated military zone in the south must be coordinated in advance with Tunisian authorities. Also, travel to either border should be avoided if possible given the periodic security incidents along the border regions. ",,,,,,2015-09-11 09:35:57 3kpe0c,,4,"Ahla beek, ahkilna 3la rouhek.","Don't be just a lurker on r/tunisia, tells us more about the tounssi behind the screen. ",,,,,,2015-09-12 20:41:11 3l0735,,1,"Malek Chaieb, Sheyla Oliver Tunisia - adultère, criminelle, chantage",,,,,,,2015-09-15 04:51:25 3lns8f,,3,Ayo tunisians.,[deleted],,,,,,2015-09-20 09:36:00 3lsmlg,,2,لاعبو النجم الساحلي يهدون ورودا لأعوان الأمن,,,,,,,2015-09-21 11:54:31 3lwuq5,,2,belle page/liste reddit de films Français et Francophones - films complets uniquement,,,,,,,2015-09-22 07:59:54 3m735a,,2,Orgies and sex parties.,[removed],,,,,,2015-09-24 13:28:24 3m9hc5,,0,Nouvel site d'annonces Prestigeimmo Tunisie,,,,,,,2015-09-24 23:17:44 3mkuyh,,2,Pick Up Basketball in Tunis?,"I'm new to Tunis and would love to find a pick up basketball game. Anyone know any (semi) regular games that would accept a 6'8"" english speaking center?",,,,,,2015-09-27 14:24:56 3mpnm2,,1,Anusbook. Be connected. Be discovered.,,,,,,,2015-09-28 15:51:50 3msf63,,1,Looking for links to videos of state-run television BEFORE the revolution,"Hi Tunisians! I am a Tunisian-American playwright, and I am writing a play about a fictional state-run news station in Tunisia before the Arab Spring and during the 2011 protests. For research purposes, I am looking for online videos of news broadcasts from 2011 and earlier. If you have any thoughts on the television before and after the revolution, I would love to hear your thoughts. What did you think of the state-run news channels? Did you watch them? What did the news channels say about the protests when they were happening? Thank you! ",,,,,,2015-09-29 03:26:39 3myhq0,,3,"Looking for a new apartment, could use some help!","So /u/Enti_San and myself are looking to move and so far not had much luck on finding a place to live. I've looked on announce-tunisie but It's either vacation rentals, already furnished and not willing to rent unfurnished, or very high for what they're offering. We're looking for ~100m, S+2, 1st or 2nd floor is okay, if higher, would need an elevator. Looking for something near Jeanne d'Arc. Either in Jeanne d'Arc or in El Halfaouine, Franceville, or Cite Mahrajene. Need unfurnished as we have our own furnishings. Charguia or Cite El Kahdra areas would be okay too I guess. Just something close to Jeanne d'Arc or somewhere close to N8/N9/A1 that would make for a fast commute into Jeanne d'Arc.",,,,,,2015-09-30 12:25:35 3myyw8,,1,je veux des amis,,,,,,,2015-09-30 14:38:23 3mzo3w,,1,[law] Why your kid name must be an arab name ?,"first of all, is it true ? i've been told that the law doesn't allow to give your kid a foreign name (western, asian, etc..) is it true or it's just one of the many stupid habits we have here ? Also, why the f*** Berbers (Amazigh) names are considered foreign names o_O ?? Thanks",,,,,,2015-09-30 17:23:22 3n47hk,,1,American thinking about excepting a position in Bizerte.,[deleted],,,,,,2015-10-01 16:06:47 3n49fx,,2,American thinking about accepting a job in Bizerte,[deleted],,,,,,2015-10-01 16:19:45 3n9lwi,,2,Déjà plus de 230 inscriptions pour assister au ‪#‎SFD2015TN‬. Vous pouvez encore nous rejoindre,,,,,,,2015-10-02 20:09:14 3nkkiy,,2,Une bonne nouvelle pour notre système scolaire ?,,,,,,,2015-10-05 13:08:51 3nv0rl,,1,"Free classified Ads in all Africa, Easy to use, Mobile Friendly (The of Africa)",,,,,,,2015-10-07 17:03:07 3o2wa4,,21,Nobel peace prize 2015 has been awarded to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet.,,,,,,,2015-10-09 09:04:27 3ohkbc,,6,How Tunisia is keeping Arab Spring ideals alive,[deleted],,,,,,2015-10-12 19:14:55 3ok3rm,,2,Two Tunisian soldiers killed in clashes with jihadists near Algerian border,,,,,,,2015-10-13 07:16:04 3ok8a8,,3,Looking for advice- getting in touch with the right group of people,"Greetings and salutations. I`m looking to reach out to people that are interested in pursuing a degree in Romania.(I am romanian) You see, statistics show that a large part of the foreign students we get here are from Tunisia. Well, I had the experience of studying abroad and it was just a huge ,chaotic mess without any sort of guidance.And I had the advantage of knowing the local language. What I want to do is be a guide for everything that a person wanting to come here would want or need- for a small fee. My question would be : could you give me some advice as to where I could post such an ad ? Some major newspaper/ ad website or anything similar is what I am looking for. Thank you !",,,,,,2015-10-13 08:12:52 3ox0kq,,1,Paiement en ligne Tunisie - Accepter les cartes bancaires,,,,,,,2015-10-15 22:36:05 3plu2z,,3,"Francophonia is on reddit (french lessons, news, global media, digital libraries, ""ask""...) - la Francophonie est sur reddit",[deleted],,,,,,2015-10-21 07:37:11 3pvt1x,,3,Software Freedom Day : La Tunisie fête les logiciels libres,,,,,,,2015-10-23 08:23:39 3pz2hk,,2,[law expert] Only a degree can define your profession in your national ID card ?,"Hi, I am a 22 years old [programmer and game designer]( who dropout of college due to [bad education quality]( Anyway, i've been working as a Freelancer for the past couple of years, i have a static minimum income of $1500/month and now am working on my own game that will be published soon with the help of a western publisher. My question is, Is my ID card will always have the profession of ""Student"" ? or will i be defined as ""day worker"" ?? Is there anything a citizen could do to prove his profession without having a degree ? Thank you",,,,,,2015-10-24 00:12:04 3q2pou,,0,E-commerce - Les fonctionnalités indispensables d’une fiche produit efficace,,,,,,,2015-10-24 21:08:11 3rtx1m,,1,"Tunisian lawmakers suspend membership in ruling party, threatening split",,,,,,,2015-11-07 00:11:03 3ru1pe,,1,Power struggle threatens top Tunisia party with collapse,,,,,,,2015-11-07 00:45:35 3s5942,,2,does your BIAT credit card work online with local payment services ??,"Hi, I've been having this issue since last year, every time i try to use my credit card (BIAT) either in Tunisian payment websites (TunisineTelecome, orange, or in a local shop that accept credit card for payment, i always get the same ""error"" : > Insufficient credit or limit reached > (Crédit insuffisant ou limite atteint) Which is not true, i have enough money in my bank account to do the ""wanted-task"" and i rarely use my credit card with the ATM. Can anyone explain this please ?? Also, do you recommend another Bank ? I've been a BIAT customer for 2 years now and am a bit disappointed, specially when it comes to online services (i receive all my payments internationally and every time that happened i have to go to the bank and ""manually"" check if the transfers has been successfully received or not, which is ridiculous! ) anyway, Thanks for your time and have a good day. ",,,,,,2015-11-09 15:58:14 3scq0v,,2,Has there been any reform to the government since the ousting of Ex-President Ben ali?,,,,,,,2015-11-11 01:38:11 3sl6l6,,3,Anyone interested in getting a tabletop group together for games?,"I'm wanting to get a group of people together on a regular basis just to meet up for cards (Uno, whatever) or some board games (ticket to ride, monopoly, others to be determined) or some table top action like Dungeons & Dragons type stuff. I think I made a post like this before but we only had about 250 people here at the time. So, anyone interested in it?",,,,,,2015-11-12 22:16:47 3sueyc,,1,Presidents Essebsi and Hollande Meet After Paris Attacks,,,,,,,2015-11-15 00:56:21 3sw42s,,2,How safe is Tunis for a tourist to visit at the moment?,[deleted],,,,,,2015-11-15 12:42:18 3teyap,,2,Most exclusive suburbs in Tunis,"Hello, I am doing some research on the most expensive suburbs in African cities and I would love to know which suburbs feature in that category in Tunis. In terms of setup and housing price as well as the history of the suburb and what makes it tick. Any help will be appreciated.",,,,,,2015-11-19 09:52:48 3tgshb,,1,Tunisia says it prevented major Islamist attack this month,,,,,,,2015-11-19 18:47:22 3tx3ap,,1,Jund Al-Khilafa in Tunisia Claims Beheading of Teen Shepherd,,,,,,,2015-11-23 08:05:16 3u3hnm,",520,60530,3",9,Bus explosion in Tunis,,,,,,,2015-11-24 16:51:43 3u67c7,,2,So i'm flying to Tunisia in a week...Any tips or advice?,"Also, should I be worried about the recent events?",,,,,,2015-11-25 04:06:27 3uao5m,,2,Questions about DSL and prices,"So i'm looking to get DSL soon and found out that no matter who i go with (Orange, ooredoo, etc) that I still have to pay TT. How much are the fees? I saw that ooredoo has a deal right now 12MEGA for 109,500 every 6 months. How much would I have to pay per month to TT? Can a foreigner get service? Who has the best customer service? Should i go with TT? ooredoo? orange? topnet? Soooo many options and confusion.",,,,,,2015-11-26 02:21:16 3ucyaj,,1,اعلان جماعة الدولة الاسلامية مسؤليتها عن تفجيرات تونس - ميك فوتبول,,,,,,,2015-11-26 16:04:59 3udxkk,,1,Rapists given a way out while their victims are blamed and punished,,,,,,,2015-11-26 20:24:05 3ue4ly,,0,The Stranger Stranger [2013 article],,,,,,,2015-11-26 21:19:20 3uej3d,,3,Victimes des Attentat du 24 novembre2015 (video),,,,,,,2015-11-26 23:23:44 3uwkau,,1,Dlilek Mlak 30-11-2015 دليلك ملك ► Partie 01,,,,,,,2015-11-30 21:08:25 3va8fz,,7,Tunisia is the guest of honour on the Brussels Christmas Market,"The Belgian capital Brussels has a Christmas Market (though the city uses the religiously neutral name 'Plaisirs d'hiver) in december every year. It is a custom here to choose a guest of honour (a country or a region) to promote it among Belgians. Last year it was Quebec and before it was Mongolia I think. Efin, this year it is Tunisia. This means that a part of the market is reserved for stands with food and products of the country. Normally the Christmas Market is well visited, but this year most tourists have cancelled their trips to Brussels because of a higher terrorist thread, so sadly it is very quiet. [The explenation of the city council for the choice]( [Some of my photo's](",,,,,,2015-12-03 14:36:29 3vgglu,,5,Orange Tn is testing LTE Advanced for commercial lanuch in early 2016,,,,,,,2015-12-04 20:12:48 3vhlwh,,1,توقعات 2016/مع جوى عياد_لبرج الجدى#كامله,,,,,,,2015-12-05 01:13:58 3vjdyn,,3,Where can I find volunteer opportunities in Tunis?,"I just moved to Tunis a couple of months ago and I want to take part in volunteer activities, preferably within an organization. I was thinking about the red crescent, not sure how to contact them or where to go to sign in though. Any other suggestions? Thank you!",,,,,,2015-12-05 13:28:32 3vrsfe,,2,"L'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), Tunisie","Avec 80 pays membres ou observateurs, 20% des échanges commerciaux mondiaux, 1 milliard de citoyens et 400 millions de Francophones à travers le monde, l'OIF est une des plus grandes organisations de ce type. Elle est là pour réunir tous les francophones de la planète et donner accès aux médias internationaux, aux bibliothèques, cours de Français, dernières nouvelles, projets politiques, économiques, sportifs, scientifiques et culturels de la francophonie etc. La r/Francophonie est aussi sur reddit, c'est notre espace commun. Alors venez profiter des nombreuses ressources qu'offre la Francophonie et exprimez-vous en Français, sur la toile et à travers le monde. A bientôt sur r/Francophonie. ",,,,,,2015-12-07 09:11:16 3w08o9,,6,Documenting Tunis for future generations,,,,,,,2015-12-09 00:33:42 3wlhez,,1,Tunisia's New counter terrorism campaign comes complete with a spooky video,,,,,,,2015-12-13 02:27:08 3wn30j,,4,when are we making a tunisian redditors meeting ?,,,,,,,2015-12-13 12:17:25 3x112z,,2,How many of you smoke shisha?,"As someone from the US we don't really have shisha (or as we call them, hookah) places. However, it's impossible to not find a place that has it here. I've gotten to where I'm a pretty regular smoker (at least once a month) and thoroughly enjoy going out for some tea and shisha and relaxing. I've talked about wanting to get some people together but how many of you would be open to getting together and smoking shisha at a cafe and talking, playing card games (like UNO and regular cards)? As this is easier to plan this could be done on a more regular basis.",,,,,,2015-12-16 02:46:33 3xd31y,,2,Check out this article on current affairs in Tunisia:,,,,,,,2015-12-18 16:56:38 3xglfj,,5,can you guess what doesn't belong in this picture?,,,,,,,2015-12-19 12:48:29 3xi8p2,,1,Supplemental Holiday Security Guidance – Tunisia Mall,"Pursuant to the recent Security Message for U.S. Citizens in Tunisia that was published on Thursday, December 17, 2015 we wish to advise you that a report of unknown credibility indicates the possibility of a terrorist attack at the Tunisia Mall in Berges du Lac on Sunday, December 20, 2015. We advise you to avoid the area.",,,,,,2015-12-19 21:17:47 3xma59,,3,"What kind of fruit is that on the top, and what is its purpose?",,,,,,,2015-12-20 20:58:17 3yc0cd,,4,New Year - New You! What are your new year resolutions?,"So each year we make resolutions. What are yours? Some of mine: * Make some new friends. I've not met a lot of people here but I want to make some new friends. * Learn French to a fluent conversational level by April 2016 * Lose 100 more pounds and hopefully before summer, if not, then just in the year.",,,,,,2015-12-26 22:45:07 3yge6e,,1,منطقه سيدي بوسعيد تونس,,,,,,,2015-12-27 23:50:13 3ygfi8,,3,مدينه الجم تونس,,,,,,,2015-12-28 00:00:42 3yggw3,,5,مدينه القيروان بتونس,,,,,,,2015-12-28 00:11:13 3ygi7f,,2,مدينه الحمامات التونسية,,,,,,,2015-12-28 00:21:14 3yiqc1,,1,مكرونه بالحوت اكله تونسيه,,,,,,,2015-12-28 13:15:32 3yitwu,,1,الدولما اكله تونسيه,,,,,,,2015-12-28 13:49:18 3yiw99,,1,البروكلو اكله تونسيه,,,,,,,2015-12-28 14:11:28 3ykhyh,,12,Tunisia Becomes First Nation To Put Nation’s Currency on a Blockchain,,,,,,,2015-12-28 21:10:12 3ytgyn,,3,Podcast: The resurgent 'deep state' in North Africa,,,,,,,2015-12-30 19:24:58 3ywrwt,,1,Un nouveau moyen pour faire la publicité en Tunisie,,,,,,,2015-12-31 13:37:16 3z1cpc,,1,jé pirate compte facebook,,,,,,,2016-01-01 17:52:27 3z2y5s,,1,"""Il faut manger!""",,,,,,,2016-01-02 00:57:08 3z2zwu,,1,STUNdard: A method for writing Tunisian,[deleted],,,,,,2016-01-02 01:11:25 3z54f0,,1,(jdid) ahmed capo rap Tunisie Free Style 2016,,,,,,,2016-01-02 13:54:46 3z6621,,3,Does anyone know where I can buy Oatmeal?,,,,,,,2016-01-02 18:43:57 3zgc22,,1,عادات وتقاليد الزفاف فى تونس,,,,,,,2016-01-04 19:51:50 3zjm8q,,8,Whiff - This short documentary was filmed in the medina of Tunis,,,,,,,2016-01-05 10:28:31 3zpr1y,,5,Need your help on something!!!,"Hello guys!!!My name is Peter ,I'm from Romania and I need your help with something.I tried to message an admin of this subreddit but he didn't respond until now and I need help fast! I have a friend who's birthday is next month and she is very passionate about tea.I managed until now to gather some from other countries and regions and I need some from your country aswell. So I was wondering if there`s someone here who is willing to recommend me something that is somehow iconic for your country(I did a little bit of research on this and found out about ""Kamy"" but not a lot of info) and also someone who would be helping me with sending them to Romania with all the costs(buying,shipping,etc...)being supported by me!",,,,,,2016-01-06 13:22:21 3zrwsm,,2,Netflix is now available in Tunisia!,Netflix announced an expansion today and is now available in Tunisia without the use of a VPN. Movies and Shows are expected to be limited for now but I would assume all their original content would be available.,,,,,,2016-01-06 21:23:08 3zvs4x,,7,Tunisian Makarouna vs. Italian Pasta: A Comparison of Two Different Styles,,,,,,,2016-01-07 14:53:53 3zx352,,1,Searchable list of Netflix TV Shows available in Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-01-07 19:36:42 400543,,2,"I've just felt an earthquake. Anyone here from ""banlieue sud""?",Title.,,,,,,2016-01-08 07:44:22 400vwk,,2,Michaëlle Jean (Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie) : « La Francophonie doit être partout où on ne l’attend pas »,,,,,,,2016-01-08 12:24:17 40458b,,3,Typography global alfabet project: i need you! (x-post from /r/typography),"Hey folks, As I am currently doing this typography (I know you love it too) project for my Masters Degree, I will need 30secds of your precious time and a click of your camera. **Long story short: I need you to write down on a paper ""I DO TYPOGRAPHY"" on your own alfabet, take a picture of the results and upload it to me.** edit: I forgot to say, when posting the link, if you can write your country that would be great ""Why do you need it @donstephz?"" Well, I'm a portuguese graphic designer, currently doing my Masters. I was challenged to write down the above sentece in a way that would reflect the human capability of comunicating through typography. My project aims to show on the final artwork that you might have some dozens of ways of writing the exact same thing but on your own cultural way and for that I will need to reach the most alfabets possible to get a wide range of diversity with the same sentence - ""I DO TYPOGRAPHY"" - then I will blend them all together and create a conceptual new alfabet based on all the photos you guys will have sent me merged one above the other. Note: I don't need a translation, but the same sentence in a different alfabet. e.g.: if you are english you will write on the paper ""I DO TYPOGRAPHY"", and if you are french you will still write ""I DO TYPOGRAPHY"" instead of ""JE FAIS LA TYPOGRAPHIE"" because it is still the same alfabet. THANKS ",,,,,,2016-01-09 01:17:05 406gaq,http://rayen/fhaiel,1,How are you and you,,,,,,,2016-01-09 14:28:47 40iqd1,,3,Looking for postcard from Tunisia,"Hi guys! I live in Russia, and I want to collect postcards from around the World. Would anyone help me by sending me a postcard from Tunisia? I can send a postcard with nice stamps from Russia in return.",,,,,,2016-01-11 20:34:48 40rimc,,1,Photos needed of the Olympic Stadium and Sports Centre El Menzah,"Hey guys, I'm part of a team that's organizing an exhibition in Bulgaria about architectural projects realized abroad during the Cold War. One of the biggest ones made by Bulgarian architects is the Stadium and Sports Centre ( in Tunis. We already have the blueprints and photos from when it was built, but we really would like to show it as it is today. Here's where we need your help: If you are a photographer or know a photographer that can take a couple of pictures (exterior and interior), please let me know. The photos will be featured in one of the biggest exhibition halls in Bulgaria's capital, Sofia ( in June. Of course, the photographer will be fully credited. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2016-01-13 10:41:27 40rymu,,1,Terrifying ancient crocodile discovered in Tunisia was the size of a bus,,,,,,,2016-01-13 13:16:57 40tqhw,,4,Is Tunisia's democracy failing? | Conflict Zone,,,,,,,2016-01-13 19:43:31 40wwru,éris_so_how_do_you/,4,"Happy Revolution Day mes chéris ! So, how do you feel about Tunisia, 5 years after ZABA?",Are we better off? worse off? Where do you see the country heading ?,,,,,,2016-01-14 09:29:52 40yxbj,,2,Impromptu Reddit Meetup! 6pm Tuesday P'tit Cafe,"*UPDATE* Changed to 5pm. So, aria_white and myself decided to meet up for some tea/coffee/whatever and wanted to see if anyone else is interested? It would be this coming Tuesday. I will have Uno and regular playing cards. If anyone is interested, let me know. [This is the location]( Tunisian Tea is 1TND Shisha is 5TND Not been here in a few weeks so maybe prices changed but not by much. They don't have food so, maybe want to eat before or eat somewhere nearby together is up to you. Lots of food places nearby. So, Who's up for it!? ",,,,,,2016-01-14 18:40:18 40zce9,,1,كيف يعيش بن علي في منفاه بالسعودية,,,,,,,2016-01-14 20:06:24 412wb5,,1,TUNISIA: Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Biography And Profile,,,,,,,2016-01-15 12:30:28 413ial,,4,"A Tunisian Booktubeur's ""Top 5 Booktubeuses Tunisiennes""",,,,,,,2016-01-15 15:23:03 413xhb,,6,Giant Prehistoric Crocodile Discovered in Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-01-15 16:58:02 418mga,,1,"ما معنى اسم ""قائد السبسي"" وما اصله وفصله",,,,,,,2016-01-16 14:33:17 41r4dh,,3,Tunisia vs Guinea Highlights - 18th jan 2016,,,,,,,2016-01-19 22:26:07 41ro9z,,7,Germany and Tunisia talking deportations,[deleted],,,,,,2016-01-20 00:26:15 41v3zc,,3,"Need help finding, of all things, Cat food. *sigh* I feel stupid even typing that.","So here's the skinny, my cat is a picky bastard. We used to get Friskies, I forget the main ingredient but it had olive in it too. It's a bigger yellow bag (not Junior, the regular). The big Carrefour stopped carrying it (only has Junior now) and I've looked in all the Carrefour Markets, Expresses', among small stores, but I haven't been into MG or Geant here. I went to a Geant in Bizerte (we just happened to be in the mall there) and they had Friskies but not that particular flavor (I should have just gotten it anyways). But if you know of anyone carrying any Friskies (not junior), please, let me know where and if possible, how much. My cat has pretty much stopped eating.",,,,,,2016-01-20 16:34:53 42225b,,1,كيف تحصل على أكبر عدد من اللايكات,,,,,,,2016-01-21 21:11:02 422ekh,,1,حي التضامن تونس : اقتحام ونهب محتويات محلات تجارية وفرع بنكي,,,,,,,2016-01-21 22:23:56 4283nv,,4,Tunisia vs Nigeria Highlights - 22nd January 2016,,,,,,,2016-01-22 22:58:54 4291j1,,1,Le discours de beji vu par moi :v,[deleted],,,,,,2016-01-23 02:57:41 4296ic,,2,"Five years on, Arab Spring’s thirst for blood still unsated",A death in Tunisia prompted me to look at the five-year record of the Arab Spring. I wish my conclusions were more positive.,,,,,,2016-01-23 03:34:03 42b1wr,,1,السيسي للتونسيين : ''ما اتضيعوش بلدكم'',,,,,,,2016-01-23 14:38:45 42bbxs,,2,"A look at Tunisia five years after the revolution and the man who started it. ""I changed Tunisia's history. I regret it all now"" (2015)",,,,,,,2016-01-23 15:52:38 42fv8b,,3,Al Jazeera's Inside Story - Is Tunisia's revolution really over?,,,,,,,2016-01-24 13:33:22 42he33,,1,Tunisia declares nationwide curfew after protests,,,,,,,2016-01-24 19:51:42 42hyqs,,1,كيف تصبح فاشلا,,,,,,,2016-01-24 21:52:43 42kmen,,7,Mass protests against unemployment erupt across Tunisia," By Alex Lantier 23 January 2016 Five years after the self-immolation of graduate and vegetable seller Mohamed Bouazizi triggered mass protests against unemployment that escalated into revolutionary struggles that brought down Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, mass protests against unemployment by workers and students have again erupted across Tunisia. After the death at a protest last Saturday of Ridha Yahyaoui, a young man seeking a teaching job in the city of Kasserine in southern Tunisia, protests spread across southern and western Tunisia, to the capital, Tunis, and, by Thursday, across the entire country. A policeman died when his vehicle overturned, and unspecified numbers of protesters were hurt Thursday during clashes in Kasserine, where Tunisian security forces killed dozens of protesters during the 2011 uprising. “I have been out of work for 13 years, and I am a qualified technician. We are not looking for handouts, just our right to work,” electrician Mohamed Mdini told Reuters at a protest in Kasserine. After a rally by unemployed university graduates on Thursday in Tunis, calling for jobs and the fall of the Tunisian regime, the state declared an 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew yesterday across all of Tunisia. The Tunisian interior ministry warned that protests were causing “damage to public and private property.” It threatened to prosecute anyone who defied the curfew, though protesters in Kasserine have already defied a local curfew declared in their region earlier in the week. The eruption of mass protests in Tunisia shows that none of the grievances that drove the working class into revolutionary struggle five years ago against first the Ben Ali dictatorship in Tunisia, then the Mubarak dictatorship in Egypt, have been resolved. The United States and the major European powers spent billions of dollars on wars that devastated the region, from Libya to Mali. At the same time, the NATO powers and the Tunisian capitalist class have failed to meet fundamental social needs of working people or to respect basic democratic rights. After an interlude where the Islamist Ennahda party held power, Ben Ali’s party, the Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD), freshly renamed Nidaa Tounes, returned to power in 2014, with support from Tunisia’s corrupt union bureaucracy and middle class “left” groups. Protests began a week ago, when Ridha Yahyaoui died, electrocuted after climbing on a pole to address a rally of unemployed workers whom the Education Ministry had turned away for jobs. Yahyaoui was one of seven unemployed graduates who were denied employment after organising a sit-in last year and meeting with local authorities to present demands at the beginning of this year. Salem Ayari, the secretary-general of the Union of Unemployed Graduates, told the Huffington Post-Maghreb that Yahyaoui “had recently discovered that his name had been pulled from the list of files to be handed to the prime minister to regularise their situation. … The list was modified and manipulated without consultation with the mayor or the deputy who were taking care of the matter.” Yahyaoui’s tragic death, like that of Bouazizi, triggered protests across the depressed industrial and mining heartlands of southern Tunisia where Kasserine and Sidi Bouzid are located. Construction workers and day laborers in Béja joined the protests, demanding papers and regular working conditions, and protesters marched, blocked roads and tried to occupy municipal buildings in cities across southern and central Tunisia, including Meknassi and Sousse. When the government tried to end the movement on Wednesday by offering concessions to Kasserine and promising to create a few thousand jobs, workers in other cities across Tunisia joined the movement. Sidi Bouzid, Béja, Kébili, Meknassi, Mazouna, Gabès, Sfax, and Sousse were all hit by protests. Several government buildings, including in Jendouba and Tozeur, were occupied by students and unemployed workers demanding jobs. Protests also hit working class districts of Tunis, where protesters reportedly blocked roads and set a police station aflame. President Béji Caïd Essebsi, a former Ben Ali regime official, spoke to the Tunisian people in a televised address last night, as the government became alarmed over the spread of protests at the end of the week. Briefly posturing as sympathetic to the masses, admitting that “the unemployed cannot wait forever,” Essebsi attacked unidentified people active in the protests for “having helped fan the flames and ordered acts of sabotage and pillage.” Essebsi cynically said he would create jobs without spending any extra money, saying he felt sure the state “can find the necessary funds, at need by taking them away from other projects.” He pledged, however, that whatever his government did, it would respect “all its engagements, financial and otherwise, to its foreign partners,” that is, the major banks and governments in the imperialist countries in Europe and America. Essebsi’s rhetorical promises notwithstanding, the last five years have shown conclusively that the working masses’ demands for basic social and democratic rights are incompatible with capitalist rule in North Africa, and in particular the escalating military interventions of the imperialist powers. Tunisia has been starved of investment and jobs, and hit by bloodshed spreading from neighboring Libya after NATO and its Islamist allies toppled Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s regime in a bloody war. In Tunisia, unemployment is over 15 percent (including over a third of the youth), the informal economy is equivalent to 54 percent of gross domestic product, and purchasing power has fallen 40 percent since the beginning of the revolution, Tuniscope reported. Above all, the five years since Ben Ali’s collapse have illustrated that no social protest, however powerful, can produce a victory for the working class without having at its head a revolutionary party. The uprisings of 2011 in Tunisia and Egypt were powerful revolutionary struggles mobilising masses of workers that rapidly smashed the resistance of security forces of feared dictatorships that had previously seemed invincible. In the absence of a revolutionary party fighting to lead the working class in Tunisia, Egypt, and beyond to seize state power and create a socialist society, however, both regimes ultimately were able to stabilise themselves. After power briefly shifted into the hands of the Islamists, figures in the entourage of the former autocrats—Essebsi in Tunisia, and General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt—ultimately succeeded in returning to power with the backing of various petty-bourgeois “left” organisations. The bourgeoisie internationally is quite conscious of the role played by these forces and has rewarded them handsomely. The Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) and the Tunisian Human Rights League (LTDH) shared the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize with various business and professional groups. The Nobel committee hailed their “decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia.” As the Tunisian protests are now showing, the UGTT and LTDH did not build a democracy, but a new façade for the return of the old dictatorship, built on intense economic oppression and the suppression of mass opposition in the working class. Their democratic pretensions notwithstanding, they are now trying to strangle the protests and help justify police repression by spreading lurid tales that the protests are infiltrated by terrorists from Libya. The UGTT, a pillar of the Ben Ali regime, issued a statement that briefly called demonstrators’ demands “legitimate,” then proposed deploying UGTT members around state buildings to protect them from protesters. In a statement, it said it “denounces the looting and theft committed by criminal gangs that try to manipulate social protest … and appeals for a general mobilisation of its members to protect the facilities of public and private institutions.” Hamma Hammami, the leader of the Workers party that is a key element of the Popular Front, a middle class “left” grouping that allied with Nidaa Tounes before the 2014 elections, is also making clear that his party again wants to block a revolution in Tunisia. Speaking to Mosaïque FM, he said that while Popular Front members “admittedly join the protests,” this is “with the objective of giving structure to them, so that they preserve a pacific character and are nothing else.”",,,,,,2016-01-25 09:41:24 42mp9z,,1,تقنين المخدرات,,,,,,,2016-01-25 17:58:09 42n5ge,,1,مجس مريخي يكتشف فوهة على سطح كوكب المريخ,,,,,,,2016-01-25 19:20:36 42rbu9,,1,مستوى سطح المحيطات يرتفع بأسرع من المتوقع,,,,,,,2016-01-26 12:51:53 42rcay,,10,Democracy/Autocracy status for selected Arab countries. Viva Tunesia.,,,,,,,2016-01-26 12:56:21 42s9kw,,1,الثقوب السوداء,,,,,,,2016-01-26 16:27:37 42str4,,1,يأتون بتسعة كراسي لعشرة أطفال,,,,,,,2016-01-26 18:14:32 42t2us,,1,Does Any of you went to south korea ? i have few questions,"Hello everyone, Am planning to go to Seoul with a friend this spring (or summer not sure) And i want to know something : is it better to go alone or with a traveling agency (price-wise) i found out that the average airplane ticket price is ~1400tnd (*back and forth*) per person, so it will cost around 3000tnd to just go there, we are going to spend a week and i did some research and it seems that it won't pass 1000tnd for both of us. So in total it would cost around 4000tnd for two persons. Am wondering if the traveling agency will be any better. Also to any of you who went there, if you have any advice just throw it here, we will highly appreciate it :) Thank you ",,,,,,2016-01-26 19:03:32 42uga0,,3,Niger vs Tunisia Highlights - 26th January 2016,,,,,,,2016-01-26 23:35:58 42xi3c,,1,في مجتمعنا,,,,,,,2016-01-27 13:40:33 42zrau,,1,مشهد امرأة مستلقيّة على رفّ في روّاق بيع الأسماك في تونس,,,,,,,2016-01-27 21:21:33 42zso1,,2,'I changed Tunisia's history. I regret it all now',,,,,,,2016-01-27 21:28:46 4306qc,,1,علماء الفلك يكتشفون أول نجوم الكون,,,,,,,2016-01-27 22:45:33 433k7m,,1,Handball : la Tunisie organisera la CAN 2020,,,,,,,2016-01-28 14:44:22 433mwy,,1,Handball : la Tunisie organisera la CAN 2020,[removed],,,,,,2016-01-28 15:03:13 433svn,,3,New subreddit for Jobs!,,,,,,,2016-01-28 15:41:59 435u01,,1,عندما يغير الاستعمار أسلوبه,,,,,,,2016-01-28 22:50:22 438u0f,,1,sobflous pratique pour NETELLER et G2A,[removed],,,,,,2016-01-29 13:45:00 438zie,,5,Can someone explain to me what is happening in Tunisia these days ?,"Hello, I'm Moroccan and I love Tunisia as much as I love Morocco, I don't watch TV at all, and I want someone to explain to me what is happening these days in Tunisia and why. Thank you.",,,,,,2016-01-29 14:27:11 43b2su,,1,Need help with the name of a cereal?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-01-29 21:53:01 43zabx,,5,Human Rights Watch urges Tunisia to reform drug policy,,,,,,,2016-02-03 10:39:54 440zq6,,2,"Hello, r/Tunisia, we'd like you to come join us at r/MiddleEasternMusic. Come represent and share Tunisian music with Reddit!",,,,,,,2016-02-03 17:59:51 442enr,,1,Assistance on a school project.,"Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me on a college project relating to Tunisia. I am wondering if society in Tunisia is either of a indulgence or a restraint society. This is in which either free/instant gratification or the need to control or restraint the gratification of needs of the population/individuals. Thank you in advance. :)",,,,,,2016-02-03 22:58:04 448t2s,,2,Traveling to Tunisia in March - questions about recent protests/safety/etc.,"I am a Canadian traveling to Tunisia at the end of March. It is a private tour (focused on Roman archaeology, just with myself and a travel partner and our driver/translator). With the recent protests, my travel partner is becoming concerned about safety. Canada has recently changed their advisories to recommend against all non-essential travel to the Kasserine governate, which is very near to four of the cities/sites that we are currently planning on going to: Bulla Regia, Haidra, Sbeitla, and El Kef. (Of course, these are some of the sites that I'm most interested in!) Does anyone live in or have any recent experiences with these cities/regions? Hoping for reassurances that things are basically fine but also want to go in with as much information as possible and will amend our itinerary as necessary. Our tour provider has assured us that things are fine, but any other perspectives/advice would be welcome. We're really looking forward to the trip and experiencing this beautiful country. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2016-02-05 02:42:22 44akph,,1,جورج وسوف - الأطلال - سلطنة خطير,,,,,,,2016-02-05 12:14:19 44eb17,,1,What dish do you believe best represents Tunisia?,"I'm making a spreadsheet listing down the special national dishes of as much countries as possible so that I can taste each of their cultures. What do you think is the best dish to represent Tunisia? I've been going around reddit looking for dishes and here are examples: Iran: Ghorme Sabzi Kenya: Nyama Choma Vietnam: Banh mhi, Pho I am a foreigner and will most probably only understand English. Thank you for replying! Note: I know countries have diverse cultures and peoples so feel free to post dishes from individual regions!",,,,,,2016-02-06 02:45:28 44loxk,,1,The Top 10 Things to Do in Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-02-07 14:01:15 44lp0r,,7,La ville de Sousse (place encore incertaine) va organiser une série d'ateliers de contribution dans les projets Wikimédia,,,,,,,2016-02-07 14:02:00 44qqba,,2,Hollywood War Propaganda - ‘13 Hours - The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi’ - Theater Trailer (2016) [02:33 min],[deleted],,,,,,2016-02-08 12:40:47 44wh51,,2,Looking for a video,I have been looking for the montage Al Jazeera did for the Tunisian revolution. The one where they pictured the civilian hand shaking the police man (army soldier?).,,,,,,2016-02-09 12:38:04 45a29k,,6,How Tunisia’s Crooked Cops Are Undermining the Revolution,,,,,,,2016-02-11 17:53:24 45pos6,,1,Habib Essid Reshuffles Cabinet,,,,,,,2016-02-14 10:04:37 45pq1k,,1,Nidaa Tounes Split: Marzouk Announces New Party,,,,,,,2016-02-14 10:15:02 45px4c,,1,Freedom House ‘World Freedom 2016’: Tunisia 79/100,,,,,,,2016-02-14 10:57:38 45pybd,,1,"Atlantic Council, Madeleine Albright visit Tunisia",,,,,,,2016-02-14 11:08:48 45qyv1,,1,Tunisia: Increased Military Presence on Libyan Border,,,,,,,2016-02-14 14:43:00 46408v,,2,ARP Speaker Ennaceur to Address European Parliament on Libya,,,,,,,2016-02-16 19:06:35 46664o,,2,My white American Christian brother is about to do an incredibly misguided thing; I'd like your thoughts,"First-time poster here. My brother is quitting his youth ministry job at the end of the month to begin training to move himself, his wife, and his three very young children to Tunisia in order to spread Christianity. It's my understanding that proselytizing is illegal there. He has assured me that he's not exactly going to be proselytizing but instead going to focus on working with Tunisian Christians to plant and grow churches. Full disclosure: I'm an atheist. So I think this is a dumb idea for a lot of reasons. I'm curious if any Tunisians could comment on whether they think this is as dumb an idea as I think it is. To me, this seems like a foolhardy and dangerous endeavor, given the dubious legality of his mission and the looming threat of ISIL and other militant groups like Ansar al-Sharia. I'd really like your input.",,,,,,2016-02-17 03:00:11 4666w8,,0,مدونة خاصة بالقصص بالدارجة المغربية عونونا اتمنى تنال اعجابكم,,,,,,,2016-02-17 03:04:56 468cn3,,3,Why do people sell safes on the side of the road?,"I've seen this in Tunis and Nabeul for the past 6 months, but hadn't seen it in previous years. I get that it's a high value item that's not gonna be ruined by sitting by the road. But how often do people buy safes that you need multiple places to do so along the highway?",,,,,,2016-02-17 12:59:36 46aso7,,3,Life in tunisia,"I may go to live in Tunisia and I wonder how it is to live in tunisia. I hope to not only spend time with expat, but also meet natives. Few questions : - are the locals warm and nice ? - is tunisian culture insteresting ? - is there interesting people to meet ? - I only speak french and english. Is it enough ?",,,,,,2016-02-17 20:30:19 46bi77,,1,Tunisian Diplomatic Corps Union Protests Political Appointment,,,,,,,2016-02-17 22:45:58 46dznb,,1,Mongi Hamdi: disappearance of Chourabi and Geutari “remains a dark spot”,,,,,,,2016-02-18 09:32:13 46e3b1,,2,Presidential Guard to Provide Security for National Anti-Corruption Authority,,,,,,,2016-02-18 10:06:10 46e3us,,1,"Publicité Tunisie - Diffusez vos annonces à + de 50,000 personnes sur Facebook?",,,,,,,2016-02-18 10:11:17 46ekwx,,1,Prime Minister Essid Meets with G-7 Ambassadors,,,,,,,2016-02-18 12:49:01 46hpdd,,1,Cabinet Meeting Ahead of ‘National Dialogue on Employment’,,,,,,,2016-02-18 23:39:33 46iuin,,1,Tunisian ‘Romdhani Brothers’ Abducted in Libya Freed,,,,,,,2016-02-19 04:14:14 46j82y,,2,"India, Tunisia and Tata Motors to Increase Ties and Sales",,,,,,,2016-02-19 05:56:07 46jgk8,,4,Mehdi Jomaa Announces New Political Party ‘Tunisia Alternatives’,,,,,,,2016-02-19 07:05:31 46rzui,,1,"Army Patrol Finds Camp, Explosives, Remains From Previous Patrol Identified",,,,,,,2016-02-20 21:19:12 46wbri,,2,Tunisia State of Emergency Extended Thirty Days,,,,,,,2016-02-21 17:49:39 46xxhe,,1,Islamic State Recruitment Cell Six Arrested in Tunis Suburb of Ettadhamen,,,,,,,2016-02-21 23:27:59 476efo,,1,"Civilian Killed, Sixteen Militants Arrested in Jendouba",,,,,,,2016-02-23 12:36:34 476s8c,,0,"Zied Laadhari to Launch Forsati Job Program, Again?",,,,,,,2016-02-23 14:23:41 476z9z,,1,Political Significance of January Protests on Governance in Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-02-23 15:07:25 479zhj,,2,Nine Municipal Special Delegations Dissolved,,,,,,,2016-02-24 01:18:13 47af3e,,3,EU 75 Gives Million EUR Grant to Tunisia Through PAR IV Program,,,,,,,2016-02-24 03:00:28 47arrw,,3,European Investment Bank Signs EUR 250 million in Agreements in Tunis,,,,,,,2016-02-24 04:23:14 47c6io,,2,Tunisian tech startups?,"Hello, I'm looking for feedback from people who have established or worked for a Tunisian based tech startup. - Are your clients more in Tunisia or outside (EU?) - Is it easy to get incorporated? What are the most complicated thing you dealt with regarding local regulations? - Did you work with any government organization? How did it go? - What are the most important things one should know about the local labor laws? I'm studying the feasibility of creating a small business within a year or two. Thanks. ",,,,,,2016-02-24 11:39:11 47h2yx,,2,Council of Ministers Approves Draft Law on AFESD Loan for Dam & Irrigation Project,,,,,,,2016-02-25 03:54:20 47hbgx,,3,Compulsory Vocational Training Program Moves Ahead,,,,,,,2016-02-25 04:55:27 47ixc0,,4,European Parliament backs more duty-free olive oil imports into the EU to help Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-02-25 13:47:12 47p8ba,,1,العلامة الامام ابن عاشور,,,,,,,2016-02-26 14:29:17 47rwof,,2,"Tripoli Claims to Have Killed Noureddine Chouchane, Target of Feb 19. U.S. Airstrike",,,,,,,2016-02-26 22:47:27 47ulbn,,0,Missed call from Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2016-02-27 11:49:29 484ii3,,1,Prime Minister and Interior Take Action Against Security Union,,,,,,,2016-02-28 18:35:13 484n31,,1,"Unpredictable event, join us now if you can.",,,,,,,2016-02-28 19:00:59 486b6e,,1,Studying in Tunisia this summer - questions,"Hi, I'm going to be studying in Tunisia this summer and I have a lot of questions. Any insight or help would be much appreciated. 1. How much will an apartment cost? It doesn't need to be top-of-the-line; just someplace to stay when I'm not studying or at work. I'll be near Carthage, if that makes a difference. What sorts of things should I look for? 2. All the Arabic I know is FoosHa (MSA). Will this be a detriment? I also speak Spanish (and English, of course) but, to my understanding, French is much more prevalent. 3. While I'm there, I was hoping to travel around since I've never been before. However, I won't have a car or anything. Is public transportation sufficient to get me most places? What else should I look at? 4. Can someone explain the calling card thing to me? I've heard so much about calling cards in Tunisia and how helpful they are. Do they have some other benefit other than making phone calls that I don't know about? 5. What are the day-to-day expenses that I may not know about? And what are customs on taxes, tipping, etc? 6. Are there public beaches or are they all privately owned? (That may sound really naive but I've never lived someplace with beaches that have swimmable water) Any other advice you have would be great. Shukran!",,,,,,2016-02-28 22:24:29 489ub5,,1,Student requesting interviews,"Hi ! I'm a French student currently preparing a project about Tunisia today, and more generally after the revolution. For this reason, I'll be in Tunis from March 6 to 8 to conduct interviews with people who lived the revolution and the situation that emerged from it, one way or another. The interviews will be recorded, and the project will be published under two formats : A short documentary, and an article later on. This is *not* a commercial project by the way, so I will not be making money out of your time ;) . If you want to participate, feel free to send me a message !",,,,,,2016-02-29 11:48:25 489ws7,,1,"Military Patrol Intercepts Smugglers on Libyan Border, One Dead",,,,,,,2016-02-29 12:09:50 48amqf,,1,Crisis Cell to be Set Up at Ras Jedir for Tunisians in Libya,,,,,,,2016-02-29 15:12:13 48bw0f,,0,U.K.: Military Training Team Deployed to Tunisia Earlier this Month,,,,,,,2016-02-29 19:22:57 48g1gc,,1,You want hot fuuucking? Where you can find partners 56pOKK,,,,,,,2016-03-01 12:28:40 48jcn2,,0,C'est le mois de la francophonie - journée internationale de la francophonie le 20 mars,,,,,,,2016-03-01 23:46:47 48ksxh,,1,Tunis: Start of Consultations on Human Rights Commission,,,,,,,2016-03-02 05:44:06 48njns,,3,"Travel Alert - Tunisia | Tunis, Tunisia - Embassy of the United States",,,,,,,2016-03-02 18:45:42 48nq6p,,2,Clashes In El Amria as Militants Cross Into Tunisia from Libya,,,,,,,2016-03-02 19:18:46 48xuw2,,6,"Tunisian diplomacy owes NYC $105,525 in parking tickets!",source:,,,,,,2016-03-04 15:49:50 491txp,,1,How is the economic climate in Tunisia right now?,"Hi, I am from Saudi Arabia and as you all know, the economic and security climate there are at their all time low. I am studying options to nope the fuck out. But I can't imagine myself living in a European or an American country, the culutre is too different and I personally was subjected to racism against arabs when I went there for a visit. Tunisia seems politically stable for the most part after the revolution and it grew bigger in my eyes when they went against the latest ""Arab"" league decision. How is the economic climate and standard of living there?",,,,,,2016-03-05 09:19:38 492vib,,1,اليهودي حاشاك,,,,,,,2016-03-05 15:48:50 497wld,,2,"U.S., German Military Engineers to Arrive at Tunisia-Libya Border on Monday",,,,,,,2016-03-06 16:11:21 49bw56,,5,Terrorists attacked military barracks in Bengardane,"Tataouine radio reported heavy clashes around the local military barracks of Bengardane. 13 terrorists killed, 6 captured, one customs officer killed. Reports of civilians killed including 12 yo girl. Operation still going...",,,,,,2016-03-07 09:28:38 49c0qw,,1,Nouvelle boutique en Tunisie spécialisé dans la vente des récepteurs starsat HD en ligne,,,,,,,2016-03-07 10:16:13 49c6xx,,5,Dozens Killed in Major Attack on Ben Guerdane,,,,,,,2016-03-07 11:16:58 49eflb,,4,"At least 50 dead, including 35 militants, as Tunisian forces repel border attack",,,,,,,2016-03-07 19:56:18 49fdio,,4,President Essebsi Vows to “Exterminate Terrorist Rats” After Deadliest Attack in Tunisian History,,,,,,,2016-03-07 23:09:36 49iret,,2,Prime Minister Essid: Tunisia Faces “Total War Against Terrorism”,,,,,,,2016-03-08 14:41:07 49ixj4,,6,What to wear in Tunis,"Hello friends! I'm coming to visit your beautiful country this April, but becasue I'm unfamiliar with the climate you guys have down there, I don't know what kind of clothing to bring. Any other advice on being a tourist in Tunis would be appreciated as well! p.s. You have my condolonces on what happened in Ben Guerdane.",,,,,,2016-03-08 15:21:12 49jlv3,,1,Sekrritoo - Tunisians confessing their secrets,[deleted],,,,,,2016-03-08 17:46:13 49l8pr,,1,Can tourists who have been to Tunisia please help with my dissertation it will only take 3 minutes thank you,,,,,,,2016-03-08 23:35:13 49narv,,1,قبل أن تحسده,,,,,,,2016-03-09 09:03:20 49paih,,1,Tunisia Security Forces Kill 10 ISIS-Linked Militants,,,,,,,2016-03-09 18:08:26 49pmpl,,6,"Tunisia Mourns the Victims of March 7, Ben Guerdane",,,,,,,2016-03-09 19:22:19 49qhsf,,3,Reddit in Tunisia,"Although alot of people speaks fluent English in Tunisia , I cant find a single reddit user beside myself, why is that ?",,,,,,2016-03-09 22:17:40 49t6yw,,3,European Parliament back duty-free imports of Tunisian olive oil with EU producer safeguards,,,,,,,2016-03-10 12:16:08 49vrbq,,2,"ARP: Six Day Work Week, Fined Absences, to Accelerate Legislation",,,,,,,2016-03-10 22:05:53 49x6vt,,3,"Bardo, Tunis: Alarm after Rumors Triggered by Heavy Security Presence",,,,,,,2016-03-11 04:45:57 4a599x,,2,"Ben Guerdane, Defense/Interior Since March 7: ’49 Suspected Terrorist Killed, Nine Arrested’",,,,,,,2016-03-12 20:04:31 4a8h8y,,1,في سارة الموثق,,,,,,,2016-03-13 14:26:17 4aab18,,8,"Despite the security apparatus disfunctions, these guys deserve respect for saving the day",,,,,,,2016-03-13 22:15:26 4ab6d7,,3,Arrests Made After Tunisian Flag Replaced By Islamic State Banner,,,,,,,2016-03-14 02:02:27 4af7or,,2,Secretary General of Internal Security Union Questioned Over Protests,,,,,,,2016-03-14 21:28:40 4aihoq,,2,Thirty Eight of Ben Guerdane Attackers Identified as Tunisian Nationals,,,,,,,2016-03-15 13:46:21 4akan0,,3,Platform for Mehdi Dogguy from Tunisia - this year only candidate for Debian Project Leader,,,,,,,2016-03-15 20:29:42 4ap7yo,,3,Les Dunes Electroniques - A music festival held amongst the set of Tataouine from Star Wars! (X post from TIL),,,,,,,2016-03-16 18:50:46 4aproj,,3,Tunisia & the Government Spokesman Who Shouldn’t Speak,,,,,,,2016-03-16 20:53:41 4avz43,,1,samii,,,,,,,2016-03-18 00:31:48 4aw5bk,éponde_à_moi/,0,Réponde à moi,Je suis chez moi,,,,,,2016-03-18 01:15:30 4b0f4r,,7,Hi ; I made this blog to share Tunisian food.Take a look .,,,,,,,2016-03-18 21:52:34 4b0pt9,,8,Tunisia Commemorates Victims of Bardo Museum Attack with Mosaic Memorial,,,,,,,2016-03-18 23:09:42 4b3mcp,,1,Voiture à vendre,,,,,,,2016-03-19 16:05:04 4b43iw,,1,Hello! I am a subreddit ambassador from /r/iranian. Would you like to have a cultural exchange with us sometime in the future?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-03-19 18:08:48 4b4m92,,5,Two Militants Killed in Clashes Near Ben Guerdane,,,,,,,2016-03-19 20:23:21 4b62sf,,1,Global Empire: Tense Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-03-20 03:00:42 4b9l79,,5,"Tunisia: 60 Years of Independence, the Past",,,,,,,2016-03-20 22:20:52 4barzd,,1,Heavy Gunfire and Explosions in Ben Guerdane Standoff,,,,,,,2016-03-21 03:44:27 4bcffk,,1,Mercedes-Benz E -09 à vendre,,,,,,,2016-03-21 14:18:07 4bdan4,,4,What are your favourite films from Tunisia? /r/movies has a thread for it right now!,,,,,,,2016-03-21 17:37:07 4bh9s3,,5,Tunisia: State of Emergency Extended Three Months,,,,,,,2016-03-22 12:58:03 4bkxin,,3,Hello! I am a subreddit ambassador from /r/iranian. Would you like to have a cultural exchange with us sometime in the future?,"Definition of a cultural exchange: you will create a thread on your sub and our mods will create a thread on our sub. Both of us will sticky the thread and we will exchange various questions and answers regarding our ways of life and about our country. [Here]( is the big list of all the exchanges that we have done so far. *Take a look*, you might be surprised by whom we have met before. If your decision is yes, I will talk to your mods and schedule an exchange sometime in the future. I have no idea when we will have an opening so the wait could be long. This thread was to see how the reception is by the people of this subreddit. Please, I am not here to stir up political debates. It is only a question. P.S. If you are confused as to why there are 2 Iranian subreddits, it's because there was a schism and we split because of mod drama. It is best if we do not talk about it hence it might become a burden on us in the long run. Motchakeram (Thank you).",,,,,,2016-03-23 03:31:51 4bluib,,1,A vendre ZD kawasaki 750 -12 sur,,,,,,,2016-03-23 09:45:25 4bo3ru,,2,Summer Housing,[deleted],,,,,,2016-03-23 19:42:41 4bsdtc,,1,Immobilier Tunisie - appartement à vendre Ennasr 2,,,,,,,2016-03-24 16:46:17 4bt8cp,,2,Municipal Elections Can Be Held in December at the Earliest,,,,,,,2016-03-24 19:53:37 4bv21u,,3,Tunisian Government: Production Blocking Protests “Economic Terrorism”,,,,,,,2016-03-25 03:38:53 4c16ha,,1,voiture a vendre - Mercedes C180,,,,,,,2016-03-26 13:37:11 4c33v0,,1,Volunteers needed for The Great Translation Project,[removed],,,,,,2016-03-26 22:07:11 4c6kb7,,5,"World Bank, UN Heads to Tunisia this Week",,,,,,,2016-03-27 18:20:26 4cetev,,0,Jeux gratuit,,,,,,,2016-03-29 10:11:46 4chzkz,,4,I'm doing a research project on North Africans in France for class.,"Salam everyone, I am doing a research project on the status of North Africans within France and would like to have your input. I am concerned primarily with assimilation and discrimination against North African immigrants. If you live in France or are from France and are of North African descent (part, half, or full), I would greatly appreciate if you could take my survey. It would help me a lot as I explore this topic more deeply :) Chokran.",,,,,,2016-03-29 22:54:53 4ci5n4,,3,"UN’s Ban Ki Moon and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim meet with Essebsi, Essid and Ennaceur",,,,,,,2016-03-29 23:34:55 4cktgo,,1,Immobilier Tunisie - appartement à vendre Aïn Zaghouan,,,,,,,2016-03-30 13:46:12 4crf7b,,5,Exporting Jihad: The Arab Spring has given Tunisians the freedom to act on their unhappiness,,,,,,,2016-03-31 18:44:40 4cyufy,,1,"Did anyone go the Kram's Book fair this week? If yes, how was it?",[deleted],,,,,,2016-04-01 23:29:46 4cywd5,,2,"Did anyone go the Kram's Book Fair this week? If yes, how was it?",,,,,,,2016-04-01 23:40:49 4cyyj2,,1,For everyone in here [actually] trying to understand why is there tension in Tunisia: replace 'Wisconsin' by 'the working class and regions other than the capital a few big cities' and 'racism' by 'worldwide politically-backed terrorism'.with a pinch of common sense and reading actual journalism.,[deleted],,,,,,2016-04-01 23:53:47 4cz19l,,5,For everyone in here [actually] trying to understand why is there tension in Tunisia: replace 'Wisconsin' by 'regions other than the capital and a few relatively big cities' and 'racism' by 'worldwide politically-backed terrorism'. With a pinch of common sense and reading actual journalism.,,,,,,,2016-04-02 00:09:39 4d9xfb,,5,How Tunisia's Islamists Embraced Democracy,,,,,,,2016-04-04 06:35:21 4dd6dn,,2,Police Use Tear Gas to Disperse Protesters Blocking Production at Petrofac’s Kerkennah Natural Gas Facility,,,,,,,2016-04-04 21:14:34 4dgqcx,,3,"Less Than One Year After Staff Abducted, Tunisia to Reopen its Consulate in Tripoli",,,,,,,2016-04-05 14:47:49 4dh022,,1,Need translation in arabic for a greeting card for my tunisian friend,[deleted],,,,,,2016-04-05 15:46:43 4dmxgq,,3,#PanamaPapers : Mohsen Marzouk en route pour l’Offshore,,,,,,,2016-04-06 17:58:12 4dsjqu,,5,Tunisia gives a gift to the world : Democracy,"We got to be proud of the huge step Tunisia has taken in the past five years. people ask all the time: why the revolution has succeeded in Tunisia but did not in other countries of the Arab Spring. My explanation is as follows: Corruption in Tunisia, despite very apparent, was not deeply rooted and was limited to the few in the top, whereas in other countries, corrupting was so deeply rooted and the revolution was not able to cleanse everything allowing these people to regroup and come back.",,,,,,2016-04-07 18:56:01 4dw18k,,1,Anyone know a theater that shows movies in English?,"Avengers: Civil War is being released next month and I want to go see it. Unfortunately I need to see it in English. French is okay if it has subs as I do know the comics so i kinda will know what is going on and being said so I don't have to read all of the subs. Also, Suicide Squad is coming out soon too and I want to watch it a few times.",,,,,,2016-04-08 11:54:15 4dwdfb,,2,Travel to Tunisia -,"Hey, wonderful people! I am a young, male British tourist, interested in seeing the East, and wondered about what it would be like for me to visit Tunisia. 1. Are there any risks associated with travel to Tunisia, and how likely is it that I would fall afoul of trouble? 2. What are your personal favorite things to see and do? Thanks in advance. :)",,,,,,2016-04-08 13:28:12 4dyexq,,2,PM Essid: 760 Million TND to Fight Terrorism and Smuggling,,,,,,,2016-04-08 21:06:13 4e3mh1,,1,US Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce Visits Tunisia Ahead of Hearings in Washington on US’s 2017 MENA Aid Budget,,,,,,,2016-04-09 23:41:24 4e7gnd,,4,ARP: Parliamentary Blocs Latest Reshuffle Formally Recognized,,,,,,,2016-04-10 20:34:24 4ea96q,,1,Garelli TS 50 - Annonce Moto en Tunisie,,,,,,,2016-04-11 11:11:22 4eclbb,,1,"Kerkennah: General Strike Over Economic Conditions, Treatment of Petrofac Protesters",,,,,,,2016-04-11 20:24:27 4edu7y,,1,Essay on Post- Arab Spring,"Hello, I am an American student writing on the aftermath of the Arab Spring. If you would so kindly provide me any information for the following questions, I would very much appreciate it. 1) Where the protests in Tunisia, after the self immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, more peaceful or violent. I understand that there were some casualties, but my question is more towards the regards of bi-standers. were citizens that were not directly involved in any critical dangers? Here in the United States we have had some intense protests that have turned violent, but only those directly involved in the rioting were injured. 2) What is the popular opinion among Tunisians in regards towards the end of the regime and the government that has been put into place? As an American reading head lined news, its seems that there is more unrest in the nation than what was done. 3) In comparison to other countries involved in the Arab Spring, do Tunisian's believe that they have achieved the most democratic shift? I apologize if some of these questions appear ignorant, as I am just trying to gain some basic information for the time being. Thank you for your participation in advance",,,,,,2016-04-12 01:15:42 4efef5,,1,Klay bbj المتمردون,,,,,,,2016-04-12 09:52:57 4ei3tf,,1, est l'annuaire des événements en Tunisie,,,,,,,2016-04-12 20:45:32 4em7bk,,5,Americans in Tunis,"Hello Tunisia! I will be traveling with a good friend to Tunis in May. This is a first trip to N. Africa for the both of us, and we are wondering if you could give us travel advice (things to see, to do or don't do, food, night life, safety, etc). Unfortunately, this is merely a 4 day trip, as we will be spending a majority of our vacation in France. We're Americans so we have limited time off from work, of course. You know, the American dream (haha/sob)! It's a short trip, but hopefully it will not be the last. Also, I only know one person there, so if anyone wants to meet up then hit me up! We arrive on May 14th and leave the 18th.",,,,,,2016-04-13 15:55:47 4er78g,,5,Carnegie Endowment: We can — and must — save Tunisia from its troubling recent descent,,,,,,,2016-04-14 13:48:50 4evvb1,,5,Juste pour rire s'implante en Tunisie. La première édition va se dérouler à Hammamet et réunira des humoristes tunisiens et étrangers.,,,,,,,2016-04-15 08:53:52 4eyxc8,,3,IMF Reaches $2.8 Billion Bailout Deal with Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-04-15 21:29:28 4ezl05,,6,What do Tunisians feel toward Phoenician/Carthaginian topics?,"My family is Lebanese, so I grew up with my mum always telling me, 'We're not Arab, we're Phoenician!' It's a big point of pride for some people in Lebanon. Which got me thinking, what do Tunisians feel about that? Do they feel pride towards Carthage? Do they disregard it? Or does it differ from person to person?",,,,,,2016-04-16 00:10:55 4fdlxd,,1,Facebook group for Tunisian Geeks!,"This is a group for people interested in everything Geekdom. Video Games, Marvel/DC movies, board games, and more. It's a place where people can get together and go as groups to the movies and find other people who share the same loves and passions in the Geek Universe as they do. ---->[Check it out and Join!](<-----",,,,,,2016-04-18 19:34:45 4fe6du,,2,ARP Requests Hearing On Kerkennah Violence,,,,,,,2016-04-18 21:30:30 4fktks,,3,"Tunis: ‘Terrorist’ Cell, Including Ansar al Sharia Member Involved in 2012 U.S. Embassy Attack, Dismantled",,,,,,,2016-04-20 01:00:33 4fv4qy,,5,Tunisia's Getting More Guns ($100m in Military Aid) Than Democracy,,,,,,,2016-04-21 21:06:58 4g12mc,,1,قصة المواطن بليغ,,,,,,,2016-04-22 23:26:03 4g5izm,,4,"Tunisia Signs Climate Change Treaty, Keen on Increasing Contribution to UN Peacekeeping Operations",,,,,,,2016-04-23 22:08:51 4g5lhz,,2,Looking for someone with experience of creating a mobile app in Tunis. [Paid Job],"We are a group of university students that's starting a mobile app project. Message me for furth information about the app if interested. ",,,,,,2016-04-23 22:26:37 4g8bqy,,2,Prime Minister Essid: Municipal Elections to be Held in March 2017,,,,,,,2016-04-24 14:24:34 4gc5b1,,6,I'm on my way to Tunisia. What is something I should definitely do in your country?,"Hey! As the title sais, I just boarded the airplane towards Tunis. I have literally no idea what I can do in Tunisia and how long I should spend here. What are some things I should definitely try, see and do? How long do you think I need to see the main spots in your country?",,,,,,2016-04-25 06:45:58 4gehhb,,1,"LibresEnsemble, le nouveau slogan de la jeunesse francophone (reposté de r/francophonie)",,,,,,,2016-04-25 17:48:18 4gfws3,,1,Tunisia Is an Arab Spring Success Story,,,,,,,2016-04-25 22:49:35 4ggigu,,3,"Beji Caid Essebsi on Libyan Unity: “We Have Many Problems With One Libya, How Many Would We Have With Two.”",,,,,,,2016-04-26 01:17:46 4gjsv0,,6,Tension Rising in Ben Guerdane Over Continued Closure of Ras Jedir Border Crossing,,,,,,,2016-04-26 17:05:18 4h6wk2,,1,Tunisie : la francophonie ou Daesh…,,,,,,,2016-05-01 00:11:19 4hglvk,,1,مدونة عربي : 6 خطوات لرفع جودة مدونتك,,,,,,,2016-05-02 11:54:33 4hr9hw,,10,ISIS plot to attack synagogue in Tunisia foiled,,,,,,,2016-05-03 23:07:31 4htj9t,,3,The Jasmine is blooming: Inside Tunisia's entrepreneurial revolution,,,,,,,2016-05-04 08:07:12 4i8z9r,,4,"Ben Othman, great free music from Tunisia",,,,,,,2016-05-07 06:17:41 4i9jku,,2,INS Website with some great information about the state of the economy in Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-05-07 10:39:57 4ia1u3,,2,Real-life Farmville: An app’s high score earned someone a cow,[deleted],,,,,,2016-05-07 13:51:23 4it6lr,,9,Game Of Tunisia (A Game Of Thrones Opening Parody),,,,,,,2016-05-11 04:02:06 4ivb0e,,3,"Two ‘Dangerous Terrorists’ Killed, Sixteen Arrested, in Security Raid Outside Tunis",,,,,,,2016-05-11 14:59:45 4iwmps,,7,Four Tunisian Security Personnel Killed During Raid in Tataouine,,,,,,,2016-05-11 19:25:28 4j2lbi,,1,"National identity card picture with beard, is it allowed ?","Hello, I am about to renew my ID and i really don't want to completely remove my beard, but i cut it (with a 0.1 trimmer) so my face is clearly recognizable. But am wondering about what the law say in this matter ? Thank you **UPDATE** Got my ID card updated today, i gave the guy the bearded pictures and he never complained, didn't even mention it, i was also fully bearded today, and got **ZERO** remarks about it. PS: I did it in the ""national garde office"" and not in a Police office, i've never had any interaction with the police office, but for the 3 occasions i went to the garde office, they were nice and polite. ",,,,,,2016-05-12 20:08:37 4j7feu,,3,"MI: Thirty Seven Arrested, Four Killed Plotting Simultaneous Terror Attacks, Ties to Bardo, Sousse, Tunis and Ben Guerdane Attacks",,,,,,,2016-05-13 17:32:01 4j7zr2,,2,Does the tunisian passport have a passport book number?,"In case it does, which one is it? ",,,,,,2016-05-13 19:35:07 4j8tz1,,1,"The Snake Catchers is dancing,Snake Catchers ist Tanzen,Serpent,King Cob...",,,,,,,2016-05-13 22:46:39 4jat98,,3,Amel Mathlouthi - Bin El Wediane JJMilteau,,,,,,,2016-05-14 09:41:34 4jb3as,,0,voiture a vendre en Tunisie avec des prix imbattable,,,,,,,2016-05-14 11:41:23 4jhgz9,,1,"سبحان الله رجل لا يخاف من ثعبان ضخم بل يرقص معه ,موسيقي يرقص عليها ثعبان...",,,,,,,2016-05-15 19:09:49 4jlvtz,,2,Those Who Dwell Amongst the Rocks: an Extremely Brief History of the Tunisian Revolution,,,,,,,2016-05-16 16:11:49 4jnw07,,1,دلائل الخيرات وشوارق الانوار يوم الأثنين المستجاب لمن ضلمه لااله الا الل...,,,,,,,2016-05-16 23:10:04 4jtct8,,3,"Despite Agreement, Libyan Customs Officials at Ras Jedir Continue Limiting Tunisian Commercial Traffic",,,,,,,2016-05-17 21:53:38 4kaahw,,3,Ennahda’s Shift From ‘Political Islam’ to ‘Muslim Democracy’ at Center of 10th Party Congress,,,,,,,2016-05-20 20:41:23 4kcbq6,,10,Tunisia's Ennahda ‘to separate politics from religion’,,,,,,,2016-05-21 05:42:27 4kdz96,,4,We are looking to build a community in which people can learn and teach about Bitcoin,"Hello! We are looking to start a friendly, healthy and helpful community for all people that want to learn about Bitcoin AND for all of the people that would like to teach others about Bitcoin. We would like a community in which people help others, a community in which answers come in real time and problems are solved, a community in which friendships emerge. We will try to occasionally bring in speakers that are extremely knowledgeable on a certain topic and are willing to share the knowledge. You can join us on Telegram, @ What is Telegram? It is an awesome I.M. app that comes with a huuge number of Bitcoin related communities and a Bitcoin service! Get it at",,,,,,2016-05-21 15:19:02 4kl23g,,1,Who tried ?,"Hi, I want to buy a ps4 and the prices here are **criminally high** so am wondering if any of you have tried []( ""off-topic"" Have you ever had an ""expensive"" electronic device shipped to you from a seller or a friends outside of the country ? i've had this [wacom tablet]( shipped to me as a gift from a friend in Spain last year, and it arrived in a perfect condition, i paid 30dt in the post office to get it, do you think it will be the same for a PS4 ? thanks ",,,,,,2016-05-22 23:16:45 4kxocm,,2,"Weapons Cache Discovered as May 11, Mnhila Counterterrorism Raid Continues to Yield Information",,,,,,,2016-05-25 03:14:52 4l05b7,,1,La Fashion Week de Tunis démarre aujourd'hui — Le Fashion Post,,,,,,,2016-05-25 15:18:50 4l2o7c,,2,Approval of Law on Banks and Financial Institutions Ruled Unconstitutional on Procedural Grounds,,,,,,,2016-05-26 00:12:45 4li68v,,5,Global Reddit Meetup Day! June 25th... wait.. June... 25th... during Ramadan. Any ideas?,"So... June 25th is Global Reddit Meetup Day (GRMD) and unfortunately, it's going to be during Ramadan, which is going to make things difficult. So, what do you guys suggest? Maybe we can meetup after sunset? Perhaps delay it for July 9th, the first weekend after Ramdan? Also, where would you like to meet up? Mokayshi Spirit was where we met up last time. I will check with what they have planned then, if anything. Last time we were there for their Jack Black movie night and it was pretty cool. I'll leave this posted for a couple weeks to get ideas then post another one about who will be coming. #SO PLEASE POST SUGGESTIONS!#",,,,,,2016-05-28 23:51:14 4lkixc,,3,La nouvelle société Afrimesure Tunisie,,,,,,,2016-05-29 14:01:56 4lkueh,,1,I'm so lucky to get gift cards by just few taps! Wanna be lucky too? Use my referral code: bfe8c2e to get 20 bonus coins.,,,,,,,2016-05-29 15:34:16 4lv3qj,,1,حكايات العروي,,,,,,,2016-05-31 13:04:42 4m3sdf,,8,"Tunisia Started the Arab Revolts, Now It’s Beat Back the Islamist Tide",,,,,,,2016-06-01 21:52:05 4mca1c,,1,‘Islamism Is Dead!’ Long Live Muslim Democrats,[deleted],,,,,,2016-06-03 10:32:55 4mccr2,,6,Tunisia’s New Revolution,[deleted],,,,,,2016-06-03 11:01:00 4mmmwj,,1,tunisia live news,,,,,,,2016-06-05 09:06:06 4mst3g,,2,Communiqué de presse: un nouveau déshumidificateur d'air,,,,,,,2016-06-06 13:04:04 4n1ftg,,7,Tunisia: Corrupt Police Officer Caught on Camera Extorting Bribe,,,,,,,2016-06-07 21:25:35 4n57z4,,5,"STARTUP HAUS TUNIS - Anyone in Tunis heard of this, any feedback on this?",,,,,,,2016-06-08 14:14:35 4na1wo,,3,Is it really Illegal to enter a Post station wearing shorts ?,"Hi, I went today to take my renewed ID card ([with a beard \m/]( ) but one of the officers their was literally bitching about me [wearing shorts]( and the conversation was : ____________________________ ـ نورمال جاي بشورط ـ عاد شبيه ؟؟ ـ ما تعرفش لي هذا محل سيادة و ممنوع تدخل لابس شورط ؟؟ ـ لا فيبالي كان البقايع لي تخدم ولاّ تقرى فيهم يفرضوا عليك سروال، و كيف يبدا واحد باش يشكي ؟ يمشي يلبس سروال قبل ؟ ـ لا ممنوع تجي لمركز شرطة في شورط، كان يراك رئيس المركز تو يلوم عليا أنا كيفاه خليتك تدخل. ـ باهي تو المرة جايه ماعادش نجي بشورط ـ تي مازلت باش تجي إنت مرّة جايه ؟ برّ ٱدخل خوذ بطاقتك ___________________ So my question is, is there a law that support this shit o_O ?? (i want answers from law experts/students or anyone who is 100% certains of it, not rumors based on old experiences) Thanks ",,,,,,2016-06-09 09:29:58 4nmmho,,1,Tunisian Economy,[deleted],,,,,,2016-06-11 18:39:45 4nuem6,,3,Chawki Tabib: Ten Urgent Anti Corruption Measures Tunisian Government Must Take,,,,,,,2016-06-13 06:25:56 4nv57c,,1,Creation of Adouma,,,,,,,2016-06-13 11:13:39 4o4mba,,1,happy birthday in Tunisian Arabic?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-06-15 00:26:32 4oc1qt,,2,UPL: Two Cabinet Ministers and Slim Riahi Accused of Systemic Corruption,,,,,,,2016-06-16 06:49:21 4odskj,,2,Cost of sunscreen in Tunisia,"Hi there, would somebody be able to give me any information about the cost of sunscreen in Tunisia please? Thank you",,,,,,2016-06-16 15:10:13 4oi608,,2,Coalition Parties Call For Resignation of Prime Minister Habib Essid,,,,,,,2016-06-17 07:42:14 4oouv6,,1,"Gift Wallet - Get free gift card, awsome reward and make money",,,,,,,2016-06-18 15:09:29 4p0wre,,6,"""Tunisia Economic City"", futur Silicon Valley Africaine ?",,,,,,,2016-06-20 20:48:33 4p1bvb,,5,"A French humanitarian aid worker will stand trial in Versailles today, accused of 41 instances of child sex abuse in Tunisia.",,,,,,,2016-06-20 22:19:47 4p95hg,,2,Three Detained For Burglarizing Home of Tunisian Journalists Union President,,,,,,,2016-06-22 05:47:08 4p9bsv,,3,ARP: Nidaa Tounes Reduces Parliamentary Seat Gap With Ennahda,,,,,,,2016-06-22 06:42:41 4p9l0p,,4,Anyone know what's up with all the helicopters lately?,So for the past couple days it sounds like living near an airport and this morning it sounded like one was about to land in my bedroom. I'm in Laouina. Anyone else notice an increase of helicopters?,,,,,,2016-06-22 08:07:03 4p9vkq,,1,صلاة التراويح سورة يوسف للمقرئ يسن احسن صوت في العالم يهز الروح Surah Yu...,,,,,,,2016-06-22 09:50:36 4prj9y,,3,A good news aggregator that includes a big Tunisia section,,,,,,,2016-06-25 07:27:11 4psfbc,,1,"After Twelve Tunisians Abducted in Libya, Protests in Ben Guerdane Against Libyan Traders",,,,,,,2016-06-25 13:04:26 4psgcd,,9,Hello all! Are you interested in an AMA from the Minister of Technology?,"Hello all, just to let you know, Noomane Fehri, the current minister of technology may be conducting an AMA on reddit, and i wanted to know if you guys are interested, and if i should CrossPost it here if he decides to do so. ",,,,,,2016-06-25 13:12:56 4q1cve,,1,Why don't more Tunisians/North Africans go to university?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-06-27 03:37:26 4q8pu2,,1,"دعاء خاشع مبكي للمقرئ يسن احسن صوت في العالم ليلة رمضان 1437, Doaa subm...",,,,,,,2016-06-28 10:17:02 4qh1ru,,3,A Tunisian military doctor seeking to retrieve his son who had joined Islamic State in Syria was among those killed in Tuesday's suicide attack by militants at Istanbul airport.,,,,,,,2016-06-29 18:20:57 4qkkf8,,5,Tunisie: gaspillage alimentaire record pendant le Ramadan - RFI,,,,,,,2016-06-30 08:06:48 4qrhnj,,2,"[serious] don't you think the government should allow private sector to get into""Adult business""","I honestly think that its more than stupid to limit this sector to the government only. 1st it's hypocrite to claim that this is happening because of religious (Islam) and some other morality rules, it's clear that **many** people here doesn't care about religious rules. But also, it is more than clear that this business is not used as it should be, good money can be made out of it, a lot more than now. So why not allow it ? To be honest, when i see the amount of stupid people who open the kind of clickbaits that say something like : > click here and this artist robe will fall or something like > 10 tips to make you better in bed Imagine a 100% tunisian liveCam website where clients can pay using their creditCards or even better, using their phone credit. The website will make **MILLIONS** per day. And everyone is a winner. * website owner is getting rich * government is getting its taxes * Girls can work safely from their home and make a good income * Stupid perverts (and other normal people) can have a legit way to fapfap So why the fuck the government is the only exclusive party that could work in the sex field o_O ?!? this is not fair",,,,,,2016-07-01 12:32:08 4qzl0m,,1,Is it possible for me to exchange Libyan Dinars in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-07-02 23:27:23 4r4ve9,,2,What are the best Tunisian websites for ordering Computer Parts?,Looking to build a PC and want to look at some prices and parts and order them online (possibly) or at least get an idea on how much it's going to cost. Can someone point me to a good website that sells the parts?,,,,,,2016-07-04 01:29:08 4r9iha,,6,Is it safe for an American male to visit Tunis right now?,"I'll be in Europe this fall and was considering flying to Tunis for 2-3 days. I'm a white, able bodied American male. I'd only stay in Tunis, and my activities will pretty much be eating and exploring. Is it safe? I don't speak the language and can't afford a guide. Thanks!",,,,,,2016-07-04 22:01:39 4rg97u,,1,easy to get prescription pills?,I know in the rest of Africa you dont need a prescription to get xanax valium etc but i went to the pharmacy in tunisia today and the lady was like oh hell no. I am staying in fancier area so I feel like if I go to a pharmacy in a sketchy area i may be able to get it without a prescription. anyone have any experience?,,,,,,2016-07-06 02:08:28 4rj8jf,,4,Anyone down to hangout?,"Now that Ramadan's over, does anyone want to meet up at a cafe or something? I thought it might be fun to play some board games or cards, maybe see a movie. Thoughts? Any interest? I'm in Tunis but I wouldn't be opposed to going somewhere else if that's where others are.",,,,,,2016-07-06 16:11:20 4rjj17,,0,what over the counter drugs can you get in tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-07-06 17:07:31 4rrr49,,3,Nouvelle Plateforme Francophone de micro-services: Créer votre compte gratuit et recevez deux E-books Cadeaux,"Salut à tous les Tunisiens et Eid Moubarak, mon nom est Zack, Créateur de,une plateforme de mise en relation pour Micro-jobs et micro-services. Notre solution offre aux vendeurs et aux acheteurs un espace sécurisé. Si vous avez des petits services ou produits numérique, alors on a exactement ce qu'il vous faut: Inscription gratuite et publication de services illimités et sans frais. Le site est relativement nouveau donc il y a une grande chance que vous deveniez un Top Vendeur très rapidement. Ceux inscrit depuis Reddit vont recevoir un badge niveau 2 qui va leurs permettre d'offrir plus d’Extras à leur services de base. Pour vous guider, voici les étapes simples: 1. L'inscription est rapide et facile, il suffit de remplir les informations de contact de base (email et mot de passe), et vous êtes prêt à vendre! 2. Depuis votre tableau de bord, vous pouvez poster vos produits avec des photos, des fichiers, et le prix. 3. Chaque fois que l'un de vos articles est vendu, vous recevez un e-mail pour vous avertir de la vente. Et vous êtes payé une fois que le service est fourni au client Aussi les avantages par rapport aux autres sites est que vous pouvez choisir d'offrir votre service de base pour 5, 10 ou 15 € au lieu d'un montant fixe de 5 €. Une autre grande nouvelle est que la commission de 20% du site est maintenant fixé à 1 € quel que soit ce que le vendeur paie, même si vous faites une vente de 100 € vous obtenez 99 € de montant finale! N'est-ce pas formidable? Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas! Voici le lien pour ceux intéressés: Merci!",,,,,,2016-07-08 00:01:37 4s0dnn,,7,Google Street View in Tunisia,"Google cars are driving in Tunis and Djerba. Please add photos/link with it.",,,,,,2016-07-09 13:54:45 4s8eeq,,1,Hang out ?,"17M ,who one to hang out and have fun ",,,,,,2016-07-11 01:08:50 4s9uwr,,1,Chirurgie esthetique Tunisie,,,,,,,2016-07-11 08:05:26 4sa4yq,,1,[TN-TN] [H]ell inspiron 3521 + huawei ascend y560-U02 (if allowed) + steam account worth 750$ my original account + verification & all ownerproofs (if allowed)[W] any amd R9 or nvidia gtx 700serie or more & cpu amd fx-8350,[deleted],,,,,,2016-07-11 09:49:42 4sao0b,,1,Beaches of Tunisia,"Romdhan is over, all the families will go to the beaches this summer, what are the best places to go? You can advice each other I'd like to say ""Ras Rmal Djerba""",,,,,,2016-07-11 12:29:47 4sim8e,,1,"Michael Potts Photography, Tunisia",,,,,,,2016-07-12 18:39:46 4sl3pq,,10,[Serious] The mentality of Tunisian people is getting more and more fkdup?,"This country is falling apart day after day, and the mentality of our people is the main cause for this to happen, it's surely not the govermment. Am not going to explain how because if you are a Tunisian Citizen you'll come to this conclusion all by yourself. Well instead of thinking about a way to leave it, let us stop a moment and think, what are the causes that led to such situation? or maybe what are the solutions that'll help to change our ""WRONG"" way of thinking for the better good?",,,,,,2016-07-13 03:36:00 4svod0,,2,Is a 1000 dinars salary for a mid-level management job a fair wage to live by in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2016-07-14 21:17:29 4sym0s,,0,Where to find shrooms in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2016-07-15 11:17:40 4t16ry,,2,Tunisian meetup! July 30th! More details inside.,[removed],,,,,,2016-07-15 20:31:32 4tmoj1,,4,What do the Tunisian Reddit Users Think about homosexuality?,"I was reading an article about this guy, named Ahmed Ben Amor, that tried to commit suicide for second time because people due to harassment by people. He's the vice president of Shams (Tunisian association that defends the rights of homos) For me, I do not have a problem with gay people, the more numbred they are, the more hot chicks are available. But seriously, what do you think about it? do you think it's a sickness as most Tunisian people say or maybe a natural thing? Why it seems that they are more now? do you think Revolution/more freedom is the cause? And If you are a Muslim and you find out that it's not a sickness, what'll be your opinion? ",,,,,,2016-07-19 18:31:53 4tnlfl,,1,"عروس الشمال تستعد لاحتفال بزفاف نجل الملك السعودي سلمان بن عبد العزيز,S...",,,,,,,2016-07-19 21:24:25 4toubx,,4,"Touristic Visa to Spain, help please","Salem, I am planning to go to Spain in August, and i've been told that the most verified way is to go with a traveling agency, i really hate organized ""journey"" where everything is pre-planned and limited. I am going to spend 10 to 20 days there, i am going with my GF and we have a friend in the south of Spain, so freedom of transport is key here. **Questions are** * How hard is it to get a touristic Visa to spain ? knowing that i have more than 10,000dt in my Bank account ? * Legally am still a Student, but i drop out since last year, i am a freelance programmer, so am going to pay for everything by myself (no parents involved, same thing for my gf) * Do you **REALLY** recommend going with a traveling agency ? in that case, do you think the ""freedom option"" is still available ? * Any extra information is **HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!** Thank you!",,,,,,2016-07-20 02:04:18 4tp688,,1,Tunisian LGBT Activist Survives Suicide Attempt,,,,,,,2016-07-20 03:21:34 4tqjrh,,3,How is life for black people in Tunisia?,"Are blacks discriminated? ",,,,,,2016-07-20 10:39:45 4u7xjk,,4,can we use paypal or Visa in Tunisia to buy from amazon or other website?," is really paypal or visa (the card that can help buying by internet) available in Tunisia? some say yes and some say no If yes how can i get it?",,,,,,2016-07-23 11:53:36 4uhs0r,,3,Is there a board game cafe or store in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2016-07-25 09:43:03 4uidah,,5,"Atheism, here and in Tunisia?","I was just curious about atheism in Tunisia. I've grown up in the West, and all of my Tunisian friends who grew up here are atheists. When I visit Tunisia it's a big shock to most people that I'm not a muslim, though I've never really gotten crap about it. It's mostly curiosity. Are there many people on this subreddit that are atheists, and do your friends and family know? Do you feel that atheism is gaining acceptance or popularity in Tunisia? What have your experiences around the subject been?",,,,,,2016-07-25 12:36:10 4unsfu,,2,Are any bloggers and social media activists still active?,Im writing my thesis about the use of social media during the Arab Spring and syrian civil war and would like to contact some bloggers or people that were active on social media during that period.,,,,,,2016-07-26 09:26:28 4uv8on,,8,Studying in Tunisian universities as a foreigner,"I've been trying to find information online but haven't found much. Things such as tuition and programs offered by different universities. I'd appreciate a point into the right direction or at least some information. I did find some info which seems to be outdated (2010) saying public universities cost $29.50 educational supplies included. Thank you. ",,,,,,2016-07-27 15:39:22 4uvdgr,,3,"[law expert] Freelance Programmer want to start a company, what should i do ?","Hi, Been freelancing for the past 3 years, revenue varies from 1500dt to 5000dt per month, i only work with foreigners so all my revenue is in U.S dollar. Currently i am still labeled as a Student and that's why am looking into this, it's time to change that and legalize my situation. So far i didn't consult any law expert about the matter (i can't do that until next week), i've been just looking around the net and almost every topic contradicts with the one before. So i would appreciate it if any of you give me clear information about this. thank you",,,,,,2016-07-27 16:04:59 4uwewh,,3,"IIL ""Bolice 7ala 3adiya"", ""Dar louzir"" and ""Dar lekhla3a"" WEWIL ?","Hello tunisians ! I really liked the series mentionned in the title, especialy dar louzir and dar lekhla3a, but didn't like ""nsibit la3ziza"" or ""choufli 7al"" for example. What can you recommend me to watch next ? Looking forward to hearing from you.",,,,,,2016-07-27 19:22:49 4v2525,,9,121 Experts Call on President Obama to Visit Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-07-28 18:15:01 4v3dx4,,4,Is premarital sex illegal?,"I keep hearing people saying that it's illegal, but searching through Tunisia's legislation portal I can't find any law that states so. If it is true (which I doubt), could someone please point me to the law. Thanks",,,,,,2016-07-28 22:32:33 4vbrw3,,2,"aaslema, chnawa hwalek?",Hey how are you ? :) ,,,,,,2016-07-30 11:48:50 4vdugr,,2,Habib Essid on his final moments,,,,,,,2016-07-30 20:32:23 4vfala,,1,Bazoocam Alternative with More Girls - RouletteB,,,,,,,2016-07-31 02:39:14 4vjqn8,,1,سعد لمجرد Saad Lamjarred يرقص على إيقاعات التونسيه بمهرجان قرطاج 2016,,,,,,,2016-07-31 23:52:38 4vl5lh,,1,"""Crowding is criminal for 50yrs"" - a photo I took in my 2016 Tunisia road trip",[deleted],,,,,,2016-08-01 06:20:17 4vr01j,,3,Any skaters around?,"Hey guys! I'm a tunisian expat that lived in the UAE for most of their lives and has been in Tunis for some studying, soul searching, and to connect with family. I've recently gotten into skating, well longboarding actually, and am trying to learn it well are there any others out there? Also this can just be a general expat thread. ",,,,,,2016-08-02 05:49:56 4w5ly5,,3,Female Traveling to Tunis?,"I am a female who was born in the US, but all of my family still resides in Tunis. Before the revolution, my parents and I would travel back every other year to visit family. I have not been back for almost 5 years, due to safety concerns. I would really love to go back and see my family again, but do you guys think it is safe for a woman to travel back there alone? (I am a Tunisian citizen fyi)",,,,,,2016-08-04 17:13:34 4w6yfz,,1,Tunisians and jealousy/mistrust,[deleted],,,,,,2016-08-04 21:37:14 4w9nfp,,2,is it possible to buy mechmoum online?,"Hey, I'm wondering if there is a service online where I can buy a tunisian handmade mechmoum (and be delivered abroad)? thanks",,,,,,2016-08-05 09:48:02 4wkzb1,,1,new clip houmani hay tadhamen 105,,,,,,,2016-08-07 14:12:16 4wsoc3,,10,Anti Black Racism in Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-08-08 21:41:43 4ww9lg,,2,Tunisian Highway network,[deleted],,,,,,2016-08-09 13:50:02 4wyiba,,3,"Road trip, questions","Hi, I'm planning to travel around Sousse and I had 2 questions: - Where I could find old style barbecue shop over the road near to Sousse? ( More in the south there were a village call el fej where à lot of bbq, is there something similar over Sousse?) - On the old road comming from the south to tunis, there were women cooking bread in traditionnal hoven. What was the name of this village? Thanks for your help R.",,,,,,2016-08-09 21:04:20 4wzn7k,,2,Is anyone willing to travel to one of the Star Wars shooting locations in the desert and collect some sand for me?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-08-10 01:10:36 4x9nhi,,1,Rio 2016- Escrime: Ines Boubakri remporte la médaille de Bronze en fleuret,[deleted],,,,,,2016-08-11 18:56:26 4x9phy,,9,"Inès Boubakri, première Africaine médaillée olympique au fleuret",,,,,,,2016-08-11 19:06:41 4y1ph2,,1,Tunisia Trip,,,,,,,2016-08-16 20:36:37 4y4993,,1,"Tunisie : nouveau gouvernement, et après ?",,,,,,,2016-08-17 07:07:00 4ybz7f,,4,Tunisia ComiCon 2016,,,,,,,2016-08-18 12:28:13 4ydvlf,,3,Is it safe to visit tourists resorts in Tunisia for holidays right now?,"Hi! My girlfriend and me have an option to go to Hammamet in Tunisia next week for vacations. I must say I'm bit nervous about this travel since all the terrorists attacks on tourists last year. I wonder if people from Tunisia or someone who recently visited that beatiful country would be able to advise something on that matter. Are the hotels and beaches secured somehow after those accidents? Is it safe to walk alone in the city? Or to visit some tourists places nearby? Thanks in advance for any replies! // edit 22.08: Thank you all for answers! We made the decision and bought the tickets yestarday. I hope it will be good and peaceful trip :-)",,,,,,2016-08-18 18:24:57 4ykq27,,0,"I'm sorry, Sara.",[removed],,,,,,2016-08-19 19:18:46 4ypw7v,,3,"Hello, I'm looking for nice Sidi Bou Said Wallpapers",Can't seem to find any whatsoever. ,,,,,,2016-08-20 16:40:47 4yvgx8,,2,Tunisian PM-designate presents new government line-up,,,,,,,2016-08-21 15:48:32 4yzw6f,,5,Babikir Faysal Babikir: Has political Islam truly failed (in Tunisia)?,,,,,,,2016-08-22 10:27:10 4z85m6,,1,Tunisia wants to join Eurasian Economic Union • /r/EurasianEconomicUnion,,,,,,,2016-08-23 19:03:58 5063j7,,3,What's the best Beer in Tunisia ?,"Hi, I was never a big fan of drinking because of the lack of good places and among my friends drinking was never a casual thing to do like going to a normal coffeeshop or something similar, it always had shitload of pre-planning and after-planning it just annoys me. Anyway, last saturday i went with three of my friends to a ""restaubar"", i wasn't planning to drink anyway cause i am the driver in the group, but i gave it a taste (Celtia) and man it was **PURE SHIT**, a fellow friend who lives in Canada said that he had many beers there that taste much better than our local brands, but for now, i just want to ask if there is a better liquor that doesn't taste like rotten milk. PS: pleaase don't give me the : > its always bad in the beginning, you'll get used to it later i don't want to get used to a shitty thing, that's why i don't smoke, if am not hooked since the first try, then its not worth it. thank you",,,,,,2016-08-29 17:14:27 508mm6,,1,Tunisia attack kills three soldiers,,,,,,,2016-08-30 01:41:12 508uny,,1,Identifyin Tunisian food,[deleted],,,,,,2016-08-30 02:33:04 508xj1,,3,Identifying a Tunisian dish,This YT [link]( is from a South Korean documentary called Noodle Road. It shows a Tunisian mother preparing a pasta-like dish. Exactly what is this called? I can't find anything about this in the English version of Wikipedia.,,,,,,2016-08-30 02:51:32 50gold,,1,Two ISIS-Linked Terrorists Killed in Tunisia Raid: Ministry,,,,,,,2016-08-31 11:23:08 50ipmp,,1,At least 16 Dead and 85 injured in Tunisia Road Accident,,,,,,,2016-08-31 18:30:12 50w4nj,,3,looking for work at week-ends,[deleted],,,,,,2016-09-02 23:22:47 516wfk,,4,The Tunisian Pirate Party has a subreddit now,,,,,,,2016-09-05 00:42:05 51ln7b,,1,"Vu de Tunisie : le burkini, insulte au combat mené chaque jour par les femmes arabes",,,,,,,2016-09-07 14:54:47 51lzzo,,1,Tunisia calls for ban on radical Islamist party,,,,,,,2016-09-07 16:05:20 51qlr1,,6,Information about new Tunisia minister of culture,"Hi everybody. I read this article on the new minister of culture. Anybody can tell me if it is a partial view of this newspaper, or it is the rial truth? Thank you",,,,,,2016-09-08 10:16:56 51uolb,,1,"Video: Tunisia, a Paralympic heavyweight",,,,,,,2016-09-09 00:48:54 52r4lf,,1,Jihadist Indoctrination in Children's TV Shows? You Better Believe It. - Gatestone Institute,,,,,,,2016-09-14 15:48:29 52t6rt,,1,je ne peut pas voire cette séquence,,,,,,,2016-09-14 22:42:05 52xnyc,,11,"My monthly income since i decided to start Freelancing in 2012 + overall details on each period. Feel free to ask anything, i'll be glad to help",,,,,,,2016-09-15 18:41:38 53io0a,,4,ANNAVA - Zaboubia / الزّبوبيّة,,,,,,,2016-09-19 17:21:14 53l36c,,5,Mexicans in Tunisia,"A friend just returned from a northern Africa vacation. He was telling he hung out with some Mexicans from Cancun in Tunisia. They said they were just there to party. I didn't know Mexicans partied in Tunisia. I guess it makes sense. Everyone goes to Cancun to party so where do Mexicans go to party? Tunisia. But that seems a little far to go to party. Maybe Spain or something since they speak the same language. Does this sound strange to anyone? Or am I just being a skeptic?",,,,,,2016-09-20 01:46:13 5464as,,3,How do I ask a Tunisian girl out (on a date)?,"I am Tunisian, But due to my parent's occupation, I only visited Tunisia during the summer holidays. Right now I am a student at a university here and there is a girl at my uni that I really like, however I am afraid that due to cultural differences,I am gonna do something horribly wrong ... Any suggestions?",,,,,,2016-09-23 18:14:01 546m3l,,2,looking for people intrested in mounting a cinema club in the region of sahel .,,,,,,,2016-09-23 19:51:40 54bizm,,3,[law] what happen if you don't return the touristique trip money in time ? (the € or $ money you take from the bank before traveling),"Hi, In 2012 i was going to Italy to spend few weeks with my cousin, but it was cancelled (health issue). Before going my mom exchanged a little amount of money for me (~700TND --> €350). When the trip was cancelled my mom didn't return the money to the bank right away because she didn't knew that she have to return it. 2 years later (2014) the subject was brought up and my uncle asked her if she returned it or not, she said she didn't, so he urged her to return it asap, and she did (in 2014) Next week i am going to Seoul (South Korea) and about to exchange 5000TND to USD, and i am really worrying that i could face any trouble because of that old case. I do have a proof (توصيل) from the Central Bank agency in Bizerte that i did return the €350, but someone just told me yesterday that i have to get my passport to the Central Bank (in the capital) and get it stamped. **The questions are** * can i get in trouble ? * suppose i need to pay a fine or something, can this interrupt my trip to Séoul (am going next week, sep 29th), for example can the Customs officer look at the stamp in my passport of me getting 350€ in 2012, but i never left the country, can he stop me from leaving because of that ? Thanks ",,,,,,2016-09-24 19:03:27 54k0yd,,0,bellaaj abdelhamid,,,,,,,2016-09-26 10:54:43 552vhu,,1,"Goodness, idk I haven't seen them in until the end of time...",,,,,,,2016-09-29 16:01:30 55ai64,,6,How much do i need to pay for a shipment coming from Germany?,"Hello guys, I have a friend from germany that wants to send me an XBOX controller from Germany, i should pay the shipment tax, do you know how much i need to pay?",,,,,,2016-09-30 22:41:23 55n3nn,,1,قفصة : اعطاء شارة الانطلاق للحوار المجتمعي حول قضايا الشباب,,,,,,,2016-10-03 10:51:06 55ss47,,1,Tunisia sentences 31 to death for attack on minister,,,,,,,2016-10-04 10:03:46 567680,,2,القصرين : الجيش يتدخل في عملية البحث عن الشابين المفقودين,,,,,,,2016-10-06 19:21:39 567f22,,2,الليلة: امطار رعدية و تغير في الطقس,,,,,,,2016-10-06 20:06:27 567hyh,,2,قصة طفل أخطأ فكلف ”غوغل” 112 ألف دولار,,,,,,,2016-10-06 20:21:05 567l1s,,2,في قرار فريد من نوعه: “ثورة” وزارية تربوية في ما يخص العقوبات التأديبية المدرسية,,,,,,,2016-10-06 20:36:11 567o0w,,2,"Tataouine – Néji Jelloul, librairies Payot et Madaniya inaugurent le centre de recherche et du livre",,,,,,,2016-10-06 20:51:36 567to9,,2,حالة الطقس ليوم الجمعة 7 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-06 21:21:43 567wdw,,2,فظيع بالمتلوي: العثور على جثة شيخ معلقة بـ”لحاف” في عمود بالقرب من اسطبل للحيوانات,,,,,,,2016-10-06 21:36:12 567z1t,,2,دراسة تكشف أقصى عمر ممكن للإنسان,,,,,,,2016-10-06 21:51:09 5683xh,,2,رسمي-بعد منع النقاب: وزارة التربية تضرب بقوة وتقرّر منع وتحجير ارتداء هذا اللباس,,,,,,,2016-10-06 22:21:33 568634,,2,بالفيديو:موازاييك تواكب تدخل الحماية المدنية في وادي الحطب,,,,,,,2016-10-06 22:36:36 568b1v,,1,حزب النهج الديمقراطي:قررنا مقاطعة الانتخابات في المغرب لهذه الأسباب,,,,,,,2016-10-06 23:06:06 568dpl,,1,جريدة الشروق ليوم الجمعة 7 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-06 23:21:23 568o8o,,1,البنتاغون يعلن مقتل أبو الفرج المصري القيادي بجبهة النصرة,,,,,,,2016-10-07 00:26:25 568vde,,2,قوة حدودية أوروبية لوقف تدفق اللاجئين,,,,,,,2016-10-07 01:11:05 56a217,,0,حالة الطقس الجمعة 7 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-07 06:26:30 56a555,,0,نجمان عالميان يحلان بربوع صحراء توزر لتصوير فيديو كليب,,,,,,,2016-10-07 06:56:39 56a9nx,,2,التوقعات الجوية ليوم الجمعة 07 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-07 07:41:30 56abhv,,2,بالصور.. المعهد النموذجي بأريانة يُكرّم 4 من أساتذته المحالين على شرف المهنة,,,,,,,2016-10-07 08:01:27 56adfd,,2,بعد تداول خبر تعيينه مستشارا للشاهد: سفيان بن فرحات يعلق,,,,,,,2016-10-07 08:21:49 56afms,,2,قوبنطيني: ”الشاذلي العياري كبّد تونس خسائر بقيمة 120 مليون دولار”,,,,,,,2016-10-07 08:46:15 56ah1p,,3,Moez Laâbidi : La balle est dans le camp des politiques pour une sortie de crise,,,,,,,2016-10-07 09:01:41 56aihd,,1,سيدي بوزيد: وفاة شخصين وإصابة آخر في حادث مرور,,,,,,,2016-10-07 09:16:45 56ajvo,,1,توماس كوك البريطانية تلغي رحلاتها إلى تونس من 24 إلى 31 أكتوبر 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-07 09:31:37 56am6o,,1,منح جائزة نوبل للسلام للرئيس الكولومبي خوان مانويل سانتوس,,,,,,,2016-10-07 09:56:07 56anpd,,1,شركة طيران تزن الركاب قبل الرحلة !,,,,,,,2016-10-07 10:11:05 56ap88,,1,أستاذة تحلق رؤوس 4 تلاميذ بطريقة مهينة.. و”التربية” تفتح تحقيقا,,,,,,,2016-10-07 10:26:25 56aqp0,,1,L’opérateur Thomas Cook suspend ses services en Tunisie pour l’été 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-07 10:41:25 56as7q,,1,شوقي الطبيب في مكتب وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية,,,,,,,2016-10-07 10:56:13 56avll,,0,هكذا علّق الاعلامي سفيان بن فرحات على خبر تعيينه مستشارا إعلاميا لرئيس الحكومة,,,,,,,2016-10-07 11:26:23 56b2la,,0,سليانة: حملة أمنية وحجز بنادق صيد بدون رخصة,,,,,,,2016-10-07 12:21:37 56b6u5,,2,Kyocera lance 5 multifonctions couleur et 5 multifonctions monochromes A3,,,,,,,2016-10-07 12:51:15 56bbe7,,1,باجة: العثور على جثة كهل مشدودة بحبل إلى عمود كهربائي,,,,,,,2016-10-07 13:21:22 56bhuv,,1,مدنين: بطاقة إيداع بالسجن ضد عون امن اعتدى بالعنف على مواطن,,,,,,,2016-10-07 14:02:13 56bmcj,,1,O.C. Tunisia unable to repay debt,,,,,,,2016-10-07 14:27:52 56bopq,,1,التركيبة الكاملة لأعضاء الهيئة المديرة للنادي البنزرتي,,,,,,,2016-10-07 14:41:44 56bsdf,,1,L’OIM et l’association Campagne organisent un séminaire sous le thème « Certains rêves de migrants se réalisent de retour au pays »,,,,,,,2016-10-07 15:02:44 56bv0q,,1,حتيرة : إقبال كبير على المنتجات البيولوجية التونسية في الخارج,,,,,,,2016-10-07 15:17:02 56bxn2,,1,انطلاق بيع التذاكر الالكترونية لمباراة تونس وغينيا,,,,,,,2016-10-07 15:31:43 56c0fg,,1,حدائق قرطاج: القبض على مجرم خطير حوّل وجهة 5 فتيات بالقوة,,,,,,,2016-10-07 15:46:30 56c38r,,1,مدير صحيفة “الثورة نيوز” يدخل في اضراب جوع وحشي,,,,,,,2016-10-07 16:01:56 56c6c5,,1,بتروفاك من جديد.. أصحاب الشهائد المعطلين عن العمل يمنعون شاحنات الغاز من العبور إلى قرقنة,,,,,,,2016-10-07 16:17:32 56c910,,1,10% من الناخبين المغربيين أدلوا بأصواتهم في الانتخابات البرلمانية,,,,,,,2016-10-07 16:31:50 56cboy,,1,قرقنة: إحباط محاولة “حرقة” مبرمجة هذه الليلة,,,,,,,2016-10-07 16:46:15 56cejx,,1,L’élève ayant dénoncé la saleté devant son lycée mis hors de cause,,,,,,,2016-10-07 17:01:20 56chjj,,1,Tunisie Telecom mène avec succès ses tests live de la solution de ADTRAN,,,,,,,2016-10-07 17:16:49 56ckbg,,1,فظيع -نابل : يغتصب ابنته البالغة 6 سنوات,,,,,,,2016-10-07 17:31:21 56cn7i,,1,برنامج لقاءات الجولة الرابعة من بطولة الرابطة المحترفة الأولى لكرة القدم,,,,,,,2016-10-07 17:46:21 56csru,,1,مصادرة رواية “حبيبي داعشي” في احدى مكتبات العاصمة,,,,,,,2016-10-07 18:16:21 56cyak,,1,الكويت تعتقل ايرانيين لهذا السبب,,,,,,,2016-10-07 18:46:22 56d0yp,,1,رئيس نابولي يكشف مفاجأة عن هيغواين,,,,,,,2016-10-07 19:01:28 56d42d,,1,Rencontre entre Youssef Chahed et l’ambassadeur d’Algérie en Tunisie,,,,,,,2016-10-07 19:17:27 56d9nt,,1,البنتاغون يرد على تلويح موسكو باستخدام “إس-300″ و”إس-400”,,,,,,,2016-10-07 19:46:51 56dccj,,1,القبض على عنصر تكفيري اجبر شقيقته على ارتداء النقاب,,,,,,,2016-10-07 20:01:32 56df54,,1,النقابة الجهوية لأعوان الصحة بسيدي بوزيد: الوضع الصحي كارثي,,,,,,,2016-10-07 20:16:37 56dkfe,,1,الخطوط التونسية: عرض خاص على خط مونتريال بتخفيضات حصرية,,,,,,,2016-10-07 20:46:02 56dn5p,,1,حالة الطقس ليوم السبت 8 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-07 21:01:09 56dshd,,1,جندوبة: القبض على عنصر تكفيري أرغم شقيقته على ارتداء النقاب,,,,,,,2016-10-07 21:31:28 56dxkl,,1,صورة سيلفي تقتل امرأة بريطانية على دراجتها الهوائية,,,,,,,2016-10-07 22:01:36 56dzzu,,1,صفاقس: لقاء عمل بالبلدية حول برنامج الاستثمار السنوي التشاركي لـ 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-07 22:16:19 56e2kb,,1,الخبراء يكشفون 8 طرق سهلة تقي من الإصابة بالسرطان,,,,,,,2016-10-07 22:32:00 56e4t6,,1,روسيا تنقل صواريخ قادرة على حمل رؤوس نووية إلى كالينينغراد,,,,,,,2016-10-07 22:46:16 56e9nn,,1,الخبراء يكشفون 8 طرق سهلة تمنع من الإصابة بالسرطان,,,,,,,2016-10-07 23:16:31 56ebxa,,1,جريدة الشروق ليوم السبت 8 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-07 23:31:09 56eioh,,1,الدفع عبر “السيلفي”.. بات ممكناً في أوروبا,,,,,,,2016-10-08 00:16:53 56eqmb,,1,أسوأ 10 مطارات في العالم,,,,,,,2016-10-08 01:11:28 56fsur,,1,حالة الطقس اليوم السبت,,,,,,,2016-10-08 06:14:26 56fvbt,,1,الدولة تسترجع أراضيها في تستور ومجاز الباب,,,,,,,2016-10-08 06:39:19 56fy6j,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم السبت 08 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-08 07:09:31 56fzyv,,1,التشريعية المغربية : العدالة والتنمية يحتل المرتبة الأولى,,,,,,,2016-10-08 07:29:39 56g1ok,,1,تونس: التوقعات الجوية ليوم السبت 08 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-08 07:49:33 56g4nh,,1,وفاة نجم الكرة الكاميروني في مستشفى بباريس ..,,,,,,,2016-10-08 08:24:19 56g5uf,,1,جندوبة/ تكفيري يرغم شقيقته القاصر على إرتداء النقاب,,,,,,,2016-10-08 08:39:18 56g75y,,1,وثيقة/من بينهم تونسيون: البنيان المرصوص تكشف عقود نكاح لعناصر داعش,,,,,,,2016-10-08 08:55:43 56g8c2,,1,كلينتون وترامب.. “فضائح” ما قبل المناظرة الثانية,,,,,,,2016-10-08 09:09:11 56g9kq,,1,الطاهر فضيل يلتحق بكتلة نداء تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-08 09:24:33 56gasq,,1,الجيش الجزائري يقضي على أمير التجنيد في تنظيم القاعدة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 09:39:25 56gc2o,,1,وفاة الآلاف في اليابان بسبب الإفراط في العمل ..,,,,,,,2016-10-08 09:54:14 56gd3p,,1,تذاكر مقابلة تونس و غينيا,,,,,,,2016-10-08 10:05:52 56gdf7,,1,الحرباوي : لم نتلق طلبات لرفع الحصانة عن أي نائب,,,,,,,2016-10-08 10:09:30 56ges3,,1,الطاهر فضيل ينضم الى كتلة “النداء”,,,,,,,2016-10-08 10:24:33 56gg34,,1,"Pour la première fois en Tunisie, lancement des billets électroniques pour le match Tunisie – Guinée sur le site",,,,,,,2016-10-08 10:39:06 56ghdv,,1,الطاهر فضيل يلتحق بكتلة نداء تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-08 10:54:25 56gir9,,1,Yassine Brahim accuse les gouvernements successifs d’avoir vidé les caisses de l’Etat,,,,,,,2016-10-08 11:09:15 56gjfq,,1,الجولة الثالثة من بطولة الرابطة الثانية : المقابلات والحكّام,,,,,,,2016-10-08 11:16:55 56gk3m,,1,Youssef Chahed en visite de travail en Algérie à partir du 9 octobre,,,,,,,2016-10-08 11:24:39 56gmue,,1,وقفة احتجاجية لأحباء الملعب القابسي‎,,,,,,,2016-10-08 11:54:12 56goie,,1,المهدية: ايقاف 7 أشخاص خططوا للحرقة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 12:09:32 56gq9z,,1,قريبا : وداعاً لعقوبة الرفت و الإنذارات في المعاهد و المدارس الاعدادية .. و هذه العقوبة البديلة !,,,,,,,2016-10-08 12:24:49 56grwy,,1,بوتين يقيل 10 جنرالات كبار,,,,,,,2016-10-08 12:39:05 56gtre,,1,إيقافات وحجز سيارات مفتش عنها في حملات أمنية موسعة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 12:54:05 56gvnp,,1,حصيلة حملات أمنية موسعة ليلة الجمعة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 13:09:13 56gxkj,,1,للتبليغ عن ملفات وشبهات الفساد.. منظمة “أنا يقظ” تطلق قافلة ”النزاهة”,,,,,,,2016-10-08 13:24:29 56gzg7,,1,تستور- مجاز الباب : وزارة املاك الدولة تؤكد استرجاع بعض الممتلكات المستولى عليها,,,,,,,2016-10-08 13:39:15 56h19s,,1,علياء بلعيد تعليقا على فستانها ‘الشّفاف’ : ” أعتذر لكنني لم أخطئ ..”,,,,,,,2016-10-08 13:54:05 56h3eo,,1,عاجل – صفاقس :شاحنة عملاقة تدهس امراة امام المغازة العامّة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 14:09:23 56h4ju,,1,How to Decriminalize Homosexuality in Tunisia,,,,,,,2016-10-08 14:17:38 56h5i2,,1,نقابة الثانوي تدعو إلى عدم العمل بتوزيعية نظام المراقبة المستمرة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 14:24:33 56h7oi,,1,القصرين: بسبب تغريدة على الفايس بوك … القبض على تكفيري,,,,,,,2016-10-08 14:39:43 56h9tc,,1,ارتفاع نسبة التضخم إلى 4.2 بالمائة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 14:54:10 56hffg,,1,المنسقون الجهويون للنداء بسوسة: بعض القيادات تصرفاتها غير منضبطة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 15:29:09 56hhtd,,1,مجلس النواب : انضمام نائب جديد إلى كتلة نداء تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-08 15:44:10 56hk9d,,1,Omar Mansour ordonne l’évacuation de la Karraka de la Goulette,,,,,,,2016-10-08 15:59:17 56hmtj,,1,L’ATB fête la 10ème édition du concours Challenge et la 1ère édition de Talent et leurs lauréats,,,,,,,2016-10-08 16:14:13 56hpdl,,1,تسجيل ارتفاع في مؤشر السكن والطاقة المنزلية,,,,,,,2016-10-08 16:29:11 56hueb,,1,دراسة إسبانية تصدم كريستيانو رونالدو,,,,,,,2016-10-08 16:59:20 56hwzr,,1,النادي الافريقي ينتصر وديا على ترجي جرجيس,,,,,,,2016-10-08 17:14:22 56hzi5,,1,كرة قدم: النتائج والترتيب بعد الجولة الثالثة من بطولة المحترفة الثانية,,,,,,,2016-10-08 17:29:24 56i22z,,1,مسيرة بالعاصمة للمطالبة بإعادة العلاقات بين تونس وسوريا,,,,,,,2016-10-08 17:44:39 56i4mv,,1,نتائج الجولة الثالثة لبطولة الرابطة المحترفة الثانية لكرة القدم,,,,,,,2016-10-08 17:59:21 56i9vl,,1,جمال مسلم رئيسا جديدا للرابطة التونسية للدفاع عن حقوق الانسان,,,,,,,2016-10-08 18:29:11 56icj8,,1,Ennahdha félicite le PJD pour sa victoire au Maroc,,,,,,,2016-10-08 18:44:25 56if10,,1,الشرطة الألمانية تعثر على متفجرات في منزل شاب سوري,,,,,,,2016-10-08 18:59:10 56ihol,,1,Onze membres du comité directeur de la LTDH quittent la réunion de répartition des responsabilités,,,,,,,2016-10-08 19:14:44 56imxx,,1,فاتته الطائرة فأجبرها على العودة بطريقته الخاصة,,,,,,,2016-10-08 19:44:37 56ipb0,,1,انسحاب 11 عضوا من الهيئة المديرة: الرابطة التونسية للدفاع عن حقوق الأنسان في أزمة جديدة:,,,,,,,2016-10-08 19:59:22 56irwc,,1,رابطة الدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان: انسحاب 11 عضوا من جلسة توزيع المسؤوليات,,,,,,,2016-10-08 20:14:40 56iueo,,1,باجة: كهل يلقى حتفه شنقا,,,,,,,2016-10-08 20:29:44 56ixly,,1,نابل:”براكاج” شنيع ضحيته عضو منظمة العفو الدولية وكادر أمني من طرف فتاتين,,,,,,,2016-10-08 20:49:42 56j0xu,,1,استسلمت العصابة.. فاستسلم كلبهم معهم!,,,,,,,2016-10-08 21:09:39 56j5tg,,1,تشكيلة المنتخب الوطني المحتملة ضدّ غينيا,,,,,,,2016-10-08 21:39:36 56jc5g,,1,بالفيديو: إعصار ‘ماثيو’ يخلّف مئات القتلى والمشرّدين ويعيد الكوليرا,,,,,,,2016-10-08 22:19:34 56jj4b,,1,مقتل 10 من عائلة واحدة في قصف على ريف حلب الشمالي,,,,,,,2016-10-08 23:04:18 56jlej,,1,كاريكاتور اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-08 23:19:12 56jxoh,,1,تعليق التعاقد بين الصيادلة والكنام و المواطن مطالب بتسديد مبلغ الدواء كاملا,,,,,,,2016-10-09 00:44:15 56l9ke,,1,تونس: التوقعات الجوية ليوم الأحد 09 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-09 07:26:58 56lbvx,,1,طقس اليوم:الحرارة بين 25 و35 درجة,,,,,,,2016-10-09 07:56:03 56ld5e,,1,إصابة 4 مستوطنين إسرائيليين في هجوم بالرصاص في القدس الشرقية,,,,,,,2016-10-09 08:11:25 56lec1,,1,الهوارية:إيقاف مفتش عنه مصنف خطير جدا,,,,,,,2016-10-09 08:26:13 56lfhe,,1,إقالة مدرب المنتخب الليبي خافيير كليمنتي,,,,,,,2016-10-09 08:41:31 56lgnb,,1,نقابة الصيدليات تقرّر تعليق العمل مع الكنام,,,,,,,2016-10-09 08:56:09 56lhvq,,1,قرار جمهوري يسمح لملك البحرين بتملك أراض وفيلات بشرم الشيخ,,,,,,,2016-10-09 09:11:30 56lizw,,1,اليوم في تستور: اجتماع مجموعة 15 لنداء تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-09 09:26:19 56lk63,,1,"Pharmaciens-CNAM : les affiliés devront payer tous les frais des médicaments, dés lundi 10 octobre",,,,,,,2016-10-09 09:41:10 56llg5,,1,التشكيلة المحتملة للمنتخب الوطني أمام المنتخب الغيني اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-09 09:56:32 56lmpi,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم الأحد 09 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-09 10:11:04 56lo0s,,1,البث التلفزي لمواجهة اليوم بين تونس وغينيا في تصفيات المونديال,,,,,,,2016-10-09 10:26:22 56lp78,,1,جمال مسلم رئيسا جديدا للرابطة التونسية للدفاع عن حقوق الانسان,,,,,,,2016-10-09 10:41:22 56lqge,,1,يوسف الشاهد: اخترت الجزائر كأول بلد تزوره حكومة الوحدة الوطنية إعتبارا للعلاقات الإستثنائية التى تربطها بتونس,,,,,,,2016-10-09 10:56:17 56ltbw,,1,طقس اليوم: امطار رعدية في بعض المناطق,,,,,,,2016-10-09 11:26:38 56luof,,1,زيادة بـ59% في عدد قروض البنك التونسي للتضامن خلال الـ 9 أشهر الأولى من 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-09 11:41:33 56lw3r,,1,القبض على 15 شخصا حاولوا اجتياز الحدود البحرية خلسة,,,,,,,2016-10-09 11:56:25 56lxjh,,1,الكاف : ايقاف 3 اشخاص على علاقة بخلية الكاف الارهابية,,,,,,,2016-10-09 12:11:31 56lz1r,,1,الارهابيتان غفران ورحمة الشيخاوي تتعرّضان للإغتصاب في السجون الليبية من طرف هؤلاء؟,,,,,,,2016-10-09 12:26:20 56m0m6,,1,الأسبوع القادم:انطلاق الجلسات التحكيمية لعماد الطرابلسي مع هيئة الحقيقة و الكرامة,,,,,,,2016-10-09 12:41:06 56m277,,1,بالصور .. مدنين : غابت الفنون عن ساحة الفنون واستغلت مأوى للسيارات,,,,,,,2016-10-09 12:56:17 56m41d,,1,التشكيلة الأساسية للمنتخب الوطني في مواجهة غينيا,,,,,,,2016-10-09 13:11:45 56m5rl,,1,في سابقة ديبلوماسية: وزير الخارجية لم يرافق رئيس الحكومة إلى الجزائر,,,,,,,2016-10-09 13:26:07 56m7li,,1,قليبية:إحباط عملية ‘حرقة ‘ وحجز أموال وسجائر,,,,,,,2016-10-09 13:41:08 56m9jj,,1,رسمي: التشكيلة الأساسية للمنتخب التونسي أمام غينيا‎,,,,,,,2016-10-09 13:56:26 56mbqk,,1,Houcine Abassi : Le nouveau gouvernement n’a pas respecté l’accord de Carthage,,,,,,,2016-10-09 14:11:52 56mdpg,,1,بشرى للتونسيين :وداعاً للاكتظاظ و الصف في مكاتب البريد و هذا الحل البديل ..,,,,,,,2016-10-09 14:26:03 56mfxq,,1,تطبيقة عبر الهاتف تمكن الحريف من اقتناء تذكرة في الصف بمراكز البريد,,,,,,,2016-10-09 14:41:38 56mi2i,,1,مصر: قرار جمهوري يسمح لملك البحرين بتملك أراض وفيلات بشرم الشيخ,,,,,,,2016-10-09 14:56:14 56mkh5,,1,وزير تكنولوجيات الاتصال يؤكد إغلاق مواقع وصفحات التابعة لارهابيين,,,,,,,2016-10-09 15:11:27 56mmq1,,1,هجوم بسيارة مفخخة بتركيا يخلف 18 قتيلا,,,,,,,2016-10-09 15:26:05 56mp8k,,1,سوسة: القبض يعمل حارسا يشتبه فيه من الإرهابيين وهذا ما بحوزته,,,,,,,2016-10-09 15:41:33 56mubh,,1,Meherzia Laâbidi : Ennahdha était parmi les premiers à appeler à l’union nationale,,,,,,,2016-10-09 16:11:40 56mwry,,1,عارضات ازياء جمهورية التشيك في جربة,,,,,,,2016-10-09 16:26:08 56mzeg,,1,جديد… اقتناء تذكرة في الصف بمراكز البريد عبر الهاتف الجوال,,,,,,,2016-10-09 16:41:42 56n1wk,,1,علي العريض: خلال تلك الليلة كنا كما لو أننا أتراك,,,,,,,2016-10-09 16:56:21 56n4ja,,1,Participation du gouverneur de la BCT aux assemblées annuelles du Fonds Monétaire International et de la Banque Mondiale,,,,,,,2016-10-09 17:11:14 56n7ge,,1,وزير الشؤون الثقافية: إحداث متحف للشاعر أبو القاسم الشابي بتوزر,,,,,,,2016-10-09 17:27:18 56n9zm,,1,هذا موعد انطلاق خدمة ‘باي بال” في تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-09 17:41:55 56ncg0,,1,ما بين 2200 و2500 امرأة تصاب بسرطان الثدي سنويا في تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-09 17:56:10 56nf97,,1,المعهد الوطني للرصد الجوي يُعلن عن المناطق التي ستشهد أمطاراً غزيرة اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-09 18:11:35 56niu2,,1,لهذا السبب غاب الجهيناوي عن وفد الجزائر,,,,,,,2016-10-09 18:31:18 56nkpo,,1,بالصور الان:أمطار طوفانية في هذه الجهات,,,,,,,2016-10-09 18:41:28 56no8q,,1,ماذا في لقاء رئيس الحكومة بالرئيس الجزائري؟,,,,,,,2016-10-09 19:01:12 56nsn5,,1,تصنيف تونس السيادي محور اجتماعات محافظ البنك المركزي بواشنطن,,,,,,,2016-10-09 19:26:15 56nv92,,1,تصفيات مونديال 2018: تونس تحقق فوزا مهما على غينيا,,,,,,,2016-10-09 19:41:21 56nxwn,,1,بوتين لهولاند:سأقصف هؤلاء و ان أردتم الحرب فمرحبا بها,,,,,,,2016-10-09 19:56:49 56o35l,,1,سوسة: هجوم على مقر الديوانة يسفر عن احتراق سيارة,,,,,,,2016-10-09 20:26:04 56o6t5,,1,سوسة: مجهول يلقي قارورة مولوتوف على مقر الحرس الديواني,,,,,,,2016-10-09 20:46:23 56oc3l,,1,كامو يفضل فريق الدرجة الثانية البلجيكية عن المنتخب,,,,,,,2016-10-09 21:16:39 56onpx,,1,المكي: لهذا تحوّلنا إلى جمنة اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-09 22:26:18 56oqy1,,1,بحضور نواب: بتّة لبيع صابة التمور بواحات جمنة رغم معارضة الدولة,,,,,,,2016-10-09 22:46:16 56p0oa,,1,طقس اليوم الاثنين: سحب كثيفة و أمطار رعدية بهذه المناطق,,,,,,,2016-10-09 23:46:56 56pivp,,1,هؤلاء تخلوا عن ترامب بسبب تصريحاته “البذيئة”,,,,,,,2016-10-10 01:41:18 56qs0t,,1,حالة الطقس : سحب..أمطار متفرقة مع إمكانية تساقط البرد,,,,,,,2016-10-10 06:51:20 56qu7f,,1,اليوم جلسة الحسم بين الحكومة واتحاد الشغل,,,,,,,2016-10-10 07:11:32 56qvrm,,1,ترامب يتوعد كلينتون بالسجن إذا فاز بالرئاسة,,,,,,,2016-10-10 07:26:56 56qxo2,,1,الاصابة تضرب راموس وتبعده عن ريال مدريد لهذه مدة,,,,,,,2016-10-10 07:46:25 56qzzr,,1,إغلاق 28 مصنعا لمعلّبي الزيت النباتي المدّعم,,,,,,,2016-10-10 08:11:14 56r1d3,,1,بالفيديو.. هل فاتتك مناظرة كلينتون وترامب؟ شاهدها كاملة,,,,,,,2016-10-10 08:26:14 56r3yv,,1,تنس: نادال يتراجع في التصنيف العالمي,,,,,,,2016-10-10 08:56:52 56r6my,,1,ضباب كثيف يغطي مدينة جندوبة وأحوازها (صور),,,,,,,2016-10-10 09:26:04 56r7yy,,1,التنس : مالك الجزيري يحسن ترتيبه العالمي,,,,,,,2016-10-10 09:41:03 56r9d7,,1,تفاصيل احباط الهجوم الارهابي على مركز الحرس بخمودة,,,,,,,2016-10-10 09:56:34 56rc96,,1,شاهد الموقف إنساني.. قائد جورجيا ينقذ حياة لاعب إيرلندي,,,,,,,2016-10-10 10:26:30 56rdni,,1,Pharmaciens-CNAM : Le système du médecin de famille restera le même,,,,,,,2016-10-10 10:41:38 56rf0l,,1,"L’ATB fête la 10ème édition du concours Challenge, la 1ère édition de Talent et leurs lauréats",,,,,,,2016-10-10 10:56:25 56rgn3,,1,وزيرة شؤون الشباب والرياضة تعاين عددا من المنشات الشبابية والرياضية بولاية المنستير,,,,,,,2016-10-10 11:11:38 56rlbj,,1,منزل اللاعب المغربي نور الدين امرابط يتعرض لهجوم مسلح بهولندا,,,,,,,2016-10-10 11:56:15 56rnbx,,1,الداخلية: احباط 162 عملية تهريب والقبض على 1036 مفتش عنه,,,,,,,2016-10-10 12:11:39 56rpa2,,1,خاص-عاجل: ناجي جلول يفاجئ أعضاء الديوان والمديرين العامين والمندوبيين الجهويين بهذا القرار “الصارم والإجباري”,,,,,,,2016-10-10 12:26:18 56rras,,1,بعد اشعارهم بالطرد:وفد من صحفيي راديو كلمة يلتقون بنقيب الصحفيين,,,,,,,2016-10-10 12:41:19 56rtfp,,1,64 دينارا شهريا معدّل التبذير الغذائي للتونسي,,,,,,,2016-10-10 12:56:46 56rxuj,,1,حول قرار غلق راديو كلمة: البغوري يلتقي بوفد ممثل عن الصحفيين,,,,,,,2016-10-10 13:26:52 56s00h,,1,تأجيل الزيادة في الأجور: الاتحاد يطلب من الحكومة مزيدا من التوضيحات,,,,,,,2016-10-10 13:41:34 56s2cm,,1,قفصة: “معلمون رفضوا الالتحاق بالمدارس بتعلة وجودها في مناطق نائية”,,,,,,,2016-10-10 13:56:37 56s525,,1,مستشار سابق برئاسة الجمهورية يلتحق بحزب محسن مرزوق,,,,,,,2016-10-10 14:12:25 56s7i0,,1,Vers la fermeture de Radio Kelma : Rencontre entre les journalistes et le président du SNJT,,,,,,,2016-10-10 14:27:05 56saam,,1,إصابة 1299 رأس غنم وماعز بمرض الطاعون…وزارة الفلاحة توضح,,,,,,,2016-10-10 14:43:27 56scwc,,1,القيروان: تجار سوق الاثنين الممنوعون من الانتصاب ينتفضون,,,,,,,2016-10-10 14:58:09 56sfq7,,1,طرد صحافيي راديو كلمة وناجي البغوري يتهم سليم الرياحي,,,,,,,2016-10-10 15:13:08 56slgl,,1,Houcine Abassi : Pas d’accord avec le gouvernement sur la question du gel des salaires,,,,,,,2016-10-10 15:43:44 56snv7,,1,المسار يدعو الحكومة إلى اعلان انسحاب تونس من التحالف الإسلامي,,,,,,,2016-10-10 15:56:26 56su85,,1,بنزرت: ايقاف عنصر تكفيري خطط لتسفير شبان الى “داعش” الارهابي في ليبيا,,,,,,,2016-10-10 16:28:38 56swte,,1,مباريات الجولة الرابعة من الرابطة المحترفة الأولى لكرة القدم,,,,,,,2016-10-10 16:41:37 56szrd,,1,فتح خط بحري مباشر بين تونس وروسيا,,,,,,,2016-10-10 16:56:20 56t30r,,1,تعرّض للاعتداء بالمولوتوف: توفير معدات حراسة لمقر الحرس الديواني بسوسة,,,,,,,2016-10-10 17:11:41 56t62j,,1,المنتدى التونسي للحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية: لا لتجريم الحراك الاجتماعي,,,,,,,2016-10-10 17:27:01 56tqgu,,1,بالفيديو: صغير حوت ينقذ امه من موت محقق,,,,,,,2016-10-10 19:06:41 56ttxt,,1,هذه الولايات تشهد هذه اللحظات تساقط أمطار و برد,,,,,,,2016-10-10 19:23:49 56tzpk,,1,A télécharger : Une présentation du projet de loi de Finances 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-10 19:52:47 56u2n6,,1,فضيحة: القبض على 3 عملة بمطار تونس قرطاج سرقوا مصوغ الاعلامية إنصاف اليحياوي,,,,,,,2016-10-10 20:07:32 56u6bo,,1,صفاقس: أمطار غزيرة و”تبروري” (صورة),,,,,,,2016-10-10 20:26:17 56ua51,,1,La Mannouba – Deux jeunes lancent une grenade lacrymogène devant un collège,,,,,,,2016-10-10 20:46:08 56uc6w,,1,“قوات البنيان المرصوص” تخترق حصون “داعش” في سرت الليبية,,,,,,,2016-10-10 20:56:52 56ug1r,,1,اتحاد تطاوين : الهيئة تصر على الانسحاب والوالي يعد بالتدخل لدى الحكومة,,,,,,,2016-10-10 21:16:31 56uhvd,,1,تصفيات المونديال للمنطقة الاوروبية: فرنسا تهزم هولندا في عقر دارها,,,,,,,2016-10-10 21:26:36 56um8s,,1,وزارة التربية تدعو لسحب الاستدعاءات لمناظرة خارجية للمهندسين,,,,,,,2016-10-10 21:49:39 56ur34,,1,وزارة الفلاحة تؤكد ثبوت استعمال لقاح منتهي الصلاحية من طرف مصالح المندوبية الجهوية للتنمية الفلاحية بجندوبة,,,,,,,2016-10-10 22:16:38 56v82r,,1,لا يوم بلا شروق.. ولا شروق بلا جديد.. الشروق اليوم في ثوب جديد,,,,,,,2016-10-10 23:56:09 56vdp8,,1,توزر: اصابة 5 سياح روس في انقلاب سيارة سياحية,,,,,,,2016-10-11 00:31:19 56wuez,,1,التوقعات الجويّة ليوم الثلاثاء,,,,,,,2016-10-11 06:57:35 56wvx2,,1,كتلة النّداء: ما حدث في واحات جمنة اعتداء فاضح على ملك الدولة والشعب,,,,,,,2016-10-11 07:12:24 56x0o6,,1,“داعش” يؤكد مقتل خليفة العدناني,,,,,,,2016-10-11 08:07:28 56x1x8,,1,رفع أول بطاقة خضراء في تاريخ كرة القدم,,,,,,,2016-10-11 08:22:22 56x4fj,,1,خطير\ بومهل: خلع وسرقة روضة اطفال,,,,,,,2016-10-11 08:52:39 56x72c,,1,Samir Dilou appelle Moncef Marzouki à respecter son devoir de réserve,,,,,,,2016-10-11 09:22:06 56x8e2,,1,لأنه أخطأ في مسألة حسابية: تلميذ يتعرض للتعنيف من قبل معلمه,,,,,,,2016-10-11 09:37:36 56xb7n,,1,منتدى الحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية يتضامن مع الناشط عبد الله اللطيفي,,,,,,,2016-10-11 10:07:26 56xclo,,1,ترويج دمى جنسية في الأسواق التونسية: وزارة التجارة تكشف الحقيقة ..,,,,,,,2016-10-11 10:22:20 56xfcv,,1,رفع أول بطاقة خضراء في تاريخ كرة القدم,,,,,,,2016-10-11 10:52:20 56xk2q,,1,هذا ما جاء في توضيح “الكنام” بشأن تعليق الصيادلة التعامل معه,,,,,,,2016-10-11 11:37:19 56xlqk,,1,العباسي: تضحياتنا مشروطة…,,,,,,,2016-10-11 11:52:23 56xnly,,1,عمادة المحامين تقترح: طابع جبائي على قيمة عمل المحامين,,,,,,,2016-10-11 12:07:24 56xpks,,1,عارضة الأزياء التونسية ريم السعيدي في هذا البرنامج التلفزيوني الضخم,,,,,,,2016-10-11 12:22:25 56xrlu,,1,جندوبة: حالة من الاحتقان ومحاولة معطلة الانتحار حرقا,,,,,,,2016-10-11 12:37:16 56xtqn,,1,Rencontre entre Béji Caïd Essebsi et Youssef Chahed autour du projet de la LFC 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-11 12:52:04 56xw4a,,1,الدخول إلى المتاحف والمواقع الأثرية مجانا لفائدة كبار السن خلال أكتوبر,,,,,,,2016-10-11 13:08:07 56xy9f,,1,41 شاعرا يتنافسون على جائزة مهرجان القصيدة العمودية بتونس,,,,,,,2016-10-11 13:22:13 56y30c,,1,مفاجأة : مدير عام “راديو كلمة” يكشف حقيقة ملك سليم الرياحي للإذاعة ..,,,,,,,2016-10-11 13:52:25 56y5np,,1,هذا تاريخ افتتاح الخط التجاري البحري بين صفاقس و روسيا,,,,,,,2016-10-11 14:08:34 56y8t5,,1,جندوبة : فوضى و احتقان بسبب اقدام معطلة عن العمل على الانتحار حرقا داخل مقر ولاية,,,,,,,2016-10-11 14:27:24 56yg6c,,1,المنستير: قروض بمليون دينار لفائدة الفلاحين لتجاوز اشكاليات مياه الري,,,,,,,2016-10-11 15:07:55 56yixw,,1,اتحاد الناشرين يندّد بحجز رواية ”حبيبي داعشي”,,,,,,,2016-10-11 15:22:55 56ylsz,,1,رئيس جمعية حماية واحات جمنة: ليس لنا أي انتماء سياسي ونجسد الوحدة والمصلحة الوطنيتين,,,,,,,2016-10-11 15:37:32 56yok1,,1,Marché automobile : Palmarès des ventes pour les 9 premiers mois de 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-11 15:52:40 56yptm,,3,نشيد إلى أبطال تونس HYMNE AUX HEROS DE LA TUNISIE,,,,,,,2016-10-11 15:59:12 56yuwh,,1,الجامعة تراسل الفيفا بخصوص الحالة السيئة للملعب القديم بوهران,,,,,,,2016-10-11 16:24:38 56yxu8,,1,وزارة المالية : مناظرة خارجية لانتداب 322 عون,,,,,,,2016-10-11 16:40:15 56z3lx,,1,وفاة رئيس نادي اولمبيك سيدي بوزيد,,,,,,,2016-10-11 17:09:45 56z6jr,,1,رئيس أولمبيك سيدي بوزيد عبد القادر عافي في ذمة الله,,,,,,,2016-10-11 17:24:18 56z9l1,,1,الرابطة الأولى : برنامج الجولة الرابعة والبث التلفزي,,,,,,,2016-10-11 17:39:22 56zd6k,,1,ودادية رؤساء الأندية المحترفة تهدد بإيقاف نشاط البطولة,,,,,,,2016-10-11 17:57:45 56zg5r,,1,عندما يريد الجميع التخلص من إتصالات تونس …,,,,,,,2016-10-11 18:12:06 56zjbj,,1,فوزي الرويسي مدربا لقرمبالية الرياضية,,,,,,,2016-10-11 18:28:33 56zmyu,,1,"نوايا الاستثمار الصناعي زادت بنسبة 11,2 بالمائة",,,,,,,2016-10-11 18:47:30 56zpue,,1,إيقاف صيد أسماك أبو سيف: تونس ستحدد موقفها في نوفمبر المقبل,,,,,,,2016-10-11 19:02:22 56zvp4,,1,هذا ما لا يفعله الأقوياء ذهنيا,,,,,,,2016-10-11 19:32:18 56zyqw,,1,#ڤيديو تجربة : #(Fixe_Jdid# – (Speedtest في مكتب بوابة تونس في المركز العمراني الشمالي ..,,,,,,,2016-10-11 19:47:42 5702m7,,1,سليانة تحتضن الدورة الثانية لمهرجان الإبداع الـمدرسي,,,,,,,2016-10-11 20:06:59 5706ph,,1,الهيئة الادارية الوطنية ترفض مقترح رئيس الحكومة تأجيل الزيادة في الاجور,,,,,,,2016-10-11 20:27:55 5709hb,,1,قضية لطفي نقض : الموقوفون يحتجون ويرفضون مقابلة ذويهم,,,,,,,2016-10-11 20:42:22 570cgp,,1,تسريب جديد لهيلاري كلينتون تتهم فيه السعودية وقطر بدعم “داعش”,,,,,,,2016-10-11 20:57:27 570i8x,,1,سيدي الهاني: حجز طن ونصف من سمك التن الفاسد,,,,,,,2016-10-11 21:27:07 570l3n,,1,الاحتفاظ بـ6 شبان بتهمة تعطيل الإنتاج بشركة فسفاط قفصة,,,,,,,2016-10-11 21:42:51 570npb,,1,قوة المصافحة دليل على الحالة الصحية الجيدة,,,,,,,2016-10-11 21:57:27 570t25,,1,المهدية: وفاة راعي أغنام دهسا بقطار,,,,,,,2016-10-11 22:27:29 570vqr,,1,هذا سبب الاسراع في الحكم بـ 5 سنوات ونصف على المرأة المعتدية على معتمد سيدي حسين,,,,,,,2016-10-11 22:43:12 570y89,,1,سليم شيبوب يكشف أسباب موافقته على تحويل أمواله في البنوك السويسرية إلى السلطات التونسية,,,,,,,2016-10-11 22:57:25 5713bc,,1,وزارة التربية تهدد معلمين بالطرد لهذا السبب,,,,,,,2016-10-11 23:27:10 571bm6,,1,الغنوشي للجبهة: إلى متى سيستمرون في سياسة المقاطعة والإقصاء؟,,,,,,,2016-10-12 00:17:41 571dk7,,1,القصرين: تداعي ثلاث قاعات بمدرسة ”أولاد بركة ” بفوسانة للسقوط,,,,,,,2016-10-12 00:29:37 572v8x,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم الأربعاء 12 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-12 07:00:24 572wsp,,1,طقس اليوم:الحرارة بين 26 و36 درجة,,,,,,,2016-10-12 07:15:31 572yaf,,1,“داعش” يستخدم طائرات مسيرة مفخخة في العراق,,,,,,,2016-10-12 07:30:46 572zoe,,1,بالفيديو: اندلاع حريق بمركز تجاري في برلين,,,,,,,2016-10-12 07:45:45 5733qa,,1,محاميا المتهم في اعتداءات باريس يتخليان عنه بسبب صمته,,,,,,,2016-10-12 08:30:42 573682,,1,خطير/ صفاقس: ملثمون يطعنون حارس مدرسة منعهم من سرقة الحواسيب,,,,,,,2016-10-12 09:00:16 57375i,,1,هذا ما قاله مفتي الجمهورية عن قضية الدمى الجنسية,,,,,,,2016-10-12 09:10:22 5738zt,,1,قايد السبسي:الجامعة العربية انتهت والمشهد العربي مصيبة كبرى,,,,,,,2016-10-12 09:30:35 573brk,,1,حزب القطب: ”يحذّر الحكومة من تداعيات التقشف,,,,,,,2016-10-12 10:00:52 573epz,,1,الاعلامية التي تحرّش بها ترامب تخرج عن صمتها وتكشف..,,,,,,,2016-10-12 10:30:22 573hv3,,1,طبرقة/بايعا داعش: القبض على إرهابيين وهذه هويتهما,,,,,,,2016-10-12 11:01:28 573l21,,1,Abid Briki : Certains services de l’Etat travailleront samedi,,,,,,,2016-10-12 11:30:45 573oop,,1,الإعدام شنقا للقمان أبو صخر وأبو عياض والقضقاضي,,,,,,,2016-10-12 12:01:17 573u7v,,1,اكتشاف تونسي لمرض جديد,,,,,,,2016-10-12 12:40:36 573yua,,1,القصرين:عدم سماع الدعوة في حق 8 شبان أصيلي ماجل بلعباس,,,,,,,2016-10-12 13:10:49 5743ow,,1,في سبر آراء “ميديا سكان”: الوطنية الأولى في الصدارة وأخبار الثامنة في المقدّمة,,,,,,,2016-10-12 13:40:36 574660,,1,و بدأت الحرب رسميا بين إتصالات تونس و أوريدو .. إتهامات و الهيئة العليا للإتصالات على الخط ..,,,,,,,2016-10-12 13:55:37 5749xc,,1,Tozeur tente de renaître après l'échec du tourisme de masse,,,,,,,2016-10-12 14:16:55 574bgc,,1,عقب اجتماع مطول: اتحاد الشغل يحسم في مسألة الزيادات والاحتجاجات العشوائية,,,,,,,2016-10-12 14:25:22 574e7e,,1,محامية تعتدي بالعنف الشديد على صحفية بقناة الحوار التونسي,,,,,,,2016-10-12 14:40:46 574h1j,,1,الدولة تبيع 30 عقارا من بينهم منزلي صخر الماطري وبلحسن الطرابلسي,,,,,,,2016-10-12 14:56:18 574q7v,,1,أعمال درامية تونسية تتوج في استفتاء مجلة ‘سيّدتي‎’,,,,,,,2016-10-12 15:43:02 574szd,,1,اليونسيف: إعصار هايتى يحرم 100 ألف طفل من التعليم,,,,,,,2016-10-12 15:57:52 574w1q,,1,الصين: الاعدام لمسؤول تلقى رشاوي,,,,,,,2016-10-12 16:12:59 5751up,,1,نائب مدير بشركة يختلس أموالا ليرضي زوجته !,,,,,,,2016-10-12 16:42:01 5754w2,,1,“زكرة وطبال” في القباضة المالية : وزارة المالية توضح ..,,,,,,,2016-10-12 16:57:20 575862,,1,رسميا: الاتحاد الإسباني يكشف موعد الكلاسيكو,,,,,,,2016-10-12 17:13:04 575b4x,,1,بشرى: الاتحاد الأوروبي يقرر تخفيف اجراءات تأشيرة شينغن للتونسيين,,,,,,,2016-10-12 17:27:38 575e5n,,1,المنطقة العازلة: الجيش يضرب بقوة ويطيح بـ25 مهربا للبنزين,,,,,,,2016-10-12 17:42:28 575k2f,,1,أريانة : حجز أطنان من ‘الفارينة’ المدعّمة في مخزن,,,,,,,2016-10-12 18:11:00 575mzw,,1,رئيس الجمهورية يلتقي محافظ البنك المركزي التونسي,,,,,,,2016-10-12 18:25:17 575pzn,,1,تطاوين وقابس: حجز سجائر مهرّبة بقيمة 276 ألف دينار,,,,,,,2016-10-12 18:40:23 575szf,,1,قطاع الدواجن: اتفاق على إحكام إرساء نظام الحصص,,,,,,,2016-10-12 18:55:27 576542,,1,بينهن تونسيات: 5 نساء داعشيات يسلمن انفسهن في سرت الليبية ومقتل قياديين في التنظيم الارهابي,,,,,,,2016-10-12 19:55:22 576b37,,1,Des activistes affichent leur soutien à Amina Sboui,,,,,,,2016-10-12 20:25:35 576gr4,,1,النفيضة: إيقاف 30 مفتش عنهم وحجز سلع مهربة بقيمة 60 الف دينار,,,,,,,2016-10-12 20:55:11 576jtk,,1,الداخلية تقدم تفاصيل احداث نهج الملاحة وساحة العملة بالعاصمة,,,,,,,2016-10-12 21:10:56 576piu,,1,حالة الطقس ليوم الخميس 13 اكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-12 21:42:05 576sin,,1,أفضل لاعب في البطولة لشهر سبتمبر,,,,,,,2016-10-12 21:57:40 576v3t,,5,"Tunisie : 1000 cas de divorce par mois, 4 toutes les 3 heures! | 4 ème à l'échelle Mondiale",,,,,,,2016-10-12 22:12:04 576vqb,,1,قريبا: “باي باي” للفواتير الورقية في الادارات وهذا هو البديل,,,,,,,2016-10-12 22:15:24 576ybb,,1,الشاعر علي السعيدي في إضراب جوع بالمكتبة الجهوية بسوسة,,,,,,,2016-10-12 22:30:15 5771vu,,1,ألمانيا: انتحار السوري جابر البكر في زنزانته,,,,,,,2016-10-12 22:50:47 5776up,,1,أسبوع واحد يفصلنا عن الهبوط على المريخ,,,,,,,2016-10-12 23:20:14 577bw8,,1,لبنانيان وأردني وفلسطيني ومصري يفوزون بجائزة كتارا للرواية العربية,,,,,,,2016-10-12 23:50:31 578040,,1,بالعسل.. 5 طرق بسيطة لإنقاص الوزن,,,,,,,2016-10-13 02:20:40 578yrn,,1,طقس اليوم الخميس 13 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-13 06:42:04 5792gl,,1,فرقة موسيقية في قباضة مالية : وزارة المالية تعلّق وتوضّح,,,,,,,2016-10-13 07:17:08 5793ib,,1,قضية واحات جمنة: 19 محاميا متطوعا للدفاع عن الأهالي,,,,,,,2016-10-13 07:27:29 5795d7,,1,بوتن: فرنسا استدرجت موسكو لـ”نقض” قرار سوريا,,,,,,,2016-10-13 07:47:04 5796k3,,1,عمر منصور ورياض بن فضل في ميدي شو اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-13 08:00:03 57995c,,1,عيادات مجانية لتقصي سرطان الثدي بمعهد صالح عزيز,,,,,,,2016-10-13 08:28:14 579aex,,1,قتلوا في ليبيا: قائمة التونسيين التابعين للقاعدة,,,,,,,2016-10-13 08:42:06 579bt4,,1,سامسونغ ترسل علبا مضادة للاحتراق لعملائها لإعادة هواتف نوت-7,,,,,,,2016-10-13 08:57:26 579d5l,,1,مطار قرطاج: الكشف عن سرقة مصوغ زوجة قنصل من حقيبة سفرها,,,,,,,2016-10-13 09:12:08 579elx,,1,أوهمت بعض الشبان بتشغيلهم مقابل مبلغ مالي: إيقاف عاملة نظافة بصفاقس,,,,,,,2016-10-13 09:27:20 579fz3,,1,هذا موقف والد الممثلة هند صبري من قضية واحة جمنة,,,,,,,2016-10-13 09:42:12 579he6,,1,صفاقس: إيقاف عاملة نظافة أوهمت بعض الشبان بتشغيلهم في “الكنام” بمقابل مالي‎,,,,,,,2016-10-13 09:57:21 579kip,,1,منزل تميم: جريمة قتل فضيعة في جلسة خمرية,,,,,,,2016-10-13 10:27:14 579m18,,1,فضيحة في تونس: هكذا حوّل منحرف مقر شعبة التجمع المنحل الى وكر دعارة,,,,,,,2016-10-13 10:42:09 579pfq,,1,فضيحة جديدة/ مطار تونس قرطاج: عون يعترف بسرقة مصوغ زوجة قنصل تونسي,,,,,,,2016-10-13 11:12:47 579sw9,,1,وفاة المؤلف المسرحي الايطالي داريو فو,,,,,,,2016-10-13 11:42:21 579uwk,,1,ملك اعتادوا السجود له ولكلبته يصارع الموت في المستشفى,,,,,,,2016-10-13 11:57:30 579x5y,,1,بمشاركة 10 آلاف مؤسسة: تونس تشارك في Planet PME ببورصة باريس,,,,,,,2016-10-13 12:12:31 579ze5,,1,أريانة: القبض على عنصر ارهابي,,,,,,,2016-10-13 12:27:36 57a1j3,,1,الجزائر: إيقاف تونسي حاول تهريب 21 ألف أورو,,,,,,,2016-10-13 12:42:28 57a3tg,,1,رئيس جمعية المحافظة على واحة جمنة يطلب تطبيق الفصل 14 لسنة 1995,,,,,,,2016-10-13 12:57:43 57a6d7,,1,فوروم سبور : إقالة الليلي هل كانت متسرعة؟,,,,,,,2016-10-13 13:13:27 57a8k9,,1,لبنان: احتراق مطعم فضل شاكر,,,,,,,2016-10-13 13:27:30 57aaxb,,1,امتناع عبد اللطيف المكي قراءة الفاتحة على ضريح ولي صالح بالكاف يشعل غضب التونسيين,,,,,,,2016-10-13 13:42:23 57ade6,,1,نابل: تأجيل الحكم في قضية البلجيكي الى يوم 10 نوفمبر,,,,,,,2016-10-13 13:57:32 57ag62,,1,Chafik Sarsar : 11 candidatures aux élections du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature ont été refusées,,,,,,,2016-10-13 14:13:14 57aio3,,1,الرابطة المحترفة الأولى لكرة القدم: تعيينات حكام لقاءات الجولة الرابعة ذهاب‎,,,,,,,2016-10-13 14:27:44 57ao0x,,1,ورشة عمل حول كيفية تفعيل المساعدات الأوروبيّة إبان الكوارث مع تمرين قيادي حول مجابهة الكوارث,,,,,,,2016-10-13 14:57:31 57aqzz,,1,وزارة التجارة تعلق على حملة المداهمات لمخزن السجائر المهربة,,,,,,,2016-10-13 15:12:46 57atuz,,1,أكتوبر الموسيقى: درة البشير تحتفل بعيد الجلاء بصواف,,,,,,,2016-10-13 15:27:50 57awkb,,1,خسائر جديدة تنضاف الى مؤسسة الاذاعة التونسية بعد اطلاق اذاعة بانوراما,,,,,,,2016-10-13 15:42:13 57azfd,,1,أول رد أمريكي على قصف مدمرتها البحرية,,,,,,,2016-10-13 15:57:15 57b2no,,1,انقاذ شخصين علقا في شاحنتهما بسبب فيضان وادي مرق الليل,,,,,,,2016-10-13 16:13:05 57b5ji,,1,عاجل: برقية تفتيش ضد إبنة البحري الجلاصي بعد هروبها والتحاقها بأحد التنظيمات الارهابية,,,,,,,2016-10-13 16:27:38 57b8ec,,1,مهرجان سينما التروقلوديت: حتى لا تصبح مطماطة مدينة “الأشباح”,,,,,,,2016-10-13 16:42:44 57bbai,,1,الجيش الجزائري يقضي على ارهابيين خطيرين ويكشف مخبأ للاسلحة والذخيرة,,,,,,,2016-10-13 16:57:33 57bekf,,1,أردوغان يفرض بروتوكول تقبيل حذائه ضمن مراسم الاستقبال الرسمية لضيوفه,,,,,,,2016-10-13 17:13:34 57bhdt,,1,قريبا: قرار حكومي مهم لمكافحة التهرب الضريبي,,,,,,,2016-10-13 17:27:10 57bncl,,1,هيئة الحقيقة والكرامة ترفع قضية بالدولة الفرنسية,,,,,,,2016-10-13 17:57:31 57bny5,,5,Hi /r/tunisia! I'm looking for some help getting the name of a dessert I just had.,"I was just given a dessert from a coworker of mine who said that her husband's Tunisian mother had left them after she came to visit. They are the best desserts I've ever had. I asked her what the name was and she did not know. But she thinks they might be called ""kabeer"". They were small, about the size of a ping pong ball and perfectly round. They had a crunchy coating and a moist inside. One of the ones I had was flavored like peanut butter and another one I had was coconut flavored and had an almond inside. If I knew I would have trouble finding them I would've taken a picture, so I apologize that I can't provide one. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.",,,,,,2016-10-13 18:00:37 57bq8v,,1,Rached Ghannouchi reçoit le directeur de la section Moyen-Orient de Facebook,,,,,,,2016-10-13 18:12:13 57bt7y,,1,هيئة الحقيقة والكرامة تستمع الى رجل الاعمال الهادي مكي,,,,,,,2016-10-13 18:27:34 57bw3l,,1,اتهامات خطيرة ضد النادي الصفاقسي بتزوير وثائق رسمية,,,,,,,2016-10-13 18:42:09 57bz0j,,1,قايد السبسي: قطعنا خطوات لا بأس بها ولكننا مازلنا في وسط الطريق,,,,,,,2016-10-13 18:57:12 57c205,,1,منجي الحرباوي : البرلمان سيطلق قريبا برنامجا ثريا على المستويين الاتصالي و الإعلامي,,,,,,,2016-10-13 19:12:17 57c4yt,,1,تم الكشف عن هوياتهم: مقتل 5 ارهابيين تونسيين في بنغازي الليبية,,,,,,,2016-10-13 19:27:30 57c7ti,,1,أسبوع ثقافي جزائري في صفاقس,,,,,,,2016-10-13 19:42:20 57caou,,1,التجار المستقلون يقومون بداية من الغد بحملة نظافة بشارع الحبيب بورقيبة,,,,,,,2016-10-13 19:57:11 57cdps,,1,فرنسوا هولاند: لاعبو المنتخب ذوي الأصول الغير فرنسية ليس لهم اي أخلاق و تربيتهم سيئة ..,,,,,,,2016-10-13 20:12:39 57cgl8,,1,وزارة التربية تقرر عزل 14 معلما رفضوا الالتحاق بمراكز عملهم بمعتمدية بلخير من ولاية قفصة,,,,,,,2016-10-13 20:27:22 57cng6,,1,“LG” تكشف عن شاحن لاسلكي يدعم تقنية الشحن السريع,,,,,,,2016-10-13 21:02:11 57cpgl,,1,Mandat de dépôt à l’encontre d’un directeur d’école ayant harcelé sexuellement une élève,,,,,,,2016-10-13 21:12:17 57cta3,,1,بسبب هذه الصورة: طرد قيادي من الحزب الدستوري الحر,,,,,,,2016-10-13 21:32:22 57cyp1,,1,بلدية المحرس تتفاعل مع “الشروق أون لاين” وتشفط المياه الراكدة بالمنطقة (صور),,,,,,,2016-10-13 22:02:17 57d0ks,,1,Affaire radio Kelma : réunion d’urgence du SNJT,,,,,,,2016-10-13 22:12:43 57d437,,1,القيروان:إحالة 5 أشخاص على القطب القضائي لمكافحة الارهاب,,,,,,,2016-10-13 22:32:04 57d5xu,,1,وزارة الصحة تكرم أعضاء البعثة الطبية للحج,,,,,,,2016-10-13 22:42:30 57deh4,,1,جريدة الشروق ليوم الجمعة 14 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-13 23:32:22 57dlwk,,1,الاتفاق مع التجار المستقلين على عدم الانتصاب بالمسالك السياحية بالعاصمة,,,,,,,2016-10-14 00:17:10 57dq0j,,1,حالة الطقس ليوم غد الجمعة 14 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-14 00:42:40 57duq9,,1,‘اكتئاب الشتاء’.. ماهو وكيفية العلاج؟,,,,,,,2016-10-14 01:12:11 57ezxz,,1,حالة الطقس الجمعة 14 أكتوبر,,,,,,,2016-10-14 06:12:20 57f8li,,1,Cyril Hanouna offre aux 400 membres de son public un séjour en Tunisie,,,,,,,2016-10-14 07:37:17 57f9zv,,1,عشرات القتلى من الجيش الحر بتفجير “باب السلامة”,,,,,,,2016-10-14 07:52:37 57fbml,,1,انطلاق الحملة الترويجية الدولية لمؤتمر الاستثمار,,,,,,,2016-10-14 08:10:21 57fcw0,,1,أمين عام الأمم المتحدة الجديد في اول لقاء تلفزي.. ماذا قال؟ (فيديو),,,,,,,2016-10-14 08:25:12 57fe88,,1,لطيفة العرفاوي تكشف سر عدم زواجها ومن السّبب في ذلك,,,,,,,2016-10-14 08:40:14 57ffj5,,1,أوباما: تقدمت في العمر ولم أعد أراكم وأسمعكم,,,,,,,2016-10-14 08:55:29 57fgxf,,1,بالفيديو والصور: جولة في مهرجان اليخوت ولمحة عن البرنامج,,,,,,,2016-10-14 09:10:20 57fib4,,1,باسكال جانان مديرا فنيا للنادي البنزرتي,,,,,,,2016-10-14 09:25:08 57fjpo,,1,هما أبو دجانة وبن عجلة: الجيش الجزائري يقتل ارهابيين خطيرين,,,,,,,2016-10-14 09:40:38 57fl6l,,1,عاجل: وزارة العدل تطلب رفع الحصانة عن عشرة نوّاب .. التفاصيل,,,,,,,2016-10-14 09:55:28 57fmuj,,1,هجوم بالصواريخ على منتجع سياحي في أنطاليا جنوب تركيا,,,,,,,2016-10-14 10:10:37 57foag,,1,السعودية تمنع مواطنيها من زيارة هذه البلدان وخطية مالية للمخالفين…,,,,,,,2016-10-14 10:25:19 57fpsj,,1,بالفيديو.. هندي «بدون ذراعين» يقود سيارة بمهارة,,,,,,,2016-10-14 10:40:19 57frf0,,1,حملة “أعطيني مخّك” تشعل مواقع التّواصل الإجتماعي,,,,,,,2016-10-14 10:55:20 57ft65,,1,اغتيال قائد عسكري كبير في المعارضة السورية,,,,,,,2016-10-14 11:10:15 57fusw,,1,خطة عمل مستقبلية بين وزارة الشباب وإدارة ‘فايسبوك’ في الشرق الأوسط,,,,,,,2016-10-14 11:25:14 57g0ff,,1,بعد فشل المفاوضات: عمال شركة سودابس يهدّدون بالإضراب,,,,,,,2016-10-14 12:10:03 57g2on,,1,ملعب المباراة الافتتاحية ل”كان الغابون 2017″ غير جاهز !,,,,,,,2016-10-14 12:25:40 57g4vx,,1,مصر: مقتل 9 عسكريين بهجوم مسلح وسط سيناء,,,,,,,2016-10-14 12:40:28 57g75c,,1,إمضاء بروتوكول اتفاق حول نقل العملة في القطاع الفلاحي,,,,,,,2016-10-14 12:55:19 57g9h1,,1,وفد الجامعة يكشف: هذه وضعية ملعب وهران … (صور),,,,,,,2016-10-14 13:10:23 57ge7c,,1,وزارة الدفاع تنتدب,,,,,,,2016-10-14 13:40:26 57ggwb,,1,بعد توقفها لـ3 أيام:استئناف الدروس بمعهد محمود المسعدي بنابل,,,,,,,2016-10-14 13:57:00 57glsd,,1,وفق مشروع قانون المالية: تفاصيل ميزانية تونس لسنة 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-14 14:25:25 57gocu,,1,الباجي يلاقي رئيسة جمعية بوصلة (فيديو),,,,,,,2016-10-14 14:40:07 57gr1h,,1,القصرين:حجز 1125 علبة ‘كحول للوقود’ تباع و تستعمل كمادة مسكرة‎,,,,,,,2016-10-14 14:55:44 57gtrw,,1,رئاسة الحكومة: الزيادة في الأجور رهينة هذا الشرط,,,,,,,2016-10-14 15:10:24 57gwfo,,1,الكريب: وفاة كهل واصابة ثلاثة في حادث مرور,,,,,,,2016-10-14 15:25:17 57gzb5,,1,تعين جديد صلب وزارة الصناعة والتجارة,,,,,,,2016-10-14 15:40:35 57h240,,1,سليانة: القبض على “مجرم خطير” وهذا ما ضبط معه,,,,,,,2016-10-14 15:55:31 57h7xu,,1,ميزانية 2017: الحكومة تلتزم بعدم الترفيع في اسعار المواد الاساسية,,,,,,,2016-10-14 16:25:37 57hdqz,,1,حجز كميات من المواد سريعة الالتهاب تستعمل كمادة مسكرة‎,,,,,,,2016-10-14 16:55:26 57hgps,,1,ابرام اتفاقية عمل حول نقل العملة في القطاع الفلاحي,,,,,,,2016-10-14 17:10:23 57hjr1,,1,لأول مرة: زوجة عماد الطرابلسي تكشف حقائق جديدة,,,,,,,2016-10-14 17:25:43 57hmws,,1,ألمانيا : رضيعة لاجئة تُعرض للبيع بـ5 آلاف أورو,,,,,,,2016-10-14 17:40:48 57hssv,,1,الأمم المتحدة تطالب تونس بضرورة الإعتراف بالأمازيغية وتدريسها,,,,,,,2016-10-14 18:10:05 57hwpq,,1,عمال الحضائر بجندوبة يحتجون على تصريحات ناجي جلول ويطالبونه بالاعتذار,,,,,,,2016-10-14 18:29:51 57i1jn,,1,البوصلة تقدم لرئيس الدولة التقرير السنوي للجمعية,,,,,,,2016-10-14 18:55:06 57i4iu,,1,رسم مسيئ للرسول محمد داخل مقر البرلمان الاوروبي,,,,,,,2016-10-14 19:10:22 57i7dc,,1,روضة الغربي:لن أتحمل أي مسؤولية في الهيئة المديرة لرابطة حقوق الإنسان,,,,,,,2016-10-14 19:25:10 57iad9,,1,Contrebande en Tunisie : « Nous partageons les idées de Pablo Escobar ! »,,,,,,,2016-10-14 19:40:57 57iiq3,,1,تفاصيل الدورة الخامسة للمهرجان المغاربي لمسرح الهواة بنابل,,,,,,,2016-10-14 20:25:19 57ilh3,,1,Arrestation d’un takfiriste ayant appelé sur Facebook à égorger les sécuritaires,,,,,,,2016-10-14 20:40:08 57ioc4,,1,صدمة للمستهلكين في مداهمة اعوان الصحة البلدية لمطعم بنهج غانا وسط العاصمة,,,,,,,2016-10-14 20:55:14 57iqz8,,1,هذا ما تقرر بشان مقتحمي القباضة المالية بالطبل و الزكرة…,,,,,,,2016-10-14 21:10:03 57itsr,,1,مريض يشكر طبيبه رميا بالرصاص,,,,,,,2016-10-14 21:25:45 57iwch,,1,البنك الدولي يؤكد استعداده لدعم تونس للنهوض بالتشغيل,,,,,,,2016-10-14 21:40:09 57iyyb,,1,بالفيديو.. منصور بن عثمان يتحدث عن انتقاله للافريقي.. وهذا ما يعد به الجماهير,,,,,,,2016-10-14 21:55:10 57j1oh,,1,“عاملات” ماخور العاصمة “عبدالله قش” يتحدثن عن المضايقات والتهديدات التي يتعرضن لها!,,,,,,,2016-10-14 22:10:20 57j6qv,,1,“عاملات” ماخور العاصمة “عبدالله قش” يتحدثن عن المضايقات والتهديدات التي يتعرضن لها!,,,,,,,2016-10-14 22:40:40 57ja1p,,1,توزر : انطلاق المنتدى العالمي للواحيين,,,,,,,2016-10-14 23:00:42 57jg9q,,1,برقية تفتيش ضد إبنة البحري الجلاصي لهذا السبب,,,,,,,2016-10-14 23:40:15 57jlkf,,1,بالفيديو: نجمة عالمية تصدم الجمهور بنزع شفتيها الصناعيتين,,,,,,,2016-10-15 00:15:05 57jnzk,,1,أندرويد الجديد يعد بمفاجآت مثيرة,,,,,,,2016-10-15 00:30:45 57jtss,,1,اشحن هاتفك بيدك فقط بدون كهرباء!كيف ذلك ؟,,,,,,,2016-10-15 01:10:44 57ke27,,1,ماذا سيحدث لو ضربوا مواقع الجيش السوري؟,,,,,,,2016-10-15 03:40:05 57kuzw,,1,التوقعات الجويّة ليوم السبت,,,,,,,2016-10-15 06:05:35 57l07w,,1,53 سنة على خروج آخر جندي فرنسي من الأراضي التونسية,,,,,,,2016-10-15 07:00:51 57l4la,,1,الخارجيّة الأمريكيّة تطلق برنامجا تكوينيّا للشباب التونسي,,,,,,,2016-10-15 07:50:24 57l75r,,1,الكشف عن مخطط لتفجير مجمع سكني يقطنه مسلمون بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية,,,,,,,2016-10-15 08:20:08 57l9oa,,1,خطير/رادس: بجمع لحوم فاسدة ويحولها إلى لحم “مفروم” ومرقاز وهذا ما يفعله,,,,,,,2016-10-15 08:50:19 57lb09,,1,مريكا تطلق برنامجا تكوينيّا للشباب التونسي… التفاصيل,,,,,,,2016-10-15 09:05:27 57lcaz,,1,بن عروس: مداهمة ليلية لمخزن معد لبضائع مهربة,,,,,,,2016-10-15 09:20:12 57ldl3,,1,تطاوين: اضراب بـ 3 ايام لعمال شركة سودابس البترولية,,,,,,,2016-10-15 09:35:04 57lewo,,1,بمناسبة عطلة نصف الثلاثي الأول المدرسية لسنة 2016… وزارة الداخلية تعلم ….,,,,,,,2016-10-15 09:50:41 57lgbr,,1,قبلي: ارتفاع صابة تمور هذا الموسم بـ7%,,,,,,,2016-10-15 10:06:18 57liva,,1,غلق جميع بيوت الدعارة في تونس؟,,,,,,,2016-10-15 10:35:23 57lk81,,1,كأس دانون للأمم: تونس تنهزم أمام بولونيا,,,,,,,2016-10-15 10:50:32 57lllu,,1,إجراءات بروتوكولية تجبر رئيس بلدية بنزرت على البقاء خارج روضة الشهداء,,,,,,,2016-10-15 11:05:37 57ln27,,1,دربي قابس: تشكيلة الفريقين,,,,,,,2016-10-15 11:20:34 57loh5,,1,عندما غابت الدولة: هذا ما أنجزته جمعية حماية واحات جمنة من مرافق أساسية,,,,,,,2016-10-15 11:35:24 57lpwq,,1,Les trois présidents à Bizerte pour célébrer le 53ème anniversaire de l’Evacuation,,,,,,,2016-10-15 11:50:28 57lrin,,1,العيوني يلجأ للقضاء لإلغاء قائمة المترشحين للمجلس الأعلى للقضاء,,,,,,,2016-10-15 12:05:30 57ltao,,1,كأس دانون 2017 : تونس تعود إلى الانتصارات,,,,,,,2016-10-15 12:20:17 57lv3o,,1,"Medicars célèbre l’assemblage de son 1er camion Hyundai de 7,8 tonnes",,,,,,,2016-10-15 12:35:49 57lwsv,,1,بن عروس: حجز كمية من اللحوم الفاسدة بمحل جزارة بالسوق البلدي برادس,,,,,,,2016-10-15 12:50:18 57lysm,,1,هذا ما قررته وكالة التكوين المهني بخصوص التلميذ الذي طعن أستاذته بسكين في سليانة..,,,,,,,2016-10-15 13:05:33 57m0pt,,1,فور مغادرته السجن هكذا علق “سامي هلال”,,,,,,,2016-10-15 13:20:39 57m2n0,,1,‘ملا عيلة’ مسرحية جديدة تعرض أخيرا في العاصمة,,,,,,,2016-10-15 13:35:36 57mao9,,1,عميد المحامين السّابق الفاضل محفوظ يعلن إلتحاقهُ رسميًّا بحركة مشروع تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-15 14:33:59 57md9a,,1,صابة الزيتون هذه السنة في سيدي بوزيد دون المعدل العادي,,,,,,,2016-10-15 14:51:08 57mfje,,1,السليطي: لا وجود لقرار قضائي بتحجير السفر عن درصاف شيبوب,,,,,,,2016-10-15 15:05:50 57mhro,,1,المجلس الأعلى للقضاء: نشر القائمة النهائية لتوزيع الناخبين,,,,,,,2016-10-15 15:20:21 57mmhp,,1,في 2017… إحداث تخصّص ”الطب العائلي”,,,,,,,2016-10-15 15:50:37 57mp4c,,1,الهمامي: ميزانية 2017 تمت صياغتها بإملاءات من صندوق النقد الدولي,,,,,,,2016-10-15 16:06:20 57mrk9,,1,ما السرّ وراء منع رئيس بلدية بنزرت من المشاركة في احتفالات عيد الجلاء ؟,,,,,,,2016-10-15 16:20:29 57mwju,,1,هزيمة ثقيلة للزمالك المصري في ذهاب نهائي دوري الابطال الافريقية,,,,,,,2016-10-15 16:50:23 57mz7g,,1,حمه الهمامي يعلق على ضريبة المسابح الخاصه,,,,,,,2016-10-15 17:05:15 57n1xc,,1,“غالاكسي نوت 7” محظور على الطائرات الأميركية,,,,,,,2016-10-15 17:20:23 57n4hc,,1,اهم قرارات مجلس الاتحاد الدولي كرة القدم,,,,,,,2016-10-15 17:35:42 57n70f,,1,وفاة الحكم نزار علوي إثر حادث مرور أليم,,,,,,,2016-10-15 17:50:35 57n9j3,,1,دربي قابس ينتهي على تعادل واحتجاجات ومقذوفات,,,,,,,2016-10-15 18:05:27 57nbz8,,1,وقفة احتجاجية للجبهة الشعبية ضد مشروع قانون المالية 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-15 18:20:03 57neph,,1,عماد الطرابلسي يوجه رسالة للتونسيين,,,,,,,2016-10-15 18:35:54 57nh4s,,1,عماد الطرابلسي يوجه رسالة للتونسيين,,,,,,,2016-10-15 18:50:32 57nm7d,,1,اهم قرارات مجلس الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم,,,,,,,2016-10-15 19:20:11 57noug,,1,سياح في قرية العلوم بتطاوين (صور),,,,,,,2016-10-15 19:35:33 57nrbc,,1,الرابطة الأولى : ثلاثية للنادي الصفاقسي أمام شبيبة القيروان,,,,,,,2016-10-15 19:50:31 57nwat,,1,بداية من الغد: تظاهرة ثقافية ورياضية موجهة للأطفال بحديقة البلفيدير,,,,,,,2016-10-15 20:20:10 57nytt,,1,النادي الصفاقسي يضرب ب”الثلاثة” ضد شبيبة القيروان,,,,,,,2016-10-15 20:35:08 57o1aw,,1,Le conseil de la Choura tiendra une session extraordinaire pour examiner la loi de Finances 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-15 20:50:32 57o3l1,,5,Indiegogo for the stunning Sketchbook to explore the awesomeness of African fashion and cultures! Its incredible history!,,,,,,,2016-10-15 21:03:56 57o3zv,,1,قافلة تحسيسية منادية بالرفق بالحيوانات تجوب شوارع العاصمة (صور),,,,,,,2016-10-15 21:06:27 57o6vd,,1,ماذا حدث للطفلة ذات اللسان الضخم؟,,,,,,,2016-10-15 21:24:20 57o9uz,,1,فيصل دربال مستشارا لدى رئيس الحكومة,,,,,,,2016-10-15 21:42:39 57ocmx,,1,Ali Ben Salem : Béji Caïd Essebsi a conduit la bataille de l’Evacuation !,,,,,,,2016-10-15 22:00:08 57oevy,,1,فوشانة : شيخ الـ80 يتلقى طعنة قاتلة من ابنه,,,,,,,2016-10-15 22:13:41 57oo3w,,1,عاجل – أمريكا : قتلى و مصابين في إطلاق نار بمطعم,,,,,,,2016-10-15 23:10:13 57orcx,,1,كاريكاتور اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-15 23:30:25 57oug0,,1,خمودة – القصرين مرة أخرى : إنزلاق شاحنة ثقيلة واصطدامها بأحد المنازل,,,,,,,2016-10-15 23:50:19 57qenm,,1,Ali Ben Salem : Béji Caïd Essebsi a conduit la bataille de l’Evacuation !,,,,,,,2016-10-16 07:10:04 57qi8s,,1,طقس اليوم الأحد 16 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-16 07:51:01 57qkqf,,1,بريطانيا ترسل بعثة تدريب عسكرية إلى تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-16 08:20:08 57qove,,1,مورانو تحاول منع رجل أعمال جزائري من دفع خطية ضد النقاب (فيديو),,,,,,,2016-10-16 09:10:21 57qprp,,1,بن عروس: تنفيذ 19 قرار إزالة للانتصاب الفوضوي و19 عملية صحية (فيديو وصور),,,,,,,2016-10-16 09:20:34 57qqzc,,1,”كوانسيدانس في الكاف” من 17 إلى 23 أكتوبر,,,,,,,2016-10-16 09:35:29 57qs88,,1,محامي درصاف بن علي : هذه الجهة هي التي تحجر السفر على موكلتي ..,,,,,,,2016-10-16 09:50:24 57qti4,,1,وليد جلاد ينسحب من فعاليات الأيام البرلمانية للكتلة الحرة بمدينة صفاقس,,,,,,,2016-10-16 10:05:14 57qv1u,,1,القيروان :ارتفاع صابة الزيتون مقارنة بالموسم الماضي,,,,,,,2016-10-16 10:22:29 57qwoo,,1,Lutte contre le terrorisme : Coopération militaire tuniso-britannique,,,,,,,2016-10-16 10:40:17 57qxyl,,1,الجيش الجزائري يدمر مخبئين للإرهابيين في بلعباس,,,,,,,2016-10-16 10:55:19 57qzdc,,1,نداء تونس: بلحاج يطرح البديل ان رفض حافظ قايد السبسي المسار الإصلاحي,,,,,,,2016-10-16 11:10:24 57r0q2,,1,الغنوشي: ”لا يمكن أن نكفّر الدواعش.. وهكذا اصف واقعهم”,,,,,,,2016-10-16 11:25:16 57r21s,,1,Walid Jalled se retire des journées parlementaires d’Al Horra,,,,,,,2016-10-16 11:40:12 57r3hs,,1,هكذا حاول فيرغسون نقل رونالدو الى برشلونة,,,,,,,2016-10-16 11:55:31 57r55n,,1,الغنوشي: ما يروّج له بشأن جبهات ديمقراطية هي مشاريع فاشلة,,,,,,,2016-10-16 12:10:32 57r6vl,,1,الكشف عن مخطط لاغتيال عبد الفتاح السيسي ورموز بالدولة,,,,,,,2016-10-16 12:25:19 57rads,,1,البريطاني موراي يفوز ببطولة شنغهاي للتنس,,,,,,,2016-10-16 12:55:06 57re7c,,1,سوسة: تعرف على تلميذة بالفايسبوك… خدرها و واقعها… وهدد والدتها بنشر صور ابنتها عارية !,,,,,,,2016-10-16 13:25:11 57rg5d,,1,عاجل : احباط مخطط لاغتيال وزير الداخلية .. و وزارة الداخلية توضح..,,,,,,,2016-10-16 13:40:14 57ribh,,1,الشرطة الاسترالية تبحث عن غراب أسود لاعتقاله,,,,,,,2016-10-16 13:56:01 57rmew,,1,هذا الرباعي التونسي مرشح لجوائز افضل اللاعبين الافارقة,,,,,,,2016-10-16 14:25:03 57rqxl,,1,طبرقة/عثر بمنزله على طائرة دون طيار وراية داعش: القبض عل شاب مشتبه فيه,,,,,,,2016-10-16 14:55:32 57rvto,,1,مباشر: الجولة الرابعة للرابطة المحترفة الاولى,,,,,,,2016-10-16 15:26:07 57ry4s,,1,L’Instance Vérité et Dignité : Illégale et/ou immorale ?,,,,,,,2016-10-16 15:40:10 57s3g7,,1,تطاوين:إحياء الذكرى الرابعة لحادثة اغتيال لطفي نقض,,,,,,,2016-10-16 16:10:49 57sbgs,,1,هذه ملامح حزب المهدي جمعة الجديد ..,,,,,,,2016-10-16 16:55:11 57seb3,,1,الرابطة التونسية لكرة القدم تحدد موعد دربي العاصمة ..,,,,,,,2016-10-16 17:10:40 57sn09,,1,الشروع في جني صابة التمور بواحة جمنة,,,,,,,2016-10-16 17:57:47 57spqx,,1,Tunisie – Projet de la Loi de Finances 2017 à télécharger,,,,,,,2016-10-16 18:12:36 57ssfh,,1,السليطي:الكشف مجموعة إرهابية كانت تعد لاستهداف شخصية سياسية,,,,,,,2016-10-16 18:27:26 57sy5g,,1,ترتيب بطولة الرابطة المحترفة الاولى لكرة القدم,,,,,,,2016-10-16 18:57:30 57t16l,,1,Un groupe de Nidaa Tounes commémore le 4ème anniversaire de la mort du martyr Lotfi Nagdh,,,,,,,2016-10-16 19:12:52 57t3si,,1,تاجروين: إصابة كهل بطلق ناري في “زردة”,,,,,,,2016-10-16 19:27:10 57t9c3,,1,الكاف:الشارني تعد بإنهاء المشاريع المعطلة وفتح مركز تكوين رياضي النخبة,,,,,,,2016-10-16 19:57:19 57tc5q,,1,هذه الدول تعرض جنسيتها للبيع .. بشرط واحد فقط,,,,,,,2016-10-16 20:12:30 57tevx,,1,جلسة علنية للإستماع الى درصاف بن علي في هذا التاريخ,,,,,,,2016-10-16 20:27:25 57thkz,,1,تفاصيل أخرى عن قضية إحباط مخطط لاغتيال وزير الداخلية,,,,,,,2016-10-16 20:42:03 57tkdq,,1,مقتل ابنة العداء الأمريكي تايسون غاي بطلق ناري,,,,,,,2016-10-16 20:57:11 57tn4u,,1,الشبيبة تتفاوض مع الكوكي والحيدوسي لخلافة البرازيلي انطونيو ديماس,,,,,,,2016-10-16 21:12:07 57tsrb,,1,سمير الوافي يؤكد تلقيه تهديدات .. التفاصيل,,,,,,,2016-10-16 21:44:36 57tyht,,1,الغنوشي يؤكد على انجاح منتدى الاستثمار الدولي‎,,,,,,,2016-10-16 22:17:50 57u9e7,,1,جريدة الشروق ليوم الاثنين 17 اكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-16 23:22:37 57ueg2,,1,مصطفى بن احمد: “مبروك عليكم الانتصار ” بتغيير اسم الكتلة البرلمانية “الحرة”,,,,,,,2016-10-16 23:52:45 57vwpl,,1,حالة الطقس اليوم الاثنين 17 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-17 06:07:10 57w01z,,1,القصرين : مجرم خطير يعتدي على عون أمن بشفرة حلاقة,,,,,,,2016-10-17 06:37:11 57w24u,,1,باكستان : مقتل ما لا يقل عن 30 شخصا في تصادم حافلتين,,,,,,,2016-10-17 06:57:20 57w6q0,,1,انطلاق الدورة البرلمانية الثالثة,,,,,,,2016-10-17 07:42:05 57w9m0,,1,القصرين: مجرم خطير يعتدي بشفرة حلاقة على عون أمن أثناء عملية القبض عليه,,,,,,,2016-10-17 08:12:10 57wb36,,1,أمريكا : مقتل ابنة العداء العالمي ‘تايسون غاي’ في إطلاق نار,,,,,,,2016-10-17 08:27:29 57wcfn,,1,العراق: العبادي يعلن بدء “عملية تحرير الموصل”,,,,,,,2016-10-17 08:42:21 57wdtw,,1,تونس تحيي اليوم الوطني التحسيسي للتّبرع بالأعضاء,,,,,,,2016-10-17 08:57:17 57wfdo,,1,وزارة املاك الدولة والشؤون العقارية تضرب بقوة وتكشف المخالفات,,,,,,,2016-10-17 09:12:36 57wgqm,,1,سمير الوافي يوجه رسالة عاجلة الى حركة مشروع تونس بعد تهديد وُجّه إليه من قبل أحد المنتمين إليها,,,,,,,2016-10-17 09:27:34 57wjkt,,1,القصرين/خلال مداهمة أمنية: مجرم خطير يعتدي على عون أمن,,,,,,,2016-10-17 09:57:07 57wo9e,,1,منزل المهيري – القيروان: العثور على جثة شاب تتدلى من شجرة,,,,,,,2016-10-17 10:42:19 57wpvd,,1,العاصمة: حجز كمية من “الفريب” وطاولات وكراسي منتصبة بصفة عشوائية,,,,,,,2016-10-17 10:57:20 57wtla,,1,الجهيناوي يسلم أمير دولة الكويت رسالة خطية من رئيس الجمهورية,,,,,,,2016-10-17 11:27:49 57wvfz,,1,هذا موعد دخول الطريق السيارة قابس-صفاقس حيز الاستغلال,,,,,,,2016-10-17 11:43:08 57wxcj,,1,قبل هجوم القوات العراقية..”داعش” يدعو عناصره للانسحاب من الموصل,,,,,,,2016-10-17 11:58:57 57x01a,,1,بسبب تدوينة: عائلة “مطعم الحطاب” تهدد سمير الوافي,,,,,,,2016-10-17 12:17:16 57x27v,,1,في ذكرى وفاته الرابعة: هذا ما تنتظره أرملة الشهيد لطفي نقض,,,,,,,2016-10-17 12:32:25 57x51u,,1,المنستير: مداهمات وحجز بضائع,,,,,,,2016-10-17 12:50:44 57x6vm,,1,أوراق مالية داخل ظروف ورقية تملؤ الشوارع !,,,,,,,2016-10-17 13:02:32 57x9jd,,1,النهضة تعلّق على تصريح رئيسها وموزاييك توضّح,,,,,,,2016-10-17 13:18:11 57xbrh,,1,امرأة تحاول الانتحار حرقا أمام المجلس (فيديو)‎,,,,,,,2016-10-17 13:32:33 57xgwk,,1,بنزرت: طالبة تحاول الانتحار بشرب 30 قرص دواء,,,,,,,2016-10-17 14:03:33 57xm9c,,1,خاص: المفكّر يوسف الصديق يوجّه رسالة شديدة اللهجة الى راشد الغنوشي، ويعتبر انّ لا فرق بينه وبين ابو عياض والبغدادي,,,,,,,2016-10-17 14:32:56 57xrqm,,1,البريد التونسي يوقع اتفاقية مع ‘ماستر كارد’,,,,,,,2016-10-17 15:02:49 57xvoz,,1,مصر: مقتل ثلاثة جنود في مواجهات مع مسلحين متشددين في سيناء,,,,,,,2016-10-17 15:22:51 57xxpi,,1,الفيلم التونسي شبابك الجنة يفوز بجائزتين في نيس,,,,,,,2016-10-17 15:33:11 57y1i5,,1,"Désapprouvant le projet de la Loi de finances 2017, l’UGTT prépare la riposte",,,,,,,2016-10-17 15:52:47 57y7on,,1,Fadhel Abdelkefi s’entretient avec Harlem Désir à Paris,,,,,,,2016-10-17 16:22:56 57y9qw,,1,معرض فوتوغرافي لأهم اللحظات لرياضيينا خلال ألعاب ريو 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-17 16:33:09 57yds8,,1,والي تونس يسلم الشاهد تقريرا حول الحملات ض التهريب والانتصاب العشوائي,,,,,,,2016-10-17 16:52:14 57yg0o,,1,الناصر: تم التصويت على 131 قانون خلال دورتين تشريعيتين,,,,,,,2016-10-17 17:02:47 57yjee,,1,طلب رفع الحصانة عن 10 نواب‎,,,,,,,2016-10-17 17:18:10 57ymjb,,1,الحرس الرئاسي الليبي يعلن انشقاقه عن حكومة السراج في طرابلس,,,,,,,2016-10-17 17:32:53 57ypjf,,1,صحفيان يمثلان أمام الإدارة الفرعية لمكافحة الإجرام بالقرجاني,,,,,,,2016-10-17 17:47:04 57ysu2,,1,رسمي: سفيان الحيدوسي مدربا لشبيبة القيروان,,,,,,,2016-10-17 18:02:56 57yzzq,,1,تونس – بعد خروجها من غرفة العمليات: منحرف يحاول إغتصاب مريضة في الإنعاش !,,,,,,,2016-10-17 18:37:47 57z504,,1,القوات العراقية تحكم سيطرتها على مشارف مدينة الموصل,,,,,,,2016-10-17 19:02:16 57z83x,,1,علاء الشابي: تصريحاتي أخرجت من سياقها,,,,,,,2016-10-17 19:17:03 57zecz,,1,حسين العباسي: هناك مهربين كبار يعلمهم الامن وعليه القبض عليهم,,,,,,,2016-10-17 19:47:50 57zkk8,,1,مستقبل المرسى : إقالة بوشار و السليمي على الخط,,,,,,,2016-10-17 20:17:49 57znp1,,1,مجلس نواب الشعب يصادق على اتفاقية باريس بالاجماع,,,,,,,2016-10-17 20:32:53 57zqm4,,1,الخطوط التونسية: تقرير Quali-Audit يؤكد حرفية أعوان الشركة,,,,,,,2016-10-17 20:47:14 57ztod,,1,خطير: الاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل يوجه للحكومة رسالة “نارية” ويدعو كل الهياكل النقابية للتعبئة والاستعداد للنضال,,,,,,,2016-10-17 21:02:34 57zwnn,,1,جرجيس: الكشف عن شبكة مختصة في سرقة المنازل ومحلات المصوغ,,,,,,,2016-10-17 21:17:19 57zzl4,,1,العباسي يعلن قبول الحوار مع رئاسة الحكومة,,,,,,,2016-10-17 21:32:15 5802i7,,1,الجيش المصري يقضي على 19 ارهابيا في سيناء,,,,,,,2016-10-17 21:47:20 5808fo,,1,جريدة الشروق ليوم الثلاثاء 18 اكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-17 22:17:16 580b7q,,1,الفيفا تطلب من ليبيا اختيار ملعب آخر لمباراتها ضد تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-17 22:32:22 580e1h,,1,300 مليون أورو من الإتحاد الأوروبي لدعم الإقتصاد التونسي,,,,,,,2016-10-17 22:47:24 580pva,,1,في افتتاح الدورة النيابية الجديدة: النداء والنهضة متساويان في عدد النواب,,,,,,,2016-10-17 23:52:34 582btl,,1,التوقعات الجويّة ليوم الثلاثاء,,,,,,,2016-10-18 06:07:34 582hby,,1,صفقات بين المافيا الايطالية وداعش: السلاح مقابل الآثار,,,,,,,2016-10-18 06:57:19 582j0p,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم الثلاثاء 18 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-18 07:12:19 582kpo,,1,عودة سوق الدروس الخصوصية ووزارة التربية ترد بقوة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 07:28:51 582m01,,1,سيفتحه رئيس الجمهورية: تونس تحتضن مؤتمر الايسيسكو لوزارء التربية,,,,,,,2016-10-18 07:42:11 582ne2,,1,بسبب الدروس الخصوصيّة: إحالة 13 مدرّسا على مجلس التأديب,,,,,,,2016-10-18 07:57:04 582q89,,1,خاص: قريبا.. دليل مراجعة لفائدة تلاميذ 1 و2 ابتدائي,,,,,,,2016-10-18 08:27:07 582rmg,,1,روسا تعلن وقف الضربات الروسية والسورية في حلب,,,,,,,2016-10-18 08:42:17 582t1n,,1,تفاصيل الزيادة المرتقبة في أسعار حصص تعليم السياقة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 08:57:38 582uk3,,1,ثلاث رؤساء حكومات أوروبية في زيارة رسمية الى تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-18 09:12:36 582w1m,,1,سكك الحديد الصفاقسي: إقالة المدرب محمود المصمودي‎,,,,,,,2016-10-18 09:27:41 582xio,,1,Hamma Hammami : BCE n’est pas au courant des mesures imposées par le FMI,,,,,,,2016-10-18 09:42:20 582z04,,1,العباسي:عدم رضا الاتحاد عن بعض المقترحات لا يعني وجود أزمة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 09:57:24 5830ph,,1,شبح الافلاس يحوم حول المستشفيات العمومية,,,,,,,2016-10-18 10:12:32 583297,,1,قريبا: الترفيع في أسعار بيع التبغ,,,,,,,2016-10-18 10:27:23 5833rv,,1,عاجل: الاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل يدعو الشغالين للتجند للدفاع عن حقوقهم,,,,,,,2016-10-18 10:42:19 5835ds,,1,إرسال بريطانيا لبعثة تدريب عسكرية إلى تونس: وزير الدّفاع يوضّح,,,,,,,2016-10-18 10:57:11 58376c,,1,محمد الناصر: الحوار هو الوسيلة لحل كل المشاكل,,,,,,,2016-10-18 11:12:04 583924,,1,المافيا الإيطالية تبيع السلاح لـ”داعش” ليبيا مقابل الآثار,,,,,,,2016-10-18 11:27:04 583az5,,1,بعد قطعهم للطريق:أولياء أمام المحكمة في قفصة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 11:42:19 583d00,,1,تحرير 20 قرية حول الموصل خلال 24 ساعة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 11:57:51 583fdd,,1,القصرين: عندما تنسف الدولة المعالم التاريخية بتمويل من جمعية قطريّة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 12:13:18 583gyn,,1,مشروع الموازنة المالية لسنة 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-18 12:23:55 583hjd,,1,انطلاق دراسة بناء مستشفى جهوي بمعتمدية تالة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 12:27:32 583rpo,,1,هذه هوية زوجة “صخر الماطري” الجديدة بعد طلاقه من نسرين بن علي,,,,,,,2016-10-18 13:27:19 583u5q,,1,ليليا بوقيرة:ما يحدث داخل هيئة الحقيقة والكرامة مهزلة !,,,,,,,2016-10-18 13:42:10 583wu3,,1,جندوبة الرياضية: هشام النصيبي مدربا جديدا ‎,,,,,,,2016-10-18 13:57:34 583zi9,,1,التمديد في حالة الطوارئ,,,,,,,2016-10-18 14:12:31 5848zb,,1,3 مساجين في اضراب عن الطعام بسبب سوء المعاملة : اراة السجون توضح,,,,,,,2016-10-18 15:02:55 584ir9,,1,“سيدة الساطور”..امرأة تذبح زوجها لهذا السبب!,,,,,,,2016-10-18 15:52:32 584l07,,1,دعم الربط الكهربائي بين تونس وإيطاليا,,,,,,,2016-10-18 16:03:31 584r1d,,1,حكم بـ 6 اشهر سجنا في حق المسرحي طارق العلاني,,,,,,,2016-10-18 16:32:23 584t9j,,1,احباط عملية تهريب كمية من السجائر والمعسل بين ماطر وبنزرت,,,,,,,2016-10-18 16:42:45 584zm2,,1,جماهير الاولمبي الباجي وممثلون عن الإطار الفني والهيئة المديرة يحتجون,,,,,,,2016-10-18 17:12:22 5852sq,,1,الاساتذة النواب بالقيروان يخرجون في مسيرة على الاقدام في اتجاه الحدود الجزائرية,,,,,,,2016-10-18 17:27:35 58562f,,1,مؤشر جريمة سرقة السيارات تشهد انخفاضا بنحو26 بالمائة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 17:42:49 58596k,,1,حادثة قباضة القيروان: 6 أشهر سجنا مع تأجيل التنفيذ في حق المسرحي,,,,,,,2016-10-18 17:57:20 585ch8,,1,قابس: حملة أمنية تسفر عن القبض على شخص بشبهة الارهاب,,,,,,,2016-10-18 18:12:52 585fnt,,1,فحوى لقاء وزيرة الطاقة والمناجم بالسفير الايطالي في تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-18 18:27:39 585isk,,1,نحو ادراج الهريسة ضمن التراث اللامادي لليونسكو,,,,,,,2016-10-18 18:42:23 585m0z,,1,وزارة التربية توحد الفروض والاختبارات للسنتين السادسة والتاسعة,,,,,,,2016-10-18 18:57:44 585p3t,,1,بلجيكيا : اعتقال مسلّح احتجز رهائن في متجر,,,,,,,2016-10-18 19:12:02 585sd5,,1,ايقاف الحصة التدريبية للملعب القابسي,,,,,,,2016-10-18 19:27:07 585vk6,,1,تفاعلا مع فيديو موزاييك: فتح تحقيق حول بناء مساكن فوق موقع أثري,,,,,,,2016-10-18 19:42:04 585ypa,,1,دمشق: واشنطن تخطط لتأمين ممرات لارهابيي “داعش” من الموصل إلى سوريا,,,,,,,2016-10-18 19:57:11 58657r,,1,الأمير تركي بن سعود الكبير.. أول أمير سعودي يعدم في قضية جنائية (فيديو),,,,,,,2016-10-18 20:27:41 5868bi,,1,مجلس وزاري لمتابعة وتقييم مختلف برامج التشغيل,,,,,,,2016-10-18 20:42:30 586bco,,1,الفيفا يواصل حملة مكافحة الفساد,,,,,,,2016-10-18 20:57:16 586hoe,,1,الزمالك يمنع لاعبيه من استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي,,,,,,,2016-10-18 21:27:32 586kp7,,1,الزمالك يمنع لاعبيه من استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي,,,,,,,2016-10-18 21:42:28 586qft,,1,علاء الشابي يتمنى أن تصبح هذه الشخصية في المستقبل رئيسا للجمهورية التونسية,,,,,,,2016-10-18 22:12:32 586t5r,,1,ملحمة أبطال رفعوا الراية الوطنية في سماء ريو 2016 (صور+فيديو),,,,,,,2016-10-18 22:27:10 5875a0,,1,كاريكاتور اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-18 23:32:30 587c4z,,1,القبض على سعودي شتم الإسلام ودعا لإباحة ”الدعارة”,,,,,,,2016-10-19 00:12:08 587ewb,,1,القيروان: الوالي يصدر قرارا بمنع بيع حبوب “الدرع”,,,,,,,2016-10-19 00:27:17 587mia,,1,اليابان: اختيار شريك الحياة بفضل “الكمامة الطبية”,,,,,,,2016-10-19 01:12:10 588zdx,,1,حي التضامن: القبض على تكفيري سافر باستعمال جواز سفر شقيقه,,,,,,,2016-10-19 06:57:08 58971c,,1,الشاهد: إذا سقطت هذه الحكومة… فإنها ستسقط على رؤوس الجميع,,,,,,,2016-10-19 08:12:15 5898fk,,1,محمد الكيلاني:إنقاذ تونس يتطلب تحالفا مؤقتا بين اليسار والنهضة,,,,,,,2016-10-19 08:27:05 5899s1,,1,10 demandes de levée d’immunité sur le bureau de l’Assemblée,,,,,,,2016-10-19 08:42:03 589cr8,,1,الشاهد يقرّ بصعوبة مقاومة كبار المهربين,,,,,,,2016-10-19 09:12:39 589e6q,,1,القضاء بسجن الفنان الذي احتج بمقر القباضة,,,,,,,2016-10-19 09:27:06 589fpk,,1,مصر: القضاء على 6 مسلحين وتدمير 16 مخبأ ومخزن في سيناء,,,,,,,2016-10-19 09:42:18 589hcg,,1,عبادة الكافي وشاكر العيادي ضيفا ميدي شو اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-19 09:57:16 589ixy,,1,جندوبة: نسبة التمدرس في التعليم الابتدائي تقدّر بـ98 %,,,,,,,2016-10-19 10:12:09 589m7p,,1,"Nefâa Ennaifar : En examinant le projet de la Loi de finances 2017, la reprise économique n’est pas à l’ordre du jour",,,,,,,2016-10-19 10:42:15 589nxn,,1,ماذا في لقاء رئيس الجمهورية بوداد بوشماوي؟,,,,,,,2016-10-19 10:57:26 589pq7,,1,"Nefâa Ennaifar : En examinant le projet de la Loi de finances 2017, la reprise économique n’est pas à l’ordre du jour",,,,,,,2016-10-19 11:12:28 589s41,,1,هذا ما تقرر في حق الفنان الذي جلب “الزكرة والطبال” الى مقر القباضة بالقيروان,,,,,,,2016-10-19 11:32:10 589tem,,1,Grand Tunis – Grève des chauffeurs de taxi le 31 octobre 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-19 11:42:28 589vda,,1,منزل مساحته 50 متر مربع وفاتورة الكهرباء قيمتها أكثر من 4 ألاف دينار !,,,,,,,2016-10-19 11:57:50 589xf1,,1,رئيس الجمهورية يستقبل وداد بوشماوي,,,,,,,2016-10-19 12:12:15 589zie,,1,لهذا السبب لم يغلق مطعم “الحطاب” رغم الكوارث التي تم اكتشافها داخله,,,,,,,2016-10-19 12:27:12 58a1q4,,1,وزارة التربية تعلن عن حركة جزئية في سلك المندوبين الجهويين,,,,,,,2016-10-19 12:42:11 58a415,,1,اتحاد الشغل يناقش تحركات اجتماعية بما فيها الإضراب العام,,,,,,,2016-10-19 12:57:14 58a6m2,,1,لاعب دولي سابق يتحيّل على فتاة تونسية ـ فرنسية ويسلبهــا أموالــهـا بعـد ان وعـدها بـالــــــــزواج,,,,,,,2016-10-19 13:12:19 58a937,,1,استشهاد فلسطينية على حاجز زعترة في نابلس بذريعة الطعن,,,,,,,2016-10-19 13:27:23 58abp4,,1,شاكر العيادي: خميس قسيلة وراء ما يحدث داخل كتلة النداء,,,,,,,2016-10-19 13:43:00 58adyv,,1,جندوبة: حجز 750 كغ من الدجاج الفاسد,,,,,,,2016-10-19 13:57:03 58ajfa,,1,رسمي: الاعلان عن موعد مباراة النجم الساحلي وإتحاد بن قردان‎,,,,,,,2016-10-19 14:27:02 58am7h,,1,نابل: ايقاف 7 أشخاص بتهمة تسفير الشباب لبؤر التوتر,,,,,,,2016-10-19 14:42:03 58aq55,,1,اتحاد الشغل يطالب بالشروع فورا في جولة جديدة من المفاوضات الاجتماعية بالقطاع الخاص,,,,,,,2016-10-19 15:02:32 58as5m,,1,خطير… إحباط مخطّط إرهابي لتفجير حافلة بمطار المنستير الأسبوع القادم,,,,,,,2016-10-19 15:12:39 58aw7i,,1,صواف: وفاة مسترابة لسجين,,,,,,,2016-10-19 15:33:23 58b25u,,1,مبروك كرشيد: هناك “باندية” ومجرمون يتصرفون في املاك الدولة,,,,,,,2016-10-19 16:03:28 58b5xj,,1,أمينة فيمن :سيكتب التاريخ أنني “مناضلة” ..,,,,,,,2016-10-19 16:22:16 58bc1g,,1,بتواصل احتقان عمال ستيب: معتمد مساكن ينفي استقالته,,,,,,,2016-10-19 16:52:08 58bg9k,,1,توضيح بخصوص خبر “احباط مخطّط إرهابي لتفجير حافلة في مأوى مطار المنستير”,,,,,,,2016-10-19 17:12:11 58bigs,,1,الداخلية توضحّ بخصوص خبر “احباط مخطّط إرهابي لتفجير حافلة في مأوى مطار المنستير”,,,,,,,2016-10-19 17:22:23 58blrb,,1,الإعلان على النتائج الأولية للمناظرة الخارجية بالوكالة الفنية للنقل البري,,,,,,,2016-10-19 17:37:21 58botu,,1,العباسي يهاجم صديقه: تصريح عبيد البريكي “غير لائق”,,,,,,,2016-10-19 17:52:18 58bs5z,,1,وداد بوشماوي: مفاوضات الزيادة في الأجور لسنة 2017 غير مطروحة حاليا,,,,,,,2016-10-19 18:08:13 58bvhq,,1,مجموعة ‘القمرا’ القطرية القابضة تؤكّد حرصها على الاستثمار في تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-19 18:23:52 58byj3,,1,La HAICA a tranché : Trois mois de suspension pour l’émission « Andi Mankollek »,,,,,,,2016-10-19 18:38:18 58c1hw,,1,جديد…. اصدار كتاب جديد بمناسبة للإحتفاء بخمسينيّة السينما التونسيّة,,,,,,,2016-10-19 18:53:09 58c4ni,,1,مجموعة “القمرا” القابضة القطرية تنوي الإستثمار في تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-19 19:08:13 58c83i,,1,قرعة ‘كان’ 2017 : تونس في المجموعة الثانية مع الجزائر,,,,,,,2016-10-19 19:24:09 58ce9z,,1,167 حادثا تجعل من ولاية مدنين الخامسة وطنيا في عدد الحوادث,,,,,,,2016-10-19 19:53:32 58cheq,,1,جاكرتا تدفع لمواطنيها مقابل اصطياد الفئران,,,,,,,2016-10-19 20:08:38 58ckfr,,1,منظمة الاعراف ترفض الصيغة الحالية لمقترح المساهمة الاستثنائية من المؤسسات لسنة 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-19 20:23:11 58cop7,,1,عاجل – منذ قليل:5 قتلى في حادث مرور احد طرفيه سيارة أمنية,,,,,,,2016-10-19 20:43:26 58cwt3,,1,ضحاياه من الأمنيين والمدنيين: حادث مروع بالمتلوي,,,,,,,2016-10-19 21:23:24 58d0rj,,1,رئيس الحكومة: من أولوياتنا تحقيق الأمن الغذائي بالبلاد,,,,,,,2016-10-19 21:44:01 58d89b,,1,دوري أبطال أوروبا: ميسي يبصم سهرة الشمبينزليغ,,,,,,,2016-10-19 22:23:23 58dbvn,,1,لأول مرة في تاريخ السعودية… تنفذ حكم الإعدام في أمير,,,,,,,2016-10-19 22:43:08 58dgiv,,1,القيروان: مواطن يتطوع لصيانة المركب الصحي للتلاميذ والمعلمين,,,,,,,2016-10-19 23:08:19 58dl6a,,1,كاريكاتور اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-19 23:33:59 58doei,,1,القبض على 300 مشتبه بتورطهم في تهريب البشر والكوكايين بأوروبا,,,,,,,2016-10-19 23:53:31 58dukh,,1,فيسبوك يتيح لمستخدميه طلب وجبات غذائية في أميركا,,,,,,,2016-10-20 00:28:34 58dx59,,1,فيروس يستعمل السيلفي لسرقة الحسابات المصرفية,,,,,,,2016-10-20 00:43:11 58f0te,,3,Anyone know how much college costs in Tunisia?,"So here's the thing I am a dual citizen with Jordanian , and American citizen ship currently in college for engineering and was wondering how much it would cost me to study abroad in tunis for a year?",,,,,,2016-10-20 04:30:32 58fisd,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم الخميس 20 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-20 06:53:03 58fo83,,1,مناوشات على معبر في حلب بعد بدء الهدنة,,,,,,,2016-10-20 07:43:21 58fpnp,,1,ترامب: “أوباما” ذهب إلى معركة “الموصل” بالعراق لدعم هيلارى كلينتون,,,,,,,2016-10-20 07:58:11 58fska,,1,"Ameur Meherzi : S’il le faut, les avocats fermeront leurs cabinets !",,,,,,,2016-10-20 08:28:08 58ftvu,,1,الجيش الجزائري يدمر 7 مخابئ للإرهابيين ولغمين تقليديي الصنع,,,,,,,2016-10-20 08:43:12 58fvrj,,1,المنستير: أب يكتشف أن ابنه متزوج من رجل,,,,,,,2016-10-20 09:02:32 58fx53,,1,جريمة مروعة هذا الصباح في سليانة: جاء ضيفا فقتل الأخ و أحال أخته إلى الإنعاش ..,,,,,,,2016-10-20 09:16:34 58fzn8,,1,قريبا سيرى النور: احداث صندوق التأمين على فقدان الشغل,,,,,,,2016-10-20 09:43:04 58g14z,,1,قفصة: حادث مروّع يخلف 6 وفيات واصابة 5 امنيين,,,,,,,2016-10-20 09:58:02 58g4r3,,1,الكشف عن ملابسات مقتل رئيس “طوطال” بموسكو بعد سنتين من التحقيقات‎,,,,,,,2016-10-20 10:28:22 58g6bv,,1,ادارة أيام قرطاج السينمائية تعقد ندوة صحفية في مكان تفجير حافلة الأمن الرئاسي,,,,,,,2016-10-20 10:43:13 58g80z,,1,الكاف: ايقاف 48 مفتشا عنهم وحجز 500 لتر بنزين مهرب,,,,,,,2016-10-20 10:58:13 58g9ur,,1,مطار تونس قرطاج: عملية بيضاء لاختبار مخطط الطوارئ,,,,,,,2016-10-20 11:13:07 58gbn3,,1,Simpar annonce du vert pour 2016 avec l’achèvement de ses projets à Ennasr 2 et à la Marsa,,,,,,,2016-10-20 11:28:21 58gdjn,,1,حجز تجهيزات كهرومنزلية مخفية في سيارة تحمل علامة صيدلية في الكاف (صور),,,,,,,2016-10-20 11:43:15 58gffg,,1,في مناظرته الاخيرة مع كلينتون: هذا ما قاله ترامب بشأن العراق وايران,,,,,,,2016-10-20 11:58:08 58ghnw,,1,العباسي : ‘ كفُّوا عن مطالبة الأجراء بالتّضحية ..’,,,,,,,2016-10-20 12:13:05 58gjvy,,1,من بينهم إمرأة : الإطاحة بعصابة مختصة في السرقات بفوشانة,,,,,,,2016-10-20 12:28:17 58gm3p,,1,بداية تسويق السيارات الصينية “شيري ” في تونس و هذا سعرها ..,,,,,,,2016-10-20 12:43:11 58gomi,,1,اغتيال قاضٍ مكسيكي أصدر حكماً ضد “إل شابو” وزعماء المخدرات,,,,,,,2016-10-20 12:58:38 58gre5,,1,فظيع – سليانة : يقتل جاره و يحيل شقيقته الى الانعاش ..,,,,,,,2016-10-20 13:14:43 58gukm,,1,عميد المحامين : المحامي يتعرض لمظلمة جبائية وقانون المالية ‘لاوطني’,,,,,,,2016-10-20 13:34:01 58gx1s,,1,عملية طوارئ بمطار تونس قرطاج لهذا السبب,,,,,,,2016-10-20 13:48:27 58gzps,,1,أمام هيئة الحقيقة والكرامة: المتمتعون بالعفو التشريعي العام يطالبون بصندوق الكرامة,,,,,,,2016-10-20 14:03:31 58h2ml,,1,"Abassi à Briki : Au lieu de quémander de l’argent auprès du peuple, récupérez-le auprès des corrompus !",,,,,,,2016-10-20 14:18:05 58h5ev,,1,مرجان : الحرب على ‘أخطبوط الفساد’ يجب أن تكون شاملة,,,,,,,2016-10-20 14:33:13 58h8b2,,1,“الشنقال” يتسبب في انقلاب سيارة وسط الطريق,,,,,,,2016-10-20 14:48:11 58hbdl,,1,خطير: العثور على صناديق عملة مزيفة بمنزل نائب,,,,,,,2016-10-20 15:03:55 58hecb,,1,وليد بن عمر: المحامون مسيّسون…وأحزاب سياسية دخلت على الخط في انتخابات المجلس الأعلى للقضاء,,,,,,,2016-10-20 15:18:16 58hhca,,1,"Entre l’investissement et la consommation, le gouvernement a choisi !",,,,,,,2016-10-20 15:33:12 58hnnx,,1,محامي سامي هلال: عفو رئاسي خاصّ وراء إطلاق سراح منوّبي,,,,,,,2016-10-20 16:04:37 58hqpu,,1,رونالدو وُصف بالمجنون وغير المحترم بسبب هذه الصورة ..,,,,,,,2016-10-20 16:19:30 58htg5,,1,اسراء طفلة يتيمة دون ساقين، فهل من قلوب رحيمة تجود عليها بكرسي متحرك؟!,,,,,,,2016-10-20 16:33:37 58hwjq,,1,"En visite officielle en Italie, Ghannouchi rencontre des membres de la Chambre italienne des députés",,,,,,,2016-10-20 16:48:34 58hznh,,1,بعث خلية تعنى برصد صورة المرأة في وسائل الإعلام,,,,,,,2016-10-20 17:03:25 58i5yr,,1,"Accusé d’avoir insulté les avocats, Haythem Mekki répond au bâtonnier",,,,,,,2016-10-20 17:33:06 58i987,,1,ساقية الزيت: مخزن للمواد الغذائية صور مفزعة…ديدان و أوساخ … هذا هو الإرهاب ..,,,,,,,2016-10-20 17:48:21 58icel,,1,Colloque de la GICPA à Paris autour des conséquences de la politique turque sur les mutations géopolitiques,,,,,,,2016-10-20 18:03:44 58ifkc,,1,انطلاق ‘خميس المناصرة’ لدعم حق الطلبة الأفارقة في الخدمات الصحية,,,,,,,2016-10-20 18:18:13 58iipe,,1,قضية ضد مرزوق بتهمة إبطال جلسة انتخاب المكتب السياسي لمشروع تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-20 18:33:14 58irx8,,1,Le ministère de la Défense met en garde les citoyens contre l’introduction dans les zones militaires fermées,,,,,,,2016-10-20 19:18:17 58iuxj,,1,"Kyocera Fleet Services, une solution innovante de gestion de flotte et de maintenance à distance",,,,,,,2016-10-20 19:33:26 58ixzk,,1,منزل مارادونا يتحول الى متحف,,,,,,,2016-10-20 19:48:10 58j45x,,1,حالة الطقس ليوم الجمعة 21 اكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-20 20:18:26 58j7c3,,1,القيروان:طفل ال 7 سنوات يقتل شقيقته ذات الـ 3 سنوات,,,,,,,2016-10-20 20:33:43 58jb5i,,1,بالصور.. “شريطة صابون” على واجهة فرع المحكمة العقارية بسيدي بوزيد!,,,,,,,2016-10-20 20:53:09 58jf9u,,1,مصادر أمنية تكذّب ترويج سيارات لحبوب مخدرة على شباب القصرين,,,,,,,2016-10-20 21:13:31 58jkxm,,1,الوزير السابق صلاح الدين معاوية يلتحق بحركة مشروع تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-20 21:43:27 58jsfl,,1,خمودة: فرس تحيل بنت الـ 4 سنوات على الإنعاش‎,,,,,,,2016-10-20 22:23:25 58jw3j,,1,القيروان:طفل الـ 7 سنوات يقتل ابنة عمه,,,,,,,2016-10-20 22:43:36 58k52w,,1,زوجة قنصل تونسي تتعرض ” براكاج “ تحت تهديد السلاح,,,,,,,2016-10-20 23:33:23 58kh04,,1,تحذير.. لا تستخدموا آيفون كمنبه ..,,,,,,,2016-10-21 00:43:17 58lx9e,,1,أريانة: تنفيذ قرارات هدم لمبان مشيدة على أرض تابعة لملك الدولة,,,,,,,2016-10-21 06:53:11 58m2h2,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم الجمعة 21 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-21 07:43:17 58m3wa,,1,لليوم الرابع على التوالي:الشرطة الفرنسية تحتج على ظروف عملها,,,,,,,2016-10-21 07:58:25 58m5f3,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم الجمعة 21 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-21 08:13:37 58m6r9,,1,هكذا تفتح باب سيارتك إذا تعطل مفتاحها الإلكتروني,,,,,,,2016-10-21 08:28:16 58m86r,,1,معلومات أخفتها سامسونغ عن جمهور ‘Galaxy Note 7’,,,,,,,2016-10-21 08:43:27 58m9k1,,1,ليبيا: اختطاف مدير عام الخطوط الجوية الليبية في طرابلس,,,,,,,2016-10-21 08:58:17 58mb2a,,1,Démolition de 30 maisons anarchiques situées sur un terrain de l’Etat à l’Ariana,,,,,,,2016-10-21 09:13:32 58mciy,,1,هيفا وهبي تتعرض لمحاولة خطف بباريس.. وهذه التفاصيل,,,,,,,2016-10-21 09:28:12 58mfi1,,1,المحامون في يوم غضب وطني,,,,,,,2016-10-21 09:58:48 58mh2y,,1,عبير موسى تكشف سبب رفت حاتم العماري من الحزب الدستوري,,,,,,,2016-10-21 10:13:04 58minp,,1,مدير أحد أكبر البنوك التونسية يتوجه برسالة شديدة اللهجة الى يوسف الشاهد,,,,,,,2016-10-21 10:28:05 58mlz7,,1,العاصمة: غلق نهائي لمطعم الحطاب,,,,,,,2016-10-21 10:58:10 58mnxo,,1,Simulation d’un cas d’urgence à l’aéroport Tunis-Carthage samedi 22 octobre 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-21 11:13:44 58mqxx,,1,رسمي: غلق مطعم الحطاب بداية من هذا التاريخ,,,,,,,2016-10-21 11:39:10 58mtpg,,1,ليبيريا: 42 ألف مترشح اجتازوا الباكالوريا… ولم ينجح سوى مترشح وحيد!,,,,,,,2016-10-21 12:01:35 58mz36,,1,محامو مدنين يضربون رفضا لقانون المالية,,,,,,,2016-10-21 12:38:34 58n14a,,1,ARTES annonce des chiffres au vert jusqu’à fin septembre 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-21 12:51:44 58n8wa,,1,الدهماني: العثور على جثة عسكري متقاعد,,,,,,,2016-10-21 13:38:10 58nbfa,,1,سمير الوافي عن صابرين القوبنطيني : “سخيفة..كاذبة و مستهترة”.,,,,,,,2016-10-21 13:53:07 58ngw5,,1,رفض ايقاف اشغال ونتائج انتخابات المكتب التنفيذي لمشروع تونس,,,,,,,2016-10-21 14:23:54 58njgm,,1,أعوان إذاعة شمس آف آم يهدّدون بالإضراب,,,,,,,2016-10-21 14:38:16 58np4c,,1,لجنة المالية توافق على قرض رقاعي بقيمة ألف مليون أورو,,,,,,,2016-10-21 15:08:06 58nrs3,,1,الكافي : المجلس سيعمل على تعديل مشروع قانون المالية,,,,,,,2016-10-21 15:21:43 58nswq,,1,Anyone here studies en ESSECT?,Just wondering if there's a fellow redditor in my school : D (or college whatever you wanna call it ). title typo : in essect*,,,,,,2016-10-21 15:27:46 58nv44,,1,في يوم الغضب: محامون يلوحون بالعصيان الجبائي,,,,,,,2016-10-21 15:38:35 58nxv0,,1,فريق عمل لتطوير المنظومة المعلوماتية والرقمنة في المجال القضائي,,,,,,,2016-10-21 15:53:05 58o3wx,,1,المصادقة على إصدار قرض رقاعي بقيمة 2500 مليون دينار,,,,,,,2016-10-21 16:23:21 58o78u,,1,بالفيديو ـ تتحدث بـ7 لغات منها العربية: طفلة روسية ذات الأربع سنوات تبهر العالم,,,,,,,2016-10-21 16:40:46 58o9ym,,1,الفنانة ‘يارا’ تفاجئ ميسي في عيد ميلاده (صور+فيديو),,,,,,,2016-10-21 16:55:34 58ofgd,,1,القبض على “ابي البراء” أمير داعش بتونس,,,,,,,2016-10-21 17:23:04 58oien,,1,الخلافات داخل مشروع تونس تصل إلى أروقة المحاكم,,,,,,,2016-10-21 17:38:18 58olev,,1,شوقي الطبيب: معظم الفاسدين هم داخل اجهزة الدولة,,,,,,,2016-10-21 17:53:32 58oo86,,1,المحامي الفرنسي “فيليب دوفول” ينوب النقابي الأمني وليد زروق,,,,,,,2016-10-21 18:08:09 58or9f,,1,Gel des comptes bancaires de l’Association de protection des oasis de Jemna et ceux de Said Jaouadi,,,,,,,2016-10-21 18:23:20 58ou8o,,1,يستولى على جزء من محمية كاب نيقرو ويحوّله إلى منتجع خاص به,,,,,,,2016-10-21 18:38:30 58ox3o,,1,انخفاض في العائدات السياحية حتى موفى سبتمبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-21 18:53:06 58p33u,,1,اسبانيا تقر منح اجازة للآباء لرعاية الطفل حديث الولادة,,,,,,,2016-10-21 19:23:29 58p5xb,,1,المتحدث باسم محكمة قفصة:الشبان لم يحاكموا بسبب الاحتجاجات المشروعة,,,,,,,2016-10-21 19:38:25 58p8tw,,1,عقلة تحفظية على الحسابات البنكية لجمعية واحات جمنة والفائز بالبتّة,,,,,,,2016-10-21 19:53:15 58pegs,,1,إغلاق مطار لندن سيتي بسبب “حادث كيماوي”,,,,,,,2016-10-21 20:23:15 58pimr,,1,رفع الويكلو على مباريات اتحاد بن قردان‎,,,,,,,2016-10-21 20:43:37 58pmgh,,1,أهالي جمنة يقررون سحب أموالهم من جميع البنوك التونسية,,,,,,,2016-10-21 21:03:40 58ps14,,1,الإدمان على العمل يؤدي إلى الموت المبكر,,,,,,,2016-10-21 21:33:17 58ptun,,1,Série de mesures en faveur de la compagnie Tunisair Express,,,,,,,2016-10-21 21:43:27 58q92k,,1,جندوبة:إطلاق سراح مغني الراب الذي تم العثور بحوزته على ‘درون’,,,,,,,2016-10-21 23:08:11 58qdby,,1,جريدة الشروق ليوم السبت 22 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-21 23:33:39 58ryc9,,1,حالة الطقس اليوم السبت,,,,,,,2016-10-22 06:33:25 58s0cl,,1,الحرب على البناء الفوضوي تتواصل في أريانة:هدم 30 مبنى لـ«الطرابلسية»,,,,,,,2016-10-22 06:53:07 58s2fm,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم السبت 22 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-22 07:13:12 58salt,,1,سوسة: حملة امنية واسعة وايقاف 30 شخصا,,,,,,,2016-10-22 08:43:42 58sbts,,1,الكاميرون: مقتل 55 شخصا واصابة 575 اخرين اثر خروج قطار عن السكة,,,,,,,2016-10-22 08:58:09 58sd69,,1,سليمان : هل انتحرت تلميذة الـ18 سنة بسبب.. شقيقها؟,,,,,,,2016-10-22 09:13:21 58sfv4,,1,الزمالك يبحث عن “المعجزة” للظفر بدوري ابطال افريقيا,,,,,,,2016-10-22 09:43:24 58sh9b,,1,البرازيلي نيمار يوقّع عقده الجديد مع برشلونة,,,,,,,2016-10-22 09:58:20 58sirl,,1,فظيع-بعد 7 أشهر من وفاتها: التفطّن لهوية المتسبّب في انتحار فتاة الـ18 سنة بسليمان,,,,,,,2016-10-22 10:13:21 58sk7x,,1,اليوم في القاهرة: مؤتمر صحفي للإعلان عن دوري أبطال العرب للأندية‎ 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-22 10:28:23 58slkg,,1,نقابة الصيادلة : ‘الكنام’ سددت مبالغ ضئيلة جدا من ديونها,,,,,,,2016-10-22 10:43:23 58sq0t,,1,L’ITES organise un séminaire sur le thème « L’hôpital tunisien de demain »,,,,,,,2016-10-22 11:28:30 58st5n,,1,إنتدابات في وزارة الصحة,,,,,,,2016-10-22 11:58:32 58suwk,,1,نائب عميد المهندسين: وضعية المهندس سيئة وغير مشرفة,,,,,,,2016-10-22 12:13:34 58swmg,,1,تفاصيل إطلاق سراح مغني الراب المتهم بالإنتماء لتنظيم إرهابي,,,,,,,2016-10-22 12:28:08 58t0du,,1,"TGH : Un chiffre d’affaires de 95,23 MD et un carnet de commandes de plus de 180 MD à fin septembre 2016",,,,,,,2016-10-22 12:58:22 58t2j9,,1,قفصة: كمين يطيح بشخصين على متن سيارة معدة للتهريب وهذا ما وجد بداخلها,,,,,,,2016-10-22 13:13:24 58t4hi,,1,قلعة سنان: تونس تحرز جوائز عالمية في مسابقة جمال الخيول البربرية,,,,,,,2016-10-22 13:28:16 58t6gk,,1,النقابات الأمنية في صراع قوي مع لجنة قوات الأمن الداخلي لأصحاب الشهائد العلمية,,,,,,,2016-10-22 13:43:19 58t7wx,,1,Youssef Chahed annonce 100 mille dinars d’aide aux Scouts tunisiens,,,,,,,2016-10-22 13:54:13 58t9vd,,1,رئيس الحكومة في زيارة لمدرسة الحرس الوطني ببئر بورقبة (صور),,,,,,,2016-10-22 14:08:17 58tfzi,,1,Vivo Energy Tunisie et JMC scellent un partenariat pour 7 ans,,,,,,,2016-10-22 14:53:28 58ti4z,,1,Affaire Jemna : les habitants menacent d’une grève générale et d’une manifestation à Tunis,,,,,,,2016-10-22 15:08:23 58tmmr,,1,اقتراع المدرسين الباحثين في انتخابات مجلس القضاء: الهايكا توضّح,,,,,,,2016-10-22 15:38:37 58tosi,,1,طبرقة: حجز مبلغ هام من العملة الأجنبية,,,,,,,2016-10-22 15:53:13 58trnj,,1,اتفاق إطاري للشراكة حول برنامج دعم التكوين والادماج المهني,,,,,,,2016-10-22 16:08:47 58tu4k,,1,الستاغ تفتح مناظرة لانتداب 1546 عونا .. التفاصيل,,,,,,,2016-10-22 16:23:07 58tvz2,,1,الزردة بفريانة,,,,,,,2016-10-22 16:33:15 58twyy,,1,الترجي يتعثّر مجددا.. وأول نقطة في رصيد مستقبل المرسى,,,,,,,2016-10-22 16:38:48 58tzg1,,1,تطاوين: ايقاف شاب تعاطف مع داعش,,,,,,,2016-10-22 16:53:04 58u4t8,,1,عائداتها لذوي الاحتياجات الخصوصيّة:حسين الدّيك في تونس لاحياء حفل خيري,,,,,,,2016-10-22 17:23:16 58u7i1,,1,سليمان : هل انتحرت تلميذة الـ18 سنة بسبب.. شقيقها؟,,,,,,,2016-10-22 17:38:25 58ua6p,,1,خبير أمني: إصلاح المنظومة الأمنية رهين إعادة صياغة القوانين الأساسية,,,,,,,2016-10-22 17:53:29 58ufij,,1,بعد مرور 5 سنوات على موته: معطيات جديدة حول مكان دفن جثة معمر القذافي,,,,,,,2016-10-22 18:22:38 58ui8f,,1,سارة رجب عضوا في الجمعية الفرنكوفونية للنقل الجوي,,,,,,,2016-10-22 18:37:53 58ukru,,1,كرة قدم: النجم ينتصر على البنزرتي بخماسية,,,,,,,2016-10-22 18:52:35 58unf6,,1,حضر اللاعبون و الجمهور: إلغاء مباراة بسبب نسيان تعيين حكم لها,,,,,,,2016-10-22 19:07:15 58uq5k,,1,الطيب يعلن عن اجراءات لفائدة جزيرة قرقنة,,,,,,,2016-10-22 19:22:19 58usq6,,1,الحكم بالسجن 20 عاما لمرسي في هذه القضية,,,,,,,2016-10-22 19:37:07 58uw73,,1,نائب رئيس الوزراء الهندي في ورطة بسبب 44 ألف عرض …,,,,,,,2016-10-22 19:57:06 58v1db,,1,موريتانيا:ولد عبد العزيز لن يترشح مجدّدا,,,,,,,2016-10-22 20:27:12 58v6gk,,1,حقيقة اغتيال سائق “التوكتوك” من قبل الداخلية المصرية,,,,,,,2016-10-22 20:57:15 58vblx,,1,بالفيديو.. كلب يتسبب في ايقاف مباراة,,,,,,,2016-10-22 21:27:21 58ve5e,,1,مراد بن حمزة يعلن اعتزاله التحكيم ويكشف عن فريقه المفضل,,,,,,,2016-10-22 21:42:23 58vlll,,1,جريدة الشروق ليوم الاحد 23 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-22 22:27:23 58vqfu,,1,بالصور: دخول آلة سكانير متطورة حيز الاستغلال بمعبر راس جدير,,,,,,,2016-10-22 22:57:45 58vsr6,,1,المنستير: الشاهد يقدّم مساعدات لعائلات معوزة تضررت من الفيضانات,,,,,,,2016-10-22 23:12:22 58vvar,,1,كاريكاتور اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-22 23:28:45 58w7b8,,1,الرصد الجوي الايطالي : تونس ستشهد تساقطاً مُكثّفاً للثلوج نهاية هذا الشهر .. التفاصيل,,,,,,,2016-10-23 00:47:15 58xoph,,1,طقس اليوم:الحرارة بين 27 و37 درجة,,,,,,,2016-10-23 08:07:25 58xpyj,,1,اليوم انتخابات المجلس الأعلى للقضاء:14 ألف ناخب لاختيار 45 عضوا,,,,,,,2016-10-23 08:22:43 58xrlv,,1,المتطوعون سيموتون بداية من اليوم الـ68: أشياء لا تعرفها عن رحلة المريخ.. الذهاب بلا عودة!,,,,,,,2016-10-23 08:42:16 58xtad,,1,المنستير: الشاهد يقدّم مساعدات لعائلات معوزة تضررت من الفيضانات,,,,,,,2016-10-23 09:02:34 58xvaw,,1,ترامب يتوعد الإعلام الأمريكي إذا فاز بالرئاسة,,,,,,,2016-10-23 09:27:13 58xz9e,,1,عميد ليبي : داعش استعمل الحقن و الزبدة التونسية فى صنع المتفجرات,,,,,,,2016-10-23 10:12:11 58y0m8,,1,الرابطة الاولي : برنامج اليوم الاحد 23 اكتوبر و النقل التلفزي,,,,,,,2016-10-23 10:27:06 58y39d,,1,العراق:البرلمان يحظر بيع واستيراد وإنتاج المشروبات الكحولية,,,,,,,2016-10-23 10:57:12 58y63x,,1,عتيد ومراقبون يؤكدان حسن سير انتخابات مجلس القضاء,,,,,,,2016-10-23 11:27:20 58y7kp,,1,تركيبة المجلس الأعلى للقضاء,,,,,,,2016-10-23 11:42:12 58y912,,1,سوسة: 22 % نسبة المشاركة في انتخابات المجلس الأعلى للقضاء,,,,,,,2016-10-23 11:57:18 58yamv,,1,القصرين انفجار لغم دون وقوع اي اصابات,,,,,,,2016-10-23 12:12:16 58yc95,,1,رئيسة قسم أمراض الأعصاب بمستشفى الصادق المقدم بجربة تكشف كيف تم انقاذ حياة امرأة مصابة بجلطة دماغية,,,,,,,2016-10-23 12:27:24 58yfks,,1,والي القصرين يكذّب برهان بسيس,,,,,,,2016-10-23 12:57:28 58yndw,,1,الرديف: القبض على متشددين دينيا مجدوا اعمال ارهابية لـ”داعش”,,,,,,,2016-10-23 13:57:19 58yrq0,,1,منزل بورقيبة: احياء الذكرى 3 لاستشهاد حافظ الأمن محمد علي التوجاني,,,,,,,2016-10-23 14:27:30 58ywab,,1,الشاهد يتوجه برسالة الى الأسرة القضائية,,,,,,,2016-10-23 14:57:18 58yyor,,1,سرقة مصوغ الإعلاميّة إنصاف اليحياوي : تأجيل النظر في القضيّة,,,,,,,2016-10-23 15:12:42 58z150,,1,انتخابات المجلس الاعلى للقضاء ببنزرت: نسبة الاقتراع تصل 38 بالمائة,,,,,,,2016-10-23 15:27:40 58z3m5,,1,في طريق عودتهم من حفل زفاف: وفاة امرأة ورضيعها وشقيقتها في حادث مريع,,,,,,,2016-10-23 15:42:29 58z62o,,1,سيدي بوزيد :إحياء الذكرى الثالثة لاستشهاد أعوان أمن حادثة سيدي علي بنعون,,,,,,,2016-10-23 15:57:18 58z8v4,,1,إيقاف مسن أجنبي يعتدي على التلاميذ و حاول ارشاء اعوان الامن,,,,,,,2016-10-23 16:12:36 58zbhf,,1,القيروان: فرقة موسيقية تستقبل وزير الثقافة وموظفون يحتجون على النقائص,,,,,,,2016-10-23 16:27:56 58zgsk,,1,قابس: حجز شماريخ وكمية من السجائر بقيمة 800 مليون,,,,,,,2016-10-23 16:57:24 58zjo4,,1,عازف “البيانو” وسط قمامة بنزرت يلهب الفايسبوك..,,,,,,,2016-10-23 17:12:18 58zukc,,1,Le CSM élu : début d’une vraie indépendance de la magistrature ?,,,,,,,2016-10-23 18:12:08 58zxem,,1,الرابطة المحترفة الاولى: نتائج الجولة الخامسة والترتيب,,,,,,,2016-10-23 18:27:28 590063,,1,6 ارهابيين تونسيين محكومين بالإعدام في العراق,,,,,,,2016-10-23 18:42:15 59030e,,1,ماهي اجراءات وزارة المرأة للطفلة الواردة ببرنامج “عندي ما نقلك”؟,,,,,,,2016-10-23 18:57:16 590619,,1,النتائج الكاملة لمباريات الجولة الخامسة من الرابطة الاولى والترتيب الجديد,,,,,,,2016-10-23 19:12:24 590ejv,,1,"A la fermeture des bureaux de vote, un taux de participation aux élections du CSM de 46,9%",,,,,,,2016-10-23 19:57:18 590jk0,,4,How is French perceived in Tunisia these days?,"I know the government doesn't like French much and is trying to make Arabic more popular, but is that the way Tunisians feel? Do Tunisian francophones prefer to speak in French or in Arabic? Which do young people like better? How would you say it's popularity has changed in Tunisian society?",,,,,,2016-10-23 20:24:07 590l1c,,1,Photo du jour : Un piano pour dénoncer l’amoncellement des ordures !,,,,,,,2016-10-23 20:32:08 590o05,,1,حقيقة مقتل وتعذيب سائق “التكتك” المصري الذي أثار جدلاً واسعاً بعد تحدثه عن “كوارث مصر”,,,,,,,2016-10-23 20:47:52 590qoz,,1,Commémoration du 3ème anniversaire de l’assassinat de Socrate Cherni,,,,,,,2016-10-23 21:02:32 5911ha,,1,انتخابات المجلس الأعلى للقضاء: صدور بعض النتائج الأولية لعدد الأصناف,,,,,,,2016-10-23 22:02:54 591429,,1,الياس الغرياني: هذه أهداف قائمة ”عائلة كرة اليد”,,,,,,,2016-10-23 22:17:27 59197l,,1,يوسف العكروت: انجاز غير مسبوق في رياضة الشراع,,,,,,,2016-10-23 22:47:29 591bpu,,1,بالفيديو.. فرحة الملعب القابسي في حجرات الملابس بعد الفوز على الافريقي,,,,,,,2016-10-23 23:02:24 591gq0,,1,جريدة الشروق ليوم الاثنين 24 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-23 23:32:32 591qn5,,1,بعد تعيينه مدربا لمنتخبها: الصين تعلق آمالها على ليبي للوصول لكــــــــــــأس العالـــــــــــم,,,,,,,2016-10-24 00:32:07 59274m,,1,النتائج الأولية لانتخابات المجلس الأعلى للقضاء,,,,,,,2016-10-24 02:17:17 5932gc,,2,"Visa to England for a visit of less than 6months, how long on average to get this sorted?",[deleted],,,,,,2016-10-24 06:06:28 5934pb,,1,حالة الطقس اليوم الاثنين,,,,,,,2016-10-24 06:27:10 593bg6,,1,التوقعات الجوية ليوم الاثنين 24 أكتوبر 2016,,,,,,,2016-10-24 07:32:12 593g8a,,1,مشاركة عبد القادر الوسلاتي في الدربي بين الشّك واليقين,,,,,,,2016-10-24 08:22:06 593i70,,1,إعتداء جماهير الملعب التونسي على لاعب الإفريقي السابق,,,,,,,2016-10-24 08:42:12 593k49,,1,تحطم طائرة تقل مسؤولين أوروبيين إلى ليبيا (فيديو),,,,,,,2016-10-24 09:02:27 593mly,,1,أحمد صواب ومحمد الطرابلسي في ميدي شو اليوم,,,,,,,2016-10-24 09:27:08 593o3t,,1,Mohamed Bennour démissionne du parti Ettakattol,,,,,,,2016-10-24 09:42:10 593pnw,,1,بعد هزيمتها في إنتخابات المجلس الأعلى للقضاء/كنو: أحمد الله أني لن أكون جنبا إلى جنب مع من قاد انقلاب 2005,,,,,,,2016-10-24 09:57:19 593rdh,,1,Kalthoum Kennou heureuse d’avoir échoué aux élections du CSM,,,,,,,2016-10-24 10:12:50 593sxf,,1,قطر : وفاة الشيخ خليفة بن حمد آل ثاني,,,,,,,2016-10-24 10:27:18 593w89,,1,المنستير : فرنسي يمارس شذوذه مع تلاميذ معاهد مقابل بطاقات شحن !,,,,,,,2016-10-24 10:57:25 593y2u,,1,رئيس البرلمان العراقي لموزاييك: هذه أخطاؤنا وسنطعن في قانون منع الخمر,,,,,,,2016-10-24 11:12:19 593zyt,,1,رسمي: لا زيادة في معاليم الفينيات سنة 2017,,,,,,,2016-10-24 11:27:26 5941v8,,1,وزارة الداخلية: ايقاف 53 متسولا,,,,,,,2016-10-24 11:42:03 5942ns,,1,القبض على عناصر تكفيرية,,,,,,,2016-10-24 11:48:07 5943uv,,1,القيروان: العثور على جثة شاب معلقة بباب مقبرة,,,,,,,2016-10-24 11:57:16 5944jz,,5,"Tunisian Game Awards - November 12th, 2016",,,,,,,2016-10-24 12:02:26 594s3p,,1,مباريات الجولة السادسة لبطولة الرابطة الاولى,,,,,,,2016-10-24 14:27:43 59dxnl,,1,دليلك ملك,,,,,,,2016-10-25 22:14:11 59hbqu,,0,Telifouni,,,,,,,2016-10-26 12:50:34 5a03m7,,1,Tunisian winemakers sample US market,,,,,,,2016-10-29 11:46:46 5a0b3p,,3,"Hi, Is there anyone here from Djerba?","I need to contact someone there for a personal matter.. I promise I'm not a serial killer! 🕊 I come in peace!",,,,,,2016-10-29 12:53:26 5aiykh,,1,Is the Taxi strike still going on?,"I know they went on strike yesterday. I needed to go run errands but didn't feel like waiting for a taxi. I went out this morning and saw 2 so, i'm guessing I either went out too early or they are still on strike.",,,,,,2016-11-01 13:11:01 5aop6f,,1,Where does US-Tunisian military cooperation end?,,,,,,,2016-11-02 07:56:43 5ap80n,,2,Do you write well in English? Have a passion for geek culture? (Anime/Movies/TV/Games) Do you work well with others in a group? Read this then!,"I'm a writer with [Nexus Mag]( and we're looking for writers. We have a solid group of people but we need more contributors. Especially people who can cover anime but we're accepting all. Some requirements: * Must be able to write pretty well in English. Everything is proofread but the better you write, the easier (and faster) my job is. * You need to know how to use WordPress or at least willing to learn. It's fairly easy and there is a step by step instructions on how to do it that will be provided as well. * Be able to write at least 1 500 word article a week and 1 article with no mandatory length requirements. * Must be able to attend weekly Skype meetings (Monday evenings) and be ON TIME * Must be willing to learn. I am a native English speaker and I edit all articles and will be more than glad to help you but you will need to be able to learn from mistakes. At the same time I can't expect you to be perfect (My articles aren't either) just that you're willing to learn and free to suggestions. Now the disclaimer: This is an unpaid position. It could turn into something later as we are building a following but this should only be taken if you have a passion for writing, learning, and geek/nerd culture. This can be a great experience! If you are interested, reply here, PM me, or send a message to us on Facebook. Please type it in English so I know what you're saying =) Thanks for reading!",,,,,,2016-11-02 10:55:38 5aqnm8,,4,"Tunisia, Through the Eyes of Its Artists and Intellectuals",,,,,,,2016-11-02 15:51:09 5b4t1d,,5,Assistance with Telecom companies,"I'm a foreigner looking to create a business in Tunisia and add jobs for Tunisians. I've been struggling with getting any of the two big Telco's (TT and Orange) to do anything they have committed to doing. Setting up phone lines, connections, Internet access has been taking weeks and weeks. Account reps never return calls. Escalations go nowhere. Days turn into weeks into months. Our tech had to walk THEIR tech through the process of configuring a network router and after four days it quit working. We are getting billed on time for services we haven't received. I have customers unwilling to use my business anymore because I cannot get something simple like a telephone connection working. I have no hope of hiring any staff if I can't get them internet access or a phone working. I'm ready to abandon the project entirely. If anyone has some advice on how to motivate the monopolistic Telco's to play ball I am more than willing to listen. Thank you!",,,,,,2016-11-04 17:10:17 5b6tsm,,9,"Tunisia, Through the Eyes of Its Artists and Intellectuals",[deleted],,,,,,2016-11-04 22:56:58 5c2766,,0,"The real ""Yes We Can"".",[removed],,,,,,2016-11-09 16:54:11 5c6fiu,,1,"Tunisie Annonce xyz comme son nom l”indique est le souk d”achat et de vente sur le web de A à Z, le service est 100% ballouchi, catégories tayara, C”est une vraie caverne d”Ali Baba où On y vend des marchandises de toutes sortes les plus sophistiqués et les plus rares.",,,,,,,2016-11-10 06:26:58 5c6oxi,,1,tunisie annonce,[removed],,,,,,2016-11-10 07:43:18 5c87em,,4,Tunisie: l'anglais ne remplacera pas le français dans les écoles - English won't replace French in schools,,,,,,,2016-11-10 14:54:14 5cakjg,,1,Video jdida !! XDDD watch and die of physics,,,,,,,2016-11-10 21:43:10 5ch4sk,,4,Mathamch chkoun y7eb ya3ml meetup ?,Chkoun yheb netla9aw nbadlou l jaw netfarjou 3la film waela nmchiw lel 9ahwa na3rfou b3athna w ba3d nraw7ou l dyarna? :),,,,,,2016-11-11 21:50:38 5cu94b,,9,We should try to promote reddit in Tunisia,"REDDIT IS THE FUTURE Seriously though more tunisians should be introduced to Reddit. I believe it's a good step I didn't sleep all night and this just occured to me! I love this sub and I would love to see it more active ",,,,,,2016-11-14 04:54:48 5cxzqo,,3,Possibility of doing an internship at a school?,"Hello y'all! I'm German, studying to become a teacher and I have to do an internship in a school where German is taught. It must be francophone country, so I thought I'd like to do my internship in a bigger place abroad, where I can also easily find a place to stay (so quite a few hostels or AirBnbs or affordable places, I'm a student after all) and I'd be interested to do this internship in Tunisia as I haven't been there before. I think German might not be a language that is taught very often at schools in Tunisia, maybe at private schools, but I realised I have trouble finding schools via google, as searching a city + lycée (or collège) and maybe adding ""allemand"" doesn't get me far and takes ages to search through. Does anyone of you know collèges or lycées that teach German and that might accept interns for 4 weeks? Or any lists of schools that might make my search easier? Tell me if the post doesn't belong here! thanks in advance!",,,,,,2016-11-14 19:56:30 5d1t3g,,7,Hello r/Tunisia. Last summer I spent 10 days in your beautiful country. I still miss her sometimes. How is it going in Tunisia nowadays?,,,,,,,2016-11-15 10:14:10 5d8a41,,3,SFD2016TN,"Join us this weekend @sfdtunisia with @CLibreTn & @UbuntuTn #SFD2016TN #utn #locoteams #foss #linux #gnu #geek You can find more information visiting And here is a bonus :)",,,,,,2016-11-16 09:02:51 5dao5l,,3,"Visiting Sousse, to see my grandparents (Jews) house and life - is it safe ?","Hi all, I would be happy to visit Sousse to see where my mom (until she was 16), and my grandparents lived most of their lives. There was part the Sousse Jewish community. They told us many stories about the pleasant life over there and how good were the relationship with all. Do you think it would be safe to visit their hometown and to look for their houses, graves, schools etc? ",,,,,,2016-11-16 18:05:25 5dc63y,,3,basketball courts in Tunis,"I have been studying in tunis for 1 year and i noticed that there is no basketball courts here; I'm origanally from Monastir state i used to play basketball there all days , but here I can't find any court around me. anyone knows where can i play , I really miss the game :(",,,,,,2016-11-16 22:25:05 5df435,,3,Question regarding University of Monastir. Please help!,"Anyone knows how they do the procedures for scholarship? I applied for one and got a reply just today that our ministry of foreign affairs received a letter from Monastir telling them it was accepted. But no other information regarding when to come, do i miss a semester already, about campus etc.. Anyone from university of monastir try acquire that information and contact me please if possible? I applied for Faculty of Science, License fondamental des sciences de l'informatique( which i presume is computer science).",,,,,,2016-11-17 10:24:40 5df48y,,1,فيلم تونسي- منـزل الـعـاهرات - الممنوع من العرض - للكبار فقط [HD],,,,,,,2016-11-17 10:26:16 5dos5h,,3,"Check out my Newest Video, as a new Tunisian content creator",,,,,,,2016-11-18 20:53:03 5drk46,,3,Where can I purchase yarn?,New to Tunisia and looking to purchase yarn. I've been told to go to the Medina but I can never get there early enough to catch the shops being open and when I am there (after 6pm) they're all closed. Is there a shop in a more easily accessible area that sells yarn? Thanks!,,,,,,2016-11-19 08:08:35 5ds3ci,,2,شهادة المقاوم اليوسفي حمادي غرس حول ملابسات الإستقلال التونسي والصراع اليوسفي البورقيبي,,,,,,,2016-11-19 11:36:56 5e461j,,3,"Silenced for Decades, 'Victims of Despotism' Air Torture Claims in Tunisia",,,,,,,2016-11-21 14:04:37 5eemcl,,1,"This video (not safe for work or for life, people drown during the video) claims it shows a Tunisian fisherman filming African migrants boarding his boat. Is he really speaking Tunisian? What does he say?",[deleted],,,,,,2016-11-23 01:33:04 5egid8,,0,جلال,,,,,,,2016-11-23 09:46:36 5egphm,,1,How to do a good impression in Lithuania when we are come from a foreign country ?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-11-23 10:49:11 5eh75n,,3,How to do a good impression in Tunisia when coming from a foreign European country ?,"Hi ! I am from Belgium and I am going to visit Tunis next holidays but I don't know anything about Tunisians. I would like to do a good impression, do you have any advises about how to be ? And there is any topics/questions to avoid ? Thanks guys !! ",,,,,,2016-11-23 13:10:19 5eha01,,1,Going to Tunisia next week for my Computer Science classes(3years),Wanted to know if anyone is from the Monastir University and how is life in that region. Been trying to contact the university for details on my scholarship everytime they put me on hold and then hang up >.>,,,,,,2016-11-23 13:29:12 5eovzl,,1,Rock The Kasbah - Fashion Week de Tunis 2016 — Le Fashion Post,,,,,,,2016-11-24 17:38:30 5epuy4,,1,كيف تصنع قارب خشبي صغير وحدك,,,,,,,2016-11-24 20:54:16 5eq343,,1,"StellAnna, la femme enfant — Le Fashion Post",,,,,,,2016-11-24 21:40:35 5esfy0,,1,Archaeological Museum of Sfax (Tunisia),,,,,,,2016-11-25 07:39:10 5etm4i,,1,La Tunisie dépose un dossier pour accueillir le 17ème sommet de la Francophonie,,,,,,,2016-11-25 13:40:57 5f77ia,,8,"La Tunisie choisie à l’unanimité pour abriter le 18ème sommet de l'OIF en 2020 ! -- Tunisia unanimously chosen to welcome the 18th Francophonie (OIF) summit, 2020",,,,,,,2016-11-27 20:07:25 5fcme0,,1,Idk if I'm allowed to post this but I really want to know if this source is trusted or not? Am I supposed to believe this?,[deleted],,,,,,2016-11-28 16:39:05 5fgaso,,1,إطلاق المبادرة الاقتصادية لدفع التنمية والتشغيل‎.,,,,,,,2016-11-29 03:19:17 5fivgt,,1,Tunisie: pourquoi les Tunisiens divorcent-ils de plus en plus?,,,,,,,2016-11-29 14:21:02 5fj7bq,,1,بن قردان تواصل غلق الطريق,,,,,,,2016-11-29 15:26:08 5fwi3p,,1,African Community Forum - A Platform Stands For Improve Unity Amongst Africans,,,,,,,2016-12-01 13:17:40 5g0hnm,,8,"Greetings from Alberta, Canada! My grade 3 students want to interview you.","I am a grade 3 teacher in Calgary, Alberta (my students are between 8 and 9 years old). Our Social Studies curriculum focuses on comparing and contrasting the ways of living in four countries outside our own: India, Peru, Ukraine and Tunisia. There are limited resources online that answer some of the questions my students have about life in Tunisia, and I thought someone (or a bunch!) might be willing to answer some of the questions my students generated. I understand that it's a fairly, large and time consuming task to answer every question, so even answering a few would be really informative for my students. If I could get really greedy with my request, I would love it if someone would be willing to take some local pictures, or maybe even make a youtube video of themselves answering the questions. The students are really, REALLY excited about the idea that someone half way around the world is reading their questions and may actually answer them. They are very enthusiastic about learning about Tunisia. Thanks so much in advance! If you would rather send me the responses in a PM that would be great too, or if you want to e-mail pictures or answers you can send them to ",,,,,,2016-12-02 01:33:02 5g94ir,,1,الهجرة من تونس,,,,,,,2016-12-03 11:10:46 5gffvg,,2,Most stunning / beautiful places in Tunisia in mid january ?,Help me make some plans for vacation please,,,,,,2016-12-04 13:36:40 5gp9uk,,1,"Dar Belhadj, la signature Tunisoise — Le Fashion Post",,,,,,,2016-12-05 23:15:59 5gpv1l,,1,Comment le Musée du Bardo nous connecte avec notre monde ? — Le Fashion Post,,,,,,,2016-12-06 01:04:48 5gtcah,,1,Babboucha avec le chef Ali Dey Daly — Le Fashion Post,,,,,,,2016-12-06 15:12:18 5hdmxw,,1,Pourquoi FFDdesigner casse la baraque en Tunisie ? — Le Fashion Post,,,,,,,2016-12-09 13:05:47 5hh11w,,1,Is it true that you need 2 years of CNSS payment to get a touristic visa to Europe ?,"Hi everyone, So for the past 3 years i've been working a freelance game programmer, in 2016 my job got a lot more stable, making a minimum of 4000tnd/month and am quite sure that it's gonna keep being like this for at least one or two more years. > i wrote about what i do in a [post]( here before, so if you have any question please check that first. Anyway, By the end of this month i'll official change my statue from student to ""company owner"", which mean my money will finally became legally recognized and i can apply for a Touristic Visa to Europe > i fucking spent 12000tnd on a trip to South korea last month just because i didn't dare to apply for a European Visa cause legally am just a student and my parents bank accounts is poorer than the 15y.o me at highschool xD Anyway, Am planning to go out on Vacation again in March 2017 and i really don't want another 19-hours flight (Japan or Korea) plus i **DESPERATELY** want to visit Spain. My question is, once i have all the classic documents ready (passport, hotel & flight booking, bank statement) Am gonna need to show prove of my job right ? For that, is it a requirement that i must been working for 2 years ? because i heard it lots of time that you need to bring ""3amin cnss"" or something, what's the deal with that ? Thank you",,,,,,2016-12-09 23:16:34 5hk5xv,,1,Qui êtes-vous Mademoiselle Hecy ? — Le Fashion Post,,,,,,,2016-12-10 13:42:14 5hlb28,,1,I'm looking for liberal/neutral news source informing of inside politics.,[deleted],,,,,,2016-12-10 17:51:48 5hpf49,,6,Tunisia in August - which city?,"I'm going on a professional exchange (medicine) in Tunisia in August, out of the following, which and in what order would you recommend (I have to pick one, though): -Monastir -Sousse -Sfax -Tunis Things to consider: I'm from Europe, I'm studying French but I hope that I can communicate in English, because it's easier for me; I'll have half of my days free so I'm looking, if possible, for tourist attractions, beaches, etc.; safety. Thank you! maybe I can meet some of you :)",,,,,,2016-12-11 09:50:39 5htxqq,,1,GRESH 650 (حي الرجاء),,,,,,,2016-12-12 01:59:26 5i1tve,,1,Is it true that it's illegal to bring a drone to Tunisia?,"because it's a ta2ira bila tayar lol ",,,,,,2016-12-13 05:22:33 5i9t64,,8,Tunisia: where rapists can marry their victims and get away with their crime !,,,,,,,2016-12-14 10:03:04 5ibook,,1,Elite Model Look Tunisie avec Victoria Da Silva — Le Fashion Post,,,,,,,2016-12-14 16:58:45 5ito0n,,1,Bou Hedma National Park?,Hi all! I'm an American planning a trip to Tunisia this summer and one of the places that I really want to visit is Bou Hedma national park. The problem is I can't seem to find any information (online or in print) on how I can get there. Would I have to rent my own car? Am I allowed to just show up or do I need a permit? Do I have to book with a tour? Thanks in advance for the answers!,,,,,,2016-12-17 08:52:20 5iv6rl,,4,Backpacking around Tunis.,"Hey, I am from Morocco and I am thinking about doing some backpacking around Tunis. I just want ask about camp site and places to place my tent, I also want to ask about food prices and essential stuff (in $). Please do recommend places to see and visit and foods to try. If you offering to host me or just want to hangout, let me know in private so I can visit you whenever I came. Thanks in Advance. ",,,,,,2016-12-17 16:25:27 5j5mpa,,0,hivv,cccbnfdvbfnfnfnfnfncncnxbxbxbsvsbsbsbzbsbsbsb,,,,,,2016-12-19 09:58:22 5jq4hc,,6,Life in Tunisia's closed refugee camp: 'I lost my mind' (x-post from /r arabs),,,,,,,2016-12-22 11:31:49 5jwf5f,,3,"The Berlin attack proves Tunisia, the single success of the Arab Spring, is yet to overcome its past",[deleted],,,,,,2016-12-23 10:12:20 5jwja2,,4,"Masalama, help a poor amerikee =\ =\ =\","I visited your wonderful country (my first trip outside the USA continent proper) for a long distance relationship of 16 months, with a phenominal djerbian girl whom I am deeply in love with. However, while I did buy some harissa spice in Tunisia, I do NOT KNOW HOW TO USE IT, and as good as a cook as she is, SHE HAS BEEN UNABLE TO PROVIDE ME A GREAT, REALISTIC HARISSA RECIPE! I am requesting, nah, PLEADING, for a DAMN GOOD harissa recipe. Harissa is AMAZING. The internet recipes cannot duplicate it. Please link me a LEGIT RECIPE for *TUNISIAN* harissa! PREFERABLY it is HOTTT! For a white boy, I have a mexican tongue (the culture shock I had visiting tunisia was that I thought arabs loved hot food - I apparently had all the ""major"" tunisian dishes and NONE of them were even remotely ""hot""). HOOOOOOTTTTT harissa! Culturally accurate, but like 3 times hotter than what you can find there! THANK YOU!",,,,,,2016-12-23 10:48:12 5jwqto,,1,Tunisian bureaucracy and lack of job ethics,[deleted],,,,,,2016-12-23 11:52:32 5jws2b,,3,Berlin market attack suspect killed in Milan after shootout with police – live,,,,,,,2016-12-23 12:02:27 5k3gzh,,3,"Anis Amri: 3 arrested, including his nephew",[deleted],,,,,,2016-12-24 15:24:37 5kh2d8,,6,Hi I am TUNISIAN :D ask me anything you want to know about the country,,,,,,,2016-12-27 01:41:46 5kl51t,,3,New Year's Eve in Tunisia,"Hello r/Tunisia and Merry Christmas! Can anyone recommend a fun party in Tunisia for New Year's Eve? I am traveling with a friend from Europe and can visit anywhere, Tunis or the coast. We are looking for music and drinking. Can anyone recommend a popular place? Many thanks. Also, Tunisia is wonderful! Having a great time so far.",,,,,,2016-12-27 18:16:45 5ko2am,,2,Tunisia's Dirty Secret - In Tunisia black and white children catch separate buses to school.,,,,,,,2016-12-28 03:34:00 5krolt,,4,Youssef Msakni Goal _ Catalonia vs Tunisia 0-1 - International Friendly 28-12-2016,,,,,,,2016-12-28 18:20:49 5ktzj2,,2,Tunisia to decide on plan against returning jihadists,,,,,,,2016-12-29 01:23:16 5kv9c6,,0,Imedinj,,,,,,,2016-12-29 05:57:30 5l7lg7,,5,New year,"Hello all peuple , Happy new at all. Thann you for this new year",,,,,,2016-12-31 03:11:42 5lkuxc,,2,French course in Tunis? (August),"Hey, I'll be in Tunis during August this year and I'm looking for an afternoon French course for that month. I'm a beginner and I can't manage to find one myself on the Internet but I wan't to have it arranged before I arrive there. Any suggestions? Thank you!",,,,,,2017-01-02 11:37:56 5m4kib,,1,Tunisia: A Mayor Leading a Group Recruiting Terrorists to Fight in Syria,,,,,,,2017-01-05 05:28:34 5m5w4q,,2,Riadh Toukabri The founder of Tunisia economic city has stolen money,[deleted],,,,,,2017-01-05 11:28:49 5md6s8,,1,Video directing / Video editing / anything related to filmmaking courses in tunisia ?,"Maybe some summer courses or idk ! If not maybe making a club together or something? If someone is interested...",,,,,,2017-01-06 11:57:39 5md7ku,,11,North Walsham shooting victim returns to Tunisia to repay hospital which saved his life following beach massacre,,,,,,,2017-01-06 12:03:53 5mdlde,,1,"The Terrifying Trial Of ""Tolerance"" In Tunisia. - Gatestone Institute",,,,,,,2017-01-06 13:35:00 5mt7fu,,2,Can someone tell me the name of this spice?,"Hello I lived in Tunis for 2 months one and half year ago, and while there I used to buy this spice in a nearby store: It's used to make couscous, and the owner of the store told me himself that it was proper to make couscous with. It is just delicious! It's spicy, but not too hot. Just the right amount. I have brought a full back with me when I came back, but it's almost finished, and I cannot find anything like this anywhere (I live in Portugal). But maybe if I knew the name of it, I would be able to find it. Thank you",,,,,,2017-01-08 21:06:58 5myvvj,,1,A new energy minister and modest discovery offer a glimmer of hope for Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-01-09 17:13:33 5mzf3m,,5,Looking for an Arabic or French tutor.,"This is my second time in Tunisia and I'll be staying here for 6 months for work. I'm looking for someone to teach me French or Arabic, I'm looking for someone who speaks English well and someone who isn't afraid of starting from the very beginning! ",,,,,,2017-01-09 18:38:45 5ncmzw,,2,An African billionaire is giving 5000$ to 1000 Africans to start a business,[deleted],,,,,,2017-01-11 15:06:22 5npctg,,1,PlanetWin and bet365 both ranked 17th and 18th most visited sites in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-01-13 07:46:01 5nqpm3,,5,"January 14, 2011: the Arab spring startted here in Tunisia",,,,,,,2017-01-13 13:53:11 5ntkm4,,1,Sports Minister.. WTF!,,,,,,,2017-01-13 21:54:37 5nxdcn,,2,Can anyone please explain how the fuck credit cards work here ??,"Hello everyone, So i have a bank account in the BIAT bank, and it's not a saving account (compte d'épargne), it's the other one, they call it ""compte courant"" or something. I have it cause i pay most of my bills online and i also need it because i'd like to check my balance and transaction online too. So far everything is good, but some days (like today) where i needed to withdraw money twice per day, the ATM just keep rejecting my request without any explanation, it just say ""rejected"". I have enough money in my account to cover what i need to withdraw, i also made sure of that by checking my balance in the ATM and everything seems fine, in the first withdraw i only took 300dt, then i wanted to withdraw another 400dt, and it keep rejecting me, i even tried to withdraw 50dt and again still doesn't work. Someone told me that the credit card is limited to 1000dt/week (which is ridiculously stupid) but I am 100% sure that i didn't withdraw anything this week. So can anyone please tell me if this is a common thing or what ? thank you and have a good day **EDIT** 4 hours later, i withdrawed another 500dt ago from a different ATM. seems that their system is totally random... ",,,,,,2017-01-14 13:14:09 5o6ja7,,1,Tunisia 0-2 Senegal Résumé du match tun vs sen 15/01/ 2017 #ملخص# مباراة...,,,,,,,2017-01-15 21:28:49 5oakzg,,1,اهداف مباراة تونس والسنغال في كأس الأمم الأفريقية 2017,,,,,,,2017-01-16 12:29:07 5okkeu,,3,Can anyone help us find the English lyrics or translate this Lotfi Bouchnak song?,"[Youtube Link]( ==== [Original request]( ",,,,,,2017-01-17 20:38:11 5orq76,,1,Tunisia vs algerie promo match CAN 2017 Gabon match EN DIRECT,,,,,,,2017-01-18 20:07:36 5ovh3j,,1,Translation Help of Ouled Ahmed Poem (w/ Dhafer Youssef),[removed],,,,,,2017-01-19 08:25:41 5oweh6,,2,Tunisian Law with regards to death,[deleted],,,,,,2017-01-19 12:55:57 5oynhk,,1,ALL goal Tunisie VS Sénégal 0-2 [CAN 2017] 15/01/2017,,,,,,,2017-01-19 19:26:21 5p2o9m,,14,In #Tunisia 6700 out of 23k prisoners are convicted for one year and 1k USD fine for smoked a joint for . #legalizeit,,,,,,,2017-01-20 07:51:13 5pbn8b,,9,"Harvard announced a field office in Tunisia and everyone lost their mind...pop a pill and chill dear fellow Tunisians. This is for research purposes for Harvard students, professors etc and not a free ride for Tunisians to join Harvard.",,,,,,,2017-01-21 17:18:59 5pddmk,,4,"A national geographic studies shows that 88% of Tunisians are North African, 5% are Southern European, 4% are Arabs and 2% are Western & Central Africans",,,,,,,2017-01-21 22:33:28 5pt1ru,,5,Labor - (2017) Short Documentary - A peak at the life of an old man who lives in Touzeur - [6:58],,,,,,,2017-01-24 00:53:19 5pwhkb,,7,Animal Shelters in Tunis?,"I've been taking care of an injured dog that was hit by a car. After she fully healed I tried to get her adopted because she's sweet and not aggressive. We have reached out to our friends, Association PAT and Animaux 100 toi(t) but have yet to find someone seriously interested in adopting her. We have one person coming to meet her late this week and if they do not take her we will be out of options. We are unable to adopt her and will be leaving Tunis in a few days. Is there an animal shelter in Tunis where dogs can be brought and be adopted?",,,,,,2017-01-24 14:48:22 5q41oj,,0,TOP10 القنوات التونسية,,,,,,,2017-01-25 16:15:04 5q6837,,3,Is a 1 year visa possible?,"I'm planning on moving to Tunis with my significant other in the future. I am curious about the visa laws and such. Are there any long term visa options? Is it easy to obtain a 1 year residence visa? Does anyone else have experience on staying beyond the 3 month tourist visa ? If so, are the officials ok with visa runs so long as each stay is under the 90 days? Any info would be greatly appreciated ! ",,,,,,2017-01-25 21:59:33 5qdth9,,0,Anyone wants to share my wife with me?,[deleted],,,,,,2017-01-26 23:53:37 5qh03s,,9,"After Obama, what comes next for US-Tunisia ties?",,,,,,,2017-01-27 13:09:17 5qr5sk,,5,For a secular state that recognize its history !,"Tunisia is, unfortunatly, considered as an arab country it's also mentionnel in the first article of the Tunisian contitution : ''Article premier : La Tunisie est un État libre, indépendant et souverain, l’Islam est sa religion, l’arabe sa langue et la République son régime. Le présent article ne peut faire l’objet de révision'' (source : ) While Tunisia was never Arab, it was the invasion by arabs that brought islam as well the Arabic language, which is according to the constitution is the official language of the country, (while really) without being our mother tongue: We do not even use Arabic in our daily life we ​​rather use our dialect, which is influenced by other languages ​​including Arabic / French / Berber ...Certainly it has made us Arabic speakers not Arabs, as well the French invasion that made us French speakers and not French. So the first article alone quietly suppresses the whole history of Tunisia and all of North Africa, and make us Arabs (as an ethnic group) who speak Arabic as a mother tongue, added to that, a muslim state. I would like to hear from you all because I think it's quite disrespectful and unfair. Thanks.",,,,,,2017-01-29 01:15:17 5r0l4n,,21,Made this just for fun!,,,,,,,2017-01-30 13:07:08 5r0r7z,,3,"Anyone interested in becoming a mod to /r/Tunisia, apply within!","So, it appears the other mods don't come here often (/u/Enti_San being my wife I know why, she's too busy) but we do need some people here that are more active. I am only one man and sadly I don't speak English well or any Arabic and sometimes, I'm not sure if something should be removed. If you are up for helping (checking 2-3 times a day and checking reports) let me know.",,,,,,2017-01-30 13:40:00 5rmlku,,8,What about a meetup?,"Sincerely, there is no better community than this, after the blogosphere vanished under its own self-obsession of elitism and with the raise of the moronic FaceOmmek, I think that we deserve a meetup (soft or with Bahja) to get to know each other, so what do you think guys?",,,,,,2017-02-02 12:59:06 5rq904,,1,Is there a law to deny me from starting a company in a foreign country ?,"I've been working with an Australian company for the past 2 years, and now they are starting a new business in Estonia, and their offering me to be part of the new company (own shares in it). What's the Tunisian law say about that ? PS : Am still living in Tunisia. Thanks",,,,,,2017-02-02 23:14:54 5rqdoz,,3,Situation update ?,"Hi guys. Maybe you get stuff like this a lot and i'm just annoying you but im curious. The media here in Germany is covering the situation in a lot of countries in the North africa/ middle east region but tunisia is almost completely left out. So i just wanted to ask here about the situation in tunisia and how you guys are doing. Any answer is much appreciated.",,,,,,2017-02-02 23:37:35 5s9hgs,,1,Why is there no Mara2 Rajlik meme??,,,,,,,2017-02-05 19:52:18 5sdca1,,16,[Infographic] Olive oil production in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-02-06 09:45:52 5sdqx7,,1,"Can I use my passport if it says ""Student"" instead of ""College Student""?","I already have a passport, but it lists my profession as ""تلميذ"" (my National ID as well), I am a college student, will I be allowed to leave?",,,,,,2017-02-06 11:34:37 5stazt,,2,/r/Tunisia meetup,"So as i did suggest it a week ago and I already got positive feedback and your blessing, we are meeting Friday February 8 at 6pm in Cafe [Jagg] ( - close by Place d'Afrique, to meet and get to know each other. If you're lost of you feel shy just call me at 99 77 30 69. ",,,,,,2017-02-08 15:28:44 5suj36,,1,"If it happens that you're around Bizerte, join us Staurday for a ""Content Marketing"" workshop at the ISCCB (Sidi Abderahman) at 1pm",,,,,,,2017-02-08 18:34:34 5sxoni,,3,"Can someone from here help me get a picture w/ a little note on it? The note should say "" Stanly, Elena's love for you reached (city,country) or any wordings.This is for a surprise. I will be forever greatful if you could help. Pictures in window or backyard is already enough. Thank you soo much😊",,,,,,,2017-02-09 03:38:49 5t6vc2,,2,Is Intercountry adoption possible in Tunisia?,"I want to adopt a child from another country and bring it to Tunisia! This is possible in other countries and I'm curious to know if it's possible for us to do it , if so I hope you can provide me with the process! Thank you for your feedback.",,,,,,2017-02-10 11:55:01 5te0ar,,0,Do you want to fuck me?,,,,,,,2017-02-11 12:27:27 5tgk0a,,0,Thе girl wants tо blow jоb,,,,,,,2017-02-11 18:30:32 5th2q2,,4,UAE lifts ban on Tunisian citizens,,,,,,,2017-02-11 19:45:44 5tkr0q,,0,Win Credits Every Weekend with Xpango!,,,,,,,2017-02-12 10:26:11 5tlbsl,,1,You Want Me?,,,,,,,2017-02-12 13:08:25 5tliqp,,4,Barzakh - Blé tenhid (coupole d'el menzah Origins Fest 2017),,,,,,,2017-02-12 13:56:23 5tmoip,,0,Excuse me for butting in but,,,,,,,2017-02-12 17:33:00 5ttmmk,,1,SuSanoo full show (coupole d'el Manzah Origins Fest 2017),,,,,,,2017-02-13 16:00:02 5tx0fq,,5,d&d group susah,"can we get a group of people interested in tabletop and board games We can plan meetups and/or game nights and start few games",,,,,,2017-02-14 01:07:29 5tyr2t,,9,"America First, Tunisian Second :D Must Watch",,,,,,,2017-02-14 07:02:15 5tz8ap,,9,How do Tunisian like to get work? 1- 37.8% on foot. 2- 14.6% by car. 3- 14.1% by Taxi. 4- 10.7 by bus Source:,,,,,,,2017-02-14 09:14:31 5tzb9m,,6,"Found this in 9gag: TUNISIAN FLAG FLOATING FROM BAÑOS AT THE EQUADOR, any idea about who is this guy?",,,,,,,2017-02-14 09:38:57 5u0ugu,,0,Tunisians: What Things That Tourists Do Are Offensive?,,,,,,,2017-02-14 15:35:26 5u7jd6,,3,He's Tunisian...just curious to know what other Tunisians think.,,,,,,,2017-02-15 14:06:41 5u7my5,,1,Nawather Live (Coupole D'el Manzah Origins Fest 2017),,,,,,,2017-02-15 14:23:14 5u8byv,,0,Maria24,,,,,,,2017-02-15 16:11:32 5udbm8,,5,"Two young school kids sentenced for a year in jail and a fine for smoking a joint, what a damn country! #loi52 #Tunisia #Legalizeit",,,,,,,2017-02-16 06:58:05 5udtc5,,2,"""Content Marketing"" workshop",,,,,,,2017-02-16 09:26:19 5uf4kl,,1,I’d like to point out that,[removed],,,,,,2017-02-16 14:09:21 5ugwes,,3,Has anyone studied Arabic at the Bourguiba Institute? Feedback?,,,,,,,2017-02-16 18:36:28 5ui7xr,,3,People of Tunisia: What Things That Tourists Do Are Offensive?,,,,,,,2017-02-16 22:04:32 5v44n2,,9,We have 3 new moderators!,"Welcome **TeraVonen**, **Lbachch**, and **tounsi9**!",,,,,,2017-02-20 11:50:43 5vc09g,,0,Walid nahdi 's new video has started a lot of funny parodies,,,,,,,2017-02-21 15:16:54 5vcf47,,3,Help searching for a job involving English and/or Video Editing,"Hi everyone. This is actually my first time posting here. Nice to meet you all! I'm actually trying to find a job that involves using one of those skills: - Writing/speaking in English +++ (or French too. It just seems that there is a lot more competition for jobs in French) - Video Editing (mostly Sony Vegas Pro, a bit of Adobe After Effects) +++ - Photoshop (banners, logos, signatures, etc...) I've searched online but I found nothing. And I want to leave my city so searching here would be meaningless. I kinda hit a dead end. I wanted to ask if anyone here knows of some businesses that need/recruit people with one of those skills, but do not require a degree? (Because I'm a medical student so I have no official degree proving the skills above, I just learned them in my spare time). The job can be either part-time or full-time or even just an internship, I don't mind. Of course I'm searching for a paying job, not volunteering. The business can be a startup or even a library lr something, doesn't have to be something big (I doubt big companies would recruit a degree-less candidate...) Any information you might have would be helpful! Even if you heard a friend of a friend talking about something like this or if you saw an advertisement sticken on your school's wall! Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2017-02-21 16:28:01 5vhrdy,,6,Tunisian Water Open Data,"Tunisia Wtare Data One of the projects that was achived among the first data journalism 2017 Hackathon is Water Data which was marked by the presence of the association of the Dynamics around the water. The project was done in 22 hours 12 minutes and 47 seconds. Precise enough :) the first model is available here",,,,,,2017-02-22 09:28:17 5vqep3,,3,"What a shame, Tunisia not featured in the top 10 porn-watching countries!",,,,,,,2017-02-23 13:37:39 5vw4yw,,1,The 10 errors (serious ones) to avoid when seeing your resume to a recruiter,,,,,,,2017-02-24 07:03:06 5vwepi,,3,"In Tunis, a workshop for young citizens",,,,,,,2017-02-24 08:26:00 5w4usv,,4,"Emel Mathlouthi: ""It's important to be out there as a creative woman from a Muslim culture""",,,,,,,2017-02-25 16:30:27 5w5hh5,,13,The first woman to visit every country in the world places Tunisia in her 10 favourite destinations!,,,,,,,2017-02-25 18:30:03 5wc29e,,0,r/tunisia's custom theme sucks.,[deleted],,,,,,2017-02-26 20:03:12 5wfxdo,,8,Open Tunisia: happy 6th birthday to the only community host in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-02-27 09:54:41 5wqpn0,,0,Tunisia favored in Trump’s immigration war as he signs a visa-free travel policy,[deleted],,,,,,2017-02-28 22:04:51 5wsps2,,3,خطاب يوقف الداهش,,,,,,,2017-03-01 03:17:03 5wuwlp,,1,Digital Drink Tunis #5: join us for a drink and a lot of networking,,,,,,,2017-03-01 10:37:53 5ww5up,,1,"Hotel Lella Baya Hammamet prix promo, dès 42DT",,,,,,,2017-03-01 14:33:12 5wxfnq,,1,Promotion hotels djerba,,,,,,,2017-03-01 17:42:21 5wy48o,,1,Zenith hammamet hotel prix promo,,,,,,,2017-03-01 19:28:11 5wz6lq,,5,رئيس النادي الصفاقسي في المباشر: نقرت الحكم على مؤخرته فاعطاني ضربة جزاء خيالية,,,,,,,2017-03-01 22:18:12 5x1s70,,3,"Now it's all over the news: ""visitors"" stone a crocodile to death with rocks and a paving slab at Tunisian zoo",,,,,,,2017-03-02 06:51:44 5x26pd,,1,"28 Stunning Images of German Tanks Knocked Out, Abandoned and Captured in Tunisa!!!",,,,,,,2017-03-02 08:50:30 5x4559,,6,Très bonne initiative à encourager #KnowYourHistory #KnowYourCountry,,,,,,,2017-03-02 16:21:01 5x4ydm,,5,Tunisian rhino riders,,,,,,,2017-03-02 18:28:33 5x6d7f,,1,When you go to a public bath with one of your parents as a kid,[deleted],,,,,,2017-03-02 22:11:31 5xadip,,4,Going to Tunisia next weekend; need help with two things,"Hey there, I am visiting a friend who is currently on a work assignment in Tunisia. My friend is in Sousse and I will land at Tunis–Carthage International Airport. My two questions are: - What is the best method of transfer? I wanna book a private transfer from the airport to sousse but I do not know what service to chose from. Any recommendations here? - The second thing is that i can not deny that im a little bit nervous about this trip, my country issued several travel warnings for tunisa. Can i expect to run into some weird situations or does it all get blown out of proportion? Thank you for your help, I really do appreciate it.",,,,,,2017-03-03 13:39:38 5xb8qg,,4,AntKeeper needs help,"Hi everyone. I'm a french antkeeper, which means I like to raise ants colony. I stumbled upon this video on youtube which shows the most amazing ants I've ever seen : I'd like to know if this is an ant you see a lot, if it's considered as an endangered species or if it's common. In the second case I would love that someone catch and send me a queen so I can raise them. I know this is a weird demand, but if there is another antkeeper on this subreddit I'm ready to exchange it against a french species of his choice. I'm asking that without knowing the laws about this kind of things in Tunisia so let me know if this is not allowed. Thank you very much",,,,,,2017-03-03 16:18:39 5xsida,,0,بشرى لمتابعي قضيّة رمزي: هذه الجهة تحرّكت إستجابة للحملة على مواقع التواصل..,,,,,,,2017-03-06 10:17:02 5xso3t,,0,أسامة الدراجي يردّ على جماهير الترجي بهذه الطريقة..,,,,,,,2017-03-06 11:07:32 5xz5i7,,2,"[Another one bites the dust] Tunisian Officers, Branded ‘Cowardly’ During Massacre, Face Charges",,,,,,,2017-03-07 07:48:52 5xz5qj,,5,[WW2] Wehrmacht armored column on the move in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-03-07 07:51:05 5y8nhn,,1,تونس .. علي الواقع أجمل من “الصورة المصطنعة” لها,,,,,,,2017-03-08 15:52:00 5yacy2,,3,How to learn Tunisian?,"Greetings, Hey guys!! I will be traveling to Tunisia this summer and I would like to learn as much of the language as possible before my trip. Can you guys provide me with some free resources? Learning tools? It seems that with the Tunisian dialect it is hard to find translations. ",,,,,,2017-03-08 20:23:06 5ye0zm,,2,So the UK did a huge Tunisian attack mockup style exercise while we didn't do much.. That explains the travel ban,,,,,,,2017-03-09 08:51:16 5ye1ud,,6,"So you guys already met, hmm good to know :)",,,,,,,2017-03-09 08:58:59 5yzajj,,3,TOPNET SHIT TALK THREAD,"like what the fuck is wrong with this ISP? It caused me soo much internet failures in a single day, because of it i got a 7 day suspension from an online MOBA videogame and Im forced to buy shitty data plan from ooredoo ",,,,,,2017-03-12 15:55:26 5z5xbe,,11,Zouhair Yahyaoui stamp released by the Tunisian postal service to commemorate 12 years since he passed away,,,,,,,2017-03-13 16:21:13 5zelxu,,1,Help with gift for my girlfriend,"Good afternoon, siblings. I'm Brazilian, I apologize for my bad English. I came to ask you for help with a project. This month I will complete five years of dating and I'm preparing a surprise for my girlfriend with the participation of people around the world. The idea is to take a simple picture of a piece of paper written: ""Look, Elisa! Paulo didn't forget the day 28."" Added from the city where you live written underneath. Can you help me? Thanks for reading this far. Hugs from Brazil. :)",,,,,,2017-03-14 20:15:13 5zikdq,,2,Wehrmacht armored column on the move in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-03-15 10:25:30 5zjoi0,,6,What would the region look like if Carthage had not been destroyed by Rome?,,,,,,,2017-03-15 14:33:25 5zp82d,,3,Youtube Creators Day #2,,,,,,,2017-03-16 07:26:56 5zpur4,,14,Tunisia traditional dress day,,,,,,,2017-03-16 10:43:42 5zpy88,,2,Suggestions,"-use direct subreddit links on the sidebar instead of the shortcut links, its annoying if you try to access them from a phone app (or don't link the other countries unless they do the same^friendlySubreddits ) &nbsp; -Remove the r/tunisia from the list because you are already in the sub. &nbsp; -Link good places to visit in tunisia &nbsp; Add some rules like: &nbsp; -Don't insults users based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. -No advertisement or spam -All content must be related to tunisia. &nbsp; And what language are we allowed to speak with( najmou na7kiw bil derja!) &nbsp; &nbsp; Looks: -change the 749 ""readers"" to ""harrisa eaters"" for example 10 are eating harrisa right now -A more beautiful banner -A new image in the sidebar every week(monuments, beaches, nature..) ",,,,,,2017-03-16 11:10:22 5zr9rz,,5,"We are a minority, should we start thinking about promoting the sub? Check /r/Tunisia metrics",,,,,,,2017-03-16 15:34:51 5zsfhp,,4,Study finds that only 4% of Tunisians are of Arabic blood.,,,,,,,2017-03-16 18:42:54 5zshuz,,2,تونس تضبط مخطوطة نادرة للتوراة قبل تهريبها,,,,,,,2017-03-16 18:53:39 5zsksi,,0,Rex Tillerson Meets Tunisia's Foreign Minister at White House,,,,,,,2017-03-16 19:06:50 5zumjb,,4,"If you have 20,000dt or more, would you open a business in this country ?","Hi, So in 2016 i made a sum of *~60,000dt*, the year before, it was less than half of that, and this year am dedicated to double that sum. And few days ago i was talking with a friend *(a jobless graduate, unfortunately like most of us mid-20s)* and he said that all he needs to make his life better is a loan or an investment of 20,000dt, I asked if he could share the idea of this ""life saving"" business, and he proudly said, ""a coffee-shop""... I didn't want to get any deeper because there is nothing else to talk about, but this kept me thinking, what if i decide to start doing something in this country ? what will it be ? If i was just like him, and suddenly i got k20dt or more in my pocket, what will i do with it ? So I would really like to know if any of you has any idea about profitable fields and whatnot, of course you won't be sharing your next ""world changer"" startup, but again, if any of us had that we wouldn't be wasting time on reddit lol. And in case you're wondering on what am currently doing to make that okay-ish amount of money, I am a game developer who's been working as a freelancer for the past ~4 years, i [posted here]( few months ago to showcase my current progress (and hopefully motivate some of you that the Internet can be profitable). But as much as I like what am doing at the moment, to me, making games was always a creative passion more than a Business, and i would really love to keep it that way, and in the meantime start something else to eventually reach the point of [passive incomes]( So, share whatever you can think of about this subject, and please note, the *""take your money and runaway from this shithole country""* answer is not acceptable. Cheers ",,,,,,2017-03-17 00:59:41 5zwly3,,5,"Oh shiiiiit, we're famous again: Evidence suggests humans lived in Tunisia 72k years ago",,,,,,,2017-03-17 09:23:33 603jco,,1,Tunisians authorties are buying a flag for 300k TND manufactured in Turket to celebrate the independance day..,,,,,,,2017-03-18 10:49:12 6068ja,,3,Female terrorist cell dismantled in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-03-18 20:34:06 60hbfj,,5,This Is How Tunisians Responded When They Were Asked To Translate A Racist Message.,,,,,,,2017-03-20 15:57:02 60mada,,1,#WWIM15 - A photowalk to the Tunisia National Military Mesuem,,,,,,,2017-03-21 07:41:10 60mdtn,,7,"Tanks from the 1st Armoured Division in support of British infantry. Tunisia, 1943",,,,,,,2017-03-21 08:14:20 60nmcl,,1,People react to being called beautiful <3,,,,,,,2017-03-21 13:38:48 60nn12,,0,Mahlehou,,,,,,,2017-03-21 13:42:16 60qqkd,",10.7078517,3a,75y,209.01h,92.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGd_c56dvAYlvlMj8xM0qPQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656",11,Google Street View is now available in Tunisia!,,,,,,,2017-03-21 22:14:55 60tqdi,,2,Tourist with facial piercings,"Hi everyone! I'll be visiting Tunisia (mainly Tunis and Monastir) soon and I was wondering how accepted facial piercings are. I have a septum ring, which can be flipped up and hidden in my nose, but it's uncomfortable to wear like that. I also have slightly stretched earlobes (about a cm in diameter). I'm just wondering if the worst I'll experience is staring, which I'm used to. I'll be coming from South Africa if that makes any difference!",,,,,,2017-03-22 10:07:38 60wj5k,,1,Tunisia through the eyes of their citizens,,,,,,,2017-03-22 18:43:35 60xyrh,,3,Hey there! I need help and sources!,"Im a muslim yankee doodle here, Im someone whos actually enchanted by your lands and how magical it seems, atleast the tourisim beuro makes it look like it. So Im here to ask a probably touchy subject; How did the arab spring begin in tunsia, why it was successfull, or basicly just if you may please forward me to sources about it. Preferbly written more then just some forum or something because Its for a research paper, Im writing about it in uni. Thank you all beforehand and may Allah bless you all :)",,,,,,2017-03-22 22:32:56 612cxd,,8,"Yes, Tunisians can travel without visa.. to those countries",,,,,,,2017-03-23 15:00:22 612ow1,,1,Le Cuistot de Président perd du poids encore une fois!,,,,,,,2017-03-23 15:53:58 61442x,,14,Good job Tunisians,,,,,,,2017-03-23 19:40:02 614a1u,,7,Why I booked a one-way flight to Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-03-23 20:05:40 617w8t,,1,"El Guettar, 1943 US maintenance Tank during the [Battle of El Guettar] (",,,,,,,2017-03-24 09:12:30 61b0fo,,0,اكتشفوا لهجة، قناة اليوتوب التي تعتني بتفسير و تبسيط اللهجات العربية في 23 بلد عربي... !,,,,,,,2017-03-24 19:19:09 61bmrx,,2,"Survey: The shift between 2013 and 2015 in how Tunisians view the role of religion in politics, religious tolerance, political violence, Western political models, and their own national identity. [PDF]",,,,,,,2017-03-24 21:00:02 61ci46,,1,Tunisia real estate website,[deleted],,,,,,2017-03-24 23:35:01 61kzqq,,2,"This guy's been touring Tunisia, really cool pictures.",[deleted],,,,,,2017-03-26 10:43:13 61r4wh,,4,[Photos] so we wento to the Tunis National Military Museum (Manouba),,,,,,,2017-03-27 09:21:59 61rb9m,,2,[photos] Tanks from the Tunis National Military Museum (I'm a War Thunder gamer btw),,,,,,,2017-03-27 10:15:21 61rsxy,,1,[Video] We did visit the Tunis military musuem,,,,,,,2017-03-27 12:20:33 61t73b,,7,"Michael Jackson in Tunisia, 7/10/1996",,,,,,,2017-03-27 16:29:37 61tb63,,5,"Hi everyone, I just discovered this sub and I'm wondering why you're all speaking English? Why not Tunisian?",[deleted],,,,,,2017-03-27 16:47:56 61y4lb,,4,"Just Started A Subreddit For African Cinema! Please Join Us, We'd Love To Hear About The Cinema Of Tunisia!",,,,,,,2017-03-28 08:21:45 61ya4r,,19,"The 20 TND bill original painting (Tunis National Military museum, Manouba)",,,,,,,2017-03-28 09:10:49 61yasq,,9,I'm really happy to see that Facebook is loosing it rank as most visited website in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-03-28 09:16:57 61yz1h,,2,"Digital Drink is a monthly after work networking event gathering Community Manager, copy writers, Social Media managers, etc..",,,,,,,2017-03-28 12:16:14 61z0nc,,2,Chkoun machi l Myrath?,Just asking ,,,,,,2017-03-28 12:26:03 620sq4,,1,Tunisie : Arrestation du cinéaste tunisien Karim Belhadj pour homosexualité,,,,,,,2017-03-28 17:26:56 627a94,,1,How to Get Verified Paypal,,,,,,,2017-03-29 15:23:51 6286m1,,11,😂😂,,,,,,,2017-03-29 17:44:39 629hzh,,7,Tunisian administration at its best,,,,,,,2017-03-29 21:08:36 62i13r,,1,tractors,,,,,,,2017-03-31 00:39:58 62jxto,,2,72 mille ans de préhistoire ! - DEBATunisie,,,,,,,2017-03-31 08:05:56 62k4bw,,7,Join us in Tunisia discord channel,,,,,,,2017-03-31 09:03:10 62kixq,,1,شاهد أول ظهور للفنانة ساندي بعد حملها,,,,,,,2017-03-31 11:03:37 62krbb,,1,Trains,,,,,,,2017-03-31 11:59:59 62n9qn,,1,The Rich Kids of TUNISIA parade their wealth on Instagram,,,,,,,2017-03-31 19:00:25 62p7ng,,3,Tunisia Ex-PM Jomaa Launches 'Non-ideological' Political Party,,,,,,,2017-03-31 23:57:35 62ph3b,,2,"What can you do with 200,000 dinars if you had the money and wanted to, say, do something awesome!!!",,,,,,,2017-04-01 00:43:52 62ytzh,,9,Tunisian Flag,"Hey! What about creating the Tunisian flag together somewhere in /r/place/ ?",,,,,,2017-04-02 09:40:01 630q3d,,2,كيف تزعج موسيقى الشارع السلطة في تونس؟ x/post from r/arabs,,,,,,,2017-04-02 16:55:02 6325rf,,1,"It ain't much, but it's ours!",[deleted],,,,,,2017-04-02 20:50:55 636y0m,,6,Tunisia's History: The Husseïniya Bâshiya Civil War -Part 1 (Part 2 in comments),,,,,,,2017-04-03 14:01:57 63c1np,,3,Night club closed for athan dance remix,,,,,,,2017-04-04 04:35:15 63d37x,,1,Nouveau record historique de l'indice Keftaji à 10.950DT,,,,,,,2017-04-04 09:31:02 63d5dt,,6,"Good job Tunisia, you nailed it :)",,,,,,,2017-04-04 09:49:20 63e3fk,,11,What about making a weekly discussion thread about something going around in Tunisia ?,Just a thought to make the sub more active and communicate with each other with sharing some idea...I'm sure many would enjoy this like I would :),,,,,,2017-04-04 13:28:51 63ifrc,,1,"The Iota of Hope. Let this be the title of all the things that have an iota of hope to propel TN into an era of economic prosperity, artistic creativity, inclusive institutions (economic and political), and creative destruction. Aaand Action!!!",,,,,,,2017-04-05 01:11:54 63ksqn,,1,ميكروتيك العرب: برمجة روترات,,,,,,,2017-04-05 10:55:12 63late,,1,00,,,,,,,2017-04-05 12:47:01 63sglt,,1,"Le #wowpay est désormais disponible partout, celui-là est chez un petit de tabac, pour le moment ca permet de régler les factures seulement pour 5 marques dont le #STEG et le #SONEDE une méthode ultra confortable pour ne pas avoir a faire la queue.",,,,,,,2017-04-06 11:59:34 63u67s,,6,FuckFace Von Clownstick,,,,,,,2017-04-06 16:51:38 63ukbx,,8,Do you think people in Tunisia get offended way too easily ?,"I just observed that people may care too much about pointless things. Like for exemple when people keep giving a young couple in the street weird looks, or when some others get arrested for having a sexual intercourse privately, in their house, because they aren't married and/or are homosexuals. Like honestly who cares ? Last week people were celebrating...the closing of a point were beer was sold legally. I mean okay they won't be as many ""clocharat"" but that was a problem that could have been dealt with by the police. Was it really something offending enough (that people buy beer) to celebrate ? More recently there's that british DJ that included a portion of the adhan in a clip, now he may face jail time (although he already left the country) and some others want to close discos all together. And from what I saw in FB a good amount of people got offended as well. I don't know how to feel about this one. I mean yeah some may think it is offending but I thought it could be solved with an apology and that's it. Personally I experienced it as Civ 5 has a track with a portion of the Adhan in it as well and I didn't really bat an eye, if anything I thought it was pretty good. What's on thoughts on this issue in general?",,,,,,2017-04-06 17:50:45 63wskc,,2,Is the ban still holding? Tunisia Bans Disposable Plastic Shopping Bags,,,,,,,2017-04-06 23:46:15 63z3km,,1,Internet Marketers Meetups is the local arm of the Internet Marketing community Online Geniuses now in Tunisia :),,,,,,,2017-04-07 08:07:23 63z9jp,,1,In need of documentaries in arabic language,[deleted],,,,,,2017-04-07 08:59:03 641n5h,,12,Spring's in Kantaoui,,,,,,,2017-04-07 17:01:15 644m9t,,3,Tunisia sentences British DJ Dax J to year in jail over Muslim prayer dance remix,,,,,,,2017-04-08 01:55:41 64bvkq,كلمة_فهمتلا_كيفاش_نبطل_ماعاش_نقولها/,4,"كلمة ""فهمتلّا"". كيفاش نبطّل ماعاش نقولها؟","وماغير ما نعوّضها بكلام كيف ""فبحيث"" ولّا n'est-ce pas",,,,,,2017-04-09 06:52:06 64ih0q,,2,Looking for admins and contributors for the new Tunisia discird channel.,,,,,,,2017-04-10 08:55:39 64j2ou,,1,I just like this song!! → Yama Lasmer Douni by Asma othmani,,,,,,,2017-04-10 11:45:00 64k5e2,,1,Need help finding my company in the official gazette (الرائد الرسمي),"I can't understand how this website works ... Every PDF i download it either has one single page, or a bunch of new laws. Where can I find the companies please ? (I need this to finish the company bank account, they are requesting a ""Jort"" copie or something) cheers #Edit: My banker told me that this website is wrong : []( Instead i should use this one : []( All you have to do is type your company name there. Keep in mind that it will only give you [this preview]( I have no idea about what the full one that you are supposed to go physically to get it, but the bank only need that one, so for me, the problem is solved.",,,,,,2017-04-10 15:11:23 64px0x,,3,Bardo Museum in Tunis to host Uffizi pre-Roman antiquities - Culture,,,,,,,2017-04-11 10:01:40 64px70,,1,Démarrage du Festival Numérique Libre V1.0,,,,,,,2017-04-11 10:03:00 64s722,,2,"(Weekly Discussion - April 10th, 2017) DJ Who played song with Call of prayer sentenced to a year in Jail. Is this right? Wrong? Too harsh? Too lenient? Discuss!","This is a new thing we're going to try out. The DJ Who played the call of prayer in a song at a club was sentenced to a year in prison. What are your thoughts on this? RATIONALE DISCUSSION ONLY! If you start flaming or attacking someone instead of debating or discussing, your posts will be removed and you will be warned or banned. *edit* I want to add, the downvote is not a ""I disagree"" button. Don't downvote someone just because you disagree. This is supposed to be a place where free discussion can be had.",,,,,,2017-04-11 17:14:13 64xcgs,,2,Tanks wrecks,"Found this old post in WOT sub: Side view: Other side (good view of cupola): Frontal (blurry): My own guess is that it's a modified M48 Patton, but I can't determine for the life of me what that thing is on the commanders hatch. My first instinct was laser, but it could just be a regular machine gun mount. The closest picture I have found so far is this M48A5. Can anyone help me identify the tank and the modification? I'm also interested in roughly the year this could have been left derelict and maybe even the reason (for example, after a war or particular incident). Edit Exact site on [Gmaps]( You can see them on the map actually. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2017-04-12 10:35:28 64ycdv,,6,I added a bot that shares all /r/Tunisie discussions on discord Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-04-12 14:06:13 650pod,,4,Suggestion for a weekly discussion: Whatever happened to Tunisia2020? Is there any concrete work being done to advance the multitude of projects?,,,,,,,2017-04-12 20:18:44 651lip,,8,Tunisia medical council bans forced anal tests for homosexuality after nearly decade of abuse,,,,,,,2017-04-12 22:42:47 655w3m,,8,Documentaries on Tunisia,"Hey there, I'm doing some work on Tunisia and I was wondering if there any popular documentaries on tunisian politics or life. And if you can, I'd really like some links too :) Thanks!",,,,,,2017-04-13 14:43:30 65b66j,,1,Four Seasons to open a Tunisia hotel in 2017,,,,,,,2017-04-14 07:14:12 65buy3,,0,The life of rich people in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-04-14 10:52:26 65ccvo,,0,Afrika Korps troops with a downed P-38 in Tunisia - 1943,,,,,,,2017-04-14 12:57:23 65upad,,2,Protests have been going on in Tataouine and other interior regions over jobs and development. What does the sub think about this? Does r/tunisia share/understand their grievances? Is there any political manipulation happening?,"For those who don't know, there were protests and general strikes across the country (I was affected by this due to tax being due on car). Tataouine, especially, has closed up shops, cafes, etc and have even protested. More information [can be found here]( I'm curious if you guys think the protests are politically motivated? Do the striking people an the people protesting have a legit grievance? ",,,,,,2017-04-17 10:10:08 65wae3,,3,روسيا تعفي تونس من التأشيرة لدخول أراضيها,,,,,,,2017-04-17 15:39:57 662srn,,1,Tunisian police forces arrests a terrorist who was going to bomb of Tunis Brothel (Source: Twitter),[deleted],,,,,,2017-04-18 13:25:11 662ty4,,2,Tunisian Islamist party says time to 'bury' democracy,,,,,,,2017-04-18 13:31:20 662wxv,,3,Tunisia central bank to steadily weaken dinar,,,,,,,2017-04-18 13:47:08 668tmk,,4,Amira Yahyaoui on press freedom and fake news,,,,,,,2017-04-19 07:50:35 668wb8,,1,Tunisia Internet Marketers (Tunis): a new networking event for The Digital Marketing community.,,,,,,,2017-04-19 08:13:17 66982v,,3,Corruption in the petroleum industry,,,,,,,2017-04-19 09:53:10 66dbqm,,1,HEARING LOSS;PÉRDIDA DE LA AUDICIÓN;,,,,,,,2017-04-19 21:39:33 66g5lv,,5,A Tunisian crypto-currency company is hiring,"Hi guys, I am pleased to post here our first official official job offer here :) I have been working since 2 years on a crypto-currency payment system, and we proposed Bitdinars as a crypto currency solution to La Poste Tunisienne. ( Please take a look at our long format policy before reading the rest of the offer. ( My company is called Vink, and we are / work-with bankers, economists, cryptographers, pentesters, computer scientists... Nobody is paid yet. As a Tunisian company operating in Tunisia from Berlin, jointly with La Poste Tunisienne, we are actively working for people to expand our community of developers to collaborate and work with us. We look for people who share our motivation in creating an industry from scratch, first of all. We evolve in a an environment where we speak English and have direct access to notable actors in the banking, crypto currency, and computer security worlds. Across Berlin, Milan, Zurich and Tunis. You are the Tunisian hackers I know. Any support is very welcome. Everything is to build at Vink, and everybody is welcome with no distinction (age, race, gender...). Students, impassioned, curious or supporters are welcome. We are a bunch of guys with computers, trained in international waters. We would not hesitate to give you all we can, if we see that you believe in the free (from freedom) exchange of ideas. In exchange we we expect motivation and dedication. We can arrange incentives for the most motivated, and potentially hire them, but we will seek for the people who are trustworthy and with us for the long run. For now we don't pay salaries. And we even have a blacklist. Vink is a software company, first of all. We develop software for banks. If you, or someone in your circle of influence is interested, I would be very glad to make a follow-up. I am available here or Linkedin or twitter. Original link to the call:",,,,,,2017-04-20 07:10:18 66h1j7,,4,"In Tunisia, activists finally catch a break against a powerful tycoon",,,,,,,2017-04-20 11:19:59 66p46x,,6,Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 coming to Steam this May,,,,,,,2017-04-21 13:16:33 66p6sz,,2,Tunisian economy to get back on track this year,,,,,,,2017-04-21 13:31:00 66q1ce,,2,Meet the members of Tunisia +SocialGood – +SocialGood – Medium,,,,,,,2017-04-21 15:50:36 66r7uj,,1,"ishtar, ratal, nesf",can someone explain when to use each,,,,,,2017-04-21 18:51:20 66w6xa,,1,لهذا السبب كانت الشرطة التونسية ستقوم بترحيلي للمغرب ! وتجربة مرعبة مررت بها هذا الاسبوع !!,[deleted],,,,,,2017-04-22 14:22:16 66w71c,,3,لهذا السبب كانت الشرطة التونسية ستقوم بترحيلي للمغرب ! وتجربة مرعبة مررت بها هذا الاسبوع !! قناة المحترف,,,,,,,2017-04-22 14:22:52 66yeez,,3,Intersection in Ethiopia without traffic lights. Works!! Maybe we don't need traffic lights in TN after all lmfao!!,,,,,,,2017-04-22 21:11:07 66yse2,,3,Best Bank on Tunisia,"I work abroad and i want to put my money in a savings account in Tunisia whats my best options. Am looking for thebest rate i can get at the lowest costs.",,,,,,2017-04-22 22:24:17 671k60,,2,دوت إمارات - تراجع سعر الدينار التونسي يربك المستثمرين,,,,,,,2017-04-23 10:19:12 672kxo,,5,Any good sources to learn about Tunisian families' history?,I've often wondered about the origins of Tunisian last names. Are there books or anything that covers the subject in detail?,,,,,,2017-04-23 14:46:12 672uqt,,2,Tunisia. Does any body know the name of this lady singer?...,,,,,,,2017-04-23 15:38:46 67b8gw,,3,Hey guys I'm a student here in Tunis and it would be awesome if you could take a minute (literally) to do this survey on the Art Community in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2017-04-24 19:12:37 67b9v8,,3,Best rate for exchanging USD to TND?,I will be traveling to Tunisia this summer and will need to convert a good amount of USD and I want to know the best way to go about it to get the maximum TND per dollar. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ,,,,,,2017-04-24 19:18:45 67fjq9,,5,Tunisia Seeks More Economic Integration with Europe,,,,,,,2017-04-25 09:49:10 67fk58,,4,FDI in Tunisia rises 18 pct in first quarter,,,,,,,2017-04-25 09:52:33 67fmiu,,5,Ways to travel from Tunis to Sfax?,"Hi, I'm planning to visit Tunis in May. I plan to visit Sfax after a few days in Tunis, but the only apparently available flight goes Tunis-Tripoli-Sfax, and there is a overnight stay in Tripoli. And as far as I know, it is not such a good place to stay. So any tips redditors of Tunisia?",,,,,,2017-04-25 10:09:50 67mwyn,,3,Malaysia and Tunisia get 3D - Google Earth Blog,,,,,,,2017-04-26 08:54:21 67o2a9,,1,FDI in Tunisia rises 18 pct in first quarter,[deleted],,,,,,2017-04-26 13:18:52 67o3zh,,6,Air Malta to start new scheduled services to Tunis,,,,,,,2017-04-26 13:27:43 67o78u,,2,Hungary to teach Tunisia about border control,,,,,,,2017-04-26 13:43:41 67obc6,,6,Tunisia parliament votes to ease harsh drug law,,,,,,,2017-04-26 14:02:57 67qvo0,,7,Tunisian parliamentarian defends hash,,,,,,,2017-04-26 20:37:13 67tg6g,,3,Anything interesting/useful or productive to do in Tunisia when you re full time free ?,"Well I took a year off from college abroad starting this semester (since February) and I have been chilling most of the times and I really enjoyed it! But kind of got bored...I'm starting to miss interactions ect with the feeling of emptiness. Any suggestions to make the most out of my time in Tunisia ? Im bad at writing threads So feel free to ask me to explain something Ugh here I am bored enough to be awake sat 5 AM posting on reddit",,,,,,2017-04-27 04:31:17 67u9o2,,3,Digital Drink Tunis (networking event),,,,,,,2017-04-27 08:07:42 67ufe8,,2,Tunisia Takes Aim at Sagging Dinar With IMF-Backed Rate Hike,,,,,,,2017-04-27 08:58:16 67vl2n,,3,Tunisia eases harsh anti-drug legislation,,,,,,,2017-04-27 13:27:47 67vyus,,6,"Monday Discussion (Thursday Edition a.k.a. I forgot to post Monday) The mandatory imprisonment for possessing or using cannabis was abolished in the Tunisian Parlement on Tuesday, thus amending one of its most repressive laws affecting young people.","How do you feel about this? This has been discussed here before but I want to hear from everyone. Please keep in mind this is for CIVIL discussion only. No calling of names or insulting people regardless of if they are here, or not. We want to keep this a place where a discussion can be had and if you can't argue without insults, you need to research your position better. [News story here](",,,,,,2017-04-27 14:31:07 682r2e,,3,Tunisian PM Chahed booed off stage in Tataouine,,,,,,,2017-04-28 13:52:03 68a61b,,7,مانيش_مسامح,,,,,,,2017-04-29 16:20:18 68evub,,2,Tunisian officials sacked after protests,,,,,,,2017-04-30 10:47:09 68grnk,,2,"Tunisia police clash with militants in central city, official says",,,,,,,2017-04-30 17:50:53 68mbgn,,2,Tunisian workers demand salary hikes and better benefits,,,,,,,2017-05-01 14:37:00 68s9zt,,1,دوت إمارات - برنامج «افتح يا سمسم» ثاني أفضل برنامج أطفال,,,,,,,2017-05-02 10:12:45 68sekb,,3,"(Discussion Monday) May 1st, 2017 Edition - The Minister of Finance and Education were fired. The Dinar has dropped in value. A planned Ramadan terrorist attack foiled. Is Tunisia turning the corner towards a more stable democracy?","This past week has been a hell of a week in Tunisia so going to keep this one open a little more. and break it up into 3 parts. You can discuss whatever ones (or all of them) that you wish. 1.) The Dinar dropped suddenly last week. Though it caught most people off guard, it's been predicted for a while with the dinar eventually landing at 1USD to 3TND by the end of the year. What are your viewpoints on this? 2.) The Ministers of Finance and Education were fired this past week too. The former Finance minister had come under criticism after she suggested this month, Tunisia’s central bank would reduce its interventions so the value of the dinar steadily declines. (See point 1) 3.) Sunday, Police were able to intervene and killed 2 militants. One killed by police, the other exploded a suicide belt and killing himself. Investigations have led to the finding that an attack during Ramadan was planned and has now been foiled. They tracked them from Sousse to a house in Sidi Bouzid. This is a more general topic for discussion. ------------ Please make sure to keep comments civil. Insults and name calling isn't to be tolerated and those comments will be removed. Please keep in mind that everyone here is most likely a Tunisian or a resident of Tunisia (like Myself) so be kind. =) If you want to discuss something else, please feel free to do that too. These are up a week and sometimes, something else may happen that is newsworthy so that can be discussed here too.",,,,,,2017-05-02 10:48:37 68te14,,1,"Police and militants clash in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia",,,,,,,2017-05-02 14:18:44 68tegm,,1,Tunisian historian and Islam expert Talbi dead at 95,,,,,,,2017-05-02 14:20:34 68tfwx,,3,Tunisian PM Sacks Finance Minister,,,,,,,2017-05-02 14:27:31 6921rx,,5,A view on the OpenStreetMap community in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-05-03 18:06:12 696nqt,,2,Free workshop in Content Marketing in Nabeul,,,,,,,2017-05-04 10:18:30 69bh65,,1,"If the government accepted regional business applications to sponsor, do you think it ll work?","Here is what I have in mind: The government sets a project to finance local small business ideas that will be located in the small villages or towns. This would help the local economy to be a bit more self sufficient and slightly more independent. Let's say people from small villages or towns who have projects of some sort that would work locally not in another region of the country. They go and apply for the government to sponsor their local project . Do you think such idea would work? Why/why not?",,,,,,2017-05-05 00:29:02 69dfwh,,1,wapon : chivalry,,,,,,,2017-05-05 08:19:02 69dp7p,,2,"Nawaat, target of harassment of the presidency of the Republic",,,,,,,2017-05-05 09:38:28 69ex4u,,1,"I'm Tunisian but My grandmother is Italian, Is it possible to have the Italian nationality?",If you have any idea what do to get it please tell me.,,,,,,2017-05-05 14:14:10 69ffn3,,1,Government Program to Restructure over 400 Public Institutions in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-05-05 15:40:48 69ffum,,1,Agreement to protect women against violence,,,,,,,2017-05-05 15:41:52 69ibuh,,1,Tunisia news site complains of harrassment over article,,,,,,,2017-05-06 00:14:49 69ic5k,,1,Tunisia court convicts 18 of 'terrorism',,,,,,,2017-05-06 00:16:39 69icc5,,3,Why do Tunisia's Islamists support an unpopular law forgiving corruption?,,,,,,,2017-05-06 00:17:39 69lf4n,,3,Is it just me or does this read like pure authoritarian propaganda?,,,,,,,2017-05-06 14:21:16 69mm19,,1,Остров розовых фламинго Djerba Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-05-06 18:09:18 69ouqp,,1,An outstanding work of cinematography.,,,,,,,2017-05-07 01:42:17 69vi3o,,1,Zine El Abidine Ben Ali,,,,,,,2017-05-08 02:41:41 69vkf4,,1,Zine El Abidine Ben Ali | Part 2,,,,,,,2017-05-08 02:55:19 69xwek,,2,Planning trip to Tunisia in two weeks. Is it safe?,I'm planning a trip of two weeks to Tunisia. Can you guys update me on the safety on the regions. Is the country safe in general for a male European tourist? Any specific areas to avoid? I don't know where I will be going yet but I would like to see as much of the country as possible. All advice and tips are greatly appreciated. ,,,,,,2017-05-08 12:54:59 69y5ye,,6,Tunisia ‘Best African Tourist Destination in 2017’,,,,,,,2017-05-08 13:44:57 69y61p,,2,Tunisian minister creates diplomatic crisis with Algeria,,,,,,,2017-05-08 13:45:27 69yjry,,7,berserker cosplay open city 2017 hammamet Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-05-08 14:52:07 69ypz4,,3,Tunisia's Dirty Secret,,,,,,,2017-05-08 15:19:20 6a4hyg,,2,Tunisian Media Activist Interrogated Over Sources of Leaked Documents,,,,,,,2017-05-09 10:07:34 6a4yni,,1,Surprise resignation for Tunisia vote chief,,,,,,,2017-05-09 12:02:20 6a5u76,,4,life for unmarried mothers in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-05-09 14:46:04 6ad3qd,,1,Significant Rise in Prices before Ramadan,,,,,,,2017-05-10 14:29:31 6ad5th,,9,Summary of the Tunisian president speech.,,,,,,,2017-05-10 14:39:03 6af786,,3,"Тунис за 3 минуты!Как отдохнуть в Тунисе за 12 тыс?Сусс,Хаммамет,Сахара,...",,,,,,,2017-05-10 19:58:01 6aki2p,,0,Déshumidificateur semi industriel TK-60 KROLL - Afrimesure,,,,,,,2017-05-11 14:36:23 6alsej,,2,I highly recommend this documentary to those looking to get a better sense of history.,,,,,,,2017-05-11 17:55:00 6an86c,,2,Welcome to tunisia <3,,,,,,,2017-05-11 21:44:04 6aq811,,1,Serinus output sinks on Tunisia strike,,,,,,,2017-05-12 09:10:16 6aqb1z,,1,Déshumidificateur industriel TE-120 KROLL - Afrimesure,,,,,,,2017-05-12 09:36:20 6aynvt,,3,شوفوا ها الحكاية carbon fiber wallet ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2017-05-13 16:20:26 6azsyz,,1,Is this a heritage song?,"I disagreed with someone about whether this song is very old (تراث) or this is new. Can anyone help? I just couldn't shake the feeling that this isn't recent.",,,,,,2017-05-13 19:54:16 6b2yuz,,3,Thousands of Tunisians march against corruption amnesty law,,,,,,,2017-05-14 08:40:51 6b5ogr,,1,Book Clubs Ignite Literary Passion in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-05-14 19:16:24 6b6m5a,,1,Tunisia faces toxic landfill disaster - and no one is stopping the rot (we are so incompetent that we can't even handle our own trash and man are we getting better at producing enormous quantities of it).,,,,,,,2017-05-14 22:14:36 6b8x57,,1,"Good morning community,. what about a walk in the Medina this Ramadan followed by an iftar? We have been doing that since 2005, who's in? #Ifatar17 #InstaIftar",,,,,,,2017-05-15 07:01:29 6ban7o,,1,Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943,,,,,,,2017-05-15 14:18:51 6bandq,,4,Tunisia seeks UNESCO status for Jewish pilgrimage isle,,,,,,,2017-05-15 14:19:33 6bangx,,4,Tunisian PM in Djerba for Jewish pilgrimage,,,,,,,2017-05-15 14:20:04 6banor,,1,Protesters clash with police near Tunisian capital,,,,,,,2017-05-15 14:21:11 6bcam5,,7,[Photos]Tunisia march against corruption amnesty law (Creative Commons Licence),,,,,,,2017-05-15 18:50:08 6bh2ek,,1,بالدموعع 😂😂,,,,,,,2017-05-16 12:09:05 6biv66,,1,robot,,,,,,,2017-05-16 17:23:35 6biwba,,6,"Sidebar updated, looking for suggestions for the subreddit header","Aaslema! **Sidebar updated** As you can see we updated our sidebar and added some simple rules to it. The only real difference to what we had before is that you should not editorialize titles. For exemple if you want to post an article about a politician, post it with a proper unbiased title about what the article is about, then give your opinion in the comments if you want to. **Subreddit Header** As many of you pointed out, updating the header ([the image at the top]( would be a breath of fresh air for the sub. Feel free to suggest pictures or illustrations that you find representative of Tunisia that could be included in it. If you want to do one yourself, you can! The proper dimensions are 1920px-150/200px (You'll get credited for it). For any suggestions or inquiries on this matter, leave a comment here or message us.",,,,,,2017-05-16 17:28:13 6bw82i,,7,Tunisia to invest 400 MD to produce over 210 MW of renewable energy,,,,,,,2017-05-18 13:37:16 6cc1au,,1,"Hi tunisians redditors , say something about this. could it get any worse ?",[deleted],,,,,,2017-05-20 18:54:22 6cinv2,,1,"Creativity test Good evening. I am currently working on my master's thesis, and I need answers for a survey on creativity. It takes 5 minues and it would help me advance in my research tremendously. Thank you very much!",,,,,,,2017-05-21 20:06:12 6cla10,,1,Please help translate this into English,,,,,,,2017-05-22 05:00:50 6cmfem,,1,flag team,,,,,,,2017-05-22 10:23:45 6cmy2y,,4,Tataouine,Is there any news from Tataouine?,,,,,,2017-05-22 12:30:36 6cnf2p,,1,'Arab Spring' In Vain,,,,,,,2017-05-22 14:03:08 6cnfcx,,1,Tunisian army fires shots to warn off protesters,,,,,,,2017-05-22 14:04:29 6co39i,,2,Tataouine: phase 2 of a revolution,,,,,,,2017-05-22 15:55:51 6cuqca,,1,The law that could be the final blow to Tunisia’s transition,,,,,,,2017-05-23 13:43:50 6cuqko,,1,Defense Ministry Warns it May Use Force,,,,,,,2017-05-23 13:44:54 6cuwt9,,2,"Tunisian police crackdown protests, deaths, injuries reported",,,,,,,2017-05-23 14:15:50 6d26m0,,1,Kuwait and Tunisia sign initial agreement to build four hospitals,,,,,,,2017-05-24 13:39:31 6d26tc,,5,Ex-presidential candidate arrested for graft in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-05-24 13:40:22 6d9vx9,,3,Tunisia declares 'war on graft',,,,,,,2017-05-25 14:17:26 6d9w5b,,3,Tunisian businessmen arrested in 'war on corruption',,,,,,,2017-05-25 14:18:31 6dhp0r,,2,Washington Post article about how and why the USA should help and support Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-05-26 15:38:39 6dk3ak,,4,Travel during Ramadan,"Hi, I'm planning on flying to Tunisia on June 14th and leaving on the 26th so I'll mostly be in the country during Ramadan and I was wondering if you guys had any advice for me. I'm in Morocco right now and will be until the 14th so I assume I'll be at least somewhat used to the more general Ramadan rules by then.Will it be easy to travel between cities? Is there anything special I should see/do/eat for Ramadan? Also I'll be there during eid al-fitr so I was wondering if you guys had any special recommendations as far as that was concerned. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2017-05-26 22:19:50 6dn8hi,,4,People react to being called beautiful (Tunisian Version) - ردة فعل توانسة كي تقّلهم محلاك,,,,,,,2017-05-27 11:34:16 6dty48,,1,Freedom,,,,,,,2017-05-28 14:06:18 6dx69a,,1,خطيرر جدا😱🇹🇳,,,,,,,2017-05-29 00:28:53 6e55f6,,4,Tunisia kills senior ISIS leader planning attacks in Ramadan,,,,,,,2017-05-30 04:25:09 6e7a3i,,3,Tourism Campaigns in Tunisia Worth $9 Mn,,,,,,,2017-05-30 13:16:56 6e7a68,,3,Tunisia freezes businessmen's assets over 'corruption',,,,,,,2017-05-30 13:17:21 6e7a9p,,2,Changes to passport law will ease arbitrary restrictions on travel,,,,,,,2017-05-30 13:17:51 6e7co8,,1,Tunisian public health sector struggles to heal itself,,,,,,,2017-05-30 13:30:40 6e9ts7,,5,"People who do not fast and do not cook, where do you eat?","Are there places that open during the day? The usual places I go to don't and I don't have time to cook my own meals to take them with me. Suggestions? inb4: Fast.",,,,,,2017-05-30 20:06:43 6edmg8,,0,Conductivimètre de poche CLEAN CON30 Tester,,,,,,,2017-05-31 08:25:38 6ee790,,4,Tunisia in August / July for 10 days.,"Hey everyone! I'm Lebanese (Hi kifkon ça va?) and I'll be visiting your awesome country soon. I just have a question or two to ask & it would be super cool if any of you could answer! (Obviously I won't ask about security / safety, cuz Lebanon lol). 1) I want to go on adventures and meet as many people from different backgrounds, where would you suggest I go to make that happen? 2) I want to see both sides of the country, the touristy one and the hidden gem / popular / underground one. What cities / regions do you suggest? 3) Are most Tunisians approachable? Because I like to talk to random people in cafes, restos, on the street, in the bus etc.. So is that cool? Or is it generally frowned upon to strike up a conversation with strangers? 4) Any other general recommendations / suggestions that you would like to share? Thanks a lot guys, and if anyone wants anything from Lebanon, PM me! Yalla bye :)",,,,,,2017-05-31 10:59:26 6eel02,,1,L'OIF sur reddit - Francophonie internationale,"Avec 80 pays membres, 1 milliard de citoyens et 500 millions de Francophones à travers le monde, l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie est là pour réunir tous les francophones de la planète et donner accès aux médias internationaux, aux bibliothèques, cours de Français, projets de la francophonie etc. La Tunisie fait partie intégrante de l'OIF. La r/Francophonie est aussi sur reddit, c'est notre espace commun. Alors venez profiter des nombreuses ressources qu'offre la Francophonie, sur la toile et à travers le monde. Alors à bientôt sur r/Francophonie ",,,,,,2017-05-31 12:19:56 6egh6t,,1,BIL Tunisia in the Tunisian national TV,,,,,,,2017-05-31 17:25:57 6eh5if,,11,Ons Jabeur does well in Roland Garros and beats the #7 tenniswoman in the world. Unsurprisingly some reactions are really depressing.," I don't even know I even lurk Mosaique's fb page, it's always like that.",,,,,,2017-05-31 19:04:30 6epcrs,,5,Tunisians get jail terms for eating during Ramadan,,,,,,,2017-06-01 20:02:25 6evmjv,,5,Interview audio #Fater: pourquoi les jeunes Tunisiens ne font pas la ram...,,,,,,,2017-06-02 16:58:15 6exq8o,,2,Sfax : A couple got arrested for eating in public during Ramadan,,,,,,,2017-06-02 22:43:46 6exwdt,,1,Terrorist group that abducted Khalifa Soltani is made up of four elements,,,,,,,2017-06-02 23:15:46 6f6ywb,à_tunis/,6,Bus à Tunis,"Bonjour je viens d'arriver à Tunis pour 3 mois au minimum et je ne sais pas comment me renseigner sur les lignes de bus. J'ai trouvé : , mais je ne sais pas quelles sont les stations actives et proches de chez moi (campus , proche du café la Rosa) , ni comment associer une destination a son arret de bus la plus proche. Je parle francais anglais (et allemand) mais ne pige pas un mot d arabe au dela de bonjour et merci .",,,,,,2017-06-04 11:50:06 6f7z0o,,1,#Fater: Loin des des recettes simples pour ramadan.,,,,,,,2017-06-04 15:44:09 6f8ysu,,1,Alanya satılık daire sahibinden,,,,,,,2017-06-04 18:41:41 6fed1k,,1,#MouchBessif,,,,,,,2017-06-05 14:05:57 6fle71,,1,3rd Medina InstaIftar (Photo Walk + Iftar),,,,,,,2017-06-06 12:18:57 6fmwiw,,1,Digital participation Camp 2014 - Münster (Germany),,,,,,,2017-06-06 16:30:02 6fuewh,,2,BBC Arabic: Debate about fasting or not in ramdan (Audio),,,,,,,2017-06-07 16:10:15 6fvcge,,3,Tattoos in Tunisia,"What does everyone think of tattoos? I'm planning on getting one really soon as I finally made up my mind on what I really want. The only issue is I don't know a tattoo shop here, I live in Tunis by the way. Also to the people with tattoos / people who know others with tattoos, what do others generally say to you / the people you know?",,,,,,2017-06-07 18:29:15 6fx9e4,,3,Wonder Woman Release Suspended In Tunisia; Political Party Asks For Ban,,,,,,,2017-06-07 23:35:14 6g27ex,,4,"Ramadan in Tunis Media: a lot of fun hapening at the ""vinyard"" cafe (العنبة)",,,,,,,2017-06-08 16:57:54 6g2ez6,,8,#MouchBessif: a citizen sit as a reaction to the narrowing of freedom of those who don't fast in Ramadan,,,,,,,2017-06-08 17:30:01 6g9f6q,,3,Pizza maker training in Tunisia...,[deleted],,,,,,2017-06-09 16:17:06 6g9myf,,7,Did you do the National Military Service? What was your experience like?,The 1 year required military service I mean. I'd love to hear about your experience and if you recommend it.,,,,,,2017-06-09 16:50:35 6gcb99,,6,Tunisian redditors What other subreddit are you subscribed too ?,I am curious of known what other subreddit are you guys subscribed too not talking about the featured ones like r/videos or r/pics but the ones that you searched for and actively checking them out .,,,,,,2017-06-10 00:16:24 6gfjtf,,2,[Glimpse] Zied Bagga concert at Liber'the Cafe by Vynd - Live music,,,,,,,2017-06-10 14:39:14 6ggsnp,,7,Any bars open in Nabeul during Ramadan?,"I'm visiting my brother here for a couple weeks, and I'm aware most cafes and restaurants are shut down during the day? Anyone have any advice on a good spot to grab a drink in Nabeul while I'm here, ~~or should I stick with the hotel bar?~~ Hotel bars are friendly enough, but kind of lame. Any bar that's open during Ramadan is probably really cool. On a side note--is there any sort of punk scene in Tunisia? I've noticed a lot of Zapatista grafiti. I even saw a couple commercial trucks with Che spray painted on them. I'd hate to leave here without meeting some of the Tunisians who made that graffiti. Unlikely to pull off in my short visit, but it would be really neat if I could.",,,,,,2017-06-10 18:35:12 6gh87b,,1,Découvrez les nouvelles offres d'emploi avec capes tunisie,,,,,,,2017-06-10 19:56:03 6ghaa4,,1,caisse enregistreuse tactile connectée intelligente (made in Tunisia ),,,,,,,2017-06-10 20:06:29 6glmfr,,1,amine,,,,,,,2017-06-11 14:24:23 6gln2v,,1,"This guy is on another level. He speaks Arabic. And as if that s not difficult enough, he uses the Tunisian dialect too.",[deleted],,,,,,2017-06-11 14:28:26 6goslf,,5,Taha Yassine Khenissi Goal _ Tunisia vs Egypt - CAF Nationsl Cup Qualification 11-06-2017,,,,,,,2017-06-12 00:06:09 6gp09o,,1,5 أكواد atlas iptv من الفرن بتاريخ 12/06/2017,,,,,,,2017-06-12 00:47:34 6gqtl8,,5,#Mouchbessif - un sitin pour le respect des libertés individuelles,,,,,,,2017-06-12 07:45:08 6gsx8e,,3,"En Tunisie, des manifestants réclament le droit de manger en public pendant le ramadan",,,,,,,2017-06-12 15:29:31 6gyqlb,تونس_اللي_نحلمو_بيها/,3,[Discussion] The Tunisian Dream - تونس اللي نحلمو بيها,"[Discussion] If you are asked about the 5 things you dream to see accomplished in Tunisia, what would do say? #theTunisianDream",,,,,,2017-06-13 09:13:49 6gzuwa,,1,Review of the Tunisian economy,,,,,,,2017-06-13 13:28:20 6h0y86,,1,DIGITAL TUNISIE,,,,,,,2017-06-13 16:23:14 6h2x9e,,1,Découvrez le [Fouta] tunisienne de haute qualité,,,,,,,2017-06-13 21:14:13 6h3wqg,,6,'Green police' to battle Tunisia trash scourge,,,,,,,2017-06-14 00:04:06 6h6h4q,,2,"David, a French entrepreneur, has to quit Tunisia and shut his business because of the administration b******",,,,,,,2017-06-14 09:46:20 6hejgr,,4,"a Tiger Tank of the 501st Heavy Tank Battalion in Tunisia, North Africa, December 1942.",,,,,,,2017-06-15 11:56:57 6hfvvn,,1,Nefis bir yemek yapmak istiyorsanız videoyu izleyin izletin olurya misafirle gittiğinizde de aynı tadı yiyebilesiniz.Abone olalım mutlu kalalım,,,,,,,2017-06-15 15:54:34 6hm5i4,,3,Tunisia backs Turkey’s role as mediator in Gulf-Qatar crisis,[deleted],,,,,,2017-06-16 12:16:17 6hrrtp,,1,Moi,,,,,,,2017-06-17 05:27:44 6hvq2a,,2,BIL'ders Iftar 2017 in Soliman,,,,,,,2017-06-17 20:50:13 6i5dag,,9,Tunisian design mocking public service :),,,,,,,2017-06-19 09:37:03 6i6slm,,3,What Tunisian book would you recommend to a foreigner?,"Hello everyone :) A Tunisian acquaintance has recently recommended me ""Meursault, contre-enquête"" from Kamel Daoud (I had already read ""L'Etranger"") and I loved it. Researching the author led me to discover the existance of francophone-Tunisian literature, and I really want to read more of it (I'd love to read in Arabic but I'm barely an A2). What Tunisian book/author do you think I should read next?",,,,,,2017-06-19 14:37:10 6i7c1u,,1,Anyone here know someone who works for TT?,"I've been two weeks with no Internet and I'm well aware of how things work here. If you know of someone who is a technician in Tunis who can come fix it, I can pay them for their troubles. ",,,,,,2017-06-19 16:01:26 6ic71g,,4,"Jesus is Headbanging in a ""7adhra"" show",,,,,,,2017-06-20 06:03:53 6ic75j,,25,Fuck this guy's head in particular,,,,,,,2017-06-20 06:04:35 6id148,,0,#InstaIftar 2017 - 2nd round - Google+,,,,,,,2017-06-20 09:50:54 6id6xf,,3, - Interesting project for an etymological dictionary of Tunisian words,,,,,,,2017-06-20 10:30:46 6ieez8,,7,It looks like Tunisian gamers will finally have their own e-sports federation.,"Found this good news in an [article in arabic](, it TL;DR says that our Minister of Youth and Sports 'Majdoline Cherni' is very open to speed up the procedure likely to start the new season with a minimum number of 12 associations. Games to be initially : * PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) * FIFA * League of Legends * CS:GO A call to our big sport names like 'EST', 'CA', 'ESS' and 'CSS' to invest in e-sports.",,,,,,2017-06-20 14:37:11 6ietwl,,1,"""The Tunisian women who want to be virgins again""",,,,,,,2017-06-20 15:42:19 6ifblm,,2,Film training in Tunis.,[deleted],,,,,,2017-06-20 16:55:20 6ikqk0,,4,It is warm in London..,[I wish this kind of sign would be in every single mean of transport in the whole country](,,,,,,2017-06-21 09:30:14 6iuoq8,,1,Mainstream Tunisian political parties chart,,,,,,,2017-06-22 16:38:28 6iupar,,1,i make amateur comedy sketches . have a look,[deleted],,,,,,2017-06-22 16:40:48 6j5mhp,,0,When was this ?,,,,,,,2017-06-24 02:01:02 6j7nni,,1,Tunisian restaurants in London,Any of you lads know of any good ones,,,,,,2017-06-24 11:20:53 6ja4ic,,3,PayPal rejects Tunisia because of a Tunisian law that goes against its policy,,,,,,,2017-06-24 19:49:53 6jdmto,,19,Eid Mubarak!,,,,,,,2017-06-25 10:12:50 6jec0m,,1,Eckhard Schäfer,,,,,,,2017-06-25 13:31:53 6jp2r2,,1,Inquiry:I need an international credit or debit card to make payments related to e-commerce,[deleted],,,,,,2017-06-27 00:13:37 6jt187,,1,Tunisian gaming startup Polysmart raises $600k,,,,,,,2017-06-27 14:29:10 6jttv1,,4,Where can I find fish oil?,"Title says it all, I've looked and cannot seem to find any fish oil and I'm starting to think it is not available anywhere so if any of you could tell me where I could find any it would be greatly appreciated ",,,,,,2017-06-27 16:27:50 6ju1ol,,1,Military Aid to Tunisia Cut,,,,,,,2017-06-27 16:59:26 6k29e5,,1,"Le Danemark, la Norvège et l’Islande lèvent l’interdiction de voyage en Tunisie",,,,,,,2017-06-28 17:49:07 6k3fca,نقد_مطلوب/,1,نقد مطلوب!,[removed],,,,,,2017-06-28 20:37:00 6k5qg5,الآراء_التونسية_اللازمة/,1,الآراء التونسية اللازمة,[removed],,,,,,2017-06-29 03:22:41 6k6yna,,5,[Discussion] What do you think about this?,,,,,,,2017-06-29 08:11:39 6kfckc,,3,"Hi,what are the fiscal obligations imposed by the Tunisian state on its citizens when opening a foreign country-based bank account?",[deleted],,,,,,2017-06-30 11:31:59 6kgari,,2,Happy Social Media Day!,,,,,,,2017-06-30 14:35:48 6kmtjd,,3,Tunisie: 3 000 ans de splendeurs et de merveilles,,,,,,,2017-07-01 12:54:02 6kq501,,2,Contacting border control at Tunis airport,"Salam, I'd like to know if anyone could look up an E-Mail address to the border control at Tunis airport, as I have a very important question to ask them. Preferably to the chief officer. I could call them (as I speak French) but it would be very expensive.",,,,,,2017-07-01 23:17:54 6kr3ij,,1,Citizenship for foreigners / importing cars / taxes,"Hey, hope you are all doing well, I have a few questions: I am considering buying an apartment in Tunisia to rent out. I am a British citizen. What are the requirements to get residency in Tunisia? Does the purchase of this house make me a resident? I read that I can show income of about £6000 a year to get a residency permit. I also read that after 5 years of residency in Tunisia, I can apply for citizenship. Does this mean I can get a Carte de Sejour, live in Europe, and then return to Tunisia after 5 years of owning a CdS and apply for citizenship? In some jurisdictions, merely having the residency makes you a resident... what does the law in Tunisia say? Also, is it true that I can buy a new car in Europe, not pay the 21% VAT, and instead register it in Tunisia on RS plates? Does this mean that I can drive this car (""temporarily"") into Europe? Also, RS plates are for foreigners, so if I import a car at the beginning of my CdS and then apply for citizenship, will my plates change from RS to normal type, or will they remain the way they are? Will I be made to pay taxes on the car? Does Tunisia charge residents taxes on worldwide income? Will the tax office follow me if I get a CdS and do not declare any of my income from abroad? For example, you can be a resident of a country in Europe, but not a resident for tax purposes unless you spend 183 days in a year in that country. Thanks, SAA",,,,,,2017-07-02 02:51:08 6ksitv,,0,Why you Should NOT do a PhD | شهادة الدكتوراه هل من منفعة لها,,,,,,,2017-07-02 09:56:42 6ktepz,,1,where can i find old novel in Tunisia?,"Hi i want to know a good library/ place where i can find used/old manga, Japanese Light novel (which are translated to English or French) or at least good novel hope you suggest me one that's is near Tunis (centre ville) ,Bardo,khaznadar (around those area :D ) thanX in advance :) ",,,,,,2017-07-02 14:10:04 6kyeeu,,4,Mashrou'Leila at Yuka was a huge alternative pop culture success,,,,,,,2017-07-03 07:05:59 6kypm9,,1,What's the real goal of Tunisia’s campaign against corruption?,,,,,,,2017-07-03 08:33:57 6kyt0i,,1,Tunisia cracks down on NGOs,,,,,,,2017-07-03 09:00:52 6l5whi,,2,Mashrou'Leila live at Yuka - YukaTunes (Tunisia) - Part2,,,,,,,2017-07-04 08:40:37 6l5wx0,,2,[Discussion] How good or bad do you find the Celtia beer?,,,,,,,2017-07-04 08:44:16 6l6hvw,,6,IS IT POSSIBLE TO BE HOMOSEXUAL IN TUNISIA?,I have a question in my mind. I think tunisia is from the most tolerent arab countries this is my honest opinione. I live in germany and people here think also that tunisien are more modern than other arab countries because they see less women with Hijab. So That is why I would like to know if homosexuality still a tabu in tunisia?,,,,,,2017-07-04 11:21:08 6lfu5g,,7,Married to a Tunisia.,"Hello, Last week I married my beautiful wife, whom is Tunisian, here in the USA. I was wondering what rights do I now have in Tunisia, if any? I believe we need to register the marriage there to make everything official? We have talked about buying property in her home country for one thing. What do I need to know about doing that with her? ",,,,,,2017-07-05 18:16:15 6lfzig,,2,Quick survey about the country culture and financial preferences.,,,,,,,2017-07-05 18:38:52 6lheaj,,1,What is this animal ? looks like a dragon !,,,,,,,2017-07-05 22:12:09 6lkgmn,,1,Reaction Video to Rouhi | روحي Akram Mag,,,,,,,2017-07-06 08:35:47 6lqjrb,,6,"So, I have fallen in love with a Tunisian woman. Advice / help?","Long story short, I have accidentally managed to fall head over heels in love with a Tunisian woman. I had never before met anyone from Tunisia, nor did I plan to fall in love with her. It just happened... and my God, she is perfect. And she feels the same about me. She is living in Eastern Europe as a permanent resident, where she has been for the last 15 years, and I have a business trip there next month. We intend to spend the next several weeks together. Is there anything I can pick up, learn, do, etc. to, well, impress her? I know nothing about Tunisia, but I want her to know how much I care about learning her homeland's customs, traditions, etc. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2017-07-07 01:54:59 6lrzol,,3,M4A1 Sherman Tunisia 1943,,,,,,,2017-07-07 06:53:24 6ls1cr,,6,United States to cut US Aid for Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-07-07 07:04:47 6ls72b,,11,"1943, Carthage, Winston Churchill leaving the stage after a speesh to the British army, walking with Lieutenant General Kenneth Anderson",,,,,,,2017-07-07 07:46:37 6lxecr,,1,A Nobel Prize wining institution...,[deleted],,,,,,2017-07-07 23:02:28 6m0rpn,,0,جميع أهداف النادي الإفريقي في دوري المجموعات الإفريقية,,,,,,,2017-07-08 12:42:05 6m7apa,,10,[Photos] Comicon Tunisia 2017,,,,,,,2017-07-09 12:57:35 6m7aty,,3,[Video] Comicon Tunisia 2017,,,,,,,2017-07-09 12:58:25 6mdei8,,2,Presidential decree on safety of production sites published in Official Gazette,,,,,,,2017-07-10 09:32:42 6mlqxy,,4,US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Meets With Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed At The Pentagon — Mattis lauded Tunisia for its leadership in promoting regional security and stability in Northern Africa and expressed his desire for greater defense cooperation in the future,,,,,,,2017-07-11 12:01:13 6mlr34,,0,Voyage de chasse en Tunisie,[removed],,,,,,2017-07-11 12:02:03 6mlwql,,1,New arrival to Tunis questions,"السلام عليكم / Bonjour / Hello! I just arrived in Tunis a week ago and have a few questions I was hoping someone here could help me with. I've spent a lot of time in Egypt, and at the coast there it's possible to buy day passes to the hotels with private beaches, which lets you use their facilities and beach space etc, does anyone know of a hotel in Tunis with a similar sort of deal? Secondly, I've played football for a number of years and am keen to play here as it's a good way to meet people, anyone know of a 5/7/11 a side game going on regularly? I stay in حي الواحات so something near there would be awesome. And finally.. what time do people eat in the evenings? I went out at 6.45 in la Marsa and found that everywhere was shut and didn't open till 7/7.30. Then the next day I was in the city centre and found everywhere closed at 7.15. So it's a big of a mystery! Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2017-07-11 12:33:22 6ms27x,,2,Questions about living in your country ahead of my 3 month visit,"Hi /r/Tunisia! I will be staying in Tunis for the next three months for a summer job and I am incredibly excited. However, this will be my first time in your beautiful country or even in Africa, which is why I have some questions ahead of my visit that I would appreciate answers to :) 1. What is the level of English proficiency amongst Tunisians (especially in Tunis)? I know that Arabic and French are the two main languages whilst English is less commonly know, but as someone with no Arabic knowledge and very basic French proficiency, will I be able to survive just on speaking English around the capital or should I revise some basic French phrases? 2. Phone Sim Card: Any suggestions as to which provider I should go with, what plan is the best value for money? I definitely need 3G internet access always, so I need a plan with lots or even unlimited data as well as good reliable coverage. 3. Safety concerns: I've been reassured several times by my employers that the country and city is safe to visit, but I just wanted to see what you guys think. Do you have tips about things that I shouldn't do, places I shouldn't visit etc.? 4. The summer heat: how do you guys stay cool? I see that the temperatures can reach above 40 degree celsius, and as someone who has lived in western Europe most of my life, that is really making nervous that I won't be able to stand the heat. Are most buildings air conditioned? Any tips about how to sleep at night, (which I am most worried about)? 5. This might be a somewhat weird question, but what do Tunisians think of Chinese people (I am Chinese). Do people in the capital see many Chinese people (i'm thinking tourists). Will I get looks and stares around the city if I just go on a jog or a walk alone? Thank you for reading this long post! Any advice/tips/suggestions that are not related to the questions above would also be appreciated (must-dos, places to eat, things to try etc) :) ",,,,,,2017-07-12 05:59:02 6mtm7i,,1,"In Tunisia, are husbands allowed to be present when their wives are giving birth?",[deleted],,,,,,2017-07-12 12:31:40 6n81jx,,5,Part-time Research Assistant in Tunis,"Hello all, I am looking for a part- time research assistant to complete a cost of living project in Tunis, Tunisia. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Valid identity document or passport Language: Speak, Read and Write English (Level – GOOD) Access to a laptop/PC Computer literate Reliable and regular access to the internet Excellent knowledge of expatriate shops in (Tunis, Tunisia) Bank Account to receive payments COMPETENCIES: Be able to meet deadlines (good time management skills) Attention to detail Reliability Previous experience in collating data would be an advantage but not a pre-requisite If you fulfill the above-mentioned requirements, please send your updated CV to:",,,,,,2017-07-14 09:48:03 6nj2t9,,2,Where to find removable nose rings in Tunisia (Grand Tunis)?,,,,,,,2017-07-15 23:30:02 6nmexz,,4,Tunisian folklorik dances by Rochdi Belgasmi at the ESSTED,,,,,,,2017-07-16 14:25:51 6npft5,,4,Camping in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-07-16 23:28:08 6nrzlw,,2,"Tunisians: Average IQ, Average hammer",,,,,,,2017-07-17 09:21:14 6nwdyr,,5,Tunisian duo: Mansit - Oud & Guitar,,,,,,,2017-07-17 21:57:58 6nzp7q,,3,Gaming In Tunisia,"Salem 3likoum ana 5oukem mn dzair je veux savoir est ce que cette ecran est avaiable en tunisie c est l acer GN246HL ",,,,,,2017-07-18 09:36:19 6oce0c,,8,قوانين في تونس لا تصدق أنها موجودة | Laws in Tunisia do not believe they exist,,,,,,,2017-07-19 23:28:10 6ojofa,,2,رسالة ودية إلى الناجحين في البكالوريا - صرفاڨ,,,,,,,2017-07-20 22:09:28 6om9jo,,1,caisse enregistreuse TUNISIE [CONFORT],,,,,,,2017-07-21 06:48:24 6omt5r,,1,Augmentation mammaire Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-07-21 09:16:53 6on4jn,,4,Comic Con Tunisia: Where cosplay and conscience collide,[deleted],,,,,,2017-07-21 10:43:47 6ov74r,,1,‫صرفاڨ - Sorfag‬‎ Episode 0,,,,,,,2017-07-22 14:17:32 6p4xdw,,7,"Camping Bizerte, Tunisia",,,,,,,2017-07-24 00:16:34 6pcfa0,,0,eli ynejem i3aweni,[removed],,,,,,2017-07-24 23:51:32 6peqao,,3,Few questions about travelling to Tunisia,"I am thinking about visiting a French friend who works in Tunis for a weekend and was wondering if any kind people can help me with a few question I have. 1) Is Tunis safe? [The British government currently advises against]( travel to Tunis at the moment. Should I take this with a pinch of salt? London receives quite a few attacks, but people still travel there.. 2) I come from Malta, which is just an hour away from plane. How well known is Malta? If I say I come from there would people know of it? 3) How wide-spoken is English? In Malta, we speak a language similar to arabic so I believe I can understand around 50% of the language depending on the accent. I also speak some basic French as I studied it a few years in high school. I think this should be fine, right? Would appreciate your input :) ",,,,,,2017-07-25 07:56:33 6pjzkv,,13,Google have captured several Tunisian monuments in Street View. And it's pretty damn cool!,,,,,,,2017-07-25 23:05:08 6po8hm,,13,"25 months after the Sousse terrorist attack, the UK finally declares Tunisia safe again",,,,,,,2017-07-26 14:02:47 6poyms,,2,[Good news]UK lifts advisory against travel to most of Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-07-26 15:53:40 6pv9o5,,9,HRW report - Tunisia: Landmark Step to Shield Women from Violence,,,,,,,2017-07-27 11:20:10 6pvc9z,,1,I think I could only pass for North African cause the rest of Africa doesn't look like me,[deleted],,,,,,2017-07-27 11:36:48 6pwzf8,,2,Video game store in Tunis?,I'm looking for an Xbox One S wireless controller. Most that I've seen in the store are the original model controller (without Bluetooth and 3.5mm port).,,,,,,2017-07-27 16:13:26 6q2iez,,1,Katyb - About,,,,,,,2017-07-28 08:29:32 6q34fk,,1,"Please, my son.. he's dying",[deleted],,,,,,2017-07-28 11:11:51 6q6sjs,,1,طريّح شطرنج يوفى في 4 حركات ماكش مصدّق تفرّج,,,,,,,2017-07-28 21:10:27 6qeqmt,,2,‫صرفاڨ - Sorfag‬‎ Episode 1,,,,,,,2017-07-30 01:18:15 6qh8r1,,2,How easy is it to buy or sell cryptocurrencies in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2017-07-30 13:05:23 6qje5n,,2,Is Islam a Religion of Peace?,,,,,,,2017-07-30 19:42:59 6qk56h,,1, le 1er site de covoiturage en Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-07-30 21:46:57 6qtp3b,,2,Fires in the north west?,Does anyone have any news on what's happening south of Tabarka? There are reports of multiple large fires.,,,,,,2017-08-01 03:38:58 6qvkks,,1,Annuaire des médecins en Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-08-01 11:24:10 6rcqt9,,1,draco earrape,,,,,,,2017-08-03 14:43:52 6rh0bm,,1,تحدي الخوف أكثر مقاطع اليوتيوب رعبا / التسويق الاكتروني,,,,,,,2017-08-04 00:53:04 6rik8d,,0,Can Tunisian girls backpack around the world? here the answer with Atef Hsini.,,,,,,,2017-08-04 05:57:47 6rjsto,,2,Trump To End The Green Card Program: Trouble For Africans With The American Dream,,,,,,,2017-08-04 11:19:19 6rxg17,,1,Looking for transport advice,[deleted],,,,,,2017-08-06 09:07:46 6rxotb,,7,Tunisian Things Around The World,,,,,,,2017-08-06 10:29:41 6rzaci,,2,Corsi wedding tradition?,"I was told about a tradition called corsi (sp?) but can't find any information online so was wondering if someone here could tell me how it works. I was told that basically people will bring money for the couple, but it's more like a loan with the understanding that you will get the money back when you or one of your children gets married. Does anyone know about this? How does this work? Is the money given to the couple, or to the parents to pay for the wedding? ",,,,,,2017-08-06 16:29:25 6s4m56,,1,Itinary for 3 days,"Hello, I'll be visiting Tunisia for the first time in late August and I'll have 3 days. Since I don't have too much time I'm thinking of spending 2 days in Tunis (first day for touring Tunis, second day for Carthage) and moving to Hammamet on the 3rd day to relax a bit. I want to fit as much stuff as I can into the first two days. I'm interested in historical sites and museums, and of course, the food. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks a lot!",,,,,,2017-08-07 10:09:26 6s54wf,,6,Tunisia passes law to end all violence against women,Tunisia passes law to end all violence against women. Arab Women rights groups hope this precedent will be followed by others Arab nations - Read more at:,,,,,,2017-08-07 12:16:07 6s5fc0,,2,Tunur 1.6b Euros solar energy projet in Rjim Maatoug,,,,,,,2017-08-07 13:13:09 6sgob0,,1,Real Madrid vs Manchester United 2 1 All Goals and Highlights HD UEFA Su...,,,,,,,2017-08-08 21:20:39 6soh5k,,1,Samara Kitkat,,,,,,,2017-08-09 20:59:24 6spl2k,,1,لهذا السبب كريستيانو رونالدو افضل من ليونيل ميسي !! ويستحق ان يكون افضل ...,,,,,,,2017-08-09 23:59:03 6spxw6,,1,"A New U.S. Strategy to Bolster Tunisia's Struggling Democracy - Eric B. Brown, Samuel Tadros",,,,,,,2017-08-10 01:02:43 6swajv,,2,[Request]: Tunisian Recipes?,"Hello! I'm planning on having a Tunisian themed dinner next weekend, but I'm having a hard time finding truly ""traditional"" recipes. I'd like to make Tunisian salad as a starter, then fish and couscous for the main. I'm not sure about dessert, yet. Any suggestions other than yo-yo? Thanks!!",,,,,,2017-08-10 20:54:59 6sz1os,,1,Plage Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-08-11 05:08:46 6t0bu1,,4,[Discussion] How the hell the prices of Summer accommodations are skyrocketed!,"I'm willing to go on vacation by the end of the month, taking a look around Sousse and Hammamet, for 5 nights in a 4* hotel with full accommodations, it's between 700-2000 TND for the same amount of money (1700 TND) I can have a full week and flight ticket in Antalya in Turket or Madrid in Spain! Without mentioning that all the hotels are over crowded and the service is like shit!",,,,,,2017-08-11 10:43:50 6t0o5f,,2,IKEA ???,"Is there a place in Tunis which is like IKEA or has a few household items in one place ? ",,,,,,2017-08-11 12:01:44 6t84mu,,2,My trip to Belgrade - April 2017,,,,,,,2017-08-12 12:16:37 6ta3ib,,4,I'm from England hoping to meet an online friend in Tunisia.,"Hello everyone reading this. I am from England and a few years ago, I met a friend online. She has been one of my closest friends for this time and we have been wanting to meet each other for ages. I don't know how the travelling is like to Tunisia. [This is the travel advice from England] ( Is there anything you can tell me about this? Any advice, anything I should know? Any help would be very much appreciated :) ",,,,,,2017-08-12 18:34:17 6tbko4,,1,أهداف مباراة بايرن ميونخ 2 1 دورتموند نهائي دوري أبطال أوربا 2013 تعلي...,,,,,,,2017-08-12 22:55:57 6tfqqj,,1,Cristiano Ronaldo VS Lionel Messi whatch who is the best,,,,,,,2017-08-13 15:38:21 6tidx2,,1,اهداف المباراة المجنونة برشلونة وريال مدريد 1 3 شاشة كاملة كاس السوبر ...,,,,,,,2017-08-13 22:50:10 6tkvyz,,1,Rich Kids of Tunisia flaunt their wealth on Instagram,,,,,,,2017-08-14 07:24:33 6tllct,,5,Specialized skateboarding shops?,"Hello, are there any specialized skateboarding shops near the tunis region?",,,,,,2017-08-14 10:40:10 6tqd6k,,2,Interesting places to visit in Sousse,"Hello, I'm looking for interesting places to visit (Young Adult type), I heard about Casino of Europe and one near the beach, Is there any nice places to visit? what about 1821 village entry?",,,,,,2017-08-14 23:29:36 6ttqbe,,1,"my friends, i just came across this on soundcloud, thought i could share it here :) enjoy (also, i am guessing she translated the original lyrics, but could you please tell me if she did any cool word plays? some tunisian reference maybe? i donno) all the best!",,,,,,,2017-08-15 12:17:37 6twjur,,3,Camping Cap Bon 2017,[deleted],,,,,,2017-08-15 19:33:17 6ty8pl,,1,It's something,,,,,,,2017-08-15 23:55:48 6u6kus,,1,W,[removed],,,,,,2017-08-17 01:05:36 6uarbi,,3,What about an official /r/Tunisia Discord ?,,,,,,,2017-08-17 15:34:56 6uem61,,1,Tunisia Proposes Changes to Gendered Inheritance Laws,[deleted],,,,,,2017-08-18 01:26:13 6ug2p5,,6,Tunis Book Club #33,,,,,,,2017-08-18 06:27:57 6uhexc,,6,"TopNet: ""6 high-tech products that have made history!"" Only, one problem...",,,,,,,2017-08-18 12:14:25 6uoz5g,,1,Removing dinars from Tunisia - any potential consequences?,"Hello, I happen travel a lot and there might be a possibility that I'd visit Tunisia soon, and, because I collect foreign currency - I'd like to take some dinars with me. However, I've read that dinar import and export is a criminal offense in Tunisia. What (if any) consequences could I face for removing, say, 200 dinars in cash from Tunisian grounds?",,,,,,2017-08-19 13:12:54 6uy77o,,1,KLAY BBJ 2017 ✪ النووي ✪ AL NAWAWI,,,,,,,2017-08-20 20:47:53 6v1z0j,,1,Cuộc Sống Tây Bắc TTB Business TÂY BẮC SAU NHỮNG NGÀY MƯA,,,,,,,2017-08-21 10:08:55 6v3qrv,,12,Tried Tunisian Cuisine! Thanks for the rec's r/Tunisia!,,,,,,,2017-08-21 15:41:34 6vhdog,,1,caisse enregistreuse Tunisie: INNOVATION 2017,,,,,,,2017-08-23 07:23:07 6vppyc,,1,What's the name of the almond flour and orange cake?,I've been searching for hours and can't find a name and its driving me crazy. [As seen here]( this particular recipe is supposedly Tunisian but I can't find a name for it in Tunisian arabic or any other language for that matter. Does anyone know?,,,,,,2017-08-24 09:28:47 6w1pt2,,4,Backpackers exploring Tunisia (Cap Bon) in autostop,,,,,,,2017-08-25 22:04:43 6wk7de,,1,Tunia,,,,,,,2017-08-28 15:44:23 6wkohx,,3,Soon to be Indian graduate looking to move into Tunisia.,"Hi everyone. This is my first time posting here, so I hope this'll go good. I'm an Indian student who is currently pursuing a degree in Economics. After moving in from Saudi Arabia to India, and after having living here for about 4 years, my heart yearned to explore new horizons. This made me look out for alternate countries I could possibly shift to after I finish my education, and while doing so, I stumbled upon Tunisia. The descriptions that I've read about the country (I've read accounts of people having quiet, peaceful lives there, and that made me feel like I would be very much at home over here) have pretty much made me want move in here. Also, I think I'll do pretty well in Tunisia, since I have not only lived in an Arab country before (though I recognise the fact that Saudi Arabia and Tunisia could have cultural differences) but I have also learned French at a basic level, and can improve on my french once I get there, in fact, I plan on taking French classes to further this goal. However, I do have a few questions. 1. How easy is it for a person who wishes to immigrate into Tunisia to find a job there, especially in fields such as Finance, and Human Resources? How keen are companies over there regarding taking expats, in particular Indian ones? 2. How is social life in Tunisia? Are people who live in apartment complexes in the Urban areas friendly towards their neighbours? 3. I'm not exactly religiously Catholic, but I'm very attached to the cultural aspects of my faith. I've been a very active volunteer at my local church. Are there many Catholic churches in Tunisia, in particular, Tunis? Or are there very few churches? 4. Is there a thriving fandom scene in Tunisia, with comic conventions and the like? 5. What kind of attitudes do Tunisians have towards foreigners, in particular, Indians? Thanks a lot, everyone! :D",,,,,,2017-08-28 16:54:03 6wtnhf,,3,Sousse On Holiday,My fiance and I are going to Sousse later this month on holiday. We are staying at an all inclusive resort but we also know we tend to get bored at these kinds of places. I've looked at wiki travel and I'm not getting much. What can we see/visit in the area? We like snorkeling but have heard it's not popular in the area. Good restaurants/shopping/culture all appreciated! ,,,,,,2017-08-29 19:35:33 6wxvfy,,3,#BanzaiTunisia 2017 - Interview with Ahmed Touji,,,,,,,2017-08-30 08:54:01 6x6dmv,,2,Tunisian duo: Something Just Like This - Guitar & Oud Cover,,,,,,,2017-08-31 11:52:54 6xdz18,,6,an alternative tunisia based discord server,"I have only managed to find one ""tunisian"" discord server and it is a total mess due to lack of moderation so I created an Alternative all but goblins are invited ",,,,,,2017-09-01 11:40:18 6xfa80,,16,Major Roman ruins discovered underwater in Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-09-01 15:33:27 6xsxxg,,1,Tunisia Trip,,,,,,,2017-09-03 12:46:32 6yayxg,,7,'We are an example to the Arab world': Tunisia's radical marriage proposals,,,,,,,2017-09-05 21:03:10 6ycx5u,,1,New subreddit • r/AskAnAfrican,,,,,,,2017-09-06 02:48:13 6yf75m,,8,[Photo Gallery] Banzai Tunisia 2017,,,,,,,2017-09-06 12:04:22 6ym2uv,,1,Huge Tunisian solar park hopes to provide Saharan power to Europe | Environment,,,,,,,2017-09-07 09:12:45 6z87mx,,1,تحليل بسيط لما قدمه المنتخب التونسي أمام الكونغو الديموقراطية في مباراة كينساشا,,,,,,,2017-09-10 13:25:36 6zarpt,,2,Have a question!!!! Very important.,"Im an Iraqi and i want to travel to egypt from (Libya- Tunisia), (Tunisia- Egypt) via Egypt air airlines. Tunisia is only a transit. But i have to stay for about 20 hours for my next flight. Is that legal for me as an Iraqi?!!! Please help. ",,,,,,2017-09-10 20:46:04 6zosew,,2,Dreadloc salons in Tunis?,"Does anyone know of any hair salons which have staff that can work with dreadlocs? If not salons, does anyone know specific people who work with dreadlocs? Im having a hard time searching! :D ",,,,,,2017-09-12 18:17:18 6zpuc8,,1,Nawaat – Interview with Moroccan Prince Moulay Hicham after his expulsion from Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-09-12 20:53:04 702jsi,,3,Bodies of migrants who have failed on the coast of Zarzis are buried inhumanly (French),,,,,,,2017-09-14 14:25:32 709088,,6,Tunisian parliament backs amnesty law for Ben Ali-era corruption,,,,,,,2017-09-15 10:36:04 709pal,,1,Where is Tunisia?,,,,,,,2017-09-15 13:05:54 70ero4,,16,Tunisian women free to marry non-Muslims,,,,,,,2017-09-16 03:36:46 70fedc,,1,Emmanueli adzoh Jiu-jitsu highlight,,,,,,,2017-09-16 06:14:21 70gijg,,1,Tounsy fel Europe!,,,,,,,2017-09-16 12:02:10 70kwta,,1,New subreddit • r/AskAnAfrican,,,,,,,2017-09-17 01:59:12 70yy4b,,1,دروس تعليم السياقة بتونس- صنف ب,,,,,,,2017-09-18 23:31:56 712bn4,,2,I didnt know was so big in tunisia,,,,,,,2017-09-19 11:28:59 713wb4,,3,Backpackers exploring Tunisia (Barrage El Masri & Korbous),,,,,,,2017-09-19 15:53:41 71a674,,5,What is the best way to get news about Tunisia?,"I'm not Tunisian but I would like to follow its politics and economics as I may visit the country soon. Is there any national news source reliable, in English or French you could recommend?",,,,,,2017-09-20 10:32:44 71df3k,,2,Libya Tunisia border remains closed (3 days in a row now),,,,,,,2017-09-20 19:14:06 71dgxk,,3,"Tunisia to impose new customs, taxes on tech products",,,,,,,2017-09-20 19:21:28 71igaw,,1,examen code route tunisie - امتحان رخصة السياقة صنف ب,,,,,,,2017-09-21 11:22:12 71mt8k,,1,What does this mean?,[removed],,,,,,2017-09-21 22:36:39 722qba,,5,Tunisian initiative takes to streets against reconciliation law,,,,,,,2017-09-24 02:57:38 724cbp,,1,الحذر كل الحذر فيروس جديد يحول جهازك الى خردة !!!,,,,,,,2017-09-24 10:28:16 724qgb,,1,A Tunisian in North Korea (French),,,,,,,2017-09-24 12:19:14 727x4u,,1,أهداف مباراة النادي الافريقي و مولودية الجزائر كأس الاتحاد الافريقي,,,,,,,2017-09-24 21:24:19 72blla,,1,Analysis Washington post,,,,,,,2017-09-25 10:40:40 72c33o,,5,[Photos] Tunisia drifting championship 2017,,,,,,,2017-09-25 12:27:13 72o8gx,,1,اختبارات رخصة سياقة صنف ب,,,,,,,2017-09-26 23:07:43 72ob2u,,1,Are there any esperanto speakers/communities in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2017-09-26 23:21:01 72r6lh,,1,A trip to southern Tunisia: The struggle for social justice in North Africa continues,,,,,,,2017-09-27 09:39:26 736ieo,,10,[Photos] Level 1: the new anticafe in berges du lac,,,,,,,2017-09-29 08:21:54 736swj,,4,"TIL Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Signed between Tunis and the US in 1797 to protect American ships in the Mediterranean sea",,,,,,,2017-09-29 09:46:10 737zl7,,1,Innajim are they the solution to develop the ecosystem ?,"Hey Guys - What are your thoughts about Innajm ? ( to anyone not familiar with them - they are a new platform created by the government I think, with the mission to support and empower people to take the entrepreneurship road. ",,,,,,2017-09-29 14:04:22 73g4wn,,1,Cheapest way to travel from sentido phenicia hammamet to tunis international airport,"So we have a flight on Friday around 2am and we were wondering what the best way to travel out of sentido phenicia hammamet to the Carthage Airport at that time of the day? Is it easy to hail a taxi, and how much would it cost? Thanks",,,,,,2017-09-30 17:14:19 73j66y,,1,Tawsila le site de covoiturage en Tunisie.,,,,,,,2017-10-01 02:26:20 73l2b0,,1,Départ du Run in Carthage 2017,,,,,,,2017-10-01 11:09:02 73rjbn,,7,Danish woman deported to Tunisia for refusing to remove niqab at Belgian airport,,,,,,,2017-10-02 08:21:12 73s5nv,,1,A vendre à la plage de Kélibia,,,,,,,2017-10-02 11:17:21 73t95l,,1,À Louer à Bizerte : Studio Meublé © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-02 14:55:34 73vzps,,1,À Louer à Tunis : A louer coquette villa à la Marsa Corniche © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-02 21:46:10 73z9ir,,1,À Louer à Ariana : Appartement s plus 4 avec vue dégagée © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-03 09:15:15 73zk8p,,1,Run in Carthage 2017 mi-parcours,,,,,,,2017-10-03 10:35:28 740h4b,,1,À Vendre à Tunis : A vendre Villa près du lycée PMF à Mutuelleville © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-03 13:45:44 740k6g,,1,À Vendre à Tunis : A vendre appartement quatre pièces aux Jardins De Carthage © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-03 14:00:43 741g14,,3,Why would Tunisia forgo joining the Eurasian Economic Union to join the... Economic Community of *Western* African states?,"There are far more Tunisian students studying in Russia, and there is far more in common between the cultures of Tunisia and Eastern Europe (or Europe in general) than between Tunisia and Western Africa. Why would Tunisia switch?",,,,,,2017-10-03 16:15:45 744bw2,,4,Is Tunisia’s Democratic Transition About to Derail? | Foreign Affairs,,,,,,,2017-10-03 23:34:47 747g0r,,1,À Louer à Bizerte : Rez ce chaussé de villa meublé © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-04 11:10:16 747z6h,,1,À Vendre à Ben Arous : Pour promoteur ou société ou banque © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-04 13:01:01 748gwr,,1,À Louer à Tunis : Appartement meublé vue sur Lac © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-04 14:25:24 74a5ud,,1,À Louer à Ariana : APPARTEMENT S+1 MEUBLE © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-04 18:35:31 74aatp,,1,À Vendre à Tunis : Villa Sidi Bou Said © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-04 18:55:35 74ayle,,7,A French-Algerian imprisoned 4 and a half months for kissing in public,,,,,,,2017-10-04 20:30:02 74f08t,,1,À Louer à Tunis : A louer appartement meublé au Lac1 © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 10:10:40 74f1kq,,1,À Louer à Bizerte : Appartement Meublé © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 10:20:43 74fgyu,,1,À Vendre à Sousse : Terrain Industriel Enfidha © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 12:01:23 74fm25,,1,Virtual Tour 360°,,,,,,,2017-10-05 12:29:27 74gdnw,,1,À Vendre à Manouba : Des lots de terrain à usage d’habitation à Oued Ellil © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 14:40:50 74gifm,,1,À Vendre à Nabeul : Villa El Faouara 957 © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 15:01:26 74gxt0,,1,À Vendre à Sousse : Terrain route de ceinture Sousse © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 16:05:19 74h2dy,,1,À Louer Pour Vacances à Nabeul : Appartement meublé © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 16:24:17 74itmi,,1,À Louer à Tunis : Bureaux à la cite Alain Savary © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 20:44:07 74iw5u,,1,À Vendre à Ben Arous : Des lots de terrain à usage commercial et d’habitation à Mhamdia © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 20:54:28 74iyhy,,1,À Vendre à Ariana : Des appartements de très haut standing à Ennasr II © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-05 21:04:29 74msxt,,1,"Startup Tunisie BnB Tunisie, ANNONCES IMMOBILIÈRES EN TUNISIE",,,,,,,2017-10-06 10:39:39 74n2lc,,1,À Louer à Tunis : A louer Villa à Cité Bhar Lazreg la Marsa © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-06 11:44:33 74ohrj,,1,À Vendre à Ariana : A vendre des appartements de très haut standing à Ennasr II © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-06 15:51:08 74udua,,1,À Vendre à Tunis : Appartement El menzah7bis © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-07 11:39:17 74ufyy,,1,À Vendre à Bizerte : Appartement plein centre ville © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-07 11:54:07 74uz0x,,1,À Vendre à Ben Arous : Des appartements à vendre à la nouvelle medina. © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-07 13:54:03 74v10e,,1,À Louer à Tunis : Des bureaux médicaux à louer à El Menzeh V © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-07 14:04:57 74w0nr,,1,À Louer à Bizerte : Appartement meublé à la corniche © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-07 16:59:47 7519cg,,1,– by ManyChat,,,,,,,2017-10-08 11:49:48 7519po,,1,Help me travel to Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-10-08 11:52:27 751c4d,,1,À Vendre à Ben Arous : Des locaux commerciaux à vendre à madina jadida © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-08 12:09:26 752vvi,,1,Tunisian Health Minister dies of a Heart Attack - [OC],,,,,,,2017-10-08 17:01:03 7548cy,,1,À Vendre à Ben Arous : Des bureaux à vendre à madina jadida © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-08 20:36:33 754akx,,1,À Vendre à Nabeul : A vendre des lots de terrain à Yasmine Hammamet. © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-08 20:46:47 7580ev,,1,À Vendre à Ben Arous : Appartements à vendre à la nouvelle medina © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-09 09:41:32 759xta,,1,EU approves €200 million disbursement in Macro-Financial Assistance to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2017-10-09 15:48:41 75a3rm,,5,EU approves €200 million disbursement in Macro-Financial Assistance to Tunisia (x-post r/europeanunion),,,,,,,2017-10-09 16:11:52 75a5hi,,1,À Louer à Ariana : Location-Appartement jamais habité © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-09 16:18:35 75fid6,,1,9 African countries in which it is hard for girls to get an education..,,,,,,,2017-10-10 07:36:17 75hsvt,,1,À Vendre à Bizerte : Local commercial © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-10 15:31:40 75kizi,,1,"someone left this note on my wall, please help me translate it to english",,,,,,,2017-10-10 22:01:57 75vszd,,3,Stuart and Shermans knocked out in Tunisia - March 1943,,,,,,,2017-10-12 09:09:26 75w6lm,,1,Tunis : Maison deux etages © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-12 10:46:14 75yfoc,,9,L’écrivain tunisien Yamen Manai reçoit le Prix des cinq continents de la francophonie à Francfort (Allemagne),,,,,,,2017-10-12 17:11:52 7641qq,,1,Ariana : location appartement avec jardin privatif © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-13 11:01:38 7644ss,,1,À Vendre à Ben Arous : Locaux commerciaux à la nouvelle medina © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-13 11:21:02 76d5rq,,1,MANAGEMENT JOB SEEKING AD,[deleted],,,,,,2017-10-14 16:37:26 76d898,,1,Management job-seeking add,[removed],,,,,,2017-10-14 16:48:59 76pgh5,,1,À Vendre à Hammamet : Villa Hammamet 852 © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-16 09:55:24 76qxh0,,1,Tunisia top African rankings for first time since 2002,,,,,,,2017-10-16 14:45:18 76xlxy,,1,À Louer à Ariana : A louer deux Cabinets médicaux © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-17 10:15:42 771l38,,1,À Vendre à Nabeul : hectare pieds dans l’eau a hawaria © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-17 20:56:39 7764ep,,1,À Vendre à : Un bureau de deux pièces à Montplaisir © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-18 12:11:27 77749c,,1,[Photos] Digital Drink Tunis #8,,,,,,,2017-10-18 15:02:19 777few,,1,À Louer à Tunis : Un étage villa à Menzah 9 B © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-18 15:47:52 779cz9,,1,Looking for chiropractor in Tunis-Ariana,[deleted],,,,,,2017-10-18 20:21:14 779lt6,,1,À Louer à Tunis : Un studio meublé aux Berges du Lac 1 © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-18 20:56:22 779s04,,1,À Louer à Tunis : Un étage de villa à Mutuelle ville © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-18 21:21:13 77dcfm,,1,À Vendre à Bizerte : Un terrain à Dar El Janna Bizerte © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-19 09:31:56 77haxp,,1,À Louer à Tunis : Appartements S1 haut standing aux berges du Lac 2 © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-19 20:56:32 77l86q,,1,BnB Booking - Planifiez votre voyage avec nous,,,,,,,2017-10-20 10:26:13 77lrhu,,1,À Vendre à Manouba : Un terrain de 2500 m² à Sanhéja Manouba © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-20 12:31:40 77mi6x,,1,Bank account for an Algerian in Tunisia,"Hi, Is it possible for an Algerian citizen to open a bank account in Tunisia, without being a Tunisian citizen?",,,,,,2017-10-20 14:40:45 77n77b,,2,In need of a decent waxing saloon,"Hi guys, could you please recommend a nice waxing saloon in Tunis where intimate waxing is part of the services (for ladies if that matters)? Thanks a lot in advance. ",,,,,,2017-10-20 16:25:13 77p0u8,,5,• r/ArabicCinema The first sub for discussing Arabic Movies (In English).. It's a New sub,,,,,,,2017-10-20 20:58:06 77svwt,,1,What influence has Italy had on Tunisian culture?,[removed],,,,,,2017-10-21 11:37:01 782cia,,3,How has Italy influenced Tunisian culture?,"Hello my friends. In what ways has Italy influenced Tunisian culture? There is also a very significant Tunisian population in Italy. Why is this? Cheers.",,,,,,2017-10-22 19:28:02 7867t8,,1,[Photos] BIL Tunisia informal gathering (Bardo area),,,,,,,2017-10-23 07:44:02 786v4u,,1,À Louer à Tunis : A louer un Rez-de-chaussée d’une villa au Lac 1 © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-23 10:37:46 78bk4e,,5,code de la route Tunisie 2017 en arabe,,,,,,,2017-10-23 22:52:42 78f53d,,1,À Vendre à Nabeul : A vendre Terrain à Hammamet Nord © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-24 11:37:35 78fey5,,0,"Formation ""Devenir Community Manager"" - #CM101",,,,,,,2017-10-24 12:32:45 78gqrm,,1,À Vendre à : A vendre Fonds de Commerce à GÉANT © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-24 16:07:20 78gxrx,,1,New information on the capture of Tiger 131,,,,,,,2017-10-24 16:35:29 78nx4w,,1,À Louer à Djerba : jolie petite villa avec deux chambres a l’année © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-25 14:12:24 78pi1c,,4,Is it safe to study in Tunisia being gay?,"Hi, there's an exchange program in my college and I have the chance to live in Tunisia for a month without paying anything... But I'm gay, so I'm concerned, is it safe for me?",,,,,,2017-10-25 18:05:29 78qxo9,,1,À Vendre à Mahdia : Magnifique appartement de haut standing © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-25 21:32:19 78ua36,,1,Free workshop: How to make a better resume,,,,,,,2017-10-26 08:48:27 78v3vc,,1,,,,,,,,2017-10-26 12:08:01 78v7er,,1,,,,,,,,2017-10-26 12:27:20 78vcvn,,1,,,,,,,,2017-10-26 12:57:07 78yf38,,1,,,,,,,,2017-10-26 20:40:05 7929gn,,1,,,,,,,,2017-10-27 09:54:21 792cuf,,1,À Louer à Djerba : exceptionnellement location villa à zone touristique LAGUNE © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-27 10:19:15 792zth,,1,My phone has been droped in Water ! Galaxy s4,[removed],,,,,,2017-10-27 12:45:49 793oin,,1,À Louer à Bizerte : Studio à cité la santé © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-27 14:44:17 793qqm,,1,À Louer à Bizerte : studio meublé © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-27 14:54:16 793vh8,,1,À Vendre à Ariana : Appartement 165 m² a CHOTRANA 1 © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-27 15:14:27 794x77,,1,À Vendre à Ariana : Un deux pièces rénové à Menzah 1 © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-27 18:04:20 79d4za,,3,What's the maximum amount of money allowed to take abroad?,"Just for comparison, I know in Algeria you're not allowed to take more than around 100Euro per year when you go abroad. Is the amount that low also for Tunisia?",,,,,,2017-10-28 22:48:34 79h08x,,1,😍💗💗,,,,,,,2017-10-29 15:15:39 79md7m,,2,"Two thousand Italian prisoners march back through Eighth Army lines, led by a Bren gun carrier, in the Tunisian desert, in March 1943. The prisoners were taken outside El-Hamma after their German counterparts pulled out of the town.",,,,,,,2017-10-30 08:09:48 79p2q7,,1,AskTunisians : what do you think of Lotfi Bondka ?,"Hello, algerian here. I've seen a couple of skits by Bondka and found them quite funny. I wonder how popular is he among tunisians ? ",,,,,,2017-10-30 17:03:25 79vlm1,,3,Help me ask my girl out in Arabic,"Hi, I would like to ask for some help in translating a sentence for me. Since I had met my girlfriend I have been keeping on challenging myself to find new and unexpected ways to ask her out on dates. As she has Tunisian roots, I think she would appreciate if I could do it in Arabic, using the proper dialect. How would you translate ""Would you go out with me on a date?"" Thank you.",,,,,,2017-10-31 13:08:16 79w4bw,,1,À Vendre à Djerba : VILLA ULYSSE A DJERBA © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-10-31 14:32:49 79wbve,,0,Digital Drink Tunis #8,,,,,,,2017-10-31 15:05:45 7ab689,,1,BnB Tunisie - Annonces immobilières En Tunisie | Startup Ranking,,,,,,,2017-11-02 12:31:48 7abakm,,3,Tunisian policeman dies after being stabbed on Wednesday,,,,,,,2017-11-02 12:54:29 7af9e1,,3,BALTI INSTRU RAP TOUNSI,,,,,,,2017-11-02 22:48:59 7afnkb,,1,À Louer Pour Vacances à Djerba : VILLA VACANCES IDEALE POUR FAMILLE OU AMIS © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-11-02 23:51:22 7aic4i,,1,BnB Tunisie - Annonces Immobilières en Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-11-03 09:39:38 7aieag,,1,À Vendre à Mahdia : Magnifique et spacieux duplex au centre-ville © BnB Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-11-03 09:56:32 7atxpa,,1,Check out this wiki page,,,,,,,2017-11-04 22:57:55 7awnfm,,4,Migalou - PSG *ميغالو يكور في بي س جي هههه شبعة ظحك *طردوه,,,,,,,2017-11-05 09:16:35 7bffyp,,1,,[removed],,,,,,2017-11-07 19:11:59 7bot8e,,4,Tunisia: EUR 100 million from the European Investment Bank to Banque de l'habitat to strengthen the financing of enterprises [Machine translation in comments] (x-post r/europeanunion),,,,,,,2017-11-08 22:06:51 7brshq,,3,Crypto-currency workhsop this Saturday,,,,,,,2017-11-09 07:11:41 7bzpm0,,1,FuckUp Nights Tunis Vol .008,,,,,,,2017-11-10 07:38:31 7c1op1,,4,A Tunisian Chat Room - Website You can text with many other users on a public section or privet message specific ones,,,,,,,2017-11-10 15:16:42 7c2f6w,,1,تاكسي شرطة في نيويورك ..... !!!,,,,,,,2017-11-10 17:09:43 7c9y7q,,2,I have a serious question about Tunisian Military service.,[removed],,,,,,2017-11-11 18:12:50 7ca9l5,,3,Please help us with Tunisian Arabic translation requests on Reddit!,"Hello, redditors of r/Tunisia! I'm u/kungming2, a mod over at r/translator. We're working to make our multilingual community *the* universal place on Reddit to go for a translation, no matter what language people may be looking for. **Would anyone be interested in helping translate any future Tunisian Arabic language requests on r/translator?** You don't even need to subscribe to our subreddit itself, and most of our requests are pretty simple and don't require advanced knowledge of the language. **We have a [notifications system]( that only sends you a message when a Tunisian Arabic request comes in.** Just send a message to our subreddit bot at the link below. ### >> [Get Tunisian Arabic translation notifications]( << You can unsubscribe from those messages at any time, and you'll be helping out redditors in need. Thanks! --- ^(Mods, hopefully this post is okay! Apologies if it isn't.)",,,,,,2017-11-11 19:02:51 7cagmr,,19,We're going to Russia! Congrats for the tunisian national team for qualifying to the World cup for the first time since 2006,,,,,,,2017-11-11 19:34:08 7cmkmp,,5,"US Army 1st Armored Divisions M3 Tanks in Tunisia, November 1942.",,,,,,,2017-11-13 11:46:21 7d3heb,,4,Suggestions for means of transport around Tozeur,"I am going to Tozeur this weekend and I'd like to explore the vicinity, e.g. Tamerza. Do you guys have any suggestions for ideal means of moving around, such as renting a scooter, a car, louages, etc.? Thanks in advance! ",,,,,,2017-11-15 11:26:15 7d40nk,,1,يا روسيا هام جايين هاو جايين ya russia ham jayin(إتصالات تونس ) المنتخب ...,,,,,,,2017-11-15 13:17:56 7dfhn4,,4,Anyone in Djerba?,"I'm here till next Wednesday. Second time in a mass tourism hotel. Well... still not so much my thing. Mainly here for a beach volleyball camp and because it was cheap. If someone has some very local advice, that would be nice. I'm a couple km northwest of Djerba golf club. Been to Beirut (5x) and Casa (1x, recently) before, but never to Tunisia. From Berlin. Learning Arabic but I suck at it, A2 level, maybe. My French is not much better, usually understand most of it though.",,,,,,2017-11-16 21:01:46 7djlxb,,2,"Guys, did anyone tried the new reddit chat (available both web and mobile)",,,,,,,2017-11-17 08:58:19 7e8y3v,,2,I can't speak French or Arabic but I need obituaries!,[deleted],,,,,,2017-11-20 13:46:00 7efyxz,,1,Come and learn about growthhacking,,,,,,,2017-11-21 06:55:43 7eget2,,4,Who wanna join Tunisia discord server?,,,,,,,2017-11-21 08:33:57 7epzk1,,8,Join the battle for Net Neutrality. Tunisians will also be impacted by this sooner or later.,,,,,,,2017-11-22 10:26:04 7feazb,,1,The Road to Jerusalem (A Short Film) -- مسجد الأقصى -- القدس — فلسطين -- بيت المقدس,,,,,,,2017-11-25 09:47:11 7fukpz,,2,Street Art in Tunis?,Currently visiting Tunis. Are there areas with considerable amounts of street art? It is an interest of mine. Thanks in advance.,,,,,,2017-11-27 11:33:59 7fyb63,,7,Tamerza: Saharan Oasis in the Wild West of Tunisia,,,,,,,2017-11-27 20:46:33 7gbfrr,,1,Now you can have a profile page in #Reddit that you may activate via this link: You can onboard into the new profile via this link:,,,,,,,2017-11-29 07:12:58 7gd7gk,,2,Digital Drink Tunis #10,,,,,,,2017-11-29 13:22:57 7gvxqo,,10,"Tunisia will play England, Belgium and Panama in the 2018 World Cup group stage",,,,,,,2017-12-01 16:06:45 7hpe3m,,2,Tunisia vs England | Group G | 2018 FIFA World Cup Simulation | PES 2018,,,,,,,2017-12-05 12:36:58 7htlbf,,3,Books/newspapers/magazines in Farsi,"Hi guys, Anyone knows where I could buy magazines/newspapers/books (not poetry) in Farsi? Preferably in the capital. Thanks a lot! ",,,,,,2017-12-05 22:58:09 7i5j8j,,1,Cardiologue à l'ariana Tunisie,,,,,,,2017-12-07 10:29:54 7i5l2r,,0,Gynécologue à Tunis : Rendez-vous par Internet sous 24h,,,,,,,2017-12-07 10:40:56 7i5odw,,2,Paradis fiscaux: Pierre Moscovici souhaite que la Tunisie sorte vite de la liste noire de l'UE,,,,,,,2017-12-07 10:58:14 7ienmw,,8,One of seven Tigers destroyed at the Battle of Beja Tunisia March 1943,,,,,,,2017-12-08 12:28:20 7ifefj,,2,SMC Tunisia needs your feeback,,,,,,,2017-12-08 14:48:03 7jtrhk,,3,Can someone explain nefa to me?,"I work with three guys from Tunisia and they use a tobacco product they call nefa. They keep it rolled up in plastic and sometimes put water in it. Can anyone give me more info on it? Is there an alternate name? I have searched google and can't seem to find anything. I want to know what it is, how it's made etc. ",,,,,,2017-12-14 18:58:56 7jydyv,,5,محبوبي مثلتك شجرة - رامي العرابي Ourabi Rami - Mahboubi,,,,,,,2017-12-15 08:07:20 7k0cxl,,2,Favourite live performance in Tunisia?,What is your best live musical performance that happened in Tunisia?,,,,,,2017-12-15 15:27:43 7k5kd3,,2,"How much money should I carry when traveling to just the city of Tunis for 4-5 days to meet my Tunisian girlfriend? For example, what would a budget be for food, accommodation, sightseeing, etc.?",,,,,,,2017-12-16 06:27:40 7kh6fv,,1,Imagine if you can make money like this,,,,,,,2017-12-17 23:14:13 7kk97r,,2,Wifi quality?,"My boyfriend and I will be traveling to Tunisia for a few months. Looking at staying on Djerba. We work mostly online though so need good internet access. Is this possible to find in Tunisia and also on Djerba? Also, what is the best site to find a cheap apartment to rent for a few months? Thanks!",,,,,,2017-12-18 09:46:44 7kl343,,3,comic book shop,"Win najem nal9a blasa tbi3 les bandes dessinés fi tunis/ariana ? manaaref had ya9ra bd w ki lawejt fel google nal9a 7ammas w maktba so .. haja okhra : chbi ness lkol tehki bel anglais wala keka tab3ou loughet el OP? (mezelt noob)",,,,,,2017-12-18 13:05:28 7le5la,,1,looking for a club to enroll at,"heyy fellow tunisians :D, looking for a club to join cause i've been wasting so much time on useless things. so here are some of my interests: animals, charity, english, food, books. i'm live in Bardo so it would be really great for something close by and thank you for your help.",,,,,,2017-12-22 01:40:42 7lxw3p,,5,Tunisia bans UAE airline from landing,,,,,,,2017-12-24 22:22:01 7m2h8o,,1,Bringing drone into Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2017-12-25 17:32:27 7m3nx3,,5,What is taught about Carthage in Tunisian schools?,"I'm curious about what is taught in schools about the history of Carthage, Tunis being situated in the area of the ancient city.",,,,,,2017-12-25 21:23:03 7mizax,,1,"Tunisians of Reddit, by law what nationality does a child born in Tunisia inherit? Is the mom’s or the dad’s?",[deleted],,,,,,2017-12-28 00:18:07 7ml4zx,,4,"ArtGasme: first erotic themed show in Tunisia a cross between peomes, music and cherography",,,,,,,2017-12-28 07:12:38 7mlhot,,1,You make music and you need to distribute? Get in touch. Peace :),,,,,,,2017-12-28 08:45:24 7mlqsz,,0,"El Distro Tunisia, Please check my video and let me know what you think.","Please check this video and let me know what you think",,,,,,2017-12-28 09:56:53 7mmo5g,,4,New giveaway channel at the Tunisia discord channel,,,,,,,2017-12-28 13:46:25 7mtj5d,,1,"Hey guys, Currently in need of some advice on an important matter involving your culture. I was wondering if there was someone here willing to hear me out? Much appreciated!",[removed],,,,,,2017-12-29 10:15:39 7n2p9t,الباي-بال-في-تونس-le-paypal-en-tunisie-winou-paypal-وينو-الباي-بال,5,Petition for paypal 2018 PLEASE SIGN & SHARE DON'T BE LAZY,,,,,,,2017-12-30 17:19:52 7nf4w5,,1,Protesters smash Holocaust exhibition at the National Library,,,,,,,2018-01-01 13:29:19 7nmm7r,,1,Klay - Dima Labes ft. Rayen || Balti - Wala Lela !!! ردة فعلي REACTION!!!! El 7er9a,,,,,,,2018-01-02 14:10:21 7o37uj,,3,Digital Drink Tunis #11,,,,,,,2018-01-04 14:16:26 7o9q1r,,8,Streaming Tunisian movies online,"I tried to update myself with the recent years' movies that I missed while being here on holiday, I have been unlucky so far as not only I dont know what they are called but also what website(s) to hit if I want to watch one. So what Tunisian movies would you recommend to watch and what url(s) do you use to see them?",,,,,,2018-01-05 07:43:13 7orv5f,,4,What does “Dodger’s 07” mean?,I saw that graffiti all over Tunis. I was curious what it means.,,,,,,2018-01-07 17:25:50 7owots,,7,Tunisian food,"Hey guys! What are the Tunisian must try dishes and what are the best places to eat them? Bonus question what are your favourite Tunisian snacks/beverages?",,,,,,2018-01-08 06:27:45 7oxe3c,,1,CADTM - Debt: how France appropriated Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-01-08 09:13:52 7p5j6z,,3,Influencers Marketing Workshop by SMC Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-01-09 07:24:50 7pes5z,,1,Secteurs d'activité HYDRONIX,,,,,,,2018-01-10 10:36:24 7pmzdp,,6,Tunisia hit by new anti-austerity protests,,,,,,,2018-01-11 09:28:49 7pny6w,,1,Future Tunisian Stadiums,,,,,,,2018-01-11 13:06:50 7pvaoa,,3,books,"3aslama/Hello everyone, I'm trying to find interesting stuff to read about the contemporary events in Tunisia and i'd like to know more about my country, I don't understand arabic appart from darija so I'm looking for preferably french stuff or maybe english Did anyone read [this book]( I've just read it but because I found it through google i'm not sure about the work and if it's partisan in some way. Anyways if you've read this book and can give me your opinion or if you have any suggestions for in depth books or articles or even groups or twitter accounts about tunisia in french that would be great thanks",,,,,,2018-01-12 08:31:10 7q1jg7,,0,DS et examens corrigés 1 ère LA en Génie Civil (ISET Nabeul),,,,,,,2018-01-13 01:51:11 7q1szy,,11,"What I know of Tunisia is that it is the Arab's Spring success story. Is this true? If so, why is its role so underrated in the Arab Spring's history?","Hi. Press about Tunisia has been sporadic in the West at best about Tunisia, so about three years ago I went there on vacation for 2 weeks. I decided to drive around and couchsurf. The people I met and the places I visited made my time there an absolute wonder. I liked to talk about how the country was doing, and met with a few guys from a local atheist group. A British historian who had been there for 40odd years. A 25 year old Tunisian girl who I fell in love with, and made out with secretly, safe distance away from the woman's hostel where she lived. I spoke with liberal elite intellectuals in Tunis, and even with the then campaign manager from Nidaa Tounes, because there were elections coming up. That was all in fluent English. I loved it then, but only now realize my limited slice of Tunisia I saw. With many locals I only had small conversations in my very limited French. No deep discussions. Still, in 2014 Tunisia felt to me as a few years after the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany. (I was there then as a visitor but I was only 10. So what did I know...) I haven't been to Tunisia since then, and news is sparse. I noticed how Wikipedia's Arab Spring page doesn't place Tunisia front and center of the Arab Spring. The lead-up to the Arab Spring omits Bouazizi's story. The 'results' doesn't speak about Tunisia's successes. I find all that lack of attention so incredibly odd. Are we missing a success story, or is there nothing to celebrate? And that's why I came here: How is Tunisia doing? And why is it so underrated in its role in the Arab Spring? Is Mohamed Bouazizi considered a national hero? Where is Tunisia going to? TL;DR: Anyone providing any insight into the questions above would be great. PS As a thank you to the country and its role in the Arab Spring, I went to Mohamed Bouazizi's grave and took a picture of his grave for Wikipedia. ",,,,,,2018-01-13 02:38:53 7q3tvy,,7,Is Tunisia safe to visit now or should I wait it out?,"Heard there is some violent protests going on. Was thinking of taking the ferry from Palermo to visit Tunisia. Should I wait it out until it settles down? If it's fine to go, what are some must things to do and see? Eat? Thanks y'all ",,,,,,2018-01-13 10:43:08 7qical,,2,FuckupNights Tunis Vol .009,,,,,,,2018-01-15 08:12:39 7qid26,,2,Film screening + debate,,,,,,,2018-01-15 08:18:02 7qiikc,,1,Fresh violence in Tunisia after protests marking Arab Spring anniversary,,,,,,,2018-01-15 08:56:52 7r2mjz,,1,DS et examens corrigés 1 ère LF en Informatique de Gestion à (FSEG Tunis),,,,,,,2018-01-17 17:30:43 7r9qcz,,1,Tunisia Wine & Travel Documentary: Around the World in 80 Harvests,,,,,,,2018-01-18 13:38:11 7rbzhd,,1,"لا يا محمدي لا, نصوصهم ليست محرّفة !! The Bible is not corrupt",,,,,,,2018-01-18 18:57:10 7rc8hr,,1,DS et examens corrigés 2ème LA en Gestion à (FSEG Tunis),,,,,,,2018-01-18 19:30:29 7rwqom,,2,Kasserine ou la Tunisie abandonnée,,,,,,,2018-01-21 08:59:32 7rwv12,,7,Tunisian forces kill top aide of Al Qaeda leader in Maghreb,,,,,,,2018-01-21 09:38:37 7s1l4d,,3,DS et examens corrigés 1 ère LF en Gestion à (FSEG Tunis),,,,,,,2018-01-21 23:42:31 7s650p,,6,First Time Visitor!,"Hey Guys! I will be coming to Tunisia, at the end of February to visit my partners parents (Canadian but work for the government in Tunis). I was wondering if anyone can give me some tips on what to see in and around Tunis, and what to avoid? Any delicious food I should try? Good Coffee? I am super excited to visit. ",,,,,,2018-01-22 14:38:27 7s6jrt,,1,Any good technique to learn Arabic?,"Preferably with Tunisian dialect? Do you know a YouTube channel, book or PDFs on the internet that can be useful?",,,,,,2018-01-22 15:41:21 7s8151,,1,ميغالو التونسي جزائري 100/100,,,,,,,2018-01-22 19:00:27 7scnkn,,3,Fuckupnights Tunis Vol .009: let's celebrate failure,,,,,,,2018-01-23 06:55:10 7sne0i,,5,I love Tunisia but I can't imagine myself ever moving there ?,"I was born abroad and I have never lived in Tunisia. I only visit my country in the summer to see my grandparents and family. As much as I Tunisia, I can't ever get myself to imagine living there. Why don't I feel home ?",,,,,,2018-01-24 14:23:03 7sni5y,,3,Rare photos of German Tiger tank in Tunis streets close by what is today the Palmarium mall,,,,,,,2018-01-24 14:41:52 7sp0vt,,2,Does Alexa / Siri Struggle to understand your accent? - Voice Search Study,"I am a final year university student, for my final year project I am developing a voice search system. With features similar to Alexa or Siri. I am also carrying out a study which is where you come in! I have made a website where I can capture your dictation of certain phrases. I will then use this to test different speech to text technologies and hopefully be able to make a correlation between certain accents and a reduction in quality of results. **It will only take a few minutes of your time, and you’ll be helping me greatly :)** [Click here to take part]( ",,,,,,2018-01-24 18:08:48 7spesc,,7,Elementary Students Asking for Postcard from Tunisia!,"I work in a small, rural elementary school located in Northeast Tennessee. Another teacher and I are attempting to collect a post card from every state and as many countries as possible! This is to help them get a better understanding of how diverse and large our world truly is! We have already collected around 60 or more countries, but I really want to make this a big deal. If you could please send a postcard to the school, the students would be thrilled. I want to share this project with the entire school, news and other educators! Thank you in advance! Line 1: Mr. Arwood or Mrs. Lisa Line 2: 1485 Riverview Drive Line 3: Elizabethton, TN 37643 If you want to check out what the world map looked like currently, here is a pic. It keeps growing and the school loves it.",,,,,,2018-01-24 18:58:19 7sv0ys,,1,[Photo gallery] FuckupNights Vol .009 at Daisy Joe,,,,,,,2018-01-25 09:40:45 7sv3dj,,11,This guy is doing an amazing job unveiling the inner beauty of the city,,,,,,,2018-01-25 09:58:10 7tjbpw,,1,What's the ruling on footwear in tunisian hotels?,Flip flops or sandals for example would they be allowed?,,,,,,2018-01-28 09:19:08 7tjoe5,,5,Tunisia police disperse LGBT protesters,,,,,,,2018-01-28 11:01:56 7tr7k5,,1,5 معلومات لا تعرفها عن تونس | سوف تفاجئك !!,,,,,,,2018-01-29 09:34:07 7tvdtb,,3,Do Modern Tunisians Feel Any Connection To Their Roman and/or Vandal History?,In the West we are taught very little about Islamic Nations. They are all basically lumped together with Arabic civilization. I have always been curious about how Tunisians see their ancient history. In Ancient times Tunisia and North Africa was very important to Rome. In fact many historians believe that it's ability to produce and ship bulk grain made it the most important region outside of Italy. Do Modern Tunisians feel any connection to this history? Also what about the Vandals? How are they seen in Tunisia? Like the Franks had a very small genetic impact on France but many French people identify very strongly with the Franks.,,,,,,2018-01-29 20:43:45 7ui4s1,,1,قاموس طبي فرنسي عربي للطلبة,,,,,,,2018-02-01 11:31:13 7ussam,,0,ie سامي الفهري Sami lfehri يمارس السحر على المباشر ،انظر ماحدث له,,,,,,,2018-02-02 17:13:03 7uy96w,,5,"Across the world, people under the age of 25 are becoming less religious. Do you see any signs of that in your local town as well?",,,,,,,2018-02-03 08:40:13 7v6wqn,,1,My friend's brother traveled Tunisia and made this beautiful video!,,,,,,,2018-02-04 14:10:59 7vav71,,3,Anime and Manga discord server for discussion and fun,"Hi i made an anime and manga server in discord for arabs. the reason is because i feel discussions about anime and manga in arab sites are bad or reach surface. Most discord servers, arabic ones, are either bad or have very restricted rules. My main goal from the server is to form a good place where arabs can discuss anime/manga and gain new perspective from other people they disagree with. the more we discuss things the better we become and know each other. Also there is fun :) this server is mainly for arabs but anyone who speak english is also welcome.",,,,,,2018-02-05 00:21:33 7vdn2o,,1,Téléchargez gratuitement vos examens et DS en Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-02-05 09:17:15 7vgjpk,,7,English language in the Maghreb,"Hi dear Tunisian friends, So I'm Hicham from Algiers/Algeria, and I created with my friend Mehdi a YouTube channel about learning and teaching English. We're aiming mainly the Algerian community. But we thought that it might be interesting if we present our work to English speakers/learners from other Arabic countries. We would be more than glad to read your reactions What do you think about the idea? Do you think that our content can be relevant to learners and teachers in Tunisia or other Arabic countries? Mehdi is on the content/writing/scripting and I'm handling the editing/social media and technical stuff. So constructive criticism is very welcomed. Here's our latest video (It has some Star Wars in it) link to channel: ",,,,,,2018-02-05 17:57:21 7vlslb,,1,Do you have any idea about this project?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-02-06 07:38:57 7w3bdx,,1,les secteurs d'activités du déshumidificateur Seibu_Giken DST,,,,,,,2018-02-08 08:00:20 7wlbh3,,3,"L’UE inscrit la Tunisie sur sa ""liste noire"" des pays exposés au financement du terrorisme",,,,,,,2018-02-10 13:03:22 7wt6u6,,1,Join a live chat with the SMC Tunisia team,,,,,,,2018-02-11 14:56:54 7x6q4z,,1,Survey: The Worlds Youth and the Characteristics that Divide us.,,,,,,,2018-02-13 03:57:55 7xc2d1,,2,Quiet and/or nice cafe shop in Bab Saadoun.,"Hello, fellow redditors. I am new at this, and I don't know if this is the right way/place to ask this, but here we go. I am asking if there is a quiet/nice café shop in the area of Bab Saadoun. I have to stay in Bab Saadoun for few hours every few days of the week, and I know the area is not the best of places, but is there a nice café place that would help me spend some time reading a book or something? ",,,,,,2018-02-13 19:46:09 7xgprf,,7,Tunisia Reddit community meetup,"I was disucssion this with /u/Stalked_Like_Corn in discord, I wish if we can have a like a meetup in a month or so just to add faces to names, nothing wild just a coffee or a drink, I know you redditors don't like the sunlight too much.",,,,,,2018-02-14 08:48:09 7xiavp,,1,Tunisia MP rips up Israel flag to promote no-ties bill: Video,,,,,,,2018-02-14 14:20:28 7xpkr6,,7,"Selima Battikh (Tunisie): ""Une langue qui n’évolue pas, meurt""",,,,,,,2018-02-15 10:43:09 7xrmyn,,0,أخبار سارة (قصة في ديرجا),,,,,,,2018-02-15 16:48:54 7xzukw,,0,"Kafon Mahboula, Normal?",,,,,,,2018-02-16 16:25:27 7yec2y,,25,So cute,,,,,,,2018-02-18 13:52:26 7yu6fm,,1,Tunisia Internet Marketers Meetup #1,,,,,,,2018-02-20 07:37:43 7yvgcc,,1,Looking for online shoping in tunisia? CouCou Tunisia is here for you.,,,,,,,2018-02-20 12:16:59 7zz7hg,,1,Tunisia intercepts ship with undeclared military cargo,[deleted],,,,,,2018-02-24 20:17:26 8000cb,,9,Thank you Tunisia for your amazing hospitality ❤️🇹🇳✨ @onceuponasaga 👍,,,,,,,2018-02-24 22:16:44 80323v,,1,CRÉATINE POUR LA MUSCULATION,,,,,,,2018-02-25 07:27:51 80bhts,,1,Kit humidimètre de bois et ciment,,,,,,,2018-02-26 08:17:31 80odqa,,1,DS et examens 2ème LF en Economie à (FSEG Tunis),,,,,,,2018-02-27 17:44:14 80vmx1,,0,تعلم كيفاش تبوس طفلة مع كريم و ميغالو هههههههه,,,,,,,2018-02-28 12:24:43 81cezu,,1,Tunisian Freethinkers Are Under Attack,,,,,,,2018-03-02 06:48:15 81k9o4,,5,[urgent] combien de temps peut-on attendre pour les obseques de quelqu'un ?,"Ma belle mere vient de deceder dans un hopital a Tunis. Nous vivons au Etat-Unis et les vols les plus rapides que nous ayons trouve nous font arriver dimanche soir, tard. Ma belle famille veut faire les obseques aussi vite que possible (samedi ou dimanche, mais pas lundi) et soutient qu'il n'est legalement pas possible d'attendre plus longtemps. Est-ce vrai? Peut-on attendre lundi? Je sais qu'en France le delai est de 7 jours legalement. Apres il y a peut-etre des regles dictees pas l'Islam qui ecourtent ce delai en Tunisie, mais j'ai du mal a croire qu'il n'y ait pas moyen d'attendre une journee de plus. Ma compagne est effondree a l'idee de manquer les obseques de sa propre mere.",,,,,,2018-03-03 00:13:26 81ydlf,,2,Que est Le system electoral pour partie appealles Tunisia,"Bonjour. Mon francais est terrible, je suis de Anglais Canada. Pardon moi 's'il vous plais. I know you had a revolution in 2011, but revolution must be followed by something. In the case of Tunisia, that was a parliament with party list proportional representation. In a country without a long history of free elections, who is tasked with writing these party lists, and how has Tunisia managed to keep this less corrupt than most emerging democracies? ",,,,,,2018-03-04 15:45:25 8253z7,,5,Can you please share some Tunisian idioms and their meanings/ situations when to use them? (they should be safe for work ie no foul language),The one I know is هي تشخر و زادتها بف we used it when a situation is bad and a person makes it worse,,,,,,2018-03-05 10:46:10 825r8x,,1,Crowd Funding in Tunisia,Can anyone please share with me any informations about the regulation of crowd funding in Tunisia ? Dose the Tunisian law prohibit it ? ,,,,,,2018-03-05 13:00:24 82bmrz,,2,Is it difficult to obtain a divorce in Tunisia?,My friend married a man from Tunisia a month ago who became abusive immediately after the wedding. She is from the USA and has returned there. How difficult will it be for her to obtain a divorce?,,,,,,2018-03-06 02:27:57 82e0cp,,1,Enregistreur de température MK1 Thermadata,,,,,,,2018-03-06 10:13:44 82mw84,,1,[Photo Gallery] Digital Drink Tunis #13,,,,,,,2018-03-07 08:51:52 82mz2y,,1,Camping : les accessoires mobiles qu'il vous faut.,,,,,,,2018-03-07 09:11:21 82ojrr,,6,EU Civil Protection Forum 2018: EU and Tunisia agree to boost cooperation (x-post r/europeanunion),,,,,,,2018-03-07 14:15:34 834jdw,,1,"Friend travelling to Tunisia, I have questions!","So, I know very little about the country, and it seems hard to find information in english that isn't biased, so I figured I'd ask here. I have a friend who met a guy online from Albania, there's no visa exchange program for the US to there, so they want to meet in Tunisia which has exchange programs for both. Now, the entire situation seems concerning to me as they've only been dating 2 months, but I'm wondering about if there is any actual danger in a country like Tunisia for that? ",,,,,,2018-03-09 06:07:24 836pdc,,1,great place to visit in summer,,,,,,,2018-03-09 13:35:59 83p02i,,2,Thoughts on the inheritance protest.,,,,,,,2018-03-11 19:36:02 83uwlu,,9,Question about atheism in Tunisia,"Can you be openly atheist in Tunisia without an issue? I thought it would be appropriate to ask in the Arab world's arguably most free country's reddit forum because I was curious what answer I would get. Does the Tunisian constitution protect not just non-Muslims, but those who choose not to believe in any religion? Are you protected at work from being fired just because you are an atheist? Are atheists allowed to, for example, get a room and meet each other or is it mostly online presence? Can you be honest with your friends and family without an issue?",,,,,,2018-03-12 13:22:08 83w153,,1,A new site about Africa in English and some French,,,,,,,2018-03-12 16:01:52 84gb1u,,13,هيئة الحقيقة والكرامة تعرض حقائق حول استغلال المستعمر الفرنسي للثروات الباطنية التونسية,,,,,,,2018-03-14 19:44:51 84xyjv,,1,"What Are Tunisian Youth Waiting For? An in-depth look at the ""Fech Nestanaw?"" movement",,,,,,,2018-03-16 19:09:04 855lrn,,1,Gay tunisian living in Europe...,[deleted],,,,,,2018-03-17 18:24:40 855p09,,0,Tunisien gay vivant en France...,[deleted],,,,,,2018-03-17 18:37:20 85kn77,,9,Looking for Tunisia World Cup Fans!,"Hello World Cup Fans! Back again for round 2 of my global search. I am looking for fans of each country to help with a video project for the 2018 World Cup. I am a few participants already but missing some for other countries. 🇦🇷️🇨🇴️🇫🇷️ Its pretty simple, just a couple one-on-one skype chats talking about your teams matches, who should play, who should not. Any star players that sort of thing. If you interested please let me know, as I would like to get the remaining slots booked up.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇹🇳️🇲🇽️⚽ If your interested please buzz me back. Need to get this party started!",,,,,,2018-03-19 16:11:03 85nynf,,8,we need a Tunisian NSFW subreddit,"i do not mean sexual content but more like ""taboo"" things. mainly things that are illeagal by law and mislead and misunderstood",,,,,,2018-03-19 23:04:29 86h5h3,,1,فيلم وثائقي : دولة الإستقلال أنوار وظلال - Dictatorship amnesia and apologia + propaganda for BCE,,,,,,,2018-03-23 02:01:01 86j15p,,12,44 African nations (including Tunisia) sign pact establishing free trade area,,,,,,,2018-03-23 08:12:56 86jo2c,,1,Tunisie Internet Marketers Meetup #2,,,,,,,2018-03-23 10:41:34 86uk28,,1,DS et examens 2ème LF en Informatique de Gestion à (FSEG Tunis),,,,,,,2018-03-24 17:34:38 86unuu,,1,DS et examens 2ème LF en Informatique de Gestion à (FSEG Tunis),,,,,,,2018-03-24 17:50:19 878lat,,1,تفرجو في موهبة عائشة الفهري إبنة سامي الفهري في الرقص !,,,,,,,2018-03-26 12:09:58 87becr,,1,DS et examens 3ème LA de Gestion à (FSEG Tunis),,,,,,,2018-03-26 18:24:19 87cb2b,,2,Is it true that it's illegal for a non-muslim man to marry a muslim woman in Tunisia?,Title?,,,,,,2018-03-26 20:16:29 87i08a,,1,Tunisia Ligue Professionnelle 1 Stadiums 2017/18,,,,,,,2018-03-27 12:29:04 87jjd4,,1,Wataniya 1 (national tv channel) doing what it always does,,,,,,,2018-03-27 15:57:51 87s4nd,,1,Tunisia: Assembly votes to abolish human rights commission,,,,,,,2018-03-28 14:02:31 87u68y,,4,Digital Drink Tunis #14,,,,,,,2018-03-28 18:15:04 880fu2,,0,Is it appropriate to ask if there are any TunisiENTS here?,"Aslema. Do excuse my ignorance if I have crossed some lines. I do not intend to do so. Edit: Most of the reddit community refers to individuals who smoke weed as Ents. This term is loosely based on the race of talking tree people in the Lord of The Rings. Their slow and mellow personalities resemble those of stoned people, hence the name. ",,,,,,2018-03-29 11:15:24 88md8h,,6,Tunisia rocks taboo on LGBTQ+ rights,,,,,,,2018-03-31 22:50:34 88tvl5,,5,"Good, cheap French courses in Tunis","Hello, I'm planning to go to Tunisia for a few months, and while there, I'd love to improve my French. Does anyone know of a good and cheap French course in Tunis? I'd prefer an intensive course, for a month or two. Thank you all in advance! :) ",,,,,,2018-04-01 20:46:11 896yyx,,1,DS et examens 3ème LA de Gestion à (FSEG Tunis),,,,,,,2018-04-03 00:57:20 89bkoe,,3,Anyone know where I can get board games card sleeves?,"So I print my own board games (because i can't get them any other way) and I'm having trouble finding card sleeves for them. They look like something like [this]( or [this]( They are just small plastic pockets that hold paper. I cant find them anywhere (I asked around in Art Shops downtown and fil maktbet and nothing) ",,,,,,2018-04-03 08:37:01 89dd7b,,9,Tunisie: la physicienne Faouzia Charfi parle de la difficulté d'enseigner les sciences à des étudiants sous l'emprise de l'islam politique,,,,,,,2018-04-03 12:47:05 8acusn,,1,"Job opening for spies: An intel contractor is looking for US citizens w/ TOP SECRET security clearance & high proficiency in Tunisian dialect able to understand ""conversations between *EDUCATED* native speakers"".In other words: Hey Tunisian educated people! You're watching you ;)",,,,,,,2018-04-06 20:33:34 8as0hh,,1,Youssef Msakni will miss World Cup because of knee injury,,,,,,,2018-04-08 18:46:11 8aslv7,,6,What are prison meals like in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2018-04-08 20:06:23 8b0tsg,,2,"Any of you guys watching this opening on al watania, it’s like they don’t give a single fuck about coordinating their dance moves",,,,,,,2018-04-09 18:40:48 8b2ln9,é_de_la_culture/,2,cité de la culture,"j'ai hâte d'avoir l'occasion d'y aller, et vous?",,,,,,2018-04-09 22:26:06 8b623u,,5,I'm looking for books about the history of Tunisia. In French or English.,"Hello, I would like to know more about Tunisia, and reading the Wikipedia article is just too limited for me (and I'm always very skeptical about what I found on Wikipedia anyway). I've found a bunch of old French books about the history of Tunisia on the [Gallica]( (digital library of the the French National Library): * (1874) [Principales époques de la Tunisie : documents pour servir à l'histoire de ce pays](, by A. Oualid. * (1887) [Essai sur l'histoire des Israélites de Tunisie : depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à l'établissement du protectorat de la France en Tunisie](, by David Cazès. * (1892) [Histoire générale de la Tunisie, depuis l'an 1590 avant Jésus-Christ jusqu'en 1883](, by Abel Clarin de La Rive. * (1893) [La Tunisie avant et depuis l'occupation française](, by Narcisse Faucon. * (1894) [Histoire de la Tunisie](, by Auguste Pavy. * (1905) [La Tunisie](, by G. Dervin. * (1910) [Petite histoire de la Tunisie](, by Mlle L. Métivier. I haven't read these books yet, but the younger is a bit more than 100 years old, so I suppose the approach towards History has changed since then, and that some newer discoveries has also been made. So if you have any book to recommend, of if you have read one of these books already and have an opinion about it, I would love to hear it.",,,,,,2018-04-10 08:23:23 8blvik,,1,Every Tunisian needs to watch this,[removed],,,,,,2018-04-12 00:01:31 8bpt8w,,28,"For some reason, Tunisia just moved up to a historic 14th place in April's FIFA World Ranking, ahead of teams like Colombia, Uruguay & Croatia. World Cup is gonna be a walk in the park I'm telling you!",,,,,,,2018-04-12 12:38:22 8bud9y,,0,Why doesn't Europe just invade and conquer Libya to stop migrants and bring peace?,[removed],,,,,,2018-04-12 22:40:09 8bzg8i,,1,لحظة انتشال جثة عمر العبيدي محب النادي الافريقي من واد مليان بجانب ملعب ...,,,,,,,2018-04-13 14:12:06 8c11p3,,1,Ksar Ouled Soltane 15th Century Granary In Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-04-13 17:38:40 8cpn5n,,2,Will Tunisia Win the 2018 World Cup? [SPORT],,,,,,,2018-04-16 18:10:16 8d18my,,1,DS et examens 3ème année Génie Electrique à ISET Nabeul,,,,,,,2018-04-17 23:52:14 8d21il,,1,Examens et DS 1er année Génie Mécanique à ISET Nabeul,,,,,,,2018-04-18 01:52:05 8d4sb5,,5,Tunisia is secular?,Tunisia and Tunisians are liberal/secular or islamists?How religious are Tunisians?How is the life for non muslims and lgbt people in Tunisia?,,,,,,2018-04-18 11:07:38 8d7mk9,,3,Tunesian TV shows subtitled?,"Aslema. I am new here. My fiancé is Tunesian and he loves to watch Omour Jedia and Abdelli Showtime. I am trying to learn tunesian/arabic and I think I would benefit a lot from watching tv shows with english subtitles. Does anyone know if such a thing exists? Preferably from his favorite shows but anything is fine. Tips for stand up comedy is also welcome. Alternatively does anyone know of an app that generates auto subtitles? Thanks for the help and have a good day/night. ",,,,,,2018-04-18 17:48:58 8dcfth,,1,Traveling Tozeur area for ~3 days,"Hi Everyone, I will be visiting Tozeur area for ~3 days in May. My current itinerary is as follows: Thursday: Arrive Tozeur at 15:25. Spend the night in Tozeur. Friday: Mides, Tamerza, Chebika (is this too busy for 1 day?) Saturday: [open] Chott El Jerid and Douz? Tamezret or Matmata? (too far?) Sunday: [open] Depart Tozeur at 16:00 I'm interested to explore natural wonders (the Oases, the dessert) and traditional Tunisian activities/places. I am not interested in visiting the Star Wars attractions.. are there other fun activities you recommend? If you'd recommend a completely different itinerary, please do share. Places to stay and eat is also welcomed. Appreciate any and all advice :) ",,,,,,2018-04-19 05:45:38 8ddf5v,,3,Digital Job Fair: Saturday April 21st starting 9am at the ULT,,,,,,,2018-04-19 09:37:27 8dgepo,مانوع_الاخبار_التي_تكره_مشاهدتها_على_شاشات/,1,مانوع الاخبار التي تكره مشاهدتها على شاشات التلفزيون التابعة لبلدك؟ عن نفسي اكره الاخبار,[deleted],,,,,,2018-04-19 17:25:29 8dh9g9,,7,A week in Tunisia,"Hi fellow Mediterraneans (maltese here).. I was thinking of spending a week in Tunisia, which I was thinking should include at least 3 days of it near beachy places (sidi bou said looks lovely for example), an overnight stay in the Sahara, maybe near an oasis or simply in a tent, and of course cultural stuff and if possible, the tattoine star wars sets :) Is it easy to travel from one place to another, maybe with trains/buses? And what itinerary would you suggest? Thanks",,,,,,2018-04-19 19:12:35 8dnl7e,,4,Working In Tunisia Over Summer,"Hi all! I am a student planning on working abroad over summer, this will either be in Denmark or Tunisia, i am half tunisian and speak Derja (pretty much fluently), a bit of French and Danish, some Tamazight and of course English. I am specializing in Environmental sustainability and political geographies, however my trade skills are: waiting, bartending and hospitality management and telemarketing. I would love to work in Tunisia as I miss my family and it would be great to stay there without sponging off them constantly, i have no teaching qualifications so doubt i could teach english although i am a native speaker. Would be looking to work between june/july and september but I have no idea where to look or to start. Dont suppose anyone has any suggestions, I will do pretty much anything, olive harvesting, cold calling. P.s. if you are looking for a summer temp in Denmark or Tunisia, look no further ;) ",,,,,,2018-04-20 13:32:18 8do69n,,10,"Tunisians, How Do You Identify?","In the grand scheme of things we are all humans and i know Tunisia is very diverse but i am interested to know, in a cultural, ethnic and linguistic sense, how do you 'label' yourselves so to speak? When people ask me i say i am: a European, African, Mediterranean, Maghrebi, Arabised-Berber lol Note: Idk if it is just me but growing up in Europe made me question my identity a lot, my Tunisian relatives just seem to see themselves as 'Tounsi'. Interested to know what other people with links to Tunisia feel also. Sorry if this has been posted before i am new here lol ",,,,,,2018-04-20 14:52:26 8dzwqb,,1,Ajoutez votre examen,,,,,,,2018-04-22 00:41:18 8ef3e0,,9,"Tunisians, as one of the only countries that ended in success and not disaster to come out of the Arab Spring, how do you envision the future of your country?","The question is in the title. snip",,,,,,2018-04-23 21:24:59 8ejzeq,,7,Tunisian Foreign Minister: 'We're not yet a democracy' | DW English,,,,,,,2018-04-24 12:24:11 8en7pj,,15,I m making a map with all the places that you can visit in Tunisia. and i need your contributions.,"you can t find everything online. some places are not advertised, or just kept hidden. so i m looking for : name of the location, if you can show it on a map, best time to visit it? what makes it special? best way to reach it? any additional information worth knowing ? I ll call it ""visit Tunisia like a local"". if you have suggestions, let me know. Thank you!",,,,,,2018-04-24 19:30:21 8esobv,,2,Hahaha Nigerian youth react to their president calling them lazy youths in London last funny..,,,,,,,2018-04-25 11:03:35 8etesa,,1,Danish band keen on Tunisia. (Youtube Song),,,,,,,2018-04-25 13:08:02 8ew8q5,,34,Carte méditerranée vue par les tunisiens,,,,,,,2018-04-25 19:15:55 8f3cw9,,2,Digital Drink Tunis #15,,,,,,,2018-04-26 15:08:06 8f3hi8,,3,A season marred by violence. Your thoughts on violence related to football in Tunisia lately?,,,,,,,2018-04-26 15:24:30 8fj31d,,1,حكايات تونس - ديدون ملكة قرطاج عليسة ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2018-04-28 10:28:04 8g8xn2,,1,semi/full-marathon in Tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2018-05-01 14:39:51 8g9130,,2,Half / full-Marathon in Tunisia.,"Hi, for the past three years i had this constant urge to train for a marathon or half marathon. i am from Libya, there's no planed races here and i was wondering if any of you guys know any type of race is due in the upcoming months in Tunisia?, I've done a little research on the web and found nothing helpful. any info would be appreciated, thanks.",,,,,,2018-05-01 14:52:57 8gb4bh,,4,learn parkour from Tunisian Athletes,,,,,,,2018-05-01 19:24:04 8gb7d9,,7,"this Tunisian guy is going to compete in parkour world cup ""turkey - 12 may""",,,,,,,2018-05-01 19:34:04 8gck4l,,3,anyone know of any music production/mixing schools in tunisia? + how can I get booked for playing shows in venues?,"abit of background: i'm an 18 year old and I only passed school to 2eme annee secondaire and failed 3eme and I already know abit about music production, I play guitar piano bass and abit of drums, write my own songs and I'm wondering if you have any music production schools you can recommend Also interested in playing my original songs live and idk how to go about that, what's the process to get booked? Also the fact that my songs are acoustic and they're my own worries me that this'll be really hard to pull off. Any tip and advice would be greatly appreciated",,,,,,2018-05-01 22:36:33 8gfruj,,3,Tunisia Internet Marketers Meetup #3,,,,,,,2018-05-02 08:10:59 8gri8n,,4,Ya Russia Haw Jeyinn 2 - Lahmek Y9ach3aar ❤❤,,,,,,,2018-05-03 16:07:08 8hb23d,,1,What do you think about the upcoming regional elections?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-05-05 22:50:43 8hb7w3,,6,What do you think/expect of the upcoming municipal elections?,,,,,,,2018-05-05 23:17:17 8hfrw5,,1,Élections municipales historiques accueillies sans enthousiasme,,,,,,,2018-05-06 15:07:35 8hg977,,0,"'Political tendency is to deny press freedom,' say Tunisian journalists (/r/PressFreedom)",,,,,,,2018-05-06 16:18:02 8hlmc6,,1,Powerbank Tunisie en vente,,,,,,,2018-05-07 07:04:16 8i57p8,,1,برنامج مجاني لتسجيل وتصوير الشاشة بجودة عالية وافضل اعدادات او بي اسfor ob,,,,,,,2018-05-09 11:29:01 8i6w86,,1,Good old days of tunisia 😥,,,,,,,2018-05-09 15:32:50 8i9niz,,2,Tunisie: la fuite des cerveaux s’accélère,,,,,,,2018-05-09 21:29:59 8ii5xs,,2,"Hey,,non Muslims and irreligious Tunisians !","Hey there, i know that this sub is relatively dead,but i am just curious if there is even one person who share the same views as me, is there any Facebook group or page were you guys meet and share thoughts ! sometimes you just feel like you are alone. i would love to get any PM or comment, but i will not expect a lot honestly...have a nice day, Tunisians.",,,,,,2018-05-10 20:50:26 8ilpue,,7,Tunisie: des forces indépendantes émergent des élections municipales,,,,,,,2018-05-11 06:39:20 8imjn3,,6,How is Morocco and Algeria perceived in your country?,,,,,,,2018-05-11 09:55:35 8inijf,,8,"La moitié des Tunisiens souffrent de problèmes mentaux, selon l'OMS",,,,,,,2018-05-11 12:55:47 8iuh6p,,0,Tunisia Squad Predictions for the 2018 World Cup [SPORT],,,,,,,2018-05-12 07:10:11 8jdq67,,4,First list of players selected for the World Cup,,,,,,,2018-05-14 16:38:29 8jenlk,,1,How to get from Italy to Tunisia for cheap on the 20th of June,"Hey guys, I will be flying from London to Lamezia on the 14th and would like to leave Lamezia (perhaps by train to Rome, and then fly out from there) and arrive in Tunisia on the night of the 20th-21st. What is the cheapest way of doing this? I can fly to France (for example) and then go from there, take a ferry or do a reverse illegal immigration boat trip. What is the cheapest method of completing my journey?",,,,,,2018-05-14 18:34:04 8jkity,,7,Reddit Global Meetup in Tunsia,"Hey mods, are we having the meetup this year in Tunisia (June 17), any idea about the location? Who is in charge? Reddit global Meetup details here:",,,,,,2018-05-15 10:29:10 8jm8z3,,3,Automatic Car Rental,"Any suggestions on renting an automatic car in Tunisia? There doesn’t seem to be many current websites in English. I’m looking for something affordable (~80 TND / Day , 100 TND max) possible or no? I will need it for 8 weeks. Also, is it normal to rent through a website or should I wait until I arrive to discuss prices? Any info is helpful! Thanks",,,,,,2018-05-15 15:01:56 8jv8l9,,15,Global Reddit Meetup 2018 (Tunisian Edition),"Someone made a post but I wanted to make an official one and sticky it. We are currently in talks about what the plans are for this one. The date for it is June 9th, and if you're doing your calendar math, is in the middle of Ramadan. Someone suggested actually having Iftar and that is something we will check into as well. Stay tuned for details. Most likely, when we have details.",,,,,,2018-05-16 14:14:06 8ke1ob,,1,A new page of vintage Africa photos,,,,,,,2018-05-18 15:31:24 8keeoq,,9,"A Tunisian coworker of mine kept telling me (a non-Tunisian) that I am ""bangoura"", but he would not explain the meaning behind that term. Any help? Merci!",,,,,,,2018-05-18 16:18:28 8kt8hl,,1,Tunisie: appel à la liberté de ne pas jeûner pendant le ramadan,,,,,,,2018-05-20 15:19:16 8kw7if,باش_تقصروا_الوقت_في_رمضان/,3,باش تقصروا الوقت في رمضان ؟؟,,,,,,,2018-05-20 22:45:48 8kz34o,,25,#Fater map: track down open cafes and restaurents in Ramadan,,,,,,,2018-05-21 07:38:19 8l36d3,,0,You won't believe what happened to the french flight 447 [disaster],,,,,,,2018-05-21 18:40:39 8l4x48,,1,That's something I think he got in America,,,,,,,2018-05-21 22:33:51 8l9320,,5,"Premiers jours du Ramadan : 30 accidents, 13 morts et 48 blessés en Tunisie",,,,,,,2018-05-22 10:55:28 8l93sz,,2,This reminds me soo much of the situation of Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2018-05-22 10:59:51 8lb181,,7,Open cafes recommendations?,"Hello peeps, anyone has any recommendations about places to go in the morning that are female friendly (and are not like 8dt for a watered down piss flavored tea) ? u/karim2k suggested bistrot1910 which I'm probably going to go to if there are no other recommendations. Help a fater out! ",,,,,,2018-05-22 15:53:07 8lcqkg,,1,Tsunami real disaster tokyo 2011,,,,,,,2018-05-22 19:17:58 8lhi1c,,8,#MouchBessif Sitin - Let's defend our civil rights!,,,,,,,2018-05-23 07:31:17 8ljulk,,1,World Cup 2018: The view from Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-05-23 14:36:03 8lwuge,,1,"So what do you think about Loans to start adult life (car , house , marriage ) ??",,,,,,,2018-05-24 22:39:21 8lyf6b,,7,American Tunisian Millenial planning on moving back to the motherland with a computer science degree after college. But question. What are the perceptions of a man with earrings and tattoos in modern day Tunisia?,I keep hearing different things on this. Is it more ok if i'm in major cities? will I find acceptance within the younger generation?,,,,,,2018-05-25 02:43:29 8m8p09,,10,submit your taxi story,"everyone gotta have a taxi story , you might as well tell it ",,,,,,2018-05-26 07:56:22 8mcfwe,,1,University in Tunisia,"Greetings I am Canadian but currently finishing high school in Saudi Arabia, I am interested in studying law in a university in Tunisia (preferably Sousse). How do I apply and what are the requirements? (Also I completed high school in English but I speak Canadian French) Thanks for the help ",,,,,,2018-05-26 19:27:08 8molth,,3,[Photo Gallery] - Mouchbessif sitin,,,,,,,2018-05-28 08:38:27 8moqxh,,7,post a tunisian joke,if you know any tunisian jokes post them here ,,,,,,2018-05-28 09:11:31 8mov5a,,1,Manifestation pour le droit de manger en public pendant le mois de ramadan #mouchbessif #fater,,,,,,,2018-05-28 09:38:08 8mpsr4,,0,How many niggoids and Mudslime allah cocksuckers live in this shithole?,[removed],,,,,,2018-05-28 12:46:16 8mpw4w,,0,I hope Israel nukes and plunders this shithole,[removed],,,,,,2018-05-28 13:02:24 8mpz72,,0,"I drew a picture of our lord and savior Muhammed PBUH for you all, historically accurate + Child Slave Wife",,,,,,,2018-05-28 13:16:24 8mv08w,,1,اهداف المباراة المجنونة - تونس 2-2 البرتغال 🔥مباراة دولية🔥28-5-2018_تعلي...,,,,,,,2018-05-29 01:07:25 8mx8ql,,1,"""Never try to have rules. We have no rules."" BIL Tunisia and Purses for Nurses | Home",,,,,,,2018-05-29 07:33:12 8mzbis,,6,#MouchBessif 2018 pour la liberté de conscience - مسيرة موش يالسيف,,,,,,,2018-05-29 14:01:39 8n3rdj,,10,"Firas El Echi, a Tunisian journalist (unoffical video) criticizes the fasting people/movement who require from others to respect their feelings by not eating/drinking",,,,,,,2018-05-29 23:28:26 8n591f,,3,Looking for a Tunisian to join our international whatsapp group chat!,"We have an international group chat on Whatsapp that has 1 user per country and we’re missing someone from Tunisia! We’re wondering if one if you would like to join the group! It’s very active and fun. Please remember that if you want to join, that its a very active group and it would be nice if you are active as well! All ages are welcomed but just for your information, everyone in the group ranges from the ages of 16 to 39. If you want to join, please fill out this [form]( and check out our subreddit r/OneUserPerCountry :)",,,,,,2018-05-30 03:08:54 8n7ma2,,5,Join Tunisia discord channel,,,,,,,2018-05-30 10:54:59 8nbi1d,,1,Our prime minister !!!! (I'm proud!),[deleted],,,,,,2018-05-30 19:34:19 8nbr7t,,13,Prime minister's speech !,,,,,,,2018-05-30 20:11:15 8ncu63,,1,Eager to join the next generation of tech changemakers? Our engineers fast-track their careers with personalized coaching and work experience with innovative technology brands. Apply today:,,,,,,,2018-05-30 22:23:02 8ndkzu,,5,"What kind of greeting is ""Coucou""?","It is shortened to ""cc"", at least from the messages that I receive from my Tunisian friend. He works in Tunis, but his family is from Beja, if it helps.",,,,,,2018-05-31 00:14:15 8ngsgx,,1,Sarah jay interview with el hiwar tv soon.,,,,,,,2018-05-31 08:35:08 8ni1zs,,3,#MounchBessif - Saturday June 2nd 2pm in front of the Tunisian embassy in Paris,,,,,,,2018-05-31 12:35:38 8nifks,,5,"Non married travelers, Will we have hard time sharing room?","From time to time you hear horror stories of non married people getting hassled when sharing a room in various countries. I am planning a trip to Tunisia and was wondering if that is something I should have on my radar? So an unmarried man and woman, splitting a room.",,,,,,2018-05-31 13:32:06 8njn8m,,3,Gameboy In tunisia,"salem, chkon ybi3 gameboy fi sfax wela ywasel lsfax madabiya gameboy advance wela advance sp w famech games zeda thnx",,,,,,2018-05-31 16:07:59 8ntun7,,1,Any idea why the ingredients are different in Algerian ?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-01 17:39:14 8nuy3v,,4,Iftar in Russian Mosque,,,,,,,2018-06-01 19:57:10 8o0ni8,,6,"Tunisia to raise fuel prices, not public wages to meet IMF terms",,,,,,,2018-06-02 13:48:18 8od0nw,,4,what are the pros of living in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2018-06-04 00:20:37 8of2cw,,1,Yuki - Dob Erroussi (Tunisian world cup anthem but by a japanese guy),,,,,,,2018-06-04 06:07:46 8oh6at,,6,Help: spheric/circular objects from Tunisian culture,"Hey I’m a graphic designer from Portugal. I wanted to design a series of posters for the upcoming World Cup, and while brainstorming around the idea of the ball I came up with the idea of having each poster showcase some kind of spheric or circular object that is traditional/specific to each country in the World Cup, something that is beautiful or tasty or meaningful or useful or historic or for some reason relevant to the country. So, having said this, can you guys think of any objects, tools, foods, symbols, artworks, plants, animals or really anything at all past or present from or relating to Tunisia that might be a good center-piece for the Tunisian poster? Everyone knows the top players from each country and I thought these posters could be a good way of people all around learning about a lesser known aspect of each culture, so please don’t be afraid of throwing in far-fetched, little known stuff, as long as they are somehow relevant to your local/national culture. They don’t even have to be real, it can be something, for example, out of a folk tale. Thank you so much everyone for your time and your help! PS: a version of this post will be posted across all the national subreddits of countries participating in the World Cup.",,,,,,2018-06-04 13:16:21 8ozgwr,,2,Popular NGOs?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-06 10:17:38 8p0tho,,1,Chahed limoge Brahem après naufrage du bateau de migrants clandestins,,,,,,,2018-06-06 13:58:47 8p4v9l,,1,#Agenda de la #Tunisie | #Agenda des #événements en #Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-06-06 22:09:29 8p5hj0,,5,Tunisia 2018 World Cup Squad [SPORT],,,,,,,2018-06-06 23:34:41 8p8iex,,1,طريقة تحضير الملوخية التونسية : La cuisine tunisienne : Mloukhia tunisienne,,,,,,,2018-06-07 07:58:57 8p9kac,,11,"Crew of an M3 Lee, Souk el Arbaa (actual Jendouba city), Tunisia, 23 November 1942",,,,,,,2018-06-07 11:33:59 8pcphs,,1,Résultat Bac Tunisie 2018,,,,,,,2018-06-07 18:26:22 8pmchb,,3,(Change my view) This country has gone to shit.,"Give it a decade or less and you'll all see how much we've regressed, and that shit is happening behind the scenes and we're just watching it pass us by. If you don't think so then politely comment and change my mind.",,,,,,2018-06-08 18:33:03 8pxqw6,,2,Dragon boating,I'm going to be visiting Tunisia in the summer for around a month do any of you know a place where they do dragon boating? ,,,,,,2018-06-10 02:03:00 8pz5ts,,3,Tunisie. Prêts à mourir pour vivre !,,,,,,,2018-06-10 06:49:02 8pzay4,,1,Spain vs Tunisia Goals & Highlights (1-0) 09/06/2018 HD,,,,,,,2018-06-10 07:26:16 8pzopt,,1,Spain vs Tunisia Goals & Highlights (1-0) 09/06/2018 HD,,,,,,,2018-06-10 09:09:50 8qap8e,,3,Recommendations for Tunis airport transfer June 15th,"Hello, I was wondering if any of you had any good recommendations of airport transfer companies. We'll arrive June 15th coming from Malta, at 2:30am. It's the Eid I think, so not even sure there will be taxis at the airport. Still we'd like to book with a company if possible. Our hotel refused to provide shuttle on that date. We're going to Bourguiba avenue in Tunis by the way Thanks in advance",,,,,,2018-06-11 16:03:00 8qhmxn,,1,Iftar like a local - Russia(thanks to Tunisian friends),,,,,,,2018-06-12 09:40:10 8qmj5u,,10,"En Tunisie, une commission présidentielle plaide pour l’égalité hommes-femmes dans l’héritage",,,,,,,2018-06-12 20:52:12 8qor06,,3,"Maya Jribi, Tunisian Fighter for Democracy, Is Dead at 58",,,,,,,2018-06-13 02:08:00 8qsn7m,,3,What can Tunisia do the make the UAE stay put for good?,"To be honest, I am confused why they bother so much with us, we’re in an entirely different region 1000s of km away, might as well consider us an unrelated foreign country and peace off.",,,,,,2018-06-13 14:01:12 8r0w8i,,10,"British soldier on top of a captured German Panzer III, Tunisia 1943 [960 x 711] [x-post /r/Historyporn] - Location: Unknown",,,,,,,2018-06-14 10:53:04 8r54bi,,6,Someone can help me find out this in Tunisia,"I'm a tourist that will soon be traveling to your beautiful country, So, in this case, I only need to know before traveling is: ""Does Tunisia have a system of currency exchange by local businesses or only by the banks?"" ""Are there any exchanges stores?"" Thanks, everyone!",,,,,,2018-06-14 20:29:50 8ra6yn,,0,2018 World Cup - Tunisia vs England - Group G - Match Preview,,,,,,,2018-06-15 11:24:13 8rcg1t,,8,info post,"so m about to move in to tunis 2 months from now , i'm originally from Nabeul , was wondering what are the key things to know about tunis , like the hidden unspoken about details that may come to my aid later on ",,,,,,2018-06-15 16:49:49 8rd172,,3,Any good Tunisian tongue twisters ?,"Hi guys, this is a [cross-post]( from /r/learn_arabic. I'd like to know if you had fun tongue twisters in Tunisian. I feel this is the kind of stuff that would be more common in dialects than standard arabic.",,,,,,2018-06-15 18:05:17 8ripa1,,26,Aidkom mabrouk everyone! At this occasion I felt like giving my 2 cents on the state of the Subreddit (Meta post),"Aidkom mabrouk! Whether believers or not, I hope you enjoyed celebrating with your family and/or friends. I wanted to talk a bit about r/Tunisia since it has been a long time since we last did. These last months I noticed a rise of the random Tunisian users I encounter on Reddit, and this is just on the subs I frequent like r/Soccer and r/leagueoflegends. There is about [80 Tunisian flairs on r/soccer](, and this [6k upvotes post]( had a lot of Tunisians too. However, I never saw most of these Tunisian users participating here. When questioning some of them, they would cite the inactivity of this sub, calling it ""dead"". But here's the thing : People aren't refraining from coming because the ""sub is dead"", it's the other way around. Abstention will create and accentuate inactivity. Of course, I'm not saying any Tunisian redditor is entitled to come take part here. It should be an effort from both sides. If this place becomes more attractive to people, user base will inevitably increase. So first i'm gonna talk about what distinguishes r/tunisia and Reddit from other available social medias : * The upvote/downvote system : It's not a perfect one, but it helps distinguish good and bad content. It also help having moderators to remove spam. Also the Reddit karma system ""rewards"" users for posting good content. * English discussions : It is allowed to talk in derja/french here, but there isn't a lot of english places on the internet about tunisia. The only other one I know is the expats in Tunisia group on Facebook. * The niche aspect : If you feel like Facebook/Instagram are too mainstream for them, some people could find Reddit comfortable and refreshing for them. It's much easier to talk about ""taboo"" topics here because of anonymity. It also helps that there's a lot of very useful subreddits on this website. Right now, the most frequent topic here is by far asking about informations on Tunisia. That's of course fantastic, we Tunisians love to talk about our country and it means people are interested about it. But here's what we could gladly see more of : * Humourous content : There's no rules against memes/low effort content. If you found something funny you thought about sharing it on Facebook or to friends, post it here! We will probably like it too. * Tunisian OCs : if you saw a drawing/song/cool thing made by a Tunisian, feel free to share! Tunisian youtube channels are also welcome. * Travel pics and experiences : If you recently made a trip to Tunisia and captured some cool sceneries, it would be cool to see them. It would be also interesting to hear how people felt about it. by the way places reviews are okay, as long as it's not cheap advertisement. * Popular topics : We all know that Tunisians turn into 11 million politicians in elections and 11 million coaches in sports tournaments. It would be nice to discuss more of those. The world cup just started for example, it's an excellent occasion to talk about how the Tunisian team will do under the world's spotlight. Quick note : Just because it would be nice to get bigger, doesn't mean it's okay to break Rule 1. **TL;DR : This place is nice but it can be much better. Be the change you want to see.** How do you guys feel about it ?",,,,,,2018-06-16 11:08:22 8rj196,,33,Tunisian Falaga (Armed Resistance) before a battle in Matmata 1952\1953,,,,,,,2018-06-16 12:26:12 8rkz1y,,4,drop a song that mostly nobody knows about (gotta be some fire ), ,,,,,,2018-06-16 17:44:37 8rqwdq,,1,Cuisine Royale (PubG like PvP game) is free for a limited time,,,,,,,2018-06-17 13:06:11 8rr37i,,10,Tunisian food,"Tunisia has to play at the World Cup against Belgium tomorrow, and I thought it would be fun to eat a traditional Tunisian meal while watching it! Does somebody have some recipees? Preferably without fish. Thanks!",,,,,,2018-06-17 13:40:13 8rxphz,,25,Matchday thread!,"IT'S HAPPENING!! 12 years after their last World Cup appearance, the Eagles are back. And they'll be feasting on Lion flesh tonight!* What's your mood today? How hyped are you? How nervous should we be? Have Sidi Mahrez and Ommezzin been notified and are they 100% ready for this game? If you have any insights, infos, fan pictures, memes around the match, post them here! !تحيا تونس #HERE WE GO!!! **11'** : 0-1 (Harry Kane) : نطيرو في العين وبرا **34'** : 1-1 (Ferjani Sassi) : GET IN!! **90'** : 1-2 (Harry Kane) : ... --- ^(* In case of unforeseen circumstance, like Tunisia somehow losing this, this last part will be edited as appropriate.)",,,,,,2018-06-18 07:41:50 8s1oos,,1,Its a draw for Tunisia or a Win Says Famous PredictionBaba Against Eng,[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-18 18:11:16 8s1po0,,1,KNOW HOW YOUR LIFE PARTNER WOULD LOOK LIKE (FOR ANYONE WHO EXPECT A PARTNER) ADULTERY FORNICATION,,,,,,,2018-06-18 18:14:56 8s4nae,,0,Way to take a dive.,[removed],,,,,,2018-06-19 00:44:28 8s71sp,,1,"Eat shit you diving, cheating, dirty cunts!!!!!",[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-19 07:45:06 8sbdb0,,3,HOW DO YOU SAY FROG IN TUNISIAN PLEASE HELP URGENT,,,,,,,2018-06-19 18:47:36 8sc6m4,,1,أقوى تصريح لمشجع تونسي في روسيا,[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-19 20:28:14 8sc6rc,,6,أقوى تصريح لمشجع تونسي في روسيا,,,,,,,2018-06-19 20:28:41 8sgd90,,5,Worldcup,,,,,,,2018-06-20 07:23:15 8skykw,,36,Tunisian fans cleans up the stadium before living,,,,,,,2018-06-20 18:59:14 8smdcv,,2,Any recommendation for non-smoking coffee in Tunis/Ariana?,Does anyone know a coffee with non-smoking rules or has dedicated space for non-smoker in Tunis or Ariana ?,,,,,,2018-06-20 21:54:43 8spw45,,1,Bonne Fête de la musique 2018,,,,,,,2018-06-21 07:22:59 8sqfhf,,3,Let's make some bets: Tunisia vs Belguim,"So guys, I'm going downtown in a very nice garden style bar downtown to watch the game and was wondering what are your prognostics for the Saturday game as the last standing Arab country in the World cup.",,,,,,2018-06-21 09:18:35 8srjqj,,17,Let's enjoy the single goal we did score ever in this WC: Mate thought England plays in White,,,,,,,2018-06-21 12:44:00 8stnp9,,3,Good beaches in Tunis ?,"Title pretty much sums it up ( feel free to mention any beach around Nabeul/Hammamet/Bizert too , since it's not that far imo ) I didn't go to the beach for like 5+ years so I have like zero freaking knowledge about it . My dad plans on getting us to Raoued , is it any good ?",,,,,,2018-06-21 17:12:57 8t05q5,,9,"Tiger 131 right after being captured at Gueriat el Atach (Mdjez El Beb), Tunisia, on April 24th, 1943 after being struck by a Churchill tank.",,,,,,,2018-06-22 10:04:01 8t0kii,,20,Belgium versus Tunesia: who would win?,,,,,,,2018-06-22 11:24:13 8t1p92,,2,"sooner or later , tunisia is closing borders",,,,,,,2018-06-22 14:22:00 8t38f0,,3,The Crave - New feeling (2018) [Alternative Rock],,,,,,,2018-06-22 17:38:33 8t4j8a,,7,Shipping from the outside to Tunisia,"Amazon doesn't ship to Tunisia. Ebay (as an extension of Paypal) doesn't deal with Tunisia. Any solution for single individuals that doesn't cost me more than the product itself? (As far as I can tell, solutions of [this type ]( are too expensive). = Do Chinese sites, like Alibaba, ship for free to Tunisia? Who does? Need it for items that don't exist in Tunisia at all...",,,,,,2018-06-22 20:27:03 8t5kei,,10,Choufli Hal anime opening,,,,,,,2018-06-22 22:53:44 8t92zw,,6,Bac Technique 2018,Hamdoulah Admis b 14.65 💕,,,,,,2018-06-23 10:26:41 8t9970,,5,Matchday thread : Tunisia vs Belgium,"Let's go Starting line ups :",,,,,,2018-06-23 11:09:14 8t9qto,,14,Much love Tunisia,"Your team plays beautiful football. Hopefully the 2nd half will be much different.",,,,,,2018-06-23 12:54:14 8tcwen,,2,Is it normal for doctors to request an HIV test for regular blood work without you knowing or requesting one?,,,,,,,2018-06-23 20:58:46 8te1yb,,4,Going to Sousse next week / please teach me some Words or sentences?,"Hi! I’m going to Sousse/Hammamet next weekend. I would love to learn some simple words like “Hello” “Good evening” “How are you?” “Please” “Where are you going?” “Come here please” And if you could type it phonetically that would be perfect. So far I only know Twahachtek (or Twahashtek? I see different spellings). Hemchi (?). And a “dirty” one 😅. Oh, and Hobi or Hob but I don’t know if that’s for a friend or a partner/wife. Hope to learn something here! Thanks so much! added; PS; I see allot of 7 3 and 5 used when Tunisians type on Facebook. Is that referring to a sound or word?",,,,,,2018-06-24 00:08:50 8tfmps,,0,Belgium vs Tunisia 5:2 - Reaction and Review,,,,,,,2018-06-24 04:58:38 8tjn31,,4,Visiting in August and have some questions!,"Hello Tunisia! I will be visiting your beautiful country in August and have a few questions. Do people speak mostly Arabic or French? I am from Quebec, Canada, so getting by on French alone would be preferable. Also, please excuse me if my question comes off as racist or offsetting, but I understand it is a Muslim country, so I would it be acceptable to wear shorts/t-shirts in public? cross around my neck? (I am Christian). I will be staying in Sousse, with day trips to Tunis and Djerba if that helps. Thanks in advance!! Much love from Canada",,,,,,2018-06-24 18:09:32 8tluep,,5,Best way to learn Tunisian Arabic?,"I'm vacationing to Tunisia in about a month and would like to learn some of the local Arabic. I can understand a few words from my own experiences with Tunisian family, but I really want to be able to hold a conversation. Are there any good resources online? Or perhaps finding a tutor is best?",,,,,,2018-06-24 23:23:19 8tm0zw,,1,مقلب بنت تطلب من الشباب ان يصبحوا اصدقاأها,[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-24 23:52:27 8tpnc1,,1,"Kick strart of the first Tunisia IXDA club, details in below in the comments",,,,,,,2018-06-25 11:10:58 8tqn3u,,2,What sorts of gifts do you bring home to your family in Tunisia?,"Hi all - Just curious, when you go home to Tunisia to visit your family, what sorts of gifts do you bring? I am thinking clothes may be no good because everyone is a different size and has different tastes...I just wonder what the custom is, how much I should spend, what I should get, thank you!",,,,,,2018-06-25 13:47:42 8trhm2,,1,Let's take time to appreciate Tunisia's most famous meme,[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-25 15:39:20 8ttogw,,9,Tunisia has one of the best team fans! (Russia FIFA 2018),,,,,,,2018-06-25 20:06:18 8typ9x,,53,We fought . We lost . Now we rest,,,,,,,2018-06-26 09:41:10 8tyqe5,,4,Quizz time: name at least 3 players from Tunisian team (Argentina World Cup 1978),,,,,,,2018-06-26 09:47:24 8u1xfe,,3,countdown to college,"hi there ppl , couple months from now i'll finally start my first year in college but before i do , amidst my research i came to the conception that public dorms are far from clean and may even be unsafe, do you guys , especially the ones in the capital as it's my prime destination, recommend that i rent a house rather than subscribing to a dorm service , or is my findings just myths and misconceptions ? ",,,,,,2018-06-26 17:29:35 8u4qiy,,4,YA ROUSSIYA HANA JEYIN...,,,,,,,2018-06-26 23:25:13 8u5t8b,,3,"Hi I’m an 18 year old tunisian who lived most of his life outside, I was wondering where people of my age group like to hangout.. and what type of places I can go to to have fun here.. thank you :)",,,,,,,2018-06-27 02:07:36 8u7xs9,,18,Tunisia 1978 team (Argentina World Cup),,,,,,,2018-06-27 08:31:25 8u8dwx,,2,One of the best young music talents in Tunisia: Ghada Maatoug,,,,,,,2018-06-27 10:05:01 8ua5fx,,11,Tinder in Tunisia?,"Hello, I have recently tried out the app in Tunis with very mixed results. While matches do happen it's very hard to have an actual discussion. 90&#37; of the profiles themselves are very sloppy : no bios, last name instead of first, 0 or just 1 pic, etc. For those who used it here? How were your experiences ? I should mention I'm a guy but female povs are also very welcome.",,,,,,2018-06-27 14:41:02 8udjaj,,3,Grindr in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-27 21:27:31 8uh648,,2,Traveling to Tunisia Soon- would like some advice about Taxis,"Hello Everyone, I will be traveling to Tunisia soon, I will be traveling alone (Asian-American Female). I have a friend there so I am not too worried about getting around the first couple days however, there will be a day where I need to get from Tunis to Hammamet, and I was thinking of going by Taxi since I have luggages. I been reading that it is best to negotiate a price before getting in. What is the average price for a trip like that? Should I negotiate? Is there other forms of transportation that would be more convenient? I do not speak French or Arabic. Thank you all for the help!",,,,,,2018-06-28 07:35:24 8uhhdh,,4,Locus Chain Foundation Becomes Blockchain Partner of Tunisia Economic City,,,,,,,2018-06-28 08:34:29 8uhn8k,,8,Matchday thread : Tunisia vs Panama,"Tunisia is playing Panama tonight. Who will win the coveted title of ""Worst Team in the World Cup""? Place your bets on who will tear their ACL playing a throw-in today. Speaking of that, is Errouge Ben Youssef reliable in Goal? Well.. talk amongst yourselves.. ---- **33'** : 0 - 1 : ¡Amistad con Túnez cancelada. Panamá es mi Nuevo país! **51'** : 1-1 **66’** : 2-1 : At least Khazri is playing football.. - - - It’s over now.. First win in the world cup in 40 years (!) yet it still feels like a humiliating loss.. ",,,,,,2018-06-28 09:15:52 8ul7yh,,4,Tunisia + Blockchain,"Does anyone know of any blockchain projects or groups coming out of Tunisia? Also, would someone who lives in Tunisia and mines crypto be willing to offer some insight into the their profit margins given electricity cost? Lastly, what’s the current government sentiment towards blockchain and cryptocurrencies? Any information on these topics would be very helpful, thank you. ",,,,,,2018-06-28 16:52:28 8ulgqt,,32,"Tunisia, December 1942, Jews enlisted in forced labor by the Germans",,,,,,,2018-06-28 17:17:08 8ulia8,,1,"Tunisian jews enlisted in forced labour by the Germans , Tunisia , December 1942'",[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-28 17:21:23 8ulk19,,1,"Tunisians enlisted in forced labour by the Germans,Tunis ,December 1942",[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-28 17:26:24 8ulkru,,1,"Tunisia , December 1942",[deleted],,,,,,2018-06-28 17:28:26 8uo90u,,17,"Two proposals, one of which is Homosexuality's decriminalisation",,,,,,,2018-06-28 23:01:43 8uxdqo,,3,"I designed 32 posters with cool stuff from the countries in the World Cup, with the help of Reddit",,,,,,,2018-06-29 22:44:00 8v1mwg,,3,Driving lessons in Tunisia,"So I'm a British student, hoping to travel to Tunisia this summer. I'm learning to drive at the moment and am thinking about taking some lessons while I'm there - I know it will be on the other side of the road etc but any practice is good and I've read that lessons are a lot cheaper. Would anyone be able to recommend a driving school or tell me anything about what it's like learning over there, and also if it would be easy to find an instructor who speaks English/French? Thank you :)",,,,,,2018-06-30 12:50:52 8v4o7f,,0,Arab atheists telegram group,[removed],,,,,,2018-06-30 20:24:44 8v85ga,,2,Last Monday I missed my flight because a lady at the information point decided not to help. This made me pay a ticket that cost 3 times the price of the initial ticket. Should I complain?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-01 06:35:40 8v9po0,,1,Tusian rapper Medusa - New Release,,,,,,,2018-07-01 12:57:47 8vdzkh,,8,Share Tunisian artists/songs you consider good,"I'll start [\_Lg](",,,,,,2018-07-01 23:22:00 8vlu0h,,4,Searching for a gym in hammamet,"i will have to spent 4 weeks in hammamet and i want to continue going to the gym there. my apartment is close to the polyclinique hammamet and the festival international the hammamet. I have seen some options on google and the closest one seems to be ""Power Fitness"" ? Does anyone know about them? Are they still open and what do they cost? hope u guys can help me out, thx in advance :) i added a link of the gym ",,,,,,2018-07-02 20:11:21 8vma95,,2,Buying a new car,"I'm searching for a brand new car my budget is limited by 35 000 dt any suggestions ?? PS: i don't want to wait for the delivery . ",,,,,,2018-07-02 21:08:43 8vr9kj,,9,لأول مرة في تونس.. إمرأة في منصب شيخ المدينة,,,,,,,2018-07-03 10:54:54 8vrjqq,,4,"Tunisie: la candidate d’Ennahdha Souad Abderrahim, première femme élue maire de Tunis",,,,,,,2018-07-03 11:47:41 8vt2ns,,3,What does Djerba in Tunisia has to offer guys? Can you point some of the best places to visit?,Me and my family are going to visit Djerba in August and want to know what to do and where to take the children and my wife to pass a good time. شكرا لك الاخوة,,,,,,2018-07-03 15:25:32 8vyt0f,,1,stream of consciousness,[removed],,,,,,2018-07-04 04:32:15 8wbmec,,1,A Tunisian Community,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-05 16:03:43 8wbrse,,9,Tunisian Community,"Hi there! we on Discord have created a Tunisian server.. this server offers a free, safe and compatible zone for Tunisians to interact and get to together, you can meet new friends from your own country and learn lots of new things because mind broadening conversations is mainly what this server is about and i said ""mainly"" because it can really be a space for many types of members such as Gamers, Artists, books/movie lovers and more. we expect nothing of you except that you be polite, respectable and non-judgemental. With that being said please join us on UNITY and let us have some fun!",,,,,,2018-07-05 16:22:06 8wetel,,3,Looking for must do tips for Tunis,I am visiting Tunis for a month. I am looking for must do things in Tunis. I want to make the most of my time here. I am welcome to tips and suggestions. Thank you in advance. ,,,,,,2018-07-05 22:34:38 8wetoo,,3,Any special activities to do in Tunis in the last couple of days in July,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-05 22:35:40 8wnhfg,,3,Looking for a Boxing Club,"Hi everyone. It will soon be 1 month that I practice the box in addition to my weight training at the gym. I took a liking to it and I would like to get serious about it. So I'm looking for a boxing club in Tunis to start. My gym is in Manar 2 which is close to home and so very convenient. If there was a box club also in the neighborhood would be the must. ",,,,,,2018-07-06 20:36:03 8wu7hk,,7,is it legal to go metal detecting in Tunisia ?,"so I'm asking if it's legal or not , if it's where can I buy a metal detector ?",,,,,,2018-07-07 16:08:29 8wujo5,,3,Things to do in Gabes?,"Hey guys I'll be visiting gabes in a few days mainly to visit family but I just get bored since most of my cousins are older than I am and already have their own families. Do you guys know of any horse back riding club or a martial arts club I could join to kill the time Thanks! ",,,,,,2018-07-07 16:54:54 8wx6mz,,3,Cheapest way to get to Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-07 23:07:24 8wyx4m,,2,Real Estate in Tunisia - reality vs expectations - Nabeul,[removed],,,,,,2018-07-08 03:57:52 8x0xos,,4,Looking for GYM's in tunis,"I'm going to tunisia the next week but I don't want to miss gym. I'm planning to stay there for a month or so but I am looking for a gym. To be honest I am currently on a steroid cycle (Test-e) and I'd like to ask, are there even steroids in tunisia? And how do I as a tourist ask local gym goers about it? I don't want to discontinue my usage during this trip.",,,,,,2018-07-08 11:49:42 8x163p,,9,Nine police men killed in a terrorist attack near Algerian borders,,,,,,,2018-07-08 12:39:21 8x2szn,,9,Street Art for Hope and Peace | eL Seed | TED Talks,,,,,,,2018-07-08 16:54:15 8x90nv,,3,Comicon Tunisia 2018 avec Sahar ben Hazem (Livrement Moi),,,,,,,2018-07-09 06:38:49 8x9ad5,,13,[Photo gallery] Comincon Tunisia 2018,,,,,,,2018-07-09 07:19:47 8xbzxb,,23,Tunisian Lieutenant and tirailleur from the 4th RTA during the First World War (1917),,,,,,,2018-07-09 14:16:20 8xk5dm,,4,I was browsing reddit and the idea of having Tunisian sub crossed my mind,"As the title implied, I looked up r/Tunisia, and expected to find a subreddit with at least 10k followers... except I didn't. So here are my two questions: 1-Why aren't there more reddit users in Tunisia and why isn't the reddit culture more widely spread among our citizens? 2-Why aren't most of the current users following the subreddit?",,,,,,2018-07-10 02:52:02 8xme9q,,7,Our thoughts about the 2018 Comicon edition (Bel Derja),,,,,,,2018-07-10 06:47:08 8xpz7y,,3,« La plus grande menace des djihadistes de l’Ouest tunisien est leur capacité de résilience » Le Monde,,,,,,,2018-07-10 15:04:39 8xtj0x,,1,How do Tunisians feel about England's success in the World Cup?,"It seems odd that England BARELY beat Tunisia but is now 2 wins away from winning it all. Does that show how good Tunisia really is? Did Tunisia just catch them off guard and they had a bad night? Is England just having a Slumdog Millionaire stroke of luck and beating people unawares? Do you WANT them to win? Do you want them to lose?",,,,,,2018-07-10 21:33:31 8xx8kq,,6,"So, once again Tunisia is ""missing"" from the Reddit Global Meetup list, good job guys!",,,,,,,2018-07-11 06:27:22 8yivs2,,1,rtsdqsdaze,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-13 10:36:26 8ylhxs,,23,No hesitation here,,,,,,,2018-07-13 16:36:58 8ynpfu,,2,Proxy Shipping Services to USA?,"Hi all, I'm wondering what my best bet is for ordering from a site that only ships within Tunisia, and getting that package over to the US. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!",,,,,,2018-07-13 20:56:02 8yos0u,,1,does anyone ship their luggage & gifts to tunisia before they go there (and get on flight to tunisia with just a carryon),[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-13 23:19:13 8yowio,,6,would there be any benefit in getting tunisian citizenship?,"for example, if you are a citizen of a country that is part of the european union, you can live in any EU country - i think! i am wondering, does having tunisia citizenship carry any benefits like that? thank you",,,,,,2018-07-13 23:37:30 8ypn0a,,2,Are all the banks closed saturday?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-14 01:29:54 8yuphn,,1,"Examens, DS et Séries corrigés 1er Licence Appliquée en Comptabilité (LAC) (IHEC Carthage)",,,,,,,2018-07-14 17:03:29 8yy1id,,3,i wonder ( fac ),so guys and gals li 9raw ( ya9rao ) fil les facultés i was wondering bout the nature of clubs offered cuz i failed to found any useful info ...,,,,,,2018-07-15 01:04:38 8yzi8h,,3,Can you use Payoneer card to cash out money in Tunisia?,"Hello Everyone, I live in Tunisia and I'm considering going full time free lancer and I think Payoneer is one of the best options available to cash in, but I was wondering If it's possible to cash out the money from here, because If I can't what would be the point. I hope one of you have experience with this and can telll me.",,,,,,2018-07-15 05:23:26 8z4e17,,3,Visiting Tunisia with foreign friends,"Im gonna be in Tunisia for one week with Austrian friends and I would like to know which cities would be the best to visit? We only have booked 2 nights in Tunis until now and the rest is open. We would like to go out, go swimming but also visit the country. We will also have a car for the whole trip, so driving around won’t be a problem. I myself i’m tunisian, but to be honest i only chill with the family when i’m in Tunisia and don’t really go around. So young people of Tunisia, what do you recommend?",,,,,,2018-07-15 19:41:38 8zaitt,,6,"Almost 11 years, Mariah Carey was on stage at the iconic Menzeh 6 staduim for her first (and maybe last) concert in Tunisia",,,,,,,2018-07-16 12:32:38 8zdp6p,,6,"I’m a 15 year old who’s lived outside the country all my life, i’m visiting this summer for 3 weeks and I don’t know anyone (apart from grandparents). What can I do so I don’t get bored out of my head?",,,,,,,2018-07-16 19:00:02 8zelep,,1,"Le Bey de Tunis Mohamed el-Habib Bey à l'Elysée, 8-8-1926",[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-16 20:37:59 8zn5un,,1,Aides aux exercices - Forum,,,,,,,2018-07-17 17:29:35 8zpsq8,,1,Passer des vacances en famille à Rabat au Maroc,,,,,,,2018-07-17 22:32:49 8zv68k,,4,Is this movie from Tunisia?," Can any of you confirm if this movie is from Tunisia? [](",,,,,,2018-07-18 12:44:28 8zyiiq,,0,Shameless self-promotion,[removed],,,,,,2018-07-18 19:19:06 906hxp,,1,الزعيم يلهط على طول,,,,,,,2018-07-19 14:49:56 90jdit,,5,mi gna بالتونسي,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-20 20:16:01 90oyb4,,5,Hey how y'all doing in the Heat ?,,,,,,,2018-07-21 12:29:54 90qfuq,,0,"Everyone Plz Help me Growing My Channel , im 12 years old",[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-21 16:19:29 90thwd,,2,What does douga mean?,I came across [this song]( on YouTube and i really like it. I was wondering what does douga mean? Thanks :),,,,,,2018-07-21 23:27:06 90zx7e,,2,Music Videos in Tunis/Sousse,"So I will be going to Tunisia for a month or so in August, I will be moving between the capital and Sousse and am looking for someone to film a music video for me. I've looked around online but can't find what I am looking for so wondering if anyone on here knows how i could find someone to produce a video for me and roughly how much it would cost? Appreciate any answers! ",,,,,,2018-07-22 18:38:26 918b6w,,3,It's an old video but I thought I'd share it with you guys in case you haven't already seen it,,,,,,,2018-07-23 16:03:08 91a4xg,,3,Help me identify this drink,"Hi, 15+ years ago a friend of mine went to Tunisia for a holiday, when he came back he brought this light green colored (see trough) syrup. It had to be mixed with ??? Not sure, probably water. It was somewhat minty. Name MAYBE starts with ""A""? Help pls",,,,,,2018-07-23 19:29:23 91abb0,,1,كيفاه تسرع الحاسوب متاعك بدون برامج وبطريقه سهلة,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-23 19:49:19 91iwhb,,0,"بلطي يغني لفلسطين 😍😍.. "" بالروح و الدم نفديك ✊",[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-24 16:27:26 91uofo,,6,Is 18 000 TND enough as a yearly salary?,"Is 18 000 TND enough as a yearly salary? Living in tunis, is it a good salary for that city?",,,,,,2018-07-25 18:54:35 926mcn,,0,😂😂3 Da2at - اول تونسي يغني قلبي دق 3 دقات😂😂,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-26 21:56:10 92azdr,,29,Beautiful memory in tunisia!,,,,,,,2018-07-27 09:13:57 92huuq,,0,بالتونسي ههههههه شبعة ضحك Da2at 3,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-28 00:20:04 92l877,,1,ههههههه,,,,,,,2018-07-28 10:37:25 92mksr,,0,صور خسوف القمر في تونس 2018,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-28 14:40:02 92mn4h,,8,Do Tunisians waste a lot of food or is it as common as in other countries?,"Personally I was taught not to waste food or money (which is used to get food) so I was kinda shocked recently when I saw how much people leave food in restaurents and fancy cafés. Even more astonishing when it's a very expensive restaurent and some leave half their plates or even barely touch it. Some even do that in ""All you can eat"", which means they throw away a lot of food they choose themselves to consume in the first place. All of that food is going to the trash can after all (although some restaurents offer you to take it). And this is just was i saw in public places, I know for a fact many households throw away any unfinished platerather than keep it for next meal. I feel bad when I leave something edible tbh. Is it considered ""normal"" and is the same case in other places or is it actually something tunisians do a lot?",,,,,,2018-07-28 14:49:43 92oaxx,,1,Starting a Film production company in Tunisia?,"Worth it? What do i need to start one? I'm I going to gain money from it? I have a bunch of questions and i truly need some answers. ",,,,,,2018-07-28 18:31:35 92q3s2,,0,creation site web tunisie,,,,,,,2018-07-28 22:36:53 92qzuk,,2,Tunisian relationship to Turkey,"Hey guys Im from turkish origin and a big football fan. During todays Galatasaray Club Africain match I noticed that the atmosphere was pumped and the tunisian side played really phisically. Also I noticed that on social media many tunisian supporters were really pumped about the match. They posted on masses on GS sites. Also I had to think about the tunisia turkey friendly game ahead of the world cup where I felt alot of hatred against the turks and where fans breached the pit at the end of the game. So I wanna know what makes those supporters so pumped up for such a behaviour in friendly games. Is it a sort of hatred towards turkish/ottoman culture or is it just tunisian mentality? Peace ✌",,,,,,2018-07-29 00:50:06 92rn8o,,1,S'il vous plait. A little translation help,,,,,,,2018-07-29 02:37:29 92uyjd,,4,Anyone coming to tunisia from paris?,"so i ordered some books from bookdepository and got them delievered to Ile de france in paris and my friend was supposed to pick them up for me but he came back here to tunisia before they came, so i was wondering if someone here could grab them for me. I hope this is the right place to ask.",,,,,,2018-07-29 14:03:18 92v119,,6,Best place to visit the Sahara?,Would it be Douz? I only have 2 days and I coming from Djerba. Thank you for the information!,,,,,,2018-07-29 14:14:12 92vcxi,,47,"Tunis, souk El Aassar, 1912",,,,,,,2018-07-29 15:04:19 92wv4l,,2,Any idea where to get an accurate body fat measurement in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2018-07-29 18:30:22 92z8gm,,8,Anyone down to meet in La Goulette?,I’m on holiday here and I’d love to meet new people. Send me a message if you’re down.,,,,,,2018-07-29 23:54:46 933qc6,,0,حينما تتسب الدولة الفرنسية في كارثة عظمى في تونس#JALELNEWS,[deleted],,,,,,2018-07-30 12:42:22 93c8u3,,3,"[Photo Gallery] Mariah Carey Tunis concert 12 years ago - July 24, 2006",,,,,,,2018-07-31 07:05:18 93i635,,6,What do you think about this?,,,,,,,2018-07-31 20:35:19 93qedw,,3,WHo are responsible for the rules on visiting Tunisia with an ID card (for certain EU citizens),"Citizens of many (but not all) EU countries, plus Switzerland, can enter Tunisia with national ID cards instead of passports, if travelling on an ""organised trip"" (the exact definition being unclear). The problem is: I'd like to know: 1. The exact list of countries whose IDs are accepted 2. Whether it has to be a full holiday package with flights and hotel in the same booking, or a prepaid hotel reservation with a voucher for the whole stay is enough. Police at different airports have given me different versions (and don't even start mentioning embassies - no one knows anything there!) As such, I'd like to know: what administration/authority is directly responsible for this regulation, and how can I contact them? Visa matters are handled by the Ministry of Foreign affairs, but I've heard that this regulation is handled by the Ministry of Tourism. Could you please let me know whom to contact?",,,,,,2018-08-01 16:18:12 93r0fx,,2,financial advice,is 100k d salary per year enough to luxury life in tunisia ??,,,,,,2018-08-01 17:24:40 93w49x,,5,rent and roommate,"hey there people of reddit idk if this type of post is allowed but anyhow , i'm gonna start the college life gloriously this year and me and 2 friends are looking for a place to rent in manouba preferably in den den , also in the same context we're missing one spot so i was wondering who would want to join my quest of survival this year, thanks",,,,,,2018-08-02 04:16:44 94305r,,5,Renting a car in Djerba,How hard is it to find an automatic? I need to drive out into the desert for 2 days. Or I can learn manual pretty quickly.,,,,,,2018-08-02 20:37:36 944n66,,1,[deleted by user],,,,,,,2018-08-02 23:59:56 948zd8,,5,How do you guys view law enforcement here ? And what has been your experience with Tunisian police ? ( if there was any ),"Now I know cops are generally viewed as the bad guys since they have quite a history in the torture and corruption domains but how were your personal encounters with them ? How can law enforcement improve in this country ? Would love to hear any suggestions . Have you ever called 197 ( Emergency number to call the police ) ? How long did it take them to show up ? ",,,,,,2018-08-03 12:01:52 94fnz8,,8,(martial arts) gyms for women in djerba?,"hey guys. i was looking for women only gyms or martial arts gyms (i do muay thai atm). im looking forward to visit my family more often there, but actually all im allowed to do there is staying in grannys house lol. but maybe i could convince my family to work out in djerba :p but i just dunno where... any recommendations? and is it possible to be in a gym for a few weeks only? or do all gyms want a contract? i could also do a one year contract if its not that expensive....dinar is worth way less than euro soooooo.what are the prices like? best regards",,,,,,2018-08-04 02:18:30 94nayr,,0,أمينة فاخت تتحرش بالعازف أمام آلاف المشاهدين في مهرجان سوسة!!,,,,,,,2018-08-04 23:08:50 94uqp4,,0,Jdid rap tounsi 2018 🔥🔥🔥,,,,,,,2018-08-05 20:05:58 94vtqq,,22,Books about The Tunisian Campaign WW2 (1942/1943),,,,,,,2018-08-05 22:29:00 9509hl,,1,psychedelic drugs,[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-06 10:49:22 950cvy,,1,"Habibi Funk // حبيبي فنك : Dalton - Alech (Tunisia, 1973)",[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-06 11:05:44 950jel,,11,"حبيبي فنك : Dalton - Alech (Tunisia, 1973)",,,,,,,2018-08-06 11:37:11 959g6j,,6,"Hey guys, help me pick up one laptop gamer from this list, budget less than 2.2k TND",,,,,,,2018-08-07 07:11:51 95ap71,,8,Military Service,"So I'm going to Tunisia for a month or so today, I am 21 and have tri-nationality, including Tunisian, but I was born and raised in the UK. I am currently a student in England as well. I read on my passport that the British government will not give me any assistance in foreign nations because of my other nationalities, so my question is will I be stopped at the airport and made to join the army lol? I can barely speak Arabic, or French, and I'm aware Tunisia still uses conscription. Am I likely to be stopped on arrival? THIS POST HAS BEEN LOCKED BY AN IDIOT. HE ASKED FOR PROOF, I GAVE IT TO HIM AND NOW HE WON'T REPLY OR UNLOCK THE POST. FOOL. ",,,,,,2018-08-07 11:12:32 95dyir,,16,"Dual citizens of Tunisia, How did you end up with a second passport ? Could you effectively call both of them ""home"" ? How did it affect your self identity ?","Tunisian/Russian here . ( Russian mom/Tunisian Dad ) Feel free to AMA . ",,,,,,2018-08-07 18:00:08 95glhz,,6,Short layover in Tunis,"I will be flying into Tunis around 11:30 and have about 8-9 hours before my next flight. I'd like to leave the airport and grab some food for sure, and then possibly see a sight if it is close enough. Any suggestions on where to eat/what to see in my few hours?",,,,,,2018-08-07 23:03:39 95hnp7,,6,Does anyone know a meetup or club or something of sorts for crossdressers ?,"Been trying out crossdressing and loving it, was wondering if there are any communities (preferably in tunis or Ariana) for crossdressers or transgenders. Thanks",,,,,,2018-08-08 01:27:32 95lbg2,,6,"If you are traveling to Tunisia for tourism, do you need a roundtrip plane ticket?","I'm just a foreigner, can I, for example, take the plane there and return to France by ferry?",,,,,,2018-08-08 11:52:10 95vih0,,0,Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2018-08-09 11:12:19 95x82n,,6,La Tunisie intègre le méga-projet chinois à 1000 Milliards,,,,,,,2018-08-09 15:06:29 95yx4a,,14,Travailler en Tunisie ?,"اهلا! Je suis Francais, la trentaine, software engineer, et ma femme est Franco-Tunisienne (data scientist). Nous vivons aux US, mais nous reflechissons a nous rapprocher de nos familles respectives. Dans notre domaine, le marche du travail est plus attractif en Europe a priori, mais je me demandais ce qu'il en etait en Tunisie. Y a-t-il des gens qui bossent dans l'IT parmis vous ? Si oui, pouvez-vous m'en dire un peu plus sur l'etat du marche du travail dans le domaine en Tunisie ? Je suis interesse par: - la base: si ca embauche, tout simplement - la base (bis): les salaires - le type de boites qui embauchent (startups? fonction publique? multi-nationales?) - les endroits ou le marche est le plus attractif (Tunis j'imagine, mais y a-t-il d'autre boites) - la culture au travail: est-ce que le travail a domicile est facilement accepte, les relations entre collegues, etc. Par ailleurs, je n'ai pas la nationalite Tunisienne. Dans quelle mesure est-ce un handicap ? PS: comment sont percus les Francais en Tunisie globalement ? Quand j'ai rencontre des expats j'avais un peu l'impression qu'ils vivaient en communaute fermee, la plupart de parlant meme pas l'arabe... Ca ne me fait pas rever. Vous avez des exemples de Francais qui arrivent a s'integrer ? PPS: desole pour le post en Francais. J'apprends l'arabe, mais je n'ai pas encore le niveau pour ce genre de choses ! ",,,,,,2018-08-09 18:13:51 95zitf,,7,Tunisian Chat Room is here ! :),,,,,,,2018-08-09 19:20:56 960jpl,,5,"Where to get good flight deals TUN-LA, CA.","I want to book a flight: TUN-LA, CA. (Mid to late September) LA, CA-TUN. (Late November-early December) Where should I look online for good deals? ",,,,,,2018-08-09 21:15:42 96gro7,,11,(Arabic) Tunisians protests against LGBTQ & women rights!,,,,,,,2018-08-11 14:04:29 96ozz6,,1,"(Arabic) Tunisian Model- ""Nutella""",[removed],,,,,,2018-08-12 13:02:15 97du9i,,10,We need to work on this,"Why aren't there any national prevention life lines or crisis text lines for citizens in Tunisia National emergency numbers for the police and ambulances aren't enough sometimes people want to deal with these things privately and usually don't want to cause trouble for their families and friends I was scrolling through my newsfeed the other day in an app that I use frequently and I saw a post that had a list of suicide crisis lines by country I was curious whether Tunisia had one or not as I expected it didn't it pissed me off even more after doing some digging on the internet and I couldn't find anything on several websites that offer these type of help lines It clearly shows that our country doesn't deal with this situation properly and most people here in Tunisia aren't aware that mental health is extremely important for one's well being ",,,,,,2018-08-15 00:41:40 97g0ww,,6,Sites not listed in guide books?,"I recently discovered Pheradi Majus and enjoyed walking around the site. This place wasn't listed in any Tunisia guide book that Ive read and I'm now interested in finding other lesser known sites to visit. Does anyone have a suggestion of another site to visit that is a hidden jem?",,,,,,2018-08-15 06:23:35 97hk09,,4,Thoughts?," He claims that we are untied from the religion rules and yet there are still laws that contradict his saying Also the actual economy is a more urgent problem no one seem to care about",,,,,,2018-08-15 11:44:58 97khvm,,15,Tunisia’s President Says Women Should Have Equal Inheritance Rights,,,,,,,2018-08-15 17:59:17 97q1ns,,0,"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.",[removed],,,,,,2018-08-16 06:55:29 97qqmi,,1,La balance alimentaire tunisienne excédentaire en juillet,,,,,,,2018-08-16 09:13:44 97rn6g,,10,Any good tunisian tv show/ movie you recommend ?,,,,,,,2018-08-16 11:58:12 9807pp,,23,#Hammamet my pretty city .. Tunisia Mars 2018,,,,,,,2018-08-17 07:16:38 983z2k,,9,Tunis for Winter...,"I cross-posted this in the digitalnomad subreddit before I realized there was a Tunisian subreddit! Thought y'all might be able to help... Need to be outside Schengen for a few months. I've been everywhere in Eastern Europe, so thinking about Tunis for a few months starting in Dec. I like renting a house for a few months, cooking, hanging out, working, etc. Not really a tourist any more, but I do like taking side-trips... In particular I am curious if I should live in the eastern suburbs (Carthage, Sidi, Masra), and if so, how hard is it to get around without a car? Also, how slow is the internet? I don't need super-fast, but do need a consistent connection. Looks like there are a few coworking spots in Tunis that might work? Any advice appreciated.",,,,,,2018-08-17 16:59:31 98gdod,,0,Currency conversion/bringing money out of Tunisia,"Hey guys, I know that foreign currency can be swapped for TND upon arrival and that when leaving Tunisia, you can swap the amount you swapped into TND back into Euro at the airport. What I do not know about is how I can swap TND to USD/EUR/GBP and vice versa inside of the country - and - in large amounts $10k-1m USD and how to bring this out of the country. I would like to attract Tunisian capital to a few overseas projects. Could I, as an example, convert their 150k TND to 50k EUR at one of those bureau windows at the airport, put the cash into my bank branch and wire it out of the country or are there currency controls/money movement restrictions? Thanks, SAA",,,,,,2018-08-19 00:40:59 98lz8z,,38,Doing an internship in Tunis and now enjoying the view in Kelibia,,,,,,,2018-08-19 17:38:33 98x96r,,6,freshman ?,"hlrrr prestigious ppl of reddit , this yr will be my first in a university ( manouba ) and i was the most curious about the subtle changes that ppl fail to mention , like campus traditions and no no's etc , ergo , if u please , bless me with the knowledge to carry on a smooth transition between highschool and college .",,,,,,2018-08-20 20:38:28 9929h7,,5,Still waiting for the Tunisian government to care about our complains from 20 years ago. For example: public transit problem..,[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-21 11:08:54 995k20,,31,Eid Mubarak/Mabrook to everyone on /r/Tunisia!,"I'm not sure if it should be Mubarak or Mabrook. You can take the one that is appropriate (or both, why not). I hope that you all are in good health and had a fantastic Eid. ",,,,,,2018-08-21 18:14:37 995txs,,1,"Le guide du télétravail en Tunisie, Algérie et Maroc",,,,,,,2018-08-21 18:46:26 997ber,,4,"Tunisian kid's song ""fartatou ya fartatou""","I sumbled upon [this really nice tunisian song]( for little kids on I don't really understand the lyrics, but I really like the part of the tajine that does ""tchh tchh"" and the kitten that does ""mach mach"" :)",,,,,,2018-08-21 21:39:14 998gqo,,1,A question that needs to be answered,[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-22 00:05:00 99e6qq,,15,People who put 3osben in javel overnight. What is wrong with you?,"I just learned that people do this, it tasted of literally nothing. People who do this, who hurt you? What do you have against life and beauty? ",,,,,,2018-08-22 15:15:49 99i2k6,,9,"""Girls react to being called beautiful (Tunisian Version) - ردة فعل بنات توانسة كي تقّلهم محلاك""",,,,,,,2018-08-22 23:02:20 99i6gt,,2,"""People react to being called beautiful (Tunisian Version) - ردة فعل توانسة كي تقّلهم محلاك""",,,,,,,2018-08-22 23:16:18 99ip06,,1,Charlotte Independence vs Louisville City FC,[removed],,,,,,2018-08-23 00:27:07 99iub2,,2,Charlotte Independence vs Louisville City FC live stream free,[removed],,,,,,2018-08-23 00:47:39 99ivkr,,4,Help,"Does anyone use an e - dinar card? I wanted to check my balance the other day so I logged into the wedsite in order to do so. I entered the necessary information my card number and confidential code. At this point all I had to do was press the ""valider"" button so I can re-enter my confidential code but it doesn't seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong? Note : there also seems to be an image code where you have to retype it but it's not working either. ",,,,,,2018-08-23 00:52:44 99punc,,7,Tunisian Americans,Hey I was just wondering if there any other American born Tunisian who come to Tunisia to visit there family. I really don't find many maybe like 2 or 3 so far . Also the other way around in the U.S for me in the town I live theres a small handful of us Tunisians like 10-15 of us varying ages.,,,,,,2018-08-23 18:23:12 99ygxp,,2,Lost my departure card. Am I in trouble?,"I am visiting Tunisia and lost my departure card by accident. Of course I have a stamp in my passport which shows when I arrived. Will I face any problems when I leave? If it matters I used my US passport when I arrived Shukran",,,,,,2018-08-24 15:40:58 9a1px2,,4,Tunisian History,"Any good books about the history of Tunisia in English? I'm not the best in french and i find books in Arabic too hard to understand, Thanks in advance :D",,,,,,2018-08-24 22:13:00 9a6eek,,9,"Harissa, Zgougou, where is couscous?? 🇹🇳",,,,,,,2018-08-25 12:22:44 9aanyi,,7,A question about credit cards and Paypal in Tunisia.,"As most of you probably know, Paypal still doesn't operate here in Tunisia. I saw a few ways to go around that when I did a little research but they seem to be outdated now. I'm looking to get into some freelance work and most of the payouts are Paypal only. My question: is there a 'legal' way to verify a Paypal account? Any insight/help is very much appreciated. Thank you.",,,,,,2018-08-25 22:16:26 9ag6hq,,0,eli y7ab method sahla bch ydabber chway bitcoin,[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-26 15:06:26 9akbkz,,1,The world's largest museum dedicated to an animal - The Crocodile Museum in Aswan,[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-27 00:12:36 9aoefg,,7,A discussion about the future of Tunisia,"Hello, a few days ago, I ve had a discussion with a relative about the future of Tunisia and, since we ve had diverging POV, I'd like to have your opinion about that : Her Pov: In the next few years, because of poverty and conservatism, Ennahda will get elected. Right after their elections, using their connexion with countries like Qatar &co, they will show quick economic results (unemployment &co) . Then the population will become grateful to them and they will get reelected. Slowly but surely, we'd lose all the freedom we got from the revolution and end up in a situation similar to Iran. In 3 decades, people will be opposing the gov's conservative policies and we'd end up, like Iran, in a situation where atheism thrives. After that a revolution happens again and the country becomes a stable western country. That would be for ""the best"" &#x200B; My POV : The two last statements are wishful thinking. In the next few decades, most likely, AI and Automation will become increasingly important in our daily life. As a consequence, a big political reform will become necessary. The west is already talking/thinking about UBI& such. And for a reason. In circumstances where another ""industrial revolution"" happens, it'd be best to have a government that is democratic (=> people focused) and that react quickly (progressist ). As a result, having Ennahda win will lead to a short but inconsistant growth in standards of living. After a decade, they wont be able to implement the policies necessary for the next tech revolution. => People will suffer after 10-15 years. This will lead to situation where ""Tunisia missed the right moment to implement its policies"" and another few decades of poverty. &#x200B; Instead, the ""instable Nida or whatever that is not conservative "",ideally someone young, would be much better. (even with all their flaws) Although we'd face short term consequences (as we already do), they would at the very least react with more ""open mindedness"" to a tech change. Also, they will be able to get some experience during the current years which isnt to be neglected as it might lead to benefits at the moment of the tech rev. Even if they ""miss it"", since the gov will still be a democracy, the possibility of the following ""elected party"" not missing it isnt 0. &#x200B; In the end, we would benefit from the tech rev and we could use it as an accelerator to get a ""better country"". Ofc, that might be wishful thinking on my part :/ &#x200B; &#x200B; Anyway, what do you think about that? what do you think will happen? and how? &#x200B;",,,,,,2018-08-27 12:12:22 9az2sx,,1,لا تلقي بأي شيء حاول ان ترممه,,,,,,,2018-08-28 13:49:35 9b021r,,7,La Tunisie vue du ciel : un projet de « We Capture You »,,,,,,,2018-08-28 15:50:26 9b0axc,,12,Is Tunis safe enough for a dumb American tourist like me to spend a week?,&#x200B;,,,,,,2018-08-28 16:19:06 9b0zdh,,1,Am I the only One who dosen't like algerian people ?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-28 17:37:17 9b3gcw,,2,Study in Tunisia or outside,"Hello tunisian people who are outsite of tunisia , i want to ask you about studying my master or engineer degree ,iam a student of Embedded systems in Tunisia (in institue supperieure d'informatique ) , and this year inchalah i will be in my 3rd year , so i want to ask you , is it good to complete my study in france as master degreee , or i chooose esprit tunisie for engineer diploma , and if i study in tunisia it is posssible that i can work outside of tunisia after my engineer degree? and what is realy better",,,,,,2018-08-28 22:24:13 9b84t9,,1,Anyone from Tunisia willing to join our international public discord?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-29 10:40:16 9b8jeu,,17,Updates,An unmarried woman can finally adopt a child in Tunisia :),,,,,,2018-08-29 11:44:48 9bcfh6,,0,كيفية الربح من انستقرام بسهولة و تحقيق اكثر من مئة دولار يوميا,,,,,,,2018-08-29 19:31:50 9bgkps,,52,My Tunisian dad (who lives in the US) has a stock of 21 cans of Harissa in case the apocalypse happens!,,,,,,,2018-08-30 04:36:07 9bhfkk,,2,New Tunisian Rap: Elbig,,,,,,,2018-08-30 07:07:52 9bhil5,,9,Tunisian are awesome: Just read the comments on the video...,,,,,,,2018-08-30 07:24:10 9bhl9p,,4,Awesome Tunisian 70s tunes: Carthago - Alech,,,,,,,2018-08-30 07:39:05 9bjadp,,1,Check out this track I made with a friend a couple of days ago ! Hope you like it,,,,,,,2018-08-30 12:43:26 9bks1u,,1,"La Tunisie s’attend à une croissance économique de 3,5% en 2019",,,,,,,2018-08-30 15:48:13 9blz8y,,1,Fellow Tunisians is This True?,[removed],,,,,,2018-08-30 18:02:51 9bsam5,,1,"Tunisia, IMF locked in difficult talks to raise fuel and electricity prices in order to secure the next loan tranche",[deleted],,,,,,2018-08-31 09:57:55 9bsr0t,,17,"Tunisian energy minister, officials sacked over corruption accusations",,,,,,,2018-08-31 11:20:28 9ccssa,,1,TIL that Monaco and Indonesia have similar flag patterns.. So do Chad and Romania...,,,,,,,2018-09-02 15:19:52 9cearm,,5,L'ange gardien des migrants,,,,,,,2018-09-02 18:26:18 9ch78o,,1,Tunisian Real Estate Market,[removed],,,,,,2018-09-03 01:09:27 9cm96f,,1,"Le dinar tunisien continuera de reculer mais son effondrement est ""improbable""",,,,,,,2018-09-03 15:14:39 9cvt0x,,2,Tunisian Youth Find a Political Voice in Rap,,,,,,,2018-09-04 13:53:03 9czhux,,5,Maghreban subreddit,"hey guys i just wanted to ask your opinion , would it be cool if we had a maghreban subreddit to discuss all the topics related to the region and it's future ? i think it would be good to improve the communication between us Edit : i asked the same question in The algerian and the moroccan subreddit , here are the answers :p [\_subreddit/]( [\_subreddit/](",,,,,,2018-09-04 20:38:55 9d4y6e,,5,"As a person who just visited Tunisia, why is it that so many houses are unfinished/empty?",,,,,,,2018-09-05 09:54:32 9d5292,,3,"As a foreigner, I just visited Tunisia and I noticed that all the advertisements I saw, were white people or lighter skinned. Does anyone know why?",,,,,,,2018-09-05 10:11:40 9d596f,,1,Quand les murs du siège de Facebook sont décorés par Nja Mahdaoui,,,,,,,2018-09-05 10:40:50 9d6c8s,,8,What's your favourite Tunisian dish ? And what do you like about it ?,My personal favourite is Osbane. I like it's spices and how well they go with each other. I also like the ambience in which it's made since it's usually cooked in Aïd.,,,,,,2018-09-05 13:04:17 9da1ps,,6,starting university pretty soon,"Hey there ppl of reddit i was wondering , any suggestions on part time jobs in tunis preferably manouba ?",,,,,,2018-09-05 19:33:06 9dk33j,,1,[SPORT] Le Tunisien Malek Jaziri qualifié en demi-finale du double messieurs de l'US Open,,,,,,,2018-09-06 16:07:46 9dmg19,,5,Food Recommendations in Tunis,"Hello, I'm going to be visiting Tunis for 5 days and am looking for some recommendations of breakfast/lunch places to eat. I'll be staying in the Medina area of the city. Most of the information I find on the internet is about fine dining restaurants like Dar El Jeld which I plan on visiting for dinner. I'm looking for cafes or other places to go while I'm walking around Tunis enjoying the sites. Does the city have an area that is known for hawker stalls/street food? &#x200B; Any and all recommendations about what I should eat/do/see while in Tunis are very welcome!",,,,,,2018-09-06 20:01:44 9dqocl,,1,Histoire du Maghreb : Le général Hannibal,[deleted],,,,,,2018-09-07 04:07:13 9dqrma,,1,Histoire du Maghreb : Le général Hannibal,,,,,,,2018-09-07 04:19:57 9dsnef,,6,Nightlife in Tunis/Hammamer area,"My brother and I are staying in Tunis for 4 days and 3 days in hammamet. We are from Italy but our parents are from Tunisia, so we speak a bit of tunisian. We are looking for something like a lounge bar where we can have a cocktail and enjoy some music. We would like a pool/ sea view if possible. An indication of the amount of cash to bring would be great since we know there's a lot of difference between popular and tourist prices.",,,,,,2018-09-07 09:29:54 9dwcjg,,7,A Tunisian student helps children in his village with his PC and credit card,,,,,,,2018-09-07 17:07:47 9dzsgo,,7,Do people play dungeons and dragons ?,D&D seems awesome but I was wondering wether A: it's even possible to get stuff like the rulebook and the special dice. And B: if there are people actively making D&D groups,,,,,,2018-09-07 23:48:43 9e5h28,,3,AUF: Appel à candidatures pour la neuvième édition du Prix de la Francophonie pour jeunes chercheurs,,,,,,,2018-09-08 16:33:01 9eb3s1,,5,What Data plan (4G/Internet) for short stay in Tunisia,"Hello travellers and locals, In this confusing market it's easy to miss a good offer. Can the community help me get the best deals? I'd love to get a prepaid plan with : 20Go to 50Go or more (unlimited if possible). We have : - - - Tunisie telecom . . . - something else? Thank you everyone. ",,,,,,2018-09-09 06:47:34 9ed9ea,,2,Why do people speak french in Tunisia?,^,,,,,,2018-09-09 14:17:21 9eljff,,5,International driver's license,How useful is a Tunisian issued international driver's license in the States(California)? ,,,,,,2018-09-10 09:37:19 9f7xex,,4,"Discussion autour de ""La ville à vélo, écolo"" le 17 septembre 2018 à l'Institut Français de Tunisie (Tunis)",,,,,,,2018-09-12 13:50:50 9f7xm0,,8,Le SG de l’ONU satisfait des efforts de la Tunisie en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent,,,,,,,2018-09-12 13:51:27 9f8aps,,1,ALECA et Agriculture : Des responsables tunisiens et européens se réuniront les 13 et 14 septembre,,,,,,,2018-09-12 14:34:53 9f9oe2,,6,"(French article about ""World CleanUp Day"")","Zebletna: Les Tunisiens nettoient les rues, le 15 septembre 2018",,,,,,2018-09-12 17:13:37 9ficju,,5,Which platforms do Tunisians use when they want to buy or rent houses/flats?,Are there any common online platforms that locals use to buy or rent real estate? Thanks!,,,,,,2018-09-13 14:15:20 9fio5h,,1,La Tunisie empoche une médaille de bronze aux Olympiades internationales d'informatique,,,,,,,2018-09-13 14:53:54 9fs0us,,0,Anyone interested in studying a business degree in Berlin?,[removed],,,,,,2018-09-14 13:32:44 9ft8rr,,10,Le couscous à l’honneur dans le bar niçois Koksi Gourmet,,,,,,,2018-09-14 16:01:21 9fwztx,,1,scholarship help,"Searching for any scholarship opportunity abroad ,suggestions ??",,,,,,2018-09-14 23:44:12 9g1ntw,,5,Will Tunisia have a new government by the end of this year ?,"Not sure if it's just my newsfeed being filled with bullshit but I've been seeing news about a major political crisis and economic issues legit everyday for the past few weeks which makes me wonder how bad the current situation is and how the acting PM is holding up . Note that I'm far from being into the country's politics so any detailed answer would be very welcomed \^ . Thanks!. &#x200B;",,,,,,2018-09-15 14:01:14 9g3k2a,,8,Canadian travelling in 6 months. Looking for advice.,"Hi everyone! I'll be traveling to your beautiful country with my girlfriend in around 6 months time. It's a semi-organised vacation and we'll have 1 week on our own in Port el kantaoui. I've started to look around for things to do but was also looking for suggestions from locals. Maybe some stuff that isn't commonly known or listed on trip advisor. We're both in our twenties if it helps for the suggestions. Also, is there any use to learn some tunesian arabic (will it be appreciated / useful for some of the small villages we'll be visiting) or will my French be enough to communicate everywhere? Thanks in advance! ",,,,,,2018-09-15 18:04:16 9gikpi,,5,"La francophonie en danger. La langue arabe obligatoire dans les TV, Radios, les panneaux et la Pub",,,,,,,2018-09-17 08:34:31 9gkfcp,,12,Le film tunisien La belle et la Meute présélectionné pour briguer l'Oscar 2019 du meilleur film étranger,,,,,,,2018-09-17 13:44:35 9gv5jp,,3,Campements populaires installés sur la plage de Djerba : un photographe français y voit un acte poétique et une ode à la liberté,,,,,,,2018-09-18 14:09:36 9gwx6u,,2,driving on our own to ksar ghilane?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-09-18 17:32:23 9gz8e4,,4,Gender inequality : does it still exist in tunisia?,,,,,,,2018-09-18 21:58:56 9h231d,,5,Where in Europe can i find the Tunisian Chkobba cards?,"I have been trying to get a hold of the Chkobba 40 deck cards. I remember playing it in cafés as a kid visiting relatives. I know i still can use a regular deck with some modification but i remember the chkobba card more rectangle and always bent in the middle! I even got one of the manufacturers, Artex? Really appreciate any help! ",,,,,,2018-09-19 04:27:44 9h9apd,,3,Bohemian rhapsody : the movie,"heyy guys simple question here , will bohemian rhapsody be released here in Tunis ? i heard that it will but i can't find any info online , ",,,,,,2018-09-19 21:32:55 9hd3jq,,16,"Vue depuis le Fort de Kélibia, Cap Bon, Tunisie",,,,,,,2018-09-20 06:59:50 9hljaj,,1,bring back the value of our dinar,"if you talking to president and the prime minister , what would you suggest to bring back the value of the tunisian dinar ",,,,,,2018-09-21 02:52:17 9hq4d6,,1,Renouvellement de passeports tunisiens aux Etats-Unis : un service désormais accéléré,,,,,,,2018-09-21 13:55:13 9hrphd,,2,Un Tunisien de 16 ans en échange aux Etats-Unis parmi les meilleurs « Rubik’s Cubeurs » au monde,,,,,,,2018-09-21 16:39:42 9hxscx,,6,La robotique tunisienne à l'assaut de l'Europe,,,,,,,2018-09-22 07:00:58 9ii2p6,,8,Tunisie : pluies torrentielles et inondations meurtrières au Cap Bon,,,,,,,2018-09-24 13:50:14 9ijch3,,11,Ben Ali impliqué dans une vaste affaire d’arnaque de passeports irlandais,,,,,,,2018-09-24 16:21:34 9ilc9v,,1,Cheapest food for a cat?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-09-24 20:05:55 9ilf5c,,3,Cheapest food for a little cat?,"I found a kitten and I decided to take care of it, only problem is that it's not appreciating what i'm offering (sardines and cheese so far) she will only eat when starving. I don't have a big budget since I'm a student and don't want to abandon it to the streets. What do you suggest?",,,,,,2018-09-24 20:15:09 9ispue,,5,Remise en liberté des six pêcheurs tunisiens arrêtés en Sicile pour avoir secouru des migrants en mer,,,,,,,2018-09-25 14:42:18 9iuh1j,,4,Can someone help me identify these foods?,"So my mom has been cooking these foods forever, but I don't know Arabic and don't know the proper spelling or even if we are using the proper names. I'll describe them and see if you can identify them: -A sauce made of roasted peppers, garlic and tomatoes. Goes good as a spread on sandwiches. Pronounced: SLOT-UH-MOO-SCHWAY-UH -An orange sauce made of scrambled egg, caraway seed, harissa and tomato paste. Good breakfast food, goes well with sausage. Pronounced: Ejja -A blackish green sauce usually served with beef. Very unique and takes a long time to prepare. Pronounced: MOO-HEE-UH -This one I don't know if it has an official name because my family just calls it by its ingredients. It's a red sauce that you dip with bread, kinda like a soup but a tad bit thicker. Usually has peas, peppers, chicken, sauce, and potatoes. My mom also makes a yellow sauce variant.",,,,,,2018-09-25 18:00:25 9iwc6y,,8,America is Quietly Expanding its War in Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-09-25 21:34:43 9iy87p,,1,My Great Great Grandmother from Tunisia.... This is Eleanor Aka Dora Pizzo... I’m positive her maiden name is Chenine though. Does that name have any significance to anything in Tunisia —Chenine? This is sooooo cool and I’m incredibly proud of the woman in this photo. My family.,,,,,,,2018-09-26 01:45:48 9izc1i,,6,Here to ask a few questions about your country and history!,"Hi, salut, marhaba, etc. I am doing some university coursework for a course on muslim history and modernism and your country is my main focus. Just wondering if you all can answer a few questions for me: 1. Is there one event that serves as a sort of unifier in shaping Tunisian culture? It can be recent or not. 2. How do most Tunisians (or you, personally) identify? As mostly arab, mostly berber, mostly muslim, mostly north african/maghrebi, etc? 3. Is the public today mostly secular, mostly non-practicing religious or mostly religious conservative? It would be great if you can answer from the perspective of both the public, at large and the government. 4. Are you as young people mostly optimistic about the future. Can anyone comment on how the political atmosphere has changed since 2011? Thank you all, I really appreciate it. Please bother your mods about doing a cultural exchange with us at /r/lebanon ! Edit: also, if any of you are living in America, I would like to know where I can get really good canned harissa. thank you!",,,,,,2018-09-26 04:26:08 9j1bcs,éation_dun_subreddit_de_qui_parlera_de_manga/,1,Création d'un subreddit de qui parlera de manga 😁,[removed],,,,,,2018-09-26 10:34:27 9j2qjg,,3,Chnowa el ta9es 3andkom?,[removed],,,,,,2018-09-26 13:59:08 9j2w9v,,7,"« Le Maghreb sur la route des Oscars », titre Le Point",,,,,,,2018-09-26 14:18:07 9j4rj7,,1,Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2018-09-26 17:46:02 9j4xip,,1,Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2018-09-26 18:04:46 9j77uo,,4,"Tunis, where can i find embroidery machines?",,,,,,,2018-09-26 22:26:56 9jccsa,,11,[Tennis] Malek Jaziri qualifié pour les quarts de finale au tournoi de Chengdu,,,,,,,2018-09-27 12:17:08 9jdno9,,3,Matteo Salvini : « La Tunisie est un modèle de démocratie »,,,,,,,2018-09-27 15:07:36 9jekip,,11,How come that some places in Tunisia are very dirty?,"Every time I go to Tunisia to see my family and spend my holidays there, it breaks my heart to see how many waste is on the ground whether it be the beaches or the city. I can only speak for Tunis south and Sousse. I'm genuinely interested in your take. My thought is the mentality, as in ""I'm not polluting, the others are. But if I do it, it's not so bad.""",,,,,,2018-09-27 16:54:45 9jnwe2,,5,"Salvini en Tunisie : ""L'Italie cherche à ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives de migration légale""",,,,,,,2018-09-28 15:24:48 9jonq4,,7,Pourquoi le couscous tunisien serait le meilleur couscous au monde?,,,,,,,2018-09-28 16:52:58 9joroh,,19,"The Italian Minister of the Interior was received in Tunisia today, with a painting of Hannibal crossing the Alps in the background...",,,,,,,2018-09-28 17:05:09 9jv080,,3,"Salut! In English, words can have different connotations depending on usage. In this regard, can the Arabic term 'moudir' be used in a derogatory or disrespectful manner? Thanks!",I am posting to this specific sub because the speaker is Tunisian. I was hoping that this specific detail could provide insight on this on a cultural sense.,,,,,,2018-09-29 08:35:43 9jx3w4,,5,Could you get around Tunisia knowing French and not Arabic?,"I was wondering if a person knowing only French (or French and English) could get around Tunisia, talk to people, make friends, buy stuff, etc. Would it be a stretch to live there and only know French at the beginning (assuming you would eventually pick up Maghrebi after a few years)?",,,,,,2018-09-29 14:14:59 9k2lge,,27,A successful day of fishing at La Goulette,,,,,,,2018-09-30 02:10:25 9k4ir8,,6,So I got arrested for kissing my girlfriend in my own car,"Title. It was late at night and in an empty street. As far as I know no one passed by us. But somehow 10 minutes later a cops car appeared by us and starting provoking then questioning us, searching the car, then saying we will go to the police station to do a ""mahdher"". In the end of the day they let us go after saying we were ""3a9lin"", ofc after one of them made sure to get my gf's number. Why is this a thing? I get it, Tunisians are very ""sensitive"" and get annoyed by the sight of people loving each other, but it's not like we bothered anyone. I had to playthe yes man and apologize to the cops in order to get away with it, rather than argue with him, but one of his arguments was ""we're a muslim country"", why is this relevant ? We're also a free country, or at least we're supposed to be. You know what's worse in all this? Someone probably saw us and had suspicions, and rationally thought it was best to call the cops for our ""crime"" rather than minding his own business and moving on with his life. &#x200B; After some research I found out a couple got jail time for the same things some months ago, which is absurd. What do you think about all this? Both about the application of such a law and the tunisian mentality disturbed by seeing an act of love but not batting an eye when seeing the hundreds of issues we got in our country.",,,,,,2018-09-30 07:37:25 9ki41l,,5,Wahbi Khazri (AS Saint-Etienne) dans le panthéon de la Ligue 1 Française,,,,,,,2018-10-01 16:57:34 9kid8w,,1,Rapper charles aznavour passed away this morning rest in peace legend...🙏,[deleted],,,,,,2018-10-01 17:24:48 9kr9cb,,1,"Examens, Cours et TP informatique 2éme science de l'éducation (2SE) (ISEAHZ)",,,,,,,2018-10-02 14:49:10 9krkox,,9,Ahed Tamimi : « Nous souhaitons que la libération de la Palestine commence en Tunisie»,,,,,,,2018-10-02 15:25:19 9ktk2s,,0,Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2018-10-02 19:05:15 9kvcau,,7,Died in Tunisia - The Catholic Saint Who Was a Muslim Slayer – Saint Louis King of France,,,,,,,2018-10-02 22:30:16 9l2s9d,,5,Présentation du roman Piccola Sicilia de Daniel Speck,,,,,,,2018-10-03 16:35:09 9l3v21,,9,What makes Tunisia unique as a culture and country?,"This is a stupidly vague question but from what I read about Tunisia, it strikes me as a rather developed, worldly country with a unique mix of cultures and some degree of openness, and exchange of ideas. Between its roots in the Islamic world, the odd remnants of Ottoman and French colonialism, its position on the Mediterranean. I was just wondering, for all the folks who are from or have lived in Tunisia, what's something you most enjoy about it? Anything you haven't found living elsewhere, good or bad?",,,,,,2018-10-03 18:27:08 9lalik,,1,mushrooms,[removed],,,,,,2018-10-04 10:17:57 9lcflf,,5,Trois pays nord-africains en lice pour l’organisation du Mondial 2030,,,,,,,2018-10-04 14:34:32 9lnma8,,9,"""La Tunisie est à un tournant de son histoire », dit un expert des droits de l'homme des Nations unies",,,,,,,2018-10-05 16:08:16 9lol9r,,1,Weed,[removed],,,,,,2018-10-05 17:55:15 9ltzdn,,1,"BRAIN DRAIN IN TUNISIA, your opinions?",[deleted],,,,,,2018-10-06 06:46:49 9lz8ku,,2,Who knows where i can watch the fight conor vs khabib please,,,,,,,2018-10-06 20:27:08 9m050h,,2,"L’UPF (Union de la presse francophone), co-organistarice des assises du journalisme du 15 au 17 novembre à Tunis",,,,,,,2018-10-06 22:21:16 9m3hdc,,7,Tunisia worries about massive exodus of young engineers,,,,,,,2018-10-07 07:48:36 9mdttr,,9,"En Tunisie, l'embellie du tourisme ne se ressent pas sur les revenus",,,,,,,2018-10-08 10:52:35 9mpuep,,2,CAN 2019 : Début des entraînements pour les Aigles de Carthage,,,,,,,2018-10-09 14:56:07 9mztfx,,1,INSAT,AAAA fama chkoun ya9ra fi insat tunis here?,,,,,,2018-10-10 14:13:04 9n0bot,,4,Tunisian Law Expands Protections for Battered Women,,,,,,,2018-10-10 15:12:39 9n0cdb,,4,La coopération économique allemande consacre 1.7 milliard d’euros en projets de formations en Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-10-10 15:14:54 9n0hi7,,0,Fama Porno bil Tounsi?,[removed],,,,,,2018-10-10 15:31:05 9n2gst,,5,"Need your help, Tunisians!","Evening everyone! I am a 25 years-old Egyptian, I am planning on a two or three months visit to Tunisia. (May be will extend it if enjoyed my short visit). I want to ask about the cost of living there (room's rent, local gym membership, football weekly and maybe some leisure activities from time to time). I have not yet decided the town which I will stay in, but I'd like to have cultural events and activities nearby. Thank you! ",,,,,,2018-10-10 19:08:54 9n2k3p,,12,NO MORE RACISM IN TUNISIA!,"October 9th marks the long awaited day when Tunisia's parliament has finally adopted a law criminalizing racist speech, incitement to hatred and discrimination making it the Arab world's first law criminalizing racism. Known as the ""Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination"", this huge step is expected to change the lives of the significant black minority in the country with penalties getting to 1-3 years of prison and fines. The votes were in favor of the legislation with a majority of 125 yes, 5 restraining and 1 no. What is considered as a historical moment should get more attention by the media, local and international as it's the first step towards a civilized country where human rights are respected and maintained. ",,,,,,2018-10-10 19:19:03 9n7iaa,,1,"L'OIF va ouvrir deux nouveaux bureaux régionaux, à Tunis et Beyrouth",,,,,,,2018-10-11 06:33:40 9nbcs6,,3,Where to buy makeup in Tunis?,Hi guys! I'll be visiting Tunis soon and I would like to know where to buy makeup? I'm looking for brands like MAC. :),,,,,,2018-10-11 16:14:20 9nbkmm,,4,Soliman,What kind of area is Soliman? Thank you. Seems like tourists build houses there? ,,,,,,2018-10-11 16:39:34 9ne667,,23,what a fantastic store name.,,,,,,,2018-10-11 21:32:59 9nkfkc,,10,Un restaurant australien s’essaye au… fricassé tunisien,,,,,,,2018-10-12 13:49:36 9nu0b0,,4,Anyone on this sub who continued their master studies abroad and in English?,"Asslema, I'm a Tunisian student and I'm going to apply to multiple master programs in Europe this year. So I'm looking for some information such as translations and how to transfer your grades to the ects scale ( I actually searched this a lot but didn't find anything specific to Tunisia) and maybe other relevant things to know and be aware of? Anyway if you've been through this whole process, it would be great to explain it to me. Much appreciated!",,,,,,2018-10-13 14:09:14 9nvttc,,6,Meilleure pizzaria de Sfax?,"Hello Quelle pizzeria recommandez vous a Sfax? Merci!",,,,,,2018-10-13 18:08:57 9o4x85,,8,What will happen to Tunisia if Essebsi died today ? like there's no vice president so who becomes temporary head of state till early elections are organized ? Can the country remain stable in the meantime ?,"I've been digging into this for a while now and I honestly can't find anything regarding this . &#x200B;",,,,,,2018-10-14 18:11:51 9o6xjv,,0,Looking for a sex partner,[removed],,,,,,2018-10-14 22:16:47 9obwgt,,3,How strict are gun laws here?,"I can't seem to find anything about tunisian gun laws anywhere, i just know that basically no civillian has them.",,,,,,2018-10-15 11:40:24 9ojmfw,,0,Regardez mes vidéos mes amis maghrébins!,[deleted],,,,,,2018-10-16 02:50:47 9oly1n,,4,Anyone know how yo get dildos here ?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-10-16 09:19:57 9onni9,,7,La Harissa Tunisienne pimentera le salon SIAL à Paris,,,,,,,2018-10-16 13:33:01 9ooc2p,,5,A trip if you re interested,"I m looking for people who would like to travel with me. The trip is Across Algeria and Tunisia. With a bike. At full speed. You don t have to be fit. Cause you'll be fit at the end of the trip. I have only 2 weeks to do this. And a preset trajectory. Plus you have time to get ready. it will be in August. ",,,,,,2018-10-16 14:53:22 9oor2w,,5,Apartment in Sidi Bou Said,"Hello! I’m looking to visit Sidi Bou Said next month and was wondering if someone could recommend a website (or person) for renting an apartment. Thanks in advance! ",,,,,,2018-10-16 15:38:15 9opddg,,11,"«La Muqaddima"" d’Ibn Khaldoun dans le registre mondial de l’UNESCO",,,,,,,2018-10-16 16:43:52 9oygi4,,4,"[Jour pour jour] Il y a 50 ans, le coureur tunisien Mohamed Gammoudi arrachait une médaille d'or aux JO de Mexico",,,,,,,2018-10-17 13:02:17 9p9jo1,,1,"""What lasted for 3000 years has been destroyed in 30"": the struggle for food sovereignty in Tunisia",,,,,,,2018-10-18 14:03:02 9p9p1o,,2,"Après Erevan, rendez-vous dans deux ans à Tunis",,,,,,,2018-10-18 14:19:45 9pb31m,,11,"Deux amies d’enfances tunisiennes, une musulmane et une juive, se retrouvent après 40 ans",,,,,,,2018-10-18 16:57:36 9pdn8k,,2,"Le crabe bleu de Tunisie dénommé ""Daech"" devenu proie prisée",,,,,,,2018-10-18 21:51:13 9peaw6,,1,موقع لربح المال جديد تونس,,,,,,,2018-10-18 23:12:25 9ph9h0,,6,Tunis must-sees,"Hi, I'm visiting Tunis in early January next year, and am super amped and super ignorant about the best things to do. What are your favorite markets, evening hangout spots, art spots, and foods to eat? Or if you have anything that I absolutely should not miss tell me! ",,,,,,2018-10-19 06:34:14 9pliyb,,9,Walled medinas in Tunisia,"Which Medina quarters still have their walls intact in Tunisia ? As far as I know , the medinas of Bizerte , Sfax , Hammamet , Sousse and Kairouan still got their walls . Tunis’s was destroyed in the early 19th century . ",,,,,,2018-10-19 16:39:17 9pv5aq,,6,Are there any culinary schools in Tunisia?,"It would need to be able to teach about different cuisine (not Tunisian). If anyone knows about such a school or a place that has classes like it, please let me know.",,,,,,2018-10-20 15:46:26 9q21a0,,1,TND Currency rates,,,,,,,2018-10-21 08:34:48 9q2zms,,10,TND Currency,"TND Currency allows you to follow in real time the exchange rates and charts for free. Our improved application has a powerfull converter from buy and sale prices of several foreign currencies in Tunisian dinar was published by Tunisian banks.",,,,,,2018-10-21 12:01:24 9q4ao7,,3,New to this group. Spending some time in Monastir. I can't find butter (not margarine). Anyone know where to find it?,,,,,,,2018-10-21 15:19:37 9qf8t4,,9,Échappées Belles (France 5) consacre son prochain numéro à la Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-10-22 16:09:54 9qomc8,,1,Storytelling Workshop - Saturday October 27 at the ULT campus,,,,,,,2018-10-23 12:46:21 9qpbuq,,15,Un hamburger à l’harissa tunisienne fait fureur à Los Angeles,,,,,,,2018-10-23 14:11:13 9qpy8p,,6,Tourist here that met a girl online,"Hey friends! I'm a tourist from Germany and I really like my current stay in Tunisia. I was a bit bored today as it is raining and swiped on tinder just for fun. I had a really cool conversation with a girl there and I'd like to meet her in the nearest city. I don't have reception for my phone outside of the hotel, though and I kind of feel uneasy about the idea. I'm not familiar with the city and I heard a lot about conservative people not being keen on seeing a tourist with a local girl. I don't want to get in trouble and I'm not sure how locals are reacting to stuff like this. I hope you guys can help me find a decision. Thank you. Edit: also she was quite fast with being okay to meet me, which I'm not used to. Could this be some kind of scam?",,,,,,2018-10-23 15:20:00 9qw587,,1,Official scammers in airport,"This was not the first time for no reason, after I collected my luggage and about to get out , a nasty piece of S looking man stopped me and tried to search me illegally for foreign currency, that I don’t have! What kind of airport and employee this forsaken country has?!. Watch out tourist and transit travelers.",,,,,,2018-10-24 03:24:41 9qzz15,,6,Opération séduction de la destination Tunisie dans les rues de Londres,,,,,,,2018-10-24 14:06:26 9rdyqw,,1,"This is what happen today regarding the killed boy by the local police, Samia abou an appreciated politique activist in human right defending Tunisians rights about what happen..!!!!",,,,,,,2018-10-25 20:25:56 9rgz0o,,1,One of the best Tunisian taxi driver that speaks languages look like an indian 😄,,,,,,,2018-10-26 02:53:27 9ric3v,,6,Solo female travel to Tunisia,"I am seriously considering traveling to Tunisia for 3 to 4 weeks starting in about a month, so late November in to December. I'm just not having a good go at getting recent first hand accounts on what the experience would be like as a solo female western traveler (I'm from the US). I only speak English and very, very basic French. Currently no travel experience in Northern Africa, but I will have been to Egypt right before this. As far as other experience in Muslim and/or Arab countries/areas I have spent a month in Turkey and time in Palestine. If anyone has any insight as well as links for resources for reading, or recommendations/advice, I would be quite grateful. Mainly trying to get a feel for safety/comfort factor as well as ease of transportation around the country. If anyone has an tips on places to go or avoid that would be great too. I know the basics from what I have been able to read at this point, but alot of the first hand reports I have read are quite dated and speak to alot of hassling and not feeling safe alone. Also, if you have a recommendation for best SIM card to get which would have the most reliable/fast coverage. Thanks! Edit to add question about internet.",,,,,,2018-10-26 06:34:32 9rp9d7,,1,Bits mash,,,,,,,2018-10-26 22:25:15 9rw5jd,,4,"Looking for a particular song from the Tunisian movie ""Burning Hope 2017 - Lotfi Achour""","Hello everyone! Sort of a weird question but I figured my best chances are to ask you guys directly. A few weeks ago I caught this film on my television, and there was a really nice and catchy song playing during a scene set at night, I think there was a party or something and people were standing around a fire, chatting and stuff. And the song was playing in the background, quite loudly. I didn't Shazam it right away, however. I'm not Arabic so I didn't understand what the song was about, so I can't search it that way. If anyone has seen that movie and you know which song I'm talking about, could you please tell me its name? EDIT: [This is the movie in question, link to IMDB.]( Thank you very much in advance!",,,,,,2018-10-27 17:40:42 9rz60k,,1,we are 12 million on this planet of 7 Billion the governments has to be responsible about that sad but true,,,,,,,2018-10-28 00:24:13 9s4m4l,,3,"Anyone know where I can get a e-reader? (Kindle, Kobo etc)","Hey people! Looking for a place to buy an e-reader, I bought one from amazon a while ago and it never showed up (surprise surprise, thanks diwena) Not a tablet, an actual e-ink e-reader",,,,,,2018-10-28 16:49:05 9s51bv,éparation_pare_brise_en_tunisie/,1,Réparation Pare Brise en Tunisie,[removed],,,,,,2018-10-28 17:39:51 9s6g1h,,29,"Students following a lesson written in the sand, Tunisia, 1914 [621x799]",,,,,,,2018-10-28 20:29:19 9sd2qe,,10,Female 'suicide bomber' blows herself up outside hotel in Tunisian capital,,,,,,,2018-10-29 13:27:36 9sd535,,1,"#Tunis #Tunisia female suicide bomber at the Habib Bourguiba, on of the most busy streets of the capital, one police officer dead on the spot several wounded, area secured by the police while ambulances keeps rushing in. Sources and photo is mash-up from Twitter",,,,,,,2018-10-29 13:36:12 9sdnom,,1,Indonesian airline flight crashed today over sea,,,,,,,2018-10-29 14:39:57 9se0py,,2,Une femme kamikaze a fait exploser une bombe au centre de Tunis,,,,,,,2018-10-29 15:22:06 9seuk0,,9,La chakchouka tunisienne se vend désormais sur Amazon,,,,,,,2018-10-29 16:52:18 9sgu4n,,1,Avenue Habib Bourguiba Blast | Woman Suicide Bomber Tunis | Tunisia Suicide Attack,,,,,,,2018-10-29 20:19:24 9sobg2,,12,L’Union européenne solidaire avec la Tunisie et tout son peuple,,,,,,,2018-10-30 14:21:08 9sprki,,1,L’Union européenne solidaire avec la Tunisie et tout son peuple,[deleted],,,,,,2018-10-30 16:55:24 9sprsr,,1,L'Allemagne soutient la Tunisie dans sa lutte contre le terrorisme,,,,,,,2018-10-30 16:56:03 9t06pp,,8,Une jeune doctorante tunisienne décroche le prix méditerranéen pour la meilleure recherche scientifique,,,,,,,2018-10-31 16:11:00 9t0i0b,,2,L’Algérie et le Maroc fustigent l’attentat-terroriste en Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-10-31 16:44:47 9t2q5p,,20,I made a Floating Wood Map of Africa,,,,,,,2018-10-31 20:44:55 9t5al6,,3,"An Arabic Discord server for discussions about politics, and important and sensitive stuff in a civilized way, freely and openly without any consequences.","the moderators of the subreddit don't necessarily know or agree with the content of the discord. It's a self-promotion post. المشرفون على هذا المنتدى الشريف لسوا بالصرورة يوافقون او يعبمون بسياق ومحتوى هذا السرفر بالديسكورد. هذا مجرد موضوع تم انشائه من قبل شخص لا علاقة له بهذا المنتدى. Anything is allowed to be discussed, provided the discussion is civilized. (This server as of now only allow the Arabic language as a tool for discussion. You don't need to be an Arab to be allowed there, you only have to know Arabic.) The premise of the server in Arabic goes like this: ""تم إنشاء هذا السيرفر ليكون ملتقى لكل العرب في الدسكورد ساحة حرة للحوار والنقاش المحترم دون وصاية أو رقابة"" Any political view no matter how extreme it might sound to some is allowed, There are no lines in this matter. Rules can be summarized like this; respect and listening to the other side. It means you you cant act in bad manner or in a stupid way, and you might not need to respect the other person's opinion or agree with it, but you have to respect them and their right to talk about what they believe in. the goal is to have safe environment to have civilized discussions between Arabs. the more people understand each other the better we advance. This is the invite link to the Discord server ",,,,,,2018-11-01 01:50:07 9tfmng,,1,Tunisia’s Female Jihadists,,,,,,,2018-11-02 01:22:53 9tio0k,,0,Ripple Price in Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-11-02 10:00:53 9tkt42,,26,[OC] I made a post showing which countries call Tunisia and Tunis by the same name like in arabic,,,,,,,2018-11-02 14:55:38 9tlms1,,8,"Amel Makhlouf, première femme arabe et africaine lauréate de l’Institut mondial des sciences de l’espace",,,,,,,2018-11-02 16:27:50 9toy03,,6,What political activities should I do?,"Hello, Politics here sucks, like many other countries. How do I, as a Tunisian, participate in improving my country politics? What activities could I do? Your suggestions are the most welcome. Sincerely.",,,,,,2018-11-02 22:44:29 9tyg0h,,1,😩😩,,,,,,,2018-11-03 22:43:12 9u2942,,9,"Tunisie: la grenade, fruit d’avenir à l’exportation",,,,,,,2018-11-04 09:51:31 9ub1jh,,3,"Tunisie: ouverture du festival de cinéma de Carthage, six jours après l’attentat-suicide de Tunis",,,,,,,2018-11-05 05:52:01 9uemu4,,11,Patrick Bruel fait la promotion de la Tunisie sur France 2,,,,,,,2018-11-05 15:49:49 9ueoe6,,2,Tunisian hip hop,"Hi. I live in the United States. I'd like to get in touch with some Tunisian rappers. Could anybody recommend rappers I should listen to? And does anybody know how to contact any of them? Thanks for your help!",,,,,,2018-11-05 15:54:54 9uot5q,,1,All jangle,,,,,,,2018-11-06 14:35:27 9us6bw,,9,Are there christians living in Tunisia ?,I mean locals,,,,,,2018-11-06 20:40:55 9v2cb7,,19,Tunisia tour operator first Jewish minister in decades,,,,,,,2018-11-07 19:12:15 9v2j37,,9,Tunisia parliament: deputy replaces Minister of Social Affairs with a puppet!,,,,,,,2018-11-07 19:33:08 9v3kgx,,3,Paranormal stuff in Tunisia?,"Hello! Do you know any ""haunted"" places in Tunisia? Or any legends? I tried googling but I can't find any. Thank you!",,,,,,2018-11-07 21:25:19 9v4h16,,2,Literature of Tunisia: November 2018 • r/books,,,,,,,2018-11-07 23:08:27 9vaqsu,,3,La Tunisie à l’Africa investment forum de Johannesburg,,,,,,,2018-11-08 15:06:04 9vdepw,,0,[Article] Saying NO to Tunisia’s Rape Laws,,,,,,,2018-11-08 20:05:09 9vinwm,,3,please join us at the officialish [Tunisia] Discord server,,,,,,,2018-11-09 08:04:43 9vjmr8,,3,Abortion Laws?,At what age is it legal to privately undergo an abortion without family involvement if that's even possible.,,,,,,2018-11-09 11:20:54 9vluax,,9,Le chef tunisien Mohamed Saidani remporte le concours Variantes Culinaires en France,,,,,,,2018-11-09 16:26:09 9vluut,,3,"Gianni Infantino, président de la FIFA, sera présent au match EST-Al Ahly",,,,,,,2018-11-09 16:28:00 9vm8ml,,1,Le chef tunisien Mohamed Saidani remporte le concours Variantes Culinaires en France,[deleted],,,,,,2018-11-09 17:10:26 9vplqp,,9,The Story Of Espérance Sportive de Tunis,,,,,,,2018-11-09 23:49:34 9wbhyh,,1,Ripple Price in Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-11-12 06:13:54 9wc6l3,,17,Tunisian street food: the Lablebi sandwich from Bizerte,,,,,,,2018-11-12 08:09:33 9wcym0,,1,TND Currency,,,,,,,2018-11-12 10:30:52 9wd2q5,,1,TND Currency,[removed],,,,,,2018-11-12 10:52:50 9wdd1i,,2,TND Currency,[removed],,,,,,2018-11-12 11:46:24 9wfm4v,,4,Béji Caïd Essebsi au Forum de Paris sur la Paix,,,,,,,2018-11-12 16:47:05 9wfn05,,11,Sad,,,,,,,2018-11-12 16:49:48 9wox65,,1,Follow in real time the exchange rates of several foreign currencies in Tunisian dinar was published by Tunisian banks.,[deleted],,,,,,2018-11-13 13:10:54 9wpmy1,,16,I made an application let's you see dinar currency rate,"Following in real time the exchange rates published by Tunisian banks of several foreign currencies in Tunisian dinar.",,,,,,2018-11-13 14:45:23 9wqr2w,,6,"Tunis, capitale du journalisme du 15 au 17 novembre",,,,,,,2018-11-13 16:53:39 9wqrqt,,5,CAN 2019 : Les Aigles de Carthage se préparent à affronter l’Égypte,,,,,,,2018-11-13 16:55:44 9wtl0s,,1,Emerging Valley : Les startups tunisiennes à la rencontre de professionnels Français,,,,,,,2018-11-13 21:56:15 9wu74f,,0,روني طرابلسي اليهودي التونسي تحت نيران يس العياري,,,,,,,2018-11-13 23:06:06 9wu99e,,6,Hey iam looking for some tunisian yt Channels..any one here know some?,,,,,,,2018-11-13 23:13:03 9wy9k1,,8,UX Cafe - The UX community meetup,,,,,,,2018-11-14 08:26:54 9wyl2q,,1,[Discussion] Xbox One or PS4?,"First of all, here are the facts that outlines my decision: 1- Not looking for the latest 4k models, a full HD smooth display is quite enough. 2- As per Tayara, Xbox One is around 500 TND, PS4 starting 700 TND 3- My main games would be online, primary War Thunder, other two main games would be: Far Cry 5, Fall out 3 and plus. 4- I'm intending to purchase authentic games, I won't be using any hardware for this one. 5- I own an upgraded and patched (Freestyle) Xbox 360 for over 5 years now. 6- Streaming can be a plus but not really the main use of the thing, I have a netflix account. 7- Big fan of emulation (Atari, SNES, etc..) &#x200B; So bruhhhhs what do would recommend based on the Tunisian context? &#x200B;",,,,,,2018-11-14 09:26:33 9wyue6,,4,Where to visit real Tunisia,"My partner and I will be visiting Tunisia for 10-15 days over christmas and new year and we are very excited because this country is more or less a mystery to us and therefore we will learn alot by visiting. We are currently researching to learn more in the lead up to our visit and I thought maybe you could give us some advice. When you google where to visit it pretty much tells you carthage and star wars sets. But what are your favourite places? Where do you feel that magic of Tunisia strongly? Where are the most interesting, beautiful, meaningful or just REAL, with all the good and bad that represents your complex lives? There are infinite subtleties in every culture and in two weeks we might only scratch the surface but i want to be really immersed. So, with the whole country to choose from - how would you introduce someone to tunisia in the most honest representitive map? What do you love or hate about Tunisia? What is the most interesting or important part of your history to you? How would you describe the nuances of your life that are typical to your country? What are your favourite foods and where are your favourite cafes ect to eat them? What do you do for fun? Dont want to get stuck in tourist traps and just getting lost we will have an adventure but i think its also very obvious idea to ask the perspective of the people who are actually from there. If you can answer any part of this or even something totally different i will be very greatful :)",,,,,,2018-11-14 10:11:37 9wyvc9,,1,Where to visit real Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-11-14 10:16:24 9x1s3b,,6,"La marque de streetwear «Lively» du tunisien Aziz Kaffel, fait fureur aux states",,,,,,,2018-11-14 16:49:12 9x36td,,6,Spotify est désormais disponible en Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-11-14 19:22:51 9x5hkq,,7,"What do you guys identify as, Amazigh or Arab? (Including thoughts concerning a side question about a united amazigh nation)","As you know the majority of our blood and origin is directly related to the Imazighen. I was just curious about how Tunisians of reddit genuinely view themselves. And my other important side question is: If by any chance the opportunity arises, would you want to a part of a united Amazigh nation consisting of Tunisia, Algeria, Libya Mauritania, Morocco (and I know it's beyond unlikely but even Siwa, Canary Islands, Niger, and Mali)? ",,,,,,2018-11-14 23:32:43 9xa6ct,,28,French photographer took this photo of my grandgrandfather Periša and his son Veselin Ratković in Bizerte (Tunisia) during WW1 and sent it to Serbia without adress.Photo travelled from one post office to another until it came to G. Milanovac where postman recognized them and gave photo to my family.,,,,,,,2018-11-15 10:52:12 9xc8u7,,3,Le prix international Eurêka jeune attribué au tunisien Amjed Mouelhi,,,,,,,2018-11-15 15:40:09 9xcgun,,2,"La Tunisie ""suspendue au vote de la loi sur l’égalité dans l’héritage"" (Le Figaro) | Le Diplomate Tunisien",,,,,,,2018-11-15 16:04:49 9xlm72,,11,Invitation au Voyage sur ARTE : «Quand la Tunisie accueillait les réfugiés espagnols»,,,,,,,2018-11-16 12:09:11 9xn0w6,,2,CAN 2019: Lien streaming du match Egypte vs Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-11-16 15:17:44 9xnt4e,,0,Royaume-Uni : «No Bacon allowed » taggué sur une affiche publicitaire de la Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-11-16 16:43:54 9xq8t2,,10,Has there been a debate or has anyone floated any ideas about what to do to prevent or limit the damage of future rain storms?,I’m talking of course about government backed projects and not just prayers. ,,,,,,2018-11-16 21:08:31 9y4g7y,,12,What are the international websites where you can pay with a tunisian credit card?,"Since spotify is now available in tunisia and you can pay with a tunisian credit card, I wonder where else can you pay with it. For example, is it possible to pay a netflix subscription with it or buy games through steam etc",,,,,,2018-11-18 08:24:27 9y4m6c,,6,Filming in Sidi Bouzid,"Hi! I'm an artist currently traveling through Tunisia. I plan to stop by Sidi Bouzid to film the site where the Tunisian Revolution started in 2011 for an art film I'm working on. It's only me with a small camera on a tripod, and it will not take more than maybe 10-20 minutes and will not involve any interviews or any actors. Do you think this is safe to do without a proper permit? &#x200B; I have applied for a permit but I doubt they will process it in time. I've heard the security is really on edge in the region and I don't want to cause the police unnecessary trouble. Also I can't speak either French nor Arabic. &#x200B; Thanks!",,,,,,2018-11-18 09:02:24 9yjqbp,,5,The digital future of the Arab region,"Salut, I have been recently selected to be Manager of community outreach for a creative task targeting MENA region, yaaaay. I wanna run it by you to have your opinion and how can I reach more people to participate? Any help ? &#x200B;",,,,,,2018-11-19 18:59:30 9ysu9j,,17,How Wealthy Are African Countries? (per Adult USD),,,,,,,2018-11-20 14:54:15 9yt3nz,,1,"If you know how to code, this challenge is for you :D",,,,,,,2018-11-20 15:24:34 9yuvzw,,0,اللّهمّ صلِّ وسلّم على سيّدنا محمّد,,,,,,,2018-11-20 18:34:35 9yv5pm,,3,Septum piercing,"Hey dudes nd dudettes , I just got my septum pierced but i'm not overly satisfied with the piece i chose; too small too basic. I looked everywhere for a good piece but they all sell the same stuff ( cv / passage ) . I was wondering if you guys had any good places i can check. Thanksss",,,,,,2018-11-20 19:02:32 9yvhkh,,1,فيديو عن تاريخ كأس العالم (1930-2014) | A Video on World Cup History [ARABIC],[deleted],,,,,,2018-11-20 19:36:46 9zbc2m,,5,Tunisian wedding song,[deleted],,,,,,2018-11-22 05:49:23 9zd9u8,,3,"Le Palais Amilcar de Sakher El Matri, invendable pour 45 millions de dinars ? | Le Diplomate Tunisien",,,,,,,2018-11-22 11:14:57 9zefx8,,4,"Les Etats-Unis livreront à la Tunisie cet été, 4 autres hélicoptères Black Hawk UH-60M",,,,,,,2018-11-22 14:16:28 9zeiq2,,10,English driving lessons,I’m looking for a driving instructor who speaks English. Anyone know of any place or suggestions? I live in Carthage. Aaeshik!,,,,,,2018-11-22 14:27:35 9zj398,عقوبة_مغتصبى_النساء_فى_الشريعة_الإسلامية/,0,عقوبة مغتصبى النساء فى الشريعة الإسلامية,[deleted],,,,,,2018-11-22 23:31:50 9znm7a,,7,Manifestations massives des fonctionnaires contre l'inflation,,,,,,,2018-11-23 11:42:36 9zpgrw,,9,"A la recherche de soutiens au Maghreb, le prince saoudien ne se rendra pas au Maroc ?",,,,,,,2018-11-23 16:06:15 9zpq24,,6,Yaaaay ❤🙌,,,,,,,2018-11-23 16:37:03 9zq7bb,,1,المساواة في الميراث,,,,,,,2018-11-23 17:32:19 9zucjg,,0,great we have subreddit at least reddit recognized our shit hole 3rd world country,[removed],,,,,,2018-11-24 01:54:39 9zx3ci,,3,"Party Decoration shops in Hammamet, Tunisia?","Hi, I have been assigned here in Tunisia by my company that is based in Dubai and we're doing something here in Hammamet. Can you recommend any shops or supplier that sells balloons and other party favors? I'm having a hard time searching because everything is in either arabic or french.",,,,,,2018-11-24 09:07:54 9zxydy,,5,Star Wars Tour question,"Hey there Reddit, you're my last hope. I'm in Hammamet at the moment for a week, but I really want to do tours of the Star Wars sets but can't find a tour company. Does anyone here know any tour guides that do it and price? For one person ",,,,,,2018-11-24 12:00:39 9zzlan,,4,Equality law,"Good news! The law about women-men inheritance will soon be voted on the parliament. What are your thoughts on it?",,,,,,2018-11-24 16:04:12 a08l25,,6,Looking for an authentic brik recipe!,I've found some online but it is hard to tell if the recipes are true to what you would find in Tunisia. Thank you!,,,,,,2018-11-25 13:46:06 a0fjcd,,0,this sub should change to tunisia_atheists,,,,,,,2018-11-26 03:21:23 a0k60l,,1,Quand Olivier Poivre D’Arvor fabrique sa propre huile d’olive,,,,,,,2018-11-26 15:16:21 a0pfeu,,6,Question for atheists,"Since the majority of this group are atheists i want ask , where does your morality come from? how you make difference between good and bad ? did Stalin or Hitler did anything wrong? ( without talking about religions defend your own morality system )",,,,,,2018-11-27 00:32:24 a0tm9y,,0,Digital Drink Tunis #17,,,,,,,2018-11-27 10:19:26 a0utgh,,3,Closing the distance (need suggestions),[deleted],,,,,,2018-11-27 13:25:28 a0v49y,,8,Global Innovation Index: La Tunisie 55e mondiale en efficacité des innovations,,,,,,,2018-11-27 14:03:57 a171nz,,9,Les Nations Unies se félicitent du projet de loi sur l'égalité successorale en Tunisie,,,,,,,2018-11-28 15:13:02 a17psx,,4,Mohamed Ben Salmane décoré de l’insigne de l’ordre de la République tunisienne,,,,,,,2018-11-28 16:27:07 a1f08z,,8,The first female mayor of Tunis | DW Documentary," Published on Nov 26, 2018 Souad Abderrahim is the first woman to be elected mayor of a capital city in the Arab world. Tunisia is regarded as a relatively progressive country in terms of women's rights and gender equality. However, the country is still deeply influenced by patriarchal structures. The transformation of Tunisia since the Arab Spring has progressed slowly. The country -- and in particular the capital -- still faces huge social and economic challenges. And many Tunisians are doubtful whether Abderrahim will be able to solve these problems. Shortly after her election, her opponents went on the attack. Some called into question whether a woman was up to the job. Others said she was being instrumentalized by the conservative and Muslim Ennahda Party, whose list she ran on. [\_k](",,,,,,2018-11-29 06:49:16 a1hie1,,0,The Italian dancer Roberta Di Laura dances in Tunisia at 38th Tozeur International Festival of Poetry and Visual Arts during the Opening Ceremony,,,,,,,2018-11-29 13:53:35 a1iqhv,,3,L’ambassadeur tunisien aux Emirats appelle les espérantistes à venir soutenir leur équipe,,,,,,,2018-11-29 16:18:13 a1ixsl,,3,"Khémaies Jhinaoui: «La stabilité de la Tunisie dépend de la stabilité en Libye mais aussi en Syrie, en Irak et au Yémen»",,,,,,,2018-11-29 16:40:09 a1kqhu,,3,Tunisia secured a $500m Saudi loan during crown prince's controversial visit,,,,,,,2018-11-29 19:54:18 a1mcl9,,3,Preferential Trade Agreement between Pakistan and Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2018-11-29 22:46:47 a245om,,10,Tunisia Security Forces Arrest 4 Active Terror Rings,,,,,,,2018-12-01 16:03:14 a2d9e1,,4,Any place to buy Pinball and Arcade machines?,I'm looking for a place that sells arcade cabinets and pinball machines. Is there anything like that in Tunisia?,,,,,,2018-12-02 13:39:24 a2fd41,,0,how to buy steam wallet when you live in shithole tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2018-12-02 17:51:17 a2hsw7,,26,Tunisia's history summarized,,,,,,,2018-12-02 21:57:58 a2wigo,,17,Question: does anyone happen to know this place in Tunisia? Big thank!,,,,,,,2018-12-04 03:12:23 a2yao3,,2,غدامس، ليبيا,,,,,,,2018-12-04 06:59:22 a2zokh,,2,Moneyyy,so i started my first yr in college and i was wondering. Wut r some of the ways i can earn money without the part time thing ( prepa i have no time for that xd ). Thank uuu,,,,,,2018-12-04 10:59:28 a32f8t,,7,Le chercheur tunisien Adel Bouhoula encadre des étudiants d’une prestigieuse université japonaise,,,,,,,2018-12-04 16:51:41 a3cl6d,,64,"Bab Menara, Tunis, Circa 1900 (colorized by me)",,,,,,,2018-12-05 14:08:02 a3d3ca,,1,what are we ?,what are we ? are we arabs? africans? cartagines? amazighs? phoenicians?,,,,,,2018-12-05 15:07:26 a3gpji,,2,Phrase in Tunisian Arabic for “big man”?,"Does anyone know the word/phrase in Tunisian Arabic for like when someone is getting married, or they’re a good guy...?",,,,,,2018-12-05 21:18:30 a3rq4m,,3,Did you know about the Tunis American Sheep ?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-06 20:08:45 a3rw5o,,39,"Officers of the 57th Fighter Group visiting Roman ruins in Tunisia, April 1943 (colorized by me)",,,,,,,2018-12-06 20:25:13 a3ycks,,1,Tu es francophone ? Tu as entre 21 et 34 ans ? Le programme de Volontariat international de la Francophonie (VIF) de l' OIF lance son appel à candidatures ! L'AUF propose 14 postes pour l'année 2019 dont 2 au Moyen-Orient,,,,,,,2018-12-07 09:27:57 a41ill,,8,Plus de 7 mille touristes attendus au Festival international des Oasis de Tozeur,,,,,,,2018-12-07 16:35:22 a41kut,,2,Un journaliste français compare le mouvement des gilets jaunes à la révolution tunisienne,,,,,,,2018-12-07 16:42:03 a4aavx,,0,Censure en Tunisie du stream Brut. diffusant le live Gilet Jaune à Paris,,,,,,,2018-12-08 12:20:36 a4h9qk,,10,Current Safety of Independent Travel in Tunisia,"Hey there! So I'm currently planning to travel all throughout Tunisia in February, though different sources make it sound as if there's more dangers then anticipated. Does any of you know, if areas like Tozeur, Tatouine and the general north are considerably safe? ",,,,,,2018-12-09 02:37:04 a4l00s,Http://,1,Tunisian chatroom for teens !,,,,,,,2018-12-09 13:34:48 a4mbzc,,1,بطلان شرعا انتخاب د. محمد مرسى رئيسا لمصر,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-09 16:49:27 a4q4j2,,9,Thoughts on my Tunisia itinerary,"Hey there! So after my last post I'm totally on travel planning right now and wanted to ask what you think about my itinerary - if I have places on there, that are not as interesting or if I'm heavily missing out on something. (I'm mostly interested in all the different kinds of architecture and ruins you can find around.) Also, if I got any of the infos on transportation wrong, please let me know. 1) Tunis - half-day-trips to Bizerte (louage?) and Sidi Bou Said / Carthage 2) Tozeur (by train or bus from tunis?) + Chebika/Tamerza/Mides, if there's any tours or louages 3) Gabes, from there louages (?) to Matmata (and if possible Tamezret), Tatouine (and if possible Douiret / Chenini) 4) route back over Sfax, El Jem, Sousse, Monastir, Hammamet 5) sidetrack from Sousse to Kairouan (louage?) and from there to Sufutela (louage?) 6) final daytrip from Tunis to Dougga and/or El Kef (louage?)",,,,,,2018-12-09 23:42:37 a510b4,,4,Did not know that,,,,,,,2018-12-10 23:18:50 a54u63,,1,Site streaming Tiptop,[removed],,,,,,2018-12-11 07:52:52 a56h5g,,1,Free tunisian music?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-11 12:43:14 a56ke7,,9,Free Tunisian music?,"Hi! I'm making a film for a friends space in Medenine, and we're looking for some nice Tunisian music that we can use for free. Do you know of any Tunisian artist that has released music with a creative commons license, or other stuff we might use? Would be perfect if it's something modern with some oud in it but not necessary.",,,,,,2018-12-11 12:56:58 a5asjn,,6,Free guide for friends,"Hi, Any idea where i can find a travel guide to tunisia ebook ?? Thx",,,,,,2018-12-11 20:44:56 a5ia0y,,3,Jujutsu,Anyone have any experience/recommendation on Jujutsu training/classes in Tunis?,,,,,,2018-12-12 13:48:01 a5t19v,,7,what's the worth of this coin ?,,,,,,,2018-12-13 12:22:52 a5xoit,,4,what's the worth of this coin ?,,,,,,,2018-12-13 21:05:50 a5yq4s,,1,بطلان شرعا انتخاب د. محمد مرسى رئيسا لمصر,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-13 22:56:17 a641sn,,1,Formation gratuite en UX,,,,,,,2018-12-14 11:32:51 a6k8ri,,10,Just wanted to share an episode of our history that is rarely talked about .,"The Mejba revolt was a tunisian revolt against the ottoman bey who raised taxes to pay European debts , in this revolt the entire country was devestated , plagues and famines were very common . > *Dead bodies lay in the roads, unburied. They were collected every morning in the* *caravanserais* *and the mosques, and heaped in carts. Bubonic plague and typhus combined; this new scourge caused such ravages that there were two hundred new victims each day in the town of Sousse alone. Already, when there was only famine to contend with, Europeans did not dare leave their houses, for fear of encountering people wandering in the street, emaciated, whom despair might push to commit some awful crime. In the countryside, caravans were stopped and pillaged. The admirable soil of the Sahel itself was not spared: owners cut down their olive trees, their future fortune, to sell as firewood, rather than pay the endless taxes which were laid upon them. In the* *Djerid, many date-palm owners did likewise. Whoever tried to work and produce simply ended up paying taxes for those who now owned nothing* > > *The famine of 1867 all but emptied* *Thala, Tunisia,* *Kalaat Senan,* *Zouarine* *and* *Ebba* *and reduced the population of towns like El Kef and Téboursouk significantly. Zouarine, said by* *Victor Guérin* *to have 250-300 souls, was abandoned after the attacks of Fraichiche bedouin driven by hunger, and not repopulated until the eve of the* *Protectorate* *on the initiative of the governor of El Kef, Si Rachid. At* *Ebba, want compelled most owners to sell their houses and gardens to their sheikh, Kader, who let them fall down or become overgrown with weeds* Considering my father is from the Djerid and mother is from the Sahel , it sometimes makes me sad to read about this .",,,,,,2018-12-15 23:56:08 a6pg5o,,9,[X-Post] Geopolitics and Climate Change: Northern Africa,,,,,,,2018-12-16 14:38:24 a7003y,,14,Une huile d’olive tunisienne élue produit de l’année 2019 en Allemagne,,,,,,,2018-12-17 13:54:55 a7a261,,0,The digital future of the Arab region,,,,,,,2018-12-18 10:52:31 a7bgr1,,1,in what terms would you accept peace agrement with israel?,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-18 14:22:27 a7dbzn,,3,Women only piscine/swimming pool in Djerba?,"Hey guys im looking for a women only piscine in Djerba 😊 can someone help me out? best regards!",,,,,,2018-12-18 17:47:59 a7pz33,,0,Longest word in quran & in arabic (!?) #01,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-19 20:03:17 a7rmxq,,0,RAMOZIK nchalla zina,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-19 23:00:35 a7wxih,,1,Material قالب بلوجر للتدوين الشخصي,,,,,,,2018-12-20 11:19:01 a839hn,,1,Tunisie : les enseignants dans la rue,,,,,,,2018-12-20 22:22:23 a88hrv,,0,[ARABIC] The longest word in quran and in the arabic language,,,,,,,2018-12-21 09:51:39 a8bep5,,2,Combattants tunisiens en Irak et en Syrie : quelles motivations ? (Nouvelle étude d'Aaron Y. Zelin),,,,,,,2018-12-21 16:06:51 a8ewv5,,3,Is there a way to get bank advice ?,"Without actually talking to your bank , i mean i want to inquire about what possibilities i have for a loan with an exact amount of salary at a certain age ,even if it isn't a precise number. If i wanted to ask about law issues , i would go to a lawyer , is there an option for bank issues ?",,,,,,2018-12-21 22:04:10 a8flu9,,1,avis video by me,,,,,,,2018-12-21 23:26:26 a8j6tf,,11,This perid (17th of December to 14th of January) marks the 8th anniversary of the Tunisian revolution. Here's 4 minutes of public Tunisian TV as a reminder of pre-revolution Tunisia.,,,,,,,2018-12-22 08:17:29 a8tpm6,,0,"Après les Egyptiens, des gilets rouges tunisiens s'inspirent des gilets jaunes français",,,,,,,2018-12-23 10:24:53 a8uh8n,,1,Online Distance Learning UK University Degree -Tunisia,,,,,,,2018-12-23 13:00:47 a8vj6h,,0,ALI Chouerreb,,,,,,,2018-12-23 15:36:10 a8vna0,,0,Hiya. This ain't fun.,[removed],,,,,,2018-12-23 15:50:52 a9107o,,0,Misei Samy,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-24 02:45:35 a9anuf,,11,Des Ivoiriens manifestent à Tunis contre la mort d'un compatriote,,,,,,,2018-12-25 01:11:06 a9g97f,,5,Meurtre de Falikou Coulibaly: «On va quitter votre beau pays si accueillant»,,,,,,,2018-12-25 16:50:33 a9h4yz,,3,Equal opportunities for men and women at the workplace.,[removed],,,,,,2018-12-25 18:38:13 a9n9ag,,4,Tunisie: heurts après l'immolation par le feu d'un journaliste à Kasserine,,,,,,,2018-12-26 09:34:31 a9nwsc,,0,Zionist And Proud,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-26 11:38:59 a9pac5,,1,"Tunisie: l’euro dépasse pour la première fois la barre des 3,4 dinars sur le marché interbancaire",,,,,,,2018-12-26 15:10:59 a9ueyn,,3,Djerba trip tips,"Me and my friends are looking for a cool destination for our vacations in April. I suggested Djerba because a colleague of mine from work loved it. It will be my 1st vacation after 1 and a half year so I want beach, pool and a drink in my hand. Also some cool sightseeing. Do you think April it’s a good time to go? Do you have any suggestions of sightseeing?",,,,,,2018-12-27 01:14:04 aa17il,,18,A good part of taxi drivers make me sick,"I always had difficulties at getting a taxi but in the recent years it has been ridiculous. I should mention that a ton of taxi drivers I encountered were very pleasant and friendly, but my concerns still touch on a big portion of them. What annoys me the most is when : * They flat out ignore you even though they don't have a client at the time. If you don't want to work then just remove the thingy above your car so we can know. * You actually find one and they ask you where you want to go, and they refuse to bring you there. I can understand that it may happen to someone to have a valid reason to do that but this happens way too often to my liking. Taxis refusing fares is illegal in Tunisia, but it is hardly enforced so they don't care. [Source 1]( [and 2 ]( * When they arbitrarily choose clients, like when you call him up first and he chooses to ignore you to pick up the lady standing 15m behind you. I know that they have all the rights to do that but this happens way too often to me for some reason which is annoying, and I got the habit of avoiding places where people are already looking for a taxi because of it. * They don't use proper equipment, we can barely see if you have a client at night without the green/red light. * When they try to scam you, especially at the airport. No need to add much details about this, all travel agencies warn travelers about Taxi scams in Tunisia, embarrassing. You can [call the 1876 for free]( when it happens, but I'm not sure if it still works that way. Some things we also need is more taxi stations in general for people like me that have a bad history with taxis, and many bus/train stations do not have taxis waiting there which is weird. I'm puzzled when I see taxi drivers striking, like you know maybe do your job correctly first before complaining, but sadly that line should not just be addressed to them but most Tunisian workers in general.",,,,,,2018-12-27 17:34:13 aaeozn,,0,maghni alrrab min 'amrika aladhin yabhathun ean alnaqd,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-28 21:43:19 aajr6a,مواجهات-ليلية-بين-الأمن-وعدد-من-شبان-حي/,1,اشتباكات في تونس حي التضامن,,,,,,,2018-12-29 09:02:56 aaknfu,,0,Some videos and pictures,[deleted],,,,,,2018-12-29 11:50:55 aavia4,[LaLettre28122018],4,"Table ronde d'actualité internationale: Tunisie, 8 ans après la révolution: retour à la case départ ?",,,,,,,2018-12-30 12:28:09 aavotz,,2,The Economy of Tunisia,"So I just stumbled on this article And was wondering are the IMF accountable to anyone? Is there any way to 'correct' their mistakes or are we just fucked as usual?",,,,,,2018-12-30 12:59:52 ab1fsr,,1,THE 10 MOST BEAUTIFUL TOWNS IN TUNISIA,,,,,,,2018-12-31 00:02:53 abb8v7,,8,Anyone tried importing a weed Bong ? how did it go ?,,,,,,,2018-12-31 21:04:49 abbta2,,1,How to vote in the US,[removed],,,,,,2018-12-31 22:08:25 abhrg2,,24,Digital Marketing in Tunisia,"Is anyone here interested/working in digital marketing ? Which tunisian brands com strategies do you like the most ?",,,,,,2019-01-01 12:12:39 ac2db8,,1,visiting tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-01-03 05:20:46 ac5wiy,,0,How to stop facebook apps from tracking you,[deleted],,,,,,2019-01-03 13:53:38 ac68d1,,0,Le social media club de tunisa en 2018,,,,,,,2019-01-03 14:34:32 ac6jdx,,1,Instagram blog,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-03 15:10:00 acgfcw,,36,The Dougga amphitheatre,,,,,,,2019-01-04 09:06:02 acq7bq,,9,Show Tunisia: I created a Geolocation Social Network where users can mark the personality group of their city/region around a map. Link in the description ! I made a version in Arabic & French too !,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-05 03:25:29 acrar0,,4,"Les enseignes à Tunis désormais obligatoirement en arabe, sur décret de son maire.",,,,,,,2019-01-05 05:43:36 act5t9,,1,Why cant we find Tunisian movies online? Especially the newish ones (few months/years old)...,,,,,,,2019-01-05 10:46:17 acy80q,,5,Pc build,"-Hey i'm trying to find components to build a new PC here in Tunisia, I am looking for sites that have good prices my budget is 2000dt+- looking for : --1050 ti 4go 8gb ram ( or 16gb ) ddr4 Ssd ( 120GO+ ) Processor could be an : i3 8100/i5 7th gen/ i7 6th gen Case ( preferably with a window ) Screen ( at least 60hz ) Power supply that can handle this much components --- I am alright if there is a prebuilt PC that I can upgrade to a 1050 ti with a good processor and ddr4 ram for about 2000dt+- Thanks for the feedback.",,,,,,2019-01-05 21:01:16 ad67ix,,3,Need a bit of info,"I heard of a program where students are allowed to take tests made by the American embassy, and If they pass, get the chance to live in America for a year. Is this true ? Is it available this year ? Where or when is it held ? And what demographic is allowed to take the test ?",,,,,,2019-01-06 14:55:52 adawmi,,1,"Hey, happy NY. Will visa procedure for the US from Tunisia be affected by the government shurdown?",,,,,,,2019-01-06 22:48:15 adbe5h,,1,Looking for an endocrinologist for cross-sex(transgender) hormone replacement therapy,[deleted],,,,,,2019-01-06 23:37:42 adf7bp,,1,Question about Tunisian Men,[deleted],,,,,,2019-01-07 07:04:48 adfkfq,,0,ريم السعيدى حلال حلال حلال,[deleted],,,,,,2019-01-07 08:01:14 adh52u,,1,Roadshow event in February,"Happy new year all ! I am trying to reach out to Entrepreneurs, digital actors and Media channels in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. Any help will be highly appreciated.",,,,,,2019-01-07 12:16:31 adsi34,,4,Will it be safe to ship to an address not on Google maps ?,"Hi guys seeking some help. I'm shipping an order to an address in Soliman. When looking it up on google maps or the transport company (DHL) it does not show up. Is it typically safe to ship even though the address is not on the maps ? Or is there too high a chance of the package going missing/ being un-deliverable ? Thank you in advance to anyone who can share some advice ! ",,,,,,2019-01-08 09:08:12 adxasz,,1,Where can i buy non Alcohol-free Soy sauce?,,,,,,,2019-01-08 18:29:29 aeicaq,,1,"10 Dinge, die Sie wissen sollten, bevor Sie nach Reisen Tunesien",,,,,,,2019-01-10 11:46:34 aekmgs,,15,Le ministère du tourisme espère attirer 9 millions de visiteurs en 2019,,,,,,,2019-01-10 16:30:32 ael7zq,,0,"En Tunisie, l’immolation du journaliste « Rzouga » pointe la détresse du pays",,,,,,,2019-01-10 17:27:27 aev9vc,,13,How Tunisian women inspired monogamy in Islam centuries ago,,,,,,,2019-01-11 13:17:02 af659l,,2,Seeking help finding a traineeship in Tunis [mobile dev],Hey!I have been looking for an interesting traineeship lately in the region of Tunis for the past 2 months and still can't find any.If you have some links or contacts that would help immensely coz I am running out of time.,,,,,,2019-01-12 10:15:30 af6lpp,,0,Promote free for Tunisians,,,,,,,2019-01-12 11:31:50 af6qpv,,0,Promote free for Tunisians (facebook),,,,,,,2019-01-12 11:54:03 af6v9z,,0,Promote free for Tunisians,,,,,,,2019-01-12 12:13:28 afd1zw,,0,Check out my first post on my new blog!,,,,,,,2019-01-12 23:22:09 afdki4,معاناة_ا_لتونسي/,1,"internet (TOPNET, tunisie telecom...) معاناة ا لتونسي مع الانترنت😹😹","El cnx ( internet ) fi touness mouchkla kbira atheka aleh video hatha ya7ki ala mou3anet tounssi m3a service client mte3 topnet fi touness (tunisie telecom). Link : [\_\_4Ps](",,,,,,2019-01-13 00:15:07 afdom4,,16,Gastronomie: et le meilleur couscous au monde… est tunisien !,,,,,,,2019-01-13 00:27:38 afkzxh,,12,المعاهد النموذجية في تونس: بناءات حديثة ولكن غير نموذجية,,,,,,,2019-01-13 16:42:14 aftgnh,,0,"Tunisie: 8 ans après la «révolution», l'amertume éteint progressivement l'espoir",,,,,,,2019-01-14 07:33:57 afw2ti,,0,Check out my Instagram Blog,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-14 14:02:02 ag4rt4,,4,petite question d'artiste,"Petite question, je suis du québec et voudrait savoir si on trouve de la peinture en aérosole facilement en Tunesie? Spécialisé comme de la BELTON/94/ONE SHOT etc.. ou sinon des marques de quincalleries/locales??? &#x200B; &#x200B; merci ",,,,,,2019-01-15 04:38:58 agli4e,,24,"Dachra , the first Tunisian Horror Movie",,,,,,,2019-01-16 14:12:45 agygi2,,8,Grève générale : Suspension des cours et service minimum pour les transports en commun,,,,,,,2019-01-17 14:48:07 ah2xpe,,4,New Tunisian music coming from Zied Zouari - Electro Btaihi Zaama Thawra,,,,,,,2019-01-17 21:44:27 ahas0o,,1,Working from Tunisia on a German VPN?,"Hi Tunisia! I am planning to visit your country for a month and would also like to work for a couple of days remotely from there. I am an IT consultant from Romania, working for a German client, using a German VPN. Are there any internet restrictions in this regard? How is the internet speed/ connectivity? Can you suggest a good mobile internet provider/ option I could get for a month? I am so excited to get back to Tunisia, this time for longer! I've been visiting since I was a child but I never used the internet to be honest. Thanks a lot! <3 ",,,,,,2019-01-18 14:08:21 ahbn87,,2,Journée de grève dans le secteur public massivement suivie en Tunisie [17/01/2019],,,,,,,2019-01-18 15:37:41 ahdtp4,,7,صفاقس: التلاميذ يدخلون في إضراب مفتوح ويحملون المسؤولية لحاتم بن سالم ولسعد اليعقوبي,,,,,,,2019-01-18 19:07:27 ahh6wn,,1,That feeling when you walk into the airport and smell that combination of piss and tobacco,[deleted],,,,,,2019-01-19 01:01:40 ai2am7,,5,Game of Thrones S8 Teaser Review | Raven Reviews,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-20 21:03:11 ai87wd,,4,"En Tunisie, la question de la dette est une affaire sensible, car elle fut en partie à l'origine de la colonisation",,,,,,,2019-01-21 08:37:11 ai94p3,,1,Familienaktivitäten mit Kindern bei Pauschalreisen Tunesien,,,,,,,2019-01-21 11:06:22 aia259,,1,What are the BEST/MUST visit places in the south of Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-21 13:24:49 aicji5,,31,Every week I go through one of these tubes. Is this a famous brand in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2019-01-21 17:44:46 aifusn,,1,Porto Farina - Bande Annonce Officielle,[deleted],,,,,,2019-01-21 22:30:01 aifv7i,,4,Porto Farina - Trailer,,,,,,,2019-01-21 22:31:05 aimvra,,7,Reportage de France 24 sur la fuite des cerveaux en Tunisie,,,,,,,2019-01-22 13:35:29 ainujs,,37,A Sad Joke," ## A man dies and goes to hell. Once there, he finds that there is a different hell for each country, so he tries to seek out the least painful one. At the door to German Hell, he is told: ""First they put you in an electric chair for an hour. Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another hour. Then the German devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day."" He does not like the sound of that, so he checks out American Hell, Russian Hell and many more. They are all similarly gruesome. However, at Tunisian Hell a long line of people is waiting to get in. Amazed, he asks, ""What do they do here?"" He is told: ""First they put you in an electric chair for an hour. Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another hour. Then the Tunisian devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day."" ""But that's the same as the others,"" says the man. ""Why are so many people waiting to get in?"" ""Because of the power cuts, the electric chair does not work. The nails were paid for but never supplied, so the bed is comfortable. And the Tunisian devil used to be a civil servant, so he comes in, signs his time sheet and goes back home for private business."" &#x200B; Found this on r/Jokes and took the freedom to edit it .",,,,,,2019-01-22 15:22:48 aj3eri,,1,Relaxing Violin Music Radio - 24/7 Chill Out Violin & Guitar Music Live Stream by Zied Zouari,,,,,,,2019-01-23 19:27:10 aj3x8h,à_jour_disponible/,1,Mise à jour disponible,"TND Devise Mise à jour disponible - Correction des bugs (Connexion plus stable pour obtenir les derniers taux) - Affichage des pourcentages de la variation des taux de change - Mode hors ligne ajouté",,,,,,2019-01-23 20:13:07 ajay3c,,3,Louise Mushikiwabo rencontre le Ministre des Affaires étrangères de la Tunisie,,,,,,,2019-01-24 09:58:26 ajbjc2,,66,Adorable White Lion Triplets Were Born at Friguia Parc Bouficha Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-01-24 11:30:55 ajdisb,,1,About Bilel Ali and his prize,"Even his name sounds suspicious right ? I mean choose Bilel or Ali ? **What all this fuzz is about ?** Long story short, he won the **first prize** (I am honestly happy for him) in a hackathon organized by [Dorahacks]( in San Fransico (**USA**) in the field of **cybersecurity**. [source]( 1st tunisian? nope just Media are intrested as usual with little **amazing abnormal** stories with a prodigy background (you remember the bakery guy from Paris right ?) **What is DoraHack ?** DoraHacks is the largest hackathon organizer and hacker community in China, expanding to 10 countries in 2018. Over three years, DoraHacks has organized more than 100 hackathons globally, operating in 7 cities, 5000+ core hackers and 200k+ developers in community. DoraHacks has produced more than 1000 applications in its hackathons and incubated more than 20 successful startups (including blockchains) in China. **Did he really participate ?** In 2018, many hackatons were organized by Dorahack (over a hunderd). So if you want to look for the event on google it will be a pain in the ass... but... you can always find somethink: * DoraHacks US 2018: january @Sanfrancisco, june @San Jose (california), octobre @Oxford \-> Where did our friend go ? from this [image](, it seems he was in Tokyo (novembre @Japan) ! **Did he really won ?** Yes but his friend Luke says it's only the second place: [tweet]( **Is it a big deal ?** nah. Too few people have participated not a very special [event]( So is it worth the fuzz ? you tell me. **Correction:** Long story short, he won the **~~first~~** **second prize** in a hackathon organized by [Dorahacks]( in ~~San Fransico (~~**~~USA~~**~~)~~ Tokyo (Japan) about **~~cybersecurity~~** the blockchain tech. &#x200B; PS: I honestly support any tunisian who participates in any kind of even, I too like the idea that media talk about this shit to encourage youth. No need to exaggerate though.",,,,,,2019-01-24 15:30:26 aje2mg,,1,About Bilel Ali and his prize,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-24 16:24:42 ajjhlk,,3,Is legit ?,"Hi, [This website]( gain some popularity out of no where lately, googling it doesn't return anything. wondering if any of you have an idea if its legit and how do they operate. (my brother wont shutup about it) thanks!",,,,,,2019-01-25 00:53:50 ajp4j6,,7,René Trabelsi fait la promotion de la Tunisie dans l’émission «Touche pas à mon poste» sur C8,,,,,,,2019-01-25 13:41:47 ajpqan,,4,Le Dr. Hachemi Alaya publie un livre d'économie sur la crise à laquelle fait face la Tunisie d'aujourd'hui.,,,,,,,2019-01-25 14:49:36 ajwn10,,1,What should I see in Djerba?,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-26 02:15:50 akoztc,,1,"If you are a creative person, maybe you should read this",[removed],,,,,,2019-01-28 16:20:52 aks95k,,1,Je ne pense pas que ceci est la réalité...,[deleted],,,,,,2019-01-28 21:23:19 aktxbv,,3,DNA Ancestry Tests,"I'm looking to get one of those DNA ancestry kits, with a viewing to seeing a breakdown of Berber, Arab, sub-Saharan, European etc. percentages. It seems like a lot of the kits are quite Eurocentric. Has anyone here taken a test, and if so which company and where you happy with the level of detail provided? There was a similar question asked in the Algeria subreddit recently, and the response was that 23andMe is no good (doesn't separate Arab vs Berber DNA?) and Ancestry is the best. I'm hoping for opinions on a wider range of companies, because I've got some concerns specifically about Ancestry's T&Cs re. ownership of your DNA. Thanks in advance :)",,,,,,2019-01-29 00:01:09 akxdyv,,4,Je ne pense pas que ceci est la réalité...,,,,,,,2019-01-29 06:42:44 al1a9b,,1,Reaching Desert (?) Villages,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-29 15:48:10 alaubw,,1,"Outdoor clothing store like Patagonia, Marmut, Mammot, etc. in Tunis?",[removed],,,,,,2019-01-30 08:52:07 ale0np,,5,"40 sociétés tunisiennes au salon agroalimentaire ""Gulfood 2019"" à Dubaï",,,,,,,2019-01-30 15:54:27 aleuq2,,1,Anyone has an idea about fees of importing.,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-30 17:10:49 alf8ep,,36,Mark Hamill and Alec Guinness taking a break from filming in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-01-30 17:44:51 alke95,,1,the tunisian government violating our privacy ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-01-31 01:52:34 am3zsy,,5,Accord entre l’Institut René-Cassin de Lyon et le Centre de formation touristique de Djerba,,,,,,,2019-02-01 16:47:46 amdpuk,,20,"""I've never been to America but this is probably how it is"" Starterpack",,,,,,,2019-02-02 12:39:17 amfpmi,,1,Canadian visiting Tunisia - advice?,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-02 16:38:50 amp37f,,1,"I want to visit Tunis, and earn some money at same time.",[removed],,,,,,2019-02-03 12:18:45 amwt23,,13,I'm going to Tunisia for 10 days for a wedding! What should I do?,"I'm going to Tunisia to attend a friend's wedding. My friend is not Tunisian, but her fiancé is (who I haven't met yet). The wedding is in Tunis and has 3 days of events. Some of these events are evening only, so we'll have the day to explore. Any advice on what to expect during the wedding? How fancy should I dress? (I am female) Do I have to wear something different on each day or can I wear the same thing? I love the traditional Tunisian dresses, how much would it cost to buy one while I'm there? Are there any customs/traditions/ etc. I should know of? Also, will I have time to explore places other than Tunis/Carthage in the remaining 7 days? What would you recommend that I do? I like historical landmarks, cool landscapes, food, music, friendly locals, etc. Not too keen on the resort/beach thing. I'd would love to fit in a trip to the desert if possible, but if I don't have time I'd rather not rush things. Sorry if this post is a little all over the place, I'm super excited right now and it's making me a little crazy lol.",,,,,,2019-02-04 02:01:28 an2qkm,,1,Alcohol Price in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-04 15:31:28 anbh64,,76,"Yes, this game store in a Tunis suburb quite creative as a name",,,,,,,2019-02-05 06:35:38 ancl9q,,1,"kids club "" Ariana """,,,,,,,2019-02-05 09:45:53 anh65i,,1,Any cheap way to make a round trip between Malta - Tunis? Boat or with a low-cost airline,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-05 18:39:15 anpgcw,é_qualité_p/,2,Is Jumia trustworthy ( coté qualité :p ) ?,"Im thinking about getting a guitar from jumia, im worried about da quality. Anyone here got one from jumia ?? ( wela saret mochkla fi achat etc .. )",,,,,,2019-02-06 10:33:24 ao273g,,1,"Brainstorming brand names for my property app, need your help.",[removed],,,,,,2019-02-07 09:55:36 ao50f9,,3,"Interview avec Heifel Ben Youssef, réalisateur et l’un des organisateurs du Festival du film maghrébin de Montréal",,,,,,,2019-02-07 15:44:09 aoeqq7,,7,SymfonyLive Tunis 2019: here we come! (Symfony Blog),,,,,,,2019-02-08 09:04:00 aohazz,,1,"« Au Maghreb, il y a urgence à structurer le secteur du livre »",,,,,,,2019-02-08 14:58:28 aot6gd,,1,"«LA TUNISIE, ÇA VA PAS LE FAIRE FRÈRE» : LE COMBAT BOOBA-KAARIS PREND DU PLOMB DANS L’AILE",,,,,,,2019-02-09 15:19:22 ap38gg,,9,Need some info,"Gonna do a project about various things including nahli park Was hoping someone can give me so info about said park or, even better, link me to a site that can help The park doesn't even seem to have a Wikipedia article so... Any help is appreciated, thank you all",,,,,,2019-02-10 11:45:24 apg9cn,,13,Prison à vie pour sept jihadistes responsables des attentats contre des touristes en Tunisie,,,,,,,2019-02-11 13:28:45 apmvnp,,1,Language used in university,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-12 00:02:30 apqoh5,,1,Backpacking Tunisia,Hey guys! Does anyone have any experience backpacking Tunisia? I'm planning to spend 2 weeks there in July and would appreciate any tips or recommendations or anything of that sort! There isn't much on the backpacking scene online on Tunisia so was hoping to find any Tunisians or anyone who has been there here! Thanks in advance! ,,,,,,2019-02-12 07:09:31 apy26u,,10,"""Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces"" makes the list of the best African movies from all 54 African countries",,,,,,,2019-02-12 20:49:04 apzqyy,,1,question about a movie,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-12 23:20:55 apzyil,,15,Tunisie : un homme porte plainte pour viol et se retrouve condamné pour homosexualité,,,,,,,2019-02-12 23:41:23 aq6jsh,,1,L’Allemagne accorde à la Tunisie 40 millions d’euros pour un projet gouvernemental,,,,,,,2019-02-13 13:24:16 aqizfj,,1,The strongman temptation,[deleted],,,,,,2019-02-14 11:56:47 aqizq4,,8,The strongman temptation,,,,,,,2019-02-14 11:57:56 aqm6q2,,58,Official construction diagram of the tunisian flag,,,,,,,2019-02-14 17:28:05 aqvta6,,25,"Tunisia export rise by 21,9% over last year",,,,,,,2019-02-15 11:51:20 asbusk,,10,"[Interview] « En attendant Vénus » au musée du Bardo, une ode contemporaine à l’art antique",,,,,,,2019-02-19 15:56:04 asfka7,,0,Hhkksyfh,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-19 21:19:35 at9xy4,,58,تونس في صورة,,,,,,,2019-02-21 23:16:39 atauek,,8,"C'est une bonne marque de huille d'olive tunisienne? (Supermarche, Missouri, États-Unis)",,,,,,,2019-02-22 00:42:40 atjidz,,5,165 millions de dinars de pertes pour Tunisair en 2017,,,,,,,2019-02-22 16:23:37 au7wik,,1,Where in Tunisia do you report phishing scam of this sort? (I have been sent this twice),[removed],,,,,,2019-02-24 13:23:52 auwfyh,,14,The Tayara community manager guy strikes again,,,,,,,2019-02-26 07:04:27 auwur6,,1,Aaslama anyone to study business in Germany?,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-26 07:56:01 av1ge9,,1,"Pour une jihadiste franco-tunisienne, le « califat n'est pas fini »",,,,,,,2019-02-26 16:39:28 avbdzs,,8,I just came back from a 10-Day-Trip to Tunisia and I don't get why your country doesn't get more love.,"I should emphasise on the fact, that I've been kind of everywhere - north, south, west. The landscapes and the architecture I've seen - wow. And it's perfectly safe, whatever media say.",,,,,,2019-02-27 09:00:23 avfblr,é_de_pain_en_diabète/,5,C'est quoi l'unité de pain en diabète ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-27 16:29:27 avpl48,,73,Ksar Tounket - Ruins of an old Berber Village in southern Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-02-28 10:23:01 avsu5v,,1,La téléconférence peur énormément aider les diabétiques !,,,,,,,2019-02-28 16:13:15 avtash,,1,Supercoupe : La Fédération Tunisienne de Football saisit la justice,,,,,,,2019-02-28 16:54:17 avvrfu,,1,What do you guys think of our current PM Youssef Chahed ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-02-28 20:27:37 aw5hl2,,27,Support local bands \m/,,,,,,,2019-03-01 14:26:10 awsnib,,11,Tunisie: Petit pays en réalité plus grand...,,,,,,,2019-03-03 09:56:07 axysdr,,0,نشرت الموضوع مع السبريديت من مل أنحا العالم و أتشرف الآن بنشره مع أولاد بلدي و موضوعي يخص نظرية التطور,,,,,,,2019-03-06 13:24:56 ay1amh,,3,Des études sur le diabète de type 2,,,,,,,2019-03-06 17:20:03 ay2t5u,,4,Quelqu'un pourrait expliquer cette histoire de bonbon Dauphin ? Nouvelle drogue ?,,,,,,,2019-03-06 19:29:15 ay9p6m,,22,What about celebrating the 2k susbs?,"Not sire if you guys did notice but the sub is now 2k subscribers, I remember when that it was something like 500 a year ago, I would suggest that we celebrate that with a meetup but as usual I know that you goes never go out by day or night :)",,,,,,2019-03-07 06:50:19 aycung,,1,Le diabète de type 2,,,,,,,2019-03-07 13:55:04 aydxqp,,1,خيانة فلسطين-خيانة الفلسطينيين لبلدهم,,,,,,,2019-03-07 15:41:41 ayf3kx,,1,Konshiou$ - 48 Lak3a(Sarfeg-MXTP),,,,,,,2019-03-07 17:21:57 ayic3x,,1,Tunis accueillera le siège régional de l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie,,,,,,,2019-03-07 22:02:28 ayidb0,,1,Commémoration de l'Epopée de Ben Guerdane,,,,,,,2019-03-07 22:05:30 ayk9ou,,1,Finding a four month sublet in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-08 01:07:06 az5zcf,,5,Le risque de diabète augmente avec un surpoids et un manque d'exercices 😱😱😱,,,,,,,2019-03-09 17:45:40 aze5po,,1,Tunisia's health minister resigns after 11 babies die in hospital,,,,,,,2019-03-10 09:39:18 azfdgn,,6,Shopping online,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-10 12:54:59 azfyst,,5,Sending something from abroad to Tunisia by post,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-10 14:08:07 azl6q4,,10,Motorcycles in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-10 22:12:16 azvdmf,,17,Tunisia's health minister resigns after 11 babies die in hospital,,,,,,,2019-03-11 16:23:54 b07lx0,السبب_الرئيسي_علاش_السوبرديت_هذا_مش_قاعد_يكبر_مليح/,1,السبب الرئيسي علاش السوبرديت هذا مش قاعد يكبر مليح,[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-12 13:10:49 b086od,السبب_الرئيسي_علاش_السوبرديت_هذا_مش_قاعد_يكبر_مليح/,23,السبب الرئيسي علاش السوبرديت هذا مش قاعد يكبر مليح,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-12 14:07:20 b0bqy7,,3,connecting a Tunisian Paypal account with a british bank account like SanTander,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-12 19:14:08 b0de7o,,22,Hi Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-03-12 21:31:42 b0ebc8,,1,Les Dunes Electroniques - Mind Research & Development,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-12 22:49:39 b0hyt0,,5,so other than babies dead what's happening in tunisia,"babies dead everywhere why now , why now ? why it didn't happen before ? what else is happening in the country let's talk ",,,,,,2019-03-13 04:55:12 b0it7g,,4,"Marh 13, 13 years since Ettonsi, the internet hero, left this world free",,,,,,,2019-03-13 06:40:54 b0k6fj,,14,Drop fekra,"Hi pretty people of tunisia! &#x200B; So jumping on [yesterday's discussion]( about the subreddit (thanks to OP [Seal-of-Orichalcos]( ) , i was wondering what can an average redditor do to make r/Tunisia get better and be more interesting (no need to compare to other subs or other nations) . I think mods and redditors are open to new ideas, and I suggest for a beggining doing an automated weekly discussion thread, it is very enlightening and instructive when you get to share andectodes, recommandations, cultural events, music, books, deals, workshops, meet ups etc.. The sub official chat is interesting too but info and links get lost throughout the thread. &#x200B; What do you guys think or suggest? مع حبي",,,,,,2019-03-13 09:58:24 b0m4q1,,1,Un Tunisien expulsé de France préfère « se suicider » plutôt que de rentrer dans son pays,,,,,,,2019-03-13 13:39:31 b0m6w2,,25,The best baguette in Paris is made by a the son of a Tunisian immigrant,,,,,,,2019-03-13 13:45:29 b0na1t,,2,What do you think of politicians with dual-nationality.,"At any given moment (at least since 2011), there was at least few politicians with dual citizenship in position of power, be it as a president, minister or member of the parliament. In this current government, there is a number of ministers who have second nationality. How do you feel about that? &#x200B; ",,,,,,2019-03-13 15:28:25 b0ojdd,,2,If you're interested in improving your sof skills and gaining more knowledge and experience in how to nail a Job interview this is the right place to go!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-13 17:15:47 b0spi5,,11,Najmou nyeziw mel tfouri5 ? [racisme amazigh/arabe],[removed],,,,,,2019-03-13 23:00:50 b0xct0,,1,"La campagne ""Balance ton hôpital"" dénonce le délabrement du système de santé",,,,,,,2019-03-14 07:22:18 b10ajg,,11,What are the biggest problems in the Tunisian agricultural sector right now ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-14 13:23:04 b10voh,,1,Avoir une vie normale avec le diabète 🤔🤔🤔,,,,,,,2019-03-14 14:19:30 b1500w,,0,Interesting question,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-14 20:01:00 b1cg88,,4,What is wrong with tunisian doctors ?,"I feel that they want it all! And I feel really frustrated when I hear them justify their arrogant opinions * The government has no right to force me to go work in the provinces. Hospital are not well equipped there and I can't exercise my profession there. *so you prefer people to die? try and help with the best you can. If there are no doctors there they'll have no reason to upgrade hospitals* * My salary is not good enough. I spent 11 years and I'm la crème de la crème. I deserve a higher salary. *bitch did you check the salary of an average engineer? the salary of professors? you think you're better than everybody else don't you? besides, you can always open an office and evade tax like your ""confrères"" do* * Doctors make mistakes, you can't blame them for their mistakes. We work 72h no stop, why do you expect. We need more vacations and help in hospitals. *Didn't you know that when you applied for medical studies? and sorry bitch boy you have to assume your mistakes like everybody* * Doctors need to stand for each other and protect each other even when they make mistakes. If we don't who will? Yeah, did you see an average man/woman that says doctors are evil? That's my opinion. I don't hate doctors, but I think that they are a little spoiled. ",,,,,,2019-03-15 08:45:37 b1h1n8,,0,Help me with derja (Tunisian dialect Arabic) please.,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-15 16:36:00 b1i0eg,,7,يا توانسة هل تأمنون بنظرية التطور ؟,,,,,,,2019-03-15 17:57:23 b1ipzs,,3,What do you guys think about this initiative? I have not seen this TV show but I’m going to check it out. Hopefully more actions like this one will boost the tourism sector,,,,,,,2019-03-15 18:57:33 b1ixzm,,1,Meme of the day,,,,,,,2019-03-15 19:15:51 b1kmjf,,1,Meme of the day,,,,,,,2019-03-15 21:43:09 b1kqkb,,1,Terrorist kills 49 Muslims in New Zealand,,,,,,,2019-03-15 21:53:25 b1m0e1,,1,eXchange Rates,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-15 23:54:12 b1me74,,9,Please teach me some Tunisian Arabic vocabulary.,"I am interested in learning vocabulary that is related to roots. For example, the color yellow is safr with the three root letters S F R. So I would like to know more words that use these three letters such as the following that someone taught me: zero (sifr), bowl (sofra), trip (safra). &#x200B; I don't like memorizing vocabulary so this would be a good way for me to pick up some words. If there are related words then I would like to know them. For example is there a verb that means become yellow that uses the root letters S F R? &#x200B; Thank you.",,,,,,2019-03-16 00:31:50 b1ms9s,,2,"New Zealand Shooting Live Updates: Christchurch Mosque Attacks Leave 49 Dead, Australian Suspect Charged",[removed],,,,,,2019-03-16 01:12:48 b1nfk3,,10,Any of you tested the Wallis?,"It looks funky and unique, but a bit overpriced. In my opinion, they should make all the new models electric so they can easily sell them in Europe and they won't need any combustion engines from France or anywhere else.",,,,,,2019-03-16 02:23:07 b1nhiq,,1,Buy anything you need in Tunisia here. Jumia the Amazon of Africa,[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-16 02:29:01 b1u0jb,,24,Christchurch attack and how the world reacted is pissing me off,"4 years ago, 12 people were killed and 11 were injured. About two million people, including more than 40 world leaders, met in Paris for a rally of national unity. Everyone was like #Jesuisparis and the 7 gates of hell opened. Today, 49 people are dead and at least 48 others are injured. An Australian Senator with disgusting comments and tweets. No reaction from world leaders. Don't get me wrong i'm very sorry and pissed by the two attack no matter what their religion is. Yea, i wrote this after i watched the video of the ""mentally ill"" shooter. I cannot hold the tears back, that's why i'm posting this here maybe it will calm me down. **Rest in Peace**. &#x200B; &#x200B;",,,,,,2019-03-16 16:06:03 b1vvwx,,5,Are there people who still believe in 'si7r' and '7irz' and that culture ?,Ive never met someone who did and we never had that kind of stuff in my family (unfortunately maybe? since ive missed a whole culture) But ive heard that el se7r culture is very popular in north african culture. Ive also recently watched Dachra that talked about that kind of stuff so i was curious to know if any of you have been encountred to se7r or maybe had someone in their family who practices sorcery. Tell me about it.,,,,,,2019-03-16 18:58:21 b1wbgo,,1,Are memes okay here ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-16 19:34:38 b1wg1o,,26,"r/Tunisia has now a WIKI, Help is needed though to finalize the pages","&#x200B; It has been a while since this has been enabled , check it out : []( but due to some drawbacks we were unable to finalize this, so please help us out have more content added. So far we have the following categories : Traveling, Culture, Food, FAQ Here is how it goes, By answering to this post, put in what you are willing to help out with ( name a Category,just one allowed per redditor, see above). There will be three spots for each category and each redditor will be assigned with the content description and have their name put in as editor on the wiki and recognized for their work with a special flair. The assignment will be on first come first serviced basis. \-------------------------------------------------------------------------- this part of the post will be edited gradullay: I will keep our progress updated: * Traveling : **60 %** * Culture : **0%** * Food: **0%** * FAQ: **0%** &#x200B; |Topic/CATEGORY|USERNAME 1|USERNAME 2|USERNAME 3| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |[Travelling](|||| |[Culture](|||| |[Food](|HonkiDong|Haifasouissi|| |[FAQ](|zabltaw|kreitech|| &#x200B; &#x200B; [Make r\/Tunisia Great \(Again?\)](",,,,,,2019-03-16 19:45:56 b1x1bn,,6,Me,,,,,,,2019-03-16 20:38:39 b1zkvh,,8,How do you cook Mlookhia ?,"Just tried my first experiment and it's nothing like the Mlookhia I know. Tastes like Harra ( wild rocket) :) So if you don't mind sharing your experience on how to cook the Tunisian Mlookhia. ",,,,,,2019-03-17 00:51:19 b1zz1k,,5,If Ennahtha had their way...,"I think they could have turned Tunisia into Somalia or Afghanistan. ",,,,,,2019-03-17 01:32:39 b23gbs,,7,Steel Manual Grinder mizel chkoun ybi3hom? Where can I find it?,,,,,,,2019-03-17 09:21:40 b245fb,,51,"Peter weber in tunisia shooting a netflix production ""mamalik al nar""",,,,,,,2019-03-17 11:10:38 b261g1,,2,Oat bread recipe?,Hey I'm a tourist in tunisia and was at the local market today. I bought some oat bread. The grains are rather coarse. I love a hardy bread and was hoping someone would share a recipe. Don't be shy call your mom.,,,,,,2019-03-17 15:05:22 b2epea,,1,.,,,,,,,2019-03-18 05:16:26 b2ipan,,7,Looking for Tunisians to join our international discord server and whatsapp group!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-18 13:24:36 b2muww,,1,قسم جديد على ريديت يتكلم عن برنامج مايكروسفت وورد خاصةً، وبقية برامج أوفيس عامةً. المحتوى باللغة العربية.,,,,,,,2019-03-18 19:22:45 b2us90,,1,How tf am i supposed to deal with this,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-19 08:21:25 b2usa1,,3,How tf am i supposed to deal with this,"I'm literally in a trip with people who unironically love ""Gucci gang"" and ""you're such a hoe"" or whatever, And the worst thing is that IM considered a party pooper. Wtf is wrong with these people Edit: they were just singing ""n***as iffy uh"" or Whatever it's name is without a single trace of irony and I'm gonna be stuck with them for 4 days. Fml Edit: autocorrect",,,,,,2019-03-19 08:21:33 b344u5,,23,Tunisian forces kill three Islamic State militants near the Algerian border.,,,,,,,2019-03-19 22:49:25 b349zt,,14,A 23 [F] and never been kissed...,[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-19 23:01:46 b39g2w,,6,Rock Climbing Gyms in Tunis?,"Hey, I live in the capital and have been trying to find a place to go rock climbing since I moved here. I know there are a lot of natural places to climb out in the mountains, but does anyone know of a climbing gym in Tunis? I'm looking more for a place that has bouldering, but I'll take a top rope climbing gym as well. Thanks!",,,,,,2019-03-20 08:24:09 b39vr8,,10,Any Tunisian photographers or amateur photographers here?,"Hello I always wanted to take up photography as a hobby but no idea where to start. Any tips for beginners would be appreciated like affordable equipment and so on. Thanks",,,,,,2019-03-20 09:26:04 b3dy9k,,8,"Happy national day , RISE TUNISIA",,,,,,,2019-03-20 16:17:20 b3e1jf,,1,"Happy national day , RISE TUNISIA",,,,,,,2019-03-20 16:24:47 b3eipe,,5,Looking for laptop recommendations(from web developers),"Hey y'all! I'm in the market for a new laptop that I can use to learn full-stack we development. I'm looking for recommendations of a laptop with a good quality-price ratio AVAILABLE IN TUNISIA having the necessary characteristics to learn full-stack web development without running into compatibility issues. Please specify the name of the model, the price as well as where I can get it from. Thank you!",,,,,,2019-03-20 17:04:12 b3gdic,,10,Running in Tunis,I've been training to run a race in my home city that's taking place at the end of April. I'm going to be in Tunis near Le Passage for work for a few days and I was wondering how to get some training in so I don't fall behind. I've been to Tunis for work before but running on the sidewalks didn't really seem like a thing that people do. Are there any gyms with treadmills near Le Passage where I could get a day pass for a few dinar? Would it be weird for me to just run on the sidewalk in the early evening? Is being a woman running alone at night safe in this area?,,,,,,2019-03-20 19:38:04 b3hlii,,6,Tunis busses transport network,"Hello everyone, I have been in Tunis for a year, for PhD studies and I still don't understand, didn't figure out how the busses work. Is there any map with busses lines numbers I can find with the time they depart ? ",,,,,,2019-03-20 21:17:47 b3io6n,,1,"#BalanceTonHôpital, ou quand les Tunisiens crient leur indignation sur les réseaux sociaux",,,,,,,2019-03-20 22:47:24 b3ndtr,,1,UX Cafe #5 - The UX community monthly meetup,,,,,,,2019-03-21 06:56:07 b3npjz,,6,Online money,I got a job working online for a company in another country. Does anyone know the best way to get paid online in Tunisia? PayPal only works with a foreign bank account I believe. Is there an e wallet that works in Tunisia? Some solution I'm missing?,,,,,,2019-03-21 07:41:27 b3quim,,2,"Axel Kahn : « Francophonie, un butin de guerre qui unit »",,,,,,,2019-03-21 13:58:54 b3r0ss,,5,The Division 2 tunisian clan,"I’m currently playing The Division 2 having so much fun pvp and pve Is there any tunisians playing this game? It would be cool to gather in a solid tn clan Cheers PS. If you play any other online game, please show yourself",,,,,,2019-03-21 14:14:17 b3rrzv,,3,Living abroad..,"For Tunisians living abroad, except from food and parents, what did you miss the most in Tunisia? ",,,,,,2019-03-21 15:20:58 b3s2qk,,3,Indice mondial du bonheur : la Tunisie à la 124e position,,,,,,,2019-03-21 15:45:24 b3wme0,,3,recommendation on apps,does tunis have any popular food delivery apps? because i do not speak french so i find it difficult during my visit last year.,,,,,,2019-03-21 21:57:52 b41yqo,,8,"Appel à candidatures pour le Prix de la traduction ""Ibn Khaldoun Senghor"" français-arabe et arabe-français, jusqu'au 31 mai 2019",,,,,,,2019-03-22 07:14:53 b456xe,,28,"Line on Weeds: ""Fuck you man! I'm Tunisian!""",,,,,,,2019-03-22 13:39:51 b46gbk,,9,See you in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-03-22 15:32:11 b4wudr,,1,"Tunisia to lunch its first sattelite ""Challenge 1 "" Via the russian soyez2 spacecraft in 2020",[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-24 14:21:59 b51nbu,,26,طونس,,,,,,,2019-03-24 21:13:50 b52tsr,,0,كي تبدى دوبى خذيت الpermis,[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-24 22:59:38 b59hxs,,1,"Tunisia to lunch its first sattelite ""Challenge 1 "" Via the russian soyuz2 spacecraft in 2020",[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-25 11:29:32 b59ivb,,12,"Tunisia to lunch its first sattelite ""challenge1"" Via the russian soyuz 2 spacecraft in 2020",,,,,,,2019-03-25 11:32:11 b5btqy,,1,5 TV SERIES AND NETFLIX SHOWS YOU MUST WATCH,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-25 15:09:04 b62225,,1,JEANS ET PANTALONS,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-27 08:53:10 b634yh,,1,PULL POUR FEMME,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-27 11:08:44 b6365f,,1,lol,,,,,,,2019-03-27 11:12:34 b63szv,,0,NETFLIX GIFT CARDS|RECHARGE NETFLIX,[removed],,,,,,2019-03-27 12:21:13 b63wld,,4,Looking for War Thunder and Cuisine Royale players,"I it happens you are playing War Thunder or Cuisine Royale, I'm looking for Tunisian mates to play usually from 7pm - 9pm. &#x200B;",,,,,,2019-03-27 12:31:25 b64qil,,16,Tunisian president accused of complicity in torture. Not surprised tbh but how do you people feel about this ?,,,,,,,2019-03-27 13:51:26 b683sx,,5,Tunisian gamers!, **What about an official Discord** for gamers?,,,,,,2019-03-27 18:52:52 b6c3k8,,24,Is Tunisia's democracy failing?,,,,,,,2019-03-28 00:28:20 b6gmyp,,1,"this kid is killing it, tounes lebes",,,,,,,2019-03-28 09:26:13 b6lhty,,4,Why isn't tunisia reacting to the atrocities in Xinjiang in China ?,If it's a free press and a free country why isn't there any coverage about the torture and exactions ?,,,,,,2019-03-28 17:13:39 b6oyk6,,12,Gay people in Tunisia,"""Hello! Who's that?"" ""Oh, this is my boyfriend, Chris."" I am a man. How would the average person in Tunisia react to hearing me say that? What if we were at a restaurant, and clearly on date? I know similar questions have been asked in this sub before about tolerance towards gay people in Tunisia, but I haven't seen people discuss the actual reactions of people when they find out you are gay.",,,,,,2019-03-28 21:59:16 b6xuv1,,0,The best thing about youtube?| THE NEW YOUTUBER TAG 2019,,,,,,,2019-03-29 14:20:16 b6yi62,,1,"Selma Akel, première femme tunisienne à atteindre le sommet de l’Everest",,,,,,,2019-03-29 15:14:40 b6zwhk,,1,IS TUNISIA SAFE TO VISIT IN 2019? (My Family Trip),,,,,,,2019-03-29 17:11:10 b7a4jp,,2,Fellow Algerian here,[deleted],,,,,,2019-03-30 11:15:13 b7abpv,,17,Fellow Algerian here,"I'm a university student majoring in computer science and I'm considering moving to Tunisia, I'd like to live in a politically stable secular country while I build my career, because Algeria is suffering right now economically and politically. Then I plan to move to Germany after getting a master's degree. Unfortunately I don't know much about Tunisia. How are the costs and quality of living compared to Algeria? In which public university can I continue my studies in CS and how well is this uni recognized internationally? Also how is people's mentality regarding religion? How do people treat atheists? How are they seen by the norm? Is it a good idea to move to Tunisia overall? Any help is appreciated.",,,,,,2019-03-30 11:40:47 b7ik0b,,7,Moving to Tunisia for Three Months - Need Some Help,"Hi all, Yesterday, I learned that I'll be moving to Tunisia for three months for my studies (I'm doing doctoral research at the Bibliothèque Nationale and the Archives Nationales), from May 1st to July 31st. Right now, I'm looking for an apartment and am having some trouble. I'm currently looking for an apartment, but I'm having trouble with Tunisie-Annonce. Many of the posters on there do not have WhatsApp, and the website keeps timing out when I try to register, so it's impossible for me to send a message. I'm looking to live in Ennasr, El Manar, or El Menzah. I'll be working through an institute based in Menzah 5, so these would be good areas, and they aren't too far from government buildings. Does anyone know of anybody who is looking to sub-let an apartment or anything? Ideally, it would be furnished, but I really can work with anything. English is my native language, my spoken French is adequate (I'm much better with reading/writing), and my Arabic (only Fosha) is weak, although it does exist. In addition, is there anything else I should know before coming? I did visit last year, but I'd be happy to read any advice that you may have to offer. Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2019-03-31 01:39:31 b7lis7,,1,Worst show ever,,,,,,,2019-03-31 08:25:11 b8b84b,,7,Is it possible to buy something from Amazon ?,"from tunisia ? if so how ? (a book , no i havent found on ""al kitab librairie"" )",,,,,,2019-04-01 23:32:56 b8fox8,,0,Robes,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-02 06:55:22 b8g192,,0,VESTES ET MANTEAUX,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-02 07:33:52 b8nl3k,,6,Does anyone have pictures of the interior of the “Hotel du Lac”,"I live in Tunis, and I see the building everyday yet I’ve never seen a picture of the inside, the rooms, the roof.... I tried visiting once, but the guards wouldn’t allow me. I couldn’t find anything on Google btw.",,,,,,2019-04-02 19:17:30 b8o36w,,1,Mandela effect 2019 geography,,,,,,,2019-04-02 19:58:15 b8qa1n,,6,"Iam Going to Tunis for 1 Week and iam looking for a Cheap car for Rent, Any Advice here?",,,,,,,2019-04-02 23:02:11 b8vh6b,,1,Tunisie: attribution de 60 MW d’énergie solaire photovoltaïques,,,,,,,2019-04-03 08:53:28 b913il,,4,"what is the ""default"" language in Tunisia?","By default I mean what is the language used when you want to order food, speak to the cashier at a market,police... I am Lebanese and will be travelling to Nabeul this summer. As I already speak french and arabic fluently I'm just wondering which one I should be using... when I get to the airport for example?",,,,,,2019-04-03 17:40:37 b94acp,,8,"If I am visiting Tunisia for a month and I need to go to the E.R., how much would it cost me if I don't have international insurance?","Hi, I am in the U.S. and will be going to Tunisia for a month. I have a long term illness and I wonder, if some emergency happens and I need to go to the emergency room or hospital in Tunisia (i hope this does not happen, but I like to be prepared), what would the bill be, or is it not too high because you have socialized medicine? I could also look into global medical insurance, I just wonder how it works there, any advice appreciated! Thank you!",,,,,,2019-04-03 21:54:50 b9fsyf,,1,best place to by SIM card (Rather than turning my US phone plan into an international plaN) so I could make phone calls and use data?,"HI all, I'm going to Tunisia for a little over a month and am getting ready! I was going to shop around and get some US phone plan with a good international plan but I learned it is better if I just buy a SIM card when I go to Tunisia. Anything I need to know in advance? Is it better if I buy it somewhere else besides the airport? Thanks so much!",,,,,,2019-04-04 17:37:24 b9fxb4,,6,Mailing a big packages to Tunisia rather than taking a carryon on the plane (which confines us to Turkish Airlines) - is there some cheap freight forwarder or some other service that any of you use?,"My husband and I booked our tickets to Tunisia and there were some great deals but we couldn't take them because my husband insisted we had to take Turkish Aileines because they allow for a carryon (so he could take gifts for his family.) &#x200B; I am wondering, for next time, is there a cheaper way to send a big heavy package (slowly) to Tunisia with a good freight forwarder (I think they usually get deals based on sheer volume of packages they mail)? Even if it would cost us $75 (Im just making up this number), it would still be cheaper than some airlines $125 baggage fee, and we could travel lighter - and book with cheaper airlines that only allow us to have carryon but not checked baggae :-) Any ideas? Also I will research now and if if I learn anything I will post here too.",,,,,,2019-04-04 17:47:24 b9g4xq,,5,English and French languages,"Hello. So while watching a video on Algerian protests on Vice. I noticed how much French is spoken so after looking it up I found out that entire Maghreb speaks French except Libya. So I was wondering why do you guys keep French knowing that English is a international language and can bring more benefits economically like call centers etc. BTW I’m Syrian American and my parents when they came to America in 1980s didn’t speak French only Arabic and few English words. They told when they were growing all the education was in Arabic and English was the foreign language they could learn not French ",,,,,,2019-04-04 18:04:54 b9p1fm,,10,Churchill Tank vs German 88 - Tunisia 1943,,,,,,,2019-04-05 09:32:56 b9sexv,,8,Dribbble Tunis Meetup,"&#x200B; [Tunis Dribble meetup]( Dribbble Meetups are a chance for designers to socialize, talk shop, and foster their local design communities. Dribbble is a community of web designers, graphic designers, illustrators, icon artists, typographers, logo designers, and other creative types that share small screenshots (shots) that show their work, process, and current projects. Dribbble is a place to show and tell, promote, discover, and explore design. We are happy to invite you to the 1st ever Dribbble Tunis meetup April 16 from 6pm though 8pm in Level 1 (berges du lac) Given the large number of amazing Tunis designers doing awesome work, we thought it was about time to organize this group by simply filling in this registration form: If you are (or want to be) a designer, this group/meetups are for you. You'll get a unique chance to share your experiences and learn from other designers!",,,,,,2019-04-05 15:13:45 b9tfem,,3,La chercheuse Tunisienne Ines Zidi récompensée par le Prix de la Francophonie pour Jeunes chercheurs [Sciences],,,,,,,2019-04-05 16:35:51 b9uxsf,,1,معرض تونس الشبه دولي للكتاب 2019,,,,,,,2019-04-05 18:39:35 ba1oa7,,8,Game of Thrones night - local event to celebrate the new season start,,,,,,,2019-04-06 06:44:57 ba4tiq,,1,The pressure of interracial relations in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-06 14:27:34 ba82f3,,2,"Any Tunisian in a university in Indiana? (Purdue University, IU, etc) morning",[removed],,,,,,2019-04-06 19:38:36 bafdnt,,1,Computer Science Advice,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-07 11:34:04 bahaud,,8,Local food and restaurants in Tunis?,"We are a couple from Germany staying in the Tunis medina and we love food. Do you have any nice local places or hidden gems we must try while we’re here? Of course we have our own research but having local advice is always better :) we will also be travelling to sousse, touzeur and djerba so nationwide advice is welcome! Je parle Français alors des vrai locaux sans anglais pas de problème ! Merci 🙏 ",,,,,,2019-04-07 15:20:39 bam7go,,1,Tunisia 💪💪💪💪Algeria and Libya weak,,,,,,,2019-04-07 22:48:35 bamen3,,0,Eating pork..,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-07 23:07:45 bao0f2,,34,❤️❤️❤️,,,,,,,2019-04-08 01:57:26 baqds9,,1,First Electric Bus.,,,,,,,2019-04-08 06:33:13 baqp6k,,1,"Y'all Remember when Puff Daddy was in the ""Kingdom"" of Tunisa for the Prince's Bday? And Tunis was in the south ?",,,,,,,2019-04-08 07:13:55 bazghw,,8,Backpacking in Tunisia. Good idea?,"Salam guys, I just came back from Morocco where we backpacked across the country for 5 days...we're thinking of doing the same thing in Tunisia probably during the late summer. Is it a good idea? Is Tunisia ""backpacker friendly"" (if that makes sense)...or is the tourist industry not really aimed that that kind of demographic of tourists? We're broke university students and we're definitely not trying to spend a fortune in hotels. If so, what cities should I visit? Also, any natural sites or historical ruins we could visit?",,,,,,2019-04-08 21:32:18 bb04m9,,1,PUBG players,Any pubg players interested in teaminh up to dominate the battlegrounds?,,,,,,2019-04-08 22:32:22 bb3fr1,,20,Tunisia president Essebsi says he does not want to run for a second term,,,,,,,2019-04-09 04:05:59 bb66x5,,1,Forte croissance des exportations tunisiennes de fruits (+133%),,,,,,,2019-04-09 10:15:56 bbc8yb,,6,"I can't help but notice how drivers here don't adhere to any particular code of conduct whatsoever . Is there any actual reason for this ? I mean cars on highways are literally in the "" changing lanes "" mod the whole time and only a few seem to have the notion of lanes , not mentioning the rest.",,,,,,,2019-04-09 19:33:20 bbcjk7,,1,اغاني فرنسية جميلة للاطفال - اغاني اطفال بالفرنسية في مدرسة نيكول,,,,,,,2019-04-09 19:57:34 bbdlnq,,27,"No PayPal, no Uber,no drones, no international cards, no covoiturage..",Why our politicians are so retarded ? Why everything is so damn old fashioned and takes lots of paper work...,,,,,,2019-04-09 21:25:06 bbfu27,,1,"Can anyone tell me if this 'fact' is true? ""In Tunisia teachers wear white coats to protect their street clothes from chalk."" I cannot find a source for this, is it true? Thank you",[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-10 00:54:53 bblxd5,,1,Need a job? Warehouse Assistant position open with USGERA. Details inside,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-10 13:19:43 bbnwin,,2,does anyone use a VPN to use paypal in Tunisia?,I'm going to be in Tunisia for over a month and I work online. I am wondering if accssing PayPal there using a VPN will be a problem. I use NordVPN but so far have only used it in the US so far. I will also call Paypal and my credit card companies to let them know I'll be traveling.,,,,,,2019-04-10 16:16:16 bbnyiw,,3,"food shopping in tunisia - dairy free/gluten free, are there a lot of options?","I wish I could eat everything I used to, but it turns out I have celiac and don'd do well with dairy. Here in the US i am in a big city, so it is easy for me to get gluten free pasta, almond butter, almond milk, coconut or almond ice cream. I use Amazon Fresh. I am just wondering what grocery shopping is going to be like living there - are foods like this hard to get? If so I will just eat a lot of fruit, meat and nuts no problem! ANy tips appreciated. I have a lot to learn.",,,,,,2019-04-10 16:21:05 bbo6fw,,12,What do you like about Tunisia better than the U.S.? Getting psyched for the trip and want to keep an eye out for things to appreciate!,"This question is phrased not to insult the US in any way (I am American) but I know each country has its own special thing about it that other countries don't have. What do you really like about Tunisia that the US doesn't have (for example people's outlook, food, places, pace, music, anything you can think of!)",,,,,,2019-04-10 16:39:46 bboaep,,3,a place to sing in tunisia? open mics?,"Sorry I hope I am not bothering you all flooding this sub with questions! If I don't post as soon as I think of something I will forget. I appreciate all of your answers and have saved a lot of them in a file I can refer to when I go to Tunisia! I really love to sing (like old fashioned jazz etc), and I also love to hear people sing Tunisian songs, my husband's friends who live here sing and I fall in love. So I am wondering are there any specific places in Tunisia you recommend where people get together and sing, or have open mics? It does not need to be fancy at all! I don't care if there is a stage or not, I am happy with any suggestions.",,,,,,2019-04-10 16:48:53 bbojz2,,7,"do you have any suggestions for a great translation app or device that works well with the tunisian dialect, so that i can communicate quickly with my husband's tunisian family (they only speak arabic) without making them suffer? :-)","Hi all, so I do not speak Arabic (yet, I want to learn!) and my husband's family who we are visiting do not speak French or English. &#x200B; I will be there for so long and want to be able to communicate with them right away. &#x200B; Someone had told me I could use the google translation app - I talk to it in english, it translates into arabic, and i can press a button so it reads aloud to them in arabic. i tested a few sentences and my husband says the translation is not very good. (even here on reddit, someone wrote a comment in arabic and i put it through google translate and i thought they were calling another redditor a slave bc of what google translate told me,but really they were just saying people!) &#x200B; someone (not tunisian) suggested these earbuds to me []( but they warned me they are not great with dialects in general, but i am willign to try that, or anything else!! &#x200B; i am wondering if you have any apps or devices you think are good? and yes i will definitely work on learning the tunisian dialect, i do not want them to have to learn a word of english! &#x200B; thanks for any advice, you all have been amazing. i cannot thank you enough.",,,,,,2019-04-10 17:10:51 bbokm1,,14,Social anxiety,"If you live in Tunisia you can tell that people judge each other way too much ? Anyway,I have social anxiety and I wanna know if there are places fun to go to alone and in the same time not find a shit ton of people there x)",,,,,,2019-04-10 17:12:14 bbpdwi,,3,Is it possible to get 2 visas as a tunisian??,"Im 19 (idk a lot about these things) and am going to sit for my bac exam after 2 months. anyways,my dad is planning to visit France in June (yes, thats when im going to sit for the bac exam lmao), and he's planning to get me a touristic visa with him but I will not go with him (who knows, maybe I can get a 1-year visa) . But after passing the bac exam, im planning to start studying German and then apply for another visa (but this time its going to be for education) so i can move out to Germany. Is that possible?",,,,,,2019-04-10 18:18:00 bbvj3o,,5,Actor Walid Nahdi,So here in America the blind Zionist supporters are having field day portraying Arabs and Muslims as intolerant backwards due to comments that Tunisia own actor Walid Nahdi made about gays and Jews,,,,,,2019-04-11 03:48:36 bbxrrv,,1,Mai sera le mois de la contribution africaine sur Wikipédia,,,,,,,2019-04-11 09:24:42 bbzhi0,,3,"[Vidéo] Cinéma tunisien, quelle révolution pour les femmes ?",,,,,,,2019-04-11 12:50:13 bc05ec,,14,Berber village of Chenini قصور شنيني تطاوين الأثرية,,,,,,,2019-04-11 13:53:58 bc8ka5,,1,What are your thoughts 😯..,"The word disgusted doesn't even describe how i feel...",,,,,,2019-04-12 02:39:16 bccned,,5,How long does it take to receive a mail from Tunisia to the US?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-12 11:52:31 bchof2,,1,"The sad clown ,ave habib bourguiba",,,,,,,2019-04-12 19:23:38 bckecv,,1,Traveling and many things,,,,,,,2019-04-12 23:35:15 bcp5mr,,8,What ethnicity would I be seen as in Tunisia based on my look?,,,,,,,2019-04-13 10:24:20 bcq2eo,,0,مفردات الوجة بالفرنسية le visage,,,,,,,2019-04-13 12:38:34 bcqh07,,1,3awnou w5aykom y3awenkom rabi,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-13 13:28:24 bcwirx,,7,Why do I have Tunisian ancestry as a Mexican?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-13 23:12:09 bd04nb,,8,"L'ENA, École Nationale d'Administration de Tunis, célèbre ses 70 ans",,,,,,,2019-04-14 06:40:51 bdegov,,3,Struggle over leadership deepens division in Tunisia president's party,,,,,,,2019-04-15 10:36:33 bderlx,,22,Obscure Star Wars cosplay of a boom mic operator in the Tunisian desert,,,,,,,2019-04-15 11:17:00 bdexg6,,1,"Ever wondered why we call a car ""Karhba""?",,,,,,,2019-04-15 11:36:53 bdhys5,,3,What’s the meaning of these words?,"Hello. I’m moroccan. I came across some words in Tunisian that I cannot understand. “Gol lmama antik edia hya la vie” “Terbka” Thank you.",,,,,,2019-04-15 16:21:23 bdif02,,2,Transportation Strike?,Any word on if it's just a one day thing or is this going to continue?,,,,,,2019-04-15 16:58:39 bdl2i7,,2,La Tunisie accueillera le premier bureau sectoriel de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie,,,,,,,2019-04-15 20:31:56 bdu626,,1,Like n share n subscribe,,,,,,,2019-04-16 13:49:24 be3qn2,,1,Local music scene in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-17 04:41:39 be7miz,,1,"Installez le navigateur CryptoTab et commencez à gagner de l'argent supplémentaire pour l'utiliser. Tant que vous regardez YouTube, lisez des nouvelles et utilisez les réseaux sociaux exactement comme vous le faites quotidiennement, vous obtenez de vrais Bitcoins.",,,,,,,2019-04-17 13:10:25 beyhz4,,0,Any Wow player (warmane),"Hi guys, looking for wow player on warmane (private server ), we have a Tunisian guild and more players will be welcome. we are on ice-crown realm.",,,,,,2019-04-19 12:24:02 bezeoi,,20,Both Tunisian were living two blocks away in Hong Kong never met until they went to an after work event in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-04-19 13:58:54 bfb1o9,,6,Cultural question: handshaking between genders,"Hi everyone! So I have a bit of a cultural (I think) question. I (female) live in France where normally in a workplace we do ""la bise"" when greeting each other. I have a new Tunisian co-worker who shakes hands with everyone (which is totally fine). What's strange to me though is that he doesn't do a normal handshake with the women, he kind of does a quick limp shake where he doesn't take my hand, but rather puts his thumb on his palm (so I end up just incircling his hand with mine rather than having our thumbs around each others' hands like in a normal handshake) and he quickly pulls his hand away. I asked a couple of other co-workers and the male ones said he shakes normally with them. Is he uncomfortable shaking hands with women? Is it a cultural thing? I feel like it pains him to do it. I don't mind any kind of greeting, but it's just super awkward every time.",,,,,,2019-04-20 11:00:09 bfbjm7,,3,Pork in Hammamet Tunisia,"Hi! We've been working in tunisia for months now and I'm REALLY craving for pork. Do you know any hotels/restaurant that serve pork in Hammamet, Tunisia?",,,,,,2019-04-20 12:10:04 bfcv95,,11,"La Tunisie, premier pays arabe en matière de liberté de la presse",,,,,,,2019-04-20 14:40:23 bfdrb9,,3,Are there no vets in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-20 16:04:37 bfik8w,,7,Alcohol and Ramadan,Is there any supermarkets out there that do not suspend alcohol sales in Ramadan?,,,,,,2019-04-20 23:35:58 bfn59j,,1,Jdid rap tounsi aatiwni raykom <3,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-21 09:31:08 bfnb80,,16,Chatting with Tunisian friends,,,,,,,2019-04-21 10:00:02 bfo9ou,,4,Why is Tunisia so dysfunctional?,The seems to be in downward spiral since many years now. The only things that still barely work there are the airports although you still have to fill a stupid paper form on entry and exit but you need to have a pen because there aren’t any. Everything else is broken and low tech beyond understanding. You can’t even summon a taxi by phone. You can’t even check the schedule of intercity buses on a company website just to mention a few examples.,,,,,,2019-04-21 12:23:37 bfoaa8,,2,Anybody knows comic book stores in tunisia?,"I've been looking for a place where they sell comic books in tunisia ( preferably marvel's comic books ) but I didn't seem to find one. If anybody knows where to buy them near tunis , ariana or bizerte please let me know in the comments. Much appreciation.",,,,,,2019-04-21 12:25:53 bfohji,,5,Game of Thrones S8E01 Review | Raven Reviews,[](,,,,,,2019-04-21 12:51:33 bfpjjs,,1,Need your help,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-21 14:47:25 bftli0,,3,Residence card,"Hi all, I have a question about residing in Tunisia for a year for some studies. I think I can just come on a tourist visa with my Moroccan passport then register at the police station within three months. Is this correct or do I need to obtain a visa in advance? The Tunisian embassy can't give me clear advice. Most people just enter and leave ever three months for the 9 months of the school year. &#x200B; I'm hoping to have someone with first or second hand knowledge of the reality. Thanks.",,,,,,2019-04-21 21:02:47 bfuxh5,,1,How to learn tunisian ? Any Tv Shows/Movies with subtitles ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-21 23:09:59 bfz178,,3,Who has tried OTO (the taxi booking services)? Would you recommend it?,"[here is its link..]( I have just downloaded its app and they dont seem to show how much a ride is from point A to point B before booking and a customer service number...",,,,,,2019-04-22 06:58:16 bg0a56,,11,So I'm a young male tourist in Tunis for a couple of days.,What can I do that's a bit different? My family are Tunisian but I have very poor language skills so I'm trying to see the city on my own to learn more about the country.,,,,,,2019-04-22 10:00:36 bg2i3f,,4,Need medicine from Tunisia,"Hello everyone, I am from Algeria. My cousin got sick and he needs a medicine. It's not available in Algeria, the doctor said it can be found in France or Tunisia. Family from France told us that the medicine was removed from the market cuz is not manufactured anymore. So if anyone knows where I can Find it in Tunis lemme give me an address, please. medicine :",,,,,,2019-04-22 14:06:43 bg2xxq,,1,Top 10 Biggest Stadiums in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-04-22 14:46:59 bg38nb,,1,converter for electrical stuff (u.s.-tunisia) and best place to convert USD to tunisian dinars (for best rate?),just thought i'd ask the experts :-),,,,,,2019-04-22 15:13:33 bg3wcw,,3,"arabic classes for americans, or meetups for americans in tunisia?","here i go, inundating this sub with questions, sorry! i am trying to make sure i am not a pain for his family and not always hanging around them like a freak, and that i have fun. i am an american woman married to an amazing tunisian man. i'm going to be going to tunisia for the first time ever with him. i don't speak arabic but want to learn. in the meantime, i wonder if there is some meetup for americans just so i have have an outlet in case i get lonely, immersed in a culture where i don't speak the language. also if they have classes there, english to arabic that you can recommend? thank you!!",,,,,,2019-04-22 16:10:17 bg3x8o,,6,6 films tunisiens sélectionnés au Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève,,,,,,,2019-04-22 16:12:19 bg5sl5,,52,Just whipping my windows before the take off,,,,,,,2019-04-22 18:50:24 bgduxh,,29,Hey I got a few of those laying around...,,,,,,,2019-04-23 08:18:55 bgeks8,,1,فرصة سفر ممولة بالكامل الى تشيلي للصحفيين التونسيين مقدمة من Climate Tracker,,,,,,,2019-04-23 10:01:58 bgfkig,,2,Tunisian language is so simple,,,,,,,2019-04-23 12:05:04 bggjew,,1,Digital Job Fair 2019,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-23 13:44:18 bggqd5,,12,Afghanistan and Tunisia Turning to Bitcoin Bonds to Save Struggling Economies,,,,,,,2019-04-23 14:01:42 bh85x2,,1,Monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship for Tunisians.,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-25 12:42:24 bh89zf,,11,Monbukagakushou (MEXT) Japanese scholarship.,"So I'm graduating this year and only now I'm just finding out about this embassy's existence. I've read that you must take an English & a Japanese test to be eligible for enrollment (not sure if those two are the only ones, I hope so, I kick ass at both..or so I like to believe) Looks promising and all, but the only deterrent keeping me from looking it up further is that when you return home it's as if those 4+ years you've spent there have gone down the drain. Should I pursue this matter further? Or should I just give up? Seeing that the deadline for submitting the papers is the 17th of may. I really need to stop procrastinating and concentrate on my bac exams lol.",,,,,,2019-04-25 12:53:49 bhkdcl,,3,How can I pay for steam games online?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-26 09:31:29 bhrs07,,0,In the search of Tunisian Gamers,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-26 21:36:16 bhzfqk,,4,CIGARETTES THREAD/main question,"Is it real to buy flavored cigarettes like blueberry/lemon taste etc.? Any double clicked Marboro/Lucky Strike or something? What kind of cigarettes are there(brands)? What about availability? What about prices?",,,,,,2019-04-27 14:12:00 bi44ej,,4,[Request] Need help with a song !,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-27 21:57:21 bids84,,2,Request: need translation help,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-28 17:40:41 big2qj,,8,Noise-canceling headphones in Tunis,"hello! Does anyone have any idea where I could buy Noise-canceling headphones in Tunis and for how much are they sold? Thanks!",,,,,,2019-04-28 21:08:00 bim6p9,,1,Escorts In Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-04-29 06:14:29 biukkr,,0,خطف واغتصاب طفلة لمدة 18سنه وحاولت حمايته هل وقعت بحب خاطفها!!؟ - قصة جا...,,,,,,,2019-04-29 20:50:57 bivkuq,,0,Pls help translate to English!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-29 22:19:33 bizqoe,,0,Pls help translate,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-30 05:41:24 bj0snj,,1,Please help translate one line,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-30 08:10:48 bj2903,,23,تونس سنة 1899 : 20 صورة ملونة,,,,,,,2019-04-30 11:36:39 bj3b9h,,1,Prostitution in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-04-30 13:28:43 bjcqe9,,1,Can anyone help translate this?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-01 03:41:17 bjf6vd,,14,Are you registered to vote?,"Also, do you have any recommendations of a political party that I can look up? I still can't make up my mind. Ennahdha, Nida, Tahya Tounes are out of the question.",,,,,,2019-05-01 09:38:28 bjkdfp,,1,here is why Tunisia must exit specialization,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-01 18:07:02 bjtmjn,,1,🔥🔥🔥,,,,,,,2019-05-02 11:04:06 bjuhtr,,1,Money transfer process,"I'm planning on moving to Tunisia next week, does anyone know what's the process to transfer money from the US to Tunisia with minimum transfer fees? &#x200B; I looked up Paypal but because of the country's regulation you can only use Paypal to send money and not receive money.",,,,,,2019-05-02 12:42:34 bjzj6b,,1,How hard is it to get laid in here ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-02 20:13:16 bk0sk6,,1,سيدي بوسعيد sidi boussiid Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-05-02 22:04:40 bk68ag,,5,Follow up to my question about political parties.,"What do you guys think of Yassine Ayari? I can't tell if people hate him or love him? Saw his page And I'm not sure if he's legitimately a decent person. Anyone can give me their opinion? Update: got several helpful opinions, you beoble are awesome!",,,,,,2019-05-03 08:54:50 bkcbys,,1,Anyone feeling like they're falling behind in life?,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-03 19:19:11 bkev9m,,1,Can someone translate this?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-03 23:19:57 bkf8t0,,1,anxiety or depression support groups,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-03 23:59:31 bkjee5,,1,Interesting thought.,,,,,,,2019-05-04 09:23:53 bkjo7g,,2,Nice to see this!,,,,,,,2019-05-04 10:07:57 bkll4o,,1,Single female traveler to Tunisia in June,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-04 14:17:54 bkqklt,,1,Rami,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-04 22:22:16 bkvn7m,,12,I made a FAQ for the sub. Feedback and suggestions would be very welcome,,,,,,,2019-05-05 08:52:58 bl2d50,,1,Anyone know what one of these bad boys are called?!,,,,,,,2019-05-05 20:08:00 bld10u,,2,What do r/Tunisian do for a living and what is r/Tunisian average age ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-06 14:43:27 bld6zd,,1,What do r/Tunisian do for a living and what is r/Tunisian average age ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-06 14:58:06 bll3hd,,6,Eye surgery prices in Tunisia for an algerian?,,,,,,,2019-05-07 02:18:54 blmvrq,,1,25 Best Tourist Attractions to Visit in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-05-07 05:33:49 blt1v8,,1,*cries in harissa*,,,,,,,2019-05-07 16:50:56 bltkv4,,10,Working in Tunisia for the next 6 months and I am absolutely CLUELESS!,"On Friday I'll be moving to Tunisia to start my new job as a Kid's Entertainer in a resort, I'll have two days off a week to do whatever I want but I'm curious as to what information you guys can give me about it? General clothing tips are appreciated also, as I know in most parts I need to dress modestly. Any tips about absolutely aaanything would be good. Thanks!",,,,,,2019-05-07 17:33:31 blw34r,,4,Tunisian History Curriculum _Holocaust,Does the Tunisian public education history curriculum teach about the Holocaust? Does it teach about the Nazi invasion of Tunisia? Any details about secondary or higher education would help. Thank you.,,,,,,2019-05-07 20:55:58 bmjc9l,,2,ميراث - مرسال /m\,,,,,,,2019-05-09 12:44:00 bms727,,1,gta 6,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-10 01:30:49 bmxe4i,,9,Drone Laws ?,"Anyone got any internet resources I can check for drone laws in Tunisia ? ( home-made ) :p",,,,,,2019-05-10 12:00:15 bmxxmc,,0,Présence distinguée de la Tunisie au festival de Cannes 2019,,,,,,,2019-05-10 12:54:29 bn2moz,,1,Anyone interested? I volunteer to host one if so.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-10 19:29:36 bnas7f,,1,65 migrants dies as boat capsizes off the coast of Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-11 10:46:09 bncse2,,18,Shakshouka - tried by Russian,,,,,,,2019-05-11 14:43:05 bndpt4,,4,my vacation in tunisia,,,,,,,2019-05-11 16:09:10 bnfopj,,0,Libya’s Haftar admits sending Daesh members back to Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-05-11 19:04:28 bno1b8,,0,ردة فعل الشعب التونسي على مسلسل أولاد مفيدة 4,,,,,,,2019-05-12 11:35:09 bno7n8,,5,What TV show to follow during Ramadhan,I don't have access to Satellite tv and living abroad .. I want to get some feedbacks about what is there to watch from comedy to drama in the production this year .. started watching The case 460 (al9adhiya 460) and i'm not super exited about it .. looks like weak writing so far,,,,,,2019-05-12 11:59:38 bnoh16,,3,Do you guys know how to access site audimat,"[]( seems to require an account for access , i was wandering if someone had any clue (just want to see the stats )",,,,,,2019-05-12 12:33:39 bnw8we,,24,Is Tunisia a safe place to visit?,"I’m sorry if this question comes off as offensive. I am an American, and I am fascinated with history. I am aware of the massive amount of history residing in Tunisia, and I have had a friend that was born there really hype it up for me. My primary concern is: Is Tunisia safe to visit? The only real thing I worry about it proximity to Libya, where he US government suggests not to visit. Once again, I hope this does not offend anyone. I would just like to hear first person accounts before I book a flight. Thank you.",,,,,,2019-05-13 00:23:29 bo8ut6,,18,r/Tunisia Logo,"I love our flag ! It even gives me the chills when I see it in a stadium, in a protest or even hangin in my 5m^(2) room. But why dont we have a more personalized logo for the r/Tunisia sub ? I'm sure many of us here have photoshop talents and can make some awesome images. We can vote for a the best one for the sub (this thread can be the poll for the vote) and let the mods update it ! What do you guys (specially the mods) think ?",,,,,,2019-05-13 20:36:07 bo9hb2,,7,Independent/Underground Tunisian artists,"I'm looking to diversify my playlist with some new music. Can you suggest some new/old independent tunisian artist like redstar radi's early work or Gultrah Soundsystem ? (links to full albums would be more than welcome) I recently discovered (thanks to this sub) some bands/artists like TREE9 and Haydar Hamdi and which I loved so much so any music genre would be much welcome.",,,,,,2019-05-13 21:24:18 boa0ub,,1,TRY NOT TO LAUGH 😂😂new funny videos compilation 2019😜JUST LAUGH👌👌,,,,,,,2019-05-13 22:07:46 boz77w,,5,Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s Address to Tunisia today,What is everyone’s thoughts on his address?,,,,,,2019-05-15 15:18:07 bp3vv0,,9,Please help me translate some messages:),[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-15 21:31:07 bpbw40,,2,Trial of those involved in the assassination of Salah ben Youssef starts tomorrow,,,,,,,2019-05-16 12:24:00 bpi5mq,,1,My suggestion for the logo of this subreddit (I can change it however you suggest),[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-16 21:06:05 bpi9u7,,1,my suggestion for the subreddit logo (i can change it however you suggest),[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-16 21:16:04 bpiftn,,53,my suggestion for the subreddit logo (i can change it however you suggest),,,,,,,2019-05-16 21:30:12 bpn2nc,,4,Let's discuss current events in the world.,"What do you guys think caused the Notre Dame cathedral fire? I am putting my money on it being a cigarette butt thrown by one of the renovation construction workers. When the fire happened, it was the first thing I said to my boyfriend. I said I bet it was a cigarette from a worker. I said it when the fire was still burning. We were in Paris in February and visited the cathedral so I knew that the spire was under construction. And I know that half of Paris smokes. They smoke everywhere. So of course, it seemed obvious to me that probably the workers were smoking all the time in the construction areas with nobody stopping them. And I think I was right because the construction company admitted their workers were smoking there but they say that didn't start the fire. Um, why not? I think it did but I think it can never be proved. You guys really are not morning people! I guess this isn't the sub to find awake people right now.",,,,,,2019-05-17 05:05:29 bppeou,,1,ذكريات طفولة,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-17 10:13:39 bppois,,1,"Michèle Alliot-Marie, auditionnée pour ses propos sur la Tunisie",,,,,,,2019-05-17 10:47:57 bpqc0z,,1,أغرب 7 أخبار في العالم 2019 عباطة الحيوانات - إلقاء القبض على حمامة خالف...,,,,,,,2019-05-17 11:58:42 bpryij,كلام_زايد/,1,كلام زايد,"في تونس و برشا من البلدان العربية كلام الزايد المرتبط بالاعضاء الجنسية (حشاكم) مايتقالش قدام النساء، البنات والكبار. داكوردو. الكبار فهمنا علاش إحترام الكبير و كل. أما بنات فرد عمر و فرد شلة عيب تسب قدامها و قلة تربية كان تقول كلمة هكة ولا هكة. &#x200B; منين جات هقاعدة هاذي و شنوة سببها في حين طفل في عمرك ماتشاورش بش تقول لي يجي قدامو. (معممتش السبان بين الجنسين خاطر العكس صحيح اما مش برتو) edit: ooookey apparement les gens ici sont susceptibles. On peut parler des magots à notre dame mais pas des gros mots. efit2 (suite à un pm): c'est une question pour connaitre la racine du phénomène et pas une excuse pour jurer.",,,,,,2019-05-17 14:28:24 bpxxv3,,15,"Bac, shaking..",What are the best advices you can give to someone whos going to sit for the bac exam within 25 days?,,,,,,2019-05-17 22:53:14 bpzgoh,,4,Our military have to be improved,"Hey everyone, i want to share with you something i was thinking about for long time, it's about the military, i feel that it's one of the most ignored topics in Tunisia that people never talk about, so i think we should improve it and try to be a regional power, the reason for this thinking are the recent events, Terrorism, new threats from other countries etc... especially when i heard about how Hafter is letting terrorists enter Tunisia, how different countries are doing suspicious things and so on, so we have to protect ourselves, we have to show the world that no one messes with us, not anymore, because i'm very afraid that if we don't improve our security, we might end up like Syria Of course, with the current government, nothing good is gonna happen but i'm an optimist, i believe that we will have a reliable government, even if not soon and so i think that one of the priorities of that reliable government should be the military, we have to defend ourselves from all dangers &#x200B; So what do you think ?",,,,,,2019-05-18 01:28:51 bq6k5o,,15,Question,Somebody in another subreddit said that they are from Tunisia and can’t buy things online. Is that true?,,,,,,2019-05-18 17:35:54 bqmix3,,1,Une épidémie de rougeole en Tunisie a fait 30 morts depuis le début de l'année.,,,,,,,2019-05-19 21:45:24 bqpsed,,1,buying articles on amazon,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-20 02:51:37 bque9v,,1,"(3840x2160) Rass Rmall Beach, Djerba, Tunisia",,,,,,,2019-05-20 11:35:07 bqujme,,16,"La synagogue d'El Ghriba a accueilli 2500 touristes ce dimanche, selon René Trabelsi",,,,,,,2019-05-20 11:50:31 bqzddd,,6,L'association Shams remporte son procès contre le chargé du contentieux de l'Etat | Réalités Online,,,,,,,2019-05-20 18:33:19 br3unt,,6,Pls help me translate some messages:),[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-21 00:52:24 brgyzz,,7,How do I book a flight Online?,"Hey people! I'd like to know how to book a flight online... Can I use ""carte e dinar""? What is the best option ? And how to go about it ? My question might sound silly to a lot of you... The thing is, it's my first time traveling on my own, no travel agency involved... So I'm new to the subject you see. Just in case you need further details: I'm going to Morocco on Royal Air Maroc. And while I'm at it, I'll allow myself an other question: We all know that carring a lot of cash with you 24/7 especially in the big cities of Morocco is never safe... I wanna see if any of you have an alternative for that ( a card for payment or sth ). Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2019-05-21 22:40:07 bri4nh,,0,Expat jobs,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-22 00:33:50 brinny,,4,Anyone knows where to find raspberry pi devices/accessories ? I read about a place on Rue Athenes and some archaique e-commerce sites. Any input would be very much appreciated.,Edit: In Tunisia for clarification.,,,,,,2019-05-22 01:27:00 brj16l,,2,Renting a 4x4 car in Djerba?,"Where can I rent a 4x4 around Djerba? I've checked several rental car sites, but all they have are small, compact cars. I'm planning on visiting the Star Wars sites (driving from Djerba to Tozeur/Naftah) and have heard the roads can be a little rough, so I'd like at least an SUV. Thanks!",,,,,,2019-05-22 02:04:42 brmd9z,,14,Tunisian court victory boosts push to end gay sex ban,,,,,,,2019-05-22 09:02:48 brrji1,,3,Any good hostels?,"Hey guys , planning to backpack around the southern part of Tunisia , are there any hostels around there? Otherwise any good / affordable alternatives would be welcome.",,,,,,2019-05-22 17:24:11 brthok,,9,Where to stay in Djerba?,"Hi guys, I'm considering a trip to Djerba, but I cant seem to find much on the cheap side in terms of accomodation. Are there any youth hostels, or cheaper places than a hotel in Djerba? I'm thinking, budget-wise, less than 50dt if it's possible. Thanks for any info",,,,,,2019-05-22 20:04:52 brtnbh,,1,الجن التونسي و المصباح السحري,,,,,,,2019-05-22 20:17:04 brxd35,,0,Do we really make our phones ?,"Hello, i have always believed that Tunisia can't really make a real good product and that we barely make our own food, so since i heard that Evertek is a Tunisian company it made me wonder if it's really Tunisian, well i already i answered that, so yeah they are Tunisian but i'm still wondering about if they really make phones, i mean are all parts of Evertek phones completely made by Tunisian hands/machines ? or are these phones simply built and not really made from scratch ? Sorry if this topic sounds silly, i wanted to ask this so i can support more my country, meaning i would love to buy stuff that made here in Tunisia so i can support our economy, even if it's going to be minimal",,,,,,2019-05-23 01:53:49 bs0bag,,4,French colonialism,"Why did the French have stronger impact on the countries they colonized compared to countries that the English colonized? For example tunisia conducts education in French, yet countries that have been colonized by England such as India, Malaysia, Bangladesh do not conduct education in English rather they teach English as main foreign language while all of education in their native languages. What do you guys think?",,,,,,2019-05-23 08:16:55 bs1yc8,,29,Repairing Tunisia’s Education System Is Key to Tackling Its Economic Woes,,,,,,,2019-05-23 11:48:26 bs22od,,3,Explorez le musée du Bardo avec cette nouvelle application de réalité augmentée,,,,,,,2019-05-23 12:01:22 bsjbfh,,10,"Six days in Tunisia, where should I go?","Hi everyone, so I'm planning to come to Tunisia for 6 days. I arrive in Djerba, but otherwise I really have no plans. Since I'm only there for such a short time, should I just stay in Djerba the whole 6 days, or do you think I have time to come to the mainland?",,,,,,2019-05-24 16:56:19 bskaqu,,3,Travel advice needed,"Hi Tunisia! I've been having a lot of trouble trying to figure this out and figured I should just ask the locals. I'm headed over to Djerba for about a week, arriving in Djerba, and while trying to book my return flights I've wound up with two options - I can either fly out from Djerba, or fly out from Enfidha a day later. I'd love to spend as much time as possible in Tunisia, so an extra day would be great, but I'll likely be down south for the whole trip. I could try and head north a day before or so but I'm worried it might be too difficult and stressful. So my question is - do you think it would be better to just stay south and fly home from Djerba? or should I book the Enfidha flight a day later and head up north the day before? Is it easy to get to Enfidha from down south? Or is it just going to be a too difficult to try and get there in such a short time?",,,,,,2019-05-24 18:18:59 bsnui1,é_fi_tunis/,1,Ki tabda bichhaydik w bien qualifié fi Tunis matist7a9ech m3aref,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-24 23:25:53 bsvahz,,1,Good,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-25 14:46:48 bth85w,,4,What do foreign males that spend more than the 90 days permitted by a tourist visa do in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2019-05-27 03:43:21 btwh2i,,8,can I use the electronic card for freelancer?,"Hello guys I'am a 20 year old tunisian that wants to start a freelancing career so i wanted to ask if i can use the electronic card from any bank like (zitouna bank , BNA , tunisian bank ) to verify my account in freelancer . If i can't then what are other methods to activate the account or to exchange money internationally ?",,,,,,2019-05-28 06:08:36 bu9wk1,,1,قصص مرعبة - طفلة تتعرف على شخص ساكن بفتحات التهوية ببيتهم,,,,,,,2019-05-29 03:51:40 bufynj,,1,Wajdi Riahi(Tunisia) @Athens Jazz Festival 2019,[deleted],,,,,,2019-05-29 15:20:02 buiup2,,2,A shot of the mountain while on one of my trips to Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-05-29 19:15:23 buj4ax,,6,What to do on out visit?,Hi all. Me and my gf just arrived in Hammamet this morning on a standard uncultured beach holiday. Anywhere we should visit and anyone got some tips while we're here? Cheers!,,,,,,2019-05-29 19:38:04 bujlvk,,7,The rule of law provides ( jk car prob broke down ),,,,,,,2019-05-29 20:19:09 bujpcp,,8,Most efficient way to save money ?,"Hey , does anybody know which is the best choice if one wants to apen an account and save money ? i already have a poste account but it seems to me that every time i take money from the DAB it is taxed by 1.5d or something , so is there way to drop money and get it out without it being reduced ?",,,,,,2019-05-29 20:27:05 buqlld,,13,"So Global reddit meet up day is set for June 22,are we participating?",,,,,,,2019-05-30 08:17:39 buwal2,,7,Daesh : la Tunisie en alerte après un signalement du « calife » Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi en Libye,,,,,,,2019-05-30 17:55:32 bux58o,,8,Tv shows with English subtitles?,"Hi everyone! I was wondering if there are any Tunisian tv shows or series that I can watch that have English subtitles and/or where I can watch them.",,,,,,2019-05-30 19:06:50 bv57lz,,4,Information Needed: Local Perception on Asian (Chinese) Tourists?,"Hey everyone, I'm traveling to Tunisia in a few days for a week (excited) and, as suggested by the title, am an Asian guy who doesn't speak any Arabic nor French, only 5.57 ft tall and look pretty small-framed on global standards. There are tons of useful posts here discussing the safety issues for travelers but they are mostly for white / Caucasian tourists. Unfortunately from my experience of traveling around the world, Asians are often the easy targets for scamming / robbery / harassment and street violence. I'm not overly worried but just want to get some insights from you guys and see what would the situation look like. (Understood anyone who wears high street clothing and accessories are prone to the troubles. On that, I'm pretty broke and will only wear normal H&M stuff; might carry a Canon camera around tho cuz Tunisia looks absolutely beautiful) I'll be based in La Marsa and Tunis most of the time, but might arrange some day trips to other inland places so any feedback for the above question regarding different areas within the country would be tremendously helpful, too. Also some secondary questions: 1. Would LOVE to get recommendations on best places for shisha (hookah) in Tunis / La Marsa. 2. What's the best way to shop and contribute to local families in Tunis? 3. Any trustworthy tour guides / agents? &#x200B; Thanks!",,,,,,2019-05-31 09:04:12 bv73dk,,1,Thoughts on this?,,,,,,,2019-05-31 12:46:41 bva9vr,,7,Attending a service at El Ghriba?,"Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to attend a service at the El Ghriba synagogue in Djerba? Or what time their services are held?",,,,,,2019-05-31 17:17:18 bveydu,,0,what do you think about the very shady and suspect and questionable win of the tunisian ES Tunis FC against the moroccan WAC CASABLANCA in the finals of the caf ?,tunisians always boost about their so called democracy but has the shameful display that transpired in the finals of the caf not show you how corrupt tunisians really are ? the first match they had in agadir morocco went fine with no meddling what so ever . this is a shameful display for the tunisian football community and tunisia public image in the world .,,,,,,2019-06-01 00:25:29 bvfh0c,,1,I need help with this French exercise,[removed],,,,,,2019-06-01 01:21:41 bvkceg,,10,[Economy] ALECA/DCFTA - Are you informed and what are your opinions on this ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-01 12:34:56 bvl6cc,,2,Any Djerbians in Houmt Souk keen to meet up?,"Hey guys, I'm an Australian traveller in Tunisia for a few days and I'd be heaps keen to meet up with a local if anyone's up for it. I've also got a bunch of questions about travelling in the area so if anyone's even just down to have a chat in reddit let me know!",,,,,,2019-06-01 14:09:09 bvl7wt,,2,Time for Kayla,"""kayla"" or ""9ayla"" , the tunisian nap time which is usually between 14 and 16 p.m and where no one is allowed to make noise so others ""can sleep"" ( in the middle of the day) , do you know guys know other countries who have this ?",,,,,,2019-06-01 14:13:26 bvmssr,,2,Rate my setup,,,,,,,2019-06-01 16:45:58 bvopoy,,3,Motorcycle License in Tunisia?,"Hey people, i've got some question about motorcycle riding in Tunisia and how it exactly works. I've currently got a european drivers license and I was wondering what kind of vehicles you are then allowed to drive. Because I know in spain you are allowed to drive scooters up to 125cc with a car license. And how much effort would it take to get a motorcycle license over there? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2019-06-01 19:46:30 bvtzxj,,0,"Espérance Tunis-Wydad Casablanca, fiasco de trop en Ligue des champions",,,,,,,2019-06-02 05:01:00 bvvnlv,,13,Withdraw money from paypal,"Hey people, I just verified my paypal account, I'm a music producer and plan to sell beats (hip hop instrumentals) online, I have two questions. 1. my payplal account location is set in Tunisia, will that prevent funds from entering even though I verified it with a debit card I borrowed? 2. if or when I get money into my account what's the best way to withdraw said money, is payoneer still an option ?",,,,,,2019-06-02 09:25:47 bvwgbf,,3,Are there any hostels in Douz?,"Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows if there's any accommodation in douz thats cheaper than the hotels? I'd love to go but the only accommodation I can find online is a bit out of my price range, and I dont want to just show up with nowhere to stay.",,,,,,2019-06-02 11:32:46 bw61bw,,5,What's the deal with Libyans?,"This isn't an offensive, racist or otherwise discriminatory post. I am socially weird. I'm naive and an open book. A lot of people in Tunisia have taken me for granted and it's helped me grow thick skin for which I am thankful. I never tried to fuck someone over so when it happens to me, I am gutted at not being able to predict and avoid it. Nonetheless, I've vetted some adequate people and built a circle of friends around me and I can say that I feel fine and not without company in Tunisia. However, I wanted to ask a simple question on this sub: do you (Tunisians and foreigners) have any good, meaningful friendships with Libyans? Be it with a girl or with a guy, I have behaved the same way that I behave with people of all nationalities but the clique that loiters around Tunisia seem to always cause problems for me - they seem to have negative opinions of me which I learn from mutual, non-Libyan friends. They seem very fake to me to the point where I can't tell they're going to stab me in the back until they do. There's the joke about Libyans being dumb - perhaps - but I have cousins who grew up on farms and while they may not be able to read or write properly, they're still adequate people. Being dumb does not mean being a piece of shit. Did the war fuck with their heads? Are Libyans materialistic? Do they have some shitty force field (lol) that pushes them away from good people? Your views would be welcome",,,,,,2019-06-03 03:24:26 bwevfa,,9,In urgent need of some travel and legal advice,"Hii everyone, &#x200B; Although I will try to keep this post to the point, my apologies if it does end up being too long and a big thank you to all of those you that take the time to read this. &#x200B; So essentially I used to live in Egypt for 11 years, I grew up there, but I am a European national. Everything was normal until I was one year away from heading off to Uni abroad, which was when my step father and mother began going through a pretty ugly divorce, by the time I left Egypt for Uni things were stable, but not great. Either way though by about my first into Uni, outside of Egypt, things got really bad and both my mother and sister were forced to leave back to Europe. I was not involved in the process at all as it had to happen anyhow rather rapidly. In consequence, to all of these developments, I am pretty certain that my step father, back in Egypt, in retaliation to my mother probably sued the living hell out of her and filed a report in her absence. &#x200B; So this brings me to my question which actually relates to the Tunisia Reddit, I will have to soon travel to Tunisia for some work and I am quite frankly worried endless that there could be slim possibility that i could be arrested and extradited upon arrival, because my step father might have filed as well a report of some sorts on my name out of revenge as well in my absence even though I was out of Egypt by the time my mother left for about a year and I did not enter the country during that period. &#x200B; So without rambling much further on, is it possible to be extradited from Tunisia to Egypt as a third party national just like that if there is an ongoing court proceeding in Egypt? And if so, does this happen by explicit request from Egypt aka Egypt would have to know my presence in the country beforehand or are people just added to some wholesale list of people that should be caught upon entering Tunisia by default? Also, do you maybe have some other noteworthy advice for my situation? &#x200B; Thank you all in advance on again for having read this and for all your hopeful responses.",,,,,,2019-06-03 19:32:37 bwhiuo,,1,"Steroids /Androgens and everything that fits into , are they legal in Tunisa ?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-03 23:18:49 bwmj66,,2,Question About The Tunisian Military,"Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, I know it’s quite a strange question, but does the Tunisian military use MREs? If so, how are they? Or do you just have mess halls, and what’s the food quality like there? Thanks,",,,,,,2019-06-04 09:00:51 bwtc5a,عيدكم_مبروك/,34,عيدكم مبروك,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2019-06-04 20:03:35 bwzp1f,عيدكم_مبروك/,48,عيدكم مبروك ^^,,,,,,,2019-06-05 07:03:51 bx5c9m,,1,Asian tourist in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-06-05 17:33:07 bx5h3l,,4,Asian Tourist in Tunisia,"Hey everyone, I'm an Asian who speaks a bit French and I'm traveling in Tunisia right now for 9 days. Even though I love the sights and the food, I'm a little bit concerned about safety. I was at Sidi Bou Said today, and there was a lot of harassment. I was called ""Ching Chang Chong"", had monkey and small-eye imitations made towards me, and a bunch of children kept harrasing me for money at the station to Tunis. I know not all Tunisians are like this (like the stationmaster at Sidi Bou Said personally made sure I got on the train safely), but is it generally safe for an Asian to travel in Tunisia on trains, especially overnight ones, without being harassed? I'm going to Sousse, Monastir, Tozeur and Douz.",,,,,,2019-06-05 17:44:25 bx6157,,1,"La finale de la champions league sera rejouée sur terrain neutre, juillet prochain",,,,,,,2019-06-05 18:29:49 bx6bi4,,3,Job Inquiry,"I have planned to stay f tunis this summer for miscellaneous reasons, one of which is to work, so i was wondering if y'all could be so kind as to provide me with job ideas; call centers are great if you guys know any english-speaking ones.",,,,,,2019-06-05 18:53:27 bxfnek,,4,"Looking to book a hotel room/rent a house for vacations, which websites should I check ?","I do speak arabic and french, so I'm also interested in local forums/facebook groups.",,,,,,2019-06-06 11:31:13 bxgz8d,,7,"A new server for Tunisians, Algerians and Moroccans to find people to play with or just to chill!",[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-06 13:53:30 bxh19s,,3,Tunisian camping policy??,"Can we camp anywhere? I've heard that you need to tell the authorities by calling 197 especially if you are camping in the desert.Is it necessary,is every forest a camping friendly place...??? If you have some valuable link or whatsoever i'd be grateful if you share them here.",,,,,,2019-06-06 13:59:11 bxialw,,0,Noam Chomsky's opinion about the European-Tunisian trade agreement DCFTA,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-06 15:51:17 bximxp,,4,"Génétiquement, les maghrébins ne sont pas des arabes",,,,,,,2019-06-06 16:20:29 bxjghq,,6,[Music] Looking for a M/F singer and a guitar player,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-06 17:29:46 bxltip,,21,What's the best way to make money as a teenager (18year old)?,"Since we don't have those walk my dog,mow my lawn kinda of job what do you suggest as a job to make money?Typical teen jobs are heavily exploited (Waiter,retail,shop worker...)",,,,,,2019-06-06 20:51:10 bxnp1s,,3,It's my first time in Tunisia. Here's some music I made inspired by the experience.,,,,,,,2019-06-06 23:41:44 bxuw6k,,1,Tunisia PM Chahed elected as leader of new secular party,,,,,,,2019-06-07 13:55:13 bxzpht,,9,Virtual cards in Tunisia,Has anyone actually tried using these to buy something online and it worked? If so can you tell me the process?,,,,,,2019-06-07 20:53:44 by1046,,2,Is anyone going to ComiCon this year?,I went to the first one and it was great. The second one I passed on as I heard it was going to suck and the third I was busy working. I plan on going this year (so far). Anyone else looking to go?,,,,,,2019-06-07 22:52:54 by4tde,,8,Code de la route (PDF),"Bonjour, Est ce que quelqu'un peut me fournir le code de la route tunisien sous format PDF. Merci : )",,,,,,2019-06-08 05:52:13 by4unb,,2,"En Tunisie, sur les traces des oiseaux migrateurs venus de Belgique (reportage)",,,,,,,2019-06-08 05:57:02 by5qzh,,1,Best way to go from Tunis to Douz and vice versa?,"Hi! I’m planning to visit Tunisia later this month, and would like to make the trip from Tunis to Douz for a Sahara camel trek and then make my way back to Tunis. Any advice on the best way to do this? Thank you!",,,,,,2019-06-08 08:09:47 byb054,,9,archery,"i have several questions about this topic : where to practise ? (and if you guys know some spots that have target practise , do they provide beginners and new-comers with bows to try ) do we have bow stores ? do we have any local clubs ?",,,,,,2019-06-08 18:31:23 bybxfl,,0,Just one some male friends,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-08 20:01:51 bygwfv,,0,Change My Mind,"A usurper government controls Tunisia, the Tunisian Monarchy are the rightful heirs and deserve to rule the country. Only then, the Tunisians will find stability and prosperity.",,,,,,2019-06-09 05:09:29 byhxux,,14,First Time visitor to Tunis!,"Hi everyone, I'm headed to Tunis from India for a five day conference - RightsCon. Never been here before - a bit nervous but also excited! Any recommendations/tips/ideas of places to go? I've got Carthage down but that's it :P (the conference is taking up most of the time and I'm not sure about wandering around at night.)",,,,,,2019-06-09 07:48:09 byiz0k,,3,Remote work from tunisia,"Hi guys, Any of you is working remotely from tunisia? In which case what's your go to method of receiving payments? Thanks",,,,,,2019-06-09 10:37:51 byni24,,1,Hotel Caribbean World Beach Garden,,,,,,,2019-06-09 18:42:49 byo2w9,,10,Best public Universities in Tunisia after bac?,"Hi can you guys suggest me some nice and cool universities here that can allow you to have a stable well paid job and even go outside of the country. Don't mind the field of studying . I hear a lot about INSAT,IPEST.... I often visit their websites but I can't seem to understand shit,if you are an INSAT student can you please explain because I've heard you can study chemistry ,biologie and CS.",,,,,,2019-06-09 19:33:37 byozwy,,3,Where can I search for dogs to buy in Tunisia ?,Online or stores,,,,,,2019-06-09 20:55:16 byygq2,,7,Accessing Tunisian/North African Films,"Hi all, I just moved to Tunisia last month and will spend the rest of the summer here. Lately, I've been wanting to get a sense of the Tunisian (and more broadly, North African) film scene, but have had trouble tracking down movies. I've seen Un été à La Goulette, but I also would like to see movies like El Jaida, Aala Kaf Ifrit, Weldi, Halfaouine, Inhebek Hedi, A peine j'ouvre les yeux, Rachida, etc. Is there any place that I can find movies like this online, or are there movie rental stores anywhere? I haven't come across anything like this. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2019-06-10 14:24:16 bz3u1w,,8,Hello ! Chneya ashel w asra3 tari9a bbch nechri men aliexpress ?,I really need something thats is only availabe fi online websites so do you know people who can buy for me wala other ways. Thank you !,,,,,,2019-06-10 21:49:51 bz8zgv,,5,Best thing to do lilet devoir l bac?,I dont want to study more tho,,,,,,2019-06-11 06:28:59 bz9pkt,,1,Tunisian map,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-11 08:05:26 bzdh6v,,14,"Hammamet, élue capitale de la jeunesse méditerranéenne",,,,,,,2019-06-11 14:53:38 bzlyrn,,13,"Tunisia is mexico without drug cartels, it sucks but at least you can survive in it.",fellow tunisian here and i know exactelly what i'm saying.,,,,,,2019-06-12 03:09:58 bzqagu,,9,Has any politician/political party earned your vote for the upcoming elections?,"If yes tell us why , if not i would like to hear what you're looking for in a candidate.",,,,,,2019-06-12 11:56:15 bztoh9,,3,A serious question,"Today I’ve heard about an Israeli group visiting Tunisia but instead all I saw is Tunisian dancing, chatting, and having fun with them like it’s normal despite of what is happening to Palestine. So my main question is...what the hell?",,,,,,2019-06-12 16:57:24 bzvl7m,تعلم/,9,Material for learning the Tunisian dialect. تعلم اللهجة التونسية,"Salam A'aleikom, I'm going to visit Tunisia this summer, and I really want to learn the local dialect. I speak Fusha proffitiently, but can't really understand the Tunisian dialect. Do anyone of you know any material that could be a good starting point? Eventually any series that has subtitles etc.? السلام عليكم، سوف ازور تونس هذا الصيف، واريد ان اتعلم اللهجة التونسية. رغم كوني قادرا على التواصل بالفصحى، انا عاجز عن فهم اللهجة التونسية. هل تعلمون عن مادة تعليم يمكنني استخدامها؟",,,,,,2019-06-12 19:32:09 bzyz1o,,1,Mandela effect 2019 geography,,,,,,,2019-06-13 00:25:48 c01u9s,,1,The Thoughts of a Visiting American Politician to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-13 05:27:57 c04phk,,4,"Bac question : Are the corrections published somewhere by the ministry ?( or anyone really ,as long as it's essentially the official one )",,,,,,,2019-06-13 11:35:48 c07ivd,,8,ONU : Participation d’une unité militaire aérienne Tunisienne au Mali,,,,,,,2019-06-13 15:54:23 c0ke9m,,1,My hometown Zaghouan 🇹🇳🇹🇳❤❤❤,,,,,,,2019-06-14 13:58:08 c0x2hz,,3,باب زويلة أو السقيفة الكحلة في المهدية,,,,,,,2019-06-15 13:03:47 c100tp,ولد_محمد/,1,ولد محمد,[removed],,,,,,2019-06-15 17:49:16 c1bjza,,30,How did Israel get away with bombing Tunis and killing civilians in 1985?," [\_Jambe\_de\_bois]( &#x200B; They literally flew fighter jets all the way to here to bomb the PLO headquarters in Hammam Chott at the time. If this were to happen to any western country, it would be an immediate act of war and conflict would break out. &#x200B; Yes they wanted to kill Palestinians but that goes against the meaning of asylum if you could just do that. See the fuss that the UK made when there was an assassination attempt at a single former russian spy last year.",,,,,,2019-06-16 16:08:20 c1gghp,,3,Langue d’enseignement en Tunisie / Education language in Tunisia,"Bonjour à vous ! J'aurais une petite question à vous poser en vue d'un travail que je réalise. D'après mes recherches, j'ai pu voir que l'arabe est la langue principale de l'enseignement en Tunisie, sauf dans les domaines technique, scientifique et mathématique (où il s'agit du français). Cependant, à la lecture de manuels de secondaire (3e et 4e) de la section lettres, je m'aperçois qu'ils ne ressemblent vraiment pas à des manuels de français langue étrangère. De plus, j'ai aussi trouvé un manuel de chinois, où l'on trouve des textes en chinois et des traductions en français, mais pas en arabe... Du coup, je me demandais si des Tunisiens pourraient éclairer ma lanterne... Merci ! Hi everyone ! I'd have a small question to ask for some work I'm doing. From my own research, I have found that Arabic is the main education language in Tunisia, except in the technical, scientific and mathematic fields (where it's French). However, while reading secondary schoolbooks from the language arts section, I found out they don't really look like books for French as a foreign language. Moreover, I also found a book for Chinese, with Chinese texts and translations in French, but not in Arabic... So, I was wondering if some Tunisians could give me more information about that. Thanks!",,,,,,2019-06-16 23:28:01 c1oom3,,1,أم طعنت ابنها وقتلته لسبب غبي والمحكمة تطلق صراحها,,,,,,,2019-06-17 15:12:22 c1psfx,,23,"Tunisie : Dorsaf Ganouati, première femme arbitre d'un match de Ligue 1",,,,,,,2019-06-17 16:40:37 c1qqnm,,2,Cheapest way to call Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-17 17:55:10 c1urvw,,16,"An average Tunisian is probably more African, genetically speaking, than an African American.",,,,,,,2019-06-17 23:26:00 c201ds,,2,Secularism,Is there anyone who consider himself as secular person??,,,,,,2019-06-18 09:19:53 c201gl,,1,Tunisia-Sousse Night Life,[removed],,,,,,2019-06-18 09:20:14 c2553c,,3,The new amendment to electoral law,"What do you guys think about it? Were you going to vote for Nabil Karoui? Also I was curious what was the point behind the ""3ich tounsi"" TV spots but it turns out",,,,,,2019-06-18 17:29:56 c264fu,,2,"What's up with the Bac controversy (missing chapter,out of the program...)?",,,,,,,2019-06-18 18:46:36 c29omo,,0,"It's a new meme and I like it, do you?",,,,,,,2019-06-18 23:44:36 c2gs9m,,4,Buying SNCFT train tickets online?,"Hey! I’m an American who will soon be visiting Tunisia for about a week. I plan to mostly get around the country using the train, preferably buying tickets online. If you buy a SNCFT ticket online, do you need to print anything out or go collect the ticket from a kiosk or anything, or do you just get an email confirmation that you can show and it’s fine? Thanks!",,,,,,2019-06-19 12:58:41 c2t1wc,,1,Thesis Questionnaire Help,[removed],,,,,,2019-06-20 07:33:10 c2vbpk,,29,Tunisian Words of Amazigh Origin,"[\_WORDS\_OF\_AMAZIGH\_ORIGIN\_1\_Tunisian\_Words\_of\_Amazigh\_Origin]( &#x200B; I just stumbled upon this document of Amazigh words in the Tunisian dialect and it was a delight reading through them and recognizing 99% of the words so I thought I'd share it with you.",,,,,,2019-06-20 12:19:02 c31u6k,,10,Any recommendations for a couple of first timers?,"So me and my wife are going to spend a week in Sousse. It's our first time in this country and would love some recommendations. Activities, sights, food, anything. Cheers!",,,,,,2019-06-20 21:25:02 c32y79,,1,My new song 😍 AK SAFAH ❤,,,,,,,2019-06-20 23:22:18 c3afwo,,8,A new Whatsapp group dedicated to Tunisian photographers,"Dear folks, I did create a new Whatsapp group discussions dedicated to photographer from different backgrounds in Tunisia that you can simply join using this link: []( it's open to anyone who's interested in photography in general or Tunisia or both. &#x200B; Cheers :)",,,,,,2019-06-21 13:16:44 c3fgfw,,1,The chad Papa New Guinean vs the Virgin Tunisian (2019 UN meeting),[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-21 19:48:29 c3g95x,,7,Vinyl records,Is there a place where I can find a lot of vinyl records (grand tunis) for relatively cheap prices? there is a fb group but there's not s lot of content plus it's for collectors mostly i'm just looking for records to sample from,,,,,,2019-06-21 20:50:48 c3rkhu,,7,Who should I vote for in the next election?,"Hi /r/tunisia I have a Tunisian passport and would like to vote in the next election for the first time. But I'm asking myself who I should vote for. So here are generally speaking my stances on things. I'm for; The modernization of the institutions through technology, A somewhat secular state, The legalization of weed, Freedom of speech, Fight against corruption I'm against; Privatisation of major industries, like transport, energy, natural resources, etc. Too many people of Ben Ali being in the gov, Too many military or police men being in the gov, The selling of land to foreign investors Wahhabism I hope you can help me on the search of finding a fitting political party for my stances. If you have any questions, please ask! edit: have formatted the text, so it's easier to read",,,,,,2019-06-22 16:18:38 c3t5m2,,1,We did it boys!!!,,,,,,,2019-06-22 18:33:57 c3xc3c,,1,HOLLYWOOD RIPPER سفاح هوليود المشهور ذا هوليود ريبر,,,,,,,2019-06-23 01:14:25 c3z17z,,25,Tunisia is making planes and exports them to all over the world,"I think this is a must share because this gave me hope and should give hope to you as well [](",,,,,,2019-06-23 04:14:41 c42h5d,,2,Any recommendations on where I can buy a computer from?,"So I'm looking for a reliable laptop (most likely a gaming one) for work. I was going to buy it from Tunisianet but people were talking shit and that scared me. Someone suggested sbs or wiki, what do you guys think?",,,,,,2019-06-23 10:36:29 c45t7p,,1,Hi,[removed],,,,,,2019-06-23 14:50:04 c4nq8l,,4,Things to do in Hammamet,"I’m travelling to Hammamet this weekend with a few friends and wondered what are the must do things around there? We’re staying in Yasmine Hammamet and wouldn’t mind travelling an hour or 2 out the way. So far we’re think the standard stuff like beach, quads, jet skiing, paragliding but wondered what else there is to do. Also, are there any forms of scooter hire in the area?",,,,,,2019-06-24 13:20:41 c4u5uo,,5,Tunisia - Angola | Africa Cup of Nations 2019,,,,,,,2019-06-24 19:35:34 c4vtf5,,1,What do you think of these figures/stats?,,,,,,,2019-06-24 21:10:21 c4ydb5,,0,My new song ❤❤😍,,,,,,,2019-06-24 23:44:59 c5jlw8,,1,"Aerial view of German and Italian prisoners in Tunisia after the surrender of the Deutsches Afrikakorps, May 1943.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-26 02:19:29 c5p7ax,,14,L'athéisme progresse parmi la jeunesse arabe.,,,,,,,2019-06-26 12:26:36 c6298j,,3,What is the cheapest food that I can get in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-27 06:54:25 c63qd4,,18,Terrorist Attack at Charles de Gaulle avenue,,,,,,,2019-06-27 10:09:56 c644lm,,8,Second Kamikaze hits cars in the anti-terrorism squad in the Gorgeni area,,,,,,,2019-06-27 10:59:38 c64q0l,,6,"One dead, several wounded in two suicide bomber attacks in Tunisian capital",,,,,,,2019-06-27 12:07:27 c64vwu,ïd_essebssi_was_taken_to/,17,Tunsian pesident Beji Kaïd Essebssi was taken to the military hospital of tunis following a health problem this morning.,[](,,,,,,2019-06-27 12:25:09 c64x7c,,0,"Deux attentats suicides à Tunis, au moins neuf blessés",,,,,,,2019-06-27 12:28:54 c650rb,,3,asking,there is any interesting tunisian reddit groups ?,,,,,,2019-06-27 12:39:05 c6ahny,,1,Loss,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-27 20:21:41 c6bjs5,,0,.,[removed],,,,,,2019-06-27 21:48:04 c6mdgr,,5,Copa Africana de Nações 2019 - Tunísia x Mali,,,,,,,2019-06-28 16:36:20 c6ss1n,,43,Thanks y'all,"I really want to thank everyone who gave me tips and good vibes one month ago when I posted about the bac exam and how to deal with it, anyway I got FUCKING 18.01, thank you all <333",,,,,,2019-06-29 01:37:28 c6xa9q,,0,"CAN 2019: Tunisie-Mali, un nul qui n’arrange pas les Aigles de Carthage - Afrique foot",,,,,,,2019-06-29 10:14:25 c6yuli,,1,What do people mean by 'A3mel dossier' and how do I do it is a high average in the bac exam enough or what ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-06-29 13:18:06 c72jjv,,1,My new music video check it out,,,,,,,2019-06-29 18:07:43 c7bsuk,,1,Tunisian discord server,[removed],,,,,,2019-06-30 10:54:42 c7hmnu,,19,A friendly reminder of the rules...,"Rules : Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. (You can debate but attacks or slurs, will result in removal of comments and possibly bans) All posted content must be related to Tunisia. (This one is pretty simple) Posts should be in English, French or Arabic (both Standard Arabic 'fuṣḥá' or Tunisian Arabic 'Derja' are fine). (Again, simple) Do not use all caps in titles or editorialize them. (This one is important. Also keep in mind that when big news breaks, there may be a lot of misinformation coming out. Please make sure to not jump to any conclusions until the facts come out) Most importantly, when posting news items about big events, that you use a reliable source. We can't verify sources and you should only post something if you're sure it's true. This will stop the spread of misinformation. Make sure to treat each other with respect. Treat each other as if you're standing next to the person. If you wouldn't insult them in person, don't do it here. Follow the Reddit rules. No spam, vote manipulation or posting personal information.",,,,,,2019-06-30 18:14:52 c7oh2c,,1,TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE x),[removed],,,,,,2019-07-01 05:10:57 c7tc72,,10,Organ Donation in Tunisia,"Hi everyone, &#x200B; I'm a Psychology student from Germany and I'm currently working on my master's thesis on organ donation behavior. At the moment, I am trying to learn more about how organ donation works in Tunisia, or more specifically, how you can become an organ donor. I read that Tunisia operates presumed consent legislation, so you have to opt-out if you don't want to donate your organs. &#x200B; Do you know since when this law applies? I know that the most recent law on organ donation is from 2004, but was Tunisia an opt-out country before that? And do you know how much say the family of a deceased person has in the decision? &#x200B; I really put in a lot of research to answer this question, however, so far, I couldn't find any reliable sources! Thank you very much for your help!",,,,,,2019-07-01 14:37:26 c82el1,,12,(Al Jazeera Arabic) Tunisia's Natural Resources,,,,,,,2019-07-02 00:28:51 c84hrn,,1,TRY NOT TO LAUGH - FORT3X 🔥,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-02 03:58:53 c885xo,,9,"I am from Algeria and I have an algerien BAC, can I apply for Tunissian BAC?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-02 11:35:56 c8g5t8,,3,"Hi, can someone help me translate something?:)",[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-02 22:40:18 c8i9aw,,0,I'm starting a CULT HERE IN TOUNIS (a cult is a group of people that have semi-religous beliefs gooooooogle it),[removed],,,,,,2019-07-03 02:03:04 c8ibk0,,1,salem mat7esouch elli stress social 99% false alarm ala elqonsequences elli inajmou isirou,"eni M21 noskon fisoussa 3andi 60% neuroticisme (tendance mta3 elmo5 bich i5af) ou stress social eg. jirenik kita3mel 7is / bouk kiyasma3 bik tetkayef(do5an, marj...) / ta7t eloi 7ad maynajem ya3malik chay ken mfakitlouch 7a9ou wala thrabtou consequences\* (title)",,,,,,2019-07-03 02:09:33 c8km0c,,1,TRY NOT TO LAUGH - FORT3X 🔥,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-03 06:21:23 c8nhhn,,1,Est-ce qu'il y'a un post qui regroupe les communautés tunisiennes ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-03 12:27:32 c8ojkm,,1,How do you argue?,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-03 14:10:18 c8u8xi,,9,Returning back home after being away for 5 years in a row,"Salem, I've been in Canada for the last 5 years now and I'm very excited to go back home for a visit. Any advise about new exciting things that I can do. Open to any suggestion. Thanks folks.",,,,,,2019-07-03 21:57:02 c936rf,,6,Just got my bac and I'm planning on buying myself a new smartphone . Help me out with some recommendations !,"Hey everyone ! I finally have the opportunity to buy myself a new smartphone ( been using used phones from the family my whole life kek ) and I'd like to hear some of your opinions concerning what's best to buy with a budget ranging from 800to 1200DT . I've made some research and the [Oppo F11 pro]( seems like the best option . I'm mostly just concerned about the camera ( as I'm planning on studying abroad and making a whole bunch of pictures and videos before I can buy myself an actual camera ) and how well it performs when it comes to gaming ( Say PUBG etc ) . Thank you for your time ! stay hydrated .",,,,,,2019-07-04 14:25:36 c937bu,,11,Dozens of African migrants drowned off coast in Tunisia | TheElitePost NG,,,,,,,2019-07-04 14:27:05 c953an,,3,80 missing as migrant boat sinks off Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-07-04 17:15:32 c9a26p,,2,Can someone help me translate some text from Tunisian Arabic to English?,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-05 01:14:28 c9e7jl,,8,Tunisian bringing his (european) girlfriend to Tunisia,"3asslema tout le monde, just to make it quick: i'm going to tunisia for one week during the summer and i'm bringing my girlfriend with me for the first time. what's the fuss about the hotels asking for a marriage certificate or whatever when you want to take one room together? anything else that I should be aware of? &#x200B; (P.S.: I have a european pass, born in Europe)",,,,,,2019-07-05 09:59:03 c9f89g,,7,Looking for musicians in Tunis,"Hey there, I've been in Tunisia right now for a few months and I'm looking for musicians fellows but also visual artists, etc. I make music myself and I'd be happy to hear what you do and see if we can make something happen. My strongest influences these days are future pop (Jai Paul, Ben Khan), alternative rnb (The Weeknd earlier stuff, Majid Jordan) with a splash of oriental music. Trying to mix all that and come up with something interesting. **Hit me up / je parle français bien sur** ! &#x200B; Alc⚤ves",,,,,,2019-07-05 12:09:43 c9hcx2,,26,Tunisie: le niqab sera interdit dans les institutions publiques annonce le Premier ministre,,,,,,,2019-07-05 15:38:00 c9ivjw,,0,NEW SPECIAL CHALLENGE VIDEO 🌏,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-05 17:45:20 c9j625,,5,Looking for aspiring filmmakers,"Aaslema! I just found out about this subreddit and thought that it just might be the perfect place for my search, i am an aspiring cinematographer, while I don’t have much experience in the field and my projects are few i do have an undying passion for filmmaking. I’ve made a few short storytelling movies and I’m willing to take it to the next level. So by now i think it’s quiet obvious why I’m making this post, if you live around tunis and you have a passion for firm making please don’t hesitate to contact me or show me some of works (it’s okay if you don’t have works) and even if for some reason we don’t get the chance to work together I’m just fine with sharing ideas and meeting cool people. Cheers!",,,,,,2019-07-05 18:08:56 c9rdv6,,8,Hi! Does WhatsApp works in Tunisia ?,"I am about to visit Monastir next week. I check the roaming cost which is very very expensive so I was considering of using WhatsApp app. Would it be possible?",,,,,,2019-07-06 08:34:59 c9rzef,,3,Owning a knife/gun in Tunisia,"Hello, I was wondering if i can buy a flip knife to use in my daily life because i sometime i need something sharp to cut something. Also about owning a gun my friend and i got to an argment about fire arms being not legal at all in this country, thats what i said, and he said that you can get a licence if you're 20 years old so i believed him because his father worked in the army and he might have an idea about this topic.",,,,,,2019-07-06 10:03:44 c9vsgr,,2,a Tunisian small community of friendly people who welcome all! please join !,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-06 16:56:12 c9y70u,,1,Rent in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-06 20:24:51 caqhei,,4,Watch Ghana vs Tunisia Live Streaming: AFCON 2019,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-08 20:30:26 car57t,,1,ساسي Goal: مباراة تونس وغانا بث مباشر يلا شوت كورة ستار | بث مباشر ماتش تونس اليوم والتعادل,,,,,,,2019-07-08 21:21:55 cari5d,,1,"We did it: At the eighth time of trying, #CarthageEagles pass the Ghanaian test via penalties, this time when it matters most. Tunisia is our final quarter-finalist",,,,,,,2019-07-08 21:50:14 catzxx,,3,Medication from UK in Tunisia.,"I have a 3 months prescription from the UK for Quitiaphine, I need more and cannot get flights home in time to see my Doctor- would I be able to get this specific drug here or would they give me something similar to it? Need to know urgently.",,,,,,2019-07-09 01:25:06 cbe5gh,,7,Any one has an idea on private universities in sousse?,"Hey guys so I live in sousse I'm 25 and 3 years back I dropped out of preparatory school second year due to health issues, this year planning on going back to a private school here in a sousse to resume my second year since I can't really go back to public school and eventually I plan on pursuing software engineering , already registered at polytechnique and epi in sahloul but I have no idea which one is better ? I realise there are better universities in Tunis but I can't afford rent for now",,,,,,2019-07-10 08:36:28 cbfjm9,,8,Question for Tunisians with foreign spouses and for those foreign spouses,"My wife is hell bent on leaving Tunisia even though the lifestyle I have made for us in Tunisia is better than a 9-to-5 that she's been experimenting with for the past month in France which I absolutely despise. For me, not having a routine, being able to try things in Tunisia and earn through unconventional means is far better than slaving away at a conventional job. The foreign guys here that have married Tunisian women: do you not get tired of Tunisia? Bored, uncomfortable, feel unsafe? I feel a bit of all of the above *sometimes* but even if I were to sink into the abyss, I'd rather it be in Tunisia, than say, the UK, US or mainland Europe. Are you here temporarily? Until the kids come? Saving up for something? And for the Tunisian men with foreign wives: why would you stay in Tunisia and what made your foreign wife pick Tunisia over her more prosperous place of abode? Brainstorm.",,,,,,2019-07-10 11:29:45 cbfpzq,,0,Requesting for travling advice,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-10 11:48:40 cbv6x1,,1,زنوس Znous - بوتليس/تعلم عوم,,,,,,,2019-07-11 12:31:28 cbxnlc,,0,TRY NOT TO LAUGH 😂 - FORT3X 🐉,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-11 16:24:59 cbxtgj,,1,اخطاء طبية تسبب كارثة!! كيف تقدر تتجنب أخطاء الطب!؟,,,,,,,2019-07-11 16:37:32 cc1xln,,3,Masaage,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-11 21:54:56 cc2i4z,,26,Nice Win,Congratulations on the win 😃,,,,,,2019-07-11 22:42:39 cc5kb5,,1,Tara Abhasakun Interviews Tunisia's First Openly Gay Presidential Candidate,,,,,,,2019-07-12 03:28:49 ccsf9v,,12,Is it expensive to retire in Tunisia,"My family immigrated from Tunisia to Canada about 10 years ago and have given every cent to my sister and I and thus have no penny saved for retirement. They want to eventually move back home and retire there. Can there live a good quality of life in Tunisia if they retired there based on $1000 Canadian dollar monthly allowance from my sister and I? (Hypothetically speaking in the future). They also have a home here in Canada purchased but it is not near paid off, maybe will be in 15 years (By then, they’ll be 70)",,,,,,2019-07-13 18:10:48 ccug0i,,2,I've been in Tunisia for just over 2 months now and I am honestly feeling so sad over leaving in October. It's so beautiful here. Fingers crossed I'm placed here again for my next season!💕,,,,,,,2019-07-13 21:02:01 ccuowy,,1,Polution,,,,,,,2019-07-13 21:23:44 ccvan5,,1,Thrifting places & shops in Tunis ?,"Can you guys please key me on some nice thrifting places,not those only for clothes but in which you can encounter great finds (bags,NBA jerseys,antics,BOOKS,figurines... ) thanks.",,,,,,2019-07-13 22:18:29 cd17ec,,4,Tips to work abroad as a junior I.T?,"I am soon to be graduate and it's time for me to be concerned about my future (unfortunately). I know it's harder to find jobs right away but I'm confident it's possible as many have done it before, please let me know if you got any insights on the matter.",,,,,,2019-07-14 09:37:39 cd1mjr,,2,STEG finesse,"Hi guys, your favorite douche here 😊😉 I've been in my apartment to which the samsar said the electricity would cost no more than 20€ a month for. This was October 31st (when I began a 12 month contract). I got a bill at the end of November for 300-something dinars and was already pissed off as the bill was from August. My rent is 950pm so a monthly rent every three months just for using electricity is insane. I didn't pay the STEG and never planned on it (contract said utilities are on the owner of the apartment, out of the goodness of my heart I was willing to pay it but not at some daylight rape tariff) but the landlord is now being a dick and threatening police action as well as not allowing me access to the property (I lost my key and asked him, a week in advance of my arrival to stash a key near the door). The lighting for the building was hooked up to my counter (still is) and I don't think that 2000 dinars is possible even with two rolling chaumages baking 24/7 during the winter and with the building lights being activated for 60 secs at a time a couple of times in a day. How can I get STEG to recount my usage and reduce the tarrif? Can the electricity of other houses be added onto one fattura addressed to the address I live at? Might it be for other houses? What to do Aychk",,,,,,2019-07-14 10:38:14 cd3d1y,,6,Choosing to be a physician.,"Hi, I just got my bac and I thought a lot about orientation, had both things in mind: Being a future physician or a future computer science engineer. I liked both but had to choose being a physician for the benefits it provides, knowing that I'm not really willing to quit Tunisia but I want to give the most for my country. Some friends say I'm stupid, my decision is bad and that I know nothing about medicine in Tunisia. They say that doctors are poorly paid and will eventually struggle through their careers due to the saturation we have and the dominance of few doctors in certain areas. I want to know how truthful is that and if there's any advice I can get 😁 thanks for reading ❤️",,,,,,2019-07-14 14:05:03 cd6osn,,65,"Algerian neighbor here, just wanted to say I'm really sorry for your loss in tonight's game, you played a really good game and we'll revenge you guys inchallah :)",,,,,,,2019-07-14 18:55:44 cdg8df,,1,Join the Tunisia Discord Server!,,,,,,,2019-07-15 11:22:26 cdh2zq,,24,US Army Pocket Guide to surviving in North Africa (1943). How much of this is true 70 years later?,,,,,,,2019-07-15 12:52:14 cdu4za,,22,A Tunisian Scientist Invents Navigation Aid for the Blind,,,,,,,2019-07-16 08:05:42 ce5138,,2,What are the laws on weed,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-16 23:45:15 ce5yt9,,2,Where can you buy english comics/manga?,,,,,,,2019-07-17 01:10:19 ce9pxk,,2,Hi is there any skateboarding stores in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-17 07:43:59 ced9qn,,3,Where can I watch the Tour de France in Tunis?,I'm going to Tunis next week and am looking for a spot where I can chill and watch a nice TdF stream or TV program. Any clues?,,,,,,2019-07-17 14:04:19 cegrca,,12,Match Thread: Tunisia vs Nigeria [Africa Cup of Nations],"#**FT: Tunisia 0-1 Nigeria** *Nigeria scorers: Odion Ighalo (3')* -------- **Venue:** Al Salam Stadium [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Tunisia** Moez Ben Cherifia, Yassine Meriah, Nassim Hnid ([](#icon-sub)Rami Bedoui), Oussama Haddadi, Mohamed Drager, Ellyes Skhiri, Ferjani Sassi, Ghaylen Chaaleli, Taha Khenissi ([](#icon-sub)Firas Chaouat), Wahbi Khazri, Anice Badri ([](#icon-sub)Naïm Sliti). **Subs:** Farouk Ben Mustapha, Youssef M'Sakni, Karim Aouadhi, Mouez Hassen, Dylan Bronn, Bassem Srarfi, Aymen Ben Mohamed, Wajdi Kechrida, Marc Lamti. ^____________________________ **Nigeria** Francis Uzoho, Kenneth Omeruo, William Troost-Ekong, Jamilu Collins, Ola Aina, Alex Iwobi, Wilfred Ndidi, Peter Etebo, Odion Ighalo ([](#icon-sub)Victor Osimhen), Ahmed Musa ([](#icon-sub)Moses Simon), Samuel Chukwueze ([](#icon-sub)Samuel Kalu). **Subs:** Ikechukwu Ezenwa, Leon Balogun, John Ogu, Daniel Akpeyi, Abdullahi Shehu, Paul Onuachu, Henry Onyekuru. ------------ [](#icon-discord) **Join the discussion on [discord](** ------------ **Don't see a thread for a match you're watching? Click [here]( to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.* ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPNFC](* **3'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Tunisia 0, Nigeria 1. Odion Ighalo (Nigeria) right footed shot from very close range to the centre of the goal.** **18'** [](#icon-yellow) Wilfred Ndidi (Nigeria) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **44'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Firas Chaouat replaces Taha Khenissi because of an injury. **58'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Naim Sliti replaces Anice Badri. **61'** [](#icon-yellow) Ghilane Chaalali (Tunisia) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **75'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Nigeria. Moses Simon replaces Ahmed Musa.",,,,,,2019-07-17 18:29:28 cehwxt,,9,What's the LGBTQ+ situation in Tunisia? Will it ever get better?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-17 19:56:54 cf09f3,,7,Sahara,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-18 23:56:27 cf5ox8,,10,I want to meet people from my country,"I [17f] want to make new friends in my country [tunisie] i don't care about the gender, I just want a good friendship with nearby people",,,,,,2019-07-19 10:04:05 cf6pe5,,0,اخطاء بدائية فادحه (حراس المرمى يمسكون الدجاج بدل الكرة) منتخب تونس كاس افريقيا 2019,,,,,,,2019-07-19 12:04:52 cf72fs,,2,Discord servers,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-19 12:41:04 cf8sku,,12,Questions about traveling to Tunisia.,"Hello dear friends, &#x200B; I'm a girl from Morocco, and I'll be spending a week (august6th-13th) in Tunisia with my brother and his friend (Moroccan as well). I'd love to have some asnwers and guidance regarding our upcoming trip. We have agreed upon the following itinerary Day 1: Tunis medina, avenue bourguiba, zaytouna mosk, bardo museum Day 2: Carthage, sidi bousaid, shoud we add la marsa? Day 3: day trip to Haouaria from Tunis, possibly pass by Korbous if there are things to see? and back to tunis. Day 4: go to El Jem, then to Monastir (if time allows it), then spend night in Sousse. Day5: spend day in sousse, evening go to Hammamet and spend the night. Days 6: enjoy Hammamet and spend the night. Day7: go to Tunis from Hammamet, plane takes off at 6pm. &#x200B; &#x200B; Are there any things to add or change? We though about going to Djerba but it's too far away apaprently. Will we have any problems booking one shared room because of the gender factor? Should we prefer the train to taxis? Any other tips are welcome, thank you very much! we're looking forward to visiting your beautiful city.",,,,,,2019-07-19 15:16:53 cf9q5z,,2,Traveling with a pet cat through Tunis airport,"Does anybody have experience flying pets in and out of the Tunis-Carthage Airport? I've been in and out of the country multiple times, but have never seen people traveling with pets, and don't know how this would work there. I'm wondering if the airport does a good/safe job handling the flying of pet cats.",,,,,,2019-07-19 16:31:52 cfamev,,2,I'm looking to get a degree in coding in ben arous and tunis.,"im a 17yo high schooler who's already began learning to code on his own from the internet. What im looking for is an actual degree that i can put my cv. the subject of coding doesn't really matter(programming, web developing, cyber security etc..). what private school you think is best to learn coding? something like bourguiba school but for coding x).",,,,,,2019-07-19 17:41:28 cfbofh,,2,Is it possible to set a paypal account using payoneer credit card in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2019-07-19 19:03:40 cfet10,لغة_الجمهوري_التونسيةجدل_لا_اكثر/,1,لغة الجمهوري التونسيّة.(جدل لا اكثر),[removed],,,,,,2019-07-19 23:21:38 cfnjg9,,2,What are the best clubs/parties in Tunis tonight?,I am looking for a nice spot to go out? Preferably techno but a good enthousiastic dancing atmosphere is more important. :),,,,,,2019-07-20 16:14:23 cfnoxf,,6,Algérie/Tunisie: Une Mer dans le Désert,,,,,,,2019-07-20 16:27:58 cfvx9p,,2,9awla,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-21 06:04:56 cfvxvz,,0,9awla,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-21 06:07:17 cg2but,,10,Any recycling center to bring plastic bottles to?,"Hey there! Well, I have a lot of plastic water bottles, and it'd be nice if I could find somewhere where I'd be sure they won't damage the planet. Is there any center I can take them to, here in Tunisia?",,,,,,2019-07-21 18:33:30 cg58t9,,1,القصة الحقيقية لحرب الحكومة الأمريكية ومجموعة دينية أطول حصار في أمريكا ...,,,,,,,2019-07-21 22:50:48 cgci64,,4,Good restaurants in sfax,Any suggestions will help. Bonus points if it's japanese,,,,,,2019-07-22 12:20:48 cgihg1,,9,"Whereas Americans get to have alien spaceships landing on their soil, here's what we Tunisians get",,,,,,,2019-07-22 20:24:51 cgiw6p,,3,Looking for someone who owns a gaming/decent desktop computer living in Nabeul area,"The reason is because I recently got a graphics card that stopped working after one day of use and I want to test it in another system to confirm whether it's dead or if my computer is the issue. If anyone could help me it would be much appreciated. My GPU is a Sapphire RX 480 Nitro. Or if someone can point me to a shop in the area of Nabeul that can diagnose/fix my GPU.",,,,,,2019-07-22 20:57:08 cgj4kp,,69,"CJ: Where'd you get that? Cesar: Same place I buy my pants, holmes. This is Tunisia,man!",,,,,,,2019-07-22 21:14:54 cgjrsg,,4,Does anyone know where i can get alcohol in bizerte,"I don't know if i'm retarded or what, but i can't seem to find any here, just tell me straight up.",,,,,,2019-07-22 22:05:02 cgldzp,,2,Shitpost at 2 AM,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-23 00:23:37 cgr03h,,1,"I'm a Saudi and this is my first time in Tunisia, it's one of the best first day experiences I've had in travelling.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-23 10:43:46 cgrqmn,âa_seghira/,2,Renting a 4x4 in Kalâa Seghira?,"Hi all! Going to Tunisia for a month, and i was wondering where i could rent a 4x4 to tour with, including venturing into the dessert? Staying in Kalâa Seghira, so somwhere around there. Thanksss!",,,,,,2019-07-23 12:04:49 cgs9oi,طونص_rl_balado_l3ajib/,0,N3ichou fi طونص rl balado l3ajib,3lech tawa ness kolha tahki bel englais lenna. sa3at wallah nensa rohi fi tounes n9oul hana t9adamna w jaw ba3ed tosdomni el 79i9a Wlh.,,,,,,2019-07-23 12:57:01 cgsfps,,1,محبوك هاا مكي,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-23 13:12:31 cgy3ox,,4,How much does a main haircut cost in Tunisia ?,I know it depends on regions/haircut style but roughly speaking what is the average price you'd pay for a haircut if you're a man ?,,,,,,2019-07-23 20:36:29 ch4xqn,,15,"I come to Tunisia (sfax) 3-4 times a year on business travel, but I have nothing to do. Are there any interesting places to go/see/do in the area around Sfax?","Thanks for any advice you can give. I go to Sfax 3-4 times every year on business and during downtime, I got nothing to do except watching tv or surfing the internet. I feel like I might be missing out on interesting stuff to do. So is there anything I should go and watch? One can only go to a café so many times without getting bored. :)",,,,,,2019-07-24 07:20:44 ch5xlh,,2,Sunrise over the salt lakes,,,,,,,2019-07-24 09:27:36 ch69ag,,2,Best way to travel from Mahdia to Tunis?,"Hello, This Friday we will have to travel from Mahdia to Tunis to catch a plane leaving at 2 am. What would be the best way to go there? We have plans during the day so the best would be to be able to leave end of afternoon but we can accommodate to be sure we don't miss the plane. Thanks in advance for your help!",,,,,,2019-07-24 10:07:30 ch6j83,,4,Join the Tunisia Discord Server!,,,,,,,2019-07-24 10:40:05 ch78c1,,1,Tunis & Beyond,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-24 11:56:50 ch81vz,,0,Looking to rent an apartment in Hammamet,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-24 13:15:21 chagxo,,23,Here’s how Tunisia's new tattoo school is helping to revive an old Berber tradition,,,,,,,2019-07-24 16:32:47 chh47b,,1,Tunisian President hospitalized after health scare,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-25 01:30:14 chlez4,,5,Where can i buy electronic components in tunisia ?,"i have been interested in electronics for a while and now im looking to buy some eccentric components (breadboard, arduino, logic gates, eprom chips...). is there a store for electroics in Tunis/Bizerte or should i order them online ?",,,,,,2019-07-25 09:27:20 chltbe,,114,Rest in peace Mr president .,,,,,,,2019-07-25 10:15:54 chmcbm,,0,"Ennahdha, more precisly the killers of the president.",[removed],,,,,,2019-07-25 11:17:00 chml6w,,1,Tunisia president dies at 92,,,,,,,2019-07-25 11:43:57 chmt2w,,1,where the fck is tunisia going??!!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-25 12:07:01 chn7r9,,2,I'm very worried about Tunisia...,"fellow tunisian redditors... our president died, our economy is still weak, there's still a lot of unemployment, corruption, terrorism... what the fuck!! that's terrifyingly worrying!! as an 18 year old aspiring tunisian, i'm really concerned about our future and the destiny of our little north african country... :( what a shame... our country has SO MUCH untapped potential! we gotta do something... this cannot last!",,,,,,2019-07-25 12:47:34 chnc4x,,4,When will PayPal finally be available in Tunisia?,this is so fucking frustrating!! \>=(,,,,,,2019-07-25 12:59:12 chnxss,,1,Are there any locals that print 3d models in Tunisia ?,does anybody know any ?,,,,,,2019-07-25 13:53:32 chnzpb,,5,"Tunisian leader Essebsi, 1st democratic leader, dies at 92",,,,,,,2019-07-25 13:58:03 chp29d,,1,REST IN PEPPERONI BAJBOUJ 🦕,,,,,,,2019-07-25 15:16:59 chpji7,,43,Our condolences from Algeria,"On behalf of all Algerians, I would like to pay our condolences to you, the Tunisian people on the untimely death of your president, Beji Caid Essebsi. I would like to also express my personal worries about the future of Tunisia, hoping that a president of your choice will lead it to a bright future. &#x200B; Surely we're separated by borders, but we're shaken by whatever happens to our neighbors, especially Tunisia. We love it, and we wish only the best for it. Inchallah, all will go down the route of freedom, as you deserve. &#x200B; It's worth mentioning that our supposed ""representatives"" have not sent their condolences, or at least, I have yet to see it myself. It saddens me, this clear lack of representation, but rest assured that we care! We've yet to put ones who will truly speak on our behalf, and say what we wish to'll take time, but hopefully, we will! Best of luck!",,,,,,2019-07-25 15:53:33 chqj1f,,1,النشيد الوطني التونسي,,,,,,,2019-07-25 17:09:39 chrtq1,,1,"late president Beji Caid Essebsi receiving his grand collar of The Order Of Independence by former President Habib Borguiba, 1st of June 1966.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-25 18:50:07 chrzd6,,0,[shower thoughts] Aya Nakamura is a chicken enthusiast,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-25 19:02:04 chskm7,,0,"Beji Caid Essebsi Bio, Wiki, Age, Death, Family, Net Worth - ItsBiography",,,,,,,2019-07-25 19:49:28 chup7v,,67,On behalf of all Canadians,"As someone who is a Canadian, I would like to pay respects to the Tunisian people those President have died today. From what I heard from Wikipedia, he would have been the same age as Elizabeth II (the British queen who ruled Canada) on November 29. Tunisia is a great country with nice people, nice music and nice food too but hearing that the President had died today, I had no choice but to express condolences to you, the people of Tunisia. His legacy lives on to yours hearts, minds and souls. RIP Beji Caid Essebsi 1926-2019",,,,,,2019-07-25 22:42:28 ci278h,,2,Tunisie : l'héritage économique de Béji Caïd Essebsi,,,,,,,2019-07-26 12:24:05 ci3tgq,,89,Tunisia in a nutshell,,,,,,,2019-07-26 14:51:07 ci4itm,,2,Where can I buy authentic shoes and clothes in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-26 15:46:40 ci4v79,,0,بعد رحيل السبسي، هل تنفجر العلاقة بين الإسلاميين والعلمانيين في تونس؟,,,,,,,2019-07-26 16:13:39 ci4xk0,,1,😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😢😢😢😢😢,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-26 16:18:52 ci5urf,,4,How are things going since 2011?,As in the title.,,,,,,2019-07-26 17:32:39 ci64ff,,24,"Rip BCE, I didn't agree much with him but he was a real hero",,,,,,,2019-07-26 17:53:59 ci7xv0,,3,Need help,"So, i was looking for NGOs and civil society organizations that i could enroll and actually work with and learn from without having to physically attend since i study away from tunis during the school year. Note that I'm not looking for self centered initiatives whose whole purpose is to allow their creator to add the word ""leader' and 'founder' to his personal cv and get funds to pay for his travels (I'm getting sick of those)",,,,,,2019-07-26 20:20:27 cign4c,,9,Are there any intresting things to do in Sidi Bouzid?,"Hello, so in a few months i will travel to Tunisia to visit my family. I just wanted to know if any of you know some intresting places or activites to visit/do?",,,,,,2019-07-27 11:56:29 cih4ml,,3,Any Recommendation for Traveller Who Visit First Time,"Hello! I(26 M) and my cousin (25 M) will come to Tunisia(Hammamet,Capital and Carthage) for 4 days. I'm very interested about Carthage since 7-8 years old. Other than I love history generally. I want to meet with local people and know their culture. I'm reading traveller's guides but I want to learn something from Tunisian people :) So my questions are; * What should I do? What should I must visit? * Is there any specific things about I should careful in Tunisia? * Last, I want to buy something in bazaars. Are prices overcharge in bazaars for tourists? Thank you for any advice!",,,,,,2019-07-27 12:50:55 cihdi7,,1,Link to watch the funeral live :,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-27 13:15:46 cihp8u,,1,Worried about my American husband in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-27 13:48:00 ciimpx,,1,One of the most iconic pictures shot at the deceased tunisian president's funeral Mohamed Beji Caid Essebsi. 27.07.2019.,,,,,,,2019-07-27 15:12:19 cimwej,,1,The new definition of porn,,,,,,,2019-07-27 21:01:19 cirkzp,,5,Can I have a list of (all) Tunisian online shops?,I know jumia and a few others and I'm wondering what are the rest,,,,,,2019-07-28 04:27:34 cith5f,,3,What's the best place from where I can buy a good PC with a good price in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2019-07-28 08:29:57 ciyu32,,0,Any girls selling used panties here ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-28 17:43:43 cj2len,,6,where can i find a Drawing tablet?,"hii guys i want to buy a drawing tablet but i didnt from where, any help?",,,,,,2019-07-28 22:43:16 cj465h,,11,A question about Carthaginian historiography and public awareness,"Are Tunisians aware that their Carthaginian history and ancestors have been appropriated by a few Lev@ntine countries and their populations? The rationale for this appropriation is always as follows: a group of Phoenicians founded Carthage in the 9th century BCE! That's it, that's their argument. On the basis of this terse argument they claim as theirs everything from the 9th century BCE onward. Never mind that Carthage became a great power in the 5th century BCE after Phoenicia disappeared from the map in the 6th century BCE.",,,,,,2019-07-29 01:02:35 cj9arw,,10,Best food in Ariana/Tunis?,Hi I regularly go to Ariana and Tunis and already know some places but what are your best fast-food restaurants (and by the way do you know any places that make Kairouan style kaftaji?),,,,,,2019-07-29 10:13:16 cj9nyl,,0,Do you really need to be 18yo to buy alcohol? (marché noir: no thanks),"I'm 17yo, I have an identity card (ضمان ابوي). I'd like to buy alcohol. How to proceed? Would they let me buy in a supermarket? Can I get in a bar? Thank you guys.",,,,,,2019-07-29 10:54:27 cjahif,ézard_rouge/,1,Program of « Lézard Rouge »,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-29 12:18:36 cjdtlq,,1,Monastir Beach,,,,,,,2019-07-29 16:46:13 cjfkuc,,1,This is an awesome title,[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-29 18:52:32 cjgbb6,,15,Maghreb union,"Do guys you support Maghreb union between Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Mauritania and Western Sahara. This union would be like the EU with countries still maintaining their sovereignty only it would have common currency and free movement of people",,,,,,2019-07-29 19:44:59 cjj0nq,,1,Hassine Bey (1893-1969) last Crown Prince of Tunis before abolution of monarchy. (colorized by me),[deleted],,,,,,2019-07-29 23:07:34 cjpztq,,48,"Beji Caid Essebssi Funerals - July 27, 2019 in CC by SA licence",,,,,,,2019-07-30 10:45:09 cjw0ic,,12,Give me one reasons to why as a Tunisian I should care about the Israel-Palestine Conflict and/or hate Isreal,"I would love to travel to Israel (Jerusalem, Haifa, etc.) but that's not possible even though Israeli Jews come to Djerba along with other Jews for religious practices without facing any problems, also there's a lot of Israeli owned companies so we're harming ourselves by not trading and interacting with them, really, give me your reasons.",,,,,,2019-07-30 18:36:13 cjyw76,,5,The political landscapes,"As we are nearing the national elections, i realized i'm severely ill-informed about the nature of our political landscape; i humbly ask of you, fellow redditors, to simplify it for me xd. What i mainly want to know is which party leans to the right, n which leans to the left etc",,,,,,2019-07-30 22:03:50 ck6fub,,4,Is this reddit thread made up islamophobic propaganda?,,,,,,,2019-07-31 10:06:34 ck8n19,,3,Visa to Spain with bls international,Guys who ever applied to a schengen visa with bls international ? I want to ask about the duration they took to reply,,,,,,2019-07-31 13:39:51 ck8qn3,,3,Speech Laws in Tunisia,"Hello/Bonjour/Marhaba I am a graduate researcher in the field of counterterrorism, currently researching the way countries including Tunisia fight online radicalization through laws against certain types of expression - hate speech, incitement, and the like. I am looking for some information about such laws and how they are enforced in Tunisia, especially anyone with first-hand knowledge. If you are willing to help me out with this, feel free to shoot me a PM and we can arrange something.",,,,,,2019-07-31 13:48:32 ckevrq,,9,How Representative is this subreddit of the Tunisian society ?,"I am Algerian and i have never been to Tunisia or met a Tunisian tbh,so this is my window to Tunisian society so please be objective.",,,,,,2019-07-31 21:38:58 ckfhih,,1,Where can we find testosterone to inject in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2019-07-31 22:27:13 ckjstm,,5,Traveling to Djerba soon,"Hello, I am a female traveling with a friend to Djerba soon. I would love if anyone had any recommendations for hotels to stay at, things to do and restaurants while I am there :) This is also my first time going to Tunisia. I don't have a hijab, should I get one? Will it be an issue if I don't wear one? Sorry if this seems very silly, I just don't know much coming from America about what is considered acceptable or not. Thanks :)",,,,,,2019-08-01 04:58:52 ckme95,,16,"I'm french tunisian and fluent in arabic, why do locals insist on speaking french with me?","Born and raised in France to a tunisian father and an italian mum, I learned to speak arabic from a young age and I want to communicate with the natives in arabic when I go visit Tunisia, but everytime I go there I get the feeling that once they know that I live in France, they immediately switch to french and it's not like a few words every now and then, most of the time it turns into a complete french conversation.. Is it just me, or this is a commun thing in Tunisia?",,,,,,2019-08-01 10:08:27 ckndwp,,1,Is it possible for a tunisian to get a room somewhere in Tunisia on Airbnb ?,Because the payment is only via international card,,,,,,2019-08-01 11:55:37 ckqvv4,,3,Going to university in Tunis,"I recently got accepted in the FST, I vaguely remember parts of El Manar because I used to see a neurologist there when I was a kid. I was hoping someone could give me a small guide for my first month or so there.",,,,,,2019-08-01 16:45:59 ckubvm,,6,Need help to choose for whom to vote for the next elections,"Okay long story short, now that the elections are planned next month I need to think about for whom I should cast my vote. I plan to vote for a main candidate so no 1.0%. I wanted to see what are your opinions on any of the following people and if you could share their positions, program or any relevant information concerning them: Nabil Karoui Youssef Chahed Mehdi Jomaa Kaies Said Olfa Terras Thank you",,,,,,2019-08-01 21:06:19 ckwuox,,19,"Tunisian cuisine in the U.S., and/or authentic English language cookbooks?","Hi! I’m an American (42F) who spent a summer in Tunisia in 1997 at an archeological dig in a suburb of Tunis. It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life! I’ve been thinking about the food lately. When I was there, we hired a Tunisian cook, who prepared the most delicious meals, and we indulged in local restaurants. I had so much good food. I have been sad that there aren’t many U.S. restaurants with Tunisian food. Some Moroccan restaurants have similar flavors, but it’s not the same. I’ve been expanding my cooking abilities. Can anyone recommend an authentic cookbook? I haven’t found anything in bookstores, and can’t really preview anything I see online. And it’s a long shot, but does anyone know of a restaurant in the U.S. that serves authentic Tunisian food?",,,,,,2019-08-02 00:35:12 cl2g0g,,6,Traveling in Tunisia during Eid,"Hi I’m visiting Tunisia this month for two weeks, but inadvertently chose to be there over Eid without thinking. I was in Turkey last year during Eid and I got trapped in a small town for over a week because everything was shut down with no free public transportation. I’m kinda worried I’ll be losing a good portion of my trip to not being able to move around and find free space louage before during and after. Thoughts on the limitations I’ll face? I’m starting in Tunis on the seventh, and I hope to spend a good portion of my time in the mid/south.",,,,,,2019-08-02 10:42:15 clg1ts,,7,How politics and religion intersect in Tunisia.," Does Ennahda movement only attempting to stay close to Tunisia’s political middle, or does it simultaneously work to advocate for many of the party’s religious principles at the grassroots level, to quietly shifting Tunisian society in a more religious direction ? [Beyond Tunisia’s Niqab Ban](",,,,,,2019-08-03 07:22:20 clinis,,4,"Marrying a Tunisian woman, would be able to apply for citizenship?",If you are an muslim arab getting married to a Tunisian woman would you be able to get the tunisian passport?,,,,,,2019-08-03 13:17:45 clkhsh,,1,where can i buy an arduino ?,,,,,,,2019-08-03 16:14:01 clkll5,,1,بابلو اسكوبار تفاصيل حياته وموته الحقيقية كاملة,,,,,,,2019-08-03 16:23:17 cllbnm,,1,Where can I buy testosterone in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-03 17:26:11 cllims,,0,"We asked Canadians if Africa is a Country, a city or a big Village. Fascinating. Check it out.",,,,,,,2019-08-03 17:43:03 cluv90,,7,English bookstore,"heyy, i live in the capital and i want to buy books/stories in English, where can i find some? thanks",,,,,,2019-08-04 10:21:49 clv04s,,11,Education Problems in Tunisia (ESSEC School/IJABA),"Hello, im an IT management student in ESSEC and 2018-2019 was supposed to be my graduation year, i had an excellent end of studies project, but we had a problem in the marks of the first semester because of the conflict between IJABA and the current minister of higher education, so long story short, the minister order was to evaluate our annual performance without calculating the subjects of the professors that are supporting IJABA syndicate, so in my case and a lot of others are similar to me, i got 9.7/20 and the minimum grade to pass the year is 10/20 and if they calculated those subjects i would've been 10.5+/20 at minimum, i spoke to our school director and he said that theres nothing he can do, add to all of this, that last year only 2 people faild the semester and the year before that only 4 people did, and this year its around 50 students faild out of 110. what you think we should do? because this obviously not fair and i didnt get a fair evaluation, thanks for reading.",,,,,,2019-08-04 10:42:17 cm1t11,,1,Chkoun y7eb ywali deep ?,,,,,,,2019-08-04 21:22:13 cm2xd5,,6,Donation places,"Hello ! Do you guys know where do we donate stuff to ? I'm decluttering many of my clothes / books / furniture and most are very new and still usable, i don't want to keep them as they hold unnecessary space , but can't throw them either. To be precise I've got to donate : clothes , school books in good state , books (stories) , some pieces of furniture . Or maybe a facebook group or a particular I don't mind. My goal is to declutter without wasting stuff.",,,,,,2019-08-04 23:00:33 cm5ph3,,1,Mark Lloyd plays the national anthem on the organ to honor the late president,,,,,,,2019-08-05 03:26:30 cm8b1x,,4,Is there an equivalent to a restraining order in Tunisia?,Not familiar with the laws and want to know if you can by law prevent someone from contacting you and how to go about it.,,,,,,2019-08-05 08:25:13 cm9r5e,,54,‏لا ترحم والدين اللي يحط الزبلة هنا,,,,,,,2019-08-05 11:25:25 cmarp0,,1,Best food in Lafayatte/Mohamed V-Tunis or somewhere close to them?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-05 13:08:41 cmavg1,,1,Best food in Lafayette/Mohamed V -Tunis or somewhere close to them.,"I lived for two years there and i couldn't find a great restaurant, it's like most of them are bad quality with high prices , any suggestions?",,,,,,2019-08-05 13:18:42 cmgafg,,0,Comment avoir son permis d'etude au Canada,,,,,,,2019-08-05 20:14:40 cmo9y8,,1,Water Security in Tunisia: Debated Issues,,,,,,,2019-08-06 09:14:29 cmp9lr,,5,Are train​ trips safe in Tunisia?,"Hello, I am planning a trip in Tunisia and would like to know if the trains are safe. My (Tunisian) bf tells me its not and we are very likely to get robbed and stabbed if we don't comply. I think he's exagerating but part of me believes him. Is it true? We are both brown skin colored, so we won't look like tourists except for the bags. I've heard about ""louages"" also, are they safe? I need to make a trip from Tunis to Sousse. Thanks redditors!",,,,,,2019-08-06 11:16:55 cmt5oq,,0,Met with the leader of hezbelwar9a while he was collecting signatures in the Wax bar,,,,,,,2019-08-06 16:56:39 cmu8h5,,1,Mouldi's (the average Joe) Guide To Surviving Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-06 18:19:07 cmx290,,6,joining an NGO,I was wondering if y'all could suggest any ngo functioning here in tunisia; it has to be prerequisite free tho.,,,,,,2019-08-06 22:18:05 cmxk8z,,1,أوقات ميترو الساحل ( المهدية - المنستير - سوسة ),,,,,,,2019-08-06 22:58:49 cmxvm4,بالله_شنوا_الي_مخليكم_تحبو_العيشة_في_طونس/,1,بالله شنوا الي مخليكم تحبو العيشة في طونس ؟,A part la famille et les amis biensur,,,,,,2019-08-06 23:23:03 cn2uxd,,3,Turntable,Does anyone know if they sell used turntables in nahj athena ?,,,,,,2019-08-07 07:51:27 cn4945,,1,Where can I buy a surf board in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2019-08-07 10:51:18 cn4aud,,0,Is Tunisian people becoming Islamophobic ?,"Hello everyone ! First of all, I am a Tunisian guy and I love my country, I love everything about it. I studied and grow up in Tunisia. I am an IT engineer, and just a normal guy. I am Muslim too, a practicing one. So I have a relatively long beard (not too long tho) but I peacefully living with anyone. So why many people make a link between beard and terrorists?? I've got rejected from many job applications just because of the beard. Do I have to look like an exact person and just follow an unnamed stereotype ? Is there a pattern to follow or what? I think people who think like that are simply manipulated and vulnerable to be easy brainwashed. Why people just can let anyone live his life? You don't have to agree with anyone on this planet. What do you think?",,,,,,2019-08-07 10:57:22 cn4obg,,1,Blockchain projects,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-07 11:39:31 cn57z9,,24,The pollution level is at an all times high everywhere and no one seems to give a shit about air quality or the environment in general. What do you guys think?,,,,,,,2019-08-07 12:35:36 cn6hnc,,1,عبد الكريم الزبيدي يستقيل من منصبه كوزير للدفاع ويترشّح رسميا للإنتخابات الرئاسية,,,,,,,2019-08-07 14:28:01 cn6nzy,,1,"What if Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia join and form the maghrebi federation ?",,,,,,,2019-08-07 14:42:44 cn719l,,2,Places where you can play billiards and those similar things?,,,,,,,2019-08-07 15:12:46 cn8qb3,,0,Ice,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-07 17:24:03 cndc3a,,1,في ندوة اقتصادية : خبراء يطلقون صيحة فزع وتونس تغرق في المديونية,,,,,,,2019-08-07 23:21:47 cneczy,,1,I want to live in another country,"Hey guys , am 19 years old this year am bac(ges&eco) and after bac i want to go work outside(canada,england....) for long time so i can apply for citizenship any private university that can make that happen ? and can u guys give me prices and some information about them cuz i really don't know alot about inversities.",,,,,,2019-08-08 00:53:04 cnm2rg,,8,What’s a good salata mechouia recipe online?,"Hi all - I want to make salata mechouia but never got the recipe from my mom. I’m seeing a few recipes online but wondering if someone has one that is authentic and that they can recommend? Thanks!",,,,,,2019-08-08 13:52:46 cnmqwq,,1,Darja/arabic Poetry enthusiast and writers,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-08 14:45:23 cnrh40,,7,"Where to find asian (japanese, korean, chinese) cooking ingredients?","I want to make sushi, onigiri, miso soup, udon, yakisoba, and other asian (mostly japanese, korean and chinese) foods at home, but I'm struggling to find the necessary ingredients. I need things like nori, shiso, soy sauce, kimchi, tofu, sesame oil, white pepper, etc. I know they mostly sell this stuff in Tunis, but I would rather not have to make that distance unless necessary. Does anyone know a store/supermarket in the Sahel that sells asian cooking ingredients, please?",,,,,,2019-08-08 20:26:30 cntbmu,,1,,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-08 22:42:30 cnv8nw,,3,Are torrents legal in Tunisia?,"I've heard that in other countries such as the USA, people who download copyright content through torrents get a letter from their internet provider to warn them not to do it another time. How about in Tunisia? Is it legal to download these stuff via torrent or is the government too busy to do anything towards it?",,,,,,2019-08-09 01:23:20 cnzy25,,1,"Hiring a car with driver in Hammamet, Tunisia","I am visiting Tunisia from 10-13 Aug. The optional trips I booked got cancelled due to low volume of bookings. I was wondering if I can hire a car with driver on daily basis and ask him to take me around the tourist places. 1 day to cover Tunis and another to Sousse and Monastir. I will be staying in Hammamet during my trip. Can someone suggest if this is a feasible idea, approx cost of such a trip?",,,,,,2019-08-09 09:26:16 co0b0c,,1,Darja/arabic Poetry enthusiast and writers,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-09 10:07:27 co110t,,23,There's a documentary about the Tunisian railway and the issues facing its workers on in London on September 8th - hope its of interest!,,,,,,,2019-08-09 11:23:51 co45wo,,1,yaom arfa,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-09 15:46:21 co4ukw,,2,Any asian restaurants in Monastir or Sousse?,"I've been looking into asian cooking and felt like trying some xD But I'm not aware of any such restaurants here. Does anyone know any restaurants that serve asian food? Preferably in Monastir, otherwise in Sousse.",,,,,,2019-08-09 16:35:23 co6lh0,,6,Going to live in Tunisia for 1 year for the first time,"Hi Everyone! Next month I'm taking a flight to Tunisia and going to stay there for an entire year. That's the first time ever I'm going to be in Tunisia so I'm pretty excited about it! Do you have any advice, recommendation or anything interesting to say about Tunisia? I'd love to talk about it! I'm french and I'm going to work in a cultural association by animating cultural events and meetings for young people.",,,,,,2019-08-09 18:41:31 co77al,,20,"In first for Arab world, openly gay candidate runs for Tunisia’s presidency",,,,,,,2019-08-09 19:25:57 co7ian,,2,Tunisian Singer Emel Mathlouthi Breaks Away From World Music Stereotypes,,,,,,,2019-08-09 19:48:51 co99yl,,1,Negative film,"I came across an old photo album of my parents and with the pictures was a few negative films that I don't think were ever developed. Is there shops around Tunis that still develop old films? I heard a couple in sfax that still do, a friend told me about so I figured Tunis must have a few as well.",,,,,,2019-08-09 22:03:26 cobm7r,,12,Been invited to join Eid al-Adha this weekend but I'm not entirely sure what this is or what it will entail? Help!,My boyfriends family have invited me to celebrate with them and I'd love to join them after work but I want to know what exactly happens at these sort of events. Thanks!,,,,,,2019-08-10 01:26:19 cofup9,,7,Tunisie : premiers débats électoraux de l’histoire du pays,,,,,,,2019-08-10 09:11:21 coibbj,,0,ماذا نأكل من الأعضاء الداخلية للذبيحة ؟,,,,,,,2019-08-10 13:53:28 comu92,,0,شاهد .. كيف تذبح خروف العيد بطريقة شرعية,,,,,,,2019-08-10 20:00:14 cooi40,,1,في عيد الأضحى : مهن تزدهر وأبوابُ رزقٍ تُفتح,,,,,,,2019-08-10 22:16:52 coqb6i,,2,"Where can I find the German learning book ""Menchen?",,,,,,,2019-08-11 00:59:14 cor0ys,,0,Can someone translate?,"A: Ya3ni ma3nouza B: معنوزة B: ههههههههههه A: هل نياك A: فلقنيييييي B: راجلك A: أي B: شبيه A: وع وع B: شبي والديه",,,,,,2019-08-11 02:08:23 cor7mm,,1,Tunisia - recent visitors?,,,,,,,2019-08-11 02:26:26 coxk3y,,57,Happy Eid everyone,,,,,,,2019-08-11 14:45:21 cozvl4,,2,Looking for someone from Sousse to interview,"Specifically, someone from Sousse who is familiar with the 2015 beach attack and can speak about how it affected the area, the response, reaction from Tunisians, etc. You don't have to be an expert, just looking to hear people's stories Feel free to reply here or DM me",,,,,,2019-08-11 17:51:33 cp1ek5,,0,Estimation of how much it'll cost to hire someone to develop a mobile app,"As the title says. I wan to know how much it costs to hire an app developer to make me a mobile app. I just need a rough estimation of rates in Tunisia, as in a range from possibly cheapest to most expensive. And if anyone has any suggestion of professional developers that would be much appreciated.",,,,,,2019-08-11 19:49:45 cp22vt,,2,100% this is the first conversation between a Tunisian and a Moroccan,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-11 20:42:30 cp4a7f,,1,Waiting for the tunisian e-sports gaming to become a thing......,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-11 23:40:37 cp4na7,,1,في عيد الأضحى : مهن تزدهر وأبوابُ رزقٍ تُفتح,,,,,,,2019-08-12 00:13:20 cp4o7x,,2,Waiting for the tunisian e-sports gaming house to become a thing........,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-12 00:15:36 cp8x2m,,1,New vlog with my Tunisian foreign exchange student! Please check it out!,,,,,,,2019-08-12 07:11:50 cpa390,,3,And good places for brunch in sfax ?,"Wanted to get brunch but the only place I knew is ""boulevard"" and now it's gone",,,,,,2019-08-12 09:35:45 cpbj2j,,9,Darja/arabic Poetry enthusiast and writers,"Who doesn't know Chebbi, Oulad Ahmed or Laghmani. Tunisian start learning, studying and reciting poems from a young age. But rare are those who become passionate with this art and continue reading Arabic poems when they grow older, or only read ""mainstream poets"" like Darwich, Hallaj, Mutanabi or some famous Mouallakat. I emphasis on the quotation marks, because I don't want to judge any one and famous poems are actually the best ones and can satisfy any taste. But here why I'm telling you this: Are [r/tunisian]( into tunisian poets ? Do you read any of the old/new darja and arabic poetry ? I know a lot of tunisian who write French and English poems and publish them on social media. But are [r/Tunisian]( poets themselves and do you publish what you write, If not don't be shy and share your stuff, we will appreciate and enjoy it!",,,,,,2019-08-12 12:11:39 cph51g,,0,بالصور : أجواء فرحة العيد في ولاية المهدية,,,,,,,2019-08-12 19:20:05 cpjszd,,8,First Large-Scale PV Plant Grid Connected In Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-08-12 22:34:33 cpuj9k,,14,Let’s leave some advice for those who will pass the bac this year,I’m sure those students are looking for advice. Let’s give it to them,,,,,,2019-08-13 15:16:16 cpw6cd,,0,Abir Moussi explains why the political system needs to change,,,,,,,2019-08-13 17:14:29 cpy08d,,0,تحب تصيّف في المهدية ؟ إخترنا لكم أهم عروض كراء الشقق القريبة من البحر :,,,,,,,2019-08-13 19:25:09 cpym2w,,1,تونس أيام زمان,,,,,,,2019-08-13 20:07:34 cpzo60,,0,سمير الوافي يعلن عن طلاقه (صورة),,,,,,,2019-08-13 21:23:36 cq0gyx,,0,في عيدها الوطني .. كل عام والمرأة التونسية بألف خير,,,,,,,2019-08-13 22:23:21 cq78zm,,6,Job Vacancy - Cashiering,"I am currently looking to hire a cashier that speaks English well and is able to handle a fast paced environment. Must be able to use a computer, and must have 1-3 years prior experience working in cashiering and/or customer service oriented work. Your English level will be tested. You must be able to converse with relative ease in English. If you are interested, send me a PM and I can give you more information.",,,,,,2019-08-14 09:23:48 cq8f4q,,1,Are you aware that this catchy music video was actually shot in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2019-08-14 11:34:19 cqh2bc,,14,Marhaban From Turkey! I m wonder what Tunisian people think about Turkey and Turkish people.,"First of all, My condolences for your old Guy. I know, president been loved for all around the country. About the topic; We have a lot of common things, I m wondering what Tunisian thinks about Turkey and Turkish people. Out of Context: I m learning Arabic as well. I was in Tunisia 3 time, just this year. I m planning to come next December also.",,,,,,2019-08-14 22:33:16 cqhhdt,,6,Looking for cat adoption.,"Hello cat enthusiasts. Is any one looking to adopt a siamese cat ? She is so friendly and awesome, uses the litter box and healthy. I am in sfax btw.",,,,,,2019-08-14 23:06:08 cqptgc,,2,Employment - Gaming Cyber Cafe.,"Cashier/Small time manager needed to manage a professional gaming cyber cafe located in El Mourouj 6. PM me for further details, or check out the facebook page where you can see the photos or message it directly : []( Or simply call this number if you're a native tunisian or french speaker : 26111213",,,,,,2019-08-15 13:27:38 cqpvtu,,1,Streaming sites?,What are some good streaming sites? I mostly use after Egybest got shut down. Also what are your experiences with signing up for the fast streaming or download services? Is it free to just sign up or do that ask for you to pay? TIA,,,,,,2019-08-15 13:33:11 cqumo3,,1,Who the fuck thought of substituting a ring tone with a song when you call someone?,"And why do people make you hear a song that you may or may not like when they could just let it ring, you know, the way phones were intended to. DF!! Do I need to be entertained while I wait for you to pick up the phone? Did you ask if I liked the stupid song? No, you did not. I could go on and on, but you get my point. So, who else is with me on this?",,,,,,2019-08-15 19:24:41 cqv2vq,,1,Photos from recent trip to Tunis - Hammamet -Monastir - Sousse - Carthage,,,,,,,2019-08-15 19:57:44 cqyj2d,,5,Questions about studying in Canada,"How would one go about studying abroad in Canada. If anyone has any kind of information or guide , where I should start or any tips/advice I'd very much appreciate it. Recommendations of affordable universities, working part time, accommodation. And by the way, I want to study Computer Science.",,,,,,2019-08-16 00:19:06 cqz1uq,,2,Is this malouf?,"Guys I've always wondered is [this]( considered ""malouf"" ? (especially part 1:28-2:12 ),if not what is it? And does anyone have similar songs?",,,,,,2019-08-16 01:03:12 cqzeau,,3,Ways to get scholarships to study abroad for university?,"(apart of the usa bc it takes too much money to spend on the sat, toefl, etc.)",,,,,,2019-08-16 01:32:36 cr0jp7,,6,Where should I be looking to find a Tunisian partner?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-16 03:16:33 cr32by,,21,How to travel Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-08-16 07:34:43 cr4ak0,,4,Fish farm project,"Hello everyone, I am thinking to start a side project to make money, and I have the idea of building a fish farm and distribute the fish inside my local city and cities around (we don't have borders with sea, so there is a chance). What are you thinking about this project? can it be profitable? And can you recommend some providers? Since I have IT background, I am considering to automate some tasks (feeding, reporting...). Currently I'm working in another country and I consider to start this project as a side one in Tunisa and if it goes well I quit my current job and work on my own.",,,,,,2019-08-16 10:04:34 cr5rcz,,1,Can someone help me translate this?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-16 12:36:12 cr7uj7,,7,Tunis and Sidi Bou Said | Timelapse [0:58],,,,,,,2019-08-16 15:22:25 cr7uwz,,1,Tunisia travel guides - recommendations please,"Thinking of taking a 7 or 8 day trip to Tunisia, based in Tunis but would love to see the country side (probably hire a driver and car just to make life easier). Can anyone recommend any good travel guides - web or print. Thanks.",,,,,,2019-08-16 15:23:15 cr838r,,1, رزنامة الدخول المدرسي 2019 2020 في تونس وموعد الدخول المدرسي 2019,,,,,,,2019-08-16 15:39:17 crb212,,7,I’m interested in learning Tunisian Folklore.,I’m looking specifically for some kind of directory on tunisian legends and monsters. I tried searching on google but found nothing helpful. Are there any books or sites on this subject ?,,,,,,2019-08-16 19:16:06 crbjpg,,1,Can you find this product in Tunisian Pharmacies?,Clean & Clear,,,,,,2019-08-16 19:53:36 crkbs7,,21,Something for self defense?,"Today, I was walking from the Souq with my daughter and I was sexually molested by a teenager who was following me. What can I use for self defense for the future? I’m sure pepper spray is out of the question.",,,,,,2019-08-17 10:03:39 crkkgf,,2,Cinema,is it normal to go to the cinema alone in tunis?,,,,,,2019-08-17 10:32:00 crt35q,,40,who feels like the French language is an annoyance more than anything?,"I feel like English should be prioritized more because it's easier to learn and can be used basically anywhere. Maybe make French optional. the language is in the dialect and even some documents today are in French. Some people use french numbers instead of arabic ones. even in education. in the very early years they start learning french first then english next year (that's a lot). i know France is close and all, but even then English is the dominating one in the world. In tunisia, french is everywhere you go, either with arabic on the other side or absent entirely",,,,,,2019-08-17 22:39:25 cs5l3k,,1,Tunisie – Présidentielle : le combat des ex,,,,,,,2019-08-18 19:12:06 cs652n,,6,"Darja, a language","Tunisia is the most democratic and revolutionary country in the Arab world, why not do the National Speaking ""Darja"", the language of the state and education, while keeping modern Arabic as heritage (as Latin to the Vatican) no other Arab states will have the courage (perhaps Morocco), some will see anti-Arabism, but is an Italian who cherishes the Italian renounces the Roman contribution ? I think it will be in the order of things, that's the meaning of history",,,,,,2019-08-18 19:52:52 csa86m,,1,sushi,where can I find seaweed wraps to make sushi ? are they available in supermarket ?,,,,,,2019-08-19 01:29:38 csaznl,,7,Can someone buy me a dildo ?,Will pay back. Any available sizes. Budget is 100dt.,,,,,,2019-08-19 02:39:23 cseewf,,12,Jewish people in Tunisia prior to 1948,"How was the social situation for Tunisian Jews before 1948? And generally before WW2 and even before WW1? Were they persecuted as a minority? Or just ignored? I know the constitution came years later and had to be biased by whatever majority was ruling at that time. EDIT: I'm asking because I grew up in a very anti-semetic countryside where the arabic word for jew (يهوديّ) was used as a slur even by my father. I never really bought the narrative because I couldn't hate someone or something I didn't know. I assume the sentiment was such because of the Israeli-Palestinian/Arab conflict as my father later on when I grew up and could ask questions like what's up with jews he justifies it by ""them having responsibility over their government and aren't innocent of the crimes the government is committing"". So I wanted to know if this provoked repercussions even for Tunisian Jews being fellow countrymen and having essentially nothing to do with the conflict afaik.",,,,,,2019-08-19 08:53:55 csfm2t,,2,SMC Tunisia workshop: Digital Marketing fundamentals,"&#x200B; [ ]( Mindup est un nouveau Coworking Space sur la Zone Manar 1 a deux pas du camps de Tunis ([]( qui a pour ambition de bâtir une nouvelle communauté et leur offrir l'espace et les rencontres qui vont avec. Cet premier atelier sera animé par des experts dans le domaine de CM. Il s’adresse essentiellement aux étudiants, chercheurs d’emploi ainsi qu’aux professionnels désireux d’acquérir et de développer des compétences en matière de digital marketing. Nous serions ravis de vous compter parmi nous ! Atelier gratuite et ouvert a tous sur simple inscription via ce formulaire: []( Le Social Media Club Tunisia est le chapitre tunisien du Social Media Club (SMC) basé aux États-Unis et regroupant plus de 600 clubs autour du monde. Fondé en 2013, le SMCT vise à réunir les internautes atour d’une communauté et à assurer une communication ouverte axée sur les besoins de cette dernière. Il vise également à identifier et à diffuser les bonnes pratiques susceptibles de favoriser l’utilisation judicieuse des réseaux sociaux.",,,,,,2019-08-19 11:09:57 csl8pm,,6,Tunisie : à la découverte du désert cinématographique de Nefta (aussi appelé « Tatooine »),,,,,,,2019-08-19 18:33:59 csrbuu,,2,Need help finding sources to read up on Tunisian culture,"The reason I ask is because my mother is Tunisian but was adopted by Americans. As a result she wasn’t raised with any of the Tunisian traditions or culture. As I’ve gotten older I’ve become increasingly curious about my heritage, I’m just having a hard time finding sources and I thought this sub could help.",,,,,,2019-08-20 02:05:10 csy88s,,24,Stastiscal study. Can you guys please help me by answering some questions ?,"This are links to straw polls: [Gender]( [Age]( [Employement status]( [Current country]( [Nationality]( I appreciate your help. Edit: You can suggest more polls. I'll add them. Edit 2: Added Nationality",,,,,,2019-08-20 12:48:24 ct39al,,6,Best Bank in tunisia ?,"hello everyone, i am going to open up a new bank account and i was wondering what is the best bank in tunisia (lowest rates , best service/support, availability outside tunisia, etc... ) thank you",,,,,,2019-08-20 18:05:12 ct3mbx,,5,Where can I find old funny videos of borguiba,"Until today I have never heard of the ""bkorza barka jebt borguiba junior"" that borguiba said or other funny moments of him on tv where can I find other ones ? I have looked up on youtube and did not find anything",,,,,,2019-08-20 18:27:25 ct4uz8,,5,Can somebody summarize the different presidential candidates?,,,,,,,2019-08-20 19:43:56 ctbnpl,,1,Accueil - tunisiewin,,,,,,,2019-08-21 04:17:37 ctc972,,1,Page non trouvée - tunisiewin,,,,,,,2019-08-21 05:18:40 ctcb9e,,1,Page non trouvée - tunisiewin,,,,,,,2019-08-21 05:24:36 ctg6e8,,4,How open minded are Tunisian people?,"I'm a foreigner so I don't know much about the mentality of Tunisians, but I'm wondering how it compares to other Arabs since I'm an exmuslim and lived in an Arab country, where I would certainly be mistreated if I'm public about my beliefs. For example can you be public about being an exmuslim atheist and people still treat you normally?",,,,,,2019-08-21 12:30:24 cti8yp,,1,I found a Tunisian in a silly show! His acting is incredibly cringey that I had to gauge my eyes out.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-21 15:15:16 ctjkwv,,11,Nouveau nom de la Rue du Berry ?,"Bonjour, je cherche à retrouver la maison que j'habitais à Tunis vers 1972. À l'époque la rue s'appelait Rue du Berry, mais elle a changé de nom depuis. Est ce que quelqu'un connaitrait le nouveau nom, pour que je puisse la retrouver sur une carte? C'était près de l'institut Pasteur et de Cité -Jardin. Merci d'avance!",,,,,,2019-08-21 16:55:55 ctn1z4,,20,I'm interested in moving to Tunisia from the UK permanently - any help appreciated!,"I'm a UK citizen working for TC and I'm hoping to be working in Tunisia again next March for my next season, however then I can only stay for 6 months and then I will have to move here permanently and get a local contract. I really, really, really feel at home here. I love my job, I love my hotel, I love the staff, I love my friendship group outside of my work, I love the language, I love the scenery.. everything. I know that if I get a local contract, I will be getting a significantly less amount of money, but that doesn't really bother me. What I'm wondering about is the VISA process and the living wage here along with the price of housing etc., or any tips you think would be beneficial for me. Thanks! ❤",,,,,,2019-08-21 21:04:31 ctqv7m,,1,Création et vérification de compte 1XBET - tunisiewin,,,,,,,2019-08-22 02:07:43 ctrja4,,1,Jeux de casino en ligne: Le Poker - tunisiewin,,,,,,,2019-08-22 03:06:20 ctrmuu,,1,Création et vérification de compte 22BET - tunisiewin,,,,,,,2019-08-22 03:15:42 cu3tbr,,4,who's interested in smash bros and other fighting games?,There's a tournament held each week and I thought I can make it more popular,,,,,,2019-08-22 21:17:20 cuaflt,,5,How do you drink Boukha?,"a friend of mine from tunisia got me Boukha when i asked him for a tunisian alcohol, i googled but couldn't find a traditional way to drink it, do i drink it straight? ice or not? mixed with something?",,,,,,2019-08-23 07:20:05 cudsdn,,19,"Free Talk Friday - August 23, 2019","Welcome to the first weekly r/tunisia free talk Friday thread. Rule 2 doesn't apply here so talk about whatever you want! What's on your mind? (Starting from next week this thread should be automatically posted by a bot.)",,,,,,2019-08-23 13:19:46 cuh8wy,,18,Nabil Karoui was arrested this evening. Is this ultimately going to boost him for the elections ?,,,,,,,2019-08-23 17:44:21 cujpnz,,5,[Discussion] Who deserves the presidency,"a question for fellow Tunisian redditors did you made up your mind yet on who you're voting for and who deserves the presidency?",,,,,,2019-08-23 20:49:45 culrdy,,11,Tunisians after the election...,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2019-08-23 23:30:21 cuuv9e,,4,Internet: 7 pays francophones parmi les 10 plus connectés d'Afrique (Tunisie n°1 selon certains chiffres),,,,,,,2019-08-24 15:37:05 cuwxik,,1,*cries in harissa 🌶 *,,,,,,,2019-08-24 18:13:40 cv3zwl,,1,Old school or classic films,Looking to dig into the classic an old school Tunisian films. If you have recommendation and/or a link to it would be great!,,,,,,2019-08-25 04:15:51 cv5gq1,,1,Buying an apartment in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-25 07:11:01 cv5zcg,,18,Buying an apartment in Tunisia for grandmother,"My wife's grandmother is Tunisian. Her grandmother is getting old and lives in a small apartment without AC or heating. This is too hot in summer and too cold in winter. We were thinking of (helping) to buy an apartment for her, this would be somewhere in Rades/Ezzahra/Hammam-Lif. My wife has a Tunisian nationality, but I don't. She doesn't have her passport anymore though since her father destroyed it after he found out about our relationship (which he doesn't approve of). We currently live in the Netherlands. I'm looking for some advice how to proceed (if at all), and where to best solicit any professional advice (preferably in English but French is acceptable too). * Are there any good websites that list property online to get an idea about prices/possibilities? I would guess around 150k-200k TND? It needs to be accessible on ground level or with an elevator. * Can a non-Tunisian (or non-resident) own any property in Tunisia or does this require special paperwork? Or can my wife be the only owner? * Does transferring money to Tunisia to buy the property incur any fees? Likewise, if we were to ever sell it, is it possible to transfer out the money? We have some family locally that could help out. Needless to say my wife's father would oppose this idea with any means he has, does he have any?",,,,,,2019-08-25 08:19:18 cv6far,,3,tawa kifeh el wahed yal9a 5edma fi tounes;websites/s7ab/wala tahbet dour wa7dek?,"redditors with jobs how did you do it? and job seekers what are you doing?",,,,,,2019-08-25 09:21:06 cvbfnt,,0,Tunisia vs ISIS (daech) game DEMO," [\_FY]( this game is not made by me but i just modded it and I've made the Tunisian skins with flag badge on the shoulder",,,,,,2019-08-25 17:31:38 cvbj6m,,1,Le favori des sondages du vote présidendtiel en Tunisie est en prison.,,,,,,,2019-08-25 17:39:00 cvfb0i,,10,Is this legit or bs?,,,,,,,2019-08-25 22:31:39 cvlpcv,,1,Le favori des sondages du vote présidendtiel en Tunisie est en prison.,,,,,,,2019-08-26 09:28:46 cvmywu,,4,Two young Tunisian entrepreneurs making headlines in Europe ! Well done !!,,,,,,,2019-08-26 11:47:32 cvsukz,,1,Any Tunisian redditors near Quebec City? or Montreal?,I moved in 2 months ago and I kind of like summer here. Anyone here nearby?,,,,,,2019-08-26 19:31:49 cvub2d,,14,How do you make a living,"Freelancers of Reddit, how do you make money? I'm at the point of making important decisions in my life, wanted to get some knowledge regarding online jobs in Tunisia such as Web development, Application scripting, Graphic design, etc.. thank you!",,,,,,2019-08-26 21:18:57 cvyiah,,1,Online Study on Arab/North African/Middle Eastern Culture and Identity,"Hi friends! I am conducting my dissertation on a topic that will shed light on Arab/Middle Eastern/North African culture and identity and that would help the field of Clinical Psychology. If you meet the criteria below, I would really appreciate it if you take my online survey, which takes about 20-30 minutes to complete. Please also share this link with people you know! Your participation will be anonymous and you will have a chance to enter into a raffle to win one of two $50 Amazon gift cards once completed. Criteria: \*\*You are between the ages of 18-29 \*\*You live in the United States \*\*You identify as EITHER: \-North American/Western European (e.g., Italian-American, Irish-American, German-American, French-American, etc.) OR \-Arab/Arab-American/Middle Eastern (including from the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, The Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen) The study like is: [\_aWNerw4W82iuuGN]( Thank you so much! Best, Kareen Matouk",,,,,,2019-08-27 03:02:58 cw16vd,,3,Road blocks by civilians,"Good Morning, yesterday I was driving down from monastir to soliman and I encountered a roadblock just outside from grombalia. There were at at least 10 people with lights and a big fire in the middle of the road. I had to turn and I heard it has something to do with a strike? Anybody else encountered such a thing? Any information would be appreciated. Thank you",,,,,,2019-08-27 07:48:47 cw1w23,,1,Can I buy a condom is I am under 18?,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-27 09:17:37 cw30dx,,1,Carthaginian bronze breastplate dates back to the Punic wars with rome found in ksour essaf -National museum of bardo,,,,,,,2019-08-27 11:19:23 cw7hj0,,13,"Visiting Tunisia in a few days, what to know?","Hi all! In a few days I'm leaving for a three week Tunisian vacation. However, i was wondering a few things as a male visitor; My hair is dyed grey, is this a problem for the Islam? Where to convert EU to TND, do i go to a bank or are shops willing to charge extra while paying with card and giving me TND that way? Can i dress like I'd usually dress as a male? Normal shirt, shorts etc.. (I know to wear long trousers when entering certain religious buildings) when just strolling around? Is it okay to hold hands with my partner? As a photographer i go out at night a lot with my gear, is this dangerous and can i freely take pictures during the day or are there rules concerning privacy? Any other tips or need to know stuff is always welcome!",,,,,,2019-08-27 17:17:38 cwej9i,,2,A recent interview of Mounir Baatour by a moroccan activist., [](,,,,,,2019-08-28 02:22:07 cwjnl5,,16,What do Tunisians generally think of Egyptians?,Really interested in your general opinion guys! I find it ridiculous that all North African countries require citizens to get a visa to visit. We're all pretty close.,,,,,,2019-08-28 11:45:38 cwl1wy,ères/,1,Email address to Direction des frontières (Ministry of Interior),"Hello, could anyone please find out the email address to the Direction des frontières? Seems to be internal, as all I find online is [](, but they don't even read their inbox it seems. When calling the Ministry of Interior, they refuse to connect me. It is extremely important for me to reach the Direction des frontières, as I have an urgent travel question which Tunisian embassies cannot reliably answer. I also need a **written** confirmation of what I want to ask about. (FWIW I speak French, so language is not the problem)",,,,,,2019-08-28 13:47:36 cwl74v,,2,Child labor in Tunisia,"Is there anything that can be done about child labor in Tunisia? I saw a kid selling biscuits on the beach and it broke my heart, the weather is bad and a few people are swimming. I gave him fruits and water, bought some of his biscuits, but is there anything that can be done to help them not drop out of school?",,,,,,2019-08-28 13:59:33 cwnlyj,,5,Nabil Karoui's case,"hello everybody, I have severe questions about Nabil Karoui's case * why he caught before 3 weeks from elections? * is the government try to stop him to be a president? * if he entre the jail, does that make a chaos between the people and the government? * if he can't get elected, can Tunisia return to dictatorship days?",,,,,,2019-08-28 17:03:43 cwogag,,0,CA VS CSHL,,,,,,,2019-08-28 18:05:56 cwraxc,,1,"With a bachelor degree in geology, can I get accepted in physics graduate school?","I have bac (10/20). I have bachelor degree (licence en géologie, moyenne générale 10/20). I want to study physics in university, how can I do that?",,,,,,2019-08-28 21:39:20 cwrqq2,,1,Les élections présidentielles en Tunisie : le point,,,,,,,2019-08-28 22:12:04 cwrrr4,,4,Vintage/thrift shops in Djerba,Hello! I'm planning a trip to Djerba soon and I would like to know if there are any thrift shops or vintage stores in the Houmet E Souk / Djerbahood / Midoune areas. Also any specific jewelers I should visit that aren't too pricy ?,,,,,,2019-08-28 22:14:07 cwsc6d,,4,Where can I get a 'certificat de coutume' in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-28 22:59:41 cwsj8m,,4,Question about graduate school,"I'm a 25 year old female living in California, I'm a US citizen and have my bachelor's degree in nutrition. Is it easy or economic to try to get a master's in Tunisia?",,,,,,2019-08-28 23:15:19 cww9v9,,1,Election,As non-Tunisian who is interested in your upcoming elections I was hoping you guys could provide inside perspective on the up coming elections. So who do you think guys is going to win and who would you guys prefer to see win. Also do candidates like Mehdi Jomaa or Moncef Marzouki have serious chance of winning since I have been told they have low chance due to them already having chance at governing and failing at it?,,,,,,2019-08-29 04:58:57 cwwzzw,,74,Américain soldiers buying dates in Gafsa 1943,,,,,,,2019-08-29 06:22:13 cwz1n4,,4,What do you think about Lotfi M'Raihi,"I don't know why I discovered this elect just now, he sounds very intellectual person who knows exactly what to say and how to manage such critical situations in Tunisa. What do you think about him and his chance?",,,,,,2019-08-29 10:31:26 cwz3w2,,1,Books recommendations about Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2019-08-29 10:38:20 cx3qun,,2,Tunisian cuisine in Nabeul or Hammamet,[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-29 17:07:25 cx5qs2,,36,WE ARE 3k,"Thank you for being here, this sub looks 200% alive than it was years ago.",,,,,,2019-08-29 19:38:54 cx744o,,7,Tunisie - Québec : négociations pour l'allègement des procédures de visa étudiant,,,,,,,2019-08-29 21:20:34 cx7ld3,,9,"Australian Model T Ford, Tunisia, 1916-18 (WWI)",,,,,,,2019-08-29 21:56:48 cxio26,,9,"Free Talk Friday - August 30, 2019","~~Elections are close and the plot thickens.~~ What's on your mind?",,,,,,2019-08-30 15:43:07 cxwp94,,1,Any milsurp stores in tunisia?,"I hope there's people who appreciate the finer things in life like me, who can direct me to one ;). thank you all in advance",,,,,,2019-08-31 15:17:49 cxxp1p,,1,"Ever since I got added to this group, I came to realize that *some* Tunisians never heard of Google.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-08-31 16:55:04 cxy2qv,,4,Do you know that Tunisia is playing in the basketball world cup and lost today against spain ?,,,,,,,2019-08-31 17:28:15 cxyqhl,,20,"TIL the ""ACAB"" written on walls means ""All Cops Are Bastards""",i thought it was a gang thing or something...,,,,,,2019-08-31 18:17:54 cxz4fx,,5,Dashcam almost got me arrested in Tunisia,"This story happened on sep 2015. I wrote this few days later but want to share it now on this sub. The names are changed. You guys are very familiar with the dashboard cameras used by the Russians to film every trip they do by cars. Although they used it mostly for insurance purposes but when driving cool stuff happen, no? I'm a big fan of these dash cam videos and I probably film every trip I make by car. Until recently I was arrested by a cop claiming I'm a terrorist... It all started when my friend Alfred came to my house by car so that we go pick our friend François from city center. And we were supposed to go hang out afterwards after a long weeks of isolation.  As always, I was filming the trip. Alfred and I were talking and singing. By the time we made it to city center. I decided to make a timelapse video. A video with fast motion like the ones you see in clips.  I was filming the route when suddenly a cop pulled us over.  Alfred pulled over and I stopped the video that time. First, the cop demanded the paperwork then he asked me if I was filming. I acknowledged and then he asked if I had a permit for that. WTH?? A permit for filming? That time I started to think that problems are starting to grow up. Tunisian cops are known to be skeptical and so far away from the internet trends. He also demanded my phone and I had no choice but to give it to him. He actually didn't know how to open the recently filmed video. I had to show him how to do it. And frankly, I wasn’t bold enough to fool him. I was thinking that it might get me in bigger problems.  He saw the fast motion video and asked why I'm filming the streets. I replied that that is a hobby and I like photographing random stuff in the streets. The policeman claimed that I'm intending to monitor movements of  police cars and I’m targeting some public buildings. I knew where he was going with this so I answered him:  “ I know tunisia is in a state of emergency and i’m fully awared that terrorists are lurking in the shadows but, sir, the pattern of the video doesn't prove such a thing since this is just our route and I can't avoid buildings appearing in the video”  Actually I was shocked by his reason. I mean the videos could barely show any clear buildings. It's a fast motion video for earth's sake.  He was stubborn and requested that I wait for another officer to come to investigate with us. He kept saying that I need a permit to film in the streets.  We stood in the car. We called our friend F telling him what happened. And few minutes he came. He climbed the car and there we greeted him with angst from what's coming next. Seriously I was thinking that time that the cop was wanting a bribe to let us go but had neither the cash nor the willing to do so. We clearly were not suspicious. He came to the car and he requested our friends ID card. We waited for nearly 30 minutes so that the other office come.  He greeted us by shaking hands which is unusual for cops to do so. He climbed in our car and guided us to the police station. While on route, I explained everything to him. He said that I'm all right and it's because of precaution they are doing this. He also added that the traffic cops are suspecting everything these days and our case is just a joke. That  lifted some weight on my shoulders somehow.  We arrived to the police station and sit there. They watched the videos and one of them clearly admitted that we are cool after he saw a video of us singing “We are not alone by Michael Jackson”.  Honestly, we all were laughing at the videos. I could not hold myself especially where listening to Alfred yelling “I don't give a shit about this sorry country” in another video. And of course these cops did not understand English which was almost more that half of our conversations.  Since I had no ID card, the cop with the computer started asking about my name, birthday and etc. He was typing a report. In that room was another cop sitting in the opposite corner staring at me. He said that my hobby don’t match my field of study. And once again I was stunned by their reason. Then he started to scare me and I knew he was trying to test my moral. That was a key of success by itself. The case is stupid and they just trying to stall it for no good reason. He kept asking about our education, social life and both of my friend had beard grown up and these cops are just get so emotional when they see someone with a beard. I remember that one of the cops. started to think about detaining us for 3 days and he was asking another cop if it was time to put handcuffs. That was an epic situation. He was willing to get rid of us by throwing us to the jail.  Lucky for us the other cops just waved a no to him. And even if that cop was joking or whatever. That wasn’t funny at all.  In this country which I did not choose to be born in, such a thing is very easy. Then he added that I’m too thin for handcuff so I just smiled.  We kept waiting and waiting. A woman came with her 10 years old daughter to raise charges against a man beating both of them and I was really shocked how they treated her. They just wanted to ignore her at the beginning but the woman kept screaming and shouting till they decided to listen to her. The cop who was asking her question demanded if that guy had a beard or not. She clearly understood the trick and she said yes. I smiled at that.  If you want to be a terrorist, you have to grow a beard to distinguish yourself. that’s their logic. That woman needed help and they just scammed her. By 21:30 the chief of the police station came, sit in desk in front of us and asked: “ Is there terrorism in this country ?”  _ What happen to this country during this year is beyond enough. I replied. _ Where are the terrorists? “ We frowned at that and we said: _ Terrorist can be anywhere, they just don’t have one specific  place. _ What happened to terrorists that were detained ? _ They are in the prison, F replied He said “ Are you sure about that ? Do you know that the court set them free ? We know these terrorists. And because of human rights organisations things are becoming hard for our job ?” He made his point very clear and we didn’t want to argue with him about this subject especially in our situations and the possible charges that could raised against us. The cop who was writing the report said to us “ Before, we bring suspicious guys hit them till they speak. And lucky for you guys we don’t do it anymore because of human rights” he added “Today, we are cool with detainees and we should have serve you something to eat or drink. We apologise for the long time we kept you waiting here and trust me, this night could have been a nightmare for you in another time” That was freezing me.  The other cop who was staring at me and talking about handcuffs said that we are serene. He also added that since we were laughing at the beginning that means that we are good. After 10 minutes he gave us back our ID card and my phone as well. And that night was over. We were wanting to go hang out so we did it in a police station. I told this story to some couple guys and just said that i sould have not film the streets and I have no good reason for that. “ You film a landscape, a person but why you are filing streets?” That means that citizens of this country are so ready to drop down their rights for security and they are not awared that authorities are not just like they expect. This will lead them to lose both. If I were a cop I would have investigate the matter. But I would have not stick too long for a hopeless case. However, I would be more concerned about that woman and her poor little daughter. That night highlighted that thin line between freedom and security. It also demonstrated how an innocent move can lead you to be very suspicious. I will NOT stop filming streets and the trips. I will be cautious about it. I really dislike this country now. Not because of the cops, but because of those claiming cops did the right thing.",,,,,,2019-08-31 18:47:57 cy000n,,2,Looking for game stores in Tunis,"I want to buy legit PC video games but sadly all of the stores i found sell pirated games, i tried to look online and still nothing, only found people selling super expensive gift cards So anyone here where to buy legit games in the capital Tunis ?",,,,,,2019-08-31 19:54:06 cy1cpl,,0,Looking for a bit from mounji El ouni,I am looking for a bit where he talks about bringing 2 pieces of milfeu (cake) to an engagement party. I listened to it when I was young and I am really want to listen to it again. Anybody know where to find it? Thanks,,,,,,2019-08-31 21:41:33 cy5d12,,0,Where can i buy a bite sleeve in tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-01 03:56:48 cy8kwy,,1,Mécanique des fluides a la tunisienne,,,,,,,2019-09-01 10:55:54 cy9zgy,,22,"Back to school season with ""Brakajet"": how to defend myself?","In honor of back to school season where students in other countries worry about money, tests, dorms etc. Like any normal students, here in Tunisia apart from all of that we worry about if one day we go back home to our mothers in coffins 🙃 because of the resent trend of ""Brakajet"" or mugging where a jobless douchebag stabs u to death just because he wants ur old phone and the few dinars u have that day for a very humble lunch . I'm female student who must take one bus two metro to my university where it takes me at least 1h30 to arrive if the transportation that day was great. I'm already struggling with packed buses and metros with delayed time and potential harrassment where u shouldn't speak out about. I'm so sick and tired all I want is to study and go to university in peace is that too much to ask? Anyway I just want to ask what advice do u guys have on how to protect myself ??I know that pepper spray is illegal and I don't have access to it or I just don't know where I can buy it 🙁 is there any street safety rules that u may know ? It's been too much recently here in Tunisia, I just don't understand struggling from unemployment doesn't give u the right to kill or harass other people, we are all trying our best to go through these tough times . Its crazy what's happening and u shouldn't accept it as ""fate"" or part of ""democracy changes"" , the country is full of useless politicians who has absolutely no idea what they're doing and people who misunderstand democracy as a miracle to magically make them rich , this is just the start we have to fight and work very hard, we have to sacrifice a lot and all of that is not enough for the development of this beautiful land. I'm sorry for my kinda depressive rant , I tried to stay hopeful many times but this time it's too much. I hope my next post will be something positive because no matter how many times I'm disappointed, deep down I really love this country and it hurts when she cries.",,,,,,2019-09-01 13:33:32 cybny6,,5,so i (male) just remembered the TWO times i got threatened with a pocket knife in Middle school,"* first time, was in 7th grade where a kid threatened (slashing my uniform from the back) me for tearing a button from his uniform (happened outside), in the middle of class, told the teacher and all she does is take the knife away...this kid has bullied me for around 5 bloody years. in the end he doesn't get any punishment &#x200B; * second time, was in 8th, it was the the end of the year, arabic teacher said we'd have an extra class before exams on saturday afternoon, there were only two janitors in the whole school at that time (+12 students from my class), so this one kid (not the same kid as the first time) who lives in my neighborhood, approaches me (no one saw him somehow) with a hobby knife and tries to scare me with it then he starts shoving the knife in my way (i actually had to dodge it), that's when the teacher came and this kid went back to class LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED, i stayed outside because i was genuinely traumatized and didn't know how to react, when the class ended the teacher saw me outside so i had to explain why i was, then he tells me why i didn't tell her earlier etc, he tells the other kids to bring the attacker which makes a huge fuss (i hate being in the middle of attention), the attacker plays it off as playing and that the knife was fake (why would anyone have a fake knife?), long story short he only gets lectured without any punishment and *mind you,* this kid already has a dirty record, we went to the principal and he didn't do shit because it was exam season. my father went to this kid's house and they just denied everything while the kid was lying behind them (i say something, he says it didn't happen). this is just a part of me being bullied by short people, yes, only short people, at that time i was taller than everyone and bit fat. all my bullies (5 in middle school alone) were short, and 2 of them were freaking girls (thots that wear makeup and are assholes only to me). in the end my non-caring behavior got them uninterested ^(mostly) &#x200B; &#x200B; tl;dr : 2 kids threaten me with a knife and don't get punished",,,,,,2019-09-01 15:57:43 cyc2wn,,2,Visiting Tunisia next week - local food recommendations?,"Hi all! I'll be visiting Tunisia for a week in early September, and there's not a huge amount of recent information on the internet lately, especially if you don't plan to stay in a resort. I'm splitting my time between Sousse (day trips to Kairouan, Monastir and El Jem) and Tunis (day trips to Carthage and Sidi Bou Said). I'm planning on eating at the guesthouses I'm staying at, as they're both owned by local women who can provide meals, and the reviews look great for the food. Beyond that, is there anything you'd recommend I try? I love harissa, and tagine-style meals, along with grilled meat and seafood, is there anything that really stands out at this time of year? I also have a sweet tooth, so if there are any dessert/sweet things/fruit you'd recommend, I'd be so happy to hear about that. I'm also a massive fan of dates (the dried kind) - are they in season at the moment? I'll be landing in Endifha Airport, because there were so few flights to Tunis. What would be a reasonable price for a taxi from the airport to Sousse? I've emailed the guesthouse owner to ask, but she hasn't come back to me yet, and I'm not sure how active on email they are. Thank you so much!",,,,,,2019-09-01 16:30:47 cyd9lm,,6,"Im a 21 years old male, living in Canada i have family in tunisia(ez zahra) I Know how to read and write in arabic, and im interested in learning arabic at Institut Bourguiba Des langues vivantes. Is it a good idea? is it a good school?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-01 18:03:11 cye647,,2,Barzakh - Redemption \m/,,,,,,,2019-09-01 19:13:37 cyeyfl,,5,Where can I read about election's candidates program?,This is going to be the first time I elect and I still have no idea about who is elected and what are their plans and goals etc,,,,,,2019-09-01 20:15:58 cyfhw2,,1,Where Can I Find Someone Who Does Affordable Video Shoots In Tunis/Sousse?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-01 21:00:20 cyiyll,,4,do tunisians hate imazighen?,im asking because i meet a tunisian that is extremely racist to imazighen but im not sure if all tunisians are like that?,,,,,,2019-09-02 02:15:10 cyn6w9,,55,Tunisia just won its first Basketball World Cup game today,A great game against Iran 79 - 67,,,,,,2019-09-02 10:18:38 cytq7i,,1,An accurate name of this restaurant,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-02 19:29:17 cytx25,,1,"Restaurant Almost, But Not Quite",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-02 19:42:52 cyvl6i,,1,From where can I buy a PS4 with a reasonable price ?,,,,,,,2019-09-02 21:47:43 cz3j2p,,1,An interesting website that gives you a foretaste of presidential candidates' electoral programmes with short and simple questions,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-03 11:22:58 cz4sw1,,15,Pour la dépénalisation de l'homosexualité en Tunisie,,,,,,,2019-09-03 13:21:29 czikpc,,1,Should I ask for forgiveness or just try and forget,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-04 09:37:00 czrmxh,,8,"Please settle this idiotic debate omce and for all: is a t-shirt ""mja3ed"" or ""mja3eb""","I mean t-shirts with horizontal lines. A part of my group of friends swear by ""mja3ed"" while the others and I know them as ""mja3eb"".",,,,,,2019-09-04 22:10:06 czrtda,,3,What are the best unis in Tunisia ?,I heard university of el manar was ranked first but how is accurate is this ? Aren't private unis like esprit or Carthage better ?,,,,,,2019-09-04 22:24:05 czxmoc,,5,Cleaning my Computer.,"I want to clean the dust off my computer, i trire to do it solo but i was too afraid to do a very good job and i didn't even disassemble the motherboard. So i need a professional to do it for me. Any trustworthy suggestion is welcome and if possible how much will it cost. Have a very good day. Edit: It's a desktop.",,,,,,2019-09-05 07:36:45 czzani,,1,التونسي و العادة السرية (خرمولوجيا),,,,,,,2019-09-05 11:03:44 d01ghc,,1,Man3rfouch,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-05 14:21:25 d01qfo,,21,Why is no-one talking about climate change and the dramatic consequences for tunisia and the region?,"I live abroad and nearly everyday there is a big story in television, radio or newspaper about climate change. But following tunisian media i dont hear much although its a very serious and existential threat for us and especially the future generations. There are several different studies predicting that the mediterranean region will be suffering the most. Already today we have big problems with aridity and desertification. The University Aix-Marseille for example is predicting tunisia to be a desert in 2100. And its likely to be earlier when we see worldleaders like Trump, Bolsonaro and other not giving a f*** about this planet. Im really worried that we will react too late and i dont want to see future generations in a civil war because they cant grow enough food to eat. I think our only hope is the sun, free energy. In theory 90 000 km2 desert is enough to provide energy to the whole world. Tunisia alone could provide half europe with electricity. But the the solar thermal power plants have to be 100% MADE IN TUNISIA. It would be a huge investment to solve all this problems plus creating thousands of jobs. We are a rich country! But i dont hear much of that even during the presidential debates. My question is: What do your friends or family members know about climate change and what do you think about it and the coverage in the media?",,,,,,2019-09-05 14:44:13 d03g8v,,10,An arbitary verdict in the premises of law,"So today was the test for the military academy students a dream since my early teenage years, i went fully aware that it demands physical and mental capacities and that is not what i lack, making the story briefer i went for the first exam with 44 other people, wrote what i found suitable and logic on what was given to us as a test full of hope that i was going to be accepted .. there was no respect for time by those that surveilled us a 28 min test came to an end as we were told to raise our pens after only 24-25min.. the prob is that choosing people to exclude sounded random, i had a boy sitting next to me that left his sheet of paper blank ''when he gave it to me to hand it to the supervisor'' and passed while me and others who busted their asses failed.. ''also i assure there are interventions from high ranks in the base for some to pass'' ... the sad part is that many young fellas that have every charactarestics needed from the army look ambition ''straight shoulders and a split chin'' had their dreams taken from them it saddens me most remembering those who cried for being rejected over a test that doesn't reflect their real capacities.. ''i'm not saying all of them deserve to be inrolled'' yet not few were the victims of bad circumstances and the clumsy hands of the correctors that is what i'm sure of .. ty lhasl naan zok om dholm wkhw",,,,,,2019-09-05 16:55:02 d0500g,,1,card decks,where can I find bicycle decks or good quality decks ?,,,,,,2019-09-05 18:49:58 d05n34,,5,"Fellow Alcohol beverages and Beer drinkers,how does it work?","Do I have yo buy from an official supplier(carrefour,géant,""Debbou"")? What is up with police sometimes confiscating alcohol drinks?Is it because they are bought from second hand sellers(""fel noir"")?What's the drinking age in Tunisia?Do I need an ID to buy? Can you suggest some Sellers(aka ""Debbou""). BTW I feel so weird asking this but fuck it.Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2019-09-05 19:36:51 d084hl,élections_what_do_you_think_of_mrayhi_مرايحي/,1,Élections: what do you think of Mray'hi? مرايحي,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-05 22:50:07 d08o30,,6,Recommend me some books in arabic please.,"currently, my french and arabic writing skills are dog\*\*\*\* and terrible. I want to improve my skills by getting myself in literature, starting with arabic because it's the most horrible. i don't really care what genre (just your fav :p) but i would appreciate it if you specify which genre the book you're recommending is.",,,,,,2019-09-05 23:40:23 d0craq,,13,Tunisia’s presidential race starts with one candidate in jail,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-06 06:08:56 d0eclj,,1,"A Tunisian discord server in desperate need for reviving, feel free to bust in and be our savior",,,,,,,2019-09-06 09:31:13 d0ecyj,أنا_من_الساحل_و_لقيت_خدمة_مع_الحاكم_فالجنوب_لكن/,1,أنا من الساحل و لقيت خدمة مع الحاكم فالجنوب لكن مانيش متشجع و العائلة شدو صحيح وبني وبن روحي نحب نلوج خرجة خاطر مازلت صغير شنعمل بربي ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-06 09:32:14 d0ehqe,,10,Can I walk casually into a pharmacy and buy condoms as 22 yo?,Will there be any questions asked? Will they ask if Im married? Is there anywhere else where I can buy them without questions asked?,,,,,,2019-09-06 09:49:16 d0gnsq,,3,Please I need some explanations about the seaweeds project in Tunisia,I heard that they're making fuel out of seaweeds and as we can all see the climate change is doing its things to us and we need to take decisions before it's over,,,,,,2019-09-06 13:27:36 d0hzsa,,1,This is absolutely dog sh** ! Any explanations?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-06 15:15:14 d0lx7g,,1,This track summarize what's happening now,[](,,,,,,2019-09-06 20:13:49 d0lxf2,,22,"If French (the language) was a person, i would literally punch him","i never hated something so personally, every damn subject is in french and we call ourselves ""independent""",,,,,,2019-09-06 20:14:19 d0ujxg,,1,If you're concerned by the upcoming presidential election and don't really who to vote for then don't forget to watch the debates between presidential candidates starting tonight at 9 P.M .,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-07 10:48:50 d0ul0o,,37,If you're concerned by the upcoming presidential elections and still don't really know who to vote for then you should definitely watch the debates starting tonight at 9 P.M .,"More details [here]( . I'm pretty hyped tbh .",,,,,,2019-09-07 10:52:53 d0uyhw,,6,[Rant] why's the university registration procedure so tedious and confusing?,"you have to pay 70dt to make a student card, so you have to use a specific card (edinar jeune) and they don't accept regular edinar cards so you have to pay for a card you'll most likely never use again. &#x200B; you have to refill info they already know. in the bac website i just input my social number and my bac number and a password they sent me. now i see my name,university,birth date, profession ect. in the inscription site i have to write my name and other info i sent when i made the account there(in which they generate a random password and send it plaintext to my email, yeah great security there) not to mention my name is literally on top of the page of the form (i had to write it twice in different forms). they have half if not most of the info they need on me, so why do i have to go to multiple places to get documents, just to give them to another to get another document i need to give along with other documents to my university? &#x200B; need pictures? sure take the one from my identity card, no need for me to upload it or give 4 copies to my university. you already know everything about my parents and siblings along with their identity numbers and jobs. most of these steps are very pointless, we have internet, my university should be able to get the necessary info. this isn't 1995. make it an easy and a one time quick payment. i've lost count on how many times i had to extract/print/pay for. I needed to say this. i know not many people will see this. and i doubt anything will change. this just seems to a deliberate procedure to get as much money as possible while wasting everyone's time and money.",,,,,,2019-09-07 11:40:13 d0vlue,,2,"My father that works in Tahar Sfar hospital in Mahdia got 150 Dinars for each child that graduated today (so he got 450 Dinars) , why?","he said today is supposedly the national day of science or knowledge and this was the first time they did it. did this happen in other hospitals?",,,,,,2019-09-07 12:53:03 d0za3d,,1,"A soldier of the 4th Tunisian tirailleurs Regiment pose with an Alsatian, Alsace Lorraine 1918",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-07 17:59:04 d10o23,,1,Anybody knows where I can an sd2vita adapter for my psvita?,,,,,,,2019-09-07 19:46:48 d1bfhf,,1,Tunisia is truly Africa's tophat (Click the image to view the whole picture).,,,,,,,2019-09-08 14:16:36 d1d60k,,1,"follow up on the 1st round of votes ,Who do you think Nailed it ?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-08 16:30:31 d1d69l,,19,"follow up on the 1st round of debates ,Who do you think Nailed it ?",I personally thought it was Abbou . His position on capital punishment and Libya was particularly great imo .,,,,,,2019-09-08 16:31:06 d1fc0q,,1,not a football match. #elections2019,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-08 19:08:09 d1ipll,,1,"Days before the first round of Tunisia's presidential election, the fledgling democracy is holding three nights of televised debates between the candidates, a rare event in the Arab world.",,,,,,,2019-09-08 23:29:07 d1iujc,,4,What are the best dating places in sousse/monastir ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-08 23:40:57 d1qm64,,7,Follow up to the 2nd presidential debate,I would like to hear your opinions about the second round of debate that took place yesterday the 8th sep.,,,,,,2019-09-09 13:03:08 d1ryff,,3,"BAC: Any advice on some particular subject? (philosophy, SVT, computer science)","I'm a rising senior / bachelier and I'd like to ask all of you who have already had their bac: how did you revise for philosophy ? did you study extra courses? Also are extra courses worth it for SVT & computer science? Personally, I'm going into SVT as if I haven't studied anything during 2nd and 3rd grade because I wasn't paying attention at all, so I'm really lost. Probably the same thing goes for computer science. All of my friends had their extra courses and I'm really lost and confused, I don't want to spend too much time and money on them.Any advice ? Thank you. Edit: Are there some stuff I should know about SVT from 2nd and 3rd grade? I can revise them this week, if there are some must-know. Also concerning philosophy too. Edit 2: Bac maths",,,,,,2019-09-09 14:54:05 d1s1oz,,1,Where to buy a phone in Tunisia?,"Hi all! Do you guys have any big telecom shop chains in Tunisia where you can find phones etc...? I see tons of these little shops that sell phone stuff but I'm more interested in the bigger stores.",,,,,,2019-09-09 15:01:12 d1se3r,,33,80% of the candidates .,,,,,,,2019-09-09 15:27:11 d1timq,,4,How to deal with pushy/aggressive salesmen,"We are in Djerba for a week holiday, we decided to visit the downtown area of Midoun. We had a guy approach us at the resort he said he was a rep of the resort which it turns out he was... Offer us a trip to Midoun for 1euro per person for 2 hours to see the markets etc. Once we got to Midoun we were hussled into a leather and Carpet store and aggressively expected to buy either one or the other or both. For 30mins this kept up, us trying to be polite but also really not wanting to purchase either in the end i got frustrated, they got super offended and we got out of there asap. Whats the best way to deal with these people in a fast respectful manner?",,,,,,2019-09-09 16:51:27 d1yp68,,1,Maghrebi bros best bros.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-09 23:00:23 d26gj8,,10,Follow up to the 3nd and last presidential debate,Your impressions? Now that they are over how did you perceive these debates?,,,,,,2019-09-10 11:52:53 d26wyj,,1,"Naceur Bey of Tunis with his two sons (Moncef Bey (left) and Husain Bey (right)) in Paris, 1912",,,,,,,2019-09-10 12:34:48 d29kx8,,9,Elections Poll (see results),"I created [this poll]( with the Tunisian candidates for the 2019 presidential election. After you vote you can ***see the results***. []( Edit: You can share the link with your friends.",,,,,,2019-09-10 15:57:14 d29scg,,21,Remember that voting is a duty and an honor,,,,,,,2019-09-10 16:10:21 d2c3qz,,5,What's Chahed's problem ?,I heard that there are some corruption accusations. That's what hamma was talking about yesterday at the end of the event. Anyone know what are these accusations about ?,,,,,,2019-09-10 18:38:02 d2nonj,,2,"Bruhhs, what do you recommand as a hamer headset that I can order locally?","I.m using it for gaming most specifically streaming so it has to look nice for the camera with goof sound and microphone quality with a single jack or an USB input &#x200B; Im cheking some stuff from Jumia right now: [](",,,,,,2019-09-11 09:58:34 d2qucx,,0,Is having sex in the car illegal here?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-11 14:15:57 d2rd7y,,1,"Naceur Bey of Tunis with his two sons in Paris, 1912",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-11 14:52:11 d2rkij,,62,"Naceur Bey of Tunis with his two sons in Paris, 1912",,,,,,,2019-09-11 15:05:11 d2rq3k,,6,Ethnic groups in Tunisia,"What are the ethnic groups that exist in Tunisia? As far as I know Tunisia seems pretty homogeneous culturally and ethnically. All I can think about are maybe nomadic tribes in the Sahara? Discuss.",,,,,,2019-09-11 15:15:55 d2s8p0,,1,⚜ | Tunisia: The Forgotten Stalingrad of Africa,,,,,,,2019-09-11 15:50:08 d2sw97,,5,I can't choose my own president because I can't vote.,"I had to go to Canada back in June so I'm still registered in Tunisia for elections, and I can't change my voting office to Montreal because deadline was set to be May 22nd and It kind of sucks that I can't make my own choice.",,,,,,2019-09-11 16:32:59 d2xd02,,2,Tipping servers,"Hi all, I’m just wondering what tip culture waiters receive in your country. My all inclusive dinner has been pretty shitty, so my girlfriend and I have eaten in the Hard Rock Cafe for 3 nights (it’s cheap as hell in comparison to back home and good food). The cash machine in my hotel is sketchy and we’ve still not had any cash. If I came in tomorrow with a wedge of money, would it be strange? Would they split it evenly? Sorry if this sounds really stupid lol",,,,,,2019-09-11 21:30:13 d2yn80,,6,21 m from canada coming in tunisia in a few weeks to study. id like to make some friends. Je parle francais aussi,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-11 23:00:08 d36h3g,,15,2019 Election intentions results (interactive chart),"After I posted two days ago a form to vote for the intended candidate for the next election. And as mentioned by some of you that these data could be biased because of the multiple vote feature. I analysed the data (timestamp and the vote) and located a pattern in them. This pattern where I see consecutive same vote in a very small intervals varying between 5 seconds and 18 seconds. These small interval imply that the same voter is re-voting again which is logical since 5 seconds is enough to refresh the page and click again. (18 seconds) may refer to a slower internet connection or the contestant is harder to locate to click. Hence, more time is needed. I deleted the redundant consecutive votes but the first. And I believe that this method would improve the data. See the interactive Final Chart at: [\_dhM8qF7bja3g\_icQLUsxc7fJGsRlbiWv37h9MC0L31RptiEn6VkEa1Dcff-TjWX3rxIxD928e/pubchart?oid=2030625674&format=interactive](",,,,,,2019-09-12 11:26:09 d37q8k,,2,Help me translate,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-12 13:14:07 d37zdj,,1,"""Running for president while gay was never going to be easy, especially in Tunisia""",,,,,,,2019-09-12 13:34:24 d3be3j,,2,This article pretty much sums up why I'm voting for Abbou. What do you guys think of this ?,,,,,,,2019-09-12 17:36:33 d3ce7f,,1,Saif Eddine Makhlouf went to France to get the Eiffel Tower apology in person.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-12 18:46:21 d3dp32,,2,What's a good place to repair my TV?,,,,,,,2019-09-12 20:15:48 d3lsso,,12,HIKING TRAILS,"Hi,do we have some decent hiking trails ? I mean hiking trails with no drunk guys encoutered (aka 'bal3a'),clean and family friendly ? l",,,,,,2019-09-13 07:35:31 d3tytw,,7,Carrefour had the cave closed tonight. When will alcohol sales resume?,Just curious if anyone is selling right now. Lot of angry and confused people tonight.,,,,,,2019-09-13 19:06:34 d3x7q0,,1,An American in Tunisia (love your country so far 🇹🇳❤),[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-13 23:09:24 d42ozi,,1,Following the Tunisian dinars exchange rates,,,,,,,2019-09-14 08:40:51 d47o8h,,15,Must do things in Tunis? I'm moroccan!,"Salam! I'm going for a trip to Tunis with friends, I'm not sure what places you recommend visiting / food you recommend eating, besides swimming maybe (hope it's warm enough). I only have around 3 days, so I'm looking for places I can't miss. I might also have to be present at an event during the morning, so possibly also things available during the afternoon/night. Chokran!",,,,,,2019-09-14 16:48:52 d48pxd,,1,"ROBOCOP. Upvote this so that people see it when they Google ""ROBOCOP"".",,,,,,,2019-09-14 18:07:26 d4csqm,,2,CBD,is CBD legal in Tunisia and where can I find it?,,,,,,2019-09-14 23:29:23 d4cw9o,,20,Election Day Megathread: 2019 Tunisian Presidential Election,"Today the citizens of Tunisia vote for their new president. The chances of a someone reaching a majority today is unlikely so this is probably a first round that will be followed with a second one between the top 2 candidates. Post here news and your experiences with the election day!",,,,,,2019-09-14 23:37:53 d4iytr,,9,YSK that you can still elect if you didn't register like me,Type * 195 * your_id#,,,,,,2019-09-15 10:51:17 d4nm1l,,5,keen perception,"The question that pops out is : Zaama Samir wefi voted for Safi saiid? since safi is frequent to samir's show the latter must know him better than anyone else",,,,,,2019-09-15 17:33:13 d4oyw9,,30,How do y'all like your pasta,Personally I like it without money laundering and fraud allegations attached to it.,,,,,,2019-09-15 19:11:23 d4p4wk,,7,Robocop returns,"A 2019 action, romance, adventure, drama starring kais said.",,,,,,2019-09-15 19:23:20 d4p7r5,,11,"Well, I must say I'm a little bit surprised","Well, very surprised actually",,,,,,2019-09-15 19:29:45 d4phtw,,37,I Don't care what you think but if you vote for spaghetman you're a piece of shit,"Like how in the world you expect something good from a corrupt rich man who launder money and doesn't respect the law.. to respect a country when his action contradict it I mean sure you dont like Robocop but cmon dude , you gotta choose the least worst candidate",,,,,,2019-09-15 19:49:40 d4pvjc,,2,What's the positive side ?,"Regardless of how bad you think it is , i'm sure social media will be full of jokes and critics on the 2 condidates for the next three days . So before i close it all , i want to know your opinions. In the best case scenerio , who of the two should win and what are the advantages ? &#x200B; Edit: all opinions all welcome , i respect all views and beliefs even if they differ from the popular ones.",,,,,,2019-09-15 20:17:17 d4py5g,,9,Bloody. Hell,"what a fucking mess today was, like just wow Also, why the hell do people still vote for Nahtha?",,,,,,2019-09-15 20:22:33 d4q0je,,3,Question From A Turk,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-15 20:27:21 d4qqcv,,0,I've seen people trash talking nabil karoui lert and right. I'm seeking legit evidence showing him being corrupt !,,,,,,,2019-09-15 21:18:53 d4rpba,,27,"We're doomed, worst case scenario...","Literally the worst case scenario Tunisia could find itself in. I had a hunch it'd end up this way: 1. A candidat who's financially corrupt, accused of tax evasion and fraud and other crimes, could be said to have used ""bribery"" to buy votes from naïve old people, and is currently arrested... 2. A candidat who's a religious faschist, believes in death penalty, polygamy, is against respecting the constitution and individual rights, against women rights, wants to mess up international relations... has relations with ""7esb ta7rir"" and is endorsed by ""Nahdha""... I feel so disappointed and frustrated. I keep wondering, how did people in my generation, those who are younger than 25, vote like this? I knew since weeks ago those two were popular, especially Kais on social media, but do people not see past facebook ads and videos? Kais presented himself to youngsters as the hero we need, for the nation's progress. Same with Karoui who presented himself as the hero of the poor and miserable. Do neither category of people realise that ""if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't""? That it's all part of a bigger plan. That each of those candidats is endorsed in secret? That no human is as perfect as these two make themselves out to be? Am I the only one having a horrible gut feeling right now about our future? I honestly just want to leave the country even more at this point. I'm tired of caring about this stuff... I'll probably just go away, never come back and forget about all of this, and while waiting for my opportunity these years, try not to get in trouble with the new conservative regime... Edit: I'm also very frustrated about why blank papers don't count! It should be a good constitutional way of protest against candidats....",,,,,,2019-09-15 22:30:01 d4rxyq,,9,A tale about two shit lords.,Two shitlords won the first round. One shitlord IS gonna be our president. Make sure to vote in the parliamentary elections so that these two shitlords wont be able to shit on our chests. Easy as that.,,,,,,2019-09-15 22:49:11 d4rzon,,36,The voice of the poor,,,,,,,2019-09-15 22:52:46 d4sfp8,,2,In summary :'D,,,,,,,2019-09-15 23:29:30 d4shew,,12,Ta7chhhheee,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-15 23:33:34 d4up29,,4,"If you think RoboCop is better , please , I implore you to read this .",,,,,,,2019-09-16 02:48:03 d4uuw4,,3,i thought i will never post this but today i literally lost faith in this people...,"the makarouna w7kok tmatem has the defeated the will of making this country a better place im literally shocked and who the fuck im i gonna vote for ?? the Islamic parties robocop or the corrupted capitalist who has evaded payin millions of taxe money ( ) with money laundering.... and as a wise guy once said ( ألهاكم الطحييييييين )",,,,,,2019-09-16 03:02:54 d4xgl7,,1,Tunisian exit polls suggest shock victory for political outsiders,,,,,,,2019-09-16 07:44:57 d4xhvi,,43,NSFW ish but i found it funny,,,,,,,2019-09-16 07:49:54 d4y2ar,,1,Next debate in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-09-16 09:05:27 d4yh0w,,1,"Speaking of the words of Tarek Cheniti, should we be worried about this? He's one of my most favorite intellects and I've always known him for being rightfully optimistic. His concerns are freaking me out.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-16 09:55:13 d4yofp,,3,What do you this of this statement?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-16 10:19:06 d4zo7t,,8,Hey. Need help with meeting new people,"Been kinda bored lately. Im curious what apps or sites u guys use to meet local people here. Friendship or relationship. I know tinder is a thing here but ... yeah. Anything else ? Ty very much.",,,,,,2019-09-16 12:01:23 d4zxvr,,10,We're doomed because Karoui is not just corrupt. He also is a conservative. Kais and Nabil are the two sides of the same coin.,"Kais is an extremist and also a bad politician. Nabil is an extremist and a criminal. Check this link for more understanding of each one's views.",,,,,,2019-09-16 12:25:54 d50o96,,1,Help is this a reasonable price or is there somewhere better where I can get something similar,,,,,,,2019-09-16 13:29:03 d51fyl,,4,help,any games like escape room in Tunis ?,,,,,,2019-09-16 14:30:00 d51klw,,7,Presidential election 1st round thread.,"As far as it goes with ISIE, It looks like Kais Saied and Nabil Karoui are up against each other in the second round. 15:00 Edit : [Source]( thanks to /u/icatsouki 18:00 Edit : [Source]( thanks to /u/chihebtec3 20:33 Edit : [Source](",,,,,,2019-09-16 14:39:45 d53732,,1,Outsider leads after divisive Tunisia presidential poll,,,,,,,2019-09-16 16:37:01 d553k6,,1,"Tunisian conspiracy theories fellas, gather around",[removed],,,,,,2019-09-16 19:17:26 d556py,,24,Nabil Karoui wins presidental elections against Kais Said (2019 Colorised),,,,,,,2019-09-16 19:23:35 d56kds,,6,"Honestly if pasta man wins second round then he deserves the damn places , seeing all the stunts he pulled / will pull to get there .",,,,,,,2019-09-16 20:59:04 d56nqp,تاو_نوريهم_الحرية/,19,تاو نوريهم الحرية 🙃,,,,,,,2019-09-16 21:05:27 d57sbd,,1,I'm completely out of the loop regarding politics.,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-16 22:28:39 d581g6,,8,Can someone please ELI5 what's happening right now with the elections?,"I've been out of touch about this subject, and i would like to get up to date on it, who is this pasta dude? Why are people saying that we are doomed? What's exactly happening right now? Any help would be appreciated.",,,,,,2019-09-16 22:47:49 d5835r,,2,Can still go the second presidential vote(if there's one),"Hi, i want to ask if i can go to the second presidential vote if i didn't go to the first, and yes im registered. Thanks.",,,,,,2019-09-16 22:51:25 d5e5jp,,35,A legend of his own,,,,,,,2019-09-17 08:44:40 d5h819,,6,please explain the electios situation to a stupid Moroccan,"Were people excited for the elections? Who are the leading candidates so far, what are their political affiliations, how do people feel about them? How much power will the president have and do you expect any real change in the coming term? Dima Wydad",,,,,,2019-09-17 13:46:01 d5hhb0,,72,Karoui provider of carbs,,,,,,,2019-09-17 14:05:54 d5hn4j,,1,This should be here definitely,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-17 14:18:05 d5ibcw,,2,Mohamed Khmakhem at the Duplex,,,,,,,2019-09-17 15:08:14 d5idvu,طحين_and_طحان_came_to_mean/,3,"How did the words ""طحين"" and ""طحّان"" came to mean their current meaning in the Tunisian dialect?",,,,,,,2019-09-17 15:13:17 d5izms,,1,The best shots during a vacation in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2019-09-17 15:57:13 d5jqqd,,0,What the fuck?,[](,,,,,,2019-09-17 16:53:44 d5juwt,,1,disappointed,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-17 17:02:30 d5kura,,1,disappointed,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-17 18:13:55 d5lj3r,,1,disappointed,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-17 19:02:39 d5n8u7,,1,Title,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-17 21:07:09 d5ndy1,,8,Show me the lie,,,,,,,2019-09-17 21:17:45 d5rosz,,25,Disappointed,"It took me few hours to process the results of the election and I am not shocked any more with the results as I managed to find some form of rationale for such result. I am though confused, sad and disappointed in my fellow Tunisian redditors who are voicing open support for Mr. Karoui. I fail to understand how one can support a dangerous criminal (yes he is innocent until proven guilty, but in our case his audio tapes are pretty incriminating and he didn't deny them. without mentioning the instrumentalisation of his TV for partisan support of other parties and himself). How would one support a person that is clearly driven by personal greed rather than the well being of the nation, only because the other person might be a hint too much on the social conservative scale?! Let's be clear, it would be extremely tough for President Said to break the law while it would very easy for President Karoui to break the law. On one hand we have multiple statements and actual behavior that guarantee Mr. Said will not break the law, while we have multiple statements and actions by Mr. Karoui that will guarantee he will break the law. If you carefully follow Mr. Said's interventions, you would figure out easily that he is a extremely careful in wanting to operate within the legal framework of the constitution and the law. His few policy propositions (tough to implement without parliamentary block supporting him) would be still constitutionally legal. I do understand though that some have issues with his position regarding homosexuality, marijuana and inheritance. But I do believe one has to prioritize the most dire issues that face our nation. Do you want a known crook who will further increase corruption, economic decline and very possibly dictatorship, but might decriminalize pot and homosexuality while establishing equal inheritance? Or do you want a known honest person that will abide by the law, fight corruption and try to establish a more egalitarian system, but might not change the status-co on homosexuality, pot and inheritance ? What are your priorities ?",,,,,,2019-09-18 03:02:20 d5tjju,,7,What is happening with el hiwar tounsi fb page?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-18 06:07:42 d5upfd,,4,Is there a future for computer science in Tunisia?,"I'm talking about jobs and what not other than virus solving or working at an internet providing service Is moving out to another country the better choice if I graduate with a degree?",,,,,,2019-09-18 08:22:48 d5x1qs,,46,Old women when Nabil Karoui doesn’t deliver Pasta on time,,,,,,,2019-09-18 12:28:35 d5x41b,,6,Kais Saied vs Media,"I think what's happening with the media going against the #1 elected in the first round is due to how much he is ignorant about television and pundits. And yes I'm talking about Elhiwar Ettounsi, KS is showing hiw much he is against corruption and pre-revolution allies, knowing that Sami el Fehri is one of them, maybe he will never respond to the Tounes Alyaoum hungry calls to invite him and get to know the man. In my own opinion, this dude is a total unknown to the 'System' and this confuses everyone including the occident who, as we know all, has to have a final touch on many gouvernment decisions including people's will. Now that KS has a big chance to win, he will be harrassed by many external parts using the media until he finally clarify himself politically and reveal if he's pro-islamists, a leftist or none. What do you r/tunisia think about what's happening with him vs Media?",,,,,,2019-09-18 12:33:53 d5znb8,,3,PE second round,Quick question came up guys; if neither of karoui or kais said gets 50% or above ( as in the majority ) would they still win the presidency? or will we have another round? if yes then wouldn't the third round be inconsequential? people opposed to these two candidates would still oppose them ..,,,,,,2019-09-18 15:44:57 d64nd2,,62,Kais Saied have a great meme potential .,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-18 22:22:10 d64xpz,,1,Ethical dilemma,,,,,,,2019-09-18 22:47:15 d69mb5,,1,I laughed!,,,,,,,2019-09-19 05:36:02 d69mkd,,1,Oh the memes these days,,,,,,,2019-09-19 05:36:40 d6bnsf,,1,Tunisian AI,,,,,,,2019-09-19 09:39:05 d6cm5x,,11,Why are the diwane prices too damn high?,"It was already difficult and complicated to buy online. I already paid for the item + shipping. But why do I have to pay 30dt for a $8 item that is the size of a dinar? I get they have to check it,send it and repackage it. But really? Sending items doesn't take more than 7dt (and that if the weight is >1kg. What's that 30dt for? I already canceled the other orders. why are they so backwards. it's like they don't want us to order",,,,,,2019-09-19 11:22:37 d6eou1,,12,"Ben Ali just died a few hours ago , How do you feel about it ?",,,,,,,2019-09-19 14:18:02 d6fcg8,,3,how does dating work in Tunisia ?,Hi r/Tunisia . Moroccan here ! quick question . Tunisia is always considered as one of the most progressive North African/berber/arab countries as this is apparent in men and women being equal in inheritance and Tunisia having a relatively non malevolent/relaxed view on lgbt people among other things . so I was wondering does this liberal world view manifest itself in the dating world ? is dating treated with the same casual view as western countries with couples living together before marriage and premarital sex being non issues ? are arranged marriages still a thing ?,,,,,,2019-09-19 15:06:32 d6funp,,1,Ben Ali: Tunisian autocrat ousted in Arab spring dies in exile | World news,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-19 15:42:33 d6gfrz,,2,"Could someone explain Tunisian politics and the upcoming election in a non-biased way, please?","Hi, I'd like to get an understanding of the upcoming election and the candidates up for election. Could a Tunisian help me out?",,,,,,2019-09-19 16:24:47 d6ik7t,,32,"Soon, Tunisian people be like",,,,,,,2019-09-19 18:57:46 d6itk2,,16,"Shit like this makes my blood boil, barcha twensa t7in yejri f damhom.",,,,,,,2019-09-19 19:16:05 d6j65p,,1,Interview with Karoui's lawyer Imed ben Halima,,,,,,,2019-09-19 19:41:28 d6kkm3,,4,How dangerous is it for a western man to be with a Tunisian woman in southern tunisa?,"I'm visiting my long distance girlfriend there. She seems concerned about the fact that I'm white and she's Tunisian and how we'll be treated going out. I'm just wondering if she's overreacting or if there really would be an issue. The top airbnb post flat out states it's illegal for a man and woman to have sex before marriage which indicates he wouldnt rent to an unmarried couple(sfax). Anyway, I thought I'd check here for a different perspective.",,,,,,2019-09-19 21:24:32 d6koh3,,13,Well..,,,,,,,2019-09-19 21:32:48 d6l26f,,36,Modern Maghrib Reading List - English Materials,"Hi all, I'm an American historian working on French colonialism in North Africa, and I spent three months this summer doing archival research in Tunisia. In preparation, I read a lot of material on North Africa both in English and French, and I decided to assemble everything I could find in the English language to share with you. I haven't read anywhere near all of it, but I'm slowly chipping away. Thought you might be interested, especially for the subscribers of this subreddit who don't know French or Arabic and have an interest in North Africa. Cheers! [Here's the link!](",,,,,,2019-09-19 22:00:43 d6ljj6,,8,the only thing we should cry about are the billions he stole before fleeing the country,,,,,,,2019-09-19 22:36:45 d6lnsw,,1,"Obama : Yes, the system has problems, yes, there is money in politics. The solution is more involvement, not less. The people who benefit from problems want you to be cynical. My message is get involved. Get involved in politics. If you see a problem, grab your shoes and go campaign out there",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-19 22:45:46 d6lt0z,,1,"Obama : Yes, there are many problems like money in politics. You need to get involved. People in power who benefit from the problems all want you to be cynical. Get in politics. Vote. Run for office. Democracy works when people push. You see a problem, grab your shoes and go campaign out there",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-19 22:56:48 d6lz5d,,1,"Obama : Yes, there is big problems like money in politics. The solution is more citizen involvement, not less. People who benefit from problems want you to be cynical. Get involved. Vote. Don't just trust politicians. You see a problem, go campaign out there. Democracy works best when you push",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-19 23:10:05 d6m4uq,,1,"Obama : Yes, there are big problems like money in politics. We need more citizen involvement, not less. People who benefit from problems want you to be cynical. Get involved. Vote. You don't like the politicians, run against them. Go campaign out there. Democracy works best with involved citizens",,,,,,,2019-09-19 23:22:20 d6swv4,,21,An Egyptian on the death of BenAli,"Honestly fuck that guy, if anyone should be morning it's all the Tunisians he killed during the revolution. Just thought I should say this because I'm Egyptian and my country is sad state😂",,,,,,2019-09-20 10:26:37 d6thyf,,18,FREE NABIL,,,,,,,2019-09-20 11:25:37 d6tpc9,,11,Not the Onion! Not even Lerpesse,,,,,,,2019-09-20 11:45:24 d6uirm,,17,god damn the heat is so unbearable,sitting in class and sweating more than i sweat when i train in the gym,,,,,,2019-09-20 12:56:26 d6vd1c,,36,Pasta man,,,,,,,2019-09-20 14:02:59 d6zrvm,,1,Tunisia should reinstate its institutions,"For some reasons the 2014s constitution of Tunisia dissolved a lot of important institutions : The Senate , The Constitutional Council , The State Council ( le Conseil d'etat ).",,,,,,2019-09-20 19:22:13 d702ge,,5,a very stupid question,"okay so, i'm 18 and to be honest i only started caring about politics this year. i have always found politics confusing because my parents have conflicted political opinions. on one hand, my mother is a supporter of ben ali (she used to support nahdha btw, but then my grandfather who likes ben ali changed her opinion) and on the other hand, my father is a huge supporter of nahdha. my mother says that the people in nahdha are khwenjia and they're all liars and cheaters and they don't genuinely mean anything they say, while my father says that the media is trying to demonize them because they were against ben ali and basically against the corrupt system and he keeps insisting that all the stories about them attacking non religious people and throwing acid on them are fake. and whenever i ask someone else's opinion they either hate them or really support them. there's no middle ground and no one has tried to explain their point of view to me. so, are nahdha good or bad? what did they do exactly? i really want to be more educated on politics in genral and especially on this particular subject.",,,,,,2019-09-20 19:44:11 d71vne,,0,"Yes, Nabil Karoui should be free","I believe Nabil Karoui is a thug and a fucking crook He has a media empire and is portraying himself as the savior of the poor against the elites. He is like Berlusconi, the Tunisian Trump. But where I disagree is his detention without a public trial. Shame on whoever was behind this. If Chahed did this, he must go down. Nabil Karoui was a legal candidate who respected the law. His candidacy was accepted by the Tunisian Independent Election Authority. He has been arrested and jailed right before the election. He has never been convicted of anything so far. The European Union is right to denounce this as a scandal. The Tunisian League of Human Rights is 100% right to denounce this. No one should be jailed without conviction. Especially not a major candidate during an election season. I oppose Nabil Karoui and I think his media empire need to be controlled. But to me, this is a disgrace and frankly disgusting.",,,,,,2019-09-20 22:04:54 d7897v,,41,Karoui,,,,,,,2019-09-21 09:15:35 d78pgi,حكاية_نبيل_القروي_و_المقرونة/,2,حكاية نبيل القروي و المقرونة," [](",,,,,,2019-09-21 10:14:29 d7id87,,12,Any Tunisian here who is married or dated a non-muslim ? What was your family's reaction ?,Non-Muslims or non-Tunisian,,,,,,2019-09-21 23:32:47 d7isqq,,0,hmmmm,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2019-09-22 00:04:06 d7nnm8,,0,Change the name of this sub reddit,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-22 08:18:40 d7orcp,,0,Hey Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-22 10:37:29 d7osis,,5,Dear activists,"I want to get some human rights/ individual liberties trainings, where can i get that",,,,,,2019-09-22 10:41:24 d7ub5t,,1,celebataire fl class,,,,,,,2019-09-22 18:21:47 d7uo9w,,13,hey guys anyone work in Ministry of Education here ? i think there is illegal things here,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-22 18:48:36 d87ntr,,1,Winou el petrol ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-23 14:59:02 d88ojn,,20,Tunisian hotels after Thomas Cook went bust,,,,,,,2019-09-23 16:13:20 d8bg4m,,2,Le Groupe parlementaire français Libertés et Territoires appelle à la libération de Nabil Karoui,,,,,,,2019-09-23 19:21:49 d8br7x,,5,3D Printing in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-23 19:42:40 d8c1dy,,1,BCAA price in Tunisia,is 140dt worth for BCAA? Or is it too much,,,,,,2019-09-23 20:02:59 d8msul,,1,"news releases : latino ragga : djmickaelgrimm ""iberiatus"" ""mi amor"" amazon deezer spotify ... news june 2019 : house music : djmickaelgrimm ""koumba humm humm"" ""contaminator"" radio edit & club mix",[removed],,,,,,2019-09-24 12:55:33 d8nk7v,,11,"CHURCHILL TANKS | Battle of Banana Ridge, Tunisia | April1943",,,,,,,2019-09-24 13:57:33 d8o393,,5,Les danses Tunisiennes par Rochdi Belgasmi au ESSTED - Please check out the Youtube comments :),,,,,,,2019-09-24 14:37:39 d8o741,العشاء_اليوم_مقرونة_لليوم_الثاني_شاكك_في_الجماعة/,2,العشاء اليوم مقرونة لليوم الثاني. شاكك في الجماعة مترشحين للرئاسة 😂,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-24 14:45:34 d8og7t,,0,Comment section under an article about a man getting arrested for raping his wife.,,,,,,,2019-09-24 15:04:46 d8q8z6,,5,A question,"How much money should you spend or a 1080p 60 fps at ultra resolution gaming pc,",,,,,,2019-09-24 17:15:35 d8qdj3,,32,Yikes,,,,,,,2019-09-24 17:24:38 d8x8h4,,5,Somewhere in the premises of the Bardo Museum...,,,,,,,2019-09-25 02:41:22 d9270k,,7,How common is atheism in tunisia and if you came out publicly how would people react?,I am not tunisian or even come from a tunisian family and I am a devout muslim and I come from a kurdish and pakistani family but I was wondering how common is atheism in tunisia as I heard tunsia is quite a open and westernized country compared to other muslim dominated countries,,,,,,2019-09-25 11:54:01 d93bvm,,1,Gym in Tunis with a power/squat rack,"Hey friends! I will be visiting Tunis for one week and I'm looking for a gym with proper squat/power rack for squatting like [this]( (*not* a [smith machine]( Can anyone recommend anything in the area of Lac 1 or 2, La Marsa etc? I know that California Gym is a large one but, do they have a squat rack? I would like to continue my strength training program during my stay, unfortunately most gyms i've seen are *full* of machines and treadmills. Thanks!",,,,,,2019-09-25 13:31:28 d963jr,,40,Nabil is free.,,,,,,,2019-09-25 16:56:15 d96tq4,ïed/,3,Karoui vs Saïed,"It seems to me Karoui is getting a lot of attention, however, there are alot of unnerving aspects about him that people keep pointing out. Meanwhile nobody seems either positive or negative about Kaïs Saïed. Almost as if he has the role of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Please share your views. Am I correct? Am I wrong? Who do you think should win and why?",,,,,,2019-09-25 17:48:29 d99sst,,3,« La Piste de la Francophonie » : 20 heures de direct dans 18 villes du monde [dont Tunis !],,,,,,,2019-09-25 21:22:33 d9abu8,السلام_عليكم/,1,السلام عليكم,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-25 22:06:38 d9agff,,1,هزاع البلوشي....من روائع سورة الحجر,,,,,,,2019-09-25 22:17:36 d9al1n,,1,شكون فهم,,,,,,,2019-09-25 22:28:55 d9b5el,,1,Take part in this patriotic survey and get a free pack of Warda,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-25 23:15:23 d9frs4,,2,صباح الخير يا توانسا نهاركم اسعد الأيام,,,,,,,2019-09-26 06:24:50 d9fuwp,,50,صباح الخير يا توانسا نهاركم اسعد الأيام,,,,,,,2019-09-26 06:35:10 d9ghsu,,0,الرسول يشكو إلى الله (السيرة النبوية العطرة),[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-26 07:51:34 d9hvg2,ما_هو_أصل_تعبير_خريت_فيه/,8,"ما هو أصل تعبير ""خريت فيه""؟",,,,,,,2019-09-26 10:42:29 d9jba6,,10,"Tunisians living abroad, do you ever think about giving everything in your country up and heading back home because you're just fed up with El Ghorba?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-26 13:00:16 d9mpy5,,1,(قيس سعيد)الليلة على الوطنية واحد مباشرة بعد الاخبار 👌,,,,,,,2019-09-26 17:18:56 d9nncv,,1,how to send a package by mail to Poland ? and how much does it cost?,i really need some help from you guys i wanna send a package to poland and idk how or how much it does cost so if any of you have any idea help me please,,,,,,2019-09-26 18:25:40 d9o33k,,1,Inferiority Complex,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-26 18:56:23 d9ot51,,2,Rick & morty/Star Wars fi tataouine ( pretty nice footage),,,,,,,2019-09-26 19:49:24 d9ph6w,,4,Tonight's interview of Kais Saied,"If you did watch it on Watania 1, I am curious about everybody's thoughts about it..",,,,,,2019-09-26 20:33:11 d9qgso,,1,Le clivage entre la laïcité et les islamiques est-il dépassé en Tunisie ?,,,,,,,2019-09-26 21:43:18 d9qyw8,ربي_يفرجها/,0,ربي يفرجها,تصبحوا على خير وان شاء الله غدوة خير 👌👌,,,,,,2019-09-26 22:19:26 d9wfiy,,1,صباح الخير ونهاركم اسعد الأيام أقوى تحليل قالو الاستاذ. #archif 2017/2018,,,,,,,2019-09-27 06:29:55 d9whba,سؤال/,2,سؤال,"علاش ماتتكتبوش بالعربي وماتكلموش بالعربي هل هو قانون لازم انجليزي والا هو اختيار شخصي ؟؟",,,,,,2019-09-27 06:36:01 d9wv0r,,2,Book recommendation,I recently became interested in the beys era and the husainid dynasty. Anyones knows any books on that period of time ?,,,,,,2019-09-27 07:18:13 d9xp60,,2,"Tunis, Tunisie - La Piste de la Francophonie [15/18] - TV5MONDE",,,,,,,2019-09-27 09:03:47 d9y0c4,,6,Living standards between Gen X and Millennials,"Hey guys, do you think that the standards of living between generation X ( 1956-1980) and millennials (1981-1966) went down in Tunisia ? This is the tendency in almost every country. Nowadays, people seems to struggle more than their parents did, the job market is so competitive finding a job with a decent salary has become difficult as well as the high rate of inflation in prices especially in housing, it seems like today it's hard to make a living, owning a house and make a family. Meanwhile, the previous generation even with a low level of education could do all that even before they hit their 30's. Is this the case in Tunisia too ? I mean that's what i'm observing but i didn't find any data or statistics to claim this, i checked the INS site but i didn't find anything.",,,,,,2019-09-27 09:40:17 d9ywab,,5,Democracy hangs in the balance in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-09-27 11:15:26 da04b3,,0,"My channel on YouTube to whom it may concern, I mean for those who understand Arabic I speak English very well 😎",,,,,,,2019-09-27 13:04:52 da30y5,,140,No offence Greta,,,,,,,2019-09-27 16:41:48 da5h3l,,7,Looking for an old point&click arabic education PC game sold back in the late 1990s/early 2000s,"Hello, I live in Algeria and back in the early 2000s our father got us two point&click arabic education disks on PC made in Tunisia, one of them is called ""القلم"" I believe. They were just point&click games that taught us multiple words in arabic, one of the game was a car that drives around a map of Tunisia teaching the names of the cities. I have so many memories of those games, finding them would make me feel so happy and nostalgic, if you know anything related to that disk please let me know, if you still own a copy of the game and can upload it for me somewhere that would be perfect, thank you.",,,,,,2019-09-27 19:44:18 da6ryl,,0,African immigration in Tunisia,"The residents of the capital and the coastal cities may not know how many African immigrants are living among us.. Ariana (sokra,borj louzir,(aouina) are so crowded with sub saharans to the point some neighbourhoods aren't populated with Tunisians anymore ... They're not students 80℅ or more are jobless and they chose our country to be their dwelling many women give birth in our country for the intent of staying here longer things started in 2013 after the revolution I have been an observing eye and their numbers are getting bigger since then .. It is an economical and demographical burden that apparently no one's speaking about some day we'll regret our open borders for some sub saharan countries",,,,,,2019-09-27 21:22:53 da6ui6,,2,Which country should you live in ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-27 21:28:40 dadi6w,,16,I am claiming my ancestral land,,,,,,,2019-09-28 08:42:35 dadmmc,,1,Understanding the current situation in the Middle-East. Very good lecture by Professor Kenneth Pollack. Every Tunisian should watch it.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-28 08:58:42 dajlt6,,31,Tunisian Coins in top row,,,,,,,2019-09-28 18:13:21 damlye,,5,Tunisian cat owners of reddit,"From my experience owning a cat is a responsibility u can get over with but in this wasteland its a pain in the ass , i wanna keep my cat indoors to avoid conflict with other ferals by keeping cat stuff in my household . Where do u buy ur cat things ? ( scratching poles - cat trees - cat beds - cat snuggles and cat toys - DIY strings- ) Plz dont tell me go to the ( pet store- animalerie) cuz local ones are the shittiest and dont know half of my things and obvly dont sell big stuff such as cat trees Cant buy online cuz i dont wanna get charged 2000dt for a shipment of some planks and diy strings If you improvised and crafted something that came out in handy plz share with us ur ideas amd tips",,,,,,2019-09-28 22:08:31 daok38,,20,that interview with kais said is just,"What the hell is this guy doing, what is even happening to begin with. also, why is everyone rooting for him, man literally has no plans whatsoever. The entire interview is him going ""no one's backing me up"" ""not doing this for personal gain"" and ""I don't use Facebook"". Not to mention his backward mentality when it comes to gay people, women and religion. It's fascinating how radical, bigoted views from a potential president in 2019 are celebrated and agreed upon by the majority.",,,,,,2019-09-29 01:04:16 dapc61,,6,Going back to university after being off for years ?,"I graduated high-school in 2013, went to uni for a year then I was forced to quit due to some circumstances, long story short I want to go back and get my degree, first thing I want to know is if there's any age limit for starting uni as a 1st year, and second thing I want to know is if I'll be able to study in public schools or is private my only option at this point ? I'd appreciate all the help and info I could get and thank in advance to anyone who replies.",,,,,,2019-09-29 02:18:47 dask48,,1,Buy/sell a used car,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-29 08:30:32 dasoli,,1,Buying a used car in tunis,"Hi guys. So, I would like to ask you for information about cars which I don't know too much about. I want to buy a used car (maybe a chery qq) which costs around 20 000 dt and is 2 years old. At the same time it also costs the same brand new (19 999 dt). When I asked about why they told me it's because the chery qq is ""populaire"" and specific population can buy it with a long procedure. I'm not eligible for this procedure since I'm a recent graduate and I wonder if I could buy this car from someone who just recently bought it. So, can I buy a ""populaire"" car from someone who bought it in 2019 or is there a buffer time of no sell for these cars. I would really appreciate your answers guys.",,,,,,2019-09-29 08:47:39 datnrn,,6,Anyone who plays cs:go regularly up for a few games ?,,,,,,,2019-09-29 10:51:47 dauq39,,4,Laptop battery replacement,"i want to buy a new battery for my Lenovo laptop, i know i have to request a repair shop to order it, but how long do i usually have to wait? and how expensive will it be?",,,,,,2019-09-29 12:51:54 davfpr,,40,"China harvesting organs of Uighur Muslims, The China Tribunal tells UN. They were ""cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale,"" the report said.",,,,,,,2019-09-29 13:57:00 dawkfy,,8,Great documentary about El Fallegah. I think they did a great job historically. Cool illustrations too.,,,,,,,2019-09-29 15:25:45 daxom2,,1,Fossil Kinley Small Crossbody Bag,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-29 16:48:36 daxsnk,,0,"We did it Folks , We did it",,,,,,,2019-09-29 16:56:43 db0xju,,0,The presidential elections are going to be cancelled,"Joseph witness is going to keep nabil 5aroui berlusconi in jail. Nabil 5aroui berlusconi is going to appeal the results on the grounds of lack of equality of chances. Since no one can dispute that, isie will have no choice but void the results. Joseph Witness will have turned the table around. But his day will come.",,,,,,2019-09-29 20:43:34 db1b3h,,0,I will just leave it here.,,,,,,,2019-09-29 21:11:12 db20do,,13,"just thought it was interesting, related to Africa as a whole",,,,,,,2019-09-29 22:04:43 db7di2,,6,What does “Denya 9a7ba” mean?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-30 06:11:04 db8h39,صباح_اليقين_بأن_رحمة_الله_أوسع_من_متاعب_الحياة/,0,"‏""صباح اليقين بأنَّ رحمة الله أوسع من متاعب الحياة!"" ❤️",[removed],,,,,,2019-09-30 08:23:06 dbb54r,,25,The Tunis downtown by night is not bad it even surprises us with awesome stuff,,,,,,,2019-09-30 12:55:18 dbbgep,,0,Discord Channel for /r/Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2019-09-30 13:20:19 dbbuh6,,2,Employment contract,"Hi! I a new graduate (yay!) joining the workforce this October (yaaass) I got an offer (contract CDD) for 6 months ,and i am wondering about the pros & cons of this type of contract should i take it ? (the salary is good & i like the job ) I heard a rumor that if you take this contract this other possibilities become limited (بيرو الشغل / الحاكم) can someone please better explain to me the pros & cons / the risks / benefits to help me make a better decision. thank you",,,,,,2019-09-30 13:50:42 dbcd44,,7,Anyone who'd fond of fishing?,I plan on buying a fishing rod soon. If some of you guys are into fishing maybe we can do that from time to time ? :),,,,,,2019-09-30 14:28:53 dbd3ig,,3,Where can an 18 y/o find a Volunteer work?,"I'm looking for activities to fill my time with, so what is better than volunteering. Anyone have any ideas what can I do?",,,,,,2019-09-30 15:19:47 dbekzz,,0,"ريبر هبون , العولمة المعرفية، من كتاب الحب وجود والوجود معرفة",,,,,,,2019-09-30 17:00:49 dbh1k6,,1,Cannabis in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-09-30 19:42:51 dbhm7f,,2,cannabis in tunisia,"A friend of mine is going to visit tunisia next week with his family and consumes cannabis every week or so... together went online to find out about cannabis laws in tunisia and just found that consumption aswell as possess and trade is illegal. Other sources stated that the lowest sentence you get if you get caught is 1 year of prison aswell as 1000 dinar(?). So my friend is not planning to take cannabis with him (or buy anything) and does not want to consume during his visit(1week). So my question is wether he is in danger of getting a sentence since there is still thc leftovers in his blood and urine (normally takes atleast 3-4weeks after last consumption to completely vanish)? Are the laws stated above just connected to direct illegal actions in the country or will he get punished as a ""consumer"" (when he gets into a random urine test f.e. at the airport)for when he smoked before his travel?",,,,,,2019-09-30 20:20:57 dbi5qt,,15,"Not sure if this has been shared before, I find it hilarious",,,,,,,2019-09-30 20:57:06 dbjoyt,,55,Kais Said vs Nabil Karoui These are the last two presidential candidates of Tunisia in the election that wil be held this October 13th. نبيل القروي ضد قيس سعيد في المرحلة الأخيرة من الإنتخابات الرئاسية بتونس. And the credits goes to : Ahmed Touj,,,,,,,2019-09-30 22:45:02 dbppmh,,2,Nabil Karoui reste en prison contrairement aux rumeurs sur le web | Africanews,,,,,,,2019-10-01 07:19:00 dbvuwx,,3,so accurate,,,,,,,2019-10-01 16:27:34 dc0cye,,3,Is it possible to sell things from tunisian sols to international buyers?,,,,,,,2019-10-01 21:42:00 dc23h7,,15,When will Tunisian's demand their right to international online payment ?,"As the title says, Tunisia is one of the few countries in the world without international online payment. It's 2019 and Tunisians still can't access simple online features for lack of international payment methods which is really shameful, however nobody seems to give a sh*t about that. It's also not because that the dinar is a weak or non sought after currency since many other weaker countries have online payments. It's the government's own choice to make the dinar a closed currency because of corruption.",,,,,,2019-10-01 23:48:43 dc6z89,,18,"Street Live music - Rue de Marseille, Tunis",,,,,,,2019-10-02 07:37:43 dc8qcs,,5,Startup Tunisia,"Hello there, I have an idea and I want to know what do you think about ? Make an app that allow you to book an automobile expert which can help you to buy an used-car ? Thanks any help appreciate",,,,,,2019-10-02 11:12:48 dca3mc,,1,"Mine would definitely be ""a9ra 3arrrouuuhek, 7el kteb 3arrouuheeek"". :D What about you ?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-02 13:19:22 dcblhw,,66,if you know what i mean,,,,,,,2019-10-02 15:16:16 dcc4qq,,4,"ISIE releases sample of ballot paper for the presidential runoff election slated for October 13 at home and October 11, 12 & 13 abroad",,,,,,,2019-10-02 15:54:36 dcdoj5,,12,Finally we can watch Tunisian movies online.,"I just found a [(VoD) platform]( that has almost all Tunisian movies, it's amazing that I don't know like 70% of them.",,,,,,2019-10-02 17:47:18 dce0yk,,6,The tech start-up scene in Tunisia,What does the tech start-up scene in Tunisia look like for the moment? With all of the socio-economic challenges the country is facing and the lack of competitive advantage you would think that start-ups could partly remedy unemployment. What is lacking? What are the challenges for now? I'm half Tunisian living in Europe and I'd like to help in my capacity with the (re-)build of this beautiful country.,,,,,,2019-10-02 18:12:27 dcfbdi,,7,Is bougernine a military zone or can you hike and camp there?,,,,,,,2019-10-02 19:42:26 dcoxiq,,46,This guy is rotten to the core.,,,,,,,2019-10-03 10:22:19 dcrbtr,,0,Le tunisien Slim Khalbous élu Recteur de l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie,,,,,,,2019-10-03 14:02:55 dcvkbc,,3,Lactose free products/nutrition,"Hey guys! Is there any place in Tunis where you could get lactose free products? Candia used to produce the ""double douceur"" lactose free milk, unfortunately not available on the market anymore.",,,,,,2019-10-03 19:13:20 dcwe0w,,2,"kids of the 80's , you will have the goosebumps",[\_L49Q](,,,,,,2019-10-03 20:09:59 dcxmp8,,2,Found this on a facebook group thought the guy might visit this sub so i thought i might posted here,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-03 21:36:11 dcy8ib,,0,S7 edge avendre 500dt,,,,,,,2019-10-03 22:20:41 dd4usz,,17,Life is Simple(Wikileaks),"Just go to []( ,type the name you want, enjoy the show :D",,,,,,2019-10-04 09:10:16 dd9s7a,,3,"Hey everyone, who is starting bourguiba school monday in tunis city?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-04 16:34:30 ddbrtc,,3,What are the electoral legislative lists (party or independent) that can support Kais Saïd in the parliament?,"Most of us, as supporters of The presidential candidate Kais Saïd, hesitate to choose between the legislative lists.there are many parties that pretend to be in Kais's side in order to make it so confusing to the voters. Personally , I used to vote to Ennahdha party but I didn't see any sincerity in its leaders.",,,,,,2019-10-04 19:00:21 ddctoo,,6,Has any of you considered running for office ?,"Hello everyone. My question is simple. Has anyone of you considered running for office in the next elections ? Why not ?",,,,,,2019-10-04 20:14:39 dddebi,,17,Khormologia in time,,,,,,,2019-10-04 20:55:45 ddk266,,9,"Amina Bouzguenda Zeghal, la Tunisienne qui fait rayonner la francophonie",,,,,,,2019-10-05 07:30:36 ddoewi,,33,Please vote.,"Please vote. Democracy means that every Tunisian citizen has a voice that matters. It doesn't promise anything else. Compare India and Israel after 40 years of Parliamentary Democracy. Democracy only means that whatever the people deserve, they will get it good and hard. So please vote. Every vote matters. Don't let other people, more ignorant, more hateful, more cynical, decide where they want to take Tunisia. A few parliamentary seats can make the difference between a good government and a bad government. I won't tell you who to vote for. But among candidates please vote for someone : **1)** With Ethics and Values. You want someone that will not tolerate Government abuses of power and will expose them. Someone that will not abuse his powers if he obtains a Ministry. Someone that is ready to resign and attack his own political party if he sees things he finds morally unnaceptable. Someone that will always defend freedom of the press and always condemn political violence. **2)** Educated. Someone that can read, count, and write well. In multiple languages. Someone that has read many books or written books. Someone who knows how to think about complex issues. **3)** With a vision. Someone that isn't running against other people or ideas. Someone that is running to implement ideas. It can be anything. A law to improve driving safety. New measures against smoking in public spaces. An initiative against pollution. You want someone who wants to get things done if he is elected but who will always have respect toward politicians who disagree with him. Best of Luck.",,,,,,2019-10-05 15:08:51 ddrh4g,,10,A brand new Tunisian political party to resolve all our issues once and for all,,,,,,,2019-10-05 18:50:05 ddrnhu,,1,طريقك إلى النجومية في دقيقة، من برنامج بالعربية الحلقة الثالثة,,,,,,,2019-10-05 19:02:15 ddwysg,,16,Dreams Island: Djerba,,,,,,,2019-10-06 01:54:02 de1o7s,,0,Tunisian presidential candidate halts campaigning,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 10:43:05 de2hj4,,4,TunisianFederalism,"If you are interested in federalism in Tunisia you may check this community. ==> [](",,,,,,2019-10-06 12:18:47 de4o9s,,12,"Nibba loading, 1%... (no offense, we're all Africans after all)",,,,,,,2019-10-06 15:27:12 de7tt0,,3,I removed the elections’ ink,"just felt i did something good, so i posted it (cuz the ink stain stinks and looks ugly)",,,,,,2019-10-06 19:13:06 de8cgg,,13,So 5 more years of Enahdha!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 19:51:00 de8sga,,3,"Outgoing Prime Minister Youssef Chahed : I had to fight the Mafia, they tried to take control of The State.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 20:21:59 de90q4,,1,"Democracy is always chaotic and messy. Don't panick, it's okay. This is what Israeli Politics look like. In the same parliament, they got Arab Muslims, Communists, Centrists, Nationalists, and Jewish Religious Parties",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 20:38:13 de98fn,,1,"Democracy is always messy. Don't panick It's okay. This is what Israeli Elections look like. In the same parliament, they got Arab Muslims, Communists, Centrists, Nationalists and Jewish Religious Parties",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 20:53:44 de994t,,1,"Democracy is always messy. Don't panick, it's okay. This is what Israeli Elections look like. In the same parliament, they got Arab Muslims, Communists, Secular Centrists, Nationalists and Jewish Religious Parties",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 20:55:10 de9ars,,1,"Democracy is always messy. Don't panick, it's okay. This is what Israeli Elections Results look like. In the same parliament, they got Arab Muslims, Communists, Secular Centrists, Nationalists and Jewish Religious Parties",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 20:58:37 deadha,,1,"Confession : I think this woman is smart, open minded and tough. She would make a great Prime Minister or Finance Minister. She used to be an International Banker so she could attract investors to Tunisia",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 22:18:06 deaex0,,7,Any freelancers?,"Freelance in Tunisia is still underrated, especially with the absence of PayPal. So just wondering if there are any freelancers with us in this sub, let's chat in the comments",,,,,,2019-10-06 22:20:52 deai56,,1,"Confession : I think this woman is highly educated, smart and real tough. She would make an excellent Prime Minister or Finance Minister and a great representative of Tunisia internationally. She used to be a Top Banker so she could attract investors",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-06 22:28:04 deeyxd,,5,Inauguration à Tunis de la première université franco-tunisienne,,,,,,,2019-10-07 05:09:48 deh3zz,,1,The Most Dangerous Guy In Tunisian Politics.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-07 09:30:44 deh6zu,,16,Tunis downtown night life is about music,,,,,,,2019-10-07 09:41:02 deh7y6,,3,The Most Dangerous Guy In Tunisian Politics. He tells people to look back at colonization 60 years ago instead of putting forward a vision of the Future,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-07 09:44:22 dei305,,1,How Tunisia Is Currently Perceived In The World,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-07 11:23:15 dej6d6,,0,What if we only allow people with above average iq to participate in the elections?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-07 13:05:56 dejobm,,15,Redditors of Tunisia are you boycotting?,If yes what are the products? Do you think it's working so far?,,,,,,2019-10-07 13:48:09 denwxi,,1,Very interesting article about how economic growth,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-07 18:56:40 deqkhj,,4,what's the easiest way to make money as a university student,"i start looking for a job recently , i'm second student ( university) things getting hard and i'm desperate i can't focus while i'm broke , so any ideas how to make money ( legal way) i prefer part time job ect..",,,,,,2019-10-07 22:02:51 dexqrg,,4,Is the Child of a Tunisian Woman and a non-Tunisian Man Considered Tunisian?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-08 09:47:59 df2pce,,3,Does Certified Copy have an expiry date?,"question about *copie conforme* I have a 3 years old one, can I use it?",,,,,,2019-10-08 16:51:52 df4r4d,,24,"Interesting map, well done Tunisia /s (i know we probably don't have the money)",,,,,,,2019-10-08 19:20:12 df60u4,,1,A standalone Gas Hob with an electric oven (cuisinière a four electrique),[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-08 20:49:37 df62q9,,7,Members of Tunisian soccer team have been accused of stealing more than a thousand dollars worth of running shoes from a Perth sports store.,,,,,,,2019-10-08 20:53:14 dfahxd,,45,A Tunisian Woman who created an NGO to fight human trafficking has been selected for leadership training by The Obama Foundation,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-09 02:15:48 dfifh5,,9,Jawhar - Soutbouk (Official Video),,,,,,,2019-10-09 15:13:24 dfjm1o,,11,How independent is our judiciary?,Seeing how Nabil just got released I can't help but wonder .,,,,,,2019-10-09 16:36:59 dfjqk1,",520,6714,3?fbclid=IwAR3SfIH_txqzRqbEuF4aLPXBEgEcGw0oM-oO508f0GiWpqC9sWSW7Vm7QgM",4,محكمة التعقيب تقرّر الإفراج عن نبيل القروي,,,,,,,2019-10-09 16:45:47 dfkqfe,,1,What do you think were the biggest changes in Tunisia over the last 10 years ?,Which do you think were good and which do you think were bad ?,,,,,,2019-10-09 17:56:48 dfnsxp,,3,Elections législatives en Tunisie: le parti Ennahdha sort en tête avec 52 sièges (officiel),,,,,,,2019-10-09 21:34:02 dfoam5,,1,Few questions about the cti,"hello guys , i wonder if i can link my paypal account with the cti card ( zitouna or post ) anyway &#x200B; can i receive the money from freelance ? can i transfer money ? and make transaction with it ? it is worth it ? how can i make it and what's the requested paper for it ? ( i'm talking about the inscription)",,,,,,2019-10-09 22:08:35 dfpax9,,58,The Son of a bitch did it !,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-09 23:24:22 dft9zx,,6,Black Americans,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-10 05:13:41 dg2mry,,1,Welcome,[](,,,,,,2019-10-10 18:55:59 dg4r0y,,42,hanabil,,,,,,,2019-10-10 21:20:48 dg4uqf,,3,What's the best state/governorate to live in?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-10 21:28:12 dg52nr,,2,What political party did you vote for and why?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-10 21:44:37 dg57sv,,1,What the fuck is wrong with Tunisia? What's going to happen to it? Will it ever get better?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-10 21:55:08 dg5hxd,,1,I need a question about traveling from Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-10 22:16:47 dgcprb,,1,"Now that nabil was deemed innocent, why shouldn‘t people vote for him?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-11 09:36:35 dgdkmm,,1,"If you don't rely on yourself, you're a loser!!",[removed],,,,,,2019-10-11 11:06:06 dge9ju,,8,We are the night: DJ Deena Abdelwahed takes Tunis.,,,,,,,2019-10-11 12:12:33 dgexaa,,2,F,,,,,,,2019-10-11 13:08:33 dghx9r,,39,"Map of all places named ""Sidi X"" in and around MENA",,,,,,,2019-10-11 16:53:16 dgig32,,3,"huh so we're apparently neutral, good thing at least",,,,,,,2019-10-11 17:32:43 dgizus,,0,An inside urge,"I don't like both nabil and qais but i have a feeling that voting for nabil is opting the aptly between choices firstly because qais is like the quiet lamb and blind follower of his shepherds ""ennahdha w ex hezb tahrir members"" that means more stupid decisions w the stagnation of the left, and less liberties ofc plus he didn't speak about his projects he only kept repeating that he's """"independent"""" .... Another five years of disastrous infrastructure and economy, while Qaroui is working on his image and I believe he doesn't want to harm his name and investment (nessma) by not sticking to his promises of economical growth and a better infrastructure and way of living for those in cities and in rural places .. Idk honestly but nabil bl khayb li fyh is a better choice ""in my mind"" than qais .. And also I can't understand from where this qais fever came from ... I won't be optimistic if he rises to power",,,,,,2019-10-11 18:13:31 dgj16v,,0,The Tunisian National Team is caught stealing from Stores in Australia,,,,,,,2019-10-11 18:16:38 dgk6f0,,6,How Tunisia’s tech start-ups are changing the entrepreneurial ecosystem,,,,,,,2019-10-11 19:41:56 dgkulu,,1,[LIVE] Tunisia Presidential Debate,,,,,,,2019-10-11 20:31:45 dgl6n0,,9,Presidential debate,Am I the only one feeling proud right now?,,,,,,2019-10-11 20:56:56 dglb5r,,55,The Debate...,,,,,,,2019-10-11 21:06:24 dglios,,2,Nabil Karoui/Kais Saied,"What's y'all take on the presidential debate We r a few hours from committing to silence",,,,,,2019-10-11 21:22:47 dglqto,,2,PayPal soon!,Nabil bch yjibelna PayPal w Natflix w google,,,,,,2019-10-11 21:40:28 dglxvs,نبيل_and_قيس/,6,نبيل and قيس," **قيس سعيد: يا ليتها كانت 180 دقيقة** **نبيل القروي: يا ليتني كنت ترابا**",,,,,,2019-10-11 21:56:05 dgm310,,4,Am i the only one who felt more confused after the debate?,,,,,,,2019-10-11 22:07:21 dgnb61,,1,Looking to buy a specific phone,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-11 23:46:53 dgt7gk,,2,Translation for the presidential debate,"Hello &#x200B; I don't really understand arabic, is there a transcript or even better a translation of the presidential debate of yesterday in English or French ? Could you post the link. &#x200B; Thanks",,,,,,2019-10-12 10:04:50 dgttl3,,0,Tunisia in the future.. No hope ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-12 11:15:34 dgubga,,24,Terrible/Cringeworthy photoshop edit at Karoui official page,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-12 12:08:47 dgxtk2,,1,Graphic tablets in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2019-10-12 17:04:04 dgyhl3,,22,The one thing Nabil forgot to say,rIsE uP gAmErRsSs,,,,,,2019-10-12 17:55:36 dh0l0t,,7,"Is there a website or something where you can follow the actions in the parliament. Like presence, votings, legislative intiatives...",,,,,,,2019-10-12 20:40:12 dh0mn9,,1,"The Pink Mosque, Jewel of Shiraz - Built in the 19th century by the Qajar dynasty",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-12 20:43:40 dh8f7l,,1,Looking to buy a specific phone,anyone got any idea where i could find someone that sells the Xiaomi mi 9t ( or the pro version) for a price close to the one abroad ( from 1000 to 1400 Dt depending on memory and ram sizefor the mi 9t pro) most of the sellers are way more expensive and i have no one to buy it for me from abroad,,,,,,2019-10-13 09:32:11 dh8mil,,17,Présidentielle en Tunisie : un concours de cuisine incite les femmes des zones rurales à voter,,,,,,,2019-10-13 09:57:32 dh8y7l,,1,قراءة في ديوان صرخات الضوء ل ريبر هبون بقلم ماريا كبابة,,,,,,,2019-10-13 10:37:13 dh93bc,,0,It do be like that,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-13 10:53:37 dhbprg,,0,How civil wars begin,,,,,,,2019-10-13 15:06:07 dhcfas,,17,K.S tonight be like,,,,,,,2019-10-13 16:01:11 dhchgr,,1,"President Obama on Tunisia : It's important to recognize that the place where the Arab Spring began is a place where we have seen the most extraordinary progress in allowing all parties and all parts of the population, including women and minorities, participate fully in the political life",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-13 16:05:28 dhdivy,,1,"Confession : Ignorant people are mocking her because she is a woman but I think she would make a great leader. She is smart, educated, classy and very tough. She has also experience in international finance and could help bring investors to Tunisia",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-13 17:25:12 dhdnlh,,0,"Confession : I think Olfa Terras would make a great leader. She is smart, educated, classy and very tough. With solid experience in Finance, she knows how to attract investors. Too many ignorant insecure men are insulting her.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-13 17:35:11 dheiq5,,1,Why did so many more vote for Nabil?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-13 18:37:45 dhejpt,,24,Kais saied won according to Emrhod consulting (that's what they just said on Elhiwar),"72,53% for Robocop vs 27,47% for Pastaman Thoughts? It was expected imo Here's the link bois",,,,,,2019-10-13 18:39:44 dhelb6,,106,Long live the Republic,,,,,,,2019-10-13 18:42:48 dhfaly,,1,Color Tunisia map with your own data.,,,,,,,2019-10-13 19:33:09 dhfatm,,1,"so in before all the political posts rush in, i wanna ask something","can you start studying IT (informatique) in high school? like, can you pick it on it's own? and what subjects do you have to study for the rest of high school? what do you need to excel at for?",,,,,,2019-10-13 19:33:39 dhfe06,,11,"Kais Said, 61, Elected President Of The Tunisian Republic",,,,,,,2019-10-13 19:40:33 dhfouj,",3328",0,Tunisie. Sept cents millions d’euros partis en fumée,,,,,,,2019-10-13 20:01:55 dhfydb,,0,khwenjiya in the parliament and khwenjiya in the presidential palace,"so basically more than 40% of voters for kais are nahdha and karama party supporters non khwenji my ass",,,,,,2019-10-13 20:20:28 dhh79z,,38,Congrats on the elections Tunisia,"Enjoy your democracy fellas Greetings and well wishes from Morocco",,,,,,2019-10-13 21:55:26 dhhv74,,4,"Did anyone watch Hamza Abidi’s passage on Boubaker Ben Akacha’s show on attessia? If you did, do you have an opinion on it?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-13 22:52:00 dhi6zv,",520,91904,3",2,Prime Minister Youssef Chahed : Congratulations to Tunisia for choosing its President. Congratulations to Mr. Kaïs Saïed for his victory. Long Live Tunisian Democracy,,,,,,,2019-10-13 23:20:28 dhmck8,,6,What are Your thoughts about the expulsion of the Elhiwar Ettounsi Journalists in the event of the presidential celebration of Kais Said ?,,,,,,,2019-10-14 05:54:17 dhra98,,1,Would you vote for someone with this reform ideas ?,"**1)** Requiring every Parliament candidate and every Presidential candidate to own property in Tunisia. They must have skin in the game. **2)** Legalization of Gay Relationships in Private Settings **3)** Ban on advertising of sugar, tobacco and alcohol to improve public health. **4)** Construction of a Tunisian Jewish History Museum in Jerba. Jews have a 4000 year history in Tunisia. This Museum will help attract every year thousands of tourists from Europe, America and Israel which will boost economic reserves and create jobs. **5)** All Former Presidents of Tunisia are de facto members of The Tunisian Constitutional Court. All former Former Presidents of Tunisia have a right to a salary, 2 bodyguards, 1 secretary, and a driver. All former Prime Minister have the right to a salary, 1 bodyguard, and a driver. This will help facilitate transitions of powers. **6)** Number of Members of Parliament is reduced from 217 to 180. Former Parliamentarian receive a salary for a period of 2 years to find a new job. **7)** Priority is focused to improve the ranking of Doing Business. Tunisia is currently ranked 80. It must be the most competitive economy in Africa and be ranked at least 50. **8)** Creation of fuel norms on vehicle sales. This will diminish the amount of energy that Tunisia has to buy internationally. **9)** Creation of National Democracy Week-End. During those two days, the Prime Minister Office, The Presidential Palace and Parliament are open for visit.",,,,,,2019-10-14 14:25:27 dhrpf7,سؤال/,5,سؤال,"مواطنة مصرية تسأل التونسيين من هو قيس سعيد ، هل هو اسلامى ، ليبرالي ،عسكرى ، شيوعى ام ماذا ؟ ولماذا يدعمه الإسلاميين ؟",,,,,,2019-10-14 14:57:05 dhu1un,,6,What is qais saaed economic plans?,"Hey, i'm not Tunisian, i just want to know what is his economic plans, and whether he's economically liberal or conservative.. and what did he promised? And what do the Tunisian people think of his economic plans? ^^",,,,,,2019-10-14 17:39:21 dhuqoc,,17,Epic,,,,,,,2019-10-14 18:27:00 dhvno1,,0,"Hear! Hear! Tunisia's got a new tartour, yaaaay!! 5 more years of folks jogging in the mountains and shit like that...",Oh and did I mention that he publicly acknowledged using kids for his campaigns which is illegal. But I guess that would be swept under the carpet because he's backed by the terrorists from Montplaisir. Fuuuuuck Nahdha and its supporters!!,,,,,,2019-10-14 19:29:52 dhvyeb,,22,El mixtape - Chicha (Ya nabil!!!),,,,,,,2019-10-14 19:49:24 dhy2gy,,1,Pouvez vous me traduire ce message (Ecrit en Arabe Tunisien / Phonétique),[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-14 22:14:12 dhzllr,,1,La victoire du conservateur Kaïs Saïed à la présidence tunisienne est lourde d’interrogations,,,,,,,2019-10-15 00:08:59 dhzzjb,,22,Why the hell are people worshipping KS ?,"He literally has no plans other than the local councils (which is nearly impossible to do because of our constitution) but people keep praising him in every chance they get, and his followers are attacking everyone one criticizing KS verbally and in some cases physically. Why is everyone manipulated by his language skills and hollow speeches?",,,,,,2019-10-15 00:40:20 di5fs7,,5,Is there any way to get games on Origins without an international card?,,,,,,,2019-10-15 09:35:20 di5gx9,,2,Looking for socks,Is there any place where i can find some good quality novelty socks with cool designs ? Preferably in Tunis.,,,,,,2019-10-15 09:38:49 di7j81,,26,Epic Gamer Moment,,,,,,,2019-10-15 12:59:10 di7y0u,,55,Le Funny Arabic Word,,,,,,,2019-10-15 13:31:23 di7z83,,1,Visa responses delay - Germany,as my mom requested a visa to Germany more than 10 days ago I want to know how much does it currently take for them to answer .. last time she applied it took 3 days only for the same visa type ..,,,,,,2019-10-15 13:33:55 dibk22,,8,Israeli Hasbara here ?," I have been a longtime Reddit participants and I thought, I'll just create an account for r/Tunisia and constructively participate. But few posts here convinced me that Israeli Hasbara is in action on our platform. Am I delusional or should I just get off this subreddit ?",,,,,,2019-10-15 17:50:59 dick73,,25,Bssissa,"Am i the only one who finds it tastes so good ? And also very easy to make , it justs takes half a minute for me to get a good and refreshing cup .(i personally prefer it with water) And as a plus there are multiple flavours available apart from the normal one (with sesame / nuts ..) I personally think the Tahouna is a national treasure . the fact that we have this kind of store that sells all kind of bio herbs and seeds , and that we have a wide range of choice in bssissa , sorghum ... I am really thankful for that.",,,,,,2019-10-15 19:00:00 dicr8q,,6,"According to the new report by UfM, climate change is threatening the Mediterranean more than any other part of the world. The rise in temperature is currently 20 percent faster than the global average.","The report, published last week by 600 scientist from 35 different countries states: \- Mediterranean region threatend the most by climate change \- some Islands could disappear completely due to rise of sealevel \- in 20 years 250 million people in the region will suffer from lack of water \- 33% decrease in agriculture produktion due to the salinization of groundwater by sealevel increase This is a serious threat we and our children are facing. We have to act quickly and prepare. Please spread the message. Tunisians have to be aware of this and kick politians in the ass to do something. Here is the link. The report is translated in france and arabic too so please share it. [](",,,,,,2019-10-15 19:12:57 did4a7,,0,King Salman of Saudi Arabia and Emir Tamim of Qatar congratulate President Kais Saied for his victory and wish him great success,,,,,,,2019-10-15 19:37:14 diez7e,,39,Just a normal picture of the bois reading some casual philosophy for the fun of it.,,,,,,,2019-10-15 21:41:43 dig8l3,,1,What's up with this sub,[removed],,,,,,2019-10-15 23:12:22 digjrd,,3,What's up with this sub,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-15 23:35:34 dihlwl,,35,"Tunis, we look up to you. Your brothers from Egypt.","Dear Tunisians, How did you do it? How did you guys change the system for real? Do you just need to work hard for it? Or is there a secret sauce? Or is it really because the difference in our literacy rates? Cheers -Egypt",,,,,,2019-10-16 00:59:30 dikwuh,,6,"5 years without any labour strike, it seems to me like a good idea!","I am really proud of the labour movement of tunisia.the legacy of Farhat Hachad still continue as a national figure and a symbol of patriotism.We have a great labour organizations that defend the rights of the workers. However , we need now to prioritize the public interest so we can have a chance towards resurgence. Is it the time to do 5 years without doing any strike ?or is it too early because there still some issues that need to be solved?",,,,,,2019-10-16 05:48:51 dimvcu,,67,"Djerba, Tunisia Circa 1950s: A Tunisian Jewish Woman Photographed by Frank Scherschel for LIFE magazine.",,,,,,,2019-10-16 09:35:13 din1q4,,8,World countries scaled to oil reserves.,,,,,,,2019-10-16 09:54:45 dirdnq,,2,Looking for a Xbox controller,Does anyone knows where can I get a Xbox controller? Or does anyone wanna sell his used controller?,,,,,,2019-10-16 16:03:35 dis4t8,,2,Buying a suit,"Hi! I managed to get a corporate job in a bank in Tunis center and starts on November. The bank has a dress code so i need a pair of suits and good pair of shoes. Since I'm new to corporate workforce i would like to ask you for recommendations on good shops to buy suits. Shops with good enough quality but not pricey. Sane thing goes for shoes. I really hope you can help me and thank you guys",,,,,,2019-10-16 16:55:05 divhyo,,0,"Is there any international leader ,you wish to replace Kais Said as A president?","If you have the option to choose again but this time between foreign candidates to be president of tunisia.who would you choose?please don't get me wrong. If you may please cite: why did you choose him? The winning candidate will have the most upvotes. I promise that I will write an article comparing the two of them (Kais Said and your winner) in .",,,,,,2019-10-16 20:45:28 diwkwb,,2,Why did Karoui lose by such an amount?,"Pourquoi Karoui a perdu par une grande majorité ? Anyone have an explanation?",,,,,,2019-10-16 22:00:27 dj339b,,2,About monthly rent,"I'm visiting Tunisia to stay at Tunis in the next month and possibly staying for a month or maybe bit longer, I'm on very tight budget, how easy it is to find a studio or even a single room that's available for renting? Thank you in advance",,,,,,2019-10-17 07:50:15 dj496n,,6,"Trying to find some towns/locations, help greatly appreciated!","Hi /r/Tunisia, I'm trying to find a few towns or neighbourhoods supposedly in Tunisia, yet having very little luck with some of them. I've tried searching in Arabic and English for most of them with no success. I'm relying currently on transliterated files which might explain the confusion. Does anyone recognise any of these locations? * ~~Debozfel~~ * Faisaliah * ~~Sharqiya~~ * ~~Al Tathama neighbourhood- more difficult this one, but unfortunately all I've got.~~ * Zarawani- quite commonly occurring but couldn't find it? Zarouni in Tunis? * Jabal Munasir- Monastir maybe? * Hamdeen, Hashad Neighbourhood * Road al Saqia...... * Abana, Al Mahdia * Farshanah- Fouchana? * 22 Street 4589, Al Tiran * Bou Mardas, Avenue 3 * Armada, Al Gharbi neighbourhood * Manzal al Awal- Maybe Menzeh 1? * Dozo Qala, Izdihar If you can help it would be greatly appreciated!",,,,,,2019-10-17 10:07:14 dj5ahv,,5,Things to avoid when shopping for a bike in a souk?,"like obvious scams? or trash-quality companies? what's the average price for a normal bike? most common gear number, 5,9,11? i'm going to find a bike in Mahdia's Souk, which day is better? Thursday or Friday?",,,,,,2019-10-17 11:52:57 dj9rm3,,1,Le Funny Tunisian Word,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-17 17:36:19 djb6d4,,8,A Jewish gay immigrant's personal interactions with Arabs and/or muslims: Positive and Negative," Warning: There might be topics here some of you may find taboo, offensive, political or just outright boring Contents: 1) POSITIVE: THE LEBANESE WHO CALLS ME HIS NEIGHBOUR 2) NEGATIVE: THE ARABS WHO YELLED AT ME ON A BUSY STREET AND THOSE WHO DEFENDED THEM 3) POSITIVE/NEGATIVE: THE IRAQI FRIENDS (ONLINE AND OFFLINE), AND THE SYRIAN-PALESTINIAN A\*\*HOLE 4) NEGATIVE: THE NAIVE GIRL IN CLASS AND THE JACKA\*\* / GETTING BANNED FROM ARABS REDDIT PAGE 5) POSITIVE: THE RANDOM ARABS AND TURKS GREETING ME WITH KINDNESS 6) POSITIVE: THE TURK WHO I HOPE MARRIES MY FRIEND 7) POSITIVE: THE TUNISIAN NEIGHBOUR AND NOW ROOMMATE 8) POSITIVE: THE TUNISIAN CLASSMATE The title is pretty much self-explanatory right? So hello there. My name's Manuel, I'm gay, I'm Jewish, and I'm an immigrant. But please, don't reduce me to just those 3 things, I am much more than that, but those 3 things are a huge part of my identity obviously. Btw as for immigrant, I'm originally from Portugal and I live in Germany. So, given the many incidents of antisemitism, islamophobia, anti-arabism, homophobia and so on that the media keeps showing us I wanted to share my personal interactions with Arabs and/or muslims, in real life, online and so on. This is divided into ""incidents"" so first positive story: 1. POSITIVE: THE LEBANESE WHO CALLS ME HIS NEIGHBOUR This one is actually fun. One day while walking around the town here in Germany, talking loudly in Spanish with a friend of mine, who I must describe as a beautiful woman who easily gets attention some guy made her laugh with an attempt to flirt by saying ""ciao bella"", she got so entertained she dropped her mobile phone on the floor, that was a fun sight to see. We were on our way to a well known bar in town, and we had obviously mentioned its name. As we walked away from the riverside to the bar, the man was nowhere to be seen, moments later, as we approach the bar, there he is!!!! He clearly took a different path to the bar just to be able to find my friend. For those of you who might find that creepy, ok I get it, but personally I consider it quite flatering and charming, and so did my friend. So it was all good. He started speaking to me in German asking where we were going and if he could join us. We spoke for a bit and I explained to him that my friend could speak German even better than me. However I could tell she was nervous (she's a bit shy, as so am I) so I ended up making most of the conversation. As we spoke he told me he was from Lebanon, however with his perfect German I had to ask if he was brought up here. Yes, he was. Quickly we switched to English (a language I feel much more comfortable with) once we realised we could also both speak it fluently. The man had an interesting life story and he was honestly very pleasant, I was wearing a kippah that day so I was being obviously Jewish, with my Jewishness on everybody's face. He thought I was from Israel at first, until I explained I am from Portugal actually, and have only been to Israel for holidays and such. I liked the guy, he seemed nice, so I convinced my friend to let him join us. ""Let him come, if you like him great, if you don't like him then you'll just tell him and go home without him right? So what is the issue? Just give him a chance."" As we sat down we discussed about a wide variety of topics, his previous marriage, his family life, what Lebanon is like, why his family came to Germany, the Lebanese Civil War and then the war with Israel. Throughout the discussion of these controversial topics there was no sense of hatred between any of us (as I must again remind you, I'm not Israeli, therefore, those wars got nothing to do with me, and many Israeli people were not involved in it anyway). He was super nice the whole time, we had fun, we drank together and talked, and I constantly tried to push him into going dancing with my friend (he can't dance well so he was nervous by now). Thankfully I got him dancing with her and took a pic of the two together, it was sweet. When we were discussing for so long the other friends who joined us asked how we could already be talking so much. He answered ""oh of course, he's my neighbour"" (a reference to Israel's proximity to Lebanon, I may not be Israeli, but I understand that due to Israel being a Jewish land we're still associated with it) I actually thought that was sweet of him. He's a proud Lebanese muslim from a devout background (his mum wears hijab for example). He's a patriot, and he would always stand by Lebanon, but he had no hatred for Jews and not even for Israel. He was passed those moments, and he saw I was very pro-Lebanese, so that helped (I want Lebanon to get the Shebaa Farms and compensation for moral damage during the war for example). I decided to leave early (I don't like partying nor drinking), as I am leaving he gives me a hug and even asks for my number so we can stay in touch. After I was gone turns out he asked my friend if I was also interested in her She answers ""Oh no, he's gay."" His reply ""What? Serious? He does not look like it!"" That made me laugh, I wonder if he imagined all gays as wearing high heels and walking half naked on the street. We are still in touch 'till this day. I write him messages during muslim festivals to wish him a pleasant time and he always remembers to call me ""ya sadiqi"". We talk to eachother whenever the other one is down and we honestly view one another in a high regard. 2) NEGATIVE: THE ARABS WHO YELLED AT ME ON A BUSY STREET AND THOSE WHO DEFENDED THEM A beautiful sunny day in Germany (though I'm not a fan of too much sun), so I am walking down one of the busiest streets in my city, I have my kippah on, I look visibly Jewish, walking with me is a muslim Turkish ""friend"" (or so I thought) when suddenly a group of Arabs in a car decide to drive by me and yell ""PALESTINA! PALESTINA!"" The message there was clear, I'm a Jew, therefore if Israel does something, I should be harrassed on the streets just because... For comparison, try to imagine if a group of people followed you on the streets for every thing daesh does and then yelled ""EZIDI PEOPLE!!! MOSUL!!!! CHARLIE HEBDO!!!! BERLIN CHRISTMAS MARKET!!!"" etc... Or if you are christian.. hmmm imagine you get called pedophiles cause of the catholic church or whatnot. I yelled at them in the middle of the busy street (what? I'm Portuguese, we're not known for being quiet. Plus, I have some Moroccan ancestry and that Maghrebi blood sure as hell boils when convenient) ""f\*ck you! what's that gotta do with me? you got a problem a\*\*holes?!"" This while the men in the car laughed and gave me the finger. The Turkish ""friend"" in the meantime who is almost hiding behind me is trying to pull me away accusing me of ""provoking"" them and not reacting well. Saying I should ignore them. Sorry folks, my parents taught me better than to ignore injustice. 3) POSITIVE/NEGATIVE: THE IRAQI FRIENDS (ONLINE AND OFFLINE), AND THE SYRIAN-PALESTINIAN A\*\*HOLE So, here in Germany I ended up going to something similar to classes let's say, once there I met a super nice Arab guy from Baghdad, who has German citizenship 'cause he has been here for around 5 or 6 years, and as a refugee he applied for nationality after enough time had passed, I also met a Syrian-Palestinian (Syrian dad, Palestinian mum) who was born in Saudi Arabia, but came to Germany as a baby and grew up here, therefore he speaks German as his mother tongue and is mostly German. At first I thought both were good friends, turns out only the Iraqi was. For details, the Iraqi guy loved me even more when he found out I was Jewish, he immediately mentioned to me how his neighbours were Jewish and nobody had an issue with them. ""Before America f\*cked up my country things were not perfect, but we were well. And we loved my neighbours, only a few extremists were antisemitic, in my neighbourhood all religions lived together and got along!"" In classes I tend to observe secularism (as a personal choice) and don't bring any conspicuous religious symbols, bringing only a small Star of David that I keep under my sweater. But on ocasion on the street I do wear a Kippah or such, only sometimes though. The Iraqi never trully cared, he even invited me to go out, took me to Arab restaurants and wanted to hang out. The Syrian-Palestinian.. Well, we went out a few times, once though I brought my Kippah. The next day I get a call from him asking if we could go out after class, but ""please Manuel, don't bring your Kippah."" Me: Why? Him: Look Manuel, I don't have any issues with Jews, really you know that, but it's best if people don't see me with a Jew, you know Arab people are sh\*t, they really are, they will make comments, ask my mum why I hang with a Jew. Me: I am not being told to hide my identity, especially in Germany! Him: I know but.. I hung up the phone on his face. The next day I broke my own observance of secularism and went with my f\*cking Kippah to classes so he could stare at it the whole day. (Fun fact, the Syrian-Palestinian has an aunt who lives in Haifa, Israel. She married an Israeli-Arab and moved with him, loooong before the Syrian war even started. She had no issues going to a land full of Jews and quite possibly has no hatred in her heart, choosing to go live in Israel instead of blaming its people for her refugee status in Syria) I talk with the Iraqi about what happened. Iraqi: Oh of course he'd do that, that guy's an a\*\*hole, you know the other day he got mad at me for talking to him in Arabic in a restaurant queue? And it was an Arab restaurant!!! You see people, the Syrian/Palestinian looks very European, with a pale skin and red hair, he honestly looks Czech to me. Seems he enjoy trying to hide his heritage when possible and doesn't want people to know he's Arab. I confronted him about it after what the Iraqi told me. His reply: I am proud of looking European, and I don't need people to know I'm Arab, that's my private business! So yeah.. A\*\*hole. Also, online I met a super nice guy from Baghdad (there must be a factory of great people in this city), who is btw, awesome! He is like, super smart, interesting, sadly not gay but very handsome. We could talk all day about Politics, Geography, History, Culture. Basically, he's a hardworking student who likes to meet new people and really knows how to strike up a conversation with smart topics. Very proud of his cultural background and very much into discussing anything, nothing is tabboo. Sadly for his safety and privacy I will not speak details about him, but I think he deserved to be mentioned. 4) NEGATIVE: THE NAIVE GIRL IN CLASS AND THE JACKA\*\* / GETTING BANNED FROM ARABS REDDIT PAGE So in my German classes there are 3 people from Syria (there were 4 but one of them got pregnant and moved with her husband to a new city, I wish her the best, she was a very sweet girl) 1 Arab from Damascus, one Kurd from Afrin and one Palestinian girl from.. no idea, maybe Damascus too? I don't know. Anyway, in class we are doing a speaking exercise ""What would you do if you were the President of your homeland?"" Here's the thing, the Palestinian girl, is quite naive sadly, and not very good at German, in fact, she can barely manage to communicate, even if you pointed a gun to her head she'd not know how to talk, though I never realised that since we didn't interact much (now that I know she can't speak German I understand why). Result, she can't read properly, she can't write a letter to someone or say what she thinks. Well the Damascus guy who is a total jacka\*\* instead of helping her decided to instead trick her for ""fun"". Her time to speak is up, she has to say something, but she obviously can't. The Damascus guy being clearly so helpful (a\*\*hole!!!!) writes a small text for her to read. Result, she says this basically: If I was the President of my homeland I would gather up all the Jews in one place and get rid of them"" The teacher, quite understandeably has a face that says it all.. The teacher asks ""Did you understand what you just said?"" Girl: (nods her head with a big smile because she doesn't want to sound stupid) Teacher: Look, I need to explain to you, because what you just said actually is.. Me yelling from my chair: ANA YAHUDI! The girl has a big scared look on her face, and not at my announcement by the way, she knew I was Jewish from the start, as did all others, it was mentioned during my presentation to the class. People were telling me ""Brother, she doesn't know what she said, trust me, this is not what she meant."" Me: BUT DID YOU HEAR WHAT SHE JUST... Them: She needs to learn like all of us here... ME: THEN SHE WILL LEARN ONLY IF WE CORRECT HER I'm quite mad at this point, the teacher diffuses the tension, for the rest of the class' duration the girl is looking at me very aprehensively. The teacher asks me to stay after class, talks with me, and explains this was a sick ""joke"" of the Damascus guy ""Trust me Manuel, I don't want you to be angry, but this is the sad truth, that girl can't speak anything, this was a very sick joke from that guy. Please, just try to forget and be stronger. I don't think there is a need to call the police, but if you wish we can."" I sigh and move on, though the next day the guy didn't come to class, but the teacher had the door locked and asked the other Arabic speakers (over 80% of my class can speak Arabic) to explain what happened and makes a small speech against racism of any kind. The teacher says the girl must apologise, but before she even speaks as she looks nervously at me I just say ""it's ok"". The truth is, it's not her fault, and I felt very sorry for her at this point. This negative story was not her doing, she was just an innocent victim too, and I felt bad about her being put into this situation, having to apologise for someone else's bullsh\*t, it didn't sound fair, and I'm still sad for her over that. Btw: for everyone who might wonder, I hope that girl and every other Palestinian who so wishes for it may one day return to their lands, I'm a strong supporter of Israel's existence, but I don't support any occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. I support an attempt at diplomacy first, war later. With Gaza it will be difficult, but I believe there is a chance with the West Bank, and I am of the belief Arabs who once lived on what is now Israel should be allowed to return if it is established that they do not wish harm on the country or its people and should be given economic support to settle themselves in, I also believe the West Bank settlements should be dismantled, with the entire West Bank being under Palestinian control, though, should they try to attack Israel, then I'm all for an invasion as a response, provided Palestinians are spared from any bloodshed and are allowed to maintain their property and dignity, with their culture being preserved and no relocations or expulsions happening. With a referendum on their future (such as them becoming a true republic with human rights and free from the Oslo accords, which in my opinion do not help the Palestinians at all since these accords have not stopped Palestinians from losing any more land nor have they prevented settler violence) On another issue I got banned from Arabs reddit page for opposing antisemitism. I'm sure some here can relate to their wonderful double standards though. So Arabs, which has a rule against political posts or ""promotions of Zionism"" decided to ban me after I confronted someone for mocking the Hebrew language, and then in a message simply labeled me ""lost zionist"" and went on on how I spread ""zionist propaganda"" and write to me how ""people under occupation have enough to deal with"" and mute me from replying. It all started with a post because an Israeli government troll decided to share on twitter images of Arab dishes and claim them as Israeli dishes. Easy to triger people who apparently don't have bigger things to worry about other than who really owns a falafel or shakshouka, oh well. I made it clear that I am Jew btw, just to make that clear from the start, in case anyone wanted to view me as biased, however I am not Israeli and feel no need to defend or explain the Israeli government, who I view honestly, as not my cup of tea. Now, while I do oppose many of Israel's policies and accept criticism of Israel I don't accept blatant criticisms of Jewish identity (though criticisms of many aspects of the Jewish faith and the religion itself I do think are fine since ideas are not sacred for all people and we should be free to mock them). Anyway, someone posts how ""Israelis to bring back their dead language also had to use Arabic"" The message here was very clear, Hebrew was unoriginal, they even said in other comments on the same thread how Hebrew was not original! I ignored every single other comment criticising Israel, which I found meeeh, just political not hateful, but I immediately understood what they meant by that comment. It was mocking and belittling the language that Jews hold dearly in their traditions, it's ridiculing it, and calling it an imperfect knock-off of Arabic. Anyways, so obviously I merely asked what was wrong with bringing Hebrew back from the dead and mention that Arabic also uses many words from Greek, English and French. Many downvotes came and attacks against the language and Israel out of nowhere. Result, I don't know why, but somehow, seeing these people behaving savagely because of their hatred to me defending simply a language, suddenly made me lash out, think about it, and argue. So we ended up arguing about Israeli policies. And yes, as a result of this argument I did have to defend Israeli policies when unfair accusations were made. Such as accusations of genocide which sorry folks, ain't happening there. For starters I mentioned around 21% of Israeli citizens are Arabs who can vote and run for elections, how Israel has a free Arab media that freely criticises the government and so on. Went on to ask where are the Jews who once lived in the MENA region outside of Israel. I got accused of zionist propaganda by the moderators, and blocked from the group. This despite that I did mention clearly that I: 1. Support a peaceful coexistence between Israel and Palestine 2. Want a two state-solution 3. Recognise both sides did attrocities 4. Let's not forget I ignored all purely political comments and went after only the comment that was outright just trying to attack ""Jewishness"". But here's what happened: Replies people gave were that Jews were foreigners in the area (let's ignore ancient Jewish temples there), that Israel would soon disappear, and some outright denied Jews suffered that much persecution in the MENA region and simply ""migrated"" to Palestine. Some outright used personal insults and whatnot. They also went on how they can treat their minorities as they wish cause those are THEIR LANDS (after I brought up Kurdistan and LGBT+ rights) with one even saying he doesn't support ""gay shit"". So just to be clear, I did not start a post on zionism or Israel, but merely got involved after someone decided to insult the Hebrew language and then it went down into personal attacks. Did these Historic revisionists revisionists get banned? No. Did the people who called for the destruction and mass expulsions of an entire nation get expelled? No I did. Oh but at least I think the anti-gay guy also got expelled. Anyway, I did message the mods and spoke my piece of mind. I was told they could unblock me since it was my first ""failure"" but I could no longer post about ""zionism"" Anyone else can make political posts about Israel though, as long as mocking or belittling it or wanting it destroyed, that is fine, but any attempt at giving a different oppinion is ""zionist propaganda"" therefore I can't. I made it clear to the mods I myself would never make a post about politics, and that I usually ignore their posts about Israel and such as they tend not to go into the hateful antisemitic side, and for f\*ck's sake, that was the first time I ever commented on such a topic and it was only because of antisemitism. In fact I previously had had an argument with a guy because I defended the Al-Andalus period and claimed Arab culture has had a huge lasting impact on Portugal and Spain to this day. No one seemed to have an issue when I discussed politics to argue against some Portuguese jacka\*\* who was saying the Al-Andalus period contributed nothing to us and then accused me of not being Portuguese, and that as a Jew, then he was glad I was out of the country, 'cause Jews helped the Arabs take over the peninsula. Anyway, I get told there was no antisemitism whatsoever, that I am reding antisemitism into it, oh and of course, I am somehow accused of defending the purity of Hebrew. They must have taken that accusation out of their a\*\*es I guess. I did not defend Hebrew's purity because there is no such thing. Hebrew borrowed heavily from Arabic and many other languages (though mostly Arabic) in its reconstruction phase, the only thing I did was mention Arabic also imported words 'cause I was pissed at a comment that tried to mock Hebrew for doing the exact same thing Arabic does. But now, not only did I do ""Zionist propaganda"" but I also defended ""the purity"" of Hebrew (somehow). So I got muted and can't reply anymore! Hooray!!! 5) POSITIVE: THE RANDOM ARABS AND TURKS GREETING ME WITH KINDNESS A few examples: 1. I went to an Arab supermarket, with my kippah on (no, I won't hide it in an Arab supermarket, why would I? No one was ever rude to me there and they have good products!), and a man starts suddenly speaking to me out of nowhere. I assumed it was Arabic at first, then as I hear it better I understand he is speaking to me in Hebrew ""Ani lo medaber Ivrit"" I said (I can't speak Hebrew) Turns out he is an Arab from Israel, who was here to visit some family, he's from Tel Aviv. Seeing a Jew made him think of home and he just wanted to talk, kind of him to be honest. 2) A Tunisian co-worker at my first job once saw me take a kippah out of the locker and started speaking to me about Tunisian Jews and how many still live there and get along. 3) Some Arabs and Turks greet me extra nicely when they see me, possibly to dispell any notion they thought I may have of them being evil. A Turk at a Döner shop even calling me brother and speaking super nicely about his life and asking about me. 6) THE TURK WHO I HOPE MARRIES MY FRIEND Not the same friend as the Lebanese story to make it clear. Anyway, I have a friend who is sadly married to a German man who let's just say is pure sh\*t. He is aggressive, he treats her like crap, he does not respect her nor her children. I won't go into details due to her privacy. So recently, behind his back (as she hopes to divorce him soon) she started seeing a Turkish man from Istanbul. Granted he is not beautiful, in fact, he is kinda ugly, but guess what? He treats her like a princess, does anything for her and is a respectful hardworking man! Sadly my friend is kinda crazy. I told my friend ""Leave your husband, stop drinking, stop partying, this man is the man for you! You won't always be young and beautiful, men won't always want to spend a night with you. But this guy, he'd be with you forever."" She acts like she is not interested, but I see how jealous she is when his ex-wife is mentioned, how angry she is when he can't come to her, etc... He is a man of character and kindness, we don't agree on everything, but we openly discuss what we think, and most often do agree. He loves how much I often seem to know about Turkish culture and politics, and occasionally quizzes me on Jewish issues that are going on. He knows well how I wished my friend would marry him, he treats her with more respect than anyone else ever would. He loves her 7 year old son, and immediately greets and plays with him whenever he comes to see her. He has often spoken to me about private issues, as he sees me as a trustworthy and intelligent man, and I always gave him my honest thoughts. He also jokes a lot about my sexuality implying sometimes that I am a complete man-eating slut (I am not btw) It might hurt to say this, but I think he is too good for my friend. Sure she is hot, but her head is empty and her life is always much trouble, he could give her the world but she'd destroy it for sure. I hope he gets what his heart longs for, and if my friend can't give him that, I hope he finds another good woman, he deserves that. 7) POSITIVE: THE TUNISIAN NEIGHBOUR AND NOW ROOMMATE So, when I first came to Germany 2 years ago, I came completely alone, and for a long time I lived alone. It was scary, depressing and well, you get it. The people here are not necessarily super friendly, and often it's hard to find people here to hang out with, though I managed to meet some thank god, this country is still a mostly lonely experience. One of the neighbours who lives in the flat above mine is a Tunisian Arab man. A smart and I should add extremely attractive man. I admit his looks were the first thing that caught my attention, quite possibly he is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. So slowly I got close to him, I'd talk to him on the staircase whenever he came back from school or the gym and just start find an excuse or topic good enough to distract him, quite a few months later we even started going out to eat and such. Anyway, even though his looks were what caught my attention at first, now I see a man who is funny and smart, a guy who is a total a\*\*hole in a fun way. We make jokes, including ""racist"" jokes about eachothers' cultures all the time. He says I'm a poor Jew of the low level because I don't own a bank, I tell him I'm not rich because of my Morrocan heritage, therefore my Maghrebi blood is what keeps me down in life 'cause Maghrebis well.. you know the jokes for sure. Obviously we insult eachother all the time in a joking way, and I view him as an honest good friend I want to grab on to. I can see he is straight, quite clearly, so no, I don't try to get lucky with him, and I honestly don't even try, I'm just happy. Though, I don't know if he realised I am gay or not. He himself once even said when we discussed gay rights topics ""well I don't have any gay friend, but I wouldn't care if I had"". But to be fair, even though I'm super open about it, and I speak openly about being gay to anyone who asks, I just never brought myself to tell him. Heck once in class two guys asked me (cause I said some words in Arabic and Kurdish) how come I knew those words (one guy from Somalia, other from Afrin) Me: My ex was from Syria (interesting fact: over 90% of all guys I slept with in Germany were either Arabs or Kurds) Response: Oh wait.. a man or a woman? (in German the possessive article immediately reveals the gender and I used a masculine possessive) Me: A man obviously. So yeah, I'm open, but I guess I get scared of him thinking that maybe all I see in him is his looks. I don't want our friendship to look dirty in his eyes. Deep down, I think he knows and just pretends not to know out of ""respect"" or whatnot.. but I am not sure. Maybe he is just that oblivious. Anyway, this Tunisian neighbour is super awesome with me, now he lives with me. He had issues with his shared flat, his roommates were dirty and savage-like, the house was always a mess. They are too loud and play Afghan and Iranian and even Indian music early in the morning at maximum volume and won't even allow him to study. He also had a lot of issues with the landlord. He went on vacations to Tunisia and he wanted to leave his horrible room. I told him ""leave that room, don't pay rent during your vacations, when you come back, if you got no home, my doors are open."" Now he is living with me, it's been a month basically, he wanted to pay me half the rent already at the beginning of the month but I refused, I told him he'd pay me at the end of the month, and that of course, I would not charge for those lousy 10 days he spent here during the last month. Who charges their friend for just 10 days? Plus, my flat is small so we're not sure how long he'll stay as he is trying to find a new flat. If I could find a new flat for both of us I'd move immediately with him, 'cause honestly, his company is great for my mood. We'll see how long he stays, I've made it clear though, to me he is always welcome, and my doors will always be open. He is with me at my worst sometimes, and I won't forget that. 8) POSITIVE: THE TUNISIAN CLASSMATE So, it's already been made clear in my class most students are Arabic-speakers. One of them is Tunisian (just like my neighbour yay!) Anyway, this Tunisian guy is actually German aswell, 'cause he was born here in Germany, but when he was still a baby his parents moved back to Tunisia with him. Result: He has German nationality, but can't speak German at all. In class he can't keep up, his German is almost as bad the Palestinian girl's. I take the time to help him in class 'cause I can speak some French, and I do like helping him out, he's like, super sweet and he really wants to learn. We joke around and do a lot of activities in class to improve his German. Outside of class I make texts to help him prepare for our German exam soon (Saturday, the 26th, wish me luck people!) I make the texts in German and have them translated to Arabic even, so that he can understand them. He asked me if I would be his partner at the exam, since I always took the time to help him out (in the exam there is an oral part where you need to speak to a partner), I accepted so that I could take more time to help him. His German is still awful, but today he even managed to hold a small dialogue. I sense some improvements. My Jewish identity or my gayness, despite me being sure both are pretty well known, are never mentioned. He just jokes a lot, laughs with me, and keeps telling me to go visit Tunisia, especially Monastir, Kasserine, Tunes, Djerba, Sousse.. He always tells me how Tunisia is beautiful and I should just go. He's sweet and very fun to be around honestly. Well that's it folks, just felt like sharing in a none serious tone some of my own personal experiences. I can say this much. I love Arab culture, as I see it as very similar to my own, after all, Portugal and Spain were heavily influenced by Al-Andalus. (I also find Turkish culture quite similar and love it, the food is a little bit more different but still so tasty!) I love the music, the language is so beautiful, the cuisine is amazing and the Arab world is full of potential and amazing people. I do feel that the Arab world though is being hurt by radicalism, neo-colonialism and leaders who care only about themselves and abandon their people. Turkey's issues are a little extra special, but thankfully Turkey has a strong constitution that I believe will prevail overall and will protect Turkey's progress. But we are seeing positive change, more discussions are being held and people are slowly opening up both their hearts to new experiences, and their eyes to see what their leaders and foreign powers have been doing to their land. I wish you all a wonderful day, and thanks for reading my ranting.",,,,,,2019-10-17 19:18:25 djb9b6,,5,The Economist : The election of Kais Saied gives Tunisians something to cheer,,,,,,,2019-10-17 19:24:24 djd2tv,,8,Engagement and wedding ring traditions,"What are the typical traditions in Tunsisia for engagement rings and wedding rings? Gold of silver? Engagement rings to both parties? Cost? Where should you buy the rings to ensure quality? Thank you",,,,,,2019-10-17 21:30:53 djd6fb,,5,Emel Mathlouthi's journey through music and revolution | The Stream (interview + live performances),,,,,,,2019-10-17 21:38:21 djem2o,,22,For those of you who have free time and want to help Tunisia. Here are some associations you can join.,,,,,,,2019-10-17 23:24:46 djenos,,1,Eoromapsal7ima 🙃,,,,,,,2019-10-17 23:28:32 djfr06,,1,1988 : Interview du président Ben Ali,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-18 00:57:14 djgr5d,,0,What the Allahians did to the ministry of interior during the Troika era,,,,,,,2019-10-18 02:17:48 djks8v,,3,Lablebi Bel Hargma Weld El Commissar - Tunis Medina by night,,,,,,,2019-10-18 09:01:22 djlzva,,5,Flu shot?,Does Tunisia offer the flu shot around this time of year? Does anyone get the flu here?,,,,,,2019-10-18 11:14:46 djp9jb,,13,What are the obstacles that doesn't let Tunisia become a strong and developed country ?," I always have this everytime i see how the other developed countries are doing good, like how the US or China are pretty untouchable even if they commit a crime while the smallest of a weak country like ours would definitely lead to bad consequences like what happened in Iraq, i'm not saying that we should be strong to do bad things, i'm saying that we should be strong to protect ourselves and developed to have a respectful life with less poverty and happier life",,,,,,2019-10-18 15:40:16 djzw9y,,25,"Falling Religiosity among Arabs: % describing themselves as ""Not Religious"" (Arab Barometer surveys) [take the % with a grain of salt]",,,,,,,2019-10-19 06:15:08 dk2tpt,ée_dactivité_à_tunis/,4,Idée d'activité à Tunis,"Bonjour tout le monde, Quelles sont les activités possible à faire en couple cette après midi à tunis ou proche (max 30min en voiture) ?",,,,,,2019-10-19 12:00:00 dk3rvo,,5,Any unbiased source about Amazigh history?,I honestly don't know anything about it.. But I am willing to learn,,,,,,2019-10-19 13:28:43 dk6k5s,,111,"Mohamed el-Moncef Bey, 1942 (colorized by me)",,,,,,,2019-10-19 17:07:58 dk7vsn,,0,Hhh,,,,,,,2019-10-19 18:46:26 dk9r6q,,10,"""I was treated like a Slave"" ""When the son of my employer learned that I called for help on facebook, he threatened to slit my throat"" : Tunisian women who escaped Saudi Arabia speak up",,,,,,,2019-10-19 21:09:52 dk9umz,,2,this is something important pls read and give your opinion,"OK what i wanna talk about in this article is education system IN TUNISIA so as a pupil through my nine years of studying by the time i started to grow to grow up and started to notice how much we study i noticed that we study a lot for nothing we always study from 8 am to 6 pm except for 2 hours to take some rest imagine studying 8 hours a day for nothing that is sucks and an other thing is that we study a lot of useless things we study history and geography and other stuff i suggest that they make them optional and we came to most important point that i wanna talk talk about is languages we study french really french nower days is useless yeah french is mower days useless people do not use this language any more so i suggest that they make it optional and all the subjects that we are supposed to study in french later we can just study with Arabic yeah like math they used to study it with french in the past but now yo we study with Arabic and i suggest that we should study less hours be cause studying 8 hours a day come on i think i am 100 percent right about this so i hope you enjoyed reading my short article give your opinion . I AM 13 BY THE WAY TAMMEM BOUSSELMI",,,,,,2019-10-19 21:17:40 dkafo5,,11,Is Tunisia a safe destination in winter?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-19 22:03:17 dkfzsk,,2,"Thank You, Tunisia: The only Democracy in the Middle East",,,,,,,2019-10-20 06:27:58 dkg9ut,,7,The Irony!,,,,,,,2019-10-20 07:02:39 dkntcn,,6,What do you think,Za3ma tetbadel 3a9liyet el tounsi w nettawrou ka cha3b w nwaliw we3in wella c’est juste 7aja wa9tiya? W chniya raykom felli kaaed ysir men 7amlet nadhafa etc..,,,,,,2019-10-20 18:45:33 dkpqu6,,1,"Bardo, Tunisia. I couldn't be any prouder.",,,,,,,2019-10-20 20:57:36 dkqebd,,14,"Could this be a Djerbian ""Jeddiwa"" ?",,,,,,,2019-10-20 21:44:42 dkrz3b,,0,Balti - Filamen (Official Music Video) Instrumental 2019/2020,,,,,,,2019-10-20 23:46:18 dkzg1b,,0,The truth behind the cleaning campaigns,,,,,,,2019-10-21 11:56:19 dl4lv2,,1,More Schools and Fewer Tanks for the Mideast,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-21 18:22:06 dl4mmw,,1,Good Article on Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-21 18:23:38 dl50h3,,19,More Schools and Fewer Tanks for the Mideast - Good article about Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-10-21 18:51:03 dl6m6h,,7,45% of Tunisians under 30 are non-religious?,"I read this recently and those are interesting stats, and it might be a good enough reason for me to save up and live there for a while. I live in another MENA country that is overwhelmingly conservative, and I've been non-religious for the past 11 years. It would be nice to go somewhere more compatible with my line of thinking for a change. I'm just curious how does this all look like on-the-ground. Are young Tunisians passively non-religious (while still socially conservative, possibly) or are they actively non-religious and possibly counter-cultural in numerous other aspects as well? Socially, politically, etc. Thanks a lot!",,,,,,2019-10-21 20:43:03 dl8uzy,,3,contact lenses,"OY, fellow redetors where can I find some exotic colored lenses like reds and purple in your country edit it s for a costume.",,,,,,2019-10-21 23:23:34 dlghfj,,8,layka fi rasou,,,,,,,2019-10-22 11:20:59 dli9bm,,9,need some help for Halloween,OY. fellow Tunisian cosplayer do you have any costume shops in your country you know the ones that sell weird colored wigs and eye patches and stuff.,,,,,,2019-10-22 13:53:54 dll9rb,,7,Asking about cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and such ) in Tunisia.,"I wanted to ask dose anyone know the stance of the Tunisian government of trading cryptocurrency . I mean if there is any law prohibiting trading it or exchange it . And i don't mean trading it between two ppl but if it can be done legally as a company . If there is regulation from where can i get it. Basically i want to know if a market to trade cryptocurrency can be establish in Tunisia.",,,,,,2019-10-22 17:31:50 dlnuyy,,4,Looking for an Xbox 360 power chord,Hey everyone! I live in Sousse and I am looking for an xbox 360 power chord. Are there stores that sell things like this here or will I just have to find a person who has a spare? I could also travel to Tunis for one if there is a place there.,,,,,,2019-10-22 20:24:59 dlo9dj,,6,Why,Why is high tech things especially computer components so expensive in tunisia? Like what a gtx 1660ti in the U.S.A have a M.S.R.P of 280$ and in tunisia the least expensive one is 350$ i know that retailers have to pay taxes and importation cost and all of that but come on it's more than a rtx 2060 with a M.S.R.P of 330$,,,,,,2019-10-22 20:51:44 dlqjmg,,3,Half Tunisian,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-22 23:30:55 dlvyxz,,2,Outsourcing to Tunisia DISCUSSION,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-23 07:52:52 dlw7em,,5,#president #tunisia #tableau #art #glue_powder #kais_saied.,,,,,,,2019-10-23 08:21:57 dlwwht,,4,Are we really the only country with poor and old population in the whole MENA region?,,,,,,,2019-10-23 09:44:30 dlx2rf,,55,شكرا تونس على هذا الإحساس,,,,,,,2019-10-23 10:03:52 dlxbc1,,0,The president,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-23 10:29:04 dlxky0,,3,"Good speech today, but too etopic","just imagine Nabil Karoui there with his earphones, hahah.",,,,,,2019-10-23 10:57:20 dlygwk,,13,Mods are asleep,"They really missed the chance to make the sub more interactive and vibrant * no mega threads for the presidential elections 1 and 2 * the parlement elections * the debates * and today's ceremony It's just full with technically the same posts over and over, and not even daily or weekly thread manged by a bot They are interactive with the reports but users only can't make the sub great, since now we have 3,300 not that 800 readers it used to be.",,,,,,2019-10-23 12:19:07 dlz9ip,,1,Chniya raykom Akraw les commentaires khastan,,,,,,,2019-10-23 13:24:00 dm2iw4,,3,Looking for somewhere to buy a 512GB Micro SD Card,"Hello people! I need a brand new 512GB Micro SD SDXC Card (preferably SanDisk branded) but most tech shops I've been to have cards that only go up to 128GB. I live in Tunis by the way, and thanks in advance for any help :).",,,,,,2019-10-23 17:23:46 dm52un,,13,"What the Heck happend Here , i didnt have President for years now and they become so tiny thin , or its Just a Illusion ?",,,,,,,2019-10-23 20:20:47 dmjiro,,0,Type of people surrounding the new president,,,,,,,2019-10-24 17:17:25 dmtdti,,7,"amazing, two transformer explosions in one week in my town","the first one was earlier this week and made a partial blackout, now the second one exploded yesterday (i even saw the ionized-air glow) and it did a total blackout.",,,,,,2019-10-25 06:27:31 dmw05a,,39,Mnihla présidence,,,,,,,2019-10-25 11:19:04 dmx2vh,,10,Well well well...,,,,,,,2019-10-25 12:57:39 dn0mp4,,4,Help with Orange SIM Card,"Hey guys I need some assistance with my Tunesian Orange SIM. I neither speak Arabic or French and I can't find any English support/homepage/app... I bought a simcard with the 25gb option already enabled and I want to keep using it so first thing I want to do is top it up to purchase more options or just use the balance straight away. I've tried using Google translator which brought me here But it won't accept my credit card there? I'm from Germany if that might be the cause? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm especially interested in the roaming features as I will be traveling around the mediterranean a lot and the options that I found here seem very very good to me. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2019-10-25 17:22:02 dn0ufg,,0,"ELI5: why is everyone still so worked up about Israel still and what's this talk about criminalizing normalization with them? I don't need history lessons because I have bags of history books and hundreds of hours of studies so let's keep it tight and focused, so...",[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-25 17:37:15 dn25pl,,56,Predicted.,,,,,,,2019-10-25 19:07:48 dnewur,,22,"Parc national de Jebel Orbata, gouvernorat de Gafsa, Tunisie",,,,,,,2019-10-26 14:57:22 dnh2zg,,1,Tunisie : compte-rendu de la Mission d’information et de contacts de l'OIF à l’issue des élections,,,,,,,2019-10-26 17:39:28 dnhy4l,,0,When will PayPal actually become available in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-26 18:45:14 dni306,جلال_بريك_هو_الحل_ضد_الغازي_و_المحتل_و_انها_لثورة/,1,جلال بريك هو الحل ضد الغازي و المحتل! و انها لثورة حتى النصر!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-26 18:55:31 dni8nd,,10,Glorious,,,,,,,2019-10-26 19:07:37 dnkdjf,,29,It's JCC time,,,,,,,2019-10-26 21:52:29 dnl46p,,0,Le Funny Sheikh,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-26 22:50:38 dnt4x7,,11,"IAC Tunis, International Airlines Crew.",Anyone here has an idea about this school? tried going to their site but it doesn't seem to work; any info?,,,,,,2019-10-27 13:21:44 dntd31,,10,Racisme - حكاية كحلوش تونسي,,,,,,,2019-10-27 13:40:27 dnts97,,7,Meta Thread : Discuss the state of the sub and drop your questions/suggestions/criticism to the mods here!,"The oldest ones here can assert that r/tunisia was never this active before. With the elections over we expect a drop in heat and activity, which is a perfect opportunity to discuss the sub. Do you want to ask the mods a question ? Do you have an issue to complain about ? Maybe a suggestion to make the sub better ? This thread is the place. Friendly reminder though that we are always available through mod mail. Some of the recent changes made to the sub (-12 months) include post flairs, user flairs (connect once on pc to assign those), and some wiki stuff like FAQ. [Before asking a question, make sure it isn't answered here.]( *Be the change you want to see*.",,,,,,2019-10-27 14:12:29 dnvzts,,0,تعليم السياقة في تونس - تلخيص لقانون الطرقات,,,,,,,2019-10-27 16:45:31 dnw2oo,,3,Tourisme : la Tunisie classée 2ème pays maghrébin et 8ème africain,,,,,,,2019-10-27 16:50:57 dnwlwk,,2,Why are some countries rich and others poor ?,,,,,,,2019-10-27 17:28:47 dnymke,,2,Uk visa,"I'm a student and i need some advice about the application for uk visa. I have been told that the amount of money in the bank account should be accurate to the time you are going to spend there. So if i put more then necessary or less i could have a rejection. So if someone have visited uk recently and could be of any assistance don't hesitate.",,,,,,2019-10-27 20:03:36 do48pf,écit_that_i_wrote_whilist_going/,11,Here's a little récit that i wrote whilist going through a massive depression as a young tunisian.,"À bas l'état le pays la culture la religion et le peuple de ce merdier ; à bas la haine le mépris et l’ingratitude ; à bas les fondations coloniales et les patrimoines des ancêtres ; à bas l'éducation pourrie et les mœurs a la con , à bas les bourgeois et les communistes à deux balles ; à bas la rosasée des alcooliques et les zabibas de religieux ; à bas les grimaces des fonctionnaires de l'état et leur barbes rasées couvertes de folliculite ; à bas le patron et sa tasse de secrétaire ; à bas les proches envieux et les fausses amitiés , à bas le climat pourri et les égouts du moyen Âge ; à bas les taxes l'augmentation salariale et la prime de l'Aid ; à bas les hôpitaux publiques et les murs abîmés de l'école de médecine; à bas la queue le lundi matin et la discrimination aux portes de la discothèque;à bas la jeunesse dorée et le naufrage de la vieillesse ; à bas la musique traditionnelle et le trap ; a bas la Hadhra et l'odeur du bkhour ; a bas les jeux de lumières et l'MDMA à saveur amère ; à bas les relations sérieuses et les plan-cul sur instagram ; à bas les débats politiques et les hymnes des supporteurs ; à bas la tendance Healthy Food et La cuisine méditerranéenne ; à bas l'embouteillage des métropoles et le rendez-vous à la TLS ; à bas l'insomnie , le mauvais œil et bien-être spirituel ; à bas le chagrin des origines et la mondialisation ; à bas les cœurs endurcis les grandes gueules et les regards de travers; à bas moi , vous et les autres... Vous restez là muets et sages ; ça vous va à merveille mais moi ; j'ai dit ce que j'avais à dire.",,,,,,2019-10-28 04:51:59 do5xwf,,39,When a little rain sink a whole country!the habitants of the mousta9bel neighborhood closed the Tunis-bizert highway.,,,,,,,2019-10-28 08:20:06 do88tv,,0,Watch this!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-28 12:37:25 doaug7,,3,Money transfer from USA to Tunisia,"I work as a part time freelancer and I used to receive payments via the platform I'm working in to later withdraw to my Skrill account. Lately, I started to convince clients to send payments off site via Western Union and its going pretty well as a workaround to not pay a 10% fee to the platform. But, my first American client, told me that WU didn't give him the option to send to Tunisia on his end, is there any other way? A well known agency? Tldr; How to send money from USA to Tunisia except WU transfers?",,,,,,2019-10-28 16:02:40 docbj7,,1,Hhh #TUN,,,,,,,2019-10-28 17:48:09 doej8d,,4,inframuffukinstructure and unions,''one'' of the main reasons why we're still in the same column with those other asian and african 3rd world countries is our ministry of infrastructure it's the embodiment of corruption and incomepetence.. there must be some inspectors that work for the govrm to see who are the black sheeps in every administration and in every desk that are drowning us with their inefficiency ... also the fkn unions !!! isn't it obvious that they seek the country's destruction ? they themselves are corrupt and a burden on our economy they own everything and are a major player on the political scene...,,,,,,2019-10-28 20:12:12 dong50,,24,Same in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-10-29 09:34:16 dop0lm,,2,What will happen to the tunisian dinar?,[removed],,,,,,2019-10-29 12:22:33 douxmy,,1,العرب مجتمعين في مواجهة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية شاهد الأن,,,,,,,2019-10-29 19:36:30 doyt9d,,12,Tunisian PM Sacks Ministers,,,,,,,2019-10-30 00:09:33 dp1d4j,,5,Tunisian Democracy Enters Insha’Allah Phase,,,,,,,2019-10-30 03:34:40 dp2fq8,,23,I wanted to share with you guys one language challange (Tunisian VS Bosnian ) i did with my Bosnian wife (this one of 3videos) your comments are most welcom,,,,,,,2019-10-30 05:27:52 dp781w,,16,"Facebook’s WhatsApp accuses NSO of hacking phones of journalists, human right workers (They didn't provide a full country lis, but Tunisia had infected phones)",,,,,,,2019-10-30 14:07:55 dp8ls4,,0,Nahdha and Terrorism,,,,,,,2019-10-30 15:51:13 dpa9qb,,11,a thief in broad day light,"i talked about him before and i'll talk again how is this guy not being investigated on and why is the nahdha's ''secret device'' case is being neglected?? الطائرة الخاصة سعر ساعة طيران 14000 دولار و راشد الغنوشى يستعمل فيها في كل رحلاته هي فى الأصل ملك صخر الماطرى ضمن الأملاك المصادرة وهنا السؤال كيف حصل عليها ؟ الساعة الواحدة طيران تتكلف 15 ألف دولار يعنى 45 ألف دينار تونسى لو حسبنا رحلته إلى تركيا 3 ساعات ذهابا و3 ساعات إيابا يعنى أن رحلته تكلفت270 ألف دينار دون تكاليف الفنادق والإقامة والتنقل هذه نبذة عن حياة البذخ التى يعيشها الشيخ والأموال الطائلة التى لا يعرف مصدرها لرجل لم يعمل يوم فى حياته ويعتبر حسب المصادر من أثرى أثرياء البلاد إن لم يكن أثراه",,,,,,2019-10-30 18:01:15 dpgft8,,8,Recommendation for Male shopping,"As winter is coming, I'm struggling to find some **fresh** clothes for the **right price** here in **Tunis**. Do you know any hidden places to shop for except of Zara, Bershka, Tunisia Mall etc.. ? Any recommandation is welcome (small/online shops or other options)",,,,,,2019-10-31 01:26:47 dpni5w,,12,How Similar is Tunisian (Derja) Arabic to the dialects in the rest of North Africa?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-31 13:25:47 dpo3df,جفال_يروج_في_الأسواق_التونسية_يحتوي_على_مواد/,0,جفال يروج في الأسواق التونسية يحتوي على مواد مسرطنة و يؤثر على الخصوبة,"[جفال يروج في الأسواق التونسية يحتوي على مواد مسرطنة و يؤثر على الخصوبة]( &#x200B; [ ]( # جفال يروج في الأسواق التونسية يحتوي على مواد مسرطنة و يؤثر على الخصوبة 📷",,,,,,2019-10-31 14:11:58 dpqbnn,,2,سامي الفهري المارد الذي يزعج ..! بقلم صالح عطية,,,,,,,2019-10-31 16:52:15 dpqdvp,,1,Tunisia should go for a Presidential system,"like in USA or Turkey for a more close and simple example, the fact is the actual political system is full of confusion, with a 2 head executive, and a divided parliament, with this system it is impossible to push for any big reforms. The president has just been elected but he can't do anything meaningful. In a presidential system you have a powerful and stable parliament which can't be dissolved by the president, and a stable cohesive executive. i hope KS will change the constitution and the organic laws to stop this mess.",,,,,,2019-10-31 16:56:24 dpqian,,1,جفال يروج في الأسواق التونسية يحتوي على مواد مسرطنة و يؤثر على الخصوبة,,,,,,,2019-10-31 17:05:17 dprd08,,1,gladio - KataPlazma [ official music video],,,,,,,2019-10-31 18:05:26 dprj5e,,0,Us,,,,,,,2019-10-31 18:17:26 dps4qa,,1,Question about JCC,[removed],,,,,,2019-10-31 18:59:41 dpt5yp,,8,Where can i find English books in Ariana,[deleted],,,,,,2019-10-31 20:11:05 dpur95,,9,"This is amazing, IMO. I admire the idea, the innovation and most importantly the creative design. A bit pricey though....",,,,,,,2019-10-31 22:02:18 dq3rdw,,0,معز بن غربية و زوجته يرزقان بمولدتهما الأولى و يطلقان عليها اسم ''بيروت'',,,,,,,2019-11-01 12:47:13 dq46u5,,14,For those of you who don't like the Government,"The new Government hasn't been choosed but people are already criticizing it. The Tunisian People made their choice of a Parliament in a free and fair elections. You don't like it, you think it's a disaster. I get it. Well guess what. Democracy has flaws but the amazing thing about Democracy is that Power is always restrained and temporary. One bad dictator can ruin an entire country. But even a bad leader like Trump is temporary and restrained. There will be other elections. Meanwhile, you should consider what are the specific policies you would like to implement and which ones they will accept to implement. Start organizing. The German Green Party promised that if they were elected, they would ban a pesticide named Glyphosate. To weaken the electoral support for them, the German Government banned Glyphosate. In Israel, the Zehut Party promised to legalize Weed. To weaken the support for Zehut, The Government announced they will legalize weed. They lost their battles but they won the war. Politics is about Policy. It's about getting things done, not only elections. People are not dumb. They want hospitals, schools, food, good jobs. If you think you should have won, my advice is seriously reflect on what went wrong. Do you know your voters ? What was your message ? Who were your candidates ? How did you select them ? How did you campaign ? Did you organize public meetings ? How did others mobilize their base ? Why didn't your voters mobilize on election day ? If you do a better job than the current parties at crafting a vision, then you too can win.",,,,,,2019-11-01 13:24:35 dq4epe,,3,Arabic Studies in Tunis?,"I am looking for opportunities to study Modern Standard Arabic in Tunis in the beginning of next year. ACT Center for Languages and Translation have Media Arabic which I studied before, but they only have groups in the summer. I struggle to open and get info from the Bourgiba Institute website, does anyone now what they offer in jan-march? Are there other options? Many thanks for any info or links!",,,,,,2019-11-01 13:43:13 dq6rjc,,2,gone with the wind,"This is not some kind of joke",,,,,,2019-11-01 16:40:28 dq91hj,,2,Is there any place where we can test drugs / purchase a test kit in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2019-11-01 19:28:10 dqa26z,,7,im in,"who're the Tunisians prepared for no nut November &#x200B; &#x200B; &#x200B; &#x200B; &#x200B; &#x200B; &#x200B; (who actually who will survive the entire month)",,,,,,2019-11-01 20:41:27 dqbkwd,,0,Dalila Msaddek analyses Nahdha's tactics in government negotiations,,,,,,,2019-11-01 22:34:05 dqdech,,1,French colonial adverting/propaganda,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-02 01:01:32 dqdev2,,1,French colonial advertising/propaganda of the worst kinda...,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-02 01:02:38 dqdf3m,,41,French colonial advertising/propaganda of the worst kind...,,,,,,,2019-11-02 01:03:12 dqj2tc,,3,Anywhere i can get metal/rock merchandise?,"Im a huge fan of metal music but i cant seem to find any stores that sell band shirts and stuff, is there a place where i can find band merchandise?",,,,,,2019-11-02 11:46:37 dqkxoe,,21,Map of Train tracks in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2019-11-02 14:31:10 dqmmrp,,6,Amazon now ships to Tunisia,"So apparently this is the case, I've looked up some electronics and clothing brands that sell under Amazon and they're all eligible for shipping. Note that it was always possible to buy from Amazon, but only from third party sellers and even then you still had to go through a whole list of sellers to find that one specific seller that does ship to here. The only products Amazon actually shipped were books, DVDs & blurays. The bad news is you have to sell your and your pet's soul to afford the amount of customs and shipping fees. And I know that most of you don't even have international credit cards to make the purchase, but I guess it's one small step forward. I'm curious if this has anything to do with Nabil karoui or not? I remember him mentioning Amazon?",,,,,,2019-11-02 16:37:23 dqp77n,,24,"Kubelwagen near Bizerta in Tunisia, January 1943.",,,,,,,2019-11-02 19:36:17 dqs21m,,8,How do y'all avoid feeling down and depressed while living in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-02 23:06:22 dqzq6y,,6,What's a good news website to be updated on the political scene?,"Answers like Tunivision and Nawaat are not really satisfying as these websites generally don't cover everything. Thanks",,,,,,2019-11-03 12:27:01 dr18ve,,35,"I was looking for recipes when I came across this ""Shakshouka"" now I've lost my appetite, thanks..",,,,,,,2019-11-03 14:41:12 dr1bvv,,3,is it possible for me 19 years old boy to marry my 19 years old girlfriend?,I want to know if it's possible to marry only for legal purposes so we can be together undisturbed and it's very important for me and her?,,,,,,2019-11-03 14:47:47 dr364l,,1,Your daily dose of racism against tunisians.Enjoy,,,,,,,2019-11-03 16:58:16 dr3l9w,,2,Why we don't have some political Tunisian tv series ?,"When I see all the thrilling in the elections period , it is inspiring to do a political movie or tv series.. It's time for Tunisian producers to make one thrilling political instead of the retarded series.",,,,,,2019-11-03 17:26:44 dr4ndt,,6,Gasrine in Battlefield V plot,"&#x200B; [Kasserine - Tunisia \(allegedly\) Battlefield V](",,,,,,2019-11-03 18:42:12 dr7yp0,,4,Language Enthusiasts Wanted!!!!,Hello my fellow language learners! I am the owner of a polyglot Discord server with a fantastic community that would love to have you. We help each other learn different languages. I hope you'll enjoy your time there! Any level of language learner is welcome. Join here: [](,,,,,,2019-11-03 22:35:12 drfb36,,1,Cinema inside Tunisian prisons,,,,,,,2019-11-04 09:30:41 drffzr,,20,"Hi everyone, I made this video showing the common arabic(Tunisian) Bosnian (serbian and croatian included) words .. Lot of common words surprised me.. I hope you like the video, and I hope this helps in your future trips to the Balkan.",,,,,,,2019-11-04 09:47:34 drhn6n,,1,"New Mufti... Not that it matters much to us, but the other guy was just روحو ثقيلة",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-04 13:31:29 dri880,,13,Have you heard of this website Tunisian love rats ?," Their tag line is THE forum against Beznes from Tunisia and other countries. And the level of racism is unfathomable",,,,,,2019-11-04 14:19:47 drkvqw,,81,Apparently every tunisian is a time traveller,,,,,,,2019-11-04 17:27:02 drpar1,,1,"Dissertation Help, Study on Post Revolution Tunisia",[removed],,,,,,2019-11-04 22:21:57 drrhw8,,1,And ppl still say la Tunisie est un petit pays,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-05 00:59:39 drwxk8,,30,Median ages in African countries,,,,,,,2019-11-05 09:38:10 dry5r3,,17,% of people who believe Women should have the same rights as Men,,,,,,,2019-11-05 11:59:00 drzlhy,,6,Starting an export business,"I would like to export dates from the tozeur region, do you guys have any know if i can just start an export business or do i need a permit. I am Tunisian but i live in Norway.",,,,,,2019-11-05 14:07:06 ds11rr,,6,Good Airline to travel to Tunisia From Southern California?,"For those of you travel from California to Tunisia, what airline would you recommend? I’m planning to go this December for a visit.",,,,,,2019-11-05 15:52:15 ds4okk,,4,I'm so patriotic i piss red and white,[removed],,,,,,2019-11-05 20:03:28 dsdakb,,16,99% of stuff we use daily in Tunisia are made in China,,,,,,,2019-11-06 08:08:13 dsf0z0,,15,American Pastor coming to Tunisia,"So, I was flying back to Tunis yesterday and struck a brief conversation with another passenger who didn't suspect that I was Tunisian too. Turned out he is a Christian pastor on a mission trip. I didn't want to ask more questions, but this is the 4th time in 2 years where I find American preachers on flights to Tunisia. I once found a whole family intending to LIVE in Tunisia and ""spread the word of Jesus"". I mean this is obviously illegal (per Tunisian law). Do people/authorities know about this ? Edit: few here seem to confuse religious freedom, proselytism and evangelizing. The Tn constitution guarantees your own religious freedom or the lack of thereof. It doesn't guarantee though a non-Tunisian's activity of trying to convert Tunisians to another religion.",,,,,,2019-11-06 11:30:47 dsgx38,,7,"This is big - glad people stepped up and it really points to their generosity. I'm not a fan of CA, but seeing it saved by its own supporters is amazing...",[](,,,,,,2019-11-06 14:18:57 dsh5jo,خاص-بحثا-عن-تسجيل-تمويلات-النهضة-مداه/?fbclid=IwAR05TzWH8DfdhtjXXk9TR2HyGJHpKUS6_RN9_zVqwZwEpdutzCNLvPHjDHg,1,5wemjia in total panic mode!,,,,,,,2019-11-06 14:37:19 dsif85,,48,my vacation in Tunisia :),,,,,,,2019-11-06 16:10:03 dsu4si,,1,Rumors About the Arrest of the Operator (In Tunisia) Are Spreading,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-07 07:06:33 dszz32,,22,The Arab World’s Star Student - What Tunisia can teach its neighbors about the value of education.,,,,,,,2019-11-07 16:20:40 dt9iko,,6,Where can I get the best quality/price food in Tunisia,Okay so many people that comes to Tunisia always ask about food places and restaurants (traditional) so I wanted to ask for suggestion about what are your favorites places around the whole country.,,,,,,2019-11-08 03:34:26 dtb46w,,93,Tunisia ❤️🇹🇳 Bizerte - mobile phone shot.,,,,,,,2019-11-08 05:59:26 dtcyv0,,4,where can I find a manga books library that sells English manga books in Tunis the capital?,"Hi , I am a manga reader , and honestly I am tired from reading the manga virtually on electronic devices. I tried to find some libraries , but what I found was the french version of the manga books , and there wasn't many options. can you please enlighten me with solutions? I am really tired.",,,,,,2019-11-08 09:21:51 dtf45x,,1,حالات حب,,,,,,,2019-11-08 13:01:21 dth1sn,,5,Why is this photo going viral on facebook ?,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2019-11-08 15:35:35 dthxra,,2,Tram penalty 3'rd strike?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-08 16:37:14 dti118,,1,looking for product/industrial designer,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-08 16:43:31 dtklsq,,2,Anything fun going on in Sousse this weekend?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-08 19:43:20 dtljrg,,48,"I absolutely despise the ""If you're a man"" culture relevant to the youngs","why are people so attached to their pride? oh, someone is telling you to do something stupid to prove you're a man, tell him to fuck off. no one gets to decide what manliness is, and you're not obliged to prove that person's definition of manliness. and like seriously, everyone i see goes ape shit when someone tells him to do something ""if he's a man"". pride my ass.",,,,,,2019-11-08 20:47:00 dtsyzw,,6,Can Anyone Recommend Me A Good Boxing or MMA Gym in Tunis,"I mostly do boxing, wrestling, and judo, but couldn’t find many clubs on google, so I thought I’d ask here. I’ll be staying in Tunisia for about 2-3 months and would like to keep myself busy and my techniques sharp while here. Thanks",,,,,,2019-11-09 07:42:39 dtt8it,,1,Psychedelics ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-09 08:15:43 dttrwy,,11,Am I the only tunisian facing problems in saving money ?,,,,,,,2019-11-09 09:19:25 dttza3,,1,Why do Tunisians like songs from other Arab countries and cherish them as if they were their own?,"I mean you hear Abdelwaheb, Om Kaltoum, Fairouz (to name a few) almost every day. Older folks like them as if they were “our traditional” songs to listen to when you re enjoying yourself. They even know the lyrics! Meanwhile, songs of Semleli or Nema or Jurno (again to name a few) are played on occasions you can count on the fingers of your hand... Forget about younger people knowing these songs and who sang them... Why is there this controversy? Edit 1: People do not seem to see what I mean. My point is that it is extremely odd to know more about other arab countries’ older national singers/heritage and not our own. Especially the younger generation is so fudged up in this matter. It seems people do not notice this discrepancy, which is even scarier!! Edit 2/ last: nobody seems to understand my point so far. Quite disappointed, but hey that s life!",,,,,,2019-11-09 09:44:28 dtuy0q,,1,Crypto TN - old topic and recent update in links below,[removed],,,,,,2019-11-09 11:44:44 dtv4gz,,1,رسميا: تحديد موعد ومكان مباراه الاهلى والنجم الساحلى فى دورى الابطال افريقيا,,,,,,,2019-11-09 12:05:23 dtxhyq,,1,"Saudi Arabia wants to attract 100 million annual tourists by 2030 - Saudi Authorities are confident that with good marketing, they will be able to influence asian consumers, muslim families, and weaken Regional Tourism Competitors such as Jordan, Turkey or Tunisia",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-09 15:40:53 dtxj95,,18,"Saudi Arabia wants to attract 100 million annual tourists by 2030 - Saudi Authorities are confident that with good marketing, they will be able to influence muslims and asians. One goal is to take market shares from Arab competitors such as Jordan, Turkey or Tunisia",,,,,,,2019-11-09 15:43:43 du2sjg,,18,Yesterday i might have saved a woman from getting physically abused,"So I'm a 19 years old male and yesterday (friday) exactly at 12 pm (00:00) i was going to my window for a smoke i heard a woman crying and yelling please stop please enough and i saw her husband next to her at that moment i was trying to get more information from what i see but i couldn't cuz they were standing in front of their car with its bright lights on so i went as fast as i could took my dog and went running towards them and when i got somehow close to them when they can fully see me i yelled whats going on here and continued slowly moving towards them while catching my breath and the man looked rich he was wearing a very good costume and his car is white 4\*4 probably porshe cayenne idk i wasn't paying alot of attention to it after moving a few feet her husband said what do u mean whats going on are u threatning me with ur dog and making a scene (at this moment i was like whats wrong with this guy i just said whats going on and i am threatening him and making a scene with only the three of us present lol) and i said threatening u ? what ? i saw ur wife crying and yelling stop he said thats not my business and we were just talking (he is lying cuz i only heard the woman speak not the man am sure he was physically abusing her and i saw here crying when i came ) i don't remember what we both said after that cuz i was full of adrenaline , couldn't concentrate and Stuttering when speaking in the end she said sir did u came because u saw me crying and wanted to protect me i said of course thats why and she said well thank u sir but there is nothing u need to worry about we were just talking and everything is okay so i said aight then am going i walked few feet and they entered their car and went away i was like am the hero of the night lol i may not saved her completely but at least for that moment . probably the women got scared from her husband thats why she said everything is okay and i couldn't ask more questions to make sure everything is okay for 100% because i was still high on adrenaline . Tl;dr : i saw a physically abused woman at night and i tried to help her but she said everything is okay thanks tho",,,,,,2019-11-09 22:26:39 du4mo5,,7,Do you think that Tunisia is a poor country or its resources are being stolen ?,,,,,,,2019-11-10 00:56:54 du6mkw,,20,Why does the Tunisian-Dream emplies systematically heading overseas ?,,,,,,,2019-11-10 04:03:05 duapvw,,3,Custom tshirts like this one,"Anybody knows where I can make custom tshirts like the one on this video or any custom tshirt ? Btw the video was shot somewhere in Tunisia",,,,,,2019-11-10 12:13:30 duc37n,,6,It's a great honor to have an entire and very important continent named after our country,,,,,,,2019-11-10 14:28:35 ducr9e,تتوقعوا_concour_نوفيام_يجي_في_المتناول/,0,تتوقعوا concour نوفيام يجي في المتناول,,,,,,,2019-11-10 15:25:05 duedbp,,1,Mediterranean school of business,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-10 17:30:06 dueogc,,36,Tunisia Becomes First Country to Issue a Central Bank Digital Currency,,,,,,,2019-11-10 17:53:08 dug38c,,1,Why not..,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-10 19:32:51 dug52l,,1,Why not...,,,,,,,2019-11-10 19:36:24 dupqo0,,1,online jobs,[removed],,,,,,2019-11-11 08:51:54 duqcta,,14,Irish/Algerian marriage in tunisia,I am irish and I'm getting married to my fiance in tunisia next year and we have been trying to find out about what we need to get as far as paperwork goes but keep getting conflicting advice online so is there anyone on here who knows exactly what we have to do,,,,,,2019-11-11 10:01:01 duqs48,,1,The Tunisia Model,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-11 10:48:26 durjj1,,12,online jobs,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-11 12:09:59 dut4za,,3,does anyone here on low carbs diet?,"I just want know what you guys eat, every product in the supermarket is high on carbs (above 20 g carbs per 100g)",,,,,,2019-11-11 14:30:48 duvlen,,1,Marketing Internship opportunities in Algeria,[removed],,,,,,2019-11-11 17:25:38 duxpjk,,2,Kairouan : affluence record à l’occasion de la fête du Mouled,,,,,,,2019-11-11 19:44:05 duz0vy,,3,Looking for Bookstores in Tunisia,"Hello, i want to get some books which i can't find here where i live ( Algeria ) and i heard i can find them in Tunisia any idea where the big bookstores are in Tunisia? maybe their website or something? thanks",,,,,,2019-11-11 21:06:51 dv12gn,,8,"Anyone seen these around? I like the concept but I have so many questions about safety, payment means, insurance, drivers and how to make sure they won’t put peoples’ lives on the line etc etc etc...So, to your keyboards!",,,,,,,2019-11-11 23:33:11 dv7jqo,,1,Sport4life الحصول على أفضل التدريبات مع,,,,,,,2019-11-12 09:12:41 dv9txp,,8,Tunis d'antan : Cinq vues quasiment inédites sur l'avenue Bourguiba,,,,,,,2019-11-12 13:16:06 dv9u6u,,1,La foire nationale du livre tunisien 2019 investira les prisons et les hôpitaux de Tunisie,,,,,,,2019-11-12 13:16:40 dvbc1e,,1,الأمية في الوطن العربي,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-12 15:17:30 dvbv5u,,7,"Tunisia Will Not Be Launching E-Dinar, Central Bank of Tunisia Responds",,,,,,,2019-11-12 15:56:40 dvbv94,,58,Haha mojrem f 5al3a,,,,,,,2019-11-12 15:56:51 dvdp4n,,6,An interesting story to tell!,"An Argentine citizen went to buy an ""egg carton"" and when he asked the seller about the price, he found that the price was above the usual price, he asked the seller for the reason, he said: that the distributors have raised the price! He calmly took the ""egg carton"" and said, ""There's no need for eggs. I can live without eating eggs."" This work was also done by all citizens without campaigns or strikes, but it was a culture of people! A people did not accept that the companies will take advantage .. In your opinion, how were the results? !!! Less than a week later, the company workers came to take the eggs to the shops, but the owners refused to take down any new egg cartons, because the old egg cartons was not bought by anyone! The companies insisted on the resistance of the people, saying that these protests will end in a few days, and people will return to buy eggs as usual. But the people were back, the egg whip, and the companies began to lose, twice, the first in the stacked eggs, and the second in feeding the chicken that does not stop eating and produce eggs, accumulated losses and doubled! The owners of poultry companies met and decided to return the price of eggs to its previous price, although the boycott continued, and companies almost declare bankruptcy, they were only to meet again and decided the following: - To provide an official apology to the Argentine people in all media. - Reduce the price of eggs to a quarter of its previous value. This is a true story, not a fiction As a people, we can lower or raise the price of any commodity With our own will only without campaigns or strikes We need only a little will, culture and determination.",,,,,,2019-11-12 18:04:59 dvrj6v,,48,"Mohamed El Hadi Bey, circa 1898",,,,,,,2019-11-13 13:09:41 dvtd1w,ériel_plongée_sucba_diving_rent/,1,Location matériel plongée sucba diving rent equipment,"Bonjour Je cherche un endroit où louer du matériel de plongée a tunis ( bouteille Gillet détendeur) Hello I am looking a place to rent some scuba diving equipment (bottle etc..) in Tunis",,,,,,2019-11-13 15:31:14 dvumgy,,1,tunisian cops asking for awra9 sayara,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-13 17:00:25 dvviux,,12,"We recently visited Tunisia, here is a intro montage of the upcoming 8 episode travel vlog serie. Hope you like it",,,,,,,2019-11-13 18:01:54 dvw9uk,,12,"So we are facing 5 more years of hypocrisy and corruption. Congrats on ""7alet el wa3y""... 👍",,,,,,,2019-11-13 18:52:25 dvzkb7,,5,How does Therapy work in Tunisia ?,Is it the same as other nations ?Can you swear ? Are infos confidential? Do you pay a certain sum for every session or monthly?,,,,,,2019-11-13 22:28:14 dw2l18,,5,"Regarding the comments here, I think we got played. No wonder why we are the first country in the world to do this 🙄💰💱💸",,,,,,,2019-11-14 02:12:17 dw5lhh,,5,where can i buy a nice mic in tunisia?,,,,,,,2019-11-14 06:43:09 dw8el2,,9,Al nachid3al watanie,"Edit l titre: al nachid al watanie Mathessouch eli kol ma aabed yghaniw l nachid l watanie yghaniw bil ghalet? Dima yebdew houmat al hima... mbaed ynagzou toul l idha al cha3bo yawman... hedha dima ysir haka fil modhahrat w momkon aadi khater ashel bech yetnadhmou. Lberah fil majles sar ama at3ess, mbaed makamlou l idha ak cha3bo yawman... rej3ou l fama 3acha fi tounes... eli heya fi west l paragrahe jemla. Matjikomch fdhiha eli majles yghani nachid lwatani mtaa bledou bil ghalet??",,,,,,2019-11-14 11:45:05 dwd7mc,,30,Ooofffff,,,,,,,2019-11-14 18:00:18 dwio0k,,8,what could have happened if we didn‘t have a revolution and ben ali died this year?,,,,,,,2019-11-15 00:28:41 dwjiul,,2,eDinar/uDinar saga continues..,,,,,,,2019-11-15 01:37:59 dwkp4q,,7,Never seen it that way 😋,,,,,,,2019-11-15 03:14:50 dwnbsh,,88,Everything has a Tunisian version,,,,,,,2019-11-15 07:30:11 dwopre,,23,The hard life of a meme maker,,,,,,,2019-11-15 10:03:56 dwoub1,,0,Nemchiw noftrou f plombier?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-15 10:17:40 dwq13p,,1,"This has to be stopped, Reminds my of a Reddit I postef about men witu beard",,,,,,,2019-11-15 12:21:56 dwqr4f,,6,"Tunians who study abroad,how can I apply to scholarships?","I'm clueless how is it done,i know some obvious shit like lrint ur cetificates,IELTS,TOEFL,grades and send them. Do you need yo translate ur grades card ""bulletin"" and what eo people mean when they say ""b3atht l frança....nchla nete9bel etc""? I know it is a case by case senario but if one of you did it please tell me your experience. Thanks",,,,,,2019-11-15 13:26:16 dwr4ad,,6,Question from an outsider!,"Hello, I’m a Palestinian that has been always fascinated by your beautiful country! And recently, I’ve been wondering how Bourguiba is viewed by most Tunisians?",,,,,,2019-11-15 13:56:37 dwrvlr,,1,The last Bey of Tunis Muhammad VIII al-Amin known as Lamine Bey.,,,,,,,2019-11-15 14:57:43 dwsy4c,,5,New head of the government,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-15 16:15:32 dwvqjn,,12,Why do some Tunisians refuse Democracy ?,"Democracy is based on 3 things * Free regular multiparty elections * Willingness to make concessions * Freedom of the press and freedom of expression The people you may not like won. Guess what. They were freely elected in transparent elections by Tunisian Citizens. You had public debates and the chance to ran yourself. Some people lose. That's the principle of elections. The good thing about democracy is that there always new elections. If you lost, instead of insulting the leading parties, you should maybe engage in some introspection. Is this so hard to accept ? Why acting like children ? Why the insults ?",,,,,,2019-11-15 19:38:48 dwvvvz,,31,The president's handwriting is something else.,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2019-11-15 19:49:43 dww4ao,,2,"If a non-Tunisian asked you to identify yourself/culture , what will be your response ?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-15 20:06:35 dx26nd,,0,Where can I buy cannabis in Tunisia?,Legal or not it doesnt matter I just need good dope.,,,,,,2019-11-16 04:26:39 dx4upr,,0,#Tunisie #Tunisienne #tunisien #tunisiens #tunisiennes #tunisienkniting #Tunisienfood #tunisienbeauty #tunisiemoijyvais #tunisiereves,,,,,,,2019-11-16 09:39:42 dx5xpx,,3,Tunisia as a tourist destination,,,,,,,2019-11-16 11:47:47 dx5z91,,1,Tunisia’s #MeToo Started Outside a High School. Will It End in Court? - Outrage Grows Over Photographs of a Politician Appearing To Sexually Harass Students,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-16 11:52:37 dx5zj9,,30,Outrage Grows in Tunisia Over Photographs of a Politician Appearing To Sexually Harass a Student,,,,,,,2019-11-16 11:53:32 dx9ac7,,2,MRW KS licks aka kisses the flag...😆,,,,,,,2019-11-16 16:51:10 dxcacy,,0,Dead,,,,,,,2019-11-16 20:36:09 dxebrh,,1,"Relief map of Central Europe,Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Mediterranean",,,,,,,2019-11-16 23:08:45 dxm2ud,,12,What's up with Sami Fehri?,"I just heard he got out of jail but I'm entirely out-of-date on why he was there in the first place. It was alleged that it was a conspiratorial move by El Nahdha in an attempt to silence him following a trailer of an exposé he had broadcast on his channel regarding their corruption. I'm just laying out what I've heard vis-à-vis the news, so I don't know if these outlandish claims hold any truth, but feel free to correct me if you care!",,,,,,2019-11-17 12:39:57 dxph6v,,18,Marijuana/Weed in Tunisia,"This is a subject that I wanted to discuss because I’m really curious about the enforcement of laws against marijuana consumption in Tunisia, I had a conversation with an American citizen and he said consuming is illegal but is not really enforced. I don’t know about the state in Tunisia (Even though I’m Tunisian) but I’m an introvert so here I am, lmao. Also, what do you think about the legalization of Marijuana in Tunisia? I know for a fact the when asked, Safi Said responded that it should not be considered as a drug, I believe the same, myself. What about you?",,,,,,2019-11-17 17:28:47 dxtrxs,علاش_on_accepte_de_vivre_avec_العوج_في_تونس/,5,علاش on accepte de vivre avec العوج في تونس ؟,,,,,,,2019-11-17 22:31:10 dy19ol,,0,أول رد للطفي العبدلي بعد إطلاق سراح سامي الفهري,,,,,,,2019-11-18 10:04:56 dy3gaq,,0,Joker becomes first R-rated film to make $1bn at global box office,,,,,,,2019-11-18 13:53:17 dy4jph,,3,What should Ennahdha do?,"So, I never voted for Enahdha, but I feel that if they had the right attitude, I could vote for them (vs kalb for example for whom I will bever vote). My question is: what should Enahdha do to get a government with a good coalition (other than with Kalb Tounes) knowing that Echa3b wanted Safi Said as Prime Minister, and Ettayar wanted an independent Prime Miinster (satisfied by Enahdha) and the 2 major ministries in the government (Interior and Justice). Knowing that all these demands are exorbitant in respct to the size of those demanding the posts (less than 10% of the votes each and less than half the seats of Enahdha). So what should Enahdha do ?",,,,,,2019-11-18 15:22:05 dy4l91,,1,"Tunisian Imams warn Saudi Arabia is spilling Muslim Blood. 236,000 Hajj applications this year.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-18 15:25:25 dy4m4b,,22,Tunisian Imams warn Saudi Arabia is spilling Muslim Blood,,,,,,,2019-11-18 15:27:12 dy6wqi,,37,"We recently visited your beautiful country, here is part 1 of my vlog along with subtitles",,,,,,,2019-11-18 18:12:09 dy7l6d,,9,The Tunisian Pro Club community with a moment of silence for their friend Wael Laabidi that passed away earlier today. [Source: FifaArab],,,,,,,2019-11-18 18:59:19 dy9cpr,,5,Rap arabe,"3aslema, Est-ce que vous connaissez des rappeurs/rappeuses Tunisien(ne)s ou plus largement arabes? Je suis plutot rap a l'ancienne et j'ai vraiment du mal avec la trap et les instrus electro bourrines a la sauce dubstep. Je prefere les intrus funks des 90s ou meme les samples de musique classique qu'on trouve pas mal dans le rap francais. Niveau flow, j'adore les trucs un peu techniques, les flows rapides pleins d'alliterations. C'est ce que je recherche avant tout avec l'arabe: des ""9a"", des ""7a"", et des ""5a"" qui fusent! Beaucoup de bla bla, mais pour citer quelques trucs que j'aime: - rap francais: NTM, doc gyneco, IAM, disiz (les anciens), fonky family, les vieux albums de snipers (encore que la prod est pas ouf), et plus recemment Davodka et surtout je suis un grand fan de Hugo TSR et des ceux qui gravitent autour du TSR crew. - rap US: NWA et toute cette generation de rappeurs West Coast. En rap arabe, je connais que ""boulicia 9tates"". PS: bonus pour les textes engages, meme si je parle pas (encore) arabe. Merci!",,,,,,2019-11-18 20:56:18 dy9n2x,,11,"Climate Change: Tunisia risks losing up to 60% of jobs in the agricultural sector, and 8000 square kilometers of arable land in the south and center of the country",,,,,,,2019-11-18 21:15:31 dy9p3o,,25,"Mohamed El Moncef Bey in his winter palace in Hammam Lif, Mars 1943",,,,,,,2019-11-18 21:19:15 dybz16,,1,"When people ask me my favorite country in the world, I say Taiwan. Because it's a rock in a typhoon-laden sea with no resources - even the sand has to be imported - yet it has the 4th largest financial reserves in the world. This is why Education matters",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-18 23:56:56 dybzng,,1,"When people ask me my favorite country in the world, I say Taiwan. Because it's a rock in a typhoon-laden sea with no resources - even the sand has to be imported - yet it has the 4th largest financial reserves in the world. Taiwan has mined something more precious than Oil : Education.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-18 23:58:11 dyc00c,,1,"When people ask me my favorite country in the world, I say Taiwan. Because it's a rock in a typhoon-laden sea with no resources - even the sand has to be imported - yet it has the 4th largest financial reserves in the world. This is why Education matters.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-18 23:58:59 dyc09m,,1,"When people ask me my favorite country in the world, I say Taiwan. Because it's a rock in a typhoon-laden sea with no resources - even the sand has to be imported - yet it has the 4th largest financial reserves in the world. Education matters.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-18 23:59:29 dyc0i0,,1,"When people ask me my favorite country in the world, I say Taiwan. Because it's a rock in a typhoon-laden sea with no resources - even the sand has to be imported - yet it has the 4th largest financial reserves in the world. Education matters.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-18 23:59:59 dyc0zp,,10,"When people ask me my favorite country in the world, I say Taiwan. Because it's a rock in a typhoon-laden sea with no resources - even the sand has to be imported - yet it has the 4th largest financial reserves in the world. Education matters.",,,,,,,2019-11-19 00:01:03 dyjni1,,27,هاي هاي,,,,,,,2019-11-19 12:15:41 dynve4,,1,Looking for Tunisian street food lovers!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-19 17:50:40 dyok4k,,0,I just felt the need to share this thanks.,,,,,,,2019-11-19 18:38:08 dz1ddr,,1,"Hi all, does anyone know where I can buy Amazon gift cards in Tunis? I've been looking everywhere and can't seem to find any.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-20 12:24:19 dz1m8j,,11,...ملّى بلاد حسيلو,,,,,,,2019-11-20 12:48:28 dzez2s,قضية_آدم_بوليفة_مش_جديدة_لكن_مؤشر_على_تطور_العنف/,31,قضية آدم بوليفة، مش جديدة لكن مؤشر على تطور العنف في تونس,"باش نحكي بالعربي المرة هذي.. العنف.. البراكاجات.. الغورة و التجلطيم في تونس فات كل الحدود.. البلاد أصبحت غابة و الناس تغلي على بعضها و تكره بعضها. علاش على أبواب 2020 مازال الواحد يخاف يمشي وحدو في الليل أو حتى في النهار في بعض البلايص؟؟ وينو الأمن و الشرطة؟ علاش على أبواب 2020 و تمشي لمنشأة خاصة أو عمومية تلقى الوجوه المكشبرة والمنطق العادم تقول عليهم عاملين عليك مزية؟؟ علاش على أبواب 2020 و البوليس في الشارع تقول عليه فرعون بالمنطق العادم و العنطزة و الجعالة و الهرسلة و هو مستوى فكري و ثقافي منحط (حاشى البعض منهم) علاش على أبواب 2020 شي ما يمشي في البلاد إلا ما تكون تعرف شكون و جاي من طرف شكون، إذا ماعندكش تمشي في العفس. &#x200B; عندنا مثل يقول: ""من أمن العقوبة أساء الأدب"" و هذا منبع المشكل، الفاسد و متاع المشاكل بكل أصنافهم معادش خايفين من العقوبة، السياسة الزجرية العادلة غائبة تماما. و هذا إلي خلى تونس مستنقع جريمة و فساد و أخلاق فاسدة و خدمات تحت الصفر",,,,,,2019-11-21 06:04:04 dzifv3,,1,question about hotel ?,what is the best hotel in hamamet ?,,,,,,2019-11-21 12:13:12 dzm0ok,,1,Israël = destroyed,,,,,,,2019-11-21 16:45:35 dzrh22,,8,Developing regions in Tunisia/Neighbors,,,,,,,2019-11-21 22:46:45 dzuv36,,7,Do you think that we tunisiens accually hate/envy each other?,,,,,,,2019-11-22 03:04:02 e00kwp,,20,What's the future of our economy and the tunisian dinar?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-22 12:53:21 e00vcp,,1,Mall of Sousse! The biggest mall of the Sahel region is now open!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-22 13:19:41 e01978,,1,"En Tunisie, le président équilibriste entre laïcité et islamisme.",,,,,,,2019-11-22 13:53:03 e02ndt,éer_son_propre_vêtement/,3,Créer son propre vêtement,"Bonjour, J’ai une idée d’un vêtement que je voudrai créer. J’ai fais quelques dessins pour l’illustrer mais je ne sais pas ce que je dois faire après. est ce qu’il y’a une personne qui pourra m’aider ? Merci",,,,,,2019-11-22 15:40:52 e03hoe,,7,Can someone please ELI5 how Errahma got 5 seats in the parliament?,"Who voted for these people? The party's president Said Jaziri, former preacher in Quebec who was expelled to Tunisia in 2007, founder of the pirate radio Quran Karim, unauthorized by the Independent High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (Haica), had made a name for himself in 2018, by encouraging women on television not to give birth with a male gynecologist, because ""when a gynecologist man touches his patient, he excites her"" sexually...WTF!!! And these fucktards want to put their filthy hands on the Ministry of Health..DOUBLE WTF!!!",,,,,,2019-11-22 16:41:26 e07d0n,,47,R.I.P Ridha diki,,,,,,,2019-11-22 21:05:59 e0863b,,2,IELTS,"Quick question I’m about to do a lot of stuff at once this year one of them is getting the IELTS in March If anyone has any past experience you’re welcome to enlighten me of how is it , what is the level of difficulty ( academic certification) Also this is random but I saw earlier today at hafsia two girls talking straight English to each other and it came to my mind how I want to find someone to strictly speak English with Thank you for your time and.",,,,,,2019-11-22 22:02:57 e086aa,,11,"Tunisia to be the first Arab country to introduce sex ed in schools. They said ""the lessons will be appropriate to age and be culturally and religiously sensitive."" Your thoughts?",,,,,,,2019-11-22 22:03:18 e0ahy8,,1,"Tunisian, please don't tell anyone about reddit.",[removed],,,,,,2019-11-23 00:54:25 e0h6ic,,0,Why are tunisians so conservatists towards the privatization of public Industries.,"We are literally the only country in the planet that has a public industry of tobacco and that has a monopoly on the market, and this company is losing money since the 80s and every year we need to pour money into it to keep it afloat, and the corruption that's in it, as we have from time to times seen problems in the distribution and the total disappearance of tobacco and many other problems, like black market etc... That without talking about the unions that are way too strong in the public sector although they are necessary for the private, but goddamn they abuse their powers like the last case of corruption in the intercities bus company. Also the fact that tunisair is basically ruined because of unions and corruption and they kept for a long time blocking the opensky agreement making tickets more expensive for everyone and hindering the tourism sector. And I really can go on for days, but there is one good example out of this which is Tunisie Telecom that is a public/private cooperation that's still making profits in a very competitive sector.",,,,,,2019-11-23 12:19:52 e0hfpk,,2,Not trying to be negative or am i the only one feeling that we'r going thru a big atmosphere of pessimism?,But*,,,,,,2019-11-23 12:48:42 e0jk6j,,3,Looking for a veterinarian,[removed],,,,,,2019-11-23 15:51:34 e0k6po,,27,Trading Routes in Tunisia 1000-1100 AD,,,,,,,2019-11-23 16:35:42 e0mg5d,,12,"An ash-filled oven of what used to be a tavern in the Roman colony of Lattara (France) during the Iron Age compared to a modern tabouna oven from Souidat, Tunisia (on the right)",,,,,,,2019-11-23 19:10:43 e0ns1e,,2,No escape,,,,,,,2019-11-23 20:41:56 e0p190,,4,What happened to our Ultras ?,"Just watched the derby of Casablanca between Raja and Wydad and I’ve got to say that some crazy tifos they did. Compared to us, they’re like light-years ahead. We used to do the same tifos back in 2005 and on yet we don’t do that anymore even though ultras in North Africa first appeared in Tunisia. What the hell happened especially after the revolution ?",,,,,,2019-11-23 22:12:13 e0phf4,,1,Is there any one who can upgrade the picture of my grandma to colors version. I want to make her a gift thanks 🙏🏻,,,,,,,2019-11-23 22:44:27 e0r7ji,",534,93018,3",6,Le drapeau israélien brûlé dans une école de Gafsa,,,,,,,2019-11-24 00:56:01 e0v5eg,,17,"En Tunisie, l’éducation sexuelle au programme dès la maternelle",,,,,,,2019-11-24 06:53:12 e0v6dm,,1,Les Tunisiens à l'étranger en mesure de transférer leurs pensions de retraite vers la Tunisie,,,,,,,2019-11-24 06:56:17 e10570,,10,Anxiety support group,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-24 15:52:10 e13ohd,,1,TND exchange rates published by tunisian banks & exchange offices,,,,,,,2019-11-24 19:59:02 e13z5i,,16,"Marzouki's last political message before retiring from political life (whether you like him or not, some of what he wrote is very interesting).",,,,,,,2019-11-24 20:19:14 e1k0z3,,20,"Do you guys remeber ""Captain 5obza"" ?","I was just watching some of his 2012 videos and it brought my eyes to tears, I miss those days",,,,,,2019-11-25 18:12:46 e1o601,,9,Do you guys remember the Tunisia 2020 conference that took place almost 4 years ago? It was surrounded by the usual fanfare and cigars and champagne dreams? Did anything happen? Here is a summary and 2 useful links. I have to admit it had some good strategic pointers but sadly the execution was nil,"**A democratic Tunisia on the path of inclusive and sustainable development** After nearly four years of consultations and efforts, supported by the international community, the political transition is well underway: the first free and fair elections took place at the end of 2014, leading to the establishment of democratic and legitimate institutions on a national level. As soon as the Government came into power in early 2015, an inclusive dialogue was initiated with different stakeholders, both at national and regional levels, in an aim to define a model of economic and social development that is inclusive and sustainable: the 2016-2020 Development Plan, put forward by the Tunisian Government, is the distillation of this process. *This Plan focuses on five lines of actions:* 1. Good governance, administrative reform and fight against corruption; 2. Transition from a low-cost economy to an economic hub; 3. Human development and social inclusion; 4. Realizing the ambitions of the regions; 5. The green economy, a pillar of sustainable development. In parallel, the Tunisian Government is committed to conducting multiple structural reforms, in all areas, to achieve greater efficiency and to foster private investment. To promote this new paradigm, the Tunisian Government invites the international community, counting on the representation of all its members at the highest levels, to a conference on the 29th and 30th of November 2016 in Tunis. First, this conference will begin with a pledging conference. Then, secondly, the conference will put light on the axes and on the structural projects listed in the Development Plan, as well as on the investment opportunities offered to private operators. **The conference aims to achieve the following objectives:** 1. Promote the 2016-2020 Development Plan, its objectives and policy choices, as well as the major balances and financing needs; 2. Present the agenda of reforms of the Tunisian Government, aiming at:a. Bringing the State apparatus to a higher level of efficiency ;b. Improving Tunisia's attractiveness for private operators, whether local or foreign, by enhancing the legal framework for investment. 3. Raise the funds to finance the development of the major infrastructure projects, notably through public-private partnership schemes; 4. Assist private investors to identify, very specifically, sectors and positions in value chains worthy of interest in every region of the country.  **Conference program: November 29th & 30th, 2016** **PLEDGING CONFERENCE: ON THE MORNING OF THE 29TH OF NOVEMBER**On the first half of the first day, the pledging conference will be opened and hosted by the President of the Tunisian Republic:a. Tunisian officials will present the Development Plan, the agenda of reforms and the fiscal balances;b. Country representatives and heads of international institutions will announce their support, by the way of a contribution to the budget and/or to the financing of the projects listed in the Development Plan;c. This first half day will be concluded by a joint statement, and then the President will host a lunch at the Presidential Palace. **THE CONFERENCE GOING FORWARD: THE WORKSHOPS***1. Afternoon of the 29th of November: curbing regional disparities, the necessary efforts and opportunities*a. Providing infrastructure to improve links with the most isolated areas, and enhancing public servicesb. Capacity buildingc. Comparative advantages, sectors, and industries presenting an opportunity for investors *2. Gala Dinner (Host: Head of Government)3. Morning of the 30th of November: a green economy for a sustainable development*a. Renewable energy: solar and windb. Agriculture and water managementc. Collecting and recycling waste *4. Afternoon of the 30th of November: Tunisia, a regional economic hub for the export of high value added goods and services*a. Historic sectors : textile, tourism and healthb. Transformative industries: automotive and aerospacec. Innovative sectors: software development []( []( This link contains a pdf of all participants - it would be great to reach out to them. [\_50\_201\_D118](",,,,,,2019-11-25 22:41:02 e1rvb8,,5,Recommendations for Moroccan caftan shops in Tunisia?,"Does anyone know where I can find a Moroccan caftan/takchita in Tunisia (Tunis, Nabeul, or Sousse area)?",,,,,,2019-11-26 03:16:14 e1sfte,,36,Tunisia becomes first Arab country to introduce sex education in schools,,,,,,,2019-11-26 04:03:56 e1wg0z,أسف/,0,!!!!!أسف,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-26 11:00:26 e1zmhl,,8,Can someone shed some light on the new PM?,His background is deeply rooted in Agriculture nothing more.,,,,,,2019-11-26 15:41:44 e225p5,,14,Common myth? about sickness,"Weird title, but I'm curious about something. It seems that my family goes out of their way to prevent me from taking cold showers during the winter claiming that it could make me sick and give me joint and bone issues, aka ""yothrbek hwe"". Another thing they ask me to watch out for is ""courant d'air"" or an air draft, apparently you shouldn't have your front and back door or window open simultaneously while you're inside because that causes muscle stiffness and the flu/cold. I never understood why or how and it still doesn't make sense to me. This ideology? seems to be embedded in our people, I was arguing with a number of different people and they all shared the same opinion, that it's bad. Can you peeps please debunk or back this claim up? I tried looking online for answers, but I couldn't really find any, which leaves me to believe that it's probably not true.",,,,,,2019-11-26 18:31:22 e2ao5j,,1,"We recently visited your beautiful nation. Here is part 2, Dougga Ruins ! Pls subscribe and like.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-27 04:32:26 e2aos4,,1,"We recently visited your beautiful country. Here is part 2 of 8 of my Vlog, Dougga ruins. Pls like, share and subscribe",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-27 04:33:53 e2az2h,,27,"We recently visited your beautiful country, here is part 2 of 8, Dougga ruins. Pls like,share and subscribe !",,,,,,,2019-11-27 05:00:08 e2cure,,4,Opinions about the taxi scooter?,"On one hand, it's good to break the taxi monopoly over transportation, they became way too comfortable with it and there will never be enough taxis because they know they will always have clients so they aren't in a hurry to work and would be picky with their customers. On the other hand, instead of these taxi scooters, why is the state still insisting on making Uber and Carsharing illegal. Like those would be way more convenient and safer for everyone. We can even have our own Uber like application like in Algeria, and that would be way better.",,,,,,2019-11-27 08:00:02 e2h5xl,,2,Where can I buy a can of hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-27 15:00:46 e2ho15,,30,"Our Ghazela From 25000 feet .. we walk on the sky ... it’s skypia land , so ... my last trip from Montreal to tunis-carthage.",,,,,,,2019-11-27 15:37:21 e2jc6n,,1,Is there anything new about the tunisian e-sports?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-27 17:26:31 e2jvhh,,0,#حرية الفكر المعرفي بمواجهة التجهيل.#ريبر هبون .#بحث فكري سياسي(الحلقة7),,,,,,,2019-11-27 18:00:54 e2kv5d,,2,Best sites to read articles on in arabic?,"I recently started daily visiting a certain site ( called Medium). And i discovered my interest reading short articles on the site . Feels refreshing and interesting to read such articles that vary in subjects like tech, self-improvment, philosophy. Now to the important part, im horrible at writing, and understanding arabic books. I want to improve and doing something i like is part of that!! And please no political topics or news. I have 0 interest in those.",,,,,,2019-11-27 19:03:10 e2nha6,,1,Vape people in tunisia,Qui de vous se rappelle de la fois ou l’emission Forum de mosaïque fm a traité du sujet de la vape en Tunisie et la représentante du ministère de la santé publique a dit que la vape était nocive parce que «  tvapi 3ala wazn trapi » ! L’incompétence et la bêtise !! On nous prend pour des cons pour que la représentante du MINISTÈRE DE LA SANTÉ dise une connerie pareille a la radio !,,,,,,2019-11-27 21:50:37 e2wm6s,,29,We exist.,"*S*elem chabeb semhouni aal ktiba akther ktiba nabda merteh beha. *D*ima ndour sitet mtaa [encyclopédie](, [ghne]([2](, [aflem]( / [seriet]( wala [paroles] ( 9liiil win nal9a contenu tounsi w sa3at nal9ach jemla w hedha 5ater ma famma 7atta editor. W hedhi haja tghidh. *D*onc nheb nes2el : 1. Chkoun interessé(e) bel 7keya ? 2. Wala chkoun editor, moderator wala moderator w yest7a9 chkoun y3awnou? 3. Winkom w chbi mafamma had yzid. Bolden okhrin ay haja yzidouha hata film indie wala mech maarouf. W houni bel7a9 nehki 3la ay bled 7ata el maghreb 4. Fammech 7al ekher *J*e tiens à ajouter li sitet hedhom international (ta9riban ay 3abd ylawej yjiweh hedhom loulenin) w yarj3oulhom fi kol site wala app tawwa. * TVDB: Famma tarf hkeyet kif choufli hal ma famma kemel la acteurs la wa9t la hatchay * The Movie Database : Famma presque hatchay w hata li famma e lougha mte3hom w pays d'origine w kol ghaltin. again tansewech raw hedha y2ather fi sitet okhrin w applicationet kif imdb etc. * Genius : Alors là jebou aalina el me ma fammech tunisian tag aslan w hkit maa les moderators w chay. Famma ken [tunisian rap]( w menech barcha 3bed bech najmou nbadlou haja hakka.([Contributions](https:// * Lastfm : Cv famma zouz yzidou ema c pas suffisant berrasmi aana barcha fan w aabed tasma3( melbarra ) w had ma ya3ref raw les artists twensa. ([Tunisian Tag]( ([Contributions]( * Google Maps : famma communauté ema chay ne9sin (belehi li ynajjem yabeethli lien wala haja) * Wikipedia : ne9sin barchaaa khedma. ([Contributions](,8.7590835,6z/data=!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1?hl=fr)) W lista mezzelet twila. *H*asilou netsawwer hedha aandou dakhl fel image mteena lbara .Lezemna impact lezem nzidou ay haja teb3etna.W nkhalilkom l kelma likom entouma. Et Merci.",,,,,,2019-11-28 11:07:23 e2wwsv,,1,Well.....,,,,,,,2019-11-28 11:39:40 e2wzic,,1,#سويسرا🇨🇭#كيف_تهاجر و تعمل في سويسرا بطريقة سهلة🇨🇭و #الضمانة_للتأشيرة و #مواقع العمل,,,,,,,2019-11-28 11:47:49 e2xs9x,,1,Ennahda lost 500 000 votes in 5 years. They are actually crashing down. Enough with the hysteria panic,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-28 13:06:46 e2xw5i,,1,"Ennahda lost 420 000 votes in 5 years. They are completely crashing down. Enough with this ""their voters are zombies"" hysteria non-sense",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-28 13:16:59 e2yf1h,,1,Kteb terikh mo7ayed aal borguiba.,"Chnowa nejem nakra bech nejem naamel ra2y shih aala bourguiba? Fama haja mafihech la t7in lil za3im la korh maghir sbab ? Juste el facts wel deals eli aamelhom maal France.",,,,,,2019-11-28 14:04:10 e30v0i,,19,Looking for a local suicide help line,"Looking for a local suicide help line Adderall Vyvanse Ritalin Rilatine Biphentin Concerta Kifeh w win nal9a'hom",,,,,,2019-11-28 17:10:16 e31h96,,42,Bird's Eye view of Ancient Carthage,,,,,,,2019-11-28 17:53:17 e38fe8,,11,Holidays,Hi is tunisia a nice place to visit on holidays with children around march or April? Any recommendations? From uk.,,,,,,2019-11-29 02:41:15 e3egzr,,1,"TIL there's a sanctuary for loggerhead turtles in Kuriat islands (قوريا). And instead of banning visitors, the government and a local NGO are running a conservation programme for this vulnerable species and tourists are welcomed and are offered an environmental education along with their holiday.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-29 13:02:53 e3h80c,,8,Do you think the English practice app can work for Tunisians?,"Hi guys, &#x200B; Lastly, I developed an app for language learners via video chat. &#x200B; I m planning to focus on one country, and I m researching about it. &#x200B; Do you think Tunisians would like to pay an app for learning English? &#x200B; I m wondering about your ideas.",,,,,,2019-11-29 16:51:37 e3i16j,,1,Algerian martyrs skulls exposed and experimented on for racial studies in the musée de l'homme de Paris for the past 150 years,,,,,,,2019-11-29 17:48:24 e3ju9j,,2,Climate change activism,Are there any marches/protests scheduled in Tunisia to pressure the government and the society in general to act?,,,,,,2019-11-29 19:52:11 e3khpm,,36,*sigh*,,,,,,,2019-11-29 20:36:44 e3lhpy,,12,Best way to learn Tunisian Arabic as an Englishman?,"I am born and raised in England to an English mother and Tunisian father. I was never taught Arabic as a child and only know the basics so communicating with family back in Tunisia is tricky. Does anyone know of a good app/website/tool that would be good for me? I have had quite a good look over the years and not found much! Any response would be appreciated. Thank you",,,,,,2019-11-29 21:45:25 e3mabl,,3,What is your understanding of Tunisian psychology?,"A very broad question. With your personal interactions with Tunisians, please share some of the insights you have acquired. Comparison to Western culture and psychology like the US or a France would also be interesting if that's something you can discuss.",,,,,,2019-11-29 22:36:12 e3nm6p,,1,Those are some our best dancers from Morocco. What do you guys think? Do you have some Tunisian Dancers clips to recommend?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-30 00:10:58 e3nmr7,,1,Those are some of our best dancers from Morocco. What do you guys think? Do you have some Tunisian Dancers clips to recommend? (,[deleted],,,,,,2019-11-30 00:12:05 e3rp0x,,25,Trabelsi is the most common name in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-11-30 06:09:22 e3su6o,,3,Tunisie: l'archéologie au service de l'éducation,,,,,,,2019-11-30 07:58:31 e3xn5z,,47,"Tahar Bey son of Muhammad El Hadi Bey, 9 March 1939.",,,,,,,2019-11-30 15:02:11 e3yps1,,3,Can anyone explain the Baya/Klay situation to a Tunisian living abroad ?,,,,,,,2019-11-30 16:10:55 e3yqgj,مرحبا/,1,مرحبا,[removed],,,,,,2019-11-30 16:11:58 e46l8f,,1,where to find pant chains?,"quite the innocuous, self-explanatory post tbh.. ideas?",,,,,,2019-12-01 00:38:29 e4acpm,,0,"Since it's not against the rules, what drugs are available in the Sahel?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-01 04:23:25 e4adds,,13,Dissertation Help: Sources and Literature Needed,"Basically I'm doing my dissertation on the socio-economic changes in Tunisia post-revolution, I'm wondering if anyone has any reliable articles, books, stats, to do with crime rates, conservatism, terrorism, the economy, anything to do with society and economics in Tunisia tbh, both before and after the thawra, preferably in English or translatable, but French and Arabic is okay also. I'm also looking for individual opinions which I might use as data in my writing so if you would like to take part then please private message me! The opinions will mainly be regarding how you think Tunisia has changed, for the better or worse, etc",,,,,,2019-12-01 04:24:35 e4ko7q,,59,Hello from r/argentina,"We are walking around al countries subreddits to say hi! We sre trying to make a cultural exchange for make peace in this days I wanna know more of your country, culture, politics and all If you wanna know more from r/argentina you can go to the subreddit or ask me if you want, i will be very glad to answer you, you are welcome un our subreddit, hope i can be welcome in yours too♡",,,,,,2019-12-01 17:44:38 e4l84v,,14,"Bus crash in northern Tunisia kills 22, injured 21",,,,,,,2019-12-01 18:21:35 e4n6ww,,6,Urinating or Masturbating? NSFW,,,,,,,2019-12-01 20:30:59 e4pk34,,5,This is so rad!,,,,,,,2019-12-01 23:09:07 e4pqti,,1,Here is a glorious OK BOOMER gif for y’all and full disclosure it’s not mine.,,,,,,,2019-12-01 23:22:13 e4utdi,,6,Can someone erecommend me a good therapist ?,Around Tunis ? And thanks in advance.,,,,,,2019-12-02 06:12:03 e4x1cg,,3,Is this true?,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2019-12-02 10:06:48 e4y377,,13,Tunisia bus accident death toll rises as public denounce 'roads of death',,,,,,,2019-12-02 11:58:15 e4ybrm,,1,Psychedelics,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-02 12:20:42 e4yr5i,,1,Cahier des Charge - Starting a Business,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-02 12:59:19 e4z11o,,2,Where can I find good quality affordable watches in tunis ?,As the title says where may I found some good quality budget watches around 50DT price range ? ( nothing luxurious just a simple watch but not something thats gonna break in a month),,,,,,2019-12-02 13:23:14 e52t8k,,2,"Prince Ahmed Bechir Bey, 15 March 1941.",,,,,,,2019-12-02 18:04:04 e53s9a,,38,شعب الهريسة,,,,,,,2019-12-02 19:10:02 e55fzo,,1,#سويسرا و #الهجرة الغير #الشرعية🇨🇭#حارك #مهاجر بلادك #بغيتي تدير لوراق؟ ...,,,,,,,2019-12-02 21:01:12 e5dk3l,,31,"We recently visited your beautiful country, here is part 3 of 8, Carthage and Tunis Medina. Pls like,share and subscribe !",,,,,,,2019-12-03 07:28:32 e5rmw7,,13,Youngsters Clash With Police In Sidi Bou Zid After 25 Year Old Does Self-Immolation,,,,,,,2019-12-04 01:38:25 e61g6h,,15,Hey guys. Can anyone tell me what is happening in Sidi Bouzid??,,,,,,,2019-12-04 16:11:46 e61ght,,13,VISIT TUNISIA: One Month Traveling Your Unforgettable Country زيارة تونس,,,,,,,2019-12-04 16:12:21 e64843,,0,How does it feel to live in a third world shithole?,"I for one feel like shit. What about you?",,,,,,2019-12-04 19:18:53 e6fov1,,1,How on earth can I work online if I'm in Tunisia?!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-05 11:03:09 e6h6wl,,1,Opinion on anal intercourse,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-05 13:29:31 e6hb6i,,1,Hello i am youtuber tunisien,,,,,,,2019-12-05 13:39:57 e6hb6u,,1,shall we discuss the way mods dhgg our voices here,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-05 13:39:59 e6is5k,,0,Hello r/Tunisia!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-05 15:34:21 e6x5il,,6,ARP CLASH!!!!,Can anyone explain or tell me if there's any regulations or rules that prohibits the obstruction and what was and still going on at the Assembly of the Representatives of the People of Tunisia?????,,,,,,2019-12-06 10:39:04 e728gm,,12,Did anyone participate in secret santa 2019,"I'm curious since i got matched with my friend who participated with me. I feel like we're the only two who participated from Tunisia.",,,,,,2019-12-06 18:11:10 e77qe6,,3,What is the best way to travel from Tunis to Douz,"I am going to backpack to this country and I want to buy a return ticket from Tunis to Douz. So far I can only find the website Sntri online, but it only gives me the timetable. Any suggestions on what is the best way to travel there?",,,,,,2019-12-07 01:19:35 e7edic,,14,Searching some photos ...,"Hello everybody, I'm making a presentation about Tunisian traditional doors, so please, can you send some pictures of famous ones in Tunisia, or even a small description of them. Thanks.",,,,,,2019-12-07 13:36:51 e7fb40,,1,"A southern Tunisian Berber, 1928.",,,,,,,2019-12-07 15:05:42 e7gtv5,,1,"When will PayPal (or other similar platforms such as Skrill, Venmo...) really become available in Tunisia?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-07 17:10:15 e7hgjf,,7,The future of esports/gaming in Tunisia?,We keep hear the same thing over and over so whats the end of all that?,,,,,,2019-12-07 17:59:13 e7s5pc,,12,"we do many sellers on facebook and tayara put 0/ their phone numbers instead of the price, and when people ask about the price they want to talk privately?",a bit annoying and makes me not bother with it sometimes,,,,,,2019-12-08 10:13:51 e7thui,تشكيل_الحكومة/,1,تشكيل الحكومة!!,"بربي بداو يشكلو فالحكومة ولا مزالو واحلين في قانون المالية2020؟؟ فيبالي نصبو رئيس الحكومة اما الوزاراء مزالو؟",,,,,,2019-12-08 13:06:05 e7tn3x,,6,The best things you like in Tunisia,"Soo I'm doing this leaflet about Tunisia for a class project and I'm really out of ideas. Any help Edit : Amazing suggestions from everyone, really interesting ones tbh but it's a leaflet, can't really put eating lablaby or just 'everything'",,,,,,2019-12-08 13:22:08 e7vu06,,0,Les librairies francophones indépendantes dans le monde,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-08 16:37:50 e7w82d,,0,Les librairies francophones indépendantes dans le monde,,,,,,,2019-12-08 17:07:04 e7yz9q,,1,Would look for a partner in Tunsia,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-08 20:30:24 e7z58z,,1,Abir Moussi,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-08 20:42:36 e7z97e,,2,"Would look for a partner in Tunisia, if you living abroad?",[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-08 20:50:37 e814v7,,8,Just an interesting concept that I want to share,,,,,,,2019-12-08 23:09:34 e87l6u,,31,Do you think that the new Tunisian youth generation is becoming more and more secular this last decade?,,,,,,,2019-12-09 09:05:17 e88bne,,3,Streaming apps,I was wondering if there is any streaming apps like netflix or amazon prime that can be paid with phone credits or something? Like i heard that companies like orange and ooredoo have services like that but im not sure,,,,,,2019-12-09 10:35:26 e88g6t,,2,Lost ID card,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-09 10:49:41 e8bgfg,,0,Google Play Giftcards,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-09 15:35:31 e8oug6,,1,Help with understanding Tunisian men and culture!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-10 10:14:11 e8oya4,,3,Help with foreigner understanding of Tunisian culture and men.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-10 10:27:30 e8pyts,,1,This is a picture I took in the summer at 5am. Can you guess where I took it?,,,,,,,2019-12-10 12:25:29 e8xoxp,,14,Yesser na3tiou 9adar lil barany,Agree or disagree.Your thoughts. Let's talk.,,,,,,2019-12-10 22:15:31 e8yl75,,1,Trying to buy train tickets buy kept getting rejected?,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-10 23:22:31 e8yspo,,1,Problems with buying train tickets,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-10 23:39:22 e8yxfc,,1,Problem with buying train tickets,I want to buy train tickets online from Tunisi to Tozeur but it keeps getting rejected and leads to a page with a smaller page of the main page. Could anyone please explain to me how to buy it? We are both not locals. Thank you,,,,,,2019-12-10 23:50:11 e96sdg,,2,URGENT Is it possible to track phone nr in Tunisia?,"Hello &#x200B; Probably not best section to ask but I have very urgent case here , it is matter of life! Is it possible to track possition of cell phone owner in Tunisisia if you have its phone number? I mean to locate the exact possiotion? Who is able to do that there ? Police or civil services as well? Guys, please I need quick anwear! It is about fugitive, who is runnig for her life.",,,,,,2019-12-11 12:58:58 e970a3,,25,The benevolence of the French in North Africa,,,,,,,2019-12-11 13:19:59 e97ccz,,5,Where to get a tattoo in Tunis ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-11 13:50:55 e9fvug,,8,"Politicians attack Tourism Minister René Trabelsi for saying ""90% of Israeli religious tourists are of Tunisian origin. They should be allowed to come""",,,,,,,2019-12-12 00:25:32 e9fzb7,,1,L’APCAFT présente son initiative 2020 pour la francophonie en Tunisie,,,,,,,2019-12-12 00:32:36 e9kmnv,,6,"TUNISIA TRAVEL VLOG 🇹🇳|Part 4/8| Kairouan ,the drive to tozeur and GOOD FOOD !",,,,,,,2019-12-12 07:48:24 e9kryx,,28,Caged Tunisians in French human zoos (1907),,,,,,,2019-12-12 08:05:23 e9oede,,0,hiiii,,,,,,,2019-12-12 14:41:20 e9rbvo,,9,Are there any aspie Tunisians here?,(have asperger's syndrome),,,,,,2019-12-12 18:19:38 e9wn23,,21,Tunisian Female Gamers,"Hey y’all! My husband recently bought me a gaming PC, and I’m looking to make new friends and play games with some folks. So I guess I’m just seeing if there are any other Tunisian females that game on PC, feel free to shoot me a message!",,,,,,2019-12-13 00:59:56 ea1pgz,,3,"BCT : ""La Tunisie a les moyens de devenir un hub technologique régional""",,,,,,,2019-12-13 09:08:58 ea1u7d,,7,Tunisie-Allemagne : 300 Md€ destinés aux projets de développement,,,,,,,2019-12-13 09:25:46 ea4x83,,12,"request for help, refugee detention","Hello I need your help Basic figures: Girl, escaped from Libya, crossed the border by plane, legally. Escaped becasue of life threating circumstances. She went for a meeting in to that organization: []( &#x200B; Since she had gone to that facility the contact has been lost. Phone is not available. I called that facility and the only information that I got is that she was there, she is safe and they detained her under some national organization . &#x200B; My questions are: \- as she went legally in to Tunisia what might be the cause of detention? \- what the procedures are? she will be placed in to some refugee camp if she admitted that she have run away from her country? Please if someone is familiar with those procedures let me know.",,,,,,2019-12-13 14:51:42 ea9rsc,,3,What’s the story behind the story of Tunisair’s problems?,The company has been struggling for years. There has got to be something to do to save it.,,,,,,2019-12-13 20:58:04 eaifol,,32,[OFF TOPIC] China muslim genocide,"Why don’t we hear anything about the China concentration camps? Just because they’re Muslims and not jewish/christian or whatever. It’s a shame the Arab world doesn’t even pay attention to it. I know there is not a lot they can do. But they still talk about the holocaust from WWll when there is one happening right now. Muslims are being put in cages like dogs they do messed up things with them like sew their eyes together,castrate men etc. I know we have our own problems and all that but that does not mean we can ignore getting people killed just because of their religion. I know it is off topic but i then again i feel guilty that our country doesn’t show any support",,,,,,2019-12-14 10:57:27 eailcx,,19,When eyes tell stories deeper than words..[True Story],"(Tunis,''Barchalouna'' ) ,yesterday,around 18:40 pm. It was very cold. I was by the end of the sidewalk waiting for the train to arrive. She was just standing there alone in the middle of the crowd. by the time the train arrived, i found myself standing close to her waiting for the doors to open. &#x200B; i was waiting for all the people to get inside since they were rushing in like a herd of sheep.After a while, I thought i was the last one outside, but she was standing behind me, it's like she wanted to be the last one to get on the train. i stepped back and indicated to her, using a hand sign,that she can enter before me.She stared at me for a second then got into the train. as i was looking for a place to sit,i noticed that the seat next to her was empty, but i sat on the other side of the wagon but close enough for me to see her,because i didn't want to seem creepy. I was starring at her reflection on the window glass. i noticed that she didn't keep her eyes off me too.So i decided to look straight at her,but She just kept looking at me without making any facial expressions,i couldn't really tell if she liked me or the complete opposite. She had a kind of understated beauty, Her face was youthful but it wasn't simple to understand, it was not fresh, but it was mild.She was wearing this small glowing septum piercing. Against her pale yet flawless skin,She had a deep brown hair with an effortlessly made ponytail. As i was staring at her,i could feel the sadness lurking within her beautiful yet ambiguous dark hazel eyes, they were giving a glare that was freezing my bones. I wanted to smile at her everytime we made eye contact but i just couldn't, her stare just brought sadness to my soul, i felt like i had a taste of what she was feeling, it's like she was Traumatized or afraid of something even though she was keeping a straight face. thirty minutes into the trip.she left her seat and stood next to the door,and guess what? she was still staring at's like she was giving me a sign, So i did the same, and i headed her way. I wanted to talk to her, ask her..anything. But there were other people standing next to us, i was hesitating to say something.She kept her head down as she was looking towards me.She's even prettier upclose. The train stopped, Doors opened,it's ''Rades'' the station where most of passengers leave ,she made that last eye contact with me and then got off the train,I followed her with my eyes as she threaded her way in and out of the crowd. I didn'know what to do, i wanted to talk to her but i felt like it was too late. but just before the train closed its doors,i jumped out of the train.It's not where i live,what am i doing? This is not like me. I'm always good at talking to girls and i have no problem initiating the conversation with them, but this felt so different. But i wasn't thinking at the moment all what i wanted was to reach the girl but the place was very crowded,i looked everywhere but all i saw was other faces.I was too late, she's gone.I closed my eyes and sighed in desperation. Next thing i knew, the station was empty, no one was around, it was freezing and i only had a hoodie on. The cold moves in only to meet the warmth of my blood,i sat there, alone in the dark, regretting my hesitation, I had still not recovered from her intense stare. It's funny,you say, not a single word was spoken..Yet all these feelings unleashed..",,,,,,2019-12-14 11:17:48 eamiae,,1,And look who is in the list too (strange ranking though...) ...,,,,,,,2019-12-14 17:28:57 eamlqa,,1,I'd be interested to know the exact local value-added % of this car.,,,,,,,2019-12-14 17:36:10 eao6pi,,45,"A nice sunset from our nice Tunisia , can you guess the place?",,,,,,,2019-12-14 19:37:04 eaqw13,,3,Tunisia a good place to invest?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-14 23:09:54 ear3e5,,6,Speaking English in every day life,"Hello everyone, I am just wondering if I am the only one who hates it when people communicate using English in their every day convos with other Tunisians, why do people use English if they're talking to a fellow Tunisian who would understand them in their native language?",,,,,,2019-12-14 23:26:48 eawjzq,,8,"Good morning Tunisia, I happy to share with you guys the latest video I did, it's actually a language challange Tunisian vs Bosnian. Your comments are most welcome, thanks",,,,,,,2019-12-15 08:27:09 eaz7y3,,97,"A group of Fallaga led by Lazher Chraiti, taken around 1952/1953.",,,,,,,2019-12-15 13:58:06 eb1g3m,,12,"If you were Prime Minister of Tunisia, what would you actually do?","If you were the Prime Minister of Tunisia and had a majority in Parliament, what would you actually do?",,,,,,2019-12-15 17:08:46 eb28la,,2,Joe Luciano - Aliback,,,,,,,2019-12-15 18:06:13 eb3dd4,,7,Falgatna : flashmob féministe contre les agressions sexuelles [Vidéo],,,,,,,2019-12-15 19:30:36 eb4zod,,1,إدا حصلت على هادا الراتب في سويسرا فأنت فقيرا توضيحات مهمة و في آخر الفي...,,,,,,,2019-12-15 21:27:44 ebjw35,[0]=68.ARA6u0uBFOaDP4VEXBdWMbCp1g8jyDIlTGakySGA3WpcfL8PwNY7-Kbhc94B2LMxIG3618U5i6KdJPQ7W2P_RQSde2_KtovmkoYgOlxNp5G1yRUoEIz_ntPCNxtxggS4oGwVoFnV3MK18-unc_OOIaacY_QOqSpNwvaPTIgbUkHC0JgbynZmX4MO3Ka7fIVmsYttVScAtuJX2tJst38xlN2ZONC0hR8AgazpOxBuV4hqQfTZRifcOz3jIPs1is0UtQOes45fhmjymd3QkXYBZAdQx171u0kqi79dWRzuwBAvKUw1ZM1U_qe6ja3rgtdjYMzobIUDlkhtyAIqS-XkkgfaFIEOuViSll9NPw&__tn__=-R,0,Omar Shabou on Bourguiba,,,,,,,2019-12-16 19:33:17 ebno2k,,12,What’s a good link(s) for Tunisian movies? I appreciate the tips and sorry if the question was asked before.,PopcornTv time is a good source for all others:,,,,,,2019-12-17 00:09:28 ebo24j,,2,Dowry law,"Is the dowry (mahr) still a requirement for a marriage to be legal? I remember a law project for making it a choice but im not sure if it is now applicable or still being worked on? Would appreciate any clarifications on this issue",,,,,,2019-12-17 00:39:56 ebo3c1,,1,Miss World 2019 — (14/12/2019),,,,,,,2019-12-17 00:42:26 ebufko,,30,I love the recent tournaments and events related to Esports,"I read about teams that joined the Esport Foundation, the previous and upcoming tournaments with cash prize that include a lot of games like League of Legends, free fire, Street Fighter, Pro Evolution Soccer , Smash Brothers, tekken and Dragon Ball fighterz. That also events and tournaments like Retro Gaming which is for old games I am really glad that it's starting to take off and I hope it becomes more popular in the future. Especially with sponsors like Orange",,,,,,2019-12-17 11:00:50 ec2g0i,,12,What are some attractions i can go to with my friends? (aside from escape room),,,,,,,2019-12-17 21:37:51 ec2mz5,,1,Tinder in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-17 21:51:20 ec5qbc,,48,The strategic solution to Tunisia’s littering problem. You are welcome!,,,,,,,2019-12-18 01:44:32 ec88az,,5,Unbelievable audio. At par with the Kamel Ltaief audio and Nabil Karoui audio. All need to be in jail...,,,,,,,2019-12-18 05:21:59 ecae3v,,3,Camping places in Tunisia?,What are the best and safest camping places in Tunisia for 3 amateur guys?,,,,,,2019-12-18 09:28:13 ecceg2,,45,Bagra?,,,,,,,2019-12-18 13:08:40 ecluca,,13,"Video taken in Tunisia, can you guess the city?",,,,,,,2019-12-19 01:18:54 ecnbmm,,3,Nice video to watch when missing home,,,,,,,2019-12-19 03:20:01 ecq46t,,5,"Sami fehri /maryem debbagh the audio record, has again showed haw our country works","Is it a scandal? Absolutely not, we all knowed that we live in a very corrupt environment",,,,,,2019-12-19 07:49:06 ecqbb0,,25,"Digital infrastructure is killing me slowly, Its time to take some actions","since the Tunisian government is shutting down every project that can help this poor country and rejecting youth from pursuing their dreams into digitalization ( don't be misled with all that conferences and tv talk what really happens in real life is all the way around ) I am dedicating some of my free time to do something that can help this country in any way I can! otherwise ill get a heart attack sitting down doing nothing seeing all this shit happening all around! where countries skyrocketed from nothing to marvelous positions using IT in their everyday life, here were still stuck in pen and paper and ""arja3 ghodwa"" 20th-century shit! it's already 2020 and digitalization is the way to go there no workaround. &#x200B; long story short : think of anything that trouble you every day and you wish that were some app or site that can help you make your life in this shithole a little bit happier! ill be so pleased to implement any good idea as soon as possible and make it available to this beautiful nation to use! feel free to reply with any idea you may get no matter how silly you think it is, maybe it can make a change ♥ PS: Tunisia is such a gorgeous country, lead by some ignorant corrupted moustachio pointy shoes people, don't get hurt by some of my words! I love this country and its people to the bone! but I swear I'm just in deep rage seeing all the world going forward but yet here we are falling back really hard.",,,,,,2019-12-19 08:12:31 ecth60,,16,"Application to evaluate the government, the president and parliamentary members work","Hello Tunisian Redditors, So, I have an idea that I have been working on it slowly for a while. And I need your advice/thinking about it. I want to solve two major issues: 1. Lack of communication between the politicians and the people. Politicians don't really listen to people and try to understand what they really want. 2. Organization of all demands that the people needs. So it came the idea that I create an applications that allow people to evaluate every politician, people can like/dislike a politician and add a comment, and then see what ***score*** that politician have in ***real-time***. There'll be a section that allow people to add a demand (مطالب شعبية) and allow people too to vote other demands, demands will be sorted based on their score (how many positive votes). Any person has the choice to use the app anonymously or reveal whatever information he wants, there will be a technique that prevent any person to use his device for multiple persons (false data). In summary, it will be 4 section: 1. President, to evaluate and comment the president work 2. Parliamentary members, to evaluate and comment the work of each member. 3. Government, to evaluate and comment the work of each minister 4. Demands, to let people add/vote demands.. I think it will be a good start since digital services are absent in Tunisia. The app will be non-profitable (no ads, no money needs to be paid). So, what do you think and suggest? :)",,,,,,2019-12-19 13:53:28 ecvc6g,,2,Miss World 2019 12 finalists and the winner is announced,,,,,,,2019-12-19 16:15:05 ecywx4,,2,Gabes Tunisia,"Hello guys, hope you're doing great I'm coming on an internship in Gabes and wanted to get more informations about the town. Are there fun places to hangout, are people open minded, do they sell alcohol and cigarettes there ?",,,,,,2019-12-19 20:30:11 ecztck,,0,AFD : La francophonie qui vous veut du bien ! - African Manager,,,,,,,2019-12-19 21:34:03 ed5l2c,,1,تركيبة لجنة الطاقة و الثروات الطبيعية التي سيتم تركيزها اليوم و رئاستها مُنحت لعبير موسي...,,,,,,,2019-12-20 05:19:50 ed5lbr,,5,تركيبة لجنة الطاقة و الثروات الطبيعية التي سيتم تركيزها اليوم و رئاستها مُنحت لعبير موسي...,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-20 05:20:34 ed7754,,0,Are there any delivery places in sfax,"Kind of food doesn't really matter, just need some sort of delivery food",,,,,,2019-12-20 08:03:58 ed7juu,,7,"Is there a Library downtown or where I can find some rare ""parascolaire""?",,,,,,,2019-12-20 08:44:54 ed7qxk,,4,Why Tinder in @Tunisia is all about sex and 9ohb m3iz !??,,,,,,,2019-12-20 09:07:37 ed9ne6,,1,TUNISIA Discord Server is ready to go! we only need your presence now,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-20 12:36:56 ed9rr9,,4,Please consider joining my humble discord server,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-20 12:48:15 ed9w9p,,6,Please consider joining my humble discord server,,,,,,,2019-12-20 13:00:02 edasyu,,17,How can we do this?,,,,,,,2019-12-20 14:21:22 edcpcy,,0,ههههه,,,,,,,2019-12-20 16:52:54 edrpz8,,4,TUNISIA TRAVEL VLOG 🇹🇳|Part 5/8| Chebika Oasis and How we got a SIM card in Tunisia,,,,,,,2019-12-21 16:17:05 eds169,,9,How to buy from Amazon ? Is there any card i can get from the post office that pays internationally ?,,,,,,,2019-12-21 16:41:38 edtxze,,3,This music vide wasn't necessarily about Tunisia but was shot here so I think that's pretty cool...,,,,,,,2019-12-21 19:11:34 edu63p,,1,‫what's going on ?? - شحنة القمح الأوكراني‬ .. when will the government realize that The minister of agriculture is stupid and incompetent,,,,,,,2019-12-21 19:29:48 eduu49,,5,We need Burger King in Tunisia because we don’t have enough obesity.,"WTF is wrong with these so called businessmen spending a fortune just to get a franchise? Edit: The franchise fee is $50,000, and requires a total investment of anywhere between $316,100 and $2,660,600. Franchise agreements include an additional royalty fee of 4.5%. That’s a colossal investment in terms of Dinars, and I’m not judging but I’m still baffled because these so called businessmen have zero-vision, and zero-strategic aptitude to CREATE a business, so what they do? They rent one. What a bunch of fucking losers.",,,,,,2019-12-21 20:23:20 eduwi7,,0,ههههه,,,,,,,2019-12-21 20:28:53 edv7g7,,5,Predict Economy state,"Hi all:) As most of you know, Tunisia has a new president (Kais Said) who will be holding that position for 5 years (the mandate duration). Do you think we'll face an economic recession, a boom or a stagnation throughout the upcoming 5 years?",,,,,,2019-12-21 20:53:49 edwbu9,,64,Stunning photo,,,,,,,2019-12-21 22:26:54 ee8z7y,,1,First,,,,,,,2019-12-22 19:20:56 ee95fv,,21,who is watching Witcher on Netflix guys!?,,,,,,,2019-12-22 19:34:22 ee9etm,,1,SABATON - Seven Pillars Of Wisdom (shot and edited in Tunisia),[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-22 19:55:06 eebnh6,,2,"No, Ennahdha is not taking over the country",[removed],,,,,,2019-12-22 22:52:46 eec86q,,2,Internet data in Tunisia,"Hello guys, i'm looking for more insights on internet data in Tunisia Are there offers for 4g with unlimited internet data? and how much are the offers available ? thank you",,,,,,2019-12-22 23:40:55 eedett,,1,رحلة في قلب الإتجار بالمعينات المنزليات القاصرات في تونس - Good investigation from InkyFada,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-23 01:21:32 eediyt,,6,"Interview with outgoing Prime Minister Youssef Chahed - He reflects on what he achieved, what he couldn't do, and the challenges the next team will face",,,,,,,2019-12-23 01:31:31 eedt5b,,0,"This is fantastic, and you would also ask wtf. Enjoy.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-23 01:55:26 eelovz,,16,Anyone using this app in Tunisia? It Seemed Like a Popular Chat App. It’s Secretly a Spy Tool.,,,,,,,2019-12-23 15:05:19 eelpbz,,1,"A community where you can debate politics and religion , share your thoughts and interests in a friendly civilized environment and also meet new people, we welcome people who are both for and against secularism So please feel free to join.",[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-23 15:06:21 eennmw,,8,Do you still trust him ? cause i dont.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-23 17:34:01 eerpgy,,89,I love this country.,"I'll be fast. I love this country and nobody can change my mind. - Few days ago, i was walking home at night from work, a collective Taxi just stopped by and a girl was crying accusing a man of touching her. So unlucky for that men she was living in my neighbourhood and a bunch of young men were near her, and hell's gate just opened, he got his ass whooped and dragged to the police station. Goddamt i felt so fcking good to see that shit in front of me. - This happened to me tonight, i was so sick i had to take a shot in the E.R nearby where i live. I felt dizzy i couldn't yell or speak out loud, i grabbed a little boy arm who was sitting next to me and gave him a card with the name of the shot i took and told him im going to collapse. Indeed i collapsed, the boy started the quest and i saw him talking to the nurse before i shutdown. While on the emerald dream i kept hearing the voices of ppl trying to help me, water, juice, sugar, and everything. Few minutes later the engine started again, i thanked everyone personally and wished them a very good night. Idk why i wanted to share this. Peace. Edit: ty for my first silver.",,,,,,2019-12-23 22:29:31 ef3rbp,,3,Rapid poste,"I used rapid poste to send a package, i made a mistake by writing the wrong postal code number. Will the package be delivered to the correct address ?",,,,,,2019-12-24 16:46:58 ef3xz5,,2,Need help on this,"Looking for more info about this training center ASAP , I tried to contact them multiple times for the past month, by phone, email, no response. Any thoughts, info, advice would be helpful and appreciated. Centre Sectoriel de Formation en Electricité et en Maintenance des Equipements Biomédicaux de Tunis   Adresse: 45, Avenue 9 avril 1000 Tunis Téléphone: 71563621-71569845 Fax: 71569966 Email:",,,,,,2019-12-24 17:00:58 ef59zl,,71,r/UnexpectedTunisian ?,,,,,,,2019-12-24 18:41:28 ef5mg2,,1,الحضره الشرعيه الصوفيه المصريه ٢٠١٩,,,,,,,2019-12-24 19:07:55 ef8xf9,,3,Question about moving to germany with french bac,I heard you need 13 average with french bac? Is this true? Any of you have relatives or friends that went to germany recently for school? Do u need 13 average to get accepted for visa?,,,,,,2019-12-24 23:39:47 ef97zk,,1,"This country is fucked tried to work as a firefighter got refused for my age ,in europe the max age is 30 years old what's wrong with those old fat idiots who running this country..",[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-25 00:04:43 efenq3,,25,Boomers in facebook are just killing me,"As we all heared,pupils between 6 and 15 yo gonna study sex education soon in certain cities but boomers took this from a negativ view and they are just complaining thinking thats a bad thing to study and its really very CRINGY!",,,,,,2019-12-25 09:39:45 eff69d,,3,Tunisians -Call You Tell Me Famous/Favourite Poem From Your Country ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-25 10:46:15 effs8v,,0,توضيح هام جدا,,,,,,,2019-12-25 12:05:40 efgkff,,1,Surprise!,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-25 13:38:08 efh66o,,23,Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone.,Don’t forget to watch Die Hard. It’s a tradition 😁👍🎄🎁🍻,,,,,,2019-12-25 14:39:03 efh8xp,,6,"All the medias that employ words like ""COUP"" when there was no coup","They are contributing to fear mongering among the population to justify clicks. Fear is the worst thing that can happen to a society. It's favorite weapons of demagogues. Fear is used to justify violence. It's a disgrace.",,,,,,2019-12-25 14:46:17 efibih,,4,Yay.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-25 16:21:23 efiocl,,1,What are your plans for climate change?,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-25 16:51:06 efjhvw,هذا_علاش_فري_فاير_لازم_تتمنع_من_تونس/,3,هذا علاش فري فاير لازم تتمنع من تونس,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-25 17:57:24 efjl8e,,0,😍😍,,,,,,,2019-12-25 18:04:49 eflvbd,لتقوية_اللثة_ومنع_تساقط_الأسنان/,1,لتقوية اللثة ومنع تساقط الأسنان,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-25 21:10:35 efpn3x,,1,May I suggest a Democracy Themed Tunisian Discord Server?,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-26 02:42:00 efqyoo,,2,"An Indian in Sidi bou said, Blog post !",,,,,,,2019-12-26 04:45:46 efr2wo,,6,Miss World Tunisia 2019,,,,,,,2019-12-26 04:57:05 efrara,,23,"An American in Ksar Ouled Soltane. I had it to myself, I can't believe it was empty!",,,,,,,2019-12-26 05:18:26 efut9e,,2,Louled chkoun 3andou experience buying customised clothes mel internet ynawarna?,"Websites like Maryouli wale Labasni jit bech nechri ye5i talbou 3liya flous 9bal maye5dmou el produit, Can I trust them?",,,,,,2019-12-26 12:19:15 efvdcw,,3,Hey am I hallucinating or the Bled 's become a real shithole ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-26 13:22:32 efvfpt,,1,wholesome picture,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-26 13:29:47 efvhso,,3,كيف ستدرّس تونس الجنس في المناهج التربوية,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-26 13:36:01 efwwj8,,2,Good hiking trails fi tounes?,ma3andi hatta fakra w jamais mchit lhal. Curious ken famma chkoun fikom ya3ref blayes behin w surtout ndhaf. Genre menghir khtar tihan w kol w menghir khtar brakaget etc.,,,,,,2019-12-26 15:47:06 efxan9,,1,Cheap cafes in more expensive places,"Hello, does anyone know if there are cheap cafés in places like La marsa,Le lac l&ll, Carthage etc. With cheap cafes i mean places where a shisha is not more expensive then 3 dinars.",,,,,,2019-12-26 16:18:13 efxo0r,,8,[Testing] Simple Questions/Answers Thread,"Hello everyone, some of you recently brought to our attentions the abundance of the [Question/Help] threads in the sub. While we still encourage people to make threads about anything they judge worth bringing up, I can see why it could be frustrating to have the whole frontpage covered in the same kind of threads. In the current system, questions that bring up a good discussion are given the same weight as those who ask about where to buy a bicycle in Tunis and answered within an hour. Exemples of questions that have their own threads but could totally fit here instead : So we're testing this new thread to create a space where you can ask those quick questions. **If you're reading this far, we encourage you to check this thread once in a while to check for new questions that you could help with (the thread will be sorted by new).** For now we will not be changing any rules and we'll see how this thread works out!",,,,,,2019-12-26 16:48:24 efz6ip,,1,المنشد احمد عكاشه فى بنها مصر,,,,,,,2019-12-26 18:46:34 efzufa,,35,"Daily Reminder that if you don't like politicians and have strong motivation, you have the freedom to organize and replace them. Anyone with strong will can do it. People died for this. Never forget.",,,,,,,2019-12-26 19:38:27 eg066s,,1,What is this ?,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-26 20:03:26 eg985l,,10,"Mes numéros ma responsabilité: permet à chaque abonné de téléphonie mobile d’avoir une visibilité sur tous les numéros sous sa responsabilité et liés à son identité, et ce, via le code USSD commun : * 186 * numéro de carte d’identité nationale #",,,,,,,2019-12-27 09:43:25 egariy,,52,"Ahmed Bey II of Tunis with his entourage on the steps of Bardo Palace, circa 1938.",,,,,,,2019-12-27 12:45:56 egbv19,,16,Do you think Tunisia staying neutral regarding the Libyan conflict is the right thing to do ?,"Inb4 this gets downvoted but shouldn't we try and support the GNA ( UN recognized gov ) against the warlord guy who is basically a wannabe dictator ? I feel like the least we can do ( being an example of democracy and human rights in the region ) is support them diplomatically . I'm by no means a fan of erdogan but I'm honestly fine with them using our soil for logistics should they decide to deploy troops ( we already have Americans here but hey no one cares because it wasn't published on mosaique right ? ) .",,,,,,2019-12-27 14:36:00 egcxvo,,0,فوائد واستخدامات الشوكولاطة,,,,,,,2019-12-27 16:08:02 egdbkw,,6,Who is up for a group gathering tonight: drinks and all on me,,,,,,,2019-12-27 16:37:50 egf25u,,17,Airing dirty laundry,"Have you noticed illy a7na incomplainiou 3ala bledna lil barany? Lyouma barka,we7ed tounsy 9oddemy yejbed teliphounou iwary li ""sa7bou"" francaoui compilation mta3 mo9adimat fil telvsa illy elfrancais mete3hom elmkasser et i9oulou chou hal 7outhela elfrancais mete3hom et imout bil dohk. Mil awel elfrancaoui ma3arfech ichya3mil ama bde yad7ak. Li ma3loumetekom lena fi franca wala Tounes wala belgiquiya. Ye5i, la3bed illy them fil bledha 9odem barany elle ne pense pas ou quoi.imaginy inty we7ed min thailand ijy 9ollek bledy 5amja cha3bna jehel mafamech nidam, ye5i iza7. Hetha fucking mosta3mer ken i7ot fi jedek fi ZOO HUMAIN. Fibelek houa ne9ess istekbar? Ti houma ya9raw fi kotobethom illy houma jaw ""civilizawna"" illy labsouna et waklouna. Donc please, 3andy i9tira7 ken fama post 3ala touness rant wala 7ata criticism constructif bjah illy 3ez alikom 5alliweh bil darja. Thanks",,,,,,2019-12-27 18:48:33 eglpdk,,4,Rough justice [Fighting inequality & oppression in Tunisia],,,,,,,2019-12-28 03:47:07 egpqpm,,1,Language Exchange,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-28 11:25:28 egqpjf,,2,One of the most famous musicians in the world made a song about Tunisia few years ago,,,,,,,2019-12-28 13:24:32 egr7pj,,8,what should i study after the baccalaureate?,"im thinking of business or IT but idk if they will ""guarantee"" a good ""life"" (btw mnghir medicine w prepa)",,,,,,2019-12-28 14:17:58 egrnig,,1,De nouveaux langages de programmation plus simples et plus beaux!,,,,,,,2019-12-28 14:59:20 egrrs8,,9,Why are we like this?,"One cannot help but wonder on what led us to be the country we are? ( Anti freedom. anti liberty. uncivil. No social contract. Superstitious. Ignorant.) What are the axioms that led us to an empty voided intellectual life and a shallow reactionary ill guided public discussion? The political and intellectual landscape is formed mostly of Marxists and Romanticised sophists and anti progress cuckoos. There is never ever a deep intellectual debate about the framing of our systems. It is baffling and sad when you look at the discussion that are going on elsewhere about globalism and humanism and the markets and the evolution of ideas and their retracing. While our TVs and internet discussions are only about trivialities of political schemes and surface level policies. I keep hearing that the political class is undergoing an ideological war? How? Where are the ideological arguments? What are the ideologies that exists in Tunisia apart from Marxism and post stalinist socialism? I'm not in any way taking an elitist stand point and looking down infact I just want to know what do people smart enough to use Reddit think about this.",,,,,,2019-12-28 15:09:48 egwi9q,,0,"That Damn ""You"" Actor is sick and Maniac. I wanna take his balls out. #Tunisian_Girl",[removed],,,,,,2019-12-28 21:25:15 egxeqa,,6,Did y'all try the tunisian Uber?,"I recently found out there is a tunisian Uber called Salem, I downloaded the app, but as it asked for my ID number, I didn't go through with it. I was wondering if y'all have tried it. And yes, it's different from Yassir and bolt that are basically Allo taxi in an app, this one is just like Uber in anyone could drive and work as a taxi. Update: I made an account with a fake Id number and a fake name, and it works",,,,,,2019-12-28 22:36:42 egxuw8,,0,Who watched Wayne the series ?,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-28 23:12:35 eh11qw,,14,Fondly name of Tunisia,"Helloo!! So we’re having this school project about researching on some of the North African Countries and one of the categories that was needed for the research was the fondly name of the country. The fondly name is more of a nickname of the country (e.g. Rwanda: Land a thousand hills, Egypt: The gift of the Nile). But when we searched for the fondly name of Tunisia, we couldn’t seemingly find anything on google. So I was wondering if any of you guys have any idea of what the fondly name of the country may be. thankss! Cheerss from the Philippines btw!",,,,,,2019-12-29 03:48:00 eh3xh0,,1,طريقة تحضير حلوى القريوش,,,,,,,2019-12-29 09:05:52 eh53u0,,1,الحضره الصوفيه البيوميه فى بنها قليوبيه,,,,,,,2019-12-29 11:48:19 eh5eka,,30,Thought some of you might enjoy this too. I found it to be quite interesting.,,,,,,,2019-12-29 12:26:20 eh6d7a,,1,Tunisian League: Highest Scoring Teams From 1946 - 2020 الرابطة التونسية المحترفة الأولى لكرة القدم,,,,,,,2019-12-29 14:16:36 eh6u4o,,15,He would have never done it if he was my friend 😤,,,,,,,2019-12-29 15:02:33 eh7if2,,6,any websites similar to tayara?,"i like tayara but sometimes it is limited i cannot find all the ps4 games i look for like bloodborne, i know of ballouchi, and please do not mention tunis annonce, n7eb no5nak elli 3amlou, worst website whoever designed it was dumb, i thought about going to gamezone but all they do is overcharge us, the same game i can get it for 50dt less on tayara, so any CHEAP game shops or websites similar to tayara?",,,,,,2019-12-29 16:01:04 eh9p07,,9,The surprising range of Flamingos. Apparently we're the land of the flamingos.,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-29 18:50:02 ehbjig,,1,The time is ripe for comprehensive reform in Tunisia - This post election phase presents an important window of opportunity for reforming the Tunisian media landscape,[deleted],,,,,,2019-12-29 21:07:37 ehea61,,0,😱😱,,,,,,,2019-12-30 00:34:38 ehiybs,,13,Men's hygiene,"Morning everyone, I hope i don't sound weird by asking these questions, i always went to Carrefour and malls to buy Deodorant and Shaving creams etc... What i wanna know is what's the best place to buy these things for men? What's the best products for Deodorant and Shaving cream specially for private parts? Peace.",,,,,,2019-12-30 07:29:44 ehls9s,,3,Where can I find some nice headphones(Kit)?,"Can someone recommend me some nice earphones and where to buy them,thefe are a lot of brands and types,just need something durable and loud. My budget ia around 40 dt Thanks for the input.",,,,,,2019-12-30 13:02:04 ehp4bb,,70,"The Bey of Tunis, General de Gaulle and General Mast in the courtyard of the bey's summer palace in Carthage, Tunisia, 1943",,,,,,,2019-12-30 17:35:58 ehq3yz,,14,"As a tunisian, from where did u know reddit?",,,,,,,2019-12-30 18:46:17 ehqf2c,,5,Anyone knows some stores that sell casio watches in Tunis ?,,,,,,,2019-12-30 19:07:47 ehs103,,1,المقروط بحشوة التمر,,,,,,,2019-12-30 20:58:17 ei3f13,,1,Baidu surpasse Google en intelligence artificielle,,,,,,,2019-12-31 14:20:54 ei58tt,,0,do u guys use tinder?,"do u use it for hook ups or making new friends? what city are u in?",,,,,,2019-12-31 16:43:00 ei5966,,6,What do you think about this?,,,,,,,2019-12-31 16:43:39 ei5ngr,,9,The progeny of this land,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2019-12-31 17:11:51 ei5pne,,41,Happy new year everyone 🎉🎉😍,,,,,,,2019-12-31 17:16:09 ei6thd,,7,Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers - Night In Tunisia (only related to Tunisia by the name of the song but I wanted to share it nonetheless),,,,,,,2019-12-31 18:34:51 ei77m2,,3,Happy New +F(-Year).,[removed],,,,,,2019-12-31 19:03:21 eidjma,,9,A Guide to the 2019 Presidential Election Candidates - Very interesting material,,,,,,,2020-01-01 03:49:10 eig86t,,34,BONNANNI,,,,,,,2020-01-01 08:41:54 eihyzs,,1,A typical league player bac technique student who goes to germany after graduating,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-01 12:42:21 eizq7d,,1,What are your thoughts about the new governments?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-02 15:39:11 eizqz9,,2,What are your thoughts about the government?,,,,,,,2020-01-02 15:40:55 ej03mc,,17,"Going to Tunisia in a week, what should I be mindfull of ?","Hey all. Sorry for the umpteenth thread like this. I'm an European (Belgian) and will be traveling to Tunisia. Arriving on Tuesday the 7th , leaving on the 14th. Are there things I should be really mindfull of ? Any tips you can give me that can be helpfull ? Are there any big faux pas or customs I'm probably not aware off?",,,,,,2020-01-02 16:08:14 ej4s2w,,10,These guys thinking outside the box to reach the lights,,,,,,,2020-01-02 21:40:04 ej51wp,,0,Organs donation,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-02 21:59:08 ej8bd6,,8,"Wow, that's quite a lot of ghosts here.",,,,,,,2020-01-03 01:59:01 ejapmc,,3,When are we going to ban this guy u/SonOfSahara ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-03 05:13:20 ejce26,,61,I love my country,I love Tunisia and i am sick of other Tunisians shitting on our country. I know our gouvernement is shit and all that but cowardly escaping to Europe isn’t going to make it better. Our country is the most beautiful country rich in history and i am proud to say that i am Tunisian. If you are not happy with the way our country is being ruled then go make a change or at least try. But bitching about how it is shit and blablabla and just waiting for the “right leader” is bullshit. I am in love with this country and i will always defend our flag until the day i die!,,,,,,2020-01-03 07:59:00 eje3qo,,1,''this video is from si lemhaf youtube channel'' i guess the majority of Tunisians agree that ennahdha wlghanouchi are bad omens,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-03 11:17:32 eje4yq,,3,The majority of Tunisians agree that ennahdha wl ghannouchi are decaying our country,"The video is from si lemridh youtube channel",,,,,,2020-01-03 11:21:42 ejeadx,,1,LG développe un téléviseur pliable et descendant,,,,,,,2020-01-03 11:38:28 ejikn2,,39,"20/05/1943: Crowded street in Tunis celebrating the Axis defeat. If not for some chachiyya in the crowds, I wouldn't have guessed this was in Tunisia",,,,,,,2020-01-03 17:27:01 ejil0w,,30,r/Tunisia 12e communauté bilingue français-anglais sur Reddit en 2019,,,,,,,2020-01-03 17:27:51 ejk23a,,2,Seen on Facebook,,,,,,,2020-01-03 19:09:54 ejvrfy,,59,This guy is an infinite memes inspiration,,,,,,,2020-01-04 11:49:02 ejvrvn,,12,My first Intigo ride,,,,,,,2020-01-04 11:50:31 ejw8jy,,4,"How do you get your online purchases from abroad ( Amazon, Ebay..)?",[removed],,,,,,2020-01-04 12:45:17 ek2p7d,,0,[OC] Carte de la francophonie en /r/,,,,,,,2020-01-04 21:21:36 ek3nlg,,1,"The girl on the left trying to make her brother smile because he was crying for not getting a ""chheda"" 😔 this is a rural school and they are 1st and 2nd year.",,,,,,,2020-01-04 22:32:17 ek4fqy,,19,What's your favorite Tunisian Facebook groups/pages?,"I love Reddit but unfortunately, Tunisians don't have a big presence here and rely on Facebook instead. My feed there is filled with cancer boomer content, so I wanna change that do you have any suggestions ? mercie bil msaba9.",,,,,,2020-01-04 23:31:00 ek4u2n,,1,Is it normal that El Wataneya 2 is broadcasting for the million time ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-05 00:01:39 ekf0bg,,42,"Tahar Ben Amar, Aïd el Mouled, Carthage, 8 November 1954",,,,,,,2020-01-05 16:18:00 ekfrp2,,1,السفة بالدجاج والمسكرات,,,,,,,2020-01-05 17:12:10 ekh6en,,5,Coffee shops,"Can someone recommend me some coffee shops to chill and mainly to STUDY around the Manar Manazeh area. THANKS .",,,,,,2020-01-05 18:51:24 ekjvz5,,1,We are ready to the WWIII 💪,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-05 22:13:34 ekmbc6,,0,r/paris 6ème communauté francophone géolocalisée en 2019,,,,,,,2020-01-06 01:09:24 ekwxld,,12,"Is it normal that El Wataneya 2 is broadcasting ""CHOUFLI HAL"" for the million time?",Are we really paying for their crappy old programs ?,,,,,,2020-01-06 17:08:24 ekxq15,,62,"dO nOt UsE aLl cApS iN tItLeS - tUnIsIa iS lOvE, tUnSiA iS lIfE - CheCkmAtE mOdS",,,,,,,2020-01-06 18:05:34 ekzsjv,,1,Hello guys! Am new here so am a bit lost.. Could explain to me this world? What is meant by Karma? How do you if you have any followers? Do we have to hide our real names? What's so special about reddit? In what way is it beneficial? Thanks!,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-06 20:29:43 el2aqk,,1,"I can’t help but always wonder why oh why does the banner include camels’ shadows and Eshebbi? Like, W.T.F? Is that all we got to offer?",[removed],,,,,,2020-01-06 23:23:56 el6zlq,,1,A classic one...,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-07 05:28:21 el8jgd,,1,IPTorrents private tracker invites,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-07 07:57:23 el9738,,11,BEST DAY EVER!! (Meeting Strangers in Tunisia) - How did I miss this!,,,,,,,2020-01-07 09:11:53 elcxkh,نقطة_نظام_you_guys_dont_have_the_reddit_spirit/,4,نقطة نظام: you guys don't have the reddit spirit,"so this is will be mostly about my yesterday post [this one]( The main purpose of it, was to make a simple joke about our sub rule number 4: Do not use all caps in titles.. And fortunately many of you understood it (thx mod for allowing it, you are the real hero, for the people who sill have a humor in them and who upvoted) Second of all, you don't have to be a buzz kill, and show us your knowledge about politics and religion and what not, you guys get triggered so fast and don't see the big picture. It was not a politic discussion in the first place. Your comments were soo 'bizarre'(fb style!), i didn't thought it will get that reaction honestly, specialty from some redditors here. Your comments shows what type of person you are, respect others and be civil, even if you don't share the same thoughts. za7, ta7kiw nhar kemil twensa mayesta3mlouch reddit w dra chnowa.. star rabi mahomech lena, w ntouma eli jeybinha ^9afzin w ta3mlou haka. &nbsp; lastly you need to chill the fuck up, and try to recognize whats a real debate and whats a fun harmless amusement, and don't use your pitchfork, or you will get a hard time here and reddit overall. &nbsp; Or maybe reddit is too advanced for you. ^cya ^later ^virgins.",,,,,,2020-01-07 15:25:25 eldzt3,,9,"Was watching a Show and saw a interesting book title ,Any Idea about this novel ?",,,,,,,2020-01-07 16:44:20 eledkb,,26,Where's the best kiss spot in Tunis?,"Kissing your girlfriend/ boyfriend in public isn't easy that's why i'm asking this question to tell us about you favorite places Can you share with us your favorite kiss spot in Tunis or the whole Tunisia ! The place must be safe ""no snakes"" or the kind of the people who will look at you like your commiting a crime and with a good scenery PS : please keep the ""haram"" and "" 3ib"" comments to yourself",,,,,,2020-01-07 17:11:50 elffi7,,4,Tunisian bf is 7azzar (cringe alert),,,,,,,2020-01-07 18:25:50 elgibz,,6,Who created this sub ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-07 19:41:19 elgpj7,,1,Boukha & Thibarine prices,"Hello, I will be going to le bled in February and i would like to bring back some Boukha & Thibarine as a present. Any idea how much they cost and where i can buy them? Thanks",,,,,,2020-01-07 19:55:16 elihbm,,1,That dress reminds me of something.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-07 21:56:33 elin0m,,1,Funny😹,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-07 22:07:30 elksv1,,0,Carrefour Gabes,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-08 00:43:51 elqdcc,,1,There are lot of samsung smartphone users in Tunisia and news trending about spyware in Samsung smartphones,,,,,,,2020-01-08 09:10:15 elrs88,,1,English-language proficiency,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-08 11:58:37 elrund,,19,The Lablebi pizza it's awesome and better that you could imagine.,,,,,,,2020-01-08 12:05:35 elwbo6,,0,"Why TF is R Fucking Ghannouchi meeting with the Russian ambassador? He is NOT in charge of foreign policy neither is he the fucking president. So, WHY?",,,,,,,2020-01-08 18:05:36 elyqfr,,1,4 outils pour découvrir les meilleurs articles sur Wikipédia,,,,,,,2020-01-08 20:55:34 em0ptv,,1,Biometric passport implementation by country - mid 2019,,,,,,,2020-01-08 23:16:16 em6mau,,3,Help for a presentation about Tunisia,I'm putting together a presentation about Tunisia for a far east Asian country which knows little to nothing about it. What are some fun trivia or facts that I can add? Preferably something I can't look up online. (PS: I'm Tunisian.),,,,,,2020-01-09 07:55:32 em72ie,,7,Tunisia's Thrillingly Boring Elections | Tunisia 4,,,,,,,2020-01-09 08:52:33 em82rl,,21,Tunisian subs,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-09 10:54:53 ema5be,,1,I think this is what our education systems need..,,,,,,,2020-01-09 14:11:46 embjt5,,1,long live Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-09 15:57:50 emdmdb,,5,Living in saudi Arabia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-09 18:21:12 emds5m,,7,Carthage 2.0 ?,"Hey, I have been reading a manga called Kingdom recently. It tells the tale of the unification of ancient china into the qin dynasty. China was a territory compromised of really similar but also different 7 states which had their own monarchs ruling over them. I cant help but draw a parallel to this story. I dont think the unification of all arab countries is a very good idea since the countries are really different and the common point is mostly only Islam. For example Saudi arabia and Morocco are as different as Russia and france and I don't think it's a wise idea to merge these pairs. But Algeria, tunisia and libya are extremely similar. The difference between someone from Tunis and someone from Tataouine is even bigger than the difference between that man from Tunis and a man from Algiers. So could the unification of these three countries ever occur ? If so do you think the new country will be more powerful or will it eat itself from the inside out ?",,,,,,2020-01-09 18:32:16 emfq79,,1,"Why TF did R Fucking Mohamed Ennaceur meet with the Russian ambassador as President of Parliament? He is NOT in charge of foreign policy neither is he the fucking president. So, WHY?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-09 20:50:58 emfwck,,4,"Why TF did M Fucking Ennaceur meet with the Russian ambassador as President of Parliament? He was NOT in charge of foreign policy neither was he the fucking president. So, WHY?",,,,,,,2020-01-09 21:02:40 emmyp8,,7,"TIL that Steven Spielberg, while filming Raiders of the Lost Ark in Tunisia, avoided the dysentery that afflicted Harrison Ford &amp; most of the cast &amp; crew. Spielberg's secret weapon? The suitcases full of SpaghettiOs he brought with him on the shoot.",,,,,,,2020-01-10 06:15:21 emn8u0,,12,hello nice people,"hello nice people how are you ? so im new in this community, inasmuch our tourists recession . i've an idea can help us to recognize our beautiful country. as the majority know our country it's pleasant and amazing, regardless our community crisis because of the dirty political game... but as Shakespeare said '' The **world belongs to optimists**; the **pessimists are only spectators**. '' so the game is each one of us from diffrents region or from the same, update a picture and title it i hope my idea you pleasant and maybe it can be cause of increase our tourists section and may allah protects us and hope you guys jomma mubarkk :))",,,,,,2020-01-10 06:44:10 emod5d,,16,English-language proficiency,"Hi there ! I'm new to reddit and i didn't even know there are Tunisian sub . Anyway as i was browsing r. I was surprised! Actually impressed with everything have been said here of your english language, writing skills and strong vocabulary .however, i'm a second year student of English Business ( انقليزية أعمال) and all subjects require a great level of english skills and sometimes i feel my english never feel good enough .That Being said , i'm not really that bad but i'am still struggling to master it especially in writing strategy and my mind gets blank .heck i hate the merely vocabulary and i'm trying hard to improve it but still.After YEARS of studying and studying, going to school, and even paying for classes,why is my english still not as good as i want it to be? I blame our Tunisian educational system base on the old way of teaching English, which is too focused on logic,grammar rules, structure, complex sentences and analytical thinking which is too confusing . i really want to be able to speak english fluently and to write articles and topics like you .how do i improve it ? What are some tips and how was your english journey from basic to advanced ? What the most difficult part you faced in the process of learning english ?i am sorry for asking so many questions . i appreciate your time in responding to whatever you can when you are able to find time.",,,,,,2020-01-10 08:54:50 emoqh7,,1,It reminds me of something,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-10 09:39:39 empsyx,,1,Sex toys,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-10 11:38:15 emqjmy,,1,"Jara Mosque in Tunisia: the minaret is covered with Arabic calligraphy by a ""calligraffiti"" artist eL Seed",[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-10 12:53:47 emr0fy,,2,Trying to find an old Tunisian biscuit ad (TV commercial),"My friend once when he was a kid had a role in an Ad (TV commercial) and we are trying to find it, the clues that I have about the ad are: \-It's for a Tunisian biscuit (As the title state) \-There is a **lion** in it and the kids try to scare it after eating the biscuit \-It was aired in early 2000s (maybe between 2002 - 2004) \-He think that the biscuit brand was ""Chocotom"" or ""Saida Major"" (not sure though) \-Most likely it was aired during Ramadan &#x200B; We searched YouTube and Google with all the terms we can think of but we found nothing, so if someone have any more clues or knows the ad please let me know. Thanks",,,,,,2020-01-10 13:37:26 emrlo8,,4,What Music genres/bands/songs do you listen to ?,"I personally listen to everything but predominantly prog,hard rock/progressive,thrash,heavy,folk metal/old school rap/classical (Favorite song from each band) Rock: Pink floyd (echoes) Guns n Rose's (live and let die) King crimson (21st century schizoid man) Rush (fly by night) Genesis (dancing with the moonlight knight) The Smiths (there is a light that never goes out) Nirvana (lithium) Queen (somebody to love) Slowdive (summerdaze) Cigarettes after sex (apocalypse) The who (baba o'riley) Metal: Opeth (harlequin forest) Dream theater (about to crash) Tool (stinkfist) Iron maiden (for the greater good of god) Black sabbath (war pigs) Avenged sevenfold (the beast and the harlot) Metallica (master of puppets) Megadeth (holy wars...the punishment due) Burzum (dunkelheit) Bathory (one rode to asa bay) Mastodon (toe to toes) Gojira (l'enfant sauvage) System of a down (question!) Rap: Nas (N.Y state of mind) Tupac (pain) Biggie (notorious thugs) Mobb deep (shook ones) NWA (gangsta gangsta) Ice cube (no vaseline) Onefour (spot the difference) Classical Bach (goldberg variations) Vivaldi (four seasons) Tchaikovsky (waltz of the flowers)",,,,,,2020-01-10 14:25:34 ems5pa,,1,الحرب العالمية - HOW TO SURVIVE A NUCLEAR WAR,,,,,,,2020-01-10 15:06:46 emtk0d,,0,"The truth about Tunisia - Vlog 46: smelly, the fod is terible and trash everywhere",,,,,,,2020-01-10 16:46:23 emv29u,,7,Visiting the UK from Tunisia,"First of all I’m sorry if this isn’t allowed I’m just struggling to find much information on it My girlfriend lives in Tunisia and I live in the UK, I’ve been to Tunisia but she wants to come and visit the UK She told me apparently that I need to send her some kind of invitation type thing, a document of some kind for her visa application but I have no idea what this is or how to get it Does anyone have any experience travelling from Tunisia to the UK? She will only be staying 2 weeks",,,,,,2020-01-10 18:31:45 emvoek,,23,Tunisian-Americans?,"Hi everyone, I'm a 28 year old first-generation American, my parents came from Tunisia in the 80s, and I was just wondering how many of you are Tunisian-American? The numbers I've seen (most seem to be <10,000) are very small, I can count on one hand how many other Tunisians I've met here, and I'm just genuinely curious about the Tunisian diaspora here in America.",,,,,,2020-01-10 19:15:36 emvsrh,,3,"According to the Henley passport index of 2020, Tunisian passport is ranked 74th globally, the 7th of Arab countries and the 1st among Maghreb countries",,,,,,,2020-01-10 19:24:31 emy8vs,,38,سقطت حكومة الجملي,,,,,,,2020-01-10 22:21:38 emyljg,,2,Le Maroc ambitionne de généraliser l'anglais à la place du français? quand est notre tour de nous réveiller,,,,,,,2020-01-10 22:48:11 emyrzu,,10,Tunisia qualifies for the men's volleyball tournament at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.,,,,,,,2020-01-10 23:02:01 emyzfr,,23,"Jara Mosque in Tunisia: the minaret is covered with Arabic calligraphy by a ""calligraffiti"" artist El Seed",,,,,,,2020-01-10 23:17:10 en5dl3,,8,"I believe that this may be the worst time to share this , but let me know down below haw you think about it . thanks for the support Tunisia",,,,,,,2020-01-11 09:22:50 en7ym1,,2,Pseudo-modernist and Left parties in Tunisia have the same talking points as far right movements in europe. The biggest threat that we face is keeping the democratic system that we FINALLY have.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-11 14:21:59 en8k0h,,1,Tunisie : le Parlement rejette le gouvernement proposé par Habib Jemli,,,,,,,2020-01-11 15:14:09 enbbem,,23,What are Tunisians’ impressions of Japan?,and stereotypes.,,,,,,2020-01-11 18:44:31 enjed9,,2,Rejet du gouvernement de Habib Jemli en Tunisie: Nabil Karoui à la manœuvre,,,,,,,2020-01-12 05:19:10 enmsyt,,1,American woman visiting Tunisian fiance,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-12 12:17:35 enmw17,,1,Hotel Stays,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-12 12:27:33 enmxv4,,1,"Hi there, I’m an Australian looking to visit Tunisia in June/July. I just wanted to find out from locals if the International festivals of Carthage and/or Sousse are worth going to or not. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks",[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-12 12:33:19 ennd7v,,1,Some events held in celebration of the new Amazigh year 2970,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-12 13:20:09 ennkdd,,77,"Palm dates seller, Tunisia, Around 1938.",,,,,,,2020-01-12 13:40:57 ennpr2,,18,"Monastir, Karaya, 1961",,,,,,,2020-01-12 13:55:38 enpg7f,,1,My last year in high school and I’m gettin depression vibes...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-12 16:24:18 ensy6y,,10,Looking for an Authentic Cookbook,"Hey everyone, I'm an American who is in love with Tunisian cooking and I'm looking for a cookbook online but the ones on Amazon have little to no reviews. So I was wondering if you have any sites or books that you would recommend???",,,,,,2020-01-12 20:32:00 ent5l2,,22,Am I the only one who thinks Tunisians are way too unfamiliar with reddit?,"This does apply the other platforms as well, why aren't Tunisians familiar with popular platforms such as twitch, tumblr, twitter, Pintrest, Foursquare, StumbleUpon, REVERB, Buzznet... there are many more I could name. With 67% of the population using internet, which puts it in second spot in Africa (Behind Kenya), and which puts it higher than the world average. It's not that we don't use internet, it's that we don't use it to it's full diversity. Internet isn't just Facebook and YouTube.",,,,,,2020-01-12 20:46:01 enudjc,,0,Poll: Is your mentality more Tunisian or Western?,"The sense I get from this subreddit is that most people here are the latter. So let me pose this question to everyone on here: psychologically, are you more Tunisian or Western? I'd like to know what kind of mentalities exist and how that might influence opinions on politics, social issues, etc. on this Reddit.",,,,,,2020-01-12 22:09:56 envmb6,,6,Hey what'd you choose between staying with your family or going to live alone once you have a stable income ?,,,,,,,2020-01-12 23:38:52 enwl0r,,18,Didn't know as much tunisians speak english,As a tunisian i didn't realize how many tunisians speak English and this subriddit makes me happy,,,,,,2020-01-13 00:54:43 eo32li,,151, a nutshell,,,,,,,2020-01-13 11:47:16 eo3n34,,1,LastPass corrige une faille détectée par un chercheur en sécurité Google,,,,,,,2020-01-13 12:44:57 eo46ol,,14,This is an interesting read /Report From Vice President Humphrey to President Johnson," I visited nine African countries between December 30, 1967, and January 11, 1968: Ivory Coast, Liberia (for the inauguration ceremonies of President Tubman), Ghana, Congo (K), Zambia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Tunisia. “Tunisia was the high point of my visit to Africa. President Bourguiba, who expressed his firm friendship and admiration for the United States and for you personally, is an historic figure among the leaders of his generation. He is one of the few revolutionaries of the post-war world who has—after his nation’s independence was won—also proved his capacity for governing. Tunisia is poor by American standards. But her human and material resources are under systematic development. She has an established layer of trained leadership. And the country is filled with forward movement and dynamism. In my long conversation with Bourguiba, he expressed himself openly and vigorously. He has a caustic disdain for Nasser and believes we have been mistaken in past assistance to him (“Nasser is a gangster and rules by fear”). He feels we are finally convincing North Vietnam that we will not withdraw from the struggle there (“They know there will not be another Dienbienphu”) and that Hanoi may soon be ready for [Page 403]negotiation. He is willing to play the role of honest broker in the Middle East, in Vietnam, in the Congo and elsewhere in the world where his stature among the “unaligned” nations is unchallengeable. He specifically suggested that direct Israeli-Palestinian talks be undertaken as a realistic way out of the Middle East impasse. You may wish to discuss this with him. He feels that this crisis can be peacefully overcome. He is less confident about the situation in the Maghreb (Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia). He is obviously concerned about the proximity of so much Soviet arms and influence in Algeria. In my talks with economic officials—and in my visit to the agricultural area of the Medjerda valley—I was impressed by Tunisia’s capacity to use our assistance well. Our P.L. 480 Food for Freedom Program is a vital factor in the public works programs, urban and rural. “Food for work” has proven to be effective foreign aid. Tunisia has obvious security problems. Bourguiba has an enemy in Nasser and a possible opponent in Boumediene of Algeria. Together these countries command well over a half-billion dollars of Soviet arms, have five times the population and many times the natural resources of Tunisia. By contrast, Tunisia’s own military program is running at about $5 million a year. We do not have an official commitment to come to Tunisia’s defense, but it would appear that we have one of the strongest moral commitments of any in this particular case. Fortunately, the presence of the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean gives us a capability which in most circumstances is more reassuring than agreements on paper. There is a question about succession following Bourguiba. But there are a number of capable people available. This is a country which has earned, and deserves, our full support. Bourguiba and Tunisia are real assets in the Middle East, in Africa, and in the “third world.” Recommendations: 1. Tunisia should remain one of the principal countries for the concentration of our economic assistance. Tunisia is nearing the take-off point economically and can be a shining example to others. 2. Tunisia’s security is a valid concern for us, because of the location of the country and the stand its government has taken in vital world issues. Within our resource limits, there is no doubt that we have a commitment that should be honored. I believe that we should not cut our military aid below its present level, and should at the same time make our political support more clear. To strengthen Bourguiba is one way to weaken Nasser and Soviet influence. It also puts our prestige and power on the side of the constructive moderates in the Middle East. 3. I was impressed by the way the Peace Corps and our private organizations and foundations have given a major new dimension to our assistance to Tunisia. This is a trend we should encourage.",,,,,,2020-01-13 13:35:42 eo7bz8,,7,Proud!!,,,,,,,2020-01-13 17:35:25 eo7pup,,1,found this in school,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-13 18:02:45 eo9fds,,1,BROTHERHOOD Tunisian short film nominated for an oscar award in it's category,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-13 20:05:22 eoa8pc,,0,R Fucking Ghannouchi went to Turkey for a meeting (behind closed doors) with Erdogan,"Erdogan threatened to invade Libya and the terrorist in chief, who is now fully aware of Tunisia's military and security resources since he is the boss in Le Bardo. What else do we need to boot this fucker out? Nahdha says that he went in his capacity as their boss and they think that we are going to just believe it and move on? WTF guys. Why is he there? This guy is dangerous and Nadha is the bastion of liars, terrorists, and bombers and also joggers at The Chaambi.",,,,,,2020-01-13 20:59:23 eoari0,,5,is there a playroom who has air hockey in tunis/ariana?,"&#x200B; [here's an air hockey for reference](",,,,,,2020-01-13 21:34:20 eoct9z,,74,"Brotherhood , First Tunisian Oscars Nomination 🇹🇳 for best short Film",,,,,,,2020-01-13 23:58:33 eoin96,,14,My last year in high school and I’m gettin depression vibes...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-14 08:34:54 eoq5b1,,80,"Well, this should be here 🤭",,,,,,,2020-01-14 19:35:23 eoqn0v,,11,Berber mythology - The Amazigh Myths,,,,,,,2020-01-14 20:09:05 eoqtwf,,2,""" F A K E R E V O L U T I O N "" ------------------------------------------------- #c4d #octanerender #megascans",,,,,,,2020-01-14 20:21:50 eoqwv7,,5,any advices on how to make friends specially for someone who have social anxiety,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-14 20:27:12 eordxs,,8,IT jobs in Tunisia?,"Hello everyone, i recently graduated from university (bac+3 IT management), can anyone help me with some websites/locations to get some job's interviews? thanks.",,,,,,2020-01-14 20:58:44 eovnav,,1,"This is beautiful...Kaso, Tunisian rapper",,,,,,,2020-01-15 02:07:04 ep5rp1,,10,Mother and grandfather were born in Tunisia; am I entitled to Tunisian citizenship?,"I was born and raised in Montreal, but my grandfather and mother were born in Tunisia. Grandfather lived there for half his life, while my mother came to Canada as a baby. Am I entitled to Tunisian citizenship? I humbly thank you for replies. :)",,,,,,2020-01-15 18:02:19 ep7u86,,6,Isn't this funny ? to shine and find freedom muslims need to emigrate to western countries...,"Lets talk about gay people... Sadiq Khan, a muslim politician of pakistani origin, is the mayor of the united kingdom capital, while Mounir Baatour, a muslim politician from tunisia, is forced to leave his home, his country due to threaths from his own fellow muslims... []( do you realize that if the west countries will become islam majority countries like today muslim countries, there will no longer be successful muslims in science and in other places, simply because there will no longer be a ""western civilization"" that will protect them, nurture them and make them able to thrive ? i always read about muslims talking about accomplishments of other muslims, like if it is the religion that make them succed, and not the hard work + a favorable enviroment... and then they are the first to backstab their own people, when they are no longer useful, simply because they do not follow their religion like a true fanatic islamist.",,,,,,2020-01-15 20:24:48 ep8n0n,,24,Smart Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-01-15 21:19:35 ep9um9,,1,student,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-15 22:44:23 ep9xpc,,1,This is a meme,,,,,,,2020-01-15 22:50:41 epgpcg,,17,What do you guys think of the 1 hour max in coffee shops thing going on these days on social media?,"I do hope that's true. People should actually do something other than wasting time away in coffee shops. 1 hour is drastic tho, maybe 2 hours is okay.",,,,,,2020-01-16 08:42:48 epmf2z,,12,Food advice,"Hi! I'm an extremely skinny 18yo Tunisian looking to bulk. Usually the internet is full of advice about food from western countries, so I was curious about our own food. What are some of the most calorie-dense and high protein foods that are part of Tunisian cuisine? Finding reliable calorie numbers for Tunisian food is hard. Thanks!",,,,,,2020-01-16 17:24:51 epmyqi, Watching this makes me really emotional. Why did they stop showing this stuff on tv it's almost like they wanna makes us forget how it all happened.,1,Our revolution,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-16 18:02:06 epnbx5,,5,Our revolution,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-16 18:27:52 epnhj1,,1,Anime in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-16 18:38:59 eppvo1,,6,i couldnt' find the courage to go into a real relationship/sex with a girl because I'm afraid to be seen as shy or lacking experience. Is there a way out ?,Considering that I am a young male adult with an acceptable physique and a decent cultural and academic status.,,,,,,2020-01-16 21:25:07 epqy07,,23,Marriage Procedure for two young tunisians,"I'm unfamiliar with the procedure of how to get married and how much it would cost, both of me and my fiancée are 19 years old and would like to get married (we are sure about this decision).",,,,,,2020-01-16 22:38:39 epsmgq,,13,"Dead zone en Tunsie, good to know",,,,,,,2020-01-17 00:42:46 epwxue,,1,What would have happened if this was done in our country?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-17 07:00:26 epyxff,,0,"If you are ""Clubiste"" join our new sub",[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-17 11:00:28 epz7ya,,48,Map of Tunisia with its capital Tunis under the Hafsid dynasty 1400 AD,,,,,,,2020-01-17 11:33:23 eq32uv,,11,"Circumcisions in La Tekia: a mother and her child, 16 February 1947.",,,,,,,2020-01-17 17:01:03 eq4jnm,,39,( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),,,,,,,2020-01-17 18:48:03 eq5o2w,,3,anti-terror movie for Tunisia,"hello everyone , i'm learning Blender from Tutorials and i still need a real professor around Tunisia to learn from him hours for riggin & Sculpting & modeling . the movie will last for 1h30min as planned & i'm motivated to get the help so i will can continue. \- Thank you -",,,,,,2020-01-17 20:08:22 eq5vz3,,6,Well i totally agree Mme (i'm no supporter of mousi but she sure isn't a dense or a bad representative),,,,,,,2020-01-17 20:23:58 eqef12,,1,مقارنة القوة العسكرية بين إيران و الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية,,,,,,,2020-01-18 09:32:25 eqf19f,,12,is Tunisia truly as progressive as most arabs consider it to be ?,"I just feel that most people feel that due to how women there wear and the controversial laws passed on inheritance and the legibility of muslim women marrying non-muslim men. but tbh, having been active on some tunisiain social media groups, and having known some of them, i just can't see a big difference between them and the Egyptians i know, alot of women who don't wear hijab have very conservative views and most of them consider their dresscode to be haram to begin with. Is Tunisia being progressive just a stereotype ?",,,,,,2020-01-18 10:52:54 eqg1sf,,1,Question about registered letter in Tunisia,"Hello! I have a question, I hope that someone here will be able to answer. A registered letter has been sent in to Tunisia. Receiver wanted to pick it up in the but the lady in post office refused to give it out to receiver becasue that person did not bring a notification which was left by postman in mailbox. Unfortunately that person will be probably not able to pick up that notification from that mailbox. Is it realy like that? I mean do you realy need in Tunisia that notification to pick up letter which is addressed on that particular person or showing id is enough?",,,,,,2020-01-18 12:53:35 eqj2cu,,50,A little something I made in the old town Medina of Tunis,,,,,,,2020-01-18 17:09:21 eqjcw0,,6,"Our folk dance is so beautiful, yet so underrated ''i only put the greats with two guys from zarzis at the end of the vid''","&#x200B;",,,,,,2020-01-18 17:30:13 eqjz6j,,1,TUNISIAN CUP - TITRES (1938 2020) كأس تونس - الألقاب,,,,,,,2020-01-18 18:14:30 eqknek,,1,Tunisian passport and Saudi Arabia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-18 19:01:45 eqkx49,,28,"""Too late"" says Tunisia after receiving an invitation to the Berlin conference just two days before it is due to start",,,,,,,2020-01-18 19:20:36 eqmbru,,1,Possibly our future prime minister :),[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-18 21:04:51 eqtrqb,,0,"🤬🙄 « Balek » , on s'en bat les cou*lles, un juron qui fait mal !",,,,,,,2020-01-19 08:23:18 equi24,,5,"I want to study abroad, need advice","I trying to figure out where to go, I already know what I want to study (computer science). I've done a bit of research but it's hard to find information specific to Tunisians. So here I am asking for advice. I'm not looking for top notch universities, I just want something that won't cost me a kidney. Currently Europe seems to be the most logical option from a financial standpoint. So, if anyone has a country recommendation or specific universities it'll be much appreciated.",,,,,,2020-01-19 09:57:11 equp8o,,0,wiiiiiiw,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-19 10:22:24 eqvglh,,67,"Singer, composer and poet Mohamed Jamoussi, 1947",,,,,,,2020-01-19 12:02:02 eqvnr8,,10,TN 5 3:09 / 8:50 [ Ligne TA pk 115 -pk 12 ] Trajet entre le pont de Béja et la station Gobaa [ Terminus RFR Ligne D ],,,,,,,2020-01-19 12:26:40 eqxwg7,,4,"(x-post from /r/IAmA) I am Oscar Scafidi, professional travel writer. Pirates in Somalia. Mountains in Afghanistan. Jail and hippo attacks in Angola. Minefields in Mauritania. Currently writing Bradt Guide to Tunisia. AMA!",,,,,,,2020-01-19 15:52:01 eqy8cq,,1,The oasis village of Nefta,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-19 16:16:39 eqyb84,,1,Where can i buy cigarillos ?,"Where can i buy small cigars in Tunisia? I will stay 1 night in Tunis before going to the south (Tozeur) and i would like to buy me some small cigars, tho i am not sure if they sell those in the south. If they do where can i buy them?",,,,,,2020-01-19 16:22:24 eqygkm,,1,Which Country Each Country Imports The Most From.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-19 16:33:13 eqylqa,,1,Fun Fact: Libya is the only country that imports the most from Tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-19 16:43:43 er3gh9,,0,I was wondering if anyone knows if this Balti account on insta is legitimate? It’s not verified but there doesn’t seem to be a verified one out there. He sent me a DM and I want to know if it’s a troll 😂,,,,,,,2020-01-19 22:27:00 eratme,,1,حقائق لا تعرفها عن فيسبوك,,,,,,,2020-01-20 09:03:00 ercfsi,,1,Can anyone relate?,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-20 12:10:49 ercjkz,,8,Looking for a job at an NGO," I'm still a student but I only have one class this semester, no mandatory attendance so plenty of time which is why I decided to look for a job only I want to work with an ngo. I'm looking through LinkedIn tanitjobs and everywhere I can but I can't find what I'm looking for. I'm asking if anyone maybe knows any NGO's that are hiring even as an intern or somewhere I can look or tell me how LinkedIn search works cause I think it's filtering my search and i can't figure out how to take it off. PS : I study finance but it doesn't really matter.",,,,,,2020-01-20 12:22:24 ergzw1,,2,This country is a lost cause,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-20 18:09:18 erh5em,,2,This country is just a lost cause,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-20 18:19:26 erhg0u,,26,Conspiracy theories in the Arab world,"Unfortunately our societies are plagued by many crazy conspiracy theories involving ""western colonialism"", "" western war against Islam"", ""the protocols of elders of Zion"", moon landing and the one and only ""IlluMinAti"" conspiracy. I personally find it unnerving that many of my friends believe such shit. One of them thinks that Michael Jackson was assassinated because he converted to Islam, others believe that Sami Fehri is Illuminati and many more about the US and Israel. What do you guys think about this issue as Tunisians? Do you find it problematic? And what are the craziest conspiracy theories you've been told in Tunisia?",,,,,,2020-01-20 18:39:26 erjj91,,4,The president chose elyes fakhfakh to form a government . How do you guys feel about it ?,"He was mostly backed by attayar and his own party . I would assume a lot of people here support this .",,,,,,2020-01-20 20:56:51 erjxl9,,1,Freelancing in Tunisia,"Hello everyone, not sure if this is the right sub for this. Anyway, I created a account hoping to get some cash and I opted for payoneer as a payment method, but the problem is, I can't activate/get a payoneer mastercard without cashing in $30, ironically at first I wanted to link my payoneer account to freelancer, do a project or 2 then request for the mastercard but it seems i got ahead of myself. Anyway, my questions are: Is there a workaround this problem? Can I transfer the $30 from my local bank account to payoneer? Is there some other way to freelance in Tunisia? Cheers.",,,,,,2020-01-20 21:23:31 erpjd1,,1,I'm considering traveling to Tunisia for vacation...but I'm afraid I'll experience racism?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-21 04:36:09 ert986,,41,let the passangers get off the train first,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-21 11:17:48 ertomf,,4,Safe to travel from Algeria,"Hello, I'm planning a trip from Morocco and want to go the land-way to Israel. And then boat to Italy probably because I understand Libya is not superb to travel through now. But is it possible to go from Algeria to Tunisia? The foreign office in my country advises against it. But from experience, reality is always different. Got a European passport. All the best, JoeP",,,,,,2020-01-21 12:01:19 eru01r,,7,For those who dont know Elyes Fakhfakh,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-21 12:30:00 erua40,,1,"I was in Laetitia ""Kudriavzeva"" Lo Iudice class in highschool AMA",[removed],,,,,,2020-01-21 12:55:09 erurfs,,3,"Toujane, Tunisia CoD2 map",[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-21 13:34:26 ervvkc,,1,My first meme here .,,,,,,,2020-01-21 15:09:16 erwa6b,,1,everytime i see someone post something about tunisia and it actually gets viral it makes me so so so happy,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-21 15:41:00 erwmxp,,11,Fellow citizens living in Tunisia and Living abroad what are you working on ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-21 16:06:21 erxv30,,25,A coffeshop in Tunis,,,,,,,2020-01-21 17:23:35 erxxji,,2,Does anyone know how to get from bardo to Geant and back through public transport?,,,,,,,2020-01-21 17:28:23 erzgv8,,2,Meaning of...,Mrigel sahbi in English please,,,,,,2020-01-21 19:16:54 erzqkd,,3,Klem Ellil - Sketch La démocratie - This is the BEST EVER. The entire Klem Ellil compilation is exceptional. I remember seeing them live was such an amazing event at El Teatro.,,,,,,,2020-01-21 19:35:24 es1pdv,,2,Opinion: Lesson from Tunisia: Curb coastal erosion — stop building along Southern California beaches,,,,,,,2020-01-21 21:49:14 es2k08,,1,Lancement de la deuxième édition du concours « Les Volants d'Or »,,,,,,,2020-01-21 22:49:08 es34p5,,20,An amazing animation of Spider-Man done by @mugenmancer (Mustapha Dhaouadi),,,,,,,2020-01-21 23:30:08 es45dr,,27,Inspired from a discussion in this subreddit,,,,,,,2020-01-22 00:47:50 es9pt7,,38,"This is a chart that displays the number of protests between 2000 and 2019 in all over world.look what we , Tunisians , have done in 2011.",,,,,,,2020-01-22 09:39:37 esb1ts,الباك_options/,3,Studies in Germany after ”الباك” (options),"Hi guys. My nephew have good grades each year (17+). Next year is... الباك and he’s willing to make it with +18 grade. He asked me about my opinion of doing studies in Germany as he’s also studying Germany lang. and he’s willing to make it to a good level. What’s your opinion on Medicine or Network/Security as fields of studies? I told him he should think of these two. He has no hobbies for Security nor IT stuff, and also no interest in Medicine... but I told him that if he wants to seek one of these, he needs to start taking interest in one these starting now. Also, what’s your opinion on contacting universities in Germany using e-mails and other ways, would that be efficient for you to have a university that you contacted to study at after baccalaureate? Would that be efficient instead of having agencies in Tunisia that can handle this situation? Also, is it good (by experience) to study abroad (Germany or anywhere) after baccalaureate? How does it cost? Wouldn’t be good to study in a Tunisian university then fly abroad (if you want)? What are the fields of studies would you recommend for someone who’s really smart, and also someone who wants to make money without long years studies? I mean I don’t know to answer this kid. Seriously.",,,,,,2020-01-22 12:11:40 esbooj,,0,How does the SIVP aka CIVP(CVP) contract work? Please help!!,"I'm newly graduated and I'm really confused about this. I want to know how long does this contract last and do I lose it if I get a second job? Let's say I get a job, work for 2 months then I leave and start working for another company, will I still get the CIVP extra money or not?",,,,,,2020-01-22 13:08:25 esc7ye,,5,Patriotism,"I believe that most of the people who love Tunisia and want to stay and live here are the rich ones from Tunis Sousse and Sfax Change my mind",,,,,,2020-01-22 13:54:23 eseb0m,,46,gaming in Tunisia starter pack,,,,,,,2020-01-22 16:25:41 esfyol,,6,Google traduction,,,,,,,2020-01-22 18:24:11 esgtew,,6,To all Handball Enthusiasts here: I would like share a brief History of CAHB African Men's Handball Championship (1974-2018) TOTAL Medal Count All-time | GOLD+SILVER+BRONZE of Tunisia in Handball History,,,,,,,2020-01-22 19:28:24 eshbqm,,0,أجمل أغاني الأطفال 2020❤🥰 تطبيق سهل و جميل 🔥😉🤩 للتحميل 👇,,,,,,,2020-01-22 20:05:56 esj10f,,7,Opera in Latin and Arabic (Need Libretto),"Greetings and blessings. I am a composer writing an opera in Latin and Arabic. The opera is set in Tunisia. I need a libretto to work with. Is there anyone here skilled in Arabic poetry with somekind of knowledge in Latin aswell? If so would you like to collaborate?",,,,,,2020-01-22 22:02:53 esjasv,,36,"""DeMOcRacY iS a fOreIgN pLoT""",[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-22 22:21:39 esmb69,,2,Cheap local food in Sousse,"Going to Sousse this summer and would like to know where to have cheap local food (for example kafta/kebab with rice and salad), as I virtually only found tourist traps when I was there.",,,,,,2020-01-23 02:04:47 esq9td,,4,Wheelchair van,"Hello, Does anyone know of any companies that offer a wheelchair accessible van in Tunis?",,,,,,2020-01-23 08:28:10 ess49w,,11,Has anyone heard about the drama in Italy lately? Apparently Salvini is back again with another publicity stunt,,,,,,,2020-01-23 12:01:09 est63y,,4,"What are your thoughts on ""el-chi5a""?",,,,,,,2020-01-23 13:33:58 esu9n1,,35,Vintage photo of Habib Bourguiba washing the dishes himself. I kinda like this photo even though I’m not a fan of Bourguiba.,,,,,,,2020-01-23 15:02:35 esz4oz,,2,Crypto,"Anyone hodling / trading ICOs over here , what pairs you're into /used to trade the most ? what exchanges ? , frm whr u're buying B ? no one is probably mining right :p",,,,,,2020-01-23 20:45:06 et0lih,,1,I hate facebook but this group is fucking hilarious 😂,,,,,,,2020-01-23 22:25:46 et0u81,,1,An American in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-23 22:42:33 et0ztl,,2,Transport Enfidha airport <-> Sousse,"Is there any public bus between Enfidha airport and Sousse? I know there was in 2013 ( []( ) If there isn't, the cheapest bus (non-public) that I've found is €12.66 (2 people) for a return trip ([]( Is there anything direct cheaper than that?",,,,,,2020-01-23 22:53:27 etca8u,,32,"President Bourguiba crosses Tunis, 14 November 1959.",,,,,,,2020-01-24 16:00:31 etdnd3,,2,A nuptial of languages,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-24 17:37:02 etek0g,,1,Psychedelic,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-24 18:40:00 etfvs5,,1,Where to buy gas spray aka bombe a gaz in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-24 20:13:22 etga83,,3,Qais Said,"What do you think of Qais Said choice of prime minister? Are you with or against Define your reasonings?",,,,,,2020-01-24 20:42:08 etgbym,,37,I'll swipe right.,,,,,,,2020-01-24 20:45:38 ethc4e,,6,"we did a smash bros tournament and it got featured on yeet smash, one of the largest youtube channels for compilations",,,,,,,2020-01-24 21:59:02 etj4lv,,1,Une chaîne YouTube publie un aperçu des prochains téléphones Galaxy S20,,,,,,,2020-01-25 00:12:53 etp8r6,,4,what about going vegan ?,"I've been thinking about going vegan for a while now, but i think it's not easy to keep up with it in Tunisia especially if you don't have enough time or resources to start cooking your own food.. I don't think we even have a vegan restaurant here. what are my options ? any one here is or wanna be a vegan ?",,,,,,2020-01-25 10:28:37 etphcf,,0,World War II: country-by-country count of human losses (in true scale),,,,,,,2020-01-25 11:00:37 etq4bm,,24,SOOOO... aren't we going to talk about this ?,,,,,,,2020-01-25 12:18:23 etqz77,,1,"Hi everyone, Iam glad to share with you the latest video I have produced with my Bosnian wife, hope you like it 😍",[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-25 13:49:03 ets6ee,,2,Must see places in Tunis,"I’m coming tomorrow to Tunis from abroad to spend a couple of days there, are there any must see places near there?",,,,,,2020-01-25 15:36:50 etuhr5,,54,What do you think about a YouTube channel to teach programming in Tunisian dialect?,But with a decent content and a professional results. Not like those attention greedy people.,,,,,,2020-01-25 18:31:23 etv3om,,5,"Questions for nurses ,nursing students of r/Tunisia or anyone with knowledge on the subject.","So let me give you a bit of background first. I studied English Literature and Civilization and graduated last year. Nedless to say it was the biggest mistake of my life. I can't seem to find a job, it's hard finding a job in the field of education w bikhlef teaching you really can't do anything.. no need to get into details but I feel like I fucked pretty hard and I wanna fix my life (your sis is tired of being unemployed). Because I suck at pretty much everything except for English, and because I am really desperate for a job, the only thing that sounded reasonable for me to do is to study nursing (fil privée ofc) and my questions are: - Will I have to study mathematics, physics or chemistry as a nursing student? Cause I pretty much suck at those, like a lot. - Is it a good path, career ? - I hear that it's gory and disgusting cause you have to deal with a lot of shit, vomit, blood and grusome wounds. If so how bad is it? Is it something that everyone can adapt to? - What is the cheapest and best private nursing school in Tunisia that you can recommend? - I heard from someone that ""Université Mahmoud l Matri"" is the cheapest one. However, I am not pretty sure about its reputation and how recognized their degree is. I am asking this specifically because I might be moving to France in the future. If not is it possible that I study in ""Université Mahmoud Matri"" two years then switch the third year to ""Université Centrale"" to get my degree from there? - Can you work in public institutes if you're a graduate of a private school? Because I hear the pay isn't that good in private in compare to public ones (asking this just in case I didn't move to France lol) Finally, I realize that I am asking a lot of questions. It's because I wanna be sure that this is the right thing for me to do, and so I don't have to study/struggle again, graduate then nou7el fil btala all over again. Thank you so much in advance!",,,,,,2020-01-25 19:15:26 etvc9e,,3,What’s going guys?! I hope that everyone is having a mellow day/weekend. I got nothing so...,,,,,,,2020-01-25 19:32:48 etwv0s,,12,Where can I find this mask In Tunisia (preferably djerba),,,,,,,2020-01-25 21:23:31 etxb3o,,0,the biggest problems in tunisia,what are the biggest problems in tunisia?,,,,,,2020-01-25 21:56:38 etxfkd,,1,I have a meme page based around the island of Zembra. Totally amateur. And obviously nobody gets it.,,,,,,,2020-01-25 22:05:42 eu4r0y,,18,"Dance Monkey - By ""Hargouf Officiel"" on YouTube. i think it's really nice",,,,,,,2020-01-26 09:38:14 eu63oe,,33,"Ons Jabeur, first Arab woman in Tennis Q-Finals",,,,,,,2020-01-26 12:28:30 eu8g0c,,1,Zembra meme,,,,,,,2020-01-26 16:00:18 euaout,,1,we need Paypal seriously,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-26 18:40:06 euc3t7,,2,Is it necessary to have international bank account to use airbnb ?,And is it profitable in Tunisia?,,,,,,2020-01-26 20:13:32 eue1wj,,1,Hey do you consider har9a ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-01-26 22:21:38 eult2u,,106,"Lina Ben Mhenni a key figure of the Tunisian Revolution has passed away. RIP Tunisian Girl, you will always be in our hearts.",,,,,,,2020-01-27 09:46:59 eunemn,,4,I think this deserves more recognition,,,,,,,2020-01-27 12:43:17 euogqm,,20,Sadok Ben Mhenni holding his daughter's legs while she's taking pictures of the Tunisian protests. Lina Ben Mhenni is a Tunisian activist who passed away today by the age of 36. May she rest in peace.,,,,,,,2020-01-27 14:18:11 eup1om,,11,Tunisian League - goals since 1946,,,,,,,2020-01-27 15:03:48 eusw6b,,2,how do you choose who to vote from when its 25 different candidates?,,,,,,,2020-01-27 19:25:20 eut1r4,,7,The results of the 2019 parliamentary elections using the D'Hondt method.(A method used in most european countries that favors majorities).,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-27 19:36:14 eut44c,ïs_saïed/,3,can somebody show me some photos where Kaïs Saïed is overexcited?,,,,,,,2020-01-27 19:40:40 eux6fl,,13,Ons Jabeur is live now! Let’s tune in and send some good vibes. She’s got a shot at a semi-final spot.,,,,,,,2020-01-28 00:09:46 euxmki,,8,"Tomorrow ill train my new partner, he come from Tunisia (im in Canada), any good jokes or ways i could destabilize him on his first day","So yeah basicaly, im the kind of guy who work hard but also like to make fun of/ troll my partners, never in a bad way tho, but i like to think if we can joke about anything then we all get along. Now im gonna train my new partner, Name is Marouane, its probably a very important job for him and i know hes nervous, so i want to break the ice with him. So yeah, any good jokes i could make, or what should i totaly avoid? Thx felas",,,,,,2020-01-28 00:40:06 ev2779,,3,The legends predicted the death of KB in helicopter crash?,,,,,,,2020-01-28 07:12:13 ev2lcy,ée_tamzali_the_first_tunisian_actress_in_the/,25,Haydée Tamzali the first Tunisian actress in the history of Tunisian Cinema,"&#x200B; [She's also the daughter of Albert samama chikli the first Tunisian filmaker and one of the pioneers of Cinema, the first to introduce the bicycle in Tunisia, the telegraph and the x-ray machine \(an outstanding individual with more than an interesting story check his wiki\)]( [\_Samama-Chikli]( [\_Tamzali](",,,,,,2020-01-28 07:57:09 ev4jpn,,4,What did Essebsi do?,"According to Freedom house, I found this (pretty old but didn't know about it): >The 2011 removal from power of Ben Ali and his close relatives and associates, who had used their positions to create private monopolies in several sectors, represented an important step in combating corruption and eliminating conflicts of interest. However, Essebsi has manipulated the national budget in such a way that the legislative branch is deeply underfunded, leaving it with little ability or resources to craft legislation on its own in 2018. As a result, lawmaking is largely a function of the executive.",,,,,,2020-01-28 11:45:43 ev9nrq,,2,Does the raids in Tunisia rly increase? Or its just the Media who are pushing that topic.,Title says it all,,,,,,2020-01-28 18:50:43 evcw39,,14,What was daily life in Djerba (and general Tunisia) like in the 1500s?,"I'm looking for sources of information regarding what both Djerba and general Tunisia were like on a daily basis in the 1500s, as well as what the different groups of people that lived there at the time were like. Could be a book, an article, or an academic paper, but preferably in English, as my history-related research skills are pretty much limited to English. Alternatively, does anyone know of any academics that can point me in the direction of the information I'm looking for?",,,,,,2020-01-28 22:29:19 evhhhs,,2,LIGUE 1 TUNISIENNE - TITRES 1946 - 2020 ترتيب الرابطة التونسية المحترفة...,,,,,,,2020-01-29 04:03:52 evlg37,,24,Lina Ben Mhenni burrial: farwell to the Tunisian Girl,,,,,,,2020-01-29 11:02:11 evmhc1,,6,The last Farwell - Lin Ben Mhenni Funerals (under Creative CommonsLicence),,,,,,,2020-01-29 12:51:54 evmnaf,,1,8 حقائق غريبة عن حياة بابلو إسكوبار,,,,,,,2020-01-29 13:07:49 evou2o,,1,"Feminists prevented men from carrying Leila Ben Mhenni’s coffin, what do you think about this gesture?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-29 16:06:11 evov5q,,4,"Feminists prevented men from carrying Lina Ben Mhenni’s coffin, what do you think about this gesture?",,,,,,,2020-01-29 16:08:20 evpqlc,,0,Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie du 14 au 22 mars 2020 - Participez à l'événement,,,,,,,2020-01-29 17:11:40 evty2n,,0,""" i wasted a lot of time angry on little girls "" x"""")))",[removed],,,,,,2020-01-29 21:49:10 evwe60,,7,Is there an online store where they provide printed and customized t-shirts/sweats with my own design?,,,,,,,2020-01-30 00:34:23 ew4acf,,4,Digital Drink Tunis #25,,,,,,,2020-01-30 11:55:16 ew5g49,,16,Tunisians trying to be like westerners.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-30 13:29:14 ew6quf,,1,Be proud of your country no matter what.,,,,,,,2020-01-30 15:05:48 ew7g0a,,3,YouTube,,,,,,,2020-01-30 15:54:27 ew8vlt,,66,The worst,,,,,,,2020-01-30 17:23:45 ewaink,,5,Will we experience trouble if I bring black fiance to Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-30 19:10:12 ewjoek,,33,1971 Tunisian Stamp,,,,,,,2020-01-31 05:42:09 ewmtva,,2,Controversy in Tunisia over 'dangerous' Ministry of Health coronavirus quarantine plans,,,,,,,2020-01-31 10:59:27 ewsknn,,1,where i can find Scholar programs for 10-12th grade (including different orientations),i mostly want to find the program for 11th grade IT but i want to see the others as well,,,,,,2020-01-31 18:24:03 ewsy8v,,2,How long would this last in Tunisia before citizens just tore down the device and find out how to use it to get free Satellite service?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-01-31 18:49:44 ewtubp,,1,Paramètres WhatsApp pour réduire la consommation de la batterie de votre téléphone sur WhatsApp,,,,,,,2020-01-31 19:50:36 ewtut6,,37,Ifriqiya 900 A.D. (Under Aghlabids rule).,,,,,,,2020-01-31 19:51:31 ewysrq,,2,We must implement this in Tunisia. STAT!,,,,,,,2020-02-01 01:42:07 ewzvgg,,3,"Question: Can you return at school at 25 after you quit at 17 and if yes, how?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-01 03:09:36 ex1hpd,,2,Would you say Tunisians are very attached to their pride/ego?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-01 05:31:31 exa1zs,,4,Should I download tinder ?,"Sup mates I got out of a long term relationship 3 months ago and I decided it's time to get back in the game. Some friends told me to get on tinder but I'm not so sure since the app gets a bad rep on reddit. For those of you who use it or have used it, what do you think, should I give it a shot or will I be wasting my time ? Would love to get ur opinion",,,,,,2020-02-01 18:06:19 exaeo7,,7,Tunis and Sousse Questions,"Hello /r/Tunisia, thank you for taking the time to read and/or answer a couple of questions I have about visiting Tunisia. I'm planning on spending about 3.5 days in Sousse and 2.5 in Tunis and was wondering if there are any attractions/sites I have missed that are worth seeing, or rather, some that can be skipped in place of others. During my time in Sousse I'm planning on visiting: - The Ribat/Medina of Sousse - Sousse Archaeological Museum - Bourghiba Mausoleum - Ribat/Medina of Monastir - El Jem While in Tunis, I'm planning on visiting: - The National Bardo Museum - Bab El Bhar/The Ribat/Medina - Carthage - And I'm considering a trip to Dougga My interests are history, nature, and architecture, so if a certain site isn't worth visiting given the short time I have, I'd be willing to visit elsewhere you guys recommend. Thank you everyone for your help; and I look forward to visiting your beautiful country!",,,,,,2020-02-01 18:31:01 exbcbj,,49,At this stage of my life (22) i don't know the difference between 3ejja and chakchouka and am afraid to ask,,,,,,,2020-02-01 19:36:32 exblrh,,1,Does Tunisia suck?,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-01 19:54:59 exbtt5,,1,Is Tunisia a bad country to live in?,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-01 20:10:18 exg5bu,,2,Tunisian university,"How can i get my (الدفتر المدرسي) back ..i just studied one year on iset couple of years ago ..and i just remembered that i had never get my papers back..i'm also wondering if i had to pay for semesters to extract my ""dafter "" and ""tarsim"" papers..excuse my bad english .",,,,,,2020-02-02 01:08:31 exntuo,,9,Surfing in Tunisia,"Does anyone on here have experience surfing in Tunisia? I’ve recently moved here and I’m dying to get in the water. I hear there are some good half decent breaks up near Bizerte. Many thanks!",,,,,,2020-02-02 12:36:02 exp4ty,,20,Why Tunis could be the new Rome,,,,,,,2020-02-02 14:26:37 exqtxi,,2,Que pensez vous des maghrébins ?...,,,,,,,2020-02-02 16:25:31 extdj8,,22,This country is a lost cause,"You hear them politicians pitifully praising the youth, alleging this generation will bring change, and that social justice, economic prosperity and political stability await us in the upcoming years. Lies, obtrusively lies. They ( the majority of mentally challenged Tunisians) are responsible for political corruption since they elected and re-elected the same political figures and parties who doomed us for almost a decade. They will elect them again and again. The majority overcomes the minority regardless of the latter's rightfulness. As for security, theft, physical assaults, sexual harassment; they have become normalized. The cops are responsible for that for they most definitely aren't doing their job whatsoever. I rarely see a police officer in a metro station ( AND I PASS BY DOZENS ON MY WAY TO UNIVERSITY). They are almost nonexistent. If you get robbed do not go to the police station, you will give the description and they say okay ""ma7dher"" and that crap, aka a waste of time ( if you go with a beard you will be investigated, speaking from personal experience) ""The Commons"", known as ""freret"", animalistic voices, putrid smell, inappropriate conduct ( breaking the bus windows, bullying passengers, pickpocketing). Not to mention that they have this common characteristic of glorifying""soccer teams"". They have no education. They do not do manual work. Most of them are illiterate. They thrive on the ""rojla and k\*\*ba mentality. They just steal. Transportation is horrendous: metro, bus, taxi jaamai, you name it. Makes you feel as a subhuman. Most of them public universities are falling behind the standards of a superior institute ( especially in humanities). unemployment rates are rising. Not to mention the expensive prices of food and clothes, not to mention the lack of sexual freedom ( legally and socially). Not to mention the lack of religious freedom ( socially). Not to mention the prohibition of weed which can be at least allowed for medical uses. Leave. I beseech you all to leave. I know it is not easy, but it is definitely worth the hardwork and time. It will not get better; it is already getting worse. Put the nationalism optimistic mask off, you will feel like a comma in a book, like a brick in a house, like a glitch in a video game, like a fucking universal failure than nature benefits absolutely nothing from. leave. Edit: For those opting for ""change the reality of our country instead of venting"", it is unchangeable. The hellish asylum, demonic hole we live in will always be the same. Needless of you to be morbid about it. I never said all Tunisians are bad; the majority of them are, however. Briefly, the time and effort you will invest on ""changing"" our much beloved glorified ""Tunisia"", which will inevitably undeniably prove trivial, invest it on yourself to live somewhere else. ",,,,,,2020-02-02 19:12:32 exxkac,,27,"Ex-muslims of Tunisia, how does it feel like to be an exmuslim here?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-02 23:36:52 exz1an,,6,I have a week in tunisia. What should i see other than tunis+carthage?,"First time visiting tunisia in march, i only have around a week and im travelling solo as a backpacker. So far ive booked 3 nights in tunis but would love to spend the rest of my time visiting somewhere else in the country. I was thinking any of following, but open to other suggestions: 1) lake ichkeul - although ive read online its dying from salinity 2) djerba or kerhennah islands 3) lezard rouge and selja gorges 4) sahara 5) other? Thanks!",,,,,,2020-02-03 01:27:47 ey2aw1,,23,What is the Judeo-Tunisian,,,,,,,2020-02-03 05:45:29 eyccyl,,1,Les 3 sources les plus fiables pour connaître les derniers développements de Virus Corona,,,,,,,2020-02-03 19:28:41 eyg5fy,,10,Recommended lounge for a date?,"Just a place where we can feel comfortable,safe,respected,and most importantly its ""**uncrowded** "". Am i asking for too much xD ?",,,,,,2020-02-03 23:23:48 eym66e,,1,قرآن كريم للشيخ انور غنام لديه مزمار من مزامير ال داوود,,,,,,,2020-02-04 06:58:23 eyn1vq,,14,A little sensitive topic : what are ur thoughts on LGBT community especially in Tunisia,"1) Are u totally against and will do anything to stop it 2) are u against them but don't really care 3) for but not willing to speak up for them 4) for and willing to stand up for them 5) u are a part of the LGBT community For me I think its impossible for any Arab country to accept them even a 100 years later, I mean, it's TRUE that is against our religion but killing/jail sentence is too much for a human being who didn't hurt anybody.",,,,,,2020-02-04 08:29:14 eys6x9,,18,Oh no,,,,,,,2020-02-04 16:03:30 eytgqw,,7,"I'm Tunisian and my american girlfriend is coming over for two weeks, i heard hotels won't let us stay if we aren't married is that true ?","basically the above, people are telling me it's against the law to do that but i thought that only applies if we were both Tunisian so what does the law say about our situation ?",,,,,,2020-02-04 17:23:42 eyutrf,,66,يجيك البلاء يا غافل 😂,,,,,,,2020-02-04 18:47:56 eywky0,,1,دوري ابطال افريقيا أكثر الأندية مشاركة في دور ربع نهائي,,,,,,,2020-02-04 20:34:57 eywwpa,,6,Lablabi recipe request!,"I love Lablabi and I would love if you could share your favourite recipe with me so I can make it for myself and share with my friends and family so they can see how glorious Tunisian food is! I have searched online and only found a few but I am sure this subreddit will be a gold mine for real authentic recipes! I am vegetarian, so if possible, I would appreciate if you have plant-based recipes, but I will take any and all recipes and adapt them! Thanks in advance and looking forward to cooking up a storm and eating a lot of Lablabi!",,,,,,2020-02-04 20:55:57 ez9vjl,,11,What do you guys think about this ?,,,,,,,2020-02-05 13:53:46 ezb6ed,,53,Found in a hostel room in Copenhagen,,,,,,,2020-02-05 15:28:33 ezbp74,,2,Why do I think that your financial and culural status when being young in Tunisia depends on your parents' ?,,,,,,,2020-02-05 16:03:47 ezd1dk,,22,Also found in Copenhagen Downtown Hostel,,,,,,,2020-02-05 17:30:02 ezebqi,,44,Well done to Ons Jabeur and the girls :).,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-05 18:52:58 ezmfkj,,0,Depressing country,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-06 03:59:01 ezu8ih,,26,Tunisian woman makes 53-day journey to Mecca by bicycle alone,,,,,,,2020-02-06 15:52:42 ezw4du,,35,When you go to the half-price season,,,,,,,2020-02-06 18:00:13 f011fz,,1,Discussion,Would you prefer atheism or light islam (no praying),,,,,,2020-02-06 23:12:46 f081p6,,1,CTI and Blizzard Entertainment,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-07 09:12:32 f08pb5,,3,Hey are really sex before marriage and married people's cheating that frequent in the Tunisian society ?,,,,,,,2020-02-07 10:30:20 f08rj0,,17,Tunisian debate discord server,"I'm interested in creating a discord server to host vocal debates about issues that we have in Tunisia. Would you be interested in joining it if it's nicely moderated ? Edit: here is the link [Discord](",,,,,,2020-02-07 10:37:15 f09315,,13,Should I join the military ?,"Since I was a kid, I played a lot of video games especially FPS games like Battlefield, Call of Duty and Counter Strike etc... and add to that plenty of war movies that I watched so obviously this gave me a cool image of armies in general but the more I grow the more this image changes, I understand now that the military isn't really a fun job to take and simply shoot guns and look cool, it's about struggle to keep the entire nation safe and actually this makes me want to join the army even more because I want to be beneficial to my country and not a burden. So I want to know the pros and cons of joining the Tunisian army to know if this is really a good decision or not, what branch should I join, the ground force, the navy or the air force ? how much do they earn and how hard it is etc...",,,,,,2020-02-07 11:14:23 f098ej,,6, discord server,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-07 11:30:40 f09g4z,,10,"Portrait of Hadi Abdelfeth ben Youssef :a Tunisian old man who has just died at the age of 111: he had never left Sousse, his hometown where, at the age of 55, he had witnessed the French invasion of Tunisia, taken in 1936.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-07 11:53:06 f0b0ez,,11,Where are you located on the political compass ?,,,,,,,2020-02-07 14:12:37 f0c5hi,,7,[Rant] the way the butchers display animals heads infront of their shops is disgusting and should be legally forbidden,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-07 15:40:28 f0e3jj,,1,المنشد احمد عكاشه فى الحضره الشرعيه,,,,,,,2020-02-07 17:54:18 f0ek7l,,11,What can I do in Tunisia in summer?,"Hello! I am a 17 years old tunisian girl but i've never lived in tunisia and I've only been there twice when I was a little kid. I'm visiting again in August for a month to see my family, but since i have no cousins my age, i think i will feel bored. I will be visiting Tunis and Bizerte . does anyone have recommendations of what to do or where to visit when i get there (aside from seeing toursitis places like sidi bou said etc) &#x200B; Thank you!",,,,,,2020-02-07 18:26:00 f0ep86,,0,"kais saied. Upvote this so that people see it when they Google ""kais saied"".",,,,,,,2020-02-07 18:35:30 f0glzb,,3,Tunisia Fires UN Envoy Over Draft Response to US Peace Plan,,,,,,,2020-02-07 20:46:13 f0idfc,,7,check this out fellas, [](,,,,,,2020-02-07 22:46:55 f0inwk,,2,Forbes: deux Tunisiennes parmi les 100 femmes les plus influentes,,,,,,,2020-02-07 23:07:58 f0io6v,,1,Where is the best place in Tunis to watch the six nations rugby matches?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-07 23:08:35 f0oh3g,,71,Simpsons did it before,,,,,,,2020-02-08 07:39:38 f0ohga,,1,فيروس كورونا الجديد,,,,,,,2020-02-08 07:40:44 f0wxl4,,1,دوري ابطال افريقيا أكثر الأندية العربية مشاركة في دور ربع نهائي,,,,,,,2020-02-08 20:08:54 f1386x,,2,Tunisia Polyglots Unite,"We are a language server set up like a language exchange program in that you choose your native language and you teach it to others learning that language all while being taught by native speakers of other languages, which are your target languages. We have a ton of languages to choose from, so you have a great chance of finding what you are looking for. We also have other channels outside of language learning to create a community. We hope to see you there! [](",,,,,,2020-02-09 03:57:10 f14wy7,,5,Dancw Monkey Tunisian cover,,,,,,,2020-02-09 06:34:22 f18vf1,ée_de_stratégie_pour_futur_projetstartup/,6,Idée de stratégie pour futur projet/startup,"Hello fellas, Je travaille sur l’étude d’un nouveau projet à Tunis. Par expérience, j’ai lancé une appli et il n’a pas bien fonctionné. Je me suis dit de changer ma façon de fonctionner. Au lieu de créer une application, j’ai pensé à commencer par création d’un groupe facebook/page insta ch9awlekom ?",,,,,,2020-02-09 13:51:24 f1b4uu,,1,Dance,,,,,,,2020-02-09 16:42:32 f1bess,,5,Moving ‘back’ to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-09 17:01:42 f1c2y6,,4,Medical residency in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-09 17:45:58 f1d75i,,1,Egyptian YouTubeur got his camera gear confiscated at Tunis airport upon arrival,,,,,,,2020-02-09 19:00:57 f1eiyg,,1,Please share your experience/advice :),[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-09 20:28:07 f1hzgp,,28,"Ballboy throws in the stands a player's shoe, who retaliates afterwards (Tunisian Ligue 1 - CAB vs CSHL)",,,,,,,2020-02-10 00:27:30 f1mbkp,,0,Please enlighten me,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-10 06:23:10 f1n514,,2,Travel to South Tunisia- Local vs Online Prebook,"We are a group of four planning to fly from USA into Tunis but we also want to see Southern Tunisia, particularly the famous Star Wars locations like Matmata, Tatouine (Ksar Ouled Soltane), Chenini, etc. The prices I am seeing online for a guided tour to these locations seem ridiculously expensive. The lowest prices I am seeing are 700-800 dollars per person. This seems steep considering you can take a train down there and then a taxi if you wanted. My question is whether it is cheaper to book similar tours from local tour agencies on arriving. Would it be too last minute to do a booking while over there, especially when the locations aren't exactly sought out (Chenini for example)? Is it safe to book over there (personally I see no reason why not, but just asking)? Or is booking these private tours more recommended? I ask of course to save money but also because in my personal experience on a previous trip to an African safari, I found that hiring someone locally cost my group hundreds of dollars less for a similar or better experience. Sorry for the ramble, please advise if you can. Thank you all in advance! Side note/ question: We also would like to spend a day in Kairouan, but again, prebooking tours from online websites like Viator are charging 400 dollars for a simple day trip when taking a louage seems soooo much cheaper. If we did take a louage from Tunis to Kairouan, would it also be possible to take a louage back on the same night? I read somewhere that taking them in the evening is much more difficult and I don't want to have to purchase a hotel last minute at night because of no return trip.",,,,,,2020-02-10 07:49:58 f1o8r9,,5,CoronaVirus,"So we cant hide the fact that this virus is spreading and no one is talking about it in Tunisia so im wondering, is any of you preparing or something? Plus do you think that our government is ready for such a thing or are they preparing for it ? Peace.",,,,,,2020-02-10 10:03:02 f1ph0p,,5,[Academic] A 2 min survey to find trends in opinions of consumers online vs in a store for my bachelors project with a chance to win 5x 10$ Gift Cards,"I am a computer science student and this survey is for my bachelors project. I will be using the response data to generate a machine learning model that analyzes customers preferences. I'm posting this on various country subreddits to gain more insight into each country without which I won’t be able to successfully finish my project. I’ve received responses from 60+ different countries. I’d like to thank you, the subredditors and mods of r/Tunisia for bearing with me and I am sorry if this seems brash in any way. It is about a consumer’s opinion and how it is affected by Strangers/friends either online or in a store and how opinions can vary online and in a store. It'll take just 2-3 minutes to fill out the survey I'd really appreciate your participation in our study! [Survey!]( If anyone is interested, I will be sharing the results of the survey on [r/SampleSize]( The gift card draw is meant to add incentive for redditors so that we can have a large sample size. 5 winners will be able to select the gift cards of their choice worth 10$ each. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please feel free to contact at: [](",,,,,,2020-02-10 12:14:53 f1saek,,1,شاب افريقى فى حضره مع المصريين,,,,,,,2020-02-10 15:59:00 f1t590,,5,I Love Tunisia," La Tunisie est un pays d'Afrique du Nord situé sur la côte méditerranéenne et en bordure du désert du Sahara. Le musée national du Bardo à Tunis, la capitale, expose des pièces archéologiques allant des mosaïques romaines à l'art islamique. Le quartier de la Médina, avec son souk animé, encercle l'imposante mosquée Zitouna. À l'est, sur le site de l'ancienne cité de Carthage, se trouvent les thermes d'Antonin et d'autres ruines, et le musée national de Carthage et ses nombreux objets.",,,,,,2020-02-10 16:58:04 f1t8gg,,3,Safer Internet Day 2020 : Protect your children from online threats !,,,,,,,2020-02-10 17:03:52 f1vnz4,,67,Meme by @tunisian.nationalist.v2 on Instagram,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-10 19:45:24 f228g9,,5,What are some good Tunisian Arabic TV shows to watch?,"My #1 way of learning a language is to consume tons of media in that language without subtitles. However, given that I wouldn't be able to tell if a spoken Arabic IS Tunisian with an untrained ear, and the fact that the writing usually doesn't give it away, I am hard pressed to find TV that is actually IN the Tunisian dialect, and my #1 fear with learning Arabic is watching a show I THOUGHT was Tunisian Arabic, but wasn't. Therefore, I would love it if you guys could reccomend some shows in the authentic Tunisian Arabic dialect! As many as you can, so I can share it with other learners as well!",,,,,,2020-02-11 03:19:42 f24cva,,1,المنشد سلامه لبيب,,,,,,,2020-02-11 06:21:07 f2802y,,3,What is in your opinion the most beautiful gouvernorat,"We have some stunning places in our small country. We are lucky to have a bit from everything (beautiful beaches,Nice mountains,great history,sahara desert,etc...). What is in your opinion the most beautiful gouvernorat and why? In my opinion the Tozeur gouvernorat is the most beautiful gouvernorat because i am a big fan of the desert,oases and the ''raw'' tunisian culture which is very common there. The architecture is absolutely stunning and the people are very humble and welcoming.",,,,,,2020-02-11 13:01:54 f2b5b7,,2,Arab Americans Participants Need! +18,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-11 16:56:13 f2b5gl,,29,I'm lost," I am currently a university student (second year) I feel at some point in my life. i'm in a circle that is always repeated I feel that I know nothing about my future and have no idea. Especially since I come from an average family (middle class) I feel useless .Things started complicated for me and nothing would guarantee my future When I look at my friends. All of them traveled outside the country And I feel that they have accomplished something in their lives compared to me Even all of my relatives have their parent's projects waiting for them While I'm in an empty, arid desert, I have nothing but me and my mind If you are my older brother then what do you advise me... I feel depressed about it...",,,,,,2020-02-11 16:56:29 f2bnnl,,3,Travel advice – getting from Le Kef to the desert?,"Hi all, I'm planning a trip to Tunisia for April, and it will be my first time in Africa. My plan is to spend 3 days in Tunis with day trips around the region (Carthage, Kourbous hot springs) and then go down to the desert. I want to make a stopover somewhere between those two spots, and had initially chosen Le Kef. The city sounds beautiful (I love hilly regions and was thinking of going to Dougga and Hammam Mellengue from there). But I haven't seen a lot of other travelers putting Le Kef on their itineraries, and I am not sure what the best method of getting to the desert towns, like Tozeur or Douz, is from there. Since I'm traveling with a group of four people I would feel more comfortable having local confirmation that it would be easy to organize. I am the only French-speaker and will be organizing everything for the group (also people who have never been to Africa, though fairly seasoned travelers). Would picking a city on the eastern side of the country instead, which seems to have more frequent transport, including trains, be a better idea than Le Kef? FWIW, I don't mind off the beaten path destinations, and I'm most interested in history and culture. I'm not averse to bus or louage travel at all (have gone around Russia and the Balkans that way), just want to be sure it's available frequently enough. []( doesn't seem to have any buses that go to the desert from Le Kef, for example... Thanks in advance for any help—I'm super excited for this trip.",,,,,,2020-02-11 17:29:41 f2c1cp,,3,What to do when even law enforcement won't help ?,"My brother has gone through some incident lately, he went to the police and had witnesses and all the evidence needed to get his justice, yet nothing was done. So now , for me as a person with a really bad temper yet a conflicting rational mind, I'm stuck between 2 choices, forget whatever happened and move on and let bygones be bygones, or resort to violence and make an example out of the people involved. Thing is, I have nothing to lose, the way my life is and like any other Tunisian , I have a lot of bottled up anger that needs to go somewhere. So, do I take things into my own hands and deal with the situation like a thug which may or may not result in prison time, or do I add this to all the bottled up things and just move on with my life like any other person who went through shit like this. Sorry if this sounds more like a vent rather than a request for advice.",,,,,,2020-02-11 17:55:12 f2gglf,,2,Esperance de Tunis Subreddit,"Hey, everyone, I have decided to create an Esperance de Tunis subreddit where we could have many discussions about the team and share our favorite clips. Feel free to join if interested, hopefully, this strengthens the Tunisien community on Reddit! [](",,,,,,2020-02-11 22:35:20 f2ihxg,,2,Looking for Tunisian blogs/podcasts/vlogs,باي لوغة..عربي، تونسي، فرنساوي وإلى حتى بالشلحة الفائدة تونسي(ة) إلي يكتب.,,,,,,2020-02-12 00:53:31 f2q1bq,,1,Once upon a time there was Chellet Amine the best Radio programme and now they’re gone for ever (PS: the one on the right is the player that missed a Penalty in Afcon semi final),,,,,,,2020-02-12 11:48:24 f2q2dj,,0,Once upon a time there was Chellet Amine the best Radio programme and now they’re gone for ever (PS: the one on the right is the player that missed a Penalty in Afcon semi final),,,,,,,2020-02-12 11:51:10 f2r74v,,9,Paypal Tunisia ?,"What do you think ? finally available ? Link: [](",,,,,,2020-02-12 13:27:20 f2ut10,,1,Vine Corona 😂😂👌,,,,,,,2020-02-12 17:35:02 f2ywld,,1,C على وشك تجاوز BASIC و JavaScript هي اللغة الأكثر شعبية,,,,,,,2020-02-12 21:57:18 f32ear,,1,Corona vine 😂😂👌,,,,,,,2020-02-13 01:58:56 f32snk,,16,Tunisian Countryside over Pyrgi Gold Tablets,,,,,,,2020-02-13 02:28:59 f36ji7,,61,I took this picture of the moon and i want to share it with you enjoy,,,,,,,2020-02-13 07:44:21 f37gm2,,2,Our Modern Problems,"What problems do you face in your daily life that could be solved with a mobile app or any IT solution? I'm a computer science student brainstorming for some ideas for my Graduation Project.",,,,,,2020-02-13 09:24:45 f39wqf,,2,Gamers unite! Share your gamer tags and we can get some groups together maybe.,"So, I know there are a lot of gamers here. Share your tag (note the system too) and we can get some gaming on. JustNeedOneMic - Xbox - Gamepass, EA Access and Gold.",,,,,,2020-02-13 13:23:30 f3aih7,,15,"Arabs and Muslims who refuse to associate, work and compete with Israeli people are hypocrites and get undeserved praise","When you hear news about an athlete refusing to compete against an Israeli or a musician not taking up the offer of another musician solely for their nationality and religion it's nothing but toxicity, hatred and hypocrisy. We often talk about bettering the economy and the quality of life, but how about we get rid of our revenge mentality first?",,,,,,2020-02-13 14:10:34 f3axjp,,1,This is how I drive home from work at 16:30/17:00 (Autoroute Marsa Tunis) the sun glare is really dangerous and I'm sure there's something that could be done to reduce the reflectiveness of the road!,,,,,,,2020-02-13 14:42:05 f3c64j,,1,9 Top Attractions You Need To Visit In Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-02-13 16:08:25 f3cps3,,1,LSD,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-13 16:44:04 f3dbcs,,5,Is the is any other ways to pay and receive money in tunisia other than PayPal in tunisia,,,,,,,2020-02-13 17:22:32 f3f5n1,,0,I am running an Online Song Contest where African countries are represented by 1 song. Here is Tunisia’s,,,,,,,2020-02-13 19:16:32 f3fn9q,,1,Circumcision in Tunisia,"So I recently posted a comment on a subreddit called unpopular opinion where I tried to defend circumcision. This didn't turn out so well as I was called barbaric they insulted our culture and called me a savage. This leads me to wonder what Tunisiens opinion on circumcision!",,,,,,2020-02-13 19:47:03 f3hyob,,64,Greater Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-02-13 22:16:33 f3kidf,,10,American Producer Looking For Artists/Clients,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-14 01:21:11 f3qooz,,13,Who's your fav tunisian youtuber,"Let's see Don't forget to mention why ?",,,,,,2020-02-14 11:05:39 f3qz08,,9,I need quick help please,"So my problem is that I found a poor kitten in the middle of the street and she going to get hit by a car, so I put her on the sidewalk but she is apparently sick since she was shaking and sneezing and she is very skinny and obviously starving, I took her to my apartment and put her next to the stairs (I can't get her inside my home) and gave her some salami and water, she didn't eat even by force, so can anyone please help with like adopting it or taking her to a vet or at least a really good advice ? I live in Kram, Tunis.",,,,,,2020-02-14 11:36:15 f3r1dw,,71,"I took this in Kesra, Siliana back in the summer.",,,,,,,2020-02-14 11:42:53 f3usx6,,12,Pope gelasius the pope who declared feb 14 a day of love in remembrance of st valentine is a Tunisian from the Tunisian tribe of ''gelass'' ''jlass'',"&#x200B; [ ]( Valentine's Day: A Day of Romance Lupercalia survived the initial rise of Christianity but was outlawed—as it was deemed “un-Christian”–at the end of the 5th century, when Pope Gelasius declared **February 14** St. Valentine's Day. It was not until much later, however, that the day became definitively associated with love",,,,,,2020-02-14 16:42:44 f3xv55,,1,كأس السوبر الإفريقي ألقاب 1993 - 2020,,,,,,,2020-02-14 20:04:32 f3ylt6,,0,Imposing opinions,"Recently, I have seen many Tunisians support many contemporary movements Like homosexuality Such things like this gradually became implanted in our minds, as if it were a normal thing and when you give your opinion about this topic They insult you And they say that you are ignorant and you must contemporary this time Although these ideas contradict a large proportion of society personally everyone is free to choose their sexual orientation But what makes me anxious. It is the method of imposing opinions and fanaticism Who they use it as an argument for modernity and development sorry for my bad english and i hope that I clarified the idea",,,,,,2020-02-14 20:53:37 f423xz,,71,Took this in قليبية,,,,,,,2020-02-15 01:09:36 f48en6,,55,Among the heroes of the battle of Bizerte: the martyr Muhammad ibn Hamida Al-Bejawi,,,,,,,2020-02-15 11:48:21 f48w3v,,9,What do you think about president KS denying the representatives a diplomatic passport ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-15 12:39:18 f49qd0,,8,2015 Sousse attacks,,,,,,,2020-02-15 13:58:54 f4akup,,4,Are there any tunisian artists that sing in english ?,,,,,,,2020-02-15 15:07:46 f4meej,,1,How are Americans perceived in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-16 05:47:22 f4mkwy,,4,How are Americans perceived in Tunisia?,I am planning a trip in the spring to study the architecture. I will be visiting many scared sites. I am female and will be traveling alone. I've done some research and am curious abut safety but most of all perception. I look forward to visiting your lovely country!,,,,,,2020-02-16 06:06:00 f4nmyp,,17,Is it hard to figure out your address in Tunisia??? My gf lives there and it’s been a week and she can’t figure out her address. She says she has to ask her landlord. I thought that was kinda weird. Is this a common thing there or is this a suspicious situation???,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-16 07:57:40 f4q3d4,,1,Taxi jame3i,,,,,,,2020-02-16 12:33:49 f4v47g,,51,"Found this stamp in my collection, can you guess haw old is it?",,,,,,,2020-02-16 18:52:43 f4w5ad,,5,Tunisian Serial Killer Naceur Damergi,"I'm doing some research on Naceur Damergi aka ""Saffeh Nabeul"". So dear Tunisian redditor, I am asking for some help other than what is on the net or tv, like rare newspaper editions, photos, videos... Anything can be helpful. Thank you in advance",,,,,,2020-02-16 19:57:31 f4wy0y,,3,Question,Where to meet LGBT people ?,,,,,,2020-02-16 20:46:49 f4xpi2,,2,kaskrout lablebi,"i'm always wondering if there is a restaurant that servers '' kaskrout lablebi '' in Tunis. Or it is exclusively made in Bizerte! (i'm hungry af)",,,,,,2020-02-16 21:36:30 f4yj5d,,11,"Following the Jasmine Revolution and First Libyan Civil War, how come Tunisia has enjoyed relative peace whilst Libya has descended into chaos?","I've recently changed my dissertation topic, it's now a comparative analysis on Tunisia and Libya post dictatorship titled Freedom & The Failure of Democracy, looking at why Tunisia succeeded so to speak, and why Libya became arguably a failed state. My argument was gonna be that Tunisia is more urbanised and more literate but this is incorrect: Libya has substantially higher literacy rate, Libya is more urbanised, Libya's GDP in 2010 was nearly twice that of Tunisia's, unemployment was high but Tunisia's wasn't much lower, Libyans enjoyed decent benefits as far as I know, like $1000 or something to first time mothers and free housing, cheap fuel, so then I thought, maybe it is because Gadaffi was much more ruthless and oppressive than Zine, okay, well Gadaffi has been dead nearly a decade and Libya is now going into its 9th year of war. Does anybody else have any suggestions as to why two seemingly similar nations (so close they almost formed a single nation) turned out so differently under similar circumstances. The ones I can think of are the following but I don't know how true they are: Libyan society is more traditional/tribal and divided along ethnic/social lines, whereas in Tunisia, there is racism and regionalism, but for the most part the country is homogenous (however I found some sources disputing this, making Tunisia much more ethically diverse than Libya) Tunisia was colonised by France which despite its many many atrocities in North Africa, has had a lasting impact on Tunisian society and politics, and arguably one of the few benefits we got were the virtues and ideals of French liberalism and secularism. On the contrary, Libya was colonised by the Italians, who have a history of fascism, which offered little to the Libyan people and only divided them. Presence of arms in Libya meant something like this was inevitable, whereas firearm legislation in Tunisia is extremely strict, would have been very difficult for Tunisians to initiate an armed resistance. Size of Libya means it is much harder for a government to retain control and order. Tunisia is the little baby of North Africa and that allows the government in charge to mobilise very quickly. It would be like a war or something in the UK minus NI, there is barely anywhere to fight without mass casualties and the army can mobilise at a much faster rate, which brings me on to my next point.. The Libyan Army under Gadaffi had varying loyalties, whether that be to Gadaffi himself, the Libyan people or certain generals. Moreover, the Libyan people had and have varying loyalties, to Gadaffi, to rebels, to the East/West, to warlords, to their village. The Tunisian Army even under Ben Ali was very loyal to the people as it was made up of the people, the army ever turning on its people was extremely unlikely in the case of Tunisia. The Tunisian people seemed to be much more unified in their goal, which was to depose the dictator and instill democracy, Islamists and Seculars alike, protests remained pretty peaceful even when police used lethal force, bad stuff happened but it didn't last very long and didn't lead to a civil conflict. I would be very grateful if people could share their own ideas and opinions, I think it's an interesting discussion even if you just want to give your two millimes.",,,,,,2020-02-16 22:34:44 f578d3,/r/Coronavirus/comments/f513zm/nursing_101_caring_for_your_loved_ones_at_home/,1,Sharing is caring.,,,,,,,2020-02-17 11:07:06 f57dmt,,9,Solo female backpacker traveling from Tunis Carthage airport at night,"Salaam Alaykum! I'm a solo female traveller and my flight lands at Tunis at around 8 pm. Need to get to my hotel which is close to the Medina. What would you recommend? Also have the following questions: Will I be able to use Bolt or Oto app at the airport for a drop? Can I take a bus (cheaper and feels more safe). I saw that there are two buses from the airport ( bus 35 and 635) which I can take till Tunis Marine but can't see the last bus schedule. Will it be running when I land? Any tips to manage taxis and not get scammed too much? I don't speak Arabic or French, hence a little scared. Thanks in advance for your help! EDIT: thanks everyone on this sub for your help. I used the Bolt app and got a taxi for only 10 TND. Didn't have to walk much from the airport entrance - it was quick and convenient. The driver was pretty helpful and dropped me right in front of my hotel. Very easy!",,,,,,2020-02-17 11:21:21 f57wue,,48,1930s,,,,,,,2020-02-17 12:15:02 f59eck,,11,Teletext Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2020-02-17 14:22:17 f5oqli,,3,What do you usually do on the weekends for fun ?,"Videos games Fishing Sport Eating Watching tv shows",,,,,,2020-02-18 08:35:23 f5qft6,,12,الاسلام في خطر,,,,,,,2020-02-18 11:32:50 f5qmsv,,7,I didn't expect my friend to be like this...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-18 11:51:32 f5quhb,العاب_الطفولة1/,1,العاب الطفولة#1,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-18 12:10:34 f5s978,,2,What is your opinion on Xiaomi mobile Phones?,"xiaomi redmi note 8 is on sale , is it any good ?",,,,,,2020-02-18 14:04:07 f5t2bt,,169,Shall we let Elon know ?,,,,,,,2020-02-18 15:03:10 f5vhhm,,1,I think you'll enjoy this!,,,,,,,2020-02-18 17:38:40 f5w67s,,3,what's the most in demand IT jobs in Tunisia?,"I Am currently cs student, i am gonna graduate next year with cs engineering degree, i was wondering what's the most in demand IT jobs, what skills, programming languages are required? And thanks",,,,,,2020-02-18 18:22:25 f5zsok,,8,What do you think about increasing the bread’s price in Tunisia?,"Hey fellas, Since the “bread riots” that happened in Tunisia in 1983, the bread’s price never changed (200millimes, aprox. $0,07). I truly think that, because of its cheap price, we are wasting a lot of bread every year. Including the fact that 20% of the population has diabetes (and I’m sure there’s a correlation between the bread’s consumption and the diabetes disease). I’m really curious to know what do you all think about it?",,,,,,2020-02-18 22:10:03 f62dzp,,10,"There’s a new subreddit about Phoenician, Punic, and Canaanite history facts. It’s mostly about Hannibal and the Carthaginians so far, though. :) Won’t you come and join us?",,,,,,,2020-02-19 00:58:56 f68uxs,,5,Selling on Amazon from Tunisia,"Hello, as i wrote in the title, i want to sell some product on amazon from Tunisia. Is that possible or not ? Thanks",,,,,,2020-02-19 10:11:40 f6chcb,,7,Good chairs in Tunisia,"I f*cked up my back (again) playing football and since a huge part of my day includes me sitting on a chair, the doctor suggested that I get an ergonomic chair or at least smth better than the shitty excuse for a chair that I have now. Do you guys know of any good places to find what im looking for ? Preferably in le grand tunis. Any help is appreciated.",,,,,,2020-02-19 15:45:05 f6e6iz,,2,OADA : Tunis abrite le bureau arabe des olives,,,,,,,2020-02-19 17:37:40 f6gm2e,,0,"Are there girls in this subreddit, write your presence !",[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-19 20:14:07 f6hrj7,,13,Tunisia to Algeria by road,"Hello Tunisians! I'll be visiting your country soon, and I will also include Algeria in my trip. I just want to know what is the best or cheapest way to get from Tunis to Constantine on land? Would you recommend bus or train? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2020-02-19 21:31:55 f6pgel,,40,Tunisian Police,"A fellow Tunisian redditor posted about a problem he had and he also talked about how unhelpful the police were and this cop issue is what I wanna talk because in my opinion, law enforcement is one of the most important pillars of a successful nation. So I see the police as mostly bunch of lazy corrupt assholes who think of themselves as above the law and can do whatever they want and not willing to serve the country, I know that there are good guys there but not many, this is from a personal experience, so what do you all think ? Am I right or wrong ? share me your thoughts",,,,,,2020-02-20 07:16:56 f6rml0,,4,is posting pics of someone on fb without their permission considered a crime?,title,,,,,,2020-02-20 11:15:26 f6skhc,,2,"Mortal Kombat 11 , destiny 2 , age of empires 2 hd",[removed],,,,,,2020-02-20 12:46:38 f6spoh,,0,What are the most devastating pandemics in human history? In true scale,,,,,,,2020-02-20 12:59:22 f6t7yk,,11,A thread to discuss Manele Labidi film and the subjects adressed by the Film director.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-20 13:40:39 f6tnf3,,16,Tunisian gamers,"What are your favorite Videogames and videogame genres? And what do you care about in games? Mine are survival horror games like Dead Space, F.E.A.R, Resident Evil 4 and The Last of Us, I also enjoy shooters like MW, Black Ops, Far Cry, Max Payne 3. Still even though it doesn't belong to any of those genres, GTA San Andreas is my all time favorite. I personally care about great storyline, interesting character development and decent gameplay mechanics more than graphics.",,,,,,2020-02-20 14:14:43 f6tpot,ⵉⵃⵎⵎⴻⵇ_ⴰⵍⵓⴳⵏ/,2,ⵉⵃⵎⵎⴻⵇ ⴰⵍⵓⴳⵏ,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-20 14:19:55 f6u8tu,,2,So did they finally agree on something? And what do you think guys?,,,,,,,2020-02-20 14:59:32 f6ua62,,1,استمتع بمشاهدة مجلس الذكر هذا,,,,,,,2020-02-20 15:02:14 f6yq2u,,7,Meme made by @tunisian.nationalist.v2 on Instagram,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-20 20:00:21 f70cvh,,5,Girls joining airforce,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-20 21:45:40 f71m91,,46,Are there jews in this subreddit ? Am a Tunisian jew and I wanted to talk to jews from my country,"Everything is said in the title, I am a Tunisian/Caraïte jew, I live in Tunisia but rarely met jews and wanted to talk to some in this subreddit. I want to know about them and how it feels for them to be Jewish in Tunisia. PS: Everyone is welcomed to talk here",,,,,,2020-02-20 23:09:04 f776js,,6,Why does Tunisia have such a small armed forces?,"Compared to other Arab countries of a similar size and population, like Jordan or Syria, why does Tunisia have such a small armed forces? Tunisia is next to conflict areas, like the Libyan Civil War from the East, and also countries with strong militaries like Algeria from the West. It seems almost counter-intuitive. In the next 20-50 years, if a conflict comes to Tunisia or other countries try imposing their will on Tunisia, Tunisia will have no deterrent. For comparison; Syria has over 200 MiG fighter jets, and Jordan has about 60 F-16s. Tunisia only has 11 F-5 light fighters. Jordan has over 1,000 main battle tanks (MBTs), and Syria has over 4,000 MBTs. Tunisia again, only has a measly 200 MBTs. It seems like Tunisia is not investing in their military, yet Tunisia is in a very politically turbulent area of the world. Would Tunisia be able to defend itself from events that happen in the next 20 or even 50 years, with such a small military?",,,,,,2020-02-21 06:32:13 f789qe,,3,D'Hondt Process or How to form a coalition government without the political parties bullshit,,,,,,,2020-02-21 08:34:36 f78g71,الرشاوي_and_الاكتاف/,17,Bribes (الرشاوي) and (الاكتاف).,"What do you think about have to pay money to get your rights except you can get it for free, or you have to know someone in a high place that can get you what you want. (SHARE OPININIONS AND STORIES.) I personally refuse to do such things but people told me that i will have to if later on in life. I actually have a teacher in my high school that wants you to give him money to have a good note and guess what he's my physics teacher this year. Once my class mate doesn't attend his class at all got a 17/20 and he got a close score to mine, this make me want to start cheating and giving bribes and i always hated that but i now feel i have to. I'll share other stories in the comments.",,,,,,2020-02-21 08:55:58 f7bo0g,,24,self defence laws in tunisia?,"if someone stabs you and you stab them back, they die and you don\`t what happens afterwards? do you just rot in prison for eternity? is self defence a thing in tunisia?",,,,,,2020-02-21 14:15:31 f7ecin,,3,Tunisian movies in derja?,"I always wondered about tunisian movies, I heard about them but never seen one, if so, where can I find them?",,,,,,2020-02-21 17:22:49 f7f5qc,,1,Wtf ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-21 18:16:28 f7ffb0,,1,Wtf ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-21 18:34:38 f7fpdj,,3,Are Tunisians a one single ethnic group ?,"Sorry if my question and post are silly but I have always thought about this and still can't find the correct answer, so I'm wondering about the ethnic groups in Tunisia and many questions come to my head like are we Arabs or Amazigh or both or even something else ? Then I started thinking that Tunisians might be even a one single ethnic group for many reasons like how I have a relative in every single governorate and at the same time these relatives also have more other relatives until I see that most if not all Tunisians are somehow related to each other. So what do you think guys",,,,,,2020-02-21 18:53:51 f7ip9z,,32,massive chunker of a gypsum desert rose cluster from Tunisia!,,,,,,,2020-02-21 22:14:25 f7j6mk,,3,shopping advice,"Greetings fellow redditors. I'm looking for a garment hanger / porte-vêtement , and was wondering if any of you know where to get one from? I've never seen one of these in tunis anywhere tbh.",,,,,,2020-02-21 22:46:45 f7jut8,,3,Best places in Djerba,"Hello, i’m Djerba for the weekend, what’s the best nightclub in all Djerba ? And places to see in the morning? Thank you",,,,,,2020-02-21 23:33:59 f7o0kc,,2,Power Tools?,"Is there a great place to buy good quality power tools in Tunisia (DeWalt, Bosch or equivalent) or should I wait until I get back to the States and buy some there to take back with me?",,,,,,2020-02-22 05:10:02 f7rjs9,,52,National hero martyr Abdallah ElGhoul (1910-1950),,,,,,,2020-02-22 11:46:17 f7tnpg,,2,Any Stans here !! Join the newly-created subreddit to discuss our love for the GOAT !!,r/TunisianStans,,,,,,2020-02-22 15:05:24 f7xqd6,,10,Naturalization in Tunisia?,"Hi everyone, Is it possible to naturalize and obtain Tunisian citizenship when neither of your parents is Tunisian? I tried to look for info but I couldn't find anything. I'm asking because I was born and raised in Tunisia (lived there for 15 years until I moved) and I consider it my home, so I'd like to know if naturalization is possible. Thanks!",,,,,,2020-02-22 19:51:06 f7y0ra,,2,Do you think boomers shall have something to say about gaming?,I believe we all know about the Hiwar tv show about gaming which personally reminded me of why i stopped watching TV. Your thoughts about the matter?,,,,,,2020-02-22 20:10:27 f8aqw7,,12,Tunisian trip in September.,"Hey there fellow Tunisian redditors! This year in September me and my girl will come to Tunisia, we will arrive with a ferry from my hometown Palermo in Sicily to Tunis. We want to travel around this beautiful country with my motorcycle. What are the places that we absolutely have to see? We will spend from 10 to 14 days in total going around, do you think it will be enough time to see some of the best places trough the country? How are the temperatures on the coast and on the inner country during middle September? Do I risk to burn my engine? I have a big enduro and I'm not afraid of doing a bit of off road, but nothing challenging, the bike will be heavy from the luggages and the passenger. We're eager to get to see this incredible country, thank you for help! Cheers!",,,,,,2020-02-23 15:20:15 f8cngx,,11,do you think internet speed will increase ?,google(and youtube) and facebook(including instagram) are the top 3 visited websites here. not everyone streams 4k or even 1080p content and the majority uses facebook. do you think things will stay like this? ISPs are still saying 1gb mobile plans/800kb modems are great,,,,,,2020-02-23 17:34:42 f8d2rs,,9,how did people react when facebook and youtube got blocked?,"I read a wikipedia article about censorship and internet censorship in tunisia and found that among other sites, these 2 were blocked. did people care back then or was the internet/facebook not popular?",,,,,,2020-02-23 18:02:40 f8luxx,,36,Marble bust of Hannibal (Phoenician: ḥnbʿl) on display in the Quirinal Palace in Rome!,,,,,,,2020-02-24 04:32:17 f8o6qy,,0,the future is ours,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-24 08:15:07 f8trya,,12,What's your experience with therapy (mental health) in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-02-24 16:32:42 f8x4th,,0,The Barbary War explained- sth you didnt study at school extensively,,,,,,,2020-02-24 20:02:54 f8xgby,,45,"one of the forgotten heroes : Ali Belferjani ElOuedherfi, 1938",,,,,,,2020-02-24 20:22:54 f8xhog,,7,What's with the robbery here???,"It's not even been 4 days since we came here and, people already broke into our car and stole a bunch of valuable stuff? I'm in Tunis btw. What to do?",,,,,,2020-02-24 20:25:13 f91yt8,,11,Tunisian education system offers philosophy courses in lycée. Did these courses have an impact on you? Or were they just pointless a7fa4 w sob kind of thing?,"I'm doing a research paper on philosophy classes during high school and it would be helpful to get a tunisian perspective on this topic Mercie",,,,,,2020-02-25 01:15:54 f97d4l,,13,Going to gym in Ramadan,"hi, (question is not very pertinent to the actual subreddit but don't know who or where to ask this) I am starting gym this month and I am wondering when gyms open in Ramadan in Tunisia and if it is healthy to train and at what time (so I can know if I buy 3 months membership or just one month.) thank you",,,,,,2020-02-25 08:44:02 f9au7g,,4,Help! Where can i find n95 mask or any equivalent (not surgical mask!),"Corona virus gonna reach Tunisia now anytime and i want be ready since i live in the capital and i often have to go through crowded places, i found ffp2 3 masks on jumia but they said it s (anti poussière).",,,,,,2020-02-25 14:13:14 f9elnm,,5,Will coronavirus reach Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-25 18:23:18 f9ewsu,,3,Is there a market in Tunis where I can buy pets? (I want a dog),,,,,,,2020-02-25 18:43:04 f9fzzn,,7,watch tunisina tv online,[removed],,,,,,2020-02-25 19:52:13 f9hql8,,42,I made a Wood Burnt Floating Map of Africa,,,,,,,2020-02-25 21:38:32 f9ihde,,6,What's up with Tunis Air?,"I was wondering about everyone's recent experiences with Tunis Air. We have used them for years but lately they seem to become more unstable than usual. Never keeping reserved flights, always changing dates, not just times sometimes hours before flights take off. Does this still have to do with restructuring? It seems worse now than before. Anyone else experience this or just unfortunate sampling on our part?",,,,,,2020-02-25 22:24:40 f9ju6p,,4,How to receive packages from EU in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-25 23:53:10 f9wfce,,1,corona is coming home (Africa)!!Do u think we're ready?,,,,,,,2020-02-26 17:08:16 f9zaho,,10,[Update] i was asking about respiratory mask yesterday,"I post yesterday about that, some ppl troled me, one guy got mad and started spamming replies insults etc anyway i blocked him, the coronavirus is serious i went today to multiple pharmacies and i hardly could get one after queuing, in jumia no masks are available.",,,,,,2020-02-26 20:07:00 fa2c96,,11,"Tunisians gather together in Cafés to watch Ons JABEUR Play against Pliskova, she is making Tennis popular in Tunisia .",,,,,,,2020-02-26 23:16:44 fa93e1,,1,اكثر 10 شركات نشر العاب الفيديو حققت مداخيل خلال اخر عشر سنوات,,,,,,,2020-02-27 08:31:02 fadbkn,,14,Very strong word from PM Fakhfekh answering the deputees after 14 hours of discussion in the parliament. (This was at 2:30am yesterday).,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-27 15:01:52 faeyan,,3,"So about this Coronavirus pandemic, I think it's a very good idea to suspend flights to Italy. What do you guys think?",,,,,,,2020-02-27 16:50:28 fahzpz,,10,Bookstores,"Does anyone knows where do bookstores in Tunisia such as Alkitab, Maison du livre,.. buy the books they sell ? Do they buy them from wholesalers in Tunisia or do they import them? Thank you",,,,,,2020-02-27 20:06:23 fanz5p,,22,"Im at Uni, each month we are given a country in Africa that we have to pick a problem, and then propose a policy to help the problem. I thought I could ask people that have much better experience and understanding of Tunisia. What do you guys feel is something that is a problem in Tunisia? Thanks!",,,,,,,2020-02-28 02:59:45 fasyb3,,4,Looking for Hannibal stuff in Tunis,"Hi, I'm looking for tangible tributes to Hannibal in (and around) Tunis. Is there anything? I gather there's a statue being built? Is there much in the msueums, or galleries? Even like a street, or a bar, named after him? Thanks, love my ancient history and find it weird there doesn't seem to be much Hannibal-worship around in Tunis.",,,,,,2020-02-28 10:47:49 fau48l,,13,Asking about the army,"Hello I’m a bacalureat student and I always loved the military and serving the country but I have some few questions that I couldn’t find their answers anywhere so here they are: How much are the salaries in the military per rank? Can I quit whenever I want? I wear glasses, can I still pass the medical test? What kind of training will I get if I get accepted after taking my bacalureat? Does your education level really matter? Will it affect your ranking or anything?",,,,,,2020-02-28 12:40:45 fauzj9,,2,‫Salma Gharbi - اللطف يا ربي.. اللطف !!‬,,,,,,,2020-02-28 13:50:58 fav2st,,12,How to say the name of Tunisia's PM without blushing,,,,,,,2020-02-28 13:58:05 fav3b9,,21,I present to you r/CreativeTunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-28 13:59:08 fawmun,ée_mixte_and/,3,"What's the difference between Lycée ""Mixte"" and Lycée Technique in Mahdia?","I will be transferring to one of these next year but i don't know the difference, I will take IT orientation (Sho3ba) so it makes sense if Technique is the more fitting one? Also i'd really like to know what i'll learn in 11th grade IT, like what coding language will i have to learn? (i'd like to learn it in summer beforehand) and the non-programming lessons too",,,,,,2020-02-28 15:47:40 fax09x,,61,"One coin, two faces",,,,,,,2020-02-28 16:11:32 faxn8c,,3,ghazela or el menzah,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-28 16:52:49 fb00jb,,9,looking for people who dropped out and changed majors,"heya, i'm dropping out of college and switching majors next year. living in a dorm added to it the stress of pre-engineering took a toll on my mental health and after a lot of consideration i'm dropping out . the decision itself is very hard and i feel like i don't know a lot of people who understand what i'm going through (mainly feelings of disappointment and shame) so i thought it would be nice to find people who are going/went through the same thing and who are willing to talk about.",,,,,,2020-02-28 19:21:12 fb04s4,,3,Hard sleeping pills without prescription,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-28 19:28:53 fb1io5,,8,"La Poste Tunisienne, the oldest company in Tunisia, founded in 1847.",,,,,,,2020-02-28 20:59:42 fb2p2z,,3,Freelance translation jobs,"I'm a college student currently getting an MA in translation and I'm in a need for a source of income since I no longer want to go to my parents for money. I wanted to know if any of you guys or gals can tell me what to do so I can get some freelance work in translation, especially that we don't have paypal here and it's almost impossible to do this on the internet. Thnx in advance and any tips are most welcome.",,,,,,2020-02-28 22:19:35 fbbf62,,93,"A Tunisian baker with his bread for sale on a street stall, 28th March 1934",,,,,,,2020-02-29 11:44:18 fbcoiu,,5,any advices on how to control stuttering,"im a stutterer i had it since primary school but it wasnt a big deal even my parents havent noticed it but two years ago ( 22 yo now ) my stutterer got serious dont know why , so any of u guys have any explanation or advices about that . PS i tried orthophonie it didnt help",,,,,,2020-02-29 13:43:34 fbf8id,,2,please any Tunisian translate this words .,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-29 16:49:09 fbh83x,,0,can anyone tell me nature of tunisian teenage girls . Are they loyal? and their thinking about foreigners.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-29 19:00:03 fbkx0w,,4,Shots fired in Jebel Bougarnine,[deleted],,,,,,2020-02-29 23:15:57 fbl2wt,,4,explain derja for me?,"obviously i know how to speak derja but idk how to write it since i never text people i know 3 is ع but i can never memorize the rest &#x200B; what is 7 and all the other stuff? so i struggle less with reading and texting in tunisian derja.",,,,,,2020-02-29 23:28:08 fbo1fc,,1,The previous Tunisian government leaving with a selfie,,,,,,,2020-03-01 03:15:59 fbpa77,,55,The previous Tunisian government leaving with a selfie,,,,,,,2020-03-01 05:03:16 fbrr3x,,10,Reliable tunisian news source,"As a fellow tunisian I am sick and tired of the incompetence of our radio stations and tv channels, they love to spread propaganda and useless garbage articles. If any of you could refer a good source to keep me updated and that is BS free. Thank you ;))",,,,,,2020-03-01 09:31:41 fbt13e,من/,2,Who are some good Tunisian writers? (Not poets) من من هم بعض الكتاب التونسيين الجيدين؟,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-01 11:51:56 fbux49,,32,"German officers watching the unloading of a MAN truck from a Messerschmitt Me 323 Gigant aircraft. Tunisia, 1942",,,,,,,2020-03-01 14:41:34 fbuz9a,,4,"""Karma"" (Meme by @tunisian.nationalist.v2 on Instagram)",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-01 14:46:18 fbv121,,34,"Saddam Hussein's 747-200 & 747 SP at Tozeur-Nefta International Airport Tunisia. Parked since 1991 to avoid US bombing. Depleted uranium ballast, the locals looting them shortly after arriving, and 30 years of unpaid ramp fees have made them a scrap job that nobody wants.",,,,,,,2020-03-01 14:51:29 fbxfyl,,2,Starting your own music production company / Digital music distribution company in Tunisia,"How could you start your own music production company or a digital music distribution company in Tunisia? What do i need at first? Anything would be helpful, thanks in advance!",,,,,,2020-03-01 17:37:17 fc0je6,,1,"Stumped on this video this weekend, this dude will certainly go places..",,,,,,,2020-03-01 20:58:50 fc15nj,,29,"From Australia, just moved here and am looking for friends!","I (18F) am half Tunisian half New Zealander, born in Australia and just moved here 2 months ago, in need of some friends! My interests are cooking, music, skating, art and nature! Hmu! I need friends",,,,,,2020-03-01 21:40:01 fcdev1,,3,Help on a WIP - Tunisia Forces,"Hello guys. I'm doing a work on Tunisia, and I would like to know how many forces of authority and security services are there and a little bit of they're history. Also, any good (english) sites containing information about export/import in Tunisia are welcome. &#x200B; Thank you for your help.",,,,,,2020-03-02 15:10:51 fcdo4y,,35,First case of coronavirus in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-02 15:28:38 fcf47f,,1,It's our time,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-02 17:02:15 fci5tp,,101,Only tunisians will understand,,,,,,,2020-03-02 20:14:18 fcmfe7,,8,Tunisian Reddit,"Do you remember the Tunisian Reddit? Where you can find hlib el ghoula I'm surprised it's still working",,,,,,2020-03-03 00:55:59 fcmz6c,,0,The teacher who made this is Tunisian which makes it so much better,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-03 01:36:54 fctrka,,0,"[circle jerk] From Nigeria, just moved here and am looking for friends!",[removed],,,,,,2020-03-03 12:20:44 fcu0bz,,1,When you see it... [not oc],[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-03 12:42:41 fcu0i2,,1,When you see it... [not oc],[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-03 12:43:05 fcu4aj,,1,When you see it... [not oc],[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-03 12:52:38 fcu5li,,1,When you see it... [not oc],[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-03 12:55:38 fcuf0h,,1,Probability Comparison: Winning Medals at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics,,,,,,,2020-03-03 13:16:36 fcuiqe,,1,When you see it... [not oc],,,,,,,2020-03-03 13:25:26 fcv0t6,,26,"What if there is an app like that, to rate every damn politician (data not completed)",,,,,,,2020-03-03 14:05:20 fcykce,,0,La Tunisie est bel et bien à l'ère de la désindustrialisation !,,,,,,,2020-03-03 18:02:27 fczwd5,,3,Where to buy/How to buy local crypto currency?,I looked on and there are Very few sellers locally and most haven't been seen in 9+ months. Looking to buy BCH.,,,,,,2020-03-03 19:25:53 fd6888,,8,Profile video about Arabic,"Hello, dear Tunisians I created a YouTube channel (Linguaholic) to film profile videos about the languages of the world (Going from A-Z). For our 4th episode, we prepared a video on Arabic with a guest from Palestine. We also talked about the specific differences between Darija and the other dialects. (You can skip to 8:29 for that) I would appreciate receiving feedback from you guys, the native speakers! []( ",,,,,,2020-03-04 02:39:12 fd9txo,,20,Visiting Tunisia Tomorrow: Questions!,"Hello r/Tunisia! My husband and I (Americans living in the UK) will be flying to Tunisia from the UK tomorrow and spending a few days there. I've got a few questions! To start, I know the first case of coronavirus was reported in Tunisia recently. We're still planning to go as we have nonrefundable flights and hotel and are healthy. 1. Has there been any closures due to the virus? Museums, Carthage sites, El Jem amphitheater, restaurants, etc.? 2. How do Tunisians feel about Americans right now? 3. Do you have any advice on staying safe? This is a short trip, so just Tunis, El Jem and hopefully a day trip to Dougga. 4. Any advice on how to do a day trip to Dougga from Tunis and how much that might cost? Hard to find information online. 5. Restaurant recommendations in Tunis for amazing Tunisian food? Thank you so much!",,,,,,2020-03-04 08:00:48 fd9yeg,,2,Hey! So I'm trying to get people from every country in the world! If you're Tunisian please join!,,,,,,,2020-03-04 08:14:00 fdbnux,,30,Abir Moussa,"No matter your political affiliation, heck it doesn't matter even if you aren't interested in politics but what happened yesterday in the parliament is simply stupid. Just go to this link and watch both the Youtube and Facebook video : []( What Abir Moussa is doing is childish, stupid and disrespectful to the entire country, I don't care about she says, even if the entire parliament are bunch of terrorists except her, you have to be respectful, when someone talks, you listen, when someone says something you don't like, you politely criticize him, if you don't like the people around then get the heck out. we are taught all these lessons in the elementary but it seems that she was absent during these lessons. So yeah, she gets into my nerves for everything she does, I want a respectful member of the parliament to help contribute to the benefit of the nation and not a clown who is only there to annoy others. So what's your opinion, my fellow Tunisians",,,,,,2020-03-04 11:28:44 fdeijs,,2,What's your favorite brand of homemade coffee?,,,,,,,2020-03-04 15:23:24 fdgfot,,9,Fruit sold in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-04 17:30:35 fdiic1,,36,Why does this look like a propaganda post from 2007 lmao,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-04 19:45:12 fdlztw,,1,Highly recommend Escape Room Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-03-04 23:33:59 fdm00x,,1,Highly recommend Escape Room Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-03-04 23:34:19 fdppwy,,1,تونسية,,,,,,,2020-03-05 04:17:59 fdt10j,,0,Les Journées de la Francophonie 2020 : Un programme riche ou le Français est Roi du 05 mars au 05 avril,,,,,,,2020-03-05 09:52:20 fdtfrw,,5,Bank account BIAT,"Hello fellow Tunisians, I am an employee and I am contemplating changing my bank account from Amen Bank to BIAT, since I kinda liked their Pack Silver offer, anyone used the service before and can tell me more about it? Do you advise me to buy the Pack Silver?",,,,,,2020-03-05 10:38:15 fdv7hw,,66,"Mourners during a funeral service offered to the victims of the Battle of Bizerte, July 24, 1961.",,,,,,,2020-03-05 13:25:28 fdw3vo,,9,I saw an opportunity and couldn't resist,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-05 14:35:43 fdwoya,,11,Missing Tunisia :(,"Hi guys ! I'm from Tunisia (specifically Tunis) and I had to leave last September to start college in Paris. Since then I can't stop being homesick, I miss my beautiful country and quartiers (Mutuelleville / Marsa). I'm sad, i've gained weight and everyday I wish to be back to my place. Anybody has some pics to share of my quartiers (also Marsa's beach) ? Do you have any advice on how I can cope with homesickness ? Also anybody from PMF (lycée français Mutuelleville) from my promo (bac 2019) ? I'd like to talk to some of you again lol.",,,,,,2020-03-05 15:18:37 fdzcjt,,45,80 10 19 19 is the green number to call in case of doubts concerning a possible COVID-19 contamination,"80101919 was provided by the ministry of health and is free to call in case of any doubts, use it wisely. You can also call 190 for the SAMU (Services d’aide médicale urgente). Stay safe.",,,,,,2020-03-05 18:11:25 fe1sqx,,2,Is there conscription in Tunisia?,"I can't seem to get a clear answer to this question. I read a Wikipedia article, and it seems like it was translated from an old Arabic legal document, it does't make much logical sense. [\_National\_service]( But my question is - is there a draft or conscription in Tunisia? &#x200B; Will the army or national guard come to your house and say ""you must join the army for 1 year and go to training camp right now, or you will go to jail!"" if you are a 20+ year old male? &#x200B; Are only certain people selected to be in the military? &#x200B; Do people who attend university not have to join the military? &#x200B; Are there legal alternatives to being conscripted, like volunteering?",,,,,,2020-03-05 20:47:37 fe4i1s,,0,h,,,,,,,2020-03-05 23:47:41 feazsa,,1,اكبر 10 شركات تكنولوجيا في العالم,,,,,,,2020-03-06 09:16:01 febnr6,,26,oh shit. here we gone again ..إرهابي يفجّر نفسه قرب السفارة الأمريكية,,,,,,,2020-03-06 10:33:33 fec611,,1,Opinion,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-06 11:28:02 fec79i,,2,Man blows himself up near US embassy in Tunis - reports,,,,,,,2020-03-06 11:31:51 fec7z6,,1,*an interesting title*,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-06 11:33:58 fec8db,,1,[News]A suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonated himself outside the US Embassy in Tunisia’s capital Tunis.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-06 11:35:15 feccam,,7,A suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonated himself outside the US Embassy in Tunisia’s capital Tunis.,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-06 11:46:19 fecuht,,0,[News] Suicide Bomber Attack near US Embassy Tunis Discussions Main Thread,"In order to avoid spamming the subreddit with multiple titles on the same subject you may voice your opnion here or contribute by adding more useful links/updates on the incident. Bigotry Violence and personal attacks will not be tolerated. The Department of Interior Affairs issued a press release this Friday, March 6, in which it presents the details of the suicide attack that occurred at Lake 2, near the American embassy, ​​shortly after 11 a.m. It says that two suicide bombers aboard a motorcycle, targeted an assigned security patrol outside the US Embassy and detonated themselves. Five police officers and a citizen were injured. Note that a Ministerial Council is currently being held at the Palace of Carthage to monitor this operation [Update 1:40] 1 casualty confirmed 1st commander Tawfik Missaoui.",,,,,,2020-03-06 12:34:47 fef916,,1,Suicide bombers wound 5 police in Tunisian capital,,,,,,,2020-03-06 15:44:04 fegnm9,,0,Esperance fans chant against Sisi,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-06 17:16:25 fejlz3,,0,Abir Moussi sums up the nahdha-nidaa alliance,,,,,,,2020-03-06 20:26:40 fekon9,,3,"Guys, you're missing a lot in this version of IDAE in Djerba. Only two days left.",,,,,,,2020-03-06 21:36:35 felty5,,1,Jalel Brick joins the Queen,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-06 22:53:49 fendue,,1,كأس السوبر الإفريقي ألقاب 1993 - 2020,,,,,,,2020-03-07 00:47:13 fes3nt,,13,Country statistics of the Tunisia (You can see on the map),,,,,,,2020-03-07 07:51:13 fet0u8,,1,Contrôle parental dans Google Chrome et Chromebook,,,,,,,2020-03-07 09:38:47 feuvle,,34,"I just discovered that Call of Duty mobile has a Tunisian map which also reminds me that Call of Duty game series is probably the only game series to have a Tunisian character (Call of Duty Finest Hour, Yusuf)",,,,,,,2020-03-07 13:05:26 feyie2,,1,L’Algérie condamne l’#attentat terroriste et exprime sa solidarité avec la Tunisie.,,,,,,,2020-03-07 17:44:25 ff05xg,,7,What percentage of other languages does the Tunisian Arabic dialect actually use?,"I keep hearing that the Tunisian Arabic dialect is a mix of multiple languages, like Amazigh and French and Latin and Turkish, yet with an Arabic ""basis"". So does anyone know if there were ever any studies or official estimates of the actual percentages of other languages that Tunisian Arabic dialect is a mix of? Or if you don't know the actual numbers, can you make a guess as to what percentages you think they are, based on your knowledge of Tunisian Arabic? For example, maybe it is 50% Arabic, 25% Amazigh, 20% French, 3% Latin, and 2% Turkish.",,,,,,2020-03-07 19:33:28 ff25ov,,4,I'm doing a project but i need some stats so please help me out,,,,,,,2020-03-07 21:48:29 ff2t70,,19,Tyrian purple is a natural dye first used by the Phoenicians. It's a secretion produced by Murex sea snails. Extracting the dye involved tens of thousands of snails and arduous labor. The dye was greatly prized in antiquity because the color did not fade but instead became brighter with age.,,,,,,,2020-03-07 22:33:52 ff58j7,,27,"Tunisia ranks 156th out of 176 countries in Internet speed behind the likes of Somalia,Djibouti and Sierra Leone.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-08 01:32:15 ff8lc6,,33,"Mago fought alongside his brother Hannibal & played a key role in many battles. At Battle of Trebia, he led a detachment that ambushed the Romans, destroying their battle array. In Battle of Cannae, Mago took position with the Gallic infantry at the vanguard, the most vulnerable & crucial position.",,,,,,,2020-03-08 06:13:42 ffc7z9,,2,How do introvert Tunisians (especially the females) survive the Tunisian culture?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-08 13:00:54 ffckax,,8,Cycling in Tunisia,"If anyone is into road cycling, please hit me up for a group rides. It's very rare when I hear about road cycling events in Tunisia. Which is kinda weird, it's a great and fun sports!",,,,,,2020-03-08 13:31:25 ffcqe8,,1,"Posted a question for introverts in Tunisia. Good god, you made me realize why I can't fit in here! I regret it. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings y'all hehe. Long live the perfect Tunisian culture. 🙌",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-08 13:45:53 fff6nl,,2,I thought we would rank so much higher with all the bourguiba empowering women stuff. We lack so many laws to protect working women.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-08 16:49:51 ffhjcd,,1,Is anything being done to reduce the French language in Tunisia?,"I keep hearing that French is a dominant language in Tunisia, and that it's used extensively in schools and university. It's a bit strange as Tunisia isn't a French colony, but acts like one by keeping the French language. French isn't even a dominant world language anymore, English is. So, is there anything being done to replace French with Arabic or English, or to ban French?",,,,,,2020-03-08 19:24:02 ffij59,,27,[COVID19] Second case of COVID19 confirmed in Mahdia/Sousse 65 years old male tunisian came from Italy since 2 weeks ago,,,,,,,2020-03-08 20:26:37 ffjm61,,6,[COVID-19] BIZERTE ER services evacuated after coronavirus symptoms detected on admitted patient,,,,,,,2020-03-08 21:36:16 ffkbns,,2,What eye color is KS ? i cant tell exactly but it looks grey .,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-08 22:23:43 ffkowp,,1,The search,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-08 22:48:40 ffri1s,,19,Still can't believe this trash is in the parliament.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-09 08:18:53 fftcuy,,0,What Do You Think About Carthage ? Do You See Yourself As Son of Carthago ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-09 11:38:55 fftlni,,43,25 doors of Tunisia,"A couple of years ago, I created this compilation of **Tunisian doors**. Which other countries have similar doors? How can you recognize a Tunisian door? *Some of these photos are mine, for the rest I had the consent of their owners, so don't hesitate to share.*",,,,,,2020-03-09 12:02:12 ffttvc,,8,buying steam cards,"Hi, This is kinda unrelated to the sub but anyone knows where I can buy steam cards with normal prices since buying stuff with credit cards is still impossible? thank u",,,,,,2020-03-09 12:21:59 ffuai8,,17,False information being spread on Tunisian radio regarding the Corona virus by Tunisian medical officials,,,,,,,2020-03-09 13:01:14 ffw6il,,1,"[COVID-19] Third case confirmed, the spouse's test is positive",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-09 15:16:54 ffwb3g,,11,"[COVID-19] Total cases confirmed are now 5 , 2 new ones from incoming travelers and one new community transmission case",,,,,,,2020-03-09 15:25:14 ffxg6f,,5,Dignity coalition (itilef el karama) people," Why do all people from dignity coalition calling out their opponents as infidels and blasphemous? I was in one of those clubs back in university and I knew a tons of amazing people from different clubs and we were nothing but absolutely improving ourselves and society. Why do these people are always calling for violence and discrimination? And I'm surprised it's coming of a woman... The post is [public](",,,,,,2020-03-09 16:37:57 ffzygf,,4,Footage of the attack,,,,,,,2020-03-09 19:12:01 fg1vey,,10,"[COVID-19] SCHOOLS Will be closed starting Thursday March 12th, 2020",,,,,,,2020-03-09 21:06:09 fg2a4k,,6,How can coronavirus affect our currency?,,,,,,,2020-03-09 21:31:24 fg2ckl,,39,"[COVID-19] Patient that was supposedly being in quarantaine went rogue, defies law took an airplane back to Strasbourg and caused a panic at Carthage Airport , Tunis,Tunisia",,,,,,,2020-03-09 21:35:31 fg2uz2,,1,صدمة للمغاربة : نهائي عصبة الابطال لن يكون بمركب محمد الخامس والسبب ؟؟,,,,,,,2020-03-09 22:07:08 fg333d,,1,"Tunisian COVID19 patient went rogue and escaped quarantine to fly back to Strasbourg creating a panic at Carthage Airport, Tunis, Tunisia",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-09 22:21:19 fgc83t,,29,covid-we're-so-fucked-19,"Imagine being so incompetent that you can't contain and take measures against this virus despite the relatively small number of people coming in and out. You would think a global pandemic happening right outside would light a fire up under everyone's ass and cause them to act accordingly and strictly and take extra precautions locking down everything right away, but no, let's get on TV and radios and say things like ""no need to panic"" & ""it's just like the flu"" and allow big football games with tens of thousands of crammed up crowds together. The title isn't fear mongering, we are very very fucked. If you think there are only 5 cases out there then I have a special bridge for you.",,,,,,2020-03-10 11:17:34 fgenc4,,0,Tunisia and food,,,,,,,2020-03-10 14:28:17 fgfw2f,,10,Guys look up Aladin and Laura on YouTube.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-10 15:50:42 fgfx5f,,7,I need your help ( my first project ),"good evening everyone , i'm working on my startup and i need your help to answer some questions , i need that to make stat numbers , then i'll present it front of jury , so please do me a favor and answer these question and ofc this will be appreciated [](",,,,,,2020-03-10 15:52:31 fggy9i,,9,"Tunis, Kairouan and Carthage Free PDF book (1906) Travel and Descriptions with Illustrations | SharingeBook - Download Free PDF Books Legally",,,,,,,2020-03-10 16:55:45 fggz3v,,10,Why you should worry about the corvid-19,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-10 16:57:12 fgigcj,,0,A brief history of terrorism in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-03-10 18:28:01 fgir3f,,0,"If there's more than 200 infected people in Tunisia, then probably one of them has recorded a video and posted it on social media to tell us the truth. which it's not the case.",[removed],,,,,,2020-03-10 18:46:51 fgjv26,,1,مختبر بريطاني يدفع 4500 دولار مقابل حقنك بفيروس كورونا الفتاك,,,,,,,2020-03-10 19:52:53 fglntc,,1,ويندوز 10 أكثر أمانًا في العقد الماضي من Linux و macOS X و Android,,,,,,,2020-03-10 21:42:04 fgme0t,,5,Wanna share a great tunisian youtube channel,,,,,,,2020-03-10 22:26:25 fgrmpv,,2,فيروس كورونا في إيطاليا ما الذي يجب عليك معرفته وما يجب عمله تجاهه من هو الشخص الذي ستتصل به إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة، وما هي القواعد المقيدة في كل إيطاليا,,,,,,,2020-03-11 04:38:30 fgtls1,,19,400 dinars for painting s + 1. Is this normal?,"Hi everyone. Edit 2: It seems like I'm totally screwed. Thanks you all for your responses, I'll leave this topic here, maybe it'll help someone helse. For me, I learned the lesson, in the hard way. Here it is, I rent a studio for a short period of 2 months in Tunis, and I have to leave soon, the owner gmask me a of 400dt to repaint the bedroom and the living room, the walls are not disgusting but I admit that there are some fingerprints that are even more visible than the rest of the wall is white. I do not know the current rates, is it a good price? Do I have to call painters myself? How long will it take to complete the work? Any help will be welcome thanks in advance. Edit 1: I am a foreigner who came to Tunis for work, I pay 400dt per month with a deposit of 400dt which should be recoverable on departure, normally",,,,,,2020-03-11 07:52:53 fgvbfp,,1,security camera captured attack near #US Embassy 6/3/2020,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-11 11:00:08 fgw2cu,,6,How Serious is the Coronavirus?,I will let you watch this video by Joe Rogan guys [\_title]( and would like to hear your opinions.,,,,,,2020-03-11 12:04:49 fgwt13,,5,Belgrade Serbia direct flight,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-11 13:03:07 fgyfye,,4,Meme by @tunisian.nationalist.v2 on Instagram,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-11 14:58:48 fh7uby,,0,yo what if...coronavirus is a hoax,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-12 00:53:14 fhc79p,,0,"Qu'est-ce qu'un Sommet de la Francophonie (OIF) ? [Tunis, décembre 2020]",,,,,,,2020-03-12 06:46:43 fhcf3d,,40,Sums up how this guy works,,,,,,,2020-03-12 07:08:39 fheog0,,61,Khaldounia Class in 1908,,,,,,,2020-03-12 11:12:05 fhgjji,,14,1hour Lo-Fi JalelBrick hip hop - beats to study/start a revolution to !,,,,,,,2020-03-12 13:44:33 fhhz3s,,1,Framework PHP Laravel 7 vient de sortir,,,,,,,2020-03-12 15:22:21 fhio3o,,3,الوقاية من فيروس كورونا.. تدابير وقائية جديدة من وباء الكورونا!,,,,,,,2020-03-12 16:06:08 fhitmb,,2,I felt i hade to share this here.,,,,,,,2020-03-12 16:15:52 fhjysq,,4,Food delivery apps Tunis,"Hello I'm Lebanese I've been here since yesterday Can you recommend apps that provide a food delivery service ASAP thanks",,,,,,2020-03-12 17:25:06 fhkmgz,,2,Love or freedom?,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-12 18:05:09 fhlc0z,,12,"[COVID-19] 6 more new cases are confirmed by Ministry Of Health , new cases were detected on a patient that came from France",,,,,,,2020-03-12 18:49:01 fhm9vi,,1,Please join,,,,,,,2020-03-12 19:45:45 fhn36c,,1,The state is going to collapse,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-12 20:34:25 fhy4ym,,8,Anyone know how many people are being tested these days?,Would be a great help if you guys could send in some links or if you have some insight on this. Thanks.,,,,,,2020-03-13 11:25:56 fhznel,,18,Tunisia will purchase 6 UAVs Anka-S and three control centers for a total amount of $240 million. The deal was signed including technology transfer between Tunisia and TAI to assemble the ANKA-S locally with the possibility to sell the UAV to other African countries.,,,,,,,2020-03-13 13:29:11 fi1vua,,2,Ministry of Health Tunisia: How to protect yourself from COVID-19, [](,,,,,,2020-03-13 16:00:21 fi2gqm,,1,Lgbtq center in tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-13 16:36:06 fi37qv,,3,Taxi app like uber in Tunis?,"Hi thanks for the replies to my question yesterday Can you recommend an taxi app or an app like uber",,,,,,2020-03-13 17:21:56 fi3hrd,,1,[COVID-19] Confirmed Cases in Tunisia are confirmed to be 16 now,,,,,,,2020-03-13 17:39:10 fi499z,,3,Fixing Laptop near Ariana,Hi guys! My laptop screen is broken and I really needed it fixed ASAP. Do you know any pc repair shop around Ariana/Menzah/Charguia that you can recommend me? I know some Pc shops like MyTek and SBS but i don't know if they fix them.,,,,,,2020-03-13 18:26:31 fi5csy,,47,"Tunisia suspends prayers in mosque, bans gatherings & suspended all flights to and from Italy, in addition to reducing flights with Egypt, Germany, Britain, and France.",,,,,,,2020-03-13 19:33:53 fi63dh,,0,What's with Tunisia supporting Turkey and Turkish terrorist groups?,"Turkey has traded oil with ISIS in Syria, heavily supported ISIS and ISIS like terrorist groups in Syria. Turkey has supported Hayat Tahrir Al Sham, which is a part of Al Qaeda in Syria. Turkish regular troops are seen with terrorists like ISIS and Al Qaeda on a daily basis in Syria. All of this is a well known public fact and it is out in the open, I don't even need to post sources, because this was openly discussed and exposed by the UN. Turkey has also supported ISIS in Libya, and has brought thousands of terrorists from Syria into Libya. &#x200B; So what's with Tunisia buying Turkish drones, and supporting the Turkish economy, while Turkey bombs fellow Arabs and Berbers on a daily basis in Syria and Libya? Does Tunisia have anymore dignity left? []( &#x200B; And what's with the Tunisian government accepting terrorist groups to operate on it's soil? Ahrar Al-Sharqia is one of the most brutal terrorist groups in Syria, which have participated in mass rapes, genocide, theft, terrorism, and other various crimes. Yet, they are allowed to operate openly in Tunisia? If I'm a criminal, can I also go and live in Tunisia? [](",,,,,,2020-03-13 20:19:38 fi6owo,,1,Tunis Manar,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-13 20:56:53 fi89ya,,1,"Not today, coronavirus.",,,,,,,2020-03-13 22:37:26 fi8irf,,13,COVID-19 Tunisian APP,"we now have a nice app showing the overall COVID-19 cases, and where they are: [\_S-Xg8m7EVfxHhz3n8Pa\_ukxKzKw\_CelBQIzv2xyybM3ChNEKk](",,,,,,2020-03-13 22:53:40 fi8jop,,1,What do you think are the three biggest problems facing socio-economic development in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-13 22:55:17 fi9wx9,,1,Can moderator ban the anoyying user kurdishnews,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-14 00:29:09 fih6gz,,5,About staying at home !,"I don't stay home much, i do when i get so sick i can barely move and in general it never goes longer than 2-3 days ! now, and with this new situation i'm facing days and even weeks of staying at home and that can seriously drive me crazy... so any recommendations/ideas of what to do and how to spend this time..",,,,,,2020-03-14 11:51:37 fiktln,,32,I know they're doing their best but..that's not enough!,,,,,,,2020-03-14 16:16:55 fiozv4,,39,Can we just set the record in this sub?,"I'm so sick of the Arab Vs Berber argument. Can't we just be proud of our diverse background, which I can only describe as similar to the diversity seen in Latin America. Some Tunisians consider themselves Arab. Some Tunisians consider themselves Amazigh. Some Tunisians consider themselves Turk/European/Jewish Some Tunisians consider themselves Black Some Tunisians just consider themselves Tunisian Tunisia is a multiethnic state and our culture is literally the result of our country being the melting pot of the 'old world'. It's at a crossroads between Europe, Africa and Asia, of course we are going to be a product of those three continents. We are all Tunisian, we are all African, we are all Mediterranean and we are all Maghrebi. If you aren't Tunisian, don't assume we are Arab, if you are Tunisian, don't assume we all identify as Imazighen. Factually, yes, the average Tunisians genetics is majority Berber but with genes from the Middle East, Turkey, Iberia/Southern Europe, West Africa and even Scandinavia. Around 15-20% of Tunisians are Afro-Berber/Afro-Arab, and around 4-5% of Tunisians are the descendants of Janissaries, there is also a substantial Russian genetic influence in Bizerte I believe (but don't quote me on that, the facts and figures are sketchy), and around 4/5% of Tunisians (domestically and internationally) are of dual parentage. We also have an increasing number of West African brothers and sisters calling Tunisia home, and I for one would rather celebrate our diversity than argue with a stranger on the internet about what we are or what we aren't.",,,,,,2020-03-14 20:31:40 fixpnj,,17,"Forced to stay at home because of #CoronaOutbreak , Would you please have a look at our latest video about Tunisian Language, advice and comments are most welcome :D",,,,,,,2020-03-15 07:28:21 fj0i5m,,1,"If you were a politician, what problem would you run on fixing?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-15 12:18:04 fj0xtk,,1,Be aware of the liars,,,,,,,2020-03-15 12:57:26 fj1fqk,,1,WARNING ! Imposters posing as the ministry of Health to collect donations...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-15 13:38:00 fj52ey,,40,"Danseuse du Ballet de Tunis devant une porte de la Médina, Tunis",,,,,,,2020-03-15 17:37:37 fj6mj1,,8,Let's stop this Chaos!,"I will talk about a serious phenomenon that appears in every crisis in Tunisia. And now, we're seeing it happening in this CoVid19. Problem : some of you , Tunisian redditors ,may notice that some greedy people bought an enormous quantity of flour, pasta and basic food supplies, causing by doing that , a food recession in all the markets.. so, you may find others without food. Solution: In the period of WWII, Americans have already figured out this problem by using the procedure of rationing. This method is sufficient to have an equal distribution of all the supplies. This method says that each citizen has a logical amount of food supplies in a well-known period of time.however , he's not allowed to buy a quantity of food that surpass the legal amount. And you have a ration book that mention all the transactions. I think, this is a solution to stop the Monopoly of food supplies.",,,,,,2020-03-15 19:10:14 fj8nlc,,1,Kurdistannewsmod: can we actually get this racist banned? Mods are doing fuck all...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-15 21:11:06 fjcs2a,,1,Google is changing search results about the Coronavirus,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-16 01:38:11 fjiu87,,1,Too much art,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-16 10:27:57 fjiyxz,,4,Opinion : too much attention for art,"I'm not generalising , but i just want to give a perception. Art is beautiful , but its not all there is . Do not follow artists blindly: actors , singers .., if you ask one he'll tell you its all superfecialities. You follow and believe media too much , do not constitue your lives around TV and internet. Movies do not reflect reality. Gamers and geeks , dont exaggerate in games . the gaming companies are not making games to entertain you but mainly to get as much money from you. Be balanced. Strive for a balanced life. Strive for reality and turn away from superfecialities . Be real , build yourselves .",,,,,,2020-03-16 10:41:22 fjj3sv,,46,Whoever doesn't respect quarantine during this times,,,,,,,2020-03-16 10:54:34 fjkico,,5,"on the bright side, i can try to get some people into video games",i'm trying to with my parents now,,,,,,2020-03-16 12:55:25 fjl0p5,,4,What is the current situation in Tunisia re: COVID-19?,"I am an American higher education faculty member and I have a college student there doing research. I am worried about them. Just curious how day to day life has thus far been impacted. Thank you for any information! Be safe ❤️",,,,,,2020-03-16 13:33:47 fjl6fr,,42,Please stay at home,,,,,,,2020-03-16 13:45:12 fjlkql,,0,i couldn't find a good title for this.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-16 14:12:49 fjlvqo,,21,"Coldstream Guards questioning a man, who had just come through the German lines, at a forward position at Medjez el Bab, 25 December 1942.",,,,,,,2020-03-16 14:33:40 fjq5ss,,1,sorry for sharing this here but can anyone report this to police ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-16 18:52:39 fjqug1,,3,"As always, Vox media did realy good job explaining things",,,,,,,2020-03-16 19:32:00 fjr5ig,,56,Someone knows where he went?,,,,,,,2020-03-16 19:50:34 fjs3vo,,9,"ElyesFakhfakh announces closing of air and land borders and suspension of all commercial trips, except for commodities and cargo trips and some evacuation flights.",,,,,,,2020-03-16 20:48:16 fju0jg,,13,Taking the right measures,,,,,,,2020-03-16 22:41:41 fjucso,,1,This rely proves that bill is a such genius,,,,,,,2020-03-16 23:03:03 fjuvc7,,7,"Chinese billionaire Jack Ma donates to each one of the 54 African countries 20,000 testing kits, 100,000 masks and 1,000 medical use protective suits and face shields.",,,,,,,2020-03-16 23:34:57 fjviiy,,8,"Herodotus, the father of history, claimed that the Phoenicians were the first to circumnavigate Africa. This feat was not repeated until the Portuguese did around 2,000 years later!",,,,,,,2020-03-17 00:16:49 fjxlff,,76,hehe,,,,,,,2020-03-17 02:39:17 fk0u81,,3,Genetic Testing of Ethnic Origins,"Hello beautiful people, I wonder if someone has ever done an accurate ancestry test before ? if so, was it in a Tunisian lab or abroad ? I've been looking for one in Tunisia but they seem to only offer paternity or medical kits. What about AncestryDNA ? Would it be possible to order it and resend it all the way to the US and still get (almost) accurate results ?",,,,,,2020-03-17 07:03:09 fk1jzb,,2,What the shit?! Is that real?,,,,,,,2020-03-17 08:11:38 fk22l9,,1,كورونا | نصائح جميلة من طفلة أجمل,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-17 09:04:43 fkbn34,,2,Retard religion/ dealing with family,"My family didn't stock up anything (not cause money) they think they are in safe cause god and scientists gonna find soon a vaccine for this virus which is undoubtedly false cause we don't have evidences that god (either he/she exist or not ) does give you protection, actually historically all evidence goes against that, another thing my family source of information is facebook which is flooded of misleading stupid titles ,informations. The truth is we won't be able to get a vaccine for this in 2020 no matter what tests need to be done a lot of research which absolutely gonna take time and this what Drs around the world are saying. And if you want to know the real scale of the catastrophe i urge you to follow different western scientific resources. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes",,,,,,2020-03-17 19:42:38 fkbw0q,,68,Priorities,,,,,,,2020-03-17 19:56:53 fkcxln,,11,Update on COVID-19,Kais Saied just announced that the military will be patrolling the entire country from 6 am to 6 pm during his speech on Watania.,,,,,,2020-03-17 20:56:42 fkd0u4,,0,This president is a joke and we're fucked 🙃,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-17 21:01:49 fkdn2g,,2,Flights out?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-17 21:38:20 fke0h3,,1,Our lord and saviour,,,,,,,2020-03-17 22:00:51 fkfda6,,3,virtual reality tunisia,"does anyone know when virtual reality will come to tunisia? the only things i can find are psvr's or the crappy vr box for your phone, when will we get something for the pc?",,,,,,2020-03-17 23:24:58 fki7ao,,1,I know very little and I would like to get a first hand account. What’s y’all’s opinion of the corruption in Tunisia? I hear it’s pretty wide spread and almost common place. Also what is the main source of corruption? Oil? Who are the main perpetrators? What has been done to try and curb it? Thank-Q,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-18 02:36:18 fkky1n,,22,"Hamilcar Barca (c. 275–228 BC) was a Carthaginian general and statesman, leader of the Barcid family, and father of Hannibal. Undefeated in battle, Hamilcar acquired the epithet ""Barca"" meaning ""lightning"" on account of the swiftness and ferocity of his attacks. Livy called him ""the great Hamilcar.""",,,,,,,2020-03-18 06:18:24 fkln54,,4,I have been researching the corruption in Tunisia. Especially the lack of employment because poor competitive market and a lot of red tape to develop a system out side the governments select few. I’m especially interested in the migration of educated youth. What has been done for this specifically?,"What programs have been put in place to help retain the educated next generation? Also is my information out dated? I can’t find any scholarly journals on this topic published in the last year. I have a few other small questions but I won’t fill up this sub with distracting questions. If your willing I would love some help, message me if your willing to discuss further. Thank-Q for the help!",,,,,,2020-03-18 07:25:57 fknlbs,,24,"[COVID-19] 5 New Cases recorded, total number of cases in Tunisia is now up to 29. Two cases for community transmission and 3 cases detected from travelers who came into the country recently.",,,,,,,2020-03-18 10:45:44 fkz2i6,,35,[COVID-19]All the latest news and useful contacts Are made available on this new website,,,,,,,2020-03-18 22:57:41 fkzbv4,,18,[COVID-19] MEGATHREAD for all Latest Updates and Useful Information,"Tunisia has as of April 13th, 2020 : 726 (+33 new cases ) Confirmed Cases. Critical : ... Recovered : 43 Deceased : 31 Ariana : 83 Tunis : 173 Ben Arous : 74 Beja : 3 Mannouba : 35 Bizert : 17 Sousse : 64 Nabeul : 12 Monastir : 34 Sidi Bouzid : 5 Kairouan : 4 El Kef : 6 Mahdia : 10 Sfax : 29 Tataouine : 17 Mednine : 58 Gabes : 7 Gbili :40 Zaghouan: 2 Tozeur : 6 Gafsa : 10 Kasserine: 2 Jerba, Soukra, Les Berges Du Lac and La Marsa Are now the main clusters of COVID19. The ministry of culture created the following website that includes all most useful contact details and information you will need to know : []( Use this web app to geo-locate covid19 cases []( For each region of Tunisia all suspected infection cases can be reported to the following numbers ( 190 might be overwhelmed): South 75.294.529 Mid-West 76.217.608 76.217.915 76.217.920 Mid-East 73.369.090 73.369.393 74.672.372 North-West 78.613.213 North East 71.589.271 71.589.626 71.589.596 There is currently a curfew allover the country in effect since March 18th,2020 from 6 pm to 6 am. 03.19.2020 first death confirmed 72 years old, female. 03.31.2020 global lockdown extended for 2 more weeks. Please stay safe, keep your distance from each other and if there is new information to add on this thread, let us know!",,,,,,2020-03-18 23:13:25 fl02jr,,5,Help with college report on Tunisia,"Hello Tunisians I am doing a college report and I'm looking for inspiration as to what I should discuss. Here are my ideas and interests so far: 1. The case for sustainable development in Gabes 2. The future of Tunisia's economy 3. The case for Tunisia as a potential African power I wonder if you have any better ideas, ideally something quite specific and not too broad to cover, where there is some existing literature out there? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2020-03-19 00:00:46 fl0ugg,,2,What are Tunisian's impressions of the US?,"When Tunisian's think of the US, what is usually the first thing that comes to mind? Does the US have a good or bad image, generally? Edit: Also, if you are comfortable sharing that information, let us know whether you are a Tunisian living in Tunisia or living in a France, USA, etc.",,,,,,2020-03-19 00:51:35 fl19ic,,17,Kais Said should award Nermine Sfar for her service,90 thousand people stayed home during the curfew to watch Nermine.,,,,,,2020-03-19 01:19:47 fl1fvi,,7,Anyone else misses kissing people ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-19 01:31:53 fl8hzl,,5,Who else feels like this is war?,"Every 30 minutes I hear sirens and I rush to the window of my room, It's the municipality personnel cleaning the street with their tractors. They are spraying everything and everyone on their way. I know the situation is a bit hard but the view gives me the feeling that we are way fucked up LOL. Who else feels the same? PS: I will shoot a video for you whenever I get the chance",,,,,,2020-03-19 11:28:19 fl97bm,,14,E-learning ladies and gentlemen.,"so, the minister officially announced that there will be e classes starting from 30 march, i won't say that we're so fucked seeing that it's the only alternative we have. what do you guys think?",,,,,,2020-03-19 12:26:33 flao7s,,1,Tunisian National Guard Special Forces USGN [555x1200],,,,,,,2020-03-19 14:13:13 flfj8u,,22,A really good explanation of COVID-19 made by Kurzgesagt,,,,,,,2020-03-19 18:59:38 flfr76,,79,Tunisians be like,,,,,,,2020-03-19 19:11:23 flfvan,,1,Let me drop another good tunisian song here let me know what you think about it (:,,,,,,,2020-03-19 19:17:51 flg7dx,,11,"Le Monde : Stay at home and I will dance ”: in Tunisia, Nermine Sfar wiggles against the coronavirus",,,,,,,2020-03-19 19:36:21 flis9w,,7,الأوبئة في تونس في القرن التاسع عشر : سلوك الملوك وتصرف الرعية,,,,,,,2020-03-19 22:01:08 flmxkp,,0,Sabouneya ig account,,,,,,,2020-03-20 02:22:15 flou6k,,1,"So yeah apparently we don't have money, but we still got money for shit like this, thank you Turkish cocksuckers, I mean, the Muslim brotherhood.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-20 04:37:19 flov6e,,1,"So apparently, we don't got any money, but we still have money for shit like this, thank you turkish cocksuckers, I mean the Muslim brotherhood.",,,,,,,2020-03-20 04:39:26 flqioc,,0,"20 mars, Journée internationale de la francophonie. « Tout est annulé ! ». Une Journée de la francophonie qui passe à l’histoire",,,,,,,2020-03-20 06:56:19 flsatc,,0,3andin rabkom (venting),[removed],,,,,,2020-03-20 09:43:07 flszt3,,54,I just can’t stop laughing 😆 when I see this,,,,,,,2020-03-20 10:47:35 fltqxs,,5,Full curfew starting tomorrow.,,,,,,,2020-03-20 11:52:01 flwo5q,,47,HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY,,,,,,,2020-03-20 15:15:41 flxqc5,,3,"What's the most important things that you need to stay at home, and not go out for a period of time?",,,,,,,2020-03-20 16:18:12 flyzk0,,2,Looking for duo to get plat(gold last season),,,,,,,2020-03-20 17:29:41 flzrrs,,1,Les outils de télétravail dans une seule app mobile,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-20 18:14:29 fm0v9j,,4,can someone confirm this shut down or full curfew thing,"i been watching the news but all they do is babble and not confirm shit, i doubt this is a thing my mom said this will be for 2 MONTHS! but i heard it's only 2 weeks but i wanna know if it's a thing in the first place tbh.",,,,,,2020-03-20 19:16:44 fm36af,,2,What the actual fuck ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-20 21:30:45 fm4t47,,1,"People who joke about corona and still break the rules should go straight to jail ,brainless selfish retards ,two words for you FUCK YOU",[removed],,,,,,2020-03-20 23:10:45 fm5jv6,,1,"Don‘t worry, our engineers created a mask that really toughes up the game for corona virus..",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-20 23:57:07 fmbqmc,,38,My phone’s network name changed from Oreedoo to Ched Darek?! Did this happen to other networks too??,,,,,,,2020-03-21 08:12:28 fmcsfa,,1,me_irl,,,,,,,2020-03-21 10:05:15 fmdwh6,,5,Coronavirus : le président tunisien annonce un confinement général du pays | Africanews,,,,,,,2020-03-21 11:58:36 fmjxrp,,1,Tunisians be like,,,,,,,2020-03-21 18:49:31 fmlr1a,,1,أعداد إصابات فيروس كورونا في الدول العربية منذ بدايته وحتى اليوم,,,,,,,2020-03-21 20:27:01 fmntn8,,70,Feeling proud.,"We have to be proud of our little country, taking such decisions by the prime minister is really a big thing, hoping for a better situation. Tahya tounes!",,,,,,2020-03-21 22:01:46 fmnu1s,,1,"لازم كلنا نعرف وننشر عن فيروس كورونا وضرورة تطبيق الحجر المنزلي والمصطلحات المتداولة عن هذا الفيروس مثل flatten the curve , Social Distancing هذا الفيديو تم إعداده بطريقة بسيطة وشيقة من معلومات موثقة ويتضمن أيضاً تصريحات منظمة الصحة العالمية وإرشاداتها مع شرح لكيفية التسجيل في خدمة رسائل الطوارئ من",,,,,,,2020-03-21 22:02:17 fmok7q,,1,sami is in a danger zone sawtou el weld bledkom fi sadeem,,,,,,,2020-03-21 22:39:24 fmqenp,,6,Tunisia allocates $850 million to combat effects of coronavirus,,,,,,,2020-03-22 00:27:46 fmxuwx,,7,Tunisians in a nutshell,,,,,,,2020-03-22 10:28:19 fmzezo,,1,Troll Video,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-22 12:47:12 fmzz4h,,4,Foyer de contamination : Toute l’île de Djerba sera isolée,,,,,,,2020-03-22 13:28:56 fn0jw3,,1,Wow. I love this country.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-22 14:14:43 fn206a,,1,Wow...I love this country,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-22 16:07:59 fn20of,,1,Wow... I love this country,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-22 16:08:47 fn217d,,15,Wow... I love this country,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-22 16:09:42 fn43r1,,49,Sky of our beloved Tunisia empty apart from a repatriation flight from Istanbul.,,,,,,,2020-03-22 18:10:34 fn828u,,6,Is there some words that's common only in suburbs in Tunisia?,"In suburbs of Stockholm where I live when a person say Walla in a end of a meaning it means I swear or I promise. What words are only common in suburbs in Tunisia?",,,,,,2020-03-22 21:55:11 fndnos,,2,any skateparks or just a place with no potholes,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-23 04:07:26 fnhms4,,12,Biscuits recommendations during the lockdown?,"While working, I like to have something to eat. And now that I should stay home, a few biscuits became no more an option, ""ChocoTom"" and ""Smile"" for example, I usually consume a pack in half an hour without even noticing! Which means I have to go out again to buy more. So I need something that lasts longer, something like ""bachkoutou"" or a pack of ""biscuit bou dourou"". I'm a student, my budget is a bit limited, so no expensive recommendations. Also, buying in bulk is not an option, you shouldn't do that.",,,,,,2020-03-23 10:17:26 fnkvtn,,84,"Tunisian portraits, circa 1900",,,,,,,2020-03-23 14:30:50 fnm8ro,,11,Coronavirus Lockdown Tunisian Way: Business as usual,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-23 15:54:09 fnm9x9,,1,Coronavirus Lockdown: Business as usual,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-23 15:56:15 fnohc7,,0,أكثر 10 دول إصابة بفيروس كورونا في العالم حتى اليوم (شاهد سرعة انتشاره في بعض الدول)ـ,,,,,,,2020-03-23 17:57:10 fnrd1i,,15,My First week of quarantine,,,,,,,2020-03-23 20:32:47 fnuqvi,,8,Probably the best scene from Choufly Hal,,,,,,,2020-03-23 23:48:45 fo4qoy,,28,Looking for music for Tunesian man in Denmark,"Hello everyone. I'm a caregiver in Denmark, and I help this Tunesian man from 1952. Due to a blunt force trauma to the head, he has become brain damaged and cannot speak, thus he needs my help. He would like to listen to some Tunesian music that was popular in 1960, 1970 and 1980. But so far I've only been successful with finding modern Tunesian music. Can anyone help me out? The music has to be on YouTube. That's where he listens to the music. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2020-03-24 13:02:37 fo9o1t,,35,They chose the perfect picture for this,,,,,,,2020-03-24 17:59:02 foasrh,,4,Info on buying a moto here in Tunis?,"Hey all, in an attempt to break the ever revolving COVID talk, can someone explain to me the needs to get a moto here in the capital? I’m a foreigner, currently in process of trying to get a Carte Sejour through my music production business, but Covid is probably going to slow that process. After quarantine, I’m thinking of getting one of those Hammer 120 or 125cc. Do I need to get carte gris for that size? I’ve been told, “I take the receipt of the moto to my insurance company and get it insured as well as get a sticker”. That seemed pretty vague still to me. Hope you are all happy and healthy!",,,,,,2020-03-24 18:56:59 fodeft,,0,Welcome to “NEW WORLD ORDER” (NWO)! Last Chance...,,,,,,,2020-03-24 21:17:47 fodkhf,,1,what do you think that so many languages have the word yalla? from arabic to german and more it exists a yogurt in Sweden that has yalla in it. is yalla used in the Tunisian dialect?,yalla yogurt [\_2001151610.png?preset=product-desktop](,,,,,,2020-03-24 21:26:44 fofaqg,,63,100 Years Ago Today [24 March 1920] French tourists in Tunis,,,,,,,2020-03-24 23:05:55 fogb8t,,24,""" نغلبوه و الله نغلبوه ،قسما بالله نغلبوه ، أيا صاحبي كان بركنا احنا تبرك ، مايبكينا شي ميبكينا شي ، تحيا تونس"" عند الأزمات لن تجد إلا العمال و البسطاء ""رجال تونس"" #شد_دارك ❤️",,,,,,,2020-03-25 00:05:42 foigdb,,2,Address this stereotype: Are Tunisians lazy?,"Especially among Tunisians living abroad, there is a sense that Tunisians, and especially the younger generation, are lazy freeloaders. Please tell me why in your this is or is not true. To give you my background and where this question is coming from, I am born and raised in the US and I only visit Tunisia almost every summer, so my understanding of the culture is pretty limited (which is why communities like these are really important to me). I also have family who lives in Europe who visits Tunisia with me at the same time. Everytime we go, I have a few family members who get very frustrated with the inefficiencies of the system and when they get particularly frustrated, theyll let out their anger and start an argument with a waiter who is not always available or a store clerk or something like that. So there is this attitude, especially among Tunisians living abroad, that Tunisia is a lazy country. Please share your thoughts with me. Thank you! Edit: I'll wrote my view on this in the comments",,,,,,2020-03-25 02:26:05 folq0s,,3,"Since we can't receive money through PayPal in Tunisia, what are the alternative methods to do this?",It's not a small amount of money so I need something safe and effective.,,,,,,2020-03-25 06:46:58 fop0c6,,154,Tunisia is having a boner,,,,,,,2020-03-25 11:53:05 foqp35,,1,المهدية : يستغلّون المواطن أبشع استغلال .. من يوقف هؤلاء ؟,,,,,,,2020-03-25 13:57:00 forw4z,,20,Interior ministry has new shiny gear for teleworking,,,,,,,2020-03-25 15:10:20 fotvdi,,10,"Hanno (𐤇‬𐤍‬𐤀‬‬) was a Carthaginian admiral (6th c. BC) best known for his naval exploration of the western coast of Africa. His logbook contains a description of a fully active volcano and the first known report about gorillas! It precedes the Portuguese report on the region by 2,000 years.",,,,,,,2020-03-25 17:03:16 fov9s5,,0,Thinking about the crisis!,"This Virus that has killed more than 20000 people around the world, changed my actual perspectives. I see, now, the world clearly from a different point of view.I became more aware of people and their safety, the fact we see people dying in hospitals like a bunch of lowly insects, hurts my heart. I know this is a test from the mighty god.Also , I believe now that the power of nations, can't be evaluated by comparing their technology , their millitary, their businesses or their political charismas. It is evaluated by the mindset of their people, their solidarity and the purpose of a nation.Now, Look at Cuba who sent its doctors to support Italian short-handed hospitals. You don't need to be powerful, to help humanity and fight the crisis.",,,,,,2020-03-25 18:21:30 foyju0,,1,الحلول التونسية للكورونـا,,,,,,,2020-03-25 21:23:03 foz05e,,3,is there any skateshops in tunisia?,any skateshops the either sell parts individually or actually have PRO skateboards and not shitty ones? i searched it up and there only seems to be one and it's a 1 hour drive.,,,,,,2020-03-25 21:49:12 foz1x1,,1,ان اتبعت هذه النصائح فستقضي على الجميع باذن الله,,,,,,,2020-03-25 21:52:01 fp4nai,,54,I am afraid we have a problem with following instructions - (GLASS only),,,,,,,2020-03-26 03:46:40 fp7pxy,,1,can any Tunisian translate this ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-26 08:06:26 fp8f5j,,1,can anyone translate this .....,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-26 09:13:09 fpb0d0,اخي_المواطن/,1,اخي المواطن...,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-26 12:54:29 fpb1fo,,1,Apple fera don de 10 millions de masques faciaux aux travailleurs de la santé,,,,,,,2020-03-26 12:56:51 fpc8vu,,4,Something my father wrote I wanted to share,"اخي المواطن نحن المنتوج الأول لهذا الوطن الجديد تكفلت بنا الدولة التونسية لغدا أفضل وانطلقت لتأسيسنا بمراحل فكان التعليم والصحة وثقافة الأحوال الشخصية هي الأساس عشنا ومارسنا الحياة من القومية نحو الوطنية و ورثنا الجمهورية والدولة التونسية يوم 25 جويلية 2019 التي تعود أسساها ومؤسساتها من القرن السابع عشر ميلادي ولها التاريخ ونحن الحاضر. &#x200B; واليوم نحن الثمرة هذا الوطن الحامل لضمير تاريخ 4000 سنة نحو حضارة ونحن المسؤولين على الإنتاج الجديدة ويحتم علينا الدّهر التحسين وعلينا بالفكر والعقل أن نتوجه معا نحو المستقبل، المنطلق من أبينا وسيدنا إبراهيم. إن محور الوجود هو المواطن. ولماذا المواطن( ذكرا أو أنثي) في الوجود؟ وما وظيفة الدولة في الوطن الجديد؟ إن دور المواطن في الوجود اليوم الرّاهن أساسا ليعيش على وجه الأرض وقد سخّر الله في خضم هذا الواقع من التاريخ الوطن ليوفر للمواطن كل مستلزمات العيش من هواء وماء وغذاء لتعمير وللبقاء على قيد الحياة. وسخر له أيضا المادة والتكنولوجيا لأجل الرّفاهة والرّاحة النفسية. لقد كانت الإنسانية شعوب وقبائل وتعارفوا وانساقوا ِنحو حضارة جديدة ومحورها المواطن. نحن في تونس نتاج الأول للدولة الوطنية. وجذورنا بلغت أكثر من ستة عقود في حياة حضارة جديدة. وهي الحضارة الأكثر تمكن أن تكون جامعة. ونرى منها بعد تلاقح شعوب حضارات العالم وبعد صراعات وأحداث وضعوا في أواخر الألفية الثانية حضارة عالمية وجمّعوا الإنسانية على منوال سياسات الاقتصاد الذي ظهر في فجر الألفية الثالثة عالميا يهدد المواطن واجياله القادمة. وعلينا في تونس اليوم معا، انطلاقا من الثراء العقل الذاتي والاختلاف الفكري، ومع توظيف خبرة الحياة، يمكن الارتقاء معا في بناء أسس الدولة الوطنية لتكون مصدر السلم السّلام والأمان للمواطن. وهذا في نطاق مسؤولية واجبات الدولة الوطنية. إن المواطن ( الأجيال الموجودة في تونس) هم المسؤولين على تدهور ثوابت الحضارة الوطنية في العشرية الثانية من هذه الألفية الجديدة وهذا أساسا يعود للفكر الرجعي الذي لا يبني الدولة الوطنية المواطن حتى هذه الساعة مرّ بمراحل ومحطات عديدة عبر التاريخ الإنساني نذكر منها: # العيش لأجل البقاء (في العصور الحجرية) \# وللحياة و التفتح الفكري عندما تعلم الزراعة والحصاد في عصر فرعون من هنا انطلق التوجه إلى كيفية معرفة الحياة حتى الثورة الفرنسية. ولقد بلغنا اليوم كيفية التحكم في معرفة الحياة وراحة البال المواطن بعد الثورة التونسية. وهو حق مكتسب بالمعرفة في الحضارة الوطنية التي تقدمنا فيها نحن والعالم أكثر من ستة عقود. ٠ إن المواطن أرقى ما في هذا الوجود وهو المخير وفي حقيقة الأمر حامل رسالة الإستخلاف في الأرض والتعمير وهو صاحب الأمر والقرار في الحياة اليوم بلا منازع على جه الأرض وأصبح أمامه مخاطر تهدد وجوده ووجود أجياله القادمة وهو المسؤول بما اقترفت يداه بعد الثورة الفرنسية والحاضر من الأجيال اليوم هم الوارثون لما ضحت وناضلت لأجله الأجيال السابقة في للإنسانية &#x200B; نحن ورثنا الجمهورية التونسية بعد تجربة حياة أكثر من ستون سنه وأصبحنا شيوخ ودورة الوجود تلزمنا تسليم هذه الورثة للأجيال القادمة والواجب يحتم علينا قرأة جديدة في المكسب الوطني قبل التسليم وهذا مشروع وطني إنساني واسع النطاق لم يبق لنا فيه إلا أن نتجمع معا على كلمة سواء لمزيد تحسين محور الحضارة والوطن""المواطن"" الإنسان الحضاري على وجه الأرص. وهذه رسالتنا تتحقق بالحوار والبيان من روح البداية والتكوين (الله) الذي لا إله إلا هو وحده لا شريك له القادر والمقدر لنا في إعادة أسس جديدة للدولة الوطنية الرّاعية لحقوق المواطن ولا غير المواطن. الفتح بن حسن",,,,,,2020-03-26 14:18:05 fpe6u2,,2,"i need help with this problem here, my router has been like this for 5 days now and as you can see everything is fine but there's no access to the internet. i checked everything and everything is how it's supposed to be..",,,,,,,2020-03-26 16:10:30 fpf9tc,,1,This is great,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-26 17:09:22 fpfoip,,31,Absolutely beautiful,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-26 17:30:41 fphq1a,,1,كيف يمكنك محاربة الملل خلال الحجر الصحي المنزلي؟,,,,,,,2020-03-26 19:18:46 fpjba3,,1,My ister sent this to me,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-26 20:46:09 fpjbsm,,1,My sister sent this to me,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-26 20:46:58 fpjduh,,1,New Video,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-26 20:50:24 fpncli,,1,are we getting into a war with libya (haftar‘s army) ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-27 00:42:39 fpuusj,,5,Why do Tunisian in other countries HAVE to return to here?,"The first few trips were acceptable but now there should be none, every single CoVID-19 case came from another country and it won't matter if everyone else is quarantined since these comers are surprisingly idiots that don't realise the need to self quarantine",,,,,,2020-03-27 10:48:12 fpvdir,,56,I think this is the best video to promote Tunisian nature 👌,,,,,,,2020-03-27 11:32:31 fpvurr,,1,كيف يمكنك محاربة الملل خلال الحجر الصحي المنزلي؟,,,,,,,2020-03-27 12:10:47 fpz7z0,,113,I drew Hannibal. He is a great leader but don't be like him; don't go to Italy (at least for now).,,,,,,,2020-03-27 15:47:48 fq1t36,,7,"Coronavirus: en Tunisie, des ouvrières se confinent à l'usine pour fabriquer des masques",,,,,,,2020-03-27 17:53:56 fq2vs8,,1,This guy's insanity and populism are worse than corona itself,,,,,,,2020-03-27 18:45:28 fq5m1z,,1,A Warning to the rest of you... ابق آمنًا يا أصدقاء.,,,,,,,2020-03-27 20:59:20 fq60as,/r/OneUserPerCountry/comments/fq30k2/join_the_oupc_whatsapp_group_chat_if_youre_from/,1,OUPC is looking for a Tunisian representative,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-27 21:18:24 fq7055,,3,Name Suggestions for Messaging App,He Guys I am working on a messaging App specific to the Tunisian Community and I couldn't find a Tunisian name for it if you have any creative names give me some please . thanks,,,,,,2020-03-27 22:08:32 fq7hmz,,8,What are the odds that the national exams will be held in autum because of coronavirus?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-27 22:35:00 fq7j8j,,16,Coronavirus: 150 Tunisians self-isolate in factory to make masks,,,,,,,2020-03-27 22:37:24 fq7yp4,,0,Natural Tunisian guy on Traveling ستريمر اجنبي,,,,,,,2020-03-27 23:00:09 fq95wp,,2,Coronavirus: 150 Tunisians self-isolate in factory to make masks,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-28 00:05:21 fqibjj,,0,So apparently we're being under attack by Libyan armed groups,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-28 11:19:14 fqjr7y,,1,A fake trip to Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-28 13:00:22 fqjv0m,,31,The first Tunisian guitarists jam collaboration,,,,,,,2020-03-28 13:07:36 fqk2ub,,2,covid-19 and education,"the sprint holiday will end but I have some questions * does we will come back to school or not * what will happen to the rest of exams especially the concour (9base)",,,,,,2020-03-28 13:21:59 fqn1sf,,1,A Tunisian appeared on radio KEXP,,,,,,,2020-03-28 16:11:49 fqsdjj,,83,I took this photo earlier this month in La Marsa. You can see the islands of Zembra & Zembretta over the horizon.,,,,,,,2020-03-28 20:56:23 fqtuz6,,16,Let’s go,,,,,,,2020-03-28 22:14:42 fqwh9l,,60,LOL,,,,,,,2020-03-29 00:47:00 fr44uj,éant_25004040_hybrid/,1,Software géant 2500-4040 hybrid,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-29 10:54:05 fr6tra,,9,Our beautiful country,,,,,,,2020-03-29 14:37:56 fr7lpo,,1,Tunisia: P-Guard robots patrol streets during coronavirus lockdown,,,,,,,2020-03-29 15:29:27 fr7mjl,,3,حالة وعي,[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-29 15:30:56 fr8v98,,8,Tunisian police using robots to tell people to stay home,,,,,,,2020-03-29 16:47:21 fra08s,,75,What do y'all think about this new Robot?,,,,,,,2020-03-29 17:54:36 fracyw,,0,(Serious) Small revolutionnary group,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-29 18:14:37 frgegg,,10,Discussion,"Do you think Tunisia would work well under socialism ? Better than now with capitalism ? Which one of capitalism or socialism is better for our country ? Is communism even a choice ? If yes, how would you implement it ? (justify everything obviously, this is meant to create a debate and convince people to follow whatever you think is best).",,,,,,2020-03-30 00:09:31 frinf7,,1,Inchalah,,,,,,,2020-03-30 02:34:46 friwyc,,1,Takmila,,,,,,,2020-03-30 02:53:28 frjda2,,1,Nihaya,,,,,,,2020-03-30 03:25:09 frmsmt,,7,"Carthage was founded by the Phoenicians of Tyre in 814 BCE, its Phoenician name means “new town, the archaeological site of Carthage was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1979",,,,,,,2020-03-30 08:09:09 fro5to,,64,Kairouan! ( 3D Render ),,,,,,,2020-03-30 10:15:11 frr7is,,1,"""First you get the smeed. Then you get the power. Then, you get the women""",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-30 13:54:25 frscm4,,4,Tunisian VPN,"Aslema , any idea how to bypass geoblocked tunisian websites . i live in germany",,,,,,2020-03-30 15:01:14 frt622,,19,Having a robot telling us to stay home is cute and all but for the love of God when are we going to up our tests?,"I keep hearing that they're going to increase the number of tests for weeks, but nothing has been done yet. It's almost been a month since the first coronavirus case was reported and we've only tested 3000 people with over 300 positive cases. If that's not a holy shit number idk what is. All the coverages, articles, bickering and yelling on TV will not amount to anything if you don't know the real numbers. What's even sadder, all these public figures and people who should know better are using the number of cases as a coping mechanism to misinform people and trivialize the situation, ""It's only 200 cases, let's hope it stays that way"". I'm not trying to take away from the good things we've done so far, I think we're one of the few countries that acted accordingly and strictly 'somewhat' early on. The testing, however, is beyond lacking and it's really worrying. (if you have any more information about this if we're going to get more test kits or whatnot please let us know)",,,,,,2020-03-30 15:46:03 frux2n,,6,How many days or weeks or months you guys assume that this virus will go away?,"So I heard some rumors that the virus will take so long to vanish , tell me your thoughts guys.",,,,,,2020-03-30 17:19:02 frvt4h,,13,This made my day/night/whatever..,,,,,,,2020-03-30 18:05:39 frvtfr,,81,"""First you get the smeed. Then you get the power. Then, you get the women""",,,,,,,2020-03-30 18:06:09 frxwcm,,6,HELP AIN ZAGHOUEN,"chkoun yosken f Ain Zaghouen wala 9rib mn ghadi? Fama les africains li we7lou f touness w 7alet'hom 5ayba barcha, 9aadou maand'hom mayeklou aslan. Donc ken fama chkoun ynajem ywaffer 7ata l une seule personne la nourriture pour une semaine. 7ata ken ynajem ytayeb 7aja w yhezelhom. PM me ASAP A bunch of African students and workers are stuck in Tunisia, with no food or money, and they are suffering. They tried contacting 190 and their embassy but all they have seen are broken promises. I don't know the number of the people living together. But I have the phone number and address and I contacted them. So it would be really great if someone could provide some food for one person for a whole week or a couple of days. If you can cook for them and bring the food it would be awesome. The situation is Ain Zaghouen. Thank you",,,,,,2020-03-30 19:53:45 frxxjv,,1,"Tunisia issues the nation's first banknote starring a woman, Doctor Tawhida Ben Cheikh",,,,,,,2020-03-30 19:55:24 fs1o7k,,3,Does MMS work in Tunisia?,I have a TT sim. I'm trying to send voice files of recorded lessons with a teacher to a classmate who lives far away and has horrendous internet. the mms is stuck at sending. Is mms not available in Tunisia?,,,,,,2020-03-30 23:21:57 fs1rqq,,4,Topnet.,"Guys whoever has a TOPNET router, does it work for you? Or is there no internet available for all TOPNET users since all centers shutdown on Saturday last week due to COVID-19? Or is it only not working for me.",,,,,,2020-03-30 23:27:51 fs7xa9,,1,Color Tunisia map with your own data easily.,,,,,,,2020-03-31 06:33:06 fs8b57,,9,Studying online?,Y'all have any idea about 9raya 3an bo3d thingie I'm so confused.,,,,,,2020-03-31 07:06:13 fsbyzl,,92,إنتشار الوعي في زمن الكورونا 🦠🥳,,,,,,,2020-03-31 12:22:48 fsfdtf,,0,RAMADAN preparing,,,,,,,2020-03-31 15:54:30 fsg1yr,,1,"The land of Iberia, or ""Spania"" as known to the Phoenicians, was originally populated by Iberians, Celts, and Basques. The Phoenicians and Carthaginians founded or refounded many powerful colonies there, including Cádiz, Cartagena, and Ibiza in Spain, and Lisbon in Portugal.",,,,,,,2020-03-31 16:30:10 fsg9ue,,10,A Tunisian podcast. An important conversation IMO.,,,,,,,2020-03-31 16:42:06 fsiblb,,15,أحداث ساقية سيدي يوسف 8 فيفري 1958,,,,,,,2020-03-31 18:29:35 fsj93g,/r/algeria/comments/fsj3vh/to_take_our_minds_off_current_events_lets_discuss/,11,"[x-post from Algeria] To take our minds off current events, let's discuss: What would a hypothetical world cup hosted by Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia look like? Please join our discussion, what do you guys think?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-03-31 19:17:21 fsjw1x,,2,Palestian president adresses the friendly tunisian people,,,,,,,2020-03-31 19:51:06 fsk0xu,ème_erreur_de_passe_software/,0,Correction. Problème erreur de passe software starsat 2000 hyper Startsat 2000 Hyper,[removed],,,,,,2020-03-31 19:58:23 fskud1,,0,"Crise sanitaire mondiale : pauvreté, solidarité et coronavirus",,,,,,,2020-03-31 20:40:45 fsql4n,,24,"Come take part in appreciation of Chott el Djerid, the greatest salt lake in the world!",,,,,,,2020-04-01 02:12:22 fsr01s,,1,HELP ME PLEASE,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-01 02:39:33 fsz3ta,,2,هل تعلم أن جوجل اناليتكس لديها كورسات مجانية لمساعدة أصحاب المواقع الإلكترونية,,,,,,,2020-04-01 12:45:56 fszdzk,,1,My cat new baby born ❤️,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-01 13:04:00 fsze9n,,1,My cat new baby born ❤️,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-01 13:04:26 fszhdj,,21,My cat new baby born ❤️,,,,,,,2020-04-01 13:09:40 ft09ye,,29,A website on Lazhar Chraiti,"Hey everyone, I've been looking up history on the Fellagas and ended up on this website dedicated to Lazhar Chraiti (an important Fellaga chief) : []( &#x200B; It's not very rich but it has some archive documents and pics for anyone interested in this. I think it's very important to get this perspective about our history so I'm sharing it with yall. Also would appreciate if anyone posts other related sources.",,,,,,2020-04-01 13:58:59 ft5hbg,,6,Urgent question about closed borders,"Some small background: I'm Tunisian but I'm on an F1 student visa in the US (L.A) I'm trying to book a flight home to be with my family for a few months, I'm aiming for early May to travel to Tunisia but I heard the borders are closed currently. Does this apply to Tunisian citizens and do you reckon they will still be closed come May 3rd ish? Thank you!",,,,,,2020-04-01 18:18:49 ft8p1o,,2,Why do we have clown president(kais)?,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-01 21:08:02 ftcewa,,10,Not all tech scammers are in India! (They are in Tunisia too),,,,,,,2020-04-02 00:42:10 fteqmz,,1,"Parachute Ski, Deadly End. they risked too much and paid the consequences",,,,,,,2020-04-02 03:06:38 ftj2vn,,0,kais saied protesting against the evil dictator,,,,,,,2020-04-02 09:05:21 ftjf6s,,12,Found this Online Colonia Festival- 1-10/04 (hope you ll find it interesting),,,,,,,2020-04-02 09:35:10 ftm55f,,0,Maybe we should do the same!,,,,,,,2020-04-02 13:15:54 ftn49a,,31,One of the coolest things to be proud of about tunisia is a giant franchise such as star wars was filmed in our desert,,,,,,,2020-04-02 14:18:29 ftsb0p,,5,Why are the death rates so damn high? The number of infected people is well below our hospitals' capacities.,,,,,,,2020-04-02 19:03:51 ftu9g5,,26,"Crosspost from r/colorization: Khaled Abdul-Wahab ""the Tunisian Oskar Schindler"", 1936",,,,,,,2020-04-02 20:49:40 ftuo09,,6,What opportunities does a Tunisian student have to study abroad after BAC?,"I have some friends who are sitting for the Baccalaureate this year (sooner or later lol) and most if not all of them are completely oblivious to the existence of scholarships, exchange programs, etc. I think this kind of opportunities always fly under the radar here for lack of exposure. My question is: other than more well known procedures to go through to atudy abroad (CampusFrance, SAT and applying in the US), are there any other European or other countries a Tunisian could study without having to sell a kidney? Any scholarships that aren't getting attention? Also, is studying engineering in France a good idea?",,,,,,2020-04-02 21:11:28 fu6zbo,,39,"Jean-paul Mira ""A racist doctor"" who calls for a Coronavirus vaccine test on Africans",,,,,,,2020-04-03 11:47:16 fu7p69,,2,Had to celebrate a move I did by reading my opponents thoughts in the right moment ☝️ looks genius 😁,,,,,,,2020-04-03 12:39:31 fu8byi,,0,Caftan marocain simple pour jeune fille,,,,,,,2020-04-03 13:22:25 fu8sk1,,2,We'r doing fine i guess...,,,,,,,2020-04-03 13:53:08 fu9kv8,,1,Tunisians appreciation thread,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-03 14:41:31 fubzi6,éma_fen_sur_artifytn/,8,Gabes Cinéma Fen sur,"[]( Due to Coronavirus outbreak Gabes cinema festival can be watched online via the streaming website []( for free",,,,,,2020-04-03 16:57:33 fuds84,,1,😂😂😂,,,,,,,2020-04-03 18:35:16 fue1iz,,9,"I'm an EMS(SAMU) Md , if you want any info/question about our work during the pandemic AMA.",,,,,,,2020-04-03 18:49:37 fufh82,,1,Anonymous chat room for Tunisians No email verification is needed !,,,,,,,2020-04-03 20:08:48 fuh7am,,2,American Learning French During Quarantine to eventually travel to Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-04-03 21:45:08 fujdrh,,29,Reporting Sex Extortion/Blackmail in Tunisia,"Hello, I recently fell for this online blackmailer from Sousse, Tunisia. Was a girl trying to video chat me but she had some guy recording my video. Long story short, a sensitive video of me was captured. They are threatening to share it with family and friends through Facebook and YouTube. I want your help contacting local police in Tunisia. I have their phone number, name, picture, and other details. Any help would be appreciated. **Edit:** I'm living outside Tunisia. **Edit 2:** Most of this took place on Facebook messenger. Then transitioned to WhatsApp **Edit 3:** They shared with me a list of some friends/family. I think they captured it from my Facebook after we connected. **Edit 4:** here's what I have. Her Facebook name, and profile picture. Chat log on Facebook and WhatsApp. Their WhatsApp number (a business number) Also, I captured the YouTube video URL when they sent me a photo of it bring uploaded. Thing is, when I try to access it, says the video is not available. Now, idk if this is because it was taken down (I pray) OR, because the URL changes after it's full done uploading. They sent another one showing it fully uploaded but no URL was visible. *Thank you everyone for your continued support*",,,,,,2020-04-03 23:53:47 fumyfe,,8,IMPORTANT. What's up with these guys wanting to attack us?,,,,,,,2020-04-04 03:57:49 fuq8by,,0,Tunisia accuses Italy of confiscating medical alcohol,,,,,,,2020-04-04 08:44:29 fuxijs,محمود_المسعدي/,1,محمود المسعدي,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-04 17:22:12 fuzweb,,10,Why are gambling sites illegal in Tunisia with public gambling corporations land-based ?,,,,,,,2020-04-04 19:40:20 fv1bak,,12,Coronavirus: Select All ➡️ Infect,,,,,,,2020-04-04 21:04:52 fv1vef,,5,Covid-19 effect on education,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-04 21:38:35 fv4nr4,,1,SnoossY |حقيقة ابتلاعي أخي ؟ - حقائق مثيرة -,,,,,,,2020-04-05 00:36:09 fv7ca3,محمود_المسعدي_mahmoud_messadi/,4,محمود المسعدي Mahmoud Messadi,"He's one of favourite writers, have any of you read anything by him? من كتابِّ المفضلين، حد منكم قرأ أي شي بقلمه؟",,,,,,2020-04-05 03:47:24 fvb6ux,,5,"Hi everyone, would you please have a look at Our latest Video, :D,i am seeking your feedback comments are most welcome , thanks",[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-05 09:34:18 fvbh6t,,1,Am new here but tell me if am wrong,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-05 10:02:15 fvblzk,,2,"Am new here, but tell me if am wrong",[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-05 10:15:05 fvd0z4,,1,اهم الاختراعات التي غيرت العالم,,,,,,,2020-04-05 12:26:43 fvd22c,,89,Stop ridiculing those huddling in front of post offices,"Most of us belong to the middle class. Our parents are probably teachers, nurses, police officers, accounting clerks and small business owners. They are mostly employees who get a monthly salary and has managed in the previous years to save a small amount of funds, which combined with their regular earnings, has helped greatly in this pandemic. However, the citizens clustering around the post offices, who have been called uncivilized and stupid by many Facebook users, are, or rather used to be poor dayworkers. They are peddlers, baristas, and some have been jobless for years. With the curfew, they have no income. The ones with the white card are supposed to get 50 DT and those with the yellow card 200 DT. A modest allowance through which they can at least purchase food and medicament. Without such allowance they would literally go hungry. Therefore, it is no surprise to see them so desperate and hasty to hold on the spark of life rather than falling into a cavernous abyss of famine and poverty. It is the government to put the blame on. The distribution of allotments is unorganized . The post offices are small, and cannot take tens of people at once, especially in counties. The entire matter should have been a door-to-door procedure, or at least the recipients should have been invited separately to other governmental buildings to get the grants. The situation in Tunisia is getting more and more alarming, but people are rebuking the victims rather than the assailants. The needy who went outside to get the money are pretty aware of the current serious circumstances, and yet here they are risking their lives to fill their stomachs, while an unneedy boorish snob affronting them for doing what they have been compelled to do instead of affronting the compellers .",,,,,,2020-04-05 12:29:30 fvexfw,,1,What false beliefs do the older generations in your family still believe?,"I'll go first: Drinking cold drinks will destroy your health Sitting in front of a fan will make your face messed up Sitting in front of climatiseur will make you sick (true if it's filthy) but they believe it's because of the cold temperature Going outside with wet hair will make you sick Having wet clothes will make you sick Being out in the cold will make you sick The wind will make you sick A draft will make you deathly sick Leaving shoes upside down is bad luck Crossing on the stairs is bad luck If you break one thing you have to break another two things to stop a serious calamity happening Zit zitoun and citron will cure anything, oh and honey Wearing clothes inside out is bad luck Whistling at night will attract jinn Killing a lizard is sunnah and you get hassanat for it (this one was actually my cousin's who are my age) Shoes on top of a wood table is bad luck It's so frustrating because it's all absolute bs and I'm sick of having to explain and prove to people that they are wrong, and when I prove they are wrong they just dismiss it and say 'you don't know you are naive'. The funny thing is, believing in luck and bad luck is literally haram and my grandma who believes all these things is a strict Muslim lol.",,,,,,2020-04-05 14:59:46 fvexgm,,1,What false beliefs do the older generations in your family still believe?,"I'll go first: Drinking cold drinks will destroy your health Sitting in front of a fan will make your face messed up Sitting in front of climatiseur will make you sick (true if it's filthy) but they believe it's because of the cold temperature Going outside with wet hair will make you sick Having wet clothes will make you sick Being out in the cold will make you sick The wind will make you sick A draft will make you deathly sick Leaving shoes upside down is bad luck Crossing on the stairs is bad luck If you break one thing you have to break another two things to stop a serious calamity happening Zit zitoun and citron will cure anything, oh and honey Wearing clothes inside out is bad luck Whistling at night will attract jinn Killing a lizard is sunnah and you get hassanat for it (this one was actually my cousin's who are my age) Shoes on top of a wood table is bad luck It's so frustrating because it's all absolute bs and I'm sick of having to explain and prove to people that they are wrong, and when I prove they are wrong they just dismiss it and say 'you don't know you are naive'. The funny thing is, believing in luck and bad luck is literally haram and my grandma who believes all these things is a strict Muslim lol.",,,,,,2020-04-05 14:59:46 fvfoft,,14,On today's episode of unexpected Tunisian,,,,,,,2020-04-05 15:38:56 fvhjoq,,1,it has to change,,,,,,,2020-04-05 17:28:47 fvjh9h,,0,🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-04-05 19:18:09 fvjp3a,,0, 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-04-05 19:31:00 fvl40p,,0,😂😂😂,,,,,,,2020-04-05 20:50:38 fvviek,,7,Tunisie : une voie singulière au Maghreb - Le Dessous des cartes | ARTE,,,,,,,2020-04-06 09:11:04 fvvvez,,20,Surgeon General shows how to make face masks,,,,,,,2020-04-06 09:44:29 fvy4ou,,1,:))),,,,,,,2020-04-06 12:47:50 fw0gcm,,54,"Zaghouane, Tunisia 🇹🇳",,,,,,,2020-04-06 15:13:29 fw2i39,أفريل_ذكرى_وفاة_الحبيب_بورقيبة/,6,6 أفريل ذكرى وفاة الحبيب بورقيبة,ربي يرحم صالح بن يوسف و لزهر شرايطي,,,,,,2020-04-06 17:05:57 fw8b85,,32,"Magon (𐤌𐤂‬𐤍‬, MGN) considered by some to be “The Father of Farming.” He wrote a 28 volume manual of the traditional agricultural practices of the Phoenicians, as well as those of the local Amazigh tribes.",,,,,,,2020-04-06 22:18:59 fwb211,,4,How Can I Contribute in Times of COVID-19?,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-07 01:07:37 fwceew,,1,(وباء كورونا (ماذا حدث اليوم عاجل,,,,,,,2020-04-07 02:36:23 fwkv1x,,1,What Covid-19 Tells us about the tragedy of the commons,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-07 13:51:59 fwkyad,,36,عبد اللطيف المكي يبكي خلال الندوة الصحفية,,,,,,,2020-04-07 13:57:54 fwl4j7,,6,How much will a custom built PC cost me in Tunisia from ordinary to an advanced one.,"yeah. As you guessed, it's for gaming purposes",,,,,,2020-04-07 14:08:34 fwlqty,,5,Tunisian podcasts?,"Do you guys listen to any Tunisian podcasts? And by Tunisian podcasts I mean either about Tunisia /Tunisian life and society, or podcasts in Derja covering any subject.",,,,,,2020-04-07 14:46:25 fwrxet,,0,Learning Arabic During Quarantine,,,,,,,2020-04-07 20:22:46 fwxh1o,,6,etudes en france,anyone here is going to study in france next year ??,,,,,,2020-04-08 01:51:35 fx4460,,39,Pic of the day speaks for it self,,,,,,,2020-04-08 10:27:37 fx55z4,,1,أداة من جوجل تستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي تحول صورك إلى أعمال فنية,,,,,,,2020-04-08 11:55:12 fx5w9n,,9,COVID19 in Tunisia : To what extent Tunisia is able to overcome the crisis ?,,,,,,,2020-04-08 12:49:36 fx9b9e,,1,Pretend Blurring is apparently a thing here,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 16:12:51 fx9hfc,,1,Blurring faces should be taken more seriously,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 16:22:12 fx9ilh,,3,Blurring faces should be taken more seriously,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 16:23:58 fx9oq1,,48,Blurring faces should be taken more seriously,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 16:32:59 fxai9h,,6,How to go about getting bank loan and purchasing property in Tunisia?,"I will try to be as concise and succinct as possible. I am a dual national looking to purchase property in Tunisia, obviously one of my nationalities is Tunisian. I have never permanently resided in Tunisia but I have the right to as far as I know, because I hold a Tunisian passport. I plan to leave Europe and begin investing in Tunisia after the pandemic is over, but I don't really understand how the process would work. I was hoping some locals would be able to help me. I've found a few apartments I like, mainly in Ariana and some in Sehoul, Sousse, the prices almost seem too good to be true when I convert into GBP so I just had a few questions. I can speak enough Tounsi to get by, but I can't read or write Arabic and I wouldn't be able to use it in a professional or academic manner, so would there be lawyers offering an English language service? I have never had a Tunisian bank account so I have no credit history there, would they be likely to give me a loan (probably around 200,000DT) without a credit file in Tunisia?",,,,,,2020-04-08 17:16:15 fxbues,,19,An interesting video about the rise of Carthage.,,,,,,,2020-04-08 18:27:24 fxdsil,,1,Funeral dance meme | Back mortal,,,,,,,2020-04-08 20:09:00 fxek4u,,3,"It seems like a great idea if applied, if you help in spreading the idea some government officials can consider doing it",,,,,,,2020-04-08 20:48:48 fxf740,,6,"Any one can help me find vaccum filters, or any HEPA filters in Tunis?","We're trying to build some 3D printed face masks for health profeasionals as a solution for the ffp2 mask shortage. I tried the avenue de Cartage, but all the shops are closed.",,,,,,2020-04-08 21:23:01 fxfkdv,,5,"5 confirmed new cases,we're doing fine..i guess","well..i know that new confirmed cases 'does not reflect reaality' ,but i think that somehow we are on the right path (at least for now). what do you guys think?are we going to have an extended curfew or next week will be the last one?",,,,,,2020-04-08 21:43:55 fxglha,,1,"meaning of "" nag feha"" ??",[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 22:42:55 fxgo9v,,0,can anyone translate this ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 22:47:34 fxgp26,,3,Esprit or ihet,"How good is esprit school of buisness? And ihet or esprit for a better diploma?",,,,,,2020-04-08 22:48:52 fxgp49,,1,translate please,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 22:48:57 fxgr7n,,0,can anyone translate?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 22:52:25 fxgrv9,,0,Translate this please ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 22:53:34 fxgsfl,,0,translate this please,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 22:54:30 fxgsye,,0,Translate please ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-08 22:55:25 fxhowg,,0,translate please,,,,,,,2020-04-08 23:49:32 fxhxr1,,1,translate please .,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-09 00:04:40 fxmhp6,,1,translate please ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-09 05:21:27 fxmmdb,,4,"Tunisie: Gabès Cinéma Fen, premier festival de cinéma en ligne dans le monde arabe",,,,,,,2020-04-09 05:31:52 fxt7na,,92,Exhausted Tunisian doctor taking a pause after a long shift,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-09 14:17:46 fxxu2y,,1,Faculté de médecine de Tunis: cours et Examens corrigés,,,,,,,2020-04-09 18:32:24 fxz995,,9,[Video] Tunisian Minister of Health announces discovery of the Genom Sequence of the Coronavirus,,,,,,,2020-04-09 19:47:19 fy2jih,,8,What makes Tunisia unique in comparison to other countries?,In your view.,,,,,,2020-04-09 22:53:45 fybf9w,,9,Join our discord !,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-10 08:01:30 fyccp9,ال24_ساعة_في_الحجر_الصحي_fort3x/,0,ال24 ساعة في الحجر الصحي ⚠️ ! - FORT3X 📛,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-10 09:09:08 fyey7z,,1,هذا العرق هو الأكثرعرضة للموت بسبب كورونا...واللقاح في بداية...؟؟؟,,,,,,,2020-04-10 12:23:06 fyhjja,,1,Worse than a rapist!,,,,,,,2020-04-10 15:08:58 fyj6d1,,31,Tunisia is a major olive oil producer in the world,,,,,,,2020-04-10 16:32:37 fyk3ui,,9,How They Did It - The Government of Ancient Carthage,,,,,,,2020-04-10 17:19:35 fyk454,,1,❤❤,,,,,,,2020-04-10 17:19:59 fymfea,,0,What is your background?," Let's take a poll of this subreddit: Are you Tunisian? Where do you live? Where were you raised? How old are you? Are you Muslim or something else?",,,,,,2020-04-10 19:09:58 fyqc6t,,0,Are there male hairdresser open in Tunis?,Pretty please?,,,,,,2020-04-10 22:24:01 fyrdl1,,81,Tunisian national army helicopter intervene to prevent a football match,,,,,,,2020-04-10 23:18:39 fyrtop,,4,A full-on tunisian wedding threw the curfew in the MUNICIPALITY building,,,,,,,2020-04-10 23:42:23 fyw0ne,,0,Tunisian Eminem,,,,,,,2020-04-11 03:59:11 fz11m9,,1,Help advice from Tunisian women for foreigner,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-11 09:23:45 fz1bi3,,24,Need advice from Tunisian women,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-11 09:40:17 fz64k8,,1,How about we share some music ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-11 14:15:58 fz685h,,8,"I’m searching for my dad! Pls help me find him… this is a picture from 1999. Apparently his name is BABSI KHALED… It’s been hard without him, so if you or someone you know know him or something related to him, please text me!",[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-11 14:21:06 fze0md,,1,🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-04-11 18:49:15 fzjl6j,,0,يا ربي علي تونس ض,,,,,,,2020-04-11 21:32:41 fzjwco,,1,#الفلاحة_في_سويسرا/#طريقة_و_كيفية_التسجيل_في_أكبر#موقع_للفلاحة/السكن مجا...,,,,,,,2020-04-11 21:51:39 fzjzi8,,1,Can someone help me with a translation please to English? It’s a conversation between 2 girls,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-11 21:56:50 fzm763,,1,SnoossY |التنمر الذاتي : من الأقوى أنت أم ذاتك السيئة ؟؟,,,,,,,2020-04-12 00:11:39 fznv9k,,32,The second Tunisian jam collaboration is here! Enjoy it,,,,,,,2020-04-12 01:57:05 fzo6pb,,9,What Do You Think About Carthage ?,"What does Carthage means for Tunisia, do you see carthage as important part of your history ? Can you count yourself as Carthaginian ?",,,,,,2020-04-12 02:19:06 fzpew7,,1,Like 💕 Share ✌️ Comment 👌 Follow 👍 Thank you so much for support. . . . #travel #travelphotography #photography #nature #photooftheday #instagood #love #landscape #travelgram #instatravel #sunset #picoftheday #art #fashion #instagram #naturephotography #follow #holiday #adventure #photo #wanderlu,,,,,,,2020-04-12 03:43:40 fzrtu7,,18,'We need food': Tunisians struggle under coronavirus lockdown,,,,,,,2020-04-12 06:47:17 fzuana,,4,Parts of the value chain could be based in Tunisia which has a well educated workforce and lies an hour’s flight from southern Europe. That would also reduce the carbon footprint.,,,,,,,2020-04-12 10:17:16 fzudkt,الروبوت_التونسي/,1,الروبوت التونسي,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-12 10:24:10 fzvrwt,,4,استبيان خصوصية المرضى خلال وباء الكورونا في الوطن العربي,,,,,,,2020-04-12 12:20:39 fzwiga,,4,Tunisian discord server,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-12 13:12:23 g085nj,,44,low effort meme,,,,,,,2020-04-13 00:28:22 g0ig6b,,5,Not that quarantined 😅,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-13 12:58:00 g0jz17,,24,Request from a Dutch student,"Hello everyone, I am a student from the Netherlands, currently writing my bachelor's thesis on the Dignity Revolution. I want to avoid only looking at what Western historians say about the Revolution and have therefore tried as much as possible to speak to Tunisians about it as well. I have interviewed a very kind employee of your embassy in the Netherlands and tried to reach out to others as well but the university councils, professors and embassies that I emailed did not reply. I therefore wanted to ask if anyone who was involved in the Revolution would be willing to answer some of my questions (this means I might also need some personal information, since I have to prove to my professors that the interviews are legitimate) or if anyone would be able to put me into contact with organisations like student unions, human rights organisations, labour unions, etc. Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2020-04-13 14:28:23 g0oqds,,3,With the inventions we see from our country coming to light (whether you consider it small or big) do you think something will change after this epidemic? Will the government invest in its people for once?,,,,,,,2020-04-13 18:31:48 g0xaw0,,72,Amphitheatre of El Jem | Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-04-14 02:41:44 g12syl,,2,Any biologist / biology student here?,"This may sound random but I wanted to ask any folks studying or have studied biology in any Tunisian university. Is evolution a subject and is being taught in Tunisian universities? Please confirm also if it is being taught elsewhere (chemistry, geology, meds etc...)",,,,,,2020-04-14 10:01:01 g13s2n,,14,"According to, Reddit is in the top 35 most visited websites in Tunisia."," []( Sorry! ""According to*""",,,,,,2020-04-14 11:23:40 g1401y,,76,another revolutionary meme,,,,,,,2020-04-14 11:41:21 g14y1p,,10,"Mohamed Daghbaji (1885 - March 1, 1924)",,,,,,,2020-04-14 12:50:40 g160ev,,29,Meme,,,,,,,2020-04-14 13:59:15 g1dcbr,,85,Taxi in Tunisia to avoid Covid-19 infection,,,,,,,2020-04-14 20:35:37 g1ehqd,,1,Taxi driver: I'm taking extra mesures to get aways from coronavirus,,,,,,,2020-04-14 21:39:41 g1i185,خواطر_أيام_الكورونا/,8,خواطر أيام الكورونا,"شبح الموت في البلاد يحوم تلك سنة الحياة التي لا تدوم حاصد الأرواح يتلهف لنفوس جديدة و رهبة الفقدان تسكن الثنايا المديدة الناس للغذاء لا بل لمشاعرهم يحتكرون أفي غير أفئدة أحبتهم يقنطون؟ لصوت رصاص البوح يكتمون أ لوعة الفراق الصامت لا يهابون؟ حجز صحي للأجساد و قلب المحب حطم الأصفاد يحلق عاليا في السماء الموبوءة لا يخشى المرض و يضخ مروءة يسافر بعيدا ليطمئن على الشريك لكن في وجهه أغلقت الشبابيك فيتجرع الألم صبحة و عشية و قد ملت روحه من تكرار القضية أذهبت عقله تلك الصبية و بدأ يفقد إيمانه بالأبدية نبض جديد ربما يسعفه و قلب أحن ينصفه.. -غسان ڨدري-",,,,,,2020-04-15 01:06:53 g1nzbe,علي_شورب/,9,Looking for real facts about علي شورب,"Over the years I have discovered a lot about Tunisian culture and history, but there is one person I do not know a lot about, Ali Chouerreb, I have tried looking him up, but I have either found the tv series episodes or there were french language resources and I am really bad in french, so if anyone knows something about him (besides the obvious things) please feel free to share it. Thank you all in advance. &#x200B; #",,,,,,2020-04-15 08:28:12 g1vm5y,,7,How do I help an old friend in Tunisia get food?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-15 16:44:51 g1wq7b,,108,Tunisian survival kit starter pack updated,,,,,,,2020-04-15 17:40:37 g20gry,,2,How to get from Tunis city center to Sidi Bou Said?,"Hi y'all, I'm planning a trip to Tunis and I was wondering how to move from the city center to Sidi Bou Said by public transportation. I'm checking the website of transtu but it doesn't look very clear. Can you give me a little info? Thnks.",,,,,,2020-04-15 20:50:45 g214z0,,17,This guy made a Mezwed cover for They Don't Really Care About US - Michael Jackson,,,,,,,2020-04-15 21:26:47 g22cmp,,2,Anyone can guess how long the quarantine will last?,desperate question don't judge hhh,,,,,,2020-04-15 22:31:33 g2e5xi,,1,Pancake,,,,,,,2020-04-16 12:41:16 g2f0uy,,41,"After an AMA, I'v made you a little vlog in order to show you what's a Tunisian EMS's work is like during the pandemic (sorry for the watermark)",[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-16 13:36:30 g2q05l,,1,Lol,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-16 23:10:14 g2rdeb,,1,President teaching people how to do proper social distancing,,,,,,,2020-04-17 00:29:51 g2vdnb,,1,Need help :c,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-17 05:00:32 g304cp,,2,Ignorant shit like this pisses me the fuck off,,,,,,,2020-04-17 11:22:23 g31zjk,,13,What's happening?,,,,,,,2020-04-17 13:27:45 g33i7c,,9,Do you think it's a wise decision to lift the lockdown in Tunisia before finding a vaccine?,,,,,,,2020-04-17 14:54:31 g34kjt,,51,Today marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the moveable bridge of Bizerte,,,,,,,2020-04-17 15:50:36 g383uu,,5,لما لبست علم مصر في تونس كل المعاملات اتغيرت 🇪🇬,,,,,,,2020-04-17 18:55:30 g3b4z5,,1,شرح شامل APPLICATION D17 POSTE TUNISIE PAIEMENT EN LIGNE شرح. فيديو,,,,,,,2020-04-17 21:40:23 g3b5qd,,1,can we help jalel brick?,[](,,,,,,2020-04-17 21:41:39 g3c0mm,,1,رجل الأعمال الصيني ماك ما ومؤسسة علي بابا يتبرعان للجزائر بمستلزمات طبية 😍,,,,,,,2020-04-17 22:28:29 g3cwl6,,6,Join the official imazighen discord,,,,,,,2020-04-17 23:18:32 g3l50x,,6,Coronavirus : des chercheurs tunisiens conçoivent un respirateur à imprimer en 3D,,,,,,,2020-04-18 10:00:17 g3mjxt,,10,"Secular Tunisian discord server (chats,debates)","Hey guys, am well aware this has been posted before and that some of you might have seen it, but unfortunately it was taken down shortly after, but upon contacting the mods and previewing my server, and deeming it appropriate , it has been approved to repost again 😄👍 Now about the server, This is A community where you can debate , share your thoughts and interests in a friendly civilized environment and also meet new people, most tunisian discord servers are dead except the ones that are centered arround gaming and where the communities mostly consist of underage teens, and its really sad, So please feel free to join this one and lets revive and make a nice, cultured and friendly environment out of it, where we can dig and discuss all kinds of topics,ranging from art, food, culture to philosophy, politics and religion in a diversified sphere, since we have members from europe, and other north african countries SO EVERYONE is welcome, it has already been somewhat active this past few days and so am Turing to this subreddit again to recruit more members since i genuinely think some of you guys are really interesting and would contribute much to this community, so please feel free to join! 😄 Link:",,,,,,2020-04-18 12:13:19 g3q0oe,,23,Al Aroussia Churchill tank battle,,,,,,,2020-04-18 16:11:37 g3wkiu,,20,Why can't we attract video game companies?,"A large portion and I even dare to say that most of the population here is a Gamer since childhood, many video games like Call of Duty 2 were set in Tunisia and some even have important characters and not just minor, plenty of people here are ready to spend hundreds of Dinars to play video games and we have many professional players and teams in many games like League of Legends, Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Battlefield, World of Warcraft etc..., we even have our local game industry (even though it's just a few people who made few and not good games) and the list goes on and on which shows that Tunisia is a very Gamer country even though our government is neglecting this sector like video games don't exist (which is why we shouldn't vote for old people who weren't even born after the independence). And yet, despite all that no well known game company ever came to Tunisia even in 2020, no subsidiary, no studio, simply nothing. What makes it even more bad situation is that when you try to create accounts in services like PSN you can't find Tunisia in the list and thus you have to pretend like you're from another country, not to mention that the vast majority of the online stores don't accept our currency and no store would make a special price for us like how Steam does and therefore you would have to pay the same expensive price of the US where Americans there earn money more than Tunisians here and on top of all that, there is no single physical copy game ever released in Tunisia and not even game consoles, everything we have here is brought by normal people (in both legal and illegal ways) to sell it in a very very expensive price, like PS5 is going to be around a thousand Dinar and half in the US when it's going to be released and the price of a PS4 here is most of the time thousands and more. And if that's the case, then forget about gift cards, bonuses, special Editions and releasing a game for our country only. And yet, in other Arab countries like us like Egypt and the Gulf countries have well known and great video game companies like Ubisoft and made fantastic games, they even have their own companies that also made their own popular and fantastic titles. So why's our country that bad, why can't we do something to attract video game companies and even make our own game companies and studios and compete with others?",,,,,,2020-04-18 22:38:17 g47rbv,,44,What do you all think about this ?,,,,,,,2020-04-19 13:35:35 g47rd2,,4,To what extent was the revolution responsible for religious extremism amongst Tunisians,"I'm doing a report on how the revolution disenfranchised Tunisian youth making them vulnerable to indoctrination and extremist ideologies, and would appreciate any opinions and ideas you may have. Do you think the extremism was there before the revolution and Islamists merely used the instability to capitalise? Do you think young people were frustrated at the lack of opportunity following democratisation? Did people see the revolution and ultimately, democracy as a failure and thus possibly saw extremist ideology as the final recourse? I'm really curious to see why you think so many Tunisians flocked to various foreign civil wars, and why terrorist attacks involving Tunisians at home and in Europe spiked following the revolution. From my research it seems the only notable attack from 2000 until 2013, was the Ghriba synagogue attack, however since the deposition of Ben Ali, there have been countless attacks. I'm also curious as to why most attacks in Tunisia are particularly discriminate, they either target officials, security forces or tourists, seldom have the attacks targeted Tunisian civillians, why is that? Also, what do you think is the solution to the problem of extremism amongst young Tunisians, improved economic opportunities? Tighter security? Is extremism in Tunisia endemic to specific regions? From my research thus far it seems like a significant amount of perpetrators come from poor suburbs of Tunis, as well as the Kasserine and Jendouba regions, which as far as I know are marred by poverty and inequality. Of the large number of Tunisians who went abroad to fight, why do you think this happened, why did Tunisians specifically contribute such a significant number of young fighters, particularly given our countries relatively secular history. Thank you in advance for anyone who can help me with my study!",,,,,,2020-04-19 13:35:39 g4ampm,,1,Do you believe the number of new infections?,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-19 16:34:18 g4cw20,,81,Tunisian 1st President Habib Bourguiba with Queen Elizabeth II,,,,,,,2020-04-19 18:40:37 g4f9y7,,0,[meme] ab3thouha ls7abkom 3al msngr w choufou reaction mta3hom,,,,,,,2020-04-19 20:55:59 g4o2y8,,5,The pic is not in Tunisia but we gave the same case,,,,,,,2020-04-20 07:06:36 g4o6ni,,1,الخُلاصة | الكورونا.. من العالم إلى تونس.. محال حال يدوم,,,,,,,2020-04-20 07:15:12 g4pxs1,,36,playing Football during lockdown (Tunisia),,,,,,,2020-04-20 09:49:57 g4sq80,,3,Recordings as evidence ?,Can video or audio recordings be used as evidence in court in Tunisia ?,,,,,,2020-04-20 13:25:28 g4sqjz,,1,A colorised picture of a daily scene in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-04-20 13:26:08 g4tit4,,8,That escalated quickly!,,,,,,,2020-04-20 14:13:43 g512mt,,6,Remember this scene,"Remember this scene, as it is going to cost a lot to Tunisia. A friend of mine who happen to be a worker in a petroleum company in Tripoli said there was a lot of people who had guns among these walkers, and lot of fighters too. The government had issues letting Tunisians come back from Libya because they knew there were intruders among them... This scene right here folks, is what's going to harm our country... [scene](",,,,,,2020-04-20 20:55:00 g58n8t,,82,😢,,,,,,,2020-04-21 04:30:37 g58wba,,2,"TIMELINE of FIRST Confirmed Cases by Country or Territory per Region | Dec.1, 2019 - April 16, 2020",,,,,,,2020-04-21 04:50:23 g5cswo,,10,Tips to get better at french in your 20s,I posted this here bc nowhere online can u find how to get better at your 2nd national language. Because I'm not a beginner nor am I intermediate. I can understand french. But i don't know why it never got easy for me to write or speak in French and I know I'm going to need it professionally (for my thesis 4 example).,,,,,,2020-04-21 10:30:56 g5d5qr,,1,A problem of counting/manipulation in coronavirus cases number,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-21 11:01:05 g5gydh,,73,Imagine..,,,,,,,2020-04-21 15:10:19 g5ii51,,6,Repatriation flight from Paris to Tunis,"Hello ! I am currently a French-Tunisian student studying in Paris (it's my first year) and since Macron's speech, I learned that college students won't be going back to uni until next year and here I am confined till summer. I used to live in Tunisia before I moved to continue my studies and all my family lives there except my sister who is my roommate. The confinement really makes me miss home and the only people I wanna be around are my family. I wanna go back to Tunisia, I don't want to stay here until the airports reopen (which will probably be around mid-July). So here I am looking for repatriation flights from Paris to Tunisia, do you think I can take one ? I am not exactly a resident of Tunisia since it's only my family that lives in there, on my ID it's written that I live in France but I technically have a home in Tunis. Do you think I can go back to my country ?",,,,,,2020-04-21 16:33:20 g5iqef,,1,E-Dating server Discord bnet ou wled !,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-21 16:45:43 g5n0ls,,0,Tunisians on 14 jan 2011,,,,,,,2020-04-21 20:29:48 g5ocyd,,3,Ouverture d'une ligne maritime directe entre Sfax et Tripoli,,,,,,,2020-04-21 21:41:27 g5pt76,,3,Loi 52,"أنا هوّ لأهمّ سميد ولاّ زطلة؟ [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-04-21 23:03:50 g5uvnu,,6,"Anciennes photos de Sousse,Mahdia (1930-1960)",,,,,,,2020-04-22 04:48:32 g5v5gj,,28,"A modern bust of Hannibal in Cartagena, Spain. Cartagena was founded by his brother-in-law Hasdrubal the Fair for the purpose of serving as a stepping-off point for the conquest of Spain. Named after the homeland city of Carthage, Cartagena is derived from Phoenician Qart-Hadast, meaning ""New City.""",,,,,,,2020-04-22 05:10:15 g6100d,,49,حقيقة مرة...,,,,,,,2020-04-22 13:21:19 g6arhx,,10,sincerely ; Do you Love or hate Ramadhan and why ?,Edit : y'all just a buch of fattara and battala lol,,,,,,2020-04-22 22:20:07 g6bd86,,61,1975: Bourguiba meets James Brown came for a perfoamce at the Carthage festival,,,,,,,2020-04-22 22:56:09 g6ctq3,,1,"Get 10€ free, Just signup and play with us",,,,,,,2020-04-23 00:25:21 g6je8p,,5,Come visit r/Habban to learn about the bagpipes of the Arab world | تعال قم بزيارة r/Habban لمعرفة المزيد عن مزمار القربة في العالم العربي,,,,,,,2020-04-23 09:08:10 g6k37c,,12,How to check obituaries/arrest reports... From USA.,"Hey guys. Me again. My friend who lives in Tunisia suddenly dropped off the social media map without warning. He did this one other time two years ago, but never did it again after I told him how worried I was. Not without warning. It's been over two weeks now of all activity stopped. We could go ages without talking as long as I know he's good, but with the posting and everything disappearing, too... I just want to be sure my long distance buddy is alive in the midst of the chaos he's been dealing with and this p@ndemic going on. I just need help with where to look. Suggestions? Sousse and Tunis newspapers or public records? Sorry, I don't know how things are done there.",,,,,,2020-04-23 10:11:13 g6l2q4,,2,من علامات الساعة الحرام أسهل من الحلال,,,,,,,2020-04-23 11:36:10 g6m7jb,,35,"Scenes in the Southeast Tunisian village of Ghomrassen, Circa 1944",,,,,,,2020-04-23 13:01:04 g6nrmz,,1,أغنى 10 فرق كرة قدم في العالم,,,,,,,2020-04-23 14:36:56 g6o9gm,,16,Happy Children’s Day from Turkey to children of Tunisia!,"In Turkey, every April 23 is celebrated as [Children's Day]('s_Day) with the participation of children around the world. 100 years ago today, the Turkish nation opened its parliament to represent its national will, under the leadership of [Mustafa Kemal Atatürk]( Seeing children as the guarantee of the future, Atatürk gave this day to the children of the world. I hope the future will be bright for the children of all countries. &#x200B;",,,,,,2020-04-23 15:04:53 g6orqo,,8,"Finally, A promising serie! ---HARGA---",,,,,,,2020-04-23 15:32:40 g6pa0p,,1,مايكروسوفت : تقنية ذكاء اصطناعي قادرة على مساعدة المطورين على حل العديد من الأخطاء,,,,,,,2020-04-23 16:00:47 g6s7lp,,3,Students of the 6th and 9th and the bac grade what are your thoughts on the lesson videos posted online by the government? also is it confirmed the exams will include every lesson?,,,,,,,2020-04-23 18:40:16 g6svd5,,98,Happy Ramadan Tunisians! 🎉🎉🎉,,,,,,,2020-04-23 19:15:05 g72ekl,,1,Choufli Hal,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-24 05:08:15 g72ga9,,7,supplements in Tunisia,"Hello I want to buy some medicines and supplements for a person who lives there though I have no idea about brands of supplements which are axecisible. Can someone advise me what good quality supplements of magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D3, potassium are available in Tunisian pharmacies particularly in Tunis? Another what I wanted to ask is if there is a any reliable online pharmacy in which I will be able to buy it by using a credit card?",,,,,,2020-04-24 05:12:07 g77rh4,,77,Mahdia in Low poly,,,,,,,2020-04-24 12:46:56 g7caw3,,1,Amy good tunisian TV broadcasts on YouTube?,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-24 17:14:04 g7i7gi,,4,"Ramamdhan mubarek to y'all , this is my second vlog about how I spend my quarantine days [Sorry for the beer pics since I wanted to share true personal facts , which may offend some of y'all]",[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-24 22:35:53 g7j979,,38,Noice,,,,,,,2020-04-24 23:39:11 g7rdpa,,8,Corona cases actual number!,"Hi, Romdhankom mabrouk, not to be pessimist or conspiracy theorists but does any of you believe even slightly that the actual number of infected cases is higher than the government releases? not as they lying or hiding, it just about the limited resources and the low number of tests? my concern is that the forthcoming procedures of easing out the strict rules of the confinement will cause re-burst of this virus (Hope not ofc).",,,,,,2020-04-25 10:27:41 g7v0hp,,1,Your thoughts?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-25 15:09:25 g7v1fg,,21,Your thoughts? (تم إدراج زواج مثلـيَـيْـن في مضمون ولادة تونسي),,,,,,,2020-04-25 15:11:06 g7vz07,,2,Amyne - Self Love (Official Lyrics Video),,,,,,,2020-04-25 16:06:53 g7w8ed,,1,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.2 - L-Ġrāb we’ŧ-Ŧaɛleb,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-25 16:21:24 g7wo5u,,1,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.2 - L-Ġrāb we’ŧ-Ŧaɛleb,,,,,,,2020-04-25 16:46:10 g7wpm7,,3,Where can I get sewing needles from?,"I need a large sewing needle to stitch my patches together for my knitting project. I have looked at jumia and savana but can't seem to find it. I don't know French or Arabic so I guess google translations aren't really working. Can anyone tell me where I can get it from? Is it available in Carrefour? I live in Tunis.",,,,,,2020-04-25 16:48:22 g7zrmt,,1,Ramadan Shows,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-25 19:33:40 g82a56,,23,i miss this...,,,,,,,2020-04-25 22:01:40 g84ruj,,35,Let's spice up this sub with some tunisian metal - Myrath,,,,,,,2020-04-26 00:36:32 g860n4,,2,The Most Populous Cities In The World (2800 BC-2020),,,,,,,2020-04-26 02:00:19 g868w1,,7,I've been under official government quarantine in a hotel for the past 11 days. AMA,i was studying abroad and i just got back home 11 days ago and like everyone else coming from out of the country i had to stay in quarantine for 14 days. what would you like to know ask me anything,,,,,,2020-04-26 02:15:39 g86h47,,1,to ex muslims how is ramadan treating you in the quarantine,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-26 02:32:09 g8cfdm,,43,"Just visited Gabis, Amazing place this country is just beautiful!",[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-26 10:55:42 g8f704,,1,The Most Populous Cities In The World (2800 BC-2020),,,,,,,2020-04-26 14:26:31 g8foqb,,0,Defamation - ADL bullying Ukraine into downplaying the Holodomor as serious as the Holocaust,,,,,,,2020-04-26 14:56:29 g8g75p,,1,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.3 - J-Jrāna we'ŧ-Ŧūr,,,,,,,2020-04-26 15:26:22 g8g8rv,,1,The Hannibal Clock has decorated the famous Blue Room in the White House since 1817. It is a gilt bronze clock representing Hannibal after the Battle of Cannae.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-26 15:29:02 g8grd7,,51,This T-shirt that my dad got for me,,,,,,,2020-04-26 15:58:36 g8gs6c,,1,This T-shirt that my dad got for me,,,,,,,2020-04-26 15:59:54 g8h8v5,قلب_الذيبheart_of_the_wolf/,10,قلب الذيب/Heart of the Wolf,"I just wanted to get your thoughts on [this new show on Watania](, especially it covers topics like France’s occupation of Tunisia. I personally really like it although it has some historical inconsistencies. So what do you guys think?",,,,,,2020-04-26 16:24:59 g8ngu1,,4,can someone pls give me a google's map link to this location? and how much i need to pay for the certificate? i tried the phone numbers but it went to voicemail... Thanks.,,,,,,,2020-04-26 22:00:57 g8o00w,,1,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.4 - L-Bġal we’Rfīqu,,,,,,,2020-04-26 22:30:57 g8ob1z,,1,Attention ... un nouveau message texte plante l'iPhone,,,,,,,2020-04-26 22:48:25 g8pgid,,3,Literally.,,,,,,,2020-04-26 23:54:19 g8qedg,,4,How Tunisians in America Are Coping with the Coronavirus,,,,,,,2020-04-27 00:51:31 g8vjue,,1,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.5 - Đ-Đīb we’l-Kælb,,,,,,,2020-04-27 06:55:08 g8wtpb,,0,أفضل المسلسلات الأجنبية تنجم تشوفهم في رمضان Ramadhan 2020 | SNOOSSY,,,,,,,2020-04-27 08:33:17 g8yi8c,,15,Just an European here Looking for Tunisian friends,"**Asslema**, I am a 20/M from Europe and since about 2016 I am quite interested in,(I guess obsessed or in love with could be better words) Tunisia, what does that mean, well I know almost everything about Tunisian (modern) history and (pop)culture, for example, I can discuss with you everything from EST(Taraji) to Weld el 15. The only issue is that I don't have many people to talk about that. And yea before I forget, I am trying to learn MSA Arabic and I happen to know some derja as well. I am mostly looking for friends around my age, but basically everyone is welcome. Have a great day.",,,,,,2020-04-27 10:48:56 g8ziq1,,1,New Tunisian subreddit for good and creative memes u can check by urself,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-27 12:10:08 g8zjra,,0,New Tunisian subreddit for good memes joint ut guys ❤,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-27 12:12:17 g8zlvd,,0,New Tunisian subreddit for good memes join it guys ❤,[removed],,,,,,2020-04-27 12:16:48 g8zwad,,0,New tunisian subreddit for memes join it guys ❤,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-27 12:37:17 g912w8,,5,Settling in Tunisia,"Hey, This is Chirag Jain from India. Starting off ... I was in Egypt a few months back for Internship (AIESEC) ..where I met many Tunisian Guys and made quite a lot of friends from Tunis, Djerba and elsewhere. With a change in perspective of mine...I would like to settle in Tunisian. Is it worth?",,,,,,2020-04-27 13:52:56 g91f2w,,38,Westerner? AND A FEMALE !!!!!!!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-27 14:12:26 g9383y,,1,"La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.6 - l-Ɛejla, w l-Maɛza, w n-Naɛja w s-Sīd",,,,,,,2020-04-27 15:49:35 g96ei5,,1,الدول الأكثر تضررا من فيروس كورونا في أوروبا,,,,,,,2020-04-27 18:30:36 g97qhe,,92,Poetic,,,,,,,2020-04-27 19:38:42 g98u0t,,3,is there any place that sells manga in Tunisia,i wanna buy physical copyes of manga is there any place that sells them like a librey or something,,,,,,2020-04-27 20:35:03 g9a8zv,,2,History of cannabis in tunisia,does anyone have informations about the history of cannabis in tunisia ?,,,,,,2020-04-27 21:48:40 g9dar8,,1,May you suggest me ways that one can follow to study abroad ?,"Hey, Before I go into it, i want to wish you all are doing well since we're living in harsh tense times now due to the COVID-19. Stay home, stay safe. Frankly, it's only for the good or great. Allow me to start by giving you a brief tweak about the situation. It's my first year here in Tunisia, ""as a Tunisian"", and i gotta say even though much won't agree that people in my country our country are so convivial. So i'm a student, first year in university, that speaks four languages and is just in love with many disciplines, mostly business and precisely stock trading. I have searched for many ways where i can be, in a way or another, financially independent. Thus, made a lot of researches since my arrival here in Tunisia on the most heated markets, on part time jobs, on ""bourse Tunisie"", on some small businesses that can generate passive income ; frankly it was a struggle. Nothing seemed neat, legitimate, worth the time and jobs didn't have that feel close to the""teen job thing Americans do"". In addition of that, looked for some banks that lend study loans but figured that such thing doesn't exist here. All in all, i wanted information from the people to the people, and what's better than asking those 5k potential Tunisians about ideas and advice and how they made themselves financially free or made enough money to later pursue their dreams. PS: I tried not making this so long, and sorry if it is. I want it to be seen by the most to get enough feedback. TL;DR : Student, 1st year uni and in tunisia, looking for ways to study abroad, i.e: well paying part time jobs, small business...",,,,,,2020-04-28 00:49:04 g9e7l4,,72,The Second picture is where the original Star Wars was filmed. (Tataouine),,,,,,,2020-04-28 01:48:00 g9gd5j,,1,I made a community for Tunisians who are currently stuck abroad!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-04-28 04:15:03 g9ipir,,6,What did the Phoenician-Punics look like?,,,,,,,2020-04-28 07:28:48 g9irnc,,17,Repost but meh.,,,,,,,2020-04-28 07:33:53 g9jj8k,,3,COVID-19: online platform to help foreigners in financial fragile situation launched,,,,,,,2020-04-28 08:39:08 g9mvt7,éménagement_meubles_pour_nouveau_apart/,1,[Déménagement] Meubles pour nouveau apart,"Hello guys, Je déménage après le confinement vers un appart non meublé, du coup je dois me débrouiller pour le minimum de meuble ( lit, armoire, table, réfrigérateur, etc) le plutôt possible. Les groupes Facebook (meubles occasion, souk el Facebook) ou meme tayara sont inondé par les commerçants de la deuxième main et les publications de pub, même les quelques post utiles n'ont pas un minimum de goût ou de proportionnalité qualité prix. Est ce que vous suggérez des petits groupes où des jeunes propose leurs meubles qu'ils n'utilise plus a petit prix, des groupes d'échanges de biens (meubles, deco, etc..)pour jeune, ou même où on peut acheter des meubles dont le modèle n'est pas des années 90'.",,,,,,2020-04-28 13:09:08 g9nv58,,1,Pizza Delivery in Tunis?, Is there a way to have a pizza delivered to Tunis during this period? My Kingdom for a pizza !!!,,,,,,2020-04-28 14:09:24 g9y1rn,,1,Am i the only one that hates this show,,,,,,,2020-04-28 23:17:40 g9yla3,,1,German rap video in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-04-28 23:48:39 g9yvzo,,1,Looking for people to study with for BAC,,,,,,,2020-04-29 00:06:39 ga760p,,1,Noice...,,,,,,,2020-04-29 10:43:30 gafen1,,1,Such wise words,,,,,,,2020-04-29 19:05:17 gaok5d,,1,Tunisian married couples should not conceive children if they are financially unable to raise them,"The husband works and the wife remains at home indulging herself in housekeeping: dusting, mopping, cleaning the dishes and preparing meals all day long. Technically speaking, she is an unpaid housekeeper. The husband leaves early and comes late to his humble residence, suffering from work fatigue and frustrated by the traffic jam. Naturally, he does not own a car; he has never owned a car and will never be able to afford one with his inconsistent, modest payment. He takes the metro. The metro is always crowded, vociferous and filled with stink when he finishes work. Nothing unusual for he got used to the jam, clamor and stench. He arrives to his cramped apartment. The thin walls are cracking and every time it rains water leaks and floods the floor. His two-room lodging is very small and barren, yet he cherishes it. After all, the rent costs half of his monthly earning. The wife has prepared pottage for dinner, third time this week. Peasant food is still better than nothing since they had nights when they slept with an empty stomach. The husband is a poor dayworker; he can be a peddler, a barista, a logger... It does not matter which one he is, he still works days and goes jobless for many others, receiving almost a moneyless tribute for his services, and frequently being obliged to borrow money from a friend or a family member, with the lenders more frequently becoming philanthropists out of sympathy. Ultimately, that who barely owns cannot give back. These are the Tunisian married couples I am addressing: THE VERY POOR ONES. Those who can hardly make it through the day, let alone if they had children. Your child deserves to live in a proper, comfy house where he/she feels warm and vivid instead of a falling crowded building with fluffy walls where he has no privacy whatsoever and hear the fighting of the neighbors day and night,to eat healthy food and grow strong, to wear good clothes ( I am not talking about luxurious attire), to have access to the internet and own a smartphone or a PC so he can both study and have fun, to go on a vacation once a year and enjoy himself, to own a bicycle and indulge in what seems to him as the greatest adventure, to read books and nourishes his mind, to go to university, even to go to a private university and follows his dreams if he succeeds at the baccalaureate exam with a low grade. These are the minimal necessities, and a family with one irregular poor income cannot provide them. I bet we have all seen beggars holding their children, using them as an incentive to stimulate the hearts of the passengers so they would give them money. Your child is not a tool to use like that. Moreover, your child is not an income having him drop out of school and sent to a workshop to assist a mechanician or shipped to a farm like a serf. Sadly, child labour is common in our country, and those who deprive their children of their childhood are the worst parents. Not to forget they also do not have health insurance. Some of you might say there are people coming from a similar familial background who became successful in life. Well, here's the brutal truth: those who succeed are extremely rare, exceptions. The great majority grew sick, hungry, illiterate, homeless, some of them criminals, others, with no education, no career, are leading a miserable life. Briefly, wear a condom and do not doom four innocent souls to a wretched lifetime.",,,,,,2020-04-30 04:00:10 gaw06v,,1,Alcohol in Tunis,"Hello guys ramadan mubarak, hope you're all doing well Do you know somewhere where they still sell alcohol the ramadan near tunis ? Thank you",,,,,,2020-04-30 13:49:17 gawji4,,1,"Well, The app is [almost] here","I shared a time ago a demo video about a mobile application to rank and comment the performance of every politician ([Original post]( Well, the app is finally approved on Play Store on its version zero, please install the app and use it, and remember: be constructive :) [Link Here]( The app will receive many(many many) updates and improvements. I will contact a designer to make the UI more ergonomic. But for next few days I will be a little busy, so I launched it.",,,,,,2020-04-30 14:21:01 gawjm1,,1,Any news on when the airports will open up?,"Hey friends. I know that there was a big announcement yesterday with protocol on how the country will reopen. I was wondering if they made any specific announcements about when flights will resume. Air France plans to resume daily flights at the beginning of June if the government allows it (see link below) but I haven't heard the governments response.",,,,,,2020-04-30 14:21:12 gayzez,,1,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.7 - L-Fāra l-Bældīya we’l-Fāra l-Barrīya,,,,,,,2020-04-30 16:30:15 gb1zdf,,1,Tunisia has one of the oldest flags in the world? This video is a timeline of flag adoption dates by Country or Territory from oldest to youngest. Any information to add?,,,,,,,2020-04-30 19:04:54 gb3aro,,1,"Throwback to when Jordan cut diplomatic ties with Tunisia because Bourguiba called them an ""english invention""",,,,,,,2020-04-30 20:13:57 gbdi2n,/r/ideas_jianfa/comments/gbbf2k/covid19_how_to_protect_your_ears_from_pain_due_to/,2,COVID19 - How to protect your ears from pain due to prolonged hours of mask-wearing - pls share,,,,,,,2020-05-01 07:09:13 gbeciu,,94,Bourgiba yetza7la9,,,,,,,2020-05-01 08:28:05 gbez47,,1,How to find weed dealers in tunis??,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-01 09:27:31 gbhyre,,0,Check Tunisia Ranking...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-01 13:20:00 gblefh,,9,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.8 - Đ-Đīb we’l-Ɛallūċ,,,,,,,2020-05-01 16:34:16 gbte1r,éménagement_meuble_a_petit_prix/,1,[Repartager][Déménagement] Meuble a petit prix,"Hello guys, Je déménage après le confinement vers un appart non meublé, du coup je dois me débrouiller pour le minimum de meuble ( lit, armoire, table, réfrigérateur, etc) le plutôt possible. Les groupes Facebook (meubles occasion, souk el Facebook) ou meme tayara sont inondé par les commerçants de la deuxième main et les publications de pub, même les quelques post utiles n'ont pas un minimum de goût ou de proportionnalité qualité prix. Est ce que vous suggérez des petits groupes où des jeunes propose leurs meubles qu'ils n'utilise plus a petit prix, des groupes d'échanges de biens (meubles, deco, etc..)pour jeune, ou même où on peut acheter des meubles dont le modèle n'est pas des années 90'.",,,,,,2020-05-01 23:55:45 gbzswv,,1,Wait for it...,,,,,,,2020-05-02 03:45:22 gc5jf4,,17,"Souti App Day 1, El Makki is the first rated, Abbou is almost the latest one 🧐",,,,,,,2020-05-02 12:19:58 gc5t6m,,1,عملية الخطف الأكثر غموضا في التاريخ,,,,,,,2020-05-02 12:41:24 gc6mze,,1,Come join us 👋😄,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-02 13:40:22 gc91pp,,11,Money is the filth of life,"A guy from Tunisia once told me that, in Arabic, there is an expression that says what the title of this post says. To be precise he said it in German ""das Geld ist der Schmutz vom Leben"" (neither of us speak good German). I found it beautiful and I was trying to find the original saying. Does it ring a bell?",,,,,,2020-05-02 16:13:40 gcabtk,,1,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.9 - L-Ħattāb we’Mlæk l-Mūt,,,,,,,2020-05-02 17:31:18 gcawoa,,151,"German soldiers eating Ftayer, somwhere in Tunisia, 1942/1943",,,,,,,2020-05-02 18:06:01 gccu1b,,4,I HAD TO,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-02 20:00:46 gcd77m,,1,"When the allies came to Beja, Germany returned to Tunis and Bizerte in 1944. From there, the end of Nazi Germany in Africa began.(Picture from ""Tunisian Victory"" Film)",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-02 20:22:07 gcdd2p,,12,"When the allies came to Beja, Germany returned to Tunis and Bizerte in 1942. From there, the end of Nazi Germany in Africa began.(Picture from ""Tunisian Victory"" Film)",,,,,,,2020-05-02 20:31:32 gcdnvs,,10,And look what appears out there 😉,,,,,,,2020-05-02 20:48:57 gcdp8w,,6,What do you guys think about things going back to the 'normal' routine. I just read this article and now I'm more concerned than ever.,,,,,,,2020-05-02 20:51:20 gcfcjc,,11,"Mosaic of the abduction of the Trojan hero Ganymede by Zeus, disguised as an eagle. From the bedroom of a 2nd century CE Roman house, Archaeological Museum of Sousse, Tunisia. There are so many fantastic ancient ruins and artifacts in your country!",,,,,,,2020-05-02 22:31:46 gciwx0,,40,When you criticize or say something bad about Galb el Dhib,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-03 02:27:33 gcoe04,,1,"Meet, Teams et Webex collectent davantage de données utilisateur",,,,,,,2020-05-03 10:29:11 gcqtxg,,29,I think this was the best tunisian drama teaser ever.,,,,,,,2020-05-03 13:45:29 gcuio6,,0,"Covid-19 in Iran, and Isfahan",[removed],,,,,,2020-05-03 17:31:06 gcukrc,,4,Asking for people studying at MSB,"Hey people, I hope you and your families are all fine. I would like to be in contact with people studying at MSB in order to ask them about their feelings about their university and just to know more about it. Thank you all !",,,,,,2020-05-03 17:34:21 gcwv81,,1,Tunisia And Paypal,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-03 19:45:58 gcx5rt,,1,Tunisia&Paypal,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-03 20:03:10 gcyhnn,,1,Paypal&Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-03 21:20:50 gcyiom,,4,Suggestions of good tunisian movies/series,"Hello guys! I'm interested in tunisian movies/series but I don't know where to start. I know there are a lot of tunisian movies/series that come out every year but although many of them (movies) have received awards, they are actually pretty boring or bad. Out of the 4 tunisians movies I watched in my entire life, only one turned out good. As for the series, well, besides Nouba and Choufli Hal, I'd say there's not much good to watch either. But then again, my cinematic culture is pretty small sooo... Anyway, I'm looking about something typically tunisian, something about tunisian daily life. Bonus points if it is set in the 60's or talk about gangster life or maybe both! Let's be crazy! But at this point, any period of time and subject will do (unless sitcoms). Many thanks in advance!",,,,,,2020-05-03 21:22:21 gd3j94,,1,"Get 10€ free on Bitcoin, wait until the end.",,,,,,,2020-05-04 02:50:03 gd4uba,,10,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.10 - Ŧ-Ŧaɛleb we’l-Bellǣrej,,,,,,,2020-05-04 04:23:50 gd9i28,,1,تعرض Microsoft Teams لهجومين إلكترونيين,,,,,,,2020-05-04 10:58:11 gdezxq,,10,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.11 - L-Kælba w Bent Ɛammha,,,,,,,2020-05-04 16:41:15 gdi4q1,,97,صحة شريبتكم ، سلاطة مشوية تعمل ستة وستين كيف,,,,,,,2020-05-04 19:20:39 gdm0zr,,1,5 applications pour utiliser les smartphones comme babyphones,,,,,,,2020-05-04 22:51:59 gdmpzi,,2,Ukrainian girl speaking Tunisian - اوكرانية تحكي بالتونسي,,,,,,,2020-05-04 23:32:51 gdobcq,,6,Does anyone know where i can find typewriter ink ribbons?,,,,,,,2020-05-05 01:13:27 gdoozu,,15,Proud to be Tunisian.,,,,,,,2020-05-05 01:38:18 gdui8l,,1,Tennis fans,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-05 09:21:44 ge23ee,,21,Reis with Shrimps lanwedek ou lanchahik,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-05 17:28:34 ge4qlq,,0,head's up لعبة على راسي مثل باللغة العربية,,,,,,,2020-05-05 19:52:06 ge5kqp,,38,l'exception tunisienne,,,,,,,2020-05-05 20:34:24 ge8iiy,,16,"The Great Zab is playable in ck3 guys, time to see Zab painted all over the map :)",,,,,,,2020-05-05 23:17:21 gecvmw,,0,قواعد اضافة S- في اللغة الانجليزية Rules for adding S-English language,,,,,,,2020-05-06 04:00:21 gejabk,,1,welcam to my chaine,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-06 12:43:22 gelpff,,0,صعود واضح لسليم العزابي ليحتل المرتبة الثانية - تطبيق صوتي,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-06 15:05:00 gen1wg,,10,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.13 - L-Ħmǣma we’n-Nemmǣla,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-06 16:17:43 genoc9,,0,أغاني لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية - أغاني الأطفال بالانجليزية,,,,,,,2020-05-06 16:50:35 gervtz,,1,بعوض قاتل يصل الى تونس,,,,,,,2020-05-06 20:29:40 gerzho,,3,Spotify problem,"So my Spotify premium ended a while ago after using my card e-dinar jeune on 3 free months of usage and I thought you could pay from here with the same card since they allegedly allowed it here , I went a while back and put somewhere around 20 dt in my card and tried to check in a new month of subscript and it couldn’t let me kept giving me the same error , I’m confused of why this is happening and what should I do , it worked before why wouldn’t it now.",,,,,,2020-05-06 20:35:01 gewhze,,31,"This disgusting Ignorance! If you want to do charity, don't make it public !",,,,,,,2020-05-07 00:48:18 gf2lc5,,6,New Subreddit [African Cities] Feel free to post an image of your Town or City and contribute to the discussion about African cities.,,,,,,,2020-05-07 08:20:21 gf7txg,,13,Questions about the military.,"Hello, tunisian here. 18 y.o and will be taking my Baccalaureate exam this year ( hopefully, if nothing happens due to the pandemic ). I'm a good student overall and hopefully I'll get good results. After that, I don't think I can do any job other than the military. I don't like anything else, and I've always enjoyed the physical work, + the idea of that kind of discipline and team work is very appealing to me. So I have a couple of questions regarding this subject : 1- What is the best branch ( military, paramilitary, anything.. ), and specifically which ones that offer the best opportunity if you have good grades? 2- I've been mostly thinking about joining the aviation academy, but I don't see much information online about the qualifications needed , it's mostly general information that everyone knows. So, can anyone add any info about this ? Whether it's from personal experience or other people's experiences. I wanna know stuff like medical requirements, grades, how many years do you have to study until you can actually fly, and can you join directly just after this exam, without first joining a civilian prep school. I've been a bit hesitant about becoming a pilot because we're not like the US, we don't have that big of a military force, according to wikipedia, we have only 157 planes in total ( including training planes). As I can see from a couple yt videos, there are a lot of pilots and many old ones and we don't seem to be in shortage, so what are the hundreds of yearly graduates going to fly ? Hence, it must be EXTREMELY hard to become a pilot. 3- How hard is the training ? Obviously it's hard since it's the military, but is it navy seals hard? It would be great is anyone could share his experience. EDIT : 4- How do I apply to any of the branches ? Do I have to wait until I see something online about a recruitement, or can I join at any time ?",,,,,,2020-05-07 14:44:20 gf8d8j,,1,ايقاف مغني الراب علاء,,,,,,,2020-05-07 15:13:38 gfabt1,,0,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.14 - S-Særdūk we’ŧ-Ŧaɛleb,,,,,,,2020-05-07 16:55:44 gfauec,,69,Let's have a meeting and few pic about the 10 litre of bleach we just donated to the municipality.,,,,,,,2020-05-07 17:20:50 gfd1vq,,5,Jaziri,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-07 19:13:20 gfd7af,,6,How can someone actually join the special forces ?,"I've never thought of a job to be more interesting than this kind. I made a previous post asking about the military, especially about becoming a pilot but I don't want to stay focused on one path, I like to have options. I've searched online for days and days for any information about it, but I found absolutely nothing. I don't know what kind of requirements they demand. I'm physically fit and mentally pretty strong, I've had good grades all my life and hopefully after a couple months I'll be taking my baccalaureate exam. But I don't know if what I have is enough, since I don't know anything about the subject. I don't know what kind of result they expect from the baccalaureate exam, I don't know if I have to get in a prep school first or I can directly join them for training, or if I must start like in the ordinary infantry and make my way to the top even though I have good grades. I don't even how can I join, whether I have to search online until I find something about recruitement or if I can go somewhere anytime and join for training. It would be great if anyone could share some light on this because I'm sure a lot of young people like e aspire to become something like this but can't find anything online.",,,,,,2020-05-07 19:21:06 gfdqqr,,1,American,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-07 19:49:07 gfdroe,,6,American M3 Lee tanks destroyed by Germans in Tunisia December 1942,,,,,,,2020-05-07 19:50:22 gfg25e,,3,[SERIOUS DISCUSSION TOPIC] AIESEC Tunisia: Cultist do-nothings OR Very valuable and one of the biggest positively influential entities?,"I've been wanting to see what people think of this for a long time. I'm interested in knowing your opinions. You can notice that I'm mentioning the two ends of the spectrum in my question, so it doesn't mean that your opinion can only be one of the two options.",,,,,,2020-05-07 21:51:22 gfj4ko,,11,"Tanit symbol on a mosaic floor at the Punic ruins of Kerkouane, Tunisia. Tanit was a Phoenician heavenly goddess of war, a virginal mother goddess and nurse, and a symbol of fertility. She was the chief deity of Carthage alongside her consort Baal-Hamon.",,,,,,,2020-05-08 00:49:58 gfrnia,,60,....,,,,,,,2020-05-08 11:41:36 gftcyz,,42,Photo of the day: a huge catfish caught in the Madjerda river,,,,,,,2020-05-08 13:36:29 gfw58r,,1,La Fontaine be't-Tūnsi - ħ.15 - Ŧ-Ŧaɛleb we'l-Ɛatrūs,,,,,,,2020-05-08 16:18:46 gg4dsn,,11,Progress!,,,,,,,2020-05-08 23:38:15 gg4grf,,74,El Jem 3D render,,,,,,,2020-05-08 23:43:17 gg5ezf,,1,Why is everybody hating on galb dhib?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-05-09 00:41:30 gg5if7,,0,Why is everybody hating on galb eldhib,"I really think that galb eldhib is the best tunisian series. I watch alot of foreign tv show and galb edhib is the one that stands out in an ocean of uninspiring tv shows and movies. So i just wanted to hear what do you think is wrong with galb eldhib. (I'd prefer to speak in our language i don't get why this subreddit is in english...)",,,,,,2020-05-09 00:47:45 ggeria,,1,Lens permet de copier des textes manuscrites sur votre ordinateur,,,,,,,2020-05-09 12:40:03 ggh3vq,,65,"Made a multiplayer Tunisian rami for android and ios, still in beta stage so it need some testers. You can create customizable table ( ahbout,score,safeturn...). The game is completely free supported but ads. Any feedback would appreciated.",,,,,,,2020-05-09 15:14:58 ggky8p,,23,Do you listen to podcasts?,"I have launched a Joe rogan style podcast (Venatoria Talk) with the intention to promote people who are creating and changing things in Tunisia and also to promote the podcast format. My questions to you : - Do you listen to podcasts ? - If yes, where? (Google, Apple, Spotify.. or other)? - And what do you think should be done to push the podcasts in Tunisia? Thanks",,,,,,2020-05-09 18:38:53 ggl8wi,,0,VIRTUAL ROOT FOR YOUR ANDROID PHONE WITH ANDROID EMULATOR,,,,,,,2020-05-09 18:54:25 ggoqzo,,2,Virus Tunisien - الفيروس التونسي | SnoossY,,,,,,,2020-05-09 22:04:07 ggpw78,,2,Arabic motherfcker do you speak it ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-09 23:10:07 ggsqb9,,4,"how do shopping sites like jumia,mytek,tunisuanet,sbs ect get their products?",how do they avoid the high tax/diwane rates? why you can find the exact same products on all of them? do they get them from one reseller? which methods do they use?,,,,,,2020-05-10 02:03:38 ggst3d,,12,A new Tunisian Podcast by Autre.,"I was doing some college c++ homework when I recieved a YouTube notification that the channel Autre. is live. I opened the podcast and I kept listening while working. I liked the idea and the guest he invited. Check it out guys and show him some support. We don't see traditional media discuss these sensitive and controversial topics a lot recently (like the one discussed in this episode) so this might seem a different point of view than the ones on TV and radios (or not if you knew the Autre. guy and his opinion on the matter). I'm not affiliated or sponsored by the guy from Autre. (nor mention his real name cuz doxing on YouTube is becoming a thing), I just want him to succeed. [Link on YouTube](",,,,,,2020-05-10 02:08:32 ggwsce,,6,Any news on the airport opening?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-10 07:06:46 ggwy96,,48,"Mosaic of Neptune riding a chariot pulled by two seahorses - Hadrumetum (modern Sousse, Tunisia), 3rd century CE.",,,,,,,2020-05-10 07:21:26 ggy1td,,62,:’),,,,,,,2020-05-10 08:57:18 ggyrxu,,3,I'm having some issues with the internet,"So I'm using an Ooredoo flybox, it starts out really great at the beginning of the month until it reaches 10 or 9 days and it starts slowing down really fast, now I have to wait for the youtube video to load and I can't play games anymore (It's not the lag I'm talking about, the game can't load anymore they all say I don't have an internet connection). I wanted to have an ADSL but it needs a ""Telephonic Line"" which doesn't currently exist in our ""new"" neighborhood, all of the neighbors assembled and went to the municipality but they said that we all have to wait until all of the lands are filled, it sucks and I don't really see a connection between these two things. I need help, maby some of you know a better company or offer,",,,,,,2020-05-10 10:00:39 ggzhck,,0,Where is PAYPAL?,Come on now we have been waiting for ages for this to happen and there is nothing and we all know that we need to have pay pal because there are people that can work using the internet and there are people that want to buy and sell things through the internet we need paypal and also our country is bad enough so having paypal will at least make us look modern so why are we asking for this to happen and waiting for them to do it for us why don't we make it happen ourselves by starting a campaign for example,,,,,,2020-05-10 11:00:22 gh2tu8,,1,"Troops of the Deutsches Afrikakorps across a river in Tunisia, 1943 colorized",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-10 14:50:43 gh7r5e,,19,In the midst of all that's happening these days here's some dose of positivity and true friendship,,,,,,,2020-05-10 19:27:13 gh8w7z,,6,A Tunisian Hollywood,,,,,,,2020-05-10 20:28:38 ghcxto,,3,Moving out in Tunisia ??,"So, I'm 25 and I've been thinking about moving out from my parents house for 6 years now. I delayed it first cuz my dad passed away and i didn't want to leave my mum and brothers alone.. But now, nothing is stopping me and still, i hesitate . On one hand, the responsibilities of living alone scares me as i'm still a university student. But on the other hand, i need to be financially and socially independent, especially now, that I'm feeling some pressure from friends and family to ''settle down'' .. Can anyone tell me if it's worth it at this point??? And if so, how can i convince my more ''traditional'' mum of it??",,,,,,2020-05-11 00:17:16 ghd51o,,62,0 new cases for the first time since COVID-19 appeared in Tunisia!,,,,,,,2020-05-11 00:29:30 ghdv5u,,1,TND eXchange rates,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-11 01:14:28 ghe6yw,,20,:’(,,,,,,,2020-05-11 01:34:58 ghgrg8,,1,Salakta,,,,,,,2020-05-11 04:28:53 ghitlq,,9,Does anyone know this candy’s name? 🍬,,,,,,,2020-05-11 07:12:24 ghjql7,,7,"Is it just me, or did Wled Moufida really go downhill lately?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-11 08:32:08 ghkem1,,8,Tunisia Reports No New Coronavirus Cases for First Time Since Early March,,,,,,,2020-05-11 09:30:15 ghn0wr,",20200509232433,11.html",5,Proparco investit 20 millions de dollars pour les PME en Afrique du Nord,,,,,,,2020-05-11 12:55:34 ghpj90,,37,Tunis this morning🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️,,,,,,,2020-05-11 15:20:52 ght110,,1,TUNISIAN ONLINE SHOPS?,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-11 18:14:33 gi2qtw,,3,couscous connection,"what was the aftermath of the couscous connection scandal in the 1980s with ben ali brother,?",,,,,,2020-05-12 03:02:09 gi4l4j,,3,What happens to the BAC this year,"Tunisians , what happens with the BAC this year with COVID-19?",,,,,,2020-05-12 05:07:49 gi6pai,,16,A Tunisian podcast," I find it very good for his first time.",,,,,,2020-05-12 07:48:51 gi6rct,,4,"A Revolution in Four Seasons (2016): two women with opposing political views fighting for their different versions of a democratic future for Tunisia, the country that sparked the Arab Spring.",,,,,,,2020-05-12 07:53:16 gi95y2,,9,Hey I am thinking to work online as a web developer and i found that payoneer is one of the best ways to get paid so I wanna make sure can you get a payoneer master card now in 2020 in Tunisia of course,,,,,,,2020-05-12 11:08:45 gibjte,,14,Arab Workers and the Struggle for Democracy,,,,,,,2020-05-12 13:48:12 gietnc,,6,Hey please I need help please answer me as soon as possible so i am thinking about working online and since we don't have PayPal I found that payoneer is one of the best ways to get paid so can you have a payoneer master card in Tunisia in 2020,,,,,,,2020-05-12 16:41:30 giqpah,,4,and the government aims to destroy us over the upcoming years,,,,,,,2020-05-13 03:08:42 gisr5s,,0,TRY TO FLY WITH US,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-13 05:30:34 gitku0,,12,The Carthaginian Voyage Into Ancient West Africa,,,,,,,2020-05-13 06:34:36 gixcpx,,5,Does anyone know a solution for cryptocurrency in Tunisia I mean is there a crypto card available that works with our ATMs?,,,,,,,2020-05-13 11:38:45 giy8no,,1,"How Tunisia defeated the coronavirus, third day without any new infection",[removed],,,,,,2020-05-13 12:39:47 giyx4d,,5,When you diplomatically destroy the colonials bastards in a press conference!!,,,,,,,2020-05-13 13:21:42 gj2uts,,2,Renting a car with automatic transmission (SUV) in Tunisia,Where can one rent a car with automatic transmission? I'd like to rent one for 10 days (maybe 11) and looking for a good place to go to. Any suggestions?,,,,,,2020-05-13 16:53:56 gj2zj9,,13,Challenge One: Tunisia's first homebuilt satellite,,,,,,,2020-05-13 17:02:03 gj63vj,,86,I think the concept of Minions was inspired by Tunisian tv,,,,,,,2020-05-13 19:41:29 gj9w4f,,0,Explanation about what happened today in nouba?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-13 22:56:40 gjd43b,,1,"His name is 'Mossab' they thought he was 'mousab' corona, so they blurred his face",,,,,,,2020-05-14 02:04:43 gjdeeq,,0,even cats are smarter than Tunisians,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-14 02:22:45 gjj5fv,,20,Olive Oil Consumption Per Capita,,,,,,,2020-05-14 09:38:36 gjlniy,,7,La Tunisie a besoin de 5 mds euros pour boucler son budget (gouvernement),,,,,,,2020-05-14 12:45:32 gjounq,,13,"Any Tunisians living in Rotterdam, Netherlands?","Hey everyone, I hope you and your beloved ones are fine. I have recently been accepted in a university called Erasmus University Rotterdam in Rotterdam. I would like to see if by any chance there are Tunisians living there with whom I could speak and benefit from their knowledge and experience. Thank you everyone for your help !",,,,,,2020-05-14 15:45:57 gjwsab,,64,lady of Carthage mosaic | Carthage National Museum,,,,,,,2020-05-14 22:37:04 gk0jw9,,0,How to pass bac exam !!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-15 02:19:32 gk1sbz,,38,Thinking of moving to Tunisia...,"Want to talk me out of it? I’m a Texan getting close to retirement. I’m thinking about selling my house here and finding a new frontier to go out to pasture. I have never been to Tunisia. It’s a glaring gap in my travels, I admit. But I’ve been to Egypt and Algeria and Italy and Morocco and almost literally every other country on the Mediterranean, so maybe I’m wrong, but I think that I have a pretty solid idea what kind of living I’d find there, I love North African/Mediterranean people, culture, architecture, food.... but especially I love the climate. I’m old, dammit! Also, I’ve lived as an ex-pat before. The idea of packing it all up and moving to another country isn’t new to me. So what do y’all think? Good idea? Bad idea?",,,,,,2020-05-15 03:43:36 gk358z,,17,1254 (1838) Mahmud II Piastre,,,,,,,2020-05-15 05:26:32 gk3dx9,,12,Mezwed with love from the Central Valley in California,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-15 05:46:51 gk4lws,,4,"« Pour ne pas éplucher les vieux légumes ! », la chronique de Bernard Pivot",,,,,,,2020-05-15 07:29:47 gk4pdo,,3,Tunisie : Vers le report du sommet de la Francophonie à cause du coronavirus,,,,,,,2020-05-15 07:37:57 gk7hwx,,46,"Tunisia: No coronavirus cases, deaths for 4th day","&#x200B;",,,,,,2020-05-15 11:37:14 gk9tij,,17,Some time for lying,,,,,,,2020-05-15 14:11:30 gkae9m,,1,خريطة تونس في العهد القرطاجي,,,,,,,2020-05-15 14:44:36 gkdsvo,,6,Please take my quick survey about Tunisia,"Calling all Tunisians!! I am conducting a study on religious extremism amongst young people in post-revolution Tunisia and am looking for the responses of Tunisians aged 18+ The survey takes about 5-10 minutes and will help to understand the socio-economic and political status of young people in Tunisia, and how this impacts rates of radicalisation and terrorism. Here is the link for the survey: I am extremely grateful for any responses, and given the nature of the study, you will remain entirely anonymous and only your responses will be listed in the data section of the study. Thanks in advance, and I look forward to reading your answers!",,,,,,2020-05-15 17:45:41 gkfnvv,,35,Employee of the month,,,,,,,2020-05-15 19:23:50 gkgvd6,,46,Algerian in Tunisia,"Salam tunisian reddit, i'm french algerian and i had a question related to your country : i was traveling there and many people recognised me as an algerian even though there is no physical differences between us (i was not even talking in arabic). How is it possible ? Is it because algerian are the only people that looks like tunisians and go to touristic attractions ? By the way, your country is incredible, i felt very welcome and at home there. Thanks and saha ftorkoum a bit late lol.",,,,,,2020-05-15 20:29:27 gkmbw9,,0,a song that I`m looking for,"فيه اغنية لمغنية تونسية فيها هذي الكلمات. ""عقلي يتعبني كل ما اردت التفكير في مشكلة تعنيني أو..."" الاغنية تتكلم عن الoverthinking المغنية ليست مشهورة كثيرا. حاولت اني اشوف قائمة لجميع مغنيات تونس وابحث عنها لكن لم أجد شكلها. ممكن أحد يعطيني رابط لجميع مغنيات تونس لأني أعرف شكلها. p.s. اخر البوم لها كانت تحمل جيتار والخلفية كان لونها اصفر",,,,,,2020-05-16 01:51:25 gkntyd,,7,Looking for legal advice,"Hi guys. Any lawyers here willing to give a quick advice? My friend posted on facebook about a pharmacy that's jacking the price on masks and now the pharmacy is suing for defamation, everyone in the comments are collaborating my friend's story but my question is will the pharmacy be able to take this to court or not? And what's my friend's chances on winning the case.",,,,,,2020-05-16 03:35:30 gko89v,,5,Scholarships for masters degrees,"Good morning everyone, I hope you are doing well. I will start by introducing myself. I'm currently enrolled in a bachelor (licence) degree in Computer Science at a Tunisian university and I plan on pursuing a Masters degree in Data Science or Machine Learning, preferably, in an English speaking country (I want to, obviously, get a relatively decent education, improve my English, and, also, study in a city where I can have good IT job opportunities right after graduation) or maybe other countries like Scandinavian region. Do you guys suggest specific scholarships that I can apply for? Or maybe general advices for applying to a masters degree abroad. Thank you in advance",,,,,,2020-05-16 04:04:49 gkoioy,,2,new here,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-16 04:26:27 gkvl2n,,28,What makes you really proud about being tunisian,,,,,,,2020-05-16 14:33:13 gl2ep7,,1,Curb your enthusiasm,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-16 21:07:52 gl43oy,,0,The Tunisian Covid myth...,,,,,,,2020-05-16 22:51:29 gl9ssh,,30,"Roman personification of the month of May making a sacrifice to Mercury. The figure might be dressed like a soldier, with a helmet and red-bordered tunica manicata. Panel from the ""calendar mosaic"" found at a villa near El-Jem, Tunisia. Archaeological Museum of Sousse, 200-250 CE.",,,,,,,2020-05-17 05:16:15 gljpfs,,3,How are prisons/jails like in Tunisia?,It’s been a question I had for a while but does anyone have any knowledge of how a prison is like in Tunisia?. For example are they like the ones in the states where everyone has their own cell or do they all share a dormitory (sounds like a nightmare) what about inmates who killed/murdered someone are they all put together? Do they do lockdowns in the cells/dormitories? And why can inmates wear their own clothing and not have prison outfits. Sorry if I sound ignorant or anything it’s a question that’s been on my mind lately.,,,,,,2020-05-17 17:43:35 glkbfd,,109,Chehya tayba ❤️,,,,,,,2020-05-17 18:16:59 gll46u,,0,Awled Moufida would be a better Ramadan show if the characters/plotlines were written better. Lets discuss.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-17 19:00:48 gln4xe,,0,N7eb ngala3 heyy n7eb ngala3 ana,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-17 20:52:45 glqqze,,22,How famous is Reddit in Tunisia? Are all young generation addicted to it?,,,,,,,2020-05-18 00:17:29 gm1lwy,,6,Do/did you have a business/project idea you want/wanted to realize but can't/couldn't because of logistics in Tunisia?,"Hey everyone, I wanted to read your opinions about this topic. For example, I have multiple ideas in my head, but I can't easily make them happen because of multiple factors like the undeveloped e-commerce field in Tunisia, or the impossibility of making money transfer in other currencies (euros, dollars..) I see that you can launch an e-business for such small amounts of money, but the business field in Tunisia is mostly done in ""physical shops"" which makes it expensive to create something because you'll be obliged to rent a place etc... PS : I am not saying it is impossible to launch a business in Tunisia, I am just eager to know your opinions about all the factors that hinder the development of our ideas that could be the dream of our lives sometimes.",,,,,,2020-05-18 13:38:12 gm2f5d,,1,"Yep, pretty accurate.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-18 14:26:24 gm2gel,,13,"Yep, pretty accurate",,,,,,,2020-05-18 14:28:30 gm7yb4,,16,Online archives or some sort of information about my family name,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-18 19:11:19 gmmvdv,,37,Interesting!,,,,,,,2020-05-19 11:38:15 gmv6vx,,1,الإذاعة الأولى في تونس The best radio in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-19 19:17:13 gmwean,,331,the accuracy in this,,,,,,,2020-05-19 20:19:11 gmy61l,,12,American public television features some of the people working to conserve and restore the Medina in Tunis.,,,,,,,2020-05-19 21:52:51 gmzlk3,,12,"Alshebbah city, Tunisia ❤️",,,,,,,2020-05-19 23:10:52 gn3stt,,21,Idk if this was shared here before but this video kinda made me love my country even more,,,,,,,2020-05-20 03:27:54 gn4do7,,11,A joint solidarity statement on global anti-Blackness and racism against African migrants in China during COVID-19,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-20 04:09:06 gn4f2y,لغة_تونس_أو_قرطاج_القديمة_قائمة_1_أسماء/,1,(لغة تونس أو قرطاج القديمة - قائمة 1 (أسماء,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-20 04:11:59 gn4fcr,,1,(لغة تونس أو قرطاج القديمة - قائمة 1 (أسماء,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-20 04:12:32 gn89cy,,1,I don't even know anymore,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-20 09:28:43 gn8k6r,,7,We need a tunisian ! 🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-20 09:55:05 gn8klj,,1,I just don't know anymore / rant,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-20 09:56:04 gn9qvx,,10,Looking for help?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-20 11:35:23 gnctrl,,1,أغلى 10 اشياء بيعت على الانترنت,,,,,,,2020-05-20 14:56:57 gnd94d,,2,« Quand les établissements scolaires français en Tunisie prennent en otage l’avenir de nos enfants »,,,,,,,2020-05-20 15:20:19 gndx9z,,21,How often do you speak French?,,,,,,,2020-05-20 15:56:03 gnfe14,,5,"What is the meaning of Zekra's song, Mein Ygraa Yqoul?","I don't speak arabic, but this song got my attention. Can anyone please explain it to me? Also, I read about the rumours, this song caused the death of the singer. Is that true? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2020-05-20 17:12:02 gni3zj,,7,Hero of the day (found on FB),,,,,,,2020-05-20 19:31:16 gnl7ze,,0,Questions about bringing cars into Tunisia without paying import duties,"* If a Tunisian moves abroad for 2 years to country A, can he buy a brand new car from country B (where he has never been) and import it into Tunisia without paying taxes? Let's say a Tunisian is a digital nomad and can give the Tunisian customs a sheet of paper saying he is a resident of Burkina Faso... what else would he need? Tax return forms? Registration at the embassy in that country? * If a foreigner has been in Tunisia as a ""tourist"" for a long time and now wants to get residency, how can he benefit from the FCR import of a car? Can he apply for a carte de sejour then get permission to import a car without paying taxes or must he get this permission before getting a carte de sejour? * Is it a complete excemption of import duties on a car, or a duty of 25%, or 25% of what a Tunisian would pay, so if the car gets taxed at 333%, he would have to pay just 83.25% of the price of the car? * Can I bring a Right Hand Drive car from Japan (for use in the UK/Malta) or do cars entering Tunisia for registration have to be European or US spec? **Please stop giving me your sentimental comments/feelings, telling me what I should or shouldn't do. If you can't answer/help with these questions, please refrain from commenting.**",,,,,,2020-05-20 23:07:33 gnl9ok,,0,أفضل رجيم يناسب الصيف | المكونات والأسس | مع الكوتش أمير,,,,,,,2020-05-20 23:10:24 gnn7cq,,41,"In an attempt to reinforce the relationship between Italy and Tunisia, the modern governments of Rome and Carthage signed a ""peace treaty"" in 1985, lightheartedly ending the Third Punic War 2,131 years later!",,,,,,,2020-05-21 01:06:09 gnozxi,,5,guys can you recommend a store that sells custom medical masks and does delivery ?,,,,,,,2020-05-21 03:02:39 gnskql,,4,pleaseeee don't make my fun we can't control our feelings . same happened with me .,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-21 07:51:07 gnunh3,,1,مملحات رمضانيه بثلاث حشوات اقتصادية و في المتناول😋😋😋,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-21 10:50:41 gnx6mw,,1,Pls join my discord server and lets chill,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-21 13:49:34 gny7x8,,143,"A third world country in north Africa [TUNISIA] with twice the population of New Zealand,and only 1045 cases, has defeated covid19 by applying stay home order and next week kids are back to schools.",,,,,,,2020-05-21 14:49:58 go7er4,,24,Emel Mathlouthi - Holm (A Dream),,,,,,,2020-05-21 23:02:55 go7wr1,,0,Looking for ketamine in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-21 23:30:54 go8ai2,,6,studying at ESSTED,"3aslema Redditors. hopefully, I'm going to get my Bac this year, and I'm here, trying to solve the existential question of ech bench na3ml! sooo what do you guys think of ESSTED? what branches/curriculums can I choose from? And any info on the institute from the students to the location +info on the Tunisian design job market/community is much appreciated Edit: I want to study UX/UI design. Edit: some bg: I'm a math student and I used to be a very good student xD I'm very passionate about Design and I practiced graphic design for a relatively long period and I like/I'm good at solving visual problems I'm a visual-oriented person I originally wanted to pursue cinema and cinematography so I know ALOT about filmmaking and how visuals work but I temporarily quit for several reasons (any filmmaking-related carrier advice is appreciated haha) ",,,,,,2020-05-21 23:52:43 go97o3,,29,Tunisian Redditors who left home and became independent!,"*Hiiiiiii* Someone posted in this sub asking for advice about moving out of his parent's house which made me think: As opposed to many Europeans and Americans who became financially independent at a young age, Tunisians (i think) leave their homes at a relatively late age and mostly when they get married so twensa of Reddit who moved out and become independent...when did u make it and what's your story I'm excited to read your stories ***love.***",,,,,,2020-05-22 00:46:55 goaafr,,1,So when the gym will re-open?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-22 01:54:33 goeh5g,,0,اختفاء قناة زيتونة zitouna Tvو تغير تردد في Nile sat,,,,,,,2020-05-22 07:03:06 gohmcf,,0,Salem louled,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-22 11:27:51 goki8k,,33,How ?,,,,,,,2020-05-22 14:36:45 gokv5n,,2,"Bit of a lazy rushed meme, but wellll....",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-22 14:57:42 gol07y,,102,"Bit of a lazy meme, but wellll....",,,,,,,2020-05-22 15:05:25 gol4mr,,4,Petition to create r/TunisiaPolitics,"hi Redditors I feel like most youngsters are politically lost and naive (no offense, including myself) due to the current socioeconomic state and E3lem l3ar TunisianPolitics^(\*) will be a dedicated safe and hate-free subreddit where we can discuss sociopolitical events and ideas run by the original mods of the subreddit [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-05-22 15:12:14 gom9es,,0,Quick little survey,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-05-22 16:14:14 gose7i,,40,Veterans Online a surprisingly awesome Tunisian-made Free to Play Top-down Shooter,,,,,,,2020-05-22 21:37:28 got82p,,1,"Today I was banned in the r/recipes subreddit because of saying ""also very popular in Tunisia"" on a post about *shakshuka*. (guess which nationality the poster was)",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-22 22:25:01 gp0ism,,1,Anyone take this shit serious and fast,"I didn't fast 😆😆😆 كل نهار ناقبو🤣🤣",,,,,,2020-05-23 07:00:23 gp32o0,,8,Soap from Tunisia,"Hi all! I was in Tunisia some time ago. In Sousse there was a Tunisian chain store (boutique style) in a shopping center that sells bath soaps and other similar hygiene products. Does anyone know the name of this store chain? I remember reading somewhere that they ship to Russia, but I would like to figure out whether they have shipping for EU area. Based on the tags I remember that it was a local brand and not international. SOLVED: It was Eva beauty and I also got a great link for Eco Village. ",,,,,,2020-05-23 11:05:11 gp4g1w,,1,Where is the best place to buy fabric for making pants?,"So, I'm looking to have some cargo pants made (custom) and would like to know where I can find the fabric. [Material would look like this]($regular_mobile$) [Another shot of the type of material](",,,,,,2020-05-23 12:55:05 gp72ck,,1,"I need weed, do you know someone or a place I can get some in Tunis?",[removed],,,,,,2020-05-23 15:43:19 gp73u4,,0,"Need weed, do you know where can I get some in Tunis?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-23 15:45:59 gp77jd,,41,The Norwegians are coming to build solar power plants.,,,,,,,2020-05-23 15:52:08 gp7a6h,,0,Are there furries in Tunisia,"Has anyone ever met or knows about a Tunisian furry, i feel like they're becoming more popular all over the world in general and wonder if they reached Tunisia",,,,,,2020-05-23 15:56:30 gp8zz4,,1,cannabis legalisation in tunisia,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-05-23 17:36:43 gp90yk,,3,حلقة عيّادي متع مسلسل لافونتين بالتونسي,,,,,,,2020-05-23 17:38:14 gp98fd,,7,cannabis legalisation,"do you support [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-05-23 17:49:50 gpb7xn,,8,if you think that the law 52(9anoun ezatla) need to be changed please consider signing this petition,,,,,,,2020-05-23 19:43:02 gpbku3,,4,Best Tunisian Ramadan show poll," Ramadan ended so i decided to make a poll and see your opinions on the shows [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-05-23 20:03:37 gpn4u4,,8,has anyone used,so here in this subreddit there is no way to know if a site can be used to buy stuff online or not so i think as tunisia dont have amazon maybe we should like make a post where we categorize sites for different stuff like for food etc,,,,,,2020-05-24 09:59:17 gpsthg,,99,aid mabrouk wled bladi 🇹🇳,"I wish a aid moubarek for all of u chabeb we re back for our ordinary life style her in tunisia we have 0 corona virus contamination ✌🙌🇹🇳❤",,,,,,2020-05-24 16:41:32 gptmu4,,1,"meaning of "" Wow 😂 alina w alik""",[removed],,,,,,2020-05-24 17:28:35 gpu3nd,,3,English Language Jobs?,"I speak and write English at a native level, American accent. My French and Arabic are not the best so I'm looking for opportunities where English is enough or offers a big competitive advantage. What are the available opportunities (aside from teaching) and which specific companies should I look at? Much thanks and aidkom mabrouk.",,,,,,2020-05-24 17:55:53 gpw5cf,,8,Book recommendations on history of Tunisia,"Anyone has any book recommendations? I’m Tunisian but I unfortunately don’t know much about our history. Based on my limited knowledge, it seems very interesting and dynamic. I am interested in learning more, especially during the ottoman era.",,,,,,2020-05-24 19:53:02 gpyw1m,,1,Whats your like the most about your city ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-24 22:32:15 gpyx3c,,10,What do you like the most about your city ?,"3aslema. Whats do you like the most about your city or even your neighborhood ! Your favorite spots and cafes .. secret and safe places ! Anything !",,,,,,2020-05-24 22:33:50 gpyzq4,,15,Are you FOR or AGAINST a Secular Tunisia?,"*explaining your postion will be much appreciated. [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-05-24 22:38:06 gpz0ui,,3,Can someone please explain the Tunisian political and economic system ?,,,,,,,2020-05-24 22:40:02 gq0trh,,1,Can foreigners buy benzodiazepines without a prescription?,Do you need a prescription to buy drugs like Xanax Klonopin etc from pharmacies in Tunisia?,,,,,,2020-05-25 00:29:14 gqcp2s,,29,Press F...,,,,,,,2020-05-25 15:14:19 gqgaf0,,1,قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي مترجمة بالعربي بعنوان القطة الصغيرة,,,,,,,2020-05-25 18:26:27 gqhyxp,,1,Africa's Trivia App for iOS & Android,,,,,,,2020-05-25 19:52:18 gqi2tb,,29,My slideshow of beautiful Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-05-25 19:57:58 gqloby,,7,Best ad I've ever seen on Facebook (Yes am old fart and still using Facebook).,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-25 23:24:54 gqmn2f,,8,This meme was circulating around recently so I made my own Tunisian version,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-26 00:23:55 gqrvbv,,1,Tunisia coronavirus death toll is 48,,,,,,,2020-05-26 06:39:25 gqsrbk,,3,skateshop?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-26 07:54:49 gqurdw,,23,"so guys, i make youtube videos, what do you think im missing ?",,,,,,,2020-05-26 10:49:19 gqvqu6,,6,Prenup in Tunisia,"hi, I am seeking legal advice here, is there a possibility to get prenup in Tunisia at least for assets u had before marriage. Else is there any way to protect your assets for a failed marriage. (asking for a friend)",,,,,,2020-05-26 12:03:30 gqxqbn,,3,Online games market,"I saw many sites and people on Facebook groups selling games for 4x and 5x their price in usd. So I thought that's a big profit margin to capitalize on. I think that I can fill in the market with better prices and still make profit. I want to keep everything as transparent as possible so before investing big in this project I had a couple of questions that worried me. - Is it legal to operate such services in Tunisia in the first place?? - Do I pay taxes and how to calculate them?",,,,,,2020-05-26 14:09:05 gqyzad,,132,corrupt police rise up,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-26 15:19:49 gr23x2,,1,Help finding artisan cups,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-26 18:03:18 gr25xt,,3,Help finding artisan cups,"Long story short, my wife and I visited the Tunisian Art Festival last year in Le Kram. We absolutely loved it and bought a bunch of stuff. Specifically we bought like 6 different colors of these cups. They were in the hall with vendors from all the different areas in the country, and we think these were from Khroumire or maybe Ain Draham. Regardless, we've had a few of them fall and break (thanks to our cat) and are really wanting to get a few more. Does anybody know of the vendor that makes these, or a place in the capital that make something very similar?",,,,,,2020-05-26 18:06:10 gr7q5j,,3,I realised darja/our dialect is translated on Facebook,"There is someone to worked with Facebook and translated the words, what a lucky person",,,,,,2020-05-26 23:01:02 gr905f,,1,"HELLO EVERYONE, LET'S HEAR YOUR STORY...","hey i'm new here in Tunisia and i've been here exactly for a year now. I was recently thinking about acquiring my motorcycle license but was advised not to. I've been hearing arguments that didn't really shake the thought of getting a motorcycle off my head, such as roads not being well taken care of as in roads (potholes...). Also, with the chaotic driving and traffic, it wouldn't be safe for motorcyclists to drive without a sense of danger around them and personally i don't want to spend my money on something that would bring me anxiety more than fun knowing that getting on a motorcycle really takes a lot of weight of my shoulders and give me that sense of freedom and peace of mind. Finally, i would say the title is a bit cheeky but it's intent was to bring you people to talk about this topic and give feed-back and tell STORIES (for example: scary scenarios you saw or experienced) even on whether someone passionate about motorcycles should let go of his hobby for ""reasons"" or pursue it and deal with reality. TF;DR : i love motorcycles, want to get one, people not agreeing because it's dangerous here, but stupid me doesn't care.",,,,,,2020-05-27 00:17:03 grfqw7,,1,On Hajeb Laayoun’s disaster:,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-27 08:23:40 grg0iy,,0,Why not facebook? This is why.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-27 08:46:37 grg0kr,,1,Why not facebook? This is why.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-27 08:46:44 grhj51,,10,Is it true that Tunisians are not good at driving?,"Text about Tunisians driving. Road rules (and whether they are followed) If you haven’t ever driven in a non-Western country before, driving in Tunisia will be an interesting experience. Drivers take the view that road rules, traffic signs, and traffic signals are interesting things that bear very little relation to actually driving. Local drivers tend to ignore all regulations, even when police are clearly visible. They don‘t seem to care about which side of the road they drive on half the time. Pedestrians have right of way, which drivers generally ignore. Don’t expect drivers to stop at pedestrian crossings or stop lights. Consequently, pedestrians take license to wander into traffic without giving much indication that they‘re about to do so. Pedestrians also frequently run between traffic, even on major highways. People who ride bicycles, motorcycles, and motor scooters will regularly weave through traffic, attempting to squeeze through incredibly narrow spaces at high speeds. It doesn’t help that few of these vehicles have adequate lights or reflectors, making them difficult to see even if they weren’t driving so erratically. Tunisia has a high number of police and military checkpoints, and if you come across one of these, be sensible and approach slowly. Speeding towards a checkpoint is a good way to make several men with automatic weapons very nervous indeed. Checkpoint authorities tend to be polite to foreign travelers, but you must be ready to present photo ID upon request, and they may detain you if you don‘t have it, particularly if you are near one of the more troubled border regions. Tourists must carry ID with them at all times. Is this true?",,,,,,2020-05-27 10:52:14 grkkc3,,66,Dakar noir mch khayba,,,,,,,2020-05-27 14:18:33 grl26k,,12,Quand un biscuit devient une nécessité vitale c'est Saida ♥️,,,,,,,2020-05-27 14:47:45 grmjhn,,1,Reorientation sur dossier,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-27 16:08:51 grmrwh,,1,Crypto fiat issue,Is there’s a solution to change crypto to fiat fi Hal bled bellehi ?,,,,,,2020-05-27 16:21:01 grmu96,éorientation_sur_dossier/,3,Réorientation sur dossier,"Hello, I'm going through somewhat of a crisis rn due to the delay that has happened because of the pandemic. I dropped out of my school in February. And I am not signed up for the March (happening in September) ""concour"". I was wondering if anyone on here has been through or is familiar with the reorientation (Sur dossier). I'd like to hear about your experiences as I am utterly clueless as to how and when I send in my papers.",,,,,,2020-05-27 16:24:20 grp6vo,,45,Sad AF but very TRUE,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-27 18:22:04 grpxjy,,3,Any good restaurants doing delivery in grand tunis ?,,,,,,,2020-05-27 19:00:30 grrra9,/r/arabs/comments/grkpvz/serious_hi_im_a_linguist_studying_language_change/,9,"This is an awesome AMA, questions open until tomorrow apparently",,,,,,,2020-05-27 20:34:43 grs0pu,écrire_un_scénario_sur_une_histoire_tunisienne/,7,Écrire un scénario sur une histoire tunisienne,"Bonsoir tout le monde, Je suis un fan de cinéma, je ne me considère pas cinéphile. Je regarde les films et j’ai eu une idée. J’ai commencé à rédiger et la développer mais comment on fait un scénario d’un long métrage? J’ai trouvé plusieurs réponses sur internet. Est ce que vous avez des conseils ou bien des exemples de scénario préférences film Tunisien pour long/ court métrage? Merci",,,,,,2020-05-27 20:48:33 grt3dp,,1,Question for my fellow Tunisians about Living Frugally,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-27 21:45:51 gruhcg,,2,Buy alum stone in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-27 23:06:13 grxviw,,2,The habitable zone for planet Earth.,,,,,,,2020-05-28 02:40:50 gs0k3q,,1,subreddit hog,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-28 05:57:29 gs30xp,,26,"The North African Lounge, is a Discord server where all North Africans can hangout. The discord server is very active and full of kind people, you will surely find your place here. We also welcome all none North Africans in our server as well, you will find your self having a great time here!",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-28 09:27:07 gs4czp,,0,osmand maps,,,,,,,2020-05-28 11:14:17 gs5jy5,,1,There is a Tunisian discord server . What r u waiting for? Quickly come join us🤗🤗🤗,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-28 12:41:13 gs5rno,,22,Any Tunisians in Norway?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-28 12:56:02 gs7276,,4,How was Ramadan celebrated this year with Corona?,,,,,,,2020-05-28 14:16:44 gscyzc,,12,Is our Tunisian food healthy ?,"The reason for asking this is that I discovered that eating healthy is very important during teenagehood especially for brain development and so I don't want to be stupid for my entire life haha. So I'm asking about our Tunisian traditional and street food like Couscous, Makarona, Lobya, Slata mashwiya, Molokhiya, Shorba, Mhamsa, Lablabi, Chapati, Mlawi, Kaskrot etc... I am 19 years old and if all of that is unhealthy then I would be disappointed.",,,,,,2020-05-28 19:30:22 gsgjxc,,37,Apparently this happened in the national radio station Lmao,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-28 22:40:48 gsyu5s,,1,Happy ending services in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-05-29 18:53:09 gt1aja,,3,What do you think about this Saudi-Emirati Plan against Tunisia ? After a successful one in Egypt,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-29 21:04:48 gt4kaf,,24,Tunisian new chocolate cake 😲😰😱,,,,,,,2020-05-30 00:23:27 gt8hhq,,2,I need help sending a gift,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-30 05:02:43 gtah74,,66,Best town ❤️,,,,,,,2020-05-30 07:51:57 gtcslm,,12,"the reason tunisians can speak foreign languages better than other nations, is in this video",,,,,,,2020-05-30 11:28:28 gte8qb,,7,Where to live in Nabeul?,"Hi, My mother is looking to rent/buy in Nabeul to live there 5-6months a year. Any place you recommend? Ideally safe neighbourhood and close to points of interest/beach. Cheers.",,,,,,2020-05-30 13:25:04 gtealy,,1,Different cultural values,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-30 13:28:54 gtf4bl,,1,Tunisia though,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-30 14:25:48 gtf882,,2,Tunisia though. Didn’t we had amphitheatres than Spain did,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-30 14:33:00 gtgc5r,,95,Paradise (sidi bou Saïd Tunisia ),,,,,,,2020-05-30 15:51:20 gtgygb,,3,The first dealer in the Stone Age,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-30 16:27:58 gthe4b,,10,Once upon a time there was a Stone Age Dealer,,,,,,,2020-05-30 16:53:50 gtk74u,,3,Full scholarships,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-30 19:31:28 gtl1iu,,9,Minister of energy Mongi Marzouk is stuck in France,,,,,,,2020-05-30 20:20:54 gtm7dy,,1,Tunisian Values vs Muslim World Values,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-30 21:25:44 gtma9c,,1,Tunisian Religious Values vs Muslim World Values,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-30 21:30:13 gtpr88,,0,"En 2020, un virus peut-il banaliser la surveillance de masse globale ? (L'analyse du Parti Pirate sur StopCovid, très complète pour le coup et sourcée)",,,,,,,2020-05-31 01:02:18 gts9tp,,65,Lafayette city (Tunis) my place ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-05-31 04:05:30 gtxtpv,,1,Help me with my work,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-31 11:55:59 gtxzcy,,1,Bac maths,Hi can anyone send me revisions or paragraphs spanish English French phylosophy,,,,,,2020-05-31 12:08:53 gtyf83,,30,"I just realized that ""Zalabia"" origins from the Indian ""Jalebi"". O_O",[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-31 12:42:23 gtzev4,,3,*English* Nintendo Switch AC Adapter in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2020-05-31 13:56:39 gu47gj,,111,Passage (Tunis ) 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-05-31 18:31:04 gu7i0v,,20,Terrace of the Orient Palace - Tunisia - 1960,,,,,,,2020-05-31 21:35:15 guaa3r,,2,Tunisian media,"which one of the many news outlets we have in our country you think is the most neutral trustworthy and professional? (TV , radio , newspapers , online ) and which one you think is the worst?",,,,,,2020-06-01 00:20:09 guau6k,,1,La plus belle ville du Maroc,,,,,,,2020-06-01 00:55:13 gubdi7,,1,Facebook closes some pages,Is there any information about why the Facebook administration closed some pages of Tunisian influencers?,,,,,,2020-06-01 01:29:58 gueuru,,17,God bless Tunisian language,,,,,,,2020-06-01 05:45:56 gugrm8,,7,Tunisian thoughts on Racism and Riots in America,I'm interested in hearing what Tunisian's thoughts are on all of the racial problems in America that have been in the news recently.,,,,,,2020-06-01 08:26:09 gujmz6,,7,He’s the villain,,,,,,,2020-06-01 12:20:03 gukstq,,28,In a nutshell 👌,,,,,,,2020-06-01 13:38:43 gulfvj,,17,Théâtre Ljam 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-06-01 14:18:42 gulxvv,,1,Keeping an open mind,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-01 14:48:57 gum3fz,,16,We will take the world 🌎,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-01 14:58:04 gum3iy,,106,"Well, it's not a lie",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-01 14:58:12 guplcn,,2,Thoughts about Souti App,"Hello everyone, About a month ago I launched the App that enables to evaluate politicians in Tunisia ([Android Version]( many of you was supportive. When the app got bigger and received many installations and interactions, there was some issues that floated around: 1. People think it's Facebook, you can find many comments without any real added information or value, that kind of pics you find on facebook. 2.   It's hard to prevent flock effect, one day you find all ***Nahdha*** members are on top 20, the next day you find ***Mouvement de peuple*** members on top 20. (those are just examples). 3. The most important thing, the content of the application is not dynamic. For example I open the app, downvote this and upvote that, writ some demands, etc.. That's it, There is no new content that makes me go back to the app, there is no debates for example, polls... The app now has almost 2k installations, and challenges now are bigger, I want just to share thoughts with you and listen to your suggestions. &#x200B; Thank you all.",,,,,,2020-06-01 18:08:39 gupvh9,,57,All hail our eternal leader,,,,,,,2020-06-01 18:23:16 gurq4s,,22,My first meme edit 😁 i need ur feedbacks pls,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-01 19:57:48 guvss2,,44,he pulled a john cena on us,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-01 23:34:47 guxtrn,,1,I'd love some more information about this.,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-02 01:34:07 gv56au,,1,Tunisia chills and ignoring all this shit,,,,,,,2020-06-02 10:54:17 gvdylu,,0,Happy Quarantining !!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-02 19:28:45 gvfo5y,,37,Why. The. Fuck? There was parking across the street BTW. Tag left uncensored to possibly shame them.,,,,,,,2020-06-02 20:57:36 gvfous,,12,What would North Africa be like if the Arab invasion never happened?,"I am gonna post this question in r/Morocco and r/algeria too. I always try to imagine an alternate universe with an alternate timeline where the Arab/Muslim invasion of North Africa never occurred. how would the maghreb region look like today? what culture would we have? what religion would we follow? how would this effect history in general?",,,,,,2020-06-02 20:58:37 gvio3s,,30,KO,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-02 23:38:29 gvixwt,,4,It's memeable,,,,,,,2020-06-02 23:54:52 gvizeb,,127,Best Tunisian actor for all the time ❤️🇹🇳 Allah yarahamou 💔,,,,,,,2020-06-02 23:57:19 gvp5ce,,0,We need a tunisian! 🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-03 07:15:38 gvpfgo,,1,Le requin Mahdia Tunisie 1955,,,,,,,2020-06-03 07:38:43 gvwv25,,14,What do you think about the afrocentrist claims on North Africa ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-03 16:14:09 gvzw8a,,7,I bought a jar and I need help finding information about it.,"&#x200B; [I need help finding information about this jar, if you know something about it, please share, I would be grateful. My friend \(he collects antiques\) has told me it's from Tunisia. I am from Croatia, I bought the jar when I was in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here are two more images of the jar, from side and bottom angle \(https:\/\/\/a\/DPVHixH\)](",,,,,,2020-06-03 18:47:21 gw4k08,,5,Hi all I just wanted to ask if anyone knew where I can keep up to date with Tunisian politics and news,Preferably in English as my reading in Arabic is poor lol,,,,,,2020-06-03 22:42:40 gw4uub,,38,enjoy my creepy artwork.. w tolou alaya aal ig @jasser_triki,,,,,,,2020-06-03 22:59:09 gw51bp,,5,Does anyone know how or where I can learn about Tunisian history?,"I want to learn about all/ most of it but I, never able to because I’ve never gone to school there and I’m just unable to find about our history in English.....",,,,,,2020-06-03 23:08:42 gw6vcq,,3,snake pet,"does anyone someone who keeps snakes as pet in tunisia , or know how can i buy snakes in tunisia ?",,,,,,2020-06-04 00:55:38 gw861w,,2,Police Robot Project to Enforce COVID-19 Lockdown in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-06-04 02:14:44 gwbm3b,,5,Tunisia known coronavirus deaths are 49,,,,,,,2020-06-04 06:08:50 gwewbl,,36,So the main thing that the revolution gave us is the freedom of speech,"Yet making a joke ( write a poem in a style of the quran ) leads to 3 years in prison. How does that work? I think that is some kind of bs to a whole new level. (Edit: i had this same conversation in a comment section in facebook and it lead to me being called mnayek even though i told them if you don't respect me I won't respond. Yeah i can confirm this subreddit >facebook)",,,,,,2020-06-04 10:31:31 gwgyis,,19,DISCUSSION: Unpopular opinions,"I was wondering what are some of your unpopular opinions that you think it would be heavily criticized in our country? sorry if the question wasn't clear enought but lately I've been having a lot of backfire about some of my opinions (irl not here) and I'm curious about your *UNPOPULAR* opinions on any matter! Thank you in advance",,,,,,2020-06-04 12:58:19 gwhvwo,,20,tra chbiha tounes,,,,,,,2020-06-04 13:55:15 gwni5l,,8,"does any developer here always get ""can you pirate a fb account for me?""/""can you fix my computer?"" questions from everyone?","and they still don't believe me if I say I can't if i tell a person my field is computer science i get asked and im like i can print hello after i forget to add quotes also I'm basically a free tech support for family/relatives and i really wanted to say ""JUST GOOGLE IT"" out loud for years. like really simple questions that you see answers for even from the google search page",,,,,,2020-06-04 18:48:10 gwqv3s,,85,Sidi bou Saïd before Corona 🇹🇳❤️😍,,,,,,,2020-06-04 21:38:11 gwsic1,,10,Emirates has become very interested in Tunisia or maybe we should say they’re checking if their agent Mrs Pussy is working as they command,,,,,,,2020-06-04 23:05:40 gwsxs5,,0,Is this true or fake?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-04 23:29:20 gwwj9o,,1,[serious] Why did the Tunisian gouvernement gave up on us long time ago ?,,,,,,,2020-06-05 03:08:07 gwxhbg,سؤال_عالسريع_ما_هي_بعض_الشخصيات_التي_توصف/,2,سؤال عالسريع : ما هي بعض الشخصيات التي توصف بالأبطال القوميين في تونس ؟ يعني ناس زي سعد زغلول و عرابي في مصر (حاربوا الإحتلال الفرنسي مثلاً) بس تكون اسماء لا يختلف عليها اثنان في تونس.,جيت ابص علي جوجل لاقيت زين العابدين في لستة، قلت اكيد مينفعش اعتمد عليها 😂,,,,,,2020-06-05 04:10:48 gwz2qx,,20,Sidi Bou Said duting the lockdown,,,,,,,2020-06-05 06:12:56 gx16x2,,0,Please do not be toxic but is it hard to move from Tunisia to live in an other country and if not how can I move out to start a good new life,,,,,,,2020-06-05 09:14:41 gx18qs,,5,The corona situation in Tunisia,"Hello people in Tunisia I have my sailing vessel in Hammamet, Tunisia. I was supposed to go there in March to move the boat to Spain. But then the covid-19 virus struck, and I was unable to go. Now the restrictions is easing up in my country, and I will be able to travel soon. My worry is how the situation is in Tunisia. I have tried, but cannot find any good information. &#x200B; So can someone please tell me; If I get on a plane to Tunisia now, will I have to go in quarantine? If so, how long? &#x200B; Thank you",,,,,,2020-06-05 09:19:25 gx1aj8,,131,"""Akudah - Sousse"" I took this in 2013 , No filters or whatever cause idk how to do that stuff ...",,,,,,,2020-06-05 09:23:50 gx22pm,,0,Ya Nabi Salam Alaika,,,,,,,2020-06-05 10:31:37 gx2cdt,,0,Aya,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-05 10:54:06 gx2cez,,0,Aya,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-05 10:54:10 gx2e67,,10,Beb el Gharbi- Sousse. I took this last winter,,,,,,,2020-06-05 10:58:17 gx3vtl,,12,On the top of the mountain of Kesra at sunset. A very beautiful and pittoresk village,,,,,,,2020-06-05 12:45:14 gx4ojy,,6,"Took this picture when i was going home from a trip, the weather was cold and windy , you can see a little girl hiding in the back.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-05 13:35:18 gx4y8p,,2,how can I convert a 100 Soles (Cien Nuevos Soles) to TND?,"I have this paper with 100 Soles and I was wondering if I can get some dinars from it, on google, it says that it's 82TND also, this paper is made in 2006, so I don't even know if it's accepted anymore any idea?",,,,,,2020-06-05 13:51:38 gx8lvc,,14,Just a friendly reminder to follow rule 5,"I keep seeing posts criticizing the terrible behaviour of some tunisians , which is really good ! Shows that we recognize the problems and disapprove of it. But when doing so , we shouldn't post personal information (Phone number , FB/IG username , ...) or encourage doxing strangers on the internet. **Spreading hate is never the solution** . We are better than that , and for the sake of this amazing subreddit , let's not stoop so low.",,,,,,2020-06-05 17:11:02 gxa0ny,,0,1 EUR = 4.9 TND,Congratulations. You can go get some free hugs from kais. Peace.,,,,,,2020-06-05 18:25:40 gxaeog,,0,Currency values!!!!,"I just saw on Google that 1 EURO = 4.9 DINARS, any idea what the hell happened? or if there values are correct??",,,,,,2020-06-05 18:45:57 gxah5u,,4,???,,,,,,,2020-06-05 18:49:33 gxbliu,,97,Mosquée zitouna (first jemaa prière after Corona) Tunis 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-06-05 19:46:54 gxcmgt,,8,"53 years ago, on this exact day, the Six-Day War broke out. Israel came under attack from 5 Arab armies... ...Israel won.",,,,,,,2020-06-05 20:41:02 gxo772,,47,"Hawariya sunset, camping trip",,,,,,,2020-06-06 09:57:19 gxrczh,,27,Corniche Marsa Tunis 🇹🇳 ❤️ ( Today ),,,,,,,2020-06-06 13:51:53 gxs82v,,11,Lotfus Mraihus اله الذهب و التداين عند التوانسة,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-06 14:44:05 gxu16j,,5,"Tunisia, Bizerte! Cap Zbib sunrise ♥️",,,,,,,2020-06-06 16:27:03 gxu3x5,,9,Help finding a song.,"I have super minimal info to go on, but hopefully y’all can help. I visited Tunisia in June of 2008 (wonderful country) and there was a song playing over the radio the entire trip. Every store, bar, restaurant and taxi was playing this song. All I remember about it was a car horn and the singer saying beeeeeep beeeeep beep beep beep along with it. I know this is nothing to go on. If anyone could link me to a Tunisian top music list from 2008 that would be great too. Thank you!",,,,,,2020-06-06 16:31:12 gxum75,,1,Sending money from paypal via xoom?,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-06 16:59:04 gxwaf2,,53,Most electronics shops in tunisia are utter shit.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-06 18:28:47 gxx6yt,,7,Where do you live?,"Please write in the comments where you live if it is not a choice in the poll. [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-06-06 19:20:08 gxxte7,,5,{تعاشب شاي}(393) تونس.. و الشوقليب الإماراتي,,,,,,,2020-06-06 19:53:23 gxyd54,,1,لما بدا يتثنى - بصوت عائلة بن الشيخ العربي | نور بن الشيخ العربي,,,,,,,2020-06-06 20:24:28 gy77s4,,1,Vers le parachèvement du projet d'aménagement de 126 oasis,,,,,,,2020-06-07 06:20:53 gyc22t,,2,Tunisian Passport,"Hello fellow redditors, do you think in the upcoming 5 years the Tunisian passport will let us go into more countries (Visa Free) ??",,,,,,2020-06-07 13:08:13 gye7rp,,1,#Joe Biden officially wins the Democratic nomination to confront Trump in the US presidential election,,,,,,,2020-06-07 15:17:24 gye9bu,,19,"so reddit, how are we feeling about the government inviting influencers?",,,,,,,2020-06-07 15:20:10 gyegnr,,1,أخبار العالم,,,,,,,2020-06-07 15:32:25 gyfcll,,2,Djebel AGRI battle - One of the most black history of France and Bourguiba,,,,,,,2020-06-07 16:24:38 gyfiq9,,43,Love this view of the sea,,,,,,,2020-06-07 16:34:28 gyfiwk,,6,Bank Account for a student,"hi everyone i'm a new member here and i want you to help me find a solution to this: so i'm a student in a university and i want to open a bank account but i want *t*o have access to my money with a credit card (to make a withdrawal for example and also the possibility to get paid from some clients from other countries (in europe for example) in (euro,dollars...) i've heard of a card called (carte technologique) so if you have any ideas or solutions for my problem please leave it below and thank you very much <3 Ps: i'm not an employee",,,,,,2020-06-07 16:34:46 gyg42q,,38,"To black people of Tunisia, have you ever been a victim of racism or segregation ?",[removed],,,,,,2020-06-07 17:07:47 gyjygn,,5,Nice bars la goulette,Anyone knows some nice bars in la goulette?,,,,,,2020-06-07 20:36:17 gykcrz,,1,The history of Tunisia on a map every year from Carthage,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-07 20:56:11 gykeka,,1,The history of Tunisia on a map every year,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-07 20:58:39 gykgqy,,14,The history of Tunisia every year ! On a map,,,,,,,2020-06-07 21:01:30 gyl3r7,,29,Tunisia seen from space🇹🇳❤️😍,,,,,,,2020-06-07 21:34:10 gynhfa,,9,Sounds about right in Tunisia...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-07 23:38:52 gytss7,,2,"I swear, this poll post would get me in troubles..","[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-06-08 06:34:23 gywbq2,,127,"It is so cringe when you hear a Tunisian, an Algerian or a Moroccan speaks French",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-08 09:43:09 gyxqwd,,4,"A new and well organized server for Tunisians and North africans to have discussions, debates or to just chill. We have roles, dedicated channels for each category and much more. The server is based on free speech and little to no rules. Everyone is welcome to join.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-08 11:40:25 gyxu1j,,5,Do you know a good therapist in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-08 11:47:19 gyyjsa,,8,lmao a thief stole a doctor's bag from that doctor's office in the hospital (Mahdia),"the thief waited for the doctor to leave his office (Laboratory section) to enter, but the doctor came back while the thief was about to leave, the thief tried to laugh it off but then started running, the doctor couldn't stop him despite trying to push him down, thankfully the thief was caught thanks to the security cameras. out of all the places to rob, why would anyone choose a hospital?",,,,,,2020-06-08 12:38:26 gz1zbu,/r/Jokes/comments/gywimz/an_afghan_an_albanian_an_algerian_an_american_an/,1,Tunisians on the list 😆,,,,,,,2020-06-08 15:58:14 gz6o1j,,7,What is going on in the parliament these last couple of days?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-08 19:58:50 gz7jhs,,138,Kelibia ❤️😍 Tunisie,,,,,,,2020-06-08 20:39:04 gzjf5t,,58,Help the visually impaired students to sit for the national exams taking place soon," في معهد النور للمكفوفين ببن عروس فمّا 36 تلميذ كفيف يحتاجون الي مساعدة من تلاميذ الأقسام الثانوية لإعانتهم في اجتياز المناظرة الوطنية ( كل كفيف يحتاج شكون يكتبلو في الإمتحان) . في العادة إدارة المعهد المذكور تقوم بكل الإجراءات اللازمة لإستقبال التلامذة المتطوعين من السنوات الثانية و الثالثة ثانوي لكن هذه السنة بصورة استثنائية تعذر عليهم استقطاب تلاميذ. الرجاء كل تلميذ من تونس الكبرى يشوف روحو أنو يقدر يساعد تلاميذ معهد النور للمكفوفين يبادر و يتصل على أحد الٍأرقام الموجودة أدناه. الأرقام : 21033581 - 22513952 وشكرا .",,,,,,2020-06-09 09:01:38 gzltrg,,1,[Updated June-07] Top 10 Africa Countries Most Affected by Covid-19 Corona Virus,,,,,,,2020-06-09 12:05:10 gzo03b,,18,When this is going to stop in Tunisia? I think it’s the good time for the Tunisian community to raise our voices against negrophobia/racism in Tunisia. #blacklivesmattertunisia,,,,,,,2020-06-09 14:17:09 gzpf6g,,3,For or against reforming private universities? Why? How?,"In one hand: * Private unis have become a way, for too many students, to have a decent degree and start a decent career (even go abroad). * Private unis have more budget thus better teaching quality (presumably). More budget also means better monitoring for students, better facilities, better surrounding and activities. * Public unis have proven their potential before the revolution and the rise of private schools. You may like it or not, public unis are historical institutions, that have made strong figures in this country. In the other hand: * Private unis are too expensive, and start to weight too much on the jo market, making people who can't afford studying there more prone to unemployment/being underpaid/seen as not good enough for the job. * Private unis separate youth in two distinct groups: the ones that can afford, and those who can't (see serious long term societal problems). * Another related point is: private school grads are more prone to GTFO the country, and go to Europe only to come back rich enough, buy houses and dodge taxes. (e.g. I've never seen a public grad go to Europe as easily as an ESPRIT grad). * Sadly enough, teachers that went from public to private must have had valid reasons to do it ($$$). * Budgets given to public unis might be too low (I speculate, I don't know). But it seems like besides med, architecture, some human sciences unis and prépas/engineering, all the other unis are worth nothing (people graduating there are not very welcomed in the job market), the programs/teachers are too dull and empty, it seems depressing for student (seems like anything but the image that we must have of a university). * Some teachers give lectures in a private school and a public school at the same time. Do they dedicate themselves equally with that huge difference in pay? What do you think about it? Is taxing private schools a solution to dissuade founding more of them? Is founding more of them a better solution? Banning private schools? Giving more budget to public unis? Forbidding teachers to give lessons in both simultaneously?",,,,,,2020-06-09 15:34:00 gzq2ol,,1,Hope that children would not hate on me because of this meme,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-09 16:07:21 gzrclk,,15,"a debate about Arabic, french,English situation in the educational system.","so after a fellow redditor posted a ""meme"" about the use of the French language in the Maghreb that brought lots of controversy. let us have a debate about it. do you the current situation of a defacto french domination over the educational is perfect, you think it needs to change .... just tell us your opinion .",,,,,,2020-06-09 17:11:25 gztvcs,,7,ANARCHNOWA ( Un Art Chnowa ? ) - #$@&%*! محتوى,,,,,,,2020-06-09 19:15:57 gzxeav,,1,"CANNA-WAR, loi52..","Heyy !! we really need to be more serious about the legalization issue in Tunisia. A lot of people suffered from this fascist law and we really need to change it and believe me, it's gonna change a lot of things about our pretty, cute little country. Fellow Redditors, let's start a 420 legalization storm in Tunisia we have to change this law and make our country a better place for all the stoners of the earth, let's make our country a better place for all the young and old people that suffer to this day from the oppression fo the law and police because of this law! Let's just legalize it!",,,,,,2020-06-09 22:04:12 gzxjtr,,10,"Who would be interested in learning on how to study in Italy, in english, for free or very cheap?","Hello everyone, After hundreds of hours of research and as many emails, I have acquired a solid understanding of the admission system for Italian Universities. I've been admitted to a few for a Masters in Economics and thought I'd help some of you do the same. The italian government is super generous to students of all nationalities (not just EU) and there are many english taught programs. Elli interessé you can shoot me a message. I'm doing this in order to see if I can make a consulting business out of this later on. (I will help you for free)",,,,,,2020-06-09 22:11:41 gzza9o,,9,Where can i buy an amateur telescope for a reasonable price in Tunisia?,"Recently i've become really into astronomy and i'm thinking of getting a telescope, but i can't find anywhere where i can get one! please if you know any retailers or anyone who sells telescopes and other amateur astronomy equipment that would be very helpful, thank you.",,,,,,2020-06-09 23:43:52 gzzw3h,خونة/,1,خونة😥,اللي صار توة في مجلس نواب الشعب ميتخفرش,,,,,,2020-06-10 00:18:59 h06ae4,,5,Where are you from?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-06-10 07:52:22 h07kv1,,86,Beb lassal ( Tunis ) ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-06-10 09:39:43 h07ylj,,5,Girls or boys,"So there is a joke used on the popular choufli 7al sitcom that I don't understand and found it offensive and weird About how sbou3i was better than his brother because he will have two boys babies or his brother didn't have male kids and than they mock him because one of the babies was a girl, and all the characters participated on it like it is ok to lough about! do tunisians really think this way? Is it a shame to have girls instead of boys? Is it a man achievement? And is it acceptable as a joke? Cause I don't get it",,,,,,2020-06-10 10:10:58 h0debn,,2,Put your photos on the Tunisia map and download.,,,,,,,2020-06-10 15:38:58 h0f2ud,,5,Privatisation,"Privatisation is a scary word for many tunisians and with all the corruption and mismanagement that plagued State-owned enterprises for decades ,the privatisation solution proposed by many ""politicians/economists"" is always on the table . with that many people are opposed to the whole idea some say privatisation is selling the country to foreigners , some say prices of some products and services will be to high for the majority of the population etc... where do you stand when it comes to this matter ?",,,,,,2020-06-10 17:05:27 h0i5zj,,1,Je france bien la tour Eiffel,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-10 19:28:21 h0t6ka,,11,Is Tunisia getting more or less Islamic?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-06-11 05:51:11 h0vk0z,,138,Tunis 🇹🇳 el Medina el arbi❤️,,,,,,,2020-06-11 08:57:12 h0x0na,,12,AskTunisians: What are the most ridiculous questions you were asked by foreigners when they found out you're from Tunisia/North Africa?,,,,,,,2020-06-11 10:51:21 h0zssz,,13,"Jalel Brick was assauled by a group of young men in Paris, what do you think about it?",,,,,,,2020-06-11 13:58:29 h10y2v,,1,"You know that I am not wrong, right?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-11 15:01:35 h13agm,,1,"Yo ! Dudes and dudettes, this is actually a decent Tunisian Discord Server!! Really fun community !!!",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-11 17:04:22 h13ha6,,1,What do you think about the aggression against Jalel Brick?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-11 17:13:50 h13ith,,1,"Dudes and dudettes, This is actually a decent server ! Come over and judge for yourself !",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-11 17:16:01 h13uyv,,1,Looking for friends?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-11 17:33:16 h145c8,,2,Looking for friends? ( Discord ),"Hello everyone. We are a small Tunisian community, consisting of bunch of Tunisians and also non tunisians (north africans, Europeans, few amaricans..ect) speaking both English, Arabic and French. We usually do bunch of activities together like listening to music, amateur chess tournaments and podcasts, we have also channels for art, food, books, history and others for serious debates/discussions (hopefully as we grow in the future, we plan on doing more). And also Every Sunday night we watch a movie together. We are pretty much chill",,,,,,2020-06-11 17:48:13 h14vvb,,3,"The Tunisian Identity: Evaluating to what extent Tunisia can be classified as an Arab nation. [Research Project Survey] only 10 question, should take about 5 minutes! Thank you in advance",,,,,,,2020-06-11 18:25:29 h15as0,,0,كيفية حذف الملفات المستعصية | بدون برنامج 2020 | How to Delete Undeletable Files & Folders - YouTube,,,,,,,2020-06-11 18:46:02 h15k3q,,3,Tunisian quotes / proverbs,"Hello I need some good ol’ tunisian quotes, proverbs or expressions If you know any drop them in the comments (in arabic ofc) Thank you !",,,,,,2020-06-11 18:59:18 h16bws,,1,Tunisia... a federal republic?,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-11 19:37:40 h17cfg,,5,"What industries you think will help the tunisian economy, and that tunisia can really excel in ?",,,,,,,2020-06-11 20:30:47 h17ryc,,12,"Jalel brick getting hit by 6 or 7 ""freret""",,,,,,,2020-06-11 20:52:41 h779hw,,1,how can i can buy etherum or any cryptocurrency in tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-11 21:44:37 h78imr,,7,chabeb nheb nabda project fl Instagram w nesthak chwy support ml louel : ( ken maejbetkch kif nabda nhabet mbaed you can unfollow me np ),,,,,,,2020-06-11 22:50:07 h78q2u,,45,Im so sick of populism in this country literally 90% of our politicians are god tier populists starting from the president to the clows in the parliament.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-11 23:01:42 h7h8v6,,1,"ASMR زنجر ستكر, أصوات الأكل الحقيقية بدون كلام، KFC & Mcdonalds، مكبنج، تحدي أكل, ENG subs 孟买饮食表演 목강",,,,,,,2020-06-12 09:03:41 h7hn0i,,14,"Been trying to get more informed about tunisian politics lately and I noticed that all known channels and faces on TV are biased. This is the only political analyst with a more objective view about Tunisian, Arabic and international politics. This episode is definitely worth checking out!",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-12 09:38:22 h7jsnt,,116,Bizerte 😍🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-06-12 12:28:20 h7n3te,,2,"If you were to be born in another arab country, what would you choose ?","[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-06-12 15:44:48 h7nm6t,,1,Come join the new community for tunisians living abroad. Hope you enjoy it.,,,,,,,2020-06-12 16:11:00 h7obxq,,10,"Starting from 2:26:30 Abbou and a deputee from nahdha gossiping about Abir Moussi, they forgot to turn the mic off lmao.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-12 16:47:30 h7owgu,,29,"while in most other places, people are excited for the PS5, this is what Tunisian gamers are posting on groups, this makes me sad...",,,,,,,2020-06-12 17:16:59 h7qkr7,,8,الحمامات : شرطي يستعين بتاكسي لمطاردة سارق,,,,,,,2020-06-12 18:46:01 h7shb6,,32,"They added a Tunisia map to COD mobile, hell yeah",,,,,,,2020-06-12 20:29:29 h7vn6n,,10,What do you think are the dominant cultural/ethnic and linguistic influences on modern Tunisians,"I am conducting a study on the Tunisian identity, see my last post to participate in a short quiz re that. I'm currently reviewing the literature regarding historical assimilation in Tunisia, and my main findings so far are the following: Linguistic: Mainly Arabic, significant Berber, notable Latin, French, Italian and Spanish influence. Culture: Largely Arab, significant Berber influences varying by region and factors such as urban/rural location, most notable in music, cuisine, and traditional garb. Also French and Italian, Turkish. Religion: Whilst predominantly Sunni Muslim, Tunisia like much of North and West Africa, overwhelmingly subscribes to the Maliki school of thought, in contrast to the majority of Middle Eastern nations which are Hanafi, Hanbali, Ibadi. Genealogy: Mainly Berber, in fact, the most recent data seems to suggest that the majority of Tunisians are overwhelmingly Berber, with the Eastern Arab component ranging from 4% to 20%. With the exception of Kairouan which has a much higher Arab genetic influence, the highest figure I've seen for North Africa specific genealogy in Tunisians is 88% (although it's important to note this figure doesn't necessarily indicate pure Berber ancestry). To add, the most notable outside influences on Tunisian genealogy appear to come from Spain (Morisco), the Levant and Arabia Well those are my findings so far, please do take the survey if you get a chance, I can post the link again if you like, and please share your own opinions, ideas and knowledge, as I am interested to hear what areas I have perhaps not touched up on enough, and any ideas or theories I've missed entirely. Also I should add, I'm not trying to prove Tunisians aren't Arab and are Berber or vice versa, the study is merely defining what it means to be Arab and questioning the extent to which contemporary Tunisia CAN be considered an Arab nation.",,,,,,2020-06-12 23:23:52 h7wtp0,,0,guys we need some backup here too many questions in the comment section and some people are hating on our country 🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-13 00:30:44 h7wure,,3,guys we need some backup here too many questions in the comment section and some people are hating on our country 🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-13 00:32:28 h82gzu,,2,Why the sudden ssd price increase ',At the same time all 240 ssd prices increased from 90 to 140-150. What caused this?,,,,,,2020-06-13 06:54:28 h84ebs,,2,8 Ways to Divide Tunisia [OC][2900x836],[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-13 09:34:20 h85afa,,63,8 Ways to Divide Tunisia [OC][2900x836],,,,,,,2020-06-13 10:46:23 h86h7s,,4,Tunisia denies establishing foreign military bases on its soil,,,,,,,2020-06-13 12:18:10 h89ee0,,51,Tunisia is ready for summer ❤️🇹🇳 (Ghar el meleh Bizerte),,,,,,,2020-06-13 15:17:19 h8ahne,,1,I have an idea,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-13 16:19:54 h8bb1r,,95,"Djerba, 5am",,,,,,,2020-06-13 17:05:17 h8dj2p,,1,Support your local talents.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-13 19:06:02 h8dnha,,20,Street portrait.,,,,,,,2020-06-13 19:12:22 h8ft9i,,6,Most useful Tunisian based mobile applications.,"Hey hey everyone, Hope you’re doing well I would like to have a list of all Tunisian apps that are developed by Tunisians for Tunisians I’m already aware of some apps like Tayara however it’s not owned by A Tunisian company Also Jumia is not a tunisian app Looking forward to reading your inputs",,,,,,2020-06-13 21:04:06 h8h3b6,,7,Is poverty the only motive to do crime ( Robbery or Braquage) ? are there other motives?,"In those recent years, the phenomena of BRAQUAGE has propagated in all over Tunisia, young people of age between 15 and 30 don't fear anything or anyone and target people individually to steal their personal assets (phones , money,watches ,etc...)there are even some known places that witness more possible actions of theft (I don't like to mention places, so that some people won't be offended). what I would like to know if there are some more crucial motives that can lead directly or indirectly to such acts of stealing. I know that poverty and crime are strongly correlated, but I want to hear some of your opinions regarding this matter. Maybe someone won't agree with the fact (of poverty and crime are strongly correlated) and will say that there are some example of poor families who didn't engage in such behavior and worked really hard to get out from poverty and claims that being poor isn't a clear excuse to justify robbery. Other thing, I believe that Tunisian people begin to normalize the phenomena of BRAQUAGE, and deal with it like a normal behavior. it slowly becomes the new normal! for example, if you are a victim of a BRAQUAGE, and then head to the police station to make a complaint, they will tell you that they don't have time for you and that they deal with more serious cases than your case, they deal with it like it is a sting of an ant. it's not even the police, even your family will try to distract you and will tell you to forget about it. to conclude, I think we need to figure out this problem and reach out the optimal solutions.",,,,,,2020-06-13 22:12:07 h8pkb8,,20,AskTunisians : What are some pet peeves that only Tunisians have and understand,,,,,,,2020-06-14 07:50:15 h8qsx8,,3,How to look for scholarships to study in New Zealand? Help baliz 🙏,,,,,,,2020-06-14 09:39:04 h8sh0q,,0,"did anyone knew about this , and what do you think about American forces in tunisia.",,,,,,,2020-06-14 11:52:14 h8td86,,194,Beauty in the details of Tunisian architecture ❤️❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-06-14 12:57:56 h8u5k3,,0,Moroccan or Tunisian terrorist connections in Europe,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-14 13:49:34 h8yi8w,,0,TOYOTA - Start Your Impossible,,,,,,,2020-06-14 18:03:44 h92kx5,,3,"My husband owns a house in Tunisia. We live in the US and I'm American. DO I need to be added to his will, or would the house go to me if something were to happen to him?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-14 21:52:27 h9cvsw,,15,"AskTunisians : If you can bring back one old tradition that was forgotten, what will it be?",,,,,,,2020-06-15 09:29:44 h9drp8,,115,Tataouine village berbère douiret ❤️💪🇹🇳 Tunisie,,,,,,,2020-06-15 10:36:14 h9e0yh,,1,"Big brother was watching us, all the time",,,,,,,2020-06-15 10:55:44 h9e2zg,,77,"Not a Tunisian, but this gem never fails to cheer me up when I am feeling down",,,,,,,2020-06-15 11:00:06 h9fggp,,21,Ein Mestir - Bizerte,,,,,,,2020-06-15 12:34:38 h9g1ex,,0,"The Hangover Come join us🤗 Just a group of young people trying to have fun, if you want to be one of them . What do you wait for? Let's join ✨ If you are interested in 3D modeling or graphic design , join us and let us see what you can do with a mouse 😁.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-15 13:09:19 h9gt67,,1,Blog to promote Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-15 13:55:31 h9k1r1,,0,Prosecute her assasinate her !,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-15 16:52:00 h9vfn4,,1,"A huge Roman mosaic depicting a lion found in Salakta, Tunisia. 3rd century CE, now on display at Salakta Archaeological Museum",,,,,,,2020-06-16 03:15:50 h9yme3,,9,We need tunisia! 🇹🇳,"Hey! This is international server. This is a server with people from many countries where the people from those countries gather to learn about their cultures countries and share moments and pictures from their countries! We basically connect the world :). We have: Friendly People, Caring Staff, Qotd, Self Assignable Roles, Language Channels Etc. Feel Free to Join Our Community!",,,,,,2020-06-16 06:55:26 h9zizm,,58,The new rising star Fetfeta inspires brands 🐈,,,,,,,2020-06-16 08:03:30 ha00u7,,54,Sousse ❤️the rare pearl😍🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-06-16 08:39:10 ha0h9r,,28,The origin of the Fetfeta Tunisian meme :),,,,,,,2020-06-16 09:14:51 ha21rr,,3,Amazon,"Hey! I live in Tunisia and looking to build a pc, but the parts here are 4x the normal one. So, I want to buy the parts from amazon. Is there any safe way to deliver them here? If so, tell me!",,,,,,2020-06-16 11:18:51 ha3amz,,18,métro el 6 . IG : jasser_triki,,,,,,,2020-06-16 12:45:09 ha8ee3,,0,Is anyone interested in buying a new PS4 with PES 20?,"I bought one lately and didn't even open it and I am coming back to tunisia in August, so I was wondering if anyone is interested.",,,,,,2020-06-16 17:24:19 ha98nm,,2,"Where can I find the requirements to joining any of the Tunisian special forces (BAT, GFS, USGN)?",,,,,,,2020-06-16 18:06:47 haavye,,1,"Hi, a verified paypal account with documents (driver license and IRS tax assessment) if anybody wanna buy the account pm me.",,,,,,,2020-06-16 19:29:58 hacp5f,,68,Lovely TUNISIA...,,,,,,,2020-06-16 21:03:21 hacruj,,5,"How do you feel about teachers who never give full marks just cause/""you're not a genius""",happened to me lately on a programming test. Did everything right. i'm a bit mad right now,,,,,,2020-06-16 21:06:54 haemlq,,1,Survey,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-16 22:43:13 hah7sj,,4,How much does it cost tolive in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-17 01:22:27 hai9zu,,7,Amazon and Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-17 02:31:32 hamslj,,11,"If you were granted absolute unquestionable legal power for a day , what 5-10 things would you change in the country?","Obviously without breaking the system and causing instant bankruptcy or something like that , reasonable things that you consider to be a good start for long-term success , socially or economically.",,,,,,2020-06-17 07:49:45 han930,,1,How can I intern in government or agencies working with government,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-17 08:29:20 han9b2,,1,Touzer ❤️🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-17 08:29:51 hanq0k,,62,Touzer ❤️🇹🇳 (Abu Kacem échebi ),,,,,,,2020-06-17 09:10:43 hanq22,,1,Touzer ❤️🇹🇳 (Abu Kacem échebi ),[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-17 09:10:50 haogf2,,1,#سامية_عبو #رقاصة 😱😱😱,,,,,,,2020-06-17 10:14:32 haomz9,,1,UAE evacuated a Tunisian mother to reunion with her family after being in Tunisia to visit her sick father and couldn't get back to UAE because of #Covid19 lockdown.,,,,,,,2020-06-17 10:30:26 hap99t,,6,Nintendo in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-17 11:20:20 havzmf,,14,AskTunisians : What are some crazy myths your parents told you and you believed them when you were kid,"""if you swallowed chewing gum it will get stuck in your stomach for 7 years""",,,,,,2020-06-17 17:36:07 hb2qj2,,3,How is Tunisia with Internet Marketing?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-17 23:25:09 hb9i1q,,21,"Excellent, informative and thought-provoking article by Afifa Ltifi of Cornell University on Bourguiba’s homogenization project with family names’ policy change and its particular impact on many black Tunisians with slave descent. Worth reading to understand dynamics of race in MENA.",,,,,,,2020-06-18 06:48:11 hb9lt9,,1,We need a person from Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-18 06:56:17 hbaj79,,1,Fax,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-18 08:11:56 hbaj94,,1,Fax,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-18 08:12:03 hbaja8,,40,Fax,,,,,,,2020-06-18 08:12:08 hbbz0b,,15,Sunset in Naassen (Ben-Arous) capture from IPhone 11 Pro Max [no edits],,,,,,,2020-06-18 10:18:13 hbdy3l,éd_whats_a_good_investement_with/,5,[Serious] Louléd what's a good investement with approxmat 11K for a 30yo single Tunisian M with a stable income ?,,,,,,,2020-06-18 12:47:25 hbejkc,,6,Two jailed for Homosexuality in Tunisia...what's your opinion guys?,"Honestly this is depressing news for me... Link:",,,,,,2020-06-18 13:25:37 hbfuql,,1,are you going back home this summer?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-18 14:40:15 hbgjaf,,134,Epic upgrade to my room,,,,,,,2020-06-18 15:16:18 hbgxql,,28,Tabarka ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-06-18 15:37:10 hbj93l,,6,Imagine not voting for abir moussi because muh fascism and voting for attayar to find these guys lmao,,,,,,,2020-06-18 17:37:11 hbjytt,شوفلي_حل_so_much/,7,"Why do people like :""شوفلي حل"" so much ?","It's filled with boomer humour , why is it still popular today ?",,,,,,2020-06-18 18:16:03 hbkp74,,2,ROULA TDOUR | EP 02 النجاح الأسود - خنار - SnoossY,,,,,,,2020-06-18 19:03:02 hblbeu,,2,Wearing masks like this... Smh,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-18 19:35:26 hbliiv,,1,"Just dropping this music here. I'm a beginning tunisian musician, hope you enjoy!",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-18 19:45:35 hbp42z,,9,are they for real?,"tbh, a not offensive in any way, but north Africans knew this all the time.. no need to remind us about that; berbes and proud of it, arabs and proud too... if they can't accept this much diversity, they really have a problemn, why all the hate?...what do you think about this?",,,,,,2020-06-18 23:05:33 hbrmv4,,21,I came across this on wiki it says Armoiries beylicales en 1858 and its my first time seeing something like this ! Kinda interesting to share. Any ideas?,,,,,,,2020-06-19 01:42:40 hbt3rc,,6,Tunisia's history of slavery and racism through black family names,,,,,,,2020-06-19 03:20:30 hbug54,,8,Secularism in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-19 04:57:07 hbumlo,,4,What do you think about Abir Moussi and her party?,,,,,,,2020-06-19 05:10:39 hbv8gk,,1,"This is a short video I made. / next video is going to be with voiceover. Give me your opinions mates. ‪(Tunisian TV is garbage - Barely spacious films) This is just me having fun, do not take anything seriously.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-19 05:58:09 hbx45i,,4,Appartement in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-19 08:39:42 hbxfnx,,172,*interesting title*,,,,,,,2020-06-19 09:09:18 hby63x,,7,Summer job,"Anyone knows if there's any available job for students during summer? (and no, call centers are absolutely disgusting)",,,,,,2020-06-19 10:16:54 hbyf0a,,0,عينة من الإعلام، و من لهم الاهتمام. إنها القمامة و سياسة تتفيه الشعب,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-19 10:38:03 hbyw4h,,44,Stolen from Facebook,,,,,,,2020-06-19 11:17:35 hbzdfu,,56,"Victor ""Young"" Perez. The 1930's Tunisian Jewish boxing champion. Deported and shot to death in Auschwitz.",,,,,,,2020-06-19 11:55:24 hc1kij,,83,The president be looking kinda Billie Eilish,,,,,,,2020-06-19 14:23:11 hc2y6q,,30,relatable,,,,,,,2020-06-19 15:42:03 hc34hx,,23,I love this subreddit,"I don't use Reddit that often, but i can emphasize on the fact that it's pretty useful for travels; to learn more about the country they're visiting and its people. I went to Brazil before, and i felt the language barrier, as everything including reddit is on Portuguese. Whereas with this community of r/Tunisia any person can feel included. Thanks, keep it up !",,,,,,2020-06-19 15:52:10 hc4ga9,,4,Song lyrics,"Hello everyone! I'm not sure if it's the right place to ask - if not sorry in advance. I'm looking for the lyrics of the rap song ""narja3 snin lteli"" by Philosophe but can't find them anywhere. My Arabic is not good enough to catch them myself but I can read them if typed in Arabic alphabeth. Is it possible that one of you guys could help me out? I would appreciate that.",,,,,,2020-06-19 17:04:32 hc77on,,2,African countries people can name from memory [OC],,,,,,,2020-06-19 19:35:41 hc7gra,,58,A comment from the post earlier got me the idea,,,,,,,2020-06-19 19:50:00 hca440,,31,Please Abir leave us alone,,,,,,,2020-06-19 22:18:54 hca6ae,,36,"Sidi bou said , Tunisia.",,,,,,,2020-06-19 22:22:22 hcbmie,,13,Tunisian Beauty,,,,,,,2020-06-19 23:46:37 hcduxh,,5,Corona Virus Quaratine,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-20 02:11:17 hce5rw,,11,Italian guards agent forces Tunisians to slap each others,"[source]( Ok, I flair this post as political because I feel like our government must step up against this. Ok I know Tunisians aren't the best and some of the Tunisian community are illegal immigrants and therefore they're a source of problems but that doesn't give them the right to humiliate them. Let's put some effort to make this go international as it should be highlighted as Human Rights issue. Otherwise, we wouldn't be treated any differently in the future...",,,,,,2020-06-20 02:33:15 hci1zi,,1,إزاي الإمارات بتكرر تجربة انقلاب مصر في تونس؟,,,,,,,2020-06-20 07:51:01 hcjaxe,,3,Dog adoption,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-20 09:32:41 hcjiw3,,72,[OC] From the top of a cliff - al Hawaria Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-06-20 09:51:14 hck471,,61,Found this on Facebook :'),[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-20 10:39:54 hckhme,,43,Tunis 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-06-20 11:10:02 hclw9a,,1,[Request] Wide Kais Said walking meme,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-20 12:58:58 hcmaos,,11,POll about faith," [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-06-20 13:28:47 hcnwn2,,2,to find an old online friend,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-20 15:15:24 hcq1ay,,6,Carthage Cement: première opération d’exportation vers l’Italie,,,,,,,2020-06-20 17:20:47 hcqdvg,,0,Terrorism-funding state,,,,,,,2020-06-20 17:40:38 hcqo0h,,2,How is this not getting enough attention in the media?,,,,,,,2020-06-20 17:57:08 hcrpws,,5,"This video is about the genetic origin of the Algerians, but we are genetically very similar.",,,,,,,2020-06-20 18:59:35 hcsh03,,38,My brother's take on wide walking presidents,,,,,,,2020-06-20 19:44:30 hcsm8u,,3,A friend of mine is getting blackmailed,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-20 19:53:33 hcu7fe,,1,Avenue Habib-Bourguiba [this picture belongs to @rmb_jok on Instagram],[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-20 21:32:36 hcu7pv,,77,Avenue Habib-Bourguiba [this picture belongs to @rmb_jok on Instagram],,,,,,,2020-06-20 21:33:02 hcwqfc,,30,A sparkling view shot at the Lake,,,,,,,2020-06-21 00:02:04 hcy0qi,,11,The view from our camping spot 2 years ago - al Hawaria,,,,,,,2020-06-21 01:23:18 hczcea,,23,"Me watching the news, dad enters (his last name):",,,,,,,2020-06-21 02:49:19 hd5gow,,63,"The Genoese fort, Tabarka - Tunisia",,,,,,,2020-06-21 11:29:52 hd5zfz,,0,YouTube,,,,,,,2020-06-21 12:14:52 hd65fv,,1,Tunisia discord,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-21 12:28:39 hd76wm,,3,hookup in tunisia !,mfmech app or site fyh twensa for hookup ?,,,,,,2020-06-21 13:46:12 hd8gq9,,25,"Sidi Bou Said, Tunis",,,,,,,2020-06-21 15:09:34 hd96ic,,2,A question for the sub,"Hey guys! I am a learner of Arabic, who lives in Russia and I am planning to go to Tunisia for a language course. The thing is that I am Jewish and also an Israeli citizen (I lived there when I was younger). Obviously, I am going to enter with a Russian passport, but I have a lot of Israeli friends on social media, who often text me in Hebrew. They might even call me and speak Hebrew. Will it be a problem if someone in Tunisia hears me talking Hebrew on the phone or see me texting Hebrew messages? I hope I won’t be accused of being Israeli spy or anything. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2020-06-21 15:54:29 hdax65,,71,"Since this sub has turned into a collection of Tunisia pics, I thought I'd do you all a solid",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-21 17:36:12 hddb11,,3,I was curious of the demands those people in cameroon are raising and behold what I found! Guys this signed agreement is absurd I honestly can't blame any government that refuse to uphold it,,,,,,,2020-06-21 19:53:15 hdewag,,17,Truth be told,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-21 21:26:01 hdfap6,,1,I was caught by these little snails sticking to a peach tree in the spring [photo taken by iPhone 11 Pro Max no edit place: Naassen],[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-21 21:48:29 hdfcwi,,35,So this is my cat her name is “Loubena”,,,,,,,2020-06-21 21:52:04 hdhf8y,,9,Kima clashet Pepsi & Coca-Cola haha,,,,,,,2020-06-22 00:02:01 hdhma1,,16,Literally any teacher or parent in Tunisia:,,,,,,,2020-06-22 00:14:49 hdl49i,,24,"Touzeur, May 2019 (ig: @yasserchebbii )",,,,,,,2020-06-22 04:19:51 hdm4we,,37,Some title,,,,,,,2020-06-22 05:33:09 hdmgun,,6,Literally everyone on this subreddit,,,,,,,2020-06-22 05:57:36 hdq2fg,,1,Ask Tunisian girls : Can i crush on a girl that I have never spoken to?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-22 10:43:58 hdqiw7,,2,Tunisia not being an arab country,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-22 11:18:25 hdssjp,,8,EQUALITY !,"equality of rights is good but equality of responsabilties is better. why we never hear anyone talking about how men in our society spend hundreds of thousands of dinars in engagement, marriage expenses ( building the house, furnishing it ect ect ), alimony of divorce....? and since most of y'all are against traditions and old habits, i would like to know what y'all think. maybe i'm not seeing something.",,,,,,2020-06-22 13:56:45 hdt5n2,,1,"Under current conditions, the punishment imposed on prisoners goes beyond deprivation of liberty. Detainees’ minimum rights cannot be adequately guaranteed. PRISON REFORM IS AN URGENT MATTER.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-22 14:18:04 hdt5yw,,32,"Under current conditions, the punishment imposed on prisoners goes beyond deprivation of liberty. Detainees’ minimum rights cannot be adequately guaranteed. PRISON REFORM IS AN URGENT MATTER.",,,,,,,2020-06-22 14:18:32 hdui2x,,111,sidi bou Saïd seen from another angle,,,,,,,2020-06-22 15:33:11 hdvgk9,,1,.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-22 16:24:28 hdvhb2,,1,RELATABLE,,,,,,,2020-06-22 16:25:35 hdxk61,,9,"A TUNISIAN cop slap a TUNISIAN Citizen, because why not ?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-22 18:15:18 he0hph,,5,What do you think ? Chnowa Raykom ? [full link in comm],,,,,,,2020-06-22 20:47:56 he0jan,,0,3 gleichzeitig lösen - beim Jonglieren,,,,,,,2020-06-22 20:50:23 he3m17,,169,A postive post.,,,,,,,2020-06-22 23:45:15 he5smp,,3,Anyone else concerned about this?,,,,,,,2020-06-23 02:02:29 he64aw,,1,Elitist scum. Also a Trump supporter for some reason..,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-23 02:23:08 he7sa4,,5,Where do you live?,"I'm curious to see where people on this subreddit live. Also, let us know your life story! Where were you born? Where did you grow up? Can you speak Arabic or French? Also, if you choose other, please say which country [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-06-23 04:17:31 hear5q,,25,Made my day ( Tunisian disco 80),"Just found this on Apple Music and i found that it’s an old disco Tunisian band, I like the vibe ( very proud",,,,,,2020-06-23 08:21:44 hecstg,,2,The impact on the airline industry caused due to the restrictions imposed on the 2020 hajj pilgrimage!,,,,,,,2020-06-23 11:20:00 heetwc,,3,Help with politics,"What's up with macron and kais? Please brief explanation with no vids thnx",,,,,,2020-06-23 13:42:22 heezuq,,1,"I don't know how to explain it but the ""don't change this part"" seems funny to me",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-23 13:52:54 heftv9,,8,حكايات تعذيب المثليين/ات في السجون التونسية، مقال صدمني...,,,,,,,2020-06-23 14:42:29 heh1mq,,5,This is an Islamophobic subreddit (Read before judging),"Long time lurker and I guess it's time to give my honest opinion about this subreddit and why I concluded it to be a place for Islamophobia Now, many people have a problem with the term but we cannot deny that it exists and it's useless to argue about the term but here is what I mean exactly, a bigot and ignorant person who has nothing to do in life but to involve Islam in everything he sees, he saw a person pissing under a tree he blames it on Islam, he won't research about anything, he won't try to see if what he says is wrong or not and he doesn't say his words in a nice, respectful way and his mind is totally filled with hate against Muslims and Islam. And I saw that this subreddit is filled with this kind of people, a prime example is this : [\_postive\_post/]( This is something that happens again and again, a post about something that has nothing to do with religion until a person comments how much he hates Islam and I realize that I'm not the only person to complain about this but that's I posted this, to remind everyone about this problem but also as a message to these people You hate Islam and Muslims and anything that has to do with them ? fine but don't ruin every post with your nonsense, it's so annoying when you are having a good day and suddenly you see an ugly comment that ruins it all I thought this subreddit is for all Tunisians whether they are Muslim or not but I guess that's not the case, this is truly annoying not because I'm Muslim (shocking) but it's annoying even if I were a Christian or even an atheist and this is not something good especially for a young subreddit like this one, when you antagonize anyone you don't like But it would be nice if the owner of this subreddit makes it clear that this kind of hatred is not acceptable (it doesn't mean that you have to delete comments or posts, just say that we shouldn't hate each other for example) but i doubt it that it will happen since I saw some mods even agreeing to some of Islamophobic claims. Best wishes to everyone here and Adios.",,,,,,2020-06-23 15:49:24 hehxx2,,79,Souk Medina Arbi Tunis 🇹🇳❤️😍,,,,,,,2020-06-23 16:36:53 hekly7,,1,Have you ever been to Hergla?,,,,,,,2020-06-23 18:57:26 hektex,,1,Quête aumônière dans le souk des bijoutiers ( 1969 ) colorisé par moi.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-23 19:08:05 helf0s,,35,Quête aumônière dans le souk des bijoutiers ( 1969 ) colorisé par moi.,,,,,,,2020-06-23 19:39:11 henikd,,0,How many KARMOUS do u have ??,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-23 21:31:58 heo5w0,,12,Welcome to Sidi Bou Said (credits to LMA pictures),,,,,,,2020-06-23 22:06:20 heo8hn,,1,Tunisie : nouveaux heurts à Tataouine où les manifestants réclament des emplois,,,,,,,2020-06-23 22:10:07 heodqo,,35,Lost in the South East of Tunisia [toujane] (Credits to LMA pictures),,,,,,,2020-06-23 22:17:59 hepmre,,7,Do you want to move to the West?,"This is a question for Tunisians living in Tunisia. Do you want to move to Europe or the US? If so, why? Also, if you have an opinion on this comment!",,,,,,2020-06-23 23:26:11 hepsui,,3,Has Tunisia cancelled flights again?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-23 23:36:37 hex7gy,,119,Sousse-Sfax Taxi | 1922,,,,,,,2020-06-24 08:18:00 hexawn,,1,"Kaïs Saied, le Président tunisien à Paris : une visite hautement stratégique",,,,,,,2020-06-24 08:25:48 hf1gja,,6,Online psychological assistance in Tunisia,"Hello! I would like to ask you guys if there is any online psychological assistance that provides assistance in Tunisia that you would vouch for? A nonprofit or regular one. It is needed for a person with severe depression. Online talk or therapy is the only option. Thanks in advance for any recommendations.",,,,,,2020-06-24 13:57:20 hf3hcu,,1,"YouTube Between living in a country that imprisons individuals for their opinions, and conservatives want to stoning all those who disagreed with them and radical leftists deny all those who opposed them.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-24 15:54:49 hf3i3n,,0,"Between living in a country that imprisons individuals for their opinions, and conservatives want to stone all those who disagreed with them and radical leftists deny all those who opposed them.",,,,,,,2020-06-24 15:55:55 hf4r74,,1,"Watch ""Nefta Football Club"", 2020 Oscar Nominee for ""Best Live Action Short"", a short film about two Tunisian boys who find something along the Algerian border",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-24 17:01:44 hf75ik,,1,"News of the murder of Ezzedine bey, the crown prince whom France considered her friend.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-24 19:04:59 hf7990,,26,"News of the murder of the Crown Prince ""Ezzedine Bey"" -whom France considered an ally-. The new constitutional party decided to kill him and “Hedi Jridi” carried out the murder.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-24 19:10:15 hfef68,,3,Opinion of your president,"Hi. Libyan here, just wanted to know Tunisians opinion of your current president. Over here Saied, is seen in a positive light. Well behaved and mannered etc. I just watchef some of his videos, and he seems genuinely lost? He drones on and one, and seems to flip flop in his speeches, no different than Sisi? Just another Arab that likes speaking. What are his policies like? What endears him to the Tunisian voter base? p.s I don't care about LGBT, so don't make it a discussion, like the majority of the posts on this sub-reddit.",,,,,,2020-06-25 02:31:58 hfjfdw,,102,Kairouan | 1944 colorized by History Colorizer M.B,,,,,,,2020-06-25 09:55:53 hfjx7h,,8,"Anyone knows a good therapist in Sokra, Aouina, Lac, Marsa or Carthage ?","I really need a therapist and a good one. I went to the closest one to my home without questioning if he's competent enough and needless to say that i lost my money without any improvement in my mental health. My mistake was searching for the closest one instead of a good one so that's why now i'm asking you all for help Thanks in advance",,,,,,2020-06-25 10:40:58 hfk20v,,1,HALP PLIZ : Any good University/Faculty to learn Journalism/Audiovisual/Media in Tunis ? Feel like most of them are scams (especially in private sector). Also I need Friends.,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-25 10:53:17 hfk8on,,1,You guys know a good university for studying journalism/media/audiovisual ? Also I need friends.,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-25 11:09:39 hfmqic,,2,Getting paid when working remotely,"Dear freelancers and remote workers, What are your solutions to receive your money or salary? We're talking more than 1k dollars monthly, that you need most of it as cash. And what are the issues regarding tax payment?",,,,,,2020-06-25 14:09:47 hfnhfe,,1,to find an online friend,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-25 14:55:22 hfo3us,,14,PayPal: A debate,"If you live abroad and have access to PayPal please try to understand the struggle of Tunisian residents. I think that adding such service will benefit the country: - Many people can work as freelancers and won't stay jobless. - you can argue that this will hurt our currency, so to combat this problem we can limit unnecessary imports and taxe them evenly ( I know some people that pay bribes to avoid taxes) - we are far behind other countries that implemented PayPal ages ago. Morocco for example didn't suffer economically from this and it's having a steady growth. What do you think?",,,,,,2020-06-25 15:31:10 hfp86e,,1,When you're name is Monica but you're Tunisian,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-25 16:33:55 hfviim,,10,Tunisian interesting YouTube video/ Channel,"Bonsoir tout le monde, Il y’a beaucoup de chaîne/ concepts de vidéo YouTube tunisienne que je découvre récemment et le contenu est très intéressants mais ils génèrent pas beaucoup de vue. J’ai pensé qu’on pourra les aider et partager ici les vidéos. Merci tout le monde.",,,,,,2020-06-25 22:21:27 hg0658,,2,No.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-26 03:28:23 hg3z91,,181,Architecture of tozer ❤️😍,,,,,,,2020-06-26 08:46:22 hg5200,,18,Joint conference about corruption between el Karama and Qalb Tounes. Wasn't sure if I should flair this as politics or as humor..,,,,,,,2020-06-26 10:29:01 hg5a9n,,1,Ali ben Kemla (the man wearing the Jebba) opened the first Tunisian-owned theatre in Tunis | 1910-1930,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-26 10:49:52 hg5au2,,1,Ali ben Kemla (the man wearing the Jebba) opened the first Tunisian-owned theatre in Tunis | 1910-1930,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-26 10:51:17 hg5c9v,,27,An old “Louage” Taxi | 1934,,,,,,,2020-06-26 10:54:48 hg8w8g,,2,"Is it right to call them ""tunisians"" ?",,,,,,,2020-06-26 14:45:20 hga5q5,,3,Can I work in two companies at the same time?,As the title says. Is there a legal limit on the number of salaried jobs you can hold? Or is the limit only imposed by some contracts?,,,,,,2020-06-26 15:54:37 hgcyhp,,1,Best Internet offer for streaming in twitch?,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-26 18:22:30 hgdhco,,0,أنا حسبتها حمامة حرة وعلى يدي تتربى,,,,,,,2020-06-26 18:50:30 hgffqc,,18,TIL that Ben Ali and his brother were involved with a drug trafficking organization a.k.a the couscous connection,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-26 20:33:05 hgfl28,,1,"Please graciously delete if this is not allowed. Hello! I am hoping someone kind can help me!❤️ I am doing this project for my son, where people write this note on a piece of paper with their country at the bottom and take a photo of it in their country! Can anyone kindly do this for me? :)",,,,,,,2020-06-26 20:41:03 hghgac,,1,alternate history,"first of all what do you think of the tunisan flag and do you find it annoying that our flag looks too similar to the Turkish flag , and what about our country name tunisa how did one city named the whole country after , so in an alternate history what would our name would be and does anyone have some other flag designs thath might resemble the country?",,,,,,2020-06-26 22:21:54 hgk8au,,12,Tunisia is back to Call of Duty Mobile! I love to see my country represented in video games,,,,,,,2020-06-27 01:12:19 hglnya,,1,"This literally happened to me so many times.. you guys have to be proud of your own religion, ancestors and culture. Don’t try to copy us. It’s so cringe",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-27 02:48:38 hgm3av,,5,Netflix in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-27 03:17:42 hgqjlc,,9,Emmy Eats TUNISIA – tasting Tunisian treats,,,,,,,2020-06-27 09:28:32 hgv9np,,114,"My hometown, Where the desert meets the sea, Ben Gardán — Southern Tunisia",,,,,,,2020-06-27 15:15:34 hgvwrn,,12,Searching a tunisian redditor,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-27 15:52:00 hgwsp2,,0,Tunisia mall (lac 2)❤️😍,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-27 16:42:32 hgwst7,,5,Tunisia mall (lac 2)❤️😍,,,,,,,2020-06-27 16:42:41 hgwtfc,,10,"Amazigh, arabs and identity.","Hello, i have a couple of questions, and i hope that you guys give me answers empty of any kind of political ""agenda"" or bias. To whom do you relate more, amazighs or arabs, and how ? How can you describe the tunisian culture in general ? ( By culture i mean music, dialect, clothes, .. and to a certain extent history ) Who do you think was more impactful on this culture? Arabs or amazighs. And finally, do you think that the debate on the Tunisians identity, inside the arab/amazigh duality is something of real value ?",,,,,,2020-06-27 16:43:42 hh1o5g,,1,Telegram links,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-27 21:15:09 hh2r4f,,2,وعندنا برشا شباب مبدع في الـ gaming,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-27 22:15:27 hhdyxp,,34,Bulls**t Jobs in Tunisia. How to end them ?,"I realized my uncle (who's a lawyer) just opened HIS FIRST EMAIL ACCOUNT EVER at age I can send him some files...So I asked him how did you manage to survive all the paper work for so long ?? He replied : I don't. I have a secretary taking care of that. I barely know how to use a computer. Literally every task his secretary performs (he handles phone calls himself) could be automatized by cheap programs and a minimum of tech savyness (excel, words et al). It says a lot. A sh\*t tons of jobs in Tunisia (and developing) countries are completely useless, belong to the 20th century and could totally be replaced by a minimum of IT investment. Tunis Air is said to have three times more employees that she actually needs. Bureaucratic jobs where people just sit there and stare at their computers not performing any work whatsoever are blooming, making every process X times longer and difficult. Last time I met a ""financial analyst"" working for the Tunisian version of Leboncoin...they have 50 employees and they are useless (it's a user generated content app, and all the software is made in HQ in Spain). Financial Analyst ? What she needs to ""Analyze"" ? Sooo many jobs which can be already be replaced here... and Tunisia is not the only culprit. Every country in the world have jobs that can already be automated (all jobs in French administration and faculties) Don't you agree that the laziness of people from the ancient times is what preventing the world becoming faster, smoother and more connected ? Do you believe in Universal Income ? Don't you think that, with the level of education of Tunisians, it might be possible to establish a true functional society of leisure based on an economy of sharing, with only meaningful, productive and useful activity with a minimum of boring/difficult work ? Don't you believe we can implement this transition in this country right now ?",,,,,,2020-06-28 13:00:47 hhfvxt,,3,SubSaharians are thriving. Are Maghrebians lagging ?,"Considering the fantastic development of High-Tech Start-Up Hive countries like Kenya or Rwanda (thanks to very low Boomer % and a thriving young population), Do you think Black African Countries will soon outsmart White African Countries ?",,,,,,2020-06-28 15:03:47 hhg1bj,,5,Traineeship recommendation,"I'm a network and communication engineer student and i looking for a traineeship for this summer. can you recommend me names of companies? I don't look for the major ones like 3s and Sofrecom. I want a company were i can find a decent amount of experience in network... Like implementing new solution or securing companies network.",,,,,,2020-06-28 15:12:33 hhhd8m,,2,“The Arabs had killed all the Africans in Tunisia.”,,,,,,,2020-06-28 16:29:11 hhwu4e,,13,Genetic studies shows Tunisians are only 4% Arabs and Egyptians 18% !!," []( &#x200B; ""Le Maghreb et l’Afrique du Nord sont souvent désignés comme faisant partie du « monde arabe ». Pourtant, les résultats montrent que le génome arabe est minoritaire en Tunisie, qui a une population similaire au reste du Maghreb. Seulement 4% du génome des Tunisiens est arabe, contre 88% de génome d’Afrique du Nord. « *La composante arabe est arrivée en deux vagues: d’abord avec l’arrivée de l’agriculture venue du Moyen-Orient il y a 8 000 ans, puis lors de la conquête islamique au VIIe siècle*« , expliquent les chercheurs. L’Égypte, présentée comme étant le pays de la civilisation arabe, n’a que 17% de génome arabe, contre 68% de génome venu d’Afrique du Nord et 4% de la diaspora juive."" [\_1531924]( &#x200B; ""Average heterozygosity of the North African populations is high relative to our global samples, consistent with a complex demographic history. The Tunisian and Libyan samples form a discrete cluster in the global and regional views and can be separated from sub‐Sahara, Middle East, and Europe. Within Tunisia the Nebeur and Smar are outlier groups. Across North Africa, pervasive East‐West geographical patterns were not found. Known historical migrations and invasions did not displace or homogenize the genetic variation in the region but rather enriched it. Even a small region like Tunisia contains considerable genetic diversity. Future studies across North Africa have the potential to increase our understanding of the historical demographic factors influencing the region. Am J Phys Anthropol 161:62–71, 2016. © 2016 The Authors American Journal of Physical Anthropology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc."" []( &#x200B; ""During successive historical periods, Tunisia has been a crossroads of multiple civilizations and their corresponding key population movements. The aim of this study was to provide genetic information relating to the mixed origin of the Tunisian population, and to analyze its genetic relationship with other North African and Mediterranean populations. A set of 16 *Alu* and 3 *Alu*/STR compound systems has been analyzed in 268 autochthonous Tunisians from the north-center and the south of the country. Our two sampled populations showed no significant differentiation from one another in any of the three *Alu*/STR compound systems, whereas the analysis of the 16 *Alu* markers revealed a significant genetic differentiation between them. A sub-Saharan component shown by the three *Alu*/STR combinations is more noticeable in our north-center sample than in that of the south. The presence of two *Alu*/STR combinations specific to North African ancestral populations also suggests that the ancient Berber component is relatively more substantial in the north and center regions than in the south. Our Tunisian samples cluster together with other Berber samples from Morocco and Algeria, underpinning the genetic similarity among North Africans regardless of their current linguistic status (Berber or Arabic)"" "" The close genetic relationship of the two Arab-speaking populations with the Berber-speaking samples could be explained assuming a small number of Arabs coming from the Arabian Peninsula, as compared with that of the autochthonous Berbers, resulting in a weak Arab genetic influence in the current mixed North Africans. "" [](",,,,,,2020-06-29 09:32:43 hhyg4x,,8,"تطاوين: إتخذ من خزان مياه ""الصوناد"" مسبحا فعلق بداخله طيلة 3 أيام!",[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-29 11:51:33 hi1p7a,,5,Why is this sub controlled by an american mod ?,"I noticed the only active mod on this sub is an american living in Tunisia. Wtf ? he deletes and locks whatever content he wants, why the fuck is an american deciding what we should talk about and what we shouldnt ? This sub needs a tunisian mod.",,,,,,2020-06-29 15:16:47 hi2dl4,,2,Discord server for people from every country 🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-29 15:53:13 hi49y1,,3,who has already created an offshore company in Tunisia ?,"Hi, I need some information about the creation of an offshore company (consulting services)in tunisia. This link[The link]( provide some good information, but I'm looking for someone who already did it and if it's a good deal compared to other countries (Dubai , malta, estonia etc). Ps : I have a double nationality. thanks.",,,,,,2020-06-29 17:28:19 hi4azu,,3,How can we grow this sub ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-29 17:29:41 hi4s5w,,1,Naoki Urasawa's Monster ❤️,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-29 17:52:50 hi4so5,,62,Naoki Urasawa's Monster,,,,,,,2020-06-29 17:53:29 hi4z26,,15,Tunisia as a beacon of hope for other Arab countries?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-29 18:01:46 hi6c85,,1,Oh so THIS is why Tunisia doesn't fully support Western Sahara ? /s,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-29 19:07:06 hi73w6,,3,I run out of ideas,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-29 19:44:20 hi7pfs,,4,What can Tunisia and Tunisians do to help Lebanese fill their empty fridges and stop the famine? Do people in Tunisia even know how much Lebanon lacks?," []( []( [](",,,,,,2020-06-29 20:12:41 hida0u,,6,Tunisian lawyers of reddit,Am I allowed to film cops for my own documentation and safety? Is there a specific law or laws I can check on interactions with the Police? Many thanks!,,,,,,2020-06-30 01:16:51 hiezib,,13,The last working Tiger 131 was captured in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-06-30 03:03:53 hijnxp,,56,Tabarka ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-06-30 08:58:44 hiju09,,7,supporting our peers with good content,"this is a new page that will have some good content, and they need our support to reach more people, one of our own is trying to make a path for himself, it will only take a second of your time :p [\_ttmbCg1Eh8xIVplqqbPJV5rO7d8Zxvm99Iuwo](",,,,,,2020-06-30 09:12:25 hiniq6,,114,I'll take your entire stock,,,,,,,2020-06-30 13:38:51 hisbnu,,3,Studies have shown North Africans are pure native of African soil.,[removed],,,,,,2020-06-30 17:51:09 hitvdb,,0,ابتداء من أوت القادم ..وزير أملاك الدولة يعلن عن انطلاق استخراج الوثائق العقارية عن بعد,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-30 19:06:19 hiu5nl,,0,إيقاف مُمرض يقوم بتبريد الجعة في بيت الموتى بمستشفي عمومي بالعاصمة,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-30 19:20:09 hiu6bt,,0,رقصوا وغنوا فوق القبور.. حفل زفاف داخل مقبرة في تونس والنيابة تحقق!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-30 19:21:04 hiu8x1,,1,خبر وطني - مناوشات بين الأمن وعسكريين معزولين في محيط القصر الرئاسي,[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-30 19:24:33 hiua24,,1,''الستاغ'' تقطع التيار الكهربائي على اذاعة جوهرة ''أف أم'',[deleted],,,,,,2020-06-30 19:26:07 hiv39j,,3,Nightclubs in Hammemet,"Hello guys, hope you’re doing well, I’m traveling and discovering Tunisia and i’m in hammamet for some days, what are the most known bars and nightclubs here? Thank you",,,,,,2020-06-30 20:05:32 hixrb1,,1,can we give a pass for carl,,,,,,,2020-06-30 22:26:01 hj0bzq,,14,People that don't live in the big tunis (tounes elkobra) what are the things that you envy the big tunis's citizens for having.,"Look i don't mean to be jihawi. I just wanted to know, Please don't be offended we are all tunisians",,,,,,2020-07-01 01:02:13 hj56p1,é_about_old_european_sugar_mamas/,19,Is the cliché about old European Sugar Mamas looking for young Tunisian hunks true? Do you have any stories?,,,,,,,2020-07-01 06:46:01 hj7x1q,,10,"PhD unemployed graduates in front of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in protest to demand work opportunity , what do you think about it , and do you think there's any solutions besides just employing them as professors ?",,,,,,,2020-07-01 10:46:59 hj82t0,,1,تونس تحصلت على 40 سيارة من الإمارات والكويت في القمة العربية قيمة السيارة الواحدة 500 مليون أين ذهبت ؟ ومن يستغلها ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-01 11:00:35 hj8ihm,,18,The beauty in the details 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-07-01 11:34:44 hj8zpv,,68,I'm not here to self promote i just wanted to share that today I'm proud to Release my first full solo project as a producer. Beat Tape Vol.1-سباطة,,,,,,,2020-07-01 12:10:40 hj9n4o,,4,Fun tunisian community on discord," Hello everyone. We are a small Tunisian community, consisting of bunch of Tunisians and also non tunisians (north africans, Europeans, few amaricans..ect) speaking both English, Arabic and French. We usually do bunch of activities together like listening to music, amateur chess tournaments and podcasts, we have also channels for art, food, books, history and others for serious debates/discussions (hopefully as we grow in the future, we plan on doing more). And also Every Sunday night we watch a movie together. We are pretty much chill so feel free to join",,,,,,2020-07-01 12:56:05 hjbama,,1,"An oil painting by the American artist Benjamin West, featuring the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Tunisia and his companions in Britain in 1781. It is on display today at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, USA.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-01 14:30:59 hjbcii,,29,"An oil painting by the American artist Benjamin West, featuring the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Tunisia and his companions in Britain in 1781. It is on display today at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, USA.",,,,,,,2020-07-01 14:33:30 hjbdyi,,19,"Rare document of the Tunisian-American Diplomatic Treaty on August 28, 1797 It regulates the relationship between the two countries. It was ratified by Congress on January 10, 1800.",,,,,,,2020-07-01 14:35:39 hjd5v1,,1,"Have you ever heard of the Nazi soldiers who stayed in Tunisia after ww2? If so, what do you know about them?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-01 16:05:38 hjdu0r,,1,How can I leave Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-01 16:39:58 hjeugz,,84,Kasba Tunis 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-07-01 17:32:38 hjkd92,,1,Tunisian at Stanford,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-01 22:12:30 hjkk6s,,1,"Bechir Nabhani School of Remada, colorized by Mohamed Ikbel Sdiri",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-01 22:23:23 hjkldx,,19,"Bechir Nabhani School of Remada, colorized by Mohamed Ikbel Sdiri",,,,,,,2020-07-01 22:25:09 hjkppk,,2,tunisia,,,,,,,2020-07-01 22:31:23 hjld8j,,1,Epic,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-01 23:06:57 hjlf69,,1,Godspeed bro,,,,,,,2020-07-01 23:09:48 hjm3g2,,2,Any thoughts of a second master degree abroad ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-01 23:48:39 hjpd9d,,1,Why the UK FCO Had an Advisory Aganist Non Essential Travel Between 2015 and 2017,"Why did the UK FCO have an advisory against non essential travel to Tunisia after the 2015 resort attacks until 2017, when countries with similar or worse conditions during that time like Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, Algeria, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sudan, and Kenya had no such advisory overall during this period? What was different in Tunisia from the aforementioned countries that led to such a risk assessment?",,,,,,2020-07-02 03:19:28 hjukdn,,95,I woke up to this! Hahahahaha,,,,,,,2020-07-02 10:26:27 hjw2jf,,1,ياخي الي اللوطة موش حنان شڨراني؟,,,,,,,2020-07-02 12:26:09 hjwesl,,7,Who was the worst teacher that you ever had ? And what he/she did to you ?,"I have all my respect for the good teachers out there in Tunisia that support and treat their students fairly BUT I heard/seen/experienced so much bullshit from teachers in Tunisia before and after the revolution (especially in elementary school where children are most vulnerable) let's start from bad to worst : _ I had a teacher who picks his nose and dead ass throw the boogers at his students (he was also kinda insane like mumbling to himself) _ some of our elementary school teacher used to send kids to do various chores like buying her food in the MIDDLE of the session where she send kids cross the fucking streets and in the middle of the class she invites her friend for a feast where the time they spend eating supposed to be for learning (Btw we watch them eat while all of our stomachs grumble u know because we were kids) _ *my experience* I once did a stupid ""decorate a spoon project"" , my naive ass didn't want it to be ruined so I decided not to put it in my bag so I ended up forgetting it, so when I told the teacher she beat the shit out of me like punches and strong slaps (she had huge thick hands) for a fucking spoon , didn't tell my mom because I was stupid. _ *my cousin experience* in middle school, f class technique a teacher accused her of making noises with her pen (she wasn't, the friend behind her was) she denied, so he got mad w kharajha exclus , she picked her bag and slammed the door after her , she got expelled for 10 days ( at that time her mother was sick she got more sick thinking her daughter was a naughty girl) _ *in the media* the students from elementary to high school gets sexually harassed even r*ped by teachers but even with so many cases everytime l نقابة الاساتذة stands with the teacher so aggressively saying :《he/she is an old experienced person you should respect them , he/she can never do this , the kid is lying and blah blah》without even considering listen to the victims and giving them a chance so justice is never served _ discipline in Tunisia is not even slap on the wrist type, its I break your bones type , I've heard many MANY stories from close people where their classmates got their bones broken by a teacher _ f bac ki mata9rach aand prof étude eli i9ari fik f classe they will ruin your BAC with it your self esteem its happens even to this day not only before the revolution. I'm not trying say that all teachers are bad I've had supportive teachers who cares but the bad apples are so many and usually the dominant in the room they have the support from colleagues and the authority and in real life there's no رقابة ,the authorities don't do anything to correct the system ( bad teachers are part of this system , don't even get me started about the corrupt مديرين ) and when we wanna expose this system the boomers call us disrespectful and ungrateful everytime, in a country where they think of the little kids as nothing where in other countries children are the entite future of the country ( japan has sush thoughtful and careful system for the kids , I highly recommend checking documentaries about it) We need some serious change but how ?when the people in power don't listen.",,,,,,2020-07-02 12:49:59 hjwo3b,,2,Taking 200ug acid for the first time,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-02 13:06:57 hjykhl,,1,Brabi louled any ideas of doing a second master degree abroad ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-02 15:00:14 hk1ipk,,2,Top 15 Countries by Almond Production (tonnes) - From 1961 to 2018,,,,,,,2020-07-02 17:38:55 hk2pda,,0,Lgbttqqiaap discussion,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-02 18:40:53 hk4ggq,,7,Help with project,"Hello friends! I'm Brazilian, forgive me for grammatical errors. I'm using google translator. For three months I have been seeing a girl and I decided to formalize it. In practice, we are already a couple, we go to each other's houses, we know each other's parents...We're in love. But, I wanted to make it official in a romantic way. I would like to surprise her with her family present. I came to ask for your help on a project. The idea is to take a photo with a piece of paper written ""**Leilane, Paulo told us about your story and I think you should accept his request**"" and also write where you are from. Could you help me with this project? Thank you very much for reading so far, a big hug from Brazil! :)",,,,,,2020-07-02 20:13:10 hk73g3,,1,Let's brag about our democracy,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-02 22:35:14 hk7d1v,,89,🇹🇳❤️👌,,,,,,,2020-07-02 22:49:50 hk7qxt,,34,Life hack: How I outsmarted the police to renew my passport,"Hello everyone, Due to special circumstances, I have to renew my passport. However, this is not possible if it is still valid for longer than 6 months. BUT, if there are no pages left on the passport then you can renew it no matter what. So I abused a ""thaghra"" in the system: Whenever you buy foreign currency from a bank, they stamp a full page on your passport that the transaction happened. Therefore, I bought and sold back small amounts to the bank, resulting in a filled passport. And voilà, I succesfully used bureaucracy against bureaucracy :D Edit: Damaging the passport or claiming that you lost it will result in months of waiting time (up to a year), in addition to a 150dt fee. Edit: If you need the currency, no need to sell it back. And if you plan on reselling don't do everything in the same day, so that it doesn't look suspicious.",,,,,,2020-07-02 23:11:24 hkbqpt,,15,#Sahara #Tunisia #Desert ❤💙💚💛💜,,,,,,,2020-07-03 03:23:46 hkef8q,,1,YouTube,,,,,,,2020-07-03 06:56:39 hketuj,,5,"Freelancer and remote workers, do you pay taxes in Tunisia?","I'm looking to continue working with my employer on contract base after I return to Tunisia and I'm not sure what's the right way to do it. Do I need to have a company registered in Tunisia or I can do it as an individual? How much tax I need to pay and what type of contract I should have? Anyone did this before? Any insights will be helpful.",,,,,,2020-07-03 07:32:55 hkew9u,,28,"Roman geometric pavement from the palestra of the massive public baths at Sbeitla, Tunisia, 3rd century CE. While these colonnaded open-air courts would mostly be used for exercise, the ornate marble patterns would not fare well with weights, so this may function more as a social gathering area.",,,,,,,2020-07-03 07:39:09 hkfv8q,,51,Guermessa view by LMA pictures [OC] [1080x830],,,,,,,2020-07-03 09:12:41 hkg68k,,4,Tunisia ❤️,,,,,,,2020-07-03 09:40:42 hkgleo,,5,"The Dinar is a ponzi scheme and the general populace has been its ""renewable"" pyramid base since its inception","The only use for the dinar is to trap wealth within a closed system for the privileged unproductive few to extract. If the state wants to own my dinars, then not allowing me to seek other options only equates to putting me in indentured servitude. If da7da7 forcibly stripped you of all your money for non redeemable tickets, you'd call it robbery. The best thing this shithole can achieve the next 5 years is going bankrupt without setting itself on fire. fire is the next best thing.",,,,,,2020-07-03 10:18:19 hkho5m,,2,:),[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-03 11:48:40 hklrsp,,14,Looking for Tunisian fashion designer,"Hello, I am a person who kindly been inspired and lookin for Tunisian fashion designer to help me to achieve my goal. The clothes aren’t made in commercial way but only for me. I have 2 models, a redesigned kachabiya and silk shirt. I made the design, pattern and also find my material but looking for a person to make it real. Otherwise have a good day",,,,,,2020-07-03 16:08:58 hknudk,,1,مرحباً أصدقائي من تونس ، قمت بعمل فيديو حول تاريخ تونس كل عام من إمبراطورية قرطاج إلى تونس الحديثة التي لدينا اليوم.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-03 18:04:33 hks4qo,,0,The economic miracle solution for Tunisia,"Antinatalism is the solution, just stop breeding just stop!",,,,,,2020-07-03 22:16:28 hksb2y,,12,Aslema. Can anyone recommend a Tunisian tv show or something similar (maybe on YouTube) that has English subtitles?,"Hello, I’m looking for some sort of Tunisian media to watch to help to try and pick up the language. If anyone knows of a show with English subtitles please let me know. Even if there is a Tunisian series on YouTube without subtitles please tell me and I’ll try and pick it up! Chokran",,,,,,2020-07-03 22:27:27 hkykgp,,0,Remember when Tunisia wasnt overran by these Ennahda animals and had sophistication and class. My heart breaks for what is happening to our beautiful country. For all of you who support you Islamists you have betrayed our country,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-04 06:10:06 hl204n,,4,The four horsemen of Tunisian music (4 different styles) (personal opinion),,,,,,,2020-07-04 11:41:15 hl3970,,17,Are kisses and sex allowed in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-04 13:23:51 hl3x2k,,1,Question about german language visa.,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-04 14:11:15 hl5kw0,,10,I've always had the impression that r/Tunisia is 90% male . so i want to be sure,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-07-04 15:57:08 hl61yf,,8,Looking for employment in Tunisia,"Good evening everyone, I am a Jordanian-Palestinian Math teacher and I am looking for possible work opportunities in Tunisia. I graduated in 2018 from JUST university with a high GPA as a Mathematics major and then moved to the United States where I worked as a university teaching assistant (basically a university lecturer with lower pay) until May 2020. I am born a native Arabic speaker and I speak English at a near-native level. I am interested in knowing what my options are for teaching in Tunisia as a foreigner. Would schools be interested in hiring English-speaking Math teachers? Would learning French boost my chances of securing employment? How is the process like for getting a work permit? Is it difficult? Are there any teaching centers other than schools that I should be looking at? Also what are the best websites to look for jobs? I apologize for the long post and thank you very much for reading :)",,,,,,2020-07-04 16:25:35 hl9uxo,,0,My crush is older than me b 6 months is it a problem?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-07-04 20:14:11 hla4x1,,99,Marsa plage ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-07-04 20:31:21 hlaino,,1,"The Maghreb Empire is a place for Maghrebis (others are welcomed as well) to have conversations, debate and discuss various topics from politics, religion and history or anything you wish in a free manner. We are an open minded community with little to no rules.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-04 20:55:09 hlaowf,,13,/r/tunisia Moderator Applications: Want to help out this community? Come in!,"Hello! Following the last meta post, We announced we would be accepting applications for new moderators. We're a bit shorthanded right now, we we will be looking to add around 2 new moderators, maybe 3. What do you have to do as a mod ? Not much. This is what we're looking for : * A bit of experience on Reddit, so you know how it works here. Moderating experience isn't required but appreciated. * A firm interest in Tunisia. Moderating here should be a pleasure and not a chore, it's volunteer work after all. It doesn't mean you have to be tunisian, just that you're connected enough to it. * Free time. Take a look at the sub frequently, flair unflaired posts, check for any reports or rule breaking comments, etc. These bonus would be nice, but are in no way a requirement: * CSS knowledge. Reddit uses it to design subreddits (at least for the old reddit, i'm not too informed abotu the redesign) and for automoderator functions. * Using the r/tunisia chat. We used to have a moderator for the chat only but they have since gone inactive. So if you frequent the chat, you can help out there. * Any Suggestions of big changes in the subreddit and their implementation can get you a moderator seat. You can suggest those in the form I'm about to present you. So do you wanna apply to be a moderator here ? [You can do so through this link]( It takes a couple minutes to fill. If you have any question about being a moderator, or you want to recommend someone, feel free to post a comment below.",,,,,,2020-07-04 21:05:59 hlawvc,,0,You're invited to join our Maghreb server,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-04 21:18:50 hldthv,,8,What do you think about normalizing relations with Israel ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-07-05 00:37:03 hlenlr,,4,Travelling to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-05 01:42:05 hleyiv,,6,"What are the most used social apps in Tunisia aside from the usual suspects (FB, Messenger, Instagram yadda yadda yadda)...are there any Made in Tunisia social apps?",I was not surprised when I didn't find any but then I wondered if there were any under the radar worth checking out..thanks!,,,,,,2020-07-05 02:06:50 hlggpf,,1,Making a big tunisian flag,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-05 04:07:41 hljykh,,3,Any University of Tunis el Manar Graduates/Students around here ?,"Hi. I would like to apply for a new Master and would love to have a chat about the different programme proposed... Many thanks !",,,,,,2020-07-05 09:38:43 hlk4y3,,2,Maamoura full moon view,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-05 09:56:19 hllrrb,,7,Vote For An amazigh flag emoji,,,,,,,2020-07-05 12:22:54 hlmpf9,,5,What do you identify as?,"I've been having a discussion with a few of my colleagues on where Tunisian place themselves in the grand scope of MENA and to whom the feel closest, particularly in relation to their ""identity"". Even if this sub is a small sample pool why do you ""identify"" as? [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-07-05 13:32:40 hlo1j6,,1,cannabis in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-05 15:04:05 hlqu45,,47,"A punic terracotta mask from Carthage, used to ward off evil spirits. 6th century BC, now on display at the National Museum of Bardo in Tunis [1066x1600]",,,,,,,2020-07-05 17:51:02 hlwqvg,,23,Tunisian from Bizerte dna results,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-05 23:36:02 hm2dnq,,55,NoRth AfRiCaN MuSic SucKs,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-06 06:22:55 hm3vc1,,45,Sidi bou Saïd ❤️😍,,,,,,,2020-07-06 08:33:08 hm3xex,,73,"Cap Zbib in Bizerte, Tunisia",,,,,,,2020-07-06 08:38:21 hm4txl,,37,Tunisian political compass,,,,,,,2020-07-06 09:58:13 hm53fo,,7,Any canine clubs in Tunis?,"Hello, I'd like to know if there are any canine clubs or associations in the grand Tunis. My good boi is feeling a bit lonely since he doesn't have any play mates and I am looking for fellow dog lovers to spend some time together whether to make some training sessions or simply taking them for a walk. Any recommendations?",,,,,,2020-07-06 10:20:46 hm6389,,0,This post is For people who define themselves as Amazigh and also for people who define themselves as arab,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-06 11:40:52 hm68j5,,1,"I can say a million words about her, but I rather admiring instead. [picture from @emelmathlouthi’s Instagram]",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-06 11:52:37 hm68mk,,18,"I can say a million words about her, but I rather admiring instead. [picture from @emelmathlouthi’s Instagram]",,,,,,,2020-07-06 11:52:49 hm69dt,,12,"Hey, i'm a wannabe Tunisian actor, do you guys know any Theatre clubs? (Preferably f centre ville)",,,,,,,2020-07-06 11:54:32 hmcmtd,,90,The metro xD,,,,,,,2020-07-06 18:00:31 hmirk4,,5,Is Tunis safe/welcoming for dogs?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-06 23:07:43 hmqelj,,5,Any A.L.A fans here?,"Recently started getting into Tunisian rap? Very good stuff, wondering how are the concerts and scene there.",,,,,,2020-07-07 08:04:56 hmqre8,,100,Poor mauritania,,,,,,,2020-07-07 08:35:59 hms65p,,8,Behold ! The almighty Cap d'or,,,,,,,2020-07-07 10:38:41 hmsr2z,,1,Shipping to tunisia from ebay?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-07 11:24:47 hmst28,,0,Hosting Uyghurs in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-07 11:29:02 hmtx5q,,26,your opinion?,,,,,,,2020-07-07 12:48:51 hmucn4,,23,Kairouan between 1880 and 1924 ❤️,,,,,,,2020-07-07 13:16:41 hmvxzq,,3,(Job) graphic designer,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-07 14:50:31 hmwtsn,,12,ساحة المظلات، مدنين,,,,,,,2020-07-07 15:37:33 hmzi7k,,78,"Tunisian worker posing in front of a German heavy anti-aircraft gun, 1942/43 ( colorized by me. )",,,,,,,2020-07-07 17:56:55 hn0q2z,,4,"Any troubles could be faced while presenting work permit ""stickers"" in airport security check ?","Hi everyone, I live in germany and I received my blue card (work permit) as 2 ""stickers"" pasted in my passport instead of physical card due to corona situation. As I don't have a physical blue card, will I face troubles in tunisian airport security check before heading to Germany ? Will they consider the stickers in the passport ?",,,,,,2020-07-07 18:59:33 hn2t65,,1,Tunisian Pottery Girls,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-07 20:50:18 hn9lxe,,2,Liberté - Soolking cover,,,,,,,2020-07-08 03:30:02 hncnmc,,69,STFU and eat me,,,,,,,2020-07-08 07:26:30 hndfuw,,1,Chat mami - Ben Atta,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-08 08:38:42 hne5hj,,1,Fish in the market,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-08 09:43:49 hney91,,31,El Marsa,,,,,,,2020-07-08 10:53:57 hnff17,,1,I’m writing a book about dating and relationships during the pandemic and I need your help!,"Hey guys, so I’m taking this opportunity while we are self isolating to write a book and I need your help! It’s about dating and relationships during COVID-19 and want as many different perspectives as possible. Would love to know a bit more about dating/relationships in Tunisia and how Coronavirus has affected this. Need a little about your dating life before corona, a little bit about your dating life now, what you’ve learned, and what changes (if any) you think you’ll make after this is all over. Want it to be a really comprehensive book with loads of different perspectives from people who are single/dating/in different types of relationships and all genders/sexual orientations. It’s completely anonymous so if you wanna get involved or are interested, please message me with an age, gender, and location (town or city). If you know anyone else who isn’t on here who would also be interested please also let them know!! I wanna try to speak to people from all over the world thank you all in advance xxx",,,,,,2020-07-08 11:31:53 hnfibg,,29,Defending tunisia,"Am I the only one who talks about how bad tunisia is with my homies But when you're talking with outsiders you just defend it and make it seem like the best country ? Dunno but happens a lot to me",,,,,,2020-07-08 11:38:53 hnji5j,,1,"Karta tn for ios update ( music, new emoji, full chat at the lobby) unfortunately android users have to wait google still processing the update.",,,,,,,2020-07-08 15:51:50 hnjw8w,,1,The solution to the stupid toll gate in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-08 16:12:47 hnk8qe,,56,"Raspberry Pi (25$), cheapest personal computer in the world costs 200 $ in Tunisia","These outrageous taxes impeaches Tunisia becoming a Tech Hub, which is one of the most promising path for this low natural resource country. Soo many CS students who can't afford a decent PC nowadays. Ministry of Finance is ducking us up.",,,,,,2020-07-08 16:31:08 hnp7i0,,22,About the Hor Cujet Situation,"Recently lots of allegations and screenshots are circulating on Facebook and Twitter that he is a rapist, a pedophile and a sexual assaulter. Can u please comment these screenshots if you have them and write their source and their translation in English? Thank you. I am not attacking him nor asking you to attack him nor support those who do. I am simply trying to investigate the story with few people.",,,,,,2020-07-08 20:46:50 hnpdyk,,30,"The Cave of Ain al-Dahab, Siliana ❤️😍 #Tunisia 🇹🇳",,,,,,,2020-07-08 20:56:28 hns413,,2,DO YOU THINK THAT STARLINK WILL BE AVAILABLE IN TUNISIA,,,,,,,2020-07-08 23:29:34 hnu19g,,7,Who's she ??,,,,,,,2020-07-09 01:31:55 hnufzd,,1,What's Smeed? Why All the Memes?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-09 01:58:39 hnwz4t,,1,How do I start a single-member limited liability company (SUARL) in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-09 04:51:06 hnz63s,,1,"Anyone else transformed from ""eww gross"" to ""I'm prepared to commit a robbery for a plate of couscsi bel 3osben""? meema's was the best",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-09 08:00:09 ho5hjq,,14,"please sign this petition, he's a danger to society, allegations came out in 2017 but everone just didn't believe them and now, the victims are speaking up and this is NOT OKAY",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-09 15:51:40 ho5zsk,,2,There exist a way to do an online gift to a tunisian person and using PayPal?,"Hi, i want to make a gift to a person living in Tunisia while I live in Europe but in every site I go the payment method is through credit card, now I never used and will never use directly credit card for online shopping since there exists Paypal, so I'm asking theres no online tunisian shop who accepts PayPal or maybe a way to convert money from PayPal to a voucher? Thanks in advice for ur help.",,,,,,2020-07-09 16:19:45 ho6zo0,,9,Buy a book online in Tunisia,"Hello! I am wondering is there any online library with a wide offer and quick delivery that you can vouch for?",,,,,,2020-07-09 17:12:55 ho85dn,,1,Anyone figure out what robocop is on about?,,,,,,,2020-07-09 18:15:02 hoagpz,,65,Exactly,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-09 20:17:53 hoe5x8,,8,"I am a web developer who wants to do business in tunisia. I speak Egyptian Arabic, French, Spanish, English and Italian, what would be the best language do do business with most businesses in Tunisia ?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-07-09 23:44:07 hop5p7,,2,Is a covid test required to enter or leave the country by plane?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-10 13:42:57 hop8o0,,1,Girlfrend,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-10 13:48:17 hoq6pj,,0,Huhu tunisian memes,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-10 14:45:41 hoqsxw,,1,Sahara Tunisie ❤️🇹🇳😍,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-10 15:20:11 horo6o,,2,"Rushan Abbas’s plea to the Islamic countries, OIC and Muslim Ummah",,,,,,,2020-07-10 16:07:56 hoske4,,76,Funny meme goes haha,,,,,,,2020-07-10 16:57:05 hoszab,,0,Heritage equality,"Hello, This is gonna be a short one So let me say something. According to Islam woman and men can't get the same heritage. But!!!!! According to Islam all of the man's money belongs to his wife . And all of the wife's money is still her money. By islamic standards a man is required to spend on his wife. He has to buy her stuff. She can use his car but he can't use her's without consent. So, men nowadays don't follow these rules. They are cheap selfish bastards . They don't wanna spend a single penny on their wife. So if that's the case, then heritage equality is the only solution. Either you follow all of the islamic rules Or you just don't . You can't wine about gender equality while you're a cheap filthy man . There is a video by an imam who explained this btw I'll link it when I find it . Opinions please",,,,,,2020-07-10 17:19:16 houo1v,,1,Are north Africans Amazighs ? scientists say no !,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-10 18:48:10 hovae3,,1,Project of Aghlabid healthcare city in Kairouan announced by the president. Do you think they can get it done before 2100 ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-10 19:20:53 howq4u,,27,و يوفى الكلام,,,,,,,2020-07-10 20:39:10 hoxtpq,,2,Interesting Post,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-10 21:40:48 hoylmy,,3,Three days solo in Djerba,"Hello &#x200B; I will be in Djerba next week for 3 days solo in houmet souk. Do you have any suggestions for best things to do and best place to go ?",,,,,,2020-07-10 22:25:31 hoz2a2,,3,Question,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-10 22:53:25 hozcn3,,11,Lgbtq+ in tunisia,"So, I am a muslim, I do not agree with lgbtq people. But I respect them as humans. I disagree with they're way of thinking and I have my own opinions on the matter but, were all different and it is my duty to respect them. If a guy turns into female, I still think he is still biologically a guy but I will respect him for the person he chooses to be, I'm not God to punish people or kill them without his guidance. I feel like that concept is wrong ( my personal opinion doesn't apply) but I respect them",,,,,,2020-07-10 23:10:56 hp5frs,,1,Continuing my photography trial. This is Beni Mtir's barrage near Ain Draham. Made by LMA pictures [OC] [1080x805],[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-11 06:37:01 hp5g7p,,59,Continuing my photography trials. This is Beni Mtir's barrage near Ain Draham. Made by LMA pictures [OC] [1080x805],,,,,,,2020-07-11 06:38:07 hp6awp,,7,Question retourner vivre en Tunisie ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-11 07:58:43 hp84or,,80,"Seen on Facebook, Sfax-Gabès highway",,,,,,,2020-07-11 10:56:37 hpax5j,,1,"Islam is the Truth and the Perfect Religion, but only for people living in the harsh and unforgiving environment of the Arabian Desert in Medieval Times ?","Imagine you live in a Small Island. In this Island, there are Toxic Mushrooms. They are beautiful, smell wonderful, and tastes heavenly. They are also very nutritious and grow everywhere. You can just pick one, eat it and be full for the day. But they are Toxic. If you eat a certain amount over a certain period, very quickly , you'll get sick. You will loose your hair, loose your strength, and die as a repulsive, crippled old man before you turn 30. You always knew that of course. Your father, your grand father, your teachers, the King of the Island, everyone always told you : never eat those toxic Mushrooms ! They are the devil's gift ! They showed you many times the poor fools who got hungry, ate them in secret and turned into brainless zombies. You saw the baby goat of your father's herd who died a horrible death because of those toxic mushrooms. You KNOW, you are certain, you are absolutely convinced that those mushrooms are lethal, and that you must never eat them ! You love your family and your people. You don't want them to die or suffer. You want them to live a long and happy life. So you make rules for the ones who don't know about these mushrooms and never saw the horrible things that happens to those who eats them. But your little brother goes like : Those Mushrooms look sooo tasty bro. If I just have a bite, it won't kill me rig... NO ! CERTAINLY NOT ! THOSE MUSHROOMS ARE SUPER ADDICTIVE ! IF YOU TAKE A BITE YOU'LL NEVER STOP ! AND YOU'LL KEEP EATING THEM UNTIL YOU DIE ! You love your little brother. But he is not aware of the danger as he doesn't understand anything about hygiene and food poisoning. And you don't have time to teach him patiently. You are too busy and you have too many siblings younger than you. So you threaten to cut off his hand if you ever learn that he touched a Mushroom. And that if he puts a Mushroom in his mouth, he will rot in hell for all eternity. You even forbid him to talk about eating Mushrooms, because you don't want him to influence his younger brothers. It's for his own good. Eventually, your little brother moves out in a Big Island for studies. And he realizes that everyone here eats Toxic Mushrooms. They just pick them up and eat them in front of his face. He feels that something is really wrong here. So he starts telling everyone : are you insane ? If you keep eating those Mushrooms you will rot in hell ! Everyone from Big Island calls him an idiot and a savage. Who is this foreigner who doesn't even speak our language correctly and wears funny clothes ? Where did he find the audacity to tell us what to do ? Turns out Toxic Mushrooms are a very important part of the Culture of Big Islanders. They always eat them for lunch. Actually, Toxic Mushrooms allowed them to create powerful Machines and conquer the World, because they never starved and could spend more time inventing stuff than focusing on food. Also : THE MUSHROOM HAVE NEVER BEEN TOXIC ! But the soil of Little Island turned them poisonous...because the soil and the climate is not good for them and made them sick. The Mushrooms originally came from Big Island where the Environment is perfect for their growth ! But your brother doesn't understand that, because nobody is willing to teach something to someone they do not respect. Also the people in power do not need their people to understand things. They want passive obedient workers and consumers who make machines and buy the stuff the machines produce. Your brother feels lonely and struggles to make friends. He also starts getting crazy ideas. He's getting jealous of these arrogant pricks who feels superior to Little Islanders. He wants to live in a big house like them, and sleeps with their women who laughs at him and look at him like garbage. He gets depressed. Takes drugs. Sees prostitutes. Plays with his parents' money. He knows it's wrong but at least he is not eating Mushrooms so he's still going to Heaven. He fails his studies, becomes a criminal get caught by the police then released but doesn't want to go back to Little Island, because Little Island is shit anyway run by people who are shit, and you are shit because you abandoned him because you don't know anything, and couldn't teach him how the world actually works and he makes more money than you from the drugs he sells, and he even forgot his language but still not a real Big Islander because he hates them, he hates everyone including himself, nobody loves him and he loves nobody, the world is pure garbage and he hopes he will die quickly and go to heaven because he never ate Mushrooms and never will, so deep inside, he knows he's still had done the RIGHT THING. &#x200B; &#x200B; You should have been more patient with your little brother. &#x200B; EDIT FROM COMMENT : The whole point of the post since some didn't get it : In societies where resources are abundant, people become liberal. In societies where resources are scarce, people become conservative. Technology can make resources more abundant. In a decade, people living in extreme conditions can start living in palaces (Dubai). Problem : culture takes time to adjust to new stages of resources availability. So you have something called a ""clash of civilization"". Toxic Mushrooms are pork. Porks are dangerous in arid environments because they destroy the fragile eco-systems of Oasis. So they were banned and cursed in the middle-east a long time ago. But Pork is a blessing elsewhere, and necessary for survival (China, South America...) That was the first part of the post. In second part, I raise the case of Kassos, French Maghrebians stuck in the dogmatism of their parents and grand-parents, isolated by the ""Français de Souche"" in cultural ghettos and used as cheap labour, who sometimes fall in an endless pit of depression, crime etc.",,,,,,2020-07-11 14:30:58 hpf367,,4,Is Western LGBTQ+ community responsible for increased homophobia in the Muslim World ?,"I feel some gay activist are more looking for attention that actually trying to help people struggling with their sexuality in traditional societies. I think people representing the LGBT community who dress and act provocatively are causing tremendous harm, by giving the wrong image of lgbt to people who are not ready for it. Here are a few elements to explain the whole issue here : There is actually no such thing as ""gay"", ""lesbian"", or ""trans"" people, from a pure scientific standpoint at least. These are extremely new identity concepts which emerged in 19th century, when scientists tried to classify people into clearly distinctive categories. Gay identity came later, when everyone started being more ""individualistic"", meaning creating an identity on their own, rather than identifying oneself exclusively with the identity imposed by their community. People started acting and building their identity based on their ""feelings"" first, rather than the beliefs received by their peers. Aggressive and cringy gay activism can be justified in extremely repressive environment where people are excluded, discriminated, bullied or even killed for their choices of partner, ergo SOME of them will naturally regroup into political factions to valorize their rights as individuals. Please note that the vast majority of ""LGBT"" people are not part of the LGBT ""community"" and just want to live a peaceful, modest life, respected and accepted by others, without any special rights or status. Even if I support LGBT activists, I do not support their methods, ideology nor beliefs. Why ? Because most people today, straight or gay, have a perception of sex, relationships, intimacy and love that is simply wrong and outdated. Same-sex relationships have always been there, even among animals. Primates, birds, most mammals have occasionally same-sex relationships. Sex is not only sought by living beings for reproduction, but also for ""shared pleasure"", especially among extremely social creatures like humans which, in primitive communities, still use sex as a mean to prevent conflicts or create long-lasting bonds. We could say it's the Ooga-Booga way of sharing a cup of tea. ([]( Sex is fun, but also very dangerous. Because it makes babies. And depending on climate, environment, and resources, people don't necessarily have the mean to allow new comers in their community, which affects their perception of Life and Death. In some Amerindian and Polynesian tribes, people had a very liberal outlook of Life and Death. Tahitian thought death was just a changing of state, that nothing really dies, just changes. They believed in primitive human beliefs of reincarnation : when you die you become a spirit of nature, you flow in trees, rivers, rocks, animals, the Heavens, etc. There is no Hell or eternal punishment. Thus they had a very positive outlook of life and were not afraid of death. Also, they lived in a state of ABUNDANCE . They could find everything they needed in Nature. Everyday. And acquire food, medicine, construction materials for shelter with minimum physical labour. They did not have to think or make plans for the future, because they had complete faith of what nature could offer them. No four seasons, drought, or inundations. They also lived in EQUALITY. There were no social classes or discrimination. All resources were shared equally between different members. They lived in relative isolation from other human groups and always knew each other. The size of the tribe was around 50-300 people. So loneliness and boredom was rarely a thing. SEX was shared the same way as food : equally, without restraint. If you like someone and she likes you, she will simply tie her hammock next to yours and that's it for marriage. If some day she doesn't like you any more because you've been a jerk, she will simply untie her hammock and that's it for divorce. You may go back together one day, or maybe not. It doesn't matter. Being single or taken doesn't change ANYTHING to your situation. You will always belong to your clan and you will always feel useful and loved. You made children ? That's great. You'll never have children ? That's great too ! You hunted down three boars and catched 20 fishes today ? That's cool fam thank you. You never catched anything in your life ? It's all right brother, we love you no matter what, besides you are a great story teller. Now let's look at another Tribe : the Beni Quraysh living in the small Bedouin settlements around the sacred site of Mecca. People are surrounded by Desert, an Ocean of Sand, where they can't get any food. People survive by trading goods from Yemen to Oasis, to the powerful Empires surrounding them : the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanian Empire, fighting each other. Survival is very hard. You have to be careful of each of your actions, of what you eat, of what you drink, and you need to make a lot of calculation about who is your enemy, who is your friend, what action will get me food and a shelter, etc... **The more resources are scarce and hard to get, the more the culture, religions and beliefs are hard on people**. Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) all came from the people living in the same environment : nomads raising cattle and making trade in an extremely dangerous world. In this kind of world, two things are rigorously controlled in order to ensure survival of the group : food and sex. You can't eat pork (pork is dangerous in arid climate because they need a lot of water thus destroys the fragile eco-systems of Oasis), can't drink alcohol (it causes dehydration), can't have sex with anyone you want (if you don't have enough resources you can't afford raising a child.) It's more complicated than that, but you get it. Now after 100 000 years of hard work, we can say we live in the first global society of abundance in history. We produce more food than we need. It's very rare to starve to death nowadays... and if we do it's because the distribution of resources have been unequally distributed. We can say we are starting to live a life closer to the Polynesians tribes in Pacific Ocean...but our culture and beliefs are still the one's from people who lived a life of restrictions. Now back to sex and LGBT : Sex is a very intimate way to express your love and appreciation for another individual, and create powerful bond with him. Human sexuality is also very fluid and can change over a lifetime. There are no such thing as strict ""gay"" or ""straight"" people. This is utter bullshit. To some degree, everyone can feel attracted to people from the same gender, depending on circumstances. Many men who made history had sexual relationships with dudes. Julius Caesar had many boyfriends while having several wives and concubines. Bro sex was very common in all times and places. The Spartian, the Athenians, The Minoans, the Persian, the Aztecs, even the Muslim Ottomans. Falling in love with same gender was not considered wrong back then...however getting sodomized was frown upon if you were a Man. If you are the sodomizer, then you cool, but if you let yourself getting sodomized then you are being passive, and being passive for a man is extremely wrong in hard societies who rely on strong warriors etc. passivity in sex being reserved to women. (Most Bro Sex was mutual masturbation and hugging). We might then say that the hate of men who enjoy getting sodomized stems from strict gender roles in hard societies. This is why Misogyny and Homophobia are generally strongly related. Some people are afraid that the increasing visibility of LGBT might harm society and push youth toward an irresponsible lifestyle (getting AIDS, taking drugs, or becoming prostitutes), and if you see how repulsive SOME gay activists look like in Gay Prides, you might develop this sentiment. But actually it's impossible to ""influence"" sexual orientation. It's like people who hate chocolate and prefer vanilla. Personal tastes do not have to be justified in a modern society and you should not be judged for your preferences.",,,,,,2020-07-11 18:33:29 hphrgd,,2,Abonnez vous,,,,,,,2020-07-11 21:06:55 hphs17,,1,Vacances en HAMMAMET,,,,,,,2020-07-11 21:07:50 hpiug8,,1,Béja Tunisie ❤️🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-11 22:10:37 hpsdy1,,6,"هل اتفاق ليبيا وتركيا على ترسيم الحدود البحرية ثغرة قانونية يمكن لتونس استغلالها للمطالبة بكامل ""الجرف القاري""؟",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-12 10:36:45 hptq4z,,13,[REPOST] Three days solo in Djerba,"Hello guys So I will be more specific this time maybe I get some answers :) I will be in Djerba for the first time in a beautiful guest's house in Houmt el Souk. I'm really confused about what I can do there beside going to the beach. So here is a list of questions about todo things in Djerba (will update the post with your responses) &#x200B; * Best beaches in Djerba >Sidi Yati - Seguia - Yati 2 - El Hachen &#x200B; * Best places to eat local food (neighborhoods or restaurants) >Neighberhoods : Midoun - Houmet Souk old town > >Restaurants : Saad el melah {fast food} - Le baron {fast food} (Houmet Souk) - Le petit marin {sea food} (sidi jmour) &#x200B; * Best neighborhoods for coffees and chicha by night >Port of Houmet Souk - Turquoise (Houmet souk) - Found9? &#x200B; * Best places for a random walk >Hara el Kbira (Jewish city Houmet soouk) - DjerbaHood (Ghribaa) &#x200B; * Must visit attractions and local shops >Local shops : Midoun market - Houmt el Souk market - Spices shop Al Mandra > >Attractions : Jerba explore park (crocodiles park) - Pirates trip to Flamengo island - BAH BAH - Aqua park.",,,,,,2020-07-12 12:36:14 hpxcrb,,4,Where can I find the list of countries allowed in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-12 16:37:50 hpxgcn,,62,Sfax ---> Kerkanah,,,,,,,2020-07-12 16:43:38 hpyh24,,6,Who rode this in Dah Dah - How was the experience?,,,,,,,2020-07-12 17:42:57 hpzl73,,1,Sfax ---> Kerkanah (2),[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-12 18:45:51 hpzoco,,1,Béja Tunisie ❤️🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-12 18:50:37 hq1gu8,,1,Comment améliorer les institutions des États africains ?,,,,,,,2020-07-12 20:32:18 hq2ego,,19,"The capitals of empires,kingdoms, republics and states that controlled Tunisia in the last 3000 years.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-12 21:25:25 hq2i5r,,32,A Normal Day in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-07-12 21:31:34 hq57gw,/r/arabs/comments/hq4iec/serious_do_you_think_algeria_or_tunisia_has/,5,[Serious] Do you think Algeria or Tunisia has better Tech & Freedom for a Missile Defense System Developer & Think Tank Researcher ?,,,,,,,2020-07-13 00:18:59 hq5jjg,,1,I don't belong here,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-13 00:41:28 hq5o3p,,7,What type of doctor should I go to?,"first of all i gotta say that i'm being serious here.I'm a guy who's having skin irritations around the area of the butt crack (sorry for being graphic), ignored it for months now thinking that it'll go away with time, spoiler alert it didn't idk what kind of doctor should I go to, a skin specialist, a normal doctor, or even the hospital.",,,,,,2020-07-13 00:49:51 hq8fxc,,1,Church + Flag + Sunset,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-13 04:03:39 hqal29,,66,Abandoned Church - Carthage,,,,,,,2020-07-13 06:57:50 hqd3lb,,3,Looking for a good coffee/restaurant place in tunis,"Hello redditors, long time no see, this time I need your help. As the title said, I don't know the city, so Im looking for a nice place to have a date, pref not crowded,cozy, with good coffee, food and prices. And some places for fun activities maybe. Much appreciated.",,,,,,2020-07-13 10:46:37 hqeixw,,1,Ibn khaldoun - Avenue Habib Bourguiba,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-13 12:39:19 hqgwn7,,8,Carthage Amphether,,,,,,,2020-07-13 15:07:31 hqhc4w,,10,Good psychiatrist in Tunis,"Hi, I am looking for a good psychiatrist in Tunis that can help with severe depression (for a friend). Probably he will prescribe rosal 20 but still needs helps. Also he cant afford many sessions due to money issues. ty",,,,,,2020-07-13 15:30:57 hqi1b6,,101,Mounir Lazzez will be the first Tunisian MMA fighter to compete in the UFC fighting July 16 fight island Abu Dhabi.,,,,,,,2020-07-13 16:07:49 hqie0i,,6,Best month to visit Tunisia,"I’ve been to Tunisia before, I’m not sure if it was 2015 or 2016. But when I was there it was Republic Day/week AND Ramadan so everything was closed even pharmacies. I was looking forward to visiting Carthage. I’m thinking of going back after the pandemic is over. When’s the best month to visit Tunisia?",,,,,,2020-07-13 16:25:20 hqlqmz,الأخبار_أخبار-تونس_الأخبار-الوطنية/255546/رئيس-الحكومة-يقرر-إجراء-تحوير-في-تركيبة-حكومته,4,Best thing to happen in the last 10 years: ennahdha forced out of the government!,,,,,,,2020-07-13 19:16:24 hqmxn6,,1,Switzerland student visa processing time for Tunisians?(zurich),"Hello! For those of you who applied for a student visa for Switzerland, how long did you wait? Please specify the canton, apparently processing times very depending on that",,,,,,2020-07-13 20:20:22 hqnqsf,,15,"Kef Ghrab, Tunisia",,,,,,,2020-07-13 21:03:11 hqpk9n,,8,Talk about Tunisian culture on a Podcast?,"Hello! I am one of the hosts of [The Lost Geographer Podcast](, part of [The Lost Geographer](, a platform to promote geographic and cultural literacy. On my podcast, I get people from different countries to talk about their home country to give authentic perspectives. I'm looking to cover Tunisia and talk about its culture! If you're interested in being on and would like more information, please go [here]( Make sure to check the eligibility criteria first before applying. Thanks!",,,,,,2020-07-13 22:42:13 hqs3as,,1,Moving from London to Tunis (Any advice appreciated!),[removed],,,,,,2020-07-14 01:18:04 hqs5ag,,1,Moving from London to Tunis (Any advice appreciated!),[removed],,,,,,2020-07-14 01:21:28 hqs5dl,,11,Tunisian Culture,,,,,,,2020-07-14 01:21:37 hqsbhp,,1,Moving from London to Tunis (Any advice appreciated!),[removed],,,,,,2020-07-14 01:32:35 hqtpqf,,5,How to take ''na9l jeme3i/na9l rifi''?,I'm tunisisan. So what to say and what to do. I'm used to regular taxis and shit but i do not know how to take these and i find it embarassing to ask my friends/family about it lol,,,,,,2020-07-14 03:06:41 hqvl71,,4,"How to take ""taxi bou blassa""?","I'm going to hammamet today with a bunch of friends, someone in my family told me that it's better than a regular taxi (lower price). But didn't tell me how it worked, and can't ask him right now. Pretty sure none of my friends know how to take one, so it'd be good to be prepared.",,,,,,2020-07-14 05:22:19 hqx6cq,,115,It has been a while but they’re inevitable,,,,,,,2020-07-14 07:35:22 hqzwz8,,27,"Djerba by night, taken by me",,,,,,,2020-07-14 11:39:31 hqzyyr,,1,test post,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-14 11:43:52 hr00qr,,38,Throwback to when Tunisia successfully defended itself in a 1vs3 against 3 powerful crusader kingdoms without even fighting thanks to disease ravaging enemy camps.,,,,,,,2020-07-14 11:47:45 hr4pfr,,4,"Welcome to our Discord Server: ""Tunisian Dudes""","[]( Join our discord server ""Tunisian Dudes"" It's still new but it'll grow Thanks <3",,,,,,2020-07-14 16:30:42 hr6lft,,4,Some gear I got from BeastGrip. Hope you like.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-14 18:08:49 hr7ggn,,1,Sidi rimani Kairouan ❤️😍,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-14 18:54:10 hr8ehh,,7,Anyone have connections to healthcare workers in Tunisia?,"Hello everybody, I'd like to interview healthcare workers in Tunisia working with COVID-19 patients for a podcast I'm working on this summer. It wouldn't be very long at all (15-20 minutes) and I could find a way to repay the favor. I've tried reaching out to some via LinkedIn. Facebook, etc. but haven't had much luck so I'm hoping I'll have more luck on Reddit. Does anyone have any connections they can send my way? It would be VERY much appreciated :D",,,,,,2020-07-14 19:43:24 hracv1,,1,NSFW sub,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-14 21:24:55 hrar21,,28,Tunisia Sentences Woman to Six Months for Koranic Facebook Joke,,,,,,,2020-07-14 21:45:53 hrbsuw,,6,Would anyone be interested in a Minecraft server?,"It would be for all Tunisian residents and/or citizens abroad. It would be, probably, based in France to minimize lag and etc.",,,,,,2020-07-14 22:44:53 hrdg5i,,57,"Sfax,1944 ( colorized by me ) insta : @jasser_triki",,,,,,,2020-07-15 00:25:42 hrhwsq,,2,Questions to tunisiens,"Is the newest president good? Is he showing some promise or does it look like the same exact thing all over, just curious. Salam to you all",,,,,,2020-07-15 05:36:35 hrhxt2,,55,This sub in a nutshell,,,,,,,2020-07-15 05:38:44 hrhxx2,,12,Tunisian economy,"What exactly is causing the economic crisis and how can it be solved, is tourism still a big part",,,,,,2020-07-15 05:38:58 hrik1p,,3,Is anyone here a Tunisian who plays Microsoft flight sim: steam edition,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-15 06:32:20 hrk282,,2,Studying abroad,Does anyone here have an idea about applying to undergrad programs abroad (doesn't matter which country),,,,,,2020-07-15 08:47:13 hrkrjy,,1,i really need help,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-15 09:52:59 hrncu2,,2,Anyone here has experience with our military/paramilitary forces? What are the realities of daily life as a member?,,,,,,,2020-07-15 13:16:29 hrqr8n,,1,Joining an Interact club,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-15 16:28:35 hrsnri,,1,Do we know when the 9th year concour stats will be public?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-15 18:07:56 hrspwk,,3,Is there anyway to buy Bitcoin in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-07-15 18:10:53 hru91l,,60,Tunisia: Woman gets six-month jail sentence for coronavirus post mimicking Quran. Yeah freedom and democracy my ass. We overthrew a secular dictatorship and replaced it with an Islamist one.,,,,,,,2020-07-15 19:29:09 hruj9x,,10,Fakhfakh gone... cause fuck stability (Rant),[removed],,,,,,2020-07-15 19:43:45 hrupw9,é_centrale/,1,What do you guys think about Université Centrale and Université Européenne,"Every time I talk about these to my relatives it always goes like : nooo...theses masters are completely useless ! Don't waste your money on these it's a scam ! What's your opinion on these ?",,,,,,2020-07-15 19:53:35 hrwqg1,,2,Joining an Interact club,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-15 21:39:45 hrwwbh,,1,Rap Caviar FR,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-15 21:48:44 hryhan,,13,What do you think about Fakhfakh removing Ennahda ministers from govgovernment?,"My opinion/rant: I’m actually glad that the president was able to force the PM into resignation it was the right thing to do, for the first time a president is recognizing corruption and taking action against it. I’m also glad that after Fakhfakhs resignation he then removed the Ennahda ministers from office and now they’re getting signatures to vote on removing confidence from Ghannouchi, this seems like the dissolve of Ennahda. What do you think? I’m aware the government is still in chaos but this is the right step taken to move to a more law abiding Tunisia, where no one is above the law as Kais Saied preached about in his campaign. I thought he was useless and not really doing much abut after seeing his actions, he’s definitely smarter then he seems.",,,,,,2020-07-15 23:17:27 hryj5m,,1,تفرج بش تفهم طريقة الربح من الانستغرام و متنساش تعمل 😂♥️abonnè abonez vous : Instagram : nour guidouz official ====> Instagram : Taieb Louhichi ====> facebook :,,,,,,,2020-07-15 23:20:42 hs0ruw,,1,Did you ever confess to your crush? How did it go?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-16 01:42:15 hs1lp1,,1,Stonehenge is a movie set?,,,,,,,2020-07-16 02:37:47 hs6f8c,,0,"This might be a repost, but do u guys agree ?",,,,,,,2020-07-16 09:15:33 hs6i53,,22,Minecraft server ready to go!,"Looking for some active (on here) and knowledgeable minecraft (Java) folks to help setup a minecraft server. If you know how to install plug-ins and the like, post here.",,,,,,2020-07-16 09:23:17 hs6r7b,,2,Other tunisian subs,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-16 09:46:50 hs925f,,7,Tunisian Girlfriend,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-16 12:51:28 hsa17e,,13,Stolen,,,,,,,2020-07-16 13:53:45 hsbz3j,,75,Soldiers of the 4th Spahis regiment in Pas-de-Calais in February 1916 where they settled. The atmosphere of Moorish cafes is found in this smoky room.,,,,,,,2020-07-16 15:47:54 hscc38,,24,Credits to Noureddine Ahmed. Tunisia is going through a lot lately. And this image sum it up.,,,,,,,2020-07-16 16:07:58 hsdrsm,,1,Coronavirus en Tunisie : Une blogueuse condamnée pour avoir parodié une sourate du coran,,,,,,,2020-07-16 17:17:07 hseobm,,1,Tunisia’s Leaders Defeated Coronavirus. Now They’re the Problem,,,,,,,2020-07-16 18:01:27 hsh3fr,,3,A river in Gafsa a long time ago?,My friend from Gafsa just told me there used to be some kind of sea or river in Gafsa a long time ago and we were arguing about the validity of the information. Anyone in here knows something about it?,,,,,,2020-07-16 19:57:57 hsh7xv,,2,This is why this subreddit is so toxic and not a friendly place for discussions and not even for newcomers,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-16 20:03:59 hsi276,,19,Why are girls allowed to wear all kind of skirts and dresses but boys are strictly prohibited from wearing anything other than full length pants in university ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-16 20:48:12 hsidjf,,14,Violent cult mentality,"for those outside the loop essentially she shared a post that is parody-ing the Quran format and addressing the corona . she didn't even actually create the thing I believe? correct me if wrong. imagine someone makes a parody of a Bible verse talking the corona virus in a light hearted meme joking way. sounds alright to me and its common online. *6 months jail. the Tunis court rules out* so today I saw a Facebook page that has couple funny memes so I joined the group and I saw a post about her so I checked the comments. - ""who's she?"" - *explanation* - ""yikes you can even rape the bitch and it'll be fair play lol"" [struggled to translate the quote word by word but same idea] - ""atheist are the most vile of filthy rabid dogs and I wish I can + (long list of violence acts)"" - couple comments pointing out other people doing worse and not under arrest and they got attacked by people for trying to defend the girl - more of the same closed minded Islamic/religious fanatics that I grew up surrounded with before I left the country 3 years ago. I closed the thread and immediately left without turning back. you have no idea how degenerate and repulsive the whole thread was and the few few people who pointed out how bad this looks were ripped apart. it was horrifying unironically. the amount of violent vile acts cited down by guys and the many ""only 6 months??"" comments reminded me just of how hard growing up in this country is surrounded by extreme violent attitude , fucked up fanatical mentalities and cult brainwashing since young age I barely has 2 screenshots saved before I immediately exited the cesspool",,,,,,2020-07-16 21:04:16 hsjgyj,,1,Cigarette prices?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-16 22:05:42 hsjvdn,,1,Where to get diagnosed for ADHD,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-16 22:29:01 hsmnsb,,3,do you think the pilote system is beneficial for our country? if not then what do you suggest as an alternative?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-17 01:25:56 hsqr3a,,0,#مناجاة شعرية *ريبر هبون احتاجك لحناً *إيمان الفالح- حيرة- لا تنسوا الاش...,,,,,,,2020-07-17 06:29:50 hsrjyu,,15,Is there any other way?,"Yesterday the 16th of july, all roads leading to El Mornaguia or going through it were closed by civilians protesting the change of the source of their water by SONEDE. I couldn't go to work because of that. OK, I understand that Mornaguia have the reputation of having one of the sweetest water available. And the people there don't buy bottles of water, they drink from the faucets. I do get that it's upsetting. Closing the roads lead that industires won't be opening, meaning that too many employees won't get paid, production stopped that day, it means losses in income for the industry and the state. Is there any other way to make your point across?",,,,,,2020-07-17 07:40:41 hssjx2,شنية_الاوراق_اللازمة_باش_نعمل_بها_كارني_cnss/,4,شنية الاوراق اللازمة باش نعمل بها كارني cnss؟,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-17 09:16:15 hstraz,,2,كيفاش دبر خدمة ونتي دوب ما تخرجت,,,,,,,2020-07-17 11:05:46 hstvxf,,7,Who are the Amazigh people of north africa ?,,,,,,,2020-07-17 11:16:49 hsu7vt,,68,Ain Draham,,,,,,,2020-07-17 11:44:04 hsui41,,5,what's the weirdest thing you or even someone else entered to the classroom?,"Well, snacks including kaki are very common.",,,,,,2020-07-17 12:05:57 hsv2hn,,1,zayneb tarhouni real girl 19old nfsw,,,,,,,2020-07-17 12:47:30 hswdj4,,6,What do you think of him ?,,,,,,,2020-07-17 14:12:38 hsz36q,,12,ARAB FACTS - TUNISIA - By Mark Hachem,,,,,,,2020-07-17 16:44:51 hszbhk,,5,Hammamet,What do Tunisians think of Hammamet? Just curious to see what the general consensus’ opinion is of this town. Tell me whatever you think. Good or bad. Thanks guys.,,,,,,2020-07-17 16:57:20 ht0ued,,17,"Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) when Indiana Jones as about to blow up the ark, the spot he was aiming at was roughly the same place R2D2 was in 4 years earlier (Sidi Bouhlel Canyon, Tozeur, Tunisia)",,,,,,,2020-07-17 18:18:20 ht2o51,,1,Thneya mta3 💊 ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-17 19:56:45 ht3hpq,,1,قضايا المجتمع - يبني قبوا في منزله ليخفي جثة القتيل: جريمة مروعة بحي التضامن,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-17 20:42:19 ht4ubk,,30,"A roman mosaic depicting a Leopard eating the face of a condemned man. 3rd century CE, now on display at the El Djem Archaeological Museum in Tunisia [2000x3008]",,,,,,,2020-07-17 21:57:09 ht6b01,,6,"If you have 50,000Tnd, what would you do with it ?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-17 23:23:47 hta2fp,,8,Volleyball clubs,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-18 03:43:50 htafvm,,1,North African discord server,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-18 04:13:03 htc2im,,1,The funeral of Rashid Al-Ghannushi’s chair in the parliament’s presidency to the dustbin of history,,,,,,,2020-07-18 06:30:17 htfoqn,,141,Hrissa is life,,,,,,,2020-07-18 12:18:00 htfrvo,,4,Hrissa is life,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-18 12:24:21 htg6bq,,32,Crossing the Alps like a champ,,,,,,,2020-07-18 12:56:36 htiq5i,,1,Is it true that Tunisia sits on an enormous aquifer? If so why haven't we tapped into it?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-18 15:47:06 htmvxu,,2,Post fight interview UFC debut: modern day warrior Mounir Lazzez,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-18 19:49:38 htonrd,,3,oups!,,,,,,,2020-07-18 21:34:39 htpkll,,6,"Over 2,500 Tunisian Daesh members believed to be sent by Turkey to Libya",,,,,,,2020-07-18 22:30:23 htqk6c,,32,"لأولاد القيروان ، هل كانت هناك حانة اسمها ""حانة المرحلة "" بالقيروان في الثمانينات ؟؟",,,,,,,2020-07-18 23:33:44 htx17v,,0,#ريبر هبون: فسحة بياض -#إيمان الفالح: مصابة بدوار البحر، أروع قصيدتي حب ...,,,,,,,2020-07-19 08:06:14 htyo0g,,2,is it finally time for a tunisian women to hold the position of prime minister ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-19 10:55:42 htzfi3,بربي_كفاش_نجم_نشري_حاجات_في_android_jeu_كما_world/,0,بربي كفاش نجم نشري حاجات في android jeu كما world of tanks ..,"باللهي شني اسهل طريقة، حكاية فارغة لبشندفها 3 euro Skin + 7ajet o5ra شني الكارة لنعملها بش نخلص اونلاين ومرسي عيشكم",,,,,,2020-07-19 12:04:27 hu0j6o,,11,A few questions as a foreigner,"The first question is about the language. I know that the main languages are Berber, Arabic, and French. I want to know to what extent is the French language used in everyday life. Can I easily communicate on a street by speaking french? Another language question is about Arabic. I've been learning Arabic a bit in my spare time, but I am learning the Egyptian dialect. Can I speak with Tunisians and will they understand me? The same question applies to English. Can I make it in Tunisia with mostly English The second question is about the time one should spend in Tunisia. How much time is enough to get a general feel of the country. Is a week (including flights) enough or is a week not enough. Now the last set of questions is more about the people and customs. So haggling is a big part of market culture. What are some haggling methods one could use if I don't really speak Arabic or French well? My wish with every country where I travel is to meet and get to know locals, so what would be the best way to meet and get to know local people aged like me? Thanks for reading this post through, I appreciate every response :) If you have any tips or suggestions about cities, towns, attractions, places, etc. feel free to suggest them.",,,,,,2020-07-19 13:32:02 hu0zxx,,1,Tunisian discord,,,,,,,2020-07-19 14:04:59 hu1v5w,,19,Fuck those years,,,,,,,2020-07-19 15:02:49 hu1vwp,,1,Fuck those years,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-19 15:04:05 hu1x1n,,36,Minecraft Tunisia Server is up! (Alpha phase),"So, the Tunisian Minecraft (Java only) server is up. Please note a few things: * The server will be restarted sometimes as I work on it * The server will be wiped (probably) once I figure out plugins (In a couple of weeks) * The server will allow pirated Minecraft (Or should, if not, please let me know) * I am the admin of the server and I will run it as I see fit. Who is allowed and banned is solely up to me. Please keep that in mind. * This server is in no way affiliated with /r/Tunisia other than this is the only place I know where a group of Tunisians to be that would play it for now * The server is up 24 hours a day and is hosted in France. * There will be some fun games added later when I can figure out the basics. * The server is Java only. Tomorrow, I will be on as much as possible to mess around in it. I will probably give resources of all kinds out freely during this 2 week period of time. If things are not going your way (struggling to start) just let me know. **Server Information**",,,,,,2020-07-19 15:05:59 hu3yo7,,3,jobs under 18 tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-19 17:10:49 hu5kq4,,1,Help!! How Can I Improve My Tunisian Arabic. My White-Washed Ass Needs Some Tips!,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-19 18:41:04 hu5yrv,,1,Who Loves Mahdia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-19 19:02:07 hu8dv4,,1,Why I quit Facebook,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-19 21:19:10 hu8p8h,,1,"Hello, please does anyone know what's the average an SAP consultant in Tunisia earns?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-19 21:37:18 hug0zs,,54,Meanwhile in the tunisian parliament:,,,,,,,2020-07-20 05:57:58 huhekf,,1,Help!! How Can I Improve My Tunisian Arabic. My White-Washed Ass Needs Some Tips..,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-20 07:59:41 huhfx9,,2,Avoiding Military duty for now,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-20 08:03:17 huhwpl,,3,Summer time,Any place to go for vacation or a hotel ?,,,,,,2020-07-20 08:48:18 huhxnn,,1,Why I quit Facebook,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-20 08:50:58 hui9gc,,9,[HELP] Les meilleurs centres de formation en Tunisie,"Hello Redditors, J'ai un membre de la famille qui vient d'abondonner ses études secondaires au niveau 2eme année secondaire (passage à la 3eme année). Il a décidé de faire une formation BTP (toujours indécis sur la spécialité), sauf que personne dans la famille n'a des connaissances sur les centres de formations en Tunisie. Les recherches sur Internet ne sont pas fiables vu que les centres où nous nous sommes déplacer sont médiocres par rapport a ce qu'ils présentent sur leurs réseaux sociaux. Est ce que vous pouvez m'aider avec des retours d'expériences svp?",,,,,,2020-07-20 09:22:26 hum4r6,,4,The parliament today,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-20 14:24:12 hup9sn,,4,"Fellow redditors, is it appreciated in Tunisian companies when you put an image of your face in your CV when applying ?","In r/Resume they don't recommend it. However in Tunisia, things might be different, organizational culture here is different. It's my first time applying for a serious job, does anyone have significant past experience regarding this?",,,,,,2020-07-20 17:16:44 hut2jm,,28,Rich families are still bullies in this country,,,,,,,2020-07-20 20:29:22 huunt5,,10,Dating a Tunisian girl living in Europe,"Hi, I am a European guy who has recently started dating a girl from Tunisia. She has been living in Europe since four years. Things are going very nicely in terms of conversation, things done together and so forth. The only thing is that I noticed she is a bit shy (i.e. I always have to make the move) when it comes to physical romance (I'm talking about kissing, so far). Any advice on how to make her feel comfortable? I will talk to her for sure about this, but I'd like to get an idea about the expectations and taboos. To my eyes she is very European in her attitude, but it's the first time I date a person from a north African country, so that's why I am asking. Thanks for your help!",,,,,,2020-07-20 21:53:44 huv3mk,,0,تعديل على ملف pdf و تحويل من pdf ل word بدون برامج pdf editor (حذف واضافة نص),,,,,,,2020-07-20 22:17:07 huvthu,,8,Is mental health stigmatized in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-07-20 22:57:13 hv0eyy,,1,How much does a blue camel cigarette pack cost here?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-21 03:56:05 hv488u,,8,Is there anyone here who had bought a book online from before?,,,,,,,2020-07-21 09:15:52 hv4nb8,,20,"Minecraft server moved, new IP","So just days after setting up everything, my hosting provider moved the server so, new IP! **Edit** Due to a security concern, I had to make it an online server meaning hacked clients cannot connect. I'm working in trying to make offline secure but, currently, that's not the case.",,,,,,2020-07-21 09:54:23 hv5tfg,,4,"Hello, for a project about pets and animal losses and I need your help with this very short survey for it.",,,,,,,2020-07-21 11:36:42 hv7ahj,,6,Need to know about Tunisian economy and budget for a University project,"Hi! I am from India and I have to do a University project and for that I need some data. In the project I need to suggest proposals about how Tunisian government policies and spending can be improved. So I need data about - 1. Distribution of State budget among different ministries/sectors - Education, Health, Economy, Energy etc. 2. Distribution of budgets among different programs of ministries 3. Also different sources of government income like taxes, debt etc. Where can I find such data? Any local Tunisian news websites? I tried the website of Ministry of finance but I do not know any arabic. I'll be grateful for any help. Any other suggestions are also welcome. Thanks",,,,,,2020-07-21 13:25:59 hv8yvz,,3,Discord Group for Arab Religious Debate,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-21 15:07:55 hv94nj,,7,Again.. this sub,,,,,,,2020-07-21 15:16:32 hv95gk,,1,Again.. this sub,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-21 15:17:48 hvbm91,,5,Mnin yechriw vtt?,Chkoun yaaref mnin najjem nekhou vtt bekhlef bardo espace velo? Ay response taawen. Mal9itch des réponses fel fb.,,,,,,2020-07-21 17:24:36 hve1cz,,0,"This kind of people are the reason why muslim majority countries struggling to get into the 21st century world and modernise. Hypocrisy, stagnated world views and outdated mindset.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-21 19:30:05 hveevd,,126,True story,,,,,,,2020-07-21 19:49:59 hvgk7q,,4,Lobbyist says he got the US to press Tunisia for Karoui's release from prison last year,,,,,,,2020-07-21 21:42:27 hvnkb3,,3,US Embassy in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-22 04:59:36 hvrvi2,,3,Has anyone shipped any luggage/boxes to Tunisia from London/Europe?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-22 11:09:52 hvty98,,5,"Tunisia is a civilized country, Tunisians are civilized people and the Tunisian government is the best government in the world.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-22 13:39:35 hvtzzk,,3,Street markets in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-22 13:42:40 hvw9tk,,36,The problem is us,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-22 15:55:15 hvxz6f,,66,rate it chabeb,,,,,,,2020-07-22 17:26:12 hvy43y,,4,"A Playlist of the Latest Maghreb-Inspired Rap Songs // Ft Soolking, Ghali, Cheb Mami, Snor, Tawsen, Madd",,,,,,,2020-07-22 17:33:28 hvzcu8,,3,جربة: قتل أكثر من 20 كلبا بوحشيّة في ملجأ للكلاب السائبة,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-22 18:39:01 hw0ek5,,0,Ferme a vendre,,,,,,,2020-07-22 19:33:39 hw0fdp,,0,Start your business,,,,,,,2020-07-22 19:34:55 hw1btc,,0,Tal7iss lil baraneen,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-22 20:21:49 hw1dmc,,0,esihati فوائد الزعتر الصحية : 6 خصائص علاجية مذهلة لم يخبرك بها أحد من قبل,,,,,,,2020-07-22 20:24:20 hw5auf,,10,community issues,"aside from political brawls , what does everyone of you think about Gaming/Anime community in Tunisia for I am thinking about launching an indie game studio here.",,,,,,2020-07-23 00:03:16 hwcj07,,2,Link to an online sanitary form?,"I'm travelling to Tunisia from Finland on 26th of July to see my boyfriend. I've read on some articles that when entering Tunisia during this on-going covid pandemic, you need to fill out a sanitary form online. Some articles don't mention this form at all and say that no entry procedures are required when coming from the green zone(which I am). I'd like to have the form filled out just in case I do need it but I haven't been able to find it. Does anyone have certain info on whether I need the sanitary form or not and the link to it? Thank you",,,,,,2020-07-23 09:13:29 hwd2ex,,7,Do you think PayPal will work in Tunisia?,"Yeah, I know that you can't use PayPal in Tunisia,but is there any possibility that someday it will be legal and when (approximately)?",,,,,,2020-07-23 10:04:58 hwd7xg,,8,Country of residence is in the green zone and transit country in the orange?,"Hi, I will be travelling on 25th of July from Finland to Tunisia and switching planes in Turkey for 16 hours. Finland is in the green zone, so no entry procedures required, but Turkey is in the orange zone, which requires a covid test done 72 hours prior departure. I won't be leaving the airport in Turkey, I'll just stay at the airport waiting for my flight to Tunis. Am I regarded as a tourist arriving from the green zone or the orange zone...?",,,,,,2020-07-23 10:19:07 hwdm1e,,3,Confiscated piaggio,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-23 10:54:42 hweua0,,1,"Alright, this needs to stop asap",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-23 12:33:49 hweuo8,,4,The owner of the dead doggos is being taken hostages by the inhabitants of guellala Djerba.,,,,,,,2020-07-23 12:34:39 hwg2rn,,7,Ghannouchi's personal guard called Mustapha Khedher's 11 times the day before Mohamad Brahmi's assasination,,,,,,,2020-07-23 13:55:47 hwhial,,68,Zaghouan berbère city,,,,,,,2020-07-23 15:21:29 hwjw7a,,1,FUCK THOSE YEARS.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-23 17:27:07 hwmi70,,1,Do you guys support gay rights ? 3lech ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-07-23 19:41:05 hwo12k,,19,long live Tunisia,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2020-07-23 21:01:56 hwokbc,,82,Who needs the deep web anyway when you have,,,,,,,2020-07-23 21:32:42 hwoyhw,,15,Actually so true,,,,,,,2020-07-23 21:54:06 hwtzgg,,1,Restaurants to eat,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-24 03:01:34 hwxeti,,41,Haven't touched tunisian soil for 15 years. Happy to say I'm moving home in a couple of months. Any tips? You want me to bring you something min el kherij?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-24 07:21:58 hwzzcf,,128,"Nailed the Bac! 17,90 !!","I'm done with this exam haha, i'm glad it ended well guys!",,,,,,2020-07-24 11:20:18 hx21wi,,6,"A google maps view of New Cairo, a modern style city just outside of Cairo built to alleviate the congestion in the egyptian capital. What do you think of a similar city called New Tunis ?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-24 13:45:56 hx2j9e,,1,Studying in Germany?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-24 14:16:10 hx2trc,,19,"Astrolabe with Bedouin star names. North Africa, 9th century AD [1976x2600]",,,,,,,2020-07-24 14:33:52 hx3i3m,,8,"A cause de la Libye, l’armée de l’air tunisienne veut acquérir des chasseurs américains F-16",,,,,,,2020-07-24 15:12:22 hx5ra2,,36,GG Ahmed,,,,,,,2020-07-24 17:13:56 hx763a,,7,"Is it true that the best BAC results in Tunisia is 20,15 ?",,,,,,,2020-07-24 18:28:07 hxaz4c,,32,This meme explains all,,,,,,,2020-07-24 21:59:52 hxedf8,,1,Need some advice,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-25 01:38:45 hxf8e3,,113,Never give up ❤️❤️,,,,,,,2020-07-25 02:38:45 hxfuo7,,4,Is there a way to find out which visas can travel out of Tunisia currently? Specifically a k-1,I thought k-1's were not included in the US travel ban. But my fiance was refused from boarding her flight going from tunis to Paris to the US. Some places mention that it is safe to travel through to the US through turkey. But I want to be sure before getting more tickets.,,,,,,2020-07-25 03:23:21 hxhr5a,,35,Happy Republic Day From Romania! 🇷🇴❤🇹🇳,عيد جمهوريّة مبروك على التّوانسة الكلّ,,,,,,2020-07-25 05:54:54 hxjuwf,,14,Happy republic day from Belgium :D!,,,,,,,2020-07-25 09:15:50 hxks4y,,14,Hello there. Just a young Franco-Tunisian who doesn't know jack about this country trying to do you guys make friends here ?,"Any hints about popular places where strangers can meet and not be strangers anymore ? About clubs, facebook groups, conventions, meetups, cafés, malls, where it's possible to meet people in Tunis ? I'll be also glad to meet some of you guys ! Pliz be mah fwend",,,,,,2020-07-25 10:47:57 hxmfxy,,1,Stay strong,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-25 13:08:39 hxna1z,,5,Ennahdha affolée par un possible candidat et menace d'aller jusqu'à des élections prématurées,,,,,,,2020-07-25 14:06:55 hxohee,,11,We got new mods!,"Following the last meta thread we pledged to recruit moderators in order to better enforce the rules and eventually add some new features to the subreddit. A lot of people applied and it was tough choosing betwwen you all, but in the end we're confident we made the right choices. Please welcome your new moderators /u/djerbi and /u/HarisaJana ! Please place any praise, rants, suggestions or sarcastic statements below.",,,,,,2020-07-25 15:25:12 hxpx82,,194,"I mean, to be fair, same level for english and french.",,,,,,,2020-07-25 16:52:42 hxrq0p,,1,الأمن بمطار تونس قرطاج يعتدي بالعنف على مواطن قادم من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية [فيديو] – تونس,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-25 18:36:56 hxu8b9,,4,Traveling from Russia,"Hi, can someone help understand whether someone can travel to Tunisia from Russia. Russia is till red, but, I saw that if the person gets tested 72 hours before traveling, and they stay in a hotel for a week, they can come. I live in Tunisia and the person in question is my wife. We found a flight, we just want to be sure about the regulations. Any help would be greatly appreciated.",,,,,,2020-07-25 21:05:28 hxucbq,,0,Top 10 Actresses From Tunisia Of All Time,,,,,,,2020-07-25 21:12:48 hxuuxx,,3,Blogueuse condamnée en Tunisie : «on veut faire peur à tous les athées » - Charlie Hebdo,,,,,,,2020-07-25 21:44:29 hxuvpo,,1,"(serious) i found a video of a girl on the internet being basically raped, how can i report it here.",[removed],,,,,,2020-07-25 21:45:51 hxv9qs,,2,"Here, some youtuber explained the current situation",,,,,,,2020-07-25 22:10:01 hxvns2,,6,"(serious) i found a video of a girl on the internet being basically raped, how can i report it to the Tunisian authorities.","a tunisian girl, possibly underage being threatened and raped while being filmed. i need to get this to the right hands, this asshole needs to put in jail or die... what should i do exactly? and no, i'm not sending the video to anyone. thanks for the help.",,,,,,2020-07-25 22:33:59 hxvrou,,1,فخخها الفخفاخ و باش يكمل يمشمشها المشيشي,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-25 22:40:54 hxwf0b,,3,im worried for my foreign friend,"so i have this friend thats half Japanese half tunisian,practically lived here her entire life but of course faced constant bullying and racism in this god awful country. Sometimes she would literally run up to me balling telling me that someone made fun of her. This was last year. So the coronavirus happened and im really worried for her because the degenerates here will of course bully her because of it and i dont know what to do about it. Can anyone give me advice?",,,,,,2020-07-25 23:23:28 hxykle,,11,What’s Hidden Under the Sand of Sahara,,,,,,,2020-07-26 01:53:58 hy59w9,,1,Is Hichem Mechichi progressive?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-26 11:17:28 hy5gpj,,3,Is Hichem Mechichi progressive?,"What's his ideology? What does he think about homosexuality?",,,,,,2020-07-26 11:34:31 hy7jtj,,45,Nahdha (and probably some other Parties) after Saied bamboozled them yesterday for fucking around too much during the last few months,,,,,,,2020-07-26 14:10:07 hy90f6,,4,Tunisia appoints interior minister Mechichi as the new prime minister,,,,,,,2020-07-26 15:40:42 hy97v9,,12,"Soussa : An immigration ship was caught by the Tunisian navy and stopped them from immigrating to Italy, among the men on the ship are two young boys, aged 13 and 11, trying to immigrate to Italy because their parents also immigrated there long ago and left them in Tunisia",[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-26 15:53:08 hy9ho4,,1,Passion for #purple revives #ancient #dye in #Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-07-26 16:08:43 hya7ut,,12,"I'm actually curious about something, do you generally feel offended with these memes or nah? I'm also in no way trying to trigger somebody, I'd like to know how tunisians are in general (As a tunisian myself)",,,,,,,2020-07-26 16:51:29 hyc955,,8,Next year i will become a bac math student any advice?,I'm aiming for medical school.,,,,,,2020-07-26 18:45:23 hyec4r,,10,are there any European or North American Universities that are still accepting applications and can give generous scholarships for Tunisians?,"Background: I am a recently graduated Tunisian with a 16,27/20 in the Tunisian baccalaureate 2020 (section informatique). I also took the SATs and got 1300/1600 and the TOEFL and got 100/120. I want to study Computer Science preferably in English but I don't mind learning German or some other European language. My question is: Are there any Universities abroad that are still accepting applications and can offer me a 100% tuition rate scholarship? I know that my chances are slim, but if any help is greatly appreciated :D.",,,,,,2020-07-26 20:39:21 hyoo3g,,1,Laughing France,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-27 08:52:41 hyou68,,87,Laughing France,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-27 09:06:57 hyp4e3,,24,"La Table de Jugurtha ,le kef Tunisie ❤️❤️🇹🇳",,,,,,,2020-07-27 09:30:35 hyqlcv,,1,تشهيتو ليكم🥰جولة مفصلة في غرفتي البسيطة و المؤقتة و لأول مرة الثمن⁉️و ها...,,,,,,,2020-07-27 11:32:22 hyrbru,,1,It do be like that,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-27 12:27:30 hyrr4c,,1,Great young African lion,,,,,,,2020-07-27 12:56:44 hyswqr,,11,[Help] Teenager/adolescent psychiatrist,"Hello, Do you have any feedback/review about a good psychiatrist for someone(19yo) with adolescence problems or if not for an adolescent, a good psychiatrist in general?",,,,,,2020-07-27 14:07:51 hyt8sp,,0,Popeye the Sailor man !,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-27 14:27:07 hyyip3,,2,Follow-up on Anouar Maarouf,"I'm posting this because this is really scary if indeed it did happen [report](",,,,,,2020-07-27 19:02:25 hz1wma,,14,Any database or site that can tell you the origin of Tunisian last names?,"A friend of mine used such a site to look into the origins of his last name but he can't seem to recall what it was called. Figured i'd ask around see if anyone know of such a thing or a similar book/records etc.... Mostly interested in knowing the origins of my paternal last name since i'm getting results of people bearing the last name in places as different as yemen, tizi ouzou in algeria, saudi arabia, (kurdish?) iraq and even turkey.",,,,,,2020-07-27 22:01:01 hz2n6g,,52,My second one hope u like it not like the first,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-27 22:42:20 hz9rvc,,1,How do i stop Sigma Conseil from calling me ?,"I've been receiving too many calls from sigma conseil lately and whenever i block their number they call me from a new one is there anything i can do so that this nonsense stops ? One more question i only gave my number to exist when making a loyalty card there so either exist sold my number and many others to sigma conseil or Tunisie Telecom did this. Aren't there laws that forbid such things ?",,,,,,2020-07-28 06:46:23 hzaieo,,5,Bank account in Tunisia,"Hey everyone ! So im a tunisian studying abroad, I wanna open a bank account to make handling the money easier for when I come back. My parents work abroad and I don't necessairily see them when I come back, so even if they have a bank account & card and all, they're not always there to give me their card / draw money for me. YES I could bring foreign currency like any other person and exchange it but I want a more permanent and versatile solution and avoid moving with big cash and exchange since we already have TND. Someone told me you need to have a job (justificatif d'activité) to open a bank account. Is that true ? Is there a bank where I can just open an account with a card, and then just put whatever I need whenever I need in ?",,,,,,2020-07-28 07:50:23 hzcnoe,,22,Is corruption rising or declining?,Y'all talk about bribing officials all the time. I thought that kinda thing was squashed post revolution,,,,,,2020-07-28 11:01:11 hzcoxe,,3,Why Islam came to be ?,"&#x200B; I assume it is accurate to describe Muhammad as a social justice warrior. No, not your stereotypical dyed haired angry NPC. I'm talking about someone who lived most of his childhood as a low-key orphan, despised and ignored by the population of Mecca, and would probably have died of hunger and disease if it wasn't for his uncle, and then his hot sugar momma Khadija who married him when he was 20 and made him her most prolific employee. Infinitely grateful for these acts of pure selflessness, Muhammad dedicated most of his early life in helping the people in need, redistributing his money if he could. Wealth distribution wasn't really a thing among pre-islamic Arabic tribes. There wasn't any code or strong institutions for regulating the flows of exchange, taxes, punishments, help for the needy and so on. Every tribe was more or less living on their own terms and laws and it was extremely difficult to communicate and settle a dispute between them. There was a generic law called the ""Price of Blood"" where you had to pay a certain tribute if you damaged someone else property or family member. Society was pretty democratic. People elected their Sheikh to lead them and he could be overthrown any time. All Arabs shared a considerable hate and despise for all aristocratic societies. They were proud people who would not bow or submit to any foreign powers. Just like the Mongols (same social organization and conditions of life more or less). Arab world was tough. Some people had to be left behind for the survival of the tribe. Weak people. Unwanted children were buried alive (a common practice in primitive societies), orphans were abandoned and left to die, old people had to leave in the fiery desert and never come back... Then something changed. Global trade started to evolve at an unprecedented scale. The great powers of that time (Eastern Roman Empire and Sassanide Empire) fought for resources. Ethiopia and Abyssinia (Yemen), would regularly colonize Arabia and try to submit the locals to their will (they talked about a fight against Ethiopians whit their Elephants in Quran, Surah 105) Arabs were basically the ""free folks"" stuck between despotic monarchies and empires who controlled their subjects through religion. Arabs were very religious ofc. They worshipped Jesus, Abraham, Mary, Moses, the moon god Hubal and his three daughters Allatu, Al Manatu and Al Uzzah. They had statues of them in Kaaba, that was protecting the water source Zam Zam (the sole reason why it was build in the first place) They had religious practices similar to the Hindus and other pagans folks : they worshipped black volcanic stones and meteors (called Linga in India). The most important black stone is still fixed to one of the Kaaba angles and looks like a vagina with a baby head sprouting out, probably used for a fecundity cult. Monotheism was not unknown to the Arabs, and some of them, the ""Hanif"" tried to restore Abraham's original religion many years before the prophet was born. Jews and Christians were also roaming free in the desert and among the most powerful tribes in Arabia converted to Judaism. Muhammad may had been sensitive to the Christian, Jewish and Hanif influences for they promoted forgiveness, morality, social justice, wealth redistribution (they were basically the commies of their time), and of course, the worship of a SINGLE God. Monotheism restoration was a big deal, because every tribe was worshipping it's own god (an ancestor, a powerful predator, or an antique divinity), which was a dividing factor (oh no, we can't submit to your laws, OUR god doesn't like it) Monotheism is a very efficient tool for power centralization. The Egyptian Pharaoh, Akhenaton, was the first to implement it in Egypt, centuries before Judaism even became a thing. Muhammad craved order, justice and unity. He could not suffer all the injustices he was witnessing around him : infanticide, slavery, exploitation of women, tribalism, and greed. All of this was maintained because of the ruling elite of Mecca, the Quraish, who monopolized resources and wealth for themselves (Mecca was an important trading hub at that time, mainly because of Zam-Zam). People from their clan were more advantaged than the others. They were slowly turning into an aristocratic family. Muhammad wanted them to restore the Arabs original credo of regular democratic election of leaders, BUT under a common immutable set of moral and legal codes that no one could change. *That's what original Islam was all about, and why it's so tempting : submit yourself to God's law that is eternal, but not to human government that only benefits the ones in power.* *A celestial government based on an eternal tradition is definitely fairer than a despotic government who can change the law as it pleases. That's what Islamists today are thinking when they want to overthrow liberal democracy, as they believe it will always be corrupted by powerful third party interests, like fortune 100 companies, ""the media"", and unscrupulous salesman. Unconsciously, some Muslims believe that without Islamic laws, everything will go back to the stage of pre-islamic arab society, and anarchy and injustice would prevail (ofc it already does in Muslim society but Islamists will tell you it's because the government doesn't follow True Islam)* It's important to point out that he didn't make Islam up out of selfish interests : many of his beloved ones died because of his cause, and there wasn't the slightest chance that he would win. He lived in Mecca for ten years in fear, spreading his ideal discreetly, facing discriminations, harassment and death threats all day long. Also he ALWAYS forgave even his worst enemies, (even the crazy bitch who ate his best friend liver under his eyes) at the condition that they converted and recognized him as the Prophet of God. Unfortunately, he died before electing his successor, if he ever planned to have a successor at all. He never outlined how an Islamic government should look like, and how leaders should be chosen... Problem is, maybe he never heard of modern democratic institutions like the one used by the Greeks and Romans. And primitive tribal democracy only works when everyone knows each other. So you couldn't apply the same system to a larger scale, engulfing ALL Muslims in the same system. Eventually came the four wise Caliph, successor of Muhammad and then everything went all ape shit, aristocracies and royalties, Arabs worst nightmares eventually became the norm in the Muslim world. Islamists claim the need to erase all this heritage, that the system implemented by Muhammad in Medina was the only model of government all Muslim governments should copy. **So ! If you are a liberal and you don't like Political Islam because you think it's irrelevant, you need to understand why it is important for so many people in the first place !** **Otherwise how can you propose something that sounds better to them ?** A part of Politics is mostly about creating feelings. If you don't understand the origins of these feelings, of these beliefs, you cannot talk to people the right way, and will end up being called a bigot. And we will never make progress.",,,,,,2020-07-28 11:03:59 hzeg9r,,11,Tunisian economy in a nutshell,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-28 13:15:44 hzft7r,تطبيقات_المواعدة_الإسلامية_إعادة_تخطيط_للزواج_دون/,0,تطبيقات المواعدة الإسلامية: إعادة تخطيط للزواج دون الخروج على التقاليد؟,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-28 14:39:06 hzhh27,,11,Why do u think athiesm is getting bigger and bigger in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2020-07-28 16:12:47 hzhvn1,,0,Top 10 Actresses From Tunisia Of All Time,,,,,,,2020-07-28 16:34:43 hziqeq,,1,Guys i need help,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-28 17:19:49 hziqu2,,59,USGN: The silent option. Proud to carry the same passport as these boys,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-28 17:20:27 hzj72j,,1,I need help,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-28 17:44:10 hzl1qo,,4,Gaming/anime event,,,,,,,2020-07-28 19:21:09 hzlo6u,,6,"I found this to be interesting, some of you might too. Not directly linked to Tunisia.",,,,,,,2020-07-28 19:54:03 hzqhfm,,13,The mentality of some people make me sad,"I was talking to a relative about the new covid infections here. I tried convincing him that he should wear a mask for an hour, i failed. He believed that there's danger, and it's hard to keep yourself clean if others don't follow the rules (agree with this) but the ones that made him not wear one is that ""the others aren't wearing one and following rules why should i?"", "" what will the people say about me when i wear one and they don't"" and ""when i go to marriages and all how do i greet people? If i got to the cafe do i have to tell my friends to stay away from me ? I'll have to remove the mask to drink tea anyway"" Basically he thinks. people's thoughts are more important than his own life and his family's. I know a lot others who think the same. they're all very close to me and it makes me very sad",,,,,,2020-07-29 00:25:16 hzxsh8,,0,CHI NKS,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-29 09:38:36 hzy2gq,,67,"Dream of ""Californication"" - found on Twitter",,,,,,,2020-07-29 10:03:26 hzy2m4,,3,What People Get Wrong About The Veil.,"There is no such thing as Islamic Veil. King of Morocco was pretty clear about it : it doesn't exist. Women have been covering up their hairs in all Eurasian societies for millennia. My great grand-mother from my French side, for instance, would have never let her hair flow freely around her face in public. Everyone from Slav nations can testify of the prevalence of the veil in older generations. Women do not wear the veil out of ""patriarchal oppression"", but because of different conception of Modesty (pudeur) in the society they live in. Problem is, people do not share the same perception of Modesty. According to Wikipedia : &#x200B; ***Modesty***\*\*, sometimes known as\*\* ***demureness***\*\*, is a mode of dress and deportment which intends to avoid the encouraging of\*\* [*sexual attraction*]( *in others. The word ""modesty"" comes from the Latin word* [*modestus*]( *which means ""keeping within measure"".*[*\[1\]*](,_Sheila_2001-1) *Standards of modesty are culturally and context dependent and vary widely. In this use, it may be considered inappropriate or immodest to reveal certain parts of the body. In some societies, modesty may involve women covering their bodies completely and not talking to men who are not immediate family members; in others, a fairly revealing but* [*one-piece bathing costume*]( *is considered modest while other women wear* [*bikinis*](*. In some countries, exposure of the body in breach of community standards of modesty is also considered to be public indecency, and* [*public nudity*]( *is generally illegal in most of the world and regarded as* [*indecent exposure*](*. For example,* [*Stephen Gough*](*, a lone man attempting to walk naked from south to north in the* [*United Kingdom*](*, was repeatedly imprisoned.*[*\[2\]*]( *However, nudity is at times tolerated in some societies; for example by* [*Digambara*]( *monks in India, who renounce clothing for* [*ascetic*]( *reasons, and during a* [*World Naked Bike Ride*](*.*[*\[3\]*]( &#x200B; I would personally love to roam the streets naked, unleash my John from ""Panties Oppression"", but most people in the society I live in do not find this behaviour appropriate in the public space. And I would end up in Jail and be labelled a Perverted Deranged F\*\*ker for the rest of my life. In some Amazonian and African Tribes, however, living completely bare naked all the time is perfectly normal. People wearing clothes are actually perceived as weirdos in their societies and they be like "" what are you hiding behind this piece of fabric, bruh ? What terrible things have you done ?"" Let's make this clear and sound : For many reasons, Some Women feel uncomfortable showing their hair or face in public. Yes, maybe they have been raised that way, but so had I. Who forced me to wear clothes and never expose my genitals in public ? My parents. Do I feel oppressed ? Absolutely not. It's just how Modesty work in Western culture and society. If I ever feel the need to walk completely naked in public, I would join a nudist club and expose my genitals to as many people as I want, and without breaking the law, or I could just join an African Tribe... INGETA ! Some Women feel comfortable wearing very light and revealing clothings. They are not doing it to provoke and elicit sexual desire in other Men. They just enjoy it. And there is nothing wrong about it. Unless they live in a society with tighter Modesty standards. And that could be a problem. There are other extreme cases that some Conservatives really love pointing out, where some fragments of a liberal society ""encourages"" girls to wear ""suggestive"" clothings, to ""objectify"" themselves. It's quite debatable ! I never met a single ""light clothing"" girl who seemed genuinely oppressed. But it is true that the high beauty standards set by fashion and porn industry can hold a lot of pressure on young prepubescent girls who will feel constantly ashamed of how they look...but we could say the same about Muslim societies, where girls are also pressured to look nice, even with traditional outfit. &#x200B; Now, how can people with different Modesty standards live together ? By learning how to just minding their own f\*\*\*ing business, I guess. New York City has recently authorized Women to walk chest naked in the streets without any penalties. The vast majority of Female New Yorkese do not show their breast in public, but a minority does now. So we're making progress ! Maybe, one day, Matriarchy Oppression will finally lift up and I will enjoy the pleasure of doing by Jogging BALL FREE. &#x200B; EDIT : Sorry I think this kind of post is more suitable for a French audience.",,,,,,2020-07-29 10:03:49 hzyzyt,,20,low oc,,,,,,,2020-07-29 11:23:16 hzz9wl,,7,I need your help,"Hey everyone I have a friend who got 17.93 on his bac exam ( bac sc ) and he is curious if it is possible to get a scholarship in europe ?",,,,,,2020-07-29 11:45:37 hzzs9f,,1,M'chichi ou la mort,,,,,,,2020-07-29 12:24:27 i0al0h,,1,كيفاش تشري من انترنات ومن امازون إلي تحب عليه,,,,,,,2020-07-29 22:51:05 i0au9x,,20,What are your thoughts about the recent progress of the Tunisian e-sports?,,,,,,,2020-07-29 23:06:05 i0gb77,,4,so is this confirmed? we can buy stuff online now?,,,,,,,2020-07-30 05:20:42 i0kt1a,,1,Cupcontiom 🤣,[deleted],,,,,,2020-07-30 12:00:41 i0l5d7,,9,"does the number of ""options"" one can take in the baccalaureate exam change by location ?","So I live in a southren governorate I'm two years away from passing the baccalaureate (inchallah) and I've been hearing mixed information from a few sources that in the south we can only take one option but in coastal governorates students can take multiple ""options"",which sounds absolutly absurd and if it were true, unfair. So does anyone know how true this is ?",,,,,,2020-07-30 12:26:25 i0n1y2,,1,They see corruption only in their enemies while their allies been stealing from this country for more than 8 years. This country is doomed for its stupid people.. the situation is as clear as the sun,,,,,,,2020-07-30 14:32:13 i0r1lp,,4,"En Tunisie, une blogueuse condamnée pour un pastiche du Coran",,,,,,,2020-07-30 18:13:18 i0rlxd,,1,A new meme is born 😂😂😂,,,,,,,2020-07-30 18:43:26 i0teqs,,15,This youtube channel translates Tunisian songs of different genres to English (with original lyrics and transliteration as well),,,,,,,2020-07-30 20:22:27 i0tu76,,101,Aidkom mabrouk dear tunisian Redditors 💜💕,,,,,,,2020-07-30 20:46:13 i0w4kv,,18,"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb... and then, she didn’t !",I hope it makes you laugh too !,,,,,,2020-07-30 22:54:23 i0wpsl,,2,"This YouTube channel let you visit a lot of luxury houses in HAMMAMET and soon all around tunisia, subscribe to support",,,,,,,2020-07-30 23:29:24 i0wukv,,3,Meditation in Tunisia,"Does anyone know any real meditation center/course in Tunisia? &#x200B; (no gym or yoga courses)",,,,,,2020-07-30 23:37:35 i0wvz3,,1,I AM AFRAID OF JOINING THE MILITARY ACADEMY.,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-30 23:40:06 i0y0ma,,1,I AM AFRAID OF JOINING THE MILITARY ACADEMY.,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-31 00:52:39 i0yjru,,1,I AM AFRAID OF JOINING THE MILITARY ACADEMY.,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-31 01:27:18 i12c3u,,3,Approvisionnement de la Tunisie en gaz naturel : Marzouk tire la sonnette d'alarme,,,,,,,2020-07-31 06:01:44 i12csg,,1,"A Sfax, on va dessaler l'eau de mer",,,,,,,2020-07-31 06:03:15 i149ha,,13,We need Tunisians 🇹🇳,"Hey! This is international server. This is a server with people from many countries where the people from those countries gather to learn about their cultures countries and share moments and pictures from their countries! We basically connect the world :). We have: Friendly People, Caring Staff, Qotd, Self Assignable Roles, Language Channels Etc. Feel Free to Join Our Community!",,,,,,2020-07-31 08:59:35 i17u67,,3,Is this true,,,,,,,2020-07-31 13:50:50 i184tj,,33,صامدون صامدون,,,,,,,2020-07-31 14:08:31 i18t0v,,22,"Context: Tatooine scenes were filmed in Tunisia, which borders Libya",,,,,,,2020-07-31 14:50:43 i18tja,,190,Employment in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-07-31 14:51:38 i19qvl,,8,"Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) when Indiana Jones as about to blow up the ark, the spot he was aiming at was roughly the same place R2D2 was in 4 years earlier (Sidi Bouhlel Canyon, Tozeur, Tunisia)",,,,,,,2020-07-31 15:44:21 i1i522,,6,Tunisia: One-Year Sentence for Homosexuality,"The case of Alzoz A1-Kaf exceeded today July 28, 2020 on appeal and sentenced to a year of imprisonment (after two years in the primary sentence) under chapter 230 of the Criminal Magazine which criminalizes homosexuality in prison for a term of up to 3 Years Although they refused to undergo anal examination as a means of proving homosexuality, the court used this rejection as evidence against them. This retrospective verdict poses a threat and threat to human rights and individual freedoms on this page we demand: - release prisoners - cancel chapter 230 of the Criminal Magazine to criminalize homophobia - cancel anal examination as a means of proof of homosexuality and rejection of homosexuality The fun of condemnation - the composition of the Criminal Magazine and the Magazine of Penal Procedures with the Constitution of 2014 and with international agreements and treaties that Tunisia ratified - respecting the drug obligations regarding human rights.",,,,,,2020-07-31 23:37:56 i1iav7,,1,Is it true that many men in Muslim countries have sex with each other due to gender segregation and sexual repression?,[removed],,,,,,2020-07-31 23:48:32 i1m459,,115,"Yes they exist, no they aren't being sarcastic, yes they are cringe.",,,,,,,2020-08-01 04:16:47 i1w3u0,,8,A very old olive tree. 2500 years old and 3rd oldest in the word. (1&2 are in Greece) I took these pics somewhere in Cap Bon.,,,,,,,2020-08-01 17:36:04 i1znx2,,74,We hope everything will be fine next days,,,,,,,2020-08-01 20:56:04 i1zpuj,,22,"freedom, body integrity, sexuality and the conservative madness","The conserative view on sexuality is completely disconnected from reality and that causes harm to both individuals and any society in which they are applied as a whole. I'll speak about transgenders, circumcision, homosexuality and the anti-scientific approach conservatives have to these issues. I will explain why allowing homsexuals and transgender people to exist and have their rights protected will help them and society. I will also explain why I think infant circumcision should be made illegal. I'll begin with the most obvious, and the easiest one for people to understand : having the right to sleep with whoever you want is a basic right. - *Comparision to zoophilia and pedophilia*. When the conservative will try to argue against homosexuality they will often make a slipery slope fallacy in which homosexuality will allow zoophilia and pedophilia. that a logical fallacy called slippery slope. And sometimes they will compare homosexuality to zoophilia and pedophilia, this is also another logical fallacy, a false analogy. In a homosexual relationship between 2 adults there is consent, and there's no harm done to the people involved in the act. And absolutely no harm done to any other person. - *Unnatural* : This is another logical fallacy : an appeal to nature. We can't say something is good or bad because it is natural or unnatural. Cancer is natural, it is still not a good thing. These people use phones and watch TV. You can't get more unnatural than that. In addition, they will defend circumcision to the death which is a surgery which actually harms the body and causes damage (I'll get to the details later) - *religion* : Religion is about a subjective ""truth"", that's why we use the term ""belief"" instead of knowledge. In addition the religious interpretations are very very different : You can still be muslim, be okay with homosexuality and against circumcision. The quran says nothing about homosexuality and muslims quote ""no compulsion in religion"" and ""you have your religion and I have mine"" all the time. Fucking practice what you preach. If you believe these quotes are valid, then you are a secular muslim and should be progressive aswell. And if you believe homosexuals will go to hell, we genuinely do not care. Keep it to yourself. Circumcision This is one should be very fucking obvious but people need explanation of the science behind it and why it was advocate for in the past, but is a dying practice everywhere and should be banned (at least for children and teens) - *First, there's no benefit*. They will mention that it decreases some infections but they will never tell you the details. And the devil is in the details. The doctor will tell you that circumcision will decrease the rate of UTI (an infection) by 60% IN THE FIRST YEAR AFTER BIRTH ONLY (basically a prevention). This sounds big, but, they say the RR instead of the DR for a reason, the risk of UTI for uncircumcised children is already low : 1%. And an immediate risk of complication DURING the surgery alone (not after it, just during it) is 2%. This includes a vast range of complication which include death. And UTI is a treatable disease. Another claim is AIDS. In the US they used to cicumcise but not in Europe, yet the rate was much higher in the US than Europe. There are much better and more efficient ways to deal with AIDS than circumcision. I'm going to be charitable and use the studies which favor the most circumcision : reduces transmission from female to male by 60%, but has no effect on transmission from male to female. Using a condom and abstinating from having sex with random people + legalizing homosexuality have a much much better effect on reducing AIDS. - *The harm* : Here is where most people don't know the truth. The complications of the surgery can literally destroy the life of the person. For example, when you circumcise a child under a certain age it is dont WITHOUT anesthesia. This is obviously torture. And the excuse ""he will not remember"" is factually incorrect and makes it even more immoral. We don't torture people affected by Alzheimers and justify it with ""he will not remember"". an act is immoral independant of the capacity to remember. Harm that is done to most people and is NOT REVERSIBLE is loss of sensitivity, and the loss of pleasure during sexual intercourse. Also women report having more pleasure, less pain and dryness with uncircucumcised men. Does this mean circumcied men are inferior for women ? no, use lube mf. there is more harm than this. For example, many men lose comfort in their day to day life because of friction with clothes or other minor things that should not be inconvinient. - *Hygiene* : using water and soad is necessary. We don't advocate cutting ears because they can get dirty, we clean them. It is the same for the foreskin. Just wash. - *personal choice* : many men regret having been circumcised in many parts of the world ESPECIALLY if they know the facts behind it. There's a study which shows that well informed adults are less satisfied with their circumcision (some get into depression, and/or seek the help of a therapist). Circumcising a child is by definition sexual assault. There's no good evidence that it is harder to circumcise adults or that it has worst outcomes, and even if it has worse outcomes for adults, it is not an excuse to circumcised every male. Having read the studies put forth to prove that circumcision has better outcomes when performed on children, these studies have many problems. For example, they follow the adults for months or years after the surgery and take note of the complications which happen DURING and AFTER the surgery. But, they don't do that for the children, they only take note of the complications which happen DURING the surgery. If you are a muslim and still want to circumcise, you can do it when you grow up, at any time you want. Just don't push it so that others be circumcised aswell. - *phimosis and some other disease which are treated by circumcision* : Circumcision is used to TREAT these illnesses and not to PREVENT them. So routine circumcision can not be justified on this basis. In addition many of these pathologies can be treated through much less invasive ways. And using the existence of these pathologies to justify circumcision is as stupid as saying : migraine exists therefore we should all seek the teatment for it, or cancer exists therefore we should all use chemo. I have a burden of proof, Here are some studies and quotes. ""The AAP does not recommend routine circumcision."" The AAP is the American Academy of Pediatrics. ""However, they said that because of the possible benefits, parents should have the option to circumcise their sons if they want to. They recommend that parents discuss circumcision with their baby's health care provider. Parents should make their decision based on the benefits and risks, as well as their own religious, cultural, and personal preferences."" We wouldn't allow FGM using the excuses of ""personal preference"" (there are many types of FGM some of which are as harmful as male circumcision). Or we wouldn't excuse the ""Risks related to circumcision: Bleeding Infection Redness around the surgery site Injury to the penis Some research has suggested that uncircumcised male infants have an increased risk of certain conditions, including: Cancer of the penis Certain sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV Infections of the penis Phimosis (tightness of the foreskin that prevents it from retracting) Urinary tract infections The overall increased risk for these conditions is thought to be relatively small. Proper hygiene of the penis and safe sexual practices can help prevent many of these conditions. Proper hygiene is especially important for uncircumcised males."" This article even clearly states ""Proper hygiene of the penis and safe sexual practices can help prevent many of these conditions. Proper hygiene is especially important for uncircumcised males."" ""Penile problems, such as irritation, inflammation, and infection, are more common in uncircumcised males. It's easier to keep a circumcised penis clean, although uncircumcised boys can learn how to clean beneath the foreskin once they're older. Some people claim that circumcision lessens the sensitivity of the tip of the penis, decreasing sexual pleasure later in life. But none of these subjective findings are conclusive."" know that there are article which CONFIRM there's a loss of sensitivity. Basically, the glans starts making keratin to protect itself from the enivronment and lose sensitivity with time : that's why just after circumcision men are more uncomfortable in they day to day life than after a long period of time : the glans loses sensitivity. Also, these changes are the cause of feelings of dryness during intercourse. The last one, about why many are many men satisfied with their circumcision : Transgenders This topic is the most difficult to explain because most people don't understand the basic concepts behind it. - *Gender and sex* : these are not the same thing. Gender is more the way you behave/think. And sex is the biological sex. Basically gender is used to force people act/think a certain way and those who don't fit these patterns of behavior will identify with a different gender. I think gender should be abolished. When it comes to sex that's a completely different discussion. - *Defining woman* : we can define woman in many different ways, but ulitimately it is hard to define. We have a similar problem with many other words. Some will say ""If she can give birth, then she's a woman"", but many women can't give birth since birth. So the easiest definition, is having a vagina or a penis. A surgery can simply change the a penis into a vagina now. This something that can be done and is practiced in med. The external genital organ for males and females share the same embryonic origin which only change shape. - *defining man* : We face the same problems as with defining woman. - *Freedom to do whatever you want with your body* : Don't you find it wierd that conservatives think forced circumcision on children is okay but changing one's OWN sex is unacceptable to them ? Well, this is why we think they're backwards and inconsistent. They defend immoral practices then attack people who are not harming anybody. Conservatives : - *Inconsistencies* : they will defend circumcision on children who can not consent any day, and justify it with ""religious freedom"", but they will deny homosexuals their rights religious freedom. This is why when a tunisian conservative mentions religious freedom, you know they are lying. The status quo in Tunisia is anti-religious freedom and even anti-freedom of speech in many cases. Being conservative in Tunisia means you either want to defend that horrible status quo or make it worse. - *Logical fallacies and hypocrisy* : they make many different logical fallacies in their reasoning. But if they really thought unnatural things are bad for example, they would stop using phones, wearing clothes and will just become anarcho-primitivists. And they're not anarcho-primitivists. In addition they expect homosexuals to never have sex, while every heterosexual man will have his sexual desires satisfied. So conservatives are by definition hypocrites. - *They harm the country* : They want to force their SUBJECTIVE preferences on other ADULTS and treat them like CHILDREN. They cause division among people and alienate many minorities just to achieve their goal which is not even a moral or valuable one. for example, saying that Tunisia must have a muslim government because it has a muslim majority is not only MISUNDERSTANDING OF WHAT DEMOCRACY MEANS, but is also ANTI-REVOLUTION. They ignore that tunisians can be non-muslim, not straight and have many other characteristics and STILL BE TUNISIAN.",,,,,,2020-08-01 20:59:09 i21cgl,,23,We all know someone who owns an Isuzu,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-01 22:39:37 i264cg,,68,People should just focus on themselves.,,,,,,,2020-08-02 04:20:35 i2asjk,,1,Stolen,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-02 11:47:35 i2bj9a,,2,Why is the service quality in good hotels so bad?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-02 12:50:25 i2bogo,,50,"Ras jebal’s beach , Bizerte , no filter needed.",,,,,,,2020-08-02 13:01:07 i2dnlt,,7,"A place with good quality, affordable clothes?","Hello fellow Tunisian redditors, Would you please help me find a place where I can get new, good quality male clothes that are *not* overpriced? It's frustrating how expensive clothing is; you can't get anything for less than 40 or 50 dinars. Even fucking Zara is so damn expensive here! Any recommendations? Thanks!",,,,,,2020-08-02 15:14:48 i2e08s,,5,A place / gym to learn jiu jitsu,"hello. i am a foreigner residing in tunisia for less than a year and i’m looking for a welcoming, good place to learn the jiu jitsu martial art, preferably in the aouina or one of the 2 lacs. any ideas ?",,,,,,2020-08-02 15:36:53 i2f9e6,,8,France Never Colonized Africa. The Parisian Bourgeoisie Elite Did.,"Just a quick glance at the history of the French Revolution shows that French People were overall very supportive of the Church, their King and the order they defended. The French Revolution appears to be a coup fomented with the consent of the ""people"", but that's a Republican fallacy. It was a cultural genocide, where the Parisian Bourgeoisie, oppressed by the growingly parasitic Aristocracy, started claiming their political rights (to make more profits). First, they tried to compromise with the King by establishing a Constitutional Monarchy, but Louis betrayed them and asks his cousins from Germany and Austria to kick Revolutionaries ass. So they cut his head off and butchered everyone who kept clinging to the old order...millions of people were massacred (The Vendean Genocide) It took 80 years for the Republican ideal to finally implement itself with the promulgation of the Third Republic in 1871. Meanwhile, countless of goods were confiscated from traditional orders... and then given back. Then, the Republicans started consolidating their power through the invention of the Nationalist ideal and the preservation of their vast colonial empire. People living in France had nothing to do with it. They were just farmers trying to survive. They had their own culture, tradition, beliefs, language (35 dialects before standard Parisian took over), and overall, their own regional identity. Then they were firmly asked to submit completely to the new order (through public school). **The cultural genocide African people had faced in the hands of the colonial institution was the same French people suffered from Paris Bourgeoisie that sparkled in 1791.**",,,,,,2020-08-02 16:51:25 i2f9eb,,173,Today sea in Gabes.,,,,,,,2020-08-02 16:51:25 i2ghzm,,1,Let's Terraform The Sahara Before We Terraform Mars,,,,,,,2020-08-02 18:02:01 i2i5h8,,0,What do you think about this intro,,,,,,,2020-08-02 19:34:52 i2kojq,,13,Tunisian boys: do you take care of your skin?,"Hello everyone, I have 28YO, and I start to take care of my skin. I have a mixed skin. My routine consist to made a oxygen mask once every 2 week and eye cream. do you take care of your skin? If yes, what’s your skin routine ? Thanks PS: please avoid comment aal rjouleya",,,,,,2020-08-02 22:00:14 i2n8zs,,1,"Mosaic depicting a lion as it attacks an onager (wild Asiatic donkey), from a villa in Hadrumetum, Roman North Africa (modern Sousse, Tunisia), circa 150-200 CE. Getty Villa Museum in Malibu, CA. [OC]",,,,,,,2020-08-03 00:37:24 i2p9ze,,3,"When IPEST ,the toughest prepa in Tunisia, revealed its true colors (and the colors of all the prepas). Picture from last year Ramadan’s feuilleton: El Maestro",,,,,,,2020-08-03 02:52:02 i2rwpl,,12,Can someone explain how these birds don’t die ?? Picture from chat mami,,,,,,,2020-08-03 06:14:25 i2sr7v,,6,Be the person who remembers you after your death. Stop video games and remove social media and work on yourself during these times of difficulty. If he did it when there used to be nothing then you can when you have everything.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-03 07:30:46 i2vf3g,,4,Texas instruments BA II Calculator in Tunisia,"Hi, (Sorry if this irrelevant to the subreddit I will delete it) I need a specific calculator to study and pass for a finance certification which is Texas instruments BA II Calculator. Does any one knows how I can get it in Tunisia? I don't have any relatives leaving abroad that they can buy it for me and this certification only accept the use of two calculators the one that I already mentioned and hp12c calculator. If you have any idea how I can get it please tell me. Regards.",,,,,,2020-08-03 11:33:51 i2vi39,,15,Do you guys think that homosexuality is ever going to be depenalized in the near future ?,"As a foreign born tunisian, I am trying to get to know tunisian politics. However I never understood why homosexuality was so widely unaccepted in tunisia considering that most if not all religious laws have been abolished, so why do tunisian folks care so much about putting lgbt people in jail ? This is a genuine question, I would really like to know what you guys think !",,,,,,2020-08-03 11:40:15 i2vizf,,4,"Every bottled water brand has it. Still, they brag about it.",,,,,,,2020-08-03 11:42:12 i2waap,,1,عاجل ❗🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-08-03 12:38:09 i2wtwn,,153,Tunisia 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-08-03 13:15:41 i2wvoq,,30,It's funny because it's true,,,,,,,2020-08-03 13:18:38 i2x843,,2,Do you think airsoft should be a legal sport in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-03 13:41:11 i2xatq,,1,Should airsoft become a legal sport in Tunisia,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-08-03 13:45:53 i2xix2,,11,Should airsoft become a legal sport in Tunisia ?,It's a sport like paintball but cleaner cheaper and more realistic there was some attempts to introduce it in Tunisia back in 2010 but was rejected this sport is becoming more and more popular the last tow years and alot of teenagers are interested in this strategic game including the 3k member of the Tunisian airsoft group before it died so do you think we should try to legalize it again ?,,,,,,2020-08-03 14:00:18 i2xvq6,,0,"My Tunisian partner wants to go to Germany to work, but illegally. He wants me to then move pver to be with him.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-03 14:21:41 i2ynj2,,3,Mourad Abidi is just a big bully,,,,,,,2020-08-03 15:06:49 i30j98,,4,An International Psychiatry Project About Covid and Dissociation,"Hello, we are making a project about Covid and it’s effects on human psychology. It’s questionnaire style, currently in Canada, Italy, Turkey, Germany, China, and Egypt. We are trying to spread it as much as we can. You can participate by using the link below, it is only about 30 minutes. Thanks in advance. [\_4TKMo66al1HEYGV](",,,,,,2020-08-03 16:48:20 i30ofk,,5,Alcohol suggestions for me and my beginner friend,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-03 16:55:39 i325m8,,13,The amount of ignorance in this country blows my mind 🤦‍♂️,,,,,,,2020-08-03 18:09:47 i332dd,,1,"2500 Year old olive tree. Shot somewhere in Nabel. 3rd oldest in the word, number 1&2 are in Greece.",,,,,,,2020-08-03 18:55:50 i36rk0,,1,Zanket le bacha Tunis 🇹🇳🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-03 22:07:51 i395oc,,0,Corona and existential crises,"Hello so i was living in ariana and ive move out to hade2 lmenzeh now if anyone wants to hangout just dm me . Ps: to title is just for attention.(im 23 just in case)",,,,,,2020-08-04 00:28:53 i3ei66,,135,Amazing place in Ghar el melh - Bizerte,,,,,,,2020-08-04 06:51:51 i3f5cj,,9,are there gamedev related communities or events in tunisia ?,"i have been looking for such communities for more than 2 years now, and i still cant find any active ones .",,,,,,2020-08-04 07:49:08 i3f8e0,,19,Found this on Facebook,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-04 07:57:19 i3g85s,,109,Tunis -gammarth ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-08-04 09:30:23 i3hbvv,,1,مغربية في سويسرا خلات راجلها السويسري جابت حبها الأول مغربي شوف آش وقع ل...,,,,,,,2020-08-04 11:04:45 i3ker4,,0,...,,,,,,,2020-08-04 14:35:31 i3klxk,,4,Recommendations needed: Salons to get hair balayage in Tunis,What are the best salons in Tunis to get hair balayage (coloring) done and what would the cost be? I've been reading mixed reviews online.,,,,,,2020-08-04 14:46:59 i3louq,,11,Do you think Tunisians are people pleasers?,"I heard my parents mention that.. but I don't really know if that's true, what do you guys think?",,,,,,2020-08-04 15:46:38 i3pktu,,15,Why I believe Tunisia has the most important history in the whole of North Africa,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-04 19:09:52 i41p3p,,9,Looking for suggestion of places to live in Tunisia :),"Hello. I'm a french man working in a distributed company (100% remote) since 2018.Being able to work from everywhere allowed me to visit several cities in France, but now I am thinking about living abroad and maybe discover some north-african countries, a few months at a time. I am currently interested in Tunisia, it seems to be a beautiful place with nice people, but I don't know exactly in which town I should rent. I would like, if possible and in order of importance : 1. A place where I can live on foot, without car 2. A place with correct Internet. I don't need high speed, but I need stability 3. A place near the beach ! I would love to work with my laptop next to the sea, and if I can swim a good part of the year it would be even better :) I also have a few questions : A) Can I live in Tunisia while only speaking French a probably a bit of Arab I will pick up on the spot ? (Like ""Hello"", ""Thank you"", ""Have a nice day"") B) What is the cost of living in Tunisia ? What kind of life can I expect with a salary of roughly 1500€ per month ? C) Other important things I should know before moving there ? Thank you for your help ! \\o/",,,,,,2020-08-05 08:41:28 i41xgu,,46,Lebanon.,Any ways to help Lebanon from Tunisia ?,,,,,,2020-08-05 09:03:56 i45hyt,,4,Authorities knew ammonium nitrate stored at Beirut port was dangerous: Customs head.The Lebanese judiciary was notified six times that the ammonium nitrate stored at Beirut Port was dangerous and customs officials asked to re-export it.Permission was never granted.,,,,,,,2020-08-05 13:38:34 i46ny2,,19,Visiting Tunisia,What do u guys think is the best city to visit on a budget in Tunisia for someone who's never been there??,,,,,,2020-08-05 14:49:13 i47qy4,,2,About CTI,"Can you use it to get, lets say, steam funds? Or maybe a subscription to a spotify or a netflix plan?",,,,,,2020-08-05 15:48:18 i48bk4,,1,Tunisian community,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-05 16:18:36 i49240,,5,"Moving to Carthage, looking for a good chiropractor","I have a very good chiropractor here in the states and was wondering if anybody knew of a good one in Carthage, though I’d be willing to travel up to an hour and a half to see one. Thanks!",,,,,,2020-08-05 16:57:20 i49gbo,,1,Tunisian Community,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-05 17:17:28 i4c4kh,,11,why are most tunisians boomers that use facebook, why are most tunisians boomers that use facebook i mean you have reddit and discord and twitter but no you just like facebook,,,,,,2020-08-05 19:34:49 i4f6t7,,8,"Tunytalk is the first Tunisian community-based platform aimed towards creating a friendly non-toxic environment where people can share their thoughts, connect ,meet ,help each other. Join us :",,,,,,,2020-08-05 22:18:01 i4ntoq,,6,Internet providers,"Where do you live? Grand tunis sfax sousse? Or a smaller less cared-for area? How good is the internet there? Which company do you use? Which company do you think provides the best service in your area? Thanks! In my case tozeur(ville)-globalnet not bad , i have used nabeul(ville)-globalnet about 20-25% better than tozeur even with less debit actually For mobile data i use orange prepaid and i'm pretty satisfied all around the country",,,,,,2020-08-06 08:15:15 i4pou8,,1,Tunisian Community,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-06 10:58:53 i4qbh6,,6,Revolut,"Looking for banks that doesn't take commissions for Revolut withdraws. for the moment ik of BH and BTK",,,,,,2020-08-06 11:45:36 i4rciu,,4,what do i do to get money from a foreign company.,"I'm going to open a bank account tomorrow and I'm starting to work with a company remotely. thing is I've never opened an account before and idk what do say or do exactly. any help would be appreciated",,,,,,2020-08-06 12:58:27 i4romo,,2,"Is Tunisia really 99,5% muslim?","[\_in\_Tunisia]( If yes, that makes it one of the most religiously homogenous country in the world.",,,,,,2020-08-06 13:20:37 i4rzma,,2,Macron’s Mom: I told you don’t spend much time with Kais Saied,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-06 13:39:48 i4rzoq,,99,Macron’s Mom: I told you don’t spend much time with Kais Saied,,,,,,,2020-08-06 13:39:56 i4t37c,,1,عاجل⁉️ فرص ذهبية عقود خيالية للعمل في سويسرا لأول مرة و آخرة مرة تفاصيل ...,,,,,,,2020-08-06 14:46:25 i4teqw,,1,Tunisian Community,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-06 15:04:14 i4tm2b,,6,Online website to unite Arab Nations through internet,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-06 15:15:33 i4tygj,,4,I didn't see Lotfi Abdelli's last standup and I read...,"many differing views...I personally don't like him or his stupid jokes. I consider him to be a nuisance more than anything. BUT, his performance evoked the topic of freedom of speech and what have you, and as you all know we are all experts when it comes to freedom, politics, and everything else in between. My take personally is who gives a fuck what he said. If it was funny and it made you laugh, good for you. If it didn't and you felt that there was a personal attack on your values or morals then you simply should flip the channel by not watching him. What do you guys think? I mean like I said I don't like him but as far as his jokes go I really couldn't give a rat's ass about them. Surely I'll giggle here and there but that's it. I won't call for his head to roll because of jokes or accuse him of partisanship. He tells jokes for Fanta's sake!!! Sauce:,537,100940,3",,,,,,2020-08-06 15:35:14 i4uxr1,,1,Ferry from Tunisia to Italy (Genova),"Hi guys, does anyone know if they check your luggage when you travel per ferry? My boyfriend is in Tunisia right now and his brother bought two chameleons for no damn reason. “bEcaUsE thEy’E coOl”, don’t even get me started. After i told him that we don’t have the space nor time to keep a chameleon in our small apartment, his brother purchased it anyway, and kept saying that it’s not a big deal and I shouldn’t whine about it. Wdym, it’s a freakin exotic animal, and they know jack shit about maintaining it. Also they don’t have the right documents to own one. So I would like to know what the chances are that they will get caught while trying to bring them back to Belgium. I hope they will find the chameleons before they enter the ferry, because they are driving back from Italy and I’m afraid they won’t even survive the long trip. Thanks",,,,,,2020-08-06 16:28:38 i4w8j8,,74,He's saying the truth tho,,,,,,,2020-08-06 17:36:17 i4xftx,,12,What is the driving culture like in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-08-06 18:38:52 i4ztv7,,3,Is alcohol expensive in Tunisia?,"Are there regulations on imports of alcohol to Tunisia? Whats the cost of like bottle of whiskey, vodka, beer, wine, ect.",,,,,,2020-08-06 20:44:34 i4zvat,,1,عاجل⁉️ فرص ذهبية عقود خيالية للعمل في سويسرا لأول مرة و آخرة مرة تفاصيل ...,,,,,,,2020-08-06 20:46:49 i57xkp,,3,"i found a tunisian ""reddit""",[removed],,,,,,2020-08-07 05:15:24 i58zbk,,13,"What do you think the biggest cultural difference is compared to France, the US, or any country you can compare to?",,,,,,,2020-08-07 06:43:27 i5b2zo,,0,I was trying to make a character for youtube and i can't draw,,,,,,,2020-08-07 09:59:12 i5b9d9,,1,أنا شارفة،عوجة،خيبة،يهودية المهم الثقة في النفس و هاكيفاش تكون عندك شخصي...,,,,,,,2020-08-07 10:14:19 i5c7ep,,1,الحلم العربي,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-07 11:36:13 i5c839,,29,الحلم التونسي,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-07 11:37:37 i5djya,,45,"Chenini a fortified Amazigh village in Tataouine, Southern Tunisia",,,,,,,2020-08-07 13:12:37 i5e14h,,0,Abir's underwear,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-07 13:42:41 i5i7yp,,3,"What are some cool, hidden places to check out in Tunisia that are not tourist traps?",,,,,,,2020-08-07 17:37:23 i5iywj,,232,Map of Tunisia made from 6 to 500 edges,,,,,,,2020-08-07 18:17:31 i5jsu7,,0,زوجي وبنتي,,,,,,,2020-08-07 19:00:41 i5ko23,,7,losing a friend hurts more than a breakup,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-07 19:47:10 i5lhnt,,1,Fakt,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-07 20:31:09 i5mf8l,,30,Tunisian Street Orientation,,,,,,,2020-08-07 21:22:10 i5mtoe,,45,Tunisia 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-08-07 21:44:45 i5t365,,2,Cultural diversity in Tunisia,"Greeting's! I'm participating in this MUN held next week , and I'm in the United Nations Human rights council committee. I've been allotted with the country of Tunisia , what the people and the government do to ensure cultural harmony and diversity. It would be a huge help if I could get some insights on this. Thanks a lot",,,,,,2020-08-08 04:37:42 i5w1yr,,1,Friendly Tunisian Community (18+),[removed],,,,,,2020-08-08 08:57:55 i5ws6h,,0,عزف على أعصاب الموت -حنين -ريبر هبون -مناجاة شعرية 2020,,,,,,,2020-08-08 10:09:53 i5zqi4,,10,"I'm gonna be visiting nabel soon, bni 5yar exactly","I'm gonna spend a week exactly starting from monday and i don't wanna spend that week with my family alone, if anybody wants to hang out hit me up",,,,,,2020-08-08 14:09:37 i62kbb,,110,I met this Tunisian girl in Paris,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-08 17:02:36 i634fc,,0,Comment Créer Un Business En Ligne | Formation Gratuite De A à Z,,,,,,,2020-08-08 17:34:08 i67ax0,,7,Things to do in hammamet ?,"Hey 👋 I am staying in hammamet with my family until August 15th and wanted to know what places to visit in hammamet during our stay, may it be cultural sites, cool cafés, original shops,whatever really ! I, on my side, gathered a list of places that may be interesting to visit . So if you have visited any of this places please give me your feedback and if you have any other place that you think we should visit and that is not on this list pleaaaaase let me know, I really want to make the most out of this trip 😄❤️ Also it would be great if someone could recommend me a good night club for teenagers/ young adults in hammamet nord . ✌️ Here’s the list so far (will be updated with each suggestion): _ Musée carrefour dés civilisation et des religions (museum of religions) _ Carthage Land _ Scuba diving center yasmine hammamet _ Pupput (archaeological site) _ Kasbah _Medina _ Neopolis (museum + archeological site) Thank you 💕",,,,,,2020-08-08 21:34:21 i67you,,0,Tunisian boy meets Angel AI on Omegle (full video in comments).,,,,,,,2020-08-08 22:14:06 i6i6kv,,0,im starting a sarcastic new page,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-09 12:00:13 i6kd9t,,10,Can i get netflix by a tunisian credit card?,I think Everything is in the title,,,,,,2020-08-09 14:37:40 i6mcpe,,1,Belehi if someone can aba3thoulou flag wa bakou chocotom fadh7etna sfara,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-09 16:37:59 i6psuz,,1,Do you sens any chnage since 2006: Taking photos in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-08-09 19:49:05 i6r38s,,89,Marsa corniche ❤️🇹🇳 Tunis,,,,,,,2020-08-09 21:01:09 i6sf04,/r/lebanon/comments/i6r0um/revolution_advice_from_a_tunisian/,9,I found this post on another Lebanese subreddit r/lebanon what do you all think about what was said?,,,,,,,2020-08-09 22:16:36 i73fsr,,8,But what about Tunisian women,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-10 11:55:49 i740iu,ésitante_quoi_choisir/,4,hésitante quoi choisir,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-10 12:36:15 i77ke2,,43,“I am Arab”,,,,,,,2020-08-10 16:01:21 i79r27,تونس-أخبار-وطنية/779561/المشيشي-سأشكل-حكومة-كفاءات-مستقلة-وغير-متحزبة,9,"bye bye nahdha, arrivederciiiiiiiiiiiiiiii",,,,,,,2020-08-10 17:52:43 i7amx1,,9,"A place to ""hang out"" with my girl.","So long story short, my favourite spot is closed because of covid, and I'd like to know your best quite places to take your girl to and do ""stuff"".",,,,,,2020-08-10 18:36:31 i7b1yv,ممكن_احد_يشرح_لي_كيف_وضع_تونس_الان_مع_الرئيس_قيس/,7,ممكن احد يشرح لي كيف وضع تونس الان مع الرئيس قيس؟,صراحة انا مش فاهم الوضع، هل تبين ان الرئيس جيد أم سيّء؟ حاولت اقرأ في المواقع الإخبارية، لكن كل موقع يتحيز بشدة لأجنداته الخاصة. فقلت اسأل التونسيين هنا أفضل.,,,,,,2020-08-10 18:57:27 i7f1tc,,1,...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-10 22:18:30 i7f51k,,9,"Bonjour je cherche ""Lettres de prison"" d'Antonio Gramsci (de préférence qu'il soit en bonne condition ...) Et merci d avance",...,,,,,,2020-08-10 22:23:10 i7f6lx,,5,Tunisian Community,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-10 22:25:21 i7iejy,,3,Any BTC (or other crypto) holders among the community ?,,,,,,,2020-08-11 01:32:03 i7lgt8,",20200808153905,11.html",22,Performance environnementale : La Tunisie en deuxième place sur le continent africain selon l'IPE,,,,,,,2020-08-11 04:54:13 i7nsxn,,5,"A crash course on Nations, Empires and Nationalism followed by a practical study : Tu...",,,,,,,2020-08-11 08:08:04 i7phg1,,59,Bulla Regia,,,,,,,2020-08-11 10:39:06 i7pk5u,,20,Bulla Regia 2.0,,,,,,,2020-08-11 10:45:30 i7rcg8,,9,Surfing in Tunisia,"I’m in Tunisia on holiday and I’m gonna stay in Sousse, Hammamet and Tunis. Does anyone know any surfing facilities where they provide all the equipment and lessons? It can also be kite or wind surf. I saw Djerba has but it’s quite far from where we’re staying",,,,,,2020-08-11 12:58:50 i7roor,,33,"Found this in the wild, ""when you meet a zabrat in Japan""",,,,,,,2020-08-11 13:20:18 i7sc5q,,3,new meme subreddit,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-11 14:00:40 i7ta00,,3,Airsoft in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-11 14:58:51 i7to0o,أخبار-تونس-جهات/779873/ضمن-الحركة-القضائية-ن-قلة-وكيل-الجمهورية-بإبتدائية-تونس,1,Attorney general long accused of protecting ennahdha in the assasination affairs finally dismissed,,,,,,,2020-08-11 15:22:19 i7w4vr,,38,Utica (𐤏𐤕𐤒) was the first city founded by the Phoenicians in North Africa (c. 1100 BC). It was located 40 km northwest of Carthage and was one of the most influential and powerful Phoenician colonies. Hamilcar Barca swiftly liberated the city during an intense siege by a violent mercenary revolt.,,,,,,,2020-08-11 17:35:28 i835cp,,23,"junk food, best food","&#x200B;",,,,,,2020-08-11 23:57:01 i88pvi,,1,TUNISIAN NICKNAMES,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-12 06:27:32 i8a06n,,41,6 pioneers students from Tunisia who want to change the Arab world with the power of Knowledge.,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-12 08:23:42 i8aym2,,21,"In an attempt to reinforce the relationship between Italy and Tunisia, the modern governments of Rome and Carthage signed a ""peace treaty"" in 1985, lightheartedly ending the Third Punic War 2,131 years later!",,,,,,,2020-08-12 09:56:25 i8bdau,,7,What do you and the people around you think of Sfaxians?,"Stereotypes, experiences etc",,,,,,2020-08-12 10:32:27 i8bdcw,,1,What do I need to apply for my ID card ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-12 10:32:36 i8ic6p,,43,Why is customer service so bad in this country?!,"It feels no matter where you go (high end or average places), when you ask for a service, you are either \- ignored \- put on hold \- bullied I am sure the list can be much longer than this. When you talk about reporting the problem, you are laughed at. This confuses me and leaves me speechless...",,,,,,2020-08-12 17:44:09 i8k5ec,,1,مغربية في سويسرا🇨🇭عملت تحليلة كورونا و إختبار فيروس كورونا على المباشر😊 ...,,,,,,,2020-08-12 19:17:25 i8lh5n,,6,The rumored connection between Ennahdha and the assassinations of Chokri Belaid and Mohamed Brahmi might be proven in court in the coming months.,,,,,,,2020-08-12 20:26:15 i8lnco,,12,I want to visit Tunisia and I have a bunch of questions. Where can I find a guide? Or can any of you guys help me?,"1- Can I communicate with people by speaking English? I speak English, Turkish and a little bit of Spanish. 2- Can I spend a night in the desert? Are there touristic desert tours? 3- What else should I do when I visit Tunisia? Where should I go?",,,,,,2020-08-12 20:35:14 i8pc3o,,10,I want to discover my culture .,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-13 00:00:52 i8pv99,,11,virginity,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-13 00:33:56 i8simi,,16,"Punic sarcophagus imitative of Hellenic temple architecture, circa 4th century BCE. It was likely made by Greek migrant artisans on behalf of local elites. Carthage National Museum, Tunisia.",,,,,,,2020-08-13 03:26:24 i8wezd,ق/,27,"People who say ""ga"" instead of ق","Hello, People who say ""ga"" instead of ق, did you feel discriminated against when you moved to coastal cities?(Sfax, Monastir, Tunis etc)",,,,,,2020-08-13 08:52:24 i8xcla,,1,"“Tunisia - historical invasion diagram. Through its geographic location, it is a zone of passage and shock. It had to endure, over the course of three millennia, the influence of fourteen different people.”",[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-13 10:16:50 i8ybuz,هل_الناس_من_قابس_يقولو_جماعتي_كمعنى_عائلتي/,9,"هل الناس من قابس يقولو ""جماعتي ""كمعنى عائلتي ؟",Pls very important,,,,,,2020-08-13 11:38:14 i8zvq0,,21,"Why Tunisians don’t work hard, or even work ?","Hi there. Everyone had certainly noticed, young generations don’t really work, they don’t rely on themselves, they mostly rely on their parents, until even late twenties. City boys, will prefer spending the day in a local cafe, with pocket money handed by the parents, instead of working, say in agriculture, construction, commerce, you name it... We even do import workforce’s from central Africa ... Tunisians spend more than they earn, on average, a well paid Tunisian will get paid maybe 1500-2000dt on average, but will have an iPhone 11 Pro costing like 2500-3000 dt... What the fuck is wrong with us ?",,,,,,2020-08-13 13:26:49 i91ctf,,1,Rap Caviar FR. For my Tunisian people who like French Rap / I share this playlist ;) Enjoy,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-13 14:56:11 i91l0y,,23,Equal inheritance for women,"On National Women's day, the topic of equal inheritance rights for women gets discussed a lot. Where do you stand? You can elaborate in comments section, I am curious to see what everyone thinks about it.. [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-08-13 15:08:54 i91zbl,,13,Best way to invest 5kTND in Tunisia?,"Hello friends, I have a small amount of money set aside (less than 5k) and wanted to invest it. What are my best options? And do you think such a small amount would be enough to get into OPCVMs? Thanks!",,,,,,2020-08-13 15:30:40 i99qjc,,20,"Entire families are arriving at our shores, Covid drivers Tunisian exodus.",,,,,,,2020-08-13 22:24:59 i9d8nh,,3,Conscripts in French overseas campaigns?,"Hey y’all, Through family lore, I learned that my grandfather might have been conscripted into the French army and sent overseas...was this commonplace in Tunisia? I’m not sure how sensitive of a subject it is with my family so I just wanted to see if this is a thing before I delve deeper. This would probably have been in the 1920s or 30s I’m guessing.",,,,,,2020-08-14 02:01:11 i9dug3,,9,How do you format a Tunisian mailing address?,"So I was at a truck stop and saw postcards and decided it would be fun to send one to my friend in Tunisia for kicks and giggles. But addressing it is proving to be so confusing... Part of it is that there is no house number...he said his city is so small they don’t need them Can someone give me an example of the format?",,,,,,2020-08-14 02:40:42 i9ew9f,,33,Moving to Japan but no idea where to start.,"I guess the title was confusing but I suck at this so here goes nothing. I visited Japan a while back and it shook me to my core, I fell in love with the places, people and culture. I traveled quite a lot { the USA, most of Europe and all of north africa} but what I have experienced in japan really stuck with me and I've been depressed since coming back home 🇹🇳 ( Feb 2020 ). so if any Tunisian expats living there who can help me setting up a plan to move there please PM me. I am 22 years old, starting 1 year in ESC ( LG ) this September / October, fluent in German/English/Arabic, Conversational in French, a Beginner in Japanese. For those wondering why am 22 and just starting as a freshman, I'd be happy to explain that in another post spoiler alert ( broken system ). TL;DR: Tunisian pleb wanting to move to japan and needs help to plan his 'great escape'. &#x200B; EDIT: First of all thank you for your kind responses and I really appreciate your help (even you the quick google search redditor ) So what've learned from the comments are: 1. I am not interested in being an English teacher because am already studying something else. 2. I don't know how Japanese etiquette would help. 3. u/mohamed2657 is way too politically correct I posted this looking for Tunisians who have some experience or tips and tricks or a backdoor to do this easily, anyways , I appreciate your help.",,,,,,2020-08-14 03:52:38 i9hx79,,3,Canada or France for immigration,"Hello People of Reddit I need your advice and your thoughts about immigrating to Canada or France. Today i have this two opportunities and i need to choose one at least before the next month in order to start preparing my papers: the first one is studying a Master of Science Project management, innovation et business at ISG Paris which will cost me 10 000 euros for a duration of one year (6 months studying and 6 months as a trainee) but there is no guarantee that i will find a job in France after having my degree and i will have a student visa for one year. The second one is having a 2 years permanent visa for Canada but i need to start looking for a job the day i get there which will cost me 8000 Tunisian dinars. Any help , thoughts or advices will be very much appreciated.",,,,,,2020-08-14 07:59:34 i9kxnz,,2,Magreb countries GDP per capita comparison from 1970 to 2019,,,,,,,2020-08-14 12:21:39 i9mbb9,,21,Is there a need for Psychological services in Tunisia? Why or why not?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-14 13:50:38 i9mxef,,1,مجموعة من كتب تعلم السياقة,,,,,,,2020-08-14 14:26:53 i9nb8b,,17,Why aren’t we (as a very sunny country) self sufficient in energy ?,"Tunisia being very sunny, the south being almost inhabited, why aren’t we using that in our advantage ? And turning it into our biggest natural power supply ? Why do we need to keep importing fuel and burn coals and build dams and wind turbines ? Solar panels are costly, sure, but start small and grow later, governance plans go over for decades, this can be very empowering to us as a nation, to our sovereignty... Imagine 10% of the STEG’s annual budget, going to desert (or southern territories) solar panel plants ? In ten years what would we become ? In 20 years ? Can’t we push for this ? And make it happen ? Can’t we referendum for this ?",,,,,,2020-08-14 14:49:02 i9rm7k,,27,Tunisia: The beginning of the solar power era,,,,,,,2020-08-14 18:39:22 i9u6q6,,1,Future of the newborns,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-14 20:58:56 i9u74e,,4,Children and future.,"A topic to discuss. Do you want to have children one day? If so, why? XD Don't you think that the Earth will no longer be a habitable place, and i mean in the near future ? Isn't there enough people on earth already? Do you think that the idea of having sex for the continuity of the human species is no longer valid nowadays?",,,,,,2020-08-14 20:59:31 i9u8gi,,1,Kais Saied singing hhh,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-14 21:01:25 i9uavv,,1,Kais Saied Singing,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-14 21:05:00 i9v3x7,,1,حجابي عفتي,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-14 21:49:09 i9w01s,,10,Green architecture,"Stupid question, but why aren't there laws enforcing green architecture, all I'm seeing are concrete boxes spreading everywhere, with no gardens, no green walls, NADA! even streets are deserted, which is kind of impacting the temperature, the air quality, ext... So, why the fuck isn't sustainability in buildings enforced by laws?",,,,,,2020-08-14 22:39:42 i9w6vu,,2,can i apply for german language visa without bac?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-14 22:51:09 i9yden,,1,Club or association suggestion,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-15 01:06:55 ia1293,,3,Any graphic design students here ?,I don't know much about graphic design but i feel like it's something interesting that i would enjoy. i'm 18 years old and i don't have a future plan yet . Do you think it would be right for me even though i don't know how to draw ?? And what does it require to be a graphic designer ?? Feel free to say what you want i could really use your advices. Thanks,,,,,,2020-08-15 04:20:16 ia3jra,,37,Interesting Map,,,,,,,2020-08-15 08:00:36 ia4mg2,,0,"My first video about "" Don't make stupid Algerian people famous""",[removed],,,,,,2020-08-15 09:48:50 ia4p9x,,1,El encha in a nutshell,,,,,,,2020-08-15 09:56:53 ia4q40,,10,El encha in a nutshell,,,,,,,2020-08-15 09:59:10 ia5o8z,,5,Driver's license at 16?,"I've heard you can get parental permission or something like that to get your driver's license at 16 Is this true or not , thank you",,,,,,2020-08-15 11:24:50 ia7lk5,,31,"For tunisians living in a foreign country, do you see yourselves coming back to Tunisia?",&#x200B;,,,,,,2020-08-15 13:45:20 ia7uqq,,18,"Flairs, let's make some!","Hello r/Tunisia, We all like to have a bit of metaphorical glitters in our subscribed subreddits, looking to stand out with gold, karma or flairs. Although we can't really help with the first two, we can help with the last one: We're creating new flairs! So now, **YOU** are suggesting new flairs. We will be collecting your suggestions about flairs in this post, please upvote your favorite submissions so they can stand out more, and we will hold a vote for them next week! To suggest a flair, do one of the following: * Upload the image of the flair (25x25 px) on your website of choice and put it in a comment. OR * Just type the title of a flair. Rules: * Make sure it is related to Tunisia. * Follow our Subreddit and Reddit's general rules. * No offensive content is permitted. Let's see some creativity people!",,,,,,2020-08-15 14:02:31 ia9q6f,,0,Guy spent a week in a VR set,,,,,,,2020-08-15 15:52:08 iaa5i3,,15,In The Credits Of Rambo 3. Good Old Time When The US Was Supporting Islamists To Fight The Soviets.,,,,,,,2020-08-15 16:16:02 iadn00,,4,[History] Were there Jews in Tunisia and NA before they fled from Spain?,"As you know, today in Tunisia we have Jews living with us and have been here since they fled from Spain and Italy, I think. I'm wondering if some of them were brought here as slaves during the Roman and Byzantine times? (because they were enslaved)",,,,,,2020-08-15 19:22:57 iagom4,,5,Traveling from a red country,I'm in a red country. It is unclear from the guidance I'm reading if I can spend a month or so in a green country and then fly to Tunis with the benefits of the green country designation. Is it possible?,,,,,,2020-08-15 22:17:43 iao1rs,,17,Will there be a second COVID lockdown?,"Stay informed, stay safe.",,,,,,2020-08-16 07:03:35 iaprim,,3,Will Machines Take your Job,,,,,,,2020-08-16 09:53:28 iaqmr4,,1,My cat is pregnant,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-16 11:14:53 iau473,,10,How do you see life in Tunisia 30 years from now?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-16 15:20:23 iaukvh,,1,Spotted @Hafseya,,,,,,,2020-08-16 15:47:40 iaumnq,,82,"Ancient fortress in Kelibia. It was used by many empires, but its origin was Byzantine.",,,,,,,2020-08-16 15:50:19 iauyqs,,1,Relationship advice,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-16 16:08:51 iavit1,",20200815233303,4.html",9,Vers une meilleure gestion de l'eau en Tunisie,,,,,,,2020-08-16 16:38:34 iawwlb,,2,What is the best way to immigrate from this country ?,"(Sorry if I made any grammatical mistakes) I (19yo) want to immigrate from this country! but I have little to no knowledge about the laws behind it, so if anyone has any insights about this topic, please, inform me. My plan is studying computer science in Tunisia ( in fac isi if you are wondering ) , graduate as a computer engineer and do my pfe (projet fin d'etude) abroad ( preferably in Canada) and maybe there I can find job opportunities and stick there. I don't know if immigration is word to use but my goal is to live in Canada or any first world country really, work and have a life there and go back to Tunisia on special occasions Are there better ways ? what are the problems that I can face ? any reply will be appreciated!",,,,,,2020-08-16 17:54:09 iazmz7,,1,Worth a try,,,,,,,2020-08-16 20:22:25 ib1uf1,,3,It just feels like written tunisian isn't sexy enough.,,,,,,,2020-08-16 22:25:23 ib3gtp,,7,a question about weed in tunisia,salem. andi fatra nheb njareb nconsomi zatla ama sma3t barcha klem khayeb al zatla li ana fi tounes hkeyet kima lzatla li ana tet5alet bel plastique w dweyet w barcha hajet mch behya bch lmantouj yekber yekhi 9olt mech lezem nkhaf la nestenes beha w nwali dima ndakhel fhal 5maj lbadni donc nheb nes2el ay wehed li yefhem fel chay hetha w andou tajrba wala li ya3ref la3bed li tjib feha y9oli itha ken lklem li nasm3ou fih shih wale,,,,,,2020-08-17 00:03:32 ib8s9q,,4,"Nooo, Europeans start using natural fertilizers, rendering the Phosphate industry obsolete !",,,,,,,2020-08-17 06:15:47 ib9w1u,,3,Any British Expats in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-17 07:53:53 ibaj48,,35,This heat and humidity is killing me,"i've been feeling like a piece of shit for weeks now, i don't remember if it was this bad last year, it doesn't matter how much i shower and use fans to cool my self down, i still feel sticky or sweaty. this might have become worse because of the fact i drink a lot of water everyday (3L)",,,,,,2020-08-17 08:53:07 ibb9fm,,1,Drug trafficking routes in the Mediterranean,,,,,,,2020-08-17 09:58:34 ibbnli,,1,Overpopulation and Africa. What is awaiting us ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-17 10:31:18 ibbo9b,,1,Overpopulation and Africa. What is awaiting us ?,,,,,,,2020-08-17 10:32:44 ibebx3,,5,"Alumni and current students of INSAT, what do you think about you college is it as hard as many people claim it to be, and is it worth enrolling in it?","As a recent graduate of Bac, I am considering putting INSAT as my number 1 choice for the orientation but I am still hesitating this big decision because: 1) I looked into the courses offered and the hours of each semester and it seems like its gonna take a lot of effort and time (time that I could spend growing my personal skills as a freelancer or remote worker in software development) , 2) when I compared it to a school like ISI (ariana) where there is a lot less hours and the courses seem easy and even when I asked about it, people keep telling me how easy the exams are if you only study a little.My question is: Is a degree from INSAT worth the hassle that I must go through during 5 years of intense studying, or is it the same if I did 3 years license in ISI and then I chose if I wanna do maitrise or decide to take the test to enroll in an engineering school? NB: I want to study computer science (Informatique)",,,,,,2020-08-17 13:40:37 ibemk4,,38,Even the cats now... ;-),,,,,,,2020-08-17 13:58:29 ibfohh,,3,(football) Are Esperance ST and Club Africain supported in every city in Tunisia? (can you see graffiti about one of them in every city for example?),"because in europe different cities support different football clubs (of course there are 2 or more football clubs in the same city but you won't see graffiti made by fans from the other city unless some football clubs (fans) are ""friends"")",,,,,,2020-08-17 14:58:14 ibl5r6,,7,Any Tunisian Formula 1 fans?,"Hey everyone, I have been following Formula 1 for a couple of years now and it quickly became my favorite sport. I find it to be really entertaining. This includes races, team radios, drivers and constructors drama, news, analysis, etc.. I know it isn't as popular as football or basketball but it really is an impressive and an exciting game to follow. So I'm wondering whether there are any Tunisian F1 fans. You don't have to be a die-hard F1 fan or anything like that. I just want to find out whether or not there is any potential for a Tunisian F1 community.",,,,,,2020-08-17 19:36:19 ibv2sj,,8,Do you guys believe in Universal Basic Income ? Can it be implemented in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2020-08-18 05:27:27 ibxepw,,2,Can I use my money online?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-18 08:54:44 ibxnj4,,2,studying in Canada,"I graduated this year with an IT degree (Licence fondamentale: Sciences de l'informatique) and I'm thinking about going to study abroad in a Canadian college not a university , I have the financial capabilities to fund my studies , i spent days reading and t understanding every aspect of this venture . but what i r really need now is someone who's been through this process the paperwork the application the visa etc , so guys if you are a tunisan international student in canada please contact me P.S : i personally favor an anglophone provence.",,,,,,2020-08-18 09:16:49 iby2xr,,39,"The Chinese are plotting against us, lol, anybody translate",,,,,,,2020-08-18 09:56:02 ic1npx,,44,JUST A PHONE NUMBER OR A LOCAL SUICIDE HELPLINE.,"I need a number to a suicide helpline . Im having some bad experience with life lately at my 20’s. If anyone knows a place in Manouba or Tunis just comment.",,,,,,2020-08-18 14:08:33 ic4ixi,,8,What video games are tunisian teens and adults interested in ?,"I was wondering what tunisians been playing in terms of video games, if you would like you can contribute by telling us what you play.",,,,,,2020-08-18 16:40:30 ic5bci,,10,Can anyone recommend me books by tunisian authors or books that take place in tunis?,"Preferably in english please, haven’t been able to find much searching through google (and looking for fiction/novels)",,,,,,2020-08-18 17:20:51 ic72hy,,0,KFC BULLSH*T PRICE,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-18 18:48:58 ic7309,,60,LMAO this is 5dt the price of a “makloub”,,,,,,,2020-08-18 18:49:39 ic7hi2,,3,Formation Center Question,Can someone point me to a place where I can read about formation centers in Tunisia? Specifically about how they're connected with government funding for employee education or training?,,,,,,2020-08-18 19:09:58 ic8l14,,0,Anyone with a purchase history from Ben Jannet & Co ?,,,,,,,2020-08-18 20:05:42 ick24f,,12,Immigrants vs 7arra9a,"So guys some of my family members are 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants in France, and I've noticed that when they come back here they look down on 7arra9a accusing them of being lazy , refusing to work and being stupid , I know some immigrants are nice people and humble , but if u were born and raised in a better place please don't look down on others because they didn't have it like u . Be a humble and understanding person it always turns out good for u and for others.",,,,,,2020-08-19 08:54:20 ick8m5,,1,Does the Bardo museum have AC?,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-19 09:10:46 ickh6t,,3,Does the Bardo museum have AC?,We're wanting to visit the Bardo museum in Tunis. Does it have air conditioning?,,,,,,2020-08-19 09:32:22 icl4zl,,1,"Anyways, rjou3 kif l3eda",[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-19 10:29:45 icl5ps,,76,Carrefour's logic (it works),,,,,,,2020-08-19 10:31:32 iclgg7,,3,I need an advice,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-19 10:56:26 iclrbd,,3,I need advice.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-19 11:20:39 iclu7m,,1,"I'm trying to learn AMAP about Tunisia, colonization and relationships between Maghreb countries...",[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-19 11:26:56 icmz87,,10,Remote Workers,Has anybody here left their country of residence and went to Tunisia to work remotely? How has your experience been so far? How is the internet connection? And how is the cost of living?,,,,,,2020-08-19 12:47:37 icn6h1,,3,Relationship advice," Hi, I do have a question for you fellow Tunisians. I do have a crush on a girl, she is younger than me : 9 years of difference (she is 24). Is this a no go in ""Tunisian society"" ? I would appreciate Tunisians opinion on the matter if possible. Thanks !",,,,,,2020-08-19 13:00:35 icoust,,6,Schengen visa (specifically to finland) during corona?,"Hello, I live in Finland and my husband is Tunisian and is planning to move to Finland with me at end of 2020. The problem is, the finnish embassy in Tunis or the visa center aren't issuing visas right now. The finnish ministry says that for family members(which a husband is) they do give out visas even during the pandemic but apparently The finnish embassy in Tunisia hasn't gotten the memo. well my question is has anyone in Tunisia applied for a visa to Finland or another Schengen country during the pandemic and did you get one?",,,,,,2020-08-19 14:38:38 icqfxw,,6,Looking for the best Internet Provider in Tunisia,I'm planning to move back to Tunisia to work remotely and i need some fast internet. I couldn't find enough information on the web ( TT for example have a 2016 offer on their website in 2020 !). What are you guys using or what do you recommend ?,,,,,,2020-08-19 16:02:29 icubv4,,1,PS4 price in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-19 19:19:03 icv2wu,,15,"Tunisian people of color, what's your stories?","Hello there, I've always heard stories about racism again africain people but against people of color who are also Tunisians? Not so much. I'm writing a book set up in Tunisia, and one of the main characters has dark skin. I don't want to reduce this character solely to his skin color but I thought it might be a good idea to explore the theme of racism, not against strangers but fellow tunisians who happen to ""look differently"" and also how black people are always tied to their ancestry's statut as a slave (the word ""wousif"" used to refer to black people in Arabic Tunisian actually means ""slave"" and not ""dark skinned person"".) The problem is I never had the chance to be friend with a Tunisian with dark skin ( and I don't live in Tunisia anymore so the chances now are even lower). I thought it might be cool to talk about Arabs and especially Tunisian's hypocrisy toward racism against dark skin but as a Tunisian girl who happens to look like an european, I didn't witness the bias directly. I know it does exist (thanks to ""3aleh chbini ka7louch?"" expression and many other things...) but in which ways? I don't want to write about something I don't know about and end up spreading misconceptions by mistake, adding fuel to the fire. So here I am, asking: Tunisian people of color, how does it feel be both Tunisian and dark skinned? What are the good/bad experience you witnessed? I'm all ears. Edit: sorry for the mistake in the title, I just noticed.",,,,,,2020-08-19 19:56:57 icvo9l,,2,Can someone help me with choosing an ISP?,I recently passed my bac and I'm moving from sfax to tunis to carry on my studies and I need internet in my apartment. Does anyone have an experience with one of the internet providers in the 'cite Jardin' area.,,,,,,2020-08-19 20:26:40 icw6mp,,5,Where do you guys live?,"Personally, I'm Tunisian from France, there is a quite sizeable diaspora here, even though we aren't as numerous as Moroccans or Algerians. I have heard also there were a good number of Tunisians in Italy and Germany so I added them. [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-08-19 20:53:19 icx7o9,,7,Des franco-tunisien?,Salam c’était pour savoir si il y avait des français dans ce sub,,,,,,2020-08-19 21:46:44 id0f83,,0,Racism in Tunisia (Warning brutal content),[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-20 00:53:53 id2i8o,,16,What's the best way to look for apartments in Tunis,I am moving to tunis soon and am looking for a place to stay around el ghazela and ariana essoghra area i've been trying to find an apartment on the internet but it's not working out as i expected so am looking for alternatives i cant travel to tunis quite often maybe once a week at max so if anyone has any advice i'll be very thankful .,,,,,,2020-08-20 03:06:10 id7i4d,,5,Ordering online with Credit Card,"Hi! I'm from overseas and would like to surprise order my boyfriend with food delivered. Are there any delivery apps that accept Visa/MasterCard near Bizerte, Tunisia? So that he doesn't have to pay for the food when it arrives at his place?",,,,,,2020-08-20 10:02:53 ida6lp,,31,What do you think of the widespread of privates lessons (études)?,"Every high school student in Tunisia, especially bac students, seems to run multiple private lessons (Maths, physics, science...). When I still was a student, I noticed that teachers wouldn't bother in class since they knew everybody was running private lessons and same goes for students who weren't putting in much effort since they knew they would catch up anyway. Normally private lessons should be held for weaker students face to face and focuses on their weaknesses. In Tunisia it has taken the place of full lectures delivered to a group of 6-10 students while totally stepping on the field of public education. Tunisia loves to brag about its free eduction, but this has totally spoiled it made it only possible for those who can afford it to succeed. In a kind of a vicious circle, I think that these private lessons crearly caused a drop in the overall teaching quality in public schools, and this drop have forced more and more students to enroll in these private lessons to catch up. This is the feeling I had while studying in a high school in the suburbs if Tunis. But I believe that this problem can be generalized to the whole country, or at least its coastal part. What is your take on this?",,,,,,2020-08-20 13:22:16 idgexu,,19,To Guys with long hair.,"Where do you get your hair cut ? I feel like regular next door barbers will butcher long hair.",,,,,,2020-08-20 18:56:43 idgqr4,,1,Quick faith poll,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-08-20 19:13:28 idhg79,,5,Online jobs.,"What online jobs that you know that i can do. The job should require me to work 2hrs a day tops. 200-250$ income, idk. Walk me through the process, and yeah I'm trash, I can't edit pictures nor vids. Thanks for your input.",,,,,,2020-08-20 19:50:17 idipby,,12,"Gamers, there is a great DocuSeries on Netflix called High Score that I highly recommend.","It’s about the history of games, the creators, how things were made, when, who etc. Enjoy fellas!!",,,,,,2020-08-20 20:55:13 idj3nj,,35,Unpopular opinion: yolkless omlette.,,,,,,,2020-08-20 21:16:23 idlrxa,ص/,5,"Why is ""s"" written as ""ص""?","Hello! An important number of Tunisians on Facebook write ""s"" as "" ص "" when writing french or english words in arabic. Why? ""s"" sounds like "" س "", not ""ص""",,,,,,2020-08-20 23:48:01 idpugn,,5,What are your opinions of Marwan Kenzari?,"Have you watched his moves? (The Old Guard, Aladdin, Wolf, Murder on the Orient Express, What Happened to Monday). Did you guys like those movies? Who are some other Tunisian actors or actors of Tunisian decent that you recommend?",,,,,,2020-08-21 04:12:36 idzjju,,33,Hanno the Navigator,,,,,,,2020-08-21 16:06:03 ie1uy1,,18,Any Gallerie d'art or Museums ?,Nheb nal9a activité bekhlef el bhar wel 9hawi wel biran..Chkoun aandou fekra ? w belehi lien maps wala facebook ken tnajmou khan7othom fi liste.,,,,,,2020-08-21 18:04:38 ie57b6,,1,أخيراا نبيلة في المغرب فلا تستغرب😜فين مشيت⁉️آش كندير في المغرب/جولة في غ...,,,,,,,2020-08-21 20:59:18 ie9hll,,3,Why are those graffiti crossed out?,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2020-08-22 01:17:07 ieb428,,11,Mushrooms,"fama mushrooms fy tounes !! w ken ey chneya raykom feha",,,,,,2020-08-22 03:10:07 iee5kr,,27,the huge increase in covid cases,"According to covid 19 Tunisia on fb, we went from 1850 to 2607 in less than 2 weeks. Why isn't everyone worried now? There are even people who doubt the info is correct for some reason We went from around16 daily cases to 140+ yesterday it was 114 and today it's 64 new cases",,,,,,2020-08-22 07:17:50 iegj77,,1,Himilco the navigator,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-22 11:00:46 iegk04,,10,Himilco the navigator,,,,,,,2020-08-22 11:02:38 ieh733,,120,The TunisAir Ad Poster from the 1970s,,,,,,,2020-08-22 11:58:13 iehmtc,,3,Anyone studying/living in Norway or plans on going to Norway ?,"Just need to confirm some things, I've done my research and have what I need, just need to confirm that the information I have is correct, mainly regarding the fees to pay when preparing permits/visa and where to send everything once done, and last about the Language proficiency test. Any help would be much appreciated.",,,,,,2020-08-22 12:33:02 ieijpx,,33,In approximately 3 weeks,,,,,,,2020-08-22 13:35:27 iejlwa,,1,Gera7 Sa7bi,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-22 14:41:25 iekc4d,,1,"Malloula, Tabarka",[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-22 15:24:44 ieks9b,,45,1950 Visit Tunisia vintage travel poster,,,,,,,2020-08-22 15:49:47 iem1bu,,1,Is it a good idea to emigrate to Tunisia? Why? What are things we should know about the country?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-22 16:59:14 ienat0,,3,What do you think of Abir Moussi?,"Please explain either ways. [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-08-22 18:07:56 ieunnz,,3,Were can we buy a pet scorpion in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-23 01:29:58 iex50m,,1,need tech support asap,my dumb\*\*\* fell for an internet scam or almost fell. i got a pop up saying i won a phone from chrome. i answered a questionnaire and clicked on the phone service i use. i also put my phone number. what are the risks. i deleted the phone number from the social media accounts i used it in. i don't have a credit card i might have a bank account linked to that phone number,,,,,,2020-08-23 04:35:12 iey9rp,,9,"Would you support Ennahda (supported by Turkey and Qatar) rather than Ben Ali's regime restorationists (UAE, Saudi, Egypt), and why ?","A socialist ""theocracy"" rather than an authoritarian regime ? Which would you choose ?",,,,,,2020-08-23 06:11:50 ieyjy2,,45,An important reminder for a nascent democracy,,,,,,,2020-08-23 06:37:55 if01gf,,35,"We're a little bold in this map, i love that",[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-23 08:59:03 if050d,,1,"Gotravelyourway YT channel did review Tunis Air business class, guess what he did found out?",,,,,,,2020-08-23 09:08:08 if1al6,,1,"Let's do our best to support orphans, the odds are heavily stacked against them. 😓",,,,,,,2020-08-23 10:59:39 if1xxd,,4,How do you feel about Morocco and Moroccans?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-23 11:58:26 if242g,,7,I came across this second biggest Tunisian sub wich is dedicated to crochet that seems to be a big deal,,,,,,,2020-08-23 12:11:56 if27u6,,1,"La Fayette , Tunis 1970",,,,,,,2020-08-23 12:19:44 if763l,,12,"Italians return to Tunisia, to retire by the sea | Michel Cousins | AW",,,,,,,2020-08-23 17:24:58 if85xo,,97,"Hey r/Tunisia ! I usually post on r/Algeria about history and i thought i'd post here whenever our histories cross , so here's a Tunisian flag from 1830",,,,,,,2020-08-23 18:17:30 ifa187,énie/,3,Pour les acteurs dans le domaine génie civile/construction en Tunisie,"Bonjour, Dans le cadre d'une étude sur les impacts du COVID sur le domaine, je vous prie de remplir la formulaire ci-dessous pour m'aider dans ce travail qui a un objectif purement académique. Lien : Aucune donnée personnelle n'est demandée. Merci d'avance",,,,,,2020-08-23 19:58:34 ifbezb,,20,Chenini,,,,,,,2020-08-23 21:12:38 ifg9lq,,3,I need to write my home address in English,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-24 02:07:59 ifm0br,,0,"The Muslim Islam People Do Not Understand Allah God, Thus Do Not Fully Know The Savior Mahdi",[removed],,,,,,2020-08-24 09:48:06 ifmege,,72,"This was seen in Sinawal, General Santos ( philippines ) last week. Our flag with the nazi's flag. Wtf ?",,,,,,,2020-08-24 10:22:22 ifoqvo,,5,Is there a possibility to apply to a university even if it's full?,"So I fucked up and I missed the chance to fill the orientation list(first time after bac so I had no clue what to do) and now all the faculties/universities I wanted to go to are full. I want to study ""Anglais fonda."" And I have a pretty good score in English but I apparently can't fill the list because of saturated seats so is there a slightest chance to apply in one of the full universities? Thanks in advance. Sorry for being such an idiot, I didn't have the proper guidance and it looks like I'm gonna waste another year. Fuck my life.",,,,,,2020-08-24 13:15:03 ifp2dq,,3,Tunisair to the test ....,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-24 13:33:28 ifpssy,,5,Tunisair during COVID?,"Anyone else flown into Tunisia with Tunisair during COVID-19? I’m planning on it and I’d love any tips or experiences you’ve had. Also interested in people’s experiences with the government-mandated quarantine. Thank you!!",,,,,,2020-08-24 14:15:56 ifqybz,,1,WOW,,,,,,,2020-08-24 15:18:53 iftb20,,3,Shrooms?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-24 17:19:20 iftof0,,6,The Ordinary products,"Hello, A friend of mine is searching for some of 'The Ordinary' products. They are skin care products for skin acnee, she needs it because she wants her acnee gone since it's annoying her! They're not available in Tunisia and most of the sellers here don't have what she needs anymore. Anyone who's living in Europe could buy them for me? And of course i'll pay him!",,,,,,2020-08-24 17:37:46 ifxxgo,,170,Carthage ❤️❤️❤️,,,,,,,2020-08-24 21:09:15 ifzk2g,,0,I AM DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL TO DO WHAT I LOVE,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-24 22:33:19 ig4e3z,,14,What is a social issue in Tunisia that you believe doesn't get discussed enough?,,,,,,,2020-08-25 03:26:45 ig7kdt,,3,"Hey guys, Anyone has an idea about if there is a Tunisian Dialect version of bible? (Digital version -Text- )",,,,,,,2020-08-25 07:35:11 igaf2i,,5,red pill me about this guy,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2020-08-25 11:37:47 igb0x0,/r/Halal_Competitions/comments/igas94/stuck_in_a_developing_muslim_country_a/,0,Stuck in a developing Muslim country?! A perspective from an ex-UK resident.,,,,,,,2020-08-25 12:18:24 igb1af,,37,Finally!!!! We are free!!!,"Guys you can use runpay to buy lots of things online from tunisia now (Netflix, steam, epic games maybe idk, minecraft, etc...)",,,,,,2020-08-25 12:19:06 igb4oq,,6,Can someone explain to me what's this new government reform thing,i honestly have no idea what it is in the slightest,,,,,,2020-08-25 12:25:03 igb7sx,,32,Evolution of real estate price index (2000-2019),,,,,,,2020-08-25 12:30:48 igc2xq,,17,Poor services.,"After the famous video about tunisair and the way they tried to avoid responsibility for their bad services , do you guys think that our public institutions need retraining (or training in the first place) on customer service?",,,,,,2020-08-25 13:22:13 igdu32,,1,SEEKING SUGGESTION FOR « Fibelk » !,"Guys, I am the manager of « Fibelk » (on FB & YT) , I posted about it last week. I will be trying something that have never been tried before in Tunisia. I will be creating a new genre of videos that talk about the history we don’t know. Can you give me suggestions ? So far I have, dark web,israeli spy,secrect project of US, ... ? any other ideas/history/stuff people have no clue about ?",,,,,,2020-08-25 15:01:09 igdu8k,,1,مغربية في سويسرا جولة في أعز محل عندي/حمقني و راجي مبغاش يشريه لية آش ند...,,,,,,,2020-08-25 15:01:21 iger98,,7,A question for the freelancers in this sub,"How do you get paid? We all know that PayPal is years away from doing any official business here but did any of you have any luck linking a virtual credit card to PayPal? I know that some people ask relatives or friends abroad for their help but I would like to know if there's something you can do completely on your own.",,,,,,2020-08-25 15:49:44 igf0bz,,1,مغربية في سويسرا جولة في أعز محل عندي/حمقني و راجي مبغاش يشريه لية آش ند...,,,,,,,2020-08-25 16:02:53 igfdt6,,10,Where I can find a good vet in tunis?,"My cat had a cold so I took him to a vet in Megrine since it's close to me ,the woman prescribed me medicine and all but it absolutely did nothing to him I spend nearly 100d, I think the bitch scammed me or something it's been a while now not only he didn't get any better but he's doing worse now, his coughs are so bad and he sneezes too much My friend also had a bad experience too in Manouba. I just don't know how these ""doctors"" gets their degrees honestly. I love my cat so much and I'm so afraid for him because I heard a strong cold like that can kill him I just want him to get better Edit: thank you all I'll check all your suggestions Btw he's male Bengal cat",,,,,,2020-08-25 16:21:57 igg1wf,,1,Houaria 😍😍😍,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-25 16:54:29 iggzhc,,5,WTF! These guys are safe from their chins catching Corona at least.,,,,,,,2020-08-25 17:39:51 igi8pr,,2,What is the best way to receive Euros/Dollar for freelance?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-25 18:40:32 igi8uv,,4,Where can I find PS4 gift cards in Pounds (GBP) in Tunisia ?,"Guys I f*ckd up, I started my PS4 account as a british account (to get everything in English) and I was oblivious from the fact that the currency is set automatically to ""GBP"". Most of the stores in Tunisia sell gift cards in Euro, occasionally USD and almost never in GBP. I do have a french account on the side which i spent some euros in but this time i need money in the main british account.",,,,,,2020-08-25 18:40:43 igm4ij,,18,"""It's permissible for students to not wear masks because it can causes health issues for them"" ""students are less vulnerable to get infected with the virus""",Anybody's able to explain? Wth,,,,,,2020-08-25 22:00:44 igvy9l,,12,ONLINE SHOPPING,"Can anyone please suggest online websites to shop for men's clothing in Tunisia? It must have 1. Online Payment / Credit/Debit Card Payment Option 2. Must be able to deliver to home address @ Bizerte So far, I've only managed to shop from Exist. Thank you!",,,,,,2020-08-26 09:47:49 igxl1i,,10,Empty forests for camping,"Im thinking of going on a camping trip but idk which empty forests a bit away from the city. Anyone knows?",,,,,,2020-08-26 12:05:22 igy6zz,/r/Halal_Competitions/comments/igas94/stuck_in_a_developing_muslim_country_a/,1,Stuck in a developing Muslim country?! A perspective from an ex-UK resident.,,,,,,,2020-08-26 12:48:39 igy7hy,,21,Homeschooling in Tunisia,"I thought about homeschooling lately because of corona cases getting serious, so here are some problems I'm facing: * Can I take the 9th-grade national exam (Concours) and if so should I also take the midterm one * Should I only study for basic classes (maths, french, science etc..) * are there any other obstacles that I may go through along the way ? Hope that you guys can give me some more information and advice Have a great day!",,,,,,2020-08-26 12:49:34 igya7d,,1,DNA Analysis: Only 4% of Tunisians Are Arabs,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-26 12:54:26 igybld,,1,DNA Analysis: Only 4% of Tunisians Are Arabs,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-26 12:57:10 ih5inj,,62,Photograph of a Tunisian young lady in traditional dress circa 1903,,,,,,,2020-08-26 19:25:13 ih6wxv,,1,روتيني اليومي😉ديسكو بيجامة الرمانسية و الشعبي فخاطر بوزبال لي طلقو الإشا...,,,,,,,2020-08-26 20:37:40 ih6zwk,,5,Digital Drink Tunis is Sidibousaid,,,,,,,2020-08-26 20:41:59 ih80m6,,10,Hey I need some info on how to get around in Sousse,"So I’m starting my first year in uni in Sousse and the appartement I’m renting with a friend is a bit far from it. Is there like a bus scheduled for each morning or something similar? Any info about transportation or useful links will be appreciated. Thanks. Edit: depart is from either Khezma or Hammam Sousse Arrival is: issat and essths",,,,,,2020-08-26 21:35:38 ihat2z,,13,weirdest job interviews in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-27 00:18:30 ihd3zr,,2,Pre-built gaming pcs suggestions ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-27 02:48:42 ihj9ma,,7,"Hey guys, where can I buy some decent quality poker chips in tunisia?",Looking for poker chips set of 100-200.,,,,,,2020-08-27 11:24:54 ihkao3,,13,Just arrived need advice on mail and skating,"Hey r/Tunisia American here, just arrived a few weeks ago for work stuff. I've been scrolling through all the stuff about getting things posted/mailed/shipped... I need to receive some important documentation from the States but I'm wary of the postal/address system as everyone seems to be uncertain about it. Can I ask the post office to hold my mail for collection? Also, does anyone skateboard? Good spots to go? Wanna go skate?",,,,,,2020-08-27 12:40:27 ihoxp3,,11,Kifesh tab3eth dabouzat zit zitouna,Shkoun 3andou fekra kifesh tab3eth dabouzat zit zitouna ill canada ?,,,,,,2020-08-27 17:06:35 ihql6o,,1,This was the best yogurt in Tunisia CHANGE MY MIND. {and for some reason they stopped making it},,,,,,,2020-08-27 18:32:21 ihr047,,1,Malta,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-27 18:53:51 ihs7en,,1,my new ballpont pen 😻,,,,,,,2020-08-27 19:53:16 ihse1o,,14,Do you guys think this country would ever accept being LGTB,"What do you guys think, like how long would it take for example to legalize gay marriage and stuff like that",,,,,,2020-08-27 20:02:49 ihszkl,,6,where can i buy english manga?,hello everyone i live in beja and i was wondering where can i possibly buy english manga i checked the AL KITAB library website but i all the ones i found where in french all help appreciated :),,,,,,2020-08-27 20:34:29 iht144,,17,DNA testing?,"Can i get my DNA screened in Tunisia?(not for ancestry, rather for medical purposes) And if yes, how much would that cost",,,,,,2020-08-27 20:36:40 ihuu5j,,18,Crazy things to do in Tunis with your friend? Like CRAZY,,,,,,,2020-08-27 22:15:44 ii1mi3,,1,can I casually walk into a pharmacy and ask for a condom as a 16 yo,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-28 05:53:55 ii2d0l,,1,Express Entry for Canadian Immigration – Find out how to obtain a visa as an immigrant,,,,,,,2020-08-28 06:55:46 ii362e,,23,Business language in Tunisia,"I still can’t understand why we still use french as the main business language in Tunisia. If i start my own business one day I’ll make sure to use English and dérja(in arabic and french letters) as main business languages. What do you think?",,,,,,2020-08-28 08:10:17 ii397e,,7,"Amel Mathlouthi, Tunisian singer, 1.6 million views on youtube, almost not a single comment from Tunisians",,,,,,,2020-08-28 08:19:12 ii3kpf,,1,روتيني 🤦🏼‍♀️نايضة شرقي مع صحاباتي الكاوريات قبل السهرة😂مكاين غير النشاط💃,,,,,,,2020-08-28 08:51:12 ii7wmi,,62,Cahill hits back because Tunis Air is such a joke air line company,,,,,,,2020-08-28 14:21:56 iiccb2,,3,If u are interrested in Rap music and Rappers you Can join us so we can Talk about trending musics new artists..,,,,,,,2020-08-28 18:16:14 iiclo8,,20,"Tunisiens, where are you???","Hi Tunisians, when I’m in this sub I keep getting surprised by how well-spoken (in fluent English), educated, smart, intelligent, creative, radical, progressive, you name it, you guys are! I love it❤️ But when I’m visiting Tunisia (husband Tunisian), I’m getting struck by how illiterate, ignorant, dirty, broken, depressed, bitter, rude, selfish etc people are. Husbands sister is a doctor and she doesn’t speak a word in English. No one does!!! And they’re acting stupid doing stupid things like it’s the 50’s or something. And the town were we spend our time look like a garbage dump/war zone/shithole. People throw their garbage in the streets like it’s nothing. It’s so dirty and disgusting. Public toilets is a nightmare in all of Tunisia. Don’t get me wrong, a piece of my heart belongs to Tunisia because my family lives there and my kids got their heritage there. Of course, I’ve get to know a lot of wonderful people there too, wouldn’t go there every year for 15 years otherwise. I love Tunisia in all it’s charm💕... But the difference is striking! Can someone explain this too me? Where ARE you guys???",,,,,,2020-08-28 18:29:50 iicq6y,,7,Why is mohamed V called like that?,"I'm not encouraging to change it, matter of fact idc. I just wanted to knowthe backgroud behind the naming.",,,,,,2020-08-28 18:36:31 iig4gq,,21,Found this on Facebook,,,,,,,2020-08-28 21:37:19 iig5ol,,2,"Mohamed Lamine Bey of Tunis signing the autonomy accords in the presence of the resident general Pierre Boyer de Latour, 3 June 1955",,,,,,,2020-08-28 21:39:13 iig60g,,1,fireworks,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-28 21:39:41 iig93m,,1,"How is ths guy doing feats with Snoop Dogg, DJ Khaled, Rick Ross and even Ronaldinho?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-28 21:44:32 iioxu5,,0,"Nooo Dubai is getting more ""Liberal"" than Tunisia !",,,,,,,2020-08-29 08:21:04 iip85r,,25,Imagine getting mugged by this chick,,,,,,,2020-08-29 08:50:00 iipbi6,,1,السحر و العين/و هاكيفاش كنشري لي بغيت😉سبب النجاح,,,,,,,2020-08-29 08:58:44 iipf61,,7,bruh did y'all see the people with flares and fireworks yesterday in menzah?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-29 09:08:13 iiqggx,,67,"Church of Tataouine ”Notre-Dame-des-Victoires”. Still exists to this day, just hidden because it’s located inside a military house ”barrack”.",,,,,,,2020-08-29 10:50:14 iiqlmy,,0,"The morning cometh, and also the night",,,,,,,2020-08-29 11:04:15 iirfb6,,10,Do you think people who put all their faith in God are people who have no faith in Mankind ?,"They are always so pessimistic about the future, they believe trusting one's own judgment is bad practice and should be avoided, always full of hate for entrepreneurs trying to bring a change in the world (Bill Gates, Elon Musk) always keen to believe in conspiracy theories (the world is run by paedophilic satanic lizards), and generally wary of personal expression. They lead a sad, submissive and pathetic existence, just waiting for death to deliver them from this ""cruel"" world and get sent to Jannah at last. They bear the seeds of destruction for everything a progressive society stands for. They never seek help (psychologists are scammers !), they are afraid of what their neighbours thinks about them, and they are terrorized of social stigmas. It's a terrifying world they live in. How can we convince them than another, better world is possible, as long as they change their mind ?",,,,,,2020-08-29 12:16:24 iiw9ty,,4,Who am I? What am I??,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-29 17:20:56 iizpsz,,24,Why tunisians keep throwing their waste in the streets?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-29 20:37:00 ij0mj2,,83,Zarzis Tunisia ❤️😍,,,,,,,2020-08-29 21:30:30 ij2swr,,18,"Our ""tiny"" BLM protest was featured on MJ's updated They Don't Care About Us version (it's at 5:23). directed By Spike Lee. And it made my week 🖤🙏🏼",[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-29 23:45:00 ij4ax7,,4,Drinking in Kelibia,"Hey dudes, i’am going on vacation to Kelibia and i was wondering if anyone knows where to buy alcohol from, like specific locations. And bar recommendations are appreciated as well. Thank you!",,,,,,2020-08-30 01:27:10 ij8uor,,8,"What do you think about this guy ? ""I will return Saudi Arabia to moderate Islam, says crown prince""",,,,,,,2020-08-30 07:26:36 ijcnap,,1,why all cinemas in Tunisian either show the French version of a movie or with french subtitles?,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-30 13:26:21 ijd1cn,,41,The tunisian superpower of tanning. (Actress Rim Riahi),,,,,,,2020-08-30 13:56:23 ije4s4,éla_in_sousse/,8,"Need help verifying rumors about ""Tafféla"" in Sousse.","I got accepted in ISSAT Sousse uni , and i'm renting a house close to it (around a 5 min walk). Both the uni and the house are located in place called ""Tafféla"" which is a not so good place to be living in as some people told me. So is there anybody who has lived there or is , that can talk to me about his/her experience in this place and whether or not the rumors are correct.",,,,,,2020-08-30 15:07:28 ijgnxe,,10,how does someone go about moving and living in the united states?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-30 17:31:43 ijp9dz,,1,self defense,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-31 01:54:43 ijvdyy,,1,self defense,[removed],,,,,,2020-08-31 10:15:37 ijvxxe,,17,For all those pessimistic about the future : see how Europe is fixing it's energy issues thanks to its collaborative institutions :,,,,,,,2020-08-31 11:04:08 ijzcoy,,1,Might be moving to Tunisia need all the info (good and bad),[removed],,,,,,2020-08-31 14:49:06 ik2aka,,11,Question about 'Mazr3a' and other similar farms.,I always thought that such big arm value profits first so this might sound stupid. Won't it be inefficient to individually slaughter each chicken the 'Islamic way' or do they use machines for that? Won't this be considered not halal?,,,,,,2020-08-31 17:23:14 ik3lxp,,5,Tunisian tax- and pension system,"Hi Reddit! I am curious about how the Tunisian tax system is built. Who pay taxes and how much? And is there any pension from the government? How much do you get and who qualifies?",,,,,,2020-08-31 18:30:32 ik56u3,,11,Online Book Shopping in Tunisia?,"Hey guys. I have a close friend who's a bibliophile and I want to gift them a paperback copy of their favorite book foe their birthday. So far I have never found the book in Tunisian stores so the only option left is getting it online. Do you know any services here that allow you to buy books from stores such as Amazon, or that ones that print out an identical copy of the book bought? Can it be ready (preferably delivered) before October? Thank you.",,,,,,2020-08-31 19:51:36 ik9056,,6,why tf does tayara sign me out ever 2 days or so,[deleted],,,,,,2020-08-31 23:19:52 ikbly0,,16,What is your opinion on Israel not the conflict bw them and Palestine but on the state of Israel.,Now don’t get me wrong I know it’s linked to Palestine but also I think (based on my point of view) that it would be smart and beneficial to have a relationship with Israel and a peace settlement would be great too and also I’d like to add if you’ll ever accept someone from Israel as a friend or maybe more.,,,,,,2020-09-01 02:02:58 ikgxgq,,1,"The mosaic-coated Paleochristian sarcophagus of Dardanius, circa 5th century CE. Bardo National Museum. Tunis, Tunisia.",,,,,,,2020-09-01 09:05:37 ikj3fe,,1,ندمت علاش صيفطت ولادي للمدرسة /علاش عدوزتي مبقاتش كتبان🤔؟ قدر الله و ماش...,,,,,,,2020-09-01 12:10:50 ikjfal,,29,How to help your community as a tunisian?,Literally anything i can do for my community?,,,,,,2020-09-01 12:34:46 ikjm1e,,6,About Bezness...,"Hey guys, I'm a French/Tunisian girl currently looking for people to talk about their experience trying to seduce European women to enjoy the summer, doing casual Bezness... or women who have dated men in hotel clubs, animators etc. I would love to talk to you about a project if you know someone. I am currently based between Paris and Monastir! Waiting to read your testimonies and to get in touch! &#x200B; Thanks!",,,,,,2020-09-01 12:47:52 ikljsu,,9,Alech manaamlouch discord ?,"Hello everyone, Alech manaamlouch un chat group discord hakeka nahkiw pour les différents sujets ?",,,,,,2020-09-01 14:44:53 ikpcjv,,1,Is this financial amount enough?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-01 18:02:39 ikpqls,,5,Will this monetary amount be enough?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-01 18:22:21 ikqddf,,1,Palestinian Boi in Israel :,,,,,,,2020-09-01 18:54:11 ikr0j4,,0,"Dear Tunisian brothers : a lot of Israeli bots will come to this sub and try to talk about Israel, like they did with r/lebanon",[removed],,,,,,2020-09-01 19:28:08 iksg8k,,12,Do you think Tunisia will eventually abolish Islamic rules?,I’m an Tunisian ex muslim. I want to see Tunisia go the same way as Lebanon and become a secular state separated from religion. How do you guys feel about this?,,,,,,2020-09-01 20:43:14 ikv4a5,,11,Any freelancers here? Need help,"Hey Tn Redditors, I wanted to know if there is any freelancers in here working in or upwork or any platform. I want to ask about wire transfer, is it reliable in Tunisia or not. Because in there is no option for us except wire transfer. Anyone have tried wire transfer?",,,,,,2020-09-01 23:06:13 ikyb19,,14,any good african hair stores?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-02 02:24:04 ikyh5e,,13,Is there any decent place in tunis where I can play pool with my girlfriend ?,,,,,,,2020-09-02 02:35:02 ikyj2r,,6,Any recommendations on where to have a drink in a cosy place in Tunis,"I'm looking for a cosy bar, the type of bar that I can have a glass of whiskey with my colleagues after work, not the ones where everyone in 100 meter radius is pissing drunk.",,,,,,2020-09-02 02:38:15 il1yn5,,1,ندمت علاش صيفطت ولادي للمدرسة /علاش عدوزتي مبقاتش كتبان🤔؟ قدر الله و ماش...,,,,,,,2020-09-02 06:54:16 il391j,,1,Getting payed using Western Union,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-02 08:53:05 il3gwc,,1,Can we all agree that the Iraqi's national anthem is the most beautiful in the Arab World ? Tunisian's one is just so lame.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-02 09:12:51 il48cg,,28,Tunisia (El Aghalba) in Crusader Kings 3,"I know we have CK and Paradox fans here! So here it is! It's finally here! And once again Paradox didn't disappoint in any aspect. Anyone is trying it?",,,,,,2020-09-02 10:23:14 il5svx,,1,قهروني بالسحر😭لقيت السحر في داري و عملي حرام عليهم😭شوفو آش لقيت في باب د...,,,,,,,2020-09-02 12:25:13 il63t9,,1,قهروني بالسحر😭لقيت السحر في داري و عملي حرام عليهم😭شوفو آش لقيت في باب د...,,,,,,,2020-09-02 12:45:03 il78f9,,4,Need some help making a decision,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-02 13:56:01 ildnpi,,0,Can someone explain wtf is this clown is saying ? he talks like a consipiracy theorists who sits 24/7 in caffees. 100% populism 0% doing stuff. (starts 14:30).,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-02 19:28:35 ilegqx,,186,Swearing in multiple languages,,,,,,,2020-09-02 20:07:10 ilf8p4,,2,What does it mean to be Tunisian?,Title,,,,,,2020-09-02 20:46:16 ilgbep,,1,سحرو لية سري أنا لي جبتها في راسي🤔شوف هاد الفيديو و غادي تفهم القصة ديال...,,,,,,,2020-09-02 21:44:02 ilji97,,15,Do you feel the revolution was a good thing?,"I read [this article]( by the Economist saying that there is a ""nostalgia for dictatorship"" due to the lack of economic progress post-revolution. While some people applaud the newfound civil liberties and the intergrity of the democracy, many don't seem to care about that because their economic situation has not improved. So let me ask you this: Do you feel the revolution was a good thing for the country? And please explain your reasoning. Thank you! [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-09-03 00:51:38 iljtjg,,9,how do we get more people active on this sub?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-03 01:11:37 illgbk,,2,Bullshit country,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-03 02:58:42 ilq65j,,9,Five years since the great Migrant crisis and still hundreds are “vanishing” in the Mediterranean: An Insight into the human plight," The great migrant crisis of 2015 had witnesses thousands of people dying in their quest of a safe country to migrate and live a better life. In 2015 alone 3030 people were believed to have died between January and August. The death toll till date in 2020 is much lower but still is gut-wrenching. Mediterranean region is seeing people drowning on a daily basis as they are trying to reach Europe, in tube boats that are not able to stand the harsh waves and dangerous climate of spending days to weeks together in the water. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) so far this year around 554 migrants have succumbed in the Mediterranean. [](",,,,,,2020-09-03 09:23:15 ilq7td,,0,"""-زينب شاكر: (أنا الحب) و -ريبر هبون : "" (أحتويك) ""سجال خريف مرهق"" ،...",,,,,,,2020-09-03 09:27:22 ilq7v4,,49,Tunisian-English Dictionary,"Found [this]( really great resource online. Will help me tremendously solidify my Arabic skills. There are even vocabulary flashcards! Thought some on here would find it useful.",,,,,,2020-09-03 09:27:30 ilqp1w,,10,Freestyle jil taw 😑 wouuuuuh 😤😂 - Just for fun don't throw stones on me or him :),,,,,,,2020-09-03 10:10:57 ilqxku,,1,100% Tunisian anonymous chat room website,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-03 10:31:47 ilqznd,,8,Covid-19 : un diagnostic plus rapide grâce au nouveau logiciel 100% tunisien,,,,,,,2020-09-03 10:36:49 ilrggu,,4,What are the online shops (national or international that deliver to tunisia) that you use ?,,,,,,,2020-09-03 11:15:40 iluhnq,,5,I'm a Tunisian graduate who recently went France for an internship and was surprised by the amount of Hate and discrimination from french whites,,,,,,,2020-09-03 14:31:37 ilxcqj,,75,"Tunisia is the 69th in the world, Good job, also NOICE",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-03 16:57:27 ilzew2,أعلاه_الpage_موش_بالدارجة/,3,أعلاه الpage موش بالدارجة ؟,,,,,,,2020-09-03 18:42:27 im0swo,,1,"well would you look at that, PLEASE WEAR A MASK PEOPLE",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-03 19:53:53 im2z4u,,0,Interrested in rap? Join the first Tunisian Rap community In Tunisia!,,,,,,,2020-09-03 21:45:51 im4wlj,,19,Can someone make a tunisian lofi girl ?,,,,,,,2020-09-03 23:37:35 im54wp,,1,Tunisia Palm Trees Holiday Motif Gift Idea Design,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-03 23:52:09 im6k2i,,11,covid19 total infections: 2607>4400 in less than 2 weeks,yay university,,,,,,2020-09-04 01:21:58 im79s2,/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/ilror2/whats_the_deal_with_lofi_girl/,12,Any artists in here? Lofi Tunsiya would be cool,,,,,,,2020-09-04 02:07:12 im7ikv,,27,"well would you look at that, please wear a mask this is the highest we have been",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-04 02:23:22 imcdws,,3,#Facts,,,,,,,2020-09-04 08:40:02 imcqw2,,16,Please please please answer my survey if you work in finance.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-04 09:15:27 imdg72,,11,How do people retire in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-04 10:21:35 imh1ah,,118,The traditional clothing of the scholars of Ez-Zitouna (Zaytuna) of Tunis.,,,,,,,2020-09-04 14:34:43 imhekz,,3,any I3/I5/I7 7th gen for sale,"any 7th gen CPU supported on my motherboard (here's the list: []( I need to upgrade from this stupid Pentium, I'm in for anything with a good price (though I'm probably buying after 3 months when I get paid :p) I live in the capital, anything close I'll come to you, i only need something to test it on, (at least a monitor with HDMI, i can bring the computer)",,,,,,2020-09-04 14:55:36 imhjrx,,1,نكارة الخير / هاشكون لي دار لية السحر في باب داري غادي تصدمو 😱/ 6 سنوات ...,,,,,,,2020-09-04 15:03:35 imi3jf,,28,"since y'all keep begging for a tunisian lofi girl, here is what i made",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-04 15:33:26 imkjuz,,8,Golden retriever around Tunis,"Is there anywhere I can get a golden retriever around Tunis? Also please no lectures on how all dogs are equal, I know :)",,,,,,2020-09-04 17:41:27 imp41c,,1,Land of miracles,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-04 21:50:19 imx4u2,,28,Tunisian desert ♥️♥️,,,,,,,2020-09-05 07:37:49 imxh9x,,124,Publicity in Tunisian television,,,,,,,2020-09-05 08:10:12 imybwb,,1,Why they're all talking about it?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-05 09:33:34 imyd7s,,53,Why they talk about it all the time?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-05 09:37:14 imz3w7,,5,"Is it possible, like in most countries I've been in, to meet girls at bars ?","I know that it's a moslim county, but if there are bars, there must be a way to meet strangers to talk and even a little more than that .",,,,,,2020-09-05 10:45:43 imzhgf,,10,"Quick reminder that the ""Islamic Crescent"" originally depicted Pagan Goddesses of War, Love and Fertility all across the globes and was also used as a Christian symbol by the Byzantine to symbolize the Virgin Mary (who replaced Artemis).","&#x200B; [Artemis]( &#x200B; [Isis]( &#x200B; &#x200B; [Isis, mother of God Horus, first King of the Egyptians]( &#x200B; [Virgin Mary mother of God Jesus, last King of the Jews.]( &#x200B; &#x200B; [Ishtar]( &#x200B; &#x200B; [Astarte]( &#x200B; [Virgin Mary standing on a crescent moon]( &#x200B; &#x200B; [Still Virgin Mary, notice the uncanny resemblance with Isis' crown]( &#x200B; [Symbol used by the Templars, notorious worshippers of the Virgin Mary]( &#x200B; &#x200B; [Selena]( &#x200B; &#x200B; [Presumably Hubal, the Moon God worshipped by pre-islamic Arabs]( &#x200B; [Another Moon God from India : Lord Shiva]( &#x200B; &#x200B; [The three daughters of Allah\/Hubal : Manat, Allat, Al Uzza.]( &#x200B; [Modern drawings of Allah's daughters]( &#x200B; [The three daughters\/spouses of Shiva : Lakshmi, Saraswati, Kali\/Parvati.]( &#x200B; [The city of Carthage used a reverse crescent on a triangle, undoubtedly inspired by Egyptian symbolism. ]( &#x200B; &#x200B; [Modern version of Carthage Logo...which one do you prefer ?]( &#x200B; **Religions of today are nothing but the mere copies of ancient religions.**",,,,,,2020-09-05 11:20:54 imzzac,,8,Wow the weather is crazy today,"I haven't seen rain this strong in years, a lot of thunder and lightning too",,,,,,2020-09-05 12:03:43 in0nb7,,8,Obtain a Tunisian passport,"I am French, born in France from a Tunisian father. I have never made any of the paperwork to have my Tunisian citizenship recognized, and neither did my father. For various personal reasons, I would like to get a Tunisian passport and get my dual-citizenship recognized. There is a catch however. I am gay. I wouldn’t expect this to be a major issue in normal conditions, but in this case, it is made very apparent by the fact that I am married, and the union appears clearly in my birth certificate that is required in the process. I wouldn’t be surprised to face difficulties in the process, despite the fact that I am not asking for citizenship ; I do technically already have it. I am more concerned however about the risks associated with unequivocally proving my homosexuality in a country where it seems fair to say that tolerance is rather low. Any return of experience or advice would be tremendously useful.",,,,,,2020-09-05 12:55:35 in3sbb,,9,Casinos is Tunis?,"I heard there's one in djerba, but is there any in the capital?",,,,,,2020-09-05 16:12:37 in4xib,,3,I want to buy bitcoin.,"hey there Tunisian Redditors, I need some bitcoin can you tell me the rates ?",,,,,,2020-09-05 17:17:31 inb3qd,,73,Somebody gave a link to this in this sub which is supposed to be a good way to solidify my Arabic skills and the first thing I stumble upon is this?? Wtf is this sexist shit lol,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-05 23:09:03 inbz4p,,2,Interrested in Rap? Check out the first Rap SubReddit in Tunisia!,,,,,,,2020-09-06 00:04:57 inc192,,6,self defense,Hey guys is there any legal self defense weapons/tools in tunisia ?,,,,,,2020-09-06 00:08:30 ini9tm,,8,Do you think Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies might help fight corruption in our country or nudge the development of parallel illegal economies ?,,,,,,,2020-09-06 08:03:18 innm6g,,10,Where can I buy cigars in Tunis?,And how much do they cost on average?,,,,,,2020-09-06 15:10:51 inohr3,,10,Is there a public place with green scenery where I can work on my laptop?,"I love to get work done in open, green spaces and wasn't able to locate any such places in the Marsa-Carthage region. Any recommendations?",,,,,,2020-09-06 16:01:57 inrcks,,1,"Well at least they don't live under the ""gruesome"" Shah's dictatorship...",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-06 18:38:17 inrkmb,,0,Nope. Sometimes democracy ain't a good idea for everyone...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-06 18:50:30 ins16y,,1,Logitech Hardware in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-06 19:15:36 ins9kq,,25,Convid19 is back...,,,,,,,2020-09-06 19:28:42 intbxz,,21,"The other day someone posted about how sexist the creator was so I was curious, from just searching men or women I got overwhelmed by the misogynistic intent of this guy.",,,,,,,2020-09-06 20:29:12 intcss,,1,Idk,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-06 20:30:34 inteh9,,1,"The beautiful Rock Beach in Salakta, Mahdia",,,,,,,2020-09-06 20:33:24 intwxu,,2,Tell me why tell me why ...,Tunisian mentality is full of contradictions and psychological issues . It's probably because of all that fucking and mixing for centuries between races comming from totally different backgrounds .,,,,,,2020-09-06 21:01:49 intyxo,,7,"Hi r/Tunisia, I want to know if is it possible to send money from a CTI (carte technologique internationale) To a foreign PayPal account? Thanks",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-06 21:04:52 inunhf,,4,Where to find Logitech hardware in Tunisia?,"Hello, hope everyone is doing well! I'm looking for Logitech hardware in Tunisia. Particularly, The M570 mouse. What are my chances in finding one? Seems the usual suspects (Tunisia, MyTek, etc) are not really keen on importing Logitech branded hardware and I was not able to find them anywhere on display. Thank you for your help!",,,,,,2020-09-06 21:44:18 inv2v0,,3,Saw this website. What % of Tunisians (born in Tunisia) would you guess are Christians? Seems to be increasing.,,,,,,,2020-09-06 22:09:11 iny5kw,,144,Memories<3,,,,,,,2020-09-07 01:18:39 io285s,,8,Going to turkey for hair transplant,"Hi, I am planning to go to turkey for a hair transplant, I never traveled in my life and i was wandering am I allowed to get such amount of money out of the country to pay for the surgery or is there anyway to pay when i am here? ty",,,,,,2020-09-07 06:13:00 io2k5c,,10,The worsening economic situation in the country and growing misery among youth.,,,,,,,2020-09-07 06:40:57 io36fc,,0,What does toxic masculinity look like in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-09-07 07:33:04 io3h1o,,16,Mr Kéchine hotel les orangers Hammamet 1968,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-07 08:00:07 io3xdk,,9,"When you say islamist, what do you mean?",I've always wondered what islamist means here in tunisia and what they're trying to do?,,,,,,2020-09-07 08:42:34 io64db,,4,Hi! What are the best online clothes shopping sites which delivers to tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-07 11:55:21 io6k31,,1,In the other hand Tunisi Air is about safety more than comfort,,,,,,,2020-09-07 12:28:45 io6p3w,,1,علاقة ارتجاع المريء بمشاكل القلب | الأسباب والعلاج,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-07 12:38:47 io7nmt,,173,So true and needs to stop,,,,,,,2020-09-07 13:43:17 io8gff,,10,"As someone who is coming to Tunisia soon and who has great respect and admiration for this nation, i feel great sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger, we must fight this ideology from its sources. Let our motto be #NeverAgain","Au lendemain de l'attaque qui a tué un membre de la Garde nationale tunisienne, l'organisation État islamique a revendiqué en être l'auteur, lundi.état-islamique-revendique-l-attaque-de-sousse",,,,,,2020-09-07 14:32:19 io8tv7,,3,It freelance opportunities,"Hello guys, We are a bunch of guys who have some it skills( mostly in web app like JEE/ angular,...) Do you have any path or tip to find some opportunities in France/ EU ? Chokran",,,,,,2020-09-07 14:53:25 iob9eu,,0,The only way to save the Palestinians is to make peace with Israel.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-07 16:59:13 iobv3x,,60,"Hey again r/Tunisia , since you liked my last post about Tunisia , here's another one : A Jewish woman of Tunis. 1884",,,,,,,2020-09-07 17:29:37 iodp3b,,10,Tunisia: 1 policeman and 3 terrorists dead after terrorist attack » Wars in the World,,,,,,,2020-09-07 19:02:55 iodpsf,,1,AIRSOFT,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-07 19:03:53 ioduce,,12,How to approach Tunisian girls and start dating for a foreigner,"I'm Moroccan so I know all about the Muslim/arab culture and stuff, I'm insecure about my accent when I approach girls, I can have a normal conversation in Tunisian arabic but it shows that I'm not Tunisian which i guess can be a turn off or something that will make a girl hesitate But I'm going to be here for another 2 years or so and I want to start dating and see where it goes, I'm interested in girls who are already working or soon to graduate so we can have mature conversations and I don't want to just stop someone on the street and talk to them (that's weird) I have Tunisian friends who spam mesaage girls on Instagram and Facebook and to me that's childish and seems pitty tbh (i see the irony coming from a guy posting on reddit) anyway, are there any tips or places where i can meet smart girls with high standards and who are open minded and won't get uncomfortable when someone approaches them? I really considered forgetting about this since my Entourage isn't quite the gentlemen, everyone is playing games and i think it's on both sides, and i definitely don't want games, am i wasting my time or are there an tips?",,,,,,2020-09-07 19:10:20 ioe76y,,1,Want to learn more about different countries in the Middle East and North Africa?,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-07 19:28:25 iohc1z,,2,Check r/Rap_Tunisia_officials for the latest original Tunisian Rap musics!,,,,,,,2020-09-07 22:11:05 iohxh7,,6,How difficult would it be for my Tunisian partner to obtain a visa to join me for a vacation in France?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-07 22:46:41 ioot6u,,40,Fatouma Matmata acceuille les touristes 1968,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-08 06:45:03 ioptv6,,1,Does Citysport sell original shoes,"Does CitySport sell real shoes , if not, is there anywhere I can buy originals shoes in Tunis",,,,,,2020-09-08 08:18:50 iosca1,,8,Where I can find cool places in tunis to do fun activities alone?,"I'm so bored to death, all my friends have internships or part time jobs right now but I just finished my exams late ( to7t contrôle ) and I can't get a job right now because we already going back to school couple weeks later . So fuck it I wanna have fun alone but I noticed tunisia isn't really ""alone activity friendly"" like I've seen in japan or South Korea and there's not much to do to be honest aside from cafes .",,,,,,2020-09-08 12:06:23 iosd6g,,51,"Reception of the Bey and keeper of the Kingdom of Tunis, Muhammad VI al-Habib's visit to Paris , 1923",,,,,,,2020-09-08 12:08:10 iotutq,,11,I made a map that demonstrates the intensity of anxiety levels in each country worldwide,"As far as I am aware, it is the first interactive [map]( that shows real-time levels of anxiety in each country across the world. Today I also launched on[ Product Hunt.]( This map only works if we all rate, so go ahead, put your country on the map with just one click and check the anxiety level in Tunisia. And because I don’t want to only focus on the problem but also help with it, I created a [chatbot]( for quick free anxiety help. P.s: World anxiety map does not gather any individual personal data or use any cookies/other tracking technologies.",,,,,,2020-09-08 13:47:46 iowafw,,4,What is the most affordable way to transfer money from EU to a Tunisian banking account ?,"Hello everyone, I am aware that MoneyGram is one of the most reasonable ways to transfer money. Unfortunately, it requires a person to be present in a bank agency in order to claim the money. Besides that, I have read that money transfer procedures performed by an agent in EU banking agencies to Tunisian accounts (not particularly) will lead to high taxes, as a result: not a very cost efficient solution. As I am trying to send money to a relative (a Tunisian saving account) that could be in a regular basis, what would be the best way to do so ?",,,,,,2020-09-08 16:02:55 ioylrz,,6,Tunisian nightlife community/website?,"Hey everyone! Is there any major website specializing in the nightlife community in Tunisia? Apart from all the club's having their own FB Pages and so on? Or maybe a FB page posting all the Info etc.?",,,,,,2020-09-08 18:02:28 ip0fwu,,101,"Rentrée scolaire à l'école de garçons rue de Colmar de Tunis, Octobre 1947 Original B/W by Victor Sebag Colorized by Mohamed Bayouli",,,,,,,2020-09-08 19:35:37 ip0t68,,8,Will Education in Tunisia ever help ? is it still fruitful ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-08 19:54:51 ip0t8c,,38,This sub in a nutshell,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-08 19:54:56 ip1pst,,1,Tunisian Reaggeton,,,,,,,2020-09-08 20:41:19 ip3qq7,,5,Airsoft guns laws,Guys are airsoft and bb guns illegal in Tunisia and is there eny laws for transportation like from France to Tunisia?,,,,,,2020-09-08 22:32:15 ip711c,,1,Hi I’m french and Tunisian looking for a girl that just want to talk,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-09 01:54:49 ip9lzm,,64,"Hello Tunisia 🇹🇳, this may be one of the craziest requests you’ve seen on this subreddit but I think it would be worth your time to at least give it a read!","My name is Daniel and I am from Canada. I love football (soccer) and so far, I’ve collected and been sent over 30 club scarves from all over the world. My mission is to try and get at least one club scarf from every country in the world and what better way to try and do it during a global pandemic then ask strangers online! If you are interested and willing to help, please comment down below and I’ll send you a personal message as soon as possible. In return I would like to send back a Canadian flag as well as iconic Canadian gifts and treats such as maple syrup as a thank you for helping me out! (If a scarf is not possible, I would be happy with anything from club stickers to a flag!) Thank you and stay safe 📍",,,,,,2020-09-09 04:49:19 ipd4h6,,6,"Do happy ending massage parlor exist, or are they a myth ?",I keep hearing people talking about them. But no real evidence it address?,,,,,,2020-09-09 10:05:14 ipef20,,1,The first steps of Tunisair in the 60s,,,,,,,2020-09-09 11:53:07 ipg0nh,,1,وصفة لتبييض الوجه و الرقبة وإزالة الرؤوس السوداء و تنظيف تفتيح بشرة الوج...,,,,,,,2020-09-09 13:37:18 ipgbcx,,1,"Hannibal was tremendously feared in Rome even centuries after his death. His named continued to carry a portent of great or imminent danger. Roman senators and parents would often exclaim ""Hannibal is at the gates!"" whenever disaster struck to express their anxiety or to scare their children to bed.",,,,,,,2020-09-09 13:54:58 ipknl1,,1,"If you want to understand everything about politics and corruption, don't take a political science course, watch this video !",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-09 17:40:03 ipkrjy,,1,"[REPOST] If you want to understand everything about politics and corruption in our country, watch this video !",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-09 17:47:45 ipkuqe,,1,Watch this if you want to understand everything about corruption and politics.,,,,,,,2020-09-09 17:53:08 ipmsus,,9,Edinar with Paypal,Can Edinar cards be linked to paypal? I have to send money to Tunisia and Paypal is the possible option. Can Edinar be linked with Paypal?,,,,,,2020-09-09 19:09:11 ipr9q2,,34,"Is it ok to post some, little, clean, memes here?? :D",,,,,,,2020-09-09 23:00:00 ipr9v5,,2,Bitcoin in Tunisia,Is it legal to buy and sell bitcoin in Tunisia? And if I want to sell how should I do it?,,,,,,2020-09-09 23:00:13 ipu54k,,1,Rap lover? Join our community for the latest hits in TUNISIA!!!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-10 01:55:51 ipuqdr,,6,sexual relations without marriage in tunisia,"i read an article on the internet that said 70% of couples in tunisia had sex (without marriage) so are you against sexual relations before marriage or do you approve it ? Approve : yes Against : no [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-09-10 02:32:49 ipx1xm,,10,We have sand therapy in the south of Tunisia 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳✌️,,,,,,,2020-09-10 05:10:40 ipy29j,,120,"Tunisia and Algeria, a love stroy.",,,,,,,2020-09-10 06:30:20 iq30pi,,2,Ideal place to invest in beachfront real estate?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-10 13:12:47 iq3e4m,,0,🖋 VR Poetry | Charles Baudelaire - Femmes Damnées [by Tunisian poétesse Selima Battikh 🇹🇳 ],,,,,,,2020-09-10 13:35:12 iq7ycs,,1,Hhh,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-10 17:29:38 iq8bkc,,1,Rap Lover? Join our community to see the latest Rap Music on TUNISIA!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-10 17:47:49 iq8xsm,,1,موقف الطاهر بن عاشور مع الرئيس التونسي الحبيب بورقيبة بتحريم صيام رمضان,,,,,,,2020-09-10 18:18:08 iqc357,,9,In what ways do you think Tunisia would be better or worse off if it had never been colonized (made a French protectorate)?,,,,,,,2020-09-10 20:53:36 iqfg2g,,13,Dance monkey Tunisian cover,,,,,,,2020-09-10 23:58:07 iqlida,,33,TIL GB is roughly the size as Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-09-11 06:46:51 iqnlli,,86,"Mohamed Habib Bey of Tunis visiting La tombe du Soldat inconnu, Paris, 1923, (colorized by me)",,,,,,,2020-09-11 09:57:37 iqp7co,,1,I need ur help,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-11 12:08:14 iqph6q,,1,❤️❤️..,,,,,,,2020-09-11 12:26:58 iqppb2,,1,❤️,,,,,,,2020-09-11 12:42:18 iqq5uy,,1,إزالة شعر الوجه شعر الجسم و إزالة شعر من المناطق الحساسة نهائيا و من الج...,,,,,,,2020-09-11 13:10:45 iqsqgo,,7,Regional stereotypes,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-11 15:31:34 iquj5d,,1,,,,,,,,2020-09-11 17:01:40 iquvrq,,1,Cheap alcohol recommendations that I get here?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-11 17:18:18 iqwm8l,,4,"A bit taboo, but how to make lean here?","All I know is to drink picto6 cough syrup, but is there any better/safer recipes ? Or any tips for those who've tried it multiple times.",,,,,,2020-09-11 18:45:53 iqxfkr,,1,تبييض الوجه و بشرة الوجه بمكونات في مطبخك احصلي على بشرة أكثر نظافة و نا...,,,,,,,2020-09-11 19:26:47 iqxqer,,1,تبييض الوجه و بشرة الوجه بمكونات في مطبخك احصلي على بشرة أكثر نظافة و نا...,,,,,,,2020-09-11 19:42:31 ir05sq,,16,What kind of posts would you like to see more on this sub?,,,,,,,2020-09-11 21:54:44 ir1180,,0,"According to the Quran, earth is flat",,,,,,,2020-09-11 22:45:02 ir2nl9,,9,National Animal of Tunisia ?,Does anyone know what is the national animal of Tunisia? I couldn't find it online.,,,,,,2020-09-12 00:27:00 ir3x87,,11,Pronunciation of your country.,"Bonjour à tous, I'm from Chad, and I have a quick question. I have a friend from Iraq, and we've been arguing for the past 30 minutes on how Tunisia is correctly said, my friend insists that the country is said as Tunis, I argued and said, ""no the capital is Tunis, the country is Tunisia."" He is in complete denial. So I'd like to ask Tunisians myself. Do you all refer to the country **and** capital as Tunis? Or is it Tunis and Tunisia? To be specific, I'm not talking about pronunciation in English, I'm talking about Pronunciation in daily Arabic and/or French. Merci",,,,,,2020-09-12 01:51:58 ir6f6j,,1,The days ago it rained in Naaseen but this dog had other plans,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-12 04:53:20 ir6hxf,,35,Can anyone please translate my shirt to English? Thanks!!!,,,,,,,2020-09-12 04:59:25 ir8lqg,,4,Can we talk about this obligatory quarantine bullshit?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-12 08:01:02 ir8vk2,,3,where can i get steam giftcards?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-12 08:25:56 ir9a3q,,74,"A bazar in Tunis , by François-Marie Rosset , 1790.",,,,,,,2020-09-12 09:02:24 irau4h,,1,إزالة الشعر من الوجه و الشعر من الجسم و إزالة الشعر من المناطق الحساسة ن...,,,,,,,2020-09-12 11:20:30 ird8af,,7,"Coming to Tunisia as a tourist, is it possible for individuals or only for tourist groups? Can I stay where I want or only at special hotels? I can´t find clear info on that. If I have to quarantine, can I chose hotel/rented private apartment where to stay put? Many many thanks.",,,,,,,2020-09-12 14:08:40 irda76,,3,Vet school in Sidi Thabet- questions,"I heard that tou need fill an online form to have an appointment there, is this true? Do you think you can talk to a professor if you already have your pet’s test results and want a second opinion?",,,,,,2020-09-12 14:11:57 irepf6,,1,LUCK,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-12 15:34:44 irgwx2,,3,Abir Moussi's security detail contains an anti terrorist unit,,,,,,,2020-09-12 17:34:55 irhjmq,,1,luck,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-12 18:09:54 irj2nr,,157,Well ... they're not wrong,,,,,,,2020-09-12 19:31:52 irtj1t,,19,❤️❤️,,,,,,,2020-09-13 06:58:51 irwd72,,16,Tunisian Victory (a 1944 World War Documentary),"Friend of mine came across a fascinating documentary on Netflix UK called ""Tunisian Victory"". Found it really insightful and interesting. As a (British/Tunisian) national. Definitely beats what we did fi teree5 wu ju8rafia. YouTube link: Edit: added YouTube link",,,,,,2020-09-13 11:06:26 irx7wv,,85,Some guy Photoshop the streets of Nabeul after the floods with some interesting animals,,,,,,,2020-09-13 12:16:00 irxovh,,1,لحظة القبض عليه خرجات مني خلعة دخل علينا الغاشي للدار حصل و طاح في الشبك...,,,,,,,2020-09-13 12:50:26 irywt1,,10,Favorite Places For Portraits & Family Photos?,What’s your favorite or recommended places for great portraits and family photos aside from places like Sidi Bou Said and the Medina?,,,,,,2020-09-13 14:09:46 irzhiw,,1,"I am an Anglo-Tunisian rapper and this is my first release called ""Allou"" 🇹🇳♥️",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-13 14:45:37 is22en,,14,jawhar al siqilli,,,,,,,2020-09-13 17:06:43 is4q07,,1,"Mahdia, credit (Mohamed Ben Zineb)",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-13 19:20:05 is4qr4,,1,"Thunderstorm in Mahdia, credit (Mohamed Ben Zineb)",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-13 19:21:14 is4ulv,,348,"Thunderstorm in Mahdia, credit (Mohamed Ben Zineb)",,,,,,,2020-09-13 19:26:55 is5lk3,,20,Hôtel du lac,,,,,,,2020-09-13 20:05:31 is6h93,,46,كي تمشي لعرس و تخرج و تعاود تدخل باش تتعشا مرتين,,,,,,,2020-09-13 20:50:41 is73gn,,2,In need for a BenJannet & Co contact,"Hi there, anyone knows a retail worker at BenJannet & Co ? Need this for a friend, much appreciated, many thanks in advance !",,,,,,2020-09-13 21:23:35 is9woy,,5,What's up with this shit I see trending on social media? What did the LGBT people do to them exactly?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-14 00:06:17 isdiyg,,1,What is the biggest misconception people in the West have about Islam?,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-14 03:56:35 isex2x,,1,Thunderstorm La Marsa 13/09/20,,,,,,,2020-09-14 05:35:46 isi01a,,9,Curly hair products in tunisia?,Preferably something cheap that you have personally used,,,,,,2020-09-14 09:57:40 isriot,,1,حماتي إبتلاها الله بهاد المرض الخطير / شوفو آش صيفطات لية🤔كنعطي ملابسي ا...,,,,,,,2020-09-14 19:02:13 istiry,,13,How do we receive money online from other countries ?,"Hello fellow tunisian redditors! As a freelance artist and designer, is there a way for me to make an etsy shop, sell my work and ship orders abroad and get paid ? if yes, how would the transaction happen, and what steps do you think I need to take? (i'm talking papers in general; banks, poste, any adminitrative guidelines...)",,,,,,2020-09-14 20:36:02 isw97o,,1,Boga Cidre fe Dubai,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-14 22:57:16 iswb9k,,52,Mlawee fe Dubai,,,,,,,2020-09-14 23:00:22 it5ufo,,4,Car rental Tunis,"Hi all, I'll be travelling to Tunisia for a week in October, I arrive in Tunis and would like to rent a car. Are there any suggestions on affordable and reliable car rental companies to use in Tunis? I prefer not to use the large companies like Avis, Budget etc as they are often too expensive for my South African budget. Any recommendations of local companies or alternative options would be great.",,,,,,2020-09-15 10:05:14 it6mz9,,104,We’ve all felt that at some point,,,,,,,2020-09-15 11:09:12 it91t7,,1,The year of Bon ... the year in which the Moroccans were hungry,,,,,,,2020-09-15 13:45:08 itboqr,,4,can i make money from apps?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-15 16:02:17 itcz1p,,1,hi,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-15 17:06:30 itdhu9,,10,Historical Colours?,"Hi, do you know what colours are historically important to Tunisia? I want to design a flag design of Tunsisia. **The colurs i know are**: **red** for the Ottoman Empire **purple** for Carthage's Empire **yellow** for the Hafsid dynasty Please correct me if I#m wrong and add some more colours if you know. thanks in advance",,,,,,2020-09-15 17:33:41 itfia7,,105,Absolutely love it!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-15 19:15:57 ith3z5,,1,مغربية في سويسرا/لن تستطيع أن تتخيل فعالية هذه الوصفة لتبييض الأسنان/مبي...,,,,,,,2020-09-15 20:35:20 ith71f,,1,Boga Cidre fe Dubai,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-15 20:39:52 itq2jn,,1,Mosli,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-16 06:06:28 itq3ay,,1,Mooosli,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-16 06:08:16 itqbo6,,1,Tunisian passport under UV Light Part 1,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-16 06:28:10 itqesu,,18,Passport under UV Light Part 1,,,,,,,2020-09-16 06:35:43 itqfkr,,48,"Passport under UV Light Part 2 (old passport, new passports have the stadium in every page)",,,,,,,2020-09-16 06:37:30 its1vh,,1,لأصحاب القنوات في اليوتوب/ كلشي غادي تعرفوه اليوم مكاين غير القاصح/ حقيق...,,,,,,,2020-09-16 09:07:55 ityhux,,20,"Instagram taking out the trash when the ""civil"" state can't protect its minorities..",,,,,,,2020-09-16 16:05:10 itzo80,,94,Tastour 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-09-16 17:03:40 iu0gau,,19,What the government is trying to do?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-16 17:42:34 iu0jeg,,3,No alcohol in Lac 2?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-16 17:46:36 iu20bw,,43,Sidi Bou Saïd ( Shot on Galaxy S7),,,,,,,2020-09-16 18:57:48 iu5eno,,10,What do you know about street dogs in Tunisia? Breed? Temperament? The tags in their ears? Attitudes toward them? Etc.?,There are lots of street dogs in Tunisia. What’s their story? What’s their genetic history? What do most people think of them? What are the tags in their ears? How long do they live? Do they make good pets? Etc.... Thanks!,,,,,,2020-09-16 21:38:38 iu6xpv,,9,Can anyone help with translations of handwritten text?,"Hello, I’m half Tunisian, half British and to cut long story short I’m having some issues understanding some of official documents regarding my families property. Would anyone be able to help me identify which pages I should be getting officially translated. Thank you so much!",,,,,,2020-09-16 23:00:18 iuemmd,,9,Is there anyone who knows about Arabic calligraphie ?,"Hello, I wanna make a personal project, a monogramme logo, and I am looking for an artist, designer or someone who knows about Arabic calligraphie or if you know some one ? Thank you",,,,,,2020-09-17 07:22:24 iufffj,,1,"Hi guys , we need some help sharing this video for a good cause",,,,,,,2020-09-17 08:28:40 iugdpv,,0,طريقة فك المسمار المصدي (عمره 25 سنه) و تجديد الحديد المصدي - برغي تالف,,,,,,,2020-09-17 09:50:53 iugxzg,,1,"Gafsa, Guettar, [ Tunisian south ] after the pouring rain last week ..📸 credit: Saber Omran",,,,,,,2020-09-17 10:37:05 iuh1iu,,96,"Gafsa, Guettar ( tunisian south ) after the pouring rain last week .. 📸 credit: Saber Omran",,,,,,,2020-09-17 10:44:58 iuhl7w,,1,Our country needs us,,,,,,,2020-09-17 11:27:52 iuhmuz,,5,This is concerning...,,,,,,,2020-09-17 11:31:18 iuj7vx,,4,Our Lovely Country,"A country where a pack of ""legére"" is for 6DT, the ""clio bombé"" aged 200 years old is being sold for 16k TND, the visa is an extra word (an insult), the gym is for 200 dt per month, and the coffee houses of all kinds and shapes are called espresso, and young people are almost dead from cannabis, where a mansion overlooks the mouth of a garbage, where public transport didn't change it's fleet from the war time , where employement is almost impossible. The roads look like ""Gaufrette"". Where pickpocketing, crime, rape, robbery become legal, where envy, hatred, and misfortune are widespread in people, Where dwarfing and putting a stick in the wheel and compromising, lying, disgusting, plundering, exploitation and exhaustive logic becomes honoured ... and even fleeing in a boat has become at the cost of a ""croisière"" with a success rate of 10% .This is not a country, this is a corral, and even a barn is better than it 👌",,,,,,2020-09-17 13:15:09 iukvsg,,14,Tunisia Palm Trees Holiday Motif Gift Idea Design,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-17 14:46:26 iunlk3,,13,زعمة؟,,,,,,,2020-09-17 17:02:20 iuopop,,5,lets go!,[](,,,,,,2020-09-17 17:56:57 iups4c,,7,"Is there any blogs, books, or any online source written in Tunisian Derja ?","If anyone of you know any online resource written in Tunisian Derja (preferably Arabic script), can you kindly mention it in the comments. Thanks! I'm trying to crowd source all possible resources under one thread.",,,,,,2020-09-17 18:50:49 iur1ql,,1,خبز الدار بالمقدونس قطني ألذ من الخبز التركي على طريقة المطاعم خفيف هشيش...,,,,,,,2020-09-17 19:55:05 iuryas,,2,Uragano mediterraneo (medicane) sta passando ora dalle coste Calabresi e Siciliane orientali. La Calabria è in allerta arancione per forti venti e piogge.,,,,,,,2020-09-17 20:41:53 iv3bni,,1,Tounsi 3ayesh fe Dubai,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-18 10:06:07 iv3g6q,,4,Dubaiiii was Littt (Tunisian citizens in dubai/UAE) COMMENT Chai Karak,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-18 10:17:07 iv400h,,1,every time i post smth on facebook. i need friends who understand english,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-18 11:04:01 iv4rlp,,0,الطاهر بن عاشور ومواجهته للرئيس التونسي بورقيبة,,,,,,,2020-09-18 12:03:59 iv7m2d,,1,Rades ( shot on s7 ),,,,,,,2020-09-18 14:57:02 iv82zz,,1,ندمت اللي كنت كنحضر الخبز بالطريقة العادية أضيفي هاد المكون و تابعي 3 أس...,,,,,,,2020-09-18 15:21:48 iv9173,,8,Any payoneer users in here?,"Hello redditor, i have some questions about payoneer. 1) ATM fees 2) best banks to withdraw from 3) how much is the max amount 4) will i face legal problems when withdrawing from am atm? 5) why does it require 100$ not 30$ to request the card",,,,,,2020-09-18 16:12:04 ivabal,,1,Money transfer/withdrawals,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-18 17:17:59 ivaqak,,17,Small scale investment,"Guys I know this is a difficult time to put any money out there , but let's say you have 10k TND where would you invest it?",,,,,,2020-09-18 17:40:13 ivi5rb,,1,Exploration in ancient carthage,,,,,,,2020-09-19 00:30:17 ivquin,,11,Tunisian movies,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-19 11:27:38 ivv1rn,,0,أنشودة عشق - إنه الحب -حنين - وقصائد أخرى من ديوان (صرخات الضوء) ل ريبر ...,,,,,,,2020-09-19 15:52:38 ivv40w,,142,Finally finished it : The Tunisian Political Compass,,,,,,,2020-09-19 15:56:09 iw41zf,,4,what are the travel restrictions for a french tourist ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-20 00:36:54 iw4xyv,,4,Netflix show in my hood,"So every day at1-4am i either witness a fight typically knives,sticks sometimes a drunk fight with random people it depends on the day of the week sometimes theft I never ever see police coming even when we call My question is do we actually have police ? After all we were a police state and why are these things happening more ? Edit: we call the police and nothing happens",,,,,,2020-09-20 01:37:22 iw51s2,,1,small businesses in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-20 01:44:29 iwbp52,,13,CTI,has anyone have cti ( carte technologique international) how useful is it ? have you encountered any problem while using it?,,,,,,2020-09-20 10:43:24 iweexj,ée_pilote_gabes_and/,29,Hi im ahmed 18 i study in lycée pilote gabes and want to pass the “bac français” as “condidat libre” and i want some help on where and how to enroll. And can i pass the two part in one year? Thanks in advance :),,,,,,,2020-09-20 14:04:36 iweryh,,1,guys does anyone have an idea whether i can use e dinar UNIVERSAL card in non tunisian shopping websites ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-20 14:26:22 iwh3m1,,0,Is this in Tunisia? Tunisian friend posted it on fb. A guy literally kills his mom trying to give her mouth-to-mouth SITTING! Another asshole take photos and publish on fb. And turns the whole thing into “god bless mom”-meme. What the fuck is wrong with people???,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-20 16:34:34 iwh4nr,,0,Is this in Tunisia? Tunisian friend posted it on fb. A guy literally kills his mom trying to give her mouth-to-mouth SITTING! Another asshole take photos and publish on fb. And turns the whole thing into “god bless mom”-meme. What the fuck is wrong with people???,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-20 16:36:06 iwifp7,,11,Buying games from tunisia,"What is the most trusty and easy way to buy game - to be more specific minecraft-? I mean i bought Fortnite cosmetics before from some fb page, he's trustworthy but a little expensive in comparison with the actual price of the game.",,,,,,2020-09-20 17:45:14 iwjlt4,,1,روتيني يوم الأحد خريجة في حديقة سويسرا طحت فواحد الشفيفير هوة يجر و أنا ...,,,,,,,2020-09-20 18:47:33 iwl6yk,,17,The future,"Guys I honestly think that we as a people should start pushing for an economic and political reform so we can have better lifes , honestly the past generations had it better but what about us ??!! We can't all immigrate to Europe??!! And not all of us have (ktafet) !! And shouldn't we as younger generations be eager for reform ??",,,,,,2020-09-20 20:09:11 iwl8l3,,74,Tajjin Tounssi sooo delicious 😋,,,,,,,2020-09-20 20:11:28 iwlqdo,,50,Tunisian Coscous with Calamari ❤😍 my favorite,,,,,,,2020-09-20 20:37:55 iwvvem,,1,Tunisian food is awsome ✔🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-09-21 07:36:52 iwxv8u,,16,"I hate people that do this, filling the whole God damn street with animal feces.",,,,,,,2020-09-21 10:31:28 ix2bgv,,1,Tunisian Machmoum 💚 FELL 💚,,,,,,,2020-09-21 15:13:51 ix3at7,,1,How am I supposed to make friends here ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-21 16:06:10 ix3qs9,,26,How am I supposed to make friends here ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-21 16:28:11 ix5xbu,,1,More of my memes,,,,,,,2020-09-21 18:17:03 ixalit,,0,Powerful Telescopes Are Discovering Very Strange Things in Space,,,,,,,2020-09-21 22:11:01 ixawrh,,0,Any idea where I can get my hands on some good recreationals in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-21 22:28:36 ixbanv,,1,The struggle for PayPal.. whaddya think?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-21 22:50:48 ixkc52,,30,Quick reminder that the official reason France colonized Tunisia in 1881 is because they owed them a sh!t ton of money. This country has been bankrupt for ages...but why ?,,,,,,,2020-09-22 09:48:57 ixkch6,,3,Samsung Gear S3 Frontier sensors issue,"Hello guys any clue where to find a trusted phone/gear shop to fix my Samsung S3 Frontier watch else a trusted retailer where i can buy this item ""**Original Main Board dengan Obeng untuk Samsung Gear S3 Frontier sm-r760** "" main issue is that all the sensors (heartbeat/steps...) are not picking any read.PS: I've tried to contact the Samsung official brand shop and they refused to do anything since I got the watch outside of Tunisia couldn't convince them although i have the box and every paper came with the gear any other help/suggestion is welcomed &#x200B; thanks in advance.",,,,,,2020-09-22 09:49:45 ixqf99,,43,Bike stuff List,"3aslema ness lkol 3malt liste fel google maps mta3 kol mehou tebe3 el bescletet ken t7ebbou : [List]( Svp partagez wala ab3thouli li ne9es peace",,,,,,2020-09-22 16:08:58 ixqkhk,,2,Took his first steps in Tunisia 🧿❤️❤️❤️far away from mom❤️❤️❤️,,,,,,,2020-09-22 16:16:05 ixra4c,,1,ISO Research Participants - Never visited an art museum before?,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-22 16:51:31 ixsknf,,3,"The west fights unnecessary wars, wasting trillions and destabilizing multiple middle east nations, giving rise to terror groups just to turn around and blame Islam","[]( I do not like the fact that Westernized and diaspora Arabs are eating up this narrative, this is especially common in Tunisia",,,,,,2020-09-22 17:57:37 ixu5r4,,1,باش وصلت لهادشي⁉️هاد الهضرة غادي تنفعكم في حياتكم🥰الحمدلله غير مني بقيت ...,,,,,,,2020-09-22 19:16:08 ixvfcn,,7,where to get custom facemasks,"i've recently found a face mask design that i'd really like to get but i don't know any places for custom face masks around me &#x200B; i live in ariana,ennasr 2 if that matters",,,,,,2020-09-22 20:20:12 ixxslw,,4,What’s the best bank in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-09-22 22:26:43 ixz6r7,,10,I'm a 16 year old girl that wants to join a basketball team here in tunisia so i wanna ask if there are clubs that i can join close to tunis el 3asma,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-22 23:49:45 iy44qo,,8,Heeh,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-23 05:17:52 iy633c,,39,Yes Liberal Islam Is A Real Thing. Here's How It Works :,"When I went to Cambridge, I met a few Muslims from all over the world (one of them was even a pure Irish convert with red hair and sh!t and wore the veil), and I was stricken by how liberal their opinions were : \- They supported LGBT \- They believed in freedom of opinion and religion \- They wished democracy for all \- One of them was a even a Palestinian Communist They told me they defended the ""Real Islam"" (whatever that might be) and offered a few relevant key points : Long ago, was held a big controversy in the Islamic world. Scholars were toiling with the idea of the Quran being created or not. If the Quran was ""created"", it means it was mainly a set of temporal commands given to the Prophet in order to ensure the survival of his community and the defeat of the Quraysh. As such, every verses should be contextualized and not taken literally. If the Quran was ""uncreated"", it means it has always been there, waiting in heaven before the beginning of time, and should be the ultimate guideline for every Muslim on the planet at any time. The first ones were dubbed the ""rationalists"" or Qadarites. They followed the Prophet's command to ""seek knowledge at every corner of the Earth"" and read all the Greeks and Roman Philosophers. They are the one behind the ""House of Wisdom"" in Baghdad, where all Ancient works got translated in Arabic. Some names : Ibn Rushd, Al Kindi, Ibn Sina. Their work was then translated in Latin and had a great influence on European scholars. The rationalists believed that God wanted all Men to use their own judgment and not be coerced by other men's power, since only God has the power to judge man. ""No compulsion in Religion. To you your religion, to me my religion"" says the Quran. As such, tolerance and freedom of choice were essential for humans to reach ""godlike"" qualities, and could never be imposed by force. They also rejected hadiths that didn't seem to compute with the Quran (ex : ""if someone leaves his religion, kill him""). This is important. the Sunna was only written down 200 years after Muhammad's death, while the Quran was compiled while he was still alive. As such, it's impossible to know if some hadiths are legits or not. The problem is that the Sunnis give way too much importance to the Sunna, almost raising it at the same level as the Quran. Turns out it has always been hearsays and generally made up by the ruling powers of the Omeyya to legitimate their regime. Fortunately, the first Abassids supported the rationalist schools and tried to suppress the ""traditional"" one. They failed. The traditionalists got a huge popular support that allowed them to gain political power really quickly, starting off the demise of the ""bright"" Islamic world. Then the Mongols came and erased everything the rationalists had done : all their work was thrown into the Tigris. Then the Portuguese discovered new routes, destroying the main source of income for many Islamic states and thus the Arab world was doomed to remain a set of backward societies until today. The Ottoman managed to liberalize Islam to a great extent, even before Attaturk came along. Everything its secular regime had done was only the prolongation of the new Sultan's policies : freedom of religion, citizenship and civil rights for everyone under his rule, no exclusion, women's right, etc. Nobody remembers the rationalists any more, their writings spilled in the dust, even by secularists Arab regimes who are greatly responsible for the rise of Islamism because of their religious intolerance and repression (a woman could not study at the University if she was wearing the veil in Turkey). The reason the Traditionalists won is because of environmental and geopolitical factors. First : people subjected to autocratic rule and ruthless obedience with no chance to ""express their individuality"" are easier to control. Second : the Rationalist were all merchants or artisans who travelled a lot and lived comfortable lives (like the Prophet), while the Traditionalists were all Bedouin or farmers, living in horrendous condition...liberalism is too much of a luxury for people who live in these environments. It is said that when a Bedouin saw Muhammad kissing a child, he said : ""I have 10 children and never kissed a single one of them"". Then the Prophet responded : those who do not spread mercy will never receive mercy."" So basically, it's two different Arab societies dealing with each other. Muhammad was never a true ""Arab"", which means the same thing as ""Hebrew"", a wanderer, a nomad. Turns out the Nomadic ones prevailed. Ibn Khaldun always emphasized the destructive nature of the nomadic Arabs, while making a distinction with sedentary Arabs which he always praised. So the problem is not's the Nomads, which are all powerful right now thanks to Petro-dollars. So guys here's an idea : you can't turn people into better, tolerant individuals by forcing them to believe in ""Reason"" and rejecting their old beliefs. Attaturk, Bourguiba, and the Shah did that and it failed tremendously, giving even more power to the Fundamentalists. The solution is to bring the old Mutazilites Rationalist school back in the game, and promoting the liberal approach of reading and interpreting the Quran. I recommend : ""Islam without Extremes"" from Mustapha Akyol. Thanks for reading this long post.",,,,,,2020-09-23 08:11:24 iy63wf,,36,Euh is this normal?,,,,,,,2020-09-23 08:13:21 iy6r2t,,17,Tunisia has one of the oldest flags in the world? This video is a timeline of flag adoption dates by Country or Territory from oldest to youngest. Any information to add?,,,,,,,2020-09-23 09:12:45 iy6xc9,,20,College students mental health matters,"#CHBIK! is a safe space for college students to share what's on their mind. Tell us what you're going through, whether it's studying stress, discrimination, relationship problems, identity crisis or just scattered thoughts. Our moto is DON'T SUFFER IN SILENCE You can check out our Instagram account for more details We're counting on you redditors to spread the word and help our cause",,,,,,2020-09-23 09:29:02 iy72m6,,3,Red and White colored Flags,,,,,,,2020-09-23 09:42:37 iy7cmh,,7,Internships in Tunisia?,I got accepted in the National Institute of Applied Science and Technology (INSAT). According to their website. Doing internships is obligatory in the engineering. But for students in the pre-engineering cycle have the choice in not doing it. So what do you think? Should I do it or not?,,,,,,2020-09-23 10:07:22 iyc8rw,,7,Is it true that you have to pay custom fees when bringing a new computer into Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-09-23 15:25:58 iyd3oz,,19,Family history Oueslati,"This is about my family name and it's history. My problem is that I don't know a lot about my family name. My father's family lives in jendouba and I only know that our family originated in kairouan. After a few google searches I even found el Oueslatia, a place in kairouan that has a similar name to my family's and djebel Ousselat wich seems to have another connection, but I failed at founding out how that connection formed in the first place. I would love to know if any of you have more information or story's about the name, that may come to mind. Thank you.",,,,,,2020-09-23 16:10:49 iyi6xy,,1,what are some places where you can skateboard\ride a longboard,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-23 20:19:12 iyph9x,ée_pilote_students/,1,Lycée pilote students ??,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-24 03:29:02 iyprth,ée_pilote_students/,1,Lycée Pilote Students ??,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-24 03:47:20 iyq0g1,ée_pilote_students/,1,Lycée Pilote Students ??,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-24 04:02:43 iywb3i,,86,"Well as stupid as it looks, this did really happen",,,,,,,2020-09-24 12:28:20 iywluh,,38,Look at Tunisia!,,,,,,,2020-09-24 12:48:00 iyx7l0,,0,We must get rid of Francophonie ASAP,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-24 13:25:33 iyzknw,,5,Soda Water,"Has anyone found real club soda in Tunis? (Not seltzer water). If you could locate it I'd be delighted. I'm looking for soda water, not bubbly mineral water. If Garci makes club soda I haven't found it yet.",,,,,,2020-09-24 15:40:49 iz5of2,,80,"The city of Tunis, 1708 (Source in the comments)",,,,,,,2020-09-24 20:57:40 iz5v8n,,26,Question from a foreigner: what are these markings?,,,,,,,2020-09-24 21:07:20 iz65qw,,1,Need help,"Hi, I made a mistake . I ordered a CashU master card (Majd card), and charged it with 25$, then I went on to create a Google Developer account, and an error came up ""prepaid cards are not accepted"". So if anybody here has a credit card, can you create a Google Developer account with your credit card, (then delete the paiment method to remove your credit card) and I will pay you 90 dt I'm desperate to make a Google Developer account so please help guys. Also screw this shit hole of a country.",,,,,,2020-09-24 21:23:16 izatom,ée_pilote_students/,1,Lycée Pilote Students,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-25 02:02:28 izfegw,,13,Tunisian quarantine: I’m due to travel for a new work posting which is in Tunisia. However coming from the UK nobody is exactly sure what the status is?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-25 07:46:30 izgjth,,62,Sad Humor,,,,,,,2020-09-25 09:37:10 izgljx,,18,"There is a nice Conference at Institut Français de Tunis about sustainable farming and development with different green Tunisian start-up at 16h00 today, if you're interested...",,,,,,,2020-09-25 09:41:46 izjimy,,6,How to tell if someone doesn't know how to drive:,Stops **on** the railway intersection while waiting for the cars infront to move,,,,,,2020-09-25 13:35:12 izks6r,,1,مغربية في🇨🇭كان باغي يقتلني و سد علية و خلاني بالجوع غادي تصدمو في هاد ال...,,,,,,,2020-09-25 14:48:29 izku85,,93,Hot oil. Me vs Mum,,,,,,,2020-09-25 14:51:39 izno41,,13,Tunisian universities in nutshell,"&#x200B; [92834 HOURS LATER : still bugged](",,,,,,2020-09-25 17:20:30 izo78w,,3,A question for Tunisian living aboard .,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-25 17:47:49 izppqz,,2,Why did tunisia banned polygamy,ıt was always interesting to me that tunisia banned polygamy and reformes that your govement but they never officaly became secular,,,,,,2020-09-25 19:05:20 izrbvy,,4,Shipping stuff to the US,I want to send a box to a friend in the US. Is that feasible?,,,,,,2020-09-25 20:28:11 izvddp,,6,Recommendation for palaces to visit this weekend.,"What are some recommended places to visit this time of year for a day trip? We’re in the Nabeul/Tunis area and so we would like a place that’s no further than 1:30 - 2hrs hours or so. We thought about places in the cap bon like Kelibia or Hawariya but the road to there is horrible and I’m pregnant and so I can’t handle the road, it’s too bumpy.",,,,,,2020-09-26 00:16:13 j01rvd,,4,Music forum looking for members from Tunisia,"Hello \^\^ Do you like listening to music? \^\^ Do you get to hear music from other countries/continents? \^\^ Would you like to join a small forum where ppl share their music ""findings"" with other forum members? \^\^ I invite you to join ESCforum ([](, it's mainly a Eurovision forum but there's a lot to talk abt. There are also many ""song contests"" where ppl submit songs they like (not their own :D), post lyrics, translation, listen to other \~20 songs and vote for top ten. **\~\~!!\~\~THERE HAVE NEVER BEEN MEMBERS FROM TUNISIA, SO PLZ JOIN AND SUBMIT SOME SONGS FROM YR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY\~\~!!\~\~** NRG (new releases game) concentrates about the freshest music released in the last month. You play for a free country (Tunisia, Morocco, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico..) and submit their freshest song. There are 50 players/countries, the contest runs for one month (from 15. - 15.). You vote for top 15. WFSC (world forum song contest) is about music from outside Europe, you can play for any country on this planet and submit a song, there are 20 other players. The contest runs for one month (from 1. - 1.). You vote for top 10. You can listen to WFSC August here: []( and to WFSC June here: []( &#x200B; If you would like to join the forum or share your favourite songs in song contest, first you have to register to ESCforum ([]( Go to your e-mail and confirm registration, then find either NRG or WFSC section, where you can reserve your place! Be careful: in the beginning forum admins will have to approve you, so let me know, when you're in, I will tell them about you =D And if you need information/help with anything, please let me know! \^\^ &#x200B; PLEASE JOIN WFSC OCTOBER WHICH STARTS IN ONE WEEK! \^\^ Thank you and kisses to you! &#x200B; Nicki\_love.",,,,,,2020-09-26 07:35:41 j04vmt,,48,Some good addresses if you want to support green entrepreneurs in Tunisia :,,,,,,,2020-09-26 12:05:21 j06p2a,,1,مغربية في🇨🇭كان باغي يقتلني و سد علية و خلاني بالجوع غادي تصدمو في هاد ال...,,,,,,,2020-09-26 14:11:11 j06pxk,é/,5,What can I expect from my Tunesian fiancé?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-26 14:12:38 j0762x,,6,Do Tunisians have a symbol for the Mediterranean or the sea?,,,,,,,2020-09-26 14:39:50 j0a32s,,82,Kairouan ❤️❤️,,,,,,,2020-09-26 17:26:02 j0a849,,1,What u think about death penalty?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-26 17:33:40 j0codx,,6,Any other anarchists or libertarian socialists here ?,"I wonder how many libertarian socialists there is in Tunisia. Most people just seem centrists, apolitical or anti-centrists.",,,,,,2020-09-26 19:57:28 j0dbed,,0,Korouan crimes,I'm I the only person that thinks this 9erwen thing is a cognitive bias and the media is using it in a negative context??!,,,,,,2020-09-26 20:34:36 j0doo9,,0,"If you have an identity crisis, and believe Islam is not compatible with human rights, please remember what Salad-in had done :",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-26 20:56:01 j0emwo,,1,4G Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-09-26 21:50:01 j0g8rr,,167,"Regardless how bad political problems are, political conflicts divide people further and how annoying nationalists can be, I still love you guys and don't care about what other people say ♡ In the end, we are humans after all and we maghrebis are culturally tied together. Bghiti shwia kskso o atay?",,,,,,,2020-09-26 23:26:10 j0ol8d,,1,Can we take moment to appreciate our most religious and calm city ever,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-27 09:57:19 j0oxxg,,1,What essential service you think is lacking in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-27 10:30:11 j0t8i4,,104,Tunisian coscous with vegetables 🇹🇳🥕🌶🥔❤,,,,,,,2020-09-27 15:43:50 j0x716,,1,‎3 مكونات! فطيرة أو كريم كراميل بدون فرن! الطبخ في 15 دقيقة! كراميل فلان...,,,,,,,2020-09-27 19:28:45 j13uz1,,1,“Dhoben” seems horny these days,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-28 02:26:55 j17git,,74,a.k.a الأكتاف,,,,,,,2020-09-28 07:10:07 j18pu2,,0,Am a woman. I don't feel safe in Tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-28 09:11:43 j18xev,,122,"Very unhealthy, very enjoyable",,,,,,,2020-09-28 09:32:11 j1c6a8,,13,Looking for friends,Any takers? I’m lonely and desperate.,,,,,,2020-09-28 13:39:59 j1cwii,,2,Is it worthy to bring electronic devices by post to Tunisia?,"Hi all, I'm wondering if there are rules related to police control ? Is it allowed to buy electronic cable or small device from international website (value 50€) and bring it to Tunisia by post services ? Thanks in Advance",,,,,,2020-09-28 14:22:27 j1iwky,,6,"What if I get tested positive for Covid before getting back to Tunisia, would I be let in to get treatment / quarantine myself or I would have to get well first?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-28 19:26:52 j1j103,,8,For or against death penalty in Tunisia?,"For or against death penalty in Tunisia? [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-09-28 19:32:48 j1kiwj,,5,TN redditors can you please answer this questionnaire: Addiction aux jeux vidéos et pandémie de COVID19.,,,,,,,2020-09-28 20:45:27 j1sp2x,,8,How can I ship something from Tunisia to the USA?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-29 04:52:48 j1vzkg,,11,A discussion with Tunisian feminist activist Ala Oueslati,,,,,,,2020-09-29 09:27:30 j1xl01,,38,Can someone please fix this ( coins and banknotes are switched),,,,,,,2020-09-29 11:40:55 j1ycsc,,24,Dating in tunisia,"I'm Tunisian and freshman student at university and thinking of dating a girl that she is my classmate. I hear people talking about dating all the time and wanted to know what are the perks of dating? Is it just talking and sharing stories. Do you get into physical intimacy or this is rare? Is it sexual? I know a girl (not Tunisian) that she was physically intimate with me and we were not in a relationship but now she is abroad. So my question is how is dating in Tunisia like. What perks do I get. This girl I think of dating is from sousse and she said that she loves me but she doesn't want to be physically intimate. Like touching hands or kissing. Nevertheless she scrutinizes me if i don't ask how she is doing for one day. I really hope i get good answers from you guys. And also looking forward to hear some of your experiences in the matter. Thank you very much guys.",,,,,,2020-09-29 12:35:41 j1zunl,,11,I need some advice,"Hello everyone, i'm a freshman at university, i always had social anxiety and i literally cannot connect with people. I'm looking for some advice to get over this anxiety, i really want to get out of my comfort zone and enjoy my uni life. Any help is so appreciated.",,,,,,2020-09-29 14:06:00 j22pn6,,0,bibo take a good lesson,,,,,,,2020-09-29 16:31:49 j27nax,,0,Top 200 Funny Animals Vines,,,,,,,2020-09-29 20:36:16 j293ss,,5,"Palace of the Mutazilite Aghlabids who ruled Tunisia, Algeria, Southern Italy etc",[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-29 21:53:20 j2afn7,,75,Hi bitch,,,,,,,2020-09-29 23:08:54 j2cn2q,,3,a new way of learning !,"People of this sub reddit , me and a coworker of mine are working on an elearning free platform , my question is how do you think we can catch the attention of our users which are mainly teens , what can we do to make them keep learning ?",,,,,,2020-09-30 01:26:31 j2fxqf,,21,"I explained my perspective of freedom in 60 seconds. (the video is in ""derja"" and has got english subtitles)",,,,,,,2020-09-30 05:07:46 j2g2v8,,269,"In tunisia, we put olives in buckets full of water and salt or vinegar until the olives are ready for consumption and then occasionally check on it to clean the water. My mom was replacing the water for the olives and the golden coloration just caught my eye and i just had to share this with you.",,,,,,,2020-09-30 05:18:37 j2klir,,1,How to deal with your social anxiety in a Tunisian society,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-30 11:46:41 j2krwt,,19,"In Tunis we don't send nudes, we send Ecor instead (rue de Marseille)",,,,,,,2020-09-30 12:00:33 j2ll07,,7,Tunisian guys and girls who got married to non muslim foriegner( or know sb who did it ) what's your story ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-30 12:56:06 j2n9kp,,7,Is there any Tunisian Tetris player ?,I would like to invit any Tunisian tetris player to try this out since it’s now country ranks and the game is being more popular let me know if u guys are interested,,,,,,2020-09-30 14:34:17 j2o608,,9,Name of a good psychologist/psychiatrist I can go to in Tunis?,"I've decided to try therapy and I would like to talk to an open-minded and empathetic therapist. I've heard horror stories from friends who went to therapists that actually made them feel worst about themselves. So if anyone here would like to recommend someone, please feel free to do so. Thanks!",,,,,,2020-09-30 15:22:43 j2obyi,,84,Vieux port Bizerte Tunisia 🇹🇳😍,,,,,,,2020-09-30 15:31:40 j2rwkx,,24,Every Tunisian dream 🍻,,,,,,,2020-09-30 18:35:52 j2rz1d,,1,Epic Tunisian songs?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-09-30 18:39:30 j31csd,,1,🇹🇳🇺🇸❤🌹,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-01 03:57:02 j32qjz,,3,Major reason people become atheist,"Just out of curiosity what made you want to become an atheist, not related to *islam* but all religions, and what helped you find out the truth(from your point of view). Please do not use a study to explain or prove you're answer.",,,,,,2020-10-01 05:41:13 j36vv9,,12,Is sending and receiving seeds possible in Tunisia ?,"Hi all, I want to make a seed exchange with a friend from Siri Lanka and another from Malaysia. is it allowed to send and receive seeds? Is there any special restriction? Also, shall I declare them or I can put it just in normal letter with 2dt Stamp ? Ps: small sunflowers seeds and other flowers seeds",,,,,,2020-10-01 11:37:47 j38p8v,,1,Looking forward training centers Monastir/Sousse.,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-01 13:37:02 j38ya9,,4,Looking for privet training centers Monastir/Sousse," Hello fellow Tunisians. I've been looking for ways to enroll into studying something new starting from January 2021. I came here seeking suggestions of privet training centers (BTS) that offers multimedia courses(dev/ programming .... Etc) or any source that can help build for better job opportunities! Also short term courses can be helpful if there are any I should consider. All those governmental institutions in those areas doesn't have any multimedia lessons (mostly because I'm interested in learning this), there for privet ones are the way. But I'm afraid they can be over priced as I heard. Any well known privet training centers with cheap /affordable prices? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2020-10-01 13:52:14 j3a6rb,,7,My runpay,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-01 14:59:22 j3bzov,,79,Work from home + Tunisian Machmoum 🌸 excellent Mediterranean vibes,,,,,,,2020-10-01 16:33:08 j3ccwh,,8,Where can I find the best mechanical (also gaming) keyboards for sale in Tunis?,Also I want it to be QWERTY.,,,,,,2020-10-01 16:51:56 j3d96z,,1,Questionnaire Tunisie,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-01 17:36:07 j3hqft,,4,"Suggestions of Places to Hang out with my SO in greater Tunis (Tunis, Ariana, Marsa...) That are not cafés, restaurants...","Yeah it's all in the title, my SO and I are more of an outdoorsy people, we'd also prefer to avoid crowded places like sidi bousaid, corniche la goulette and so on, we just want calm and quiet places with little to few people where we can bring our guitars, stargaze and listen to the wind blowing over tree leaves. A top nice view would be a huge plus",,,,,,2020-10-01 21:28:51 j3jjs2,,6,"Yeah, I need some help.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-01 23:14:21 j3phx9,,12,"Not much to see here, but this is what my phone (iPhone 11 Pro Max) picked up from the full moon today at night, you can also see Mars in the top hanging there.",,,,,,,2020-10-02 06:19:16 j3q8yt,,6,"What is a big cultural difference between Tunisia and the US? (Or France, or wherever you can compare to)",,,,,,,2020-10-02 07:29:26 j3rkq4,,189,kinda sus,,,,,,,2020-10-02 09:36:44 j3s2ac,,3,Where can I buy this ftunis?,,,,,,,2020-10-02 10:23:03 j3y9nn,,2,Is it really required to have at least 5.000$ for a short stay visit to South Korea?,How much money does SK require for short stay and long stay(work contract) visitors? I heard it's at least 5K $. I'm little informed about the subject and any help would be very appreciated.,,,,,,2020-10-02 16:55:24 j3ydsa,,29,What are your favorite Tunisian family recipes? American with Tunisian parent and little experience cooking Tunisian food.,"Hi all! I was raised in America and my dad is Tunisian. I never learned how to make any Tunisian food and now that I don't live with my dad anymore, I don't eat it often. I have made recipes from this website ([]( because it is very close to the food my dad used to make, but that's all. I would love any dish recommendations or even full recipes that I can try! Thank you! Edit: THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE!!! I haven't gotten a chance to reply to everyone's comments yet, but the response is very heartening. I am so appreciative of all of you giving me recipe recommendations and I'm very excited to try some of them!!! And to answer some questions, no, unfortunately can't read or understand arabic at all including latin script with numbers :(",,,,,,2020-10-02 17:01:21 j3yu2j,,53,"Someone on quora asked:""How do you say ""F*ck You"" in Arabic?"" and one answer made me laugh",,,,,,,2020-10-02 17:25:01 j4009c,,15,This man was my wedding singer 13 years ago,,,,,,,2020-10-02 18:25:31 j41hpm,,15,I was listening to Dr. Robert Citino's lecture on the German Army in 1943 and hearing this made me laugh,,,,,,,2020-10-02 19:43:22 j420vk,,1,I only recently discovered this beautiful song about tunisia and I thought I'd share,,,,,,,2020-10-02 20:11:37 j4cd5z,,49,"Hey I'm a Tunisian graduate who immigrated to EU during the pandemic and started to write my diary , it's a personal tone of ghroba , bled memories and personal issues . check out the first part . sorry it's only in Arabic","ذكريات الغربة 2020 الجزء 1 حنيني , (جدّي) حسن من أول الحاجات لي نتفكرهم في حياتي ، نتفكر مرة كان صدقني ربي كنا نلعبو في وسط دارنا -الجديدة- في جبلي دار سماعيل في بنبلة وسط دار عربي -بنسبة للكرز- ، نلعبو بهاك الكورة البلاستيك البيضة الحرشة الكحلة و البيضة ، يضهرلي كنا نشروا فيها من عند الناصر غزيل باقل من دينار ، نتصور صيف عام 1995 ، حسيلو وقتها أني وخويا الرض- رضوان- نشطو بالنقرة ، يعني ترفس فالكورة نقولوا احنا هههه تي كهو عاد حنيني حسن الله يرحمو كرّز وقتها خاطر جاي من حومة الشرقي باش يشرب كاس تاي أحمر من عند أُمّا (الوالدة) ربي يفضلها و يتكيف ليجار القروان قبل ما يبدا يتضرب حاصيلو وقتها والدينا ملبسينا هاك السوريية والشورت مشرينٍ من سوق السبت بالمستير تقول لبست مطهر هههه و هاك السندال الجلد تلقاك تذب كي الكونغورو ههه حاصيلو بابا حسن كَرّز للي خلقوا وقتها خاطر شوية لا بزعنالو كاس التاي متعه ياخي قال أخرج لبرا يعن كذا و لكذا هههه كهاو منجمش نتفكر أكثر من هك نهارتها لاكن نتفكر بالباهي كيفاش حنيني كان عندو بسكلات زرقة البسكلة هاذي كانت عشيرتو بعد مرتو و رزقو حسب ما فهمت الحاصل ، يبدا خارج من دارو وهو وقتها عمرو فالسبعين كان صدقني المولى يبدا يدهده ويتدعذر ربي يسامحوا باش يعمل خمسين ميترو ويجي لدارنا آني ما فهمتش أما حسب ما ريت أُمّا (الوالدة) ربي يفضلها كانت تحبو و تقدروا شي يوقف المخ نتفكر زادة الوالدة كيفاش تبكي عليه بالشهقة نهار لي توفى après tout pourquoi chialer autant ماهو إلا حموك après je sais rien moi الحاصل السيد هاذا ، مرة طاح طيحا مشومة و هوا يسوق في البسكلة الزرقاء متعوا نتفكر بالباهي وقتها آني و صديق وفّي (بعثني تو وقصها معايا ) نهار أحد عشية يمكن عام 1999 نشوفو فيه جاي يتوكع و دمومتو شرتلة ياخي احنا صغار قاعدين قدام الدار on ne savait pas quoi faire يخي كي شافنا كَرّز كيفاش ما عاوناشي طيش البسكلت ربرب ودخل السقيفة تع دارنا حصيلو بعد شوية جات الطامة و العامة من عماتي و بداو يضيقوا فها لبابا \[السيد الوالد\] كيفاش الكل عمايالو i mean wtf kifech 3maylou same7ni ?? ye5i je suis supposé lui faire de l'EPHAD ou quoi ?? ماعليناش وربي يهدي ، الحاصل امشي يا زمان و ايجا يا زمان آني منهم عام سنة ثالثة طب في هاك الفاك الحرفة متع مستير لي رزاتني في شبابي برى نشهالله تتمحا ملوجود قداش دفنا فيها دمار و بكينا و تعاركنا و حبينا غير الكلهها تحب تنسا تقول ما صارش, تي معليناش الحاصل أني مصبح ، عام 2010 قبل الثورة من غدوة عندي إمتحان ana-path تقول انتي الشننوة متع الشنوة تي كهو آني قايم مكرز ، لتو مازلت نقوم مكرز ديجا نعدي العشية ها الامتحان الخرية و يعرضني الوالد وجهوا مخلخل قتلوا ما تخافش تو نسلكها نشالله سكت سكت و قلي أسمع ما تقولش لي أمك راهو حنينك توفى ، كان تحب تمشي تعدي كان ما تحبش طيح الامتحان كنترول و ايجا أحضر الزّنازة ..... آني ل حد هاك اللحظه ما رتيش وحد يقربلي بالباهي مفارق الحياة c'était ma première jusqu'à là , moi , grosse tarlouze ayant raté mes 1ères expériences qui auraient faits (orthographe) de moi une personne plus solide , plus déterminée, plus robuste , ayant choisi des alternatives plus fugaces تلفتت للسيد الوالد و قتلوا ربي يرحموا ، أما آني نحب نهزها الماتيار long story short ما حضهرتش الزنازة و المقٗعد و زاد تحشالي en long et en large في الماتيار هاكي يعني ما ودعتش جدي آخر مرة و دخلت في قرايتي في دوامة الكنترول \[لا مش دورة الابطال يا بهيم \] كهو نتفكر كان وجهوا le brave parrain de la famille Essayès نتفكر زادة qu'ils étaient très mal préparés à le quitter , qu'une belle tante aurait fini par gober des innombrables psychotropes pour parvenir à dormir le soir et puis quoi encore ... حاصيلو يا سي الجعب ، هاني فرغت قلبي je ne manquerais jamais d'attester combien j'idéalisais la personne et qu'il ne m'est jamais arrivé de l'oublier ... mal au cœur certes ,mais bon au final , je me suis bien rendu compte que l'existence n'est rien qu'un triste tonnerre d'émotions morbides et de souvenirs accablants ... vous pensez autrement ?? aucune idée j'espère avoir tort pour mémoire \-tout en étant un ennuyant discours dramatique qui sert à rien - M.S un crade septembre de la 1ère année Covid , planète terreRIP Mouhamed Hsan Essayes ربي يرحمك",,,,,,2020-10-03 08:35:17 j4e6q8,,102,Credit: Marwa Ben Ali (Twitter),,,,,,,2020-10-03 11:25:57 j4eejt,,11,"Dances of the World | Miss World 2019 — (December 14, 2019)",,,,,,,2020-10-03 11:44:22 j4euuc,,7,Wtf is happening in parliament,Like wtf,,,,,,2020-10-03 13:18:01 j4fn5x,,8,Where can I attempt Lectures?,"Hi, I’m interested in Philosophy Science and politics and I’d like to know if there’s any lectures that are being held here in Tunisia if so please inform me about them and if there’s any more informations about this such as calendars, events etc.. just let me know and thanks for your time.",,,,,,2020-10-03 14:09:43 j4i4p6,,3,"I bought a Huawei phone, none of my app backups are running, help me install Google mobile services.",[removed],,,,,,2020-10-03 16:35:48 j4jr68,,1,"Research Participants wanted! Are you purchasing food and eating the same or differently due to the COVID- 19 pandemic? Your opinion matters! If you wish to participate, please click on the survey:",,,,,,,2020-10-03 18:06:46 j4k05n,,4,شكون يتذكرها الحلقة ⬇️,,,,,,,2020-10-03 18:21:33 j4k512,,1,كيكة يومية أو رولي بجينواز خفيف و أهش من هشيش بمكونات جد إقتصادية و بسيط...,,,,,,,2020-10-03 18:29:31 j4kw47,,19,Boomers always say Tunisia used to be safe,My question is the crimes in tunisia on the rise or it always used to be like this?,,,,,,2020-10-03 19:13:06 j4lwz6,,8,Males with earrings,"I've been considering getting my ears pierced for some time and I'm still not sure whether I should do it or not, my family won't care that much so one less thing to worry about. Is it true that I might face descrimination and get prejudged because of them? I'd love to hear your experiences. For more context I'm 17 and I live in Gabes.",,,,,,2020-10-03 20:14:07 j4nbxa,,1,*****____*****,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-03 21:40:59 j4ods3,,1,🤨,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-03 22:47:14 j4osfb,,1,Smig Tunisien 408 TND Prix test Corona 209 TND Point à la ligne,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-03 23:13:57 j4oswq,,1,Ma pauvre Tunisie,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-03 23:14:48 j4ulf4,,7,Rap Melody FR - Do you listen french hip hop in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-04 06:47:51 j54cvz,,37,Translated Tunisian song for all those who miss their home and got stuck due to the Virus.. 😔,,,,,,,2020-10-04 18:59:12 j54nt9,,1,"Talha Ibn Ubaidullah (RA)'s Generosity! -WILL YOU DONATE 700,000 SILVER COINS WITHIN A DAY!!?",,,,,,,2020-10-04 19:15:59 j54o31,,7,Welcome to the Tunisian jungle,,,,,,,2020-10-04 19:16:23 j55zy1,,3,"hi, cachir or mortadella with chicken without egg, without gluten, cooking in a goblet.",,,,,,,2020-10-04 20:31:32 j58qxr,,7,Is fricassee sandwiches in baguettes common in tunisia?,"What I mean by that is just the regular filling of a fricassee just inside a baguette instead of the normal way (idk what's the name of dough is) It is quite popular in israel (please keep politics out)",,,,,,2020-10-04 23:18:44 j5chln,,36,Subreddits of the Highest User Overlap with r/Tunisia 😂,,,,,,,2020-10-05 03:37:39 j5d7cv,,182,Simple art ❤️,,,,,,,2020-10-05 04:33:48 j5f9g0,,7,anyone going from mahdia back and forth ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-05 07:37:58 j5fqi7,,8,Italian Embassy in Tunisia announces its temporary closure due to coronavirus," The new coronavirus is putting diplomacy and the lives of diplomatic personnel in many countries in difficulty. The Italian Embassy in Tunis announced its temporary closure due to the coronavirus emergency, after some of its employees tested positive for COVID-19. Previously, Belgium and Germany also closed their embassies in Tunis due to the virus. ""To protect the health of users and employees and to carry out a new sanitation of the premises, the offices of the Embassy and the Consular Chancellery will remain temporarily closed starting from 1 October until further notice."" The Embassy said in a statement, adding that any appointments already fixed are postponed. ""It will be possible to make a new appointment as soon as health conditions allow the offices to reopen. You can contact the offices by e-mail to report emergencies,"" the note continues. The checks would be started after an embassy employee who had traveled to Italy in late September was preparing to return to Tunis, testing positive for the new coronavirus. In fact, since last month to enter Tunisia, it is necessary to present a test for the coronavirus, carried out maximum 48 hours before the trip or arrival at the airport. Following the examinations, the embassy found at least three other contagions, including the ambassador's assistant and two external employees. That forced the ambassador and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to opt for the closure of the diplomatic office in the North African country. Previously, travelers arriving in Tunisia from Italy were not obliged to quarantine. But the exponential increase in infections in the second wave of the pandemic, recorded in September, led Tunisian authorities to reintroduce mandatory one-week isolation. The worrying growth of daily coronavirus cases continues in Tunisia, wherein 24 hours 1,308 new infections were recorded, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the North African country to 19,721. According to the latest data of the Ministry of Health, the new coronavirus death toll has risen to 271, 6 in 24 hours. Of the people who still test positive, 347 are in hospital, 99 in intensive care, and 41 in assisted breathing. The swabs carried out by Tunisia since the beginning of the epidemic are 238,671. Due to the rapid spread of the virus, the authorities decreed the measure of the night curfew in the cities of Sousse, Monastir, and Sidi Bouzid for 15 days. According to the ministry, at least 450 medical and health personnel have already contracted the virus from the beginning of the pandemic. [](",,,,,,2020-10-05 08:26:44 j5h6v8,,5,"Bruh - Countries searching ""Google"" in Google",,,,,,,2020-10-05 10:45:56 j5i1sx,,7,Questionnaire pour les Tunisiennes,"Bonjour à tous ! Je suis en train d'écrire mon mémoire de maîtrise sur ""Nollywood et Afrique”. Je vous serais très reconnaissant si vous pouviez m'aider avec ce questionnaire que j'ai fait. N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos commentaires sur Nollywood dans cette publication. Toute aide est la bienvenue ! :)",,,,,,2020-10-05 11:57:01 j5ixhr,,3,Is there any trusted i can use to send an object from France to Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2020-10-05 12:59:52 j5jjt2,,1,Hey! I need coffee recommendations in Lac 2!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-05 13:38:23 j5jndn,,3,Interesting read from Mark Manson on the origins of Radicalism :,"Psychologically speaking, we’re social animals. Most of the meaning and purpose we derive in life comes via our relationships with other individuals or from our perceived role within society, at large. In fact, it appears that our need for human connection is so strong that much of our ability to [form functional beliefs]( about ourselves and the world is tied to our relationships. Like a muscle, you lose empathy if you don’t use it. And this is why, when people look at what motivates religious fanatics, conspiracy nuts, and political extremists, time and time again, what they find is abiding loneliness. Rejection and social isolation radicalize people. In the absence of affection and understanding, people fall back onto delusional ideas of revolution and saving the world to give themselves a sense of purpose. Hannah Arendt, the mid-20th century philosopher and writer, was a German Jew who successfully escaped the Nazis. After the war, she spent years studying totalitarianism, the rise and fall of fascism, the communist revolutions, the horrors of Stalin and Hitler and Mussolini and Mao—and more importantly, why these leaders became so popular so quickly among their followers despite the terror they invoked. She then produced a classic book called [*The Origins of Totalitarianism*](*.* The book stretches to nearly 500 pages in length and in the end, she comes to a startling conclusion: she argued that loneliness makes people susceptible to the contempt and fragmentation that causes functional societies to collapse into extremism and violence.  I will quote her at length here and hope her progeny don’t sue me: “Loneliness, the common ground for terror, the essence of totalitarian government, the preparation of its executioners and its victims, is closely connected with up-rootedness and \[meaninglessness\] which have been the curse of modern masses since the beginning of the industrial revolution and have become acute with the rise of the imperialism at the end of the last century and the breakdown of political institutions and social traditions in our own time. \[...\] What prepares men for totalitarian domination in the non-totalitarian world is the fact that loneliness, once a borderline experience usually suffered in certain marginal social conditions like old age, has become an everyday experience of the ever-growing masses of our century. The merciless process into which totalitarianism drives and organizes the masses looks like a suicidal escape from this reality. \[The reasoning\] which “seizes you as in a vise” appears like a last support in a world where nobody is reliable and nothing can be relied upon. It is the inner coercion whose only content is the strict avoidance of contradiction that seems to confirm a man’s identity outside the relationships with others.” Basically, once cut off from empathetic social contact to ground us, the only way we make sense of the world is by adopting radical all/nothing views. And within these views, people begin to see a need for radical overthrow of the status quo. They begin to imagine themselves complete victims or destined saviors of society. Keep in mind, too, that she wrote this in 1951, long before Trump and woke leftists and Twitter were thought to have ruined everything. And perhaps this is the real threat of social media: it does not necessarily make us lonelier or angrier or more selfish or more spiteful — it simply enables the lonely and angry and selfish and spiteful to self-organize and be heard like never before. It used to be that if you were a radical Marxist who wished for violent revolution or if you were a quack who thought Bill Gates was implanting microchips in millions of African children, you kinda had to keep that shit to yourself. You'd cause a lot of awkward silences and shifty side-glances until you’d realized you weren’t being invited to kids’ birthday parties anymore. So… you’d shut the fuck up. And eventually, you’d start to realize, hey, most people are all right. Things are going to be fine. But now? There’s a forum somewhere full of people with the exact same batshit crazy you have. And what do all humans who have similar yet strange beliefs do when they get together? That’s right, they convince themselves that they’re going to save the fucking world with their knowledge. That is, they go on a crusade. And you and I and everyone else has to listen to them, emboldened and invigorated by their new internet “friends,” as they explain to us at Thanksgiving why Jesus was a communist and the movie *Armageddon* was really a coded message from QAnon explaining why Bruce Willis doesn’t just run a pedophile ring, but he is secretly a sixteen-year-old boy being held prisoner against his wishes, and... (Fuck, now I’m really going to get sued.) Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah! Loneliness… Perhaps another way to look at Arendt’s argument is that we run the risk of extremists taking over when it becomes easier for radicals with fringe beliefs to mobilize and organize than the moderate majority. Historically, this mobilization of the extremes was enabled by economic depressions and famines and (gulp) pandemics and whatnot. Today, perhaps social media and smartphones have inadvertently made that mobilization more possible. But who knows… I could be wrong about all of this. The fact is, we still don’t know enough to say for sure. Until next week, Mark""",,,,,,2020-10-05 13:44:33 j5kook,,2,Shakojja :P,Is there a difference between Ojja and Shakshouka or are they the same dish? I've been told different things about this tasty meal.,,,,,,2020-10-05 14:46:33 j5myxi,,9,حلل و ناقش!,,,,,,,2020-10-05 16:48:30 j5n64a,,5,Retirement gift for a friend from Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-05 16:58:46 j5nhun,,5,Historical tunisian Heraldry and Banners,,,,,,,2020-10-05 17:15:27 j5oqma,,1,بريوش مالحين أحسن من بيتزا معمرين بالبطاطس و الكفتة من أسهل و أسرع و أرو...,,,,,,,2020-10-05 18:19:40 j5pb0h,,1,"The new law to protect the police has some legitimately scary articles, here's one",[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-05 18:49:04 j5pc9y,,1,,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-05 18:50:52 j5pda1,,5,Star wars,,,,,,,2020-10-05 18:52:23 j5pf02,,2,مشروع القانون متاع زجر الإعتداء على القوات الأمنيّة. شقولكم فيه؟,,,,,,,2020-10-05 18:54:58 j5pt53,,1,I bought this one when I went aboard last summer and I really like it due to its design and simplicity. Sadly good things comes down to an end and now I can’t manage to find a similar one. I live in sfucks where should I search ? Thanks,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-05 19:14:53 j5pvha,,5,I bought this one when I went aboard last summer and I really like it due to its design and simplicity. Sadly good things comes down to an end and now I can’t manage to find a similar one. I live in sfucks where should I search ? Thanks,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-05 19:18:16 j5rg8z,,120,By Ahmed preda,,,,,,,2020-10-05 20:42:03 j5rhn7,,8,I'm looking for a certain book in Tunisia. Can you help me ?,"The title of the book: **A Short History of Nearly Everything** (by **Bill Bryson**). It would be a huge help: 1. If you know a certain bookstore that might have it (I've already looked it up in, no luck :( ) 2. If you have it and willing to sell it to me (I don't care about the status of the book as long it's not missing any of the pages) Thank you.",,,,,,2020-10-05 20:44:09 j5rtm4,ذكريات_الغربة_الجزء_2/,12,ذكريات الغربة - الجزء 2,"""freed from desire""  الغناية هاذي نتفكرها كي ربي واحد كانت من أكثر الغناياة المسموعة عام 1996  عشية نهار أحد في ريف المنستير صيف عام 1996 ، نلعب آني و واحد صاحبي في البطحة تع الحومة ، البطحة التالانية -   حاصيلو البطحة هاذي كنا كعبتين و كعبة نلعبو فيها قبل  c'était notre espace vert de proximité  أواخر التسعينيات ما كناش عنّا العدد الكافي باش نكورو يخي لِْعبنا كان à base de مغامرات و تكبري  ببسكلا  متاع واحد حَبيّب.. كهو كل نهار تلقاك مروح مع المغرب مّرمِد بالغبابر و ريحتك بالعرق لداركم ،تلقى عايلتكم ناصبين العشاء في وسط الدار و مخرجين تلفزة هاك التلفزا بال كرش  MAXWELL    ل يقولك COULEURS  كهو تاكل ما كتبلك من البخس تمشي تغسل اديك و تَترصّ تسكر فمك و تبصّ راسك باش تتعشا  jusqu'à là,  le respect envers les parents était une ligne rouge , vois-tu ; t'aurais bien glandé  pendant toute la journée ,mais quand tu rentres faut que tu t'apprêtes à être tabassé même pour rien .... كهو بعد العشاء \[الحمد لله الذي أطعمنا و سقانا و جعلنا مسلمين\] جاء وقت السهرة ،افرش القياس في وسط الدار و جيب الجّرارَي  و تنغيزة لعم رشيد جيب القلوب و هيّا أية يا سيدي التلفزة كانت حفّالي عشية السبت : عندك الإختيار ما بين  تونس سبعة \[الوطنية 1 \] : ما نتفكرش مليح أما نتصور يا حفلة في مسرح قرطاج يا نجيب الخطاب يا الترجي رشوة ما تفهمش فاش تكور في ستاد المنزه     FRANCE 2 : devinez ?? bah oui , le fameux fort boyard  كمشة فرنسيس يطشعبتو في ريباط المستير ههه لا أخطا الفدلكا ولله فرجة  سِمحَةْ   تشويق  وكل  RAI UNO :    ما تبدلهاش خير ، عري على شطيح على عنين زرق علا استغفر الله لعظيم  الطلاين وقتها تحسهم السيريلاك   مهوش حليب أما نوع آخر متع غبرة ربي يفرج  علينا يا خونا  تي كهو السهرة مع الدار ما طولش برشا تلڤاك  ديجا ڤلبت  و خرجت لل حوما اوخ ليلة سبت و صيف  il ne  y'a aura que des mouzgètes  أيا يا سيدك ملي تخرج قدام الدار تبدا تسمع في حس السّلامية يضرب من الأبعاد و حس تزمير الكراهب و الموزيكة ، الأعراس كانت حاجة جميلة وقتها une véritable escapade  لكن في الحومة وقتها ما فماش عرس ما يوفاش بعركة ، و ما تفهمش علاش ،أكثر عباد عرست اواخر التسعينيات في الحومة هوما دار #### ؛برى عاد كل عرس إلي دغروه في سيدي موسى | الولي الصالح تع الحومة \] واللي بندقوه في السّانية  واللي حُصل كي الضّبع  حاصيلو عباد تسوفري عام كامل فال مرمة و معامل المنطقة الصناعية بالساحل باش في الصيف تخلط تعرس ، و بعث تجي شرمذة تبردلها  bref c'était jamais marrant d'y assister , mais c'était vrais GRAVE ل حد اللحظة هاكي ماصارش شي   لكن نتفكر مليح ، نهار إثنين صباح جا جاري و إكس عشيري  يدق عليا يمكن صيف 1999  أيا الحاصل آني في بالي باش يقلي نطلعو للسوق ونشروا كاسات  من بياع الكاساتات   il n'y avait pas Spotify à l'époque frère  ياخي قالي ايجى نوريك حاجة و ما تقول لحد ،    أية نغزنا لدار خٍربةْ في الحومة و قلي تفرج :مدلي مريول مشرڤ  بالدم و  كبوت بومبارس مقطع   و بعد بدا يحكي   أيا يا سيدك الليلة ل قبلها صارت عركة من أشوم العركات في تاريخ بنبلة  غزوة أحد مش لعب  أيا حسب ما فهمت زوز عايلات تعاركوا على حكاية ما تستهلش  ليلة الأحد هاكي يمكن أربعين فرد من رجال و نساء كانوا يَقّتلوا في بعضهم   ربنا انك تحب العفو فاعفوا عنا  الحاكم كي العادة قاصص بيلوز  و يُنقّرْ  فال القلوب ;  تفوه  &#x200B; أياا يا للا حسب ما يحكيو العنف إلي صار نهرارتها شي يوقف المخ  une histoire à ne jamais concevoir   على سبيل الذكر النساء     DU CAMP ADVERSE كانوا يدخلوا لي السبيتار وفي يديهم المقوسات تع الزربية باش يضربوا المجروحين  حاجة تشبه لداعش اللطف  تي ماغير ما نمرلكم أفامكم ضاهر  لاهين بال فيروس الصيني نختم حكايتي بانو ليلتها واحد حسب روحوا أبو سفيان ضرب واحد طيرلو كتفوا  traumatisme pénétrant et sub-amputation de l'épaule gauche  السيد الثاني في عوض ما يمشي لل سبيتار دار من تالي و عطاهالو لا تقرا لا تكتب في فم قلبوا .... واحد مسكين ترزا في شبابو واللي  ڤتلوو لتو يقبع في حبس المستير  ils ont aussi juré que d'es qu'il **sortira , ils vont le buter**  **عهد خامج وبهيم مكتوب في حيوط حومة القصر ببنبلة**  **tu vois , une  histoire naze comme cella là , tu connais bien une semblable**  &#x200B; أوكي لكلنا نعرفوها لغة الشّرف و العروشات و درا شنية أما واللهكلنا كمشة متعّصبين قارين عند نفس المِدّب  دونك أخطونا نعرفو بعضنا  donc je crois bien , le jour où on commence à avouer nos défauts fera bien le jour où on pourra bien changer vers le mieux ...  يتبع  ",,,,,,2020-10-05 21:01:55 j5th1s,,6,What's with the police convoys these days?,been seeing them everywhere and i don't get for what reason they're patrolling in convoys,,,,,,2020-10-05 22:34:11 j5tib2,,8,A Controversial Poll.,"Do you think homosexuals should be respected. Do you think homosexuslity should me somewhat accepted? [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-10-05 22:36:14 j5ujcq,,3,stolen luggage when coming to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-05 23:39:54 j5yjpl,,23,Someone take me back to when it was as easy as hopping on a boat to Kerkennah @ 6 in the morning🥰,,,,,,,2020-10-06 04:11:52 j63bm8,,46,So follow Tunisians do you recognize this fruit 😁,,,,,,,2020-10-06 11:25:06 j65iq7,,1,"Any idea what is this about, been seeing multiple videos like this recently",[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-06 13:59:10 j65tua,,7,"Taking a break from Facebook, how do you stay up do date with Tunisian news, memes, and so on?","We heavily rely on Facebook for news and announcements. I want to leave Facebook for a while without living under a rock, websites like Mosaique etc are nice but not really enough, any suggestions?",,,,,,2020-10-06 14:17:37 j66t4p,,4,How to keep money abroad?,"I don't know how ""legal"" all of this is, but I am currently senior computer engineering student in Turkey, and have accumulated some money through working in startups. Next year I'll be graduating, and if I don't find a work opportunity outside of Tunisia, I will have to come back. I would like to keep my money in bank accounts outside of Tunisia, because it is such a pain in the butt getting back outside. Please suggest ways (not matter how absurd!) to achieve this. Thank you.",,,,,,2020-10-06 15:13:19 j672gg,,1,"22,230 declared cases of Covid, about a 1000 a day and our police state is too busy doing this",[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-06 15:27:31 j67agr,,1,Tunisian Air Force Northrop F-5E Tiger II Fighter Jet Crashes Killing Pilot,,,,,,,2020-10-06 15:39:35 j6890c,,66,"Some pictures of protest movement rejecting the draft law on attacks on security officers, October 6, 2020 before the beginning of the security attack.",,,,,,,2020-10-06 16:31:05 j6a5yb,,1,Global warming still a serious problem,,,,,,,2020-10-06 18:09:00 j6cq7v,,5,Voting in the U.S. Election,How should Americans deliver their ballots to the embassy in Tunis? Does the U.S. embassy have a ballot drop box? (The embassy is not very responsive).,,,,,,2020-10-06 20:19:29 j6d8gm,,11,THIS! Latest tal3a from our dear deputees!,,,,,,,2020-10-06 20:45:43 j6ds7v,,67,Place Jean d'Arc Tunis 🇹🇳❤️ (my home 🏡 ),,,,,,,2020-10-06 21:15:20 j6e7m1,,7,"Salema Porgy the fish that cause hullicnations, is it real?","Hi I heard this fish is common in Tunisia, and that if u eat the head you will have bad time and nightmare. Another name for it is sarpa salpa. There is no much information about it online and I was wondering if this true?",,,,,,2020-10-06 21:39:03 j6g9ni,,1,what does this expression mean?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-06 23:41:11 j6gh89,,2,Wanted to share pictures of a 400yo house in madina tunis from last week !,,,,,,,2020-10-06 23:54:45 j6mtqz,,8,Escort scene,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-07 07:49:11 j6nnp1,,53,[Discussion] What do think about the law they are trying to amend to protect the security forces?,,,,,,,2020-10-07 09:12:13 j6ognh,,3,Srudying abroad,"Any medical, paramedical field students here who got their degrees in tunisia and continuing studying aborad? I need help with the procedure, i dont know where to start or who to contact.",,,,,,2020-10-07 10:28:55 j6outh,,2,Question on entry requirements for foreigners,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-07 11:04:30 j6q407,,0,Couldn't erect after smoking weed,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-07 12:42:54 j6qda6,,42,Monastir,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-07 13:00:15 j6qk90,,232,The Tunisian parliament (artwork by Ali Khammar),,,,,,,2020-10-07 13:12:17 j6qxj3,,6,PC recommendation,"Hi guys i wanna buy PC for coding , using adobe productsand maybe playing some games (not into gaming too much tbh) All i want is if there any recommendations for an ideal pc with ideal components :D (budget under 2500dt )",,,,,,2020-10-07 13:35:37 j6rwss,,2,Thoughts on Medina Yasmine Hammamet?,"I am currently working as an advisor for the owners of Medina Yasmine Hammamet. I have some questions for you guys, I'd appreciate some sincere answers. Have you guys ever visited the site, if yes did you like it and what do you think can be done to attract more people there. If you've never been there, are there any particular reasons ? Thank you!",,,,,,2020-10-07 14:32:43 j6sfea,,25,Cops in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-10-07 15:01:49 j6y9mw,,1,hey i need help my contact lenses are stuck and i can't get them out,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-07 20:03:52 j6z0b9,ما_يتعداش/,1,#ما_يتعداش,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-07 20:43:21 j74dm4,,9,Tunisia's edtech startup GoMyCode raises $850K Pre-Series A,,,,,,,2020-10-08 02:03:33 j79p2j,,38,We're screwed,,,,,,,2020-10-08 08:57:03 j7ae6s,,9,Questionnaire Tunisia (Cinema),"Bonjour à tous ! Je suis en train d'écrire mon mémoire de maîtrise sur ""Nollywood et Afrique”. Je vous serais très reconnaissant si vous pouviez m'aider avec ce questionnaire que j'ai fait. N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos commentaires sur Nollywood dans cette publication. Toute aide est la bienvenue ! :)",,,,,,2020-10-08 10:04:19 j7c1l3,,82,Hands down the best soda on earth. Amirite?,,,,,,,2020-10-08 12:22:04 j7d442,,5,Chkoun yaaref labo najjem naamel fih des mesures : kif el FTP w VO2max w kol ? Cycling,,,,,,,2020-10-08 13:34:13 j7d4lr,,7,Finding a psychologist,"Hi guys I've seen allot of questions here about people looking for a psychologist, how was your experience with these psychologists and was it difficult or easy to find a one ?",,,,,,2020-10-08 13:35:08 j7dw06,,7,Guys why don’t we use this Tunisian version instead of the one with the ugly numbers ?,,,,,,,2020-10-08 14:20:46 j7fd91,,207,Tunisian youth sending a clear message to the police forces 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️😉,,,,,,,2020-10-08 15:42:46 j7floi,هل_أنت_مع_أو_ضد_قانون_حماية_القوات_المسلحة/,6,هل أنت مع أو ضد قانون حماية القوات المسلحة ؟," [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-10-08 15:55:12 j7gagz,,1,"What bothers me about police critics is that they're more disgusting than them, this country is hopeless",[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-08 16:31:14 j7gsga,,2,Software engineer working in an SSII abrod,"Hello, Is there, by any chance, a software engineer working for an SSII in france or in another country abroad?",,,,,,2020-10-08 16:57:32 j7hxyx,,38,Round 2 ✊,,,,,,,2020-10-08 17:57:16 j7ivlh,,3,Guys there is a website that I can buy a ps plus from online but forgot it’s name (it’s orange and white if I recall) help?,,,,,,,2020-10-08 18:46:10 j7iwsq,,2,"Hi, Pudding with almond milk without lactose.more details in my channel !",,,,,,,2020-10-08 18:48:01 j7jetz,,2,Emm didn't we go too far boys?....,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-08 19:14:28 j7oer6,,7,Is Pro Master in Petrole & gas good ?,Guys do you recommend a professional master degree in petrole & gas ? Who has any idea about this degree ?,,,,,,2020-10-08 23:50:23 j7p2z0,,9,What’s going on in Tunisia,What’s the news something about a draft and also protests etc,,,,,,2020-10-09 00:31:33 j7x88y,,80,"""The Creation Of Corruption"" credits :@skygazer01",,,,,,,2020-10-09 11:29:37 j7xrb8,,0,A Coronavirus patient is transported on the back of a donkey,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-09 12:09:00 j7zjzm,,1,.,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-09 14:05:43 j81f5e,,40,Même of the day,,,,,,,2020-10-09 15:48:53 j8473x,,1,TOEFL registration fees,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-09 18:15:07 j86qyo,,44,Don't fight with your neighbor over politicians,"we're tunisian above all else, politicians can get fucked. scum of the earth. We only have one another. I love you all.",,,,,,2020-10-09 20:32:30 j897pl,,11,"""Two Cars In The Entire State Of Ohio Yet They Still Collided"" 7 October 2018, North of Corsica",,,,,,,2020-10-09 22:51:14 j89tug,,5,"The curfew is here so is Nermine Sfar, this time with a more stuff",,,,,,,2020-10-09 23:27:33 j89z5w,,12,Hello we are the guys from tunytalk and we have something to ask you.,"Hello we are the co founders of a platform for tunisians and we need your help. After 9 months of trial and error we are near finishing our product and hopefully launch it soon. Since ee are tunisians we want you to try it and give your feedback. Bugs you encountered anything to improve our quality and your experience This the platform [tunytalk]( You can post your review here in the comment section or in our [Community]( Thanks. Hope we are not breaking this subreddit's rules.",,,,,,2020-10-09 23:36:37 j8dd88,,4,Divorce,Can someone tell me how divorce happens in tunisia. Also the type of marriages (religious or legal etc),,,,,,2020-10-10 03:27:05 j8fynl,,22,Tirailleurs indochinois à Monastir (1917),,,,,,,2020-10-10 06:56:35 j8i16x,,32,Beautiful Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-10-10 10:09:53 j8ieqy,,195,Credit: crossover (Facebook),,,,,,,2020-10-10 10:44:49 j8krjw,,37,20th century Tunisians,,,,,,,2020-10-10 13:47:20 j8p93a,,1,Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-10 18:10:57 j8pa2p,,21,Tunis (credit) Yassine Gaidi,,,,,,,2020-10-10 18:12:29 j8qyz0,,1,"one of the best artist in tunisia which has invaded the musical place with its exceptional style, Its music is a mixture of Rap Ragga Reggae and traditional sounds of East Africa. He rose to fame after making His Famous Song ""Jib Tor7 Gnewi""",,,,,,,2020-10-10 19:48:14 j8r97v,,5,What should i do?,"hello i'm coming back to study in Monday yet i lost my smell and taste since 2 days and my noise is completly clean not stuffed i have no other symptoms except for swallow saliva hurt a little , the probelm i don't money to test and if i don't go back at least in 1week i wil fail this year i'm really stuck and nervous .",,,,,,2020-10-10 20:04:28 j8s3lb,,1,Nahi el sub min houni w hot lel m3ky ya 5raaa,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-10 20:53:21 j8sc8e,,15,My favorite Tunisian song ever. “Khousouf” by Jawhar.,,,,,,,2020-10-10 21:07:25 j8sh7z,,6,Tunisia tourists distribution per country.,"Hello I have a school project and I need this data. I have searched everywhere and couldn't find it. I will gradually appreciate any help",,,,,,2020-10-10 21:15:35 j8soyq,,12,"Covid unit, Rabta hospital",,,,,,,2020-10-10 21:28:15 j8xobl,,1,Got physically assaulted by a shop assistant for the silliest reason,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-11 02:50:46 j8z3py,,1,How to get paid for blogging in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-11 04:38:56 j8z8n8,,169,Class 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-10-11 04:49:54 j90twz,,3,#Challenge: Quelle est votre vidéo préférée sur l'Afrique et votre youtubeur africain?,,,,,,,2020-10-11 07:03:33 j9644d,,12,The state of our law enforcement - ACAB,,,,,,,2020-10-11 14:15:32 j96uzo,,97,An old map of Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-10-11 14:59:34 j991nh,,1,Fuck tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-11 17:01:46 j99oie,,23,"Freedom of speech my ass, we're still in a police state. Notice how unprofessional their language is.",,,,,,,2020-10-11 17:37:06 j9fnao,,1,Everyday i regret less leaving this country... and that makes me sad,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-11 23:12:14 j9fnoy,,1,Everyday i regret less leaving this country... and that makes me sad,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-11 23:12:57 j9g8t2,,13,Question about tunisians opinion of Shia muslims.,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-11 23:50:09 j9mz0n,,1,أحسن من الكيك و الحرشة و الشنيك أسهل بسبوسة بمقادير جد بسيطة نجاح الوصفة...,,,,,,,2020-10-12 08:17:15 j9n3xo,,24,Where are the mods?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-12 08:29:26 j9nes3,,149,Everyday i less regret leaving the country and that’s sad...,,,,,,,2020-10-12 08:56:27 j9npgp,,6,whats the best tunisian streetwear brand ?,"i want to cop a hoodie or a tee from a tunisian streetwear brand, can u name the best ones ?",,,,,,2020-10-12 09:22:57 j9orfz,,1,Allah yarahmou,,,,,,,2020-10-12 10:53:35 j9p755,,6,The stupidity of the content creator,,,,,,,2020-10-12 11:30:47 j9p7vj,,3,Are there any reputable property management companies in Tunisia?,A quick Google search resulted in a couple companies but I would like to know if there are more.,,,,,,2020-10-12 11:32:30 j9q3kg,,4,A normal day in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-10-12 12:37:12 j9qoq1,,6,disturbing situation,number of engineers in tunisia make me feel like i'm in hunger games or some shit,,,,,,2020-10-12 13:16:09 j9si1v,,12,"Help: freelancers in Tunisia who work with people overseas, how do you accept payments?",,,,,,,2020-10-12 15:04:19 j9tq4x,,1,Guys join us,,,,,,,2020-10-12 16:07:50 j9uevb,,1,Our tunisian dates ❤️❤️,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-12 16:44:02 j9ugl1,,89,"Today in the south of Tunisia, kebeli exactly the village of Sabria ❤️",,,,,,,2020-10-12 16:46:29 j9vhoc,,14,"This dude is Tunisian, he’s on TLC and pewdiepie is reacting to him. From his accent i think he’s from gabes or medenin.",,,,,,,2020-10-12 17:38:27 j9w5it,,3,Why are the past 2 TLC videos pewdiepie reviewed are from Tunisia," Why the fuck is this guy marrying an american 51 yo woman after 9 days of him meeting her while he is 29",,,,,,2020-10-12 18:11:26 j9w9as,,14,What do you think could fix Tunisia?,"I am genuinely curious, what do you think could fix the terrorism, economic crisis, and bad infrastructure that is in Tunisia today? I have an idea myself. Maybe you disagree and think that there is nothing wrong with Tunisia. If so, tell me why.",,,,,,2020-10-12 18:16:34 j9wh1t,,1,a tunisian guy went on tlc,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-12 18:27:21 j9z3rq,,28,Tunisian fantasia,,,,,,,2020-10-12 20:41:24 j9zzhl,,0,مراجعة الحلقة 15 الموسم السابع | The 100,,,,,,,2020-10-12 21:26:50 ja1507,,1,Guys o.O,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-12 22:32:54 ja15zn,,0,Mr.Stark... I don’t feel so good.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-12 22:34:27 ja1dj2,,0,اصنعي افضل كريم ترطيب بنفسك,,,,,,,2020-10-12 22:46:42 ja8v5a,,4,Malta to Tunisia...,"Can anybody tell me if Malta is on a different list than red. I saw it was on a “blue” list outside of the current traffic light system however now I can’t seem to find that information. I’ve had a PCR test, hold a British passport. I’m just trying to come and volunteer at a startup to give some on the ground help.?! Any help appreciated.",,,,,,2020-10-13 07:42:06 jab6g0,,78,Me trying to adapt to the current situation in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-10-13 11:03:21 jabab1,,37,No new magnets added this year 😶!,,,,,,,2020-10-13 11:11:36 jac3o2,,77,La tour de la cité de la culture de Tunis. ( fb:makrem larnaout photographe),,,,,,,2020-10-13 12:10:47 jajrbj,,9,How does Tunisia compares to Turkey in terms of liberalism and Women's rights ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-13 18:50:41 jalgex,,8,question: anyone who knows where to get fabric to fill a heavy bag?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-13 20:14:36 jany1t,,0,مسلسلات أنصحك بمشاهدتها,,,,,,,2020-10-13 22:23:27 jb1ivh,,7,Le Canada veut contribuer à la réussite du sommet de la Francophonie (Djerba 2021),,,,,,,2020-10-14 14:18:56 jb3gol,,19,The Beatles in Tunisia. Can somebody tell me when was that?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-14 16:01:04 jb3zir,,15,Everyone is blaming me for things i did not do,"Greetings my fellow tunisians, yesterday I tested positive for covid-19. I went to solitary confinement and i'm dping okay so far. I told my friends about it and of course they will tell their friends and the list goes on. So today so many messages from people i didn't see in ages came in blaming me for being sick, saying that i'm irresponsible and i infected them too. This really got into my head and I'm feeling guilty for things i did not do, things i had no idea about. I'm seeking your help because this is driving me crazy.",,,,,,2020-10-14 16:27:52 jb5mm8,,108,You had one job,,,,,,,2020-10-14 17:47:45 jb6zcj,,32,The best mlewi fi tounes ?,,,,,,,2020-10-14 18:55:20 jb7xqd,,1,Stolen :),[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-14 19:43:45 jb84uh,,6,مش الي قتل رحمة خرج في عفو و هو اصلا كان قاتل روح قبل WTF is he doing,,,,,,,2020-10-14 19:53:28 jb99dn,,1,إتفاقية دولية بين نتفليكس و أورنج,,,,,,,2020-10-14 20:48:14 jb9qsf,,6,Yassine ayari?,"What do you think of Yassine Ayari and his work so far as a deputy? I would like to read arguments also, especially of why you don’t approve [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-10-14 21:13:39 jbjv9y,,95,An old antiquated rifle fired at the sky in celebration at a traditional wedding.,,,,,,,2020-10-15 08:44:55 jbkaj6,,12,Volunteerism in Sfax,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-15 09:23:25 jboiva,,1,kif ena manefhmch el mth😂💔,,,,,,,2020-10-15 14:25:52 jbssl0,,141,Aïn drahem 🇹🇳🇹🇳😍,,,,,,,2020-10-15 18:04:00 jbx1y4,,0,7 مسلسلات مثل The 100 عليك مشاهدتها بعد الإنتهاء منه,,,,,,,2020-10-15 21:47:44 jc5pfg,,67,Kebeli south of Tunisia😍😍,,,,,,,2020-10-16 07:46:15 jc6ks4,,7,"Modest Estonia, the 'Digital Republic' Should Be An Inspiration For Us.",,,,,,,2020-10-16 09:06:09 jc6sc4,,1,"The Awakening is in the making, join the Tunisian Awakening Discord Server now!",[removed],,,,,,2020-10-16 09:26:15 jc71ua,,15,one hell of a view ! (Mahdia),,,,,,,2020-10-16 09:51:43 jc77tu,,9,"Revolutionary nation , That's what we are 🇹🇳❤",,,,,,,2020-10-16 10:07:00 jc7cnw,,10,Anime merch,Can you guys link me some Anime shops in tunisia (I would be happier if the products were official),,,,,,2020-10-16 10:19:56 jc9lax,,1,لأول مرة جوابي و الحقيقة كاملة/زوجي حضر عشاء سريع🤩 عدوزتي كتموت و أنا نا...,,,,,,,2020-10-16 13:15:14 jcbzt8,,82,Milky way,,,,,,,2020-10-16 15:34:45 jcdl9m,,0,Did this sub turn into a photography contest or what ? literally shittiest country subreddit LMAO,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-16 16:57:34 jceka8,,0,French heritage?,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-16 17:48:48 jchxti,,0,Lucifer | موعد الجزء الثاني من الموسم الخامس و بعض الأخبار,,,,,,,2020-10-16 21:05:41 jckb81,,4,Shipping something to Tunisia from the USA,"Hello everyone, I am looking for information on shipping a package to my gurlfriend in Tunisia. 1. once the package arrives in Tunisia, is there a fee that my friend will have to pay to extract the package? 2. what is the cheapest service here in the states, if anyone knows, that I can use to ship that has tracking? I'm currently taking a look at USPS and it seems to be the cheapest. If anyone has any kind of advice for me I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.",,,,,,2020-10-16 23:08:20 jcmtet,,1,Yo,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-17 01:55:23 jcsazh,,59,"For Expats in Tunisia and all our foreign friends that have been asking for this, authentic Tunisian recipes in English.","I came across a few threads here, some of them had already been archived, craving for Tunisian food, asking for some authentic Tunisian recipes to try at home. And because most of the resources we have online are either in Arabic or French, I am sharing with you this discovery: there's a Tunisian dietitian-nutritionist, that she's been sharing Mediterranean/Tunisian recipes in English, and with video format as well. As I am Tunisian as well, here are some of the dishes I'd recommend you to try: * [**Tunisian authentic rice: Rouz Jerbi**]( * [**Tunisian Pumpkin Shakshuka**]( * [**Kafteji**]( &#x200B; You can find many more Tunisian recipes in the same section of that portal.",,,,,,2020-10-17 09:42:54 jcsplf,,9,some of may remember me from the last tape.. i wnt to say that appreciated the support and i got a new tape ou if you wanna check it <3,,,,,,,2020-10-17 10:18:30 jcu90f,,1,nchlah yi3jbkom el vid matnsouch ta3mlou like and sub :),,,,,,,2020-10-17 12:26:27 jcux69,,0,Does anyone know an English Curriculum high school in tunisia and wich are the best??,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-17 13:15:25 jcvjkv,,13,Some idiots still deny ISIS ideology is in the parliament,,,,,,,2020-10-17 13:57:04 jcyk1l,,6,Carry on studies in france while studying in europpean country,"Hey people I have a question and I really want someone that has been in my situtaion to answer I am a Bachelor student in Hungary(EU memeber) and I want to carry on my studie's in France,I did a research and what I found(if you have EU residency you don't apply on campus france you get admission and you apply for the visa)wich I couldn't understand,does the student residence count, how amI supposed to get admission directly ,are university gonna be aware of my situation since when they see Tunisian they will ask for campus france procedure Any help will be appreciated",,,,,,2020-10-17 16:46:58 jd1xvo,,0,مراجعة فيلم | The Trial of the Chicago 7,,,,,,,2020-10-17 19:55:19 jd2mpk,,5,"What is the equivalent of The tunisian ""bac"" degree in the uk ??",,,,,,,2020-10-17 20:34:41 jd55zn,,27,HELP! VERY URGENT: MY FRIEND ATTEMPTED SUICIDE,"he tried to throw himself from a two-story building expecting to hit his head but he landed on his feet, with minor damage not sure if that's true he just called me to let me know that saying I'm his only friend he lives in a dorm in Nabel but I'm in Bizerte and I don't know how to help and I'm really scared and frustrated. pls help me, what can I do fi tounes",,,,,,2020-10-17 23:04:55 jd59if,,0,DONATE FOR MAYSSA,"Hello ya jmeea, need u for this Je viens de découvrir que cette jeune fille et totalement dans le besoin. Je vous encourage vivement de partager et de faire votre maximum, chaque centime compte pour sauver la vie de mayssa,je compte sur vous et sur votre patriotisme 🇹🇳 MERCI D’AVANCE ! Link⬇️",,,,,,2020-10-17 23:10:54 jd8vej,,3,French influence,"I asked this to r/Morocco I’m also gonna ask you Tunisians since y’all were also colonized by the French why does France still retain such huge influence in Tunisia in terms of culture, language, education, etc and how come unlike Syria, Vietnam and others how come Tunisia can’t shake of the French influence. Lastly how does French colonization differ from the British?",,,,,,2020-10-18 03:10:10 jdcisw,,67,The “flouka” of Chott-Djerid.,,,,,,,2020-10-18 08:11:59 jdfmr9,,36,100% Tunisian,,,,,,,2020-10-18 12:38:29 jdh8q3,,6,Do you have any idea where i can get a perm.,"Perm is the act of making straight or wavy hair into curly one by exposing it to chemicals. When you get a perm your hair stays curly for 4to 6 months. If you know a barber that does this kind of thing please drop me his socialmedia link. Region: tunis.",,,,,,2020-10-18 14:29:10 jdhaif,,1,بنزرت: رئيسة فرع بنكي تختلس مليارا وتختفي... التفاصيل | Tunivisions,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-18 14:32:23 jdhrdf,,115,Kalaat sinan ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-10-18 15:02:14 jdi93b,,10,How secular has Tunisia become?,"No hatred towards religious people in Tunisia. I'm just wondering if atheism and agnosticism is becoming more popular. I'm half Tunisian btw, but I don't live there, so that's why I'm wondering.",,,,,,2020-10-18 15:31:14 jdia2m,,3,😂,,,,,,,2020-10-18 15:32:42 jdk4mb,,2,What anarchists got wrong :,"To all Tunisians attracted by the Anarchist ideal of a stateless society : One of the leading figure of the Anarchist intellectual movement of the mid-19th century was the brilliant Russian scholar Peter Kropotkin who spent a significant amount of his life studying the social systems of tribal communities from the far and cold distant steppes of Siberia. He noticed that despite the total absence of written laws, centralized power, police forces or institutions, the people of the steppes remained pacific in nature, always making truce and compromises through complex implicit cultural codes…without any intervention from the Tsarist state. And they were healthy, peaceful, productive and overall happy individuals (compared to the average Ruslan under Tsarist rule…). They were also completely independent and self-sufficient, produced their own food, clothing, medicine, etc. What conclusion did Mr. Kropotkin draw from these observations? “We don’t need a state, we don’t need organized religions, they are only mere tools to control the masses, yada yada.“ But he was mistaken. The problem is, traditional clanic societies from the steppes are completely different from modern “massive” organizations. In clanic societies, everyone knows each other (max a few hundred acquaintances) and their survival and identities are completely dependent on the soil and terrain they are thriving on. They were also disseminated on large areas of lands unfit for agriculture (but perfect for oxen grazing), isolated from modern civilizations in quite hostile environment, with the lowest inhabitants concentration in the world. But the majority of the people on this planet have long passed the stage of what Marxists have called “The Asian Mode of Production”, or “Hydraulic Civilization Stage”, when powerful central rulers managed to concentrate all the working forces in their hands via complex administrations maintained by this great technology of control originally designed to keep track of taxes : WRITING. Since then, all the old tribal constructs and legacies have been destroyed and absorbed by the State apparatus, whose first ambition was to optimize and control the production and distribution of food. The Egyptians were the first to reach that stage, when local tribe chieftains delegated their power to the Pharaoh, responsible for overseeing the massive construction operation needed to bring the Nile under control (constant floods were killing thousands every year). Then followed the Sumerians, then the Chinese, etc. In these “masse society”, people can live among complete strangers without “any” problem. In clanic societies this is simply impossible. Either you’re from the group, or you’re a stranger, a guest or an enemy. Most of Africa has just recently discovered this system with colonization. Before, people were dispersed among tribes with very little contact with each other and would kill a stranger on sight if they could. In these systems, the “foreigner” … is always an enemy, a monster, an animal, that one could kill, rape and even devore. Tribes men can be the sweetest and most supportive people for their own kind…but not for strangers. Papoua New Guinea used to work this way 50 years ago, so we know a lot about it. Inside the clan, you could have a great life, but if you were stranded in the jungle, and met with two guys from another tribe and no family ties, you’d better run. Also, new technologies cannot thrive in these type of societies as it requires insanely strong collaboration with many many people specializing in a specific field. Masse modern society can be dehumanizing, and one could feel worthless and powerless in these big faceless administrative mastodonts where freedom is seriously limited…but it’s the most efficient system so far, and most Papuan agree with that. So until we manage to change human nature through gene editing or brain implants that’ll allow us to build strong loving empathetic bond with every single human beings out there, we’ll still need a coercive state, we’ll still need some form of religion, ideology, principle, dogma, or else to keep everything running tight, with all the negative and positive consequences. Masse society cannot survive without power. &#x200B; It’s not a surprise if the inventor of Fascism was an ex-libertarian anarchist…",,,,,,2020-10-18 17:16:52 jdl4pl,,48,Central Post of Tunis - (I took those pictures),,,,,,,2020-10-18 18:12:03 jdoq4s,,1,"Instead of lightening the mood in r/Europe, this dude literally does the opposite. Na3ref enou fama barcha twensa aydou lchay eli sar ama c ps une raison bech tefdha7na wou tzid el karahiya eli 9a3da tsir tawa.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-18 21:28:29 jdx3bi,,125,Only Tunisians wil get it,,,,,,,2020-10-19 07:13:04 je1kc5,,17,The state will pay medical fees even at a private hospital,,,,,,,2020-10-19 13:24:04 je1pn9,,16,Helping an International Discord Server get more Tunisians,"Hey! This is international server. This is a server with people from every country where the people from those countries gather to learn about other cultures countries etc. We have specific channels for every topic where you can chat about everything! - Many Languages Channels - Meet people all over the World From Cuba  To Tuvalu - Friendly and Caring Staff - Self Assignable Roles - Gamenights, Events. And more! Link:",,,,,,2020-10-19 13:33:37 je2t7h,,22,"Sunday mood 🥞🍁🥳😋 Trying Nocilla, brookside and maple Syrup all in pancake ! #emnafoodies",,,,,,,2020-10-19 14:38:27 je7hs7,,2,كي تمشي للكلينيك ويقلك باش مش تخلص,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-19 18:31:50 jeg0i3,,0,15 Unsettling Sky Phenomena Hard To Explain,,,,,,,2020-10-20 01:48:49 jehkf7,,6,How was your personal finance before and after the revolution ? And can you elaborate ? Why ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-10-20 03:24:34 jeld80,,50,Mad Mehdi,,,,,,,2020-10-20 08:22:50 jem8hj,,30,Mednine simple old house ❤️,,,,,,,2020-10-20 09:38:36 jemxfm,,135,Hahaha,,,,,,,2020-10-20 10:36:41 jepl0z,,1,"Hi ! 🤩 I want to share some interesting opportunities. We are a team that's on a mission to find Tunisian software developers high paying remote jobs (100k💲+). Let me know if you're interested :3 I don't want to spam you with links, so keep an eye on this link for future updates! 👀",[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-20 13:34:48 jeppmt,,101,Bardo Tunis 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-10-20 13:42:12 jev39i,,1,Hi! Does anybody knows where I can buy tabasco in Tunisia please?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-20 18:09:54 jewfu7,,11,R/layer baby,,,,,,,2020-10-20 19:14:19 jeyh92,,5,Please does anybody know where I can find tabasco in Tunisia??,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-20 20:58:42 jf2v2y,,5,A confusing question for a possible visit to Tunisia,"Bonjour tout le monde ! 😊 I checked on the internet for my question but I came up with nothing. So I thought I would ask some of native Tunisians for an answer. All right, there is a open possibility to coming Tunisia for a short-term project in Beni Khiar. I'm living in Istanbul and I looked up TunisAir website for flights near to Beni Khiar and I came up with 2 places (Tunis and Enfidha) near Beni Khiar. My question is; how I'm going to be get Beni Khiar from these 2 places? Thanks!",,,,,,2020-10-21 00:57:35 jf8qe9,,0,كيف يعيد فيلم مولان 2020 التفكير في الفتاة المحاربة,,,,,,,2020-10-21 08:02:22 jf9d3n,,0,French police charging firefighters,,,,,,,2020-10-21 09:01:37 jf9g3l,,34,Skyview of Tunis,,,,,,,2020-10-21 09:09:36 jf9gl8,,0,😢😢😢😭😭😭,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-21 09:10:51 jfm7rv,,56,Only in Tunisia 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-10-21 21:33:52 jfmn2d,,0,The Harpy Eagle Is A Bird So Big That Some People Think It’s A Person In A Costume,,,,,,,2020-10-21 21:56:57 jfot08,,1,Until something catastrophic like this happens the police won't take action !! Hope not.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-22 00:01:58 jfqbt9,,5,Expat Life in Tunisia,"Hello All! I’ve already posted on r/TEFL but I thought it might be good to check here. I’d like to know what life is like for expats in Tunisia, Tunis specifically. If there are any expats in this sub, how do you find it? To me it looks beautiful and the food looks amazing and Tunisian dialect sounds very interesting. I am also interested in the experiences of women in Tunisia. There is a lot of conflicting experiences or information about women in Tunisia - even on this sub. So maybe it’ll just be more contradictions, but I’d like to hear all of them.",,,,,,2020-10-22 01:36:11 jfwlck,,22,Need help meeting new people in a new city,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-22 09:42:12 jg17m9,,1,Death of Scholar: Greatest Loss of Knowledge,,,,,,,2020-10-22 14:59:27 jg4az3,,68,Tunisia is getting its first English-language travel guide since before the revolution...and I'm writing it during covid-19!,,,,,,,2020-10-22 17:34:47 jg7e9h,,5,Payoneer tunisia,"Hi everyone, I will be working as freelancer for the next few months and I will be paid with Payoneer. Has anyone tried Payoneer here?",,,,,,2020-10-22 20:05:27 jg7qr7,,60,Camping,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-22 20:22:43 jg84l7,,8,Is there any reliable source that cites all removed lessons/lessons that are staying this year educational program?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-22 20:42:04 jgbfou,,0,لماذا نشاهد الأفلام ؟ هل هي حقا مفيدة ؟,,,,,,,2020-10-22 23:39:45 jgixl4,,31,"Foreigners who live in Tunisia, what is your story?","As Tunisia tends to send immigrants rather than to attract them, I wanted to know how did you end up here? and what do you like/dislike in Tunisia? My question is also for Tunisians who had already a stable situation in a foreign country and who decided to come back to Tunisia nonetheless. This is my case personally, and many people around me seem to think that I made a stupid mistake.",,,,,,2020-10-23 08:05:31 jgjqgk,,8,Jeu Dit Tout S02 Ep06 | هاو شنوا يصير كي نبعثو طفلة تلوج خدمة,,,,,,,2020-10-23 09:16:51 jgkust,,1,مكياجي اليومي بكل بساطة الفونديشن و بودرة/مكياج مثل المبتدئات,,,,,,,2020-10-23 10:52:39 jgkz9a,,3,Where can I buy oven racks in tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-23 11:02:33 jgld1x,,0,إعترافات فتاة فی قبضة الأمن .. نعم إختطفته وصورته عاریا للزواج منی,,,,,,,2020-10-23 11:32:18 jgm5w3,,66,How do you prefer your Kafteji ?,,,,,,,2020-10-23 12:29:03 jgt4b1,,70,La Marsa 😍Tunis 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-10-23 18:44:15 jgumoy,,13,La France disposée à financer la construction d’un hôpital à Gafsa,,,,,,,2020-10-23 20:03:56 jgwt1d,,1,الزواج بأجنبي كيفية إختيار الزوج المناسب و علاش إخترت زوج أجنبي⁉️ هادشي ...,,,,,,,2020-10-23 22:00:33 jgztdt,,2,Elephant vs. Watermelon,,,,,,,2020-10-24 01:02:48 jh4f6r,,109,Borj-Cedria German WWII War Cemetery,,,,,,,2020-10-24 06:48:18 jh8lgn,,0,"when I wanted to look for a job, this is what I had, and many times I'd see them just saying without any shame that they only ask for girls, then they say men have it all and they are lazy to work... while looking for a job I got depressed from this... thankfully I don't need Tunisia anymore.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-24 13:06:06 jhbngy,ذكرايات_الغربة_الجزء_4/,13,ذكرايات الغربة الجزء 4,"بينك فلويد - دوقز لوحة فنية صوتية من سبعينيات القرن الماضي - في الاريار بلون معمل مبني من البريكس نتصور حاجة ترمز للثورة الصناعية لي صارت في الامبراطورية الانقليزية ، مكان تسجيل هذه الاغنية    الغناية هذي نجسدها بنهار اثنين عشية في الشتاء ونتي خارج من الخدمة مع الخمسة و المطر تصب ، وانتي تجري ، ناسي سحابتك باش تخلط على لولاج/تكسي  تروح بيك تنشف حالتك ، تجري قبل ما تفيض الروقارات و الدنيا تحبس و موزايك افم تخبر على امطار غزيرة بالسواحل الشرقية للبلاد التونسية بالطبيعة عندك كل الحق باش تعطيها صحفة لبلابي في البراكة قبل ما تروح تبدا تتقبرص تاكل في اللبلابي سخون و التلامذة مسيكنات يجريو ورا الكار في الطبعة . دقول ماهيش مشكلتي  و تعطيها سيقارو دزيري احمر و انتي ما في بالكش بيه باش يتقطع برا عاد تخلط علا لواج كان بالريق الناشف و البونية تلقاك مغفس في البلاصة لي في الوسط الثانية في جنبك الليمين وحدا شابة مدينة جديدة و تحكي مع صاحبها بالزيرو فايسبوك على الليسار هاك الراجل الخمسيني لي ملي هوا طلع وهوا يتشكا ، مل المطر ، مل الدولة ، مل العيشة من النقل العمومي ....و الشوفار حأل راي دزيري و يجاري فيه بالحديث ايا يا سيدي الحمد للله عليك وصلت الدار منفخ كي الفلوس و الببوش بدا ديجا يسري في الحومة تحل البيسي ديراكت فايسبوك  طفي الديموند و طيح تسكسك فس الاكاي كللها تتشكا لي غرق و اللي صدم عليه الماء للدار دقول حنشة وللي بعثهها طلع للقهوة خاطر فما طرح بريميار ليق تع ليلة الاثنين و هوا لاعب لص اكس برا عاد يعطيها كاس تاي شتار و قرطاس قلوب تركي قبل ما يبدا الشوالي يغررد بعد ما تتعشا انتي تلقاك خلطت ديجا للقهوة بالضبط مع المصلين لي خارجين من صلاة العشا كانو يسبحو دغري يطيحو يقطعو و يريشو كهو القهوة تتعبا بطواول البيلوت ، و طواول الشياب لي يناقشو في اما خير النهضة او الاتحاد -و طواول شباب الجامعة -لي يسكن مع دارهم واحد فيهم يناقش كيفاش البروف ضيقهالو خاتر جا ريتار و لاخر يشكي كيفاش الكراش ما حبتش ترومو و الاخير يفتخر كيفاش صبح راقد في المطر يلعب في واركرافت .. كهو ماكس العشرة الكلها تبدا تسل ، اول واحد امام الخمس لازم  يرقد بكري للصبح بعدو المعرسين الجدد لي جاو ماخذا في خاطر صحابهم ، بعدو موضفين الدولة في البوسطة القباضة و البلدية بعدو المرتترتين ، هوما بيدهم المصلين ، يبقا في الاخير شرذمة من المدمرين لي ما ما يحبش يصبح على نهار آخر بطالة ولا مررمة تلقاه مسكين يحاول يقنع روحو بالسيف انو صحيح ضلمتو  "" الدولة لكن "" لا ملجأ من الله الا اليه و تلقا روحك انتي مروح ، لنفس الروتين ، لنفس التلكليك ، شبيك لتو ، شبيك ما صبيتش و كلمتني شبيك مش عاجبك شي ...... وقتلي تقعد بينك و بين روحك تتسآل ميتين حكاية القراية ، الخدمة ، عرفك ، صاحبتك ، الثورة ، الميزيريا ، المطر ، غدوة ، الفايسبوك ، المستقبل ، القرض ، البانكا ، الكنام ، لصحاب ، جمعيتك ، الركوب متع غدوة ، القرافات ..... تتنخنق ، الليل ما حبش يوفا ، داركم يتفرجو على مسلسل مصري و مشعلين كانون تتطلع تشعل سويقر قدام الدار ، تلقا المطر سحات و القمرة تحشي فيه مابين السحاب ، كياسات محففرة و كلاب متشردة تبربش في الزبل تفد تكره وجودك تهز راسك للسماء تغمض عينيك لحضة لحضة يتعدا فيها عمرك ما بين عينيك ملي كنت صغير تلعب في الحلليلة لتو وليت تجري على الخبزة و بعد كيفاش باش تموت وحدك كي الكلب Dogs.... تتفجع ترجع للواقع طيش السيقارو تجري لفرشك تحت الكوات طفي الضو تعمر الريفاي على السبعة تدور على جنبك اللمين باسمك اللهم اضع جنبي و بك ارفعه M.S (Hiver 2014 @Tunisie)",,,,,,2020-10-24 16:17:14 jhe41g,,1,Any idea guys ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-24 18:38:00 jhepbt,,1,Is it fine if i do private university engineering degree as mature?,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-24 19:10:45 jhfpet,,0,Fearless Monkeys and Power Lines - Lop Buri Thailand,,,,,,,2020-10-24 20:06:55 jhokjz,,10,What do you think of what happened in france,"I just want to see what opinions we have on this sub of what happened in france lately , the student that severed the teacher head's , because of a drawing of the prophet .",,,,,,2020-10-25 06:06:09 jhpw4c,,23,Manger la poutine canadienne à la Tunisienne 🤩🇨🇦🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-10-25 08:12:08 jhrm1o,,1,This is not Europe!yup this is Tunisia 🇹🇳 hundred percent ❤️enjoy...,,,,,,,2020-10-25 11:02:21 jhrnto,,13,Which Wilaya has the best Mloukhia?,Please fight in the comments,,,,,,2020-10-25 11:06:56 jhsget,,1,Is it normal to do private university as mature student in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-25 12:19:57 jhtid6,,1,Mlawi crepes anyone ?,,,,,,,2020-10-25 13:40:48 jhwvpe,,7,New to freelancing,"Hey guys, am new to freelancing and am using fiverr. How can i withdraw my money from fiverr in tunisia without an international card ? If one is needed how can i get one ?",,,,,,2020-10-25 17:06:53 jhxjyi,,1,Easy Deeds which will be heavy in balance on the day of Judgement,,,,,,,2020-10-25 17:46:00 jhy1nn,,80,كي تبدا عازب ووحدك في الغربة 😍😋😋,,,,,,,2020-10-25 18:13:40 jhziik,,6,Carthage in Modern-day Tunisia,What do Tunisians think of Carthage and Carthagian civilization ?,,,,,,2020-10-25 19:34:32 ji0w78,,0,Magnum Black Jaguar Growl,,,,,,,2020-10-25 20:49:55 ji6kqj,,1,TUNISIAN KUFTAN LADIES,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-26 02:32:48 ji6r0f,,1,kuftan swag,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-26 02:44:11 ji6s3m,,26,Kuftan Swag,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-26 02:46:15 jib72v,,46,Gabes henna souk❤️,,,,,,,2020-10-26 09:00:05 jibc5s,,5,Does anyone know if Ariana's Iset'com dorm is mixed or two separate buildings?,"That's pretty much it, my friend is suspicious of his girlfriend and thinks she's cheating on him. Dorms in Kairouan's iset are mixed so I wanna know if it's the same case with Ariana's Iset'com. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2020-10-26 09:13:10 jibnve,,9,Blaze it !,,,,,,,2020-10-26 09:45:34 jibzl1,,3,Dairy Brands in Tunisia,"Hi there people, I am researching some dairy products in Tunisia. But google won’t be of much help. I need the popular or unpopular brand names so I can look further into their websites. If you’d like to provide me some popular or unpopular brands names I’d really appreciate it. Thank you.",,,,,,2020-10-26 10:15:37 jibzm8,,14,Please understand that mocking and disrespecting religions is part of French Culture.,"Honestly, compared to all the horrific caricatures of Jesus, the Pope, Priests and the Catholic Church circulating in satiric Parisian journals, the Charlie Hebdo caricatures of the Prophet are very very light, and not even remotely disrespectful for the common layman who isn't aware that any visual representation of Muhammad's face is forbidden. Moreover, it is rarely specified if these ""caricatures"" represent the Prophet himself for that matter. To me, it always seemed like it was just some random Salafi or Muslim Brotherhood martyr more than anything. **Why are French like this ?** For most of its history, France had always been the slave of the Roman Empire and it's successor : the Holy Roman Catholic Church, rendered extremely powerful by the influx of riches from the Americas. Many times, some local rulers tried to overcome the status quo : the cathares, the calvinists, huguenots, enlightenment philosophers... religious civil wars have never been as fierce and traumatizing as in France. It almost destroyed and bankrupted the country. Protestantism was born as a way to escape the Church control...and the Spanish royal power in the process, which owned most of Europe. Spaniards were extremely violent and controlling, and knew how to use religion to justify mass genocide and enslavement of whole nations. The Nordic countries used Protestantism as a way to stand up for themselves and create a ruthless work ethic that would put Northern Europe at the forefront of economic and military superpowers ruling the game. The best place to study and do business today are still the old protestant countries. Old Catholic countries like France and Spain ? Not as much. France was excluded from this cultural revolution because of the grip of the Church that relied on absolutism and nobility, not entrepreneurship and meritocracy. The French Revolution was an attempt to mimic their Northern neighbour system by suppressing the nobles' didn't work out very well... France had been the ground war of both progressivist and obscurantist forces for a very long time. Everything that might limit any type of freedom is now violently frowned upon, since people fought a long way to escape all kinds of tyrannies. This is why the Veil is such a sensitive issue in France, but only a trivial matter in the UK. Since French are mostly ignorant and unaware of geopolitics and international tensions (there is nothing more oblivious than the common prof de lycée/collège in my humble opinion), they don't see any difference between mocking a very old power such as the Church, and ridiculing the religious figure of former stigmatized and oppressed working-middle-class people stuck in depressive HML, desperately looking for some common cultural ground to gain a sense of identity and value. Caricatures were first used in France to mock Marie-Antoinette and her sexual scandals. Then to mock Catholic priests and paedophilic scandals, etc. Mocking and caricaturing is an important part of the French struggle for more economic and political freedom, always harder to gain in old Roman's provinces. It is mostly an empowerment tool of poor and disarmed people, trying to fight oppression through satire. It is now spurring division among the ""de souche"" and Muslim-originated working class. In France, Islam is viewed as a manipulation tool of foreign powers like Qatar or Saudi Arabia, both by Leftists and Frontists. Most people who are afraid of Islam think the government is actually pushing an agenda : to destroy France identity through mass immigration and cultural destruction. So to everyone who think Macron is trying to destroy Islam : his opponent believe the exact opposite. TLDR : France has an extremely violent religious war history which drowned the country in blood. This is why Laïcité and right to blasphemy is so important to the French, but not so much in Protestant countries who managed to conciliate religion and individual freedom. Understanding French history and culture is necessary to establish a peaceful and constructive dialogue. Thanks for reading.",,,,,,2020-10-26 10:15:43 jienc1,,180,Epic,,,,,,,2020-10-26 13:36:20 jifhon,,1,سارعو للتسجيل أهم و أفضل مواقع الزواج و التسجيل في مواقع التعارف في سوي...,,,,,,,2020-10-26 14:26:18 jifiql,,0,About the american presidential debate ( the most recent one),[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-26 14:28:00 jih8jw,,5,"Tremendous hail rain storm hits Medenine, Tunisia, Oct 25",,,,,,,2020-10-26 16:03:34 jij1gh,,0,Lion Shows Tourists Why You Must Stay Inside Your Car - Latest Wildlife Sightings,,,,,,,2020-10-26 17:35:40 jildyf,,3,"Drinking beer in a disposable plastic glass makes me feel like if I'm living abraord, do you?",,,,,,,2020-10-26 19:32:05 jiljff,,22,Dessert idea: you just need an apple some Chocolate and nuts 🍡🍫🍎,,,,,,,2020-10-26 19:39:36 jinfwm,,14,La France apporte 900 M€ de prêts et de subventions à la Tunisie,,,,,,,2020-10-26 21:13:58 jinkvq,,1,Couple of boring banking questions for adults,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-26 21:21:02 jinxsi,,1,Couple of boring banking questions for adults,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-26 21:38:42 jio8c5,,1,Couple of boring banking questions for adults,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-26 21:53:51 jirl4x,,1,How to earn a lot of money quickly and cheaply or for free,,,,,,,2020-10-27 01:06:15 jis55c,,7,Chott el Djerid history,"Hello Tunisians! I’d like to ask you the history of Chott el Djerid, most importantly- was it always a salt lake, or was it at one point a normal lake (at least in recorded history, I don’t mean pre human civilization) Shukran!",,,,,,2020-10-27 01:40:34 jiul5q,,1,25 Natural remedies to control and cure Diabetes,,,,,,,2020-10-27 04:25:25 jiv9du,/r/Maghreb/comments/jiv8m4/hi_why_dont_we_revive_this_subreddit/,16,So I saw in an earlier post an idea about reviving the r/maghreb subreddit and I thought it was a really good idea to bring all our communities together,,,,,,,2020-10-27 05:17:53 jj027x,,102,Traditional 🇹🇳 ❤️,,,,,,,2020-10-27 12:20:35 jj0mi1,,1,Tunisian Talented Player,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-27 12:59:02 jj0zia,,12,About joining the Navy.,"Hello, I passed my bac exam last year and got an average of 15.32 ( math ), I got into a preparatory school for engineering studies, but I've mostly been focused on joining a military academy. Long story short, I passed all the tests ( including the navy one and the aviation one ) and I just got the confirmation that I'll be accepted in the navy. Training will most likely start next week. Can anyone here who's in the navy academy shed some light on this subject ? I know quite a lot but more information never hurts. Couple specific questions I have though are about joining foreign military academies ( such as the royal academy ), what requirements are there to be give this opportuniuty, and how do I get to join the merchant navy, and are there many job opportunities if I did get accepted, and what's the monthly pay ? Also, are there navy special forces ? Can an officer join them ? And are they well treated ( in terms of food, house, good pay ) ? Is it the same as an enlisted soldier, or better than a normal officer?",,,,,,2020-10-27 13:21:01 jj2hs6,,19,Now I think about Tunisia has really been oppressing Amazigh culture for so long,"I know I'm dumb and late for thinking that just now but I was little and I didn't know much back then ,When it comes to Oppressing ancient cultures, usually I think about native Americans and European colonial or Tibet people in china but really I didn't think about my own country in that spectrum , now that I know a little about Amazigh culture, I always question myself why I didn't grew up with it , maybe you say it's present in our food and language and clothes but at the same time no one tells u about it, they always tells you are arab muslim , its mind blowing how they buried sush big part of our identity ,when I mean buried I meant they don't teach you anything in school about it and education its sush big factor in shaping people's identity as they don't teach you the language or the customs or I remember in history classes they don't really dive deeper into as much as Carthage. Sure pure blooded amazigh people are rare in Tunisia but still many of us have more amazigh dna than arab. I feel like they fear if we identify as non arab that means we are drifting from identifying as muslims but islam is a religion after all we can be amazigh muslims and the amazigh themselves have been adapting since the beginning with every religion concurred north Africa through out history even when they already had their own gods themselves, heck they still call them berbers when the Amazigh don't like that name its offensive as the Romans called them that to dehumanize them",,,,,,2020-10-27 14:48:16 jj3a4t,,35,Algerie et la Tunisie 5awa 5awa for ever,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-27 15:30:04 jj47u2,,1,Jobs for English/Dutch in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-27 16:18:14 jj4vdv,,1,English/Dutch speaking jobs in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-27 16:52:10 jj8h3k,,4,How to get an international credit card in tunisia,"I want to start a social media marketing agency but I don't have a credit card to pay charges and to withdraw money from clients.I don't know to make one actually. I'll be so grateful for your help❤ &#x200B;",,,,,,2020-10-27 19:53:00 jj9wmx,,0,French dilemma thread,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-27 21:04:36 jjbcgy,,3,How can I buy the plane tickets with the price I find in in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-10-27 22:19:42 jjeyl8,,1,Yet Muslims are protesting over cartoon while India and China are literally islamophobic,,,,,,,2020-10-28 01:50:01 jjf1su,,22,Stupidity,,,,,,,2020-10-28 01:55:31 jjkk39,,25,(المدينة العربي)Ramadan nights❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-10-28 09:23:13 jjkljw,,79,ليالي رمضان❤️(المدينة العربي🇹🇳),,,,,,,2020-10-28 09:27:08 jjr2h5,,1,lmaooo,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-28 16:31:28 jjslwv,,0,Quick question,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-28 17:49:34 jjt9qy,,6,Online Magazines In Tunisia,"Can you please tell me what are the online magazines that are present in Tunisia and are active ? I'm the PR coordinator of an association and I need some online magazines to post articles about our movement but I can't seem to find any, and if I do, they don't answer my mails nor do they answer the phone despite them being active and posting articles daily. Any help is appreciated",,,,,,2020-10-28 18:23:11 jjvvsg,,1,May we take a minute of your precious time,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-28 20:39:08 jjxhaj,,73,مولد نبوي شريف مبارك ❤ أعاده الله علينا و عليكم بالخير و اليمن و البركة,,,,,,,2020-10-28 22:03:36 jjzomb,,3,مولد نبوي شريف مبارك ❤ أعاده الله علينا و عليكم بالخير و اليمن و البركة,,,,,,,2020-10-29 00:10:55 jk50qb,,0,Top 10 Preys Who Can Defend Themselves From Predators - When Prey Fights Back - Prey VS Predator,,,,,,,2020-10-29 06:26:31 jk5ist,,34,New preventive measures taken by the Tunisian Government against Covid-19 (As of 10/29/2020). Please read and take care!,"________________________________________________________ إلتأمت يوم الأربعاء 28 أكتوبر 2020 الهيئة الوطنية لمجابهة فيروس كورونا وإستمعت الى عرض تقدم به كل من أعضاء اللجنة العلمية و وزير الإقتصاد و وزيرالتربية و وزير التعليم العالي و وزير الشؤون الإجتماعية و بعد التداول و نظرا لدقة الوضع الصحي و الإقتصادي و الإجتماعي و تحسبا لمزيد تدهور الأوضاع على مختلف المستويات خاصة أمام إرتفاع نسق العدوى بفيروس كورونا ومحافظة على تماسك المنظومة الصحية قرر رئيس الحكومة : - دعوة كافة الولاة لإعلان حظر الجولان بكافة الجهات وذلك : من الإثنين إلى الجمعة : من الساعة الثامنة ليلا الى الساعة الخامسة صباحا يومي السبت و الأحد : من الساعة السابعة مساء إلى الساعة الخامسة صباحا -منع التنقل بين الولايات إلا لضرورة العمل و الحالات الإستثنائية التي يمكن تبريرها و الطلبة -غلق المقاهي و المطاعم بداية من الساعة الرابعة مساءً مع إحترام طاقة الإستيعاب المحددة ب 30% في الفضاءات المغلقة و 50% من الفضاءات المفتوحة و تنظيم حملات مراقبة يومية مكثفة على مستوى كافة المعتمديات و الغلق الفوري لكل من يخالف هذه الإجراءات - تعليق الدروس بالمدارس الإبتدائية و الإعدادية و المعاهد بداية من يوم الأربعاء 28 أكتوبر بعد إنتهاء الدروس الى غاية يوم الاحد 8 نوفمبر وتخصص هذه العطلة لتعقيم كافة المؤسسات التربوية. -إيقاف الدروس الحضورية في الجامعات العمومية و الخاصة لمدة اسبوعين و إعتماد نظام التواصل البيداغوحي عن بعد مع وضع الإمكانيات اللوجستية للجامعات على ذمة الطلبة الذين لا تتوفر لديهم التجهيزات الضرورية مع عدم غلق المبيتات الجامعية - منع كافة التظاهرات العامة والخاصة بجميع أشكالها إنطلاقا من يوم الجمعة 30 اكتوبر الى غاية الاحد 15 نوفمبر2020 - منع كافة التجمعات التي تتجاوز 4 أشخاص في الأماكن العمومية بإستثناء وسائل النقل -تعليق إرتياد دور العبادة الى غاية 15 نوفمبر 2020 -مواصلة العمل بالتوقيت الإداري الاستثنائي إلى غاية 15 نوفمبر -إستثناء كل المشتريات المتعلقة بمجابهة كورونا من الأمر المنظم للصفقات العمومية و تكليف لجنة خاصة بوزارة الدفاع الوطني يرأسها المدير العام للصحة العسكرية بالإشراف على هذا الملف - التشديد على ضرورة الالتزام بالتباعد و إرتداء الكمامات والتأكيد على مواصلة الإجراءات الردعية لكل المخالفين الجمهورية التونسية رئاسة الحكومة مصالح الاعلام والاتصال تونس في، 29 اكتوبر 2020 ___________________________________________________________",,,,,,2020-10-29 07:14:10 jk76jr,,8,Couple of boring banking questions for adults,"Adults of this sub , It would be much appreciated if you could answer whatever you think you're knowledgeable of when it comes to banking based on your experience as a client. Basically I would like to have an idea about the overall services banks (originally BIAT but whatever you think is helpful would do) provide for their clients, especially college students. So my questions are : 1\*Do i have to be employed in order to open a bank account ? 2\*What exactly are the packages BIAT offers (such as ""pack first"")? Are they privileges you add to your account after paying a subscription? If so , is that subscription permanent or do i have to renew it. In case i open a BIAT bank account : 3\*Can i have both a debit card and credit card? 4\*What are the monthly/yearly fees that get deducted from my account? 5\*Do i have withdraw limitations , if yes what are they? 6\*Do they provide services that allow me to check my transactions , balance and account updates from sms or online? 7\*Will i be able to have an international card where i can make international purchases? 8\*Will foreign companies/clients be able to pay me by depositing money in my bank account in case i work as a freelancer? 9\*In case i want to deposit a large amount of money in my account do i have to justify it (e.g car sale) in order for it to get accepted? 10\*If i want to close my account will there be conditions to do so? If not does that mean i can withdraw my money and close my account whenever i want? I'm well aware that some of these questions could be answered by customer service but I'd like to hear the cheesy details that a bank won't emphasize on until you're fucked in the arse. Looking forward for your answers and mouled moubarak.",,,,,,2020-10-29 09:53:49 jk7ck8,,49,Can anyone name the Tunisian town this photo was taken in?,,,,,,,2020-10-29 10:08:44 jk88kv,,4,Khobz Talian,,,,,,,2020-10-29 11:25:01 jk92bf,,1,"50 Tips to make learning easy, quick and effective( How to pass examination with good percentage)",,,,,,,2020-10-29 12:26:25 jk9kic,,26,I need your help chabeb!," Ahla berrojla fellow tunisian redditors, our country is currently overwhelmed by the ever rising flow of shocking and appalling rape and sexual harassment news, for what seems like an arbitrary imposition, we, as young activists, believe that sex education is imperative to a society of young adults making smart and healthy sexual decisions. Thus, we really urge you to fill our form regarding this topic to help us and even be a part of our movement to attain our goal. [](",,,,,,2020-10-29 13:00:25 jkbpnk,,35,Nice: Terrorist attack at a cathedral [29-10-2020],"&#x200B; [Today in the city of Nice : Terrorist attack ](",,,,,,2020-10-29 15:06:32 jkdgb4,,1,When Shoufli Hal music kicks in,,,,,,,2020-10-29 16:37:55 jkdkf1,,10,Any solution to bring flower seeds coming from abroad for people having gardening passion?,"Hi there, Recently a friend in the UK sent me few packs of different seeds (flowers, popcorn, ...) most of them are not available in Tunisia. The package weight is 200 gr but it was blocked in the post office. They said it's not authorized to bring seeds from another country unless you have special authorization. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware I asked the post before they said no problem. At the end, they give me a paper with it I have fo go to the ministry of agriculture and show him the seeds origin (they didn't give me a sample) it's called 'phitosanitaire' Do you have an idea about the procedure? Or is there other different processes of bringing seeds?",,,,,,2020-10-29 16:43:41 jkhoia,,0,Islamophobia in France may have some deep religious roots...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-29 20:11:37 jki1xb,,1,This is sad....,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-29 20:31:04 jkidtt,,0,Audio leaks of Saied's chief of staff,,,,,,,2020-10-29 20:47:40 jkin6x,,7,Can I visit Mosques in Tunisia?,"Hello, I’m someone who’s interested in visiting Tunisia(not now, but later when things get better). I’ve read that you have very beautiful mosques like the one in Kaiouran. I’ve ran into an issue however. When I was in Turkey it didn’t seem like I was welcome in most mosques(not that anyone threw me out, but just got that feeling...) and since Tunisia is a bit(not super much, but still a bit more from what I’ve heard) more religious then Turkey I’m wondering if this also relates to the mosques. As in, can I actually visit them. I’m not really religious, but older religious sites are extremely beautiful to visit, so I’m really curious if this is something I can get to see! Of course if locals don’t want me to visit, I’d avoid doing this so I need to make sure.",,,,,,2020-10-29 21:00:39 jkj63l,,1,Jeune-Tunisien/ Hebdomadaire Le Tunisien,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-29 21:26:39 jkjl0z,/r/Jokes/comments/jkezrt/a_guy_goes_into_the_us_postal_services_to_apply/,23,I guess this shit is international! Moch kan a7na,,,,,,,2020-10-29 21:48:11 jkmegh,,20,France attack: Attacker arrived from Tunisia days ago,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-30 00:24:04 jksiiy,,6,"Are there any Tunisian Marketing affiliates working with clickbank, digistore...having issues recieving their payouts in Tunisia??","Everyone living in Tunisia would certainly agree that it's been more than necessary nowadays having an extra source of incomes that may not be affected by any confinement measures that may lead you to loose your job or shut down your business... So i decided to start a new carreer on internet and found that Affiliate Marketing turns to be the most efficient way to start with as it can generate a very good income if you come to master the techniques of digital marketing, take it as a serious business and put all ur heart into it. However, that being said i'm currently facing a big problem due to the financial restrictions imposed by our government and wondering how i can actually collect my payouts and commissions being a Tunisian resident. Note that not all plateforms or sites pay through paypal many of them only pay through wiretranser. I find this very frustrating and it's breaking me off. So please if any if you is facing the same situation and has found any way to get an international credit/debit card i would be more than grateful if you could give me a hint. I'm almost stuck and can't move forward because of this. Pleaaaaase Helllllp🙏🙏",,,,,,2020-10-30 07:44:24 jktsgy,,185,Y u do dis to us?,,,,,,,2020-10-30 09:43:20 jku1kq,,34,"Sometimes, it do be like that",,,,,,,2020-10-30 10:07:04 jkuehv,,7,My friends and I recently started a facebook page to promote our country's diverse culture. Check it out.,,,,,,,2020-10-30 10:38:33 jkuj69,,3,Zayd are you ok?,,,,,,,2020-10-30 10:49:18 jkv73x,,8,How does one change their first name?,Is the process accessible? Any idea what the requirements are?,,,,,,2020-10-30 11:42:20 jkwfyd,,14,المدينة العربي 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-10-30 13:09:44 jkyenv,,1,Enta Omry Umm Kulthum انت عمرى ام كلثوم,,,,,,,2020-10-30 15:03:32 jl0mxf,,1,Best way to send items to Tunisia from the U.K,[removed],,,,,,2020-10-30 17:01:05 jl35e0,,3,I need to guess a name.,"So I need to guess a Tunisian name that starts with An, has two letters then ar, so it's An \_ \_ ar. Please help.",,,,,,2020-10-30 19:12:49 jl3f6j,,1,An intro video of the place where I work at. #drone,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-30 19:27:29 jl4a2h,,5,Our backward civilization,"Is our civilization inherently inferior and backward? we belong to the Islamic civilization and we can't change that, our culture and history is very deeply influenced by this religion. But how to do when this religion produces these horrors that we see in the Nice attack? I feel guilty for what our civilization produces, for our backwardness. Maybe we have to let go of our civilization and forget about our past to get rid of all these horrors",,,,,,2020-10-30 20:13:07 jlaudv,,3,About programming competitions in Tunisia,"Hello there , i was thinking about ""some well known programming events in tunisia"" and i have some questions : 1 - any mention about events(names / dates / any useful information ...) ? 2 - should i join a group/team to access the event ? 3 - what are the requirements needed as a member (Procedures needed) ? &#x200B; I really what to know from experienced members about this topic . And thanks in advance",,,,,,2020-10-31 02:45:44 jlgewp,,6,"My fellow Tunisians who are curious about that sound of thunder, here's a brief psychological review (Jungian model) about the untold Evil aspect of this chaos we're in, from our reality to fiction (Breaking Bad included). I hope you all enjoy it and get it clearly.Open for questioning and debating.",,,,,,,2020-10-31 10:53:19 jlgsr5,,6,"When money talks, the imma shut the frick up",,,,,,,2020-10-31 11:26:51 jlh138,,19,Peace of Mind,,,,,,,2020-10-31 11:46:53 jlh5gz,,52,It do be like that sometimes,,,,,,,2020-10-31 11:57:38 jlhptu,,0,How to earn a lot of money quickly and cheaply or for free,,,,,,,2020-10-31 12:42:48 jlj5b2,,2,English speakers platforms in Tunisia,"Hey everyone, I m curious to Know if there is any virtual platform or real meeting groups for English speakers twenssa wala foreigners to vocally practice English and not just by typing it behind a screen, same goes for Dutch? Thank you",,,,,,2020-10-31 14:20:01 jlkx7h,,4,I have an Idea for Zoom chat??,"I was reading this subreddit and this post gave me an idea. What if I create a zoom link and all Tunisians speaking a certain language for example English in this case and join and have a chat at a certain time. Would you guys be down? VOTE. The only roadblock I see is who has the free time to waste on strangers and what will the topics be about. Edit 1: Yes I have heard about discord. Send me links if possible and let's join all together. [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-10-31 16:05:55 jllivd,,0,"التونسيون لماكرون: ""لا للإساءة لرسول الله!""ـ",,,,,,,2020-10-31 16:40:18 jlm5ss,,4,what is the best internet provider in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-10-31 17:15:59 jlmukd,,81,Sidi Bou Saïd :),,,,,,,2020-10-31 17:55:10 jlo61j,,12,"When there are terrorist attacks happening everywhere, and you only want to boycott France for having free-speech, you have lost sight of what we ought to value and you lost the fight against extremism ...",,,,,,,2020-10-31 19:09:55 jlpfba,,3,Intro video of the place where I work at. Including some beautiful #Drone footage.,,,,,,,2020-10-31 20:23:54 jlqqhz,,23,Lol,,,,,,,2020-10-31 21:42:51 jlr14z,,0,Tunisian minister of agriculture,,,,,,,2020-10-31 22:00:57 jlu1hm,,6,Ahlan u sahlan. How much is a baguette these days? 🥖,,,,,,,2020-11-01 01:19:15 jlycux,,15,10 années d'islamisme en Tunisie portent leurs fruits,,,,,,,2020-11-01 07:12:53 jlz7z8,,7,Any vulnerable people receive free testing?,"Hello! I’m reaching out to y’all for a research paper to assess how lebanon could’ve done better with handling the virus and i just have a few questions. i feel like i’ve looked everywhere but still can’t find anything like this. Did the government subsidize any testing for anyone who is vulnerable? We’re elderly tested (without charge)? or immunocompromised people? We’re shop employees tested regularly? we’re their employees supposed to pay for it? I would really appreciate any info you have, a source would be cool too.",,,,,,2020-11-01 08:47:20 jm0ogm,,1,Le Tunisien,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-01 11:20:28 jm0zoo,,6,I'm going to build a PC,"I'm currently saving to build a pc on my own. I'm close to my target budget. My question is: can anyone provide me with retailers they know that sell computer parts? (I live in ariana) The ones that I know are mega pc/tunisianet/mytek",,,,,,2020-11-01 11:49:08 jm34ie,,123,"Abondonade hôtel , Tunis 🇹🇳",,,,,,,2020-11-01 14:30:00 jm42o4,,1,Islam is against terrorism and terrorist attack,,,,,,,2020-11-01 15:29:33 jm4z1p,,3,Are there no physician assistants in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-01 16:22:17 jm5gsw,,1,Is there any way to get an international credit card without a baccalaureate degree?,I am a freelancer and I am searching a way to pay and get paid online on different currencies. I looked to different credit cards like paysera but I can't use any of them because I need a currency bank account. PLEASE HELP!,,,,,,2020-11-01 16:51:20 jm65po,,35,"""Quartier Réservé"", Tunis 1939 Photographed by Ré Soupault.",,,,,,,2020-11-01 17:30:08 jm7k0n,حضر_تجوال_متاع_ز/,1,حضر تجوال متاع ز#$!!!!!!!,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-01 18:47:59 jm86d2,,8,Can one volunteer at hospitals in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-01 19:22:05 jm8efd,,7,Where are you ittwensa?," Me = New York State",,,,,,2020-11-01 19:34:16 jmasvw,,5,3D print,"Hello guys, Do you know where I can find 3d print services based in tunis ? I want to print something in 3D with best quality Thank you very much",,,,,,2020-11-01 21:47:57 jmef4r,,0,"A present, from France",[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-02 01:29:44 jmjlrz,,121,❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-11-02 08:03:52 jmlty2,,12,The Moon and Mars over a cell tower,,,,,,,2020-11-02 11:32:25 jmp0pj,,1,Why most African countries are not prospering,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-02 15:04:24 jmpqvk,,11,"Did the Battle of Zama (202 BCE), where Scipio Africanus defeated Hannibal, actually happen?",,,,,,,2020-11-02 15:41:57 jmr31j,,4,Does somebody have a payoneer credit card?,I want to make one and I have a lot of questions about it(If you have another international credit card I would love to learn about it but not the cti),,,,,,2020-11-02 16:48:32 jms4l0,,95,"really , why doe ?",,,,,,,2020-11-02 17:39:47 jmv87f,,3,"hey there guys, we are a North African Maghreb Community for Among us, if you are interested in joining then join!",[](,,,,,,2020-11-02 20:17:48 jmw1da,,1,Our bElOvEd tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-02 20:58:31 jmwq1g,,7,Are you considering visiting the best tourist destination in North Africa? I talk about Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-11-02 21:32:05 jn0uv6,,2,A way to book a taxi for a drive few days before the actual trip,"Basically with the whole curfew situation, all taxis stop working 30min or 1h before before the curfew (which is 19h on week-ends) eventhough they actually have the permission to drive 30min past curfew but whatever. This saturday I have an important event and I don't want to go home that early but I go home in taxis and I need a way to be sure that I'll be able to come home at time. So is there a way to book a trip? It's from Gammarth to l'Aouina if that changes anything.",,,,,,2020-11-03 01:17:37 jn5jdw,,6,What do you make of the recent events in France regarding Samuel Paty?,,,,,,,2020-11-03 06:37:48 jn78wn,,1,Good morning from Tunisia ❤️🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-03 09:14:47 jn7dwr,,16,"The UAE has sent an aid plane containing 11 tons of medical supplies and respirators to our brothers in Tunisia, serving 11,000 health care workers, to enhance their efforts to contain the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).",,,,,,,2020-11-03 09:28:25 jn7hwp,,0,"We are all human and we should help each other to combat Corona. I'm so proud of such news: ""The UAE sends an aid plane to Tunisia containing 11 tons of medical supplies and respirators to support its efforts to combat Corona"".. Good steps",[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-03 09:39:15 jn7nbj,,1,#خبز السندوتش أو الخبز المسلوق الألماني بطريقة إحترافية في 30 دقيقة 14 ا...,,,,,,,2020-11-03 09:53:46 jn7tjw,,3,Congratulations,,,,,,,2020-11-03 10:10:07 jn7vh6,,9,"Hi I just made a sub for all Tunisian social sciences students and graduates, if you are interested."," Here's the welcome post : ""This sub is a platform primarily dedicated to Tunisian political/social/ science/law students and graduates (or simply interested in politics) willing to share and discuss the current issues our country is facing, and propose their personal outlook on the most critical questions. Currently, Social Sciences are seldom considered as purveyors of any practical tools susceptible to tackle and analyse the most urgent problems, like water management, food production, or green transition. But ! These issues cannot be solved without the effective collaboration of every actors of the state and civil society. Since Social Science helps us to understand the society we live in, as it focuses on the relationship between individuals and the political world, they are critical in helping us designing better institutions, and thus, increase collaboration to solve problems. The major social sciences are Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology and Sociology. All these disciplines are intertwined as they increases our knowledge of human nature and aspirations within a specific group/society. They are ESSENTIAL for understanding Tunisian society, and shape a better future for us all. This sub was created in reaction to the recent horrific terrorist attacks in France, increasing tensions and hatred between communities and once again labelling Tunisia as #1 provider of rogue lunatic ""fighters"". The more we understand ourselves and the people around us, the better we'll be armed to fight this horrendous phenomenon that keeps alienating our country from the rest of the world. Thank you for your participation !"" &#x200B; What do you guys think ?",,,,,,2020-11-03 10:15:17 jn81x0,",537,103359,3",3,Food Delivery Billboard - Menzah - Mia Khalifa,,,,,,,2020-11-03 10:32:55 jn88ym,,0,UAE sends COVID-19 aid to Tunisia United Arab Emirates sends plane carrying 11 tonnes of medical supplies and ventilators to Tunisia which is fighting rapid surge of coronavirus cases.🇦🇪🇹🇳🕊,,,,,,,2020-11-03 10:51:25 jn8eun,,34,"We get it, the UAE sent 11 tons of supplies. Thank you. Now stop the fucking spam",,,,,,,2020-11-03 11:05:46 jn8xuo,,3,Creating a non offshore argan oil company in Tunisia,"Hey guys, my belgian /tunisian friend is just about to launch his argan oil company in Tunisia but he needs help with the 72 law, he's born in Belgium and has the tunisian nationality as well, he can not create an offshore company, what would be waiting for him to sell his product in Tunisia according to this law? Thank you",,,,,,2020-11-03 11:51:17 jn9faa,,9,thoughts about studying in Germany,"Hi , I'm 17 at the moment and studying 3eme science and I know it's maybe to early to ask but a man has to plan his future. so my plans are hopefully to study in Germany and I want to ask for advice or any helpful information of Tunisian that went there and have experience there PS: how much should I get in Bac to get accepted",,,,,,2020-11-03 12:29:56 jnafv2,,4,BDSM community in Tunisia,"Is there actually such a thing as a BDSM community, or is it just a bunch of curious people who create an account somewhere and then regret it + the usual horny people looking for ""sex sauvage"".",,,,,,2020-11-03 13:41:44 jncq9x,,2,Seeking Research Project Participant,"Hello all, I am an undergraduate student at the University of Ottawa in Canada and I am looking for somebody who would be interested in being interviewed about their experiences of the 2011 Tunisian Revolution as part of a research project. Monetary compensation can be arranged. Please contact me if you are interested in participating. Many thanks.",,,,,,2020-11-03 15:54:26 jnec70,,2,Why are many Tunisians (regardless of political views and from all sides) against huge investement from arab gulf countries like UAE or Qatar ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-03 17:15:19 jnekxa,,61,لازمها حمه,,,,,,,2020-11-03 17:27:35 jnexet,,8,Any recommendations for Tunisian indie musicians,"Hey guys I’m a European trying to expand my listening and I wondered whether you guys know any decent indie artists or bands who sing in Arabic. I am a basic liberal westerner and I like stuff like Mashrou’leila but I also found the Tunisian singer Yüma and although I like her sound I wish there were more texture in them like a drums and guitar line. Basically anything like that, post revolution new music would be great. I know there is a long-standing underground rap and hip hop scene in Tunisia which I respect but it’s not really to my taste. Shukran in advance!",,,,,,2020-11-03 17:45:12 jnis60,,7,Can I count on you guys ? Make us shine,,,,,,,2020-11-03 21:03:07 jnitha,,35,Can I count on you guys ? Make us shine,,,,,,,2020-11-03 21:04:54 jnkoiw,,4,The Italian island of Pantelleria and the Tunisian heritage,,,,,,,2020-11-03 22:42:30 jntj9f,,65,"This ad did trigger a lot of rage is social media in Tunisia, what so you think?",,,,,,,2020-11-04 09:06:21 jnv3im,,5,PREPA,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-04 11:26:43 jnxe13,,3,,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-04 14:14:10 jo0uu9,,4,insomnia,belehi chkoun 3andou kifi mochkla meynjmch yor9ed f lil w y3adi e nhar lkol te3b w chkoun l9a 7al ll mochkla 3malt recherche fl google lkolha t9oli 5oudh dwayyet w ena men7bch nousl ll 7ala hedhika,,,,,,2020-11-04 17:28:29 jo18ec,,26,"Hannibal was here, here in Tunisia.",,,,,,,2020-11-04 17:47:47 jo1gou,,1,Poor Nabil,,,,,,,2020-11-04 17:59:48 jo1jc0,,10,Poor Nabil,,,,,,,2020-11-04 18:03:24 jo1vct,,5,Vote related questions,"I have always heard these assumptions being said ,around the election days in Tunisia, to whoever is registered but doesn't vote : ""lvote mt3ek bech tetesra9"" , ""ken ma tvotich bech temchi lvote mte3ek lhad ekher"" (basically fraud) , ""lezmk tvoti bech matsirlikch machekel nhar ekher"". So i witnessed these sayings (as dumb as they sound) were mostly directed to younger adults in the election time where everyone suddenly become really knowledgeable and fanatic with their opinions about politics. Maybe to encourage the youth? .. Still , what a disturbing way to do it right? Anyways hearing this tickled my curiosity so without stretching this post, my questions are : <> Could your vote really be directed to one of the corrupted parties even if you did NOT vote ?(knowing that you're registered but decided to just not vote) <>Is there any law that takes away a certain right in case you have never voted once?",,,,,,2020-11-04 18:21:05 jo1xj3,,108,We just reached 10K members !,,,,,,,2020-11-04 18:24:11 jo3aod,,12,I wonder how conservatives and religious people recognized Mia Khalifa ...,why ?,,,,,,2020-11-04 19:35:20 jo45k5,,8,Tunisia road videos,"Just stumbled upon this channel []( it is called TNPOV, apparently the guy is filming videos of Tunisia using a dash cam or something, i found his videos are somehow cool so though maybe share it with you guys :D let's give him some love if you are up to it redditors",,,,,,2020-11-04 20:21:09 jo9at5,,9,Can you ski in tunisia,Are there any places to ski in tunisia in the winter,,,,,,2020-11-05 01:15:26 jods26,,54,Non-Tunisians on r/Tunisia : share your story!,"It is often assumed that most people on here are Tunisians or from Tunisian descent but I'd be interested to know more about those, like myself, that are not from Tunisia but are interested about the country and its people. I had the chance last year as a part of my architecture degree to study abroad during my 3rd year at uni. Since I am from Quebec, a french speaking province of Canada, I thought that spending a semester in Tunisia would be an awesome cultural experience that I wouldn't have the chance to reproduce later in my life. To be honest, the first couple days were pretty tough, my friend and I didn't know much about the place and we weren't really prepared. The language barrier was worse than expected since we don't speak a proper european french in Quebec. Luckily, the school staff and students were so welcoming, showing us around the city, and being overall really friendly. After a week, we already felt as a part of the group and it was a beautiful experience. We also had the chance to travel around a bit and spent a week on Djerba which was amazing. Sadly we had to return home earlier because of Covid-19 but I keep very fond memories of Tunisia and its people. I believe it showed me the maghreb in a different light than how we usually perceive it in America. Now I want to hear about your stories, do you have a similar experience of Tunisia?",,,,,,2020-11-05 06:14:05 joesse,,1,Gift delivery services in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-05 07:43:38 joglko,,5,The process for a masters in Data Analytics in Germany with a Tunisian undergrad Bachelor's degree,"Hello! I graduated in 2020 with a bachelor in business administration ( major: business Analytics, and minor: Finance). I want to enroll in a masters in Germany. I started by looking at the programs in the DAAD website and bookmarked the ones that interested me. What are the next steps? Would it be easier to contact an agency ? How do I convert my gpa to the one used in Germany( in my uni our GPAs are over 4) ? Where can I look for scholarships? Any help will be much appreciated.",,,,,,2020-11-05 10:34:06 jogp9e,,17,Myths and legends in Tunisia,"Hey guys, what urban and non urban myths and legends do you know about this country? It can be from any governaurate and about any historical thing, events, people, etc. This will help me develop a project for local teens about what we dont teach in classes. So your help is going very useful!!! So dont hesitate to chip in :) PS: it can be about magical creatures, monsters, giants or battles... gods maybe... haunted houses...",,,,,,2020-11-05 10:43:31 jogzgw,,2,A VERY stupid question,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-05 11:08:35 joh9ji,,0,اين نصيبي من الزواج قصيدة جميلة,,,,,,,2020-11-05 11:33:54 johmkx,,0,Makeoup,,,,,,,2020-11-05 12:04:07 joko0o,,1,Please tap to slach ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-05 15:27:08 jolb2i,,83,rise of the non- religious in some selected arab countries,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-05 16:02:32 jonoyu,,1,الخبز المسلوق بالسميدة طريقة إحترافية في 10 دقائق بدون إختمار أحسن من خب...,,,,,,,2020-11-05 18:07:49 jonzfg,,1,الخبز المسلوق بالسميدة طريقة إحترافية في 10 دقائق بدون إختمار أحسن من خب...,,,,,,,2020-11-05 18:22:53 joq1qp,,11,Questioning tunisian goverment,"Hey guys, I am a exchange student in tunisia right now. For myself, I consider myself as being religious. I am 21. The people I've met here are mostly the complete opposite. Also, everyone here does not like the ruling party. I have talked with some foreigners who are like me not from tunisia, but have been here for around 3 to 4 years and they have told me that the government actually does a quite good job, but the people do not co-operate at all. The best example is the curfew and the shops closing. Come on, everyone does not care about the rules but afterwards yells at the government not managing the crisis good enough. I think this is completely bullshit. As for now, I would like to know why people here like nahda or do not like nahda. BUT PLEASE: be honest and do not joke around like yeah because we are tunisians or something bullshitty like that. Just give me straight up facts why the government is loved/hated. And don't tell me that people vote for them just because they are a religious party. Thank you!",,,,,,2020-11-05 20:10:13 josj3d,,2,In Tunisia How can I buy application from AppStore ?,"Hello friends , I’m really need your help. Thank you so much.",,,,,,2020-11-05 22:23:31 joxrag,,6,Did salaires get lower ot higher after democracy,,,,,,,2020-11-06 03:45:07 joz9wp,,30,/r/tunisia hit 10k subscribers yesterday,,,,,,,2020-11-06 05:28:24 jp0pmc,,6,Fresh harissa in Berlin?,"Hello, I live in Berlin and can't find a single shop that sells fresh harissa. The only harissa I find is the Cap Bon one, in tubes. So far we've survived by buying heaps of it when we come to Tunisia, but due to covid we haven't been there for more than a year. We're surviving on harissa that friends ship us from Paris, but it's not sustainable. If there's a berliner here that knows where to buy fresh harissa, please let me know. *please*",,,,,,2020-11-06 07:17:56 jp2q2q,,50,Is just a maymay,,,,,,,2020-11-06 10:19:23 jp3f2b,,5,Esprit students.,"Hello, I am looking for previous esprit students particularly 2P/3B to ask them some questions.",,,,,,2020-11-06 11:20:58 jp4cn3,,5,Graphic design studies,So my friend is thinking about studying graphics design but unsure of its future opportunities here in Tunisia or abroad. A couple of advices and school/institute recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.,,,,,,2020-11-06 12:37:31 jp6k33,,3,عدد اللادينيين في بلدان شمال إفريقيا لسنة 2020,,,,,,,2020-11-06 15:00:17 jp8wi7,,14,Looking for medical Students,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-06 17:06:20 jpc2tj,,1,جولة في بيتي نزلت ثاني حسب طلبكم جولة في الحي و حديقتي...Lala Nabila,,,,,,,2020-11-06 19:52:23 jpcwh1,,3,Cancelled flight with Tunisair,"Remove this if it’s not subreddit appropriate. I am a physician who had to cancel my vacations early this year due to the pandemic. I originally had a flight with Tunisair. After a long period of time I was given a refund voucher that expires in one year. I received the voucher through the third party with which I originally booked. However I do not know if borders will be open or I’ll even be allowed to travel during this time. I attempted to call Tunisair (the Montreal office, I am from New York and they have no US office) directly to request a full refund rather than voucher however all I have been getting is an automated message saying the office is closed despite me calling during the times they go on to list they are open. Does anyone have any advice on how to get in touch with someone at Tunisair? This year has been difficult for me and this is just another layer of frustration I’ve had to deal with.",,,,,,2020-11-06 20:36:22 jpe54l,,7,Paypal,When paypal will be available in tunisia,,,,,,2020-11-06 21:43:33 jpf1y0,,30,You have to be really cool and did live in the golden Era to remember those awesome candies,,,,,,,2020-11-06 22:35:03 jpf2tn,,18,What's the average opinion on Bourguiba? What is your personal opinion on him? Also how would you compare Ben Ali's rule to Bourguiba's?,,,,,,,2020-11-06 22:36:31 jpg904,,19,Biden said,,,,,,,2020-11-06 23:44:52 jpgnkw,,10,Turns out that statistics are the flavour of the month here. What's r/Tunisia stance on this?,,,,,,,2020-11-07 00:09:36 jpi726,,37,Rant,"Ok everyone on this subreddit seems to either be a foreigner or doesn't actively live in Tunisia . 1.As an 18 years old tunisian, I don't think tunisian youth are becoming atheist by the day (which is neither a good nor a bad thing since we should respect each others religious identity) However Nahdha and Religious Tunisians (not all of them)like to pick and choose from said religion using it to oppress woman or lgbtq community while still swearing littering drinking judging other people and sexually harassing girls and sometimes boys which are behaviours frowned upon in said religion. I can't fathom how the way women dress or lgbtq's community existance can hurt ur religious beliefs . 2. Since the french attacks redditors even in non political subbredits have shown signs of Islsmophobia .They talk about women oppressed in Muslim countries(which is true )but when a muslim woman tried to explain that while some are oppressed others choose to follow these rules by choice.In conclusion the west ""wants to free women in muslim countries from oppression""but doesn't want to listen to said women .Oppression comes in all forms whether forcing women to cover up or forcing women to take off their hijab. 3.This sub talks a lot about our Amazhigs identity which I'm glad that I've known since I grew thinking we are arabs . An identity is really important to the person and identity eraser is a form of genocide. But I think it's bit too late to try and recover this identity and thus we should create a new identity . Not as Amazhigs neither as Arabs or french but as North africans and Tunisians.",,,,,,2020-11-07 01:49:27 jply55,,1,ASMR Speaking Arabic,,,,,,,2020-11-07 06:21:17 jpmqn5,,8,How economic troubles are driving Tunisians and Lebanese to Europe,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-07 07:34:11 jpox16,,5,"Hi, is there anywhere I can buy sex toys in Tunis ?",Staying at home doesn't have to be se lonely lol.,,,,,,2020-11-07 10:54:10 jppkx8,,5,Government number,"I know this may sound as sarcasm but it is not. Does any one has the number of the president of the government, the president of the republic, or the minister of education. I really need it for something personal. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2020-11-07 11:50:24 jppy6p,,78,🇹🇳❤️,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-07 12:21:12 jpqwsg,,61,Carthage Tunis 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-11-07 13:34:27 jprpfq,,1,في مثل هذا اليوم عام سبعة وثمانين تحول البورقيبيون إلى تجمعيين,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-07 14:27:47 jpskba,,5,Our flag has an ottoman-Turkish origin.Our official language is Arabic and we dream about Europe.Is the Tunisian identity suffering from this.Having our own language (even if it is mostly arabic)and changing the flag could they mean something or are these ideas radical.,,,,,,,2020-11-07 15:21:01 jptsi4,,3,14 Janvier,"Was 14 January popular revolution that end the dictatorship era or it was just protests that end up with an international coup d'état ? And 14 January is the revolution date or the coup d'etat date,or 17 December is the revolution day ? Let's see yours opinions",,,,,,2020-11-07 16:31:19 jputcz,,1,Very Good,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-07 17:53:45 jpwom5,,0,🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-07 19:35:47 jpxmre,/r/Showerthoughts/comments/jpp6jz/the_invention_of_smart_phones_has_probably_had_a/,1,The invention of smart phones has probably had a greater impact on how long people take to use the restroom than any other event in human history.,,,,,,,2020-11-07 20:27:04 jpxnpx,,13,"education, religion and child inductrination","if science has debunked a lot of religious mythology like the Virgin Birth, Noah's Arc, the creation of adam ... why do they still teach those wrong ideas to the next generations ? why we need to base our axiomatic values and ethics on religions ? Isn't it intellectually disingenuous ?",,,,,,2020-11-07 20:28:27 jpxtlf,,7,Tunisian Diamond,"Tunisian diamond is an artefact found in ""Henry stickmin"" franchise published by innersloth. You may know ""innersloth"" from the game that took the world by storm: ""among us"". In fact, you can find the same diamond as an easter egg in the ""Skeld"" map.",,,,,,2020-11-07 20:37:41 jpzd6p,,11,Are there any gender therapists/psychiatrists in Tunisia? Where?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-07 22:03:45 jq0ml4,,0,Joe,,,,,,,2020-11-07 23:15:30 jq10q9,,107,ATM from Biden's house,,,,,,,2020-11-07 23:37:57 jq113c,,6,Career change ideas,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-07 23:38:34 jq1qm8,,49,Check out 0:31! Us Tunisians are everywhere representing our country hahaha,,,,,,,2020-11-08 00:20:31 jq6zto,,60,Trump in Tunisian style,,,,,,,2020-11-08 06:23:15 jq8g40,,7,Is there by any chance tunisians here living in Turin?,"Good day to you all !! I am Looking for some tunisian friends in Torino, i realise because of this lockdown it would be difficult to meet up, but my dms are open :)",,,,,,2020-11-08 08:37:40 jqb6n0,,1,رجل هرب من معسكر إعتقال في كوريا الشمالية | شاهد ماذا قال,,,,,,,2020-11-08 12:47:57 jqfmhb,,9,"Hi r/Tunisia, a question about CTI (carte technologique internationale). Can i link a CTI to a PayPal account? has anyone tried it?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-08 17:30:25 jqgipd,,1,FIVERR for Tunisian,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-08 18:19:21 jqgje0,,17,Fiverr for Tunisians,"Hi, Is there anyone who tried fiverr in tunisia and made some income? What r best skills to make money on it?",,,,,,2020-11-08 18:20:26 jqio9l,,6,Tujisina state TV interviews one of the biggest terrorists.,,,,,,,2020-11-08 20:17:01 jqjw8m,,3,What's your opinion in the MDS ?,"Mouvement des democrates socialistes حركة الديمقراطيين الإشتراكيين",,,,,,2020-11-08 21:23:28 jqkn09,,44,wE dOnT hAvE rAcIsM iN tUnIsIa,,,,,,,2020-11-08 22:03:18 jqma0b,,13,Tunisian guys does wearing hijab affects your decision in dating/marrying women ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-11-08 23:36:51 jqvs4q,,12,"Economists of r/Tunisia, What do you think is they best economic strategy for Tunisia right now?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-09 11:11:55 jqwbrl,,18,Amid terror attacks France and Italy are planning to alert the Tunisia migrant vessels," On Friday, The Italian minister, Luciana Lamorgese, and French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin held discussions in Rome. Italy and France are thinking about airplanes and boats to warn Tunisia to reverse the clandestine boats ferrying migrants north to the Italian coasts. Tunisians are escaping their nations due to the coronavirus and its impacts on their economy. This year is the largest contingent of migrants that have been landing in Italy. These migrants are directly coming from Tunisia via boats into Italy. In past years, most of the transients arriving at Italy's southern shores originated from sub-Saharan Africa and traversed the Mediterranean in boats dispatched by traffickers in Libya. Darmanin refused to blame Italy for its treatment of the Tunisian migrants, who arrived on Italy's Lampedusa Island this Sept. They were isolated under pandemic guidelines and got expulsion papers from Italian officials before arriving in France in Oct. I had never thought that there was something inadequate in how Italy dealt with the case, Darmanin stated, reacting to a question at a press meeting with Lamorgese after their discussions. Rather, he expressed gratitude toward Lamorgese and Italy's intelligence services for exchanging data after the Nice attack. Tunisia has been targeted many times by militant attacks and has paid a heavy price for battling against terror groups. Especially for picking the path to freedom and democracy, Darmanin added. Lamorgese stated that during their discussion, they have decided to deploy maritime or air resources that could make the Tunisian officials aware of eventual departures and assist them with blocking the boats, and in their independence that we would prefer not to disregard, she added. Under the arrangement, there would be giving an alert to the Tunisian officials to make it simpler to track the boats that depart from that region to go to the Italian coastline, Lamorgese stated. Both the ministers met a day following French President Emmanuel Macron said that his nation is fortifying its border controls after recent terror attacks. French President Emmanuel Macron had comprehended Muslim outrage at the cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad, however, violence was inadmissible and he'd safeguard his country's freedom, he stated in an interview with Al Jazeera. Many Islamic nations have boycotted French goods in order to protest over the French President's statement on Charlie Hebdo magazine's controversial cartoons. Tunisia is one of the nations that have a repatriation deal with Italy. However, with a huge number of Tunisians showing up via the sea route and about 100 expelled transients are returned to North African countries via air. However, importance has been given to check individuals that are believed to be a threat to the nation. There were no hints that the knife attacker in Nice, Ibrahim Issaoui, posed any such danger, Lamorgese added. During Darmanin's whistle-stop Tunis meeting with ally Taoufik Charfeddine was focused on Tunisia's fight against terrorism and continuous migrant settlement. On Friday, Tunisian civil rights organizations urged the European nations not to pressurize the Tunisian administration concerning the issue of irregular migrants and connecting it to terrorism. **Article Credit:** *South China Morning Post/ The Middle East Monitor/ Arab News* [](",,,,,,2020-11-09 11:57:24 jqwc0o,,11,Good places for a date (tunis),"Hey guys .. so i am a tech student recently moved(me and my girlfriend) to tunisia and i dont know the place very well for now .. We already went to ""malouf"" also the beautiful ""cafe des delices"" and ""centre aida(menzeh 9)"" Since we both study we dont go out that much So can ya'll please suggest some good places because i am not a very big fun of the basic date(coffee shop) I wanna discover good places for pic nic and stuff like that",,,,,,2020-11-09 11:57:58 jqygbw,,63,Deepweb: you can buy what you want / meanwhile in,,,,,,,2020-11-09 14:22:53 jr0wa0,,114,Never doubted it,,,,,,,2020-11-09 16:35:31 jr0wb5,,5,Is there a group in Tunisia that teaches adults how to ride a bike ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-09 16:35:33 jr28zv,,8,The curse has been lifted,,,,,,,2020-11-09 17:42:46 jr3aea,,5,Any news about the curfew ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-09 18:34:26 jr3ah9,,9,Pfizer has announced the covid 19 vaccination,Your thoughts and vision about that? How do you think this vaccin would reach most of countries all over the world ( in our case Tunisia)?,,,,,,2020-11-09 18:34:32 jr4ews,,50,when you visit tayara,,,,,,,2020-11-09 19:30:00 jr5x7v,مسؤول_نسبة_الوفيات_قد_ترتفع_في_الايام_القادمة/,8,مسؤول: نسبة الوفيات قد ترتفع في الايام القادمة,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-09 20:44:16 jr8fmj,,1,أحسن وصفة لإزالة الشعر من الوجه و الجسم من الجدور ب 2 دراهم🤑/لالة نبيلة,,,,,,,2020-11-09 22:51:08 jrcl4i,,1,Its evolving just backwards,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-10 02:44:36 jrftba,,103,Just backwards,,,,,,,2020-11-10 06:16:46 jrhb23,,2,Beautiful Touristic Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-11-10 08:22:12 jri222,,1,What's the legality of lean drink in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-10 09:31:30 jri2w7,,1,test,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-10 09:33:32 jri316,,2,What's the legality of lean drink in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-10 09:33:55 jrjduy,,1,Can someone switch university mid semester?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-10 11:28:56 jrjf3p,,6,Can someone switch university mid semester?,"So after 2 whole months I realized that I didn't like my school ( prepa INSAT ), due to its long hours and hard classes. Is there any chance that I can switch, say to a more easier school ( license en informatique), without losing a whole year?",,,,,,2020-11-10 11:31:51 jrjifo,,70,"An artistic impression of Carthage, Tunisia, one of the mightiest cities in the ancient world. Founded by Canaanite sailors as ""Qart Hadasht"" (new city), its population was a mix of settlers from the coast of Lebanon and Syria, and Imazighen",,,,,,,2020-11-10 11:39:30 jrjm1p,,0,Can someone switch university mid semester?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-10 11:48:00 jrnm1x,,1,Every person is Shepherd,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-10 16:05:57 jrp6um,,1,تبييض الوجه/تبييض الرقبة/إزالة الكلف و آثار الحبوب/تنظيف و تفتيح بشرة ال...,,,,,,,2020-11-10 17:26:14 jrq5md,,1,قصة اميرة ⁦👩‍🦰⁩ وعشقها مع الانترنيت شاهد النهاية,,,,,,,2020-11-10 18:14:17 jrs8qk,,0,Aïcha Atiia is pregnant...⟨just a tip for the dumb ass who impregnated her⟩,,,,,,,2020-11-10 19:58:08 jrucv2,,4,Riles/Rilès,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-10 21:44:58 js385y,,142,Atleast our priorities are clear,,,,,,,2020-11-11 06:43:14 js3sx4,,5,Tunisian paypal,,,,,,,2020-11-11 07:30:43 js5895,,1,شركة نقل عفش بالرياض | اليمامة 0555815170 خصم 70% فك و تغليف ونقل الاثاث بالرياض,,,,,,,2020-11-11 09:36:54 js60ex,,9,"Tour of Commonwealth War Graves in Béja & Medjez-el-Bab, Tunisia, North Africa for Armistice Day 2020",,,,,,,2020-11-11 10:45:31 js6x8g,,27,مشروع قصة مصورة تونسية تتصورو تنجم تنجح؟,,,,,,,2020-11-11 12:02:52 jsbexi,,1,💻🖨🖳 Hardware donations,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-11 16:37:47 jsbia7,,0,Hardware donations,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-11 16:42:35 jsbmam,,9,💻🖨🖳 Hardware donations,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-11 16:48:12 jscaw3,,8,My coworker wants to visit Tunisia," I am a tunisian living in france and my chinese coworker wants to visit tunisia. She asked me if it is safe for women. I said yes (please correct me if wrong). She may ask me later about what to visit and is there any common circuits. So I woud ask you what do you recommend? I already feel a little ashamed of what she will see : dirty streets, a bad transport, curious people.. Do you have any advice for her?",,,,,,2020-11-11 17:22:28 jsfls1,,43,The battle of Zama in Tunisia (Siliana),,,,,,,2020-11-11 20:06:15 jskr97,,14,Hoe do i ask politely for a condom in a pharmacy ?,,,,,,,2020-11-12 00:58:06 jsr238,,21,"In order to make a parental control of program, i need every swear word I can get in Tunisian. So do your worst, give me ""klam zayid"". If you can include ""kofr"", do . And remember, it's for a good cause.",,,,,,,2020-11-12 08:20:37 jssg55,,12,"UN organizes Libya talks in Tunisia, making way for lasting peace","UN opened peace talks between the warring factions of Libya. The talk was organised in the neighbouring Tunisia to prepare ground for fair and peaceful elections. For months UN has been trying to reach cease-fire agreement between the two opposing sides, one headed by warlord General Khalifa Haftar and other by Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj. UN finally succeeded in October when the rival forces agreed to the cease-fire agreement, which further allowed the country to resume its oil production and take necessary steps to move away from a decade of political deadlock. In a video message, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres told Libyan delegates, “You have gathered today to continue forging a new era of peace and stability for Libya. You have the opportunity to end a tragic conflict and create a future of dignity and hope” “Now it is your turn to shape the future of your country. Your commitment to this process will help restore Libyan sovereignty and the democratic legitimacy of Libyan institutions. As you engage in dialogue to resolve your differences, your determination will be tested,” he added. The North African country has been a victim to years of conflict and civil war, which started with the downfall of long-time Libyan autocrat Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. The situation worsened with the emergence of war-like scenario between the rival groups, since the siege of the Libyan capital Tripoli which began in April last year. The head of the UN mission in Libya, Stephanie Williams said the aim of the meeting was to make way for a peaceful government to lead the nation. The meeting, which was attended by 75 Libyan delegates, focused on creation of an executive body, which was “capable of organizing elections and implementing the political, economic and military reforms necessary to bring some normalcy back to Libyans’ lives”. She said, “The overriding aim of the National Political Programme is to renew political legitimacy by holding national elections, within an agreed timeframe”. She added, ““Every day cooperation is increasing, and the transformation of the 5+5 into the ‘group of 10’ is more than just a slogan; it is a reality… The new government will launch national reconciliation, combat corruption, and restore public services. Its progress will be monitored; its work will be reviewed on a regular basis by mechanisms that can hold it to account.”",,,,,,2020-11-12 10:33:13 jssq8t,,7,Concerning a post about data collection of control-parental software,"I couldn't comment because the moderators deactivated the comments, but there's a great idea I found there, about creating a Tunisian urban dictionary, and people could contribute there. here's the comment, [\_order\_to\_make\_a\_parental\_control\_of\_program\_i/gc14x5p?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](",,,,,,2020-11-12 10:59:59 jst1y2,,5,tUniSia is NoT a fAiLeD sTaTe,,,,,,,2020-11-12 11:29:05 jsvd53,,74,,"Just read a thread posted by someone about creating a long list of Tunisian slang words for his parental control software. The thread is now locked to avoid spam and to avoid breaking rules as a result. This gave me the idea to create a simple web service containing every slang word for later usage along with their definition. Much like [****](**,** [****]( domain is available for purchase. I just bought it. I'll be posting an update about this later with a form for you guys to start adding words directly to database. This can later serve as a source to many services looking to block/regulate Tunisian words.",,,,,,2020-11-12 14:19:23 jswczr,,1,can someone guide me on how to get these documents?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-12 15:18:13 jszdfl,,1,?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-12 17:54:56 jt0jov,,1,Un été à la Goulette (1996) : Fatma Ben Saïdane & Sarah Pariente,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-12 18:52:10 jt0lfu,,22,Un été à la goulette (1996) : Fatma Ben Saïdane & Sarah Pariente,,,,,,,2020-11-12 18:54:32 jt0rh7,,1,Queen Abir is the greatest orator that has ever lived,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-12 19:02:32 jt0spf,,0,Queen Abir is the greatest orator that has ever orated,,,,,,,2020-11-12 19:04:14 jtdahx,,14,"My recent tour of Dar El Lamma: a boutique luxury hotel (Maison d'Hôtes) in Ras Jebel, Bizerte. Beautiful!",,,,,,,2020-11-13 08:03:39 jtdi10,,76,Not mine but I thought they're cool,,,,,,,2020-11-13 08:22:35 jtkcno,,1,رسالة من أم عجوز إلى ابنها (رسالة حزينة على كل شاب او فتاة سماعها ) أن ك...,,,,,,,2020-11-13 17:44:15 jtkj2o,,18,Does Libya talks reach breakthrough in Tunisia? ( my photo),,,,,,,2020-11-13 17:53:18 jtkx8o,,1,أجواء أكبر تحضيرات الحفل🎊بيتنا أصبح أكبر مسبح بالونات شوفو زوجي فاجئني ب...,,,,,,,2020-11-13 18:13:32 jtoa9p,,86,Mlewi,,,,,,,2020-11-13 20:56:46 jtywco,,8,Interesting Zoom conference on the digitalization of Tunisia's government institutions on Monday the 16th !,"[\_id=1605300253004948&notif\_t=plan\_edited&ref=notif]( lundi de 18:30 UTC+01 à 20:30 UTC+01 sur ZOOM Public · Organisé par [**Dauphine Culture**]( et [**Institut français de Tunisie**]( WEBINAR ""Le Patrimoine tunisien et les nouveaux usages numériques"" La Tunisie, pays dont l'histoire est très riche, a vu se succéder des civilisations marquantes qui ont laissé des traces importantes aussi bien au niveau du patrimoine matériel qu’immatériel. Malheureusement, ce patrimoine important, nous disent les experts, est en péril car souvent mal conservé, et pas assez mis en valeur pour qu'il constitue un vrai levier économique pour le pays. Par ailleurs, la Tunisie affiche son ambition de moderniser son administration par l'outil numérique et la digitalisation de sa gestion. Comment peut-on l'appliquer à la conservation du Patrimoine Tunisien ? Plusieurs programmes concernant le Patrimoine ont ainsi été élaborés, dont le projet d’inventaire numérisé ""Virgil"". Où en sommes nous aujourd’hui ? Quelle est l'expérience de la France dans ce domaine ? \-------- Intervenants -------- 📷 Soumaya Gharsallah-Hizem / Architecte - Chercheur en muséologie, médiation et patrimoine 📷 Mohamed Ali MIdani / Directeur exécutif - Digital Cultural Experience 📷 Guillaume Bourgeois / Maître de conférence à l'Université de Poitiers , chef de projet l'Atlas Historique de la Nouvelle Aquitaine 📷 Bénédicte Dumeige / Experte-Consultante en stratégie culturelle et artistique, Professeur à l'Institut Paris Dauphine/Tunis. \-------- Modérateur -------- 📷 Sélim Gribâa - Diplômé du Master Management des Organisations culturelles 2020, Université Dauphine Tunis. 📷 La rencontre est gratuite et ouverte à tous. Sur ZOOM par le lien suivant : ([](",,,,,,2020-11-14 08:36:49 ju3g3k,,1,عيد ميلادي أنا 🎊شاركتكم أجمل لحضات عيد ميلادي🎊راجلي شبع شطيح شعبي/الجزء 3,,,,,,,2020-11-14 15:17:30 ju4rjc,,1,"Using Company's phone, material, property, resources for personal use",,,,,,,2020-11-14 16:38:30 ju5hxt,,21,Flouci,"Hey guys, can someone please explain to me the innovative aspect of this new platform? As far as i understood it's sth like apple pay? but in that sense wouldn't it be crippled by the businesses current lack of adaptation?",,,,,,2020-11-14 17:22:10 ju5io8,,4,Est ce qu'il y a une limite de reception des colis à une echelle personnelle de l'étranger ?,"Salut tout le monde, Je veux savoir depuis vos expériences, pour les petits colis de 1 à 3 kilos est ce qu'il y a une limite à l'echelle personnelle qu'on ne doit pas la dépasser lors de la réception et quand ils nous obligent de payer des frais. Ils m'ont facturé 4dt ou 6dt et une fois 38 dt (pour 5 kilos) j'ai pas pu conclure la formule.",,,,,,2020-11-14 17:23:18 ju816e,,1,عيد ميلادي أنا 🎊شاركتكم أجمل لحضات عيد ميلادي🎊راجلي شبع شطيح شعبي/الجزء 3,,,,,,,2020-11-14 19:50:33 ju8bfj,,1,"Nothing to see here, keep going.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-14 20:06:38 ju9ai7,,112,"Small in size, but huge in its natural wealth, an uncharted paradise in Tunisia: Jalta island",,,,,,,2020-11-14 21:03:53 ju9lxm,,15,Situation is under control,,,,,,,2020-11-14 21:23:00 ju9vh7,,0,Crowd reaction when Abir randomly walks into a restaurant with her family,,,,,,,2020-11-14 21:39:10 juaehe,,3,Who do you think impregnated Aicha Attia ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-11-14 22:11:55 jubnpl,,1,اكواد اكستريم XTREAM CODE IPTV تعمل لمده طويله لكل الباقات العربيه والعالميه 2021 ☑️,,,,,,,2020-11-14 23:30:47 jujiee,,5,Who or what is”Big Boss”???,Been seeing a lot of Big Boss Graffiti in Bizerte. What or who is that? My speculation it’s a last level person in a video game you need to defeat here whilst traveling the country.,,,,,,2020-11-15 09:46:57 jukrzx,,8,Using jwebi to send a smartphone to Tunisia,Hey there. Had anyone tried jwebi to send electronics to tunisia? Is there any additional fees? Customs fees?,,,,,,2020-11-15 11:54:58 jukxjo,,24,Tunisian kamya at the Tunis Buniess hotel (Mont plaisir),,,,,,,2020-11-15 12:08:44 julsbq,,80,Sorry for the shit post but it so damn true,,,,,,,2020-11-15 13:21:53 junc7x,,0,لقد اقتحمت المنطقة 51 وكانت أغرب مما كنت أتخيل,,,,,,,2020-11-15 15:14:21 junoji,,2,Trying you tube platform as a hobby,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-15 15:35:41 juowkp,,72,My New sunflowers are growing ! 🧡💛❤🌻,,,,,,,2020-11-15 16:49:23 juq3oy,,13,"With government backing, a Cartel is controlling the market raising production costs by 48% for smaller Tunisian producers.",,,,,,,2020-11-15 17:57:02 jurwwk,اجمل_حكايات_العروي_التي_لم_تسجل/,1,اجمل حكايات العروي التي لم تسجل,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-15 19:39:15 jutjvp,,0,افضل تطبيق لمشاهدة مباريات كرة القدم 2020 لا يفوووتك ✅,,,,,,,2020-11-15 21:07:28 juus36,,11,Eccentric Tunisians online.,"Can you share weird/different, but interesting Tunisian YouTubers. Like someone with couple of 100 views on each video, but still committing to sharing their knowledge on a completely unpopular subject. I once found the channel ‘’ and it’s interesting also this guy is pretty committed to sharing music tutorials this one is pretty new, but I am already liking it",,,,,,2020-11-15 22:17:29 jv316z,,4,WHAT is all this sudden talk about abortion and divorces in media?,,,,,,,2020-11-16 07:56:20 jv4awk,,194,In Tunisia we have introduced a world first new link between underground railway and bus transportation...,,,,,,,2020-11-16 09:59:51 jv4v26,,8,Is tunisas forest cover growing or shrinking,,,,,,,2020-11-16 10:52:52 jv50j8,,9,Borj Cedria - Tunisia's Only German World War II Military Cemetery (video tour),,,,,,,2020-11-16 11:06:54 jv6ldo,,10,What kind of regime would you like?,Tunisian tend to be very difficult when it comes to politics. I am very curious to know what kind of regime you would like to see in the future and why?,,,,,,2020-11-16 13:18:42 jva70o,,3,Can anybody tell me about the phosphate production currently going on in Gabes?,"Hello, I am doing a policy brief on current environmental issues around the world and one that I was given had to do with the production of phosphate in Gabes. I know a good amount about it, but if anyone knows anything else I would love to hear from a first or second hand account. Thank you!",,,,,,2020-11-16 16:52:51 jvanpb,,1,Tunisian Forests,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-16 17:16:46 jvb3a7,,1,Tunisian Forests,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-16 17:38:45 jvbhk0,,1,شاب 14 سنة و هوا تاجر مخدرات وفي الاخير مات و هو ساجد .ماذا فعلة عائلته...,,,,,,,2020-11-16 17:59:31 jvbt8r,,0,Concours tunisien/thème : violence contre la femme/délai le 20 novembre,,,,,,,2020-11-16 18:15:46 jvermc,,3,negative covid test upon arrival to Tunisia,"Hi, I'm going to travel to Tunisia in December. I've read that everyone entering Tunisia is required to present a negative covid test upon arrival. does anyone here know if the language of the test matters? does it need to be translated to English, French or Arabic or can it be in my native language?",,,,,,2020-11-16 20:45:02 jvgfmh,,11,Tunisian men and women have you ever had a relationship with a black person ? If yes how did you meet? did your family oppose it ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-16 22:12:07 jvk1h5,,8,Football Casters skills were on point back in the day,,,,,,,2020-11-17 01:43:43 jvnfcd,,14,2010 law giving citizienship to children of tunesian parents,soo my mum is tunesian but lives in germany and i havent been in tunesia since 2004/5 and wanted to ask if i have the tunesian citizienship even though i wasnt born there and was born before the law was enacted,,,,,,2020-11-17 05:31:04 jvoj1p,,4,Need some help on E-shopping on Amazon. Please,"So, on Amazon I saw this Graphics Card (XFX RX 5700 XT THICC III ULTRA), that costs $410 with the mentioned Shipping & Import Fees Deposit to Tunisia being $135. I wish to know, if I order one, will I get it at the post? And will need to pay some additional fees to retrieve it please? Thanks",,,,,,2020-11-17 07:01:17 jvpn7s,,1,The UAE uses talented State-sponsored Influencers to increase tourism and foreign direct investments...should we give it a try ?,,,,,,,2020-11-17 08:42:14 jvqhck,,0,"Looking for web, android and iOS developers.","Hey everyone, Hope you’re doing well and staying safe. I’m looking for experiences web, android and iOS developers to discuss and maybe start working on a potential project.",,,,,,2020-11-17 10:01:54 jvqlul,,1,روتيني اليومي المغربي 🇲🇦راجلي باغي يتعلم😊عجباتك و اليوم عطيتكم أسرارها😉ل...,,,,,,,2020-11-17 10:13:33 jvqlw0,,1,A little piece of heaven (sound on),[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-17 10:13:39 jvqrq0,,1,"Dua and supplication during problems, worry and troubles",,,,,,,2020-11-17 10:28:39 jvr5lh,,17,good psychiatrist for self confidence problems and behavior problems,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-17 11:03:15 jvrt24,,0,"How to correctly mount the LED bulbs using the phase detector, avoiding malfunctions",,,,,,,2020-11-17 12:00:52 jvt8ab,,30,"Tunisia is big enough, and its image in our minds must be even bigger!",,,,,,,2020-11-17 13:46:44 jvt9ct,,142,Who are those guys posing for a photo with Lotfi Bouchnak 🤔,,,,,,,2020-11-17 13:48:45 jvtyb3,,12,Recent tunisian success stories ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-17 14:32:44 jvv25q,,1,"seriously this got me dead, pov imagine he's voice saying it",,,,,,,2020-11-17 15:36:05 jvxkhn,,1,Forget your worries,,,,,,,2020-11-17 17:48:54 jvyoyv,,7,Who's on strava ?,Need some cycling/running buddies,,,,,,2020-11-17 18:45:45 jw4srq,,1,Driver's education in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-18 00:00:21 jwarrd,,30,"the map of Tunisia looks so different in Carthage palace, right ???",,,,,,,2020-11-18 06:28:49 jwblok,,1,Native English Teacher Jobs,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-18 07:40:07 jwjyty,,0,أسرار في هذا العالم لن يتم الكشف عنها لك ... مهما حدث,,,,,,,2020-11-18 17:23:38 jwlq4h,,9,How the Quran can be interpreted in different ways :," ***Par Sami Bibi -*** Dans une interview accordée à la chaine Attassia, l’artiste tunisienne Amel Alouane a affirmé avoir été harcelée et agressée verbalement par son supérieur hiérarchique à la télévision nationale tunisienne. Par ailleurs, elle a dénoncé une pratique (qui serait) courante en Tunisie, en violation quotidienne de toutes les lois qui protègent les femmes et garantissent, dans une large mesure, l’égalité entre les sexes. Sur la page FB de la même chaine, les réactions des internautes ont été très diverses. Plusieurs ont manifesté un soutien inconditionnel à l’artiste et un rejet sans équivoque de la violence. Malheureusement, d’autres, aussi nombreux, ont renvoyé la responsabilité de cet acte infâme, criminalisé par la loi tunisienne, à l’artiste elle-même... car elle exagère, elle milite pour plus de libertés pour les femmes, elle défend certaines libertés mais pas toutes les libertés, elle ne s’habille pas d’une façon décente, elle est contre la religion, etc. Un internaute a même utilisé le verset S4-V34 pour justifier la violence subie par Mme Alouane: « Les hommes ont autorité sur les femmes, en raison des faveurs qu'Allah accorde à ceux-là sur celles-ci, et aussi à cause des dépenses qu'ils font de leurs biens. Les femmes vertueuses sont obéissantes (à leurs maris), et protègent ce qui doit être protégé, pendant l'absence de leurs époux, avec la protection d'Allah. Et quant à celles dont vous craignez la désobéissance, exhortez-les, éloignez-vous d'elles dans leurs lits et frappez-les. Si elles arrivent à vous obéir, alors ne cherchez plus de voie contre elles, car Allah est certes, Haut et Grand ! » S4-V34 Les violences faites aux femmes ne sont pas spécifiques à la société tunisienne ou arabo-musulmane. Même dans les pays les plus progressistes au monde, le chemin vers une société plus respectueuse de l’intégrité physique et morale des femmes continue à être parsemé d’embûches. Dans les sociétés arabo-musulmanes, le plus grave est que cette violence habite toujours la conscience de plusieurs de nos compatriotes (y compris de sexe féminin) et elle a même Dieu pour gardien; comme l’interprétation quasi-unanime du verset S4-V34 le prouve. Cet usage de la religion pour justifier les violences à l’encontre des femmes m’a profondément choqué. Après plus de 60 ans de la promulgation du code du statut personnel, il est non seulement affligeant que nous ayons encore à en débattre, mais, en plus, il est le sombre témoin de l’archaïsme de la société arabo-musulmane la plus progressiste en matière de droits des femmes. Et pourtant, tous les musulmans s’accordent à dire que l’une des finalités principales des versets coraniques, après la croyance en un Dieu unique, est l’établissement de la justice entre les humains: « Nous avons effectivement envoyé Nos Messagers avec des preuves évidentes, et fait descendre avec eux le Livre et la balance, afin que les gens établissent la justice. » S57-V25. On est donc en droit de s’attendre à ce que l’interprétation du verset S4-V34 soit cohérente avec le message véhiculé par verset S57-V25. Nous devons même nous attendre à ce que tous nos textes sacrés doivent concourir à l’élévation de nos esprits et non à ce qu’ils participent à la consécration d’une société misogyne et patriarcale. Enfin, comment serait-il possible de justifier qu’un verset du Livre qui renferme la parole incréée de Dieu, quand bien même s’agirait-il d’un seul verset, autoriserait, voire même conseillerait à un homme de frapper sa femme, et par extension une femme, même sous certaines conditions limitées! Comme l’avait bien recommandé Averroès depuis le 12ème siècle, le seul moyen de préserver le caractère sacré et transcendant du Coran est de réinterpréter continuellement ses textes à la lumières des évolutions scientifiques et sociétales. Comme nous allons le voir avec le verset S4-V34, l’une des principales originalités du Coran est qu’il s’y prête magnifiquement bien à la réinterprétation de tous ses textes. Le Coran est, en effet, un texte aphoristique. Il ne peut donc être déchiffré du seul fait qu’on le lise car son message ne doit pas être systématiquement pris au premier degré. C’est alors que doit commencer son interprétation. Il faut tout d’abord noter que le mot arabe « Al-Rijalou » ne désigne pas systématiquement dans le Coran le genre masculin. À plusieurs endroits, ce mot désigne un groupe de personnes (hommes et/ou femmes) de premier plan. Ces personnes sont des décideurs, des commandants, des professeurs, des dirigeants d’entreprise… car, selon le cas, elles sont les plus rusées (raison militaire), compétentes… ou parce qu’elles sont propriétaires du capital (chef d’entreprise). Dans le cas du verset S4-V34, c’est la raison de la « Kawama »,  soit la responsabilité financière de la famille, qui fait que la personne (qu’elle soit un homme ou une femme) soit du nombre des « Rijals ». Le mot « Al-Nissaa » ne désigne pas, non plus, systématiquement le genre féminin. Dans plusieurs versets, ce mot désigne plutôt un groupe de personnes de second plan ou subalternes (soldats, salariés, étudiants…). Le mot « Kawamoun » dérivé du mot arabe « Kawama » signifie avoir une compétence ou une richesse financière qui légitime une position de premier plan ou la détention d’un pouvoir de décision. Dans la première phrase du verset S4-V34, Dieu SWT nous parle d’une personne (homme ou femme)  qui dispose du pouvoir de décision dans son foyer car elle a la responsabilité  de la charge financière du couple (ou de la famille). Dans la seconde partie de ce verset, Dieu SWT précise les règles à suivre si cette responsabilité revient à une femme. L’usage du genre féminin à partir du mot « Al-Salihatou »  prouve qu’il d’agit d’une famille ayant une femme comme principale (ou unique) soutien. Dans le contexte de ce verset, ce mot ne signifie pas les pieuses mais, plutôt, les femmes qui disposent légitimement du pouvoir de décision au sein de leur foyer car elles sont les pourvoyeuses principales (ou uniques) de leur famille. L’expression « Takhafouna Nouchouzahonna » indique le cas d’un homme qui craint un comportement prétentieux de la part de sa conjointe, ou même un certain mépris, eu égard à sa position financière dominante. Le verbe « Dharaba » utilisé à la fin du verset est évidement le plus problématique. Ce verbe peut bien signifier frapper physiquement. Cependant, cette idée s’oppose à plusieurs versets coraniques qui prônent l’établissement de la justice entre tous les humains (comme le verset S57-V25, parmi tant d’autres) et l’obligation de respecter les femmes. Comme plusieurs mots arabes, le verbe « Dharaba » est polysémique et peut signifier, selon le contexte, élever, insinuer, éloigner, etc. Dans le cas du verset S4-V34, les islamologues [Al Ajami]( et [Mohamed Chahrour]( retiennent la traduction éloignez-vous d’elles ou quittez les.  Les deux islamologues (et bien d’autres) justifient leur choix de traduction pour des raisons de cohérence avec plusieurs autres versets coraniques où ce verbe signifie bien quitter. Lorsqu’on dit, par exemple, « Dharaba Al-Ardha » cela signifie que le sujet a quitté sa terre (ou sa ville). Dès lors, la bonne traduction du verset S4-V34 devient: « Les personnes du premier plan ont autorité/avantage sur les personnes du second plan, en raison des faveurs que Dieu accorde aux premiers par rapport aux seconds, et aussi en raison des charges (financières) qui leurs incombent. Les femmes qui ont légitimement cette charge sont obéissantes (à leur mari), et protègent ce qui doit être protégé, pendant l'absence de leur époux, avec la protection de Dieu. Et quant à celles dont vous craignez la prétention, exhortez-les, éloignez-vous d'elles dans leur lit et quittez-les. Si elles arrivent à vous obéir, alors ne cherchez plus d’alibis (injustifiés) contre elles, car Dieu est certes, Haut et Grand! » Pour conclure, quiconque utilise ce verset pour justifier la moindre violence contre les femmes est dans son tort. Il interprète, consciemment ou inconsciemment, le message coranique à la lumière de certaines traditions archaïques et non pas à la lumière des valeurs universelles cohérentes avec la volonté divine d’établir la justice entre les humains ! **Sami Bibi** *Universitaire*",,,,,,2020-11-18 18:51:08 jwlvxc,,1,Best Psycotherapist (& sexologist) in Tunis ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-18 18:59:03 jwman5,,58,Sup Tunisian gamers,,,,,,,2020-11-18 19:18:54 jwmmuk,,1,Best Psycotherapist/sexologist in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-18 19:35:08 jwov1i,,26,This report by France 3 will draw a smile on your face.,,,,,,,2020-11-18 21:27:56 jwqkrt,,1,Best Psycotherapist & sexologist in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-18 22:59:40 jwqvah,,1,Best psycotherapist & sexologist in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-18 23:15:10 jx1mvw,,0,Amv louled khadminha chaine jdida some help,,,,,,,2020-11-19 12:14:28 jx1ryq,,52,"on p8 road on the way to Sidi Ali Mekki, Summer 2020",,,,,,,2020-11-19 12:25:23 jx21nq,,1,Best Psycotherapist & sexologist in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-19 12:45:43 jx22f9,,4,What do you believe is the better option ?,"Say why in the comments [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-11-19 12:47:18 jx624p,,104,Some dude in Beja was growing Marijuana in yogourt pots,,,,,,,2020-11-19 16:39:47 jx8qdn,,1,Best Psycotherapist & sexologist in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-19 18:54:13 jx8ufi,,1,Best Psycotherapist sexologist in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-19 19:00:00 jx9oii,,3,"Great docuseries that while watching I couldn’t help but think or wonder what similar competitions do we have in TN. Do we have anything similar to celebrate our humanity and if not, then why not, what’s stopping us?",,,,,,,2020-11-19 19:42:47 jx9zvd,,1,شكون يلعب؟🙂,,,,,,,2020-11-19 19:59:15 jxc3ut,,6,orthodontics in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-19 21:49:50 jxdavl,,1,North african discord server!,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-19 22:55:46 jxl2je,,4,Internet in Nabeul,Hello everyone. I will move in Nabeul soon and I need to know which internet provider is the best in town. Right now I live in Hammamet Sud and i have the Telekom/Orange over the phone line with a maximum of 12 mb bandwidth. I come originally from Romania where we have crazy fast and cheap internet. I just want to know what are my options about speed/price in Nabeul. Thank you.,,,,,,2020-11-20 07:54:50 jxli0b,,9,Best psycotherapist & sexologiste in Tunis ?,"Looking for some efficient clinical psychologists/psycotherapists that some of you might checked at or know someone who did(it'd be greater if they have/use knowledge about jung's psychology). If you also know the ""frais de consultation"", that'd be very kind of you ❤️ Arigato",,,,,,2020-11-20 08:33:31 jxlmms,,53,This is so promising...,,,,,,,2020-11-20 08:45:26 jxn53v,,3,Exploring Abandoned Tanks in Tunisia (Cold War Era M48 Patton ): Urbex,,,,,,,2020-11-20 11:05:58 jxnd2u,,11,"Dr. Paul Elvis Tangem, Coordinator of the Great Green Wall Initiative at the African Union, Discussing His Work in De-Desertification and Greening the Sahara",,,,,,,2020-11-20 11:25:06 jxwy5c,,202,Choko fi 9gag 😂,,,,,,,2020-11-20 20:35:24 jy6zyd,,20,I suck at life need advice need your Tn opinions,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-21 07:45:47 jy7usm,,5,An excellent article by Leaders.,,,,,,,2020-11-21 09:10:04 jyasty,,30,How socially conservative is Tunisia exactly?,"What is an average Tunisian's stance on feminism, LGBTQ rights, racism, ethnic discrimination, etc? Is there widespread discrimination against women, gay people, ethnic, religious minorities? Also, does Islam play a significant role in people's lives? Are women required to cover up, is eating pork or drinking frowned upon? Is Sharia law present in any form in Tunisia's legislature? Thanks in advance, A curious Bulgarian guy.",,,,,,2020-11-21 13:33:54 jybbqm,,1,روتيني اليومي من سويسرا روتين مشمش / شوف آش شريت⁉️😊فيديو مقتطف من قناتي ...,,,,,,,2020-11-21 14:09:29 jydmt5,,89,Yummy 😋🇹🇳🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-11-21 16:31:12 jyejtt,,1,Éducation en ligne,,,,,,,2020-11-21 17:21:58 jyf06b,,1,Kek,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-21 17:46:48 jyfijy,,9,alcoholism 101,,,,,,,2020-11-21 18:14:53 jyg1p1,,11,Kek,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-21 18:43:32 jyg6i7,,5,payment methods for international platforms and online stores.,"hi everyone, so I wanted to ask if anyone in Tunisia has a method that he can use to pay for subscriptions such as Netflix Spotify, apple music, Hulu, and buying games from steam or epic games... if there is a card from any bank or something like that please let me know.",,,,,,2020-11-21 18:50:45 jygbh5,,3,Looking for help,"Hello fellow Tunisian redditors. I'm renovating my apartment (full blown MRAMMA) and I'm looking for someone that can do aluminum windows (preferably someone you already know or worked with) and for someone that can do ""faux plafond"" Can you help me with this? I'll share before and after photos when the construction works are done!",,,,,,2020-11-21 18:58:22 jyhc50,,0,Open minded people,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-21 19:53:56 jyhqp3,,1,روتيني اليومي مغربية في سويسرا 🇲🇦🇨🇭,,,,,,,2020-11-21 20:17:11 jyi6em,,2,cryptocurrency in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-21 20:42:44 jyk6ij,,1,مشاء الله,,,,,,,2020-11-21 22:40:58 jynpxu,,77,This just happened in a studying slack group,,,,,,,2020-11-22 02:21:02 jyvltp,,18,Mental health in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-22 13:26:08 jyvmtk,,2,Another episode breaking down the Tunisian systemic corruption ( agricultural land ownership ),,,,,,,2020-11-22 13:28:14 jyvq0d,,11,"A year ago, Tunisia played its first international American Football game vs Morocco, on national TV",,,,,,,2020-11-22 13:34:55 jyw1kx,,73,This meme is out of control,,,,,,,2020-11-22 13:58:33 jywbge,,5,Any advice?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-22 14:17:21 jyx7to,,1,2020/2021,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-22 15:16:44 jyxfif,,14,I have never felt like I am truly Tunisian,"I am a 14 year-old Tunisian girl , I have never gone to any other country , however , I don't feel like I belong to this country . I rarely go out and meet people , the only place I go to is my (private) middle school , I don't know what is going on in this country , I even don't know how public middle schools are . I don't follow Tunisian media , I speak English more than I speak the Tunisian dialect . I have always been living in my utopian fantasy world that I forget the fact that I am from a real country . Even in my own country , I feel like an intruder (I always feel like this since I am autistic) , I don't feel safe here …",,,,,,2020-11-22 15:29:42 jyynsb,,1,Is it permissible to give bribe for getting Job or Contract?,,,,,,,2020-11-22 16:42:02 jz121j,,3,Helping out the furry loves,"Is anyone here travelling to the UK from Tunisia? The North African Rescue Animals charity is looking for volunteers to help them transport unwanted cats and dogs over to the UK for the chance at a better home. Volunteers are low due to the quarantine requirements but if anyone who has upcoming travel booked can offer their services, you would be making a massive difference.",,,,,,2020-11-22 18:52:28 jz1ydc,,67,One of Tunisia’s priorities is to improve the public transportation system. We have more than 2 million cars (around 2.5m in 2016 and 70% are in Tunis) and the infrastructure isn’t following.,,,,,,,2020-11-22 19:41:27 jz52x6,,16,"Facebook Bug Bounty Program - The top three countries based on bounties awarded this year are India, Tunisia and the US.",,,,,,,2020-11-22 22:31:04 jz6t8i,,1,Redditors who live abroad what do you do when you miss home?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-23 00:12:34 jz6v01,,1,mental health in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-23 00:15:28 jzccoc,,6,"My fellow tunisians, anyone on ps4 that plays overwatch in Silver rank?",I used to play destiny and i dont mind buying the last expansion if you play it too...,,,,,,2020-11-23 06:18:35 jzf0l5,,126,"We've made it, bois",,,,,,,2020-11-23 10:08:18 jzgrmh,,7,The upcoming national debate MUST tackle this.. Idgaf if ur secularist or islamist just bring us a new economic pattern,,,,,,,2020-11-23 12:32:32 jzidzb,,1,Mixed couple with Tunisian girl,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-23 14:18:17 jzju0y,,11,"About the bus accident downtown, here is a video I took a week ago explain everything",,,,,,,2020-11-23 15:38:01 jzl344,,11,"Visiting Tunisia in January, i have some questions.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-23 16:42:25 jzmjqo,,1,كذبت عليكم في هاد الموضوع ⁉️ مغربية في سويسرا🤫الله يهدي ماخلق🤲🏻,,,,,,,2020-11-23 17:51:53 jzo2rc,,4,Question,"Anyone can send me the memes of ""Hello,Why you dont reply,the president of country Tunisia died""?",,,,,,2020-11-23 19:06:31 jzokux,,1,Can anyone tell me what comes first the hobbies or the LOTR?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-23 19:32:00 jzolzj,,1,Can anyone tells me what comes first the hobbit or the LOTR?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-23 19:33:36 jzooic,,1,كذبت عليكم كذبة باينة 😂 مغربية في سويسرا / درت بنصيحة الواليدة دخلو سمعو...,,,,,,,2020-11-23 19:37:06 jzot2z,,5,just an idea,if ai and deep faking and all of that advances we need to make a sbo3i v2,,,,,,2020-11-23 19:42:55 jzpr8c,,2,any recc of good diagnoses in nabeul?,I'm looking for one to get diagnosed cuz i may either have autism or adhd,,,,,,2020-11-23 20:28:43 jzpsxv,,5,what do y'all think of socialism?,,,,,,,2020-11-23 20:31:05 jzqmit,,4,Tunisian Recipies,I am very interested in Tunisian cuisine. Looking for recipes that people would be willing to share.,,,,,,2020-11-23 21:12:22 jztdxx,,8,Tunisian frank ocean stan ? Join this tunisian facebook group :>,"If you're a frank ocean listener in tunisia and you're looking for an outlet to share memes and his latest releases ,check out this facebook group i just made, dedicated to us frank stans in tunisia ****",,,,,,2020-11-23 23:37:24 jztgy5,,1,Looking for a Mac laptop to RENT!,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-23 23:42:04 jzysxx,,16,"Any Tunisians living in Canberra, Australia?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-24 05:14:38 k05e1y,,11,How to get paid from Upwork?,So lately I have visited Upwork and I noticed that there are many Tunisians working out there. I am wondering how they are able to get paid despite the very limited conditions of our country. Can someone illuminate us in this matter please? Thank you in advance!,,,,,,2020-11-24 13:55:02 k06yrb,,99,Tunis night 🇹🇳🤩,,,,,,,2020-11-24 15:24:03 k095qs,,3,The honest tourism poster ( photo of a friend of mine) very good for Borat 3,,,,,,,2020-11-24 17:14:31 k0a6z5,,11,How old are you?,"Let's find out how old people are on this subreddit. [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-11-24 18:05:33 k0bqk7,,4,Legal advice:," I need to retrieve a court case decision, where the defendant is my brother. Can I just go to the court secretariat and ask for a copy, or do I need a procurement from my brother?",,,,,,2020-11-24 19:21:18 k0c8ho,,3,Where to find almond milk ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-24 19:45:32 k0clkx,,4,SKATE SHOP,Where can I find a skate shop in tunisia?,,,,,,2020-11-24 20:03:41 k0d98c,,15,We are famous guys,,,,,,,2020-11-24 20:38:21 k0dhur,,0,"Il y a cinq ans, 12 agents de la Garde présidentielle périssaient dans un attentat",,,,,,,2020-11-24 20:51:10 k0disu,,21,This country is soul crushing.,,,,,,,2020-11-24 20:52:31 k0e9c8,,2,Where can I learn about the contemporary history of Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-24 21:30:54 k0f7bq,,2,Best destination after corona !,,,,,,,2020-11-24 22:21:58 k0isid,,125,I made a freedom of expression tier list of arab countries!. Posted it on r/Arabs but ironically it got deleted.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-25 01:55:46 k0o17z,,45,Blogger jailed in Tunisia for exposing MB extremist imam," The Tunisian blogger Wajdi Mahouechi has been sentenced to two years in prison for posting a Facebook video deemed offensive by a Tunis court last week. Several human rights organizations, both locally and internationally, condemned the Tunis court decision, describing it as a clear limitation of freedom of expression. Human Rights Watch reported on November 24 that Mahouechi, 31, as a frequent commentator on issues of public interest, posted a video early November on his Facebook page denouncing a Tunis public prosecutor’s failure to arrest and open an investigation against a local imam linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, who was justifying the assassination of people offending the Prophet Muhammad for Muslims. Prosecutors rather charged Mahouechi with “accusing officials of crimes without providing proof,” “offending others via telecommunications networks,” “public calumny,” and “insulting an officer on duty.” The charges stem from the penal code as well as Tunisia’s 2001 telecommunications code, HRW reported. “Tunisia’s legal codes are rife with vague laws that the authorities use to penalize free speech and silence critical voices,” Eric Goldstein, acting Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch affirmed, adding that Tunisia recognizes itself for encouraging free speech since its 2011 uprising, but is retreating on preserving that liberty. The imam’s video after the October 16, 2020 beheading of Samuel Paty, a teacher in Paris, by a Chechen exile after Paty displayed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to his students during a lesson on right of expression. In his Facebook post, Mahouechi criticized the prosecutor for not examining a 2019 accusation that he had filed against police who allegedly had beaten him. Mahouechi used speech that might be viewed as vulgar but said he was mocking only this authority and not the whole judicial apparatus of Tunisia. Sheriffs from the Hay El Khadra Unit for Combatting Terrorism and Organized Crime caught Mahouechi on November 2 and questioned him for at least four hours in the presence of his attorney, Mohamed Ali Bouchiba. The lawyer is the co-founder of Bloggers Without Borders, a body constituted by volunteer lawyers to aid social media activists and others prosecuted for their ideas and scripts. Bouchiba told HRW that police officers had come to the Mahouechi’s family house late at night watching for him. “We knew he would be arrested,” stated Bouchiba, adding that the police caught him just one day after his post on the social network. Bouchiba affirmed that Mahouechi told authorities that he was not accusing anyone in his video and only reacted as a whistleblower to the imam’s video for the single objective of exposing radical beliefs and terrorism. The Tunis First Instance Court condemned Mahouehchi of “accusing public officials of crimes related to their jobs without furnishing proof,” culpable by up to two years in jail under article 128 of the Tunisian penal code, harming or disturbing others via public telecommunications networks under Art. 86 of the telecommunications code, which stipulates a sentence of up to two years in prison and a fine up to 1,000 Tunisian dinars (around US$300). Public calumny, under article 245 of penal code; and “insulting a public officer during the performance of their duties,” punishable by up to one year in prison under Article 125. According to HRW and Bloggers Without Borders Tunisia is seeing an increase in prosecutions that remind of the arrests and trials of writers and activists in 2017. “The prosecutions never stopped really. They just slowed down and now they’re back.” The lawyer said speaking with HRW. Two reports issued by the international organization, in January and October 2019, revealed the prosecutions of bloggers and social media activists in Tunisia for their peaceful online commentary. In these pursuits, authorities made application of laws on criminal defamation, “spreading false information,” and “harm of others through telecommunications networks” to sue people who post on social media about politics, expose corruption, or criticize authorities and decision-makers. Since 2017, Tunisian yards have condemned six social media operators to prison for sharing their critical views. The two-year punishment against Mahouechi is the hardest so far toward a blogger for online criticism. Mahouechi is completing his penalty in Tunis’s Mornaguia prison. His lawyers will contest the judgment. “Tunisia has no excuse to prosecute peaceful critics and intimidate bloggers who attack state authorities,” Goldstein said. “Parliament should move quickly to amend or delete laws that are relics of the ousted autocratic regime.” [](",,,,,,2020-11-25 08:04:41 k0p9v3,,1,RENTING A MAC IN TUNIS,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-25 09:46:27 k0peoo,,5,Albert learning company in Tunisia,"Hey, does anyone know if this company is also based in Tunisia for real? I've applied for one of their job offers and they asked me for an interview but I'm kinda of skeptical that it might be a scam or smth, please let me know about anything you know about this company",,,,,,2020-11-25 09:57:03 k0pxf6,,1,"My red sunflower is finally shining! So excited to have many colors of it (orange, yellow, red, and combined orange-yellow) ! Do you have other colors ?",,,,,,,2020-11-25 10:40:45 k0qib2,,3,Any idea where I can buy sex toys from ?,"Cheap dildo, maybe other stuff, any idea where I can find them and how much they generally cost ?",,,,,,2020-11-25 11:26:39 k0rywv,,86,Saw this in manouba the other day 😅,,,,,,,2020-11-25 13:14:40 k0s80m,,3,help," i know this isnt the place to post this but it got removed on the steam subreddit i might delete it later tunisia doesn't support online payment so i have no way of buying any kind of games i really wanna try some new ones but without pirating them i tried some sites like indiegala and humble but the chances of me getting the games i need are very low i have money and i would pay if i could no one in my area sells physical releases nor wallet codes im really desperate any suggestions?",,,,,,2020-11-25 13:32:20 k0szeq,,1,How much do sales assisstants make?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-25 14:19:53 k0tqwz,état/,0,Coup d'état,"Will you support a millitary coup d'etat to save the country ? And if no then what's the solution? [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-11-25 15:05:03 k0v0c6,,1,Going back to university,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-25 16:13:35 k0v0vx,,4,where is this place?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-25 16:14:26 k0v4cc,,1,I want to buy crypto currency,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-25 16:19:42 k0vv77,,1,Where can I buy cryptocurrency,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-25 16:57:34 k0w87q,,2,Where can I buy cryptocurrency ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-25 17:14:56 k0xd1h,,1,How much do sales assisstants make?,[removed],,,,,,2020-11-25 18:09:43 k0xmyj,,4,Southern Tunisia: All Paved Roads or Need 4x4 / High Clearance Vehicle?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-25 18:23:23 k0ylt5,,9,Need serious help.,"Does anyone know any good psychiatrists in Tunis area preferably in or near Bardo, I ran into a serious problem.",,,,,,2020-11-25 19:09:35 k0zs8y,,5,How come we never hear of any LSD-related crimes in Tunisia ?,"We hear of drugs getting seized at Airports everyday but it's always either weed, ecstasy, cocaine or heroine. You never hear of LSD getting seized or someone getting arrested for LSD use. I never even heard the term LSD in the media. Is there a reason for this?",,,,,,2020-11-25 20:07:44 k1a6zd,,165,Just found a meme template with fethi el haddaoui in r/dankmemes,,,,,,,2020-11-26 06:41:10 k1ak0n,,5,How much do sales assistants make?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-26 07:08:15 k1d86s,,63,"Repurposed meme,be gentle.",,,,,,,2020-11-26 10:52:55 k1drz2,,7,Internet providers in tunisia,"So i live in Tunis (El medina) and i am struggling with my download speed/ping in (in video games) anyone know what is the best internet provider in here? I was using topnet's adsl for the last 3 years, but since 2020 their speed is really bad and it isn't possible to play any online game due to very high ping and instability. I am now using orange 4g mobile data but it is really instable as well. I am mainly playing league of legends atm if that might help suggesting something. Thanks for your time and help!",,,,,,2020-11-26 11:37:25 k1iacy,,6,"If you have a Tunisian father and a foreign mother but aren’t born in Tunisia, does that make you a Tunisian citizen automatically or do you still have to go through some form of naturalization progress?",,,,,,,2020-11-26 16:32:46 k1pu0l,,43,Ayn draham,,,,,,,2020-11-26 23:27:37 k1pv5e,,171,One of the oldest olive trees in the world in tunisia over 2500 years old,,,,,,,2020-11-26 23:29:26 k1qudh,,22,"No matter how many pics I take, Medina pics are always my favorite, it takes me back in time.",,,,,,,2020-11-27 00:30:05 k1xa2r,,1,Where I,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-27 08:18:07 k1xd97,,3,Where can I get pepper spray in Tunisia and how much it costs?,I moved to a dangerous place alone and I feel a little exposed. I'm not very good with knives.,,,,,,2020-11-27 08:25:40 k1xuo8,بحث_لغوي_على_اللهجات/,5,بحث لغوي على اللهجات,"أهلا يا جماعة, أنا بعمل مشروع لغوي بسيط ويا ريت أي حد فيكم يشارك فيه ويملأ هذا الاستبيان. [](هو عبارة عن كذا جمله تترجموها من الفصحى للعامية وما يستغرق أكثر من ٥ دقايق. شكرا على المساعدة!",,,,,,2020-11-27 09:08:03 k1zb32,,51,Tunisia Pixel Presidents,,,,,,,2020-11-27 11:11:38 k21tyd,,46,A pic you can hear...,,,,,,,2020-11-27 14:15:08 k230k5,,1,Help me plz! XD,"1 / Etude sur les services Internet en Tunisie: []( 2 / Etude sur la digitalisation de l'environnement professionnel: [](",,,,,,2020-11-27 15:21:05 k242nv,,5,Does anyone know what Rue Broca near Belvedere Park was renamed to?,"My relative grew up on Rue Broca in the 40s and 50s, and it has since been renamed. Does anyone know the current name of the street?",,,,,,2020-11-27 16:16:50 k24p5g,,8,Custom PC Build in Tunisia," I'm currently saving to build a gaming pc, my budget is about 1600dt - 1800dt, an ssd or nvme ssd (512gb) is included. Any suggestions?",,,,,,2020-11-27 16:49:59 k24r8b,,4,Looking for tunisian dubstep/heavy riddim lovers,"Hello everyone If you are tunisian, have been listening to dubstep /heavy riddim or even deathstep for years and you thought there aren't fellow tunisians who share with you this passion ,then guess what ? you were wrong!me and some friends are slowly building a community of tunisian headbangers and we need more members like you to make it more fun and let you share your love for dubstep with us! make sure to contact me and I'll make sure to add you as soon as I can .. thank you!",,,,,,2020-11-27 16:52:59 k25uj2,,6,Online stores in Tunisia?,"So I live outside of Tunisia and tried to get a friend of mine who lives in Tunisia a surprise present for his birthday, but found out that there really aren't any online stores in Tunisia. []( is basically like e-bay and I couldn't find anything I like there so that's a no. []( would've been good but they only accept cards issued in Tunisia so that's a no go as well. Any other stores I should know about? Any other way to get him a present?",,,,,,2020-11-27 17:47:54 k25x5w,,102,The Tunisian referee that made Argentina win the world cup in the time of the facklands war,,,,,,,2020-11-27 17:51:27 k2639i,,11,The Tunisian referee that made Argentina win the world cup in the time of the facklands war,,,,,,,2020-11-27 17:59:54 k27rat,,0,are you agents the illegaliztion of the lgbtq+," [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-11-27 19:24:15 k27x25,,0,why france?,"why do tunisians chose to go to france and there is better french speaking country’s, let’s be honest tunisia is better that france and eu had many better country’s that france.",,,,,,2020-11-27 19:32:19 k289qf,,1,تصنيف الاتحاد الدولي : المنتخب الوطني يحافظ على الريادة عربيا و الوصافة افريقيا,,,,,,,2020-11-27 19:50:30 k2a2k3,,1,ديانا حداد تشعل إنستغرام برقصة جنونية مع ابنتها (فيديو),,,,,,,2020-11-27 21:28:33 k2chw6,,1,enjoy oriental music !,,,,,,,2020-11-27 23:48:12 k2dn3w,,25,See you when vaccins will be out,,,,,,,2020-11-28 00:55:44 k2irbe,,1,Bye bye corona,,,,,,,2020-11-28 06:21:54 k2kj1k,,11,Exploring southern Béja & northern Siliana: Hotel Thugga -> former colonial railway town of Gaâfour -> Commonwealth War Graves Commission Site in Thibar (plus French colonial graveyard next door),,,,,,,2020-11-28 08:56:28 k2kr3k,,1,شركة نقل عفش بجدة | خدمات المهندس 00201027380682 للايجار| افضل شركة نقل اثاث في جده,,,,,,,2020-11-28 09:17:40 k2m2w8,,44,Ayeee we makin it to the big leagues,,,,,,,2020-11-28 11:22:08 k2o4e2,,156,Tunisian 3attar starter pack,,,,,,,2020-11-28 14:01:22 k2plz5,,22,Another picture of the Tunisian referee Ali Bennaceur who gave the goal to Argentina with Diego Maradona,,,,,,,2020-11-28 15:35:06 k2sh0f,,6,Discover Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-11-28 18:10:37 k2ujpi,,1,الحظّ يبتسم لـ 3 أبراج قبل نهاية 2020,,,,,,,2020-11-28 20:03:44 k2ur4d,,1,Former Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba in 1936 when he returned from Bordj Le Boeuf,,,,,,,2020-11-28 20:15:09 k2v3gr,,1,rap tunisien,,,,,,,2020-11-28 20:34:19 k2vdq0,,1,صور نجلاء التونسية الفاضحة,,,,,,,2020-11-28 20:50:02 k2xcjc,,1,فقط ب 3 مكونات و بدون فرن🍮,,,,,,,2020-11-28 22:40:28 k2xk14,,1,Tataouine: Stunning Mars-like Surface,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-28 22:52:13 k2xn2u,,62,Mars-like landscape in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-11-28 22:57:08 k309b6,,159,relatable,,,,,,,2020-11-29 01:30:55 k347qr,,32,"Galite Islands, the northernmost point of Tunisia 🇹🇳| photo by Amine Mouelhi",,,,,,,2020-11-29 05:56:42 k35e20,,6,Electronic shops in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-29 07:34:03 k37m0p,,100,Found this while randomly scrolling FB and I fell in love with it <3,,,,,,,2020-11-29 10:59:53 k37so9,,2,Can you work in a call center if you suck at french?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-29 11:16:30 k38pq8,,38,Choufli Hal x Netflix crossover,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-29 12:37:30 k397cx,,12,Sunday be like,,,,,,,2020-11-29 13:15:42 k3a3ol,,29,منذر,,,,,,,2020-11-29 14:19:18 k3b77r,,1,Law for Interreligious Couples,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-29 15:30:16 k3bygb,,1,Can someone explain to me yassir express?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-29 16:13:38 k3cgl9,,269,"Tunisia ranked 5th for medical research papers, just shut up and be proud of this little nation",,,,,,,2020-11-29 16:42:19 k3dsdt,,8,anyone knows a good cyber security school in tunisia,"i wanna learn cyber security in my own country cuz i don't wanna go out cuz this is the best country ever made. Rally around to the glory of our time! The blood surges in our veins, We die for the sake of our land. Let the heavens roar with thunder Let thunderbolts rain with fire. Men and youth of Tunisia, O defenders of the Homeland! Rally around to the glory of our time! The blood surges in our veins, We die for the sake of our land.",,,,,,2020-11-29 17:52:53 k3fjl5,,1,Made an instagram where im gonna be discussing tunisian matters from a different perspective. Yall should give it a check especially those who can’t read arabic/french,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-29 19:29:01 k3foif,,4,Made an instagram where im gonna be discussing tunisian matters from a different perspective. Yall should give it a check especially those who can’t read arabic/french,,,,,,,2020-11-29 19:36:18 k3fp3y,,15,"Tunisie, l'art du tatouage berbère",,,,,,,2020-11-29 19:37:11 k3g78d,,1,Self-explanatory,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-29 20:05:05 k3hqew,,5,"I came across this one, and it's funny, we be hustling in the 60'",,,,,,,2020-11-29 21:28:31 k3ikrx,,5,Guys where do I buy Minecraft Java?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-29 22:14:01 k3jujx,,18,Does any of you know where to find this outfit in Tunis?,,,,,,,2020-11-29 23:24:20 k3qv3y,,4,Can anyone help explain what this sign I saw in Testour says? (timestamped) Thanks!,,,,,,,2020-11-30 07:00:55 k3rkjt,,5,Court of appeals strike,"Hey, does anyone has information if the court of appeals strike (district of tunis) is over? Can I go there now for some paper work?",,,,,,2020-11-30 07:57:32 k3tqpg,,12,is runpay good and can i trust it?,"salem ya jme3a i mostly wanna verify my steam account. I downloaded the app and registered an account but now it's asking me to send pictures of my ID and a selfie for verification so i can start making purchases. i wanna know how secured it is, if it's trustworthy about sending the pictures and if it really works and people did actually recieve what they paid for.",,,,,,2020-11-30 10:59:23 k3uztg,,11,PewDiePie Reacts to Tunisian youtuber's apology (@Beki),,,,,,,2020-11-30 12:36:28 k3y58b,,2,La Poste,"Hey guys, I've ordered stuff from the UK and China before. I managed to get a refund from eBay after the item didn't arrive for 3 months and thought nothing of it until I got buzzed downstairs in my residence (in the middle of nowhere) with the post guy handing me my two video games (actually, FIFA 18 that I purchased for less than £10 just to see how the post works came first and then two or three days later, a cracked-from-the-pressure-but-sealed Mass Effect 3 for Xbox 360). Whenever I tried to call the post man back, he'd never pick up my calls so finding out from the local post office (in La Marsa) if any post has arrived for me is impossible. Then I ordered some SD2Vita adapters for my two PlayStation Vitas - neither came (this was before the lockdown), and then I had the reseller resend another 2 (for free). I then ordered my wife some lipstick for $2 and it came after a month. Then a few days later another lipstick came. She lives in Ben Arous and doesn't have the number of her local post man. Now I live somewhere else (in the state of Tunis) and I am waiting for a new bank card (urgently needed, how else will I get money if my current one expires) and a few electronics (USB HDMI capture stick, HDMI splitter, screwdrivers) from China... how long does it take, what tips can you give me to make sure that the post arrives (I put my apartment name, floor, block, road, city name, street, post code and phone number on all packages) and who can I call to check if something has arrived? If the customs decide that I owe taxes on the cables or USB stick, how can I know that they're being held? Thanks, SH",,,,,,2020-11-30 15:40:45 k3yh64,,0,"#ريبر هبون، حنين - ""حين ينطق الولع"" سجال شعري ،لا تنسوا الاشتراك في قنا...",,,,,,,2020-11-30 15:56:37 k429ku,,65,Power of ☀️,,,,,,,2020-11-30 18:47:37 k43gv1,,0,Fire 🔥 Tunisian gangster rapper,[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-30 19:43:32 k43lk8,,1,where can I find a 'fake' 'notaire'(3adl ichehed ),[deleted],,,,,,2020-11-30 19:49:45 k49lmg,,21,When people ask what their favorite Phoenician city is,,,,,,,2020-12-01 00:42:22 k4c3du,,1,Money 1 - 0 quotes about how money isn't everything in life,,,,,,,2020-12-01 02:59:56 k4dfvl,,4,The Forever War,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-01 04:17:38 k4gwg0,,50,This is my new favorite thing,,,,,,,2020-12-01 08:20:06 k4mp5u,,16,Looking for Tunisian pen pals,"Hi everyone! A friend and I are trying to shoot a documentary on pen pals. We are trying to find pen pals from all over the world. All different countries, religions, walks of life. We want to meet people with all kinds of life experiences. We are looking for ***snail mail - written letters sent through post***. I understand some places in the world this is extremely time consuming and maybe not even possible due to the postal situation but we are willing to make this a long process for the sake of story so there are no time constraints. We will be looking to enter the film into film festivals depending on the final format will depend on where this is shown in the end. **What we are looking for -** Preferably someone with a great story that is willing to exchange written and mailed letters back and forth for an extended period of time. * There is no time frame or amount of letters you have to write - whatever you feel like * There is no topic off limit * You can be as vague or detailed about your personal life as you like Someone willing to take part in some form of video correspondence as well ***(not a deal breaker)*** **What we will not do -** Share any kind of personal information like full name or address in the film. We will only share first name and country of origin Share any information you do not wish for us to share - (I.E. - If there is a topic in your letter you don't want us to reveal just let us know) ***I want to be completely open and transparent as possible so if you have any questions definitely ask!*** We will give each participant a viewing of their segment to sign off on that you are comfortable with what we say and show. If this is something you feel like you would be interested in please feel free to PM me or start a reddit chat and I can answer any more questions you have or give you an address to start! Thank you for reading this and look forward to hearing from you!",,,,,,2020-12-01 15:13:52 k4qeoa,,106,the beatles in tunisia !,,,,,,,2020-12-01 18:10:47 k4s7ro,,17,Tunisians who have immigrated to Europe ? How's life ? Do you regret leaving or not ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-01 19:35:20 k4ul89,,129,Tunisian cat love ❤️🤩,,,,,,,2020-12-01 21:29:27 k581hi,épa_was_it_actually_as/,6,"Tunisian that did CPGE(prépa), was it actually as difficult as everyone says?","Hi, i am a bac student, and i want to get in a grande école in France so have to do prépa first. But everyone says that it’s really difficult, so can you tell me about your experience, which lycée preparation you went to and how you got in. Thanks!",,,,,,2020-12-02 12:06:02 k58oo5,,8,Prostitution in Tunisia,"I was arguing with a friend on how far is prostitution legalized in Tunisia. Is it legalized ?How many legal brothel are there in the whole country ? (we all know about the one in the capital and I myself know one in Sfax).Do those working in prostitution have any special medical care or insurance ? If you are aware of any laws please attach a source.",,,,,,2020-12-02 12:53:54 k59lvi,,80,"From ""Yasmina la petite Tunisienne"" Book by Francis Mazière (1975)",,,,,,,2020-12-02 13:53:48 k5dqhr,,6,"Can you open a Bank account even though you don't work or have any source of income, but you do have money for fees/taxes",,,,,,,2020-12-02 17:27:12 k5eyg6,,2,Can somebody explain this monolith BS I see everywhere.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-02 18:23:16 k5eze8,,1,"If this video didn't make you questioning your entire existing, nothing else will do.",,,,,,,2020-12-02 18:24:26 k5i51w,,102,Our night watchman creates cool artifacts from scratch using only old mechanical parts as a hobby (needs support please) OC,,,,,,,2020-12-02 20:52:54 k5ipsb,,8,Do people play dungeons and dragons ?,well i use to play DND online but it s not doing it for me so if anyone knows where I can play it fi tounis plz tell me,,,,,,2020-12-02 21:20:43 k5k87l,,8,Visiting Tunisians?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-02 22:36:56 k5skzz,,1,Doctor Dahesh of Lebanon,,,,,,,2020-12-03 07:13:06 k5w83c,,22,Any lurkers from Kairouan?,"Hey guys, I just returned from Canada after spending 4 years there, and I'm looking for like minded Redditors to meet up for coffee or activities as I'm new in town (most of my friends are abroad) Hmu if you wanna meet up and have a great day!",,,,,,2020-12-03 12:22:29 k62t80,,1,"نجلاء التونسية على كرسي الإعدام في مواجهة ""الصور الفاضحة"" التي منعت بسببها من دخول مصر",,,,,,,2020-12-03 18:19:54 k64irs,,1,only in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-03 19:41:54 k65qvl,,9,Best online shopping sites,What are the best online shops in matter of delivery time,,,,,,2020-12-03 20:42:03 k67fe5,,8,any leftist tunisian in this sub?,,,,,,,2020-12-03 22:07:30 k6f109,,24,Who are some Tunisian YouTubers that you watch?,,,,,,,2020-12-04 05:52:28 k6kaoy,,24,"Tour of French, Italian & Commonwealth World War Two Cemeteries in Tunisia (Takrouna & Enfidha). I also found some Italian colonial graves that were over 100 years old!",,,,,,,2020-12-04 12:50:20 k6r9x5,,36,Tunisian Pen Pal Wanted,"السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I’m a male from the United States, and looking for a Tunisian to send letters back and forth. It honestly can be about anything. You can talk to me about your life, growing up, your ambitions and aspirations, absolutely anything folks. If you’re interested, just shoot me a DM, and we’ll get the details all worked out! Take care folks!",,,,,,2020-12-04 19:07:19 k6v5ja,http://hookuptunisians,1,Hookuptunisians,,,,,,,2020-12-04 22:29:29 k6vhj6,,25,What religion are you?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-12-04 22:47:26 k6zfxh,/r/Rap_Tunisia_officials/comments/k6zcwi/slim_el_arnaout/,4,"Tunisian rap reddit is dead, maybe i’ll have better luck here?",,,,,,,2020-12-05 02:40:48 k707xo,,1,Nationality of the largest group of tourists by country.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-05 03:32:53 k74sxl,,1,How common is pre marital sex in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-05 09:47:43 k75esp,èat_into_the/,19,"Translating your tunisian ""baccalaurèat"" into the uk's equivalent , did anyone here did so ??",Planning to go to the uk .I'm half tunisian half british wanting to continue his career in the uk.I heard that the tunisian bac has no equivalent there and also considered as worthless is this right???,,,,,,2020-12-05 10:43:53 k7arnu,,8,I want to exchange all my money into cryptocurrency.,"I have been collecting money now for 3 years I got like 7000 (Tunisia dinar) idk I got the feeling the dinar will keep going down so I want to exchange my money into a more steady currency and I want it to be a cryptocurrency. Does such a currency exist ? I have been eyeing on Bitcoin but unfortunately it seems it will go down again. Thank you.",,,,,,2020-12-05 16:45:21 k7cqyf,,54,It appears there are many undiscovered lands in Tunisia,,,,,,,2020-12-05 18:27:46 k7e4dj,,125,Aïn drahem 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳😍😍,,,,,,,2020-12-05 19:37:49 k7f9r4,,1,You must to watch this video !,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-05 20:38:33 k7hvwy,,6,Le Cap Bon in Arabic,"&#x200B; [Cape Bon - Wikipedia]( I lived in Tunisia 20 years and never heard Le Cap Bon called anything but: الوطن القبلي I know الرأس الطيب is the literal meaning of ""Cap Bon"" but is it anyone calling it that ? The locals ? Also the map in the article calls it Ras Eddar ? But that would be just the North-Eastern most tip ?",,,,,,2020-12-05 23:08:29 k7ql73,,90,"""Safseri"" taken by @medazizaissa (insta)",,,,,,,2020-12-06 09:14:26 k7rz8t,,1,Hi tunisian people i am new here. I hope to make good friends,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-06 11:12:02 k7vhgz,,12,"Where can i buy this ""razor kraken kitty edition"" headset in Tunisia? i can't use a credit card in a 3rd world country , it's too complicated. Any suggestions please?",,,,,,,2020-12-06 15:18:16 k7vorb,,9,What is the best time to visit Tunisia?,,,,,,,2020-12-06 15:30:13 k7z3tm,,2,Where to get good deals on fragrances ?,"Most of the well known shops (fatale, pointm ...) are way overpriced, I'm talking like almost double the original prices (in dollar) across the products. so I'm wondering, where you guys usually get your fragrances ?",,,,,,2020-12-06 18:30:18 k7zrbc,,9,How is this an actual law?,,,,,,,2020-12-06 19:04:00 k829nm,,121,Tunis 🇹🇳 Habib Bourguiba street 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-12-06 21:16:18 k836sf,,2,Can Tunisians leave the country right now?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-06 22:06:20 k84064,,1,اسباب الموت كثيرة من ببنها وجع الحياة,,,,,,,2020-12-06 22:51:31 k84ndl,,1,Are Tunisians allowed to exit the country?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-06 23:27:49 k86fhv,,0,Funniest guy on earth?😂😬😂😂,,,,,,,2020-12-07 01:11:56 k8aeaz,,1,الرحلة في المنام بواسطة الحافلة و على متن القطار و السيارة,,,,,,,2020-12-07 05:20:56 k8c5jp,,5,Do you think k2rhym will run for presidency in the next elections?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-07 07:32:37 k8gmlu,,1,Freelance Upwork Questions,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-07 13:29:24 k8gpf1,,8,Would you support a second revolution to take down this joke of a parliament and give full authority to President and PM ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-07 13:34:36 k8gz72,,79,Tom and Jerry and Chill 😎,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-07 13:52:32 k8i387,,3,University-level exchange students I need your urgent help!!!,"If there are any Tunisian university students here who have previously participated in an exchange program at the undergraduate level, please show thyselves ASAP. I need you to give me pieces of advice and to review my essays. Thanks in advance!!",,,,,,2020-12-07 14:58:34 k8ivvj,,1,Any Tunisians who lived their childhood outside Tunisia then came back in adulthood?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-07 15:41:39 k8kp6a,,0,How’s up for hookup,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-07 17:12:33 k8kpqq,,0,How’s up for hookup,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-07 17:13:17 k8lamx,,6,Postcard Exchange,"Hey there! I thought it would be fun to exchange postcards from different countries of the world. Just a little something to look forward to during these crazy times! I've been collecting postcards for 18 years and I still don't have a postcard from Tunisia. Anyone up for an exchange? You'd really make my day. I'd be more than happy to send you an interesting postcard from India in return. Thank you!",,,,,,2020-12-07 17:42:00 k8mn6s,,7,Darknet markets shipping to Tunisia,"So I'm asking if anyone has experience of ordering a product from a darknet market and had their products delivered. I would really appreciate your answers.",,,,,,2020-12-07 18:46:00 k8p2vb,,4,Psychedelics,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-07 20:45:04 k8u84r,,1,"Comprehensive Tunisia Travel Guide: History, culture, stats, and places to see",,,,,,,2020-12-08 01:16:44 k8v46k,,144,Sad,,,,,,,2020-12-08 02:08:19 k90mk2,,2,Out of the loop. What happened?,Seen some posts about the president. What's going on?,,,,,,2020-12-08 08:30:07 k93k3d,,6,"Where can I find good quality chairs in Tunis, so I can sit down for 7/8hours a day with no back pain?",,,,,,,2020-12-08 12:45:51 k98ipg,,43,ni more i said no moooooooore,,,,,,,2020-12-08 17:26:29 k98wxl,,126,"Hey r/Tunisia , just wanted to share a map of your lovely country in the 19th century :) (source in the comments)",,,,,,,2020-12-08 17:46:08 k99cwt,,8,Goin back to Tun,"Hey there! Just found out about this sub! Happy to see it active! Wanned to share my dilemma, ive been workin abroad for 6 years, currently 28 years old and Made decent savings. I feel im done being away from family, and really wanna go back. Most of my friends are against this and tell me that i will regret my decision. What i wanna do is start a business in Tunisia, and make sure to break away from the local mentality of ""warrihom wejh sou9 then start being greedy"" Looking for success stories here, or your opinion about this, basically looking for a push towards the right decision.",,,,,,2020-12-08 18:07:38 k9hmw9,,6,Why does 90% percent of Tunisian porn is literally rape,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-09 01:12:28 k9oobn,,1,لأول مرة أمي معي في الفيديو! صبرة شهور و في الآخر خليت ولادي و زوجي و مش...,,,,,,,2020-12-09 09:10:55 k9pcdb,,160,Tunisian greentext,,,,,,,2020-12-09 10:11:12 k9pth7,,1,"The Simpsons and Tunisia, hilarious",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-09 10:53:05 k9tfnk,,3,How much does it cost to send an enveloppe from tunis to montréal via Fedex???,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-09 15:05:58 k9ulzm,,1,when your mom makes the same stuff for the whole week,,,,,,,2020-12-09 16:09:21 k9w6wc,,1,بدون عنوان 13 720p,,,,,,,2020-12-09 17:27:16 k9y0ml,شوفلي_حل/,74,I need your help making choufli hal شوفلي حل subtitles!,"Hello guys, A foreign friend of mine wanted to watch Choufli Hal but couldn't understand Tunisian. So I thought about making Choufli Hal subtitles both in TUNISIAN and ENGLISH ( I know that some Tunisian references cannot be correctly translated but it is an opportunity for non-Tunisians to introduce them to our culture. I started making Tunisian subtitles for the first ep season 1. However, it takes so long ( Sooo long). I think there are over 150 episodes. I can't do this alone. I need some help. I can only ask for help from you. This is the only Tunisian community I know. This is not only for non-Tunisians but also for the deaf community in Tunisia. (And those who eat while watching :p) If you want to help, PM me. I'll explain in more detail. Let me know if such a thing already exists. Thank you",,,,,,2020-12-09 18:55:45 ka25nn,,32,Noice ?,,,,,,,2020-12-09 22:23:17 kagb5t,,3,Best destination,,,,,,,2020-12-10 14:35:49 kagm92,,75,For all the pessimists out there: If these 2 dumb motherfuckers could become lawyers and doctors in this country and even manage to get elected and become legistlators then YOU yes YOU can do ANYTHING. Never lose hope.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-10 14:53:22 kagwl0,,1,Online shopping in/to Tunisia - help please,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-10 15:09:23 kagwtp,,14,الصين تهدي تونس مستشفى,,,,,,,2020-12-10 15:09:43 kajhkb,,3,Where can I watch Tunisian movies for free? (Like the ones that get displayed at the JCC or other events),[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-10 17:20:24 kak4kv,,11,"what do you see in this image (im not hating or loving, im just curious about what my fellow tunisians think)",,,,,,,2020-12-10 17:51:30 kaku0l,,5,What do you think about this new hospital in Sfax gifted by the chinese government ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-10 18:25:10 kanzcv,,30,Why for God sake,,,,,,,2020-12-10 20:54:21 kaqtbn,,6,Opinions about the Israeli Moroccan normalization,,,,,,,2020-12-10 23:51:13 karn1c,,1,"Soolking, from Algiers to the whole world",,,,,,,2020-12-11 00:34:47 karxf0,,8,This is going to be interesting!,"I meant 5 times a day [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-12-11 00:50:19 kawj3u,,2,Should Tunisia normalize its relations with the Jewish state like Morocco & UAE?,What are your thoughts?,,,,,,2020-12-11 05:22:38 kaxu4k,,2,Bab bhara Tunis 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2020-12-11 06:58:09 kay8dx,,2,Meet Bazz CEO and a circle of the best Tunisian Youtubers,,,,,,,2020-12-11 07:29:21 kaztjf,,4,Plaestine,"edit: PALESTINE tunisian people and the tunisian government are behind palestine and they support them so why is there still a visa that has to be issued for them to come to tunis",,,,,,2020-12-11 09:44:48 kb0yd9,,7,Be honest: how many of those sites did you visit (me all of them several times),,,,,,,2020-12-11 11:20:33 kb12ln,,24,Good news guys we are in the top 10 😏,,,,,,,2020-12-11 11:30:10 kb14gz,,3,Touring El Jem Roman Amphitheatre in 4K (with almost no tourists!),,,,,,,2020-12-11 11:34:13 kb193o,,5,Need an advice,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-11 11:44:40 kb1khx,,147,This meme is out of control,,,,,,,2020-12-11 12:08:14 kb2cch,,1,does anyone know if someone with short stay visa (type c) managed to cross through to France lately ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-11 13:01:31 kb30qb,,2,"What is more important to you, Freedom or Equality ?",,,,,,,2020-12-11 13:43:57 kb6j5m,,0,Monoliths by Round Earth Theory | Free Listening on SoundCloud,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-11 16:57:19 kb70hw,,0,"I saw a Ghost!!😰😰 . ""Outlast"" لعبة Part 6 | #Outlast",,,,,,,2020-12-11 17:22:10 kb7gua,,1,Excuse me sir we've decided to KILL you because we dont like your sexuality **Salil el sawarem intensifies**,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-11 17:46:01 kb7i42,,13,Excuse me sir we've decided to KILL you because we dont like your sexuality **Salil el sawarem intensifies**,,,,,,,2020-12-11 17:47:53 kb9v9r,,0,"La Francophonie, tremplin pour la transition numérique en Tunisie - African Manager",,,,,,,2020-12-11 19:49:52 kb9y45,,1,روتيني اليومي مع عائلتي يوم الجمعة,,,,,,,2020-12-11 19:53:49 kblq69,,5,Tunisia night life,"I was wondering about how good is the night life in Tunisia, any recommendations?",,,,,,2020-12-12 08:31:55 kbm2qg,,2,Best Smartphone repairman on Tunis ?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-12 09:03:47 kbnvci,,7,Ebooks copyrights,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-12 11:47:27 kbo4mp,,0,Zouz nssé 😂😂,,,,,,,2020-12-12 12:10:45 kbp2pk,,15,Come and watch stunning documentaries on environmental issues this week end ! It's free !,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-12 13:26:27 kbp6fx,,5,Have you been in the Galite Islands?,,,,,,,2020-12-12 13:34:06 kbsn08,,2,Tozeur,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-12 17:08:40 kbt281,,64,Ksar ghilene kebili,,,,,,,2020-12-12 17:33:11 kbvch6,,8,Become a Tunisian citizen ? Pro & Con ?,"How can I become a Tunisian citizen? My French and English are somewhat good. On the Other hand, in Arab I can just count to 10. And also is there some inconvenient un that? Edit: Thank you for your feedback, my native language is French. I learned English at school and Arabic from local veggies sellers. I already have dual (African) nationality and this has already proven to be very useful (literally saving my life once). But I remember that since I have Tunisian visas in my passport I spend a lot more time at airport controls in Europe lol...Anyway. I tell myself that if it is possible why not if it can save me money and prevent some people from no longer see me as a stranger full of money to distribute. By searching on the internet I found this page dating from 2018,un%20minimum%20la%20langue%20arabe. for a naturalization by decree for a man it would be necessary: -To be an adult. -To master a minimum of the Arabic language. But no criteria specifying what this ""minimum"" is, left to the appreciation of the administration. Condition removed for spouses of Tunisian women -Be sane (ouch) -Not to constitute a burden or a danger for the national community, that is to say: good life and morals, not to have been condemned for serious acts. This condition can be waived if the conviction took place abroad.",,,,,,2020-12-12 19:38:09 kbvnf5,,1,إقسم الميراث قبل أن تضيع صلة الرحم مع الشيخ وليد اللبان,,,,,,,2020-12-12 19:54:37 kbwb10,,1,"Algeria : Morocco is attempting to destabilize the entire region. The Sahara is clearly not Morocco. They should not have brought Israel into this, this is like a threat",,,,,,,2020-12-12 20:30:12 kbwocd,,2,Satellite map of Tunisia?,Is there a satellite map of Tunisia more detailed than Google maps?,,,,,,2020-12-12 20:50:25 kbyqae,,1,فضحت ماما في اليوتيوب 😱أمي عطاتني هدية كبيرة و تخاطبكم مباشرة:هدا هوة سر...,,,,,,,2020-12-12 22:43:39 kc0cu0,,1,"The ""Mosmar fi 7it"" mentality",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-13 00:20:48 kc0ub2,,58,"The ""mosmar fi 7it"" mentality","Finding a dead end job with a ""mosmar fi 7it"" salary, getting married, having kids, keep busting your ass off in a job you don't like for the rest of your life, get mortgaged up to your eyeballs until you retire and slowly wait for death realizing that you didn't have any fun and that you literally wasted your life. This is the ambition of most Tunisian people, and if someone thinks differently or even suggests a theoretical project/startup idea, he will be advised not to ""dream too much"" and to be more ""logical"", and to most people being logical means joining the rat race, what's surprising is that most people seem to be perfectly fine with this kind of lifestyle. Older generations can't be blamed since they have been brainwashed to be kept blind average citizens who serve as cogs to keep the big machine going without asking unnecessary questions and believing that's how life is supposed to be for everyone, it's difficult to convince these people but it really hurts to see newer generations embracing this dead end lifestyle instead of trying to innovate or to do something different especially now that technology opened up a lot of opportunities. In my opinion, the goverment wants people to stay at the bottom of the food chain, that's why they engrave the idea that finding a low to average paying job is considered an ""opportunity"" in peoples' minds and therefore the majority get the illusion of achieving something when they get accepted into an administrative position, especially when they think about the fact that they will get paid even if they are being lazy on the job. What's your opinion about this subject? *PS: I understand that some people have a tough financial situation and some are forced to work jobs they don't like (with all due respect to all jobs) in order tu support themselves and their families. I also understand that some people just want to work for the money, without really caring about the job itself.*",,,,,,2020-12-13 00:50:16 kc6nzs,,1,Traveling to Tunisia During Covid,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-13 07:42:08 kca7yr,,13,"Turkey sold 3 TAI Anka UAV to Tunisia for 80m USD, the agreement also includes training of 52 Tunisian pilots",,,,,,,2020-12-13 13:00:33 kcaoj9,,24,It reminds me of how tunisia treat smart people and then question them about why they want to leave...,,,,,,,2020-12-13 13:34:14 kcbhzj,,100,"Independence talks : Left to right : Chedly Rhaiem, Hedi Raïs, Mohamed Masmoudi, Habib Bourguiba,Tahar Ben Ammar and Bechir Ben Yahmed in Château de La Ferté, Amilly, France, 1954.",,,,,,,2020-12-13 14:29:01 kccib2,,4,Where can you find a cheap drawing pad,I tried to find something that isn't very expensive but it's either something very low-quality or 900 dt no in-betweens. Is there a place where I can find one or can I buy it online from a non-tunisian site?,,,,,,2020-12-13 15:32:31 kcd0ty,,1,Where to find RICIN oil in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-13 16:02:21 kcdp28,,11,"My great fellow Tunisian intellectuals, tell us about your strange spiritual/supernatural/religious/...experiences and encounters that are still puzzling you, experiences worth talking about.","Let's open a dedicated thread discussion about this sort of things. I am pretty sure we all have something worth sharing, especially that we're all in the same common environment and culture that make these experiences kind of unique and relatable. I'll start with myself in the comments, a 'spiritual' and 'enlightening' kind of experience I had few months ago. So let's speak our gutts out in this secure and understanding underground !",,,,,,2020-12-13 16:39:36 kcf8tx,,10,Necessity of the university degree on the job market,"Following a formal university program is the most efficient way of gaining knowledge in the field in question, there are some fields such as medical and law studies that **require** going to university to gain profound knowledge and be qualified to work as a doctor or a lawyer. Some fields such as tech do not require someone to go through a university program in order to be a programmer, there are lots of online ressources and books where you can learn how to program in different languages on your own pace, while going through a university or bootcamp program will give you stronger computer science foundations, it still is not proof that the degree holder is qualified to work as a software engineer. Look at it this way: 1. **PERSON A: Went through a software engineering program in university:** This person applied for a front-end web developer position, showed his degree, a few internships and some school projects. 2. **PERSON B: Self-taught web developer:** This person applied for the same front-end web developer position that PERSON A applied to, however, this person only showed a portfolio of previous real world experience such as projects he created for clients or personal apps, but no degree. As an employer, would you hire PERSON A or PERSON B? Most employers will consider PERSON A's degree as proof of being qualified and consider him advantaged over PERSON B, while PERSON B's will power to self-learn and portfolio of real life client work should be considered as proof that the person loves software engineering and is serious about developing a career in that field. Some companies may hire candidates with weaker degrees (Bootcamp certification/BTP/BTS/) or no degrees at all in order to underpay them for their work, which is basically slavery. In my opinion, Tunisian companies (or foreign companies who still consider the degree as proof of qualification) should be inspired by big tech companies such as Google and Apple [who no longer require candidates to have university degrees to apply]( and instead implement a universal hiring process for everyone, that consists of a technical interview and whiteboard questions that demonstrate the candidate's algorithmic problem solving skills and decide if the person will be a good addition to the company. Even if university graduates may still have an edge in solving algorithm problems, this will give candidates with no degrees an equal chance since everyone will be hired based on a universal test and paid equally. I chose the tech industry only as an example for the purpose of this topic, there are lots of other fields that do not require a university degree to get a job as long as you put in the necessary effort and self-discipline to learn on your own.",,,,,,2020-12-13 18:02:45 kcfczm,,3,Just curious...,Does the right to remain silent apply in Tunisia?,,,,,,2020-12-13 18:08:55 kchdtl,,5,Fireworks for New Years?,Where can I buy fireworks for New Years? Is it legal here for New Years?,,,,,,2020-12-13 19:53:55 kchq54,,1,حمدو الهوني االمنقذ وإنتصار الجولة الثانية الإتحاد المنستيري 0 والترجي الرياضي التونسي 1,,,,,,,2020-12-13 20:11:26 kchu6l,,1,كيف تقنع عقلك أن يحب الدراسة اكثر من العب والأشياء التافهه فعالة,,,,,,,2020-12-13 20:17:14 kci3vf,,1,Would you support an NAU (North African Union?) or an (NALU North Africa and Levanter Union),"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2020-12-13 20:30:41 kcie5y,,1,I need some help to activate this chanel and will be an awesome reward and I will chose 5 winers to my first 50 followers,,,,,,,2020-12-13 20:45:19 kck0ji,,11,How can I publish an english book in Tunisia?,"I'm a young Tunisian writer wondering about the possibility of publishing my own work someday . Would also love to know how the fees and legal procedures go including copywriting my own original work . Ty in advance for your consideration and time ! :)",,,,,,2020-12-13 22:11:08 kclzhi,,0,Mine Free BEE Coin $48 Daily,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-13 23:56:55 kcm0wx,,0,Mine free BEE Coins Worth ~$48 Daily,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-13 23:59:16 kcvn7m,,4,Liberal conception of Islam is getting popular in the West,,,,,,,2020-12-14 11:04:40 kcw3jq,,16,A short video tour of The Residence Hotel in Tunis (kinda empty due to covid-19!),,,,,,,2020-12-14 11:41:50 kd4b8m,,5,Hungarian scholarship,"Hey reddit people, could someone please help me out with some information about the Hungarian scholarship?",,,,,,2020-12-14 19:19:10 kd4qls,,1,I[24M] am being sexually harrased at work by my[52F] boss and dont know what to do about it ...,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-14 19:38:54 kd59d9,,36,I[24M] am being sexually harrased at work by my[52F] boss and dont know what to do about it ...,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-14 20:03:36 kd6fq2,,1,Beja,,,,,,,2020-12-14 21:00:15 kdd1b0,,37,Myrath - Beyond The Stars (Live In Carthage 2019),,,,,,,2020-12-15 02:45:16 kdign4,,6,Is there anyone familiar with CPA affiliate marketing?,"Hello fellow tunisians, Is anyonr here familiar with cpa affiliate marketing, what networks do u work on, and what are your marketing methods (paid and unpaid) thaaanks",,,,,,2020-12-15 09:12:42 kdkk38,,1,Thots dunno shit about NA,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-15 12:06:14 kdkztc,,0,googooogoooogogooggogo 3and m3kky fi redit iktb fin illl meme,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-15 12:39:02 kdl813,,36,what is it like to go to a hotel with your gf in Tunisia?,"is it possible to rent one room or it still needs a marriage certificate? and when you rent (1 or 2 rooms) with your gf, will the hotel workers be a pain in the ass? being both Tunisians, how's the experience in hotels?",,,,,,2020-12-15 12:55:23 kdl9ro,,29,290k views,,,,,,,2020-12-15 12:59:09 kdmadz,,36,Because it's cool and my homies can see how loco I am ☺️,,,,,,,2020-12-15 14:04:38 kdnpbw,,1,"Arduino, le kit de base pour bien débuter",,,,,,,2020-12-15 15:26:21 kdnx7f,,0,افضل 8 ارقام قياسية لا تصدق لتمرين الضغط | اكثر من 5 ساعات لرقم واحد,,,,,,,2020-12-15 15:38:24 kdoa7q,,28,Hmmmmm,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-15 15:57:59 kdoiyz,,15,Is there call centre job in english i hate french i hate it !,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-15 16:10:33 kdsb38,,5,is safe to buy games from,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-15 19:17:52 kdttaw,,1,Someone explain,,,,,,,2020-12-15 20:31:08 kdvjwx,,0,ROuma 🐄,,,,,,,2020-12-15 21:59:36 kdvl0z,,1,:),[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-15 22:01:04 ke5a1p,,97,"Wallys, the Tunisian car manufacturer, is about to release a new pickup",,,,,,,2020-12-16 08:13:14 ke693v,,1,tunisia food,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-16 09:39:50 ke6a0m,,1,Does anyone know how to get a German scholarship from Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-16 09:42:01 kedvga,ère_de/,5,questionnaire dans le cadre de mon mastère de recherche en design,"Good evening everyone, I invite you to answer this questionnaire as part of my research masters in design, concerning the interests of vacations in Tunisia. Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to respond, it will be very useful for my advancement.",,,,,,2020-12-16 17:44:37 kegsjx,,0,Hhh,,,,,,,2020-12-16 20:08:13 keh1st,,10,"Meet the new Wallys 619, starting at 27.8k TND. Opinions ?",,,,,,,2020-12-16 20:20:38 kehcjt,,13,Le couscous classé au patrimoine mondial immatériel de l'Unesco,,,,,,,2020-12-16 20:35:33 kehf2w,,19,Les chechias Tunisiennes revisitées par Tarboush (@Tarboushofficial sur insta),[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-16 20:39:07 kehu5i,,5,"Guys, I'm scared",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-16 20:59:51 kej1ue,,1,Hello,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-16 22:00:15 kej3ub,,1,Bac,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-16 22:02:48 kejnbp,,1,Mine Frde BEE Coins Worth $48 Daily,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-16 22:29:48 kev8qz,,17,"Hello, Tunis or Sousse?","I'm a university student who plans exchanging for 4 weeks in August 2021. I have a few questions. 1-) What city would you recommend to accomodate? It's not just a few days so would you recommend Tunis to get the living in a capital vibes or Sousse. And do you think Sousse would be significantly more expensive than Tunis? 2-) Do you think the pandemic will be resolved until then or diminished enough for us to be able to do the exchange?",,,,,,2020-12-17 10:44:50 kevcwv,,5,Where can I find a jar of sourdough (fermented) to make Tabouna bread?,Can you help me find sourdough (fermented) jar to make a Tabouna bread? Is it available in big super markets in Tunis?,,,,,,2020-12-17 10:54:25 kf0f7j,,5,How you get paid as an author of international book based in Tunisia?,"Hi redditors, I'm writing a book and planning to use leanpub, the problem here if the price is in € or other currencies, I suppose you have to put your paypal or other international accounts. If we want to go straight with the law and don't use what is forbidden what woukd be the solution? How you can generate an income from an online book?",,,,,,2020-12-17 16:19:16 kf23ct,,1,"Hi fellas, does anyone know (if it's by any chance possible) where to buy David or Helios Vaporwave sculpture replicas in Tunisia ? T H A T' D B E A E S T H E T I C.",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-17 17:41:06 kf2c5j,,12,"Hi fellas, does anyone know where to buy David or Helios Vaporwave sculpture replicas in Tunisia (if it's possible by any chance) ? T H A T' D B E A E S T H E T I C.",,,,,,,2020-12-17 17:53:15 kf2nzq,ére_pourquoi_pas/,1,"Si ca peut vous rendre fiére , pourquoi pas",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-17 18:08:51 kf2qnn,,23,interessant,,,,,,,2020-12-17 18:12:09 kf6sfj,,90,Homemade Freecase,,,,,,,2020-12-17 21:32:31 kf71ye,,9,13K Members !!!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-17 21:46:12 kfhywv,,0,You are looking for a job? I have good news for you. Try this one by clicking on this link🤗🤗,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-18 09:24:31 kfjm46,,29,Writing the Bradt Travel Guide to Tunisia - end of 2020 project update (with a shout out to the Tunisia Reddit community at the end!),,,,,,,2020-12-18 11:42:11 kfni1d,,10,"Can Anyone Recommend Me A Good Boxing or MMA Gym? It would be a huuuge plus if its close to Manouba or Bardo, thanks for any help",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-18 15:45:39 kfqq67,,32,What happened exactly on 19 20 and 21st of December 2010,"It's wierd that ""the internet"" doesn't know what happened exactly in Tunisia on the day of 19th and the day of 20 and 21st of December 2010. I've been looking everywhere for any link or book that has a specific data for each day. No one has published a daily timeline of the Tunisian revolution???? Let's create a daily timeline here 🤣😁🤔",,,,,,2020-12-18 18:31:16 kfqsha,,4,Experiment?,"Hey beautiful people. I've been watching a lot of "" living on 1$ in x city "" videos on youtube and was wondering if it were possible to do the same here. What do y'all think? can we somehow make it through the day with just 2.7d?",,,,,,2020-12-18 18:34:26 kfrj4s,,3,A helpful quiz for people that are looking for PFE,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-18 19:12:08 kftqkk,,1,Im searching for an idea for a web/phone app,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-18 21:09:37 kfuali,,6,Hello fashion haters: here is the JCC 2021 best costume,,,,,,,2020-12-18 21:40:05 kfxcu7,,22,What is the most famous line of poetry in Tunisia?,"I love poetry, I am trying to explore new stuff. In my country, England, our most famous line is ""I wandered lonely as a cloud"" - from Daffodils, by Wordsworth. Thanks",,,,,,2020-12-19 00:25:07 kfy022,,1,Would you see us Live in Tunisia? (After the Pandemic),,,,,,,2020-12-19 01:03:46 kfyjlg,,1,Why are you so cucked ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-19 01:36:24 kfyvkv,,0,Why are you so cucked?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-19 01:56:39 kg74hh,,3,Can we already receive packages from outside to Tunisia?,"I need urgent material for the work and impossible to find in Tunis, at the time I had to order it on the net and it had arrived in 2 months. It will cost me an arm and a leg now but I have no choice, I just want to know if the packages are already arriving in Tunisia and could I go and pick them up? On the seller's site they told they can ship to Tunisia (at exorbitant costs) but nothing else. Thanks",,,,,,2020-12-19 12:44:58 kg7czb,,21,Tunisia’s ancient Olives are struggling to keep up with climate change,,,,,,,2020-12-19 13:02:25 kg7p88,,1,راجلي و تاع قلبي♥️الحيحة و النشاط في تيك توك😂,,,,,,,2020-12-19 13:27:11 kg85u4,,3,"Dope beat lyrics and flow, thought I'd share this, kinda of new concept",,,,,,,2020-12-19 14:00:48 kgf6jn,,40,Can anyone suggest an idea for an app that can help tunisians or solve a problem .,,,,,,,2020-12-19 20:05:43 kgfzxw,,9,Bel article sur le nouveau tourisme éco-responsable,,,,,,,2020-12-19 20:49:23 kgg94e,,0,شاهد مصير الهواتف في تونس في سنة 2021,,,,,,,2020-12-19 21:03:05 kgsf2p,,57,The Punic port of Carthage,,,,,,,2020-12-20 11:15:34 kgsl8f,,202,This image will remain iconic even decades later. Dancer Nesrine Ben Arbia Tunis December 2020 By Moez Shaik.,,,,,,,2020-12-20 11:31:16 kgt8jk,,9,❤️🇹🇳 Tunis 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2020-12-20 12:29:52 kgt8ju,,1,أجمل 3 مقاطع تيك توك لالة نبيلة أغاني خليجية 🥰رقص و جنون😱تيك توك,,,,,,,2020-12-20 12:29:52 kgvat8,,0,Fireproof Passports by Round Earth Theory,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-20 14:56:19 kh3o3l,,93,"Posing next to my photo selected for a photo exhibition in Sousse, it such a pleasure to see your photos admired by people because photography is about impression not the shot itself.",,,,,,,2020-12-20 22:17:53 kh6qgb,,0,I wish tunisia goes fully secular,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-21 01:09:53 khc0uc,,3,Tunisia: Corona injuries are on the rise ... the atmosphere is tense,,,,,,,2020-12-21 06:46:58 khg1hl,,216,Tunisian island of Pilau takes a bright golden color for less than a minute every year around the winter solstice.,,,,,,,2020-12-21 11:59:31 khi9ti,,0,Yes.,,,,,,,2020-12-21 14:19:14 khl8cl,,21,"Friends of Tunisia, help me propose?"," Hi folks, I'm requesting help from someone within your country to help me propose to my girlfriend. In February this year, I decided that I want to make the proposal as amazing as possible for her as I would hope, it will be a once in a lifetime event for her. I planned from February until June, which is our anniversary, then I started a 365-day countdown to our next anniversary. In short, I'm getting a photo of a person (or people) from **every single country in the world** (plus a whole bunch of territories), to take a photo of themselves holding a piece of paper that has some specific writing on it. The paper will have 3 things on it, **a specific word, the date, and the country.** Each countries word and date are different so it's being done in alphabetical order, when added altogether, all the words will make a letter, which will end in me proposing to her. I understand this isn't everyone's kind of thing, chirp away if you must, I can take it, but Reddit has been by far my best place to find people from all over the world (check my post history) and I know there are people everywhere that love this kind of thing too. So far I've been able to get around 190+ countries' photos, now I'm here asking for help from your country. **To reiterate, all I would need is a photo of you (with friends/family if you like) taking a photo with a piece of paper that has some specific writing on it. You don't need to be from the country, just be in it when the photo is taken.** I can't offer much other than my many, many thanks and the promise that if you're ever in need of a favor, I will do my best to help. I'd be more than happy to prove this is real with examples, but if you check my post history, you can probably tell it is real. Obviously, as I don't want my girlfriend to find out, I am not posting on my actual account. Also, I know a few of you eagle-eyed folk on here have noticed that 365 days is too many days for the number of countries, I have 223 countries on my list, the remaining 23 days are photos taken in specific locations that hold a significant memory for our relationship. If you're not in this country, you can see the countries I need (soon or in the future) here; []( *Please note; by agreeing to send me a photo, you're happy for it to be posted online - each photo will only be in the video for a brief second.* ***If interested either let me know in here or send me a DM - if you do send me a DM it would be great if you post in here too just so I don't miss it (Reddit sometimes doesn't notify me for DM's)***",,,,,,2020-12-21 16:57:53 khlfpn,,3,yoo abt internet,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-21 17:07:51 khnzet,,1,Victims of the Pandemic are not just numbers..,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-21 19:14:50 khpgew,,1,Soda - Pullin Up (Extended Mix),,,,,,,2020-12-21 20:27:10 khq73z,,1,Receive salary from a foreign currency,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-21 21:04:30 khsnsp,,4,Skateshops with fairly good prices.,"So , this is my first time buying a skateboard and I don't exactly know shops where they sell some decent quality fully built skateboards (apart from decathlon but it costs 227dt is it really worth its price ?) Please drop a suggestion if uk any trustworthy address. (And if anyone could give me a few tips on how to choose my first skateboard that would be really helpful.)",,,,,,2020-12-21 23:09:59 ki1jns,,1,😭😭😭😭😭,,,,,,,2020-12-22 08:41:25 ki1zdv,,1,Need someone that understands tunisian to help me and I don't know where to ask. Could you please translate this for me?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-22 09:19:01 ki3kxa,,32,Best Tunisian 2020 meme,,,,,,,2020-12-22 11:28:29 ki7zdv,,52,Rant about Tunisians and living abroad,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-22 15:57:51 ki9hut,,11,Best seed providers in Tunis ?,"Hi I need some ""green fertilizers"" to regenerate some soil. Stuff like : Phacelie, bourrache, moutarde, cameline, moutarde, lins, epeautre, seigle, lotier, melilot, trefles, sainfoins, vesce, sorghos, luzerne, avoine, lentilles, sarrasin, tournesol... Any ideas ? Many thanks.",,,,,,2020-12-22 17:13:56 kicxv2,,21,Ma twa9a3tech 3in drahem Hal 5yeb,,,,,,,2020-12-22 20:07:20 kieo45,,2,what's with locking phones that aren't registered ?,"so i 've seen posts and fb mentioning []( saying this is to prevent counterfeit phones or whatever from being used in the country with tunisian sims. is this even necessary? it looks like it could be used to monopolize the prices even more &#x200B; i read the date to register your phone is on 1st jan 2021 i've also seen similar news for nigeria ([]( can someone provide more info?",,,,,,2020-12-22 21:36:17 kip9zx,,1,الشوالة,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-23 08:20:48 kipol0,,11,[Discussion] Do you think Tunisia would normalize its relations with Israel ?,,,,,,,2020-12-23 08:56:59 kirs7s,,13,A friend of mine is going to have an internship in Alveodata (IT stuff) and they required a mandatory training (Angular) for 500 TND. Is this normal?,"Background هو عامل license و هذا stage pfe.",,,,,,2020-12-23 11:57:48 kiypbl,,1,Hi folks im looking to spend some holidays in south Tunisia in the desert. Do you advise any serious tour operator?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-23 18:45:34 kizhoy,,23,"TIL that La nappe de l'Albien est la plus grande réserve d'eau douce au monde. Elle est à cheval sur trois pays, l'Algérie, la Libye et la Tunisie. 70 % de la nappe se trouve en territoire algérien au sud-est du pays.",,,,,,,2020-12-23 19:27:57 kj0xyg,,18,Loving this!,,,,,,,2020-12-23 20:45:56 kj3kjz,,8,Bored nd looking for someone to talk with,,,,,,,2020-12-23 23:10:09 kj9gvq,,0,Curious Baby Seal Approaches Cameraman,,,,,,,2020-12-24 05:20:06 kjcj1t,,2,Why do market sellers yell so much in El Marsa ?,"I’m always at home studying and almost every day I hear a market seller honking and screaming very loud what he sells (Thomson, madalina, 3ssir etc.) in El Marsa, next to Bousselssa. Does anybody knows the reason why he has to scream ? Is it tradition ?",,,,,,2020-12-24 09:30:15 kjd0yf,,1,After the discovery of a new strain Corona the United Kingdom the travels to South Africa are banned and the vaccination program is late in USA,,,,,,,2020-12-24 10:13:09 kjenu9,,101,The Tunisians Escobar one again in big trouble,,,,,,,2020-12-24 12:28:42 kjeqtd,,1,Should we lunch another PayPal petition?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-24 12:35:23 kjf1ro,,54,Pain,,,,,,,2020-12-24 12:59:54 kjgeni,,11,Tunisia's beautiful north coast: Rimel Beach & Bizerte,,,,,,,2020-12-24 14:35:57 kjkdi7,,0,An arctic wolf is acting friendly in Canada,,,,,,,2020-12-24 18:39:00 kjkg5p,,0,Tunisian greentext. Go register on to have free courses to become a pro in cryptocurrency !,,,,,,,2020-12-24 18:43:17 kjln0w,,6,Notary??,"Hey0 &#x200B; I need a notary who has previous experience conducting marriages for foreign nationals in Tunisia, esp American. The notaries I have met so far are unfamiliar/unwilling to accept some foreign documentation and are refusing to make my marriage contract... .. &#x200B; Any notaries you can recommend anywhere in GrandTunis? Thankssss",,,,,,2020-12-24 19:53:47 kjlrn7,,1,على خاطرنا بش نعيشو مرة بركة,,,,,,,2020-12-24 20:01:23 kjnd88,على_خاطرنا_بش_نعيشو_مرة_بركة/,1,على خاطرنا بش نعيشو مرة بركة,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-24 21:39:39 kjt3vl,,1,NASA's Artemis deep space lunar mission to include Canadian astronaut,,,,,,,2020-12-25 04:33:19 kjty8q,,22,Seeking a Tunesian penpal,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-25 05:41:33 kjxi0z,,1,Hey rTunisia just wanted to share a map of your lovely country in the 19th century source in the c. I became millionaire with bitcoin ! Go check my tips on,,,,,,,2020-12-25 11:19:57 kjy1m7,,5,Has anyone tried ?,Just want to know if anyone tried and if the cti card works on it,,,,,,2020-12-25 12:07:58 kjy5dh,,1,whats it like to be an adult in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-25 12:16:48 kjyfwa,,83,From djerba 😍,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-25 12:41:31 kjzjo8,,16,US Army chief of stuff was in Tunis few days ago,,,,,,,2020-12-25 14:07:34 kk0gq2,,3,Heart of Tunisia: The Truth of the Confiscation of Nabil Karoui's Property and the Stances of Some Parties,,,,,,,2020-12-25 15:11:16 kk2vhm,,3,Roommate,"Hi all, Do you know of any websites to use to search for a roommate in Tunisia. Specifically Tunis and surrounding area. TIA!",,,,,,2020-12-25 17:45:27 kk7dck,,3,"Looking from where to buy a bulk(en gros) of these small plastic jars either in Tunis, Sousse or Monastir??",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-25 22:36:06 kkezar,حكم_تهنئة_الكفار_بأعيادهم/,0,حكم تهنئة الكفار بأعيادهم,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-26 07:51:28 kkfn5r,,2,"The new Corona strain, are vaccines effective with it?",,,,,,,2020-12-26 09:01:13 kkgbg5,,15,Watch beautiful free documentaries on Environmental issues at Cité de la Culture from 15 to 19 PM !,[](,,,,,,2020-12-26 10:08:31 kkgsk2,,2,Best Internet provider,"Hello all. I hope you are all well in this difficult time. My question is which is the best Internet provider in Tunisia and whats the maximum speed available. I live abroad and considering moving back for good so I would like to know. Thank you all for your help in advance.",,,,,,2020-12-26 10:54:05 kkh0vy,,14,Tunisia signed a 80 million USD deal with Turkey to aquire military drones,,,,,,,2020-12-26 11:13:57 kkhedk,,1,Tunisian politics anime style,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-26 11:47:27 kkhxg3,,1,Chcoun ybi3 monero f soussa?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-26 12:33:26 kkjpg8,,115,Super urgent please! Does any1 recognize this place? A friend went missing and this is the last thing he communicated about his location...,,,,,,,2020-12-26 14:52:29 kkkxpy,,1,sex toys,from where i can get sex toys in tunisia (can t buy online),,,,,,2020-12-26 16:12:39 kko88o,,5,Well this is embarrassing but I need help,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-26 19:27:25 kkofju,,17,"Am i the only Tunisian over annoyed by everyone saying ""bled ****"" on every single problem they face?","I'm an future engineering student, first year, all of my friends and even teachers( the irony ) wanna get out of this poor land. Whenever anyone feels like crap or something bad happens randomly because of a ""person"", automatically you hear "" bled \*\*\*\*"" ""Tunis ma3adch fyha"" ""Wa9teh nhejj ya rabi"", meanwhile everyone has a big impact in this, from the ""La poste"" employee eating his lunch while people are waiting( my experience ), to the big deal millionaires/ Politicians. Whenever someone tries to f\*ck me up with that non patriotic behavior i immediately run away. Because the economy and state of the country aren't at the best and i already feel gloomy because of the media and all that negativity surrounding us daily!! The amount of energy, patience and self righteousness anyone trying to fix this bled has! Kudos !!! Is there anyone left with a little respect for this country, and how would you approach someone like a ""criminal"" or an ""illiterate"" and change their minds into loving the country? a part from financial means. Please share your experiences! No salt please x) i already know this isn't the greatest country ever but we thousands of great minds/ persons/talents.",,,,,,2020-12-26 19:39:01 kkphy6,الحراقة/,7,الحراقة,"In the past summer we all witnessed a lot of illegal immigration due to the poor economic situation and the lack of hope in a normal life for the youth , and so many have risked their lives to reach Europe, yet they get ignored by the government and mainstream media, even worse they get insulted by the prime minister and get treated like traitors or exiles. What do you guys think about this ?",,,,,,2020-12-26 20:40:17 kkq8yg,,3,Marketing programmes in Tunisia.,"Hey there. I am Algerian and I want to study marketing in Tunisia. I have been interested in studying for a while now, and I'd love to know what your thoughts are about this. Are there any nice courses that you could recommend? if you have studied marketing, or know somebody who does? how's the experience like? please share your thoughts my lablabi friends.",,,,,,2020-12-26 21:23:35 kkqn4j,,9,RIP Gilbert Naccache - Photo Credits: Augstin Le Gall,,,,,,,2020-12-26 21:46:22 kkqrt3,,1,Free Netflix Account and Password 2020,,,,,,,2020-12-26 21:53:58 kkquu4,,3,"Request for legal help, regarding marriage to a Tunisian woman","Hey guys, I have a question for you. One does not need to be a lawyer to know the answer to this question, it's mostly for Tunisians married to foreigners: I would like to get officially married by means of a ""double proxy marriage"" - this is when I and my future (legal) wife give permission to someone, in another country, to act on our behalf to perform a specific task: perform a marriage between us, without our presence under the laws of that country (meaning, our marriage license will be issued by the government of that country, as if we were standing before a notary in a biladeya, like in Tunisia, but not in this case, and will have an apostille and will need to be translated into Arabic but will be completely legally valid in Tunisia thereafter) I do not want to get married according to Tunisian law and the jurisdiction that I have chosen has favourable conditions for both parties, should we ever decide to separate. I need to provide them with one document that I do not know how to obtain: a **certificate of no impediment to marriage** \- how can my lady get such a document in Tunisia? Is it available only from Tunisian consulates, or can one get it from within Tunisia? How much does it cost? Where, and for how much money, does one get a Tunisian document notarised? (we need an apostile stamp on the certificate of no impediment to marriage). I know that it is the job of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but what is the address of the building at which we can get an apostille stamp. Can we just show up or is it by appointment only? Can we pay extra and get it done quicker/delivery service? I need to get a Tunisian notary to put his seal on a document which gives permission for the people acting on our behalf abroad to conduct our marriage - preferably written in Spanish. If not, then in French. Can a notary in Tunisia give me such a document? Again, how much would it cost? And finally... assuming I can avoid the whole headache of providing Tunisian documents and procure a marriage certificate: let us assume I have this foreign marriage certificate in my hands with an apostille stamp on it and a translation from an authorised translator within Tunisia, **how do I add my family name to my wife's ID card/passport and birth certificate? To which government department should I submit a copy of our marriage certificate and how long does the process take, from me submitting the documents to her having a new set of documents mentioning our marriage?** I thank everyone who has taken the time to respond to my questions, Your favourite neighbourhood hunter.",,,,,,2020-12-26 21:58:55 kkqz1g,,4,Sell me that pen ! Im giving away some facemasks to the one who give me the best ideas how to sell them.,,,,,,,2020-12-26 22:05:20 kkrfrl,,8,Bitcoin hits new all time high ! 71 malyoun !!,,,,,,,2020-12-26 22:31:38 kksa26,,1,M.A.C.,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-26 23:20:02 kksu8r,,1,Anyone arround Tunis want to have some fun,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-26 23:53:23 kkv0w6,,2,Dropshipping from Tunisia,"Hey everyone, i hope you’re doing fine ! I was just wondering if there’s anyone in here that is dropshipping from Tunisia and willing to dhare with us some informations.. I’ve been documenting from almost a month now which made me very motivated and engaged but as you may know.. it is complicated to do so from Tunisia due to the policy used dealing with for foreign currencies, owning an offshore company, etc. If anyone can drop a tip or help shrinking the searches, it would be awesome 🙏🏻 •Is it legal to launch/own an offshore company without declaring it to the authorities? •What is the best way to have a Paypal business (or other) account from Tunisia? •After the lunch and selling process, how to cash out money from the Paypal to cash in Tunisia ? Thank you in advance",,,,,,2020-12-27 02:07:56 kl0fxe,,11,Exploring the Ancient Roman ruins at Thuburbo Majus (a great day trip from Tunis!),,,,,,,2020-12-27 08:50:09 kl2x7o,,0,Wanna hear about my new religion?,,,,,,,2020-12-27 12:30:58 kl3n57,,105,Much love for our Maghreb bros!,,,,,,,2020-12-27 13:25:30 kl3yvm,,1,إسعافات أولية (علاج الاختناق),,,,,,,2020-12-27 13:49:35 kl5551,,16,"Colorized History - Quartier Réservé, Tunis 1939.",,,,,,,2020-12-27 15:10:19 klayjp,,6,بلاش نفاق,,,,,,,2020-12-27 20:36:35 kldzdd,,0,Can someone suggest a legit place in Tunis ( capital ) where I can spend a night with my girlfriend ?,"I know that hotels forbid booking for unmarried couples, Is there any solution? ( Note : Friend's house is not a valid option ) Thank you in advance",,,,,,2020-12-27 23:23:11 klerc4,,1,😔,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-28 00:07:39 kleuw9,,122,Sad lofi beats included...,,,,,,,2020-12-28 00:13:15 klh2t0,,7,English-taught universities or degrees in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-28 02:19:49 klo3xo,,3,Is there a good canyon for driving?,,,,,,,2020-12-28 10:30:41 klq818,,8,Is it true that we can't buy used phones anymore ?,"Hello So I have started to hear stuff about phones getting some kind of new security method that shuts down the phone or something when it's being used by a new owner as a way to combat brakajet and make sure that the thief won't be able to sell the stolen phone. I apologize if my question doesn't make sense it's just I didn't pay attention to the news lately and recently I received a message called ""Sajalni"" that only told me to register my phone by entering some code to protect it. But if this is true that we can't sell or buy used phones anymore then this is absolutely the worst idea I ever heard about because not everyone, in fact most of the people in most of the time aren't able to afford a new good quality phone with respectable specs so most of us have to buy used phones at one point of our lives or how about what if one day I decided to gift my phone to a friend or cousin but he can't use it because he is the first owner so yeah this idea is going to be horrible if it's true. If it isn't true then I'm relieved lol. If the truth is in the middle then can you please explain ?",,,,,,2020-12-28 13:07:11 klrj9m,,15,Is Kais Saied liberal?,I am talking with a foreign guy and he told me that Kais Saied is liberal and I didnt know that. Is it true?,,,,,,2020-12-28 14:30:18 klrmiv,,1,What's the best place to buy good quality cheeses of all kinds ?,,,,,,,2020-12-28 14:36:09 klt6k6,,4,easy and tasty homemade yogourt,,,,,,,2020-12-28 16:07:10 kltpht,,11,Hello lovely Tunisians!,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-28 16:35:24 klv2ey,é_is_actually_a_jewish_dish/,0,Is it true that fricassé is actually a Jewish dish?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-28 17:45:13 klv8qf,,3,Is Abir Moussi a leftist that opposes Nahdha right wing policy?,Obviously this is a shitpost.,,,,,,2020-12-28 17:54:01 klvve8,,34,Update: Guys I am not 100% sure but unfortunately I think that Mahmoud Thabet's body was found inside the car in a valley on the Marsa Road (Source twitter),,,,,,,2020-12-28 18:25:45 klvwmy,,6,Must See Sites in Tunisia,What are the must see sites for visitors to see in Tunisia?,,,,,,2020-12-28 18:27:28 klyqx2,,2,Moto cross renting in Djerba,"Hey I'm in Djerba for new years eve and I'd like to know if I can rent a bike for a few days. Most of the bikes I've seen are 50cc scooters but I've yet to see any off-road bikes (which is wierd considering the roads here) Ideally I'd love to find something like a WR 125 Thanks alot !",,,,,,2020-12-28 20:52:32 klz27c,,3,The best Bank in Tunisia,"Hi guys, I am finally getting a job and I want to have an idea on the best banks to open an account in and the reasons behind it. I am not well read about this subject and I would love some insight. Thanks in advance",,,,,,2020-12-28 21:08:12 klz5zd,,67,"It has been a sad year, May they rest in peace",,,,,,,2020-12-28 21:13:30 km2533,,9,What dark secrets you know about Tunisia ?,"Per example: sth (cult,habits,illegal stuff...)that happens or happened or used to be happening in a city or a neighborhood and only locals know about it...",,,,,,2020-12-28 23:49:09 kma0wp,,15,Educational system,"Why the heck do we always hear about fixing the educational system all the time since 2011 and yet we see nothing . I know that there is lobbying effort from the private sector and foreign pressure to make the educational system collapse . But what about the rest of the people who can't afford private education?? Shouldn't we the people have a lobby of our own so we can push towards a reform ? Shouldn't the younger generations have a better education? I myself tried to push for a reform and a better learning quality for me and my colleagues, yet all of our efforts were blocked by the beurocratic administration and suppressed by the authoritarian dean .",,,,,,2020-12-29 07:55:09 kmc1gz,,0,أكثر حركة مستفزة في الشتاء❗💔😂,,,,,,,2020-12-29 10:38:30 kmc47t,,21,‏ضحايا الشقا يا ضحايا الفساد ‏يعم الفساد جميع البلاد ‏نهوضا لنطعن حكم الفساد ‏فماذا نقول وماذا نريد؟ ‏نريد الحياة بلا ظالمين.. ‏نريد الحياة بلا ظالمين..,,,,,,,2020-12-29 10:44:43 kmdzis,,79,The Tunisian wonder women 😍,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-29 13:01:33 kme4v8,,46,Zaghouan ❤️,,,,,,,2020-12-29 13:10:49 kmfj40,في_الاتحاد_قوة/,1,في الاتحاد قوة,"We all know 4chan And their activity, can we make our own community to help each other or change something in this country using apps like discord (Facebook is cringy these days) and challenge ""IL EST LIBRE WIOU""",,,,,,2020-12-29 14:34:43 kmkofn,,3,Anyone taking IELTS Exam in the next months?,I'm looking for a study partner to study for the test.,,,,,,2020-12-29 19:10:14 kmlrch,,1,d,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-29 20:05:00 kmmsm1,,1,Meeting Spouses in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-29 20:57:55 kmp0ay,,1,"International credit cards, friend or foe to the economy?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-29 22:52:21 kmp4kd,,5,"International credit cards, friends or foes of the Tunisian economy?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-29 22:58:34 kmpzv7,,0,الطفل هذا أكيد تتفكروه أحمد الخليفي .... في ذمة الله بعد صراع مع المرض .... الله يرحمو و ينعمو 😢,,,,,,,2020-12-29 23:45:22 kmrfzb,,2,Marriage in Tunisia,"Typically, how do people meet their spouse in Tunisia?",,,,,,2020-12-30 01:02:47 kmthzw,,41,Our garding angel,,,,,,,2020-12-30 03:00:26 kmvoif,,1,How to get a Tunisian ID or passport?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-30 05:12:33 kmxdtt,,13,is there an ex-muslim association in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-30 07:06:08 kmxrk2,,3,Traveling between cities,"Hey guys I’m traveling to Tunisia from Canada on the 13 , could anyone give me some info on how I would travel between cities since it’s not allowed ?",,,,,,2020-12-30 07:34:40 kmydx9,,0,صباح الخير الناس الكل ❤️,,,,,,,2020-12-30 08:21:48 kmzbl0,,41,"Who watched the Social Dilemma ? And what's your take on the topic ( regarding tunisian content ofc )? Personally, i think social media like Facebook, instagram and especially TikTok are a cancer! and people are so damn addicted that they can't even realize that it's ruining their lives.",,,,,,,2020-12-30 09:41:51 kn12g2,,0,😂😂,,,,,,,2020-12-30 12:02:24 kn1bf4,,5,Post some tunisian jokes you know .,ثما واحد يبزنس في مرا سمرة تعدت من بحذاه قال : يا بابا ملا كعبة كوكة متعدية ، ياخي بزقت عليه ، عاد قال : و بالكشكوشة زادة .,,,,,,2020-12-30 12:21:37 kn5vu0,,7,Hand of Fatma/khamsa meaning in Tunisia,"My Tunisian husband says that hand of Fatma-symbol is only used as a luck-bringing charm in Tunisia and is not a symbol for the five pillars of Islam? He says that no one in Tunisia makes this conclusion but is referring to the five-headed star as a symbol for the pillars. What do you guys say about this? Edit: according to Wikipedia it’s known as an Islamic symbol by Sunni Muslims.",,,,,,2020-12-30 16:56:58 kn6197,,0,Reddit tnekt omou mel 3fat te3kom,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-30 17:04:14 kn643c,,0,Discord server for north african people,,,,,,,2020-12-30 17:08:12 kn6qe1,,7,"Whats with these new accounts created a month ago spamming this subreddit with nonsense, are these bots or is it someone with a bunch of alt accounts, iv'e seen at least 10 posts since yesterday that are complete trash coming from the same accounts",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-30 17:39:51 kn7ma8,,6,Telecom compared to orange in terms of internet (modems),"I would like to hear from people that tried both, which one they think was better",,,,,,2020-12-30 18:24:04 kn7mb9,,1,When will Tunisian girls stop stealing my boys?,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-30 18:24:06 kn7sxr,,1,TAKING THE S.A.T,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-30 18:33:24 kn8ng2,,9,I'm learning to read sheet music can someone please explain this section. I can not differentiate between quarter and half notes yet. Exercise in Rast.,,,,,,,2020-12-30 19:16:11 kn95f7,,3,Sitting for the sat," How I'm thinking about sitting for the S.A.T exam,how should I go about it ? Anybody going to take it this summer or already took it ? if yes tell me what to expect . Also do I just go to Amideast and take a date or do I have to go through some revision courses ? How high are the fees (money is a bit tight )? And alot of people told me to avoid Addictest since they milk you (litteral translation yep), is it true ? THANKS IN ADVANCE .",,,,,,2020-12-30 19:41:34 kn9hw9,,0,"Kerim Bouzouita : « La Tunisie va imploser, reste à savoir quand »",,,,,,,2020-12-30 19:59:07 knacja,,1,"Can i put my relative's paypal account to get payment or it is riky, any experience?",[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-30 20:41:53 knamra,,27,Tunisians in CT or NY/NJ,Hi! I'm (23F) living in stamford CT (40 min from NYC) and besides the family that I have in this town I dont know any other tunisians and I always wanted to change that. I speak broken derja but enough to have a good convo because i grew up here but was born in tunisia! if anyone wants to be a local tunisian friend it would make me sososososososo happy,,,,,,2020-12-30 20:56:37 kncjyd,,11,Tunisia is the most unsatisfied country in 2019 according to this Reddit post,,,,,,,2020-12-30 22:36:24 knectv,,10,Reviews and Questions about DAR ZAGHOUAN,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-31 00:10:25 knm65t,,10,My 2020 compilation video of exploring Tunisia while writing the Bradt Travel Guide to Tunisia (1st Edition),,,,,,,2020-12-31 08:18:13 knmj42,,91,Do you think rebuilding Carthage’s Cothon is a good idea (building a modern one ofc),,,,,,,2020-12-31 08:47:37 knmu2w,,3,صباحكم بالخير 💖 و نشالله عامكم مبروك و نشالله بالصحة و العافية🎊,,,,,,,2020-12-31 09:13:19 knpv0l,,2,Is it true that Paypal will be available in Tunisia starting from this year?,[deleted],,,,,,2020-12-31 13:19:03 knqx7k,,1,If You Are Interested In Getting No of Customers You Haven't Thought of To Your Business Or Whatever Profession You Are For Only $100.This Is The Best Platform I Have Seen. Rest Is In Your Hand Thank You.,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-31 14:30:06 knspcd,,5,I Need Help with a Really Random Word in Derja!,"How do you say ""nail clipper?"" I have a book on MSA but has one or two Moroccan words/Darija in it and one of them is nail clipper hhhhh.",,,,,,2020-12-31 16:11:47 knte56,,5,Incomprehensible words and sentences for Arabic speakers in the Middle East?,"This is a copy past from r/Algeria. I need words and sentences that are incomprehensible for Arabic speakers in the Middle East. As you know Darija and Derja from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia are hard to understand for those from the Near East. The sentences and words I need can be random or from your own experience, when you talked to someone from the Middle East. I had an conversation with a Lebanese friend of mine, who sometimes talks to me in Lebanese Arabic and he asked me if I have cats. I replied with ""Ma3andish shi mush."" (""I don't have any cats"") and he couldn't understand anything.",,,,,,2020-12-31 16:49:12 knugpc,,127,Zaghouan ❤️❤️ Happy new year 🇹🇳🇹🇳 by mouelhi amine,,,,,,,2020-12-31 17:45:04 knwdte,,17,We need a damn suicide prevention hotline.,,,,,,,2020-12-31 19:30:20 knxwun,,10,I know this is not truely in tunisia its in egypt but did it happen to someone here,,,,,,,2020-12-31 20:56:36 knyrav,,1,Searching for a tunisian who passed the frensh contest (concours) to access frensh engeneering schools.,[removed],,,,,,2020-12-31 21:45:29 knz0q0,,1,Searching for a tunisian who passed the frensh contest (concours) to access frensh engeneering schools,"I'm a first-year prepa student at ipeiMonastir and lately I started considering passing the frensh entrance exames for engeneering schools (especially mines-pont?). With that being said, i'm searching for someone who passed through the same situation as me and attended these exams to ask him/her about his/her experience (costs/ is it worth it?/ How hard can it be?/ Steps to follow ...) Aside from that I wish everyone a happy new year!🎉🎊",,,,,,2020-12-31 22:00:45 ko2rr3,,1,Weird object next to the moon,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-01 01:50:27 ko9kc9,,9,Similarities Between Maltese and Arabic (Tunisian Dialect),,,,,,,2021-01-01 11:04:53 koam3t,,153,Bardo 5 pm ❤️❤️,,,,,,,2021-01-01 12:34:12 kocuhq,,6,package been stuck for over 2 weeks,"Hi, so my package (Criterion blu-rays) has been stuck in the diwana for 2 weeks (shipped from Canada) and i don't know what to do nor what's causing the problem. I am extremely irritated cuz i've wanted these for so long. Is there anything i can do in order to receive it? Alternatively, do i have the option to send it back to the sender directly from where it's at? I appreciate any help.",,,,,,2021-01-01 15:17:29 koe401,,28,Happy new year guys,,,,,,,2021-01-01 16:32:40 kog834,,0,YouTube channel that shows videos about pre-revolution Tunisia(even if it’s propaganda we can’t ignore the fact that Tunisia is better),[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-01 18:30:54 koi86s,,1,Any English speakers in Tunis who want to socialise?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-01 20:19:31 kojo44,,13,"Maltese is basically Tunisian Derja, except they can't pronounce the ح and ق lol. A video of Maltese and a Tunisian trying to understand each other.",,,,,,,2021-01-01 21:36:50 kolwv1,,6,The only battle Tunisia fought in the last 50 years.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-01 23:39:01 koptm5,,4,Quarantine is required in Tunisia ? tunisiav🇹🇳,"I am planning on going back home to tunisia next month, after nearly 2 years away and I would like to know first is it ok to Enter Tunisia with an European passport as my tunisian passport is lost, and second point is regarding quarantine, Do I need to stay in quarantine in a hotel when I arrive there or is it ok to do it at home instead ? Much appreciated fellow tunisians !",,,,,,2021-01-02 03:29:34 kotjbk,,56,نشالله عامكم مبروك و كلو فرحة 🥰❤️,,,,,,,2021-01-02 07:50:33 kouv73,,5,Hidden gem tourist friendly furnished apartment 30 minutes away from Tunis for a year or so,"I've been to Tunisia before but was so busy sightseeing wasn't really looking around at apartments. =) I am looking for a ""hidden gem tourist friendly suburb (with things like a gym - basic things)"" about 30-45 minutes AWAY from Tunis (I don't like living directly in the city) that is cheap (**not** sidi bousaid lmao) - furnished apartment no more than 750 dinars a month. I only speak fluently English but I don't mind if I have to drive to Tunis to get groceries or whatever if I cannot communicate with the locals (hence why I don't want to be too far away from Tunis). Talking to you guys would give me more accurate information than 1000 hours of googling every town in the area, thanks for your help!",,,,,,2021-01-02 09:45:50 kowwb5,,88,"Hey guys, I'm really proud to release my album which i've been working on for two years! I hope you can give me your feedback! I hope you like it.",,,,,,,2021-01-02 12:42:33 kox4tb,,0,تونس__بلد_العحائب آخر ما صدر في #سليانة... مواطن يستولي على مقبرة جاب تراكس وخرّج الجثث باش يزرع في بلاصتهم زيتون,,,,,,,2021-01-02 13:01:50 kox8io,,5,Buying games on steam,"Hey guys, I am new to gaming and was wondering if us Tunisians can buy original copy games online? Thanks for all and any of your input.",,,,,,2021-01-02 13:09:57 kp0aho,,1,A way to buy USD / EUR or Cryptos from a Tunisian (TND) account?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-02 16:23:40 kp120s,,1,,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-02 17:05:10 kp23j0,,6,Similarities between Maltese and Tunisian Arabic,,,,,,,2021-01-02 17:59:32 kp29vo,,18,why is no one wearing their mask?,Does everyone think they are immune to covid or something? Everytime I go to tunis mall or carrefour an incredible amount of people are not wearing their mask.,,,,,,2021-01-02 18:08:11 kp3b1s,,4,Tech internships in Tunisia status,"I have sent my resume to many companies and startups, even tho I am so advanced and I have experience working remotely with international companies in the US, I cannot even get an internship here in Tunisia! Recruiters don't even bother checking their emails or replying to candidates, and whenever I call them they just try to send me behind the sun saying that they will get back to me asap, and it never happens. This internship is part of my University program in ISET, it's one month internship and it feels so weird not being able to secure one. I get payed a lot working with the international companies and of course I lie about being a student as that would effect my payment rates badly. Short thing is, I am technically in the same level as software engineers in Tunisia, might be even better and I cannot even get a one month internship in my 2nd year of my university program. What are your thoughts about this?",,,,,,2021-01-02 19:00:43 kp3ufq,,1,looking for rent,hey there i m looking for a s+1 for rent in manouba (haut standing) can anybody help me,,,,,,2021-01-02 19:28:37 kp5mtl,,5,"Heyy everybody so I'm going throw ""bac français "" this year nd i need help for some documents or information if someone can help !",,,,,,,2021-01-02 21:00:07 kp8ynn,,0,matinsawich ali fama protest nhar 14 janvier kan tijim tahbat ahbat,,,,,,,2021-01-02 23:57:37 kpbp53,,151,[Day 128] (DELAYED) Posting a picture of a train from each country in their national subreddit.,,,,,,,2021-01-03 02:33:27 kpgnhu,,0,Tunisia ❤️❤️🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-03 07:58:52 kphpr6,,1,"Nordo - Ya Denya, can anyone provide an English Translation please?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-03 09:29:24 kpibcc,,3,Why is our capital city named Tunis el 3asma?,"So whenever I talk to Europeans, Americans and even East Asians and I am introducing my country.. most of them have no idea where Tunisia is or if it even exists.. until I mention Carthage and Hannibal. My question is.. why is our capital city named Touness el 3asma/Tunis? I mean isn't the capital supposed to be our most known city? Like the city that has the richest history and shine.. Picking the county's name and adding El 3asma/the capital is LAME! As if we are some new young country with no history.. Shouldnt the entire governorate be renamed to Carthage? The delegation of Carthage can be renamed to Historic Carthage or whetever name you think of. Touness should only be the whole country's name. I can think of some cultural, touristic and therfore economic benefits from this...",,,,,,2021-01-03 10:23:58 kpijwd,,7,Can I manage to get a tech job without a degree?,"I have completed a self study computer science curriculum. I don’t have a degree to prove it but I can pay to get some certificates from coursera if that helps.I have 26 projects in my GitHub. I want a C++ job .What are my chances ?",,,,,,2021-01-03 10:44:49 kpiqd6,,50,Tunisia's National Dish... COUSCOUS!,,,,,,,2021-01-03 10:58:55 kpixbl,,17,"Bizerte, Tunisia, 1880. Ottoman Era",,,,,,,2021-01-03 11:14:29 kpk2i0,,2,does anyone here train at cobra team in manouba or knows about walid znegui if yes then what's you opinion on them both?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-03 12:48:15 kpo064,,47,Beer prices has been raised again because Tunisia economy depends on drunk poeple,,,,,,,2021-01-03 16:56:36 kpor1j,érance_sportive_de_tunis/,2,Jersey for Espérance Sportive de Tunis?,Does anyone know where to buy merch/jerseys for this team / league? I cant find anything at all online.,,,,,,2021-01-03 17:35:11 kppdti,,0,Great times,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-03 18:06:08 kppdxl,,0,Great times,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-03 18:06:18 kpqrkm,,2,"Bled Cocktail, a playlist by AFROO FRUITS on Spotify",,,,,,,2021-01-03 19:13:08 kpt5b5,,7,I need your opinions,"So a friend of mine is working on a project , the project is about english language teaching to young children ( age 11-12-13) , so i wanna ask you two questions 1 / were you satisfied with the way they taught us english during primary and middle school? 2 /do you have any suggestions to improve the english language teaching methods? the first one is yes/no question, the second is free",,,,,,2021-01-03 21:10:07 kpua44,,1,Friends removed from Netflix Tunisia?,"I was wondering what to watch tonight on Netflix, and we settled on Friends, however it’s nowhere to be found. I made few google search and I found that it was removed from netflix us, can someone confirm?",,,,,,2021-01-03 22:09:10 kpum1n,,1,Where do i find brothels in Tunisia / Sfax .,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-03 22:27:01 kpvjzt,,0,صورة الضحية الذي توفي اليوم حرقا داخل سيارته في صفاقس بعد اشتعال النيران فيها.. الضحيّة حاول الخروج من السيارة ولم يستطع الله يرحمه ويصبر أهله,,,,,,,2021-01-03 23:16:05 kpx75o,,1,Messed up tunisians,"So ..yeah.. it was last night I think... Someone posted something about 🍺 $ in tunisia ... and u couldn't stop urselves from turning it into politics/religion issue ... islamists/drunks/poors/since2011/thieves... Yeah what I realized lately is that it is not religion or politicians fault.. it is us... We are divided and we ll always be ... We hate each other's... We don't respect each other's obviously... And u know the worst thing is that we all overestimate ourselves... Yeah that is probably happening in most of the other countries ... But at least they're willing to accept things for their country ... Nnah we don't ... Nobody cares about thi country .. thi flag .. thi nationality .. you don't.. I don't .. A minority does... It ll always be this way... At least for the next 100sh years",,,,,,2021-01-04 00:45:40 kpzw5a,,5,It's very tempting,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-04 03:13:45 kq4b7c,,57,[مشاريع عملاقة] It’s like they really want us to die in this country...,,,,,,,2021-01-04 08:04:36 kq58le,,5,Survey about voting habits in Tunisia / Questionnaire sur les habitudes de voter en Tunisie,"Hey there, Please help me out with filling out this survey about voting habits in Tunisia! It only takes 1-2 Minutes (5 Questions). I appreciate your participation :) It is in English or French. // Merci beaucoup de m'aider à remplir ce questionnaire sur les habitudes de voter en Tunisie ! Il faut juste une ou deux minutes pour remplir le questionnaire (5 questions). Je vous remercie de votre temps :) C'est en anglais ou en français. [](",,,,,,2021-01-04 09:17:34 kq5qnd,,1,منظومة سجلني,,,,,,,2021-01-04 09:56:35 kq6tlh,,1,Is there anybody here who uses Payoneer?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-04 11:21:24 kq6tta,,1,What's eating my telecom phone balance? And how do I stop it?,"For a few months now, I've noticed that my phone money goes down before I even make a call to anyone (I don't call that much, and only for very short durations, also I rarely send messages) I've thought of the internet forfaits, but the ones I used aren't renewable (I do the 50Mb/2H for 250millimes offer) only recently did I use the 4.5 Dinar one for 1.1Gb /30J and it's automatically renewable so I'll also like to know how to stop it. When I made the purchase for that 4.5D offer, my balance went down by 4.580 millimes Instead of just 4.5D which is odd. The only USSD codes I know are *122#, *140# and *140*8# I do not reply to any of the scam gambling offer messages btw.",,,,,,2021-01-04 11:21:52 kq87dm,,1,can a parent ask ooreedo for his minor kid's location ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-04 12:54:10 kq9fp1,,12,How many people speak Berber in Tunisia?,Is Berber mixed with Arabic in Tunisia? Or do you guys speak them separately? I was under the impression that most Tunisians spoke Berber.,,,,,,2021-01-04 14:09:45 kqa9u4,,0,نزعل ليه والدنيا فيها قهوة☕️.,,,,,,,2021-01-04 14:56:59 kqaw5w,,12,Here's a good app idea :,"Hey there you beautiful people. There is an app called ""Meetup"", that allows you to meet up with groups of people in bars, restaurants and open spaces according to your hobbies, interests, studies, job prospects, etc. Just checked it and there are not many events in Tunisia right now. I encourage you to try it out, start up events, share them on social media, and make new connections. This is one of the many ways to build a functional democracy ! (cool way to say I'm lonely af, lol )",,,,,,2021-01-04 15:28:47 kqayo9,,1,Anyone wants to meet up?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-04 15:32:12 kqbfht,,24,TUNISTAN 2021,,,,,,,2021-01-04 15:56:30 kqcr73,,2,Which one is better ?,MedTech or ULT(universite tunis libre),,,,,,2021-01-04 17:01:39 kqf7cw,,85,Olfa Hamdi named new CEO of Tunisair. Can she save the company from the absolute miserable state it's in right now ?,,,,,,,2021-01-04 18:58:36 kqfm7c,,22,"The Punic city of Kerkouane, just south of Carthage on the tip of Cape Bon. It was one of the major settlements along the coast under Carthage’s domain. The city was abandoned following the First Punic War, and was never resettled. The city’s real name is lost to history.",,,,,,,2021-01-04 19:17:31 kqg5g5,,1,أول مرة في حياتي نشوف هاد الأثمنة😱 مشترياتي من محل ديكورات كلشي رخيص و ك...,,,,,,,2021-01-04 19:43:03 kqg9ru,,8,Admission to a public university,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-04 19:48:45 kqna7m,,3,Where can i find private offices for rent,"Since it's impossible to have optical fiber internet installed at home, I'm wondering where can i find offices for rent that are not too expensive and have optical fiber installed.",,,,,,2021-01-05 01:29:57 kqp344,,10,What do you guys think about Egypt?,"Personally as an Egyptian i think your architecture and landscape is soooooo beautiful, and i can actually kind of understand you. Congrats on being a democracy, but there are other things..",,,,,,2021-01-05 03:07:46 kqsk6w,,33,Top Tunisian YouTube search of 2020...,,,,,,,2021-01-05 06:36:44 kqt8yl,,3,"How do I stop ""automatically renewable"" telecom forfaits ?","Please, that's all I need",,,,,,2021-01-05 07:25:59 kqtdef,,5,Can we have “buy nothing groups” in most postal code areas of the country? Read the article before commenting plz,,,,,,,2021-01-05 07:35:28 kqtss7,,63,A map of nations when asked the question “Which of your country’s foreign relations do you view most favourably?”,,,,,,,2021-01-05 08:06:04 kqvhe7,,1,How Do I Get A Tunisian Passport?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-05 10:04:39 kqwkpj,,3,Covid-19 Map Live - Realtime Counter of Cases and Deaths Coronavirus,,,,,,,2021-01-05 11:22:26 kqyg9l,,2,Can we travel between cities from tunis to takrouna?,I want to go to takrouna staturday and come back before the curfew. is it allowed?,,,,,,2021-01-05 13:27:52 kr0kbq,,72,"Tunisia to lead F-35 maintenance in the region, a document published by the U.S. House of Representatives confirms.",,,,,,,2021-01-05 15:30:08 kr0pl8,,4,"Yesterday someone shared a question about Olfa Hamdi and what you people thought about. Some of you are disappointed and believe she's not qualified. Can you share with us what would you do to save Tunisiair, since you folks seem like you know better than she does?",,,,,,,2021-01-05 15:37:44 kr2ph7,,2,Food stamps paid for alcohol?,I’ve been to a few places where they sell alcohol and I’ve seen guys buy alcohol with a piece of paper? (Not dinar). Are those food stamps or some sort of government assistance thing? Thanks...,,,,,,2021-01-05 17:12:13 kr454q,,2,Transferwise card in Tunisia,"Hello everyone, I have a transferwise master card that I brought with me from Europe, I get paid from my current job in euros, can I make a withdrawal from any distributor which accepts mastercards, or it's just wiser and costs less to send the money to tunisia? Thank you in advance",,,,,,2021-01-05 18:17:39 kr49or,,0,"Rached Ghannouchi hopes that Libyan crisis solution will lead to an economic partnership in the future between Tunisia, Libya and Qatar","The president of the Tunisian parliament and leader of the Islamist party Ennhadha, Rached Ghannouchi, expressed his desire that the Libyan crisis solution will lead to an economic partnership in the future between [Tunisia](, Libya, and the State of [Qatar]( President Ghannouchi, in an interview with the Qatari daily “Al-Sharq,” commenting the weak commercial exchange between his country and Doha under 170 million dollars, that the improvement of the situation in fraternal Libya will represent a unique opportunity for the two countries under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ghannouchi is considering a tripartite commercial partnership between Tunisia, Qatar, and Libya.”A Tunisian-Qatar-Libyan tripartite economic partnership for investments in peace and reconstruction in the Libyan state would be a real turning point,” Ghannouchi said in a long interview.The president of the Tunisian parliament – most criticized in the history of the North African Republic – indicated that the eighth session of the meetings of the Tunisian-Qatar joint committee will be held next March. The event will celebrate the signing of over eighty agreements in various sectors. This joint committee work will focus on adopting the maritime line between the two countries and removing all obstacles to a true partnership in the air transport sector, serving Tunisia, Qatar, and Africa. Tunisia is preparing to launch a comprehensive economic program to restore cooperation with neighboring Libya, aimed at stemming the damage caused by the coronavirus emergency, which led to the closure of the land and air borders between the two countries for months. Trade between Libya and Tunisia decreased by 70% in 2020. Turkish and Chinese goods have filled the shelves of shops in Libya while the population suffers from the continuous increase in prices due to the progressive devaluation of the dinar in exchange for the dollar. &#x200B; [ Tunisian parliament ]( Despite political negotiations conducted by the United Nations through the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF), the situation on the ground between the forces of the Government of National Accord (GNA) supported by Qatar, Turkey, and Italy, and the Libyan National Army (LNA) of General Khalifa Haftar, remains tense in the Sirte area. The joint military committee, composed of officials from the two sides, formally called for the withdrawal of the Syrian mercenaries transferred to Libya from Turkey and the Russian forces. However, this appeal has remained unheard as for today. In recent days, we have seen demonstrations by Syrian mercenaries coordinated by Ankara because they have not received the promised wages for months.",,,,,,2021-01-05 18:23:08 kr4b5j,,20,Similarities between Derja and Maltese - I think this might be interesting for you guys (:,,,,,,,2021-01-05 18:25:05 kr4pz2,,1,"Welcome to life, enjoy your stay.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-05 18:43:29 kr68wz,,13,Visiting Tunisia as Brit what do I need?,"Hi, Greetings lovely people of Tunisa, I am a British Citizen (UK) i would like to visit your beautiful country and if someone has travelled recently please guide me. What do I need to present any paperwork etc and do they require us to quarantine upon arrival if so tha for how long (If i will need PSR test from UK or Arrival)? Thank you",,,,,,2021-01-05 19:55:13 kr69cm,,0,"After assigning the new CEO of Tunisair , the huge future incomes will let the company take down Fly Emirates and Etihad airlines from international football teams.",,,,,,,2021-01-05 19:55:47 kr963k,,8,Bac 2021,"Guys i need some Advice here in what i'd like to call a Gay Situation : where i quitted high school for almost 2 Years , i worked my Career by Working Multiple jobs etc ... But felt incomplete , like there's Something is missing whenever i socialize with others who got that sheet of Paper called BAC and Study in a University ! Well i decided to get back to school and Now i found myself facing a lot of Studies and i have a National Exam after few months , i've never studied nothing Since those 2 years till Now ! Now i'm into that War of thoughts inside my head where i keep asking questions to myself that i really want to answer and React but i Cannot , specially the ( What if Question ) was my Decision ( N3ady lbac ) worth it , i found myself feeling irresponsible and guilty for that Decision cause i'm not studying at all !! And the lack of Motivation to Study is increasing !",,,,,,2021-01-05 22:10:53 krj9qs,,19,Flying from Tunisia to Switzerland for Christmas this year...,,,,,,,2021-01-06 07:48:15 krlxud,,14,How to react to those people ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-06 11:17:55 krn7ak,,48,So schrodinger does have a rule for this too.,,,,,,,2021-01-06 12:45:39 krnh8a,,0,كيم جونغ أون: أتمنى إقامة دولة فلسطين المستقلة في العام الجديد,,,,,,,2021-01-06 13:04:05 krnmib,,2,Do you or anyone you know have hyperhidrosis ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-06 13:13:20 krnqhr,,1,Therapists,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-06 13:20:27 krqkvf,,9,If you had power to decide in this country what would you change and what would you do to make Tunisia a better country?,,,,,,,2021-01-06 15:57:26 krr6ie,,4,"Tunisian guys, how big is your private part ?","[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-06 16:26:39 krr7qk,,0,So Tunisian men are sexy and they know it,,,,,,,2021-01-06 16:28:17 krv1se,,8,are you proud with the tunisian history?,"and which era are you more proud of , the antiquity (carthage and rome..), the early medieval times with the Vandals and the byzantine Tunisia or in other words christian tunisia, which is really ignored by most people especially the educational system, or the islamic tunisia , that's really vast from the early conquest , withe the umayyads , the aghlebids (the Abbasid caliphate) , the fatimids , until the ottoman empire times.",,,,,,2021-01-06 19:21:05 krx8op,,44,Le football en Afrique,,,,,,,2021-01-06 21:08:25 ks8qoz,,0,3 things that bring Jews and Arabs together :-),,,,,,,2021-01-07 08:04:42 ks9zkl,,6,Nice Title,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-07 09:36:22 ksatrx,,0,تدوينة لطيفة على صفحتها,,,,,,,2021-01-07 10:41:00 ksb58v,,3,Who tired to cash out Bitcoin to tunisian Bank,any one tried it ?,,,,,,2021-01-07 11:05:16 ksbm93,,24,New ath for bitcoin ( last week i posted the price was 70k tnd ),,,,,,,2021-01-07 11:39:59 ksc9a7,,44,JUAN.,,,,,,,2021-01-07 12:24:59 kscytp,,1,Does anyone here have a payoneer account with a functional prepaid credit card??,"I have a payoneer account with money in it, but my prepaid credit card got blocked because of lack of use and now I need to make an online purchase. If any payoneer account holder wouldn't mind I'd like to send you the amount to be spent from my payoneer account to yours so that you can make the purchase on my behalf. This won't cost you anything but a few mins of your time. Thank you in advance for your help!",,,,,,2021-01-07 13:11:07 ksdmw3,عشاق_عالم_الطيران_للعرب/,0,عشاق عالم الطيران للعرب,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-07 13:51:02 ksedwb,,0,جريدة الوحدة النسخة الفلسطينية - Unity newspaper Palestinian edition,,,,,,,2021-01-07 14:32:24 ksjkbq,,8,How do you say Morocco in Tunisian Arabic,,,,,,,2021-01-07 18:40:45 kskevn,,146,Found this gem in watania 2,,,,,,,2021-01-07 19:18:35 ksltvi,,2,Posting Phone & Electronics to Tunis from France,"Hello everyone, I m going to buy a brand new phone for my cousin who lives in Tunis. I will send him via post or with someone But I still could not find anyone visiting Tunis for the next week. This is why I had to use Post service But my cousin worrying the phone can be stolen or lost. Do you know any service used to send that electronic product to Tunis from France?",,,,,,2021-01-07 20:22:53 kss0nb,,8,Is Tunisian Arabic closer to Libyan Arabic or Algerian Arabic?,,,,,,,2021-01-08 01:31:15 kstn6m,,15,Hey Tunisians! How are you?,"Hey everyone, I'm Egyptian. How is life in Tunisia been recently? Especially after you managed to be a democratic country? What are the positives/negatives? Do you trust your leaders? Are relations with other Arab countries good? There's more that I want to know but I'm trying to keep this simple and yet understand the effect the Arab Spring had on a country that actually succeeded in getting what they asked for. Looking forward to hearing from you",,,,,,2021-01-08 03:03:32 ksxb26,,0,Tomorrow,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-08 06:59:20 ksz4g2,,13,a good calm coffee place to study in tunis?,,,,,,,2021-01-08 09:25:14 kszn8s,,4,Do you guys know if doctors report consumption of drugs?,"Say your body might be reacting weirdly after drugs and you need to go see a doctor. Would they report?",,,,,,2021-01-08 10:07:56 kt0c09,,0,Nasher fi lili offical music video { culture},,,,,,,2021-01-08 11:03:28 kt5438,,2,Anyone using lastfm or rym ?,Anyone here who listens to Tunisian artists is using lastfm or rym ?,,,,,,2021-01-08 15:50:39 kt7o2t,,17,Is there a Cosy coffee shop for sunday morning reading sessions in Lafayette zone?,,,,,,,2021-01-08 17:52:31 kt8maa,,6,English book sellers/shops in Tunisia,"Hi, I'm trying to buy some books (in English) but I can't seem to find the perfect place for that. I went to fnac and most of the stuff there is either in Arabic or French and I've also tried buying from this Instagram account called ""Ktebi\_official"" but I am not stratified with the product the paper quality is poor and the cover is loose and it's basically something that won't last that long and that may not be a problem for some but considering that I reread the books that I purchase many times and look forward to keep them at my shelf for years that would be a problem. So if you have any idea where or how can I get some good quality books in English that would be much appreciated and big thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-01-08 18:36:34 ktbu3f,,1,idk where to ask about this,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-08 21:08:35 ktd74h,,2,"""I get that a lot"" in derja?",As in someone says something about you and you respond with that.,,,,,,2021-01-08 22:15:32 ktmla1,,1,Do you guys think we need a second revolution? The 1st one wasn't generation's revolution but basically we still have a corrupt government and uneducated sexist and homophobic people..,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-09 07:39:48 ktn5de,,31,"I covered Khaled's ""Didi"" with musicians from Egypt, Brazil, France, Greece, and India (myself)","Hey! I recently worked on this music project with a few musicians from across the globe during this lockdown to recreate the 90s classic ""Didi"", we all grew up listening to by the legendary Cheb Khaled. It'd be sweet if you could check it out and share it. This is our sweet tribute to the legend Khaled from his international fans Cheers! [Didi (Cheb Khaled cover) by Artists Across the Globe | Quarantine Project]( Here's the YouTube link:",,,,,,2021-01-09 08:27:23 ktnv84,,1,The F word in this sub,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-09 09:29:07 ktoiv3,,1,Do u think a second tunisian revolution could happen and do you support it happening?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-09 10:26:06 ktoj0z,,1,I know most Tunisians would be happy to join without hesitation.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-09 10:26:29 ktrkiy,,4,Doesn’t this sound like a terrible waste?,,,,,,,2021-01-09 14:11:18 ktt6jy,,2,Anyone know if the government is working on changing the monetary laws?,"**Before getting irritated with the mainstream topic please read what's below thanks!** I've posted a while ago an inquiry about ways to get around **PayPal** ( and other digital banks ) in Tunisia and some people messaged me to ask me if i've found anything interesting, well sadly unless you have a relative outside of Tunisia you can't trust the traders here.... i've investigated YouTube, Facebook, websites about the #winou-paypal movement that happened years ago, anyway the minister of technology said on the Radio that The central bank of Tunisia which is the one people are 'blaming' isn't solely responsible of not being able to get PayPal ( or others ) to work here, and that they did their best to find ways around our monetary policy ( carte technologique ) which is btw since 1976 ( approx ), isn't that really outdated? i mean the laws prohibits any possession of foreign currency but PayPal insists that's the reason why they refused our application, so the minister said that some people are working on changing the policy. and that since 2016 - 2017, is it that hard to change these? is the weight of currency black market heavier than getting some unemployed people to get work online? anyone can answer this? Plus even if this is mainstream, thousands of people actually want it to happen. And our economy depends on phosphates which crumbling right now isn't it the right time? **Ps** : i know **everyone is freaking tired of PayPal topics i personally wanna hit my head on the screen.** but as much as we hate it, we're that dependent i mean **gambling/crypto/freelance/goods** if that**'**s taboo well our economy is dependant on such ""taboo"" ( alcohol, cigarettes, smuggling, customs stealing from people's packages...) ... i have friends from india that literally are living with online freelancing. should we start another **movement or event but with a different motto**? Don't we deserve at least an answer?",,,,,,2021-01-09 15:48:42 ktt8nx,,0,عاشت الثورة! باشر صباح أمس الجمعة 8 جانفي 5 اطباء صينين عملهم بالمستشفى الجهوي الحسين بوزيان بقفصة في اطار التعاون الطبي التونسي الصيني ، ويتكون هذا الاطار الطبي من 2 اطباء نساء و توليد و طب تبنيج و طب اطفال وطب الاشعة .,,,,,,,2021-01-09 15:52:05 kttg86,,39,"A very known house in la Marsa, do you know the story behind?",,,,,,,2021-01-09 16:03:27 ktvep2,,85,Tunisia Elevation Map,,,,,,,2021-01-09 17:41:27 ktwjc6,,10,Similarities Between Maltese and Tunisian Arabic,,,,,,,2021-01-09 18:36:59 ktx4bk,,2,Electroniq Maqams Live Act - By Aly Mrabet & Nacim Gastli & Selim Arjoun (Peak of Tunisian electronic music),[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-09 19:06:26 ktzmx3,,6,Rbk (formation mta3 el code) or gomycode ?,I want to know whose better and 110000dt worth it to be a full stack developer (java script 6 month khw) fi rbk ?,,,,,,2021-01-09 21:16:50 ku0nld,,1,I guess this why we never get american tourists,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-09 22:10:29 ku1b50,,1,Tunisie,,,,,,,2021-01-09 22:43:57 ku1lh4,السلام_عليكم_أنا_جديد_بالموقع_فهل_من_مرحب/,0,السلام عليكم أنا جديد بالموقع فهل من مرحب,# السلام عليكم أنا جديد بالموقع فهل من مرحب,,,,,,2021-01-09 22:59:03 ku8gu7,,18,"Advice please in regards to which city to choose for a month between Tunis, Monastir, Sousse and Sfax","Hey everyone, this summer in July I am supposed to go on a 1 month medical exchange to Tunisia, and I have to choose a city between Tunis, Monastir, Sousse and Sfax to do my exchange in a hospital. I would love any pointers or advice from you all. \> I only speak English, can read Arabic but not speak it well at all, nor French. Is that a problem for any of the cities? Or which one of them will only English be more than helpful in? \> Does the quality of hospitals differ between the cities? Might be a weird question so sorry about that, but like in my own country the major cities generally tend to have a better hospital and facilities in general. \> Which city overall would you recommend as the best for a student staying for a month? In terms of safety, friendliness, enjoyment etc \> Interested in any general advice for the visit as well! Any tips, must-do's, things to remember etc :) &#x200B; Thanks for taking out time to answer, very excited to see the lovely country this summer!",,,,,,2021-01-10 05:37:38 kuajyc,,2,What do you think about the new Tunisian digital wallet flouci?,,,,,,,2021-01-10 08:11:36 kub0we,,7,Anyone knows what’s the copyright protection situation in Tunisia? What are the real consequences?,"I know the law says a lot of things but I’m looking for real life reactions to copyright infringement. Do you know of any cases? What’s the government’s reaction to torrenting and the like? Did people ever get questioned for it? PS: I’m Tunisian and I’m asking for my personal information, not seeking to make this part of any public research.",,,,,,2021-01-10 08:51:20 kubuf5,,1,Anyone have any possible idea how i can receive money from overseas? Please I'm desperate,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-10 10:01:14 kudmth,,80,"From Tunisia, beautiful doors - من تونس، أبواب جميلة",,,,,,,2021-01-10 12:27:17 kuek7z,,24,Rant.,"باش نكتب بالتونسي خاتر موضوع كيفما هكة ما نحبش يكون accessible. توا قاعدة نخمم في الحاجات اللي نحب نعملها في 2021 و منهم انو نكون active أكثر. نحب نعمل marche, اش فيها هذة؟ لا، بالطبيعة المارش في تونس عذاب، و مش نحكي عل المادة الي مش موجودة ولا مقعمزين فيها جماعة القهوة، نحكي عل الرجال الي ماشي في بالهم حق انهم يدرعولك خواطرك. نحب نفهم شنوا في مخ انسان تركبلو يشد جرتك في الكياس؟ اخرتها انا و صحبتي في باركور المنزه زوز على موطور قعدو في جرتنا و بعد قالولنا باش يستناونا بحذا باب المنتزه. غير باش رعبونا. لواه؟ شنوا الplaisir الي يلقاوه النوعية هذه مل العباد باش يمرولنا عيشتنا. نولي كي الفأرة في salle de sport عل القليلة حد ما يقلقني غادي ولا نلوج من randonnée l randonnée هاوكة كيف كيف ما عندهم ما يعملولي. مع العلم الي أنا نبدأ ملفوفة كيف كعبة الlibanai و مش نحوس بbikini. Bref, خسارة.",,,,,,2021-01-10 13:35:39 kueow7,,137,"I Made this meme, and I'm sorry for those who lost anyone due to COVID, It's not for laughing as much as for criticizing our people.",,,,,,,2021-01-10 13:44:31 kuhrwl,,3,Urgent help for PayPal,"Hey everyone, I just received my salary on my belgian PayPal and the money was suspended with 7 euros fees for the transaction, what can I do in that case?",,,,,,2021-01-10 16:42:16 kui9nw,,3,Betterave cake / Beetroot cake 😋,,,,,,,2021-01-10 17:07:02 kukj7w,,3,Ownership of endangered or rare animals,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-10 19:08:44 kumj2b,,76,Thats my kind of country,,,,,,,2021-01-10 20:43:14 kuoc61,,3,Paying card illegal ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-10 22:09:43 kupa3h,,5,cryptocurrency mining in tunisia,is crypto mining illegal in tunisia ?,,,,,,2021-01-10 22:56:16 kuphq7,,1,I cant enter r/algeria,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-10 23:07:07 kuwkcj,,1,Thank You Tunisia! 🇹🇳🤝🇨🇦 A while ago I posted here asking for a football scarf for my project and now I am back to say thank you for helping me out! My mission to exchange maple syrup for a football scarf from every country is on its way to being complete!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-11 05:56:39 kuyj01,,1,Qu’est-ce que le théâtre maghrébin ? (revue Expressions maghrébines),,,,,,,2021-01-11 08:18:18 kv0dbh,,9,Do you believe in global warming ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-11 10:48:23 kv0to0,,49,I make music sometimes and I'm looking for some support,,,,,,,2021-01-11 11:24:06 kv2in3,,8,Do Tunisian Christians exist?,"I know there are European immigrants to Tunisia who practice Christianity but are there any native Tunisian Christians? I've personally never ever met one or even heard about one which is weird considering a lot of our ancestors were Christians. Tunisia is something like 99% Muslim and the second largest religion is Judaism accounting for a few thousand people, so I'm starting to think there are pretty much 0 Tunisian Christians, having said that I have met some American missionaries before in Tunis and Sousse although I highly doubt they had any success converting people lol",,,,,,2021-01-11 13:21:29 kv7v4l,,3,payment Methodes online other than payoneer!,"Ok guys, here is the deal .I have been learning to code for almost 2 years now ,and i think it is time to taste my effort's fruit....So i ve decided to start freelancing at Fiver , Upwork or whatever platform is possible,and the question is , how the hell will they pay me, i searched and asked some people ,and the only solution appears to be payoneer!!! and when it gets to how i get the card and the account ,it is kinda complicated because first you order it ,you wait, they respond, you pay 100$,you wait again , they respond,they send it, you wait ,and....Yeah you ve guessed it ""You wait AGAIN"", and finally you recieve your card.Yeah , and i am not 100% sure , at least that is what I know(if I am wrong please correct me).and if there is any way to receive money other than Payoneer , Please tell me or else....!(JK). TL;DR:I need a payment method.",,,,,,2021-01-11 17:52:06 kv83f1,,0,Is this app always dead or am i following the wrong people? I had more fun when i was on twitter lol,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-11 18:02:46 kv8c10,,40,Mother Tanit is that you? (Nadia Bousetta Photoshoot),,,,,,,2021-01-11 18:13:44 kvfawh,,1,Part-time job.,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-11 23:43:43 kviva3,,126,Gammarth hills,,,,,,,2021-01-12 03:04:06 kvl61e,,6,How was this subreddit pre-revolution?,"This subreddit was created on 28/01/2009, if you've been in here since that time, how was it back then compared to now? were people more careful about what they posted on here? did some people have the courage to express their opinion freely?",,,,,,2021-01-12 05:18:23 kvmo83,,23,"Bizerte, Jarzouna, Manzel Abderrahmane and Manzel Jemil seen from an airplane ✈️",,,,,,,2021-01-12 07:03:11 kvopwl,,55,Happy Yennayer everyone 🎆,"For people who don't know, January 11-12-13 (depending on the North African region) coincides with New Year's Day in the Amazigh calendar. Ps: public media usually refers to it as the beginning of the agricultural year.",,,,,,2021-01-12 09:51:26 kvoruz,,46,This is the weirdest shit I've ever seen in tunisia,,,,,,,2021-01-12 09:56:01 kvptlo,,1,Is there any Tunisian furries around?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-12 11:18:20 kvq7mx,,1,guys i make music as a hobby. chrck it out and tell me your thoughts,,,,,,,2021-01-12 11:49:19 kvqxab,,1,Anyone know where I can buy sneakers?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-12 12:41:02 kvr2p6,,1,"On this day 12 january 1974, the one day union between tunisia and libya. The islamic arab republic.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-12 12:51:37 kvr4l9,,5,So guys do you have any idea of how to get a drone through the customs in the airport since it's impossible to buy or to have in tunisia or if like there is any legal way to purchase it from the inside of the country. I would appreciate your answers ty Stay safe and keep on smiling ;),,,,,,,2021-01-12 12:55:03 kvr98i,,15,47 years ago The arab islamic republic,"On this day 12 january 1974, the one day union between tunisia and libya. The arab islamic republic was established. What are you thoughts about such a union ?",,,,,,2021-01-12 13:02:57 kvwbz5,,0,الليمون الأخضر :سلاح المناعة,,,,,,,2021-01-12 17:36:32 kvxww9,,25,Confinement général de quatre jours (January 14th - January 17th),,,,,,,2021-01-12 18:50:48 kvzryk,,37,"In 1965, Bourguiba enticed the Palestinians to recognize the state of Israel and accept their terms if they wanted to gain more rights in the future. Tunisian got expelled from the Arab League afterwards. Here is his speech in baguette :"," Chers frères, Je ressens en ce moment un double sentiment d'émotion et de fierté. Ému, je le suis lorsque je pense à l'ampleur du désastre que nous avons subi en Palestine il y a dix-sept ans. Mais en même temps, l'enthousiasme qui vous anime, la volonté farouche que je lis sur vos visages, la détermination à reconquérir vos droits, tout cela me réconforte et consolide mon optimisme. Vous savez sans doute que le peuple tunisien alors qu'il menait encore une lutte âpre contre la forme la plus abjecte du colonialisme, a tenu à apporter sa contribution dans la guerre de Palestine. De tous les coins de Tunisie, jeunes et vieux sont accourus ici pour prendre effectivement part à la 1utte dont l'enjeu était d'assurer l'intégrité d'une terre arabe et musulmane qu'ils considéraient comme leur seconde patrie. Le peuple tunisien a pu, au bout de vingt-cinq ans de lutte, fonder un État solide et moderne sur une terre d'Islam débarrassée de toute co-souveraineté et de toute forme de domination politique ou militaire. Mais nous pensons en Tunisie que notre action ne se circonscrit pas à l'intérieur de nos frontières, La Tunisie qui a combattu le colonialisme est consciente du rôle qu'elle doit assumer dans la libération de chaque pouce de la nation arabe demeuré encore sous l'emprise de l'étranger. J'avais déjà proclamé à la première Conférence au sommet arabe, que la Tunisie était décidée à mettre à la disposition de la cause palestinienne toutes ses potentialités. Je le proclame à nouveau aujourd'hui. Il est toutefois un point sur lequel je voudrais attirer votre attention : vous êtes les titulaires d'un droit violé ; à ce titre vous vous devez d'être à la première ligne du front ouvert pour la reconquête de la Palestine. Il est de mon devoir de vous entretenir en toute franchise d'un certain nombre de vérités que vous devez avoir présentes à 1'esprit : D'abord votre rôle dans la lutte est primordial. C'est ce que vous ne devez jamais perdre de vue. D'autre part, je voudrais dire, en ce moment où je m'adresse à tous les arabes partout où ils se trouvent que mon expérience personnelle, issue d'une dure et longue lutte, m'a appris que l'enthousiasme et les manifestations de patriotisme, ne suffisent point pour remporter la victoire. C'est une condition nécessaire. Mais elle n'est pas suffisante. En même temps que l'esprit de sacrifice et de mépris de la mort, il faut un commandement lucide une tête pensante qui sache organiser la lutte, voir loin, et prévoir l'avenir. Or, la 1utte rationnellement conçue implique une connaissance précise de la mentalité de l'adversaire, une appréciation objective du rapport des forces afin d'éviter l'aventure et les risques inutiles qui aggraveraient notre situation. Il faut donc nous armer de lucidité, élaborer soigneusement nos plans et créer toutes les conditions de succès. Il faut préparer les hommes et les doter de moyens. Il faut aussi renforcer notre potentiel de lutte par l'appui de l'opinion internationale. Éviter toute précipitation dictée par la passion, agir avec discernement, en vue d'arriver au but, voilà l'essentiel. Si toutes ces conditions sont réunies, alors notre cause triomphera, d'autant plus sûrement que le Droit est de notre côté. C'est aux responsables qu'il revient de réunir les atouts du succès. Ces atouts nous manquaient lorsque nous avions, il y a quelques années, engagé la bataille, cette fois-ci, c'est sans répit qu'il faut travailler pour les réunir. Nous devons profiter des expériences passées et nous imposer un grand effort de réflexion. Déjà nous sommes sur la bonne voie ; mais la voie est longue. Pour aboutir au but, notre action exige loyauté, sérieux et courage moral. Il est extrêmement facile de se livrer à des proclamations enflammées et grandiloquentes. Mais il est autrement difficile d'agir avec méthode et sérieux. S'il apparaît que nos forces ne sont pas suffisantes pour anéantir l'ennemi ou le bouter hors de nos terres, nous n'avons aucun intérêt à l'ignorer, ou à le cacher. Il faut le proclamer haut. Force nous est alors de recourir, en même temps que se poursuit la lutte, aux moyens qui nous permettent de renforcer notre potentiel et de nous rapprocher de notre objectif par étapes successives. La guerre est faite de ruse et de finesse. L'art de la guerre s'appuie sur 1'intelligence, il implique une stratégie, la mise en oeuvre d'un processus méticuleusement réglé. Peu importe que la voie menant à l'objectif soit directe ou tortueuse. Le responsable de la bataille doit s'assurer du meilleur itinéraire conduisant au but. Parfois, l'exigence de la lutte impose contours et détours. Il est vrai que l'esprit s'accommode plus aisément de la ligne droite. Mais lorsque le leader s'aperçoit que cette ligne ne mène pas au but, il doit prendre un détour. Les militants à courte vue pourraient penser qu'il a abandonné la poursuite de 1'objectif. Il lui revient alors de leur expliquer que ce détour est destiné à éviter l'obstacle que ses moyens réduits ne pouvaient lui permettre d'aborder de front. Une fois l'obstacle contourné, la marche reprend sur la grande route qui mène à la victoire. Plus d'un leader arabe s'est trouvé dans l'impossibilité d'agir de cette manière. Pourtant, notre défaite et l'arrêt de nos troupes aux frontières de la Palestine prouvent la déficience de notre commandement. L'impuissance des armées à arracher la victoire malgré l'enthousiasme des combattants était due à ce que les conditions de succès n'étaient pas réunies. Aujourd'hui, les chefs d'état travaillent sérieusement à mettre en place un commandement qui soit au niveau de ses responsabilités. Mais cela ne saurait suffire. Il est nécessaire que les peuples se gardent de gêner, par des débordements passionnels, l'action des dirigeants. Il ne faut pas que leur attachement obstiné à une certaine ligne de conduite mette les responsables politiques en difficulté pour l'exécution de leurs plans. Il ne faut pas qu'on accuse de défaitisme ou de compromission tel au tel leader arabe parce qu'il a proposé des solutions partielles ou provisoires si celles-ci représentent des étapes nécessaires sur la voie de l'objectif. Mais, pour que le peuple ne gêne pas ou ne tasse pas échec à l'exécution des plans arrêtés, il est nécessaire - comme c'est le cas en Tunisie - qu'il ait confiance en ses dirigeants. Disposant ainsi de leur liberté d'action, ceux-ci sont en mesure d'avancer plus sûrement vers l'objectif. Il m'est souvent arrivé de me trouver dans l'obligation pour être maître de certaines situations, de recourir à la « politique des étapes ». Lorsque certains militants faisaient preuve de réticences, je m'efforçais de les convaincre que ma méthode ne pouvait déboucher que sur la victoire, surtout lorsqu'apparaissaient chez l'adversaire des signes de faiblesse. Il fallait alors ébranler ses positions de force, entamer son moral et en même temps renforcer davantage notre position. Quant à la politique du « tout ou rien », elle nous a menés en Palestine à la défaite et nous a réduits à la triste situation où nous nous débattons aujourd'hui. Nous n'aurions en aucune façon réussi en Tunisie si nous n'avions abandonné cette politique et accepté d'avancer pas à pas vers l'objectif. A chaque pas, à chaque conquête par le peuple tunisien d'une nouvelle position stratégique, la France cédait une partie de ses privilèges ; pour elle, c'était un moindre mal. Elle s'imaginait pouvoir ensuite arrêter le processus. Mais chaque point stratégique conquis augmentait davantage nos moyens d'action. Le processus devenait ainsi absolument irréversible. Ainsi, pas à pas, la France s'est trouvée acculée à la dernière bataille, la bataille de Bizerte où elle ne pouvait que céder définitivement. En Palestine, au contraire, les Arabes repoussèrent les solutions de compromis. Ils refusèrent le partage et les clauses du Livre blanc. Ils le regrettèrent ensuite. Si nous avions, en Tunisie refusé en 1954, l'autonomie interne comme solution de compromis, le pays serait demeuré jusqu'à ce jour sous la domination française. Il est donc essentiel que le commandement ait la liberté de manoeuvre, qu'il soit capable de prendre telle ou teLle initiative et qu'il ait des qualités de sincérité, de probité, de dévouement et de clairvoyance. Je tenais à vous faire part de ces réflexions en tant que frère rompu depuis longtemps à la lutte anticolonialiste. J'ai inculqué les notions que je viens de vous exposer à vos frères tunisiens qui ont fini par adhérer à tous mes plans d'action. Il leur est arrivé parfois d'en éprouver un certain malaise. Malgré cela, ils ont accepté de s'engager sous mon impulsion dans telle ou telle expérience car ils ont mis à l'épreuve mon dévouement et ma clairvoyance. Ils ont constaté les résultats. Aujourd'hui nous sommes libres et indépendants. Voilà ce qu'un frère a voulu dire à l'occasion de cette visite. Voilà le conseil que je crois devoir vous donner ainsi qu'à tous les Arabes. Il est nécessaire d'appuyer les sentiments et l'enthousiasme par une vision claire des données du problème, pour que notre action soit pleinement efficace. C'est un homme en tout point désintéressé qui vous le dit, un homme dont vous ne pouvez contester la sincérité ni la profonde affection qu'il vous porte. Nous arrivons au but. Nous n'aurons pas à passer dix-sept ou vingt années encore à nous lamenter vainement sur « la patrie perdue ». Nous en tenir aux sentiments serait nous condamner à vivre des siècles dans le même état. Ce serait l'impasse. Il faut que, de la nation arabe, montent des voix pour parler franchement aux peuples, savoir que la lutte doit se poursuivre avec tout ce qu'elle comporte de détours, d'étapes, de ruses jusqu'au jour où nous aurons arraché, non seulement pour nous-mêmes, mais aussi pour les générations futures une victoire complète et définitive. Je vous demande de méditer sur ces propos. Chacun de nous aura à rendre compte à Dieu et à sa propre conscience, de ses intentions et de ses actes. Mon voeu le plus cher est que les Musulmans vivent dans une communion des coeurs encore plus étroite, que les dirigeants réalisent entre eux une meilleure compréhension et combattent tous les complexes de quelque sorte que ce soit : complexes d'infériorité vis-à-vis de l'ennemi dont on serait tenté de surestimer les forces, complexes de supériorité qui risqueraient de nous précipiter dans une catastrophe que nous pouvons sûrement éviter, grâce à un recours incessant à la raison et à l'intelligence.",,,,,,2021-01-12 20:19:52 kw0uk3,,1,Tunisia to lock down for four days from Thursday,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-12 21:12:12 kw215x,,14,"On 10th Anniversary of the Arab Spring, Tunisia Leads Way on Democracy",,,,,,,2021-01-12 22:09:29 kw35z5,,7,In which universities can I get a master's degree in molecular genetics?,"Hi, this is my last year in high school and I want to work as a genetic engineer in the future. To get the job one is required to have at least a master's degree in molecular genetics but i was in no way able to find from where to get it. I think, theoretically, I can get one from med school. But I am not certain about that. Your help will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-01-12 23:05:54 kw3zjl,,1,Good,,,,,,,2021-01-12 23:48:18 kwbvzr,,1,Pfizer vaccin symptoms #TF1,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-13 07:48:48 kwc9d5,,6,"Hélé Béji, l’intellectuelle des deux rives de la Méditerranée – série de podcasts à écouter",,,,,,,2021-01-13 08:19:09 kwdtxc,عندي_pc_lenovo_فيه_8_giga_ram_اللي_هو_شويا_بالكل/,12,عندي pc Lenovo فيه 8 giga Ram اللي هو شويا بالكل. فيه slot وحدة، يعني كي نبدل لازم 16 giga اللي هي غالية، دونك نبيع ال8 و نركب وحدة جديدة هو الحل، وين نجم هكة في بلاصة ثيقه في تونس؟,"Edit1: No words can describe how much I appreciate your advice, but I'll be much happier if you also answer my question 👆. Thanks (: Edit2: Wallah wallah wallah Andi Port akahw taa RAM. Yaani najem n7ot barrette wahda. Aleh ? Ask Lenovo.",,,,,,2021-01-13 10:28:59 kweivz,,1,"OMG i can’t believe that this is true, i wasn’t expecting anything from them but still chocked and disappointed... link:",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-13 11:23:52 kwej29,,0,"OMG i can’t believe that this is true, i wasn’t expecting anything from them but still chocked and disappointed...",,,,,,,2021-01-13 11:24:14 kwfiiw,,20,😶,,,,,,,2021-01-13 12:31:33 kwg7kz,,0,🔥🔥 شكرا على الدعم . Thx for the support 😄😃🔥,,,,,,,2021-01-13 13:14:57 kwgl8e,,6,"Tunisian students in Spain, Help!","Hello fellow countryman, **TL;DR**: I plan to have my masters in Spain and would like your help by answering some questions. *(you can skip the context)* # Context: I got my university diploma last July in IT and chose to continue my studies in Spain. I went around and talked to some agencies and decided that I would learn Spanish (A1, A2, B1) here (in Tunisia) to save money and because of covid-19... Then I would take the last level B2 in Spain. I called the Spanish embassy and they recommended I go to the "" Instituto Cervantes De Túnez "". That was my fuck up, I should have gone straight to Spain. The classes at ""Cervantes"" are good but SLOW. I was just informed that I would get the A2 level by the end of June. I looked at other schools and pretty mush everyone told me they don't do accelerated classes in the winter. At the end of January, I will have my A1 level and if possible I'll go to Spain to try to obtain the B2 level before September 2021 so as not to lose another year. # Questions: 1. Which agency did you use? And would you recommend it? 2. What was your level of Spanish when you went there for the first time? 3. Which language school did you go to (in Spain)? 4. How long did your linguistic stay last? 5. How long did it really take you to start speaking fluent Spanish? 6. How much did you spend a month? (food, rent, bills, ect...)",,,,,,2021-01-13 13:39:04 kwicsw,,46,A video showcasing the beauty of Tunisia a small north African country,,,,,,,2021-01-13 15:14:11 kwnh7x,,2,About higher education,"So i was discussing with my mother about the optimal study destination in terms of money level of education weather and how far that country will be far from home. I said that china and spain are not that expensive, have a quite high acceptance rate andhave a good quality of education but she said that turkey is better , im asking you guys if you could help me with this issue Ps budget is no more than 40m",,,,,,2021-01-13 19:10:58 kwrcil,,8,100 participants needed for my graduation assignmnet,"Hi guys, For my graduation assignment, I am looking for people from North-Africa to fill out this survey regarding child trafficking within sports. If you would be so kind to fill out this 5-7 minute survey that would greatly help me with the assignment. Sharing the link with other North-Africans you might know would be greatly appreciated. Link:[]( Greetings from a Moroccan sister :) If you have any questions I would be happy to answer these in a pm!",,,,,,2021-01-13 22:13:55 kwrqpm,,27,It’s my Reddit cake day pals. So here you go you beautiful bastards...,,,,,,,2021-01-13 22:33:12 kwvxfl,,9,Lost at 26 y.o.,"I’ve been lurking in r/Tunisia and thinking about posting here forever. I am an engineer, an MsC student in weekends now and I do freelance monday to friday, I am lost between trying to scale up my freelance tasks and help/hire someone with me or just move abroad. Sometimes I think that I would never regret moving abroad for an MsC in Data Science or living there for a couple of years and sometimes I think it’s a time-waste because my freelance is bringing me 1-2k per month and I could scale it /start a little company here. Anyone been in a similar situation and made the jump?",,,,,,2021-01-14 02:12:19 kx1ztr,,245,14 January 2011: it was a glorious day (photos are mine),,,,,,,2021-01-14 08:55:16 kx36ew,,3,Ordering from Ali express,"Hey everyone, I wanted to know if we have to pay any additional money whenever we order smth from Ali express, and if we do, is it a big amount of money?",,,,,,2021-01-14 10:31:33 kx3973,,2,"An optimism... Personnaly i think we need this kind of propagand. Actually, it's still valid for the last 50 years. We are doing the hardest struggling. What do you think about it.",,,,,,,2021-01-14 10:37:50 kx3c9w,,0,وزارة التربية في زمن الكورونا,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-14 10:44:43 kx3q1b,,1,Questions about immigrating to the USA,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-14 11:13:45 kx4q81,,1,Kinda disappointed in Tunsia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-14 12:29:19 kx6k9c,,3,English student opportunities abroad,"I'm currently pursuing a bachelor degree in English(Fondamentale) and will probably continue my studies for masters or PhD or even apply for another degree in a different field to increase my chances. I want to know about the kind of potential this path offers and could use some advices about what should I do to continue my studies abroad or at least get a job outside Tunisia(preferably in the west). Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2021-01-14 14:23:48 kx9t8t,,6,Ecotourism in the Island of Djerba - Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-01-14 17:07:51 kxb8gi,,4,Curfew,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-14 18:15:08 kxbgmp,,0,décore facile à faire 🤩,,,,,,,2021-01-14 18:26:04 kxfojo,,9,10 years later...,Let’s put politics aside. Does our population have what it takes to break through and build some wealth?,,,,,,2021-01-14 21:51:01 kxhlvn,,6,"Nermine Sfar had 125k viewers dancing on facebook, is this a Tunisian live streaming record ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-14 23:23:51 kxp1q0,,60,"Support the effort against corrupt monopolies, come on people of reddit.",,,,,,,2021-01-15 06:44:40 kxpg4w,,0,Arab Spring led a new wave of hope across Middle East and North Africa that the days ahead would be embarked with freedom and a more democratic era,,,,,,,2021-01-15 07:14:02 kxqllx,,6,Filmed in matamata - where a lot of star war scenes were recorded !,,,,,,,2021-01-15 08:44:37 kxqyvr,,1,من الإستحمار إلى الإستبداد,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-15 09:13:13 kxx07k,,64,Amazing collection of oldest well-preserved Roman Mosaics in Bardo national museum,,,,,,,2021-01-15 15:41:39 kxxjt4,,1,Amazing collection of oldest well-preserved Roman Mosaics in Bardo national museum,,,,,,,2021-01-15 16:08:11 ky15zy,,9,Could you please suggest me some places for photoshooting here in Tunis ?,"Hey Tunisian redditors , So am not a model or sth .. I just want some ideas of places to take some pictures ( rekbetli xD ). And thanks in advance ❤️ Peace ✌🏼",,,,,,2021-01-15 18:57:03 ky1ouh,,1,Confinement total ? I recorded this right now,,,,,,,2021-01-15 19:21:50 ky21cd,,1,Confinement total ? I just recorded this right now,,,,,,,2021-01-15 19:38:36 ky3uoc,,4,14th of January viral video,"video showing a police officer assulting a citizen that allegedly is a sheepherder because he's sheeps has wandered too close to ""siliana"" Governorate hall. there's a link below where you can watch the video : if this was true that a tunisian citizen was physically assaulted by a police officer just because he's sheeps wandered close to government building and to show ""هيبة الدولة"" is really shameful especially on that day , those kind of practices are not a surprise or rare , and they need to stop violence only breed more violence.",,,,,,2021-01-15 21:05:32 ky4xho,,1,Lala Nabila TV | تجميع فيديوهات لالة نبيلة مغربية في سويسرا 😂الحجر الصح...,,,,,,,2021-01-15 21:57:20 ky5wx9,,10,"Zaboubia / الزّبوبيّة. A ""Malzouma"" written by Tunisian poet Abderrahmen El Kefi in 1922 and performed by Annava.",,,,,,,2021-01-15 22:46:51 ky661b,,0,السلام عليكم 🧚 اشتركو في صفحتي بليز خلينا نتعرف على تونس 💋,,,,,,,2021-01-15 22:59:56 ky6cod,,0,سوسة منذ قليل و حالات هلع و خوف من المواطنين 😒😒,,,,,,,2021-01-15 23:09:02 ky78ml,,1,Jean Jaurès venue « Tunis »,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-15 23:56:06 ky7brv,,14,Jean Jaurès avenue « Tunis »,,,,,,,2021-01-16 00:00:36 ky7i85,,11,Tunisian Innovation: Crypto transactions via SMS without an internet requirement,,,,,,,2021-01-16 00:10:03 ky8hkn,,54,could i be tunisian? I was born in Italy and adopted.the only thing I know is that my mother is from southern Tunisia. Are there such dark Tunisians or were the doctors wrong? my black acquaintances also say that I do not have the characteristics of the sub Sahara.I feel like I belong to nowhere.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-16 01:03:15 ky9s8h,,2,I want to learn about artists and activists in the pre-revolution era,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-16 02:18:34 kyfm9m,,1,How do you see Tunisia in the future?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-16 09:01:02 kyhqay,/r/Business_Ideas/comments/kygqcr/a_business_idea_to_help_fight_corruption/,1,Join the discussion,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-16 11:59:31 kyhrlg,,2,"10 years after the revolution in Tunisia, justice and reparation continues for victims still not served"," Ten years after Tunisia’s Revolution, which sparked a wave of uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa, victims are still struggling to obtain justice and reparations for grave human rights violations committed during the revolution, between 17 December 2010 and 14 January 2011, said Amnesty International today in a detailed statement. “These trials may be the last chance to achieve accountability for the crimes committed and to deliver justice to the victims and their families. But they have been significantly undermined by the persistent obstruction from the security sector. Security officers have ignored court summons and orders, egged on by their unions who have called for a boycott of the proceedings,” said Amna Guellali, Amnesty International's Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa. Source Link : [\_source=TWITTER-IS&utm\_medium=social&utm\_content=4404299953&utm\_campaign=Other&utm\_term=Making\_the\_Case\_for\_Human\_Rights-No]( [](",,,,,,2021-01-16 12:01:51 kyijz4,,49,Elon Mush is actually wealthier than Tunisia.,,,,,,,2021-01-16 13:02:01 kynwvv,,1,Fossil Women's Riley Stainless Steel Chronograph Glitz Quartz Watch,,,,,,,2021-01-16 18:08:07 kyo5b1,,0,بعد ازمة السميد والفارينة...#أزمة_الخمور...رغم الحجر الصحي الشامل وإلزامية البروتوكول الصحي طوابير بشرية أمام المغازة العامة لإقتناء المشروبات الكحولية,,,,,,,2021-01-16 18:19:43 kyouo4,,0,أرخص تليفون,,,,,,,2021-01-16 18:55:30 kyqmv7,,1,"Tunisian men, how do you take care of your skin?",[removed],,,,,,2021-01-16 20:25:34 kyqvnq,,38,This hotel is in matmata,,,,,,,2021-01-16 20:38:07 kyrzgb,,21,"Tunisia today, post office, magasin aziza and a store being broken into, a police station burned down, new revolution ?",,,,,,,2021-01-16 21:35:47 kytbrk,,35,"TIL there is a law from 1848 that forbids people outside of the capital from moving to Tunis, the law was called ""The law of the savages"" and its punishment varied between expulsion to jail time. The law still exists in the Tunisian law code and was in fact activated at least twice since 1956.",,,,,,,2021-01-16 22:48:17 kyuqkz,,2,sponsored from you know who 🙄,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-17 00:03:47 kz32i9,,33,Arabic division world,,,,,,,2021-01-17 08:57:39 kz53i3,,1,Customized wall frames recommendations ?,"Hello everyone, I was wondering if any of you have gaming/anime decorations in their rooms that were custom made and if you recommend the source that made them. I am mainly looking for wall frames because we moved to a new place and would like to fill the walls of my new room. I always encounter sponsored posts on facebook but I don't trust the quality unless I find someone who has actually tried it. Thanks kn advance !",,,,,,2021-01-17 11:49:05 kz5n6y,,6,الجانب الايجابي ❤ لا تغضوا عنه البصر 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-01-17 12:31:04 kz5td1,,44,Sami el wafi wants people born in the 2000's to not talk about the revolution... how ironic...,,,,,,,2021-01-17 12:44:07 kz6kr2,دراسة_البعد_الاجتماعي_في_فهم_ظاهرة_التطرف_العنيف/,1,دراسة: البعد الاجتماعي في فهم ظاهرة التطرف العنيف,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-17 13:38:01 kz6lpe,,14,دراسة: البعد الاجتماعي في فهم ظاهرة التطرف العنيف,,,,,,,2021-01-17 13:39:50 kz7110,,1,"i am searchhing from someone living in Monastir with the name ""sidhem Wael "" here",[removed],,,,,,2021-01-17 14:07:34 kz87bk,,4,best agency for canada immigration process,"Hi, My brother is looking for an agency that helps with immigration procedure to Canada. Most we looked at have negative reviews on facebook etc.. Anyone knows a good one? Thanks u",,,,,,2021-01-17 15:20:08 kz8tn0,,1,Nidhal,,,,,,,2021-01-17 15:54:34 kz93li,,0,#راس #الجبل: تجدد الاشتباكات الان بين محتجين و قوات الأمن,,,,,,,2021-01-17 16:09:01 kz9q1t,,2,Quelqu'un a un lien ou on peut streamer le match hand contre le bresil?,,,,,,,2021-01-17 16:42:05 kza43w,,0,كتاب رأيتهم عن ثكب لجوليز انريوتي,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-17 17:02:22 kzauu8,,1,Still القناصة إشاعة ?,,,,,,,2021-01-17 17:39:13 kzbs6q,,0,قربة الان#,,,,,,,2021-01-17 18:25:42 kzcr2h,,0,Anyone in need of a friend right now?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-17 19:13:48 kzctds,افضل_برلمان_في_عالم/,1,افضل برلمان في عالم 🤣🤣🤣,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-17 19:16:57 kzcytw,افضل_برلمان_في_العالم/,0,افضل برلمان في العالم 🤣🤣🤣,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-17 19:24:36 kzd0zw,,3,Discussion about Islam live with muslim philosophers,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-17 19:27:37 kzepnl,,0,عاجل :خلع فرع بنكي بمنزل عبد الرحمان,,,,,,,2021-01-17 20:51:57 kzf6a0,,0,"Riots around the country have to come to an end , IMMEDIATELY!!","The country is barely on standing on their feet, and these folks are playing around having fun, stealing others' properties for no reason, absoluetly none (talking about the police man, he got what he deserved and his behaviour DOES ONLY REPRESENTS him, it doesn't reflect the state's position towards its people). Can't deny that we veered off the values of the revolutions we once dreamt of due to corrupt politicians. Maybe another one will be required when it's time. The state of the country reflects its people awareness and as of me the first step for tunisia to get better is to arrest all the rioters and make them an example for those who will think about any barbarians acts in the future.",,,,,,2021-01-17 21:14:47 kzf6i3,,0,بداية إنتشار الجيش الوطني التونسي في كافة المنشاءات العمومية ربي يحفظ بلادنا ♥️🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-01-17 21:15:07 kzhneh,,4,If you had the power to make a political decision what will it be ?,,,,,,,2021-01-17 23:21:06 kziq87,,28,....,,,,,,,2021-01-18 00:21:07 kzkic6,,1,Tunispunk 2021,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-18 02:00:05 kzkmfi,,1,"And here is the response from our ""نكبة""",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-18 02:05:51 kzkn92,,4,"And here is the response from our ""نكبة""",,,,,,,2021-01-18 02:07:04 kzl53r,,0,Funny Seals - Compilation of Some Hecking Sea Doggo Videos,,,,,,,2021-01-18 02:34:36 kzlzj5,,15,Violent riots are the only way to change the system,"After 10 years from the revolution we thought that life conditions would improve, even slightly. Instead, we live in a complete shithole after an entire decade since 350 poor souls sacrificed themselves for the following generations to live rather a fairly comfortable life. Riots should continue. Revolutionary violence is justified. This revolution is fueled by hunger and despair. People are literally hungry and how did the government respond ? \- The 2021 budget law dropped out article 38 which was meant to hire 10.000 jobless university graduates who have been jobless for 10 years or more ( in Tunisia there are 200.000 jobless university graduates, out of whom 60.000 have been jobless for 10 years or more). \- The 2021 budget law also dropped out the proposal of rising the stipend dedicated to the poorest of the poor from 180 DT to 250 DT. \- The 2021 budget law also dropped out the proposal to spare small farmers and merchants' loans which are less than 5000 DT \- There hasn't been a single CAPES concours in almost 5 years. \- Newly graduate primary school teachers who worked for 16 months (from September 2019) haven't received their payment yet. \- There are 3000 jobless Phd graduates in the country, many of whom have been protesting in the ministry of higher education SINCE JUNE. Not all the rioters are educated, but all of them are hungry., They have been abandoned by the system since a young age. They weren't monitored. They didn't receive an appropriate education. They didn't receive an appropriate healthcare. They were born in a poor neighborhood. The media raped their minds, wiping out whatever social consciousness they might develop and replacing it with Instagram ""celebrities"" nonsense. Their parents worked their asses to provide for them, simultaneously being unable to provide them with the necessary guidance to survive in this ruthless system. ""No don't ruin your country protest peacefully"" we fucking protested peacefully and nothing happened. In a country where those who steal millions of dollars get away with it easily while those who steal to fill their stomach are imprisoned, I think the riots aren't ruining for everything is already ruined. Riots are fixing the 10 years of complete political failure. Change is near PS: don't forget police brutality y'all, aka their braincless killing machine, gotta love em subhumans :')",,,,,,2021-01-18 03:23:20 kzmwmm,,1,What do you think? ( illustrator ),[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-18 04:16:51 kzmz61,,1,What do you think? ( illustrator ),[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-18 04:20:58 kzpffq,,0,Silly Funny Sloths Video Compilation,,,,,,,2021-01-18 06:57:52 kzr4q7,,45,Guide: How to get a Carte de Séjour (residency permit) as freelancer or self-employed foreigner in Tunisia in 2021,,,,,,,2021-01-18 09:08:19 kzr5mn,,0,This comment,,,,,,,2021-01-18 09:10:24 kzs6ne,,2,join this server and you will be able to do things,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-18 10:32:32 kzsphq,,9,استاذ تاريخ يتوفى بعد صراع طويل مع الكورونا ....الله يرحمو و يجعل مثواه الجنة,,,,,,,2021-01-18 11:11:57 kzszph,,4,My mom recipe 😋,,,,,,,2021-01-18 11:33:19 kzv1da,,4,"En Tunisie, les braises persistantes de l’esprit de révolte, par Olfa Lamloum (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 2021)",,,,,,,2021-01-18 13:52:48 kzxsyh,,4,Best way to sell computer in Tunis?,"So I'm looking to sell my gaming setup here in Tunis, and I'm just curious to see if there are any options I'm unaware of. I've posted on Tayara and Tunisie annonce, but are there any other sites or places I should be aware of? What do other people here use to buy/sell electronics online? What's the most used? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-01-18 16:20:40 kzxx3r,,1,I love to see this!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-18 16:26:17 kzz0gn,,9,"we are living in a police state, yet we are plagued with crime.",,,,,,,2021-01-18 17:19:18 kzzkhn,,23,Recommend the BEST tunisian movies you've ever watched.,,,,,,,2021-01-18 17:46:01 l00n14,,1,I can't believe this wasn't posted here,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-18 18:36:37 l01wel,,68,His majesty the Tunisian president browsing crowds without a mask amid the lockdown,,,,,,,2021-01-18 19:35:16 l034gt,,0,من هو النائب الأستاذ الشيخ رضا الجوادي ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-18 20:33:19 l048nu,,1,BCT next big thing,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-18 21:26:31 l06frc,,3,What is the best IPTV server in Tunisia,I live abroad an I would like to know what is the best IPTV provider that includes VOD movies and TV shows,,,,,,2021-01-18 23:15:26 l0dav1,,12,Bourguiba's famous citations (still in baguette) :," *« La Tunisie est un carrefour. De tout temps, même au cours des siècles les plus sombres, elle a eu une élite brillante, douée d’une culture extrêmement variée : politique, économique, littéraire, juridique. » (9 avril 1962)* \-          *« Parfois, les exigences de la lutte imposent contours et détours. Il est vrai que l'esprit accepte plus facilement de la ligne droite. Toutefois, lorsque le chef de file voit que cette ligne ne mène pas au but, il doit prendre un tournant », (3 mars 1965)* \-          *« Mon vœu le plus cher est que les Musulmans vivent dans une communion des cœurs encore plus étroite, que les dirigeants réalisent entre eux une meilleure compréhension et combattent tous les complexes de quelque sorte que ce soit : complexes d’infériorité vis-à-vis de l’ennemi dont on serait tenté de surestimer les forces, complexes de supériorité qui risqueraient de nous précipiter dans une catastrophe que nous pouvons sûrement éviter, grâce à un recours incessant à la raison et à l’intelligence » (3 mars 1965)* \-          *« A chaque étape, à chaque conquête par le peuple tunisien d'une nouvelle position stratégique, la France a cédé une partie de ses privilèges, car c'était un moindre mal pour elle » (3 mars 1965)* \-          *« Peu importe que la voie menant à l'objectif soit directe ou tortueuse » (3 mars 1965)* \-          *« La mère est pour l’enfant la première école. Elle ne saurait valablement former les générations de l’avenir que si elle est instruite, ouverte à la vie… » (30 octobre 1966)* \-          *« Je suis un réaliste. Être réaliste, c'est préférer* *une réforme modeste, qui* *en permet* *une autre, à un miracle impossible », (1967)* \-          *« Pour nous l’éducation est une fonction sociale, c’est à dire un facteur fondamental de notre entité collective et une responsabilité que doivent remplir, à titre égal, l’Etat, l’enseignant et l’enseigné » (29 juin 1968)* \-           *« Une constitution n’est jamais parfaite et elle ne vaut que ce que valent les hommes qui la mettent en œuvre … » (15 octobre 1970)* \-          *« Il ne sera pas facile de remplacer un homme comme moi. Sur le plan sentimental, il y a entre le peuple tunisien et moi quarante ans de vie passés ensemble, de souffrances subies en commun, ce qui n’existera pas avec celui qui viendra après moi. » (1972)* \-          *« D’une poussière d’individus, d’un magma de tribus, de sous tribus, tous courbés sous le joug de la résignation et du fatalisme, j’ai fait un peuple de citoyens » (1973)* \-          *« Notre peuple reste attaché à sa religion, tout en se débarrassant de certaines croyances héritées des siècles de décadence » (13 août 1973)* \-          *« Le fait de me désigner à vie à la tête de l’état ne peut être qu’un hommage de reconnaissance rendu aux yeux du monde entier à un homme dont le nom s’identifie à la Tunisie \[...\] Oui, j’ai nettoyé le pays de toutes les tares qui l’enlaidissaient, j’en ai extirpé les mauvaises coutumes, je l’ai libéré du joug qui l’asservissait \[...\] Mon passage à la tête de ce pays le marquera d’une empreinte indélébile pendant des siècles ».* (12 avril 1975) \-          *« Ce qui est rentable dans les pays en voie de développement, est visible à l'œil nu » (date non confirmée)* \-          *« Si, en Tunisie, nous n'avions pas accepté en 1954 l'autonomie interne comme un compromis, le pays serait resté jusqu'à ce jour sous le régime français domination » (date non confirmée)* \-          *« Toute ma vie, j’ai eu foi en la suprématie de l’esprit sur la matière » (date non confirmée)* \-          *« Le théâtre est le témoin de la naissance de la conscience nationale » (date non confirmée)*",,,,,,2021-01-19 05:38:23 l0fgoe,,4,Shipping computer and hardware from outside the country,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-19 08:10:29 l0fgs6,,5,How killing critical thinking fucked up everything,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-19 08:10:44 l0h6xa,,7,Swiss to lift freeze on millions linked to ex-Tunisia leader,,,,,,,2021-01-19 10:24:06 l0hi4i,,10,"Can't make sense of this chaos. Do you think the events that we are witnessing today are caused by the decisions made by the government or people are just doing this for ""no reason"" ?",,,,,,,2021-01-19 10:48:08 l0i342,,101,Jalta land Tunisia ❤️😍🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-01-19 11:30:52 l0iiv5,,10,Tunisia’s anger boils over as its economy battered by Covid," Violent protests have swept at least 15 cities and police have clashed with teenage demonstrators, using tear gas and water cannon to disperse stone-throwing youths. Hundreds have been arrested and the army has been deployed to prevent the looting of shops and banks. The explosion of anger — sparked by footage of police mistreating a shepherd — comes as the country marks the 10th anniversary of the revolution that toppled Zein el-Abidine Ben Ali, the long-serving dictator. The government’s response to protests has attracted criticism. “Poverty, marginalisation and exclusion should be dealt with through fairness and dignity, not smears and criminalisation,” said the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, a civil society group Source Link : []( [](",,,,,,2021-01-19 12:02:42 l0jac5,,5,"High School Students of Tunisia, Listen Up","Hi! I'm conducting a survey to see what high school students around the world think of their education system. I was hoping some of you would be willing to contribute. Please note that this survey does not require you to reveal your identity in any way. Here is the link: [](",,,,,,2021-01-19 12:54:54 l0jmrm,,0,اذا كل دولة عربية عملت لقاح,,,,,,,2021-01-19 13:16:44 l0kjk6,,16,"These are the people ruling the country, these are our politicians, these are the people who are writing our laws...",,,,,,,2021-01-19 14:10:40 l0lams,,1,"i guess we need to do this every decade, people are making another revolution, the link is for the live version, it oddly feels like this was all planned.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-19 14:50:55 l0lb3v,,0,"i guess we need to do this every decade, people are making another revolution, the link is for a live video, it oddly feels like this was all planned.",,,,,,,2021-01-19 14:51:36 l0npzz,,0,Oppo a 15,,,,,,,2021-01-19 16:49:45 l0qqdd,,5,Meshishi Meshisho,"Meshishi's speech sounds very "" ena fhemtkom "" to me 😩🙄",,,,,,2021-01-19 19:07:42 l0r3cp,,72,Tunis 18/01/2021,,,,,,,2021-01-19 19:25:06 l0rnob,,1,Invest,,,,,,,2021-01-19 19:51:46 l0s69t,,3,Will you take the COVID-19 vaccine once it becomes available?,"I think that choosing to get vaccinated or not is a personal freedom and choice, it is your body and you are free if you want to get injected or not, as long is you keep taking the necessary measures to protect yourself and others (wearing masks, avoiding crowds, etc) While you will probably not be directly forced to get the vaccine (at least not in the beginning), i think you will be pushed to get inoculated, here is how: * In order to work, employers will most likely require a proof of vaccination in order to allow you into the office to ensure the security of everyone in the office. * Primary schools may require parents to sign a conscent to allow their children to be vaccinated on site or require proof that their child has been already vaccinated somewhere else to allow him to continue school. The same thing should apply to universities who will require proof of vaccination to allow students in. * Stadiums, theaters, and other areas where lots of people get gathered will probably require tickets along with proof of vaccination at the entrance to allow people in. * Shopping malls, agencies, administrations will probably require you to show proof of vaccination at the entrance, just like they require face masks and temperture checks now. * You will be required to show proof of vaccination to be able to travel from country to country, this may be required by the airports, the airlines who will welcome you in their planes and they want to ensure that you're immunized before doing so, border control agents of different countries, etc. You get the point...this is just my personal opinion, but i think most people can see that this has strong odds of happening, forcing you to get vaccinated to be able to live normally like they force you to wear masks right now. I believe achieving [herd immunity]( by vaccinating the most vulnerable people and those who choose to get vaccinated by personal conscent is enough to lower the infection rate (assuming the vaccine works), Tunisia and other governments will most likely gradually impose rules to force everyone to get vaccinated, including those who don't want to for any reasons.",,,,,,2021-01-19 20:15:36 l0xxt4,,3,Anyone with a paypal account that can help me buy something from a store in france and i will pay him in dinar in tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-20 00:58:31 l0y6cv,تونس_حضارة/,13,تونس حضارة,المتفرج فارس يخيل إلى البعض من حماسهم أنهم قادرون على القيادة نحو الأفضل ، يخيل إليهم ، إلتزم و إنضبط يا شعب تونس شوية شوشرة ما فاها بأس، الأوضاع متأزمة بطبيعتها و لكن هل هنالك من بديل ، من تفعيل ، حزب فيل ، إرادة سياسية للتوجيه لخلق حالة وعي من جديد ، حدائق النحل هل هو حلم أم كابوس ، أحمد صافي سعيد هل هو الحل أم المشكل ، من ترى يتحمل مسؤولية ما نحن فيه ، قوانين عقيمة أم مراقبة منعدمة ، أساليب ردع الدولة لنفسها غير موجودة بتاتا ، آليات معطلة ، ما الأمر يا ترى ، أملي فيك كبير يا خضراء غد متجدد و نور ساطع ، لن يسقط الدينار و سيظل علمك يرفرف فوق أعناقنا لن يقتلو فينا حب الحياة لن يقتلو فينا حب الوطن,,,,,,2021-01-20 01:10:38 l14n0z,,7,"Can you stop talking about ""the foreign currency reserve"" and look how the world is evolving!",,,,,,,2021-01-20 07:53:20 l15aze,,109,"i'm not exactly a professional in this stuff,but i strongly remember having a revolution specifically so we can insult our leaders",,,,,,,2021-01-20 08:45:26 l17q04,,0,amazing 😍🤩,,,,,,,2021-01-20 11:52:37 l18hgy,,5,Chess,"Hey guys, really quick question: is there any chess clubs here in the capital/manouba area?",,,,,,2021-01-20 12:45:57 l18i9s,,1,عن أي ثورة تتحدثون؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-20 12:47:26 l18nu5,,5,a dentist that can accept an installment for 2 years or more?,"my mother has lost a lot of teeth over the years, and I wanna help her, but my money is limited and I wanna know if there's any dentist that would accept a long installment to be paid. and what do they require",,,,,,2021-01-20 12:57:23 l1911o,,7,"For those of you who liked my smol EP, you can stream it now on The Spoofy",,,,,,,2021-01-20 13:20:20 l19yhg,,4,"Are there alternatives to Paypal that actually work in Tunisia? If so, please let me know.",,,,,,,2021-01-20 14:14:16 l1az2j,,8,opinions on the vaccine,"so the ministry announced the plan for delivering pfizer vaccine and i ve seen a lot people saying they won't get it because it's dangerous and i wanted to know your opinions PS: for anyone who wants to register type \*2021# or visit this link [](",,,,,,2021-01-20 15:08:19 l1cfg1,,8,Winkom guests,"In the last episode tla3na guests Ministre of deffence be like",,,,,,2021-01-20 16:22:15 l1cs3k,,7,Bourguiba claimed to be against the unveiling of women during French occupation...,"...Before discriminating against veiled women after he gained power. His strategy was to rally as many people as possible behind him including the conservative factions, eventually betraying them. The point being : if you want to instigate change in society, you have to lie. A LOT.",,,,,,2021-01-20 16:40:06 l1i3wz,,47,*Surprised Pikachu Face*,,,,,,,2021-01-20 20:45:31 l1ih7j,,2,Hello khwati from Tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-20 21:02:45 l1ir00,,5,33070,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-20 21:15:28 l1it6g,,11,A real Union to face the future.,"Try not to call me a populist, idealist and stupid, because this post is serious and I am looking for serious discussions. Leaving aside the exclusive nationalism, do you think a union between Morocco-Algeria-Tunisia is viable? I know it seems impossible, but do you think it would be positive for people's lives? It is clear that in terms of tourism, army and size it would be a top African power and I think one of the first in the MENA region. I know that in Algeria there are still people who hate Morocco and also the other way around, and the same with Tunisia. But I am sure it is an idea that we should discuss, since I BELIEVE that we would gain more than we would lose. It can even be a more symbolic union at the beginning, to slowly start this process. We don't have to start with an absolute union. And I also want to know if this hypothetical union would be better as a new federal STATE, or a simple MERCOSUR or even EU-type union. (Btw, I am not not talking about ethnic, nor races, nor berberism. I'm thinking about the wellfare of the people).",,,,,,2021-01-20 21:18:21 l1itvl,,5,Where can I find shaving equipment,"Does anyone know where I can find shaving equipment(safety razors and shaving cream most importantly), I looked online but all I can find is cheap disposables.",,,,,,2021-01-20 21:19:19 l1j7xr,وقيـت/,1,وقيّـت,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-20 21:38:18 l1kpf3,,0,A.L.A PEACE Clean version (Official song),,,,,,,2021-01-20 22:51:47 l1oif6,,0,El Castro feat. A.L.A - 5obza Morra Clean Version (Official Song),,,,,,,2021-01-21 02:07:05 l1tfy9,,3,"Rencontre avec la dessinatrice tunisienne Nadia Khiari : “Rire, cela nous a sauvés !”",,,,,,,2021-01-21 07:18:19 l1vvn6,,3,كتخرج حارة عباد و تحب تردهم برشة...تحير من وان تاخذ التصويرة,,,,,,,2021-01-21 10:25:01 l1xnvb,,61,Hold your ground my bois,,,,,,,2021-01-21 12:38:32 l20pl7,,0,RedStar - Famma Mennou Feat 4LFA Clean Version,,,,,,,2021-01-21 15:34:41 l21bdw,,1,Take down the government,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-21 16:05:06 l24rnu,,7,Tunisian police officer not allowed to quit?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-21 18:46:52 l28ulj,,1,What do you think about this ? Unions trying as usual to sabotage the country.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-21 21:57:40 l28vyc,,3,What do you think about this ? Unions trying to sabotage the country as usual.,,,,,,,2021-01-21 21:59:35 l28yas,,0,AMYNE - COLD | بارد,,,,,,,2021-01-21 22:02:45 l2erqu,,4,Does Amazon really ship to Tunisia ?,"If I had a valid way of payment (paypal or something like that), Could I buy something from Amazon and have it shipped to me here in Tunis ?",,,,,,2021-01-22 03:15:02 l2lsez,,10,Military service,Is it possible to do military service when having double nationality? What are the advantages and how long is the service. Also do you need to know fluent Tunisian to fulfill military service?,,,,,,2021-01-22 11:24:26 l2mef7,émie_du_covid19_sur_votre_santé/,1,l’impact de la pandémie du COVID-19 sur votre santé mentale,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-22 12:06:24 l2mpw5,,8,What has forced Tunisian youth to protest across the country?,,,,,,,2021-01-22 12:27:34 l2q6zh,,3,3060 Gaming Laptops retail in Tunisia,"So with the new models for the rtx 3060 coming out in a couple of weeks , I wanted to ask if anyone knew any resellers who could get the product as soon as it releases ? I know its a long shot.",,,,,,2021-01-22 15:40:09 l2qvdi,,1,Buying nootropics,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-22 16:12:59 l2xcuq,,6,Rokia char3ia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-22 21:21:24 l2xp74,,1,الاتجار بالبشر -- خنار Ep 05,,,,,,,2021-01-22 21:37:51 l2yagf,,97,Punic port of Carthage 2300 years later.,,,,,,,2021-01-22 22:06:48 l2zxu3,مكرز/,3,Wich social media is most annoying for you (مكرز،)," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-22 23:29:17 l2zy7n,,29,"I mean, I've never seen the two of them together",,,,,,,2021-01-22 23:29:48 l30jn2,,3,Subscription based services in Tunisia!,"With the way currency is controlled in the country and everything related to it is considered a major crime. I'm wondering what companies are doing in regard of subscription based cloud services like S3, ML and any subscription based service for that matter? I imagine that there are at least some companies (apart from telcos and startups labelled or not) that need these services. I checked the local offering and oh boy! it's just depressing... apart from ovh there's almost nothing",,,,,,2021-01-23 00:00:20 l30oyv,,1,Teach me few curse words which are native to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-23 00:08:20 l38777,/r/Morocco/comments/l35a5r/macron_no_repentance_nor_apologies_for_colonial/,6,Macron: No repentance nor apologies for colonial abuses in Algeria,,,,,,,2021-01-23 08:11:12 l38hjb,,7,Tunisia is the biggest terrorist brewery in the world study shows.," Les Editions Arabesques viennent de publier un ouvrage signé par Mustapha El Haddad sur un sujet tabou et, pourtant, d’une importance exceptionnelle pour notre pays : l’embrigadement de notre jeunesse pour le jihad dans les zones de conflit, l’Irak et, surtout, la Syrie, à partir de 2012. Ce n’est pas le premier sujet tabou sur lequel Mustapha El Haddad lève le voile : en 2018, dans les mêmes éditions, l’auteur publiait un livre intitulé : *Chronique de la violence politique sous la « Troïka » ; de janvier 2012 à décembre 2014.* La caractéristique majeure de ces deux ouvrages est leur rigueur et la posture délibérément « neutre » qu’a choisie l’auteur : une présentation brute des faits et des déclarations des différentes sources pertinentes, sans commentaires. Pour laisser au lecteur le soin d’en tirer ses propres conclusions. *L’embrigadement des jeunes pour le Jihad* traite d’UNE question qui figure dans la page de couverture du livre, et qui montre la Tunisie premier pourvoyeur mondial de combattants en Syrie et en Irak. Le ton n’est pas dénonciatoire ; il est froid. Mais il est d’une richesse et d’une précision qui confinent à l’exhaustivité et une source d’informations sans pareille pour ce qui touche à ce phénomène du jihad tunisien. Cinq chapitres structurent cet ouvrage de 240 pages: **•** Combien sont-ils, depuis quand et où vont-ils ? (Chapitre I) **•** Qui sont-ils et quelles sont leurs motivations ? (Chapitre II) **•** Comment fonctionnent les réseaux d’embrigadement de ces jihadistes ? (Chapitre III) **•** Quelles sont les forces en présence dans le conflit syrien et quels en sont les enjeux ? (Chapitre IV) **•** Comment ce phénomène d’embrigadement est-il géré par les autorités tunisiennes ? (Chapitre V). Pratiquement toutes les sources concordent : les Tunisiens sont les jihadistes les plus nombreux : entre 5 mille et 7 mille selon les sources et selon les moments. Pourquoi ? Aucun facteur ne les prédispose par rapport aux jeunesses des autres pays, bien au contraire ; c’est pourquoi le sous-titre du livre est intitulé « Le paradoxe tunisien ». Alors, pourquoi ? L’auteur ne se vêtit de l’habit démonstratif, mais au fil des pages et des faits, le lecteur comprend que la Tunisie réunit ; nous dirions est le seul pays à réunir, toutes les conditions nécessaires, pour donner essor à ce phénomène : la mise en place d’un réseau de recrutement à travers des centaines de cercles, de mosquées, de cafés et de réseaux sociaux ; l’invitation de grands prédicateurs étrangers d’inspiration wahabite ou/et appartenant au mouvement des Frères musulmans, souvent reçus en grande pompe pour faire des discours devant des foules de plusieurs milliers (voire dizaines de milliers) les incitant au « jihad » (le départ vers la Syrie) ; l’organisation d’un réseau d’encadrement, de convoyage et de prise en charge matérielle des nouvelles recrues par des centaines d’associations dites «caritatives » financées par Qatar ; un réseau de camps d’entraînement et d’initiation au combat ;  une prise en charge matérielle des nouvelles recrues depuis leur départ de Tunis, leur atterrissage dans les aéroports turcs et, de là, leur transport vers les zones de combat ; des ressources financières considérables. Tout cela est documenté avec précision, à partir de diverses sources crédibles. Les terroristes tunisiens ne limitent pas leur champ d’opération à l’Irak et à la Syrie ; on les retrouve dans les très grandes opérations terroristes qui ensanglantent l’Europe. Face à chaque opération de cette nature, l’opinion tunisienne a la main sur le cœur : « Pourvu que ce ne soit pas encore un Tunisien ! ». Ils sont, désormais, tout près de nous : selon les statistiques les plus crédibles, le nombre de mercenaires tunisiens employés par la Turquie, aujourd’hui déployés  à nos frontières libyennes est compris entre deux mille et trois mille. Dans *L’embrigadement des Jeunes pour le Jihad* », nous trouvons les éclairages nécessaires à la compréhension de ce fléau et, en filigrane, les acteurs qui sont derrière. Cet ouvrage de Mustapha El Haddad et celui qui le précède -Chronique de la violence politique sous la « Troïka »- constituent, avec l’ouvrage de Jean Fontaine « Du côté des salafistes », publié aux mêmes éditions,  l’une des pièces fondamentales de la mémoire de la Tunisie des dix dernières années. Il faut en rendre hommage à l’auteur, à sa rigueur et à son courage.",,,,,,2021-01-23 08:34:51 l38zjv,,1,LIVE : watch Tunisia's economic analysis for the year 2021,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-23 09:17:26 l39z8g,,2,please tell me this annoys you too 🙄,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-23 10:43:43 l3b7ah,,4,Will be coming to Tunisia for at least a month as soon as the pandemic is over here in the U.K. Need help with the trip.,"So I’m a photographer and will be visiting Tunisia as soon as flights are back to normal and life goes back to how we lived in the pre-covid era! I need help with hotels. What’s the best place to stay and any help with car rentals will be much appreciated. Thanks James",,,,,,2021-01-23 12:24:27 l3bya3,,139,Today we celebrate 175 years passing after slave abolishing . Ahmed bey 23 january 1846.,,,,,,,2021-01-23 13:19:13 l3coxv,,4,How can i go from tunis to sousse without getting caught?,"They have announced this morning, the prohibition to go from one city to another , i m going from Tunis to Sousse for personal reasons and i have already organized my stay, any help?",,,,,,2021-01-23 14:08:16 l3ey2q,,9,متحس الي كل لحظة تزيد تعيشها في تونس تزيد توريك قداش البلاد منيكة والي انت صعيب تعمل الي تحب عليه,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-23 16:14:58 l3fnj4,,2,الذَّكَاءُ فيه سرعة المحاكمة ، والعَقْلُ فيه صِحّة المحاكمة,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-23 16:50:53 l3h8jd,,4,Who will register to get the free COVID19 vaccine?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-23 18:17:43 l3i5hh,,29,"Instead of investing the money in hospitals, education, infrastructure or any other fucking thing... look what our government is doing 🤦🏾‍♂️",,,,,,,2021-01-23 19:06:14 l3om0v,,7,"Question about the Arab Spring, and the Current Protestations.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-24 00:39:03 l3qd7h,,0,24 female USA,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-24 02:21:07 l3wn3d,,3,How to legalize a Tunisian driving license in Quebec so it becomes eligible for driving in canada??,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-24 09:54:43 l3xawk,,0,راقصة إلى الجنّة وشهيد إلى النّار!!! 😱😱 دروس عن الإنسان (الجزء الحادي عش...,,,,,,,2021-01-24 10:49:48 l3xhbf,,4,prediction,"What’s will happen in the next 15 days ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-24 11:04:01 l3xopa,,29,Imagine,"In another time-line where colonization wasn't a thing, how would you picture Africa or just Tunisia? (Assuming we have the same map as we do now)",,,,,,2021-01-24 11:20:31 l40k34,,1,Check it 🥺🥺🦋 (sbou3i edit),,,,,,,2021-01-24 14:36:20 l42cxz,,2,رواية أرض النفاق للكاتب يوسف السباعي,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-24 16:20:40 l4a2o4,,8,salons tradtionnels🤩,,,,,,,2021-01-24 23:06:53 l4gpst,,0,"Avery known house in la Marsa do you know the story behind., usa to usa modafinil delivery.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-25 05:16:59 l4kwmj,,3,"""Fatalism"" is often described to characterize Tunisians, apparently, by both sides.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-25 10:03:37 l4l12e,,242,r/Tunisia starterpack,,,,,,,2021-01-25 10:12:47 l4m07m,,22,Tunsians are more open when it comes to women to dress in public,,,,,,,2021-01-25 11:22:53 l4m4e9,,20,stfu im listening to arabic ben 10 intro,,,,,,,2021-01-25 11:31:56 l4m8z0,,1,Please help,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-25 11:41:38 l4muqj,,3,"Number of Tunisian migrants landing in Italy rose fivefold in 2020,All my thanks to Head of government Mechichi!","Remember the Interview of the head of government with the French journalist, He said back then: ""Who says Illegal (or clandestine) immigration, says Terrorism"". If a government official makes a statement like that, He shows how he is not considering the pain and the struggle of Tunisian youngster, this youngster that goes illegally to Italy or to southern Europe isn't a terrorism project. and what happened in Nice is just a try to push Arab officials. If anyone wants to be a politician, he must solve problems, and try to not make harmful statements to favor one political opinion over another.",,,,,,2021-01-25 12:24:25 l4nx3e,,0,Linkin Park - Papercut -Electric violin Cover by Sadrumet,,,,,,,2021-01-25 13:32:44 l4op86,,21,students paid to see the magician but he did not come,,,,,,,2021-01-25 14:17:46 l4qxr1,,0,I talk to a social media personnality about the effects of social media on youth,,,,,,,2021-01-25 16:10:02 l4sbhl,,8,Bitcoin is the solution for Tunisians,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-25 17:12:35 l4t4rs,,0,"All: stop making memes. You are NOT good at it. So just stop, ok pumpkins?!","Seriously though, stop making memes. Da fuq is wrong with you?",,,,,,2021-01-25 17:49:09 l4tr5j,,1,"The governor of Gafsa (West of Tunisia) decided to exclude married women whose husbands are employed from a public recruitment competition. These women decided to file a divorce petition to contest the discriminatory decision. We can hear one of them saying: ""We are not joking.""",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-25 18:16:26 l4y1rx,,0,"دعونا نتحد جميعا للحرية, للعدالة و لجودة حياة أفضل - Let us all unite for freedom, justice & a better quality of life",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-25 21:28:25 l51obr,,0,"Atheist ""superiority""",[removed],,,,,,2021-01-26 00:22:37 l5b32v,,10,What's your opinion on legalising drug ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-26 10:06:01 l5ekdn,,7,How to buy us stocks ? 😡 & fuck our useless dinar,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-26 14:01:29 l5ixk2,,7,How easy/difficult is it to start a business in Tunisia?,I'm genuinely interested how hard it is for foreign and domestic entrepreneurs to conduct business in Tunisia. Is the process choked by bureaucracy as many people say or is it something else?,,,,,,2021-01-26 17:34:20 l5kzze,,0,Top r/Tunisia redditer:,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-26 19:06:47 l5lkaz,,169,Tunisia be like,,,,,,,2021-01-26 19:31:58 l5m6r8,,7,Carbon emissions in Tunisia,"I personally think that it's very hard to impossible to cut down carbon emissions in Tunisia, lack of education and care about the matter is the main reason. 1. **Vehicles:** Internal combustion engine vehicles are everywhere and electric vehicles do not seem to be coming here anytime soon, even if they do, they will be very expensive for the average Tunisian at least for now, they will be cheaper in the future but the transition from ICE vehicles to EVs will be slow. 2. **Factories:** factories are everywhere and none of them seems to be caring about the environnement or carbon emissions. 3. **Greenhouse gases:** The greenhouse gases emitted from households around the country are huge, partly because no one cares and partly because of lack of education about the fact. Solar energy households are rare. 4. **Smoking:** A lot of people here are smokers, according to WHO: Tobacco smoking leads directly to the emission of 2 600 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and about 5 200 000 tonnes of methane. Tobacco growing/curing causes significant deforestation. 5. **Trash burning:** A lot of people burn their trash in the mountains. Global warming and climate change due to carbon emissions are a global issue but there are countries that are playing their part to reduce the impact, what do you think we should do to reduce our daily carbon emissions at least by a small percentage?",,,,,,2021-01-26 20:00:00 l5msq9,,0,سرطان الغدد اللمفاوية | الأسباب والعلاج,,,,,,,2021-01-26 20:27:04 l5n6qd,,14,How To Get A Drone Permit in Tunisia in 2021 (import + fly your drone legally),,,,,,,2021-01-26 20:44:45 l5n7bo,,2,Anyone growing shrooms here?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-26 20:45:27 l5nf28,,3,The actual state of things,,,,,,,2021-01-26 20:55:19 l5p9yp,,2,Quick question Tuesday: anyone mining crypto?,,,,,,,2021-01-26 22:19:49 l5ri7b,,1,Learning English in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-01-27 00:08:00 l5sd6c,,1,Hi can you recommend some good universities with a computer science program ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-27 00:52:43 l5t0c8,,2,Licence informatique,Can you recommend a good university for an informatics bachelor ?,,,,,,2021-01-27 01:26:51 l5u9dr,,2,What do you think are the best jobs for a 16 year old,What jobs do you think are easier to find/get accepted in as an underage teen,,,,,,2021-01-27 02:34:14 l5wjju,,1,Travel & tourism,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-27 04:41:17 l5zif3,,7,How to have a social life in tunisia with the covid,I want some solution to how to have a social life with covid knowen that i already had no friend or any social life so whatever even before the covid i just go to work get home and in the weekend i do all the chores of the house. All the people that i thought were my friends always after there are finishing taking advantage of my in solven there problems and fulling there spare time they leave me out off a sudden no answering any of my messages or phone call. So i'm kind of very disapointed in people in general but it's not my choice that i have no social life.people seems not to like me for some reasons that i don't know maybe i'm cursed to stay alone my whole life. So if you guys have any advice about having friend i'm all ears.,,,,,,2021-01-27 07:56:06 l60nmi,,5,Abortion: for or against? What do some Moroccans say about unwanted pregnancy?,,,,,,,2021-01-27 09:15:30 l61taq,,4,"is there a lawyer or a law student who can answer me a few questions?, thanks in advance",,,,,,,2021-01-27 10:35:29 l6247t,,25,"Someone is using this guy pictures for fake identity, please let him know if you recognize him, the person using his pics might be called Jamal sehli",,,,,,,2021-01-27 10:56:43 l62a7v,,0,علاج الحموضه والحرقان | الأسباب والمضاعفات,,,,,,,2021-01-27 11:07:51 l62m8r,,9,Bee internet provider,"I am planing to get internet connection at our house for a year, and I was checking the possibilities and the different providers. I just found that there is this provider called ""Bee"" it seems new cuz I haven't heard about it before. I wanted to ask if anyone had the chance to try it ( how good is the technical support and how stable their services are). I believe the internet quality will almost be the same, it all depend on the TT cables .. if anyone has a different opinion please enlighten me 😊",,,,,,2021-01-27 11:31:21 l62tcs,,3,Helplessly watching what's happening in the country.,"I still don't understand why do we vote for a useless president when we should be voting to choose the PM. it's the PM who 1. we don't choose 2. Is usually a marionnette keeps fucking us over every time. This is mentally exhausting. Inchalla Hal mechichi m'a yetla3ch tounsified el-sisi...",,,,,,2021-01-27 11:45:12 l63l84,,1,I don’t usually like bring stuff from Facebook here but wtf is happening with police brutality in our country??????,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-27 12:34:54 l640jl,,1,u/Stalked_Like_Corn should be a mod once again,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-27 13:01:42 l64avu,,0,BAC 2020/2021,,,,,,,2021-01-27 13:18:59 l65xie,,7,I can’t believe what I’m seeing!!! Police brutality at its best,,,,,,,2021-01-27 14:46:47 l66xnk,,7,Found on ig,,,,,,,2021-01-27 15:33:51 l68tz5,,37,A bunch of unemployed young friends of mine were directed to vote for certain parties.,"I live in the south, exactly in a houma arbi, friends of mine ranging from 20- 28 yo got enticed to vote for a certain party, a guy from our neighborhood promised them with instant jobs on different fields, but they had to vote first. They were going to fall for it, I spoke to them about how ridiculous this is and knowing the dude ( he used to be a snitch ) I asked close friends of mine to not fall for it. Some of them did and they never got enlisted to no job ( this was years ago i don't remember exactly when ). So this is a small event, but imagine nahdha backed with some external countries like Iran, they literally organize food campaigns and bribe poor people. You really can't blame the poor population here... I've seen a lot of people bashing the population for poor choices... Well to tell you.. We're pretty much fuc\*ed up, bankruptcy is inevitable so tighten your belts and try to spend less. Gov employees cuts will happen inevitably, and unless phosphate starts rumbling again we're pretty much screwed.",,,,,,2021-01-27 16:54:31 l695kk,,38,لوز و سكر,,,,,,,2021-01-27 17:07:22 l6awjy,,0,تقنية تلخيص الكتب,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-27 18:18:18 l6b6gu,,3,the guy who tried to poison the president after playing the new hitman game,,,,,,,2021-01-27 18:29:40 l6bt79,,5,Dating app,"I've been using tinder for 2 months now and no luck. What dating apps do you guys use? And does it really work here?",,,,,,2021-01-27 18:58:51 l6c42w,,37,Attijari bank lost half of my salary. It is been 2.5 months. They did not even let me watch camera records.,"Attijari bank makes me lost half of my salary and they are not helping me at all with the investigation. They just make me spent the time and after 2.5 months I passed but I don't want to let it like that. At least I want to share the story here. It is been 2.5 months since I wrote everywhere, I reached everywhere(included CEO of the attijari), To the bank center (many times), to the branches and call centers (that call center really had bad support, I event cant reach them, maybe 10/1 they responded to me on phone). **The story is;** I went to the Attijari Den den branch, As usual, I m using that ""Den den"" branch to take my salary. And last time when I went there, I went to one of the open windows and give my bank card to take my salary. I take whole money with 10 dinars only. Normally they were not giving me whole my salary like that, But people were waiting behind me, with all mask and it was kind of busy. I put the whole money in my bag. And back to the house directly. When I reached the house I found only half of my salary. All organized, with 10dinar. There is no other way to lost or miss in the way. So I was suspicious if they didn't give me full of my money. It was Friday so I had to wait till Monday to go to the bank and ask for my salary. Monday I went there again. I explained the situation. At first, they seem to try to help me. But he was saying impossible to understand the amount of money with Security cameras. I surprised how a bank manager doesn't know that cameras exist mostly for following the money. I convinced him to check about the records. And he told me He will going to check the security records and will let me know. 4 days later there was no news yet, so I went there again. When I reached, I could not find him, and the people in there told me to come tomorrow again so I went another day again. The other day finally, I've found him and asked about the records which he promised me to show. He told me some excuses and told me to let me call you in Today. He called me later on that day and he said: ""We checked the records and we found you put your whole money in your bag"". I was suspicious so I asked him to see the camera records. He told me to show up at the branch and I went there next week on Monday as first. Again I could not find that manager and no one was helping me. I went there 1 day later again and asked to see the security records. All my points to be sure if my money was full as they told me. But he acts differently and told me to reach the bank center and ask for video records. He told me he is not allowed to show these specific records about me. After some days(25-30), and some run-around the bank decided not to show me the video records. I sent them 3 different requests and all those requests closed in an hour. I don't know it was taking hours and days to reach that call center but they are able to close tickets less than in an hour. It was surprising how fast they were answering ""negative"" about my tickets. And... I passed on my money. But the lawyer I was speaking to told me to record all that story by writing a letter to the bank center. I had to send it from the bank branch itself. I went there again. The manager was not there. So I went later again and Found him, he recognizes me, and I explained the situation to him one more time, And I told him I want to record all that story so my lawyer suggests me to write this letter. He doesn't even let me write the letter in there, even did not accept his claiming he told about the video records, etc... They even told me, we never watch your records.. but claim center did.. but that day when they try to convince me he told me clearly he watched the whole video and there are not any mistake. İ m suspicous they even dont have any camera record. Which makes me angrier and angrier. Anyway, I went to some other place to write that letter and back, Finally, I sent those records to the bank center. I don't have any hope and I don't have any trust in that bank anymore but I just want to record in Reddit too. At tijari bank makes I lost half of my salary. Doesn't helps me at all. They just make me spent my time and run-around all the time. **Hope, anyone who works with Attijari aware of how you shouldn't trust your own bank.** **Hopefully, none of you faced with that kind of problem, because If you faced you will stay all alone.** Good night",,,,,,2021-01-27 19:15:44 l6exn3,,2,Track of the year - Znous زنوس - Free Fire فريفاير,,,,,,,2021-01-27 21:33:57 l6fi75,,3,Is it possible to fly a plane in Tunisia?,If I have a PPL (Private Pilot License) can I rent a Cessna or similar and fly over Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-01-27 21:57:42 l6j787,,23,[GUIDE] How to buy/sell Bitcoin in Tunisia,"This question and similar questions is asked a lot so here we go: 1 - There is an automatic service (website) that you can use to buy or sell crypto via the edinar card app (D17). This website is TRUSTED and the team behind it has been doing this for a while, their support is great which you can contact via their official Facebook page [TunisiaBTC]( (18.6k members). They also have this page [CryptoTN]( along with public group on both Facebook and Discord so its quite a transparency. I will include the groups below. So the exchange rate is what might be an issue for some people as their fee is about 30% if your buying but its only 3.7% if your selling. You can't blame them as that's how they run the business. Those fees are equivalent of 3.5TND per 1USD when buying and 2.6TND per 1USD when selling while the actual exchange rate of USD is 2.7TND. So like I said its roughly 30% fee if your buying and 3.7% when selling. 2 - Direct exchange via Tunisians crypto communities on Facebook and Discord. There will be the trust problem so you have two options here either you find someone in your area by posting or looking there and meet him/her and do the exchange face to face. Or in the Discord groups you will find a list of trusted buyers and sellers which you can trust them like 95% of the time, there is also escrow service. Now in these groups fee will differ from person to person but its in the range of 3-10% on average when your buying which is wayyy cheaper than TunisiaBTC (and even some international PoS) and when your selling its considered usual to also require this fee for buyers and add like 3-10% above the actual rate. Demand and supply is high and always there even for relatively high quantities so no worries about that as well. Anyway here is a list of these groups with their members count: [21k 🇹🇳 Tunisians Crypto Exchangers]( [16k Bitcoin Tunisia 🇹🇳 بيتكوين تونس]( [11k Bitcoin Tunisia]( [9.6k Paypal / Neteller / Bitcoin en Tunisie]( [9k Paypal / Bitcoin / Skrill / Neteller in Tunisia]( [4.8k Bitcoin Tunisia 💰 🇹🇳 Exchange & Vente]( [4k Bitcoin Tunisia]( [1k Bitcoin Tunisia - بيتكوين تونس 🇹🇳 Exchange and Escrow service]( Note: This last group is owned by it had much more than 1k members but it was removed for some reason so they had to recreate it. I'd say this group represents a kind of quality among others. They also offer escrow service. Now Discord groups in which you'll find a dedicated list of trusted buyers and sellers by the community. Also both groups have escrow service. [1.7k]( [1.2k Bitcoin Tunisia 🇹🇳](",,,,,,2021-01-28 00:38:45 l6sbh2,,0,E-girl doc seeking help!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-28 09:04:20 l6ulu9,,0,سرطان المخ | الأسباب والعلاج,,,,,,,2021-01-28 11:38:34 l6wzxf,,11,Tunisia: The Arab Spring’s only success story?,,,,,,,2021-01-28 13:47:44 l6xdwz,,4,Update : the Sormhunter Russian guy has been looking for my adress,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-28 14:04:27 l6yegc,,15,Treemap of Tunisias exports in 2012 vs. 2017,,,,,,,2021-01-28 14:44:38 l6ymuq,,77,[Almost] every Tunisian can relate,,,,,,,2021-01-28 14:53:03 l6z9qz,,1,What’s hooking up like in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-28 15:14:00 l70hy3,,1,"Sormhunter , no one actually gives any credit to your shit so stop spamming people on this subreddit",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-28 15:57:16 l70vcv,,6,An envelope with no sender name sent to the president's office? Nah imma open that suspicious shit,,,,,,,2021-01-28 16:11:07 l749vp,,1,"I just found a website to calculate the hours of series that i've watched, so do you think 64 days:13:39 is just too much for a 15-year-old , if so how do i stop my (let's call it ) ""a small addiction""",,,,,,,2021-01-28 18:14:30 l74cga,,0,"I just found a website to calculate the hours of series that i've watched, so do you think 64 days:13:39 is just too much for a 15-year-old , if so how do i stop my (let's call it ) ""a small addiction""",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-28 18:18:40 l74ron,,2,What's happening between some of you and u/sormhunter?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-28 18:40:00 l74ygp,,2,"I just found a website to calculate the hours of series that i've watched, so do you think 64 days:13:39 is just too much for a 15-year-old , if so how do i stop my (let's call it ) ""a small addiction""",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-28 18:46:47 l7828m,,1,حتى لأ تهجر القرآن,,,,,,,2021-01-28 20:38:00 l7b7f8,,1,,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-28 22:39:35 l7kuq4,,0,"If Tunisians were instead the German people after WW2, The would have leave Germany 😅",[removed],,,,,,2021-01-29 05:54:26 l7lgu5,,7,"Presidential staff in Tunisia hospitalized, suffered 'almost total loss of vision’, after opening suspicious letter"," The envelope had been filled with an unknown substance that was believed to have caused the director to suffer an ""almost total loss of vision"", the statement said. The incident took place on Monday at the Carthage Palace but was not officially reported to the public. Following leaks that spread on social media, the office said it was compelled to clarify. The envelope was reportedly shredded before being sent to the ministry of interior for testing. Source Link : [](",,,,,,2021-01-29 06:28:30 l7nvw6,,28,Pain,"Mfw wanna pass El bac with a semi decent grade but too burned out & depressed to even attend classes As I'm writing this I'm at a Cafe with people I don't even like instead of attending philosophy I barely know what I want or should be doing anymore Just want off this ride man",,,,,,2021-01-29 08:57:43 l7nw3f,,1,Pain,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-29 08:58:07 l7pqzz,/r/IAmA/comments/l7plag/i_am_oscar_scafidi_a_professional_travel_writer/,69,"I am Oscar Scafidi, a professional travel writer with Bradt Travel Guides. I have lived, worked and travelled across 30 African countries and am currently writing the Bradt Travel Guide to Tunisia. AMA!",,,,,,,2021-01-29 10:55:12 l7qiuq,,2,Who do you think tried to kill the president?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-29 11:41:48 l7qs99,,1,علاج القولون العصبي نهائيا,,,,,,,2021-01-29 11:57:41 l7r4bf,,3,Do you look for a PFE internship? Join the Tunisian Sharing Network!,"Due to COVID-19, most of the Tunisian students are now struggling to find a graduation (PFE) internship. Tunisian companies are paralyzed economically due to this health situation in our country. So someone made a Facebook group to help those who didn't find yet any opportunity. By doing this, I don't think it has any ambitions to be lucrative. Join the group Now on Facebook([Tunisian Sharing Network (TSN)](!",,,,,,2021-01-29 12:16:37 l7s30s,,5,What’s hooking up like in Tunisia?," I’m an American who recently moved to Tunisia, and I want to learn how dating/hooking up works here. In the US, more sexually-open people will have sex on the first date or go home with someone they met at a bar. It’s not unusual for someone to have one or more friends with benefits, etc. Things are usually assumed to be non-exclusive unless a couple has a conversation about exclusivity. For more sexually-conservative people, they would probably more likely wait until after a 3+ dates to sleep together and mostly have sex in relationships. What’s it like here? How do attitudes vary? Do they vary by region, age, or other identities?",,,,,,2021-01-29 13:07:15 l7ssb9,,1,Tunisian who doesn’t feel at home :/,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-29 13:41:24 l7tr2x,,1,How to find jobs in Singapore?,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-29 14:25:05 l7ut2a,,40,Can we join this?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-29 15:08:27 l7vkvs,,15,"Smoke a joint in a football field and you got a 30 years sentence ,",,,,,,,2021-01-29 15:38:37 l7ws0b,,1,Luxury camp In the south of Tunisia Douz,,,,,,,2021-01-29 16:25:07 l7xxuf,,22,The best actor award goes to...,,,,,,,2021-01-29 17:09:26 l803fb,,0,Kais Saied is about to sputNIK us with his incompetence,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-29 18:30:14 l850pn,,5,Hello everyone. I'm conducting research about language learning and speaking. Could take a few minutes to answer my questions?,"We're a group of language tech and academic enthusiasts who want to learn about how people learn and practice online. If you have a few minutes, I'd appreciate it if you spend filling out my survey here. Reach out if anything is unclear! [](",,,,,,2021-01-29 21:37:50 l8e4me,,1,besoin d'aide,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-30 04:49:11 l8kabg,,1,Baddel_el_52,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-30 12:01:59 l8l5fl,,11,Tunisia ranked 21st by the Lowy Institue for its management of the COVID-19 pandemic,,,,,,,2021-01-30 12:57:06 l8mnzc,,5,for educational purposes only.....,,,,,,,2021-01-30 14:21:23 l8mtg6,,81,Just a random thought.,"I'm expecting an increase of newcomers to this sub in the next couple of weeks due to what's happening in the Stock Market. I'm pretty sure that the general population in our country will hear about what's happening after some time... So they will join Reddit and of course this sub. I'm also sure that most of these newcomers are like me and you, fed up with their Facebook feed, annoyed by the mediocrity, and triviality of our media and political situation...However, that won't stop some people from bringing ""tafahat"" from Facebook or projecting and spreading the hatred and the cyber violence that we can all see all over the comments on Facebook. That's why I strongly believe that we should update our community guidelines and make sure to remind everyone why we're here, how to communicate with each other, and especially the things that are not allowed... I'm really happy with this sub, it always gives me hope and lowers the disappointment, I got from Facebook and the Media in Tunisia. # And like they're saying: [Apes Strong Together]( 🦍 # Have a great weekend everyone :)",,,,,,2021-01-30 14:29:18 l8q253,,52,president dad,,,,,,,2021-01-30 17:02:58 l8rvbw,,2,Sell bitcoin using CTI card,Is there a way to sell crypto directly using a website/app that accepts CTI card?,,,,,,2021-01-30 18:19:30 l8s2z7,,10,"68 Years ago, the French government resorted to (among other things) systemic rape in the Cap-Bon region to quell an uprising",,,,,,,2021-01-30 18:28:33 l8sdfn,,21,Pic of the day ( © yassine gaidi ),,,,,,,2021-01-30 18:41:08 l8tzzc,,1,"Centre ville, TUNIS",[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-30 19:50:31 l8u16j,,18,"Centre ville, TUNIS",,,,,,,2021-01-30 19:51:55 l8xajp,,287,"I’m supporting Tunisia, found this in Walmart in USA",,,,,,,2021-01-30 22:20:05 l8xkvf,,35,Wtf do these guys even do ? Streets are still as dirty as ever.,,,,,,,2021-01-30 22:33:39 l8xneh,,0,Abir Moussi vs Seifeddine Makhlouf,"It's 2024. Who's the president? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-30 22:36:57 l90enx,,0,Generation Free fire w netflix ...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-01-31 00:50:40 l9duni,,4,"If you’re looking for a job, you might give this a chance.",,,,,,,2021-01-31 14:59:16 l9dzk0,,6,"A short Film (Court Métrage) COVID-19, This is a work from an ESSTED student, The Film is about The suffer of an infected family by Covid-19!",,,,,,,2021-01-31 15:05:24 l9ejc1,,123,Ez-Zitouna go brrr,,,,,,,2021-01-31 15:32:27 l9etbd,,1,كالطرح يفسد نهبطو أولاد الحومة. بصراحة بقداش تتكلف الوقف شباب؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟,,,,,,,2021-01-31 15:46:00 l9fb3a,,1,airsoft guns in tunisia ?,"Hello, first of all i know that airsoft guns are considered real weapons in tunisia and that they are illegal. but i also know the public consider them toys and people buy them with no problems illegaly but no one gets caught with them. anyways is there somewhere in tunisia a store who sells them ? good airsoft guns not the spring type more like AEGS and thanks",,,,,,2021-01-31 16:09:00 l9fub1,,1,SADRUMET -SELIM PROJECT-Ordhouni Zouz Sbaya rearrangement,,,,,,,2021-01-31 16:34:05 l9fyik,,6,The covid test you can do at home,,,,,,,2021-01-31 16:39:30 l9gatc,,4,What kind of Tunisian are you ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-31 16:55:08 l9igpb,,95,Hidden detail/gem: Saint Vincent de Paul cathedral is shaped like a cross if you take an aerial look at it,,,,,,,2021-01-31 18:29:38 l9jo4m,,51,Aber warum?,,,,,,,2021-01-31 19:21:53 l9o5c6,,7,Do you support the recent protest?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-01-31 22:45:25 l9orkv,,1,game stop,[removed],,,,,,2021-01-31 23:15:24 l9uxps,,14,Abusive mother,"My 21 yo girlfriend's mom has been abusing her and her sisters after her divorce and won't grant them even the most basic of freedoms like going out whenever they can. The only time we're able to see eachother is after classes and whenever I try to convince her to confront her mother about it she just shuts down my arguments saying she doesn't wanna stir up trouble with her. Her mother's not the religious type and ever since the divorce she sorta been living a teenager's life ( staying outside late and spending nights out) Any advice on how to deal with this? Is there something I can say to my Gf who seems kinda afraid of her to finally convince her to stand up to her? And if she does, what sorta things she ought to say to her mother to gain the tiniest bit of freedom?",,,,,,2021-02-01 04:39:05 l9wjs5,,1,ODEN'S STOCK SERVICE,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-01 06:14:33 l9xxun,,4,buying stocks in a foreign stock market,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-01 07:49:17 la08om,,0,Sextoy,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-01 10:32:00 la2311,,9,Question about edutest,"Hello everyone, i wanted to ask about edutest if anybody here has tried it, i wanna study for IELTS and SAT at edutest , but i don't know anyone who ever tried it so i was wondering how effective it is. I have seen so many success stories from them but i still want to ask about it.",,,,,,2021-02-01 12:35:00 la9u4s,,5,3 Young People Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Consuming Cannabis,What are your thoughts?,,,,,,2021-02-01 18:13:44 laa158,,25,The oldest universities in continuous operation,,,,,,,2021-02-01 18:21:40 labt94,,10,Transport de la France vers la Tunisie de véhicules anti-émeutes produits par Renault Trucks Defense,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-01 19:32:12 laeacq,,1,I want to start a new little business,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-01 21:11:42 laeybu,,7,Who was behind the letter?and why?,,,,,,,2021-02-01 21:39:18 lagepj,,126,A Tunesian protester puts on her lipstick while facing the police during a demonstration.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-01 22:40:17 lajrja,,1,"I just find out that my 12 year old cousin is following Cardi b and meriam dabegh on instagram.. she's so obsessed with them. I asked why, she said that she wanna be like them when she grow up. I couldn't start a debate with her because she won't understand how fucked up these ""influencers"" are",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-02 01:15:43 lajwpw,,0,"I just found out that my 12 year old cousin is following Cardi b and meriam dabegh on instagram.. she's so obsessed with them. I asked why, she said that she wanna be like them when she grow up. I couldn't start a debate with her because she won't understand how DISGUSTING these ""influencers"" are",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-02 01:22:02 lalnsk,,1,Drink Bepsi,,,,,,,2021-02-02 02:53:12 lamgtp,,3,Mental disorder and similar problems in Tunisia And how do you handle them?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-02 03:37:08 lan1sl,,3,"Marhaba! I know this is not about Tunisia, I wanted to share my show From LA to Beirut. I interview famous Arab stars and I also promote education. The link is with Wissam Sabbagh. I hope you don't mind my post here. Thanks for the support! (If you know anyone for me to interview please send them!",,,,,,,2021-02-02 04:08:50 lapphi,,0,Why is everyone in this sub so strongly against Makhlouf?,"I have been reading a whole lot of negative thoughts about Seifeddine Makhlouf and i2tilef al karama here. Could someone please explain to me why everyone here is so strongly against them? And please back up your claims by actual proofs, spare me the ""terrorist/sexist/mafiosi/sidi chi5"" types of claims. Thanks for your answers!",,,,,,2021-02-02 06:50:18 las4vs,,7,Why do you think the Tunisian economy is in its current state and what is a solution you propose?,Simple question. Want to hear your guys' opinion.,,,,,,2021-02-02 09:47:26 lauq3a,,3,Caribbean American going to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-02 12:47:47 lav4qm,,125,"Tunisian history fun fact #1: Jack Ward the ""Chagour"".",,,,,,,2021-02-02 13:11:14 lavfpv,,2,Arab League countries GDP per capita animation from 1970 to 2020,,,,,,,2021-02-02 13:28:05 lavr0n,,3,"Hello, I am a university student and I am looking for a part-time job, any suggestions?",,,,,,,2021-02-02 13:44:41 lawawe,,1,Illegal 7noucha protest after getting their wittle feelings hurt by getting paint thrown at them by scawy leftists,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-02 14:11:49 lawo58,,4,The Tunisian political crisis!,"&#x200B; As all authorities (the government, president and the parliament) having their reality show of drama and deception, I wanna discuss what could possibly be the solution to it, one side, calls for the political system to be a parliamentary system, others wants it to be presidential, others also want parliamentary system mutated with limited power to the president. The trend thoughts now are: adjust the constitution, do a referendum, disassemble the parliament... It's a political chaos and us the people and the economy of the country are the victims. so here's my thoughts: 1. Constitutional court is an essential entity to resolve a lot of current issues and maybe later issues, but it's the parliament job to put into execution but due the current situation, it's an impossibility. 2. Does the referendum in your opinion going to help resolve the situation. As I'm afraid, the public opinion could be easily influenced by media, social media,... 3. Some people think that the presidential ruling could be the solution but as our history with that is horrible and in my opinion, a lot of people don't think way ahead of what they supposed to do.(e.g) what if the next president (in a presidential system) could've the abilities to turn it into a dictatorship again. &#x200B; I'll be very interested in any other opinion or an angle that I didn't mention or got wrong!",,,,,,2021-02-02 14:28:07 laxvu9,,15,Do we want tunisia to be a real democracy or not?,"I see many people here saying that the police are just doing their jobs and not all of them are bad people. Some of them are even better than the average guy ! Also, These protests are useless and they are just done for instagram fame and to stir up trouble since these protestors are not the real people suffering from poverty and exclusion but just some middle class leftist cringelords. The thing is, everything said above is true. But you are missing the point completely. Let me ask you this: How do you expect the system to be changed for the better if we do not open our mouths and demand our rights by protesting ? We know that in every single capitalist country in the world there are big problems with how things are done. We saw this in the USA, in france, in England etc. Voting doesn't work sadly. It never did. The only way people actually got their rights were by protesting and history is clearly on our side. Women didn't just get voting rights in the west just because people voted. Massive protests took place by women who did everything in their power to be a part of society. Same thing for black people. Same thing for lgbt in America. I see a trend here. Right wingers keep moving the goalpost. At first they said ""the protests are bad cause people were stealing"". Than it became ""the protests are bad because these people do them at night time and it only involves criminals."" And now that people show up to large spaces and protest together peacefully by doing harmless shit that protestors all over the world do. They start saying ""Protests bad because they are protests"". Stop lying to yourselves. You are not against protests. You are just against what these people are saying and you are angry that they get to speak. And if you are truly against protesting and want to live in a dictatorship, then props to you. Sadly I care about my people and want their voice to be heard. Point 1: Every single leftist above the iq of a frog will tell you that the cops are not to blame individually. And (excuse my massive hyperbole) the nazis were not bad people individually either. How can you blame an 18 year old for doing his job after being indoctrinated all his life and after being threatened if he doesn't obey the system ? The problem is clearly not the individual cops but the system itself that we are fighting against. The horrible statement of all cops are bastards (horribly written) doesnt mean that individual cops are bastards but that the system makes every single one of them bastards sadly. Point 2: Yes, people protesting are mostly young people (16-30 year olds) from middle class backgrounds. AND thats completely normal since that is the most educated and involved group of people in society. I wouldnt expect any other group to be the source of protests. Sadly poor people in our country don't have access to good education and aren't even present in the middle class areas were the latest protests take place. But thats exactly what these people are protesting against. We shouldnt sleep peacefully at night knowing that our brothers and sisters are starving and don't have shelter. I congratulate any highly rich class traitor for going against his interests and supporting the protests for the good of our people. Now, I disagree with the message that young people are doing everything and old people just sleep. Since everyone had their time. Our grandfathers fought against colonial france and hundreds of thousands died. Our parents fought against the previous dictators and thousands died. We cant just say that these people did nothing for our country. They did plenty. ""Some acts are done for pictures on Instagram."" Let me tell you something interesting. This happens in EVERY SINGLE PROTEST in the history of mankind. Taking clever propaganda pictures to promote the cause. Is not something unique to our protest it happened in 1914, in 1956, in 2011... Is it either loading your gun and blasting people you hate or sitting around doing nothing at all ? These people taking pictures have found that it is the best thing to do to promote their message without any violence. In a country were gay people, people smoking weed, people putting posts on Facebook, judges exposing corruption etc get jail sentences and get tortured. If you support the system because you dont like that a girl has pink hair or that a girl has armpit hair and leftists disgust your bigot ass or because ""poor cop feelings"" or ""poor billionaire feelings"". Just don't support the protests and stfu. You dont need to give your shitty useless opinion that harms our democracy and our people. Ty :)",,,,,,2021-02-02 15:16:52 lb1jc4,,0,The difference between him nd them is big,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-02 17:41:53 lb2ue1,,4,Who’s the best president in Tunisia’s modern history ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-02 18:35:22 lb4yah,,2,Big floppa,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-02 20:03:23 lb52y1,,6,Tunisian people how do you enjoy your after works and your week ends?,Corona virus activity 🤔,,,,,,2021-02-02 20:08:53 lb58ax,,33,"This March, Tunisia will launch the first homebuilt satellite to space. First locally-built satellite in the MENA region.","On the 65th anniversary of its independence, this March, Tunisia will launch the first homebuilt satellite to space. First locally-built satellite in the MENA region. What do you guys this? &#x200B; Source: [Challenge one Tunisian Satellite](",,,,,,2021-02-02 20:15:06 lb5kfs,,8,Tunisian people how did you know about reddit?,Is there a community here?,,,,,,2021-02-02 20:29:21 lb7eqk,,3,Topnet vdsl (smart rapido) upload speed,"Hey there. So I'm currently looking to upgrade my 12mb adsl subscription to smart rapido (30 or 50 mb/s) and I was wondering if anyone here has an idea how fast the upload speed is. Cheers",,,,,,2021-02-02 21:44:10 lb92pr,,75,"It may be tough now, it may be sad now but someday you are going to be alright, soon enough.","Get some rest, get away from all this social media, all this tension, give yourself some slack, appreciate where you are right now. beautiful stranger c:",,,,,,2021-02-02 22:55:22 lb9m5m,,7,Thoughts?,,,,,,,2021-02-02 23:20:48 lbcw2s,,2,من روائع القصص ( قاعدة ال 99 ),,,,,,,2021-02-03 02:06:14 lbglhq,,1,film tunisien Latifa el gafsi Porto Farina 18 فيلم تونسي ممنوع من العرض...,,,,,,,2021-02-03 05:31:52 lbh6fa,,1,Tlili elgafsi Bari fout New Live 2021,,,,,,,2021-02-03 06:09:17 lbh7n0,,1,Nihayatou Dhalim yatasana3ou Alwatania MeKKi Ben Ammar نهاية ظالم ادعى ...,,,,,,,2021-02-03 06:11:28 lbhxh3,,5,Tunisian Youtube,"Why don't we have any informative youtube content about men's health and style!? Literally All i see is 100% garbage: shitty mobile games content, political clickbaits and bad comedy... ( there is some content for girls tho, but not that big of a deal )",,,,,,2021-02-03 07:01:14 lbi4za,,3,How much does a home cost in your neighborhood?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-03 07:15:46 lbki4a,,3,Tunisians living in scandinavian countries,"I just want to know how is it out there for tunisians (as a middle eastern)? In terms of culture, job hunting, weather, language and ect. I am a cs student nd I'm planning to finish off my masters degree next year in norway, maybe settle down there if I get a job offer.",,,,,,2021-02-03 10:10:21 lbko52,,2,Carte Edinar,Does anybody know how to make an Edinar card? Tried going to the Tunisian “Edinar” website several times but with no avail.,,,,,,2021-02-03 10:22:38 lblrfz,,115,A glitch in the matrix .,,,,,,,2021-02-03 11:41:10 lbp5k8,,12,How to store your Olive oil.,"I recently discovered that olive oil should be stored in a dark, cool place. I've seen people store bottles close to the stove which ruins the flavour and once you open a bottle, make sure to consume it before it turns rancid. Also if your olive oil is stored in glass bottles, it lets light easily come in, so preferably do not put in directly sun light. and if you have some clay jar, it's even better :). I know for some it's obvious.",,,,,,2021-02-03 14:51:03 lbqxcs,,17,A MUST WATCH," Phenomenal interventions by Ghaya and Nawres. Awfully misleading and tactless retort by Masmoudi! Ennahdha is the tumor that has been gnawing on Tunisia unfailingly for ten years. They need to be held accountable! [](",,,,,,2021-02-03 16:08:44 lbt3mf,,170,"I have made a 3D map of Tunisia, i made it a bit decorative and more realistic. From your North African brothers in Morocco :)",,,,,,,2021-02-03 17:37:37 lbwz2w,,2,Would a Clicknet-like company work in 2021?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-03 20:12:20 lby5t8,,1,Will you participate in this Saturday's protest (Chokri Belaid death anniversairy)?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-03 21:01:34 lbz0dm,,3,Do you think the economic situation before the revolution was better than now ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-03 21:36:32 lc9ka2,,1,Question about paypal use in tunisia,"Hey redditors, i have a friend who lives in germany, can he make me a german paypal account that i can use here in tunisia? Or to send money from it to payoneer later? If i use the german account from tunisia it doesnt get blocked or something like that?",,,,,,2021-02-04 06:32:02 lcaf6i,,2,رواية أولاد الناس لريم بسيوني,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-04 07:31:40 lcb0mc,,0,Transport de la France vers la Tunisie de véhicules anti-émeutes produits par Renault Trucks Defense,,,,,,,2021-02-04 08:12:35 lcbfsn,,5,Tunisians Need Real Change 10 Years After the Arab Spring - VICE News,,,,,,,2021-02-04 08:41:25 lcbg4q,,2,Travel related question - please help me lmao,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-04 08:42:03 lcby6o,,147,What to do if you have been assaulted by the police,"Maryam Mnaouar, a Tunisian lawyer, posted this tutorial of things you have to do if you've been assaulted by police officers. __ كل واحد يضربو او يتحرش بيه بوليس رد بالو يمشي يشكي للمركز او المنطقة، حتى كان يكلموه و يقولولو ايجا هاو باش نعاقبوه ما يمشيش. 100% من الحالات الي نتابعو فيها كملو كلاو طريحة او تلفقتهم تهم او تهضم حقهم بعد ما يتكتل عليهم الجاني مع اصدقاءه الي تعرض لمظلمة يصب بالوقت عريضة لوكيل الجمهورية و فوائدها كالاتي: اولا، يبدا عندو ديشارج على شكايتو لان المراكز ماتعطيش وصولات في الشكايات، و ساعات الشكاية بيدها ما توصلش للمحكمة و لا يمكن اثبات القيام بها و تنقلب الى ابتزاز بما انو القضاء سيعتبر انو الضحية ما شكاتش و بالتالي ادعاءاتها باطلة اذا حبت تدافع على روحها من التهم الكيدية الملفقة ثانيا، حصل العلم للمحكمة بكل شي:يعني البوليس يولي مجبور كان يحب يجيب الضحية تبحث، يعمل استدعاءات قانونية و يعلم القاضي في كل مرحلة و ماعاش ينجم يفاجأ المتضرر بايقاف تعسفي دون احترام الاجراءات ثالثا، التسخير الطبي الي ماشين تجريو للمركز باش تاخذوه و تلقاو رواحكم في مواجهة اصدقاء جلادكم، بلاش بيه خير. افهمو: التسخير ليس ركنا قانونيا من اركان الشكاية، هو فقط وثيقة تعفي من خلاص معاليم المستشفي. يعني تهز عشرين دينار وتعمل فحص طبي في استعجالي اي سبيطار ، هاذيكا وثيقة اثبات رسمية. #ملاحظة: ما تقولوش ضربني بوليس للطبيب، راهو جلهم خوافة. قول مجهولين و مبعد فسر للقاضي. مهم جدا: مادام تبحث بلاش محامي في المركز من حقك تسكت و ما تصححش، ضربوك باش تصحح؟ تقول هات المحضر نصححلك و تكتب ضربوني فوقو و ما تصححش، ما عطاوكش تقرا كلامك و قالولك صحح( اخطر حاجة ردو بالكم) تكتب لم اطلع و ديما ما تصححش. صححت بالسيف او وصلت للقاضي مضروب؟ تكبش و تموت تقلو عاين الاثار و ما تصحح الاما تقرا انو حط كلامك كونك تعرضت للعنف. مجلة الاجراءات الجزائية تقول ان اقوالك الي صححت عليها تحت التعذيب تسقط تماما ان ثبت ذلك. __ I believe this kind of knowledge is important in a young democracy and that it's about time some pigs are held accountable for their abuse of power and corruption. Police the police!",,,,,,2021-02-04 09:17:55 lcch24,,3,Can i buy from the microsoft store,"the official microsoft store shows prices in dinar , does that mean it accepts a normal edinar card ?",,,,,,2021-02-04 09:58:31 lccs2r,,2,Anti-government protests in Tunisia have continued across the country as thousands take to the streets to protest unemployment and declining living conditions.,,,,,,,2021-02-04 10:20:54 lcdj58,,4,I'm surprised with how many anti-vaxxers we have in Tunisia.," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-04 11:15:04 lcdo7b,راكم_خريتو_فيه/,27,راكم خريتو فيه!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-04 11:24:59 lcdpmc,أمثال_شعبية/,5,Tunisian Proverbs أمثال شعبية,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-04 11:27:50 lce3we,زقفونتي_على_أمازون/,3,#زقفونتي_على_أمازون," الموضوع و لو فيه من ""شمدخلني فيه"" الكثير الا اني تأسفت برشا للخبر هذا و لو انه Andy Jassy المدير التنفيذي القادم يعتبر من اكثر العباد الكفؤة وهو الشخص الي ساهم بشكل كبير في ازدهار الحوسبة السحابية بقيادتو ل amazon web services و جابو مفهوم كراء السرفارات الافتراضية و تطويرو مع امازون ل amazon elastic compute cloud .. (بعد يجيك واحد راسه مربع يقلك بيع و اشري من امازون) الحاصل الي مخليني متأسف هو انسحاب بيزوس من ساحة المعركة بعد ما اعلنت انا في وقت سابق دخولي للمنافسة في سوق التكنولوجيا و التحدي الي علنته اني سأصبح أغنى رجل في العالم و باش نطيح على بيزوس و هو حي .. من هنا من شمال افريقيا و مكبر راسي ببلادي الي باش تعاوني باش نحيرو اسمنا .. كنت نتمنى انه ما عملش هكا خاطر هذا جبن و الجبناء لايصنعون التاريخ(الي هو ديجا صنعو) .. و هذا الكل ان دل على شيء فهو يدل يا اما على حاجتين : اول حاجة انه حقرني و ما قراليش حساب و تفهني .. و الا ثاني حاجة رسالتي ما وصلاتوش و انا اعتقد الثانية لا الاولى ... هل تعتقدون ؟ ام انكم كجحجلول ؟ تحيا طونس 🇹🇳 injection of tech's news !! [27]",,,,,,2021-02-04 11:56:32 lcevls,,3,Tunisian Medicinal Cannabis Users Sentenced To 30 Years In Jail,,,,,,,2021-02-04 12:46:02 lcfhpn,,15,Just to break from all the negativity on this sub: please check the official e-learning platform from the ANETI.,"Here's something useful (although I know some smartass is gonna find something to criticize about it): [\_en\_ligne.html]( And keep an eye on the ANETI website in general. They have some really good courses every now and then. I had my IELTS certificat free of charge from them a couple of years ago.",,,,,,2021-02-04 13:20:51 lcgnof,,1,🙄,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-04 14:22:17 lcgqvs,,4,🙉🙈🙊,,,,,,,2021-02-04 14:26:51 lcheg3,,8,Looking for good instagram photos of downtown Tunis to cure my homesickness,"I hope someone has a good recommendation. I live in France and I am not able to go home because of the pandemic. &#x200B; I usually watch a youtube channel called Tunisian street food and it makes me feel warm inside to see the streets of Tunis. Is there something similar. Just to be clear, I'm not looking for the picture perfect places in tunis (Sidi Bousaid, Gammarth, ...). Those places are not for me. I'm a downtown kinda guy. Thanks ;)",,,,,,2021-02-04 14:58:34 lchrcw,,1,Which one is better ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-04 15:14:23 lcjf1h,,1,Culture: what is this damn Za9afouna زقفونا,,,,,,,2021-02-04 16:26:26 lcjw3b,,3,WS2812B RGB Led Strip,"I've been looking in multiple stores and sites but i can't find it i need for a project that i'm making and i need a RGB Led Strip that is individually addressable to be able to program it using arduino if anyone Knows where to find it that would be so helpful ! Sousse and Tunis if possible Thank you !!",,,,,,2021-02-04 16:46:09 lcjzc7,,4,"Technoriat, a support program to enable the development of technological startups for Tunisian Researchers.",,,,,,,2021-02-04 16:49:46 lck8hg,,3,Let's talk TV,"Anyone of you enjoy other non Tunisian programs? I like judge Judy, affaire conclu, fairies enter l'accusé, and other...",,,,,,2021-02-04 17:00:16 lcl1kl,,1,Abir Moussi appearing in the italian newpaper La Repubblica as the liberator of Tunisia from political islamism.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-04 17:33:56 lcn7bu,,2,What documents do ppl commonly provide wheng applying to uni?,Oh btw which grades are mandatory to be shown? wala just notet el bac ?,,,,,,2021-02-04 19:04:44 lcokgf,,3,Travel restrictions for tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-04 20:01:02 lcr8yz,,30,Greetings from Lebanon! What are your thoughts on The Economist's Democracy Index rating of Tunisia?,"Hey! I'm just a Lebanese guy who has an interest in geopolitics and economics but I unfortunately don't know much about Maghrebi countries, but I kinda knew that Tunisia is doing better than the others. I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that it ranked 6.59 by The Economist in 2020 in terms of democracy making it the only Arab democracy; still a ""flawed"" democracy as per the index but only a handful of countries got rated as a ""full"" democracy. Mabrook for you, guys! w 3a 2belna (Lebanon is at 4.16, ouch!) My question is how much do you feel that this rating reflects the reality of the situation in Tunisia and to what extent? (I don't mind a short rundown of Tunisian politics if you guys are willing) Thank you in advance for answering!",,,,,,2021-02-04 21:52:59 lcrc1o,,1,Serious question (NO OPIONIONS): Why is polygamy not allowed in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-04 21:56:32 lcrl8l,,7,How to deal with the Douane?,"So my father is retired from France and often travels back and forth. Since he won’t be going back to France for a while, I had him buy me some supplies, like gadgets, some electronic devices and beauty products in bulk (3-5 pieces each for me and my family members). Usually, he’d have absolutely no problem getting those through. This time, he missed the flight to Tunis Carthage Aéroport and had to take a plane to Zarzis Djerba for the first time. Well, the Douane there were a complete nightmare. Not only they confiscated the goods, but they also told him, ‘eh, you have to get back to our director in working administrative hours and you will either pay to get them back or maybe he’ll give them to you’. My father returned to Tunis and then we took the plane to Djerba a few days later and their response was basically, ‘no, you can’t get those back because they have a commercial value, so you either have to give us an approval from the ministry of commerce and pay commercial value or you can take your stuff back with you to France, but oh no, you only have two months to leave and you need to inform us 24 hours beforehand and you have to leave from this aéroport and if you don’t, well, the stuff is all ours to do whatever we please.’ I’m pissed, and it’s not only because the things they confiscated are around 1000 Euro of value, but because of their sleazy ‘this will be ours and you’re lucky we’re even giving you an option to take your stuff back because you’re a resident in France’ way of talking. They were giving a whole speech as if it’s their money and they’re doing him a favor. Or that they didn’t waste our time and money by telling him you can come get it if you pay for it when it’s not the case. It’s probably pointless and I should chalk it up to stupidity and let it go, right?",,,,,,2021-02-04 22:07:44 lcsapw,,1,"If I work with a foreign company, do I need to pay taxes or anything?","the website I get paid from talked about some ""tax declaration card"" or whatever, so I'm worried that I get a fine later on and I have no idea if I should be paying taxes or not, thanks in advance P.S: I'm tunisian.",,,,,,2021-02-04 22:38:55 lcunwx,,1,Tunisian youtubers,"how do they get paid ? without paypal ?",,,,,,2021-02-05 00:26:55 ld2ng8,,4,Travel with Pets?,"Apologies if this has been answered before, I’m seeing some conflicting info online and haven’t been able to reach anyone at the ministries to clarify. Anyone know the exact documents and tests required for pets traveling to Tunis from another country within Africa? Rabies and other annual vaccines are a given, but I’ve been told different info regarding a rabies titre test and additional blood serums which, if needed, can take up to several months to get results for. And does the health certificate need to be the European Version? Can it be in English? Any resources I can contact for clarification? TLDR: anyone with meow meows ever come to Tunis from within Africa? How? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-02-05 08:10:38 ld32ur,,1,Le point 4 Février 2021 L'Athésime en Tunisie,,,,,,,2021-02-05 08:44:28 ld35zl,étectable/,1,Test PCR « indétectable »,"Bonjour ! Je ne sais pas si je suis au bon endroit pour en parler mais je pars bientôt en France, pour cela j’ai donc dû réaliser un test PCR fi Tounes. Bizarrement, il n’est marqué ni positif, ni négatif mais seulement « indétectable (négatif) » et il est mentionné que « l’ARN du SARS-Cov2 est soit absent a présent a une concentration inférieure aux limites de détection ». Est-ce que suite à ce résultat, je risque d’être arrêtée à l’aéroport ? Est-ce qu’il y a des biologistes parmi vous qui pourraient m’expliquer comment interpréter ce résultat ? Merci d’avance pour votre réponse ! PS : je ne peux pas me permettre de refaire ce test khater ghali 3alekher 😣",,,,,,2021-02-05 08:51:42 ld3smb,,70,A traveling coffee mercahnt 1905,,,,,,,2021-02-05 09:40:24 ld3ue6,,152,Tunis 1925 mosque seen from souk,,,,,,,2021-02-05 09:44:06 ld4ald,,1,We die for the sake of this country,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-05 10:17:04 ld4j9c,,6,"""It's not the time"" - big brain tunisian lib's favorite response to any discussion on social progress","This sentence is hypocritical. Sometimes conservatives say it to avoid defending their backward views. Sometimes liberal stupidly say it, idk why. Maybe good intent, Idk. However, volutarily or not, the sentence is not designed to participate in discussion but to end it. That is not up to debate. First of all, there is always time to discuss all issues. We are more than 10M big brain adults and we have all the time we want. Discussing covid every day, is unhealthy and counter-productive. The same is true for everything. We don't need a billion years with millions of brains to figure out 1 issue. And as we have seen recently this country ""doesn't have time for progress on social issues"" but apparently we have plenty for regress. Covid is important and we should talk about it. However, saying that we should stop every other political discourse is wrong. It's also weird that the people who want to end discussions are never harmed by any of the possible outcomes in the discussion they want to end. So, my fellow tunisian libtards, stop saying this. You are doing no favor to anyone. You are even actively delaying public discourse on key issues that should be solved and ober with. Btw, (bonus) makhlouf is a traditionalist, islamist, xenophobe and a bigot. If you are a liberal or a leftist and you think he is not (even 1 of those things) educate yourself. His rhetoric is fascistic and he engages in rightwing populism (fascism). It's embarassing if you fail to disgnose the issue. And, if you think he is a good politician, don't educate yourself, your brain will melt from overwork it can't take it. EDIT : weed should be legalised. The extremism of the state about it needs to end. Tunisians are not stupid, we can be educated on drug use and we can make choices for ourselves. Not supoorting the protests is a failure to stand uo against authoritarianism. I made my post vague enough, because I have seen this bs in many other discussions in this subreddit and irl. This needs to end. No other people do this in their politics.",,,,,,2021-02-05 10:35:36 ld53k7,,7,So Vice was here: Tunisians Need Real Change 10 Years After the Arab Spring,,,,,,,2021-02-05 11:16:13 ld6oyl,,1,Tunisia - Comprehensive Travel Guide,,,,,,,2021-02-05 13:03:21 ld7bmn,,1,Scholarships for tunisian students,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-05 13:40:25 ld9dbd,,0,"Arabic division world. Blockchain Whispers is the only, ONLY Telegram channel I follow nowdays, he is accurate as f** on bitcoin",,,,,,,2021-02-05 15:21:14 ldb5xd,,36,Photograph of a young Ichraf Chebil the tunisian First Lady.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-05 16:43:14 ldbwid,,8,War of thoughts,"I always question myself right before i sleep , Why am i still moving on the same road that is making me feel anxious and worthless , why am i still skipping classes and sitting all day feeling guilty about it , it's like i keep blaming myself why i don't have the ability to go to school and study , is it my desperation that's giving me the inability to Even Start , Should i Quit , should i take a break and try again next year , should i do something else instead , Every night a WAR of Thoughts keeps on torturing me Mentally and physically , i Drink and Smoke to forget then i write to Remember, it's been like that since my high school last year . BAC 2021 !",,,,,,2021-02-05 17:13:16 ldc1c8,,3,What's your plan for tomorrow? 27 degree and beautiful suuuun?,,,,,,,2021-02-05 17:19:09 ldcf98,,14,so here's a 100% TUNISIAN Post Rock album 🇹🇳 🤘,,,,,,,2021-02-05 17:35:17 lddz6u,,1,Telecom contract,"long story short, had an adsl contract with telecom that supposedly ended in january. We're now in February n they texted us to pay the monthly fee: does that mean they already renewed the contract and if so we can't get out of it? yes we did ask telecom n they said it's fine u can cancel on the 22'nd when the chief comes, but our friend who also works in telecom said that we can't cuz we already automatically renewed. Just asking for clarification ik m dumb plz refrain from pointing that out.",,,,,,2021-02-05 18:41:04 lde0c8,,1,Looking for a local suicide help line,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-05 18:42:27 ldgzxg,,7,"Guiseppe raffo, the most influantial foreign minister under the hussainid dynasty, beginning of 19 thcentury (under ahmed bey). Do you like his costume ?",,,,,,,2021-02-05 20:53:05 ldh1uj,,41,"2 years sentence for this guy, what a fucked up country we live in...",,,,,,,2021-02-05 20:55:36 ldh6h8,,5,International credit cards,"Is payoneer still the best choice of a credit card ? What do you recommend , i had payoneer mastercard before i used it for online shopping but i lost it and i guess it got expired , soo i'm looking for another equivalent that works good ( easy to deposit and withdraw funds into it ) , Thanks 🙏",,,,,,2021-02-05 21:01:25 ldhi82,,2,Comparing a Political Party to a Country? Sure thing (go easy on me),[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-05 21:15:53 ldhzmn,,9,I need some help with a 5min Survey from Tunisians Only.,"Hello fellow Tunisians.I was working on a study subject About Tunisia and Tourism and I need some input and some numbers.Here is a short Survey, any assistance will be appreciated.[Survey Link]( Thank you for your help",,,,,,2021-02-05 21:38:10 ldnjkp,,5,What types of marriages are in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-06 02:13:48 ldtqnc,,2,أحسن المعلمات في العالم,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-06 09:15:04 ldttiw,,0,تونس : انخفاض نسبي في الوفايات والاصابات بكورونا...وتواصل أزمة التحوير الوزاري,,,,,,,2021-02-06 09:21:42 ldv73g,,2,Your thoughts,"What are your thoughts on the latest protests and what do you think is the aftermath of all this and what is the best solution in your opinion [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-06 10:28:04 ldvb18,,66,That's an interesting choice of intro music for a family show.,,,,,,,2021-02-06 10:36:58 ldwtmh,,1,Hope we won't wait till our 40's to enjoy this land,"أنا من منظوري كشاب ملجنرسيون Z نتبع كلنهر في مسلل المجلس نشوف إنو تونس عندها حلين Long terme إما تولي دولة ل économie قيمة عل Tourisme و الMarijuana نجمو نوليو كما ال-maldives بلاصة يمشولهة سكان الدول إلي لقات حضها قبلنا تمشلهة واكاك نجمو نضمنو إنو توانسة إعيشوا كما أي انسان في 2021. وإلى تعطيو الكرة للشباب أي بلغة اخرة Génération Z اقول القايل علاش ال-Génération هذي بالذات. بش تفهمني لازم نرجع شوية بالتاريخ تونس كانت بلاصة للسكان الأصليون إلي هما البربر، أسيدي البربر كانو عايشين كما أي انسان فالوقت إذاك لين الفينيقيين جاو واحتلونا، وقتها السكان قصو علنمو الفكري والوجودي متاعهم محكم الوضع. وبطبيعة الشعوب الأخرى إلي حد ما احتلها جوهم باهي. توا اجة نشوفو تونس تاريخها شنوا، احتلونا الفينيقيين بعدهم الرومان بعدهم لعربة بعدهم البزنتنين (لعريبة متع لبرا ) بعدهم لأاتراك بعدهم الفرنسيس، وقتاش كمل هذا لكل 1956 معناها 65 سنه لتالي، معناها بالقدر هي وبابا، قارن ال-Japon إلي عندهم 30 ألف سنه عايشين مع بعذعهم بش وصلوا فهموا رواحهم. هذا التاريخ واشرفنا إنو باللي جاو وهلكوا وخربوا مازلنا عايشين و ريوسنا مرفوعة. عام 83 جات ال-Internet وفجأة الدنية ولات تمشي بالزربة وهذا اعود الإنو ال-Communication ولات أسرع بإخترعات كما .. Windows Facebook Google Apple etc ومن هني بدات ال-Globalization حاجة موش برشة عباد واعية بها، إلي هيا كون لعباد لكل تكون فرد عقلية وعندعها إنتماء للإنسانية أكثر ملوطن، أذاكا علاه أمريكية والاوروبي مزلو وبش يقعدوا يعطيو فينا فلفلوس ويحتلوا فينا au niveau économique خاتر نحن للأسف بلوضع إلي نحن فيه ولينا نعطلو في تطور الإنسانية. نرجعوا توا الموضوعنا Génération Z تولدت تلقى روحها عندها pc و-connexion و-Smartphone لهنا معادش فما فرق كبير بن طفل في تونس وطفل فسويسرا علىخاطر iconsomiw في نفس ال-Contenu (شفتو وين جت ال-Globalization ؟ ) ولاو الزوز أطفال أذوما إخمموا كيفكيف ويحكيو كيفكيف ويتصرفوا كيفكيف، ال-Leader متع ال-Globalization هيا أمريكية ولاو يحكيو Anglais و-Français وتونسي معناها Cultural Diversity بوها كلب ونحنا نعرفو إلي كل متزيد لغة كلمتاخو فكرها وثقافتها وجمالها ، شوفو توا محلاها ال-Génération إلي قامعينها، واضح إنو ال-Génération X فشلت انها تفضهلنىا وهي ضحية ال-System غبي وسياسة فاشلة وتاريخ موش في صالحنا، ولا الأمل عند ال-Millenials أما بحكم فشل بن علي فالتسعينت و قمعوا للحرية الفكرية ، موش الكل عملية دخلوا لل-Globalization . واضح إنو كان تونس بش تولي كما لبرا نحن لبش نردها اكاك موش خاتر أذكياء ياسر ولى حاجة أما خاتر جينا في وقت محضوض، الشباب قادر إنو يخدم الدولة خير b1000 نمرة ملشياب إلي يحكموا فينا، هما فرحانين قراو اعوام بش فهموا وقت إلي ال-Génération هذي في 2/3 Clicks تاخو لي حاشيتها بيه. سياسيين يطقنو الfrançais والanglais كيما ولاد البلاد, تخيلو potentiel متع الجماعة هاذم",,,,,,2021-02-06 12:32:34 le14vc,,0,Protestors: We want human dignity! Also Protestors:,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-06 16:37:42 le1fdb,,3,Any Tunisian interested in data privacy/security?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-06 16:51:28 le1hhv,,0,شمائل العلم,,,,,,,2021-02-06 16:54:20 le1xo6,,32,We're number one at something,,,,,,,2021-02-06 17:14:57 le503w,,0,message to kim jung un,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-06 19:39:00 le54on,,96,"عبد الناصر العويني، المحامي الي خرج في 2011 و ""صاح بن علي هرب"" فشارع الحبيب بورقيبة، قاعد يتضرب اليوم بعد 10 سنين فنفس الشارع.",,,,,,,2021-02-06 19:44:46 le7c80,,1,Anti Islam Atheist subreddit join today,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-06 21:30:39 le7opz,,1,How to legally deal with getting scammed.,"So there is this woman selling dogs, she buys them sick from moncef bey and rips people off with them, then blocks the phone number. She sold a dog to a friend and the poor dog died of a virus, they called her and she blocked them. she even asked them to meet her in some weird place and not her house. how should we legally proceed? we only have the phone number. we tried to use true caller apprently she used the phone only for scams. is there a way to get her name with the phone number? or anything? thank you!",,,,,,2021-02-06 21:47:28 le7qqb,,4,Question,"Do you think that tunisia will get better? or once a third world country, forever a third world country ?",,,,,,2021-02-06 21:50:31 le81mc,,1,Dm me for gay meetups Tunisia.,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-06 22:05:19 le99ps,,0,Do you believe that Rached Ghannouchi is a killer ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-06 23:04:55 le9hhl,,1,Tunisia - Comprehensive Travel Guide,,,,,,,2021-02-06 23:15:39 le9hy4,,4,BDSM Relationships,"So are there people interested in BDSM lifestyle relationships (not kinky hookups) ? Genuinely asking if there are such people who see this as viable/desirable type of relationship and if they would pursue/look for it seriously or at least give it a chance if opportunity presents itself. Not looking for lectures on BDSM nor comments mocking how Tunisians see BDSM. I know it all, seen it all, had it all.",,,,,,2021-02-06 23:16:25 le9uwz,,1,‫التليـلي القفـصي بــري فــوت Tlili gafsi Bari fout Original,,,,,,,2021-02-06 23:34:38 leb02j,,15,Tunisia 6/2/21,,,,,,,2021-02-07 00:32:35 lecgbe,,0,Racist Cowboy Harasses Muslim Social Experiment Prank,,,,,,,2021-02-07 01:47:17 lef7dt,,7,Your Favorite Tunisian Websites?,"Web sites fi tounes we7lin fil ma4i. Be5elf ka3btin, most sites are outdated, and ugly. 5ali 3aaad, Ma8ir mana7kiw 3ala gov sites. fi mostan9a3 il mediocrity, do you know a hidden a gem? Do you know a Tunisian site that checks all the marks of aesthetics, usability, and creativity? Thanks, your friendly web dev neighbor who wants to spice up his inspiration.",,,,,,2021-02-07 04:21:48 leg24c,,0,من روائع القصص ( قصة جبريل مات ),,,,,,,2021-02-07 05:16:02 leiqp0,تونس_تطورات_الوضع_الوبائي_ووزارة_الصحة_تصدر_بلاغا/,0,تونس :تطورات الوضع الوبائي ووزارة الصحة تصدر بلاغا حول التلقيح,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-07 08:37:10 lekeb3,,0,"Why a lot of non Amazigh tunisians wanna be Amazigh so bad ? i saw a lot of people from arab / turkish descent call themselves Amazigh on social media, also a Tunisian actress her name is ben abdallah calling herself Amazigh on tv, it dosen't make sense anymore, you're not one of us, get over it.",[removed],,,,,,2021-02-07 10:57:58 lekfxq,,123,Grey matter,,,,,,,2021-02-07 11:01:13 lekxbc,,0,Valentino,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-07 11:39:20 lelfyq,,1,No more Islam or Muslims in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-07 12:17:52 lelj9h,,7,Opinion | They Stormed the Capitol. Their Apps Tracked Them. - Interesting article that explains some data privacy related issues...,,,,,,,2021-02-07 12:25:04 lem2a5,,1,"a lot of potentials out there , but not in this fucking country",[removed],,,,,,2021-02-07 13:03:37 lene0e,,7,For the PC Builders: Where do you buy isopropyl alcohol to clean off the old paste?,"I'm guessing pharmacies, but does anyone have experience with this?",,,,,,2021-02-07 14:24:31 leop8o,,14,film tunisien court - La Papillon 18 فلم تونسي قصير ممنوع - الفراشة,,,,,,,2021-02-07 15:37:18 leplte,,16,Tunisia speaking up 06022021,,,,,,,2021-02-07 16:23:40 leq5ye,,22,One day we will be free... IG:@medazizaissa,,,,,,,2021-02-07 16:51:29 leqrzb,,3,Best brand of harissa found in the USA?,"I cant find a brand of Harissa that I like in the USA, the best Harissa I've had I can only find in France and it is not sold in the USA. (We literally bring back as many jars as we can when we come back) Most of them are very weak on flavoring and are either just hot or vinegary. None of them seem to have that fermented, garlic forward taste. Any Suggestions?",,,,,,2021-02-07 17:20:47 leraho,,0,So... i found a guy on facebook that posted this post in wich the link leads to a phishing website but i wanted to ask your opinion if this pic is taken in tunisia or not and second if theres a way to let the police know about it,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-07 17:46:16 lere3i,,1,"The new COVID entry restrictions, is there anyway around them?",[removed],,,,,,2021-02-07 17:51:07 lerzpl,,0,me no like opinion me down vote,,,,,,,2021-02-07 18:18:31 lew05n,,1,"Sidi Mansour, Sfax new fishing port .",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-07 21:27:24 lew3q0,,1,"Sidi Mansour, Sfax new fishing port.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-07 21:32:02 lewgna,,68,"Sidi Mansour, Sfax new fishing port.",,,,,,,2021-02-07 21:49:24 lewuro,,1,Sing up free and earn 1$ for 1clic,,,,,,,2021-02-07 22:08:33 leys76,,4,Investing,"Hello, I have about 1500$ coming to me every month passively and I want to invest here in Tunisia to turn it to more money. Unfortunately in Tunisia there isn't a lot you can do. I thought about throwing it in the stock market but after a little research I scrapped that. Is there a good way to invest the money. Thank you BTW I'm 17.",,,,,,2021-02-07 23:39:30 lez1m2,,1, review?,"Anybody ever trying to buy something on this site? Is it legit? Any advices? Thanks.",,,,,,2021-02-07 23:53:13 lf0fyj,,7,"What have the mega rich Tunisians do for Tunisia pro bono? Did they build libraries, or commission works of arts, did/do they invest in any scientific research, what successful unicorns have they invested in? I’m really curious and would appreciate any input.","If you become rich, what would you invest in? What would you change or would you just not do anything and enjoy your wealth? There is nothing wrong with that btw.",,,,,,2021-02-08 01:09:04 lf1gmb,,1,Mazen Moadam interview on From LA to Beirut with Jihad Saikali & Rita Saikali - Please support my work by subscribing and with an upvote! Thank you!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-08 02:04:54 lf1h5z,,1,Mazen Moadam interview on From LA to Beirut with Jihad Saikali & Rita Saikali - Please support my work by subscribing and with an upvote! Thank you!,,,,,,,2021-02-08 02:05:29 lf2u55,,1,Chnouwa raykom fi hal music ili amaltha?,,,,,,,2021-02-08 03:25:18 lf702a,,1,Anyone here from tunisia who finished their graduate ( post licence) studies in canada?,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-08 07:51:56 lf8vpn,,33,"When France was bullying 5 year old Tunisia in 1961. My grandfather was one of the 630 killed, he was only 32 at the time leaving my grandmother to raise 2 children alone.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-08 10:13:27 lf9kt2,,7,Valentine's Day Present,"Hello, though this may be off-topic since the subjects brought up here are mostly about politics and culture, but I wanted to have actual advice than the general ones one can get from any none-tunisian community or website,since most of us do not live in open-minded family and are struggling to bring up subjects like love and even sex , without being called names or bullied. Valentine's day is near, and i wanted to make a present for my girlfriend, recently things were a lil bit hard, we both are bac students , and the constant pressure that studies are making is putting the whole relationship under test, I wanted to ask some of you about some ideas of things I may give to my bae, given the fact that I don't have money,and private life is almost absent in our family since my parents do literally want to know everything without any single exception.",,,,,,2021-02-08 11:05:45 lf9zgp,,200,Tunisian government be like ..,,,,,,,2021-02-08 11:35:17 lfa0oa,,1,Dude's probably forcing his regionalist policies in hell rn.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-08 11:37:37 lfa2gy,,1,"Free sex meetings Tunisia Khzema (gay, queer trans etc etc)",[removed],,,,,,2021-02-08 11:41:18 lfay0m,,1,Academic Opportunities Abroad.,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-08 12:38:58 lfc83e,,10,Tunisia development plan : Right/Left perspectives and the Nordic Model approach :,"*Okay, even with the greatest plan and experts, we won't get anything done with the current political situation anyway. This is just a thought game and a very lazy one.* # I) Right Wing program (with Neoliberal characteristics) : \- Restore the Presidential regime. End the power sharing between the ""three presidents"". \- Privatize as many public companies as possible. Allow foreign firms to establish themselves in **new free economic zones** devoid of Tunisian cumbersome legislation with competitive labor and financial costs. Subject national firms (STEG/SONEDE/STT) to international competition. Destroy the old febrile UGTT and replace it with dispatched local Labour Unions across the country, freeing the Individual from heavy and corrupt institutions. \- Deregulate financial sector and labour markets. Lift barriers to investments, business opening and employment. \- Deploy the Army to : 1- force workers in Gafsa to get back to work. 2- destroy informal markets and subject the middle-class to heavy taxation to pay foreign debts, increase Dinars value, and accumulate capital for further investments in new technologies and infrastructure. \- Encourage foreign firms to delocalize their assembly line in Tunisia, build other plants or research centres, e.g. car, communication, high-tech and medical companies. \- Increase Industrial production : the brains and infrastructure are here, we know how to make high-value industrial components, we can and must make more. \- Tax reduction for employers and entrepreneurs in highly-valued industries like cheap high quality medical healthcare for foreigners, massive Luxury SPA/Hotels, industrials, etc. \- Keep salaries and social benefits low for workers, increase production with new technologies and strong corporate leadership. This is is temporary of course. When Tunisia's economy gets stronger, the ""trickle-down"" mechanism will enrich all levels of the social pyramids. Just work hard and be patient for brighter tomorrows. If you work hard enough you may become an entrepreneur as well one day ! Make the Rich and the Poor richer ! \- Death penalty for every individual involved with Terrorist/Islamist groups. Label the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates (Enahda) as terrorist organizations. Fight crime with new AI tracking technologies Made in China. Make Tunisia one of the safest/cleanest country in the world to attract tourists and investors. Follow the Singaporean/South Korean model of development. \- No minimal wage. Drop the Labour laws. We must attract investors and pay our debts. \- Ratify free trade agreements with China, Europe and the United States (maybe integrate the European Union ?) Specialize and increase Tunisian First sector production for a few commodities, namely : olive oil, dates and seafood. Get rid of traditional ineffective agriculture practice and modernize production with drought resistant GMOs. \- Basically, follow the IMF/World Bank development austerity plans to get more loans from them (and a solid grade). \- Reopen the debate on the National Identity : people won't follow the government of a country they feel they do not belong to. \-Protect family and Islamic values : criminalize LGBT, post-structuralist, neo-feminists and lib-tards movements to keep good composure with neighbours and satisfy conservative elements in Tunisian society, but keep it cool with foreigners (we want more gay rich tourists/engineers, so maybe open a few informal gay bars in free economic zones ?) # II) Left Wing program : \- Reinforce public institutions by opening up more job positions in administration, education and public companies to increase efficiency and relationships with all society stakeholders. \- Restore the UGTT's past greatness by reinforcing the ""côtisation obligatoire"" for all professions. UGTT will have the Manpower and talent necessary to enforce strict Labour regulations and ensure a strong national labour movement that will guarantee workers' rights, dignity, solidarity and education. \- Augment salaries, especially for teachers and workers. \- Restore the ""Cycle Court"" starting from 14 yo. Students willing to pursue a vocational training should be set on the right path as soon as possible, and cultivate their pride to belong to the Nation Builders. They may start working as soon as 16 during their formation as an apprentice. \- Set up an aggressive Tax legislation : every single Tunisian national abroad or at home will have to declare their revenues to the Fisc and pay a progressive income tax. Anyone with a revenue above 1,5 times the national average revenue will pay 55% in taxes. The top 1% will have to pay 75% in tax and investment revenues. \- Follow the Cuban model : free high quality healthcare and education for all. Everyone will receive a topnotch education in whatever fields he/she wants to pursue. \- Make all drugs legal and free to use under condition : consumption shall be under medical supervision in state-sponsored facilities. (except for recreational weed maybe, follow the Dutch model) \- Support local artisans and small agricultors : resist big Agro and GMOs usage. Increase the use of agroecologist and permaculture models with local drought resistant seeds. Make more land available to young farmers thanks to new desalination plants . Increase food self-sufficiency at all cost by subsidizing it ! \- Try to (slowly) operate a decentralisation process : give more freedom and flexibility to governorates while allowing them to set up their own fiscal system, rendering them more responsible and autonomous. Also, will decrease the risk of corruption. \- Decriminalize homosexuality and legalize gay marriage. Ensure sexual freedom and birth control to all. \- Protect local businesses by imposing heavy import taxation. \- Suppress traditional ""Fatalism"" by investing everything in the individual : by setting him free from all tribal/religious dogmas and attachments, providing him with high quality education, he will find the courage and growth mindset to innovate, undertake challenges and create high value for himself and society. And eventually, all problems will sort themselves out. \- To fight corruption, informal economy and ensure total fiscal efficiency and transparency for a direct democracy : end payment in cash. All transaction will slowly go virtual. # III) The Nordic Model : A Combination of Both. A) What's the Nordic Model ? A comprehensive welfare state and multi-level collective bargaining based on the economic foundations of social corporatism, with a high percentage of the workforce unionized and a large percentage of the population employed by the public sector (roughly 30% of the work force) It seems the historical struggle of the working class for a more egalitarian society in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland created a set of highly inclusive institutions that allows for a perfect balance between social justice and free markets (also known as the Third way). These institutions aims partly to enhance individual autonomy, mobility and flexibility in a fast changing environment disrupted by globalization, immigration and a open free market. Although highly competitive (best countries to do business according to WB), they score the lowest in terms of wage gap and wealth inequality due to the heavy taxation on the 55% highest revenues and solid redistribution of wealth through pensions, social services and free high quality education and healthcare. The Nordic countries score the highest in the Happiness Index, low corruption Index, financial health and general trust in political institutions. These highly transparent institutions include a wide range of extremely efficient collaborative Labor Unions and Employers Association (""Patronnat"") who negotiate TOGETHER the wages and workers' benefits , with the mediation of the state. Unlike in France or Tunisia where Unions are mostly used as tools of brute contestation, the Nordic syndicates provides efficient communication tools, free education for adults in their reconversion process, career consulting, cultural centres and so on. They do not have social workers. They abhor the French ""Nanny State"" apparatus and their monstrous bureaucracy policing and surveying citizens to determine which deserves such and such social benefits. The simplicity of their concept is as follow : everyone gets free stuff. Free education (childcare, primary, secondary, trade school) at all ages and abilities, free healthcare, and a pension if you are unfit to do any work. But does it work ? B) A Model that works. Conventional wisdom links innovation to wide inequality. The belief is that inequality motivates, by increasing both the risk and potential reward, attracting talented people who love adventure. The bold ones make the breakthroughs that propel invention and innovation. It sounds reasonable. Three researchers at the London School of Economics examined that patent filings in Sweden a so called ""nanny-state"", had more patent filings per resident than the United States for most of the last half-century. The advocates of inequality invokes the concept of meritocracy. They point to the olden days in the United States when high rates of upward mobility showed that the poor with talent and grit found the country a land of opportunity... but studies have shown that mobility and equality actually increased freedom and entrepreneurial spirit. There is something in Denmark and Norway that they call ""Flexicurity"" : If the business you own can no longer compete in the world market, it's fine with Norwegian government and Labor Unions for you to close it and lay off your workers. Flexicurity means the Government has a social contract with those laid-off workers to do everything possible to help them land a new job that's just as good or better for them. Your unproductive capital becomes available for a new start-up. Rates of start-up creation in Norway are among the highest in the developed world, and Norway has more entrepreneurs per capita than the United-States. Same for Denmark, Canada and Switzerland. By investing as much as possible in the Individual, the Nordic countries has created nations of independent, self-motivated problem solvers with high skills and high self-esteem. Nordic Workers are among the most productive and efficient : they work 359 hours less than Americans (lowest in the OECD countries) and still have a higher GDP per capita. They also get one month of paid vacation per year and 18 months of paid parental leave. Full evidence that social benefits does not curtail innovation and production, but rather INCREASES them. C) How did it happen ? Social-democrats parties and coalitions ruled for centuries and managed to stay out of the marxist/capitalists ideological wars. They established a ""consensual democracy"", where both parties, the owners and workers, managed to keep their rights for property and decent working conditions. They COLLABORATED to induce perpetual innovation in all sectors in order to remain competitive in an increasingly globalized world. They did not choose to cut themselves out of the global market by increasing import taxes, but by increasing innovation. And it worked ! Cooperatives are prevalent. Less likely to fail. Also turnover in co-ops averages 15% against the industry standard of 40 to 60%. The housing co-ops created 750 000 apartments with 860 000 members in Sweden. Parents co-ops provide between 10-15 % of day-care centers. &#x200B; D) The Neoliberal experience In the 80's, two countries the Nordics held in high regards (UK and USA) started implementing their new Neo-Liberal policies : unrestrained by the law, private banks were now free to sell any kind of securities to anyone, disregarding their long term solvability or not. Taxes were lowered for the top earners, workers wages and administrative jobs were cut. We know the results : successive financial crashes in the 90's and the 2008 crisis. In Iceland, a small nation of 350 000 people, a few private Banks tinkered hard with Neolib tendencies : they sold highly volatile bonds to British Citizens and set up a Ponzi scheme that blew up after the sub-prime crisis. What happened next ? Usually, the IMF-pressurized Governments applied austerity measures. They make the average citizen pay for the irresponsible behaviours of some private Hedge Fund managers. But Iceland did not. They let their bankers down and refused to pay the British their money back, after 10 000 people (5% of the population) went down the capital city to protest the 30% cut in Social Service. Same for Norway and Sweden : they did not follow the IMF plan and kept up with this strategy : increase taxes on the rich, reduce taxes on the working class, force banks to write off mortgages for householders under the water. They even strengthened their social safety nets ! From all OECD countries, The Nordics, (including Iceland who suffered the most from this ordeal) recovered the fastest from the crisis. E) Comparison with the Anglo-Saxon Model Soviets and Capitalists justify maintaining high level of poverty reassuring their 99 per cent that the sacrifice would pay. ""Communist rule will one day shower you with goods and services"" or ""A rising tide lifts all boats"" (in the US) Among 32 OECD countries, the ten most equal countries include Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Swede. The United states are among the five most unequal along with Turkey and Mexico. F) Can we apply the Nordic model in Tunisia ? It has been said regularly that applying the Nordic approach in other non-Scandinavian countries was impossible because...different culture/mindset. The Nordics are supposedly more united linguistically, racially homogenous, have a religion that promotes hard-work, individualism, responsibility and so on... It's half-true. If you get a glimpse of Norway history you'll realize : \- They got colonized by Denmark for centuries, had 100 different dialects (villagers set 200 m apart could not understand each other because of mountain chains). \- Were controlled by capitalists overlord who tried to fund some fascist coup to stay in power. \- Only 3% of the land was fit for agriculture. \- They did not have much natural resources except for some fish and logging. They were extremely poor and backward compared to other industrialized economies. So they had to invest everything in sea trade and had thousands of experience doing it. \- They could have emulated the Soviet revolution since there were many powerful red movements ...but fearing to loose their properties, the party of farmers opted for a cooperative model, rather than a collectivist one. This set the tone for a long history of inclusive institutions, ensuring constant bargain between work and capital. But it wasn't easy. It was a constant struggle. For decades, inequalities rose as the economic elite resisted change for a while. Eventually, they created a visionary movement that grew, engaged in struggle, attracted allies and won. By winning non-violently. This is the power of political association and cooperation between all fractions in a society. The Nordics were not smarter or more skilled than Tunisians. Their working class simply managed to get more power because they were more independent. Tunisians have been living in servitude for most of their existence. There is no national union, or common goals, although Movements like the ""Jeunes Tunisiens"" or Neo-Destour managed to bring up some reforms like women liberation and education for all, the civil society is not strong enough. People are strangers to each other and do not trust their institutions. But this can change. Slowly, thanks to new technology, social benefits can be distributed much quicker without the need for tens of thousands of social workers or labour lawyer. It didn't take 10 000 years for the Papus to transition from the stone age to the post-industrial age. Only 30 years. I don't think we'll have to wait 100 years like the French to get a more inclusive government (not necessarily democratic. Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, all reached top-level development under dictatorships. Maybe we'll have to go through a technocratic stage with strong governance at the beginning.)",,,,,,2021-02-08 13:53:16 lfceeu,,3,Will I be able to have a good vacation in tunisia,"Title says it all. Me and my friend booked a plane ticktet to tunis scheduled in may, but only a few days later did we find out we won't be allowed to travel between provinces. However, there are still a few multiple day desert tours available, which would travel between provinces. Does anyone know if we""ll be able to go on such a trip without restrictions, and if there really isn't a way to go to different provinces? Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!!",,,,,,2021-02-08 14:02:26 lfea3h,,3,Help: Hard drive replacement,"TLDR: OP willing to clone a dying hard drive and seeking advice considering that only Seagate hard drives (crap) are being sold in Tunisia. Ok so hi Tunisian hardware junkies and tech-savvies, I would've asked this elsewhere but the problem is more or less local. I'm wrapping up my PhD at the moment, a stressful period and all, the cherry on top is figuring out that my hard drive, containing very sensitive data generated over 4y, is dying (sector reallocation is on the rise, at a fast pace). This is not my first rodeo which is why I noticed the problem before a catastrophe occurred (already lost a drive and only managed to save about 125 gigs out of about 800) but I digress. I backed up what I could save, in case things go south; and the drive is still alive and kicking so that's still good news. I've also been in touch with a local tech repair expert (who was the one who managed to save some of my work before). The solution we agreed to was to clone the data into a brand new hard drive and call it a day. This is where it gets a bit spicey because with the COVID19, apparently there has been a shortage of hard drive shipments or whatnot, and the only laptop internal hard drives available in all distributor stores are from the brand Seagate which is not only reputable for having crappy failure rates but what makes it worse is that you are likely getting a recycled drive if you get one of those. I'm tempted to get an SSD but in good conscience, I cannot live above my means budget-wise and the data I'm using is too big for a small size SSD so an SSD is out the question until I get back on my feet financially. So I'm here asking whether someone has an idea out of the box for how I should proceed from here. I've been told that I should call and ask distributors about the guarantee of the drives (3 months guarantee means that the drive is 100% recycled and all...) but that got me a bit paranoid for those offering 3 years because trust is lost. Should I take a leap of faith and hope a seagate drive won't lifen't within 5 months of heavy use or anyone got another idea? Thanks if you managed to read this far and halp!",,,,,,2021-02-08 15:34:04 lfeleo,,1,لسعودية: فتح تحقيق بسبب تصريحات الممثلة التونسية سامية الطرابلسي,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-08 15:48:55 lff5ng,,1,Do you know someone who owns a Rolex watch ?,"Hi everyone, a friend of mine wants to ask a few questions about Rolex watches in Tunisia, if anyone knows a seller or someone who works at BenJannet, or if you have a friend that has a Rolex watch, please don’t hesitate 😉😉 Thanks in advance !",,,,,,2021-02-08 16:13:52 lfgpku,,2,Will the protests achieve anything?,Or will Tunisia stay the same?,,,,,,2021-02-08 17:22:13 lfi3ll,,14,What a mistake Tunisia did.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-08 18:22:50 lfjk8f,,1,What do you guys think about Law n52?,"It's inevitable, sooner or later people won't go to jail for smoking a blunt (kinda weird that it's still happening rn) But do you actually see it happening any time soon ?",,,,,,2021-02-08 19:26:42 lfjqov,,1,Research Study about Vaccination,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-08 19:34:39 lflnrx,,6,Do tunisian cops have the right to arrest someone without a warrant? ( aside from terrorists )?,Talking about Ayoub who was abducted from habib bourguiba avenue. They say that they took him to bouchoucha and tortured him. any new info?,,,,,,2021-02-08 20:58:12 lfr29n,,4,Tunisie wed ELbey Gafsa - واد البي الاحواض الرومانية قفصة,,,,,,,2021-02-09 01:15:46 lfws6g,,1,You think that Tunisia’s problem is a generational conflict ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-09 06:52:04 lfxc8w,,3,Best and cheapest fitness trackers in Tunisia?,"Only interested in the watch working well and being compatible with iPhone, don’t care about the brand and whatnot. Anyone found anything cheap (under 200 dinars) and reliable? Where did you buy? Thanks guys",,,,,,2021-02-09 07:32:02 lfysat,,81,I am afraid of the Tunisian Police,"By now, they are torturing people openly, and they have the political cover (the PM and Ennahda party). I am literally scared to endure another experience with the police’s brutality. Last time I was a student who was arrested just because it happened to have incidents in a soccer game in a nearby stadium so the police had to fill its pipeline of criminals to make reports and look they did their job by arresting many people. I was not even in the stadium ! After months in court I could resume my studies in university and become an engineer , but today I cannot afford another downturn for my life or my career just because a poor judgment of corrupted policemen. I thought 2011 was the year where Tunisians cannot be afraid of oppression anymore , but it looks some of our politicians like to make the police a monster again. Today, you cannot say no to a policeman if he stops you in the street asking you for money, or wants to take a cab for free, or even insulting you openly, because they are protected against any lawsuit and they have unions (imagine the only armed people in the country are unionised.. what a risk). Anyhoo, May god be with us",,,,,,2021-02-09 09:23:12 lfzu2f,,3,Gym with a good coach in Tunis,"Hi, I joined gym in the start of the month and there is no coaches to ask what exercises to do. I have no idea what to do when i go there I end up doing some cardio (Bike, treadmill), I do some dumbbells reps and go home. do u know any good gym where coach can show me what to do exercise by exercise or a full plan how to work out. I look on the internet i didnt find anything detailed. Also I dont know if my posture is good or if i am doing it right",,,,,,2021-02-09 10:26:25 lg1khj,,1,Sorry for the extremely low effort meme. It's just that what I was thinking about following a post about police violence these days. مواطن عادي he said.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-09 11:53:37 lg1tre,,10,"I'm sorry for the extemely low effort meme. This what I was thinking about following a post about police violence. مواطن عادي, he said.",,,,,,,2021-02-09 11:56:43 lg2apm,,2,This is why drugs are illegal,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-09 12:26:03 lg2iyt,,11,Tunisians i have a question,"Im from Morocco and during my visit here i was always questioned or stalked by the police whats the deal , i didnt steal nor smuggle anything or done anything illegal so why did this happen?",,,,,,2021-02-09 12:40:52 lg5ubh,,9,Guess who's the introverted looking dude on the far right ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-09 15:35:03 lg622p,,4,Anywhere to press vinyl records and burn Blu-Ray Discs in Tunisia? I’m working on a project and need to find these services ASAP!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-09 15:45:06 lg6utq,,1,Can't relate,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-09 16:20:21 lg6va4,,21,How about we push for product market reforms instead of useless hateful slogans? Goddamit we have to put that potential to work and create wealth,,,,,,,2021-02-09 16:20:54 lg8u65,,1,Brain zaps solution,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-09 17:46:06 lga6uz,,39,"A Tunisian podcast, a very important (IMO) conversation about the shape of the Tunisian economy.",,,,,,,2021-02-09 18:43:15 lgc669,,13,Anti-theism does not make you smart,"Well, this can be in the next 40 minutes, the most downvoted, reported , roasted post on this thread since its creation, the claim here is being antitheist does not make you a scientific person, neither a smart individual as your ego may fool you. The existence of an undeniable wave of antitheism , among social media influencers, users, mass media and every single tool of internet communication, is being daily remarked, and is gaining public attention, especially within the young generation, blaming religion for the underdevelopment of their countries, and for every crisis they do face. It is accurate to remark , that these very people who claim that Religion itself is the root problem of their societies, have more things in common with modern feminists that an actual improver, they share their dogmatic hatred for a particular thing without much further analysis and critical thinking. These people hardly present any other idea except annihilating all religious activities, to satisfy their imperative loathing towards religion, which is more likely to have psychological reasons and family issues rather than conclusions made after deep thinking",,,,,,2021-02-09 20:08:03 lgf57i,,5,In Tunisia the more u study the less ur chance to get a job,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-09 22:23:35 lghoui,,3,Wealth,"How to become rich on a third world country (Tunisia ) , what does it take here to gain a reasonable Wealth , Except for those stable jobs or projects called (مسمار في حيط ) xd , let's Discuss it , Thanks",,,,,,2021-02-10 00:30:51 lgkcd1,,0,Tunisie - Gafsi pisse sur la statut de Bourguiba a - Paris,,,,,,,2021-02-10 02:58:05 lgkwhl,,3,Can you please suggest Tunisian food channels on YouTube or blogs. Thank you,"My new year's goal is to cook a recipe from around the world and looking for authentic recipes. Any links, suggestions or your own recipes will greatly appreciated. Thanks!!",,,,,,2021-02-10 03:29:37 lgn58h,,108,"Fossilised dinosaur footprints on a mountaintop in Tataouine Governorate, southern Tunisia 🇹🇳",,,,,,,2021-02-10 05:49:49 lgopi1,,3,Tunisia: From the 2011 Revolution to the Revolt of 2021 - New Stirrings in North Africa,,,,,,,2021-02-10 07:41:09 lgptu4,,5,Guys please help me find the contact number of the commission of obligatory quarantine in tunisia ( lajnet el hahr essehi ).,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-10 09:05:04 lgqe17,,1,🔥🔥❤❤🔥🔥 rap 2021,,,,,,,2021-02-10 09:49:19 lguloc,,44,My hands hurt from playing the guitar,,,,,,,2021-02-10 14:21:02 lh0dso,,8,Sites to watch tunisian tv series on?,I'm in interested in both of modern day tv series & classics :),,,,,,2021-02-10 18:38:12 lh26fw,,1,Join the Revolution 08.02.2021 Discord Server!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-10 19:54:31 lh6mnx,,20,Books on Hannibal,Does anyone know any good history books on Hannibal and Carthage?,,,,,,2021-02-10 23:07:28 lhejm0,,3,Can someone explain the current political situation here in Tunisia. I've been living under a rock and I to have a subject to talk about with other humans.,,,,,,,2021-02-11 06:16:50 lhgwiz,,78,❗❗❗❗,,,,,,,2021-02-11 09:11:20 lhhlfu,,15,"It had been years now, but sill can't wipe it out of my mind.",,,,,,,2021-02-11 10:00:29 lhohcm,,0,The other big Tunisian sub Reddit is all about YouTuber m3kky community,,,,,,,2021-02-11 16:34:31 lhq1jt,,1,today I [27/m] got half a handjob from a masseuse and feel extremely guilty about it [experience],[removed],,,,,,2021-02-11 17:43:22 lhqe4m,,1,today I [27/m] got half a handjob from a masseuse and feel extremely guilty about it [experience],[removed],,,,,,2021-02-11 17:58:47 lhrgfk,,40,"Hello everyone, I'm a young tunisian composer trying to make some alternative tunisian music and trying to make the oud sound cooler and up to date. The link is to my newest release, there is more on my channel. I hope you enjoy it!",,,,,,,2021-02-11 18:44:47 lhs1pm,,103,Pretty accurate isn't it?,,,,,,,2021-02-11 19:10:17 lhs7d5,,1,the worst experience ever,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-11 19:17:00 lhvosn,,3,Is this supposed to be funny or they got hacked??,,,,,,,2021-02-11 21:46:25 lhwb6g,,25,Tawtaw got hacked,,,,,,,2021-02-11 22:13:35 lhwqzk,,2,Djerba s'apprête à accueillir le sommet de la Francophonie,,,,,,,2021-02-11 22:33:22 li6g1z,,32,"Myself and some others are making a racetrack database, and we came across what looks to be the start line of a racetrack outside the Rades Olympic Stadium. We've done research but we cannot find any info about it. Does anybody know anything about this?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-12 07:47:55 li6vb2,,3,5 days visit to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-12 08:22:15 li82xo,,123,It's up to you to decide to stop or proceed,,,,,,,2021-02-12 10:01:18 li9a43,,2,are cybercrimes taken seriously in tunisia?,i wanna know if cybercrimes are punishable with jail/bills. things like phishing people from foreign countries,,,,,,2021-02-12 11:32:19 lib6d0,,2,Looking for suggestions for an esports team name.,"We're looking for a funny name for our rocket league team. Something funny in a tunisian way. We were called Hentati FC ( none of the guys have that name).",,,,,,2021-02-12 13:38:00 lib6k0,,30,"Just back from a 2000km+ research trip in southern Tunisia (Gabès, Medenine & Tataouine Governorates). My first video update is a tour of Dar el Fardaous: a boutique farm hotel outside Gabès.",,,,,,,2021-02-12 13:38:19 libmb3,,0,Abir Mousi announces the dissolution of the sit-in in Parliament and calls for people to go to the streets,"&#x200B; The head of the Free Destourian Party, Abir Mousi, announced, on a media point today, Friday, February 12, 2021, that she will break the sit-in after achieving its goals, as she put it. On the other hand, Moussa called on ""her supporters and all democratic forces to take to the streets to defend the legitimacy and the civil state."" She also warned the government of the possibility of attacking them and suppressing their anticipated protest movements, she said. Abir Mousi called on the Tunisian General Labor Union to abandon the idea of conducting a national dialogue that would give legitimacy to the current system and save it, she said.",,,,,,2021-02-12 14:02:51 libols,,4,President Kais Said is visiting Cite El Tadhamoun,"Today, February 12, 2021, the President of the Republic, Kais Siad, performed the Friday prayer at the Uhud Mosque in Cite El Tadhamoun neighborhood of Ariana, accompanied by intense security guards. A circulating video documented the moment Kais Said left the mosque, as a number of citizens were waiting for him.",,,,,,2021-02-12 14:06:11 lic7xy,,3,شكون عندو فكرة وين يتباع pen spinning mod,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-12 14:35:23 lifggs,,9,Why tho?,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-02-12 17:08:26 lii1ns,,16,Why Graphics cards are so expensive in Tunisia ?,I mean it has nothing to do with this Mining crisis at all we always seen prices around 50 to 80% + compared to MSRPs at launch ? take a look at the 2080s for example and 2070s both at 500$- 700$ msrps but here it's respectively 2500-3500 tnd which is 900$-1300$,,,,,,2021-02-12 19:01:18 lijhy4,,2,Mechichi: A mini government of 16 ministers is one of the possible solutions,"Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi confirmed, in a statement to a private Tunisian radio today, Friday, February 12, 2021, that the door for dialogue is still open to reach solutions to the crisis of ministerial modification and the swearing of the constitutional oath. The Prime Minister stressed that he is working to find all possible solutions to solve the crisis, including the continuation of working with a mini government of 16 ministers to ensure the conduct of the country's affairs. Mechichi expressed his hope that the President of the Republic, Kais Said, would react as soon as possible with the government's request to reveal the names of the proposed ministers subject to reservation.",,,,,,2021-02-12 20:06:57 lime42,,0,film tunisien court - Cha9 Wa9 18 فيلم تونسي قصير ممنوع - شاق واق,,,,,,,2021-02-12 22:24:27 lipeq7,,52,Turns out that Tunisians speak the same language as Maltese,"Came across a newly-published article about [Tunisian Arabic](, and as a fact, it is mentioned that Tunisians and Maltese do speak almost the same language. Although the spoken languages aren't 100% identical, the average Tunisian will not have that hard time understanding Maltese. Any insights?",,,,,,2021-02-13 00:52:48 liwns9,,1,Extramarital children in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-13 08:27:05 liwttt,,1,If you haven't seen it yet : synthesis of everything that has to be done :,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 08:41:05 liww9g,,2,Synthesis of everything that has to be done,,,,,,,2021-02-13 08:46:36 lix2er,,1,Extramarital children in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-13 09:00:55 liyc2c,,1,A SKYPE INTERVIEW,"So guys , I'm going to have a skype interview nex sunday with a national committee . Frankly , this is my first time so I'm a little stressed . Can u guide me with some advices concerning how to answer their questions and how to influence in them positively ?",,,,,,2021-02-13 10:43:38 liz1rj,,1,A question about a driving test,"Can you ""change lanes"" in a roundabout. The red line is what i think i should do. The blue line is what the driving instructor is telling me to do. But it does not make any sense. (The picture in the comments) (Btw I'm probably going to follow him)",,,,,,2021-02-13 11:41:18 lj0twi,,3,Foreign currency transfer?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 13:47:05 lj0v6z,,2,How to Overcome the Current Economic Crisis ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 13:49:29 lj1k0z,,1,[PASSIVE INCOME] - How to make 10-40$ Daily-[5$ INSTANTLY],,,,,,,2021-02-13 14:32:04 lj3edg,,1,Are north african women really that thicc ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 16:13:31 lj3g7s,,31,Are tunisian women really that thicc ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 16:16:08 lj6lmj,,1,The first cryptomining firm in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 18:54:10 lj6osp,,1,The first cryptimining farm in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 18:58:42 lj6qqz,,26,The first cryptomining farm in Tunisia,"Swiss company MyMultiMiner opened the first cryptomining farm in Jendouba, Tunisia. According to [le manager](, they picked Tunisia because of the lower costs of electricity compared to Europe, and they picked Jendouba in particular to take advantage of the colder tempertures and save up on air conditionning costs.",,,,,,2021-02-13 19:01:10 lj6wcn,,1,What Legal Requirements Are Needed to Start a Business in Tunisia?,"Hello guys, I have been thinking about launching my own business (in the food industry), and I'm clueless about the legal requirements. I want to start with just one product but I have other products in mind once I start scaling. So, what Legal Requirements Are Needed to Start a Business ? (in general) and are there extra requirement for the food industry ? (like certifications) Any tip or advice is welcomed, it doesn't have to be about legal procedures ! ( btw I'm 22 and yes I'm Tunisian, in case these informations are important )",,,,,,2021-02-13 19:09:08 lj7mmi,,52,Thoughts on dealing with mental illness in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 19:45:21 ljanyu,,1,Temporary mechanisms to cope with fluctuations and dissociative episodes,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-13 22:14:52 ljazvz,,3,How much would I have to pay in taxes on an Electric Guitar Pack from France?,"If anyone ever bought an electeic guitar from a french website how much did you have to pay in customs tax. by the way, the product costs aroun 250Euros.",,,,,,2021-02-13 22:31:59 ljez2o,,30,Tunisian Podcast,"Hey folks, how about a podcast for the Tunisian community? Before I go into the details of the content, I’m trying to understand if there’s any interest. I’m aware some of us have tried but failed to keep an ongoing interest and a solid base of listeners. Does this have anything to do with us not seeing value in podcasts?",,,,,,2021-02-14 02:10:08 ljirii,,6,How much English is spoken in Carthage and La Marsa?,"Edit- if I were to start learning a second language before going there for an extended period, what would you suggest? French? Arabic? I want to be able to communicate with Tunisians in a respectful way. Thank you for the responses!",,,,,,2021-02-14 06:03:42 ljls8j,,2,Cryptocurrency tunsian communities,"Hey everyone, I'm looking for anything from facebook groups to tunsian subreddits that are related to cryptocurrency in Tunisia. I wouldn't call myself an expert but I'm quite knowledgeable about it. Thanks for your help!",,,,,,2021-02-14 10:02:54 ljltjk,,3,"Ma vie en VF, une série de baladodiffusions tunisiennes autour de la Francophonie",,,,,,,2021-02-14 10:06:01 ljmj5g,,0,"Durkastan Discord Page. A Discord Page founded by Asadullah Andalusi for doubting Muslims, ex-muslims and Muslims who want to improve their knowledge of religion and much much more... Hoping you to see there.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-14 11:08:16 ljp0lh,,1,Extramarital children in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-14 14:08:39 ljph3z,,34,Melekher​ Ep 14 | فضيحة في قطاع الإسمنت! ريع و شبهة فساد,,,,,,,2021-02-14 14:36:03 ljqmid,,34,The Tunisian prime minister in a meeting with civil society about legalizing weed,,,,,,,2021-02-14 15:40:56 ljqq3e,,73,What is your favourite thing about Tunisia?,"Considering so many posts here are negative I thought we should have a celebration of the things we do like about our country. For all its faults Tunisia is truly one of the most diverse, naturally beautiful places on earth with a rich history and amazing culture. Having said that I would say my favourite thing is definitely the landscape and attractions, we have desert, snow, mountains, plains, ocean, islands and urban areas, and on top of that we have some of the best historical landmarks in the world representing our Roman, Phoenician, Imazighen and Arab identity (think el djem, dougga, traditional dwellings in Matmata, Carthage, Kairouan, Kerkuane), we have 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, we are a tiny country compared to our neighbours with a small population yet we produce so many famous international musicians, some huge names in football and other sports, we successfully evicted one of the world's strongest ever empires from our land, toppled a dictatorship, most people speak minimum 3 fuckin languages and to be honest I think we are the most underrated country in the world. I love Tunisia, we have a lot of problems that need addressing but negativity breeds negativity and I know a lot of us are sick of only hearing the bad things. What is your favourite thing about Tunisia? Edit: love all the positivity, this is Tunisian greatness and warms my heart, I hope you all prosper and contribute to making our country the truly amazing and special place that it is and can become. It's so good to see some uplifting comments and discussion for a change!",,,,,,2021-02-14 15:46:27 ljw0tg,,1,Why i think marijuana will not be legalized in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-14 20:00:24 ljx2xr,,2,25 light-years away,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-14 20:51:36 ljx3tq,,1,I think that marijuana products will not be legalized in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-14 20:52:51 ljxez8,,2,Speech therapist price in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-14 21:07:42 ljxnx5,,18,Am i the only one who thinks our PM looks like a hamster ?,,,,,,,2021-02-14 21:20:07 ljz0sn,,4,Sending things aboard,"Hi everyone I have an Instagram account where I post my woodcrafts for fun at least until this point. Someone got interested in my work and want to buy 30 pieces of a certain item. I have never sent anything abroad in my life so I am really stuck now. Does the Diwaniya take extra fees based on the weight? And does the fact I am kind of doing business change something? I have an uncle living aboard and he will probably get the money for me so I am rather confused about sending the items",,,,,,2021-02-14 22:28:31 lk01y1,,0,What things would you buy if you had PayPal?,"If you would buy other things that i forgot to include in the poll options such as vibrators or pornhub subscriptions, please feel free to tell me what you would buy in the comments. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-14 23:21:45 lk7bug,,202,Me and the cats I fed in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-02-15 06:11:21 lk8ztm,,9,Questions autour de la conversion a l'Islam,"Salut, Je suis Français, marie depuis plusieurs années a une Tunisienne. Mes parents, bien qu'issus de familles plutôt catholiques ont coupe les ponts avec la religion et je n'ai jamais vraiment reçu d’éducation religieuse. Aujourd'hui, je me décrirais comme agnostique. Malgré tout, je caresse l’idée d'effectuer ma conversion a l'Islam, pour de multiples raisons, pas forcements liées les unes aux autres: 1. Par volonté d’intégration. J'ai beau venir en Tunisie chaque année et m’intéresser activement a la culture Tunisienne, il y a toujours un fossé qui me sépare des gens que je rencontre. Ce fossé n'est pas seulement celui de la religion, évidemment. Il y a une *foule* d'autres choses. Mais la religion en est l'une des composantes. 2. En hommage a ma belle-mère décédée, croyante, et qui aurait je crois été comblée que je devienne musulman. Je pense que cela ferait aussi très plaisir a mon beau-père, bien que l'on n'ait jamais aborder la question, et qu'il soit croyant sans être pratiquant. 3. Pour des raisons politiques. Depuis des années, j'assiste a la marginalisation et a la stigmatisation de la communauté musulmane en France. Je vois en la conversion un manière de marquer mon opposition au racisme et a l'islamophobie ambiante dans mon pays d'origine. Voila pour les raisons. Maintenant je me pose aussi pas mal de questions: * d'un point de vue pratique, comment effectue-t-on sa conversion en Tunisie? Dois-je prendre des cours? A qui m'adresser? * Le principe fondamental de l'islam c'est l'affirmation de l'existence et de l’unicité de Dieu. En ce que me concerne, je ne crois pas vraiment en Dieu. J'aimerais me convertir pour des raisons culturelles, affectives, et politiques. Moralement, serait-ce irrespectueux? Je ne le pense pas, car je pense que ma conversion et motivée par de bonnes intentions. Mais j'aimerais vos avis. * Devrais-je être honnête avec la personne qui effectuera ma conversion sur mes motivations, et sur le fait que je ne crois pas particulièrement a l'existence de Dieu? * Que dois-je connaître de la religion pour effectuer ma conversion dans de bonnes conditions? J'ai une assez bonne idée de l'histoire et de la doctrine islamique, mais je ne connais aucune sourate, je ne sais pas prier, etc. * Avez-vous des conseils, ou des ressources a partager? Merci d'avance!",,,,,,2021-02-15 08:04:17 lk9gbc,,13,Exploring the Ksour (ancient hill forts) of southern Tunisia around Tataouine - some are 900+ years old!,,,,,,,2021-02-15 08:37:29 lka99h,,14,"Hello neighbors, I really wanna ask you this. What’s the general view of Algerians in your country?","Don’t hold any punches, just be honest.",,,,,,2021-02-15 09:36:28 lkae2f,,1,Tunisia's problem in a conflict between generations?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-15 09:46:05 lkb9fx,,14,"Looking for a hairstylist in Carthage, that is familiar is extremely kinky hair and can do feed in braid neat and correctly. Like shown below.",,,,,,,2021-02-15 10:48:28 lkbkqa,,0,واقعنا القيمي,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-15 11:09:26 lkbznt,,4,I see this is an international broblem...,,,,,,,2021-02-15 11:37:42 lkd119,,3,Is it safe to buy weed from the dark web in tunisia,"If you ve done it ,did it work?",,,,,,2021-02-15 12:49:01 lke9ms,,0,hitman 3 gameplay part 1 intro full game 2021,,,,,,,2021-02-15 14:03:18 lkenx0,,0,وفاة الأميرة بنت هذلول بن عبدالعزيز,,,,,,,2021-02-15 14:25:15 lkepzn,,21,GoMyCode Tunisia experience,"I am almost done with the javascript full stack developer in hackerspace sousse and I could not be more disappointed. I am a 26y/f with an ongoing career and I went into the experience to create a system for myself since I just moved from Tunis to Sousse, to settle and get used to the situation and have new skills. Most of my cohort mates were unfortunately unemployed for a while and were hoping to acquire an employable skill that would get them hired. Most of us were complete beginners, I personally just downloaded some Javascript games and did not prepare that much beforehand and that is fine. I went into the experience with reasonable expectations, I was just happy to learn new skills and meet new people, I like learning about technologies and I was very excited. Nonetheless, the instructors were just as newbies as we are, and we quickly found out the school actually hires most of the students back to avoid getting backlash. Everyone is hiding behind the ""do it yourself"" and ""learn by doing"" motos. I am a self-learner and I enjoy challenges and I do make sure I researched every solution possible and asked my team mates before I went to an instructor, yet they completely ignore you or try to blow you off. They have a very specific script that the staff uses to answer everything and turn everything back on you which disgusted me honestly, I just abhor the feeling of discovering I was being gaslighted. Things became really bad, when the instructors left halfway through the bootcamp to get a job and they were replaced by very recent graduates. I could not take it anymore and made a very lengthy and detailed complaint to the main office in Tunis which was cosigned by my team. They tried to make things up by adding some catch up sessions online that were basically copies from youtube tutorials. Everyone was very disheartened and lost motivation to learn. They even added a clause that said instructors can close checkpoints without warning and can allocate any grade to you they see fit. Imagine being graded by new graduates that can not answer your questions! I went to the facebook page to see reviews only to find the positive ones , which were unsurprisingly made by the staff of Gomycode as I recognized the name of one of the founders and a lot of the education counselors.. It's crazy how from the outside, it just looks like the one negative comment is from someone who was not smart enough, or did not try hard enough to learn and I think this is part of the reason people are still applying to the school. I am more than halfway through my final project and I am so tired of fighting for my rights. Why is it so much to ask for qualified instructors who can answer questions? I just recently saw pictures of the demo day on the manager's LinkedIn profile only to see one of the previous instructors smiling holding his certificate...he was not even a graduate when he was brought out to teach. I am just so defeated...",,,,,,2021-02-15 14:28:28 lkhkac,,1,"Looking to meet Tunisians and talk about anything you want, as part of an investigation on the Tunisian revolution.",[removed],,,,,,2021-02-15 16:50:25 lkjq0z,,1,My thoughts on the current crisis,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-15 18:29:25 lkkdtg,,1,Where can i report a fast food restaurant that i suspect is scamming people and selling donkey meat?,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-15 19:00:04 lkl8mk,,24,"Baptism basin of Basilica of St. Vitale. Sbeitla, Tunisia",,,,,,,2021-02-15 19:38:38 lkmwn1,,81,Rare footage from the 9th century showing the Aghlabid Emir Ziyadat Allah sending Assad Ibn Al Furat to conquer Sicily from the Byzantines,,,,,,,2021-02-15 20:54:36 lkn722,,11,Knight to b7,,,,,,,2021-02-15 21:07:22 lkn7et,,1,Are we living in the GOT era or something?,,,,,,,2021-02-15 21:07:47 lknnh4,,2,INTRODUCING YOURSELF,"I'm having next friday a skype interview , so i'm looking for an impressive way to introduce myself so i can be unforgettable . Could u guys help with that by giving me some examples or some advices ?",,,,,,2021-02-15 21:28:40 lkorqn,,1,علاه يا زياد وخي؟ من وقتاه نصطادو فطورنا؟ jokes aside this could be scripted by TLC. They love the drama.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-15 22:20:58 lkq98v,,12,Living in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-15 23:32:51 lkq9zs,,63,Indeed,,,,,,,2021-02-15 23:33:55 lkx4hx,,7,Was wandering about the satellite images of sfax and I found this. Any ideas on what it might be? Cause it's beautiful,,,,,,,2021-02-16 05:45:44 lkx7ov,,135,We found this magical place near cap zebib (40 km from TUNIS). Highly recommended for a picnic.,,,,,,,2021-02-16 05:50:50 lkxy2j,,1,Anyone know a good polling company in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-16 06:37:07 ll16z4,,10,"3aslema ya jme3a, 5allina na7kiw 3ala 7aja positive!!","-Do you guys have hobbies? Mine is gaming (fallout series, deus ex, this war of mine, sims, AC, GTA, cyberpunk, dishonored), driving my car around, coffee, philosophy, biology and such, I have some times where I basically binge research random subjects 😅 Any fav series you're watching now? Fav movies? Right now I'm binge watching judge judy and ghost adventures, I know its weird, my fav movies are the alien series, vanilla sky, minority report, war of the worlds, monster (anime), naruto (amine) dbz(anime), ghost in the shell(anime), serial experiments Lain(anime), evangelion (anime)",,,,,,2021-02-16 10:35:34 ll23pz,,12,This made me pause for a second,,,,,,,2021-02-16 11:41:39 ll35px,,2,This is an aquaculture farm off of Tunisian coasts. Any idea in which city it is located based on the background? I would be very grateful for any help :),,,,,,,2021-02-16 12:51:22 ll3tvq,,10,Tunisian Women not allowed in hotel rooms.,"The hotel staff wouldn’t tell me the reason, he just said it was the law. He said I could have any other women of different nationality but the locals. Can anyone elaborate? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-02-16 13:31:22 ll647q,,1,"Et après, qd on le verra porter un autre drapeau ماتبداوش تتباكاو مش وطني...زيدو اصرفو على الفوت",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-16 15:26:30 ll696d,مرحبا_بك_في_مقبرة_المواهب_البطل_العالمي_في/,16,"مرحبا بك في مقبرة المواهب البطل العالمي في الكاراتي ثامر سيليماني يكتب بمرارة بداية النهاية مع تونس Et après, qd on le verra porter un autre drapeau ماتبداوش تتباكاو عليه...زيدو اصرفو على football","شكرا بلادي .. شكرا على إنهاء الحلم علاش قاعد نترانا .. وشنوة مازلت نعمل .. وعلاش قاعد نضحي في التضحيات هذه الكل؟؟ وصلت للمرحلة هذه بعد سنوات طويييلة من التعب والتضحية من أجل اني نكون رياضي مثالي .. كنت نغيب على قرايتي ونقرق بالاساتذة بش نجم نسكر 9/9 حصص تدريب .. حياتي كانت فيها حاجة وحدة وماغير مبالغة .. الكاراتي ... التضحية هذه ما مشاتش حرام .. ونجحت اني نفك بلاصتي في أصناف الشبان والأكابر ونجيب الذهب لتونس في بطولة العالم (الأولى في تاريخها فردي) والذهب زادة ثلاثة مرات في بطولة أفريقيا والألعاب الإفريقية ... شنوة لقيت مقابل هذا؟؟ حتى شيء بخلاف شوي تصاور ودعوات الإعلام بش نحكي شوي ويقولولي يعطيك الصحة ونروح .. اليوم احنا في 2021 وحتى بريماتي لتو ماخذيتهم .. ماعنديش الحق نفرح بإنجازاتي؟؟ رضينا بالظروف الدنيا الي أندادي في الدول الأخرى عندهم عشرات أضعافها .. وهي ما رضاتش بينا .. عمري 21 عام ومع ذلك ترتيبي في التصنيف العالمي في ميزاني 26 عالميا بعد ما لعبت عام واحد أكابر وماخرجتش في شطر les opens الي ناخذوا بيهم نقاط .. شنوة يسوى هذا؟؟ مانجم كان نفخهم ونشرب ماهم. القطاع الخاص ما يشجعش ماعنديش علاش نلومه هذيكة العقلية .. والدولة هل يحقلها ما تكونش عند كلمتها ؟؟ تعرفوا شمعناها رياضي محترف؟ يعني رياضي مسخر حياته الكل لرياضته .. أي مقابل شنوة؟؟؟ تحتى بريماتي الي هي حقي بالتعاقد بيني وبين الوزارة ما فرحتش بيها؟ زعمة الوقت الي مسخره لو مشيت خدمت بيه حتى المرمة ما كانش يكون العائد متاعه أفضل؟؟ فقدت كل رغبة في اني نتدرب .. وولى التدريب بالنسبة لي مضيعة متاع وقت .. حاولت نكون الرياضي المثالي الي ما يتكلمش وما يشكيش لكن هذاكة حد الجهيد ... يبدو الوقت قرب بش الواحد يفيق على روحه ويمشي يتعلم صنعة والا يدبر خدمة .. بلادنا ماهيش متاع حلم .. بلادنا ماهيش متاع رياضة ... شنوة مستقبلي بعد الجري واللهيط هذا الكل؟؟؟ كنت مبرمج مانعتزل كان كيف البدن ماعادش يجاوب .. أما يبدو انه العقل والقلب بش يسبقوا البدن ... بلادي السمحة ملي انا وليد صغير كل أملي اني نكون وسيلة بش نشيدك الرسمي يترفع في المحافل الدولية .. فشكرا جزيلا على خذلاني .. وشكرا للمسؤولين والوزراء المتعاقبين .. شكرا لكم جميعا على الخذلان. هذاكة حد جهدي .. فيه البركة ثامر سليماني thamer slimani",,,,,,2021-02-16 15:32:42 llaceu,,1,Politics in Tunisia,"hey all, you are probably fed up with the current political scene in Tunisia.and you might feel that the revolution was betrayed. for which party do you see yourself voting for the next election ? and if the party does not exist : what are the values and programms that your fav party has to have ?",,,,,,2021-02-16 18:35:57 llax8l,,0,I think all our problems as a nation are explained in this 10 minutes video. Very thoughtful.,,,,,,,2021-02-16 19:01:45 llbemi,/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lkzviy/i_am_going_to_short_the_whole_country_of_south/,20,Only a matter of time until they try this with Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-02-16 19:24:41 llc3rd,,11,Masters degrees abroad,"Good evening everyone, I hope you're doing well I'm currently a second year student (Licence) in Computer Science (informatiques) and i would like to pursue an English taught masters degree abroad in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science or simply a normal Computer Science degree specialized in one of the mentioned fields I've done a lot of researches in the last couple of days and I really didn't find much other than high fees programs like 50M+ TND/year (except German universities like University of Tubingen, TUM, TU Berlin.. but the requirements are a little bit high and I would like to look for other choices to really improve my chances) I was wondering if someone had an experience in this or know someone who has, that made it with a scholarship or a specific program in other universities or just an advice, that will help me a lot!! Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2021-02-16 19:56:01 llcem6,,47,📢 victims of law 52 📢,"This is the story of two young men. One of them is my younger brother Kacem Ben Issa, the other is his childhood best friend, Medamine Touati. Kacem and Mohamed Amine are both 22 years of age and were a year younger when they were detained by the Tunisian police. The story began on the 17th March 2020 when they both were heading towards the city of Sousse in order to spend some time together and have some fun, unfortunately for them the circumstances were not fit and they had to head back home in the capital Tunis because the government announced a curfew due to the COVID-19 situation. Kacem and Mohamed Amine had some money with them that they were going to squander in their little ""vacation"". That money came from Mohamed Amine's work as a photographer and some of it came from my brother's work in a call center. They also had some cannabis on them, which as all we know was reclassified by the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) as a less harmful drug and decided to remove it from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs — where it was listed alongside specific deadly, addictive opioids, including heroin. In Tunisia though, cannabis is still considered a major crime and consumers are usually seen as criminals. Kacem and Mohamed Amine are amongst the calmest and kindest people you could ever meet. Everyone who knows them personally would confirm that without hesitation. My brother is a university student who was studying arts before the arrest. His friend was studying to become a professional press photographer. These two young men have already been through a lot, having spent a whole year in custody where they do not belong and their dreams and ideas are being slowly but surely crushed and turned into nightmares. On 12th February 2021 they have sadly both been officially sentenced to a six-year in prison and one can only imagine what would six years in prison amidst real criminals would make them. What would they become? And what would be the ideas they come out with? That’s if they manage to survive the ordeal. This is a desperate call for any human empathy in order to help these two young men along with many others like them whose lives and their families’ lives are being destroyed because of the infamous Tunisian 1992 Narcotics Act (Act 92-52). Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of mostly young people’s lives are being destroyed in our country for the mere possession or personal use of cannabis. We are in deep anguish, distress and miserably asking for any help. Kacem's sister Emna ben issa",,,,,,2021-02-16 20:09:17 llee2i,,1,"J'ai trouvé une très bonne plate-forme où vous pouvez augmenter les goûts, les abonnés, les vues, les commentaires ou les critiques sur n'importe quelle plate-forme dont vous avez besoin. Il vous suffit de vous inscrire et de créer une annonce gratuitement",,,,,,,2021-02-16 21:40:23 llf3et,,1,REPOSTING,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-16 22:14:09 llfofr,,0,Journalist calls for the president to be mentally checked,,,,,,,2021-02-16 22:42:31 llfsjj,,4,"Le PIB tunisien affiche un recul historique de 8,8% en 2020",,,,,,,2021-02-16 22:48:11 llo505,,150,Choufli Hal Political Compass,,,,,,,2021-02-17 06:41:59 llp694,,7,Stock market in Tunisia?,"Is trading in the stock market open to outsiders and little guys like me? Is it profitable? we have 2 or 3 stock market magazines. So there's absolutely an audience.",,,,,,2021-02-17 07:51:00 llq0sq,,0,إيجا أخطبني 🤣,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-17 08:49:14 llqbd5,,0,تونس جنة الله في الارض,,,,,,,2021-02-17 09:08:49 llqbqm,,2,تونس وطني عشق القلوب,,,,,,,2021-02-17 09:09:36 llu28y,,21,i hope someone in the government see this,,,,,,,2021-02-17 13:05:27 llvoq6,,6,Chess club,"Hey! Anyone know a good chess club in Tunis? Or interested in starting one?",,,,,,2021-02-17 14:29:15 llxbw8,,2,UVT Tunis,"Hello, can anyone give me an experience review with UVT ( université virtuelle de Tunis/ virtual university of Tunisia) ? I heard just a few reviews about the short trainings it offers ( ex English, Spanish and a very basic course in ""informatique""). What about the other diplomas? Do they accept people from other disciplines who are interested to learn ( everything is STEM oriented now). Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-02-17 15:44:54 llzhyf,,7,Monia Ben Jemia about how incest is common in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-02-17 17:17:57 lm03j4,,6,Unpopular opinion,"Tunisians have a weird ""preferences snobism"" that is taken very seriously which I do not get , at all. Examples: I listen to metal and only metal, all other music is garbage, if you listen to other types you are garbage too. I watch friends and Netflix, I would never watch soap opera or Turkish series. If you watch them you are a superficial piece of shit. This one surprises me the most: If you eat spicy food , you are unrefined and probably not from a well-off background. It almost shocks me that it's a thing. It's a preference, an opinion, a difference. It's not that deep. I met some people who are overall superficial but I do not know if their preferences are the main reason. Character is defined by many factors other than form of entertainment. It's the shit you face in life, you values, your actions. I don't know what's worse sometimes, having underdeveloped interests and no personality or basing an entire personality on music , tv show and food taste. Is this the millennial form of football fanatism?",,,,,,2021-02-17 17:44:00 lm0sk5,,58,The Simpsons knew it all,,,,,,,2021-02-17 18:13:14 lm59q0,,235,M practically famous,,,,,,,2021-02-17 21:31:40 lm5r5y,,0,My friends told me to post this on reddit so here i go.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-17 21:53:02 lm6zwk,,2,lazim yilbis bave?,"I was listening to a Tunisian podcast and kept hearing this word, I am presuming it means mask, but sounds French? Can anyone help?",,,,,,2021-02-17 22:50:09 lm89jt,,1,Lsd (needlepoint xtal) for sale sousse,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-17 23:48:18 lm8csy,,1,Does anyone remmember this vid ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-17 23:52:40 lm8i7t,,1,Lsd (needlepoint xtal) for sale sousse.,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-18 00:00:05 lmb6ur,,1,What are some Tunisian names of classical origin?,"So I’m not from the Maghreb myself but I love studying the history of the region. I’ve been trying to pinpoint some of the ways that the classic civilizations (Greece/Rome) impacted the culture of the Maghreb. Currently I’m interested in naming customs and especially if you guys have any common Tunisian names that are of Latin/Greek/etc. origins. For example, in English some names of Latin origin would be Emilia, Clara, Beatrice, Julian, Claudia, etc. Do Tunisians have any names like these, especially given that Tunisia was a very important part of the Roman Empire for a very long time?",,,,,,2021-02-18 02:14:14 lmjwkn,,6,"EUR to TND ratio ossilating too much lately, it went from 3.24 low to 3.28 high in the same week, any reasons?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-18 10:39:22 lmk0c2,,0,"Ma vie en VF: la Tunisie, la francophonie et moi",,,,,,,2021-02-18 10:46:27 lmk0ty,,2,Les établissements bancaires et financiers au chevet de l'éducation,,,,,,,2021-02-18 10:47:28 lmkhq3,,1,Forgetting school homework was terrifying cuz you would get hit,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-18 11:16:36 lmkl0w,,173,It was terrifying because the teacher would hit you if you didn't do your homework,,,,,,,2021-02-18 11:22:01 lmlkco,,0,Pls guys they won't donate if you won't get me this amount of comments,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-18 12:21:28 lmn5qe,,2,Is there a way to get from mourouj to rades without buying a taxi?,"So I usually meet my friend every Friday to play basketball with him, but I kind of got tired of spending 15dt every week, I heard I can take the Metro from mourouj 1 to Tunis, then take the train straight to rades forest, is this true?",,,,,,2021-02-18 13:48:13 lmo0k0,,6,reality checks / cold truth,Please share some hard facts that you need to remember / keep in mind to be functional in Tunisia. Asking for a an idealistic living on the internet kind of friend ( ahem).,,,,,,2021-02-18 14:30:48 lmov0y,,29,Damn.,,,,,,,2021-02-18 15:10:37 lmp6pv,,1,Lotfi but political,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-18 15:25:40 lmpjba,,2,What alternatives are there to universities after bac (for courses & jobs that involve programming)?,"I said programming explicitly because it's a word that covers a lot such software dev, CS, cybersecurity, etc..",,,,,,2021-02-18 15:41:26 lmqhz2,,1,FedEx IP in Tunisia? Shipping to Tunisia?,"Hi. Hope you’re having a good day. My question is : has anyone ordered something online with FedEx IP as their shipping method to their house? Do you recommend I do so for a package valued at 100 USD to my house? My house is in a relatively small mostly residential city in monastir. Also, if the package comes and I happen to miss the delivery, will it be automatically put in the post office? I guess my overall question is : what are your experiences ordering stuff online to ship to Tunisia? Thanks!!",,,,,,2021-02-18 16:22:47 lmr1b2,,3,Is it too late to switch university orientation from Kairouan to Sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-18 16:45:24 lmrimu,,10,"Defeat the lady screamin ""ana el malika"" and you will win",,,,,,,2021-02-18 17:04:37 lmsbaa,,3,First time Tunis visitor looking for help/advice!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-18 17:37:28 lmwydb,,20,غمض عينك بنسبه 80 ٪ 🙈👁!,,,,,,,2021-02-18 20:54:21 lmy2xv,,1,"According to Wikipedia, 100% of Tunisia is muslim","[\_in\_Tunisia]( That makes Tunisia one of the most muslim nation in the world",,,,,,2021-02-18 21:41:17 lmyfka,,53,"Tunisian Doorway- 15x11"" watercolor",,,,,,,2021-02-18 21:56:01 ln0tk7,,2,Tunisian red spice?,"Hi Tunisia! I tried a Tunisian spice, and I can't recall the name. It was a smoky and spicy spice (mild), that was red. The spice was sprinkled on food to spice it up, but I don't know the exact usage. It seemed like it was mixed with paprika and other spices but I am unsure. Your help in identifying the spice would be much appreciated.",,,,,,2021-02-18 23:41:10 ln77u0,,74,Anyone else saw the line of lights above the Tunis sky this morning?,,,,,,,2021-02-19 04:56:20 ln9bc0,,3,E-shopping,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-19 06:50:41 lnaip2,,11,"Dinosaur footprints, Neolithic cave paintings, eco hotels & forts: adventures in Tataouine, southern Tunisia with Bradt Travel Guides",,,,,,,2021-02-19 08:04:57 lnannz,,2,Experience with Jumia delivery outside of Tunis?,"I don’t live in Tunis and I was wondering if anyone not in the capital had an experience with Jumia delivery, and how was it like. Are they on time or at least trustworthy? Do they get your location right? Just trying to not get scammed myself or have a terrible experience.",,,,,,2021-02-19 08:13:05 lnbt88,,0,Ex-muslim,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-19 09:29:41 lndpii,,16,"Looking to meet Tunisians and talk about anything you want, as part of an investigation on the Tunisian revolution.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-19 11:29:00 lndy34,,7,BIAT victime d'une méga cyber-attaque,,,,,,,2021-02-19 11:42:59 lneqyh,,42,"I found these bright minds on fb! the fact that you have to explain to them that's a LQ image and it mean for steering ONLY and if they used a higher Quality it will mean more latency, Ignoring the fact some denying the moon landing.",,,,,,,2021-02-19 12:30:23 lneyaq,,43,BIAT today in a nuteshell,,,,,,,2021-02-19 12:41:32 lnfen9,,5,Twensa kif yelbsou mask f chera3,,,,,,,2021-02-19 13:06:03 lnfi2u,,11,"Africa needs to trade with itself,” figures show intra-African trade is just 15%, compared with intra-European trade levels of 70% and 50% in Asia.",,,,,,,2021-02-19 13:11:03 lng0z8,,10,Quick question about social life in tunisia.,"Hi guys, quick question, do you find it easy to find friends in tunisia, I know it is not the case for everyone, I know there are good people out there, but I always end up with people that are deceptive, liars, jealous... bad people that make me hate myself to be honest... So what do you think about friendship/socializing here? I find it hard especially with girls ( im a girl myself) it's very rare for me to find a faithful and kind friend... Let's talk about it? If you are interested of course :)",,,,,,2021-02-19 13:37:07 lnkk50,,1,where can I make friends here?,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-19 16:53:39 lnkz7a,,1,where can I make friends here?,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-19 17:09:46 lnmezn,,3,"I have my driving test tomorrow, any advice?",Guys i passed the exam thx for your help.,,,,,,2021-02-19 18:10:28 lnmgln,,1,"Guys, you really need to read this report from World Bank if you wanna understand what's wrong with the economy and how we can fix it :",,,,,,,2021-02-19 18:12:21 lnmn49,,13,"Guys, you really need to read this report from World Bank if you wanna understand what's wrong with the economy and how we can fix it :",,,,,,,2021-02-19 18:20:11 lnngt4,,4,biased evaluation of Law 52,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-19 18:55:16 lnon4x,,7,Why tunisian people are becoming crazy on the road!!! Like if you're not careful enough you can easily get hit by another car!,,,,,,,2021-02-19 19:44:12 lnq3n8,,0,إنّ اللّٰه لا يضعُ ثماراً على غصنٍ لا يقوى على حملِها، أنتَ دائماً تستطيع...:heart::sparkles:,,,,,,,2021-02-19 20:47:03 lnq3qr,,134,El Wataneya...,,,,,,,2021-02-19 20:47:10 lnsg14,,1,I just feel a humongous sorrow for the people who were sentence to 30 years prison,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-19 22:42:06 lnsk67,,2,Salary expectations as an INTERN,"I am a computer science student and I am planning to look for a summer internship around Sousse or something. What salary can I expect? Also can I negotiate if the offer is too low? cuz I am good and I do have work experience, so I don't want to sell myself short. If there is red flag companies to take into consideration, please let me know",,,,,,2021-02-19 22:47:34 lnslyu,,0,What’s behind SpaceX’s $74 billion valuation: Elon Musk’s two ‘Manhattan Projects’,,,,,,,2021-02-19 22:49:52 lnso1q,,15,Be careful,,,,,,,2021-02-19 22:52:38 lnu6na,,2,"Call to the Mods, what if we can make this happen: Global Reddit Meetup Day Is Coming. Set Your Calendars for June 17, 2017!",,,,,,,2021-02-20 00:03:59 lnxp7i,,12,Is Tunisia a safe country to visit?,"Hello, I am wanting to travel to Tunisia but want to know if it is safe to travel to. Is it a dangerous country? Any scammers? I am going for a week",,,,,,2021-02-20 03:06:32 lo0z45,,1,what are the procedures to publish a book in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-20 06:19:22 lo2109,,18,what are the procedures to publish a book in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-20 07:31:28 lo2piw,,3,"كي تعطي فرصة للمخ التونسي يا بلاد ""الافراط في التفكير""",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-20 08:20:52 lo58dw,,5,Stationary Shop,"Hi everyone, I am looking for a stationary shop where I can find a dotted notebook (instead of a lined one). I'm not if these are available in Tunisia, and if not I just wanna know a good stationary shop that sells nice notebooks and pens! thanks",,,,,,2021-02-20 11:25:23 lo6qlz,,1,any tunisian pick up lines or how do i flirt with a girl in our language ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-20 13:04:22 lo7io9,,0,أول تجميعة جيمنج للقناة مونتاج متوحشة فوق ال2500 دولار 2021,,,,,,,2021-02-20 13:50:30 lo85ow,,46,Tunisian Dinar to Bitcoin,,,,,,,2021-02-20 14:25:57 lodfbw,,79,الاخشيدي و البيرة,,,,,,,2021-02-20 18:34:21 lodk7g,,6,forget GTA VI,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-20 18:40:27 loe16m,,7,A new informative documentary on Tunisia post-revolution by Vice News,,,,,,,2021-02-20 19:01:12 lofcaw,,0,2 weeks travel to United States,"Hello, one of my closest friend is traveling two Miami next Thursday and he is going to stay there for two weeks. He wants to make some cash from this short period travel. I advised him to bring the new M1 chip macbook pro and maybe an iPhone or two nd sell them here in Tunis, mostly tech gadgets. What do you think? Anyone got better ideas or have done something similar to this before? Also will he be charged for the stuff he is going to bring if he just pretend that those are just his personal stuff for personal use, would that work?",,,,,,2021-02-20 20:01:26 lofmby,,2,Looking for Hip Hop/Rap Tunisian artists,"Just wanted to know which artists do you listen to and if you have any recommendations, please share them with us :) Cheers",,,,,,2021-02-20 20:14:26 logoli,,1,Or acting cool w ma3labalich,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-20 21:04:06 lok0hv,,198,"I was chilling , watching a stream on twitch then i saw this lmao",,,,,,,2021-02-20 23:50:13 lop2fb,,1,Is it just me or doesn't feel like ramadhan already?...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-21 04:35:01 lop3d0,,3,Is it just me or does it feel like ramadan already..?,,,,,,,2021-02-21 04:36:35 lopttd,,6,Can I get by speaking english in tunisia,Do all tunisians know english,,,,,,2021-02-21 05:21:31 louw7v,,10,Redditors who are making money online,I've always tried to make money online but it never went as expected so I'm hoping u guys share your methods here.,,,,,,2021-02-21 11:03:38 lovcb0,,2,Stop studying Music and Art,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-21 11:34:55 loxefu,,4,Salaries in Tunisia,"Hei all. I'm interested to know about salaries in Tunisia in general. Last time I worked in Tunisia is over 15 years ago as a summer job in some factory, I was getting 5 DT for the day. I remember it felt like a lot. Nowadays, I have master's in engineering and work as a maritime designer in Europe. I Get about 4000 euros/month. I would appreciate if you would share your salary, education and current job.",,,,,,2021-02-21 13:47:31 loyyhy,,6,Is there information on how the black death affected Tunis and the ongoing war at that time?,"According to the black death page on Wikipedia, When the plague the Arabs it hit hard from Egypt to the middle east. It doesn't talk about Tunis much other than a war with morocco (I'm not familiar much with history) and mentioning the plague was contracted from a ship coming from Italy.",,,,,,2021-02-21 15:11:02 loyykz,,8,Studying abroad,"I'm thinking about studying aboard (Europe most likely) but I've no idea what to do or where I can get some help , I'm bac math and aiming for 15+/20 Any useful links or informations of it's not too late Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-02-21 15:11:07 lozdl3,,3,From Marina Monastir Tunisia 🇹🇳 🛥🚤 amazing view 🤩💙✅,,,,,,,2021-02-21 15:31:39 lozovj,,48,Love my tunisia,,,,,,,2021-02-21 15:46:50 lozumi,,3,So my cousins needs a car,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-21 15:54:25 lp0hxc,,153,Very cool !,,,,,,,2021-02-21 16:24:00 lp5zn2,,1,Someone to chill with 🙄,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-21 20:35:32 lp854g,,1,Dachra - International Trailer,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-21 22:18:29 lpe57l,,1,what would you do?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-22 03:37:16 lpemme,,3,what would you do?,"just wanted to know.. how do you think you'll react once this whole Covid goes away this summer? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-22 04:04:25 lpg1y3,,136,"Kantaoui, sousse.",,,,,,,2021-02-22 05:27:27 lph9o7,,0,Found this at my recommended videos on YT. 10 years later check them out now.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-22 06:40:15 lpiouz,,2,Do you know of any meditation centers in Tunis? Which one do you recommend based on your experience?,Googled “meditation Tunis” got yoga centers and gyms...,,,,,,2021-02-22 08:07:39 lpjtju,,2,Buying perfume in tunisia for men,"Hey, where do u guys buy perfume from? I dont have relatives in Europe so i dont have access to getting perfume from other countries. Fatales is so expensive and I dont think it is authentic perfume. Do u have any tips for this issue. thx alot",,,,,,2021-02-22 09:21:35 lpk1f5,,0,Olfa Hamdi keeping promises,,,,,,,2021-02-22 09:35:35 lpkh2o,,25,za3ma,,,,,,,2021-02-22 10:05:50 lpmnnk,,8,"Exploring Dar Kenza in Chenini: the incredible mountaintop village In Tataouine Governorate, Tunisia with a troglodyte hotel!",,,,,,,2021-02-22 12:16:07 lpmwx9,,1,العلم والمعلم دوما وليس يوما,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-22 12:31:13 lpnuar,,2,Sport Contacts,Hello - I'm looking for contacts within a local youth sports organization or any other branch of sport. I work in sport development within the sport of lacrosse and I'd love to increase my contacts in Tunisia as we have plans to introduce the sport to the country. Thank you for your time and I'm looking forward to making it happen!,,,,,,2021-02-22 13:21:12 lpoiyk,,3,Are Tunisian Jews in Immediate Danger?,"Hello, Do you guys think that Tunisian Jews are in Immediate Danger? I am Jewish living the U.S with Tunisian decent, my mother was born in Tunis. I always wanted to go back and visit. I have noticed that lately more crimes agenst the Jewish Population are happening in Tunisia. I also know that the elected president openly spreading hate on Israel which he turned to hate on Jews with time. Do you think it's safe to be Jewish in Tunisia now? Also, do you see an issue if Jews visit Tunisia now? Thank you",,,,,,2021-02-22 13:54:35 lpsbnr,,2,الوطن.. هُوَ الاتِجَاهَاتُ الأَربَعَةُ.. لِكُلِ مَن يَطلُبُ اتِجَاهاً.,,,,,,,2021-02-22 16:14:01 lpsfhb,دولة_الاتحاد_العام_التونسي_للشغل/,6,دولة الاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل,"باهي توا اخطاونا من الفة الحامدي، الفلوس متع الاقتطاع لمنتسبي الاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل، فين يمشيو و كيفاش يتصرفو!؟ حد ما يحل الكتاب على ديناصور او مارد البيروقراطية العمالية ؟ الإتحاد فوق قانون الدولة والا هو دولة قائمة الذات؟",,,,,,2021-02-22 16:18:03 lptacu,,8,This,,,,,,,2021-02-22 16:51:04 lpts5a,,191,El hawaria ❤❤,,,,,,,2021-02-22 17:09:16 lpuoyp,,0,زيادة طول القامة,,,,,,,2021-02-22 17:43:43 lpwnhj,,2,Power of Unity,"Today what we see in our country is an absolute showdown of authority and power. The less fortunate of us have fallen prey to the indoctrination of the mass media outlets we have. Yet it is all personal gains; undermining the democratic foundation that we had established, abuse of power, conflicts of interests... These are just some of the titles that could describe the current governmental body. Per contra, whilst this is a serious issue, I behold Tunisia's first enemy for the economic crime the one, The Tunisian General Labour Union. The malversation of their actions has collectively halted our strong nation from meeting its true potential and initiating the hockey stick boom that we all have awaited. A bunch of mobsters, if we had a better financial structure, Noureddine Tabboubi woulda rose to be the next Jimmy Hoffa of Tunisia, regarding the nature of his after-hours activities. This single organization led to losses in astronomical numerical values relative to Tunisia due to conflicts that oppose personal gains. We give so much power to one single entity; we helped create an unstoppable position of power. Today, the highest office of power in Tunisia is no longer the president that we all have voted for; it is one person backed by lobbyists with so much power to stop the interworkings of a country, to appoint, change and manipulate who rises to certain positions. yet the villain disguises himself as the savior, the messiah, and ironically the Hero, promising so much for the youths and the marginalized segments of our society. he says ""Power in unity.. we will make a better life for all of us""... Alas, with so much fewer resources; a simple college student can only try",,,,,,2021-02-22 18:59:21 lpybxv,,2,NEED LEGAL ADVICE,"my parents bought a house 10 years ago in Tunis, year after year the outside walls and the intern walls are starting to crack and getting black, looks like mould or something, anyway, I think that a house should not start to get In this conditions after just 10 years, in case I sue the construction company will I win the case ? The house is a new build!",,,,,,2021-02-22 20:04:20 lpzf2a,,4,confinement / life with family in the corona era,"I recently had to move back with family after losing my job and having enough of renting in Tunis overall. Luckily, Sousse is not so bad when it comes to quality of life. However, my entire family has a history of mental illness and when someone spirals it affects the others, especially the ones who suck at comforting. It's like living in an infinite loop of depression. I stopped working out so that played a huge role in messing up my mood and mind fog. I am still job hunting and studying and it has taken a toll on my sanity. How are you coping? tips are appreciated.",,,,,,2021-02-22 20:47:17 lq00im,بربي_anonymous_tn_وقيت_باش_ترجعو_كان_كريم_الادمين/,2,بربي anonymous TN وقيت باش ترجعو كان كريم الادمين و Pablo Escobar راي لبلاد تناكت ولات مرتع لطبوبي والضبوعة رجعونا كرامتنا القراصنة التوانسة يرحم والديكم وين غبرتو !,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-22 21:10:17 lq02xf,نافق_او_وافق_او_غادر_البلاد_قبل_ميحشيهولك_الطبوبي/,14,نافق او وافق او غادر البلاد قبل ميحشيهولك الطبوبي,,,,,,,2021-02-22 21:12:53 lq104i,,26,No titles needed.,,,,,,,2021-02-22 21:50:52 lq2mqq,وين_ماشين_بينا_شبينا_هكا_ولينا/,1,وين ماشين بينا؟؟؟ شبينا هكا ولينا ؟؟؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-22 23:01:50 lq3fd7,,26,Louz Akhdhar,,,,,,,2021-02-22 23:38:26 lq4xm9,,1,This is so fucking disgusting! Sami Tahri is Deputy Secretary-General of the UGTT,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-23 00:51:23 lq5um6,,2,tourist visa to Mexico or Costa Rica?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-23 01:37:22 lq7t7d,,1,Is the dromedary the national animal of Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-23 03:17:56 lqckmf,,4,What nicknames have you heard for Tunisia and places in it? Quels surnoms avez-vous entendu pour les villes etc. en Tunisie?,"As well as for the country itself and its neighbours! I mean *slang* kind of names, similar to *Joburg/Jozi* for Johannesburg, *Los Dangerles/LA* for Los Angeles, *Zoo York* for New York, *KL* or jokingly *K-Hell* for Kuala Lumpur, *Bollywood* for Mumbai etc. 'Casa' would be one example for Morocco. So I'm not looking for the semi-poetic/grandiose/advertising kind of nickname like ""Pearl of the Mediterranean"", ""Mecca of the West"", ""Athens of Africa"" etc.",,,,,,2021-02-23 07:38:22 lqdin1,,12,❤Bouhertma outdoors❤,,,,,,,2021-02-23 08:36:06 lqeyjm,/r/tech/comments/lqcz9a/elon_musk_says_starlink_internet_speeds_will/,0,Elon Musk says Starlink internet speeds will double to 300 Mbps this year,,,,,,,2021-02-23 10:07:14 lqf1zk,,73,😂😂,,,,,,,2021-02-23 10:14:01 lqfc7b,,5,is Tunisia a secular country?,"i know what you are thinking, i could have looked in the internet. but the thing is that i don't want official govermental information, i am curious about the reality within the population , are tunisians going towards a secular contry? i thought about this because from what i have been told , many tunisians especially the youth, don't practice their religion at all , and the thing is that they don't know. Because comparing what islam teaches and what tunisians put into practice is almost null. For instance, althought prophet muhammad said that prayer is the most important thing and from what i know when someone doesn't pray he is unmuslim. especially that adding that the ones that actually implement the islamic teaching are called extrimest , witch is totaly wrong ( i am talking about the dudes that have long beards and go to the mosque usualy and are very polite people and claim to not do any immorality)",,,,,,2021-02-23 10:32:21 lqfjno,,50,Normalized sexism in Tunisian schools,"Hello everyone , I want to talk about something and I think I got this opportunity now , so I have a 12 year old sister who studies in middle school , she started noticing that boys are not wearing the Tunisian “uniform” ( tablia ) despite wearing that being the rule for both girls and boys , so she stopped wearing it for a few days until one day she got stopped by “ 9ayima” and asked her where is your uniform? So my sister politely explained that she is not wearing it because her fellow male classmates are not wearing it , the next day when she was in class my sister got kicked out from class for not wearing the uniform by her “madania” teacher ( how ironic lmao) and when her teacher asked her why she is not wearing it my sister explained that she wants everyone to wear it and pulled up “ النضام الداخلي"" and “ الفصل العشرين من الدستور التونسي"" to support herself, despite that the teacher kicked her out and told her “ برا اشكي بينا، و كان مش عاجبك برا رود روحك طفل"" ( sue us and if you don’t like you can turn yourself into the boy ) ; of course adding to that telling her to shut up and yelling at her (سكر فمك) ; and threatening her by saying (تو تشوف شنوة باش يصيرلك) ،so idk how to deal with this ? What law suits should I do , is it profiling based on sexism because they only chose to kick my 12 years old sister even if her male classmates or is it verbal abuse and threat because of what her teacher said What’s your advice or what do you think Thank you",,,,,,2021-02-23 10:45:56 lqfviq,,0,Dumb coworkers 😂,,,,,,,2021-02-23 11:07:10 lqgdm3,,0,The 9 Secrets and most beautiful places in the world | Nature benefits Sidi Bou said et Douz,,,,,,,2021-02-23 11:36:23 lqiukk,,16,Amphitheatre in Uthina.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-23 13:50:43 lqjhkm,,1,what a reputation,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-23 14:21:17 lqjyhg,,3,#روح_بجلال_بريك,,,,,,,2021-02-23 14:43:11 lqk5zi,,1,Just close your eyes and daydream to this..,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-23 14:52:45 lqk9wp,,18,Her voice took me to a place that doesn't exist..,,,,,,,2021-02-23 14:57:33 lqkqo3,,2,summer internship.,hello i'm a first year software engineering student in tunis i wanna know if summer internships are paid and how much do they pay. and can you recommend few companies who have good internship programs?,,,,,,2021-02-23 15:17:24 lqmmh3,,0,فوائد القثاء او الفقوس للصحة.,,,,,,,2021-02-23 16:36:31 lqmp9t,,2,"Why is it called ""Bulletin No 3""?","Is there Bulletin No 1, No 2 etc? Why 3? r/NoStupidQuestions EDIT: I would prefer an answer other than the expected ""Well France also calls it Bulletin no 3 and we copied it from them"" to which I would ask ""why did France call it Bulletin no 3 then?""",,,,,,2021-02-23 16:39:45 lqnp59,,5,Is Tunisia a red country for COVID?,Hi is Tunisia on the red list?,,,,,,2021-02-23 17:20:46 lqnvei,,1,#JOIN-FIN-EL-MEME,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-23 17:27:58 lqo8q0,,1,LOULED JOIN FIN EL MEME OU IJEW IL LIVE M3KKY HAW LIEN YALLA,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-23 17:43:30 lqo8yz,,3,"Fronde. En Tunisie, les ultras, aux avant-postes de la contestation",,,,,,,2021-02-23 17:43:47 lqoeiz,,30,Screenshot taken out of context.,,,,,,,2021-02-23 17:50:22 lqoyv3,,0,"This is a convo i had today in r/Tunisia with a racist in a post whr someone was asking how to immigrate to europe to study , you can see the hate/racism he has/she has",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-23 18:13:53 lqpvld,,76,وبرا نضربوا الفلاح و نفقروه و نهددوا الأمن الغذائي متع شعبنا ؟؟!! مهم بولينا راضية علينا 🤗,,,,,,,2021-02-23 18:51:51 lqrv6f,,4,"Tunisair, NUMBER #1.. the most solid company worldwide!","&#x200B; &#x200B; No layoffs amid the Coronavirus pandemic, contrary to the giant airlines out there. \>>>>>> VIRGIN AIRWAYS fires more than 3,000 people including 600 Pilots! \- VIRGIN AUSTRALIA files for Bankruptcy! \- THAI AIRWAYS files for bankruptcy. \- AIR MAURITIUS goes into Administration. \- SOUTH AFRICAN AIRWAYS files for Bankruptcy! \- FINNAIR returns 12 planes and lays off 2,400 people! \- YOU grounds 22 planes and fires 4,100 people! \- RYANAIR grounds 113 planes and gets rid of 900 pilots for the moment, 450 more in the coming months! \- NORWEGIAN AIRLINES completely stops its long-haul activity!!! The 787s are returned to the lessors! \- SAS returns 14 planes and fires 520 pilots. The SCANDINAVIAN states are studying a plan to liquidate NORWEGIAN AIRLINES and SAS to rebuild a new company from their ashes. \- ETIHAD AIRWAYS cancels 18 orders for A350, grounds 10 A380 and 10 Boeing 787. Lays off 720 staff! \- EMIRATES AIRWAYS grounds 38 A380s and cancels all orders for the Boeing 777x (150 aircraft, the largest order for this type). They ""invite"" all employees over 56 to retire \- WIZZAIR returns 32 A320s and lays off 1,200 people, including 200 pilots, another wave of 430 layoffs planned in the coming months! Remaining employees will see their wages reduced by 30%! \- IAG (BRITISH AIRWAYS parent company) abandons the takeover of AIR EUROPA (and will pay €40 million compensation for that). \- IAG (IBERIA) grounds 56 planes. \- IAG (BRITISH AIRWAYS) grounds 34 planes. Everyone over 58 to retire! \- LUXAIR reduces its fleet by 50% (and associated redundancies) \- CSA abolishes its long-haul sector and keeps only 5 medium-haul aircraft. \- EUROWINGS goes into Bankruptcy \- BRUSSELS AIRLINE reduces its fleet by 50% (and associated redundancies). \- LUFTHANSA AIRLINES plans to ground 72 aircraft!",,,,,,2021-02-23 20:14:52 lqulqu,,11,Our president today in a meeting with the Ambassadors of europe ...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-23 22:14:22 lqxdg0,,1,"""I want to bring down the government""",[removed],,,,,,2021-02-24 00:02:27 lqzbw4,,0,عبير موسي : خطير جدا ما يقع تمريره من فكر ظلامي و امريكا اذكى من ان تصدق دموع تماسيح الغنوشيي,,,,,,,2021-02-24 01:18:49 lraxoa,,0,"#قسما_برب_الوجود_لن_نفرط_في_مقومات_الدولة_التونسية_المدنية_الحرة_المستقلة بعد إلحاح وإصرار من الوفد النيابي الممثل للحزب الدستوري الحر سنعقد جلسة عمل مع السيد مدير ادارة الجمعيات والفريق الإداري المتداخل في ملف الجمعيات المشبوهة في تونس وعلى رأسها "" اتحاد القرضاوي"" لموافاتنا بمآل الملفات..طلبت ا",,,,,,,2021-02-24 11:46:32 lraxyh,,6,Hello,Ik this may be a stupid question but it's my first time going to a café so I was wondering what kinds of coffees do they serve and what are the prices?,,,,,,2021-02-24 11:47:04 lrb1ei,,36,"Tunisia to Host “African Lion” in June 2021, Africa’s Biggest Military Exercise","It is reported that Tunisia will host the biggest multinational exercice in Africa, African Lions 21. The exercice is set to kick off in June, and this 2021’s iteration will involve between 5,000-10,000 troops from the U.S., Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal and other nations. **Source**: [This Tweet]( [Original source article](",,,,,,2021-02-24 11:52:23 lrby47,,1,Tunisair's New CEO Has Already Been Removed After A Labor Dispute,,,,,,,2021-02-24 12:41:30 lrcwt2,,2,what are some places worth visiting in Sousse?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-24 13:29:45 lrexlv,,1,Why are we even considered Arabs when we have more Southern European origins than Arab origins . Like WTF,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-24 15:03:51 lreyp8,,16,Why are we even considered Arabs when we have more Southern European origins than Arab origins . Like WTF,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-24 15:05:12 lrfzmf,,12,Vive la tunisie 🇹🇳Cha3b Lehrissa 🔥❤️,,,,,,,2021-02-24 15:51:29 lrih5f,,1,Variant. L’Algérie ferme brusquement sa frontière avec la Tunisie,,,,,,,2021-02-24 17:35:52 lrl57p,,3,"Bac 2021, my situation is miserable so I need some advice",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-24 19:26:03 lrlisu,,0,"Frankly, I did this experience together that I do not understand this subject much ... I would like to speak with the official in order to try to explain some things to me ... and I know very well that there is credibility .... Thank you",,,,,,,2021-02-24 19:42:23 lrls75,,9,Tunisians be like,,,,,,,2021-02-24 19:53:38 lrm7cj,,106,This is what happens when you refuse to show your ID to the police.,,,,,,,2021-02-24 20:10:56 lroun4,,1,"GME blowing up again, yet another opportunity missed, fuck this country.",[removed],,,,,,2021-02-24 22:27:04 lrov56,,29,"Lmao, this is all of us suffering during summer experience",,,,,,,2021-02-24 22:27:36 lrp0ov,,2,Some nice piece of history from a period we don't hear often about.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-24 22:34:03 lrpvjl,,1,Hiii all ! I wanna i ask if there is any method that let me receive money with paypall in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-02-24 23:10:56 lrpyr9,,1,YouTube channels that predict celebrity death dates,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-24 23:14:58 lrr8xl,,1,Honeygain : Making $1/day passively using an app and get paid via paypal or bitcoin,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-25 00:12:05 ls4ss7,,6,"Defying threats and violence, Tunisia’s queer community take central role in anti-government protests",,,,,,,2021-02-25 11:47:07 ls4zq1,,218,في محطة التران متع المنستير .. الراجل هذاكا هبط من كرسيه وقت إستراحة القطار ودخل للمحطة باش يعبّي دبوزة ماء و خرج غسل بيها الشبّاك إلّي بحذا كرسيه و نظفو و طلع باش يكمّل سفرتو ❤ ! حاجة بسيطة عملها اما أكيد خلاّت سفرتو ممتعة أكثر ونهارو تعدى أزين😁 العبرة مالحكاية: ما ترضاش بوضع تنجّم تغيّرو وتستمتع,,,,,,,2021-02-25 12:00:10 ls5g89,,0,"How did they know he has a stolen jewelry? I am sure that there are plenty of harassed people they catch for no reason, and they post only this case. Is everyone guilty until he proves the opposite?!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-25 12:25:54 ls9xkl,,0,Police brutality in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-02-25 16:05:55 lsaqgo,,20,"When the Romans invaded Africa during the First Punic War, Carthage hired Xanthippus — a Spartan mercenary general — to professionally train the army. He led the Carthaginians to considerable success against the Romans during the course of the war and defeated them at the Battle of Tunis in 255 BC.",,,,,,,2021-02-25 16:40:33 lsazov,,0,See-Through body panels on this Honda S2000.,,,,,,,2021-02-25 16:51:23 lscdtt,,0,Did jabri come from jabroni ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-25 17:50:29 lscozf,,53,Tunisia 2040 ₿,,,,,,,2021-02-25 18:03:23 lsdgna,,21,"Portrait of a Sephardic Jewish woman, Daisy Seror, in a traditional Tunisian costume. Circa 1951.",,,,,,,2021-02-25 18:37:04 lsicbw,,1,Zied Krichene explains the future in painfully simple words,,,,,,,2021-02-25 22:10:35 lsicmq,,6,و طونس وقتاش؟,,,,,,,2021-02-25 22:10:56 lso0w4,,9,Most difficult search of all time,"In ""Grand Tunis"" where to find a hairdresser that just knows what they're doing and up to date with trends. I dream of someone that just knows, without having to tell them what to do. I believe they exist in Tunis 😂 just where 🤷",,,,,,2021-02-26 02:51:35 lspwqd,,88,and here in Tunisia people still get 30 years and 17 years bcuz of this shit smh,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-26 04:31:51 lsrtxo,,1,Does tunisian poste search the packages ??,I wanted to ask if the tunisian poste search the packages ??,,,,,,2021-02-26 06:36:44 lss6vq,,32,Morning sun,,,,,,,2021-02-26 07:02:48 lssb7e,,11,"Exploring Tunisia's abandoned ancient city in the sky (Guermessa, Tataouine Governorate)",,,,,,,2021-02-26 07:11:42 lstj1f,,56,Wallyscar new models,,,,,,,2021-02-26 08:44:58 lsx45o,,11,#سيب_عطيل,,,,,,,2021-02-26 12:54:02 lsx54y,,0,AMYNE - Malla Bi3a [Prod. Iheb Beats],,,,,,,2021-02-26 12:55:53 lsy5ij,,4,Recommandation for a good optician,"Looking for a good optician anywhere in grand tunis. Criteria: Large choice Not expensive AF",,,,,,2021-02-26 13:56:05 lsyant,,6,"It's not just Tunisia, unemployment is everywhere.",,,,,,,2021-02-26 14:03:40 lszf2j,,3,Best personal hygiene products in Tunisia?,"ok guys summer is here, tell us whats products you use and where to find them",,,,,,2021-02-26 15:00:36 lszr3m,,0,صلام طونس,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-26 15:16:47 lt2kwq,à_partir_de_brut/,4,Calcul salaire net à partir de brut,"Hello all Pouvez vous me dire comment calculer le salaire net à partir de salaire brut? EN TUNISIE J'ai testé les sites de calcul en ligne.. mais je doute que ça soit correcte 100% et si c'est conforme avec la loi de finance 2021 Merci d'avance",,,,,,2021-02-26 17:16:48 lt72hc,,10,Is it just me or reading in Arabic is much more time consuming than reading in English.,"Reading any Arabic text just feels much more thought & time consuming than reading in English or French, not just limited to books but anything that involves reading such as articles. 10 pages of Arabic feels twice as complicated as reading in other languages that I know. Thoughts?",,,,,,2021-02-26 20:30:48 lt7ak0,,1,sex toys and custom in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-26 20:41:05 lt7cam,,1,من قتل شكري بالعيد ؟ اليك الجواب,,,,,,,2021-02-26 20:43:22 lt7cz3,,23,can we bring sextoys with us to Tunisia ?,"I am coming to Tunisia next month and want to bring my vibrator and plug with me but I heard some stories about sex toys being confiscated by customs. Do you have any tricks to get past the customs without having any trouble ? or had anyone any experience that can probably help?",,,,,,2021-02-26 20:44:17 lt7oza,,1,sextoys not allowed in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-26 20:59:59 lt8mpt,,1,Is this sub more politically correct than it should be?,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-26 21:43:29 lt8plb,,6,Can you help me choose a gaming laptop,"My budget is 2.5k my max is 3k. I don't know much about it, but i think I'll go for the asus a15 ryzen 5 4600h gtx 1650 16gb or 24gb ram.",,,,,,2021-02-26 21:47:09 lt8y4e,,0,Back to basics...,"If only Tunisia embraces Rock/Metal and Co. Music, since they are the last checkpoint where humanity has produced quality music for the last time in its history, you can talk in all relativistic manners and say shit like ""taste is relative"", ""beauty is relative"" idk what,but you can't convince anyone who truly understands fine music that modern scrap (especially pop, rap and synth based) is art. Rock/Metal and Co. Are those we should embrace again,and we start developing our music from, I am not against music evolution,but this evolution should start from a right basis",,,,,,2021-02-26 21:58:24 lt9ttg,,5,Hello,Have you guys heard about the showdown of tomorrow between workers party or whatever it's called and nahtha party?,,,,,,2021-02-26 22:39:58 ltbysu,,3,Desktop Computer on the Airplane,"Hey, so around September, my family and I moved to France. We left kinda in a rush so a lot of things stayed in Tunisia. I've been thinking about selling my PC, but at the same time, 1) don't wanna lose it 2) can't find any buyers. So my last solution (apart from letting the dust rest on it) is to bring it here, in France. I have two questions : -Is it allowed ? (my dad's skeptical about the scan thingy saying ""it's a bomb"" or whatever) - is it completely safe ? (If not, what can I do to make sure the PC gets here in good shape ? I've heard a lot of stories about people getting their luggage thrown away and breaking glass etc)",,,,,,2021-02-27 00:30:42 ltdy30,,93,El mourouj,,,,,,,2021-02-27 02:19:44 lthbzq,/r/tipofmytongue/comments/lt32yt/tomt_a_puppet_show_late_90s_this_one_is_a_toughie/,5,Help me find an old kids' show that aired on T7,,,,,,,2021-02-27 05:37:18 ltkxnm,,25,Palais Ezzahra - El mdina tunis تحفة منسية مهمشة,,,,,,,2021-02-27 09:59:34 ltkxtz,,13,About our tunisian contradictions,"Why tunisians are having some kind of hypocrisy in social media , especially in facebook (and it was the reason to close my account & resort to reddit) Why do they pretend to be the perfect msulims , they share ayat quran , they post Islam Quotes .. But in real life , they keep doin all the forbidden stuff in islam religion ( sexual relations , drinking , drugs ...) I mean why tunisians , and arabix people generally , pretend that they are , perfectly , good ppl . But the face of reality admit with the fact that all of them aren't !",,,,,,2021-02-27 09:59:56 ltlzsx,,1,Help,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-27 11:13:14 ltm52v,,1,ناصر الواحدي | وان شكيت الناس يالقلب الوجيع !,,,,,,,2021-02-27 11:23:22 ltmir5,,0,Names of the models in sidi mansour song by saber rebai,"Instagram links would be appreciated as well. thanks.",,,,,,2021-02-27 11:49:32 lto036,,10,Can u as a Tunisian invest in index funds from like a payoneer account & if so what are the equivalent tunisian taxes on the capital gains?,,,,,,,2021-02-27 13:21:11 ltoggo,,1,What position do you hold on the ongoing confrontation of today?,[removed],,,,,,2021-02-27 13:46:51 ltqp1v,,4,where do you hangout in sousse?,"okay, so for a while now, me and almost all of my friends been feeling that every place is the same, coffee shops, bars, you name it.. its always the same and its always a pain to find someplace good or a fun activity, and this intensifies when it comes to dating, its even worse, so sousse redditors got any suggestions where to go or what to do whether its with the boys or on a date ?",,,,,,2021-02-27 15:42:36 ltr8cr,,13,شكون يعرف فلاّح باهي ؟ يزرع فينا الأمل!,,,,,,,2021-02-27 16:08:33 ltragr,,10,Nice day u all,,,,,,,2021-02-27 16:11:26 ltrce9,,123,sunset lovers from the hilltop of Sidi Bou,,,,,,,2021-02-27 16:14:03 lts6bk,,14,مسيرة النهضة اليوم,,,,,,,2021-02-27 16:55:04 lttm9z,,3,Do you guys think Tunisian dialect will one day ever transform into a language with its own special alphabets ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-27 18:01:51 ltuddr,,17,Tunisia 2021 الشعب مفقر يقري يمري البلاد على باب فلسة والتقديس مغلط ناس اللي تحكم في روحها تصويرة هذي توجع شكونو اللي تبوسلو يدو بشر كيفك كيفو والله ما لقيت ما نقول,,,,,,,2021-02-27 18:36:18 ltxwx7,,2,Sponsored كيفاش تولي | HOW TO GET SPONSORED,,,,,,,2021-02-27 21:36:28 ltypmk,,0,"Fuck Ghannouchi, fuck those who kissed his filthy hands and fuck you if you support Nahdha. Fuuuuuck you!!!",[removed],,,,,,2021-02-27 22:17:58 lu9nm3,,0,Roots vs Peels 😉,,,,,,,2021-02-28 07:02:48 lub57v,,1,"5 Tips for anyone thinking of buying a plot for farming. Great advice, needed. Especially those coming from UK,USA or Ireland and need help adapting to African business",,,,,,,2021-02-28 08:43:19 lubq3p,,42,Deos anyone has an idea about this Korean restaurant (next to Mandela tram station),,,,,,,2021-02-28 09:20:28 ludsn6,,11,"simple human rights survey, from Tunisians to Tunisians!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-02-28 11:30:50 luej8l,,0,لقد نجحت اللبوة بإمتياز في استقطاب حب الملايين دون أن تدفع فلسا واحدا✌🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-02-28 12:10:37 luexkk,,54,"Do not forgive, do not forget.",,,,,,,2021-02-28 12:31:28 lug0ra,,7,فول فصاص,,,,,,,2021-02-28 13:26:06 lug433,,12,تونس وطني عشق القلوب,,,,,,,2021-02-28 13:30:28 lug62v,,18,Guellela,,,,,,,2021-02-28 13:32:45 lug739,,27,Waoo,,,,,,,2021-02-28 13:34:05 lug7ta,,0,عبير موسي : الخوانجيه خطر علي الوطن اللهم اني بلغت,,,,,,,2021-02-28 13:35:07 luhv8g,,7,Matlouh djazairi,,,,,,,2021-02-28 14:55:32 luhvx2,,2,Chorba,,,,,,,2021-02-28 14:56:24 luiszg,,0,Me and the cats I fed in Tunisia. Usa to usa modafinil delivery with paypal,,,,,,,2021-02-28 15:37:45 lukw1v,,1,Rchid El Gafsi - Li Sabeni Original & Dance Live / رشيد القفصي لي صابني,,,,,,,2021-02-28 17:08:21 lumx64,,89,نهير في تونس المدينة ❤❤,,,,,,,2021-02-28 18:35:06 lunprf,,32,"Nothing is our fault, the Jews did it obviously","It is remarkable how arabs always find an outside cause to their problems, it's never because of their mentality or political choices, either the jews or the french did it Arabs not unified ? Jews Maghreb not unified ? France Arabs not able to do anything without petrol or footlicking to China/USA/France ? The jews obviously Im not partisant of the ""3a9liya Tounsia"" because we are certainly the less arabs of all arabs right after Somalia, but man do i feel stupid when i see people act like we're some Qatari or Yéménite person",,,,,,2021-02-28 19:08:06 lunszj,,3,What's the most important between these two ?,"Which one between religion and the homeland has the priority in your personal belief ? It's an ideological question based on your beliefs and certainly education, so choose wisely ! [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-02-28 19:11:44 luo2u8,,0,فوائد العسل العجيبة,,,,,,,2021-02-28 19:23:29 luqitw,,3,"Is it Normal to You That Celebrities Go to ""Regular"" Jail ?","I was watching a video of Sami Fehri's show 'Dlilek Mlak' back in 2014 where he was talking about the time he spent in jail I mean i know that by the constitution all Tunisians are equal and no one should be treated any different when it comes to where you are going to spend your prison sentence but didn't he get bullied there ? Like imagine a celebrity like him being a roommate to a child rapist or someone sentenced to life imprisonment , or even worst since he is so rich couldn't he be hated by everyone there ?",,,,,,2021-02-28 21:08:02 lv17l7,,30,Visiting Tunisia's Star Wars film sites: Ksar Hadada (Mos Espa Slave Quarters in Episode I: The Phantom Menace),,,,,,,2021-03-01 05:37:35 lv1bey,,2,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,"Listen to Chaima Mahmoud (Asha) - inni mnih by Chaima Mahmoud on #SoundCloud",,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:00 lv1bhh,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:07 lv1bii,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:10 lv1biz,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:12 lv1bq5,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:31 lv1bqv,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:33 lv1brz,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:36 lv1bsl,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:38 lv1btf,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:40 lv1bu7,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:42 lv1bv6,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:44 lv1bvp,,1,The reason this American visited Tunis. I got to meet her at Le Duplex after listening to her for 3 years in Portland.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 05:44:46 lv1quu,,1,"does this graph represent, in a way, our technological evolution?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 06:09:29 lv1r3a,,14,"Employees of the Central Telegraph Office in Tunis operate their teletypes. Tunisia, 1939.",,,,,,,2021-03-01 06:09:53 lv1shp,,12,"does this graph represent, in a way, our technological evolution?",,,,,,,2021-03-01 06:12:15 lv25ul,,3,Why is alcohol legal but not marijuana?,,,,,,,2021-03-01 06:36:11 lv3upb,,8,"I prefer not to comment on the goings of the day, but this is Enraging.","ألفة حامدي توجه رسالة لرئيس الجمهورية [here ](تونس-أخبار-وطنية/865119/ألفة-حامدي-توجه-رسالة-لرئيس-الجمهورية)",,,,,,2021-03-01 08:23:07 lv4u8x,,10,converting to programming,"Hi, I am learning python, SQL and R with no math or programming background. I am aware that nothing guarantees I would get a job in Tunisia or anywhere for that matter with the number of engineers and CS grads here. Still, I like it a lot and I am not giving up on it. Does anyone know what it's like in Tunisia or in another country? Any similar stories?",,,,,,2021-03-01 09:26:35 lv87sv,,72,Tunisian flag but with Carthage symbol ( goddess tanit ),[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 12:40:13 lv8spk,,17,المهدية,,,,,,,2021-03-01 13:08:37 lv8u85,,87,Nice day u all,,,,,,,2021-03-01 13:10:38 lv8uc6,,5,Any good barber for long hair?,Where do you guys ( with long hair obviously ) cut your hair ?,,,,,,2021-03-01 13:10:46 lv8v6w,,0,ازرعْ جميلاً ولو فِي غَيرِ مَوضِعهِ فَــلا يَضيـعُ جَميــلٌ أينَمــا زُرِعــا إنَّ الجَميـلَ وإنْ طالَ الزَّمانُ بِـهِ فليــسَ يَحصـدُهُ إلَّا الَّـذي زَرَعـا.,,,,,,,2021-03-01 13:11:53 lv9kk1,,15,"Rania Al-Amdouni, a human rights defender and a queer feminist artist, was detained on 27 February on charges of 'shamelessly publicizing'. She was arrested while filing a complaint about the various forms of moral and digital violence to which she was subjected from smear campaigns and threats.",,,,,,,2021-03-01 13:45:14 lvdysr,,7,"Blue team, red teal all nothing but lamb of god",,,,,,,2021-03-01 16:48:18 lvfgs8,,1,Interested in creating a petition to make ghannouchi/mousi/taboubi/ etc.. account for their actions with making thousands close enough to spread even more Covid-19?,"The rules are clear! no gatherings! And yet the ruling parties are demonstrating incredible stupidity in these dire times!! Youth are getting arrested, and people are starving with closed coffee shops etc...! Time for them to get the hell out of here. ",,,,,,2021-03-01 17:49:03 lvfrq0,,76,Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of the Youth and Sports changed their logos replacing french by english. This is the country that was under 130 years of french colonization. When will Tunisia start pushing for more english and less french ?,,,,,,,2021-03-01 18:01:08 lvg0th,,1,Need help,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-01 18:10:59 lvgs35,,1,Need help with something important,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-01 18:40:21 lvgtt6,,1,LIKE OU SUBSCRIBE YALLA EFROU B M3KKY,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-01 18:42:18 lvhsob,,1,GO JOIN-FIN-EL-MEME,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-01 19:19:11 lvhu2q,,5,Please help with curse words,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-01 19:20:35 lvmjtr,,8,"Tunisian redditor , where do you live ?",,,,,,,2021-03-01 22:29:44 lvmrl3,,3,Autocar during the pandemic,Is it possible to take the autocar from Tunis to Tozeur during the corona period?,,,,,,2021-03-01 22:38:48 lvmus6,,4,Sad but true :[,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-03-01 22:42:33 lvnfn5,,3,Rchid El Gafsi - Nechki Lmin 1986 / رشيد القفصي - نشكي لمين,,,,,,,2021-03-01 23:06:26 lvpise,,4,Telling time in tunisian,"So I’m tunisian-american and have a question about the dialect. Does anyone know why tunisian dialect describes the time in such a unique way? For instance, why is the phrase ميحررش used? It seems so weird to me considering what يحرر means in standard Arabic. Anyone have any insight?",,,,,,2021-03-02 00:39:00 lvrcz7,,4,What websites do you use to look for real estate rentals and sales?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-02 02:08:01 lvu9rk,,21,Moving to Tunisia,"Good morning everyone, I need a bit of advice. So for a Jordanian who runs his own online business and could reside anywhere theoretically, I am interested in living in Tunisia (in particular in the capital Tunis). Would I be able to do that? Does the country allow foreigners to reside on permanent basis? Also do Tunisians speak Standard/Levantine/Egyptian Arabic well? It would be also interesting to know if there are apps or websites for learning Tunisian Arabic. Kind regards",,,,,,2021-03-02 04:56:38 lvww4d,,6,Any fast ways (within 24 or so) to send flowers/gifts to an address in Tunisia?,"Title says it all! Shoft 3al internet l9it some websites ama ma3andi 7atta fikra 3la service kifesh wel aswem t9oul Luxembourg msh tounes (people charging euros for this! Fama zeda shkoun en TND...) Anyways, halp pls!",,,,,,2021-03-02 07:58:41 lvx3xs,,1,Interested in crypocurrency investing in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-02 08:14:16 lvzfoz,,18,"A normal day, Tunis",,,,,,,2021-03-02 10:57:37 lvzgac,,35,La Marsa,,,,,,,2021-03-02 10:58:46 lvzgwm,,97,ولا اروع,,,,,,,2021-03-02 10:59:49 lw1evo,,5,Museum and archaeological sites weekend tour,"Hello everyone. I'm from gabes but i will be in the capital for the next four months so i want to visit some museum and archaeological sites like bardo museum, the water temple, oudhna and others. I do not have a lot of money so i well use public transport. Anyone can help me or have any guidance to make this tour and thank you",,,,,,2021-03-02 13:00:19 lw2u77,,1,تونس الخضراء 1 : وين كنا، وين صبحنا، و وين ماشين؟,,,,,,,2021-03-02 14:12:08 lw4c6p,,4,Any Investors/ FIRE movement people in here?,"I'm Trying to achieve financial independance, I'm still Learning about investing, taxes, optimizing your expenses & all that but I'm kind stuck on investing and I'm wondering if anyone have an experience on this?",,,,,,2021-03-02 15:18:51 lw563v,,2,Best ISPs in Tunisia?,"Hey guys - I don't live in Tunis anymore but my parents do. They live next to Bou Mhel. Right now they use Orange Flybox. Are there any other options that are better? Are there any options in Tunisia that have unlimited internet? I know they may need a line installed to get to their house but I could possibly cover that for them. Since Covid I haven't been able to go home for a while, so if I can get them better internet that would make things easier. (aussi je parle français au cas ou).",,,,,,2021-03-02 15:54:19 lw5p15,,60,Tunisair: *steal*,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-02 16:14:57 lw76in,,0,فوائد عصير الأفوكادو وطرق تحضيره,,,,,,,2021-03-02 17:14:03 lw7qre,,0,Nouba Tunisie Soulamia & Kadria Gafsa / الحضرة القفصية زيتوني و فزاني ق...,,,,,,,2021-03-02 17:36:47 lw8b7r,,63,It do be like that,,,,,,,2021-03-02 18:00:55 lwa37q,,0,Throw back : Ben Ali visits Bourguiba in 1993,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-02 19:15:47 lwabmr,,2,تونس وطن يعيش فينا,,,,,,,2021-03-02 19:26:17 lwabx4,,27,تونس وطني عشق القلوب,,,,,,,2021-03-02 19:26:38 lwauoo,,48,What People Think When I Tell Them I'm From Monastir :,,,,,,,2021-03-02 19:50:11 lwbq89,,0,La réalité du niveau de l'Industrie par Pays en Afrique (en $ US),,,,,,,2021-03-02 20:29:46 lwe0c0,,5,Is it easy for Tunisian to get work visa in the UK?,"Hi All, Randomly I started an interview process via LinkedIn and the job in located in London, UK. They said they can sponsor the visa from their side, I still in progress. But just wanted to check with you, if it's worth it to continue my interviews there or it's difficult for us Tunisian to get work visa and go to London? I'm asking as most Tunisian are working in France or similar areas. Any input from your experience is highly appreciated!",,,,,,2021-03-02 22:14:46 lwl09n,,3,tunisia vasectomy,"anybody knows someone whos done a vasectomy in tunisia? Do you guys know of any facebook group where people talk about this medical stuff? I cant find any groups or forums to talk about it. I want to know the price in tunisia and which doctor they recommend. Some doctors will waste your time and keep draining your money, I want to avoid those.",,,,,,2021-03-03 04:20:04 lwnznu,,35,At least our brethren will be there to tell our story to the future generations. RIP Tunisian Pride (not to be confused with patriotism),,,,,,,2021-03-03 07:22:36 lwpl1h,,0,هل يجوز ؟,,,,,,,2021-03-03 09:10:48 lwqpxt,,2,Any good Co-studying spaces in tunis ?,"Hello everyone ! i used to always go study in a library near 'Gare de tunis' but now that it's shut down for renovations im asking you guys if you have any suggestions for libraries, co-studying spaces or even cafés suitable for long hours of studying in tunis . Much need of ur help !!",,,,,,2021-03-03 10:29:33 lwquve,,1,Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-03 10:38:11 lwr7pb,,16,Is there unknown beautiful places in tunis,"I want to discover some new places in Tunis , can anyone suggest me an unknown beautiful place I can discover. Thank you so much :)",,,,,,2021-03-03 11:00:14 lwrjra,,6,Has anyone used the Tunisian post to ship something before?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-03 11:19:02 lws736,,4,Animé fans will loooiive this,,,,,,,2021-03-03 11:57:39 lwscfo,,2,Dessert chocolat caramel un délice,,,,,,,2021-03-03 12:05:55 lwsd3x,,5,The Mediterranean's Red Gold Is Running Out,,,,,,,2021-03-03 12:07:01 lwshpv,,2,Drinking water plants,,,,,,,2021-03-03 12:13:47 lwskq8,,8,Three Reasons Why VCs Should Be Investing in Tunisian Startups,,,,,,,2021-03-03 12:18:18 lwt2l9,,5,Single mothers in Tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-03 12:47:02 lwtvj5,,0,Are brothel in Tunisia still open?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-03 13:28:56 lwwmxj,,22,hacking the system,Any lawyers or paralegals here? Kindly share some loopholes in the system so that citizens can save some time / money or avoid some unnecessary bureaucratic bullshit on the daily?,,,,,,2021-03-03 15:34:40 lwxdip,,2,financing opportunities for smes,,,,,,,2021-03-03 16:05:57 lwxxug,,1,Online market other than Jumia,I'm looking for an online market for fashion similar to Jumia(in Tunisia of course).,,,,,,2021-03-03 16:29:20 lwyoyo,,2,Arduino buying in sousse,"What's up everyone! Does anyone know where I can buy an arduino UNO in Sousse or neighboring places like Sahline etc..? I'm kinda desperate and I couldn't find them anywhere close to where I lived.",,,,,,2021-03-03 17:00:49 lwyplf,,3,Asylum seekers in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-03 17:01:27 lwzaja,,5,"Tunisie, le soleil de la Méditerranée - Echappées belles",,,,,,,2021-03-03 17:25:26 lx30f9,,59,As a binational I will never get used to it 😤,,,,,,,2021-03-03 20:04:45 lx59fy,,1,Can't figure out how to obtain my passport for the first time !,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-03 21:49:03 lx5x59,,1,Hiii everyone,Do anyone here know where i can buy some nhl jerseys? (Don’t say frip cause it’s rare to find in it ),,,,,,2021-03-03 22:21:19 lxdfne,,0,Une compilation des commentaires AskReddit fait en français!,,,,,,,2021-03-04 05:21:52 lxg45m,,88,البوليس التونسي يقتل شخص بريء في الإيقاف,,,,,,,2021-03-04 08:36:43 lxij6v,,2,DHL in Tunisia,"Hello, Does anyone used DHL to send something from Tunisia to another country. Please share any useful infos (process, restrictions, sending options etc..)",,,,,,2021-03-04 11:35:53 lxin9a,,17,Gammarth Par 📸 redissi,,,,,,,2021-03-04 11:42:38 lxiolw,,79,ساحة إبن خلدون الجديدة,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-04 11:44:11 lxjfmz,,3,"Hi, Im mining bitcoin in tunisia and im trying to find a way to transfer them to a wallet, sell them and then withdraw the money on my bank account IN TUNISIA. Some ideas of apps working here ?","( neteller, payeer, skrill, coinbase, all of these doesn't allow to withdraw to bank account in tunisia )",,,,,,2021-03-04 12:31:08 lxkr2i,,0,تونس وطن السحر والجمال,,,,,,,2021-03-04 13:42:03 lxkt0v,,0,تونس وطن يعيش فينا,,,,,,,2021-03-04 13:44:37 lxku4l,,2,nice day all,,,,,,,2021-03-04 13:46:04 lxldpa,,2,Food Delivery apps in Carthage,"Looking for a food delivery app that is reliable, jumia doesnt deliver to me so im looking for another app.",,,,,,2021-03-04 14:11:52 lxlrdf,سهرة_عشق/,1,سهرة عشق,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-04 14:30:33 lxlxua,سهرة_عشق/,1,سهرة عشق,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-04 14:39:10 lxlyz6,,25,و الطحين لشكون نخلاوه,,,,,,,2021-03-04 14:40:44 lxp16s,,22,"The source. I admire how you guys were like (surpised pikachu face) police violence, huh? Who's mouheb garoui anyway (subhan Eli khal9 sou2el wel google)? Welcome in Tunisia.",,,,,,,2021-03-04 16:45:48 lxqf9n,,1,I got ya homie!,,,,,,,2021-03-04 17:41:23 lxrauw,,0,شيخهم تورط علي المباشر,,,,,,,2021-03-04 18:17:08 lxsun0,,2,Damn you all 🖕 A.C.A.B 🖕 بلاد الموت,,,,,,,2021-03-04 19:23:20 lxtcb5,,5,Peace and money #badel52,"الحل الوحيد باش تونس تخرج مالأزمة الإقتصادية و تولي سويسرا متاع إفريقيا في ظرف 5 سنين: تولي الدولة هي إلي تبيع الزطلة: كيفاش ؟ تعطي الفرصة للشبان باش يعملو مزارع ماريخوانا و الدولة تشري من عندهم المحصول (تشجيع الفلاحة و خلق مواطن شغل في المناطق الداخلية ) الدولة تشري المنتوج وتخدمو وتبيعو نص المحصول في الڨمرڨ ( مليون تونسي يتكيفو يوميا ب 10د يعني 3600 مليار في العام دخل مباشر ) ونص الآخر تصدروا للدول اللي مرخصة بيعان المريخوانا تدخل 3600 مليار بالعملة بعث أماكن خاصة للطعاطي في كل معتمدية، دي كوفي شوب حسب كراس شروط و بالطبيعة يخلصو طاكس (خلق مواطن شغل و تنشيط الدورة الإقتصادية ) القضاء على التهريب بما أنو المهربين عايشين بنسبة كبيرة من تهريب المخدرات الحد من الجريمة: بما أنو الناس الكل باش تولي تتكيف و زاهية و تبخل حتا باش تبراكي ولا باش تسرق خلق نوع جديد من السياحة كيما في هولندا و المغرب و يزينا مالجمولة و البحر و سيدي بوسعيد تحسين وضعية السجون ، بما أنو الحبوسات باش تفرغ و تولي متفرهدة و الضروف فيها تكون خير Peace 3laa zebbi 💚✌️",,,,,,2021-03-04 19:44:30 lxvtix,,1,Check this out ! This dude got bars !!!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-04 21:24:04 lxvu4f,,1,Check this out ! This dude got bars !!!,,,,,,,2021-03-04 21:24:50 lxwa4g,,1,أهداف ثورة,,,,,,,2021-03-04 21:45:41 lxxfd0,,10,Can i get a katana through a tunisian airport?,"I'm planning a little vacation to japan (not very soon prbbly ,cuz of covid ), and i wanted to buy a katana for decoration , so can i get it through the airport or is it prohibited?",,,,,,2021-03-04 22:39:32 lxxn5h,,1,Club africain,"I have created a new sub for our beloved team r/ClubAfricain feel free to join and discuss everything about the most popular club in the country. PS : all other team supporters are welcome, to learn.",,,,,,2021-03-04 22:49:50 ly126w,,2,"Looking for a small flat in Tunis, near Tunis Centre.","I am a foreigner that will be able to earn 350 € monthly and I am looking for a decent, small flat/studio in the area mentionned in the title.",,,,,,2021-03-05 01:46:39 ly8sy1,,154,*Wink wink*,,,,,,,2021-03-05 10:08:56 ly91z9,,6,On freelance.,"المدة الي فاتت سألتكم كيفاه يخلصو العباد مل البرة. بعد ما جربت، هاو الverdict. Payoneer عذاب أزرق. خاتر توا بش يبعثولك كارت لازمك تتعدى ب procedure اسمها KYC و لازمك تثبت الهوية و ال adresse و أحنا في تونس باش تاخو ورقة رسمية وجهك يدور في قفاك. في اللخر، لقيت حد من أصحابي عملي بايبال من نومرو كندي. دونك نبعث فلوسي غادي. و ساعات نعمل transaction direct من upwork و تجي في 4 أيام. اي انسان واحل تو ننصحو يلوج فرص عل الانترنات. كيما upwork. تصير شويا تضحيات من لول و بعد تلقى بلاصتك. تعلمو اكتبو cv, جربو des entretiens عل يوتوب. بجد العالم أكبر برشا من هل الحفرة. ديجا انا لقيت خدمة بل اافورماسيون و مش حتى دوماني و توا جوي باهي بالنسبة التعاسة الي كنت فيها. Bonus points وليت نشري لعب xbox بلاش أسوام خيالية و بلاش تمنيك، so it's all worth it.",,,,,,2021-03-05 10:28:18 lyba2f,,42,FreeKASE,,,,,,,2021-03-05 12:58:17 lybkno,,6,22h to 5h,,,,,,,2021-03-05 13:15:01 lye8h3,,1,Software engineer,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-05 15:26:13 lyfaul,,14,im failing high school and don't know what to do.,"El snee hiya a5er forsa 3andy bish ninja7 fil bac and tbh the chances of this happening are kinda low, Im still trying my best but i need a plan b incase things didn't go as i wish, however my question is what i can do in Tunisia to get a decent job without a college degree. I need to get this of my chest because it's stressing me so much.",,,,,,2021-03-05 16:14:50 lyfzp4,,0,يقولون لماذا تناهضون الإخوان؟؟ نناهضهم لأنهم حطموا مقومات الإقتصاد وجعلو من تونس دولة فقيرة مهددة...,,,,,,,2021-03-05 16:46:05 lyi53h,,5,"Cities of North Africa,(Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco ) 1935",,,,,,,2021-03-05 18:13:52 lykcy6,,3,do older Tunisians have a more friendly attitude towards jews?,"my half Tunisian father started to watch videos about Tunisian food recently (he is Israeli but fluent in both Palestinian and Tunisian and Morrocan Arabic) and in one video a barik seller told fondly about how the jews that were in the area taught him how to cook the recipe and it got me thinking about this very question by older I mean ones who had interacted with jews before the majority of them left &#x200B; btw yes I am aware of Djerba jews and their good relations with the other residents of the island",,,,,,2021-03-05 19:53:34 lyku1z,,1,How was your experience with therapy in Tunisia?,"young dude here, pretty much never hear therapy discussed in my surroundings. so I decided to ask online how was your experience with therapy in Tunisia?",,,,,,2021-03-05 20:15:50 lyxl72,,15,"""wE aRe aWarE oF wHat yoU Do inFidEls""",,,,,,,2021-03-06 08:44:05 lyyexe,,3,Does anyone know if there are abandoned farming lands?,"So a lot of youth want to either migrate or work in tech, the agriculture is left for the old boomers and not very good sh\*t is happening, did anyone here have experience in purchasing or ""acquiring"" a small farm?",,,,,,2021-03-06 09:48:53 lyyqbw,,20,"Introducing r/ArabicClassicalMusic , a subreddit dedicated for Arabic Classical Music","Hello, yesterday I created [r/ArabicClassicalMusic]( in which we can share the classics of Arabic Music, discover local Music of each country, and maintain a politics free sub. I welcome you to join and share what you grew up listening to, or what you've been listening to lately of Arabic Classics. Let's create a healthy community guys. (I'm also looking for mods) PS: I hope I'm not breaking any rules by advertising to an infant sub. Thought it is relevant.",,,,,,2021-03-06 10:13:50 lyznkg,,24,Do you know this bar?,,,,,,,2021-03-06 11:22:54 lyzq78,,85,Only in tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-06 11:28:41 lz02ab,,3,Bonjour à tous ! je vous partage la maklouba (renversé de riz aux aubergines )et sans friture en vidéo sur ma chaine YouTube .Bonne journée à vous 🥰🥰 Voici le lien de la recette,,,,,,,2021-03-06 11:52:42 lz0w8s,,0,tunisiaaaaaaaaaa,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-06 12:47:01 lz1vse,,4,Looking for Tunisian Bands,"Well, we all know that rap is a dominating musical genre that has easily outaken all local broadcasting platform and gained popularity due to its high receptivity among many Tunisian teenagers, this post is not dedicated to discuss the legitimity of the word ""art"" to this kinda of music or at least the way it is performed and distributed. I am looking for Tunisian bands, to add more into my playlist, and recommend them to a couple of friends who are rather more potent to perform music than just hearing it if there is any place in such bands. I know a duo called Yüma that makes lullaby songs. They are perfectly good yet it has been a long time I am hearing them and I am looking for change. I wonder, if there is a metal/rock and roll/hard rock/grunge/jazz/blues/funk/disco/soul/country or any other unmentioned type of post 50's music.",,,,,,2021-03-06 13:46:19 lz22dp,,2,Travel restrictions loosening?,"Any natives have more information? Also what is it like staying in Tunis city centre?",,,,,,2021-03-06 13:58:09 lz3p3p,,26,"Avenue Habib Bourguiba, March 6, 2021 Credits to Yassine Gaidi",,,,,,,2021-03-06 15:20:07 lz3rnb,,3,La petite hutte @by Salma Tabib,,,,,,,2021-03-06 15:23:23 lz4wlk,,4,الثقافة التونسية شمال افريقيا طابع تاريخي و ثقافة مميزة,,,,,,,2021-03-06 16:17:05 lz5mzv,,2,Everyone is fucked and they don't know it,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-06 16:51:00 lz6a7b,,114,"Nazi General Erwin Rommel (the Desert Fox) used this HQ in southern Tunisia during the Battle of Mareth in World War II. Off-road, unmarked and very hard to find!",,,,,,,2021-03-06 17:19:30 lz854d,,1,مليحة,,,,,,,2021-03-06 18:44:27 lza5he,,31,or Europe*,,,,,,,2021-03-06 20:18:26 lzc7l2,,1,,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-06 22:00:08 lzd0ue,,1,"Sajalni, phone shipping via Amazon Prime",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-06 22:40:28 lzjtca,,4,تاريخ و معاني شعار الجمهورية التونسية - [OC] I hope you like it 😁 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-03-07 05:14:31 lzm3sw,,92,"It has been two weeks, they'll come, I'm sure...",,,,,,,2021-03-07 07:57:56 lzncbg,,1,I need to translate this dates to English please,,,,,,,2021-03-07 09:35:14 lznm8d,,1,Send documents to France,"Hey guys, I need to send my application folder to a university in France as they require to receive it by post, I've never done it, how can I do it?",,,,,,2021-03-07 09:55:49 lzo4jp,,40,Tunisia 1999,,,,,,,2021-03-07 10:33:40 lzouaw,,0,"20y , feel free to dm me,, young sub craving and fantasizing about getting dicked nd fucked for the first time by a good strong dick(mistresses and dom girls are welcome)..please stay polite... snap: xxxyoung123 hit me there",,,,,,,2021-03-07 11:27:37 lzpwdu,,0,عبير موسي: خطاب تاريخي بين اهالينا في باجه,,,,,,,2021-03-07 12:39:32 lzs7tg,,1,How difficult is it to leave Tunisia really ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-07 14:58:15 lzu5zk,,29,🤫 Your head go brrrrr of your shoulder,,,,,,,2021-03-07 16:35:12 lzurlb,,16,❤❤ Tamaghza - touzeur ❤❤,,,,,,,2021-03-07 17:04:08 lzvg15,,142,C’est en Tunisie et c’est à Ezzahra ! 😍 Par monsieur : Kamel Tmar,,,,,,,2021-03-07 17:37:02 lzx1a9,,1,A survey on customer perception towards Mobile-banking,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-07 18:56:14 lzy6b8,,22,My unfiltered experience living in Tunisia as a Tunisian who came to live here even though I've never lived in it prior.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-07 19:52:11 lzz7pu,,1,"Dropping BAC 2021 , Give it another Chance next year !?","I Decided to get a job these days till next year bech n3awed l bac since that i skipped classes mn awl l3am ltaw w feetny program l bac , i found myself empty AF , soo is it a good idea to work these days and do smth at least better then lying to myself and sleeping all day ! I need your opinion on my case y'all , Thanks 🙏♥️",,,,,,2021-03-07 20:42:34 lzzldd,,0,صاحب راشد الغنوشي الي شد معاه الحبس في التسعينات يخرج و يكشف اسرار خطيره عنه,,,,,,,2021-03-07 21:01:14 m0870j,,1,Tunisian Phone Number OTP,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-08 04:54:32 m0c5fp,,1,Welcome to my channel .. Subscribe + Like,,,,,,,2021-03-08 09:29:50 m0d2sl,,3,Find you next remote job with ابحث عن عملك عن بُعد في,,,,,,,2021-03-08 10:37:47 m0e0nl,,1,Plz join,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-08 11:46:38 m0e0ol,,1,Plz join,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-08 11:46:41 m0e0pa,,1,Plz join,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-08 11:46:42 m0e0pj,,1,Plz join,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-08 11:46:43 m0e0pp,,1,Plz join,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-08 11:46:44 m0e87c,,0,تونس وطن القلوب,,,,,,,2021-03-08 12:00:30 m0e9o5,,0,تونس في الصيف غير شكل,,,,,,,2021-03-08 12:02:48 m0eaxv,,1,تونس ارض السحر والخيال,,,,,,,2021-03-08 12:04:52 m0fias,,135,"IN TUNISIA WE DON'T SAY""YOU ARE LYING"" WE SAY :",,,,,,,2021-03-08 13:19:09 m0if3u,,5,Need help with studying abroad,"So I'm planning to study abroad right after I graduate highschool, specifically in the U.S but I'm lost and have no clue how it's done, some help and tips would be very appreciated :(",,,,,,2021-03-08 15:44:02 m0jqkj,,6,Studying in private schools in Tunisia.,"I'm caught between: BTS in International Commerce in the Institut Formation Tunis, Bachelor in Business Management in the APBS, or licenciate degree in Business Management also in the APBS as well. What should I choose? And does anybody have better alternatives?",,,,,,2021-03-08 16:40:36 m0meo2,,3,"À l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la Francophonie: concert en ligne célébrant la diversité des voix francophones. Voyage musical de New York à Montréal, Paris, Tunis et Dakar. [20 mars 2021 à 17:00 EDT, sur Facebook]",,,,,,,2021-03-08 18:31:39 m0ne30,,1,Tunisian Phone number OTP,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-08 19:12:06 m0os24,,7,Gun clubs in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-08 20:10:04 m0pog3,,2,Does anyone know a good delivery service?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-08 20:48:25 m0pv6h,,0,Thinking of leaving the county...,"Each day I'm spending here and seeing how bad Tunisia is becoming, this make me hating the country! I've always wanted to leave since university but my parents was sick.. My actual situation : 29 yo, two brothers my parents passed away two years ago.. Im responsible of my brothers but I feel like I'm staying for them.. On the other hand, we can say I'm building a great career, I'm studying a professional master degree while working at the same time.. Im a manager I have a good position in a good company but also I feel like I'm not really enjoying life with my salary! Living here is becoming very expensive really!! Lately I seriously started looking for something abroad...but I'm afraid for two things if I leave : 1.whos going to take care of my brothers they need me a lot 2. What if I have to start from zero there.. Like here I'm really growing Profesionaly speaking but there.. Thaaabks guys",,,,,,2021-03-08 20:56:08 m0qeqd,,2,Is there any women's only gym in Nabeul?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-08 21:19:06 m0ri9m,,4,Funny story,"So basically, I got my account suspended for 'promoting hate speech' in one of the posts here in r/Tunisia which I didn't, I was having a conversation with people about a subject, so I sended the admins a request demanding why the fuck and for what reason did they ban me? In which they replied that I was banned unfairly and the ban has been lifted, before minutes of its expiration Thanks a lot reddit admins",,,,,,2021-03-08 22:07:52 m0sbj3,,0,100% true,,,,,,,2021-03-08 22:46:21 m0sd1q,,0,How I got in to real-estate in tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-08 22:48:22 m0sdpg,,0,How to sell a house in tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-08 22:49:18 m0sm01,,2,"If I wanted to work in the 3d printing industry, What information should I look up and what uni course, you know, involve a way to get into this industry?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-08 23:00:37 m0tdnn,,10,I think fixing libya will be a great thing for Tunisia,Everyone is looking for life abroad while libya/algeria are close. The bad thing is that these 3 countries aren't working on improving relations and trade effectively. It doesn't have to be Europe or USA. I really hope that our libyan brothers get on their feet soon :),,,,,,2021-03-08 23:38:23 m0texb,,0,Harissa is destroying my life,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-08 23:40:11 m0y08v,,39,Donate your Voice (Arabic),"I want to draw your attention to Mozilla's effort (the makers of the Firefox web browser) to provide an open dataset for anyone to train machine learning algorithms to understand more languages. You are asked to read predefined sentences and record them. This helps computers to understand more languages. Currently there are 81 hours of Arabic language recordings. For comparison English and Kinyarwanda already have 1700 hours of recorded audio. To help you need to register yourself with an email address. Then you can record predefined sentences straight away. (And also listen back to confirm recordings) I'm not affiliated with the project I just want the dataset to grow to make it possible build more accessible machine learning algorithms. If you have any questions, I'm happy to try answer them :) []( Also: This is an open source android app made for contributing to this project: []( For further questions about the project please visiti the subreddit [r/cvp](",,,,,,2021-03-09 03:46:45 m11kaz,,17,"Baptistère de Bekalta, une cuve baptismale paléochrétienne richement décorée et dans un état de conservation remarquable, retrouvée à la fin du XXe siècle près de Bekalta, gouvernorat de Monastir",,,,,,,2021-03-09 07:38:04 m133f6,,17,An old woman filtering food - Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-09 09:37:12 m13bso,,12,"Quick tour of Dar Ouled Debbab, a museum, restaurant & hotel in a converted Ksar in Tataouine Governorate",,,,,,,2021-03-09 09:56:03 m13heq,,1,Try this out guys it!!might become valuable you never know,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-09 10:07:43 m13ihk,,42,"Good news everyone: according to World Economic Outlook, Inflation should be dropping toward 2025",,,,,,,2021-03-09 10:10:10 m13jiq,,0,Don't miss this out guys!! might become valuable you never know Here is my referral link: akram_maatouk Download at,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-09 10:12:23 m13p7u,,8,Jem Amphitheatre,,,,,,,2021-03-09 10:24:51 m16gah,,1,تونس العشق,,,,,,,2021-03-09 13:32:36 m16gjx,,6,Eight years in prison for Sami Fehri,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-09 13:32:58 m16jhs,,1,تونس قبلة علي جبين الارض,,,,,,,2021-03-09 13:37:36 m16k5m,,2,Je vous partage ma recette de Baghrir,,,,,,,2021-03-09 13:38:37 m16kaw,,2,تونس ارض الحضارات,,,,,,,2021-03-09 13:38:51 m1847o,,29,"From a state visit in 1997: Jacques Chirac, Zine Abeddine Ben Ali, Leila Ben Ali and Bernadette Chirac.",,,,,,,2021-03-09 14:58:37 m18ys9,,12,This is the scenario that may save our country,"\-Libya getting back on feet. ( this will take so many jobless )-Cpg getting back on feet. ( this too )-Gaining back Algeria's trust and better border management.-Hopefully fixing education \-Focusing on agreculture with new tech like drones \-Once the economy gets better and inflation drops, looking for solution for worldwide E-commerce. \-Working on relationships with Morocco-Giving black Africans more rights when staying here for studies-Once we get better economically we can work on corruption. I know this is a utopian and rather an unprofessional vision, this is just some highlights.",,,,,,2021-03-09 15:37:31 m1bp40,,0,رضوى الشربيني,,,,,,,2021-03-09 17:38:16 m1c0bo,,2,Tunisie: Les films du Festival de la Francophonie prévu du 12 au 21 mars à la Cité de la Culture,,,,,,,2021-03-09 17:52:04 m1c2kc,,4,La Tunisie se dote d'une nouvelle stratégie de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes,,,,,,,2021-03-09 17:54:47 m1chu7,,105,Backstabbers,,,,,,,2021-03-09 18:13:39 m1dy80,,12,WTF is wrong with this sub??,"This sub used to be good filled with a good content and great convo even if it gets ugly sometimes, the content that was shared was informative and attract people to share their knowledge, experiences and opnion and personelly r/Tunisia used to be my to go place when i ckeck reddit, but these last months this sub became a copy of stupid ugly facebook group filled low effort and low quality images and videos with title like تونس قبلة على جبين راس لمبوط My question where are the mods ? Why there's no rule about these shitty content ? Dear mods wake the fuck up or step aside.",,,,,,2021-03-09 19:20:05 m1flkv,,1,A late welcome to u/AbirMoussi,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-09 20:33:59 m1g1bk,,1,Top 15 Fuel Exporters in the World (% of merchandise exports),,,,,,,2021-03-09 20:53:54 m1icd1,,0,Moussi and her latest antics,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-09 22:37:05 m1ixlw,,14,DNA,,,,,,,2021-03-09 23:04:22 m1q3y3,,8,The world has moved on. Look how green Morocco is!,,,,,,,2021-03-10 05:15:07 m1rgb3,,61,What are the rules in Tunisia around wild camping?,,,,,,,2021-03-10 06:43:53 m1uemj,,4,A friend of mine shared this photos of Tunis Air Air plane in his way back from France,,,,,,,2021-03-10 10:16:04 m1wrd7,,13,Anyone know where this is?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-10 12:50:06 m1yr80,,0,شوفو سيف الدين مخلوف كهد علينا 5 متاعةالصباح,,,,,,,2021-03-10 14:32:03 m1zcoi,,1,13 inches conformed,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-10 14:59:09 m1zf2x,,93,Shrek confirmed,,,,,,,2021-03-10 15:01:57 m1zmfj,,6,10 ans par arte,,,,,,,2021-03-10 15:10:47 m1zyl6,,35,A few pics that I took recently,,,,,,,2021-03-10 15:25:41 m21voh,,1,انها الجزائر 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿,,,,,,,2021-03-10 16:45:49 m22pf7,éslibraries_in_tunis_to_visit/,3,chill cafés/libraries in Tunis to visit?,"I'm a young fella who stays usually at home but I'd like to go more often to Tunis. Preferably somewhere not too far from barcelone station or accessible via bus/metro as I don't have a car.",,,,,,2021-03-10 17:17:28 m241jg,,53,9ays strikes again.,,,,,,,2021-03-10 18:03:26 m25odc,,23,Bardo Museum,,,,,,,2021-03-10 19:08:26 m263az,,2,"If elections are today, who are you voting for?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-03-10 19:25:39 m2671j,,1,"PowerSolo - Ana Bhebak (Official Music Video), pour changer un peut",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-10 19:30:05 m26yvp,,1,Rental,,,,,,,2021-03-10 20:02:09 m279d1,,2,The Ghost - Niviro,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-10 20:13:57 m28ov8,,1,rap tunisien,,,,,,,2021-03-10 21:12:30 m2atbl,,0,جاو طيحو الخيمه علي روسنا,,,,,,,2021-03-10 22:30:18 m2bq6w,,58,Carthage then and now,,,,,,,2021-03-10 23:10:42 m2c57p,,8,"Here is an idea: broadcast on national TV school lessons so that families, and people in general, without access to the Internet can still learn remotely? Mexico’s been doing this since August 2020...","TIL that Mexico started this project last year. [Mexico]( Edit: It’s not a new idea but worth revisiting imo",,,,,,2021-03-10 23:28:39 m2cl5a,,1,Share &Earn with WowApp,,,,,,,2021-03-10 23:49:04 m2cs1t,,19,Wehrmacht in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-10 23:58:04 m2csuw,,0,عبير موسي : نهني قيس سعيد علي الحاجه الوحيدة الي قالها و تنفذت في البلاد هي زقفونا,,,,,,,2021-03-10 23:59:12 m2hln4,,1,I dont live in Tunisia but I live in algeria but I love both country's ♥️🇩🇿🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-11 04:18:34 m2jl7q,,2,بين إحياء “التجمّع” واقتحام “علماء المسلمين”.. ما هي الرسائل الإمارتية لتونس؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-11 06:22:59 m2m1vt,,1,Political meme pages,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-11 09:03:53 m2pwxe,,4,الترفيع في أسعار المحروقات,,,,,,,2021-03-11 13:20:37 m2q2md,,134,L'amour sauvage,,,,,,,2021-03-11 13:29:18 m2raxw,,2,The truth is hard,,,,,,,2021-03-11 14:28:36 m2rrax,,1,I got ya homie!,,,,,,,2021-03-11 14:46:50 m2susx,,7,"Abosulte state of our media, please take the time to read this !",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-11 15:32:19 m2svjd,,0,Compte steam à vendre b 30jeux (paiement main à main / zone marsa ),,,,,,,2021-03-11 15:33:19 m2vy5p,,12,Video tour of Nazi General Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps forward command post near Mareth in Gabès Governorate (from where he prepared the Axis response to Operation Torch during World War II),,,,,,,2021-03-11 17:40:14 m2w8ek,,9,Tunisia-Morocco relations.,How can we improve the relations between both countries?,,,,,,2021-03-11 17:51:24 m2yz5p,,7,Where to find harissa in America?,"Hello, my wife and I are having trouble finding good Tunisian harissa in USA. Her family is not able to send it because of coronavirus had the postal shutdown in Tunisia. She knows how to make it but cannot find any peppers here that make it taste good. We have bought a Tunisian harissa from an international store in Nashville and it wasn’t good and we also ordered one off Amazon and it wasn’t hot enough. So what peppers are you using to make your harissa or where are you buying your harissa? Thank you",,,,,,2021-03-11 19:45:56 m32yja,,65,Aren’t we all,,,,,,,2021-03-11 22:49:02 m33291,,3,"What kind of places perform a blood work, and is a doctor’s note needed?","Hey all, I’m not ill or anything but I’m curious about my health status and wanted to have a blood work done to look at where I stand with certain metrics - this is primarily to see if I should change my nutrition. Do I need to go see a doctor and ask them for a note for this, or are there places that would perform this directly for people who want it, without intermediacy? Anyone did this? How do you request it in French (given that’s what everyone in the medical field seems to understand)? 🙏🏼",,,,,,2021-03-11 22:54:01 m3906o,,6,Baddel 52,"If anyone is interested this is the livestream of a debate organized by حزب الورقة discussing different (health/social/judicial) aspects of the weed legalization issue. [Happy viewing ](",,,,,,2021-03-12 03:52:31 m3cqkc,,1,How did u know that she's Italian and married to an illegal Tunisian immigrant?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-12 07:43:02 m3d97e,,1,أجواء عيد ميلاد إبنتي🎻 راجلي شدو الحال و كيشطح الشعبي😂الموت ديال الضحك ...,,,,,,,2021-03-12 08:22:32 m3eevk,,37,Tunisian looking to buy rural land,"Hi everyone! I’m a Tunisian first-time poster and lurker in this community! I’m trying to acquire a plot of land of 1 hectare in a rural area to make a small dream home in it. I’m the only working person in my (middle-class) family and really want my mother and I to have a home of our own for good at some point in our lives. Might there be anyone who has experience with acquiring a similar kind of real-estate, home-building, working with an architect at all or not? I would love to have your advice on the following: -1)any things to look out for when looking at plots, specific to Tunisia? I’d love to have a hillside home but I don’t know if that, too, might shoot the prices even further up the roof (because sceptic tanks, electricity and driveway connection...and speaking of connection, is cable internet even remotely a possibility at all?) -2)what are the average fees when you work with an architect in Tunisia to design and oversee your house from scratch to finish? For a contemporary house for example (as in not traditional, not pre-made, not a container house) Random note I feel like sharing: I’d really love to make a home that also respects nature as much as possible, even going as far as to building around/integrate any trees within the house plan. We have way too much concrete and not enough nature here so, I’d hate to cut down any trees 😅 Thanks so much in advance for your time and kind advice!",,,,,,2021-03-12 09:53:23 m3elmt,,1,📌 Pharmaceutical Sector in #Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-12 10:07:53 m3g58r,,5,Cozy places near habib bourguiba avenue to get a quick coffe and charge my phone,Preferably not “freret” friendly,,,,,,2021-03-12 12:02:40 m3gax7,,1,cars with high value in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-12 12:12:53 m3jgb5,,1,𝔥𝔢𝔶𝔶𝔶,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-12 15:07:32 m3jojq,,1,خروج الشعب الجزائري اليوم بقوة,,,,,,,2021-03-12 15:18:43 m3lrsu,,0,Dessert lait caramel,,,,,,,2021-03-12 16:56:01 m3mddt,,0,Weld El 15 ft Si Lemhaf - Beha N3ich | بيها نعيش,,,,,,,2021-03-12 17:22:58 m3mud6,,3,Top 15 Exportateurs de combustibles en Afrique (% des exportations de ma...,,,,,,,2021-03-12 17:44:46 m3n851,,0,نقص التركيز عند الأطفال وعلاجه,,,,,,,2021-03-12 18:02:11 m3rhxw,,19,I posted pictures of ellés kef tunisia on r/travel and they removed my post two times before i got banned. I susspect they don't like us.,,,,,,,2021-03-12 21:22:09 m3rvy5,,65,Monastir - القرّاعيّة,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-12 21:40:55 m3saon,,0,"Boulevard Mohamed V, Tetouan.",,,,,,,2021-03-12 22:01:12 m3trjn,,1,قالك كل جمعة يبدل باب الدار 3 مرات 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂,,,,,,,2021-03-12 23:14:38 m3z8c1,,61,Monastir,,,,,,,2021-03-13 04:40:27 m41mj1,,2,How much does legal advice cost in Tunisia?,"I am a Tunisian student living abroad and I need low-cost legal advice on some stuff. How much does it usually cost? What are my options?",,,,,,2021-03-13 07:34:26 m4253m,,9,Why didn't Tunisia reach the Bronze or Iron Ages?,"Please correct me if I am wrong, but I understand that the Neolithic in Tunisia ended only with the arrival of Phoenicians in roughly 1000BC. This would mean that there was no independent development of the Bronze Age methods (which began, for example, in Britain in 2500BC), but instead a rapid move directly to the Iron Age on the establishment of Carthage. I cannot seem to find much information or research on this. Is this an accurate account? Can anyone share any more information? What are Tunisians taught in school and university about this part of their history?",,,,,,2021-03-13 08:15:50 m427d5,,0,رواية رقص للكاتب معجب الزهراني,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-13 08:21:06 m43mcy,,9,Looking for a native german speaker in Sousse,"Hi, I am looking for a native / fluent German speaker in Sousse to do something similar to a language exchange partner, where he/she teaches me German and I teach standard Arabic/ Derja/ French. German schools are crazy expensive. I am trying to incorporate German into my daily habits ( small exercises at least 15 minutes) but developing the habit and ease to speak and communicate in it is still far down the road. I am good at picking up grammar rules. Any recommendations would be appreciated.",,,,,,2021-03-13 10:19:13 m45cte,,1,Best option to buy raspberry 4 kit in Tunisia,"Hi everyone, I am willing to buy raspberry 4 and use it as my home lab / desktop. I have no idea where to buy raspberry 4 card and other stuff here in our lovely country Tunisia. Do you recommend a local vendor? Or is it a good choice to buy from Amazon / Alibaba ?",,,,,,2021-03-13 12:28:53 m45d3k,,80,First person receives COVID-19 vaccine in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-13 12:29:28 m479lo,,10,Covide19 vaccination: the show must go on,,,,,,,2021-03-13 14:24:39 m488z2,,0,Sameh Jalloul etdana etdana nchouf ghzali / سماح جلول - اتدنى اتدنى خلي ...,,,,,,,2021-03-13 15:17:28 m498jl,,9,How African do you feel?,"First off obviously Tunisia is geographically African, having said that, we speak an Afro-Asiatic language (but so does the Horn of Africa), as opposed to Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Congo or Chadic etc, we are culturally unique but heavily influenced by the Mediterranean and Middle East, and including the other Maghreb nations, also ethnically distinct from any other population on earth, but somewhat related to people's from the Arabian Peninsula and Horn of Africa. I have met many Tunisians who disregard their 'Africaness' and seem kind of confused identity wise, I think people assume because the majority of us aren't what the West considers Black, we aren't as African as 'sub-saharans' (I hate this term), yet rarely is the Africaness of Somalis, Ethiopians, Eritreans and Djiboutians questioned despite the fact they are typically more mixed with Arabs (and Maghrebis), than North Africans are. Personally I consider myself 100% African, culturally, ethnically, geographically, i don't think it's for Europeans or Pan-Africansexcludingthenorth to decide whether I am African or not and I personally feel more affinity with other non-Maghrebi Africans than with Middle Easterners or Southern Europeans, but that is me. What do you all think, do you consider Tunisia only geographically 'African'? Do you think we should be more pan-African or do you prefer a closer relation with the Middle East or Southern Europe? I think we are a lot better off working together to make Africa better for all Africans I think more Tunisians and Maghrebis should embrace their Africaness, we come from the most diverse continent on earth it's very ignorant to assume Africa='Black' especially when there is greater genetic difference between a Nigerian and a Chadian or a Tunisian and an Egyptian, than there is between a Spaniard and a Irishman. Let's have a conversation, fuck any racist or extremist comments in advance lol.",,,,,,2021-03-13 16:07:21 m4a30g,,30,كي تبدى بحذايا طفلة في التاكسي و نحب نمد الفلوس من الجيب من غير منمسها,,,,,,,2021-03-13 16:49:06 m4cl2z,,1,I feel disgusted just watching this. Trashy language absolutely no respect or class from a so called lawyer and politician. How low can this scumbag and his disgrace of a party go ? 2024 cant come soon enough.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-13 18:50:22 m4f363,,6,Best-Selling car in Tunisia — Donut Media,"I always watch [**Donut Media**]( videos on youtube one of their recent videos is bit interesting as it shows the best selling cars in each country, funny thing is, for tunisia he choose ""Chery Tiggo"" as someone who lives in Tunisia, I bet this car is not as familiar to any of us as Renault Clio or peugeot 206 or even Isuzu. Link to the video: []( (13:11)",,,,,,2021-03-13 20:49:32 m4fvsz,,8,"How does one get into studying & working as a data scientist, in Tunisia?",,,,,,,2021-03-13 21:27:44 m4hxjf,,1,Samah Jalloul 2021 Staifi - Habt LaryaH / سماح جلول صطايفي - هبت لرياح,,,,,,,2021-03-13 23:07:52 m4kecd,,1,Tunisiens de France,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-14 01:14:23 m4lurp,,5,What's the CHEAPEST most CALORIE dense Tunisian Food you Can Think Of ?,"i'm skinny 20 y.o guy trying to bulk up but I'm struggling with food (economic side) and i'm trying to find a way of adding EASY , CHEAP and HIGH dense calories . So the question is : What's the CHEAPEST most CALORIE dense Tunisian Food you Can Think Of ? P.S : Idc if it's healthy or not and please no advices to eat healthy Please state how many calories if possible i will appreciate that very much Really thank you",,,,,,2021-03-14 02:33:49 m4qtx1,,5,"When u get the free reward.... Me : ""fight and u shall be rewarded """,,,,,,,2021-03-14 07:48:52 m4rbsl,,42,How to make Tunisia great?,"If you where the president, what will you do to make Tunisia great?",,,,,,2021-03-14 08:27:54 m4su5n,,1,هو التلقيح حسب ما في بالي روسي... حاسيلو. تتخيل عنا برشا عباد تأمن اللي الأرض مسطحة؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-14 10:31:50 m4u2qj,,1,I want to invest around 1000 TND in Tunisia. Where should I start? Can you invest in companies (buy stocks) in Tunisia? And what fundamentals do I need to learn before investing?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-14 12:03:58 m4v309,éveloppeur/,3,alternance développeur.,"Hey, i'm currently studying computer engineering in isi ariana, i want to start in an (alternance program) strating next year, i have few questions: 1) which is the best company that offers this kind of program ( salary, quality of work...) 2) does i proceed to 2nd year of engineering or do i need to restart from 1st year ?",,,,,,2021-03-14 13:32:53 m4xc5c,,1,Come back tomorrow,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-14 15:38:32 m4xchn,,1,I found a way to earn crypto coins without spending money,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-14 15:39:01 m4xdn1,,0,How do you top your sub,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-14 15:40:39 m4xg59,,1,أول ظهور لإبنتي الكبيرة عندها 17 السنة و نصف / عشاء سويسري بمناسبة عيد م...,,,,,,,2021-03-14 15:44:13 m4xjr7,,140,How to hire someone to work in Tunisian administrations,,,,,,,2021-03-14 15:49:25 m4zhoq,,3,+18 ans,,,,,,,2021-03-14 17:25:48 m50jv8,,2,Hey i wanted to know if any of u have passed the cfa program if yes how hard it is and is it worth it ??,,,,,,,2021-03-14 18:15:20 m50mu0,,0,Sameh Jalloul - Ham Darou la3ras 7 Original سماح جلول - هام داروا الاعرا...,,,,,,,2021-03-14 18:19:13 m50yo9,,51,Cameramen in tunisian weddings,,,,,,,2021-03-14 18:34:50 m51bh3,,0,Sameh Jalloul - Ya Moula ELBAR - Original / سماح جلول - يا مولا البار- ا...,,,,,,,2021-03-14 18:51:20 m51few,,7,Kids with potential,"Were we fooled with more stupid people than us, who, seeing the little meaningless things we did during our childhood, that, many other people out there would consider them average and totally normal,did nothing but feeding our ego and making us useless Dunning-Krugers ? These kind of people, including our parents, friends and especially teachers, who, because of their total ignorance and absolute lack of intelligence , made us feel special, unique and ""gifted"", but now , while we are facing the bitter truth, the real world that , goes way ahead upon our heads,while we are watching other people getting better everyday and getting more intelligent, we have to deal with the fact that we are not as much capable and potent as all these dumbasses around us thought we were......",,,,,,2021-03-14 18:56:21 m51tiy,,7,Any success stories,"People who went back for a second degree, another training ""formation"" and turned their lives around. Normal everyday people who just have grit and willingness to learn , please manifest. Starting to lose the will to live.",,,,,,2021-03-14 19:13:54 m53q2w,,0,Sameh Jalloul - Lasmar - Original / سماح جلول - لسمر - الاصلية,,,,,,,2021-03-14 20:41:14 m54csu,,1,Sameh Jalloul - MaHLeH LeGrayeb - Original / سماح جلول - محلاه لقريب - ا...,,,,,,,2021-03-14 21:10:59 m54r9g,,120,Route entre El hamma et Kebili #Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-14 21:29:41 m55bx8,,18,"Not trying to throw your hope into oblivion but, even young Tunisian fellows are as shit as the boomers.","I live in dorms, educated people and even rich who just don't wanna spend, they all are dirty! Every single one of them is VERY DIRTY, they trash everywhere, they don't respect you as a the next human being going to toilets, he's like well I layed a huge sh\*t not gonna bother with flushing it. They don't respect the environment, they're fu\*king loud, they brag when they destroy the showers and they laugh it out when you talk about getting all together and cleaning the place the good old ""yekhi houma ymaskhou w ena nadhaf?"" and the list goes on. This ""youth hope"" is just a big as\* joke, now my point is the only hope Tunisia might get is from the new generations if properly raised. Or well the truth is, we might progress economically, we're never gonna be decent human beings.",,,,,,2021-03-14 21:56:18 m569aa,,3,Mining crypto,"I am curious about mining crypto, is there anyone with practical knowledge about this field and how can it be done in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2021-03-14 22:40:33 m56cv7,,1,being shamed for arguing with older poeple,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-14 22:45:25 m59iuq,,2,Phrase Heard from Tunisian Commentator,"I was watching the arsenal Tottenham game today, and the commentator was tunisian. He said two phrases that I’m not sure of the meaning. I think he said الفرحة موجودة من شودة or something like that. The other was something like ارسنال تواصل الدار قال الجار Maybe I misunderstood, but can anyone help me with these? Thanks.",,,,,,2021-03-15 01:29:07 m5ep25,,24,Visiting Bou Hedma National Park near Gafsa - Tunisia really does have some unique wild spaces (this park is full of animals that are extinct in the rest of Tunisia!),,,,,,,2021-03-15 06:44:23 m5epzt,,0,"نائب تونسي: نبيل القروي لن يغادر السجن وحزب ""قلب تونس"" انتهى",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-15 06:46:21 m5hqjn,التبليغ_على_خلية_ارهابية_في_المدرسة_الوطنية/,0,التبليغ على خلية ارهابية في المدرسة الوطنية للمهندسين بتونس,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-15 10:29:03 m5ihwa,,1,How can i get a full high school transcript? NEED your help🙏,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-15 11:20:07 m5iskr,,66,"Hello everyone, I'm sharing with you my first EP/Album as an indie tunisian composer and oud player. Last time I got great support from you with a track called ""rain in heaven"" so I'm back! I hope you enjoy the music! (Youtube link is not yet available in tunisia and I'm trying to fix that sorry)",,,,,,,2021-03-15 11:39:47 m5kh0f,,0,Can you please give me some of your valuable time and answer these questions? THANK YOU!,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-03-15 13:17:32 m5qusw,,12,Where can I look up Tunisian recipes with ingredients available in Tunisia?,"When I eventually start living alone, I'd like to be able to cook something healthy (though **affordable**) that isn't spaghetti or chakchouka :D",,,,,,2021-03-15 18:07:18 m5rcrm,,1,راجلي حصلتي قدامكم🧐 3 هدايا عيد ميلاد زوجي 45 سنة,,,,,,,2021-03-15 18:28:52 m5tan4,,4,I registred a wrong terminal Model in what to do now ?,"I brought two Phones with me to Tunisia.I filled the form in []( with a wrong terminal model ( I put in Mark Samsung and in Terminal Model galaxy s10 as an example ) What can I do now ? there are no informations on facebook or google :/",,,,,,2021-03-15 19:54:34 m5tdsr,,53,"i was watching the British-American masterpiece 'the english patient' ( 1996 ) and i saw Hichem Rostom casually sitting next to Ralph Fiennes lol , and multiple other secondary characters who actually speak tunisian... made me smile for a moment. PS: the movie won 9 Oscars",,,,,,,2021-03-15 19:58:28 m5wewe,,10,"ترشيحات أوسكارـ الفيلم التونسي ""الرجل الذي باع ظهره"" ضمن أفضل فيلم أجنبي",,,,,,,2021-03-16 00:28:55 m5xp4f,,3,ياختشي,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-16 01:27:29 m65m9h,,2,Meghan Markle oprah interview link?,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-16 10:03:58 m66800,,34,نعم,,,,,,,2021-03-16 10:44:43 m66fiy,,3,Real-estate investment,"Is it possible to invest 50k dt in real estate It can't get you a real appartement, but i was thinking about booking a studio from a contractor when the project starts and paying it as an advance, then selling the studio (or the reservation to be more accurate) to a new buyer and hopefully getting some interest.",,,,,,2021-03-16 10:58:29 m66r4g,,14,What the hell is happening in tunis carthage airport?,can someone explain ?,,,,,,2021-03-16 11:18:25 m67t7e,,4,Camping in Tunisia,"Greetings fellow Tunisians! So Vacation is here and me and my friends want to do something other than playing video games/Cafés, what we really want to do is camping!! THE PROBLEM IS that we don't know anything about camping so could you please answer these essential important not really time consuming questions ? 1- what are the cool places we can camp in (preferably like camping organisé or something like that since we're all beginners and if we camp alone we'll die) 2- can we rent the equipments ? (tent and sleeping bag) and how much money does it cost ? THANK YOU",,,,,,2021-03-16 12:21:17 m69z4d,,1,"Should prostitution be legal, illegal, or decriminalized in Tunisia?",[removed],,,,,,2021-03-16 14:12:56 m6axr9,,1,بشرى عقبي. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒,,,,,,,2021-03-16 14:57:47 m6dh5h,,18,Where can I read Tunisian law?,"If I were to adventure into the Tunisian law, where should I look? I am mainly interested in banking and taxation laws. If you could give me some links (preferably in French or even better English) that would be great!",,,,,,2021-03-16 16:49:04 m6e8aw,,0,A car for sale,,,,,,,2021-03-16 17:20:55 m6gddx,,7,"Are there any bars in Tunis near centre ville or el Manzah, where I can have a beer alone?",I'd like the place to be calm and not full of drunken old man .,,,,,,2021-03-16 18:53:30 m6idot,,1,تونس.. انتقادات ليوسف الشاهد بعد مشاركته مع مسؤولين إسرائيليين في مؤتمر بالإمارات,,,,,,,2021-03-16 20:19:51 m6kn9s,,19,Why do you adopt English as the main interactions language?,"There is absolutely no criticism behind my post, I m curious to know the several reasons for which Tunisians communicate in English and not our dialect.",,,,,,2021-03-16 22:01:44 m6kn9t,,1,Why do you adopt English as the main interactions language?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-16 22:01:44 m6l37j,,0,Who is this ? Someone shared this picture in another forum saying it's a tunisian celebrity.,,,,,,,2021-03-16 22:22:16 m6mnb3,,5,Looking for a neurologist with MS experience,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-16 23:37:55 m6nll5,,0,My brother's debut single,,,,,,,2021-03-17 00:26:16 m6onqv,,0,#TunisiaWantsCrypto,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-17 01:20:57 m6otd6,,0,#TunisiaWantsCrypto,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-17 01:28:43 m6pdzc,,3,Freelancer options in Tunisia,"I'm a MEAN stack Web developer, wondering what are the most reliable freelancing websites that tunisians use, and how do they get paid",,,,,,2021-03-17 01:59:51 m6pnr2,,4,Abusive mother,"My 21 yo girlfriend's mom has been abusing her and her sisters after her divorce and won't grant them even the most basic of freedoms like going out whenever they can. The only time we're able to see eachother is after classes and whenever I try to convince her to confront her mother about it she just shuts down my arguments saying she doesn't wanna stir up trouble with her. Her mother's not the religious type and ever since the divorce she sorta been living a teenager's life ( staying outside late and spending nights out) Any advice on how to deal with this? Is there something I can say to my Gf who seems kinda afraid of her to finally convince her to stand up to her? And if she does, what sorta things she ought to say to her mother to gain the tiniest bit of freedom?",,,,,,2021-03-17 02:12:43 m6t23h,,49,Play Smart,,,,,,,2021-03-17 05:25:12 m6tqi1,,0,Are you male or female?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-03-17 06:10:45 m6wain,,13,And we're still trying to sell olive oil and stuffed camels...,,,,,,,2021-03-17 09:12:25 m6x64z,,7,Romania reminds me of Tunisia 😭,,,,,,,2021-03-17 10:13:24 m6xr52,,1,Red Line - Anna Yvette,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-17 10:53:00 m6xv6r,,8,Is the tunisian stock market worth it?,"So in 3 months i'm turning 18 and i want to start making some money. I read some great books about personal finance education wich made me interested in stocks trading and real estate. However, real estate requires a decent capital. That's why, i have been wondering if the tunisian stocks market is worth it or is it possible to trade in foreign markets like the American one.",,,,,,2021-03-17 11:00:35 m6zb3f,,2,To sell as NFT,,,,,,,2021-03-17 12:29:37 m707t2,,3,Tourist question,Any liquor stores that sell Pink Whitney or Don julio,,,,,,2021-03-17 13:19:05 m714oz,,0,Trouves ton nom et réponds la question,,,,,,,2021-03-17 14:04:05 m729ip,,5,Tunis downtown,,,,,,,2021-03-17 14:57:46 m73div,,1,Sunrise Hammamet,,,,,,,2021-03-17 15:47:47 m74byn,,65,"Cap Blanc, Bizerte",,,,,,,2021-03-17 16:30:13 m75rwj,,0,ترتيب الدول العربية من حيث عدد للبراميل النفطية التي يتم تصديرها يوميا - اكثر 10 دول تصديرا للنفط,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-17 17:32:51 m75zsw,,19,Port sidi bou said,,,,,,,2021-03-17 17:42:14 m79y9f,,8,Unpopular opinion,"am i the only one that think camping in Tunisa need to be banned or at least be limited to some camp sites , cause camping disturb the ecosystem and camping have a negative impact on those places and the wildlife , leave the damn forests alone we already destroyed much of our forests and killed most of the wild life for years .",,,,,,2021-03-17 20:34:30 m7al1g,,8,Tounsi mti9er lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to,,,,,,,2021-03-17 21:02:26 m7b8vi,,1,I thought I’ll share my content more on the way,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-17 21:31:59 m7m7tk,,4,Mental health deteriorated AF,"About to break... Cannot think too much or make any cognitive effort...... Constant headaches non-stop from the very first moment I wake up till the last moment before I sleep, headaches are wreaking havoc inside me even now while I am writing this stupid post, impostor syndrome maybe yet I am 1000% sure I am stupid to have the impostor syndrome, unable to make full sentences, feeling unable to talk in full sentences, memory troubles, shit, academic incapability, constantly ill, currently temperature is about 40 while I am writing this stupid post, sometimes think I am a drama queen, feeling particularly shitty when I realize it, miss the days when I used to wake up in the morning with nothing in my head but my will to study, being abused, abused by some people around me, like real emotional abuse, toxicity, parents about to divorce, too tired to finish this stupid post Seeking professional help Help!",,,,,,2021-03-18 08:19:01 m7ozwp, amazigh.html,8,قرطاج بين الرومان والممالك المحلية الأمازيغية,,,,,,,2021-03-18 11:44:53 m7p19g,,19,Bolognaise,,,,,,,2021-03-18 11:47:24 m7p7u8,,7,Foreign/offshore bank accounts,"As a Tunisian citizen, **no longer residing abroad**: 1. Am I *legally allowed* to keep offshore bank accounts? 2. If yes, am I *legally obliged* to declare them to \_\_insert office/agency here\_\_? 3. If no, how good is the government/tax office/whatever at detecting such bank accounts? 4. If no, what risk do I take by still keeping them open and using them? 5. If I receive salary from a company abroad (say US startup) to those bank accounts, how can I deal with the tax office here? Thank you.",,,,,,2021-03-18 11:59:10 m7rtoh,,14,For people asking about bitcoin and cryptocurrency in tunisia .,,,,,,,2021-03-18 14:19:35 m7s45s,,9,"Pov : the boussa3 is still sour, but its fine textured seed slipping in your mouth is what it's all about",,,,,,,2021-03-18 14:33:55 m7safg,,11,لوبوان: 20 عائلة فقط تتحكم في الاقتصاد التونسي,,,,,,,2021-03-18 14:42:06 m7tx1n,,83,The Countries of North Africa,,,,,,,2021-03-18 15:56:52 m7uc15,,3,Want to talk to people from around the world? Join our international discord server!,,,,,,,2021-03-18 16:14:39 m7v9gb,,1,Looking for a Mac Mini,"Idk if it's okay to post this here but I ve been looking everywhere. If you got a Mac Mini that works nd you r willing to sell it, dm me.",,,,,,2021-03-18 16:54:50 m7vrtp,,30,It’s getting out of control,,,,,,,2021-03-18 17:16:51 m7wsfp,,1,Afrique - Top 15 Personnel des forces armées (% de la population active ...,,,,,,,2021-03-18 18:01:45 m7xbow,,5,Easiest countries for long term residence/citizenship?,"Searching for this topic online usually yields results from the point of view of Americans (yes you read that right) or Europeans. I would like to know what countries you consider, as a Tunisian, to be the easiest when it comes to citizenship and/or long term (permanent) residence.",,,,,,2021-03-18 18:24:51 m7xnj6,,3,Where can I meet people?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-18 18:39:33 m7y0ju,,10,are most of us anti vaxxers ?,"I know people who are not going to take the covid vaccine (some of them are in medical staff) . the stats are showing there are many who are gonna skip it (after blaming the government for not providing it sooner). so I just wanna know, is there anyone who's gonna pass or knows someone who will skip it ? and what's the reason ? is it just because it's not properly tested ? is there a specific vaccine they're waiting for ? I just want to sit in a café in ramadhan with chicha and a cup of tea, and the only way is for all of us to take the shot.",,,,,,2021-03-18 18:55:57 m7yroc,,28,"Takelsa, ولاية نابل.",,,,,,,2021-03-18 19:31:50 m7zvo8,,0,"Les préparatifs du Sommet de la Francophonie, objet d'une réunion à distance entre Othmane Jerandi et la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Tunisie",,,,,,,2021-03-18 20:27:51 m80w48,,9,All Tunisians here should follow ALERT organization on youtube and facebook,they post videos breaking down how the Tunisian economy actually works and all of us should be aware of that.,,,,,,2021-03-18 21:13:57 m81mqv,,45,Good evening MAHDIA,,,,,,,2021-03-18 21:49:03 m820as,,2,"About the version of Endnote X9.3.1 , the crack isn't working",[removed],,,,,,2021-03-18 22:05:59 m82l3b,à_un_groupe_pour_apprendre_et_pratiquer_le/,2,voilà un groupe pour apprendre et pratiquer le français,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-18 22:32:55 m8527p,,1,The truth 😁💯👌🔥,,,,,,,2021-03-19 00:34:19 m8d8qw,,16,Tunisian Stereotypes,"Most people think : I'm a mestiri i love bourghiba houwa eli radna 3bed What's yours ?",,,,,,2021-03-19 09:10:33 m8evyy,,3,How is ISI Ariana for you Software Developers there?,"I've seen on another user that studied in ISI ask about ""alternance program"" [here]( and some of the comments say that ISI gave them the worst experience someone could have from a school. I want more opinions about ISI and how it really is because this year is my Baccalaureate year (Bac Info) and I want to know what are the good options/alternatives to ISI (And also would like to know whether INSAT is hard or not for you).",,,,,,2021-03-19 11:09:16 m8h0pl,,87,"Hammamet, the sea takes all your problems away, even for a little while.",,,,,,,2021-03-19 13:16:01 m8hmtf,,4,How are covid restrictions in Tunisia right now?,Thinking of visiting the beautiful country of Tunisia from Cairo in a week. We will likely spend most of our time in Tunis. Are the bars / restaurants / activities open there?,,,,,,2021-03-19 13:48:17 m8i4bt,,0,أجمل أغاني رمضان في مقطع واحد,,,,,,,2021-03-19 14:12:21 m8icaw,,8,"Great move but how will it be handled by the famous Swiss chocolate industry? if this goes well for Ghana, Tunisia should learn from this.",,,,,,,2021-03-19 14:23:10 m8j5xv,,5,Question about taxi service and drivers (also Bolt),"I was always curious, how do much do taxi drivers make? What is their pay based on? Per hour? Per dinar made? Do they get a percentage? Do they own their taxis? Also, with Bolt, do you they can make a lot more?",,,,,,2021-03-19 15:02:14 m8jd17,,1,"L'interaltional,the story of the fall",,,,,,,2021-03-19 15:11:11 m8jj5f,,14,"A quick tour of the Hotel Dakyanus in Tataouine Governorate. Great spot from which to explore this amazing governorate, which is full of ksour, dinosaurs and epic landscapes!",,,,,,,2021-03-19 15:19:13 m8jogf,,1,خليتهم و مشيت⁉️ جولة في غرفتي و في...,,,,,,,2021-03-19 15:26:02 m8llcs,,16,"A day in دار شعبان الفهري, Nabeul.",,,,,,,2021-03-19 16:53:51 m8mx9l,,22,Un coucher de soleil à Djerba,,,,,,,2021-03-19 17:53:22 m8o7jm,,1,خليتهم و مشيت⁉️ جولة في غرفتي و في...,,,,,,,2021-03-19 18:52:24 m8pubn,,6,Tunisia by night,,,,,,,2021-03-19 20:08:27 m8qab4,,5,"We are a sad nation, anyone has a spare Nike to turn this country into a shit hole",,,,,,,2021-03-19 20:28:40 m8qpir,,0,Cradles - Sub Urban,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-19 20:48:34 m8qsdy,,9,"I'm going on a vacation to Tunisia, but i've got a few questions about the covid regulations","1. Is there still a curfew, or is it over? I couldn't find a clear answer on google. 2. It says restaurants and bars are allowed to operate within certain restrictions. It doesn't state what these restrictions are. 3. Are there any traver agencies/tourist information points operating. We want to go on a 3 day trip into the desert, but we read on forums that it's only half the price if we book locally. This also means the locals are the ones profiting from it, instead of the european travel agencies. 4. Is it possible to travel freely between the provinces/gouvernantes? Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-03-19 20:52:31 m8r774,,25,actual manga panel from Alice in Borderland,,,,,,,2021-03-19 21:11:10 m8r80b,,1,Tunisian sahara,,,,,,,2021-03-19 21:12:16 m8rt9f,,23,Tunisian sahara,,,,,,,2021-03-19 21:39:24 m8s8oq,,1,Some human minds 👌👀💯,,,,,,,2021-03-19 21:59:15 m8sl0y,,6,Admins Should pin post some information on Covid-19 in Tunisia like curfew/travel restrictions etc...,A lot of people ask the same stuff from time to time and it might be helpful to just pin post some info about covid in Tunisia that is updated.,,,,,,2021-03-19 22:14:00 m8u5yq,,3,Calculating my GPA,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-19 23:29:50 m8uod6,,4,"I really hope ours live up to this quote and smack the rot right out of our souls, it's like the whole nation has forgotten what it means to be a human being.",,,,,,,2021-03-19 23:56:28 m8wl3r,,18,Surprised nobody's mentioned the opening to Falcon and the Winter Soldier taking place in Tunisia,"The [entire opening action sequence](, as well as a following scene at a street cafe, take place in Tunisia. They even work in a guy saying ""Aichek barcha"" to Sam Wilson/Falcon Proud to see us being featured, even if only briefly",,,,,,2021-03-20 01:37:34 m8woud,,8,"From ""Falcon and the Winter Soldier"" Ep01 S01!",,,,,,,2021-03-20 01:43:47 m8xe4l,,114,Google celebrating our independence day,,,,,,,2021-03-20 02:22:34 m91998,,1,"Do you believe that we are really independent? I believe that we colonized our selves, a small group of families colonized 11 million people and the state works for them against us. So are we really free and independent?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-20 06:25:17 m92fie,,27,The TELNET operations room #challengeone #tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-20 07:59:13 m93xla,,1,Quiz spécial 20 mars : connaissez-vous bien ces mots et expressions issus de la francophonie ?,,,,,,,2021-03-20 09:57:06 m94hof,,2,Online betting in Tunisia,I've been interested in betting online lately but i'm not sure about giving my ID and debit card information. Are there any safe and legit betting sites in Tunisia ?,,,,,,2021-03-20 10:39:19 m94l02,,5,Is TransferWise available for Tunisian residents?,"As far as I know, TransferWise ""circumvents"" the central bank by opening banks around the world in different currencies, topping them up with enough reserve. When person in country A wants to send money to person in country B, they don't really transfer the money, they just make person in country A send to TransferWise's bank account in country A and TransferWise sends the amount in their bank account in country B to the person in country B. So, (correct me if I am wrong), unless TransferWise is operating under strict regulation by the CBT, it should be possible for Tunisians to both send and receive money using it. 1. Is it possible for Tunisians residing in Tunisia to send and receive money from/to abroad using TransferWise? 2. Are Tunisians residing in Tunisia able to open bank accounts in USD and EUR using TransferWise (with Balances features, I think they also call it Borderless account)?",,,,,,2021-03-20 10:46:15 m955ux,,1,What happened to those Smart ID cards?,"What was the plan with those? Did they give an expected year for their entry? Will they contain some kind of private key to digitally sign documents etc? (Please refrain from those typical pessimistic comments like ""rak fi tounes fech tehki"" etc :) )",,,,,,2021-03-20 11:28:26 m955xy,بالأمن_و_الامان_يحيا_هنا_الإنسان/,2,بالأمن و الامان يحيا هنا الإنسان 🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-20 11:28:36 m96hna,,152,"Amazigh Woman, Near Gafsa, Tunisia, 1972",,,,,,,2021-03-20 12:54:58 m96i9j,,1,To the south,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-20 12:56:08 m96j6u,,5,Simplicity,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-20 12:57:47 m984gn,,1,"When you forget to study the night before the exam .... It's Tunisia not Indonesia, Sweden !!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-20 14:28:50 m986de,,41,"When you forget to study the night before the exam .... It's Tunisia not Indonesia, Sweden !!",,,,,,,2021-03-20 14:31:35 m9e3uh,,5,we can't cross the Algerian border in 4 door pickups ?,"i was planning to visit a friend in Algeria (before this covid era) and i was astonished when my friend told me that i can't pass the border with my VW pickup, is there any sense in this ? and why ?",,,,,,2021-03-20 19:20:38 m9ebkz,,15,The Tunisian flag 🇹🇳 present today in FA Cup... Everton vs Man City,,,,,,,2021-03-20 19:31:12 m9ewah,,3,"So, I was watching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and came by this scene from Tunisia",,,,,,,2021-03-20 19:59:55 m9fd70,,15,"Do you have interesting old tunisian stories in your family that you would like to share ? If so, please do.",,,,,,,2021-03-20 20:22:58 m9g0mk,,69,"March 20th, Tunisian independence day 🇹🇳❤️",,,,,,,2021-03-20 20:56:22 m9giv5,,1,أرجع غدوة 🔥😁😁🤔🤔,,,,,,,2021-03-20 21:21:05 m9gru5,,8,Classement des Pays utilisant Internet en Afrique (% de la population),,,,,,,2021-03-20 21:33:58 m9hs8g,,0,Renting a car at 20 years old,Hey guys I’m coming to Tunisia with a friend during this summer . We are both 20 years old and would like to rent a car. Do you think companies would allow that as I read in some places it’s only 21 and over. Should we book using a credit card on a online website or just come to Tunisia and then do it through the rental places at the airport . Thank you,,,,,,2021-03-20 22:25:22 m9jbao,,3,20 familles dominent l'économie tunisienne,,,,,,,2021-03-20 23:46:33 m9kpoo,,1,Logical answers only,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-21 01:01:13 m9ose5,,12,Carthaginian wars in Sicily,,,,,,,2021-03-21 04:53:13 m9spza,,1,#join_fin_el_meme,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-21 09:01:53 m9tnwc,,115,Found this on r/memes,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-21 10:10:08 m9uima,,0,Bee network,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-21 11:13:16 m9vr6r,,1,احتجاج البطالين امام كوسيدار بحرارة الجلفة لطرد المدير العنصري,,,,,,,2021-03-21 12:34:16 m9xilk,,23,The Medina of Sousse,,,,,,,2021-03-21 14:13:35 m9xnl5,,1,La beauté est dans la simplicité,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-21 14:20:47 m9y63q,,3,i want to ask a question,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-21 14:46:53 m9z4cu,,4,a poll of political affiliation,"u can add answers as well as have multiple opinions",,,,,,2021-03-21 15:34:12 m9zupb,,2,Recommandation for a good hemorrhoids doctor,"Chances are very that i have an answer here but will try anyway. Do anybody know a good doctor for hemorrhoids in Tunis?",,,,,,2021-03-21 16:09:05 ma184d,,0,Traveling Abroad,"Hello guys, It's my first time traveling and my destination is going to be Serbia, I'll be booking my flight online and since there's no visa required i don't think there's paper work to be done for all i know except for ofc getting my passport but my biggest concern is that i heard they ask for a total of 350Euros/1150 TND at the airport so they make sure i have enough money to spend when i get there + hotel reservation proof when i don't have that much money nor do i intend to book in a hotel as i will be renting a house online too so what do you guys think i should do?",,,,,,2021-03-21 17:14:45 ma2qze,,3,Do you have any tips to obtain a summer internship in IT at 20 (so way before my end of studies project - PFE)? I've been applying to plenty of companies and I am slowly losing hope...,,,,,,,2021-03-21 18:28:06 ma401i,,0,Red Line - Anna Yvette,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-21 19:25:50 ma42mw,,1,⛔️ كافرة و أولادي كافرين و أنانية /هادشي علاش جيت هنا 🛌,,,,,,,2021-03-21 19:29:10 ma45ar,,53,I wish this law applies in tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-21 19:32:31 ma4jiv,,1,Takelsa Nabeul,,,,,,,2021-03-21 19:50:45 ma4k8v,,1,#الجلفة احتجاج البطالين امام شركة كوسيدار G165 ضد المدير العنصري,,,,,,,2021-03-21 19:51:43 ma5ayx,,0,Review of,Fama chkoun fikom jarrab site bech yechri 7aja min bara ? Chnoua raykom fih?,,,,,,2021-03-21 20:25:55 maa7t9,,0,Beckham can't resist football 😉,,,,,,,2021-03-22 00:23:32 maaml2,,1,"Hello Tunisian Subreddit! I'm doing a project related to Tunisian Arabic, I need some of your help!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 00:43:18 mabh95,,0,"Hello Tunisia Subreddit! I'm doing a project related to Tunisian dialect, I need some help from locals!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 01:26:06 maf47d,,3,Regionalism (jihawiyet),What do you guys think of it and why do you think it's so common in Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-03-22 04:42:38 maga44,,0,Hello from an Indian woman,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 05:54:26 mah653,,5,Tobacco pipes in Tunisia?,"Salaam, sabah illkhayr. I’m an American in Tunisia for work and I’m interested in picking up a tobacco pipe while I’m here. I saw in this subreddit that there’s a local pipe maker (Bouchnak) and I’d like to get one of his pipes if I can. I found Pipes Tunisie on the Internet, is this the best place in Tunis to buy a Bouchnak pipe and quality pipe tobacco? Any other suggestions? I’m in El Marsa area. Shukran!",,,,,,2021-03-22 06:53:41 maidja,,5,Office Manager / Bookkeeper (Job opportunity),,,,,,,2021-03-22 08:19:27 maiviq,,1,Credible sources to read the news / preferably politics for dummies,"Can anyone recommend news outlets for the apolitical or someone who wants to be educated on Tunisian politics and where to get the latest news updates etc ? Talking to people to get informed about this always gets messy.",,,,,,2021-03-22 08:55:50 maix23,,1,"If someone with visa type D in country X, can he use it to travel to another European country Y before reaching his first 90 days of stay in X",,,,,,,2021-03-22 08:59:03 maj89t,,111,Tunisia’s “Challenge ONE” First Homebuilt Satellite Officially Launched into Space Today,"Today, March 22nd, 2021 marks a historical moment in the Tunisian History! The launch of the first homebuilt Tunisian Satellite Challenge One. Source: [Challenge ONE First Homebuilt Satellite Launched in March 2021](",,,,,,2021-03-22 09:20:01 makfb8,,6,Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-03-22 10:38:09 mal65y,,0,مجموعة بولينا القابضة الجذور الماسونية والارهاب في تونس,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 11:23:11 malhio,,6,Zaghouan mountain,,,,,,,2021-03-22 11:41:03 malhip,,1,Zaghouan mountain,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 11:41:03 man3nm,,1,The OFFICIAL video of the launching of the Tunisian satellite CHALLENGER ONE,,,,,,,2021-03-22 13:05:48 mandq0,,0,#سلاما,,,,,,,2021-03-22 13:19:18 maok3o,,1,Lala Nabila TV | لأول مرة تعرفو على صديقة عمري و حبيبتي 😊,,,,,,,2021-03-22 14:13:38 maorzr,,3,my land رمز القلب,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 14:23:21 maotb5,,20,M7ammmsa,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 14:25:03 maq63b,,85,"Tunisian snack in Jordan! This was very delicious, thank you guys so much.",,,,,,,2021-03-22 15:24:47 masl79,,0,"Is selling nudes legal in Tunisia, any law about this kind of stuff ?",,,,,,,2021-03-22 17:08:17 mast21,,20,Extremely disappointed in my family,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 17:17:39 maxq0i,,8,Money Transfer,"Hello everyone i hope You're safe and corona free, I'm a Tunisian student in Hungary and looking for the best way (least possible fees ) to receive money from my parents. for the past 2 years my parents were sending me money through their bank ""Zaitouna"" but recently they added a new fee of 100dt called ""frais de la banque intermédiaire"" on top of the usual bank's 50dt ish fee. so if anyone has an experience with a bank that doesn't take as much fees please let me know. also i heard of new neo banks opening in Tunisian such as flouci and weBank , do they offer international money transfer services ? Ps: I'm aware of the central bank's regulations and I'm legally allowed to receive money from Tunisia, i have all the required paperwork.",,,,,,2021-03-22 20:54:34 mb0wgf,,0,طفلة حطتلي قلب على ستوري مخي : ⬇️⬇️,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-22 23:25:34 mb26x3,,5,in serious need of help,"20 yo guy here, im struggling to make a living and looking for a job or anything that can help me make money because my household is toxic and my parents don’t want me to go around with cash because they’re so tight on everything, they believe that 10d per week is enough for a 20yo... which is literally not.... i only use my money to eat out or get coffee with my friends like twice a week and i can’t buy necessities that i don’t think at this age my parents should get for me... i go to a private university (that does not mean we’re rich it’s literally a loan) and i chose the 100% online school so im definitely free most of the time, i really need help from anyone that can guide me or teach me his ways to get some money whether its a part time job or even something from home.",,,,,,2021-03-23 00:30:46 mb7v5r,,50,"El jem. Founded on the ruins of the ancient city of Thysdrus or Thysdritania colonia [3], it is famous for its amphitheater, the largest in the Roman Empire (between 27,000 and 30,000 spectators [4]) after the Colosseum in Rome ( 45,000 spectators) and that of Capua.",,,,,,,2021-03-23 05:50:18 mbcmjm,,1,BradtTunisia on Twitter,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-23 11:30:00 mbcper,,13,"Exploring Tunisia's Star Wars & Indiana Jones filming locations: first stop is Maguer Gorge, Sidi Bouhlel, near Tozeur. Used to film Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV) in 1976, The Phantom Menace (Episode I) in 1997 and Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981.",,,,,,,2021-03-23 11:35:01 mbdi36,,11,"The High Point of every country: Tunisia - Jebel ech Chambi / Jabal ash-Sha‘ānabī 1,544 m (5,066 ft)",,,,,,,2021-03-23 12:22:04 mbdo8x,,82,Walking around the Medina of Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-23 12:31:41 mbdy5s,,6,La musique gâche tout,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-23 12:47:08 mbe19u,,1,ماذا يحدث داخل قبة البرلمان ؟ 🔴مريم اللغماني(نائبة مستقلة) : ضرب عبير موسى و غلق الباب من قبل الادارين و منع النواب من الدخول والخروج من قاعة الجلسة العامة ..!!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-23 12:52:10 mbe88i,,6,1 millime - rare tunisian coin," I have one of these, is it worth anything!?",,,,,,2021-03-23 13:02:29 mbfmz7,,1,Snowy Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-23 14:14:25 mbi9sx,,5,I want to sue a guy about whom I have some information and traces that would get him caught,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-23 16:15:03 mbixzg,,0,Kifech t3rif El keteb tounsi wla le,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-23 16:45:17 mbkamn,,8,Public opinion on healthcare,Hi everybody! I am currently doing a research project on Tunisia’s healthcare system and part of it is getting the public opinion on the government’s role in healthcare and the overall consensus of Tunisia’s healthcare system. I just wanted to get some of your opinions and if you have any other sources I can find more info about this please let me know!,,,,,,2021-03-23 17:45:50 mblnlu,,3,What travel restrictions apply in Tunisia right now?,"Hi! I'm a non-resident, non-citizen hoping to travel to Tunisia for a few months in late-may ish to do some research. However, it is super unclear to me from which countries it is currently possible to travel to Tunisia as a non-resident+non-citizen (in effect, as a tourist). I'm an EU citizen so I qualify for 90 days visa free. This ([\_23\_09\_2020.pdf]( is the only list I have managed to find of countries, and it was the one that applied when I last traveled to Tunisia in September last year, but it hasn't been updated since then afaik. Is there another list? Is this not in effect anymore? What is in effect? I'm basically invested enough in this trip to be willing to travel to a random country and stay there for a few weeks in order to then travel from there to Tunis - that's why I'm asking where to find this information. Any information you may have or links - I speak French, Arabic and Tounsi as well - much appreciated!",,,,,,2021-03-23 18:45:24 mbm0m7,,1,حشومة هادشي لي كندير☺️ شكون لي فحالي⁉️,,,,,,,2021-03-23 19:01:01 mbmbvj,,6,Racism in Tunisia,"I am a 23 year old, white english man. I visited Hammamet in 2018. I have only good things to say about my time in Tunisia. The local people I came into contact both inside and outside of the resort I was staying in were pleasant and seemed genuinely happy to have me stay in their country. I enjoyed leaving the resort and seeing the medina and going for a camel ride that was organised via the resort. All in all I can say it was fun and I do plan on returning. However I noticed a few things regarding race, that made me pause for thought. I am a white man, very pale. For me racism has never impacted me. Everywhere I have been I have been afforded respect and kindness. My race has either privileged me or has never honderd me. However one time when I was in Tunisia, I was about to go on a resort organised camel ride about 15 mins drive from the resort hosted in a small farm. While waiting at the resort I met a group of other English people. They were black, and hailed from London. I got talking with them and they to were going to ride camels. When our organised transport arrived, myself and my girlfriend (both white) were treated to a rather impressive Mercedes to ride in. The black group was given a tuc-tuc type of truck that went about 20mph. We all laughed and wondered how such a dangerous looking transport was being used. Me and my girlfriend arrived at the farm a good 15/20 mins before the black group and I wondered was it a simple coincidence that we were treated to the luxury of the Mercedes and they the tuc-tuc or was it a purposeful decision. This wasn’t the only thing that made me thought of racism. I remember heading to the airport from the resort and seeing billboards with very light skinned Tunisians but never dark skinned Tunisians that reflect the majority of the Tunisian people I saw. I wondered why this veneration for light skinned and not the colour that most Tunisians are? I wonder if you any of you have had similar experiences? or am I overthinking this?",,,,,,2021-03-23 19:14:45 mbqz3i,,98,When your mom explains for you that '' Mhammas'' makes you stronger,,,,,,,2021-03-23 22:45:37 mbr2ii,,10,'' mnakaa beach '' is from the best beaches in Tunisia!,,,,,,,2021-03-23 22:50:02 mbx1yc,,19,Is democracy still viable in the Arab world?,"I am from Jordan but I am worried about the Tunisian economy and recent violent escalations between civilians and the police. I am starting to believe that for a successful democratic transition a powerful middle class is required. What most Arab countries lack is a strong middle class who run the economy with their businesses. If the people can't afford to import their essential needs with their own money and instead rely on a fragile government to take foreign loans to import essentials then that's problematic. Imports exceed exports and a huge portion of the population rely on public jobs to make a living while the fragile government has to pay those public sector employees from foreign loans as well, that includes the police. If the civil population aren't paying the police from their own money then they don't really have leverage over them right? After all the police are employees and they answer to their employer, if the government is taking loans to pay them then they answer to the government not the people. I think that to fix the Tunisian economy the people need to engage in businesses that bring foreign currency to the country to help the economy grow. The culture of relying on the government to provide jobs and pay higher salaries is going to destroy the economy and make living conditions much worse in the future. Please let me know what you think. I like sharing my thoughts with others. Take care everyone",,,,,,2021-03-24 04:05:29 mc0v43,,4,Finding walkmen still in service,"I am trying to find local providers of walkmen, just to get a functioning one, I know this is quite impossible to find, especially in Tunisia, when I browsed the net, the only thing that I found, Is somekind of Sony headphones, with an unpleasant shape, and they dared to call it a walkman. I will be so much thankful for the one who can provide me the address, contact, link of any person who owns a collection/single walkman and ready to sell, I will contact the owner if he is just a normal person, and I will send money by post, and the delivery will be made via Aramex (which means it will take ages to arrive but this is going to be my problem)",,,,,,2021-03-24 08:36:25 mc1w8a,,1,Ma playlist n° 1,,,,,,,2021-03-24 09:53:57 mc1wrp,,11,Looks like in Tunisia lol,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-24 09:55:00 mc52lk,,1,Le taux de change EUR / TND atteindra-t-il 4 dinars?,,,,,,,2021-03-24 12:59:14 mc74xi,,0,Job offer on Facebook,,,,,,,2021-03-24 14:29:55 mc76u9,,141,Architecture tunisienne,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-24 14:31:50 mc7dto,,16,Bizerte,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-24 14:39:53 mc7sb5,,11,Street poetry,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-24 14:56:04 mc9jai,,1,Sub7anallah,,,,,,,2021-03-24 16:07:45 mc9rzp,,17,CARTHAGE | Carthaginian Empire - Civilization VI: Ancient Era City,,,,,,,2021-03-24 16:17:42 mcc13n,/r/Jokes/comments/mc6ywp/my_uncle_bought_a_piano_from_nigeria/,18,My uncle bought a piano from Nigeria.,,,,,,,2021-03-24 17:53:07 mccq81,,1,How to invest in cryptocurrencies from tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-24 18:21:50 mcdh32,,8,where can I find quality journalism concerning Tunisia or North Africa?,"I read stuff from Ida2at, the Atlantic, Raseef22, etc... and I like it but the journalism sites I find most prominent in my own country are quick 10 lines news delivery such as Mosaique fm I'd love to read Tunisia-focused rich articles. Arabic/French/English",,,,,,2021-03-24 18:52:48 mcelt4,,5,Nemchi bac info wala nkamel math,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-24 19:39:26 mcfyhx,,0,Trading in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-24 20:36:15 mcgjix,,0,gga moswada,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-24 21:01:15 mcix2e,,1,وادي الذئاب الجزء الثامن الحلقة 1,,,,,,,2021-03-24 22:43:38 mcqeys,,7,Statue of Habib Bourguiba,"Hi everyone, I'm not here to start a debate or anything but I am just interested in hearing your thoughts on why you guys think there is a statue of Habib Bourguiba in Paris?",,,,,,2021-03-25 05:00:08 mcsei2,,47,La Marsa - good morning beautiful people,,,,,,,2021-03-25 07:14:29 mctnfv,,8,What to write on my business card to explain that I am a travel writer NOT a travel guide (in Derja and / or Modern Standard Arabic)?,"I have been travelling around Tunisia for the past year researching sites of touristic interest for the new Bradt Travel Guide to Tunisia (1st Edition) that I am writing. When I meet hotel owners or other Tunisian businesspeople in the tourism industry, I often struggle to explain what it is that I am doing. Explaining that I am writing a travel guide (in English), or that je suis ici pour écrire un guide de voyage / un guide touristique tends to result in confusion. 90% of the time people hear ""guide touristique"" and assume that I am a guide, scoping out future locations to bring my tour groups to, which is not correct. Can anyone suggest what I could print on my business cards in Derja and / or Modern Standard Arabic to avoid this misunderstanding? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-03-25 08:46:22 mcuig1,,176,"Freedom fighters, somewhere in Tunisia, between 1952/54. Photographer unknown Colors by Mohamed Bayouli",,,,,,,2021-03-25 09:48:27 mcv93k,,13,Your thoughts on Fathi Layouni's comment today,"Fathi layouni (mayor of the kram municipality) said today on radio that homosexuals belong to either jail or hospital, and that no homosexual is allowed to be in kram municipality (lol right). Shouldn't that statement be convicted under the hate speech law?",,,,,,2021-03-25 10:38:12 mcvsoo,,5,"Are there any clubs/Groups of mental health awareness in sousse, monastir or Tunis ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-25 11:13:04 mcwbh5,,2,"Souvenir shops, Arab ceramics, Hammamet, Tunisia, Northern Africa",,,,,,,2021-03-25 11:44:57 mcxlso,,2,Tozeur The gate of Tunisian Sahara,,,,,,,2021-03-25 12:57:08 mcyqp2,,0,"Si vous avez du yaourt, faites ce gâteau crémeux sans farine",,,,,,,2021-03-25 13:53:19 mczn3c,,2,About,"Hey redditors, I want to ask some questions about this service. My brother is bringing two iphones from france for me and his wife, How much will i need to pay for one phone ? and how do I do it ? Please someone respond i need some help :)",,,,,,2021-03-25 14:34:07 md0iyx,,33,Today Tunisia lost one of its most talented young men... Thank you for bringing CHANGE & CULTURE to the community Cheb Terro. May your soul rest in peace Rayan. Thank you for everything.,,,,,,,2021-03-25 15:13:59 md7a32,,1,"How to make school fun, comfortable and not boring ? and how can we fix the many issues that our education system is facing ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-25 20:13:29 mda4a1,,45,The Complete Arab Iceberg !,,,,,,,2021-03-25 22:26:02 mdaier,,6,So this is suppose to be Tunisia and that's suppose to be Derja (which idk why he said Arabic)? This (the place representation) leans more to Morocco than Tunisia.,,,,,,,2021-03-25 22:44:54 mdbdu9,,0,international student in Ontario,[removed],,,,,,2021-03-25 23:29:19 mdjl4v,,46,"A quick tour of Djerbahood - a whole Tunisian town filled with street art in Erriadh, Djerba (Graffiti heaven!)",,,,,,,2021-03-26 07:57:47 mdmxut,,2,Is there any alternatives for joining Peace Corps for non U.S citizens & tunisians?,,,,,,,2021-03-26 11:55:42 mdoxv1,,24,Friend in mourning on the other side of the world. Suggestions?,"Hello. I am a Canadian, but one of my good friends and colleagues is Tunisian. She recently returned to Tunisia to see her father, who had been hospitalized for covid. Regrettably, she was unable to clear quarantine before he passed. Her brother is now on a ventilator for the same reason, and she is emotionally devastated. I'm wracking my brain for something I can do to help her from afar. Flowers seem a bit trite, considering her circumstances. The best I can come up with is perhaps a gift card for UberEats (or some other food delivery service) so she at least won't have to worry about cooking while she is grieving. If I were there, I'd cook food and bring it to her, but obviously that's not really feasible. Can anyone help me out by telling me what are the popular food delivery apps in Tunis? Or, if you have any other ideas for what I can do to help support her? I'm not sure of the cultural norms for mourning. If it helps, she is a practicing Muslim.",,,,,,2021-03-26 13:43:24 mdvg8b,,2,best ISP offer ?,"Hello guys, I am actually own an (8mbps) internet from topnet and I am not very happy about it, I never reached that speed and it's always around 6mbps download speed plus their client service support is useless. I was thinking recently to switch to TT either Smart Rapido offer or Waffi for 20mbps do you guys recommend any for any good ISP or offer ? it will be used by 6 persons and I am a daily gamer",,,,,,2021-03-26 18:46:06 mdz6bq,,0,is it possible to buy GME from Tunisia without paypal / international credit card ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-26 21:41:24 mdzyt6,,57,"El Jem definitely needs more attention and International exposure. The one in Rome gets 7-8 million visitors a year, El Jem gets less than a million visitors.",,,,,,,2021-03-26 22:19:54 me0cco,,3,التونسي للتونسي رحمة,,,,,,,2021-03-26 22:38:32 me14g3,,1,Obama's Presidential Security Directive 11,,,,,,,2021-03-26 23:17:52 me6n68,,0,"Après avoir échoué à trouver des solutions pour faire face à Corona... L'Union européenne, va-t-elle s'effondrer ?",,,,,,,2021-03-27 04:29:16 me98jw,,3,Why does google celebrate medical Tawhida bin Sheikh today?,,,,,,,2021-03-27 07:43:35 med74o,,127,Cap zbib Bizerte 🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2021-03-27 12:51:59 medof0,,46,Google celebrating Tunisian doctor Tawhida Ben Sheikh's legacy.,,,,,,,2021-03-27 13:20:57 mee2db,,0,Happiness for me is what alive 7 ... is to chkoba,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-27 13:44:32 mee61m,,29,Tunis Air in the 70s,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-27 13:50:26 meeopu,,0,Hi what are best dating apps in tunisia ?,??,,,,,,2021-03-27 14:19:51 mefbiy,,4,تونس المزيانه 🌏💕,,,,,,,2021-03-27 14:55:01 mefn2a,,4,"Shades of blue, the island of Djerba, southeastern Tunisia 🐟",,,,,,,2021-03-27 15:11:29 mefp3u,,2,Where can i find teeth whitening strips ?,I've read about how efficient teeth whitening strips but couldn't find them in Tunis. Anyone knows?,,,,,,2021-03-27 15:14:25 meg49r,,1,Japan enters the biggest crisis of the modern economy,,,,,,,2021-03-27 15:36:22 megq84,,42,"I have nothing against her, but I hate it when we praise people that gave nothing to this country.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-27 16:06:57 melegh,,4,Is it easy to change your name in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-03-27 20:01:07 melnmh,,26,Kinda... Accurate,,,,,,,2021-03-27 20:13:49 meoedy,,19,"Allah yar7am Salah Ben Youssef, a true national hero! 💪💪",,,,,,,2021-03-27 22:34:41 meygic,,1,MSG in tunisia,How can I get MSG (monosodium glutamate) in tunisia for an affordable price ?,,,,,,2021-03-28 09:51:10 mez8gi,,0,"After few bars, a little street food snack is a must",,,,,,,2021-03-28 10:53:56 mf00kb,,64,28 march 2021 weathers feels like...,,,,,,,2021-03-28 11:52:21 mf04ou,,12,Wow 😍❤️,,,,,,,2021-03-28 12:00:29 mf0bzu,,22,"A 1969 Tunisian 1 silver dinar representing a Phoenician ship with the sign of Tanit on the sail, commemorating their Phoenician colonial past. The great metropolis of Carthage began minting coins in the fifth century BC, initially to pay their mercenaries for their costly wars.",,,,,,,2021-03-28 12:14:18 mf20co,,2,"Hi I have I am AI engineer and I made a YT channel in Arabic and I don't know where or how to share it, because I live in the U.S , anybody got any ideas?. It is mostly about programming/SWE. I left the link below. Any help whether its advice or subscription is appreciated . I am new to making video",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-28 14:39:58 mf3tx4,,14,Tunisian Libtard VS Khwenji debates in a (nut)shell.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-28 16:09:59 mf3z4a,,0,Arab iceberg,,,,,,,2021-03-28 16:17:00 mf41m7,,1,music instrument from amazon,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-28 16:20:30 mf4zvd,,41,French philosopher Michel Foucault ‘abused boys in Tunisia’,,,,,,,2021-03-28 17:06:33 mf50fh,,1,العزارة - Laazara | تسحر عينيك | الوردة الي نحكي عليها | امان امان يا ألماني |,,,,,,,2021-03-28 17:07:17 mf5nzn,,15,did it snow in Tunisia in 2020,did it snow in Tunisia in 2020,,,,,,2021-03-28 17:38:18 mfcd4r,,73,List of Tunisian derja words that are of amazigh origin.,,,,,,,2021-03-28 23:08:30 mfciwn,,1,What are the best Tunisian indie films you personally recommend ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-28 23:17:13 mfly9s,,2,Would you like to see google play card in tunisia?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-03-29 09:50:31 mfmza5,,4,Blue card visa [Germany],"Hello guys, anyone got an appointenement at the German embassy to apply for the blue card visa these days ? I applied a month ago and I did not get any reply",,,,,,2021-03-29 10:59:45 mfn1yd,,5,Is there anything similar to button poetry in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-29 11:03:43 mfnxnu,,6,Small Buissness & Customs,"hello beautiful people of Tunisia, i was wondering if anyone could help me with this. i plan on starting on a samll buisness but Tunisia doesn't have some of the appliances i need, so i plan to order them from outside, mainly the us. however ill also be ordering in bulk for my boutique, so do i need a seller's permit to do so?? and how much will it cost in customs?? thank you!",,,,,,2021-03-29 11:58:02 mfqtpv,,4,Asking YOU to advice me on my future,"Salem I'm 20 years old , na9ra bac w basically i'm asking you people to advice me on the biggest life decision i'm going to make . So that'a hella of an introduction 😅 but let's get right into it So basically i assume many people here either have heard of the SAT test or passed it or know someone who did . It's mainly an exam all students in American high schools are required to take if they want to join college (like the bac exam here) and it's required for international students who are willing to apply for us colleges too . My main dilemma is that as i said na9ra bac and the exams starts exactly on june 16 (I'm doing fine in my studies I'm currently having a study schedule that I'm sticking to it so things are going pretty well i guess ) But the problem is when it comes to the SAT test or should i say : Preparing for it with the bac exam in a TIME PERIOD OF 1 MONTH (the final deadline of applying to SAT is literally about 8 days from now and i still didn't apply for it ) So this is my question : Should i ditch the idea of passing the SAT and focus on my bac exam or should i pass both of them ? Some helpful details : *Sat test consists of two main parts : Math section : 800 points Reading section : 800 points So basically the test is rated on 1600 points . *Na9ra bac math so i can prepare for the math part of the test i guess it won't bother me so much *I know it's a question of priority so to be clear enyy nokhrej men tounes is a top 1 priority for me than getting a good score in my bac exam and study at a good Tunisian universty",,,,,,2021-03-29 14:32:02 mfr01h,,24,Tahia tunis 🌏💜,,,,,,,2021-03-29 14:40:27 mfr15a,,128,Que celui qui me manque soit avec moi 🧡,,,,,,,2021-03-29 14:41:58 mfrbz2,سفينة_السويس/,0,سفينة السويس,"فرد وقت الي جرائد تقلك انه السفينه الي كانت مسكره قناة السويس والي تحركت ليوم رجعت سكرت القناة، ثما بث مباشر للسفينه ينفي الي تحكي فيه هالجرائد الكبيره 🙄 ‏ياخي الإعلام في العالم الكل عايش ازمه؟؟؟ 🙄",,,,,,2021-03-29 14:56:11 mfvin8,,2,Is there a discord server for tunisia,"If yes, can you share its link ?",,,,,,2021-03-29 18:04:39 mfw9y7,,12,Hunting down all of Tunisia's Star Wars filming locations: Mos Espa and then across the Chott el-Gharsa salt flats to Ong Jemel,,,,,,,2021-03-29 18:38:16 mfy8id,,5,Income tax,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-29 20:05:52 mfy8wn,,6,Any recommended tattoo artists in Tunis?,Do you have any idea where I can find a good one and about prices? Thank you,,,,,,2021-03-29 20:06:18 mfynkf,,4,I hate prepa,"Slem, straight to the point 3aml prepa w kerh 3ichti momkn akber ghalta 3mltha fi hyeti fmech ay hja o5ra njm n3mlha maghir mn5sr l3am hetha w 9raya tosl7",,,,,,2021-03-29 20:25:31 mg2gd0,,3,freelance and how to get paid ?,"hey guys anybody has an idea about how can someone in tunisia work on freelance (upwork,feverr) and get paid . how can he receive his money from outside the country",,,,,,2021-03-29 23:25:03 mg4dzz,,12,ملا حالة,,,,,,,2021-03-30 01:09:21 mg8ip0,,0,Canal de Suez bloqué : quelles conséquences pour l'économie mondiale ?,,,,,,,2021-03-30 05:10:26 mgbzsz,,23,Hello everyone! I'm back again with some new music on oud. This time I tried to tackle the vagabond thematic. I hope you enjoy!,,,,,,,2021-03-30 09:25:27 mgccxk,,0,most underrated rapper,,,,,,,2021-03-30 09:53:07 mgcq05,,22,"Beb El khadra , Belhaouen Station Church . Tunis.",,,,,,,2021-03-30 10:18:06 mghtzm,,90,Nice day u all 💙,,,,,,,2021-03-30 14:54:33 mghwm7,,43,Mahdia 💙,,,,,,,2021-03-30 14:57:58 mgkxzm,,26,"This is real guys, this is damn real",,,,,,,2021-03-30 17:13:55 mgmpqm,,0,Randa,"Would you boycott Randa food products? Why? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-03-30 18:34:13 mgmzsc,,1,"these ooredoo ad signs are popping up everywhere, shouldn't they be banned considering how similar they are with the traffic sign?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-30 18:47:02 mgnhvw,,0,Debate about Tunisia system,"so here u can post what could be fixed in tunisia and be improve to make tunisia more efficient (and no i dont think charia law would work)",,,,,,2021-03-30 19:09:46 mgplvo,,3,I wish this is how they explained it.,,,,,,,2021-03-30 20:46:50 mgt1k9,,2,With Tunisian PayPal can I send money to a friend abroad (France) and he can send me the money? Is this possible?,,,,,,,2021-03-30 23:38:31 mgvgzw,,4,Entrepreneurship in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-31 01:53:02 mgxw9i,,0,أجمل الأمثال الشعبية المصرية,,,,,,,2021-03-31 04:15:14 mgzw7v,,30,Resilience,,,,,,,2021-03-31 06:33:39 mh1zgt,,1,موقف الغرب تجاه معلم قرآن ثم موقفه تجاه فيلسوف مفكر فرنسي في تونس,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-31 09:01:27 mh275s,,0,الإعلام بين تشهيره بالإمام البريء من التحرش بالأطفال وصمته كصمت أصحاب القبور عن وثائق اغتصاب ‎ميشيل فوكو أشهر فلاسفة ‎فرنسا لأطفال تونس في المقابر,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-31 09:16:42 mh3inn,,11,*Cries in 20% taxes*,,,,,,,2021-03-31 10:52:58 mh3sqq,,21,Tunis Centre Ville ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-03-31 11:11:30 mh3wzw,,1,"Which political party/politician could save our economy and garantee freedom of speach, civil rights as well as our security and social solidarity",[removed],,,,,,2021-03-31 11:19:12 mh626l,,0,Based Warda Ghodhbane,[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-31 13:25:41 mh66ne,,20,White art 💚,,,,,,,2021-03-31 13:31:57 mh6863,,43,😍,,,,,,,2021-03-31 13:34:02 mh71r8,,0,أروع ألغاز للأذكياء,,,,,,,2021-03-31 14:15:47 mh9q79,,116,On a journey to learn your beautiful dialect ❤️,,,,,,,2021-03-31 16:22:36 mhc3gt,,2,Studying abroad,"First of all how ya doing fellow tunisians. So I'm planning to finish my education in italy (for personal reasons) next year after I finish bac this year. (I'm bac lettre) The problem is that i don't understand how Universities work there and what do I need to take with me (things like diplôme bac) and when to apply cause I heard they stop accepting after a certain time period and also how to get accepted and(5th and by now...) is it possible to pursue a 'lettre like' uni program to get a degree in education Some additional info : i was born in italy and lived in north italy (emilia romagna) and I speak the language fluently having studied there for almost a decade before coming to tunisia Sry for the shit paragraph (it's prolly a mess) and thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-03-31 18:13:22 mhcjqd,,3,Know any Tunisian newsletters?,"featuring any subject, I don't mind any",,,,,,2021-03-31 18:34:49 mhdtqu,,20,"Who is this guy, and why is he painted on a wall in Kairouan?",,,,,,,2021-03-31 19:34:40 mhdyau,,4,register a trademark/copyright related stuff?,some people in my university have this big project and they want to register it/protect the idea. how can they do that? and how ? any idea on the fees required?,,,,,,2021-03-31 19:40:50 mhfa1a,,32,تجنبوا الصيد و الدربوكة و البندير و الحس في الغابة في هذه الفترة من السنة يهديكم و يرحمكم ربي اتركوا الطيور تتكاثر,,,,,,,2021-03-31 20:44:36 mhfhl9,,1,"Any Tunisians living in Chester, England?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-03-31 20:54:34 mhj0oz,,1,مشات لحناش لمساميم * الزرازيم عادت لفوعة * ناري على وكر السيد ولا مرتع لضبوعة,,,,,,,2021-03-31 23:56:58 mhjypa,,7,How good of an opportunity is it to study DevOps and pursue a job in Tunisia?,"I don't know much about the job market and I don't want to get stuck in overcrowded tech industries (What I mean is ridiculous competition such as thousands applying for one position) especially when I don't have strong ""aktef"" nor being an overachiever.",,,,,,2021-04-01 00:50:36 mhowup,/r/arabs/comments/mhmwz6/rarabs_is_thrilled_to_announce_a_historic/,19,Arab countries thrilled to announce a historic agreement to fully normalize relations with israel,,,,,,,2021-04-01 06:02:57 mhqcyw,,0,معلومات مهمة عن داء السكري,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-01 07:50:27 mhryhr,,1,btc,,,,,,,2021-04-01 09:57:06 mhu42h,,2,Looking for a Podcast recommendation,"Hey not sure if this has been asked before or not Am looking for suggestion of a Tunisian or Arabic speaking podcast if you know.",,,,,,2021-04-01 12:22:06 mhu6o9,,17,What’s your favorite Tunisian old saying?,"My favorites are : - كان منعرفكش يا صرمي، راني قلت جرح قديم Which roughly translates to: “if I wasn’t aware of my vagina I would have thought it’s an old cut” - وقتاش نوليو شرفاء بابا ؟ كي يموتو كبار الحومة Which roughly translates to: “when will we become “honorable” dad? When the neighborhood’s “gentleman” are dead” (Apologies for the shitty translations ) And I must say, many if not most of our old sayings are offensive.",,,,,,2021-04-01 12:26:36 mhv1tp,,54,Tunis in 1935,,,,,,,2021-04-01 13:14:43 mhvd7o,,6,Trying to send a Fax to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-01 13:31:30 mhx7sb,,6,Kosksi,,,,,,,2021-04-01 15:03:20 mhxb4q,,2,Marriage in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-01 15:07:55 mhxdw1,,67,Fav ❤️❤️,,,,,,,2021-04-01 15:11:35 mi125f,,0,ناصر الواحدي | ياصديقي !,,,,,,,2021-04-01 18:00:14 mi3arn,,0,🔴 والي زغوان و مجموعة كبيرة من الأطباء يؤدون زيارة الى والدة سمير الوافي بعد اصابتها بفيروس کورونا ! فما مواطنين توانسة ومواطنين توانسة غير ربع,,,,,,,2021-04-01 19:43:40 mi3xfi,,2,مواصفات مظلات السيارات مظلات خارجية للسيارات,,,,,,,2021-04-01 20:12:41 mi48ss,,3,By Ameur Guesmi,,,,,,,2021-04-01 20:27:27 mi4wnd,,0,هاذي في تونس موش في افغانستان,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-01 21:00:01 mi5167,,0,Very disappointed in the country of Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-01 21:05:51 mi74bj,,1,Yassine,,,,,,,2021-04-01 22:50:37 miegas,,1,مفاجئة بن علي لا يزال في تونس وفي مجلس شورى حركة النهضة,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-02 06:21:09 mif7im,,0,مفاجئة: بن علي لا يزال في حيا وفي مجلس شورى حركة النهضة,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-02 07:20:24 mifi9q,,0,‏مفاجئة: بن علي لا يزال في حيا وفي مجلس شورى حركة النهضة,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-02 07:44:57 mifv8v,,1,lablebi <3 <3,,,,,,,2021-04-02 08:14:19 migipx,,1,Tunisian Skulls RP | Server Teaser,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-02 09:08:58 migplq,,1,Tunisian Skulls RP | Server Teaser :,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-02 09:23:59 mijm5k,,1,What do u guys think of green marketing in Tunisia? I made this pull so I can see what you guys think of it.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-02 12:45:18 mik84v,,44,Any tunisian metalheads here? And why do you think metal/rock are not so popular in tunisia!,,,,,,,2021-04-02 13:20:15 milplr,,3,"Recherché, un terroriste éliminé à la frontière avec l’Algérie.",,,,,,,2021-04-02 14:40:15 miluxf,,8,Visiting all of Tunisia's Star Wars filming locations: getting my 4x4 stuck in the sand at the Dune pod crash site near Nefta & exploring the iconic (and sadly run down) Lars Homestead on Chott el Djerid,,,,,,,2021-04-02 14:48:14 milxs5,,96,"Got a new pair of jeans (Toronto, CA) & guess where it was made ♥️🇹🇳 We make jeans for the biggest fashion brands worldwide !",,,,,,,2021-04-02 14:52:27 mim3ql,,4,Allergic to Dairy,"Hey guys, im going to Tunisia again this year ( staying around monastir/sousse ) i go there every year but this year i have developed a dairy allergy, im just wondering where i could buy dairy free margarine or if i can bring it with me from the Uk?",,,,,,2021-04-02 15:00:42 mine4i,,20,Tunisian broker be like.,,,,,,,2021-04-02 16:06:11 miw1sy,,0,La cryptomonnaie pour les nuls,,,,,,,2021-04-02 23:06:54 mj2odr,,0,I think,,,,,,,2021-04-03 06:04:52 mj3n0w,,0,مفاجئة: بن علي لا يزال حيا وفي مجلس شورى حركة النهضة,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-03 07:18:50 mj3n8o,,47,The longest meme ever,,,,,,,2021-04-03 07:19:17 mj4851,,0,التبليغ على محاولة تفجيري من قبل احمد حمودة و فتحي بن علي مجموعة بولينا زعيم مليشيات التجمع والمندس في مجلس شورى حركة النهضة في تظاهرة عبير موسي يوم عيد الاستقلال في صفاقس,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-03 08:06:11 mj4nwy,,0,‏‎#راشد_الغنوشي يا عميل مخبي عند زعيمي مافيا التجمع فتحي بن علي و احمد حمودة في ‎#حركة_النهضة وفي مجلس الشورى زادة حتى من لقبو بن علي ومالك بولينا الي ما تضرتش في عهد بن علي اهم حاولو يعملو انقلاب يوم ‎#عيد_الاستقلال واعادة التجمع للقحبة ‎#عبير_موسي تفييه على زك امك يا راشد الميبون,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-03 08:41:50 mj52bl,محاولة_انقلاب_فاشلة_في_تونس_يوم_عيد_الاستقلال_2021/,0,محاولة انقلاب فاشلة في تونس يوم عيد الاستقلال 2021,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-03 09:14:51 mj5zhb,,1,اضراب المهندسين في تونس,,,,,,,2021-04-03 10:29:16 mj6d7l,,5,Quick Question,are rapid antigen tests accepted in tunisia ? I tested negative but am not sure if its enough at the airport. Anybody knows ?,,,,,,2021-04-03 11:00:28 mj91x7,,4,Nice day u all,,,,,,,2021-04-03 14:00:29 mj9l1w,,5,تونس ☪︎ Tunisia Le vieux port de Bizerte,,,,,,,2021-04-03 14:29:40 mj9s0q,,0,هذا المجرم الذي وراء محاولة تفجيري والغاية واضحة,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-03 14:40:11 mjc4zp,لماذا_حذف_موضوع_تم_افشال_انقلاب_عبير_موسي_يوم_عيد/,0,لماذا حذف موضوع: تم افشال انقلاب عبير موسي يوم عيد الاستقلال بنجاح؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-03 16:43:16 mjcu4x,,1,A survey concerning influential marketing.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-03 17:18:14 mjgod4,تعرفو_سيتكومات_كيما_الحجامة2017_و_الخياطة2020/,0,تعرفو سيتكومات كيما الحجامة(2017) و الخياطة(2020)؟,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-03 20:33:23 mjgui3,,1,[BOUBLI] ياخي بالرسمي تونس بلاد المليون بطال؟,,,,,,,2021-04-03 20:42:36 mjj9ui,,1,Sudden attack Japon,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-03 22:50:02 mjjvro,,0,JUST DO IT NEED IT FOR SOME RESEARCH AND TY,"If you can't speak the native language *شلحة* select Tunisian [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-04-03 23:23:04 mjki4v,,1,Petition for the shitty mods to step down and assign people who actually visit the sub,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-03 23:57:42 mjnv8e,,53,Muh best Constitution in the world,,,,,,,2021-04-04 03:16:43 mjorb2,,0,أغرب وأسهل الطرق الفعالة لحرق 100 سعرة حرارية وكم من الوقت يستغرق حرقها,,,,,,,2021-04-04 04:12:33 mjtqe3,,10,Can we skip straight to the next presidential elections please?,,,,,,,2021-04-04 10:27:54 mjul8f,,0,"I expressed my opinion in a thread and now I lost all my karma, you guys are the worst!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-04 11:35:49 mjvl0k,,1,روتيني الصباحي راجلي طيب لينا كتف الغنمي محمر,,,,,,,2021-04-04 12:45:37 mjxm8n,,27,Un peu de Tunisie dans vos TL La Mlou5ia,,,,,,,2021-04-04 14:48:58 mjxngc,,69,From Zarzis,,,,,,,2021-04-04 14:50:47 mjyktl,,1,Stalinian purge in the parliament,,,,,,,2021-04-04 15:40:00 mjz68c,,2,Suggest a suitable place for an event committee shooting.,title,,,,,,2021-04-04 16:10:50 mjzrbk,,43,"Tunisian Troops, Crimean War Period",,,,,,,2021-04-04 16:41:08 mk02nv,,17,"I wouldn’t admit at first after GameStop’s Reddit news, but this has sub been invaded by Facebook’s puréed mental diarrhea",Prove me wrong. Look at the exponential amount of shit posts. Puréed. Mental. Diarrhea,,,,,,2021-04-04 16:57:42 mk0sdz,,3,Is Tunisia really a shithole ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-04 17:33:50 mk0xch,,3,You guys know any great spots for fishing around Tunis ??,,,,,,,2021-04-04 17:41:04 mk10r8,,1,معا لاسقاط قانون تجريم التطبيع مع إسرائيل‏ .. الموت للفلسطنيين الخونة تحيا إسرائيل الكبرى لي حصانة ضد قوات الامن والخوانجية بلغة أخرى تو تخراولي فيه لاني صديق ابنة الارهابي فتحي بن علي، ولاء بن علي، عضو مجلس شورى ‎حركة النهضة ومالك مجموعة بولينا‏,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-04 17:46:07 mk1cqx,,1,معا لاسقاط قانون تجريم التطبيع مع إسرائيل.. ‏الموت للفلسطنيين الخونة تحيا إسرائيل الكبرى لي حصانة ضد قوات الامن والخوانجية بلغة أخرى تو تخراولي فيه لاني صديق ابنة الارهابي فتحي بن علي، ولاء بن علي، عضو مجلس شورى ‎حركة النهضة ومالك مجموعة بولينا,,,,,,,2021-04-04 18:03:25 mk2q69,,3,Did Tunisia pledge or implement any program concerning climate change?,"The world topic right now is climate change, many countries are acting to reduce their gas emissions. Many are on the right path, including notably Morocco. I've trying to keep up with the local news lately but I can't seem to remember to see the gov't announcing anything concerning this.",,,,,,2021-04-04 19:14:11 mk4978,,10,An idea,How about we reduce the number of political cancerous posts (with all due respect to their posters) and increase the number of memes and beautiful stuff like food?,,,,,,2021-04-04 20:33:25 mk5x0h,,0,Afrique - Top 15 Personnel des forces armées (% de la population active ...,,,,,,,2021-04-04 22:00:09 mk6pky,,0,Funny highlights mtaa l koura fi tounes 😂,,,,,,,2021-04-04 22:41:49 mk93it,,0,Does anyone in the sub want to exchange 340 TND to 100€ ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-05 00:58:23 mkflg2,,96,Made the Tunisian flag in 3D!,,,,,,,2021-04-05 08:09:42 mkftw4,,7,I discovered a really cool and useful website about abandoned buildings and other abandoned stuff,,,,,,,2021-04-05 08:26:39 mkiv4s,,8,Which is the best bank to open a Tunisian Dinar account for a foreigner?,"I am not Tunisian but I have a carte de séjour. I would like a TND account with access to online banking and a debit card. Main reason is so I can take money out of ATMs without fees and buy things from Tunisian vendors that do not accept international card payments (such as recharging my Tunisie Autoroutes Télépéage etc.) Keen to avoid having to step into the bank more than once to get the account setup. Anyone have any recommendations, or experiences of good customer service at a particular Tunisian bank? STB seem to have billboards all over the country advertising their mobile banking App. Are they any good? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-04-05 11:52:37 mkiw6s,,3,How much does kwh in Tunisia cost?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-05 11:54:26 mkjo2r,,2,ccLe vieux port de Bizerte Round pushpin,,,,,,,2021-04-05 12:36:34 mkjypt,,2,from Djerba LA DOUCE,,,,,,,2021-04-05 12:51:57 mkop63,,30,"When you are Tunisian , trying to be french and still want to be German",,,,,,,2021-04-05 16:29:42 mkpt2f,,2,"A 22 years old dude travelling solo to Turkey, will I be bothered during customs ?","Since us Tunisians do not have the best reputation abroad, I thought I'd ask this. I'm travelling to Turkey soon for tourism, I'm gonna have an airbnb reservation, negative PCR test, and parental approval (mandatory for all under 35 years old, just imagine ). I'm gonna stay for two weeks. The women in Tunisair kinda scared me, she told me that they are stricter with younger people travelling, and they might not allow you in. Does anyone have any relevant experience or tips for help? Thank you!",,,,,,2021-04-05 17:18:50 mkq9ft,,3,What's habar-jad (spice) my father saw it in a Tunisian cooking video and didn't know what it was,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-05 17:39:07 mkqg7z,,7,How can a foreigner open a business in Tunisia?,"Hi everyone ! I wanted to ask about opening a Business in Tunisia by a foreigner (German to be more specific) Does anybody have an idea about the legal processes? and how much would it cost to open a restaurant / café / bar for example? I would appreciate any help :)",,,,,,2021-04-05 17:47:41 mks0nq,,52,Tunisians have had some strokes of luck in their history/geography (Monday optimism shot),"I’m not one of those people who’d go out of their way to see Tunisia as not the dysfunctional place as it is. Nor do I ever have any of the embarrassing superiority complex episodes that some of our countrymen have. I’m quite realistic about where we are in the world and the rot that’s within our institutions and to an extent, many of our people. So, I wanted to establish that. I’m no nationalist or any of that crap. However, there are many elements in our country that make us lucky, in particular when compared to most African as well as Middle Eastern countries. These are things we take for granted, but I think that, if we look at the experiences of our neighbors and fellow-Arabic speakers, we have a few perks. Some points even apply to places outside of MENA and Africa. 1. Religious homogeneity. This is coming from a non-religious person so please don’t assume I’m putting Sunni Islam on a pedestal. However, Tunisians being primarily born to families who follow that same faith is a relief. The Shia/Sunni divide caused mayhem in every single country in which these two groups coexisted each in significant proportions. You can also extend this idea to Catholicism/Protestantism (think Ireland) and mixtures of Islam and Christianity. I would love a world in which practicing people know how to live with others, but the reality isn’t that. And Tunisians are spared this drama. PS: I think the second largest belief system in Tunisia is agnosticism/atheism, and for obvious reasons they’re not making fusses. 2. The absence of a sense of ethnicity. We don’t really categorize ourselves in terms of ethnicity, and if we do, we don’t think our Tunisian society is composed of multiple ones but rather of a singular Arab/Amazigh whatever you wanna call it unit. Surely we’re not color blind and some of us are racists, but we do not put Tunisian people in ethnic boxes. Think of the Tutsi/Hutu or the Arab/Kurdish bloodshed. We have no clear ethnic divides. 3. We are not tribal. Not in the sense Libya or KSA or Jordan are tribal. We have our regionalism and our 3rouchet but it’s nothing like tribe mentality that can even pit people against each other in political events and lead to strife. 4. Linguistic homogeneity. Yes, French is still a pain in our collective ass. Some speak it better than others and some use it to differentiate themselves in class and social standing (those are a small Marsa minority and it’s not that consequential). Some folks in the south maintained the Amazigh language of their ancestors but that hasn’t lead to serious separatist drama. Everyone speaks Tunisian and knows some MSA. No region has a strong enough affiliation with a non-majority language that lead it to want special rights or independence. Our neighbors do have issues relating to linguistic differences: Kabylie (Algeria) is one example. There are more examples in Europe (Flemish, Basque). And again, I’m not assuming diversity is inherently problematic but it does often lead to friction and that’s how the real world is. I believe separatism can be very dangerous and it’s lucky we don’t have to deal with it. 5. No hostile neighbors or territorial/ressource disputes. This is quite relevant in the MENA and Africa contexts. Egypt is in conflict with Ethiopia over the Nile. Syria still has (albeit dormant) aspirations to re-absorb Lebanon. Algeria and Morocco’s feud is alive and well. It seems to me that every second country in the area has some border/resource drama with a nearby country. We don’t have anything serious of the sort. Our national borders are unquestioned, clear cut and taken as legitimate by most parties. I did hear grievances about Hassi Masseoud (in relation to Algeria) but that never went anywhere that’s messy. Things are chill. These are my two cents. These things cheer me up, truly, whenever I think about Tunisia. They are in our makeup and they lead us to have a relatively peaceful and dare I say cohesive society without having to resort to idiotic nationalist rhetoric. I’m aware that they value the very minimum (peace) but so many places don’t have even that. This is long and boring but I had to share it as I truly believe in it and I wanted people to be exposed to these points as they may put some things in perspective. Feel free to debate me as I do want to refine my views.",,,,,,2021-04-05 18:57:08 mkton8,,7,Another Facebook Data leak. This time Tunisia & France on top of the list," In case you haven’t heard by now, there’s been another huge Facebook data leak, encompassing personal information from more than 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries. This data was posted in a hacking forum, which is to say — if you have a Facebook account, there’s a good chance your data has once again been exposed to hackers including everything from your phone number to your email address, birthday, full name, and more. However, this time, Tunisia and France are on top of the list. How serious is this? We investigated the issue. We acquired some of the stolen data so you don't have to (and to satisfy your curiosity ;) ) Read More here: []( &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-04-05 20:10:31 mkua0c,,1,Samsung M30s,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-05 20:37:37 ml361t,,1,hello guys. i wanna know what's better between Ubiquiti LiteBeam AC Gen2 or tp-link cpe 710 ? distance 4.5km,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-06 04:08:46 ml50xm,,3,Is there any form of a profession? or a job that you don't particularly need a high-school diploma for it. And technically in the English language?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-06 06:08:22 ml7ckt,,27,[Prevention] rodoubelkom,,,,,,,2021-04-06 08:59:02 ml7gti,/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/mfk5da/ysk_there_is_a_website_called_haveibeenpwned/,1,"Since Tunisia is on top of the Facebook data leaks list, check your emails and change your passwords.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-06 09:07:54 ml7j1d,/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/mfk5da/ysk_there_is_a_website_called_haveibeenpwned/,11,"Since Tunisia is on top of the facebook data leak list, check your email using this online tool and change your passwords",,,,,,,2021-04-06 09:12:37 ml7wws,,10,Can you buy alcoholic drinks from shops during Ramadan,Is buying alcoholic drinks from shops during Ramadan possible?,,,,,,2021-04-06 09:41:39 mlavib,,0,*pictures taken out of context*,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-06 12:49:05 mlcwhu,,69,Tunisian Europe & MENA map,,,,,,,2021-04-06 14:27:36 mlg1i3,,0,"So much cannabis stock news, so little time",[removed],,,,,,2021-04-06 16:47:25 mlhkio,,4,Hello,Do you guys think that there is a possibility we return to general lockdown? Or new sets of rules to stop the spread of covid?,,,,,,2021-04-06 17:56:27 mlhufz,,16,Visiting Tunisia's beautiful and isolated Kerkennah Islands,,,,,,,2021-04-06 18:08:21 mlkfz9,,1,zitouna bank mobile app account,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-06 20:05:24 mlkn92,,0,Yassine ayari appreciation post. Only good guy in a parlement of 216 idiots.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-06 20:14:39 mlktv4,,4,What are the current COVID regulations in place?,I am returning to Tunisia in May after being gone for a few months. The last time I was there it was January and the rules were pretty strict (not that anyone follows them). What are the current guidelines? Is there still a curfew? I also need to know if you still need to quarantine when entering the country and if being vaccinated can change that.,,,,,,2021-04-06 20:23:10 mlpvf0,,2,Can i deposit money to my skrill account using a prepaid card (bna) ?,Also can I use my prepaid card in freelance (upwork) to receive money from a client directly,,,,,,2021-04-07 00:23:25 mlrl19,,23,Phoenician Purple Dye Revived in Tunis!,,,,,,,2021-04-07 01:57:14 mltfgf,,1,A service and cooperation,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-07 03:41:19 mltgfu,,1,A service and cooperation,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-07 03:43:00 mlx89w,,35,This doesn't only happen on Facebook I guess,,,,,,,2021-04-07 08:01:23 mlyfdo,,3,National Drinks,"Hello, So, ever since I was young, I've loved making drinks. Any type of drink, whether the different ways to make coffee, tea, etc. The thing is, i've made two types of indian tea for my mom. whilst making tea, I had an idea, why don't I make every type of drink there is that each country has to offer and serve it to my mom. so far, she's absolutely loving the drinks I'm making her. I love making drinks (and drinking them) in general and it would be a really amazing experience to make each type of drink the world has to offer. If you could, just write the name of the drink and recipe that you use, that'd be awesome. One thing to note: we're muslim so please, no drinks with alcohol. if there's a non-alcoholic version to said drink, I'd love to make it. Thank you in advance :)",,,,,,2021-04-07 09:37:01 mlyiln,,3,"Recommendations for guitar songs or just songs in general, that casual Tunisian peeps would recognize?","Trying to play the smiths or the Beatles has gotten me .. let's say little engagement from the audience 😅 a list of party songs that Tunisian peeps would recognize would be really appreciated.",,,,,,2021-04-07 09:44:11 mlzj8g,,1,Faites ce super gratin de pommes de terre,,,,,,,2021-04-07 10:59:21 mlzlk4,,3,Is there anyway you can change your religious status in Tunisia?,"Not asking for myself, just curious. When you're born in Tunisia from Tunisian parents you're automatically assigned a muslim identity and I know that the Tunisian social structure acknowledges the existence of non-muslims participating in the economy (for the benefit of tourism i guess). Some places sell pork and alcohol to people with a non-arab passport (some don't check) and many food and coffee places are open during the day in Ramadan. You can even safely and legally gamble. As a Tunisian citizen can you be legally recognized as non-muslim?",,,,,,2021-04-07 11:03:29 mm00mx,,0,Le fameux dessert qui fait le tour des réseaux sociaux préparé avec un avis,,,,,,,2021-04-07 11:31:54 mm0ixn,,4,From sidi Bou said,,,,,,,2021-04-07 12:03:45 mm0jsh,,4,Ce silence magnifique,,,,,,,2021-04-07 12:05:03 mm1acp,,0,"Tunisian Rap, Rap Tunisien, راب تونسي (Best Of with weekly updates)",,,,,,,2021-04-07 12:47:43 mm1jee,,16,Sadge,,,,,,,2021-04-07 13:01:07 mm1qgs,,0,EL BIG FIVE Ft. BLINGOS : FAST FOOD,,,,,,,2021-04-07 13:11:14 mm2zcp,,1,bledna win mechia!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-07 14:12:26 mm30fb,,75,bledna win mechia!,,,,,,,2021-04-07 14:13:50 mm3mb8,,2,Money transfer from the UK to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-07 14:41:57 mm4461,,7,"Is the ""I won't talk without my attorny"" applicable in Tunisia?","You know like in American movies when someone is being interrogated, they have a constitutional right to remain silent and demand an attorny. Do we have similar rights in Tunisia? At least on paper. I know that things may go horribly differently in real life.",,,,,,2021-04-07 15:04:36 mm51fj,,42,Sports commentator on national television requesting a beer during a live football match.,,,,,,,2021-04-07 15:46:41 mm79fv,,3,How can I get CBD oil in tunisia ?,Dat would be helpful 🙏,,,,,,2021-04-07 17:28:10 mma2c6,,0,Guns tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-07 19:37:00 mmaan4,,1,Guns tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-07 19:47:32 mmaqsf,,3,How to get stimulants such as Ritalin in Tunisia,"Hi ADHD people of Tunisia, Is there a way to get ritalin.I have tried with a psychiatrist and she only prescribes anti depressant.I have talked with other people who suffer from adhd and it seems that they have a similar experience. For those who did got a prescription, how did you do it? Merciii",,,,,,2021-04-07 20:07:47 mmenr9,ما_رايكم_بلبس_المراة_للبيكيني_في_الشواطئ_في_تونس/,0,ما رايكم بلبس المراة للبيكيني في الشواطئ في تونس؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-07 23:20:41 mmfl58,,2,What Makes Tunisia One Of The Most Expensive Countries To Buy A Car | So Expensive,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-08 00:11:22 mmltnh,,19,Making people poor and hungry should be considered as terrorism also.,,,,,,,2021-04-08 06:38:38 mmml24,,1,according to Vox Tunisia is a wealthy country,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-08 07:35:43 mmo66h,,1,How to send money from Tunisia to I’m?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-08 09:39:00 mmopze,,1,How to send money from Tunisia to uk,Can anyone help please,,,,,,2021-04-08 10:20:06 mmpffb,,22,Mahdia,,,,,,,2021-04-08 11:08:56 mmpg0r,,74,"٠Sidi Bou Said, Tunisie",,,,,,,2021-04-08 11:10:03 mmq1fj,,1,What's with all the DMs from users in this sub nowadays...?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-08 11:49:40 mmq238,,3,What's with all the DMs from users in this sub nowadays...?,,,,,,,2021-04-08 11:50:46 mmq99b,,26,"Come on , this is funny xD",,,,,,,2021-04-08 12:02:40 mmrms2,,1,"The tripartite negotiations in Kinshasa between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia on the Renaissance Dam did not achieve any progress .. Is there a possibility for binding solutions that Addis Ababa would accept? And what can Cairo and Khartoum do?",,,,,,,2021-04-08 13:20:11 mmsdqb,,1,What Makes Tunisia One Of The Most Expensive Countries To Buy A Car | So Expensive,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-08 13:58:11 mmse49,,51,What Makes Tunisia One Of The Most Expensive Countries To Buy A Car | So Expensive,,,,,,,2021-04-08 13:58:46 mmuhsr,,9,Good morning. Are there people who live in Djerba and want to adopt a kitten? ,,,,,,,2021-04-08 15:40:03 mmv1yc,,2,Buying Games In Tunisia,"i am tired of playing offline and pirating games is there a way to legally buy games IN tunisia?",,,,,,2021-04-08 16:06:31 mmv2gu,,1,Look at what i found...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-08 16:07:08 mmxunf,,29,Sidi bou saïd Tunisia ❤,,,,,,,2021-04-08 18:14:00 mmxxd8,,20,انتي مع ام ضد الحجر الصحي؟,,,,,,,2021-04-08 18:17:29 mmz20c,,3,"Africa - Ranking of Hospital Beds by Country per 1,000 people",,,,,,,2021-04-08 19:10:09 mmzeo6,,3,Any mixed tunisians on this sub ? Tell us your mix !,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-08 19:26:14 mmzse8,,21,Title,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-08 19:43:57 mn07np,عادي_الشهداء_ينجمو_يستناو/,5,عادي الشهداء ينجمو يستناو,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-04-08 20:03:51 mn36ba,,86,Tunisians complain a lot .. The truth is: we're just lazy,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-08 22:25:35 mnaspp,,2,"I've found this commemorative plaque downtown Tunis. It's of the tomb of Rabbi Masoud Refael Alfasi of Tunisia, the leader of the Tunisian Jewish community who was the chief rabbi from 1741 until his death in 1774.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-09 05:57:21 mnbenu,,7,"Hello Fellow Tunisians. Finally, I have got my passport.","I am half blood tunisian and I could not renew my passport because of some reasons such as lost birth certificate, language barrier. Finally, I got my passport and want to visit my hometown. If i go back to tunisia, is any travel restrictions apply on me? I could bot any good resource about this and I do not want to deal with a surprise. Thank you",,,,,,2021-04-09 06:43:04 mnbfil,,0,I found a way to earn crypto coins without spending money,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-09 06:44:42 mne2z1,جريمة_اخرى_لحركة_النهضة_في_تونس/,0,جريمة اخرى لحركة النهضة في تونس,"‏‎حركة النهضة الارهابية والتيار الاسلامي في تونس ينتهكون حقوق الانسان من جديد ممول ‎راشد الغنوشي فتحي بن علي ومن اثرى اثرياء تونس مالك مجموعة بولينا وعضو مجلس شورى حركة النهضة يحتجز ابنته سنتين في منزلها ويرغب في حجزها الى الموت لممارسة الزنا معي بقانون الغاب لا قاضي ولا محكمة",,,,,,2021-04-09 10:14:27 mne6hy,,10,Islamic scholarship in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-09 10:21:57 mnegtw,,1,He found a new hobby,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-09 10:43:04 mnf1wj,,1,Kudos to him for uniting the sub though,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-09 11:22:19 mnfzfg,حظر_التجول_في_تونس/,24,حظر التجول في تونس,"تونسيون يطلقون حملة رفضا للقرارات الجديدة : ""لا لتطبيق حظر التجوّل سيب #الزوالي يخدم شنوا ذنبو الي يخدم بالنهار""",,,,,,2021-04-09 12:20:21 mnhaao,,22,Our president Kais Said is really working hard!,,,,,,,2021-04-09 13:33:00 mnikrb,,0,Feminism isn't a part of the tunisian culture as we might think..,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-09 14:36:43 mnj3gb,,3,Avec du chou blanc faites ce délicieux gratin,,,,,,,2021-04-09 15:01:21 mnjzz5,,1,A Tunisian girl locked to death for adultry,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-09 15:42:56 mnkbmn,,1,A Tunisian girl locked to death for adultry..,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-09 15:58:01 mnki0f,,44,Supreme combatant mugshot,,,,,,,2021-04-09 16:05:39 mnksnj,,5,What’s a word/expression/proverb from your town that other Tunisians typically do not know or/and don’t understand?,"Looking to know the regional Tunisian dialects better. Please share the term or expression along with the meaning, and an example if you can. Fee free to share your area’s name, but I totally understand if you’d rather not.",,,,,,2021-04-09 16:19:02 mnlkw6,,2,Acropolium of Carthage,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-09 16:55:03 mnmah4,,1,whos signed up terminale bac francais?,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-09 17:28:56 mnn2om,,47,Tunisia 🇹🇳 Egypt 🇪🇬,,,,,,,2021-04-09 18:07:18 mnncmm,,1,whos signed up terminale bac francais?,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-09 18:21:01 mno002,,1,request from teacher taking me off radar,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-09 18:53:01 mnqnoe,,5,Necessity?,"I’m Tunisian, but I travelled to Bahrain when I was about 4 years old, I came back a couple months ago and almost turning 14. Would it be important to speak and write fluently in French? Important as in to study, work and generally live a ""normal"" life in Tunisia.",,,,,,2021-04-09 21:04:33 mnt8wh,,5,"Okay, This sh*t is going viral rn",,,,,,,2021-04-09 23:24:16 mntg9q,/r/arabs/comments/mntf8l/serious_how_did_tunisia_transition_into_a/,3,[ Serious ] How did Tunisia transition into a democracy & avoid foreign interference ?,,,,,,,2021-04-09 23:36:14 mnupf3,,2,The Man Who Sold His Skin,Anyone know where it can be found? It’s not on any subscription service but not sure if anyone has found it while sailing the high seas yet.,,,,,,2021-04-10 00:53:03 mnx444,,1,Moving to Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-10 03:26:43 mny23d,,0,Is it illegal to have sex or a relationship outside of marriage in Tunisia like in Morocco?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-10 04:32:04 mnz5ry,,1,روتيني اليومي انبهرت بجمال الفندق في مصر/ فطور مصري,,,,,,,2021-04-10 05:56:12 mnzq5e,,72,"Mont Thelja, Gafsa <3",,,,,,,2021-04-10 06:43:57 mo3xsa,,29,J'aime trop ce moment de la journée Carthage,,,,,,,2021-04-10 12:39:05 mo3ym3,,15,Sidi Bou Vibes,,,,,,,2021-04-10 12:40:39 mo4hmk,,4,Appropriate gifts for my Tunisian roommate?,"Last month my new roommate moved into our place from Tunisia. She’s studying at the same college as me plus she works so we don’t get to interact incredibly often. Sometimes I really want to ask her about her culture and home country, but she often seems very exhausted so I haven’t had the chance to ask her yet. The last thing I want to do is bother her when she’s stressed. Anyway, she might be going back to Tunisia soon and I really want to get her something nice. Something that reminds her of the time she had in the States, but is appropriate and respectful to her and her culture. I have no idea where to even started. Any suggestions or tips would be very helpful. Thank you very much.",,,,,,2021-04-10 13:15:46 mo59h9,,12,Tunisian food is the best ❤,,,,,,,2021-04-10 14:02:24 mo5dte,,120,ReVoLuTiOn,,,,,,,2021-04-10 14:08:50 mo5zv4,,39,They speak better french than some quebecois xD,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-10 14:43:48 mo62pq,,10,why covid?,,,,,,,2021-04-10 14:48:11 mo6dg4,,1,Is it possible to send money via PayPal from Tunisia to France?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-10 15:04:34 mo8yza,,11,Why does Tunisian Arabic sound pretty different from the other Maghrebi dialects despite being influenced by Berber and Punic as well?,I heard others saying it sounds very different and some Maghrebis i met can't even understand it. I'm Moroccan and i have some troubles understanding Tunisian Arabic. What makes it sound different from the others despite being influenced by the same people groups who spoke it?,,,,,,2021-04-10 17:24:19 moaw66,,0,"Some uppity dude was wondering why people leave this place and emigrate, this reminded me of that",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-10 19:06:38 mob7tm,,1,whos signed up terminale bac francais?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-10 19:24:00 mobosf,,13,Ella Fitzgerald - A Night in Tunisia [Jazz],,,,,,,2021-04-10 19:49:55 mod6p6,,46,"You might want to check more of this guy's work, it is cool.",,,,,,,2021-04-10 21:12:51 modco5,,5,Flag proposal for the Sahel,,,,,,,2021-04-10 21:22:16 mohtsy,,3,Fuck the world bank. Please don't be dumb.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-11 01:49:15 mohv59,,6,20 أسرة تسيطر على الاقتصاد التونسي,,,,,,,2021-04-11 01:51:34 moityr,,12,Moving to Tunisia,"Hello guys, hope you're doing well.I'm here in this subreddit with a very unusual request, i'm a 25 years old moroccan guy and i'm planning to move to Tunisia to live there and maybe even spend all my life there, and my only concern is that i need to find a job related to my field of studies ( digital marketing ) there.I already have my own project that i have been working on for a long time so i have no problem at all with money, i'm living a very comfortable life with a lot of money ( i'm a digital nomad ) and i already visited Tunisia and stayed for 7 months and loved it's lifestyle that's why i want to come back, as for the job's pay, i really don't care how much they are willing to give me, i'm even willing to work for free for some time ( knowing that i graduated with my masters 5+ from one of the best business schools in Morocco that is known worldwide ), so i just need work there to get visa for my long stay.So my questions are, what do i have to do to find a job there to get my visa, and do you guys have any suggestions for the path that i should be taking? Thank you.",,,,,,2021-04-11 02:52:29 mon4to,,0,#مقابلة_مع_الروائية_الشاعرة_والإعلامية_التونسية_الثريا_رمضان_برنامج_معرف...,,,,,,,2021-04-11 08:18:41 mondw0,,87,A fight over two airline seats in Tunisair today.,,,,,,,2021-04-11 08:40:45 monrtz,,6,Tunisian words of Berber origin,,,,,,,2021-04-11 09:13:46 moodpl,,29,Tozeur The gate of Tunisian Sahara,,,,,,,2021-04-11 10:06:27 mooecn,,5,‏اللّهُم رِضَاكَ والجنّة.. لنا و لأحبابنا ولمن أوصانا بالدعاء..,,,,,,,2021-04-11 10:08:00 moq3p9,,0,Import fees,"Let's say i bought a ps5 from a foreign country and i put it with my luggage, do i need to pay import fees on it or not?",,,,,,2021-04-11 12:20:02 moqrgm,,47,Someone covered the building facade with stuffed animals,,,,,,,2021-04-11 13:03:45 mor6u9,,1,Escalation on Tunisair flight,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-11 14:05:18 mordpb,,0,A Tunisian girl locked to death for adultry,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-11 14:14:58 morqlm,,7,48-Hour Layover in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-04-11 14:34:13 mosapj,,2,Upwork and a saving account,N7eb naaraf ki nekhdem 3al upwork w les clients y5alsouni 3al compte d'epargne (iban) est ce que c'est légal ou non ? And any tips about getting paid before i get started,,,,,,2021-04-11 15:04:01 mosfwl,,0,Moral Outrage Pls,,,,,,,2021-04-11 15:11:48 motwrl,,4,Im a safe person ❤,,,,,,,2021-04-11 16:28:58 moxh1q,,2,can you get a blood test without prescription from your doctor,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-11 19:27:45 moz4ji,,57,My beautiful Tunisia ❤,,,,,,,2021-04-11 20:51:50 mp0rox,,4,"Any problems about vaccines? After a year of quarantine measures, what are the reasons for the problems posed about vaccines, specifically AstraZeneca? Why has its use been suspended?",,,,,,,2021-04-11 22:17:04 mp1xqn,,88,somewhere in ben arous. ( ghibli ),,,,,,,2021-04-11 23:23:09 mp2d3s,,11,"A cool Tunisian punk band I came by today. Give them a listen, they're a hidden gem!",,,,,,,2021-04-11 23:48:51 mpb74o,,1,Post Bac scholarships,"So, my little brother is passing the bac this year, pretty good student (pioneer school). He wants to study abroad (Germany to be specific). I know that living in Europe can be costly, especially with the TND depreciation. So I’ve seen a lot of people enjoying scholarships when I was a student and I’ve been wondering if there’s a plateforme/ website or do you guys know of any of those scholarships programs (alumni or not) that can help him finish his studies abroad.",,,,,,2021-04-12 10:41:42 mpbiyy,,1,Les cartels du système économique rentier contre-attaquent,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-12 11:05:33 mpbrsi,,17,"Disclosed, the cartels of the rentier economic system strike back!",,,,,,,2021-04-12 11:22:36 mpdaqa,,3,"Sahara of Douz , Camp Mars",,,,,,,2021-04-12 12:58:15 mpddvc,,10,How did Tunisia mess up the handling of coronavirus after successfully containing the first wave?,I know we’re not the only one but still.,,,,,,2021-04-12 13:03:01 mpdm9n,,3,Can't stop posting Sidi Bou,,,,,,,2021-04-12 13:15:57 mpffny,,40,Is English gaining popularity in Tunisia?,Is English gaining popularity in Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-04-12 14:49:53 mpjg9z,,7,How to make delicious Molulukhiyah?,"As a foreigner who went to Tunisia, I fell in love with this delicious green ""soup"" with meat cooked in it. Has anyone here the recipe to share? It would be much appreciated!",,,,,,2021-04-12 18:00:41 mpjx2u,,3,Regarding climate impact: Is sustainable behavior/awareness something that exists in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-04-12 18:22:37 mpkm9e,,125,Hello,"I wish all my Muslim brothers a very happy ramadan, as for my atheists friends, I wish you have a good day!",,,,,,2021-04-12 18:55:06 mpn7dc,,26,Ramadan moubarek <3,,,,,,,2021-04-12 20:57:36 mpsd1n,,1,Download and get a cashback,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 01:39:56 mpsd37,,1,Download and get a cashback,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 01:40:00 mpsd3v,,1,Download and get a cashback,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 01:40:03 mpsd6a,,1,Download and get a cashback,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 01:40:10 mpsytl,,0,fama chkoun 3andou akther contexte 3ala lehkeya hedheya? chnowa sayer 😂,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-13 02:15:01 mpyll6,أصل_تونس/,0,أصل تونس,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 09:13:41 mpyvog,,9,Let’s build a new country called CARTHAGE!! Who’s with me?,,,,,,,2021-04-13 09:37:32 mpzvl8,,6,A Friendly reminder of the rules,,,,,,,2021-04-13 10:58:21 mq0dwt,,24,(temporarily) bury the hatchet,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-13 11:33:48 mq0ydf,,3,Bizerte,,,,,,,2021-04-13 12:11:42 mq1drl,,3,Nice day u all,,,,,,,2021-04-13 12:38:00 mq1jpa,,17,Chameleons on sticks,"When I was in Tunisia, from the taxi I saw people selling alive chameleons tied to sticks. Why? They had my curiosity but when the taxi driver explained chameleons were quite healthy for the eyes (which made no sense to me) they then had my attention. Few hours later my brain generously reminded me of that, so I went straight to google but I couldn’t find anything about them related to immediate benefit for the human anatomy and especially eyes. If you have any idea of what the f is going on, I would be thankful if you told me! Edit: I added a lot of information so to explain the situation better.",,,,,,2021-04-13 12:48:15 mq1srt,,1,We have group alarms and group chats (gender segregated) for every timezone! Now you don't have to wake up for Fajr alone. 😎,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-13 13:03:03 mq1x9f,,0,"We have group alarms and group chats (gender segregated) for every timezone and location, including Tunisia. Now you don't have to wake up for Fajr alone! 😎",,,,,,,2021-04-13 13:09:49 mq23g3,,1,Graduation project. I need respondents for my survey,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 13:19:38 mq5m9g,,0,You're a tunisian new to reddit and r/Tunisia ? You feel alienated in your own country's subreddit ? You're sick of all the toxic comments and posts from the atheist western wannabescult ? You're tired of all the hate our identity and culture is getting from those self loathers ? I got you !,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 16:18:16 mq7iho,,24,"clearly r/tunisia doesn't have any mods just look at the mess, for how long will this continue?",,,,,,,2021-04-13 17:47:34 mqbljl,,2,Man!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-13 21:06:53 mqc366,,1,Tunisian Arabic,Is tunisian arabic different than the say Arabic spoken in KSA or it's just a different dialect?,,,,,,2021-04-13 21:32:09 mqc80u,,84,Carthage Domination,,,,,,,2021-04-13 21:39:04 mqc9zi,,2,"Are cars being sold in france any different from the ones being sold in Tunisia ? same manufacteur for both, i heard the ones being sold here have lower quality in almost everything",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-13 21:41:51 mqce1f,,1,"Will speeding up the pace of vaccination eliminate the virus in France? Everyone over the age of 55 can, as of today, receive the AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccine in France..but will speeding up stop the spread of the virus? What should be done to lift all reservations?",[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 21:47:44 mqcjqt,,8,Could yall just chill,,,,,,,2021-04-13 21:55:38 mqcryu,,1,Absrd tshirt tunisian stranfe brand IG:@absrd.tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-13 22:07:11 mqcthy,,2,absrd is a tunisian completely strange tshirt brand .... for more IG:@absrd.tunis,,,,,,,2021-04-13 22:09:32 mqd1sc,,0,Can someone identify the song that Terro sang at 0:50 ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-13 22:22:00 mqipel,,2,Does your neighbouhood still have a boutbilla ?,Whatever the hell happened to them ?,,,,,,2021-04-14 03:56:06 mqlw4y,,20,"L'Auberge de Tamezret: amazing food, unique rooms carved into the rocks and panoramic views of the Grand Erg. Wow Tunisia has some great hidden accommodation options for people to explore!",,,,,,,2021-04-14 07:55:53 mqp5kh,تحيا_تونس/,0,تحيا تونس,"إن كان التاريخ يكتبه المنتصرون كما يقال لكم وكما صدقتم ورضيتم.. وأنتم تعتبرون أنفسكم من فئة المنهزمين.. إذن قاطعوه على الأقل حتى تستفيقوا من سباتكم العميق هذا وتكتبون تاريخكم بأيديكم.. احذفوا الكتب والبرامج المشكوك فيها والمسقطة عليكم ممن استعمركم ولا يزال.. بل احذفوا مادة التاريخ كلها وعوضوها بمادة المستقبل.. قوموا ب""عزل صحي"" لوعي الأجيال القادمة حتى لا ترث خنوعكم واستسلامكم.. كريم مختار.",,,,,,2021-04-14 12:06:55 mqp9st,,0,سنطعن و لن نصمت,,,,,,,2021-04-14 12:13:49 mqpa1w,,1,Do you fast in Ramadan?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-04-14 12:14:16 mqq5co,,78,Star wars universe Set of Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-04-14 13:05:18 mqq6wn,,0,عبير موسي: وررطوا الشعب و رهنو البلاد,,,,,,,2021-04-14 13:07:32 mqq8f3,,10,"Cap Blanc, Bizerte",,,,,,,2021-04-14 13:09:50 mqqbix,,2,Any free ways to watch Tunisia TV online?,"I've done extensive research online, couldn't find up-to-date sites. And most channels don't broadcast lives anymore (especially in the evening). I searched Tunisia-Sat forums for VLC .m3u channels, couldn't find anything up-to-date either. Do you know the way? (VCL channels would be great)",,,,,,2021-04-14 13:14:25 mqrucx,,3,Any Tunisian series worth watching in Ramadhan?,,,,,,,2021-04-14 14:34:02 mqs0uo,,9,Guys are you okay? I can’t a find a single thread where people are fighting in the last 20h and I am worried,"There is even a post from u/AbirMoussi and a fasting poll ( we have a حسن زرقوني in the making ) yet people are not exchanging some heartwarming insults. I am not a believer but I must say: بركاتك يا سيدي رمضان",,,,,,2021-04-14 14:43:18 mqt9q6,,0,عملية انقلاب خطيره تنفذ اليوم,,,,,,,2021-04-14 15:43:46 mqu05k,,24,"Rue d’Espagne, Tunis 12 avril 2021",,,,,,,2021-04-14 16:18:06 mqvrmf,,75,Me entering the comment section of a controversial post on this sub.,,,,,,,2021-04-14 17:41:35 mqw4u8,,3,حوس تفهم,,,,,,,2021-04-14 17:59:13 mqxs33,,4,Buying Bitcoin (or any other cryptocurrency) with Dinars without having a foreign account is it possible ?,"Hi is there a possibility to buy some cryptocurrency from Tunisia without having a foreign account with foreign currency otherwise how to proceed to obtain a foreign account from Tunisia having only a casual Tunisian Dinar bank account ? even doing this in a roundabout way will do so please give your opinion .",,,,,,2021-04-14 19:16:53 mqy576,,4,Uplifting news fb pages/groups,"Hi Long story short my dad got a fb account recently and it’s affecting his health. Basically he has always been and stressed person and seeing all these doom and gloom posts on fb makes him even more stressed. I was wondering if you guys knew about some groups preferably Tunisian news that are uplifting/positive. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-04-14 19:34:21 mr1088,,0,"Will speeding up the pace of vaccination eliminate the virus in France? Everyone over the age of 55 can, from today, receive the AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccine in France ... but will speeding up stop the spread of the virus? What should be done to lift all reservations?",[removed],,,,,,2021-04-14 21:55:28 mr19sm,,1,duct tape !!,,,,,,,2021-04-14 22:09:03 mr25sn,,3,Your opinion about software engineering in Tunisia :,"What do you think about software engineering in Tunisia ? How good are the Tunisian university at this field ? Do you think that our engineers are eligible to compete with international software engineers ? And finally, what do you think about the field prospects, IN TUNISIA ?",,,,,,2021-04-14 22:55:36 mr2q2h,,1,Tunisian map on call of duty Mobile,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-14 23:26:26 mr37k3,,89,Seriously this guy is the chillest Mufti in the world he just comes twice a year tells us when is Ramadan and Aid and peaces off. Never been in any controversies or dramas. Kudos to our Mufti Othman Battikh.,,,,,,,2021-04-14 23:54:57 mr37ro,,32,A Moroccan here,"I am Moroccan and I usually come to r/Tunisia sub because I just like it so much. I mean, even if there are a lot of discussions, that's normal. I actually like it because there are always interesting and even some funny posts. I've never meet a Tunisian but from what I am seeing here you are very similar to us! Ramadan Mubarak btw",,,,,,2021-04-14 23:55:18 mr58rl,,5,"We really should change the name of this sub to ""Islam vs atheism"", it has nothing to do with Tunisia anymore.","With that said, I want to say Romdhankom mabrouk to all of you, and I hope that you will experience a month full of joy, positivity, happiness and personal development, whether you are a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew or an atheist.",,,,,,2021-04-15 01:59:40 mraslw,,3,Are metal detectors illegal in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-04-15 08:54:05 mrbzuh,,5,Heritage,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-15 10:39:42 mrcw0y,,1,Now we know for sure Klay bbj is stupid.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-15 11:43:34 mrdlcz,,3,My friend in Tunis has the IT skills of a caveman. I'm out of town and he urgently needs to change the hard drive and reinstall windows. Anyone knows someone who can help around Riadh El Andalus/Tunis?,,,,,,,2021-04-15 12:26:46 mre4pa,,3,صوما مقبولا رمضان مبارك عليكم جميعا,,,,,,,2021-04-15 12:59:16 mre9jo,,3,Just Waoo !,,,,,,,2021-04-15 13:06:37 mremiz,,11,Brik ❤️my favorite,,,,,,,2021-04-15 13:26:28 mrezb9,,74,Hethi t9teri7 5ali kn t9arrer🙂,,,,,,,2021-04-15 13:45:12 mrfd7w,,12,What would the name of a united maghrebi country be?,"Stay with me here (I know this is close to impossible from happening but use your imagination a bit ;) ), if Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya (you can add Mauritania as well) were to unite under the same flag, what would the name of the country be? I wonder what the flag would actually look like as well?",,,,,,2021-04-15 14:05:04 mrfiay,,0,What do Tunisians think of women who wear hijab and pray all 5 times?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-15 14:12:14 mrh15o,,26,I know it's old but i tried.,,,,,,,2021-04-15 15:27:33 mrkd4e,,0,"Tu parler en Français ? - Ta7 m3a we7ed tounssi messkin, el tounssi fibelou yet9ou7eb 3liih",,,,,,,2021-04-15 18:05:50 mrkf1h,,0,معلومات وخرافات علمية خاطئة تماماً مازلنا نؤمن بها ستندهش عندما تعلم حقيقتها,,,,,,,2021-04-15 18:08:24 mroca2,,14,What are some notable recruiting horror stories in Tunisia that you know of or that you personally experienced?,,,,,,,2021-04-15 21:16:13 mrodii,,7,Name of origin,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-15 21:17:50 mrpw94,,4,Covid-19 : l'AFD appuie la distribution de matériel de protection des communes tunisiennes,,,,,,,2021-04-15 22:37:28 mrx0gx,,4,TV show or movie,"Hello! So I love historical shows/movies and I'd like to watch some about Tunisia's history (or north africa's). It can be fictional or a documentary, both are good for me. If possible in the tunisian dialect, or any language but with english or french subtitles. Algerian dialect is also ok for me. I have a lot of difficulties to understand other dialects, same for fuSha so I'd need english (or french) subtitles if so. But if you know a very good show and you don't know if there are subtitles, write it anyway. I'm currently watching Galb Edhib but I only have 2 episodes left before I finish it and I really like it. Any suggestion? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-04-16 05:57:49 mrx2h0,,8,Creative Tunisian wheelchair ramp.,,,,,,,2021-04-16 06:01:46 mrxvyq,,30,If we keep electing representatives that only betray us after every election just to serve their interests and those top 20 families. then why not a direct democracy where we decide what is good for us?,,,,,,,2021-04-16 07:07:05 mrzep9,,1,Chicken man,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-16 09:12:18 mrzip9,,37,Pay him please,,,,,,,2021-04-16 09:21:10 ms01x1,,0,بس حزن - مريم وماكو كنز تودعان شب تيرو على راديو معازف,,,,,,,2021-04-16 10:04:28 ms17l7,,106,Tunisian berberists finding out we still have Arab in us,,,,,,,2021-04-16 11:30:38 ms3m1l,,6,Games Poll,"شنوا أكثر لعبة تلعبها ٫ كان مش مذكورة اللعبة إكتبها اللوطة. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-04-16 13:52:54 ms7rwt,,7,UNESCO - Tunisie : vers l’inscription de deux sites au patrimoine mondial,,,,,,,2021-04-16 17:12:15 ms85nl,,36,The Great Tunisia ❤,,,,,,,2021-04-16 17:30:35 ms8lr3,,6,They went out to protest. Then the police attacked them on Facebook,,,,,,,2021-04-16 17:52:15 msbp18,,139,"This is ""Tunuslular Köyü"" a village in northern Turkey founded by Tunisian soldiers who fought in the Crimean war of 1853.",,,,,,,2021-04-16 20:25:08 msc3ue,,6,Do you know any guide/way to browse houses to rent? (Concerning Tounes betbi3a),And what to understand before starting to live on your own?,,,,,,2021-04-16 20:45:36 mscr8r,,2,Lookin' To Play - Live From The Torch,,,,,,,2021-04-16 21:18:02 mserqf,,0,That's why they hate marriage,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-16 23:02:12 msfznj,,0,عملات نقدية قديمة لل بيع شكون يحب ياخو ولا عندو فكرة وين نجم نبيعهم ؟,,,,,,,2021-04-17 00:11:18 msof98,,1,Content of formative brain science,,,,,,,2021-04-17 10:36:47 msq8x5,,2,Comprendra qui voudra.,,,,,,,2021-04-17 12:58:04 msqha0,,0,"Gaddafi , the spearhead of panrarabism and arabization in north Africa, from the قذاذفة tribe is revealed (again) to had been an Amazigh in denial who was racist to his own people. His tribe قذاذفة is part of the Houara/Hawwara tribe(part of اوريغة) that spans north Africa.",,,,,,,2021-04-17 13:12:13 msqooh,,2,‏‎محلاها تونس,,,,,,,2021-04-17 13:24:59 msqqaz,,0,"Tunisians are rallying around Abir Moussi, a demagogue",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-17 13:27:44 msr2fp,,0,Receiving Western Union transfer in Tunisia online,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-17 13:48:13 mst8s8,,16,Costs in Tunisia,"So hi guys so I am doing a research about how much it costs exactly to live in Tunis and I am also might visit it this year, so how does everything cost how much is rent? And where do you look for rent is there a website/app for that? How much a liter of milk cost? How much meat and chicken cost? How much Tunisian wine cost cause I heard it’s amazing How much a t shirt and jeans cost? How much eating out at a normal good restaurant cost? How much does cheese cost? And beer? Transportation? Pretty much everything and I will really appreciate any information.",,,,,,2021-04-17 15:54:19 msw71z,,1,"We could take inspiration from this, what do you think?",,,,,,,2021-04-17 18:31:06 mswn3t,,89,Cappusin fi goblet bras ommek,,,,,,,2021-04-17 18:54:32 msx9o6,,1,"One of the most beautiful and magnificent places is Al-Faija Reserve at the Ghar El-Damma mandate, the state of Jendouba, Tunisia, Al-Mazyana",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-17 19:26:24 msxadw,,0,"God bless the Tunisian girl of my country, always glorious and adorned with her traditional dress # Tunisia_Mazyana",,,,,,,2021-04-17 19:27:28 msxkd8,,1,Need a ride?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-17 19:42:25 msxl78,,21,Need a ride after 19h?,,,,,,,2021-04-17 19:43:32 msycdf,,1,Help needed regarding Tunisia's cyber laws,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-17 20:23:35 msynmm,,1,Help needed regarding Tunisia's cyber laws,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-17 20:40:21 mt0bbm,,28,Posting this here because why not ( idk what to flair this as),,,,,,,2021-04-17 22:12:52 mt16pt,,2,"What a masterpiece! Harga deals with a set of social issues, namely clandestine migration, focusing the camera rather on the suffering of immigrants and survivors housed in reception centers after their arrival in Italian territory. Moreover, one third of the series is filmed in the sea.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-17 23:04:35 mt1sh4,,7,Does anyone know where they sell this kind of stick in Tunis? ( I don't own the pic ),,,,,,,2021-04-17 23:40:22 mt22tw,,40,The poor fangless lions they are using in the prank show of Attessia TV.,,,,,,,2021-04-17 23:58:29 mt3k8b,,17,yoo why is this not on Netflix yet ? What a masterpiece,,,,,,,2021-04-18 01:34:05 mt4hr3,,140,Tones,,,,,,,2021-04-18 02:37:07 mt7lo0,,1,Content of information system,,,,,,,2021-04-18 06:28:57 mtbyn2,,3,La chakchouka est juste irrésistible 😋,,,,,,,2021-04-18 12:32:06 mtbzsl,,3,Hammamet,,,,,,,2021-04-18 12:34:10 mtg42e,,112,No creativety points for Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-04-18 16:29:08 mthk9x,,37,أنا كي لازمني ما نغلطش في المواقف الجيدة 🥲,,,,,,,2021-04-18 17:45:03 mti4q9,,4,"Blue light glasses, where can I find them in Tunisia and how much do they cost in TND?","I use electronics a lot so this type of glasses would be beneficial to me. [What blue light glasses are.](",,,,,,2021-04-18 18:13:44 mtif38,,7,الملحد التونسي 🤣,,,,,,,2021-04-18 18:28:17 mtikiq,,10,Imaginary Map of the Mediterranean Union,,,,,,,2021-04-18 18:36:08 mtiyj5,,53,Quick edit but outta frustration.,,,,,,,2021-04-18 18:56:14 mto5ux,,19,In UGTT's Tunisia jobs are inherited not earned.,,,,,,,2021-04-18 23:28:26 mto98c,/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mtghzc/what_are_some_ways_to_earn_some_crypto_2_for/,4,Thought this might interest some of you,,,,,,,2021-04-18 23:33:42 mtrkgc,,1,are there any hotels in medina tunis that allow umarried local couples to share rooms?,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-19 02:53:51 mtsbfz,,7,But but...,,,,,,,2021-04-19 03:40:42 mtuu8x,,1,is bandwidth the same for every ISP?,since all of them go through telecom/ati they're supposed to be the same right? i don't know about fiber,,,,,,2021-04-19 06:41:16 mtvpla,,8,Want to buy a set piece or prop from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Episode I)? Head down to Nefta's Star Wars shop!,,,,,,,2021-04-19 07:52:17 mtwxb8,étude_gagner_une_des_deux_cartescadeaux_de_50_tnd/,1,Étude - gagner une des deux cartes-cadeaux de 50 TND de Sodexo,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-19 09:31:01 mtyg12,,3,Sufism (Tasawwuf) in Tunisia,"Salam! I’m travelling across Tunisia atm and this past year I was brought closer and closer to Sufism لصُّوفِيَّة‎ٱ (Tasawwuf). Mostly from the gentle and wise words of Llewellyn Vaugh Lee on youtube. I’m interested in getting in contact with local sources of sufism knowledge. I’m not a muslim and my French is a bit rudimental although improving :) I’m partaking in this challenging and magical experience which is the Ramadan. So I was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of Sufi communities in Tunisia or ways to get further information about it Every piece of help is hugely welcomed in open arms. Thanks!",,,,,,2021-04-19 11:20:41 mtzbjz,,0,لا تخافو يا توانسه انها معارك الربع ساعه الاخيره,,,,,,,2021-04-19 12:16:53 mtzywi,,50,"We are a Tunisian Couple living in turkey, we started youtube 2 months ago. This is our latest video hope y'all like it ❤🙏 support us!",,,,,,,2021-04-19 12:54:41 mu03a0,,0,Iqbal HJ - VALOBASA - ভালবাসা - الحب في الله - LOVE song for ALLAH,,,,,,,2021-04-19 13:01:11 mu03vo,,2,Kasbah du Kef,,,,,,,2021-04-19 13:02:05 mu067y,,1,‏‎الزيتونة ❤️❤️❤️,,,,,,,2021-04-19 13:05:29 mu097q,,2,‏‎الزيتونة ❤️❤️❤️,,,,,,,2021-04-19 13:10:02 mu0dr0,,1,من الزيتونة 😍❤️❤️,,,,,,,2021-04-19 13:16:49 mu14pz,,0,"I'm 23 years old man, playing video games 🎮🕹 as (wild rift / mobile legends / call of duty), and always want to have fun and be a professional streamer, any support or help is appreciated a lot!",,,,,,,2021-04-19 13:56:09 mu1nel,,21,الجنوب التونسي و عاداته ❤,,,,,,,2021-04-19 14:21:17 mu6ury,,1,آخر فيديو في قناتي غادي تنصدمو فاش تعرفو الحقيقة و السبب 💔سامحوني💔مؤثر,,,,,,,2021-04-19 18:18:01 mu9qvt,,5,"How much does braces cost in Tunis, i called an orthodontist today and she told me it ranges from 3500dt to 10000dt, is she expensieve, is there any good orthodontist arround tunis with less the price",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-19 20:28:27 muausz,,33,Monkey.exe,,,,,,,2021-04-19 21:19:56 muaw3f,,1,La Tunisie ferme ses écoles après une augmentation des cas de Covid-19,,,,,,,2021-04-19 21:21:35 muc6lc,,0,"I made this song and video about the philosophy of ""Love"". I Hope you like it.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-19 22:22:47 muei8g,,0,Where is this place??? HELP!!!,,,,,,,2021-04-20 00:25:21 muer25,,4,Punching Machine 🥊🎰,"Hey Guys , where Can I find a Punching Machine for Sale",,,,,,2021-04-20 00:39:01 mui43v,,1,Looking for new friends,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-20 03:56:38 mukdqk,,1,"Is anyone else interested in translating Tunisian culture (shows, videos, idioms...etc)?",[removed],,,,,,2021-04-20 06:31:59 mukl4y,,47,"Is anyone else interested in translating Tunisian culture (shows, videos, idioms...etc)?","I've been living in English speaking areas of Canada for 6-7 years now, and I don't know if it's not going home for 3 years or generally nostalgia/ghorba, but it's been near impossible to show any Tunisian stuff to friends here or especially romantic partners. We have our own mix of a culture and it's so hard to summarize it in ""western"" and ""eastern"" and ""middle east"" terms. I can talk forever and try to explain, but I think Tunisian movies and honestly especially shows (as in Choufli Hal and more recently Nouba) carry some Tunisian essence that is neither western, middle-eastern, atheist or muslim (sorry if that's offensive) but it's just Tunisian, from idioms to tones of talking. I kinda tried, but I can't just watch a Tunisian show, movie or even just podcast/talk show with someone without translating every bit and also the Tunisian nuances and double meanings. I haven't watched Tunisian romdhan shows in a couple of years but I wanted to this year, and my partner wanted to as well (I also explained the plots in detail and got her excited) and she couldn't believe there's not even automatic translation from french for ANY of the shows. I wasn't surprised because I know how Tunisian centric these shows are, but they're on YouTube for a reason, and I know for a fact views from North America pay 10-15x compared to Tunisian views, but also it would be so easy to translate these shows costing millions of dinars to English or just French which would auto-translate well to English. This all might seem selfish, but other than revenue from English speaking Tunisians, you get access to viewers all around the world and especially Middle Eastern viewers who aren't comfortable with Tunisian. Anyways, I think this should be a thing because it's surprising it's not even translated to French not to mention English when there's millions of Tunisians abroad nowadays. I'm fully committed to start translating Tunisian artifacts as a whole (shows, movies...anything) to English, so let me know if you're interested as well! I'm sure compensation will naturally follow as well",,,,,,2021-04-20 06:47:24 munym5,,6,"Found this link, l tags are insane!! check it out",,,,,,,2021-04-20 11:09:26 muo8yi,,2,Takrouna📍,,,,,,,2021-04-20 11:28:37 muoao3,,2,"Cap Blanc, Bizerte📍",,,,,,,2021-04-20 11:31:45 muoxxn,,9,romdhankom mabrouk ya jme3a,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-04-20 12:13:19 mur0a2,,76,Harga takes the award for most realistic depiction of a Tunisian family,,,,,,,2021-04-20 14:02:27 muuol9,,0,1 euro =4dt soon LESSS GOOO,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-20 16:48:20 muxx5b,,24,"Blessed Ramadan to everyone, and every year you are well and in good health ... Greetings",,,,,,,2021-04-20 19:11:49 muz15b,,15,"Hi, I’m trying to learn Tunisian Arabic, but I can’t find any good resources, courses or books online to learn it. Any help, idea or suggestions?","Hello, I’m trying to learn the Tunisian dialect, but I only found Egyptian Arabic or Fusha. I want to understand Tunisians and speak the same dialect.",,,,,,2021-04-20 20:02:51 mv0bsd,,1,"How Does Studying Computer Science (Informatique) in Tunisian Universities compares to international , is it good enough?",,,,,,,2021-04-20 21:02:16 mv0ldn,,1,anyone that knows about MBTI here?,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-20 21:14:30 mv0sud,,9,What is a covid? Bel 7ram 3ayech fi planète okhra,,,,,,,2021-04-20 21:23:56 mv15if,,148,Old but gold,,,,,,,2021-04-20 21:40:51 mvdaix,,0,I wanna leave this god forsaken country so bad,"you guys know any SSIIs like ""Sintegra"" but for English speaking countries ? or basically anything that gets me OUT !",,,,,,2021-04-21 11:07:14 mvdlfi,,7,‏‎بنزرت الجميلة 😍,,,,,,,2021-04-21 11:26:25 mvdmtc,,94,Nice day u all,,,,,,,2021-04-21 11:29:00 mvhesa,,4,Are there any Tunisian websites that use chatbots?,,,,,,,2021-04-21 14:54:24 mviryl,,3,Any public basketball courts?,So im F18 im new to basketball still learning the basics i'd like to improve my game a bit basically my neighborhood has a clear lack in courts and im struggling to find a public court since the ones i've found are associated with clubs and associations any idea? (near downtown),,,,,,2021-04-21 15:58:23 mvjltb,,5,Where to buy Alcohol during Ramadan??,"Obviously I'm a foreigner looking to buy booze, preferably dark liquor. I had the idea that the airport's duty free could be an option but I have yet to gone there. Any other options? I'm in a hotel but I'm trying to buy my own bottle instead of paying for each glass I drink.",,,,,,2021-04-21 16:36:26 mvjxcl,,26,بائع ورد لطيف في شوارع تونس 🌹,,,,,,,2021-04-21 16:51:09 mvlgq5,,3,تونس,,,,,,,2021-04-21 18:01:32 mvli0t,,1,,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-21 18:03:09 mvlink,,0,Former austrian rightwing politician & PR-Consultant said that he created this look himself at his tunisia vacation,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-21 18:03:59 mvn3zj,,1,What's his end game ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-21 19:16:26 mvofbd,,1,I wonder how local governments/citizen never noticed this.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-21 20:17:32 mvogl7,,25,I wonder how local government/citizens never noticed this.,,,,,,,2021-04-21 20:19:11 mvqy02,,1,"Anachronistic and doubtful: ""Negroes"" and ""slaves"" in the streets of Tunis",,,,,,,2021-04-21 22:19:07 mvr0mm,,3,,,,,,,,2021-04-21 22:22:42 mvs7oa,,3,Stereotypes?,"Hi all! I have a question for my French class -- What are some common stereotypes of Tunisia/Tunisians? I.E. stereotypes Moroccans have of them. Salut tout le monde! J'ai une question pour ma classe de français --- quels sont des stéréotypes communs de la Tunisie// des tunisiens?",,,,,,2021-04-21 23:24:59 mvs8dz,,43,"This vintage postcard shows us the ancestor of our central market, when it was on the threshold of the medina a few steps from Bab El Jazira and Mdaq El Halfa. In its first era, this market was called Fondouk El Ghalla, which means the Fruit Hall.",,,,,,,2021-04-21 23:25:59 mvu321,,0,بلاد ز** هاذي!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-22 01:12:23 mvv36q,,74,we can relate to that..,,,,,,,2021-04-22 02:12:08 mw248e,,0,do you hate your country?,I wanna know how you feel about your country. Are you happy here? Do you wish being born in another place?,,,,,,2021-04-22 10:52:00 mw32f3,,1,COVID-19 Vaccination: Where can I have information about the vaccine I'm going to recieve?,Is there a possibility to know which vaccine I'm going to be administrated if I'm going to sign up for it? Because I don't want anything in my body before doing some research on it.,,,,,,2021-04-22 11:54:57 mw3kmn,,3,Mail restrictions,"Does anyone know if there's a list of what can and can not be mailed to tunisia (as a gift)? Is food allowed? More specifically cured ham and some cheese. What about alcohol? Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks",,,,,,2021-04-22 12:24:19 mw42cp,,1,TIL,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-22 12:53:26 mw4fev,,21,‏‎بريك ❤️,,,,,,,2021-04-22 13:12:24 mw4gsx,,61,Un peu de Tunisie dans vos TL La Mlou5ia,,,,,,,2021-04-22 13:14:21 mw70q0,,2,When do you guys think we’ll be able to get the vaccine?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-22 15:16:23 mw9fhz,,0,شوفو الضلم يا توانسه,,,,,,,2021-04-22 17:04:08 mw9tgc,,2,Surf in tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-22 17:21:39 mwajkr,,7,ways to earn money as a university student,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-22 17:54:20 mwg28l,,8,"Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia",,,,,,,2021-04-22 22:02:24 mwgm0g,,40,Jughurta table - Kalaat Senane,,,,,,,2021-04-22 22:28:57 mwgsvm,,117,"This photo was taken in the Tunisian city of El Kef during the 1960s, as the legendary band ""The Beatles"" were visiting Tunisia.. As you see above, El Kef, Casablanca and Algiers are united in this photo which testifies to the artificial nature of the borders between us...",,,,,,,2021-04-22 22:38:11 mwtxe8,,1,GAMING,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-23 12:16:36 mww148,étude_sur_les_foyers_tunisiens/,5,Étude sur les foyers tunisiens,"Asslema Dans le cadre de mes études de Master à l'Université d'économie et de commerce WU de Vienne (située en Autriche), je mène une étude sur les foyers tunisiens et leurs opinions sur la situation économique actuelle. Pour vous remercier de votre temps et de vos efforts, les participants à l'étude peuvent participer à un tirage au sort pour **gagner une des deux cartes-cadeaux de 50 TND de Sodexo.** Merci pour votre participation! 😊 Français: []( Arabe: []( &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-04-23 14:05:54 mwxeyv,/r/covidlonghaulers/comments/mwrkwu/tunisian_study_about_long_haulers_found/,13,Interesting and impressive if their findings are correct,,,,,,,2021-04-23 15:10:06 mx022o,,1,harga episode 4 song,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-23 17:09:56 mx10nb,,73,Tunis Lafayette Tunisie ❤️😍by Mehdi mouelhi ❤️,,,,,,,2021-04-23 17:53:23 mx31vz,,28,1971 in MIAMI for Miss Univers 🇹🇳🇱🇧,,,,,,,2021-04-23 19:26:12 mx5kb7,,0,A5ltou,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-23 21:29:13 mx73zu,,0,3 علامات تعرفك ان ربنا راضي عنك,,,,,,,2021-04-23 22:48:43 mx83st,,0,"I made a Zoomer Tier List and realised we need a term, i was gonna go redditors but it didnt feel right, what do you think?",,,,,,,2021-04-23 23:43:22 mxaje6,,2,SCUBA diving tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-24 02:09:22 mxbvpp,,1,0805121215!,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-04-24 03:36:32 mxbx53,,1,0805121215,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-24 03:39:24 mxd0e7,,5,Alternate reality games in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-24 04:58:14 mxdrjv,,1,💯💞,,,,,,,2021-04-24 05:53:45 mxfexl,,61,We need change in this sub,"This sub is getting bigger and bigger we are almost at 20 k members 1: We need active mods cause of the retards posting(muslims vs atheists / amazigh vs arabs) stuff 2: we need user flairs 3: we need better post categories 4: we need sub rules",,,,,,2021-04-24 08:00:26 mxg0cm,,35,It do be like that tho,,,,,,,2021-04-24 08:47:20 mxh6jj,,4,We need user flairs,"It's time mods, make it happen",,,,,,2021-04-24 10:20:16 mxho46,,21,Medina of Tunis 🗝,,,,,,,2021-04-24 10:57:10 mxhpdh,,8,Nostalgic mood 🗝,,,,,,,2021-04-24 10:59:45 mxi0yd,,3,Yesterday's terrorist praising his idols in the parliament: Al Karama (21 seats/217).. Emirate of Tunistan when?,,,,,,,2021-04-24 11:22:32 mxiown,,144,.,,,,,,,2021-04-24 12:09:00 mxmdp7,,0,Reddit language,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-24 15:38:36 mxn0yd,,1,Sorry for bad quality,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-24 16:10:52 mxn60g,,5,Sorry for the bad quality,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-24 16:17:51 mxn82i,,3,"Salam, I made a YouTube channel for Software Engineering and Machine learning engineering . If you are interested please join. Thanks 😊",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-24 16:20:45 mxod79,,2,Where do people tip/not tip usually?,"café, restaurants, delivery, etc.. and how much in tnd? :)",,,,,,2021-04-24 17:17:30 mxr3s3,,164,A giant Nikola Tesla portrait painted on the STEG power plant in La Goulette,,,,,,,2021-04-24 19:31:24 mxrh01,,15,Refining our community rules,"Hello friends! As someone has noted, this subreddit has grown very quickly and as such it may be useful if we as a community revisit what rules we would like to see. One reason I wanted to help moderate this subreddit was because I felt that it was important that community members have a say on how they want their subreddit moderated. So please! Which **specific** rules would you like to see! I want your feedback! For each rule suggestion you have, please make a separate comment. That way community members can discuss them directly and we can see which suggestions are popular. We as a team will look into this and decide on next steps.",,,,,,2021-04-24 19:49:58 mxs61l,,30,I mean 👌😂,,,,,,,2021-04-24 20:24:36 mxsthb,,0,أكسب على الأقل 10.000 من عملة ليتكوين يوميا,,,,,,,2021-04-24 20:57:33 mxt0vk,نبغي_قلادة/,2,K.Y.M : Nebghi Gleda ( نبغي قْلادة ),[removed],,,,,,2021-04-24 21:07:52 mxtwcc,,4,Humanity,,,,,,,2021-04-24 21:52:11 mxw0g8,,8,"*With the exception of ""Nahj Tribunal""*",,,,,,,2021-04-24 23:43:53 mxwowf,,4,Didn't quite expect to see this in business insider,,,,,,,2021-04-25 00:22:03 mxwz2k,,1,"Djerba's ""haunted"" house",[removed],,,,,,2021-04-25 00:38:36 mxx33p,,5,"Djerba's ""haunted"" house","Do yall think the rumors are real? Have you heard any similar stories? I think they're random bullshito the people made up but it's fun to listen to",,,,,,2021-04-25 00:45:16 my4h61,,0,#معرفيات_لقاء_خاص_مع_الشاعرة_التونسية_المعرفية_حنان_عباسي_وحديث_شيق_حول_...,,,,,,,2021-04-25 09:04:26 my4pfu,,1,❤when i cook,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-25 09:21:54 my4pyr,,2,زلابية ومخارق سيدي رمضان 🤤🇹🇳❤️,,,,,,,2021-04-25 09:22:57 my53oh,,71,To the north east Walking around Zaghouan 📍,,,,,,,2021-04-25 09:52:50 my54tn,,15,Gammarth,,,,,,,2021-04-25 09:55:22 my59ip,,29,"Exploring Monastir the day before Martyrs' Day - the marina, Ribat, Great Mosque, Mausoleum of Habib Bourguiba and Medina.",,,,,,,2021-04-25 10:05:01 my5x8l,,6,This is the best series for me for 2021,,,,,,,2021-04-25 10:52:49 my6knf,,1,Where can I find the full video for this clip?,,,,,,,2021-04-25 11:38:52 my7txh,,0,Be careful please كورونا يفتك بالهند بلد المليار و 300 مليون نسمة والتخلص من جثامين الموتى لا ينقطع ليل نهار عبر حرقها حسب الطقوس حيث تسجل الهند يوميا 360 الف اصابة و اكثر من 2500 وفاة يوميا في ظل انهيار المنظومة الصحية التى تستقبل عدد ضئيل جدا من المرضى صور لوكالة رويترز,,,,,,,2021-04-25 12:59:24 mya1ui,,0,مراجعة وتقييم مسلسل Resident Alien الموسم الأول في هذه المراجعة سنتعرف على مسلسل Resident Alien الموسم الأول وعلى القصة ولكن بدون حرق ، وكم يستحق من تقييم. وهل انصح بمشاهدته ام لا.,,,,,,,2021-04-25 15:02:37 myc7t5,,3,What happens if someone in Tunisia denies the Algerian Genocide and War crimes by the French ?,"Recently a law has been passed in USA to recognize the genocide of Armenians by the Young Turks. A french law makes it illegal to deny the Jewish genocide (funnily enough, the French also took part in the Jewish genocide through deportation and collaboration but they still haven't taken responsibility for it). What happens if someone on Tunisian soil denies the massacres, tortures, mass rape and systemic genocide and ethnic cleansing of Algerian people ? Is there a law against it ?",,,,,,2021-04-25 16:49:52 mye7t6,,0,فوائد شرب الماء للجسم وبكميات كبيرة.,,,,,,,2021-04-25 18:24:58 myfya5,,2,Did Ibn Khaldun really say this?,,,,,,,2021-04-25 19:46:14 myhwdt,,0,Riles Sundays season II,,,,,,,2021-04-25 21:18:54 myifvv,,0,صحتك كنزك,,,,,,,2021-04-25 21:45:32 myjb76,,0,Where were you born ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-04-25 22:29:19 myjvfr,,0,مراجعة وشرح قصة فيلم Nobody 2021 لا أحد !!! سوف اخذكم في جولة مراجعة وتقييم وشرح قصة احد اكثر أفلام الاكشن دموية والمنتظرة لهذه السنة وهو فيلم Nobody 2021 ، للممثل بوب أودينكيرك.,,,,,,,2021-04-25 22:58:37 mykd1n,,126,‘ - ‘,,,,,,,2021-04-25 23:25:02 mylfla,,1,Whatsapp francais chat group,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-26 00:23:41 mylxjn,الإستثمار_في_تونس/,1,الإستثمار في تونس...,"شنوا الحاجات لي تنجم تستثمر فيهم في تونس؟ وهل ثمة طرق تسهل العملية هاذي ولا أي حاجة تعطي القدرة للمواطن البسيط أنو يكون ثروة طريقها مسدود في بلادنا.",,,,,,2021-04-26 00:52:27 mymul1,,0,عبير موسي: التدخل الامريكي في شؤون تونس غير مقبول,,,,,,,2021-04-26 01:46:15 myu1th,,5,"Hello everyone,I'm back here with a new track on oud. In this one I tried to transcribe in music the journey one makes from his body to the beyond. In my imagination it's a fascinating moment (more in video description). Hope you like it! Enjoy!",,,,,,,2021-04-26 09:50:53 myuler,,77,Sa7a chribtkom,,,,,,,2021-04-26 10:28:00 myulzy,,19,To the north west Téboursouk📍,,,,,,,2021-04-26 10:29:16 mywvs7,,2,How do I get rid of all the spam messages?,I sure am glad I don't get spam calls.,,,,,,2021-04-26 12:48:40 myx4io,,76,Making a Video Game about my city Kairouan !,"So I started this project few months back and I am kinda proud of the progress I am making with my partner, the game will probably be ready to download in a couple of weeks, and I was thinking is it worth making games about different cities around Tunisia ?",,,,,,2021-04-26 13:01:31 myz7wm,,2,Airsoft guns,where i can buy airsoft guns in tunisia ?,,,,,,2021-04-26 14:42:09 mz0laj,,41,"Tunisian film ""The Man Who Sold His Skin"" featured as a nominee in yesterday's Oscars.",,,,,,,2021-04-26 15:42:27 mz3wjf,,15,The last panel legit happenned to me lmao.,,,,,,,2021-04-26 18:06:54 mz52c4,,5,A little advice plz,"صحة فطوركم I need a little advice about traveling to Algeria. I own a commercial van ( vw caddy) and everyone i ask says there is no border pass that allows commercial cars to pass from tunisia to Algeria and some says there is and im not sure to waste time to take a chance or just leave it.if anyone knows anything or travelled there could help and ty",,,,,,2021-04-26 18:57:55 mz6po9,,1,سيدي بوسعيد,,,,,,,2021-04-26 20:08:51 mz6pws,,11,Wonderful,"A Tunisian car designed by engineers from the National School of Engineers in Monastir wins the best design award at the international SHELL competition l/[Successful Tunisia](",,,,,,2021-04-26 20:09:08 mz7zzj,,0,شوفو كامل,,,,,,,2021-04-26 21:05:03 mz86vg,,49,"In Kairouan you can see the wonders. This is the smallest alley in the medina, with a width of 63 cm. And I called my neck, because if two people pass by, they cannot cross without being embraced.",,,,,,,2021-04-26 21:13:19 mz8gzl,,36,Young Tunisian Yassine Ben Slimane wins international prize for artificial intelligence,Yassine Ben Slimane designed a safe that protects money with a secret question. It also calculates the amount of money inserted into it,,,,,,2021-04-26 21:26:00 mzans4,,4,As a young tunisian living in the Middle East I have identity crisis issues,"Im a teenager and I lived in several countries in the Middle East ( specifically the gulf ) and people here don’t consider us as arabs and view us just as their former colonies . They think we’re berbers but when I come back home to Tunisia it’s the complete opposite . I don’t feel like an Arab AT ALL bcuz of my experience here but I also feel like the amazigh culture in Tunisia is seeming to be disappearing little by little and no one even recognizes it . So now I’m even more confused , I don’t think u can relate with that since you live in Tunisia but what do u think about this ?",,,,,,2021-04-26 23:07:55 mzax05,,3,I have an inquiry regarding Tunisian customs,"Hello. I wanted to order a computerized sewing machine and use to ship it to Tunisia. Are there any customs that will apply to it? I also heard that it may not pass customs because it is computerized (not sure of this). Can someone please point me to the right direction regarding this matter? Many thanks in advance. [Here's the link to the sewing machine](",,,,,,2021-04-26 23:20:45 mzbd0z,,1,This has to be by far the best Tunisian series ever made. It has the potential to be on Netflix and I really hope that will happen soon. Have any of you guys watched it?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-26 23:43:24 mzbelu,,14,This has to be by far the best Tunisian series ever made. It has the potential to be on Netflix and I really hope that will happen soon. Have any of you guys watched it?,,,,,,,2021-04-26 23:45:40 mzcz4z,,2,Top 10 most followed Tunisians on Instagram.,,,,,,,2021-04-27 01:07:55 mzdqil,,1,I fucking hate pan-arabists and islamists they shove their cocks in our tunisian business... He also called me a uncivilized filthy degenerate tunisian kaffir,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-27 01:49:14 mze11i,,1,A lebanese islamist calling me a filthy kaffir and saying that he will make tunisia muslim again by the sword truly the religion of piece.,,,,,,,2021-04-27 02:05:59 mzevgx,,1,Can anyone shed some light on what’s happening with TAP (cops showed to remove someone or place someone) and Shems FM etc?! Does Mosaique have a beef with Shems FM?! I Caught bits and pieces but I can’t get to the bottom of this story. Thanks a lot.,Edit: cops showed up,,,,,,2021-04-27 02:53:41 mzfq7n,,1,English secondary schools?,"Hi. I know all about the ""popular"" international schools in Tunis that charge more than our entire income for tuition. I know about the much more affordable school in Sousse. I just the other day found a new to me school in Tunis, IDS, that's much more affordable and has English as a primary language. The issue is that they said their secondary school isn't opening until the 2022/2023 year. So, my question is, is there another middle/high school that I've not been able to find that is more affordable? I know they are gonna cost more than the Tunisian private schools but 10 to 25 thousand USD is just stupid expensive and more than our entire income. I'm just hoping that there is another option that's been hiding from me like this IDS has. Thank you.",,,,,,2021-04-27 03:43:30 mziava,,1,Hug me impasse #Tunisia #Hug #love #street #medina,,,,,,,2021-04-27 06:38:29 mzla5f,,2,College Degrees,"My younger brother would be graduating high-school soon, and is planning on what to do next. What are the best degrees he could follow in Tunisia or around the world??",,,,,,2021-04-27 10:19:10 mzm8eg,,0,"الخلافات المتصاعدة بين الرئيس التونسي قيس_سعيد​، وحركة النهضة​ الاخوانية دخلت بحسب متابعين مرحلة ""كسر عظام""، خاصة بعد المناكفات السياسية الأخيرة بين الجانبين",,,,,,,2021-04-27 11:22:25 mzm97i,,104,Current mood all over Tunisia Kosksi 📍,,,,,,,2021-04-27 11:23:38 mzmagn,,3,Sunrise 🌅 Hammamet 📍,,,,,,,2021-04-27 11:25:44 mznikz,,0,"do you guys know what an energy management system is, and would you buy one for your house?","In Europe, it’s kinda getting commun for people to have these smart energy systems to show their energy consumption (basically to reduce it), and i was wondering if people in Tunisia might be interested in something like this? I guess it would cost like 500 dinars-ish [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-04-27 12:38:24 mzpkls,,2,What is your best mlewi topping idea ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-27 14:23:16 mzqtwt,,2,Why don't we have a Tunisian birthday song?,"We either sing * the ararbic version with the Egyptian dialect ( Sana helwa ya gamil! ) * a French version ( Joyeux Anniversaire ) * or the English one ( Happy birthday to you ) And all of the mentioned songs share the same tune. Why don't we have an original one?",,,,,,2021-04-27 15:20:46 mzr06m,,16,Dorra Zarrouk selected as a brand ambassador for the fancy jewellery brand Chopard becoming first Arab celebrity to do so.,,,,,,,2021-04-27 15:28:25 mzr0uo,,0,Restaurants that serve Iftar,"Hi folks, do you know any restaurants in Tunis, La Marsa that offer some iftar meals?",,,,,,2021-04-27 15:29:19 mzsyu0,,7,Open heart surgery in tunisia - please help,"I will get straight to the point, i need to know the cost for open heart surgery in tunisia in USD. No need for an exact price just an estimate, really appreciate your help 🙏🏻",,,,,,2021-04-27 16:55:43 mztfbu,,2,Survey for my MA thesis Please answer if you are learning any programming language,"Hello everyone, I am an MA student and I need your help by answering this survey. If you are learning programming, no matter what language, and which format ( university, self-taught, bootcamp), you are my target audience. My thanks and appreciation in advance! Have a lovely evening . PS: As mentioned in the form, no personal information that is irrelevant to the research is required and no emails will be saved or used. [\_z26YLwUSFo5uw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0bO5bNQl3eHPGqno5c45T7DDW0V7iQWZnxKhdNINMOKEC6GJjXPkf5Tdk](",,,,,,2021-04-27 17:14:38 mzuqmk,,19,Tonight's coscous .. we didn't make it yesterday my mother was sick ((,,,,,,,2021-04-27 18:10:35 mzuqop,,3,Construction cost in Tunisia,"Hello I have a question to anyone with civil engineering / construction background I have a piece of land in a residential area and I was thinking of investing in real estate. Now I know it's hard to give an estimate based on a few words but can anyone give me quick quote or even a range of what a small building of 4 apartments and 2 commercials cost? Main: 2 commercial spaces 1st floor: 2 apartments 2nd floor: 2 apartments Let's suppose 100m² each Basic finish, basic plan. Any estimate? I know it can't be accurate but at least a range? Thanks",,,,,,2021-04-27 18:10:39 mzuvh8,,0,"Crypto is a scam. It’s all about making money and when you say money, you say greed and utter devastation. Did I mention the abhorrent amount of energy aka pollution it needs to power the servers and the constant hacking and theft?",,,,,,,2021-04-27 18:16:37 mzyt6x,,126,Extensive list of the president achievements,,,,,,,2021-04-27 21:14:29 mzzak0,,1,Tunisian TV sucks,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-27 21:36:32 n00jq9,,1,Put your pics on the map of Tunisia map like flag maps (online),,,,,,,2021-04-27 22:36:02 n01fbj,,1,Eco friendly Tunisian Toothpaste,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-27 23:20:22 n02fn9,,15,A car that costs 70k€ in europe is being sold for 240k€ in Tunisia ( official price ),,,,,,,2021-04-28 00:14:56 n03xlr,,0,Don't they look Tunisian ( Genuine question )? the scam they had elaborated though...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-28 01:38:17 n0c8kb,,4,أعلنت السلطات التونسية تفكيك خلية مختصة في تمويل العناصر الإرهابية يوجد بعض أعضائها في إحدى الدول الأوروبية.,,,,,,,2021-04-28 10:59:09 n0cbyq,,23,Walking around the Medina of Bizerte📍,,,,,,,2021-04-28 11:05:00 n0ccpv,,118,Nice day u all,,,,,,,2021-04-28 11:06:18 n0e717,,14,Mixt of green and grey. Lake of Ghar Mel7 from far away.,,,,,,,2021-04-28 12:56:39 n0fanj,,7,Following up on another post. How is this legal?!,,,,,,,2021-04-28 13:53:10 n0hh99,,5,Tunisian families,"Hello everyone, Everytime, I try to find a logic as to why a mother would say so many mean and hurtful things to her children, I find myself unable to accept that it is just "" tough love "". Can anyone please help me with trying to understand why things like that happen ? ( I am aware that such behavior is not confined to Tunisian families but might be found in other cultures as well ). Why would a mother wish evil things to happen to her own daughter and calling her all sorts of name knowing that the day before, she ( the mother) was doing and saying the exact opposite. Is that normal ? Thank you in advance for your feedback.",,,,,,2021-04-28 15:33:43 n0ly4i,,2,Transferwise card,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-28 18:54:10 n0qzip,,1,How to Become a New Member on | CLM | Satorify,,,,,,,2021-04-28 22:51:22 n0t7k8,,14,I need help with my Arabic lesson,"Hello peeps, I hope you are doing great First of all, I know this sub isn't exactly about Education and maybe this isn't the right place for asking something like this so if that's the case then I apologize for that. So yeah, I really need help with my Arabic lesson, I'm in Bac arts (lettre) and I'm struggling with the first lesson we study which is شعر الحماسة للمتنبي and to be frank, I didn't pay much attention at the start of year and I missed a lot of hours so I completely know nothing about this lesson. So I tried googling explanations for this lesson but it's still complicated for me, my problem is one, reading Mutanabi's poetry is like reading a completely different language, two I'm not really sure about what to do in exam and how to do the تحليل, three it's overall complicated for me. And what I exactly want is I want to be able to handle the exam if it's based on this lesson, I don't want to give a blank paper ofcourse, it's bac. So can you guys help me out by perhaps maybe giving me a good explanation to it or maybe link me to somewhere where I can find the explanation I need ? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-04-29 00:53:26 n0y0a1,,0,"#KHALEDKHALED 🤲🏽 THIS FRIDAY APRIL 30! 🌞🔑 JaraHit have a gift for the world. I can’t wait to share it with you. Let’s talk tomorrow, are you available?? We The Best",,,,,,,2021-04-29 05:57:53 n11yrj,,5,Survey for MA research please help," ع السلامة أنا طالبة ماجيستير ترجمة و نحب تعاونوني في البحث متاعي عن العلاقة بين لغات البرمجة و اللغات الحية. كان التخصص متاعك برمجة / تحليل معطيات / علم البيانات أو أي تخصص اخر يتطلب تعلمك للغة من لغات البرمجة من فضلك جاوب على الأسئلة. كيف ما ذكرت في الاستبيان لن يتم حفظ أو استعمال أي معطيات شخصية لا علاقة مباشرة لها بالبحث. مع الشكر لتعاونكم, نهاركم زين و شاهية طيبة. Hello everyone, I am an MA student and I need your help by answering this survey. If you are Tunisian and learning programming, or you are a programming / machine learning professional, you are my target audience. Below is the form , my thanks and appreciation in advance. PS: As mentioned in the form, no personal information that is irrelevant to the research is required and no emails will be saved or used. [\_z26YLwUSFo5uw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0bO5bNQl3eHPGqno5c45T7DDW0V7iQWZnxKhdNINMOKEC6GJjXPkf5Tdk](",,,,,,2021-04-29 11:06:14 n12ehd,,5,تمديد تطبيق الإجراءات الوقائية المعتمدة وإقرار أخرى جديدة هو القرار الذي ارتأت اليه اللجنة العلمية لمكافحة كوفيد 19 في تونس,,,,,,,2021-04-29 11:36:09 n12eye,,15,Feeling nostalgic 🗝,,,,,,,2021-04-29 11:36:59 n12fqj,,80,Meanwhile all around Tunisia La Mechouia 🌶,,,,,,,2021-04-29 11:38:29 n15tye,,3,"Dear freelancers, how are you getting paid?","I will be working as freelance developer for more than 6 months for a foreign company. So do you recommend a payment solution? \+ I am currently working part-time job and my client is worried because he thinks this is not legal. How can I make my client comfort about our collaboration? &#x200B; Thank you..",,,,,,2021-04-29 14:41:20 n16jua,,5,"Who is the most influential Tunisian of all time? (Influence in absolute terms, in Tunisia and outside)",I’ve been thinking about it and I was curious what y’all thought. My guess goes to Ibn Khaldoun.,,,,,,2021-04-29 15:13:56 n16nx6,,0,Neurogenetic analysis of female autism,,,,,,,2021-04-29 15:19:23 n18poh,,20,تونس دولة مدنية وثقفوت وكذا. لكم دينكم ولي ديني؟,,,,,,,2021-04-29 16:52:50 n1az1t,,1,Audio recordings in public,"Hi! Anyone know what the Tunisian law says about recording audio in public (public activity, like for instance recording what people are saying or yelling at a demonstration)? Alternatively, anyone know which part of the law I should consult?",,,,,,2021-04-29 18:36:43 n1e5cs,,78,I love when this kind of thing happens from nowhere,,,,,,,2021-04-29 21:02:21 n1guiq,,34,A giant graffiti of Tesla in Tunis power plant - Awesome Serbian feedback and pride about the artwork,,,,,,,2021-04-29 23:10:19 n1h3v7,,1,Usage of the internet in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-29 23:23:21 n1hc1e,,5,Sub demographic,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-04-29 23:35:03 n1klj4,,28,الحق الفلسطيني ثابت واسرائيل عندها مستعمرات تخالف القانون الدولي. اما توانسة يوصلوا يرياكتيو love على خبر كيما هكا؟ c grave قداش مجتمعنا متطرف ومتوحش وبعيد عن الفطرة الانسانية.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-30 02:43:18 n1nbtx,,56,"We're nearing a doomsday scenario, please stay safe. Taken in Sfax.",,,,,,,2021-04-30 05:42:04 n1qzs1,,7,Tunisian Online Banking and Cryptocurrency Exchange Services?,"Hello, I am an expat who lives in Turkey. I have never been in Tunisia since when I was a baby. That's why I have almost zero knowledge about Tunisia. I am a cryptocurrency holder and Turkey is making some regulations about cryptocurrencies and exchanges. We are still do not know if it will impact in a bad way or not but I want to make a Plan B. I am a citizen of Tunisia and I wonder if I can open a bank account from abroad. Also is there any good Tunisian cryptocurrency exchange? Thank you.",,,,,,2021-04-30 10:27:13 n1v9p7,,1,"Hello, I hope you are doing well. This survey is carried out as a part of a final project for my license degree. Please, I would like you to take a moment to fill this questionnaire?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-30 14:40:41 n1ybbg,,2,Investing in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-04-30 17:03:27 n1yxt8,,5,Tunisia announces new restrictions as Covid-19 cases increase,"***The coronavirus does not spare North Africa and continues to bring the economies of already fragile countries such as Tunisia to their knees. To cope with the third wave of infections, the young Tunisian Republic has announced a series of restrictive measures that will go into effect from 3 to 16 May next***, in addition to those already in existence: the curfew from 10 pm to 5 am, with the ban on using the car from 7 pm, the faculty for governors to apply targeted lockdowns in areas classified as clusters, teamwork in public offices, closed schools and distance learning in universities. Among the new measures introduced yesterday, the compulsory 7-day quarantine for travelers arriving from abroad, with the obligation of PCR tests, as well as entry between the fifth and seventh day and the prohibition for cafes and restaurants to serve indoors. [**Tunisia** ]( recorded 303,584 registered cases of [**coronavirus** ]( 10,444 deaths since the outbreak began, but the shortage of hospital beds is worrying, with 92% of resuscitation beds in public hospitals occupied, according to Health Minister Faouzi Mehdi. The national vaccination campaign, which started on March 13, is proceeding rather slowly, with 345,914 people having received the first dose of vaccine, of which 74,785 also the second, according to data from the Ministry of Health of Tunis. The spokeswoman for the ministry, Nissan Ben Alaya, in announcing the new measures on Wednesday, indicated that **“the health situation is very serious”**, underlining that all the red indicators, especially as regards the number of infections, hospitalized patients and number of deaths. Government spokeswoman Hasna Ben Slimen, on the other hand, reiterated that the commitment of citizens to respect preventive measures is essential to limit the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. From next May 3, all those who enter Tunisia from abroad, in addition to presenting a negative coronavirus test (PCR), will have to spend a self-quarantine period of seven days at their own expense in a partner hotel, and carry out a second test between the fifth and seventh day. A decision much criticized by operators in the tourism sector, the main engine of the Tunisian economy, as well as by businessmen and diplomats who complain about the lack of clarity. The spokesperson did not specify whether the measure will be valid for all countries or whether there are exceptions as in the case of Libya, which has so far been excluded from the restrictions, applying a joint health protocol. ***It should be remembered that Tunisia is witnessing the flight of foreign investors and the country is on the verge of economic, political, and social collapse. Observers believe the country will declare bankruptcy by the end of 2021.*** &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-04-30 17:32:21 n1zvo5,,1,What Tunisian living in France think about the far right that are rapidly gaining in popularity and that may win in the next election ?,,,,,,,2021-04-30 18:15:36 n20el9,,1,"Marriage to a Tunisian woman, need some advice.",[removed],,,,,,2021-04-30 18:39:47 n20ja9,,1,تهليت في راجلي اليوم و درت ليه روتيني اليومي على المباشر / روتيني اليومي,,,,,,,2021-04-30 18:45:55 n214k9,انها_الحقيقة/,4,انها الحقيقة,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-04-30 19:13:15 n21gjq,,25,Marriage in Tunisia? What next? Any help please,"I tried to post this earlier on another account but I didn't have enough karma to do so. Hello I'd appreciate any help on this matter I can get. Any Americans that have married Tunisian woman would be really helpful on this matter. I will give just a fast little backstory. I am an American who accidentally became friends over Facebook with a Tunisian. We did not seek each other out it was by chance we met over a comment section on a video. We did a lot of talking over the months. Eventually we started dating and now are talking marriage. We already know the process is long and complicated but we're not sure what to expect or the path to follow that will be best for us. She is okay with coming to live in America so that will be our next goal after marriage. My question is if we get married in Tunisia, what do we have to do to get her living in the U.S with me? We are in it for the long run but are a little concerned about being apart after getting married. So are there ways to be together after being married(I have to return to u.s for work), say a tourist visa or another kind of visa, which is better? I've checked the embassy websites for info but would love to hear exactly what others have done in this situation. I also read some people use services they pay for for help but I'm not entirely sure that's necessary. (Like an attorney) Thank you for any help you can provide.",,,,,,2021-04-30 19:29:40 n24uem,,53,"Hey guys! So I am a high school junior, I founded an organization to digitalize high schools in Tunisia. The project consists of helping digitize your own school then expands to share the experience with other students. Is there any high school student here willing to join and be the change!","Thanks! Update: I’ll create a discord here if anybody wanna join pm me!",,,,,,2021-04-30 22:17:12 n25w4r,,0,BRUH,[deleted],,,,,,2021-04-30 23:14:09 n282od,,4,Anyone know where i can find one of these ??? all stores online are out of stock ( TUNIS ),[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-01 01:19:11 n289j1,,1,💸 Earn free BTC and multiply your crypto with BetFury BOXes 📦 Enjoy the easy way to get cryptocurrency! Real rewards every 20 min 💥 👉,,,,,,,2021-05-01 01:31:14 n29nk1,,2,"TelePerformance work experience, compensation and extras",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-01 02:58:52 n29v26,,9,Hey guys am an Egyptian /Tunisian who would like to get in touch with my Tunisian side by having Tunisian friends,,,,,,,2021-05-01 03:11:20 n2d0s3,,6,Tunisian insults that don’t translate to English,What are some of you favorite Tunisian insults/curse words that just aren’t the same in English. And how would translate them like how do you say “5wenji” or “ya3tek 3asba”,,,,,,2021-05-01 06:48:31 n2dzky,,9,"Hey guys! We would be grateful if you can devote 3 minutes to answer this small survey, the information communicated will be very useful to us to understand the needs of Tunisians residing abroad with regard to the transfer of funds. We very much appreciate your time.",,,,,,,2021-05-01 08:06:31 n2fek0,,31,Does any one feel like we are drowning ?,"Just sitting down and I opened the news, and holy shit! WTF are we doing, and what is happening? Shit didn't just hit the fan, it's on the sealing, the walls, and covering our clothes. Since 2011 nothing changed, we are just going backwored. NO identity, no money, no jobs, no plane, and the scariest of them all NO HOPE. Politicians are so corrupt, I think we surpassed Italy! The fuckers don't even believe in democracy or freedom of speech, they are just screaming at each others like wild dogs and the people are clapping, doing the same (right, left and center) no one actually gives a fuck about Tunisia, a debate or exchanging new ideas. Everyone thinks that they are the chosen one . Crime has peaked greatly. We were bragging about our woman rights, and now almost every day we hear about a a girl/woman/boy getting kidnapped or raped. Getting jumped ""braquage"" is as common as snails in the garden on a rainy day. Murders and conspiracies, and lets not talk about terrorism. Schizophrenia is a plague that ails the land from the "" Medayen lil Kafer "" I can't even fathom those over the top reactions on Facebook, the fake facades every one puts on and the mob mentality etc... The economy is collapsing. The middle class has shrunk, poverty is getting worse by the hour, and misery is every where you look. Are we just going to stay like this without doing anything? Sobbing about past days that we will never get back, about an uncertain tomorrow, and a fogy present. Thanks for reading . ThatTNman.",,,,,,2021-05-01 10:03:54 n2gdlf,,2,إعلان حالة الطوارئ في تونس من الرئيس قيس سعيد وضع سياسيين معروفين تحت الإقامة الجبرية,,,,,,,2021-05-01 11:19:01 n2gdzo,,20,‏وكان من شروط تولّي القضاء بتونس أن يكون للمترشّح أذنين كبيرتين حتى يكون جيّد السّمع فلا يفوته شيء من كلام الخصوم.. وذنين القاضي,,,,,,,2021-05-01 11:19:51 n2geyq,,53,Bizerte ;)❤️,,,,,,,2021-05-01 11:21:31 n2hgtq,,1,لأول مرة علاش سميت قناتي نبيلة البورجوازية بالدليل و مبقيتش كنتكلم على ك...,,,,,,,2021-05-01 12:33:30 n2hl9w,,14,Anyone know where i can find BONSAÏ ?,,,,,,,2021-05-01 12:41:41 n2hv4t,,4,Business Project in Tunisia planned,"Hello! Im a company owner and want soon start digital web services for local Tunisian citizen. For this reason Im looking to build up a team in Tunisia. Currently Im looking for man/woman with expertise in Journalism, someone with local marketing expertise. Someone who has experience in law like how tunisian contract work, invoice systems, payments, refund law, data privacy etc. Required is good english, german optional If you know someone or you are interested, send me your application + CV to []( Thank you",,,,,,2021-05-01 12:59:47 n2i0is,,3,Children’s map of the world (only shows countries where smacking children is illegal),,,,,,,2021-05-01 13:08:34 n2kmvo,,64,The only ray of light in a very dark tunnel. Freedom of speech.,,,,,,,2021-05-01 15:31:25 n2kpfp,,9,hargla Sousse love it ❤ ya 7asra pic from 2013,,,,,,,2021-05-01 15:35:15 n2lwqe,,12,Screw you guys! I'm going Home,,,,,,,2021-05-01 16:34:27 n2rhdf,,2,Need your help in getting my startup to the moon 🚀,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-01 21:05:40 n2s1qq,,32,KS en mode sawarni w ena mafibelich during a visit to the Chaanbi closed military zone. A picture that triggered many Nahdha and Karama supporters.,,,,,,,2021-05-01 21:33:17 n2s8qe,,1,Are we gonna be ok?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-01 21:42:59 n2t4lx,,7,Are we gonna be ok?,"I'm just looking for a boost I guess, I'm 25 years old, I love this country and I will never ""run"" from it... but lately I developped a habit of following the news and reading comments, our reality became so crazy, beside living in an economic desaster our community glorify rape culture, misogyny, racism and hate speech in other words it's socially acceptable to murder ""the right people"" .. and as a free thinker I'm scared of the future, are we gonna be ok? are we going to make it? I saw a post of freedom of speech in Tunisia and I though it's true we are allowed to say what we want, but if it triggers a certain community the majority of society will be ok with your elimination... Am I being paranoid?",,,,,,2021-05-01 22:27:59 n2u1t4,,15,Please can anyone help me with my project?,"Hi, I am a teacher in the UK. In my class this term, our Geography topic is all about the 7 continents and the 5 oceans. This is being linked to our English work where the children are going to write a postcard from a place in each continent. I was wondering if anyone would be able to write and send a postcard for the children to see. Due to the certain things we will be focussing on in our lessons, I would like the format to look something like this: Dear Year 2 children, Greetings/hello from... The weather here is ... And any information relevant to the place where you are writing from. For example important landmarks/animals etc. And any fun facts if there are any. Please remember these facts need to be suitable for 6-7 year olds. If you are interested, thank you!! 😊 Please get in touch and I will send the address.",,,,,,2021-05-01 23:18:09 n2v7db,تونس_بلد_الحريات/,6,تونس بلد الحريات؟,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-02 00:26:10 n2v9rj,,1,"For those looking for Oxygen Concentrators, volunteers at ""نجم انعاون في .."" have set up this directory",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-02 00:30:05 n2vbz0,,5,"For those looking for Oxygen Concentrators, volunteers at ""نجم انعاون في .."" have set up this directory",,,,,,,2021-05-02 00:33:46 n2vmdf,,133,It seems so familiar,,,,,,,2021-05-02 00:51:01 n31552,,1,Car rental with new (German) licesnse,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-02 07:09:00 n33sg0,,1,أصدر رئيس مجلس النواب التونسي الاخواني راشد الغنوشي، مذكرة تنفيذية تضمنت أسماء إداريين مكلفين بحفظ الأمن داخل المجلس. ووجه نواب برلمانيون للغنوشي اتهامات بتأسيس جهاز أمني مواز، داخل البرلمان.,,,,,,,2021-05-02 10:42:36 n33tod,,0,‏‎سيدى بو سعيد الجميلة 😍❤,,,,,,,2021-05-02 10:45:01 n33uxm,,6,Les vrais savent ce que c’est ce délice Fulll mdammss,,,,,,,2021-05-02 10:47:27 n34faw,/r/islam/comments/n2wkq4/laylatul_qadr_tips/,4,Laylatul Qadr Tips,,,,,,,2021-05-02 11:27:53 n362la,,38,"Exploring the abandoned ""Mussolini's Palace"" in Bou Argoub, also known as Villa Zodiac. An incredible piece of modernist Italian architecture that people thought was being built for Italian dictator Benito Mussolini once he had conquered Tunisia.",,,,,,,2021-05-02 13:08:43 n379op,,1,Manipulative Tunisian parents,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-02 14:18:57 n39kdi,,17,"In antiquity, Hannibal's name was indelibly linked with the Alps, the great mountain chain that he had successfully crossed. For 600 years, the section through which Hannibal passed was still called ‘the Punic Alps'!",,,,,,,2021-05-02 16:07:11 n39ps5,,50,sousse 2014 ....Summer coming soon nchallah toufa lcorona bark,,,,,,,2021-05-02 16:13:54 n3c5l6,,26,No caption,,,,,,,2021-05-02 18:07:56 n3f5kh,,1,Help,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-02 20:27:23 n3fd82,,1,What's your opinion about blackwashing hannibal barca?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-02 20:37:52 n3hixs,,1,,,,,,,,2021-05-02 22:23:10 n3hur2,,0,نهبلوكم مساواة وعدالة اجتماعية 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-02 22:40:07 n3i93v,,1,Anyone else have this problem with Topnet where the internet disconnects and reconnect every 5 minutes from 7 PM to 3 AM ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-02 23:01:23 n3ixdf,,0,Joha (جحا) is a famous character in Arabic popular literature,,,,,,,2021-05-02 23:40:16 n3l6c7,,125,Al Wataniya strikes again,,,,,,,2021-05-03 01:48:08 n3m5yo,,16,anyone knows that these strange things are? I am a curious guy from Morocco,,,,,,,2021-05-03 02:46:12 n3nn5u,,3,Engineers World TN,,,,,,,2021-05-03 04:15:36 n3oy94,,1,L’EXPÉRIENCE ( Gail Godwin),,,,,,,2021-05-03 05:43:42 n3ozza,,1,sidi bou said,,,,,,,2021-05-03 05:47:13 n3p44t,,0,Innondations: L’expertise du Québec aidera la Tunisie,,,,,,,2021-05-03 05:55:35 n3pa8a,,29,........................,,,,,,,2021-05-03 06:07:29 n3pg42,,1,Mounts of Gafsa.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-03 06:19:22 n3pgj2,,31,Mountains of Gafsa,,,,,,,2021-05-03 06:20:12 n3sl8s,,6,لازم,,,,,,,2021-05-03 10:14:58 n3svzj,,1,فيروس كورونا يضع تونس في وضع صحي كارثي أكد رئيس الحكومة التونسية ان طاقة المستشفيات لم تعد قادرة على استقبال المزيد من المصابين .,,,,,,,2021-05-03 10:34:57 n3swdl,,54,Offfffff,,,,,,,2021-05-03 10:35:41 n3sxia,,7,Walking around the Medina of Bizerte,,,,,,,2021-05-03 10:37:48 n3zv19,,2,Heading back to Tunisia during mandatory hotel quarantine - Let's help each other,"I'm flying back to Tunisia next week. Unfortunately, I can't delay this return that's happening at a very unfortunate time. I'm looking for testimonials from people that had to do the hotel quarantine before or that are about to do it now. Let's all help each other get through this in the safest way possible. I'll keep updating this post with info as I get it. Questions I have about this: 1. Can booking a hotel be done through online platforms like [booking]( or expedia ? Or does it have to be done through the numbers/emails given in the listing? 2. Once in the hotel - were guests restricted to their rooms or could they roam around / use amenities? (I booked Golden Gammarth for this go) 3. Does the government send a team for testing people on day 5-7 of quarantine? Or do you have to book that test in a private lab and break quarantine (leave hotel) to get tested? 4. Are you given a certificate/official paper at the end of the quarantine that proves that you've done it? Or is that not checked on exit? Links for requirements: * []( * []( * []( &#x200B; Article about previous episodes of mandatory quarantine: * []( * []( * []( * [](",,,,,,2021-05-03 16:05:24 n40dob,,5,"So we made a sub for North African memes, come join us!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-03 16:25:19 n42mgx,,12,كي تكماندي führer من Jumia,,,,,,,2021-05-03 17:54:53 n432q0,,7,What were Tunisians doing in world war 1?,,,,,,,2021-05-03 18:12:13 n44e72,,9,"Story behind this meme: So Nessma TV decided to make a ""Funny"" hidden camera about COVID Vaccine and how it's killing people because that's extremely funny to watch especially for families who recently lost loved ones due to the virus.",,,,,,,2021-05-03 19:04:00 n44s36,,81,برتاجيتها خاطر معاهم تونسي!!!,,,,,,,2021-05-03 19:19:41 n45j2v,,1,Bac,I have a question : yelzem t3ady lbac chte5edh niveau Bac ?!,,,,,,2021-05-03 19:51:00 n483zf,,0,"This is the state of this sub, as of today, not including the sudden invasion of food’s pictures. Just sayin’",,,,,,,2021-05-03 21:38:19 n4a3yw,,2,Where can you buy legit steroids in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-03 23:09:22 n4arbh,,1,Ways for Tunisia to improve,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-03 23:41:35 n4cprl,,4,Starlink in Tunisia,"For those of you who don't know what Starlink is, it's a satellite internet constellation being constructed by SpaceX providing satellite internet access. It is currently in its beta phase and available in only a few select countries. In the future, the service will be available worldwide and it will allow people who live in rural areas or countries with no to bad quality internet to take advantage of high speed satellite internet connection, all it takes is to buy the Starlink kit (dish and router) and to pay a monthly subscription. First question is, while it's theoretically possible to capture the internet from any place on earth as long as you have the Starlink kit (assuming there are enough satellites orbiting the specific area in question to provide enough coverage for the dish to capture the beam), but Starlink may restrict the service from being used in Tunisia due to different reasons such as the government not allowing it to operate here to protect our magnificent local ISPs such as Topshit and Globalcrap. Do you think it will be available here? Second question is about the price, the kit is currently priced at $499 USD and the monthly subscription is priced at $99 USD/month, do you think that these prices are meant for the purchasing power of Americans and will be adjusted to fit the purchasing power of different countries and to minimize competition? In my opinion, if Starlink penetrates the Tunisian market and offer reasonable prices, it could potentially put local ISPs out of business or seriously harm them and it will allow Tunisians to stream movies in HD/UHD, to take advantage of the ultra low latency to play online games with no lag and to watch artificial porn in full HD.",,,,,,2021-05-04 01:22:12 n4eetu,,2,PM Meshmesh looking young and fresh in those jeans,,,,,,,2021-05-04 02:55:31 n4fx5y,,34,Your reaction when you are born in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-05-04 04:27:48 n4hy54,,13,كي يڨدمك مصاص دماء أحول,,,,,,,2021-05-04 06:49:31 n4jlih,,3,...............,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-04 08:50:16 n4julq,,3,Relocating from Tunisia to Germany,"Hi everyone, I recently received an offer from a German company. I started looking up stuff but would like to have more info about what happens next : the process on my side since the company is going to take care of the documents there ? Is there any specific stuff I need to pay attention to when it comes to the laws and life there? Is it safe to resign right after I sign the contract? This is what I have mind, I appreciate if you share useful infos of your journey from Tunisia to Germany with me, answering questions I am not aware of.",,,,,,2021-05-04 09:07:33 n4kb08,,2,Are medical professionals on strike?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-04 09:39:17 n4koow,,1,You find out here a lot of pictures of the late artist Michael Jackson,,,,,,,2021-05-04 10:05:05 n4l62y,,4,بدأ أطباء الصحة العمومية في تونس إضرابا عن العمل في جميع المستشفيات الحكومية ومراكز التلقيح احتجاجا على عدم استجابة وزارة الصحة لمطالبهم المهنية، في الوقت الذي تشهد فيه البلاد ارتفاعا مستمرا لعدد المصابين بفيروس كورونا.,,,,,,,2021-05-04 10:37:44 n4l6r5,,22,With luv from Bizerte,,,,,,,2021-05-04 10:39:02 n4luke,,4,What's the cost of finishing my studies abroad ?,"Hello everyone hope you're having a great day This year I'm going to graduate from college I've been thinking lately about getting my master abroad Canada/spain How much will that cost approximately upfront And are people actually capable of landing jobs after they graduate there ?",,,,,,2021-05-04 11:19:59 n4m2mq,,2,Where can you find european football kits in Tunis?,"Not necessarily authentic, knockoffs are fine too. Does anyone know where to find inexpensive football kits of european teams like Real Madrid or Barcelona in Tunis?",,,,,,2021-05-04 11:32:34 n4n7ww,,4,Abir Moussi is the next big thing in Formula 1 xD,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-04 12:32:25 n4n8rm,,128,Abir MousStig,,,,,,,2021-05-04 12:33:39 n4o2yt,,1,"Panchakarma - Health and Medical, Ayurveda",,,,,,,2021-05-04 13:16:08 n4oed0,,15,Capitalism VS Facsism,,,,,,,2021-05-04 13:31:51 n4ppo7,,45,Daft Punk new album 🤔,,,,,,,2021-05-04 14:29:52 n4qtfp,,3,Tunisia in 20 seconds ... sorry for my fellow Non tunisian speakers. (@7:22 -> 7:40),,,,,,,2021-05-04 15:15:42 n4s571,,80,Tunisian Police is still brutal (Tunis Town Center),,,,,,,2021-05-04 16:09:51 n4t6pm,,3,Gay rights trans rights subreddit R/Ifriqiya join us today,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-04 16:51:20 n4v701,,1,شباب يتأقلم,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-04 19:02:14 n4vyg0,,1,Écoute les mélodies qu’exhalent les luths des amants-- (Omar Khayyâm),,,,,,,2021-05-04 19:31:43 n4we4t,,31,Viral video of Tunisia medical staff filming a Tiktok video while operating..,,,,,,,2021-05-04 19:50:04 n4wy3x,,0,...........,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-04 20:12:06 n4xfaf,,1,SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF THIS SHITHOLE I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE I CAAAAAAN'T,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-04 20:31:15 n504r9,,1,Tv two : legit app : gagner vraiment de l'argent,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-04 22:25:32 n50en2,,79,Sava,,,,,,,2021-05-04 22:38:04 n50um0,,24,Credit : Ayoub Khefifi,,,,,,,2021-05-04 22:58:38 n51egb,,14,Earth pangea looks exactly like Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-05-04 23:24:26 n51fo6,,1,New operator,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-04 23:26:01 n51fwf,,16,New operator,,,,,,,2021-05-04 23:26:21 n51rbd,,11,what a time to be alive,,,,,,,2021-05-04 23:41:23 n52cao,,3,Record stores in Tunisia,I live in menzah where can I find record stores near me? And do they sell new stuff,,,,,,2021-05-05 00:09:54 n55eut,,19,I Guess TUNISIA has started it move against mining crypto-currency,"This is a message to all the crypto-currency miners Becareful This country has already started it move against something that most of y'all always dreamt about I was reading a post of a man that got arrested at first by accusing him as a drug dealer and their goal was to fetch his phone and accuse him for money laundering and then he for a huge penalty for just mining crypto-currency and about to start his dream We all know that the whole world started using the crypto-currency in a whole lot of different domains.... Anyways I wanted to give my opinion about what what I saw the dude is in pain and the whole rest of the miners are in danger The hunt begun Becareful to the dearest miners #jaded_9anoun_lmeleya",,,,,,2021-05-05 02:46:33 n594zx,,70,"We did it boys, shit is about to get real",,,,,,,2021-05-05 06:21:05 n5auvg,,1,Is there a place to buy sextoys in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-05 08:15:52 n5bt58,,8,يتجمع سائقو الدراجات الهوائية كل ليلة بعد الإفطار في العاصمة التونسية، مستغلين حظر التجوّل في شهر رمضان الذي يبدأ باكرا بالنسبة الى السيارات، بينما يبقى الشارع مفتوحا لمدة أطول للمشاة وراكبي الدراجات.,,,,,,,2021-05-05 09:23:44 n5btgb,,5,Yellow the new blue 💛💙 The Medina,,,,,,,2021-05-05 09:24:19 n5bu6r,,4,Set of Tunisia 🇹🇳🐪,,,,,,,2021-05-05 09:25:42 n5d0r5,,2,.....,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-05 10:46:28 n5e9u4,,6,Which politician do you hate most?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-05 12:02:27 n5edlp,,0,Help her 🙏. Share.,,,,,,,2021-05-05 12:08:30 n5fk29,,2,04/05/2021 clash between police and Ultras from Esperance Tunis (handball),,,,,,,2021-05-05 13:10:26 n5ghtr,,2,It’s official. This sub has become a cesspool of mental diarrhea.,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-05 13:55:46 n5hgxq,,134,.,,,,,,,2021-05-05 14:40:04 n5i4k9,,1,Isn't there a Tunisian song just like this? Who stole from who :D,,,,,,,2021-05-05 15:08:46 n5iwh6,,7,Shame,,,,,,,2021-05-05 15:41:32 n5jl83,,1,Coming Soon!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-05 16:09:53 n5jm4p,,1,😂😂,,,,,,,2021-05-05 16:10:52 n5jnsw,,78,economy ⬆️⬆️,,,,,,,2021-05-05 16:12:44 n5ju5s,,2,"Tunisia to propose wage, subsidy cuts in IMF talks, document shows (and we're about to get royally fucked)",,,,,,,2021-05-05 16:20:13 n5juap,,17,😂😂,,,,,,,2021-05-05 16:20:22 n5kh4c,,11,"A Tunis, un policier en civil menace la foule avec son arme",[](,,,,,,2021-05-05 16:46:47 n5p3h8,,25,This man will save us!,,,,,,,2021-05-05 20:01:49 n5pl0v,,5,The World Health Organization chooses Tunis among the 5 healthy cities in the world,,,,,,,2021-05-05 20:22:26 n5qucx,,1,1ère édition du Festival d’Alexandrie du film francophone : La Tunisie invitée d’honneur,,,,,,,2021-05-05 21:17:08 n5rd84,,0,"My web browser notified me that my Topnet password was leaked, is this thing old news or recent news?",I don't recall seeing any news about any Tunisian communications company being cyber attacked in 2020 or 21.,,,,,,2021-05-05 21:40:25 n5sb5r,,1,buying quality Whey protein in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-05 22:22:41 n5sg3k,,7,weird!?,,,,,,,2021-05-05 22:29:04 n60q1g,,27,Sarou5,,,,,,,2021-05-06 06:16:02 n62okw,,0,The end,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-06 08:39:29 n62uo6,,78,.,,,,,,,2021-05-06 08:52:46 n63u01,,4,لمح الرئيس التونسي قيس سعيد الى إمكانية عقد حواري وطني يلبي مطالب التونسيين و يأتي كلام الرئيس سعيد بعد المصادقة في البرلمان التونسي على تنقيح قانون المحكمة الدستورية.,,,,,,,2021-05-06 10:03:38 n63ufc,,30,Alerte 🚨 couscous aux poissons 🐟,,,,,,,2021-05-06 10:04:28 n63v4k,,15,تونس العظيمة,,,,,,,2021-05-06 10:05:41 n64tde,,1,تعلن Microsoft عن انتهاء عمر العديد من إصدارات منصة تطوير .NET Framework,,,,,,,2021-05-06 11:11:03 n66jqh,,10,/r/tunisia hit 20k subscribers yesterday,,,,,,,2021-05-06 12:51:52 n68w1p,,57,The late 90s early 00s female TV squad.,,,,,,,2021-05-06 14:44:41 n6aug3,,4,"In 1985 there was a boxing match between ROCKY LOCKRIDGE - KAMEL BOU ALI. The LA Times then reported that: Lockridge will be facing an opponent, who has a 17-0-1 record with 10 knockouts. Lockridge has a 35-3 mark, with 29 knockouts. I remember the entire nation was up at 4am to watch it.",,,,,,,2021-05-06 16:09:52 n6awwv,,65,GTA in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-05-06 16:12:42 n6c00o,,12,Have anyone dealt with Afrocentric people before?,"I was called invader/fake Tunisian/culture thieve just beacuse I'm claiming Tunisian middle ages history .. its really triggering .",,,,,,2021-05-06 17:00:30 n6cvuk,,1,So you be sayin' dat we wuz hannibals n sheit mang,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-06 17:39:35 n6eyq7,,89,طونس,,,,,,,2021-05-06 19:08:42 n6fbqz,,2,Wake up it's time to stand up for our country,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-06 19:24:39 n6g2d3,برجولية_مالازمناش_تسكتو_على_حكاية_البتكوين_و/,21,برجولية مالازمناش تسكتو على حكاية البتكوين و الكوارت العالمية," برجولية مالازمناش تسكتو على حكاية البتكوين و الكوارت العالمية عباد البرة شايخة و تلقى في فرص تطور باها في حياتها و لنا واحد يعمل حاجة يحاسبوه علاها... ماللخر البتكون والكريبتو الكل ماهمش ناوين يتهناو منو الا كيلقاو كيفاه يخلصو بلاد ما تعاونكش في حتى شي مبعد تحبك تعطاها في كل شي... والله و عن خبرة شخصية، راهو البلاد موقفة عليكم برشا فرص و خدم تنجمو تجيبو باها الملاين و تعيشو متهنين انشرو في يجي خلي توصل الحكاية للتلافز و البلايص الكل، و ما تاقفو كان كي يعملو الي نحبو عليه، البلاد هاذي ماتخممش في مستقبلك، خاتر شادينها عباد يفركسو منين ينحيو منك الفلوس اكاهاو، لذا ما تستناش منهم يعملو حاجة باهية، لا، لازم الكل نفرضو علاهم يبدلو القانون، خاطر صحيح هوما شادين الحكم، # اما هاذي بلادنا احنا!!!",,,,,,2021-05-06 19:56:53 n6jihn,,1,Gospel,,,,,,,2021-05-06 22:26:28 n6jixu,,1,Matthew 5-7,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-06 22:27:03 n6kxvl,,1,what are some part time jobs that a college student can do during summer to make some cash.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-06 23:33:36 n6l5qs,,0,#دعم_قناتي_علي_اليوتوب #مكرم_طليق #Makram_Talik,,,,,,,2021-05-06 23:44:43 n6mjou,,8,"A while ago I posted my album here and got a lot of support from you guys, and now it has reached 10k views! Thank you!",,,,,,,2021-05-07 00:57:43 n6ou04,,27,Allah,,,,,,,2021-05-07 03:03:22 n6s34a,,19,A restaurant in Kelibia where the seafood eats the customers. Amazing!,,,,,,,2021-05-07 06:28:24 n6t2mq,,10,How\Where to invest in Tunisia,"Greetings fellow Tunisians, I ve read some threads here about investing and I know that most of you will advice me to invest in real estate\land. But my question is HOW? And moreover, if I wanted a safer way to invest, can I invest in government bonds? If so how? Do I need a bank account? I'm sorry I'm pretty new to this and I just don't know the procedures",,,,,,2021-05-07 07:40:06 n6tbsi,,1,That a bit sussy,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-07 07:59:48 n6tkoq,,20,That's a bit sussy,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-07 08:17:03 n6ujg3,,15,What are the problems that can be solved by technology?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-07 09:28:20 n6wtkb,,8,JERBA,,,,,,,2021-05-07 11:59:54 n6yfi7,,0,#كيف_تصبح_مشهور #مكرم_طليق #Makram_Talik,,,,,,,2021-05-07 13:24:50 n7185c,,14,Is it legal?,We recently adopted a fox and we were wondering whether it's legal or not to get one as a pet in Tunisia.,,,,,,2021-05-07 15:31:48 n71psv,,142,Only real ones remember المتفوق,,,,,,,2021-05-07 15:53:27 n72m86,,4,"How ""liberal"" is Tunisia, compared to other Muslim-majority countries like Indonesia?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-07 16:31:27 n72t0y,,3,Tunisia announces one-week COVID-19 lockdown,"Your thoughts on the governmant's decision? IMO this got to a point where the Tunisian economy is playing Jenga with the virus. It creates more problems than solves. We should consider Sweden's approach instead [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-07 16:39:25 n7314n,,2,Death sentence,"Are you pro or anti death sentence? Why or why not with reasons [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-07 16:49:10 n76no7,,10,Part time jobs while studying abroad ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-07 19:24:18 n78nhy,,2,Can somebody who understands Tunisian politics answer a few questions?,"I’m Tunisian but I was born outside of the country and have lived most of my life in the UK. I want to further understand some stuff about Tunisian politics because whenever I speak to my family and friends in Tunisia, I struggle to understand how the things that are happening in Tunisia are allowed to happen. Who is Abir Moussi and what does she stand for? Is she left wing or right wing? What kind of policies is she trying to push? What about Kaid Said? Has he been a good president? Or was it a bunch of lies just to get himself elected? Is it true that El-Nahdha are trying to distance themselves from Islamic fundamentalism? I’ve heard this, but I thought their whole schtick was trying to incorporate religion into politics. I hear a lot about how these politicians and ministers are stealing. Is there any proof that they are stealing or is it just an assumption because politicians are known in Tunisia to steal? Why is nothing being done in Tunisia to better peoples lives? Surely there must be SOME people eli yghirou aala bledhom that work for the government. I know some of you enjoy trying to be edgy and shit, but serious answers only please. Thanks for taking the time to answer if you do!",,,,,,2021-05-07 20:51:24 n79kak,,1,Selem chkoun يحب يشرى,,,,,,,2021-05-07 21:31:20 n7a0gg,,13,the guiding light,,,,,,,2021-05-07 21:51:47 n7a74e,,4,starting your own business in Tunisa,"I'm a young graduate and really thinking of starting my own business but I'm totally lost on how to start , is there any tunisan redditor who started his own business and tell us about his experience . P.S: I'm not talking about freelance",,,,,,2021-05-07 22:00:20 n7b9x4,édition_des_colis/,3,"shipping abroad to tunisia , Expédition des colis and tunisian Customs Regulations","Guys am trying to get some purchases from USA what's the best reshiping company that deliver tunisia and that's trusted for (expédition des colis) What I found is that I can pay the diwana along with the shipping there are DHL and ups but I need to pay idiwana first so plz help also am buying clothes if I buy electronics will the customs take the delivery or what plz help 🤔",,,,,,2021-05-07 22:51:30 n7cd66,,50,Weirdest one yet.,,,,,,,2021-05-07 23:45:34 n7d3me,,1,Tunisia is a lost cause,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-08 00:25:52 n7e9ni,,5,"How can one pay for, say, an online subscription using CTI? (And more)","**Hello there fellow Tunisian redditors!** I know this question has became so prevalent and quite infuriating given that almost everyone I've seen is salty about (or rather dissatisfied with) the current financial situation, customs regulations, and their restrained offshore monetary transactions, but here I am asking this anyways. The CTI, Carte Technologique Internationale, as you may know it, is a prepaid ""debit"" card, which is much like a gift card, allows you limited deposits that get used up, and the most abhorrent of all is the fact that it isn't even accepted in some websites, which in turn limits its potential use cases. I haven't gotten one yet, it seemed rather futile to me as a person who wants to do music and get it physically and digitally distributed, and almost all websites that offered publishing required a valid credit card (which is usually the case in countless other services) and not some kind of fishy unusable card. Well, I know that several ""free"" ways exist, and are somewhat viable, but if you want to propel your ""career"" you'll have to actively invest in it, and then there's crypto art that I'd really want to do, which I deem impossible given the way this whole card thing works. That being said, the CTI seems enticing until you realize what it's meant for: web hosting, ads, mobile apps, you name it, nothing else really, it's capped at 1K TND a year so that's also a bummer. Anyways I know I'm not an ""established artist"" by any means I'm just starting out but I'd really want to slowly turn my craft into a viable source of income since I'm technically a college dropout and I thought I'd give it a shot but so many hindrances come in the way which makes me wonder whether it might be feasible or not... So what do you guys think about the CTI? Is it a useful asset? Is there any other alternative? Should one scrap this entire ""privileged dream concept"" in favor of a traditional day job? If you get occasional wire transfers into your local bank account do you get charged more? Is it even legal to begin with? Well I think I could elaborate further but it's already off-topic. I'm sorry for such a long text I'm just feeling a bit lost and ""desperate"" I'd say. Any help (or any kind of input) would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)",,,,,,2021-05-08 01:31:59 n7hll1,,1,Is there a way to buy sextoys in tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-08 04:49:56 n7k78f,,0,Most funniest things,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-08 07:50:48 n7kfiz,,4,Does anyone actually follow lockdown rules?,"Because where I am, everyone is in the street until midnight or later and nobody seems to care. In which case, I’m starting to wonder if “lockdown” is just a suggestion?",,,,,,2021-05-08 08:07:26 n7mb23,,5,What do you guys think of TAF opting to buy used Kuwaiti F18 Hornets ?,"I assume if we're speaking from a military pov it should've been better to ask this question elsewhere but since it's all aspects combined I'm curious to know what my fellow tunisians think of this . Also it should be noted that nothing is official yet .",,,,,,2021-05-08 10:23:08 n7mr3m,,1,أعلنت الحكومةُ التونسية فرضَ إغلاق شامل في البلاد ابتداءً من يوم الأحد بالتزامن مع أيام عيد الفطر ولمدة أسبوع.. يأتي ذلك في إطار الإجراءاتِ الاحترازية لمواجهة التفشي السريع لفيروس كورونا، وسط تحذيراتٍ من انهيار المنظومة الصحية.,,,,,,,2021-05-08 10:53:36 n7mtj1,,44,Zarzis,,,,,,,2021-05-08 10:58:25 n7o7xu,,48,"Al Wataniya strikes again, watch until the end",,,,,,,2021-05-08 12:29:01 n7oorv,,0,How did she keep a straight face after seeing that XD!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-08 12:57:08 n7oq5c,,7,pinky nail,why do some tunisian leave their pinky nail untrimmed? all i found on ggl was either chinese/indian or cocaine related.,,,,,,2021-05-08 12:59:25 n7qser,,6,. داخلين للعالم الرقمي بصحة الأبدان #facts,,,,,,,2021-05-08 14:48:54 n7t933,,0,[For Guys] Algerian women are better for us and this is why.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-08 16:48:18 n7tbjr,,1,National Tv Ladies and Gentlemen,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-08 16:51:48 n7tcn6,,1,National TV Ladies and Gentlemen..,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-08 16:53:21 n7xj4w,,11,"I have recovered from covid19, thanks god, where can i donate plasma to covid19 patients?","They do those things in us and eu, hope we can donate in tunisia?",,,,,,2021-05-08 20:16:54 n7zxdq,,12,Are you guys buying/investing in Bitcoin in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-05-08 22:19:00 n807pr,,1,"Hello beautiful people of Tunisia, American citizen here, long story short me and my wife decided to visit Tunisia this summer or next year. I stumbled upon this twitter thread, i was shocked to see how many people were dissapointed from their vacation / visit to Tunisia, is it really this bad?",,,,,,,2021-05-08 22:33:44 n80pnp,,0,Draw,,,,,,,2021-05-08 23:00:24 n80z0j,,0,COMPANY Tunisia-La Marsa : A street plate has aroused the anger of Tunisian,"Byrania ben slimane | 06 Mai 2021 [street plate has aroused the anger of Tunisian ]( Tunisian users have shared massively on social media a photo of a street plate in the city of Marsa. This plate indicates that the street is named after Iraqi poet Badr Shakir al-Sayyab, , but the sign carried several linguistic errors not only in Latin letters but also in Arabic, starting with its written name «Bader, his last name writes Essaieb and Arabic - instead of » . Some have described this error as a scandal and cultural crime, calling on the Chief of the Marsa Commune, Moez Bouraoui to apologize and change it",,,,,,2021-05-08 23:14:34 n8148i,,35,"Come on, pussy",,,,,,,2021-05-08 23:22:33 n817rp,,2,بسبب الحالة الوبائية الخطيرة و تصاعد المخاوف من انهيار المنظومة الصحية.. تونس تفرض الحجر الصحي الشامل للمرة الثانية منذ انتشار فيروس كورونا قبل سنة,,,,,,,2021-05-08 23:27:36 n8193s,,6,Nice day u all To the south 📍🐪 ⛺️,,,,,,,2021-05-08 23:29:47 n819vr,,38,Just Waoo !,,,,,,,2021-05-08 23:30:49 n830zf,,32,"As requested, a mining farm in Tunisia",,,,,,,2021-05-09 01:07:30 n83d5b,,4,No confidence,,,,,,,2021-05-09 01:27:24 n853m5,,33,"[Imagine] ""You sit there watching this random job poster right after being graduated, and you question life itself""",,,,,,,2021-05-09 03:10:18 n85lyv,,1,صندوق النقد الدولي مستعد لدعم تونس مقابل إلغاء الدعم بحلول عام 2024,,,,,,,2021-05-09 03:41:14 n89kxl,,43,Sidi Bou Said,,,,,,,2021-05-09 08:01:40 n8abnz,,14,I went and hunted down the abandoned Lèzard Rouge (Tunisian Royal Train) in Metlaoui.,,,,,,,2021-05-09 08:56:50 n8av6g,,4,Opening a Deutsche bank account from Tunisia,"Anyone who managed to open an account with Deutsche bank while still in Tunisia ? How did you do it ? the paperwork ? feedback ?",,,,,,2021-05-09 09:40:21 n8bzf3,,18,Awesome news 👏🏻 who watched it ? Where can I watch it please ?,,,,,,,2021-05-09 11:03:46 n8ccfv,,0,Why is every foreign product here french?,"Why do we import (almost) every important product from France? Why don't we conduct more business with other nations? And why are we still part of this god damned francophonie that does not benefit us at all? Renault, Peugeot, orange, Citroen, Carrefour, Total and Danone? Also remember the french company that had a monopoly over our salt? Also exploitation of oil and phosphate? And how many other agreements and contracts that we do not know of still exist? It baffles me that people would go out of their way to defend France.",,,,,,2021-05-09 11:28:58 n8cymr,,3,Helping an International Discord Server get more Members from Tunisia 🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-09 12:09:48 n8d6i8,,6,My beautiful Tunisia ❤,,,,,,,2021-05-09 12:23:43 n8f89u,,9,Feeling nostalgic,,,,,,,2021-05-09 14:23:53 n8gn3l,,0,"Le Point :""The second Tunisian revolution is imminent""",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-09 15:34:50 n8i6oq,,0,#تكبيرات_العيد #Your_Diverse_C...,,,,,,,2021-05-09 16:50:43 n8k8by,,86,Hannibal,,,,,,,2021-05-09 18:28:19 n8lrek,,19,Can never get enough of this view!,,,,,,,2021-05-09 19:40:29 n8mjed,,1,Abir Moisty,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-09 20:17:25 n8msq7,,26,Abir Moisty,,,,,,,2021-05-09 20:29:53 n8qneb,,0,بعد اشتداد الصراع حول القيادة العسكريةِ والأمنية والصلاحيات الدستورية والصلاحيات الدبلوماسية.. تونس تدخل مرحلة من تنازع الصلاحيات حول السلطة,,,,,,,2021-05-09 23:40:17 n8qor3,,3,Mood: couvre-feu à Tunis,,,,,,,2021-05-09 23:42:20 n8qp6p,,8,Meanwhile kairouan 🗝,,,,,,,2021-05-09 23:42:59 n8t4fu,,182,"[Imagine] You sit there watching how a swimsuit for men is sold for 43,3 DT at some random carrefour market while they forget to remove the original price tag of 3,99€, and you question life itself !""",,,,,,,2021-05-10 02:00:46 n8tc5c,,4,any of u guys worked in a car wash or know someone who did?,"it seems fun, but i want to know more about it is it hard does it pay ok?",,,,,,2021-05-10 02:13:29 n8vgj2,,3,Sfax to Houmt Souk,I am going to be traveling through Sfax in a couple weeks and will need to get to Houmt Souk from there. I saw there is a bus line that runs between the two but would love some advice on the best travel option. is it worth taking the bus or should i try to get a taxi to take me?,,,,,,2021-05-10 04:02:29 n8w968,,6,Anybody know anything about the International Aerospace & Defense Expo Tunisia (IADE)?,"[IADE]( website. I've recently landed a job with an aerospace consulting firm based in Los Angeles. Their big annual event is the aerospace show in Tunisia. Has anybody attended or experienced the expo? Maybe you can share your experiences. I've never visited the MENA region so I'm looking forward to it. Next expo is May 2022 so it's a year away. Cheers",,,,,,2021-05-10 04:51:51 n8ymgy,,5,Visa to Tunisia,"Hi all, I just want to double check here. I'm planning to come to Tunisia for two weeks early June with a friend, and she has a Chinese passport. I checked with the embassy and they mentioned that Chinese citizens need visas, but I read everywhere online that Chinese citizens can enter Tunisia without a visa. Anyone can help me with this? Thank you!",,,,,,2021-05-10 07:30:28 n906ct,,0,"Aslema from Pakistan, give this a read friends! 🇵🇰❤️🇹🇳",,,,,,,2021-05-10 09:17:07 n90efc,تونس_في_وقت_الحالي/,0,تونس في وقت الحالي,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-05-10 09:32:22 n90kpi,,22,جزء من تقرير الخبير الاقتصادي,,,,,,,2021-05-10 09:44:23 n93r0u,,16,"Which video about Tunisia would you like to see next on my YouTube channel (Scafidi Travels)? We have desert camping, a luxury dar tour, a hike by the coast or tracking down Star Wars props in El Kantaoui! 🏜️🐪/ 🛌🍾/ 🌄🌊/ ✨🚀"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-10 12:54:28 n96ver,,13,"Here's a little something I wrote, I know most of you hate french but why not."," ""وافق أو نافق أو غادر البلاد"" ""Sois d'accord, sois hypocrite ou quitte le pays"" Bien que tout tunisien connaît bien ces paroles, je pense que très peu sont ceux ont saisit la quintessence d'une si célèbre expression d'Ibn Khaldoun. La plus part confond traîtrise et hypocrisie, bien qu'ils soient semblables et de ce fait analogique, ça ne fait pas d'eux identiques. Non, ici, l'hypocrisie n'est pas utilisée pour dépeindre un fallacieux, quelqu'un qui cassera du sucre sur ton dos et sera là, prêt à savourer ta chute. Non, parce que je pense et je sais qu'Ibn Khaldoun ne nous aurait pas inciter à devenir ce que l'on hait. Non, il s'agissait plutôt de conserver un idéal immaculé, et de le cacher pour le préserver et lui éviter d'être corrompu par la noirceur des autres. Il s'agissait surtout de se prêter au jeu de la méchanceté du reste, sans jamais y succomber, sans jamais perdre notre innocence, faire profil bas et mine d'accepter les idéologies de la majorité. C'est pour cela que je trouve ça ironique, que les personnes qu'Ibn Khaldoun réprimandait pour la noirceur de leurs cœurs, soient les premières à poster ses paroles. Ces personnes qui trouveront toujours quelque chose à redire. Qu'on te voie réussir sans rien dire, tu n'es qu'un cachetier, tu veux réussir pendant qu'eux échouent. Qu'on te voie réussir en l'insinuant, tu n'es rien qu'un prétentieux, un m'as-tu-vu comme on l'en fait peu. Qu'on te voie réussir en le chuchotant, tu n'es qu'un vendu, un moins que rien, ils ne te parleront que quand ils en auront besoin. Je suis fasciné, après tout... ils font tant d'efforts pour justifier leurs échecs et ""justifier"" ta réussite, que s'ils se concentraient ne serait-ce qu'un tant soit peu, ils auraient des résultats respectables. Et si tu essaies d'être pragmatique, de pointer cela du doigt, alors tu es le pire des fayots et le roi des arrogants, tu retombes au plus bas de l'échelle et tu espères qu'il y a une place pour ta petite personne, dans leur folie abyssale. Et si je le voulais, j'aurais publié ceci sur mon compte principal, mais oh ma douce Tunisie, je te connais, et je connais les dires d'Ibn Khaldoun. Je cacherais mon arrogance et mon zèle, et je prétendrai de suivre le troupeau, avec à sa tête, des milliers de fainéants.",,,,,,2021-05-10 14:58:25 n97a85,,4,Cours de Dj (Guide Complet pour Débutant) - Initiation au Djing,,,,,,,2021-05-10 15:15:42 n98uph,,8,Can anyone link to the video of the drunk Tunisian guy in Tokyo 😂,,,,,,,2021-05-10 16:09:05 n9az12,,0,Finally watched El 7ar9a,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-10 17:35:15 n9b741,,0,Robux1 yummy and 😋 je ne suis plus pas plus de plus tout plus tout plus tout plus tout a I life relationship life comment matter comment matter in a the good way good idea what and am want far excited your I your a very un and trop de loin sur,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-10 17:43:18 n9bkls,,66,A quick selfie right after leaving the country drowing into a huge economic debt caused by 10 years of procrastination.,,,,,,,2021-05-10 17:58:33 n9db8s,,8,Ukhhh 😭,,,,,,,2021-05-10 19:09:21 n9dxlm,,4,A skate shop where you can print on the board,"Hi, is there a skate board shop that let's you print the picture you want on your board? If such place doesn't exist then, tell me about the location of a normal skate shop.",,,,,,2021-05-10 19:35:29 n9eiwu,,17,Questions and Answers: your guide to your Tunisian most pressing questions,"1. Can I open a bank account overseas (in any country in Europe and/or the U.S. and also everywhere else on earth) if I live in Tunisia? &gt;&gt; No. You can not if you reside in Tunisia. No, you can not if you live in Tunisia. 2. Can I open a Bitcoin account? (Same as above). Can you mine it? Yes, but you can’t buy it. 3. Can I ask Google about the most fucking mundane topics that pop in my head?! Hellz yeah you can, just sit your ass down and Google your question(s) or use whatever search engine out there on the Interwebs. 4. Can I use this card or the other one to pay for this or that, or can I ship to and/or from Tunisia to the moon and back etc etc etc...(btw it’s etcetera and NOT excetera), the answer is probably somewhere either in English or French or Arabic, all you have to do is actually fucking do and not ask right away. 5. Last but not least, can I use PayPal?! No, you cannot and that’s simply because PP is not available in Tunisia. Even if you live overseas and you have a PP account you won’t be able to use it in Tunisia. So, to summarize, if you have a question about anything and I mean ANYTHING, take the time it would take you to ask Reddit or this sub and ask Google first. Ok, pumpkins?! Seriously do it.",,,,,,2021-05-10 20:00:13 n9ga2y,,1,Union equals strength,,,,,,,2021-05-10 21:14:10 n9k0oq,,0,في ظل الظروف الوبائية التي تهيمن على العالم تخشى الكثير من الدول التي تحتفل بعيد الفطر من انتشار المزيد من الاصابات نظرا لكثرة التجمعات والاكتظاظ في أيام الأعياد، وقررت تونس فرض الإغلاق التام في البلاد طوال أسبوع #عيد_الفطر​ لمكافحة عودة انتشار فيروس كورونا,,,,,,,2021-05-11 00:07:12 n9k1jv,,36,Sidi Bou Said 📍💙 One of the most charming villages in the world,,,,,,,2021-05-11 00:08:31 n9k2jy,,1,Le vieux port de Bizerte 📍🗝,,,,,,,2021-05-11 00:10:07 n9mml7,,95,How to learn a new dialect of your native language as a child.,,,,,,,2021-05-11 02:22:58 n9nw1a,,4,Online Payment,"How to monetize your Youtube Channel in Tunisia if you don't have Paypal ? Can the ""carte technologique internationale "" do the job ?",,,,,,2021-05-11 03:33:35 n9p7io,,0,تونس أغلاق شامل : لا يستطيع اقتصاد بلد يضم 800 ألف موظف عمومي تحمل فترة الحجر الصحي,,,,,,,2021-05-11 04:55:25 n9ryj5,,13,Tell me you live in Tunisia without telling me you live in Tunisia,"go ahead lads, post some original jokes",,,,,,2021-05-11 08:11:16 n9u7uh,,89,jumia.exe,,,,,,,2021-05-11 10:50:45 n9wz87,,20,Charmoula with salted fish ! happy Aïd to everyone ☺️,,,,,,,2021-05-11 13:26:41 n9xxpy,,1,F1,,,,,,,2021-05-11 14:13:21 n9zfdo,,3,What does '3arbouch' word mean in Tunisian?,,,,,,,2021-05-11 15:19:14 na15xu,,18,🥺❤,,,,,,,2021-05-11 16:35:10 na24ym,,5,Demonstration supporting Palestine,I wanted to ask if there is any demonstration going to happen these days i don't have any social media and i wanna be informed,,,,,,2021-05-11 17:15:59 na258r,,0,COVID19: Tunisia announces a new lockdown during the Aid el-Fitr holidays,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-11 17:16:21 na2gg4,,1,No women No Cray,,,,,,,2021-05-11 17:29:15 na2isr,,1,No women No Cray,,,,,,,2021-05-11 17:31:53 na3i9j,,153,battikh memes,,,,,,,2021-05-11 18:11:48 na5rj8,,16,The table of the nothingness done so far,,,,,,,2021-05-11 19:43:53 na9vi4,,5,Bac 2021,"Hello, anyone of you guys have bac this year (month and half left for the bac exam) ? I'm in bac lettre (probably you already know this from my previous post) and I'm wondering if any of you have a online group revision where we can help each other. Also, for those who already passed the bac exam, can you tell me what did you do exactly ? how did you revise ? and can you provide any helpful tips ?",,,,,,2021-05-11 22:41:29 naa031,وين_نجم_نعرف_وين_وصلو_في_للvaccin_متع/,1,[serious] وين نجم نعرف وين وصلو في للvaccin متع كوفيد و شكون الفئة الجاية اللي باش tvaccin؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-11 22:47:41 naa1g2,وين_نجم_ناخو_آخر_أخبار_التلقيح_في_تونس_و/,6,[ serious ] وين نجم ناخو آخر أخبار التلقيح في تونس و شكون الفئة الجاية اللي باش تلقح؟,فماش % متع الإطار الطبي، أخبار وقتاه توصل التلاقيح...,,,,,,2021-05-11 22:49:27 nacvbs,,2,Why is this guy everywhere on TV ? Ne9es ken yjina fi blaset Battikh,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-12 01:12:37 naf00h,,1,Getting paid through wire transfers?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-12 03:06:13 naijug,,0,ليلة العيد ام كلثوم,,,,,,,2021-05-12 06:57:01 najcsq,,10,Why Pornography should be banned ?,"DISCLAIMER : \* THIS POST CONTAINS X-RATED TERMINOLOGIES AND SUBSTANTIALLY REPULSIVE TOPICS. IF YOU ARE ON A RELIGIOUS DUTY AND THINKING THIS MIGHT INTERFERE WITH YOUR CURRENT PRACTICES PLEASE WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW OR MAKE SURE TO REACT, RESPOND OR HOLD AN ARGUMENT ONCE YOUR RELIGIOUS DUTY IS LIFTED. \* &#x200B; Being anonynmous online comes with a lot of benefits for people like me, especially when it comes to confessing my deepest regrets. I am not a righteous practioner of Islam, I am not even a believer anymore, nor I will be in the next few years. &#x200B; As 95% of tunisians, I live in a muslim family by inheritence, none of them experienced any kind of existential or religious crisis, the standard type of people everyone is accustomed to see much like NPCs than actual human beings, but the story is far away than that. As my whole family is fasting, and so I do, with obligation and against my will , despite having a baccalaureate exam this year, and I am literaly finding zero energy to study or to practice any kind of cognitive effort in any given task or subject. &#x200B; This emptiness has come along with a slight increase in sexual activity, and obviously such sexual acts were trigerred by visual contents I had access to freely and without any cyber limit, this type of content is what we coin with pornography. &#x200B; I think that pornography is literally ruining the mind of people especially young males, exploiting their fantasies and rendering them into weak creatures unable to outcome this multicorporate-thing. Though I don't believe in eastern wisdom, Hindouism defines something called the Root Chakra to be a ""powerful essence of pure energy and potential to be existent in the region of genitals"". This Root Chakra is even more powerful than all the other Chakras existent in your other body regions, and only the mind has a nearly close energy to fight and defeat it or at least decrease its effects . I may have not transferred the idea well, because, I confess I did not really dive into the matter. But I remember my impressions about it , and remember that I have told myself, despite the mystic icons used in this approach, when applying isomorphism on it on the space of reality, the images do combine together to give a similar result to what may have someone found from an objective point of view (a scientific/ psychological point of view). &#x200B; Pornography fills a lot of people with shame (or at least, so I think), in a time when Masculanity is being attacked by all these neo-liberalists, post-modernists (feminazists ?) kind of ideologies constantly broadcasted on many international communication platforms, when unhealthy lifestyle and food are inhibiting the raw power of many men, when society has never put such toil on men as nowadays, whether by accusing them for being the source of all evil that happened to mankind, or by accusing ""ALL OF THEM "" to be misogynic, sexist and racist, whether even when it comes to dating and relationships, marriage, professionnal career and most importantly : EXPECTATIONS. Pornography feels like the final hit that knocks many men, especially young men, to the ground. It takes a huge time, because of the eventual later fantasies that get stuck in your mind for a very long time. &#x200B; Pornography downgrades women as well, I still find it confusing to see that women are calling to stop sexualizing them, but in the same time, they are voluntarily and even racing to make part of this filthy industry, that makes them objects instead of humans. I recognize feeling the rush of Testosterone (maybe without Oxytocin because I don't feel satisfied on the long term) during the very few moments of my filthy practice, but once I am down the slope, the first thought that comes to my head, is why would a woman , a fully thinking human being , with equal OVERALL cognitive potential as a man, accept to be gangbanged , or violently thrusted in , in biologically unsuitable and inaccomodate places? &#x200B; The aftermath of pornography is even worse, because once your mind has been normalized with the sight of undescent pictures of women , that's when it crosses all the limits even without your conscious permission. Later imagery, of relatives or friends, are being depicted inside your head, and implanted in such a way, that any resistance makes it harder to retrieve, and less relevant to counter. I don't think that any person on earth, once they reach this far, wouldn't feel regret and a ton of shame and most importantly associated psychological distress and pain. &#x200B; Pornography is an actual trigger for OCD, sexual obessions and as every single obsession on earth, resistance increases its action, the more you try to give up on this habit, the less likely you will do, and the more you try to go with it, the more likely you are to experience confidence issues, hallucinations about things that you fear they may happen despite being nearly impossible, and relationship issues with people especially with opposite-sex individuals. &#x200B; I confess that my mind , has been so far conditioned , to accept the sight of many female friends in inappropriate situations, and despite how horrible it sounds, I do really recognize the serioussness of this matter , and I am fully aware , how much wrong is it. Regardless of your religious affiliation, such an act is always considered to be bad on so many levels. &#x200B; I am looking to know your thoughts about the subject, you can freely relate your experiences and comment any way you like, as a closure, I want to say that banning pornography can have a huge positive impact on young males, regardless of any religious interpretation because for the nth time , we are not a MUSLIM country, a country cannot have a religion in the first place, because it is something personal and does not imply on something that is not human such as a nation. I would like to see youg people sharing my perspective and working together to ban such a disastrous industry that is consuming our masculanity , our confidence, and even ruining our relationship with people!",,,,,,2021-05-12 07:56:48 nak5je,,5,#freepalestine,,,,,,,2021-05-12 08:57:10 namwu9,,3,مزايا وعيوب الاستثمار في البورصة,,,,,,,2021-05-12 11:58:32 nandy7,,2,Les enfants atteints de cancer en Tunisie ont besoin de vous,,,,,,,2021-05-12 12:23:36 nankmt,,3,"RunPay, Steam, and Steam ""Units""?","So I was looking at Steam on RunPay and you purchase ""Steam Wallet Units Voucher"". What the hell is a Steam Wallet Units Voucher?",,,,,,2021-05-12 12:33:33 nao9n5,つ_つ/,0,Looking for support 🙏༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-12 13:08:56 naqt97,,45,La misère,,,,,,,2021-05-12 15:02:46 narmpb,,25,Tunisian af,,,,,,,2021-05-12 15:37:28 natg9q,,50,Stay safe,,,,,,,2021-05-12 16:52:28 nawrxp,,27,Ted for Palestine,,,,,,,2021-05-12 19:12:35 nax7ok,,131,Hot MILFs in my area,,,,,,,2021-05-12 19:31:13 nazaeq,,17,control your own destiny,,,,,,,2021-05-12 21:00:35 nazgko,,7,wanting to join leftist/communist/socialist organizations,"hi all, i don't know much about getting involved in politics, i wanted to know if anyone knew of how i could join any leftist organisations or unions.",,,,,,2021-05-12 21:08:07 nb1z0i,,0,My Five Wives': A Different Look at Modern Polygamy,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-12 22:59:53 nb20zv,,3,PC components,"Hi, I'm trying to build my own pc, can someone recommend good websites to order them?",,,,,,2021-05-12 23:01:54 nb249z,,10,What language do you speak the best out of French and English ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-12 23:05:55 nb4cca,,5,Looking for recommendations.,"Can anyone recommend me a good producing ""company"" in tunisia for a low budget ( around 600DT) to ensure the transmission of an online event: we'll be having speakers coming to a working space and streaming the talks with them live on Facebook.",,,,,,2021-05-13 00:52:38 nb5i5e,,1,And another reason to leave this damn country,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-13 01:50:12 nb5k7i,,1,Readout of Vice President Kamala Harris Call with President Kais Saied of Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-13 01:53:08 nb952u,,93,Hello everyone,I just wanted to wish u all eid Mubarek and have a good day!,,,,,,2021-05-13 05:17:55 nbaq1y,,2,"Once again, only eating pork is Haram... Eidkom Mabrouk my fellow Tunisians!",[removed],,,,,,2021-05-13 07:09:37 nbbxiv,,2,سلحفاه اسرع من الفهد,,,,,,,2021-05-13 08:37:09 nbdnwr,,1,انشاء الله عيدك مبروك وسنين دايمة وانت والعايلة الكل بالف خير و صحة وعافية,,,,,,,2021-05-13 10:40:01 nbdr1j,انشاء_الله_عيدكم_مبروك_وسنين_دايمة_وانت_والعايلة/,1,انشاء الله عيدكم مبروك وسنين دايمة وانت والعايلة الكل بالف خير و صحة وعافية,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-13 10:45:57 nbfj8f,,0,La fête est arrivée... Rûmi,,,,,,,2021-05-13 12:31:25 nbfjyt,,96,Eidkom Mabrouk from Sfax ❤,,,,,,,2021-05-13 12:32:31 nbgb8f,,41,Best wishes,,,,,,,2021-05-13 13:12:08 nbhwm2,,32,Eid moubarak to all tunisia's redditors,,,,,,,2021-05-13 14:27:59 nbjj4h,,77,Eidkom mabrouk and may the force be with you :),,,,,,,2021-05-13 15:39:36 nbkgkp,,1,freelancing payment methods in tunisia ?,"hey I want to work in freelance and i checked out the payments methods (payoneer , neteller , skrill etc etc ) and quickly got lost and don't know what should i do , can someone help me ? i just want a virtual debit card to receive and send money",,,,,,2021-05-13 16:19:18 nbm11o,,3,Flight to Tunis from UK 05/06/2021 at 23:05,"First of all Eidkum Mabrouk. Just found out that hotel isolation will be mandatory for all arrivals to Tunisia until 06/06/2021. I already booked a flight which, if on time will get me there for 05/06/2021 at 23:05. Shall I reschedule or do you guys think I'll be able to go through okay? think this is the first time I actually hope the flight makes a delay. lol Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-05-13 17:23:41 nbogld,,28,"There is an entire forum made by western women and dedicated to exposing Tunisian men and calling them ""Rats"" and ""prostitutes"" and I find it embarrassing?","Granted I'm not a man and don't have any man like that in my family (hamdellah) but I'm finding this extremely embarrassing as a Tunisian.At first I felt we were being a tad too much represented in shows like 90 days fiance with Muhammed, Aladdin and Zied, but seems like this is even more than what I thought! The stories on that forum made me feel nauseous. Usually it's a man using a western woman so that she sends him money (once he makes her believe he loves her). He also involves his family in the process (asks her to talk to his mom etc). Sometimes it's very sad because the woman already has a kid and too and needs the money but he starts blackmailing her and telling her is gonna commit suicide (w yebda howa w sou7abou yfalmou 3leha etc).Anyways they kept saying how Tunisian men are lazy and even when they get their visa to Europe they don't have the entrepreunial mindset and still except to be spoon-fed by the government/wife. And some even called them prostitutes (selling love and sex for money).This is embarrassing. What is the root of this problem in your opinion? I mean Syrian and Lebanese men have war problems etc but they don't step this low as far as I know. I think this is almost purely a North African attitude and Tunisians are champions.",,,,,,2021-05-13 19:02:55 nbun23,,1,fellow tunisian ppl,Hi can anyone help going to buy new shoes for men and kinda hard to find something good can anyone help?,,,,,,2021-05-13 23:31:06 nbvwdi,,3,"Sidi Mahrsi, Nabeul",,,,,,,2021-05-14 00:30:12 nc146k,,30,A desert adventure in Tunisia's Grand Erg Oriental around Ksar Ghilane,,,,,,,2021-05-14 05:23:32 nc5xxo,,118,Eid Mubarak from Tripoli Libya,,,,,,,2021-05-14 11:02:18 nc67y0,,1,International Payment Methods,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-14 11:19:36 nc73fu,,0,Is it possible to have a PayPal account without having to withdraw my money?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-14 12:09:49 nc81jn,,30,Having a walk be like. Blocked pedestrian sidewalks are the norm..,,,,,,,2021-05-14 13:00:15 ncahvx,,6,Driving between cities and provinces,"Hi everyone, I need your help to understand the the current temporary law applied. Is it possible for civilians to travel from city to another and one province to another by car instead of public transport/taxis? I've been seeing posts where people got caught and their driver's license were confiscated by the police. I appreciate sharing your experience in driving from one place to another. Ps. I live in the capital Thank you in advance",,,,,,2021-05-14 14:53:53 ncbma7,,1,"These belong to my grandpa, unfortunately he's dead. Can someone help me identify what is this decoration exactly? I can barely read anything besides ""الشغل"" (Labour)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-14 15:42:07 ncfr5y,,6,"My friend did release his first album and I think it belongs here, let me know if you like it.",,,,,,,2021-05-14 18:41:10 nck43b,,4,Are there any laws preventing Tunisians from opening a bank account in another country?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-14 21:57:36 ncl8hc,,7,Question about payoneer and Tunisian banks,"I have almost 5 grand usd in my payoneer account and I want to send it to my bank in Tunisia. Will I get in any trouble doing this I work in Amazon MBA. I don't want to withdraw them by card because honestly I don't want to loose money I worked hard for in fees. Thank you.",,,,,,2021-05-14 22:55:04 ncnpim,,1,i'm just gonna put this here (fresh tunisia),[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-15 01:15:00 nco5uv,,54,Unpopular opinion mixed with 3am thoughts,"I have spent hours surfing the net to see Tunisian influencers' reaction to PALESTINE situation. You can obviously guess what I found: Most of them don't care. They are feasting, taking pictures of themselves and showing how happy they are. This made me ask a question: Are influencers worth following? I mean what is the added value that they are giving to society? I have been asking myself this questions for a quite long period as am seeing them living in a world of superiority thinking that they are supreme creature, that we need their advice... etc I have asked myself a lot of times how did they get their first followers. But now I have a simple answer: for example on Instagram they start by following a huge number of people and once they follow them back they do the magic trick: unfollowing them. This seemes quite convincing answer for me so far. Then they start talking about how famous they are and start giving us advice on how to live. Oh come on this is ridiculous! By this I want to say that they have no supremacy but they fabricated their lives in a style that could get the attention of most people. They are perpetually looking for attention because they have no producf to sell but some ridiculous photos on the net. People who followed this process in order to be famous are not worth following. They may have some knowledge but it's not by knowledge that they become influencers. Therefore, they are not concerned about social problems and what society needs or wants, they are just making ads using their tricks that's why they must maximize the audiance and never talk about politics or anything that could lessen the number of followers. I am sad that people are not aware about how these people do not reflect society but they are some products.",,,,,,2021-05-15 01:42:32 ncwb48,,1,"عيد مبارك انشاء الله و كل عام و انم بخير À l’occasion de l’Aïd Al Fitr, toute l’équipe de Sundae's vous souhaite un Aïd Moubarak et vous présente ses meilleurs vœux de bonheur et de santé à vous et tous vos proches. Nous souhaitons prospérité et paix à tous les musulmans.",,,,,,,2021-05-15 11:00:14 ncwvyn,,67,"7arga should be on Netflix, what do you think?","I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the series. The acting is good, the storyline is good, the message is good, the cinematography is good and on top of it, it is very relevant to today's news etc. I think people outside of Tunisia would find it interesting as well. Most Tunisian shows aren't Netflix worthy (especially not El Hiwar and Ettassia ones). But shows like el Maestro and 7arga are top quality and Netflix-worthy. On the other hand, I tried watching el Foundo (because the soundtrack bangs) but I was underwhelmed. Same as with ""Wled Moufida"". The acting is mediocre (except for the big names), the long and boring 10 mins slow-motion of the protagonist crying, the inability to properly ""wrap up"" the story and having weird endings etc... Opinion?",,,,,,2021-05-15 11:36:24 nd07l4,,1,LE JARDIN (Proverbe Persan),,,,,,,2021-05-15 14:33:53 nd1tbi,,4,"Doing a research project on tunisia, have a couple of questions","So my research is basically about finding medical images published by tunisian doctors or researchers. My questions are: What are the major hospitals in tunisia? I need 3-5 major hospitals Are there any medical societies in tunisia and if so can you please list their names? My problem on finding this information is because I don't speak french but I do speak arabic, most of these information are found in french.",,,,,,2021-05-15 15:48:20 nd2qnk,,6,An interesting opportunity,"I found this link from an ad that I got on my messenger account, for once, the Facebook algorithms did suggest a relevent thing. This site, is 100% Tunisian as it seems, and represents a gate to many kinds of services, including e-learning platforms. Here is the link : It can be of high value for those aiming to make some business in online learning, because, I honestly believe we are still inactive as a country in e-learning especially when it comes to higher studies subjects and fields. Though this may be counted as free advertising, I am doing it for educational purposes only, I am just a student, and have nothing to do or any kind of relationship with this service provider.",,,,,,2021-05-15 16:30:55 nd31xf,,5,What's your opinion on Monecef El Marzouki?,Title,,,,,,2021-05-15 16:45:32 nd5qkt,,21,Hi guys we are a tunisan rock band and this is our first song we'd love to hear your thoughts on it. 🤘🎧🤘 Any feedback is apperciated 😊,,,,,,,2021-05-15 18:50:34 ndczse,,3,Favourite local musicians,"Fellow Tunisians, I’m working on this playlist of music from North Africa and I’d appreciate your participation by mentioning your favourite local musicians and naming your favourite songs as well. Below I leave you the link to my playlist on Spotify if you want to explore, thank you",,,,,,2021-05-16 01:00:56 ndkf9d,,2,I need help!,"Do u have any ideas when I can find english books? Ps: I am from Sfax.",,,,,,2021-05-16 09:13:51 ndkplw,,10,What are your thoughts?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-16 09:35:40 ndlil1,,45,#ghaza_under_attack,,,,,,,2021-05-16 10:33:10 ndmqi4,,0,Tunisians protesting about Palestine,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-16 11:54:05 ndnksi,,31,"Showing off the telescope equipment of the Association of Young Astronomers, in Djerba, Tunisia",,,,,,,2021-05-16 12:44:40 ndnoam,,13,Ur opinion abt the protests here related to Palestine," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-16 12:50:32 ndnome,,6,Age 24 years Formation web dev or university,"hi, i'm 24 years old with a baccalaureate i'm in love with web devolpement , i dream to get a job as a web developer and i feel like my life is going nowhere i'm confused , unable to decide should i go to university and study web devolpement for 5 years or should i pick the short path like gomycode/ elite (web dev formation) . please advice me",,,,,,2021-05-16 12:51:05 ndntad,,1,"""Na3ti kilmti"" help and advice","I'm going to ""na3ti kilmti"" to my gf family and kinda make things more official. I've not spoken to my dad in over 4 years. Is it okay/acceptable to bring my best friend M29 (I'm M28)? I'll also be bringing my grandma too. I don't have any uncles.",,,,,,2021-05-16 12:58:43 ndnwva,,4,Paranormal,"So I just watched Paranormal on Netflix (ما وراء الطبيعة) and by the way it's amazing I recommend it. Basically I was thinking if there is anyone here that experienced paranormal activity in his life or even if you have heard stories of urban legends, I would like to see what you have. Even made up stories Idc.",,,,,,2021-05-16 13:04:15 ndor6g,,3,Tunisian sweets,,,,,,,2021-05-16 13:50:28 ndos0g,,41,Tunisian couscous,,,,,,,2021-05-16 13:51:48 ndq678,,1,Comment gagner 1000 € / mois en ligne avec l'affiliation en web (1tpe),,,,,,,2021-05-16 15:01:20 ndql86,,87,To people who are supporting Israel or criticizing people in support of Palestine,"Stop it. I have seen a lot of people on this sub (thankfully a minority) who seem pretty adamant on either shit-talking people posting on social media in support of Palestine or going out and protesting, with some going as far as to either talk about the conflict as if it is ""two-sided"" or outright support Israel. Tunisia's position is clear : We almost entirely support Palestine, as evidenced by countless polls on the subject. You might want to discard that as ""blind tribalism based on a shared religion and ethnicity"" but the fact of the matter is Palestinians are an oppressed people who have been displaced from their homeland by colonists. This is as ""Black and White"" as the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Even if you are the most anti-Muslim and anti-Arab person alive, I at least expect from you the moral decency to recognize the blight of the Palestinians. Supporting Israel isn't being a ""free thinker"", it is just being an edgy contrarian. I am myself an Atheist and I am disgusted by your behavior and rhetoric.",,,,,,2021-05-16 15:21:26 ndsunp,/r/ArabMuslims/comments/ndryfq/هل_تعرف_الإنجليزية/,0,هل تعرف الإنجليزية؟,,,,,,,2021-05-16 17:09:29 ndt5h5,,8,How can I join the NorthAfrica subreddit? It’s private.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-16 17:23:35 ndtfrv,,6,About launching a YouTube channel from Tunisia,"Hi everyone I'm planning to launch a youtube channel , i've been planning for it for a couple of years and i feel like now it's the time to do so but i have a question, since there are many youtubers in Tunisia, how do they make money? i know it's possible via MCN (multi channel network) but they take advantage of you so it's a big risk in my eyes thanks in advance for any help 😊",,,,,,2021-05-16 17:37:05 ndtmg3,,1,Resistance 🇵🇸,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-16 17:45:50 ndtpgd,,5,Resistance ❤️🖤🤍💚 (first post blocked),[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-16 17:49:51 ndtvie,,1,Travel to U.S?,What does a Tunisian need to do to travel to the U.S on vacation? Does this fall under a nonimmigrant visa? Any advice would be appreciated thank you!,,,,,,2021-05-16 17:57:55 ndy2vg,,6,r/hmmm,,,,,,,2021-05-16 21:10:49 ndybjy,,13,"FB Beoboole are really helping the cause, later they got blocked because of the spammy comments and they claim to be heroes and victims of bad Zokraberg",,,,,,,2021-05-16 21:22:25 ndyq84,,17,Bac 2021,"Hey y'all This may sound desperate lol but chkoun ynajem yaatini tips to prepare lel ""bac"" I started studying since August and things were fine melowel then my father died in October with Covid-19 so i lost track i was depressed am kemel yani Now i got my sh@t together too late but i can really use some advices M good fel les matières lkol bekhlef philo w ar im not that excellent So pls tell me how can i make it even though it's kinda late .",,,,,,2021-05-16 21:41:31 ndyr0y,,0,Who’s Hamas ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-16 21:42:35 ndz3w9,,3,Question about the tunisian revolution...,"Salam, azul everyone I always admired you guys to be the only nation in the arab world to have a succesful revolution, but when ben ali was ousted what stopped the military to create a junta? Or am I not understanding this right An eli5 would be great XD",,,,,,2021-05-16 21:59:52 ne238w,,2,Supporting/ being neutral towards an apartheid regime in the 21C is disgusting,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-17 00:26:23 neaj3l,,84,Meanwhile all around Tunisia La Mechouia 🌶,,,,,,,2021-05-17 08:22:55 neazq5,,3,Ur favorite Fast food/ Restaurant/pastry shop/ ice cream shop in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-17 08:51:26 necwf7,,3,Old Russian (USSR) military drilling rig technology UDV-25 (УДВ-25) Working perfectly in Tunisia in our days,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-17 10:44:36 neffav,,5,Tennis in Sahel,Hi. Does anybody know where 2 people can play Tennis in Sousse or Monastir? Are they subscription based or pay for each session? How do you feel about them? Thanks in advance!,,,,,,2021-05-17 12:51:45 nefhy7,,0,Help translate please,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-17 12:55:04 nej0u2,,1,Isn’t this beautiful 😻,,,,,,,2021-05-17 15:19:53 nemc1o,,4,Why do you choose reddit ?,"Personally I love Reddit because 1. No one I know in real life is on it and and even if they are they don’t know my account so more freedom to express my self and less judgment 2. Less bullshit compared to Facebook and instagram 3. What’s weird is suddenly not considered weird anymore here",,,,,,2021-05-17 17:28:46 neo0me,,0,Hello Guys! What do you think about Safemoon!? Can we save our country with this new crypto technologie!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-17 18:33:43 neo1vl,,38,Too hot,"It's too hot, the hell is wrong with the weather.",,,,,,2021-05-17 18:35:06 neqvn3,,17,And as always Tunisians representing us well.,,,,,,,2021-05-17 20:26:06 nessop,,0,fuck tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-17 21:43:37 new6r6,دولة_روسيا_الشقيقة/,1,WAEL SNOOSSY - WHAT THE F*CK #1 - دولة روسيا الشقيقة,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-18 00:18:47 newrhk,,8,Is there a BDSM community here in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-18 00:46:46 nex2a1,,35,lmfao,,,,,,,2021-05-18 01:01:23 nf0m7j,,15,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-05-18 04:00:16 nf5f91,,3,Where to find English Fantasy books in tunisia ( mostly Brandon Sanderson),The title sums it up,,,,,,2021-05-18 08:42:21 nf7c31,,32,Sa majesté: le Couscous Tunisien 👑,,,,,,,2021-05-18 10:39:25 nf7gyn,,3,MBA student struggling to find an internship,I'm struggling to find a summer internship as an MBA student in a Business consulting firm. Is there an MBA or management graduate or someone working in a business consulting firm that can help me or give me advice?,,,,,,2021-05-18 10:47:11 nfbq72,,2,Rice with fekia et Berchni meat,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-18 14:11:51 nfbv0i,,15,My beautiful tunisia,,,,,,,2021-05-18 14:17:41 nfgk63,,36,Beginning of Muslim Africa - Battle of Sufetula 647 DOCUMENTARY,,,,,,,2021-05-18 17:23:45 nfipsb,,0,wtf,,,,,,,2021-05-18 18:47:29 nfjn18,,1,what are you doing pewds,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-18 19:22:46 nfkx4v,,0,Can Tunisians travel to protugal without visa 2021 ??,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-18 20:12:55 nfky10,,1,What European countries can tunisians travel to without visa (beside serbia) ??,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-18 20:13:57 nfldq2,,39,True,,,,,,,2021-05-18 20:31:13 nfmpl3,,7,Melodic T,Is there any melodic techno producers in Tunisia I would like to interact with other music lovers.,,,,,,2021-05-18 21:24:19 nfmyn0,,1,Making new friends or deep connections in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-18 21:34:24 nfmzuh,,11,End of studies survey 😊,"Good evening everyone !! 🥰🤗 Please take a few minutes of your time to answer this questionnaire which will be useful as a statistical basis for developing my PFE entitled ""Influence of advertising on consumer behavior - Case of Vitalait"" Your answers will be confidential and anonymous. THANK YOU",,,,,,2021-05-18 21:35:51 nfn1r5,,5,Downtown,,,,,,,2021-05-18 21:38:04 nfn9fg,,1,Urg,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-18 21:46:33 nfnm1n,,4,whats the best way to meet girls in Tunisia ?,"so I tried dating apps ... epic fail. i'm not sure where to meet girls since my life is an endless routine (office => home, home => office)",,,,,,2021-05-18 22:01:23 nfokwk,,0,Is there paypal in Tunisia ? I can’t open an account !,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-18 22:42:16 nfs9bx,,13,I can’t believe people like djerba better than Zembra,,,,,,,2021-05-19 01:30:40 nftd9g,,1,Beautiful Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-19 02:22:15 nfyaso,,0,receiving money from the us,"I do graphic design for a client that lives in the states. **What's the best fastest way to receive my money?** **and will I get cut by taxes?**",,,,,,2021-05-19 06:36:45 nfz9qe,,0,9ahwa Centre ville with a reliable wifi?,"The title says it all, thanks!",,,,,,2021-05-19 07:34:34 nfzz6v,,8,Traveling and Tourism restrictions in June,"Hi All, I and my wife are thinking about spending our honeymoon in Tunisia at the beginning of June. I was trying to find information on the situation - beaches, bars, clubs, or events in general are being held there but the only thing I found is that there was a lockdown until the 16th of May. Can someone please provide me more inside information on how the situation is and if it's worth traveling at this time? Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-05-19 08:18:20 ng0a5t,,4,"Does anyone know this man? And if so, what's his name?",,,,,,,2021-05-19 08:37:24 ng17sd,,4,IP addresses range in Tunisia,"Hi there, I remember back in the days when I used to play Counter-strike 1.6 online, I used to hear few friends telling me that certain IP that starts with certain number xxx.yyy... (if not mistaken 27. something) are better than others. Not sure which IP range is better in term of ping/latency and/or this is correct or not. I know that sometimes it's better to use other DNS server other than our ISP provided one like Google or Cloudflare ones.",,,,,,2021-05-19 09:34:11 ng1szl,,1,My general opinion about countries (not necessarily their people) as a 24 yo Tunisian.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-19 10:08:57 ng36tr,,18,why we don't have a BDS movement campaign in Tunisia to support Palestine effectively!,"FYI: BDS (stands for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) is a 🇵🇸 Palestinian-led movement that promotes boycotts, divestments (disinvesment) and economic sanctions against Israel. I tried to get involved and subscribe in the [BDS]( website, but I didn't see Tunisia mentioned as an available country in their form, despite the existence of many Arabic countries like Morocco, Egypt, etc. you can check this fact by visiting this [form]( I don't know why Tunisia still isn't there. boycotting Israel is an effective way to stand with Palestine. Putting an economic pressure against Israel will sure help the Palestinian cause. However, the public isn't aware of this fact. In the end, I hope this massacre will be stopped and may god put Israel in its right place.",,,,,,2021-05-19 11:24:12 ng4m6q,,1,Big day for tunisian football fans who do u think will be relegated ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-19 12:35:33 ng4u8y,,27,We could have been the most red flag but Turkey barely beats us,,,,,,,2021-05-19 12:45:33 ng56z7,,1,Doturmund & Liebezbitch <3 (Fine I'm going back to fb... ),[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-19 13:00:54 ng59yz,,82,La beauté éternelle 🇹🇳 Tunisie mon amour 😍,,,,,,,2021-05-19 13:04:21 ng5oxm,,38,Appreciation post from an Egyptian,"I just came here to say that Tunisia and Tunisians are our Middle Eastern or rather MENA pioneers. Your democracy sets the future for other neighboring countries. I know that the situation in Tunisia is a bit problematic, but please never give up on your democracy. I am hopeful that you will eventually find a way for all people to get along and be involved in the political process in a fruitful and constructive way. Freedom is always better than oppression no matter the circumstance. Honestly, Tunisia for me is a ray of hope and optimism that Egypt and the rest of North Africa may one day be democratic. Stay strong, Tunisia!!",,,,,,2021-05-19 13:21:44 ng6cty,,0,التطبيع الاقتصادي بين تونس وإسرائيل: خيانة دولة,,,,,,,2021-05-19 13:48:55 ng6oyd,,0,My general opinion of countries (not necessarily their people) as a 24 yo tunisian.,,,,,,,2021-05-19 14:02:26 ngakp4,,2,Profet l'info fel collège.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-19 16:38:21 ngbpsq,الأحلام_تتحقق_بمرور_الزمن_والإسرار_هوا_يلي_مقوينا/,1,الأحلام تتحقق بمرور الزمن والإسرار هوا يلي مقوينا بحبك طول الدهر والحب ينتشر فينا بديكي حياتي هدية وما أحلا عليك الزينة☺️,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-19 17:24:36 ngcvam,,9,How traditional are marriages in Tunisia? Do most Tunisian men prefer traditional women over modern women?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-19 18:12:31 ngfjc7,,0,New subreddit for Tunisian,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-19 20:02:47 ngfruu,,5,What Tunisian historical personalities do you think deserve a public statue?,"Correct me if I'm wrong, but there aren't many statues of historical personalities in Tunisia (not that it really matters, it's just an observation). The only ones I have in mind are the dozens Bourguiba statues scattered around the country, Ibn Khaldun of Nahj bourguiba and the bust of Farhat Hached in Rades. And if we can count it as a statue there is the bust of Abu Qasim El chebbi in Tozeur. **Hypothetically,** if we were to build statues of important historical figures from Tunisia (or linked to Tunisia), who who would you choose? These are the ones I have in mind: **1- Hannibal** (Carthaginian general) **2- Daghbegi** (fellaga that fought for independence and got executed in front of his family) **3- Lazhar Chraiti** (Fellaga that fought for our independence and fought in Palestine) **4- Moncef Bey** (One of the best beys Tunisia had) **5- Ibn Manzur** (author of the best known dictionary of the Arabic language) **6- Ibn Al Jazar** ""Algizar"" (medieval author on Medicine) **7- Azzedine Alaia** (most famous Tunisian fashion designer) **8- Tewhida Ben Sheikh** (first modern Tunisian woman in North Africa to become a physician) **9- Yusuf Reis/Jack Ward:** Well this one is a bit odd because pirates aren't exactly worthy of admiration but I find it interesting that one of the most famous English pirates settled in Tunisia and it could be funny to have a statue of him next to a port or something. **10- Khaled Abdul Wahab** (Tunisian man who protected Jews from Nazis during WW2) **11- Leo Africanus** (Famous medieval cartographer. He was Andalusian and studied in Morocco but he settled back and died in Tunisia after Christians freed him). **12- Hedi Jouini** (one of the best ambassadors of Tunisian music) **13- Aziza Othamna** (Tunisian princess and Philanthropist) There are many interesting awliya and jurists/imams as well such as Lella Manoubia, Ibn Arafa, Sidi Mehrez etc but I chose to keep out religious figures since it can be (very) controversial and they usually already have zaouias anyways.",,,,,,2021-05-19 20:12:24 ngj2a4,,10,Tunisian Streaming Website : Artify,"This streaming website has most of the tunisian movies and some tv series, pretty useful especially if u live abroad. Currently offering some of them for free too. link: []( &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-05-19 22:24:05 ngkiw8,,6,Is this country going south ?,"Hey everyone lately I've been really feeling bad about the future if this country . Especially with all the arrests for freelancers and crypto traders since this is what I do , and intend to keep doing in the future. I don't really to plan on getting a normal job here since mostly the effort outweighs the benefit and I can make x2 or x3 the salary working flexible hours However if freelance and working online and investing would really be a dead end I feel like it's better if I go live abroad (Germany/Canada) So what do you guys think about the future of the country ? Is it going to be shit in 5 to 10 years ? Are we going to have an economic crisis like lebanon ? Tldr : is the economy going to collapse ? Should one leave the country given the choice ?",,,,,,2021-05-19 23:29:12 ngm16b,,120,Just found out that you guys have a very similar photo. Wholesome 🇪🇬🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-05-20 00:39:35 ngsqnc,,2,Are there any stores that I can buy ALT stuff at here?,,,,,,,2021-05-20 06:24:49 ngt8gc,,7,What is on your opinion about wife being older than husband,I would like to know ( from Tunisian Pov ) if you think it's normal for the wife to be older than husband,,,,,,2021-05-20 06:56:26 ngvu7n,,1,"If you could only teach your child one thing in life, and it had to be a famous quote, what quote would it be?",,,,,,,2021-05-20 09:42:51 ngvw1c,,2,Animal shelters in Sousse ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-20 09:45:56 ngw18z,,7,How Tunisian laws were made,,,,,,,2021-05-20 09:54:29 ngwgfl,,11,"If elections are to be held tomorrow, who would you vote for ? Mainstream media is trying to impose only two or three choices, I'm curious to know who the reddit community would go for and why ?",,,,,,,2021-05-20 10:19:58 nh1g7e,,1,M7ammmsa📍,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-20 14:18:47 nh1gx9,,9,M7ammmsa ❤️,,,,,,,2021-05-20 14:19:37 nh2vu0,,2,What bad experience are you glad to have endured because it brought you happiness later in life?,,,,,,,2021-05-20 15:16:09 nh38n3,,2,The architecture is beautiful,,,,,,,2021-05-20 15:30:33 nh8u0f,,1,L'autisme 🌷⚘🌷,,,,,,,2021-05-20 19:13:58 nha13d,,5,An interesting article. Do you think the trash-in-the-streets problem is a people or infrastructure issue?,,,,,,,2021-05-20 20:03:32 nhad0f,مصحات_gyno_في_تونس/,9,مصحات gyno في تونس,فماش شكون يعرف مصحات باهين نجم نمشيلهم بش نعمل عملية بش نحي Gynecomastia؟ و إذ عندكم فكرة عالأسوام زادة، و شكرا.,,,,,,2021-05-20 20:17:11 nhby8f,,0,Hello,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-20 21:24:36 nhbz4m,,3,"Tunisia lockdown ends, despite Africa’s worst Covid death rate",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-20 21:25:43 nhdylu,,9,Baccalaureate,"I'm honestly absolutely fucking terrified of the baccalaureate exams the thought of failure is haunting me every second I'm awake and to top it all off, the thought of the sacrifices given by my loved ones being in vain and disappointing people that have faith in me is killing me. So am I like the only one. Edit: I would like to thank everyone for the advices and encouragements, it's really wholesome and you can't imagine how much it made my day so may God bless every last one of you.",,,,,,2021-05-20 22:57:27 nhe3vb,,85,"The Bresser telescope arrived this morning (May 20) for children and youth in the Association for Youth and Science in Tunisia, ""We will make sure that we use the telescope to spread the science of astronomy and to encourage young people to discover...""",,,,,,,2021-05-20 23:04:45 nhe68z,,1,"Here's a shower thought People saying ""ken telhit bi bledek ken khir"" when someone says ""free palestine"" is the same as people saying ""all lives matter"" when someone says ""black lives matter"".",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-20 23:07:59 nheau4,,5,The Hypocrisy of our people.,"Here's a shower thought People saying ""ken telhit bi bledek khir"" when someone says ""free palestine"" is the same as people saying ""all lives matter"" when someone says ""black lives matter"".",,,,,,2021-05-20 23:14:30 nhfh8j,,67,Tunisian girls on Tinder be like,,,,,,,2021-05-21 00:15:48 nhjj0g,,9,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-05-21 04:00:19 nho5c1,,15,What do Tunisians think of Morocco?,,,,,,,2021-05-21 09:11:54 nhpbe6,,4,Top Countries by Total Tax Revenues as Share of GDP - 1971/2019,,,,,,,2021-05-21 10:32:06 nhq2qz,,11,18yo Tunisian,aslema omri 18 mazelt kif 5thit mon cin mchit lel poste bech naamel edinar apart ca chnejm naamel naamel compte bancaire? chnouma hajet o les services el nejm naamlhom bel cin,,,,,,2021-05-21 11:20:09 nhqiw6,,5,E-gift ideas for new parents,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-21 11:46:18 nhu3we,,2,How to follow official COVID-restrictions in Tunisia,"Hello fellow Tunisians Is there any website where I can follow official updates regarding COVID restrictions in Tunisia, particularly for people traveling to Tunisia? Cheers!",,,,,,2021-05-21 14:40:05 nhw0kg,,0,Rassimos,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-21 16:01:36 nhwcqq,,1,hotline or organization for suicide related stuff,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-21 16:15:57 nhwdxq,,1,Legal Advise Regarding Lost Passport,A Tunisian acquaintance of mine lost their passport and I was wondering what are the necessary procedures to take to get a new one. Do they really need to wait til their old one expires?,,,,,,2021-05-21 16:17:23 nhwj0b,,32,sounine,,,,,,,2021-05-21 16:23:38 nhyui4,,5,Is it legal to post pictures of patients under anesthesia in an operation ?,"Basically the title It’s a trend among students in the medical field and I can’t wrap my head around it tbh. I’m pretty’s sure it’s not even okay to touch your phone when you’re in an operation room since it’s not sterilized let alone take a picture of an unconscious patient (probably without their consent since they’re unconscious) to show off. But is there actually a legal text against it ?",,,,,,2021-05-21 18:03:49 nhzv0g,,5,What are the dating apps you use? what do you think are the best in Tunisia and why?,,,,,,,2021-05-21 18:49:34 ni361d,,47,Trying to commit suicide a guy buried himself alive then he called the cops to get him out after not being able to do so on his own,,,,,,,2021-05-21 21:18:59 ni44n9,,0,! صاحبي هبّطني في فرنسا,,,,,,,2021-05-21 22:05:38 ni4k3i,,0,"If Arabs don't listen to Pakistanis, more of us will end up like Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Syria, etc...",,,,,,,2021-05-21 22:26:17 ni53l9,,6,Sunset,,,,,,,2021-05-21 22:53:52 ni5vq5,,1,Lets how many people here are lycee pilote,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-21 23:35:06 ni5wt1,,0,Lets see how many people here are lycee pilote," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-21 23:36:48 ni6d98,,1,"For dogs lovers. My freind, my companion.",,,,,,,2021-05-22 00:03:10 ni8cf6,,7,Best wine is tunisia ?,,,,,,,2021-05-22 02:04:00 nico24,,2,"En attendant la levée des brevets, le Maghreb veut produire ses propres vaccins contre le Covid-19",,,,,,,2021-05-22 06:46:44 nid5oy,,4,Arabic Learning Discord Server (w/ live lessons),"Hi everyone! This is a new Discord server for specifically studying and teaching the Arabic language (MSA) and we will be having classes for dialects soon as well. It will be having live lessons for beginners 9pm BST Friday - Monday and Wednesday If you're interested in becoming a teacher of MSA / a dialect or to advance your learning, the link is here - Hope to see you online! آمل أن أراكم على الخادم!",,,,,,2021-05-22 07:23:08 nies6b,,2,Pls tell me this is a joke,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-22 09:23:05 nietwn,,0,Stoners in Tunisia ( the Stoned Community),[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-22 09:26:28 nif7du,,92,Meanwhile Beb Bhar ❤️,,,,,,,2021-05-22 09:54:03 nif9d4,,1,Question about the duty free in soukra,"Given that liquor prices are very high in supermarkets I started looking at other options. Is the duty free in La Soukra only for diplomats or can someone with a foreign passport purchase liquor from there ?",,,,,,2021-05-22 09:58:14 niflay,,1,Bruh,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-22 10:21:09 niiq4a,,2,Anyone familiar with Tunis Paris Dauphine university ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-22 13:32:50 nijgpd,,5,Protestation System,,,,,,,2021-05-22 14:11:19 niq9fb,شنوة_فازات_اخرين/,0,شنوة فازات اخرين؟,"صحيح أول مره نحكيو أما ما نعرفش علاش كايني نعرفك عندي برشا مقدمة "" ابن رهدون "" 😑😑",,,,,,2021-05-22 19:35:58 niqsnk,,6,"Majestic, Tunis",,,,,,,2021-05-22 20:02:10 nisyiw,,9,Are you going to take the vaccine?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-05-22 21:47:52 nituhc,,7,Tunisian films showing prison?,"Hi all. Do you know any Tunisian films that showed prisons, torture, police stations, or detention? It does not have to political or drama. It can be comedy or social. Or documentary? Thank you",,,,,,2021-05-22 22:33:34 nitxj2,,5,How can I buy stamps online ?,"Hi guys, Tunisia has released stamps of street artists ""street art in Tunisia"" and I'm trying to buy them online from France. The website doesn't seem to work well, certificates errors and so on, and I can't wire money from my bank as Tunisia is not an accepted destination. Do you know how I could buy these stamps ? thanks for your help !",,,,,,2021-05-22 22:37:46 niu0vw,,5,"I mean, u can't deny this",,,,,,,2021-05-22 22:42:36 niv076,,4,Motels in Tunis,Does anybody know a motel in Tunis that accepts to give a room to a couple?,,,,,,2021-05-22 23:34:00 niv0z6,,25,A subreddit for dating,"Hey folks, I hope you are all doing well and I hope this post doesn't violate the rules So I've seen dating subreddits where people find someone they can love and date, so as someone who is single and struggled with finding someone I felt that reddit can be helpful when it comes to dating and so me and u/ConstantBluebird9902 created a dating subreddit specifically for Tunisian redditors, r/tunisiansdating The idea is simple, you can just make a pot there introducing yourself and writing that you are looking for someone to love, you can be detailed about your ideal SO in things like height, body type etc... and you can freely write whatever you want as long as it's relevant and respectful. You can also share your experience and write an advice, as long as it's related to dating in Tunisia it belongs there. One important thing to note is that the subreddit is still under construction and we need experienced mods to help us out with managing it, so if you are interested then either contact me or contact u/ConstantBluebird9902 We are also open for feedback so if you have anything in mind please let us know.",,,,,,2021-05-22 23:35:08 nivb59,,6,الترجي التونسي يقلب الطاولة على أبناء لعقيبة,,,,,,,2021-05-22 23:50:22 niwz3d,,87,Flag proposal for Kairouan (Tunisian city),,,,,,,2021-05-23 01:23:50 niziza,,3,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-05-23 04:00:18 nj1uq3,,0,What is your opinion about India - as a country and it's people?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-23 06:34:31 nj465g,,1,Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-05-23 09:24:52 nj54x9,,7,About Tunisian military MRE,"I have seen a [thread]( of people saying that the Tunisia military does not have an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) so I went out to a friend whose father is an army sniper retiree and asked if we had MREs or no. According to him and I quote ""No, we do have MREs. My uncle's still serving and he always brings us canned food such as Mlu5ia, Marga, kamounia, Ma9arouna...etc."" And if you're interested, I will ask him to send me pictures of the food. Keep in mind he could have lied.",,,,,,2021-05-23 10:33:29 nj5ffy,,11,Aghlabid Kingdom of Ifriqia at its highest extent around 900 AD.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-23 10:55:06 nj5lgk,,7,"For those who graduated college with an English degree, what are you doing now ?","I know the CAPES concours been close for years, so tell me folks did you get an MA/PhD ? Those who resorted to the private sector for job opportunities, how did it work out ? Has anyone found a scholarship/internship abroad? Would appreciate the feedback.",,,,,,2021-05-23 11:07:05 nj656k,,157,Basically tunisia's history from the 16 century to the year 1956,,,,,,,2021-05-23 11:46:30 nj7yne,,3,Packing,"Hey! I am flying out to Tunisia in two weeks and would love some tips and suggestions on what to bring in terms of clothing. I will be doing a French program and would like to speak French or Arabic as much as possible so I don’t want to stick out as American, but I’ve never been before. What do people usually wear? I know that I will have to wear pants to enter mosques and the like, but wondering if there are conventions/styles generally that I should follow. Also when running do I need to wear a shirt in public? And are split shorts (3”) okay to run in? Any other advice in general is also welcome. Thanks!",,,,,,2021-05-23 13:39:50 nj93ug,,4,American wanting to know what to expect for the wedding/bachelor party for getting married to a Tunisian gal.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-23 14:41:53 nj9y0f,,7,Anybody know about any hockey groups in Tunisia? Savez vous des groupes de hockey en Tunisie?,"Hey all, I'm looking to see if there are any under-18 hockey teams or clubs in Tunisia, preferably within the city of Tunis. Any form of hockey is fine. Bonjour tous, Je veux savoir si il y a des groupes de Hockey pour âges sous 18 ans ici en Tunisie. Je préfère la ville de Tunis. Je n'ai pas de préférence du type de hockey.",,,,,,2021-05-23 15:24:58 njeaoj,,0,we should make a discord server for this subreddit,,,,,,,2021-05-23 18:50:35 njf057,,11,Mental illnesses support groups in Tunisia?,"I have bipolar disorder type 2 and been in therapy for the last 8 years and lately I've joined subreddits related to bipolar and tbh it seems to do wonders for my mental stability, it's like finding a place I belong to and supportive people who get me, which got me wondering, are there any support groups for bipolar or any other mental illnesses in Tunisia? And if not, do you think there is a way to reach out to therapists and work toward that? Is it even legal? I honestly don't know how to go about this because I know that through my personal experience in Tunisia it's mostly all about clinical psychotherapy and psychoanalysis and even when psychatrists claim they provide CBT, DBT, EMDR, etc they don't really? (They do it half-assed, be vague about it) so I think I'm asking for too much, any thoughts?",,,,,,2021-05-23 19:23:26 njglgi,,1,Top secret Tunisian presidential document outlines plan for 'constitutional dictatorship',"Thoughts on this article, came out a few hours ago? &#x200B; [](",,,,,,2021-05-23 20:36:24 njit8r,,58,"fuck, i forgot to crop",,,,,,,2021-05-23 22:18:50 njj9jf,,5,الضريح النوميدي بورغو جربة تونس,,,,,,,2021-05-23 22:41:37 njjyco,,32,وإذا سألوك عن تونس فقل: “هو بلد بجمال يوسف و حزن أبيه و فساد إخوته”,,,,,,,2021-05-23 23:17:15 njk0ph,,15,This is what we call Gold,,,,,,,2021-05-23 23:20:47 njqspy,,0,Coming 2 America - kumfi movies,,,,,,,2021-05-24 05:50:50 njv5tt,,38,The kind of pic u can smell it Mashmoooom,,,,,,,2021-05-24 10:53:16 njvjs4,,2,Something to be happy about in our dark days ^^ let’s stay optimistic and build our country with strong hands and smart minds 🇹🇳🙏,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-24 11:16:24 njvk55,,8,❤,,,,,,,2021-05-24 11:16:59 njvmvx,,14,"Dar Antonia: exploring this boutique luxury hotel in Sousse Medina, Tunisia (Maison d'Hôtes)",,,,,,,2021-05-24 11:21:14 njwh1d,,15,Working remotely from Tunisia for a few months as a Tunisian who's a Canadian resident,"My job is US based but I work and live in Canada. I haven't been home in 3 years and the company I work at is okay with me working from Tunisia for a few months so I'm planning to spend a couple of months starting around August. I know how ""flexible"" Tunisia can be when it comes to applying laws so I'm trying to do some research. I left after high school in 2015 and so I have no idea whatsoever how things work back home when you're an employee. As a Canadian permanent resident I would be paying taxes to Canada during that time but I'm wondering if there's a chance I could get flagged for whatever reason and asked to pay taxes or charged with tax evasion? Does the government monitor bank accounts with foreign currency transfers? Should I just bring cash in dollars instead of transferring money to myself? I also read on this subreddit that there's a crackdown on freelancers. Does anyone know what the issue was there? Is it because they were being paid in foreign currency? It's not like I'm a tourist so I'll shop around once I'm home but any recommendations are welcome for banking, currency exchange, internet (fiber?), health insurance..etc",,,,,,2021-05-24 12:09:36 njzil6,,4,Fitness/bodybuilding coach certificate in Tunisia ?,"Does anyone know where I can get certified as a personal trainer /coach and how much it'll cost ? I googled but found nothing useful and asked on facebook but no one responded, in person no one wants to help so here I am on reddit of all places trying to find information.",,,,,,2021-05-24 14:41:10 nk0693,,8,Travel USA to Tunisia,"Hello, I am seeking some guidance. I am US citizen travelling to visit my Fiance in 2 weeks. I am fully COVID vaccinated as one May 1st and have documentation to support this. I am just a bit confused about the regulations and if I have to quarantine and what are the entry requirements? I am looking forward to my trip, but am not clear at all on the requirements. My plan is fly to Germany and Germany to Tunis, the Tunis to Djerba. Can anyone help me to clairfy? &#x200B; Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2021-05-24 15:10:25 nk0fs7,,4,Prenuptial Marriage Certificate questions,"(American here) I want to get married to my fiance in Tunisia in the following months. I looked on the embassy website and read I need to have a Prenuptial Marriage Certificate – This is a medical certificate establishing eligibility to contract marriage. This certificate must have a maximum validity of two months at the time of marriage. Each party must be free of any contagious diseases (primarily tuberculosis and syphilis), alcoholism and mental illness. The City Hall in Tunis will supply a printed form for this certificate upon request. All doctors practicing in Tunisia are authorized to perform these medical examinations. Is there a medical certificate that I can ask my doctor for? Or do I have to get another check up and then request a certificate? I have had checkups but never have gotten a medical certificate in my life (as far as I can recall). Is this required for the American or just for Tunisians? Where do I get it? Thank you",,,,,,2021-05-24 15:22:18 nk2hja,,3,Exams in Tunisia,Is it normal to have an existential crisis every time I pass an exam? I'm not even joking. Should I seek therapy? Will it even help to seek it in a country where therapists prescribe the same depression meds for every patient?,,,,,,2021-05-24 16:51:11 nk37b2,,17,Lockdown in Tunisia,"Dear lovely Tunisian, Me and my friend (from Jordan) are planning to travel to Tunisia on the upcoming EID (mid July). I am just trying to figure what is the lockdown situation is looking like in Tunisia as we plan to book our flights early june to get the better prices. Love from Jordan🇯🇴",,,,,,2021-05-24 17:22:10 nk46dm,,0,"Non-Tunisians who are in a relationship with a Tunisian,what made you fall in love with them ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-24 18:05:04 nk5mc7,,16,No motivation to study for bac.,Bac and bac blanc are coming up and i barely studied. I have literally 0 motivation just the thought of studying makes me feel physical disgust. Eberyone else i know had their shit in order but i don't. I feep dumb and i'm almost certain i'm going to mess up the exams. What do i do to get motivated ? Should i just repeat the fuckin year ?,,,,,,2021-05-24 19:07:52 nkb5zn,,34,Truck driving in the fastest track opposite side Tunisian Highway. Accident happened yesterday,,,,,,,2021-05-24 23:14:48 nkc04t,,6,Where is the shrine of “ Sidi Mansour” located? Anyone knows ? I am looking to visit a few shrines in my next trip.,,,,,,,2021-05-24 23:57:14 nkd8mq,,10,Looking for an English speaking Tunisian immigration lawyer,"Salaam everyone, I was born to a Tunisian father and a Lebanese mother but was born and raised in Canada (I don’t speak French unfortunately). I am a Canadian citizen, but have been to Tunisia quite a few times as my fathers family all lives in France/Zarzis. I am looking for help in getting a Tunisian citizenship for my and my family as I would like to build on our land as get older. It’s a complicated story, but the only member I am not in touch with is my father - and my parents marriage was not register in Tunisia nor my birth. I am trying to figure how best to handle that and I think I need to find an English speaking lawyer who knows how navigate the system. Last time I went into the country, customs gave me a really hard time questioning me as to why I am not a citizen (as I wasn’t staying at a hotel; but with family). Any advice is appreciated - Shoukran!",,,,,,2021-05-25 01:01:02 nkfytw,,7,The Inimitable Fairuz,,,,,,,2021-05-25 03:24:23 nkgleo,,19,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-05-25 04:00:14 nkjiub,,0,"Russian President gives congratulatory telegram to the heads of state, government of African countries on Africa Day: 'Russia values ​​traditionally friendly relations with African partners, invariably supports their efforts aimed at resolving local conflicts, countering terrorism, extremism..'",,,,,,,2021-05-25 07:04:13 nkm2o6,,102,#raja3_tabou,,,,,,,2021-05-25 10:02:36 nknryd,,2,Corona Positif ou negatif?,,,,,,,2021-05-25 11:46:39 nknx5e,,1,Can we??,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-25 11:54:55 nknxi5,,1,Can we??,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-25 11:55:29 nkny54,,1,Can we ??,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-25 11:56:30 nkr83v,,1,Job Opportunity - Pricing Agent - Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-25 14:36:26 nkrwmw,,2,Does the current generation makes you hopeful for the future of Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-25 15:05:58 nkvz0m,,1,MS excel tutoriel || the beginner's guide to excel #excel #formation,,,,,,,2021-05-25 18:01:47 nkx3j5,,1,GoMyCode experiences,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-25 18:51:20 nkxbx8,,14,Can someone explain why we don't need a visa for Japan?,,,,,,,2021-05-25 19:01:38 nkz8a7,,1,ايرلندا | وصلت إلى ثاني أبعد نقطة في غرب اوروبا,,,,,,,2021-05-25 20:27:19 nl0hfn,,1,Ben Ali's death date predicted since July 14th 2017 (date of upload),[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-25 21:26:46 nl3ggj,,53,"Tonight's moon over Goulette, Tunisia was taken by Nikon Coolpix B500 with 99,6% illumination. Credit @FellahAmine8",,,,,,,2021-05-25 23:55:16 nl3t8w,,1,For Tunisians who got mext scholarship: undergarduate,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-26 00:14:24 nl3vp3,,1,f,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-26 00:18:04 nla59z,,0,💓💐💓,,,,,,,2021-05-26 06:29:13 nlahre,,30,Znous زنوس - Sidi Arbi سيدي العربي,,,,,,,2021-05-26 06:53:32 nldpbj,,1,Devenez Naturopathe 💯 Certifié //how to become a certified naturopath,,,,,,,2021-05-26 10:30:53 nlk6k9,,1,where/how can I get/make customizable masks in our beloved Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-26 15:48:06 nll6lf,,30,Tunisia professor stirs controversy after saying building mosques is 'waste of money',,,,,,,2021-05-26 16:31:15 nlmkrt,,4,Any Tunisian in Nordrhein-Westfalen?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-26 17:30:53 nlr8z9,,1,BAC and bad class,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-26 20:54:32 nls6x7,,0,Cute TIKTOK Dog Loves Money 💰 🤑 #Shorts,,,,,,,2021-05-26 21:39:55 nlzahh,,2,any prepers in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-27 04:14:31 nlzv5s,,48,"A prototype of the colossal statue of Hannibal to be erected on Byrsa Hill, the highest point in Carthage. It will be 17 meters high, including 7 meters for the statue’s base which will detail Hannibal’s historical conquests.",,,,,,,2021-05-27 04:52:14 nm1w11,,14,A comparison between the tunisian and egyptian labour movement in the context of the arab spring,"The differing natures of the Egyptian and Tunisian labour movements simultaneously contributed to the different outcomes of their 2011 revolutions and are indicative of the societies those labour movements and revolutions came out of, thus helping to explain their divergent outcomes. The Egyptian Trade Union Federation was founded in 1957, and became the only legal trade union, under Nasser’s state. The basis of this was the provision of job security and other economic benefits like a share in the net profit and social welfare programmes in exchange for political quietism and subordination, in order to maintain state control over the labour movement. This social contract broke down from the 80’s onwards as the ETUF maintained a monopoly over worker’s representation while retracting the benefits, the latter of which was part of a larger liberalizing trend in the region. >Economic Reform and Structural Adjustment Plans (ERSAP) and agreements with the US, EU, WTO, IMF, and the World Bank within the region from the 1980s onwards included lowering custom tariffs and taxes on imports; opening up markets to foreign investments in telecommunication, the financial sector, transport, and energy; privatizing public sector companies and deregulating the labour market (lowering minimum wages, ending severance pay, making hiring and firing more flexible); and liberalizing real estate. These measures aimed to transform the state-led import substitution economies of the 1960s into export-oriented economies based on private foreign and local investment and deregularized cheap labour. ^1 In contrast, the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT, its French acronym) was founded in 1946, 10 years before Tunisia’s independence, took part in the independence of Tunisia, and thus was afforded a certain level of autonomy. It went through periods of collaboration and antagonism with the state, with the rank and file sometimes successfully pulling it in the direction of militancy. >This in turn guaranteed it a certain level of autonomy in the following authoritarian rule of Tunisia’s first president Habib Bourguiba, who was reliant on the UGTT to consolidate regime legitimacy. Under Bourguiba, the union was inconsistent in its cooperation or confrontation with the regime. The 1960s saw a period of relative stability and collaboration, yet throughout the 1970s – most notably the 1978 general strike – and 1980s the union militantly opposed attempts to implement IMF-back neoliberal economic reforms. This became a distinctive feature of the UGTT, that unlike other trade unions in the Arab world it never fully integrated into the state apparatus. Instead, it maintained two duel – albeit ambiguous – positions: a bureaucracy and leadership that was most often complicit with the state, but more significantly, a tendency to fall on the side of the workers and activists when attempts to resist the ruling power put pressure on the union leadership in times of crisis. ^2 There were dissidents in both the ETUF and the UGTT, but the Tunisian ones are predicably stronger. Despite the subordination of the ETUF to the state, the 2000s saw increased militancy from Egyptian workers outside the confines of the federation as a result of reforms like law 203 (accepted by the ETUF) in 1991, which put 314 public enterprises for sale. By 1999, 137 were sold. The ETUF further discredited itself by the acceptance of labour law 12 of 2003, “which replaced previous fixed contracts with flexible, temporary contracts”. ^1 With this in the background, December 2006 was a significant juncture, where workers at the Misr Spinning and Weaving Company (employing 25k) went on strike prompted by a pay dispute, “when, for the first time since the social contract [of 1957], the strike became the main instrument of resistance in Egypt.” ^1 Workers demanded the impeachment of local union officials. ^3 This was followed by a subsequent phase of labour struggle where strikes were more frequent, longer in duration, and more widespread. As time went on, and demands were refused, demands that were originally just economic (increasing minimum wage) became more political, focused on the general economic policy of the government and boycotting the ETUF in favour of organizing independent trade unions. In 2009, tax officials left the ETUF to form their own union, and were followed in 2010 by public transport workers, teachers, and health technicians as well as pensioners. In Tunisia, the UGTT “maintained an ‘unstable cohabitation between a neutralized leadership and an uncontrolled base’”. ^1 While many of the higher bureaucracy were coopted by the state, the regional and local cadres were more radical and connected to the rank and file. This is best seen during the Gafsa rebellion in 2008, a declining phosphate mining area in the interior of the country. The Gafsa Mining Company, the main employer in the area, had been firing many workers over the years with unemployment reaching 20-39% and 40% of people below the poverty line. Sit-ins, demonstrations, marches, and clashes lasted for six months. This rebellion failed, but the union activists had learned from the mistake of remaining isolated in 2008, so that when Mohamed Bouazizi immolated himself on December 17 2010, union members immediately organized support demonstrations after uprisings in sidi Bouzid where Bouazizi lived. A lawyers sit-in on December 25, a lawyers general strike on January 6, and a general strike on January 14 which brought down ben-ali. This is in contrast with the ETUF, which sided with Mubarak and not the protests against him. The independent trade unions in Egypt formed the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions (EFITU), and in march of 2011 demanded the dissolution of the ETUF. A rival independent union federation, the Democratic Labour Congress, also formed. Once Mubarak was gone the subsequent rulers were no friends to labour. The supreme council of the armed forces (SCAF), ruling from feb 2011 to June 2012, and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) did not pass new trade union laws. The SCAF criminalized protests that disrupted work. The military government that took over after Morsi in July 2013 was ousted made involvement in strikes something you could be imprisoned for. Morsi’s government tried to use the same corporatist methods of controlling labour. The minister of manpower was an FJP member (in a cabinet where few were FJP members, emphasizing the importance Morsi put on controlling labour) and FJP members were added to the ETUF board (which under Morsi’s decree no. 97, are appointed by the minister of manpower. The same decree forced those over 60, remnants of the Mubarak regime, to be removed). They were ousted after Morsi was. In addition: > Also, the FJP put forward a draft law on labor unions that would have prohibited the establishment of new professional unions, preserved the structure of centralized decision-making within the ETUF, and made it difficult for workers to leave the ETUF without risking losing their access to social funds. The close connection between ETUF membership and access to these funds poses significant obstacles for the emergence of independent unions. ^4 In Tunisia, independent trade union federations were formed after Ben-ali fell, often with former UGTT members as founders, and with criticisms of the UGTT, such as claims of corruption. The UGTT was not severely challenged by these independent trade unions the way the ETUF was. In addition to superior financial resources and larger membership, its history of relative independence gave it greater credibility than the ETUF. After Ben-ali, new union federations were legalized, but, as before, only the UGTT could participate in tripartite negotiations. (In Egypt no regular practice of tripartite negotiations exist.) The UGTT also played a mediating role, to try and mitigate the political crises after ben-ali’s ouster. It is able to take on this role because of it’s political clout, organizational strength, and history of militancy. That last factor is in part because the lack of political pluralism in the past has led to activists relying on the UGTT as a vehicle for human rights and general freedom struggles, making the UGTT a sort of umbrella organization. The UGTT’s role as a mediator sometimes led to them deprioritizing labour struggles, such as in November of 2013 when negotiations by workers on temporary contracts demanding permanent contracts were delayed because UGTT central leadership was not able to attend the negotiations. It’s role as mediator has also mitigated internal reforms over issues such as “internal corruption, the underrepresentation of women in the organization’s leadership positions, issues of internal democracy, and membership expansion.” ^4 It is noteworthy that the islamist party, Ennhada, often had an antagonistic relationship with the UGTT, warning that the UGTT would become partisan players by siding with leftist political parties, and criticizing it for its reliance on street mobilization for pressuring the government. In Tunisia, for various reasons, the democratic revolution was not undone, even after the political deadlock that took place after the Ennhada party formed government in 2011, which was succeeded by a caretaker government taking over in 2013 until new elections were held in 2014, when Ennhada joined the opposition. As mentioned before, this was partly because the UGTT played the role of mediator (along with other civil society organizations, the Tunisian Association of Human Rights, the Lawyers’ Association, and the Tunisian Union of Industry, Commerce, and Traditional Crafts.) The political deadlock in Egypt, on the other hand, led to a military coup and the return of military dictatorship. As for what this meant for labour, “By 2013 a total of 1,000 independent trade unions had sprung up. In 2012 3,817 labour incidents were reported, a fourfold increase since 2007.” ^1 In addition: > In Egypt, all independent unions were dissolved in March 2018 and given 60 days to reregister their organisation based on new arbitrary requirements established in Law no. 213/2017 on Trade Unions. Out of 1,000 independent unions, only 122 were able to successfully register their status under the new law and within the timeframe. ^5 **References** 1. The Workers’ Movement and the Arab Uprisings by Roel Meijer 2. Labour organisation in the Arab Spring: A comparison of Tunisia and Egypt by Amie Churchill 3. Egyptian Textile Workers Confront the New Economic Order by Joel Beinin, Hossam El-Hamalawy 4. Labor Movements in Tunisia and Egypt Drivers vs. Objects of Change in Transition from Authoritarian Rule by Dina Bishara 5. 2019 ITUC Global Rights Index",,,,,,2021-05-27 07:17:52 nm2bvc,,5,Where can someone get charcoal for BBQ's,"So, I'm looking to find a place that I can get charcoal. Hopefully some specialty types (Cherry, Hardwood, Hickory) that would be great for the upcoming BBQ'ing season. Anyone have an idea where to get something like this?",,,,,,2021-05-27 07:49:39 nm548m,,0,You should check out the Progressive Muslim subreddit.,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-27 11:15:27 nm589v,,0,Mods mwabna yafs5o fil comments,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-27 11:22:34 nm6osj,,1,Do you want to know How Chinese people address JEEP in Mandarin Chinese?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-27 12:48:42 nm78kf,,77,Bac blanc 😭😭,,,,,,,2021-05-27 13:17:12 nm7org,,3,Gyms open in Tunisia?,"What's the current situation with gyms at the moment? Are they closed? And with more relaxed rules, were they open at a limited capacity of some sort?",,,,,,2021-05-27 13:39:57 nm7rc0,,1,Some FAQs from Progressive Islam sub. Tell me what you think.,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-27 13:43:23 nm87rf,,2,COVID testing turnaround,Does anyone have experience with the ministry of health covid testing turnaround times? I am flying back to the US the night of June 12 and need a test for entry. Was going to get it in la Marsa on June 10. is that too late? Do i need to get it june 9 to be sure?,,,,,,2021-05-27 14:05:27 nm8r2k,,0,The largest native tribes of mainland Mednine,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-27 14:31:03 nm98dc,,0,easy done soft drink,,,,,,,2021-05-27 14:54:30 nm9yw0,,10,Berbers: Ancient Origins of North African Civilization,,,,,,,2021-05-27 15:28:02 nmatg5,,0,"Chbi sub mte3na icontrolih americani, ma3andou 7ata 3ale9a b tounes, la ya3ref kifech 3echna, la soghrna, la 9ra lena, la 5dem lena, maya3ref chay mel culture mte3na, iji nharin vacance w irawa7, ifasa5 ay 7aja mate3jbouch 7ata w ken trespecti rules",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-27 16:06:55 nmb3ed,,1,"As a Tunisian, what would be the easier / cheapest country for me to continue my master degree in computer science related fields?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-27 16:19:05 nmb3yr,,5,"As a Tunisian, what would be the easiest / cheapest country to continue my master degree in computer science related field?","I'm planning to getting a masters degree in data science and I have no intentions on doing in Tunisia. I was planning on doing it somewhere in the EU, but unbeknownst to me, a ""compte bloqué"" of nearly 10k € is required. Me and my family combined would never be able to afford that. Is there alternatives, such as eastern / central European countries that have reasonable tuition fees? Does anyone have any experience in this please, I need some guidance.",,,,,,2021-05-27 16:19:47 nmbw7t,,5,Class struggles as the root cause of Islamism ?,"Source : []( &#x200B; Islamism has arisen in societies traumatised by the impact of capitalism – first in the form of external conquest by imperialism and then, increasingly, by the transformation of internal social relations accompanying the rise of a local capitalist class and the formation of an independent capitalist state. Old social classes have been replaced by new ones, although not instantaneously or in a clear cut manner. What Trotsky described as “combined and uneven development” has occurred. Externally, colonialism has retreated, but the great imperialist powers – especially the US – continue to use their military forces as a bargaining tool to influence the production of the Middle East’s single major resource, oil. Internally, state encouragement – and often ownership – has led to the development of some large scale modern industry, but large sectors of “traditional” industry remain, based on vast numbers of small workshops where the owner works with a couple of workers, often from his own family. Land reform has turned some peasants into modern capitalist farmers – but displaced many more, leaving them with little or no land, so forcing them to eke out a livelihood from casual labour in the workshops or markets of sprawling urban slums. A massive expansion of the education system is turning out vast numbers of high school and college graduates, but these then find insufficient job opportunities in the modern sectors of the economy and place their hopes on getting into the state bureaucracy, while eking out a living with scraps of work around the informal sector – touting for custom from shopkeepers, acting as guides for tourists, selling lottery tickets, driving taxis and so on. The crises of the world economy over the last 20 years have aggravated all these contradictions. The modern industries have found the national economy too small for them to operate efficiently, but the world economy too competitive for them to survive without state protection. The traditional industries have not generally been able to modernise without state support and they cannot compensate for the failure of modern industry to provide jobs for the burgeoning urban population. But a few sectors have managed to establish links of their own with international capital and increasingly resent the state’s domination of the economy. The urban rich increasingly lap up the luxury goods available on the world market, creating growing resentment among the casual workers and the unemployed. Islamism represents an attempt to come to terms with these contradictions by people who have been brought up to respect traditional Islamic ideas. But it does not find its support equally in all sections of society. For some sections embrace a modern secular bourgeois or nationalist ideology, while other sections gravitate towards some form of secular working class response. The Islamic revival gets sustenance from four different social groupings – each of which interprets Islam in its own way. [Top of the page]( *i. The Islamism of the old exploiters:* First there are those members of the traditional privileged classes who fear losing out in the capitalist modernisation of society – particularly landowners (including clergy dependent on incomes from land belonging to religious foundations), traditional merchant capitalists, the owners of the mass of small shops and workshops. Such groups have often been the traditional sources of finance for the mosques and see Islam as a way of defending their established way of life and of making those who oversee change listen to their voices. Thus in Iran and Algeria it was this group which provided the resources to the clergy to oppose the state’s land reform programme in the 1960s and 1970s. *ii. The Islamism of the new exploiters:* Second, often emerging from among this first group, are some of the capitalists who have enjoyed success despite hostility from those groups linked to the state. In Egypt, for instance, the present day Muslim Brotherhood “wormed their way into the economic fabric of Sadat’s Egypt at a time when whole sections of it had been turned over to unregulated capitalism. Uthman Ahmad Uthman, the Egyptian Rockefeller, made no secret of this sympathy for the Brethren”. [\[15\]]( In Turkey the Welfare Party, which is led by a former member of the main conservative party, enjoys the support of much of middle sized capital. In Iran among the *bazaaris* who gave support to Khomeini against the Shah were substantial capitalists resentful at the way economic policies favoured those close to the crown. *iii. The Islamism of the poor:* The third group are the rural poor who have suffered under the advance of capitalist farming and who have been forced into the cities as they desperately look for work. Thus in Algeria out of a total rural population of 8.2 million only 2 million gained anything from the land reform. The other 6 million were faced with the choice between increased poverty in the countryside and going to the cities to seek work. [\[16\]]( But in the cities: “The lowest group are the hard core jobless made up of displaced former peasants who have flooded the cities in search of work and social opportunity ... detached from rural society without being truly integrated into urban society”. [\[17\]]( They lost the certainties associated with an old way of life – certainties which they identify with traditional Muslim culture – without gaining a secure material existence or a stable way of life: “Clear guidelines for behaviour and belief no longer exist for millions of Algerians caught between a tradition that no longer commands their total loyalty and a modernism that cannot satisfy the psychological and spiritual needs of young people in particular”. [\[18\]]( In such a situation even Islamic agitation against land reform on behalf of the old landowners in the 1970s could appeal to the peasants and ex-peasants. For the land reform could be a symbol of a transformation of the countryside that had destroyed a secure, if impoverished, way of life. “To the landed proprietors and the peasants without land, the Islamists held out the same prospect: the Koran stigmatised the expropriation of things belonging to others; it recommended to the rich and those who ruled according to the *Sunna* to be generous to others”. [\[19\]]( The appeal of Islamism grew through the 1980s as economic crisis increased the contrast between the impoverished masses and the elite of about 1 percent of the population who run the state and the economy. Their wealth and their Westernised lifestyles ill fitted their claim to be the heirs of the liberation struggle against the French. It was very easy for the ex-peasants to identify the “non-Islamic” behaviour of this elite as the cause of their own misery. In Iran likewise the capitalist transformation of agriculture embodied in the Shah’s land reform of the 1960s benefitted a minority of the toilers, while leaving the rest no better off and sometimes worse off. It increased the antagonism of the rural and recently urbanised poor against the state – an antagonism which did no harm to Islamic forces which had opposed the land reform. So when, for instance, in 1962 the Shah used the forces of the state against Islamic figures, this turned them into a focus for the discontent of very large numbers of people. In Egypt the “opening up” of the economy to the world market through agreements with the World Bank and the IMF from the mid-1970s onwards substantially worsened the situation of the mass of peasants and ex-peasants, creating enormous pools of bitterness. And in Afghanistan the land reforms which were imposed after the PDPA (Communist Party) coup of 1978 led to a series of spontaneous risings from all sections of the rural population: The reforms put an end to the traditional ways of working based on mutual self interest without introducing any alternative. The landowners who had been dispossessed of their land were careful not to distribute any seed to their sharecroppers; people who traditionally had been willing to provide loans now refused to do so. There were plans for the creation of a bank for agricultural development and for setting up an office to oversee the distribution of seed and fodder, but none of this had been done when the reforms actually took place ... So it was the very act of announcing the reforms that cut the peasant off from his seed supplies ... The reform destroyed not just the economic structure but the whole social framework of production ... It is not surprising, therefore, that instead of setting 98 percent of the people against 2 percent of the exploiting classes, these reforms led to a general revolt of 75 percent of the rural areas. \[And\] when the new system was seen not to be working \[even\] the peasants who had initially welcomed reform felt they would be better off going back to the old system. [\[20\]]( But it is not only hostility to the state that makes ex-peasants receptive to the message of the Islamists. The mosques provide a social focus for people lost in a new and strange city, the Islamic charities the rudiments of welfare services (clinics, schooling, etc) which are lacking from the state. So in Algeria the growth of the cities in the 1970s and 1980s was accompanied by a massive increase in the number of mosques: “Everything happened as if the paralysis in education and Arabisation, the absence of structures of culture and leisure, the lack of space for public liberty, the shortage of homes, made thousands of adults, youth and children disposed for the mosques”. [\[21\]]( In this way, funds which came from those with diametrically opposed interests to the mass of people – from the old landowning class, the new rich or the Saudi government – could provide both a material and a cultural haven for the poor. “In the mosque, everyone – new or old bourgeois, fundamentalist, worker in an enterprise – saw the possibility of the elaboration or realisation of his own strategy, dreams and hopes”. [\[22\]]( This did not obliterate the class divisions within the mosque. In Algeria, for example, there were innumerable rows in mosque committees between people whose different social background made them see the building of the mosques in different ways – for instance, over when they should refuse to accept donations for the mosque because they came from sinful (*haram*) sources. “It is rare in fact for a religious committee to accomplish its mandate, fixed in principle at two years, with the harmony and agreement recommended by the cult of the unity of the divine which the *muezzins* chant without cease.” [\[23\]]( But the rows remained cloaked in a religious guise – and have not stopped the proliferation of the mosques and the growth in the influence of Islamism. *iv. The Islamism of the new middle class:* However, neither the “traditional” exploiting classes nor the impoverished masses provide the vital element which sustains revivalist, political Islam – the cadre of activists who propagate its doctrines and risk injury, imprisonment and death in confrontation with their enemies. The traditional exploiting classes are by their very nature conservative. They are prepared to donate money so that others can fight – especially in defence of their material interests. They did so when faced with the land reform in Algeria in the early 1970s; when the Baathist regime in Syria encroached upon the interests of the urban merchants and traders in the spring of 1980s; [\[24\]]( and when the merchants and small businessmen of the Iranian bazaars felt themselves under attack from the Shah in 1976-78 and threatened by the left in 1979-81. But they are wary of putting their own businesses, let alone their own lives, at risk. And so they can hardly be the force that has torn societies like Algeria and Egypt apart, caused a whole town, Hama, to rise in revolt in Syria, used suicide bombs against the Americans and Israelis in Lebanon – and which caused the Iranian Revolution to take a turn much more radical than any section of the Iranian bourgeoisie expected. This force, in fact, comes from a fourth, very different stratum – from a section of the new middle class that has arisen as a result of capitalist modernisation right across the Third World. In Iran the cadres of all three of the Islamist movements that dominated the politics of the first years of the revolution came from this background. Thus one account tells of the support for the first post-revolutionary prime minister, Bazargan: As Iran’s educational system expanded in the 1950s and 1960s, even wider groups of traditional middle class people gained access to the country’s universities. Confronted with institutions dominated by the older, Westernised elites, these newcomers to academia felt an urgent need to justify their continued adherence to Islam to themselves. They joined the Muslim Students Associations \[run by Bazargan etc\] ... upon entering professional life, the new engineers often joined the Islamic Association of Engineers, also founded by Bazargan. This association network constituted the real organised social support for Bazargan and Islamic modernism ... Bazargan’s and Taleqani’s appeal \[depended on\] the way they gave the rising members of the traditional middle classes a sense of dignity which allowed them to affirm their identity in a society politically dominated by what they saw as a Godless, Westernised and corrupt elite. [\[25\]]( Writing of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran, Abrahamian comments that many studies of the first years of the Iranian Revolution have talked of the appeal of radical Islam to the “oppressed”, but that it was not the oppressed in general who formed the basis of the Mojahedin; rather it was that very large section of the new middle class whose parents had been part of the traditional petty bourgeoisie. He gives breakdowns of the occupations of Mojahedin arrested under the Shah and subject to repression under Khomeini to support his argument. [\[26\]]( Although the third Islamist force, the ultimately victorious Islamic Republican Party of Khomeini, is usually thought of as run by the clergy linked to the traditional *bazaari* merchant capitalists, Moaddel has shown that more than half its MPs were from the professions, teachers, government employees or students – even if a quarter came from *bazaari* families. [\[27\]]( And Bayat has noted that in their struggle to defeat the workers’ organisations in the factories, the regime could rely on the professional engineers who worked there. [\[28\]]( Azar Tabari notes that after the downfall of the Shah very large numbers of women in the Iranian cities opted to wear the veil and lined up with the followers of Khomeini against the left. She claims these women came from that section of the middle class that was the first generation to undergo a process of “social integration”. Often from traditional petty bourgeois families – with fathers who were bazaar merchants, tradesmen and so on – they were forced into higher education as traditional opportunities for their families to make money declined with industrialisation. There were openings for them in professions like teaching and nursing. But “these women had to go through the often painful and traumatic experience of first generation adjustment”: As the young women from such families began to go to universities or work in hospitals, all these traditional concepts came under daily attack from “alien” surroundings, where women mixed with men, wore no veils, and sometimes dressed according to the latest European fashions. Women were often torn between accepted family norms and the pressure of the new environment. They could not be veiled at work, nor could they leave home unveiled. One widespread response to these contradictory pressures was “a retreat into Islam”, “symbolised by deliberately veiled women demonstrators during large mobilisations”. Tabari claims this response stood in marked contrast to that of women whose families had been part of the new middle class for two or three generations, and who refused to wear the veil and identified with the liberals or the left. [\[29\]]( In Afghanistan, Roy notes: The Islamist movement was born in the modern sectors of society and developed from a critique of the popular movements that preceded it ... The Islamists are intellectuals, the products of modernist enclaves within traditional society; their social origins are what we have termed the state bourgeoisie – products of the government education system which only leads to employment in the state machine ... The Islamists are products of the state educational system. Very few of them have an education in the arts. On the campus they mostly mix with the Communists, with whom they are violently opposed, rather that with the *ulama* \[religious scholars\] towards whom they have an ambivalent attitude. They share many beliefs in common with the *ulama*, but Islamist thought has developed from contact with the great western ideologies, which they see as holding the key to the west’s technical development. For them, the problem is to develop a modern political ideology based upon Islam, which they see as the only way to come to terms with the modern world and the best means of confronting foreign imperialism. [\[30\]]( In Algeria the most important recruitment ground for the FIS has been among Arabic speaking (as opposed to French speaking) high school and university students, and that wide section of youth that would like to be students but cannot get college places: The FIS draws its membership from three sections of the population: the commercial middle classes, including some who are quite rich, a mass of young people who are unemployed and excluded from higher education, forming the new lumpen proletariat of the streets, and a layer of upwardly mobile Arab speaking intellectuals. These last two groups are the most numerous and important. [\[31\]]( The Islamic intellectuals have made careers for themselves through their domination of the theological and Arab language faculties of the universities, using these to gain control of many of the positions as imams in the mosques and teachers in the *lycees* (high schools). They form a network that ensures the recruitment of more Islamists to such positions and the inculcation of Islamist ideas into the new generation of students. This in turn has enabled them to exert influence over vast numbers of young people. Ahmed Rouadia writes that the Islamist groups began to grow from the mid-1970s onwards, receiving support in the universities from Arab speaking students who found their lack of fluency in French kept them from getting jobs in administration, areas of advanced technology and higher management. [\[32\]]( Thus, there was, for instance, a bitter conflict with the principal of Constantine university in the mid-1980s, who was accused of impugning the “dignity of Arab language” and “being loyal to French colonialism” for allowing French to remain the predominant language in the science and technology faculties [\[33\]]( The qualified Arab speakers find access blocked to all the key sectors, above all in industries requiring technical knowledge and foreign languages ... The Arab speakers, even if they have diplomas, cannot get a place in modern industry. For the most part they end by turning towards the mosque. [\[34\]]( The students, the recent Arab speaking graduates and, above all, the unemployed ex-students form a bridge to the very large numbers of discontented youth outside the colleges who find they cannot get college places despite years spent in an inefficient and underfunded educational system. Thus, although there are now nearly a million students in secondary education, up to four fifths of them can expect to fail the bacalauriate – the key to entry into university – and to face a life of insecurity on the margins of employment: [\[35\]]( Integrism \[Islamism\] gets its strength from the social frustrations which afflict a large part of the youth, those left out of account by the social and economic system. Its message is simple: If there is poverty, hardship and frustration, it is because those who have power do not base themselves on the legitimacy of *shorah* \[consultation\], but simply on force ... The restoration of the Islam of the first years would make the inequalities disappear. [\[36\]]( And through its influence over a wide layer of students, graduates and the intellectual unemployed, Islamism is able to spread out to dominate the propagation of ideas in the slums and shanty towns where the expeasants live. Such a movement cannot be described as a “conservative” movement. The educated, Arab speaking youth do not turn to Islam because they want things to stay as they are, but because they believe it offers massive social change. [\[37\]]( In Egypt the Islamist movement first developed some 65 years ago, when Hassan al-Banna formed the Muslim Brotherhood. It grew in the 1930s and 1940s as disillusionment set in with the failure of the secular nationalist party, the Wafd, to challenge British domination of the country. The base of the movement consisted mainly of civil servants and students, and it was one of the major forces in the university protests of the late 1940s and early 1950s. [\[38\]]( But it spread out to involve some urban labourers and peasants, with a membership estimated to have peaked at half a million. In building the movement Banna was quite willing to collaborate with certain figures close to the Egyptian monarchy, and the right wing of the Wafd looked on the Brotherhood as a counter to communist influence among workers and students. [\[39\]]( But the Brotherhood could only compete with the communists for the support of the impoverished middle classes – and via them to sections of the urban poor – because its religious language concealed a commitment to reform which went further than its right wing allies wished. Its objectives were “ultimately incompatible with the perpetuation of the political, economic and social status quo to which the ruling groups were dedicated”. This ensured “the liaison between the Muslim Brotherhood and the conservative rulers would be both unstable and tenuous”. [\[40\]]( The Brotherhood was virtually destroyed once a new military regime around Abdul Nasser had concentrated full power into its hands in the early 1950s. Six of the Brotherhood’s leaders were hanged in December 1954 and thousands of its members thrown into concentration camps. An attempt to revive the movement in the mid-1960s led to still more executions, but then, after Nasser’s death, his successors Sadat and Mubarak allowed it to lead a semi-legal existence – provided it avoided any head on confrontation with the regime. The leadership of what is sometimes called the “Neo-Islamic Brotherhood” has been willing to accept these restraints, following a relatively “moderate” and “reconciliatory” approach, getting large sums of money from members who were exiled to Saudi Arabia in the 1950s and prospered from the oil boom. [\[41\]]( This has enabled the Brothers to provide “an alternative model of a Muslim state” with “their banks, social services, educational services and ... their mosques”. [\[42\]]( But it has also led them to lose influence over a new generation of radical Islamists which has arisen, as the Brotherhood itself originally did, from the universities and the impoverished section of the “modern” middle class. These are the Islamists who were responsible for the assassination of Sadat in 1981 and who have been waging armed struggle ever since both against the state and against the secular intelligentsia: When we speak of the fundamentalists in Egypt, what we mean is a minority group of people who are even against the Moslem Brothers ... These groups are composed mainly of youth ... They are very pure people, they are prepared to sacrifice their lives, to do anything ... And they are used as the spearheads of the different movements because they are able to undertake terrorist actions. [\[43\]]( The Islamist student associations which became a dominant force in Egyptian universities during Sadat’s presidency “constituted the Islamicist movement’s only genuine mass organisations”. [\[44\]]( They grew in reaction to conditions in the universities and to the dismal prospects facing students if they succeeded in graduating: The number of students rose from slightly less than 200,000 in 1970 to more than half a million in 1977 ... In the absence of the necessary resources, providing free high education for the greatest possible number of the country’s youth has produced a system of cut rate education. [\[45\]]( Overcrowding represents a particular problem for female students, who find themselves subject to all sorts of harassment in the lecture theatres and overcrowded buses. In response to this situation, The *jamaa al islamiyya* \[Islamic associations\] drew their considerable strength from their ability to identify \[these problems\] and to pose immediate solutions – for instance, using student unions funds to run minibuses for female students \[giving priority to those who wore the veil\], calling for separate rows in the lecture theatres for women and men, organising course revision groups which met in the mosques, turning out cheap editions of essential textbooks. [\[46\]]( Graduating students do not escape the endemic poverty of much of Egyptian society: Every graduate has the right to public employment. This measure is actually the purveyor of massive disguised unemployment in the offices of a swollen administration in which employees are badly paid ... He can still manage to feed himself by buying the state subsidised products, but he is unlikely to rise above the bare level of subsistence ... Almost every state employee has a second or a third job ... Innumerable employees who sit all morning at desks in one or other of the countless ministry offices spend the afternoon working as plumbers or taxi drivers, jobs they perform so inadequately they might as well be filled by illiterates ... An illiterate peasant woman who arrives in the city to land a job as a foreigner’s maid will be paid more or less double the salary of a university assistant lecturer. [\[47\]]( The only way to get out of this morass for most graduates is to get a job abroad, especially in Saudi Arabia or the Gulf states. And this is not just the only way out of poverty, it is, for most people, the precondition for getting married in a society where pre-marital sexual relations are rare. The Islamists were able to articulate these problems in religious language. As Kepel writes of one of the leaders of one of the early Islamist sects, his position does not involve “acting as a fanatic for a bygone century ... He is putting his finger – in his own way – on a crucial problem of contemporary Egyptian society”. [\[48\]]( As in Algeria, once the Islamists had established a mass base in the universities, they were then in a situation to spread out into a wider milieu – the milieu of the impoverished streets of the cities where the students and ex-students mixed with a mass of other people scrabbling for a livelihood. This began to happen after the regime clamped down hard on the Islamist movement in the universities following the negotiation of the peace agreement with Israel in the late 1970s. “Far from halting the *jamaa*, however, this harassment gave them a second wind ... the message of the *jamaa* now began to spread beyond the world of students. Islamicist cadres and agitators went to preach in the poor neighbourhoods”. [\[49\]](",,,,,,2021-05-27 16:54:49 nmeidw,,0,[ Removed by Reddit ],[removed],,,,,,2021-05-27 18:49:00 nmgbc3,,1,Can someone translate a text for me please?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-27 20:07:31 nmgcpk,,1,Can someone please translate this tunisian text for me?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-27 20:09:07 nmi2b4,,5,Are there shops which sell manga volumes in Tunis (& احواز)?,"I'm looking to buy Berserk manga. Frankly, I wanted to wait for it to end but the mangaka straight up died of illness.",,,,,,2021-05-27 21:26:10 nmjn03,,0,What's going on,"Why is religion no longer taken seriously , i mean ye i know the world has changed , but common some things doesn't make sense anymore , how do we call ourselves muslims yet we mock someone who's fully committed to islam , its literally used as a bad example , why is it rare to find someone praying from the young ones , why is literally half of the population insulting god like it doesn't matter , i mean literally anyone who mentions god and try to give people some advices would be immediately insulted , why is everyone sucking the westerns balls nowadays . I mean i know a lot of us are still muslims by heart but man wtf",,,,,,2021-05-27 22:41:18 nmmxei,,1,Why do young ppl hate french speakers ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-28 01:42:59 nmp8rf,,5,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-05-28 04:00:15 nmtcyu,,10,Please I need your help,"I found an injured homeless pregnant cat and I dunno what to do , who can I call , is there anyone or any association I can call to seek for help ,please I really do need your help Remark : I've already had a case like that with a dog and called sos tunisie but unfortunately they weren't helpful at all . They just told me to send pics and location then they literally didn't even call me back . Is there anything a 16 yo can do for her . Also she's pregnant. Is there any risk for her babies. Please , I don't have much time and I appreciate your help .",,,,,,2021-05-28 08:44:22 nmtpzc,,7,What are the Berbers of Tunisia?,"Since i read that only 1% of Tunisians are Berbers, i want to know what Berber ethnic groups does Tunisia have and the information about them? And have you ever met a Tunisian Berber in real life?",,,,,,2021-05-28 09:11:11 nmu7jp,,1,Best ways to transfer money to Tunisia from abroad?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-28 09:47:15 nmum20,,2,Ouverture des frontières en Tunisie : des mesures assouplies à partir du 1er juin,,,,,,,2021-05-28 10:15:48 nmuqgw,,53,He do be vibing doe 😳😳😳,,,,,,,2021-05-28 10:24:02 nmv270,,5,yassir express food delivery,definitely this is not the best place to ask this type of question but does anyone by any chance know how much you can make delivering food i heard it's 4 tnd a delivery but are you able to make 20+ deliveries a day am or just 10 maybe less that makes the difference thanks,,,,,,2021-05-28 10:44:47 nmv3t8,,1,Best ways to transfer money to Tunisia from abroad?,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-28 10:47:54 nmwm3f,,4,Egypt Visa Procedure,"Hey fellow Tunisian redditters, I'm looking for someome who travelled to Egypt recently so I can inquire about the Visa procedure. I live far from the Embassy and will need a lot of time arrangement to schedule a date to go there so I decided to have a Travel Agency do the procedure for me, but people didn't recommend it. They said it's tricky and I can be stopped at the airport if I don't deal with the Egyptian Embassy directly. Is there an expect on this matter here? If yes, DM me cause I need to ask you some questions 😁",,,,,,2021-05-28 12:19:08 nmwml2,,0,Was Moses an Egyptian royalty ? The true origins of Judaism according to Freud.,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-28 12:20:00 nmyj6q,,5,coke started to taste like shit,"honestly, has anyone noticed, cause I can't be the only one but coke tastes like literal doodoo now and does anyone have an explanation for this? maybe it's the country it's made in idk",,,,,,2021-05-28 14:03:33 nmz2vf,,19,Tunisia's Little Dark Age,,,,,,,2021-05-28 14:30:10 nn020f,,7,The Ancient Civilization of North Africa,,,,,,,2021-05-28 15:16:15 nn0e6f,,6,"I want to have a dog, but I'm afraid of the health problems caused by irresponsible breeding.",Do you guys have any idea where can I find a reputable dog breeder in Tunis ?,,,,,,2021-05-28 15:32:09 nn2fmc,,0,خونجة المجتمع التونسي,,,,,,,2021-05-28 17:05:20 nn42s4,,158,Tunisian Teen Historian Starterpack,,,,,,,2021-05-28 18:19:02 nn44ww,,4,SIDI BOU SAÏD - MUSÉE BARON D'ERLANGER VF,,,,,,,2021-05-28 18:21:49 nn4r1l,,16,Tunisia - Little Dark Age (Reupload because the other one was age-restricted),,,,,,,2021-05-28 18:50:29 nn6187,,10,Can somebody explain to me Tunisian politics?,,,,,,,2021-05-28 19:51:03 nngigf,,2,How long it takes long term work visa preparation for the first time in france?,"Hi all, Want to know your experience with work visa in france, how was it? How long it takes to haev confirmation from the DIRECT? How long it takes in total? Is there any risk that they spendnmore than 3 months in papers? Ps: it's very urgent for me I have to be there early in September, I submitted a request for work permit first request 30 april.",,,,,,2021-05-29 05:35:19 nnj6jf,,0,Goals,,,,,,,2021-05-29 08:45:18 nnj7en,,0,Stay safe please,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-29 08:46:59 nnj7zk,,0,Offre limitee internet ooredoo 55go = 33dt 26880199,,,,,,,2021-05-29 08:48:08 nnkb4t,,4,Gyms with power rack in Tunis,"hey fellas, yet another question re; gyms in Tunis I haven't been to one since forever (in Tunis) so I have no clue what's the scene is like right now, last time I checked most gyms have nothing but machines. Does anyone know where can I find a gym with a power rack and deadlift platform in Tunis without having to join a class like crossfit or whatever? Ideally banlieue nord but i can travel wherever. Cheers!",,,,,,2021-05-29 10:05:56 nnkzam,,3,92 migrants rescued off Tunisia's coast," The Tunisian National Coast Guard on Friday rescued 92 illegal immigrants after their boat broke down off the coast of Medenine, southeast of the country. The numbers of irregular migrants who try to cross to Europe via Tunisia have increased since the January 2011 revolution, taking advantage of the lax security at the time. Though these rates quickly declined after the authorities cracked down on smuggling networks. But recently, Tunisia witnessed a noticeable increase in the rate of irregular migration to Europe, especially towards the coasts of Italy, due to the repercussions of the economic and political crises that swept the country.",,,,,,2021-05-29 10:52:37 nnmq14,د_مصمودي_في_72_ساعة_فقط_سيدي_بوزيد_عدد_الاصابات/,2,د. مصمودي في 72 ساعة فقط سيدي بوزيد عدد الاصابات بالسلالة البريطانية يتجاوز 500 حالة مؤكدة😥,.,,,,,,2021-05-29 12:43:51 nnp0yb,,16,"Room tour at Les Jardins de la Mer Maison d'Hôte in Ghar el Melh, then hiking the Raf Raf peninsula. Roll on the summer!",,,,,,,2021-05-29 14:50:12 nnqif9,,14,"Im not a monarchist but this anthem rocks! And is more ""Tunisian"" than the current one!!",,,,,,,2021-05-29 16:04:45 nnr2ts,,11,Summer vibes are kicking in,,,,,,,2021-05-29 16:32:37 nnroxa,,141,I found this gem on yt,,,,,,,2021-05-29 17:03:02 nnucoc,,6,Is there any writer here? I need some useful advices before starting a writing career,"How can I start writing? Which career evolution/opportunities for a French/English writer in Tunisia? Please share your thoughts and experiences about it and if there is any blog ideas from Tunisian people, it would be really inspiring Thanks!",,,,,,2021-05-29 19:18:27 nnul4y,,6,Question: What were Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali's feelings towards Western tourists in his country in the early 2000s?,"Hello and I hope I'm ok to ask this here; I basically want to ask how safe Tunisia was for Western tourists (most specifically the British) in the time of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali? I only ask because my family and I holidayed in Tunisia sometime in 2000 (I was only 4 years old at that time so obviously I had no awareness of or interest in politics and world affairs) and it was only two years ago, through watching documentaries on YouTube, that I learned about the 2011 Arab Spring in which Ben Ali was of course ousted along with Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya. Although my holiday preceded these events by more than 10 years, and even though I've never come across anything that confirms or even suggests that Ben Ali was anti-Western or was on bad terms with the West in either 2000 or the final year of his regime, I've always had the thought ""Oh my God! So this guy was in power when I was there on holiday!"" and I've always been interested to hear from a native Tunisian perspective how Ben Ali personally felt about Western tourists coming to his country, especially Americans or those from the UK like myself. Did he have any personal qualms or grudges about their presence in his country? Or was he not really bothered about it, especially with the monetary contribution this tourism surely made to Tunisia's economy? And, let's say for instance, my family and I had been in Tunisia in 2011, at the time when all of the protests and anti-Ben Ali activity was kicking off, would we still have been as safe as we were 11 years before? At this point I wish to make clear that I am asking this question out of pure curiosity. I felt that it would make more sense to post it here and hopefully get some native responses than to spend all night on Google and Wikipedia reading things from sources that can't be guaranteed. I understand that the Arab Spring is a sensitive event with ramifications reaching far beyond Tunisia and 2011, and I have no wish or intention to incite any bad feelings or offence. Thank you very much 👍😊",,,,,,2021-05-29 19:31:05 nnx1in,,5,Ken 3malt 7aja teb3a cinema w multimedia.,"salem, brbi li jm3a li 3mlou multimedia ki t5arajtou l9itou 5edma? ahkili 3a l experience 5ater maghroum bha barcha ama 5ayef la yebda mafamech demande w b3d no93d blech 5dma, thnx (li yjwb 3adi ahki bl ang nfhm nrml rhu :) )",,,,,,2021-05-29 21:47:19 no2zfw,,10,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-05-30 04:00:21 no8gyf,,3,How different is LP from normal lycee,"I wanted to know, what are the advantages of studying in LP (Lycee pilote) compared to Lycee normal. is there better equipment, are teachers more strict / more willing to teach ? does the school force students to study harder then normal lycee ? etc..",,,,,,2021-05-30 10:35:44 nob8ra,,46,Tunis Like you've never seen before by The Dreamer,,,,,,,2021-05-30 13:30:09 nobjj2,,4,[Linguistics] At the origin of some Tunisian Words. Knowing your roots and heritage is important,,,,,,,2021-05-30 13:46:33 nobqi9,,11,can i go to the police for revenge porn,"hi, the title says it all, my ex, a 30 year old teacher has videos and stuff of me. Was I to blame for sending him stuff? yes absolutely and i take full on responsibility. after breaking up with him he sent my pictures and told me to enjoy, no threats, no blackmailing. i deleted every social account i have no i wanna know, can i go to the police about this? even if he lives in another city?",,,,,,2021-05-30 13:57:55 nobztf,,2,balade dans la médina de TUNIS,,,,,,,2021-05-30 14:11:19 noemb1,,1,Quarantine information,"I have a flight to Tunisia on the 11th as a transit flight, my next flight is on the 12th but I will need to register again so out of the international transit zone, is it possible for me to skip the quarantine and just wait at the airport or I have to reschedule my flight for after the quarantine, please ? It is impossible for me to call the airport, I’d tried multiple times but it doesn’t even ring, I even tried sending an email, no answer. Thank you",,,,,,2021-05-30 16:22:35 nofm7w,,0,"[ Tunisia Discussion ] When Arabs develop Defense systems to detect & bring down B2, F22 & F35 ""stealth"" aircraft like Iran did with RQ 4A, ""Stealth"" RQ 170 & bring down any aircraft & missiles if they violate our airspace again, it'll be a major step towards true Arab independence",,,,,,,2021-05-30 17:11:18 nojyvi,,5,How do Tunisians identify?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-30 20:36:16 nol239,,0,كي ربي يطيح فيك,,,,,,,2021-05-30 21:28:34 nolcrn,,1,A7la twensa blhi check my channel chabeb ❤️🙏 need you,,,,,,,2021-05-30 21:43:10 nom6cd,,12,How do Tunisian people talk sexy in bed in derja?,"I don't want to start speaking English in bed, show me the best you got lmao",,,,,,2021-05-30 22:24:18 noy006,,1,تونس في السبعينات... ساحة الباساج,,,,,,,2021-05-31 07:57:31 nozkbf,,0,Gaming group,,,,,,,2021-05-31 09:44:13 np0aif,,15,Reimbursement from Jumia,"Hello guys, i want to ask if anyone cancelled an order from jumia, how much time did it take for them to wire the money back to your bank account. Update: Dont ever fucking use jumia pay. It is fucking bugged. It paased a transaction i didn't approve. And their client service is baaaaad. Now i m waiting to return my first buy tht i cancelled. And transaction with the same amount of money as the cancelled transaction. Now jumia owe me 1000dt it feels like shit. I hate jumia. Jumiaaaaaa suuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkk",,,,,,2021-05-31 10:31:15 np1icg,رايكم/,0,رايكم,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-31 11:45:16 np34si,,0,التعليم الذاتي طريقك لتحقيق الثروة,,,,,,,2021-05-31 13:13:57 np352a,,0,التعليم الذاتي طريقك لتحقيق الثروة,,,,,,,2021-05-31 13:14:21 np6ohd,/r/israelexposed/comments/noyobe/seems_like_zionists_stole_their_colonial/,1,Absolutely brilliant insight on European colonization :,,,,,,,2021-05-31 15:58:36 np89qc,,1,Tunisian Legend,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-31 17:10:48 npaini,,31,Vacation in Sousse,"Greetings, friends! Me and my girfriend are going to Sousse for a week at the end of August. We are coming fron Hungary! :) Can you guys give us tips what to see, what activities we can do around? Are there markets where we can find good products? Is there good textil products that are worth to buy? Any tips related to our stay? Thank you.",,,,,,2021-05-31 18:53:32 npbpdd,,1,Top 15 Arms Exporters Ranking (SIPRI trend indicator values),,,,,,,2021-05-31 19:48:02 npc7bx,,1,Mirath: Preserving your family history,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-31 20:11:00 npc813,,1,Mirath: Preserving your family history,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-31 20:11:54 npc9pj,,1,Mirath: Preserving your family history,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-31 20:13:57 npcadk,,1,a way to preserve your family history,[removed],,,,,,2021-05-31 20:14:46 npcff0,,12,Mirath: a way to preserve your family history,"Hello everyone! I won't make the post too long, details will be in the comments. Ever heard of the expression ""immortalized on the silver screen""?. Mirath is a custom family biography documentation service which includes interviews with family members and is a way to connect with future generations. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and please feel free to contact me about any curiosities you may have :) Inst: projet_mirath / Num: 21 682 589",,,,,,2021-05-31 20:21:20 npf40v,,5,Questions about visa to the US,[deleted],,,,,,2021-05-31 22:29:31 npl75v,,18,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-06-01 04:00:20 npp63y,,4,looking for a tunisian tiktok user,"Hello everyone, Probably a stupid question to ask here, however, I lost sleep yesterday trying to figure out the name of a tunisian tiktok user and I would like your help. He has an afro haircut and he swears a lot. He usually makes fun of stereotypes in his videos. I would really appreciate it.",,,,,,2021-06-01 08:30:14 nppmj6,,8,"[Discussion Post] Make a relevant post to the topic, win a prize!","Topic: Your favorite thing about Tunisia. So we get a lot of negativity here sometimes (Religious this or that, people are crap, etc etc) but what is your favorite thing about Tunisia? As someone from the outside, looking in, there is a LOT to like about the country but what is your favorite thing? I will collect responses and then make a drawing from the posts to win a prize. Prize: 10 Euro Playstation Store Credit (France region account required)",,,,,,2021-06-01 09:03:35 npqlyu,,4,SAFFWIZZ × BAYA - Waves / موجات (prod. Fresh),,,,,,,2021-06-01 10:14:18 nprly2,,13,Amazon shipping rates to Tunisia,"The price of this book is $18.33 and the cost of its shipping to Tunisia is $49.98 which is ridiculous, is there a way to get less expensive Amazon shipping rates? There is MyUS, did anyone try this website? are the shipping rates to Tunisia reasonable?",,,,,,2021-06-01 11:19:18 npt085,,10,Why do tunisians hate french speakers ?,"I come from a french speaking family, i also speak fluently Tunisian but it is not the language i would use the most with my family. Growing up I realized that the majority of young Tunisians hate the fact that there is a minority of French Speakers in Tunisia. Why tho?",,,,,,2021-06-01 12:37:18 npvnef,,0,For those who said Pornography is okay on my last post,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-01 14:44:33 npyyhi,,1,Introduction à la cybesécurité,,,,,,,2021-06-01 17:07:34 nq0id6,,1,Guys checkout this meme,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-01 18:12:10 nq0ofd,,1,"Why is no one talking about Mechichi selling the countrt to oil rich Arabs ? Libya, Qatar probably Saudi next. Basically unofficial anouncement of bankrupcy.",[removed],,,,,,2021-06-01 18:19:01 nq1b8h,,1,"Regional and Family ""secrets"" to share",[removed],,,,,,2021-06-01 18:45:20 nq35a5,,1,What is the relationship like between girlfriend and boyfriend in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-01 20:03:07 nq678g,,4,Xenophobia or Patriotism ?,"Two days ago, Tunisia-based Egyptian actor Nicolas Youssef published a Facebook a sarcastic post where he criticized some aspects of Tunisia. Because of it, he faced a severe backlash from many tunisians. What do you think about that? I, personally, was chocked by the amount of chauvinism and xenophobia in some comments. [Facebook Post](",,,,,,2021-06-01 22:16:38 nq6m1i,,63,When you have to spend extra on your favorite hoe!,,,,,,,2021-06-01 22:36:16 nq6t6h,,4,Can you use your paypal to recieve money without linking it to a Tunisian bank account ? in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-06-01 22:45:42 nq8twt,,4,Camping,"Heyo, I need a camping partner/group for this summer holiday. PS: Preferably a group.",,,,,,2021-06-02 00:26:15 nqf9kr,,8,Do we have hidden secrets against EU or something?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-02 06:31:43 nqfiso,,44,Tunisian Freelancers: Are you aware of Estonia's e-residency program?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-02 06:48:44 nqgaup,,1,Anyone in crypto,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-02 07:42:23 nqhbq2,,0,بدال ما يشمت فينا حاسد ايدك في ايدي وقوم نجاهد واحنا نبقي الكل واحد والايادي تصير قويه,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-02 08:54:58 nqhk0j,,25,Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-06-02 09:11:08 nqhomh,,1,What are you must see places in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-02 09:20:12 nqkiy2,,48,I asked Google for the average salary in Tunisia and it told me that we are rich.,,,,,,,2021-06-02 12:21:18 nqnbbl,,9,Tunisia in WW2 be like,,,,,,,2021-06-02 14:39:58 nqojnh,,0,Aidez Mahmoud,,,,,,,2021-06-02 15:32:33 nqoxjy,,0,سلسلة الاعتداءات داخل مجلس النواب,,,,,,,2021-06-02 15:49:42 nqpmgk,,3,OK for me it's interesting but some might find it stupid,"I wanna know what tunisians think about aliens do you believe in them if yes Why? If no Why?",,,,,,2021-06-02 16:20:13 nqq0df,,2,Prophet say Gayrights!,,,,,,,2021-06-02 16:36:48 nqs3bg,,9,Is it illegal in Tunisia for a couple ( one Tunisian and one is not ) to book a hotel room together or rent an apartment ?,,,,,,,2021-06-02 18:05:39 nqtpap,,15,ZAMA - temple d'ATYS,,,,,,,2021-06-02 19:12:49 nqvibb,,4,Yow just a question,Soo idk whats going but lately i feel like i am so down and so lonely but in the same time i feel like i am like a train a no one can stop me these double personalities are killing me lol any know what i am talking about or had similar experiences?,,,,,,2021-06-02 20:29:10 nr22hw,,8,renewal of ID card,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-03 01:51:02 nr6nh6,,136,"""Yamete kudasai"" -Tunisia",,,,,,,2021-06-03 06:26:33 nr9npy,,1,Do I have to provide an ID when purchasing beer from a supermarket?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-03 09:53:39 nra0l8,,23,Ons Jabeur moves into the third round of French Open after beating Astra Sharma 6-2 6-4,,,,,,,2021-06-03 10:17:17 nrbxjr,,14,Why u mad,,,,,,,2021-06-03 12:09:48 nrcufr,,0,[Tribune] Tunisie et Covid-19 : plus de morts en un an que le colonialisme en 75 ans !,,,,,,,2021-06-03 12:55:58 nre1z1,,0,G(old),[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-03 13:53:39 nrilqj,,0,Tunisians of Reddit do you understand Moroccans or Saudis more?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-06-03 17:13:38 nrios9,,1,"If Tunis was Carthage during the Roman Empire and before does that mean Tunisians are related to the Canaanite Semetic people of the Levant more than Arabs of Saudia, or are you more berber?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-06-03 17:17:17 nrkxmb,,7,How far can one specific grade in baccalaureate get you?,"Bac science, I expect my grades to be low average ranging from 11-14. be5lef l'info & l'anglais, ili nitwa9a3hom a9wa deux notes. M3amel nit3ada quelque chose info fel faculté so chnouwa les facultés li najem nitwa9a3hom ken ena average bet5lef l'info.",,,,,,2021-06-03 18:54:55 nrokhn,,32,Anyone up for a session of Dungeons & Dragons [FR] ?,"I am looking for a bunch of people willing to try a one shot DnD (3.5e). The session will be at **a place and time of the players group’s convenience (Grand Tunis)**, probably before the end of this month. Maximum players 6. Newbies are welcome. A minimum of French speaking is required. Other than that you don’t need to know the game rules or have specific role playing skills but being motivated to role play is recommended. The session will be video recorded with my phone. If i get enough submissions we will probably set a first meeting anywhere just to discuss about the game and the characters you will create. The second meeting will be to play the game. We’ll see after that if it is worth expanding to a multi-session campaign. Will answer all your questions here (go crazy i won’t bite) If you are interested DM me. EDIT : i should’ve expected the skepticism so i changed the location informations accordingly.",,,,,,2021-06-03 21:31:28 nrru3i,,20,G(old),,,,,,,2021-06-04 00:06:53 nrw1yf,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-06-04 04:00:17 nrwah3,,1,"My recent poll came back 1/3 understand Moroccan better, 1/3 saudi better and 1/3 neither, I'm more confused, is tunisian language in 2021 moving towards more mixed amazight/berber/french or more towards pure arabic like Saudi?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-06-04 04:13:52 nrwmdh,,3,Re: What part time jobs are possible for a minor,Any update on what a minor can work as? Don't know if my broke ass can take it any longer lmfao,,,,,,2021-06-04 04:34:35 nrxm24,,1,Miracle Box 3.19 Crack Download Without Box,,,,,,,2021-06-04 05:36:31 nrxnpq,,1,l whant to get link of miracle boox crack,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-04 05:39:24 nryvoq,,2,Learning German in Tunis,"I'm searching for any excellent centers to learn German here in Tunis Goethe Institut's courses have started already so that's a bummer",,,,,,2021-06-04 07:03:49 nrz9q7,,7,Gtfs data for transport in Tunis,"Hi friends, I'm trying to build something like the transit app for Tunis, does anyone in Tunis have any idea/experience on how to get/create a complete gtfs feed?",,,,,,2021-06-04 07:31:50 nrznqp,,49,"I just returned from an epic trip down to Kasserine Governorate. World War II sites, Archaeology & Insurgency in Tunisia's Wild West. Check out the first VLOG in this series here:",,,,,,,2021-06-04 07:59:20 ns0cbo,,0,Join The Revolution,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-04 08:45:53 ns57tu,,1,...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-04 13:32:28 nselg5,,52,Jalel 😳😳😳,,,,,,,2021-06-04 20:24:34 nsfbrk,,1,Top 10 Countries In the COVID-19 Vaccination Race,,,,,,,2021-06-04 20:57:26 nshhgd,,12,Any game devs in tunisia ?,Why isn’t there yet good & super successful video games created by Tunisian developers ?,,,,,,2021-06-04 22:39:58 nsjmih,,14,Tunisia's Telnet corporation just signed a deal yesterday (June 3) with French Hemeria to develop and launch 30 nanosatellites tied into the IOT (Internet of Things).,,,,,,,2021-06-05 00:35:07 nsvrgo,,1,A coin made for memes is worth more than TND,,,,,,,2021-06-05 13:29:20 nsx2xp,,1,Did you notice the new social media platform,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-05 14:35:42 nsyn9d,,3,Laundry poll,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-06-05 15:48:49 nszp7t,,24,Why tachlik l3alam ?,,,,,,,2021-06-05 16:37:05 nt0wd9,,4,Does anyone know how a monthly subscription in el menzah pool costs for adults and if I can pay per session ??,,,,,,,2021-06-05 17:33:04 nt3iwt,,68,3ami radwen be lookin' kinda fresh doe,,,,,,,2021-06-05 19:36:00 ntbwpg,,1,Attitudes towards Islam,"So I've lived in Saudi Arabia my whole life and then moved to North Cyprus so I've seen the variety of opinions on Islamic practices. Personally I'm a rather conservative practicing Muslim, and I wanted to know how religion friendly Tunisia is? All the Redditors here seem anti-Islamic af, but is that the attitude of the whole country or just the diaspora/foreign influenced ones who speak enough English to hangout here on reddit? Thanks <3 Love for from Jeddah, Assalamualikum",,,,,,2021-06-06 02:52:25 ntd1o1,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-06-06 04:00:20 ntf87y,,8,Stocks,"Good morning everyone, I have always been interested in the trading world, is there any way i can invest in the NYC stock market while living in Tunisia?",,,,,,2021-06-06 06:16:22 ntipks,,33,Date ideas,"I'm looking for date ideas in Tunis. Suggestions? Notes: preferably a dark quite place (or a place with soft music playing or smth, not too loud), where we can sit at ease. A place without normies and freret obviously. Edit: dark means with soft light, we don't like sitting in very bright places. Cozy light.",,,,,,2021-06-06 10:23:00 ntjr5h,,3,Joining/Volunteering for The Army,"I'm 19yo, Thinking about volunteering for the army? Anyone with a similar experience? was or in the army?",,,,,,2021-06-06 11:32:20 ntjyk2,/r/Morocco/comments/nt1jxi/why_we_should_eliminate_french_as_soon_as/,1,I've just found this on r/morroco so I thought of sharing it here since we can relate as well,,,,,,,2021-06-06 11:45:26 ntkuid,,9,Age demographics of this subreddit,"3rd choice is 19-25\* [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-06-06 12:39:23 ntlahg,,1,Hitch22 or letters to a young contrarian books,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-06 13:03:34 ntlhz0,,6,"Remember the young lady who was saying to the Israeli settler Jacob ""why are you stealing my house?"" and he answered her ""If I don't steal it, someone else gonna steal it!""... She got arrested by the Israeli armed forces today! Because she is using her phone to show the world what's going on there!",,,,,,,2021-06-06 13:14:39 ntmpm9,,0,We have anime girls ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-06 14:16:02 ntp3k8,,54,God bless this beautiful country,,,,,,,2021-06-06 16:07:49 nts9os,,16,How much do you guys / girls make a month?,"Hey everyone :) This is obviously meant for people who have already joined the workforce. On average, how much do you make every month?",,,,,,2021-06-06 18:33:24 ntsf27,,3,Lockpicking in Tunisia,"Got recently introduced to lockpicking by a friend and I fell in love with it, the thing is I couldn't find a thing about lockpicking tools/kits in the market which is a turnoff. Where can I find them? Any help is appreciated!",,,,,,2021-06-06 18:40:12 nttxay,,8,The level of kissing +++ is over 9000,,,,,,,2021-06-06 19:48:43 ntv8qp,,5,Can anyone be so kind to translate this for me pls?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-06 20:48:18 ntwbtm,,1,Gyms/classes in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-06 21:37:31 ntxvc5,,2,I WANT TO START MY OWN BRAND AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START,"I want to start a clothing bran in tunisia and i don't know where to start, all i want to make my ideas turn to life through clothes, if there's anyone could help me and show me the right steps to start off correctly? I've always wanted to be independent and I've been independent since i was 17, now i think it's the right time to start my own project and who knows maybe I'll make it big in tunisia one day, oh and should i start the project during this pandemic or should i wait?",,,,,,2021-06-06 22:51:23 ntyjg7,,54,Devoirat,"Juste habbit n9oul rabbi m3akom yalli t3addiw fi devoirat, 5astan jme3et lbac, rabbi nchalla nenj7ou lkol. Good luck",,,,,,2021-06-06 23:25:34 nu1adg,,1,Elon is under anonymous radar,,,,,,,2021-06-07 01:58:36 nu44hy,,6,Working as a full time freelancer,I have been thinking about quitting my 9-5 job and freelance full time is there any legal issue with that ? And do you know how do i pay my taxes ?,,,,,,2021-06-07 04:44:14 nu84z0,,6,Political Jokes in Tunisia?,"Would you please share Tunisian political jokes? That mean Tunisian jokes, by Tunisians about their own country and rulers, not foreigners' jokes about Tunisia. Please translate jokes into English. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-06-07 09:21:39 nu8e2a,,0,"Since i had a horrible Tinder date this weekend i have to ask,what is your Tinder horror story/experience?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-07 09:40:17 nu9f46,,1,AGBA FEST Vol.1,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-07 10:48:47 nu9fpd,,1,AGBA FEST Vol.1,,,,,,,2021-06-07 10:49:45 nuddkn,,1,An interesting title,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-07 14:05:59 nudqgs,,1,covet - atreyu (drum cover),,,,,,,2021-06-07 14:21:54 nuemkz,,0,Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-06-07 15:00:54 nugaqj,,7,Buy used books,"If u have any of these three titles ill buy the books from you: -hitch22 -letters to a young contrarian -meditations of marcus Aurelius -The breakdown of bicameral mind",,,,,,2021-06-07 16:09:35 nuhnv9,,4,Best shisha bars in Tunis,Looking for best places or special shisha bars in Tunis.,,,,,,2021-06-07 17:04:54 nuht8w,,65,I made a little video about Tunisia being a lovely place sometimes thought I'd share it here,,,,,,,2021-06-07 17:11:03 nuiqa4,,23,"Driving north-west from Oueslatia to Jebel Serj National Park on C73, I stumbled across this ruin. Does anyone know what it is, or have a link to further information? 🇹🇳❓",,,,,,,2021-06-07 17:49:36 nujhfd,,11,sousse,who lives in sousse? i'm looking for friends to hang out with coz I'm fucking bored,,,,,,2021-06-07 18:20:05 nul398,,2,Online markets,Please help me find some Tunisian online markets for new or used appliances. Thanks!,,,,,,2021-06-07 19:23:29 nuli4h,,0,Help us win reach 5k likes on our project,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-07 19:40:05 nuo185,,2,Is it possible to buy Cryptocurrency ( Bitcoin ) from Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-07 21:24:44 nuqag1,,4,"Part time Summer jobs for students (tunis, Ben arous)",Do you have any suggestions on what can a student do to earn some money in the summer ?,,,,,,2021-06-07 23:06:34 nuso7t,été_2022_scholar_in_tunisia/,6,"Doctorant en Tunisie, été 2022 // Scholar in Tunisia, Summer 2022"," (english below) À propos de moi: Je suis un doctorat des États-Unis et je travaille sur ma thèse en histoire de l’environnement qui intègre une étude des chotts tunisiens et algériens. J’ai un mois ou deux l’été prochain après un conférence dans l’Angleterre et je veux passer du temps à vivre et travailler en Tunisie. Premièrement, il ya a quelques archives régionales (et non régionales) que j’essaye d’accéder à Tunis, Alger et Dakar. Mais d’importance égale, en tant qu’historien de l’environnement, c’est très bénéfique de faire l’expérience dans les lieux que l’on écrit. Je ferai probablement des recherches sur le terrain dans et autour de Gabès, et j’espère voyager dans la région près de Chott el-Djerid. En raison de la pertinence de la Tunisie pour mes études et la relative facilité du processus de visa, j’envisage d’établir ma base en Tunisie pour l’été et prendre l’avion pour Alger et Dakar si j’en ai besoin. Mes questions: 1. Où est un emplacement idéal pour trouver le logement de courte durée ? J’ai trouvé de nombreux appartements sur l’AirBnB qui sont dans mon budget. J’ai cherché principalement à Tunis parce que les archives sont là, mais y a-t-il d’autres villes que je devrais considérer ? Je cherche des villes pas chers qu’ont un type de transports publics et sont tranquilles. 2. Comment sont les transports publics à travers la Tunisie ? Je vais devoir me rendre à Gabès et autres régions. 3. Je parle français et anglais (et russe, mais ce n’est pas pertinent ici). Je suppose que je peux me débrouiller avec le français ? Je ne parle pas l’arabe tunisien, mais je suis ouvert à apprendre un peu de la langue au préalable. 4. Avez-vous autres conseils ou recommendations ? Merci ! \----- About me: I am a PhD candidate from the United States, working on an environmental history dissertation that incorporates a study of the Tunisian and Algerian chotts. I have a month or two next summer following a conference in the UK and I am considering spending that time living and working in Tunisia. First, there are a couple of regional (and not-so-regional) archives that I am trying to access in Tunis, Algiers, and Dakar. But just as important, as an environmental historian, it is hugely beneficial to experience the places you are writing about. I will likely be conducting some field research in and around Gabès, and hope to travel to some of Chott el-Djerid. Due in part to the relevance of Tunisia to my work, as well as the relative ease of the visa process, I’m thinking of setting up my homebase in Tunisia for the summer and flying to Algiers and Dakar if needed/possible. So, my questions: 1. Where might be an ideal place to find short-term housing? I’ve found a number of places on AirBnB that are within my budget. I’ve looked mostly in Tunis, as that’s where the archives are, but are there any other cities I should consider? Looking for places that are reasonably priced, have some type of public transport, and are relatively laidback. 2. How is public transportation across the country? I’ll most likely reside in Tunis but will certainly need to travel to Gabès and a couple of other areas. 3. I speak French and English (and Russian, but that’s not relevant here). I am assuming I will be able to get by with French? I don’t know a word of Tunisian Arabic, but am open to learning a little bit before arriving. 4. Any other advice or recommendations?",,,,,,2021-06-08 01:10:37 nuvt5l,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-06-08 04:00:15 nuyn0u,,5,Need to find a DJ for my wedding - Gammarth - 24th July,"3aslema everyone, So i am in need of a DJ to play at my wedding at Movenpick Gammarth on the 24th July. I am currently speaking to the hotel to see what type of equipment they have (Speakers, mixers etc) but will need someone who can mix, smooth transitions and in general, read the vibe of the crowd on the dance floor and hype it up. My wife and I will work on a playlist of MUST HAVEs, but that will amount to 30 or 40% of the duration, we'd like the DJ to improvise the rest. I am Lebanese/Palestinian/Jordanian and my wife is Tunisian/French, we listen to english, arabic, french and spanish songs (Huge variaty, arabic includes tunisian, egyptian, lebanese, palestinian, jordanian, khaleeji, iraqi etc) Can someone please help me find someone capable? This is the last thing on my to-do list and im basically panicking. Appreciate the help of the Tunisian people <3",,,,,,2021-06-08 07:00:32 nv0j5c,,2,Subreddit demographics,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-06-08 09:10:44 nv0k0a,,1, Help us with some likes guys need it to win a contest ^^,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-08 09:12:24 nv0kau,,1,Help us with some likes guys need it to win a contest ^^,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-08 09:12:56 nv11ei,,5,Is it too late for Tunisia to recover?,"I can't even remember when was the last time something positive happened. Also I'm out of the loop concerning the constitutional conflict between Saïd and Mechichi. Who's **objectively** in the wrong here? And did the whole thing reach a dead end?",,,,,,2021-06-08 09:45:34 nv1ma4,,108,Had to share this gem,,,,,,,2021-06-08 11:14:56 nv2x46,الرئيس_قيس_سعيد_في_بروكسيل_أمام_الأوروبيين_ليس_من/,3,"الرئيس قيس سعيد في بروكسيل أمام الأوروبيين : "" ليس من العدل أن يتم تلقيح أكثر من مليار شخص في شمال الكرة الأرضية و 80 مليون فقط في جنوبها ""...!!! كلام جميل وشجاع وقوي...رغم أن حكامنا يتحملون جزءا من مسؤولية ضعف عدد الملقحين في بلادنا بالذات...!!!",.,,,,,,2021-06-08 12:28:55 nv5z8x,,6,Is there any English call centres with part-time jobs within the region of sousse or mounastir?,"Title says it all, I've been recently rejected in CasaNova sousse they said that they're looking for people who can work full time, it was. My mistake though, should of never said I'm studying. Would appreciate your help, I'm in deep need of a job.",,,,,,2021-06-08 14:58:30 nv75ge,,1,صفع ماكرون🧐🙄😯😮,,,,,,,2021-06-08 15:49:30 nva10f,,1,"A preventive solution for ""Foot Amputation"" made by Tunisian students",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-08 17:51:06 nva1vf,,6,"FitFoot - a preventive solution for ""Foot Amputation"" made by Tunisian students",,,,,,,2021-06-08 17:52:13 nvaeqg,,1,Lol,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-08 18:08:26 nvarc6,,5,Inheritance when abroad (URGENT!!),"Hello, I really need your help on this one. I am a tunisian woman living in France. My family just informed me that our late grandmother's house was about to get sold. Sadly, I am abroad and can't afford to return in Tunisia. What should I do ? Proxy ? We are ~10 to touch inheritance. It's the first time I deal with inheritance, i am not familiar with this. Thank you for your help. 🇹🇳 Français : Bonjour/Assalam Aleykoum J'ai besoin d'aide et de conseils sur ce sujet. Je suis une tunisienne qui vit en France. Ma famille m'a appelé pour me dire que la maison de notre grand-mère décédée était sur le point d'être vendue. Mais je ne peux pas rentrer en Tunisie malheureusement. Que dois-je faire pour toucher ma part de l'héritage ? Par procuration, car nous sommes 10 à toucher un héritage? C'est la première fois que je fais ça, je ne comprends pas comment faire. Merci pour votre aide/BarakAllah oufikom 🇹🇳",,,,,,2021-06-08 18:23:56 nvb0x2,,0,Visiting Tunisia as a dual citizenship holder,"So here goes, I am Tunisian and also a British citizen, I haven't renewed my Tunisian passport and not planning to do so, I am planning to visit Tunisia this year (at some point...), my question is whether this is going to be a pain in the ass or not when thinking about how backwards things could be when going through police checks at the airport given that I will be visiting with my English girlfriend and our daughter who has an English name and both our last names (my girlfriend's and mine). Also, is booking a hotel going to be problematic as we are not married?",,,,,,2021-06-08 18:36:21 nvex4g,,1,احذر ان تكون تقراء القران بهذه الطريقه .. لن تاخذ اجر 😱,,,,,,,2021-06-08 21:23:46 nvezd4,,1,معلومات و حقائق عن الجزائر لا يعرفها العرب🇩🇿 | ما علاقتها بتحرير فلسطين,,,,,,,2021-06-08 21:26:25 nvhsjk,,1,Will the Nation of Tunisia face budget cuts?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-08 23:33:10 nvrcos,,0,How to make lean.,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-09 09:09:29 nvuqlu,,1,Where can I buy a tactical knife here?,"I'm looking for a marketplace that sells tactical knives or switchblades since I've gotten into them recently. or even a website that sells them brand new or second hand it doesn't really matter, can you let me know if they even exist in Tunisia? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-06-09 12:28:42 nvvr60,,9,Does anybody know how many people are vaccinated in Tunisia per day ?,"The evax campaign began since March , yet it seems so slow . Compared to other countries we should by now be vaccinating young adults yet we are still doing the 50+ demographic .if we continue at this rate young adults would have to wait until December or even January 2022 . Is the problem a lack of vaccine or a lack of speed by the government ?",,,,,,2021-06-09 13:18:45 nvysf8,,3,Payoneer users,"1) Is it COMPLETELY legal to use payoneer in Tunisia? 2) Did anyone here asked about it in the BCT (BANQUE CENTRALE) 3) Does anyone declare taxes and his revenue withdrawn from payoneer? Thanks",,,,,,2021-06-09 15:37:25 nw0s1y,,4,Does anyone know where can I buy lavender?,,,,,,,2021-06-09 17:03:05 nw3msw,,1,Weed in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-09 19:06:35 nw3qwz,,1,Nerf in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-09 19:11:24 nw3zk0,,30,You enjoy music? Let's talk,"So I'm looking for Tunisian people who enjoy music (doesn't matter what genre) , I basically want to see what you guys think (maybe we'll get along and become friends, music unites people after all). Just say whatever you want in the comments. (favorite artist/ favorite song whatever :)). let's just talk. Edit: Wow I did not expect to see some really good song suggestions, there was some bluesy rock, deep folk, legendary orchestral and even Greek bands that absolutely blew me away, I never thought that such people with amazing tastes of music could exist in one post so thanks so much to everyone, I truly enjoyed this and if everyone could please upvote so we can have as much insights of music as possible thnx again ;)",,,,,,2021-06-09 19:21:46 nw5kcq,,2,Bolt working for anyone?,"So, tried to use Bolt a few hours ago, and it keeps telling me there is an issue with my internet connection. I'm at home now, still telling me there is an issue. My internet on my phone is fine as everything else works. Anyone else having issues with it?",,,,,,2021-06-09 20:31:15 nw5q7i,,15,The future,"Lost on what to be in the future, should I stay or should I leave? Should I start a business or should I look for a stable job with a GOOD income, not the income of a governmental employee. Honestly lost on what to do in this country",,,,,,2021-06-09 20:38:39 nw6tc7,,1,My worst fear...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-09 21:26:34 nw87hv,,3,"I’m looking for the film “La danse du feu” sur H’biba msika online, It was for free on the ministry of culture site but now it’s lost, I only found one link and you need to pay with euros. Does anyone know any link to watch it pls ? Or in general Any site to watch tunisian Movies ? Thank you so much",,,,,,,2021-06-09 22:30:38 nwb7aj,,7,Experienced people help a brother out,"looking for a job (online)that I can do straight on my computer and get me paid $2 or $3 per hour. What I have? \-8 hours to invest in learning every day \- I can get any professional course to learn (Seriously anything) I have 100% all Udemy courses Some tips for a newbie?",,,,,,2021-06-10 01:02:29 nwju1w,,9,I love my tunisia despite all the inconveniences here ..,,,,,,,2021-06-10 10:00:30 nwm3ac,,36,"[NSFW] Tunisian police beat up a teenager, took off his clothes and walked him across the street fully naked to the police car, the day before this they beat up another guy to death",,,,,,,2021-06-10 12:13:22 nwm9ag,,4,Italian or German,"Hey everyone, so, I thought about asking you about what optional language I should choose since I don't really have people to ask about this subject irl. Now, for an average french and english tunisian speaker, which one is easier italian or german?",,,,,,2021-06-10 12:21:31 nwns4x,,0,Tunisair today,,,,,,,2021-06-10 13:33:53 nwns7z,,18,Tunisair today,,,,,,,2021-06-10 13:33:59 nwnswm,,174,"The last thing he knew, he got beaten up",,,,,,,2021-06-10 13:34:53 nwocyh,,7,Tunisian police brutally strip and beat up a teenager who was protesting against the death of on other teenager in custody,,,,,,,2021-06-10 14:00:25 nwpify,,1,délice reddit moment sus......,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-10 14:50:46 nwplpy,,0,délice reddit moment sus....,,,,,,,2021-06-10 14:54:33 nwq6bh,,16,My Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-06-10 15:18:05 nwtd81,,1,I need your help - International research participation (Mater's thesis),[removed],,,,,,2021-06-10 17:31:18 nwulm7,,1,how long does visa processing take for EU countries ?,,,,,,,2021-06-10 18:22:32 nwx42k,,3,"A minor stripped naked, beaten up and humilated by the police",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-10 20:06:52 nwypdo,,5,WTF is this ? Tunisian Police = Terrorists.,,,,,,,2021-06-10 21:13:49 nx6san,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-06-11 04:00:18 nxa5po,,2,Loosing the Language,"Hey! So Im half Tunisian living in Europe and my Tunisian is very bad but I really wish to improve up on it. My dad never speaks in Tunisian to me so it was really hard to catch up on it with the short yearly visits to the country. Any advice or sources on how I could improve upon it please?",,,,,,2021-06-11 07:34:04 nxbczf,,65,Tunisia police giving a free therapy massage to a citizen,,,,,,,2021-06-11 08:56:20 nxbm4x,,13,"It's true and sad, remember that silence is a consent",,,,,,,2021-06-11 09:14:16 nxdlop,,1,"And they did it again , RIP Med Ali ...",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-11 11:21:44 nxeu6d,,8,Money problems!,"Best ways to invest in tunisia as a beginner young adult (22 years old) college student. Ps: my savings are between 1500dt and 2000dt Hope to share your insitful opinions in the comments.",,,,,,2021-06-11 12:29:37 nxh7eh,,3,Why is Tunisia's GDP not increasing?,,,,,,,2021-06-11 14:25:26 nxhbnq,,1,"Bois, any idea where I can buy alcohol today ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-11 14:30:41 nxj55t,,1,Short Survey for Arabic Speakers,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-11 15:49:55 nxj5nn,,0,receiving money from the uk ?,"hey is there way for som1 to send me money from the uk ? i have the zitouna card and the client want to use a site called remitly , has anyone have ever tried it before ?? m all ears for other ways tho",,,,,,2021-06-11 15:50:30 nxjrj9,,5,"Are ""Diplomes d'ingenieur"" graded here? Or are they talking about the average you receive after 5 semesters of study?",,,,,,,2021-06-11 16:16:25 nxk913,,149,"At least they aint racist, progressive in their own way",,,,,,,2021-06-11 16:37:12 nxkatm,,1,What does an overall grade of 14/20 for a diplome d'ingenieur stand for?,"Would it be the average of all 5 semesters plus the pfe grade? Just the pfe grade? I am so confused.",,,,,,2021-06-11 16:39:23 nxki3t,,2,Is there a way to watch MLB games (a.k.a baseball games) for free in Tunisia?,"I installed the ESPN app in my mobile phone because they have a partially free streaming service. But it turns out to be an only US based subscription. Is there an effective way to watch the games?",,,,,,2021-06-11 16:48:12 nxlu2e,,1,Bruno Mars - Perm (drum cover),,,,,,,2021-06-11 17:45:37 nxm2pb,,11,it has 24k gold inside,,,,,,,2021-06-11 17:56:05 nxnfx0,,7,"People who failed bac and repeated the year, what changed and did you get something out of it?",,,,,,,2021-06-11 18:57:36 nxoop3,,1,Zephaniah 2 - The King James Bible,,,,,,,2021-06-11 19:55:30 nxoow3,,1,Luke 21 - The King James Bible,,,,,,,2021-06-11 19:55:45 nxopio,,1,Matthew 28:16-20,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-11 19:56:31 nxrdie,,0,Whe should creat another secret sub instead of this one,"I am awar of how stupid this sounds, however i know for a fact that when reddit becomes popular in tunisia everyone that said anything negative about the goverment or the ""nahdha"" or anything political is gonna be fucked along with all the people supporting that idea. when that time comes i think we should have somewhere safe for us to speak our mind and only th OG should use that reddit",,,,,,2021-06-11 21:58:25 nxvhj2,,1,Any rage rooms in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-12 01:35:29 nxvwte,,6,hey lol,chkoupistani here (algerian) wondering whats going on over at you side looking through some of the posts here i see police brutality and shit i hope yall are doing alright and that things get better,,,,,,2021-06-12 01:59:44 ny1nka,,37,Good luck everyone.. don't cheat anyways ! Do your best and you can do it ❤,,,,,,,2021-06-12 08:01:18 ny882s,,13,I'm doing a presentation on Tunisia for school and I need some help.,"For French we needed to do a presentation on a country where French gets spoken and I chose Tunisia. I've already gathered a lot of information but there is one thing I definitely need help with. The presentation needs to include an artist from the chosen country, this could be a painter, singer or anything else. This is where I need help I would love to know what some of your favourite artist or groups of artists are. I mentioned before I've already collected a lot of information but in case you know anything that should definitely be mentioned in my presentation then I would love to hear it. Any fun facts like a national animal or national dish are also more than welcome.",,,,,,2021-06-12 14:39:55 ny8dtp,,0,"I got this T-shirt from ""frip"", no hard feelings towards Arkansas lol",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-12 14:47:23 nybe4x,,14,oc,,,,,,,2021-06-12 17:09:48 nybkth,,8,"Day after day, police body cams is becoming essential to contain police brutality. Shouldn't we consider it?",,,,,,,2021-06-12 17:18:29 nydoda,,48,This picture makes me happy 🥰 I miss the uncomplicated chill days,,,,,,,2021-06-12 18:57:49 nyecfk,,14,Chronophotography night sky Grombalia Nabeul,,,,,,,2021-06-12 19:27:22 nyeiua,,1,I’m ashamed,"I’m ashamed of being happy because i left this country… Who to blame?",,,,,,2021-06-12 19:35:42 nyhysy,,2,bourse de Tunis,Is it worth it to invest in local stocks/bonds? also any information on the local stock market is welcomed.,,,,,,2021-06-12 22:08:55 nylv02,,1,Le premier joueur Tunisien qui a jouer en Europe,,,,,,,2021-06-13 01:37:12 nylxfk,,2,For the bac peeps,"Since i just FINALLY finished my first uni year, i can help anyone who's looking for anything or even give tips. I can also help a bit with physics and maths. (Bac maths 2020 16.31 currently studying at insat). You guys have made it this far and can DEFINETLY DO IT. Best of luck y'all even tho you guys won't need ittt",,,,,,2021-06-13 01:41:04 nyo812,,4,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-06-13 04:00:22 nyscnb,,1,طائر النسر,,,,,,,2021-06-13 09:01:27 nysuev,,3,Question: Do we need a negative covid test to enter Tunisia? We are vaccinated.,"Me and wife want to pass vacation in Djerba, but i cant find info about entrance. The site for the tickets says we dont need to do quarantine but nothing about pcr tests. I know some countrys ask for them even if we are vaccinated. Ty",,,,,,2021-06-13 09:39:11 nysus4,,34,"Djerba island has 3 x Star Wars original film sets: Mos Eisley Cantina, Obi-Wan Kenobi's House & Tosche Station. Come check them out!",,,,,,,2021-06-13 09:39:59 nyu6sw,,8,Why all the news in Tunisia are negative?,,,,,,,2021-06-13 11:18:51 nyvgw0,,1,"Yo guys, how much does a visit to a dermatologist costs in tunisia!?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-13 12:41:11 nyvmhk,,3,Where can i find cigars in sfax,Really smoked it once or twice 🤔 and never found someplace where i can buy good cigars please if you know where tell me and how much for it costs 😊,,,,,,2021-06-13 12:49:58 nyvmjf,,1,I will develop websites for free,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-13 12:50:03 nywlts,,3,Announcing my freelancing brand,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-13 13:42:54 nyxfls,,11,Why do Tunisian people hate Ghannouchi?,"It's an honest question, I have 2 out of 10 Tunisian politics knowledge so go easy on me, why do most people hate this dude? Some say he is a thief and others that he's a hypocrite or something, I'm confused WHAT DID HE ACTUALLY DO TO EARN ALL THIS HATE?",,,,,,2021-06-13 14:26:01 nz09e8,,53,I’m here just because I don’t like fb and insta anymore 😌,,,,,,,2021-06-13 16:37:25 nz0gy4,,12,Has anyone here ever had a severe mental illness and recovered with the help of a Tunisian psychiatrist IN TUNISIA?,I have one of the worst cases of my mental illness and I'm very doubtful in the professionalism of our psychiatrists and the overall quality of psychiatry here so if you were in my situation and eventually recovered please tell me.,,,,,,2021-06-13 16:46:56 nz8pl4,,13,What's your story with school injustice ?,"School injustice basically means getting mistreated by someone at school, be it a bully or a teacher or school worker, it's school injustice and most people in this country lived it, especially that our education system is bad and there is definitely so much to tell, in my case, I got a lot of ""Khonar"" to talk about. Starting from the first year in the elementary school, I had a teacher with a short temper, I once stuck a paper incorrectly in my textbook and when she saw it, she ripped off the whole textbook, she used to punish me a lot for the smallest mistakes and she didn't really sound like she enjoys teaching me anything except treating me like sh\*t. After some time, the school principal (El modir) did his part too, during the nasheed watani I sang it quietly when the stupid tape was playing and the principal was standing next to us and he heard me, even though I wasn't singing loud or doing anything wrong (at least according to me), he grabbed me violently to his office screaming at me until one of my teachers went to him asking him to forgive me and he did. Lots of bad stuff happened to me in the elementary and it continued this way in the middle school (college), oh boy it was full of bullies, one of the worst places you would study in, I was doing my homework once outside the school because I wasn't really a good student and a kid walked in front of me stepping on my book that I was holding while I'm sitting on purpose, I raged and started a fight with him and he beat me up and while this was happening, another kid was recording it with his phone and posted it on Facebook and I literally became a meme. I was laughed at by literally the whole school including my crush that I've always wanted to talk with, not only that but a Surveillant also found it laughable and didn't care much about it, month later and one of the bullies steals the register and the whole class blamed me even though everyone knows I didn't do it, they fully know who actually did it and some of them are part of it but they threw the blame on me, the school principal took me out from the middle of the class and violently hit my face few times and left me outside his office for the whole day then letting his Surveillants interrogate me like I was in a police station, they didn't let me study in peace for almost two months for a f\*cking register that they could print in a minute, it was their own fault for being bunch of dumbsh\*ts but I get the blame anyways. Ofcourse there were few, ""good"" times but most of my school life was terrible, I got bullied many times but not only they treated me like sh\*t but also laughed at me, literally, the Surveillantgeneral took me to a gathering of his colleague and simply started making fun of me with them. I will never forget the day where I was being annoyed by a kid who threw papers at me in front of the teacher and when I threw them back, she forced me to stand in front of everyone saying my name like a clown to make everyone in the class laugh at me for the rest of the hour, making me a meme again. Things were getting bad year after year, in high/secondary school, there was once where I came little bit late with some other female classmates and we had to take billet, I didn't go to the administration first and let my classmates go in instead, I wanted to see if they would treat me differently because of my bad past experience with school, after two minutes they got the billet and went to the class and I went in asking for the billet, she told me I can't have in a unfriendly way, I was proven right that I would get mistreated, I tried the same thing again in a another day but this time I took the billet from my classmates and asked the Surveillant to add my name, she was so angry that I found out about what she did and she added my name but warned me to not repeat this again. later on in that year I found out about my ""moyen"" which was 10:00 and the same Surveillant came to me making fun of me about it, I told my mom about all this and she went her asking her what's wrong with her, guess what she said, ""wej'ho tkolish alih mtaa wahed kloshar"". So I guess school was never a good experience to me. Sorry for the text wall, just wanted to vent about the sh\*t I had to deal with and as you can see, I got plenty of stuff to tell. **tldr :** I had bad experience in school, so I'm wondering if anyone here had any similar experience.",,,,,,2021-06-13 23:15:02 nzax3u,,16,Little Dark Age,,,,,,,2021-06-14 01:08:03 nzcph1,,9,Flight/Entry to Tunisia with U.S. CDC Vaccination Card only?,"Hi, I am flying from the US to Tunisia in a couple of days. I am fully vaccinated, so technically do not require a PCR test. However, entry requirements state that the vaccination proof must ""be from the relevant health authorities or contain a QR code"". Question: The white CDC card that everyone here in the US gets when they are vaccinated is as official as it gets. But mine is handwritten and it generally does not contain a QR code. Did anyone travel from the US to Tunisia recently and was lucky enough to make the trip with only the CDC card?",,,,,,2021-06-14 02:44:09 nzhu8b,,5,learning german,"Hi, &#x200B; Does anyone have experience with learning german? where did u studied it? how much time did it take to reach B2 lvl? Ty",,,,,,2021-06-14 08:10:35 nzhu8q,,2,Looking for fellow paramedics,"By any chance, is there paramedics here what ever the specialty.. i just want to know how do u cope with this hard work and low salary .. and did any of you change careers? If yes what can we try as further studies.. I'm struggling.",,,,,,2021-06-14 08:10:36 nzj0yn,,1,Job Seeker,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-14 09:38:57 nzj20j,,1,Job Seeker,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-14 09:41:04 nzkbmu,,53,"Our khalifat or something, idk I'm not into politics",,,,,,,2021-06-14 11:06:47 nzkmhz,,8,BAC VIBES 😢,,,,,,,2021-06-14 11:25:56 nzl19j,,57,Stolen,,,,,,,2021-06-14 11:51:12 nzll3m,,0,Who can relate to this metaphor?,,,,,,,2021-06-14 12:24:10 nzo7rk,,11,Can anyone tell me what’s happening in Tunisia ? I live i. Germany and have no social media so I’m kinda down dated.,,,,,,,2021-06-14 14:36:11 nzq4aj,,9,Dungeons & Dragons Club in Tunis ? (or Tabletop RPG club) [ENG/FR],"&#x200B; &#x200B; First of all, to the people who have no idea of what i am talking about (and i am sure you are quiet a few), here is some good youtube videos that explain most of the basics : [What is D&D (FR)]( [The game basics (ENG)]( [D&D Social and educative influence in Canada (FR)]( Now that you have an idea of what is D&D, just note that it is only one of many other Tabletop RPGs out there (also called Pen & Paper RPGs) with all kind of themes and universes to suit your tastes (Sci-Fi, Western, Horror, etc.). We will cover mostly D&D in this topic as it happens to be the most popular. If you wanna know more about the other game systems (or D&D) you can google it or DM me. ———————————— This being said... My [first post about gathering players to play D&D in Tunis]( had some mitigated reactions (but some good ones though). And to be honest, i didn't expect this amount of general negative criticism mindset and ""untrustfullness"" from the people around here (and i know i should have). So instead of getting sad and disappointed and just give up on the project as the majority of the people would legitimately do in this country toward almost anything positive or worth the enthusiasm, i decided to do the exact opposite. Not because i am motivated or the positive mindset type of people but just because i would like to say : f\*ck whoever brings only skepticism or negativity to the table, especially to the people who don't know sh\*t about your projects but give their opinion regardless. ———————————— **So not only the D&D game is still on (and i am still looking for one more player so DM me if you are interested) but i also decided to create a D&D club here in Tunis.** I don't know how long it will take or even how it could be done but i am doing it anyway :) What i do know is that a Club is basically a bunch of people gathering to do the same activity and spending money on it to make it easier for all members to have access to the mentioned activity and the necessary equipment to do so. Therefore the question would be : &#x200B; **Are you interested in being a member of a D&D club in Tunis and if so please specify what amount of money would you invest in it per month / week / Session ?** &#x200B; To give a little bit of details of what i’m thinking about. The minimum offer you would get from the club would be something like : a permanent available DM for one of your characters to run through a full campaign (as long as you are member) and providing the basic material required to play as player or DM (Table & hairs, Dice set, basic rules books, etc.). You can add to your answer what would you like to see in that club if there is anything specific or if you want to be part of it, what position would you hold ? &#x200B; Thank you.",,,,,,2021-06-14 16:01:12 nzqaul,,6,Country Comparison: Cost of Living Index - Tunisia 3rd Lowest,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-14 16:10:10 nzr1ov,,2,Studying in Germany after BAC,"Hello, I'm a BAC student (taking it in literally 2 days). I am planning to study in Germany after I finish. Does anyone know about the necessary GPA/SCORE to get accepted there? Any additional tips are very much appreciated.",,,,,,2021-06-14 16:43:26 nzrfos,,1,Phoneum : earn real crypto for free,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-14 17:00:31 nzug74,,1,Where is the cheapest place to get a COVID test in Tunis? How much do results usually take?,"Tourist here, feeling overwhelmed with the fact that I need to take a COVID test in order to travel back home. All help is appreciated 🙏🏻",,,,,,2021-06-14 19:12:49 nzyurd,,10,"Any way to support anti-Police, UGTT and Nahdha moves in Tunisia ?","I’m a Tunisian who is so done with this Mechichi and Nahdha government. It’s time to take the streets back. The country is stolen between Nahdha, UGTT and police. Time to get it back. I’m willing to donate $1M for any serious movement that will shut these down forever. #Revolutn",,,,,,2021-06-14 22:29:11 nzyvjw,,40,The first Tunisian Map mod in a video game.,"There is a viral gaming video in TikTok recorded in a Tunisian map in Euro Truck Simulator 2 , it's created by Oidih Kedidi (Tunisian Map Demo for Euro Truck Simulator 2) and his YouTube channel name is Project O.K it will be out full 21.06.2021 as he said in one of his videos. making such a map is a huge work so don't be hesitant to support the creator. the map is well developed, basically it's the only video game mod that it looks exactly like it's in Tunisia. ( I don't know any of them, just to support the work because many didn't notice it yet) [TikTok Video]( [The Tunisian Map Creator/Dev YouTube channel](",,,,,,2021-06-14 22:30:11 nzzcya,,1,"BERBERES IMAZIGHEN selon Bernard LUGAN, N°1",,,,,,,2021-06-14 22:53:56 o056fc,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-06-15 04:00:15 o09plk,,1,Petition,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-15 08:50:07 o09pnd,,1,"Hey, How I can I do to buy alcohol or enter bars while being underage ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-06-15 08:50:14 o09qsz,,34,Who ever has these things in his car is a disgraceful human being i wish you a very die and you are everything that’s wrong with our country ! I would love to elaborate but idk where to write a full post about it,,,,,,,2021-06-15 08:52:32 o09x24,,3,Is there any good news about cryptocurrencies in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-06-15 09:05:11 o0a7v0,,6,Gaming/Esports Recruitment related," Hey , We're an Esports team specialized in LOL wild rift , Looking for both an ADC and a JUNGLER : Rank emerald 1 and up . Have to be Tunisian.",,,,,,2021-06-15 09:26:24 o0e78l,,28,Protests over police violence spread through Tunisian capital | Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-06-15 13:20:31 o0eeka,,7,Best Bank in tunisia to make a blocked account ?,"Hello, I am going to study in france next year, In case my host do not fulfill the requirements, my friends say that i need to block an amount of 3000 euro approx, so here i ask you which bank don't take a lot of tax? What is the best bank here to make a blocked account? And thank you.",,,,,,2021-06-15 13:30:19 o0fn7n,,3,Orchids in Tunisia,"Hey all, Last year I received an orchid as a gift, I ve been taking care of it since then, watering it every week, moving it from place to place to receive enough light. But lately, it started looking not in good shape, asked r/orchids and I’ve been advised to repot it. So, I looked almost everywhere to find some orchid mix (mélange) so I can repot, unfortunately couldn’t find anything. Anyone have been through this situation before, and what did you do?",,,,,,2021-06-15 14:27:29 o0fslu,,10,Silk Sonic Intro drums and bass cover,,,,,,,2021-06-15 14:34:23 o0gpta,,1,Youtubers,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-15 15:15:15 o0h04r,,0,Your fav tunisian youtuber ⬇️,,,,,,,2021-06-15 15:27:44 o0ifjb,,5,The American Ambassador about Tunisia :,,,,,,,2021-06-15 16:31:11 o0llvy,,3,10 days of tourism in Tunisia - August 2021,"Hi everyone, I’m US born Tunisian currently living in Canada with my non-Tunisian husband and we decided to come visit Tunis this summer. We both got our two doses so it looks like we won’t need to quarantine. We have a total of 10 days in Tunisia and it will be my husbands first time. I have some extended family relatives that we’ll probably visit but we also want to visit the country on our own. Most of my family no longer lives in Tunisia and the few that does are much older than us. I haven’t been to Tunis in a while. I don’t even know what to see. We were wondering how easy it is to drive across the country. Can we rent a car at the airport? What are the must see places? Hotels? Cities? Restaurants? We’re looking for the first weeks of August right now. Thanks!",,,,,,2021-06-15 18:49:45 o0m9oc,,1,How can I do alcohol or enter bars while being underage ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-15 19:18:55 o0mqi3,,2,Do Summer Interns Get Paid At Tunisia?,"Asked the company about summer internships and they said they would love to have me working with them as a summer intern. They didn't ask for any paperwork and they didn't mention anything about money. Is it rude to ask for a ""motivational salary""?They liked me, and I don't want to give negative vibes. They are giving me experience sure, but cash for rent, etc would be nice as well.",,,,,,2021-06-15 19:40:14 o0pplv,,3,Tunisian streetwear brands or clothing brands in general,,,,,,,2021-06-15 21:59:34 o0rvxb,,2,First time in Tunisia - how do I get my money?,Leaving u.s to Tunisia and I'm not sure how I go about accessing money from my bank or credit cards. I want to use my discover card most of the time I'm in Tunisia. Is this possible and where would I go to get cash out? I would prefer to use my discover credit card as opposed to my bank card. Thanks for any info! I did a quick search on this topic and didn't find an answer.,,,,,,2021-06-15 23:52:02 o0t9pw,,41,So happy for to make support 6ounes today in USA,,,,,,,2021-06-16 01:10:46 o0zc3k,,85,Mahdia From Above / Fly in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-06-16 07:34:08 o0zyun,,7,Hey guys I want to ask my fellow Tunisians Engineers who studied in Tunisia or Europe and got to work in USA or Canada or Australia : how did you got there? I really don’t want to stay in Europe. Help me with some advices.,,,,,,,2021-06-16 08:23:15 o1352j,,2,Legality of ordering sketchy stuff from alibaba,"If a friend of mine wanted to order some potentially illegal hormonal medicine from alibaba. What would be the legal consequences of that if he were to get caught? And how likely is it for him to get caught? This medicine is apparently prescription only in tunisia. My friend is chinese but is also a Tunisian citizen. This medicine is legal over the counter in china , no prescription needed.",,,,,,2021-06-16 11:57:04 o13tf1,,13,Activists Work to Preserve Tunisia's Marine Environments,,,,,,,2021-06-16 12:34:36 o159nu,,17,When Bourguiba got tired from Tunisia's problems,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-16 13:46:35 o196e8,,0,Why do you hate France when you call yourselves Arabs?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-16 16:41:48 o1bdok,,1,1 minute of silence ✨,,,,,,,2021-06-16 18:12:25 o1boak,,44,"Culturally, do you feel like you have much in common with people from the Northern Mediterranean?","I’m from Italy (and love Tunisia), and I’ve always heard from my family and others about “Mediterranean culture”. It’s true that the environment of Northern Tunisia and Algeria is very similar to Italy, and that also means we eat the same ingredients (fish, wheat, olive oil, etc). But I was wondering how you guys felt about it. Besides France for obvious reasons, do you think you have much in common with Spanish, Italian and Greek people? What about Turks? Do you think you have more in common with Southern Italy rather than Northern Italy?",,,,,,2021-06-16 18:24:46 o1cwms,,0,أمثال محرمة منتشرة بين المسلمين,,,,,,,2021-06-16 19:16:05 o1e7bp,,5,How is the housing market in Tunsia?,"Is it expensive to your average worker? Is it super inflated like many countries? Since the economy is getting worse by the minute, how is it affecting the affordability of buying or renting. Is there anywhere i could learn more about this for personal benefit? I dont want to get fucked by landlords.",,,,,,2021-06-16 20:10:46 o1ev0t,,33,Tunisia-President Kaïs Saïed receives an honorary doctorate in Rome,,,,,,,2021-06-16 20:38:32 o1i8xo,,1,Is the jasmin flower a romantic symbol?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-16 23:07:52 o1mxu5,,1,"South of Italy and Tunisia from space, on May 13, 2021",,,,,,,2021-06-17 03:08:40 o1srbe,,0,"If you live in Dubai and wanna meet up, dm me","Want to meet people from tunisia and I live in Dubai. Comment and we will talk privately",,,,,,2021-06-17 09:05:29 o1uojn,,1,WTF ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-17 11:10:06 o1vkmh,,1,Brioche with Icecream at Sfax City Center 😍,,,,,,,2021-06-17 12:01:48 o1w5wp,,1,Phoneum : free trc-10 token,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-17 12:33:58 o1wgzf,,1,Earn free crypto with Phoneum (not a scam it's already in exchanges),[removed],,,,,,2021-06-17 12:50:08 o1wv7y,,1,My ebony is gonna make you ask for more,,,,,,,2021-06-17 13:09:56 o1xfee,,5,Anyone else having issues with the post?,"Hey guys, I'm in the US and I sent my girlfriend a package in late April and it's now mid June and it still hasn't arrived. I called USPS and asked them about it, they told me that the Tunisian government is holding packages at the Carthage airport for 30 days due to COVID?? A little before this, I shipped her something else and she received it without an issue. Is anyone else experiencing this?",,,,,,2021-06-17 13:36:22 o1xy1u,,3,Does anyone know brazilian jiujitsu training academy,I searched i only found power academy and it is soooooo expensive. So i would like ur recommendations. Preferably in CV area.,,,,,,2021-06-17 14:00:37 o1z8j8,,1,القضاء العسكري يحكم ب3 شهور حبس على هذا البوست. تصور كان يحلوا السابريديت توا يعديونا اعدام,,,,,,,2021-06-17 14:57:22 o1zakt,,1,Best gym in ghazella ariana soghra ??,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-17 14:59:58 o1zbtq,,1,Best affordable gym in Capital Tunis with a pool (real pool not bath pool like ) ??,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-17 15:01:06 o208hr,,2,Driver's license in Tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-17 15:40:54 o20oy4,,2,JOBS IN TV AND FILM IN TUNISIA,I Plan on finishing school at my local community college in the united states (majoring in Film/TV production) i wanted to ask on here so my family doesnt misinform me just so i can go live with them lol. But if i finish and get my degree and move to (marsa/sidi bou said) what do you guys think my opportunities getting a job in that field look like? good chances? my derja is decent im more proficient in english,,,,,,2021-06-17 16:01:44 o20pqd,,1,Any COVID safe bars with outdoor patios?,"I'm trying to be responsible but I also really want to go for a drink somewhere as the weather is amazing and I'm vaccinated. I'm currently staying in Tunis and looking for a bar with a patio and good covid practices (staff wearing masks, distance between tables, etc.) The only one I could find is the rooftop at Dar el Jeld. Anywhere else I'm missing in the Grand Tunis area?",,,,,,2021-06-17 16:02:41 o22iba,,0,What does the Quran really say about a Muslim woman's hijab?,,,,,,,2021-06-17 17:21:20 o22o38,,1,-Wasted- Arabized,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-17 17:28:01 o22p82,,1,"""Arabized"" Berbers",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-17 17:29:22 o22q4x,,1,"""Arabized"" Berbers",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-17 17:30:22 o22wip,,1,Tunisian campaign - 1943,,,,,,,2021-06-17 17:37:44 o29c2h,,1,"Hello fellow Arab believers from Tunisia, I have an important message to you with GREAT LOVE",[removed],,,,,,2021-06-17 22:11:12 o2afax,,1,Little did they know,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-17 23:01:53 o2b7ux,,5,Question about customs in Tunisia,"I just accepted a job with a company in Denmark and they are sending me an onboarding kit, they wanted to know what they needed to provide to make the shipment go smoothly. (I will work with them under my company and not as an individual since thats the only way.) Any idea since i'm not able to find anything on the customs website.",,,,,,2021-06-17 23:40:34 o2biz4,,0,Forex swing trading,Looking for mentors whom achieved in making a living from the Foreign exchange market.,,,,,,2021-06-17 23:56:27 o2g39j,,7,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-06-18 04:00:17 o2jm88,قهوه_كمشروع_pros_and_cons/,30,قهوه كمشروع pros and cons.,"سلام ناس لكل. أنا مالناس اللي تؤمن انو مدخول قار بجنب الشهريه يخليك تعيش شايخ و ما تخممش في نهار غدوه. و ممكن يخليك تكون اكثر تركيز باش تبدع في خدمتك و تعمل startup و مشاريع أخرا. خاتر اامدخول القار اللي يخليك تاكل و تشرب و تسكن، يعتيك الوقت والراحه النفسيه اللي هي الأساس باش تعمل الي تحب عليه. أنا نحب نعمل قهوة في تونس الكبرى لكن ماعنديش خبرا و ما نعرفش كيفاش نتصرف في projet كيما هكا . أسإلتي هي: ١. فين لازم نحل، كان فما بلايص خير من بلايص ؟ ٢. نبني وحدي ولا نشري fond de commerce ؟ ٣. قداش نجم نربح net فالشهر ؟ ٤.قداش نصرف فالشهر ؟ ٥. عندي budget ب 300k DT يكفي ولا لا ؟",,,,,,2021-06-18 07:44:06 o2lr5h,,2,Visa to France for long-term,"I work with the United States and I have a company there and another one here in Tunisia. The one in Tunisia is about 2 years old and has a great marge of profit. I want to apply to a visa in France to get Paypal and more financial freedom than the non-existent one here. The States isn't an option because I don't like it as a country to settle in. If it were up to me, I would go to Switzerland or England, but alas my family wouldn't allow it. My father and brother live in France, but I don't think that makes much of a difference. I'm thinking of applying to a Visa as a businessperson who's thinking about opening another branch of his company overseas. Do any of you have an advice about how to go about this before I contact France's embassy? Any info is much appreciated!",,,,,,2021-06-18 10:13:50 o2lz9f,,1,رغم الوضع العام و الضغط الا انو Goblet رجعلي الطاقة الاجابية 3>,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-18 10:29:19 o2npdc,,1,😳😳😳,,,,,,,2021-06-18 12:14:15 o2nqfo,,1,😳😳😳,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-18 12:16:02 o2nrxc,,1,😳😳😳,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-18 12:18:25 o2o7pp,,1,Poorly edited tunisian gigachad,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-18 12:42:01 o2oaga,,1,😳😳😳,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-18 12:46:20 o2owaf,,0,Phoneum : free mobile mining crypto app,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-18 13:17:55 o2pc32,,1,Poorly edited tunisian gigachad,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-18 13:40:15 o2pg9d,,1,Scaming the bri'ish 🤢🤮🤮 since 1943 💪😎🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-06-18 13:45:51 o2plop,,1,Scaming the bri'ish 🤢🤮🤮 since 1943 💪😎🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-06-18 13:53:08 o2qy2d,,1,Tunisia : Nabil Karoui has been released.,"&#x200B; Tunisia’s Court ordered opposition leader Nabil Karoui’s release on Tuesday, six months after his imprisonment on charges of financial corruption and tax cheating. Karoui has been on a hunger strike since June 5 in protest of his lengthy detention. [](",,,,,,2021-06-18 14:54:45 o2vy6d,,7,?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-18 17:52:33 o2x0k7,,1,"Locally produced LoFi hip-hop, would appreciate the support",,,,,,,2021-06-18 18:38:28 o2xbga,,1,😳😳😳,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-18 18:51:22 o2xxqh,,12,Looking for a job,Im 18 looking for a job any ideas,,,,,,2021-06-18 19:17:46 o30gng,,4,polymer clay in tunisia ?,hey guy do know where i can get polymer clay ?,,,,,,2021-06-18 21:16:09 o32jnu,,0,"Where can i find steroids in Tunisia, i looked everywhere in social media, google, facebook groups and can't find shit",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-18 22:59:56 o32l1w,,1,Scaming the bri'ish 🤢🤮🤮 since 1943 💪😎🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-06-18 23:01:38 o3545c,,13,Cryptocurrency in Tunisia,"Guys are there any tricks to invest in cryptocurrencies in Tunisia? (Sorry if the matter was already discussed)",,,,,,2021-06-19 01:24:06 o394bm,,1,American here. I will be visiting in about a month and am looking forward to buying more of these delicious things,,,,,,,2021-06-19 05:34:53 o3byd2,,1,Oldest known flag of Tunisia (1574),[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-19 09:11:12 o3ebps,,1,"La question au francophones arabes: Je travaille sur la diplôme sur l'utilisation du français aux pays du Maghreb. Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me partager des mots ""français"" dont vous outilisez dans le pays maternelle et qui ne sont pas parlé en France.",,,,,,,2021-06-19 11:53:16 o3edhn,,3,Anyone in sousse looking for a job with a good salary,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-19 11:55:59 o3eptc,,8,Help in regards of laws/benefit,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-19 12:14:57 o3iy64,,2,"My old and new passport are stapled together. I want to un-staple them, is there any legal problems ?","It's a tunisian passport. I think I can remove the staple with minimum damage. A local police officer told me I can't do that but I have no need for the old passport. My concern is when I apply later for visa or in the airport with boarder control police, this rediculous looking stapled passport may raise some eyebrows.",,,,,,2021-06-19 15:47:00 o3k2ip,,39,Why dose no one wear a mask,Why do people not wear masks in tunisia,,,,,,2021-06-19 16:38:16 o3kb84,és_libraries_with_air_conditioning_in_tunis/,1,Cafés & libraries with air conditioning in tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-19 16:49:32 o3l2ut,,1,It's about to go down...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-19 17:24:22 o3l4fu,,1,Coat of arms redesign,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-19 17:26:26 o3lmo3,és_libraries_in_tunis_with_air_conditioning/,1,cafés & libraries in Tunis with air conditioning ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-19 17:47:56 o3o4cw,,3,Airsoft in Tunisia,"Hello guys, I’ve been wanting to do some airsoft a lot recently, but a lot of people told me it’s actually illegal in Tunisia ? If it isn’t is there some store that sells some airsoft guns?",,,,,,2021-06-19 19:39:58 o3qbd4,,1,Map of North Africa and West Asia according to the 2021 World Press Freedom Index,,,,,,,2021-06-19 21:29:37 o3rmuk,,1,Can i find a good girlfriend.. it's been a long time haha,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-19 22:39:40 o3ru06,,1,be like الادارة التونسية,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-19 22:50:27 o3x43b,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-06-20 04:00:18 o406nq,,1,Accurate,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-20 07:38:16 o429o6,,14,Computer training schools and Software engineering,What do u guys think about the computer training school in Tunisia (RBK)? is it worth the money? Any advice would help-thank you! .(sorry if this topic was discussed already),,,,,,2021-06-20 09:58:24 o42xhg,,1,is fetlife worth it in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-20 10:40:36 o43yte,,1,Slata mechweya number 1,,,,,,,2021-06-20 11:51:37 o4420j,,6,skate shops,i noticed that some people here asked about skate shops in TN so i thought i'd give an update there's a skate shop called JOK skate shop i think it's online for now but they're opening a store soon and if u want my advice if u'r limited by a budget get boards from dechathlon they're not as bad as people say they are,,,,,,2021-06-20 11:56:28 o46i7l,,1,is fetlife worth it in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-20 14:10:12 o46u3q,,1,Slata Mechouia Ranked #1 in Top 10 Salads in the World,,,,,,,2021-06-20 14:25:24 o47t2d,,1,is fetlife worth it in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-20 15:13:15 o48sjk,,1,Nude Groupchat 💘💚💖,,,,,,,2021-06-20 16:01:53 o49q2u,,1,teaching quality between Tunisia and other countries universities,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-20 16:46:53 o4b0ir,,1,"Ons Jabeur becomes first Arab woman to win a WTA singles title defeating Daria Kasatkina 7-5, 6-4 at Birmingham Classic (images from presentation ceremony)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-20 17:49:13 o4bw1a,,1,kelibia today...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-20 18:32:16 o4cice,,3,trusted sellers that offer Steam money/ Riot points?,,,,,,,2021-06-20 19:02:14 o4cr52,,1,"Some good news for a change, our national champion won her first WTA.",,,,,,,2021-06-20 19:13:52 o4d00s,,5,How bad is the situation for the LGBTQ+ community in Tunisia overall ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-20 19:25:40 o4djnj,,5,"Why do female get a better chance to be employed in Tunisia overall ? People are afraid of ""toxic masculinity"" or smth ?",,,,,,,2021-06-20 19:52:16 o4e235,,8,Looking for a Job,"I'm 19, live in Mahdia, any ideas about places hiring young people?",,,,,,2021-06-20 20:16:41 o4e2u2,,2,Where to Study methology in Tunisia?,"what are the best ways to study mythology in Tunisia? & is there other options beside graduate schools?",,,,,,2021-06-20 20:17:39 o4e4ez,,2,Does anyone have experience with Tunisair prime tickets?,"I have enough miles to buy my full ticket with them. I made my reservation but can’t pay online the website is broken. I went to agency and the lady says she doesn’t know how to make a transaction with miles, she has to get in touch with people in Tunisia and get back to me (it’s been 2 weeks). Anyone has any experience or tips on how to do such a transaction? I wanna spend my miles and never fly them again.",,,,,,2021-06-20 20:19:47 o4fl1y,,3,Small apartment for rent in sfax,"Hello, I am looking for a small apartment for rent in sfax near the hospital for the next 6 months Thank you 😊",,,,,,2021-06-20 21:30:23 o4frei,,1,difference between Tunisian and other countries universities,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-20 21:39:04 o4g5bk,,2,clubhouse,I've got 2 invites if anyone needs it,,,,,,2021-06-20 21:59:03 o4ge6f,,13,"How is it that 12 million Tunisian want to leave the country because they see no future in it and at the same time they vote for people who kill this country's Future ? Is it some kind of ""Schadenfreude""","Why tell me why ? Why instead of fucking this country up we work all together to make it better for ourselves and for our children ? Does religion has a part to paly in the fucking up or is it just people ?",,,,,,2021-06-20 22:11:21 o4ioh4,,3,What are the best ways to earn money as a teenager in tunisia,,,,,,,2021-06-21 00:15:35 o4lvqm,,3,Can someone tell me what does Swinging right hand to left mean? I saw it in political protest ? Is it some kind of protest sign ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-21 03:20:39 o4mqte,,9,"What are the main challenges that face's Tunisia today, and the future and how to solve it?","After more than a decade of Tunisia becoming a democracy, what are the main challenges of Tunisia or may Tunisia face in the future and how to resolve them? (Ig: politically, diplomatically, economically, culturally, socially, educationally, environmentally, health, infrastructure, housing, media, and any really anything you feel it's a problem) Also, what is the main threat or main threats facing Tunisia today or in the future in your opinion?",,,,,,2021-06-21 04:11:28 o4psn4,,26,Why democracy doesn't work : political science 101,"What makes the Western European countries so rich and successful ? It's not their democratic system. It's their undemocratic features. Their autocratic heritage. UK has a state-controlled religion. French television used to be monitored by an extremely coercive insitution (CSA). Charles de Gaulle famously said that the 5th republic was ""a republican monarchy"". Germany was the very first modern welfare state and had an outstandingly effective bureaucracy...under the authority of dukes and Kaisers. ""Constitutional Liberalism"", a set of institutions protecting liberal principles of freedom of speech, property rights and the sanctity of the individual, is the real source of European prosperity. Three ingredients are needed : the rule of law to which even the monarch must abide, power separation (it was done thousands of years ago, when the Church claimed it's independance from monarch's authority), and individual sacred rights (born in England with the Magna Carta, then the Bill of Rights). Democracy without these three elements is doomed to degenerate into anarchy or tyranny. Socrates was put to death democratically following a popular vote. The islamo-fascist regime of the Ayathollahs was brought to power via democracy... Vienna, in the 1880's. Lueger, a virulent antisemite, founder of the ""Christian-socialist"" party, who compared Jews to locusts that had to be ground as fertilizer, was elected as the new Mayor. Vienna was one of the most liberal city of the West, with many famous artists and intellectuals brimming in Coffee shops. When Lueger was appointed, the Emperor Franz Joseph, a convinced liberal, was like ""oh Hell, no !"" and impeached him. Later in 1933, Lueger's biggest fanboy became the new Chancellor of Germany via democratic vote. Why would people elect such dangerous lunatics ? Because, contrary to anarchist ideals (looking at you, Nourjen), most people in backward societies fail to see the bigger picture. When your people have a fatalistic mindset, dangerous prejudices against women, minorities, their neighbors, or strange deference for the lords, tax collectors, religious figures and toxic beliefs maintaining them into bondage, you CANNOT ENTRUST THEM A VOTING RIGHT. If you worked with *Fellahins* in rural Tunisia, you know how much of a pain it is to convince them to use more productive and sustainable agricultural practices. Now, you're gonna say : who the hell are you to judge what is good for people, you fascist pig ? Let them make their own choices ! I say no. 90% of Egyptian women got their clitoris cut off. 90% ! And the government is not endorsing this, the PEOPLE are ! Do you think the majority of Egyptians would vote against female genital mutilation ? Mothers are the main reinforcer of this barbaric practice ! If Code du Statut Personnel had not been forced down the throat of Tunisians 70 years ago, their culture would be completely different today. **Democracy is not the way to progress. Progress is the way to democracy. And so far, in Europe, Taiwan, China, Singapore, South-Korea, liberal autocracy is/was the way to progress. (China is ""semi-liberal"", but that's another story).** &#x200B; &#x200B; Now, Tunisia have arguably been ruled by ""liberal autocrats"" since it's independance, so it seems this model can also be subject to failure. That's because the central government FAILED to liberalize the hearts and minds of ALL Tunisians and became the cesspool of a corrupt mob who forgot about the Bourguibian dream. Taiwan also hit a brick wall when the liberal autocratic Kuomintang ruled it for such a long time. Industry was failing, corruption was rising. But the population became liberal and educated under its regime. They formed protests and managed to put fresh blood at the head of the state that renewed the liberal objectives of an open society. This would have not been possible with an uneducated Taiwanese populace before Chang Kai Chek's dictatorship. Kuomintang liberalized the country by force, stagnated, lost its legitimacy then got replaced by a democratic regime, with institutions inherited from the autocratic experience. The ""liberal"" regime of Tunisia of Bourguiba then Ben Ali, was not strong and autocratic enough. It was too weak in the countryside, and failed to completely reform its agriculture to make it really competitive. Archaïc social structures are still there. Only 10% of the GDP make up for the state budget. Without free money from the IMF, UN programme, China, the US and Europe, we would all be starving to death right now. Why some liberal autocracies fail, while others succeeds ? Well it turns out that war, heavy industrialisation and an agressive open-market policy can mobilize legions to leave their ""comfort zone"" and force people through the agonizing process of social change. Progress IS traumatizing, it's not a comfortable ride at all. The horrible stress that forced Europeans to innovate themselves to death are NOT present in other parts of the world anymore (World Wars, Imperialism, industrial revolution that created the first malleable ""Masses"", and so on.) Some argue that Communist regimes could artificially induce this kind of ""stress"" on their population, as in Tanzania and Indonesia for instance. But liberal principles were still essential in the long term. We have an excellent intelligentsia, brilliant engineers and researchers. We have a talented Diaspora, building succesful businesses all around the world. The only obstacle to progress is the bureaucracy. It's the law. It's the corrupted groups of interests who do anything in their power to impeach new-comers from building more efficient companies and institutions. And in this case, unfortunately, it seems a provisory autocratic system is the only way to destroy these failed organizations, to anhihilate limiting beliefs and fatalistic mindsets plaguing the hearts and minds of so many Tunisians. To consolidate a true Nation-State, a strong national identity, and a powerful deference to progress and the betterment of the future generations. &#x200B; It turns out the Army is very liberal. Because Tunisia is/used to be a police-state, not a military one. It escaped state control and remained true to its liberal ideals, since Ali Pacha and the Bardo military school. Way way before Bourguiba, Tunisian elites already had liberal principles in their veins ! I know many people who served there. It's a very feminist and progressive institution. They hate the guts of Islamists and corrupted bureaucrats. Some high graders I know are even waiting for an excuse to seize power and imprison all the ""traitors"" who are working to keep the status quo running. They have lists of people in UGTT, UTICA, STEG-SONEDE, political party and many other institutions they KNOW are responsible for the current economic stagnation. But they keep it down, for now... &#x200B; What will happen next ? Who will kick the bee-hive and create real change ? History will tell.",,,,,,2021-06-21 07:37:34 o4sbf1,,7,Tunisian DNA ancestry,"If our DNA looks like this : north african 88% Western Europe. 5% Arabia. 4% Western and central Africa. 2% Why tunisians claim they are arabs and brag about it instead of their real origin ? why are we called arabs ? Do you feel close to arabs in the gulf peninsula ? Should we restore our real identity ? [tunisian DNA ancestry](",,,,,,2021-06-21 10:43:58 o4tigu,,1,Recommendations,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-21 12:03:18 o4tjbk,,3,Any cultural events going on the next weeks? Concerts? Festivals?,,,,,,,2021-06-21 12:04:43 o4u8d4,,138,Today I Fu**** Up,"Well, it finally happened. Today I was waiting for a taxi under the scorching heat. There was a girl waiting on the other side so we were both kinda competing. Two guys driving a car pass by the girl and start catcalling her because ""soret'ha 3iryena"" (her belly is showing) Immediately karma hits and they run into an old man riding a bike who was carrying all kinda' shit (old bread, water bottles, ect....) Chaos ensues. They start arguing with eachother until the driver moves a bit further to park the car (this I did not know at the time, keep it in mind) I come in to help the old man and this dude hits me with: "" rit min jorit'ha il 9a7ba shnowa li sar "" (you see what happened because of this bitch) Somehow, in typical Tunisian fashion, they found a way to blame the girl even though they're the ones who fucked up To which I replied: "" lé ya rajil ma ta3milsh haka 3ada "" (come on' man, don't be like that) Keep in mind, at this point I was still calm and I was trying to deescalate the situation. So I tried to put all the stuff back on his bike but I couldn't. ""thankfully"" a big ass dude came by to help me, I could only see his leg but I thanked him and said: "" rit hal mabna' shnowa sar min jorithom"" (**see what happened because of these fucks**) ^(Note: Miboun means gay/faggot (thank you Consistent-Energy-91@)), ^(but we use it in Tunisia to mean all kinds of shit depending on the situation.) He replied: "" ma3neha ena miboun? "" (**so I am the fucker?**) (he took it literally) Fuck. ""ey inti miboun"" (yea you are) So this big ass dude towered over me and I was talking shit like nobody's business. I am not a feminist, but I see this behavior in my family and with my friends all the time and I shut it down at every opportunity so I wasn't gonna shut my stupid mouth today. Next thing you know, this dude says: ""wallahi ma nadhrbik ya ta7an, wallah ma nadhrbik"" (**I swear Imma' kick yo ass bitch, I'ma kick yo ass**) I kept running my stupid mouth, but thankfully a pizza guy and 3 more guys came out of the restaurant and saved my little bitch ass by separating the two of us. I thought it was over. It wasn't. I see a big ass fat fuck coming behind me who turned out to be the passenger. This dude was somehow even bigger and he had a mean tan on him. ""shimda5lek, t7ib nadhrbek?!"" (**it's none of your business, you want me to beat you up?)** I threatened that I was gonna call the cops on him (it would never work, but I had to try) Here comes the pizza guy again to save the day and separate the two us once more. So I go back to my spot to find the taxi. The girl is gone. I look across the street to see if the 2nd big ass dude is still there. He's still there. I stare at him. He stares at me. This goes on for what felt like an eternity. He knows I am challenging him. I am challenging him because I am a dumb stupid fuck. He comes my way. Fuck. I quickly memorize the car plates. He yells ""bech nadhrbik, wallahi ma nadhrbik"" **(I am gonna hit you, I swear I am gonna beat you)** I yell: ""Ya ta7aaaaaan"" (**untranslatable**) I then yell the license plate as loud as I could. Everybody hears it. He backs off and goes back to the car. Anyways, some more bullshit happen. Moral of the story is: **Praise the pizza guy**",,,,,,2021-06-21 12:42:58 o4w5r4,,1,CrowZ live at Show Me Festival (morneg),,,,,,,2021-06-21 14:19:02 o4x4g9,,0,I want to paint your walls," Sorry if this isn't allowed but this is an add. My friend has to return to France to continue studying. We have 3 months to get cash. Thank you for visiting our page.",,,,,,2021-06-21 15:02:39 o4xo2u,,0,Thoughts?,,,,,,,2021-06-21 15:25:55 o4zl47,és_with_air_conditioning_in_tunis/,8,Libraries/Cafés with air conditioning in Tunis?,"Preferably places I can go alone & reachable by public transport or close to the train station. ^(rou7i tal3et m s5ana)",,,,,,2021-06-21 16:48:32 o4zt1z,,10,What kind of activities you can do alone in Tunisia in week ends,,,,,,,2021-06-21 16:58:24 o515bz,,1,"So, I tried and failed, some thoughts",[removed],,,,,,2021-06-21 17:56:05 o52ajd,,1,can someone explain to me what Nahdha stands for or why people here hate them,well google doesn't give me clear answers so I'll resort to this. basically what does the Nahdha party do and why do i see so many people hating on them here,,,,,,2021-06-21 18:45:31 o53zp6,,5,Tunisian nightlife?,"I'm two days away from finishing my bachelor exams but I can't help but think about what I'm gonna do this summer. Having just turned 18 last summer, I haven't had a chance going to a bar, experiencing the Tunisian nightlife. So I'm hopeful that you fellow reddiors might suggest the best clubs/bars for going out with friends or meeting women. PS: Since I live in the capital, suggestions around the area would be much more appreciated (I would consider Hammamet to be the farthest I can go) Thanks!",,,,,,2021-06-21 19:59:25 o55nzd,,2,Banks in Tunisia,"I work as a freelancer. What is the best banks in Tunisia for receiving money from outside the country?",,,,,,2021-06-21 21:10:46 o55w33,,16,Who wants to hangout?,"I'm bored alone and i have literally no one to hangout with ( yes I'm that lonely), i know it sounds pathetic for some reason but i have other place to ask, who wants to hangout in sousse? ( spending the day at the mall, going to clubs / beaches....) I'm a 20 y.o college student ( i study in isitcom if that's important to some of you)",,,,,,2021-06-21 21:20:55 o5885e,,1,A friend of mine has started a new business of hers with her cousin I'm just trying to help... To any of you who's interested either in women's cloths or cloths in general head down to the fb page below and I hope you show your support by liking her page.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-21 23:09:56 o58ia1,,2,A friend of mine has started a new business of hers with her cousin I'm just trying to help... To any of you who's interested either in women's cloths or cloths in general head down to the fb page below and I hope you show your support by liking her page.,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-21 23:23:41 o58zk2,,1,How long are we going to keep silent about the cost of living?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-21 23:47:32 o59f9k,,1,Where can I stream the man who sold his skin (for free) ? :)),[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-22 00:09:05 o5a5lq,,4,"Who & What are the obstacles to commercially importing/exporting goods, creating a business, creating a prototype, manufacturing a product or offering services in Tunisia ?","Aren't these the main things we can personally do to improve our economy ? To create/offer high quality products & services locally & export them internationally to bring in foreign currency, hire more local workers, pay them a higher wage, pay them to learn more science, engineering, technology & other relevant skills so we can be more productive ? So what is broken in the process ? Does it need to be more online & faster ? Are there corrupt people impeding the process ? أين الخلل ؟ What can we do to root out the problems ? Post their names ? Report them ? File lawsuits ? Join the police & go arrest them ourselves ? Use our own money & skills to fix it ? Design better online systems to make these business processes faster & offer them to the Govt ? Design Corruption/problem tracking software ? Will the Govt be on our side ? 1 ) Commercially importing / exporting Customs takes too long ? Too high or no standardized online simple system ? Asking bribes ? 2 ) Creating a business Takes too long ? Not easy ? Not online & simple ? Need a Lawyer ? 3 ) Creating a prototype/ Manufacturing a product ? Not easy to get electronic or molding parts, no PCB/CAD/CAM/CNC\* manufacturing sector ? \*Printed Circuit Board, Computer Assisted Design, Computer Assisted Manufacturing, Computerized Numerical Control We are the economy & anyone due to negligence, incompetence or evil intentions who impedes our economic progress, must be legally stopped if we want to improve & get out this situation.",,,,,,2021-06-22 00:46:56 o5dhor,,1,Jardin de l'Institut français de Tunis,,,,,,,2021-06-22 03:42:55 o5dsxi,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-06-22 04:00:15 o5f851,,1,Fuck playstation vs xbox this is the true war,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-22 05:21:58 o5ff6m,,1,.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-22 05:33:47 o5g4il,,1,Fuck playstation vs xbox this is thr true war,,,,,,,2021-06-22 06:18:12 o5i2tj,,3,Just a question for people in sousse,Does anybody know whether or not the public library in beb b7ar is working,,,,,,2021-06-22 08:25:14 o5ilpv,,8,Where are the Tunisian artists and programmers around Gamedev?,"I just wanted to create a thread to identify Tunisian people who gravitate around game development. Whatever the skills and level. So if you are an artists, a musician, composer, game designer, programmer... come to this thread and let us know about it. Of course you can put a link for your portfolio if that’s ok for you. You can Tell us: - where you live (city) - what you do (student/job) - your major skills - your minor skills - your overall level beginner/intermediary /pro - your favorite games - your ideal job or how you see the future",,,,,,2021-06-22 09:02:24 o5jb4s,,11,Article about cybersecurity,"Hello, I’m preparing an article about cybersecurity and I want to talk about the biggest cyberattacks in Tunisia. Who did them, who was attacked, which type of attack was it, were there personal data leaked or a ransom. I only found the Biat cyberattack in February 2021, without an answer to my questions. Three big cyberattacks would be enough to do an article about them. There is also a paradox because some governmental and official websites are very old, so very weak. And there are also people who still work with fax. Tunisia isn’t updated at all in cyber security.",,,,,,2021-06-22 09:54:16 o5jgsa,,2,Where can i buy retinol or tretinoin products pls ?,,,,,,,2021-06-22 10:04:10 o5kg32,,126,Thunderstorm time lapse [Nabeul],,,,,,,2021-06-22 11:04:16 o5ll7p,,8,Is Tunisia interesting and safe for an Australian tourist?,"I mean after covid settles down obviously. My father was a pied noir and i would like to visit his homeland, especially for the food ( i love meloukia and merguez etc :)",,,,,,2021-06-22 12:07:59 o5lpsz,,1,First steps in korea ~نصائح أول خطوة في كوريا مع رحاب Tunisian in Korea,,,,,,,2021-06-22 12:14:58 o5oxb8,,5,Nabeul's beaches,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-22 14:51:14 o5q1n1,,1,oversexed love-making love erotomania luscious torrid,,,,,,,2021-06-22 15:40:40 o5r598,,1,برنامج العفط الرياضي - الترجي و الأهلي Cartoon Edition,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-22 16:29:42 o5r82k,,1,From Gafsa with love 😘,,,,,,,2021-06-22 16:33:11 o5sr7i,,1,IN TUNIS 08/18-09/07,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-22 17:42:48 o5sxij,,3,Is there anyone selling tesla in tunisia,Just asking,,,,,,2021-06-22 17:50:52 o5u92q,,1,Business or Law,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-22 18:49:35 o5w3pv,,3,Places to hang out in Tunis ?,"Are there any places to hang out in Tunis for exept the classics like marsa, Lac and Sidi Bou Said. As a teen, me and my friends find it very hard to find interesting plaves to hang out in. We've been to marsa, Lac, Sidi Bou said and the beach a million times already and we are starting to get seriously bored of this places those places. My foreign friends here in Tunisia often vent about how life in Tunis is boring and that there is nearly nothing to do. And I'm sadly startig to agree with them. So to all my fellow tunisians, please prove me wrong and recommend some cool places where one can hang out with a group of friends. Hoping that this will be as useful for everyone of us.",,,,,,2021-06-22 20:11:16 o5wlr1,,3,Tunisia - Little Dark Age,"A video I made a while ago. Your thoughts? God protect our beloved Tunisia.",,,,,,2021-06-22 20:34:01 o5y6d4,,1,الترجي و الأهلي Cartoon Edition,,,,,,,2021-06-22 21:47:36 o5ymvv,,1,TSHAK - Bahdha Hbibti (feat. Radhi Chawaly),,,,,,,2021-06-22 22:09:28 o5zf0g,,7,What jobs one can do while studying?,"For starters, it's summer and I can just learn at my own pace but when bac year arrives, what sort of jobs one can find? P.S: if it's in programming stuff, sign tf up. I wanna learn new things outside school.",,,,,,2021-06-22 22:48:37 o60hpq,,6,Selem omry 18,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-22 23:44:10 o63lon,,1,"Michael Jackson in Tunisia, 1996 🥺",,,,,,,2021-06-23 02:30:04 o653kw,,2,Where to stay in Tunis -- Gammarth vs. La Marsa vs. Sidi Bou Said,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-23 04:02:13 o659xz,,33,Anybody wanna hang out?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-23 04:13:22 o66i9l,,3,Hello,"Greetings, I hope all of you have a good day, I was wondering how much does a 2 Gb DDR3 ram stick costs?",,,,,,2021-06-23 05:38:05 o6ccus,,8,Does anyone knows where to learn chess in Tunis behind the basics chess tactics ??,,,,,,,2021-06-23 13:01:34 o6cdmx,,1,Does anyone knows where can someone learn basketball for adults in Tunis (Asking for a friend) ??,,,,,,,2021-06-23 13:02:53 o6d6vp,,1,ناصر الواحدي | ( ياحبيبي ),,,,,,,2021-06-23 13:49:24 o6g8f3,,1,New cool friends ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-23 16:23:14 o6ghe7,,3,Any fun activities to do in tunis during summer for a 23 yo who's interested in art/culture?,,,,,,,2021-06-23 16:35:39 o6i0qj,,63,Ghannouchi is the new Rajinikanth,,,,,,,2021-06-23 17:46:30 o6idbj,,1,US Navy: let's exercice Tunisia: no USN: why? Tunisia: Israel.. Thoughts? Should we participate? If not why are we even a NATO partner? Aren't we isolating ourselves?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-23 18:03:07 o6ihjn,,1,US Navy: let's exercise. Tunisia: no. USN: why? Tunisia: Israel.. Thoughts? Should we participate? If not why are we even a NATO partner? Aren't we isolating ourselves?,,,,,,,2021-06-23 18:08:43 o6jnc4,,16,Despite everything i love my country,,,,,,,2021-06-23 19:08:36 o6oliv,,5,You live in ariana and need a steam code for a game ?,"i got 14€ to spare on my skrill account and I need money irl, steam doesnt accept Skrill but g2a does for exemple , if you need a game thats less that 14€ on g2a I can get it for you and you'll pay me irl :)",,,,,,2021-06-23 23:24:28 o6sjxc,,1,DAT (depot a terme) and BDC (bon de caisse),[removed],,,,,,2021-06-24 03:24:10 o6sn22,,1,dat (depot a terme) and bdc (bon de caisse),[removed],,,,,,2021-06-24 03:29:51 o6x3ol,,26,Life is lame,"So let's summarize this year The worst breakup ever The worst final exam ever The worst family atmosphere ever The worst chronic Masturbation ever The worst suicidal indoctrination ever The worst online experience through ever The worst severe bipolarity phases ever The worst sexual fantasies in search of Body Validation ever The worst self-esteem level of all times. The worst narcisstic parents maniac episodes ever The worst shaming from my family ever in my most important day (The Final high-school national exam) The worst hygienic state ever. The dumbest and numbest situations I have ever been. Total decline of cognitive capacity Mental Frog The worst sexual instability ever The list goes on and on, I am still too numb to talk about it My Nparents stalk me, and search my stuff regularly and check my phone messages and my seldom jokes with friends at the age of 19 Nparents have always told me since my young age to never say ""friends"" but say ""colleagues"" instead Nparents had a quote :""humans are from the evil"" (literally translated البشر من الشر) Idk what to say, I swear I am so numb, I can't even make full sentences.",,,,,,2021-06-24 09:01:57 o6xfhf,,16,"Dudes, what is the best gift you received from a gal?","Desperate for inspiration here, what is a gift you received from a female partner/bestfriend and that you liked a lot? What would make for a good gift for you?",,,,,,2021-06-24 09:28:58 o6y60r,,1,What should i do to get a job abroad real quick?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-24 10:27:47 o6ygqd,,1,Wikipedia article on 26-26,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-24 10:51:17 o6yvpz,,8,Getting in Touch with Tunisians Filmmakers or Tunisians Working on Film Productions,Is there other ways to recruiting people intresting in making films other than agencies in Tunisia? is there any sites like Mandy? or other practical ways?,,,,,,2021-06-24 11:21:52 o6yyha,,5,Is there any Padel tournament I can join?,"I'm looking to take part in a Padel tournament for the sake of the challenge, is there any one you know you can recommend ? Or is there ppl here that plays Padel so we can organize our own tournament",,,,,,2021-06-24 11:27:07 o6z29e,é_where_we_can_play/,1,"Do you know a place or café where we can play music with friends and chill (not on stage, just for fun) around marsa carthage ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-06-24 11:34:25 o70u3k,,30,Where can I learn Sign language in Tunisia???,,,,,,,2021-06-24 13:26:05 o719oa,,1,Delisting of SUN token from BetFury,,,,,,,2021-06-24 13:50:06 o71dsb,,11,Does game developing have a future in Tunisia,I'm passionate about game developing and I would like to make bigger games.,,,,,,2021-06-24 13:56:16 o74375,,1,Pc Gamer Tunisie | MEGA PC | GAMING RED Water Cooling SETUP | MegaPc.Tn,,,,,,,2021-06-24 16:12:12 o74o7l,,1,Help Clean Up Tunis (and get paid to do it!),[removed],,,,,,2021-06-24 16:40:35 o74zlf,,8,What's your best university recommandation for an average student in Sousse (or anywhere nearby)?,"I completed my final exams (bac) and honestly I'm not so satisfied. I have no idea about university life and what universities I should go to. I have checked some videos on the internet on orientation advice and I can't make a clear choice. I keep worrying about my grade, that it won't be high enough to be accepted in high-quality universities. I'm scared that I will be forced to study something I don't like, that I will suffer from unemployment after I finish. I studied mathematics (bac maths), I'd say my average would be around ~14 (~140ish score). If you have any suggestion of what would be my best option here please let me know, it means a lot. Thank you.",,,,,,2021-06-24 16:56:09 o79vod,,3,Help,IPEIT anyone ?,,,,,,2021-06-24 20:58:54 o7aviy,,1,The UK has placed Tunisia and other countries into its red list starting from Wednesday 30 June,,,,,,,2021-06-24 22:52:58 o7b5fh,,1,absolutely,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-24 23:06:18 o7bam3,,1,hmmmmmmm,,,,,,,2021-06-24 23:13:31 o7c3ru,,1,How to approach girls?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-24 23:57:29 o7cp6d,,13,"A manhole and men. I think it’s in some Eastern European city by the look of it and it could very well be in Tunisia. So, see, we are not alone in this.",,,,,,,2021-06-25 00:31:57 o7fy0w,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-06-25 04:00:13 o7jhr9,,16,Travelling to Tunisia,"Hi all, i hope you keeping well and safe. I booked my flight to tunisia finally after 2 years I will see my grandma. I am fully Vaccinated and wanted to know what’s the process in Tunisia ? Do i need to get pcr test done before flying there ? And is there any other restrictions ?",,,,,,2021-06-25 08:24:35 o7kjuv,,3,Flag proposal for Gafsa,,,,,,,2021-06-25 09:52:09 o7ln7y,,1,Where can I find this ring in tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-06-25 11:16:56 o7lx0i,,1,Dar Hi Life in Nefta: Tunisia's most unique boutique hotel by Matali Crasset,,,,,,,2021-06-25 11:35:35 o7lzjf,,0,Tunisian nudes,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-25 11:40:27 o7myrh,,1,This mf is really being serious hhhhhh,,,,,,,2021-06-25 12:44:28 o7mzlv,,1,1 upvote= 1 slap,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-25 12:45:50 o7n35p,,14,How to win a Tunisian girl's heart?,"Hello to r/Tunisia I am a 19M from an Asian Country. I met this one Tunisian Girl on Instagram, she initially DMed me out of nowhere on Instagram. Since I am from a different time zone, we do not really have a live conversation, I get her replies when I am sleeping (almost midnight here, and when it's like an evening in Tunisia). She is really nice, she is really kind, supportive and she is really caring too. She is probably giving her high school exams currently to join undergraduate I guess. Now coming to the point, I feel there is some cultural as well as the religious difference between me and her. I just wanted to know what are Tunisian girls like in general. My question is what is the dating culture like in Tunisia? What do Tunisian girls like the most? How to make her feel special and win her heart? I do not know even if she uses this subreddit or not. If she sees this post, she will surely know who I am, and I guess, things will either go worse or best from here.",,,,,,2021-06-25 12:51:56 o7p5mi,,1,When A gamer maried 😂💕,,,,,,,2021-06-25 14:46:42 o7q42n,,1,How to leave this country?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-25 15:35:59 o7sp9q,,41,Telecom Internet is so bad,Wtf I'm suffering because of it,,,,,,2021-06-25 17:46:19 o7sw3f,,1,Fuck playstation vs xbox this is the real war,,,,,,,2021-06-25 17:56:12 o7tfdf,,1,Looking for a English Exachabge Partne4,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-25 18:23:30 o7uanv,,1,Demon slayer english version,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-25 19:08:38 o7y1q5,,4,Financial Opportunity in the stock Market,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-25 22:24:13 o7y7vy,,1,The site of paid watching ads,,,,,,,2021-06-25 22:33:44 o82mrk,,1,Diesel or Gasoline Tiller,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-06-26 03:11:30 o86uln,عرس_الذيب/,11,عرس الذيب,"That's what we say when the sun's out and it's raining at the same time, anyone know the origins of the proverb ?",,,,,,2021-06-26 08:30:18 o86vxe,,1,Gotta be grateful!,,,,,,,2021-06-26 08:33:14 o87brz,,1,Least based Ra2iss Hkouma fi tounes,,,,,,,2021-06-26 09:10:21 o87gy0,,1,Laughed way too hard at this,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-26 09:22:19 o89amb,,0,Why I left Islam - pedophilia and Child marriage,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-26 11:48:52 o89vv1,,26,Post 7 November Tunisia...,"10 years ago, our nation did a revolution against a dictatorial system, and unlike a lot of countries we manage to get back in track quickly.. but living in this society and frenquently using public transportation, I've noticed a lot of loud monologues, mostly made by older folks, cursing the revolution, disrespecting victims of police brutality and of course praising Ben Ali saying ""when you're dealing with arabs, you have to use violence"".. and over these 10 years these people became more and more vocal about their opinions, even after the death of Ben Ali, they still worship him and hope somehow he cames back... I mean I believe in freedom of speech so they can say whatever, but I'm just curious, what's causing that! Stockholm Syndrome? did we get so used to a one abuser that we can't accept living without him! I mean, the economy was a little bit better, but since then the entire world went through changes.",,,,,,2021-06-26 12:30:14 o8d51i,,2,Beard or no beard passport and ID,I have a long beard but it's stylish (I hope) would be ok ?,,,,,,2021-06-26 15:38:43 o8dghb,,1,me and my siblings,,,,,,,2021-06-26 15:55:54 o8gf4l,,1,"Ons Jabeur becomes first Arab woman to win a WTA singles title defeating Daria Kasatkina 7-5, 6-4 at Birmingham Classic (images from presentation ceremony)",,,,,,,2021-06-26 18:36:20 o8j93t,,9,creative insults,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-26 21:15:18 o8l1n4,,1,ZAB 3lech zok om el esteghlel wl ta7ayol haka 3lech ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-26 22:58:32 o8nnpz,,2,"What is the best country to travel to, if i want to work with an english degree ?",,,,,,,2021-06-27 01:43:35 o8nvi2,,1,Inshallah,,,,,,,2021-06-27 01:58:41 o8osgf,,0,Ever had to kick out tenants (tahanna) from your apartments?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-27 03:00:47 o8pno3,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-06-27 04:00:20 o8q1t8,,0,"Fuck this country, fuck this government, fuck the police, fick the system.","What happened this weekend on the road to Jerba is nothing short of a crime. Tunisian citizens are stopped and denied entry to the Island, a part of Tunisia, for no reason. The police/guard are simply saying ""we have orders"". Even People with reservation in hotels are not permitted to enter the Island. The bastards aren't letting anyone through unless the ID says you're resident of Medenine Governorate. Football fans are being discriminated against based on the government of residency, based on where they live. There was no official state of emergency declared, there was no announcement, people are just being stopped from taking roads in their country (freedom of travel inside the republic is supposedly a constitutional right). It's a blow to every right there is, it's a kick in the groin for those who pretend they live in a state of law and rights. It is another confirmation, as if we needed more, that the police state never died. That the dictatorship is well alive and strong as ever. And the fact that very few, if any, media reported that fact, is all the confirmation I need that freedom of speech is non existent in this country, when thousands of people are prevented to enter Jerba, and no media cares. I hate this country, l would sell it for change. I'll never love it. There is nothing to love. And when people find the will to live by being there for something they love, the institution refuses to let the hope live. ""They"" just can't keep themselves from crushing the only passion people still have. This is merely an informative post. I am sure most here do not know what happened saturday on the roads to Jerba. Food for thought.",,,,,,2021-06-27 04:28:42 o8u09u,,9,Looking to meet new people!,Hello there! I was wondering if anyone of you who is living in Abu Dhabi and are down to meet up and talk! I’d like to make new friends who are Tunisian! 😁,,,,,,2021-06-27 09:45:03 o8v1sh,,2,Flag proposal for Grombalia,,,,,,,2021-06-27 11:07:57 o8xfgh,,1,Catman,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-27 13:49:07 o8xzp1,,1,يورو 2020: منع ألمانيا من التدريبات في ويمبلي,,,,,,,2021-06-27 14:20:55 o8zwjo,,1,want new friends,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-27 16:02:04 o90vr0,,10,Best cinema to go to in Tunis?,I wanna go to the cinema but Idk which one has the best experience. How much do tickets and food cost in the one you think is best and why is this one cinema best?,,,,,,2021-06-27 16:52:44 o91v4r,,1,🤎🤎 hey,,,,,,,2021-06-27 17:44:32 o93lnr,,5,Tunisian degrees equivalent,"I want to know more about tunisian degrees equivalent abroad , and I find it so confusing. Yes I did my reaserches and yes I even asked a relative who studied in The US(not quite asked ,but heard about him to be more percise). Some documents in the interenet say that 3ans licence=bachelor's degree(4 years ) and some others say that 3ans licence = bachelor's of technology(2 years). However , the relative I mentioned before have studied in tunisia for 5 years (2 years prepa monfleury, 3 years ecole polytechnique) and then went to US to get his master's degree and Doctorat, which means that those 5 years are the equivalent of a bachelor's degree. So Kind people of reddit ,please if you know anything help me !",,,,,,2021-06-27 19:16:20 o95buz,,5,Migration papers,"Hi, Can anyone help me with what to do if you want to migrate to another country (canada/norway/Poland/Finland)? I simply want to live there, I don't need to find work. I have a small 3d visualisation agency (not architectural) but I work mainly as a freelancer. I should mention I am married and we are expecting a child. Thanks",,,,,,2021-06-27 20:49:04 o95otm,,1,كورونا : تأكيد وجود السلاله الهنديه بالقيروان,,,,,,,2021-06-27 21:08:31 o95wnj,,9,tunisian app streaming,what if we have a tunisian app for NEW tunisian films and series (high quality and artistic .not a crap like what we are watching in tv) and every month you shoul pay 15 DT .you can binge watch (app just like netflix) .do you think it will work ? do you think tunisian would pay 15 DT to watch it ?,,,,,,2021-06-27 21:20:13 o96tcr,,1,الترفيع في أسعار السجائر,,,,,,,2021-06-27 22:08:43 o9976o,,1,How can I get this Husseinid Flag for a collection?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-28 00:29:24 o9a8dh,,1,How to divide Tunisia in 4 ways,,,,,,,2021-06-28 01:34:41 o9g08c,,2,"We’re basically fucked in Sfax, prepare for worse in the next few weeks !",,,,,,,2021-06-28 08:26:07 o9gj3p,,19,"Remote job offer in other country, concerns about the contract","I passed 3 interview with a company in Canada and they told me that I was selected for the position (it's a remote job offer so I will work from Tunisia) and they will provide me with more information in the next few days , I have concerns what kind of contract I will have ? how could I be paid ? and how is this contract between two countries done ? Any information would be helpful.",,,,,,2021-06-28 09:10:12 o9h91u,,8,Where can i find men earrings in sousse?,So i looked and looked but stores have jewerly for women only apparently,,,,,,2021-06-28 10:06:49 o9ilgm,,3,Best theaters in Tunis?,Posted about cinemas and a user suggested theaters :),,,,,,2021-06-28 11:45:59 o9inpz,,1,إنطلاق ‏مناظرة ‏السيزيام,,,,,,,2021-06-28 11:50:07 o9iv27,,4,gum,"hey guys , does anyone knows where i can find "" mastic gum"" in Tunisia"" المستكة اليونانية""،it's the only thing that's helping my stomach inflammation, if you have an idea , please let me know",,,,,,2021-06-28 12:03:13 o9jg9q,,1,Do I need any certificate or degree to work as a graphic designer / UI UX designer ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-28 12:40:55 o9k1b1,,1,"I never heard of Nakiik, do we really say it ?",,,,,,,2021-06-28 13:15:00 o9klw3,,1,نتائج ‏الباكالوريا ‏: ‏التسجيل ‏غدا ‏عبر ‏الرسائل ‏القصيره,,,,,,,2021-06-28 13:47:47 o9klwd,,1,شركة ‏فسفاط ‏قفصه ‏: ‏تم ‏انتاج 1.25 ‏مليون ‏طن ‏في ‏6 ‏أشهر ‏,,,,,,,2021-06-28 13:47:48 o9klwu,,1,كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020: رونالدو يرمي ذراعه مرة أخرى!,,,,,,,2021-06-28 13:47:49 o9klx8,,1,مناظرة السنة السادسة: 4 مراكز للطلاب المصابين بفيروس كورونا,,,,,,,2021-06-28 13:47:49 o9klxn,,1,وزير :النقل تصاريح الطائرات بدون طيار قيد الدراسة,,,,,,,2021-06-28 13:47:50 o9klxt,,1,نابل: حريق في وحدة صناعية,,,,,,,2021-06-28 13:47:51 o9kly2,,1,سوسة: رئيس قسم الطوارئ بالمستشفى الجامعي فرحات حشاد يدق جرس الإنذار,,,,,,,2021-06-28 13:47:52 o9ku5m,,1,"Hey r/Tunisia, I'm making a survey regarding videogame localization to Arabic, I'd love to have your input for my research. I've posted the same form on r/arabs and r/Morocco to see how answers differ between North Africa and the middle east.",,,,,,,2021-06-28 14:00:23 o9lrkj,,1,الصوناد: انقطاع المياه ليلاً لمواجهة النقص,,,,,,,2021-06-28 14:48:46 o9lrl5,,1,نابل ‏ومدنين :الكشف عن حالة بالسلالة النيجيرية ‏,,,,,,,2021-06-28 14:48:47 o9m3kx,,13,❤,,,,,,,2021-06-28 15:04:43 o9moev,,1,How can i break out of a monotonous lifestyle?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-28 15:33:20 o9neda,,1,منظمة الصحة العالمية: اللقاح وحده لا يكفي لاحتواء الفيروس في تونس,,,,,,,2021-06-28 16:08:21 o9o7tw,,1,أسئلة دينية ممتعة و مميزة ( أحكام ، حديث ، سيرة ، قرآن كريم ),,,,,,,2021-06-28 16:46:53 o9ozmi,,1,Looking for a job,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-28 17:24:01 o9p86s,,1,رقمنة + مشيشي,,,,,,,2021-06-28 17:35:38 o9r32f,,1,أوقات ‏العمل ‏الادارية ‏الصيفية,,,,,,,2021-06-28 19:08:06 o9r331,,1,سليانة: الجيش يشارك في دوريات مراقبة تطبيق الحجر,,,,,,,2021-06-28 19:08:08 o9r33m,,1,فرض الحجر الصحي الشامل في باجة,,,,,,,2021-06-28 19:08:09 o9r347,,1,أطباء يدعون سعيد لإعلان الحجر الصحي الشامل,,,,,,,2021-06-28 19:08:10 o9tf27,,1,swords,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-28 21:04:33 o9ths5,,1,سوسة: 10 وفيات و 631 إصابة جديدة في يوم واحد,,,,,,,2021-06-28 21:08:35 o9thss,,1,الدندان: وفاة امرأة في حادث على سكة المترو,,,,,,,2021-06-28 21:08:36 o9thtk,,1,فيروس كورونا: 83 حالة وفاة و 1914 إصابة ‏,,,,,,,2021-06-28 21:08:38 o9u0wd,,2,Where can I get Carolina reaper in Tunisia preferably Sousse,Where can I get Carolina reaper in Tunisia preferably Sousse,,,,,,2021-06-28 21:36:41 o9vy34,,2,What's the best bars I can visit with my girlfriend in downtown Tunis ?,"I'm looking for a bar where the age average isn't above 50 and not full of freret. PS: I'm not going at night, probably evenings.",,,,,,2021-06-28 23:20:34 o9w8s3,,33,Opinions about my website,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-28 23:37:22 o9xv95,,8,UFO,"Famma chkoun chef ufo fi Tunis ? Have u ever witnessed a UFO?",,,,,,2021-06-29 01:14:19 oa0jy8,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-06-29 04:00:17 oa3m3k,أبحث_عن_كتب_عن_العلمانية_فى_تونس/,1,أبحث عن كتب عن العلمانية فى تونس,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-29 07:47:18 oa4fz0,,1,السيد الرئيس مسيب الفاسدين يبرطعوا ماشي يشكي بمواطنة على هذا البوست. تصور تتحاكم محاكمة عسكرية على يعطيك عصبة.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-29 08:58:35 oa4o6y,,1,"Sorry Tyler The Creator, Ghannouchi is more popular here XD (at least I kept his signature)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-29 09:17:40 oa4vjj,,1,WTF of the day : Tunisian MP celebrating her football team winning the cup in the parliament,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-29 09:34:14 oa60a9,,0,"OFFICIAL: UFOs are real, announced by US National Intelligence",[removed],,,,,,2021-06-29 11:03:09 oa6e5f,,2,a beginner needs help,"asslema,i start learning about trading w habit naaref kifeh najem nebda fi touness wl plateformes les plus efficaces,so any tips and recommendations are welcome",,,,,,2021-06-29 11:30:36 oa7lva,,24,I need help.,"Update : I got a job, thanks for everyone who heleld, Rakom b'eddenya wled omi ❤️ Hey Folks, maybe this sounds stupid to post such thing on reddit, but desperation has lead me here. So anyways, I'm a vocational student in grand Tunis, as you know in Tunisia we are during summer holidays now and ***I need a job***. Unfortunately, I'm not skilled nor interested in IT so programming or designing aren't my field of interest (bac lettres 3a9liya xD). Long story short, I've been relentlessly applying in several call centers looking for a suitable job for my profile (English/Arabic/French/**Italian** (**beginner lvl**) ) yet, I didn't receive a good offer except French call centers. Therefore, I'm ""summoning"" you for recommendations, advice, or any information about a **remote work** (offshore/onshore), doesn't matter the operation, ***I'm really in need for money in this particular moment.*** People are being dismissed and kicked from call centers (200 From Teleperformance in the last couple weeks) I don't wanna be humiliated by a French company IN MY COUNTRY, although, I'm expecting a severe full lockdown maybe in the next few days or even hours since many Tunisian states are crawling towards extinction due to Covid. My English is advanced, with acceptable French and Arabic is my native tongue. And thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-06-29 12:48:48 oa9bpz,,1,Ur options get severely limited once u start gathering responsibilities,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-29 14:25:03 oabehx,,9,Anyone studied in media school?,"web development or anything else, is it good?",,,,,,2021-06-29 16:09:24 oabpqv,,0,وفاة العالمة التونسية هند شلبي,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-29 16:25:13 oacden,,1,"Hey folks, I'm making a survey regarding videogame localization to Arabic, I'd love to have your input for my research. I've posted the same form on different Arab subs to see how answers differ between North Africa and the middle east.",,,,,,,2021-06-29 16:58:11 oag4fg,,5,Where to buy books online?,Hello guys I need a website to buy books from and that supports shipping to Tunisia,,,,,,2021-06-29 20:05:10 oagchw,,5,how much money are we allowed to take with us when leaving Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2021-06-29 20:17:11 oagtvz,,1,Every single time . Why always us ??,,,,,,,2021-06-29 20:37:20 oajwek,,1,So much happiness,,,,,,,2021-06-29 23:08:42 oakz1o,,1,Love is weird to me,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-30 00:06:11 oar8b3,,15,Covid vaccination in Tunisia,"Hi folks, I have an urgency to take the vaccine as my papers accepted in a big software testing conference in Paris early in september but this conference doesn't have the remote option also they require a sanity PASS. I called the vaccination team they told me to send an email to pasteur institute, I sent one week ago but no reply. I called them again they asked me to have the autorisation from government president, I also sent an email but no reply. Is there any other option for Tunisian who want to get vaccinated for professional reasons ?? I.feel so sad as my name listed in the program but without vaccination no chances at all :( amd what a shame if I can't go, I'm the only person from Tunisia in that conference !",,,,,,2021-06-30 06:21:10 oarp6s,,0,If we're located in africa does this mean we are allowed to say the n word?,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-30 06:55:00 oarqx4,,4,GIS help,"Hi everyone, I m a beginner in GIS and want to learn more about. How? And where? ND if there is any certification training I'm interested to hear more about it. Thank you and have a good day.",,,,,,2021-06-30 06:58:43 oav9hx,,1,To be fair I know the government doesn't care about the people but more sensitive about it.,,,,,,,2021-06-30 11:23:30 oaw7xr,,1,Double-edged message,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-30 12:23:57 oaxn0w,,5,Where can I find blue hair dye?,,,,,,,2021-06-30 13:45:01 oaxyuf,,1,Tunisia has gotten worse after the revolution,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-30 14:02:46 oayp4c,,1,Looking for a job,[removed],,,,,,2021-06-30 14:40:47 ob150a,,38,Harga to Italy is probably easier than getting accepted into an internship,"Hello guys, jokes aside, I have applied for several summer internships and I'm starting to get desperate as no company have responded to my emails ( I didn't even get the chance to participate in an interview ) , I'm not sure if internships are usually this hard to find ( or covid caused this imbalance in Supply / Demande ) . Most of my peers are facing the same problem, I'm getting nervous because internships are mandatory to pass the next university year and I need to find a two-months internship starting this month. Software engineering students of this subreddit, are you facing the same problem ?",,,,,,2021-06-30 16:41:30 ob3fkq,,5,Eco-friendly shops,[deleted],,,,,,2021-06-30 18:31:47 ob46jn,,2,"Where can I buy water in bottles? Anyone knows how to ship products to the moon and how much does it cost? How do you lick a stamp? What’s the shortest distance between an idiot and a dumbass asking mundane fucking questions all the fucking time? It’s called GOOGLE, fucking use it.",[removed],,,,,,2021-06-30 19:08:01 ob4fjs,,0,Save the country!,"Lebled 9a3da tmout, echa3b te5na9, ya twensa lezemna no5rjou fel chwera3, lezemna na7miw lebled!! Fech nestanew, fel barlamen lyoum, rajel men el kotla El erhebiya mche yadhreb femra, sa7bou makhlouf kharrej floussou lel camera wyadh7ek 3adi ikharej fi 9o7bou. Houma yadh7kou, wa7na nmoutou! RAHI LEBLED MCHET TNAYEK WA7NA 9a3din !! Wallina akther dawla feha mouta bin laarab, ya twensa thourou kima thortou fi 2011, lezemna non9dhou tounes !!",,,,,,2021-06-30 19:20:34 ob6kwk,,5,Tunisia creative project,"Hello all! I recently spent some time in Tunisia and I absolutely loved it. I want to paint some miniatures as a way to honor my time and I was wondering what colors traditional male clothing is. Any help would be appreciated.",,,,,,2021-06-30 21:06:04 ob8bg1,,44,Such a cool country,"Dane here. I’ve recently read about Tunisia and it’s beautiful history and about how it’s making such great strides towards democratic values, women’s equality, etc. I don’t have a lot to say, except that your county’s great and I would love to travel there at some point with my friends or family. Love from the frigid north ❤️",,,,,,2021-06-30 22:35:30 ob8pfz,,3,"En Tunisie, une députée frappée en plein parlement",,,,,,,2021-06-30 22:57:21 obb0qm,,8,I need help opening a bank account,"Hello, I just turned 18 years old. I was working online for 4 years now and I earn decent money. My question is when I went to the bank to open a new account ( I was using my father but I won't to open my own now) but the banker said that I need proof that I have a job. How can I proof that I have a job? Opening a savings account isn't an option it needs to be Courant. Thanks",,,,,,2021-07-01 01:12:50 obbnyg,,0,وفاة العالمة التونسية هند شلبي عرفت لمؤلفاتها في علوم القرآن وهي أول من أدخل الحجاب إلى الجامعات التونسية متحدّيةً قرار الرئيس الهالك بورقيبة. المجد للروّاد الأوائل الذين شقّوا الطريق واقتحموا الصّعاب,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-01 01:52:49 obephy,,1,bel confinement li sar f tounes najem nokhrej menha kif aandi awra9 mtaa hotel f hammamet?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-01 05:04:05 obh8eu,,5,Sopra hr software alternate program salary,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-01 08:18:51 obhcc6,,1,"En Tunisie, le rebond de l'épidémie du covid-19 inquiète les acteurs du tourisme",,,,,,,2021-07-01 08:27:25 objk44,,0,if I were in the place of the host I would broadcast immediately brulux❤️❤️,,,,,,,2021-07-01 11:10:47 obk16i,,4,"A friend abroad is bringing me a ""RasberriPy"". What should he expect in the tunisian airoport's douane ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-01 11:42:17 obkt2g,,1,"(3D art) Café des Nattes, Sidi Bou Said",,,,,,,2021-07-01 12:29:39 oblycy,,10,small business ideas,"any small business ideas , i have 15,000 DT i know not that much. any help ?",,,,,,2021-07-01 13:34:16 obmseg,,1,"The Roman amphitheatre in El Jem (Tunisia) is one of the best-preserved buildings of this type from the time of the Roman Empire. It was established in 230-238 CE, and the initiative to create the object probably came from the proconsul and the later Emperor Gordian I. [1024x685]",,,,,,,2021-07-01 14:18:06 obqpac,,2,PCR requirements for leaving tunisia,"Hey guys I got a couple of Palestinian friends who need to go home. They are fully vaccinated and will travel to Jordan on royal Jordan My question is : do they need to get a PCR test before leaving tunisia ?",,,,,,2021-07-01 17:28:12 obqv8t,,6,Computer Science students of Tunisia: Esprit Vs Tek-up?,"Imma start my engineering degree next year, I did one year Master's degree so I can skip the first year. And I want to have your opinion on what university to choose? Tek-up is obviously the underdog but I think people are choosing Esprit just because ""E s p r i t"". I heard Tek-up have a decent curriculum and offers a lot of certification and opportunities. whereas Esprit have the advantage of a recognized degree, Even internationally. The comparison can be narrowed down to these factors: * Quality of education / Price * Opportunity of work afterwords (nationally and Internationally) * Extra-curriculum activities: clubs, social life... * Extras: Certification, forums, courses, competition... PS: To be honest I am after the engineering degree not the actual curriculum; I have sufficient technical skills already and i can work on improving them myself and through work. But that doesn't mean I would go for a trashy curriculum/degree. PS-2: Does anybody know how much Tek-up costs? I heard Esprit is 7.5K a year.",,,,,,2021-07-01 17:35:59 obtfih,,34,Could I get my life back at 25?,"I'm a 25f. Long story short I used to be a brilliant student, top of my class, used to have hopes and dreams 'til bipolar disorder destroyed them lol. Basically from 3rd grade I started showing symptoms and been diagnosed later but after getting my bac I was unable to finish anything I start. I always drop out and I ended up wasting 6 years of my life. The last year I started a BTS informatique de gestion and I made a friend who really pushed me to finish the year when I wanted to let go, and I feel like I got more stable and that my episodes were mild compared to the past. Today I received a mail saying I succeeded and got a 16 something average. It's not much but it kinda made me happy that I persevered through the pain. It will be a reference for me everytime I wanna quit something. I've been contemplating doing a licence at UVT (since I can't afford to make my parents pay huge amounts of money for rent and private studies anymore). I wanted to study accounting but I was wondering if it'll be worth it. Will I be able to hold a job if I graduate older than everyone else and if not should I do an IOT degree instead? Like would that secure me a job? I feel like everyone lost hope in me; My fiancé told me I don't have to work and provide and my family say they can make me a lil project to survive off of but I'm not quite done yet lol..",,,,,,2021-07-01 19:38:34 obu51y,,5, is it profitable?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-01 20:12:48 obux3e,,1,Tneket martin,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-01 20:50:36 obwgdy,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-01 22:07:12 oby56n,,85,Reminder that people voted for this clown 🤡,,,,,,,2021-07-01 23:39:49 obz99c,,3,North Bizerte Beachs Recommendation,"I'd like to ask for beachs recommendations and how to go to them using transportation!?",,,,,,2021-07-02 00:46:18 oc2bkp,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-07-02 04:00:20 oc3jib,,1,3me fi 3eenetta7ana...,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 05:23:52 oc64by,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 08:50:40 oc65gs,,12,Stoic philosophy,Is there anyone who heard about stoic philosophy ? And were you able to follow what seneca and other teach on a daily basis ?,,,,,,2021-07-02 08:53:23 oc6ng3,,26,Isn’t it better this way 😌 ?,,,,,,,2021-07-02 09:34:14 oc7eb6,,8,For Tunisian Gamers or people interested on GPUs,"Don't Buy, prices are still too high and they are dropping world wide so they will be forced to cut down those prices because if they don't other retailers will do since there's many distributors in Tunisia, like scoop, smart, asbis and many others, prices will drop eventually",,,,,,2021-07-02 10:34:46 oc7v29,,6,What's not tunisian? (except a sandwich without Harissa),,,,,,,2021-07-02 11:08:57 oc87p9,éseau_de_professionnels/,0,"Lawej, votre réseau de professionnels 💯🇹🇳",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 11:33:35 oc8867,,1,Can i get into insat?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 11:34:31 ocbuqu,,1,Help .. I'm fucked,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 14:59:51 ocbxbt,,21,found this tunisian documentary about the revolution and internet censoring in tunisia.,"i just found this piece of art and for those who didn""t watch it yet, i really recommend you guys do. [Wled Ammar (génération maudite) VOSTFR un film de Nasredine Ben Maati on Vimeo](",,,,,,2021-07-02 15:02:57 occr6k,,1,Formation help,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 15:43:12 occry4,,6,Formation help,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-02 15:44:15 occz9i,,1,Why the Qatar convention is a disaster,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-02 15:54:09 oce0tb,,1,Guys please help me I don't know what to do. I called them no one answers,,,,,,,2021-07-02 16:44:39 och7ca,,31,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 19:18:12 ochc9f,,3,BAC,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-02 19:24:27 ochpmw,,1,Blue card visa documents,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 19:41:46 ochzhp,,1,Re,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-02 19:54:52 oci1a6,,1,Can get into insat??,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-02 19:57:14 ocj2qu,,9,Any tunisians that immigrated to USA ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-02 20:47:10 ock2v1,,10,You think Tunisians can say the n-word?,,,,,,,2021-07-02 21:36:53 oclc4j,,0,Prepa vs insat,"Okay I have a question . Why is the score to get into insat much higher than normal prepa . Except l ipest . I may have an unpopular opinion but I think prepa aadeya is ""better"" than insat . The whole argument of insat is easier cuz concours sur dossier is invalid once everyone wants to go GL and to do that you have to be amongst the best 70 from 280 students. + you don t have much choice . Only 4 filieret . Whereas fl prepa , tnajem temchi TA wala polytechnique wala supcom wala ensi ... Of course given that you put in the work and get a decent rank . And social life is not that different . Decent clubs are everywhere I just don t get it and I want to hear from other people . May be I m missing out on something",,,,,,2021-07-02 22:40:39 ocn8hy,,4,Anyone has anyone teaching or working at the FST? (Faculté des sciences de Tunis),[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-03 00:27:06 ocstmb,,1,wow...this country's going to the shitter !,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-03 06:47:45 octt15,,4,BAC SC. EXP,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-03 08:08:50 ocxys7,,10,Medicine In Tunisia,"Hi =) I'm still in highschool and I feel pressured when I see how everyone around me is already making plans about their future and everything while I didn't (and prolly still don't) have the slightest clue about what I would like to do with my life. So, the first thing that came to my mind was medicine. People always told me they could see me become a doctor because of how delicate and nice they see me, but I'm really scared I might not do well in med school because everyone says it's very difficult. (Note: I study in a pioneer highschool, ik that doesn't mean sh1t but I just thought I'd mention it) Besides, I haven't told anyone about this, and I really don't want to end up unemployed kekw. And if any of you are experienced please tell me how things are in med school and other job alternatives. Thank you so much",,,,,,2021-07-03 13:21:25 ocygvz,,1,Since when is our national animal the elephant?,,,,,,,2021-07-03 13:52:33 oczpyf,,9,Corona in Tunisia be like,,,,,,,2021-07-03 15:03:22 od04dy,,1,"At Least 43 Migrants Drown In Shipwreck Off Tunisia, Red Crescent Says",,,,,,,2021-07-03 15:24:38 od09sc,,1,Not only smart / hard working girls but also very pretty 🤩 🌸,,,,,,,2021-07-03 15:32:56 od0dil,,1,Origin of Tunisian words,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-03 15:38:22 od1esc,,1,Need help choosing a cell phone signal booster,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-03 16:34:13 od1kcr,,11,Best CS degree in Tunisia,"Yo dudes and dudettes! I recently received my BAC SC.EXP average which is 13.99. Was pretty surprised as I have a 10.5 mid-year. I am planning on pursuing a CS degree (license en sciences de l'informatiques to be exact). Please don't try to convince me to pursue a preparatory cycle (integrated or not) as I am convinced I don't want to study that much but focus on learning core CS skills on my own whilst taking university courses. So here's my question, what are the best CS degree programs in Tunisia (quality of schooling / school reputation / school community and clubs)? Here are the ones that I've gathered some ideas about (ISAMM - FSB - ISSAT SOUSSE - ESSTHS - FSM - ISIMA - ISIMSF) but I'm still looking for guidance and most importantly experiences of students who study there or have studied there before.",,,,,,2021-07-03 16:42:34 od2fyc,,1,Sex toys store ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-03 17:29:03 od567l,,24,Bac 21,"My mom compare me with others i got 12.25 in bac science i didn't get happy i feel like i failed help me! i am happy with what i did its just my mother that isn't",,,,,,2021-07-03 19:57:54 od56np,,1,Need help choosing a cell phone signal,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-03 19:58:37 od58kv,,1,Cell signal booster,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-03 20:01:28 od59x2,,1,Looking For a job,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-03 20:03:33 od6nav,,3,Opening a Blocked account in Germany from Tunisia,"I am planing to pursue my studies in Germany and I have no idea how to create a blocked account from Tunisia. I would appreciate if you suggest me bank names to create a blocked account in Germany while I'm still in Tunisia. Thank you in advance ❤",,,,,,2021-07-03 21:21:36 od7gzr,نحب_ندخل_الدومان_الكريبتو_و_عندي_برشا_أسئلة_في/,6,نحب ندخل الدومان الكريبتو و عندي برشا أسئلة في مخي كان تنجمو تعاونوني,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-03 22:09:14 od7i8r,,1,Am I alone?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-03 22:11:20 od9sed,,8,studying in Germany,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-04 00:34:04 odcapu,,1,Louled eli yhebou ypiratiw ay compte wla hkeya lena berasmi y3awnouk w wlh le t5afou tari9a madhmouna 100%,,,,,,,2021-07-04 03:25:04 odclje,,7,Looking for advice on bac,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-04 03:46:11 odct02,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-07-04 04:00:20 odfmkt,للي_يقولولو_تونس_تباعت_لقطر/,27,للي يقولولو تونس تباعت لقطر,"حول إتفاقية الصندوق القطري، بعض الحقائق : - أول اتفاقية إقتصادية بين تونس و قطر تعود لسنة 1982 - الصندوق ينشط من 2002. - الإتفاقية صححها يوسف الشاهد في 2019 في عهد المرحوم الباجي قايد السبسي، المذكرة الي تبنات عليها الإتفاقية توقعت في 29 نوفمبر 2016 و الزميل مبروك كرشيد وقتها وزير و المحترمة سعيدة قراش مستشارة في القصر الرئاسي. -المجلس الوزاري الذي صادق على تمرير الإتفاقية بالبرلمان في ديسمبر 2019 فيه كمال مرجان (مبادرة) سمير بالطيب (مسار) - الإتفاقية تناقشت في اللجنة في عهد حكومة إلياس الفخفاخ، الي حزامه وقتها تيار و شعب. - نص الإتفافية منشور و متوفر للعموم. - نفس الإتفاقية و البنود الي فيها هي متع GIZ الالمانية و ال USAID و AFD الفرنسية و منظمة الفرنكوفونية (الي تنشط عندها عقود في تونس و إتفاقيتها تعدات الدورة البرلمانية هذه). - الصندوق دعم 30 startup تونسية بقيمة 26 مليار. - الصندوق بنى مركز نموذجي لتحويل المنتاجات الفلاحية. - الصندوق دعم 20 تعاونية فلاحية و مول حفر 22 بئر عميقة. - الصندوق بنى 50 مسكن إجتماعي في الكاف و 98 في المهدية و سيدي بوزيد و القيروان. - الصندوق بنى مجمع سكني في السيجومي فيه 800 مسكن إجتماعي. - الصندوق عطى 70 مليار قروض ميسرة مباشرة لدعم المؤسسات الصغرى. - الصندوق بنى و جهز بالكامل 10 مستوصفات. - الصندوق بنى 5 مدارس في أماكن نائية. - أكثر من 100 مليون دولار قيمة إستثماراته في تونس و خلق 70 ألف موطن شغل نزيد، للمقارنة : قيمة الإستثمارات القطرية في فرانسا، في الشركات المدرجة في بورصة cac40 توصل 7,6 مليار أورو : - 13% من lagardere - 7% من Vinci - 5% من Total 4 مليار يورو إستثمارات عقارية (وتلة كيما Royal Monceau الليلة فيه ب 6000 أورو و وتيل Concorde Lafayette..) نحكيو على الPSG ؟ على Le printemps ؟ زعمة فرانسا و إستخباراتها و بورصتها ما فاقوش بيهم؟ فاقوا بيهم الشلايك الي عندنا؟؟ و هذه فقط فرانسا، نحكيلكم على ألمانيا و اللكسمبورغ؟ تي قطر تملك 17% في فولسفاكن، كيفاش إمالة شلايكنا أكثر فهم و وطنية من أنجلا ميركل؟ خلي نجيو من حيث المبدأ، إذا الإتفاقية إستعمارية و تمس من السيادة الوطنية، فيجب إلغائها و إلغاء كل الإتفافيات المماثلة مع جميع الدول، هكة و إلا لا؟ تي جاوبوني :) حقة، الإتفاقية مافيهاش، تملك الأراضي الفلاحية! نزيدكم، البند متع العمالة الأجنبية عادي جدا! ياخي GIZ تجيب مدير ألماني و ال AFD مديريها فرنسيس.. تي هي Tunisair كي تحل agence في الخارج تجيب مدير تونسي من تونس! في الإخر، نفس البنود، جماعة الكرامة عملوا طاولة و كراسي على الفرنكوفونية و صوتوا على هذه و الأخرين عملوا طاولة و كراسي على هذه و طفاو الضو على الأخرى! نفاق بدورو إديولوجي شعبوي رخيص ما يحطش مصلحة تونس قدامه! صوتت مع الزوز إتفاقيات لأني قدرت إنه فيهم مصلحة لبلادنا! و سعيد بتصويتي و فرحان بيه و كان عن قناعة و تفكير و تمحص بعيد على التوتر و الرقص على تار بوفلس متع أختااااااااااااه إحذرييييي :) كنائب مسؤول، ما يهمني و ما يعنيني هو مصلحة بلادي التي أقسمت على الحرص عليها، كان ثمة نواب ما عندهاش الشجاعة باش تواجه الجهل و البهامة و تختار تصويتها شعبويا على حساب مصلحة تونس، الحمد الله لست منهم! هذا الصندوق، فيه منفعة لتونس، شروطه عادية و خذات كيفها كل المنظمات و الصناديق. كل المعطيات المذكورة أعلاه متوفرة على الأنترنات، أي شخص صادق ينجم يثبت منها. تو هل النهضة سمسارة؟ نعم، دائما، من أول الدنيا و إلى يوم يبعثون. نحاربوهم موش على حساب مصلحة بلادنا! كيما نحاربو سمسارة الإمارات الي مستعدين يحطو صوابعهم في عينين بلادنا لأجل من يدفع أكثر! راهو ثمة ناس كي القرضاوي يجيبو بن علي يولي باهي، نفس القرضاوي يولي خايب مبعد :) نفس القرضاوي راهو !نفس الكذابة الي يقولوا الأمريكان يتجسسوا على المجلس بال NDI و بعد يمشيو يتشلقحوا يتصوروا مع سفير الأمريكان الي قالو يتجسس علينا :) هوما بيدهم متع حزب الليكود الدستوري الحر : مع القضية الفلسطينية تفليما و لما تعرض تسريع تجريم التطبيع على مكتب المجلس صوتوا ضد :) ! هاذوكم منافقين بودورو، يهمهم ال bailleur de fonds متاعهم، أكثر من مصلحة تونس، نحبك فايق ولد أختي، حل google و ثبت وحدك ما تخليهمش يزكموك، هاني فسرتلك و بالفلاقي! الا لااا لاااا لاااا أح أح لاااااا لاااا لاااا أح أح لم تكن مسرحية لأجل الوطن كيما غلطوكم، كانت مسرحية لأجل أنفسهم ضد مصلحة الوطن. سلاما! منقول",,,,,,2021-07-04 07:35:31 odfvci,,1,Is this a Historic piece ?,,,,,,,2021-07-04 07:55:41 odgq8l,,1,Imagin Unironically using Hitler as advertising,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-04 09:07:44 odhlj5,,1,Can i buy shit from this site ?.. anyone has an experience with it ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-04 10:14:11 odi1xx,,2,I'm Looking for a job," I'm 15 and I'm from Sousse and I'm looking for a job at any place available",,,,,,2021-07-04 10:48:34 odjp3o,,1,Monia ZAIEM - image de mon pays,,,,,,,2021-07-04 12:42:02 odjvkk,,1,Is Best Buy Tunisia legit?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-04 12:53:18 odkuxd,,2,Making Money Online,"What are the Best Ways to make money online in Tunisia? Note: (Without Programming skills or a required college degree)",,,,,,2021-07-04 13:51:35 odl4en,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-04 14:06:17 odo1mp,,4,"Ihec , tbs . I need information","Hi , my sister passed el bac ( bac svt ) . So I hsve been spending the ladt 2 days helping her choose and stuff . I know enough about l prepas w prepa integre w medecine . But I know nothing abt tbs w ihec . We looked on facebook and youtube but couldn t find anything useful . So I need information abt them . Any help would be appreciated and thank you .",,,,,,2021-07-04 16:38:13 odo4ig,,1,How can I study in Canada / United states?,"Hey guys, i have a bachelor in computer science and I'm registered in one of the colleges here in tunisia but i feel this tunisian college life isn't right for me at all, never found it interesting and i even dropped college because there was nothing motivates me, then it clocked into my head, what if i go study in the us or canada? I mean besides the financial problems there's pretty much nothing can hold from thinking about it, i want to know how can i apply for a college there and how much money should i have to start my college life there ( I'm used to the pressure of work + study so i won't have a problem with) can someone please explain how did he got there and how did he got a green card? Much appreciated ❤️",,,,,,2021-07-04 16:42:36 odomwo,,11,How do one get into politics?,I'm genuinely curious as to the procedure of how one becomes a politician xd do they join a party and slowly move up the party's ladder orrr?,,,,,,2021-07-04 17:09:15 odqbva,,0,This whole confilement thing,Does anybody know whether or not it's confirmed at least in Sousse? I haven't been able to watch the news a'd this whole situation has been very confusing,,,,,,2021-07-04 18:37:34 odqn4d,,3,Making Community For It,"slm, bech nabda b so2eli 9adech men youtuber f tunis 3andou Content f It w ye7ki b tounsi ?! no one w 7atta ken fama I hope nchofo w netfarej 3la 5edmeto I'm Backend developer w n7eb na3mel Content behi f tunis na7kiw b lo8etna w nasn3ou mainstream k tchouf egypt, iraq, marooc, t9ol chbina na7na We can do it also ... Let's put some **faith** on ourself and share thoughts, Youtube mech bech y5alik korza laken bech y3arfek 3la 3bed w y9awilk your communication as it's important as development na3ref e tri9 twill w s3ib w ymkn enti 3andek skills laken you don't wanna share videos miselch , **blog** is good ,mat7ebech blog okito let's do some **podcast** madhabina anything that help other eni sna3t youtube channel([]( mzelt jdida w goal mta3ha we share some good content f IT mahma ken field Web(front back),Design,Networking,Gaming(I hope fama wa7ed ya3mel Content f field hedha).... bdit n7ot f videos(**Django**) w believe me I didn't mara f 7yeti habet video f youtube but am trying it maybe it works I wanna share what I have without any benefits w 7atta ken manja7tech I will create a podcast or blog and share some thoughts I appreciate any help men wa7ed wanna share content or y9oli 3la 3abed y7eb I'd be glad to ... Contact me : [](",,,,,,2021-07-04 18:54:29 odrij0,,9,"Got my bac, Now what? (Orientation)","Hey! So I made a post a while back about INSAT whether it's good or not (worth or not). Now that I Finished, I got 15.93 with a Score of approx. 159.6 and with the 7% Advantage in Tunisia I get approx. 170 Score. (M = 13; SP= 17.25; ALGO=20). EDIT: BAC INFO btw! When I calculated my score using INSAT and ISI formulas I can enroll in both schools. Formula Sources: []( &#x200B; Alright the problem is: 1- I Heard ISI is bad in terms of Location, Some Teachers but is good in terms of students. 2-I heard that INSAT has a nice building but depressing people in it and is just boring. 3- I heard that Esprit seems the best way to go since it offers (might even offer better) opportunities abroad but just has bad education over the years. &#x200B; I just feel like Esprit is a balance between ISI and INSAT, But is it really true? And are these 3 problems true to you guys who study there? &#x200B; Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-07-04 19:41:35 odsbww,,70,"Personnality disorders in Tunisia are waaay more common and often regarded as ""هذيكا هيا طبيعتو"" instead of actually trying to identify the pathological pattern and help people fix their issues.","So personnality disorders aren't actual diseases like depression / bipolar disorder/ schizophrenia but rather a risk factor to these illnesses. They are a way of interaction with the outside environement adopted by an individual over a prolonged period of time. They are characterized by an aberrant emotional,cognition and behavioural patterns exhibited across many situations. They are devided into 3 clusters (A:odd /B:Dramatic/C:anxious that share some charecterstics) There are many personnality disorders but the most common ones in Tunisia according to gender are: For men: Paranoid personnality disorder: So often men with this personnality disroder will be jealous/mistrust others/suspiscious and often interpret others action as hostile. For women:Histrionic personnality disorder:So women with this personnality disorder will often seek attention and exagerate their behaviours and emotions.Basically they are waaay over dramatic and sexually provocative so they can seek stimulation and validation. The interesting thing is that these last years the pattern is changing and more men are becoming histrionic/more women becoming paranoid.(this lacks the data to back it up as i didn't find the descriptive study on pub med made by the professor who told me this so take it with a grain of salt). Also worth mention 3 others PD that are quite easily identifiable: Anti social personnality disorder: these individuals often violate others rights( سرقة ، ضرب ...) and have self bloated image and often blame society for their issues (#باندي الحومة) Narcissistic personnality disorder: individuals will seek admiration from others //have exagerrated feelings of self importance Borderline personnality disorder: this one is interesting cause it imitates bipolar disorder so much the diffrence between them is that BPD is more centered around the emotional side of things ( shifting between intense love and hate) people with this personnality will often have impulsive behaviour and chaotic relationships. The reason i post this is to raise awarness and help you identify people with such personnalities so the next time you interact with them you can identify a certain pattern and protect yourself from getting manipulated and manage to deal with them correctly.",,,,,,2021-07-04 20:26:31 odsegy,,29,I almost got into an accident and a fight today! Why are Tunisian drivers behave like psychopaths ?,"Lately I saw many accidents (i even saw a dead body) on the road. People looked at it as if it was normal… they re probably used to it. Tunisian people are known to have a slow pace at work and in life in general (farniente lifestyle) but when it comes to driving (and other aspects of social behaviour like standing in the line) Tunisians increasingly behave like psychopaths, leading to stupid accidents, fights, and avoidable drama. Examples: - Flashing you to force you to go faster (even if you are already above speed limit) and getting completely mad if you can’t (or don’t want) move to the side. - using hazard warning lights to drive faster (as if putting them gave you more rights) - Not looking at the side when crossing the road at a stop sign - not giving you enough space in two-way streets (showing dominance) especially with trucks and 4x4 - driving in reverse sense especially in in roundabouts - parking in the worst possible place Making everybody’s life impossible I think behaviours like these are extremely unhealthy and reveal the true nature of this country’s tolerance for mediocrity.",,,,,,2021-07-04 20:30:12 odswfz,,1,What do yall think of this song !?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-04 20:57:38 odtg03,,11,Tunisian Developers new Community,"Are you interested in computers and technology, plus, you live in Tunisia / speak Tunisian Dialect ? Why not joining this newly created community room on Reddit to expand our exposure and share useful tips / help others when they need it ! It would be a huge opportunity for people who wants also to display their work and get feedback from others in the community. [](",,,,,,2021-07-04 21:27:31 odun3s,,8,Getting 19 in bac yet feeling depressed bc its not enough to get scholarship,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-04 22:37:24 odx8ku,,4,Need help from people who enjoy/know how to shop please,"Does anyone know where I can shop for a good bikini/beachwear. I haven't been swimming since I was a kid and I don't know where to start or go to find something decent to wear. I'm not the most comfortable with my body, so can you please recommend places where I can find bottoms that don't slice my V in half? Something modest, but not too prude? I hope people see this Q because I'm stressing out and it's obvious that I don't go out much. P.s: I'm not going to the beach in these circumstances or anywhere crowded.",,,,,,2021-07-05 01:29:51 oe2355,,8,Withdraw with payoneer card from ATM,"Hey reddit. I have a payoneer card with funds inside, I have my pin but idk what to do, how to withdraw from ATM ? Does it work on regular atms",,,,,,2021-07-05 07:27:54 oe2xx7,,2,"what do you guys think of the Arab-Islamic Republic,would we have benefitted from staying in it?",,,,,,,2021-07-05 08:35:23 oe319j,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-05 08:42:28 oe39ja,,1,.,,,,,,,2021-07-05 08:59:47 oe47sn,,3,Fun fact,"We are the country with the highest new cases of covid per day Edit: tunisia is one of countrys with the highest new cases of covid per day with the past day there have been 4686 new cases the US has 3697 new cases the UK has 23896 and india has 39796 Note : tunisia has a population of 11.69 (nice) million and the infected total is 443,631 (3%) and the death total is 15377 (0.1%) but the problem is all the new cases because 4686 every day is pretty high and shows no sign of slowing down or decreasing and is infact rising and that's the big problem",,,,,,2021-07-05 10:01:26 oe5eez,,7,Test RT-PCR,I just came to Tunisia and I’m supposed to have an RT-PCR test in 5 days. I heard that I need to register for that. Can anyone please tell me where to do that or how?,,,,,,2021-07-05 11:26:34 oe6cj0,,1,What is the most efficient way to get your assets out of this country ?,"I just inherited some appartments and cash but the thing is I do not live in Tunisia or anywhere near like Italy or France. Idk what the hell am I supposed to do with those assets since Tunisia is a closed currency country, is there a way to get the money outside/ sell the appartment to foreigners so I can have them in an international bank so I can use them ?",,,,,,2021-07-05 12:26:49 oe6crq,,1,"A new wave of Coronavirus is bringing Tunisia to its knees: 6,000 c",,,,,,,2021-07-05 12:27:17 oe94gv,,7,Are there public colleges that are still accepting students? Business / Marketing / IT,"I'm thinking of registering for master's next year, and I don't know where to begin and if colleges still accept students. And wondering if it's possible to do those above when I'm holding a CS ""license appliqué"" .",,,,,,2021-07-05 14:59:48 oeana4,,75,Tripollior Omega Chad N°1,,,,,,,2021-07-05 16:15:58 oebbvb,,3,"A boat sinks off the coast of Tunisia, killing 43 people","&#x200B; According to the Tunisian Red Crescent, 43 migrants drowned after their boat capsized off the coast of Tunisia. The migrants had set sail from Zuwara, Libya, in an attempt to traverse[ the Mediterranean Sea]( and reach Europe. The Tunisian navy saved another 84 people, according to Mongi Slim, the head of Tunisia’s Red Crescent. [](",,,,,,2021-07-05 16:51:18 oedmxf,,1,7 New Cannabinoids,,,,,,,2021-07-05 18:48:52 oeelrs,,1,Survey On Amazigh Siwa's Linguistic and Cultural Heritage / استبيان عن سيوة الأمازيغية: تراثها اللغوي والثقافي,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-05 19:36:46 oef6w3,,1,About the service Sajalni.,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-05 20:06:02 oefbrt,,7,How many phones can I register in Sajalni.,"So my dad brought two phones over from Saudi Arabia, and he registered them in Sajalni. After a while, his own phone(a third phone) got a message that it’s not registered even though it was bought before 01/02/2021. He tried registering it but it didn’t work. But that’s not the problem, the problem is how many phones can I register? Is it just 2? And even if it is, is it two per year? Or is it two forever.",,,,,,2021-07-05 20:12:56 oefjzq,,3,College major ?,"Lately, I have received my baccalaureate results and fortunately it allows me to choose whathever major I want. I Narrowed down my options to software engineering and medecine, and I love both majors equally. After finishing college, I aspire to work abroad (Europe or the US). What do you think is better in terms of salary and opportunities to find a job abroad? Any advice would be much appreciated.",,,,,,2021-07-05 20:24:24 oeghy7,,1,Sajalni doesn’t register phone,I can’t register my phone for some reason... has anyone had any trouble like this or am I just too stupid for this?,,,,,,2021-07-05 21:13:29 oekpqz,,1,Survey On Amazigh Siwa's Linguistic and Cultural Heritage / استبيان عن سيوة الأمازيغية: تراثها اللغوي والثقافي,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-06 01:18:12 oen9o0,,4,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-07-06 04:00:17 oeow02,,6,Higher education without bac.,"Looking for higher education without having a *baccalaureate degree?* Due to personal health conditions and family problems, I was unable to study and actually go and sit for the tests.for two years, unfortunatly. I'm already 20 years of age, And i don't feel like trying for the 3rd time. I need adivce to what to do with the rest of my academic life. I want to get into more advanced education, universty like, but sadly i don't have bac.",,,,,,2021-07-06 05:53:10 oerr2r,,10,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-06 09:49:47 oes4e0,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-06 10:19:05 oeuscz,,1,Is there a restriction between cities? When will it end?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-06 13:19:58 oewjfr,,171,Mira: The Legend of the Djinns is an upcoming Metroidvania game loosely based on North African/Amazigh folklore set in the fictional world of Amazgesh - Going live on Kickstarter today!,,,,,,,2021-07-06 14:54:19 oewp1o,,1,"Wanderers Of The Desert, الهائمون (Nacer Khemir, 1984)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-06 15:01:59 oewsl1,,2,Survey On Amazigh Siwa’s Linguistic and Cultural Heritage/استبيان عن سيوة الأمازيغية: تراثها اللغوي والثقافي,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-06 15:06:47 oexnmz,,1,الخوذة الذكية التي تعالج الاكتئاب بالمجالات المغناطيسية,,,,,,,2021-07-06 15:49:52 oexp52,,1,سامسونج تكشف عن واجهة جديدة لساعة Galaxy Watch القادمة,,,,,,,2021-07-06 15:51:54 oezuj2,,5,Post-BAC: Germany or Tunisia,"Hey guys, after finishing the BAC my thoughts about what to do have been all over the place. I want to pursue a cs degree but IDK where should I. Here are my options and what my thoughts were about each one. So please help me pick. Option 1: Go to Germany \- I have been sorta hesitant about this one because of the work/study/life balance and the fact that I won't have much time to focus on my CS skills on my own (self-learning tech stacks and so on). Option 2: Esprit \- I heard a lot of good things about Esprit and (a lot of bad things). I'm also not a fan of prepa-integre due to the 5 years commitment. Option 3: License INFO fi fac/institut \- Sorta neutral about it (would be the easiest thing for me and my family to deal with) ""el fac ba7dha el dar bel dhabt"". But IDK, which one one is the best to pursue (don't say INSAT because there's no way I make it there/and I hate prepa/prepa-integ)",,,,,,2021-07-06 17:36:12 of0e06,,1,NEED HELP ! (ADVICE WITH ORIENTATION),[removed],,,,,,2021-07-06 18:01:33 of2hqm,,2,"Reschedule a ""Visite Technique"" ?","I had an appointment for the ""Visite Technique"" of our car, the date fell in the middle of the lockdown in Nabeul, so it was impossible to make it on that date. Today I called the ""Direction Régionale"" to reschedule and it turned out that they did not respect the lockdown (what a shock), and i missed the appointment. They said I could reschedule on the website without paying again, but I've looked everywhere and i can't find where I can do that. Does anyone know how i can reschedule an appointment using their poor excuse of a website or do i just make a new one and pay again? Ps: the ""website"" ([\_WEB/prendreunrendezvous.php](",,,,,,2021-07-06 19:44:32 of2pw1,,1,❤,,,,,,,2021-07-06 19:55:55 of6ij1,,13,Is Germany as good as people make it out to be ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-06 23:13:05 of8bph,,1,We wuz tunisians n shit,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-07 00:58:21 ofeocx,,7,How do I get better at french fast?,"So I am going to the university in a few months and my french sucks.. I somehow managed to get the bac without it but I have been told that place is very francophone so I need to get better at it fast before I go there, I am willing to spend few hours a day for that",,,,,,2021-07-07 08:18:06 ofjawc,,2,neighbors ...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-07 13:51:40 ofjcd6,,1,"Wanderers of the Desert, الهائمون (Nacer khemir, 1984)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-07 13:53:53 ofjjyc,,1,"Wanderers of the Desert, الهائمون (Nacer khemir, 1984)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-07 14:05:12 ofjs27,,1,"Wanderers of the Desert, الهائمون (Nacer Khemir, 1984)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-07 14:17:04 ofkzsn,,5,"Hello just wanted to ask a question , is INSAT for bac info in general a good idea ? And is it very very hard for jme3et l info ?",,,,,,,2021-07-07 15:18:57 ofmbbn,,1,"Wanderers of the Desert, الهائمون (Nacer khemir, 1984)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-07 16:22:46 ofmctl,,1,"Wanderers of the Desert, الهائمون (Nacer khemir, 1984)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-07 16:24:40 ofmk91,,1,"Sonia Ichti from Wanderers of the Desert, الهائمون (Nacer khemir, 1984)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-07 16:34:29 ofpjad,,2,Has anyone tried a technological card issued from Zaitouna for international paiement?,,,,,,,2021-07-07 18:57:19 ofs2lk,,10,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-07 21:03:54 ofy1y3,,15,Where do you get your Tunisian news from?,I’m looking for reputable local news websites in French or English.,,,,,,2021-07-08 02:34:51 og0ygo,,1,Permis de Conduire,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-08 05:41:52 og2omn,,8,Formation anglais,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-08 07:57:23 og320h,,6,Looking for the MOS technology 6502 processor,"Hi everyone, I live in sousse but I don't mind going out of the city to buy this. Does anyone know where I can buy a 6502 processor or any shops that may have it? I tried my best but i couldn't find any. Couldn't even find it on Amazon. Here's what it looks like: &#x200B; Thanks!",,,,,,2021-07-08 08:28:39 og4cr3,,7,Tech products from abroad,"Hey, I'm looking to buy some tech products from Amazon without a technological card. How can I do that ? Are those selling services reliable?",,,,,,2021-07-08 10:18:29 og548x,,5,freelance in tunisia, **who** **can** **talk** **about** **his** **freelance** **experience(in tunisia)** **and** **which** **payment** **methods** **does** **he** **uses?**,,,,,,2021-07-08 11:16:33 og5ps6,,2,PS4 controller fixing,"Anyone knows where i can fix my PS4 controller in Ariana ? Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-07-08 11:57:46 og7ack,,22,Any advice on opening my own bar?,"It's been a life long dream to open my own bar, I know doing something like this is not gonna be easy in tunisia but i feel like I have a lot of awesome and creative ideas and I have hope to make this work, I'm doing this with a close friend who also has a bit of experience in this field, so do you guys have any advice or just anything you wanna say!",,,,,,2021-07-08 13:33:03 og83ed,,1,تتفكروه أكبر مقفول عملوه في تونس ؟؟ 😂😂 هاكا باش يطيبولنا فيه كسكسي الفرق متاعنا🙄🙄🙄,,,,,,,2021-07-08 14:16:27 ogapuc,,2,What is the fastest and most secure way to transfer money to my German bank account from a Tunisian bank (Tnd to euro)?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-08 16:25:58 ogbeq4,,5,Flavored Condoms,"Does anyone have any idea where to get any Durex condoms with Flavor ? And if yes what are the prices ?",,,,,,2021-07-08 16:59:07 ogbesa,,1,COVID-19 Survey,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-08 16:59:12 ogbexg,,100,labib deserved better,,,,,,,2021-07-08 16:59:25 ogbg83,,3,To live abroad,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-08 17:00:53 ogc7dr,,1,Tunisia says health care system collapsing due to COVID-19,,,,,,,2021-07-08 17:37:31 ogd8hq,,6,A future engineer who wants to work in the medical field,"Hello people, im an ex-bac technique and a pt prepa student. As you all might know, i regret choosing the bac technique so so much, i got my bac with a mention tres bien and yet i didnt have a choice but to choose the classic prepa. So here i am today regretting my choices and discovering that the medical field attracts me the most. Is there any way for me to become an engineer who works in the medical field? Thanks in advance Have a great day!",,,,,,2021-07-08 18:26:58 ogdy9h,,0,Tunisia is not a free country,"There is no freedom of movement, you aren’t allowed to pray in a mosque, you are literally confined in your house under threat of prison on the weekends, you aren’t allowed to visit family, you aren’t allowed to marry, you aren’t allowed to leave your house after 8, you aren’t allowed freedom of speech, you aren’t allowed the right to bear arms. What’s the difference between living in a gulag as a prisoner versus living in Tunisia as a “free” citizen?",,,,,,2021-07-08 19:01:31 ogeig7,,7,Can I realistically work & study in college in Tunisia while paying all life expenses?,I need college education to pursue what I want but I also want to cut out my relatives. Is that possible in today's climate?,,,,,,2021-07-08 19:28:51 ogharb,,2,Vinyl records,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-08 21:47:33 oghsv7,,6,MMA gym,Hello I really enjoy watching MMA and I was wondering If you know some MMA gyms in Tunis close to lbanlieu nord preferably but the important thing is that it is in the city (sorry for the bad English I'm used to french),,,,,,2021-07-08 22:13:33 ogi114,,3,Help Tunisia,"FR: La situation en Tunisie est catastrophique, manque de masques, oxygène,… Pouvez vous signez cette pétition pour aider la Tunisie pendant cette crise ? Merci à vous TN: Fi Tounes denya michi be7ia 7atataraf, m3adohmch oxygène, masques… 3ounen tounes 3chik m3a lien Allah y 5alikom EN: The situation in Tunisia is catastrophic, lack of oxygen, of masks .... help tunisia by signing the petition below please[Help Tunisia](",,,,,,2021-07-08 22:25:28 ogizjv,,5,Best Savings Account,"Hello guys, I'm planning to open up a savings account. What is the best one you recommend? I'm looking for a decent level of freedom when it comes to withdrawing/depositing money and a good credit/interest.",,,,,,2021-07-08 23:18:24 ogjkhm,,4,looking for a supporting group,"**is there any supporting groups in tunisia (capital) ?** i have a big mental problem and im socially awkward i literally think about my life and my existence every single minute im tired of overthinking and answering my own questions and i feel like i cant tell anyone about my thoughts ppl might think im crazy or smth and thats why im looking for as upporting group",,,,,,2021-07-08 23:51:51 ogjnw3,,1,Traveling to Tunis from the US- bad time?,"My family in Tunisia tell me the situation due to covid is bad and I see it in the news - I am trying to decide if traveling to Tunis would be a good idea for me. I am a student and uni begins in September, so I need to be aware of any airport shutdowns from Tunis or the US. I am vaccinated and I would comply with mask regulations. This trip is important to me because I haven't seen my family in over 10 years (but what's another year of waiting I guess)",,,,,,2021-07-08 23:57:17 ogjrqu,,5,Any questions about INSAT are welcome,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-09 00:03:03 ognntm,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-07-09 04:00:16 ogqpal,,1,Salaries in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-09 07:39:27 ogqv57,,6,Question about majors,"is it worth it to pursue a ''informatique"" major in university ,if yes what is the difference between computer science and computer enginnering ? what are the pros and cons ??",,,,,,2021-07-09 07:52:55 ogs7ot,,6,Necessary documents for master's application,"Hello! Next year I'll be graduating university and I plan on applying for master's abroad and in Tunisia as well. What are the documents/ papers that I can prepare in advance? Thank yall!",,,,,,2021-07-09 09:43:41 ogtwtc,,1,E7mi address and phone number for transit passengers,"Hi, I have an autonomy transit (being out of the international zone and registering my baggage at Tunis airport) soon, I will be coming to Tunisia to take another flight in the following hours and I have to fill the e7mi form but which address and number (which has to be Tunisian) am I supposed to put ? Do I put the airport address and the Tunisian number of the flight company I’m going to take or ? I tried to get answers with the company but nobody is answering. Thank you",,,,,,2021-07-09 11:48:53 ogvcds,,20,Software developers salaries in tunisia,"I was wondering how are the average salaries for entry level software developers in Tunisia, if anyone has that experience",,,,,,2021-07-09 13:16:42 ogvrrd,,1,The tourist season in Tunisia ended without starting for the Delta varian,,,,,,,2021-07-09 13:40:08 ogvzod,,5,what can we do to save the health crisis in tunisia,"we have no vaccines, no oxygenes, no valid places in hopitals, any ideas u guys maybe find useful and want to share ?",,,,,,2021-07-09 13:51:49 ogwrwa,,5,Community manager salaries in tunisia,"I was wondering how are the average salaries for entry level community in Tunisia, if anyone has that experience currently, I'm working for a company (my first month) and I can't make svip contract because I'll start my master In few months, so anybody have an idea about the salary (I have no experience)",,,,,,2021-07-09 14:31:32 ogy439,,0,Freelancing in the computer science industry,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-09 15:37:16 oh00hx,,1,growing cannabis in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-09 17:10:20 oh1u8r,,0,I miss these vibes 😔❤,,,,,,,2021-07-09 18:41:11 oh2mra,,1,IS ESPRIT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS REALLY WORTH IT ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-09 19:20:44 oh4eo2,,26,Recycling in Tunisia,"Hi all of you ... I would like to share with you my first personal experience in recycling. Three weeks later, our company got from Colibris ( you can serach for it in FB ) two bag meant to be fulfilled with recyclable garbage. Today was the first time Colibris came to collect about 20 Kg for recycling. I'm sure many of you think about a way to recycle gardbage but didn't find how or when. You can call Colibris, they are serious, professional and they do it free of charge In this picture, the green bag of [Colibris]( &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-07-09 20:51:13 oh55v4,,5,How can I learn Tunisian berber language,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-09 21:29:50 oh55v6,,18,How can I learn Tunisian berber language,"Is there any way to learn berber language here in Tunisia, and if not should I learn another form of berber and which one should I learn",,,,,,2021-07-09 21:29:50 oh5aot,,1,تونس رابع أنظف عاصمة؟ are we living in the same country,,,,,,,2021-07-09 21:37:00 oh5sw5,,6,"did anyone already pre-ordered Starlink? and if yes, can you share how was the experience of getting the kit when it arrives?","I can pre-order, but I don't want to because I know Diwena will make me pay double the price, and the kit is expensive already. so if anyone is willing to take the risk, and pre-ordered or will order when it arrives, please share with us here so we know if we order, or just travel and use that money for our mental health then go home with the dishy.",,,,,,2021-07-09 22:03:57 oh6cko,,1,Améliorer la durée de vie de la batterie de votre téléphone,,,,,,,2021-07-09 22:34:11 oh6m3i,,0,ahmad is adopted,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-09 22:48:50 oh74rc,,5,Just asking for help.,"Hello everyone, I don't really know if im allowed to do this, but i just created a new clothing page on Instagram where i buy and sell clothes, it's not much but it's my first ever experience dealing with a small business, so if you're interested can you follow it or atleast give me your feedback guys ? Here is the link : []( Thank you so much all of you.",,,,,,2021-07-09 23:18:12 oh7kri,,112,Freelancing FAQ in Tunisia,"It seems that every few months we get someone asking about freelancing here, which is a good thing! so i decided to share this: ---------------- In spetember 2016, i posted this thread here: [My monthly income since i decided to start Freelancing in 2012 + overall details on each period. Feel free to ask anything, i'll be glad to help]( I answered a lot of common questions in that thread so make sure to read it whenever you can, am also still doing ""freelancing"" sort of speak, am not constantly hunting for client anymore though, been working on a long term projects for years now, and i have my own company here (SUARL totalement exportatrice) in order to legitimize the whole thing, money is really good and i still work from home, feel free to ask anything. &nbsp; With that said, here are some answers for some of the frequently asked questions: ------ #FAQ #Tunisia-related (money, legal shit, etc ...) **How do i get paid ?** * It depends, if you work with one of the famous platforms (upwork, fiverr) then you could use a payoneer card, but if you meet your client ""randomly"" in some forum (r/forhire, r/gameDevClassifieds, /r/slavelabour ) then you just have to talk it out, in the past i used : * Payoneer card-to-card payement (client must have a payoneer card) * Westerunion (expensive, avoid that) * [WorldRemit]( (super cheap WesternUnion alternative) * Bank wire (but don't do it for large amounts, anything less han 2000tnd should be fine) &nbsp; **Does payoneer work in Tunisia ?** * Yes (but you really can't be a freelancer if you can't make a simple google search...) &nbsp; **Will they send me a MasterCard to my home??** * yes &nbsp; **W diwena 😲??? ma yotlbouch 3leya rachwa ??** * No &nbsp; **Can i send money from payoneer directly to my tunisian bank account?** * Yes &nbsp; **What ATM do you use with Payoneer and how much they cost** * I never used Payoneer credit card in a Tunisian ATM since 2016, i only use it online or when i travel. * The fees are available in [Payoneer's fee page]( * No the Tunisian government won't bother you. &nbsp; **can i link a tunisian paypal account to payoneer account ?** * Yes &nbsp; **can i use that paypal account to buy things ?** * Most of the time yes (ebay, steam, g2a, etc..), but it doesn't work for subscriptions (like Netflix), for that you have to use your payoneer Mastercard directly, also some other services that doesn't have our countries in their supported list (like Nintendo and Playstation) won't accept neither your paypal nor your payoneer card &nbsp; **can i use that paypal account to receive money?** * No &nbsp; **I don't have a payoneer account yet, and i need to pay some international fees (eg: Google/Apple dev account fees)** * Get a ""Carte technologique"" &nbsp; **My Client doesn't have a payoneer card what should i do?** * When it comes to working with beginners, most clients would like to work with you through a proxy-service (fiverr, upwork, etc..), so they can get a refund when you do a terrible job (and leave you a bad review that will hunt you for years) * If you still somehow found a client ""in the wild"", and they really wanna work with you, then WorldRemit is the easiest and fastest way to get paid, it's basicaly WesternUnion but way cheaper, and your client can pay with whatever they want, the only ""limitation"" for it is that it only works with BH (Bank d'habitat) you don't need to have a bank account, but you need to go to a BG agency and give them the transiction ID, kinda like getting a ""ماندا"" from your local post office. * About WorldRemit, last time i used it was in 2017, and back then, despite the service being called WorldRemit in the official website, the bank agent that i dealt with (BH-Benzart) kept calling it **MoneyTrans**, so if you go there and ask about WorldRemit and they give you the usual ""nope"", make sure to ask about MoneyTrans too. &nbsp; **My freelancing business is getting stable income and i want to legitimize it** * Start a company, it doesn't cost much at all, and there is so many tax benefits for people in this line of works (assuming all of your clients are foreigners who pays in Euro/USD) &nbsp; **Is there a ""Freelancer"" status in Tunisia bech n7ot'ha fi bita9et ta3rif w nodhher cool 😎?** * No and وكيل شركة is cooler. &nbsp; **What are the benefits of starting a company ?? i'll be just paying taxes to this incompetent corrupt government 😠** * It's the only way that will allow you to buy expensive things legally (car, piece of land, house, etc..) * It's also the best and fastest way if you wanna be able to travel. * You wont have طالب in your بطاقة تعريف when you're clearly older than my dad... * Extra social respect-points anywhere you go. * Huge tax benefits if you open an international company (totalement exportatrice). * You must do it anyway if you keep receiving ""large"" amount of money regularly (+2k/month), if you don't, it can be considered tax evasion. &nbsp; **Can i send you a chat request ?** * unless it's an emergency and your question is VERY specific to you, i prefer that you comment here so other will benefit from it, i also hate Chat in general, so in case you still need some specific answers that for some reason you don't want them answered here, then send a direct message with all the details and i'll get back to you as soon as i can. * TLl;DR: no chat. ------------------------- #General Freelancing FAQ: **For Programmers:** **What should i learn** * Whatever field you're a fan of, but the easiest one to make money with online are (in no particular order): * iOs and/or Android development * Tasks Automation (bots, etc..) * Web dev * Game dev * Small crossplatform apps but don't expect to get a job ONLINE for cyber-security or some big banking software, always think about the fact that you are a total stranger to the client, so no matter how good you are, no one is gonna trust you with something worth millions of dollars *ONLINE* &nbsp; Also, if you are a programmer (intermediate or expert) and you're not making **at least** an extra $500 a month from side-gig as a freelancer, then you're wasting a great opportunity to make money, and you're also a total idiot and a disgrace to us programmers :) &nbsp; **I am a programmer, but i don't know how to start** * are you really ? because if by ""programmer"" you mean that you just finished 18 theoretical exams in college but have no real project at all then you are delusional, it's like calling yourself a ""writer"" simply because you graduated from ""bac lettre"", or a musician simply because you attempted to learn an instrument for one year, so at this point, you are not a programmer, you are simply a student. * Start making real projects, because you will NEVER get any client if you just keep learning the theory, and actually, it is a fact that most theories you learn will vanish from your skill-set if you don't practice them often enough, so the question is really simple: * **Can i show something to the client that will seduce them to work with me?** * And by that i mean something along the field of the client, you can't have a portfolio full of websites, and then try to apply for a game dev job, but if you don't have a portfolio at all, then *nobody* is gonna hire you 5atrek jebt 15 fel ISET lol * And finally, this is not at all a question related to Tunisia, beginners struggle is universal, doesn't matter if you're American or Indian, as a matter of fact, as a beginner, you have an advantage over 1st world countries because as a 20y.o from a poor/average family, a $500/month will make you feel like King Salman, but in the US this is fuck all and no one would bother with it, so use that to your advantage. * Google it! there is countless of reddit, youtube and various other forums post about ""getting started with freelancing"" tips, *especially* for programmers, some fields are obviously harder than other, some is hard purely because of the skill they require, and other are hard because of how saturated they are (by Indians), but it is what it is, and the whole point of this post is to show you that someone from the same background of you has made it, which mean you can make it. &nbsp; **For Designers:** I don't know what should you learn, but i did hire freelance designers in the past, and the one thing i am sure of is that clients always look for ""Good final scene"", here is an example of a VERY SIMPLE 3D models but with AMAZING presentation: * And here is an example of a bad portfolio: * Despite the second one having models that are much more complex than the first one, I think you can all tell which one is getting more job offers. As as a beginner designers and even intermediate/expert, keep in mind that you are gonna be working with clients who expects you to do EVERYTHING, and a well presented simple scene is way more attractive than a very technically-heavy model that looks like shit, the technical thing might be appreciated by other artists/experts, but clients who only need one job done usually never have that knowledge and only judge you as a ""casual"" person. &nbsp; **I don't have any Skill to sell online, am i fucked ?** Not really, you can always try Dropshipping, also brows /r/slavelabour to get some ideas, but in this department usually a paypal account to receive money is crucial, so maybe try dropshipping ? (don't ask me what it is, google it), or you can bite the bullet and learn a proper skill ? Because even if you chose dropshipping or any other e-commerce thing, the main issue is that for Skilled-Freelance the entry-fee is basically free (after aquiring the skill of course), for you however, you need a capital, to host your website, pay for good SEO, pay for Social media marketing, etc.. But it is a profitable thing nonetheless, the waiting time to make money here is also usually higher than selling your skill, so you need to be patient. &nbsp; **I am not motivated enough, please help me master 😭** George Carlin have [the perfect answer]( for you",,,,,,2021-07-09 23:44:59 oha96z,,1,Permis de Conduire,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-10 02:35:51 ohabmj,,1,Permis de Conduire,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-10 02:40:13 ohd173,,1,Assises internationales de la Presse francophone du 17 au 19 novembre [Hammamet],,,,,,,2021-07-10 05:50:23 ohd2jj,,1,Covid-19: 189 décès supplémentaires et 8506 nouvelles contaminations en 24h,,,,,,,2021-07-10 05:53:21 ohfsxa,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-10 09:47:39 ohg90n,,10,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-10 10:26:56 ohgg2v,,3,Cheap but good gym in Tunis?,"yea I know most are closed now but I want to get an idea about the prices there, thanks.",,,,,,2021-07-10 10:43:46 ohha9a,,1,Don't go to Germany,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-10 11:50:04 ohhm47,,7,Anyone who's studying or graduated in architecture or integrated preparatory,"Can you please drop some info about ur experience for someone who ""nje7 bac sc"" and doesn't know what tf he's going to pursue",,,,,,2021-07-10 12:14:18 ohhy4g,,1,مصر ترسل إلى تونس أكثر من 31 طنا من الإمدادات الطبية,,,,,,,2021-07-10 12:37:53 ohi3gf,,1,Current crisis,,,,,,,2021-07-10 12:48:28 ohi5y3,حاير_في_ال/,4,masterحاير في ال," I'm a 24-year-old college student, and I will be applying to university in 2021Therefore, I need to use this year as good preparation for the degree I choose - but that's the problem. I cannot decide. One option is to complete a master in marketing and become a community manager or marketer This will take me 2 years including 2 years work experience to, I really enjoy managing social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok etc. My other choice is to become a Salesperson or data analysis expert I know that this will take me most of my working life to achieve, as a professorial title doesn't come easy. I am absolutely passionate about all new things, especially playing with numbers and stat s - I could talk for hours. Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by the statistics and probability in the high school. However, job security in this degree field is not great (high competition), and it's not exactly a growing field ether. If I eventually manage to become an expert, the salary will be very good I've heard many people set out to become assistance but never end up there... To conclude, the Architecture would give a decent amount of enjoyment and a secure job, but it doesn't really excite me as much as Ancient History. What I'm really asking is: can someone clear my vision, I'm trying to brainstorm my mind and see everything from a different angle Sorry for how long this is...",,,,,,2021-07-10 12:53:17 ohj9pp,,8,Finding Archives of Old Tunisian Songs,"I know this is kinda of weird post, but does anyone know where can I find full albums and records of Old Tunisian songs?",,,,,,2021-07-10 14:03:28 ohjf19,,1,IT'S COMING HOME,,,,,,,2021-07-10 14:12:04 ohlbx1,,60,"Earning a decent living in tunisia without bac, support system nor assets","I started working at the age of 12 mainly to help support a familly member with a chronic health problem i first started working the holidays, weekends and night shifts anything i can get my hands on tbh. fortunately i was able to reach baccalaureate but after 2 unsuccessful attempts i opted to hustling my way through life (not the best decision i admit, I'm not the brightest tool in the shed after all) and sticking to what i was already doing low income jobs in different fields ranging from tourism, construction sites, sales person, raising small animals to sell … i know for a fact that i didn't get any real work experience nor life skills that i can make a decent living out of in the long run i didn't realized that at first because i was only working out of necessity with no focus on future plan whatsoever, i couldn't even keep a good social network duo my introverted personality. i thought of many ways i can improve my situation but unfortunately non of which has payed off so far, been planning to save up some money to get a professional formation diploma through a night school but I'm still indecisive about which path i should be pursuing. **I'm not looking for shortcuts any advice/guidance is appreciated** Thank you Edit: didn't think this post is gonna get much attention let alone this level of uplifting energy thank you all ",,,,,,2021-07-10 16:00:17 ohn764,,2,Sea turtle rescued in Tunisian waters,,,,,,,2021-07-10 17:41:50 ohoimx,,7,"Are there any recommended, competent shrinks according to your experience?","Looking for a decent therapist, but also I'm afraid of whether they might be good or just old school. Someone that is ""English"" oriented would be a miracle.",,,,,,2021-07-10 18:53:30 ohojmm,,1,"Anyone knows where/how to get/make a custom disguise face mask, like the famous anonymous one but personnalisé.. and a blank one too ? (Nothing suspicious no worries lol) Much appreciated ♥️",,,,,,,2021-07-10 18:55:00 ohot13,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-10 19:09:11 ohp4ic,,2,Realistically speaking could a Tunisian resident with a tunisian bank account benefit from a passive income without necessarily passing through PayPal ??,"Whether apps, services, freelance, fundraising... Just money directly wired to their bank account (IBAN) no matter the currency and somehow it automatically transfers to TND.",,,,,,2021-07-10 19:26:36 ohpkdb,,7,How are u managing your mental health during this tough?,It's getting cannot avoid the fear..,,,,,,2021-07-10 19:50:43 ohpq5s,,1,"Our new vlog in Istanbul, check it out and support us ❤🌊",,,,,,,2021-07-10 19:59:53 ohqvjb,,1,Lampedusa mon'amour,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-10 21:04:06 ohrpat,,1,Tunisia makes headlines for something good,,,,,,,2021-07-10 21:51:22 ohrrlz,,6,How to get a job abroad as a newly graduated software engineer and is it easy?,,,,,,,2021-07-10 21:55:08 ohscup,,5,ESPRIT,Did ESPRIT cancel prepa?,,,,,,2021-07-10 22:29:45 ohsf56,,1,Your opinion on this?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-10 22:33:24 ohsfm6,,1,Your opinion on this?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-10 22:34:06 ohxejy,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-07-11 04:00:22 ohzbxd,,1,بنزرت,,,,,,,2021-07-11 06:27:50 oi00kh,,0,Do you relate ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-11 07:25:27 oi1ggt,,86,"Sunset, Djerba",,,,,,,2021-07-11 09:33:28 oi20zl,,10,Is nepotism in Tunisia a fact or myth ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-11 10:23:46 oi2to7,,2,How to understand a Tunisian leftist 101!,,,,,,,2021-07-11 11:30:42 oi32bb,,10,Found 6 kittens next to my neighborhood's trash can and i can't take care of them . What should I do ?,"We already have 9 cats at home and it's hella frustrating (4 kittens and 5 cats .) What should I do ? I heard that there is no animal care association in Tunis . Thank you",,,,,,2021-07-11 11:50:04 oi3r3b,,1,Is esprit school of business worth it?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-11 12:41:00 oi4ed4,,1,كيفية ربح المال من الانترنت للمبتدئين 100 دولار يوميا,,,,,,,2021-07-11 13:24:31 oi4yyo,,0,Looking for people to socialize in Real life,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-11 14:00:39 oi57o3,,21,What happens to bac's top-scoring students later?,"Each year we hear a lot of names, cherish the top-scoring for a bit and that's it we never hear anything again. We send aboard each year 70 students straight after bac and 120 after 2 years of study in ipest. Which I think is a lot of money and I am really questioning its utility. With a simple look at past student's LinkedIns and CVs I realized they never really did amount to anything ( or at least to what was expected from them as the elites of the country ). The majority don't even bother with doctorate school and jump directly to the workforce and never come back. Well nothing is wrong with that but really can't they do the same form here ? does the country need to sponsor their education so they can get jobs abroad? Yes, there are some positive cases like Mohammed Frikha and others but remember we are talking about thousands and thousands through the years.",,,,,,2021-07-11 14:15:31 oi6qgk,,1,احاديث نبوية منتشرة غير صحيحة,,,,,,,2021-07-11 15:40:51 oi814i,,1,are we this doomed ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-11 16:52:06 oi8a54,,19,purpose of section math/science/lettre/technique/eco/info/sport ?,"I don't understand the purpose of this division and I think it does more harm than good. Do they think a 15/16 child can choose correctly between info or eco ? and what if he/she changes his/her decisions later? You are basically trapped. Also, How will being an info/technique/eco student help you later? You will basically start everything from scratch in university. At this point, I think the sole purpose of it is to save other majors from the advanced math classes math students take. Later on, a math student will only choose a scientific major, eco students will only choose commerce or business and lettre students will only choose law and literature studies which I think is really really bad. In other countries law is the most competitive major and only people with top math grades get into it. Here they make it socially unacceptable to do so. I think we should all have the same education system during high school, have fewer/easier math classes for all , and graduate at the age of 18 instead of 19 and from there you can choose what you like freely and without pressure!",,,,,,2021-07-11 17:05:36 oi9rz4,,8,Can an Algerian find a job in Tunisia,"Hello I'm (f 26) algerian, planning on moving to Tunisia, I have no family there nor friends, I'd like to know if it's possible for me to find a job to be able to pay rent etc.. I'll appreciate any advice really.",,,,,,2021-07-11 18:26:24 oia89d,,8,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-11 18:50:43 oibk0t,,11,Friend has a cat with weak rear legs and can barely walk,"\- Is there anyone who can help me find something like this wheelchair or whatever it's called. I live In Sousse. Thanks",,,,,,2021-07-11 20:04:40 oidorf,,1,Dubaï lance le programme national pour les programmeurs,,,,,,,2021-07-11 22:06:44 oif47q,,1,Nefza,,,,,,,2021-07-11 23:24:00 oif92z,,1,"Tempting mature Summer Brielle with round tits enjoying oral [Cumshot, Hardcore, Blowjob, Handjob, Pornstar, Uncategorized, hd porn, 5m]",,,,,,,2021-07-11 23:31:53 oifw64,,1,Internship,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-12 00:09:57 oiiqi7,,1,SOS Hichem Fetoui,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-12 03:07:42 oij1af,,1,SOS Hichem Fetoui,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-12 03:26:39 oio0nq,,1,Bank that accepts international cards?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-12 09:44:56 oio11p,,19,Lonely af,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-12 09:45:50 oiph82,,3,Looking for public universities that still accepting admissions for masters... recommendation in Tunis.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-12 11:37:48 oiplca,,7,Where to go to pay a fine ?,So about 4 days ago I got a fine from driving around past the curfew. They took my license and my car papers. I only have 3 days left to pay the fine but I have no idea where to go. Can someone help pls ?,,,,,,2021-07-12 11:45:46 oipzcd,,1,Some clumsy Bros saved a sea turtle in Sousse Tunisia while being in the beach,,,,,,,2021-07-12 12:11:17 oiqh36,,1,Cancelling Plans Excuse Generator (Tunisian Version),,,,,,,2021-07-12 12:42:17 oiqhnn,,7,Business in Tunisia. What are your thoughts and here's some questions.,"Id like to start a business in Tunisia. Ive been talking with the locals about this and i'm wondering what kind of businesses are either missing or hard to find? It could be a shop for essentials, electronics, a place for people to stay like an airBnb or a clothing rental store, taxi service, really anything that's needed. Based of your personal experience what are you thoughts? Also I've heard import taxes are high? Does anyone have a link to any information on this? How much does the government get involved with the process of establishing a walk In business? Where are prime locations for a successful business in Tunisia? (I'm aware there are many factors to this such as the business it self) Are there import stores around? If you can answer any of my questions please don't hesitate any info is appreciated.",,,,,,2021-07-12 12:43:19 oit5jj,,1,Mabrouk Italia!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-12 15:07:47 oiu48e,,1,ma3mel philo,,,,,,,2021-07-12 15:56:21 oiu6je,,1,Topnet blackout? Any news guys,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-12 16:01:05 oiug20,,1,Phosphates & the Political Economy of Environmental Transformation in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-07-12 16:12:59 oivur0,,2,"The UAE pledges to give Tunisia 500,000 doses of vaccines against Corona",,,,,,,2021-07-12 17:20:15 oiwngt,,1,Is software development (Web Dev) Oversaturated in Tunisia and in other regions,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-12 17:58:53 oiwshe,,29,@Mods why you guys removed the post ''Freelancing FAQ in Tunisia'',"It's kinda weird that posts were the most useful information I want to see, and it gives me the motivation to learn code So I wanted to read it again, but I can't find it anymore because mods removed it :(  So can you please unlock it? Or Explain why it's removed [\_faq\_in\_tunisia/](",,,,,,2021-07-12 18:05:26 oiy5nq,,3,C+E truck driving license in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-12 19:11:54 oiyi9g,,3,Opportunities ll kraya l barra,"Allright so khdhit lbac laam hetha b moyenne behya w I already decided bsh nakra INSAT rather than prepa since i know i want to study computer science. My main question is: Fama opportunities eni nokhrej l barra any time soon (kbal ma nkammel 5 snin insat wala hata mbaad) ? If so any tips or advice on how ? Do they give schorlarships ll les majeurs? If not, any other alternaltives? Finally, jmeaa li krat INSAT any tips? Thanks a lot.",,,,,,2021-07-12 19:30:27 oizcnj,,1,A dangerous idiot driving with a shredded tire casually in some road in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-07-12 20:11:55 oj011e,,1,Saudi Arabia to send one million doses of vaccine to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-12 20:45:37 oj0lpi,,1,Best milk 😤,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-12 21:13:50 oj0p6y,,1,Help me texting,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-12 21:18:44 oj1gw5,,1,Shout-out to our Algerian and Moroccans brothers for standing up with us in 1998,,,,,,,2021-07-12 21:56:49 oj1mlb,,5,Do you know which city hosts the biggest number of Tunisians aboard ?,,,,,,,2021-07-12 22:04:40 oj3ix8,,51,"Defends himself from a rapist, gets arrested for fighting back anyway","So the ex-head of presidential security was arrested 2 days ago after attempting to rape a 17 yo boy, Yeah go figure the irony, but here's the ""funny"" part: the kid also got arrested for fighting him while defending himself, and this kind of shit makes me wonder wtf is justice anyway 🤦",,,,,,2021-07-12 23:46:07 oj3z92,,12,Fiber Optic / What are the procedures?,"Hey! Just recently in Ariana, in Riadh el Andalous, Tunisie Telecom put an ad (not really an ad) saying “Pour votre confort, Tunisie Telecom installe la fibre optique” and this was 7 days ago (They had cables and everything ready). Since I loved the fact that they were introducing the Fiber Optic, I kept following their work (just like 3 times a day I pass by). The thing is, all I’ve seen was them just placing a new small box that was labeled (TT logo) in the entrance of Riadh el Andalous and they spent some days working on it but I haven’t seen them do the actual cable work and them being there lasted only for 4 days then there is no trace of them. My questions: Does anyone know how this installation works in Tunisia? Is it true that they scam some people by not finishing the whole installation and just putting VDSL cables to finish the line? How complicated is it? How long does it take to finish? Side note: I have actually checked their e-shop where you can check if you are eligible for fiber using the map but it hasn’t changed… Thanks and I’m really curious about this cus we currently have 12MBPS and that’s the max we have here we can’t reach more than that and it’s sad that most of Ariana is not covered by Fiber (Afaik only Menzah and ennasr have fiber in Ariana close by)",,,,,,2021-07-13 00:11:30 oj58lf,,8,Question,"Hello everyone, what do you think about the recently passed مشروع قانون الإنعاش الإقتصادي , espically about the ability of Tunisians to create bank accounts with foreign money",,,,,,2021-07-13 01:26:48 oj6fj2,,1,found this on facebook,,,,,,,2021-07-13 02:38:30 oj6rdt,,1,مركز الملك سلمان للإغاثة يدعم تونس باللقاحات والأجهزةوالمستلزمات الطبية والوقائية بشكل عاجل لمكافحة فيروس كورونا - أكثر من,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-13 02:59:02 oj70wg,,1,خادم الحرمين الشريفين يوجه مركز الملك سلمان للإغاثة بدعم تونس باللقاحات والأجهزةوالمستلزمات الطبية والوقائية بشكل عاجل لمكافحة فيروس كورونا,,,,,,,2021-07-13 03:15:02 oj79wk,,3,Good place to just think,I mean does anyone know a place in tunis to just be alone and think like a cool place with a cool view that’s not that popular ? Asking for too much i know 🥲,,,,,,2021-07-13 03:30:21 oj7r7y,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-07-13 04:00:14 oj84fe,,9,Where to find good restaurants in Tunis?,"I'm new here, and I wanted to know where I can find classy restaurants in Tunis, around ""El manzah"" or downtown. Because for now, all I've seen is either fast food joints, or classy restaurants that are just expensive because they serve alcohol, while the food is disgusting.",,,,,,2021-07-13 04:24:17 oj8hcq,,1,I need advice,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-13 04:49:05 oj8rj4,,1,I need advice,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-13 05:08:11 oj8s2c,,7,I need advice,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-13 05:09:14 ojb03h,,1,Studying in Germany or INSAT,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-13 08:00:57 ojb2rr,,11,Studying in Germany or INSAT ?,"Hey there , i graduated this year bac mention trés bien and im thinking nkaml 9rayti f germany (bachelor-master) f IT. I am bac tech w idk ken scori ywaslni INSAT or not malgre eli 9alou walew ye5dhou 80 bac tech 50%-50% scori ne9s 4 pts par rapport l score 3amnwl ama yod5olou des facteurs o5rin 5astan sné scorat lkol tal3in so you never know. You may ask : **Why I want to study in Germany ?** \-Okay, I chose germany bcz i don't like frensh at all althrough i was accepted by many Frensh Universities (Campus France) and i think that it will be hard for me to integrate in the frensh community and may face issues in university bcz they expect you to master the language 3arks germany eli ta3tik one year bech tet3alm lougha w mbaad tabda ta9ra so i think that i have a chance in germany more in france. \-I did my research on the universities there and they have high ranking on EU and worldwide mentioning TU Munchen and RWTH AACHEN w zid fama barcha twensa ya9raw fehom so ITS POSSIBLE. and thats better than doing INSAT or Prepa lena f tounes . YES i know eli heya te5ou akther wa9t w effort but it seems worth it. \-I want to discover myself and experience life in general, i have never traveled before in my life so i see it as an adventure that will make me stronger as a person and also will provide me a good quality education (im not saying INSAT isn't good) but German Universities are better (If you have an other opinion feel free to comment pls). Of course there are CONS like leaving home at a young age , different culture , feeling lonely most of the time etc..... **Why I want to study INSAT?** \-Based on laa3d eli 9raw INSAT w s2lthom 9alou its just 2 yrs of hard work mbaad it will be easier w testeness b rythme w kol chay. So natla3 reb7 TIME and MONEY. \-Prestigious Fac in Tunisia w 3andha reputation tayara f domaine IT zeda. \-Networking w clubs there are AWESOME ! w nes eli s2lthom lkol yetaf9ou ala 7eja w eli houma lsa7aab eli 3amlehom w nes eli t3arfou alehom I havn't heard alot of CONS about it except eli heya s3iba w lezem tkoun a jour etc..So if there are any INSAT student out there please let us know what you like and don't like about it It would mean alot if you can help me and give me advises and tell me about your own experience. Brabi jma3t INSAT w Germany a7kiwli al experience mte3kom w classic question : ken yarja3 bik lwa9t lteli chnoua kont ta3ml differently. Also in case i wasn't accepted f INSAT , is PREPA MANAR/MONASTIR or Esprit worth it par rapport l Germany ? Thanks in Advance!",,,,,,2021-07-13 08:06:53 ojbbrs,,1,We NEED this!!!,,,,,,,2021-07-13 08:28:35 ojc2pe,,1,ISET,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-13 09:31:56 ojcmwt,,24,Tell me you are Tunisian without telling me you are Tunisian 😁,,,,,,,2021-07-13 10:15:17 ojeudt,éme_choix/,7,Are Tunisian Budget Gaming Products '2éme choix' ?,"Now what I mean with 2éme choix is, everything I buy from Tunisia and is a Budget Turkish/Polish/Whatever Brand, they always always have faulty stuff, Most of them are: \-Genesis : * My old Mechanical Keyboard from Genisis has really really bad red switches, and its leds died within one year of usage. I was lazy to go for the warranty since it'll surely happen again anytime soon. I assumed here that the product itself is just bad, not the stock. \-Redragon : * My new Mechanical Keyboard hasn't made a year, and here are my issues with it: A button no longer illuminates correctly, and two switches randomly stop working. Yesterday I went for the warranty (Tunisianet) and they said that it's not guaranteed that I'll get a new one and they sent my keyboard to the manufacturer apparantly. This is not due to it not being cleaned or anything, I have cleaned it thoroughly and I don't use it that much since I had BAC this year and the only time I got to use it was during this ""Summer"" for a little gaming. Funny thing, I told the guy working there that the Z and Q button aren't working, he wrote Z and D aren't working, I only found this out when I arrived home since I was driving and didn't pay that much attention to the paper. Not only that but he also wrote that the whole keyboard no longer illuminates correctly... * A friend has a Headset and barely 6 months in, the cable no longer works... * Another friend bought a mechanical keyboard from them and the keyboard has broken plastic bits when he first bought it. \-Konix: * I had a headset from Konix and the first day the vibration stopped working on one side. I went in for a warranty and they replaced it with another one that does a broken sound when it vibrates, I honestly gave up at that point since I was little and I was scared that my parents would kill me. &#x200B; Are these just coincidences or is it true? I'm more concerned about Redragon because the others could just be bad companies, but Redragon is popular worldwide and even Linus Tech Tips makes reviews of them... On the bright side: \-Logitech: * I have had a G Pro that only started being uncomfortable (double clicking issues and adhesive pads) after 3 years. Yes 3 Years. And I gave it to someone that is currently playing with it. I fixed the double clicking issue. * I currently have a G503 HERO mouse and I'm happy with the quality. It is 6 months old and nothing to say but perfect. * I also have a 720p Logitech camera and nothing is wrong with it. * I own a Logitech G Pro X headset and it feels like heaven and it is 4 months old. No. Issues. Why can't I just buy a budget item without having to worry that 3 months later it'll start having issues? Is this normal?",,,,,,2021-07-13 12:46:21 ojfrqi,,0,"The UAE, the homeland of humanity, s3nd a dispatch of 500,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to beloved Tunisia, under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed.",,,,,,,2021-07-13 13:38:57 ojg8rn,,1,Help me texting girl,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-13 14:04:01 ojgj2y,,1,Is this true And what opportunities does it open?,,,,,,,2021-07-13 14:18:26 ojh5pm,,5,NGO,would you guys recommend any NGOs i could join? something that doesn't require specific experience/degree like law or medicine would be nice.,,,,,,2021-07-13 14:49:42 oji382,,1,هل تعلم انو في تونس الpdg متع شركة الاوتورت مقتنعة انو الجن عندو phobie من التمر؟ المرة الجاية المشيشي يحطلنا سكيزوفران على التونيسار,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-13 15:34:52 oji8qu,,7,FAGAST !!!,hmmm mestens just nemchi nakra mankrach fel dar / etude mel 7 eme lel 3 eme (sna) o njib 10 /11 manghir efforts ala asses fel bac nkawi el rythme ( i know not a good idea) ama sna trimestre loula jebt 11 trimestre thenya l3abt o jebt 9 moyenne general 9.92 :/ doubelt i am shocked didn't expect it 0.08 njib 1 wala nos akthar fi devoir nenjah am so mad :/ o taw nheb naaref naawed el am wala nemchi nakra libre any advice ??,,,,,,2021-07-13 15:42:26 oji8zb,,1,هل تعلم انو في تونس الpdg متاع شركة الاوتوروت مقتنعة انو الجن عندو phobie من الدقلة؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-13 15:42:45 ojm35z,,2,UFO sightings in Tunisia,Is there anyone who recalls seeing any particular interesting sighting in the skies of Tunisia at some point. It doesn't have to be a flying saucer. Just something that can not be identified as an airplane or satellite in the sky.,,,,,,2021-07-13 18:47:03 ojn1ay,,34,Ghannouchi contracts COVID-19,"The title says it all. [Reuters](",,,,,,2021-07-13 19:32:09 ojn9en,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-13 19:42:41 ojocv8,,1,Any good places to go on a date to in Tunis or Ariana ?,So i lived in Tunis for 1 year now and i dont have a place in mind to go to... Let me know if you have a conviniet place for a first date,,,,,,2021-07-13 20:35:52 ojp8e8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-13 21:18:07 ojsycv,,7,25 july opinion?,I'm in deep with some groups nd when i hear how they are getting prepared for that day I'm really getting afraid lot of violent well be there idk if someone here heard something please speak up!,,,,,,2021-07-14 00:37:05 ojyqge,,1,"Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia",,,,,,,2021-07-14 06:46:22 ojzah5,,5,How long does B3 takes to be processed?,"I have made a B3 online demand on 01/07 and still didn't receive it. Two weeks seemed long enough for them to check a database and stump a document.. How long did it take for you to receive it?",,,,,,2021-07-14 07:29:23 ok0hpc,,1,Rym nakkachi 🙄,,,,,,,2021-07-14 09:05:56 ok0rck,,0,"The Emirati aid was very welcomed by Tunisian circles, and political analyst Abu Bakr Al-Saghir considered that the UAE initiative to provide urgent medical aid to Tunisia, represented in 500,000 doses of vaccine, confirms the solidity of human and moral values and the spirit of brotherhood",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-14 09:27:39 ok1fob,,1,Tunisians valued the UAE’s initiative to help their country in addressing the catastrophic health situation 🤝,,,,,,,2021-07-14 10:19:49 ok2uol,,1,هل تعلم انو في تونس الpdg متاع شركة الاوتوروت مقتنعة انو الجن عندو phobie من الدقلة؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-14 11:59:20 ok3xgj,,1,"25th July ""event"" Pour / Contre !!",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-14 13:05:02 ok45vh,,5,"France put Tunisia on ""red list"", travels prohibited",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-14 13:18:07 ok58or,,0,"Looking for LSD in Sousse, please if you know someone DM me. Thank you 🙏",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-14 14:15:39 ok6gu4,,21,❤,,,,,,,2021-07-14 15:17:48 ok9zei,,12,Public pianos in the grand tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-14 18:05:38 okc90x,,9,How come Tunisia was not able to secure vaccines when other African countries were able to?,,,,,,,2021-07-14 19:57:00 okcisc,,1,SAT Tunisia test center,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-14 20:09:47 okf8y1,,55,Demo out now for Mira: The Legend of the Djinns (Metroidvania game loosely based on North African/Amazigh folklore set in the fictional world of Amazgesh),Hey all! As many of you know our Kickstarter went live a couple of days ago - []( \- However we just released our publicly available free demo yesterday on the Kickstarter page! Just wanted to let people know as this gives you a chance to play around with the game before deciding to back it or not!,,,,,,2021-07-14 22:24:55 okgl8b,,1,"How do you identify : ""Arab"" or ""Amazigh"" ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-14 23:37:17 okgluc,,1,"How do you identify as : ""Arab"" or ""Amazigh"" ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-14 23:38:18 okgmy5,,9,"As a non-Tunisian, how do I wish my Tunisian friend Eid Al Adha?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-14 23:40:05 okhhnb,,4,Is there a market for podcasts in Tunisia?,"I've been wanting to start a podcast for a while now but kept delaying the idea simply because I feared it would be a waste of time and energy. Usually before I start any project, I always try to look for ways to promote it: subreddits, Facebook groups, fan pages ect.. However, while looking for other Tunisian podcasts I couldn't find anything! No groups, no ""fandom"" and even the ones I stumbled on on Google are in French. The main problem is: I planned on making this podcast in Tunisian so I can't simply promote it on general podcast pages or anything. So is there a way to confirm podcasts aren't a thing in Tunisia? Or am I missing something and giving up too soon? PS: by ""market"" I am not really looking for ways to get monetized or anything. I was just wondering if Tunisan youth, or Tunisians in general even listen to podcasts.",,,,,,2021-07-15 00:30:05 okj0pj,,3,Transcom/call centre,"Hey anyone here working at transcom or any other call centre , i have some questions , thank you",,,,,,2021-07-15 02:01:35 okmkob,,5,Concerns about COVID in Tunisia,"Hey everyone, first of all, I hope you are staying safe during this hard times for your country! The thing that I am concerned about is the following. I have a heart issue caused by covid in january of this year, because of that I cannot get vaccinated until September. Now, I've booked a travel to Tunisia about a month ago, before things started to peak or before those news reached Europe at least, and since I noticed those news, it was too late to ask to get my money back, and the travel is not a cheap one by standards in my country (about 800€ or 1000USD approx). Because of that, I wouldn't give up this vacation, but I wanted to ask you people - do you think that situation in resorts is a bit safer than outside them, do you think that I would still be able to see a bit of Sousse (where I am staying) without exposing myself to covid too much on streets perhaps without entering shops, bars, etc? Once again, good luck with the covid guys, and if you caught it - please rest, I haven't done it and I've had serious heart issues because of it. All the best, cheers!",,,,,,2021-07-15 05:53:07 okor0q,,3,Sicav tanit,Anyone familiar with the sicav tanit service offered by the Tunisian postal services could explain it to me in a simple way?,,,,,,2021-07-15 08:38:32 okpk6o,,0,Sidi Abdallah Guech,"so I just found about this place in Tunis (I didn't go there I googled it) was listening to ""Cheb Terro"" he always mention the word '**Abdallah Guech**' and I was like who is that, well .. its a place for prostitution, in a dead end alley that is located at the entrance to the Medina.. you guys be like so what .. well guess what, pleasure girls are authorized to work WITH papers to prove that they are healthy like what the fuck haaaa touness ha din zabb asssl \-- if you guys have more info just comment, I need to know shbiha hal bled el mnayka hakka",,,,,,2021-07-15 09:45:57 okqrq9,,1,Mam3le philo,,,,,,,2021-07-15 11:18:09 okrigp,,1,JERBA - MENZEL,,,,,,,2021-07-15 12:08:35 oks6wc,,1,"The Saudi ambassador to Tunisia, Abdulaziz bin Ali Al-Sager, confirmed that the Saudi support is the largest that has reached Tunisia so far to confront the Corona pandemic.",,,,,,,2021-07-15 12:50:51 oks826,,1,Beb laasaal Tunis 🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-07-15 12:52:55 okuntd,,1,10//10,,,,,,,2021-07-15 15:04:04 okuvpy,,11,"what are the requirements of getting into tunis buisness school""TBS""?","Hey all im planning to apply for ""TBS"" next yeart and im wondering what are the conditions that i must i meet to enter ?",,,,,,2021-07-15 15:14:47 okv6dg,,1,Salammbô. Fureur ! Passion ! Eléphants ! [l'exposition arrive à Tunis en 2022],,,,,,,2021-07-15 15:29:21 okw34a,,2,Experience in translation,Hi guys where can i volunteer to translate just to make experience i needd help,,,,,,2021-07-15 16:14:21 okw5dd,,15,your opinions on crossdressing ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-15 16:17:28 okwqvj,,3,Good Drama Schools in Grand Tunis ?,"Hello everyone, Do you know of any good Drama Schools in the region of ""Grand Tunis""? If yes, please provide some information like how do they teach, for how much, contact.. Etc I appreciate your help, Thanks",,,,,,2021-07-15 16:47:09 okz668,/r/maldives/comments/ojs9kj/virtues_of_first_10_days_of_dhulhijjjah_and/,3,Virtues of first 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjjah (and fasting in first 9 of them),,,,,,,2021-07-15 18:46:17 ol1vgi,,14,Looking for books,"Hey guys. I'm looking for bookstores in Grand Tunis where I can buy some audio books or at least interesting English books. And if someone wants to sell or exchange some books(history , politics , tv show books..) that would be great. Thank you guys😊.",,,,,,2021-07-15 21:01:35 ol28sg,,1,looking for job with my pc,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-15 21:20:28 ol2btk,,1,looking for job from home,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-15 21:24:58 ol2cz9,,3,Looking for advise germany or INSAT?,"Hallo,I graduated this year bac mention trés bien bac info and I already got a grip on the german language A2.2(studied it in the middle of this year) as I already planned studying in Germany not necessarly this year but In the future because I'm aware of the mentallity there and I see myself fitting it. 1): The problem is I only have the funding of 6 months of continuing to C1 level+1 year at university in Germany and I know that I can work a part-time job there which will help me (I don't know if it's enough to cover my studying in the 2,3... years) if it is enough with the help of my family I think that is the way to go. =>YOUR ADVISE IN THIS CHOICE: Please,give me a Plan B for choice (1) if I decided to study at Germany and somehow everything went wrong and I returned here,how can I save my studying career at TUNISIA because INSAT will not accept me then (should I choose to study at a classic prepa then if I return to normal) 2): On the other side, I can study at INSAT and work hard into graduating as an engineer. =>YOUR ADVISE IN THIS CHOICE: Please,give me a Plan B for choice (2) on how to find opportunities on working in Germany or any english speaking country because I hate french. 3):The solution that I'm thinking of is to study INSAT+german B1->C1,which will get me to a more easier decesion to make by deleting some factors such as the exposure to the life in university ,taking care of myself,having a high studying rythme,basiclly things that I want worry about that much than If I went with choice A and I will only worry about studying (in germany). =>YOUR ADVISE IN THIS CHOICE: Please,give me a Plan B for choice (3) on whether is this possible and what I'm missing. &#x200B; Conclusion:I will be thankfull to anyone that is willing to take of his time and genuinely help me in this decision and feel free to provide any additional advises and informations whether on the studying system in tunisia or germany <3 <3",,,,,,2021-07-15 21:26:34 ol4tpt,لمن_يهمهم_الامر/,0,لمن يهمهم الامر,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-15 23:41:55 ol6zin,,1,Life changed in an instant and I need your help!!!,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-16 01:50:30 ol92r2,,9,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-07-16 04:00:13 ol9nu8,,1,Tunisian Garment Workers Fight for Unpaid Wages,,,,,,,2021-07-16 04:38:06 olc84i,,1,Rashid Ghannouchi:,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-16 07:51:05 olevjp,,6,Narcissistic abuse,Have you had experiences with narcissistic abuse ? Do many people on this subreddit know what a narcissistic abuse is and its cycles ?,,,,,,2021-07-16 11:20:49 oleyk1,,12,Movie scenes filmed in Tunisia,"Did you know that many scenes from blockbuster movies were filmed in Tunisia ? Films like : Star Wars Indiana Jones The English Patient",,,,,,2021-07-16 11:26:28 olf01w,,1,Dorra Zarrouk,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-16 11:29:19 olfn1t,,1,Finnn il meme,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-16 12:12:08 olgx3h,,9,I will create free websites,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-16 13:31:32 olh1gq,,15,Are you vaccinated and what is your opinion on the safest vaccine option in Tunisia?, I've received mine in the u.s about 2 months ago. I'm asking for friends and family. Are you vaccinated or still paranoid? Which do you recommend?,,,,,,2021-07-16 13:38:56 olhuez,,21,"I have an amazing scenario idea and some filming knowledge, where should I start to produce a movie in Tunisia?",,,,,,,2021-07-16 14:23:12 oljced,,1,YouTuber sends tools to a Tunisian viewer. Poor Mohsen is about to get fucked by the customs.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-16 15:38:57 ollern,,1,Help me texting girl,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-16 17:17:58 olp8nq,,2,My favourite food,,,,,,,2021-07-16 20:24:26 olr06j,,1,Log into Facebook,,,,,,,2021-07-16 21:56:38 olrev6,,1,Quick question..,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-16 22:17:50 olrhs3,,1,Least Sus City in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-07-16 22:22:24 olsh4b,,4,Hey I just finished my licence degree in finance and I want to enroll in a master degree in Canada if anyone have any information ill be happy to hear it and especially the full cost of it (the tuition fees for an english postgraduate degree and the cost of living for 2 years) thx,,,,,,,2021-07-16 23:14:21 olukwh,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-17 01:22:51 olv19g,,1,Any idea what would be the reason behind ?,,,,,,,2021-07-17 01:52:22 olz5u1,,26,Call to action. Go donate some blood.,"It is a safe harmless procedure that will only cost you some time and it may save someone. The Blood bank is running on a short supply, so go donate some. And if you aren't persuaded imagine yourself going to the hospital and needing blood and they tell you there isn't any.",,,,,,2021-07-17 06:44:24 om2x2h,,10,"I tested positive last monday now feeling better lhamdoullah , how do i get tested again so i can make sure im not contagious anymore and can go back to normal ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-17 12:01:34 om3e4q,,1,"miami beach, lac 2",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-17 12:34:48 om4wux,,1,Where to buy/have access to AIDS or any other STD testing kits in Tunisia? Can you buy them from pharmacies? Do you HAVE to be 18 to do so?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-17 14:06:44 om65yk,,5,What is the best side project to do if you are a Tunisian engineer working in france?,"So I ve been working in France for more than 3 years now and I really want to invest some money in a Tunisian side project. do you guys have an idea what could be intresting to do. for info i have a computer science background and i won t mind a tech/IT project.",,,,,,2021-07-17 15:16:23 om6pqu,,1,Hi,,,,,,,2021-07-17 15:46:01 om6w9k,,1,space cake,,,,,,,2021-07-17 15:55:56 om6wp4,,1,Your blood is replaceable. A life is not.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-17 15:56:26 om746l,,3,Anyone else having problems with Webank card?,"I don't know if the two issues are connected but yesterday I noticed that in the dashboard under ""Ma Carte"", I can't see my card like I usually do. Instead, I see ""vous n'avez pas des cartes"" I called them right after and they said it's a technical problem on their end. Today I tried using it online for a couple of things and I kept getting ""payment failed"". Anyone else have the same issue?",,,,,,2021-07-17 16:07:30 om7eeu,,8,Can I invest in Bitcoin if I live in another country ?,"Obviously I know that Bitcoin trading is illegal in Tunisia but I'm currently studying abroad (this is going to be my fifth year now). My question is: Is it illegal for me to trade Bitcoin as a Tunisian national living abroad ? And if I decide to go back home once I finish my studies, am I not allowed to keep what I invested in or something ? I tried to look for info but I couldn't find much on the subject.",,,,,,2021-07-17 16:22:41 ombmty,,10,Payoneer,"Hi! Is anyone here familiar with using Payoneer and can I get in trouble for using it to get paid from an online working platform? (Upwork) Any other suggestions for such payments would be great too. I would really appreciate your help!",,,,,,2021-07-17 20:04:36 ombzo3,,15,Where to find AIDs/Any other STD testing kit in Tunisia? Can you find them in pharmacies? Can you buy them if you're a minor? How much do they cost?,Couldn't find this info on google,,,,,,2021-07-17 20:24:06 omc9kv,,12,Crypto startup,Hey is anyone here interested in crypto or wants to work on a crypto startup ?,,,,,,2021-07-17 20:38:41 omh8t7,,2,Abir Moussi: The Tunisian MP who was slapped but not beaten,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-18 01:46:57 omj7e2,,4,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-07-18 04:00:13 omjooh,,89,Hello,"Greetings everyone, since eid al adha is on the doors, I wish to all my Muslim brothers a very pleasent eid, as for the Christians or Jewish or atheist people in this sub, I hope you have a very pleasent day😊🌹🙏",,,,,,2021-07-18 04:34:17 omnhuc,,1,Wtf,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-18 09:41:25 omnpo3,,1,Lets play guess the beach! (found on r/publicfreakout),,,,,,,2021-07-18 10:00:50 omntyv,,1,Just look how far this toddler was from the beach before being saved..,,,,,,,2021-07-18 10:10:44 omo36u,,2,"We made it to the front page, for the wrong reason (as usual)",,,,,,,2021-07-18 10:32:02 omphnz,,1,Be fashionable with Meshishi !,,,,,,,2021-07-18 12:19:29 omqc39,,1,Carpet vendors Douz- poured watercolor painting,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-18 13:16:37 omrvyf,,1,"Not sure if this happened in Tunisia, but two Tunisian dudes found a toddler far from the beach.",,,,,,,2021-07-18 14:47:50 omt6pv,,3,Baby girl breaks into tears after attempt to get to Europe is foiled by bystanders,,,,,,,2021-07-18 15:54:38 omvhxv,,1,Straight from r/all 🤦‍♂️,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-18 17:48:34 omvs4i,,1,That's so messed up,,,,,,,2021-07-18 18:02:53 omxrj6,,2,Best fake airpods around 100/150 DT?,,,,,,,2021-07-18 19:43:15 omxs0q,,1,So this frame is from an ad our ministry of defense created to convince young people to join them.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-18 19:43:54 omydvd,,14,Where could I buy a live camel and how much would I pay?,"Hello, I'd like to know which cities/markets would be good places to buy camels and how much should one expect to pay for one able to carry loads. Would there be any permits needed to travel in the ergs with it? Or any other things I should be careful about? I am familiar with donkeys as burden animals but would like to buy a camel. I apologize if this question might be funny or even offensive to some, but it is a genuine question and I think it might be easier to find ones for sale than for say long term rent. After my travel will be over it will be difficult to leave the animal that helped so much but I guess I could find somebody to sell it to. Any suggestions are welcome Shukran",,,,,,2021-07-18 20:14:38 omzh8v,,4,Your monthly salary," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-18 21:11:03 on1p37,,1,Glad the Tunisian guards saved this little girl.,,,,,,,2021-07-18 23:09:13 on2ca1,,10,Is it possible to sell on amazon from Tunisia ?,"Hey guys , i'm looking for the amazon fba program and i wanted to know if it is possible to sell products on amazon from Tunisia ? THX",,,,,,2021-07-18 23:47:18 on30y2,,10,Help me find where i can learn python,I got my baccalaureate this year and i want to improve in python since i m studying computer science next year and i can't find where i learn it 😕 ( not looking for online courses),,,,,,2021-07-19 00:28:42 on42x5,,4,English graduates,"Anyone here who studied English language, Literature and Civilization, if yes please share your experience after graduating (careers/masters degree/...)",,,,,,2021-07-19 01:33:07 on6se7,,9,Anime,"Hello, Quick few questions : 🌼When did you start watching anime? 🌼What was your first anime? 🌼Do you still watch anime ( examples are welcomed) ? Have any all time favorites 🌼Is your interest only in anime or do you also read manga ( examples are welcomed ) ? 🌼And one last question: How many people around you in Tunisia are interested in anime and manga ( they don't necessarily have to be die hard fans )? Thank you! 🦊",,,,,,2021-07-19 04:27:07 onbiol,,16,visiting Algeria from Tunisia by bus or train,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-19 10:40:59 oncd2v,,6,so what u guys think of networks and telecommunications?,"i got my baccalaureate this year, and since its the orientation period i ve been really thinking of studying networks and telecommunications in ISET'COM ghazella ,im also open to anything related meanly to computer science and networking. Ngl tho my friends told me that it's really boring and after the graduation, I ll be really limitted without many options so I would like to know after getting the license what can i do later on and if the employement is guaranteed or not and if i will be able to work in any domain besides networking. If u guys think that its not really interesting please tell me what should i do instead in the cs field, would really appreciate it!",,,,,,2021-07-19 11:41:50 onci9u,تونس_تتنفس/,19,"La Tunisie Respire, تونس تتنفس"," Nous (Rotary Club La Marsa Impact) sollicitons votre bienveillance et faisons appel à votre générosité afin d'acheter des concentrateurs d'oxygène d'O2 au profit des hôpitaux (ainsi que d'autres équipements médicaux nécessaires pour contribuer aux efforts de lutte contre la pandémie). Parce qu'ensemble, nous pouvons allez plus loin. ‎ أحنا اليوم نعولوا على جودكم و على كرمكم باش نتعاونوا ونحاولوا ننقذوا بعضنا من هذا الفيروس، فمن خلال تبرعاتكم و تبرعاتنا باش نشريوا آلات قيس الأكسجين للمستشفيات العمومية... ‎العمومية التي في حاجة و كذلك نحاولوا بش نوفروا أبسط الحاجيات من المستلزمات الطبية لها. ‎و التونسي للتونسي رحمة! رابط التبرع: [\_yZ3YKm08](",,,,,,2021-07-19 11:51:44 oncwc1,,1,كل اللهجات موسيقى - تامر حسني / Kol Al Lahgat Instrument - Tamer Hosny,,,,,,,2021-07-19 12:17:25 ondffw,,10,Freshly graduated and getting my first job offer i want to ask you what's better sivp contract or cdi ??,Freshly graduated software engineer getting my first job offer wich one is better cdi or sivp??,,,,,,2021-07-19 12:51:52 onhcyi,,1,Tunisia's political compass,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-19 16:19:32 onhqrf,,25,Should i take the covid vaccine in the upcoming two days or wait for my turn,"So they announced that every person who is above 18 and registered in Evax will be able to vaccinate in the upcoming two days. The ones who are above 45 will get AZ and the rest will get Sinopharm. The problem is that it's only two days thing and there's only one center in every governorate that will give shots so i expect it to be crowded af, which can increase the risk of me getting infected. I also have concerns for Sinopharm. Is there any data about it's efficiency against the Delta variant when it comes to hospitalization and death ? The vaccine is also not recognized by the EU, i'm not planning to travel anytime soon but who knows. Do you think in the future when the vaccines will become more abundant there will be a booster for the ones who took the less effective and not recognizable vaccines ?",,,,,,2021-07-19 16:38:16 oni48x,,1,Just bought Trip to Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-19 16:55:53 onig66,,2,anyone who got an id or/and a passport,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-19 17:11:09 oniylm,,1,Tounisea rn,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-19 17:35:58 onjy1o,,81,[ Removed by Reddit ],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-19 18:23:12 onk92y,,8,Tunisians who got vaccinated with sinovac can't go to Europe?,"I had my jab in early july. It was sinovac. I'm strongly considering immigration. Will booster shots of diff vaccines be available to purchase in the upcoming future? What's the solution?",,,,,,2021-07-19 18:37:57 onl0pl,,1,Hah,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-19 19:15:41 onl37v,,3,COVID19 - Anyone Older than 18 years old can get vaccinated on Jul 20th or 21st in one of the vaccination centers,,,,,,,2021-07-19 19:19:02 onmaf8,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-19 20:18:02 onmkjs,,0,I wanna flee this dungheap of a country.,"So I'm thinking of leaving the county when I'm close on 19/20 years old, y'all got any clues how to prepare myself for that?",,,,,,2021-07-19 20:32:16 onnhpi,,1,Facts,,,,,,,2021-07-19 21:18:28 onor2a,,1,Eid mubarak!,,,,,,,2021-07-19 22:22:07 onpk7c,,7,Are you going to get vaccinated in the next 2 upcoming days?,"If not why? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-19 23:05:36 ont13y,,0,Refusing to do vaccine,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-20 02:30:39 ontooo,,6,"Hi, does anyone please have the slightest idea of where I can buy this book from, It's out of stock in ""Librabrie Al Kitab"" and ktebi_official don't have it as well. Your advice is much appreciated and thanks in advance!","&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-07-20 03:10:59 onufui,,4,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-07-20 04:00:13 onzzuo,,31,"Non muslim Tunisians, how are you doing today?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-20 11:13:18 oo020z,,2,TUNISIA AND SDGs,I'm doing a research to claim some data about Tunisia and the SDGs (sustainable development goals).. so can u please give me some data or info about the most and least progress that tunisia made regarding to these goals please! IT IS URGENT so please help me,,,,,,2021-07-20 11:17:37 oo1ffn,,1,I have harrisa blood in my veins,,,,,,,2021-07-20 12:51:31 oo3ng0,,1,Quiet safe spot in Tunis - Sidi Bousaid - La Marsa to propose for my date?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-20 14:56:35 oo3p0u,,1,Quiet safe spot in Tunis - Sidi Bousaid - La Marsa to propose for my date?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-20 14:58:50 oo3zut,,90,Aidkom mabrouk Tunisian redditors!,,,,,,,2021-07-20 15:13:35 oo4egu,,1,Is there an easy way to get paid online,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-20 15:33:50 oo4ui0,,19,Can we talk about the absolute disaster that is the 3id vaccination campaign !!!,,,,,,,2021-07-20 15:55:51 oo52n2,,7,the last push . need pictures,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-20 16:06:43 oo54os,,3,a highschooler seeking abroad scholarship.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-20 16:09:35 oo7orj,,6,Do you know any guide on properly eating Tunisian food for working out?,I want to build muscle for strength and good health. I want to have a proper (general) diet with ingredients you can buy and cook in Tunisia.,,,,,,2021-07-20 18:14:32 oo8bqj,,10,Need help finding a new PC charger for my laptop,"A few days ago my laptop charger broke ( asus charger 150 watt , 20 volts , 7.5 A ) . I scoured online through the known Tunisian shops and the ones here in sousse where I live but to no avail . I couldn't find one that matched the charger I have (All of the chargers have a bigger plug than mine ) . Do you have suggestion on what to do or where to look ?",,,,,,2021-07-20 18:46:15 oo9zhk,,3,Best gaming headset?,"I’m looking to buy a headset for competitive gaming but i dont want to spend more than 200dt, any recommendations?? Ps. Im posting here because im looking for something available in the tunisian market",,,,,,2021-07-20 20:08:07 oobcot,,1,My experience as a pharmacy intern during today's vaccination campaign,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-20 21:17:46 oobmlg,,5,"Tunisian redditors, what’s your best mobile game?",Mine is COD mobile,,,,,,2021-07-20 21:31:58 ooccp4,,1,Orientation universitaire,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-20 22:09:31 oocedl,,6,How can I leave this country?,"I work, I'm 30 yo, I just graduate and had my Profesional master degree in management. I work since 6 years, what are my options? I know that I can try campus France but it's not a sure way (lately they are refusing a lot of people), finding a job is not easy too any other ways???",,,,,,2021-07-20 22:11:58 oodxww,,1,"He is a prime minister, he is the minister of health, he is the minister of interior he is the government.... i present to you MECHICHI",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-20 23:35:40 oog8kj,,4,how to apply for THOMAS JEFFERSON Scholarship [UNDERGRAD],"to keep this short i m an engineering student from insat ,seeking some help to know more about this program , the application process , requirements and some kind of timeline to know when to apply &#x200B; EDIT : i forgot a question mark in the title &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-07-21 01:49:50 oohzla,,1,Orientation universitaire.,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-21 03:39:08 oojl7t,,3,Hello friends,I was wondering if stores and supermarkets like monoprix and MG are open on the 2nd day of eid,,,,,,2021-07-21 05:26:33 oommbz,,6,Ibn Khaldoun's life story,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-21 09:47:37 oomvf3,,7,Insat vs MedTech vs Russia?,"Hello, I got my bac this year mention tres bien in maths section and wanted to ask people that got through the Tunisian university system about the pros and cons of the choices that I'm presented with. I'm solely interested in the domain of IT with future immersion in the world of AI and Data Science, and with the opportunity of moving abroad. **INSAT** Surely one of the best universities in Tunisia, high post-graduation epmloyement rate, a big variety of clubs, good infrastructure and not the location is not so far away from home. However, is the education in the GL (Génie Logiciel) section that good? Aren't the programs obsolete and outdated? Does it give you the necessary skills that a modern IT engineer should have? Does it train you to become a world-class IT engineer? **MEDTECH** I got recommended to enroll into this private university by my friend, that has enrolled it since two years ago. The program is fully taught in english, the university has international partners (University of Waterloo, University of Michingan Dearborn), has a better IT programm than ESPRIT (according to my friends) and has students from my original lycée (Lycee Pilote de l'Ariana), and **I have the opportunity to get a scholarship (up to 100%).** For now, it's my second choice if I won't be accepted into INSAT, but I wanted to know if I should place it in the first spot? Is private education in Tunisia recognized abroad? Isn't it obsolete or/and not relevant? Wouldn't the courses lack competition between student due to the univesity being private and therefore the education be less effective? **RUSSIA** I got a partially funded scholarship by the Russian embassy (Payed tuition fees and 50$ stipend per month) to study in Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University in one of the engineering programes (supposedly a prepa-info-like program), with a one-year language-integration course beforehand. I'm considering this choice as it is free, cheap, a good opportunity to get abroad and mainly because **Russian is my second mother tongue**. The circle of people studying with me would be people that had previously participated and won olympiades, highly integrated into the world of IT. I'd just want to know from the people that have experience in the international IT segment, if Russian University degrees have recognition among international IT companies? I'm considering this choice mainly because of the circle that I would be encountering during my studies. Thank you for your help, I'm really currently torn between these choices and don't know which one to chose. I'd like to hear different points of views from people that can tell me more about the choices that I'm presented with.",,,,,,2021-07-21 10:07:17 ooncj4,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-21 10:43:23 oooage,,66,عيدكم مبرووك,,,,,,,2021-07-21 11:50:25 ooolr3,,0,It’s depressing..,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-21 12:11:04 oop46c,,1,Help me find a gaming pc,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-21 12:43:44 oopit3,,6,"What are your thoughts on ""Info de gestion"" ?","Hi so I am bac eco student with 15 average thinking about studying it, I am into info so I kinda know what I am putting myself in, I wanted to know your opinion about this ""section"" is it any good? can I get a job abroad if I study it? if yes which one do u think is better; isgt or esen? or should just stick with accountancy or finance like everyone?",,,,,,2021-07-21 13:08:02 oopuio,,5,بالله مش هو إلي جابه الوزير..و إلا بدا ياخذ و يعطي,,,,,,,2021-07-21 13:25:42 ooqvrw,,27,Unfortunately...,,,,,,,2021-07-21 14:22:14 oosfsf,,17,Very interesting meme don't be lazy to read it!!,,,,,,,2021-07-21 15:39:46 ootgiz,,3,Chbaha denya hikka,,,,,,,2021-07-21 16:29:22 oov27o,,1,Dora: Please where is the responsible?!,,,,,,,2021-07-21 17:47:06 oovyc0,,3,Cybersecurity in Tunisia,is there a good job prospect for cybersecurity specialists in the Tunisian job market ?,,,,,,2021-07-21 18:30:58 oowvl3,,9,"Dear All Redditors, What is the fastest (and legal) way to get out of this country and live a happy life outside of here.","Everyone share your experience, experience of a loved one, or anyone you know that have ""made it"" and got out of this shit hole called Tunisia (don't get me wrong, we have so much good stuff in this country that we should be proud of, but the amount of shit that politicians and people living around us each day just overloads it). That's I want to get out of here, and be able to use PayPal like a normal human being, be able to have bitcoin without going to jail, be able to not get killed or brutalized by police for no reason, be in a country that actually respects other people and wear the fucking mask when he goes outside..... Anyways, share your thoughts, let's make this a popular thread so we can have as much insights and ideas as possible. just upvote it if you find this topic interesting",,,,,,2021-07-21 19:17:06 ooxjec,,3,Can you suggest me a beach?,Louled n7ebkom tans7ouni b b7ar mouch m3ebbi barcha w ndhif ( melle5er mouch m5allet ) mta3 3aylet.,,,,,,2021-07-21 19:50:11 ooy9ga,,10,"Hello friends! I collect coins, and recently I have come across a French Tunisian colonial coin. However to my dismay the rust ate away at the date of the part I could read. Could you please translate for me the part that is in Arabic and maybe the Arabic date of the coin. Thank you!",,,,,,,2021-07-21 20:26:51 ooy9gb,,2,"Hello friends! I collect coins, and recently I have come across a French Tunisian colonial coin. However to my dismay the rust ate away at the date of the part I could read. Could you please translate for me the part that is in Arabic and maybe the Arabic date of the coin. Thank you!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-21 20:26:51 ooyu23,,51,Should I move from Ireland to Tunis? 🇮🇪➡️🇹🇳,"Hey! I'm an Irish biotech entrepreneur who manages business development for 2 startups. After 2 years of lockdown I'm looking for somewhere to escape to and remote work, and I don't understand why I don't hear more about Tunis. It seems safe, everyone speaks multiple languages, in particular French, which I would like to practice, the weather is great, plenty of co-working spaces, decent nightlife, and a ton of fantastic history. Am I missing something? Would I find it easy to make friends with local people and have a good time in general if I moved to Tunis? What kind of person would not enjoy Tunis or Tunisia?",,,,,,2021-07-21 20:55:46 ooz27k,,2,Orientation 2021: Sciences Juridiques wala Anglais?,"My friend wanted to ask this: Khdhit l bac l sné b moyenne behya (15,29 bac lettres) w I'm considering enrolling in ipelsht l gorjeni bech nakra english lit. The thing is, eli naarafhom kraw ghadi akthareyethom kamlou fel ENS w dakhlou fel enseignement w kaadou houni w ena lahkika medhebeya nokhrej lbarra. Taarfouchi chkoun aamal anglais w lka opportunity kammel kra lbarra? Wala do you think majoring in english lit mafihech barcha prospects ghir l'enseignement fi tounes w lezem nchouf haja okhra ken nheb nakra abroad?",,,,,,2021-07-21 21:06:43 op0ti9,,1,Travel to US with sinopharm vax?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-21 22:37:54 op3p70,,0,A bit late but whatever,,,,,,,2021-07-22 01:23:10 op7mp4,,3,Tea culture,"So, I am Algerian-American, but I got to visit Tunisia back in '08. Overall I had a good experience. We got invited to tea by this lady from Hammamet-Nabeul (or Hammamet Yasmine, I can't remember), and we had tea with these tiny nuts that floated on top of it. It's been a number of years, but do y'all know what kind of nuts they were? I kinda think they were baby almonds or something, maybe sunflower seeds, but could any of y'all help me figure out what they were? Honestly, it was my favorite memory from y'alls country (aside from the delicious watermelon, and the beaches, the tea was definitely top 3).",,,,,,2021-07-22 05:38:19 op8ej8,,27,Do we shit on Tunisia too much? Do Tunisians suffer from collective self-hatred?,,,,,,,2021-07-22 06:38:26 op8fl0,,1,"Fellow tunisians, which ""site d'annonce"" do you use?","I'm trying to make a collection of the best tunisian websites for business purposes, cheers. &#x200B; EDIT: This information was very useful, thanks everyone! If you have anymore, post it and I'll get a notification even years from now, cheers!",,,,,,2021-07-22 06:40:47 op9iao,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-22 08:10:16 op9p9l,,4,How can I invest in the US stock market from Tunisia?,"Hello, I have few sources of income online, I use payoneer for payment and I'd like to long-term invest some of my money into stocks (index funds, dividend stocks) do you know how can I do that? If you have a similar experience can you share with me. I'd also like to be able to withdraw profits (dividend, sell) anytime to my payooner account.",,,,,,2021-07-22 08:27:24 opat6s,,12,Staying in the same room as my Tunisian bf?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-22 10:02:06 opbqa6,,1,a while ago i found a pdf that presents a list of Tunisian words of Amazigh origin and was blown away by the amout of Amazigh words we use everyday. Here is a link for the full document,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-22 11:13:57 opbuii,,1,Yes,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-22 11:22:38 opbun4,,144,a while ago i found a pdf that presents a list of Tunisian words of Amazigh origin and was blown away by the amout of Amazigh words we use everyday. You'll find below a link to the full document,,,,,,,2021-07-22 11:22:54 opcp34,,1,Help me out male a plan to leave.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-22 12:19:57 opcpit,,1,Help me out make a plan to leave.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-22 12:20:42 opertp,,2,tabdil section,"pass bac info nheb nbedel science is it possible o should i do it again from 2 wala 3 eme if i can . thank you!",,,,,,2021-07-22 14:20:15 opey91,,1,Buying a used car,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-22 14:29:48 opi9l9,,0,WONDERING, est ce que nemchi l fac (isigkairouan) win nosken ena w n7awell n7ell feha des clubs comme quoi nhar a5er nda5alha f cv mta3i comme ena founder mta3 l club hatheka VS nemchi l fac el barra min wilayti w c ait déjà fehom les clubs eli n7eb nda5alhow (isimahdia)?,,,,,,2021-07-22 17:09:47 opjnnb,,16,Only few hours left for the start of Tunisian participation in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020...Who will be awake that time to watch?,,,,,,,2021-07-22 18:16:26 opl2ug,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-22 19:24:57 opm0uq,,0,"Mohamed bin Zayed discusses with the Tunisian President by phone bilateral relations and the developments of ""Corona""",,,,,,,2021-07-22 20:11:35 opn39z,,7,Current entry requirements for Tunisia? And what's the situation in Tunis like with respect to coronavirus restrictions?,"Hey everyone. I know, I know, Google. But I'm having a hard time actually finding up to date information. Several sites list which countries are open to Americans (like myself) and don't include Tunisia. I'm fully vaccinated and have been for some time. So that's the extent of my question. What do I need to get in? And what's daily life in Tunis like at the moment? Thanks so much if anyone can offer any assistance.",,,,,,2021-07-22 21:05:34 opnnu7,,3,Hi r/Tunisia! I need a bit of help finding a company- Strife whose CEO is Chokri Cheniti,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-22 21:34:28 opo478,,6,"Vacation trip to Skanes (Monastir), should we?","Hello fellow redditors, my girlfriend and I are potentially looking at your beautiful country as our next summer destination, however, before we make a decision, we would like to ask you some questions. &#x200B; 1. How safe is it for Europeans to spend free time outside of the hotel complex? 2. How could current political situation affect tourists? 3. Are there any Uber alternatives in Monastir? If not, how much should we expect to pay for taxi per km? 4. How good is public transportation, and once again, how safe is it for non-natives to ride around? 5. Which other cities should we visit while staying in one of the hotels in Skanes? 6. And last but not least, are there any locals here who could recommend which places we must see in Skanes, Monastir and close vicinity? &#x200B; Looking forward to seeing Tunisia! :)",,,,,,2021-07-22 21:57:07 opo5im,,2,Is it fine to go out from TUNIS to HAMMAMET?,"I basically haven't seen the beach for 2 years now, and this year was my bac year and I really want to have fun for literally just one day swimming on the beach then go back to TUNIS. Now is it fine or not? I asked this weird question due to Covid-19. And if yes it's fine, how am I supposed to get there without getting stopped by the police? I heard you need reservation proof that I'm going there for an hotel or something. But I'm just going to the beach.",,,,,,2021-07-22 21:58:55 opqxsg,,5,How popular is French cinema in Tunisia?,Is France the dominant foreign media in Tunisia? Do French movies and music enjoy wide spread popularity in Tunisia? What other foreign media is consumed in Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-07-23 00:35:39 oprgwf,,8,need help!,is there any cs student or a graduate engineer to ask him some questions about university selection?,,,,,,2021-07-23 01:06:09 opsyx4,,8,What would happen if you are now in charge of the country?,"You are now in charge of running this country, you have absolute power over everything but you only have one year to fix/ change the current situation Tunisia is going throw. What will you do ?",,,,,,2021-07-23 02:33:10 opta2e,,9,"Fellow tunisians, I want to start a business from home/by phone. Any tips?","Have you, or do you know someone that runs some sort of business? I'm looking for something that's easy, simple to learn and makes some decent money. My family don't have business knowledge. I need some of your advice, any information helps. Tips/tricks.",,,,,,2021-07-23 02:50:51 opuehf,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-07-23 04:00:17 opxlbw,,1,Covid-19: l'aide française arrive en Tunisie,,,,,,,2021-07-23 07:47:19 opxtet,,7,How to carry valuables safely through Tunisair?,"I heard that Tunisair staff steal from their clients' luggage. How do I avoid that? How do people carry expensive things through that? Also, what's the extent of what's visible and what's not in the xray?",,,,,,2021-07-23 08:05:29 opz7ww,,0,Morocco sues Amnesty International and other NGOs as tension rises with France over Pegasus hacking,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-23 09:57:56 oq05nf,اخبار_تونس/,1,اخبار تونس,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-23 11:08:50 oq0anm,,1,"Selling my Bitcoin in Tunisian black market, will it go wrong?",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-23 11:18:36 oq0byv,,0,chkoun hachto yechri solde payoneer a sousse ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-23 11:21:06 oq0sdq,,3,Airbnb hustle,"So I was thinking if i rent an apartment monthly and start listing it on airbnb will the owner let me do that , should I ask for his permission first , is it legal ? And most importantly is it worth it ?",,,,,,2021-07-23 11:52:37 oq0x1c,,15,this why doctors / paramedical staff are leaving tunisia," جويلية 2021 المكان : استعجالي المستشفى الجهوي ببن عروس انا الطبيب المقيم المناوب بوحدة الكوفيد بالإستعجالي زميلي ، دكتور عيسى دراجي ، الطبيب المناوب ب الوحدة المتنقلة للاسعاف الطبي الإستهجالي (smur ben arous) مع الساعة 15h , يجيبو مريضة للاستعجالي فاقدة للوعي ، اتضح كونها على حالة وفاة (dépot de corps) المريضة دخلوها ديراكت لقاعة استقبال الحالات الإستعجالية (SAUV) يعني لا ريتها لا عديت علاها لا نعرفها لا نعرف اهلها (بحكم نخدم في وحدة الكوفيد ، لي بنيتها منفصلة ع الاستعجالي ) تدخل العايلة متاعها في حالة هستيريا و يكسرو البلور في في القاعة هذيكة (الي وراه راقدين مرضى ) في اللحظة هذي يكلموني بش نوصل لزميلتي لي تخدم في الإستعجالي لداخل معلومة على مريض بحكم ما تحصلوش علاها ، و هو ما حصل . على خرجتي م القسم (راجع لوحدة الكوفيد) يتم التهجم علي لفضيا و جسديا من طرف واحد من عايلة المتوفاة ( الي لا نعرفها لا نعرفو) خاطر شاف طبيب متعدي و الطبة لكل خايبين و قتالة ارواح في اللحظة هذيكا ... و الفيديو يبين كل شيء مش لازم نحكي علي صار ، فقط جات بغدرة ، من شخص ما عندي بيه حتى صلة ، و الضرر النفسي ثاني و مثلث ... يوصلو يمرمدوك بالطريقة هذيكا و يقولولك عندو الحق امو متوفية ماهي الا ردة فعل يجيو يهربو في المعتدي بكرهبة ، يضربو صديقي د. دراجي بالكرهبة في محاولة دهس ، يكمل يخرج السيد م الكرهبة و يهز حاجز يحب يضربنا بيه ... بعد لا كلينا ع ريوسنا بش جات الشرطة و شداتو ... المرة هذي جات بالضرب ، شكون قال المرة الجاية مش بالسكاكن ؟ الى متى ؟ وحدة الكوفيد ببن عروس تخدم ب 300% من طاقتها ، و حاملين ، نخدمو خدمة طبيب و ouvrier و sécurité وساكتين ... الى متى ؟ ناكل طريحة على مريض توفى اصلا ما عنديش بيه علاقة ؟ لي صارلي اليوم صار لبرشا عباد ، و مزال بش يصير كان نقعدو قابلين بالذل هذا ... زعام كان في تقشقيش الحناك و يمجدو في عمل الجيش الأبيض و هوما ابسط متطلبات الخدمة ، الأمن ، مش موفرينو ... نهار السبت لي تعدى ديجا كسرولنا وحدة الكوفيد بالحجر على متوفي ، و كنت انا الطبيب المناوب كيف كيف ، حتى الوقتاش ؟ حتى في الحرب ما صارش هذا ! ع الأقل في الحرب مركز على عدوك اومورك واضحة ، عارف الضربة منين بش تجيك ، اما لا يزي تحارب الكوفيد زيد تقعد تعس تجيكش حجرة منا تجيكش بونية من غادي ، هذا level جديد ... وعلى الدنيا السلام ... منقول عن الطبيب المقيم يوسف بن إبراهيم **Loose translation** July 2021 location: ER at the Regional Hospital of Ben Arous I am the resident doctor on duty in the emergency unit of covid My colleague, Dr. Issa Daraji, doctor on duty at the SMUR ben arous At 15:00, the ambulance brought a patient that died while transporting her The patient was directly admitted (this means we never saw her, we did not exam her , we do not know her, we do not know her family (because we serve in the Covid unit,) The family enters the ER in a state of hysteria and they start breaking the glass (behind which there sick patients) Meanwhile I was asked to deliver information about a patient to my colleague who they couldn’t get in contact with. While exiting the Covid unit, I was attacked verbally and physically by a family member of the deceased’s (again at that moment I didn’t even know who she is) because he saw a doctor and for him all doctors are bad and murderers. I’m not going to talk about the damage I suffered from, the video shows everything. After that the attacker preceded (while trying to escape ) to run over my colleague dr darji . This time no one died but next time what’s going to happen Copied from the resident doctor Yusuf bin Ibrahim",,,,,,2021-07-23 12:00:47 oq2lu6,,13,"What was something your parents told you was ""haram"" but grew up and realized it was not?","Have your parents ever ""lied"" about something being ""haram"" or illegal in order for you to stop doing it (for their benefit) but it was actually completely okay and it took you a lot of time to figure out the truth?",,,,,,2021-07-23 13:39:45 oq2ojn,,107,"Tunisia design for the ""Imagine One World Kimono Project"" in celebration of the Tokyo Olympics.",,,,,,,2021-07-23 13:43:59 oq3o6r,,8,"Tunisia design for the ""Imagine One World Kimono Project"" in celebration of the Tokyo Olympics",,,,,,,2021-07-23 14:35:33 oq3vn0,,5,Any ideas for Master? (study)," I would like to search for the available Master application 2021/2022 The fields are: marketing, communication, management, digital marketing, international business and Media management Is there any website that can show me what I'm looking for? Any recommendations or tips would help a lot of thanks :)",,,,,,2021-07-23 14:45:44 oq4dlj,,1,What tf is this,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-23 15:10:35 oq5lnr,,5,Drone through customs,Najem nechri drone 3al internet w n3adeha mel diwena?,,,,,,2021-07-23 16:09:34 oq7ep0,,0,You are more likely to be an ex muslim if you are both a Tunisian and a Redditor.,"Just some showerthoughts [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-23 17:37:47 oq7zns,,5,Abortion in Tunisia,"I'm not looking for abortion myself I'm dude . I'm just curious because I just watched a video talking about the controversial abortion law that Texas has made like a couple days ago and I wanted to know are contraceptive pills, abortions and women care clinics available in tunis? What do you think or the public thinks about the subject of abortion ,is there somebody who has a religious approach to this subject like the Evangelical Christians ,I do want to understand the details if they exist in Islam",,,,,,2021-07-23 18:06:49 oq9u18,,1,How much does it cost to get a driver license in Tunisia with a decent amount of practice hours,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-23 19:39:27 oq9wv2,,4,How much does it cost to get a driving license in Tunisia,I'm trying to save to get my driving license with my own money so I'm still unsure about the amount of money needed with some decent amount of driving hours,,,,,,2021-07-23 19:43:28 oqa0ix,,20,The sad state of our computer science students.,"Hey, a lot of you probably went to University to study computer science or thinking about it, if so I am one of you, I am recently graduated, already secured a small job as a game developer, yet my peers seem to struggle and most of them are aiming for a master degree or jobs below the minimum wage which is sad, to be honest. Our field of study can offer countless opportunities, yet people throw them away by ignoring new technologies and stick to what materials the ""teachers"" provide. So I thought with a couple of friends, what if we guided groups of people through different paths ( Web dev, game dev..) and help them secure internships and hopefully jobs using our network of startups and other developers. Of course, our main focus will be making those trainees market-ready.Do you think they will be willing to join providing that we have experience in teaching and we already taught 12 people in the last couple of months, 4 of them secured internships for this summer? &#x200B; EDIT : So since there are people who are interested here is our youtube channel and Facebook page in which you can contact usYoutube : []( Facebook : []( Feel free to contact us. &#x200B; EDIT 2 : forms for those who are interested [](",,,,,,2021-07-23 19:48:49 oqbmzu,,6,Chiellini في حلق الواد,,,,,,,2021-07-23 21:11:21 oqcwp4,,14,"Friends…let’s slow down and take a minute, yes?!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-23 22:17:29 oqd9r9,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-23 22:37:18 oqf35x,,4,Question about custom,"I bought some products from amazon and shipped them to a US Adresse ship7 so they can ship it to me I used Aramex the total is 1000$ and I merged them all to 1 package Weight 6.25KG How do I pay the post/diwana?",,,,,,2021-07-24 00:19:36 oqgxgn,,2,Bac and scolarships,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-24 02:16:00 oqh4kv,,1,Option and other stuff,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-24 02:28:15 oqh725,,1,Question for my gym bros,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-24 02:32:39 oqkp87,,3,Is there any lockdowns at nabeul ?,Im invited to a conference at nabeul and I'm not sure about going because im too afraid about any lockdown and i don't want to spend the whole week at the hotel room.,,,,,,2021-07-24 06:37:54 oqm35m,,304,The first Tunisian and Arabic medal 🇹🇳😍 19-year-old Mohamed Khalil Jendoubi qualifies for men's Taekwondo 58kg final after beating Jang Jun 25-19 💪,,,,,,,2021-07-24 08:31:26 oqm3o0,,5,Mechichi fires the Minister of Health. But now Tunisia asks for his head,,,,,,,2021-07-24 08:32:38 oqmhpe,,35,First Tunisian medal guaranteed in Taekwando. Gold medal contest at 13:45 Tunis time.,,,,,,,2021-07-24 09:06:36 oqmsyq,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-24 09:33:02 oqnyet,,1,#Join fin el meme,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-24 11:07:59 oqo0h6,,0,#FIN EL MEME,,,,,,,2021-07-24 11:12:33 oqo1cn,,0,#Join fin el meme," [#*Join fin el meme*](",,,,,,2021-07-24 11:14:42 oqoxhx,,3,Please help (internet),"Hello, I recently moved Bouhsina, Sousse. It turned that I can't get DSL internet (and Telecom notified me a month after submitting my request). So now, I need some sort of other option. Please recommend me something that provides a good and consistent internet connection (preferably) and have unlimited data without relying on Telecom phone lines.",,,,,,2021-07-24 12:19:53 oqp9s6,,1,Computer science universities in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-24 12:41:21 oqpesp,,2,I am selling my new brand Iphone 12 (blue) for Ether or BTC,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-24 12:50:06 oqph6e,,1,Podcast Tunisien,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-24 12:54:31 oqqdlv,,3,"What's the difference between ESPRIT, Ecole polytechnique privé sousse, and EPI ?","Can you please tell me the difference when it come to study plans, and the value of their Diplomas .",,,,,,2021-07-24 13:47:55 oqqixn,مرحبا_بيا/,1,مرحبا بيا 🤩,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-24 13:56:34 oqqko5,,1,Sousse flag,"Hey peeps, Anyone from Sousse knows where can I find Sousse's flag, like a big enough one to hang on my wall. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-07-24 13:59:33 oqr283,,7,Any tunisian Twitterers on Reddit ? suggest accounts to follow or comment with your own username ..,,,,,,,2021-07-24 14:26:34 oqruc3,,2,Mohamed Khalil Jendoubi won a silver medal in Taekwondo (-58 kg). Well done CHAMP 🇹🇳🥈,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-24 15:08:31 oqw5yd,êt/,0,Besoin d'un prêt,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-24 19:08:15 oqww01,,87,Planning famillial/ AVORTEMENT GRATUIT,"Je viens de voir un post concernant l'avortement en général, je voulais poster afin que tout le monde puisse le savoir et en profiter. En Tunisie nous avons dans chaque gouvernorat un centre de planning familial totalement gratuit. Vous pouvez y aller étant majeure, mineure , mariée ou non mariée. Il suffit d'avoir une carte d'identité ou une carte de séjours. L'avortement, la contraception, les préservatifs, test de sida ou même simple visite de gynécologue ou suivi de votre grossesse sont totalement gratuits. Si vous voulez y aller et que vs voulez qqn pour vous soutenir le moral je suis la. EDIT: c est l'office nationnal de la famille et de la population. En arabe el tandhim el 3a2ili.",,,,,,2021-07-24 19:50:30 oqxdon,,10,Interested in the linux community in tunisia !,"Hello everyone, if you don't use linux/haven't used it before you can ignore this post, or scroll down to read other ppl's experience I am currently using linux (gentoo to be exact) and I am interested to see how big the linux community is here. if you currently use linux, used it but you didnt like it so you switched back to windows, feel free to comment below about your experience. here is how the journey went for me : 1. installed kali linux on a family shared computer with my father (2018) while still having windows on my person computer 2. dual booting ubuntu and windows for the first time (2020) 3. dual booting arch linux and windows using kde, had to reinstall it for about 3 times cuz its the first time (2020) 4. removing the windows partition and going full linux (2021) 5. switching to gentoo ! (yesterday) if you are using linux and want to chat and go deeper into stuff, you can hit me up on discord :) `Davros#6101`",,,,,,2021-07-24 20:18:30 oqzwqg,,10,Pewds reacts to a tunisian TikTok,,,,,,,2021-07-24 22:47:16 or2y68,,170,Congratulations to Hafnaoui!,"As an Aussie I was cheering for McLoughlin, but what a phenomenal swim from your young gun in lane 8! Well done Tunisia!",,,,,,2021-07-25 02:06:29 or33vg,,54,Tunisia's Hafnaoui wins gold in men's 400 freestyle,,,,,,,2021-07-25 02:17:17 or3krm,,1,STOP THE COUNT I AM PROUD,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-25 02:49:53 or4k9x,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-07-25 04:00:14 or52s4,,116,WHAT A FINISH! 18-year-old Ahmed Hafnaoui qualified 8th for the 400M free final and went on to the final to win GOLD 🥇 A huge moment for Tunisia 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-07-25 04:38:02 or7ais,,258,Watch 18 year old Tunisian Ahmed Hafnaoui win 400m freestyle gold beating swimming giants of the US and Australia.,,,,,,,2021-07-25 07:37:04 or8ksv,,8,The Golden Boy,,,,,,,2021-07-25 09:33:37 or8s1k,,0,I mean....who care for kids 25 moveming is more important.,,,,,,,2021-07-25 09:51:49 or8vg4,,9,Hmm relatively high.,,,,,,,2021-07-25 10:00:19 or9efw,,2,420 gang,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-25 10:46:52 or9epe,,1,Best platform in affiliate marketing Interested person,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-25 10:47:32 or9f97,,5,Travelling to Tunisia for the first time ever. HELP,"Hello everyone, I will be travelling to Tunisia in 3 days and I am struggling to find info on how to get from Tunis airport to Gabes. I read that shared taxis are an option. Could you please share some suggestions on how to reach Gabes safely and for a cheap price?? Thank youuu",,,,,,2021-07-25 10:48:56 or9xbh,ثورة_25_جويلية/,1,ثورة 25 جويلية 🤣🤣🤣,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-25 11:30:40 orayx8,,19,Tunisia’s Rosetta Stone,,,,,,,2021-07-25 12:49:45 orb6aj,,96,Tunisian teenager Ahmed Hafnaoui’s family watch as he takes gold in the 400m men's freestyle final in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics,,,,,,,2021-07-25 13:03:24 orddtn,ياخي_تونس_وفات/,0,ياخي تونس وفات؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-25 15:16:11 ordkmw,,3,Can you recommend a place in Sousse to get a PCR test?,I'm currently in Sousse by Port El Kantawi and am in need of a pcr test for my flight home. I tried googling it but I cannot read in Tunisian. Thank you for the help.,,,,,,2021-07-25 15:27:04 ordq4a,,172,First time I am this proud of Tunisia in just one day,,,,,,,2021-07-25 15:35:46 ordrfp,,2,Great! Let’s treat a political opponent like the Tutsi in Rwanda 94’.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-25 15:37:53 oreeqp,,34,OC: 1 min of Tunisian history (song: juna by znous),,,,,,,2021-07-25 16:13:08 orf2jg,,2,What's this whole thing happening today (25th july)? I've been sleeping in a cave,I'm out of the loop.,,,,,,2021-07-25 16:48:21 orfehj,,1,-,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-25 17:05:38 org8sa,,6,Are there any tunisian youtubers doing contents about history or any other type of documentaries ?,Title,,,,,,2021-07-25 17:49:10 orgq1c,,14,Revolution 909,,,,,,,2021-07-25 18:14:15 oriaky,,111,Thank u for making us proud,,,,,,,2021-07-25 19:37:42 orjqw8,,19,WTF JUST HAPPENED ?,"I just read this ! **رئيس الجمهورية قيس سعيّد يجمد عمل البرلمان و يعفي رئيس الحكومة و يرفع الحصانة عن كل أعضاء مجلس النواب و يتولى رئاسة النيابة العمومية..**",,,,,,2021-07-25 20:53:09 orjr0q,,11,As if today couldn't get any better سعيد يجمد عمل البرلمان ويعفي رئيس الحكومة,,,,,,,2021-07-25 20:53:22 ork39i,,1,ALF MABROOK LI TOUNESNA,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-25 21:11:05 orkbw9,,57,سعيد يجمد عمل البرلمان ويعفي رئيس الحكومة,,,,,,,2021-07-25 21:23:04 orkl9n,,14,Tunisia’s president dismisses prime minister after protests,,,,,,,2021-07-25 21:37:04 orkly9,,34,"Our saviour, new God-King of Tunisia its Kais fucking Saied !!!",,,,,,,2021-07-25 21:38:00 orkqy5,,1,wtf happening?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-25 21:45:19 orks36,,0,An analysis of the situation in Tunisia by Ghanem Nuseibeh,,,,,,,2021-07-25 21:47:00 orkx9j,,0,Didi,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-25 21:55:04 orl4es,,209,"25 July 2021. Kais Saïed dismisses the Prime Minister and suspends the Parliament. Look how the people are full of joy. For the first time since probably 2013 I finally feel not oppressed anymore. These pics were taken in L'Aouina, Tunis.",,,,,,,2021-07-25 22:04:50 orl5t8,,1,Kais Saied : ShinraTensei!,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-25 22:07:06 orlaqu,,2,"Reports of high-ranking officials getting arrested, per Al Mayadeen.",,,,,,,2021-07-25 22:14:51 orljf8,,30,"[Discussion Thread] July 25th, 2021 Discussion Thread",This is a thread specifically made for discussing the current suspension of Parliament and ousting of the PM as enacted by Article 80 by the President. Keep in mind the rules for discussion. They still apply here.,,,,,,2021-07-25 22:27:34 orljyu,,1,Thoughts about what hapened ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-25 22:28:34 orlttl,,0,"Tunisia has turned Into a Fascist state, Dark time is ahead, Tunisians will be fucked the ass, embrace yourself, the viagras are coming and being probably distributed into the military and police, a well know technique Arab dictators use ie Gaddafi",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-25 22:43:47 orlufr,,2,"After what happened tonight , are we fucked or not ?","[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-25 22:44:49 orlztq,,61,Needs to be said,"Please be careful in celebrating something that could easily turn sour so fast. Please be informed to the best of your abilities and proactive in sharing accurate info and shutting down inaccurate ones. Please be responsable with your digital space and with your role as a potential opinion shifter. Please be tolerant and respectful as much as you can in discussing what's happening now. Trolling will always have its proper time and place. Please be informed. Please be informed. Please be informed.",,,,,,2021-07-25 22:53:06 orm252,,127,We hope for the best,,,,,,,2021-07-25 22:56:28 orm4aq,,1,Tunisian ppl:,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-25 22:59:43 orm4vq,,1,So you had hopes for gay marriage huh? 😒,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-25 23:00:27 orme8u,,1,Based?,,,,,,,2021-07-25 23:15:33 ormg98,,4,Anyone has an idea which channel will be broadcasting the fencing game ( Olympics ) ? Can't really sleep so thought I might as well watch the games ( starting in 40 min ),,,,,,,2021-07-25 23:18:17 ormh7v,,5,Tunisian ppl:,,,,,,,2021-07-25 23:19:49 ormkyj,,26,Tunis right now,,,,,,,2021-07-25 23:25:27 ormwhq,,1,What to do?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-25 23:44:07 ormxsx,,25,Moch ma39oul yarabi…,,,,,,,2021-07-25 23:46:24 orn6dv,,25,"After the recent events in tunisia, I wish the best for you guys ❤️",,,,,,,2021-07-26 00:00:45 ornq1b,,10,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 00:34:44 orntqp,,1,HELP looking for meme video about Kais Saied.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 00:41:00 ornyz8,,1,Dabbled in Tunisian politics and got a bit interested.,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 00:49:56 oroati,,0,There is a glimpse of improvement,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 01:10:10 orop0v,,0,"The Architect behind Tunisia New Revolution, Hello Egypt, Hello Normalization with Israel, Hello to Saudi Funded Wahabism. I HOPE I'm wrong and everything will be okay and peace and democracy will be established",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 01:35:00 oropw2,,19,L 7aja l behya felli sayer m3dch bch nsm3 ''Choufou yee twensa'',,,,,,,2021-07-26 01:36:35 orotlg,,4,"Hello, does this server have a Discord server?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 01:43:03 oroy4z,,1,Ghannouchi prevented from entering the parliament by the military,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 01:50:48 orozy5,,4,What do you think Kais Saied will do next?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 01:54:10 orpf62,,2,Do you think Tunisia will be Egypt 2 ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 02:20:20 orpmyi,,3,"Was watching a stream then this happened -- ""Tunizia"" 😂",,,,,,,2021-07-26 02:33:58 orqibh,,5,25 july 2021,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-26 03:29:53 orr9x0,,23,Congratulation from Iraq to our friends in Tunisia for defeating the Muslims brotherhood,Remember democracy in the Arabic world doesn't work because Islamists and the enemies puppets can use it to rise to power a secular wise dictator can make sure your country will be better,,,,,,2021-07-26 04:20:10 orrl8f,,3,"If I want to talk to my Tunisian friend about what happened on 25th July, 21, then how should I proceed without hurting his feelings or saying something wrong/incorrect? Should I congratulate or say something else? Thanks a lot!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 04:41:25 orruj0,,8,Can someone please explain to me what exactly is happening with the suspension of parliament?,Why did Saied do what he did and why are people so happy?,,,,,,2021-07-26 04:59:34 orsam4,,1,Tunisian Democracy In Crisis After President Ousts Government,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 05:31:52 orsba5,,1,fama idhrab mte3 bounouk lyoum?,title,,,,,,2021-07-26 05:33:17 ort43g,,5,La France compte livrer 500.000 nouvelles doses du vaccin anti-Covid19 à la Tunisie,,,,,,,2021-07-26 06:33:12 ortb1o,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 06:47:42 ortg8h,,128,Kais Said did a pro gamer move... uuh I meant to say Supreme Chairman Kais,,,,,,,2021-07-26 06:59:18 ortu52,,1,German radio station looking for English speaking Tunisians willing to talk about the protests.,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 07:28:46 ortvor,,35,German radio station looking for English speaking Tunisians willing to talk about the protests.,"Hey my name is Adam, I work at german radio station M94.5. We are a liberal channel with a young audience. Today I'm working on a feature regarding the recent protests in Tunisia. For that I'm looking for people willing to do a short interview on this topic. So if you went to the protests or feel like you know a lot about it feel free to hit me up in my private messages.",,,,,,2021-07-26 07:32:08 orva5x,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 09:29:32 orvdro,,15,WTF JUST HAPPENED YESTERDAY ? NEED EXPLANATION,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 09:38:05 orvhf7,,3,Kais Saied and will of the people.,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 09:46:44 orvjhb,,1,Tunisia RN!!!!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 09:51:22 orvk65,,178,Tunisia RN!!!,,,,,,,2021-07-26 09:53:08 orvmh7,,3,Tunisia's PM sacked after violent Covid protests,,,,,,,2021-07-26 09:58:44 orvxbs,,4,I am very disappointed!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 10:22:16 orw2kq,,1,Meilleure banque en Tunisie,,,,,,,2021-07-26 10:34:10 orw8sk,,6,"Elli sar tayara, ama lezemna nroddou belna",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 10:47:32 orwk7z,,1,Thousands of people celebrated in the streets of Tunis after Tunisia's President Kais Saied dismissed the government and froze the activities of parliament. A victory of Tunisian over Muslim Brotherhood,,,,,,,2021-07-26 11:11:15 orwplk,,4,الرئيس التونسي ينضم إلى أنصار الشوارع بعد إقالة الحكومة,,,,,,,2021-07-26 11:22:30 orwtce,,0,La belle Tunisie waiting anxiously for a better tomorrow <3 <3,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 11:30:15 orxb7h,,9,"[Discussion Thread] July 26th, 2021 Discussion Thread",Thread for discussing the aftermath of yesterday's events (suspension of Parliament and ousting of the PM by the President). Feel free to speculate but the rules still apply.,,,,,,2021-07-26 12:04:54 orxo24,,1,The ARP itself is responsible for losing its powers,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 12:27:38 orxw0y,,13,Turkish officials condemn 'coup' by Tunisian president,,,,,,,2021-07-26 12:41:19 ory530,,36,I only made this for Fum don`t hate me,,,,,,,2021-07-26 12:56:12 oryao2,,1,الجزيرة: الشرطة التونسية داهمت مكتبنا وطردت صحفيين وصادرت معدات وسط أزمة سياسية مستمرة,,,,,,,2021-07-26 13:04:58 orybks,,8,Tunisia inspired Kimono for One World Kimono project since 2016,"[]( Kimono Remarquant le bleu de l'art islamique, la ceinture est composée principalement de peintures murales des ruines anciennes et des écrits symétriques chinois dans le style « kiredori » et elle est tisée à la main et à la manière de Kyoto. &#x200B; Obi (ceinture) Remarquant le bleu de l'art islamique, la ceinture est composée principalement de peintures murales des ruines anciennes et des écrits symétriques chinois dans le style « kiredori » et elle est tisée à la main et à la manière de Kyoto.",,,,,,2021-07-26 13:06:27 orysaq,,42,What's going on in Tunisia is confusing!,"I don't understand, Tunisian seem happy and cheerful about it but Arabs and other countries are calling it a coup and a violation of democracy. Can someone please explain it to me. I wanna hear from the people not the news",,,,,,2021-07-26 13:32:20 oryy0m,,4,Need help with choosing a bank,"What's the best bank in Tunisia (fees and possibility of loans as factors) Thank youu",,,,,,2021-07-26 13:41:17 orz50i,,1,Top secret Tunisian presidential document outlines plan for 'constitutional dictatorship' published on May.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 13:52:13 orz70k,,6,Asking for Subtitles/Soustitres to understand what has been said by president Kais Saied,,,,,,,2021-07-26 13:55:09 orzchq,,1,عن السعادة في العالم العربي-مشهد تاريخي- تاريخ حديث - فريد من نوعه- المشهد من الليلة الماضية في تونس 25-07-2021 غني عن الشرح-الشعور بالنصر-,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 14:02:42 orzjr0,,1,"Covid-19: en Tunisie, la France déploie un soutien «inédit» et «massif»",,,,,,,2021-07-26 14:13:26 os0jr0,,1,Opinion on this?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 15:04:48 os136m,,1,Sieg Kaiser Al Saïd!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 15:29:49 os17s0,,17,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 15:35:51 os1gt6,,0,"Hate me, respectfully, this is how I see it",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 15:47:08 os268w,,31,Your thoughts on what's happening?,"Personally, I don't think what Kais did is the right decision. However, I think it's a necessary one in light of what has been happening all over the country over the few last months that's why I believe we needed a move of this magnitude if we were to have any hope of changing for the better. Moreover, his decision to remove the protection over the filth that we have in our parliament and to take over النيابة العمومية can be a useful one to punish some people that absolutely deserve it. However, there are some points that we need clarified : \*Kais is not a savior nor is he a prophet so stop treating him like one. He did make a bold move that I believe is powerful but he is just an ordinary man and giving him that much power might not be the best choice. \*This move can easily get out of control under a million possible scenarios: the situation is pretty complicated and the outcome is unpredictable. This is no time to be celebrating. Actually, this is the most difficult part and the one that is going to decide if this move was the right move or not. We must be civil and try our best to control the damage and protect the country instead of encouraging this kind of chaos. \*I believe this is the most important point: we are still in a sanitary crisis and we're more under the threat of covid than we ever were. The chaos that we have all seen yesterday is basically adding fuel to the flames and it cannot continue without our country suffering huge losses. So please consider this before doing anything that might worsen the difficult situation we're already in.",,,,,,2021-07-26 16:21:46 os2h5k,,1,"Responses to the president's decision to sack the PM nad current government , freeze parliament and revoke parliamentary immunity.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 16:35:24 os2ib9,,1,berserk,,,,,,,2021-07-26 16:36:59 os2j5j,,1,7 responses from political parties and the turkish foreign ministry on the latest developments.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 16:38:07 os2jzn,,0,6 responses from political parties and the turkish foreign embassy regarding the latest developments.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 16:39:18 os2lx3,,1,"[Thread] 1/ This is a thread on Twitter manipulation from the UAE and KSA around #Tunisia, where the current President is accused of instigating a coup. One Arabic trend translates as ""Tunisians revolt against the Brotherhood"". I analysed around 12000 tweets from 6800 unique accounts #disinformatio",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 16:41:44 os2yzr,,1,"Tunisian president sacks PM, suspends parliament after violent protests",,,,,,,2021-07-26 16:59:09 os3ij2,,2,Our Iron Man 🥰,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 17:24:39 os3uxh,,1,Our Iron Man 🥰,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 17:40:56 os3wz0,,5,How will the corrupted politicians be actually prosecuted?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 17:43:51 os3yky,,1,An overview of the situation now in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 17:46:07 os46r1,,3,Our Iron Man 🥰,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 17:57:03 os49gk,,0,Let's clear out some terms over here : What happened wasn't a coup,"Coup ""a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government."". What happened yesterday wasn't violent nor illegal, and honestly it wasn't sudden either, people have been calling for it to happen ever since yesterday's morning. Is Said a dictator ? Dictator "" a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force."" Does Said have total power over the country ? Did he gain anything through violence ? His powers are very in line with his constitutional powers and he has the right to use those powers as he won the consent of the governed in the latest presidential elections. Said exercised his legal presidential powers as outlined by the constitution in response to popular calls to do that, this is how a Democratic Republic works.",,,,,,2021-07-26 18:00:30 os4ivd,,3,"If I come to Tunisia knowing only English, would that be enough to speak to everyone?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 18:13:01 os583q,,2,This was going to happen anyways.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 18:46:32 os5ptk,,1,Welcome to the freed from MB gang,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 19:10:21 os6itz,,65,[WARNING] SPL Member known as Amine Mzoughi exposed for Sexual Harassments on Multiple Girls,"Hi! Not a long time ago, I have discovered that my girl friend was being sexually harassed in the past. The guy who was harassing her is ""Amine Mzoughi"", as far as I've seen, he plays a role in the SPL team (Which is a known gaming team) meaning this guy seems to have a nice career. Back then when this guy was harassing her, My girlfriend was 16 years old while he was around 28-ish. Now of course this guy has been blocked on Messenger, but a week ago he added her on Facebook, I told her to ignore and just block him, then, Today, he went to Instagram and sent her a friend request. Not only that, but this guy reached out to other girls apparently, (afaik 3 girls including my gf). I will include screenshots from both point of views (of each girl). &#x200B; * Now, you may ask, What kind of Harassments are these? Are we getting screenshots? ***I'm glad you asked because what you are about to see is completely disgusting. What you are about to see contain words such as ""ra\*e"", ""ra\*ek""...*** * The screenshots are not ordered, sorry for that! # [Initial screenshots]( (My girlfriend and her 2 friends) # [Additional Screenshots]( (3 Other girls) &#x200B; Update: I made this post to raise awareness that this guy is sexually harassing many girls. I didn't make this post to raise awareness about whether the girls should have blocked the guy or not. Thanks for understanding.",,,,,,2021-07-26 19:50:04 os6qd8,,7,Do you support Kais Saied after his decision to suspend the parliament?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-26 19:59:47 os71b1,,1,I posted about what happened in the news sub. Go check it out.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 20:14:49 os7739,,9,Tunisian future,"Hi guys, i'm working on a big national project. My perspective is that the youth of the country are the only solution so that tunisia can evolve and move forward. The goal of the group is to work on solving problems which could be in our laws, in our economy, education.. If you have any skills, degrees or any ideas and you want to join us. Feel free to dm me. You country needs you. It time for change. ♥️🇹🇳",,,,,,2021-07-26 20:22:29 os7dbo,,1,"A message to all the woke ""democnatia"" people and the wave of egyptian 5wenjia that invaded this sub.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 20:31:01 os7fzv,,1,White house press secretary Jen Psaky comments on latest developments in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2021-07-26 20:34:53 os8dpn,,1,Political parties reacting to President's decisions.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 21:19:55 os8o21,,1,Tunisians always encourage each oth-,,,,,,,2021-07-26 21:33:23 os8oo0,,1,Tunisia’s Democracy Verges on Collapse as President Moves to Take Control,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-26 21:34:02 os8ps3,,27,Tunisians' response to critics calling what just happened a coup,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-07-26 21:35:15 os8qrh,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 21:36:38 os9zyn,,0,Congratulations from Egypt,"Where there is Ikhwan there is Fasad and with it a country's downfall, is a rule we learned the hard way in Egypt, what happens remind me of 2 years ago i heard an opinion in our family talks that Tunisia will either collapse on the Ikhwan, or the Ikhwan will collapse Tunisia. Technically speaking, your healthcare system near-collapsed first (and much more) but you finally took to the street and took action to the right path, i hope your country starts improving, resistance will be met at the start for sure but you are one people, the origin of the Arab spring and hopefully you will be on the right track",,,,,,2021-07-26 22:40:02 osane4,,2,What is happening in Tunisia?,"Hello, I am a mere Algerian asking for a concise but full explanation on the current situation in Tunisia including your own opinions.",,,,,,2021-07-26 23:14:48 osaucp,,7,exactly.,,,,,,,2021-07-26 23:24:40 osbefv,,1,Are there political groups that support limited government in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-26 23:55:27 osbj4c,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-27 00:02:51 osbqot,,1,Top minds of anti-vaxx subreddit NoNewNormal winning gold medals in Tokyo 2020 mental gymnastics,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-27 00:14:12 osdw1h,,1,Question for my gym bros,"What should i eat to bulk for 1.5 years Just asking what foods ar high in calories and protein and cheap at the same time Most sites on google say steak and nuts and all and that's pretty expensive here so I'm looking for an alternative",,,,,,2021-07-27 02:19:35 ose5jz,,3,"If you had the authority to make change in the political scene, what kind of change would you make?","What goal do you have, if you had the authority, and what kind of authority would you need to achieve it? What's the most important change we need? What's the low hanging fruit that has the least amount of effort, but huge impact on society and the country as a whole? What kind of fresh ideas do you have, that current people in power either failed to execute on, or just straight up not interested in doing so?",,,,,,2021-07-27 02:35:49 oserdi,,4,Can we talk about Hichem Mechichi?,"Am I missing something? What were this person's qualifications to be appointed as HEAD of government, in the middle of a major pandemic no less? I don't only blame Mechichi for being utterly naive and accepting the job, I blame Saïed for appointing him in the first place. Tunisia has major existential issues to resolve. Was this the best it can do??? Some useless paper-pusher with no vision or experience (or even charisma) to handle the country's toughest job? No wonder the country's running in circles while its people are suffering!",,,,,,2021-07-27 03:13:28 osf60h,,1,American here… is this sub correct in saying your President kicked out the MPs over Covid measures or is this just the usual Covidiot propaganda?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 03:39:29 osfhmu,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-27 04:00:19 osfql4,,1,so this man is telling everyone that he has evidence that links ennahdha to terrorism and he is actually proving that by posting the evidence on his profile,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 04:16:46 osgd0x,,11,Ennahda and the Crisis,"Alright lads, putting aside your anti-Islam biases and looking solely from a political perspective; based on all the news I've seen the Crisis doesn't involve Ennahda at all, but everyone keeps bringing it up and from what I've seen here, pro-governmet people call it part of the opposition and the people opposing Kais saying it's in bed with the government. Isn't the crisis about Kais dissolving parliament and sacking the PM? And aren't both the PM and President independent? Why does Ennhada's name keep coming up when they aren't even plurality in parliament?",,,,,,2021-07-27 05:01:14 osgna6,,1,الرئيس التونسي يعلن حظر التجول بعد إقالة الحكومة,,,,,,,2021-07-27 05:23:28 osgrkk,,1,30seconds toast,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-27 05:32:56 oshvue,,1,LMAO,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 07:05:54 osi2t6,ماهر-زيد,1,المحكمة العسكرية تستدعي النائب ماهر زيد كمتهم,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 07:22:31 osiwcy,,2,Znous زنوس - هات شعول,,,,,,,2021-07-27 08:35:39 osja8q,,41,"stop focusing on the coup, focus on that all these members will be going to court and any corruption made will be paid",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 09:08:46 osjrlc,,2,SOUSSE - PLAYSTATION5 LOUNGE,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-27 09:48:53 osjtde,,0,Tunisia’s President Kais Saied accused of coup after sacking PM,"Political parties of Tunisia have accused President Kaisd Saied of staging a coup in the country after sacking prime minister Hichem Mechichi and suspending the parliament. But Saied argues that he acted in accordance with the Constitution.  [](",,,,,,2021-07-27 09:52:51 osjw35,,1,LMAO,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 09:59:13 oskb0c,,1,الرئيس التونسي يقيل وزير الدفاع وسط اضطرابات سياسية,,,,,,,2021-07-27 10:33:23 osklb9,,1,Can't those khaleejis mind their own business ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 10:56:57 osklp6,,1,How to do this ?,,,,,,,2021-07-27 10:57:47 oskuuo,,9,Anyone here an entrepreneur or a small business owner? What do you guys do?,>For those who earn money outside of a traditional job.,,,,,,2021-07-27 11:16:42 osl8bk,,1,The July 25th 2021 crisis,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-27 11:44:30 oslnuz,,0,Can y'all explain to me what is going on in the country?,"It would mean a lot, cuz I don't seem to understand what's happening out there, so I ask any of you to explain to me briefly and clearly about this political crisis that's taking place rn. Thanks a lot x3",,,,,,2021-07-27 12:14:15 oslput,,23,"Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt frame the Tunisian president move to their own agenda",,,,,,,2021-07-27 12:17:58 oslyhw,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-27 12:34:13 osmbhw,,16,Approval rating for the Tunisian government (by Africa elects),,,,,,,2021-07-27 12:57:33 osmoax,,8,The arab spring,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 13:18:57 osn8fg,,93,I am seeing a lot of worrying parallels with Peru's 1992 Coup,"Peru historically was ruled by a dictatorship for most of the second half of the 20th century. This was until 1980 when democratic elections finally took place. The issue was the economy continued to deteriorate and a high level of political instability and corruption continued to plague the country (that on addition to terrorism and an insurgency by the Shining Path) Here we meet Alberto Fujimori, an outsider from the political scene. He was a random agricultural engineer who taught in university but became famous after appearing on a TV show named ""Concertando"" on the Peruvian national TV. Fujimori then chose to run for election with practically no election program but he capitalized on his opponent's reputation as an American aligned businessman and he was able to reach the second round and won in a landslide. Over a year later, the situation wasn't any better, but most of the blame was put on the Congress and Parliament leading to protests against them. Fujimori thus took upon this opportunity and launched a de-facto coup. He claimed it was necessary to ""break with the deeply entrenched special interests that were hindering him from rescuing Peru from the chaotic state"". This coup was notable for initially having a lot of popular support and people that night went to the streets to celebrate it. Fujimori became gradually a dictator (in fact one of the worst in Peruvian history) and he is currently in prison for his countless crimes and corruption. The degree to which his rise parallels Kais Said's almost perfectly is worrying me a lot.",,,,,,2021-07-27 13:51:32 osnain,,0,Kais said maybe our Park Chung Hee the dictator of south corea who did something similar and his dictatorship helped corea be the strong democracy she is today..,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 13:54:56 osnfyg,,1,"Among the arabic coutries, we can say proudly we are the only country that respects the most, not just humans, but children rights as well.",,,,,,,2021-07-27 14:02:55 osnx42,,1,Iced coffee Tunisia,What's the best place for example a coffee shop where I can get the most delicious iced coffee in Tunisia ?,,,,,,2021-07-27 14:31:07 osnx4e,,1,Iced coffee Tunisia,What's the best place for example a coffee shop where I can get the most delicious iced coffee in Tunisia ?,,,,,,2021-07-27 14:31:07 osoa43,,1,Credit Card,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-27 14:48:47 osotnr,,1,Welcome to the anti Ikhwan club 🇪🇬🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 15:15:58 osqwo2,,10,Any of you earned money outside of a job? How did you do it?,.,,,,,,2021-07-27 17:07:57 osr7vy,,3,"Nasser Bourita visits Tunisian President Kais Saied this evening, Tuesday",,,,,,,2021-07-27 17:25:01 ost12o,,3,"What's the best way to book a stay at a government approved quarantine hotel? Is or ok or should one use the hotel's website? Also, is it necessary to show proof of PCR booking from on arrival ?",,,,,,,2021-07-27 19:04:02 osu07r,,2,meanwhile Abir Moussi supporters lmao,,,,,,,2021-07-27 19:58:35 osuu3v,,1,The washington post calling for interventionism.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-27 20:45:31 osvr5x,,1,This monster who calls herself a MENA expert is asking foreign countries to use COVID19 vaccines as diplomatic leverage against Tunisia -- Source in comments,,,,,,,2021-07-27 21:33:17 osw7y6,,9,Looking for good place to live in Tunis,"I'm a 20 yo student I'm fed up with living with my parents I don't feel like I'm responsible enough for my age and I think my parents are the main problem here when I see other students coming from another city and live alone I'm like "" wow this guy is so lucky"". I wish I could move out as soon as possible I just want to know if there's good places where I can share rent with a guy Please help me out redditors",,,,,,2021-07-27 21:58:03 osxcde,,34,A quick recap of what happened recently,,,,,,,2021-07-27 22:58:07 oszsxt,,1,Traveling on Friday to Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-28 01:21:45 ot2cwg,,3,Taking international university degrees to Tunisia,"I’m both a UK and Tunisian citizen but I currently live in the UK and my university degree is an English degree, would it still be valid in Tunisia if I were to move there instead?",,,,,,2021-07-28 04:02:11 ot5vyz,,1,Is it fair to say that democracy was never meant for Arab world ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-28 08:41:23 ot6tmo,,24,Algerian willing to marry a filipina ( i need help cuz no embassy for phillipines exist in algeria but it exists in tunisia),[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-28 09:59:02 ot76rz,,2,"In a nutshell, Tunisians want Islamists out | Iman Zayat | AW , this is from and actual tunisian, the true view of the people beyond the biased coverage and the idealistic view point of western media.",,,,,,,2021-07-28 10:27:49 ot808n,,135,Kais did it for the memes,,,,,,,2021-07-28 11:28:48 ot87zk,,1,Global Powers Shrug as Opponents Denounce ‘Coup’ in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-28 11:43:43 ot8tsk,,1,I'm new in reddit,,,,,,,2021-07-28 12:23:53 ot90ty,,5,Shipping online to Tunisia,"I want to buy some goods while staying abroad and shipping them directly to Tunisia From clothing shops like New chic and Zaful Is it possible to just put a Tunisian adress while paying online from outside the country?",,,,,,2021-07-28 12:36:34 ot9r4w,,18,Ghannouchi's daughter thanking congresswoman wanting to suspend US vaccine aid,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-28 13:19:27 otaas5,,1,La volonté,,,,,,,2021-07-28 13:50:01 otav9o,,74,Mellekher,,,,,,,2021-07-28 14:20:31 otb49k,,149,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-28 14:33:25 otbsy0,,29,this is how much they value our lives,,,,,,,2021-07-28 15:08:01 otd46y,,45,How can i buy dildos in tunisia,"Is there anywhere in tunisia i can get a dildo ,I want to buy one but i couldn't Ps: no i don't have anyone overseas And i don't have sufficient founds to travel myself",,,,,,2021-07-28 16:12:54 otdwew,,2,moon shot July 25,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-28 16:51:29 ote2xl,,1,What is happening in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-07-28 17:00:14 otem6c,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-28 17:26:27 otevod,,10,Is it the end for the khwemjia era?,"Basically most Tunisians are shitting on el nahdha (wa moshta9atouha) on social media in the streets and everywhere Did people finally learn that they are just manipulative hypocrites or are we going to see something alike or similar rise again using a similar background 'keeping alhouwia al3arabia AL islamia' My fear is that in a while they start coming out again like rats because I can't get over the fact that millions supported them for years! And everyone is shitting on them now like no one ever believed in them nor supported them, I'm afraid they are just hiding and would still come up on top once we have a new election or whatever. What are your predictions for the future.",,,,,,2021-07-28 17:39:31 otewl4,,6,Ya5i el diwana fy tounes 9adech lazem t5alesha ki tjib haja mel barra b carte technology (men aliexpress mathalan),,,,,,,2021-07-28 17:40:43 otgl15,,39,بلاغ ضياع في صفاقس ، السيد بشير الخلفاوي ، يعاني من اعاقة ذهنية الرجاء كل من يتعرف عليه الاتصال بعائلته على الرقم التالي : 97899258 / 44422618,,,,,,,2021-07-28 19:03:16 oth0q6,,5,fortunately I have PayPal,,,,,,,2021-07-28 19:25:31 othc4e,,0,"Fuck you all, and fuck this ugly cess pit of a country, I hope you all die, go fuck yourself and your mothers!!! 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-28 19:41:35 othk2h,,29,Tunisians are 30% less anxious since 25 July :),,,,,,,2021-07-28 19:52:49 otjqt5,,1,"ORDER DRIVERS LICENSE , PASSPORTS ID CARDS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. ( ) : WhatsApp: +41767199795 / +4915213548419",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-28 21:42:25 otjslh,",520,110629,3",10,According to the latest polls 87% of Tunisians say they approve the decisions of the President of the Republic. 3% disagree. And 9% have no opinion.,,,,,,,2021-07-28 21:44:55 otjx4s,,1,What is the best 4K TV for about 1550dt,"I bought a PlayStation 5 and I don't think I'm using its full potential on a 720p TV Can you give me a good TV for around 1500dt that I can buy I'm from Sousse",,,,,,2021-07-28 21:51:25 otjzem,,9,for all those who keeps criticizing the decision of the President Kais said !!!!!," So let's say you voted for someone, whom for the Election campaign promised and said so much, and once elected nothing of his promises has been fulfilled . Do you then keep up with the wrong doings of his or do you do something about it? i'm so fed-up with those people from all around arab-countrys whom clearly are uneducated about the whole situation in Tunisia : 1- KS is a law professor in one of the most prestige Universities. So he knows exactly what he's doing. You can find a video of him talking about the allegations against him where he explained the legitimacy of his actions from a legal perspective :) . 2- you need to read the 80th law of the tunisian constitution first than you can make a take about what happened. 3- before KS decisions the country was on the verge of a civil war, i'm sure you'll find a lot of articles/videos for more insight on the matter. He basically saved the country from a national disaster..... 4- The people needed a radical change because the guys that got elected never did what they promised during their campaign and that for a long 10 years. 5- KS knows exactly that there is no place for a new dictator ( look at what happened to the last one, the people are not dumb to let that happen again ;) ), therefore he never tried to be one, he just listened to his people and tried to do something about the chaotic situation. So yeah i hope this clears it up a little bit...",,,,,,2021-07-28 21:54:49 otlbzj,,3,Whats the best place to ask for tunisian business tips/tricks in this economy?,"Where do people talk about how to start business and maintain it and stuff. Any idea, guys? Do they hang somewhere? My family doesn't know anything about business, they're mostly employees. My friends are just students. Doesn't have to be conventional generic advice, I just need a pragmatic answer that really helps.",,,,,,2021-07-28 23:06:03 otld68,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-28 23:07:54 otmci4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 00:06:28 otqtka,,1,Tunisia Crisis || President Threatens A Corruption Attack,,,,,,,2021-07-29 04:55:57 otronc,,4,CDI vs SIVP for a first job as a software engineer ??,"I asked this question before but I didn't get convincing answers. Note that I am planning to apply for jobs abroad after signing this contract.",,,,,,2021-07-29 06:00:58 otrsss,,12,Le directeur de la chaîne nationale tunisienne démis de ses fonctions,,,,,,,2021-07-29 06:09:44 otsmcs,,1,Can anyone explain to me the Tunisia situation?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-29 07:16:40 otsp89,,4,Can anyone explain to me the Tunisia situation?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 07:23:06 otsyww,,1,Does Tutto sport sell fake shoes ????,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-29 07:46:12 ott3k8,,1,Positiver,,,,,,,2021-07-29 07:57:49 ottdvn,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 08:22:32 otubsd,,27,"عسلامة! 😁 أول حلقة من ال Tunisian feminist podcast الي سميتو ""Fémisienne"" خرجت! 💃🏼💃🏼 في الحلقة هذي ركزت على اللبسة و slut/prude shaming و إنشاله كل حلقة نركز على حكاية مختلفة. كانكم عندكم أي feedback ولا constructive criticism قولوهولي خاطرني جديدة و مزلت نتعلم 🤗",,,,,,,2021-07-29 09:44:56 otukh3,,5,Is buying airsoft guns from other countries and transporting them to Tunisia overseas illegal?,I've been recently thinking about buying some airsoft equipment off the internet and I'm wondering if they are legal or not in this hell hole.,,,,,,2021-07-29 10:05:02 otuly9,,0,Le Qatar s’immisce dans les affaires internes tunisiennes.,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 10:08:11 otutho,,5,Import used cars to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-29 10:25:01 otutlj,,7,"In Tunis, Moroccan FM conveys King Mohammed VI's message to Tunisi",,,,,,,2021-07-29 10:25:13 otuvmq,,1,"Doha offers asylum to the leader of Ennhadha, Rachid Ghannouchi",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 10:29:55 otva5b,,1,Crypto laws in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 11:00:54 otvkia,,0,Rachid Ghannouchi to Doha soon,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 11:21:59 otxa4o,اكبر_دليل_على_أن_قطر_دولة_خائنة_أن_سفراء_جميع/,0,اكبر دليل على أن قطر دولة خائنة أن سفراء جميع الدول موجودين فى تونس ولم يهرب الا سفيرهم والملحق العسكرى ونائبه. لأن الخونة دائما يكونون جبناء وهم أول من يهربون عندما تتكشف خيانتهم. #قطر_على_برة الناس الكل نستعملوا الهشتاج هذا,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 13:16:04 otxgkm,,0,Everyone here please share your attitude to the current political situation and let's debunk the islamists' Coup narrative,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-29 13:27:10 otxy5u,,5,I currently have a one way flight to Tunisia for tourism. Can this cause problems as the border? I plan on taking the return once I decide when to leave. I'm an Algerian national entering from the west if that matters,"Thank you EDIT: a return flight is absolutely required to cross into Tunisia from a Tunisian port of entry as a foreigner.",,,,,,2021-07-29 13:55:33 oty9x9,élo/,1,Sortie vélo,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 14:13:28 otym38,,4,Is it true that the long term visa procedure to France has changed? OFII is no longer mandatory!,,,,,,,2021-07-29 14:31:40 otyucb,,1,Whats this carte technologique? Can I make some money with it?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 14:44:10 otzir9,,1,"I'm underage, can i buy condoms from a pharmacy?",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 15:19:48 otzkzi,,102,Explaining to my foreign friends why PayPal doesn't work here,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-29 15:22:55 ou2bad,,5,I need some help,"السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نشالله تكونو بخير و صحة. اما بعد.... انا تلميذ سنة ثالثة اداب و نجحت لمرحلة الباكالوريا..... نتصوركم تعرفوا الكلام الي يتقال على الشعبة هاذي كونها صعيبة و نسبة النجاح فيها منخفضة جدا.... صراحة انا توترت و ما فماش سيناريو ما تصورتوش بخصوص مستقبلي اولا و ردة فعل عايلتي في صورة ما ما نجحتش في مرحلة ثانية(لا قدر الله). لذلك انا طالب نصيحتكم و تحكيوا على تجربة مماثلة ان كان بالإمكان و لكم جزيل الشكر مسبقا!!",,,,,,2021-07-29 17:42:04 ou31hf,,2,Who do you think Kais Said will appoint as Prime Minister?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-29 18:18:18 ou3woq,,6,Weekends in the Time of coronavirus-pandemic.,"Hello folks, Is the weekend all-day curfew still enforced or can we drive around until 7 pm? Thank you",,,,,,2021-07-29 19:02:00 ou4osj,,3,Any online sources for non-biased Tunisian political discussion/news in TUNISIAN?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-29 19:41:18 ou567c,,22,tell The Guardian your opinion about the recent crisis to help stop fake news and misinformation,,,,,,,2021-07-29 20:05:56 ou5q1t,,1,Whats this carte technologique? Can I make some money with it?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-29 20:34:07 ou5uis,,0,Nawfel saed (brother of Kai's and law professor) new prime minister ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-29 20:40:24 ou5vbl,,13,Do you think Tunisians are over praising Said?,"Wherever i go i see people worshipping him, is it wrong to say that it’s annoying and unnecessary?",,,,,,2021-07-29 20:41:30 ou64q6,,0,Consequences of Ennahdah out? Do you they or some of their supporting parties will try to prepare an attack or anything of a kind?,,,,,,,2021-07-29 20:54:53 ou6b5z,,5,Consequences of the 25th of July,What do you think will be the consequences? Is it safe now in Tunisia? Can they counter attack?,,,,,,2021-07-29 21:04:12 ou6mn5,,9,Cool Parkour Spot :),,,,,,,2021-07-29 21:20:36 ou7lg5,,13,Why all the blue...???,"I've been to Tunisia many times for various reasons. Tabarka,Tunis, El Kef, Sidi Bou Said, and other towns in between. And everywhere I go, I see this sky blue color painted on everything. Doors, gates, windows, street lights, walls. And it always seems to be used as an accent to the surrounding structures or decor. What is up with this color? Is this the national color? Even some embassies overseas have this sprinkled here and there in their decor. Is there a history or reason for this color being all over the country?",,,,,,2021-07-29 22:12:24 ou7nct,,46,Map of Poverty in Tunisia [OC],,,,,,,2021-07-29 22:15:12 ou81cq,,98,Sunset in Sfax today,,,,,,,2021-07-29 22:36:27 oua9po,,16,Religious demographoc,"r/Tunisia religious demographic [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-07-30 00:48:33 oucvm6,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-30 03:34:29 ouda4i,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-07-30 04:00:13 oudj95,,4,...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 04:16:36 oug1r1,,33,Foggy morning in La Marsa! Have a nice day you beautiful people,,,,,,,2021-07-30 07:31:45 ouh2u4,,2,Gift shops in tunisia,"Hii , does anyone know any online gift shop here in tunisia that can be reliable?",,,,,,2021-07-30 09:04:31 ouhhop,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-30 09:41:15 ouhwnt,,4,Qatar discusses safe haven for Ghannouchi in a phone call with Tunisian president as it fears secrecy breach,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-30 10:17:12 ouhzr4,,2,"Exclusive: Ghannouchi threatens Italy with migrants from Tunisia, but he’s just bluffing",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 10:24:25 oui9wq,,0,Need help with the orientation,"Not sure if i wanted to go prepa or tbs. So please if there's tbs graduates in this subreddit, can you please tell me what are doing in life now? How easy is it to escape this country with its degree.",,,,,,2021-07-30 10:48:04 ouj2dx,,3,"EXCLUSIVE: Ghannouchi threatens Italy with migrants from Tunisia, but he’s just bluffing",,,,,,,2021-07-30 11:48:01 ouj9ce,,1,What's the minimum age to buy alcohol?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 12:01:28 ouk380,,104,Saw this at a hotel buffet,,,,,,,2021-07-30 12:57:29 oukdhg,,65,"I’m in Tunisia to visit family, and I made sure to fill my suitcase with tartlets to take back home. These things are the best!",,,,,,,2021-07-30 13:14:50 oukv8u,,1,Now I am getting skeptical. I hope it is not as I think.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 13:44:24 oul204,,14,Yesterday I've come across this very interesting article about how monopolized the Tunisian economy is. The magazine also has a number of other articles that I highly recommend checking out.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 13:55:04 oulfnb,,0,It feels so bad to have been wrong,,,,,,,2021-07-30 14:15:52 oumylg,,4,How much time does it take to receive money transfered from another bank (including the weekend)?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 15:37:11 oun8fk,,0,Thoughts?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 15:51:33 ouoh9a,,0,I need help with orientation !!,Computer science major people please,,,,,,2021-07-30 16:55:51 ouoorv,,3,"Questions about traveling to Nabeul, Tunisia","Hello to everyone! I will be traveling to Nabeul next week as part of an Erasmus+ Program. I will be staying for 1 week and I have some questions concerning the situation there -How is the political situation there currenty? Do you believe it is safe to travel there? I understand this is a happy time for tunisians but it is also a big change (I guess) and it can be unstable -How is the COVID situation there (Nabeul/Tunis)? I couldn't find enough data for specific city (Im vaxxed) -Is it possible to communicate in English? I heard that people speak mostly french -Is it acceptable to wear shorts/skirts or strapless/short shirts ? Will there be weird stares/assaults? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-07-30 17:06:12 oupjsp,,1,"Just 3andi sou2el, 3ana investors w 3bed tabe3 fi el crypto industry fi tounes ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 17:50:58 oupnux,,1,Is having a college degree necessary to become wealthy? What do you think?,Discuss.,,,,,,2021-07-30 17:57:10 ouqnxt,,1,"Cheap, but not disgusting, hotels for one night stands",[removed],,,,,,2021-07-30 18:49:36 ousovc,,5,Abdullah Lsherif explaining the current situation in Tunisia. Opinions?,,,,,,,2021-07-30 19:58:33 out08w,,38,Influencers spreading disinformation in Facebook,,,,,,,2021-07-30 20:15:17 outtda,,1,What if Erdogan send his army to balance the power and protects his interests in Tunisia like he did in Libya ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 20:59:53 ouu8or,,3,Ennahdha's violations of the constitution,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-30 21:23:05 ouurio,,7,Tunisia's President Staged What Looks Like a Coup. But Democracy Isn't Dead There Yet,,,,,,,2021-07-30 21:52:15 ouvpc2,,4,How to improve french,"Im in 2ème année science and my french is REALLY BAD. I don't know how to write a sentence or answer comprehension questions properly... -) Do you know any methods that can help improve my french? --)Maybe an app or book or website that helps me improve?? (Want to do so before BAC) ---) How can I learn how to write des expressions écrite? ANYTHING would be helpful, I just wanna improve myself before BAC so I can get a good grade (bac scientific)",,,,,,2021-07-30 22:47:29 ouvxla,,0,To all the leaders of the European Union and the American President Jubayden,"To all the leaders of the European Union and the American President Jubayden, beware of Ghannouchi and his terrorist gang, they pose a direct and official threat to the Tunisian and European national security, his threats against Europe, against the decisions of President Said, and against the will of the Tunisian people who revolted against the entire system of corruption in Tunisia, please respect the will of the people behind the son of Tunisia, Bar Qais To all the leaders of the European Union and the American President Jubayden, who are wary of Ghannouchi and his terrorist gang, they pose a direct and official threat to the Tunisian and European national security, his threats against Europe, against the decisions of President Said, and against the will of the Tunisian people who revolted against the entire corruption system in Tunisia, please respect the will of the people behind the righteous son of Tunisia, Qais Said,",,,,,,2021-07-30 23:01:16 ouwdnl,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-30 23:28:40 ouwebs,,0,Crypto Tunisia,"Hi everyone is there any news about the state of crypto in tunisia, and is there any new laws that will pass ?",,,,,,2021-07-30 23:29:47 oux3qc,,1,Are you Religious? and How does it feel being an Atheist?,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-31 00:14:57 ouzvce,,6,Studying abroad,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-31 03:24:21 ov2clw,,1,Content of Technology and society,,,,,,,2021-07-31 06:40:03 ov3370,,63,Are you in favor of Kais Saied as president?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-31 07:45:24 ov3owf,,4,أكبر 10 شركات تونسية,,,,,,,2021-07-31 08:42:18 ov49uw,,3,"Any info on ""formation steward"" in tunisia?","Someone in my family is thinking of becoming a steward, he's asking me for advice. Do you think he can find a job after he graduates? Or does he need connections? Is it hard/easy? I really have no idea. ps: steward is like the man version of hotesse de l'air",,,,,,2021-07-31 09:37:51 ov4i05,,2,Chkoun yal3ab basket fi Sousse / Hammam Sousse,Fama shkoun yemshi yal3eb basketball fi soussa ? I would like to join if possible!,,,,,,2021-07-31 09:59:55 ov5g97,,0,"Kais said is a dictator who is going on a dangerous of oppression, his aspirations are purely for political gain.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-31 11:23:43 ov7r96,,17,Land robbers are about to rob us our land,"Hi guys, my family is currently living a dilemma and I seek you for answers as to possible solutions for this problem. So, my parents bought a piece of land a 2 years ago. It's a 500m² piece of land in a particular town within a particular governorate, it costed them about 40 thousand dinars. This piece of land as well as all pieces of land on the same side of the street has about 15 meters of state-owned land in front of it that everyone is waiting for it to be sold. Meaning that we have about a 500m² of state land between us and the main road. My parents bought it thinking that they'll be the beneficiaries of this piece of land, that eventually it'll be theirs, or at least it'll still be state property and there won't be anything between us and the road, especially considering the cost is about 80 dinars for the square meter (an astronomical price when compared to the location, and now that we now how evil the neighbors are, even when compared to the neighbors). Now, let me explain as well who the neighbors mostly are, they are people who got their lands there as compensation for a dam construction that filled their lands with water (ancestral lands that are of their grandfathers and fathers, mostly poor mountain dwellers who got this much better land as a free meal). My father is from the same family, but he's been away from from them since most of his childhood and adulthood, and his father's land wasn't compensated because it was on high ground, he's also one of the highly educated folks from that same family (a retired man who graduated university and has a respectable job). Now here's the dilemma, it seems like everyone (8 family heads so far) there envies my father, they all want to ruin his purchased land, everyone wants to steal the land in front of us and make gardens/garages/roads... in front of our land!! Yesterday my father called a tractor to make some pits in the state land so that no one would trespass it and so that our limits are clear, and so that our clear access to the street won't be blocked, but someone whose house is like literally a kilometer away came out of his house running and started throwing himself in front of the tractor to stop us!! He started saying a lot of bad words to my father (mel hzem w ahbet) with absolutely zero respect claiming that he's been targeting that land (the land in front of our own bought land) so that he can build his own garages (in front of our own fucking will be house!!). He also took a wooden stick and threatened to hit my father repeatedly (this same man actually killed his own cousin 15 years ago and got out of prison during the last couple of years) Today, my father went to the police station to complain, and also because he was afraid for his own life, but guess what, 8 families came all to protect this one man, and each of them claiming the land is his by right, one saying he'll make a garden there, another for roads, another to build a house... When my father asked how the F\*\*\* is he supposed to get to the street, they sarcastically told him to fucking make a rocket and fly there!! The police said that they can't interfere, and that they must find a solution between themselves. About 15 minutes ago, someone called my father telling him that these 8 individuals brought a tractor to the land to undo what we did there, and to make their own land borders!! I am begging you, this is so fucking hard of a problem on our family, we don't even live in this same governorate, so we can't really be here all the time just to watch over this land from these black-hearted envious jealous people. We came here literally to have fun, to swim, to have a nice time and not to have fight all day long and have people like this doing this to us! Please, any type suggestions or help will be highly appreciated, even praying for us to be set free from these dark souled individuals will be highly appreciated. Please, and thank you.",,,,,,2021-07-31 14:06:40 ovaxel,رسالة_مفتوحة_إلى_الرأي_العام_الوطني_والدولي/,0,رسالة مفتوحة إلى الرأي العام الوطني والدولي,"#ليس_انقلابا #Not_A_Coup رسالة مفتوحة إلى الرأي العام الوطني والدولي على إثر التّدابير الاستثنائيّة الّتي اتّخذها رئيس الدّولة استنادا إلى الفصل 80 من الدّستور، فإنّنا نحن الممضيات والممضين أسفله نؤكّد: -أنّ البلاد التّونسيّة تعيش منذ إحدى عشرة سنة أزمة عميقة طالت كلّ المجالات. فبلغ النّموّ الاقتصاديّ أدنى مستوياته وتقلّص التّرقيم السياديّ وتدهورت المقدرة الشّرائيّة. والتجأ المسؤولون إلى الاقتراض والتّداين بشكل مهول رهن البلاد وسيادتها الوطنيّة. - أنّ المنظومة الصّحّية والتّعليميّة والإداريّة قد تردّت تردّيا لم تعرف له البلاد مثيلا قبل اليوم. -أنّ الإعلام وهو السّلطة الرّابعة قد أصبح في جلّه تحت سلطة النّهضة وحلفائها ما عدا قلّة من الإعلاميّين المتمسّكين بشرف المهنة. -أن مجال الثقافة، أساس التقدّم الفكري والحضاري للشعوب، قد وقع تهميشه بشكل مُفزع لدرجة أن رئيس الحكومة السّابق اعتبر، في تصريح رسمي، أن الثقافة لا تعدو أن تكون مجرّد تسلية يمكن الاستغناء عنها. - أنّ الفساد ونهب المال العامّ قد استشرى في أغلب مفاصل المنظومة السّياسيّة الّتي أصبحت قائمة على حسابات التّموقع السّياسيّ، وعلى خدمة مصالح الأحزاب وخدمة لوبيات متنفّذة دون أيّ اكتراث بمصلحة الشّعب والوطن. وهذا ما جعل دواليب سير الدّولة تتعطّل وتتفكّك. - أنّ بعض المنظومة القضائيّة قد تمّ اختراقها، فأصبحت في خدمة الإرهاب تخفي ملفّاته وتحمي مموّليه وداعميه. إضافة إلى حماية الفاسدين والتّستّر عليهم. -أنّ مجلس النّوّاب لم يعد يقوم بوظيفته التّشريعيّة، وإنّما قد أصبح ساحة لمهاترات وصراعات وعنف متبادل لا سيّما ضدّ النّساء. كما أن تسييره كان يخدم مصلحة رئيس المجلس تنفيذا لأجندا حزبه، حركة النهضة، بدلا عن خدمة مصلحة الشعب. -أنّ الشّعب التّونسيّ الّذي أصبح يعاني معاناة كبيرة من جرّاء تردّي جميع الأوضاع الاجتماعيّة والاقتصاديّة يطالب منذ مدّة بتغيير عميق في إدارة الشّأن العامّ. وقد خرج يوم 25 جويلية معبّرا عن غضبه من الطّبقة السّياسيّة وموجّها احتقانه إلى حركة النّهضة وحزامها السّياسيّ بصفتهم السّبب المباشر في هذا الانهيار الشّامل. -أنّنا ندعم استجابة الرّئيس قيس سعيّد لمطالب الشّعب التّونسيّ ولا نعدّ ذلك انقلابا على الدّستور ولا على الشّرعيّة. وإنّنا ندعو الرّئيس إلى محاسبة كلّ من مرق عن القانون محاسبة قانونيّة دون أيّ تشفّ ولا انتقام. كما ندعو الدّول الصديقة إلى مساندة اختيارات الشّعب التّونسيّ الّتي تضمن له الكرامة والعزّة والحرّيّة. -أنّنا نسجّل بكلّ ارتياح أنّ مبادرة رئيس الجمهوريّة قد بدأت في أيّام قليلة في حلحلة ملفّات الإرهاب والفساد الّتي ترقد في الأدراج منذ سنوات طوال. -أنّنا نرفض رفضا باتّا أيّ حوار مع المارقين عن القانون ونرفض أيّ تسوية مع الفاسدين أو أيّ عودة لهم إلى صدارة المشهد السّياسيّ. -أنّنا متيقّظون إزاء أيّ إمكانيّة لعودة الاستبداد أو استئثار جهة واحدة بالسّلطات. ونحن حريصون على الانتقال الدّيمقراطيّ وعلى الحفاظ على مدنيّة الدّولة والحرّيات العامّة والمساواة بين المواطنات والمواطنين. -أننا نطلب من كافة الدول الأجنبية عدم التدخّل في الشؤون الداخلية التونسية، وخاصّة عدم محاولات فرض مواصلة هيمنة الإسلام السياسي على المجتمع التونسي بعد أن قاسى منه الويلات طيلة العشرية الماضية. الامضاءات ألفة يوسف نجا المهداوي فوزية الشرفي المنصف بن مراد سلمى العكروت يوسف الصديق زهية جويرو الياس القصري سلوى الشرفي سامي بن سلامة جليلة بكار فتحي الجلاصي نايلة السليني عبد العزيز الدهماني اقبال الغربي الفاضل الجعايبي شامة القرقوري الجموسي إبراهيم اللطيف سناء غنيمة أنور معلى آمنة الجبلاوي الاسعد الجموسي زينب التوجاني محمد كوكة وحيدة الدريدي المنصف المزغني سمية بالرجب منير الشرفي عفيف الفهري بسمة ام الزين الهادي بالحاج آمال المبروك باكير سمير العيّادي فاطمة مقني العيادي samira Abbes الأسعد الزواري رضا بسباس مقطوف الظاهري صالحة حيوني انيس العبيدي نوال بنصالح بنت طراد ليلى بن حميدة",,,,,,2021-07-31 17:09:00 ovbyra,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-07-31 18:08:37 ovcbbs,,1,The s&p 500,Hello i think this question was asked before but anyway i want to invest into this index fund for the long run 20+ years is it possible from tunisia which sites do offer this service for tunisians ? Is there anyone currently investing in the s&p 500 from tunisia any information would be helpful thank you,,,,,,2021-07-31 18:28:41 ovcsi5,,11,Coup de gueule ( meskina tunis),"Hello everyone, Rodoubelkom y’a jme3a temchiw les hôtels fi tunis! Lyoum Berrasmi 3omri mahasit rohi humilié lel darja hethi! Mchit maa famille n3adiw fi week-end fi africajad, 5thina transat Ena wel famille, j2 wakt leftour mchina noftrou ou ki rja3na lkina dbach mte3na mtayech fel rmal! Rajel 9a3ed maa sa7ebtou yochreb o5ti mchet tahki maah gentillement ye5i talefha! Bref mchina nahkiw maa les serveurs walew isebou fina, finalement sécurité 9alelna tlaa teba3 consulat d’Égypte ou minajmouch ikalmouh! Tnajem todh7er 7keya fergha aala transat Ama ki wehed ihinek ou tayahlek 9adrek 5ter aandou chwaya pouvoir fibelou fou9 laabed… inchalah Berrasmi lebled tet7assen 5ter Ena maadech nji Édit post: sbeh choft moula l’hôtel ou 9ali enti ghalet 5ter ki temchi mel transat, lezmek thez dabchek maak Ps: thank you everyone for your support",,,,,,2021-07-31 18:56:09 ovcuxy,,3,Would passing the TOEFL exam be a good investment for someone living in Tunisia?,"I understand most people take this exam to prove their English skills when they want to move off-Tunisia. However, would proving my language skills with an international degree be something special to add to my qualifications in Tunisia's job market?",,,,,,2021-07-31 19:00:01 ovfg15,,2,Studying law in university,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-31 21:28:43 ovg835,,81,Tadakai,,,,,,,2021-07-31 22:15:54 ovgxmp,,1,Suspicious Haftar Private Jet P4-FJA shortly landed in TUN airport on July 25 2021,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-31 23:00:08 ovh6dd,,1,Suspicious flight landed in Tunis on 25 July,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-31 23:15:46 ovhf7e,,1,Suspicious flight P4-FJA landed in Tunis Airport on 25 July,[deleted],,,,,,2021-07-31 23:31:36 ovhnl4,,1,Suspicious flight P4-FJA landed in Tunis on 25 July,[removed],,,,,,2021-07-31 23:46:38 ovhw3t,,1,Suspicious Jet P4-FJA that landed in TUN airport on 25-Jul-2021,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-01 00:01:42 ovi26h,,48,"Unpopular opinion: we didn't have a democracy to begin with, and the political system was going to collapse sooner or later","We had a system that had universal suffrage, yes, but it wasn't a functional democracy and it was more like an extremely large oligarchy: - Laws and governments were formed/passed after shady under the table deals between Nahdha, Nidaa & Co and the corrupt businessmen. No transparency or accountability. - The political parties/MPs pass laws that protect them, ignore requests to lift ""immunity"" and were already untouchable with no checks and balances (which is not the case of a democracy) - Before every election, each party would attract people on matters like religion, regionalism or ideology (the real agenda remains in the shadows) - The electoral system was designed to make it really hard for someone to win a majority and do any reform - Freedom of expression was already in danger (law suits against people who criticized Beji or religion) - The system does not allow for any long term economical reform (something that we really need): 8 governments/cabinets in 10 years - Corruption was normalized, politicians wanted to get appointed to public offices to steal our tax money. They came up with lame excuses to justify pointless cabinet reshuffles or appointments that were only staged high level thefts. To be realistic, we have a system that looks like Iraq's or Lebanon's political system, it has elections, but apart from that, it is very corrupt, complicated and isn't worthy of the word democracy.",,,,,,2021-08-01 00:12:20 ovlaaf,,3,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-01 04:00:28 ovofi0,,3,Online clothes shopping?,Is there a way to shop online for clothes in Tunisia outside of Facebook?,,,,,,2021-08-01 08:22:53 ovotko,,4,Where can I buy baggy hoodies for decent price,Im fan of big hoodies like from size 3xl to higher they are cool for training and school ... But when I look online the price is fucken insane so does anyone know good place specially in nabeul and thanks in advance 😁,,,,,,2021-08-01 08:59:31 ovow38,,1,Which Countries are Most Similar to Israel? 2.0,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-01 09:05:19 ovp39u,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-01 09:24:09 ovp89p,,14,Do you think housing and buying a car will ever comeback to being affordable to the average consumer without a life debt?,,,,,,,2021-08-01 09:37:08 ovq88j,,22,Coup or no coup. What's next?,"Doesn't really matter what the answer is, but this situation is reality now, what happens next is more interesting to explore. It has become obvious that the Tunisian interpretation of democracy includes the notion of a democratic economy. A lot of people are limiting democracy to the ballots exercise. This is not a foreign concept in Western democracies as there is economic freedom and transparency of information prevail. I believe this is where the successive parliaments and governments have failed. And there is a lot that they could have done. One can simply look at the thriving economies of East and West Africa who are now making giant steps in digitising their economies and opening a whole new world of information economy. Now back to Tunisia, what's next for us? What is tunisia's president ""illi min kawkeb akher"" going to do?"" I have been asking myself a lot of questions without any clear answer: 1) Is he really going to change the electoral system? Some say he is going to set another jamahiria? Would that even work? If so how? Or is he going to make his own party? Or maybe he will let political activity resume with the same types of elections? 2) Is the country going to default its loans? And when the time comes who is going to fund to tunisia? And for what? What will they get in exchange? Assests or political alliance? 3) what is he going to do about the economy? Is he shrinking the public sector expenses? Is he going ahead with IMF type of reforms? Or is he going to try to control the economy through a guided and probably failing monetary strategy? Is he going to liberalise it let the market regulate itself, abolish licensing in many sectors and stop government from dictating carrot and potatoe prices every morning? Is he going to democratise finance, allow digital banks and digital currency to rise? 4) what is he doing about justice? What is he going to do in terms of legislation? And what is going to ensure there's a properly functioning system? What is going to happen with transitional justice? Or is that part of the past? There are hints of what may happen but it is quite unclear. One thing is certain, also KS has to be pressured and held accountable like everyone else.",,,,,,2021-08-01 11:07:10 ovqosk,,1,International bank transfer to Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-01 11:46:14 ovqw6r,,10,best water in tunisia ?,chnoua ahsen ma yetchrab fi tounes ?,,,,,,2021-08-01 12:02:04 ovrjdw,,2,Informations about Visa application for Germany,"Hello. i was trying to find what documents are required to apply for Schengen visa for my parents to visit Germany. and i have few questions 1- As a student in Germany can the student send an invitation to the parents to visit or it has to be a touristic Visa. 2- the list of documents doesn't list the travel insurance, is it no longer required?? thank you in advance",,,,,,2021-08-01 12:49:57 ovrqra,,3,Any content creators you like?,Just recommend me cool people preferably in Arabic.,,,,,,2021-08-01 13:03:54 ovs23h,,5,Good camping sites?,"I'm looking for a safe camping site. Also is it possible to take my car?",,,,,,2021-08-01 13:24:24 ovs4sm,,1,Esprit private university attentives?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-01 13:29:15 ovs579,,2,Esprit private university alternatives ?,,,,,,,2021-08-01 13:30:00 ovsirl,,12,What is your most hated Tunisian animal?,"Which animal found in Tunisia do you hate the most? For me it's grellou x100000, I will rather face off the hyenas and jnoun than be anywhere near cafard they are my worst nightmare and my only real phobia. Close but didn't make the cut: wild pig, jnoun, khwenji, the qtatas that harass you for food in kantoui, jellyfish, w the kissing bug [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-08-01 13:54:07 ovth1u,الطحانة_بش_ينيكونا/,49,الطحانة بش ينيكونا,"كان تعلمنا حاجة بعد الاستقلال على الاقل انو الطحين و عبادة الاشخاص عندو نتيجة وحدة. توة طلعولنا عباد يعبدو قيسون و يبررولو اي حاجة. مللول كذب و قال الي عملو دستوري و الناس صدقتو. و من 25 جويللية مارس الضغط على مختلف الصحفيين مش كان الجزيرة و الناس تبررلو. نخاف يولي عادي انو قيسون يخترق حقوق انسانية اساسية و ماعليه انو يوصف الطرف الأخر انو""عدو"" و الناس تبررلو و تصفقلو. ديما التخويف من كبش فداء ضروري السيطرة على العامة.",,,,,,2021-08-01 14:50:22 ovu2ad,,82,Interesting,,,,,,,2021-08-01 15:23:47 ovu5hg,,0,وائل كفوري: كلنا مننجر- ميجانا_ شو رأيك HD😍(Live) Dubai# #Concert,,,,,,,2021-08-01 15:28:39 ovuuks,,0,"I work remotely, and want to live in Tunisia. Do I need work permit to stay in Tunisia?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-01 16:06:29 ovw3k8,,1,What’s happening in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-01 17:13:46 ovwedr,,7,Can someone breakdown to me Tunisian job contract types generally and what's different about each?,,,,,,,2021-08-01 17:30:09 ovwg8l,,6,Tunisian bank,"What is the Best Tunisian bank ?, Why ?,and what's the benefits of putting your money in bank ?",,,,,,2021-08-01 17:32:58 ovwogh,,1,Medical Studies In Germany Or In Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-01 17:45:14 ovx9fn,,8,Do you think Tunisia can go back to dictatorship either now or in the future? and Why?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-01 18:17:01 ovxr2x,,0,Modernity in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-08-01 18:44:04 ovxss3,,6,Wake up already,,,,,,,2021-08-01 18:46:37 ovxui1,,4,"Modernity in Tunisia ; hi guys I’m thinking about making a dog’s Instagram acc like acc on grrmany or uk ; so I made @carole_ibj on Instagram, one of the first dog’s accounts; support please ❤️",,,,,,,2021-08-01 18:49:11 ovxzte,,0,Fuck everyone who let this happen.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-01 18:57:17 ovy2pt,,3,Is there a list of yearly tuition fees of private Tunisian universities?,"This would be a valuable information to know about the likes of Esprit, Tek up, etc...",,,,,,2021-08-01 19:01:30 ovyiz8,,1,زيادة مساحة الرامات الداخلية بدون برامج - ويندوز 10 من 2 جيجا إلى 11 جيجا-,,,,,,,2021-08-01 19:25:55 ovz2s4,,10,Why were there so many (non-colonial) Italian people in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-01 19:56:35 ovzaon,,2,where can i buy jwejem in Tunis?,"i know its stupid thing to ask when the country is going thru plitical turmoil, i remembered a place that did sell it but i cant remember where it is, and now i feel the urge to get some... thanks",,,,,,2021-08-01 20:08:28 ovzi1i,,1,Can someone Studying engineering while working,"Study * hey guys , i m asking for a friend . Next year My friend will start his residency but he is passionate about engineering so He is wondering if there an online university That teaches engineering online and/or has a flexible schedule?",,,,,,2021-08-01 20:19:48 ow56za,,1,Why's everyone suddenly praising Kais?,What the title says. I'm genuinely out of the loop here. What happened? And why do some people here think it's bad when many are celebrating it?,,,,,,2021-08-02 01:57:23 ow5ddz,,5,Where can I get a chechya in the Ariana area,I wanna know where I can find good quality chechyas in the Ariana area,,,,,,2021-08-02 02:08:44 ow5nfp,,1,best goalkeeper saves,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 02:27:02 ow6eg9,,5,"Is it true that ""travel to and from greater Tunis remains banned until 27 August."" ? If so, does this mean a tourist landing in Tunis cannot visit nearby cities?",,,,,,,2021-08-02 03:17:46 ow6v98,,1,Currently Fascinated by This,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-02 03:50:32 ow9ytn,,24,The Personality Dilemma: Is My Opinion Western Enough?,"This isn't a personal attack on anyone. Don't take it as such. Reading through social media the last few years, I've been made aware of a serious growing problem that's been plaguing Tunisia of late, especially young Tunisians, and especially on Reddit. Loss of personality, quick and easy influence, and inability to come up with one's own ideas and conclusions. The need to fit in with the West has blinded many. When the streets rang with celebratory cheers after the president's decision, some young Tunisians stayed inside, lurking on their social medias, waiting for what the westerner has to say about this; what the westerner has to say about any and everything really. Is my opinion western enough? Will it give me a bad look when read by a Westerner? Hmm, I wanna go out and cheer, but what if that's not very western? Oh, how tunisian of me, this is thoughtcrime! These people can't shape opinions of their own. The westerner calls it a coup, then a coup I shall name it too! James Corbyn called it a breach of democracy? Yes, Corbyn is from the West, right? It is, by law of nature, a breach of demcoracy then. Some Western journo ( yes, the epitome of credibility), hyerbolically and exaggeratingly claimed was attacked by Kais Said, then hell yeah that happened, lemme bite into this corporate money-grabber bait hook line and sinker. Why? What's there to gain? Is it Social Darwinism? What do you think running to the West for advice will do to you? Do you think it bodes well for our national identity? Do you really think an American's opinion is immediately better than yours? Ah yes, much better to go by those paragons of virtue's opinions than my own *checks notes* America. How credible do you honestly think American journalism is? How knowlegeable do you think Americans are to simple worldly whereabouts? Do you think blindly following a western mouth piece will improve your chances at immigrating? I live in France and have yet to suck a single Western cock. You can do it too! Don't get me wrong, I highly treasure Western values, and think they're far superior than any other. I especially treasure American constitutional, and democratic values, and regard them highly, but let's not get too attached to the myth that Tunisia can somehow, and by some miracle, change into America or France. Clinging to modern western values and forcing them on Tunisia simply doesn't work. Now, for the sake of argument, let's compare America to Tunisia. Does America have it within its constitution the possibility to freeze congress and senate? Does America have a leading party that's siphoning its population dry of their wealth? Is that party slowly but surely rending the country asunder? Has America only been a democracy for 10 years? Does American mentality slightly even compare to Tunisian mentality? Is America a third world country struggling with almost every social issue your mind can think of? The West and Tunisia are very different. Just because a Westerner gave a western opinion about a place they couldn't place on a map, doesn't mean you have to hold it as God's truth and preach it wherever you go. If you want for Tunisia to be like America, or at least as close as it can get, in future generations, far far away from our own, you should probably start by targetting issues that are unique to Tunisa, and that no one other than Tunisians can understand. So instead of looking westward for validation whenever a slightly major (or incredibly minor) event takes place in Tunisia, why not take a moment and, for the first time in 10 years, come up to your own conclusion? Trust me, when Gannouchi and Makhlouf are rotting in a cold prison cell, and the wealth of politicians is rightly distributed among the populace, and parliament is back in 2 weeks, you're gonna feel so good for not blindly following a random opinion you saw on Twitter. Sincerely, a concerned Tunisian citizen.",,,,,,2021-08-02 07:51:39 owbaqt,,33,The new york times article (my very short opinion),"This NYT jounalist came ""mchargia"", first of all when you read the article she came from their office in egypt and she didn't get the right permits to report (she said there isn't a head of government, which is a stupid explanation because yes there no ""Mechichi"" but the administration is still working), second she said she was detained by the police for hours, yes she was because she was working without the right permits, third she was invited (not summoned, she could've refused to go) to the presidential palace for a statement not an interview To be honest I didn't expect this level of amateurism from an institution as old as NYT",,,,,,2021-08-02 09:48:46 owblq7,,45,The sabotage problem,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 10:14:14 owby2c,,3,Can freelancers in Tunisia apply for Schengen visa?,"Hi all, I left my job last april in Tunisia (wanted to have a mental break berween 2 jobs) and still waiting for my papers to get ready to work abroad but due to covid lots of delay in long term visa. In this period, I worked as freelancer via upwork but not that often (half time contract) My question now: can I use my previous work certificate that says I was working 4 years until 30 apri 2021l? Same for Cnss history ? Or I can mention that I worked as freelancer and show papers getting paied via upwork in $ to apply for the short term visa as I'm invited to a conference in France but my long term visa is taking a lot of time :( Best,",,,,,,2021-08-02 10:43:05 owc7lk,,3,Does ISG still accepts masters registration? And if not what do people usually do?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-02 11:03:35 owd5qb,,0,زعيم تونس: يتم الدفع للشباب للهجرة والإضرار بالعلاقات مع أوروبا,,,,,,,2021-08-02 12:08:38 owdmhf,,1,"Is this english business communication? Do they teach you economy/management in english, or just english business vocabulary? Elli yaaref 7aja bellehi ifasarli, maaneha economie en anglais, walla juste anglais pour parler [URGENT]",,,,,,,2021-08-02 12:37:50 owdssm,,1,Medschool in Germany?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 12:48:23 owdvg8,,1,A fake account running around sending sexual content to females on Instagram.,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 12:52:47 owdw8l,,1,A fake account running around Harassing females on Instagram.,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 12:54:06 owdxgj,,1,A Tunisien guy using a fake account running around Harassing females on Instagram.,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 12:56:05 owdxi5,,6,Looking for someone who understands and can apply Benford’s Law to datasets. No trolls please,,,,,,,2021-08-02 12:56:08 owdxye,,1,A fake account running around Harassing females on Instagram.,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 12:56:51 owdyba,,1,Social Media Harrasment,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 12:57:25 owe2km,,5,"Is this english business communication? Do they teach you economy/management in english, or just english business vocabulary? Elli yaaref 7aja bellehi ifasarli, maaneha economie en anglais, walla juste anglais pour parler [URGENT]", [p7t6yccrvxe71.png (927×236) (](,,,,,,2021-08-02 13:03:28 oweh7p,,1,A fake account running around Harassing females on Instagram.,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 13:26:06 owep2q,,3,Data sources about (or including) Tunisia,"I'm planning a data journalism/visualisations project about Tunisia. Would you suggest data sources about Tunisia (or more global ones that allow comparisons with other countries) , in any field. A basic example from []( : [\_of\_poverty\_in\_tunisia\_oc/](",,,,,,2021-08-02 13:37:58 owisx7,,3,Where can i rent cars in sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-02 17:01:25 owk6i3,,2,Internet cut off two days ago,"As some of you may know hexabyte had cut off internet access for about two days to \*repair something\* but ever since it returned I've gotten repeated internet cut offs and it's driving me nuts. Anyone who shares this ISP has the same issue as well ?",,,,,,2021-08-02 18:07:31 owkr7h,,16,What is the 4th language that i should choose at HS,"i am now 2eme student and i want to know in your opinion what's best for an average student.i started learning Spanish by Duolingo bc i heard that's the easiest one . and it's really easy since its the closest language to french in my opinion (i heard Italian is also easy ) but future wise it's nearly useless for me. should i consider German? ik it's hard and i have to invest a lot of time learning it but should i consider it (my average is between 13,14,15) Ps: I'm not considering Art cause no",,,,,,2021-08-02 18:34:30 owlaoo,,1,cryptocurrency investment in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-02 19:00:35 owldmz,,7,internet upload speed in tunisia,"hi, I need a powerful upload speed in my net since i need to upload large PEVs To SAP and i am working remotely. I am using topnet and its upload was never upgraded i think it's around 0.8 mbps which is too low, I didnt found any offer for topnet to raise my upload except for fiber. Do u know any other internet provider with a good upload offer",,,,,,2021-08-02 19:04:33 owoodf,,6,Bac 2022,"This year I'll be senior (bac eco) and im kinda feeling stressed from now , mainly because I've always had high expectations for it . I just wanna get a good grade even tho my highschool journey isn't really that great. I get an average 12 every year without studying shit. I haven't been going to extra studying sessions (etude) since freshman year im afraid I'll not make it in bac ( im planning bch nakra etude). Also I don't even know what im going to do after graduating highschool . Im thinking of applying for TBS but , I heard that they elevated their score like crazy for eco students . Im afraid I won't reach it .",,,,,,2021-08-02 21:45:34 owoy7f,,17,Are there other places to ask questions/help (aside from this subreddit)? Is there a forum or website where tunisians talk?,Something like this subreddit.,,,,,,2021-08-02 21:59:19 owrr46,,9,"Students who studied in universities away from their hometown, what challenges did you face? Was it worth it?","I graduated highschool this year and I'm choosing a university to continue my studies in. I'm hesitant whether I should study here in Sousse and stay in my comfort-zone, or in Tunis. Studying away seems to have many challenges. Yet I think it would be a beneficial experience in matters of learning how to live independently and to be more responsible in general. If you would, please inform me about your experience if you've studied in a different state, and what downsides/benefits does it have overall Update: I got accepted in FST (License en info) ken fama chkoun ya9ra ghadi braby y9oli",,,,,,2021-08-03 00:27:40 owvfq1,,8,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-08-03 04:00:21 oww4xd,,1,القصة الكاملة و المؤثرة لأقوى امرأة في العالم روندا روزي,,,,,,,2021-08-03 04:45:31 owxb7k,,3,Looking for a place to rent next week next to beach in mestir or nabeul.,Heyy guys do anyone know some1 or some group i can find some deal to rent a place for few day next to the beach.thanks,,,,,,2021-08-03 06:07:11 owxwmh,,2,La vaccination contre la Covid-19 prend de l'ampleur,,,,,,,2021-08-03 06:51:46 owy4wp,,1,life,,,,,,,2021-08-03 07:08:54 owzblo,,1,recommend me a good razor mawjouda fi tounes !,,,,,,,2021-08-03 08:44:59 owzwb6,,17,Foreign ministers from Egypt and Algeria meet in Cairo to discuss the Tunisia crisis," Sameh Shukry, Egypt’s foreign minister, met with [Ramtane Lamamra, Algeria](‘s foreign minister, in Cairo on Saturday. Shukry told reporters at a joint press conference that Egypt is closely monitoring the political unrest in Tunisia following the president’s move to acquire extraordinary powers. [](",,,,,,2021-08-03 09:31:18 ox2exp,,3,Logiciels pour Tous Libre et Open Source (présentation),,,,,,,2021-08-03 12:27:04 ox2geo,,1,"[FREELANCE] What documents do I need to start a personal company (""Patente"")",[removed],,,,,,2021-08-03 12:29:31 ox3dc3,,12,Is it possible to study cloud computing in Tunisia?,"Do degrees that lead to this exist in Tunisia? Does this job exist in Tunisia? What's the starting & average salary? Is it a dead end or a good career to pursue? If the degree exists but the job is abroad or remote, what are my chances of landing one after graduation?",,,,,,2021-08-03 13:22:03 ox4g6m,,5,where to get IT certifications in tunisia,I was looking to for Comptia linux+ certifcation sellers the other day and most websites looked like a scam .,,,,,,2021-08-03 14:19:06 ox6ct5,,4,Turtleneck shirts in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-03 15:54:30 ox6vdi,,1,Creating a company in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-03 16:18:26 ox6xmn,,1,Creating a company in Tunisia from abroad,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-03 16:21:18 ox717s,,61,How accurate is this 1444 map?,,,,,,,2021-08-03 16:26:10 ox7f34,,2,Hotel recommendations,"I'm planning on booking a hotel room in hammamet or sousse with a friend of mine and I was hoping that you guys could recommend a good hotel for us. What we are looking for is a decent swimming pool and good food. Due to the night curfew, we would also like the hotel to have a nice nightclub. PS: we are both Tunisian males.",,,,,,2021-08-03 16:44:59 ox7ujn,,2,Place to rent next week maamoura,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-03 17:05:04 ox975t,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-03 18:07:36 oxd4f2,,8,"Few days ago, I saw this post on a conspiracy sub about what happened on 25th July.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-03 21:14:49 oxd5kp,,8,Tunisian labour union urges new PM appointment to ease crisis,,,,,,,2021-08-03 21:16:26 oxe5fp,,9,Ensi or supcom or enit minds,"Just finished prepa and will be accepted in any of those if I choosed. I'm leaning towards supcom (more picky then others means it's better I think ), but the tag ""telecommunication"" is not my favorite.",,,,,,2021-08-03 22:05:26 oxf2kv,,0,لماذا تعجز الديمقراطية عن التحدث بالعربية؟ دروس من السودان وتونس,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-03 22:53:50 oxf37a,,2,Bac,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-03 22:54:44 oxfvfb,,1,Tunisia's constitution was designed to fail,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-03 23:36:14 oxgi40,,5,Web development in Tunisia ?,What is the best university to study web development in Tunisia ?,,,,,,2021-08-04 00:09:55 oxhaeu,,17,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 00:54:07 oxoypo,,0,UAE sends two aid planes carrying 47 metric tonnes of medical supplies to Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 09:26:19 oxpi15,,1,"When you have insomnia you go for an early morning jog and a swim, right?",,,,,,,2021-08-04 10:07:01 oxpkt3,,0,"Tunisians valued the UAE’s initiative to help their country in addressing the catastrophic health situation it is facing, as, and in implementation of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces❤️🇦🇪🇹",,,,,,,2021-08-04 10:12:39 oxpmi4,,0,UAE sends 47 tonnes of medical supplies to Tunisia as a part of its efforts to help our brotherly countries in this time of coronavirus 🤝,,,,,,,2021-08-04 10:16:10 oxq01y,,14,Tw hethy s7i7a?,,,,,,,2021-08-04 10:42:45 oxq5kg,,57,"Guys, there's a pattern today",,,,,,,2021-08-04 10:53:22 oxqecc,,3,Esprit and its requirements (Laptop or Desktop pc?),"Hello! I finally registered in ESPRIT. I’m soon buying a new computer, but before that I need to know if a laptop is necessary when studying there? Note that I already live nearby Esprit and going there ain’t a big deal. I honestly love desktops and I would rather buy a desktop since it’s cheaper, lasts longer and more efficient (3070 for example in a desktop doesn’t perform the same as 3070 on a laptop etc…).",,,,,,2021-08-04 11:09:29 oxr6xe,,10,Where can I have get an adhd diagnosis?,I'm 19 and I think I have adhd (tdah bel francais) how much does the medication cost?,,,,,,2021-08-04 12:02:07 oxrp2f,,32,3rd punic war,,,,,,,2021-08-04 12:32:48 oxrte5,,6,URGENT: my phone is going to be banned from the tunisian network soon,"they said that all the phones on the network that have been in tunisia before sajalni got established will be registered but apparently they didn't :) what should i do ?",,,,,,2021-08-04 12:39:51 oxt310,,2,Web Dev Client,"A client asked me to make a clone of this website []( I offered him 900dt is it too much here in Tunisia ? What a fair price would be",,,,,,2021-08-04 13:49:49 oxtq7h,,1,President Said Kais has been accused of a 'coup' by western media. What are your thoughts?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 14:22:17 oxtqmw,,1,What do you make of President Kais Saied and his decision to sack PM?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 14:22:54 oxtr7h,,1,What do you make of what's happening in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 14:23:39 oxuark,,1,"""Demands grow for whereabouts of prime minister"" , what are your thoughts on this?",,,,,,,2021-08-04 14:51:06 oxuqrn,,1,"In case you didn't know what the word ""ta7an"" طحان means. The disgraceful Tunisian adjective “ta7an/طحان” has its origin in the wheat flour bags that the French colonial police used to put on the head of traitors and Tunisian agents, so they do not get identified and killed.",,,,,,,2021-08-04 15:11:48 oxvi5s,,3,Ibn Khaldun - Born in modern day tunisia,,,,,,,2021-08-04 15:48:07 oy03p5,,0,"We have very civilized relations with the Tunisian people, a relationship that carries a great deal of love and cooperation throughout history. May God bless us with good bilateral relations with the sister country of Tunisia🕊️🇦🇪🇹🇳🤍",,,,,,,2021-08-04 19:18:55 oy0qkj,,3,Radwan Masmoudi at it again,,,,,,,2021-08-04 19:49:04 oy1p0z,,1,"Interesting documentary about berber tattoos in Tunisia (origin, signification, evolution, etc.)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-04 20:34:18 oy1w1t,,3,Are there any stores that sell gaming pcs/computer parts in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-04 20:43:33 oy1wm8,,1,"Interesting documentary about berber tattoos in Tunisia (origin, signification, evolution, etc.)",,,,,,,2021-08-04 20:44:21 oy5akn,,42,Ghannouchi declares it was not a coup after all 🙄,,,,,,,2021-08-04 23:37:42 oy5c07,,1,studying at ENSTAB,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 23:39:59 oy5fh4,,1,test,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 23:45:32 oy5g7z,,22,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 23:46:42 oy5hfe,,1,thoughts about ENSTAB...,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 23:48:41 oy5nxs,,1,ENSTAB...,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-04 23:58:53 oy5pel,,1,thoughts about ENSTAB ....,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-05 00:00:57 oy6nwm,,1,How would you feel if the Tunisian monarchy was never abolished?,,,,,,,2021-08-05 00:57:06 oy6pee,,1,studying in ENSTAB,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-05 00:59:44 oy6rbj,,5,Studying in ENSTAB,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-05 01:02:47 oy8qum,,7,What's your favourite Tunisian movie?,,,,,,,2021-08-05 03:00:56 oyalpc,,3,"What's the best way to know what ""delegation"" a place is part of?","Tried finding map online but couldn't, thanks eg: which delegation does avenue Habib Bourguiba belong to?",,,,,,2021-08-05 05:02:28 oyct1t,,18,British MPs voice support for Tunisian democracy following Kais Saied’s suspension of parliament,,,,,,,2021-08-05 07:51:46 oyd6bx,,7,Camping sites?,"What's the best summer camping sites, somewhere easily accessible, with a beach and hopefully a forest nearby",,,,,,2021-08-05 08:23:06 oyefc1,,5,Howcome Tunisian sport commentators dominates in the Arab world?,Title,,,,,,2021-08-05 10:01:45 oyf1pl,,83,TFW you're born in Tunisia (Credits to Hey johnny),,,,,,,2021-08-05 10:49:47 oyfau3,,4,Tunisia Braces for a Prolonged Political Crisis," Tunisia appears poised for a prolonged political crisis as a combination of domestic and foreign support enables President Kais Saied to make further disruptive moves as he sees fit. Tunisian politics are in disarray and they’re unlikely to quickly return to the status quo after Saied’s controversial 30-day suspension of parliament ends. These extraordinary measures are supposed to last for 30 days. No-one knows yet whether he will extend the emergency powers, or if he will embark on something else. For Tunisia watchers the development came as no surprise. The poster child of the ""Arab Spring"" has long been moving inexorably towards the precipice.",,,,,,2021-08-05 11:07:59 oyfu1o,,1,Hmmmmm,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-05 11:46:11 oygfk9,économique/,3,ELI5 Loi de relance économique?,"I read the following articles: * [,520,110065,3](,520,110065,3#:~:text=En%20vertu%20de%20cette%20loi,ne%20d%C3%A9passant%20pas%20les%203%25) * []( * []( * [\_29229]( * []( * []( But I am not sure I understand it a 100%. Here is what I understood: 1. As a Tunisian, whether resident in Tunisia or not, can freely open a Tunisian bank account in Convertible Dinar (CD) or Foreign Currency (FC) 2. I can put money in the account directly but I have to give away 10% (contribution liberatoire) 3. I can receive money from a person abroad to the account directly but I have to give away 10% (contribution liberatoire) 4. If I work with a foreign company I can receive salary to my account directly **without** giving away 10% (contribution liberatoire) 5. I **cannot** freely, send money from this account to a foreign account. I might require authorization from the central bank. 6. I can however use this account to buy stuff online or use it while travelling **(not sure about this part)** How accurate is my understanding?",,,,,,2021-08-05 12:24:22 oyh9e2,,1,How do you call it?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-08-05 13:12:22 oyhvu4,,0,Avoiding or reducing tourist visa overstay fine,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-05 13:46:25 oylyjy,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-05 16:25:43 oymubc,,1,Tunisian reddit community > Tunisian twitter community> Tunisian discord community other platforms sucks anyways,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-05 17:06:33 oyo4s8,,1,I need your help! (Tunisians only),,,,,,,2021-08-05 18:08:13 oyopoc,,5,"Tunisian Shadhili Shiekh Ali Nur Al Din Al Yashruti opened his first Zawiya in Akka, Palestine in 1868, these are his murids in a hadra in Amman, Jordan.",,,,,,,2021-08-05 18:35:59 oypdk1,,1,"Came across this gem on Yt. Maybe someone has an idea as to what happened after, and what did the village become in the next decades?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-05 19:07:18 oyq8ad,,1,مهاجر غيني صُدِم بالعنصرية في تونس!,,,,,,,2021-08-05 19:48:37 oytr7v,,0,وانت شحرق شعيرك انقلاب ولا تصحيح مسار باقي ناوي باش تمد وجهك معادش حاشتنا لا بيك ولا باتباعك,,,,,,,2021-08-05 22:45:00 oyu5ne,,1,Does Virginity Still Matter in Modern Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-05 23:06:53 oyuxmj,,1,Good coffeeshops for students in sousse,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-05 23:49:50 oyvld9,,9,What are your opinion on Morocco bidding to host the world cup,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-06 00:27:02 oywe4p,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-06 01:14:14 oyyozk,,17,Do you know any groups where business mind people/entrepreneurs discuss?,"All I see around me are people who follow the ""university -> work for somebody else"" mindset. where do I find people who really know how to be entrepreneurs, who can teach me tricks about creating a company, importing/exporting tips. the kind of tips you don't get by studying 4 years in university, but by really having FIELD experience",,,,,,2021-08-06 03:35:49 oyz2x0,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-08-06 04:00:22 oyz44v,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-06 04:02:11 oyzd8t,,1,What is the reaction of the Tunisian people to the current debacle between Kais and the parliament?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-06 04:19:02 oz2tcd,,8,Does anyone know where I can buy 35mm film in Tunis?,,,,,,,2021-08-06 08:50:26 oz54vj,,0,The Emirates never fails to amaze us all with its kind heart! Tunisia got another 47 tons of medical supplies coming from the UAE.,,,,,,,2021-08-06 11:56:18 oz56ep,,18,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-06 11:59:11 oz5yma,,2,9addeh ya5ou wa9t test Academy?,"Hello, so me and some friends are planning a camping, but one of us has a test tomorrow to join the military academy. I was wondering how much time is needed on average to finish the test and go back home. If there's a risk of finishing after 14h, we might need to delay the camping to next week. Weird question, but yeah :v",,,,,,2021-08-06 12:48:38 oz6r8e,,34,Little Dark Age - Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-08-06 13:34:59 oz7tjt,,21,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-06 14:32:29 oz8s27,,1,Crossdresser Transexual Escorts,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-06 15:21:02 oz911h,,0,The Tunisia Model in Crisis: The President’s Power Grab Risks an Authoritarian Regression,,,,,,,2021-08-06 15:33:08 oza630,,45,What a suprise,,,,,,,2021-08-06 16:29:56 ozcr79,,42,We are always famous on the best ways,,,,,,,2021-08-06 18:40:07 ozdwkk,,1,Looking to buy Apple Gift Card,"So the title says it all, if you know where I get them please comment down below. Also I found a bunch of gift cards on a website “” never heard of it. Is it legit? Do you know anything about it? Thanks.",,,,,,2021-08-06 19:38:50 ozewci,,1,College Clubs,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-06 20:30:32 ozi6bc,,2,Civil engineering in ESPRIT or ULT ?,"I've heard that Esprit is better when it comes to IT, but what about Civil engineering is better in ULT. any thoughts ?",,,,,,2021-08-06 23:30:43 ozk6zf,,0,Will the Nation of Tunisia face budget cuts?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-07 01:41:48 oznlki,,1,Aged like milk,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-07 05:40:32 ozns5s,,9,"I'm a female entrepreneur, setting up a new spa/therapy spot in Tunis.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-07 05:55:53 ozq0ko,,0,Shopify in Tunisia?,Anyone using shopify in Tunisia? Does it work? Any feedback?,,,,,,2021-08-07 09:10:09 ozq3w5,,1,Tunisia's Constitution Was Designed To Fail,,,,,,,2021-08-07 09:18:33 ozqet5,,22,Are you for or against COVID-19 vaccination ? And why ?,,,,,,,2021-08-07 09:46:16 ozr5rx,,6,What are some underrated comedians in tunisia? all of the main ones are unfunny in my opinion ie Karim elgharbi,,,,,,,2021-08-07 10:53:55 ozserm,,0,"When it comes to ""Bezness"", no one thinks of the children.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-07 12:32:47 ozt98b,,1,Kayaking Tunisia's Coast from Tunis to Tabarka (and ending up 10km out to sea!),[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-07 13:28:17 oztauv,,0,Now they changed their mind lol i really don't understand them ..,,,,,,,2021-08-07 13:31:02 oztfv3,,6,HELP!,where to translate my bac degree to english?,,,,,,2021-08-07 13:39:51 ozuwgm,,41,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-07 15:05:06 ozwikk,,1,Are there any gamers in this sub?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-07 16:34:20 ozyeeb,,2,Is tayara tn down?,"When I try to connect to my account, it says: ""Nous sommes désolés, Hamma a fait bêtises!"" Is it only me? Or for everyone?",,,,,,2021-08-07 18:17:43 ozzpya,,2,Buying a car.,If you need to buy a car and you have no idea nor experience in cars. What do you recommend me to do? Should I get a loan or raise money? Should I buy second hand or new ones?,,,,,,2021-08-07 19:31:13 ozzyx0,,5,Vaccination after being infected by covid,"so last two weeks i got covid,now i'm all good,and they sent me a text with the date of vaccine,i wanted to go to evax site and change my data and they won't let me,how do i inform them i had covid or do i have to go to the vaccination center to do so?same thing for my mother and my fater who recieved the first dose. also i'm finding it weird that i'm just 30 and i was already invited to vaccinate.",,,,,,2021-08-07 19:45:11 p00kwl,,1,Tunis meetup ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-07 20:19:14 p00pvt,,10,farming business,"hey everyone, lately my father and i have decided to sell some assets to start a farming business (probably borgden f morneg) does anyone have some experience in this field? is it good business with all the economical and political problems we having?",,,,,,2021-08-07 20:27:15 p025j2,,11,Lonely af help,Hi,,,,,,2021-08-07 21:49:30 p04gbg,,0,Only 4 percent of tunisians are arab you are literally more likely to be a southern European tunisian then an arab tunisian,,,,,,,2021-08-08 00:09:55 p058c0,,10,Need help after resultats d orientation,"Tour thoughts about studying medicine in Russia? The quality of studying there? Is there a difference between a tunisian and a Russian degree? Any experiences from the real life of people you know who studied there?",,,,,,2021-08-08 01:03:31 p06bs5,,3,"Hi guys, what's the current law on curfew? I've been out of the loop. Also can you move between states? What about restaurants/coffee?",Thanks.,,,,,,2021-08-08 02:18:06 p06eur,,10,How much did your college degree help you get into your current job," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-08-08 02:24:10 p07rfv,,4,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-08 04:00:15 p0cbr0,,83,Working in tunisian hospitals as a young doctor is just torture,"Right now a symptomatic patient with a chest scan that shows signs of covid infection is in a room next to another poor soul and ken hab rabbi they'll move her to the ""zone tampon"" (when? Who knows?) I'm the intern who examinated her yesterday with nothing other than a surgical mask on. What i'm getting paid is spend on hand gel masks and psychotropic meds from the stress it's causing me. I'm six years in with nothing but my bac certificate. I can't deal with this anymore.",,,,,,2021-08-08 10:29:29 p0dcfr,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-08 11:56:18 p0di9k,,5,"Quarantine when visiting Tunisia, fully vaccinated?","*** Update: Thanks everybody for the replies! I have decided to postpone the trip because ofcourse the mandatory quarantine and also other factors that make the trip more stressfull and less enjoyable. In general and regarding corona i try to adhere to rules and regulations, even when its not enforced or only stated as advice. I respect the restrictions for travelleres because i believe this will bring an increase risk of infection and maybe even mutation? My Tunisian boyfriend needs to go to Tunisia and would like me to join in september (i'm from the Netherlands). We are going by car and i take a flight back. We can either stay with his family or book a hotel. I'm fully vaccinated and i understand i need to take the PCR test and register in the E7mi app. My problem is ofcourse a mandatory 7 day quarantaine even when im vaccinated since i wont be staying more than a week or two. I want to be able to meet his (extended)family and see (some of) his country since this is my first time for both. I have to decide now if the trip is worth the hassle, coronastress and money cause i can postpone the trip. So is the quarantine still mandatory if you are vaccinated? If so how does the quarantine work if you want to visit family?",,,,,,2021-08-08 12:08:25 p0dslh,,1,Is it too late to switch universities or fields?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-08 12:30:12 p0e4ym,,1,Therapy in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-08 12:54:28 p0efic,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-08 13:14:08 p0eh6x,,0,"Video of Tunisian-origin French Olympic runner sabotaging other racer's water access is circulating online. Yes he is French, but how does this reflect on us North Africans, and do you think there is any connection to our culture in this?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-08 13:17:13 p0frck,,1,"President Kais Saied has received the diplomatic adviser to the president of the UAE, Anwar Gargash.",,,,,,,2021-08-08 14:35:53 p0g2hf,,7,Import used motorcycles,"Do motorcycles have their own law, or is it the same as cars",,,,,,2021-08-08 14:53:29 p0ltra,,1,العملة الرقمية التي تفوقت علي البيتكوين سعرها 120 الف دولار,,,,,,,2021-08-08 20:03:57 p0mdrs,,14,Self defense laws?,"Are you allowed to defend yourself or your properties using violence? Like if a burglar breaks into your car/house/property, are you allowed to harm him?",,,,,,2021-08-08 20:33:43 p0o62u,,1,cs freelance,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-08 22:10:28 p0pbvg,,1,CS freelance,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-08 23:18:41 p0pjhq,,1,Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PS5) (Full Game) بث مباشر,,,,,,,2021-08-08 23:31:22 p0q627,,1,Anyone participated in the vaccination campaigns? How was your experience?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-09 00:09:23 p0q6na,,18,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-09 00:10:21 p0rbrx,,1,All i want to say is that el info 3800 :) men kothret ma bathouna nayko akther mn 50% jeyeb 13.5 moy b score 152 w ma7atoni fi hata fac mala inflation saret,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-09 01:20:20 p0s76h,,3,Slm bellehi concernant tourisme chkoun ando fekra ynawerna kifech formation w lechno ywassal fi tounes x katha,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-09 02:15:04 p0vdzs,,2,Kayaking 250km from Tunis to Tabarka (including 10km out to sea in Bay of Tunis!),,,,,,,2021-08-09 05:52:46 p0xo6g,,17,How would you react to a non-arab girl named Leila?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-09 08:57:57 p0xw81,,13,The president of Tunisia has appointed Ali Mrabet as the new Minister of Health," T[unisian President Kais Saied]( has named Ali Mrabet as his new health minister, according to the presidency. Mrabet is a military doctor and an epidemiologist and public health lecturer. [](",,,,,,2021-08-09 09:16:03 p0ya88,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-09 09:48:30 p0z03k,,3,Anyone working at transcom here ?,,,,,,,2021-08-09 10:44:56 p0z0vj,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-09 10:46:30 p0z2tu,,1,"Tunisie, l'art du tatouage berbère | ARTE",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-09 10:50:38 p0z5z6,,30,internet here bothers me,"i cannot begin to describe how awful the infrastructure is . here's why it's so bad 1: in my area best i can get is 8 mbps which sucks ( no upgrade available) 2: it keeps disconnecting 3 : the fact that most of us still use landline(which is worse because tunisie telecom is the only landline provider) &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-08-09 10:57:34 p0zgtn,,1,TUNISAIR Strikes Again~ Absolutely Disgusting And Aggravating,,,,,,,2021-08-09 11:19:42 p10ciy,,3,Anybody has a recommendation of a good psychiatrist in sousse?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-09 12:20:30 p118lh,,6,Estonian e-Residency program and freelancing,"Is anyone familiar with the [Estonian e-Residency program]( ? I got accepted to a freelancing platform and I am considering my options which are either setting up a SUARL in Tunisia or setting up business in Estonia. Can someone please report their experience with this program? Is it worth it for freelancing? Are there any catch-22s? Thanks a lot!!",,,,,,2021-08-09 13:15:41 p11avw,,7,How do I receive money from working remotely (which methods are available) while living in Tunisia?,"I'm an IT engineer residing in Tunisia and I quit my previous job four months ago. I want to work remotely because I want to collect a certain amount of money for personal purpose. My question is can I work remotely as a Tunisian resident? If yes, how can I receive money from the employer (which methods are available in my case)?",,,,,,2021-08-09 13:19:23 p11krr,,0,❤,,,,,,,2021-08-09 13:35:26 p122tm,,3,Asking about ADSL offers,"Does anyone know if the ADSL thing uses telecom's network or the provider's network like for example ooredoo and orange both have ADSL offers that use telecom's cables but the thing is, telecom's network is slow in my area but ooredoo's is powerful, so if i go for ooredoo's ADSL, will i be using their powerful network or telecom's slow network? Sadly i tried contacting ooredoo but their customer service agent is a halfwit who doesnt know what he's talking about, so if anyone knows please let me know! thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-08-09 14:03:28 p123kq,,3,Pediatrician Recommendations near La Marsa?,"Hi all, I'm looking for a good pediatrician in or near the La Marsa area (even Lac II, Cartage, Gammarth, etc. would be fine). English speaking would be best, but not mandatory. Any recommendations?",,,,,,2021-08-09 14:04:37 p13pwk,,1,How to change my phone number fi Evax?,"I tried ""تحيين التسجيل"" but there was nothing",,,,,,2021-08-09 15:28:47 p14wl9,,21,Why does Payoneer work in Tunisia but not Paypal?,"Don't they provide the exact same service? On top of that Payoneer allows usage of credit card. My mind is going OONGA BOONGA?",,,,,,2021-08-09 16:28:52 p15f3z,,0,Can we write more posts in our mother tongue please?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-09 16:54:27 p16361,كيف_التحق_بالقوات_الخاصة_التونسية/,1,كيف التحق بالقوات الخاصة التونسية ؟,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-09 17:26:58 p19zyg,,1,I never thought i would see something like this in my lifetime...,,,,,,,2021-08-09 20:39:53 p1a2a8,,1,"OK so, you wanna fix Tunisia's problems? Come and read this first.",[removed],,,,,,2021-08-09 20:43:18 p1a4hu,,3,Travelling to Tunisia,"Hi there! I'm currently just finished my fourth year of university in Canada. I applied to work for a copywriting start-up in Tunisia in the capital, Tunis. Having looked at the news recently and what my own government here in Canada is advising, there is a non-essential travel ban to the country on top of COVID because of the recent political events going in your country. I was wondering how safe the capital usually is for tourists. I was also wondering if any of you had any advice on travelling to the country and what are some general do and don'ts in Tunisian culture. I'm also Christian if that is an issue for some. Thank you for any help. Thanks",,,,,,2021-08-09 20:46:28 p1aal6,,2,What websites can I use for signing to study abroad with bourse provided ?,,,,,,,2021-08-09 20:55:21 p1accr,,5,Where in Sousse/ Monastir could I have A1 German test (mention the place and the cost),,,,,,,2021-08-09 20:57:50 p1bjnf,,6,looking for violin teacher,"and uh any violinist here ??",,,,,,2021-08-09 21:58:46 p1dbbs,,0,48°c tomorrow. Get the ice ready.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-09 23:35:50 p1de1i,,3,Where can I save my money ?!,"I am 18yo and recently got my bac degree, my parents gave me some money and I'm willing to take them to a bank account where it can be safe and accessible from wherever I am, whenever i want, however some friends advised me to use e-dinar 'carte jeune' ""etudiant"" something like that instead In a desperate need of your opinions I wanna hear the advantages and the disadvantages of each alternative",,,,,,2021-08-09 23:40:09 p1efj8,,1,"Vaccinating 551,000 people in one day is a massive achievement. Major props to all that made it possible.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-10 00:41:39 p1ex2r,,1,Transportation from airport after curfew?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 01:10:56 p1f0hg,,1,Are you n Clubhouse?,So do you like it? Did you follow what was happening last weeks ? what's your favorite and worst thing about it?,,,,,,2021-08-10 01:16:44 p1hhbs,,38,Tunisian game consoles sellers are greedy af,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-10 03:50:22 p1hmwo,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 04:00:51 p1jju6,,1,Freelancing revenues ?,"Hi all I'm becoming a cs high student this year And i'm interested in freelancing to gain money while studying But there a lot of questions i need your help if possible : 1 - is it possible to gain money from freelancing in tunisia ? How(i mean ghe process of making it legal because all the methods seems illegal or not working)? 2 - does freelancing still a new trend here ? 3 - is it right to start freelancing as a way to gain money as a cs student ? I'm really looking for your opinions/solutions/advices ..... And thanks in advance ❤",,,,,,2021-08-10 06:19:46 p1kxgw,,6,So I graduated from a university abroad. Anything special to do in Tunisia?,"I reveived my Bachelor's degree in computer engineering from a top university in Turkey. Do I need to do anything special on my way back home to Tunisia to make it... idk... valid in Tunisia? Thanks",,,,,,2021-08-10 08:14:20 p1lxr7,,2,Studying in Sfax,I passed the BAC and I am to study in the IPEIS but I heard that the hostels (foyer) is not good down there. So do you recommend it or getting an apartment.,,,,,,2021-08-10 09:42:21 p1mlyx,à_témoignages/,1,Appel à témoignages,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 10:37:26 p1mn59,,7,Lost wallet,Lost my wallet and I dropped out of university so technically I’m unemployed but working on a personal project and freelancing. What do I put as profession in my CIN?,,,,,,2021-08-10 10:40:01 p1ms4w,,1,Mean and stupid social media war on the Tunisian nation,,,,,,,2021-08-10 10:50:42 p1muu1,à_témoignages/,1,Appel à témoignages,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 10:56:46 p1mw20,à_témoignage/,1,Un appel à témoignage,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 10:59:18 p1mwyr,à_témoignage/,1,Appel à témoignage,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 11:00:47 p1my2u,à_témoignages/,1,Appel à témoignages,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 11:03:01 p1myv6,à_témoignages/,1,Appel à témoignages,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 11:04:36 p1n7yb,,7,Tunisian crypto holders: what do you use it for?,Do you just trade? Hold it? Use it for payments? Use it to fight inflation? Use it to keep money off of Tunisia just in case? Something else?,,,,,,2021-08-10 11:23:17 p1nl5g,,1,"MSA Lessons on Discord (Free, 300+ members)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-10 11:49:26 p1npaz,,1,What's the legalistic/safest ways to receive money from an offshore company for Tunisian remote worker (if they exists)?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 11:57:37 p1nr3j,,2,What's the legalistic/safest ways to receive money from an offshore company for Tunisian remote worker (if they exists)?,,,,,,,2021-08-10 12:00:38 p1o2dt,,1,Share your experience concerning Tunisian pressures to get married on a feminist podcast!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 12:20:44 p1o597,,1,Share your experience about the pressures to get married on a Feminist podcast!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 12:26:06 p1oc3o,,2,Share your experience about the pressures to get married on a feminist podcast,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-10 12:38:08 p1pjt4,,1,Solde Ooredoo,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 13:49:16 p1tlpj,,1,Offshore Cryptomining in Tunisia need to be banned especially in this extreme weather when power shortages are all over the places and even hospitals are suffering as well,,,,,,,2021-08-10 17:10:15 p1uw3t,,11,Recycling old electronic devices,"Hello, I have a lot of old electronic devices and batteries that have been left in the house for years now and I want to get rid of them. Does anyone know where I could throw them, so they would be recycled, Thanks.",,,,,,2021-08-10 18:13:24 p1w4f9,,0,Lidded Glassware,"Does anyone here know where I can buy a certain quantity of glass jars and bottles with nondisposible lids (for personal use) (a dozen to begin with but I eventually need more), and is it even possible to get them customized (per size and volume)? It looks to me like the glass industry is weak and its production is limited and targeted towards big beverage corporations, I hope I'm missing something. &#x200B; I appreciate any input, thank you all in advance.",,,,,,2021-08-10 19:14:20 p1wdlq,ايا_تخرج_تعمل_قهوة_نبرد_القايلة_ونجيك_مع_وقتاش/,0,- ايا تخرج تعمل قهوة ؟ - نبرد القايلة ونجيك🥵🔥 - مع وقتاش بالضبط؟ - آخر اكتوبر هكاك 😁😂🙄🙄,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-10 19:27:35 p1x0ms,,1,Made a shitty meme,,,,,,,2021-08-10 20:00:40 p1y6ul,الشركة_تركة/,15,"How true is ""الشركة تركة""",i hear it many times whats ur opinion,,,,,,2021-08-10 20:59:44 p22q54,,1,"Just launched our 2nd Kickstarter for Mira: The Legend of the Djinns with a goal of $20,000 in 30 days (Metroidvania based on Amazigh folklore)",,,,,,,2021-08-11 01:11:31 p236f7,,4,Online income,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-11 01:39:27 p29ftg,,0,محاولت افتكاك سلاح عون امن,,,,,,,2021-08-11 09:12:50 p29pcc,,16,عين دراهم,,,,,,,2021-08-11 09:35:36 p2a2x1,,3,Are there decent hairdresser for men in Bizerte?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-11 10:06:20 p2abj5,,0,La France soutient le gouvernement tunisien et son peuple.,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-11 10:25:29 p2ax4j,,6,A lot animes have removed from Netflix Tunisia?,"I used to see a lot of animes on Netflix, but today I only a few animes, and most of the others have disappeared, did they remove all of them?",,,,,,2021-08-11 11:10:02 p2bs0q,,6,Returning to Tunisia as a US Citizen,"Hello! I am planning on moving to Tunisia to hopefully get an expat job and live with husband. However, as we sort out Visa stuff, we are wondering if I need to get a Visa in order to return to Tunisia? I came in July and stayed about a month, and now am in France. Would I be able to fly back from France and stay there, with my 90 days reset? Also, can I apply for a Visa to Tunisia at any Tunisian embassy, or does it have to be the one in the US? Thanks! \-C",,,,,,2021-08-11 12:08:52 p2ce38,,6,Best streetwear clothing brands in Tunisia?,Title says it all.,,,,,,2021-08-11 12:48:43 p2cg45,,1,شهداء و جرحى الجيش الجزائري,,,,,,,2021-08-11 12:52:15 p2chn9,,2,Higher studies,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-11 12:54:51 p2cia3,,3,New NSFW subreddit for Tunisians to post their nudes anonymously,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-11 12:55:56 p2cz1x,,1,So a female judge caught smuggling 450000 Euro released after 2 hours meanwhile some crypto miner nerd jailed more than 3 months to investigate money laundering,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-11 13:22:43 p2d6vt,,63,"North African forests are in danger because of deforestation, desertification and now because of fire caused by extreme heat!","I don't know if you're following the ecological trends, but the south pole continues to melt and causes the rising of the sea level. Signs of global warming are everywhere, European countries witnessed an abnormal degree of heat waves. Is there someone who can explain what is really happening in this unusual summer and tell us why there is this unusual heat?!",,,,,,2021-08-11 13:35:38 p2dycd,,1,Book advices for a foreigner,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-11 14:17:36 p2e227,,4,book advices for a foreigner,"Aslema everyone, I came to Monastir like 3 weeks ago and I'm from Turkey. I'm doing some volunteer work here for my summer break and also I'm a political science student. I tried to find some English books about Arap Spring and Tunisia History but I only found one from Mehdia(History of Tunisia-Habib Boulares) So, could you please advise me some English books related to my field of study.",,,,,,2021-08-11 14:22:57 p2er0o,,1,Cairo backs Tunisian president’s actions against Brotherhood,,,,,,,2021-08-11 14:59:25 p2et7h,,1,Education in Tunisia,Where I found bachelor in arts college in litrature of Marathi language in tunisia,,,,,,2021-08-11 15:02:12 p2g24t,,1,Can you reccomend me a phone please,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-11 16:04:38 p2ijhi,,1,Can i turn Ooredoo solde into real money?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-11 18:05:48 p2j805,,1,bllahi manich 7ashti b support wla 7ta 7aja just 9aiem ll edit,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-11 18:39:16 p2krpb,,2,IS IT THE END OF THE WORLD ALREADY ?,"I mean I believe in global warming, but never thought that the matter is this serious! Governments need to do something about this. It's not just Tunisia, Algeria or even African countries, the south pole is melting and sea levels have been rising progressively over the past 50years. I just wish I could visit Venice before it disappears off the map ! &#x200B; Stay hydrated, stay safe everyone!",,,,,,2021-08-11 19:56:54 p2ny9g,,7,Third language: Spanish vs Italian vs Chinese vs Russian,"Im given the choice to choose one, if it were YOU, what would you choose? and why",,,,,,2021-08-11 22:38:09 p2ovf5,,1,Med/Dentistry students,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-11 23:28:07 p2qthf,,0,Quiet safe spot in Tunis to propose for my date?," Looking for a cute spot (where nobody would disturb us or throw some awkward looks! ) for a proposal and maybe a first kiss",,,,,,2021-08-12 01:23:58 p2uu4g,عايشين_كي_الزبلة_في_البوبالة/,25,عايشين كي الزبلة في البوبالة,"Cette phrase est tellement vrai qu'on devrait avoir honte de vivre sur cette terre. Ou sont tout les monde? Les commerces locaux? Les hôteliers et ceux qui travaillent dans le tourisme? Le citoyen en premier, devant chez soi ou ailleurs? Les autorités locales à commencer par les municipalités? Les ministères et leurs occupants? La police environnementale? Les industriels qui produisent du plastique? ... En voyant les déchets, on dirait que le pays est infesté par des rats. Choses qu'on peut faire: Faire le tri chez soi Nettoyer devant chez soi Nettoyer son quartier Nettoyer la plage Interdire les sacs et bouteilles plastique dans tout le pays. Sanctions pour toute personne qui jette n'importe quoi, même une cigarette. Faire pression sur le gouvernement et les autorités locales en envoyant des lettres, signer des pétitions ou même appeler par téléphone.",,,,,,2021-08-12 07:16:49 p2uwv4,,22,Turning 25,"Hey guys , I'm turning 25 this Saturday , any life advice you could give me ? Financially , personally , whatever...",,,,,,2021-08-12 07:23:15 p2vgxi,,3,New NSFW subreddit for Tunisians to post their nudes anonymously,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-12 08:10:48 p2vm3d,,2,Paillote in monastir,"Hello reddit, again i need your help. Anyone here know any place to rent paillote in monastir(preferably with alcohol). Help guys.",,,,,,2021-08-12 08:23:23 p2vuru,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-12 08:44:38 p2wzbh,,0,زغوان الفحص,,,,,,,2021-08-12 10:19:48 p2xdh2,,4,Residence permit and authorization to work in Tunisia for American Citizen,"Hello! I am moving to Tunisia with my fiance soon (who is a Tunisian citizen), and we will be getting married. I am looking for work in public health, as I am a trained public health professional with a Masters. However, I want to make sure I am fulfilling all the requirements for working! I read that I need to get a resident permit mentioning 'autorisé à exercer un travail salarié en Tunisie.' How do I obtain this, and can I get it easier once I am married to my fiance? Is it easy to get once I get a job? Any advice for me in looking for a job in this field, as an expat? I am well aware of the current political, economic, and COVID situation in Tunisia, and am not looking for this post to get political, please :) Merci!",,,,,,2021-08-12 10:51:09 p2xfvu,,8,Kifech na3mel carte temchnologie fy banque zaytouna lazemni nabda andy compte fel banqua wala just nemchi el ghadi w na3ty chadet el bac w bita9et ta3rif w flouss,Mamnefhemech fyl fazet hadhom 3omri 18,,,,,,2021-08-12 10:56:16 p2xohn,,1,قيس سعيد يضرب بيد من حديد,,,,,,,2021-08-12 11:12:34 p33oh2,,1,"Connecting Tunisian and Algerian Chotts to the Mediterranean via Gulf of Gabes to form a sea in the Sahara. Ch9awlkom? What would be its effects on climate change, drought, precipitations, heat temperature, desertification, agriculture, tourism and trade?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-12 16:43:25 p37bs8,,1,"Tunisie, l'art du tatouage berbère | ARTE",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-12 19:47:45 p37e4y,,13,"Tunisie, l'art du tatouage berbère",,,,,,,2021-08-12 19:51:07 p37s1k,,25,Pollution problem in the city of Gabes,"Hello everyone, I've been volunteering in gabes for three weeks already and I recently visited the beach right next to the industry that process phosphate. Since I am planning to make a short documentary about it, I wanted to ask you guys to tell me everything you know about this issue: when it opened and all the problems that come with it, any interesting info is appreciated. Thank you in advance for helping !!",,,,,,2021-08-12 20:10:25 p38cx1,,7,is this agency legit ?,"As the title implies, i'm looking to continue my studies in Germany and while i was searching around i found this : Agence : Tunisian Consulting Center - Etudier en Allemagne . is it legitimate ? i'm having mixed feelings since there is a review that rated them a one star on google and said that they're scammers.",,,,,,2021-08-12 20:39:48 p39pg6,,4,Esprit school of Business [Digital marketing Master],"What do you think, guys, about the program?",,,,,,2021-08-12 21:47:45 p3a43r,,1,What if? Top or flop?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-12 22:08:47 p3by7l,,1,The European Commission thinks very highly of its neighbors...,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-12 23:52:31 p3ebu9,,3,Great work as usual 👏👏👏. They did episodes (YouTube) about this and released a doc about the solutions containing more details on their IG if y'all wanna read more about it .,,,,,,,2021-08-13 02:19:10 p3fvxk,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-08-13 04:00:16 p3gn9f,,0,المغرب و تونس و فرنسا يعرضون مساعدتهم لمكافحة النيران بوسائل غير متوفرة في الجزائر,,,,,,,2021-08-13 04:51:53 p3kyiy,,8,Talent manager,"Hey so I have a friend to is the young rapper , his starting to get opportunities to play his music at festivals and with local underground studios and he just got his first contract and I'm helping him with the legal side of things a little bit (I'm just a patient good at reader, docs, advice and all that, I'm not in law)and making sure that it doesn't get screwed over . but I'm not into the field nor am I an expert in it and he needs somebody who can look for new opportunities for him and manage him , he has potential . we're not looking for a big shot manager like a well-known Rich dude or woman we just looking for you'll somebody our age contemporary Style , to start with ,that kind of stuff . any ideas?! Please and thank u💯✨ PS:give me emails ,IG , FB, phone number whatever , i just want the best for my homie",,,,,,2021-08-13 10:47:50 p3ltl3,,1,"Just found this by chance.. A makeup brand used the name ""HARISSA"" for one of its lipstick shades hahahaha and it's actually a reddish orange shade (the color of our normal hrissa)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-13 11:51:55 p3mj50,,4,Looking for a house or a room to rent in L'aouina,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-13 15:04:41 p3mpe8,,33,"My opinions/experience on Computer Stores in Tunisia (Tunisianet, Scoop, Zoom, MegaPc, SbsInformatique, Skymil' Informatique, Spacenet and Mytek)","I'm building a new computer, It's specs are the following (Excluding HDD and SSD): [PCPartPicker Part List]( Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 3.8 GHz 8-Core Processor]( | 1 539,000 DT TTC @ Tunisianet **CPU Cooler** | [MSI MAG CORE LIQUID 240R 78.73 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler]( | 384,000 DT TTC @ Scoop **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE ATX AM4 Motherboard]( | 773,000 DT TTC @ MegaPC **Memory** | [Patriot Viper 4 Blackout 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 CL16 Memory]( | 265,000 DT TTC @ Scoop **Video Card** | [Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3070 8 GB EAGLE Video Card]( | 2900,000 DT TTC @ MegaPC **Case** | [KOLINK STRONGHOLD ATX Mid Tower Case]( | 166,000 DT TTC @ Scoop **Power Supply** | [SeaSonic FOCUS Plus Gold 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply]( | 403 DT TTC @ Scoop | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **6430,000 DT TTC** | Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2021-08-13 11:10 EDT-0400 | The problem that I encountered were these: \--------------------- * Tunisianet: \>False-Advertising: On their website, they advertise their Ryzen 7 5800X As the normal version ,not TRAY. I wouldn't call this False-Advertising 100%, but technically I'm missing a box. \>Long and unorganized queue: You just enter there and the place is just full like a hospital and sometimes they accidentally skip a person (by double clicking the ""next"" button) \--------------------- * Scoop: \>GPU Being mined with? : I wanted to buy a GPU that they list on their ""El Configurateur"", but when I reached out to them they told me they can only sell them with a configurated computer and they got another list for GPUs they can sell separately, which got me thinking that they are actually using these cards before putting them in these configurated computers. \>Service is kind of bad: Their workers via phone tell me to do (X) then when I go to the main building of scoop in Centre Urbain Nord they tell me to do (Y). \--------------------- * Zoom: \>Website Outdated. \>For fucks sake, can't they say that the parts they sell can only be put in a pc that they make? \>I honestly never bought from them because I never got the chance to buy from them due to their outdated site. \--------------------- * MegaPc: \>Website Outdated. \>I have no complaints other than that, but their service is kind of annoying, the woman is literally treating me as if I know nothing about computers and suggesting me stupid parts. \>And yeah one more thing, I don't know whether this was a coincidence or not, but the woman suggested me to buy their Gigabyte PSU which currently has [Explosion Issues]( \--------------------- * Sbsinformatique: \>Website Outdated(Jesus, everything is out of stock). \>The guys who work there feel like they have no idea what they have in stock, even they, are outdated. \>They have a history with Mining GPUs before selling them. \--------------------- * Skymil' Informatique: \>Website Outdated. \>Their location is really bad. \--------------------- * Spacenet: \>Outdated Site / Misleading information: Some stuff have wrong prices. \>Terrible service: I once bought a mice from them, and they had this new kid working there, He had an earphone listening to music, taking his time and he keeps talking with his work mates non stop, not giving a single fuck about me and wasted almost 1 hour because he got the order wrong even tho It's in front of him because I printed the product. Funny thing is he kept explaining why he made an error. \--------------------- * Mytek: \>Outdated site: I went there 5 times and got rejected 3 times due to stock not being available. \--------------------- &#x200B; At this rate you may ask, why didn't I call them before? Well I do call them, but most of them don't answer or literally just tell me if it's available online then it is available.",,,,,,2021-08-13 15:10:25 p3neae,,1,Venice of India Allahabad city,,,,,,,2021-08-13 15:36:17 p3oti8,,5,"Hello people, hetha aami theni fel jem3a w maamaltech demande aamnewel fel foyer w sne lezemni naamel foyer, w ki jit nheb naamel demande hakka tlaali, any ideas chnaamel? Merci en avance",,,,,,,2021-08-13 16:38:40 p3oxy0,,1,Date ideas,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-13 16:44:43 p3p0tq,,4,M,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-13 16:48:30 p3pb52,,1,عاجل إسبانيا والأزمات ديبلوماسية مع المغرب بعد اللجوء لفرونتكس من أجل الضغط على المغرب ورد قوي و صادم من المملكة المغربية,,,,,,,2021-08-13 17:01:11 p3pe53,,1,Help Clean Up Tunis (and get paid to do it!),[removed],,,,,,2021-08-13 17:05:05 p3q3ta,,1,Dream!!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-13 17:39:08 p3qccf,,0,Did anyone with depression find good meds/type of therapy/method to help them study and succeed?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-13 17:51:04 p3re9l,,5,Suggest me some date ideas.,"title zone: grand tunis",,,,,,2021-08-13 18:44:35 p3twtw,,1,Any dubwise and otherwise aficionados here? I got a ton of records to exchange.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-13 20:52:45 p3tywr,,127,So this happened today..,,,,,,,2021-08-13 20:55:41 p3uzoc,,3,Need cat food !,"anyone around Sahloul Sousse who got cat food to spare? all the stores are closed around the area I live in and I forgot to get cat food for my two cats :( I know they can probably survive the night with out it but they keep giving the eyes and it's killin me, I would really appreciate if someone can help \^\^",,,,,,2021-08-13 21:48:48 p3y3mu,,1,phone recommendations?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-14 00:48:25 p43ha0,,11,what's the vaccine that they are going to use tomorrow for 18+ ?,and what do you think about it?,,,,,,2021-08-14 07:18:12 p43oct,,1,Galoulou rawa7a,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-14 07:35:41 p454ss,,46,"I told my family i might have some mental issues, ahwka doubelt","No matter how much hard i tried and studied ill always get bad grades, i told them i wanna get checked out by a doctor and they always tell me im fine. And they said ""double mara o5ra w to5rej men dar"" i have a feeling it'll happen again no matter how hard i try, so im stuck in a lose-lose situation probably with no futur. Please help",,,,,,2021-08-14 09:44:53 p457nd,,0,come in TUNISIA,,,,,,,2021-08-14 09:52:10 p45y5s,,3,CryptoTunisia the new subreddit for tunisian investors,"Cryptocurrency and more specifically blockchain technology have the capability to shape our future. If you feel like you missed the train, you are totally wrong ! the financial revolution is just starting and we tunisian can play a part. So ive created this subreddit []( where we can share knowledge about how to start investing or mining cryptocurrencies. we also discuss the recent news and market prediction So if you are interested join us",,,,,,2021-08-14 10:56:59 p469pt,,2,Tunisia in support of Palestinians,"Hello again! As already mentioned, I'm currently in Gabes for a volunteering project and I was planning on doing a research, accompanied by a visual representation of the Palestinian community and the support that this receives here in Gabes. I was really surprised to see so many Palestinian flags around the city and so much solidarity. Could you tell me more about that? Are there many NGOs that deal with this issue here or is there a big Palestinian community? Any information or suggestion would be helpful really. Thanks :)",,,,,,2021-08-14 11:23:43 p46icq,,11,What are the best cities/parts to live in Grand Tunis and why?,,,,,,,2021-08-14 11:42:51 p478gv,,3,Buying djebba in Tunis,"Where to buy tunisian djebba in grand Tunis? Im not looking for fancy expensive stuff. Just some basic, commercial, relatively cheap djebba. Im thinking of some of medina souks but need confirmation. Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-08-14 12:35:53 p47bvy,,6,Fun activities in Grand Tunis,"A small group of young adults (vaccinated and masked) are looking for fun activities in the four days they have in Tunis. We're thinking bowling, laser tag, Paintball, Escape Rooms.. things like that. I'd appreciate it if you know good safe spots for these activities, honestly it baffles me how inactive some fb pages of entertainment spaces are. Suggesting other activities is welcomed too, budget isn't limited but we're not seeking luxury either, all is good. Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2021-08-14 12:42:55 p4969z,,42,Can North Africa rise with the existence of Europe as a power?,"Sometimes I start questioning things and one of the questions that always develop inside my mind is, what if one day we (Mauritania, Marco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya) united and tried to become a power, will Europe let us? I don't believe in conspiracy theory but let is be objectives. Europe won't be happy having another power rising just in front of them a power that will probably contest with it over the Atlantic ocean and Africa. I think the key for Africa to rise as a continent is with us. It's funny but I believe Cartage loosing against Rome, had more consequences than we ever knew.",,,,,,2021-08-14 14:38:03 p4ap92,,5,Coffee in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-14 16:02:58 p4bq6d,,1,Mmm,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-14 16:58:25 p4czgy,,1,"Any date ideas in Sfax City, I feel like there's nothing you can go to other than Coffees and restaurants.",[removed],,,,,,2021-08-14 18:07:31 p4f3a3,,5,I want to know the best formations for finding a job in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-14 20:06:06 p4ffer,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-14 20:25:25 p4fym4,,36,Just launched an updated demo for our game Mira: The Legend of the Djinns (Metroidvania based on North African/Amazigh folklore) - check it out and give us feedback!,[](,,,,,,2021-08-14 20:56:10 p4ic67,,13,"What does ""mo5k 7achihoulk"" mean?",Pls someone eli5 I seriously don't understand it,,,,,,2021-08-14 23:18:14 p4mi74,,6,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-08-15 04:00:12 p4pamv,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 07:45:54 p4pjid,,6,Ways to bring a car from europe,"Hey people! I am wondering what are the ways (all of em) which can be used to bring a car from europe? How to not be limited to one car?..",,,,,,2021-08-15 08:07:38 p4r9hx,,8,PFE abroad,"My friend is a mechanical engineering student, he is currently searching for an opportunity to get an internship abroad. how to do that? did anyone here do the same? should he do it or not?",,,,,,2021-08-15 10:48:41 p4rnr5,,3,lofi in tunisia be like,[](,,,,,,2021-08-15 11:22:12 p4rt3p,,31,Anyone here got vaccinated today?,Were there any difficulties during the whole thing?,,,,,,2021-08-15 11:33:53 p4rubz,,11,Any Tunisians that have been doing index investing for many years ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 11:36:34 p4rueq,,1,"Chechia 101, design by Ahmed Kedr",,,,,,,2021-08-15 11:36:46 p4s1z9,,1,Kayaking Tunisia's Coast: Tunis to Tabarka (Part 2),,,,,,,2021-08-15 11:53:21 p4s8h0,,9,"You're given 1000 dinars, how'd you use it to make more money?",[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 12:06:44 p4t3nm,,5,How to get Visa as a student in France?,"I've got accepted to study my second year Master degree in Lyon. I've risked it all and paid the registration fees so i can not lose this chance. The money that i paid is approximately all the money that I owned from my previous work. I'm currently waiting for my Campus France interview before applying later for Visa. In parallel i saw in a group named ""Campus France Tunisie"" That all the student that have what we call ""compte bloqué"" got their Visa. At first I thought having ""un garant"" is enough to get the Visa. I want to know can i get the Visa without ""compte bloqué""? do you know someone that got Visa without "" Compte bloqué?",,,,,,2021-08-15 13:08:11 p4wzus,,1,A good barbershop near Bardo,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 16:46:52 p4x0sc,,1,A good barbershop near Bardo Question/Help,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 16:48:21 p4x2xx,,1,A good barbershop near Bardo,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 16:51:40 p4xg4n,,3,A good barbershop near Bardo,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-15 17:10:46 p50xx6,,1,growing weed at home,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 20:19:56 p51124,,0,i have a question?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 20:24:50 p514cx,,11,what are the best low cal snacks?,does anyone know any tunisian low cal snacks ( 100 calories or less ),,,,,,2021-08-15 20:30:05 p51l62,,8,What is the minimum wages to live in Tunisia,"Recently I was thinking to move to Tunisia for educational purposes, and I have no idea about the living expenses there since I'm from Sousse and living here is totally different from Tunisia so I have many questions : what are your tips to survive in Tunisia with a minimum wage and how can I afford food for a whole month without my family aid and how can I go to places to buy less expensive things, I'll live in Ariana soghra to be specific , thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-08-15 20:55:41 p51mmv,,4,Does anyone knows/recommend a good couple counselor around Ariana or Soukra ?,My friend's parents are having issues and he wants to recommend a good counselor for them,,,,,,2021-08-15 20:58:05 p52z6m,,1,How to work for NGOs in tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-15 22:12:56 p53fet,,4, is down,"I was trying to login to the amazing **** but i got this error message: **Attention : ORegMx-999:Le systeme est en cours de maintenance. Veuillez vous connecter plus tard. Merci.** Does anyone know when will it be back up? It's kinda urgent.",,,,,,2021-08-15 22:38:42 p54jfu,,7,Covid,Hey guys I got covid last month and I wanted to know if its safe to get vaccinated now. because I heard that I should wait 3 months or so to get it,,,,,,2021-08-15 23:45:22 p54y7n,,13,Any coffee lovers here?,"I use every form of social media but I've never seen a tunisian talking about Chemex? V60? AeroPress? nothing and I really wanna make friends that are into coffee you know. Let me start by saying Bondin and Ben Yedder's quality are going downhill and maybe it's just me? I don't know? what do you think? Also, do you know any places that sell coffee manual makers like the one I mentioned? coffee beans grinders? coffee roasters other than Ben Yedder and Bondin? What are the best countries you tried for Bondin Arabica coffee grains? Colombia? Ethiopia? Brazil? Ecuador?",,,,,,2021-08-16 00:09:27 p556ut,,1,Sou2el,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-16 00:24:22 p5673t,,2,Has anyone faced this problem before ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-16 01:28:54 p5b4jx,,1,Inscription,Srry if this question seems dumb but has the inscription site for primary and secondary opened yet?,,,,,,2021-08-16 07:17:17 p5c9ar,,1,Worried about Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-16 08:56:07 p5d21h,,17,"الحلقة الثانية مالTunisian féminist podcast ""Fémisienne"" خرجت! 😁 الحلقة هاذي تحكي على الضغط الي يحسوه البنات بش يعرسو في تونس كي يخلطو لعمر معيّن و فيه شهادة سبعة أشخاص، أربعة منهم توانسة.",,,,,,,2021-08-16 10:02:25 p5dsra,,1,HELP ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-16 11:01:33 p5edjq,,1,Help,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-16 11:43:06 p5frtx,,4,Barbershops in Bizerte,Any good barbershops in bizerte that are clean and give good fades(degradde)?,,,,,,2021-08-16 13:11:33 p5hv48,,4,What are some good places in Tunis/Ben arous to get authentic sunglasses?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-16 15:04:10 p5hxy8,,30,Johnson gang how you doing?,cant even feel my legs,,,,,,2021-08-16 15:08:02 p5iel8,,6,do I have health insurance ?,"I'm applying for health insurance in Germany. I had to fill a form and they asked me about my current provider. honestly I have no idea, its a bit sad, do we have health insurance ? it is CNSS ?",,,,,,2021-08-16 15:30:41 p5ilbh,,0,Can anyone rent me their house for a night ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-16 15:40:25 p5l8e2,,0,"i was chilling, minding my F business then decided to go on facebook",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-16 17:50:40 p5mp1z,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-16 19:04:12 p5mrf8,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-16 19:07:28 p5oes7,,10,What does zgayti mean ?,title says it all,,,,,,2021-08-16 20:29:39 p5omyu,,1,Covid can't stop him from having fun,,,,,,,2021-08-16 20:40:29 p5s3m9,,3,Whats is the best way to internationally recieve and withdrawal money in tunisia?,"I m planning to program an app , my friends proposed me payoneer credit card but i didn't like the limits and the fees are high (receiving and withdrawling totals in about 6%) Whats the best way to sell my software with fewer fees?",,,,,,2021-08-16 23:43:49 p5s6bs,,130,Aljazeera's logic,,,,,,,2021-08-16 23:48:04 p5sblr,,14,roommate in monastir,"hello, I'm looking for a roommate in monastir to spend the university school year with,the apartment is 3 minutes on foot away from the dentistry uni it's an s+2 the price is 550 and it has pretty much everything and most importantly wifi",,,,,,2021-08-16 23:56:17 p5vddm,,9,Did any of you guys try to earn money outside of a job?,"How was it? Do you find it harder/easier than a job? Is it worth it? Discuss :D",,,,,,2021-08-17 03:00:13 p5wayp,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-17 04:00:14 p5yooa,,12,"What does ""3ak3ek 7alla m3ak "" mean and where did it come from",,,,,,,2021-08-17 07:01:02 p618nn,,2,That one time our president's emotions emerged.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-17 10:40:16 p61d75,,1,Content of hydrogen vehicle,,,,,,,2021-08-17 10:50:25 p61yfi,,1,That one time his emotions emerged..,,,,,,,2021-08-17 11:33:33 p62bl7,,2,Are there Tunisia-based companies/multinational corporations that pay you foreign currency?,"Self-explanatory title. If the answer's yes, can you give me names? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-08-17 11:58:51 p630wv,,88,Bureaucracy go brrrr,,,,,,,2021-08-17 12:44:19 p64b69,,1,T-shirts,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-17 13:57:47 p686rb,,0,Any alternative for Payoneer that we can use in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-17 17:17:29 p68nrd,,1,which clothing store has the best jeans ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-17 17:51:15 p68xxn,,11,Last resort,"Well that's it as I have been looking non-stop for a job opportunity as an english speaker for about 10 weeks now. I reach out to you redditors as the last resort for maybe helping me find a good opportunity. I have been working for 10+ years in customer care and service as an agent/manager/team leader. I have applying without a response even from many companies as we all know how they treat applicants they don't see fit. So if you have any suggestions am all ears and thank you even for reading this post and helping me. 🙏🏻❤",,,,,,2021-08-17 18:08:42 p6a74h,,0,Money transfer from EU to TN,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-17 19:09:59 p6bkyw,,1,Where results,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-17 20:18:31 p6bujf,,36,economic_crisis.png,,,,,,,2021-08-17 20:31:46 p6cfwq,,6,Do you know anyone who speaks the derja e tounsia charismatically ?,I'm always trying to upgrade my English & French speaking skills but I never took care of my native tongue. Kifeh e najem n7assen e derja mte3i?,,,,,,2021-08-17 21:01:24 p6cw7w,,2,Cyber security,Is cyber security worth studying let’s say in the next 5 years will I find a job opportunity in Tunisia or are we that far behind ?,,,,,,2021-08-17 21:23:47 p6e771,,0,Bayern Munich crushes Borussia Dortmund in the DFL-Supercup 3-1 - ZAG SPORTS NEWS,,,,,,,2021-08-17 22:31:47 p6enez,,116,"French is the worst language ever, and they need to get rid of it","IDK why in most of the Tunisian universities, still teach with the French language, it's a limited and Dead language they need to update and get rid of it, why we use it in the first place, we're Tunisian we live in an Arabic country, and we speak Arabic every day, in every YouTube video in every forum, all the educational resources, are in English, if you can't speak or know the minimum of this language you can't get the access to anything but meanwhile, we're destroying tons and tons of our youth with a dead language until they graduate from the university with a diploma full taught in French, so their mobility is limited by some country (Tunisia-french-some South Africans countries and a part of Canada) so if you're a doctor, for example, you need to start from the beginning and learn everything again just to get the ability of practicing your profession, honestly that's ridiculous, and I realized that when I wanted to do a master in digital marketing and I found out that in Tunisia you have only two choices : 1/ private universities 2/ study it in French so to study an international program I need to translate it to French while all the resources are in English, what a joke, the whole education program of this country is a total mess and a joke,",,,,,,2021-08-17 22:55:56 p6fmc2,événements_en_tunisie_étaient_un/,1,Al-Jazeera.. Les événements en Tunisie étaient un coup d’État et les événements en Afghanistan étaient un transfert de pouvoir pacifique !,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-17 23:51:50 p6m0i9,,0,Any alternative for Payoneer that we can use in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-18 06:58:22 p6n91a,,0,why all tunisian girls are the same ?,"So long story short , talking about feminism and double standart , tunisian girls comes with a variety of aspects and that alone turn a lot of guys off , you shouldn't think about all bad things when it comes to relationships , many i've known always think the same , that men are possesive and they don't care and they don't wanna resonate with their partner , truly a mysterious society we live in , and btw i'm not attacking girls nor offending them , just stated my point of view based on my experience as well as the others",,,,,,2021-08-18 08:45:50 p6nz2l,,4,Best laptop repair technician in Tunis/Ben arous ?,"Friend's laptop broke down, needs it fixed for uni.",,,,,,2021-08-18 09:48:42 p6pb6a,,1,"I'm looking for ways to fake my own death and run away, any ideas?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-18 11:33:00 p6pg5q,,0,عاشوراء في الجزائر,,,,,,,2021-08-18 11:42:45 p6phy2,,3,tablette graphique,brabi shkoun ya3rf mnin inajm neshir tablette graphique,,,,,,2021-08-18 11:46:15 p6qabb,,1,How profitable is this?? How does it work? Whats mazza? Whats noufi? Do you think it's profitable to run such underground club?,,,,,,,2021-08-18 12:36:42 p6qfa2,,2,How profitable is this?? How does it work? Whats mazza? Whats noufi? Do you think it's profitable to run such underground club?, [How profitable is this?? How does it work? Whats mazza? Whats noufi? Do you think it's profitable to run such underground club? : Tunisia (](,,,,,,2021-08-18 12:45:12 p6qj1i,,43,a dream ...,"hi :) im a 17 years old high school student. my dream job is to become a dev /programmer abroad. my English is really good and fluent. my french is about average. next year i will study chinese /japenese (chineses most likely due to the lack of jp options sadly ) i really like coding simple games... is there anything i should know /study in the future? any advice would be highly appreciated.",,,,,,2021-08-18 12:51:41 p6rojb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-18 13:58:03 p6s6s1,,3,Does germany have *cycle d'ingenieur* ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-18 14:24:44 p6t9y0,,14,any musician here ??,am curios :P,,,,,,2021-08-18 15:19:07 p6tmed,,2,"Is their a list of predetermined job names u get in the occupational slot on ur id?and why do we have it in the first? place why is important? Besides j3ala(bribes for cops)ou loghit wild flen ,ena rani flen...",,,,,,,2021-08-18 15:36:50 p6wvr7,,1,Just a random thing to say,"I don't know if what I am going to say sounds egoistic or not, depends on your perspective, but reading all the posts in the students groups on facebook and the shared private messages with all that harassment and shit, I would like to say...... Thank you men for screwing it up .....(the haters gonna crosspost it straight in r/niceguys)",,,,,,2021-08-18 18:17:06 p6xci5,,0,🌺 الجزائر العاصمة طفلة تذهب لجلب الماء . Un enfant va chercher de l'eau à Alger. 🌺نفحات تاريخية من شمال إفريقيا,,,,,,,2021-08-18 18:40:09 p6xfr3,,1,MSB vs ESB,"Heyyy, any thoughts/opinions about MSB and ESB and which one is better ?",,,,,,2021-08-18 18:44:58 p6xnlv,,1,Difficulties starting a business. What would you do? (long post),[removed],,,,,,2021-08-18 18:56:10 p6y2m8,,1,I need some answers!!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-18 19:16:38 p720tr,,6,Looking for something helpful,Give me top advice and tips for first-year CS student from your own experience.,,,,,,2021-08-18 22:38:43 p72esk,,1,Getting Braces,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-18 22:59:22 p72tf2,,1,Questions about Braces,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-18 23:21:44 p73uwk,,3,Which one is better ..EPI or Polytechnique sousse ?! -studying architecture-,I want to study architecture and i can really use some help .. professional advise from who ever knows which of these universities is better .. EPI or Polytechnique sousse ?!,,,,,,2021-08-19 00:22:49 p748vg,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-19 00:46:17 p7bjaw,,11,Should I study prepa or computer science?,I was accepted in FST (License in CS) and I'm thinking if I should study prepa instead and have my degree as a software engineer.,,,,,,2021-08-19 09:31:17 p7boxf,,44,Update : I'm looking for ways to fake my death and leave the country,"Hello! Yesterday I flipped the subreddit upside down when I made a post about how I wanted to fake my death and escape the country. I want to apologize and thank everyone who was kind and reached out. I was in a bad emotional and mental state and I realized that I might need therapy to escape this vicious cycle. Thank you all for your kind words and I deeply apologize.",,,,,,2021-08-19 09:44:51 p7bt3q,,8,How do i move around in Tunis,"Im coming to tunis to study there and im not really familiar with how exactly public transport works in tunis ( icome from a small town where u only need your legs). So can someone help me with that ? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-08-19 09:55:27 p7cpxi,,1,Advice,Any advice for sleeping lack or troubles???,,,,,,2021-08-19 11:08:25 p7dhom,,3,I'm arguing with my bro about this and wanted to check my infos .,,,,,,,2021-08-19 12:04:38 p7diro,,0,why many tunisians don't bleive in some hadiths?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-19 12:06:38 p7eipv,,5,Visiting Tozeur Oasis,"Hello brothers, I am coming in Tunis for the second time this year and I am thinking about going on a 3 day trip to Tozeur, so my questions are: Is it safe? How can I get from Tunis to Tozeur? I could not find any flights.. What else can I visit there other than the oasis? What accommodation would you suggest? Thank you guys!",,,,,,2021-08-19 13:08:49 p7fwe2,,3,Looking for suggestions: hotels in monastir,"could anyone suggest me a hotel with mid-range prices in monastir for a 2-night stay? nothing too fancy/lavish , just something that's good enough to sleep for the night and have breakfast. (looking to tour the city). Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-08-19 14:27:31 p7hqbu,,20,At what age did you figure out your life purpose?,"In Tunisia specifically, not all of us but mostly we have the same road same template, getting your BAC and then doing bachelor and finding a job, etc… Besides that, at what age did you figure out your purpose?",,,,,,2021-08-19 16:02:15 p7ij5x,,8,Hoping to work in museums in Tunisia,"Hi all! I'm a Maltese Canadian museum professional (current living in Canada) who's looking to possibly work in museums in Tunisia at some point in the near future. My main interests are in early Islamic settlements and Imperial Rome, but I have a lot of experience is all kinds of museums. I do mostly administrative, curatorial, and artefact/collections work, including digitisation and exhibit development. Does anybody have any experience in Tunisian museum work or know somebody who does? Where is the best place to look for jobs? What is the pay usually like? What would the language requirements be? I'm currently learning Arabic but I'm not too good yet! I also know some French and Maltese. Looking forward to hearing from you :)",,,,,,2021-08-19 16:42:32 p7jt7q,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-19 17:46:59 p7khuu,,8,part time job opportunities for college students,"hiiii aaslema, which part time job opportunities are available for college students in tunis? my only bet rn is to learn web development and get good enough to be able to monetize it (something i'm not very knowledgeable on either). any tips/infos would be very appreciated!!",,,,,,2021-08-19 18:22:02 p7ksdq,,1,Looking for s+2 in Monastir,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-19 18:37:28 p7n757,,4,What website to use to buy a laptop,"I heard a lot of bad things about Tunisian tech websites such as ones that are not up to date, delivery issues, etc... And as the title says I'm looking for the best one I could use",,,,,,2021-08-19 20:41:34 p7tb5q,,1,which countries are most similar to tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-20 02:34:13 p7tnlq,,14,Where can I join online asian communities in Tunisia?,"Hi, i’m a Filipino and i’ve been planning to visit Tunisia sometime in the future. I’ve been trying to find communities where I can talk to filipinos living there and hopefully meet up when I go there but I couldn’t find any. So i’m hoping if you guys know where I could find at least any asian communities? That would be highly appreciated.",,,,,,2021-08-20 02:57:11 p7umol,,6,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-08-20 04:00:25 p7wxz0,,2,What is the digital file required to register in universities?,"So far, two days have passed and I have not been able to find out what is meant by the digital file, and the administration in the Faculty does not answer either the mail or the phone, so can any of you tell me what they mean by the digital file?",,,,,,2021-08-20 06:56:29 p82i45,,5,How can you invest in stocks ?,Is there a legal website/broker that can help me invest in international/local stocks ?,,,,,,2021-08-20 10:26:35 p82n78,,87,Is Ooredoo's business model beeing a casino ?,,,,,,,2021-08-20 10:38:23 p82tqz,,2,People who went to high school in Tunisia; Do the subjects of the opposite section (شعبة) become optional? or are art subjects only optional?,question is the title.,,,,,,2021-08-20 10:52:40 p83936,,47,A tip to get rid of sms ads Ooredoo,"Just saw a post complaining about the ads Ooredoo sends and i remembered you can use this trick to stop most of them (and you can block the rest) You can text STOP ALL to 85300 (Free)",,,,,,2021-08-20 11:23:35 p84f09,,6,Suggestions for activities to do for couples in Tunis?,"I am getting bored with going to the same places every time and I want to do/see something new. Any suggestions for any activities/ sights/ bars for a couple in Tunis? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-08-20 12:42:01 p84rlr,,0,وديع الشيخ حفلة - إن كنتي مسيحية - أنا أو لا أحد- لا حالي احلالى- يا علي...,,,,,,,2021-08-20 13:03:52 p85e2d,,0,"Thoughts about this and other foreign media, on the situation in Tunisia!",,,,,,,2021-08-20 13:39:13 p86e6i,,1,I have a question in the form of other questions and when I ask my self the question I realize that I have many more questions oozing out of the question which make me realize that why think about my questions when I can just come here and ask my questions about the first question.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-20 14:31:46 p86kql,émission_radio/,1,Explication des dires d'une émission radio,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-20 14:41:07 p86qtz,,1,Therapy prices in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-20 14:49:39 p8711b,,4,therapy in tunisia,"I want to find a good affordable therapist in Sousse what are the prices range and what are your experiences with therapy in Tunisia",,,,,,2021-08-20 15:04:04 p888sc,,1,المسابقة الإسلامية 2,,,,,,,2021-08-20 16:06:24 p896ej,,1,Chabeb try this apo 3and 3amin nista3mil feha w investit flousha fi binance 7keya tayara,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-20 16:53:58 p8ax1j,,2,Is there any art groups or communities I can join.,"I just can't find a good art club ( I only found one ""art"" club and I felt it wasn't good at all it was really basic) I just want to know if there's any art groups or communities that take art seriously ( preferably in Djerba) Thx.",,,,,,2021-08-20 18:23:37 p8be3j,,4,Seeking for recommendation,"What is the beat japanese food restaurant in grand-tunis ? Wanna try ramen essentially",,,,,,2021-08-20 18:48:43 p8dceb,,2,Making money as a student?,"Looking for ways to get some allowance as a student , trying to get some financial independance. I'm a computer science major btw.",,,,,,2021-08-20 20:32:02 p8dfke,,0,Archery club in sousse,"Hey everyone I was wondering if any of you know of an archery club in Sousse, I kept looking for one on Google maps but the nearest one is in Monastir. Can yall help? Thank you",,,,,,2021-08-20 20:36:46 p8g1wh,,1,Any local rappers 4 collab ?,Hello. I am a music producer looking for MC's to rap on ly beats (tunisian dialect),,,,,,2021-08-20 23:02:50 p8gpqc,,1,Small business idea ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-20 23:43:30 p8gvvi,,1,Kiss,,,,,,,2021-08-20 23:54:24 p8h12a,,1,Swety,,,,,,,2021-08-21 00:03:19 p8hht9,,3,Ya5i chniya heya matricule fiscal w enajem nesta3mel mta3 baba. (mchit lel bank bch na3mel carte cti 3tawny war9a ( engagement d'honneur w mel 7ajet ely talboha 3laya heya matricule fiscal) mana3rech chneya na3mel el war9a hedhi bch nhezha lel baladeya bch ysa7ou feha,3omry 18 manefhemch barcha,,,,,,2021-08-21 00:33:11 p8j98i,,9,Looking for a good psychiatrist in Nabeul,"Hi everyone, I recently have been struggling through a lot and finally made the realization that I need to seek professional help but I really don't know any good psychiatrists and I have heard some really disturbing stories that is why I'm kinda reluctant. does any one know// recommend a good psychiatrist in Nabeul that actually listens and tries to help rather than just tying to prescribe meds asap without any real consideration.",,,,,,2021-08-21 02:29:02 p8p4rx,,1,POV:تونسي,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-21 10:27:35 p8p625,,1,,,,,,,,2021-08-21 10:30:51 p8pdx5,,1,Ktebi prints and delivers books in Tunisia Amazon style,,,,,,,2021-08-21 10:50:37 p8pg13,,1,How is the IT industry in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-21 10:56:19 p8pn74,,1,Magic mashrooms,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-21 11:13:23 p8pqke,,2,Can someone ship me Aleonat Aleozen (herbal supplement for ptsd) from Tunisia to USA?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-21 11:21:00 p8pqo8,,0,the tunisian flag,"I recently discovered that the red in the tunisian flag represents martyrs blood but not the martyrs of the recent independance but for some battle that happened at 1500s. Thinking of my self as a patriotic I was surprised by my level of ignorance. To be honest there are other issues with the tunisian flag: 1/the croissant and the star relate to islam, but what about the non muslim tunisians? Is islam mandatory to become Tunisian?! 2/The flag is tooooooo similar to the turkish one, it is like we have 0 creativity ! we just copy pasted our colonial flag as a sign of subordinate or followship to turkey sorry for the unpopular oppinion, but i just want to know what you guys think. about our flag.",,,,,,2021-08-21 11:21:14 p8py9g,,5,"learning mandarin chinese by myself, looking for the chinese community in tunisia.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-21 11:39:06 p8rjnu,,7,Any cigar lovers in Tunisia?,"Last time I was asking about tunisian coffee lovers. Right now Im searching for cigar lovers, cigars are also a subject I've never seen anyone mention before on social media and they don't even sell it in here. I always google it but I only find one facebook page that sells one package a year and it's Cohiba and it's already sold out and honestly Cohiba is like the type of cigars that anyone that never tried cigar thinks it's the one but everyone inside the cigar community find it just okay and not that good. My cousin brought Arturo Fuento once which is extremely good, I also tried Romeo y Julieta and it's fantastic too. So, any cigar lovers? where can I get it here?",,,,,,2021-08-21 13:33:41 p8rl5v,,1,SAD treatment,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-21 13:36:27 p8s9ih,,0,International vacation destinations,"Hello Any good budget international vacation destinations?",,,,,,2021-08-21 14:19:25 p8sdlh,,128,"Dear weld bledi, think twice 9bal mattayech was5ek fechare3, you're one of many driving our country to hell.",,,,,,,2021-08-21 14:26:15 p8spxl,,11,"Engineers of tunisia, how important was joining عمادة المهندسين for you?",I'm thinking of studying software engineering in ISIMM. But things aren't so clear whether it is acknowledged by عمادة المهندسين or not. Should I take the risk?,,,,,,2021-08-21 14:47:05 p8u0wv,,1,قــوص باب بحر,,,,,,,2021-08-21 16:02:14 p8u21h,,1, قــوص باب بحر,,,,,,,2021-08-21 16:03:57 p8w80u,,1,Why Tunisia is not a developed country ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-21 18:06:06 p8w8uv,,1,Why Tunisia is not a developed country?,"Hi everyone, the question may seem very simplistic, but I would like to have your opinions on this point. According to you what are the reasons of Tunisian underdevelopment? If we take western Europe as the closest (geographically speaking) developed area, when do you think they overpassed us and why? I'm really curious on all of your opinions. Thank you.",,,,,,2021-08-21 18:07:22 p8wih2,,5,I am so disappointed with the German Business School Tunis- see details below,"German Business School Tunis ont un service client assez interessant: * on vous mentionne un prix en euro au debut apres on ajoute plusque 1000 dans la lettre d'admission sans aucune explication * on est rude, hotain et condescendant pendant l'interview et dans les echanges d'emails (comme vous pouvez voir ci dessous) * on donne des lecons aux clients potentiels (voir ci dessous) * personne ne respecte le protcole sanitaire sur les lieux de l'ecole. si on fait la remarque, c'est etrange/ rude de la part du client * le site web ne mentionne rien (prix, date de debut des cours, quelle universite allemande on aura affaire), autrement dit les standards sont loin d'etre allemands * on juge le cartier dans lequel vous vivez (l'alentour de l'ecole est plus sur que la ou je vis, la demoiselle etait sure qu'on vole les voitures que dans mon gouvernaurat, pas a cote de l'ecole (zone industrielle) pendant le weekend * la jeune personne a l'air de ne pas avoir de superviseurs qui lui definissent le concept ""service client"" et elle prend mon feedback en charge pas son senior Je ne vous recommende pas cette ecole ""allemande"". Ils sont ni transparents ni honetes, en plus on vous donne meme des lecons gratuites et non sollicitees (meme si on vous a accepte, on critique vos reponses qu'ils sous entendent sont sous-standards)... Link to the email I sent Link to the email I received",,,,,,2021-08-21 18:22:33 p8xbnn,,1,A good restaurant in mahdia?,I'm going to spend a week in mahdia with my family and it's my first time there. So if there is interesting places where I can have fun with my family please tell me and I'm looking also for a good restaurant like el mansoura in kelibia.,,,,,,2021-08-21 19:08:50 p8ygsr,,28,"People whining and looking down at the ""ignorant masses"" doing a bad thing, but being too short sighted to see systematic causes.","Take garbage for example. No one is whinier than me about garbage IRL. I don't shut up about it. People littering drives me so crazy. But it would be quite silly to think it's a shitty individuals problem. Some people are plain assholes, but they're pretty much the tiniest factor in the trash equation. * We have a severe lack of trash cans. Sometimes you have to walk 20 mins to find one. * We underfund and underhire in the public cleaning services due to forced austerity measures. The cleaners are stretched thin. * We have a trash scavenging problem or more accurately a poverty problem. People are so desperately poor they tear trash bags open for plastic and leave it on the ground / damage the container by dropping it. Cats, dogs and the wind finish the job of spreading the content. We know someone who literally has a PhD and has to scavenge trash because no job opportunities, sick wife and they often don't make enough to feed their kids. Scavenging for recycling by itself is not a problem. In fact it's really great to have waste organized and recycled, especially for metals. The problem is the state won't organize this sector despite the know benefits of it. Hire them in dignified jobs, the streets will get cleaner. * The state won't fucking ban one use plastic. It's cheaper for corporation to use plastic. Remember the cement company that switched from reinforced paper to plastic to make marginally higher profits? Knowing it'll result in millions more of plastic bag waste yearly? Yay capitalism. * Most of plastic pollution literally comes from 3 companies who put millions into PR campaigns to reframe the crime onto the user when they switched from glass to disposable plastic. Like our recent cement example, plastic is just cheaper and so is externalising the cost of handling pollution they created for no reason to society. So I'll be real, whenever I see whining about trash, and it's directed at le lowly, horrible ignorant masses ew I cringe. It's the easiest example of corporations and state screwing everyone over but successfully blaming you for it.",,,,,,2021-08-21 20:16:11 p90jd1,,1,"This is a new community ""r/Tunisian_Nerds"" .. feel free to join if you relate ..",,,,,,,2021-08-21 22:19:25 p91c8b,,0,Worried about a friend,"Hello guys Is there anyone of you who know MiraHell, her real name is meriem she is Tunisian girl, and it has been a long time not talk to her. I don't have other way to contact her and I'm really worried about her. If someone knows her plz tell me.",,,,,,2021-08-21 23:09:11 p91mul,,1,Tunisian having a nice chat with a westo*d,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-21 23:28:21 p933cc,,1,Making friends in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 01:02:00 p95n87,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-08-22 04:00:16 p98zd5,,1,Evasion List - un peu de musique pour s'évader.. enjoy !,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 08:38:49 p99l7o,,1,7sida by night - Nabeul,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 09:36:33 p99on9,,0,Meet new people in this thread (write specific or random something about yourself that let people know who you are and who you wanna meet),[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 09:45:32 p99qco,,1,7sida by night [Turki-Nabeul],[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 09:49:55 p99u0n,,30,Anyone here wants a little consistent job ?,"UPDATE: We no longer accept application. The amount of application is beyond our imagination. We'll get in touch with each one of you all. Edit 1: You need to be at least 18 to be considered. Thank you. Edit 2: Feel free to share this job with your family and friends if you think they can fulfill it. Edit 3: You need to have an e-dinar card or a bank account. Hi guys, Anyone here is studying English (or graduated) ? I run a blog for one of my clients, and I'm looking to hire a student or graduate for a little-but-long-term job. The job is proofreading: You need to examine **text carefully and find, correct and even reconstruct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling**. Most of the time, it's short (500 word max), but sometimes 1500-2000 words. &#x200B; I'll be paying 50 TND for each job (whatever 200-500-1000 or 1500 word). The number of jobs varies, but generally twice a week. &#x200B; You must be very fluent in English (American accent) and fast in terms of delivery time (at the same day if the number of words is less than 500). Each time, i'll be paying before you release me the output. &#x200B; PS: If you are wondering how many is 500 words, this text has 147 words.",,,,,,2021-08-22 10:00:02 p9avaa,,1,"World Moral Index, interesting",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 11:31:07 p9aw7n,,1,World moral index,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 11:33:17 p9bwki,,1,Top 10 delegations (معتمديات) with highest Female per Male ratio. Source: 2014 census.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 12:50:20 p9c1uk,,1,"""التعليم التونسي إلى متى - إستبداد من نوع آخر"" A friend of mine wrote a book about the misery and failure of the tunisian education system and I wanted to share his work.",,,,,,,2021-08-22 13:00:34 p9cidu,,27,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-22 13:31:12 p9g0ko,,0,Bellehi louled aandkom bitcoin?,"As the title says [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-08-22 16:51:08 p9io5d,,8,Can you ship products from tunisia to different countries as a business?,,,,,,,2021-08-22 19:05:33 p9jg4c,,1,"blehi chkoun ya9ra fi esprit wjareb foyer mte3hom ya3tini rayou , 5ater 7ayra fi 4 dar s+1 ,or 2 fi bit teb3a foyer",[removed],,,,,,2021-08-22 19:46:43 p9jvu7,,2,true story,,,,,,,2021-08-22 20:09:50 p9kp7u,,1,true story,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 20:51:58 p9ktei,,1,African Romance - latin roots in the Tunisian derja,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-22 20:58:14 p9m760,,1,African Romance - latin roots in the Tunisian derja,,,,,,,2021-08-22 22:13:01 p9nel6,,8,Looking for earphones with a good sound and mic quality,any suggestions? also are wireless earphones mics good? PS : budget is between 80 - 150TND,,,,,,2021-08-22 23:21:35 p9ntng,,1,Chad Kais Saied,,,,,,,2021-08-22 23:46:38 p9parm,,2,Did anyone try the international open university?,,,,,,,2021-08-23 01:15:55 p9r4jr,,1,Looking for a job in a call center or just about any English related field.,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-23 03:06:57 p9vcik,,16,African Romance - latin roots in the Tunisian derja,,,,,,,2021-08-23 08:14:00 p9x239,,7,can minors above 15 work here?,"if so, what are the jobs that minors can work at?",,,,,,2021-08-23 10:31:10 p9xchn,,12,Is anyone here on hairloss medication ?,"I am 21M , I've been suffering from hairloss now for almost a year . I hopped on minoxidil(Alopexy 5%) earlier this year . About 6 months ago I started finasteride (chibro proscar) I've been cutting the 5mg pills into 1 mg pills and taking them according to the recommended dose .Sadly even after 6 months , the shedding didn't stop . I've looked into the subject of hairloss really well and I have been to a few dermatologists and from what I've seen they know nothing about block therapy (reducing dht) .I'm curious to know are there people here who had similar experiences as me that tried finasteride (chibro proscar ) , dutasteride (Avodart) etc.. ? Did you experience a lot of shedding , did it work for you ?",,,,,,2021-08-23 10:52:13 p9xx6u,,3,Youssef Meksi - Denya Edour,,,,,,,2021-08-23 11:31:30 p9y6ah,,2,"Silver in tunisia, how to buy it?","Where to buy the cheapest silver? (Not jewelry, but like the silver itself)",,,,,,2021-08-23 11:48:53 p9ysl2,,4,Is edutest worth it ?,"Hey everybody ! I just wanted to ask about edutest and their SAT prep course and wetger they really help you get a scolarship to study abroad . The SAT prep course is going to cost 500 dt for 3 months 3 hours per week . I , also , will have to pay 1000 dt for them to help me write the application essays , translate 5 documents and I can apply to 20 colleges wothlut paying an application fee . So what do u think ? Is 1500 dt worth it or not ?",,,,,,2021-08-23 12:27:32 p9yyhe,,27,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-23 12:37:48 pa0gwe,,3,Inquiry,Are the cinemas and theaters still closed ?,,,,,,2021-08-23 14:03:11 pa0ia6,,4,🎸 🎶,"What places do you recommend, in Tunis, for someone who wants to practice an instrument in open space?",,,,,,2021-08-23 14:05:18 pa0lgx,,2,suggestions for good and affordable earbuds (XIAOMI Mi True Wireless 2 Basic ?),"hey guys i had my eyes on XIAOMI Mi True Wireless 2 Basic . i want to use them in the gym , i found them on mytek for 130dt , are they worth it (durability and quality) . i not , i need your opinions and suggestions (130dt max)",,,,,,2021-08-23 14:10:11 pa27k7,,8,Which places should i stay away from in Tunis,"So im coming to tunis to pursue my college education there, anyone can tell me which places/areas are safe to hang out in and which are not ? Do i have to keep an eye for ""brakajet"" everywhere i go ? or is there places that are totally safe especially for a university student who still doesnt really know the city yet . Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-08-23 15:31:45 pa2abv,,22,Difficulties of starting a life project and a business in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-23 15:35:35 pa2ga4,عندي_طرف_فلوس_نحب_نستثمرهم_في_الذهب_و_لا_الفضة/,21,عندي طرف فلوس نحب نستثمرهم في الذهب و لا الفضة على المدى البعيد نحب نعرف وين في تونس يبيعو سبائك الذهب و الفضة,thx,,,,,,2021-08-23 15:44:02 pa3ouj,,3,What are the Best Underwear for Men... and why,"I've tried many local brands and most of the time I buy (cotton products) recently I noticed that cotton underwear aren't comfortable (it's a local brand), and I want to switch to another brand so boys any suggestion I want the best underwear ever, I don't want to buy man brand due to medical issues the fabric isn't healthy for my skin, and it will make it itch \- comfortable \- reasonable price \- according to your experience \- and ofc it last at least for 2 months",,,,,,2021-08-23 16:45:31 pa3zze,,8,Good headphones,"Hello, I'm looking for a good headphones with maximum price 200TND, good sound and mic quality. I'll use it for daily working (teams calls), listening to music and playing some CSGO games. Any suggestions?",,,,,,2021-08-23 17:00:57 pa7fjb,,12,Help a brother out,"Might sound dumb, but how much does a gym membership in Tunis usually cost? Planning on starting to lift some weights, and i wanna know if a gym membership is gonna fit into my budget or not ( college student )",,,,,,2021-08-23 19:52:45 pa7kkp,,1,"The monster of the Tunis lake, illustration by Amine Hammami",,,,,,,2021-08-23 20:00:12 pa8vvj,,23,Travelling to Tunisia - how easy and safe is it right now?,"Hi, fellow redditors! Me and my girlfriend (both portuguese and vaccinated) are thinking of going to Tunisia (Tunis, Sousse, Djerba, desert...) for 14 days. How is it to visit tunisia right now? I know the covid 'rules' changed recently (for the better), but does it still interfere with getting around by car? Is there any many manifestations because of political and economical instability? Is the situation in Afghanistan having any ripple effect in other islamic extremists groups around Africa? Thank you so much!",,,,,,2021-08-23 21:07:50 pa9ch7,,4,Where can you find affordable E-Readers in Tunis?,,,,,,,2021-08-23 21:32:11 pab4wt,,1,When you're naive and you want to export your handmade traditional stuff,,,,,,,2021-08-23 23:08:52 pabdb6,,7,anyone knows where I can buy rosehip oil in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-08-23 23:22:04 pae10z,,6,Club Africain Shirt/Kit from Abroad,"Hey everyone, I was wondering whether there was a way to obtain Tunisian football shirts/kits/jerseys from Europe. I am specifically interested in buying a Club Africain shirt. I was in Tunisia for a few years and became a distant supporter of CA. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-08-24 02:04:01 paeoek,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-24 02:44:49 pafu71,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-24 04:00:29 paisbj,,10,What's up with insurance?,"I really don't get why Insurance exists if it's not for scam. I mean someone's pay on yearly basis and then maybe he uses that insurance. Also, even if he uses it, he has a limit which he can't pass. So I only can see a lose situation for people here. Does someone know exactly why it works this way and why it exists?",,,,,,2021-08-24 07:51:54 palqvc,,11,"How much is an average apartment monthly rent in Tunis the capital? Something decent, nothing huge.",,,,,,,2021-08-24 11:49:57 pams7y,,1,About the latest job I've posted here.,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-24 12:56:52 panxuc,,12,Investment?,I have a little money pouch from my bac (malyoun) how can I invest them and make more? I know malyoun isnt much at all but I dont want to waste it just having fun or at parties! Help!,,,,,,2021-08-24 14:01:27 pao70f,,0,Circumcision: forced mutilation on kids,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-24 14:15:06 papa4h,,1,قيس سعيد يعلق البرلمان التونسي إلى أجل غير مسمى بعد شهر من إقالته رئيس الوزراء,,,,,,,2021-08-24 15:11:56 paqtfd,,1,I NEED YOUR HELP!! ⚠️⚠️,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-24 16:31:26 par1ah,,3,Well damn,,,,,,,2021-08-24 16:42:36 parqxz,,13,Looking for new friends~,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-24 17:17:34 pas405,,15,A question for car experts here,"Which one is better to get, a Suzuki s presso or a Mahindra KUV 100. Also is there a better option in the same price range?",,,,,,2021-08-24 17:35:45 pat0ko,,1,Can foreign entities buy real estate in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-24 18:20:36 paupd6,,6,How can I obtain my birth certificate while outside the country?,"Posting on behalf of my brother. Written in 1st person for ease of reading. I was born in El Kef, Tunisia and was never issued with my original birth certificate. I am now trying to get a copy, but I have not been able to get in touch with anyone that can help make this happen (emails go unanswered or I end up in a bureaucratic dead-end). **I am looking for recommendations for local connections or services that can make petitions and applications on my behalf locally.** I was born in El Kef, Tunisia. Both my parents are Polish and were fleeing the Poland at the time. We ended up settling in Canada, and I now live in London, England. I currently have multiple citizenships (Canadian, Polish, UK) and my wife has dual citizenship (French, UK). My goal is to get my children French and/or Polish citizenship, however all applications require a copy of my birth certificate. To get a Polish citizenship, my birth certificate is needed directly. To get a French citizenship, my wife needs to register our marriage in France, which also needs my birth certificate. We are stuck and at a loss on how we can move forward.",,,,,,2021-08-24 19:44:48 pauyt2,,1,commerce international advice plz,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-24 19:58:23 paxe1y,,1,Ala gueller,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-24 22:01:33 paxr40,,1,Arbitrage basé sur l'intelligence artificielle,,,,,,,2021-08-24 22:20:41 pb4bf5,,10,How much would a 2 week trip to Tunisia cost?,"I'm planning to visit my girlfriend in mid January and I would like to know how much would a 2 week trip cost me. I know that a 2 way plane ticket and a visa would cost me around 400 USD. I'm on a tight budget so I'm not planning on splurging on anything extra, just the bare minimum. Also I'm fully vaccinated, am I required to be quarantined or is that not needed? Edit: She lives in Fouchana, Ben Arous, Grand Tunis and I'm coming from Egypt. Thanks in advance <3",,,,,,2021-08-25 04:55:08 pb6azw,,1,Le président Kais Saied prolonge le gel du Parlement,,,,,,,2021-08-25 07:26:11 pb8659,,1,What is the easiest and fastest way to immigrate to Canada?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-25 10:04:48 pb8usx,,2,kfiech enehi el tfarfich ?,,,,,,,2021-08-25 10:57:07 pb9ypi,é/,4,Foyer privé,"Do you recommend 'foyer privé'? If so, are there any in el menzah, cité olympique,centre urbain? Thank you.",,,,,,2021-08-25 12:12:10 pba4bp,,6,Looking for a laptop repair shop,Safe and reliable. Preferably anywhere near Grand Tunis.,,,,,,2021-08-25 12:22:12 pbavvt,,0,Tunisia needs to take over the Maghreb,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-25 13:09:44 pbb58s,,0,تحدي الصناديق,,,,,,,2021-08-25 13:24:25 pbc85s,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-25 14:21:37 pbird1,,19,Best investments for students in tunisia,"I am a second year student in the university and I am looking to invest an amount of money. Just looking for experience and to learn how to get my independence. Thanks",,,,,,2021-08-25 19:44:04 pbivxp,,10,"To all people , we need a clear guide on FCR and if there is any profitable loopholes linked to it",,,,,,,2021-08-25 19:50:13 pbiwg6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-25 19:50:56 pbiz9r,,14,Why do many Tunisian girls marry guys way older than them?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-25 19:54:49 pbje68,,5,any martial art tournament?,"im a professional martial artist and i cant find any decent comp to compete in... does any of you brothers know any comp i do muay thai so i can compete in muay thai, kick boxing, lethwei, boxing, and many other styles if you know any martial arts tournament ab3th a walid ab3th",,,,,,2021-08-25 20:14:55 pbll11,,1,Whatsapp: Les réactions avec des emojis arrivent bientôt.,,,,,,,2021-08-25 22:04:15 pbp4c5,,8,"If I tell my therapist about past abuse done to me as a child from family members , will they have to report the people that did it?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-26 01:19:37 pbv6tz,,1,Wanna know more about nabeul,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-26 08:20:09 pbvlvb,,1,Wanna know more about nabeul,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-26 08:57:15 pbw7eb,,8,therapy costs?,"looking for a therapist (Sfax) Hi I just wanted to ask about therapy costs in Tunisia? I live in Sfax and decided to start getting therapy sessions but i have no idea about the sessions price. I know it costs a lot though :')",,,,,,2021-08-26 09:46:46 pbwbgx,,1,Countries with little to no Christian population (less than 1%),,,,,,,2021-08-26 09:56:08 pbxhn7,,1,HIV Poz partner. Needa support,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-26 11:21:17 pbyv9v,,3,Does anyone have these lessons unlocked?,"[]( If you do, can you please send them to me via email. Dm me for @ and thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-08-26 12:51:41 pc0dol,,5,Online jobs for teens?,"Heey everyone so I'm a 16yo girl and I've been doing some researchers about jobs in Tunisia as a minor especially online ones such as tutoring or idk anything.. Pls give me the available options if you know any",,,,,,2021-08-26 14:14:43 pc0jvd,,1,Google paie 15 milliards $ à Apple pour être le moteur de recherche par défaut sur iOS,,,,,,,2021-08-26 14:24:02 pc0mj3,,32,Depression?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-26 14:27:52 pc11e3,,0,Anybody who can explain to me how some Tunisian youth think?,"While I was redditing yesterday yesterday saw a post here of a girl looking for new friends or something like this. It caught my attention that she didn't want to have friends who were homophobic. Before that there was another girl who was promoting for her feminist podcast and among other things I heard her saying in the few minutes I heard of her podcast was the word ""non-binary"". It is not rare that these people will still identify themselves as Muslims. Well, they are indeed Muslims but shouldn't a Muslim be the way hos God wants him to be? And I mean we all know what God told us about homosexuality and تغيير خلق الله and such stuff. So my question is how do these Tunisian young boys and girls? Isn't it against all logic to claim to be at the same time Mulsim but then stand for things which Islam very clearly prohibits? I am serious and I want to understan how they think.",,,,,,2021-08-26 14:49:31 pc204t,,1,Kayaking Tunisia's Coast: Tunis to Tabarka (Part 3 - Plage Sidi el Bechir all the way to Cap Serrat!),,,,,,,2021-08-26 15:38:34 pc244o,,5,getting money from europe to Tunisia,"as a Tunisian, how can someone transfer money from his bank account in europe to the one in tunisia with limited cost? and can someone just bring the money cash? like with him in the plane? (this feels dumb but I am making sure of a point) are there restrictions? tax? etc... Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-08-26 15:44:11 pc2fy6,,4,Flights from Tunis to Cyprus,"Hey guys! Anyone knows if there is direct flights from Tunisia to Cyprus? Nicocia to be precise. I looked everywhere but could not find anything",,,,,,2021-08-26 16:00:28 pc2v4l,,7,What do you guys think of e-commerce business? Is it profitable to start one?,What do you guys think?,,,,,,2021-08-26 16:20:39 pc4onz,التونسيون_بصفة_عامة_شعب_خائن_حلل_و_ناقش/,0,التونسيون بصفة عامة شعب خائن: حلل و ناقش.,"أيّا برّ السلام عليكم معشر التونسيين، اللي يتمعّن في الخطاب التونسي اليوم سواء في الواقع ولا في النات يجّم يلاحظ بسهولة اللي الخطاب السايد هو ""البلاد تهلكت و معاش تتصلح و اجري اخرج امنع بجلدك"" و هذي بطبيعة الحال هي لغة جبناء و خونة يحبو الناس تسلم في بلادها لناس قلال خير و تهرب و تخليهالهم واسعة و عريضة. طيّب (كيما يقول جميل الجودي ربي يرحمو)، اليوم بش نحكي معاكم عالخيانة او بالأحرى عالشعب التونسي الخاين. مانيش بش نحكي عالحسد و التكمبين و الفخرة و قلة الخير و الصفات الخايبة الأخرى الكل اللي موجودة في التونسي خاطر هاكي موجودة تقريبا في البشر بصفة عامة.. كذلك زادة نحب نبّه الي بالطبيعة ثمة استثناءات لكن نحكيو بصفة عامة.. التونسي بصفة عامة هو إنسان خاين. يا إما ضعيف نفس مضروب في الغرب و يقدسهم على طرف تطور تكنولوجي تافه و إلا خاين يدعي الإيمان الأعمى بأن ""الإسلام هو الحل"" وقت اللي هو رافض يتعلم الإسلام و مازال بكل جدية في 2021 يرى الي أردوغان ""خليفة المسلمين"" و الي الدكتور كمون صنع دواء للكورونا و الغرب بش يشريه منا بمليارات. كنت نجّم نحكي عالIQ المتواضع تع الطرفين لكن خيرت نراها من منظور خيانة ولكم التعليق.",,,,,,2021-08-26 17:49:58 pc7yv3,,72,I don’t have much to say except wanting to share some gratitude & appreciation for the time I spent in Tunisia this summer (Despite all the craziness of the pandemic).,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-26 20:35:01 pc8mhr,,3,Marijuana,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-26 21:07:15 pc95oq,,9,Tunis taxi ride,"Hello guys, how much would a 10km taxi ride cost in Tunis? As an english only speaker, will I get a fair ride, or should I expect some classic taxi driver funky business? Thank you!",,,,,,2021-08-26 21:35:12 pcb4t5,,1,Need information,"So let’s say someone applies to an institute of higher education, one that requires passing a test, which this person gets accepted but fails the test .my question is : where does his free spot goes? And If someone could obtain it, how could that be done?👀",,,,,,2021-08-26 23:23:28 pcbpns,,4,Start-up fees,"Hello guys ,so I have a question, I have this startup idea that I want to work on , I'm already working with friends to flush it out, we got thz concept,the name , logo ,will start coding soon, but the only thing that's stopping me right now is the legal procedure. Are any of you familiar with the startups act and how I should sign the company up? How should i go on looking for investers? what administration's do I need to visit for the paper work? how much specially will it cost me? a while back i when to the ""INNORPI"" to ask how to register my brand and logo and all that , and he said , i need to pay alot for matricule fiscal fil 9badha then even more to register the name and idea in ""RNE"" then 500dt plus to the ""INNORPI"" just to sign the logo , and ofc i need a bank account and to put money into ofc , now i work at teleperformance , i hate it but i got rent ,bills and shit to pay and i barely got enough, i can't even pay for any of this and I've read that the [start-up act]( supposed to help with that .",,,,,,2021-08-26 23:57:37 pcbu00,,1,Driving in Tunisia as a foreigner,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 00:04:30 pcbzpz,,1,Questions about driving as a foreigner in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 00:14:02 pcfp7h,,6,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-08-27 04:00:17 pcj7yb,,1,We are launching our first Start-up!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 08:26:20 pcjapy,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 08:32:53 pcji8j,,5,Recycling bottles,"Does anyone know which material is used to make plastic bottles im Tunisia ? If so , which companies uses PET ??",,,,,,2021-08-27 08:51:29 pcjpee,,2,we are launching a startup,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 09:08:19 pclgif,,2,Looking for a place to rent for 2 (college students) in/near Hamid El Ghazali St in Sousse.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-27 11:28:29 pcllxi,,3,Mining ?,"Aaslema ya jmeaa , famech chkoun aandou fekra chmaaneha mining ou kifech tsir ou est ce que legal fi tounes walla le ?",,,,,,2021-08-27 11:39:19 pcn3oc,,64,🙄🤔,,,,,,,2021-08-27 13:13:38 pcn4bi,,6,What do y think ? 🙄🤔,,,,,,,2021-08-27 13:14:39 pcpbcs,,1,HELP US MAKE OUR DEBUT ALBUM," Bienvenue sur ma Cha9a9a en ligne ""**Tunisian Alternative Music Album**"" Je m'appelle Ahmed et je suis un artiste indépendant. Avec votre aide je serai capable d'enregistrer et diffuser mon premier album C'est parce que je compte sur votre générosité je me permets de vous solliciter. Quelque soit le montant de votre Don, votre geste fera la différence et sera apprécié. Allez-y ! est simple ! Vous pouvez en un clic participer. Vous pouvez aussi Partager autour de vous. Merci à tous ! [](",,,,,,2021-08-27 15:14:35 pctcbg,,1,PC build from germany,"Hi! so im gonna build a pc soon and im planning to go to germany, buy the parts from amazon (my cousin lives there so it will be delivered to his place), i was wondering if i will have any problems with ""diwena"" or smth like that. the parts are pretty small, the gpu, cpu, ram and motherboard can go in the ""baggage à main"" while the power supply goes in the ""soute"" of the plane. im very worried about the psu since they might take it for a bomb or something, will i have any problem with bringing over the psu?",,,,,,2021-08-27 18:40:50 pctdiu,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 18:42:41 pctyrc,,4,Jewelry for men in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-27 19:13:27 pcu68j,,1,Support a Tunisian Youtube channel with amazing quality content : SouilemVisuals,,,,,,,2021-08-27 19:24:13 pcudd1,,1,👁 🌟 🔥 I L L,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 19:34:32 pcuj8o,,3,An illustration of the Roman city of Thugga (modern-day Dugga) by Jean-Claude Golvin.,,,,,,,2021-08-27 19:43:06 pcujg1,,12,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 19:43:24 pcvrd1,,1,Picture i took close to beja,,,,,,,2021-08-27 20:47:20 pcx2az,,1,ميزة التحقق بخطوتين تعرف على الشرط الرابع والجديد2021 ✅,,,,,,,2021-08-27 21:56:14 pcx3ad,,3,Is it true about “bezness” ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-27 21:57:45 pcxgvx,,2,ESCORT Services,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-27 22:18:55 pcxmva,,3,how can I find an internship as a student ASAP,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-27 22:28:18 pcxwsw,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-27 22:44:17 pczavz,,6,How to get a passport?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-28 00:06:00 pd3ds0,,9, freelance translation.,"You read the title. How legitimate is it? If you use it yourself then please do elaborate, how difficult is it to actually find jobs? How professional do you have to be to get accepted into certain ones? For someone who's only looking to save up money over the course of a year with no regard to pay or effort placed, is it worth it or not? If the service is as underwhelming as what the people i've seen have stated, then please provide any alternatives. All help provided is appreciated, many thanks.",,,,,,2021-08-28 04:39:50 pd7014,,2,"Good morning, what are the procedures for applying to a business school in Spain.",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-28 09:52:44 pd9orl,,8,Karting in Tunis,"Anyone knows where we have karting in Tunis? All I know is there's one in Monastir and one in Hergla that are far for a 15min race.",,,,,,2021-08-28 13:22:39 pd9t64,,11,Why is the state as well as society so silent about addiction in Tounes?,"I have no numbers of addicts in Tunisia, basically because no one even seems to care about knowing the frightening numbers, but I can easily imagine that different types of addiction are a widespread problem. I could easily imagine that there are 500.000 to 1.000.000 alcoholics as well as hundreds of thousands of gambling and drug addicts. Why is the government so silent about this huge problem (you never hear anything about it on media at least) and why do Tunisians consider addiction as a little problem when it is a very big one?",,,,,,2021-08-28 13:30:43 pdbblm,,32,Going back to school after 9 years,"I had my BAC in 2013. Went to university for 3 months and was forced to drop out for personal reasons. I'm 28 now, I want to try and pursue/complete my higher education outside the country for obvious reasons. I'm looking into studying in France next year as this year will be dedicated to getting papers ready and going through certain procedures. I have computer science in mind as I've spent the last 10+ years building computers and playing around with programming, digital art and 3D. My questions are, is my age a problem, and is the 9 years pause a problem ? a friend of mine told me that they don't accept people 29+ and by the time I'll get to apply I'll already be 29. And he also said that being off school for 9 years is going to affect my chances very negatively. Anyone with knowledge or experience to confirm or correct these statements ? Also, I'd appreciate any advice regarding the topic or any suggestions.",,,,,,2021-08-28 15:00:27 pdd4x4,,0,cant even buy creatine yo im starving im going to die help this is not a joke,brah i tried to use []( (N1 source of creatine) cant even fucking buy it i look up creatine couple of shitty shits and click on the sport thing and it shows me the whole thing and i look up creatine it gets me back to the page that will take me to the sports with everything brah cant you drunken idiots stop trying to modernize websites until they become unusable... BRAH THE WEBSITE IS UNSABLE NOW HOW DO I GET CREATINE FUCKING SOYJACK PROGRAMERS,,,,,,2021-08-28 16:38:11 pddcpm,,1,Facebook envisage de former une commission électorale,,,,,,,2021-08-28 16:49:45 pdeibb,,2,Where can I park my bicycle in cv,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-28 17:52:49 pdhv5f,,45,Kelibia <3,,,,,,,2021-08-28 21:01:24 pdinh8,,1,Why the achievement Tunisia is to leave it?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-28 21:47:46 pdintp,,23,Why the achievement in Tunisia is to leave it?,,,,,,,2021-08-28 21:48:23 pdj5d3,,26,Stade rades💖,,,,,,,2021-08-28 22:17:41 pdmsuv,,3,Looking for vintage accessories for a letter,"Looking for twine, postage stamps, old enveloppes to recreate this ( I found on pinterest) in Tunis",,,,,,2021-08-29 02:12:37 pdobj3,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-29 04:00:12 pdrsu0,,14,"Other than proximity, why do most Tunisian prefer living in Europe and not the US?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-29 08:50:40 pdsabq,,3,Idea for gift,"Any idea what gift or souvenir from Tunisia I can buy? I've been here on vacation and will be flying back soon. Any help will do, thanks ;)",,,,,,2021-08-29 09:36:09 pdth2h,,21,#sfax,,,,,,,2021-08-29 11:19:28 pdu8nv,,14,I find the idea of countries absurd! Anyone?,"I was thinking of this quite a lot during the Corona times. An example is Tunisia closing its borders with Libya, but how realistic is that for Bengerdani people for example? Are they closer to Tunis or to Libya? Shouldn't countries have treated the crisis differently in a sense that geographical closeness should have been much more important than (by humans) made-up borders? One more thing: Ines, 22, an engineering student from La Marsa has absolutely nothing in common with Noureddine, 66, a farmer from Tozeur, except the fact that both are Tunisian so why and how should they let their ""Tunisianness"" define them? PS: this thread may be translated to Arabic upon request.",,,,,,2021-08-29 12:19:53 pdww2c,,1,Someone please explain RS (cars),"If someone have an RS car, what is he allowed and not allowed to do?",,,,,,2021-08-29 15:04:47 pdzjdm,,1,solo coaching in job interviews and CV reviewing,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-29 17:24:58 pdzs3f,,18,"Tunisians In germany , are you happy ?","Hey everyone , I know at this point you're probably sick with this kind of posts but please bear with me haha I know going to another country is a life changing decision and you gotta do a lot of research before doing this But the thing is I'm seeing a lot of complaints about germany from weather to the high cost of living compared to the low salaries , I'm not trying to look like a spoiled brat who wants to have his cake and eat it too But if you're a Tunisian in Germany or you know someone there , are you guys happy there ? is the pay and the general lifestyle good ? did you adapt to the weather , culture ? have you made friends ? Is Uni harder there for an average college student here etc",,,,,,2021-08-29 17:37:16 pe026c,,0,Why older guys marries younger woman in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-29 17:52:02 pe17gh,,47,Le cœur de la Tunis hôtel africa 🏨,,,,,,,2021-08-29 18:52:20 pe261x,,5,random old woman fi metro 2,,,,,,,2021-08-29 19:42:10 pe3kgx,,18,Sidi Dhrif,,,,,,,2021-08-29 20:56:09 pe3khw,à_témoignages/,1,Appel à témoignages!,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-29 20:56:11 pe3m1y,à_tmoignages/,11,Appel à tmoignages!," أنا ال host متع ""podcast ""Fémisienne الي هو podcast féministe Tunisien الحلقة الجاية نحبها تكون على ال body shaming بأنواعو الكل و بش تكون حلقة inclusive كانك طفلة ولا طفل ولا a non binary person و تعرضت لأي شكل من الهرسلة و الضغط على خاطر طولك، ضعفك، وزنك، شعرك، سنّيك، acné, lunettes و لا ملامح وجهك و تحب تشارك القصة متاعك، مرحبا بيك! التي يحب يشارك يكتب commetaire لنّا و تو نcontactih. و الي يخاف و يحب يكون 100% anonyme تنجمو تبعثولى email And this is the link to the previous episode for those interested: [](",,,,,,2021-08-29 20:58:33 pe42o2,,11,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-29 21:23:20 pe4md3,,1,Another one ♥️,,,,,,,2021-08-29 21:53:04 pe4q3q,,1,Prix de Xiaomi 11T et 11T Pro en france (toutes les versions),,,,,,,2021-08-29 21:58:51 pe51ex,,11,thinking to join military,what do you think guys any idea ?,,,,,,2021-08-29 22:15:50 pe5e76,,21,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-29 22:35:45 pe6fdt,,16,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-29 23:35:38 pe6i2f,,3,Covid-19: Tunisia vaccinates more than half a million people in one day,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-29 23:39:55 pedxla,,10,Tunisians in the Netherlands are you happy? 🇳🇱 🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-30 08:28:42 pefp9e,,1,What do y'all think about IHAF ( institut African de haute formation) ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-30 10:52:42 pefqay,,1,What do y'all think about IAHF ? ( institut African de haute formation),[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-30 10:54:53 pefyyi,,1,"Tunisians who went abroad post uni, (for more uni or work)..","What is something you wish somebody advised you to do or warned you about before you took off? (if your line of work and the country you went to are relevant to this answer, please don't hesitate to share details.) Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2021-08-30 11:11:50 pegaog,,22,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-30 11:35:29 pegylw,,1,I have few hours to kill in tunis city.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-30 12:19:35 pehm4n,,2,Can anyone explain to me what's Sajalni ?,"I still don't get it, Is it about all smartphones or just smartphones bought from other countries ?",,,,,,2021-08-30 13:00:44 pehmab,,3,"I just had heated debate with ""classic tounsi"" and I'm glad i watched this playlist cuz i helped ALOT, so here I'm sharing this wonderful creator and his content ✌️",,,,,,,2021-08-30 13:00:59 pejir0,,21,Student source of income!! (pocket money) Need HELP,"I'm an engineering student from an average income family with 3 members studying in different states It's not easy to come through every month Between the rent and the daily expenses I sought some jobs but i didn't work-out due to my tight schedule Now i thought of buying some things online such as clothes/accessories and sell them with a little profit But it turned out to be harder than I thought There's no way to make a PayPal account I tried CTI wich was not a good idea Can anyone help me!! If there's a way other than those 2 mentioned above to do online transactions Or any other ideas for a source of income (pocket money)",,,,,,2021-08-30 14:45:29 pekm9t,,1,Is it possible to go to Germany (Berlin) with a Desktop Computer?,"Hey! I have a friend that needs help, He owns a computer (Desktop). He is going to study abroad in Germany (Berlin) but he doesn't know if he can bring his Computer with him or not. Is it possible? And if it is how so?",,,,,,2021-08-30 15:41:40 pekqcc,,0,Anyone interested in buying a google play gift card code ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-30 15:47:33 pel9p7,,53,Just to brighten your day,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-30 16:12:57 pelk3i,,2,"Freelancers of Tunisia, did you encounter problems with the central bank of Tunisia?","Mainly talking about online work where you get direct money transfers through banks and you haven't signed a work contract. Did they at some point block money from going through or even arrest you because they think that money is illegal and you can't prove that it's from freelance work since it's usually none contractual work? TLDR for why I'm asking this; I'm a programmer and today my dad asked me to go with him to the bank to meet up with the manager. At the end of their conversation he asked on my behalf about being able to receive money from outside the country and the manager said that I need to be able to provide proof for my work otherwise the central bank might block the money or even start asking questions if they spot it on their radar.",,,,,,2021-08-30 16:27:24 pem5il,,1,Looking for a part time job as an engineer student,"Hi, sorry if this topic has been talked about in this community a lot of times but it seems like i can't find a decent job as an engineer student, I am excellent with photoshop and illustrator and i have a design portfolio, I have a PayPal account and looking for anything related to design and infographic. thank you very much in advance.",,,,,,2021-08-30 16:56:39 penggx,,0,does Tunisia = Star Wars World????,"Am I the only one that feels like tunisia is like star wars lore,last month we had kais saied basically do 'you are fired to everyone' which is pretty much an order 66.I feel like in 10 years or something like that , the nahdha party will try to find people to fight kais saied.kais saied is basically emperor palpitine,Rached Gannouchi is obi wan.the nahdha party tries to proclaim that they are good much like the jedi but the true contributers to society are kais saied much like the sith. Habib borguiba be like darth sidius, Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Borguiba????? HHHHHHHHHHHHH,(btw this is all jokes,nothing political pls)",,,,,,2021-08-30 18:00:41 peorub,,1,"Tunisians living in Tunisia who makes over 2000dt/month, what do u do?",,,,,,,2021-08-30 19:04:47 peoykb,,48,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-30 19:14:13 peq6ne,,1,Best bank to open a current account (compte courant)?,,,,,,,2021-08-30 20:15:54 petow3,,2,Payoneer -- thoughts?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-30 23:18:49 peuovp,,4,some of the best gyms i sousse ?,"looking for a nice but not too expensive gym in sousse ,for weight lifting ,not interested in crossfit or cardio groups or whatever they are called ,just a nice gym with big enough space and a good number of machines and weights, a place for calisthenics would be great , preferably in hamam sousse or khzama or sahloul, if you already go there and know the prices that would be very helpful, thanks in advance .",,,,,,2021-08-31 00:17:03 pevjt6,,9,How to find relatives in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-31 01:08:05 pexxfh,,4,"Biology majors, what do you plan on or are doing with your degrees in Tunisia?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-31 03:34:10 peybfp,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-08-31 04:00:20 peytlz,,12,Were your parent first or 2nd cousins?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-08-31 04:35:17 pf0pe3,,1,Hergla هرقلة,,,,,,,2021-08-31 07:01:57 pf11se,,2,"Is building a swimming pool in my garden, in tunis worth it or is it too much work and maintenance ?","Should I buy & build a swimming-pool ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-08-31 07:30:49 pf1oxj,,4,The digital and physical worlds are becoming one. What are the implications of this?,"Most people are still unaware of how the digital and physical world are becoming more and more ""one world"". In the 1980s for example, our feelings were primarily directed to people who we directly knew. Our anger and respect and love and disgusting etc were directed to ""awled el 7ouma"" and ""la familia"". Today however we interact with people whom we don't know irl and these people affect our feelings and thus affect our physical world. We might for example have huge feelings of hate towards somebody we know nothing about except the words she writes on the Internet. With the advance of IoT (Internet of Things) and AI this will be even more concrete in the coming years and decades. What implications does this have? How will this affect us humans? How will we think and feel in the future?",,,,,,2021-08-31 08:28:05 pf1qxu,,1,is this true? you can?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-08-31 08:33:02 pf1sdr,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-08-31 08:36:41 pf1ugc,,4,How many siblings do you have?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-08-31 08:42:27 pf3j2c,,0,"Should social networks (Fb, insta, twitter…) be banned in tunisia ?","[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-08-31 10:59:49 pf46x6,,1,Kais Saied did just a little bit of trolling,,,,,,,2021-08-31 11:47:08 pf4brq,,1,Fiber optic,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-31 11:56:37 pf51vh,,1,Déclaration sur la francophonie économique : La Tunisie signe,,,,,,,2021-08-31 12:42:30 pf6g52,,1,Payment method for freelancers in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-31 14:00:55 pf6gsd,,1,.,,,,,,,2021-08-31 14:01:48 pf75g3,,1,Tous pour Sauver Nos frères les algériens ! C'est très URGEEEEENT,,,,,,,2021-08-31 14:37:48 pf7qwy,,1,تويوتا تعيد تشغيل المركبات ذاتية القيادة بعد وقوع حادث,,,,,,,2021-08-31 15:07:35 pfaqo7,,5,Land border crossing from Algeria,"Hi! I know borders are currently closed due to covid, but I'm looking to ride a bike from Algeria into Tunisia. Can I cross anywhere there's a road, or are there only certain places I can cross the border? Also, any advice on places I should visit? I will be on a mtb, and prefer getting away from the busy places. I love nature and experiencing the local culture.",,,,,,2021-08-31 17:36:38 pfc5us,,2,Entry to Tunisia for those who are not vaccinated,"Hey everyone, I'm curious to know if anyone travelled to Tunisia after the 25th of August without a proof of vaccination. As the rules have changed that people who are not vaccinated will have to quarantine in a government-approved hotel for 10 days, I would like to hear from anyone who had to go through this. PS: The person in question is allergic to the vaccine. Unfortunately, getting vaccinated before coming to Tunisia is not an option. Any input on the topic is highly appreciated :)",,,,,,2021-08-31 18:48:15 pfd8ne,,5,"Looking to buy a moto, what is needed?","Hey all, what’s the process of buying a moto in the 110cc-125cc range? Do I need a carte grise for these or some sort of other registration? Something like a Hammer of Lifan. Same thing with insurance, do you just go to a company and show a receipt for an insurance quote? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-08-31 19:42:42 pfeay5,,12,How do you deal with rude people?,"1. How do you deal with rude people in the family? ( Specialty older family members that you can't ""disrespect"" ) 2. How do you deal with rude friends? 3. How do you deal with rude coworkers/roommates?",,,,,,2021-08-31 20:36:41 pfee1z,,2,Is webank account better than a classic bank account?,,,,,,,2021-08-31 20:41:07 pffyku,,1,Is there any way to get money using my phone?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-31 22:02:21 pfgxk1,,1,why a lot of people seem to hate sfaxians ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-08-31 22:56:03 pfhecd,,8,why a lot of people seem to hate sfaxis?,,,,,,,2021-08-31 23:22:10 pfizq1,,9,Best agencies to help me study abroad,"This year would be my second year in college and I feel like I made a huge mistake to not listen to my friends advices and go abroad since my graduation because later I knew that my chances are lower in master. Im an IT student btw and I'm interested in english speaking countries or France , Switzerland, Germany and maybe Spain .So if there's advices or agencie names to suggest that might be helpful I would really appreciate it.",,,,,,2021-09-01 00:55:30 pfjorq,,1,Join us!!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-01 01:36:17 pfk84r,,32,Any new friends? :(,"I'm a 16M (17 in December) who lives in Manouba Wed Elil. I've struggled my entire life to ""fit in"" or enjoy the atmosphere that Tunisians have in general. Most of the things people in my age talk about is just sex or brag about how many girls they've kissed then ghosted. It gets pretty awkward most of the time and I end up being alone. But ever since I found out this reddit even existed my hopes have been renewed. So if anyone has the same struggle as me, feel free to dm me. I can be pretty funny and fun to hang around with but I just never got the chance to be myself in the first place. Thanks for your time and have a good day! Edit: I never said I struggled with interacting with people, it's just that I don't feel like 80% of the teenagers here are worth befriending. Sure fama ka3bet yosl7ou but that's about it. I don't care about meeting someone from reddit or discord and later on finding out they're super awkward or shy. If you're cool with me, then I'm cool with you too.",,,,,,2021-09-01 02:08:06 pfkuzg,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-01 02:46:08 pfprfw,,1,Thoughts about leaving to study in berlin for uni?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-01 08:41:52 pfqlxp,,6,how to send money abroad ?,"I'm moving to Germany soon and I'm in the process of looking for rent. what I found out so far is that landlords will ask you for 1 month rent + deposit to be wired to them before they give you the contract. the question here is how can I wire the money when I find an apartment ?!",,,,,,2021-09-01 09:51:43 pfro6x,,6,Any tunisians into NFTs yet ??,"As the title says! Share your opinions what your working on in the comments ^^ If there is any good developpers that want to collaborate feel free to hit me up !! If a lot of us are into it we can create a discord",,,,,,2021-09-01 11:09:18 pfsmee,,3,This is exactly what we need!! How can we make it happen?," A group of activist-hackers in Belarus has infiltrated almost every part of the the country's authoritarian government in a bid to overthrow the Lukashenko regime, according to MIT's Technology Review and Bloomberg. The hackers, known as Belarus Cyber Partisans, have been leaking information they found on sensitive police and government networks. They first started defacing government websites as an act of protest in September 2020 following the country's disputed election, in which Alexander Lukashenko's win was widely considered as fraudulent. But they also publish the information they get on Telegram, where they have 77,000 subscribers.",,,,,,2021-09-01 12:13:30 pfsyfc,,2,Is binomo legal for underage people?,"Louled is the platform for trading crypto legal in Tunisia, especially for underage people, 5ater Ena 7abut nraha ye5i 3malt compte ou bdit nchouf fil coins, ye5i menich bel3ani sraft flous mil demo account li ya3tiwhoulek, so will I get arrested or not, I am shit scared, I'm 16 btw",,,,,,2021-09-01 12:33:49 pftitg,,3,Tips about giving away Siberian Husky pups in Grand Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-01 13:06:38 pfumzy,,0,I hate couscsi bel 3osben,Idk why many people enjoy eating it . It's so heavy 🤢,,,,,,2021-09-01 14:08:06 pfuo81,,1,I need help choosing a suitable laptop for my needs,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-01 14:09:55 pfvn6x,,33,Do you think Tunisia will be great (again ?) in the next few years / decade ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-01 14:59:50 pfwrq7,,3,How does military conscription work in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-01 15:55:55 pfx4na,,83,Raoua Tlili makes it double gold again. The 31-year-old snatched victory with a world-record final throw of 37.91m in the Paralympic Games discus,,,,,,,2021-09-01 16:13:24 pfxjsx,,2,Is e Dreams a scam ?,"I've booked a flight on e Dreams throught the site 'kayak' , my flight is with Tunisair After confirmation , I can't seem to find my flight on Tunisair's site , does it appear few hours before the flight or how does it exactly work ? Thanks",,,,,,2021-09-01 16:33:57 pg0ao5,,7,Why is Tunisia so dusty?,Can someone explain to me why is Tunisia is so dusty compared to Europe. We already have heqt going for us. Why dust. Pls someone explain,,,,,,2021-09-01 18:46:48 pg17sm,,6,Where can I take a DNA test to know my origins? If yes how much is it?,I want to take a DNA test because I want to know if my origins are mostly middle eastern or european. If yes where do I go or what would I need to know and how much does it cost??,,,,,,2021-09-01 19:32:30 pg1nw9,,1,"Hi, where can i buy a raspberrypi in tunisia ? Thanks",[removed],,,,,,2021-09-01 19:54:34 pg21ce,,2,"Please help ""Server rejected""","i've been trying to upload a picture file on a google forms sheet for my college registration but it keeps failing. should it be in another format or something? PS: the picture is already compressed",,,,,,2021-09-01 20:12:55 pg21hf,,5,"Tunisia: Five Tunisair Directors, Two Engineers Banned From Travel - Justice",,,,,,,2021-09-01 20:13:08 pg5bts,,6,It’s Wednesday & only fair if everyone from this sub shared some (original) Tunisian jokes!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-01 23:05:01 pg5qu6,,11,Explaining numbers in Tunisia,"Why in Tunisia do people say 5 milyon when it is 5000?? Is the milyon part part referring to the millim?? Not the dinar itself?? Or am I confused. I have been watching some Tu isian movies on Netflix and they are saying milyon while the subtitles refer to 1000s. Thanks =)",,,,,,2021-09-01 23:28:26 pgb0qq,,1,Thinking about Studying in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-02 04:53:27 pgfmoe,,6,"A Tunis, le centre-ville à l'européenne menacé de disparition",,,,,,,2021-09-02 11:04:40 pggeir,,49,I found these old slides of someones trip to Tunisia in 1966,,,,,,,2021-09-02 11:58:32 pggkv9,,1,Best iced coffee in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-02 12:09:19 pghr9o,,43,What's your best tunisian pick up lines,,,,,,,2021-09-02 13:20:16 pgj60j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-02 14:37:28 pglda7,,1,Where can i find a cheap locale in Tunis ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-02 16:31:08 pgm43c,,3,Crystals,"Where can I buy crystals/gemstones in Tunisia, are there sites or instagram/facebook pages that you recommend?",,,,,,2021-09-02 17:08:00 pgnevx,,1,Expats in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-02 18:14:00 pgnx8z,,9,Who’s going to win tomorrow ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-02 18:39:50 pgohx8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-02 19:08:49 pgpy3i,,10,Tunisia's Military Has Been Apolitical Since Independence. It Must Stay That Way.,,,,,,,2021-09-02 20:23:37 pgq967,,0,What is the worst Tunisian state and why?,,,,,,,2021-09-02 20:39:27 pgqvsp,,2,TBS ou IHEC carthage,Anehi 5ir for bac eco and why,,,,,,2021-09-02 21:11:42 pgqysm,,1,Studying abroad,"If I want to study abroad on my own , how much does it cost? And what are the necessary documents I must have?",,,,,,2021-09-02 21:16:27 pgrimi,,0,How the heck do people in 2022 still feel 7ogra because of something they have not chosen?,"I was just reading another thread here about the worst town in Tunisia and yesterday there was another one about Sfaxis and what I could read in both is that it still seems to be people who believe they are better people because they happen to be born and raised somewhere, and some other people who seem to feel inferior for the same reason - that is for being born and raised somewhere. I really wanna understand here. I mean, I understand that somebody with very weak personality and absolutely no morals (for example 90% of people from the West) might think like that, but how comes that educated people who claim to be civilised and smart are still there - ya3ni berrasmi mazelet la3bed ghadi?",,,,,,2021-09-02 21:51:38 pgrzzr,,1,Google prêt à créer ses propres puces Chromebook,,,,,,,2021-09-02 22:17:47 pgs301,,1,Job abroad,"So as the title suggests, i'm looking for ways to help me find a job in a foreign country. I finish this year my master in accounting and looking forward for building a future in an European country. Any thoughts and suggestions?",,,,,,2021-09-02 22:22:02 pgt5cb,,0,شيعمل A.L.A في قناة الانسان 🤔,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-02 23:21:27 pgt5ku,,3,Leasing cars,Any idea please on how they work or function ? Any conditions and how the whole process takes place ?,,,,,,2021-09-02 23:21:53 pgtc4t,,63,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-02 23:32:29 pgurhy,,4,"Use of ""inty"" for both males and females?",Just a little confused here but are there any instances in the tunisian dialect where int or inta is used and not always inty?? Does this not get confusing in day to day life interactions? ?,,,,,,2021-09-03 01:00:50 pgxlm5,,6,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-09-03 04:00:17 pgy4qh,,1,How Many Of These Top 10 And Upcoming Tunisian Musicians Do You Know?,,,,,,,2021-09-03 04:35:59 pgydey,,1,Picture i took close to beja,,,,,,,2021-09-03 04:53:52 ph48fe,,0,What are your thoughts on Algeria-Morocco?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-03 12:31:40 ph4hc8,,0,how can i buy gun,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-03 12:47:39 ph552j,,1,"Saudi Arabia sent us tons of aid for the past 3 months, I don't get why we hate them honestly",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-03 13:27:19 ph57w4,,1,We finally reached Tabarka after paddling for 5 days from Tunis in our kayak!,,,,,,,2021-09-03 13:31:47 ph5o0n,,6,Where can I buy figurine with an average price?,"All the figurine official stores in Tunisia, sell they products 5 times expensive than the official price under pretext that their products is imported and high taxes...",,,,,,2021-09-03 13:56:55 ph611f,,5,"Tunisian dialect and ""elwa9ef"" w ""el mettekki""","I found no better words to describe it than ""wa9ef"" and ""metteki"" but he who looks at the Tunisian dialects can easily see that there appears to exist ""vertical"" and ""horizontal"" ways of ending words and this usually also tells us a bit about how different people and different regions are looked at. If we take the word ""ena"" for example it is said in at least six way of which three end vertically and three end horizontally. For each vertical one there is an horizontal alternative. Ena (ex: Tunis) vs eni (Sahel) En'a (ex Gafsa) vs en'i (ex Gabes) and Nè (ex Sidi Bouzid) and Né (different regions). This is manifested through many other examples such as: I hit him (dhrabtou vs dhrabtah), his son (weldou vs weldah). Usually people from ""better"" regions speak vertically whereas people from ""worse"" regions talk horizontally (even though it is a bit more complicated than that actually). Any thoughts?",,,,,,2021-09-03 14:16:39 ph9iat,,0,"For those of you who started online businesses, how was it?","What was your biggest obstacle? Whats the best tip you'd give a newbie? In your opinion, whats the biggest reason some online businesses fail? !!;D",,,,,,2021-09-03 17:13:38 phbitu,,14,Anyone wants to talk?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-03 19:00:17 phboc2,,4,Are you going to leave the country when you finished studying?,"Guys, I have a serious question. Are you going to leave the country when you finished studying? I see a lot of people going to Germany or France and I'm so so about going study there tho",,,,,,2021-09-03 19:07:58 phcj6b,,1,understand zebi," 1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries. brothers time to go back to monke",,,,,,2021-09-03 19:53:44 phdkai,,1,Your thoughts on creating a r/TunisiaGoneWild subreddit,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-03 20:49:01 phdn6b,,1,I will be waiting her in court,,,,,,,2021-09-03 20:53:39 pheml9,,7,What did you do after having finished an engineering degree in Tunisia?,".. and how is it going? Follow-up post with results: [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-03 21:48:07 pherkr,,1,How do you join interpol in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-03 21:56:18 phfcfx,,1,Samsung développe un capteur photo géant de 200 mégapixels pour les smartphones,,,,,,,2021-09-03 22:29:46 phlj0k,,1,Sommet de la Francophonie Djerba 2021: Programme et vidéo promotionnelle,,,,,,,2021-09-04 05:20:17 phlwht,,6,Cheapest place to spay and neuter cats?,As simple as the title. Where is the cheapest clinic that can spay and neuter cats? And how much does it cost?,,,,,,2021-09-04 05:50:33 phojkc,,1,NEW RESIDENT IN NABEUL,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-04 09:40:52 phor5s,,1,Meilleur endroit pour apprendre la science des données au Canada,,,,,,,2021-09-04 10:00:01 phpve7,,4,Nothing,"The real meaning of ""الحرث في البحر""",,,,,,2021-09-04 11:30:38 phqab2,,10,Sociology,"I had a conversation lately with someone about the army and the people within and they brought up this saying :l’armée c’est la poubelle de la société. Which I totally agree with because of my personal experience in the army but I want it to look up papers about this because I know that has been studies About why this phenomenon exsits but i just can't seem to find anything about it. These studies answer questions like: why are low IQ people / poor / desperate more attracted to the army or the police force ? Why are they still hostile environment for women and homosexuals? why such entities ( armed forces)amplify certain traits thus making the armed forces an exaggerated mirrored version of their society (worst?!) Traits? . all these questions I've encountered studies about them before and I had the chance to talk with some Experts about them but I couldn't get more details or go deep into it. so I wanted to ask you guys if you can help me find the answer. Edit 1: I'm not simply talking about education. but to talk about education, the number of educated personnel in the army including engineers and officiers is far outnumbered by number of uneducated low-ranking personnel,so generalizing is not wrong ,but i would like to apologize if i did so. What I'm eluding to is social value and traits , you'll find that sexism, misogyny, patriarchal ideals, leaning to authoritarianism, conservative values, religious intolerance, homophobia (ofc,expected since we are still talking an ""muslim"" country after all),power hungry, mental health denialism and a the classic idea of a ""man"" that's feed by so much exaggerated toxic and vicious cycle toxic masculinity...etc These things exist in society, sure , but in the army they get AMPLIFIED to a maximum, and my question is why? That's it Edit 2:( this is a comment i wanted highlight, thank u @sunbrosa ) The army and police force are by far the easiest jobs to get into with almost next to no qualifications aside from obedience, even though they're pretty much like slavery. That's especially Ture in developing countries. So most ppl getting into those jobs are either ppl who couldn't get anywhere else and have no other choice or ppl who revere authority and power. Now mix that with the kind of power and advantages they get just by being a law keeper or holding a gun, and the respect and fear citizens have towards them. You get narcissistic fascists with low IQ that know nothing but taking orders and giving them who were brainwashed into thinking that they have all the power and can do pretty much anything. Note that they're protected by the law and their fellow mates with almost no accountability. This only applies to developing and communist countries, since in first world countries there's accountability and supervision and even then we see abuse of power.",,,,,,2021-09-04 12:02:25 phrlrb,,7,"Heyy, im trying to introduce a different type of music to my beloved country , some peace and positivity and new age spirituality , i hope u like it",,,,,,,2021-09-04 13:31:07 phry6r,,6,Human interaction,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-04 13:53:20 phswzu,,1,This meme has gone too far,,,,,,,2021-09-04 14:49:26 pht9k4,,36,Why do tunisians always misuse the internet ?,"It always struck me that some Tunisians use Linkedin to hit on girls, facebook to spy on each other. And recently I discovered that some of them post invitations to coffee, bars and party on Reddit. It's like they are insisting on doing what others would qualify as irrelevant to the platform. Can someone explain ?",,,,,,2021-09-04 15:08:40 phv9co,,24,I can't crack the relationships code,"2 days ago was my birthday,i turned 24, not a big event and have never been, but you know Facebooks makes a good job reminding every one who basically never gave fucks about you so they whish you a happy birthday. i had my wall closed so many people stormed me with PMs it was nice of them, the thing is 4 of my closest friends completely forgot or ignored me, they were online that day (cause like a creep i checked) but nothing they just ignored the fact that it was my birthday. I anticipated a text message,a phone call, a gif but nothing , those close friends of mine are not friends of each other so they didn't communicate or anything. I know this might sound like a winey teen rant but it got me really messed up that the people whom i care about and celebrate their day completely shut me off like that, it made me question myself and my worth and maybe i was never as close as i thought, all in all i still feel like shit and i don't know how to feel about them anymore.",,,,,,2021-09-04 16:59:19 phvx6n,,1,"Hey redditors, I would like to invite you a new subreddit in which you can share and see mosque photos from different architectural and cultural backgrounds. All architecture and travel lovers are welcome.",,,,,,,2021-09-04 17:35:00 phw4y8,,1,MAJECTIC St. Joseph Oratory,,,,,,,2021-09-04 17:46:38 phw83g,,3,"Do you think Tunisia could become one of the first arab countries to make homosexuality legal ? If it does, will society progressively become more acceptant ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-04 17:51:27 phwql1,,1,The truth about the guy that got arrested for cryptocurrency in Tunisia in 3 months,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-04 18:19:16 phybud,,10,Solo tourist in Tunisia,"Hey everyone, just wondering if I am planning a solo visit to Tunisia possibly sometime ranging from October to December, I wanted to ask about the following: 1. How is the Political situation right now? Is the country tourist safe or is it like 2011? 2. The spread of the delta variant, is it now under control? I am now fully vaccinated. 3. What is the ideal time duration to spend in Tunisia? 4.Is UBER available in Tunisia or do I have to take the local taxi and if so do I need to agree on a price or is there a meter? Are taxis readily available throughout the country? 5. Are all vendors supporting credit cards or do I need to carry cash with me everywhere? 6. Any recommendations on what places are a must go to and what to watch out for or avoid? Sorry for asking so many questions but Tunisia is a very beautiful country with a lot of nature and culture that I aim to experience soon. Thanks in advance guys =))",,,,,,2021-09-04 19:48:45 phz9b6,,33,When Algeria was part of Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-09-04 20:42:19 phzh2v,,5,Anyone knows a good dermatologist (rosacea etc) close to the capital preferrably im fucking desperate,"already been to a few doctors. I got misdiagnosed a few times and then the most recent doc barely gave me any meds. When i looked online apparently there was a lot of meds that help with rosacea that weren't even suggested to me. Any dermatologists that you know or had any good experiences with? Someone that will listen and hopefully keep visiting long term to keep trying different meds/dosages to see what works with my skin.",,,,,,2021-09-04 20:54:15 phzqfn,,1,It seems that an Israeli aircraft with no airline name other the id: SPAR96 did land in Tunis today,,,,,,,2021-09-04 21:08:48 pi04fi,,5,End of study internship abroad (IT),"Hello 👋 , does anyone here have an experience with doing an internship abroad? I'm in my last year as software engineer student , any advices , tips ? Anything that will help me would be appreciated and thank you 🙏",,,,,,2021-09-04 21:31:26 pi14jl,مزيرية_is_this_a_coincidence_or_are_we/,8,"Misery = مزيرية, Is this a coincidence or are we actually using an English word ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-04 22:31:37 pi3qfi,,3,Answer pls,"As a beginner, I want to ask crypto-traders I don't have anyone abroad to send him money trading can I still trade from Tunisia by myself?",,,,,,2021-09-05 01:21:02 pi4720,,4,Clubs or association to learn robotics for kids,"Hey, is there any good robotic associations they teach and work with kids and teens in Tunis?",,,,,,2021-09-05 01:52:45 pi4flx,ïed/,1,Kais SAÏED 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-05 02:08:20 pi617c,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-05 04:00:13 pi8ini,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-05 07:20:20 pi9h9w,,1,And some people did believe it back in time.,,,,,,,2021-09-05 08:43:00 piahf6,,14,Why did the number of sub saharan african immigrants increased a lot in the last 5 years ?,"I see them daily in almost every train/metro/bus around ""Grand Tunis"" area. I work in an industrial zone in Megrine and almost every factory has sub saharan workers. That was not the case 5 years ago so i wonder what made it easy for them to come to Tunisia ?",,,,,,2021-09-05 10:11:16 piarq0,,2,Who is going to win the afrobasket2021 final ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-05 10:34:25 pib0ej,,1,"الحلقة الثالثة مالTunisian féminist podcast ""Fémisienne"" خرجت! 🤗 الحلقة هاذي تحكي على ال body shaming بأنواعو مالشّعر، للوزن، للطول... و فيها شهادة سبعة أشخاص. des thèmes أخرى زادة I'll",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-05 10:54:35 pib0u9,,1,"الحلقة الثالثة مال Tunisian féminist podcast ""Fémisienne"" خرجت! 🤗 الحلقة هاذي تحكي على ال body shaming بأنواعو مالشّعر، للوزن، للطول... و فيها شهادة سبعة أشخاص",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-05 10:55:37 pib3ss,,3,"The third episode of the Tunisian feminist podcast ""Fémisienne"" is out! This episode is about ""Body Shaming"" (concerning hair, height, weight ect...) and includes 7 testimonies of Tunisian/Algerian women!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-05 11:01:51 pibkkb,,19,"الحلقة الثالثة مالTunisian féminist podcast ""Fémisienne"" خرجت! 🤗 الحلقة هاذي تحكي على ال body shaming بأنواعو مالشّعر، للوزن، للطول... و فيها شهادة سبعة أشخاص.",,,,,,,2021-09-05 11:39:48 picdom,,1,sigma male vs beta male,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-05 12:40:09 pici7d,,1,Préserver la confidentialité de votre emplacement,,,,,,,2021-09-05 12:48:58 picts6,,6,"Bicycle expert, I summon you.","Hello folks, I still young, but due to work and school I'm turning into a boomer-living-style. No more theatre nor working out. The only positive thing is that I sleep early and trying to have a healthy nutrition habits. Long story short, to save myself from this killing routine and boredom, I thought of buying a good VTT, YET I have no clue about the prices and the quality I don't want to YET7CHELI and TETKA3BERLI with a scammer and shitty bicycle. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-09-05 13:10:20 pidaye,,29,Existential crisis,"Any 20 something people here having an existential crisis? Everyone around me seem to have life figured out for them: starting businesses, trading in crypto, having skills...and I'm just like... Euuuuhhhhh... I'm about to finish my studies, with a medical degree that I m not that found of. With no skills, no plans ahead, a some of money that i dunno how to invest in and which value is decreasing by time, and with no knowledge or interest in IT unlike all of my generation. I'm just lost",,,,,,2021-09-05 13:41:40 pif57c,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-05 15:29:35 pij935,,3,Transport...,Can anyone explain the transport system in grand tunis and all the options that I have knowing that I study at FST w 3amel foyer rass tabia,,,,,,2021-09-05 19:11:59 pil2jx,,51,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-05 20:49:49 pio7yb,,1,شبكة Wi-Fi 7 قادمة وتعرضها Intel على أنها ضرورية,,,,,,,2021-09-05 23:56:22 piod4l,,7,Coffee shop recommendation in centre ville.,"Hey guys, I'm looking for a place where I can chill and use my PC, with alright Wifi. I kinda like the Cafe liber'thé vibe, so anything like that, preferably closer to hbib bourgiba. Thanks.",,,,,,2021-09-06 00:05:13 piolza,,9,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 00:21:14 pitiu1,,5,Going to France with tunisian sanity pass is it suffisant at both airport?,"Hi all, My flight to France in few days, I did my covid vaccine and I have the sanity pass. I've been told ineed to convert it to european pass. I did that via but still in progress since 5 days. Is it mandatory to show the last one at france airport? Or I can still wait for it ? Is the pcr mandatory? Or rapid test?",,,,,,2021-09-06 06:00:14 piufz5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 07:09:34 piw8o5,,1,"I have some questions about the American educational system, can you help?",[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 09:40:57 piwp2f,,6,Skateboarding in Sfax,"Yo, i just got myself a penny board and i'm pretty new to this so if anyone is down to hangout and skate, hit me up!",,,,,,2021-09-06 10:17:09 pix7hq,,1,Internship,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 10:58:17 pixs0n,,8,Horologist,Where can I find a professional horologist to fix an expensive watch ?,,,,,,2021-09-06 11:40:08 piy0lh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 11:57:05 piyoxt,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 12:42:13 piyvuk,,1,Question,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 12:54:47 piz6aw,,10,Tunisians in France are you happy ?,"Yup it's another one of these , I'm sorry XD Hey Tunisians in france , do you like living there ? Especially those who left to finish their education and got a job there after they were done ? was it easy to find part time jobs and then a full time job later after graduation ? &#x200B; Is life expensive ? is social life there good ? are french people as racist as Tunisians make them out to be ?",,,,,,2021-09-06 13:12:39 piz75x,,5,What is the difference between the language spoken on Tunisian reality shows and the language/dialect on Tunisian news shows?,"I can only speak/understand Derja I really struggle with any other Arabic even if it's Algerian, when I watch the Tunisian talk shows I can understand 90% but when I watch Tunisian news broadcasts I understand maybe 50%, I learnt Tunisian mainly from my cousin's so I have a largely informal way of speaking. Is it because the news broadcasts using masri or fusha?",,,,,,2021-09-06 13:14:14 pj08mt,,8,What did you do after having finished an engineering degree in Tunisia? - Follow up post,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-09-06 14:15:51 pj3lb0,,30,"Anyone here hiring for job ? ill work anything, i'll clean toilets if i have to, i need job and money",,,,,,,2021-09-06 17:06:55 pj4jm5,,18,"On a serious note, why do Tunisians (Tunisian men/guys) swear so much?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-06 17:51:49 pj4nhj,,1,Libya got no chance,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-06 17:57:00 pj4upx,,42,Libya had no chance,,,,,,,2021-09-06 18:06:27 pj4ztt,,6,Tunisians what is your eye color ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-06 18:13:04 pj5ii3,,1,"How many houses, appartements… do you have ?","[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-06 18:37:47 pj7b3x,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 20:05:06 pj7y26,,1,shot with Google cam,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-06 20:37:22 pj7yyh,,16,shot with Google cam,,,,,,,2021-09-06 20:38:40 pj9a3k,,1,"Best Internet providers in Tunisia, Mornaguia?",[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 21:45:38 pj9bkn,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 21:47:45 pj9d2p,,39,El Haouaria Tunisia🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-09-06 21:49:55 pj9sjj,,15,Where Can I Find a Good Suit ?,"Hello , I'm Looking for Good Places that Sells High Quality yet good Looking Suits , any Ideas ? Budget is ( 500 Dt..1500 Dt ) . Ps: it's for my sister's wedding so I must look Sharp 😁",,,,,,2021-09-06 22:12:38 pjb87d,,1,Is living and studying in grand Tunis is hard ? Cruz I've heard to much about haw unsafe l transport there .. So any advice?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-06 23:34:46 pjfg4o,,6,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 04:00:13 pjhw5a,,1,Un chercheur utilise deux ordinateurs quantiques pour renforcer les clés de cryptage,,,,,,,2021-09-07 07:00:47 pjis0j,,1,Tunisia: 26-years-old man burns himself alive,,,,,,,2021-09-07 08:13:31 pjjndw,,1,What’s the best book to understand Tunisia? (culturally speaking),[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 09:27:59 pjknzq,السياحة_في_تونس/,1,السياحة في تونس,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 10:49:31 pjlxm0,,2,Importing big quantities of stuff from alibaba or aliexpress,"Hey redditors, i want to ask if anyone knows if i can import like quantities of 50-100 at least of goods to sell here in tunisia via ali express or alibaba. If anyone knows what's the legal way to do it or how can i get it paat the diwena? Any info would be great ♥️ (Mat9olich 3adihom mel diwena b rachwa, i dont operate that way)",,,,,,2021-09-07 12:18:51 pjmtlu,,1,Finding a intellectual Tunsian woman is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-07 13:13:56 pjmvdr,,0,Finding an intellectual Tunisian woman is like finding a needle in a haystack,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 13:16:56 pjnbmj,,1,دول مجموعة السبع تحث على العودة إلى النظام الدستوري في تونس,,,,,,,2021-09-07 13:43:24 pjnpcs,تونس_الخضراء/,1,تونس الخضراء,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 14:04:30 pjp7u5,,16,profitable small business in tunisia,help me out :?,,,,,,2021-09-07 15:24:00 pjpgfp,,8,"The herd: historically has been an advantage, but that is not always the case","There are so many writers and philosophers out there whom I could quote about the madness of crowds, brainwashing of the masses, ثقافة القطيع and similar stuff, but let me try to be short and go for this beautiful one by Charles Mackay from 1841: ""We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first."" The more diverse a society is the more likely its people are to accept different opinions and deal with them in a civilised way. The more homogeneous, and thereby often primitive, a society is the more chocked they will be by ideas which don't conform to the generally accepted culture of that society. In many cases they will go as far as accusing advocates of these ideas of being crazy. Or sometimes even kill them. #civilisation",,,,,,2021-09-07 15:35:55 pjq4lp,,1,hello ✌🏼,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-07 16:09:35 pjq57v,,5,This felt a little bit relevant.,,,,,,,2021-09-07 16:10:30 pjrmys,,91,Why are the roads here so horrible?,,,,,,,2021-09-07 17:25:24 pjsi2v,,1,21 m looking for Tunisian gays in sousse,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 18:09:41 pjt3bp,,1,What’s the best book to understand Tunisia? (culturally speaking),[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 18:39:47 pjulag,,1,Try to find an olive oil producer in tunisia. Somebody can help me ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 19:55:11 pjumaz,,1,Atheism,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-07 19:56:35 pjw5wu,,6,"""Tunisian workers are just lazy, unproductive and want to get payed for not working. Ew stop asking for better pay slave"" Vs Reality.",,,,,,,2021-09-07 21:15:52 pjx7ck,,9,Expect call centers ( slavery) there's no part time jobs in Tunisia or what?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-07 22:12:55 pjxhus,,3,Shien shipping to Tunisia,"Hi everyone , I was wondering if there is any way shien could ship to Tunisia , and what are the price ranges for shipping if available , thank you .",,,,,,2021-09-07 22:25:29 pk9dd2,,4,A Tunisian wounded in the Arab Spring sets fire to himself.," After the government failed to compensate a young man a young man injured in Tunisia's 2011 revolution, he burned himself alive, the self-immolation of a 26 years old Neji Hafiane harkens back to the death of Mohammed Bouazizi, a street vendor whose suicide by fire on December 17th 2010 sparked the Tunisian revolution, eventually toppling president Zine EL Abidine Ben Ali and ushering the Arab Spring across the region",,,,,,2021-09-08 12:19:50 pk9m6n,,1,ADHD in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-08 12:35:14 pk9n1f,,13,What’s the best book to understand Tunisia? (culturally speaking),,,,,,,2021-09-08 12:36:45 pk9s0l,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-08 12:45:16 pkapjn,,19,Tomorrow Kais Saied anounces a referendum on a new constitution that puts in place a presidential system. What will you vote ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-08 13:39:10 pkc6bl,,1,My beautiful country ❤🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-09-08 14:59:01 pkcn64,,2,How do customs know that you’re allowed to leave the country when checking your passport?,What’s the difference between a Tunisian living abroad passport and one that lives in Tunisia? How do they know the difference at security checks at the airport?,,,,,,2021-09-08 15:22:28 pkcurd,,1,#fin_el_meme,,,,,,,2021-09-08 15:33:00 pkdp09,,0,this subreddit needs some aromatase inhibitors,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-08 16:16:47 pke3r7,,1,Site des petites annonces for tunisians living abroad? Like tayara but for مواطينين بلاخارج؟,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-08 16:38:14 pkiiq4,,3,"Friendship with the Fr*nch ended. The Spanish, Poles and Romanians are our friends now",,,,,,,2021-09-08 20:24:14 pkjth2,,1,Adurar's Peak progress video for Mira: The Legend of the Djinns! Last 24hours on KS! [Metroidvania PC/Switch game based on Moroccan and Amazigh folklore],[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-08 21:39:20 pkju12,,2,Adurar's Peak progress video for Mira: The Legend of the Djinns! Last 24hours on KS! [Metroidvania PC/Switch game based on North African and Amazigh folklore],,,,,,,2021-09-08 21:40:10 pkk04x,,0,"On average, do you think Tunisians look closer to Sicilians and other Southern Italians, Iberians or Greeks?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-08 21:48:53 pkki39,,0,Are there any psychedelics users here?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-08 22:15:26 pkkuod,,1,"🔥 Beautiful Sunset in Sayada, Monastir 🔥",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-08 22:34:18 pkkw1w,,1,"🔥 Beautiful Sunset in Sayada, Monastir 🔥",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-08 22:36:28 pkkyvj,,38,"🔥 Beautiful Sunset in Sayada, Monastir 🔥","&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-09-08 22:40:46 pkuuii,,14,G7 Countries Urge Tunisia to Resume Constitutional Path," The [**Group of Seven**]( (the G7) countries, yesterday, urged Tunisian President Kais Saied to select and name a prime minister as soon as possible. This statement – asking Tunisia to return to the constitutional norms in which Parliament has a prominent role – was signed by the ambassadors of Germany, the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and Canada. [](",,,,,,2021-09-09 10:05:01 pkuvwf,,2,وكأنه سي ناااابيييل و خوه هربو من قطرة جاو تحت الميزاب و مشاو حنّة...😏 ‏العقوبات ضدهم حسب التهم التي وجهها لهم قاضي التحقيق الجزائري قد تصل للسجن المؤبد...!,,,,,,,2021-09-09 10:08:07 pkv81s,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-09 10:33:57 pkvlrg,,19,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-09 11:02:31 pkwkb3,,3,Moving in Marsa neighborhood advice needed,"Hello guys, I am planning to move in Marsa mainly with my family ( 3 members) what neighborhood would you recommend that is family friendly and what neighborhoods you would not recommend /avoid and why ! I am also open to other suggestions that is perfect to live in with my family members ! Thanks !",,,,,,2021-09-09 12:11:33 pkxiai,,4,how to legalize your upwork business ?,"i have been working for over a year on upwork and i'm starting to make a good amount of money and wondering how i can legalize this whole thing ? any idea ? thanks :)",,,,,,2021-09-09 13:10:23 pky1yk,,37,"Finally made it! Here's the end of our five day, 250km+ sea kayaking trip from Tunis to Tabarka",,,,,,,2021-09-09 13:42:18 pkyvdm,,1,Deadpool fi sidi bousiid tunisia,,,,,,,2021-09-09 14:27:08 pl0g95,,0,"People who still believe in democracy in 2021: n7ebb nes2elkom, LABES?",[removed],,,,,,2021-09-09 15:50:01 pl1cj5,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-09 16:36:00 pl1jdt,,7,Child misbehaving that we are considering calling the police on him!,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-09 16:45:42 pl20kk,,0,Writing is tiring. Let us wrote a discord group!,"Are you for a discord group led and managed by Mondher? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-09 17:09:28 pl23op,,5,Can someone tell me where I can find a dermaroller ?,,,,,,,2021-09-09 17:13:46 pl2qxl,,6,"How open are you having an application that allows you to call a !PRO! technicians like plumbers,electrician etc?","This is just the first poll, I would need to do other ,so if you're interested ,(tnx if u are 🥺) plz stay posted. This question is addressed to everyone but more specifically University students or people who just moved. Put an app allowing you to contact professional technicians tells you the price you're going to pay allows you to do a follow-up in case the gun problem continues and ensures customer satisfaction be something interesting to you? And all you're more comfortable with paying in cash or using for example edinar or a credit card on the app? If u have anything to add plz comment, again thanks u 🙏. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-09 17:46:35 pl38re,électricien_chaud_froid/,3,"Techniciens !PRO!(plombier, électricien ,chaud & froid, mécanicien, etc) application t3awnik ijiwik les demandes clients min kol blassa ,tse3dik?","This question is for any type of technician . an app that allows you to access more client demands, illimited access with just a commission on jobs provided by the app(+ additional benefits later on from) would be something interesting to u ? How would you prefer being payed? How much is a reasonable percentage for the commission? And who of you has free time because I would like to discuss further details. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-09 18:11:27 pl4288,,0,Welcome to one of r/Tunisia biggest debates between Mondher and Kolomo50,"بعد إذن الأدمين الموقر طبعا and even better if he can pin this So as I said in the title, we shall here try to debate on a couple of questions. There are of course a million questions to debate on but to keep it nice and beautiful I chose these five ones, and I give my debatee the honour of choosing the rules (if he wants) ° Most of what you know is very likely to be wrong and I am here to correct it ° Democracy is a very corrupt system to govern a country and Tunisia should never aim to be a democratic country ° The West has never been and will never be a good example to follow ° The only thing we need is to ""fix"" people from the inside. A stable person with sound principles weighs way more than all the world's laws and regulations ° I let my debatee choose the fifth one",,,,,,2021-09-09 18:53:41 pl6fnj,,49,Tabarka-Tunisia❤️ Such a beautiful place❤️,,,,,,,2021-09-09 20:54:56 plc1n0,,6,Camping,"Where to camp safely on winter or next month (considering the weather), Any suggestions and details if possible , I'm still a beginner with camping here in Tunisia 🇹🇳 Thanks",,,,,,2021-09-10 02:20:59 plchez,,105,"Timeless photo from 112 years ago. Taken in a souk in the Tunis medina, Tunisia, this autochrome by Gervais-Courtellemont is original colour from 1909 (credit: Stuart Humphryes- Babel Colour)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-10 02:48:40 pldkvw,,5,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-09-10 04:00:12 plesza,,13,Experiences and advice in Tunisia for non-Tunisian Arabs?,"Hello, I am an Arab living in North America from Iraqi origins (sunni). Due to some difficulties in Iraq we were essentially exiled and forced to immigrate, but thankfully managed to find success. However, I have always wanted to return to the Arab world since I feel like a stranger where I am, and Tunisia seems like one of the best options (also considering Jordan) because of its stability (at least compared to other Arab countries), nice weather, etc. I speak Arabic, English, and a little bit of French. I have the option to live in tunisia for a few months next year, and possibly longer in the future if I like it. Is this a good idea? If I choose to stay long term is it possibly to be accepted in Tunisian society? Is it a good place to plant roots for the future? Thanks",,,,,,2021-09-10 05:27:08 plioca,,2,"Coronavirus, concern in Tunisia over the ""MU"" variant",,,,,,,2021-09-10 10:51:25 plko87,,1,Any good Tunisian P... ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-10 13:06:19 plmbke,,10,Which medicines do psychologists give for a person who may be diagnosed with ADHD?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-10 14:37:26 plmgs7,,16,"🔥 Beautiful Stars and Moon shots in Sayada, Monastir 🔥","&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-09-10 14:45:06 pln4nn,,0,A few words about money (which you probably only will read here),"Money is one of the biggest problems for so many people. Yet it should never be. Money is a concept which was created and has been evolving throughout thousands of years but fiat money specifically has never been anything else than ""empty numbers"". A concept. Numbers that wealthy and powerful individuals inside wealthy and powerful nations decide how they should be divided amongst people. In order to change such a process which has been ongoing for a very long time a big revolution is needed and that will take time but for you as an individual here are some easy tips which will help you understand money better: 1) Money is good as long as it is a means. Money is evil when it becomes a goal in itself. Btw, for 99%of the people it is a goal. 2) Never talk about money. Make it instead. And be sure that if you belong to the 99% mentioned above you will never make enough money. 3) Money in itself as I said is useless so if you don't have money control your cravings and wishes instead. Change yourself from within. Don't live and then make money for your living (that is how loans work for example) but instead make money first and then live by it. Never use money you don't already have.",,,,,,2021-09-10 15:19:52 plox0v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-10 16:53:07 plpp9l,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-10 17:33:30 plq6cj,,0,Do you think that corruption is so bad in Tunisia to the point that it is a NECESSITY to have a واسطة.,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-10 17:58:42 plqr8k,,3,Covid-19 - rules for vaccinated tourists,Hi! The rules for vaccinated tourists changed since the time I've bought my trip (3weeks) ago and now we should self-isolate ourselves for 10 days in a 'private accommodation'? Does any authority care about this? When I planned the trip vaccinated tourists did not need to isolate - otherwise I wouldn't go...,,,,,,2021-09-10 18:29:56 plqwaf,,58,"Is this real? If yes do you have sources that confirm it. This is the greatest news to end my day on. Last year, someone poisoned my cat Toothless.",,,,,,,2021-09-10 18:37:09 plqyce,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-10 18:40:12 pltaa3,,1,University clubs recommendation,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-10 20:44:26 pltmma,,3,"How familiar are you with ""Incels"" ideology",[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-10 21:03:17 plu1jq,,1,جربت الكيف بأنواع- لما بضمك ع صديري -لا حالي احلال - شفتا نايمي - على شو...,,,,,,,2021-09-10 21:25:45 plu2lo,,9,Where's the best co-working space in grand Tunis where I can organise a 24 hour event ?,"I'm looking for some place in a safe neighborhood as we will be spending 24 hours there. also I have no idea what this type of stuff costs, so please give me an estimate.",,,,,,2021-09-10 21:27:20 plvemp,,2,Deserted medical practices that we still have here?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-10 22:43:00 plw4np,,2,Sousse to Tunis and then back,Hey I need to go to Tunis (from Sousse) and go back on the same day.I need to know the train hours (I couldn't understand the website). Also is there cheap transportation from la gare to el lac? Ty,,,,,,2021-09-10 23:26:53 plwyez,,170,Beautiful Mini Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-09-11 00:19:25 plwzxa,,1,Looking for small (online) Jobs,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-11 00:22:09 plymbz,,1,Need ur help (panic attacks),[removed],,,,,,2021-09-11 02:09:39 pm74m8,,1,"Where can i find amethysts/ rose quartz in tunis, and do you have any ideas about the price?",,,,,,,2021-09-11 13:08:09 pm7gg6,,7,Longing for modernity at the expense of happiness: cooking food as an example.,"What I am going to say here is something which people should have as a mentality no matter which issue they are faced with. It has to be their way of thinking and being if they want to live happy lives. It is not easy to become a free thinker but the reward is huge, once you succeed. And I chose a relatively ""extreme"" example so that people understand how important it is to think correctly and live well. The example is food. We need food to survive and most food needs to be cooked. How the food is cooked is never important. If it is on the latest and most sophisticated machine or on wood, it is literally and absolutely no difference. The only three things that should matter when preparing food: taste, healthiness and time of preparation. It is ok if you want to be ""a stressed unhappy modern human being"" where everything shall be too quick. Then, fine, be modern. But don't forget that choosing a humble lifestyle where quality is the most important thing is much more sustainable in the long run. Now, apply that to every single thing in your life and soon you will start seeing change.",,,,,,2021-09-11 13:29:49 pm7jrf,",109689100-art",3,Tunis grounds plan to buy second-hand Kuwaiti F-18s.,,,,,,,2021-09-11 13:35:38 pm7qox,,1,7ELMA LYRICS » BALTI » Lyrics Over A2z,,,,,,,2021-09-11 13:47:59 pm9lni,,8,Tinder,Is using Tinder in Tunisia specially in sfax a good idea?,,,,,,2021-09-11 15:38:22 pma8wd,,17,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-11 16:14:43 pmaozn,,28,Kayaking along the north coast of Djerba this July. Look at that water!,,,,,,,2021-09-11 16:39:11 pmb5b7,,19,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-11 17:03:15 pmb6g4,,1,فرق تقنية المعلومات بأنه ملزمون بالتضحية بالأمن لصالح العمليات التجارية,,,,,,,2021-09-11 17:04:56 pmckky,,34,What is your Unpopular Opinion that you need to scream it out?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-11 18:21:15 pmga1k,,1,Where to learn Japanese in sousse,"Aaslema, billehy fammech blayes y9arou Japanese fi sousse?",,,,,,2021-09-11 21:55:55 pmgs07,,6,What is the best car to buy for around 15k+- DT,The title says it all.,,,,,,2021-09-11 22:26:03 pmhpyl,,6,"Au Maroc comme en Tunisie, les partis islamistes n'ont plus la cote",,,,,,,2021-09-11 23:25:33 pmlof1,,6,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-09-12 04:00:16 pmpwpy,,19,Me every morning,,,,,,,2021-09-12 09:54:29 pmq1rh,,10,This country man...,"People still having weddings and then being surprised when a few die from covid... I also heard of a drunk man driving his wife and her 8 month old baby...they died and left 5...5!!!!! Other children behind, why even have 6 children? I doubt you can afford and take care of all of them, this isn't the 1980s.",,,,,,2021-09-12 10:06:12 pmq213,,9,Chkoun marka el louwel ?,What other questions every Tunisian should have the answer for ?,,,,,,2021-09-12 10:06:49 pmqb5g,,5,"Mdrna second dose , symptoms and fever","I got my second dose last day , after I went to bed my fever increased to over 40° and too much hallucinations , is it normal? And how long does it take to get rid of the fever , it's 38° now",,,,,,2021-09-12 10:28:55 pmqqzg,,7,Good psychiatrist in Nabeul or Tunis?,"I have severe OCD/intrusive thoughts and I just recently relapsed. I can't take it much longer, it's torturing me. If you know any good psychiatrist who can help me or at least prescribe me the right medication then please help me!",,,,,,2021-09-12 11:05:18 pmqrnk,,21,What do you do for fun ?,,,,,,,2021-09-12 11:06:57 pmrds3,,0,تونسي يضرم النّار في نفسه,,,,,,,2021-09-12 11:58:11 pmse0x,,9,Looking for a medication,"Hello my Tunisian friends, I hope I'm not infringing the sub rules. I'm from Algeria and it appears the medication imatib 400 is in shortage here. Please, could someone (preferably from Tbarka, as it's the closest to me) check if it's available there, and how much does it cost (for a bottle of 30). Thanks a lot in advance!",,,,,,2021-09-12 13:09:12 pmtfnk,,3,where can i buy good quality ear buds ?,"i mean the title is pretty self explanatory, i want some nice headphones that'll last me for quite a while but i all i can find is rip off versions and chinese knock offs. do y'all know a reputable source i can buy from ?",,,,,,2021-09-12 14:15:05 pmuzf9,,11,What's one thing you love about Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2021-09-12 15:40:28 pmwy83,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-12 17:22:54 pmx1fx,,23,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-12 17:27:37 pmxjb9,,1,Time travel?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-12 17:53:58 pmyduf,,2,I want to become a mechanical engineer and i need help!,Ana nhib na3mil cycle d'ingénierie w ana taw na9ra licence en génie mécanique w bech nit3ada deux années but in my first year mamajwartich so chnowa lhal?,,,,,,2021-09-12 18:38:53 pmz4rz,,1,Moderna vaccine,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-12 19:18:18 pmza9r,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-12 19:26:22 pmzf8n,,1,Genshin Impacters or ...,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-12 19:33:41 pmznx8,,15,CARTHAGE FROM ABOVE 👌,,,,,,,2021-09-12 19:46:34 pn05sm,,27,Tunisians: how do you feel about LGBT+ people?,"How? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-12 20:12:52 pn0hpd,,7,Genshin Impacters or ...,"Who's playing Genshin Impact? Otherwise, what's your casual game(s)?",,,,,,2021-09-12 20:30:49 pn103g,,1,Bella,,,,,,,2021-09-12 20:58:40 pn145m,,1,Earn money,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-12 21:04:18 pn2ht5,,6,How do you become more social?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-12 22:20:47 pn2omj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-12 22:31:35 pn3f9g,,1,Relaxing rain,,,,,,,2021-09-12 23:15:31 pn8262,,44,How to make a Tunisian cry with one pic,,,,,,,2021-09-13 04:06:52 pnaq2j,,0,The correct way of thinking about the LGBT issue,"I am seeing many logical fallacies when it comes to the LGBT question here. For example, people who don't differentiate between their opinions and facts. You might love lgbt people as much as you want and you might support them as much as you want and you might feel very modern for that. All that is fine. But once you start including religion in your arguments then you immediately have to hear: SHUT UP! DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW! Do you even believe in God? If yes, do you care about what He said about this question? If yes, do you know which is the correct way to truly know what He truly said? If yes, are you willing to respect and listen to the thousands of Men who dedicated their lives and accepted to suffer so that you truly get His message as He exactly said it?  Now, we all know that the answer to - at least the three last questions and in many cases all four- is no for most people, so think what you want and feel what you want but don't you ever include religion and insist on giving legitimacy to your opinions just because they are your opinions.",,,,,,2021-09-13 07:29:16 pnaq7q,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 07:29:38 pnas4o,,2,Should i come back?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-13 07:34:08 pnay85,,1,Fitness,,,,,,,2021-09-13 07:49:25 pnbpgb,,1,Quick question,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-13 08:59:30 pnbted,,1,I posted this yesterday and they deleted it,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-13 09:08:52 pnbtqd,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 09:09:43 pnby07,,1,Why they delete everything I post even though I'm respecting the rules.,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 09:20:05 pnbz6q,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 09:22:57 pnc1do,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 09:28:03 pncyzi,,15,Durex condoms are too pricy .Where do you get condoms from ?,,,,,,,2021-09-13 10:47:37 pndqf0,,6,What is Saied's opinion on Gaddafi?,Saied's constitutional proposals are vaguely similar to Gaddafi's direct democracy policies (which in that case were a fig leaf for authoritarianism). Has Saied mentioned any views on Gaddafi specifically in the past?,,,,,,2021-09-13 11:44:51 pne67p,,4,A college student looking for a part time job in Monastir,Need to know where to look/who hire,,,,,,2021-09-13 12:14:29 pnejzo,,9,Finding a job abroad,"Hello everyone, i don't know if this is the right place to post but i apologise if it isn't. I am a 29 year old guy with 3 years of experience working in the IT Support field (at more than one company). I am fluent in English and French and i only have a bachelor's degree in computer science. I would like to know how/what to do in order to land a job abroad (my primary target is Europe but i am open for other countries). I've heard of a lot of people in my field who found jobs in France so it was my focus lately, especially since i've worked there for 2 weeks during a work mission with my former company, and i loved it there! I also tried some ""SSII"" companies that help you find a contract in France but nothing came out of it. Some people also recommended i get some certifications so i am planning to get an ITIL one and i hope that'll help boost my chances. I would appreciate any advice or pointers as to how to proceed and where to look etc. Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2021-09-13 12:38:43 pnepq9,,1,What is your favorite food?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-13 12:48:00 pnfw3q,,0,Language is identity but most Tunisians can't write proper Tunisian,"One thing I have noticed throughout the years and there just is so many examples out there that show how bad Tunisians in reality know their language. I am a bit in a hurry now but I can come up with at least three examples here but I will add more when I come up with more and you people are of course encouraged to contribute with things you have noticed: 1- متاحم instead of متاعهم 2- ادمّر، ادّبر، ادّس instead of تدمّر، تدبّر، تدس 3- ما حاشتيش instead of ما حاجتيش(omg this is the worst) Edit: 4- ما قصتش instead of ما قصدتش(this one for example might lead to misunderstanding)",,,,,,2021-09-13 13:53:16 pnfyk9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 13:57:01 png7s3,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 14:09:50 pnguq1,,1,Plan long d'une petite plante dans une tempête de pluie,,,,,,,2021-09-13 14:43:29 pnh4dc,,1,LSD IN SOUSSE.,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 14:57:23 pni6zm,,5,Hello fellow tunisians,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 15:51:58 pni71b,,3,Dancing drunk guy in the dessert,"a video about a Tunisian drunk guy went viral a while ago in Tunisia, if anyone would link me the video I would be very grateful, thank you",,,,,,2021-09-13 15:52:03 pni7jo,,1,Does r/Tunisia respect their own rules?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 15:52:47 pni8o2,,1,Gagner de l'argent avec golden farm,,,,,,,2021-09-13 15:54:25 pnjvie,,2,Earphones!,"what are the BEST SOUNDING, in-ear, Wired earphones available now in tunisia? mainly for music.. and gaming secondarily.",,,,,,2021-09-13 17:15:39 pnkc5c,,1,Gagner argent avec affiliate program,,,,,,,2021-09-13 17:38:29 pnm386,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 19:07:12 pnm7ff,,121,A digital painting of mine of a woman in a red Malia (@TaaazArt),,,,,,,2021-09-13 19:13:10 pnmjfc,,4,"Friend is moving to Tunis from Frankfurt to work for an NGO, what would be a nice gift (perhaps something hard to come by in 🇹🇳?)","My best friend is moving to Tunis next month and for his birthday I'm thinking about giving him something useful. For those of you who perhaps know Germany and Tunisia, what would be a useful gift for his time there?",,,,,,2021-09-13 19:30:17 pnnijr,,7,Studying in France,"Hi, I wanted to ask, If I want to study in France, do I have to first go Prepa to become an Engineer (Ingénieur) first or no need for prepa? Thanks.",,,,,,2021-09-13 20:19:03 pnnp8h,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 20:28:30 pnnqc8,,1,The richest people on the Tunis Stock Exchange,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 20:30:05 pnnvtc,,23,"A digital painting by me, 2 kids in traditional Tunisian dress. The same type of dress was worn all over the Maghreb with regional variations. @TaaazArt",,,,,,,2021-09-13 20:37:49 pno4hl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 20:50:46 pno52v,,1,My parents want me to give them money,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 20:51:35 pno6x4,,1,Data science in tunis,"I just started studying computer science in university and i applied for an english only program that had only one specialty after i complete my 3 years of prepa and it was data science, I was accepted but I don't know if i should switch to normal french courses where there is the option to become a software engineer or stay, if anyone in the industry can help me out I would appreciate it.",,,,,,2021-09-13 20:54:15 pnobml,,1,My parents want me to pay them,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 21:00:52 pnom2h,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 21:15:33 pnpors,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-13 22:12:44 pnr9kq,,18,I feel i am behind in life,"As my mental health is getting worse day by day, I think I will do a digital detox(quitting social media) for 90 days to Eliminate destruction and getting my life together What should I do in that period? If you did it before how it affected you life?",,,,,,2021-09-13 23:44:51 pnrovk,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 00:09:44 pnrw3c,,5,Street art in Djerba,"I'm interested in doing some street art (graffiti...) I'm an absolute beginner but i wll just begin small and simple it for fun If anybody's down you can dm me.",,,,,,2021-09-14 00:21:36 pnsqmk,,1,Freelancing problem,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 01:13:56 pntbbz,,1,Is mediterranean university in tunis good?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 01:48:41 pntfnl,,1,Should I come back to tunisia after 18 yrs?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 01:56:03 pnve0i,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-09-14 04:00:16 pnwhia,,40,Map of Poverty in Tunisia by Governorate,,,,,,,2021-09-14 05:16:53 pnzhi9,,3,This belongs here (credits shown in the watermark),,,,,,,2021-09-14 09:36:30 pnzk5k,,3,gambling,"andi tarf flous fel edinar nheb nchargi compte bet for fun and why not gain some money if possible fama barcha sitet 1xbet, bountou1x2 ..... bech tenshouni o i have no idea ala el koura so ken fama forme ekher etc",,,,,,2021-09-14 09:42:40 pnzz86,,6,Questions for those who succeeded bac math last year !,What do you recommend for current bac math students ?,,,,,,2021-09-14 10:17:18 po0xc8,,1,I need a good doctor for panic attacks and social anxiety? Any recommendations in Tunis?!,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 11:30:18 po1ml2,,4,LOOKING FOR INSIGHTS ON DROPSHIPPING ET LA DOUANE TUNISIENNE,"Hello fellow compatriotes, I'd like to try do dropshipping in our market, as I see it as quite a profitable investment problem is I have no clue on how our ""douane"" works. My question is as follows: who's tried ordering from aliexpress or any other shipping platforms what's the experience how did it go douane wise",,,,,,2021-09-14 12:18:23 po1zjx,,6,Is it legal to bring Cigars to tunis? is it expensive to get them in? like three boxes (25 cigars in each box),?,,,,,,2021-09-14 12:40:52 po1zso,,3,What do people want in Tunisia,What do you like to do as a daily thing to spend your free time like browsing social media or netflix or something like that .,,,,,,2021-09-14 12:41:18 po286p,,4,Etats généraux du livre en langue française dans le monde les 23 & 24 septembre à Tunis,,,,,,,2021-09-14 12:56:07 po2byi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 13:02:20 po3a4f,,5,I'm searching for someone living in France (Lyon) to help me,"Hi everyone! I'm currently preparing papers to get the Visa to study in France (Lyon). One of the documents is about accommodation ( hébergement). Is there someone that can help me and provide me what is called ""lettre d'hebergement "" ? It's just to get the Visa and later i'll search for rent for sure. Other question does anyone have any idea where i can find rent with a maximum price of 500 € (résidence privé pour étudiants ou autre). Thank you for your help.",,,,,,2021-09-14 13:56:29 po3h2v,,0,suck my cock feds,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 14:06:32 po4n92,,0,Disturbing Tunisian linguistic phenomena (part 2),"Changing words/names is also a phenomenon which I find quite aggressive and uncivilised and we should do our best to educate the masses so that they stop with it. Again, I know very well that this is not exclusively a Tunisian phenomenon but I don't need to remind every time that we are in r/Tunisia. What I can come up with now: boun9iba instead of Bourguiba, Markhouf instead of Makhlouf, Boujelgha instead of Ghannouchi, Mazroub instead of Marzouk, Zakzouki instead of Marzouki, Khammarat instead of Emirates, Jarbou3istan instead of Tunisia (this one isn't so bad tho), Bal7a instead of Sissi and the list never ends. Are there any ones which I forgot and which are common? P.S even worse than all the one I mentioned is words like ""na9about"", ""7adathout"", ""tha9afout"", ""الشرفاء و الأحرار"" and ""الصبايحية""",,,,,,2021-09-14 15:08:45 po7osa,,7,questions about CTI (carte technologique internationale) and working online in the gig economy,"→ how can i withdraw the money i have on Payoneer? do I simply go to the post office and ask to withdraw money from my CTI account? → is there a limit on the money i can withdraw? → is the payoneer mastercard eligible in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2021-09-14 17:43:21 po7s1n,,5,Ya5i najem nejbed flous mel carte technologique wala ely nsobhom ma3ach yetjebdou,,,,,,,2021-09-14 17:48:01 po7sxa,,1,Best Gyms in Lac I,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 17:49:20 po8ob5,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 18:34:26 po8r5j,,4,"Tunisians of reddit, how do you feel about cops in Tunisia"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-14 18:38:31 po8tc5,,3,"Tunisians of reddit, how do you feel about your country"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-14 18:41:41 po8vue,,3,"Tunisians of reddit, would you think twice about leaving Tunisia for a developed country if it wasn't for your family"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-14 18:45:12 po9bfl,,3,"Tunisians of reddit, how do you feel about homesexuality and transgendarism in Tunisia"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-14 19:07:19 po9djt,,9,Studying in France...,"I'm 3éme année science this year and next year if i get a good bac score my parents are willing to send me to settle with my uncle in France so i have couple questions first being is this simply possible and if it is what should i really do to get an education there . And my main question is racism ... I've got some friends that went to France and were victims of racism So should i just decline my parents offer? Cuz i don't want to get bullied everyday u know.",,,,,,2021-09-14 19:10:11 po9ekj,,6,"Tunisians of reddit, how do you identify?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-14 19:11:41 poafwz,,85,We won both african championships for volleyball (3rd time in a row and 11th title) and basketball(2nd time in a row and 3rd title),,,,,,,2021-09-14 20:03:51 poaq6h,,3,Did all the light posts in your neighborhood stop working too?,"I don't even know what is happening, all of the light posts surrounding my house suddenly turned off the electricity didn't even go out in my house. The light post across the street still works, did this happen to you?",,,,,,2021-09-14 20:18:06 pocj3x,,4,Good ket souce?,,,,,,,2021-09-14 21:51:52 podn2c,,1,Board games shop,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-14 22:53:27 pokn6b,,139,"I'm nearly 20 but only realized ""corrondaire"" is actually courant d'air 10 minutes ago, what word in derja took you too long to decrypt?",,,,,,,2021-09-15 06:29:18 polfag,,1,Microsoft met en garde contre une attaque utilisant des fichiers Office,,,,,,,2021-09-15 07:31:50 pon3n0,,8,What is the best cheese cake place in Tunis ?,,,,,,,2021-09-15 10:00:47 popziu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-15 13:20:05 popzu0,,4,What should I do to pass the IELTS?,"I'm a 20 yo student and I have 2 years left in Tunisia I need a great score in the IELTS test so I can attend a good university for my masters in the UK. The problem is that I'm not comfortable speaking english and I believe my level would be upper intermediate by now. That's why I'm thinking of taking a few sessions in Amideast before taking the test rather than a preparation session for the IELTS in the British Council. PS: I am more into the American accent than the British. So what do you think guys?",,,,,,2021-09-15 13:20:37 poq4d6,,1,Hadra! Episode 1 is out!,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-15 13:28:18 posavj,,11,How long do you thing it will take for the political situation in Tunisia to return to normal? Do you want it to?,"I've been following the news about president Saied sacking the prime minister and suspending Parliament. He has claimed that it was all temporary and that there was a dire need for bold action in the face of the numerous crises in the country. Do you see this as a legitimate attempt to save Tunisia or a power grab, with the dire situation as an excuse? Do you think that the country's political system will return to normal? Asking out of pure curiosity.",,,,,,2021-09-15 15:25:21 poux0z,,6,Are Cafes allowing people to smoke chicha?,"Hey guys, heard that since a few months back it's not allowed to smoke chicha anymore cause of Corona, and police is ticketing people who do it. Is this true? If not I would appreciate suggestion of places to smoke in Marsa 😁",,,,,,2021-09-15 17:36:43 povn8a,,1,Doberman puppies available,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-15 18:13:18 powhu1,,6,anyone knows where can i find a good planetarium in tunisia ?,the title sum it all,,,,,,2021-09-15 18:57:50 poym96,,4,How do you wipe?,"A culturally important question. Facing a dilemma and i need more input. My friend recently told me no one other than small kids uses their hand. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-15 20:46:59 poz5xe,,0,bac,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-15 21:15:00 poz6sw,,1,Any manga readers in here? and what did you read so far?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-15 21:16:14 poz972,,12,Any manga readers in here? and what did you read so far?,"I read : * Vagabond * Solanin * The Promised Neverland * Berserk * Chainsaw Man * Monster * Homunculus * Manhole * Uzumaki * Liar Game * Bakuman * Abara * Jujutsu Kaisen * Vinland Saga * 20th Century Boys * Banana Fish * Battle Royale * Akira * Bastard * Beck * Billy Bat * Dead Tube * Death Note * Dragon Head * Emerging * Franken Fran * Freesia * Fruits Basket * Gantz * Grand Blue * Hotel * Horimiya * Ikigami * I Am Hero * Mirai Nikki * Mushishi * NHK * Nichijou * NHK ni Youkoso! * One Outs * Pluto * Planets * Prison School * Sekai Oni * Seven Days * Soul Eater * Spy Home * The Breaker * The Horizon * Tokyo Ghoul * Tower of God * Usagi Drop * Wolfsmund * xxxHOLIC * Yotsuba to! * Blood on the Tracks I wanna share my MAL link so bad but I'm against personal informations on reddit so I'm dying inside rn haha",,,,,,2021-09-15 21:19:43 pozij6,,2,Where can I buy a reagent test in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-09-15 21:33:22 pp02gv,,2,Covid restrictions on foreigners entering the country,"What are the quarantine restrictions from someone entering the country from Europe who has been double vaccinated? I am seeing mixed articles, some say quarantine is required for 10 days in private / hotel accommodation and some say no quarantine is required. If it is required, is it policed? Will I be thrown in jail for breaking quarantine? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-09-15 22:02:25 pp24dw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 00:00:08 pp2qh4,,1,Looking for help from Tunisians studying abroad,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 00:37:22 pp397e,,1,Looking for help from Tunisians studying abroad,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 01:09:30 pp3aze,,1,Looking for help from Tunisians studying abroad,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 01:12:41 pp75fv,,11,Where can a person collecting old and modern pocket knifes go in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-09-16 05:26:28 pp8372,,45,"'3,500 Tunisians' campaign against beach pollution",,,,,,,2021-09-16 06:42:50 pp8pl0,,16,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 07:35:48 ppacdg,,1,How to setup a remote contract in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 10:02:46 ppb0mv,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 10:56:24 ppb0vp,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 10:56:54 ppbk9w,,8,Skincare,"is there anyone in here who has a successful skincare routine for acne prone skin? if so, can u recommend any products for me to try..? i have a very sensitive skin and tried so many products but in vain.. any insigh would be much appreciated.",,,,,,2021-09-16 11:35:13 ppfixq,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 15:28:45 pph1yn,,6,I need your opinion,"Do German universities require only the German language or do they accept IELTS, cause if so why do many people are choosing the hard path and they study german why don't they just study in English? Is it better to study English or german?",,,,,,2021-09-16 16:47:20 pphkzf,,12,I don't know how to drive,"I'm taking a lot of lessons on how to drive! And Im on the point that I'm supposed to not do stuff that I shouldn't do like accidently turn the car off for leaving the clutch so fast. Or getting stressed when seeing an obstacle in front of me and don't brake. My tutor says that I need to concentrate more. It's not like I'm not trying. Do I have a problem?",,,,,,2021-09-16 17:13:35 pphvrs,,6,Gun laws in tunisia,"i have been wondering, is the only case where a civilian is allowed to own firearms is hunting ?",,,,,,2021-09-16 17:29:02 pphyf0,,57,"Too afraid to go to Hattab ou Chouchou, here you go with flavoured lablebi or Ojja chips",,,,,,,2021-09-16 17:32:56 ppj4z5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 18:33:30 ppke21,,4,looking for a job vacancy,heyy people am a freshly graduated English literature and civilization student with an English teacher degree and I really need a job asap so can someone please help me out (i've been applying for many jobs but ended up being rejected cuz most of them asked for experience and am like how.. am asking for job so i can get the experience and it is really frustrating ugh fml),,,,,,2021-09-16 19:37:28 ppkqbf,,1,"Macron has declared Deash leader dead, that is why we should fight feminism",[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 19:54:42 ppksex,,1,Amindoudi,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-16 19:57:44 ppm151,,7,Spanish Influence on the language and culture of TUNISIA 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-09-16 21:01:21 ppmhdu,,1,تطبيق جديد للذكاء الاصطناعي يقوم بتبديل وجه أحد الممثلين رقميًا بآخر في مشهد فيديو,,,,,,,2021-09-16 21:24:43 pppy1e,,3,Where to buy (medicinal) herbs ?,"Hello fellow Tunisiains ! So I was wondering where should I go to buy some herbs (my guess was the souk of Centre-ville). Also, it ould be much appreciated if someone could help me with translating these herbs names in Tunisian dialect since I am not very good at : Molène (do we even have this here?), Thyn/thyme , Lavender, Chamomille, Sage, Rose petals, Jasmine. Thank you in advance !",,,,,,2021-09-17 00:50:55 ppsvgd,,5,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-09-17 04:00:16 ppxxxa,,30,Why is this sub si funny,I'm not even Tunisian but from time to time I visit this sub because the posts are usually very funny (and the comments included). Some people insult in a funny way and a recent post (for example) asked about how people clean their ass,,,,,,2021-09-17 10:58:19 ppy8tt,,0,to the jihad we go,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-17 11:20:26 ppy9p7,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-17 11:22:19 ppzlgd,,21,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-17 12:53:44 pq1da2,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-17 14:36:11 pq2vul,,3,Calling a person by his last name,What's the difference between calling a person by his name and his last name. Is calling a person by his name that means that that person is close to you? I find calling people with their last name is insulting towards them or maybe you tunisian people are different,,,,,,2021-09-17 15:57:44 pq2zbs,,21,The Gym/Personal coaching/fitness culture is Tunisia is soooo retarded.,"Majority of gyms in Tunisia just put pictures or spam videos of roided guys doing some weightlifting exercises as if it was attainable for your average gym goer, giving teens a false hope/goal that helps create body dysmorphia and discourage them from adopting a healthy/balanced life style. Personal coaches making their clients adopt a stupid ass program with infinite amount of cardio and meal plans that are simply not enjoyable? i mean how is it hard to just take some time and listen to what your client like as food and try to find some healthy alternatives or even make small tweaks to his favorite dish so he can still have fun? why don't bother and listen to his favorite activities ( maybe walking or biking ) and try to make them a little bit more challenging instead of the suffering i see them endure every time in the gym? ( i get it exercise should be challenging but it should be also a progressive activity that is adapted to the trainee level.) they keep posting pictures of people losing 8 kg in 2 weeks as if it was something to be proud of ( but in reality that the majority of that weight loss is just water weight/glycogene depletion from the bs i talked about earlier) The whole industry fails to illustrate that being healthy is a lifestyle not a shore. People fail to understand that to lose weight it's all about calories in/calories out ( thermodynamics hello???), yet they keep emphasizing on the ''slata/escalope'' bs diet from the 50s.. ( am not saying micronutrients are not important, but just putting people on absurd meal plans won't solve the issue and your asking for eating disorders, YOYO dieting etc..) The whole industry reflects how much we are uneducated about this matter. it may sound like a very superficial matter, but really when you get to see the prevalence of people with metabolic syndrome/Diabetes/Hypertension in our country it's getting absurd. No drug in the world, no doctor in the world could restore or help reduce the damage you do to your own healthy once you reach these stages. The most powerful tool we have is sports/diet and it doesn't even need to be perfect at 100 %, just moderation and be good like 80 % of the time and you will get with it. no need '' bech tehrem rohik'' or follow an absurd diet ( AM TALKING TO YOU LOW CARB DIETS BS) just be smart, google your calories, and eat with moderation while trying to vary it as much as you can. For weightlifting, never compare yourself to others, COMPARE YOURSELF WITH YOUR OWN SELF, it's great to have a model but don't be obssesed by the physique , lift for the enjoyment and hitting Prs , your physique WILL GET BETTER AS LONG AS YOUR CONSISTENT , enjoy the process. &#x200B; /rant off thanks for reading !",,,,,,2021-09-17 16:02:21 pq3ags,,3,Socializing over reddit,"I'm a 23yo M that been surfing reddit for more than 3 years , and never knew or met someone from it , but I'd really like too fellow redditors",,,,,,2021-09-17 16:18:11 pq3jx2,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-17 16:31:38 pq5ch8,,8,Immigration to europe/NA,"Hey, I have masters degree in finance that i got from a good univ in tunisia and 2 years exp working in finance and accounting. I am looking for recommendations or advice of people that left tunisia with similar profil as me. I am open to work or study and i have about 40k tnd total in bank. I am good in both french and english. If i got to study tho i need to be sure i can stay there after degree. I want to immigrate to any europe, na or asian countries that have better living conditions than tunisia. I will be applying to canada express entry and to improve my chances i want to apply to other countries too. Ty",,,,,,2021-09-17 18:04:30 pq5e0w,,0,What's the best way to go about working in germany?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-17 18:06:42 pq5e0x,,4,What's the best way to go about working in germany?,"I am 19 and about to do a year training ""formation"" in mechanical diagnostic. My plan was to study and get ""BTP"" then ""BTS"" in web development as that's what i actually want to work on in the future but i've been told the best way to work in germany is to follow the former. What should i study and whats the best domain to follow? And does any one know a training in computer science here in tunisia that can get me a valid certificate to apply for an IT job in germany? I would appreciate any usefull information from redditors who have knowledge about this subject as i need to make a decision ASAP.",,,,,,2021-09-17 18:06:42 pq5vdm,,19,Znous زنوس - El-Mansiette المنسيّات (guest. Med Tounsi),,,,,,,2021-09-17 18:32:03 pq8wfu,شكون_يحب_ينحي_الكرش_يدخل_يشوف_الفيديو/,1,شكون يحب ينحي الكرش يدخل يشوف الفيديو,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-17 21:11:46 pq8zab,,1,chkoun fikom botty,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-17 21:16:02 pq927h,,69,Tunisian abyedh boy problems,,,,,,,2021-09-17 21:20:32 pq9nsv,,47,Tunisians on Facebook believing every little fake news,,,,,,,2021-09-17 21:53:31 pqbvck,,14,"Tunisian living in Montreal, ask me anything",title says it all!!,,,,,,2021-09-18 00:03:57 pqhfgc,,1,Check out free app,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-18 06:43:38 pqhj8t,,1,Investing,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-18 06:52:30 pqhyrj,,0,"مصر و 20 دولة تختتم مناورات ""النجم الساطع 2021"" بقاعدة محمد نجيب العسكرية بمرسي مطروح",,,,,,,2021-09-18 07:28:22 pqio4p,,15,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-18 08:30:43 pqjqde,,81,"Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and Lt. General Patton in Tunisia, 1943. HQ by History Colorizer M.B. Also a proof that KS is a time traveler.",,,,,,,2021-09-18 10:05:12 pqkmbj,,8,Fellow tunisian gamers?,"Hey everyone, i was wondering if anyone on this sub would be interested in playing some co-op games on PC and/or PS4. Some of the games i'd be down to play are: Risk of rain 2, valheim, It takes two, The forest, LoL and many more. If anyone is interested lemme know, also i am a 29 year old guy so please be around my age. Hope you all have a good day!",,,,,,2021-09-18 11:19:05 pqkoyi,,1,Lose Yourself Lyrics - Eminem Lyrics,,,,,,,2021-09-18 11:25:10 pqkp22,,1,Lose Yourself Lyrics - Eminem Lyrics,,,,,,,2021-09-18 11:25:20 pqld1m,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-18 12:16:15 pqlfgm,,6,"Good vibes, enjoy",,,,,,,2021-09-18 12:21:22 pqmt4i,,9,We are looking for an “incredible” fast Data entry man/woman,"Hi everyone, We are looking for someone who's (hilariously) good in Data entry and have basic knowledge about Database (How to create one and fill it, that's it, just that!) We have a PDF file that needs to be converted into a database. The number of page is 180. We guess there would be between 1500-2000 entry. &#x200B; **This is a one-time job. Name your price, we are willing to pay anything for an accurate data entry. You can take all the time you need, my client is not in a rush.** &#x200B; In case you are wondering about the file, you can find it here: [\_scholarships\_and\_awards\_2122\_1.pdf]( **Data entry starts from page 8.**",,,,,,2021-09-18 13:50:59 pqolij,,9,should i keep playing league of legend during my bac year ???,i used to play 10 hours + per day and i tried to stop for years but couldnt always found a way to get back finally i started to loose interest havent played for a while should i just forget about it or i can play few games weekends ?,,,,,,2021-09-18 15:34:32 pqpgse,,6,Studying and settling in spain,"So guys i am interested in doing my masters in Spain (civil engineering) and then planning to work there So is there anyone who studied there and then found a job later ? Really interested to hear your story",,,,,,2021-09-18 16:22:15 pqt33h,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-18 19:44:18 pqviov,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-18 22:03:08 pqvp6x,,10,Hey guys,"Any tips on how to cheer up my bestfriend shes in a critical condition, I wanna make her mood light up because when you get depressed your immunity drops. I just feel lost and scared to death of losing her. edit: she has (thrombopenie et sclérose en plaque)",,,,,,2021-09-18 22:14:01 pqy9wi,,1,3w academy,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-19 00:59:38 pqzygc,,7,Yuma nghir Alik(Tunisian song),[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-19 02:54:16 pr0w26,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-19 04:00:15 pr208k,,1,Sweatco,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-19 05:25:59 pr3zak,,13,"Tunisians that did their PFE internship abroad, how was you experience ?","Hello guys, I'm a 5th year software engineering student which means I need to apply for PFE internships. The idea of doing an internship abroad seems tempting to me, but I'm kinda clueless and I got nobody to guide me. Can you guys tell me about how to find good opportunities abroad, what are the procedures that need to be done ? does the salary of the internship usually cover the costs of life ... like seriously, any tip or information is welcomed ! Tell us about your experiences",,,,,,2021-09-19 08:16:31 pr4h55,,2,Is there a shop that paints Bicycles in Grand Tunis ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-19 09:01:20 pr4s35,,1,Hyundai a fourni le robot Spot pour la sécurité de site industriel,,,,,,,2021-09-19 09:28:17 pr4tst,,76,Paternal haplogroup (y-dna) origins among different tunisian groups.,,,,,,,2021-09-19 09:32:28 pr5w93,,32,This is sus as hell lmao,,,,,,,2021-09-19 11:02:21 pr6gtx,,3,Website creation,"Anyone here have any recommendation regarding website creation/host agencies in Tunisia? I Googled it, but I can't find anything that isn't shady, most of the agencies I found only don't even have working UI. I need something at least close to Wix, but local. If if you have any recommendations please just enlighten me. Thanks",,,,,,2021-09-19 11:48:10 pr6h9h,,7,"This is a real university logo made by their teachers and attached the ""philosophy""behind this artwork",,,,,,,2021-09-19 11:49:06 pr71er,,1,Despite everything i love my Tunisia .. i may hate it sometimes when things are complicated but deep down i love this Country 🇹🇳❤,,,,,,,2021-09-19 12:29:53 pr7pjg,,17,كنت نخاف منو أكثر من جدي,,,,,,,2021-09-19 13:14:34 pr7zkr,,6,Buying from amazon in tunisia,"I was wondering how would i order something from amazon to tunisia, if there are any possible ways, can you help me and give me more insight on the situation",,,,,,2021-09-19 13:31:45 pr87qv,,6,Ordering goods from amazon,"I want to buy something from amazon europe but i have no clue how the procedure is done if at all possible, for those who have experience with amazon from tunisia please help me.",,,,,,2021-09-19 13:45:22 pr8w2w,,1,Christine MBOMA - 3 Things to break the 200m World Record in Eugene (2022),,,,,,,2021-09-19 14:24:23 prczzz,,6,Is there any good side business for a tunisian university student ?,"This is my first year in the university and i found that my parents' allowance isn't keeping up with my daily needs. Any ideas about side jobs that can get me some pocket money without interfering with my studies. Thank you in advance😊😊",,,,,,2021-09-19 18:02:17 pret3k,,6,Studying and settling in Switzerland,"I think you guys know that i already posted few days ago about the same question about spain now i am interested in Switzerland So is there anyone who studied and found a job later in Switzerland ? Tell us your story",,,,,,2021-09-19 19:36:23 prfk7j,,1,Switching from medicine to engineering,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-19 20:15:55 prfn8i,,1,Switching from medicine to engineering,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-19 20:20:19 prh5o6,,8,Message to the mods: let's throw a meeting for the 30k members,"Hey guys since the sun is close to the 30k members, wich is really awesome, i suggest to the mods to set a meeting around a coffee or any un7alal drink somewhere and have fun, it can be in Tunis or anywhere else that site tye community. So what so you think?",,,,,,2021-09-19 21:40:51 prjcds,,1,Webank VS biat VS BH,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-19 23:50:54 prjgqz,,3,A family place for karaoke?,"I feel like that's a tough combination, but I appreciate any recommendations.. (Mainly, but not exclusively in Grand Tunis) Thank you!",,,,,,2021-09-19 23:58:49 prk1c4,,1,How can someone go about finding hookers in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-20 00:34:38 prlvqg,,8,Tunisian dialect teacher?,I am very interested in learning the Tunisian Arabic dialect but I have found very limited resources online. Anyone here willing to take the time to teach me?,,,,,,2021-09-20 02:32:43 prqkn0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-20 08:27:21 prreo5,,0,Tunisians March in the Streets to Protest President Saied.," undreds of demonstrators marched through central Tunis on Saturday, demanding a restoration to parliamentary democracy following President Kais Saied’s power grab in July. Journalists claimed that security officers on the ground and an interior ministry surveillance drone hovered over the march. [](",,,,,,2021-09-20 09:38:28 prrtx9,,12,Advice needed - homesick partner,"Hi all, I am posting as I could really use some advice. My partner and I both live in England. I have lived here my whole life and my partner was born here but was raised in Tunisia (which is where his Dad and paternal side of his family all live currently). We last visited in the summer of 2019 and have not been able to go back since due to COVID and UK travel restrictions. Unfortunately it isn’t looking good for us to be able to go back before the end of the year either. My partner regularly video calls with his Tunisian side of the family but it’s not the same and he has talked about feeling depressed as he misses his family and no longer enjoys living in the UK. His work contracts ends at the end of October and I have urged him to travel back to Tunisia but he doesn’t want to pay the quarantine costs which are £2000+. I am out of ideas on how to help him feel a little bit less homesick. I have been trying to cook traditional Tunisian meals with him and he has enjoyed that so far but I’m out of ideas. Has anyone got any advice on how I could help him to feel less homesick? Any and all suggestions are more than welcome. I hate to see him feeling so down. Thank you in advance !!",,,,,,2021-09-20 10:11:42 prs239,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 10:29:00 prs285,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 10:29:19 prs2bz,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 10:29:32 prs2gi,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 10:29:48 prs5kb,,22,Immediate and complete ban on clickbait headlines!!,"Every time I read news of Tunisia on a Tunisian site I get so angry when I see headlines such as: &#x200B; إلغاء الإمتحانات لهذا السبب &#x200B; بمناسبة العيد العفو عن هؤلاء &#x200B; القبض على المجرم ولد بهيجة و هذا ما وجدوا عنده &#x200B; It is not like I would ever click on such a headline or that I don't know how silly the content of such news usually is, but it just drives me crazy that there are so ""cheap"" journalists. If I one day get the post of minister of media (or be his boss) I will ban them and impose a fine of 5000 dinars on any journalist who uses them.",,,,,,2021-09-20 10:36:15 prs691,,18,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-20 10:37:36 prsjll,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:04:00 prsjrz,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:04:20 prsjxq,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:04:41 prsk3b,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:04:55 prsk7j,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:05:07 prskkl,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:05:49 prskr7,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:06:12 prskv1,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:06:25 prskzs,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:06:42 prsl5a,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:06:56 prsl9h,,1,United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:07:09 prsmga,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:09:28 prsmlj,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:09:47 prsmpq,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:10:01 prsmvs,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:10:20 prsn29,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:10:43 prsn8b,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:11:03 prsnec,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:11:23 prsnl5,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:11:46 prsnvw,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:12:19 prso4c,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:12:47 prsobc,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:13:12 prsoiw,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:13:38 prsopb,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:13:58 prsovr,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:14:18 prsp37,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:14:40 prspa7,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:15:01 prsphk,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:15:25 prspt3,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:16:02 prsq1l,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:16:31 prsq7j,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:16:52 prsqlj,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:17:39 prsqv1,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:18:11 prsr2t,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:18:39 prsr9v,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:19:01 prsrtb,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:20:05 prss09,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:20:27 prss6s,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:20:46 prsse1,,1,how are you today ?,,,,,,,2021-09-20 11:21:08 prts4p,,1,Dating cofe,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-20 12:25:14 pruceb,,5,Does anyone know what emerging youth is in the US?,I googled it to find many programs but not its aim and the age group of its audience…,,,,,,2021-09-20 12:58:20 prug6h,,1,Vérificateur de RIB Tunisien,,,,,,,2021-09-20 13:03:53 pruh55,,10,As far as I know the only YouTube channel dedicated to the Tunisien Derja,,,,,,,2021-09-20 13:05:18 prun6w,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-20 13:14:33 prw7hm,,3,Visa for Thailand,Sup weirdos. Has any one of you ever been to Thailand? I want to know how hard it is to get visa to travel there and how much it costs. Thnx,,,,,,2021-09-20 14:38:50 prwc6c,,0,i'm a foot fetish and the obsession is stronger than me !,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-20 14:45:33 pryjv9,,1,Nouvelles mises à jour de confidentialité dans iOS 15,,,,,,,2021-09-20 16:38:56 przb3n,²/,2,How much is your BMI ? (Weight/Height²),"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-20 17:16:46 ps124g,,1,where can i buy jojo manga in sousse,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-20 18:46:11 ps273a,,17,Tunisians in Japan,"So, I was watching ""Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift"" (nice movie tbh, although the series is kinda shit) and then I wondered, are there any fellow Tunisians in Japan? (Studying, working etc..) if so, how's life there?",,,,,,2021-09-20 19:43:46 ps2dj2,,1,help me figure things out,chnouma ahsan brands/services fi tounes orange/telecom/ooredoo // compte fel poste /compte bancaire(best bank ? ) best milk brand (vitalait/delice ...) yoghort gezouz dbach ma mekla aya haja so we know each person opinion and please specify why o jme3et tounes sucks o nothing here is good just ignore this post cause this country is wonderful .,,,,,,2021-09-20 19:52:50 ps48wm,,1,Nouvelles mises à jour de confidentialité dans iOS 15,,,,,,,2021-09-20 21:27:01 ps4cwu,,13,Do you still trust Kais Saied?,"Nahdhaouis please keep away from this [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-20 21:32:59 ps52np,,8,3malet carte technologique mta3 banque zitouna w ky jit nechry beha ma7abetech te5dem w y9oly site aliexpress ely details ely 7atythom ghaltyn ema ena metaked mznhom s7a7 blhy ely saretlou 7aja kima hka yfaserly plz,,,,,,,2021-09-20 22:10:36 psb06q,,6,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-09-21 04:00:16 psc9xj,,7,32ème édition des journées cinématographiques de Carthage : Liste des films tunisiens sélectionnés pour les compétitions officielles | La Presse de Tunisie,,,,,,,2021-09-21 05:25:59 psdoip,,23,Do Tunisians like Lebanese people?,,,,,,,2021-09-21 07:11:09 psexam,,9,Deconstructing colonial myths,"Hello everyone, I would like you to share with me studies that deconstruct the colonial myths about Tunisia. By deconstructing I mean giving the real numbers of the colonial impact on difference fields (education, health etc), instead of the usual ""colonial benefits"" argument. I found some stats about Morocco and I would like to have some about Tunisia.",,,,,,2021-09-21 08:56:32 psfmql,,13,Do Tunisians like or used to eat salted anchovies or other salted fishes?,,,,,,,2021-09-21 09:58:32 psfwuc,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-21 10:20:40 psgi4f,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-21 11:05:05 pshkff,,0,President Kais Saied To appoint PM in Tunisia.," Tunisian president Kais Saied announced during a speech that new head of government will be appointed in Tunisia.",,,,,,2021-09-21 12:19:24 pshl7b,,2,Alright stupid questions about university,"How does it work, do you get to choose what to learn and why does it matter? ( we can ignore the subject you focused on ofc) Like do you still have to study french? Or is it optional? And how many years does it take to finish it? (For example in IT) And what are the best universities in this country? And how much average in your bac do you need for them?",,,,,,2021-09-21 12:20:47 pshorh,,1,Young Game developers,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-21 12:26:51 pshvvm,,13,I'm triggered by people lack of toilet knowledge . Soooo....,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-21 12:39:07 psjsh2,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-21 14:25:18 pskhyx,,5,Need help with protein products,im planning to buy some protein but i saw once on facebook that some products sold here can be fake like they empty out the protein jar and replace it with a white powder (?) and i wanted to ask if that's true or not and whats the best place to get protein from?,,,,,,2021-09-21 15:00:22 psl7pt,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-21 15:35:19 psl8c8,,4,Tuesday's present from Father Mondher: the correct way of dealing with people ❤,"When you are between 20 and 24 you will be sometimes wondering ""Oh God, why did you bring these people on my way"" but later you discovere that no matter what type of people were brought on your way, you would still be having problems. You will understand that no matter whether you work at Apple in Dublin or at some mramma in Ga3four, people are th same. People mean problems. You will understand why Sartre said his famous ""L'enfers c'est les autres"". You will realise that it is childish to keep thinking that all others are idiots and that you are an angel whom they are treating bad. Well, unfortunately not everyone realises this but anyway. The correct way to deal with people is to know, think, remember and keep in mind always that it is not easy to have to do with people. That it is not meant to be easy. That it is a challenge. That it is an integral part of the thing called ""life"".",,,,,,2021-09-21 15:36:10 pslbf6,,1,كيفية تصميم تطبيق آمن,,,,,,,2021-09-21 15:40:29 psohll,,8,What are my odds of leaving Tunisia and living somewhere else,Like canada or Germany or any good country. My grades but I pass every year. In terms of money my family doesn't have shit to send me to study in a foreign country. I don't want finish my life here . What are my odds of leaving,,,,,,2021-09-21 18:13:30 psqjm7,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-21 19:53:13 psqw6i,,2,Where do i find jojo manga in sousse,I want to buy manga of my favorite series but i haven't found a single shop that sells it in sousse i would prefer if it was in English,,,,,,2021-09-21 20:09:41 psr9k1,,0,Where can I buy condoms?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-21 20:27:32 psu3ho,,1,Intelligence artificielle et vidéo dans la banque,,,,,,,2021-09-21 22:44:58 psufrv,,8,Paintball guns and where to buy them!!!!!!!,Are they available? Do you need a license for it ? What's the range and quality if you've ever tried one ? And most importantly .. Am I gonna have to sell a testicle for this shit ? Thanks.,,,,,,2021-09-21 23:03:34 pt1df5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-22 06:11:09 pt2y60,,0,Do Tunisian women like Lebanese men?,,,,,,,2021-09-22 08:15:51 pt2zep,,17,What are the men stereotypes in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-09-22 08:18:49 pt4fvf,,54,Google Maps never been so accurate,,,,,,,2021-09-22 10:16:13 pt5grj,,11,Why's this takfiri piece of shit still doing lectures in Tunisia? He's literally calling for violence and calling people infidels in his videos.,,,,,,,2021-09-22 11:24:05 pt5lhp,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-22 11:32:20 pt6mxo,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-22 12:37:26 pt6n42,/r/geography/comments/pq7ubc/noticed_that_some_part_of_the_eastern/,1,Noticed that some part of the eastern mediterranean sea looks like Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-09-22 12:37:44 pt8iva,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-22 14:19:48 pt9fqo,,53,The comment Tunisians deserve.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-22 15:04:40 ptarkh,,1,How much does FCR cost?!,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-22 16:07:45 ptenff,,29,kais Napoleon saied,"So KS just declared himself emperor of Tunisia. My popcorn is ready, you can start discussing.",,,,,,2021-09-22 19:10:32 pteuu7,,5,Thinking of starting trading.. Besides crypto which is the recommended broker for stocks trading.,"As a Tunisian resident, who own an European Bank account.. Don't mind my lack of knowledge in this field I am just thinking of investing my money in a regulated way.",,,,,,2021-09-22 19:20:18 ptewzw,,15,why the superiority complex?,"something i noticed all over tunisian reddit and the tunisian street is a superiority complex over mundane things, like having a different opinion or being from a different governorate, why?",,,,,,2021-09-22 19:23:02 ptfgsa,,4,"Tunisia president says he can rule by decree, ignore parts of constitution",,,,,,,2021-09-22 19:48:48 ptg72h,,1,Kaïs Saïed will acquire extraordinary powers,,,,,,,2021-09-22 20:52:15 pthz2w,,6,Where can I get a chinese fan?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-22 22:57:56 ptldd3,,2,My brain won't shut the fuck up and I need to wake up at 7 . So here we are !," Chkoun y7ib yrod il tunsi lo8a ! Bilrasmi a3lech lè mane5dhouch il kilmet il 3ilmiya mil younèni w nikou il 7ela w nfabtou houwiya l'rwa7na ka a3bed w culture m5allat ? W l'nes kol nit3almou min so8rna il 3 skript Ili ymaflou lo8itna !!! 1 _ 3arbi : شيبانمك 2 _ tifinagh : ⵇⵜⵉⵢⴱⴼ 3 _ Latin : asdfhhjk 3lech lè mana3mlouch Renaissance. Ps bn8 [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-23 02:14:04 ptq59i,,27,How was your experience growing up half Tunisian half non-Tunisian in Tunisia?," To all fellow half Tunisians half non Tunisian. Was it easy for you to fit in? Did you ever feel torn between two cultures you did not fully belong two? To those who went to western schools , do you feel you had it different that someone who just went to a public school and was more exposed to everyday Tunisians. How different were your parents : view on life? Religion? Cultural expectations ... Did these differences create friction within the family? Did you feel like each parent wanted you to more like a person from where they were from?",,,,,,2021-09-23 07:39:27 ptrr2g,,1,"S’il arrive au peuple, un jour, de vouloir vivre,.. ( Aboul Kacem Al-Chabbi )",,,,,,,2021-09-23 09:47:38 ptsks1,,0,الجزائر تغلق المجال الجوي أمام الطيران المغربي مع اشتداد الخلاف,,,,,,,2021-09-23 10:48:25 ptt0sl,,0,where the rojla at? all mabin are banned from commenting on this post.,,,,,,,2021-09-23 11:19:57 pttg2k,,9,Will you accept the old parliament back with its full powers ?,"Option 3 please explain. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-23 11:48:10 pttirq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-23 11:52:58 pttl6w,,2,Tunisia needs a reboot,,,,,,,2021-09-23 11:57:27 ptuhk9,,4,What do you guys think about these videos?,,,,,,,2021-09-23 12:49:13 ptv8q3,,1,I need help finding a psychotherapist,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-23 13:26:21 ptyjhb,,4,Political system,"Can someone explain more ""l'oligarchie"" to me? And why it cannot be Tunisia's political system? Ps: i'm referring to الارستقراطية.",,,,,,2021-09-23 16:09:14 pu1dwa,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-23 18:22:52 pu1ikp,,1,Tunisie: le chef du Parlement Ghannouchi appelle à « la lutte pacifique » contre le « pouvoir absolu »,,,,,,,2021-09-23 18:29:21 pu1qhc,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-23 18:39:36 pu1wp5,,1,A student in need of advice.,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-23 18:47:43 pu2iin,,19,What were/are the main Imazighi tribes in Tunisia?,"So I believe that roughly the average Tunisian is about 60-80% indigenous northwest African, 10-30% Banu Hilal, and the rest Southern European, levantine and West African, I could say the Southern European is mainly Sardinian, Sicilian, Iberian and from the Romans, the levantine is mainly Jewish and from Phoenicians, the West African is probably largely fula and haratin, but what is the Berber, are we zenati, Chaoui, Tuareg? Do we even know ourselves? My grandma's have the face tattoos and wear traditional Berber clothing but even they can't tell me what tribe we are from. ** I forgot to mention Turkish.. Couple people asked me for more information and showed interest in the post so I will do a follow up where I go into detail about the outside influences.",,,,,,2021-09-23 19:16:26 pu2jhy,,7,Recent presidential decrees,"Do you think that KS is going [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-23 19:17:45 pu2n3b,,5,Musicians and artists over Reddit,"is there any Artists who'd like to share musically , i'm a Drummer who's open minded into different type's of music and i always seek for more . ""First Rule of being a good Musician is to Listen """,,,,,,2021-09-23 19:22:18 pu2w0r,,1,Nokia annonce son téléphone G50 prenant en charge la technologie 5G,,,,,,,2021-09-23 19:33:43 pu3wcg,,2,Sending money from Tunisia to US,"Hello, I badly need to send money from here to my friend in the US. Please help me out!!!",,,,,,2021-09-23 20:25:32 pu5jm8,,3,CTI through WeBank,I have a WeBank account on which I'm thinking of getting a CTI (carte technologique internationale). I'm currently a CS student at IssatSousse. What is the process of getting the card through WeBank and how long does it take?,,,,,,2021-09-23 21:47:42 pu6gzz,,23,How do you eat mloukhia," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-23 22:37:11 pu8e2a,,0,How do you eat mechouia?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-24 00:24:56 pua0dk,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-24 02:04:03 pubwtv,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-24 04:00:23 puc1pn,,6,How can I get my wisdom teeth removed?,"I think I need to get them removed ,been having a swollen gum for over a week now, i thought it was just a cold but I have been taking some medications and it's still getting worse, any good dentist in sousse ? Have you taken them out ?, can you tell me about it , how long till I can talk normally since I'm going to be having a job interview in few days, and lastly how much is it gonna cost me ? Thanks .",,,,,,2021-09-24 04:08:51 puevbu,,0,Do Lebanese women like Tunisian men?,,,,,,,2021-09-24 07:35:55 puez3c,,1,"North Africa, Sahel, Horn of Africa, South Europe, and Middle East are provinces of Iran",,,,,,,2021-09-24 07:45:07 pufrtp,,1,Does anyone know a calm place to study with WiFi?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-24 08:52:52 pug5ue,,0,Crypto traders,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-24 09:25:52 puij8d,,2,What parts of the country improved after Ben Ali?,"By parts I mean economy, freedom, education etc. I'm not one that follows politics a lot here but recently I've had this question. I feel like him getting kicked out left a power vacuum that corrupt people fought over. And that we still hadn't recovered from it 10 years later.",,,,,,2021-09-24 12:18:00 puj1rm,,13,What do you think about an Algerian Tunisian Federal union?,"بصرف النظر عن الحكومتين ، فالشعبين الجزائري والتونسي متشابهان تقريبًا من حيث الثقافة واللغة والعقلية التاريخ و التوقعات للمستقبل (الثورة التونسية والحراك الجزائري اللذان لهما نفس الغرض أساسًا). ما رأيك في اتحاد فيدرالي تونسي جزائري حيث يمكن لكل بلد أن يتمتع ببعض الاستقلالية ولكن نفس العملة والجواز العلم والسياسة الخارجية. Apart of the governments, Algerian and Tunisian people are almost similar in term of culture language religion mentality ethnicity history expectations for the future ( Tunisian thawra and Algerian harak which basically have the same purpose). What would you think of an Algerian Tunisian Federal union where each country could have some autonomy but same currency passport flag and external policy. Precise why in comments. Only Algerians and Tunisians can vote I would appreciate if you respect that. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-24 12:49:19 pukn3r,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-24 14:12:58 pulkmv,,1,E-vax certificat,"Hello, Does anyone please know of a way where I can have the e-vax vaccination certificat on my phone ( as an e-document) instead of having to print it and carry it with me all the time? I tried downloading it but all I got was a blank page with the barcode, no coordinates. Thank you,",,,,,,2021-09-24 14:59:15 puomzx,,2,Where can i find authentic NBA jerseys in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-09-24 17:33:53 puoxhk,,5,Advice / recommendations,"Hi! Ill be moving to Tunis next month, and I would like to know a bit more about the nightlife in Tunis - obviously I know it’s a Muslim country (and so alcohol and nightlife might be less ubiquitous than in the UK, where I’m from) but I have also heard that there is some nightlife in Tunis - does anyone have any recs for bars in Tunis (ideally ones catering to a students’s budget)? Salut! Le mois prochain je déménagerai à Tunis, et jveux savoir un peu plus sur la vie nocturne là-bas. Jsais que la Tunisie est un pays musulman (donc l’alcool et la vie nocturne vont être un peu plus cachés) mais jai entendu aussi quil y a quelques choses à faire le soir- est-ce quelqu’un ici peut me recommander des bars à Tunis (peut-être les moins chers)?",,,,,,2021-09-24 17:49:21 pupnst,,6,"Isn't it weird that rappers insult other rappers by referring to them as homosexuals but also sing about fucking them, in many different ways?",[removed],,,,,,2021-09-24 18:27:02 puq8e4,,6,"I have the chance to buy a used xiaomi redmi note 9 pro for 450dt ( the original price is 939dt) the guy says that he has the box and the warranty of the phone( he says that it has been used only for 3 monthes) .what are the things i should look for ,what should i check .",How can i check if he is lying or not about the phone.any advice is helpfull.,,,,,,2021-09-24 18:58:30 puqber,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-24 19:02:43 puqhd2,,3,Do the online « bulletin #3 » works?,"I need my « Bulletin #3 » (down with bureaucracy!!) and everyone knows how much is a pain to do it. They did a platform in 2017, it worked for a few months or so. And here I am, in 2021, asking you if this platform still works or at least if someone got his/her bulletin recently.",,,,,,2021-09-24 19:11:36 pur2wa,,1,"Meanwhile, Tunisian healthy young guys sitting all day in cafes and complaining that there are no jobs.",,,,,,,2021-09-24 19:43:27 purgy4,,5,Most popular Tunisian youtubers?,"Hey! I'm looking for Tunisian youtubers, especially the ones that discuss culture/society/opinions/politics/science/economy. I'm not interested in the one that make pranks or gaming videos or anything of that sort.. I'd perfer if they are popular or have good amount of subscribers",,,,,,2021-09-24 20:04:15 putivs,,0,Opinions on Qais Said,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-24 21:59:12 putvhx,,1,I got doxxed,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-24 22:19:02 puu5i4,,4,Admission fee of private universities in Tunisia,"Hello Reddit people, being a fellow struggler in this god forsaken land i am currently trying to complete my masters degree in Tunisia after giving up hope on anything aboard, and so i was wondering if any one has any idea about the admission fees for either MSB or Université Tunis Carthage, i know that it varies depending on the course but i want to get a rough idea of how much it costs.",,,,,,2021-09-24 22:35:38 puuiti,,11,What is the origin of the name Djerba?,,,,,,,2021-09-24 22:58:35 puukyd,,1,إقتراح 4 أفلام لآخر الأسبوع,,,,,,,2021-09-24 23:01:56 pv1x8d,,0,Do you find my questions annoying?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 07:21:59 pv3ykr,,6,Did anyone here take the TOEFL iBT Home Edition?,"In-person testing isn't an option for me right now. I was about to register for the Home Edition for next week but I saw the ID requirements, and I want to make sure I don't get screwed. Their refund/cancellation policy is notoriously terrible. They require an ID with your name, photo and signature. Government ID, passport or driver's license. I only have my government ID but since it's only in Arabic, I don't think the proctor will be able to read it. It also doesn't have my signature on it. As far as I know, none of our IDs have our signatures. My passport expired about 2 months ago so that's not an option. Their support wasn't helpful at all. ETS's Office of Integrity didn't respond to the two emails I sent. I'm running out of time so any help will be very much appreciated. Thank you!",,,,,,2021-09-25 10:09:45 pv44id,,11,"How do I launch an online business in Tunisia? (the legal procedures, contacting a delivery company, etc)","Hi, I am planning to launch an online business on Instagram soon. Are there any legal procedures that I need to follow in order to open the business? And how do I contact a delivery company to partner up with?",,,,,,2021-09-25 10:22:10 pv4edy,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 10:43:50 pv4oec,,2,"Hey , is there anyone for a student to make some money ? Call centers require alot of time",[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 11:04:51 pv4vzr,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 11:21:15 pv59b8,,7,Faux Profil Facebook,Hey everyone! someone's bullying and harassing me on Facebook with a fake account and it so humiliating since he has sent me bad language and pictures. So I've been wondering is there's any way i can track this account or i can know who's behind it?,,,,,,2021-09-25 11:49:05 pv5asp,,16,Trying to build a Gaming PC in tunisia is utterly FRUSTRATING..,"i'm trying to upgrade my rig for a year now but i couldn't cuz the parts here are astronomically expensive yet very poor quality... most of them are cheap chinese brands for double the price or more, a blatant rip off .. i used to buy my shit through family members living abroad but covid fucked all my upgrade plans up.. so did anyone get a 30 Series Graphics Card?",,,,,,2021-09-25 11:52:03 pv64tl,,4,Owning a property in Tunisia,"Hi, I'm tunisian living abroad and thinking of buying a property in Tunisia. I want to know what will happen if someday I decide to sell it, will I be able to move the money outside of Tunisia to a foreign account?",,,,,,2021-09-25 12:48:49 pv6j10,,13,At what age people should have figured out life in Tunisia ?,Financial especially !,,,,,,2021-09-25 13:14:02 pv74ni,,4,is safe,"Hello i want ask here as there are chances people bought from it so ehhhhhh is ubuy safe ? how can u order something? and is it delivered well?",,,,,,2021-09-25 13:50:27 pv7ime,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 14:12:27 pv7qwx,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 14:25:15 pv7wy9,,1,Moving to mestir so i gotta find a job,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 14:34:24 pv97zr,,2,The equivalent of PFE for the UK and co,"Hiya! Sorry if I may seem a tad uninformed. So this is my penultimate semester in my Engineering school (Sup'Com), and I have to start looking into PFE opportunities. I'm not averse to research so the option of getting a temp position in a European university for 3/4 months does seem appealing. The problem is that I have nothing to go off of in my search except for past experiences from my peers (people who were in the same position as me). And most past alumni have conducted their internships/research in France/Germany, etc.. More to the point, I genuinely don't know what the equivalent of a PFE is in the English speaking world. Has anyone, on this sub-reddit, worked in the UK or something? Any info would be appreciated.",,,,,,2021-09-25 15:41:42 pvc5ws,,16,Politics,"Why we (les jeunes) always criticize the political system Without trying to get into politics? Why there is no ""hezb"" with young people that have a clear path so that tunisia prosper?",,,,,,2021-09-25 18:03:39 pvdylu,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 19:38:46 pve2p9,,7,Buying a smartphone from overseas,"Slm guys... Anyone can suggest the smartest way to buy a smartphone online... Im in tunisia i would rather get it in here but if that is not an option yeah i might know some guys outside... I was thinking of aliexpress .. it got the lowest prices ... Is it safe? I mean m not sure about the suppliers there... Do they have to be verified or not... I want to buy an ASUS ROG 5 ... It is not available in here ... And if u r lucky enough to find one.. it ll be about 4500 dinar... Tho it costs about 2600d online.. 2000d in AliExpress... Any tips ?",,,,,,2021-09-25 19:45:01 pveswm,,1,L’avenir du livre francophone sera africain,,,,,,,2021-09-25 20:24:01 pvgo87,,1,Would you still leave the country if you get 8000 DT per month (Net) ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-25 22:08:38 pvkr6r,,1,"MBOMA Strikes Again, beating Shericka Jackson, Dina Asher-smith (2021 Diamond League Final)",,,,,,,2021-09-26 02:16:34 pvmd9d,,5,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-09-26 04:00:19 pvnwe6,,101,Tunisian-Jewish women in traditional attire from Djerba in the Gulf of Gabès.,,,,,,,2021-09-26 05:52:08 pvpc03,,0,Why do you find my questions annoying?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-26 07:47:32 pvpkvt,,7,Need help finding hoodies,Where can I find some nice quality hoodies with big ass capuche 😂😂,,,,,,2021-09-26 08:07:17 pvpu3i,,64,Dracowar shilling a get rich quick scheme BS Crypto course.,"So a friend of mine who comes from a poorer background sent me a link to this Dracowar video. In it this guy (Draco) features this lady who is a self proclaimed crypto expert (as if you can be an expert in crypto) and millionaire! (I doubt it). Towards the end of the video, they start shilling her Bullshit course to teach YOU how to become a crypto expert yourself and learn all the TECHNIQUES of investing. She says it is a 5 level course, where you have to pay 1169 TND for the 1st level, and at the end of it, you can then choose to buy in to the next level. Also worth noting, there are no pre-requirements so any sucker can give her their money. This is your typical get rich quick scheme, and follows the same format used by some of the biggest scam artists like: Grant Cardone / Dan Lok / ... To name a few. The format goes as such: These grifters usually target people who are poorer and try to sell them a dream. A dream in which getting rich is only a few steps away! And all you have to do to get it, is to join my x level course program, where I, the expert can teach you all the in and outs you need to know on how to become rich. These ""courses"", if you can even call them that, usually provide nothing of substance, and rely on sucking people into this system, where they can then upsell them the next level. In the worst case scenarios, they might even turn into a Ponzi scheme. Now I personally do not watch Tunisian Youtube at all. I have however heard the name Dracowar before, and I can now see why. The dude's got 200k subs, which is HUGE for Tunisia! Towards the end of the video, he seems to strike some sort of deal with her, where the people who come from his channel can get this little bonus, which leads me to believe that he is getting some sort of kick back from this. So fuck this guy! In conclusion, I'm saddened. I say this, as my friend who has no fucking money and no bac, has come to and told me he is interested in this shit and it just breaks my heart. He thinks doing this is better than an actual formation at **التكوين المهني** , which he has been planning to do for a while now. The LITERAL title of this video has written on it ""she did not pass the bac, and she became a millionaire with Bitcoin"". Like, you can't get scummier than that. They're literally preying on the most vulnerable people (dropouts, kids, poorer people ...). [\_channel=Dracowar]( &#x200B; Just sad. The actual way this lady will ever become a millionaire is by people giving her their hard earned money. So please, think before giving these morons your money ... Edit: I have nothing against crypto itself. I personally would not invest in it, as it is too volatile for me, but if you're a crypto fan/investor then good on ya! Just do it at your own risk, and do not give these fucks your money!",,,,,,2021-09-26 08:28:52 pvq7hy,,1,مستحيل تربح اللعبة عاملة إجتماع ضدي برو فولز bro falls ultimate showdown vs fall guys gameplay,,,,,,,2021-09-26 09:00:26 pvu51c,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-26 13:46:12 pvu6h3,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-26 13:48:35 pvuh2n,,6,Hyundai Grand i10 (populaire),"I heard there's a reason why popular cars are cheap. And I a lot of people said the i10 popular is good and robust. What does reddit think? Edit: Does it really have 3 cylinders.",,,,,,2021-09-26 14:04:39 pvwbmw,,8,Tayara alternatives,What are you guys using instead of tayara after the site & app are screwed.,,,,,,2021-09-26 15:42:54 pvwy92,,1,Should I move to Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-26 16:16:54 pvzdqy,,11,Tunisian french,"Dear Reddit Users, Could you please tell me about the French language that is commonly spoken by Tunisian people? Is it the same or at least close enough as the so called metropolitan French (spoken in Paris and considered standard)? Do metropolitan French speaker in general without any difficulties understand type of french that is spoken by Tunisian people? Will I easily or without to much difficulties communicate with Tunisians with my reasonably good knowledge of metropolitan or standard French that is, as I wrote, spoken in Paris and ia considered standard? Thank you very much",,,,,,2021-09-26 18:27:01 pvzjld,,8,Buying my first pc,"Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am trying to switch from laptop to pc. My lack of knowledge regarding tech prices in Tunisia brought me here. I have found that graphic card prices here aren't that different here from overseas stores. But thing is inflation is in play here which can change the state of things quickly. Bellehi anss7ouni ken nemchri men tunis pc wala men barra. W chnowma zeda les cartes graphiques eli cha5ssiyan t7ebouhom w chnowma eli lezem neb3ed 3lihom. Sorry if I made any derja mistakes. ❤",,,,,,2021-09-26 18:35:29 pw0h5w,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-26 19:24:27 pw15h0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-26 20:00:38 pw21h8,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-26 20:47:42 pw2wp0,,5,Dating advices,I am freshman in a prepatory and there is this lovely girl in our class that i really like but i don't know how to approach her. She is always quiet and i didn't find the opportunity to talk to her. Any advice ?,,,,,,2021-09-26 21:34:37 pw3gos,,6,What's the procedure to study in Germany ?,"Hey everyone , if any of you knows how to study in Germany ( masters degree) Can I ask him some questions ? I did research but most of the information was vague Some of the questions ? ( An answer on any question will be highly appreciated ) 1. Do I need to do more stuff while still in TN after admitting via uni assist and getting the study visa ? 2. Where can I translate the files I need now ( Grand Tunis ) ? 3. Any Idea where I can pass the Gmat test ? 4. Can I pay on uni assist with the Tunisian Post Electronic card ( CTI ) , if not how ? 5. How long before going to Germany do I need to start looking for accommodation ? 6. What type of documents will take the most time and I should get on it right away ? 7. How long does preparing for the application and all takes usually? 8. What the first document I need to get for the applicaiton ? 9. When do I need to supply the proof of funds ( compte bloqué ) and How do I sent the money to germany ? Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-09-26 22:06:24 pw3x6n,,0,Are there any LSD/Psychedelics users in this sub?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-26 22:33:06 pw4xq1,,32,Just asking,Aleh ki tji tekri (etudiant ) ikollik nekriw ken lel bnet ???,,,,,,2021-09-26 23:31:47 pw6y8w,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 01:33:24 pw70sn,,6,Is info de gestion hard for people with eco bac,"So I'm bac eco and tomorrow is my first day in college, I'm really nervous since the majority of people who choose it have science or info bac, will i have a lot of obstacles? Is there someone with the same condition, what should i do if i ended up ""dhaya3""",,,,,,2021-09-27 01:37:25 pwcgbm,,1,"How do you feel about someone calling you ""patron"" ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 07:50:16 pwdrnu,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 09:53:46 pwf3zu,,1,From auto-scrap to art: Tunisian artist creates sculptures from car parts,,,,,,,2021-09-27 11:31:48 pwgdfw,,1,Looking for a part time job in lghazzela ariana,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 12:50:20 pwgzlm,,4,"Foi, incroyance, rumeurs colportées... (AL-MAARI)",,,,,,,2021-09-27 13:24:10 pwi6dg,,11,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 14:24:27 pwi82u,,1,Why does young people in tunisia tend to escape reality by using substences instead of trying to change it?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 14:26:51 pwizph,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 15:04:15 pwj1b4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 15:06:29 pwkda6,,1,What's her story? I keep seeing this picture everywhere.,,,,,,,2021-09-27 16:10:01 pwli5w,,1,any bike enthusiast?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 17:04:27 pwn80s,,8,Got visa talent and already in france.. what's next (paper-wise) ?,I got my visa and went to france (l3a9ba likom lkol) but I don't know the process of having my residence card (carte sejour).. does anyone knows what papers should I get/print and Where to go with them ?,,,,,,2021-09-27 18:25:54 pwn9ue,,12,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 18:28:21 pwox3h,,0,Any place to talk my girl in a first date?,Looking for a nice place place to take my girl to for our first date. Preferably in Tunis city center.,,,,,,2021-09-27 19:46:52 pwpg8m,,1,Looking for info and advise for traveling in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 20:11:55 pwqlvc,,1,Les chefs d’Etats occidentaux boycotteraient-ils le sommet de l'OIF à Djerba ?,,,,,,,2021-09-27 21:06:25 pwshfu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 22:41:08 pwsrsk,,1,Webank VS Biat,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 22:56:37 pwswbh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 23:03:12 pwszzp,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 23:08:42 pwt6z3,,1,Trois vulnérabilités zero-day dans iOS 15 d'Apple,,,,,,,2021-09-27 23:19:11 pwt773,,3,How to buy foreign stocks in Tunisia?,"eToro is good but it doesn't work in Tunisia anymore, which stock broker platforms can i use to buy foreign stocks?",,,,,,2021-09-27 23:19:32 pwt99a,,10,What is unique about Tunisia? (I’m making a project),[removed],,,,,,2021-09-27 23:22:32 pwy4rn,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 04:00:20 pwzbak,,1,Help me please,,,,,,,2021-09-28 05:16:18 px0lbd,,1,Do you have any idea where i can find room galaxy projector in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 06:48:53 px2ajy,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 09:03:17 px2bk9,,35,Make the comments section looks like a Tunisian search history,go ahead :),,,,,,2021-09-28 09:05:21 px2j27,,1,,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 09:21:23 px2z7q,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 09:55:27 px307y,,1,Tunisian websites where I can find nice accessories,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 09:57:38 px3rod,,9,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 10:50:36 px5if4,,4,Pc games in Tunisia,"Where is the best place where you could buy and find the newest pc games in Tunisia, preferably in the capital",,,,,,2021-09-28 12:40:00 px7das,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 14:17:18 pxa4e2,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-28 16:29:40 pxav13,,9,"الحلقة رابعة مال Tunisian féminist podcast ""Fémisienne"" خرجت! 🤗 الحلقة هاذي تحكي على التمييز بين الجنسين في العمل تفير أفاهيم كيما فجوة الفجور بين الجنسين و السقف الزجاجي و فيه شهادة ستة نساء عاملات.",,,,,,,2021-09-28 17:04:39 pxaxxt,,2,Louled bellehi coworking space zabbour wr5is famma?,"As the title says , famma coworking space bar5es men 100 ech7ar ? Shit is fucked",,,,,,2021-09-28 17:08:24 pxb4zq,,64,Our great country!,,,,,,,2021-09-28 17:18:00 pxc7cy,,3,New Presidential Election announced along with a presidential system. Who are you voting for ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-09-28 18:09:50 pxcj72,,1,"France slashes visas for Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia in migrant row",,,,,,,2021-09-28 18:25:37 pxd1qf,,1,Joker hydro dipping,,,,,,,2021-09-28 18:50:29 pxdtv9,,5,Any Tunisians in crypto? Are you even able to if you have a Tunisian bank account?,,,,,,,2021-09-28 19:28:03 pxhc8l,,2,Funny or not funny,,,,,,,2021-09-28 22:15:13 pxhjkt,,0,"Honestly, I can't find satisfaction on r/cringe. So I come here for all my daily cringe needs.",,,,,,,2021-09-28 22:25:21 pxj6r3,,5,Arabic school in Tunis,"FR PLUS BAS Hi everyone, I'm a young man wanting to go to Tunisia this year to study Arabic (I want to learn the tunisian dialect mainly, but I am not opposed to learn some fosha as well) and live with my family. I would be living with my aunt who doesn't speak French nor English, so I'll practice with her for sure but obviously I need some real courses for grammar etc... Ressources for the Tunisian dialect are pretty rare on the Internet (there is some, it's just pretty basic), so I want to ask if anyone has an affordable school to recommend in Tunis? Not like the 25000€/year American school. Chokran jezilan wa 3aichek! Bonjour à tous, je suis un jeune homme qui désire aller vivre en Tunisie cette année pour apprendre l'arabe et vivre avec ma famille. Je veux connaître le dialecte tunisien, même si ça ne me dérange pas d'apprendre un peu de fosha au passage. Je vivrais avec ma tante, qui ne parle ni français ni anglais, donc je pourrai pratiquer avec elle, mais il me faut des vrais cours pour la grammaire etc.. Des recommandations pour une école accessible à Tunis et pas trop chère ? J'aurai un petit budget donc l'école américaine a 25 000€/an n'est pas une possibilité ! Chokran jezilan wa 3aichek!",,,,,,2021-09-28 23:56:01 pxninn,,1,QAWMONA (قومنا) LYRICS » REDSTAR RADI Ft. DADLEE - Lyrics Over A2z,,,,,,,2021-09-29 04:07:11 pxpp3q,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-29 06:39:29 pxqk62,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-29 07:48:11 pxqn8o,,11,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-29 07:55:17 pxs2ew,اربح_50_عند_التسجيل_في_محفظة_العملات_الرقمية/,1,اربح 50$ عند التسجيل في محفظة العملات الرقمية Celsius,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-29 09:51:31 pxsvnj,,74,Congratulations to Tunisia and Mrs. Najla Bouden Romdhane!,"The first female Prime Minister!! I hope she leads Tunisia to the modern times. What are your thoughts on her? I also hope Tumblr Feminists won’t make a cult out of this.",,,,,,2021-09-29 10:53:23 pxt5y7,,0,Israeli here,"I've recently became interested in tunisia's former president, Habib Bourguiba, I've read about his quotes, his progressive reforms, his military and political career and his inspirations from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. What are your thoughts about him? If he was alive today, would you vote for him? Elaborate if possible.",,,,,,2021-09-29 11:12:30 pxta37,,8,The prime minister,"What do you think about our new prime ministère ? First female to handle this position.",,,,,,2021-09-29 11:20:25 pxu5fn,,1,العديد من مستخدمي Windows غير مدركين لإصدار Windows 11,,,,,,,2021-09-29 12:17:43 pxu7bm,,6,Jobs in Tunisia,"What do you think a person should do to get a job in Tunisia ? let's say you are one of the best at you field of expert... you will struggle and tetcha7tef to get an opportunity for a job/interview. talking about my self, i have sent several emails to several companies but have not received a response. My solution was freelancing btw but why ? why it's so difficult to get a job even though you know they need you ?",,,,,,2021-09-29 12:20:54 pxumfd,,2,Kais is worse than Ennahdha,"And before you call me a ""nahdhist"" etc. I've always despised religious parties be it Ennahdha or Karama coalition so please hear me out, I'm merely voicing my opinion. While trying to sugarcoat their Islamic brotherhood origins with the 'Islamic democracy' label, it never truly worked for Ennahdha or at least was too late to cover it up. Kais on the other hand is playing a 4D chess by playing the progressive game and appointing a women as prime minister, effectively distracting us from his authoritarian objectives. Let's be honest here, this was clearly a PR move. Why would a person that thinks that women should inherit less than men appoint a woman? The appointment of Najla Bouden Romdhane wasn't in good faith, it's purely a decoy to dupe the progressives so he can comfortably and secretly solidify his Islamist populist position. There's no reason to doubt it, he already showed his true intentions by reducing the prime minister's prerogatives and accrediting himself full control of the government, this is never a good thing. Najla is basically his puppet and she'll serve his agendas. I'm genuinely concerned and I'd like to hear your thoughts.",,,,,,2021-09-29 12:45:55 pxwmft,,5,Anyone knows good quality “Hair Protein” product that i can order and apply on my own?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-09-29 14:32:57 pxyxtv,,10,Master in France 🇫🇷 or in Germany 🇩🇪,Hey redditors I'm just like the majority of tunisians who are looking to get out of this country. I'm an L2 student in business computing and I'm struggling to take the right decision. First I thought that France is much easier than Germany to get accepted by universities and get a visa then I realised that is quite impossible for an IT student like me because universities are very selective besides reducing the visa for Tunisia by 30% I lost hope in that moment. On the other hand my parents are pushing me to start learning German and I was totally against the idea of learning a new language because I'm really busy with my studies my IT courses and I'm also taking lessons for the TOEFL test (maybe I end up studying in UK or US who knows) but after Macron's decisions I started considering Germany. Right now I just need some advices because I'm lost and my family is not making this easier at all what should I do?,,,,,,2021-09-29 16:23:45 pxzxhr,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-29 17:10:27 py0mv2,,1,"Tunisia's President Kais Saied has named Najla Bouden Romdhane as the country’s first female PM, nearly two months after he seized most powers in a move his foes call a coup. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!",,,,,,,2021-09-29 17:44:50 py0ow7,,13,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-29 17:47:38 py1hjn,,1,She is the First Female Prime Minister in the Arab World — The Mountain,,,,,,,2021-09-29 18:26:54 py2al2,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-29 19:06:49 py3ufc,,0,Congratulations to Tunisia!,"Forget about the political divisions or the opinion of radical people on both sides, and just appreciate for a moment the fact that you have surpassed countries like Spain and France and you already have a woman as a prime minister. I know that many will say that it ""does not matter"" whether the prime minister is a man or a woman and that the important thing is that they know how to govern... And obviously I agree, but we are celebrating this fact because 10 years ago or less it would have been something impossible to imagine. You are an example to follow in that sense.",,,,,,2021-09-29 20:23:19 py5ln2,,1,"Femme 1er-ministre en Tunisie, le défi aux traditions obsolètes.",,,,,,,2021-09-29 21:51:16 py7bsh,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-29 23:25:17 pygdbc,,15,I can't stay here.,"I work as Technical Support representative. I already have 2 years experience. I passed a test yesterday to work in a company in the UK but they said they cannot help with sponsorship or assistance to get VISA . What can I do, guys? Do I have a chance? RANI TNEKT!",,,,,,2021-09-30 09:39:51 pygi3j,,0,Najla Bouden becomes first female Prime Minister as she gears to head Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-30 09:50:41 pyhbff,,1,Prophecy on Muslim Religious Leaders,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-30 10:52:19 pykhyi,,1,"Always share, please. ox :)",,,,,,,2021-09-30 14:06:30 pyl4gv,,1,Tunisian Wally Vehicle,[removed],,,,,,2021-09-30 14:38:23 pym0zh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-30 15:22:52 pynagr,,11,Are there hit and run laws in Tunisia?,"My friend who lives in Tunisia told me about a hit and run accident. She told me that the driver had the right of way and she was turning left on an intersection but he changed his speed suddenly and it caused them to wreck. The dude fled the scene to ""drop off cement"" but it's likely he went to throw away whatever drugs he had but either way, he fled the scene and only a a while after did he go to the police. My question is does Tunisia have hit and run laws? And are they enforced? Will my friend be screwed given that she may not have had the right of way even tho the other driver fled the scene? Edit: something I forgot to mention, she says he left but came back and went with her to the hospital but in the states that would still count as a hit and run even if they come back I'm just not sure how it is under Tunisian law",,,,,,2021-09-30 16:24:34 pypnbf,,5,studying german in high school,"is it really ""hard"" compared to spanish or italian",,,,,,2021-09-30 18:20:59 pyqccb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-09-30 18:55:46 pytrmu,,1,"Stop, please stop,you better stop! Ougef n*****",,,,,,,2021-09-30 21:50:44 pyu11b,,1,Google utilise l'intelligence artificielle dans les résultats de recherche,,,,,,,2021-09-30 22:04:15 pyupou,,3,What is the best delivery company in Tunisia?,"Hi, I am going to partner with a delivery company soon for my online business. Having dealt with many of them as a client, I know that some companies are somehow slow and not very respectful towards clients. Which ones are good in terms of respect and speed of delivery? Thanks a lot",,,,,,2021-09-30 22:41:28 pyvqxv,,78,TIL - France massacred Tunisian civilians during the Algerian Independence war,"During the Algerian War for Independence, the French bombed the town of [Sakiet Sidi Youssef]( in Tunisia, believing that FLN troops were hiding there. Indeed, Algerian freedom fighters regularly crossed the border and attacked French positions from inside Tunisia, shooting military planes out of the sky. Tunisia was at the time officially neutral, but supported their Algerian brothers nonetheless and allowed them in. The French wanted this to stop and decided to bomb Tunisians, both to crush their spirits, and to send a message that Algerian troops hiding in Tunisia will be targeted, and that Tunisia should expel them in order to avoid further bombings. Thus, in February 8th of 1958, French planes illegally flew above Tunisian soil and flattened the town to ruble, leaving only devastation and death. Nothing was spared, even the school full of children attending their morning classes was targeted, and this bombing ended up costing the lives of more than 70 Tunisian civilians and Algerian refugees, and injured more than 148 others. As of today, the French never apologized for this crime, and no reparations nor recognitions were given. Following this grave event, international opinion shifted against France, and both Tunisia and Morocco went on to further support Algeria, taking a hard stance that continued throughout the war, up to the Algerian independence in 1962. I find this event really interesting, since it was the last time that the Maghreb was united, albeit against a common foe. I honestly wish we continued to support each other since then, but politics is a cold game sadly, and the French purposefully tried to divide us (it ended up working in the end). Maybe in the future we'll get over our difference and start working together again :) Anyways, I hope that was informative! [\_de\_Sakiet\_Sidi\_Youssef]( [](",,,,,,2021-09-30 23:40:13 pyw5fd,,2,"The Arabic influence on the Maltese and Spanish language, with examples of the Arabic origin words and its similarities to Tunisian Arabic",,,,,,,2021-10-01 00:03:30 pyzxiz,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 03:50:27 pz02zx,,9,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-10-01 04:00:15 pz1g7o,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 05:31:12 pz45z5,,2,Is there any moderation on this sub?,I’ve seen so many people insulting each other (almost on a daily basis). Reporting doesn’t seem to change a thing. What’s going on with moderation? It’s getting really complicated to stay in this community..,,,,,,2021-10-01 09:07:33 pz4nve,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 09:48:27 pz53d7,,1,❤️😍,,,,,,,2021-10-01 10:21:03 pz5kxq,,1,"Hafanoui, our Olympic champion, on the cover of Vogue magazine Arabia",,,,,,,2021-10-01 10:57:55 pz6dc0,,5,where can buy/develop film in centre ville?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-01 11:52:19 pz74qt,,5,Anyone here lives In Kelaat El Andaluus (Ariana)? I NEED YOUR HELP!,,,,,,,2021-10-01 12:39:11 pz7ff8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 12:56:46 pz7gma,,21,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 12:58:40 pz7hik,,1,Where to buy virtual reality headsets,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 13:00:06 pz900o,,7,Internship fully funded,"Hey , I was wondering if any of you ever got a fully funded internship ( pfe) abroad , how did you do it ? Any advice?",,,,,,2021-10-01 14:19:01 pzahw5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 15:34:56 pzavtc,,1,Young African Leaders-Obama Initiatives,,,,,,,2021-10-01 15:54:23 pzcp9x,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 17:22:24 pzfak5,,1,kifeh nejbed inscrit mel fac?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 19:30:10 pzgc0t,,1,kifeh nejbed inscrit mel fac?,,,,,,,2021-10-01 20:23:51 pzged2,,5,Cheap good gaming laptop,"Hi I need a cheap gaming laptop with good specs for new gen games Any ideas?",,,,,,2021-10-01 20:27:23 pzjam9,,24,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-01 23:04:13 pzlth6,,108,Accurate!,,,,,,,2021-10-02 01:38:04 pzn1ma,,1,"rhinoplasty in tunisia, is it worth it ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-10-02 02:57:55 pznwh2,,1,relationship advisory needed,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-02 03:57:36 pzqhiw,,6,Do i have to change my ID card to renew my passport.,"Do i have to change my ID card from student to college student ti renew my passport ? Abd thx",,,,,,2021-10-02 07:19:25 pzri9s,,1,Khedmaa :v,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-02 08:49:03 pzvush,é_française/,1,Nationalité Française,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-02 14:09:19 pzx6wp,,18,Why do alot of Tunisians study in Ukraine?,,,,,,,2021-10-02 15:22:28 pzyto7,,14,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-02 16:51:03 q01vgl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-02 19:38:09 q03a5c,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-02 20:57:16 q04cgt,,1,cheapest way to get a driving license in Germany ? (already have a tunisian one),[removed],,,,,,2021-10-02 21:56:18 q051bg,,12,So (how) can I enter tunisia?,"Aslema! The Tunisian laws and regulations about entry to Tunisia are giving me an actual headache. I hope someone here can help me clear some things up about entry into Tunisia given the current state of rona. I am German which may be relevant for some things. a) quarantine and vaccine. I have been vaccinated for the second time on the 30th of September with BioNTech. I don't want to visit Tunisa for 2 weeks just to spend 10 days of those 14 in quarantine. So, am I, in the eyes of the Tunisian authorities, vaccinated fully if I leave Germany on the 8th of October (1 week and a day after vaccine)? b) entry with ID or Passport. I found on the auswertiges Amt the possibility to enter Tunisia without my Passport, if I am entering with a socalled ""Pauschalreise"". I have no idea what that means and the Internet is just confusing me more. If someone can shed some light on this mystery I'd be very happy, else I'd have to spend the extra money on an express passport (as I don't have one) c) PCR tests: At arrival in the airport the PCR test must not be more than 72 hours old, right? That hasn't changed? Is there anything else I need to know? Any more tips or dangers for someone entering Tunisa that may send me back to Germany for bureaucratic rona reasons? Thanks a lot for the help!",,,,,,2021-10-02 22:36:07 q0a90a,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-03 04:00:12 q0cpxb,,27,Can someone explain to me why Telecom mgarvin akther men jeme3tin taw ?,Ekhi normal belehi ? Service zebla men 9bal w zid ygarvou. Mafhemtch ena taw yokhlsou fehom il 20 youm greve ou non ? Mafamech haja tnadhém les gréves fi tunes ?,,,,,,2021-10-03 07:04:49 q0elgx,,1,Tunisia is province of Iran,,,,,,,2021-10-03 09:38:12 q0elp5,,1,Libya is province of Iran,,,,,,,2021-10-03 09:38:45 q0fjd6,,38,Tunisia....,,,,,,,2021-10-03 10:54:52 q0gsuc,,7,Magic the Gathering Arena,"Are there any tunisian players ? Asking for a friend.",,,,,,2021-10-03 12:30:09 q0itjq,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-03 14:28:08 q0jlzk,,6,"What is ""D17""?",I see people taking payment via D17 all the time but no clue what it is. What is it? How do you use it?,,,,,,2021-10-03 15:08:48 q0jxz1,,3,Flying back to Tunis from Instanbul. No vaccine but I do have covid antibodies.,"I was reading somewhere you don't need to isolate for 10 days in an approved hotel if you have a vaccine for covid or if you had covid within the past 12 months. My wife doesn't have the vaccine, Does anyone know if a antibody test showing covid will get her off the hook so she doesnt have to spend the time locked up in a hotel? Is a Negative pcr and covid antibody test enough to bypass the hotel quarantine?",,,,,,2021-10-03 15:26:03 q0lf10,,1,WE LOVE YOU,,,,,,,2021-10-03 16:38:40 q0lg1j,,1,WE LOVE YOU,,,,,,,2021-10-03 16:40:06 q0lkqd,,1,Can I make a flight reservation with my Edinar carte ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-03 16:46:35 q0of6o,,14,"Tunisian artists, does anyone know where I can buy individual polychromos pencils in Tunisia? I just need the white and ivory colours",,,,,,,2021-10-03 19:07:52 q0pmw4,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-03 20:07:47 q0s0h5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-03 22:09:52 q0x6vy,,6,"Looking for recycling companies in Tunisia, preferably, ""enthusiastic"" ones.","I'm asking because I had my fair share of ""not-giving-a-damn"" organizations.",,,,,,2021-10-04 03:15:44 q0xe6b,,23,Conducting a study over Coffee Shop businesses in Tunis.,"What do you most care about when you visit a café/coffee shop? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-04 03:28:46 q0yyca,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-04 05:14:48 q13v0b,,124,According to the new WTA's singles ranking Ons Jabeur advanced to the top 14 which is the highest rank ever achieved by an african or an arab tennis player.,,,,,,,2021-10-04 11:50:23 q14tjx,,10,Questionnaire PFE produits BIO,"Dans le cadre de mon PFE, j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour répondre à ce questionnaire. Merci de m'accorder un peu de votre temps et vous remercie par avance pour vos réponses. Excellente journée #PFE #BIO #NATUREL #COSMETICS #VEGAN",,,,,,2021-10-04 12:52:26 q16no9,,1,JEBBA - TUNISIE,,,,,,,2021-10-04 14:35:11 q17fbx,,1,Utiliser les histoires Facebook pour le marketing,,,,,,,2021-10-04 15:15:09 q186rz,,8,"Slm, Polymer supplier in Tunisia ?",do you know any Polymer pellets/Powder supplier ?,,,,,,2021-10-04 15:52:59 q18vjh,,1,WhatsApp down ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-04 16:24:26 q19q6b,,0,if yuo made it passed summer,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-04 17:03:38 q1afo1,,1,My friend is making videos about playable video game characters from each country. The latest one was about Tunisia. Check it out!,,,,,,,2021-10-04 17:35:45 q1caef,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-04 18:58:56 q1cbft,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-04 19:00:12 q1ccet,,20,Are there any Tunisians names or organisations mentioned in the Pandora's papers ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-04 19:01:14 q1ees7,,1,My Facebook and Instagram couldn't refresh,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-04 20:31:15 q1f4h8,,0,1.8 Million Tunisians go out to support Kais Said. (source Kais Said),,,,,,,2021-10-04 21:01:54 q1fcl2,,1,Malla ra7a,,,,,,,2021-10-04 21:11:56 q1fwk3,,8,Facebook is down,"What a good news ! Especially for Instagrameuse/re !! Unpopular opinion : I don't know why Facebook products are still not already shutdown by the law in the first place :3",,,,,,2021-10-04 21:36:30 q1m7mp,,3,Jebba,,,,,,,2021-10-05 03:15:13 q1mxi7,,7,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-10-05 04:00:21 q1sfrh,,0,زعمة مولاه اشنوة باش يعمل بيه ؟,,,,,,,2021-10-05 08:56:37 q1stbf,,0,Tunisians gather in Tunis to show their support for President Saied,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-05 09:26:47 q1xwh4,,1,"what is the tunisian translation of the english sound ""ugh"" i mean the interjection of disgust,bad smell?",[removed],,,,,,2021-10-05 14:49:22 q1z933,,1,Tunisians habits,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-05 15:50:37 q1zd4p,,17,Is it possible to get an upload speed higher than 1mbps?,"I want to upgrade my internet speed to 20 mbps but I noticed that it has a mere 1 upload xddd I pretty much want to stream Netflix on discord for some friends but it's just not possible with that upload speed. Any solutions? Lel tounsi eli yefhemich anglais: tnajem trakeb connexion feha upload speed akther mel 1mbps? Edit for those interested in the answer: Fibre optique seems to be the ultimate affordable solution. However getting it is a bit tricky. I have talked to my local globalnet seller and he told me that generally you can get it as long as you're with in 1km of the closest line which I think I am but I'll have to check on TT. There are other solutions too but they are either not that good (vdsl) or expansive (4G internet, fly box etc). At the end of the day you'll have to talk to TT or the internet provider you're going for because there's no ""yes or no"" kind of reply here since it all depends on where you live.",,,,,,2021-10-05 15:56:01 q1ztci,,1,For people who think they are having a successful life,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-05 16:17:04 q201j8,,1,❤🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-10-05 16:28:16 q21is8,,1,Tunisians habits,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-05 17:40:58 q22dnz,,9,Are you pro or anti selling Tunisie Telecom to the UAE ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-05 18:22:47 q22hfz,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-05 18:28:01 q22xos,,6,Anyone playing New World?,"Like the title says, just wondering if anyone is playing new world. Me and a few of my friends are playing but we always welcome more friends to play with us! We are also starting a discord server for gamers in tunisia if any of you want to join that.",,,,,,2021-10-05 18:53:02 q2383h,,1,"Fellow Tunisians, what do you prefer? The Italian or the American dream?",,,,,,,2021-10-05 19:08:28 q23u14,,14,From Where did this meme come ?,,,,,,,2021-10-05 19:37:57 q23vff,,4,Driving test Question,"Does stalling mean instant fail in a driving test? If not how many time can you stall before failing And if you can you list what are the major error a driver does that will fail him Thank you",,,,,,2021-10-05 19:39:56 q27bxh,,4,Anyone felt an earthquake/s beginning from 6PM (5/10/21)? (especially in north tunisia),"It would be great if u put the location where u felt the earthquake [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-05 22:33:41 q2g7fe,,1,Question about Oracle Cloud (E-dinar & CTI),[removed],,,,,,2021-10-06 08:29:30 q2hjme,,1,"VolgoPlus is a popular free b2b classified ads platform in the World for different best like real estate, farm equipment, vehicles, rentals, services, jobs,..etc. Are you looking free b2b classified ads submission sites list 2021? Make use of these massive ads posting to buy, sell or promote a pro",,,,,,,2021-10-06 10:21:11 q2i5co,,1,How to check how much 'solde' i have in my carte technologique (cti)?,,,,,,,2021-10-06 11:05:46 q2luq8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-06 14:41:01 q2qi2q,,8,Can you get to Tunisia Mall (lac 2) by public transport ?,,,,,,,2021-10-06 18:33:26 q2qj8f,,14,Recommendations for a cafe with good wifi in Tunis,"Hi guys! I’m hoping to do an online interview with a company, but my internet is not very stable for video calls so I’m wondering if there’s any good quiet cafés or other places with good wifi in Tunis where I can use wifi on my laptop to do video calls. Thanks!",,,,,,2021-10-06 18:35:08 q2qnj4,,16,Could you recommend a good local wine to find at Carrefour? Thank you!,,,,,,,2021-10-06 18:41:19 q2tgay,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-06 21:02:47 q2uok8,,1,Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le métaverse,,,,,,,2021-10-06 22:05:17 q2v9p2,,4,need help?,So I struggle too much with staying by the desk trying to study. Any tips on how i should study for the baccalaureate exam?,,,,,,2021-10-06 22:36:53 q357k2,,1,First Female Head of government in Tunisia and the Arab world ❤🇹🇳 I'm so proud,,,,,,,2021-10-07 09:19:12 q359i1,,1,We are waiting for the decisions,,,,,,,2021-10-07 09:23:43 q37ivo,,1,"Tunisia: Kais Saied's priorities, clean up the judiciary and form a new government",,,,,,,2021-10-07 12:00:04 q39tu6,,1,Tunisian Wajdi Riahi @ Athens Jazz Festival,,,,,,,2021-10-07 14:05:20 q3aiy1,,29,Gym and healthy food,"Hey people, hope you're all good! So I started to workout yesterday in order to lose fat and get better shape but tbh I have no idea how to eat . I mean like when to eat carbs for example, what are the best meals? I'd like to hear from experienced people and I'd prefer to gimme a plan which does not require spending much money :'( I k I'm kinda asking for a lot but same time I k you love helping people out <3 cheers! **EDIT**: Thank you all for the useful answers and awards",,,,,,2021-10-07 14:39:22 q3hmoc,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-07 20:15:41 q3i5be,,7,I need some advice please it's urgent,"My gf is late on her period after we had sex with no condom, i pulled it way before i cum so i thought that it's all good, but today she told me that her period is 12 days late and she's worried if she's got pregnant, she told me she will take a pregnancy test but next week and I don't know what to do, even she can't get a pregnancy test without giving her id to the pharmacist ( that's what she told me) and I've veen thinking about just takin the ablrtion pills but i don't know where do they sell them, can you guys please tell me what to do? Forgot to mention that she didn't had nausea and she doesn't even eat that much",,,,,,2021-10-07 20:41:05 q3i6yj,,2,"Me and my bf ran out of plans, any suggestions of activities or places to visit in tunis ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-10-07 20:43:26 q3ne4r,,66,Stunning goal by Tunisian midfielder Ilyas Skhiri,,,,,,,2021-10-08 01:26:18 q3orgs,,7,rhinoplasty in tunisia,anyone had a rhinoplasty here ? can you tell me how it went please,,,,,,2021-10-08 02:49:27 q3pwiw,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 04:00:17 q3qtz7,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 05:01:43 q3t5q3,,6,#PANDORAPAPERS | ONCE AGAIN: MOHSEN MARZOUK - AND THE WORLD OF TAX HAVENS,,,,,,,2021-10-08 07:55:29 q3uqe9,,3,Selling used gaming equipments,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-08 10:07:36 q3vt9t,,1,Twitch a divulgué son code source,,,,,,,2021-10-08 11:29:11 q3xrm2,,3,how do i transfer money from Tunisia to someone in Germany ( he is not a student).,"i need to transfer about 4000 TD just so he can buy me something, any idea how i can ? and thank you",,,,,,2021-10-08 13:28:31 q3yp17,,3,yo guys any one here have the xiaomi earbuds basic 2 ? are they worth buying ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 14:19:07 q3yw24,,1,A 22 years old female student looking for a job with not many work hours and low pay,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 14:29:21 q3zfid,,8,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 14:56:51 q3zz5x,,6,"Women of tunisia sub, what is ur favorite male perfume?","Hello, Need advice on good perfume so what is a better thing to do than ask tunisian women which is their favourite male perfume or cologne etc... i bought azzaro last year frome fatales and it smells like shit ngl. Also tunisian men which one gave most compliments and stayed for long. Ty all",,,,,,2021-10-08 15:23:55 q40ibw,/r/AFRICANContinent/comments/q3ypss/rafricancontinent_lounge/,1,Join to post anything and everything about Africa.No political posts please,,,,,,,2021-10-08 15:51:16 q4114j,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 16:16:54 q41bzb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 16:31:52 q42045,,4,A Tunisian dual national Entering Tunisia with foreign Passport only,Tunisia will be taken off red list for UK from 11/10/2021. I'm currently in Germany on a holiday and would like to fly directly to Tunisia and then return to UK. Problem is I didn't bring my Tunisian passport nor my ID Card. Would I be able to still come through border? Enter as a tourist so to speak with my UK Passport? Thanks in advance.,,,,,,2021-10-08 17:04:37 q422mz,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 17:08:08 q4297g,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 17:17:02 q42c1e,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 17:21:06 q42cxs,,2,"Fellas, what is required of an e-commerce company to satisfy consumers’ needs? What products are more sellable than others? And thank you!!!",[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-08 17:22:16 q43f3v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 18:13:14 q454t4,,3,Any native Tunisians that travel to Colorado US?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-08 19:38:47 q47dv7,,19,Popular science youtube channel,"Hello fellow, neighbours, i recently launched a youtube channel around the popular science (vulgarisation scientifique) not in English, not in French but in Dardja because i think that there is alot of this kind of channels around the internet but not much in Dardja. I have met alot of people from Tunisia and we could understand each other without any problem, so i'm pretty sure that you guys here can watch and understand the videos i make, I uploaded a video about the 5G today ( , so for this 5th video of the channel, I decided to try to share it as much as possible. Feel free to give me any feedback, i'm starting this journey and hope that i'll make it some day, youtube channel : Cheers To the mods : i'll detelete/Edit if i'm not respecting any rule in here, i'm trying to post the channel in every r/ that i can, so the channel take off hopefully, thank you!",,,,,,2021-10-08 21:34:19 q47mlx,,3,Where can i buy authentic/good quality tunisian national football team t-shirt?,,,,,,,2021-10-08 21:47:06 q494ie,,9,What’s the best way to invest small amounts of money ? Like 1000 dinars something like that I failed crypto and stocks so I’m looking for new ideas and I’d appreciate the help,,,,,,,2021-10-08 23:07:44 q4b7tl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 01:11:16 q4dxtk,,9,Improve my French speaking skills?,"I don't feel comfortable talking French for long. My listening and writing skills are decent but my speaking is a bit off. How can I improve my French speaking skills while I am in Tunisia? Where can I practice more? Do you suggest any language schools or other alternatives... Travelling abroad is currently not a choice for me due to work engagements.",,,,,,2021-10-09 04:14:11 q4efi1,,8,Where to buy a cake/cupcake,"Hii, I'm living outside of Tunisia and I wanted to get a cake or cupcakes for my friend's birthday (she lives in la marsa) anyone could please tell me where I can get it online? That would deliver it to her home? And accept card payment. Any help would be appreciated. Have a good day/night! Edit: I found one! Thank you all!",,,,,,2021-10-09 04:50:25 q4ex2e,,1,Lablabi(Tunisian Chickpeas Soup),,,,,,,2021-10-09 05:28:37 q4fs50,,1,"Not again?! Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are offline for the second time in a week",,,,,,,2021-10-09 06:37:28 q4gq72,,1,Chinese president pledges 'reunification' with Taiwan but halts threatening force,,,,,,,2021-10-09 07:53:50 q4huio,,1,"The first president of Iran, Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, dies in Paris at the age of 88",,,,,,,2021-10-09 09:21:32 q4hzoa,,71,4chan troll فخر تونس,,,,,,,2021-10-09 09:33:28 q4ie9w,,2,Are there any shops that can repair airpods ?,Any answer is welcomed ❤,,,,,,2021-10-09 10:05:55 q4ih7c,,3,stocks In Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-09 10:12:06 q4j68s,,1,"Tunisian dual national asking for some advice in ""love"".",[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 11:05:15 q4jklo,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 11:36:00 q4llan,,1,The uncle of the Syrian president returns from his decades-old exile to avoid a French prison,,,,,,,2021-10-09 13:42:36 q4mfki,,1,"Foreigner looking for tips in ""love""",[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 14:29:14 q4mjdv,,1,"Is Mercedes W124 250D a good car? Is it reliable? And what upgrades can I add to it. Thank you, it is soon to be my my first car.",,,,,,,2021-10-09 14:35:01 q4myc3,,1,Lebanon in complete darkness after shutting down two power plants,,,,,,,2021-10-09 14:58:00 q4o2xz,,63,This pie might haunt me forever,,,,,,,2021-10-09 15:57:32 q4ovd7,,2,Tunisia 🇹🇳 love for cucus,,,,,,,2021-10-09 16:38:30 q4p4yj,,6,where to visit?,"hello which places do you recommend me to visit in tunisisa that its not too expensive and what advices you could give to a foreigner to enjoy your beautiful country and not spend too much money, shukran",,,,,,2021-10-09 16:52:27 q4p53c,,2,Tunisia sidi bu zied 🇹🇳♥️,,,,,,,2021-10-09 16:52:38 q4qe5m,,12,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 17:56:02 q4r07v,,1,Ommek Sannefa,,,,,,,2021-10-09 18:27:33 q4rev9,,1,'Playing with fire': Chinese state media claims US troop deployment in Taiwan could lead to quick war,,,,,,,2021-10-09 18:48:38 q4sa92,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 19:33:15 q4sbvx,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 19:35:38 q4si7o,,1,Any idea where I can find themed chess sets in Tunisia??,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 19:44:49 q4u5xk,,1,Tunisia-Little dark age,,,,,,,2021-10-09 21:11:56 q4waol,,3,it's one of those nights,"Dunno man. Just feel like i rly need to talk to someone rn, or even just hear them talk/vent about their life. Anything to keep me occupied till I'm comfortable enough to sleep Hmu kank fathi sh8oll i guess.",,,,,,2021-10-09 23:10:19 q4wauj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-09 23:10:34 q50of3,,4,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-10-10 04:00:11 q52nym,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 06:32:48 q54qyh,,27,i feel overwhelmed thinking about the future,"I hope u having a nice day ! Well it my last year of college and i have been thinking a lot about on what's coming next after college. It's looks so blurry, nothing is clear and specially when most of your friends got either their life figured or they have solid plan iam kinda worry 😢 and i know the best thing it not thinking about it but every time the thought pump into my head.and lately i started having trouble sleeping (insomnia). I just wanted to share my story maybe telling someone will help me. And thank you for your time ❤️",,,,,,2021-10-10 09:25:44 q55j5c,,1,Taiwan's president responds to Beijing: The island will not yield to pressure to accept China's rule,,,,,,,2021-10-10 10:29:27 q55or4,,5,"An idea for small garage in ""7ouma""?","Lately, a small garage in our hood on the principal street gets empty, and friend of mine searching for opportunities like this, but he has no idea what business can run there.Any ideas guys? You have to know that we already have all the ordinary business here (hammas, atar, khadhar, dajej etc)",,,,,,2021-10-10 10:41:17 q55v4o,,1,Study/work options abroad for someone without a Bac,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 10:56:02 q55w9b,اخبار_تونس_اليوم/,1,اخبار تونس اليوم,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 10:58:35 q5636f,,0,where can i find a balisong knife,THE TITLE,,,,,,2021-10-10 11:13:01 q56lco,,6,Any print on demand or dropshippers here ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 11:51:47 q572od,,14,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 12:26:18 q57oga,,3,"God, I miss Captain 5obza",,,,,,,2021-10-10 13:05:24 q58uye,,1,A Bosnian builds a rotating house so that his wife has a varied view,,,,,,,2021-10-10 14:16:11 q59dno,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 14:44:40 q59isq,,17,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 14:52:35 q59jeg,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 14:53:30 q5a4k6,,1,The Syrian army launches a mopping-up operation in Daraa,,,,,,,2021-10-10 15:24:45 q5ajxj,,33,Faddit,"Im on my second year of uni and i feel so empty , nothing is making me excited and idk what i want to do anymore, Idk if its because of my boring Lectures , my bad professors , being away from home or i am just depressed This year was supossed to better than the last one because im already familiar with college life and made some friends from last year but thats not the case. Whats making it worse is seeing my peers enrolling in clubs and being active while im just there not wanting to do anything",,,,,,2021-10-10 15:47:05 q5bb7d,,1,[scenic sunday] why why why?,,,,,,,2021-10-10 16:25:55 q5chza,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 17:26:24 q5clga,,5,Is there any place that sells cool stainless steel rings in sfax?,,,,,,,2021-10-10 17:31:22 q5ekoi,,1,Here are the golden rules for healthy eyes and sharp eyes,,,,,,,2021-10-10 19:12:17 q5f6yn,,1,what the best laptop for programming (maximum budget 2000 dinars),[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 19:44:04 q5fe9b,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 19:54:38 q5fgt0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-10 19:58:16 q5g5jv,لقد_أتت/,6,"What do Tunisians mean when they say/write ""لقد أتت"" ?","Hi, Tunisian peeps! I've often read the expression in some TN comments, seen it in memes somewhere on TN Internet, & even heard it as the name of a radio spot/broadcast on Mosaique FM, and that's when I started to doubt its meaning and felt like it had kinda a sexual connotation. Any further explanation, please?",,,,,,2021-10-10 20:34:10 q5gaie,,1,Online Social Media Jobs That Pay $25 - $50 Per Hour. No Experience Required. Work At Home. Take a 1-minute quiz to find out what type of social media job you are best suited to. Click 'on the link' Below:,,,,,,,2021-10-10 20:41:14 q5gzep,,4,Is doing military service compulsory in Tunisia?,Ive always wondered if people who are aged +20 must do military service or not? I always hear old people talking about their experiences there but I don't know any person my age who has done/doing it. And on Wikipedia it is written that it is compulsory so I'm wondering if that did actually change?,,,,,,2021-10-10 21:16:52 q5k1nx,,1,01:00 am post,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-11 00:11:37 q5lrnw,,6,What does this mean in the Tunisian Constitution?,"It’s first 2 articles say that Tunisia is a free, independent, sovereign state, and that it is a civil state based on citizenship, the will of the people, and the supremacy of law. All important principles in a republic. But then right below these articles it says “This article might not be amended”. What does it mean? They can make amends about it? Does the Tunisian constitution really allow these important principles to be changed?",,,,,,2021-10-11 01:59:23 q5pu7h,,1,"The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar: Those who spread violence and practice bloodshed in the name of God are ""liars""",,,,,,,2021-10-11 06:28:19 q5q4y3,,1,Reporter le Sommet de la Francophonie,,,,,,,2021-10-11 06:50:33 q5q5mo,,1,Le député Mohamed Ammar prédit la dissolution de Qalb Tounes,,,,,,,2021-10-11 06:52:01 q5qw3x,,1,"Iraqi Prime Minister: Iraqi forces arrest ISIS deputy leader ""Al-Baghdadi""",,,,,,,2021-10-11 07:50:04 q5rxor,,11,Question,Femlech des solutions mte3 immigration ??,,,,,,2021-10-11 09:16:13 q5s4ze,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-11 09:32:40 q5scdn,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-11 09:47:57 q5srlu,,18,Newly proposed gov,"Tunisian politics noob here, I'm not familiar with most of the names proposed so any commentary on the new gov is welcomed",,,,,,2021-10-11 10:17:21 q5uttu,,6,Can I receive a payment through Transeferwise and send it to a local bank account in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-11 12:32:19 q5wtd2,,0,Getting your portfolio fat while you can!,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-11 14:16:24 q5x4fa,,4,Science Po Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-11 14:31:30 q5xjx0,,1,UNHCR representative in Cairo lauds Egypt for allowing refugee children to enroll in public schools,,,,,,,2021-10-11 14:51:50 q5zacg,,4,Transport lel kram,"Hello bdit na9ra fel kram win l'université européene w nosken fel MANAR 1, belehi kifech nemchi kol nhar bech nakhlet El 9 ?",,,,,,2021-10-11 16:11:03 q61tgb,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-11 18:06:29 q62dd4,,9,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-11 18:31:35 q62vna,,3,what are some trustworthy online stores to buy steam gift cards??,,,,,,,2021-10-11 18:55:04 q63651,,3,can you compare ESPRIT with INSAT or ENSI,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-11 19:07:32 q63f0z,,1,More than half of Israeli Jews support a military attack on Iran to stop the nuclear program,,,,,,,2021-10-11 19:18:02 q63siy,,3,freelancer in Tunisia how do you get payed? exactly how the client transfer the money to you ?, payoneer card ?,,,,,,2021-10-11 19:34:39 q64krq,,44,Did ex president Marzouki just begged France to meddle in Tunisian affairs and topple KS in a speech in Paris ? Isnt that considered treason ?,,,,,,,2021-10-11 20:09:42 q64scq,,2,Payoneer balance for sale(500USD),Very attractive exchange rate. Hand in hand only. If interested send private message.,,,,,,2021-10-11 20:19:25 q660f0,,6,Italians in Tunisia,"Salem, did someone knows how many italian people are living in Tunisia now? At least in the region of Hammamet, or where can i get some stats?",,,,,,2021-10-11 21:15:19 q66biw,,3,Mini four,"Hello! Does anyone know where I can find a mini oven in Tunisia? I searched in many places, even went to moncef bey and couldn't find one. Thank you",,,,,,2021-10-11 21:30:15 q699pl,اهلا/,1,اهلا,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-11 23:59:02 q6dle4,,8,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 04:00:17 q6f4vl,,17,Easiest way for a Lebanese to get a visa to Tunisia,"Hi, I have a Lebanese friend who is currently in Lebanon but wants to come to Tunisia for tourism. What's the easiest way for him to get a visa? His Lebanese girlfriend applied to the embassy in Lebanon last year and it took them more than 2 months to give her a visa, and she only got 14 days. So he'd rather avoid that as he wants to spend a month in Tunisia and he wants to go there asap not in 2 months time. What's your experience/advice guys? Is there an easy/straightforward way for him to come to Tunisia?",,,,,,2021-10-12 05:34:58 q6ga1m,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 06:56:40 q6gbqp,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 07:00:02 q6hp6b,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 08:40:21 q6hs0j,,1,Ideas of startup/business in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 08:46:14 q6i3p2,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 09:10:38 q6imgf,,20,What happened to the cars market,"A lot of old cars models that where kinda affordable (Citroën élysée, Peugeot 301, fiat punto...) are no longer marketed in newer versions, even though some of them are still available in newer versions in other 3rd world markets such as India With the decline in our purchasing power, aren't these supposed to be our market target?",,,,,,2021-10-12 09:51:24 q6isnk,,1,أحد يقدر يساعده؟,,,,,,,2021-10-12 10:04:06 q6k1qg,,1,Wally vehicles opinions?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 11:28:43 q6kfcr,,15,Dildo and Lube,Where can i get a dildo and some lube ?,,,,,,2021-10-12 11:52:33 q6ma9z,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 13:33:05 q6mgce,,14,Does anyone know any organization against human trafficking and/or organized crime in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-10-12 13:41:46 q6p59x,,10,"How do I pass a toefl test in Tunisia, how much does it cost?","I'm thinking of applying in the Thomas Jefferson Scholarship. It requires a toefl score of 500 minimum. Anyone tried it?",,,,,,2021-10-12 15:48:58 q6p6sm,,2,Would you recommend a nice city hall for marriage in Grand Tunis?,"I’m looking for a clean and authentic place. Also, any idea how much they cost nowadays? Thanks.",,,,,,2021-10-12 15:50:53 q6rxws,,1,Tunisia proudly ranked first in alcohol consumption worldwide,,,,,,,2021-10-12 18:01:50 q6t0wi,,1,The last hero of the resistance in France during World War II dies at the age of 101,,,,,,,2021-10-12 18:55:11 q6t7t1,,22,Looking for a good neurologiste,"My brother is 22 years old suffering from multiple sclerosis since 2018 we took him to several doctors but most of them said that he doesn't have the disease. He can no longer walk, depressed and he quit med school. If you have any knowledge we would be so thankful. I'm not only looking for a neurologiste I'm also looking for people who had the disease and got better any information is welcome. Thanks for helping",,,,,,2021-10-12 19:03:55 q6tcuj,,1,Just got fired of my job because of a tattoo,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 19:10:54 q6u1c0,,15,Zied and Rebecca,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 19:43:35 q6v111,,6,Did someone try to invest in BVMT (bourse de tunis)?,Please share you experience,,,,,,2021-10-12 20:32:24 q6vgrh,,1,Israel gives green light to deal to double Jordan's fresh water supply,,,,,,,2021-10-12 20:54:30 q6vpe2,,4,Centre Camping ⛺,"Bonsoir, est ce que mawjoud centre camping à Oued Zen , Merci",,,,,,2021-10-12 21:06:26 q6vsc1,érimentales/,4,J'ai besoin des Cours de sciences expérimentales du lycée.,"Un cahier propre de préférence qqn qui aurait la 1ére 2éme et 3éme année, je les imprimerais et les rendrais de suite. Merci.",,,,,,2021-10-12 21:10:33 q6vzn9,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 21:20:41 q6w1kr,,9,Searching for a used computer any seller ?,"I'm searching for a used pc ( preferably hig end but it's 4 or 3 years old) that have at least i5 7th gen processor, 8go ram and a dedicated gpu ( 2gb vram) and with a maximum budget of 800 dt Thanks 😊",,,,,,2021-10-12 21:23:27 q6ww11,,1,Tunisia soo baaad,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 22:06:46 q6xlis,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-12 22:44:14 q7419h,,1,idk what to put in here,,,,,,,2021-10-13 05:03:07 q74oj6,,1,Airoport tunis carthage,,,,,,,2021-10-13 05:48:35 q76jfo,,14,As an individual how can you make some change?,"Say you want to make a suggestion or give an idea or something of that sort. Is it possible? Let's take our education system for example, how can you help improve it? Or is the entire system locked to a few people to make all the decisions?",,,,,,2021-10-13 08:12:18 q78d3j,,1,who is looking for designer ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 10:37:09 q7a5f6,,4,Xiaomi Airbuds at fair price,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 12:32:30 q7aenl,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 12:47:39 q7ajeo,,7,Help architecture student,"Hi all, One of my friends family member is an architecture student. He is searching for an architecture graduate willing to help him write his ""mémoire"". He is going through depression and kept delaying submitting his "" Mémoire "" for 3 years. His family are really concerned about him and are ready to pay for help. Ps: he is a really good student and he is going through a lot of things that lead to this situation. Can someone help him?",,,,,,2021-10-13 12:55:13 q7aufo,,1,Does anyone know where I can buy adult Halloween costumes in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 13:10:58 q7daao,,35,"Algerians and Moroccans are moving away from French, when will we wake up and admit that English has more importance than French ? that UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and so on are all way more important than France ?",,,,,,,2021-10-13 15:12:21 q7diez,,6,what's the best wireless earphones under 100 dinars,,,,,,,2021-10-13 15:23:36 q7dsso,,1,Amazfit annonce de nouvelles montres connectées de fitness,,,,,,,2021-10-13 15:37:53 q7edd9,,1,Does anyone know where I could buy adult Halloween costumes in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 16:04:40 q7ei75,,13,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 16:11:02 q7f4l0,,1,"The Egyptian government: Thursday, October 21, is an official holiday to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday",,,,,,,2021-10-13 16:40:12 q7geqg,,13,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 17:41:10 q7hdis,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 18:26:59 q7ixfx,,1,where can I buy anime DVDs and Blu-rays in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-10-13 19:39:42 q7k13o,,1,Looking for an online part time job,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-13 20:33:35 q7vxkd,,1,Anyone know where I can get some custom Halloween costumes made in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-14 09:07:06 q7x2jc,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-14 10:40:31 q7yocf,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-14 12:28:35 q7z2vl,,3,If you are sick of working from home.. where can you do it?,"A place where you can eat something, work in banlieue...",,,,,,2021-10-14 12:52:40 q7zhjc,,8,I have an Idea,"I have an idea for a business (I'm not gonna do it because I don't have the time, with school and everything but if you want to do it feel free to) I want to know what would be its requirement. It's an online t-shirt store, but instead of selling t-shirts with random designs or text etc. The customer uploads the image he wants on the t-shirt (you can have already made ones ) and it can be promoted in tiktok since a lot of Tunisians use it(I once bought a product that I saw in tiktok from a Tunisian shop). It could be a shirt with a main character from a series or an artwork or a custom one by the customer. How much do you think it need as a (رأس مال) and do you need to declare it with the government(batinda).",,,,,,2021-10-14 13:15:13 q8136s,,11,Therapist,Any recommendations for getting a therapist that is open minded? Meaning that I can talk to him about things that is considered haram or unacceptable in our society.,,,,,,2021-10-14 14:39:47 q858c7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-14 18:06:03 q859ca,,47,EXPO 2020 Dubai - Tunisian Pavilion Passport Stamp,,,,,,,2021-10-14 18:07:27 q869f1,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-14 18:58:00 q86rgr,,9,Should ex president Marzouki be trialed for treason ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-14 19:22:17 q87cm0,,9,Tunisian cryptocurrency?,,,,,,,2021-10-14 19:51:22 q89fqi,,1,تمتلك Kape Technologies الآن ExpressVPN و CyberGhost و PIA و Zenmate والعديد من مواقع مراجعة VPN,,,,,,,2021-10-14 21:50:29 q8g6oh,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-10-15 04:00:14 q8hxjv,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-15 05:54:11 q8iz7x,,3,Help,Is it legall to own a medieval sword in tunisia,,,,,,2021-10-15 07:09:12 q8kds7,étatique_and/,5,What’s the difference formation étatique and formation privée,"Hello Tunisian redditors, I’ve been to meaning post this question for awhile, I’m graduating BTS commerce international this year from centre sectoriel des métiers tertiaires (etatique) and considering to maybe start another formation course in informatique so i wonder how different are Centres privés i.e how much is a private diploma recognized compared to etatique diploma, etc so name as many examples as you can and thank you",,,,,,2021-10-15 08:58:16 q8kqx0,,1,suggestions for a gym in Manouba,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-15 09:25:58 q8lvzv,,80,When was this photo taken ? Was English a popular language even during the colonization era ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-15 10:49:57 q8lw2h,,19,Hate to be the bearer of bad news but,,,,,,,2021-10-15 10:50:06 q8oi0b,,0,Black diamand weels,,,,,,,2021-10-15 13:30:48 q8olt2,,2,Becoming A General Contractor in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-15 13:36:42 q8rd8c,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-15 15:56:24 q8rfuf,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-15 16:00:02 q8s75q,,1,Yesterday I got my own personalized soul reading for free. if u also in interested here is link.,,,,,,,2021-10-15 16:36:41 q8u2w3,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-15 18:11:16 q8uanu,,1,immana post that shit on every country i mentioned s sub,,,,,,,2021-10-15 18:22:06 q8urx8,,0,just imagine being here,,,,,,,2021-10-15 18:46:25 q8v4fb,,9,KATYBON - eb7ath 3ani - type recommendation,"[\_xI]( Years ago, I listen to this and never thought I could find something similar, are there any ? &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-10-15 19:03:47 q8z9jt,,3,Fix it and maybe i will come back,,,,,,,2021-10-15 22:41:06 q911dc,,6,I'm so bored / game idea,"Hello, I'm so bored. I want to make a video game to pass the time but unfortunately my brain is dry. I have no idea what to do. BTW Im in no way a professional game maker. I just do it for fun. If you have an idea please comment it Thank you",,,,,,2021-10-16 00:24:32 q91rc4,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-16 01:08:54 q92eps,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-16 01:50:19 q94o0t,,1,Question,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-16 04:15:40 q97ku7,,3,Should i keep doing stuff like this ? (i do custom request if someone wants to),,,,,,,2021-10-16 07:59:22 q985up,,11,How can you get an international credit card in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-10-16 08:45:30 q986xv,,8,Bardo museum,"Hi guys, on google it says that bardo museum is permanently closed? Surely this isn’t right? Does anyone know the times for it? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-10-16 08:47:58 q98f3u,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-16 09:06:44 q98oxv,,3,Need help with returning items to Bershka,Few days ago i ordered some shoes from Bershka but they were too big so i returned them and now they sent me a mail asking me to fill in a form where i can provide my bank account number so they can refund me but the form requires me to put in at least 24 characters and i checked almost all available bank accounts that i have and none of them has 24 characters (even with spaces) so now im in a really tight situation because i can’t contact them and they dont have a phone number so please if anyone has a solution do let me know and thanks,,,,,,2021-10-16 09:30:02 q9a1qg,,1,new friends,,,,,,,2021-10-16 11:18:56 q9a3i4,,5,What service do you recommand to manage your foreign currency ?,,,,,,,2021-10-16 11:22:36 q9ahyt,,9,best private computer science university in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2021-10-16 11:52:16 q9b4rc,,13,Did democracy in Tunisia fail or did it never succeed?,,,,,,,2021-10-16 12:35:25 q9b7pk,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-16 12:40:26 q9bqd2,,1,CarthaginianSaltposting/,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-16 13:11:51 q9d102,,4,Renting a small place for like a week,"Hey people, I've got a friend coming from abroad to Tunisia for like a week or 10 days. What are the best option we have so he can rent a small place with accommodations during that period. I know hotels does that ofc but it's expensive. Prefered locations: menzah",,,,,,2021-10-16 14:25:14 q9icqh,,4,Hello guys just wanted to ask about the call centre industry and how can you start one any help will be useful (like how you find a client etc),,,,,,,2021-10-16 19:05:03 q9in6x,,8,Is it possible to go to a tunisian university with an american GED?,,,,,,,2021-10-16 19:20:22 q9kwim,,35,Dating,"26M, seriously how can I get a girlfriend? This shit ain’t funny anymore I am nearing 30 and still have zero experience. At this point I will end up marrying my cousin or something xD. I work in Tunis, my coworkers are mostly males and the females aren’t that interested in dating ( or taking to me at least ?). Where do I go from here ? I am open to joining any kind of activities and my interests are anime,reading and coding. Also I don’t know what to feel about tinder. should I give it a serious try? thanks for helping !",,,,,,2021-10-16 21:22:02 q9m0l7,,38,Why doesn't tunisia promote/advertise their historical sites for tourism?,"I'm from norway and im taking a bachelor in history, currently second year, i want to write my final thesis on carthage as when i studied roman history i fell in love with hannibal and carthaginian history as a teenager. I knew about a lot of the historical facts but actually i had no idea about especially the ROMAN sites in tunisia, untill i visited 3 times the last 10 months due to my fiance being from tunisia. I knew about the carthage ruins, which are cool for someone especially interested like me and bardo museum is great too but for standard tourists i dont think they would care that much. However you have hidden gems. Everyone knows about the colosseum, rome is already an incredibly popular tourist destination and of course theres more to rome than colosseum, but the point is its a very popular destination. I study carthaginian and roman history and i had no idea el jem existed untill a year ago. I was lucky to visit december last year and it blew my mind. Its basically just a slightly smaller colosseum, a bit worse shape but even when i visited there was workers there doing renovation work, and yes i know i visited during corona but that place was EMPTY. like it was me, my fiancee, the workers and maybe 4-5 other people. Colosseum is completely full at all times, and i believe theres reasons for this. First of all of course rome is way more accesible, we reached el jem on a 2.5ish our drive from tunis, and the rest of el jem is nothing, like its just a town that has NOTHING in it except for the amphiteatre, while rome has so much more to offer than just the colosseum. I have been in hammamet and sousse and i have seen what kind of infrastructure and tourist friendly enviorements tunisians can create, but tunisia in my opinion is so much more than 5 star hotels and beaches? If you built some resturants, did some promoting, anything around your historical past you could attract so many tourists, at least thats my opinion. Tourists come to norway and scandinavia in general all the time due to our beautiful nature and our viking history, and we also promote that, of course due to the recent success of viking entertainment on tv everything has been more well known, but i really believe if tunisia made an effort they could profit hugely and also create a lot of jobs. Hire builders and make el jem tourist friendly with hotels and resturants, make it appealing to visit not just for history nerds, you have so much hidden potential there. But maybe thats just me",,,,,,2021-10-16 22:25:13 q9n3rb,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-16 23:30:38 q9pam2,,8,Where to buy (and approximately for how much are) gaming chairs,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-17 01:46:46 q9rbdh,,4,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-10-17 04:00:16 q9td6d,,1,Question regarding finances.,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 06:35:47 q9thov,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 06:46:24 q9u0gq,,1,❤🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-10-17 07:29:05 q9vh1s,,23,Is is cheaper to buy a used car from France than here ?,"Prices in souk lkraheb are rediculously high, peugeot 206 from 2006 is sold at 18.5k !!! Citroen saxo at 16k !!! I want a cheap used car cause i have a low budget but it seems impossible to find a nice affordable one. On the other hand the same cars are sold around 1-3k euros in France ... There is some cars that sell even at 700 or 800 euros. So does anyone know how much diwana and the government tax you for bringing a foreign car ?",,,,,,2021-10-17 09:30:54 q9wqmt,,12,"Doing Huge Research on foreign relations between the USA and Tunisia, and I need your recommendations!","I'm writing an extensive thesis on Foreign relations between Tunisia and the USA after the Arab Spring. A French university and an American professor are directing this research. I need your recommendations on books, articles, hearings, videos, basically anything and everything in English, French, or Arabic, that has to do with: * USA-Tunisia relations during the Obama Administration * The Arab Spring's effects on this relation * Comparisons between relations before and after the Arab Spring * USA foreign policy in Tunisia/North Africa * History of USA-Tunisia relations (any time period, not just the Arab Spring) * Basically anything that mentions both countries My goal is to research this overlooked relation, and try to use this research to maintain/improve it, and ultimately conclude ways to actually help Tunisia by strengthening foreign relations. Your imput will help more than you can imagine. Thank you.",,,,,,2021-10-17 11:13:50 q9xvi6,,1,ARE YOU FUNKING SERIOUS????,,,,,,,2021-10-17 12:37:24 q9yr3w,,4,what are the best CS camps in tunisia ?,"so basically i'm a student in the ""cycle d'ingenieur"" with my field being in energy, but i feel like i could do more in programming, i tried to look for any training camps/centers that are decent but i've had no luck what so ever. also what coding language do you fellow redditors recommend for a beginner like me. cheers !",,,,,,2021-10-17 13:29:29 q9yrbj,,3,How to ship from Tunisia to USA,"I need to send a package from Tunisia to USA that contains food and random stuff. Am I allowed to send such things? And can anyone explain how I could send it and how much it costs, idc about the price.",,,,,,2021-10-17 13:29:52 q9ysgy,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 13:31:43 q9yzms,,1,L'Amérique domine l'industrie minière du bitcoin,,,,,,,2021-10-17 13:43:56 qa3uov,,1,إريتريون سود وبريطانيون يتظاهرون في مانشستر بريطانيا ضد ليبيا لا لتعذيب وقتل اللاجئين في ليبيا,,,,,,,2021-10-17 17:54:46 qa45te,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 18:09:13 qa47bm,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 18:11:15 qa47ty,,12,missing things in tunisia,"i opened an importation company to import products, get money and help the country from lack of products. so brahs give me products that are absent in tunisia (anything, from food to tech)",,,,,,2021-10-17 18:11:57 qa4v9v,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 18:44:30 qa4vgx,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 18:44:46 qa6c45,,1,Part time jobs,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 19:56:11 qa6x8f,,1,Personal driver,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 20:24:47 qa7x2x,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-17 21:16:13 qabbga,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-18 00:24:56 qai52f,,1,"Report: Israel expects to fire up to 2,500 rockets per day in case of war with Hezbollah",,,,,,,2021-10-18 07:59:23 qaiv25,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-18 09:01:59 qakybu,,8,Is it possible to mail a laptop from Tunisia to Europe?,,,,,,,2021-10-18 11:41:37 qal2sy,,17,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-18 11:49:39 qal8cs,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-18 11:59:12 qaleil,,76,Top 10 for Ons !,,,,,,,2021-10-18 12:09:54 qamrxy,,6,Am i allowed to ride a sports motorcycle at the age of 16 ? I might need a license but is it okey if im underaged,,,,,,,2021-10-18 13:32:44 qanaiz,,0,azbar dokhan ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-18 14:01:51 qao1xi,,1,…,,,,,,,2021-10-18 14:42:22 qasof7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-18 18:24:25 qausbw,,10,Is there a Tunisian LoL esports community?,"By Tunisian community, I mean two things. A Tunisian community that follows either LEC or LCS or LCK or LPL or all at once. And a Tunisian community that follows Tunisian teams/pro scene. Do either of these exist? I don't mind if it's on Facebook.",,,,,,2021-10-18 20:03:38 qawaoy,,7,"Helium miner in Sousse, tell us how did you do, let's make a comunity and more hotspots",,,,,,,2021-10-18 21:24:16 qawut1,,1,What are Tunisian guys like? What are their charakter traits?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-18 21:51:17 qawzyp,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-18 21:58:34 qayd0x,,1,يخطط Facebook لتوظيف 10000 موظف جديد للعمل على Metaverse,,,,,,,2021-10-18 23:07:43 qazwg7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 00:31:39 qb3g8j,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-10-19 04:00:20 qb5oht,,23,Cheap healthy food ( ingredients or meals ),"Hello guys, I want to make a list of cheap healthy food that can be found in Tunisia. I started getting in shape since the pandemic, I have been training regularly but my diet hasn't been that great ( mostly because I have a very limited budget ). I feel like this list might be very beneficial for people on budget especially students. Feel free to contribute ! Here are some examples of cheap ingredients that I have been using in my recipes : Oats : proteins : 11g per 100g, calories : 370 per 100g, price : 0,600 DT to 1 DT per 100g Linseed : proteins : 18g per 100g, calories : 534 per 100g, price : 0,600 DT per 100g Pumpkin seeds : proteins : 19g per 100g, calories : 446 per 100g, price : 2,5 DT per 100g",,,,,,2021-10-19 06:32:54 qb7br9,,1,Ki trespecti El pdg..,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 08:43:34 qb86ay,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 09:52:48 qb8az4,,1,What's considered short height for men ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 10:02:25 qb8dif,,28,What's considered short height for men ?,"What's considered short height for men ? Lately on Facebook I've come across girls/women pages that post memes that basically shame men under 1.70, I was disgusted at the comments: ""a9al men 170 mech rajel"" ""haw wejji ken yal9a wa7da tardha bih"" ""1:70 mazelou ya7kiw beha la3bed yé5i hhhhh"" ""el toul wahra, el rajel elli a9al men 175 n7essou mtarfes w 5ayeb"" ""a9al men 1.80 n9olou el sme7 laaaaa"" stuff like that and girls telling stories of meeting guys and ghosting them after first dating when they find out they are ""short"" , and a bunch of comments obsessing about 1.85 and 1.90 being ideal male height. and you guessed it, I'm slightly below 1.70 so I wanted to know, why is height a big deal ? and what's considered short for a man?",,,,,,2021-10-19 10:08:09 qb8rpf,,1,Augmentez l'espace iCloud gratuitement avec cette astuce,,,,,,,2021-10-19 10:37:29 qb9n8l,,1,Whelp,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 11:37:27 qb9ygz,,3,Looking for baking utensils,"Do you know any shops around Marsa/ Carthage that sell professional baking utensils (molds, piping bags, gelatin...)?",,,,,,2021-10-19 11:58:09 qbbc5d,,1,Tunisie : imbroglio politico-diplomatique autour du report du sommet de l'OIF,,,,,,,2021-10-19 13:17:13 qbbin7,,0,هل التقدم المادي الذي يعيشه الغرب اليوم هو حضارة ؟ اعرف الإجابة في هذا الموضوع 👇:,,,,,,,2021-10-19 13:27:06 qbbkde,,12,Archery for beginners,"Howdy, hope you're all doing well and enjoying your mouled. So as the title suggests, i'm looking for places to learn archery in Tunis. Feel free to drop your suggestions and some advices and infos about this activity in the comments below. Thanks in advance ^^^",,,,,,2021-10-19 13:30:05 qbbl1l,éponses_à_mon/,1,"S'il vous plait,j'aurai besoin de réponses à mon questionnaire (c'est pour mon mémoire)",[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 13:31:04 qbbqoj,,8,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 13:40:00 qbc36f,,1,"ماهو تفسير ظاهرة ""الديجافو"" أو ""شوهد من قبل"" ، اعرف الإجابة في هذا الموضوع 👇:",,,,,,,2021-10-19 13:59:00 qbcu7k,,25,"help, I forgot how to speak derja :(","So I spent a long time abroad in the US, and since then I primarily speak and think in English. When I try to speak tunisian I sound really dumb and my vocab is super limited. It's like, all my sense of humor and my charm disappears. This has made it hard to make friends ever since I came back to live in Tunisia. I don't know what to do about this and would appreciate some advice.",,,,,,2021-10-19 14:37:14 qbedup,,1,Ticket Scalper,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 15:52:42 qbetx0,,3,Bringing an unboxed phone to Tunisa,"I'm planning on traveling to Tunisia this winter and I'll be bringing an iphone with me as a gift. Will I have to pay for customs or will it pass? Also do I have to unbox it for it not be taxed? Edit: Sorry I spelled Tunisia wrong in the title",,,,,,2021-10-19 16:14:12 qbetxg,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 16:14:13 qbgm5y,,5,selling things in Tunisia,"Yo fellow tunisians , I want to sell some stuff on the internet and i'm looking for the best apps for it . I heard that ""çava"" is a good app . I tried to use jumiya but apparently in order to sell you need to pay for other stuff first (which in my opinion is dumb ) .Alibaba looks complicated to sell stuff on . So if you know any good apps (other than çava)to sell stuff pls tell me",,,,,,2021-10-19 17:39:25 qbhjkj,,1,دعم الشعب الأفغاني ضد حركة طالبان الإرهابية,,,,,,,2021-10-19 18:24:02 qbi5gk,,1,I need help,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 18:53:15 qbj9c0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 19:45:29 qbjyxx,,1,"apparently there are cables that are owned by tunisie telecom,ooredoo and orange. does this mean isps don't have to rely on tunisie telecom for cable/internet?",,,,,,,2021-10-19 20:18:05 qbl9rg,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-19 21:20:20 qblitk,,13,Cool places/ things to do in Djerba ?,"hello guuyss! so I was wondering what can one do during a day in Djerba for fun, and what are some cool places to hang out, like bars, restaurants, or just cafées ? would love to hear your suggestions \^-\^",,,,,,2021-10-19 21:32:20 qbljps,,1,Android 12 متاح الآن لهواتف Pixel,,,,,,,2021-10-19 21:33:36 qbmgyv,,5,How to get a freelancer agreement?,Hey does anyone here know how to get a freelancer agreement? I heard you get it from lbaladiya or something. What should I do exactly and how long does it take to get it?,,,,,,2021-10-19 22:18:22 qbojx0,,1,Any tunisian Stock community?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-20 00:10:39 qbxcbq,è_3enba/,5,Where's Caffè 3enba,"I tried to follow Google maps instructions but they were not correct, ended up in a wrong street. Any help here?",,,,,,2021-10-20 09:58:47 qbxebf,é/,28,how to pathé,"so im taking my gf to pathé (geant) but the thing is i have never been there. can you guys help me out so i won't embarrass myself. how do i get the tickets ? what is the best spot ? do i have to be there early ? please guys share any tips. i really want to impress this girl. thanks.",,,,,,2021-10-20 10:02:11 qby61p,,0,القيروان 2021,,,,,,,2021-10-20 10:57:15 qbyx4c,,12,How much of Tunisian is non-Arab?,"I would like to see if anyone knows how much of Tunisian is non-Arab, specifically romance languages. Does anyone have a percentage or any estimates? [Btw I'm Maltese, and I love how much I understand Tunisian. A research said that only 1/3 of our words are Arab, but that's because we had European colonisers for a long time and we took words from their languages. I always thought it was more because I would say 60-70% of our daily words are arab, and since they are our ""basic"" words we use them the most. In fact a lot of words of ours can be said in Arab or Italian, for example for ""answer"" we have tweġiba (Arab) or risposta (Italian).]",,,,,,2021-10-20 11:43:53 qc37ii,,28,Abortion in Tunisia,"Hello, Moroccan here, abortion is legal in Tunisia since 1973. I find it impressive that you Tunisians, managed to do 50years ago what us Moroccans couldnt do even today. I'd like to know the context of the legalization and the legal framework, also what does the average Tunisian think about abortion laws, and what do you think stops other Arab countries from following in your footsteps",,,,,,2021-10-20 15:17:10 qc3w3w,,18,Every time I walk outside I get paranoid,"Okay, so don't laugh at me (some of you will in which case have a good laugh). When I was growing up, my mom (she's very much deranged) went to great lengths to convince me that the Tunisian outside world was full of nothing but dangers and perils. ""People will try to rob you, attack you, there are gangs, knife-wielding psychos... Don't take public transportation which is fraught with danger"" This has planted very deep fears into my psyche and I spent most of my teenagehood and childhood holed up in my room. Eventually I studied abroad in the US for a couple of years, and in that place, I went out all the time by myself without fear of anything. Anyway I'm running into financial problems right now and have to live in Tunisia for idk how long, but when I went home I found all those fears from my childhood relating to Tunisia haven't really disappeared. Even nowadays my mom still spouts about outside dangers, it's very discouraging. I know it's mostly bullshit but it's really fucking with my brain. So, I've come to ask you guys, can you give me an honest assessment of these so called dangers in Tunisia? It's kind of an embarrassing question to ask but I need a way to make my brain less fucked up.",,,,,,2021-10-20 15:47:51 qc48vy,,7,"""Souri/Syrian"" in Tunisian","Hi there! Hope you all are doing well dear Tunisians. So, I came across a few sources on the Internet, one of them an old comment in this sub, which say that in Tunisian, the word ""Souri/Syrian"" is not necessarily used to refer to someone whose nationality is Syrian but to different stuff. Like, they said in Tunisian ""Yetkalam besSouri"" is used to refer to someone who speaks French, that architectural styles that aren't traditional are referred to as Syrian in Tunisia and a few other things. So I came to you guys to verify whether this is really true. Ideally if it's correct, I would love to hear from you guys about other contexts you use the word ""Souri"" in and what they mean. Thank you so much in advance to everyone who will answer! If only you guys knew the amount of love I hold for Tunisia in my heart. I sincerely wish that Tunisia comes out of its current political uncertainty strong and all its problems get resolved. Much love to all of you guys from Damascus <3",,,,,,2021-10-20 16:03:43 qc4dpu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-20 16:09:46 qc6b52,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-20 17:35:52 qca5tv,,14,"Today is the last time to vote for the representative of Tunisia, Riyad Abdel Hadi, who will be the best Arab inventor in Stars of Science",[](,,,,,,2021-10-20 20:28:42 qccvkv,,36,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-20 22:35:09 qcn3m5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-21 08:24:21 qcohnz,,1,Facebook a été condamné à une amende de 70 millions de dollars en Grande-Bretagne,,,,,,,2021-10-21 10:09:41 qcony9,,17,Losing weight,"Hi,im in my 20's and i planned to loose weight in the past and in im obliged to do that to fix my serious health problems. HOWEVER ,I always failed because the healthy food is super expensive and i cant consume these type of food on campus . Any advises how to loose weight ? Ps:I cant do sports only beacause my healty will get even worst .",,,,,,2021-10-21 10:22:23 qcovsa,,6,What to do around Lake of Tunis?,"Hey guys I'm traveling for a conference to Tunis and will be staying around the Lake of Tunis. I've never been there before. What are some interesting things to do around that area in the evenings, night? And what's the best cafes and bookshops around? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-10-21 10:38:04 qcpm7u,,61,"For anyone feeling hopeless about their country : Tunisians are coming back from France/USA/else, to launch Permaculture Projects in the countryside ! To create sustainable food production systems, reach self-sufficiency and create plenty of jobs for rural inhabitants !","&#x200B; [Dôme écologique near Kairouan at OmbreduPalmier]( [Near Kelibia ]( [Hammam in super-adobe !]( [Cheap earth-bag house](",,,,,,2021-10-21 11:26:16 qcpzti,,10,Last minute trip to Tunisia. We need your help 💪,"Because Morocco decided last minute that we won’t be able to fly there we cancelled everything and decided last minute to travel to Tunisia. Therefore we would love any and all help from you guys. Places, Restaurants, Food in general, Sights, places to sleep, Sahara, etc. Really anything you guys would want to share with a foreigner about Tunisia. We plan on hopping in a rental car straight from the airport and travel the country for six days heading towards the Sahara and back to Tunis. There we plan on recovering for two days before we go home again. Any help would be much appreciated :)",,,,,,2021-10-21 11:50:05 qcqria,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-21 12:33:45 qcridh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-21 13:12:22 qcruxi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-21 13:30:27 qcrxsz,,4,"Guys is it legal to do ""Bitcoin mining"" in Tunisia ?",,,,,,,2021-10-21 13:34:28 qctlj0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-21 14:53:39 qcwn25,,6,Getting a pc from abroad,"Hey guys, I've received a PC through DHL from a foreign company I'll be working with as a freelancer. I went to RapidPost and they told me to pay 1000TND for diwana fees. I've explained to the customs that I did not buy this computer and i don't own it but I'll just use it for work, he told me to come back tomorrow so he can check with his colleagues. Tomorrow I'll get back to them with my work contract maybe it will help. Does any of you gone through something like this and what did you do ? UPDATE: I went with my work contract and he asked to pay 280TND",,,,,,2021-10-21 17:16:28 qcy9dg,,11,Is eye correction/vision surgery expensive in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-10-21 18:32:48 qczn9n,,0,Did you people forget we are Muslims ? Ye5i twensa nsew eli a7na muslmin ? fi9ou,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-21 19:38:47 qd0b7e,,1,Orders from AliExpress,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-21 20:10:56 qd1ws8,,3,Which neighborhood in Tunis is the fanciest?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-21 21:29:12 qd4ebc,,1,Moving,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-21 23:40:41 qd4gce,,1,ترامب سيطلق منصة التواصل الاجتماعي الجديدة TRUTH Social,,,,,,,2021-10-21 23:44:01 qd8sw8,,8,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-10-22 04:00:15 qdbaky,,1,Egyptian Foreign Minister Shoukry visits Benghazi and meets Khalifa Haftar,,,,,,,2021-10-22 06:58:39 qdeyx5,,16,"When your own daughter/sister gets bullied physically by her 4 classmates in the streets, what is the best course of action to take?", Context: Primary School.,,,,,,2021-10-22 11:34:04 qdgkpu,,6,what are the Procedures for buying a car.,"Hello, So I'm buying a 1990 Mercedes 250D next week, I want to know what are the procedures to take and how much will it cost (excluding the car's cost) like insurance and other stuff. Thank you",,,,,,2021-10-22 13:08:06 qdhcji,,4,Where do i get a small and young cat in soussa and how do i take care of it and keep it safe when i leave for school,,,,,,,2021-10-22 13:49:11 qdhkeh,,19,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 14:00:27 qdhxu9,,51,"Tunisia is wonderful, and that is why Kuwait is pleased with our relations with it, and we hope that our relations will last",,,,,,,2021-10-22 14:19:25 qdi87a,,13,Moving to Tunisia / Where to start?,"Sabah el-khir! I’m actually considering moving to Tunisia for 6 months maybe. I decided after meeting some Tunisians who were super friendly and chill. The people I met give me good vibes ☀️ Not to mention the food! Tajin and fricassé thon! And of course the café au lait :) I also heard that Tunisian Food was quite diversified and healthy can you confirm? But anyway so I’d like to move to either Tunis or Sousse. Also is there somewhere warm during the winter? Where do you think is the best to live as a foreigner? I’m from France btw. And how to find a studio or a tiny house wihout being scammed for let’s say 250€/month all included… Would it be possible? My only requirements are : In a city or village not noisy calm and peaceful especially in the apartment. Strong & reliable wifi. Have good homemade and local foods. The less alcohol and less parties the better!! And lastly, is it doable to live on 800€/month in Tunisia? Sorry for all this questions, but I’m total beginner for Tunisia, and hope to connect with you locals from Tunisia!! Yaishek! To y’all ✌️👋",,,,,,2021-10-22 14:34:15 qdiuj2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 15:04:21 qdk80q,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 16:10:10 qdkbph,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 16:15:08 qdkcs4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 16:16:33 qdn4zb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 18:29:41 qdngyg,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 18:46:10 qdnzgo,,6,how many calories do you think 1 mlawi and 1 spoon of harissa contain ?,,,,,,,2021-10-22 19:11:15 qdo3a0,,1,Just came back from spending 2 weeks in Tunisia shooting 35mm film. Here are some of them,,,,,,,2021-10-22 19:16:27 qdorol,,31,Can someone explain why in 2021 Wataniya still have 240p resolution ? Its like the same quality since 2006,,,,,,,2021-10-22 19:49:52 qdowl5,,1,Pakistan among worlds worst women abusers,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 19:56:55 qdrm7v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-22 22:13:38 qdvwr6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 02:25:46 qe0y6g,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 08:32:23 qe0yrd,,1,Tunisia imposes corona vaccination passport on locals and foreigner visitors,,,,,,,2021-10-23 08:33:49 qe20we,,1,When will Tunisia add Paypal i want to buy stuff online,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 10:02:17 qe2nws,,20,Is there any sort of map or list that details all the Taxi Jame3i routes in Grand Tunis?,,,,,,,2021-10-23 10:54:20 qe2quw,,4,cool places or activities in tunis ?,send help,,,,,,2021-10-23 11:00:32 qe2yc1,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 11:15:52 qe6pb8,,25,"Do you think Tunisia should diversify its touristic attractions and not simply center tourism on sea, sun and sand?",,,,,,,2021-10-23 15:16:17 qe800l,,1,Snapchat veut se rendre plus sûr pour les adolescents,,,,,,,2021-10-23 16:22:16 qe8ks9,,1,Why did you change choufli hal’s time dear Wataniya ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 16:51:16 qe8s1t,,6,Flower delivery service in Monastir/Sousse?,"I wanted to get flowers for someone very close to me, but unfortunately I live on the other side of the planet. I was curious if there were any places that could take an order via WU/moneygram/PayPal?",,,,,,2021-10-23 17:01:26 qe9oh9,,1,ENA LYRICS » BALTI (ARABIC) » Lyrics Over A2z,,,,,,,2021-10-23 17:46:41 qe9vax,,4,"Tunisian President Kais Saied received on Friday at Carthage Palace Sheikh Ahmed Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs of the State of Kuwait. Al-Sabah affirmed the Kuwaiti leadership's support for the Tunisian President's choices and it",,,,,,,2021-10-23 17:56:41 qea70n,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 18:13:21 qea94y,,8,"Did you Immigrate to a scandinavian country, share us your story","Whether you Immigrated from Tunisia to any scandinavian country like denmark, norway I would love to hear your story.",,,,,,2021-10-23 18:16:16 qea9rx,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 18:17:08 qeabk6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 18:19:48 qeawly,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 18:49:04 qeb75a,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 19:03:48 qebmxv,,93,Chabéb ta7ché ! ppl on facebook are start talking about what happens here 😑😑,,,,,,,2021-10-23 19:26:00 qedtfh,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 21:21:00 qedtil,,8,"corrupt people from first world countries finds third world as a heaven for business, people in Tunisia who loves animals have been fighting for a law to protect animals is for reasons like this and beyond",,,,,,,2021-10-23 21:21:07 qedznh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 21:30:08 qee6jl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 21:40:26 qef4cr,étapes_afin_de_voyager_tunis_nice/,1,Quelles sont les étapes afin de voyager (Tunis <-> Nice)?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-23 22:31:57 qefrnn,,1,I've see it all in the last decade but this is a big Fffffff,,,,,,,2021-10-23 23:08:44 qegqhw,,3,N7eb na9ra bel anglais,N7eb na9ra bel anglais fel fac (1er info de gestion) any help? I'm planning to move to any English speaking countrie to complete my Master so learning to code in French is waste of time and also because my French suck a$$,,,,,,2021-10-24 00:03:41 qekgxi,,3,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 04:00:13 qemzjh,,14,Moving to Tunis as Expat,"Got an offer to work in Tunis, with 4000USD moving assistance given at the first month only and 1800USD monthly salary to pay for my expenses such as rent, food, etc. Is this enough for a single person to live decently in Tunis, Tunisia? Thank you.",,,,,,2021-10-24 07:03:11 qeokgd,,6,"Are there any part time jobs for teenagers in soussa ? If so , how does the system exactly work",,,,,,,2021-10-24 09:09:48 qep0os,,1,Twitter ajoute des cartes d'abonnement à la newsletter Revue dans ses tweets,,,,,,,2021-10-24 09:48:09 qep17u,,1,Is there any sking / skydiving /nerfgun facility in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 09:49:17 qep9k9,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 10:06:53 qep9ru,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 10:07:21 qepq22,,6,"I'm 23, I wanna know where to apply to play tennis and how much will it cost? is there a membership or you rent the court everytime you wanna play? also where I can find Head or Wilson rackets?",I live in Tunis,,,,,,2021-10-24 10:42:43 qepq8o,,4,Recommendation for acoustic indy Tunisian music?,"Salut! I've discovered a few Tunisian artists past few days and I'm wondering whether you can recommend artists(whether Tunisians or others) that make music with some similarity. I've already been a fan of Dhafer Youssef since my teens but my new discoveries are Ÿuma and Emel Mathlouthi. I never come empty handed. Here is a cover/collaboration of a [Tunisian song]( from my country (Lebanon) that I really like.",,,,,,2021-10-24 10:43:09 qeqzvd,,60,A list of all Taxi Jame3i routes in Grand Tunis - Work in Progress,"**Original Text (read the updates):** So yesterday I posted here asking whether we have any map or list for Taxi Jame3i routes. And it seems that there aren't any. After the suggestions of a fellow redditor, I decided to do some minimal effort and start this post to organize some sort of guide that would address this issue. I will start with adding the routes I know. And I rely on your contributions, fellow redditors, to improve this list and update it as time goes by. If it proves to acutally be of any worth, I'd love for this post to be pinned or highlighted in any form, to be of assistance to those of us who need it. At least until someone with the right qualifications comes around and creates a better alternative, like a web page or a mobile app. The list will be composed of links to Google Maps routes. Since it does not allow for multiple routes on the same map, each route will be in its own separate link. If anyone has a better alternative, please let me know, and I'll edit this post accordingly. (Update 1) To help improve this list, comment with your own Google Maps link containing a new route, or a completion of an existing route. Please include the appropriate descriptions as follows: Starting hub, destination, level of completeness. I can't question the information you provide me, so please try to be as accurate as possible. And I encourage you to constantly review the links provided below and correct me on any mistakes. **0 -** [**Entire Map**]( (unable to complete. Update 2) **1 - Tunis Center Hub** [\[map\]]( * 1.1. [Tunis Center - El Marsa \[complete?\]](,10.188993/36.8805576,10.326918/data=!4m2!4m1!3e0) * 1.2. [Tunis Center - La Goulette \[complete?\]](,10.1890292/36.8312792,10.3151437/data=!4m2!4m1!3e0) **2 - Ariana Hub** [\[map\]]( * 2.1. [Ariana Terminus - Zahrouni \[incomplete - up to Khaznadar\]](,10.1976717/36.8031271,10.1188385/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d10.1883133!2d36.8568724!3s0x12fd34b48ceb4c6b:0x8644d4b563bd36cb!1m0!3e0) * 2.2. [Ariana Terminus - Mongi Slim \[complete?\]](,10.1979983/36.8661472,10.2894421/data=!4m2!4m1!3e0) * 2.3. [Ariana Bab Lahdid - ??? \[incomplete - up to Géant\]](,10.1883191/36.8969728,10.1210178/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0) **3 - Mohammedia Hub** [\[map\]]( * 3.1. [Mohammedia- Ben Arous \[complete?\]](,10.1544443/36.7515114,10.2251107/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d10.1689256!2d36.6979773!3s0x12fd30ace7166a87:0x4995cbb8a604d61c!1m0!3e0) * 3.2. [Mohammedia - EL Mourouj \[complete?\]](,10.1544443/36.7315116,10.210721/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d10.16932!2d36.698554!3s0x12fd30ace7166a87:0x1332cd2dde41672!1m0!3e0) * 3.3. [Mohammedia - Naasen \[complete?\]](,10.1544443/36.7041915,10.2321778/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d10.16932!2d36.698554!3s0x12fd30ace7166a87:0x1332cd2dde41672!1m0!3e0) * 3.4. [Mohammedia - Sidi Hssine \[incomplete - route uncertain\]](,10.1544443/36.748169,10.1148882/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d10.16932!2d36.698554!3s0x12fd30ace7166a87:0x1332cd2dde41672!1m0!3e0) * 3.5. [Mohammedia - Tunis Center \[complete?\]](,10.1544443/36.7950378,10.179769/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d10.1689256!2d36.6979773!3s0x12fd30ace7166a87:0x4995cbb8a604d61c!1m0!3e0) **Routes that have no specified hub. I count on you to help clear them up** * &#x200B; **Update 1:** Found out that Google Maps allows you create a custom map with multiple routes in it. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. I'll keep it at the top of the list. Let me know if anything isn't working as it should. **Update 2:** Whoopsie. The custom Google Map has a limit on the number of layers I can add. So we can't show all the routes on one map. The ""Entire Map"" will be incomplete. Until a better alternative comes around, I'll create a custom map that show the routes of each hub seperately. I'm looking into Open Street Map to see if it's a better alternative, but so far I'm not sure.",,,,,,2021-10-24 12:14:40 qer1x6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 12:18:33 qescpb,,3,How to register a Record Label legally in Tunisia and claim the Label+Artists names.,I think the title sums it all up.,,,,,,2021-10-24 13:38:56 qesjuj,,1,need help,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 13:50:13 qest7j,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 14:04:20 qet2da,,13,Kais Saied MeToo,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-24 14:18:17 qet75w,,1,"Trap orientale ""LEYLA"" TOP MUSIC",,,,,,,2021-10-24 14:25:32 qetfvh,,1,10 نصائح لمعالجة الإكتئاب بنفسك 👇:,,,,,,,2021-10-24 14:38:35 qetz5b,,7,looking for interesting DISCORD servers !!,"any interesting DISCORD servers (culture, history, politics, social life, fun, hightech news, space news... ) Im open to suggestions 🤟",,,,,,2021-10-24 15:07:09 qeunpg,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 15:41:42 qew7lq,,169,"Found this little guy in the street, any idea of name for this cutie?",,,,,,,2021-10-24 17:00:26 qexfo7,,2,How to make a Sales Strategy,"hey guys !! I'm working as a digital marketing specialized in Sales in It company , and I'm obliged to make a sales strategy to present it, since I'm new to this position I have no idea about it , if anybody can help me or give me some idea to clear my vision about this task, it will be appreciated so I need to make a sales strategy to sell a product (program) related to the AI, any suggestions or steps or anything?",,,,,,2021-10-24 18:01:22 qey22f,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 18:31:26 qez2j6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 19:20:31 qez9ei,,18,Unable to fit in,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-24 19:30:05 qf02gi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 20:09:15 qf0jh5,,6,Can anyone help me out with studying abroad in Tunisia,"I am an American student studying Arabic and I want to study abroad in Tunisian next fall to learn Arabic. I think there may be a program In sidi Bou Said, but I am having trouble finding information of the internet",,,,,,2021-10-24 20:32:35 qf0jsw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 20:33:05 qf0ozq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-24 20:40:07 qf0vmj,,1,"In case yo u didn't hear about this, it's a big big shame",,,,,,,2021-10-24 20:49:07 qf1kjt,,1,a recommendation for a gym in Manouba,"so i decided to go to the gym, and im looking for a gym in Manouba with a big space and a suitable price i ckecked vip room but they are a bit expensive. so what do you think ?",,,,,,2021-10-24 21:23:49 qf2vpc,,3,Overnight @sahara in Douz,Can anyone help with organising an overnight stay in the Sahara in Douz? We plan on arriving on Tuesday around noon in Douz.. Thank you all in advance 🙏,,,,,,2021-10-24 22:32:10 qf7fcp,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 02:52:02 qf9l6c,,2,Where can I buy authentic skechers ?,,,,,,,2021-10-25 05:10:00 qfalfe,,3,Legion African Cup (CSGO Tournament)," Lenovo is proud to bring you the LEGION AFRICA CUP. A Tournament showcasing the regions best CSGO teams from Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia to Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. Teams will battle it out over the course of 2 moths with $20,000 worth of prizes to be won! Do you and your team have what it takes to make it to the top? Sign up and show us what you're made of! [](",,,,,,2021-10-25 06:25:25 qfaojm,,2,Tunisair VS Nouvelair,"My question is, which is less worse than the other? And if uou got a story let's here it and cry/laugh",,,,,,2021-10-25 06:31:33 qfapbb,,10,Tunisian adults on the autism spectrum,Have you as an adult tested for autism in Tunisia or do you know someone who has? Please share your experience/story with us.,,,,,,2021-10-25 06:33:09 qfbqjl,,1,Reports: Sudanese Prime Minister Hamdok has been placed under house arrest and several senior officials have been detained,,,,,,,2021-10-25 07:54:49 qfcrq9,,4,Barbershop,"Any one knows a good if not the best professional barber shop in Tunis area. Ya boi trina spoil himself. Any haircut suggestions also?",,,,,,2021-10-25 09:18:06 qfcu0z,,6,Does anyone have any experience with having a business in Tunisia with selling clothes online? I’m thinking of moving a company from Sweden to Tunisia because I’m tired of all taxes.,,,,,,,2021-10-25 09:22:54 qfdpox,,11,The limits of the CTI ( Carte Technologique),"Hello. I am thinking of getting a CTI, anyone knows it's limits? As in which websites are allowed? ( I am thinking of buying mainly from G2A & AliExpress, Maybe directly from either Blizzard or Riot Games) Also, would it be possible to link it to a PayPal account? It would be appreciated to share any information that you have here as well, even if I didn't ask about them. Thank you all in Advance",,,,,,2021-10-25 10:27:06 qfekmm,,8,where can i find decent calisthenics spot around lac 2 ( even ones not meant to be spots ),ive been doing calisthenics in la marsa but ive mooved in lac 2 and dont want to buy a indoor bar bcs its expensive and i need the money and la marsa is pretty far as i dont have the time to implement it in my daily routine,,,,,,2021-10-25 11:23:55 qfeo97,,42,Anyone wanna be irl friends?,"I'm a 22 year old guy (I'm Tunisian), I love playing instruments and writing songs (I listen to a lot of Elliott Smith and Beach Boys currently, and indie music in general), reading fiction and nonfiction alike, I'm learning computer science on my own, I like meditating and yoga :) I was forced to leave the US and come back to Tunisia and right now I live in Hammamet and don't have a car, this has made it hard to get around and meet anyone or do activities. I currently don't have any Tunisian friends. Looking for anyone who's down to come pick me up and we can hang out, and maybe I can meet your friends too. DM me if interested!",,,,,,2021-10-25 11:30:20 qffq07,,2,Reviews for Kasserine/Jebel Chaambi Park,"Hi Tunisians. I’m taking a trip soon to your country. I am a big World War 2 history person and want to go see the Kasserine Pass. I noticed nearby you also have a national park in the mountains, which is called Jebel Chaambi (Mount Chaambi). Could I please get reviews? I haven’t seen much about it on trip advisor or Instagram so just wondering what there is to see there.",,,,,,2021-10-25 12:34:29 qffq5y,,1,The declaration of a state of emergency in Sudan and the dissolution of the government after a military coup and the arrest of the Prime Minister,,,,,,,2021-10-25 12:34:42 qfgdir,,3,Frippe adresse,"Can someone help me find the address of frippe 7ay el khadhra. Also, what's the best day to shop there? And do you know any other adresses apart from haffsiya, sidi bahri, ibnou khaldoun and ariana?",,,,,,2021-10-25 13:09:02 qfj8vz,,1,What is known so far about the military coup in Sudan?... Here is the report,,,,,,,2021-10-25 15:29:28 qfl2ev,,4,Betting legislation in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-25 16:53:44 qflf3x,نجم_نبعث_فلوس_مالcarte_technologique_لكارة_متتع/,0,نجم نبعث فلوس مالcarte technologique. لكارة متتع بانك لبر؟ او بيبال ؟,Title,,,,,,2021-10-25 17:09:56 qflgve,,12,SEX TOYS PLEASE,"Is there any trusted site or page or group where someone could get sex toys in tunisia? It's honestly super weird and problematic that those are illegal, if it's delivery it would be even better, thank you in advance!!",,,,,,2021-10-25 17:12:12 qfllm1,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 17:18:14 qflpsp,,1,Fun,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-25 17:23:55 qfmtwd,,2,Is there anyone here with artistic talent and interested in joining a working group for the creation of NFTs ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 18:15:26 qfmw2g,,8,vietnamese community in tunisia,"hello there, is there any vietnamese community in tunisia ? i have a friend that will came to tunisia for several months and i want to ask how vietnamese people see this country. what they liked dislike and how is life for them in here.",,,,,,2021-10-25 18:18:18 qfos5m,,3,Tunisian song Noura,"Hi Tunisian Reddit ! I’m looking for a stayfi/mizoued song were the lyrics are “ya noura ya noura”. It’s NOT to be found on YouTube! Heard it years ago in a henna party in Gafsa and it just blew my mind, burned it on a record, which I lost! . PLEASE Reddit help me find this song! I just love it and it means so much to me❤️",,,,,,2021-10-25 19:49:11 qfot2m,,3,How can I buy Tunisian football Jersey/shirt,"Where can I buy and order to a European country national team shirt or taraji shirts? Thanks on advance.",,,,,,2021-10-25 19:50:25 qfqed3,,2,Where to stay in Tozeur/surrounding area,"Spending a few days in Tozeur, and will stay at an Airbnb. Thinking of spending one night either camping (nothing fancy) or cheap hoteling, at one of the other oases on the way out of town. Any suggestions-- camping spots/guides, or hotels? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-10-25 21:05:45 qfqjtu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 21:12:45 qfqm7l,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 21:15:56 qfqyav,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 21:31:31 qfr00j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 21:33:53 qfrpem,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 22:07:44 qfs4el,,1,there for those who need psychological help,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 22:28:30 qftjt9,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-25 23:42:02 qfutdg,,49,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 00:50:43 qfutnx,,1,how to buy from Ali express with CTI card,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 00:51:09 qfvlqq,,0,k2rhym is ben ali's son,what d u think,,,,,,2021-10-26 01:35:04 qfwnbh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 02:33:49 qfy4zp,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-10-26 04:00:14 qfyjvh,,1,"The United States stops aid to Sudan and threatens the leaders of the military coup with ""all measures"" if the government is not restored",,,,,,,2021-10-26 04:26:25 qg0uiy,,0,These cases are getting more and more common. Sub saharan male immigrants coming from shady backgrounds and living alone are definetly more likely to commit rape and sexual assault.,,,,,,,2021-10-26 07:07:05 qg2x51,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 09:51:56 qg2xwi,,60,"Today in the newest episode of ""Tunisian Reddit inspires Facebook""",,,,,,,2021-10-26 09:53:35 qg373b,,6,How do I ship things with Dhl internationally?,"I have a microphone I’d like to ship from here to South Africa. Have you guys used the service before? And can you let me know how to get started, or if I need any official papers or anything. I appreciate it!",,,,,,2021-10-26 10:12:04 qg5htk,,1,Rediffusion TV Show كان ياماكانش on Watania 1,,,,,,,2021-10-26 12:38:31 qg6jbr,,3,Is there a way to get a copy of your Tunisian driver's license when you are abroad?,"My Tunisian friend is in Asia right now and can't go back home but he wants to get a motorcycle in this country and it requires them seeing his Tunisian driver's license, which he left at home. Does anyone know a way he can get a copy? His family doesn't have it and he's called all the offices at home he knows to ask and still no luck.",,,,,,2021-10-26 13:35:30 qg6x0y,,1,Is it legal to have two active job contracts at the same time?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 13:54:24 qg8ch0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 15:02:53 qg8kiy,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 15:12:48 qg8m8l,,1,how do you get over someone you cant cut contact with?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-26 15:15:06 qgab3a,,1,L'intelligence artificielle juge moralement vos actions,,,,,,,2021-10-26 16:33:04 qgal0n,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 16:45:51 qgan3z,,11,Average net salary for a JAVA Software Developer in Tunisia," What's the average **net salary** for a JAVA Software Developer having 4 years of experience? PS: When I say in Tunisia, I don't mean only Tunisian companies. I want to know how much foreign companies pay for such a profile in Tunisia.",,,,,,2021-10-26 16:48:29 qgat6z,,9,"Tunisians, do you accept that even though you're mostly Arabic speaking nowadays most of your ancestry is derived from Berbers/Amazigh people?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-26 16:56:19 qgbqsc,,17,I love the Tunisian community on Reddit,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-26 17:39:43 qgeh6e,,8,How to deal with the birth certificate gaps?,"I want a french version of my birth certificate for an embassy. But the problem is that the municipalities make gaps when printing the data on the predefined paper. As a result, my father's name would be out of the dedicated case I am afraid if the embassy won't accept such a messy document. How to deal with that?",,,,,,2021-10-26 19:44:03 qgev4g,,1,Looking for a good hotel,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-26 20:02:20 qgff3p,,9,Where can i find a bar or coffee shop which shows premier league games around grand tunis?,"Hi. Im gonna be in tunisia for 3 weeks in december and early january, and i want to watch football, mainly english. Is there any sports bars or coffee shops where i can watch premier league games? by the way, it has to be place where female can be too because my fiancee is joining. Last time i was able to find a coffee shop which showed ligue 1 french games but never any who shows english games. Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-10-26 20:27:54 qgtuj2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 10:46:23 qguf0e,,43,My French sucks!! i need help,"Hello, I'm an engineering student, I'm ashamed to say this my french really sucks. Even though i can write, read properly and perfectly understand French nevertheless, i can't make a straight conversation, can't even find the words. I'm sure someone can relate to this. What can i do about it ? If anyone can help please don't hesitate :3 Ps: formation is not an option for me now :/",,,,,,2021-10-27 11:22:30 qgv6nn,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 12:07:33 qgv6zn,é_fi_matiere_fel_fac_can_it_be_undone/,4,"If im ""eliminé"" fi matiere fel fac, can it be undone?",Edit: systeme ecole,,,,,,2021-10-27 12:08:03 qgv7rk,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 12:09:14 qgwcc1,,1,Urgent| Sisi appoints a new chief of staff of the armed forces,,,,,,,2021-10-27 13:09:45 qgwgds,,1,How can I receive my pages in French?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 13:15:46 qgwwc2,,3,Get your money from exanges,What's the most used way to get your money from crypto exchanges like binance in Tunisia without being banned from the central bank?,,,,,,2021-10-27 13:38:24 qgxy8w,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 14:28:37 qgxzb6,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 14:29:55 qgxzxj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 14:30:36 qgzs9k,,1,The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summons the Lebanese ambassador to Saudi Arabia and hands him an official protest note after the offensive statements issued by the Lebanese Minister of Information,,,,,,,2021-10-27 15:53:09 qgzsuj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 15:53:59 qh1g9t,,1,EgyptAir announces false threatening message found on plane bound for Moscow,,,,,,,2021-10-27 17:09:15 qh2aqe,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 17:48:39 qh3bf6,,25,"Tunisia is great, but Tunisian suck",[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-27 18:34:33 qh3q4x,,3,what is the best ice cream shop in tunisia ( name and location included pls ),,,,,,,2021-10-27 18:53:09 qh4sjv,,6,When the Arabization of north Africa began," **So** **we** **know** **the** **Arab** **conquest** **of** **north** **Africa** **ended** **in** **709** **AD,** **but** **very** **little** **known** **about** **this** **period.** **Though** **many** **assume** **that** **the** **actual** **Arabization** **happened** **in** **1049 AD** **with** **the** **migration** **of** **""Banu** **Hilal""** **What** **do** **you** **think****?**",,,,,,2021-10-27 19:42:15 qh5b1v,,21,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 20:05:37 qh5egp,,0,The Bible in Tunisian-Arabic!?,,,,,,,2021-10-27 20:09:56 qh5rwk,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 20:27:12 qh67qw,,1,Prostitution,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 20:48:00 qh69hz,,20,How do Tunisian hotels deal with unmarried mixed couples?,"So me(European) and my girlfriend(Tunisian) are planning on going to a hotel together but I've heard some patchy application of the ""no unmarried couples in the same room"" law. How does it work? Do they always enforce it? Are there ways around it?",,,,,,2021-10-27 20:50:13 qh6ru1,,6,Japanese writing brush,Where can I find a store that sells Japanese writing brushes! ? I find a website but I want to look here in Tunis city. I think that the store in Bab Bhar may sell them but I'm not sure and I just need someone to confirm it.,,,,,,2021-10-27 21:13:58 qh739h,,0,What do you guys think about this comment?,,,,,,,2021-10-27 21:28:28 qh802l,,3,Monastir!,Anyone visited monastir? And how was your experience?,,,,,,2021-10-27 22:12:15 qh83ai,,1,Saudi Arabia licenses 44 companies to open regional headquarters in Riyadh,,,,,,,2021-10-27 22:16:40 qh8aeb,,14,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 22:26:19 qh8lem,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 22:41:40 qh968r,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 23:11:47 qh9ai6,,1,Question to people with knowledge about Visa application,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 23:17:59 qh9cc2,,1,My experience dealing with customs after an online purchase,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-27 23:20:33 qhbabz,,10,"Hello there, where could I find these kind of carpets (Traditional,Artistic,geometric) , Thanks",,,,,,,2021-10-28 01:04:59 qhdn9b,,17,Wanting to hike Djebel Bourkonine on Friday and would also like Tunis cuisine/restaurant suggestions.,"Hello, I have been in Monistir for work the last two weeks (American visiting). I am finishing here this morning and decided to get an airbnb in Tunis close to the Centre. I plan on taking a taxi to Bourkanine to hike it Friday morning. Can anyone confirm where the beginning of the trailhead is? I looked on alltrails but I am not sure where the actual start of the trail is so I know where to tell the taxi driver to drop me off. It looks to be a 5-6 hour hike, so if I start around 6-7am I'll be finished around noon or after noon. Is the area near the trail safe enough for me to call another taxi? Or should I tell the driver to come back around the time I finish (would pay him a little extra). If anyone here would like to drive me, I'd be happy to pay you above market whatever the taxi would charge. I don't think you guys have Uber here I assume either. Just trying to think of the safest way to get there and back to my airbnb. Lastly, I plan to have dinner Friday night in Tunis, before my flight Saturday morning. I love eating local/regional foods. I've had couscous, brik (my favorite) and tunis soup so far in Sahlul and Sousse. Is there any other Tunis dishes/plates I should try and what restaurants near Tunis Centre should I look at? Yaishek!",,,,,,2021-10-28 03:14:33 qhgkig,,15,Why can't our dumbass government finance movies about our ancient past instead of wasting their money on stupid stuff,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-28 06:18:09 qhh0oj,,1,France seizes British fishing vessel as row over fishing license intensifies,,,,,,,2021-10-28 06:49:50 qhi4lo,,1,"My university campus in northeastern Jordan has a thing for north Africa, (not pictured are the streets of Martyr Omar Al-Mokhtar, Al Ribat & Sfax)",,,,,,,2021-10-28 08:12:31 qhixwt,,1,Instagram étend les liens dans les stories à tous les comptes,,,,,,,2021-10-28 09:13:27 qhjl1j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 10:00:26 qhka1m,,3,Anyone tried water fast before,Wanna lose them calories,,,,,,2021-10-28 10:49:15 qhkf1r,,1,I've been having headaches for 2 years and I don't know what to do.,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 10:58:53 qhkgdb,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 11:00:59 qhlo9c,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 12:14:44 qhlrwo,,6,Can i get a job at 15,Im 15 and my family is going throu some big financial problems so i thought. Is it legal to get a small job in the holidays because my friend is 16 and he got one,,,,,,2021-10-28 12:20:31 qhlsq2,,4,PFF subject,"m one lost student looking for a subject/idea for my ""PFF"" . Im a digital marketing student on my last year. School asked us to pick a subject to work on that will include a graphic design, web development and a marketing plan. I came here looking for more ideas, im really lost and i couldnt come up with anything that is not already consumed here. What website you think that would work in tunisia? Services that you would like to find online? Maybe 2d video game? A cardboard bag project ? Lol HELP. Any suggestion might help. Ps: they said it cant be related to the internship. Thank you !",,,,,,2021-10-28 12:21:52 qhm93i,,1,Tunisians will judge Kais Saied on his economic record,,,,,,,2021-10-28 12:47:04 qhn5sl,,61,Lablabi,,,,,,,2021-10-28 13:33:11 qhnic9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 13:50:41 qhoky4,,6,Extract from the criminal record for a foreigner,"Hi. I spent a few months in Tunisia a few years ago and I took the opportunity to add some IT certification, it was 6 years ago, I returned to Canada since then but all of a sudden my boss asks me for an extract from my record judiciary of Tunis. I don't know anything about it, during my entire vacation I never set foot in a police station or a court, I just have some scans of my old passport . Has anyone here encountered the same problem? Anyone How to get famous documents now?",,,,,,2021-10-28 14:42:30 qhotqz,,5,Cheap bookstore in tunis,"I'm looking for a cheap bookstore for English novels, not thrift as I'm looking for an exact book ( Dune series). Something that isn't el kiteb or culturel. Thanks",,,,,,2021-10-28 14:54:12 qhpudr,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 15:42:56 qhr1fo,,7,The Agony of job hunting,"I recently graduated from a training center with a BTS degree in trade(commerce) and I have no idea where I would find a suitable job for my profile, can anyone provide any kind of advice for me?",,,,,,2021-10-28 16:40:24 qhrj7m,,1,استخدام تقنية التزييف العميق لسرقة 35 مليون دولار من البنوك,,,,,,,2021-10-28 17:03:32 qhrppj,,3,Slm belehy kife na3rafhom el mot de passe et nom d'utilisateur lmodule TD-W8963N,,,,,,,2021-10-28 17:11:55 qhtmto,,1,UK Reportedly to Summon French Envoy Amid Escalating Fishing Row,,,,,,,2021-10-28 18:42:42 qhu1m4,,1,Question to people with Visa application knowledge,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 19:02:29 qhu2s0,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 19:03:56 qhu5al,,2,WeBank CTI,"Been reading the posts in this sub about bank and CTI for a while, and i'm deciding to opt for Webank because of how easy it seems to manage and everything is online and very little fees compared to other banks. My question is how ""good"" is their CTI? Heard about people having errors and such when using different bank cards, or not being able to buy from specific websites or games. I'm mostly interested in games such league of legends, world of warcraft(battlenet/blizzard), genshin impact, or sites like steam, G2A, aliexpress(i dont know about any other similar sites without annoyance with delivery)So one of my main concerns is clearly the CTI here about banks Also is it possible to transfer money from my postal edinar smart card to webank?",,,,,,2021-10-28 19:07:15 qhuhgh,,3,I need to buy a pc for 3d modeling any advices,"So I'm an interior design student , i had an Asus light gaming x550jx "" i7 4eme generation it was a good pc but very slow so I'm looking for a pc with a better performance any advices ? I'm not huge fan of gaming PC btw",,,,,,2021-10-28 19:23:30 qhvcul,,6,"Humid environment, dust and pets. How to keep a Tunisian home spotless?","I have been living in Tunisia for 3 years now. I rent a place and live in the north. We have humidity all year around (with mold growing during winter sometimes 😐). My place is not well isolated and humidity and dust (very fine sand) is bound to come inside. I also have a dog and two cats indoors which doesn’t help. Besides this, I’m kind of a neat freak, although lazy. The past 3 years I’ve been trying to figure out how to keep the house clean. The country I come from I never had these dust and humidity problems. I work fulltime and don’t have money for a cleaning help. Could anyone give me tips on how to easily keep the home clean, dust and humidity free all year round?",,,,,,2021-10-28 20:05:04 qhwkov,برعاية_the_founding_father/,1,برعاية the founding father,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 21:04:11 qhx0cc,,12,How much money do you need (salary) to live comfortably in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-10-28 21:26:07 qhx8l5,,12,Broke af .. it was only 40 billion tnd debt in 2010 now we above 100.,,,,,,,2021-10-28 21:37:27 qhxk4w,,1,Prostitution place in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 21:53:32 qhybuk,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 22:33:19 qhzqxo,,1,Im here if u need to talk :),[removed],,,,,,2021-10-28 23:48:58 qi1lo7,,7,how to not waste this lifetime chance,"Sorry in advance if i made errors my English is mediocre so I'm 2nd e commerce student i didn't study at all but for some reason I passed with 10 ""mou3adal3""(don't know what they call that in English) , last year I didn't really have any objective I just was happy because i finally won't back to that hell called high school and just wasted the year with (chrab w bnet lmao) , SO this year my uncle who have a company in Germany told me i can work with him without even needing a master degree , I just need at least 14 ""mou3addal""( again lmao) and he'll bring me there next year so i said why not , the problem now is I can't catch up , I'm studying really hard , night and day but i can't see any results thanks to that wasted last year , what should I do ? I don't really wanna lose this lifetime chance since I'll regret it my whole life",,,,,,2021-10-29 01:30:58 qi46y1,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-10-29 04:00:14 qi8nej,,1,Info,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-29 09:08:15 qi8nek,,10,Info,"Hi everyone, I'm tunisian from my dad side, buy sadly he never teach how to speak tunisian, also my boyfriend is tunisian and I'm 22 years old. Can someone suggest me some serie tv, or anything for practicing thr language? I do know some words and I can understand it, but talking is very hard. Thank you and have good day",,,,,,2021-10-29 09:08:15 qi8sbc,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-29 09:18:45 qi8zhv,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-29 09:33:22 qia5ve,,18,I need an advice,"How to deal with a mean coworker, especially when he tries to disrespect you in front of others for no reasons, even if you ghost him he tries to interrupt every conversation that has nothing to do with everything related to him",,,,,,2021-10-29 10:55:50 qib430,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-29 11:54:05 qibc2y,,15,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-29 12:06:59 qibjod,,22,The name of the calculator,,,,,,,2021-10-29 12:20:01 qiel9r,,50,Found this in the streets of Sousse and it led me to the Berlin academy website,,,,,,,2021-10-29 14:53:12 qif8wu,,1,Buying a Mercedes 250D car,"Hello, I looked everywhere for this car... if you have a Mercedes 250D and you are living in Sousse contact me if you want to sell your car. I can pay a max of 12.5MDT Thank you.",,,,,,2021-10-29 15:23:17 qihlt5,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-29 17:12:59 qihu8t,,5,Can I take protein powder on a plane into tunisia?,I'm going on vacation to tunisia this weekend and in my hotel there is a gym. I want to keep up my workout routine and protein intake so I obviously want to take some with me. How can I do that? Is it legal? How much can I take in my hand luggage/ suitcase?,,,,,,2021-10-29 17:24:24 qiit6t,,10,Sending flowers to my gf from Europe,"Hello there my gf's birthday is coming and I want to surprise her with some flowers, like a lot of flowers. Do you guys recommend any shop that makes delivery to Tozeur and more importantly accepts payments from Europe. Thanks for your help",,,,,,2021-10-29 18:10:42 qijiah,,1,Saudi Arabia gives the Lebanese ambassador 48 hours to leave the kingdom,,,,,,,2021-10-29 18:44:15 qikdem,,7,hypnotherapy,"Soo a friend suggested me go to a hypnotherapist and he payed for it since it's my first time ever , I've never been to a psychotherapist/hypnotherapist Whatever, soo I went there and after he asked few questions I replied honestly , than we got into the hypnosis , He did conclude that I got an insecurity that is making me behave the way I feel and behave , Soo he sad that I should be back the next week , SHOULD I go back ? Plus do you believe that hypnotherapy do work fixing insecurities , can fix my childhood insecurities and traumas by myself though ?! Thanks",,,,,,2021-10-29 19:25:49 qimc9z,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-29 21:03:25 qineeh,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-29 21:56:49 qinlhv,,7,A Though...,"Wouldn't it cheaper if car manufacturers like Renault Mercedes etc manufacter their cars in tunisia instead of shipping it from Europe? Won't taxes be less?",,,,,,2021-10-29 22:06:47 qio6z4,,6,Why are we asked for our father first name at Tunisian airports?,"I always wonder, yet never remember to ask, so here it is, why do airports agents ask for my father first name every time I arrive in Tunisia?",,,,,,2021-10-29 22:39:00 qiq016,,7,Is north Africa gonna be the next hotspot?,"So according to studies about fertilizer shortages in the upcoming century or less, and many influential countries start limiting exports of such key components of making fertilizers, like China, and north Africa is literally the owner of more than 79% of phosphorus reserves while morrocco sits at 70% single handedly, what do you think?? Is this area gonna be ""liberated"" and punished for crimes like ""holding weapons of mass destruction"" while morrocco becomes the next Saudi Arabia, or we all gonna get rich? I mean, Tunisia is pretty rich in phosphorus.",,,,,,2021-10-30 00:23:30 qixd3f,,1,Tunisians hold sit-in to demand freedom of expression," Activists and members of the General Union of Tunisian Students (UGTE), a student union, participated in a protest against the background of the trial of student activist Othman Al-Aridi. Several human rights parties in Tunisia recently warned of the decline in freedoms and increasing restrictions on freedom of expression. This is in spite of President Kais Saied stressing that ""there is absolutely no room for violating human rights, and there is no room for violating rights and freedoms, because we will never accept that.""",,,,,,2021-10-30 08:43:30 qixjza,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-30 08:59:27 qiycg5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-30 09:59:05 qiz290,,7,Sending money,"Aaslema, Any applications where you can send money to Tunisia from France with low charge? I found Western Union app but I wanna ask if anyone tried it before, because usually they charge a lot. Nharkom zin",,,,,,2021-10-30 10:52:48 qj0d3v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-30 12:20:45 qj0fr1,,12,"Electrical scooter (vespa) is it worth it,is it cost efficient For a daily 30 km drive?, has anyone tried them ?",,,,,,,2021-10-30 12:25:34 qj115i,,8,Weird request: abandoned buildings in Tunis.,"Are there any abandoned buildings or potentially scary places for a group of friends to visit for entertainment purposes (and potentially film something for a project if possible) without it being illegal or unnecessarily dangerous? (Although convenient, no it's not for a Halloween thing, time is not a factor here)",,,,,,2021-10-30 13:01:45 qj32uq,,3,looking for a nutritionnist,"hello everyone , i am looking for a good nutritionnist , can anyone suggest me one ?",,,,,,2021-10-30 14:53:16 qj4wvd,,1,Kuwait orders Lebanon's top diplomat to leave in regional row over Yemen comments,,,,,,,2021-10-30 16:23:35 qj4yrw,,4,DOUZ Sahara (Tunisie ) Acrylique et huile 80 I 30 Monia ZAIEM,,,,,,,2021-10-30 16:26:11 qj5apj,,2,Can i travel with pc components?,"Asslemaa, belehi habit neseel can i travel with pc components mfarkin yani mn tounes ?",,,,,,2021-10-30 16:42:32 qj6fom,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-30 17:38:36 qj9a8i,,8,Good hair conditioner products available in Tunisia?,I got short wavy hair (male). I'd love to make it softer.,,,,,,2021-10-30 19:59:01 qj9rki,,4,Shipping an iPhone to Tunisia,"If I were to order an iPhone from the US and have it shipped using a shipping service like, would I have to pay customs on it? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2021-10-30 20:22:43 qj9wuk,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-30 20:30:25 qjc2lm,,1,Hard to fit in,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-30 22:24:16 qjcj5a,,26,"Myth: The public sector has too many employees, debunked","For all those who didn't Hakim Fekih's article [“Trop de dépenses, trop de fonctionnaires” ? Déconstruire le mythe]( is a must-read. Here are some highlights >La Tunisie comptait 41 fonctionnaires pour 1000 habitants en **2010** contre **56 en 2017** > >Selon les études de l’INS, le nombre de fonctionnaires est passé de **435.487** en 2010 à **642.918** en 2017 > >Ainsi, nous sommes passés de **41** fonctionnaires pour 1000 habitants en **2010** à **56** fonctionnaires pour **1000** habitants en **2017**. > >A titre de comparaison, et toujours selon l’étude de France Stratégie, la Norvège en a **160**, le Danemark en a **143**, la Suède 139, la Finlande 112, et la liste est encore longue. Même les pays réputés les plus libéraux sont devant nous : Les Etats-Unis sont à **70**, le Royaume Uni à **80**. So despite the growth in employee numbers in the last 10 years we're still way behind even the most liberal, free market privatisation hell economies like the US. Although *only* the interiour ministry doubled in budget. For example healthcare and education only rose by 30% and 8% so that part is rather wasteful but the defunding since the late 80's of literally *all* ministries *except* the torture and jail one is a whole other story. To double check these numbers 12 million / 1000 = 12.000 643,000 (rounded) /12,000 = **53.58 per 1000** **public workers** in Tunisia (2017 numbers). Let's round it to **54**. There, our rough estimate is even lower than the journalist. This [2019 article]( citing several OECD countries confirms the numbers he cited with minor updates. This phenomenon, and the barrage of ugly propaganda to hide it, are not unique or unexpected as the loans (IMF and WB mainly) we've been getting progressively saddled with since the 80's have political conditionalities. Which force us into harsher and harshed austerity like defunding gov. services, institutions, hiring freezes, stunting wages and privatisation. Completely independent sources confirm this. Example: * [القيروان وحدها تفتقر 1370 معلم](نقص-المعلمين-في-المدارس-يعمق-أزمة-قطاع-التعليم-في-تونس), 6 مدارس اغلقت ابوابها بسبب قلة المعلمين. * [وزيرة المرأة: 63 روضة أطفال بلدية مجهزة ومغلقة بسبب قرار منع الانتداب](الأخبار_شمس-الاخبار/269290/وزيرة-المرأة-63-روضة-أطفال-بلدية-مجهزة-ومغلقة-بسبب-قرار-منع-الانتداب) * [نقص 2700 استاذ رياضة في المعاهد الثانوية]( * [المدارس التونسية في حاجة إلى 6 آلاف معلم لتفادي النقص نهائيا](أخبار-وطنية/actu/كمال-الحجام-المدارس-التونسية-في-حاجة-الى-6-الاف-معلم-لتفادي-النقص-نهائيا-1504/67286) * [وحدات كوفيد مغلقة بسبب نقص الأطباء والممرضين]( * للتحيل هو سياسية التقشف في الانتداب يصير [انتداب بصفة تعاقدية هشة]( ثم مماطلتهم في وقت خلاصهم The ""مسمار في حيط"", unproductive worker (also a myth see: [Tunisian labour productivity]( stats) is the Tunisian version of ""lazy millenials"" ""welfare queen"" boomer myths people have in the UK and US. It's a blantant lie to convince you to vote and think against your economic interests, and shield the economy that prioritizes the 1% from criticism. We decide on cruel austerity policies from external pressure, then when public institutions fail from defunding, that failure and deterioration is ascribed to their inherent ""inneficiency"" via propaganda. Therefore justifying even *more* harsh austerity like we're literally having now. And it goes on and on and on. Austerity itself is not allowed to be criticized in mainstream media. Despite it's [known catastrophic impact worldwide.]( BY THE IMF itself's rearch. >The IMF’s own research shows [austerity worsens poverty and inequality](, yet it is encouraging countries which receive loans to roll back inequality-busting measures put into place since the beginning of the pandemic &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-10-30 22:50:04 qjdyry,,5,Tunisian snacks/candies as a gift,"I have a russian online friend that i've been contact with more than a year and we've grown pretty close, she's sort a sweets fanatic so I am thinking of sending her tunisian/local snacks (such as falfoul, gaucho, tropico,..) and I'm looking to hear suggesting what I should also send!!Also would sending sweets/pastries (kaak warka,makroudh,ba9lawa,..) work or would it probably spoil before it gets there? Because that would be great. I'm completely clueless on sending posts as I've never done it before let alone to abroad, so any help/guide with that please? And what's the estimate arrival time\~ if anyone knows. ",,,,,,2021-10-31 00:13:06 qjeiok,,10,Gaming is ruining my life,"I always think what game I'm gonna play today, in the college, in the kitchen, while shitting, every fucking where. My old man bought me this gaming laptop as a gift for the ""bac"" and now i think he did a big fat mistake, i can't study anymore, can't focus in the class anymore . I'm an addict to games like gta o and warzone. what should I do especially that i need a good score because I want to leave the country later to complete my Master degree",,,,,,2021-10-31 00:46:03 qjflkc,,1,Passport,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 01:52:08 qjg8ha,,1,xxxx,,,,,,,2021-10-31 02:31:46 qjgeoq,,2,Trying to send mobile phone to Tunisa,is there anyway getting taxed some huge amount of tax ?? Last time I sent my mom a used galaxy. ended up paying 160 dollar ...,,,,,,2021-10-31 02:43:04 qjhm7p,,3,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 04:00:21 qjm6fk,,1,Best pain chocolate in the capital?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 09:41:25 qjmdke,,3,"Where Can I find not expensive, good clothes in el Mourouj?","Im a college student and on a tight budget and Im looking for a place where i can find good quality hoodies,flannels...for a good price. Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-10-31 09:56:56 qjmlgb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 10:13:18 qjn5fm,,13,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 10:55:57 qjn5ks,,0,وينهم جماعة الجيل الذهبي ؟ سوبر ماريو في حلة جديدة بأيادي تونسية,,,,,,,2021-10-31 10:56:15 qjnjnb,,11,Should i get a cat?,"I really want a cat, but i live in 3rd floor apartment,plus i move alot between college and my hometown. That's why im hesitate to get a kitten.",,,,,,2021-10-31 11:23:54 qjovst,,18,How can we overcome the education issue is Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-10-31 12:52:38 qjqj16,,6,Schengen visa,[deleted],,,,,,2021-10-31 14:22:24 qjsbm4,,9,Hello everyone! Is there any Tunisians Christians here? I just want to ask him/her!,,,,,,,2021-10-31 15:51:50 qjsv91,,1,Best alternatives for payoneer In Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 16:17:44 qjsy44,,3,Do you watch the news?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-31 16:21:30 qjt95m,,9,Readers in Tunisia,"Hi guys, I want to know the community of readers in Tunisia, is it big, are there clubs,? I also want to exchange tastes in books",,,,,,2021-10-31 16:36:29 qjtfrj,,31,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 16:45:26 qjttml,,4,Moved to sfax,"Just moved to sfax and imma be there for some time \- Any coffee like places where I can study peacefully? \- Also I like to study with some company , If you can relate to one of these things , feel free to DM: (chess, computer-Science, philosophy , gambling)",,,,,,2021-10-31 17:03:52 qju9wh,,4,looking for mma gym in tunis,"hello everyone , i am trying to find a mma gym in tunis , i can't find one who have multiple martial arts in it . i know there is good ones but they specialize only in one martial art . if anyone here knows a MMA gym please advice me . Thanks",,,,,,2021-10-31 17:25:42 qjuo9m,,1,Visa Map for Tunisians we have born with a love for paperwork,,,,,,,2021-10-31 17:46:41 qjvhkz,,1,I ate a cat,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 18:25:36 qjxkat,,0,On a cultural level which of these places do you feel closest to as a Tunisian?,"Which? [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-10-31 20:05:59 qk000n,,1,Hi,[removed],,,,,,2021-10-31 22:11:31 qk37c5,,0,I'm doing an Anthropological study on the Arab World and the Maghreb and Africa about Beauty and Aesthetics.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-01 01:15:34 qkavyz,,2,Votre opinion sur les Centres de formation," studying in an online course like coursera and udemy or in known centre of training? I'm curious about it and which one is better for the C.V?",,,,,,2021-11-01 10:17:24 qkb2ms,,1,The global death toll from Covid-19 exceeded 5 million in less than two years,,,,,,,2021-11-01 10:30:53 qkb6wn,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-01 10:39:21 qkdiy9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-01 13:03:30 qkeyoc,,1,New sub for Unpopular Opinions in Tunisia. r/unpopularopinionsTN,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-01 14:17:20 qkff5w,,29,Meetups in Tunis,"Hey guys, does anyone know any meetup groups in Tunis city, for let's say introverts or people who deal with mental health issues, anxiety or depression and gather and talk about them without shame or taboo?",,,,,,2021-11-01 14:40:06 qkgwkp,,15,Tunisians: do you feel a stronger connection to Morocco or to Egypt?,"This was mentioned in my other thread so it is worth asking. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-01 15:50:56 qkgy9c,,6,Need help getting a job abroad,"So I just finished my masters degree in accounting and I am preparing for the national exam to become a Chartered Accountant. The thing is that I am not eager to stay in Tunisia for long because of working conditions ( I have been working for about two years now). So any advice to get a job in europe or north america? PS: I have tried linkedin and I didn't get lucky.",,,,,,2021-11-01 15:53:09 qkhhj3,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-01 16:17:45 qkime1,,3,Any react js and native developers here from Tunisia?,Any react js and native developers here from Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-11-01 17:09:56 qkixlc,,6,Date ideas/spots in Sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-01 17:24:20 qkle3s,,1,Imma leave this here ...,,,,,,,2021-11-01 19:16:57 qklfre,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-01 19:19:02 qkn1su,,2,"British map of North Africa, 1860s",,,,,,,2021-11-01 20:30:54 qkn3fp,,14,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-01 20:33:03 qknip7,,4,Arriving to Tunisia in November: what advice do you offer?,"Hi Redditors I arrive for a visit to Tunis/Sousse soon. Any advice on do and don't? I read that currency is only available in country. What are local exchange rates like for EUR/USD? Anyone travelled by mini-bus between cities? Airbnb or hotel? Thanks for any advice",,,,,,2021-11-01 20:52:34 qko2af,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-01 21:17:28 qkvvu4,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-02 04:00:11 qkwj20,,1,"The Mysterious Baghdad Battery Facts The Baghdad Battery Facts, otherwise called the Parthian Battery, is an inquisitive relic found close to Baghdad, Iraq. There are roughly twelve of these ancient rarities, and their motivation involves debate. In any case, the most unmistakable hypothesis with r",,,,,,,2021-11-02 04:39:26 qkxhoe,ênois/,14,TABARKA le FORT GÊNOIS,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-11-02 05:42:31 ql16j3,,15,I just found out i have some forgotten dogecoins i got like 4 years ago. How can i withdraw them to Tunisia ?,I found out that i had 182 dogecoins storred in a wallet i created for some random reason a while ago. Apparently they are now worth like 50$.,,,,,,2021-11-02 10:23:33 ql1dfh,,5,Looking for good Hairstylists in sfax.,"Good hairstylists , experienced in working with long hair. (For men)",,,,,,2021-11-02 10:37:40 ql23j9,,3,"Thinking of getting that "" Carte consulaire "" but all I can find on the web is the requirements and no information whatsoever about the benefits of having one. Could someone clarify the pros ?","I'm currently living abroad and seeing as the embassy doesn't even have a website ( !?) and will probably require me to take a 3 hours flight to get it done I'm really wondering if it's worth the hassle. Would really appreciate any info lads.",,,,,,2021-11-02 11:26:06 ql3392,,7,What do I need to do to become a psychologist ?,Any ideas like where I need to study and what Gpa I need to have for my bac ? Much appreciated,,,,,,2021-11-02 12:28:49 ql4no6,,0,Android games,,,,,,,2021-11-02 13:50:33 ql50wg,,5,how do you guys sit down and study?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-02 14:08:21 ql5p9g,,1,Need help finding earrings,Does anyone have any idea where can I find fake earrings with chain for a good price?,,,,,,2021-11-02 14:41:14 ql85ak,,15,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-02 16:33:12 ql955e,,3,Customized necklace,"I want to get a necklace that's custom made but have no idea win nl9a chkoun ya5demhom ( Zone Tunis), I don't mind dealing with people who offer such service online. help!!",,,,,,2021-11-02 17:16:18 ql9r0q,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-02 17:44:00 qlblhb,,2,Punkt phone,"Hello everyone, where I can buy the punkt phone in Tunisia? Thank u.",,,,,,2021-11-02 19:06:06 qld0qr,,3,Looking for authentic new shoes,"Hello Redditors of Tunisia, I am wondering where can I find authentic new shoes (Stan Smith, New Balance,.. ) with good quality around La marsa, Lac 2, L'aouina, Soukra.. I mean I know that there are lot of stores here (Tutto sport, City sport,.. ) but I am always doubting the quality.. So if you can help me I would be so grateful as it will be a birthday gift for someone who is really important to me. Thank you.",,,,,,2021-11-02 20:10:46 qlew7h,,2,How to find a job as a new band in Tunis?,"So we have this band that we formed in Monastir and was actually very active, but most of us moved to Tunis lately (to work or study or both :p) and we find it difficult to find contacts here (with bars and lounge). So my question is, how could we find that first contract and do you guys know any bars that accept a band as a newbie (in Tunis) and to finally get that job? I would apperciate any help of your part, being a contact of a responsible of a bar, a lounge anyything! Thanks ",,,,,,2021-11-02 21:36:53 qlf1o1,,3,steroids are they legal here? anyone know where do i get them?,asking out of curiosty ,,,,,,2021-11-02 21:44:03 qlfn7w,,10,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-02 22:12:14 qlggf7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-02 22:50:33 qlgzfr,,5,"Mdoubel 3amin fel fac, can this affect my chances to get accepted in a college in canada","Na9ra 3ème info de gestion doublet marra fel 1er w marra fel 2eme nja7t b 13 mou3adel 3amnewel w newi no5rej l3am el jey fel master, can this affect my chances to 1- get accepted in a college in canada 2- get a good job in canada or even tunisia Ps: kebes rou7i w there is a big chance bsh njib mou3adel behi",,,,,,2021-11-02 23:16:16 qlhxio,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-03 00:03:22 qlpqaw,,20,Tunisian cheap snacks/foods that help with gaining weight fast?,,,,,,,2021-11-03 08:03:22 qlprb6,,1,Is it possible to have a second degree from a national institution ?!,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-03 08:05:37 qlq2nz,,1,Best Radio In Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-11-03 08:31:24 qlq6tc,,1,Best Radio In Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-03 08:40:15 qlqlqd,évelopper_sa_relation_client_via_le/,1,Comment développer sa relation client via le canal voix ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-03 09:14:09 qlrqdf,,1,A votre avis quel est la meilleur radio en Tunisie ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-03 10:41:59 qltajg,,1,مساء الخير,,,,,,,2021-11-03 12:23:59 qlv97y,,3,hmmm who to kill?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-03 14:07:32 qlx4j1,,4,Who is the to blame for this shameful decrease in gdp is it the lack of production or bad government practices ? What's your opinion ?,,,,,,,2021-11-03 15:38:34 qlxuv6,,3,Where can I get Adderol pills? (or something similar),,,,,,,2021-11-03 16:11:40 qlz0ri,,1,تطلق Netflix أول ألعابها على الهواتف الذكية,,,,,,,2021-11-03 17:04:38 qm13z6,,23,Received an invite to a Tunisian wedding.,I’ve never attended a Tunisian wedding and i’m not from here so was wondering if there’s anything I should know so as not to stand out too much or offend anyone. Any general tips for what to expect? What’s a good gift to bring (is cash ok)? Any specific attire that’s definitely a no no (aside from the obvious)? I’m probably over-thinking this but also don’t wanna be the dumb foreigner mucking things up. Thanks!,,,,,,2021-11-03 18:41:02 qm1ai8,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-03 18:49:25 qm24ti,,1,My beautiful tunisia,,,,,,,2021-11-03 19:27:38 qm6m1m,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-03 22:56:37 qm7ppe,,0,If those are the next presidential candidates. Who will you vote?,"There is no choice but to vote one of those. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-03 23:50:19 qmacg2,,4,Can I get suggestions for over-the-counter selling ?,"I am looking to sell things like a bed frame, a motorcycle helmet etc... for making investments. So it will be nice to get some help with sites, places etc... where i can do that. Thanks.",,,,,,2021-11-04 02:08:22 qmg19z,,11,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-04 08:24:47 qmgyhi,,1,Not all ofc but quite many,,,,,,,2021-11-04 09:38:24 qmhg45,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-04 10:13:58 qmhpdc,,1,Recommendations for a good psychiatrist who will able/can diagnose for ADHD/ADD,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-04 10:32:44 qmhyx9,,1,Israel will put a huge military balloon in the sky (video),,,,,,,2021-11-04 10:52:09 qmiweb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-04 11:54:40 qmiwec,,0,How to get away from customs,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-04 11:54:40 qmiyud,,0,Can i immagrate?,"Everyone is saying that to go to a good country you need to be smart or have alot of money Im not smart and im poor, can i go to a normal college or a normal university and get a education thats not that bad and i still immagrate? (I wanna go to canada)",,,,,,2021-11-04 11:58:53 qmjun2,,2,Easy way to send money from Tunisia to UAE/Egypt?,"My girl wants to send me money so I'd buy her the new iphone from abroad. The thing is officially we are not related on paper and Western Union requires صلة قرابة, so what would be an easy way for her to send me money?",,,,,,2021-11-04 12:50:56 qmjvut,,15,"After 5 years outside Tunisia, I am considering moving back ... Am I missing something ?","So my reason to move back are the following: &#x200B; * I am able to work remotely with companies outside TN. * Feeling home (family, food, friends) On the other hand, leaving will mean also: * Loosing some social benefits (health insurance ...) * Not being able to travel compared to being able to travel the whole EU * Political and economical situation in Tunisia might affect every one in the whole country even if you are making a decenet salary ... &#x200B; What do you think ? I want to hear your opinion ... what's your main motivation to stay in Tunisia ? or even to leave the county and live abroad ...",,,,,,2021-11-04 12:52:55 qmkje0,,51,Here is the main reason why we are currently seeing such an unprecedented shitshow in the country.,,,,,,,2021-11-04 13:26:46 qmlykr,ème_lprepa_like_this/,14,why système lprepa like this?,"bruh, wtf is this bs?",,,,,,2021-11-04 14:36:04 qmmlyi,,7,the best bank in tunisia is ...,"Hey everyone , i am going to open a bank account , i know they are all evil but wich one is the least evil ?",,,,,,2021-11-04 15:06:05 qmnx24,,12,If you're a Tunisian who immigrated to Qatar I want to hear your story.,"Salem, I wrote a thread just like this the other day about scondinavian countries, and got really amazing replies,So now I wanna know about Qatar, I'm currently studying computer science and want to immigrate to live in Qatar (Still have no idea on how to do it, if you have been in a similar situation please let me know) My reasons to thinking about immigration are as follows: .)The unemployment is really low in Qatar (I believe it's 0.1%) .) They speak Arabic and English ( I suck at french and consider english as my second language) .) The pay is high as to what I've heard .) You can basically have a fulfilling life So I'm writing this thread to see people's experiences, So how has it been? How did you Immigrate? ( I like details :) ) Is it as good as people say it is? Which one do you prefer Qatar or Tunisia? Are there any downsides about living there? Feel free to express yourself and be as honest as you want. Can't wait to see your replies ;)",,,,,,2021-11-04 16:05:21 qmom2y,,2,Best french bank/credit card for tunisians?,"What's the best french or European bank or credit card for tunisian and foreigners in generals ( transfer taxes, sending money to tunisia, using the card in tunisia with the least fees etc...)",,,,,,2021-11-04 16:35:24 qmomu8,,3,What are the best ways to transfer credit into my PSN account if i don’t have a valid card?,,,,,,,2021-11-04 16:36:19 qmqeto,,3,Can I pay for services using credit cards in Tunisia?,"For better context: I live in Europe and I wanna buy a gift for someone and have it delivered to their address. (I don't wanna buy it from here and have it shipped) Is there any services that accept online payment using euro? If not is there any alternatives?",,,,,,2021-11-04 17:55:49 qmr2c6,,4,Where can I buy FRIED CHICKPEAS,"My Granpa told me back in the days lots of street food merchants would sell bags fulls of FRIED CHICKPEAS, before infidels introduced hellish junk food like gay fries or soft drinks... DO YOU KNOW ANYONE IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN LAND WHO IS STILL MAKING/DISTRIBUTING/SELLING THIS HOLY SNACK ? I NEED IT. I NEED IT SO BAD. Thank you. (by the way, it's delicious)",,,,,,2021-11-04 18:25:12 qms3ab,,3,Tinder app in Tunisia,Is tinder app worthy in Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-11-04 19:12:00 qms43q,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-04 19:13:06 qmt1pd,,0,How can I study in America,"I have always wanted to continue my education in America , i am still young 2eme but i am good at all of the scientific subjects (always above 16/20 ) also i can speak fluent English . I want to be prepared and have all the requirements for approval can i increase my chances 2.what agency will i need to contact 3.and what tips or advice do u have",,,,,,2021-11-04 19:55:05 qmt6wo,,0,Is it a good idea to study psychology abroad?,"I love psychology, but a psychology degree in Tunisia is practically useless. Do you guys have any idea whether jobs in this field are in demand elsewhere or not?",,,,,,2021-11-04 20:01:17 qmt8es,,8,how to deal with gang violence in sousse!,"I thought of getting a pocket knife but I don't know if it's legal to carry it around, I need some advice, thank you .",,,,,,2021-11-04 20:03:06 qmu4ex,,5,Trying to Learn Jiu-Jitsu In the Sahel Region?,"I'm looking fo a descent place to get good Jiu Jitsu training in the sahel, But I can't find any, I don't have a big network of people to ask & only know Bodybuilding gyms & Krav magas, I really appreciate a good lead",,,,,,2021-11-04 20:44:04 qmvey3,,1,HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO FIX YOUR TEETH IN TUNISIA?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-04 21:41:18 qmvpzc,,43,Presenting: SAIIDIUM PRISM,,,,,,,2021-11-04 21:55:05 qmvzcm,,5,Sick of IssatSousse looking to move to ESSTHS,"Hello, I'm a CS student at IssatSousse. The administration is terrible. Timetables are messed up. The buildings are super old and not maintained. Shitty computers, no lighting in lots of classes, no equipment, no buvette and the environment is toxic because everyone hates it here. I heard much better stuff about ESSTHS and I met with lots of students/people who work there and felt much better at home. I hope I can move before ""les DS"". So my questions are: Would it be possible to move now (or is it too late) ? And if you know anything about ESSTHS that would be a red flag, please let me know.",,,,,,2021-11-04 22:06:46 qmwnxo,,1,Pi Network,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-04 22:37:36 qmxte7,,1,Glow-in-the-dark crafting,"Where can I find good quality *truly* glow-in-the-dark paint, glitter, polish.. or anything of the sort..? (preferably but not exclusively in Tunis or Sousse) I've had this idea of a gift for a very special person but it might just fall apart due to inaccessibility to such a simple product. Ps: I tried to research how to make it from scratch, but, the inaccessibility to crucial ingredients (most of them cheap chemical solvants) is even more absurd and the ""Empty the ink of a fluorescent marker"" method unsurprisingly doesn't work. I appreciate any input..",,,,,,2021-11-04 23:32:31 qn2sic,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-11-05 04:00:11 qn7foq,,7,"""we need to have a united vision"" what","what the fuck does that mean I hear fucking everyone say it on the radio on TV on the internet what the fuck do you mean ""we need a united vision so that the country improves""? are you saying we should all vote for the same thing? we should all start thinking the same way? well then why democracy? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN",,,,,,2021-11-05 09:36:39 qn7lak,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-05 09:48:11 qn7n4y,,42,Why all guys in Tunisia are looking for a friend with benefits? seriously it's annoying how no one wants a real commitment anymore!!! Netflix and Chill?? .. This generation has no values for real connection and alot more serious trust issues.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-05 09:51:47 qn7vj1,,0,"People who don't want to get the vaccin, what to do now ?","As you probably know, Tunisian people will be forced to show ""a vaccin passeport"" from December I think when going to any public spaces. I really don't want to get vaccinated and probably some of you do too. Aren't there any steps that we can take ? EDIT: I didn't ask if I should get vaccinated or not, I think some of you should mind their own business, thanks.",,,,,,2021-11-05 10:07:49 qn87or,,1,The Hidden Truth we all should know,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-05 10:31:31 qn93jj,,80,Just one more s7an 😋😋🤣🤣,,,,,,,2021-11-05 11:30:26 qn9v60,,2,Sending a package to Egypt,Hello! So my Egyptian friend's birthday is soon and I would like to send her a gift and a card. What would be the best way to do that? Thank you !,,,,,,2021-11-05 12:18:15 qna1fe,,14,Need some advice to travel to tunis From Morocco,"Hey guys, so i am a moroccan who's coming to tunisia next week and i just wanted to ask any fellow Tunisian if they have any idea about what are the current covid requirments to get into the borders without any issues like the ""E7mi Border Pass "" or the "" The negative PCR with the QR Code "", and if the vaccination pass will be useful to not have to go through any isolation. I tried to get any info possible around the net but it's difficult to know if it's updated or not. Is there anything i need to know or did they change anything lately ? Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2021-11-05 12:28:44 qnaj5k,,2,Discord server for stoics open,"Slm nes elkol, habit mara hedhi njarab haja jdida, donc 3malt discord server lil nes eli mohtamin b Stoicism (madrsa mtaa falsfa), 3malt fih channels ama mahabat fih chay bech nkhali nes eli y7ibou ycharkou w yjibou content mte3hom w yit7at f ni9ash Haw lien ken fama aya 7ad interested.",,,,,,2021-11-05 12:57:02 qnb374,,1,What do you see yourself as in the first place when it comes to identity?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-05 13:25:44 qnewam,,5,Anyone searching for friendship ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-05 16:31:09 qnf4z0,,8,PFE Project,"Hello, I’m trying to find someone who can help me with my PFE project I need a place where I can film my short film it would take about 3 days and it must have a swimming pool I can pay 400 dinars for those 3 days if it’s possible I would really appreciate",,,,,,2021-11-05 16:42:06 qngo3j,,5,Suggest me good places to practice swimming ? Please :),Near of the capital / bardo,,,,,,2021-11-05 17:54:01 qngok6,,1,Watch Yayas Vibe Twitter Leaked Video – Yasas Vibe Video Explained,,,,,,,2021-11-05 17:54:36 qnlz3x,,1,IS TUNSI AN ARABIC LANGUAGE,,,,,,,2021-11-05 22:11:48 qnobnl,,5,What's the situation in Tunisia right now?,Has anything happened since Saied's last extension of emergency powers? Nothing about it in the news,,,,,,2021-11-06 00:12:12 qnuap1,,78,"Harrison Ford and Karen Allen in Kairouan, Tunisia 1981 during the production of Raiders Of The Lost Ark, directed by Steven Spielberg.",,,,,,,2021-11-06 06:15:05 qnuggp,,0,Giving you dating advice,Pretty much what the title says. I'm 25 and I had plenty of experience and I want to help my younger kings and queens when it comes to dating especially in Tunisia hoping to make it a little easier for y'all so drop your question in the comments.,,,,,,2021-11-06 06:26:54 qnvtod,ïs_saïd_and/,0,I have message to The president Kaïs Saïd And Mrs.Najella Bodin,"Hello Why They never make our life easily like we need to get PayPal or Bitcoin why we never acces to them and why the freelancer is make it harder in Tunisia Pls to the president please make PayPal for the creators youngers to work online if there is not jobs please make the freelancer easy to use and we want an international card like visa not limited (we need +1000tnd and we can buy anything) please to the Diwan to price the cars from outside at good prices not paying the same price x2 (I mean when I buy a car price 15000 euro or dollar when it's comes to Tunisia The Diwan make me pay more than 15000 euro or dollar) Make we work easily and do not hard it And Thank you",,,,,,2021-11-06 08:11:26 qnwpge,,1,German books,"Hello everyone , does anyone know from can I get brand new German books ( Romans , stories ) here in Tunis ?? (not the frip option please )",,,,,,2021-11-06 09:20:52 qnwpnj,,7,looking for a gaming site,"hello everyone , i am looking for cable managment stuff , where can i get some ?",,,,,,2021-11-06 09:21:21 qnxkze,,1,Tunisia's ethnic group,"Hi! Does anyone know what ethnic group Tunisians are part of? I've had 2 of previous doctors set it as ""caucasian"" but the ethnicity maps I found online either label it as ""arab"", ""berber"" or ""afro-asian"". Any clue?",,,,,,2021-11-06 10:30:32 qo0jnr,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-06 13:44:29 qo1lv9,,6,"Can i get into beaux arts tunis with reo (is there a test) and is beaux art tunis actually useful for getting better at art and networking,i study geology in fst right now it is pretty good but it is not what i wanna give all my time for .",[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-06 14:39:54 qo2l9g,,3,Remote work,"If there is anyone here working remotely with a company in a foreign country, how are u getting paid?",,,,,,2021-11-06 15:27:30 qo3k40,,1,Moroccan-Algerian relations: What is fueling the current tensions?,,,,,,,2021-11-06 16:16:04 qo49qf,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-06 16:51:43 qo6e06,,1,I need a PLUG ASAP,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-06 18:37:22 qo6fd4,,2,What are the best beaches in Tunis ?,"Hi guys , I used to go to Carthage amilcar but some restaurant opened in the summer and messed it up. Do you know beaches that are clean ?",,,,,,2021-11-06 18:39:19 qo75ef,,1,Learning Tunisian,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-06 19:15:59 qo84fv,,1,Suggest me a movie ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-06 20:06:23 qo85hh,,138,"Stop , please stop , goddamn stop ! ( Only in Tunisia ) 🤣🤣",,,,,,,2021-11-06 20:07:48 qo8m1z,,46,What a fucking trip it was,"So today my family and i decided to visit north west tunisia it was a family trip and what a fucking trip it was! Not in my 17 almost 18 years that i lived in Tunisia have i seen such beautiful and magnificent places . I fell under the sharm of aïn draham and tabarka and jandouba seriously , my whole life i was visiting south and east tunisia like hamamet soussa etc but idk why it took me so long to visit the west like holy shit it was amazing I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE HOW IT WILL BE WITH THE SNOW DUDE. I forgot that i was in tunisia it was literally heaven . I really recommend visiting north west tunisia and shout out to everyone here that lives there u guys live in a heaven. Well ik there is also some bad things about it i'm maybe blinded by the beauty of it all ,feel free to tell me (Ps: if you're scared of heights maybe you won't enjoy it as much that i did :p)",,,,,,2021-11-06 20:31:43 qoawi6,,2,changing from topnet to globalnet,"Hi u r probably tired of this subject but i finally had enough of topnet everyday from 19:00 to 23:30 it is like this, it is been like this for a year or more. is globalnet better and i need someone to walk me through the process of changing it. i read u need one month notice how to do that knowing i pay per trimester. Can i use same phone line after resigning topnet contract. how much time does it take ty",,,,,,2021-11-06 22:30:37 qobke8,,3,What’s the best red wine in Tunisia? I used to like Magon but it’s getting worse every year and I tried Koudiat and Château Bouargoub in my poorer years.,,,,,,,2021-11-06 23:04:57 qoc7ed,,1,AHHH !!! - REFRESHING - AWESOME - INCREDIBLE: FILL YOUR TANK NOW !!!,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-06 23:39:57 qogoe9,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-11-07 04:00:19 qoi9n2,,1,Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi survived an assassination attempt (video),,,,,,,2021-11-07 05:47:38 qokcj1,,5,"hey guys, is this a good pc for that price (Budget is tight)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-07 08:27:44 qoln4b,,1,Twitter vous permet d'écouter des salles audio sans compte,,,,,,,2021-11-07 10:11:00 qolng1,,3,Where can I sell liseuse kindle other than facebook,Stores don't want it and tayara is broken lol,,,,,,2021-11-07 10:11:46 qonb13,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-07 12:12:19 qopefh,,21,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-07 14:15:58 qophrk,,1,Abu Dhabi changes family law to provide greater flexibility for non-Muslims,,,,,,,2021-11-07 14:20:58 qoq19o,,2,"Scholarships for tunisian undergraduate to study in Europe, Canada, Us, etc","Any idea about the best scholarships to try. I graduated high school with 16.18 (math) and enrolled in a prepatory but my friend told me to try my luck with scholarships outsi tunisia. So any help about this subject will be truly appreciated.",,,,,,2021-11-07 14:49:52 qoq54u,,3,"+100 days after 25 July, do you really think Kais Saied will fix our socio-economic and political crisis?","[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-07 14:55:30 qor1xv,,5,What is your preference for long term relationship/marriage ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-07 15:42:33 qos7or,,8,I'm slowly descending into crippling introversion thanks to the 2020 lockdown,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-07 16:39:04 qosg85,,1,'Always ready' for the US and Israel: Iran launches massive military exercises (video),,,,,,,2021-11-07 16:50:11 qoswyu,,1,Hey what problems could be solved by developing a mobile app to solve it,"Hey since I'm mobile app developer and somehow broken.. And still believe in making change out here i want to hear your thoughts guys. U can consider me an ideas thief 🙄",,,,,,2021-11-07 17:11:03 qoujbd,,2,Eternal rest,"Fall asleep between time not in the past or the future or present just between them all u can rest there  without fearing of being late its just a dark place nothing there just u and ur mind alone u can think or sleep or anything u want . Sametime u think that u bacome a god and this another dimension that u can creat ur own universe here but its not that easy u need to get deeper in that place , u feel the power but u cant control it its more powerful than evrything its the power of god u need years and years to just undrestand it and not control it . But nothing is sure maybe its just ur mind . At same point u give up And you chose to complete the rest of eternity without over thinking because evrytime u think to much u make a problem from nothing and a problem from another problem and with this it will not be the eternal rest anymore...",,,,,,2021-11-07 18:27:12 qoullz,نهار_لحد_و_الاثنين/,16,نهار لحد و الاثنين,"قبل و احنا صغار نهار اثنين صباح و نهار لحد لعشية اخيب حاجة يمكن تعيشها مع عشية العيد توا كي كبرت ولات عندك امكانيات خير شنوا تحس الى تبدل في نهارات هاذم ؟",,,,,,2021-11-07 18:30:15 qoupzq,,49,"Amphitheatre of El Jem: One, among many, places that I love visiting when I’m in Tunisia.",,,,,,,2021-11-07 18:35:54 qovp1r,,3,"Can i do my master in a foreign country even though 3awedt 3amin, if yes where",,,,,,,2021-11-07 19:21:54 qowapz,نڨلع_and_what_do_u_use_instead/,11,Have ever heard نِڨّلَع ? And what do u use instead?!,"Hey , so I'm tunisian raised djerbian in origin , i allways grew up saying this word ""نِڨّلَع"" meaning to fill a plate with food ,it is used like this: -أمان، إڨلعلي كسكسي -إجا، هات نڨلعليك -تفضل هاو ڨلعتلك -صحن مريم؟ هاوكا ڨلعتو/ڨلعتلها فل كوجينا -etc... so it was a specific verb for one specific action. The thing is , i rarely encounter people outside my extended family who know of it , even local djerbians living their don't use it .... And i don't know of any other word/verb in Arabic or arabic dialects or even other languages that can be used as a Substitute/synonym. So here I'm asking if anyone can provide one",,,,,,2021-11-07 19:51:34 qowv9z,,3,Extreme opinion: 90% of tunisians on Twitter are simps,"And I keep wondering why this girl is getting this much followers and engagement. IN a human scale they are not doing nothing worth it.",,,,,,2021-11-07 20:18:52 qowwen,,1,احتلت Apple المرتبة الثانية في سوق الهواتف الذكية بفضل مبيعات iPhone 13 القوية,,,,,,,2021-11-07 20:20:24 qox6az,,15,"I am doing a school project on the relationship of young ppl with news. If you are Tunisian, can you please fill it out? Thank you!",,,,,,,2021-11-07 20:33:48 qoy970,,1,Buying a gpu card,"Hello everyone I looking to buy a used gpu card to ypgrade my brothers gaming rig I am looking for a gtx 1660s or equivalent Anyone want to help ? Thank you",,,,,,2021-11-07 21:27:01 qp377j,,3,"Bringing in an electronic device (console,VR headset..etc) with the help of a relative and DIWENA(airport","Did anyone here ever have a relative of his bring in a VR headset specifically ? (in his luggage, in the airport) Did you have to pay any tax/fee ? even after telling them it's for personal use ? Is there any way to dodge those annoying fees ? like stuffing it between the clothes or something ?",,,,,,2021-11-08 01:45:47 qp57tb,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-08 03:40:26 qp8g7p,,2,"Are ""we"" Tunisians big hypocrites?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-08 07:21:10 qpa31k,,16,Guide me through clubs and how it works please,"planning on going for the first time to a club, can someone tell me how it works you need a girl with you to enter ? how do you chose a table, is it like coffee shops, you just pick one and sit there how do you buy drinks, do you have to wait for a waiter to come to you, or you buy them yourself anyone can answer these questions please and tell me about more stuff i need to know before i got, i will appreciate it please ❤️",,,,,,2021-11-08 09:30:20 qpaadz,,5,Where to find lube in Tunisia buddies?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-08 09:47:30 qpanee,,1,The US reopens its doors to international travelers... Here's everything you need to know,,,,,,,2021-11-08 10:15:02 qpb8je,,10,Venting about Government services' online presence,"Sajjalni, (as an example) is an absolute travesty of a service. I understand the incentive, truly. But all it's done is screw over individuals rather than deter actual cronies from mass importing bootleg phones from abroad. I've registered my phone a week ago and it is STILL. NOT. FUNCTIONAL. As a zoomer who is entirely reliant on their online connectivity, this has been pretty inconvenient. I just don't understand how these services manage to be so ""amateurish"" in their conception and delivery, when we you can find so many young Tunisian professionals (and even teens messing around) who can cook up better, slicker looking websites/applications. It is absolutely baffling.",,,,,,2021-11-08 10:59:50 qpcdq5,,1,"Hey guys, did anyone try to change his router? Will something like this make any difference ??",,,,,,,2021-11-08 12:16:08 qpckl1,,4,Code in the dark MTC ISM Monastir event," We are glad to announce our first competition this year. Code In The Dark edition Squid Game. 📷 THE RULES • 15 min • More than 2 rounds • HTML/CSS • No previews • More than One champion Attendees are welcome to cheer on their friends and watch them in real-time via mirrored screens, be a squid game player, and win huge prizes. 📷 📷 Registration Form link: []([0]=AT3mHxtiLZB94I5wKYT70oaOgsuxbowQYIXP_knegNoVcVdT4Z9vQeCBDslGFA7z-Zst2SKNb9GloS1EhkypOg0rMq6B3okpESqjrTq4dBFwFMeow2WkbQRog7EMlY942mZmbzD9qF-7ylBPe3ZC_ARbwAdwqmhFQ2DEcq5_80UMsliai1BtrW0PV_M) 📷 A chance not to be missed, Be there on 📷27/11/2021📷 [Code in the dark FB]([ event]( [Code in the dark trailer](",,,,,,2021-11-08 12:28:17 qpgmkt,,1,Leader: Oromo Liberation Front forces are 40 kilometers from the Ethiopian capital,,,,,,,2021-11-08 16:01:07 qpgof0,,1,Elon Musk veut payer plus d'impôts,,,,,,,2021-11-08 16:03:20 qph3jf,,2,Harga English subtitles,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-08 16:23:33 qpj9ag,,2,Products for curly hair,"Can anyone recommend good products for curly hair, and where you can get them from in Tunis? From shampoos to conditioner /gel / whatever's neccessary.. And thanks!",,,,,,2021-11-08 18:03:51 qpjami,,3,From where I can buy a classy lighter for a girl in Tunis ?,Any stores recommandations ?,,,,,,2021-11-08 18:05:31 qpjig2,,1,Indian Army deploys drones along border with China to boost offensive capability,,,,,,,2021-11-08 18:15:47 qpkb5y,,1,Akahaw,,,,,,,2021-11-08 18:51:29 qpku9z,,4,I need some volunteers gyus 😁,"I'm a sociologist and I'm looking for migrants who had housing problem during the covid-19 crisis,this study will be published and if anyone want to be interviewed about this experience i ll be grateful.",,,,,,2021-11-08 19:15:21 qplbut,,17,"Introverts of Reddit , let’s make connections",[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-08 19:38:19 qplzt3,,24,are you for or against the death penalty ?,"so after today's incident which a student attacked his professor with a machete (he is actually in a coma) i began to think that the death penalty is the solution for this sort of crime. i know that prisons are made for correctional purposes but that doesnt apply in ours, and also know that according to researches the death penalty do not deter crimes in a society but in my pov at least it brings justice to the victim's family.",,,,,,2021-11-08 20:09:28 qpmga5,,1,What places to discover in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-08 20:30:57 qpndxt,,82,EL flous,"اليوم خذيت قرار مصيري و معادش نتراجع فيه مدى الحياة معادش مش نسلف ولا نتعامل مع حتى انسان لا بكريدي لا بسلف . لعرب عباد كي زبي بصفة عامة سواء صحابك ولا عايلتك اي انسان تسلفو فلوس فيبالو عامل عليك مزية كي مش يرجعهملك ونتي ما تحبش تحرجو و تصبر ياخي يخرى فيه نصيحة ليا ليكم كان تحبو تحافظو على برشا علاقات ما دخلوش فيها الفلوس . لا و لا و لا . راهم العباد كي زبي . فهمتش يا شبيني اني كي نتسلف من عند حد فلوس طول نرجعلو اما لعباد ما تفهمش رواحها",,,,,,2021-11-08 21:14:21 qpqrzr,,8,thoughts on abdelhamid bouchnak (and tunisian cinema in general)?,"i actually like his work and think he's bringing new things to the table when it comes to tunisian cinema/tv. i saw ""fartatou dh'hab"" very recently and thought it was decent. possibly his best work from what ive watched of his (still didnt find the time to watch nouba 1 properly) okay im not sure i """"like"""" his work because it's generally far from perfect. like his work can be as gripping and fun as it can be sloppy >!(dachra's final act, holy shit)!<. but i definitely support the guy and what he's trying to do i think he's very passionate and really ambitious. the actors he chooses generally have loads of chemistry and he knows how to write believable, snappy dialogue. his directing can be really polished and fartatou dh'hab had some really cool directing ideas imo. but he can be real sloppy at times and not handle 'emotional scenes' super effectively, or rush some parts of his tv shows/movies So what do you think of the guy? and of tunisian cinema in general? Also recommend me some cool ass tunisian movies if you know any. im not well versed in tunisian cinema, but the ones i really liked are *Aala Kaf 3efrit (Kaouther Ben Hania)*, *Koul Ettrab/No Man's Love (Nidhal Chatta)* and *Aala Hallet 3ini (Leyla Bouzid)* (this one bcs i was 17 at the time and it got music & girls with curly hair and stuff)",,,,,,2021-11-08 23:57:52 qprjcp,,1,Is this a sign?,,,,,,,2021-11-09 00:36:44 qpu1bs,,4,chn3ml,7assa rou7i bch nfagess fl bac bra8m 9a3da na9ra,,,,,,2021-11-09 02:50:16 qpv9kh,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-09 04:00:20 qpvxsi,,1,WAY BETTER BRAAAAH (EDITED),,,,,,,2021-11-09 04:39:58 qpxm8b,,0,Mashallah,,,,,,,2021-11-09 06:26:17 qpy531,,0,Skillz,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-09 07:03:11 qpzjc5,,29,1 day in,Only 1 day after school a student almost kills a teacher and our supervisor is arrested for touching girls (he has been getting away with it for years),,,,,,2021-11-09 08:51:01 qpzpt0,,1,Content of NATURAMORE FOR WOMEN - FRENCH VANILLA FLAVOUR,,,,,,,2021-11-09 09:05:04 qpzpym,,1,Content of ActiFiber Natural Weight Control,,,,,,,2021-11-09 09:05:21 qq3ces,,9,StartupAct label and investment in in small business,"So I'm 23 ambitious IT guy I want to learn more about the process of getting on the business world locally, which types of investments am I allowed to have besides bank loans and BTS, and any advices or explanations or experiences would be so helpful.",,,,,,2021-11-09 13:10:15 qq5g19,,6,Military Academy,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-09 14:57:23 qq6e2t,,3,explain,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-09 15:42:28 qq81si,,2,What places to discover in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2021-11-09 16:59:51 qq86oi,,4,Haythem mekki,"Anyone knows why alot of people hating haythem mekki? Every time when mosaique post something he said on 'midi show' everyone go crazy in the comment, any idea why?",,,,,,2021-11-09 17:05:37 qq89jf,,3,Looking for a civil engineering firm name?!,"Can you guys suggest some good names for a civil engineering firm (bureau d'études bâtiments) based in Tunisia. PS: Both Sigma Structures and Optimum Structures got rejected by the RNE.",,,,,,2021-11-09 17:09:13 qq8dme,,2,Public transportation from Charguia 1 to Menzah 5/6/7,"What’s the cheapest and fastest public transportation from charguia 1 to Menzah 5/6/7 and from Menzah to charguia? Is there a direct bus or i need to take the bus to centre ville and then another bus to Menzah? If there’s some way please provide me with all the information (bus number, time, location, etc)",,,,,,2021-11-09 17:14:25 qq9dp8,,51,I really don't think the kid is a victim,"A lot of people are saying that the kid who tried to kill his teacher is a victim of our society and the flaws of our educational system, but i really think it goes beyond that . Thousands upon thousands of students did suffer from injustices in their schools , some way more than he did, yet we don't hear about them killing their teachers . Besides , he showed no signs of remorse whatsoever after the incident, he did run away and had even written # smelltheblood on the table , if he had felt guilty he wouldn't be in an enough stable mental state to think about what to write and do it. I think he should be charged as an adult to be honest , we all have that one teacher that we absolutely hate yet nobody has serious thoughts about killing them, only those who are not really fit to be a part of society. I don't know , i would like to hear your opinions please",,,,,,2021-11-09 18:00:48 qq9feg,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-09 18:02:56 qqc3hr,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-09 20:08:59 qqca7k,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-09 20:17:44 qqcc7p,,62,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-09 20:20:21 qqef9k,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-09 21:58:06 qqel7a,,2,"Anyone to discuss web 3.0, nft and the revolutionary aspects of blockchain technology ?",I'm pretty sure that my future (first) girlfriend will reply to this ☺️☺️ 🥲,,,,,,2021-11-09 22:05:32 qqeq28,,1,I need it for a research,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-09 22:11:52 qqfls6,,1,True true…,,,,,,,2021-11-09 22:54:25 qqfv0j,,4,private colleges in Sfax Sousse or Mahdia for it management that can help me complete my master degree abroad?,,,,,,,2021-11-09 23:06:19 qqghg0,,6,Asking for help (it’s a relationship thing),[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-09 23:37:40 qqk3xm,,1,Camping Gear,"I bought the tent from Decathlon , and I do see that other equipment like the back pack , mattress ect ... are a bit expensive , Soo Is there anywhere else I could purchase essential équipements when it comes to Backpacking(camping) , Thanks",,,,,,2021-11-10 02:41:11 qqpzru,,1,"Since black Friday is approaching, have anyone used MyUs for shipping items from the US ? And how much do I need to pay to the customs to get my package once they are here ?","Black Friday comes with a lot of great deals, many of them only shop to US, or have costly shipping fees. I heard that some people MyUs to avoid paying for the shipping of multiple products. I am wondering if it is a good idea ? The company seems legit, I found multiple good reviews online, but I am wondering if it works for Tunisia, and if yes, how much would الديوانة (customs) charge me to release my items. Also I wanted to hear about any positive / negative experience. Thanks folks !",,,,,,2021-11-10 08:45:38 qqq5ot,,8,What is your relationship with your coworkers?,كيفنهي علاقتك مع الى يخدمو معاك ؟ صحاب تخرجو مع بعضكم ؟,,,,,,2021-11-10 08:57:50 qqr5gm,,21,"Do you believe in the evil eye ? If yes/no, why?",,,,,,,2021-11-10 10:09:38 qqr7vb,,4,El Jem Tours?,"Heading to El Jem for the weekend- Anyone know any tour guides- just for the day/a couple hours, not the entire weekend/for driving.",,,,,,2021-11-10 10:14:29 qqskoa,,1,Where can i find them?,,,,,,,2021-11-10 11:44:07 qqtxrt,,1,Ready or not?,,,,,,,2021-11-10 13:02:44 qqvk6q,,8,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-10 14:24:15 qqwq2y,,1,United Arab Emirates: 5 Steps to Apply for a 5-Year Multiple Entry Tourist Visa,,,,,,,2021-11-10 15:20:22 qqzbn3,,27,What the fuck is happening in this country ?,,,,,,,2021-11-10 17:20:46 qr020j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-10 17:54:59 qr07ok,,22,How You Identify Yourself - Poll (Tunisians Only Please),"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-10 18:01:58 qr0rg5,,4,Question about CTI,I have a CTI from AttijariBank that is halfway capped. And I had this crazy idea. Can I open multiple bank accounts from different banks+poste and get multiple CTIs?,,,,,,2021-11-10 18:27:09 qr19zw,,1,"Not a question but I wanted to say it's actually quite disturbing how many of you support the death penalty here. I'm begging you to read some books and stop following steps of countries like Saudia Arabia who hides behind "" morals """,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-10 18:50:36 qr202l,,24,TOP 10 FUN THINGS TO DO IN TUNISIA,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-10 19:23:58 qr2jjq,,37,Tunisia in a nutshell (discussion),"\> Violence is a must when raising their kids \> Whenever they talk to a teacher , they end the conversation with ""7asebni b jeldou"" \> No digital supervision what so ever \> They think (-18) means porn \> Fu\*\*ed up educational system And whenever a disaster happens , they point fingers to ""Nidhal Saadi"" and ""Awled Moufida"" Don't get me wrong , I think they might have a bad influence on kids and such . . . but I see that they are nowhere near the primary reasons for stuff like this to happen . I want to hear your opinions .",,,,,,2021-11-10 19:49:16 qr2x0e,,1,Depression,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-10 20:06:14 qr4dp6,,0,Klay BBJ & Hamzaoui Med Amine - RITOUCHI - Slowed & Reverb,,,,,,,2021-11-10 21:14:39 qr5qnc,,0,Light cigarettes like Oris are more dangerous because they contain cheap material?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-10 22:17:51 qr65or,,4,Can someone give me a brand for good quality in ear headphones under 20dt,,,,,,,2021-11-10 22:36:22 qr6o04,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-10 23:00:03 qr983q,,4,Cosigner for international students,"Hi these past two months i've been looking for scholarships (found 2 and already working on them) and other ways to study abroad. Someone told me about the idea of getting a load but in order to get one i need a cosigner (someone who guarantees that in case i can't repay the debt he Will take responsability). Do you have any idea about this subject. How to contact a cosigner and how to find one ?",,,,,,2021-11-11 01:11:28 qrcroo,,3,anyone know where i can learn guitar in tunis/grand tunis? and anyone have any idea on how much lessons cost?,title,,,,,,2021-11-11 04:25:51 qrh7zq,,10,Cozy place to study/work,Any place good for studying or working in Manouba/Bardo region ?,,,,,,2021-11-11 09:07:00 qrizy6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-11 11:11:22 qrjl96,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-11 11:50:06 qrjqof,,9,What's next after the bac exam ? (Bac math),I'm confused about what I can do after the bac. It feels like there are a lot of options and none at the same time. What are the fields that I can work for ? What are the best paid jobs? What programms should I follow in case I want to get a tuition ? What are the best universities in Tunis?,,,,,,2021-11-11 11:59:42 qrjylw,,1,recommendation : Sweet Shirt uni color,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-11 12:12:16 qrkaub,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-11 12:32:27 qrkc7n,,1,.,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-11 12:34:30 qrkrif,,3,From manouba to lac 2,"Hello What public transport do I take to go from Denden/ Manouba to Lac 2? (win msb)",,,,,,2021-11-11 12:59:19 qrksi4,,3,recommendation : Sweatshirts uni color thanks,"from where can I buy Uni color sweatshirt, proximity : tunis, bardo",,,,,,2021-11-11 13:00:35 qrm3b3,,1,"Christine Mboma, Athing MU, Erriyon Knighton Among the Rising Star Athletes for 2021",,,,,,,2021-11-11 14:08:14 qrmv3f,,1,Eating disorder,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-11 14:46:55 qrnnc2,,0,une Histoire triste d'un ex-couple tunisien au Canada,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-11 15:24:39 qro13z,,20,Looking for a Job.,"I live in Tunis and at this point i'm in real need of work, specifically Part-time since i'm also a student and if it so requires in english, i'm trying to study and work at the same time and i've only got my rent covered for a couple months, if i can at least afford that i'll be able to handle myself with the rest, if anyone has any knowlege of call centers or anyone hiring part time in english please let me know and thank you!",,,,,,2021-11-11 15:43:39 qrpeo6,,2,Do they sell SAKE in Tunisia?,"I've been trying to find where i can buy a bottle of sake. But it looks like they don't sell it in Tunisia. I even tried looking whether they serve it in japanese restaurants or not, couldn't find anything, but i can't look through every menu so i thought about asking you guys!",,,,,,2021-11-11 16:48:23 qrqtqr,,3,A popular science video about the Bitcoin!,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-11 17:53:18 qrrd6e,,10,"11 november: international singles day! Less people marry, is it a 'failure' ?","Hi everyone, Just a sociologist here, with Tunisian decent, but grew up abroad. I am 31 female, and I feel that my family in Tunisia is trying to stay silent about me being single. I feel a lot of pity and confusion on why I am still single, because 'there is nothing wrong with me' and they are afraid I will stay alone forever. I read this new article. Whether the statistics are true or not, I am taking it as a way for the discussion, mostly about the reasons given. []( *Plus de 2.400.000 jeunes femmes entre 34 et 45 ans, ne sont pas mariées, soit 60% de la population féminine en Tunisie. Quant aux hommes, ils sont 81%  de la même tranche d’âge à être  célibataires, selon la dernière enquête  de l’Office national de la famille et de la population, publié en 2020.* The article mentions different reasons: **For women:** *On cite l’hyper scolarité des filles, et le prolongement des parcours universitaires. Le fait d’être plus instruites, garantit aux femmes un meilleur avenir, l’autonomie financière, l’accomplissement personnel et la quête du succès à travers des objectifs professionnels.* « Une fois cette réalisation de soi a été acquise, les célibataires se rendent compte tardivement qu’ils mènent une vie de solitaire. Plusieurs femmes dans cette situation acceptent finalement le premier venu, pour se caser, d’autres optent pour l’éternel célibat pour éviter l’échec ». **For men:** « Ils incluent ceux qui fuient la responsabilité de gérer une famille. Dans la plupart des cas, ce sont les hommes comblés déjà par l’amour de leur mère et le soutien financier et psychologique de leurs proches. Ils ne ressentent pas le besoin d’avoir une femme dans leur vie, ils ont en déjà une… », note-t-il. «  Habitués à un train de vie plus extraverti, ils refusent de se trouver privés de leurs libertés, et pris au piège du mariage, qui exige une certaine stabilité, une présence continue et un dévouement pour l’autre. Another reason is more liberal sexual relations and socio-economic reasons (too expensive, too much responsiblities). ***So what do you think? Is this true? And mostly:*** **Is being single 'a failure' and mariage still the first goal?**",,,,,,2021-11-11 18:16:44 qrsedp,,1,Microsoft vous permet d'installer librement des jeux PC,,,,,,,2021-11-11 19:03:50 qrshrp,,5,Network engineering in Tunisia,"Hello beautiful folks of Tunisia. I am curious what is the state of the art in networking over there in Tunisia. How is the market for network engineers. I would like to hear your tales from deploying new bleeding edges technologies to troubleshooting that 40 y/o Frame relay circuit. What is your day to day life like ?",,,,,,2021-11-11 19:08:08 qru8hn,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-11 20:28:56 qrw9kn,,1,NVIDIA annonce un nouveau cerveau d'IA pour la robotique,,,,,,,2021-11-11 22:04:50 qrwyoz,,3,Quarantine required?,"Hey everyone, I’m thinking of visiting Tunisia in December but I wanted a little clarity on the entry requirements. I’m fully vaccinated however I’m not sure if I will still require a PCR test and quarantine on arrival. I’m flying from Tirana, Albania. Would anyone be able to clarify this for me as I’ve heard multiple conflicting answers.",,,,,,2021-11-11 22:38:09 qs2upn,,5,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-11-12 04:00:15 qs3vgl,,0,a new tunisian social media with no toxicity 😄,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-12 05:01:17 qs7t2d,,13,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-12 09:43:42 qsch8d,,0,What's the lightest and less harmful tabacco ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-12 14:35:14 qsdnh7,,1,Need advice about master of management information system.," Hello I’m searching a master in management information system « management des systèmes d’informations », i finished my master degree accounting in tunisia and I wanna change to a thing related to IT. any one can advice me about good place to do this master (in tunisia or in France ) , And thanks",,,,,,2021-11-12 15:30:35 qse3uf,,2,tourism Visa demand to france for some one retired,"Hello, My father always wanted to go to france for tourism, he is a retired french primary teacher. Now i have enough money to send him in organised trip (voyage organisé) but we dont know where to start with paper procedure. should we call the agency or should we apply for visa. if u have also the site where i find the needed paper to apply for this visa. Thanks a lot.",,,,,,2021-11-12 15:51:40 qses1j,,3,Why does our PM looks whiter than the Macron couple lol,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-12 16:22:06 qsfsox,,2,fair book,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-12 17:09:02 qsghqy,,3,Public transportation from Manouba to Beb alioua ?,"hello I'm fucked up from taking metro 4 as a daily transportation, does anyone has an idea about a bus that takes me from manouba to beb alioua or centre ville ? or ken fama covoiturage ?",,,,,,2021-11-12 17:41:15 qsh9tb,,14,Fastest and easiest way to receive money from abroad,"Hello everyone. I don't have a bank account and I am looking for the easiest and fastest way to receive money from the U.S. I can go to a bank and have them open an account for me but most agents didn't recommend that because they said the transfer would take longer and It would require lots of paperwork. I have been told that the best way would be to get the sender to send me the money through MoneyGram or Western Union. But I am not sure about that since the sender is a company and they are requiring me to fill in bank account details. I would appreciate any recommendations.",,,,,,2021-11-12 18:16:40 qshr2e,,0,Mods can you stop removing posts for no reason ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-12 18:39:07 qsio7p,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-12 19:21:59 qsj7ps,,6,Looking for an Agricultural mentor,I developed a certain interest lately in Agriculture and Farming but I have no experience. Is there anyone who would help me theoretically in figuring out what my options are and if I'm able to do this. Thanks !,,,,,,2021-11-12 19:48:23 qsk9ni,,0,Where can I buy / get weed or Marijuana or lsd for real though . I no longer want to use eating disorder for distractions of real life but I still wanna romantize my life in any way possible cuz I'm very lonely lol 😆,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-12 20:37:32 qskjlp,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-12 20:50:58 qskppw,,8,Schools in Tunisia,"We unlike other developed countries study 6 days a week From 8 am to 5 pm(from 8 to 13 ,in my case 14 in Friday and Saturday) , we have alot of subjects (Arabic , french, english , history and geography , religion ,math , biology , physics and chemistry , philosophy (and a 4th language in my case Spanish) and the list goes on ,and with every single subject we go back home with bunch of homework , assignments and projects that we have to do (not including the personal effort that you need to do )gotta also prepare for exams ,we also have ""études"" (extra studying hours) and since Sunday the only available day we left with we study at min 2 étudets Sunday . So we basically study 7 days a week And we barely BARELY have anytime to practice activities or anything whatsoever it's just study study study .And i'm not talking about how awful the schools are with broken windows mud and broken chairs and tables little classrooms small school et fucking cetera . And don't let me even start with teachers (not all of them ofc) seriously tell me if i'm over reacting or is it actually that bad . I mean no wonder people are choosing economic as branch and we're left with only 1 class of math in my school because they simply know they can't catch up and they're right ... Right?",,,,,,2021-11-12 20:59:17 qsm0c2,,0,Tunisian femdom,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-12 22:01:16 qsmtax,,2,Place to study,"Chabeb famech blassa f banlieu nord ( preferrably coffee shops ) win najem nakra merteh ? Grazie d'avance",,,,,,2021-11-12 22:40:14 qsmy30,,2,"Can i get into beaux arts with reo,does it require a test and would i lose a year ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-12 22:46:45 qspuh9,,3,I want to invest my money in the stock market (not here),I have a decent sum of money that I would like to have it sit in the stock market (ETFs and Index Funds). How can I fund my account? The only accepted options are either bank wire or mail a check? (Is there a way to do this from Tunisia?),,,,,,2021-11-13 01:14:40 qsyahu,,24,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-13 10:09:45 qt078z,,1,"my friends suck because they dont wanna play horror games with me, anyone would like to play ?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-13 12:23:18 qt0amc,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-13 12:29:37 qt0g8r,,28,Do some of you actually don't mind living in Tunisia or even love it?,,,,,,,2021-11-13 12:39:44 qt11cq,,2,Where to buy Nintendo 3DS games in Tunisia? New or second hand.,,,,,,,2021-11-13 13:14:57 qt1jno,,8,"hello if anyone here wants to play the forest with me, hit me up!","i have a cracked link so no need to buy the game : ) (20 years old+ pls)",,,,,,2021-11-13 13:44:29 qt1oy9,,1,BONSOIR,,,,,,,2021-11-13 13:52:50 qt3tho,,1,Some positive vibes from TUNISIA <3 معرض الكتاب,,,,,,,2021-11-13 15:43:43 qt4icv,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-13 16:18:46 qt5umu,,1,Monthly rent in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-13 17:26:30 qt6p0k,,3,Formation nutritionniste,"Bonjour j'ai 32 ans j'ai un master en biologie. Mais je veux faire une formation ou avoir un diplôme de nutritionniste. Qui a un idée comment ou à qui m'adresser ?",,,,,,2021-11-13 18:08:20 qta91a,,1,La Tunisie organisera 2 Commissions Mixtes avec le Congo et la RDC,,,,,,,2021-11-13 21:10:59 qtarm6,,1,What is the biggest lie in tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-13 21:38:22 qtau1v,,1,Has anyone used the service to get things shipped to Tunisia?,"If yes, please let me know how was your experience. Thanks!",,,,,,2021-11-13 21:42:00 qtax3o,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-13 21:46:26 qtbl0k,,5,Ÿuma - Nghir Alik - Slowed & Reverb,,,,,,,2021-11-13 22:21:32 qtbo2u,,1,So i have about 40 thousand dinars available some advice on investment ideas would be helpful,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-13 22:25:58 qtbs9p,,4,Investment ideas,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-13 22:32:16 qtfzod,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 02:28:02 qthiol,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 04:00:17 qtk9us,,12,Tunisian atheists?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-14 07:00:16 qtleob,,2,What are some good part time jobs to do in tunisia (tunis to be specific),,,,,,,2021-11-14 08:22:29 qtn8ad,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 10:37:21 qtnwpb,,7,Why is the tunisian bureaucracy so kafkaesque?,,,,,,,2021-11-14 11:25:51 qtoc7v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 11:56:35 qtog3o,,1,“Surprise!”: Muammar Gaddafi’s son registers for the presidential elections in Libya (video),,,,,,,2021-11-14 12:03:18 qtrfus,,30,What is the biggest lie in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2021-11-14 14:55:44 qttyar,,0,r/Tunisia do you approuve of u/stalked_like_corn moderation of this sub ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-14 16:54:41 qtuei6,,15,This Brilliant Explanation Of Why African Countries Are So Poor (TLDR : It's All The Government's Fault),"**Most economists are agreed on a list of reasons for the failure of Africa to generate economic growth :** Many African countries are more or less landlocked, which cuts them off from world trade. They have poor and deteriorating roads linking distant cities. They have exploding birth rates. They suffer from epidemic malaria, AIDS and other diseases such as sleeping sickness and guinea worm. Their institutions have never fully recovered from the disruptions caused by the slave trade. They were once colonies, which meant rule by minorities uninterested in allowing the development of an entrepreneurial class. Thanks to their imperial colonisers, their Marxist independence leaders and their monetarist aid donors, most African countries have lost many of their informal social traditions and institutions, so property rights and justice have become arbitrary and insecure. **Their most promising industry – agriculture** – **is usually stifled by price control and bureaucratic marketing agencies imposed by urban elites, and stymied by trade barriers and subsidies in Europe and America**, not to mention devastated by a **proliferation of over-grazing goats**. Ethnic strife between the biggest tribe, which maintains one-party rule, and its hated rival usually poisons politics. Paradoxically, African countries are often also cursed by sudden windfalls of rich mineral wealth, such as oil or diamonds, which serve only to corrupt democratic politicians, strengthen the power of dictators, distract entrepreneurs, spoil the terms of trade of exporters and encourage reckless state borrowing. **Now take Botswana, one such typical African country :** It is landlocked, drought-prone and has a very high population growth rate. Its people belong to eight different tribes speaking different tongues. When freed from colonial rule in 1966 it had eight miles of paved road (for an area the size of Texas), twenty-two black university graduates, and only 100 secondary school graduates. It was later cursed by a huge diamond mine, crippled by AIDS, devastated by cattle disease, and ruled by one party with little effective opposition. Government spending has remained high; so has wealth inequality. This country, the fourth poorest in the entire world in 1950, has every one of Africa’s curses. Its failure was inevitable and predictable. **But Botswana did not fail. It succeeded not just moderately well, but spectacularly. In the thirty years after independence it grew its per capita GDP faster on average (nearly 8 per cent) than any other country in the entire world – faster than Japan, China, South Korea and America during that period.** It multiplied its per capita income thirteen times so that its average citizens are now richer than Thais, Bulgarians or Peruvians. It has had no coups, civil wars or dictators. It has experienced no hyperinflation or debt default. It did not wipe out its elephants. It is consistently the most successful economy in the world in recent decades. It is true that Botswana has a small and ethnically somewhat homogeneous population, unlike many other countries. **But its biggest advantage is one that the rest of Africa could easily have shared: good institutions**. In particular, Botswana turns out to have secure, enforceable property rights that are fairly widely distributed and fairly well respected. When Daron Acemoglu and his colleagues compared property rights with economic growth throughout the world, they found that the first explained an astonishing three quarters of the variation in the second and that Botswana was no outlier: the reason it had flourished was because its people owned property without fear of confiscation by chiefs or thieves to a much greater extent than in the rest of Africa. This is much the same explanation for why England had a good eighteenth century while China did not. **So give the rest of Africa good property rights and sit back and wait for enterprise to work its magic?** If only it were that easy. **Good institutions cannot usually be imposed from above: that way they are oxymorons. They must evolve from below**. And it turns out that Botswana’s institutions have deep evolutionary roots. The Tswana people who conquered the native Khoisan tribes in the eighteenth century (and still do not necessarily treat them well) had a political system that was remarkably, well, democratic. Cattle were privately owned, but land was owned collectively. The chiefs, who in theory allocated land and grazing rights, were under a strong obligation to consult an assembly, or kgotla. The Tswana were also inclusive, happy to bring other tribes into their system, which stood them in good stead when a collective army was needed to repel the Boers at the battle of Dimawe in 1852. This was a good start, but Botswana then had a stroke of good fortune in its colonial experience. It was incorporated into the British empire in such a half-hearted and inattentive fashion that it barely experienced colonial rule. The British took it mainly to stop the Germans or Boers getting it. ‘Doing as little in the way of administration or settlement as possible’ was explicitly stated as government policy in 1885. **Botswana was left alone, experiencing almost as little direct European imperialism as those later success stories of Asia – places like Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea and China.** In 1895, three Tswana chiefs went to Britain and successfully pleaded with Queen Victoria to be kept out of the clutches of Cecil Rhodes; in the 1930s, two chiefs went to court to prevent another attempt at more intrusive colonial rule and though they failed, the war then kept bossy commissioners at bay. Benign neglect continued. After independence, Botswana’s first president, Seretse Khama, one of the chiefs, behaved like most African leaders in setting out to build a strong state and disenfranchise the chiefs, as well as to win all future elections (so far so good for his party under two successors). This, together with the extreme poverty of the country and its dependence on foreign aid, foreign labour markets (in South Africa) and the sale of mineral rights to de Beers surely boded badly. **Yet Botswana went from strength to strength by carefully investing its cattle export income and then its diamond windfall to develop other parts of the economy**. Only a devastating AIDS epidemic, which lowered life expectancy between 1992 and 2002, mars the picture, and even that is now retreating. It is not as if Africa needs to invent enterprise: the streets of Africa’s cities are teeming with entrepreneurs, adept at doing deals, **but they cannot grow their businesses because of blockages in the system**. **The slums of Nairobi and Lagos are terrible places, but the chief fault lies with governments**, which place bureaucratic barriers in the way of entrepreneurs trying to build affordable homes for people. Unable to negotiate the maze of regulations that govern planning, developers leave the poor to build their own slums, brick by brick as they can afford them, outside the law – and then await the official bulldozers. **In Cairo it would take seventy-seven bureaucratic procedures involving thirty-one agencies and up to fourteen years to acquire and register a plot of state-owned land on which to build a house**. No wonder nearly five million Egyptians have decided to build illegal dwellings instead. Typically, a Cairo house owner will build up to three illegal storeys on top of his house and rent them out to relatives. Good for him. However, entrepreneurs who start businesses in the West usually finance them with mortgages, and you cannot get a mortgage on an illegal dwelling. The Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto estimates that **Africans own an astonishing $1 trillion in ‘dead capital’ – savings that cannot be used as collateral because they are invested in ill-documented property**. He draws an instructive parallel with the young United States in the early nineteenth century, where the formal codified law was fighting a rearguard action against an increasingly chaotic confusion of informal squatters’ rights to property. More and more states were tolerating and even legalising pre-emption – ownership acquired by settling land and improving it. In the end it was the law that had to give, not the squatters – the law allowing itself to change by bottom-up evolution, not top-down planning. The retreat culminated in the Homestead Act of 1862, which formalised what had been happening for many years and signified ‘the end of a long, exhausting and bitter struggle between elitist law and a new order brought about by massive migration and the needs of an open and sustainable society’. The result was a property-owning democracy in which almost everybody had ‘live’ capital, which could be used as collateral for starting a business. Enclosure had played a similar role in Britain earlier, though lack of unoccupied land made the result far less equitable. Revolution eventually achieved property rights for the French poor, too, rather more bloodily, and would probably have done the same for Russians, but for the Bolshevik coup. **Property rights are not a silver bullet**. **In some countries, their formalisation simply creates a rentier class.** And China experienced an explosion of enterprise after 1978 without ever giving its people truly secure property rights. But it did allow people to start businesses with relatively little bureaucratic fuss, so another of De Soto’s recommendations is to free up the rules governing business. **Whereas it takes a handful of steps to set up a company in America or Europe, De Soto’s assistants found that to do the same in Tanzania would take 379 days and cost $5,506**. **Worse, to have a normal business career in Tanzania for fifty years, you would have to spend more than a thousand days in government offices petitioning for permits of one kind or another and spending $180,000 on them. Little wonder that a staggering 98 per cent of Tanzanian businesses are extralegal.** That does not mean they are governed by no rules: far from it. De Soto’s study found thousands of examples of documents being used by people on the ground to attest ownership, record loans, embody contracts and settle disputes. Handwritten papers, sometimes signed with thumbprints, are being drafted, witnessed, stamped, revised, filed and adjudicated all over the country. Just as Europeans did before the formal law gradually ‘nationalised’ their indigenous customs, **Tanzanians are evolving a system of self-organised complexity to allow them to do business with strangers as well as neighbours.** **One handwritten, single-page document, for example, records a contract for a business loan between two individuals – the amount of the loan, the interest rate, the payment period and the collateral (the debtor’s house) – and is signed, witnessed and stamped by the local elder**. But these customs, these laws of the people, are a fragmented jigsaw. They work well for sole traders in small communities, but being dependent on local people and local rules they cannot help the ambitious entrepreneur who tries to expand beyond his local community. **What Tanzania needs to do, as Europe and America did hundreds of years ago, is not to enforce its unaffordable official legal system, but gradually to encourage this bottom-up, informal law to broaden and standardise itself**. De Soto’s team identified sixty-seven bottlenecks that prevent the poor using the legal system to generate wealth. It is this kind of institutional reform that will in the end do far more for African living standards than dams, factories, aid or population control. In the 1930s, Nashville, Tennessee, was rescued from poverty by its music entrepreneurs, using good local copyright laws to start recording indigenous music, not by the giant dams of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Likewise, Bamako in Mali could build upon its strong musical traditions given the right copyright laws and entrepreneurial spirit. In a neat example of bottom-up change, the poor have taken to mobile telephones with unexpected gusto all across Africa, to the surprise of those who thought this a luxury technology for a later stage of development. In Kenya, despairing of state-controlled landlines, one-quarter of the population acquired a mobile phone after 2000. **Kenyan farmers call different markets to find the best prices before setting out with their produce, and are better off for it.** Studies of rural villages in Botswana find that the ones that have mobile reception have more non-farm jobs than the ones that do not. **Mobile phones not only enable people to get work, but also to pay for and be paid for services – mobile phone credits having become in effect a form of informal banking and payments system. In Ghana, manufacturers of T-shirts can be paid directly by American buyers using phone credits.** **Micro-finance banking, mobile telephony and the internet are now merging to produce systems that allow individuals in the West to make small loans to entrepreneurs in Africa** **(through websites like Kiva), who can then use their mobile phone credits to deposit receipts and pay bills without waiting for banks to open and without handling vulnerable cash**. These developments offer opportunities to the poor of Africa that were not available to the poor of Asia a generation ago. They are one reason that Africa saw economic growth rise to Asian-tiger levels in the late 2000s. &#x200B; **Ridley, Matt. The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves (pp. 325-326). HarperCollins Publishers.**",,,,,,2021-11-14 17:14:45 qtunck,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 17:26:12 qtvaau,,1,Why you hate tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 17:55:11 qtvgmo,,1,Snus/ tobacco pouches,I was wondering where can i get Snus/ tobacco pouches in grande Tunis?,,,,,,2021-11-14 18:02:49 qtw2ke,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 18:30:42 qtxqtb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 19:47:29 qtxu4e,,12,Recommend me a book 📖.,,,,,,,2021-11-14 19:51:42 qtxzl8,,1,Which IELTS test should I take ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 19:58:51 qty22h,,3,Which IELTS test should I take,"Hi everyone,my sister received a job offer in art field and now she is applying for a skilled worker visa in the UK She wanted to know which IELTS test is suitable for her : IELTS for UKVI General Training (""This test is for test takers wishing to migrate to the UK and for those wishing to train or study below degree level."") Or IELTS Life Skills B1 (""This test is for those who need to prove their English speaking and listening skills as part of their application to UK Visas and Immigration for indefinite leave to remain or citizenship."") Thanks!",,,,,,2021-11-14 20:01:51 qty9ht,,7,Prostitution in Tunisia,"Have you ever experienced something related to this domain in Tunisia, have you ever had a service like a massage parlor or anything related to the sexual activities, I'm curious to hear the different stories from different perspectives",,,,,,2021-11-14 20:10:54 qtygal,,5,"How do I get ""LOCAL"" for a night in Tunis ?","Well , Me and girlfriend are looking forward to rent an appartment for a night because we both are from conservative families so we can't bring each other home. Where do find ""local"" and Do you think it's safe ( for it being illegal )?",,,,,,2021-11-14 20:19:39 qtyshu,,3,can i buy some apps with zitouna card from play store ?,,,,,,,2021-11-14 20:35:22 qtyuxr,,3,Used electronics,What's the best website to buy used phones/pcs?,,,,,,2021-11-14 20:38:37 qtz4rk,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 20:51:09 qtztsj,,1,African tolerance for gay neighbors.. interesting how bad tunisia is,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-14 21:23:22 qtzwpl,,1,Why do alot of young Tunisians wanna leave Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-14 21:27:11 qtzwy7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 21:27:30 qu10g6,,0,wa,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-14 22:18:45 qu3fa4,,4,Insights into Punic genetic signatures in the southern necropolis of Tharros (Sardinia),,,,,,,2021-11-15 00:19:28 qu5hvl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-15 02:09:37 qu7nxj,,1,Somewhere in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 04:07:42 quanl6,,19,Can I sleep at your place?,"Hey dear Redditors I'm traveling to Tunisia next week and I'm trying to get to know local people and some cool adventures. Are you in the northern half of the country and do you have an empty couch? I would love to get to know you and have a good time. Greetings Eric",,,,,,2021-11-15 07:10:38 qub6or,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-15 07:46:46 qud5o8,,1,Sorry for dragging some shit from FB,,,,,,,2021-11-15 10:06:27 quddrq,é_in_private_college/,1,"It managment or ""santé"" in private college",[removed],,,,,,2021-11-15 10:22:32 queqs6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-15 11:53:52 qufkj7,,14,Would you prefer to live filthy rich in Tunisia or middle class in the west ? And why ?,,,,,,,2021-11-15 12:42:30 qug3xv,é_in_private_college/,1,"It management or ""santé"" in private college",[removed],,,,,,2021-11-15 13:10:53 quglfu,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-15 13:36:36 quh4u9,,106,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-15 14:03:00 quhovq,,3,Bardo: Still Closed?,"Does anyone know if the Bardo is still closed? I know it's because of parliament being suspended... even though the entrances aren't the same. The Bardo's social media hasn't been updated in like, forever and they don't even appear to have an official Twitter account. The website still says ""مغلق حاليا"" on it which I assume is up to date, but just double-checking since government websites in Tunisia tend to not be updated very quickly, to put it as an understatement: [\_content&view=article&id=53&Itemid=59&lang=ar]( I guess that's the latest, but I just wanted to know if maybe the were trying to find a solution to open it, or maybe all the curators and the hallway guards are happy to be able to sit at home, probably collect their paychecks, and wait until who knows when for parliament to be unsuspended. I haven't heard anything since the new cabinet got announced more than a month ago, but it seems like the Bardo could even be closed for another few months or even couple years until there's a new election or whatever and parliament reopens. It doesn't seem like they're trying to find an alternative solution to open, or at least I tried searching in Arabic and French news and social media and couldn't find any rumors, or really anyone talking about it at all.",,,,,,2021-11-15 14:29:44 quj7ha,,17,Venting about Academic underachievement and grade deflation in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 15:41:21 qukdtn,,2,About industrial visits in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 16:34:03 quky4x,,9,How to freelance in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2021-11-15 16:59:44 qul0u7,,3,"For non Tunisians, is there any way to invest in Tunisian stocks?","I am Hong Konger. I found that the TUNINDEX is relatively untouched by 2000 dot com bubble and the 2008 economic crsis. Is there any reason why? And hence, is there any way for ordinary foreigners to invest in Tunisian stocks?",,,,,,2021-11-15 17:02:45 qul7js,,2,0 energy,"I have hypersomnia and I'm gluten intolerant, I feel a lot of fatigue and nausea, also can't handle a whole day of studying. I've tried Vitamine C but that didn't help much. What could I do ? And if it's necessary to check a doctor which one should I visit ?",,,,,,2021-11-15 17:10:37 qulvqr,,14,Goddammit Henry,,,,,,,2021-11-15 17:40:47 qulyjr,,5,what activities to do in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2021-11-15 17:44:23 qumgr0,,1,Steps to buy a new car?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 18:06:41 qun4ol,,8,I wanna start an internet side hustle but we dont have paypal in this damned country,Any tips? Or any app thats like paypall?,,,,,,2021-11-15 18:36:39 qunzqn,,1,Earrings and rings for men in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 19:15:11 quo8r9,,4,are the people In manouba Tunisia amazigh and if not what people are they,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 19:26:47 quosi8,,2,Urgent,Ena 3amel dose barka pfizer khater mrodht 9bal est ce que certificat de vaccination te3 dose barka mayraj3ounich 3leha ki nji kharej men tounes?,,,,,,2021-11-15 19:51:53 qupo85,,1,am I the only one who's getting sick of 9hawi culture in tunis? Too much killing of time and doing nothing it's not even fun. I know there's not much budget to come up with fun ideas but damn.. can't someone just come up with something new.. why is everyone so afraid of change in this country,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 20:31:56 quppoy,é_in_private_college/,2,"It management or ""santé"" in private college","Took a gap year and i don't know what to do now, bac eco, Plz help me to choose the right thing",,,,,,2021-11-15 20:33:51 quqh68,,1,"the first white house is not in america, it is Casablanca in Morocco north Africa .Dar-al Baida",,,,,,,2021-11-15 21:08:35 qurjt0,,11,Tunisian Love or European Love ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 21:56:34 quswjo,,1,"A view of Tunis from the Paris hotel, 1899",[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-15 22:59:19 qutoot,,1,"For those interested (I know you exist), found this on Jumia today!",,,,,,,2021-11-15 23:35:51 qutpj3,,4,Tunisians have suffered enough...,"We are more divided than ever We are all seeing life deteriorating We are all living in despair Through these hardships my wish is that one day our life improve and we unite My wish is to see a brighter future for this country For me and you We already suffered enough... Thank you for reading this.",,,,,,2021-11-15 23:36:58 quung0,,4, alternatives!,"Hi all, Any alternatives please?",,,,,,2021-11-16 00:23:06 quyw1i,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-11-16 04:00:13 qv35o4,,12,Are Tunisian people racist against black people and if so why ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-16 08:25:08 qv47nu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-16 09:41:21 qv5q1y,,1,Extensions Google Chrome pour gérer plusieurs pages,,,,,,,2021-11-16 11:24:56 qv6kex,,1,Covid-Test Rapide,"Test Covid ( rapide ) : Does anyone please have an idea about the price range for fast Covid Tests ( not the PCR test ) in Tunis ( the one where the result should be no longer than 24 hours ) ? I know the price range in my city but with little to no government regulation, I am sure in the capital, it's a different story. Thank you,",,,,,,2021-11-16 12:18:56 qv6ve1,,6,Payoneer withdraw to local bank question,I wanna withdraw money from my Payoneer to my local bank account when I select the currency in Payoneer to TND. They ask for the account number (min 20 char). What I wanna know is should I put the RIB code there ? Because it cannot accept less than 20 char and the only thing that has 20 char is the RIB code. Or should I just change the currency to USD and withdraw with the IBAN code.,,,,,,2021-11-16 12:37:46 qv72u1,,1,Content of Apple Macbook Pro,,,,,,,2021-11-16 12:50:24 qv7304,,1,Content of Financial turn of events,,,,,,,2021-11-16 12:50:39 qv734z,,1,Content of Youngster discipline,,,,,,,2021-11-16 12:50:54 qv73aw,,1,Content of Marketing research,,,,,,,2021-11-16 12:51:09 qv7gep,,9,chmaaneha “mzawer” ?,,,,,,,2021-11-16 13:10:40 qv8ucc,,3,Any Idea how to get paid from abroad?,"I recently graduated from an IT university. and I started applying for remote job offers abroad (mainly France), but I don't have any idea on how I will receive the salary in case I got accepted into a company. Please help me, I am not familiar with banks so you've to make sure to explain clearly. Have a nice day.",,,,,,2021-11-16 14:21:23 qv8yax,,3,Pcr question for travel to Tunisia,"Hi! Apologies if this isn't the place to ask this Im a guy from canada traveling to Tunis in a few weeks. My flight leaves Vancouver then will be in Frankfurt for a 13 hour layover before finally going to Tunis. My question is do i need the pcr test 72 hours before i board the flight? Or 72 hours before i land in Tunis? Thank you to anyone for any help you can provide",,,,,,2021-11-16 14:26:37 qv96p7,,3,"Hello, what are common payment methods in Tunisia?","For example if you want to purchase an e-book or subscribe to an electronic library.. Thank you",,,,,,2021-11-16 14:38:00 qv9o48,,1,Libyan warlord Haftar challenges Gaddafi's son in the presidential race,,,,,,,2021-11-16 15:00:35 qva9n5,,1,Offre d'emploi,,,,,,,2021-11-16 15:27:42 qvazg4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-16 16:00:00 qvc0o3,,0,How to hook up with girls is it possible in tunis ( i don't want to wait until marriage)?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-16 16:44:28 qvc9lk,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-16 16:55:06 qvd1gk,,4,What are the best places to go for day hikes around Tunis ?,,,,,,,2021-11-16 17:27:24 qvd7yx,,5,This is a long shot but could anyone help?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-16 17:35:10 qve6oo,,1,Watch: Robots in the Grand Mosque in Mecca speak 11 languages ​​and direct pilgrims to rituals,,,,,,,2021-11-16 18:15:46 qveggf,,13,Bardo Museum help.,"Hello Tunisians! I have been wanting to visit your beautiful country for many years! I am very interested in history, architecture and natural beauty. I hope to visit Tunisia in March, but have one concern. TripAdvisor says that the Bardo museum is permanently closed, and there are no recent reviews to disprove this. Surely this is false? Has anyone been recently? Many thanks for any help!",,,,,,2021-11-16 18:27:10 qvfrdj,,0,American women,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-16 19:23:42 qvi7od,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-16 21:10:31 qvoqms,,1,Lmao 🤣 sex before marriage is illegal here too? You religious fucks really are something else,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-17 02:28:38 qvvpvj,,3,How was your user experience with asus tuf f15,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-17 09:40:19 qw0ekb,,1,Looking for people in Tunisia to take part in paid AI project,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-17 14:26:07 qw133m,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-17 14:58:54 qw1uz3,,0,Where can I buy some condoms near Tunisia mall 1 in Carthage ASAP!,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-17 15:34:55 qw4175,,18,hey! I need help for a cultural videogame about your region,"**Hey y’all!** I’m doing a university project that collects information from countries all over the world to create an **educational videogame** Wario Ware style! The idea is to **collect through many local subreddits around the word interesting information, facts, traditions or just fascinating stuff from your country**. It really can be whatever! from history stuff, manners, toys to food dishes. Real cultural information that is deeper than typical trivia found on traveling and touristic websites. All that info is going to be used to create the questions for the videogame quiz system! Hope it inspire you to let us know your culture and make the game richer. Many many thanks for your help! :)",,,,,,2021-11-17 17:15:27 qw4i0o,,1,Where can I get this peeps ?,,,,,,,2021-11-17 17:37:11 qw7atu,,10,Custom stickers,Where can I print custom stickers for my phone/laptop for a good price?,,,,,,2021-11-17 19:46:21 qw7sir,,0,Thoughts of the recent accident in zahra's highschool?,"I honestly think, it's gonna get even worse and we won't be able to do anything about it. idealism that's all about being fake gangsters is not even spreading anymore, it is everywhere. not tryna sound like a white hair old man, but it used to be way better in the past... and now im wondering if it can even get any worse than literal murder attempts by student to teachers...",,,,,,2021-11-17 20:09:18 qw8fxe,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-17 20:40:03 qw9u7z,,12,Do you want to have children? Why or why not?,"I'm curious about this topic, I took a decision to never bring any kid in the future IDK, but take responsibility for someone else and let him live my process especially mine, I'm too young to say that but having kids required anything, mental, financial and time stability, to raise him in a good conditions so what do you think",,,,,,2021-11-17 21:47:56 qwbqfp,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-17 23:19:56 qwc817,,9,Stop,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-17 23:44:26 qwigld,,4,Why would any Tunisian illegally migrate?,"Recently saw a video of Tunisian immigrants to Europe… why? There is no war, you have democracy, the wages arent that bad… why tf would you illegally migrate, or leave your country for any reason?",,,,,,2021-11-18 05:16:03 qwmch5,,7,Help!,Guys any ideas how can i get from Ghazzela to tunis ( Passage ) ?,,,,,,2021-11-18 09:47:19 qwmmys,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-18 10:09:28 qwmpgy,,3,What somepeople think is the evil eye vs what it is.,,,,,,,2021-11-18 10:14:37 qwmtgg,,1,Download it and earn points,,,,,,,2021-11-18 10:22:54 qwnabd,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-18 10:56:56 qwogio,,1,Are you concerned about water stress? If not you should.,,,,,,,2021-11-18 12:14:54 qwp7fl,,1,How to win an internship abroad ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-18 12:59:59 qwpa14,,1,Leblebi,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-18 13:03:44 qwpasd,,16,Leblebi,Who has the best leblebi in Ariana?,,,,,,2021-11-18 13:04:47 qwqkj2,,0,Any LSD (tembri) dealers in Sousse?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-18 14:11:01 qwrm2a,,6,"What makes decision makers in Tunisia relucant to switch off the traditional system and move to the digital one ( administration, payments...)",,,,,,,2021-11-18 15:01:47 qwrql7,,1,Are you concerned about water stress? If not you should.,,,,,,,2021-11-18 15:07:48 qws30d,,7,How tf can I change my location so I can stop seeing tunisian tiktok vids.. do I use any VPN? 😑,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-18 15:24:06 qwsxma,,24,What are your favorite typically Tunisian words?,"I learned to speak derija when I was 17 (so please keep translating as I don't know many words too)and I heard many expressions and words but I am often not aware of them being typically Tunisuan (except for barcha and dacourdou (i mean, not used in other Arab countries perhaps). I am not sure if its just Tunisian but i like words like fesfes, dagnouna, a bit random perhaps. And za7 is a good way to let of the steam of anger that I can put put in the 7777 What word(s) or expressions are typically Tunisian? Can be expressions too if you want! And off course, your favorites, or most weird... it's all welcome here + please translate it :)",,,,,,2021-11-18 16:03:19 qwsztt,,18,Obscure Tunisian Fun Facts,"I'm collecting obscure fun facts about Tunisia for a blog projects I'm planning. The goal is to make a sort of time capsule for the future generations. Here is one I got from a Tunisian historian:- During the Tunisian bread riots ""ثورة الخبز"" ,during which several Tunisian protesters lost their lives, the angry masses chanted ""يا المزالي يا بو صلعة \*\*\* يعطيك عصبة على ها الطلعة"". El Mezali ""محمد مزالي"" was the prime minister who decided to increase the price of bread. An other fun fact: the first ever broadcast of the Tunisian TV was ,I shit you not, [upside down](",,,,,,2021-11-18 16:05:58 qwt7s4,,7,The typical tunisian and politics,"Do Tunisian really know anything about politics (left, right, economics...) or even care about anything beside being with/against someone blindly?",,,,,,2021-11-18 16:15:52 qwvbhx,,3,"Do we have good quality fashion brands located in Tunisia ? i.e. not fast fashion like Zara, Bershka, H&M ?","I am talking about Tunisian fashion brands as well as non-Tunisian brands that are located here. It seems sometimes that in thrift shop is the only hope to find quality garments. Most of the stuff I buy new doesn't last at all. We have serious shortage in brands.",,,,,,2021-11-18 17:50:33 qwvpra,,122,Hmm,,,,,,,2021-11-18 18:07:52 qwwb31,,9,Can't lose inner thighs fat ! Please I need some tips,"I was overweight, went through an amazing fat loss journey where I've lost +25kg Actual BMI : 21.8 I look slim, but I have big thighs, which I consider a huge insecurity. They are muscular enough whenever I flex, but Inner thighs fat is a real struggle, especially whenever I wear tight jeans... (Currently doing regular HIIT/cardio, bodyweight exercices almost daily, maintaining a decent calorie intake which allows me to lose weight slowly, since I wanna lose like more 3 kg )",,,,,,2021-11-18 18:34:17 qwxq85,,1,We are the 2nd best Arab country at speaking English (and 52nd in the world),,,,,,,2021-11-18 19:38:46 qwy20h,,7,I need legal advice about CNSS payment on my salary by my boss. I’m an expat and don’t know anything about the law.,I think my boss is lying when she says the cnss payment will come out of my salary meaning she will pay me less. I think she needs to pay the cnss and pay me the same amount. Is there anyone here that could give me sound legal advice please?,,,,,,2021-11-18 19:53:58 qwyg7c,,0,Hamzaoui Med Amine & KAFON - Houmani - Slowed & Reverb,,,,,,,2021-11-18 20:12:06 qwyn9r,,1,Jerba Guellala - mosquée au bord de mer,,,,,,,2021-11-18 20:21:17 qx2ag8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-18 23:12:57 qx5uqp,,1,Fml,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-19 02:19:27 qx7bi7,,1,Fml,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-19 03:38:32 qx7pm5,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-11-19 04:00:11 qxc65e,,6,Why We Need a New Utopia :,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-19 08:55:26 qxcgeb,,37,Kaskrout Tunisien,,,,,,,2021-11-19 09:16:13 qxd7i7,,2,Monster energy drinks,"Any ideas of where I can find monster energy drinks in Tunis , and how much approximately do they cost",,,,,,2021-11-19 10:12:01 qxdrik,,5,"Are tinted car windows illegal ? if not, to whatn what percentage is allowed",,,,,,,2021-11-19 10:53:00 qxe1ml,,1,JERBA,,,,,,,2021-11-19 11:12:42 qxebjb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-19 11:31:31 qxeggc,,0,Tunisia business opportunitie,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-19 11:40:41 qxhlm0,,12,"Tunisians of the Sub ,what is your MBTI?",I’m curious what could be the majority MBTI of the Tunisian population .,,,,,,2021-11-19 14:40:39 qxiw1u,,3,chat call center or backoffice jobs,"Hello.. I'm looking on behalf of a friend who needs a job in a call center with chat only .. or entry level backoffice tasks. she lives in Tunis (7ay El 7adi9a) and can't take calls because of an illness.. she had similar jobs before but then she had to take care of her baby so she stopped and now with the years gap .. she can't find a decent job. if any one knows similar jobs or even can help .. I'd be grateful",,,,,,2021-11-19 15:43:01 qxjxtz,,1,Sheikh Imran Hosein - Leading Scholar on the ' End Times ',[removed],,,,,,2021-11-19 16:34:22 qxkf9f,,7,Paypal ?,"So , anything new ?",,,,,,2021-11-19 16:57:46 qxnf7i,,9,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-19 19:19:46 qxo5fs,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-19 19:56:09 qxo6q9,,2,Anyone tried ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-19 19:57:59 qxpoob,,2,Is the guy who is asking for an advice from Tunisia? He mentioned North Africa and failling economy,[](,,,,,,2021-11-19 21:11:38 qxutog,,6,First flight and airport regulations,"Hello, I will be travelling soon for the first time ever and had a few questions if possible. - I heard you can only bring a sum of money equal to 5k TND out of the country with you (in the target country currency of course). Is this true? What if I need more money for the trip? - Heard a lot about thievery at the airport and that I had to keep all valuables on my carry on bag. I'll have a gold necklace I'd gift someone and I'm not sure if I could keep it there or wear it. Do I have to declare it to the douane too? I'll bring my laptop too so not sure if it needs to be declared too? Really appreciate all pieces of advice",,,,,,2021-11-20 01:42:55 qy1y17,,7,"From where i can buy original adidas/nike shoes, i feel like everyone sells fake shoes here",,,,,,,2021-11-20 09:16:59 qy2wqt,,4,Open sky in Tunisia,"Hey, I heard that the UE has approved the signing of open sky agreement with Tunisia in last July . Anyone knows what is the current state of this topic ?",,,,,,2021-11-20 10:29:35 qy3h7z,,0,Why We Should Give Free Money to Everyone,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-20 11:10:15 qy4jmr,,2,Online jobs,How do you guys get paid for online jobs while we don't have PayPal in Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-11-20 12:24:00 qy4l4r,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-20 12:26:46 qy4qq0,,3,Online clothing stores in Tunisia?,"I'm looking for turtlenecks/jackets online. I remember seeing ads of certain shops last year all the time but never got the name, can anyone help?",,,,,,2021-11-20 12:36:28 qy5bak,,50,🐞,,,,,,,2021-11-20 13:11:28 qy5jta,,1,Looking for crypto seller,Is there anyone in tunis who wants to sell me crypto in exchange of cash ?,,,,,,2021-11-20 13:25:46 qy5k7s,,0,Jme3a eli tetkayef nheb naaref haja,I recently got into smoking netkyef light o camel azrak o touch amyways fama moda camel azrak mafamdch and lhamas adi mchit el gomreg el youm kali fama ken free shop 3ad 5thit chnoua lfark bin freeshop o l3ado packaging mta free shop fih blacka bel arbi est ce que matiere tetbedel o el gout (ill try later ) o chbih arkhas o thx btw pls dont bother and tell me quit smoking i want to do it thanks .,,,,,,2021-11-20 13:26:28 qy6yy5,,3,Where to buy Harry Potter books,"Hi 👋 where to find Harry Potter books in english in Tunisia? I've been to every book store they always sell one or two but never all the books at once tried The book fair Al Kitab Culturel .... Any other suggestions?",,,,,,2021-11-20 14:43:27 qy7f7c,,16,why people ghost people ?,"i just wanna understand this new easy way , ghosting people , i find such a coward move . Edit : Thank you everyone for answering me , i loved the different perspectives of my tunisian people regarding this topic.",,,,,,2021-11-20 15:06:14 qy8sz3,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-20 16:14:20 qy8uy5,,9,Would you date/marry a transgender ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-20 16:16:59 qyb1q9,شقولكم_في_فيلم_فرفطو_الذهب/,4,شقولكم في فيلم فرفطو الذهب؟,نحب نعرف رايكم في الفيلم,,,,,,2021-11-20 18:02:26 qyb9xa,,1,Batata,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-20 18:13:32 qycpkc,,2,What brands or shops do you miss in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-20 19:23:03 qyd9pi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-20 19:50:38 qyfohs,,1,🤡,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-20 21:49:58 qyg504,,10,What is your relation with religion ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-20 22:12:36 qyh1mu,,1,Is it possible to pay Spotify subscription via a national bank credit card?,"Hello, In the few past months i tried to subscribe to a plan on Spotify and it actually worked, Spotify gave me 1 month free trial but after that month Spotify couldn't profit from my credit card so the subscription was cancelled. At that point i thought it is not possible to pay international services like Spotify (only if you own international credit card) so now i am asking is there anyone here in Tunisia currently paying Spotify subscription? if yes then i need to go to check my situation with the bank. Thank you.",,,,,,2021-11-20 22:58:34 qyh6cr,,14,How can I register as an organ donor?,,,,,,,2021-11-20 23:04:42 qyho7p,,2,where can i find pipe tobaco/cigars zone hammemsousse/sousse,title,,,,,,2021-11-20 23:30:30 qymkcn,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-11-21 04:00:17 qyre37,,1,A shooting attack near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem kills one and injures three,,,,,,,2021-11-21 09:23:11 qytfro,,31,"Visiting Tunisia for 12 days, any tips so we don't just scratch the surface of the country?","We are a couple in our 30s with our 4 months old baby. We always try to stay off-the-beaten-track, now this is a little more difficult with our baby but we do what we can! :) Any advice to better understand the people and its culture is really appreciated!",,,,,,2021-11-21 11:53:11 qytl5i,,5,Paypal,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-21 12:03:27 qyuckf,,1,Just hiked Tunisia's WWII Mareth Line & found Rommel's bunker!,,,,,,,2021-11-21 12:52:12 qyuldn,,1,"Black native of the middle east the Zanj rebellion in Iraq, oman, yemen,Lebanon etc slavery history",,,,,,,2021-11-21 13:06:33 qyur6l,,2,Please does anybody know the price of the ticket of friguia park,,,,,,,2021-11-21 13:15:50 qyv296,,8,Who is a Spider-Man fan here,And who's going to see No way home,,,,,,2021-11-21 13:33:10 qyvppb,,1,Coffee Shops suggestions (in Tunis) ?,"Looking for a cozy coffee shop in Tunis, gonna meet my crush for the first time in 2 years",,,,,,2021-11-21 14:08:51 qyvynw,étude/,2,Stage fin d'étude,"Chabeb bonjour Qualque conseils bch nal9a stage fin d'étude domaine IT, développement web plus précisément (de préférence lbarra) Win nlawej ? Kifeh nhadher mon cv et lettre de motivation ? Chneya les questions les plus fréquent ?",,,,,,2021-11-21 14:21:40 qywdqs,,48,from my best shots,,,,,,,2021-11-21 14:43:35 qywzoj,,4,Any gym recommendation near Manouba ?,"any gym recommendation near Manouba ? except VIP Room because it's pretty expensive. Thanks.",,,,,,2021-11-21 15:14:50 qyxml6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-21 15:45:52 qyxzhn,,5,Good camping centers/spots in Tunisia?,"I'm from sousse and I am new to camping, done it only a few times, im tryna find a good camping center nearby(in/near sousse) for this weekend, also any good camping spots you guys know of preferably somewhere around jendouba/beja/bizerte/nabeul.. for future planning.",,,,,,2021-11-21 16:02:45 qyz4n6,,1,Does hard work lead to success?,,,,,,,2021-11-21 16:57:35 qz0mnm,,1,"Compared to 2020, How did your TunisiaPhobia evolve:","[TunisiaPhobia definition]( [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-21 18:06:25 qz0y2c,,10,"Hey, looking for worldwide known movies that was filmed or partly filmed in Tunisia. Please do not forget to name the movie director and the Tunisian zone where it was recorded, if known. Thank you !",,,,,,,2021-11-21 18:21:04 qz1lcc,,1,"This is amazing wowwwwwww!!!!!! African Youth Empowerment Funds pays their luky participants in dollars, this is too good to be true Apply for free",,,,,,,2021-11-21 18:51:42 qz1tkl,,3,Tunisien Dinard,"Do you guys ever think the dinar will stop being a closed currency? Whats your opinion on it , do you think the goverment should keep it a closed currency or should open it up?",,,,,,2021-11-21 19:01:46 qz359i,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-21 20:04:21 qz3erh,,3,"What is your opinion of ""ugtt"" (iti7ad) ?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-21 20:16:56 qz8sd2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 00:40:33 qzb7n3,,8,How's it going as a freelancer in Tunisia,"So I've recently decided to start offering my services on freelancing on websites such as Fiverr and I've talked with a lot of my friends with it and I've got more questions than answers now... Please share your thoughts and experiences with me",,,,,,2021-11-22 02:50:49 qzc6hj,,4,You live around Ariana and want to buy a game online ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 03:44:10 qzgq44,,0,The End Of Poverty,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 08:23:26 qzhnjo,,9,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 09:28:43 qzhtcx,,3,What do you need to freelance as a student in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-22 09:40:20 qzk7mx,,0,"[Serious] Tunisian Girls of Reddit, would you be stay-at-home wives/moms after marriage? Why/why not? (Guys I'm interested in your opinions too)","I'm 27yo guy. I want to get married and I have an extensive list of criteria that I prefer they would be in my future wife. But I have few mandatory ones. One of them is staying at home for many personal reasons that I wouldn't like to explain in this sub. I'd like to know what girls think about staying at home after marriage. she'd have her monthly personal money (let's say 300dt for her only, she can keep them or use them or do whatever she wants with them), while all her wants and needs (7ajjema and clothes and accessories and restaurants and food and 9adhyet dar etc..)still on me. Also I wouldn't try to foul her, I'll invoke this point from the start of the relationship and we'd talk about it and negotiate till we find a good compromise between us. So she wouldnt be like ""I've never thought you were like this"". Any opinions, thoughts, ideas and critiques might help. Thank you. Edit: one comment mentioned ""خديمة"".. it's not like that at all.. we'd be living abroad, mekla cherba w teddallel kima t7eb w techt'hi, and on top of all that she'd be having some private money for herself.. idk if this all qualifies as ""خديمة""..!! Edit 2: People.. 300dt is just an example.. it'd be more like 300 euros since I'm planning to live abroad. Also I've only talked about work.. but that sum would be after we talk w netfehmou.. it's just and EXAMPLE.. She can have a social life, friends and such if she wants to.. Also I'm not gonna FORCE her to stay at home.. it'll be her choice. As it would be mine not to continue in a relationship where she wants to work. Also to answer some of u.. one of the major reasons why I don't want her to work is because most jobs have male majorities.. most guys are disgusting when it comes to working with women.. it's not a topic for a debate.. I've seen it.. it's what made me decide on this criteria. Also I'm I'm type of guy who don't go to coffee with friends.. just an introvert who loves to chill at home..",,,,,,2021-11-22 12:20:01 qzlym3,,28,🇹🇳 Videos of Tunisia 🇹🇳 | I need you constructive feedback and propositions,"i'm making videos all around Tunisia 🇹🇳 and this is my youtube channel [TNPOV]( basically i'm doing two types of videos, first one using my car 🚗([driving playlist]( and the second one is just walking in the area and filming ([walking playlist]( Can i guys please take some minutes of your time to watch some of the videos and give me your feedback here (on reddit post) on what to improve and if you have some ideas of other things i can do / change and other type of content maybe i can add to the channel, that would be much appreciated ❤️ Thank you in advance Redditers",,,,,,2021-11-22 13:56:56 qzlz6l,,1,Fuck all law BCT of Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 13:57:43 qzm0d3,,1,Are you crazy TN political party,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 13:59:20 qzomaq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 15:58:03 qzopxm,,7,anyone playing old school runescape? if so anyone selling bonds?,title,,,,,,2021-11-22 16:02:04 qzpbl0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 16:29:15 qzput0,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 16:52:50 qzqefg,,5,JERBA Sidi JEMOUR,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2021-11-22 17:16:12 qzqzkb,,1,Tunisian Arabic Language 1,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-22 17:40:59 qzqzv6,,3,"Hi! I'm a med student in Sfax and I don't know cool places to go there, can you guys recommend cool bars or restaurants to visit? Thanks in advance :)",,,,,,,2021-11-22 17:41:18 qzr73v,,1,دراسة : 97٪ من التطبيقات لديها شكل من أشكال الضعف,,,,,,,2021-11-22 17:49:38 qzr7p4,,5,I want to know japanese ppl in tunisia,"I don’t speak japanese. I wanna learn about japanese people and their culture",,,,,,2021-11-22 17:50:16 qzsdq1,,11,Tunisian Arabic Language 1,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 18:40:25 qzt8nb,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 19:16:03 qzv9e3,,4,Any E-learning platforms that provide free certificate ?,"Any E-learning platforms that provide free certificate ? (Udemy, Coursera , skillshare Don't give a certificate on their free courses)",,,,,,2021-11-22 20:41:48 qzve0x,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-22 20:47:22 qzxbz9,,7,"going on a date tomo , in need for advice","Hey, so I'm going on a date with a potential match, it's actually my first ""date"" and I have no clue on what topics to discuss, talk about. I'm hesitant because I believe we don't have the same interests in general, she studies Geologie/Biology whereas I'm majoring in IT. &#x200B; I would really appreciate any serious advice and thank you.",,,,,,2021-11-22 22:10:13 r04buk,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-11-23 04:00:19 r07z4h,,21,Why The Phoenicians our Ancestors Were so Freaking Cool,"They never tried to impose their language or religion to anyone. They descended from the Egyptian Empire where Western thought ACTUALLY originated from (Lots of Greek philosophers studied there). They managed to build a gigantic commercial empire MOSTLY through pacific ways. Their swift ships created the first large-scale globalization that we know today. Their alphabet is used everywhere (latin, greek, arabic, hebrew, farsi and ethiopian alphabets all descends from theirs, which originated from Hieroglyphs, not kidding). They brought peace, prosperity, ideas and technologies, to many people accross the Mediterranean sea. Trading Hubs where people can meet different people and start questioning their own beliefs and identities (Thales de Milet). They were merchants, not warriors, who valued exchange, honesty and hard work over conquests and parasitic governance like the Romans, Greeks and Arabs did. They were TOLERANT. As long as they can do business with you, they don't care what you look like or what your beliefs are. Literrally created the whole ""Mediterranean Culture"" thing. Carthage was the first democratic republic ever, with the first Constitution. They cared more about money than God, which is ACTUALLY a good thing. Merchants brings you wine, pearls, silk, honey, food, olive oil, spices, technologies, ideas, teachers, art and everything you didn't know you wanted or needed. Religious fanatics only brings you Crusades and Djihads. If Carthage f\*cked the Romans up, Europe would have never been forcibly converted to Christianity and would have retained their own extremely diverse languages, cultures and religious practices (pretty much like India today). Almost nothing is left of old Celtic and Germanic cultures :( A world shaped by the Phoenicians and not the Warmongerers that followed (Alexandre the not so Great, Ceasar, Scipio, Constantin, etc) could have lead us to the Industrial Revolution muuuch sooner and we would have conquered space already. Their treaties on Agriculture (Magon) were Priceless. Nothing is left of it thanks to the Romans. 99% of knowledge built up by the Ancient is lost forever, thanks to the ""Glorious"" conquerers, that everyone remembers because they had good marketing teams and killed countless innocents. Who remembers the scientists, the engineers, architects, workers and business man who allowed culture and knowledge to flourish ? Nobody. The history we learned at school was built by killers who wanted to be ""remembered"", to become immortal. Phoenicians never sought such things. That's why no one cares. Now it's time to change.",,,,,,2021-11-23 07:40:49 r08arr,,14,how did you git rid of laziness,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 08:02:54 r0akly,,1,Plus d'un million de comptes GoDaddy exposés,,,,,,,2021-11-23 10:43:56 r0d4az,,1,Does this reddit have a group chat or something?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-23 13:21:34 r0drr9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 13:56:04 r0e27b,,9,Carthagian roots,"Question for my fellow countryman, do you consider your self a carthagenian or does carthage means anything to you? or does it define you in any way?",,,,,,2021-11-23 14:09:42 r0ggy4,,1,Tunisia says U.S. will support it once political reforms are announced,,,,,,,2021-11-23 16:03:50 r0hzf5,,8,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 17:10:43 r0imm7,تعلم_بركي/,8,تعلم بركي#,"Those drivers park their cars anyhow, anywhere, for any length of time. Respecting others (pedestrians and drivers) is not in their dictionary. I thought we could print stickers to stick on the badly parked cars. Removing them is as annoying as them parking recklessly. Who is in to create a nice sticker and start sticking them on these cars? PS: I do not know how to design stickers or how much they cost. Any guidance would be much appreciated :)",,,,,,2021-11-23 17:40:11 r0irwa,,2,"What is the best school in Tunis, Tunisia to learn English fast?","Well not to learn but to improve my existing level in a very short period. I'm B2 or C1 level. I want to reach C2 as soon as possible. Any suggestions??",,,,,,2021-11-23 17:46:54 r0j6fq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 18:04:54 r0jivd,,1,Batata,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-23 18:20:35 r0jlz7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 18:24:19 r0jolv,,1,Just read it 🐞,,,,,,,2021-11-23 18:27:34 r0jryo,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 18:31:42 r0jsyp,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 18:32:57 r0kqum,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 19:13:49 r0l1il,çais/,2,Bac français,Anyone know what can be done with a french baccalaureate in Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-11-23 19:27:05 r0l75m,,2,For self-taught musicians,"Hello, I would like to know more about your experience as a self-taught musician, or a partially self-taught musician (if you had some music class in the past, but you also learned by yourself). What tools did you use to improve your music skills? (Youtube videos or other). Do you still use music sheets to train yourself? If yes, where do you find them? Any insight could be helpful! Thank you !",,,,,,2021-11-23 19:34:04 r0nl1o,,1,A question for the Muslim men of tunisia? What exactly would you prefer to change in this country? I wanna know what you guys want since you don't like tunisian liberals and think secular government and basic human rights is only for the west,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-23 21:20:09 r0nvs9,,1,Microsoft célèbre le 20e anniversaire du lancement de la Xbox,,,,,,,2021-11-23 21:33:26 r0ondh,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 22:07:57 r0ow06,,22,Started learning an instrument at the age of 30,"I'm kinda new on this sub. I joined a while ago but never felt the need to give my opinion about topics I've crossed. (Well, tbh, I don't spend a lot of time on this platform.) I will probably switch to french or derja because I spent more than 5 minutes to write these lines. So, I started taking [Djembé]( courses a year ago (post-pandemic resolution) and I think it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I don't know why I ""waited"" this long to start learning any instrument. I'm enjoying the process and I hope this post will motivate you to start, it's never too late. \*cliché detected\* &#x200B; If you have already try and you didn't enjoy, it's okay! &#x200B; // Sorry if my english sucks, trying to improve it",,,,,,2021-11-23 22:19:14 r0q9g0,,3,Tell me you live in Tunisia without telling me you live in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2021-11-23 23:23:45 r0qan1,,4,I can write/understand English pretty well but i can't speak,"Whenever I try to use sites like omegle i end up embarrassing myself, i just speak like a handicap, any tips?",,,,,,2021-11-23 23:25:15 r0qw3q,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-23 23:54:23 r0r9hm,,3,WE LAUNCHED AN ISLAMIC PODCAST IN ARABIC,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 00:11:39 r0w8w3,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 04:20:52 r0whau,,35,"Toxic family problem, should I move out?","I’m 23M, dropped out of uni and have e-business making me good bucks currently, I knew many people and seen many familys, my father is the most toxic ignorant abusive fuck I’ve ever known (prolly cause he had shitty childhood with his father) We live in an appartement so it’s small, and we haven’t had a conversation in 4 years, same thing with 2 sisters who are toxic af and fight each other all the time and basically are lowlife siblings, recently my father keeps testing me whenever I’m home late or something, he says some shit and disrespects and challanges me to move out if I could (he thinks I can’t afford it) when Im making 2-3k a month, should I move out? Found a place in the neighbourhood for 600 the rent a month, (gonna spend more in expenses) so is renting worth getting away from the toxic environment that has been damaging me all these years or wait and save the money so I can flee the country next year or so?",,,,,,2021-11-24 04:33:34 r0xxsk,,1,Trueee,,,,,,,2021-11-24 05:56:47 r0zmtk,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 07:39:23 r13g8v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 11:51:04 r13p8v,,0,Where can i find steroids in Tunis,,,,,,,2021-11-24 12:05:44 r13um8,,0,Booking with,Did someone tried booking a hotel in Tunisia with and payed with crypto ? Are there any prblm with that? You know we can easly buy weed here but not BTC.,,,,,,2021-11-24 12:14:31 r146cp,,27,What is the most funny or striking thing you have experienced in public transport/taxi?,"One time a lady stood up and the tram suddenly stopped. She fell over and planted her elbow by accident in a guys crotch. Poor him, but I shall never forget his face that froze for like 3 full minutes. I am sure it's not the best story, what is yours?",,,,,,2021-11-24 12:32:07 r147de,,6,52 Weeks of Cooking offers a new theme each week. This week is Tunisia!,,,,,,,2021-11-24 12:33:30 r14ypa,,1,Home Based French / English Speaking Booking Consultant,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 13:16:40 r1819o,,4,Where to post for a job in Tunisia?,"So I need to hire an Architect in Tunisia, and I can't find a proper website to post for a Job opening over there, I only found a website called []( and now it does not work, can someone -preferably a recruiter- let me know what websites you guys use? I also prefer some website that is free as it is a one-off job, I always use indeed but it does not have a tab for Tunisia",,,,,,2021-11-24 15:42:25 r18g94,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 16:01:45 r1a5bd,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 17:18:00 r1b36r,,1,Karkadan - Wahid El Karn - Slowed & Reverb,,,,,,,2021-11-24 17:59:42 r1e0n8,,9,Who's the best president ? Is democracy worth it ?,I really want to see how you guys react to this question,,,,,,2021-11-24 20:10:21 r1fdhb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 21:13:15 r1fhm3,,3,Any skilled hairstylists/ barber shops in La Marsa?,"Looking for a hairstylist in La Marsa, I want a new fresh haircut like this one",,,,,,2021-11-24 21:18:45 r1fl06,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-24 21:23:13 r1g41b,,2,Best Pizza in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-24 21:48:16 r1gh3p,,3,Xoom by PayPal in Tunisia,"I wanted to ask, has anyone used this service before? Is it safe for someone abroad that has PayPal to send me money IRL through Xoom? What do they ask for in case I want to receive the payment sent through Xoom? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-11-24 22:05:05 r1gy9i,,3,What pills that can help getting rid of headaches,"Especially when I'm trying to concentrate on my studies, these damn headaches appear from no where. Any medics that can help ? Note that i tried coffee and that didn't work",,,,,,2021-11-24 22:27:24 r1i9c0,,0,What's with all the sexism and bigotry the last couple of days?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-24 23:30:10 r1isfb,,8,Good place to hang out in Sousse,"Hey I'm going out with a group of friends. I'm the only male in the group and there's 3 other girls. So basically, we want a place where there might be a dance floor (that isn't some nightclub, \*hard ik\*) and chill (maybe grab some food there).",,,,,,2021-11-24 23:58:44 r1p7qh,,1,Libya: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi's candidacy rejected for the Libyan presidential elections,,,,,,,2021-11-25 05:41:05 r1sy3x,,1,تأثرت 89٪ من الشركات سلبًا في الفترة الفاصلة بين اكتشاف هجوم إلكتروني والتحقيق فيه في السحابة,,,,,,,2021-11-25 09:38:04 r1ui26,,3,Opel owners,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-25 11:24:01 r1v549,,20,what's the best Tuna brand in Tunisia right now,"i live abroad and i was going to order a package with some home products. i was discussing with a friend that i will get تن المنار but she advised me that تن حلق الوادي is better as I'm out of the loop and never tried it before .. i want to ask your opinions. thx",,,,,,2021-11-25 12:04:59 r1vd0f,,2,Best Tuna brand in Tunisia now,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-25 12:18:57 r1xt37,,5,Passeport perdu,"Bonjour, J’ai perdu mon passeport potentiellement dans un taxi. Pouvez vous m’aider avec les infos suivantes : - Est ce qu’il y a une place où les chauffeurs de Taxi mettent les objets perdus ? - Combien de temps peut prendre la procédure de renouvellement ? Merci d’avance",,,,,,2021-11-25 14:31:27 r1ygr7,,1,Tunisia is often only architecturally associated with the stereotypical white houses with blue doors and windows typically found in coastal cities and embodied by Sidi Bou Said. But Tunisian architecture is much more.,,,,,,,2021-11-25 15:03:11 r207me,,1,"Hey, looking for travelers in Tunis to explore together the area, am here till 3rd or December. Thanks",[removed],,,,,,2021-11-25 16:22:56 r2312r,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-25 18:28:46 r24aj6,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-25 19:25:38 r24z8n,محاكمة_المتهمين_في_قضية_الشهيد_شكري_بلعيد/,9,محاكمة المتهمين في قضية الشهيد شكري بلعيد بالمحكمة الابتدائية بتونس.,"غدا 26 نوفمبر محاكمة المتهمين في قضية الشهيد شكري بلعيد بالمحكمة الابتدائية بتونس. الرجاء الحضور أمام محكمة باب بنات التاسعة صباحا. [\#سنلاحقهم\_و\_نحاكمهم\_و\_نحاسبهم]([0]=AZV1P_gHZRp1fJOGtVNyfdPcNUp9ZEmjzJLdEniKtpEAnHvVyDCF71eu0A5CcHj14Lz4uNvAdSHlqlMdvAfOBqrHEG0oVg9Y7FSpOOM95eyARiGjSzeFMrdD9Kg2gniFxsOOe3mI8wkuDmifP4Uc0t9S&__tn__=*NK-y-R)",,,,,,2021-11-25 19:56:54 r25jng,,1,I've seen people talking about xoom by paypal but guys i tried to install it and they told me it's not available in Tunisia? what you guys do for that ?,,,,,,,2021-11-25 20:22:34 r25mpp,,5,Where to find cool cheap/free second hand furniture ?,"I’m asking for a friend that just moved and is on a tight budget but needs help filling her space with furniture, cool pieces, decoration… I feel like newly bought furniture is often bad quality and too expensive for her budget. She lives in Tunis and is a student. Are there any places she could find some stuff? Any ideas on diy’s that are doable with the stuff that can be found in Tunisia are also welcome!",,,,,,2021-11-25 20:26:29 r25tjn,,5,About PayPal,can i verify my PayPal account with carte technologique mte3 l bousta ?,,,,,,2021-11-25 20:35:02 r27jne,,97,"I have been ""arrested"" for no reason yjik lbla ya ghafal","ليوم مروح على روحي من القهوة حكاية نصف نهار وقفت كرهبة بجنبي باين حرس هبطلي راجل كبير شوية و مع عون اخر لابسين سيفيل. لحاصيلو هات بطاقة تعريف مديت، انا حاط الكيت قالي هات فاش تسمع قتلو فاش قام قلي نحب نسمع عطيتو. مبعد دار قالي هات التاليفون قتلو شفما قلي رئيس تراش من فرقة في الحرس مديتلو شاف و قالي ايجا للإقليم هز تاليفونك. قتلو لا قالي ملا تطلع معنا طلعت معاهم. ساعتين تليفوني من عند عون لعون يبربشو فيه. وحلو برشا كي لقاوني صاب ال telegram. و كل مرة يجي شكون يسألني شوية حاجات عادية و حاجات تراكيفاش. سألوني نصلي ولا قلتلهم لا قالي هز السروال.. يحب يشوف ركبتي بش يثبت لمهم هذا كل يستناو في الي بش يجي يبحثني. جا دخلنا لبيرو التاليفون كل دار google photos رجع شاف التصاور كل و بالطبيعة اي app chat حلها و شاف و سألني.... مبعد نسمع فيه يكلم في شكون و يقولو RS بش يروح معندو شي. هذا كل ثلاثة سوايع التاليفون كل شافوه. في لخر هابط انا و البحاث قالي شوف ولدي راو لحيتك و سروالك ينجمو يجيبولك مشاكل.. لحيتي خفيفة و سروال BOYFRIEND مطلعو شوية. قتلو ياخي هذا كل على سروال و لحية، قالي و فما حاجات اخرين منجمش نقلك عليهم. عندي شكون في الحاكم رئيس مركز جا بش يفضهالي ما خلوهش يدخل.. كي سأل و دو تاليفونات قالولو راو يتبعو فيا عندهم 10 يام على موضوع ارهاب. ... ... ... ... HADHA KOL W ANA ATHEIST",,,,,,2021-11-25 21:58:09 r28alf,,2,Low Budget PC Portable Gamer Suggestions,"For the moment i only have 1900 TND. Budget range : <2500 TND De préfèrence GTX 1650 or smthg better With a good processor I know it's hard to find a perfect one for a low budget like mine yet i'm still searching :') Merci d'avance shebeb.",,,,,,2021-11-25 22:34:20 r28b2x,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-25 22:35:01 r2afpj,,4,Nursing or computer science,"Which one is less stressful, have higher chance of getting a job, have higher income",,,,,,2021-11-26 00:25:17 r2eaqa,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 04:00:13 r2g4y9,,9,What are some of your favorite Tunisian dishes I should learn to cook?,"I am honestly sick of eating the same things everyday and would like more ideas of what to cook. I know how to make the basics i.e. ma9rouna, shakshouka, kosksi etc. but I'd appreciate more variety. What do you all like to eat? I'm open to desserts too!",,,,,,2021-11-26 05:50:22 r2jubj,,1,illegal to own Payoneer Card in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 09:56:41 r2jveh,,6,german,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-26 09:58:58 r2jwv5,,25,Payoneer Card Illegal in Tunisia?,"Hello there, Yesterday I got my Payoneer/Master Card delivered to my country exactly at Tunisia, TUNIS CENTRE DE TRI, I went there to take it while having 10+ documents from Payonner/Fiverr+my National ID to verify my Identity and my founding sources, yet they refused to give it to me, I was so frustrated so I went to the Central Bank to get an authorization or something, they gave me one!! went back to Diwan-Officer, still she refused to give to me and she said that doesn't matter what documents I provide even if they're form outer space, I won't get the card, she was acting fully aggressive and refusing to listen to my explanation and she just signed + wrote refused on the card package and she returned it, I want to know if anyone had a similar issue? I already got a document from the Central Bank admitting that my online-freelance work is legal, yet it seems worthless for other government agencies to accept? should I resend the card and try again? any advisees will be appreciated, thanks for reading **UPDATE: For anyone reading this in the future, i got the card, just never go to tri center when they show you ""documents required"" in the tracking site, and just wait until you get a notice that it was delivered to your local post office or to your home. NEVER GIVE UP.❤️",,,,,,2021-11-26 10:01:35 r2ls8d,,15,I am shy to buy sexual materials from drugstore like condoms,"hey, i always felt shy and guilty to go to a drugstore and ask for a lubricant ir a condom i am afraid if they ask me who i am or how the materials are going to be used. knoing that i am going to the drugstore in my hood. so will they ask me or just sell it to me?",,,,,,2021-11-26 12:11:23 r2n2io,,14,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 13:08:39 r2nc2n,,1,How common is sexual abuse in tunisian families,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 13:20:33 r2nzk3,,19,Why police salaries in Tunisia so high?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-26 13:54:32 r2ppkz,,3,"Buying from ebay, aliexpress…","Hello Does anyone have the experience of buying electronic stuff from ebay, aliexpress alibaba,amazon? How do you deal with Douana?",,,,,,2021-11-26 15:19:43 r2pzqc,,25,The first Tunisian/Asian online store,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-26 15:33:27 r2q3kj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 15:38:47 r2s5if,,7,Forget the tuna! What is the best canned harissa!,What's your opinion? Is it Sicam? Is Sicam too commercial?,,,,,,2021-11-26 17:18:51 r2tl79,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 18:27:42 r2tq9l,,1,How to get a friend with benefits in tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-26 18:34:10 r2tuat,,2,Le processus politique libyen au cœur d'une séance de travail entre Jerandi et son homologue congolais - African Manager,,,,,,,2021-11-26 18:39:49 r2tvjh,,1,SIB IT salon de l'informatique a charguia,Anyone got there? Worth it to go? Madame need a new laptop kinda an I3. Or it's just sou9 for accesories and gadgets?,,,,,,2021-11-26 18:41:28 r2wore,,1,Do we really speak English ?,"I feel like most of Tunisians either don't know a single English word or got horrible English skills . I blame it on France as always because they control our education system in secret . Try to go out to the capital and ask locals if they can show you the direction of a building in English , and count how many times people can't speak proper English , if you can ofc",,,,,,2021-11-26 21:00:19 r2wuxk,ères_3éme_science/,6,Coefficients mta3 les matières 3éme science,"Brabi 7aga bhima 3alle5er ama 3andi tawa se3tin nfarkes r9it el chou3ab el kol kounchi el science donc 9olet fok 3laya Pls ken ta3ref 9olli chnoua les coefficients mta3 3éme science 🤡",,,,,,2021-11-26 21:08:49 r2x8ma,,6,Fun fact about police and military academies.,"After seeing the last post about police salaries, here’s another interest fact: If you enroll to these academies with +15 bac average you’ll graduate having already 2 stars on your shoulder.",,,,,,2021-11-26 21:27:59 r2xggv,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 21:38:50 r2xnsd,,10,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 21:48:51 r2zd27,,1,Reddit daron,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-26 23:14:46 r340ua,,16,What are the best online gift stores in tunis that accept credit cards? ( want to send some gifts to a friend who is struggling with some serious depression just want her to smile when she sees the gift ),,,,,,,2021-11-27 03:19:40 r38kb5,,1,Here's the world news feed: 5 nightly developments from around the world,,,,,,,2021-11-27 07:47:20 r398j5,,14,WHERE CAN I LEARN TUNISIAN SIGN LANGUAGE?,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-27 08:33:22 r39o2p,,1,Redditors of Tunis i need your help,"So I'm a 15 year old looking to buy a motorcycle 110cc I want to know if this would be legal or not and the laws against it. boys and gals plz help",,,,,,2021-11-27 09:02:53 r3afdr,,1,Football scarf from Tunisia 🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-27 09:56:55 r3apvv,,1,the jokes write themselves in this country,,,,,,,2021-11-27 10:17:17 r3byfq,,1,Bank account,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-27 11:44:26 r3bzlu,,4,Bank account,"Hello TNreddiotors I need to open a bank account asap for my first job so any experience or suggestion ?",,,,,,2021-11-27 11:46:41 r3d0mt,,1,Investing in Crypto/platforms such as Airbnb,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-27 12:54:58 r3e92k,,1,Vipa & Massi & Tiga Black'na - العريبة - Slowed & Reverb,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-27 14:06:55 r3ioti,,16,Question for tunisian gamers outhere,"Hello everyone , hope you have a great weekend . Well , we all know that we are very limited in choice regarding gaming stuff. I am buying a 144hz gaming monitor soon , but i dont know wich one i buy . please help me out choosing one Ps : I already asked some ""pros"" but they were french and american people and they adviced other monitors .",,,,,,2021-11-27 17:47:18 r3jojq,,1,Why tunisian muslims are not islamists? They even hate islamists (while they are muslims),[removed],,,,,,2021-11-27 18:32:33 r3lfju,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-27 19:54:29 r3n31j,,37,I think I fucked up & lost my way,"well, two years ago I dropped out of highschool ( genius move, ik, bac math or thought i was), mainely cause I wasn't intrested, have ptsd & still think I can make it by following my intrests & cause my professional goals don't require college education ( I'm really intrested in art projects, films & such, I write scripts ) , I worked bunch of odd jobs ( aluminium joinery worker (making & installing windows, doors & panels), cash register, construction...) & things aren't living to what I hoped for & I started to lose hope & freak out, so I was thinking to do some kind of formation or whatever, find another suitable job, to try to save my life & not endup in a disaster, I'm almost 20 btw Doing this is a risky business, but did anyone had similar experience, not doing what you want feels like betraying yourself & your truth but doing it can almost bring dizaster ?",,,,,,2021-11-27 21:11:51 r3n445,,0,Jaymes Young | Infinity,,,,,,,2021-11-27 21:13:14 r3o3ls,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-27 22:00:53 r3odpu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-27 22:14:34 r3pmkj,,1,Cross some mountains maybe,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-27 23:14:57 r3pp54,,20,9 Niches To specialize in on Upwork in 2022 - Earn Money Freelancing in Tunisia," To cut through the noise on Upwork, you need to be specific in what you offer. Not too specific and not too vague. But how do you know? I did the work for you with a list of careers you can start on Upwork. I say career because I don’t want to promote very easy tasks (like transcription) which will be very competitive and undervalued by clients.  So here are 9 Niches To specialize in on Upwork in 2022: ## 1- TikTok Video Editing Difficulty: ⭐⭐ (2 stars) Competition: 🧍🧍 (Low) ## 2- Developer Difficulty: ⭐⭐ (2 stars) Competition: 🧍 (Very Low) ## 3- Klaviyo Email Marketing Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐ (3 stars) Competition: 🧍 🧍 🧍 (Medium) &#x200B; ## 4- Podcast Editor Difficulty: ⭐⭐ (2 stars) Competition: 🧍 🧍 (Low) &#x200B; ## 5- Email Copywriting Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐ (3 stars) Competition: 🧍🧍🧍 (Medium) &#x200B; ## 6- Facebook Ads Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐(3 stars) Competition: 🧍🧍🧍🧍 (High but not saturated) &#x200B; ## 7- Machine Learning Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5 stars) Competition: 🧍 (Low) . ## 8- Shopify UX/UI Designer Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐⭐(4 stars) Competition: 🧍🧍🧍 (Medium) &#x200B; ## 9- E-learning Website Setup (Virtual assistant) Difficulty: ⭐⭐(2 stars) Competition: 🧍🧍 (Low) &#x200B; [If you want to learn why I chose these niches, see my full explanation here](",,,,,,2021-11-27 23:18:20 r3q9jc,,10,Ask me anything about e-payment in Tunisia.,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-27 23:45:38 r3va0h,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-11-28 04:00:13 r3wkmg,,1,What was the age you lost your virginity?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-28 05:14:23 r3z5nq,,3,Google play gift card,Any solution to redeem US google play gift cards in Tunisia ??,,,,,,2021-11-28 07:55:23 r3zuu0,,3,Cryptocurrency trading,"Hello fellas, So,i am planning on trading cryptocurrencies nd for that i want to ask experienced ppl about what wallet to use (simple nd secure),it is illegal but can it cause a real problem?,what cryptocurrency should i invest in ...etc In general i want some useful tips and tricks on this topic.",,,,,,2021-11-28 08:43:35 r400ws,,14,help with getting money by making digital art,"i'm 19f currently going to college but for years i wished to pursue art. i have decent art skills, bought a graphics tablet and i already have been doing digital art commissions for foreigners on Deviantart in exchange for Deviantart points for around 6-7 years. I offer furry commissions as one of my services and lemme tell you, the people that order them will pay anything for them. Some even asked me to expand my business to taking actual cash for it and to make my prices higher but ofc we're in tunisia so no way of me to use paypal. I was hoping to find someone who knows if there's a way to indirectly make a paypal account or if there's any way i can recieve payments from abroad",,,,,,2021-11-28 08:55:27 r40ds7,,9,Any Tunisian going to russia(moscow) ?,So I’m going to moscow to study there and i need some new FRIENDS :) if u have a group chat that will be awesome,,,,,,2021-11-28 09:19:37 r414ox,,1,Utilisation de la fonction de vérification des appels dans Android 12,,,,,,,2021-11-28 10:09:06 r41mnd,,1,How do you guys spend your twenty something years? Like are you guys having fun or is it depressing?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-28 10:42:02 r42aoy,,13,Looking for a job: Business Analyst or Data Analyst,"Hello there. I'm looking for a job as Business Analyst or Data Analyst, entry-level. Anywhere in Tunisia: Tunis, Ben Arous, Sfax, Sousse, Monastir. I finish school this semester with a Master's degree in Business Analyst. Any recommendation. If yes DM me.",,,,,,2021-11-28 11:26:29 r42k0x,,6,Politics,"Where do you put Tunisian politics on the political compass? And where do you think the country going?",,,,,,2021-11-28 11:43:35 r44mpq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-28 13:45:35 r46eoj,,1,Thinking of moving back to Sousse (I lived there from 2013 till 2015 Ang going back and forth since 2002). I definitely want to settle there for good. Advice on prices of real estate please?,"I'm from the Balkans. my budget isn't huge and I'd be looking a place in ground floor (Rez de chaussée). What is the best route to take for all the paperwork to be clean and not scammed by owners and agencies? Also, I believe I'd get a permanent residency after buying a real estate? Thanks for any info.",,,,,,2021-11-28 15:11:55 r47epa,,20,What is the coolest animal you’ve seen in Tunisia?,"Personally for me it’s the striped hyena we came across in the Sahara, I never even knew Tunisia had hyenas until that day. Other mentions are dolphins, what I believe was a great white, and those huge fucking birds that make their nest in the telephone towers.",,,,,,2021-11-28 15:57:48 r47nhw,,1,looking for a job opportunities in UK,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-28 16:08:09 r48cts,,1,Tunisia Santa in SafSaf Marsa,,,,,,,2021-11-28 16:39:26 r48oe0,,3,What do u think can be fixed in this country ?,people of tunisia i want you to share with me some the problems you encounter everyday (il hajet li ykarzouk) and u think li ynjmou yetsal7ou maghir maldawla tetdakhel ! mel zebla lel transport lel education share what ever on your mind,,,,,,2021-11-28 16:54:15 r48t2y,,7,Scholarships,"Hi everyone, i'm 18 yo na9ra 3eme (eco) fi lycee privee fel marsa o nhadher f rouhy lel bac men taw and im looking for scholarships (europe) wela any easy/cheap way besh nokhrej na9ra business management literally aandi 0 knowledge aal topic hedha donc any advice would be appreciated",,,,,,2021-11-28 17:00:11 r49awh,,1,Made subtitles for this epic video(tried my best),,,,,,,2021-11-28 17:21:30 r49w4z,,1,America spied on tunisia after 9/11 lmao,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-28 17:47:49 r4bh0b,,1,Can someone tell me how it is living in the capital tunis specifically the non ghetto areas?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-28 18:56:22 r4bmd6,,5,Any hotels in grand tunis with 20 to 50 dt per night ?,"I will be spending a week in grand tunis and I don't have money for regular price hotels. Any advice? Thanks",,,,,,2021-11-28 19:02:32 r4cmiy,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-28 19:47:55 r4ct5s,,5,[Serious] Do you believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life and do you think we will make contact in our lifetime?, Do you believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life and do you think we will make contact in our lifetime?,,,,,,2021-11-28 19:56:19 r4dyyx,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-28 20:48:13 r4evtq,,2,Tunisians studying in Germany (GPA question),"Hello Tunisians studying in DE , I have a question regarding GPA that I haven't found a clear answer for anywhere . Different sources gave me multiple answers So is 2.5 GPA somewhere between 12 and 13 or around 15 I'm pretty sure those of you studying there will know this , thanks in advance y'all",,,,,,2021-11-28 21:28:45 r4ez8z,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-28 21:32:57 r4g0mq,,3,What's the average age of users of this sub," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-28 22:19:51 r4r8uu,,2,A recommendation for a winter jacket and jeans or trousers in tunis,"Good morning everyone, i want a recommendation for a winter jacket and jeans or trousers in tunis with a reasonable price and good quality, Saw some in HA and Exist and I'm not sure if the quality is good. What do you think?",,,,,,2021-11-29 08:26:01 r4rpk5,,4,Help with research project,I am research project on how trash management in Tunisia and am need of help. Is there formal recycle program and how it work in real life?,,,,,,2021-11-29 08:58:15 r4t9nl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 10:48:28 r4uarb,,6,"Coming [from Egypt] for a wedding in Tunis, need gift ideas.","Hello Tunisia, one of my Tunisian friends is getting married in Tunis and I was thinking what gift should I get for her? It’s my first time getting a wedding gift. Also for more context: 1. I’m coming from Egypt, thought that might help with the ideas. 2. We worked together for 1.5 years and after I went back home we were still good friends. 3. It’s gonna be December. نهاركم زين PS: let me know if you fancy anything from Egypt.",,,,,,2021-11-29 11:58:22 r4ul3b,,2,Scholarship,"Salem , chkoun andou fekra les boursiers detat kadeh yekhdhou masrouf par mois ? ( Li yatelou lalmania ) . Merci .",,,,,,2021-11-29 12:15:55 r4uljj,,15,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 12:16:45 r4ve7a,,1,"NewExperience, NewLife",[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 13:03:50 r4vpwl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 13:21:25 r4vqz8,,8,"Calm ""dinner for two"" music in Arabic, most preferably in Tunisian","Planning a nice surprise and the missing ingredient is music, I'll share a curated Spotify playlist if I gather enough entries. Looking for some Calm and uplifting Arabic music suitable for a dinner date (Tunisian indie would be cherry on top) indie, jazz, and upbeat tracks in general.",,,,,,2021-11-29 13:23:01 r4wxwe,,6,Need Help,"Hello everyone, I have a friend of mine from Syria who wants to move to live in Tunisia with his family and he's wondering if buying property in Tunisia allows them to get a residence ID or not? Thank you all",,,,,,2021-11-29 14:25:03 r4xka5,,8,Tunisians living abroad : what do you miss most about Tunisia?,"Besides family and particular people or friends, what are things that you miss? Context :Asking because of a vague business idea I want to validate.",,,,,,2021-11-29 14:55:57 r4zmsz,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 16:33:23 r50kbi,,8,Abortion for non married couple,"Soo, me and my girlfriend are 21 years , today she found out the she is pregnante and she is 5 days late of her periods , what should we do , how and where can she abort ,we really need your help asap",,,,,,2021-11-29 17:15:25 r50sbc,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 17:25:22 r523x1,,4,"Desperate for money, need advice","Some details; I want to make some money online or otherwise, I'm really good with Photoshop and digital art, from drawing to editing and manipulating images, I'm a noob programmer, I'm learning unity and android studio, done a couple of apps and games just for fun. I have a Paypal account so getting my money online is no problem. Also there's Payoneer. I'm good with tech stuff, computers and any electronics, I've built and repaired computers for years so I know a couple of things about hardware and software. Things I've tried , I have an upwork account all setup, fiver account, they're both a few months old. I suck at doing all the marketing crap, I watched endless hours of videos on Youtube for guidance and stuff but got nowhere, things aren't as easy as they seem in videos even if I put in hours of work daily for months. Maybe I'm too damn retarded, idk. I can also manage to invest in small things for revenue if such things exist, I know Tunisia sucks when it comes to small investments so I'm asking if there's anything that can be done say with 5k tnd. I don't mind small revenue, if I can manage a 5-10% profit that'd be perfect. I cam on this sub looking for any type of info because I'm desperate, I asked people around but everyone is just too damn secretive even friends, no one wants to help or give their income secrets... Like I'm some KGB agent... My health is deteriorating and so I can't do any physically demanding jobs anymore hence why I'm desperate for less labor intense jobs. Thanks in advance to anyone who offers their knowledge.",,,,,,2021-11-29 18:25:29 r52401,,3,Where can I get supplements in Tunisia?,"Where can I get supplements like Tongkat Ali, L-theanine, boron. I can't find any place.",,,,,,2021-11-29 18:25:35 r52736,,15,Arabic nationalism VS Social independence from all past ties with other nations VS total embracement of a complicated identity,"So a sociology related type of question, Why do you guys think Tunisia's social attitude keeps pushing for Arabic nationalism while seeing only the negatives in its past ties with other nations and is there a chance that one day Tunisians will learn to love their identity without rejecting any part of it (African/french/Jewish influence, etc) PS: I only mentioned those because those are the most typically rejected ones. Another PS just cause a lot of you took this question the wrong way: this is a sociology thread not a ""my parents hate me and I'm trynna fake belong into a culture"" thread. We are discussing influences and local biases not a direct identity.",,,,,,2021-11-29 18:29:35 r52xum,,5,In high need of a VR set,"Where tf do i get an occulus quest 2 in TN? i don't trust those who sell them on facebook groups or tayara, does anybody know any trustworthy sources? I highly need one for a current project and i'm frustrated because i can't find any in high tech stores PS : looking for a brand new one not a used set and i would appreciate any help 💜",,,,,,2021-11-29 19:03:13 r531dd,,4,Hotel skanes,"So i heard about this abandoned hotel in monastir called hotel skanes and im planning on going there to take a look inside . I just wanted to see before i waste an entire day if there are any sorts of guards or anything. . And for anyone who actually went inside is there any type of risks that i should be aware of . Any details would be greatly appreciated",,,,,,2021-11-29 19:07:32 r540je,,5,Anyone tried,how is the quality of the sweaters and hoodies ?,,,,,,2021-11-29 19:52:09 r5410j,,1,UniHack 2021 - International Hackathon,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 19:52:46 r542l8,,0,UniHack 2021 - International Hackathon,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 19:54:44 r55itv,,1,Wrestling gym,"Where to find a wrestling gym for grown ups in tunis , all the ones i found are for teens and for little kids and i think they don't even let you join if you are above 18. I said wrestling but i meant to include grappling just anything that isn't judo",,,,,,2021-11-29 20:59:45 r56c69,,2,Hi guys what race/ ethnicity are we,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-29 21:36:19 r5742v,,0,Dead (Happened In Tunisia),,,,,,,2021-11-29 22:11:52 r58nrb,,1,question about marry between christian and musim girl.,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-29 23:25:16 r5e6ei,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-30 04:00:20 r5gajf,,144,happened yesterday 😡,,,,,,,2021-11-30 05:55:57 r5lphp,,1,تخطط 37٪ فقط من الفتيات للذهاب إلى مدارس علوم الكمبيوتر أو مدارس الهندسة,,,,,,,2021-11-30 11:56:50 r5lqw0,,2,How many hours should a college student study per day,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-30 11:59:19 r5lxyw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-30 12:10:59 r5o3h5,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-11-30 14:10:36 r5oluu,,0,,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-30 14:36:10 r5prmd,,13,Running an Ultramarathon in Tunisia's Sahara Desert (Ultra Mirage El Djerid 2021),,,,,,,2021-11-30 15:30:51 r5qhfu,,1,Made this shitty political compass meme,[deleted],,,,,,2021-11-30 16:03:20 r5sg20,,16,Basic Rights,"belahi lwa9teh besh no93dou fi tounes ma3anesh el 7a9 besh nsawrou el 7akem w 3lesh fama yaser 3bed dhed el idée ena nektbou 9anoun detailed ynadhem l'interaction mta3 el 7akim m3a el mowaten chay y7achim lyoum fi tounes ki ay 7akem ynajim ywa9fek 3la ay sbab men 8er ma ybayanlik 7ata chay yfoklek talifounek w ychouflik mo3tayetik el cha5siya w zid mamnou3 3lik tsawrou. ti 7ata 9edam el tourist tefdha7na w houma yer3bou fehom 3la jared taswira wala video.",,,,,,2021-11-30 17:28:48 r5sp7a,,10,Music Suggestions Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-11-30 17:39:00 r5u03b,,3,Looking TO adopt a dog in Tunisia (tunis),as i said i would like to adopt another dog to keep my other dog in company i get sad when i get home and see my dog waiting for me while doing nothing all day thats why i decided to get another day to keep him in company and play with him the problem is that i dont have money to buy a dog thats why i would like to adopt any kind of dog for free thank you <3\*,,,,,,2021-11-30 18:35:23 r5unm8,,3,average grade to get accepted in a german university ?,"hello, i'm currently bac info, and i might have the chance to go study in germany (computer science) after this year, i was wondering what grade should i aim for to secure my place in an average university",,,,,,2021-11-30 19:04:01 r5vguw,,3,Home wifi,We are planning on upgrading our home wifi (4mb hexabyte) to a faster and better for iptv streaming and gaming. I'm thinking to get fiber optic internet. What's your opinion?,,,,,,2021-11-30 19:39:08 r5vuet,,1,Hamdoullah,,,,,,,2021-11-30 19:55:56 r5zkz3,,0,‏أعداد أعتز بها كثيرا .. ليست ملايين و لكن هي مئات الآلاف من الناس الحلوة الصادقة من ‎#تونس و من ‎#العالم_العربي .. كانوا و مازالوا دائما سندا و دعما لي ❤️ من القلب ‎#شكرا,,,,,,,2021-11-30 22:44:06 r5zlr0,,1,???,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-11-30 22:45:07 r68kt2,,0,What is your favorite beer,,,,,,,2021-12-01 06:44:49 r69tih,,3,Question,how hard is uni compared to high school ?,,,,,,2021-12-01 08:10:09 r6dcab,,2,How much does a silver ring costs these days for me.,,,,,,,2021-12-01 12:09:28 r6e3oz,,1,"i won a $1 reward from clipclaps,open clipclaps to share bonus with me. #eyjpzci6ijuzmzq0mdu2iiwidhlwzsi6mn0=#",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-01 12:54:06 r6eo9z,,2,QHSE training courses,"Hey guys i'm looking for a good ""formation"" of QHSE that wouldn't be a waste of time and money! Can any of you help me i ve never had training courses before so i'm really lost here I don't wanna get scammed!",,,,,,2021-12-01 13:24:16 r6fa4m,,1,La Chine intensifie la surveillance de la publicité en ligne,,,,,,,2021-12-01 13:55:24 r6fvyp,,9,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-01 14:24:19 r6ghe4,,17,Are there medical students on this sub ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-01 14:51:40 r6i20j,,2,What do you think the average age for losing virginity in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-01 16:00:31 r6l36x,,0,أنا أفكر في فتح قناة يوتيوب هل تظن أن المحتوى وجودته جيد ؟,,,,,,,2021-12-01 18:11:07 r6lebk,,3,"As a Tunisian boy or girl, what makes you swipe right on a tinder profile ?",,,,,,,2021-12-01 18:24:15 r6luqh,,1,Buying flight tickets in Tunisia,"Hello, So I never travelled before and trying to collect some info. When it comes to buying a plane ticket, how and where do you do it? Could it be done online? Also can you buy a ticket for someone else who lives abroad from their country to another country? All info and help will be much appreciated!",,,,,,2021-12-01 18:43:21 r6lxb6,,0,Transfer money to someone abroad,"So I need to transfer money to someone in the US and when I asked at my bank they said it's not possible. Is there actually any legit and legal way to transfer the money? Doesn't ""Western Union"" work in Tunisia?",,,,,,2021-12-01 18:46:30 r6m6ot,,1,Me thinking abt tomorrow's exams:,,,,,,,2021-12-01 18:57:53 r6ncp4,,7,Revising tips/ bac tips you wished you knew them earlier,"Ena l3am jey bac , ans7ouni guys",,,,,,2021-12-01 19:47:57 r6o87z,,18,KINDNESS,What is the nicest thing a random person said/done to you here in Tunisia?,,,,,,2021-12-01 20:25:08 r6pr9v,,2,Help,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-01 21:30:42 r73pef,,2,Professionnal environment,"im hoping that someone with law or career experience can help me with this, if i come out about a bad CEO i worked/working with (CDD contract) on a professional social media like linkedin, what is the worst case scenario from aspect of consequences? edited : PS : i appologize for not clarifying the post but im not the one being abused but i have been there and now im seeing it done to others because i already learned how to deal with them so i'm basically thinking of shedding some light on the matter like a constructive linkedin article with no names but obviously they will know by visiting my profile. i think this would provide you which aspect to answer for in this post, I'll edit it as well. Thank you!",,,,,,2021-12-02 09:32:47 r74dm5,,21,help me,kifech nkol lel prof eli ikarni rani batalt men ando o walit nakra and prof ekher politely,,,,,,2021-12-02 10:18:32 r74nk6,,0,looking for help for a QT and Arduino simple task,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-02 10:37:29 r74nlp,,0,Antidepressants without prescription,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-02 10:37:34 r74oi6,,7,Bal3a ? Best and worst,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-02 10:39:14 r76g7v,é/,0,Blhy fama chkoun 3mal reorientation (enau(faculté de carthage)) wala ya3ref chkoun 3malelha reo yfaserly kyfech el test w win w wa9tech w win nal9a information 3la reo 2022 enau 5ater fel sitet lawejet mal9itech,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-02 12:31:12 r76zx3,,1,Help about something,"So I studied etatique until 9th eme. I failed it so I went and studied 1ere at a private school. I succeeded. Then I went and studied formation informatique. I have a CAPI certificate. At the end of this year I'm gonna get a ATBIG certificate. Next year I'm getting an TMI certificate. Can I study abroad after getting the tmi certificate?",,,,,,2021-12-02 13:02:40 r79tpe,,1,Covid Omicron,"Do you guys think that Tunisia will also cancel all flights due to the new COVID variant, like Morocco did? I am asking because I have a planned visit for this month. [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-02 15:24:44 r7aipw,,1,Happens to be relevant to us right now,,,,,,,2021-12-02 15:57:09 r7ancd,,2,Bac candidat libre,Hey guys anybody here went through the bac as a candidat libre can tell me if I can go through the normal orientation process or if I have to go to a private school?,,,,,,2021-12-02 16:03:07 r7bn42,,23,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-02 16:49:33 r7bvq1,,0,5 dogs chasing my dick,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-02 17:00:24 r7cyf9,édicaments_sont_faux/,0,AFRIQUE : 50% DES MÉDICAMENTS SONT FAUX !,[](,,,,,,2021-12-02 17:49:30 r7d9s7,,1,Embedded Android,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-02 18:03:52 r7f3t8,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-02 19:25:38 r7hmyt,,4,Online works for students,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-02 21:20:35 r7i050,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-02 21:37:41 r7i0we,,1,"is ""high tech store"" to be trusted ?",they have black friday deals and was thinking about grabbing a new phone cuz it's cheaper then buying it from let's say Samsung directly in Tunisia. Are the phones that they are selling legit ? not refurbished nor fake ?,,,,,,2021-12-02 21:38:44 r7i724,,58,Support group for men in Tunisia,"I know this has been talked about before here. But this post is more like a suggestion and an attempt to gather your opinions on the matter. I, like a good number of people here, have stuggled with mental health problems. I am in the process of seeking help. But one of the things that I came across in my readings about the matter is how support groups and especially those targeted towards men can be very beneficial in addition to whatever form of therapy one is seeking. I think there are a lot of stuff that have been highly stigmatized among us. Masculinity, insecurities, self-image, our quest for approval from others, expectations from society, relationships etc ... are all things that are brushed off and believed to be dealt with inherently. You're supposed to ""man up"" but are never told how to. Whether we like or not, our sittings with other male friends are mostly geared towards pleasentry and just ""chilling"". Of course there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I find it a crucial part of our development. But I'd also want to be in a sitting where I can freely share my experience, struggles, insecurities with other fellow men and get their feedback without being judged. I didn't want to make it a lengthy post. There are still specifics that I have in mind. But what do you all think about this? Would you want to have a weekly support group with established ""safe space"" rules where you could go and vent to others who are like you and are more likely to understand you? Would you be willing to participate in a small trial, for example, to see what it could yield? My DMs are open for anyone who wants to discuss this idea further!",,,,,,2021-12-02 21:46:55 r7jxze,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-02 23:09:07 r7l80q,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 00:11:06 r7pmws,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 03:49:06 r7pv1y,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-12-03 04:00:11 r7t5n1,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 07:04:37 r7uhi2,,1,need answers,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 08:32:17 r7vna5,,1,"In need of money, what's the fastest way to make 600dt in less than a week",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 09:51:22 r7wduh,,17,Tunisian Games,"3aslema ! I visited Tunisia once and I loved the games that I would see in cafés. I think the card games I saw were called Chkoba and Rami. I also saw a tile game being played by older men, but I don’t know they name. I have 2 questions: 1. Where can I learn to play these games? 2. I want to try and meet Tunisians that live near me and I was wondering if women also play these games or if they are just “for men,” culturally speaking. Thanks for any help you can give! I love Tunisian culture and I’m trying to learn more. Nharkoum zin",,,,,,2021-12-03 10:41:05 r7xnoq,,0,Recruitment Day,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 12:02:43 r7yysj,,2,Where can I get Creatine in Tunisia??,"Why is it illegal in Tunisia and where can I get it for a its real price, not with 140 dinars and above.",,,,,,2021-12-03 13:18:36 r803v2,,1,Best internet module in Tunisia ?,"Hi everyone, I’m annoyed with that shitty Ooredoo 4G box that I bought for 150 dt, I fuckin cannot play online and this is the worse thing I’ve never seen What is the best wifi connection in Tunisia ? No matter the price I just want to play in peace.. please Thank you",,,,,,2021-12-03 14:18:43 r81sab,,3,Advent of code - Tunisian leaderboard,Is there a leaderboard for advent of code for tunisians ? (uni's or companies ),,,,,,2021-12-03 15:36:22 r82gww,,0,Fibre optique question,How much would it cost to install Fibre optique if the area I live in doesn't have it?,,,,,,2021-12-03 16:06:34 r82zh4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 16:29:43 r837zi,,7,I'm visiting Tunisia soon and I am an avid home bartender. I'm hoping to buy Boukha and Thibarine. Will they be easy to find?,I feel like boukha sounds like it is common enough that i won't have too much trouble but Thibarine sounds not very common. I can't find much about how common it is or even if it is still made. Also is there any other spirits I should check out?,,,,,,2021-12-03 16:40:06 r83co1,,2,Internships abroad,"can anyone give me tips on how to find and apply for a summer internship abroad (unpaid) like where to look , does indeed internships help or it's not for locals, wether from a personal experience or people you know , thank you in advance.",,,,,,2021-12-03 16:46:34 r83isk,,34,حرب صقلية الأولى( حروب قرطاج المنسية ),,,,,,,2021-12-03 16:54:18 r84654,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 17:22:14 r84eti,,1,Tunisia reports first case of Omicron - heath minister tells local media,,,,,,,2021-12-03 17:32:56 r85vl6,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-03 18:36:37 r860zd,,5,"I wanna hear your stories about the bac, your tips if there's any, anything related.",Edit: thanks everyone for your time and help. Great tips from clearly great people.,,,,,,2021-12-03 18:43:27 r86ro8,,1,Where to find Genuine Timberland 6-Inch Premium Boots?,All I see is fake ass imitations made with cancerous materials.,,,,,,2021-12-03 19:16:36 r87j0q,,4,any Tunisian or international discord servers for productivity and sharing ideas ? if there are ones put em on the comments,,,,,,,2021-12-03 19:52:07 r87qn9,,7,Anyone bought from before?,,,,,,,2021-12-03 20:01:45 r8c2qf,,1,Just for fun 😂,,,,,,,2021-12-03 23:36:03 r8m5eh,,1,كيف تصبح ثريًا دون أن تعمل بجد كمطور برمجيات؟,,,,,,,2021-12-04 09:34:03 r8nvxr,,1,,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 11:35:39 r8nx3k,,1,We made it everyone! We are on r/dankmemes,,,,,,,2021-12-04 11:37:57 r8p78t,,1,Le vote de la Tunisie au ballon d’or,,,,,,,2021-12-04 13:00:37 r8q09r,,0,Uyanış: Büyük Selçuklu 1. Bölüm 🏹,,,,,,,2021-12-04 13:47:01 r8r5ft,,9,how to make friends in college?,am i the only one who is having a hard time meeting new people?,,,,,,2021-12-04 14:48:09 r8rj8v,,1,What is (or was) the most close political party/movement to the ideas of Ultranationalism and other 3rd Positionists?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 15:07:18 r8sbna,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 15:46:07 r8scur,,1,guys I need your help,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 15:47:43 r8svc9,,34,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 16:12:16 r8t16u,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 16:19:56 r8vlv2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 18:20:23 r8vus9,éma_abc_or_le_parnasse_which_one_do_u/,2,"Cinéma ""ABC"" or "" Le Parnasse"" which one do u recommend and why?",,,,,,,2021-12-04 18:32:01 r8wswx,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 19:14:55 r8xcw7,,71,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 19:40:49 r8xobx,,1,North African Arabic language has more than 1500 words of Turkish origin or ottoman empire origin,,,,,,,2021-12-04 19:56:02 r8xtec,,1,What are the documents needed to visit Serbia as a Tunisian citizen? Do I need a VISA?,,,,,,,2021-12-04 20:02:34 r8yd2w,,1,Looking for recommendations,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 20:29:07 r8zwn1,,1,Any HR here,"If a company posted their pfe book in French, is it ok to send my cv in English ??",,,,,,2021-12-04 21:43:19 r91n5w,,1,The.Last.of.Us.Part.II.Crack.RAR password ??,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-04 23:07:15 r93t5f,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 01:03:10 r94z1v,épa_and_wanting_to_change_to/,2,Hi ! Im a student prépa and wanting to change to licence so do y’all know the process and if pass this year do i start again 1st year or 2nd ?,,,,,,,2021-12-05 02:07:25 r95gm7,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 02:34:03 r96zcw,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 04:00:12 r9blnp,,4,"Is having a good result in bac depends on your results on all your school years, or only the bac year?",,,,,,,2021-12-05 08:51:26 r9brr4,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 09:03:05 r9d6pd,,2,Thoughts? How do u think we can solve such a problem?,,,,,,,2021-12-05 10:42:45 r9d77r,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 10:43:55 r9dh5v,,7,Graduate positions in europe,"Hi, I'm in my final year of college, studying SWE. My plan was to finish my diploma and then look for a graduate position elsewhere, mainly in europe. I asked people around me (professors, friends with more work experience ..) if it is a solid plan and i got the same response; it's better to work in Tunisia for a couple of years for experience and then apply for jobs in europe. I definitely know it's not easy to get a first job in europe. But i just want to make sure that it is at least possible . So, if anyone has gone through this. I would love to know your input; how was it, what countries to aim for etc .. &#x200B; PS: I can't afford an internship abroad, So that's not an option for me.",,,,,,2021-12-05 11:03:40 r9e4n0,,6,Suggestions for a country to immigrate to as a Developer,"Hello, I'm looking for informations about the easiest country to immigrate to as a Developer from Tunisia and what is the procedure!",,,,,,2021-12-05 11:49:54 r9ec9v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 12:03:52 r9esso,,3,Coffee experts,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 12:32:55 r9f9zz,,5,Fun places to go on a date,"Is there a place fun to go to on a date ? like some sort of a special place, not exactly a restaurant or something similar but a place with activities, you get the idea.",,,,,,2021-12-05 13:02:27 r9fnsl,,4,Need ideas for a project.,"so it'll basically be an app to solve one or more of government institutions problems like delays long procedures and huge amount of documents it'd be much appreciated if you'd throw in an idea.",,,,,,2021-12-05 13:24:14 r9g9pe,,1,should i study in a private college if i want to leave the country,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 13:58:33 r9gabw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 13:59:34 r9gc64,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 14:01:47 r9gfci,,1,Should i study in a private college to help me migrate and work in other country," hi all , There is a lot of private colleges that have connections with European countries ( and NA) , should i register in one of them or stay in public college if my primary objective is to leave the country , if yes what are the top private colleges in Sousse and Sfax that you recommend to me for computer science",,,,,,2021-12-05 14:06:24 r9ibug,,0,mmm ... Tunisia .,,,,,,,2021-12-05 15:43:01 r9ijx2,,17,Any advice to how to get back on track with my studies ?,"for refrence ena bac math n3wed fel 3am since the pandemic 3mnwel thaya3t el rytme mta3i nhar na9raw nhar lee...ive got intrested in kpop/anime aswell which didn""t help at all and ive been not studying and lost motiviation for also not that extrovert and i dont have alot of friends that i keep in touch with so i felt so lonely and depressed even this year i dont seem to have gained that urge to study like ive always used to get 16-14 moyen even my parents were shocked please i dont wanna be like this but i dont know what to do...i dont seem to get along with my classmates this year i feel like a failure i dont wanna disspoint my parents again...ena cold blooded most of the time which dosent help at all...",,,,,,2021-12-05 15:54:24 r9jkoe,,1,What is your definition of a broken heart?,"So I'm the poker face kinda guy and don't really understand emotions appearently, so i described this emotions intense situation I've experienced a while ago to my bestie and she said ""well, that is a broken heart"". so basically i want to better understand what is a broken heart, why does it happen and how does it feel like for you?",,,,,,2021-12-05 16:42:27 r9k759,,1,This shit bussin.,,,,,,,2021-12-05 17:11:11 r9kqs3,,3,Visa to qatar,"Well guys , i just wanna ask how i can get the visa for visiting qatar in the worldcup tournament ! And is it hard to get it?",,,,,,2021-12-05 17:36:17 r9ku9r,,6,Should i focus on the local community more while promoting my music?,"I make music, mainly in English. Should I focus on promoting it more natively, or nabaathhom and work on being more visible to people abroad?",,,,,,2021-12-05 17:40:51 r9lcd5,,0,....,عام ڨارص,,,,,,2021-12-05 18:04:27 r9n7b8,,12,Why is the internet speed terrible? and what can i do to make it better?,"i've been using topnet, and the best download speed i ever get is 750kb/s paying about 38TND per month and i'm really not happy with it. is there a better option that i could go with? also why doesn't the government improve the infastructure of the internet, i just can't see who couldn't be helped by faster internet in their everyday lives",,,,,,2021-12-05 19:26:33 r9ok2t,,5,A gift for my bestfriend,"Hi , I've decided to surprise my friend with a gift for the New year and stuff (she's christian btw) I was wondering if it's worth it to send up the gift ,as she's in France. Can you guys help me? I don't know any company or service to send stuff there except the post and DHL",,,,,,2021-12-05 20:27:31 r9onlt,,14,Your Tinder/Bumble Experiences,Aamalt shab / gf / bf men dating app ?,,,,,,2021-12-05 20:31:51 r9opka,,2,Where can you find a private coach ?,"I recently learned that some people hire private coaches that follows them in their workout journey, telling them what to eat, what exercices to do to get to their specific goal, motivating them, etc … They dont do the workouts with you they just facetime Time you or text you from times to times telling you what you should do. So where can I find a coach like this ?",,,,,,2021-12-05 20:34:20 r9ov0w,,3,Help regarding what a tv character is saying,"Hello! Can you guys tell me what the lady is saying (and the meaning of what she is saying) between 8:39 and 8:40, and the word after غراب at 8:41 in the video. [](",,,,,,2021-12-05 20:41:08 r9q71w,,4,First time going out for drinks,"Is Puro at clubhouse a good place to go to as a first time going to a bar/lounge ? or what place do you suggest ? and what should I try as a drink ?",,,,,,2021-12-05 21:41:17 r9qze9,,8,Where to buy affordable and decent quality leather jackets in grand tunis area ?,Budget:350,,,,,,2021-12-05 22:15:33 r9re9s,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 22:34:28 r9rh0t,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-05 22:38:00 r9scpk,,2,Rent price range in Ennasr,"I'm looking for an apartment (S+2) in Ennasr and I can't find any under 800 DT, the agent commission is equal to 1 month rent and I should pay 2 months for the landlord so I'll end up with paying 2400 DT. any one knows a way to get a cheaper apartment?",,,,,,2021-12-05 23:18:33 r9sqqv,,2,"I asked Wombo AI to paint some places in Tunisia and it looks way better than expected, especially the Beja one",,,,,,,2021-12-05 23:37:12 r9tgo6,,3,Where to buy clothes,"I m new in tunis, nd major places like zen nd HA i dont like their shit, nd i m not paying 200dt for a fucking shoes. So guys gimme suggestions where can i find lot of boutiques of clothes. Good quality for price, CV ones r either too expensive or straight got no options.",,,,,,2021-12-06 00:12:04 r9ttxc,,11,What are the top IT/Tech companies in Tunisia ?,"US have faang, what do we have ? numbers, like salaries would be helpful.",,,,,,2021-12-06 00:30:19 r9twcq,,2,About a song by Emel Mathlouthi,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-06 00:33:37 r9txow,,17,"Rant : Tunisian online shops ""black friday"" promos are a huge scam",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-06 00:35:28 r9uv67,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 01:22:13 ra3mjf,,1,Les informations que vous ne connaissez peut-être pas sur Reddit,,,,,,,2021-12-06 09:46:32 ra740f,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 13:19:12 ra84yy,,1,Help getting a ring,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 14:09:56 ra9bd9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 15:06:07 ra9fc9,,12,Equality between men and women,"Im egalitarian, i belive that men and women should be equal, but i wonder why Tunisian women seeking for equality in rights but when it comes to responsabilites they care less and they advantage .. For exemple they want equal salary (i support that ..btw) meanwhile they want the man to be the provider",,,,,,2021-12-06 15:11:01 ra9vg6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 15:30:51 racb8g,,27,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 17:15:18 racu2h,,1,If anyone has a discord/whatsapp group for bac science please add Me. I'm bac Libre and I need some Motivation,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-06 17:36:59 radp9x,,1,I need an advice from Tunisians who work in Italy or Europe in general.,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 18:13:16 radsla,,21,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 18:16:55 radybk,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 18:23:34 ragnhn,,2,VPN in tunisia,"What VPN do you use in Tunisia and how do you pay for it ? What do you use VPN for ? Edit: probably should have mentioned that i am asking this question for the sake of research on the subject “Data and privacy protection in developing countries”.",,,,,,2021-12-06 20:19:25 rajcro,,1,From where do you choose your fashion style?,"Whenever I enter a place I always ask myself how people get influenced to wear like this or like that, being stylish is different from one person to another, that's why I'm asking you from where you get the inspiration of your clothing style?",,,,,,2021-12-06 22:17:53 rajgf8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 22:22:25 rajw6b,,4,yekhi normal manajmoush naamlou international transactions ?,behi tawa walew spotify w netflix wel jaw el kol available aandna ama kifesh yhebouna nkhalsou ki el credit cards mayekhdmoush w maayamloush international transactions belhak shay yhashem tounes bled القمع after all,,,,,,2021-12-06 22:42:32 rajx30,,1,There is Religious Freedom in Islam,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 22:43:45 rak0b4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-06 22:48:00 rakcuc,,0,مشكلة حفيظ دراجي المعلق الجزائري🇩🇿 مع تونس الشقيقة 🇹🇳💓,,,,,,,2021-12-06 23:04:16 ramd5t,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 00:43:43 ranmwu,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 01:50:20 raq509,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-12-07 04:00:12 rau4r7,,3,Best Cough And Sore Throat Medicines,"As an American visiting Tunisia, I am having a hard time finding the name brands or best product for cough and sore throat medicines. Can anyone recommend or tell me what to ask for in the pharmacies? I would like a night time and day time version if possible?",,,,,,2021-12-07 08:05:35 rav5er,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 09:17:15 rawmii,,1,annonces rencontres,,,,,,,2021-12-07 10:59:29 rawtoj,,22,I desperately need your help.,"If you are a french speaker and willing to help a fellow Tunisian student saving his semester, please take 10 minutes to participate in this research study: [Link](",,,,,,2021-12-07 11:11:25 raxuby,,7,Starting a business,"I'm currently in the processes of starting a small services company with a focus on targeting other business to see if they're interested in acquiring our services was wondering if anyone on this sub have any tips or advices on business initiation, best way to get your first clients outside your social circle, things i should be aware of ? any help is appreciated concerning clients or any other aspect of business management. Edit: the services provided are manly maintenance related",,,,,,2021-12-07 12:13:06 rayznv,,7,What application can make your life a bit easier in tunisia ?,Do you have any problem in your life as a tunisian citizen that can be solved if there's an application to make that task easier for you or even to make it for you ?,,,,,,2021-12-07 13:15:33 razxci,,3,Anyone know where I can recharge an oil heater ?,My grandma has an old school oil heater (guez) and we can't seem to find a place that sells the oil we need in grand Tunis. Any ideas ?,,,,,,2021-12-07 14:05:49 rb1o8h,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 15:29:26 rb2hcs,,1,What's wrong in wearing a ring,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 16:10:25 rb2ztn,,1,A questions for Tunisians who work in Italy or Europe In general.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-07 16:40:46 rb37hf,,2,ARVEA,"Did anybody knows about it ? Did i joins them?",,,,,,2021-12-07 16:53:51 rb3o5c,,0,How can you not have HOPE after hearing this verse? - Mufti Menk,,,,,,,2021-12-07 17:20:17 rb4ggh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 17:47:09 rb4ish,,14,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 17:49:20 rb4j78,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 17:49:47 rb4k31,,25,What strategies Tunisian government should make to face the threat of climate change?,,,,,,,2021-12-07 17:50:33 rb929n,,1,Any banks employees here ?,"Hello I'm asking is it necessary for a trainee(stagiaire) to wear suits for the internship period ?",,,,,,2021-12-07 20:46:11 rb9rhm,,4,"To the 3% of people out there, according to the psoriasis foundation. Anyone tried a shampoo for psoriasis and actually worked ?",,,,,,,2021-12-07 21:17:50 rbacrz,,13,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-07 21:44:41 rbcfsu,,2,Does anyone know free streaming tunisian movies ?,by free i mean old or pirated,,,,,,2021-12-07 23:20:59 rblx42,,1,Good morning beautiful people!,,,,,,,2021-12-08 07:40:45 rbm9lc,,1,الحقيقه المرعبه السوداء حول الجمعه البيضاء 😲 | كيف يتنـصب عليك في الBlack Friday ⚠️,,,,,,,2021-12-08 08:03:16 rbn2bd,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-08 08:57:55 rbnd06,,31,How did you stop being socially awkward?,"Parenting is the hardest thing in the world either you make very successful children or you just let them live their life on their own until one of your kid become socially awkward, I faced many people in my life during the high school phases or university, and they lack the most common things of social skills, like they don't know how to speak in front of people, and they don't know how to act properly, in your opinion what are you the basic skills to someone to being a social person, not being awkward and acceptable, this post is directed to teens and anyone who struggle of being like that, if you faced something similar, or you had a bad experience, and you want to share how you fixed it, just post it",,,,,,2021-12-08 09:18:00 rbnq36,,3,I need a friend from Mahdia,I'm in Mahdia for a vacation in a rural place and I need a friend from Mahdia to go out together and have a good time,,,,,,2021-12-08 09:42:41 rbnry2,,1,"A Tunisian minister praises the UAE’s discourse of moderation, acceptance of others and coexistence 🌿 The best thing we can be proud of inside the pioneering Emirates 🇦🇪",,,,,,,2021-12-08 09:46:15 rbpru2,,25,Do you think it’s a good idea to create a Discord server and a Memrise course to teach foreigners Tunisian Arabic?,"Tunisian Arabic is pretty different from Modern Standard Arabic but it really lacks of ressources for foreigners, expats and diaspora that are willing to learn it properly. It would be a great idea to start creating content for them and promoting our national tongue. What do you think? Update: here is the link to the discord server: feel free to join and please don’t mind it’s totally empty 😁 We’ll manage to improve it together",,,,,,2021-12-08 11:58:29 rbr6td,,1,Elegant Solid Rayon Embroidered Anarkali Kurti,,,,,,,2021-12-08 13:19:13 rbscem,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-08 14:19:06 rbscsf,,6,Alech anglais?,"Aandi 2 ans fi subreddit, dernièrement hassit eli tous les sujets sont en anglais! Curiosity : alech tahkiw anglais?",,,,,,2021-12-08 14:19:33 rbse8w,,11,Help a Tunisian win Wold cup 2022 iconic car design with just voting,"Hi guys, I participated in the iconic Car design competition organized by the Qatar tourism comity, and my design was shortlisted through more than 500 designs. There are still 19 other designs to beat and the winner will be selected by public Votes. the winning design will be placed on Iconic Limousine ( the taxi for world cup 2022 supporters ) . I appreciate your kind support to help me win this competition. The voting link is below: [](",,,,,,2021-12-08 14:21:34 rbu624,,15,What are the most common stereotypes the world has about Tunisians ?,,,,,,,2021-12-08 15:47:54 rbvnyh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-08 16:59:01 rbwqc1,,1,"The Tunisian minister praises UAE's centrist rhetoric, acceptance and coexistence. Very proud to hear that from a dear country like Tunisia.",,,,,,,2021-12-08 17:46:17 rbwug3,,2,Q for women,"being approached by a stranger after feeling that connection. do you see it as weird thing like to be approached by a stranger",,,,,,2021-12-08 17:51:18 rby3dd,,3,Is it too late to enlist for bac 2022?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-08 18:48:39 rbyfuh,,15,i'm new to reading books any recommandations?,(self improvement le please) w win najem neshrehom bsoum ma39oul or who want to exchange?,,,,,,2021-12-08 19:05:02 rbyzjn,,1,"any illustrator expert here,digital artist ?","im looking for an illustrator expert ! dm me :)",,,,,,2021-12-08 19:31:09 rbzg5l,,3,What we really want 😂,,,,,,,2021-12-08 19:53:14 rbzigw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-08 19:56:23 rc096q,,1,Self made population density map of Tunisia. Every area has 100.000 inhabitants and the colour shows the density.,,,,,,,2021-12-08 20:30:53 rc0ji4,,6,Anyone interested in purchasing computer parts? Coming to Tunisia from the US in a few weeks.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-08 20:44:55 rc19ek,,3,protein powder to build muscle,"Anyone know some good brands, i need to build them muscles. Some maybe not expensive brands. I'm new to this domain so I'll appreciate your help",,,,,,2021-12-08 21:19:10 rc1z5t,,2,Best / least evil Tunisian President," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-08 21:53:55 rc253j,,2,Buying stuff from Amazon,"So I'm getting a CTI card, mainly to buy books from Amazon, and I had a couple of questions. First, where will they be delivered ? And will the lovely customs officers give me a hard time ? How long does a shipment take to get here once you pay for it ?",,,,,,2021-12-08 22:01:18 rc2x1s,,0,Any non-religious in Sousse ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-08 22:38:31 rc3bs9,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-08 22:58:39 rc49tk,,1,Tunis Delivery,"Hey guys, anyone got some leads for late night restaurants that do delivery in the marsa lac zone.",,,,,,2021-12-08 23:47:09 rc56ln,,1,African Mirror - Islam and Identity,,,,,,,2021-12-09 00:32:29 rcagok,,0,Is it Permissible to Use Credit Card? - Dr Zakir Naik,,,,,,,2021-12-09 05:16:01 rccplt,,7,Bank,"Hey there everyone, i have been a client of Attijeri bank for more than 2 years, since day one i was having all sort of problems with their awful service, i had enough but i'm still not sure if i should change it and i am wondering if you recommend any other bank and if it is worth it to lose more than 2 years of banking history ?",,,,,,2021-12-09 07:42:06 rcfshm,,4,Where can i find good used computers for good prices,"Is there any place i can buy used computers from trustworthy sources Computer prices in tunisia are so high that i can only afford shitty PCs (4gigs of ram and shit like that for more that 1300 tnd!)",,,,,,2021-12-09 11:30:39 rcg695,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-09 11:57:20 rcgzd2,,1,can you get an asic miner in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-09 12:48:38 rchmcj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-09 13:25:13 rchq3s,,20,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-09 13:31:09 rchwf3,,1,تحميل برنامج إنستجرام للكمبيوتر والموبايل Download Instagram 2022,,,,,,,2021-12-09 13:41:00 rck9q0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-09 15:41:30 rckvzg,,5,15 x Off The Beaten Track Places in Tunisia (how many have you been to?),"I've been giving a series of talks recently about my travels around Tunisia. I have been lucky enough to visit all 24 governorates while researching the upcoming Bradt Travel Guide to Tunisia, which we hope to publish in late 2022. Anyways, here are some of the more weird and wonderful ""Off The Beaten Track"" experiences I have had in this amazing country. How many have you seen / experienced? 1. **Dinner with** [RafRam Chaddad]( **\[Tunis\]** 2. **German military cemetery \[Borj Cedria\]** 3. **Hiking Djebel Ressas \[Ben Arous\]** 4. **Thuburbo Majus \[Zaghouan\]** 5. **Borj Lella cheese farm \[Béja\]** 6. **Kayaking Tunis to Tabarka \[or maybe just Bizerte, Béja & Jendouba's isolated beaches!\]** 7. **Chemtou Archaeology Museum \[Jendouba\]** 8. **Jugurtha’s Table \[Kef\]** 9. **The Kasserine Pass \[Kasserine\]** 10. **The Lézard Rouge train \[Gafsa\]** 11. **Bou Hedma National Park \[Gafsa / Sidi Bou Zid\]** 12. **Rommel’s bunker: Mareth Line \[Gabès\]** 13. **Guermessa \[Tataouine\]** 14. **Fossilised dinosaur footprints in Tataouine \[Tataouine\]** 15. **Star Wars sites \[Tunisia has 12 x filming locations, mainly in Tozeur\]** [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-09 16:11:26 rckydn,,112,"Asked an AI to draw Tunisia, these were the results",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-09 16:14:43 rcm8qk,,3,Is it possible to activate and use a digital visa card in tunisia( currency: USD ),,,,,,,2021-12-09 17:15:08 rcncxc,,2,Leaving next year to study abroad,"So i finally made it and i'm gonna study in Canada next year , Ena 1er fel fac ,nkammel na9rah el 3am walla n3awwed 1er el 3am el jey wenzid n7assen el langue instead ?",,,,,,2021-12-09 18:06:47 rcofwr,,3,Internet issues,"Guys so I have been having some issues m3a linternet men awel decembre(topnet),th9ila 3ale5er w can't even use twitch or YouTube,mchit ltopnet w 9alouli El fatra hedhi dima twali th9ila w 3and El Nas lkol so anyone 3andou nafs El mochkol?w thx",,,,,,2021-12-09 18:57:38 rcotcj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-09 19:14:03 rcq18c,,1,"Tunisia: Ennahdha party member sets himself on fire at party HQ | A member of Tunisia's moderate Islamist Ennahdha party set himself on fire, killing himself. The suspended party's vice president, formerly the prime minister, was among the 18 wounded.",,,,,,,2021-12-09 20:09:10 rcr0rb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-09 20:54:14 rcrosf,,1,Football Scarf request,"Hello Tunisia, This may be one of the craziest requests you've seen on this subreddit but I think it would be worth your time to at least give it a read! &#x200B; My name is Jack and I am from Northern Ireland. I love football and I collect football scarves. My mission is to try and get at least one scarf from every country in the world and what better way to do it during a global pandemic than ask strangers online! If you are interested and willing to help, please send any football scarf (preferably) or football items representing your team to my address. I will give you my address when you have replied to this comment down below. &#x200B; Many thanks! &#x200B; Best Regards, &#x200B; Jack",,,,,,2021-12-09 21:25:51 rcsw5e,,6,"Hello all, do you recommend any places around Tunis/Ariana where to buy good quality bracelets with music-related motifs ? Thank you in advance 🙌",,,,,,,2021-12-09 22:21:45 rcswpx,,2,Winou el rouz ya rojla,Ye5i rouz ken fi sfax ma9tou3 walla partout ?,,,,,,2021-12-09 22:22:31 rcu7yn,,2,universal tripod plate,"l universal plate mta3 tripod mte3i dha3et, chkoun ya3ref mnin najem whda fi tounes? i need it for my youtube channel :( &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-12-09 23:25:21 rcu8a8,,9,If you live abroad and STILL pirate PAID indie Tunisian Movies: You are a Piece of Shit Useless Parasite.,"What the title said. If you can't spare 5euros to support Indie actors, producers and Tunisian steaming platforms: you are a part of the problem that led you to flee the country, spend years sleeping on ""[banc fi couloir]("", be exposed to racism and xenophobia yet refuse to improve your mindset and scam behavior. If you can't afford it, Don't pirate it.",,,,,,2021-12-09 23:25:47 rcvpl4,,3,Cozy place to study in sfax ?,"I'm looking for a good place to study in Sfax preferably a coffeeshop with good internet connection! and thanks in advance!",,,,,,2021-12-10 00:39:46 rczmo3,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-12-10 04:00:16 rd3kmt,,8,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-10 07:50:27 rd41h5,,17,"El bass fel bard, mochkla",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-10 08:23:00 rd4ink,,12,"People who went to France, how has your french improved?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-10 08:57:39 rd60bj,,108,"Forget about Karen, in Tunisia we have Madame Ahlem 🤦‍♂️",,,,,,,2021-12-10 10:43:45 rd6ftj,,1,Trusted Vape Retailer,"looking for a vape retailer with acceptable profit marge around Tunis/Banlieue Sud else just a good seller (name/contact) is fair for me.",,,,,,2021-12-10 11:13:52 rd6him,,22,Salut tout le monde <3 Hedha questionnaire 9sir (ça vous prendra moins d'une minute) i3aweni bech naamel etude de marché lel thérapie en ligne fi tounes (psychiatres + sexologues) Berjoulia partagiw le max 5ater ken les données sont positives tnajem lahkeya t3awen barcha aabed yest7a9ouha,,,,,,,2021-12-10 11:17:09 rd6zha,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-10 11:51:46 rd7nz4,,3,What's your favorite insult?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-10 12:34:11 rd8ucl,,1,Music CDs,Where can I find original music CDs not with album covers in tunis,,,,,,2021-12-10 13:38:01 rdbg3m,,2,Anyone wants to chat ?,"Hi everyone , hope u r doing well Im extremly bored rn and would like to chat and meet new people here in reddit , we can talk about anything honestly ( im 20 y.o if that matters )",,,,,,2021-12-10 15:44:50 rdbvsf,,1,Anyone attending Fifa Arab Cup in Qatar ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-10 16:04:49 rdd7po,,1,Do you support LGBTQ+ rights or not?,,,,,,,2021-12-10 17:04:37 rddw2o,,0,Fresher job salary,"How much salary for fresher in Tunisia? Field: IT( information technology) Position: sofware developer",,,,,,2021-12-10 17:34:13 rde4nl,,9,site netfarej fih fi serie fih subtitles english o 1080p quality ?,thanks :P,,,,,,2021-12-10 17:44:56 rdevax,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-10 18:18:08 rdflgd,,11,"Why does the Tunisian identity depend mainly on the Arab and Islamic side, when there are many other civilizational dimensions that shape our identity?",,,,,,,2021-12-10 18:50:55 rdfq89,,1,uuuum anyone against vaccine mandates here ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-10 18:56:52 rdhplb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-10 20:24:44 rdhtd9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-10 20:29:26 rdjiua,,4,3D PRINTING,"Hello.. For those who need to manufacture a product or develop a prototype you can contact me and together we will bring your ideas to life",,,,,,2021-12-10 21:45:44 rdjn7e,,0,National football team are we going somewhere ??," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-10 21:51:20 rdl6ey,,10,Is there a suicide prevention hotline in this shithole? :),[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-10 23:01:01 rdlbil,,1,Damn lucky winner 🏆,,,,,,,2021-12-10 23:07:50 rdny79,,38,What do you think about this post 🤔?,,,,,,,2021-12-11 01:16:44 rdsn1v,سؤال_للمختصين_او_المثقفين_في_ميدان_التاريخ_ماهي/,8,سؤال للمختصين او المثقفين في ميدان التاريخ. ماهي أحسن كتب عن تاريخ تونس؟,,,,,,,2021-12-11 05:31:47 rdv2i8,,9,What do you do ?,What do members of this reddit do for a living? What field do you work in ?,,,,,,2021-12-11 08:08:22 rdvcht,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 08:27:29 rdvh94,,46,sad zoomer noises,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-11 08:36:27 rdx29v,,5,"Is experience alone enough to go abroad, or studies matter too ?","I've been working as a web developer in a medium sized company for a few months now, but the thing is I'm not an engineer and never studied in any IT related field, I have a college diploma but it's in a completely different field , my question is what are my chances of finding a job as a web developer abroad without a diploma PS : I don't want to study in a private college to become an engineer in parallel with my work because financially it will make very unstable foe a whole four years.",,,,,,2021-12-11 10:28:57 rdxixb,,11,"why is L'Hôtel du Lac, once was magnificent, now abandoned?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-11 11:02:10 rdxoed,,1,Fellow Tunisians how to create a netflix account ?,"Am willing to pay the monthly fee via Runpay, however runpay uses credit/points system. Can't open a netflix account with that. Did you guys figure out any solution or have alternatives? Thank you!",,,,,,2021-12-11 11:12:44 rdxymh,,1,"From where to buy a good uke, any ideas on the prices?",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 11:32:43 rdy4dt,,2,There was a post here last month about a chess club competition.. I'm wondering how did that go? Any of you participated?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-11 11:44:15 rdysk3,,1,Where i can find this old tunisien movie plz?,,,,,,,2021-12-11 12:28:03 rdyyi3,,3,I recently moved to live in nabeul and I know nothing there,"Heyy I recently moved to nabeul and I have no friends or social relates there .. I just wanna know how can I have more friends or is there any associations or clubs or anything social to join there ? Ps: 20y.o boy",,,,,,2021-12-11 12:38:45 rdzsrh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 13:29:24 re0lag,,0,"Girls of r/Tunisia, are you a good cook?","If so, what do you cook? And if not, why not? ᴸᵒᵒᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ᴳᶠ/ʷᶦᶠᵉ ᵐᵃᵗᵉʳᶦᵃˡ.",,,,,,2021-12-11 14:12:26 re0nxj,,0,I'm thinking of conquering the known worlds and beyond. Change my mind.,if you can.,,,,,,2021-12-11 14:16:32 re0qit,,2,"yo guys, is this site legit ?",[](,,,,,,2021-12-11 14:20:33 re13gw,,2,Tell me a fact you know and want to share with other people?,"Mine is : group of ravens is called an ""unkindness"" or ""conspiracy,"" which seems fitting, since ravens are traditionally considered creepy; in fact, seeing many of them in one place can induce Hitchcockian ""The Birds""-like flashbacks in even the least ornithophobic (those people with a fear of birds).",,,,,,2021-12-11 14:39:28 re1eo7,,1,AI experts and programmers,"Hey everyone, I wonder if any of you know how to work with AI technology or had done any projects with AI? I have a couple of questions.",,,,,,2021-12-11 14:55:33 re1mu0,,0,"A scientific breakthrough that I wrote few hours ago on some Forum. I'm sharing it with you, freely and with no charges.","So here is where the breakthrough starts, and funny enough it is a response to some other gentleman. &#x200B; End of breakthrough.",,,,,,2021-12-11 15:06:29 re1x9b,,1,Best place for a suit,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-11 15:21:40 re1y2b,,0,why are all Tunisian girls so fixated on having a physical relation?,"It seems like every other girl is trying to objectify you, lure you into some back alley or ""Netflix and chill"" type of thing, and do what she wishes to do, why can't have a civilized relationship, why should we go through such process, where one's honor is tested... Man, we're suffering, Truly suffering. But, I do hope so, we get to the point, where we can all enjoy each other without these kind of tricks. I'm sure a majority can relate to what I'm saying.",,,,,,2021-12-11 15:22:58 re21rb,,8,"Bizerte, such a beautiful find. 😍",,,,,,,2021-12-11 15:28:34 re256u,,0,"TUNISIANS: do you think Sicilians look closer to Tunisians, or to other Southern Europeans?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-11 15:33:22 re2rmw,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 16:05:01 re31g0,,16,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 16:18:25 re3qz7,,9,Favorite Tunisian rapper (banded friends/wled houma together)," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-11 16:54:10 re43yl,,0,"Elm2 eli mechi lel sedra, zitouna awla bih",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-11 17:11:25 re5r5c,,0,Want some money ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 18:32:45 re6269,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 18:48:05 re62s4,,9,Has Kais Said actually communicated yet after 6 months what his NEXT step is and when??????,,,,,,,2021-12-11 18:48:55 re9ouz,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 21:48:53 read73,,1,HackerOne : زادت نقاط ضعف البرامج بنسبة 20٪ في عام 2021 مقارنة ب 2020,,,,,,,2021-12-11 22:23:56 reai13,,2,Alternative ways to get to Tunis,"Looking for different ways to get to Tunis from pretty much anywhere in Europe. Maybe a ferry or something like that (how long would that even take?). Trying to find something other than flying that would allow me see the Mediterranean Sea on my trip. FYI American going to Tunisian wedding but getting a small European trip since I'm in the area",,,,,,2021-12-11 22:30:51 reati8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-11 22:47:22 rebqus,,8,"Girls ask , Boys answer !",,,,,,,2021-12-11 23:36:23 recujv,,15,why did we support algeria at the expense of morocco ?,Of course algeria is one of our closest allies but so is morocco and yet it feels everyone was against the latter today,,,,,,2021-12-12 00:35:33 red9cg,,1,a,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-12 00:58:40 reg91z,,4,Any business ideas ?,"Let's share business ideas Maybe we inspire each other What's the best thing to invest to in 2022?",,,,,,2021-12-12 03:45:22 regi4v,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-12-12 04:00:22 rej2n3,,1,where can i find a russian to english dictionary,i need one ASAP,,,,,,2021-12-12 06:37:18 reljoo,,3,A good barber in grand tunis (urgent please),"Heey can u recommand a good barber in grand tunis who know his way of keratine and proteine and shit, (price if u know too) , thanks agaain",,,,,,2021-12-12 09:29:03 relx9j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 09:56:43 relxe5,,21,We didn't expect to find such a paradise beach in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2021-12-12 09:57:02 ren82c,,0,"toul 3markom, t3ichou ...",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-12 11:30:26 renevk,,1,What do you think about it guys,,,,,,,2021-12-12 11:44:14 reob2f,,0,"Why is this sub semi-inactive, I don't want it to reflect the state of the country, I wanna see some action going on.","I think, I was clear enough in the title. So be it known, that this is my position.",,,,,,2021-12-12 12:43:54 reolc5,,5,Famous celebs that came to tunisia?,"I already know that micheal jackson, mohamed ali clay, maradona came to tunisia But who else?",,,,,,2021-12-12 13:01:36 repokr,,15,Why there were so many tunisian cheering Algeria in Yasterday’s match ?,,,,,,,2021-12-12 14:06:12 reqdem,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 14:43:54 requ7j,,5,A Discord server for Tunisian Arabic!,"Our server is dedicated to learning, teaching and exchanging in Tunisian Arabic, the national langauge of the jasmine's country! Join us to learn more about our beautiful langauge and country and help spead it all over the world! Plenty of ressources are available and we’ll start having daily lessons. Marhbe bikom <3",,,,,,2021-12-12 15:07:10 reqxuh,,2,Are you?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-12 15:12:13 rerlk3,,4,Where to spend the night,"Hey 👋 I'm spending the night here in Tunis and I have a place where I can stay tonight but it's messy and not clean at all, so my gf said she would come tomoroow morning to help me clean it. Meanwhile, where can I spend the night today? I want a place that is quiet and clean. Any help or recommendation will be much appreciated! Edit: I'm a 29 years old man!",,,,,,2021-12-12 15:45:52 res9b6,,4,which europe country the easiest to go for studying mastere degree .. france no please .,,,,,,,2021-12-12 16:18:30 resif0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 16:30:44 resv0y,,5,Sport and casino betting in Tunisia,"So I was living abroad and came back the past couple of month and can't help to notice the astonishing development in the betting industry, In every corner there is someone betting in every coffee u see people playing casino and thinking they could get rich from casino in an app? I am not against it I do bet my self but I became paranoid, the huge amount is spent by kids in a casino, its shocking! Wtf happened yo??! People don't have money and yet bet everyday almost?!",,,,,,2021-12-12 16:47:47 reuwm7,,11,Reddit people I would like what sites or apps you consume when you are free . you seem very knowledgeable guys,,,,,,,2021-12-12 18:24:41 revf2v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 18:49:17 revu1o,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 19:08:18 rewdmb,,8,I'm searching for good shampoo or hair product to make curly hair for boys,,,,,,,2021-12-12 19:33:58 rewsxj,,6,"There are frankly no people more ignorant or stupid than Arab Zionists, Tunisian ones especially.","The amount of regurgitated Zionist propaganda is insane. Not to talk of blind reverence to certain leaders with questionable views. Here's the stereotypical points: * Bourguiba told them to accept the results of the Nakba and half their land colonised! he was right Bourguiba also disarmed el fallagua and wanted to stop at ""internal"" independence only. Decolonisation happened despite him, not thanks to him. Not to mention his vitriolic hatred of Amazigh speakers and people from the inner regions. He is by no means a) an authority on colonialism and b) it's insane to ask people to accept ethnically cleansing half the population and losing 55% of their land to settler-colonialism. And most importantly, the Zionist side wanted the whole area and had no intention of honouring the first ""partition"" anyway so that's a moot point. From the [Peel commission]( > The Zionist leadership was bitterly divided over the plan. In a resolution adopted at the 1937 Zionist Congress, the delegates **rejected** the specific partition plan. Yet the principle of partition is generally thought to have been ""accepted"" or ""not rejected outright"" by any major faction: the delegates empowered the leadership to pursue future negotiations. The [Jewish Agency]( Council later attached a request that a conference be convened to explore a peaceful settlement in terms of **an undivided Palestine**. According to [Benny Morris](, Ben-Gurion and Weizmann saw it **'as a stepping stone to some further expansion and the eventual takeover of the whole of Palestine**.’ Pretentious ""peace loving"" sympathizers of Zionism legit forget it's a fascist colonial movement. Their ideal result **IS** the eradication of Palestinians entirely. * Boycotts don't help the Palestinians Says who? They *ask* for it anyway. Just like people advocated [boycotting Apartheid South Africa]( Just like they advocated [boycotting Nazi Germany]( in the 30's. It's an obvious and non-violent pressure card. If the parallels aren't obvious enough see [here]( (New york times, 1933) >UNTERMYER URGES GERMAN BOYCOTT; Calls on Americans to Ban All Products and Refuse to Use Ships and Visit Reich > >**A boycott by the American people of the products of all German industries, with the withdrawal of their patronage from German ships and their refusal to visit Germany, was recommended here today by Samuel Untermyer as the ""obvious remedy"" in dealing with the anti-Semitic activities of the National Socialists and the Hitler regime** * Normalizing with Israel will bring us progress ... *somehow* We have perfectly normal relations with every ""advanced"" country on the face of the earth, yet nothing happened and somehow it's Israel specifically that's the be-all end-all of science and progress. lol How will Israel supposedly ""bring us"" advancement and *why would it* is left to the imagination. * You can't physically boycott Israel! don't you know literally everything good and holy in the known universe is made in Israel? Juvenile argument. You can very much boycott Israeli companies and tactically boycott foreign ones who invest there, especially the West Bank. Pretending everything is made in Israel is not a good faith argument. * The Evil / emotional / antisemitic / stupid Palestinians kept rejecting peace and a state! [No they didn't]( The Palestinian offer was literally full citizenship and equality for the very recent Jewish migrants under one state. Contrast this with a literal ethnic cleansing plan and division into 3 Bantustans.. **Zionists are literally** **fascists.** Fascists are not rational people with reasonable goals. You literally cannot reason an ideology built on ethnic cleansing and genocide out of itself. All claims to the contrary are the emotional and irrational ones. * what about Saudi Arabia? or \[insert country here\] why not boycott them you hypocrite? Who's stopping you? boycott them lol. For all the shit you find in the Arab world there's literally no other Apartheid state. No other still existing colonialism. Israel has been a force of destabilisation and violence in the region for decades. It's not some ""normal"" country.",,,,,,2021-12-12 19:54:16 rewv1n,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 19:57:01 rex45y,,0,أجمل الاماكن في تونس,,,,,,,2021-12-12 20:08:42 reylsn,,1,100% convinced all the users on here whose handle is like adjective-noun567 are secretly the same person,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-12 21:20:42 reyvxu,,1,DC3 - Long Road (Official Audio),,,,,,,2021-12-12 21:34:20 reyw9e,,1,DC3 - Long Road (Remix) (Official Audio),,,,,,,2021-12-12 21:34:45 rezlkm,,6,Seeking Help,I'm searching for good psychotherapists in Tunisia,,,,,,2021-12-12 22:07:59 rezz0b,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 22:25:59 rf009l,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 22:27:40 rf05zv,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-12 22:35:24 rf1u9t,,3,Best contraception?,"Hello people, besides condoms what do you recommend as protection/ contraception? In means of safety as a priority and then price/ quality / comfort... thank you!",,,,,,2021-12-12 23:57:45 rf52bt,,7,Covid-19 vaccine,"Hello folks, i have got my first Covid-19 vaccine in August ( Johnson 1 dose ) and yesterday they sent me a text saying i will have to get another dose but not the same type it's pfizer, i will get it in 6-8 days can't remember, so i was wondering should i take a different type of Covid-19 vaccine or i should just ignore them What keep me thinking is does taking a different type will do me harm or it's normal",,,,,,2021-12-13 02:41:37 rf5rxw,,1,Grow Your Business with adsansar,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 03:18:07 rfabtf,,73,jojo fi tunis,,,,,,,2021-12-13 07:41:06 rfb1sn,,1,will there be a second dose for those who have contracted COVID-19,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 08:29:54 rfczoy,,1,Des millions de serveurs sont menacés en raison de la vulnérabilité Log4Shell,,,,,,,2021-12-13 10:44:00 rfd5pk,,9,[contriversial] Jalel Brick,"This interesting character appeared in the last couple of years with ideas and speeches I never gave attention to because I was busy laughing at the creativity of him (يكفر) and I want to know what is he talking about? Why he recently joined the nahdha that he always swore to destroy? And finally and most importantly what do fellow Tunisian redditors think of him?",,,,,,2021-12-13 10:56:00 rfdt9r,,4,International friends,Do any of you have international friends? If yes where are they from and how did you get to know each other?,,,,,,2021-12-13 11:37:57 rfeae9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 12:08:01 rfecwf,,2,Discord server,"Im good at making discord servers U guys want me to make one for this comunity [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-13 12:12:21 rfg88u,,119,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 13:54:09 rfgz0u,,1,It's almost 2022. If you still believe in a Magic Man in the sky that made the whole universe and yet spends all his day monitoring with what foot you enter the W.C and gets angry if you do it doggystyle with your wife: you are just as retarded as a Homo Habilis worshiping a steppe bison.,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 14:30:03 rfi69n,,0,Since the date for obligatory vaccination is due in few days....,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 15:26:00 rfijwg,,3,Feedback about HP PAVILION GAMING 15-EC2008NK / RYZEN 5 5600H / 16 GO / RTX 3050 4G,"Hello Is there anyone here having this laptop []( If yes, what are the pros and cons",,,,,,2021-12-13 15:43:12 rfjodf,,5,Help sending a package from Tunis abroad,i remember stumbling upon a Tunisian website that offers the ability to send packages with people going abroad for a fee. can any of you refer me to it or something similar ? thanks \^\^,,,,,,2021-12-13 16:31:19 rfk35i,,0,I'm so dissapointed,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-13 16:49:18 rfle3h,,9,People of Reddit i need your help,"Hi fellow Tunisians . As a grown up i'm starting to need a source of income to satisfy my needs and after a long argument with my mother i decided to just be on my own and be responsible of myself (including cooking dishes , laundry you know the drill ) ik that sounds childish but i really really REALLY had a huge and bad argument with my mom and i just decided that i 'm old enough now ( almost 18 years old btw ) to start relying on myself. But every adult needs a source of income and since i'm still in lycée I can't just give up my studies to start a random work what i can do on the other hand is sell my paintings yes i do paint and they're quite beautiful and nice and i asked people and they said that it easily could be sold . This could be a great beginning , idk. If you are an artist by any chance please tell me what to do and how can i sell my stuff and if you have any suggestions about this whole thing i'm all ears .",,,,,,2021-12-13 17:43:55 rfmirb,,2,The raw beauty of Cap Serrat !,,,,,,,2021-12-13 18:31:21 rfmn2q,,0,who's coming to Barkoon this Saturday?,title,,,,,,2021-12-13 18:36:22 rfmsx3,,20,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 18:43:23 rfndp7,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 19:08:27 rfnrhj,,3,Where can i get a butterfly knife in sousse ?,,,,,,,2021-12-13 19:25:26 rfo959,,13,"Tunisians of Reddit, what do you think of Tonight's decisions by the President ?","He announces: 1) The parliament remains suspended until new parliamentary elections. 2) Organizing an online ""popular consultation"" starting from January 1st, 2022. He calls it also an ""online referendum"". ""Popular consultations"" will also happen in parallel with the online vote. The results of the online consultations will be made public in 03/2022. 3) A new committee in charge of constitutional reforms will be formed (soon). Proposals will be ready by 06/2022. 4) Referendum on the Constitutional reforms on July 25th, 2022. 5) New elections in 12/2022. 6) Reconciliation law with corrupt businesspeople. 7) Trial of those ""who committed crimes against the people"".",,,,,,2021-12-13 19:46:28 rfokv4,,1,The Beatles in Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-12-13 20:00:19 rfp3z0,,10,"Finally, what did KAIS said?",,,,,,,2021-12-13 20:22:51 rfq5ic,,1,Prison sentence for beating and serious injury,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 21:06:59 rfqsdt,,4,"Looking at Tunisia today and what you expect it to become in 5yrs, would u want to get back to a dictatorship led by Ben Ali?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-13 21:34:16 rfqwlj,,1,Favorite memory of your childhood growing up in Tunisia? Personally I had the best childhood ( MBC 3 - nickelodeon- disney- cartoon network everyday ) - best grades at school I even noticed how the first 6 years of being a student where the most fun ones and I remember them more than any other years,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-13 21:39:18 rfra39,,0,"Citizens of r/Tunisia, don't you think it's time for a new revolution!",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-13 21:56:02 rfs1n9,,19,What is our problem with women ?,"I've been active on reddit for only a month or so, and I've seen a lot of sexist and disrespectful comments/posts towards the female gender. And I've been thinking if this is reddit which was meant to gather ""quality people"", then what the hell are women experiencing out there.",,,,,,2021-12-13 22:29:28 rfs2fh,,1,I live under a rock ( kinda ) cuz I don't wanna associate myself with tunisian chaos.. is kais Saeed use liberalism and him being anti enahtha to win people over? Is that why ppl voted for him years ago?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-13 22:30:21 rfsfux,,6,Upwork with a SUARL,"Hello community, I am freelancing with upwork and fiverr platform in 3D Rendering and 2D Animation Production. To have a legal activity, one of my friend who own a SUARL totalement exportatrice working as a call center ask me to join as a actionaire with a 100% of my revenue from those platform. He will make an exceptional assembly to write this transformation in a PV. My queations : SUARL has one owner which make me a simple employee in his company? Does the new PV Protect my revenue as a dividendes ? Should he change the company status to SARL to become an associate so I can protect my revenue? Thanks!",,,,,,2021-12-13 22:46:57 rfsj7z,,11,How to control anger and suicidal thoughts,"And by suicide thoughts , i meant the urge to kill a person(not a specific one ) . I sometimes get the feeling that life is going to end wether i finish it or it finishes me . I try mostly to get away from things that makes my fkng brain boil ( country,police brutality, injustice,...) but like life is all about facing that shit. Nawrouni chabeb , except eni nmout bl zatla and trying to stay home as much as possible to avoid all this fkng mess , what the fk can i do ?",,,,,,2021-12-13 22:51:18 rftsrk,,16,What now?,"You allowed a single man, backed by the police and military to sack the entire government and rule unopposed until “the emergency” is resolved.. You already forgot that we lost our liberty for TWENTY-THREE years. It is tremendously hard to kick someone from power if they have their cronies installed. Risking a dictatorship even in a (pseudo) functioning democracy is definitely going to set us back. What now?",,,,,,2021-12-13 23:49:43 rfymbk,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-14 04:00:16 rfzh5j,,1,Losing our Character - Mufti Menk,,,,,,,2021-12-14 04:46:04 rg11zt,,5,Does the QR code on the Ooredoo Forfait cards work for you ?,Basically the title. I need to recharge my internet with these little scratch-off cards. I always use the code and manually type it in. There is a little QR code which I have tried to use before but it’s so tiny that my phone doesn’t recognize it. I have accepted that this is bad design and not meant to work. Unless it actually does and I’m the one idiot left who manually inserts the information?!,,,,,,2021-12-14 06:18:05 rg3s40,,0,Tunisia’s president calls constitutional referendum followed by elections in 2022,,,,,,,2021-12-14 09:24:40 rg58b0,,5,Best place to buy books in Tunis,"I wanna buy programming books, can you recommend a place ?preferably in Tunis/Mourouj/Ben arous Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-12-14 11:08:14 rg5lzl,,11,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-14 11:34:34 rg5qp1,,1, those mfs really upgraded,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-14 11:43:24 rg66aw,,33,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-14 12:11:23 rg6hyw,,1,"So far I think this is the only ""clear"" video on what are شركات اهلية in the absence of communication from KS himself or books on the topic. Valuable watch IMO regardless of if you agree with the content (24 minutes)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-14 12:31:38 rg6szx,,111,"Me listening to Kais Saïd yesterday, talking about how the electoral platform will be the new madhmoun ra9mi !!",,,,,,,2021-12-14 12:50:08 rg9fm1,,1,Why emergency fund is important to build?,,,,,,,2021-12-14 15:06:02 rg9h83,,1,Emergency fund where to park it... all you need to know,,,,,,,2021-12-14 15:08:05 rg9iiy,,1,How to retire in 10 years or less,,,,,,,2021-12-14 15:09:45 rg9kql,,1,compound interest eighth World wonder,,,,,,,2021-12-14 15:12:32 rg9lnq,,1,How to invest?,,,,,,,2021-12-14 15:13:37 rg9mi6,,1,How to be wealthy,,,,,,,2021-12-14 15:14:45 rga2g0,,13,Covid vaccination certificat/ pass vaccinal mess up,"Hello, I found out that my last name is mispelled in both the vaccination certificat and the pass vaccinal. I called 80 102 021, but everytime I get an automatic reply that all the staff is busy. Do you please have any idea on which authority I need to go to in order to correct my last name ? Much appreciated,",,,,,,2021-12-14 15:36:02 rgaba5,,1,EVAX,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-14 15:47:56 rgamwr,,8,Safe/accessible places to camp in winter,,,,,,,2021-12-14 16:02:54 rgb9ve,,1,Anyone bac sciences ( Libre walla fi lycee ) ? Do u want to make a discord mainly just to share resumes or cours ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-14 16:32:21 rgcpft,,1,💋,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-14 17:37:49 rgcssp,,1,Are we really an extreme poor country and things can't get better or am I living in a bubble?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-14 17:42:22 rgd931,,1,What tunisians thought would happen after electing kais :,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-14 18:02:44 rgdgu0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-14 18:12:10 rgdicq,,1,Where i can find this old tunisien movie plz?,,,,,,,2021-12-14 18:13:59 rge0r3,,8,Where i can find the old tunisien movie the halfaouine boy of the terraces?,"Hello fellow tunisiens, I'm wondering where i can find this movie to watch?",,,,,,2021-12-14 18:36:29 rge9zh,,10,How can I let my mom know about my GF ?,"I'm in a relationship for over 2 months now , and i'm having some problems with my family . Everytime time i go out, i need to tell a lie and that's so stressing , need to create a full story . My mom is a little overprotective . I WANT TO LET MY MOM KNOW ABOUT HER , how can I ? My mom ''refuses'' any relationship , she thinks that i need to finish my studies first . I'm 19 and i'm in college .",,,,,,2021-12-14 18:48:08 rgfgie,,1,Where can I buy Crystals in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-14 19:41:20 rgg9q1,,7,Symmetricool's first album song will be released on the 17th of december!,"Hello everyone, My best friend is an independent artist who likes to create music despite not having a real studio nor professional equipments and I highly recommend you guys to check his music First song of his new album will be out on the 17th of december so make sure you stay tuned and show him the love and support he deserves! Below is the trailer so make sure to check it out as well and follow him on social media : &#x200B; Spotify : []( SoundCloud : []( Instagram : []( [Waiting For You \(Trailer\)](",,,,,,2021-12-14 20:18:28 rggywn,,26,"Sometimes, i wish death on myself","Suicide will send me straight to hell so i always wanna die by something that i didn't do, I can't hold it anymore. - no dad - no money and really fucking poor (i don't have w bed i just sleep on a mattress on the floor) - i may have a mental disorder that made me redo my school year and my mom says that im fine and that im just ""lazy"" (i created a post about this a few months ago here) - im no bodys favourite (not the favourite son, not the favourite sibling, not the favourite friend...) - 98% i have no future because the only way to get lucky is to be really rich or smart - i tried my absolute hardest at school and i still get bad grades AND EVERYONE SAYS MAN UP OR YOU'LL GET THROUGH IT, please don't say this. I can't man up anymore and there is no escape My family don't belive in depression and these type of stuff, so i really don't have anyone to talk to I just want to die",,,,,,2021-12-14 20:50:21 rghyih,,1,L'intelligence artificielle qui détecte le cancer peut être trompée,,,,,,,2021-12-14 21:35:58 rgl0hm,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think, the Gov will allow 4 wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-14 23:57:51 rgl67x,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:04:56 rgl685,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:04:57 rgl68h,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:04:57 rgl68s,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:04:58 rgl690,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:04:58 rgl695,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:04:59 rgl69h,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:04:59 rgl69m,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:00 rgl6a1,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:00 rgl6a7,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:01 rgl6ah,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:01 rgl6aq,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:02 rgl6b0,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:02 rgl6b7,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:03 rgl6bc,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:03 rgl6bh,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:04 rgl6bk,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:04 rgl6bw,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:05 rgl6c6,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:05 rgl6cg,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:06 rgl6cl,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:06 rgl6ct,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:06 rgl6d3,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:07 rgl6dh,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:08 rgl6dp,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:08 rgl6du,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:08 rgl6e3,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:09 rgl6ed,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:09 rgl6er,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:10 rgl6ey,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:11 rgl6f9,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:11 rgl6fl,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:12 rgl6ft,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:12 rgl6g8,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:13 rgl6h7,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:14 rgl6hg,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:14 rgl6hn,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:15 rgl6hv,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:15 rgl6i1,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:16 rgl6if,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:16 rgl6in,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:17 rgl6iy,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:18 rgl6j9,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:18 rgl6jq,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:19 rgl6jz,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:20 rgl6k8,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:20 rgl6kj,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:21 rgl6ko,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:21 rgl6ky,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:22 rgl6lg,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:05:23 rglbaq,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:34 rglbav,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:34 rglbb6,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:35 rglbbi,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:35 rglbbq,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:36 rglbbx,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:36 rglbc3,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:36 rglbcc,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:37 rglbcn,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:37 rglbd4,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:38 rglbdj,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:39 rglbdp,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:39 rglbdt,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:40 rglbdy,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:40 rglbe4,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:11:41 rglfjf,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:17:10 rglg1r,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:17:51 rglg43,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:17:55 rglg5k,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:17:59 rglg7h,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:18:03 rglg98,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:18:07 rglgap,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:18:10 rglgcf,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:18:14 rglgec,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:18:18 rglggm,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:18:22 rglm4p,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:06 rglm66,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:09 rglm80,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:13 rglma0,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:17 rglmbd,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:20 rglmd4,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:24 rglmeh,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:27 rglmg2,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:31 rglmhh,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:34 rglmj7,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:38 rglmkv,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:41 rglmml,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:45 rglmo4,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:49 rglmpn,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:53 rglmrh,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:26:57 rglmt6,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:00 rglmup,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:04 rglmw7,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:08 rglmxn,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:11 rglmzo,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:15 rgln13,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:18 rgln2f,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:22 rgln45,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:25 rgln5r,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:29 rgln7g,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:33 rgln98,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:36 rglnar,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:39 rglnc3,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:43 rglnd5,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:46 rglneu,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:50 rglngj,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:53 rglni2,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:27:57 rglnjp,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:01 rglnm0,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:04 rglnnn,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:08 rglnp7,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:11 rglnqp,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:15 rglnsd,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:18 rglntt,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:22 rglnvc,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:25 rglnww,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:29 rglnyw,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:33 rglo07,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:36 rglo1v,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:40 rglo3g,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:44 rglo58,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:47 rglo74,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:51 rglo8p,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:54 rgload,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:28:58 rgloc9,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:02 rgloea,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:05 rglofm,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:09 rglohk,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:12 rgloiz,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:16 rglokz,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:19 rglomh,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:23 rgloo5,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:27 rgloq4,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:30 rglorl,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:34 rglot8,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:38 rglouu,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:41 rglowp,,1,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:45 rgloye,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:49 rglozz,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:52 rglp1a,,0,"Young Ladies of r/Tunisia, when do you think the Gov will allow for 4 Fertile wives.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 00:29:56 rgnm81,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 02:04:34 rgv4ad,,1,Jumia Gamer Pack Experiences?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 09:18:03 rgvlwt,,37,I made a vlog about my village Sounine,,,,,,,2021-12-15 09:53:23 rgw4n4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 10:30:33 rgwnlq,,1,Studying in Canada,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 11:06:22 rgxmy4,,1,Every Tunisian right now be like,,,,,,,2021-12-15 12:06:34 rgy4zb,,23,Simple things that makes life in tunisia bearable,"What's the simple changes that makes life in Tunisia bearable. I'm not talking about huge economical or culture change but small things",,,,,,2021-12-15 12:35:33 rgywho,,1,Why is it not cold? Yeah it's cold but shouldn't it be extremely cold by this time?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-15 13:17:51 rgzl0s,,3,asking for a location,so guys i need to buy some pc parts and i dont know where to shop from so i you know any pc shops in sousse/monastir let me know please.,,,,,,2021-12-15 13:52:37 rh07oa,,3,Asking for details (Tunisian paperwork in a foreign country),"Hey guys, I am writing here hoping I can get some guidance or help to know what should I do. I am a Tunisian Engineer (from a private university) who is moving to Japan for work. I have a passport that will be expired in a year and I would like to renew it when I am there. My ID card says I am a student, and so, I am unable to renew the passport here without renewing my ID card as well (since I cannot have a student certificate). Note: the passport requires the certificate as long as it says ""student"" on my ID card. I am limited in time and I am unable to renew my ID card when in Japan. Does that mean I will have to return before the expiration of my passport? and if I happen to not be able to return in time, what would happen? Thank you in advance for your efforts.",,,,,,2021-12-15 14:23:02 rh0jyx,,1,"يحذر بنك إنجلترا من أن عملة البيتكوين يمكن أن تصبح ""عديمة القيمة""",,,,,,,2021-12-15 14:39:19 rh0te1,,3,el mokh,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-15 14:51:37 rh161e,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 15:08:00 rh1h7j,,0,KS meets his boss before christmas. Would he get a promotion?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-15 15:22:37 rh3trc,,51,Wilyee ya zebyy,Wilyeee wilyeeeee,,,,,,2021-12-15 17:05:55 rh3yju,,1,To the Final let's gooooo,,,,,,,2021-12-15 17:11:30 rh4pvz,,4,Bolts at 5am on weekdays,"Fellow redditors from Tunis, I need to go to the airport of Tunis tomorrow at 5am. Do you know if I will be able to call a Bolt? I tried to get taxis but they don't confirm they will come - just tell me they will get back later.",,,,,,2021-12-15 17:43:32 rh5ltr,,6,LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,"Now after we beat Egypt , are we in the finals ? Who are we gonna face ?",,,,,,2021-12-15 18:21:49 rh5s1i,,45,You guys deserve it,"From an Egyptian , you guys deserve it every bit of it !!!",,,,,,2021-12-15 18:29:00 rh5yyr,,1,What's the average cost of renting in the northern suburb of Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 18:36:59 rh6cry,,31,La Dynastie De Carthage,,,,,,,2021-12-15 18:53:50 rh6u0x,,1,Dats how it is,,,,,,,2021-12-15 19:14:22 rh6xws,,1,Tunisian song lyric translation help,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 19:19:08 rh6y7o,,4,Inject this in my veins 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-12-15 19:19:30 rh6ykf,,11,What's the average cost of renting in the northern suburb of Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-15 19:19:56 rh7vgs,,4,English proficiency tests,So i found this really cool scolarship program but i need an english proficiency certificate and the deadline is in a month. What are some certificates that i might sit for and have in the shortest time span. Thanks in advance \^\^,,,,,,2021-12-15 19:59:59 rh86s1,,1,تنشيط وتفعيل الويندوز والاوفيس Activate Windows and Office,,,,,,,2021-12-15 20:13:32 rhb9ba,,55,Congrats ! see you in the final.,"Hello my Tunisians brothers, this Arab cup has been a success for both our national teams. as you probably noticed Algerians supported Tunisia since day 1 and vice versa. See you on the 18th of December for a couscous derby, I supported Tunisia the whole tournament but this time It's chacun pour soit ! may the best team win. brothers off the pitch , Rivals on it",,,,,,2021-12-15 22:29:30 rhb9u4,,276,Your Average khaliji vs Your Average Gigachad North-African,,,,,,,2021-12-15 22:30:07 rhija9,,0,2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami code,,,,,,,2021-12-16 04:31:39 rhjknz,,1,an audio book of ibn khaldun's muqaddimah (he is tunisian so this is SOMEWHAT relevant lol),,,,,,,2021-12-16 05:29:00 rhlta6,,1,This belongs here,,,,,,,2021-12-16 07:48:13 rhlu14,,6,Where to find a local 3D Printer?,So I am needing a good bit of stuff 3D Printed but not sure who has one here. Is there a company or anyone know of a person that has a printer that's willing to negotiate some prices.,,,,,,2021-12-16 07:49:47 rhmw1r,,1,Questions about diwana,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-16 09:06:20 rhoepq,,0,strategic talks,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-16 10:58:37 rhof37,,17,?,,,,,,,2021-12-16 10:59:21 rhp9cv,,30,Winou l 5obz l 3adi?,"Ye5i l kwech ma3adech ybi3ou l 5obza l 3adeya ken l baguettes? W mesh mafrouth l farina l mda3ma ken lel 5obza l 3adeya? We're being ripped off",,,,,,2021-12-16 11:57:25 rhpeps,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-16 12:06:45 rhsuuj,,11,How to learn about taxation and legal system generally?,"Is everything present in the constitution or are there other sources? PS:No answers such as there's no law in this sh\*t hole please.",,,,,,2021-12-16 15:18:03 rht6x3,,1,Can you guys stop talking about that dumb ass country algeria and kais Saeed ? This subreddit is so ghetto nowadays,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-16 15:34:17 rht8c1,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-16 15:36:19 rhtn7s,,3,How can I open a Tunisian bank acc while living abroad.,"Hey how's it goin, I was wondering if you could help me out and show me the steps I need to take for me to open a Tunisian bank account (possibly online) while Im not staying there. Im a Tunisian but I havent been there for almost a decade now for some personal reasons, and as you can tell I dont really know how it be like there. Id really appreciate some help!",,,,,,2021-12-16 15:57:33 rhulib,الافارقة/,1,الافارقة,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-16 16:42:55 rhurms,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-16 16:51:17 rhvogy,,1,Why can't this country have people like macron or Justin Trudeau that wanna participate in presidency.. like they all the same people with the same mindset.. every president we had wasn't different from the other and since this country wanna follow democracy then why just not do it right?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-16 17:33:48 rhvs52,,1,Where to Study banlieu nord,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-16 17:38:47 rhw6gt,,13,Vintage gifts,"Any vintage gift stores in Tunis?(Turntables, old fashion radios, coins collections, world war got me guys )",,,,,,2021-12-16 17:58:02 rhyet9,,1,Kais Saeed discovery be like :,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-16 19:42:28 ri2b6a,,1,What are benefits of a Tunisian passport?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-16 22:44:03 ri8gwe,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-12-17 04:00:11 riekhh,,1,International-level values,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 10:28:55 rieubd,,0,"For guys who dont want to get the vaccin but you need the proof of vaccination,is there any solution ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 10:48:14 rih3mn,,51,"Barwita, when?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-17 13:09:10 rihrmw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 13:45:58 rii9c6,,1,Investing in stocks in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 14:11:19 rijv1c,,1,Do you have any music suggestions similar to this ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-17 15:28:46 rilry1,,54,Made this shitty political compass meme,,,,,,,2021-12-17 16:59:53 rilwux,,4,Online sales of art by Tunisian artists?,"Hey I am looking for some art for my sad blank walls, hoping to find some by contemporary Tunisian artists. Is there a good online marketplace for this kind of thing? I found some on but wonder if there’s someplace better. I’m in nyc. Thanks",,,,,,2021-12-17 17:05:35 rim4vx,,1,ya 7assra,,,,,,,2021-12-17 17:16:10 rimvm8,,1,German rescue ship picks up 223 migrants off Malta,,,,,,,2021-12-17 17:52:27 rinvf6,,1,Anyone came across few Saudi content creators on tiktok? They all so boogie and high class and having fun even progressive in some topics believe it or not.. are they have a culture shift?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-17 18:39:34 rioa38,,63,جمال الالوان بالطرقات التونسية,,,,,,,2021-12-17 18:59:24 rioa9k,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 18:59:37 riotob,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 19:24:54 ripgyf,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 19:57:21 riqtkc,,1,Hi,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 21:02:20 rir1n7,,5,"Hello i would like to ask if there’s someone coming to Tunisia from abroad in about a month that i can ask if they can get me books , if so i will pay them once they are here",,,,,,,2021-12-17 21:13:28 ris541,,23,Thanks topnet,,,,,,,2021-12-17 22:08:17 ris65y,,1,I feel that I'm Discon'ected from society,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 22:09:43 ritzel,,1,Self esteem problems.,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-17 23:41:18 riu6dz,,0,Spoiler,,,,,,,2021-12-17 23:51:42 riunj6,,1,i really cant do this anymore,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 00:14:54 riuqw9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 00:19:44 riv14g,,1,"Why do my lips taste sweet all the time? I feel a sugary taste whenever I lick my lips without eating anything sugary or sweet for days. I’m starting to worry. It’s been months. I’m trying to lose few pounds so I’m eating pretty healthy and drinking lots of water, can that be the reason ?",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 00:34:12 rj4ueg,,180,The truth,,,,,,,2021-12-18 10:33:53 rj59qi,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 11:03:20 rj5j2a,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 11:21:13 rj5sgi,,1,The average algerian subreddit user,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-18 11:39:56 rj664f,,2,"We should be able to watch the match here, for those of us abroad with only access to youtube.",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 12:05:18 rj6cc7,,4,Meeting,Famech 9ahwa fi banlieue Sud bech terkcho tetfarjo feha 3al match,,,,,,2021-12-18 12:16:49 rj8jaf,,3,Night life in my country be like,,,,,,,2021-12-18 14:24:33 rja7rg,,1,Dungeons & Dragons Tunisia Club,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 15:52:37 rjatbf,,14,How much does it cost for traveling from Tunisia to Algeria,"Hey , I was wondering how much does it cost to travel from tunis to Algeria either by plane or by bus Looking forward to hear from you",,,,,,2021-12-18 16:21:45 rjb26i,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 16:33:35 rjbt2a,,1,Match,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 17:10:01 rjck8o,,22,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 17:47:25 rjcolu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 17:53:20 rjcr7e,,1,oops,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-18 17:57:00 rjcs1t,,0,oops pixie,,,,,,,2021-12-18 17:58:13 rjdcfb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 18:25:23 rje7az,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 19:07:40 rjesu7,,1,Symmetricool - Beyond The Hole | Waiting For you is out!,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 19:36:22 rjexn7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 19:42:59 rjf89y,,1,Online shopping,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 19:58:13 rjfd04,,8,slave in their country the Tunisians are excluded from the crypto revolution because of the laws of another time,,,,,,,2021-12-18 20:04:18 rjgdu7,,7,winek a pixie :( i miss u,,,,,,,2021-12-18 20:55:14 rjh4pr,,4,From where do you guys buy your clothes online ?,"Preferably for men, and preferably comfy sweaters. Thank you.",,,,,,2021-12-18 21:31:19 rjhc5l,,1,A graphic design club in tunis...,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 21:42:03 rjhlyf,,1,I'm reposting this khater had ma raha i guess?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 21:56:16 rji4m5,,1,any Stellaris players in here?,just looking for players that are willing to share dlcs of the game,,,,,,2021-12-18 22:21:59 rjips5,,1,kbaer is the reason we lost,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 22:51:59 rjiqc3,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-18 22:52:51 rjja75,,1,Tunisian captain Abdelmajid Chetali receiving the first Arab cup in 1963 hosted by Lebanon,,,,,,,2021-12-18 23:21:21 rjobrn,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-12-19 04:00:15 rjop2u,,2,What's the standard of beauty in Tunisia?,"I travel a lot and I realized a long time ago that what's considered attractive is not universal...What's Tunisians ideals when it comes to physical attractiveness - generally speaking? Things like body type, skin color, height, ethnicity...etc. What's the women's take? What's the men's take? Appreciate your input all!",,,,,,2021-12-19 04:21:17 rjt12u,,24,Hey there!,"Just joined the subreddit. I’m not Tunisian but my stepfather and his family are, so it’s like my second country. Been there a few times, it’s a beautiful place. With that said, in the comments below, say what your favourite place in Tunisia is and why. I want to learn more about the country! 🇹🇳",,,,,,2021-12-19 09:09:34 rjtukj,,3,Best barbershop in Tunis,"Who's your best barbershop in Tunis, zone el nasr and at reasonable price.",,,,,,2021-12-19 10:10:26 rju20z,,1,Why tunisians still using horses for tourism.. seriously why is this legal? I don't care just find another source of income instead of profiting off of broke dumb tourists,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 10:25:50 rjugjm,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 10:56:17 rjugu2,,77,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 10:57:01 rjuhir,,46,An 18 year old has been in coma since the 16th of December,"Do you have any knowledge concerning Pr Hafedh Jmal? He's a neurosurgeon in Manar 1. I've been told that he's always busy I tried to contact him through Med and one of the numbers I've found searching through the web. I know that it would be impossible to contact him during the weekend but I'm in need of his examination. they have an ""anévrisme cérébral"" which led to an hemorrhage. If you know how to reach to him you'll help save the life of a human being Update: I called him, he told me that he refuses to go to the Sokra clinic. I asked where can we take them so he can examine them he said ""no where I'm not examining them"" and the conversation ended. I understand his decision and he's probably right but I feel terribly bad that I couldn't convince him to provide help Update: thanks to the arrogance of the Pr only 1% of my friend's brain works. they're taking her home today",,,,,,2021-12-19 10:58:33 rjun2f,,19,South of Tunisia Ksar Oueled Debbab near Tataouine,,,,,,,2021-12-19 11:08:49 rjupvc,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 11:13:58 rjuqyb,,1,Help with custom PC,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-19 11:16:04 rjw806,,6,Question,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-19 12:56:20 rjx4pp,,18,Tunisia chant.,"Hi guys, I was at the football final against Algeria and I sat with the Tunisians. They had 2 good chants that I really liked but cant find them. One of them started with them saying : Zulee Zulee….. allez allez allez And the other had the la la lala la It was one of the best atmospheres I’ve been in and I attend games in the UK religiously. Would really appreciate if people got the lyrics to the chants for me",,,,,,2021-12-19 13:50:02 rjx7ro,,2,This,,,,,,,2021-12-19 13:54:51 rjx9q7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 13:58:19 rjxdor,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 14:03:44 rjy6tb,,8,The fastest typist in Tunisia,"I'm on a journey to find who the fastest typist in Tunisia is. In reality I'm trying to prove that my friend (who types around 150 wpm average) is the fastest, but he's denying it. This is for science so I would appreciate some help from my fellow gamers to just hop in on []( and try some tests and post your PB in the comments (no judging please mainly because I don't even type that fast :p around 80-90 wpm average). If you happen to know any of your friends who are into typing, I would appreciate it if you sent them this P.S: It would be more fair if we all agree to take the test in English. Also this is not a competition so don't cheat, because there's no point.",,,,,,2021-12-19 14:48:21 rjyjmk,,113,"Hello Tunisia, I just want to say that your anthem bangs.","One of the best anthem's I\\ve ever heard. Made me fall in love with your history and country. Just learned you're the only democratic arab country and one of the richest countries in africa. Love from greece! :)",,,,,,2021-12-19 15:06:42 rk1boz,,1,can i work with germans online while living in tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-19 17:26:34 rk2hfz,,0,Crash of cars vip car 2k,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 18:24:53 rk2wwo,,1,Second part of asking what do they know about tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-19 18:46:02 rk2y26,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 18:47:47 rk4bc9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 19:55:28 rk4utq,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-19 20:21:59 rk5g2o,,6,Hey I'm in Capital Tunis for a short visit could you tell me please where can I find a Cinema ?,,,,,,,2021-12-19 20:51:13 rk66vr,,12,Troglodytic Habitat and the South Tunisian ksour World,,,,,,,2021-12-19 21:26:59 rk6g1b,,1,Transférer une licence Windows 10 d'un ordinateur à un autre,,,,,,,2021-12-19 21:39:08 rk6zus,,1,African Mirror - Islam and Identity (part 2),,,,,,,2021-12-19 22:04:02 rk7wxm,,1,Year 2021 for Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-12-19 22:46:53 rk89eh,,68,Some thoughts about our trip to Tunisia,"We came back from Tunis a couple of days ago and we really enjoyed it! Here you have some thoughts as I promised to u/maroxtn The people were very kind everywhere, always helpful when being asked for directions or anything and also offering help when I guess we looked kind of lost. Even when we didn't have any language in common, they did our best to try to understand each other. Many people approached to interact with our baby, some of them even taking her directly from our arms without asking just to kiss her or simply hold her for a while XD There was close to 0 tourists anywhere (at least european-looking) which was kind of cool. The food was really good despite my gf didn't enjoy it many times because she doesn't have much tolerance to spicy food and many times not-spicy wasn't an option in casual restaurants. The only countries in the region I've visited are Morocco and Egypt and compared with them Tunisia felt like more laid-back: Almost zero car-honking, close to 0 harassing vendors,... And we never felt insecure. In those other countries often I had the impression of being constantly cheated, not in Tunisia. The only time we were properly scammed was with the late night taxi from the airport to the medina when we first got there. The driver agreed to turn on the taximeter so I was kind of relieved but then when we were distracted I guess he added like 1000 extras or manipulated it somehow to inflate the price a lot in the taximeter, I didn't realize until the end and it was about midnight so that time I simply surrendered and paid XD Tunisair wasn't good,but not as bad as I expected, it went 30min late and the toilet was really uncomfortable, specially to change our baby, but the food wasn't that horrible. On our flight back, the captain happily announced through the speakers the victory of Tunis over Egypt haha About our route, we ended up renting a car after exploring Tunis. We had to change our initial itinerary because Kesra and El Kef were more cold than we expected, as our baby had a cold, so after having lunch in Kesra it didn't feel like a good idea to stay there neither go to El Kef. So our final itinerary was Tunis-Kairouan-El Djem-Kesra-Dougga-Testour-Cartaghe/La Goulette. Tunis was fine but we usually don't spend much time in any capital, so skipped quickly after visiting some of the highlights in the old town. About Kairouan, it was our favorite medina, very beautiful. What a pity we cannot go inside the praying area in the mosque but we enjoyed everything we could from the inner court. Amazing details also in the zaouias, very similar to Alhambra. I went into a hammam one day in Kairouan (first time in north africa), I was asked if I wanted a massage and said yes. After relaxing for a bit I waited for my turn for the massage while watching other man receiving it and I saw that instead of a massage it consisted on being rubbed with some kind of mitten, when it was my turn I soon realized that the mitten was full of spikes so I tried to hold on until the end as if it didn't hurt to have 70% of my skin peeled off with that weird glove... XD Actually I still have my upper chest full of little scabs.. El Djem and Dougga were impressive as you well know. Testour was a last-minute decision, it was recommended to us during our stay in Tunis, but it ended up being one of our favorite places! The clock counting backwards, the cheese, the landscape,... What a pity we couldn't stay in Kesra, it felt like a perfect place to chill for a few days to meet locals and enjoy the atmosphere, El Kef too. Hopefully some day we'll come back, in spring if possible, and explore better the west and south of the country. PS: u/saihi We confirmed the fact about no-smoking signs in the restaurants and being offered and ashtray XD",,,,,,2021-12-19 23:03:07 rka895,,3,"Hey guys hope y'all doing well, I would like to know your best favourite YouTube channels in english",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 00:39:12 rkc8io,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 02:19:22 rkcbwa,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 02:24:16 rkcxny,,1,Questions sur les finances et la religion.,"Bonjour, La plupart des messages de ce subreddit semblent être en anglais, mais les règles disent que le français est une des trois langues permises. J'espère que c'est approprié. Je me pose quelques questions au sujet de la vie en Tunisie, particulièrement par rapport aux finances. Je dois avouer qu'il est très intéressant que voir comment différents pays fonctionnent. Cependant, j'ai de la difficulté à m'imaginer. J'ai lu qu'il faut commencer à payer de l'impôt à partir de seulement 5 000 dinars de revenu. Je croyais que 5 000 dinars était le salaire minimum. Est-ce que tout les gens qui font au-dessus du salaire minimum paient vraiment de l'impôt sur le revenu ? Remarquez, dans mon pays c'est encore pire, on est taxé à partir de la moitié du salaire minimum... J'ai aussi lu que la taxe de vente est de 18%. Est-ce qu'il y a des exemptions pour les nécessités, comme la nourriture ? Est-ce qu'il y a des taxes foncières sur les résidences ? Autres taxes auxquelles je n'ai pas pensé, possiblement parce que j'ignore leur existence ? Il semble que l'inflation soit assez élevée en Tunisie. Qu'est-ce que les gens font avec leur argent ? Ils investissent, ou est-ce que les taux d'intérêts offerts par les banques sont aussi élevés pour compenser ? Parlant d'intérêt, je sais que certaines variations de la religion abrahamique interdit de faire de l'argent au travers des intérêts, est-ce que cela affecte les options d'investissement en Tunisie ? Je n'arrive pas vraiment à trouver à quel point le pays est religieux. Certains sondages affirment que presque tout le monde dit être religieux, mais d'autres indiquent que une personne sur trois dit ne pas être religieux. Presque la moitié pour les jeunes ! Il est encore plus difficile d'imaginer quel effet cela a sur la vie de tous les jours. Par exemple, j'ai lu des témoignages de touristes au Maroc ayant été bloqués à leur porte de chambre d'hôtel par des gens qui insistaient pour voir une preuve qu'ils étaient mariés avant de les laisser entrer ensemble ; est-ce quelque chose qui pourrait arriver en Tunisie ? Ou est-ce qu'il n'y a virtuellement aucun impact ? Ce n'est pas le genre de donnée qu'on peut trouver dans un tableau sur internet. Je ne suis pas sûr de l'information que j'ai et c'est déplaisant. J'apprécierais toute clarification. Merci. Edit: I don't mind English-language answers. The statistics I saw claimed that most internet users in Tunisia prefer using French online, even more than Arabic and English combined. Maybe that's different on reddit. Edit2: and absolutely nothing on finance yet, only religion. Are finances not a thing that people care about in Tunisia? Edit3: Bon... on m'a dit en privé que la Tunisie est beaucoup, beaucoup plus religieuse qu'elle le prétend. Au point absurde ou les gens peuvent aller en prison pour six mois juste pour s'être embrassés en public. Honnêtement ça a complètement changé mon opinion du pays, au point ou je ne pense même plus visiter. C'est très triste et j'exprime mes sympathies aux Tunisiens qui doivent vivre dans ces conditions inacceptables.",,,,,,2021-12-20 02:57:24 rki725,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 08:09:23 rkjoab,,24,Is opening a Record Store a good idea ?,"&#x200B; I know Spotify and other streaming services exist but vinyl gives the extra dimension to music, i guess. I'm not trying to get big and rich tho, i understand that it is pretty much impossible. Does anyone have any personal experience with starting or running a record store ?? Thanks !!",,,,,,2021-12-20 09:46:10 rkjpcc,,27,When the king of Morocco visited Tunisia after a devastated attack by terrorists,,,,,,,2021-12-20 09:48:16 rkkve3,,7,Buying a house in Tunisia?,"Hello peeps, I would like to buy a house for my mum somewhere near the beach (Sfax, Monastir). I'm Tunisian but was born & live abroad, thus does anyone know whether it is best for me to ask for a loan at a bank in Tunisia as an expat or to ask for a loan directly in my country of residence? Has anyone been in that situation and would like to share their experience? Also how do you even search for a house (i went online but didn't find good websites, any recommendations?) I have no idea how this works so I did some google search but found various answers which makes me a bit confused, thus any feedback from someone who has been through a similar situation would be super helpful! Thanks :)",,,,,,2021-12-20 11:05:49 rklvia,,28,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 12:08:21 rkm9vg,,1,a guide on how to lose your clients,,,,,,,2021-12-20 12:32:46 rkmuci,,1,Relatable,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-20 13:05:01 rknr6e,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 13:52:18 rknw9p,,1,What do you think of the accuracy on this video?,,,,,,,2021-12-20 13:59:58 rko175,,2,What's the music old ladies sing in eastern south weddings,"I remember as a kid whenever we return to Tunisia in the summers (especially ben guerdane and tatawine) and whenever we attend a wedding there's a ritual that always catch my eyes (and like ears lol) . If I remember correctly it's called keswa, during which some old ladies sing some folkloric songs (kinda like hazit eini lfouk rit lnajma) but since we don't go home anymore I missed that vibe a lot. My question here is what's the type of that music or it's name and does anyone here have recordings of it being performed. Much love",,,,,,2021-12-20 14:05:48 rkq27z,,3,How is it possible as a tunisian to shop online without an international card?,"Let's say I wanted to get something from AliExpress , and I don't have a master card, is there some other way to do it?",,,,,,2021-12-20 15:40:45 rkq5tm,,53,The COVID PASSPORT Scanner app is an example of the government employee mediocrity,"If you go to the play store (web) and look for the [TN CEV 2D-DOC app]( you will find a 1.5 stars rated app with a package name literally ""qrcodesannerexample"". Our الكفاءات didn't even bother to rename the demo they downloaded before getting ""inspired"" by it. TUNTRUST the gov agency with a monopoly on the Digital Certification raised the prices from 70tnd to 417tnd because the peasants have no other choices with plans to making Digi CERT mandatory before June 2022.Check their google reviews for lulz. PS: we have an enterprise level Certification startup authorized to sign for the EU but not in TN. علاش؟ ماندروش. PS2: This is the [Tunisian Startup]( fighting the gov monopoly. ",,,,,,2021-12-20 15:45:26 rks0ng,,2,Bizerte ❤️,,,,,,,2021-12-20 17:09:38 rku8wq,,0,"Hi, is there any bi or lesbian girls in tunisia?",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 18:51:31 rkva09,,1,any OUTFIT Unicate,,,,,,,2021-12-20 19:39:06 rkwo02,,0,Can you take a taxi from geant? I never went there without having someone take me back,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-20 20:43:04 rkx5aw,,3,Guess we have a lot in common...,,,,,,,2021-12-20 21:05:11 rkx74v,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 21:07:29 rkxpst,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 21:31:22 rkxr0y,,0,Chkoun l3ab GTA Ben el hara?,Beb*,,,,,,2021-12-20 21:33:01 rkyzg3,,0,Algeria and a question of identity: Who counts as African?,,,,,,,2021-12-20 22:30:02 rkz9nr,,1,transport lel lac,"selem, bellehi andi mana3mel ghodwa fel sbeh fel lac 1, ta3rfouch ken fama bus ihez lel lac ?",,,,,,2021-12-20 22:43:31 rkzczj,,1,5 days till 2022 and this country haven't made any progress socially and economically since 2011,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-20 22:48:13 rkzjls,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 22:57:30 rkzlj5,,114,Eric Zemmour...,,,,,,,2021-12-20 23:00:09 rl0jqp,,2,What is the juiciest story / drama you have ever heard/ overheard?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 23:44:18 rl0rkh,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-20 23:55:00 rl1ibs,,1,What size women are most popular in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-12-21 00:30:44 rl1y8k,,1,What is the ideal dress size in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-12-21 00:53:05 rl5lv4,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2021-12-21 04:00:13 rl9wx8,,6,Have you heard of virtual real estate based on NFTs such as Next Earth ?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-21 08:14:32 rla8r1,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-21 08:36:35 rlacnk,,10,"Where i can watch ""Spiderman no way home"" in tunis?","Hey I'm living near Habeeb Borgheba and i want to know where i can find a cinema to watch Spiderman no way home. Please if anyone know, help me..",,,,,,2021-12-21 08:44:09 rlamzv,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-21 09:03:53 rlbc1c,,1,2022 is in 5 days.. can you name one thing this country progressed in socially or economically since 2011? 🤔,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-21 09:51:58 rlbkhw,,6,Searching for Budget GPUs for Sale,"Im searching for a budget used gpu , Gtx 750 , gtx 750 ti , gt 1030 , gtx 950 , gtx 650 , rx 550 ... If you have , or know where to find any of these at a reasonable price , pls write a comment with the offer.",,,,,,2021-12-21 10:08:49 rldd0a,,1,ta7anas go brrrrrrrrr xD,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-21 12:09:58 rlfj5i,,1,I managed to hack the Evax website and add myself as vaccinated.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-21 14:13:40 rlg0xc,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-21 14:39:59 rlghah,,1,Flock of sheep,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-21 15:02:46 rlgt11,,0,Blursed_anime intro,,,,,,,2021-12-21 15:18:55 rlh464,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-21 15:33:40 rlhm6m,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-21 15:57:25 rlhp5p,,4,Easiest way to get certified in English in Tunis,"Hi , i want to get an equivalent level of B2 in english .not complicated and cheap if possible . Any thoughts ?",,,,,,2021-12-21 16:00:59 rli3jl,,1,Schau dir „MIKE OLDFIELD-SENTINEL (LIVE)“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2021-12-21 16:19:22 rlirbi,,3,Looking for office renovation companies in Tunis,"Hello redditors! any recommandations for renovation companies in Tunis, I basically have a small office of 16m2 approximately, and looking to renovate it and make it look more stylish/cozy to enahnce productivity &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-12-21 16:50:25 rljj9l,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-21 17:25:42 rlkklk,,3,I need help with travelling,"I'm going to Germany tomorrow with my son. He is 15 and has not vaccinated cause he just had his birthday and he has received covid no more than 6 moths ago is it ok for him to travel with tunisair ???",,,,,,2021-12-21 18:14:10 rlkrf6,,1,تنشيط وتفعيل الويندوز والاوفيس Activate Windows and Office,,,,,,,2021-12-21 18:23:02 rln2wy,,15,eSports in north Africa 🌍,"Helloo My friend and I are trying to create a professional gaming scene in Africa through fair and well-organized tournaments. We love playing video games and we really want to make pro-gaming possible in Tunisia and Africa as a whole cuz why not? But honestly, we have no idea whether people would actually show up or not. so I would love to know your opinions and if it's been hard on you as well. So if you are a gamer, we would appreciate your support by leaving your email here : Much appreciation !",,,,,,2021-12-21 20:12:44 rlnb8d,,5,Buying books from Amazon Japan as a gift,"Hello guys, I hope everyone is having a great day ! A couple of days ago I bought a couple books from Japan to help learn Japanese. The total cost is 65$ and I marked them as a gift will that help with customs ? Considering for the first time last week I was asked to pay 4 TND for an item I bought from Aliexpress for 30 cents 😂. And if there is another way to help reduce the exorbitant customs prices in Tunisia please let me now. Thank you for your time in advance.",,,,,,2021-12-21 20:23:28 rlod3y,,4,"How to go to Ain Drahem from tunis by ""louage"". Urgent","I've been to mahdia/korba etc.. using louage, there's ""beb saadoun"" ""moncef bey"" ""beb alioua"" which one should I go to to find a louage directly for ain drahem? If any of you happens to know, do you have an idea about the price? Thank you in advance, I'm going tomorrow morning lmao",,,,,,2021-12-21 21:13:58 rloi3t,éciprocité_la_france_applique_un/,19,"Le principe de réciprocité, la France applique un visa a la Tunisie ´ la Tunisie doit appliquer un visa aux français, vous êtes d accord avec le principe ?",,,,,,,2021-12-21 21:20:38 rlot65,,14,Would you move to Morocco for a slightly higher paying job?,,,,,,,2021-12-21 21:35:23 rlpkxp,,3,Covid Pass,"Are they realy going to recognize only "" Copie Conforme"" of the vaccination certificate ? Why bother making a QR then ?",,,,,,2021-12-21 22:12:19 rlppnp,,6,What's your height? (males only),"Most height statistics nowadays are outdated and go back to at least 2009, which means the height of the new generations are based mostly on speculation.The purpose of this survey is to know the average height of a young Tunisian male aged between 18-26, so if you're above the age of 26 or below the age of 18 please refrain from answering this survey. If you meet the age bracket, then answer truthfully and accurately.[Click here to participate]( Edit: here are the results so far, unfortunately with only 28 responses, one can't have an accurate estimate, but it's better than nothing. &#x200B;",,,,,,2021-12-21 22:18:34 rlq5p0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-21 22:40:12 rlq897,,5,Payoneer Tunisia,"What's the best bank to connect with Payoneer? I have been advised with BH, have you tried it?",,,,,,2021-12-21 22:43:32 rlqazt,,1,Amazon a corrigé l'Appstore désactivé via Android 12,,,,,,,2021-12-21 22:47:17 rlqpb1,,0,just wanna know how many times girls masturbate a day,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-21 23:07:03 rls7n9,,0,Do you consider algerians are our brothers," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-22 00:20:37 rlt25o,,4,Vaccination centers,Anyone knows what are the available centers of vaccination in tunis ?,,,,,,2021-12-22 01:03:29 rm1clm,,6,Smokers of this subreddit can you take 1 min of your time to fill up this form? Would be a huge help,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-22 09:10:46 rm290m,,19,And this is how you bake bread in the middle of the desert. 😋,,,,,,,2021-12-22 10:15:06 rm2ggb,,19,Il bled machia t******** with a faster pace rn!!,"mchit ne5ou fi baguette, bech na3ref il type la9sir ma3adich mad3oum, ou il baguette b 0.250DT, ou 5obz 3adi 9a3ed b soumou!! barcha 7ajet bech tzid, Kais tala3li akil nhar yetjalla 3ala rou7ou ou bech ya3mel doustour 3ala kifou ou 'plan' (rabi yoster), inflation kol 3am tzid bilbehi 9rib bech nouslou l Turkey!!! ""Winter is here and the night is full of terrors!""",,,,,,2021-12-22 10:29:53 rm3b62,,6,EU Digital COVID Certificate: Commission adopts equivalence decision for Tunisia,,,,,,,2021-12-22 11:28:13 rm47d9,,3,Buying a kachabiya in Tunis?,"Hi, I was just wondering where would be the best place in Tunis to buy a standard kachabiya (brown or black) like the ones worn in El Kef/Tataouine, and around what price to buy them for.",,,,,,2021-12-22 12:25:14 rm4hcl,,9,Moving to Tunis from US. Worth importing a car?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-22 12:41:59 rm57fi,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-22 13:25:31 rm63ba,,15,"You were assigned the president for a year, what will you change?",,,,,,,2021-12-22 14:15:47 rm6lge,,31,Serious question,"Hi Twensa, I see a lot of posts on this sub full in the form of reports and complaints about problems and issues on both social and economic levels.. Does anyone have any SOLUTIONS to put on the table? I know for sure that we cannot start building from zero cause we're miles below that. I am genuinely curious if anyone has half of a plan to begin with.",,,,,,2021-12-22 14:42:26 rm719o,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-22 15:05:22 rm73lz,,8,What are the best English centers for learning in Tunisia. It would better that the center teach high level in English C1/C2 and if there is one the nearest to Mourouj zone heki,,,,,,,2021-12-22 15:08:38 rm78zv,ère_l_barra/,5,Kifeh nkamel Mastère l barra,"so na9ra terminal (big data / data analysis) ..n7eb ngata3 mel 7ofra l9a7baw here's my plan: nkamel mastere lbarra w kif nokhrj nlawej 3la data analyst job fi nafs lwa9t (une fois dabart l khedma bch n9os aal 9raya w nik omha l 3achralef ) 9adeh ttklf lkharja lel mastere (uni fees) f suisse wela suede ? chnoma a7sen les agences lel 7keya ? mrc d'avance.",,,,,,2021-12-22 15:15:52 rm9w13,,1,Landing in Salle Omnisport de Radés in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020,,,,,,,2021-12-22 17:17:37 rma31x,,11,"people who are against vaccination, what are your arguments?",,,,,,,2021-12-22 17:26:38 rmbdpd,,5,Night date,Hey guys any suggestions about little fancy and affordable restaurants to have night dates in( tunis gammarth marsa),,,,,,2021-12-22 18:25:16 rmcg1z,تونس_رئيس_الجمهورية_يؤكد_عدم_صحة_التسريبات_حول/,0,تونس : رئيس الجمهورية يؤكد عدم صحّة التسريبات حول قانون ميزانية 2022,"أشرف رئيس الجمهورية قيس سعيّد، اليوم الأربعاء 22 ديسمبر 2021 بقصر قرطاج، على اجتماع وزاري مضيّق ضمّ كل من السيّد نجلاء بودن رمضان، رئيسة الحكومة، والسيّدة سهام البوغديري نمصية، وزيرة المالية، والسيّد سمير سعيّد، وزير الاقتصاد والتخطيط، خُصّص للنظر في مشروع الميزانية وقانون المالية والميزان الاقتصادي لسنة 2022. وأكّد رئيس الجمهورية على أنه لا أساس من الصحّة لما يقع تداوله في بعض وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بخصوص مشروع قانون المالية لسنة 2022، وشدّد على أن إعداد هذه الوثيقة تم ّ في إطار حرص الدولة على بعث رسائل إيجابية لمختلف الفاعلين الاقتصاديين في الداخل وشركاء تونس والأطراف المانحة في الخارج، فضلا عن البحث عن تحقيق استقرار التوازنات المالية العمومية سنة 2022 لانطلاق التعافي على المدى المتوسّط. وسيُمكّن برنامج الإصلاحات المضمّنة في مشروع قانون المالية لسنة 2022 من تحقيق نمو اقتصادي شامل ومستدام، وتحسين مناخ الأعمال وإعادة الثقة مع شركاء تونس حتى تظل بلادنا وجهة جاذبة للاستثمار، بالإضافة إلى المحافظة على الدور الاجتماعي للدولة وإرساء جباية عادلة لا تثقل كاهل المؤسسات والأفراد، وتحسين حوكمة القطاع العام، وتعزيز إجراءات مجابهة تداعيات الأزمة الصحية. وتمحور مشروع قانون المالية لسنة 2022 حول جملة من الإجراءات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية التي تراعي حاجيات مختلف الفئات والقطاعات. ويتضمن هذا المشروع عدة إجراءات اجتماعية من أهمّها الترفيع في المنحة المسندة إلى العائلات المعوزة، واسناد منحة شهرية لفائدة أبناء العائلات محدودة ومتوسطة الدخل دون 6 سنوات، والمحافظة على المساعدات والتحويلات الاجتماعية، ومواصلة اسناد منحة الاندماج في الحياة الجامعية لكل ناجح في الباكالوريا ينتمي إلى عائلة ضعيفة أو متوسطة الدخل، علاوة على تخفيف العبء الجبائي على رياض الأطفال المنخرطة في برنامج النهوض بالطفولة المبكرة الموجه لأطفال العائلات المعوزة ومحدودة الدخل. كما يرمي مشروع قانون المالية لسنة 2022 إلى تدعيم عمليات تعهد وصيانة المؤسسات التربوية وتحسين ظروف الإقامة المدرسية بالمبيتات خاصة بالجهات الداخلية، واستحثاث أشغال لجان قيادة برنامج السكن الاجتماعي، واحداث خط تمويل يخصص لمؤسسات الاقتصاد الاجتماعي والتضامني، وإحداث حساب خاص في الخزينة مخصص لتنويع مصادر تمويل صناديق الضمان الاجتماعي، وتمويل مشاريع صغرى لفائدة الفئات الهشة والمعاقين، والمحافظة على القدرة الشرائية من خلال التحكم في أسعار بيع المواد الفلاحية والأعلاف، فضلا عن المحافظة على أسعار بيع المواد المدعمة الموجهة للمواطن. وتضمّن مشروع قانون المالية لسنة 2022 إجراءات اقتصادية لمساندة المؤسسات الاقتصادية وتشجيع المبادرة الخاصة وخلق مواطن الشغل، وتعبئة الادخار لدفع الاستثمار وتحسين مناخ الأعمال، وتشجيع الاقتصاد الاجتماعي والتضامني، ومقاومة التهرب الجبائي والتهريب وادماج الاقتصاد الموازي، وتعميم الرقمنة، من ذلك إحداث صندوق الشراكة بين القطاعين الخاص والعام، وتدعيم الأموال الذاتية للمؤسسات وتيسير حصولها على التمويلات، وتنفيل فائض القروض المسندة لفائدة المؤسسات الصغرى والمتوسطة، والتسريع في إحداث الشركات عن بعد، بالإضافة إلى مضاعفة الاعتمادات المخصصة لتشجيع احداث المشاريع الفردية للشباب. كما ورد بمشروع قانون المالية لسنة 2022، في جانبه الاقتصادي، عدّة إجراءات ترمي إلى تشجيع الاقتصاد الأخضر والتنمية المستدامة والتحول الطاقي، والتشجيع على استعمال الطاقات البديلة والمحافظة على البيئة وتمويل عمليات مراقبة وفرز وتثمين النفايات. وتضمّن مشروع قانون المالية لسنة 2022، أيضا، إجراءات لمجابهة تداعيات الأزمة الصحية من بينها احداث خط تمويل للمؤسسات الصغرى والمتوسطة المتضررة جراء جائحة كورونا، ومساندة المؤسسات السياحية والصناعات التقليدية، ومساعدة أجراء القطاع السياحي والصناعات التقليدية والأدلاء السياحيين.",,,,,,2021-12-22 19:14:12 rmdlnn,,1,eBOOKS für Tierfreunde,,,,,,,2021-12-22 20:08:55 rmecxz,,4,Travelling from Tunis to Hammamet,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-22 20:45:23 rmggvw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-22 22:26:25 rmgjgq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-22 22:29:59 rmgy1c,,7,Help guys,"Honestly guys, is there any sollutions for a miserable 26 yo guy got kicked out of engineering preparatory institute like 3 years ago Ps: i can't afford private choices",,,,,,2021-12-22 22:50:06 rmogx7,,3,COVID-19 PCR test with QR code,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-23 05:44:04 rmqw0z,,3,Identity card Long hair restriction,Do they refuse my identity card photo with long hair (men)?,,,,,,2021-12-23 08:15:51 rmssb7,,5,Chkoun ya3rif blassa tbi3 Spotify premium 3am,,,,,,,2021-12-23 10:27:21 rmt18b,,1,انخفض استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بمقدار 3 دقائق في عام 2021,,,,,,,2021-12-23 10:44:23 rmuoj5,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-23 12:29:37 rmuotb,,1,Have you done anything to get some money fast outside of a job 🤔 I want some money but I'm a student so I don't have time for jobs,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-23 12:30:04 rmuxf4,,23,Israel passed a new law allowing its soldiers to shoot and kill any Palestinian who throws rocks at them. Since when did they not do this anyway? The disguised Nazi's,,,,,,,2021-12-23 12:44:33 rmuzbc,,4,When you will be asked for the vaccine passport in Tunisia ? Hmmm !,,,,,,,2021-12-23 12:47:51 rmuzkh,,45,Why pass vaccinal when we can just pass away,Title,,,,,,2021-12-23 12:48:16 rmwxol,,19,Which tunisian song you consider perfect,,,,,,,2021-12-23 14:33:40 rmx8k2,,4,Date ideas in cv/somewhere close,"Hey! looking for fun 2nd date ideas, any suggestions?",,,,,,2021-12-23 14:49:28 rmz4kd,/r/Tunisia/comments/rmuzkh/why_pass_vaccinal_when_we_can_just_pass_away/,4,Why pass vaccinal when we can just pass away,,,,,,,2021-12-23 16:19:17 rmz7dw,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-23 16:22:39 rmzcda,ضد_الانقلاب/,0,#ضد_الانقلاب,,,,,,,2021-12-23 16:29:10 rn1abu,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-23 17:57:04 rn1zay,,1,Wish🌐worldwide🌐 happy 👼CHRISTMAS+Holidays🎄 STAY HEALTHY+look after !,,,,,,,2021-12-23 18:28:23 rn26tm,,1,If u live abroad what's the top 3 things you enjoy there that tunisia doesn't offer?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-23 18:38:19 rn314k,,35,realisation,,,,,,,2021-12-23 19:16:56 rn4c5s,,3,covid vaccine in sousse.,"hey, incase there's any of you here from sousse, i was wondering if y'all have any idea where i can get my vaccination shot these days and if i have to fix an appointment. since we can't get anywhere without a certificat from now on. Thanks.",,,,,,2021-12-23 20:18:36 rn5gnv,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-23 21:11:12 rn64vp,,5,"How do a person build a social circle in a place like Bizerte, a small city when you literally know no one in covid ""era"".","Thanks to covid, pretty much social events that are supposed to be the easiest way to socialize and get to know people, especially in small-sh city have been ""eradicated"" which is understandable. But for a person, that knows no one here, what do you guys recommend?",,,,,,2021-12-23 21:42:55 rn6elz,سعيد_نحن_في_حاجة_للسعادة_الداخلية_الخام_وليس/,1,سعيّد: 'نحن في حاجة للسعادة الداخلية الخام وليس للناتج الداخلي الخام,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-23 21:56:01 rn6u3l,é_to_study_in_sfax/,2,Good café to study in Sfax,Searching for a quiet café to study and relax,,,,,,2021-12-23 22:15:53 rn7sp7,,1,"Kais: you know, I'm something of an economist myself",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-23 23:01:13 rn93d7,,2,Where can i get a rolling machine in tunisia,"do tabac shops sell it or perhaps an online shop or something ? i checked and asked around still got nothing. one of my friends told me that it's illegal, is that true ? and would i get in trouble if i ordered it online from Aliexpress or something ?",,,,,,2021-12-24 00:05:32 rndgle,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-12-24 04:00:18 rnf1ob,,1,Gay Rights,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-24 05:28:22 rnfnf4,,3,Appointment with the German embassy for a work or student visa,"Hi lovely Tunisians, Has any of you managed to get an appointment with there German embassy for any type of long stay visa recently? We have been trying to get an appointment for my sister since November but we haven't heard back at all ( not even with the confirmation that she submitted a request for an appointment as they claim should happen) and we read on their website that the waiting times are crazy long to get an appointment. Looking to hear about your experiences( how long did you wait and if you managed to somehow find another solution or get in touch with someone from the embassy).",,,,,,2021-12-24 06:03:17 rnhfsl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-24 07:58:12 rnhyud,,17,What's the highest amount of money you got during Eid Al Fitr ?,I got like 80D this year,,,,,,2021-12-24 08:33:14 rniw8u,,0,if you got into a good university in the U.S or Canada or whatever I wanted to know what extracurricular activities you did in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2021-12-24 09:37:42 rnjiit,,4,Tunisian state doesn’t have enough budget to pay its expenses and likely to have to resort to printing more dinars -> inflation increasing.,"""تونس تواجه إشكالا كبيرا في كيفية توفير الموارد في الداخل لأنّنا استنفذنا كلّ قدرات الجهاز البنكي والمالي الداخلي وتجاوزناها بكثير، حيث أنّ قدرات الجهاز البكي والمالي الداخلي في تونس كلّ سنة لا تتجاوز 3 مليار دينار سنويا بينما قانون المالية التكميلي يتضمن 8.1 مليار دينار، وهذا يحيلنا إلى تجاوز قدراتنا بكثير وهو أيضا دليل قاطع في أنّنا الآن نلتجئ إلى ما يسمى بـ ""طباعة المال",,,,,,2021-12-24 10:21:34 rnjlov,,9,What are some convenient products you wish you had in Tunisia,"For example DIY tools or any consumer products, foods, drinks.",,,,,,2021-12-24 10:28:23 rnjvmq,,1,Things to do with my girl on the weekend (Event / Camping … ) ?,I’m looking for dates ideas preferably in sousse / monastir,,,,,,2021-12-24 10:48:04 rnk9e7,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-24 11:13:44 rnkhkl,,0,Benefits of olive oil and olives,,,,,,,2021-12-24 11:29:12 rnkr1u,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-24 11:47:23 rnkzkz,,13,Tunisian Blog,"When you no longer can pay for a domain name (aka broke xD ), Github pages won't let you down. My ancient blogging website is down, for that reason I'm hosting my blog on Github, as an open source project ( you can use my code as a template for your blog and get going with blogging you as well) Finally, I would encourage any initiative that supports open source projects / blogging for example and I'm open to ideas like creating a bigger website for Tunisian bloggers for example where we can get maximum utility. If you like the idea you might as well share with me your blog url or you might know somebody who is keen on blogging and refer him to this post. Together we can make the greatest library of Tunisian blogs. Here's mine : [](",,,,,,2021-12-24 12:03:53 rnme9m,,8,What city did you enjoy the most in Tunisia and why ?,Wether you're a tourist or a Tunisian,,,,,,2021-12-24 13:30:56 rnmvvi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-24 13:59:20 rnr8nq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-24 17:50:53 rnr9ln,,1,Ben Ali used to crack down on religious people,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-24 17:52:20 rnroyh,,1,Vlog in Ain Mestir through the eyes of a local caveman,,,,,,,2021-12-24 18:14:30 rnrq6o,,1,Where can I get inactivated virus vaccine in sahel,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-24 18:16:19 rnrr0b,,10,Video youtube sur Tunisair,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-24 18:17:32 rnsgwg,,137,C'est confirmé : Kais Saïd Mahboul,,,,,,,2021-12-24 18:56:43 rnsit8,,0,Forged vaccination pass,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-24 18:59:44 rnu38k,,1,🤲 for Y O U 💫 – ☆CREATOR_online☆,,,,,,,2021-12-24 20:22:46 rnuoi9,,1,Where can I get inactivated virus vaccine in sahel,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-24 20:54:49 ro4szd,,1,"Give the earth a second chance ❤️ a tunisian online store, i hope it goes viral ❤️",,,,,,,2021-12-25 07:13:13 ro5l11,,0,"This guy knows everything, can never be wrong and will never apologise! - Mufti Menk",,,,,,,2021-12-25 08:09:27 ro5zad,,9,"""Les Voitures Populaires""","Hey everyone ! Can anyone tell me what these cars are all about, why they're cheaper and how to buy them ? (Plus any tricks or things that I should keep in mind). Thank you 💚",,,,,,2021-12-25 08:38:41 ro6b3j,,2,"If 100 people lived in the Arab League, where would they live?",,,,,,,2021-12-25 09:03:25 ro6cui,,1,Where can I find lactic acide ?,,,,,,,2021-12-25 09:07:22 ro7ufk,,555,we're going backwards,,,,,,,2021-12-25 11:03:16 ro8z7d,,9,Seeking an internship in Tunisia,"As we grow old, we start to feel the weight of personal responsibilities more and more every day. This is my final college year and I want to dive into the professional world, get paid, and finally enjoy that sweet financial independence. But sadly, there are no opportunities, in finance/economics at least. Looked left and right for a job/paid internship but recruiters are looking for these crazy criterias mainly x years of experience in the field. Can someone advise me on where can I find a job/paid internship related to finance/economics in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2021-12-25 12:30:07 ro95of,,8,Getting,So I built a pc on []( and I want to get the parts from Amazon but I heard people say that the Douane fees are high. Is there any way to ship them to Tunisia without paying so much?,,,,,,2021-12-25 12:42:55 ro9def,,1,vaccine pass,Your thoughts on the obligation of the vaccination pass ?,,,,,,2021-12-25 12:58:36 ro9s8r,نحنا_أسيادكم_مش_أخواتكم/,0,نحنا أسيادكم مش أخواتكم 🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-25 13:26:23 ro9xe6,,1,Will get fired soon because i'am against getting a jab that won't work,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-25 13:36:04 roatf8,,0,🔥🏳️‍🌈🔥,,,,,,,2021-12-25 14:32:59 robtbw,,2,Shooting range or learning how to use a gun,"I'm interested in learning how to handle a gun (just for the fun of it, I've got no enemies, yet :v ) Is it possible, and if so, where? Other than military ofc :3",,,,,,2021-12-25 15:36:08 roch4b,,5,English daycares in Tunis,"Bonjour! Canadian family moving to Tunis for work and we'll be looking for an English speaking daycare for our little ones (ages 2 &3). Done the Google search of course but hoping for someone with a personal experience. Our preference, ideally, is for locations not far from La Marsa or Berges du Lac. Thank you!",,,,,,2021-12-25 16:15:56 rochz1,,2,From where can i buy a customized pendant please,,,,,,,2021-12-25 16:17:27 rocqnp,,78,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-25 16:31:39 rody2z,,1,‏نداء إلى سيادة الرئيس ‎قيس سعيد: ملف فساد في ‎تونس لوزير التعليم العالي السابق شهاب بودن ومرتزقته قاموا بتسميمي وحاولوا التغرير بي وتفجيري ويلاحقوني إلى اليوم,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-25 17:41:10 roe30c,,0,‏نداء إلى سيادة الرئيس ‎قيس سعيد: ملف فساد لوزير التعليم العالي السابق شهاب بودن ومرتزقته قاموا بتسميمي وحاولوا التغرير بي وتفجيري ويلاحقوني إلى اليوم,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-25 17:48:59 roebxm,نداء_إلى_سيادة_الرئيس_قيس_سعيد_ملف_فساد_لوزير/,0,نداء إلى سيادة الرئيس قيس سعيد: ملف فساد لوزير التعليم العالي السابق شهاب بودن ومرتزقته,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-25 18:03:05 roevy2,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-25 18:37:20 rofpzt,يوم_مفتوح/,5,"Is tomorrow a ""يوم مفتوح""?",,,,,,,2021-12-25 19:25:21 roh4e1,,1,😂,,,,,,,2021-12-25 20:46:41 rohqpn,,3,Immigration to Canada,"Hey guys, I was wondering what are the possibilities for someone with a law degree to immigrate to Canada, I'm willing to work any job as long as I get the fuck out of here. I'm curious about how much it costs, if anyone of my fellow Tunisian know the procedures and costs please enlighten me.",,,,,,2021-12-25 21:21:39 rokl9v,,3,"Netflix , gift cards provider","Heyy fellow tunisians I want to ask about a trusted website or provider of netflix account , gift cards... In tunisia please let me know and thanks.",,,,,,2021-12-26 00:00:56 romtjj,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-26 02:07:53 rooroq,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2021-12-26 04:00:18 ros8v0,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-26 07:43:46 ros9r0,الشركات_الاهلية/,1,الشركات الاهلية,"Hello everyone, I’m posting this just to get your opinion regarding the new type of companies our lunatic of a president is intend to create, what is going to happen once these companies are here? I own a startup in Tunisia and I seriously fear an economic collapse due to this type of archaic companies",,,,,,2021-12-26 07:45:41 rosgyi,,15,Opinion on tattoos,"What do Tunisians think of tattoos? Not cultural ones, regular modern ones.",,,,,,2021-12-26 08:00:46 rouiei,,3,Where can i find those items/ ball you place in your mouth and chew to build jaw muscles?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-26 10:35:29 rovd76,,16,Today I tasted Doritos for the first time.,"Since I live in a shitty third world country, I don't always find these things in our stores but today I found it but it wasn't worth all the hype to be honest. Lay's is so much better. What else you think I should try or look for?",,,,,,2021-12-26 11:40:25 rovi99,,7,Do we have this bread in Tunisia if so what it is called ?,,,,,,,2021-12-26 11:51:15 rovlc4,,0,My thoughts on the obligation of the vaccination pass,,,,,,,2021-12-26 11:57:52 rowsxh,,88,Did you know that Tunisian dialect can be perfectly translatable on FB like this 😐?,,,,,,,2021-12-26 13:20:14 rowwk9,,26,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-26 13:26:36 roy0v7,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-26 14:31:41 roy71i,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-26 14:41:12 royfnx,,6,"Are there vacination centers that do vaccinations every day?, what are my options to get vaccinated ASAP, I feel really dumb and desperate at this point...","I had corona about 4 months ago, and I thought that since I had natural immunity I didn't have to get vaccinated right nows As soon as I heard that vaccination will be mandatory for exams and stuff I freaked out and I signed up on Evax about a month ago but they're yet to send me a message... I kept trying to get vaccinated on open days but I literally couldn't move and, last week I went pretty early, yet people were waiting since 6 in the morning but I also had a bad cold they refused to vaccinate me ... Today I went and there were people causing problems in the center near me so they stopped giving numbers and shit went crazy Now I'm desperate I have to get vaccinated before next week else I won't be able to pass exams please if anyone has any advice on what I can do would be really appreciated...",,,,,,2021-12-26 14:55:00 royphb,,1,Israel plans to double settlements in the occupied Golan Heights,,,,,,,2021-12-26 15:09:52 rozok5,,1,Amazing how differently people from western countries react to how much their language was influenced by Arabic,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-26 16:01:27 rp0kav,,0,Free movies with English substiles site,What good sites do you know that streams movies with english substiles?,,,,,,2021-12-26 16:45:30 rp1vts,,5,What Arab/Tunisian indie/rock band do you recommend,So I've been sleeping on Arab indie/rock since forever because i thought arabic music was shit (the mainstream ones still are). Until recently when i stumbled upon Jadal (jordan band i think?) and their music is topnotch. If you know any Arab band like them or like Mashrou leila/Yuma that have that kind of sound and that's not known can you please recommend it?,,,,,,2021-12-26 17:48:58 rp265c,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-26 18:02:03 rp2gxs,,9,Which one is more lethal?,,,,,,,2021-12-26 18:16:15 rp2lxx,,7,Looking for Menstrual Cups,"Hello beautiful people, Does anyone know where one could find menstrual cups and how much would they be for? Thanks in advance. :)",,,,,,2021-12-26 18:22:45 rp2ttx,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-26 18:33:22 rp3myh,,20,Bizerte,,,,,,,2021-12-26 19:12:48 rp4oxn,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-26 20:06:13 rp5loh,,5,where and when will the mall of Sfax be open?,"I'm not from Sfax, but I study there. there's no way you can have fun in there so I'm kind of looking forward to this, especially the cinema.",,,,,,2021-12-26 21:01:09 rp82r1,,3,tunisia car inport tax,How is the inport tax on cars,,,,,,2021-12-26 22:56:52 rp91fc,,14,Side hustles? Please help,"Im 15 and im the absolute definition of broke as fuckkkkk, like i don't have a bed to sleep on, and since we don't have paypall and i sadly don't have exprience. Is there any side hustle i can get?",,,,,,2021-12-26 23:41:45 rpa376,,3,Where can I find the Turkish horror movie KABIR AZABI ?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 00:34:12 rpcf6b,,16,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 02:32:13 rpj734,,1,thoughts ?,,,,,,,2021-12-27 08:55:30 rple23,,24,Anyone interested in chess and wants to play ?,"Basically title if enough people are interested maybe we could make a dissocrd server and have online tournaments? UPDATE : Join the discord server:",,,,,,2021-12-27 11:19:28 rpmjeo,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 12:30:47 rpo8wa,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 14:05:49 rppe0r,,93,Bless Tunisia's Geography,,,,,,,2021-12-27 15:04:13 rppvqo,,2,Runpay edinar,Do i have to be verified on runpay to use edinar card cause there's no option to use it while i'm not verified.,,,,,,2021-12-27 15:27:47 rpquo6,,11,Archery,"I'm looking for clubs or associations specialized in archery, preferably in Sousse but I don't mind Tunis either. I'm vaguely aware of the horseback riding scene, but, I'm looking for something different here: Not the clubs dedicated to younger folks with competition-oriented curriculums. I prefer something regular but laid back and mostly for leisure. Is there anything like this around? I appreciate any input.",,,,,,2021-12-27 16:14:18 rpr1kp,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 16:23:08 rpr8ik,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 16:32:09 rprhkq,,1,Nejla Belhaj - Hezz Ayounek - Slowed & Reverb,,,,,,,2021-12-27 16:43:47 rptkyt,,8,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 18:18:17 rpu1sl,,8,Help ..,"Can a BTP/BTS student apply for a scholarship or not ? Edit .. im currently a BTP student and I'm going to finish my BTS degree and also the bachelor degree (that's possible)",,,,,,2021-12-27 18:38:50 rpuq4j,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 19:08:39 rpvs6k,,2,In need of a blogger,"Do you guys know any blogger based in nabeul ? Any info would help , thank you!",,,,,,2021-12-27 19:56:04 rpwp9y,,1,Schau dir „Supertramp – Don’t Leave Me Now Legendado.“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2021-12-27 20:37:09 rpygqu,مصطلح_تونسي/,6,مصطلح تونسي,شو يعني تبيلو او Tubilo؟,,,,,,2021-12-27 21:57:22 rpz2s9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 22:24:25 rpz61m,,11,CHESS UPDATE,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-27 22:28:28 rq24qy,,1,2021 mercedes maybach gls 600 test drive,,,,,,,2021-12-28 00:47:05 rq64ik,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-28 04:00:12 rqa6n8,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-28 07:37:54 rqclkc,,2,Tuntrust and tuneps,"Salem chabeb, 3andi société w 3malt clé mta3 tuntrust mais ltaw le fhemt kifeh enajem ncharek fel الصفقات العمومية Svp ken fama chkoun 3andou fekra w ynajem y3aweni me yob5olch 3liya Et merci",,,,,,2021-12-28 10:08:16 rqdoek,,1,Sfax car rental,"Hey, anyone have any tips or contacts? Looking to rent a car for a couple weeks, I know online is overpriced or impossible. Can I find something below 70TND/day ?",,,,,,2021-12-28 11:21:19 rqe1ff,,1,If Logan Freeman was Tunisian,,,,,,,2021-12-28 11:44:53 rqewuf,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-28 12:36:05 rqeye5,,2,registering car,hi anyone have an idea how to register smuggeld cars ?,,,,,,2021-12-28 12:38:36 rqfs6o,,3,Is there an active tunisian gaming discord ?,"Hello everyone , i was wondering if there is a good discord for gamers in tunisia , like a community who people can play together .",,,,,,2021-12-28 13:22:39 rqfvoc,,42,Thoughts? Opinions?,,,,,,,2021-12-28 13:27:54 rqhh07,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-28 14:48:18 rqhi3y,,3,Importing cars to Tunisia,"Hey everybody, I am asking about the different ways a Tunisian citizen can import a car to his country.",,,,,,2021-12-28 14:49:45 rqhyv5,,0,Musique Libre de Droit Vlog et Vlogmas - SUBODH SU2 - Lite Flow,,,,,,,2021-12-28 15:11:44 rqjs28,,31,اللون الأزرق الرائع,,,,,,,2021-12-28 16:36:02 rqlbou,,2,Where to fix my graphic tablet's pen.,My parblo a640 graphic tablet's pen stopped working after it fell down. I believe it can be fixed by a professional. Does anyone knows where to fix it. If so please let me know my whole career depends on it.,,,,,,2021-12-28 17:47:12 rqm05x,,11,Advice for a desperate person.,"I have a bachelor's degree in IT (with average results, the typicial I was a brilliant student that didn't need to study to get great marks, then university hits hard and you realize you don't have the needed mindset/habits to study) I took a year off due to depression after getting my diploma thinking I'd be able to get my shit together but unfortunately it got worse. Suicidal thoughts everyday, staying in bed, not being able to do anything due to low energy and all that good stuff. The year went by just like that. I was pressured to apply to a masters degree, so I did, I got accepted into an IT related field. I studied for a year and a half, it kept my mind busy but I was still struggling with depression. It went downhill the 2nd year since we're required to do an internship. Due to low self esteem and poor communication skills, my applications were denied and I didn't meet the deadline so I failed that semester and I had to wait another year for the next 'internship season'. As usual, depression grew worse, I wasn't able to do anything for another year. To rub salt into the wound, I wasn't able to get an internship again due to the previous reasons and the fact that I have 2 gap years in my CV, also I have no connections, my CV doesn't stand out so It is what it is. My prof managed to get me an internship before the deadline, but it didn't go well, my supervisor ended up ghosting me, and I was blamed for not being able to get into contact with them regardless of my countless efforts to do so. There were issues with the project objectives, they didn't tell me what to do about them, so I improvised and I tried to work with what they provided me. Now I can't get my training certificate since I didn't do what they asked, and basically I'm getting kicked from the masters since I already 'failed' for 2 years. At this point, I stopped caring about the diploma, I really want to live but I don't know how to, I'm afraid of getting 'blacklisted' because of this damned internship, and I don't want to apply to a private university since it'll be burdensome on the family (that's if I get accepted in the first place), everything seems unreachable whatever I do. I want to stop fighting for this stupid diploma, drop everything and fix my depression, whatever I say or do I'll always end up being wrong since 'they're always right and the student is always wrong'. Please help me.",,,,,,2021-12-28 18:17:42 rqntgp,,4,Helpp,,,,,,,2021-12-28 19:40:45 rqnwbm,,1,Where can I buy this for my room please guys,,,,,,,2021-12-28 19:44:28 rqnwg8,,1,Hello,What do you guys think about the new financial law of 2022?,,,,,,2021-12-28 19:44:37 rqnzkz,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-28 19:48:37 rqobhb,,0,Apps like tinder in tunisia but only for hooking up,I just wonder if there is apps like tinder here only for hooking up or something like that without the pain in the ass of knowing somebody and go through relationship and stuff,,,,,,2021-12-28 20:03:50 rqoc2b,,7,"LASIK SURGERY IN TUNISIA ,how was your experience ?","Anyone got LASIK surgery in tunisia (ps : LASIK, which stands for laser in-situ keratomileusis, is a popular surgery that can correct vision in people who are nearsighted or farsighted, )? if so what's your experience ?where did you get it done ,at what cost ,healing process, and do you recommend doing it in tunisia ?",,,,,,2021-12-28 20:04:34 rqoxqg,,3,Where can I buy this pls,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-28 20:32:06 rqppv7,,1,Schau dir „Right Here Waiting — 30th Anniversary of Repeat Offender“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2021-12-28 21:06:42 rqq1kq,,1,anyone watched 90daysfiance on youtube !!! if not y'all need to watch it, [Danielle Throws the Book at Mohamed | 90 Day Fiance - YouTube](,,,,,,2021-12-28 21:21:32 rqq2ti,,1,La Grande-Bretagne est ferme pour empêcher Facebook d'acheter Giphy,,,,,,,2021-12-28 21:23:06 rqqyq6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-28 22:03:07 rqrk7b,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-28 22:29:47 rqrxbk,,7,Win najem naadi test d'anglais ASAP!,"Hey, bon manich bich ntawel aalikom barcha hachti b blassa win najem naadi feha test d'anglais maghir ma nakra maah anglais. El test hachti bih li vendredi bich naatih li fac fibelich elli lezem test d'anglais fekt ken tawa donc please ken taarfou blassa win najem juste naadi test de niveau w yaatiwni certification wela hata ken yaatiwni war9a tkoul elli ena bich naadi naarech ena par ex le 27 janvier normal najem tawa naati el convocation w mbaed nkhalet el test ki naadih. Kallouli najem nalka help lena lahkika nesstaamlch barcha reddit donc voilà ken taarfou blassa nejem ndaber menha convocation entaa test d'anglais wela win najem naadi fi nharetha el test koulouli and thx.",,,,,,2021-12-28 22:46:30 rqt3a5,,36,it do be like that,,,,,,,2021-12-28 23:37:45 rqv2wb,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 01:10:02 rqvaty,,5,Is South Africa (bigger cities) more developed than Tunisia?,When the bigger cities are compared. Interested into moving to either country. Thank you for your answers.,,,,,,2021-12-29 01:20:38 rqvgws,,2,Les clubs nautiques,Blhi chkun andou fekra ala les clubs nautiques f tounis ?!,,,,,,2021-12-29 01:28:37 rqw42l,,3,"The US vaccination card has no QR code, am I allowed to enter Tunisian territory assuming I test negative?",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-29 02:00:05 rr22wr,,1,Schau dir „Dido – White Flag (Live at Brixton Academy)“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2021-12-29 07:12:15 rr2yji,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 08:07:06 rr4qne,,5,Need Urgent Advice,I have a family member that went to France this holiday and he now wants to stay there (he is 16). Anyone knows what are his options to be eligible for (carte de sejour) because I have heard some horrible stories of people getting kicked as soon as they hit their 18th birthday,,,,,,2021-12-29 10:03:35 rr5q3n,,12,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 11:06:06 rr60bs,,1,"Help finding to find a job ( commercial/ delivery, etc..)",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-29 11:22:54 rr61zz,,1,"I need help finding a job ( commercial/ delivery , etc..) I have my own commercial car",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-29 11:25:51 rr6dq0,,7,Investing as a student,How/where can I invest my money as a 23yo student who lives in Tunisia,,,,,,2021-12-29 11:45:59 rr6e6d,,1,Any csgo players?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-29 11:46:49 rr6ra0,,6,My neighbours Radhouen and Nadia just launched their permaculture project !,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-29 12:08:56 rr75hb,الروز_وقتاه_يرجع_ياخي/,1,الروز وقتاه يرجع ياخي,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-29 12:31:11 rr832s,,67,Tunisian Media LoL,,,,,,,2021-12-29 13:22:30 rr90kt,,1,SIB Telecom 2021,Did someone went there? Worth going?,,,,,,2021-12-29 14:10:30 rr94a0,,1,فلسطين ماشي خاونا؟,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-29 14:15:24 rr9o2d,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 14:41:34 rr9tj5,,15,"20 yo, a girl,introvert, tunisian and wanna start skateboarding is that possible?","help, lol",,,,,,2021-12-29 14:48:57 rra63v,,8,I'm a Pesiron in my head ...,,,,,,,2021-12-29 15:04:25 rraj25,,1,Can someone please tell me that a part of tunisia's land was taken by the French and they gave it to algeria isn't a real thing? Nahhh they better give it back,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-29 15:20:42 rrakxi,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 15:22:52 rraocm,,13,i just want your opinions,"so guys ive been scrolling through google and reading dome facts about Tunisia so l9it l paragraph hedhi ((According to the police, they were found ""in an indecent position"". ""In Tunisia, kissing your girlfriend can cost you four and a half months in prison… and the beating will cost you absolutely nothing,” wrote one Tunisian on Facebook. ""An umpteenth couple thrown into prison for exchanging a kiss in public)) what do u think about it ?",,,,,,2021-12-29 15:27:23 rrcl7x,,1,Schau dir „Brian May – Love Of My Life“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2021-12-29 16:50:32 rrdimu,,1,Covid-19: The Saudi authorities are reimposing the rules of social distancing in the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque,,,,,,,2021-12-29 17:29:26 rregss,,4,Why can't I just have wifi at home,"I don't understand why it's so difficult to install wifi in my home, I am a morrocan med student who recently moved to tunisia (Tunis) and I have been trying with every operator to try and establish an adsl or even fibre optiques line, if anyone can help me pls.",,,,,,2021-12-29 18:09:10 rrelqx,,0,Hope me,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 18:14:43 rrfcz2,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 18:45:51 rrg9hv,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 19:23:21 rrgclc,,1,Where can I find hot water bottles's covers,,,,,,,2021-12-29 19:27:01 rrgyif,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 19:52:02 rrixjf,,2,Business,Ideas for New small business?!,,,,,,2021-12-29 21:14:38 rrj0ra,,5,Jtm Ma Tunisie 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2021-12-29 21:18:32 rrj5mn,,1,Facebook banning accounts today,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-29 21:24:06 rrjc3e,,1, : يؤيد 69٪ من السكان الآن شراء خزينة كلمات المرور الخاصة بهم,,,,,,,2021-12-29 21:31:31 rrkdq8,,25,I cringe so hard and feel repelled when my gf starts talking with me about the sex she had with her exes. should I be worried that deep inside I am still conservative ?,"So I (23M) virgin, met a cute girl (20F) and we have been together for 3 weeks. She is virgin as well but had outercourse before unlike me. So she is more experienced and open to crazy stuff. Which is not the case for me. I am so open-minded about us having sex and I already told her that I don't care if she is virgin or not because I refuse to judge a girl based on bodily characteristics. However, when I talk with her about her exes and she would get into details of how they had sex with her. I get super uncomfortable and can't help but cringe so hard. I don't know the reason for that. It might be that I am being jealous or simply disgusted with the activities she had done. This is causing me an identity crisis because I always believed I am unlike the rest of the flock. I am open minded and secular and don't think that sex should be considered a wrongful thing because it's only natural. However, when she talks about how she had sex with her exes, I get a strong urge to leave or change the subject. Since we live in the same country and have few similarities, have you guys had a similar feeling to this when talking with your girlfriend about her previous sexual experiences ? Edit : I think that some of you are getting too judgmental and aggressive. I appreciated the comments with the actual advices more than the comments with passive judgment. The reason I made the post here and not in r/relationship_advice, is because I wanted to know if my feelings are similar to those of you so I could logically determine if they are the byproduct of something beyond my control namely religion, societal norms, traditions... Unfortunately, I am at a point where I completely distrust my system and have to distinguish reasonable feelings and intentions from unreasonable ones. Comparing my feelings to those of others (that share similarities with me) helps me pinpoint the reasons I am feelings this way and change them if need be. My gf didn't talk about her previous sexual experiences because she felt like it. I asked her intentionally because I wanted to dig deeper into those feelings I can't control and understand the reasons behind them. I wanted to know If my repulsion was induced by sexual frustration, possessiveness, or jealousy and see if those could be controlled or removed. Some of you say that feelings of repulsion are normal because they are natural in this case. But some of those ""natural feelings"" are what moves some people to commit homicide. In middle eastern cultures such ""natural feelings"" are the foundation of traditions that force genital mutilation on women. Natural feelings shouldn't be trusted and human beings should learn to alter and change those feelings according to reason. That's what I am trying to do and that's what's causing me this crisis which I intend to solve desperately by asking questions here.",,,,,,2021-12-29 22:15:04 rrkhb1,,8,POLITICS,"so who's gonna participate in this so called "" المنصة الإلكترونية المتعلقة بالاستشارة الشعبية "" and what are your thoughts about it my pov : well i'll be a bit optimistic here but and i think it can be a game changer for many text laws and stuff",,,,,,2021-12-29 22:19:24 rrly5r,,7,Normal bank account Vs Digital bank account with Attijari (WEBANK),"So I ll be starting an internship soon and my employers required a bank account number. Since I only have saving bank accounts and can't receive the wages there I have to create a new one. I did some enquiries, I can choose between opening a normal bank account with STB or the second option: digital bank account called WEBANK with Attijar Bank. Is anyone familiar with the latter? they say that they don't charge any fees and even the credit card is totally free.",,,,,,2021-12-29 23:22:44 rrnlhb,,1,"For those who still believe that The Ben Ali regime didn't jeopardize the Tunisia' future and waste 23 valuable years. This is Han Junjia, a Chinese Train conductor , 26 years apart",[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-30 00:36:09 rrnn3x,,54,"For those who still believe that the Ben Ali regime didn't jeopardize Tunisia's future and waste 23 valuable years. This is Han Junjia, a Chinese Train conductor , 26 years apart",,,,,,,2021-12-30 00:38:15 rrqg3m,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-30 02:49:59 rrxwid,,29,Can anyone suggest a nice place to pass the new year's eve with my wife and son in Tunis?,"Hello, I'm Algerian and staying with my wife and 1 year old in Tunis, was woundering if you guys can suggest a nice place (free or cheap, no hotels pls) to celebrate the new year's eve",,,,,,2021-12-30 09:40:28 rryp1g,,6,Tunisians who have/are studying in Austria,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-30 10:29:01 rs06s6,,4,need help,"ik this sounds shady af but i need this important file i can't get it without a credit card []( you can get a free trial but you need a credit card and since this is طونس i can't you can cancel anytime i'll appreciate your help",,,,,,2021-12-30 12:00:08 rs0zmn,,2,How do you hook up,"Hello How do you hookup here in Tunisia? Do you use dating apps? And if you are looking for the same gender how you find that?",,,,,,2021-12-30 12:46:07 rs17gc,,3,pls help me.,"aandi disque dur kdim fih hajet mohema aalekhr w manaarach kifeh I can get them back, I'm broke as fuck and I can't afford taking it to a tech guy, what exactly do I need in order to retrieve the files on it.",,,,,,2021-12-30 12:58:02 rs1bnl,,156,[Rules Update] Anyone spreading false information about Covid or Vaccines will be banned. Permanently.,"This is not the space to spread your misinformation. You can debate that you don't agree with it and you can say that you feel it's rushed but if you start putting easily debunked information, it will be removed and you will be banned. Permanently. This isn't for debate. This isn't for discussion. This is not your safe space and the freedom to speech does not exist here. If I think you are getting to the point that you're approaching a ban, I will warn you but if you persist, it will be a ban. If you don't like it, there is an unsubscribe button on the right. Feel free to use it.",,,,,,2021-12-30 13:03:42 rs1g4h,,8,Save your kids from the illuminati,,,,,,,2021-12-30 13:10:06 rs1lgw,,16,TOPSHIT,,,,,,,2021-12-30 13:17:48 rs1w0c,,5,Is it illegal to sell sex toys in Tunisia?,I know this sound lil bit weird but not sure if it is legal or not to make a public facebook page and sell sex toys ect.. the laws kinda shady and not clear and I don't wanna get in trouble,,,,,,2021-12-30 13:32:09 rs21jq,/r/jordan/comments/rrzpyp/best_countries_to_live_in_2021/,1,Best Countries To Live in 2021,,,,,,,2021-12-30 13:40:16 rs2bnl,,3,Psychiatrist in Tunisia to get a certificate,"Hello everyone , can you recommend me a psychiatrist that can give a certificate to testify that I'm depressed or sth so that I can take it to uni",,,,,,2021-12-30 13:54:12 rs49zi,,8,How was your experience with a psychiatrist/psychologist(private/public),,,,,,,2021-12-30 15:25:33 rs4a72,,3,Edinar runpay,Why can't i use my edinar card with runpay it even don't show me the option to use it.,,,,,,2021-12-30 15:25:48 rs5bl9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-30 16:11:24 rs5zwy,,3,Starlink (Elon Musk's satellite internet) will go into service in 2023. What do you think will be the Tunisian reaction:," [View Poll](",,,,,,2021-12-30 16:41:10 rs63zw,,6,"Out of loop, need details","I am reading on this sub that there is a new constitution being formed, is that true? All details, opinions and articles are welcomed.",,,,,,2021-12-30 16:46:07 rs6hyx,,1,criticizing a mod's action,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-30 17:02:56 rs7qvv,,0,Vaccinating is sus,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-30 17:56:02 rs89xk,,0,Yep,,,,,,,2021-12-30 18:18:01 rs8h5w,,182,"Manich njamma3, thama 3bed b 39alha",,,,,,,2021-12-30 18:26:33 rsbhpq,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-30 20:35:24 rscraw,,3,E-READER,Do you know where I can buy an E-reader in tunisia ? (Kindle specifically),,,,,,2021-12-30 21:30:06 rsdvcr,,1,"Same sex couples in Tunisia, how did you meet your SO?",[removed],,,,,,2021-12-30 22:18:38 rse1rs,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-30 22:26:38 rse31b,,1,Can I request you to like our kid's videos on their school facebook wall?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-30 22:28:17 rsekor,,7,saied blatantly lying,,,,,,,2021-12-30 22:50:03 rsemog,,8,"Tunisians in a same sex relationship, how did you meet your SO?",,,,,,,2021-12-30 22:52:25 rsgk3n,,0,TEENAGERS...,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-31 00:22:57 rskui9,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2021-12-31 04:00:13 rsoaot,,0,Looking for Tunisian dominatrix or sadistic girl?,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-31 07:22:24 rsoznm,,2,FYI Airtag and privacy & security…,,,,,,,2021-12-31 08:07:17 rspi4p,,1,🌐MIX „alan 阿蘭(阿兰) – 青藏高原 Tibetan Plateau 藏/中文版 Tibetan and Chinese version (2020環球綜藝秀)“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2021-12-31 08:42:01 rspox2,,58,Tunisians defending unlawful arrests ordered by Kais are dumb.,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-31 08:55:13 rspwux,,4,CS Internship in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-31 09:09:56 rspxoz,,0,curious thoughts,[removed],,,,,,2021-12-31 09:11:22 rsqz2z,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-31 10:21:50 rsr8j7,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-31 10:39:52 rsrks0,,0,Looking for dom girl ? ( if you delete my post again gonna post again backward admins),[removed],,,,,,2021-12-31 11:02:06 rsuz8v,,0,About the New COVID-19 Rule in the subreddit,"Who the fuck decides what is fake and what is accurate ? Do people get to justify their comment before being banned ? Who made moderators Specialists on SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19 to decide who to ban and on what grounds ? Shouldn't this be an open space for discussion instead of inforcing one hard line based on X or Y moderator's opinions ? And then you Complain about Saayed fucking the democracy in its ass ? Obviously any person with any semblance of power in this country tends to abuse of it. Why not him ... At least he was elected for the job by popular vote ... Who do the moderators of the subreddit get their power from ? or somehow people now believe in ""personal property"" as in ""I created the subreddit ---> I run it as I see fit"".",,,,,,2021-12-31 14:24:36 rsvlco,,3,We need to talk.,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-31 14:55:35 rswukk,,3,How to pay back my student loan?,"Hello, 3 years ago when I was studying I got a loan instead of a scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. How can I pay it back? Because AFAIK I must pay it back.",,,,,,2021-12-31 15:56:26 rsx437,,0,What should we do about the recent events?,What do you think normal ppl like us should do or say to let ppl around us know that dictatorship isn't the answer and democracy isn't the bad guy? If anything what is happening right now it's endangering our existence and it might take us to civil war!,,,,,,2021-12-31 16:08:43 rsy3zc,,1,🥳Feliz año nuevo🍀🍾🍸 „I Joined the Biggest New Year’s Dive of The Netherlands 🇳🇱“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2021-12-31 16:55:12 rsypuo,,25,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2021-12-31 17:22:45 rt0gvz,,0,Food delivery tonight in tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2021-12-31 18:46:38 rt0pf4,,3,Is there gonna be any cheap coffee shops that will be open tomorrow ?,"I need somewhere to stay for the day to study, any coffee shops or somewhere like that gonna be open ? I need it to be as cheap as possible and as close to LPA as possible. Thanks in advance",,,,,,2021-12-31 18:58:25 rt5j8q,,19,Happy New Year /r/Tunisia!,Hope everyone is celebrating safely and being responsible! What are your wishes for 2022?,,,,,,2021-12-31 23:00:15 rtak90,,88,Wait...,,,,,,,2022-01-01 03:34:34 rtb430,,0,A Different World - Mufti Menk,,,,,,,2022-01-01 04:07:27 rtevj0,,5,Is there a website you recommend to find pharmacie de garde on PH and weekends?, doesnt mention the day / date to be reliable imo,,,,,,2022-01-01 08:10:41 rtexma,,0,كروان الماء رهيز,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-01 08:14:42 rtfitd,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 08:56:01 rtib28,,3,What are the best earphones under 30DT available in Tunis?,"Ik the sound won't be great since 30DT products for us are actually worth 5$ because of the being born tunisian tax, but I've been using the good old 5DT earphones that sound like shit and break after 2 months for years now, so anything is an upgrade. So what are the best earphones under 30DT here that sound okayish but more importantly are durable, if there's anything worth at all under that price?",,,,,,2022-01-01 12:14:36 rtitjt,,0,Sabrina Claudio - Problem With You (Official Acoustic Video),,,,,,,2022-01-01 12:49:55 rtj5jk,,0,A cool gift for my shawty's birthday,What you suggest to me (around 100D),,,,,,2022-01-01 13:10:49 rtkql9,,3,Tunisia has arrested a senior member of ennahdha party.," The vice chairman of ennahdha and a close associate of Rached Ghannouchi, the Islamist party's leader and the president nemisis, was arrested Friday.",,,,,,2022-01-01 14:44:18 rtkv86,,2,In what to invest in tunis with few millions ?,,,,,,,2022-01-01 14:51:53 rtm2b9,,1,Schau dir „用11種不同演繹方式唱天路,真棒“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2022-01-01 15:56:28 rtn801,,34,Low effort : the enemy of my enemy isn’t always my ally,,,,,,,2022-01-01 16:54:27 rtnb8y,,4,على غرار ملكة بنزرت,,,,,,,2022-01-01 16:59:03 rtncuy,,5,Do Tech recruiters consider software engineers website portfolios as a plus in Tunisia ?,"Hey I m freshly graduated software eng trying to land my first job as a frontend or fullstack eng So to bump up my chances and show off I decided to make a portfolio. I ve been watching a lot of youtubers especially americans and portfolios seem to be so crucial when applying but none of my friends have any or I don't think a lot of tunisian devs consider it. So from an HR or tech recuiter is that a plus to have would it garuantee getting an interview at least?",,,,,,2022-01-01 17:00:54 rto40w,,43,Some fun /r/Tunisia 2021 Statistics,"Subscriber Count January 1st, 2021: 16,010 Subscriber Count January 1st, 2022: 37,692 This is seriously impressive to have doubled subscribers in a year. Posts Per Hour January 1st, 2021: .7 Posts Per Hour January 1st, 2022: .9 I have to say, expected more in this area. I think this may have to do with tighter rules and people not posting all their pictures anymore. Top post of the year at 322 upvotes: [\_supporting\_tunisia\_found\_this\_in\_walmart\_in\_usa/]( The most pageviews in 2021: December - 418,503 The most unique visits in 2021: July - 25,637 The most comments in 24 hours: July 26th - 518 The most posts in one day: December 14th - 98 (WOW!) July 25th came in second for most posts with 64. &#x200B; I'll edit in more as I go through the data",,,,,,2022-01-01 17:37:01 rtoh30,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 17:54:33 rtpd37,,0,About the Covid-19 Vaccine Pass,"What the fuck is happening? even our basic rights are being stepped on and not many seem to bother. Politicians are talking about freedom but what I'm seeing is the complete opposite, like I don't even have the choice to decide what goes into my body. the creator of pfizer himself admitted that the vaccine can bring more harm than good and yet, i'm not allowed to pass my exams without vaccine. I lived 2 whole fucking years without getting infected or infecting anybody (i'm an introvert tho) and still at the end forced to inject a rushed vaccine that is not well tested. Fuck this country and the shitty assholes ruling it.",,,,,,2022-01-01 18:36:45 rtptsi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 18:59:03 rtpuno,,39,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 19:00:09 rts151,,8,Is it me or the stray dogs problem in this country is getting out of control Why none taking actions.. is there a shelter or anything we can help these dogs to be safe and stay out of the streets ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-01 20:42:20 rtt1kd,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 21:29:24 rtukqi,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 22:40:27 rtvovx,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 23:33:16 rtvsik,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 23:38:08 rtvyw2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-01 23:46:40 rtvzvf,,2,Tunisian Time Capsule: Share ONE thing you believe the future generations should know about (2050+),"Share ONE thing you believe the future generations should know about (2050+). I will submit this thread later to the Wayback Machine to be included in the the Internet Archive. I will start: **- Without audit nor control on the public spending, anything paid with taxpayers money was expected to suck, be inefficient ,low quality, and basically a waste of resources. Government employees are usually low tiers and uncapable of completing their tasks efficiently. Nepotism, bribes and ""system D"" are the hallmark of a Tunisian public institutions.** **ex:** [a sound technician nick named ""Jingle"" fixing the faulty sound system with a ""lou7a"" LIVE on PRIME-TIME NEWS](النسناس-508519922615485/videos/عسلامة-جنقل-حطلها-لوحة/698944866906322/?_rdr).",,,,,,2022-01-01 23:47:59 rtw66l,,3,Hobby shops in Mahdia?,"I'm really tired of my daily life...are there are hobby shops in Mahdia, especially ones that sell plastic models (not pre built) and equipment for modelling?",,,,,,2022-01-01 23:56:24 rtw8qy,,3,Skating in sousse ?,"So I'm a college student (suffering.jpeg) and I'm about to have me a bone tendering weekend full of exams. And then I see my good ol' skate that I got last year , which was unironically and quite literally my best friend last year when I got assigned to this shitty college that I hated and spiraled into a fairly dark plain of the abyssal depression. Philosophy aside , 3andi skate 3addit 3amnawel lkoll nal3ab and working on Reo , couldn't touch it during the summer cuz nowhere to play where I stay during summer , and I shit you not ,after months of skating in sousse I haven't met any skaters nor have I heard of any skating parks/areas that are pretty good for skating , I really want to perfect my crappy Ollie's again , help ?",,,,,,2022-01-01 23:59:55 rtxcjr,,5,Where to find posters,I'm looking for a mohamed Ali Klay poster to Hang in my room but idk where they're sold I live in grand tunis,,,,,,2022-01-02 00:53:36 ru0zig,,2,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2022-01-02 04:00:13 ru3uj5,,13,"I need help finding rings like this in tunisia. I want rings like this but i think they don't even exist in tunisia, can you guys help me find them?",,,,,,,2022-01-02 06:43:25 ru5i1n,,5,Online teaching platforms,"I'm wondering if we have online teaching platforms to give private lessons for primary school students. LMK if you have an answer please",,,,,,2022-01-02 08:38:07 ru6h1s,,2,Museums opened today?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-02 09:49:14 ru8ueg,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-02 12:39:45 ru8ylj,,28,what's your imaginary plan to make Tunisia great ?,eeconomic/political...,,,,,,2022-01-02 12:47:27 ru9tsj,,4,Upcoming referendum,"it's been reported that we will answering 30 questions in the upcoming referendum, presumably about 30 topics, what do u guys think those topics would be? As far as ive heard the vote would immediately translate to law",,,,,,2022-01-02 13:40:57 ru9y5j,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-02 13:47:52 ruafu5,,3,Domestic animals care/adoption centers,We have about 7 cats and we can no longer take care of them 😔 are there any good adoption centers nearby Tunis?,,,,,,2022-01-02 14:14:28 ruage1,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-02 14:15:16 ruatuu,,1,COIN App legit XYO currency cloud mining (Android/iOS),,,,,,,2022-01-02 14:35:48 rucsw1,شنوا_أقتراحاتكم/,6,شنوا أقتراحاتكم ؟,أنا نخدم مع عمي في مغازة مواد غذائية و نحب نستقل وحدي عندي 9 ملاين راس مال شنواى انجم نحل بيهم ؟,,,,,,2022-01-02 16:11:05 rueabu,,0,wanna get vaccinated,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-02 17:19:13 rufa4b,,1,my 1. Design 2022,,,,,,,2022-01-02 18:03:20 rufz09,,15,can you point out anything you don't like please?,,,,,,,2022-01-02 18:34:09 rui80a,,5,يا له من موسيقى ، الصمت!,,,,,,,2022-01-02 20:12:58 ruihs8,,3,What rock/metal bands you're listening to these days?,,,,,,,2022-01-02 20:25:13 rujcpt,,23,Are illegal immigrants that bad for the country/economy ??,"So my dad and i got into an argument about sub Saharan Africans(who get into the country illegally) being in tunsian and how bad they affect the economy (cause we're seeing a lot more of them lately especially here f sa7il ) And my dad is working in the finance filled as a tax inspector (so i couldn't argue a lot with him) he told me that they are overall bad for the economy mainly i got these arguments or some variation of it + Not paying taxes + Getting المواد المدعمة that are covered by tax money + Public transport that is also covered by tax money > So not paying taxes and getting products/services covered by tax money which are supposed to go to the people who pay taxes aka citizens But he acknowledged that they have some benefits mainly + They work jobs tunisians usually don't do + And they accept any amount of paying so they make production cheaper So my question here, are they that bad for economy cause i really don't see them as that mush of a problem and can I get some arguments to defend my position ?",,,,,,2022-01-02 21:02:38 rujhrb,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-02 21:08:50 rujtie,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-02 21:26:17 rulk8l,,2,For Chess enthusiasts,Are there any chess clubs or leagues in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-01-02 22:41:23 rum3u0,,1,Le pyramide,,,,,,,2022-01-02 23:05:10 runahf,,2,Une hausse de 50 millimes sur le prix de la baguette( photo) ! - Tunisie,,,,,,,2022-01-02 23:58:06 ruodla,,33,Self esteem problems.,"Hi... So basically I'm an 18 yo boy who has never had a real intimate experience with a girl before (i hug my girl friends and we kiss hello and goodbye like any normal friends) what i mean is that i have never kissed or ever been close to kissing a girl,i know that this is a common problem among tunisian/arabic youth (not having any sexual experience before marriage) for both girls and boys but i feel that it's been really messing with my self esteem and mental (feeling ugly,having a weird personality,Etc...)Seeing a most of my friends have their first relationship experience. Mind you that i feel like a completely normal person (i dress and look normal and i talk normal i think anyway 🤣) (WARNING:THIS IS NOT E-BEGING) just your casual 1:00AM existential crisis Anyone having the same problems?? If so any advice??",,,,,,2022-01-03 00:47:54 ruof3s,,3,Self esteem problems.,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 00:49:49 rv0ax3,,3,Sex toys finally ! Thank me later 😘,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-03 12:09:35 rv17hm,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 13:00:58 rv2evp,,36,"Hello , i need help with a survey about mental health in Tunisia","I'm currently taking part in building a mental health related project in Tunisia, and i would highly appreciate it if you can take this [survey](, we made sure to make it as short as possible, also feel free to discuss the topic in the comments below 💜",,,,,,2022-01-03 14:03:51 rv3e5o,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 14:52:01 rv5yt6,,0,Looking for a talented nft Desiigner and Blockchain dev from Tunisia,"Hello, I am Tunisian willing to come back to the country soon. I want to start project about nfts and crypto field. I'm looking for a talented 2D or 3D designer with knowledge of generating nft collection. It will be a good opportunity for us we can build a team together. If anyone knows what I'm talking about or have a suggestion for a Designer please contact me for more detail. Thank you. شكرا",,,,,,2022-01-03 16:44:15 rv62du,,1,Did i get the job or not ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 16:48:34 rv64u3,,1,looking for a companionship to play some siege ( r6 ) with mostly :d,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 16:51:28 rv824r,,1,Is there a shop that sells handmade kitchen knifes in the Sa7il region or in Tunis.,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 18:14:33 rv8wvr,,1,constant headaches during exams period !,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 18:51:26 rv97gz,,0,Are curvy women like this attractive in Tunisia? 🤔🤔🤔,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-03 19:03:42 rva5u2,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 19:44:57 rvaawq,,1,Immunization Records,"Anybody has an idea how to get the immunization record in Tunisia ? And where from? Im talking about the immunization record and not the vaccinal passport.",,,,,,2022-01-03 19:51:04 rvagb8,,7,Basketball club,"Can anyone give me good basketball clubs that are max 20 minutes away from choutrana 3, in marsa or lac or aouina or soukra, thanks",,,,,,2022-01-03 19:57:35 rvaqza,,12,What should I want?,"So fellow Tunisians I need advice. I’m in the states and a family member is coming soon and wants to bring me stuff. The issue is I really can’t think of anything. So, I’m wanting suggestions. If you were me and have been in the US for awhile away from Tunisia, what would you want? And I know it’s like the flavor of the month but please nobody mention sex toys.",,,,,,2022-01-03 20:10:28 rvbslf,,1,buying a chess board,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 20:55:38 rvclf7,,6,Kinda lonely,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-03 21:30:55 rvcpxo,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 21:36:26 rvd54w,,0,TRADING STOCKS,"As a Tunisian resident I've wanted to know the legality of trading US stocks , I've found a broker that accepts Tunisians but is it possible to wire money from a Tunisian bank account to an international one ?",,,,,,2022-01-03 21:55:01 rveo3x,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-03 23:01:13 rvgnjs,,1,Advice needed on a potential date who happens to be a Tunisian girl living abroad,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-04 00:32:27 rvl0b4,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-01-04 04:00:12 rvpcgd,,27,"I am from India,looking forward to export products from India in huge quantity(tonnes), be it packaged food,frozen food,spices,textile products,industrial chemicals etc..Can someone please suggest few products which are always in demand in Tunisia? Your suggestions would be highly appreciated",,,,,,,2022-01-04 08:12:36 rvqa8e,,7,College student investment,"Hello guys, the title might be a little confusing but I wanted to ask if someone here tried doing some small investments while being in a colleges, I really wanna start investing money but as you probably know, as a 3rd world country college student i can't afford to buy 1000 of dollars worth of stock market, so if anyone have some tips on where to start i will be really greatful. ( Knowing that I have some family that lives abroad [France] if it can help)",,,,,,2022-01-04 09:18:32 rvrwwj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-04 11:07:52 rvsunx,,1,Food Delivery Guy (Part-time),[removed],,,,,,2022-01-04 12:03:35 rvyphc,,1,Hey can someone please tell me the basic requirements to leave the country and live somewhere else permanently ( tokyo-new york-california-berlin-rome-london-sydney ) at this point I'll take anything I'll even apply for a college there.. I just really have to leave like this life here isn't for me,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-04 16:43:42 rvyygz,,1,"So is mining crypto is tunisia illegal? If it is and its done anyway, can you get caught?",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-04 16:55:12 rw072b,,4,"[HELP] Did anyone here ever work remotely with a company in Europe (not France, English contract)?","So as the title says, I need help in figuring out the tax situation, cause as I understand it, in case of a permenant contract, the employer pays the taxes (this maybe completely wrong, if you couldn't tell already, I am clueless) Thank you everyone",,,,,,2022-01-04 17:48:16 rw09br,,0,Vaccination,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-04 17:51:03 rw0s6p,,13,Tunisia says security patrol attacked by person belonging to terrorist organization,,,,,,,2022-01-04 18:13:12 rw11ji,ïs_saïed_maneuvers/,24,Do you guys still support Kaïs Saïed maneuvers since July?,"I'm not tunisiam, but I remember at that time, i read a lot of comments of some tunisian redditors talking about how its a good thing that he wanted to combat corruption (even tho he suspended parliament, dismissed the prime minister). There was also something about Ennahdha or idk. Do you still feel that way or not?",,,,,,2022-01-04 18:24:19 rw1ilb,,1,how can i buy Netflix in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-04 18:45:12 rw1xkv,,3,"[Question] Do I need the 3rd booster to get into Tunisia, or is 2 enough?","Going to visit the place, I want to be sure I am respecting the rules there.",,,,,,2022-01-04 19:03:07 rw1xoy,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-04 19:03:15 rw6r80,,1,How do you improve your kids' French skills?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-04 22:34:52 rw7qg2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-04 23:19:58 rw7v99,,13,Cracking BAC in 5 months.," So there are a few months left for BAC, is it possible for an average student (13-14moy) to score 18-19moy in 5 months of intense/smart studying (let's say 10-12h per day)? If so id be glad to hear a story (maybe yours) of someone who actually managed to do it. Also, i'd appreciate some tips. Note:im BAC Math",,,,,,2022-01-04 23:25:54 rwddi6,,10,Best bank for a long term loan.,"Hello Tunredditors ! I am looking to open a bank account and start building credit in order to qualify for a long term loan as I do intend on investing in rental properties. Therefore, I am looking for a bank that offers good rates. Also how do I qualify for this kind of loans ? Looking forward for your answers !",,,,,,2022-01-05 03:52:41 rwhhgi,,1,"تونس‬⁩ تنشط ⁦‪في‬⁩ ""⁦‪اكسبو‬⁩ دبي"" ‏بعد ⁦‪احتفالية‬⁩ ⁦‪اليوم‬⁩ ⁦‪الوطني‬⁩ التونسي ⁦‪اليوم‬⁩ بإشراف وزيرة التجارة وتنمية الصادرات فضيلة الرابحي التي تترأس الوفد التونسي. ‏سيقام يوم الاربعاء يوم اقتصادي تونسي إماراتي لتعزيز التعاون الثنائي بين البلدين. I’m excited to see Tunisia’s branch",,,,,,,2022-01-05 07:50:41 rwknsr,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 11:20:34 rwktni,,71,Civil book 2nd high school page 154,,,,,,,2022-01-05 11:30:25 rwlxtp,,1,What's an overrated Tunisian dish ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 12:35:46 rwlxxe,,1,Summer internships,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 12:35:57 rwn73i,,1,Investing in stocks,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 13:42:48 rwo4iq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 14:26:08 rwq7is,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 16:03:39 rwqun2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 16:32:01 rwsn3v,,1,WWCC,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 17:51:23 rwti5t,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 18:27:56 rwtxbq,,1,Is there ANY way to make passive income in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 18:45:48 rwusa4,,2,Jumia takin too long,I ordered an SD January 1rst and tomorrow is the sixth day and it's still not shipped it's goin to gaz station then I'mma go and take it did jumia take this long to deliver your package,,,,,,2022-01-05 19:24:05 rww9fc,,1,Where to buy wigs ??,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 20:34:35 rwyfcc,,1,Question about Tunisian Paternity Law,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 22:21:49 rwz2v8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 22:49:52 rwzyqy,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-05 23:27:12 rx0um6,,1,How to improve/maintain your Credit Score in Tunisia (New Law)?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 00:05:59 rx8752,,1,🌐KÖNIGE 👑 2022 🌍🌎🌏 – ☆CREATOR_online☆,,,,,,,2022-01-06 06:57:11 rxbvw6,,1,Sweet Almonds,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 10:57:11 rxc3m7,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 11:09:38 rxcbaa,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 11:22:26 rxei4o,,1,Board games,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 13:22:52 rxgf32,,10,Cheap calls to UK,What’s the cheapest way to call a non-smart phone in the UK from Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-01-06 14:54:43 rxieva,,1,Clubs for bba students,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 16:21:45 rxngpo,,0,"searching for rent in ""cite olympique""",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 19:59:42 rxnrb3,,1,Travel agencies,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 20:12:22 rxoh63,,16,"Suggestions of books in French, fiction or otherwise, to read?","As the titles suggests, I'm looking for interesting books to read in French. I want to brush the dust off my French, but I don't want to pick a book that I wouldn't want to finish afterwards, and, frankly, I'm not the biggest fan of French literature. I enjoyed Satre's Huis clos and Camus' L'exil et le royaume for example; the classics (Zola, Balzac...), however, I'm not into them, and neither the modern stuff that revolves around the experience of the diaspora. So, have you read any book in french, that isn't what I just described, that you would recommend for me to read? Ah, one more thing: I would say my mastery of French stands at B2.",,,,,,2022-01-06 20:44:25 rxoo7v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 20:53:12 rxq3mu,,83,The people...,,,,,,,2022-01-06 21:56:40 rxqi5q,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 22:14:19 rxqnb9,,0,maybe maybe maybe,,,,,,,2022-01-06 22:21:03 rxr31h,,186,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 22:39:59 rxrrru,,1,Im crying every night because I’m back here,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-06 23:10:16 rxwgn2,,1,مثلث الرعب اللي بيدخل فيه مبيطلعش منه أبداً - ملخص فيلم مثلث الرعب النفسي و الغموض Triangle,,,,,,,2022-01-07 02:43:58 rxy1pv,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-01-07 04:00:19 ry1987,,7,Tunisian/maghreb people are so warm and friendly comparing to occidental people especially french.,,,,,,,2022-01-07 06:54:41 ry439h,,4,A couple question about applying for a visitor visa,"I'm an Egyptian male student who's planning to visit my girlfriend in Tunisia in April and I had a few questions about the visa: 1. A hotel reservation is required for the visa application, is an Airbnb reservation valid? 2. Will a رسالة توصية make a big difference in my application? And is it best if my girlfriend write it or would her mom be a better option? 3. I'll be getting the visa from the Tunisian embassy in Cairo, but there's a possibility that I might travel from the UAE. Will there be any complications? 4. How hard is it really for a male Egyptian student born in the UAE to obtain a Tunisian visa?",,,,,,2022-01-07 10:03:11 ry4hol,,1,guys i need your help please,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 10:30:43 ry65sr,,1,Algerian looking to move permanently to Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 12:18:32 ry67qw,,15,Algerian looking to move permanently to Tunisia,"Hello neighbors! Any tips you have for a 23 yo who is looking to move to tunisia? I don't have a degree but I do work online (remote software engineer). I get paid in euros, in Algeria I have to sell those in the black market (sells for 33% higher then converting currency in the bank). Is this a thing in Tunisia as well? How can I legally declare my activity as a remote worker? and would that grant me long term residency? How much is rent for a small apartment? And how much do you need to live comfortably in Tunisia? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-01-07 12:21:55 ry6jbq,,8,Living in Nabeul,"Sup reddit peeps I'm moving to Nabeul in a month. What are some mid/good areas to look into? How much rent should I expect to pay? (app s+1 s+2 meublé) What is the best ISP? What are some of the must know rules/customs? (if they exist) Public transport? Any other information is also very appreciated. Thanks for all input. ❤",,,,,,2022-01-07 12:41:10 ry6s31,,5,Clubs and organisations worth joining in Tunis / Ariana state?,"As the title above says .. it's about doing something different to be honest and out of my comfort zone. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-01-07 12:55:40 ry7hbl,,1,What the fuck is wrong with diwena taxes in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 13:34:56 ry8b52,,1,"Anyone here actually desires to stay in Tunisia and has no intention to leave it? If so, please state your reasons.",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 14:14:40 ry93nf,,2,Guys recommend me a nice warm cozy coffee shop for a date that have less light and good for snuggles in grand tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 14:51:03 ry9khl,,6,Democracy,"Kevin spacy highlights democracy in just 1 minute in Call of duty advanced warfare",,,,,,2022-01-07 15:11:25 rybm7a,,4,Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm nope,,,,,,,2022-01-07 16:40:26 ryck1h,,1,i need you help or any kind of advice,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 17:19:51 rydz7d,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 18:19:21 ryevhm,,1,Looking for of a nice coffee shop or restaurant to chill with gf,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 18:57:47 ryga14,,0,This is exactly how I feel about this country,,,,,,,2022-01-07 19:56:39 ryivpj,,11,What to do without college ?,"Hi, i know a relative who has quit school after 3 failed attempts on the bac exam and he's wondering what's the best trade he can learn and can turn it into a successful business in this country that it can assure his financial independence, or what's the best ""formation"" that can assure him a bullshit desk job here in tunisia or abroad. And thanks",,,,,,2022-01-07 21:46:31 ryjunw,,1,Any place to buy boardgames in tunisia? (other than monopoly and scrabble),[removed],,,,,,2022-01-07 22:28:20 ryrtgq,,14,American Here What do you all think of Emel?,"I have been learning about Arabic music and wanted to know what Tunisians think of her? She reminds me of Evanescence, polysymphonic music,the Mandalorian and Final Fanatsy (FF6 to be more specific). She has talent but certainly a niche interest.",,,,,,2022-01-08 04:57:16 ryuc4r,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 07:28:18 ryuxqk,,3,AFCON Fantasy Team Preview - Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-01-08 08:09:16 ryw1ga,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 09:26:58 ryw8us,,100,"Mistake in Kurzgesagt video: Is there any legitimate reason Tunisia would not be highlighted on this map, or is this a mistake? I checked the sources they cited but didn't find the list of countries they used.",,,,,,,2022-01-08 09:41:03 rywg32,,1,Mariage non muslim,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 09:55:51 ryxx4z,,1,Help me find boardgames to buy in Tunisia (not Monopoly or Scrabble),[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 11:33:07 ryyp7g,,1,Crypto question,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 12:22:46 ryz9nj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 12:56:53 ryzgti,,7,Tunisian Music - A little journey,,,,,,,2022-01-08 13:06:57 ryztpr,,1,"What is the ""Tunisian Dream"" ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 13:26:37 rz13eo,,138,Yes.,,,,,,,2022-01-08 14:30:49 rz1hfm,,4,Unpopular opinion,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 14:50:08 rz2sji,,1,What are the best trusted banks in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 15:50:30 rz3b6f,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 16:13:20 rz566t,,24,*Tunisian,,,,,,,2022-01-08 17:36:15 rz8eet,,1,An an unpopular opinion about Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 19:56:11 rz90ig,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-08 20:22:14 rzcmvz,,0,Concerns over Tunisian President Saied following ‘abduction-style’ detention of former government minister,,,,,,,2022-01-08 23:01:02 rzd11z,,10,Nice road trip to the incredible city of Tabarka,,,,,,,2022-01-08 23:18:17 rzitef,,4,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2022-01-09 04:00:18 rzjck3,,1,My friend's ex said he will give her nudes,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-09 04:28:18 rzln9l,,1,Bring back the Dourou !,,,,,,,2022-01-09 06:48:23 rzlsbh,,1,Bring back the Dourou !,,,,,,,2022-01-09 06:57:30 rzm6w0,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-09 07:24:06 rzo0y5,,1,What do you think of making Tunisian Darja an an official language? And do you think it should be romanised if so?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-09 09:31:58 rzpmcv,,141,me_irl,,,,,,,2022-01-09 11:21:30 rzuib9,,4,Thabraca Ultra Trail Challenge 2021 (69km ultramarathon yesterday),,,,,,,2022-01-09 15:50:30 rzver2,,15,Why always the Tunisians……,,,,,,,2022-01-09 16:32:40 rzw6hw,,17,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-09 17:08:12 rzxlo9,,1,Visiting Sidi Bou Said,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-09 18:11:49 rzyn9r,,1,"Fellow tunisians, help me deal with personal cognitive biases",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-09 18:59:13 rzzc80,,8,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-09 19:28:30 rzzjf9,,1,How should I deal with personal cognitive biases?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-09 19:37:10 s02hd9,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-09 21:46:11 s0g5j7,,71,"This is ""Tunuslular Köyü"" a village in Kastamonu-Northern Turkey founded by Tunisian soldiers who fought in the Crimean war of 1853.",,,,,,,2022-01-10 09:33:15 s0kp1i,,1,12 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Morocco,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-10 14:01:48 s0m8hf,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-10 15:12:47 s0mytl,,4,How long does it take to get your pcr test results?,This Saturday i got tested for covid and i cant get into my regular life untill i get the results (and if it comes up negative obv) so does any of y'all kn how long does it usually take to get the results so i can arrange my life around it,,,,,,2022-01-10 15:45:49 s0p9ty,,20,is this illegal?,"so im a student in a private middle school, 13 out of the 20 people in my class have covid (proved via covid tests) but the the owner of the school didn't close the class and lessons are still happening, only around 5 people are going to school and im gonna miss out on 1-2 weeks of school just because i have covid, is what he is doing illegal? shouldn't he close the class? Edit: The owner of the school said he might close the class and have us do online classes because a few parents complained (thanks god) i will edit this post again if there are any news Edit 2: the school isn't closing and I'm going back to school tomorrow even though im positive (I don't want to but the school told me to come back and my parents too)",,,,,,2022-01-10 17:23:17 s0qs6d,,1,Yekhi ynajim we7id yodkhol y3adi l bac minghir pass sanitaire?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-10 18:27:01 s0rm74,,6,Best budget apps for Tunisian life ?,I’m having difficulty organizing and limiting my spending living in Tunisia. I come from a country where almost every payment is done with a bank card so I could follow my spending very closely. As Tunisia is a cash driven society (for everyday spending) I spend too much easily and can’t remember what I spent money on. Soooo is there anyone that knows of a good app to track this kind of spending? Bonus points if the app is free ;) .,,,,,,2022-01-10 19:01:53 s0s60k,,9,Does anyone here know his name or at least his video thanks,,,,,,,2022-01-10 19:25:06 s0ttwr,,1,i will be grateful if you fill this form for my project,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-10 20:35:46 s0u6m2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-10 20:50:46 s0uii1,,1,Schau dir „Pink Floyd Reunion – Time“ auf YouTube an,,,,,,,2022-01-10 21:04:04 s0v3on,,6,how to have a commercial website in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-10 21:29:19 s0vexn,,1,Where can i watch Euphoria,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-10 21:42:06 s0y6jd,,1,جزيرة شاتر محقق يذهب إلى مستشفى للأمراض العقلية - ملخص فيلم الغموض والتشويق shutter island,,,,,,,2022-01-10 23:38:54 s13md6,,17,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-01-11 04:00:21 s192b9,,1,Algerian who wants to do a master degree in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-11 09:29:00 s1ahb7,,1,Does Tunisia still worth living in?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-11 11:06:25 s1ajgz,,2,Couscous connection 2.0,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-11 11:10:19 s1bqi9,,11,Unvaccinated people.,"Those of you who did not get the vaccin, how is this impacting your life and what are you willing to do ?",,,,,,2022-01-11 12:24:52 s1c0jx,,1,is there a way to go live in another country permanently besides attending college although I might do that but I wanna know other options? I'd prefer living in any English speaking megacity or Japan or bahrain.. Tunisia isn't for me and will never be for me,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-11 12:41:29 s1ihkc,,9,Does anyone need Olanzapine ?,i have an extra one if anyone needs it,,,,,,2022-01-11 17:33:38 s1iixs,,2,Is there any English universities in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-11 17:35:15 s1isc4,,213,Tunisian mathematician and professor at New York University Nader Masmoudi awarded King Faisal Prize,,,,,,,2022-01-11 17:46:24 s1ison,,1,tinder,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-11 17:46:50 s1jbbv,,1,Hoe to invest money in tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-11 18:07:56 s1jf9i,,19,Anyone knows what is this font ?,,,,,,,2022-01-11 18:12:26 s1lg73,,9,تحافظ النساء في بلدة سجنان (غربي تونس) على فنون حرفة فريدة تتوارثها لأجيال، والتي تبرز دقة التفاصيل في إنتاج الأواني وأدوات الطهي والتماثيل المصنوعة من الفخار. (المصدر: الجزيرة),,,,,,,2022-01-11 19:36:15 s1lhnm,,1,"I believe the person who posted the covid rule update which included jewels as ""freedom to speech doesn't exist here"" is an angry, despicable midget 😂",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-11 19:37:59 s1o589,,3,where do you get a necklace with someone name on it ?,"so i have an online friend and we agreed to send each other lettes, so i decided to send him a gift too, and since one of our last conversations was about language, i thaught i would send him a necklace with his name (fake jewelry of course), i'd also like to know how much will it cost, thx in advance \^\^",,,,,,2022-01-11 21:29:11 s1pr4d,,1,How to move to tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-11 22:36:08 s1ps2r,,5,Gym companion,would you need an app that finds you a companion to join you into gym for motivation purpose? based on what would you choose that companion if it was by a matching system?,,,,,,2022-01-11 22:37:19 s1yubo,,0,Mushroom soup 🍲 excellent for this Cold weather,,,,,,,2022-01-12 05:54:19 s1z244,,8,"Can you see Sicily from Tunisia, especially from the area of Carthage and Tunis?","I was wondering if Sicily was visible from Tunisia, especially from Carthage aka northern Tunis.",,,,,,2022-01-12 06:06:25 s20qfb,,187,Its forbidden to go in here..but if u did please make a stop.,,,,,,,2022-01-12 07:50:24 s21toq,,1,What is the best Barber/hairstylist in the capital ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 09:00:55 s220u6,,6,yup,,,,,,,2022-01-12 09:13:06 s228u4,,7,"The difference between CNAM, CNSS, CNRPS and which one should subscribe to as an individual in workforce.","I used to deal with times of sickness through the insurance of my job, now, my new job doesn't have that. So what should I do? Sorry, but I don't have basic knowledge over this.",,,,,,2022-01-12 09:27:39 s22v4p,,24,Salakta Mahdia Tunisia one of the best beach in the world.... i miss summer,,,,,,,2022-01-12 10:07:45 s26jwg,,1,VISA question,"Hi, I'm seeking if anyone has encountered my example, i'm a self taught software engineer and i want to engage in getting the visa either for vacation or with a job contract, so i've heard i will be in fact rejected without knowing why but it will be mainly because i have no diploma for that specific job ( i have BTP in graphic design from 2018).So i just want to verify this information either by someone's experience or Law concrete information.Thank you! Edit: i'm aiming for france/germany",,,,,,2022-01-12 13:42:55 s2725q,,1,Tunisia to restore curfew and ban gatherings over COVID,,,,,,,2022-01-12 14:06:49 s295ag,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 15:37:54 s29hmg,,1,"AFCON 2021, Tunisia vs Mali: Referee blows full-time whistle early twice as drama grips Africa Cup of Nations",,,,,,,2022-01-12 15:52:55 s29oxz,,120,A7la ref <3,,,,,,,2022-01-12 16:01:33 s2bv86,,47,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 17:32:13 s2db8p,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 18:32:08 s2e108,,1,Spotify and Netflix payment,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 19:02:07 s2enqr,,1,Ya Chedli [Cover] ❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-01-12 19:29:00 s2fco5,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 19:59:35 s2gm8j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 20:52:36 s2j4xh,,1,is arvea an MLM?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 22:40:24 s2jkc4,,1,"Spa or massage center with ""happy ending"" for a lesbian",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-12 22:59:43 s2m18g,,1,كي تمشي تخطب وانتي قلق من خطيبتك,,,,,,,2022-01-13 00:54:15 s2v64m,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 09:05:48 s2we8j,,1,How can I obtain a foreign tax identifying number?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 10:26:14 s2wh4o,,16,"Who should I go to, to get information about taxes and how to handle them?","I am lost, nothing is clear online, and I need someone that knows their stuff so I can be clear with this stupid government.",,,,,,2022-01-13 10:31:36 s2yefm,,0,"Numbers are in, your Pfizer booster (3rd shot) does not work 75% of the time VS Omicron if you are already vaccinated with Pfizer.",,,,,,,2022-01-13 12:31:40 s2yn1j,,0,BTF SPORT,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-13 12:45:27 s2yzmo,,1,Khazri saved my GF,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 13:04:22 s302sy,,2,Does anyone know anything about the Carte Technologique Internationale offered by BT,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-13 14:00:15 s30b36,,1,"So I posted a pic about Pfizer booster stats, the source was in the picture itself, and it was taken out.",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 14:10:53 s30wim,,0,new upcoming tunisian Rapper - DiNorth,,,,,,,2022-01-13 14:37:49 s31dvh,,8,Like.. Do we have decent unbiased and up to-date therapists?,,,,,,,2022-01-13 15:00:34 s32bua,,1,"If you were recommending headphones to buy in Grand Tunis, which ones would you suggest?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-13 15:43:31 s33hmk,,8,Best way to throw away frying oil in a recycle free country?,"Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a proper recycling or waste sorting system in Tunisia. Coming from a country that will literally give you a fine for making a sorting mistake this is very frustrating. So what’s the best way to get rid of old frying oil? Any other sorting tips are welcome! I try to live as plastic/waste free as possible and it can be difficult at times. Don’t live in a large city, for context.",,,,,,2022-01-13 16:35:37 s33ihq,,1,IS IT TOO LATE ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 16:36:42 s33w13,مقاول/,1,How can someone become a general contractor (مقاول),[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 16:53:36 s348ky,,6,title bruh,"guys , so I am currently in bac, and my average is 11 .80, most of my marks are pretty average besides physics which is kinda low, but i just don't know how to stop being average cause I'm mostly trying my best",,,,,,2022-01-13 17:08:44 s34qcw,,0,Tell me that you are from 90 without telling me,,,,,,,2022-01-13 17:30:22 s34ssz,,6,"Skinny dudes who consulted nutritionists and got results, can you tell me about your experience?","I'm in the process of gaining weight with the intention to get on the upper side of my height's ideal weight. I'm eating lot more, that's good. But I can do that or I can do even better, I can consult a specialist to tell me what to eat not just to survive but to be built from the good stuff.",,,,,,2022-01-13 17:33:24 s34txl,,2,Hair salon in banlieu nord?,"Hey girls, i'm looking for a good hair salon that i can trust with my hair cz i'm about to do really crazy stuff i'm definitely gonna regret later! let's say i'm kindof facing one of the most intense existential crises of my life lol and i really don't want my hair to be another problem. i thought maybe you could help me out..",,,,,,2022-01-13 17:34:48 s35pam,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 18:12:18 s35vua,,8,is there any other way i can live somewhere else permanently without attending college although I might apply for a college but I wanna know other options please? I'd prefer living in any English speaking megacity .... Tunisia isn't for me and will never be for me,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-13 18:20:04 s3625r,,3,Is there any way or possibility for a tunisian law graduate to find a job abroad that doesn't involve enrolling in university ?,,,,,,,2022-01-13 18:27:38 s36kat,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 18:49:39 s3ahxx,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 21:43:12 s3bq1d,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 22:36:02 s3c8cy,,4,have you ever thought to change your career at a late stage of your life ?," Have you ever thought to change your career because you made a bad choice and your job or field isn't interesting and you feel that you're wasting your time on a boring job? If you switched, tell us about your experience",,,,,,2022-01-13 22:58:50 s3ccyd,,5,Does the Tunisian society repress uniqueness/diffrence?,"I am going to state the obvious to start off , which is the way people have been treating anyone comes up with any fashion style thats a bit unusual and how they get ridiculed and sometimes harassed for their taste . Not to mention of course the ideological and religious repression that forces many to be afraid of sharing their thoughts and perception to everything . Also i seem to notice how many talented people in fields that aren’t very “mainstream” or “cool” (programming/philosophy /language/academic intelligence at some points/writing…. To state some examples i ran into)are forced to give up on their passions because of the way others from family to school and everyone around them treat their talents and basically make them feel like those things they worked hard on or hold big value to them are worthless. From my perspective i see this as a result of how we tend to not like the fact that someone is better than us at something , gets attention for those things or if that thing goes against the way we were raised . The problem with this situation though is how i see it as the major reason why a lot of tunisians that we hear are excelling at something that isn’t common tend to disappear from that field shortly after or at least they don’t get the attention they diserve that and of course the number of wasted talents and mental issues resulted from crumbling under the pressure of being unique in Tunisia. I would like to hear what you guys think about this topic while keeping in mind that all i said is heavily generalized and subject to exceptions as well as it being my Own interpretation without any hard evidence .",,,,,,2022-01-13 23:04:11 s3cs0h,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-13 23:23:06 s3cuao,,4,Korean streetwear in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-13 23:26:05 s3dcsy,,22,Living abroad has become such a trend (discussion),"I know things down here are very shitty and it doesn't seem to ever get better, I know that people deserve better opportunities abroad to seek higher education and have better living conditions, but I feel like with this new mentality of running away and fleeing the country won't get us anywhere, I feel like it's a trend now to hate your country, alright we get it corruption is everywhere most of the streets are filled with garbage the political situation is never stable, okay but what are we actually doing about it? Most of my friends are already living abroad with no intentions of coming back. Living abroad or traveling can be a rich and awesome experience that can change your life if you know how to deal with it. I feel like most of tunisian's that went abroad they have no ideas why they even went abroad ( habit nokhrej w barra tounis ki zebi) they spend 4 years of their lives studying some major that they have no idea about having a small tunisian circle of friends to hang out with smoking most of the time and watching choufli hall and just waiting for the summer vacation. We are so numbed with the idea of living abroad that we forgot that we can actually live here and fight for it. And I feel that with better living conditions most people we'd rather live here in tunisia than anywhere else. I gave up on living abroad just so I can go after my dreams here with little to no resources and even if things didn't go as planned I'll know that at least I tried. I might seem a bit naive or over-optimistic but I do have faith in this generation that it can achieve great things and make a huge step forward with this country.",,,,,,2022-01-13 23:49:36 s3e6v1,,0,Saw someone asking and I kinda wanna know too,Any good hairstylists in Tunis (district doesn’t matter) that won’t fuck up my curly hair? I’m looking to get kind of a wolf or deva cut and really need good hands with this.,,,,,,2022-01-14 00:26:58 s3fet5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-14 01:24:09 s3fkbl,,61,BBC News - Secret audio sheds light on toppled Tunisian dictator’s frantic last hours,"",,,,,,2022-01-14 01:31:19 s3hslf,,0,Interest in Computer Careers,"If you live here, what has prevented you from taking computer programming classes online to get a better paying job? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-14 03:15:54 s3ip2s,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-14 04:00:17 s3pmge,,6,"Orange Fixbox premium, is it worth it ?","so my internet is so bad the last period (TT waffi 10 mega) and it is so expensive when compared to other internet services and i was told about this new Orange [Fixbox Premium]( offer that does not use a line cable and connects through 4G with unlimited internet. so if someone tried it or have it please let me know if it is not recommended. PS: I'll bet using it for online gaming and downloading things and Football streaming so it's gonna be a high traffic on the internet.",,,,,,2022-01-14 10:53:29 s3qask,,21,Who drinks water from the sink?,"Official, credible sources seem to disagree on this, meaning there are probably legit arguments on both sides. Just wondering about you + your household: Do you drink tap water? Why/why not? I drink only tap water (downtown Tunis) to decrease plastic consumption, save money, and because my doctor here told me it is safe (although I know doctors are split on the issue). Outside of Grand Tunis I usually drink bottled water.",,,,,,2022-01-14 11:34:11 s3qp30,,0,How i would make Tunisia better,"*abolish Cash money : all transactions are digital, the state provides cheap smartphones for those who don't have one. This will ensure that every one will pay their fAir share of Tax. The state knows in real time what your income is so you can't lie. *Abolish state subvention from everything: everything costs true value, the social state provides a monthly basic income for lower and middle classes. This reduces waste and encourages rational consumption behavior. * Tax payers money is not charity to pay for dysfunctional and unneeded public companies ( Tabac company ??) --> Massive reduction in public workforce and expenditure. People won't die from hunger because of the basic income. * Invest all saved money to improve public services and make them more affordable. This wouldn't need years to implement, only a strong democratically elected president.",,,,,,2022-01-14 11:58:50 s3rfzw,,1,centre ville -> Manar 2,"Hello, what transportation should i get daily from centreville to manar 2 ty",,,,,,2022-01-14 12:40:50 s3sdl5,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-14 13:27:55 s3ssgb,,8,BUY ETH,Hello can any one have an idea where I can buy eth in Tunisia,,,,,,2022-01-14 13:48:21 s3tkb8,,0,any doctors here? I have a question!,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-14 14:24:39 s3u0lk,,25,The magnificent seven of r/Tunisia,"While there are lots of awesome people i encountered on here, i wanted to share my emotions towards seven kinds of special people that are not just awesome but magnificent! I present to you, the magnificient seven of r/Tunisia : 1. **The internet patriots:** These are the future building blocks of Tunisia, they are working on a revolutionary technology that allows them to fix the country while sitting on their ass, pretty innovative, right? they just have to propose or ask for solutions to improve or fix certain things in the country on this sub, then kickback, relax, and hope these solutions will be applied automatically out of thin air, and they sure will! impressive! :-) 2. **The deep thinkers:** These people want to take advantage of their freedom the way it should be done, and what better way to do that than going out naked? or have sex with your partner's bestfriend while your partner is having sex with your sister? these folks have very high self-esteem and no taboos, this is why they constantly want to display and brag about their taboo-free lifestyle to acquire validation, the commodity of the 21st century. :-) 3. **The tubes:** These are trashed encyclopedia britannicas reincarnated in the form of humans, inferior people like us have to shut up when the tubes talk so we can absorb their knowledge and wisdom so we can be qualified to help internet patriots make this country a better place. 4. **The people who answer questions to say they don't know the answer:** These people are the most reliable when you need help, let's say you're lost in a desert and you're looking for water to survive, ask these people for help, they will answer to tell you that you can't find water in the desert which is a very useful answer of a fact you would never know without their valuable intervention. I would call these the tubes++. 5. **The sextoy hunters:** These people would do the impossible to find a sextoy in Tunisia, inserting a rubber object into their apertures will solve their life problems. Life is short to insert awkward objects in your apertures folks, be like the deep thinkers, enjoy unstructured and unapproved sex with everything that moves. 6. **The amazigh:** These are people who are the proudest of their origins, they are proud to the point that they want to remind themselves and other people about it in every thread and comment. 7. **The Facebook immigrants:** These are toxic people who immigrate from Facebook to Reddit claiming that it's less toxic on here. Perfectly understandable.",,,,,,2022-01-14 14:45:35 s3wlho,,31,Where do you guys buy your clothes ?,,,,,,,2022-01-14 16:37:41 s3xlho,,1,تعرف على أكثر المجالات طلبا في عالم التقنية لسنة 2022,,,,,,,2022-01-14 17:20:44 s3zpe3,,3,14th of January,"Hey guys, any one did participate in the manifestations at the capital today? Someone can tell us what really happened? It seems like there no news about it.",,,,,,2022-01-14 18:55:20 s40jp2,,3,Law 52,"For those who don’t know , law 52 is the Tunisian law that prohibits the use of drugs in the country which of course includes marijuana. For sometime now there have been an increasing number of protests with growing amounts of people demanding that marijuana gets scratched off it . I would like to know what none smokers think of this progression and if the government should go through with it or not and how it can effect the tunisian living conditions . Personally as someone who smokes weekly and uses hard drugs (lsd/ecstasy/candyflipping) occasionally as well as drink from time to time i understand why this law has been in place for hard drugs but i cant wrap my head around how weed is included in it especially when alcohol is legal since weed is less addictive , has way less severe side effects with a 0% mortality rate and a much more safe and relaxed effect that and the many more utilities that plant can provide. Well maybe my judgement is clouded since i am a smoker thats why i would to see others opinions about it.(please do basic research at minimum before picking a side)",,,,,,2022-01-14 19:33:04 s42185,,4,Studying master's degree abroad after getting bachelor ( licence) degree in Tunisia,"is anyone here studying master's degree abroad after getting bachelor (licence) degree in Tunisia ? does the credit system work the same ? I got 60/60 credit in the second year of university but 54/60 in first year of university . does that ruin my chances of getting accepted in European universities since in their system you should get 60/60 every year in order to succeed? do they ask non European students for 60/60 for each year ?",,,,,,2022-01-14 20:39:59 s43a7l,,57,"After cryptocurrency considered as money laundering, Now the ""Fake"" one millon dollar bill is also illegal in Tunisia. [ For people who cannot read Arabic more about it in the comment]",[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-14 21:35:23 s43kut,,86,"isn't it kinda preposterous that our basic English books asking us "" how many countries have you visited "".. I mean the system is really stupid.. ppl barely can afford to live the average comfortable life in Tunisia and they asking students these questions? these books should be for Saudia mfs",[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-14 21:48:55 s43nwg,,0,anyone here accept paypal $$ ?,want to know if anyone here accepts PayPal $$ and he can send me money via D17 !,,,,,,2022-01-14 21:52:21 s485k0,,8,Meanwhile El Kef...,,,,,,,2022-01-15 01:21:00 s4e1eu,,10,Will you participate in the E-consultation?,"I think that I will participate. What about suggesting what we really want? Like crypotcurrency ,online payement ,and stuff? I may be optimistic but it’s our chance to spam these ideas lol.",,,,,,2022-01-15 06:35:31 s4g0rz,,1,No stock,"Hi 1st time posting here. I ve been searching for a pc for over 6 months now but apparently there s no stock. I ve been looking every day in mytek / tunisianet / scoop ... And all I can find is crap. If any 1 knows where i can find my desired pc (new or used) that would be great.",,,,,,2022-01-15 08:45:52 s4hs71,,13,Belvedere dungeons,"Been wondering who built belvedere's dungeons When how and were they lead , I myself entered two of them when I was a kid with my father trying to do (some Indiana Jones xD ) but ever since then I've been having those questions. So does anyone of you have some answers and BTW it's hell of a scary place .",,,,,,2022-01-15 10:46:44 s4ijpp,للاستشارة_الوطنية/,0,Did you participate in the للاستشارة الوطنية ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-15 11:38:31 s4k23j,,0,Sexual life,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-15 13:13:06 s4kkkp,à_voile_or_kite_surf/,5,planche à voile or kite surf,Hello wher in tunis can i buy equipment for this please? Didnt find ob internet and my fr sucks. Thank you,,,,,,2022-01-15 13:42:12 s4lc8n,,1,Protesters in Tunisia mark 2011 uprising amid Covid-19 restrictions.," Tunisian people mark the 11th anniversary of the revolution that triggered the Arab Spring uprising amid Covid-19 restrictions.",,,,,,2022-01-15 14:22:13 s4lwrf,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-15 14:51:21 s4me67,,23,عربي والباي عطاه حصان,,,,,,,2022-01-15 15:14:45 s4mhdx,,1,Is there a law preventing parents from kicking out their ADULT daughter/son?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-15 15:19:11 s4p7px,,4,does anyone know if there's a chess tournament in Sousse in the upcoming days ?,"I wanna play a chess tournament but I never found one in Sousse other than the ""Bica open"" and I'm not about to pay that much for a chess tournament... Pls if you hear of a chess tournament in, Sousse message me on here Thank you.",,,,,,2022-01-15 17:22:41 s4qr3l,,54,Hamza Sikazwe,,,,,,,2022-01-15 18:30:30 s4udbe,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-15 21:10:36 s4x2e4,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-15 23:11:05 s4x7wb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-15 23:17:59 s4x8o5,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-15 23:19:00 s4xptm,,1,What are Tunisia-China relations like?,"How good are the Tunisia-China relations? Are there any significant economic (or otherwise) ties between the two countries? Also, I’m curious to know if the Tunisian government has ever made any official statements on internal Chinese issues, such as the Uyghur genocide or the HK protests.",,,,,,2022-01-15 23:41:05 s4xtrb,,2,"Thoughts? ""Tunisia sentences nine militants to death over soldier’s murder""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-15 23:46:08 s4zqqq,,5,Benzoyl peroxide in Tunisia?,"Hi, can I get benzoyl peroxide without prescription (ordonnance) in pharmacies (for acne obviously) I've found some french medicines containing benzoyl peroxide in []( but I don't know if these are available over the counter. any ideas concerning the issue will be appreciated :).",,,,,,2022-01-16 01:17:47 s52x4u,,3,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2022-01-16 04:00:15 s593xw,,1,Where can I find pastry books in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-01-16 10:29:29 s5995t,,32,Job offer - Chemical engineer,"Hello everyone , i'm looking for a junior, freshly graduated, chemical engineer (Analytical chemistry or industrial chemistry) for a ""Process validation engineer"" position in a pharmaceutical company based in Tunis-Manouba. The job might require a good level of english reading/comprehension of scientific articles (Which seems to be the forte of a lot of members here), hence why i'm posting here. DM me if you are / know anyone that might be interested.",,,,,,2022-01-16 10:39:20 s5agr3,,17,"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.",,,,,,,2022-01-16 12:00:44 s5b05s,,4,i need help choosing a software engineering university in germany,"hello, i'm looking for a software engineering university that offers english programs for international students, i'm currently bac info and i'm aiming for like 12-13 moy, can you recommend some universities ?",,,,,,2022-01-16 12:35:21 s5cazx,,1,OLYMPIC-LIKE METRO,,,,,,,2022-01-16 13:52:12 s5cbrq,,10,why the hell i'm like this,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-16 13:53:30 s5cgh3,,15,Why do people like alcohol?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-16 14:00:38 s5cjli,,1,How inexpensive is Tunisia compared to other Arab countries like Morocco and Egypt?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-16 14:04:58 s5clpj,,1,"Which cities/towns in Tunisia are the most inexpensive, but with good connection to internet?",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-16 14:08:15 s5cx7r,,1,test,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-16 14:25:44 s5d5i5,,7,"Have you ever wondered what was the northernmost point of Africa? Well probably not since you're tunisian and know it, but I still went there: Cap Angela!",,,,,,,2022-01-16 14:37:25 s5f58a,,0,9adekch t9olo yekml toreh?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-16 16:17:04 s5gxfo,,22,on what should i spend my money?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-16 17:38:14 s5jb8s,,1,Fetlife in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-16 19:25:07 s5kpww,,1,Fetlife in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-16 20:27:36 s5kuip,,10,LGBT in Tunis,"My partner and I (both guys) have been considering settling in Tunis for a couple months. We work online and have both been in the city before, separately tho. How safe would you say is Tunis for a gay couple? Neither of us are too flamboyant, and can definitely resist any PDA, regardless of where we are. How big is the gay community in Tunis? Are there any safe LGBT spaces in town? Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this :)",,,,,,2022-01-16 20:33:24 s5kw5c,,15,We hiked along the Mareth Line in southern Tunisia and found some amazing WWII installations.,,,,,,,2022-01-16 20:35:28 s5mjpi,,27,Gen-Z in Tunisia,"Is it just me or gen z in Tunisia are going too far? It just seems that they are being different for the sake of being different without giving a second thought to what it is that they are doing . To me these people need to grow up and learn that actions have consequences . Its honestly insane how easily they make decisions that can impact the rest of their lives for example it seems like its a new trend for 14-16 years olds to have tattoos and trust those tattoos are usually meaningless and for some reason they its a good idea to have them on their necks,faces and hands AKA the hardest places to cover it makes me wonder if they realize its going to stick with them for the rest of their lives and of course we have the edgy atheists for no reason and without any research along the self diagnosers for real if you are going threw a tough time it doesn’t mean you are mentally ill . My problem with this is how it devalues the importance and the symbolism behind these things or even insults the people who put their minds and souls into these subject or actually suffer from them. My point is , please think before you act or say something . Edit: thanks to everyone who commented i got to learn about different prospectives and changed my mind about a few things . Also i learned that my post wasn’t well written in a way that it didn’t get my thoughts threw in the way i intended them so ill work on improving the next time ^^.",,,,,,2022-01-16 21:48:39 s5nyk4,,0,Super funny: Picking Up Girls in Tunisian!,,,,,,,2022-01-16 22:52:56 s5oij9,,3,Can i get a tattoo when um -18 in Tunisia like is it legal?,,,,,,,2022-01-16 23:17:43 s5pj1b,,0,Sorry but I had to share this here lol,,,,,,,2022-01-17 00:03:14 s5xu3m,,14,Jazirat Sidi al Ghudamisi,"We are a Canadian family staying in Monastir for several months. We are curious about these archeological ruins near the marina. We have tried to search for information about them, but have only found some local people who said that were a dwelling for an ancient Arab philosopher. We have been unable to find any more information about it. I am hoping that someone on this board might know, of might be able to tell me where to find such information. Thank you.",,,,,,2022-01-17 07:11:14 s603yz,,0,Tunisians disobey the government’s ban on social gatherings," On Friday, Tunisian police fired tear gas and water cannons at hundreds of demonstrators who defied a prohibition on public meetings to protest [President Kais Saied](‘s power grab in July. Hundreds of Saied’s opponents rallied against his July 2021 move as the country marked 11 years since the demise of late tyrant Ben Ali. [](",,,,,,2022-01-17 09:34:25 s60n43,تزايد_الطلب_العالمي_على_الشاب_التونسي/,16,تزايد الطلب العالمي على الشاب التونسي,"I'm sure some of you don't understand why the '90 Day Fiancé' reality show is ""focusing"" on Tunisian males: Memphis & Hamza, Ziad & Rebecca .. Well, they are , obviously, looking for the Views by highlighting socially chocking differences and the 'weirdness' in the Tunisian culture and our heroes موش مقصرين But how did they discover our talents? is there a talents agency for this kind of ابداعات? YES! اعملو طلة tunisianloverats .com and you may find your ""baznes"" friend listed there. A friend of mine was trying to flirt with this German girl and she asked him where he is from. When he told her she replied with ""LOL"" and ghosted him. &#x200B; ديما منورينا",,,,,,2022-01-17 10:08:12 s61vgi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-17 11:25:30 s61wwe,,9,Should I get the 3rd dose of the vaccine?,"I heard about the cases where young people get heart attacks after getting the 3rd dose and I'm worried, so is it okay not to take it ? will I be able to get the ""pass sanitaire"" without it? idk if this is necessary but I'm 19 yo skinny asf (180 cm tall and i weight 49kg) very unhealthy dude (I smoke and drink) and the first 2 doses i got sinopharm but this one im getting pifzer.",,,,,,2022-01-17 11:28:09 s62i09,,3,Where can I buy alcohol in downtown Tunis?,"Looking for a store where I can buy bottles of Vodka and whiskey. Also, any recommendations for something that tastes good? (Vodka or whiskey )",,,,,,2022-01-17 12:03:41 s62w7g,,0,ملف فساد وزير التعليم العالي السابق وزعيم تنظيم إرهابي بتونس شهاب بودن,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-17 12:27:16 s643pw,,7,Are there communication skills lessons in Grand Tunis/Ben Arous specifically?,I'd like to improve my social & comm skills with the help of proper guidance.,,,,,,2022-01-17 13:31:27 s64nyc,,7,can anyone help me where i can find lenovo legion 5 laptop in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-01-17 14:00:25 s65ypn,,6,What would happen if paypal became operational in Tunisia?,"I recently heard from someone that getting paypal to operate in Tunisia would absolutely crash the currency to the ground (more than it already is ) but when i tried to look into it i only found reports saying that there is a law that strictly regulates Tunisians access to foreign currency which prevents paypal from operating. Does anyone have an idea about what implications the removal of or altering that law might cause ? Maybe thats what would crash the Tunisian dinar. I don’t really understand economics so i would appreciate a simplified explanation.",,,,,,2022-01-17 15:01:35 s661cc,,2,English school Online,"Hello everyone, I am looking for an English school where the lessons take place online. could you recommend one? Merci :)",,,,,,2022-01-17 15:04:46 s66sm8,,178,Aren’t we all Memphis,,,,,,,2022-01-17 15:37:40 s6a0is,,2,should i ?,"hello, how much do i get if I sell my HP laptop (core i3 7th gen 2.3ghz, intel HD 620, 4gb ram and an SSD 500gb, I upgraded from HDD to SSD) also my ps4 with ps+ account (the ps+ account has ended subscrubtion and it already have some games on it)",,,,,,2022-01-17 17:50:20 s6dml7,,4,Why are schools still fucking open?,"So basically sadiki has closed ,so did ali trad and all the other schools that I know ,exept ours for some reason,and a part of me hates it and another part of me likes it,because it feels like that one soldier who survived a war and is the only one standing,even tho half of the students are sick,in my classroom there is like two cases,one of them is my friend- Update:it finally shut down today at 10 am during break time and I just got home,best moment in this entire year",,,,,,2022-01-17 20:14:48 s6h68e,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-17 22:40:50 s6hqmi,,3,Is there any korean streetwear in Tunisia? Especially pants.,"example;",,,,,,2022-01-17 23:04:49 s6lewu,,3,What’s the best place to buy a vacation house at in Tunisia,"I’m looking for a quiet and safe area where I can enjoy the countryside and beach of my home country I’m a hippie though so I’m not interested to live near the fake rich lads of l3assma I’m interested in quiet and safe place overlooking nature and sea somewhere where I can bring my American fellas with me whenever I go for a visit Thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-01-18 01:54:47 s6o0v8,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-01-18 04:00:19 s6p6cn,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 04:58:56 s6po6s,,1,boyfriend gifts suggestions,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 05:24:48 s6q274,,1,money investments?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 05:45:59 s6q7mw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 05:54:29 s6q9zw,,21,So is President Kais Saied still doing a decent job,"When he first took over, I remember that lots of people in this sub liked his agenda. Not Tunisian but I’m curious",,,,,,2022-01-18 05:58:29 s6qu3q,,12,Why is it so hard for me to know new people and make new friends?,"I'm 20 years old and since 18 days of break up with my girlfriend like I don't know I literally find myself alone I didn't realize during my relationship that I didn't have someone u can call a best friend or friend. It being annoying for me every morning I being wake up she just comes to my head and works the hole 24h when I want to be around the people that's I can exchange with them a discussion a topic sharing my feeling my opinions As a Tunisian how u can know new people in ur life except for the answer of(gym or university )? THANKS FOR ALL!",,,,,,2022-01-18 06:30:33 s6qzmu,,8,r/Tunisia photographers what was the best photo you’ve taken in 2021 ?,,,,,,,2022-01-18 06:40:10 s6sw52,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 08:41:39 s6uc1u,,24,Literally any solution.,"Morning folks, so imma get right to the point. Basically I've been dealing with dandruff for years now, since college when I was 12/13. Tried every kind of treatment such as shampoos, medical treatment by a dermatologist, etc, but in vain. My scalp is itchy and red and the dandruff is getting more stubborn year after year. So I'm asking you, begging you, to suggest any solution, no matter how bizarre it may sound. I just wanna get rid of this incurable Satan who is haunting my scalp and depriving me from growing my hair or cutting it, peacefully. I am this close from burning my head. Best regards.",,,,,,2022-01-18 10:19:25 s6ux4j,,18,Legend!,,,,,,,2022-01-18 10:58:27 s6uxmu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 10:59:29 s6v2o5,,28,شغل حرية كرامة وطنية,,,,,,,2022-01-18 11:07:47 s6voyt,,4,"Professional freelancers, what is your job description on your ID/passport?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-18 11:46:07 s6wapn,,12,that M that damn M,,,,,,,2022-01-18 12:22:05 s6wcsu,,3,Lactose free milk,So I stopped drinking milk for years because I'm lactose intolerant. Do u know any good lactose free milks sold in markets? I heard there's candia double douceur is a good option because it has a low percentage of lactose but idk never tried it. What do u think?,,,,,,2022-01-18 12:25:36 s6wdyo,,3,Is anyone here starting/getting into graphic design?,"I recently got into graphic design and I was wondering if I can find someone here who's just like me so we can share knowledge, experience or guidance anything really..",,,,,,2022-01-18 12:27:38 s6x4xa,,5,Should i complete my Masters Degree abroad or study at a local engineering school ?,"So basically im in my second year of college , i study computer science, (2éme licence info) and im confused wether i should complete my masters degree abroad (2years) or find a local engineering school and study engineering (3years) i really dont know what to do to be honest, when i ask people i know , they always go for engineering , is it really that great ? And i really dont know if i should study masters abroad (Germany) or not What are the differences ? What has a better future ? Why should i choose it ? What are the costs of one compared to another? Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-01-18 13:07:15 s6y208,,3,Google AdSense,Can I link Carte Technologique Internationale CTI with Google AdSense ?,,,,,,2022-01-18 13:54:17 s6zgx5,,10,"Thanks to my poor decisions, I'm looking on where to get tested for HIV. And how private can it be.","I'm already paranoid, and barely managing through everyday life so, spare the pinpointing, and help?",,,,,,2022-01-18 15:00:26 s6zzrb,,3,shalem chess books,win najem nechri chess books f tunis,,,,,,2022-01-18 15:24:17 s70e70,,25,"If my bank mistakenly deposits 1,000,000 DT into my account, am I legally allowed to spend it before they realize their mistake?",yes ?,,,,,,2022-01-18 15:42:32 s76zp5,,9,Do you have any cool r/ActLikeYouBelong stories you want to share ?,Preferably happened in tunisia c:,,,,,,2022-01-18 20:27:45 s77rdz,,3,What's the best bank in Tunisia for student ( alternate),"I'm working for a company as an alternate and I'm getting paid ( not a salary but let's say a paid internship) so I'm thinking to open a bank account since it will benefit me in the long term for visa purposes etc… suggest for me : \-1 the best low-interest fees bank \-2 the one who will provide me a credit card that will let me deposit my money from ATM \-3 the best type of account please I need a description in detail and why don't just throw a random name … I'm really confused and I need guideness , any efforts will be appreciated, thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-01-18 21:00:52 s783y9,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 21:15:38 s78cwy,,16,Tunisia's Ben Ali: The Dictator's Last Calls - BBC Africa,,,,,,,2022-01-18 21:26:20 s78rab,,3,How do you disengage from a group of friends if they start to become a bad influence.,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 21:43:37 s7ac7w,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 22:51:44 s7amov,,2,"A crazy ton has happened since _the thing_. So, is Kais now a dictator who can’t be voted out of office?",,,,,,,2022-01-18 23:03:47 s7aqyy,,7,What can i do for fun in Tunis ? ( that isnt going to coffeeshops nor is expensive),[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-18 23:08:53 s7b1h5,,1,A new subreddit for tunisian coders,,,,,,,2022-01-18 23:21:26 s7buew,,113,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-18 23:57:27 s7hp69,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 04:40:17 s7htym,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 04:47:16 s7k03o,,1,Effects of climate change in Tunisia? Drop some effects that you have observed.,Topic is clear. Tunisia is effected by climate change. Curious about the effects of it observed by other Tunisians. Where do or did you see it’s effects in Tunisia compared to the past? What do you think is the biggest threat in terms of climate change?,,,,,,2022-01-19 06:52:21 s7k2qu,,3,Where can I buy these in grand Tunis? Doesn’t matter if new or used.,,,,,,,2022-01-19 06:57:02 s7k3or,,1,Outgoing IMF envoy criticizes Tunisia’s economic plans,"It is not more hidden that Tunisia is not just suffering politically but having a toss on economic grounds as well. The [*International Monetary Fund*]( highlighted the weak economic planning of the country recently saying that the African nation needs deep economic reforms to sustain things further. [](",,,,,,2022-01-19 06:58:47 s7kog0,,27,me listening to قرارات اللجنة العلمية,,,,,,,2022-01-19 07:34:04 s7kp7c,,1,Should I leave the pioneer high school ?,"Morning fellas, I’m a 2nd secondary grade science student at a pioneer high school. I’ve been thinking about leaving it and going back to my hometown’s middle school for many reasons mainly being tired (4 hours of transport daily). I can’t stay at the dormitory or rent an apartment nearby for some personal reasons. I’m still confused if I should leave or no. First, I’ll be a technical science student next year, and there will be literally two other pupils with me, I’ve also heard that the laboratory is pretty developed and the teachers are fascinating. So I’m pretty worried that if I come back, I will be in a crowded class, and may even have my « niveau » influenced. What should I do ?",,,,,,2022-01-19 07:35:24 s7ksh0,,4,Helping an International Discord Server get more Members from Tunisia 🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 07:41:35 s7l61b,,46,I'm moving to Tunisia in August. What should I know? What should I bring?,"I am from the US, but I have been living abroad for years. After 3 years in China, I am moving to Tunisia to work in Tunis late this summer. I haven't been to North Africa, before, but I am excited to live in Tunis and to travel the region when possible. I am curious: 1. What are the key things to understand about Tunis? From whatever perspective you have, local or expat. 2. What should I bring? I usually don't bring much more than clothes, my favorite cast iron pan and my computers. 3. For expats - what surprised you the most about Tunisia or Tunis? What is it like to make friends and meet people in the country? 4. What do you do for fun?",,,,,,2022-01-19 08:07:00 s7luq5,,0,التبليغ عن شهاب بودن زعيم شبكة إرهابية بتونس,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-19 08:55:12 s7mlh9,,1,ANIME TOP 5,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 09:48:26 s7modk,,1,Priceless life,,,,,,,2022-01-19 09:53:30 s7mytg,,4,Logitech Warranty / Delivering an item from abroad,"Hey! So basically, My item got a defect, and Logitech is ready to give me a new item (Warranty), but is it possible that they deliver it in Tunisia without any issues (Like Diwana etc...)? Context: I cannot provide the real context due to private reasons, so if possible, help me with this question please! Next week I'll post context in a long thread explaining what I did exactly to manage to obtain this warranty not the store warranty.",,,,,,2022-01-19 10:13:11 s7n0nu,,2,Renting in Djerba,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 10:16:43 s7o6f6,,3,Earning money,I'm almost 18 on next April . So does anyone know anyway to earn online money ?,,,,,,2022-01-19 11:33:55 s7pckk,,45,Watching Talvza Wataniya (Stade el CAN) lately made me angry how they're talking about women..,"The past 2 days I'm watching Razi's program about the African Cup, specifically yesterday when they mentioned how it's good that they appointed a woman as a referee for the first time ever. Literally saying, ""she did really good, FOR A WOMAN!"" Then, proceeding to say that we have a good woman referee too, they say her name and Ali Kaabi says, if it wasn't for her ponytail(chaachouta, he said) I couldn't tell she was a woman(they're all laughing), the guy next to him says ""yeah, you can't tell she's a woman, she's a man(Rajel).."" As if manhood(rojla) is the fucking definition of strength, loyalty and the best qualities there is out there.. As if a woman can't do better than a man in something.(It's on youtube if you wanna check) I don't know what kind of message they're trying to pass and if they're fucking aware of their dumb mentality. Also, they have a journalist in Cameron doing these video reports it was nice watching it as they're trying to show their culture and stuff until the cameraman gets really annoying, they're filming them like it's the first time they see a black person, like they're aliens. Sticking the camera in their face and they way they're talking to them is kinda demeaning, one woman even shows pride, gets up and walks away when he got too close to her face.. Just wanted to let these things off my chest, no need to get disrespectful. My opinion after all and you can still watch all that on their channel.",,,,,,2022-01-19 12:43:43 s7pfdi,,4,Twitter Tunisia,What are the most relevant twitter accounts to follow-up different perspectives about daily news in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-01-19 12:48:34 s7pql9,,1,عدو خفي للنجاح ! احذر منه,,,,,,,2022-01-19 13:06:20 s7quv2,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 14:06:18 s7rs45,,0,Architecture,"hi ena bac eco wn7b n3rf est-ce que c'est possible eni ntwjh architecture ? dima nassm3 li fama afe9 fl business , médecine , droit ama architecture mssm3tch bha fl entourage t3i ? est-ce que feha afe9 mb3d?",,,,,,2022-01-19 14:50:39 s7s561,,0,التبليغ عن شهاب بودن وزير التعليم العالي السابق وزعيم تنظيم إرهابي بتونس,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-19 15:06:57 s7saj1,,0,Specialty in Germany for a medical student,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-19 15:13:28 s7ti8v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 16:08:20 s7to2w,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 16:15:09 s7ui75,,2,How do you ship things from the US/UK to Tunisia?,"I heard that shipment companies like Amazon and Ebay can't deliver to Tunisia, and I wanted to buy some PC specs. Found a website called MyUs, is it reliable? &#x200B; Thanks",,,,,,2022-01-19 16:51:45 s7ukmq,,1,TEF exam,"Guys I need your help, where can I pass the TEF Canada exam in tunis and how much is the cost, and if by chance any one did pass it before is it hard or not? Thanks fellas",,,,,,2022-01-19 16:54:43 s7vdns,,38,once upon a time,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-19 17:28:23 s7wljm,,5,What do you call your parents," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-19 18:19:30 s7wzom,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 18:35:52 s7x0gs,,10,Date Ideas,Hi!! I was looking for some fun date ideas to do around that involves playing and adrenaline Increasing. Any ideas ? Ive been also looking for any arcade places around in Tunis but cant find any . Help a sis out pls 🥺,,,,,,2022-01-19 18:36:51 s7yvmx,,151,they just gave up on closing them,,,,,,,2022-01-19 19:55:47 s7z0dc,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 20:01:07 s7zeao,,1,Best way to monetize apps in tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-19 20:17:34 s7zggf,,26,Name one thing Tunisians got better at .,I’ll start : english,,,,,,2022-01-19 20:20:10 s7zicn,,1,I have a question,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-19 20:22:05 s80fab,éovhs_ou_replica_en_tunisie/,1,Cassette vidéo(vhs) ou replica en tunisie,"Where can I find/buy video cassettes or more preferably replicas? I'd like to buy some as a gift where I just can write a title on it on the outside, hence it doesn't matter if it's fake or doesn't work, and assuming fakes are much cheaper if they exist. For context, to those of you who are familiar with brooklyn99 and ""title of your sextape joke"", I want to gift such video casettes with every joke title on one of them (it's getting redundant here sorry!) So it's fine as long as the item in question looks like a video cassette, and I can write/stick something on it! [Exemple]( but not necessarily identical I hope i was clear with the explanation and I'd appreciate your help and ideas!",,,,,,2022-01-19 21:01:18 s81fvi,,1,Where can I play basketball in Sousse/Messtir? Pick up games?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-19 21:44:31 s833uq,كرة_الريشة/,2,intrested in Badminton ( كرة الريشة),"I played it first time at school back in 2020. Before that , I already know just a lil bit about it while browsing sport channels. so could anyone help me sign up for a club or knows where they play this kind of sport here in Tunis/Ariana area ?",,,,,,2022-01-19 22:54:29 s86z5t,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 01:53:05 s875x2,,12,"What are you reading - January, 2022","Tell us about what you've been reading over the last month books or magazines, fiction or non fiction, articles or newsletters - wether that be a simple mention, a brief synopsis or even a review.",,,,,,2022-01-20 02:02:23 s8913p,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 03:33:53 s8dgqo,,2,[Africa Cup of Nations] Match preview: Gambia - Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 07:38:23 s8etlp,,26,My problem with abir moussy and her party.," So to start I'm 22 years old, I'm not really interested in politics, but just as the title says, Abir moussy has been annoying me these past years and ever since she became in the parliament, seeing her growing, becoming more popular and getting more support from the people is also bothering me. How could you support someone that aggressive in her speech, okay I get it we want to get rid of the Islamists but sorry she's not the one to do it, I don't see any difference between her, Nahdha or Makhlouf's party they both insulting each other such using different arguments (being Fascists), also her past with the old regime is mortifying. She has been at the parliament for two years, I can't find anything good to mention what she did except doing Lives on Facebook and filming others without their approval. I hope the young generation is not supporting this kind of politicians (including Nahdha and Makhlouf's party), her supporters are just as bad as her saying something you don't like about her makes you an Islamic or Nahdha supporter like you can't oppose her. I just wrote here because I wanted to share my opinion about her here because I think Reddit community is more mature than Facebook's community and less toxic, seeing her growing is terrifying how could you support or trust someone like her?",,,,,,2022-01-20 09:09:19 s8evx7,,29,منصة رقمية باش الشباب ينتج قلك تبيض اموال و مخاطر ومعناش سلطة رقابية ...backwardness and ignorance is the specialty of the central bank,,,,,,,2022-01-20 09:13:06 s8ew0h,,0,منصة رقمية باش الشباب ينتج قلك تبيض اموال و مخاطر ومعناش سلطة رقابية ...backwardness and ignorance is the specialty of the central bank,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-20 09:13:18 s8fi6r,,1,Which one is better? Payoneer or Paysera?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-20 09:55:54 s8fmu8,,1,Where to buy marvel comics?,,,,,,,2022-01-20 10:04:07 s8fu7r,تنمر_mean/,3,Wtf does تنمر mean?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 10:18:24 s8g7sm,,1,Top 10 Places to Visit in Tunisia 2022,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 10:43:29 s8gg1a,,1,Any good book about the history of Tunisia?,Ahla w sahla. Any good book which talks about the history of Tunisia from early antiquity to now (or at least end of WW2)?,,,,,,2022-01-20 10:59:10 s8gppa,,0,Help,"Heyyy , I’d like to ask about “ carte Technologique” . What is it exactly , how to get it and how much does it cost and most importantly , will I be able to pay application fees for universities in USA and Canada",,,,,,2022-01-20 11:15:55 s8gwyv,,1,Sandboarding in Tunisia,"Hey everyone, I am planning to visit Tunisia in the next weeks and I always want to try sandboarding. When searching I found that Tunisia is one of the best countries to try this kind of sports but the problem that I didn't found any store and surf-school that give those lessons. Could u guys help me with this if anyone have an idea on the topic ?",,,,,,2022-01-20 11:29:11 s8hrz8,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 12:22:40 s8ju47,,1,Final AutoFaucet |,,,,,,,2022-01-20 14:10:07 s8kc0a,,3,College choices,If you go back in time what major you would have chosen?,,,,,,2022-01-20 14:33:24 s8khi8,,2,Professional failure thread,,,,,,,2022-01-20 14:40:57 s8klks,,0,Sharing_EXP_XTN_PROFESSIONAL_DUMMIES,,,,,,,2022-01-20 14:46:44 s8lhxk,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 15:28:45 s8lndd,,1,How do you deal with anger in your work/formation/school when people piss you off ? Akthariyet la3bed chleyek Bel7a9 bech iji nhar ou bech no4lt m3a we7ed,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 15:35:35 s8lr2p,,1,Would you participate in an alternate reality game set in Tunis?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-20 15:40:17 s8lvq7,,1,hey guys i want to begin an e-commerce business with electronic devices (like smart watch smat band Bluetooth speakers..) where can find it please? any advice ?,,,,,,,2022-01-20 15:46:22 s8oq7z,,121,طونس 2022,,,,,,,2022-01-20 17:52:29 s8p28d,,1,Gambia vs Tunisia LIVE,,,,,,,2022-01-20 18:07:06 s8q1wl,,0,tunisian gf,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 18:51:04 s8r5rp,,15,"Mechanical butterfly by Ardif for Galerie Itinerrance at Djerbahood in Erriadh, Tunisia. Photos by Lionel Belluteau",,,,,,,2022-01-20 19:41:04 s8riop,,7,The African Cup is a circus ngl,,,,,,,2022-01-20 19:57:31 s8s7dh,,1,"Salem. I have seen a lot on the internet about Tunisians scamming a lot of foreigners (bezness) online through fake love. Some even get married and as soon as they get green card/papers in a foreign country, they leave their partners. Can anyone provide some light into this? (the reality of it)",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-20 20:32:37 s8swfz,,2,Anywhere to train boxing in sfax?,,,,,,,2022-01-20 21:04:05 s8t2tc,,6,Looking to Make Friends (Ariana/Tunis),"Hey guys. I’m in Tunisia until further notice. I’m from London (born there). Currently spending time with family but because I’m not here often therefore I don’t have many friends. I enjoy the occasional coffee. Trying to get better at billard too. I’d be down to do anything. Would like to go bowling actually. I also don’t care what gender you are. I do speak Arabic and I do have a car so transport isn’t a big deal. I am double vaccinated as well. If you’re interested, please send me a message! (20 and above age only please)",,,,,,2022-01-20 21:12:08 s91i97,,6,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-01-21 04:00:18 s94b4x,,7,Thoughts on Flybox(orange)?,"PS: I'm a student so ADSL isn't an options and neither is fixbox atm :c. Can you guys share your experience on speed, uptime, gaming performance (ping to LoL especially, packet loss...).",,,,,,2022-01-21 06:28:09 s95am3,,4,yep,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-21 07:32:57 s96faq,,24,I wil be taking My TOEFL test tomorrow .,Any tips.,,,,,,2022-01-21 08:52:20 s96xxm,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-21 09:29:04 s9903x,,8,I need an internet provider,"I mainly use the internet for gaming am looking for a good connection (8mb minimum) and a stable ping,the problem is that i can't settle for an internet cable right now. I really appreciate it it you tell me about your experiences",,,,,,2022-01-21 11:48:42 s9b12y,,6,How to make friends,"Dumb question How to make friends when you're above 20, have social anxiety and moving to a new city",,,,,,2022-01-21 13:43:31 s9b40u,,1,Conseils juridique gratuit,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-21 13:48:05 s9bk3l,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-21 14:09:47 s9cifn,,9,Question for r/Tunisia: What were Tunisia's territorial claims post independence?,I keep hearing about Tunisia having a large chunk of it's territory confiscated and not retrieved post independence. Can someone with a little historical knowledge explain that to me ? What are these claims based upon ? Why didn't Bourguiba press more on the matter ? Which part exactly ?,,,,,,2022-01-21 14:54:12 s9dbol,,1,التفكير الايجابي وتحديد الشخصية,,,,,,,2022-01-21 15:30:49 s9drr9,,6,How far are we gonna get do you think?,,,,,,,2022-01-21 15:50:58 s9g8o5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-21 17:39:06 s9ggk3,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-21 17:48:41 s9gieb,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-21 17:50:48 s9hi56,,3,Ielts and The british council in Tunisia,"Hey everyone , I'm going to pass the Ielts soon So I wanted to enquire about that , how long in advance do I need to book the test computer version ( 1 week or two weeks in advance ) Any other tips I would need to know for test day or in general would be helpful",,,,,,2022-01-21 18:33:17 s9j7wr,,81,No comment...,,,,,,,2022-01-21 19:50:30 s9jter,,313,Snoop Dogg reacting to a Tunisian surname.,,,,,,,2022-01-21 20:16:25 s9l3hv,,2,Where did the rice go?,"Hi ,it's been few days now, I've noticed that no shop in my area(El menzah,Tunis) had any type of rice in their stock.. I tried to go Ariana ,down town Lafayette and even Géant... there's no rice ,what happening with rice 🥲?",,,,,,2022-01-21 21:12:32 s9l7r8,,4,Looking for a part time job,"21yo student here, not that busy with school my time schedule is not very tight so im looking for a part time job preferably in Grand Tunis preferably in Ariana, can someone suggest anything?",,,,,,2022-01-21 21:17:59 s9o4d9,,0,Chiheb Bouden the former Tunisian minister of higher education is the leader of a terrorist organization in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-21 23:27:23 s9qdob,,1,😇,,,,,,,2022-01-22 01:13:58 s9t4u5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-22 03:38:19 s9ul6q,,13,Any Tunisian Americans on this sub?,"I have literally never met one Tunisian in this country in my entire life. Other countries in the Mahgreb region, yes, but have never met any other Tunisian descended people. The most I heard was a friend who said she knew a Tunisian guy in her MSA club. Where y'all at?",,,,,,2022-01-22 04:59:15 s9xz9c,ésence_mn_fac_privée/,6,Attestation de présence mn fac privée,"I want to change my ID card, to say that I'm a student, i got my attestation de présence mn fac privée, but someone told me lazem natba3ha fl wzara to be accepted, is it true?",,,,,,2022-01-22 08:31:54 sa0956,,25,[istichara] winou chabeb?,,,,,,,2022-01-22 11:07:59 sa2277,,8,Which search engine do you use?,"According to StatCounter Google is the dominant search engine in Tunisia … no surprise here []( I like diversity and always try to avoid Google and was curious about what other Tunisian redditors use [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-22 13:02:33 sa4918,,1,Conseils juridique,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-22 14:59:07 sa4knx,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-22 15:14:26 sa4r7b,,1,Questionnaire on the Arab Spring,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-22 15:23:10 sa5r8e,,4,Africa Cup of Nations - Nigeria vs Tunisia Preview,,,,,,,2022-01-22 16:10:51 sa6mdv,,3,Best places for a birthday Party,"So I'm planning a birthday party for my fiancee and wanted to know your ideas/thoughts on the best places we have in Tunis for hosting birthdays ( bars, coffeehouses, restaurants, etc... ) Help ! :p",,,,,,2022-01-22 16:52:24 sa7whk,,2,Good restaurants to recommend in Tunis Banlieue Nord ?,I'm kinda new here and i was wondering if anyone has any suggestion for good food and restaurants in the banlieu nord. Any suggestion is welcome other than seafood.,,,,,,2022-01-22 17:50:07 sa8sy2,,26,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-22 18:31:28 sa96dj,,1,دعاء تسخير الزوج مجرب ومضمون باذن الله,,,,,,,2022-01-22 18:48:53 sa9jys,,4,"Where can I buy rings,necklaces and other accessories for a male?",,,,,,,2022-01-22 19:05:58 sa9zcp,,43,Reddit community stop complaining,"Barcha jeybin feha tayarat ou fehmin kol chay ou ye7kiw kifech madhloumin ki tweldou fil bled l bhima hedhi ou houma inabrou kifhom kima ay tounsi wala harbou ou 5alewha tekel b3adhha ken jitou ble7a9 kima t9oulou rakom l9itou 7al mahma kent l7ala mzamra Ye5i berrasmi ts5aybou fi rwe7kom 5ir men jme3t l Facebook wala IG ta3mlou fi nafs l7keyia ama bel Eng m3a chwayia western culture",,,,,,2022-01-22 19:26:07 saakup,,15,"Hello, I was wondering what video game you guys are playing? Comment below.",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-22 19:53:52 saau4f,,2,"First Lablebi Sandwich in my life, WHY DID I WASTE 24 YEARS BEFORE !",[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-22 20:05:26 sablde,,1,و على الدنيا سلام,,,,,,,2022-01-22 20:41:05 saczdl,,8,Can someone explain to me the education system here?,"According to Google, the education system is called the ""**Napoleonic model**"". I tried to find more about it but I still couldn't find anything about it. Can someone explain it to me? Thanks",,,,,,2022-01-22 21:46:00 sad0pt,التنمر_في_الوسط_المدرسي/,10,التنمر في الوسط المدرسي.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-22 21:47:48 saecbv,,14,Visiting Tunisia in June,"Im a 24 y/o Canadian/Peruvian travelling to sicily in june and i was thinking of taking a ferry down to Tunisia. Could you guys give me some tips or recommendations as to what to see/do? I dont plan too much so if you want to hang out or show me around send me a message and ill drop you my instagram. Im down to do anything Thank youuu",,,,,,2022-01-22 22:47:56 saew3b,,1,Driving licence and registration taken,How much to pay to get them back ?,,,,,,2022-01-22 23:12:43 sagq0o,,1,[RE] French Nationality,"Hey! My question is as simple as: Is there a law that allows me to take the nationality of my father (In this case he is French) in Tunisia? If so, how is it done? &#x200B; (Last time this Thread got taken down for literally no reason whatsoever). &#x200B; As far as I've read on Wikipedia, it says: [\_nationality\_law]( >French citizenship by birth abroad to at least one French citizen > >=>The child (legitimate or natural) is French if at least one parent is French. &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-01-23 00:39:45 sahe0f,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 01:12:30 sakkmc,,4,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 04:00:17 saod8u,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 07:46:53 saqmu3,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 10:20:15 saqza3,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 10:43:01 sar71k,,38,استشارة سيدنا,,,,,,,2022-01-23 10:57:37 sarssu,,3,Bows in tunisia,"Hey guys, i know it sounds a bit weird but do any of you know where can i get bows in tunisia? Lately I've become interested in bows and archery and I'd like to try it myself",,,,,,2022-01-23 11:36:29 sartvd,,1,Going on a trip to tozeur,What are some of the interesting activities one could do there ?,,,,,,2022-01-23 11:38:24 sas4ol,,1,Drugs use safety,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 11:57:57 sas6ea,,1,Drugs use safety,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 12:00:40 sasxz8,,1,How do you do it?,"Hi, I m a first-year CS student and every time I started learning new technical skills I failed maybe because I don't have a mentor by my side I get easily distracted by what I am learning. I truly want to ask how you made yourself study programming by yourself?",,,,,,2022-01-23 12:48:01 sat1ys,,2,When Tunisia Ruled Africa,,,,,,,2022-01-23 12:54:42 satmp8,,18,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 13:27:34 saxc37,,49,Beautiful view from the Ribat of sousse,,,,,,,2022-01-23 16:26:24 saywym,,1,Tunisia vs Nigeria,"What are your thoughts about the match? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-23 17:34:42 sb07l0,,2,High speed WiFi in Tunis,"Hello I'm visiting Tunis in April for a week and I'm going to continue working whilst there. My girlfriend and I are teachers so we will need high speed WiFi 40+ Mbps to have stable classes. Most Airbnbs seem to have low WiFi speed. Is this speed available in Tunis? Thanks",,,,,,2022-01-23 18:28:35 sb0gue,,0,If presidential elections would be today and Kais Said would be in round 2 against his opponent..who would u vote for and would you even vote?,"Round 2, between Kais Said and his opponents. Would you vote? If so, who? If you would not vote at all mention it in the comments. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-23 18:39:19 sb0hi7,,1,اسباب المشاكل الزوجية,,,,,,,2022-01-23 18:40:02 sb0jfy,,41,Why are we so angry all the time ?,"I am genuinely asking why do we act this way , as Tunisians it seems like we are always angry , swearing all the time for no reason , getting into arguments and being defensive for the smallest things and we also refuse to accept difference . Everyone is always right and they are living life the correct way and if anyone dares to say otherwise they are imbeciles but somehow life is so cruel and unfair to us so we curse it all day . Is it really that hard to accept that not everything goes our way and live how ever we want with only keeping peace in mind ?",,,,,,2022-01-23 18:41:58 sb19bc,,122,"🇹🇳🇩🇿 - A picture of Tunisians parading down one of the main streets in the city during the traditional May Day celebration, 1956. They can be seen carrying the flag of Algeria in support of their struggle against French colonisation. 📸: Bettmann/Getty Images",,,,,,,2022-01-23 19:12:14 sb227r,,1,"Tunisians, do you consider Sicily to be closer to Tunisia, Northern Italy and France, or Greece culturally?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-23 19:47:15 sb2kl9,,1,Feedback about an app idea. (Read Text Below),"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-23 20:09:22 sb2ort,,1,"If you had a chance to open your buisness, what will it be? What's stopping you from doing so?",,,,,,,2022-01-23 20:14:24 sb3ncq,,1,Hi anybody living in London ?,"Hi! Where are you guys located ? Where is everyone living ? Tunisia, Italy, France, UK, US ??!! Myself I’m living in UK",,,,,,2022-01-23 20:56:39 sb4sho,,2,Car rental for foreigners,"Where is it possible to rent a car in Tunis other than the big companies since they require a credit card and do not accept debit cards (I only have a debit)? Also are there any individuals on here willing to rent their car from the 4th to the 14th of March?",,,,,,2022-01-23 21:44:38 sb5dn3,,2,Tunisian inheritance law,"Hi community! My father is tunisian citizen. I was born in Europe and I am european citizen. Since my stepfather has not adopted me I would like to ask if anybody is familiar with the tunisian inheritance law in my case. Am I entitled to a share of my biological father's inheritance from Tunisia and how difficult would it be to negotiate this from Europe? I hope this question goes along with the subreddit rules. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-01-23 22:09:31 sb5qyc,,23,Corpse found in a farm in Brazil it’s from a tunisian men,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 22:24:57 sb5yrf,,58,WE DID IT BOIZ,,,,,,,2022-01-23 22:34:12 sb6eki,,2,Is there a service to get books delivered in Greater Tunis Area?,"Hi, title says it all, I live abroad and I want to gift a book to my mum. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-01-23 22:53:52 sb706e,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-23 23:20:47 sb8zhk,,3,Tunisians are Africa’s finest when it comes to soccer,"Many Tunisians doubt me whenever I say this . احنا رب الكورة في افريقيا And anyone who brags about us lacking a player like Salah or Mahrez I’d like to remind him Tunisian league is competitive and way better than many European leagues. And it’s full of Tunisian players so high level games are a routine to our players unlike other teams who rely on 2-3 players",,,,,,2022-01-24 00:53:43 sb9ray,,70,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-24 01:31:02 sbf7nm,,5,Team Tunisia did you get any sleep?,"Did you manage to get any sleep after last night’s game or you are still rewatching the sumptuous goal of M’sakni ? I’m still shivering 🔥",,,,,,2022-01-24 06:15:00 sbfjp1,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-24 06:34:07 sbhww4,,1,I wonder why they have microphones in front of them. They never said a word.,,,,,,,2022-01-24 09:05:11 sbi5cz,,2,For those who wish to live a worthy and virtuous life,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-24 09:20:40 sbiy09,,15,Help,Elmohm my girlfreind is depressed she disspear for a while and comes back as usual than she did it again mtjych t9ara we ki tjy n7ky m3aha t9oli rany glga we manich 7mla rou7i b3d tarj3 t7ky m3aya normal than t3wd trj3 kyma kent s2ltha las2la lkol we mfhmt mnha chy bch no5rj 5ayb brcha ken chnjbd rou7i wa9tly shes having a bad time and in the other hand zeda i cant stop my mind im overthinking about it and im feeling bad any opinions guys if anyone 3achha l experience hedhy help me to understand,,,,,,2022-01-24 10:14:04 sbl77z,,33,If we were in a simulation what settings is Tunisia as a country and people on?,"This is purely hypothetical so even if you don’t believe in the simulation theory please go along , this is just a fun way to express thoughts and share fun facts about the country . Examples : As people we are on 0% patience with a 13% chance of being depressed and we also have the “corrupt politicians” attribute. As a country we have “ancient civilizations” , “underdeveloped” ,”multiple biomes” attributes.",,,,,,2022-01-24 12:32:32 sbn999,,11,A reason to live ?,please (serious post),,,,,,2022-01-24 14:20:02 sbng7n,,1,"nlawej ala ritalin, Looking for ritalin",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-24 14:29:16 sbnj8o,,8,Hmm 🤔,,,,,,,2022-01-24 14:32:51 sboghh,,2,Conseils juridique,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-24 15:16:53 sbp1fr,,3,Does anyone buy & consume omega 3 vitamins?,"How does it noticeably help you? What did you notice that was better or worse? How much does it cost by the way? And are there ""brands"" ?",,,,,,2022-01-24 15:44:17 sbpa9f,,3,Best date ideas in Yasmine Hammamet?,I am looking for something that isn’t just to have food or coffee there,,,,,,2022-01-24 15:55:05 sbq1mj,,7,Estonian e-residency for Tunisians ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-24 16:28:28 sbq70s,,2,"Who’s up to play basketball at Academy Balbouli, soussa??? My treat, any day.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-24 16:35:12 sbqsxb,,1,Is Parcours de Santé - El Manar 1 a good place for workout?,,,,,,,2022-01-24 17:01:43 sbrgk4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-24 17:29:38 sbs8nb,,1,Is it legal to sell covid tests?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-24 18:02:40 sbt5lh,,0,Girls prove it.,"I saw a post about a girl saying they also have ass-hair, i don't believe her or u. I need to see proof right now. (For legal reasons: this is a joke)",,,,,,2022-01-24 18:42:24 sbtd82,,1,محلاها فرحة,,,,,,,2022-01-24 18:51:40 sbtoyu,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-24 19:05:44 sbtym9,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-24 19:17:15 sbv85v,,1,Does this mean tunisia refused money/business from Israel ? Since when?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-24 20:10:34 sbv8k2,,1,I ate a casse croute lablabi in Bizerte for my last stop of my road trip in Northern Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-01-24 20:11:02 sbve4m,,1,How strong is our military?,Like what'sour manpower and what countries can we beat?,,,,,,2022-01-24 20:17:44 sbvnh6,,85,University in tunisia 😂😂,,,,,,,2022-01-24 20:29:00 sbvqdq,,3,Anyone here who has an unusual job / occupation?,Tbh i never met someone that's like a teacher or a police officer in reddit and it would be cool,,,,,,2022-01-24 20:32:32 sbx823,,11,A question for Tunisians living in Italy or Europe in general.,"I'm a fresh graduate. I work in a company in tunis. I make about 1500 dinars. of course it's not enough since I support my mom and sisters as my dad has passed away. I recently got a chance to get a visa for Italy. The bad thing is that my diploma won't mean anything there and I probably will be forced to do one of the manual jobs.the question here, should I go for it? Will I suffer? Is it worth it?",,,,,,2022-01-24 21:36:22 sby8v2,,6,Dear Tunisian Software Engineers working abroad,How is the work? Work benefits? Salaries? Are u satisfied?,,,,,,2022-01-24 22:19:57 sbzq3k,,77,[Day 170]-Posting a picture of the national airline of each country on their subreddit. Enjoy!,,,,,,,2022-01-24 23:26:07 sbzx6k,,8,Music,"People of Tunisia , how often do you listen to music ? What genres of music do you like? Personally , I am stuck with shoegaze and dreampop also indie rock and lots of lofi chill beats. Recently, I started listening to kanye west; man's genius though.",,,,,,2022-01-24 23:35:06 sc0n9x,,1,مساعدة من اخواني العرب هده القناة هي مصدر رزقي وأنا بحاجة إلى إشتراكات,,,,,,,2022-01-25 00:55:28 sc4jhu,,0,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-25 04:00:17 sc86hg,,11,How common is a company abusing its employees in Tunisia? What can be done and what are the aftereffects?,,,,,,,2022-01-25 07:35:32 sc94oc,,1,Le Cameroun en route pour son 6ème titre continental,,,,,,,2022-01-25 08:41:06 sc9lnl,,1,Does this really works ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-25 09:14:21 sc9m6e,,0,Yoo guys ena the same guy t3 el depressed girlfreind problem anyway help again,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-25 09:15:24 scat1h,,3,Why Kais Saied Chief Of Staff Has Walked Out?,,,,,,,2022-01-25 10:39:04 scbhj7,,72,Manouba's Tram,,,,,,,2022-01-25 11:21:52 scbirt,,1,تعرف على اخر أعمال شركة هواويHUAWEI : ساعة HUAWEI WATCH GT 2 Pro المبهرة,,,,,,,2022-01-25 11:23:54 scbx27,,0,,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-25 11:48:58 scbx9r,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-25 11:49:17 scbyq7,,0,spinning art #shorts #pendulum act #prgah #pndlumaic #pedulmpanting #pai...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-25 11:51:35 scc2mr,,1,Help,Is there any opportunities for tunisian students to study abroad?and leave the country,,,,,,2022-01-25 11:58:17 sce0gl,,7,"I want to buy my girlfriend an iphone 12 as a gift, what do you guys think?","They advised me not too, fearing that this might cause her a problem with her family? I am all ears",,,,,,2022-01-25 13:41:28 scey69,,27,TunisianHistory subreddit needs your help,"3aslema, A week ago, I started posting pictures I had from various museums in Tunisia and they got a lot of attention of History related subreddits. This gave me the idea to create a subreddit dedicated to Tunisian History which will allow our hidden gem of a country to get the attention it deserves. r/TunisianHistory Will serve as the main place for Tunisian historical posts that will also be crossposted to the adequate subreddits. But for that to happen I need your help 1. For moderation 2. For quality posts. If you have any good pictures/videos/stories of/about Tunisian art, artefacts, historical places etc please help out by posting them. If you have any good media that is not OC just be sure to mention the source in the comments. That's about it. Thanks !",,,,,,2022-01-25 14:25:59 scfjrj,,9,Looking for a local in Tunis to guide us,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-25 14:55:21 scgh6l,,1,Anyone found a working dandruff treatment in Tunisia?,"I’ve been to the dermatologist, spent around 200 dinars and absolutely nothing changed. Did anyone try a treatment that worked? Ideally it’s something purchased within Tunisia. But if it’s from elsewhere, I’d be interested in knowing too.",,,,,,2022-01-25 15:38:17 scgjle,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-25 15:41:13 sci70o,,0,Getting out of this shithole -Engineers Edition,"Hey tunisian engineers, could you please tell us how you got out of Tunisia to work abroad? Is it easy or not? Do you think you can get out directly after finishing your engineering studies with a couple of internships and projects? (My questions are fairly oriented towards software Engs, DS, DevOps, ML but I'd love to hear about your diverse experiences)",,,,,,2022-01-25 16:53:53 scj3qm,لماذا_نحن_هنا_سؤال_صعب_يراودني/,37,لماذا نحن هنا ? - سؤال صعب يراودني,"So I live near a Tunisie Telecom ADSL Central and I have been enjoying stable connection for a while. My neighborhood is situated between the said central and a new in-development land where the government is planning big tech/industrial/medical projects. Tunisie Telecom started linking this new zone with fiber optics underground cables and although we won't get fiber optic home terminals (for free at least) our landlines got connected to a local hub (cabinet like 50m from my house) that will assure the last mile over optics. All good and swell until شباب الحي noticed that the cables being installed are thicker than the usual landlines. And in pure Tunisian fashion at 2AM, they unearthed the cables (from hub to hub) thinking they will make bank selling the copper. When they found ""العصبة"", they destroyed the 2 fiber optic hubs. &#x200B; After 2 days without service, we got a temporary fix with some mediocre equipment. The connection is now intermittent, unreliable and the ping fi السماء. Today, furious, I went to the main TT branch and got a ""complaint receipt"" so I can go to the central. The technicians were understanding told me that my whole ""district"" is officially screwed. One of them showed me the initial damage assessment report: 6.000.000TND 6.000.000 TND lost because some motherfuckers wanted 200TND for بلعة راس العام MOTHERFUCKERS..",,,,,,2022-01-25 17:34:07 scjemi,,20,Kissing culture while dating in Tunisia,"I know this is quite a big religious and cultural taboo subject in tunisia which can actually get you arrested lol , but i need some woman's opinion on this (if there's any). I've been reading online that it is very important to establish physical chemistry early on while dating through touch and especially kissing , to not fall in the ""friendzone"" and make your intentions straight. but does the same advice apply here in Tunisia since it is a taboo subject? Im currently dating a girl who i really like and i have the intention of having a relationship with her( we only had one date) and im genuinely anxious about applying this and making the situation awkward and her uncomfortable. How should i deal with this ? And if the same advice apply how early on while dating should i do this ? Thank you in advance and i'm sorry if i've made anyone uncomfortable while reading this.",,,,,,2022-01-25 17:47:06 scjxzd,,0,Does this subreddit have a Job Boards section?,"#Entry Level, English Speaking Position Please DM me for exact pay and more information. You'll need a laptop, internet connection, and a great attitude. Responsibilities: * Clock into work on your computer. * Check your daily assignment. * Reach out to potential clients. * Offer them our product or service. * Report your sales. * Maintain a line of communications with the team. Training for this position is one day. Training is paid. After training, you will receive a base pay per 8 hour day, plus commission. Commission is uncapped, meaning that you can earn much more than your base pay. The exact commission will be discussed during training. Please reply back if you are interested and the payment channel you would like to be paid out in. Thank you. Please DM me for exact pay and more information.",,,,,,2022-01-25 18:09:59 sckp0b,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-25 18:42:42 scltdf,,1,Is the white CDC COVID-19 vaccination card sufficient as proof of vaccination for entry into Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-01-25 19:31:50 scnirj,,0,Topnet,So guys 3mlt matlb El topnet bsh ne5ou modem w been waiting tawa jom3in anyone y3rf 9adech tnjm te5ou wa9t?,,,,,,2022-01-25 20:47:33 scor4a,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-25 21:43:04 scp07i,,7,Tunisian dialect private lessons for foreigners.,"Hello, I'm a Tunisian dialect teacher with more than two years experience teaching foreigners. I'd like to give some private lessons with the goal of improving the reading, writing, and especially speaking skills of the students. I can teach using the GPA method and I also have a curriculum with written lessons for each level. If you're interested, please don't hesitate to DM me for more details. PS: I'm a 29M and I live in the capital.",,,,,,2022-01-25 21:55:49 scp3on,,44,قاعدين نعيشو كالزبلة في بوبالة ولاية صفاقس 2021-2022 أكثر من ثلاثة شهور و الشي هكا لا بلدية موجودة والمواطن و الصفاقسية بصفة عامة بايعين الطرح وعي مافماش تحتى لهوا تبدل و لايخنق sfax tunisie,,,,,,,2022-01-25 22:00:15 scp4yk,,10,What did you do to make money as a teenager/Uni Student? How much did you make?,"Whether it's online or at a job, buying or selling, I want to hear your stories :)",,,,,,2022-01-25 22:01:48 sczt7i,,1,Morning,,,,,,,2022-01-26 06:55:36 sczubw,,1,Tunisia vs Nigeria Can2022 Cameron,,,,,,,2022-01-26 06:57:50 sd1k63,,9,Best pain chocolate in the capital?,I’m looking to treat my wife to the best of her favorite,,,,,,2022-01-26 08:53:45 sd1yy4,,74,The flipped rock at Bouhsina in Sousse is a random giant rock in the middle of the city. It resulted in many urban legends such as being a meteorite or having a treasure buried under it. It's real origin is thought to be a portion of an ancient Roman amphitheater that was lost to time.,,,,,,,2022-01-26 09:22:46 sd2b7r,,1,nft,,,,,,,2022-01-26 09:47:42 sd2ffw,,0,Tunisia president’s chief of staff resigns over fundamental differences," [Tunisia ]( witnessing one of the worst climates of political turmoil in recent years. Post Arab Spring, it seemed a democratic flavor had arrived in the country but unfortunately circumstances made it impossible for it to flourish. [](",,,,,,2022-01-26 09:55:53 sd2ttj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-26 10:21:55 sd32cf,,9,What can a Tunisian student do when he gets permanently expelled ?,"**Too long won't read : This is all just a context for my question, if you don't want to read it go to the last part.** Yesterday, I came late to the school and I couldn't find my class and one of the supervisors gave me a wrong direction so I got lost and missed the first hour of my two hour class, so when I finally found it in the second hour I tried explaining it to the professor but he insisted on an entry card (بطاقة دخول) so I just left with an angry face and closed the door without arguing any further but right before I exit the school's gate my classmate came to me telling me that the Professor told me I can come back but I'm still pissed so I told him to not tell him that he found me and just tell him that you couldn't find me and left. Hours later, I receive a Facebook message from one of my other classmates who told me that our teacher told them to inform me that he is going to send me to the disciplinary board (مجلس التأديب) but didn't tell me for what reason, I asked another one who wasn't there when I was at the class and told me that he is doing it for insulting him and closing the door violently which are complete blatant lies and I'm pretty sure that the whole class can testify with me on that, not to mention that I never got expelled or received a warning in my entire life so it should be really weird to look at how I received my first expulsion in the first year I study under this Professor and in fact, since the start of this school year I felt that he was always waiting for this moment, he commented few times on how I close the door but no one else said anything about it, he keeps complaining about me from time to time but I never thought he would go any further and I've a feeling that he wants me out of the school for life. Anyways, I'm just telling you all this just to give context to why I'm asking this because I'm really ignorant about all the disciplinary stuff but I had many friends who dealt with it and I've always hated the system for its cruelty and giving absolutely no regard or dignity to students, I fucking hate it and I think no one should be expelled permanently, I think no matter how severe student's crimes can be he should be always given a chance to do better and fix his mistakes and be given a chance to graduate from high school normally like everyone else. So I'm currently absent and don't plan on bringing my parent and getting an entry card any time soon, so what's the process of expelling a student ? Do I have to be at school to sign something or would I receive a message ? And let's assume I will get expelled permanently, Can I continue my education at a private school or does the expulsion includes all kinds of schools ? Edit : I forgot to mention that he could use some facts about me to get me expelled which are : 1- I got 5/20 for the first trimester mark. 2- I was ""illegally"" absent for long time. 3- I was ""illegally"" absent in most exams. 4- I always come late to the class. 5- I forged an entry card recently and I don't know if they found out about it or not. 6- I never worked in class and I don't even have a copybook.",,,,,,2022-01-26 10:37:31 sd4qn0,,1,Lowled full support 💪🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-01-26 12:21:42 sd4t6e,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-26 12:25:48 sd7wwn,,25,Anything weird?,,,,,,,2022-01-26 15:00:37 sd9vq0,,9,They think we are idiot... medicines are only sold in pharmacies,,,,,,,2022-01-26 16:27:29 sdc601,مقاول/,5,How can someone become a general contractor ? (مقاول),How can someone become a general contractor in tunisia ? Does it need any type of education ? What are the requirements to start ? And thanks,,,,,,2022-01-26 18:03:41 sdcpvz,,0,What kind of jobs should i go for ?,"Lately i've postponed my registration to my university to the next year for personal reasons. I was like for a month sitting at home without doing any kind of engagement. So i'm thinking about challenging myself and going for a new experience that i couldn't even think about during the last few years. I found out finding a job would be a cool adventure that i can go for for the next month. Espacially if i will learn new life matters and improve my personality in a way that can benefits me in my professional life. So, i'm asking your opinions about what kind of jobs should i go for ? (Btw i'm 19 years old ) I'm glad to read all your comments below. You will help a lot. Feel free to write your suggestion !",,,,,,2022-01-26 18:27:07 sdczp5,,2,delivery gifts in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-26 18:39:00 sddktf,,5,"Please, if possible, complete this survey, all submissions will be greatly appreciated.","Hello, my friend is doing the Welsh Baccalaureate and as part of one of the requirements, he needs to write a report on a 'controversial, yet contemporary' topic. He will be studying French and Arabic at Oxford University in 2022, and is very interested in the variety of cultures that are thriving in the Arab World. And so, he's decided to write a report on Tunisian society since the Arab Spring. He is not attached to any political ideology, nor is the report designed to gain any political opinions from you. This is simply a dive into the ways of Tunisian life which interests him greatly! Thank you very much! [\_TzS3ZEGUCRtgHRR5k10\_Ja3HlftPhfhSTzEIVeBUNTQ0NFE5Tk1RQURLU1BRNU5XNVE4SUpISS4u](",,,,,,2022-01-26 19:03:44 sdfhyq,,2,smallbusinesstunisia,,,,,,,2022-01-26 20:26:02 sdgxeg,,1,Blues artists,Is there any tunisian artists who play blues???,,,,,,2022-01-26 21:27:35 sdhj7n,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-26 21:54:19 sdi6q5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-26 22:22:29 sdi9r8,,5,Some underrated tunisian startups?,,,,,,,2022-01-26 22:26:10 sdizi2,,4,I'm trying to create my first short movie but I don't know where to begin.,"I have a short movie idea. Its screenwriting was wrapped up in no time. But i'm facing a major problem now. The whole filming process and other technicalities are zeros and ones for me so it shouldn't be hard to work around. (Not entirely but you get the point) What I'm concerned about is what I like to call ""paperwork"" i.e where and how do I publish my work so that it reaches the highest numbers of audience? What are the legal actions that should be taken in order to protect, copyright and declare my work so that it causes no harm to me, my working team or the audience itself? Are there any guidelines out there that should be read before commiting to movie/short movie creation in Tunisia? I know it's too much, I kept looking around the internet for so long, watching videos that some were often misleading of a sort. I even asked Multimedia college students and professors that all misguided, even confused me more than I am confused. If you have any idea what I'm talking about here, share your information with me, point me in the right direction even with an article or a Youtube video that can be helpful. I would genuinely appreciate that.",,,,,,2022-01-26 22:58:02 sdj5m6,,9,Any advice on how to make friends in an environment I’m comfortable in?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-26 23:05:13 sdjckh,,0,"Who's else is uncomfortable and angry with sub-saharan Africans existence in Tunisia and Maghreb-arabi countries in general ..I have many reasons to , if anyone wants to talk about the subject and say the problems that is caused by them plus the high current and future threat they represent.",[removed],,,,,,2022-01-26 23:14:12 sdjhwa,,0,"Group jdid with new way, the first 👌",,,,,,,2022-01-26 23:20:52 sdjlkm,,0,TunisianCityANDSex,,,,,,,2022-01-26 23:25:35 sdjz10,,11,"Is the biggest urban area of each province in Tunisia that of the capital, another town or does it just belong to the capital's metropolitan area ?",,,,,,,2022-01-26 23:42:52 sdm4kb,,26,"The legend of liver street states that a man murdered his mom because he was under the control of his evil wife. To prove that he got rid of her, he took out her liver. On his way back home he tripped causing his mom's liver to come to life to ask if he was alright, a demonstration of motherly love",,,,,,,2022-01-27 01:26:46 sdtclt,,58,Why is the logo for the Tunisian airlines a flying gazelle?,,,,,,,2022-01-27 08:04:34 sdte9o,,4,قضاء تونس.. مواجهة سياسية أم معركة استقلالية؟,,,,,,,2022-01-27 08:07:52 sdusb7,,2,Crypto adoption in Africa grows by 1200%,,,,,,,2022-01-27 09:48:26 sdv01e,,3,What is a rent economy and what makes Tunisia a rent economy?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-27 10:02:58 sdvice,,16,Choufli Hal Iceberg,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-27 10:37:26 sdwsll,,14,What's the best investment?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-27 12:00:21 sdxria,,2,How do you think we'll get on - should be able to beat Burkina Faso,,,,,,,2022-01-27 12:56:28 sdxt5f,,7,Central bank is printing money again,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-27 12:59:17 sdy606,,4,"Is it worth going through all the pain and struggle on the Tunisian Administration to open a ""Patente""? I want to work as a consultant.","Also, does anyone know how much tax the state cuts out of the gigs?",,,,,,2022-01-27 13:15:46 sdz70t,,1,ADHD AND IQ TEST,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-27 14:07:27 sdzsek,,5,La Radio Tunisienne.,"Tunisians who listen to radio. (While driving or something) What's your favourite radio station? What is the opinion you hold on RTCI? Tunisians who don't: Why don't you listen to the radio? Is it related to the content or is it the idea of the radio that bores you to death?",,,,,,2022-01-27 14:35:18 se0srp,,4,New PCR rules,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-27 15:21:08 se1fx5,,0,Tunisia's Economy Set to Collapse,,,,,,,2022-01-27 15:50:48 se3jaz,,6,THIS POST EXISTS ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF VENTING,"if you have been hating our country lately just go in the comments and talk about your issues and why and lets all vent together . im noticing alot of young people are fed up with the goverment and our rules so feel free to share your thoughts and get rid of that negativity rather than spread it into other peoples daily lives Keep in mind this post doesn't exist for the sake of sharing hate .it exists rather to contain it in one place and stop it from spreadin",,,,,,2022-01-27 17:22:22 se3yuj,,113,Is this really happening? 😂,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-27 17:41:10 se3zzw,,2,Quitting my first grown up job after two years..,"First time poster here, and I really need you guys' help. So I'm quitting my first ever job, first one I've ever had since I graduated. I've been mulling over the decision and I've finally settled on quitting for a myriad of reasons (boss's style of leadership is one I don't respond to, being stretched thin between three different jobs with the salary of one with no room for moving up or better compensation; basically being overworked and underpaid.) Here is the thing, I have no idea what the proper procedure is in my case, is there like a two weeks notice or do I quit on the spot? I don't want to burn any bridges so I'm just looking for the proper way to proceed with it.",,,,,,2022-01-27 17:42:33 se4odm,,65,La deuxième anniversaire du décès de Lina Ben Mhenni,,,,,,,2022-01-27 18:11:12 se7yuw,,127,Choufli Hal Iceberg,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-27 20:35:05 se82mj,,0,I'm getting the delusional itch to move to US. Any Tunisians working in Tech in the States?,"Hey friends. I'm still reeling a bit from my internship search. Hundreds of applications didn't get past the initial screening. The only interviews I've sat for I landed through third party referencing (Prepa and School Alumni I reached out to helped). So my main assessment is that it's nigh impossible to even get your foot into the interview booth with just my Tunisian degree (and Tunisian address because not everyone is willing to sponsor an intern). Which is kinda depressing. I was lucky to land a graduation internship in France. But my overarching goal is to move to an English speaking country. That's just the language I'm most comfortable with. The plan was to work towards the UK, but US wages in Tech (Software Engineering, ML and Cloud) just seem too enticing (terrible work culture aside). It seems like a pipe dream still. My point is, if it's hard to get a job (Entry Level to Junior) in **Europe**, without falling for the local degree -> European master/PhD pipeline, then how much more difficult is it to get a job in North America? **Any Tunisian Engineers in North America can share their experiences?**",,,,,,2022-01-27 20:39:52 see20m,,3,Casual To Tunisian People Question,"How much do you think an assistant in the groceries can take as a wage ? Or it depends ?",,,,,,2022-01-28 01:04:39 sehkqn,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-01-28 04:00:14 semav1,,19,الفوضى آتية,,,,,,,2022-01-28 08:49:27 semy2x,,3,Nearly no one willing to help Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-01-28 09:32:51 senf49,,1,❤️❤️,,,,,,,2022-01-28 10:04:44 senzp2,,21,Where do you see Tunisia in 5 years ?,Title,,,,,,2022-01-28 10:43:14 seogzq,,4,"Hi, just looking for Fallout gaming buddies.","Hi guys! I wanted to know how many if you guys play fallout 76, I’d live to have some Tunisian buddies to play with online. Sorry id this is not appropriate for this subreddit. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-01-28 11:13:52 seoqkk,,1,Good gym recommendations ?,Like the title states does anyone knows a well equipped gym that isn't too expensive around the city of Tunis preferably smthg around Bardo.,,,,,,2022-01-28 11:31:22 sep1w6,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-28 11:51:16 sep63m,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-28 11:58:38 ser29b,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-28 13:40:53 serh8d,,2,Good urologist in Tunis,"Looking for good urologist in Tunis zone ( most urologists I went too seemed to be a little bit careless about my condition ) Who do you recommend?",,,,,,2022-01-28 14:01:17 serlem,,0,Is a third world war a possibility?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-28 14:06:35 sertfh,,1,بعد طول إنتظار سلسلة فايكينغ ستكون من جديد في حلقاتها الأولى,,,,,,,2022-01-28 14:17:32 seu9cv,,7,a good rinoplasty surgeon?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-28 16:12:45 seuaiz,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-28 16:14:15 sevp4v,,0,Tunesia thawarts alleged terrorist attack targeting tourist areas,,,,,,,2022-01-28 17:18:22 sew0lf,,1,الجزائر - تونس | مليون جرعة من اللقاح المضاد لفيروس كوفيد - 19 إلى الشقيقة تونس,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-28 17:33:04 sew965,,29,Hmmm,,,,,,,2022-01-28 17:43:44 sewppz,,8,Why is choufli hal such a hot topic?,"I keep seeing people discussing how overrated or cringe the show is all the time , why does it matter though? Its an almost 17 years old show for god’s sake …",,,,,,2022-01-28 18:04:06 seyh4x,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-28 19:23:06 seyku7,,26,"Before it's destruction by an earthquake, Bulla regia was the numidian capital under Masinissa. Later, Emperor Hadrian gave full citizenship to it's residents and it became well known for it's subterranean housing constructed to protect against the hot weather.",,,,,,,2022-01-28 19:27:45 seyllb,,1,Serious question,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-28 19:28:42 sf243s,,1,Who read it?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-28 22:08:08 sf2pqb,,1,Crypto’s Long Road Ahead in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-01-28 22:35:38 sf41a2,,4,Are drones still illegal ?,,,,,,,2022-01-28 23:34:03 sf4bmd,,39,Please stay away from Crypto/NFTs,"I'm seeing many people on this subreddit jumping on the crypto/NFT hype train, and it's really sickening, because most people that do have no idea what they are getting into, most of them are not technical people ( I'm a senior software engineer, for reference ), and are just doing it just because they lost hope and are looking for a quick cash grab. I came across this list few days earlier, and if you are someone who is interested in this hype train and want to participate, please take few minutes to read what's in here: [Curated list of high quality critique plus background. Rigorous and constructive]( I'm willing to answer any questions you might have, but most likely the answer you are looking for is in that list.",,,,,,2022-01-28 23:47:29 sf5o5q,مربوحة_يا_تونس/,1,مربوحة يا تونس,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-29 00:51:08 sf5xxs,,0,How can i find job in other countires,how can someone apply for a job in another country is there a site or a way to contact business owners i've had this question in my mind for a while haha,,,,,,2022-01-29 01:03:45 sf6xst,,0,Dhafer Youssef subreddit!,,,,,,,2022-01-29 01:54:21 sf6zga,,0,Nouvelle chaîne jeunesse francophone en Tunisie - African Manager,,,,,,,2022-01-29 01:56:43 sf8cfj,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-29 03:05:40 sfbxft,,10,Is there any good place where you can hang out all day ?,"There was this place in bardo called ""Family place"" where we could go study, hang out all day, play board games and chill on comfortable couches. I'm looking for some place similar around Tunis since this one has been closed since last year due to COVID restrictions ... Thank youuu in advance for your answers !!",,,,,,2022-01-29 06:27:43 sfe2d4,,9,Burkina Faso - Tunisia Match Simple Analysis,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-29 08:52:18 sfegye,,1,An online job for a 20 year old first year? i study buisness and I'm looking for a job for fun and some extra money. preferably smt not buissness related 🤣,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-29 09:21:22 sff9g4,,1,Where to buy seeds in Tunisia?,"Hello, I'll be visiting Tunisia next month and I was looking for places where I can buy ornamental plant seeds.",,,,,,2022-01-29 10:18:59 sffj92,ía_and_my_ftiend/,0,Alegría and my ftiend,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-29 10:38:07 sffris,,3,"Do we have ""Second-Hand clothes"" services that delivers nationally beside ""Dabchy""?",,,,,,,2022-01-29 10:54:40 sfg3nv,,2,Starting a business,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-29 11:17:35 sfgt55,,18,Why 00/04?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-29 12:04:15 sfh74t,,18,Tunisian Activist Sentenced to Prison over Criticism of Police - human right watch.,,,,,,,2022-01-29 12:30:41 sfhcn9,,50,"This seemingly uninteresting pile of stones, animal teeth and bones is believed to be one of the oldest human religious monuments in the world. The Hermaïon of el Guettar found in Gafsa is dedicated to a spirit of the waters. It is over 40k years old and can be visited in the Bardo museum in Tunis.",,,,,,,2022-01-29 12:40:57 sfia05,,1,Flybox technical question.,"I tried to put Orange SIM in an Ooredoo flybox and it didn't work . I thought that it would logically work but it somehow detected the SIM and didn't. Anyone know how does this work or how could I twist my way through this ?",,,,,,2022-01-29 13:36:44 sfihgd,,2,Looking for TF2 (Team Fortress 2 players),lfp,,,,,,2022-01-29 13:49:01 sfko0e,,1,Le prix de la vie,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-29 15:42:36 sfmlt2,,24,Egybest 7atmitha 😂😂,,,,,,,2022-01-29 17:12:11 sfmofe,,17,Some of unpopular opinions,Title,,,,,,2022-01-29 17:15:29 sfna7d,,2,Hi. Is there any streaming service that displays the 2020 Tunisian movie الهربة or in french La fuite ?,i literally looked up the whole internet and couldn’t find a thing. anything else apart from Pathé ?,,,,,,2022-01-29 17:43:04 sfnqo6,,0,3lech? Manedrouch!,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-29 18:03:31 sfnt97,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-29 18:06:41 sfodto,,0,3lech? Manedrouch!,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-29 18:32:49 sfojet,,2,Valorant,Any tunisian players here !?,,,,,,2022-01-29 18:39:45 sfopn9,,7,how to start investing in Tunisia??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-29 18:47:49 sfuvhk,,2,Student asking for help," So this year I get my licence in IOT and software engineering (3 years after bac) and I really wanna continue my studies abroad but I can't pay a lot of money for it so are there any scholarships thatu guys recommend (or another alternative)? Else if my dad takes a loan to open a study account is germany the best destination ?",,,,,,2022-01-29 23:31:14 sfvqvq,,11,What language is most spoken in Tunisia?,"I know there are main languages in Tunisia, but i want to know the most spoken one, especially in (Monastir and Tunis)",,,,,,2022-01-30 00:12:18 sfvvzq,,1,Need a translation done does anyone speak Tunisian?,"Hey obviously you speak Tunisian. I saw this shared on Facebook and I did not understand the translation Facebook gives me as it made no sense. Here is the post مالي عرست و شطر أمياتي إلي فسخني و إلي بلوكاني جملاا 😅 مانا كنت هموت سنغل سنين إلي فاتت يولاد الكلب 🤣 و نتم عاملين زي التماثيل جدكم القرف Translated to English what does this mean? Thanks guys!",,,,,,2022-01-30 00:19:31 sfyyre,,21,I'm from Morroco i have a question about a Tunisian word,"What does ""Wahel"" mean Like in the song ""ya selak el wahlin"" It's a serious question Thanks",,,,,,2022-01-30 02:54:05 sg07yq,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2022-01-30 04:00:15 sg3pze,,1,title,opinions on government pushing for schools to stop printing any paper but exams,,,,,,2022-01-30 07:24:52 sg5wnn,,4,احياء لكنهم اموات,,,,,,,2022-01-30 09:55:18 sg6bfz,,3,A good place to study near passage station or barcelona,"Cheaper is better and I'd rather not get too far from the stations Thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-01-30 10:23:02 sg7q0j,,4,Cool places to visit,Any art galleries / museums to visit fi 3otla hedhi fi Tunis ?,,,,,,2022-01-30 11:57:39 sg8frw,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-30 12:43:58 sg8lcs,,0,Meme about etoile,,,,,,,2022-01-30 12:54:01 sg9p7j,,5,Welcome to the Language Cafe!,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-30 13:56:55 sg9tti,,2,??,"hi tawa 3abed najeh bac b controle ynajem yt9bel ya9ra in germany?",,,,,,2022-01-30 14:02:56 sga5tl,,45,Yesterday's game,,,,,,,2022-01-30 14:20:41 sgbqw1,,2,"Looking for an ""s+3"" house in ksar hellal.","Im sorry if this is out of context ! But We ran out of solutions and time (deadline imposed for a project). We are a cultural association looking to relocate our office in ksar hellal. And we need an s+3 at least with a backyard if possible for certain activities and it is a must. That we stick the town mentioned. I know it is kind of difficult to answer such a request on here, we went through almost all the websites, asked around people we know. Id really appreciate it if anyone can help.",,,,,,2022-01-30 15:38:57 sgcyyg,,2,Can you change vaccination site?,"I just received the message about the booster shot, i have a center right next to my house but they’re calling me about 40km away, can you actually change the center location?",,,,,,2022-01-30 16:37:31 sge2gk,,2,No time to scrape…,,,,,,,2022-01-30 17:28:17 sgenmf,,2,Tunisian startup ecosystem,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-30 17:55:39 sgeoj2,,3,Aramex fedex parcel,Anyway guys latley nchouf fy brcha ness 5dhaw krahb we da5lou y5dmou m3e shipping companies 7abyt na3rf ken 3ndkom idea 3e les salaires we ch9awlkom fyha as a job ?,,,,,,2022-01-30 17:56:49 sgeti6,,34,Why we don't have a metro/subway ? and are there plans to construct one ?,,,,,,,2022-01-30 18:02:34 sgfboy,,3,Can i Order things from EU?,"Hi, I have paypal and an international credit card,. Can i Order things to tunis, like clothes does i have to pay „diwena“? And if yes, how much please?",,,,,,2022-01-30 18:25:46 sgfrhc,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-30 18:45:39 sgftyn,,2,I look for a fb group,"Hi, iam new in tn, iam looking for a good hamam, Or a fb group wher i can ask for things like that. Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-01-30 18:48:50 sgfufi,,3,the best colleges in Tunisia?,"Ena bac sne ama malheureusement makhdhitch wkt bch ncherk fi scholarships so ig taw deadlines lkol wfew w maandi haha Hal ken nakra fi touns. so what are the best colleges available to study at( i don't care about the field I pick as long as the college isnt trash)",,,,,,2022-01-30 18:49:26 sgfzdd,,47,Picture today : Egypt vs Morocco,,,,,,,2022-01-30 18:55:32 sgg68y,هل_يحق_للأولاد_مشاهدة_برامج_من_كوكب_زمردة_على/,1,هل يحق للأولاد مشاهدة برامج من كوكب زمردة على سبيستون ؟,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-01-30 19:03:28 sgh79q,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-30 19:49:53 sghm9e,,2,looking for carbon fiber fabric,where can i get it?,,,,,,2022-01-30 20:07:36 sgiq0f,,1,Tn Gaming Discord server," 📷 ⋆ 📷 📷 𝓛𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓻 ¿ 𝔀𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓰𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓼 , 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 , 𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓬 , 𝓶𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓰𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 📷 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓳𝓸𝓲𝓷 𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓾𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓾𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓾𝓼 📷 ( 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓶𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓰𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓬𝓽 𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓯𝓯 𝓽𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓮 ) 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂 📷 📷 📷 ⋆ 📷 [](",,,,,,2022-01-30 20:56:34 sgjvck,,7,Weed in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-30 21:46:13 sgkddg,,48,Is it normal for boys to watch shows from planet zoumourrouda from spacetoon ?,Could boys watch those shows?Why?,,,,,,2022-01-30 22:07:47 sgky3w,,3,Question about Covid test,"I’m traveling to Tunis in April with my wife. Arriving via the ferry from Sicily, staying for a few days, then flying back to Florida. Are there sites where foreigners can get a covid test and results within 24 hours of our flight? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-01-30 22:34:14 sgm6jy,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-30 23:33:14 sgmiks,,1,Energy Drinks best prices,"Where can we find energy drinks(RedBull, Shark..) with cheap prices here in Tunis?",,,,,,2022-01-30 23:49:08 sgn4qm,,3,Visiting Tunisia. Do I need a PCR test or just antigen to enter?,,,,,,,2022-01-31 00:17:28 sgp8b7,,1,Simple Share Buttons,,,,,,,2022-01-31 01:58:30 sgqy8w,,1,Good places for a date in Tunis,"Could you recommend a place in grand Tunis where you can walk / talk / spend time together like sidi bou said or the archeological site in Carthage ... I'm not a fan of coffee shops or restaurants. thank you",,,,,,2022-01-31 03:22:14 sgy4qf,,0,Diplomatic Adviser to the President of the UAE Dr. Anwar Gargash: We are determined on our goals and strategic vision towards contributing to building a stable and prosperous region for all.,,,,,,,2022-01-31 10:24:49 sgy9bz,,8,Freelance,"Hello. I want to make some side money with freelancing (web dev) and I have no idea where to search and what the procedures are. If any 1 doing it a dm explaining the how would be appreciated Thank you.",,,,,,2022-01-31 10:33:31 sgygkw,,5,Part time job as a college student,"I need some money in order to survive however my schedule is really tight with studying and stuff. Do you have any idea how to make money in a part time job ? Ps: working in a restaurant or a coffee shop is not an option because of my schedule Do u have any advice?",,,,,,2022-01-31 10:47:17 sgzgpn,,2,Startup Advice,"Fellow Tunisian, i have an idea for an App / Startup . is there any advice to where do i start my journey to make my dream come true ? DM me or Comment",,,,,,2022-01-31 11:50:08 sgzhw8,,1,Are psychedelics available in Tunisia's drug market ?,"Does anyone have any experience with growing or buying any kind of psychedelics? (magic mushrooms, lsd etc.)",,,,,,2022-01-31 11:52:10 sgzzd8,,3,Anyone intrested in buying video games for the ps4?,[removed],,,,,,2022-01-31 12:20:11 sh0vp3,,65,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-31 13:09:09 sh6vd2,,6,An intresting title.,,,,,,,2022-01-31 17:33:13 sh6vtu,,12,For those who are living by their own....,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-31 17:33:44 sh7emk,,2,Covid test,"Did anyone of u did the test rapide and was positive but they didn't actually have covid? I was tested positive ( only one bar was red, the other one was transparent and could barely seen) and had no symptoms except for coughing. So idk if there's a possibility of not having covid. Ik that the test rapide is not as accurate as PCR",,,,,,2022-01-31 17:54:49 sh9i3n,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-31 19:18:38 sh9vym,,2,anyone knows where i can sell my used video games?,"i need money urgently and i've decided to sell my video games, i tried on tayara and facebook market place i got red dead redemption 2, need for speed heat, watch dogs 1, mortal kombat 11, mincecraft, wwe 2k17 (also can those video games get me 300 dinars?)",,,,,,2022-01-31 19:34:06 sha8r3,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-31 19:48:21 shaj8s,,1,"Hello all, I hope you all are doing good and safe too. Please shower some love by visiting our article on mental health as well as physical health. A portion of income created from the views , comments and share of this website article will be used for the wellbeing of people with mental illness.",,,,,,,2022-01-31 20:00:09 shbdwf,,0,Does anybody know who this is?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-31 20:33:26 shchtg,,4,I just discovered that i have a mistake in my passport and unfortunately I don't have enough time to fix it considering that it can take up to a month to change the passport and im planning on going out of the country soon. Please can anyone tells me if this is a major problem or it's not,[deleted],,,,,,2022-01-31 21:17:54 shcmz3,,9,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-01-31 21:23:24 shgdfi,,1,I have a new question for all:,"From my yesterday's post, I have noticed that the wide majority agrees that it is fine that boys watch shows from zoumourrouda . So how about girls watching shows from planet action in spacetoon?",,,,,,2022-01-31 23:58:50 shlbnx,,7,how much would a driver license cost and how long and how many hours a week does it need?,,,,,,,2022-02-01 03:53:19 shlgnh,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-02-01 04:00:15 shpeio,,1,What are the rules for success in Tunisia?,What are the steps to follow to reach what you really desire in Tunisia,,,,,,2022-02-01 07:43:57 shr380,,11,Tunisians who work (op:soft dev) and live in saudi arabia what's your take on it ?,,,,,,,2022-02-01 09:39:36 shrppo,,21,Basic Rights,"Another person gets [Thrown in jail for a Facebook]([ post]( and no one gives a fuck, all we tunisians do is bitch about the increasing cost of food and shit while the basic rights that allow us to develop as a society 3al 7it, why do so many of us defend such a shit concept called ""هيبة الدولة"" that gets abused on daily basis no matter who you vote for.",,,,,,2022-02-01 10:20:21 shs6b0,,3,is there a place where I can leave my belongings safe for months or at least weeks,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-01 10:50:16 shsg57,,9,Picture today : Egypt vs Morocco,,,,,,,2022-02-01 11:06:36 shsnjo,,0,Isn't time to stop posting regional political non-sense in here?,"Why do so many posts in here simply concern other countries? Can't we just stop the 'union with neighbouring countries' sh*t? Can't this be just a place where we respectfully share and enjoy our Tunisian culture? Why are the comments full of non-Tunisians, specifically other maghrebis, that are either being rude or spreading their propaganda? I really like this subreddit, but I am starting to feel it morphing into a Facebook page instead.",,,,,,2022-02-01 11:19:47 shtudd,أخر_تقرير_على_وضعية_المؤسسات_العمومية_الأزمة_الي/,8,أخر تقرير على وضعية المؤسسات العمومية ... الأزمة الي يحكيو عليها جاية من 2010 يضهرلي وصلت ..,"أخر تقرير على وضعية المؤسسات العمومية ... الأزمة الي يحكيو عليها جاية من 2010 يضهرلي وصلت .. الأرقام هاذي حتى حرب أهلية ما تعملهمش...الدولة فالسة وفاتت الفلس من غادي أرقام المؤسسات في 2020 ... شنوة عملت أرباح وقداش ديونها الCNSS: خاسرة 1070 مليار / مجموع المديونية 3346 مليار ال CNRPS : خاسرة 190 مليار / مجموع المديونية 3562 مليار الCNAM: خاسرة 704 مليار / مجموع المديونية 2534 مليار ال STEG : خاسرة 60 مليار / مجموع المديونية: 12900 مليار "" الصوناد : خاسرة : 129 مليار /مجموع المديونيةن : 984 مليار ال TUNISAIR : خاسرة 336 مليار / مجموع المديونية 2100 مليار فسفاط قفصة : خاسرة 242 مليار / مجموع المديونية: 378 مليار الGroupe chimique: خاسر 421 مليار / مجموع المديونية: 1700 مليار إتصالات تونس : خاسرة 50مليار / مجموع المديونية 2100 مليار ديوان الحبوب: خاسر 340 مليار/ مجموع المديونية: 3000 مليار ديوان الطيران : خاسر 224 مليار / مجموع المديونية: 500 مليار ال CTN : خاسرة :63 مليار / مجموع المديونيةن : 387 مليار شركة نقل TRANSTU : خاسرة 218 مليار / مجموع المديونية: 1207 مليار الشيمينو : خاسرة : 103 مليارات / مجموع المديونيةعمناول 1400 مليار ال STIR متاع البترول : رابحة 30 مليار 😕 مجموع المديونية: 2340 مليار عجيل : خاسرة : 30 مليار / مجموع المديونية: 890 مليار شركة تونس للطرقات السيارة : خاسرة 24 مليار / مجموع المديونية: 429 مليار 😁 وكالة التبغ معمل الدخان : رابح 8.5 مليارات/ مجموع المديونية: 800 مليار إسمنت أم الكليل : خاسرة 400 مليون دينار / مجموع المديونية: 126 مليار شركة الفولاذ : خاسرة 44 مليار / مجموع المديونية: 524 مليار الحلفاء والورق : خاسرة : 43 مليار /مجموع المديونيةون : 462 مليار بنك BFPME :خاسر 4 مليارات (2019) ياولدي كيفاش خسرتهم ديوان البريد "" خاسر 7.9 مليارات (ماخذ جائزة أحسن مؤسسة في إفريقيا) صندوق القروض ومساعدة الجماعات المحلية : رابح 46.4 مليارات الشركة التونسية للبنك STB: مرابيح ب 72 مليار البنك لوطني الفلاحي BNA: مرابيج ب 102 مليار بنك الإسكانBH: 73 مليار البنك التونسي للتضامن BTS: مرابيخ ب 4.5 مليارات مليار : مليون دينار Source of the text is fb",,,,,,2022-02-01 12:29:27 shu3eb,,34,Visiting Tunis this week (from America). Does anyone want to meet up?,"Hi there, I'm visiting Tunis for just 3 days (me and my girlfriend), starting Wednesday (tomorrow) through Sunday. We are 33 and 31 years old. Would love to meet some locals and get to know the real Tunis. If anyone wants to meet up some day, please let me know! :)",,,,,,2022-02-01 12:43:11 shu4zw,,8,"Ambitious Kid, The FIRST SHORT PODCASTS ALBUM in Tunisia",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-01 12:45:37 shuv4j,,37,"Central Market - Tunis, Tunisia",,,,,,,2022-02-01 13:24:16 shw1vi,,1,Info about quarantine,"I’m coming to Tunisi for a work trip and I’m trying to plan in advance. If I result positive when it’s time to leave - how long does the quarantine lasts -are there structure where I must stay or can I keep staying in my hotel Thanks",,,,,,2022-02-01 14:19:34 shy0d6,,1,Hi,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-01 15:46:13 shy9um,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-01 15:57:55 si0jpq,,90,Why are we so angry?,,,,,,,2022-02-01 17:33:02 si1732,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-01 18:00:31 si1qxi,,1,Can you share your gym routine?,"I start tomorrow, I have no clue on what I should be doing. help a homie out! ps: I aim to gain 10kilos in a year if that's even possible.",,,,,,2022-02-01 18:24:10 si2824,,3,Hi,"Hello So i have question? is there a way in tunisia where i could earn foreign currency online ? and i dont mean a very high income or full time. i mostly ask that is there a job that is easily feasible, take very few hours, dont pay a lot. i am asking here as there might be someone who had that i dunno",,,,,,2022-02-01 18:44:22 si35aq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-01 19:22:43 si38xo,,28,"Hunting scene, Aïn khanfous. [3000BC]",,,,,,,2022-02-01 19:27:05 si3ebc,,0,Anyone is in amterdam,Hey i am here for three days and wanted to know if someone wanna meet.,,,,,,2022-02-01 19:33:27 si3ltg,,0,The real green ☘️🍀,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-01 19:42:15 si3p6j,,15,Yay Tunisia top 5 in something,"So apparently Tunisia is number 4 as the angriest country last year, i know don't take your facts from one source but this is the only up to date site i could get.",,,,,,2022-02-01 19:46:24 si3pja,,0,ABS IN 5 MINUTES A DAY ( AT HOME ) 2022,,,,,,,2022-02-01 19:46:49 si6d0g,,1,Flower legalization 🌹,Ya jme3a famech amal tsir legalization mte3 weed f tounes? Badeltou ra2is w 7ertou f 9anoun?,,,,,,2022-02-01 21:36:49 si6lg2,,2,Changing from topnet to orange,"So been suffering Mel internet mt3 topnet w n7b nbadel adsl orange ama contract youfa fi may,just asking njm n7awel orange w El contract m3a topnet mezel mawfech?",,,,,,2022-02-01 21:46:20 si6ujv,,6,Hot Take : our current national anthem sucks.,"I've been thinking about this ever since I was in secondary school in tunis. Our national anthem is really not good. I'm not talking about the lyrics, which are okay i guess, but the melody.... Fuckin hell, It feels like it was composed by a 12 year old student in a collége tarbiya mousi9iyya class on a damn flute. And i always felt ashamed of it when it played in international events. The music of the old Bourguiba era anthem was way more epic. I feel that we should cut with the Ben Ali era anthem and reprise the old melody while writing new lyrics and delete references to Bourguiba, while maybe also adding references to the revolution. (like Russia did with their anthem using the same music as the Soviet union)",,,,,,2022-02-01 21:57:20 si81cc,,13,tefdhahna,,,,,,,2022-02-01 22:47:10 si8qfq,,2,Any suggestions about bars in centreville?,"Not the gammarth/sidi dhrif kind of thingie Like a real bar where it's nice and cozy, not expensive U'd have fun to just drink alcohol like you're at your favorite cafe drinking tea or smth",,,,,,2022-02-01 23:16:40 sibksi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-02 01:25:01 sibx1p,,181,I am a Lebanese Tunisia lover and today I decided to wear a Shashia. Vive la Tunisie 🇹🇳 ✌️,,,,,,,2022-02-02 01:40:54 sif81p,,0,Tunisian women,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-02 04:17:06 sijdqn,,9,Does anyone what medics should I buy for ADHD,"I'm so broke I can't Afford to go a psychiatrist, I knew I had ADHD since forever but I kept avoiding it but lately it's getting worse and worse, I can't communicate with people anymore I can't study i can't focus I forget a lot of things and I sleep crying every day, I want some medics if anyone know some Plz tell me",,,,,,2022-02-02 08:17:54 sikgxs,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-02 09:29:08 sil1s5,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-02 10:06:33 silcik,,2,"Houanet (plural of hanout meaning shop in Tunisian) are old amazigh burial chambers dating from the Pre-Numidian to the Roman era. Many of them contain interesting decorations influenced by Berber, Carthaginian and Roman mythology. They are mostly found in Northern Tunisia and North Eastern Algeria.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-02 10:25:17 sile3l,,0,"His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, met this evening in Dubai with His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Saudi Minister of Interior.",,,,,,,2022-02-02 10:28:02 silknf,,22,How to eat Bsisa ?,I have some bsisa in my closet for 5 months and I think I want to eat them.,,,,,,2022-02-02 10:39:16 sin885,,7,Developer jobs in Tunis as a student.,"Hello, I am an engineering student, in my second year, I want to ask if it is possible to find part-time or even full-time jobs as a developer preferably JAVA. ps: I don't find the course interesting, It's so theoretical and many of the courses are the same as my license degree.",,,,,,2022-02-02 12:14:32 sipt35,,3,Driving to Algeria,"Has anyone driven to Algeria for tourism, especially recently (since the reopening of the land border)? Any advice on how easy the crossing is?",,,,,,2022-02-02 14:18:09 sisbrb,,1,Intimacy Culture Question?,"I remember when I went to Morocco and this woman greeted me with her cheeks like someone from Spain. I also remember the cooking instructor I had, hugged her clients before she said goodbye to them. As for Tunisia, I met a Tunisian girl online that said Tunisians kiss before marriage and hug before marriage in private places. Is this more common or was she just not so religious?",,,,,,2022-02-02 16:06:47 sisl9i,,16,Free therapy in Tunisia,"Hello! Are there any centers/ health instutitions or anythinh else that provide free therapy sessions? (Psychothérapeute ou psychiatre) in Sousse or Tunisia? Thank you lots!",,,,,,2022-02-02 16:17:04 sismkr,,136,I paint this,,,,,,,2022-02-02 16:18:39 sist42,,1,Where to buy Air Jordan 1 for a relatively cheap price ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-02 16:25:50 sit05p,,1,Where to buy Air Jordan 1 for a relatively cheap price ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-02 16:33:51 siuif3,,1,Ibda3at el Reddit el tounsi. Anglais mkasir + francais + darja,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-02 17:32:25 siuxdf,é_chiret_aouina_lac_fihech/,3,"Hey! Fama salon de thé chiret Aouina Lac, fihech barcha do5an or preferably separated space for smokers where I can take my laptop to work? Need power outlets and preferably internet (not necessary)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-02 17:49:05 six32u,,0,Who is the best-looking tunisian actor/actress ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-02 19:13:16 six9zo,,2,Prrr,,,,,,,2022-02-02 19:20:59 siy99m,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-02 19:59:42 siz4h9,,0,Ibda3at el Reddit el tounsi. Anglais mkasir + francais + darja = ???,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-02 20:34:08 sizb6m,,1,curly diffuseur tunisie,"slm brbi habit n3rf thmash isntaram facebook site ay shop online ibi3 fi des diffuseurs curly khtr malgitsh ken m3a seche cheuveux merci bien <3",,,,,,2022-02-02 20:42:07 sizq3m,,3,Demon Slayer 😂😂,,,,,,,2022-02-02 20:59:41 sj017o,,2,Iphone in tunisia,Where can I buy an authentic iphone in tunis? I'm not good with phones and identifying the real from fake and i'm planning on buying a new iphone but i'm scared that it's gonna be a copy or fake. Do you have any store that you trust in tunis?,,,,,,2022-02-02 21:12:00 sj06vi,,3,Bellehi fasrouli walch 2/2/22 bedhet?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-02 21:18:22 sj0jqp,,1,مسابقة للفوز بيسب نتفلكس إشترك في القناة لايك وكومنت في إحدى فيديوهات القناة 10 حسابات سيتم توزيعها,,,,,,,2022-02-02 21:32:20 sj1eb6,,12,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-02 22:05:56 sj20f4,,3,Sending flowers to a girls workplace?,"Hey, I really like a girl living in Tunis and I'm thinking of sending her flowers to her workplace. She is working in a conservative business and I don't really know how this is perceived by her coworkers. Will that get her in any trouble? Please let me know your opinion if this is a good idea or not. Edit: She for herself is pretty modern and liberal.",,,,,,2022-02-02 22:31:08 sj35sl,,4,Tunis FARMER train-the-trainer project,Any insight? Project focuses on agricultural water conservation and management.,,,,,,2022-02-02 23:17:41 sj5iao,,3,help,im moving from house and i don't know what to do with the wifi how to bring it with me i don't really have too much time for paper work if one of you know whats the steps let ne know so i can organize my schedule .,,,,,,2022-02-03 01:00:57 sj7t9t,,15,Is Kais Saied approaching dictator status?,,,,,,,2022-02-03 02:48:29 sjc0cl,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-03 06:22:56 sje41k,,3,Why energy drinks are overpriced compared to soda drinks in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-02-03 08:32:14 sjevw6,,13,I'm looking for a good psychotherapist in Nabeul / Hammamet? Any recommendations?,,,,,,,2022-02-03 09:23:24 sjg39y,,0,"People of color living in Tunisia, what is it like to be a POC here and how bad has racism ever been for you?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-03 10:40:52 sjllmi,,34,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-03 15:11:22 sjn2bf,,15,Edge Lords,"Sup with the recent riding the wave of being an edge lord that's spreading in Tunisian males it's like they wanna be seen as ""Cool and open to western culture"" but not ""woke"" so they try too hard to spew out racist sexist shit every time a social issue conversation pops up. Btw I'm not referring to the ppl that simply disagree with ""woke"" opinions but have the goal of still solving a social issue I'm referring to the ppl that jump in the conversation to simply say shit that screams ""I'm right you're wrong look at me I win / random insults"" then they go on and on about how you're brainwashed and don't know the actual definition of things and send you a random far right tik tok video with subtitles.",,,,,,2022-02-03 16:12:47 sjnpq4,,10,eSports Scene in North Africa [Update],"About a month ago, I posted that My friend and I are trying to create a professional gaming scene in North Africa through fair and well-organized tournaments . We have been working behind the scenes to introduce new strategies and open more doors to every gamer in north africa , in any game he/she likes. We are truely aiming to build a community where gamers belong and their voices are heard and fight the toxicity that exists. We did get some support since the last post and i appreciate it ! Now we are on facebook and instagram to get closer to everyone and hopefully gain their trust and support ! so i would love if you join us , we are still small but lets grow the community together ! []( [](",,,,,,2022-02-03 16:40:11 sjolmx,,1,"""flouci"" digital wallet","(M18) The thing is, i made an account a while ago with my personal data, and now want to delete it, i have no idea how!! Should i like go to the ""attijari bank"" and cancel the subscription there or what?",,,,,,2022-02-03 17:15:17 sjp96j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-03 17:41:40 sjsa0c,,122,Choose your fighter !,,,,,,,2022-02-03 19:43:02 sjsfd0,,0,Any tunisian online poker players here ?,Playing online poker and wondering if there is tunisian poker players here so we Can get in touch,,,,,,2022-02-03 19:49:19 sjtb7q,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-03 20:23:53 sju1rh,é_dans_un_puits_tient_le/,0,Le sort d'un enfant bloqué dans un puits tient le Maroc en haleine,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-03 20:54:40 sjuxj5,,3,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-03 21:30:28 sjzej5,,7,"Saw this on Twitter, thoughts my brozzers?",,,,,,,2022-02-04 00:39:44 sk3ljp,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-02-04 04:00:13 sk969c,,34,i paint killua zoldyck i hope you like it,,,,,,,2022-02-04 09:26:15 sk9tod,,3,looking for online flowers shopping for delivery in Tunis with good prices?,,,,,,,2022-02-04 10:08:48 skakco,,12,"What's up with the surge of anti-western far right, anti-western culture, anti-whites and anti-male posts and comments?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-04 10:56:56 skbicq,,8,who saw this tiktok ? real or fake ?,,,,,,,2022-02-04 11:53:26 skezz6,شمعناها_السر_والكمون/,13,شمعناها السر والكمون؟,تربيجة وتتقال برشة في الغناء القديم متاعنا .. فاهم استعمالاتها اللغوية اما معناها والرمزية متاعها لا ..,,,,,,2022-02-04 14:47:26 skf0ay,,5,Tunisia Gets A Seat On African Union Peace And Security Council," Despite Tunisia seeing dark times, the [*African Union’s Peace and Security Council*]( has added the country into its list of patrons. The country has been burning over oil price rise and bad governance. As the last remaining country in north Africa to have kept democracy intact a decade after the Arab Spring, Tunisia is facing huge existential political and constitutional crisis. [](",,,,,,2022-02-04 14:47:51 skffqj,,6,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-04 15:05:51 skgcwx,,70,Arabic native speakers wanted in kurzgesagt. I thought of sharing it for those interested.,,,,,,,2022-02-04 15:44:35 skgnvc,,1,is there anybody here working as call center agent in greece. i really need some advice,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-04 15:57:16 skgvof,,3,Divorcing a Tunisian,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-04 16:05:16 skhrfm,,4,الرجاء منكم الدعاء للطفل ريان المغربي ان شاء الله يخرج سالم,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-04 16:36:46 skimam,,39,From 4k to 40k,"Just an appreciation post, glad to see this sub grows And having more tunisian redditors joining the community",,,,,,2022-02-04 17:10:59 skjayy,,164,Flag,,,,,,,2022-02-04 17:38:38 sknoo2,,24,2 types of people in here,,,,,,,2022-02-04 20:39:30 sko0da,,5,Is there still a night curfew?,I want to visit Tunisia but the UK government website is not up to date about the current covid restrictions. Are you still not allowed outside after 10pm? the best part of North African countries like Egypt and Morocco is the nightlife for me so I will not travel if this rule is still in place,,,,,,2022-02-04 20:53:12 skoqtc,,13,Help me please,"If you go back to my old posts you will find a post about how i failed my year, and i said in that post that i may be special ed and my family didn't believe me and that i'll probably fail the next year. Well i think i was right. We saw my Bulletin not long ago. And sadly i got 8.97 my whole family is disappointed in me. And you know what's sad? Its that i actually tried my absolute best. After that i took such a beating that a little blood came out of my nose and i got kicked out of my home and my mom said she was going to drop me off school. The only reason why i'm back home and why my mom didn't drop me out is because my aunt told her to give me another chance. In my old post you guys gave me advice on how to study and i followed it and i haven't gotten any progress. And i followed my teachers advice and i still didn't get better. And i know for a fact that if i don't convince them that im special ed and that i need special kind of tutoring i will fail my year again wich will my family forcibly drop me out of school and i won't have any education or future. In that moment when i got kicked out of our home and the amount of harsh verbal abuse that i got i actually even thought about killing myself for a moment but i didn't go throu it. So please help me",,,,,,2022-02-04 21:23:08 skt47h,,1,"DOES 16:33/20 grade in highschool with ALGERIAN GRADING SYSTEM EQUALS TO 90% in UAE ? "" Undergraduates """,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-05 00:27:47 skug4y,,1,What did SormHunter do wrong?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-05 01:27:00 skzhlz,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-05 05:46:14 skzz6p,,1,What Causes Dandruff? And Did You Know That Dinosaurs Had It Too?,,,,,,,2022-02-05 06:13:18 sl4q4y,,3,Should homosexuality be legal and socially acceptable,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-05 11:18:18 sl6nct,,1,from where can I buy a good quality headset with a low budget in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-05 13:12:39 sl6ofn,,8,Best consultation agencies in Tunisia to go study abroad ?,"I know that most of them are scammers and it's best to do this myself However I'm planning to go Austria and there's little to no information regarding the procedure from Tunisia So if you know any good agencies please recommend them to me",,,,,,2022-02-05 13:14:20 sl7ere,,3,from where can I find low budget good quality headset In Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-05 13:51:31 sla3cr,,8,best bank for epargne?,"What is the best bank to open a savings account?(épargne) And what is ""retour sur interet""? as in if I put my money in the savings account, how does it increase? and if you have experiences with savings account, can you please share them? EDIT : investing is not an option. I am just planning to save a bit of my salary each month thank you all",,,,,,2022-02-05 15:54:33 slayg9,,107,"Reconstruction of Carthage, capital of the Phoenicians",,,,,,,2022-02-05 16:32:13 slb53b,,4,Syrian refugees in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-05 16:40:12 slbc6o,,0,Future of our generation,does our generation has any future in this country ?,,,,,,2022-02-05 16:48:57 slc7yu,,10,Increasing tourism to Tunisia through social media.,"I know someone who makes awesome videos about Tunisia. Traveling, eating and sight seeing. The videos are very good. I'd like to see if there's an agency that does advertising for Tunisia, do you know of any? If they would consider hiring her to make videos showing off Tunisia it'd be great. I only know of Tunisia by chance because I don't usually see any info on it while online. If Instagram had some better advertising being produced by an agency using travel videos, Tunisia could be in the spotlight. COVID had negativity affected tourism everywhere, some targeted advertising could help bring back the tourists and generate more revenue for the country or citizens. Tunisia really is a beautiful country",,,,,,2022-02-05 17:25:35 slcj3z,,3,Best lab for PCR near Laouina in Tunis? :) need the results 48 hours before boarding.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-05 17:38:53 sld2j8,,2,Whats the best after shave product you can buy here?,,,,,,,2022-02-05 18:01:48 sle01k,,2,Skin care routine for men?,Anyone has some knowledge on skin care routine for men? Quality products and all,,,,,,2022-02-05 18:58:36 slek7i,éo%20et%20Consoles/61fe7bc5f3b85c79c27195c4/Free%20Fire%20Account,1,FF Account for sale check it out,,,,,,,2022-02-05 19:22:14 slf59f,,5,help needed please,"hey i decided to quit my job after 7 years as an english teacher making around 1.2 k a month for the government. i 've polished my skills in communication, interviewing, inter/intra personal, time managment, problem solving, analysing situations through very broad perspectives,writing,leadership , teamwork and presentation skills. im not sure what kind of markets/job should i pursue in tunis. any advice would be helpful PS :i'm saving money so u can get a diploma in either marketing/branding or managment as a starter after i quit my job . thank you for attention.",,,,,,2022-02-05 19:51:55 slfgec,,1,يارب 🤲,,,,,,,2022-02-05 20:07:50 slfvlu,,1,ONLY FOR STUDENTS ! could you tell us about a funny story that happened to you while using the Tunisian transportation ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-05 20:30:03 slg78h,,1,ONLY FOR STUDENTS! what do you eat/ consume when you're low on budget ( specially those living in dorms or renting)?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-05 20:44:19 slggm7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-05 20:55:59 slgid0,,0,"Hey there hi everyone…Does anyone here knows the prices of iPhone 13 mini, 13 and 13 pro in Tunisia ? If anyone knows please do mention with their storage capacity…Would really appreciate your help...",,,,,,,2022-02-05 20:58:09 slgjbj,,1,only for students: could you share with us an incident that happened to you while using the fouska?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-05 20:59:27 sljx4q,,5,General question,"Hello everyone im im currently a 1st year computer science student, i've checked my schools courses for the next 2 years and it seemed like its main focus was web dev. My question is wether it's possible to go for a different route when it comes to my pfe and do my rapport on something different from the courses that i'll be exposed to in school (i know it's early to think about this now, just asking because i'm genuinely curious)",,,,,,2022-02-05 23:28:32 sll5m3,,4,Looking for a good lawyer in nabeul/hammamet region for a real estate matter,"Hi everyone, I'm looking for a good and trustworthy lawyer in hammamet/nabeul region for a real estate transaction that presents some issues...Any recommandations? Any tips? Unfortunately I won't be able to travel for a while for medical reasons...Thanks you all!",,,,,,2022-02-06 00:25:25 sllfct,,21,Kais Said dissolved the Supreme Judicial Council.,Thoughts ?,,,,,,2022-02-06 00:37:45 slout2,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,Did you get a great shot of the beaches of Hammamet? The boats of Kantaoui? The coliseum of El Jem? This is the place to share them.,,,,,,2022-02-06 04:00:10 slsa7w,,7,Are the moderators still alive?,So some have given thoughts on how the moderators are not active in this community anymore. Let us see if they can comment this post.,,,,,,2022-02-06 08:54:04 slt9ja,,0,Looking for LGBTIQA+ friendly/progressive places,I just wanna chill away from the stupid...,,,,,,2022-02-06 10:00:32 sltnlu,,1,Hi,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-06 10:27:32 sltusg,,64,À la mémoire de Chokri Belaid : Le cri du jasmin souillé,,,,,,,2022-02-06 10:40:52 slvrbt,,10,Any car guys / car girls here?,"I'm a huge fan of cars and the only tunisian car guys i met are normies that keep thinking that the supra is the fastest car in the world, so i wanna meet someone who actually knows stuff about cars",,,,,,2022-02-06 12:40:32 slvual,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-06 12:45:03 slwp89,,2,Egypt vs Senegal... Who will be the winner of the African Nations Cup?,,,,,,,2022-02-06 13:30:21 sly5g6,,1,is there anybody here working as a call center agent in greece? i need some advice,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-06 14:36:37 slydoc,,1,"I need a tunisian translator who know the local slang, anybody here to help me?",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-06 14:47:35 slz2sy,,2,What's something nice that you did but never got the chance to tell anyone ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-06 15:18:27 sm12pf,,2,pls help me is urgent T-T,"can someone pls explain to me the required papers for applying into the romanain scholarship pls if u know anyone who succeeded in getting this scholarship pls tell me to contact him/her thank u",,,,,,2022-02-06 16:42:33 sm1sps,,1,عفاف جنيفان,,,,,,,2022-02-06 17:11:10 sm26j0,,17,Mosaïque FM knows how to handle live news..,,,,,,,2022-02-06 17:26:26 sm355m,,34,which version of omi sisi is the most reliable? and which version you heard as a child?,i've been doing some research for a project about tunisian myths and i came across a lot of versions of omi sisi. I have no idea which one is the most reliable. if possible list the characters the cat talks to in order to retrieve his tail. and thanks in advance.,,,,,,2022-02-06 18:05:45 sm38oq,,8,How are gyms like?,"female, thinking of starting to go to a gym but not sure what gyms are even like or if they have rules (??) basically if u go to one drop whatever info ud let a newbie know, thanks <3",,,,,,2022-02-06 18:09:53 sm69pe,,1,Tunisian leader seeks to dissolve nation's top judiciary,,,,,,,2022-02-06 20:13:19 sm6oi1,,0,"Where can i find steroids in Tunis, please don't say the drug dealers in your city, i don't know any, i'm not a drug addict",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-06 20:30:33 sm8nho,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-06 21:50:51 sm8w1s,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-06 22:00:41 sm98ki,,1,"Studying abroad, need help","I'm a computer science major and this is my last year in high-school and i'm hoping i could study abroad (preferably canada or germany) and i'm wandering : 1)is it possible to apply for universities after the BAC exam or would it be too late?(if it's possible, do i need the help of an agency?) 2)are there any other requirements besides the BAC exam? 3)can i study CS in german universities in english? (if you have any suggestions for universities or agencies i would be delighted to hear them out)",,,,,,2022-02-06 22:15:08 sm9h2b,,17,Freelance in Tunisia,"Hello folks, So I'm spending my last 10 Dinars, and before I officially [declare bankruptcy](, I really wanna try freelancing since I don't have enough past time for a job from 9 to 5. I tried sites such as Upwork and Fiverr and it didn't work out as I wanted, I wanna start locally first to earn experience and to understand how the market works. I can translate from Arabic to English and vis versa, write your scripts and essays and proofreading (in both languages, Arabic and English) PS: Since I'm a rookie, you can decide the price depending on the work's quality.",,,,,,2022-02-06 22:25:05 sm9zb5,ôtel_recommandation/,1,Hôtel recommandation,For someone who wants to relax and have some good food. Also does the all inclusive give you access to only beer or any alcoholic drink of choice ?,,,,,,2022-02-06 22:46:40 smmyk1,,50,Do many Tunisians consider themselves Arab?,"My dad is Tunisian and says his mother is Berber and he considers himself berber. He gets angry when people call him Arab. His mother was full berber but his father considers himself arab. I don't know the specifics at all. I was raised in America and have little context for this. Do the majority of Tunisians consider themselves Arab if they do not have Berber/Amazigh heritage? For those that do, is there a reason for that? Do you consider yourself culturally Arab vs ethnically Arab? How is calling yourself Arab seen as a Tunisian? Does the diffrentiation matter to most Tunisian people? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-02-07 10:22:24 smn4i1,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-07 10:32:43 smniol,,1,Une expression idiomatique pour enrichir la façon dont vous parlez.,,,,,,,2022-02-07 10:58:55 smowki,,7,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-07 12:18:58 smp1r3,,23,Recommend me a therapist in Tunis,"I've been going through depression, suicidal thoughts, and anger issues for months now. I've only had one experience with a therapist after I attempted suicide a few months ago and it was terrible. She was very judgemental and insisted that this was wrong because if I died I would have gone to hell. She kept repeating that I should have more faith in God and all.",,,,,,2022-02-07 12:25:48 smpvph,,8,Studying abroad,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-07 13:10:00 smqvo1,,7,Stolen Phone,"my phone was stolen today but it still rings any advice ,should i go to police ?",,,,,,2022-02-07 13:59:28 smuh8z,,7,Formation Elasticsearch,"Hello, Pour les personnes qui cherchent à faire une reconversion vers l'informatique, voici une formation que j'ai donné gratuitement avec l'institut ISSAT Kasserine pendant les 2 derniers mois. Cette formation présente certains concepts fondamentaux dans le marché du travail: API, REST, SOAP, JSON, XML, Bases de données relationnelles (index, transactions, ACID...) et enfin Elasticsearch lui même. L'idée est que cette formation soit accessible à toute personne sans connaissance préalable du domaine. C'est pour ceci que j'ai omis pas mal de détails théoriques (et parfois techniques). J'ai compilé une petite liste bibliographique contenant certains cour très connus à l'échelle internationale comme le CS50 et les cours de Andy Pavlo (bases de données). J'espère que ça changera la vie d'une personne au moins 🙏 PS: Comme pas de gens avant moi, je trouve ma voix super bizarre (surtout que l'enregistrement a été fait sans aucun matériel pro, c'est très amateur comme logistique, désolé) الجمال جمال الروح هههههه",,,,,,2022-02-07 16:38:26 smv2ho,,1,does anyone know this person (for investigation purpose //suspected for btc scam),[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-07 17:02:41 smv4wt,,1,Is there any way to become a licensed therapist without bac ?,,,,,,,2022-02-07 17:05:27 smvdxx,منظوركم_لحل_المجلس_الأعلى_للقضاء_و_تصوراتكم/,11,منظوركم لحل المجلس الأعلى للقضاء و تصوراتكم لتداعياته على الحريات في تونس ؟," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-07 17:16:06 smvgif,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-07 17:19:16 smvnal,,15,Percentage of arranged marriages,What is the approximate percentage of arranged marriages in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-02-07 17:27:12 smw6md,لماذا_نساند_حل_المجلس_الاعلى_للقضاء_في_تونس/,0,لماذا نساند حلّ المجلس الاعلى للقضاء في تونس ؟,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-07 17:49:55 smw9yo,,1,Buying a new computer,"What's the best deal to buy a new computer in Tunis ? Or better, buy parts and build it myself.",,,,,,2022-02-07 17:53:51 smx26x,,4,"When your mum catches you swearing, and you try to act natural",,,,,,,2022-02-07 18:25:31 smycky,,2,Seeking help,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-07 19:20:12 smydpn,,1,Cheap assets to invest in,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-07 19:21:35 smzgbm,,0,Covoiturage Tunis-Sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-07 20:05:43 sn0c2z,,7,هيئة الدفاع عن الشهيدين شكري بلعيد و محمد الابراهمي تعقد ندوة صحفية يوم الاربعاء 09 فيفري 2022,,,,,,,2022-02-07 20:42:13 sn0gba,,2,is anyone coming from the usa this or next month who can get me a laptop ?,,,,,,,2022-02-07 20:47:01 sn0jl5,,6,Is e-estichara legit ?,Should I count on it for changes. If it's the case I would personally put my own money to advertise it since the government is not doing a good job with that.,,,,,,2022-02-07 20:50:46 sn2et0,,1,If,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-07 22:04:48 sn2l0e,,4,The Washington Post : Tunisia’s democracy is disappearing before our eyes,,,,,,,2022-02-07 22:11:39 sn32uc,,3,Beyond Rome: What Cultures did Carthage Interact With?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-07 22:31:32 sn76id,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-08 01:29:39 sn7qyy,,43,I visited Tunisia last week. Loved it! I have a few questions about the country and culture…,"Hey guys, First off, I loved your country! The people were so friendly and the sites were incredible. I had an amazing time…an underrated gem for sure. I have a few questions about the modern culture of Tunisia. I hope none of these questions come across as offensive or closed-minded. I am just trying to learn more about how things work and expand my understanding, and these are things I was curious about but I couldn’t ask anyone there. &#x200B; * Tunisia seems to be one of the most progressive Arab countries I have been to. From what I’ve been told, women either wear a hijab or don’t …it’s a personal decision and it’s not frowned upon at all to not wear one. Is this true? I noticed that the younger women also were dressed very casual, some even showing more skin than I’ve seen in other Arab countries. Has it always been like this? Or would you say it’s a change that is more recent (within the last decade or so)? * I’m curious about the role of men versus women from a cultural perspective. Are most households dual earners with both men and women working? Or is it mainly the men who work and the women stay home? Are things mostly equal? I’m contrasting this to other Arab countries I’ve visited, as it seems like Tunisia is quite different. * I was mostly in the well-traveled parts of Tunis, so I didn’t go to any of the poorer areas. But even when driving through many different parts of Tunis, I didn’t see many homeless people at all. Is homelessness not a big issue in Tunisia? It’s a big problem in my home country so it was interesting to not see many homeless or beggars. * Was daily life very different before Arab Spring? If so, how has it changed? * What is the main economy in Tunisia? What sort of jobs do people out of college get? Is there much job opportunity in Tunisia? * English speaking: some people said everyone learns English at school and speaks it, but then I would meet people younger than me who didn’t speak any English at all. Just curious if English learnings is based on if you went to public vs private school or something else? * What is the biggest problem in Tunisia right now? For ex, in the US our current biggest problems are probably around healthcare or racism. * I’m curious what Tunisian people honestly think about their country. I’m sure it’s varies a lot. Just trying to understand the general feeling people have towards Tunisia there. Thank you very much and thank you for having me in your lovely country!",,,,,,2022-02-08 01:55:47 snafnv,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-08 04:00:15 sndhd8,,1,Did anyone know?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-08 06:38:33 snfv65,,12,🔸Nympharum domus (Neapolis – Nabeul),,,,,,,2022-02-08 09:06:59 sng3bh,érapia_labs_a_reputable_company_for_health/,4,Is Thérapia labs a reputable company for health supplements ?,"Greetings Redditors, I live in Canada and spending some time in Tunis, looking for a good fish oil-omega 3 supp to help with my joints inflammation, I stumbled upon this Thérapia omega 3 for 35 dinars from Jumia, but I'm still skeptical cause I've bought many things from here that turned out to be fake once I contacted the mother company, and with the lack of regulations and quality control when it comes to consumer products.. yeah. Any clues about this company's reputation? And any other suggestions for an alternative is welcome! Thanks ! Oh ..I'm Tunisian btw so no hard feelings hhhh",,,,,,2022-02-08 09:22:28 sng9fs,,1,How do you feel Tunisia has evolved since 2009?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-08 09:33:44 sngg8a,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-08 09:46:46 snh2ec,,31,"Bormet el gotran, Bizerte, Tunisia",,,,,,,2022-02-08 10:28:20 snhczu,,9,What is the procedure to register a startup in Tunisia?,"I'm looking for the complete procedure to start doing it ASAP. The startup is a website that provides services. (Just saying if that changes something in the procedure )",,,,,,2022-02-08 10:47:25 snhix3,,1,Une expression idiomatique pour enrichir la façon dont vous parlez.,,,,,,,2022-02-08 10:59:03 snjl9l,,2,Transport to mehdiya from tunis,"Going to visit someone there on the 15th ,but since i never been there i nee help. - how to go? I was told there was a train and bus and na9il, What's my best option and specially for going back to tunis as late as possible (since famma couvre feu) ? - where do i find these options and how much they cost ? - is covoiturage a better option or should i stick with public transport?",,,,,,2022-02-08 12:57:40 snkj0i,,10,What's the range of salaries of software engineers in Tunisia?,"Well, everything is in the title I guess. I just want to assess if it's worth it to work here, or if I should try to find a position in a foreign company. (if you're talking about a specific field (i.e: web dev), please mention the field's name)",,,,,,2022-02-08 13:41:40 snl3xq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-08 14:08:16 snl7dc,,38,Saw a homeless older man shoplifting today from Carrefour and he got caught.. he shoplifted a chocolate bar and the security were all over him cussing and telling him to show his I.D.. they eventually let him go.. but seriously do shoplifters in Tunisia face jail problems? 😐,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-08 14:12:30 snoaax,,6,بعد ان اصدرت مجموعة السبع بيانا نددت فيه بقيام الرئيس قيس سعيد بحل المجلس الاعلى للقضاء ، قيس سعيد يدعوا مجموعة السبع لحكم تونس,,,,,,,2022-02-08 16:29:37 snoix6,,0,اغلاق المجلس الاعلى للقضاء كان بقرار جمهوري,,,,,,,2022-02-08 16:39:46 snox3e,,6,Chnia el metro ely na5dou men ba7dha (gare de tunis) bch noussel el 9 avril?,,,,,,,2022-02-08 16:56:47 snq2lb,,1,what jobs can i do as a student in Monastir?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-08 17:44:44 snq6zp,,4,Student help,"Hi, what can a student in monastir do as part time job or even online jobs? Any ideas? I'm kinda really in need of money",,,,,,2022-02-08 17:49:57 snqx4k,,11,Topnet or Globalnet,"Ok, i know both of them depends on the TT network, but since all users are not happy of topnet, can globalnet be better in some ponts",,,,,,2022-02-08 18:19:10 snroyv,,7,Any website for home rentals other than Tunisie Annonces?,"I am looking for a fully furnished 2 or 3 bedroom apartment/villa in Monastir for a short-term that may turn into long-term, but I can't find any decent website for it. I know Tunisie Annonces but that's the crappiest property portal I've ever seen, and it doesn't have that much choice for Monastir. Any other website/app with a decent number of listings?",,,,,,2022-02-08 18:51:57 snt4is,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-08 19:52:18 sntw9v,,10,"Men of this community, how did you get to overcome your middle life crisis","I guess I've been living this shit since 22 or 21 I'm nearly 25 now, I'm thinking about every decision I'll take in the future and any actions and the consequences of it, how did you overcome it? I'm doing master and I'm working at the same time and I can notice that life will be hard as fuck in the future especially if somebody wants to get married or buy a car or even go abroad",,,,,,2022-02-08 20:24:46 snu02n,,20,Visiting Tunisia for the first time! Hoping for travel recommendations.,"Hi r/Tunisia. Hope you're all finding balance and strength throughout the pandemic. My fiancé and I are traveling to Tunisia from Montréal later this month. Our itinerary has us in Tunis for a few days, then Djerba, then a Sahara tour, and then back in Tunis to close it all out. We'll be in the country for ten days total. I've got a couple specific (maybe weird?) questions that I'm hoping you could answer. Any tips would be massively appreciated. 1) Places to see live music in Tunis. In particular, I'm a huge fan of Anouar Brahem, the Tunisian oud player, so traditional music would be amazing. But any music really (assuming the pandemic hasn't shut all that down). 2) Seafood restaurants in Tunis or Djerba. Not looking for anything fancy, but ideally somewhere that serves octopus. Love octopus. 3) Somewhere where I can buy or develop 35mm film. I'll be taking photos during the trip and would prefer to have them developed in Tunis rather than risk the negatives being scanned at the airport. Somewhere that sells old vintage cameras would be a bonus! 4) Places to buy vinyl records? 5) Tips on getting a PCR test done in Tunis. I tried using the booking website but it seems like we need to either call or visit in person, rather than book online. If anyone can point us to the a reliable testing centre in Tunis it'd be super helpful. 4) And just food recommendations in general, or places in Tunis and Djerba that you think fly under the radar. Or general travel tips/precautions that we should know. Thanks so much!",,,,,,2022-02-08 20:29:25 snuwbh,,4,a serious question to Tunisian Weight lifters and Fitness lovers.,"So, this is my second week at the gym, I'm 20 YO and 80kg Male, and I'm trying to do a cut by eating 2300 calories in order to lose some fat because as far as my reserach went I understood, that getting in good shape is 70% Diet and 30% Exercise, my problem is that in tunisia we eat some ""weird"" meals for example Kaaber bi'ssebnekh, Bathenjen b l7am mafroum, Leblebi... and It's hard to calculate their calories or even find it online (although I believe they can be good for the health considering they can be rich in protein and vegetables), does anyone have any tips on how to do that?? any other advice for a noob weight lifter is much appreciated :) thnx in advance",,,,,,2022-02-08 21:07:42 snv3b6,,16,How would you describe your political orientation?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-08 21:15:53 snvogu,,5,yekhy aleh laabed tahki english lenna o.O,"XD everyone could speak english ama bel7a9 3leh nes kol yahkiw english? it doesnt make you better hatta f germany, serbian,swedish subreddits tl9ahom yahkiw lang mte7om, mahich bch tawarna enou nahkiw ""english"" its just a question li aandou fekra yjewbni w kahw",,,,,,2022-02-08 21:41:23 snzypr,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-09 00:47:32 so0o9a,ما_رأيكم_في_مصر/,1,ما رأيكم في مصر؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-09 01:19:57 so1sj9,,9,What do you think about the electronic music scene in Tunisia ? And why are people from this community stereotyped as drug users ?,,,,,,,2022-02-09 02:12:41 so5h5y,,24,Tunisian enthusiast recreates sea snail purple dye that defined ancient royals,,,,,,,2022-02-09 05:17:33 so9i6n,,8,An update on publication of my upcoming tourism guidebook to Tunisia (and a crazy kayaking expedition in Madagascar),,,,,,,2022-02-09 09:28:23 soai4m,,4,Bilehi ya jme3a el code CIN mya3 edinar smart fin nal9ah,"Ki 7alit el app d17 lyouma nal9ahom 3amlouli logout w y7ebou el info mta3 el carte mte3i el col, 3andi kol chay ama el “CIN” fin nal9ah",,,,,,2022-02-09 10:33:31 soaw5g,,1,Une expression idiomatique pour enrichir la façon dont vous parlez.,,,,,,,2022-02-09 10:59:01 soaztd,,10,"Just asking, maybe there's such a place 🥴","hello everyone, I live in Tunis, I'm a big fan of video games, I consume a lot of them especially during the times when I don't have to go out and if you are also a gamer you have certainly noticed that video games are more and more larger in terms of memory taken on your pc or console and being a battle Royale player, there are easily large updates every 2-3 months , it is not easy to easily download large files of 15 -30go and continue to play quietly with types of networks such as ADSL and just 4g, I tried fiber optics at a friend's house but it's just annoying and cringe to ask every time , anyway, so my question is, are there any public places with very high speed where you can bring your pc or console and pay for the time you take to download stuff?",,,,,,2022-02-09 11:04:00 sobk2m,,4,"Dissolution du CSM en Tunisie, ""holà !"" à l'asphyxie de la (...)",,,,,,,2022-02-09 11:38:48 sobmgt,,2,Day 731 without sex!,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-09 11:42:51 soc956,ندوة_صحفية_لهيئة_الدفاع_عن_الشهيدين_شكري_بالعيد/,4,ندوة صحفية لهيئة الدفاع عن الشهيدين شكري بالعيد ومحمد البراهمي,"who watched this press conference this morning? i want to watch it but it's too long ( almost 2 hours ) is there any article or anything that summarized the main points ( objectively, not a personal opinion) ?",,,,,,2022-02-09 12:18:34 sofmyb,,1,CBD,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-09 15:01:34 sohpvg,,8,Dmt,Anyone know how I can get it,,,,,,2022-02-09 16:33:19 sohw35,,83,what the actual fawk,,,,,,,2022-02-09 16:41:08 soiu2t,,9,For tunisians linving in tunisia,"simple question, do you wanna leave this country ? why ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-09 17:22:16 sojr7d,,6,What alcohol does all inclusive cover?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-09 18:01:59 sok4kh,,3,How to register on the Tunisian Agency For Technical Cooperation ATCT ?!,,,,,,,2022-02-09 18:18:21 somyel,,1,"Hello who knows which is better title (advantages, chances to get accepted for visa) in your passport student or employee ?",,,,,,,2022-02-09 20:22:44 son7gb,,1,Where/how to check my testosterone level?,,,,,,,2022-02-09 20:33:40 sonol4,,0,هيئة الدفاع عن الشهيدين شكري بلعيد و محمد براهمي تنطلق في تحركاتها الاحتجاجية,,,,,,,2022-02-09 20:54:55 soonqc,,2,Wich one is superior," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-09 21:36:55 sori4g,,1,tunisian media,"Hi all, im a tunisian born and raised in europe. i want to improve my arabic by consuming more tunisian media, can you recommend me popular youtubers/shows/podcasts anything that younger people watch? thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-02-09 23:42:42 sp40ee,,0,Une expression idiomatique pour enrichir la façon dont vous parlez.,,,,,,,2022-02-10 10:59:01 sp46g5,,13,Tunisian who are getting out legally...,"Tunisian abroad, hello, I'm wondering about the best/not costy way for immigration to Canada or Europe. Any experience shared will be helpful.",,,,,,2022-02-10 11:08:51 sp4tpl,,5,A question on freelancing,"What is it exactly that i need in order to work and earn money from sites such as Upwork and Fiverr? Thank you! Edit: I'm mainly concerned about working with international clients, how does that work?",,,,,,2022-02-10 11:49:57 sp6njv,,235,Before visiting grandma vs after visiting grandma,,,,,,,2022-02-10 13:28:59 sp6pzx,,7,Will I survive socially as an Algerian non-Arabic speaker?,"Hey everyone! I live in France and I will soon come to Tunisia to do a remote internship, but more importantly, I'd like to come to Tunis to learn dialectal&modern standard Arabic. The problem is that I am a bit anxious about the idea of being judged because I have myself Algerian roots and I can barely speak Algerian Arabic. Usually when I go to Algeria to see my family, I can somehow manage to make myself understand, but regarding Tunisia it's totally different because I will be alone. I'm actually scared not to have any friends, or to be judged by the elders as some kind of fake North African who can't even speak the language of his ancestors. My question is the following: Will I have to face remarks from the people of Tunis about the fact that I cannot speak Arabic despite being myself North African? I really have bad memories about younger me going to Algeria and being mocked by my cousins' friends about my poor Arabic skills, and I'd like to avoid that as much as possible. Thanks for the replies!",,,,,,2022-02-10 13:32:25 sp7g3a,,1,"Philosophical Essay on the Nature of Existence, Reality, and Immortality",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-10 14:08:05 sp7thl,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-10 14:26:23 sp94o4,,4,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-10 15:27:11 sp9ayn,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-10 15:35:20 spbvqa,,9,I can only imagine,,,,,,,2022-02-10 17:27:06 spdqmt,,10,"One of the last 3 examples of royal architecture in Numidia (200 BC), the Libyco-Punic Mausoleum of Atban is an ancient tomb located in Dougga, Tunisia. It contained the famous bilingual Numidian and Punic inscription before being removed by a British consul placing it in the British museum.",,,,,,,2022-02-10 18:45:57 spe2ws,,71,My mother is slowly dying. Help!,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-10 19:00:04 spesrt,,5,Offshore tech companies in Tunisia are taking advantage of cheap labor.,"This is something pretty common in Tunisia, companies open branches in Tunisia, hire developers with 1/3 the salary they would usually pay in Europe ( usually with the promise that they will eventually move you to their European branch, which they never keep ), but keep the same clients, so over all, they will be making more money. &#x200B; I was reminded of this topic today after having this encounter on twitter: []( &#x200B; What do you think about this subject? Do you work for such company ( or have in the past )?",,,,,,2022-02-10 19:29:37 spfyvs,,21,The best 374 amongst 40000 retaken (stolen between 2012 and 2019) national cultural and historical treasures to be showcased by the ministry of cultural affairs in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2022-02-10 20:17:29 spgz2e,,0,Any crossderesser like me here?,,,,,,,2022-02-10 21:01:32 spiihb,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-10 22:18:44 spkjle,,0,دوري أبطال إفريقيا : القنوات الناقلة و التعليق لمباريات اليوم 11/2/2022,,,,,,,2022-02-11 00:00:10 sppdf9,,1,Who is the invisible arm of Rashid Ghannouchi?," Years of paralysis, corruption, declining state services and growing unemployment had already soured many Tunisians on their political system before the global pandemic hammered the economy last year This 2022 Tunisian Parliament Speaker Rached Ghannouchi was accused of Having an invisible arm behind the persona of Najeh Hajj Latif outside and inside Tunisia accusing him of managing suspicious financial relations with the Renaissance Movement, these accounts showed documents proving that Latif uses two financial accounts into which huge funds are pumped from the Qatari Emiri Diwan, and that the sums placed in these accounts have no return for them which raises suspicion about them. sums exceeded, in total, 30 million euros, to be withdrawn in Qatar in cash and transferred to Tunisia, to be entered through the protocol hall at Tunis-Carthage Airport, in cash as well, and spent outside the control of the state These data have become available to Military Intelligence, and one of the parties that have been briefed on them is the Presidency of the Republic. Evidence proves that Rashid Ghannouchi is involved in crimes and Latif is one of the main keys and also the accusations involved in the cases of the assassination of Chokri Belaid and the Involvement of Qatar.",,,,,,2022-02-11 03:41:29 spprjr,,0,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-11 04:00:16 spte9a,,0,Machallah Kais Said bitch slaps foreign ambassadors & countries that are worried about dissolving the higher committee of judges! time of colonization is over with this president!,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-11 07:19:17 sptzwi,,14,Morning beautiful people,,,,,,,2022-02-11 07:56:35 spunnv,,20,Why are you unemployed?,"To the unemployed people on here or those in between jobs, what are the reasons keeping you unemployed right now?? I know Tunisia suffers from high rates of unemployment but what are your personal reasons for this??",,,,,,2022-02-11 08:38:38 spwt69,,1,Une expression idiomatique pour enrichir la façon dont vous parlez.,,,,,,,2022-02-11 10:59:09 spxczo,,9,Start up,"Hello. I ve wanted to share with u my experience that I had working in a start up. So 1st of all I was under a SIVP contract so I can leave whenever I feel like it without giving any notice. I ve been working in a startup for 6 months. Well actually not working. The correct term would be a slave. We were 2 software engineers getting slaved non stop by our boss. Of course my colleague didnt mind it because he was close with the boss. So any ways, I was always at work at around 8:30 am. I do my 8 hours and just when I m about to leave my boss calls us for a meeting. He sometimes keeps us late at night at around 10~11 pm. He also calls us on weekend to come and work. And ofc u guess it there s no bonus. Just the salary which wasnt even great. So last monday after getting paid and getting my work certificate, I went to my boss s office and I told him I m quitting. And the 1st thing he said to me that he s going to sue me for leaving because since I already came in I must finish the month. I told him I didnt use my vacation time so count the rest of the month as vacation and I left while he was still nagging and cussing me. Ps: my colleague was furious at me because I told him he was beeing used too",,,,,,2022-02-11 11:32:22 spy6tz,,2,Do you know any hotel that accepts unmarried couples in Hammamet ?,"Doing the classic ""dragging another couple and exchanging rooms"" trick is not an option Thanks !",,,,,,2022-02-11 12:20:52 spzepl,,69,أين الكفتاجي أنا لا أراه. Bloody instagrammeuses,,,,,,,2022-02-11 13:26:36 sq02do,,45,Not in defence of Saied but just to remind you they are all shit,,,,,,,2022-02-11 13:59:17 sq3bfq,,7,help with renting,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-11 16:27:09 sq3ltx,,1,Say bye to anxiety and take control over your life with these natural tips!,,,,,,,2022-02-11 16:39:47 sq72lg,,2,Tunisian import customs?,"So I am trying to send something to Tunisia from the EU, a relatively small package with a value of around 320 TND plus 200 TND delivery cost. After looking online, I couldn't manage to figure out the cost of importing the items to the country. Where would I be able to find this information online? Should I ask the recipient to ask in a brick and mortar post office? I tried to check the customs page but I couldn't find anything except for prohibited items. If more information is needed, just ask in the comments!",,,,,,2022-02-11 19:11:37 sqm10q,,39,Positive news from Tunisia from Reuters for a change,,,,,,,2022-02-12 07:34:57 sqn2p4,,9,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-12 08:44:35 sqq3m6,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-12 12:04:23 sqrgg4,,4,Service dog in tunisia,"Hi everyone I have a friend who wants to visit tunisia in the summer and he has a service dog. Is he allowed into public and private spaces? Is there any law concerning this matter? Thanks",,,,,,2022-02-12 13:22:10 sqry7q,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-12 13:48:25 sqsxd1,,22,Such a beautiful hike! 😍,,,,,,,2022-02-12 14:38:56 sqtsgc,,0,Comment enregistrer votre téléphone sur Sajalni TN,,,,,,,2022-02-12 15:21:13 sqyftg,,18,What's the best tourist tour you can recommend for a group of 400 tourists in August?,"Hi everyone, I'm part of the organizing committee of an international congress that's happening at the beginning of August and looking for your recommendations concerning the best tourist places that the tourists can visit during a single day sequentially. Preferably not mainstream places such as Sidi Bou Said or Medina due to the high traffic and the density of people as the number of guests is too high (400)",,,,,,2022-02-12 18:55:30 sr0r2u,,4,looking for a good psychologist in tunis centre ville,"So the title says it all, l'm looking for a psychologist, someone with a good reputation and experience, if you have any suggestions please tell me. And thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-02-12 20:43:10 sr0sfu,,0,if you wanna have fun come join me <3,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-12 20:45:02 sr14wx,,1,Mods delete this if it’s against the rules. Is there a drummer looking for an electronic Drum-set?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-12 21:00:44 sr1biw,,1,Where can you find bagels like really good kind of bagels in tunis? Just want to diversify my breakfast meals,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-12 21:09:03 sr1s4r,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-12 21:31:07 sr1z94,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-12 21:40:59 sr2b28,,1,Are there any vinyl shops in sousse?,,,,,,,2022-02-12 21:57:04 sr40gt,,14,The Russian and Ukrainian conflict,"What do you guys think about this conflict and what will the future brings to us?,",,,,,,2022-02-12 23:15:49 sr4rng,,0,Why there's no functional medicine in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-12 23:53:25 sr6eqd,,3,Archeologist Guide Recommendations (Kerkouane Site),"Hi, Redditors and Tunisia-folk. First-time travel to Tunisia in May of 2022. I'm a freelance writer and novelist and am looking to bolster the authenticity of my book (time-travel sci-fi to the period of the 1st Punic War, ICYI). But, anyhow... I'll be staying in Tunis. Carthage, Bardo, Tophet, Punic Harbor, (and yes, Roman Baths even though it's outside of period), are all on the menu. Nosh nosh. These'll be self-guided. I really want to see Kerkouane though too. However, for that, I'd really feel more comfortable if a graduate-level archeology or PhD knowledgeable in this site first, and Carthaginian culture second, could accompany and guide me. The bona fides and due diligence met, I'd be willing to pay, of course, Any takers? Advice? Thanks! PS: In my novel, I plan to paint the Carthaginian/Phoenician culture in all shades (from what we best know) both the good and the ill, including child sacrifice. That being said, however, aside from the Hannibal fanboys, the varied cultures of North Africa have been painted in a negative light for far too long, as has much of Africo-Meghrebi society. As a writer, I'm striving to correct that. There is much good here, and I'm looking forward to discovering it for myself!",,,,,,2022-02-13 01:15:56 sr6net,,0,Where should I camp ??,"Hi guys, I'm looking for a beautifull place to camp with my gf. Preferably sousse/monastir/mahdia ??? Any recommendations +pics??",,,,,,2022-02-13 01:27:58 sr9jri,,1,[Weekly Discussion Post] Scenic Sunday! Post Your Scenic Tunisia Pictures Here!,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-13 04:00:15 srb7y6,,1,How To Make $150 A DAY & Make Money Online For FREE With NO Website!,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-13 05:35:20 sree0b,,5,We couldn't believe what we saw! A true oasis inside a canyon. 😍😍😍,,,,,,,2022-02-13 08:55:02 srf4sd,,0,"Un idiome, par jour, ça fait un bien linguistique :)",,,,,,,2022-02-13 09:44:55 srfbmv,,23,But why… 🇹🇳🕳,,,,,,,2022-02-13 09:58:27 srfsnf,,93,Echri balfin tal9a zouz mleyen bonus,,,,,,,2022-02-13 10:29:55 srfvt4,,2,Demonstrators demonstrate in Tunisia against President Kais Saied,,,,,,,2022-02-13 10:35:52 srfyp0,,1,10 Words of Wisdom From the Quran (Pt 1),,,,,,,2022-02-13 10:41:33 srfzyu,,6,It seems that PCR test is not required anymore to entry in Tunisia ?," Hello, I'm to go to Tunisia in the next few days I found there []( that fully vaccinated people aren't required anymore to provide a PCR test before entry in Tunisia . I can't find any official source to verify it ( []( is down ? ) . Can you guys help me ?",,,,,,2022-02-13 10:44:02 srg3j7,,4,Do you play guitar? Come join this discussion.,"I don't know anyone personally who plays guitar, I've checked conservatories and 99% teach classical guitar (not necessarily my thing when it comes to guitar although I LOVE me some Beethoven) I really want to get to know other guitar players, I wanna know how you learned/learning to play guitar, are there actually ""top-tier"" guitar teachers in Tunisia? where do you hang out when you want to jam with others, what made you want to learn guitar, I'd love to get to know all of you guys :)",,,,,,2022-02-13 10:51:04 srgof8,,8,Payement in freelance,"Hey, i have few soft skills and am looking to start freelancing from Tunisia. Can anyone enlighten me about the payement methods i could use? NB: i don't have a Visa",,,,,,2022-02-13 11:28:21 srgxp1,,243,When your code works.,,,,,,,2022-02-13 11:46:04 srhrgj,,1,Criminal law?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-13 12:38:12 srhs9n,,3,Seeking a good therapist,"Hi everyone, i'm looking for a psychologist who speaks english in tunis and maybe you had solved complex parenting and childhood issues with as a the child, thank you in advance!",,,,,,2022-02-13 12:39:44 srhvuy,,0,Pass sanitaire,"Hey, I have a question for those who went lately to clubs in gammarth. Do they check the « pass sanitaire » or not ?",,,,,,2022-02-13 12:46:15 sri25m,,1,Alone in club/lounge,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-13 12:56:58 srjvmi,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-13 14:32:18 srldp4,,0,Is amphetamine available in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-13 15:40:54 srlmuk,/r/algeria/comments/srlm0k/would_you_want_a_complete_unification_of_all/,5,Would you want a complete unification of all African states? Why or why not?,,,,,,,2022-02-13 15:51:58 srpmj9,,2,Are there any walking groups in Tunis i can join ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-13 18:41:40 srqlfq,,1,Car import in Tunisia,"Hi! I have a double nationality, with Tunisian being one of them. I want to import a foreign car into Tunisia. Someone told me that for women it was different and that you could even bring 2 foreign cars back to Tunisia in your lifetime. Or is it only for the partner? Can anyone please tell me the accurate information on this? Thank you!!",,,,,,2022-02-13 19:22:52 srrvvp,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-13 20:18:16 sru3sg,,34,Who does he look like ?,,,,,,,2022-02-13 21:55:16 srvint,,20,League of Legends : Upcoming FREE online tournament,"Hello everyone, Not too long ago, we posted a thread about our startup. Our goal is to create a professional gaming scene in North Africa through organizing tournaments, online and offline. Today, we're so excited to announce our first online tournament. All the details are in the link bellow . []( We thank everyone who showed their support to us and we'll do our best to make a great community that best understands gamers in our region. Be safe all of you, we wish you the best in you endeavors.",,,,,,2022-02-13 22:59:02 ss1jhj,,0,23f,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-14 04:14:10 ss5g2s,,0,"His name is volodomyr Zelensky, a comedian who became a president of ukraine. He wants to make fool out of Russia, but in the end, Russia will make fool out of him and invade his country, Tunisians your thoughts?",,,,,,,2022-02-14 08:06:43 ss6a2v,,10,*Average students going to Ukraine for medical studies*,,,,,,,2022-02-14 09:04:50 ss6v23,,1,"Un idiome, par jour, ça fait un bien linguistique :)",,,,,,,2022-02-14 09:45:05 ss76i0,,5,A way to receive money online ?,hello everyone is here a way to receive money online from foreign countries when in tunisia i know paypal isn’t available but r there apps like cash app and all ? (cashapp doesn’t work in tunisia unless u use vpn to change your ip and location ?,,,,,,2022-02-14 10:04:58 ssauks,,28,Cooking with the locals near Kairouan. 😋,,,,,,,2022-02-14 13:39:24 ssbdnu,,3,Superbowl 2022 أما انتوما تحبوا الكفار,,,,,,,2022-02-14 14:03:34 sscar9,,0,President Kais Saeid of Tunisia stretches his authority over judiciary.,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-14 14:48:39 ssckfj,,1,We all #anti_dictatorship #anti_kais_saied,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-14 15:00:12 ssdnly,,1,Serious question,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-14 15:47:01 sse76l,,14,Is 2000€ a good salary in france?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-14 16:09:28 sshc2n,,1,10 Words of Wisdom From the Quran (Part 2),,,,,,,2022-02-14 18:17:51 sshvh0,,11,How frequent is marriage between cousins nowadays?,I'm half Tunisian and i live in Europe. I've always known about the tradition of marriage between cousins but i wonder if it has toned down a bit in this day and age or if it is still going strong.,,,,,,2022-02-14 18:40:54 ssj8ne,,17,Visiting Tunisia,"3aslema, I'm planning to visit Tunisia this summer (for a longer time - 2 - months months probably). I studied Arabic at university, and I speak Tunisian dialect (although not bel gdé bel gdé 😅) and I just love Tunisia. I have a few questions, first being, how much would I need to save out for rent (if I were to rent let's say s+0 or s+1 in Sousse for example) and what would be the best place to look to rent an apartment for 2 - 3 months (June, July and August; and not expensive stuff like AirBnb..). Also, since I'll be working online, is there a way to get a good, steady internet connection, because last time I had Orange and it wasn't really good (that was 2019 though). Any help, suggestions are welcome. و بالطبيع كان فما شكون يحب نتقابلو نحوسو مرحبا! 😊 Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-02-14 19:37:24 sskfwk,,0,Deployment of Egyptian forces in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-14 20:27:20 ssmyqr,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-14 22:13:45 sspk57,,14,racism in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-15 00:29:13 ssttuf,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-15 04:00:10 ssyipi,,1,Wanna go to qatar for work and help them out in the world cup stuff for 2.000 dinars two weeks. I wanna know how can I get their attention with my CV. is there anything I need to put out to stand out and get picked please? I need the money for college rent.,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-15 08:48:42 ssymr2,,1,Hey. I wanna go to qatar to help out for the world cup stuff and get 2.000 tnd for two weeks working there. I wanna know how can my CV get picked out and stand out from the others what do I need to write down exactly other than the typical stuff and how can I write the perfect letter de motivation,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-15 08:56:27 sszcnh,,1,"Un idiome, par jour, ça fait un bien linguistique :)",,,,,,,2022-02-15 09:45:06 sszrfq,,10,Asking for some support!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-15 10:12:15 st0tv2,,47,Borgden walla Bordgen,"i was asked which one is right and i couldn't answer hope you can help knowing elli fel arabiya esmo برتقال [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-15 11:26:36 st2p52,,8,I just got expelled,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-15 13:14:53 st37h5,,16,Do you guys think that our landscapes are a bit overrated,"People are always praising Tunisia saying that it's very beautiful and تونس الخضراء . While i agree that Tunisia has a lot of nice landscapes but if we compare it to basically any european/asian/south or north american country it falls short Hell even some african counties are much more beautiful Are people saying that it's khadhra in comparison to the middle east cause in that case it makes sense i guess",,,,,,2022-02-15 13:41:26 st3cg1,,2,Best car to buy,"Hello guys, I would like to ask you for information about cars which I don't know too much about. I'm getting a credit to buy a second hand car . I'm looking for an economic , cheap and reliable one with a 25k budget . A friend told me that the i10 Hyundai is a reliable one and here pieces are very cheap . is it true ? could you guys suggest me other cars ? Thanks !",,,,,,2022-02-15 13:48:39 st5fcu,/r/antiwork/comments/st4tof/update_i_did_get_fired/,1,[update] i DID get fired,,,,,,,2022-02-15 15:26:20 st5of2,,1,Can someone help this teacher?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-15 15:37:23 st6f5b,,0,Tunisia: Kais Saied helms democratic efforts amid obstacles from Ennahda Movement,,,,,,,2022-02-15 16:09:27 st83vl,,8,"Can someone explain why turkey/chicken prices are droping despite the country undergoing an"" economical crisis"".",,,,,,,2022-02-15 17:22:02 st8at3,بلاغ_للرأي_العام_شهادة_في_النشر_في_قضية_الشيراتون/,0,بلاغ للرأي العام شهادة في النشر في قضية الشيراتون وشكاية جزائية في التدليس ضد بوشلاكة وكل من سيكشف عنه البحث,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-15 17:30:25 st9mfi,,157,Hell yeah!,,,,,,,2022-02-15 18:27:01 stb64y,,1,The challenge if growing a YouTube channel,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-15 19:31:32 std8d9,,7,Returning to Tunisia from a long time abroad. Any similar experiences to share?,"Not sure if this is the right place to ask for this, but I've been contemplating a return to Tunisia after 9 years abroad. I understand this is not the most common thing, or people see it as a non-sense move, but is there anyone here who went through something similar? How did you think about it? What helped you overcome the negative aspects of day-to-day life in Tunisia? Do you feel you made a (relatively) good decision?",,,,,,2022-02-15 21:00:36 stfkfl,,1,My 13th reason why ...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-15 22:41:49 stp10x,,4,Flat/cottage rentals in a village or small town,"I am looking to stay for about two months in a relatively peaceful place, with access to nature (e.g., walking trails), and basic necessities (bakery, market with fresh fruits/vegetables). I am not looking for a resort. Two more factors are the need to use Internet (I am a PhD student in the dissertation writing stage. Perhaps I could just use my mobile as a hotspot) and the fact that I do not plan on driving, so I would need an area where I can live by walking around, and which I could also reach by louage (for example). I will be traveling from Austria. I know a small amount of rusty French and a little fusHa (but no Amiya) but am willing to learn and practice during my stay. I would deeply appreciate any guidance you could provide. Alternatively, I would not be opposed to renting a flat in a city, provided places of interest and character are nearby, but I do not know how to look for such places. A lot of what I see while searching online tends to be oriented towards those who are looking for rentals in resort areas, or hotels, but I am looking for small accommodations for one person to stay for a medium term (e.g., two months).",,,,,,2022-02-16 06:28:12 stqbbb,,4,How preserved are the Jewish cemeteries in Tunisia?,"Specifically interested in Sousse and Tunis I know that in Morocco some cemeteries are being taken care of by Muslims and because of that even cities with no Jewish population have them in readble condition",,,,,,2022-02-16 07:49:23 stqkkd,,0,لا يزي سراقين و قتالة ارواح .. زيد طلعوا جواسيس,,,,,,,2022-02-16 08:05:14 strcjq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-16 08:57:40 sts20s,,5,"Un idiome, par jour, ça fait un bien linguistique :)",,,,,,,2022-02-16 09:45:07 stscv4,,1,10 Words of Wisdom From the Quran (Part 3),,,,,,,2022-02-16 10:04:06 sttjh9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-16 11:19:56 stu05m,,7,Sex toys,Yo who can sell me a vibrator or any kind of sex toys?,,,,,,2022-02-16 11:47:55 stubrk,,1,My photos,,,,,,,2022-02-16 12:05:32 stwhai,,99,I’m gonna tell my grandkids that he is Saul Goodman,,,,,,,2022-02-16 13:55:46 su0ed3,,14,Mounir Goodman.,,,,,,,2022-02-16 16:43:26 su165m,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-16 17:16:00 su1cj1,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-16 17:23:40 su1m06,,15,"Watch ""Il-Kantilena moqrija bil-Malti Medjevali, bi traskrizzjoni u verżjoni bl-ortografija tal-lum"" on YouTube",,,,,,,2022-02-16 17:35:00 su1o0j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-16 17:37:22 su1pb5,,3,Racism taking a new shape in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-02-16 17:38:52 su3chc,,17,We got our shit too!!,,,,,,,2022-02-16 18:55:28 su51ai,,1,how’s tinder in tunisia compared to European countries?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-16 20:06:54 su5zcz,,30,"The only example of a Zigzag dome in Tunisia can be found in El kobba museum, Sousse. Built in the 10th century, it became a foundouk for the French in the 19th century then an Inn until the 1960's.",,,,,,,2022-02-16 20:47:39 su85me,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-16 22:22:01 su8jrm,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-16 22:39:15 subgb5,,2,Feel bored any one to talk with ✌,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-17 00:52:04 sukrka,,18,can an algerian live and work in tunisia legally ?,,,,,,,2022-02-17 09:25:50 sul1er,,0,"Un idiome, par jour, ça fait un bien linguistique :)",,,,,,,2022-02-17 09:44:56 sul3gi,,4,Any freelance 3d Artist ?,"I'm looking for freelance 3d artists specialized in lowpoly modeling, texturing, rendering (environment artist, props artist, high to low poly etc). Contact me for more details.",,,,,,2022-02-17 09:49:15 suomzm,,2,Do you have recommendations for investigative articles or books about Bin Ali's exit from Tunisia?,"I recently found out that there are serious unanswered questions surrounding the events of Bin Ali's exit from Tunisia, such as why did he got on the plane with his family and why did his pilot leave without him. I would like to research the story for a possible project and I'm looking for a starting point. Are there any resources that you would recommend?",,,,,,2022-02-17 13:19:16 supjfd,,2,"I will create 3d game assets, models (high or low poly) [ Username: bahrirayen_ ]",,,,,,,2022-02-17 14:02:26 surzc0,,0,bOn ChAnCe aVeC VoS NoUvEaU iDeEs,,,,,,,2022-02-17 15:52:36 susel0,,0,a good fitness coach in ezzahra boumhel any recommendations? Price too?,,,,,,,2022-02-17 16:10:01 susf2k,,2,Looking for suggestions..,"Hello, I'd like to know if there are any good gyms along the Essaidia-khaznadar route and how much for membership. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-02-17 16:10:37 suurr8,,4,will lost ark be available in tunisia?if yes tell us when,,,,,,,2022-02-17 17:50:32 suuzag,,1,BMW vs Mercedes. Which one should I get,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-17 17:59:13 suvbdj,,7,"here for 10 days and I don't know anyone, hangout?","I know redditors aren't famous for their social skills lol, but I'll be in Tunis till the end of february. I am a Tunisian man and I am 25 if that matters and I live close to Bourguiba School (7ay l5athra). Maybe we'll hit a café/bar and have a good chat?",,,,,,2022-02-17 18:12:42 suvbo3,,0,Where do you get good fish in Ariana ?,,,,,,,2022-02-17 18:13:03 suvl0m,,16,How old were your parents when they got married ?,I just wanna know if the pretty big age gap is common in Tunisia,,,,,,2022-02-17 18:24:17 suw186,حي_النصر_and_good_about/,2,What is so bad about حي النصر and good about الكبارية?,"I just came across this video on youtube, which is basically just a parody about the money heist done by tunisians. Short summary, if you are too lazy to watch the video: A group of guys want to rob the bank. Each of them gets a nickname e.g. 7ai el Nasr, Kabbaria etc. 7ai el Nasr argues because he doesn't want that name but agrees with it at the end, more or less. In the ""bank"" an employee laughs at him because ""You want to rob a bank with the name 7ai el Nasr?"" He loses his shit and exposes everyone by taking his and their maskes off, telling their private information etc. So what is so bad about حي النصر that he felt so insulted about it? Why did he want to be named كباربة instead?",,,,,,2022-02-17 18:43:14 suwloq,,1,I need help guys,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-17 19:07:11 suwuda,,4,I need a Chest for privacy. Any help?,,,,,,,2022-02-17 19:18:02 sux51v,,4,Me wandering around filming La Cigale luxury hotel in Tabarka with my GoPro!,,,,,,,2022-02-17 19:31:37 suxdhi,,1,Airsoft bb gun,Where can i find bb gun ? (Like airsoft),,,,,,2022-02-17 19:42:15 suxgnl,,8,Can you start learning how to code and get a job without a degree at 27 years old ?,,,,,,,2022-02-17 19:46:17 suy9m1,,1,How to use red lipstick in different ways?,,,,,,,2022-02-17 20:20:21 suybsz,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-17 20:22:56 sv8buz,,8,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-02-18 04:00:21 svebw3,,54,Are Tunisians lazy?,,,,,,,2022-02-18 09:59:22 svej8m,,10,The best way to withdraw foreign currency LEGALY,"So i'm currently working with a brazilian company and i have no idea on how to make every thing legal. I can receive the money via payoneer or any other different method, but if i try to use that money (buying a piece of land for example ), i'll obviously be looking sus ( من أين لك هذا ) . i have no problem paying fees , i'd like the method that has the less tho. thanks everyone.",,,,,,2022-02-18 10:11:21 svekp4,,3,Should this subreddit make a new rule against writing in Arabic with Latin letters?,"Please discuss arguments for and against your position. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-18 10:14:07 sveplz,,0,( Déjà-vu ) علاش نحسو رواحنا عشنا الموقف هذا قبل ؟,,,,,,,2022-02-18 10:23:25 svewdn,,2,ابداعات الهندسة المدنية و مراقبة انجاز الاشغال بدرب التبانة: يشرفني اعلامكم بحدوث خلط عند تسليم مثال الحفر لشركة البستنة و مقاول الديوان الوطني للتطهير,,,,,,,2022-02-18 10:35:41 svfbqb,,0,Juste une expression idiomatique.,,,,,,,2022-02-18 11:02:52 svfe2k,,1,"thanks, this guy always bein toxic on Tunisian subreddit, roasting muslims, and told me to kill my self. support team did a great job.",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-18 11:06:40 svfeg3,,1,"this guy is very toxic, thanks support team, he wished me death on this subreddit and roasted alot of muslims",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-18 11:07:24 svfevj,,1,very toxic person on the Tunisian subreddit got what he deserves.,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-18 11:08:11 svfsex,,1,10 Words of Wisdom From the Quran (Part 4),,,,,,,2022-02-18 11:32:29 svg878,,0,"Amazighi jihadists islamic terrorists enslaving, torturing and raping balls in Lybia 🤬🤬😠",,,,,,,2022-02-18 11:58:46 svi07j,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-18 13:30:13 svip8i,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-18 14:02:36 svpg4j,,3,Anyone here is mining crypto ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-18 18:54:45 svq8hv,,11,how’s tinder in tunisia compared to european countries?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-18 19:28:42 svul6b,,0,Quel un ecoute pnl en tunisie ??,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-18 22:41:49 svusy8,,6,Allocation Touristique SCAM,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-18 22:51:55 svv6sq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-18 23:09:03 svxan0,,1,Question,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-19 00:53:41 sw18o3,,1,Couscous aux poisson,,,,,,,2022-02-19 04:17:54 sw6idw,,2,Smoke sesh anyone?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-19 09:52:07 sw6vz4,,2,Visa tls,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-19 10:15:51 sw78a8,,22,Afrika kommt!," “AFRIKA KOMMT! brings together the most visionary young leaders from Africa and leading German companies. Companies benefit from the expertise, knowledge, local network and unique African perspective of the young professionals. The African fellows dive deep into the German corporate specifics, German business spirit and the German culture.” I thought this might be interesting for one or the other.",,,,,,2022-02-19 10:37:48 sw7afu,,1,Me after getting shut down by this sub tryna vibe with other redditors:,,,,,,,2022-02-19 10:41:45 sw7mdy,,1,Juste une expression idiomatique.,,,,,,,2022-02-19 11:03:01 sw7mps,,4,Best clothing shops 'frippe' in elmourouj,Im tryna buy some clothes so please give me your suggestions,,,,,,2022-02-19 11:03:32 swch42,,1,Any idea how long it should take to get a British tourism visa?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-19 15:25:42 swh8bo,,1,I'm embarrassed to visit a doctor in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-19 19:01:38 swh9f9,,11,Should i go with german as an extra language?,"So im a high-schooler im gonna be in 3rd grade and that comes with having to choose an extra subject, so im planning to go with the science branch along with option Allemand but the thing is 3eme science is already difficult enough as it is and i heard that by choosing a difficult language such as german i might be getting myself into huge trouble given the fact it needs a lot of work too, especially for an extra subject. So for ppl who chose the german option (and preferably took the science route too), do u think that choosing german would be the right choice in my case? And is it actually that difficult especially compared to spanish and Italian?",,,,,,2022-02-19 19:03:01 swile7,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-19 20:03:18 swityf,,0,can someone please explain to me why I act dumb each time i drink coffee?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-19 20:14:24 swnvif,,2,Travel agency for a trip to Tunisia,"Hey, I'm wondering if anyone knows any good travel agencies that I can contact to plan a trip to Tunis this summer? Thanks, much appreciated =)",,,,,,2022-02-20 00:15:02 swohxu,,4,your fav go to bars in sousse,i'm currently a college student in sousse and i'm looking for fun bars with good music to enjoy couple of drinks to(i'm into rock and metal music but that's too much to ask for ig) . Most of bars i've checked (if not all of them) are kinda dissapointing in a way or another so thought i might ask,,,,,,2022-02-20 00:47:10 swqk0d,,1,Would you rather be rich in Tunisia or poor in a developed country?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-20 02:31:40 swqkie,,44,Would you rather be rich in Tunisia or middle class in a developed country?,,,,,,,2022-02-20 02:32:25 swvo0m,,8,Are tunisians happy ?,"A question i never came to get it out of my head, do we have purpose of our lives ? Do we struggle for what makes us happy ? Do we define our targets and recognize things/ people that makes us happy ?? Your opinions guys",,,,,,2022-02-20 07:27:45 swxy5p,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-20 10:00:03 swy1un,,16,Did I miss learning a word ?,,,,,,,2022-02-20 10:05:50 swylye,,1,Advice please.,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-20 10:43:44 swyrxu,,1,"This is the agenda of the European Summit in Brussels, 17 and 18 February 2022. The name of Tunisia did not appear on either day!! Who summoned it? And what is he doing there??!!!",,,,,,,2022-02-20 10:55:21 swywrm,,0,Juste une expression idiomatique.,,,,,,,2022-02-20 11:02:58 sx1e5g,,0,Where does Saif live?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-20 13:34:50 sx2w1b,,6,Problem with the bank,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-20 14:52:18 sx3cxm,,1,Jean-Luc Brunel one Jeffrey Epstein biggest allies is Tunisian,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-20 15:14:47 sx3x1b,,3,military,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-20 15:40:50 sx3xmw,,1,any good modern arabe songs suggestions?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-20 15:41:38 sx45yb,,2,Tunisian Amateur Hockey/ Hockey Amateur Tunisien,"Hello, Bonjour, I have an inquiry if anybody here knows about any floor or roller hockey teams. I captain a team and am looking for another team for a friendly game. J'ai une enquête si quelqu'un connais des équipes de hockey à pied ou à roulette. Je suis le capitain d'un equipe et cherche quelqu'un pour un jeu.",,,,,,2022-02-20 15:52:16 sx4fsc,,1,"If you came upon a product or a brand that you liked, but it was Moroccan, would you hesitate to buy it? or search for a tunisia brand that provides the same service/product?",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-20 16:03:36 sx8g4v,,5,"Transportation from ariena to the Ministry of ""Higher Education"" ??","Hello, I'd like to go to the ministry of higher education. The one that does stumping on official papers like ""Certificate of attendance"" ( since i heard there's 2 branches of the ministry) Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-02-20 18:58:01 sx9bby,,1,Quarantine for American visiting Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-20 19:35:26 sxb8ut,,3,PCR Test in Tunis,"Hello everyone, I'm in Tunis for 2 days only before my flight to Paris but I will need a PCR test for my destination after on the same day, where can I get one in Tunis that will have results ready in the same day or day after? Preferably with a QR code",,,,,,2022-02-20 20:59:47 sxc7kt,,1,Do you think the percentages of Tunisia has changed since 2017 ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-20 21:42:42 sxdf4h,,1,Take a look at the comments of this Post and see what they say about us,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-20 22:36:19 sxdzco,,5,For people who came back to Tunisia from France,"Hey folks , does anyone one know if its mandatory to have the form e7mi printed ? I have it on my phone with all the necessary information but on my phone would that be a problem ?",,,,,,2022-02-20 23:01:41 sxeuaw,,44,❤️😁🥰,,,,,,,2022-02-20 23:42:05 sxevs9,,1,I want a mask similar to SCP-049 i did search all stores i can't find it and i can't get it delivered from amazon since it will take too long and i need it ASAP for important matters is there anyone who can craft it from good materials ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-20 23:44:03 sxf2yb,,8,Looking for a nutritionist,Anyone know a good nutritionist in Marsa or somewhere near the area ?,,,,,,2022-02-20 23:54:03 sxk363,,0,Covid-19 vaccinations,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-21 04:04:06 sxmvdb,,57,damn,,,,,,,2022-02-21 06:41:16 sxpwyx,,1,cti and amen Bank,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-21 09:57:44 sxquqv,,1,Sextoys .. again i know,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-21 10:57:44 sxqygt,,1,Juste une expression idiomatique.,,,,,,,2022-02-21 11:02:54 sxt303,,7,Miss Tunisie 2021 is Nesrine Haffar,,,,,,,2022-02-21 13:05:13 sxtdxf,,34,2-22-22 2's day,,,,,,,2022-02-21 13:21:08 sxvjkf,,1,Polaroid films,,,,,,,2022-02-21 15:00:47 sxx6d2,,4,Any source material for bird names in Tunisian and their equivalent in scientific terms?,,,,,,,2022-02-21 16:09:22 sxxeof,,1,Polaroid films,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-21 16:19:14 sxxhfl,,3,Polaroid films,"Does anyone know where can I get the polaroid films 600 ? I already tried tunisianet and mytek, no luck, any ideas. (It’s this old instant camera that belongs to my parents)",,,,,,2022-02-21 16:22:20 sxxz0i,,107,"List of fun activities to do in Tunisia, apart from spending all your days in coffee shops","I've been trying to test new activities and to discover new places in Tunisia, as the usual ""hayaa nemchiw lel kahwa"" became very boring. I thought about writing down this list to help anyone who needs ideas, and to get your suggestions as well! If you know any original places/activities for friends/dates/or to just have fun by yourself, don't hesitate to share them here! Activities to do with others: \*Camping \*Escape rooms \*Takssir room (the name is pretty explicit: you get protective clothing and goggles, you enter a room with plenty of easily breakable objects, and you release all your frustration on those poor little objects. Video: []( ""shoutout to google: []("" \*Bowling & arcade games ([]( \*Scuba diving: ""I went to Mahdia with this center : []( beginners / N1- N2 , it'sgreat : nice visibility , low current , warm water.In Mahdia there are some antics runes by 15-20m,some ships wrecks and groupers. It's maybe not the best spot in the world, but it's really fun and the monitors were serious."" "" Tabarka: [the Diving Center]( "" \*Climbing gym (Marsa: []( \*Pottery classes for 120DT/year ([]( \*Laser game \*Ice skating (Penthouse) \*Paintball \*Museums (nerdyyy, and I love it) \*Organizing basketball games (there's a free basketball court that you can use fel cité olympique, menzah 1) \* Picnic in a park (I recommend the ""jardin japonais"") \* Trying out Japanese food (great address: [\_1quz0&t=2s](, shoutout to the koul-timers reading this!) \*CINEMA! (if you're a Marvel fan, jareb les avant-premieres fel ""colisée"", usually there's a really great vibe!) \*Randonnée!! (Zaghouane/Jbal bougabrine is dopee) \*Organizing football games \*Festivals & other events: []( Activities to do by yourself: \*Cooking! (eating something you've made yourself is so satisfying!! Espeeecially if you've never cooked before) \*Running + participating in competitions. There are some short races (5km, 10km) that one can do without much practice, and it's really rewarding to get a medal at the end! "" Foulées du megara, 27mars (I'm participating in this one nchallah): []( Run in carthage: []( Comar: [\_3\_index]( and there are many other races that you can find here []( !"" \*Gym/Working out \*Biking: "" There are some dedicated groups on Facebook for cycling lovers, they sometimes organise biking trips: * [SORTIES VELO A TUNIS]( * [Baskel - بسكل]( "" \*Skateboarding",,,,,,2022-02-21 16:42:28 sxy5s9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-21 16:50:24 sxzeku,,1,وعلى اثر هذا اللقاء تم تهديد الدولة الروسية بالتصعيد,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-21 17:40:25 sxzicu,,1,Any artists who would like to be interviewed?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-21 17:44:51 sxzt9q,,1,YouTube,,,,,,,2022-02-21 17:56:59 sy08or,,1,if they made Grand Theft Auto : Tunisia what would the missions be ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-21 18:13:13 sy0zjv,,1,Can anyone recognize this place?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-21 18:44:20 sy275d,,3,Photography - DSLR,Any videographers/photographers around tunis who would like to go out for a photography/videography walk ?,,,,,,2022-02-21 19:34:32 sy2g6n,,1,Anyone here knows how to use tgm?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-21 19:44:41 sy364o,,6,A Discord server for Tunisian Arabic 🇹🇳,Hello! Here is a Discord server dedicated to learning and exchanging in Tunisian Arabic: Feel free to join if you’re learning our beautiful langauge or if you’re willing to chat and help foreigners learn Darja! Mar7be bikom <3,,,,,,2022-02-21 20:14:04 sy381b,,3,"If you could change the education system in tunisia someday , how would you do it ?",( please I want to hear your opinions and not you complaining about how much this questions is repeated and thank you ! ),,,,,,2022-02-21 20:16:14 sy40g4,,11,♥️🥰😁,,,,,,,2022-02-21 20:48:57 sy7acf,,1,Tunisian abroad... Or anyone else who can help.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-21 23:00:17 sydrf2,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-02-22 04:00:11 syix4c,,16,Anyone knows the policies of tunisian banks?,"Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you have any idea if banks allow indie developers to get their money in Tunisia. Or is there nothing such as indie developers in here and we need to create a company in order to be able to withdraw the money from the bank?",,,,,,2022-02-22 08:57:51 sykxke,,1,Juste une expression idiomatique.,,,,,,,2022-02-22 11:03:24 syneb5,,0,cigarettes fi tounes,"so i started smoking last year bdit bel touch mbaad light o camel o jarebthom kol hassilo right now ahssan haja hya marlboro ahmar but mzelt majarbtech camel yellow o camel abyeth how do they taste camel blue maadech ikayefni nhesso khfif are whites and yellows stronger i just love the earthy taste of marlboro red i know smoking kills o not good pls dont ask me to stop i just want to get smokers opinion 3ala cigarettes fi tounes",,,,,,2022-02-22 13:17:30 syq37o,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-22 15:20:25 sys51s,,1,el mochkla el kbira /the big problem,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-22 16:48:56 syt8un,,2,r/learn_arabic دعوة لمعلمي ومتعلمي اللغة العربية للانضمام إلى,,,,,,,2022-02-22 17:34:05 sytdi4,,9,Is it true that smartphones imported from abroad won't work unless you pay a fee?,"Hello everyone! I've been told that a phone brought from abroad would have to be ""declared"" with customs and you would have to pay an import fee in order for them to let you use it. Otherwise it would be bloked by Tunisian network providers, and you will not be able to use it with local sim cards. I was told this is a somewhat new law that has been passed in order to fight off parallel market. It this true?",,,,,,2022-02-22 17:39:38 syvh5n,,1,Where can i get a cat ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-22 19:05:00 syvs10,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-22 19:17:42 syvuch,,1,is it true that taxes on imported electronics have been raised?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-22 19:20:24 syxj4h,,10,Roller skate disco,"Do we have by any chance a roller skate disco, I want to try it so bad",,,,,,2022-02-22 20:31:42 syxr3y,,16,How to quit smoking?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-22 20:41:09 syzern,,1,"Is the ""Theatre Municipal"" open for visitors ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-22 21:50:40 sz1c8y,,1,testing for AIDS,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-22 23:07:57 szawia,,1,How to do ausbildung in Germany for Tunisians,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-23 06:52:10 szcx4v,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-23 09:02:13 sze8dd,,1,كم مرة نفيق في النوم,,,,,,,2022-02-23 10:25:11 szid0o,,1,when does new laptops generations come to Tunisian stores,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-23 14:08:56 szk721,,1,where can i find QWERTY laptops ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-23 15:32:44 szm03x,,1,How to do ausbildung in Germany for Tunisians,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-23 16:51:15 szmmxa,,25,"How to get a good mark in philosophy bac science?? I always get 13/14 but i want to get better , how ?","Ijme3a ili jebou note behia fil philo fil bac (fou9 14) kifech 3maltou? Edit: bac blanc: 15 philo 😌",,,,,,2022-02-23 17:17:20 sznflb,,1,Anyone from Tatooine here?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-23 17:52:07 sznkrp,,1,Anyone from Tatooine here?,"Hey guys! I am on a mission to promote the region of Tataouine, its culture and its story. I thought that the best way to do so was by creating an NFT collection that will give the holders access to some cool physical events in the region. Join our discord channel to help us on this mission:",,,,,,2022-02-23 17:58:12 szq1zp,,21,"If you're ""BAC"" and struggling with arts.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-23 19:44:19 szskg6,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-23 21:30:11 szt9c9,,4,What's the max amount of years a student can repeat ?,"And If a student can't repeat his school year anymore, what are the alternative options ?",,,,,,2022-02-23 21:59:36 t07jby,,25,Will being rich in Tunisia solve most of your problems ?,"A few days ago I saw a post asking people whether they want to be rich in Tunisia or middle class in a first world country . The majority chose the first option . For the sake of the argument let's suppose rich in this case is within 10,000 TND a month (net )(TN) , and middle class in Europe (France/Germany) 2800 euros a month ( net ) . I would like to hear your opinions and elaborations on how being rich in TN would be better .",,,,,,2022-02-24 10:11:40 t0cg03,,10,Tunisia to debut in Miss Earth with newly crowned Miss Earth Tunisia 2022 Imen Mehrzi,,,,,,,2022-02-24 14:34:15 t0g1q4,,1,"Tunisian doctors abroad, are conditions better?",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-24 17:12:09 t0i99k,,1,how to drive in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-24 18:47:18 t0iuuu,,11,Where can i get band shirts?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-24 19:13:32 t0jiyy,,10,Can I bring an ipad from my trip to Europe to Tunisia for personal use?,"Hello, I will travel soon to Europe. I plan to buy an Ipad for my personal use. I heard stories about people having bad experience with the customs at the airport. What do you recommend?",,,,,,2022-02-24 19:43:45 t0kj1z,,4,Has anyone here attempted to bring their desktop build from abroad (by plane)?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-24 20:27:07 t0kk72,,1,Tunisians in Ukraine,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-24 20:28:28 t0ls8s,,1,"Banu Hilal & The Amazigh. The Culture, History and Languages of North Africa - English and Arabic Subtitles (Mini Documentary)",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-24 21:22:07 t0ofc8,,1,What are the best trails for jogging in Tunis area?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-24 23:18:58 t0opkg,,13,Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's speech to the Russian citizens about WW3.,,,,,,,2022-02-24 23:32:25 t0rlg2,,2,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-25 01:48:25 t0uau0,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-02-25 04:00:11 t0zhq8,,8,International transaction to tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-25 09:01:44 t0zpct,,35,Is there someone here who is interested in Formula 1 ?,"Hi guys, i was just wondering if there's here some Tunisians who are like me interested in Formula1 and motorsports",,,,,,2022-02-25 09:15:30 t117qz,,20,What position should the Tunisian government take about the Ukrainian conflict :," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-25 10:52:16 t121yw,,1,What does it take to study in germany under the government's funds?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-25 11:43:04 t13wwm,,11,Is fripe good?,"I never went to a fripe before, i always get clothes from popular shops (ha, Bershka etc) but i only have like 5 good shirts and 5 pants that i always wear, and i want to have more, can i find good things? And is there a big déférences between fripes or its just luck?",,,,,,2022-02-25 13:21:20 t17chu,,9,"I am Moving to France in 2 months, do you think it will be safe?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-25 15:59:55 t1ajck,,11,Why are we still allowing forced religious studies in Tunisia especially since everyone doesn't want to study it?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-25 18:14:30 t1c871,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-25 19:27:09 t1cnbi,,1,"Une question pour les francophones des pays du Maghreb. Veuillez donner des exemples d'emprunts à l'arabe que vous utilisez dans le discours en français. Avec des exemples, s'il vous plaît.",,,,,,,2022-02-25 19:45:42 t1h8o5,,1,Mega PC shamelessly scamming people,,,,,,,2022-02-25 23:05:41 t1kur8,,2,Looking for cool peeps to hang with in Manouba / Grand Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-26 01:55:32 t1lqxd,,12,How much of Tunisia's Reddit community actually lives in Tunisia?,"Do you live in Tunisia ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-26 02:36:34 t1r6ud,,109,I fucking hate everything about everything,,,,,,,2022-02-26 07:25:48 t1s8xp,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-26 08:34:33 t1t4gd,,16,Are we still only allowed to convert 6000 TND max to euros when we travel abroad?,"I will be traveling to Europe and I'm doing my budget now. I heard that we can only convert MAXIMUM 6000TND PER YEAR to foreign currency? Is this still the case? 6000 TND = 1842 euros ...",,,,,,2022-02-26 09:30:13 t1ti06,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-26 09:53:24 t1tter,,2,Anybody has an idea how to sell a freelance account with great feedbacks?,"I don’t have much time to work in freelance anymore so i decided to sell my account, it’s on ""mostaql"" . Anyone has any idea where or how to sell it? Thank u !",,,,,,2022-02-26 10:11:21 t1u395,,1,Best alternatives for twitch in tunisia?,"Aaslema, so basically my question is very simple. I'm a new streamer on twitch and I realized that basically twitch is dead in tunisia and rarely do people use it. Nimo sucks too since it only pushed out 3 to 4 games such as free fire, GTA V.. So I wanna know if there are any alternatives for these? YouTube maybe?",,,,,,2022-02-26 10:28:15 t1uel4,,3,TOEIC Test Advice,"Hey guys ! So bich n3adi TOEIC listening and reading test el jemaa el jeya w 9alouli elli yesser el wa9t chwaya bich tjeweb fih w lezem taaref kifeh tnadhem rouhek so 9olt famechi chkoun 3adeh 9bal w andou des conseils hata ghir fazet el wa9t (Training platform, Conseils pour le Jour J, etc...).",,,,,,2022-02-26 10:49:12 t1uw2f,,11,Orange spamming YASSIR ads,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-26 11:20:07 t1yftc,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-26 14:34:21 t20ng0,,4,New subreddit,"Hello dear tunisians, hope your doing all good this saturday. I made a new subreddit and i wanted to inform about it. r/TunisianStudents . Basically you can talk about another topics or tetchaka if you want to. It is basically to keep this subreddit clean from problems, but to have the basic tunisian traditions sights..etc Have a good day!",,,,,,2022-02-26 16:15:48 t20t0q,,1,help,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-26 16:22:54 t21rza,,1,EL 3EJJA..,,,,,,,2022-02-26 17:05:54 t22kb7,,53,For those who live abroad and don't like it ? Why not comeback to tunisia ?,"I have seen alot of people that they are nor happy or satisfied with their life abroad either in facebook groups or here on Reddit. I totally understand that EU or other countries are not Heaven and each one will face all sort of problems by himself but my question here is : what's holding you back to comeback to Tunisia ? Have a good day!",,,,,,2022-02-26 17:40:21 t22psi,,9,Software Engineering Internships are paid?,"Do we get paid during summer internships / End of studies Internships in most of the big Tech companies in Tunisia ( Software Engineering - R&D - Data Science)? or there are some who do and others don't. How can I know do the company pays us or not?",,,,,,2022-02-26 17:47:15 t22tnj,,0,Russia / Ukraine if countries were high school kids,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-26 17:52:13 t241yv,,4,People with computer science degrees,Im looking for a chance to leave the country and study/work in Germany. What should i do to achieve that and create oppurtunities for me to leave the country,,,,,,2022-02-26 18:46:35 t24mw3,,0,Sexual deviance in Tunisian society?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-26 19:12:42 t26q08,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-26 20:49:17 t284qc,,73,Punic wars be like,,,,,,,2022-02-26 21:56:25 t29w73,,10,Vaccines/Illnesses in Tunesia (NOT about Covid),"First, this post is not about Covid. Dear Tunesians, I am a European and I want to travel to Tunisia (and possibly even live there for a while). Yet, I have some **rare** auto immunity disorders that prevent me from getting \*any\* additional vaccines. I have a basic (although not recently updated) immunization for Diphtheria-Tetanus and Measles. However, as I said, due to my specific illness, I cannot get any additional vaccines. I am not really worried about Hepatitis A as it's usually mild and well treatable. **However, I wonder how common Typhoid, Polio, Pertussis and Hepatitis B actually are in Tunesia?** I ve been travelling in many European countries, including Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, and the US without issues in the past 5 years. Are these illnesses much more common in Tunesia than in Europe? Does anyone know where I find information about that? &#x200B; Thanks a lot!",,,,,,2022-02-26 23:17:21 t2ccd5,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 01:18:49 t2cej2,,1,Pictured: our current president,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-27 01:21:56 t2hxxg,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 06:32:04 t2i4ga,,0,Sun of Many Colors Jacob Snow,,,,,,,2022-02-27 06:43:57 t2jfvp,,1,Treating bilateral varicocele in Tunisia.,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 08:11:51 t2kbh1,,10,"People who took reddit advice, where u at now ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 09:10:57 t2l20e,,1,The US should ask itself who's the one that started all these.,,,,,,,2022-02-27 10:00:51 t2lyer,,1,L'idiome d'aujourd'hui.,,,,,,,2022-02-27 11:04:03 t2mqt3,,2,Looking for foreigners like me living here,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-27 11:59:09 t2nkgt,,21,I feel that I might not get a job after graduation (software Engineering),"Hello fellow Tunisian redditors, I'm a 3rd year ENSI student aka future computer science engineer and I have big concerns that I might no be able to get hired for a job after graduation inchallah I'd like to hear ur opinions and advice on this subject I'd like to share with you my educational parcours so you can have a good insight before throwing ""its easy bro, just improve forehead kekw"" or ""no honey, it's just imposter syndrome"" It's going to be a long post, so hold with me here or I will just provide TLDR but I'd urge you to go through it especially if you are familiar with the computer science. TLDR: studied prepa then ENSI, brainlessly succeeded 3 years without developing skills that can get me hired, struggled to find internship cause I didn't know any technology asked for by companies, found internship at a not so good start up and I'm afraid I won't be able to find a job later on because despite trying to develop skills, I just can't. Full Story: I studied prepa and got intro ENSI because that was the ""best"" school my score enabled me to get into, it's not like I wasn't into computer science but my expectations were completely unmet. Here's how 3 years at ENSI went: I think the problem is the mentality with which I approached the whole thing, I just wanted to succeed, not caring about having ""bonne formation"" and developing my skills I just wanted to get over with the subjects and that's it, and it's not like I just worked for the bare minimum, I had 14 moyenne while we just need 8 to succeed in each subject so you can see I did put effort in that. 1st year was full of ""useless"" subjects I mean i recognize how important probability, electronics, etc... but I see them as useless now at the time of studying them, contrarily, i found them so interesting and excelled at them but now that I think about them, none of these subjects benefited me in anyway, rarely do I need them and even when I do, it's just a matter of a basic notion 2nd year we did study useful subjects like Genie Logiciel ( **project management and software development** ) I chose spécialité ""data science & computer vision"" because it was hyped and always heard that in the upcoming years will be sought after. At the end of the second year, I became somewhat aware of my bad situation when i had to find a summer internship but I didn't have anything to put in my CV. All I knew was basic stuff we got taught like HTML, CSS, JS, PHP (no knowledge of their frameworks or the fact they even existed, I genuinely thought for a long time that developers would write raw HTML CSS JS in their code) I lied, I listed technologies I had no idea about and lied about personal projects and stuff , just downloaded some GitHub repos, understood them a bit and called it a day (the only real project I had is a game on java that I developed following ytb video literally line by line) and lied about my extracurricular activities and pretended to have participated in hackatons and clubs. and despite all that I didn't get a single response for an interview. Despite the fact that my whole profile was a lie, it still didn't attract people, I felt so bad. but no worries I found a ""paid internship"" (formation Flutter + internship) I was asked to develop a simple mobile app, the idea of creating a whole app from scratch was overwhelming for me so I just copied a github repo , modified it a bit and added few functionalities that I was asked to do and were not present in the project I copied, and I spent the internship understanding the github code and trying to modify/add to it without breaking it aka I wasn't developing during the internship but rather rectifying a code, it's like copying a friend homework and changing a bit so you don't get caught. 3rd year: this was supposed the year we really dive into the ""spécialité "" but what we got in the school was soooo underwhelming, the teachers had/have NO IDEA what data science is, the spécialité name was originally ""imagerie"" or ""image processing"" which is not really that sought or asked for in job offerings but they changed it that year to ""data science"" just to attract dump students like me who fell for it we were taught image processing, that's it, all the buzz words were a lie, no data science, no AI, no machine learning, even tho they are written in the ""emploi de temps"" they taught us NOTHING (literally) whether it's an absent professor who has his private formationet, or teaches in private schools etc... or a prof who comes and teaches something unreleated to the subject we are supposed to learn at that session, they just teach what they know basically and the reason we didn't complain is that we get free pass in exams, an unspoken deal, you don't study but u get free marks and don't complain plz so administration doesn't notice their absence and because of this shitty system, I had lots of free time, I decided to improve my profile, I tried to learn from YouTube videos, but it's all the same shit whatever the subject is SO MUCH CLICKBAIT, they all teach the basics of programming languages and name it DATA SCIENCE BOOTCAMP or some shit, but no advanced courses same with with Web Dev, it's either teaching basics or complicated projects that I follow mindlessly without learning how to start a project on my own, I can follow a video series on how to create an amazon website clone or twitter clone but when I try to create let's say a simple portfolio website I get lost. I then resorted to buying courses, I thought paid courses would be better, I bought data science course with 300dt but it sucked, I followed it , got certificates from the website but deeply I know that I didn't learn much from it. and now I needed to find an internship for PFE, same thing as last year, I don't get responses and what shocked me beyond belief is that a colleague of mine who is not even spécialité data science got offers at InstaDeep related to machine learning and stuff that I ""supposedly"" learnt she's specialized in Embedded systems (embarqué), I genuinely can't wrap my head around it I resorted to accepting the 1st person to contact me for 200dt per month and a shitty PFE at a startup I really feel so lost, I don't know what to do, for the meanwhile I'm just going to complete my PFE, get my diplomas but then I don't know what I'm going to do, I really need help I sometimes think that I made the wrong decision by choosing software engineering, I feel it's just developer with a bit of prestige, I have been so frustrated lately I don't even what to work on , should I pursue data science ? web dev ? Microsoft technologies ?... job offers have all sorts of programs they are asking for and I'm lost I also feel that the whole thing about recruitment is just having a fancy profile, just look good (especially if you are a girl) and have an exaggerated linked in achievements (making the simplest tasks you did sound so profound and deep and hard) because people from outside the domain don't know if you are exaggerating",,,,,,2022-02-27 12:50:25 t2pq0v,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 14:45:56 t2pteo,,1,Who do you support as an individual ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-27 14:50:51 t2q0nd,,1,the hate towards the US blinding people aboit Ukraine,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 15:00:49 t2qguz,,0,[COD] I'm so sorry dear developer,,,,,,,2022-02-27 15:23:33 t2qmf5,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 15:31:18 t2ry7f,,1,"Watch ""VALORANT TN - UNRATED FOR FUN | الحلقة الاولى"" on YouTube. Quality gaming content guys.",,,,,,,2022-02-27 16:34:18 t2rz3w,,6,Help,"I always think abt studying abroad and working there But I'm the only child of my parents can't leave them alone and leave our properties They worked hard to guarantee a bright future for their son in Tunisia but i really don't think that i belong here Any suggestions /advices ?",,,,,,2022-02-27 16:35:26 t2ubcz,,11,What are you gonna do during a nuclear winter ? #dark_humor," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-27 18:22:04 t2uh96,,100,How much do you make per month?,"If we don't talk about this taboo in Tunisia which is salaries, we will never know what's our worth in this ever changing market and inflation so high, and that only benefits employers who could be paying us much much less than our worth. As a software developer myself based in Tunisia, I'll start by sharing my salary and role and hope everyone else does the same for the better good of everyone. Role: Python software developer Salary: 3k/month YOE(years of experience): 3",,,,,,2022-02-27 18:29:45 t2ux3v,,1,I'm curious about tunisians's take one the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 18:50:12 t2vc0k,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 19:09:10 t2w7md,,29,Racism on international media #UkraineRussiaWar! We need to do something! Twitter hashtag maybe?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 19:50:23 t2wq7o,,5,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-27 20:14:02 t2ws3g,,1,عبير موسي الانتاج تقدم لكم - Live From Sfax,,,,,,,2022-02-27 20:16:24 t2xs0v,,10,TRANSLATION POR FAVOR,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-27 21:03:18 t2z4xf,,6,Seeking guidance about studies,"I've reformatted this post about a thousand times before finally posting it. And I'm still unsure. I've always been good at being self taught. I've learned computer science to the point where I teach it to friends who study computer science at this point, And I helped people with their PFE, I've engaged in a lot of forms of activities on open source development and I do read online documentation, resources and books often. This isn't about computer science, I just love learning. And I spend most of my spare time doing nothing but that. And here is where problems begin. I study prepa, I have a concourse at the end of the year, and the way I see it. THERE IS NO WAY I AM GOING TO PASS !!! I hate the way they teach us, And no matter how hard I try, I just end up not being able to understand anything the teacher and the course say. When I study it my way (by watching a documentary or reading a book or just looking it up and reading online sources available in english) things work out great. But this is energy consuming and in my university, [attending classes is obligatory]( and teachers suck. Attending the class is both a waste of time and consumes your energy. And the worst part is that your understanding of the subject doesn't matter as long as you can answer the most number of questions right (I found out that most people have no idea WTF we're studying, but they still manage to get good marks. And a lot of them do get relatively good marks. so when it comes to marks, I'm well below average). I honestly don't want any of this, And I've been thinking of quitting for a while now (as the stress is increasing and I'm feeling more and more helpless because this isn't the way I want to do things, But doing things my way isn't effective at all). I've also found out that a lot of companies in Tunisia are opting for the self taught engineers because they seem to understand that the educational system in this country sucks (I read this in a comment here on r/Tunisia). This leaves me with no reason at all to carry on studying (the only reason why I'm still doing this is because it feels risky to drop everything. And I don't think I can convince my parents that easily). And if you want me to be honest. I don't even want a job. I just enjoy learning and would like to spend all of my time doing it. Maybe contributing to the open source community and all. And I wish I was living in the US so that I can become a volunteer at [The Venus Project]( (I mean after all they're aiming for a world without money where you can spend your life learning and helping the civilization evolve). but I don't live in the US :p. Anyways, as you can tell, being a tunisian comes with the limitation of always not knowing how tomorrow will be like. I'd like to ask about some guidance of what should I do. The stress is killing me lately.",,,,,,2022-02-27 22:05:48 t32pa3,,12,"Help, please","I was talking with this girl, she's my crush, idk what triggered this topic but yea, she started talking about how the husband of her aunt(Sister of her father) showed her his dick, molested her, sexually harassed her from the time she was 14, to this time, she is 17, and this shit still happens to her, i tried asking about details, she told me that he isn't afraid of shit and she hates him, and he gave her mental problems, when i asked her what's the worst thing he's done she hesitated at first, but then told me that he kisses her, touches her, and confines her, i asked her if he touched her virginity she told me that he didn't, i asked her why she doesn't tell her parents she told me that she's scared and that she tried once to tell her mom but she couldn't speak a word because of the fear that her mom will say ""why didn't you tell me earlier"", asked her if she liked this situation she said no, asked her if she wanted this situation to continue she said yes, i asked her why she said that she wants to avoid problems, she told me that this mf is old and he has 2 children. I've never, in my life in the fucking 17 years that i lived on this damned earth, felt like this. From the time she started talking about what's happening to her I've started fucking shaking furiously, i bet she cried when she was talking to me about that mf because i felt her, i never say shit like this but yep, i feel like she needs help and i wanna help her. I couldn't sleep, im fucking overthinking this shit, im trying to find a solution by myself but i couldn't cuz this is the first time some shit like this happens to me, and guess what? I'm the only mf that knows her story (and now y'all are with me), that's what made me think of this as my responsibility because i love this girl (a bit cringe but yeah bear with me guys). Soooo please, any help would be appreciated. (this is my first time writing something in english this long so if you find any grammar errors or shit like that act like you haven't seen it) UPDATE: SHE FUCKING WOKE UP NOW, TOLD ME TO FORGET EVERYTHING SHE HAS SAID, TOLD ME SHE DOESN'T NEED HELP, TOLD ME THAT SHE FORGOT TO TELL ME YESTERDAY THAT HER AUNT(sister of her mother ) KNOWS ABOUT THIS AND WHEN I ASKED HER WHAT HAVE SHE DONE TO HELP HER SHE DIDN'T WANT TO SAY ANYTHING AND SHE STARTED TELLING ME TO STOP PRESSURING HE AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE'LL STOP TALKING TO ME IF I INSIST MORE AND SHE KEEPS SAYING WHY SHE TALKED TO ME ABIUT THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE AND SHE STARTED TELLING ME THAT ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE THAT MF HAS DONE SOMETHING TO HER AND THIS WHERE THINGS GET PRETTY SUS BECAUSE YESTERDAY SHE TOLD ME THAT THIS SHIT KEEPS HAPPENING TO HER TILL THIS DAY, AND SHE'S TELLING ME TO FORGET ABOUT IT, I TOLD HER THAT I DONT WANT HER TO SUFFER ALONE AND I WANNA HELP HER, SHE SAYS THAT SHE DOESN'T NEED THE HELP OF ANYONE AND THIS LED ME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT HER AUNT THAT KNOWS ABOUT THIS DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, WHEN I INSISTED MORE SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE STARTED TO FORGET ABOUT IT, AND THEN SHE TOLD ME THIS ""tw nhki l ma w ansaa"", YESTERDAY I TOLD HER IF WE CAN MEET AFTER THE EXAM AND TALK THIS THROUGH AND MAYBE WE'LL FIND A SOLUTION, SHE AGREED, TODAY, SHE'S SAYING THAT SHE DOESN'T WANT TO AND SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHY SHE AGREED YESTERDAY, IM SPEECHLESS, LITERALLY, I FEEL BAD FOR THE LAST NIGHT THAT I SPENT AWAKE THINKING ABOUT A SOLUTION FOR HER. THOUGHTS? GUYS?",,,,,,2022-02-28 00:58:15 t35ylh,,1,Help what model is this .. and where can i find it in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-02-28 03:42:25 t38dcx,,2,Russia Ukraine crisis,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-28 05:53:32 t38xkp,,1,Elbakht (البخت) Lyrics » Wegz (Arabic) | Lyrics Over A2z,,,,,,,2022-02-28 06:25:59 t3c2ei,,1,Where can I find good sneakers in TN ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-28 09:52:53 t3cglg,,2,Do i have to pay fees even after paying for the delivery itself ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-28 10:20:27 t3csam,,2,Lol,,,,,,,2022-02-28 10:43:19 t3d3k4,,1,L'idiome d'aujourd'hui.,,,,,,,2022-02-28 11:03:56 t3dalc,,10,A friend in the UK needs some money. What's the best way to send it to him? Western Union?,"Please please help, a friend of mine needs some money. He is not Tunisian and he lives in the UK . Is there a way to send him around 1000TND = 250 pounds? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-02-28 11:16:45 t3e7zw,,1,Paypal,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-28 12:13:02 t3hkkm,,3,Can anyone please translate the lyrics of 7elma to English?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-28 15:01:24 t3i55u,,0,Ukraine/Russia War,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-28 15:28:35 t3ix88,,17,Where can I exchange this? Any bank? Central Bank? Not exchangeable anymore?,,,,,,,2022-02-28 16:03:17 t3j7e5,,1,Best bank choice for a student ?,"Hey guys, ena étudiante aandi part-time job nokhlos cash, nheb naamel compte épargne nkhabi fih w habit na3raf what’s the best choice mta3 banka ? I would appreciate some recommendations (medhebiya t9oulouli 3leh lezem I avoid a certain bank w aaleh I choose another one)",,,,,,2022-02-28 16:15:39 t3krqc,,7,What can you do with your English Speaking Skills? in Tunisia or Abroad,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-28 17:25:02 t3ks5n,,21,What do you think about gay people in Tunisia ?,"I noticed lately that teens/ young adults are more confortable expressing their sexual orientation and all soo what do you think about that No disrespectful comments",,,,,,2022-02-28 17:25:34 t3le42,,1,I would like to join the Tunisian Armed Forces but I am above the age cut-off. Does anyone know if they offer waivers?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-28 17:51:58 t3lfk9,,19,Can Tunisia ever support hook up culture ?,"An honest inquiry , i really would like to know [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-02-28 17:53:43 t3mqq4,,1,More than 300 pilgrims from Tunisia cancelled flights,,,,,,,2022-02-28 18:49:16 t3n58z,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-28 19:06:31 t3n6bi,,14,Is living in a van legal ?,,,,,,,2022-02-28 19:07:50 t3nvvq,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-02-28 19:38:15 t3oakn,,0,for the LGBT community here,[deleted],,,,,,2022-02-28 19:55:53 t3ob61,,0,Random fella seeking advice,"Hi all, I know the following has become so classic for ya but please bear with me Lately i've realized that i should apply for a visa to Canada and leave Tounes for good ( quebec, arrima or express if i get that lucky) so if anyone who has already applied, in the process or fled the country. Would you please share your experiences? How hard it's been? How much money have u spent? Where to start? Is there anything that i should consider rather than the obvious stuff? Please indulge me",,,,,,2022-02-28 19:56:38 t3orai,,2,ive got a bunch of rare pokemon cards do yall know where i can sell them or if someone is intrested,,,,,,,2022-02-28 20:15:12 t3owlp,,1,is there a bdsm community in tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-28 20:21:33 t3p4bv,ليش_التونسيين_يكتبون_بالفرانكو_كتابة_العربي_او/,1,ليش التونسيين يكتبون بالفرانكو( كتابة العربي او الدارجة بحروف انجليزية وارقام) بطريقة كثيرة جدا؟,[removed],,,,,,2022-02-28 20:31:05 t3v1yv,سميد_سكر/,2,"Food shortage in Tunisia, riz, سميد, سكر","What do you think about the food shortage happening in Tunisia? Do you have problems finding thous products? Do you think the price will go up for them?",,,,,,2022-03-01 00:58:19 t3ykgs,,1,Beautiful octopus,,,,,,,2022-03-01 03:51:55 t3yqim,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-03-01 04:00:12 t439mx,,18,Software/Web developement,"Hello everyone, I’m currently in the process of teaching myself web development and sitting down alone in my room all day reading documentation is getting harder by the day. Seeing a lot of posts about software development on this sub I thought I’d ask if anyone has any idea about an open internship position that a young guy without a college degree can join whether paid or unpaid, compensation is not an issue here I’m just looking for a learning position, or a mentor of some sorts that can help me improve myself. I could really appreciate any pointers as well, thank you and have a great day !",,,,,,2022-03-01 08:31:05 t43w1m,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 09:15:33 t44020,,1,We were/are always curious about how much money profet el étude make. What are some crazy numbers you have calculated?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 09:23:16 t44e0q,,3,How to get a licence to import a new car brand to Tunisia,"Like the title says I have found a car brand that have a good price and a good looking cars I have contacted them already But my problem is me 3andich ktefet And it need a hard to get licence And the problem is the car industry is controlled by some well known family's So if you have anything to help i will be thankful",,,,,,2022-03-01 09:51:40 t44nn4,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 10:09:53 t4591q,,1,Ukraine crisis,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 10:50:36 t45aw3,,1,Ukraine crisis,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 10:53:58 t45gnj,,1,L'idiome d'aujourd'hui.,,,,,,,2022-03-01 11:03:55 t48ahd,,16,Are there any news about tunisian students stuck in Kiev and the rest of Ukraine ? Have they been able to leave the country ?,"I heard these last few days reports from tunisian and other foreign students on social media that the Ukrainian Army is making it difficult for them to leave the country, by prioritizing ukrainians. It has been confirmed with articles from [BBC]( & [CNN]( who reported mistreatments on foreign students who were seeking to flee the country. And yesterday, the [African Union made a statement]( condemning the ""unacceptable treatment of African citizens in Ukraine who are being refused the right to cross borders to safety"". Has there been any news on TV, radio or social media of tunisian students still stuck there ? PS : don't get mistaken though, this doesn't mean that they deserved to be invaded.",,,,,,2022-03-01 13:47:50 t48fv3,,1,Welcome home!,,,,,,,2022-03-01 13:55:24 t496ut,,1,Minimum cost of starting a small IT company?,"Hello there, I want to start my own IT company for IT support, Im asking about the cost(for paper work only)/time/ necessary papers. Also if I make a certain amount of profit, how much taxes should I pay annually? thanks a lot",,,,,,2022-03-01 14:30:49 t49o2l,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 14:53:14 t49pw8,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 14:55:28 t49rbe,,3,Steam deck in Tunisia?,"for professional, is the steam deck will be available in tunisia?",,,,,,2022-03-01 14:57:20 t4bc23,,1,Does anyone know where I can buy 35mm film in sfax??,,,,,,,2022-03-01 16:06:07 t4bka4,,1,sea ​​view,,,,,,,2022-03-01 16:16:06 t4c7yi,,2,I'd like to join the Armed Forces but I'm above the cutoff age. Do you know if age waivers are offered in certain cases?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-01 16:44:22 t4eoei,,6,what languages do you learn in Tunisian schools / universities?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-01 18:28:58 t4eteu,,11,What should I invest in in this economy?,"I've been working hard for a while and I managed to save up some and 10.000 dinars , I've been looking for ideas to invest in but our economy is kind of messed up you don't know what would work or would not anymore , so as a young Investor with the previously said sum of money what do you advise me to invest in ? Thanks F.y.i : it would mean a lot if we could discuss about the issue of investing as a whole . Thanks again",,,,,,2022-03-01 18:34:45 t4f13x,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 18:43:43 t4f5iv,,46,i wanna hear your opinions about russia vs ukraine everyone is supporting ukraine but i cant get why people are being rasict to russian citizens and russia being banned from the world cup,,,,,,,2022-03-01 18:49:03 t4fial,,31,the double standards of Arab movie viewers,"So lately this movie أصحاب ولا أعز was released on Netflix and created a lot of controversy, i watched it with my friends and we enjoyed it, had a great laugh and all but we also ended up arguing , apparently to them, it transgress our Arab society values, and although they enjoyed it , they think productions like this one shouldn't be made. My argument was; why everytime a foreign movie that reflects a social phenomenon (even one that is considered a taboo in our society) is released, it gets praised and the director and actors get applauded by Arab movie viewers, it is discussed merely as what it is, a good movie. however, when it's an arab production it's a big NO under the claims that we as Arab shouldn't make such movies, shouldn't help spread such ""messages"" , and that such movies, ones that discuss taboos, are helping in the normalization of these taboos, while in my opinion, these latter (adultery, fornication, prostitution..) already exist in our society and we don't need to go to a theater to see them and be influenced by them. I hope i don't sound like I'm advocating for depravity and moral degradation here, just seeking opinions here. Am i wrong to think that all movies should be discussed objectively? Isn't this a double standard?",,,,,,2022-03-01 19:03:44 t4flja,,1,Visa / Testing Questions From a Tourist,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 19:07:44 t4ftlo,,2,Health and nutrition question : low carb/ keto diets,"Man7ebch ntawel barcha and i know question weird chwy. Is there someone on low carb / keto diet ? What kind of food and dishes you eat exactly belli mawjoud 3edna f tounes ?",,,,,,2022-03-01 19:17:24 t4g69m,,18,Vaccine Requirements for Arrival,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-01 19:32:54 t4hlwg,,2,How do you approach high school girls appropriately in Tunisia?,"there's a girl in my high school whom I've never met, I want to walk up to her and introduce myself but what do I even say?",,,,,,2022-03-01 20:34:02 t4ikfo,,1,La faiblesse politique.,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 21:15:20 t4jj4s,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 21:57:41 t4jwhw,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-01 22:13:50 t4jybb,,1,"[Mashup] Slim Kalti - Real Slim (LMFAO, Pitbull, Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Fergie, Q-Tip, GoonRock)",,,,,,,2022-03-01 22:16:03 t4l5mw,,5,How to change careers in such a rigid ed system?,"Say you got your bac 7 years ago and gone to med school and you still have no diploma since bac. Is there a way to get into another field in an affordable way to eventually make a sufficient living wage",,,,,,2022-03-01 23:09:09 t4luus,,1,Looking for adresses,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-01 23:40:57 t4t3av,,1,Need some high school help,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-02 05:47:51 t4te3k,,13,Need some high school guidance,"I study in a 'Pilote' high school, and I am royally fucked. I'm currently in my 3rd year in high school and I picked Technology as my branch, and so far it's been going horribly. I can't understand most things that my friends get with ease and it's been taking a toll on me mentally, as I just feel stupid most of the time. I tried switching branches early on in the year to Maths or Science (only 2 available options in my high school.) but apparently you can't switch from Tech to one of those two, as they're higher up in the branch pyramid or some shit idk. I have no one to turn to basically, as my parents won't let me leave this high school to go to a normal one and study a branch I actually want to (Economy in this case, not because it's easy or anything but because I actually like it and am interested in it), and most of my friends just tell me to suck it up and do the hard work, when I'm trying my hardest but can't understand stuff for the life of me. How do I actually start understanding shit? Please help me, fellow tunisian redditors, because at this rate, and for the first time in my life, I think I might fail this year.",,,,,,2022-03-02 06:04:40 t4v856,,4,Where can i learn pottery in grand tunis?,,,,,,,2022-03-02 08:02:11 t4v8c7,,6,i wanna rent a suit,So i have this thing for 3 days with the club im integrated in and we have conferences and stuff . i was thinking about buying a suit but the prices are so high i was surprised . So i thought maybe i can rent one from a local store for approximitly 3 days . any recommandations?,,,,,,2022-03-02 08:02:31 t4vxa5,,1,Job opportunity in Sousse ( community management ),[removed],,,,,,2022-03-02 08:51:14 t4vxv6,,1,job opportunity in sousse and france,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-02 08:52:25 t4w8ug,,3,Metal detector,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-02 09:13:29 t4xwdn,,15,Selling 2nd hand clothes.,"Hi everyone,I have a lot of clothes that I would like to get rid of…especially like 20 jeans/trousers(Zara-bershka-Pull&Bear). Do you know some places where i could just go and sell them? Or if you could just give me another solution. Thank you",,,,,,2022-03-02 11:11:50 t4xwgn,,1,Bac Technique and I'm thinking about INSAT,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-02 11:11:59 t50m12,,1,Yup.,,,,,,,2022-03-02 13:53:53 t50p3o,,7,Choosing Career,"Tunisians who thought 💭 about the immigration to Germany 🇩🇪, are you familiar with the Ausbildung? and what are the procedures required to go for this step?",,,,,,2022-03-02 13:58:14 t51cwx,,0,Unvaccinated situation?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-02 14:30:36 t56yyc,,0,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-02 18:41:26 t57bwn,,37,The beautiful medina and ancient mosque of Kairouan,,,,,,,2022-03-02 18:57:28 t580sy,,1,Something good to see in our Hospitals,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-02 19:28:11 t5898v,,1,Any mobile app you think useful in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-02 19:38:39 t59ibs,,1,"[Mashup] Slim Kalti - Make Your Transition (Rihanna, Underground Resistance, Brandy, Quantic Soul Orchestra, David Guetta)",,,,,,,2022-03-02 20:34:29 t5ah49,,7,I am looking for a coworking space zone Lac/aouina/Marsa,"I went to cogite (they’re not active anymore) , Level 1 (bad internet and food) and educatwiza (I can’t use my mechanical keyboard because it’s super calm and people complained) Any other good suggestions. Prefferably in the regions mentioned above. Centre urbain and centre ville are far from me Eye level or standing desks would be awesome as well",,,,,,2022-03-02 21:19:03 t5bk52,,1,I wanna support my college education and I want to apply for a job for a whole year to collect some money.. where do I apply to go work in foreign countries please cuz on Facebook there's nothing but gulf countries available and I want to take a break from fucking Muslims while I'm at it,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-02 22:09:42 t5ewfo,,1,Art Galleries in La Marsa,"Which ones are currently open, please ? I've already googled, but i couldn't find accurate information.",,,,,,2022-03-03 00:49:17 t5hay9,,1,[deleted by user],[removed],,,,,,2022-03-03 02:51:42 t5huhj,,3,Cat with a broken leg entered a hospital in Tunisia and went directly to the plaster room asking for help.,,,,,,,2022-03-03 03:19:52 t5nxy7,,1,Tunisian Artistes/Devs... etc living abroad,"How much does logo creation costs ? I had the opportunity to win a client who wants a logo for his business but i don't know how to charge him.",,,,,,2022-03-03 09:41:02 t5p4pg,,1,L'idiome d'aujourd'hui.,,,,,,,2022-03-03 11:03:49 t5p8c8,,20,Help me to pick a name for my robot,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-03 11:10:29 t5qfw0,,1,Can you recognise some words from this Maltese song? Enjoy 😁,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-03 12:25:40 t5rax5,,48,‎دموعي هبطت وحدها وأنا نشوف في التصاور.. الله يلعن أم الحروب ولا يشوي حد على فراق أحبابه خاصة وهوما بعاد عليه..,,,,,,,2022-03-03 13:12:43 t5t1bx,,6,Graphic design help,"So im interested in learning graphic design and i don’t know where to start ! Does anyone have a certified course online or any program that might help ? I’ll really appreciate it thank you",,,,,,2022-03-03 14:40:34 t5u3xa,,1,When will facebook tunisias go extinct already,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-03 15:29:43 t5u6za,,1,"Hi guys, I was at the Arab cup couple of months ago and I followed the Tunisians as they had great fans and atmosphere. I really want to know the lyrics of this song. Can someone help? Thanks",,,,,,,2022-03-03 15:33:37 t5ulaj,,1,Eco friendly drive through re-use solutions in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-03 15:51:40 t5v781,,21,MAN I miss rice,It's been like months... Tw7chtou :(,,,,,,2022-03-03 16:18:58 t5vc5c,,8,Freelance designers and developers based in Tunisia,Freelance designers and developers based in Tunisia : on which platform/website/page do you find freelancing opportunities with foreign companies/entrepreneurs and how does the payment work pls,,,,,,2022-03-03 16:25:37 t5vqyy,,10,What are the best places for tourists in Tunisia?," I'll be going on holiday soon in the spring, I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for which cities/ neighbourhoods/areas to stay in? Ideally somewhere with a lot of arts & heritage, lively, good nightlife etc etc",,,,,,2022-03-03 16:43:41 t5vt6g,,1,أفاريات رمضان في تونس ما كيقها حد,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-03 16:46:28 t5vtxt,,1,أفاريات رمضان في تونس ما كيفها حد,,,,,,,2022-03-03 16:47:28 t5wpua,,25,Becoming President of Tunisia,"Hey guys! I have always dreamt of becoming president of Tunisia. Just wondering if there are certain criterions? Couldnt find any information on internet.... Do I have to be born in Tunisia to run for presidency? Can I run for presidency if both of my parents are Tunisian, while I am born and raised in the US? I know that I need a lot of financial support to make this dream happen. I am currently doing a double degree, studying finance and law at the same time. So I certainly have relevant education. Thanks for all answers! And always, Tahia Tounes<3",,,,,,2022-03-03 17:24:34 t5yx5j,,1,Tips to make my insta grow ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-03 19:00:44 t5zfj5,,8,Decision,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-03 19:23:23 t5zkfu,,1,How many words can you recognise from this Maltese song?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-03 19:29:59 t600yh,,1,Coworking space in Sfax,"It has been a while since I started working in a full remote position and I feel just less productive day by day. Any suggestions on co-working spaces in Sfax?",,,,,,2022-03-03 19:50:28 t6095i,,7,Bardo still closed?,Is the museum still closed? Seems that it had been for months. So what's the latest?,,,,,,2022-03-03 20:00:21 t61578,,1,"Building a lure coursing machine, any tips?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-03 20:40:04 t615f5,,1,Visiting Tunis during Ramadan,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-03 20:40:15 t61c2c,,1,Pov : you're an algerian and morrocan and you saw a relatively secular peaceful comment on this sub,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-03 20:48:48 t61ct6,,5,Traveling to Tunis during Ramadan,"Hello everyone, my boyfriend and I are visiting Tunis in April, during Ramadan. We are staying at Marsa beach. We are wondering if restaurants or supermarkets will be open? Any advice for traveling during this time? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-03-03 20:49:48 t62mme,,3,"Building a lure coursing machine, any tips?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-03 21:49:21 t63w06,,1,IT Startup in Tunisia,"Hello, I would like to start a Startup doing some IT services for international clients? can someone guide me? where should I go and what papers I must provide? Also do you think its a good idea? concidering that i have the cost and a few confirmed clients and projects to start with. I have a license degree from a public Tunisian university.",,,,,,2022-03-03 22:46:57 t64zuu,,8,Career changing,"Hello everyone, i would like your opinions on something. I made the decision to change my current career and im willing to put the work in (learn new skills, maybe return to college) , to be honest , I'm looking for a career that would be financially proportional to the Time I'm willing to invest in it , I mean for example if I'm making a plan to learn programming in 3 yrs i would want my choice to be lucrative and at least make me financially stable, preferably something that I can develop on my own down the road like freelancing using this skill etc Additional information: I'm a young teacher with a degree and currently I'm working in a private school, as you know our country isn't recruiting teachers anymore and to be honest due to the high unemployment rates, most private schools offer humiliating salaries to say the least, i have a co-worker who has masters in chemistry and now works as social studies teacher with a low salary, the examples are unlimited so there you have it Ps. I'm very thankful for this subreddit and I'm looking forward for your answers ❤️",,,,,,2022-03-03 23:39:58 t67ttl,,0,Swift sanction and crypto prediction,,,,,,,2022-03-04 02:03:02 t6a10y,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-03-04 04:00:09 t6a5ni,,1,Moving Back to Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-04 04:06:44 t6d14n,,102,Did you hear of the ghost of Kiev?,,,,,,,2022-03-04 06:55:37 t6hlej,,1,عسلامة شكون يعرف وين نلقاهم في تونس؟,,,,,,,2022-03-04 12:11:41 t6jn3x,,1,Found 400€ in a bag I bought from a used clothing store (fripe),[removed],,,,,,2022-03-04 14:03:15 t6l0vd,,1,Can foregners buy alcohol in ramadhan ? If so where do they get it ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-04 15:09:16 t6nv1q,,9,my brother gonna buy a laptop in usa and send it to me in tunisia there a safe way please ?,,,,,,,2022-03-04 17:15:50 t6nwvx,,0,Question about marrying in Tunisia: Prenuptial Marriage Certificate,"Prenuptial Marriage Certificate – This is a medical certificate establishing eligibility to contract marriage. This certificate must have a maximum validity of two months at the time of marriage. Each party must be free of any contagious diseases (primarily tuberculosis and syphilis), alcoholism and **mental illness**. The City Hall in Tunis will supply a printed form for this certificate upon request. All doctors practicing in Tunisia are authorized to perform these medical examinations. This stipulation seems a bit discriminatory, can somebody with major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder really not get married in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-03-04 17:18:06 t6nykn,,26,"Have you heard of ""Alert""?","I lost hope and faith in this country and i no longer believe that Tunisia could be a liberal, democratic and prosperous state in my lifetime. Yet, despite everything said prior, my hope has been regenerated ,i've been following for a while this organization ""Alert"", i am not campaigning for them ,but it's the first time i see some rational Tunisian dudes talking straight to the point, telling the public facts and showing the people the real issue and the way it should be fixed and everything is backed by stats, documents and evidence... And the organization's founder Louay seems to be democratic, liberal, intellectual and has a decent iq. Have you heard about it? What do you think? Shouldn't the youth back this organization politically or at least enrol in its clubs?",,,,,,2022-03-04 17:20:12 t6psk0,,1,Znous زنوس - Zit skhun زيت سخون,,,,,,,2022-03-04 18:41:33 t6q2z9,,15,What do you think is a signe of depression that nobody talks about ?,,,,,,,2022-03-04 18:54:20 t6r630,,3,Battle of ain jalut Haulku message to Qutuz,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-04 19:43:59 t6rj28,,1,ALERT: They are doing an amazing job exposing the sources of the economic failures that Tunisia has been going through for multiple decades. We have about 8 or 10 families that control 75% of the economy. They are vertically integrated. They have set the highest barriers to entry to any market.,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-04 20:00:46 t6romm,,46,My drawing of makky zarrouk,,,,,,,2022-03-04 20:07:57 t6srdp,,5,Tunisian Student who still stuck in Ukraine,"A friend of mine who lives in Poland just sent me this message and I didn't know where to share it since I don't know anyone who's currently in Ukraine. (""I don't know if it can be helpful but if you'll stumble into some thread in Tunisian internet about Tunisian students not being able to leave Ukraine, I've just read that there will be a special humanitarian train riding between Warsaw and Dorohusk. So anyone interested in leaving Ukraine should try to get to that village"").",,,,,,2022-03-04 20:57:53 t6ue5d,,7,Where to Buy Bubble tea ?,"Hello everyone, I have a friend coming to visit from America. I want her to feel at home for the week she will spend here. But I don't know where to find her favourite beverage ""Bubble Tea"" here. Does anyone know ? I am also open for good alternative we might have Thank you all in advance",,,,,,2022-03-04 22:13:35 t6w5cq,,0,Formations en ligne gratuites et certifiantes,"[Formations en ligne gratuites et certifiantes](",,,,,,2022-03-04 23:38:28 t6y2na,,2,is there anyway i can purchase some udemy courses ?,"Hello everyone, there is a python, also CSS and JS courses on udemy i wanna buy but i don't know how when i'm living in tunisia. if there is no way i can do that, then can you recommend free online tutorials for python, CSS and JS",,,,,,2022-03-05 01:18:51 t75f17,,1,"Hi there, my mum gave me this painting of what looks like two North African women. I would like to know exactly where they are from. Judging by their clothing, jewellery and the landscape, can anybody tell? Thanks!",,,,,,,2022-03-05 08:53:46 t76a73,,2,Do you believe that North African people should freely move around and live in any North African country and have the option to obtain its citizenship ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-05 09:57:54 t778ol,,0,Car Pooling FB Groups,"Any car pooling FB groups out there from Mahdia to Tunis (and vice versa)? Please share the link if you know one. TIA",,,,,,2022-03-05 11:06:01 t77b9s,,1,Does this sub have moderators? I always see comments like this and they get no warning and the cherry on top are algerians coming here ( I know this sub isn't only for tunisians ) but all of them spread nothing but Islamic violence,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-05 11:11:06 t785ma,,1,Boutiques fripe de luxe,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-05 12:08:36 t78e41,,4,Is it possible to go to from France to Tunisia with an expired passeport? And are 3 doses of covid vaccine required?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-05 12:24:18 t7ali3,,9,"Can the tunisian government allow me to register myself as a non religious person or a Buddhist ( I've been following it since I was 11 years old ) .. is this allowed ? Cuz I feel like we have a freedom of religion in Tunisia, right?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-05 14:28:46 t7cpg7,,1,BLOCKCHAIN explained,,,,,,,2022-03-05 16:11:34 t7dj1m,,23,"meanwhile in canada, a free brochure on benefit and risk of cannabis use for elderly ""without drama""",,,,,,,2022-03-05 16:50:31 t7edio,,0,Best hikes in Tunisia!,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-05 17:30:00 t7f16e,,3,Kairouan Sweets and Saints,,,,,,,2022-03-05 18:01:04 t7fshn,,3,where can I get whey protein in Grand Tunis and what are the cheapest prices please?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-05 18:37:09 t7hu5j,,13,Little Dark Age - Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-03-05 20:15:41 t7im08,,3,"Ukraine president is asking foreigners to come fight with them against Russia, should Tunisians go there and fight Russians?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-05 20:53:48 t7k1lu,,4,gamers out there,hi there I'm actually an Algerian and I'm looking for Tunisian gamers out there im kinda desprate for for some gaming budies from multiple countries since most of my friends are either non gamers or have ps4 instead of pc btw my games are dead by daylight .Post Scriptum. payday 2 and battlefield 4 and left 4 dead 2,,,,,,2022-03-05 22:05:58 t7m33q,,11,Reddit a perfect place for some Tunisian communities,"Heyyy folks ! So I m new on Reddit actually i was surprised to find a huge Tunisian community on here ! So I have some questions for u What is the most thing tht u like about reddit ? Is it a platform similar to Facebook? What's special about it ? Thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-03-05 23:49:43 t7mpz4,,227,Cat with a broken leg entered a hospital in Tunisia asking for help gets her leg plastered,,,,,,,2022-03-06 00:23:42 t7rwi9,,4,Need help w slang/common terms for a writing project,"Hello r/Tunisa, I’m posting on behalf of a US friend who needs to know the Tunisian Arabic common terms for the following words for use in a writing project. She doesn’t want the dictionary definition, she wants the words that people actually use but she keeps finding answers for Standard Arabic. Regional variations are fine. Word list: * penis (the equivalent usage of ‘cock’) * what you call your mother/father/grandparents (Mom/mother/mommy for example) * Term of endearment/affection used to address your own child. * Term of endearment/affection used to address a small child, generally. * Term of endearment/affection used to address your sibling (gender irrelevant) * ‘Exectutive’ (as in ‘the person in charge of a company’). CEO is also fine. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-03-06 05:27:16 t7sguu,,23,would you rather marry a Tunisian or a non-Tunisian ?,"so I'm quite curious about this, since it feels really tense recently between men and women in Tunisia (sadly). for me, if I'm ever getting married, she have to be Tunisian.",,,,,,2022-03-06 06:05:40 t7uf7y,,1,Hi Schimmel,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-06 08:26:47 t7vlzk,,1,Une autre expression idiomatique en français.,,,,,,,2022-03-06 09:54:55 t7xlwv,,1,Why facebook tunisians wants the country to be Saudi arabia so badly,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-06 12:18:29 t7xnbi,,1,Proud to discover this new Tunisian eco friendly straw ... hope you'll spread the word,,,,,,,2022-03-06 12:21:01 t7z1p2,,0,where I can apply to work in outside of tunisia ( I need some money to support myself for my studies cuz I plan to study in a foreign modern country ) .i tried linkedin and it's very hard right now cuz I don't have a big experience. I'm working to get the fuck out of Muslim countries I've had enough,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-06 13:45:17 t7z6jd,,7,David Fincher's Universe,"Is there anyone in this sub who is fascinated by Fincher's works? If so what are your favourites? And why is that? Gonna pick my favourites: Fight Club always comes first and then Se7en The first is unique in his intriguing ways to reveal the crisis of Man in the post-modern world, the issue of fatherless, our masculinity identity crisis, and even the meaning of life for Man when he has been stripped off of his hunting instinct and all of sudden he found himself in a factory and forced to get adapted to this strange world I am curious to know your insights P.S: this post is not intended to be ""sexist"" in any way though I believe that we ""Men"" are in a crisis of values, identity, what defines us as Men? Religion? our implanted beliefs by our entourage? your father? Girls are more than welcome to share their views",,,,,,2022-03-06 13:52:52 t7z7wi,,6,colonisation,"Hey! im doing a research project on the colonisation of tunisia. Could anybody list me the countries that colonised it “recently” other than France?",,,,,,2022-03-06 13:54:55 t81mvh,,10,One's heritage.,"Acheyetkom Zina, gotta a quick question for y'all, I don't know about you but growing up my dad always made sure to keep me aware of our family roots and where we came from. And apparentely we were brought here thanks to the Ottoman Empire, (which is the case for a lot of present-day tunisians). I was wondering were you made aware of your roots? If so, would you choose to go back to your ""Homeland"" if you had the opportunity?",,,,,,2022-03-06 15:55:37 t82m49,,0,Drinking age,Going on holiday to tunisia and I am lenient are they with age restrictions on drinking? is it easy to get served in a shop?,,,,,,2022-03-06 16:40:23 t82nlb,,2,EasyJet flights Summer 2022.,"What are the rules for Tunisian Residents boarding a foreign charted flight out of Tunisia? I only ask this as Tunisian Residents are not allowed on board TUI flights for example. Thank you",,,,,,2022-03-06 16:42:12 t82zvb,,33,Putin when r/Tunisia changes its picture to the Ukrainian flag*,,,,,,,2022-03-06 16:57:36 t8481o,,0,Anyway to know the origin of my families last name?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-06 17:53:36 t84g3m,,16,Tunisians With Good Baccalaureate Averages/Scores,How did your life turn out?,,,,,,2022-03-06 18:03:28 t86dmv,,6,Marriage question: Reverting,"Assuming I revert to Islam, would I have to also change my legal name in my home country before I am eligible to marry in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-03-06 19:32:12 t86xzj,,9,Biased empathy,"Why is public empathy so biased in Tunisia why do we have to compare someone's tragedy to someone else's to decide whether that person deserves empathy or not we tend to get pissed at Europeans for having European biases so why do we have so much ""Arab"" biases that we refuse to acknowledge. Same applies on a political level why can't we have empathy for a right winger getting harmed just cause they are a part of a political party that caused harm, like I promise you empathy is natural and must be felt on a basic level even towards your worst enemies.",,,,,,2022-03-06 19:58:21 t871oe,,0,do you know any urbex place to visit in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-03-06 20:02:49 t87ga9,,9,Tunisian Arabic for...(Help),Hi. Can someone post the tunisian text for the pharse 'grocery shopping'?,,,,,,2022-03-06 20:21:46 t87l3e,,0,Tunisia is kinda beautiful according to thetop10s x),[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-06 20:28:15 t87mg3,,1,How much are the prices of the flowers in Tunisia ( centre ville ),[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-06 20:30:01 t88adn,,2,Bodyweight Gyms in ARIANA,"I need your help please Is there anyone who knows a good gym which trains body building using just bodyweight-calisthenics movements, zone Ariana",,,,,,2022-03-06 21:00:46 t8bl2i,,3,Was I being impolite?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-06 23:35:29 t8ca0b,,4,Where can I buy whey gold please?,,,,,,,2022-03-07 00:10:30 t8eac5,,1,Sankestv support,,,,,,,2022-03-07 01:56:27 t8flt4,,1,Short Film,"Salaam! I'm writing a short film set in Tunisia and I have a few questions as I have never lived in Tunisia (although I am Tunisian lol). If you have some free time to answer some questions about the country, feel free to DM me. :) Chokran",,,,,,2022-03-07 03:08:31 t8kv9f,,0,Cost of taxi from Tunis to Dougga?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-07 08:45:31 t8lf5t,,27,Fama khidma?,"I have a Master's (bac+5) in logistics + i have a really decent cv , but Still didn't find a job in Tunisie Any tips?",,,,,,2022-03-07 09:25:26 t8lmxw,,1,Engineer اقصمبلاه العظيم,,,,,,,2022-03-07 09:41:16 t8ltsd,,1,Une autre expression idiomatique en français.,,,,,,,2022-03-07 09:55:06 t8mhge,,14,Looks like we're in for a treat,,,,,,,2022-03-07 10:42:09 t8ney8,,5,Urgent help needed,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-07 11:43:02 t8ospz,,54,My brother has tunisian friends and got this soap. Anyone know what scent this is or how do I get more it’s the best smell ever,,,,,,,2022-03-07 13:06:06 t8rlu1,,0,Crypto en Tunisie,"Bonjour, Quelle est la meilleure methode pour acheter des crypto en Tunisie ou envoyer de l'argent de Tunisie vers l'Europe (il semble que les banques tunisiens bloquent les compte quient reçu des virements d'origine de crypto)",,,,,,2022-03-07 15:23:51 t8spqd,és/,10,Entertainment in a country plagued by cafés ..,What activities can one do that are not the sensless consumption of coffee and food in so called salons de thé? How do you spend your free time? What do you do as a hobby or for entertainment?,,,,,,2022-03-07 16:13:18 t8sw0c,,36,Tunisian Swearing,"Hello. I am curious, how do Tunisians swear? What words are considered insults / profane etc. I can't read Arabic script so if you could use Latin script it would be awesome. Few Maltese ones just for fun; Għoxx - p*ssy Żobb - d*ck Liba - sperm F'għoxx ommok - literally in your mother's p*ssy, but mean f*ck you F*għoxx il-liba li għaqditek - f*ck the sp*rm which fused you Qaħba - b*tch Ħaq - curse Ħaq għoxx nanntek - curse your grandma's p*ssy Don't ask how these make sense, they don't even to us Maltese 😂 Edit - thanks for the rewards!",,,,,,2022-03-07 16:21:14 t8tr0u,,3,Jobs,Looking for a job in Tunisia any recommendations ?,,,,,,2022-03-07 16:58:35 t8tzpq,,0,Why its hard to find a unicorn here to join us,"We are a couple ,Just lookin around for a lucky girl to join us in a threeway , someone open minded fun and playful dont hesitate to dm me if u re down 😉😉",,,,,,2022-03-07 17:08:53 t8vbx2,,19,Is this even possible in the medina of tunis? My zone apparently isn't eligible for vadsl and non adsl option and i have no phone already installed!!!😭what to do i need this job?,,,,,,,2022-03-07 18:06:46 t8vuxz,,0,College and part time jobs.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-07 18:29:12 t8vy4m,,0,Immigration and looks.,"Do tunisian with european facial features (blue eyes, blonde hair...) have it easier to immigrate to european countires more than let's say, those with ""north african "" looks? Same thing about those with asian features (goofy eyes, dark soft hair, white...) to move to east asian countries?",,,,,,2022-03-07 18:32:53 t8x4p3,,2,My tunisian language learning,"Hi im tunisian living in finland. I do not speak the language i only understand it, it makes it harder to communicate with my cousins (i speak english to them and they answer in arabic). Im finally learning to speak, how can i make my speech more casual and not so formal?",,,,,,2022-03-07 19:24:21 t8x6yk,,12,"What does ""bzayed"" means ?",Help me with tunisian arabic,,,,,,2022-03-07 19:27:02 t8x7xp,,0,does this reddit allows to search for hook-ups ? if yes I guess I'm looking for one lol,"I work in Sousse 8days a week and I'm just bored. lol pm me if you need to know me better I guess? I'm not messing around this my ID card 06070322 if you want to take it to the police office if I did anything illegal(apart of having a hook-up of course haha) ps : id is a joke, thats today's date Edit : Also, im 25y old straight mf. 180cm height 15cm the other height 👀 blue eyed handsome guy in sousse (if you consider a 3way threesome then im handsome 🙃) obviously funny. And my middle name is :"" i wont cum untill you do"", theoretically ofcourse.",,,,,,2022-03-07 19:28:10 t8xnl4,,4,ندعوك للانضمام نادي منتخب العرب - Chess Forums -,,,,,,,2022-03-07 19:47:16 t8zlxj,,5,Translator in 90 Day Fiance,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-07 21:11:30 t909hw,,35,"I want to address all the Tunisian loners out there,","Loneliness is really an underrated topic in Tunisia, it's really interesting how loneliness is almost completely absent from public interest. There is a certain ""stigma"" concerning being friendless in our society where the majority of people are sociable or at least want to socialize on a daily basis even if they somehow have poor social skills. This stigma makes it harder for someone to admit that he/she is alone. But the fact is, sometimes we can't control our circumstances and things tend to get worse for some people. If you happen to be a loner dm me, let's have a chat and plan to meet someday and create a group of people going through the same unfortunate circumstances that led us all to lose all or most of our close friends and probably become withdrawing from society as a whole. Let's lift each other up and create a support group and encourage each other to start fresh, or we could just make it casual and create a group on Discord or Messenger and plan to meet someday and see how things go. Go ahead and contact me anytime. Best of luck for all. Edit: I'll be posting an invitation link for a Discord server later this day, for those who don't have a Discord account, go ahead and create one and join us. Edit2: Here's the link everyone: Note: If you don't have a Discord account and you are not considering making one it's okay because probably I will create a messenger or whatsapp group at some point, and I'll post the link here or in a new post.",,,,,,2022-03-07 21:40:02 t91lkx,,3,Where to buy castor oil? [sousse/monastir],,,,,,,2022-03-07 22:38:06 t97quz,,1,عائشة قنديشة,,,,,,,2022-03-08 03:45:48 t980mc,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-03-08 04:00:09 t98mwu,,2,"I am a programmer wanting to work remotely in Tunisia for a few months. What kind of bandwidth can I expect in Sidi Bou Said / La Marsa? Also, which internet service providers do you recommend?",,,,,,,2022-03-08 04:34:07 t9bqr2,,0,"fk it, I'm reposting with my picture 🤣 i probably have so many friends here, but fk it, if you know me say hi I guess. otherwise does this reddit allows to search for hook-ups ? if yes I guess I'm looking for one lol I work in Sousse 8days a week and I'm just bored. lol pm me if you need to know me",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-08 07:49:39 t9d22m,,4,Did anyone try to make a long term schengen VISA?,"Hi, I want to apply for a long term VISA for no reason (study or work or anything else) I just want to have the freedom of movement when I want to travel. I have a 2 months VISA that will expire this month. Did anyone try?",,,,,,2022-03-08 09:25:12 t9d6xz,,85,Kef Guitoune ⛰ كاف قيتون,,,,,,,2022-03-08 09:35:26 t9dgd4,,1,Une autre expression idiomatique en français.,,,,,,,2022-03-08 09:55:06 t9dzsj,,3,Any Spa or Massage centers with happy ending in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-08 10:33:59 t9e7kh,,1,Who relates to this situation?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-08 10:49:31 t9f466,,4,National identification card/passport renewal,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-08 11:49:59 t9f5nm,,7,is there a reason why,fama sbab y5ali ken tunisie telecom ta3mel l'installation mta3 les lignes .3lach echerikat el prive ma3andhoch l7a9,,,,,,2022-03-08 11:52:36 t9gj2v,,0,Protests on the N9?,Just saw video and reports about protests with police escorts down the N9 near Lac 1/airport? Anyone know what is going on?,,,,,,2022-03-08 13:13:24 t9hd3d,,19,"My English professor was talking about how evil jews are and that nobody should say "" sbe7 el 5ir"" cuz it's a jew slang for when muhammed died and how all jews of djerba are bringing "" were not Arabs "" debate to tunisians. I tried to tell him that history and religion is biased on both sides but-",[removed],,,,,,2022-03-08 13:57:37 t9hlkn,,1,Who relates?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-08 14:09:09 t9izl8,,8,Going back to school,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-08 15:15:42 t9mjip,,6,"Hello Tunisian redditors,i will be relocating to soukra but my rommates don’t have wifi what do you suggest as a solution ?How to install the wifi? Where to go to install wifi in the house?I have no idea how this works since i had free wifi since for ever in my house so i don’t know what to do.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-08 17:51:29 t9mx16,,2,Is PT personal trainer a thing in Tunisia?,"If so, what are your thoughts, and how much they cost here?",,,,,,2022-03-08 18:07:52 t9nz9c,,1,IT companies in SOUSSE,"Hi guys, I'm third year computer engineering student currently, l'm in interning in the development domain with company in Tunis, but I would like to work in Sousse but unfortunately I have no idea about the companies in Sousse can u pls give give me some companies names in Sousse working in the dev domain?",,,,,,2022-03-08 18:54:37 t9ohkt,,29,"I am thinking of going back to Tunisia after almost 10 years abroad, is it worth it ?","I have lived for almost 8 y in a gulf country then moved to Canada. I am a software engineer. The idea of going back to Tunisia has been on my mind more than usual lately. It could be a temporary thing then you get back to live your life of expat. But I am trying to take it as an opportunity to reflect. May be it is not worth it to be an expat ? From the other side, how easy it would be to switch back ? Your advices/ideas are welcome.",,,,,,2022-03-08 19:17:13 t9thxo,,27,I am a student in uni and I'm feeling like I am surrounded with negative people always complaining about their studies and it ends up getting an A in exam,What's the secret about that lol cuz I didn't find an answer why do people do that and what's the added value. I would like to know this secret lol o brsmi الحواج يجيب النجاح؟,,,,,,2022-03-08 23:08:08 ta51mp,,5,question about Tunisian airport customs,"sorry about the dumb question. going back home soon and bringing with me a, kind of expensive gaming desktop computer, I did not buy it from Tunisia. if you guys know, could there be any issues with the ""douane"" ? thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-03-09 10:36:40 ta6h0w,,4,Good interventional radiologist in Tunisia,"Can someone please recommend me a good interventional radiologist that he had a good experience with, I need to visit one asap. Your help would be so much appreciated.",,,,,,2022-03-09 12:12:04 ta7jm3,,12,Marketplace for used clothes,"HELLO DEAR COMMUNITY. so i am thinking about about creating a platform that allow people to sell and buy used clothes in tunisia this platform can be a source of revenue for many . and many of us know the trouble when come to sell anything on the internet, you can't trust people to go to them , they can stole us , we don't have the time ... it offer multiple services ( shipping / online payment/ refund/ many categories : anime, streetwear, classic, vintage, classy ...) so what you're opinion about it ?",,,,,,2022-03-09 13:15:33 taa9bi,,4,Looking for kids car seats.,"Salem louled, I am planning on going back for an extended period of time to Tunis and this time I will have my kid with me and wanted to ask you on where I can rent car seats for kids (preferably close to the airport).",,,,,,2022-03-09 15:29:36 tabci7,,1,hola guys,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-09 16:19:10 tacdui,,45,Coming to Tunisia in June for the 1st time,"Coming from NYC. After Egypt we decided that Tunisia to be our final stop. I know of its historic significance, and the country looks gorgeous. As of now we have about 8 days allocated. Thinking about spending a couple of days in Sousse for the beach. Any other tips on what to see? How bad are covid restrictions? Is there any nightlife? Anything else we should be aware of? & the must eat foods and places to eat. Shukran in advance!",,,,,,2022-03-09 17:05:14 tacltb,,9,"Abandoned, interesting , beautiful , mysterious or creepy places to visit zone Tunis thanks",Title,,,,,,2022-03-09 17:15:12 tagbcs,,7,How to raise funds/venture capital in Tunisia,"Hi everyone Been looking recently how to raise funds or find investors for a project, knowing that I almost finished working on a prototype that presents the main concept",,,,,,2022-03-09 20:06:51 tatkwr,,5,studying for masters degree in France or Finland,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-10 07:43:16 tau7so,,0,Anyone who have a CTI that can get me a course on Udemy ($14) and i'll pay'em with D17 ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-10 08:28:48 tavbww,,1,Une autre expression idiomatique en français.,,,,,,,2022-03-10 09:54:51 taw43g,,6,Which is better Canada or France to study abroad?,"I'm planning to go study abroad next year so I want to know those who have experienced studying in France or Canada or know about studying in one of these countries which is better, like the advantages and disadvantages of both countries for a Tunisian student. Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-03-10 10:51:36 taxw26,,42,Remote work from Tunisia ( foreign companies ),"Hello guys, recently in this sub we had an interesting post about salaries in Tunisia, and I have noticed that there's a good number of people here that are working remotely for foreign companies, I'm about to graduate in a few months ( software engineering ) and honestly I didn't really consider remote work an option until I saw that post. It would be nice if you guys clarify some points. First Question is, how do you find such opportunities ? Can you really progress in your career if you pursue remote work ? What are the legal procedures that I need to make ? Can I keep a portion of my money in Euros or dollars ? How much do you pay in taxes (%) ? Any other tips are welcomed too ! ( and thanks in advance )",,,,,,2022-03-10 12:45:28 tayh5d,,2,im looking tunisian apex legends gamers,,,,,,,2022-03-10 13:18:25 tayqok,,1,"Is there a chance to have a well-paying job in a Tunisian company? Moreover, do tunisian companies have successful businesses?",[removed],,,,,,2022-03-10 13:32:49 tb4pd8,,0,"posted a video about why north africans are so talented and skilled , hope you like it and support",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-10 18:06:37 tb61c8,,9,is things gonna get worse with the extinction of certain foods? I see a lot of people mass buying food like we going to war soon or something. are they exaggerating?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-10 19:03:48 tb8dak,,3,any other medical residents or interns in this sub?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-10 20:45:48 tb9d1r,,1,Experts reject concerns Russia will use crypto to bypass sanctions: ‘Totally unfounded’,,,,,,,2022-03-10 21:30:27 tb9nm4,,1,Ben Salha wage !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-10 21:43:30 tba8xu,,9,Need similar stuff in Tunisia,"تضحك, داركم عل البحر ؟ what are some similar sentences to this one please ?",,,,,,2022-03-10 22:07:13 tbakq4,,3,is docusign illegal in tunisia ?," Hello guys, I wonder if docusign and electronic signature are illegal in tunisia? if not, is there an alternative?",,,,,,2022-03-10 22:20:13 tbctl3,,4,archiving and document management systems,Yoo! Im on my third year on uni and im working on my pfe in the regionnal transport company of jendouba and i have chosen archiving and electronic archiving as a subject and i was wondering if any one here have any previous experience about archiving documents inside a company (in tunsia or outside) like how much does a DMS (domcument management system) software cost? how can i buy it from tunsia ? Is there any way to get around the pay wall and use it for free ? Is there any major problems that have encountred u that i should know about? And beside using a DMS what is the optimal way to physically archive documents in a society without having a complete chaos...thanks in advance,,,,,,2022-03-10 23:58:36 tbhco4,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-03-11 04:00:09 tbl311,,44,"What's the tunisian equivalent of a ""Karen"" ?",,,,,,,2022-03-11 07:54:58 tbm877,éricain/,1,Bac américain,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-11 09:14:33 tbm9kf,,1,Hi,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-11 09:17:18 tbmlj5,,31,Am i racist or xenophobic to tell off a sub saharan immigrant to not litter ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 09:41:12 tbn3lc,,3,Living & Working in Tunis,"In most countries, if you enter on a tourist visa and then perhaps find a job, the immigration rules require you to exit/leave and apply for a work permit from outside of that country and, once granted a work permit, then re-enter/go back to work. I called the Tunisian embassy and asked what I should do if I go there as a tourist and then find a job. I was told I could easily go to the immigration office and convert my visa, without having to leave. I cannot find info on this rule on a website... Does anyone know if this is true? Has anyone been in the same situation where they went there on holidays (or even with the intention of staying) and then found a job and simply had their visa changed inside of Tunisia without having to exit and re-enter?",,,,,,2022-03-11 10:16:59 tbnf2t,,1,Ben Salha's supply curve,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 10:39:45 tboasv,,1,"What f#*king kind of journalism is this? they post the false news without checking it's authenticity/ source then post a newer post claiming that social media shared the false news, and they didn't bother correcting the first article nor link the readers to an update. Holly f##k !!!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 11:40:06 tbqgap,,8,what part time jobs are the best for students in tunis ?,,,,,,,2022-03-11 13:45:13 tbr6gn,,1,how do i calculate gpa using the tunisian test scoring system ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 14:21:22 tbrc98,,0,wich is better to stream on twitch or nimo?,"And wich one pays more? Im living in tunisia, is it possible to change the audience of twitch/nimo/youtube/facebook if i want them from middle east instead ?",,,,,,2022-03-11 14:29:43 tbtd2w,,1,looking for someone to adopt my dog and help her become one.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 16:05:57 tbted2,,8,"looking for someone to adopt my dog, and help her become one.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 16:07:31 tbunxx,,3,Outoftheloop what's up with the bandana posts all over social media lately ?,title,,,,,,2022-03-11 17:05:05 tbuy8k,,13,Rock bottom,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-11 17:18:09 tbv8in,,1,bulking meals recommendation,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-11 17:31:06 tbxchq,,1,The Secret,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-11 18:56:48 tbxxmb,,16,RT youtube channel just got shut down in Tunisia.,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-11 19:24:08 tby2m3,,4,Find a part time job.,"Hello Reddit, I want to know how I can find a part time job or where usually should I go to find one. Any recommendation would also help. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-03-11 19:30:36 tby828,,17,"do parents usually let girls stay out late in the weekend?like until 2 am or so, what do you think the percentage is? (of girls allowed to stay out that late)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 19:37:45 tbzu26,,9,Canadian scholarship announcement,"Just dropping this here. Tunisians are eligible to apply",,,,,,2022-03-11 20:52:44 tc0euf,,3,Did anyone work for Gemography before ?,I just want to know their salaries range.,,,,,,2022-03-11 21:19:40 tc17ag,,9,How many languages do you speak?,,,,,,,2022-03-11 21:57:02 tc20zf,,4,Best pickup truck for work?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 22:36:07 tc21da,,7,I'm preparing to go to a psychiatrist,"I want to get my ADHD diagnosed so I can get my medication for the first time, it's ruined my life. So do any of you guys and girls know how much each session costs? How many sessions are required? And the medication cost? Also do I need to go back to the psychiatrist for medication refill ? Thanks so much for any help friends.",,,,,,2022-03-11 22:36:32 tc2f1z,,1,Cat ear headphones (Jumia),[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-11 22:54:37 tc2f6v,,4,Visiting Tunisia,"I am planning to fly into Tunis mid May or June. I am thinking of visiting Carthage, Sidi Bou Said and perhaps surrounding areas. I will only be staying for 3 days, does anyone have any recommendations of places to eat, smoke, sight see etc.? I would love to get some suggestions that I could add to my itinerary :)",,,,,,2022-03-11 22:54:48 tc644c,,3,Does monoprix and Carrefour sell Alcohol in your state?where do you buy alcohol from,,,,,,,2022-03-12 02:12:44 tca4y2,,6,looking for a lovely dog,"Basically me and my girlfriend we are looking for a dog to raise and take care of together. The only criteria that we want a dog that doesn't get big in size. Any help or suggestions are appreciated",,,,,,2022-03-12 06:19:00 tccn5n,,2,Who wants to do escape room?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 09:15:55 tcdvvl,,2,"Chabeb, Carte Technologique te3 poste te5dem fi steam w epic...?",the title says it all.,,,,,,2022-03-12 10:45:36 tce6kl,,30,Any mention of Malta in Tunisian folklore?,"Hello! Out of curiousity, are there any mentions of Malta or Maltese pirates or corsairs in Tunisian folklore? I ask since in Malta we have many folk legends connected with ""furbani"" (Barbary or Ottoman pirates) raiding our islands. I know we returned the favour, attacking Muslim traders and possibly raiding North Africa, so I am curious if we are also mentioned in your folk talks. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-03-12 11:05:56 tcei6u,,51,Do you think that french is a useless language and why??,"Most ppl nowadays think that french is completely useless and that we shouldn't be studying it, personally i think no language can be labeled as useless but im interested in your opinion about it.",,,,,,2022-03-12 11:28:06 tcfu9h,,1,where can you find good bagels shops in tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 12:55:46 tcgivs,,3,Were can i invest mony with guaranteed revenue (even low revenue) ?,"Title says it all. Ps: budget around 300-400dt Students life struggle :/",,,,,,2022-03-12 13:35:52 tcgo8j,,2,What education level do you need to join the Tunisian military ??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 13:44:29 tcgsry,,6,Any StarCraft 2 Players?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 13:51:34 tchaid,,7,what to say to a girl we haven't talked for a while ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 14:16:53 tchnor,,3,كي نشوف قبل قطر كيفاه تدافع على الاخوان و تمول فيهم و تو كيفاه قالت لا يصلحون لشيء تفهم اللي هما كانت عندهم مخططات وقت فترة الربيع العربي خدموا بيهم خدمتهم و طيشوهم ..,,,,,,,2022-03-12 14:35:52 tchtpl,,1,free gift card,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-12 14:44:35 tci4sx,,0,why Muslim countries especially the rich gulf one's don't accept Muslim refugees from other countries? I always here it's Europe who takes them in.. not saying they shouldn't because it's humanitarian move but shouldn't they be accepting their own people as well ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 15:00:19 tcjh02,,2,Free mobile internet,"I can see on facebook and youtube that one can use droid vpn and have free data especially for ooredoo carrier ,how is that possible ?",,,,,,2022-03-12 16:04:38 tcjhub,,5,Do you want to see the dark side of tunisian facebook ?,Juste search for ' programme réel ' on facebook,,,,,,2022-03-12 16:05:41 tckcyu,,3,Math clubs,Are there math clubs for young adults(18+) in sousse??,,,,,,2022-03-12 16:47:22 tckdtt,,16,ah ya denya!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 16:48:34 tcl125,,7,Am I friendzoned or what ?,"We've started chatting since October 2021, we used to know each other because we study almost the same subjects in the same Engineering School. Real conversations started in October 2021. After 2 months, it was the first time I expose my feelings to her. She didn't say yes and she didn't say no neither. She said that she is heartbroken due to a past experience and that she needs more time to recover. I have never fallen for a girl like her and I seriously feel like I found my dream wife. We are actually accomplishing our End-of-Studies projects and she knows well my plans for the upcoming future. For several times, I established a conversation about my/our future according to such relationship, or let's say could we even call it a ""relationship"". Most of the times she runs away from this subject, and sometimes she claims that if she doesn't like me, then she would have definitely kicked me out of her life since the begining. Each time, I decide to just let it go with the flow, and that if it's meant to be then it will be. I will not talk about my bravery with her and how I have always been there with her in every single moment. Back in the days, I had a huge relationship that has lasted for over 5 years, which means that I'm not a childish player. These days, I keep having that mind conversations with myself, telling me that it's obvious, this girl doesn't feel the same as I do and that it's one-sided love. I texted her seeking her honest explanation. She never made anything explicit. • Is she afraid to lose me as a close friend once she tells me No ? • Is she afraid of harming me by saying No ? She is that kind of conservative and straight, she did never even tell me I love you or just I miss you, she is not romantic actually but I still love her like nobody else does. I feel like she took too much time to know my real intentions and behavior. Now I'm seriously thinking of distancing myself for a while. If she's interested in our relationship then she would feel something missing. • What do you think of her acts ? • Is there any girl here to explain to me what the f is going on ? • Any suggestions about the next move ?",,,,,,2022-03-12 17:12:42 tcl1so,,0,Comment extraire un Registre Entreprise / registre de commerce en ligne sur RNE Tunisie,,,,,,,2022-03-12 17:13:06 tcl66w,,1,Arab subreddits right now :,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 17:15:32 tcmmfa,,2,interested in trading in tunisia:,,,,,,,2022-03-12 17:43:43 tcnknl,,6,Workaholism in tunisia.,Turning depression into workaholism. Do you struggle with this? Or does this concept even exist in our country?,,,,,,2022-03-12 18:26:31 tco977,,2,What can I do to deposit crypto money from Coinbase in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-12 18:59:41 tcpsvh,,2,"What are car fuel prices in Tunisia? If you were being paid 1K Tnd a month, what would be the % of money going to fuel from the salary?",For an average citizen who uses the car daily.,,,,,,2022-03-12 20:13:44 tcrofj,,20,We need a Fitness App Specially for Tunisians,"I just wish that we would have a calories counter app specifically for Tunisians for things like brik, kefteji, leblebi, lsen 3asfur.... Even calories of foods in food chains just like foreign country, do you agree? If you're or have been cutting, could you do it without Spending more money for your own food? Because it can get expensive",,,,,,2022-03-12 21:46:48 tcrrsi,,20,random question : why u don't have a gf/bf,Like really why..,,,,,,2022-03-12 21:51:21 tcryaj,,0,What is your opinion on getting a bf/gf in high-school ? If not whats the best age to get a partner ?,,,,,,,2022-03-12 22:00:16 tcsev4,,11,Importing a Tesla in Tunisia?,"Hi, i was wondering if anyone had some information on the usage of EVs in Tunisia : charging stations (if any), maintenance, gov subsidies (if any lol), etc. I'm considering importing a Tesla, but from what I have heard ""el diwana"" applies a considerable tax specific for EV cars, could anyone confirm this ? It is absolutely mind-boggling to think that instead of encouraging the use of EVs like any other government in the world by offering subsidies on taxes, our government does the OPPOSITE, and applies taxes that are unique to EV cars ?",,,,,,2022-03-12 22:23:21 tcsllc,,1,how can i buy xrp in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-12 22:32:32 tcz5ri,,5,How much Maltese can you understand?,"Since Tunisian is the closest Arabic dialectto Maltese, I was wondering how much Maltese can you understand? While I know the two languages have diverged quite a lot, there must be some level of intelligibility.",,,,,,2022-03-13 04:40:46 td1p3k,,29,"March 13, 2005 we lost Zouhair Yahyaoui the first Tunisian cyber-dissident to fall for the freedom of the internet. His question still unanswered هل تونس جمهورية أم مملكة أم حديقة حيوانات أم سجن؟","[Zouhair Yahyahoui](زهير_اليحياوي), alias Ettounsi, founded and edited one of the first open discussion forums on the Internet, the satirical website TUNeZINE. This 'Zine' (a play on words connecting the genre to the President) drew participants from across the political spectrum discussing women's issues, human rights, economic problems, freedom of expression as well as religion. The site itself was often victim of the prevalent censorship in Tunisia (Ammar404) access to it could be difficult if at all possible, and though he used a pseudonym, Yahyaoui himself was tracked down and arrested for creating the site. Imprisoned for eighteen months in the Borj al Amri prison, there were numerous campaigns for his release. During his imprisonment, he executed three hunger strikes which helped to draw the attention of the international community. I still remember the days where I had to host my own proxy servers to be able to do research for school. Anything and everything where people can freely post content was banned ""Error404"" from Google translate, Youtube, Skype, dailymotion, Wikipedia, Facebook to all the forums and blogs. [Tunisia was infamous for being heavily censored.]( The [Ammar404]( song. Zouhair Yahyahoui died for asking a valid question. Still unanswered to this day. هل تونس: [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-13 07:30:31 td1qrn,,14,❤️,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-13 07:34:11 td28xh,,42,What religion are you?,"Just curious [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-13 08:10:32 td45o6,,0,Do you wear Hijab?,"This is a question to Tunisian women (obviously). Any form of covering counts. (I'm asking because I read online that Hijab is considered somewhat taboo in Tunisia - with it being illegal to wear before 2011 if I understand correctly - but it does seem strange if that was the case). So, just curious, do you wear Hijab? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-13 10:28:13 td488d,,2,Earphones with best sound quality (400 - 500dt) ?,,,,,,,2022-03-13 10:33:21 td5xbn,,1,Anyone knows where i can get one here in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-03-13 12:28:50 td6h0k,,2,"can anyone recommend a good architect in Tunisia, preferably in the Sahel region? Chokran !",,,,,,,2022-03-13 13:02:11 td6mep,,1,What are the rules for buying and carrying guns in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-13 13:11:01 td6y41,,3,Calling center,Is it easy to get a job in a calling center and how much is a salary,,,,,,2022-03-13 13:29:55 td79ug,,1,free gift card,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-13 13:47:41 td7aen,,1,free gift card,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-13 13:48:29 td7fs2,,1,free dimond,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-13 13:56:24 td7kqx,,7,Private Tutor,"Hello, For all of you intrested in a physics tutor(bac et 3eme), feel free to DM me. 🤙🤙 Edit1: I'm located in Ariana but grand Tunis is fine. I do 2~3h sessions a dthe price is 15dt per student per session. The sessions would be perfect for a group of 5. I have a physics degree from FST. And I'm currently working as software engineer.",,,,,,2022-03-13 14:03:21 td7wwe,,2,The black block bandana thing,"Once again we prove as a society that we are lacking a lot of improvement when it's about accepting difference and things that don't seem normal but this time it's even more depressing, this time El mass bullying 9a3d ysir in a college space suddenly we realize El ""taba9a El motha9afa"" w ""mosta9bel El bled"" Carry the same mentality as the rest of us and all what they are spewing out 24/7 during their clubs events and conferences is just a professional facade to portray a certain positive image of themselves without practicing these morals irl. Links : that's the original vid reposted on a trolling account that some ISIMM Student runs, check out the captions on the shares and the comments and groups like this one: they have been practically spammed all week with trolling posts about that video and that kid",,,,,,2022-03-13 14:20:34 td89w0,,2,Table Tennis at Sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-13 14:39:34 td9imd,,2,tunisian screenplays,"Im intrested in screenwriting and was looking for some tunisian scripts that i could use to learn more about the formatting and all So if anyone knows some sites or links that have what im looking for i would really appreciate it",,,,,,2022-03-13 15:41:42 tdajqe,,9,"For those who freelance for abroad companies, or work remotely for foreign countries, how do you get paid in Tunisia?","It's still confusing to me. What about taxes, do you have it or what. Want to understand policies and procedures. Edit: Aigo, guys! Thank you so much for your support and guidance, I'll keep that in mind. Really, I appreciate your help.",,,,,,2022-03-13 16:30:35 tdakop,,1,Is it possible to act like those 2010 facebook highschoolers to increase my chances of being accepted for an internship from abroad?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-13 16:31:51 tdayzu,,1,hello beautiful people 😁 is there anyone who is fluent in german here ? im looking for someone whom I could practice with 😁😁,,,,,,,2022-03-13 16:50:15 tdazpo,,6,"A painting, painted on the walls of Enassr High school, Tunisia by a group of high school students, meant to represent a good side, where we are injected with knowledge with a normal mind, and a bad side, with a badly broken mind, corrupted by smoking and other things","&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-03-13 16:51:12 tdbl5r,,13,Do you drink alcohol?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-13 17:18:43 tdcjil,,1,Anyone tunisian who lives in the USA,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-13 18:02:56 tdepuj,,5,Swimming pool in Sousse,"Hello, Does anyone know of a public swimming pool in sousse specially in Sahloul or hammam sousse ?",,,,,,2022-03-13 19:43:47 tdf85x,,3,La chouette (INVIDIA RUMPUNTUR AVES NEQUE NOCTUA CURAT) - Mosaïque d'El-Jem,,,,,,,2022-03-13 20:07:00 tdhov6,,6,Can anyone explain to me what is the tax policy in this country?,"I think that this country has special treatment for businessmen and those who exercise a liberal profession, like this stupid 100Francs taxes in the supermarkets like buying bread now will cost you 300francs, like why this tax isn't applied on the owners of the supermarkets instead of the client? The Tunisian government has always been forgiving businessmen for not paying taxes (especially after the Covid crisis they've been helping them non-stop ever since) and they let them transfer their money to different countries (Tax evasion) on the other hand having 10€ is considered a crime and the working class are suffering literally more than half of their salaries are spent on taxes. Edit: Sorry for the English errors I've written this in a hurry.",,,,,,2022-03-13 22:00:02 tdhqlh,/r/MyHeritage/comments/tdh3tn/ethnicity_estimate_from_a_tunisian_phoenician/,16,"Ethnicity Estimate from a Tunisian: Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, Arab, Spanish, Amazigh, Sub-Saharan African heritage?",,,,,,,2022-03-13 22:01:56 tdirgf,,3,some...,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-13 22:50:43 tdpipk,,23,What are some Amazigh words in the Tunisian dialect?,"I was speaking to someone about fruit and they let me know the word ""karmoose"" (fig, تين) is actually an Amazigh word. I'd love to hear some more words we use in day-to-day interactions that have obscure origins.",,,,,,2022-03-14 04:54:54 tdsusv,,0,how many of tunisians are still pure amazigh? and how would i know if im of amazigh descendents?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-14 08:44:22 tdtw2v,,18,As a tunisian girl and university student what jobs can I get in summer?,"I'm 20 years old and I just realized as a uni student that my parents couldnt afford to give me the amount money i needed during the academic year. I had a cousin that told me about getting a job in a Centre d'appel but I dont know how and do they accept uni students ? Any ideas? Plus what other jobs can i get this summer? Please help.",,,,,,2022-03-14 09:54:43 tdtzjo,,1,"Thoughts on ""cartes technologique"" benefits and limitations? and potential alternatives?",,,,,,,2022-03-14 10:00:50 tdukj5,,1,APPLE GLASSES,,,,,,,2022-03-14 10:40:11 tdutii,,8,What is your favorite spot to chill out in Tunisia,"This is mine : Youtube [\_lM]( Maps : []( What is yours, what is your favorite spot just to sit and chill out ?",,,,,,2022-03-14 10:56:32 tduubi,,8,"Tunisians be like : yeah, perfect hotel concept.","&#x200B; [Hôtel du lac](",,,,,,2022-03-14 10:57:56 tdw4au,,1,restrictions related to covid in carthage airport,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-14 12:14:50 tdwucj,,1,is pcr test required to leave tunis,I'm fully vaccinated planning to leave tunisia. Is it still needed in the carthage airport ? Will this fucking covid restrictions ever end 😭😭,,,,,,2022-03-14 12:55:25 tdxjpa,في_مثل_هذا_اليوم_bi_darija_maghribia/,3,"How to say ""في مثل هذا اليوم"" bi darija maghribia ?",Thanks for your help,,,,,,2022-03-14 13:30:22 tdyid6,,2,hey i just came to hammamet,I'm (29 m) I just came to Radisson blu hotel in Hammamet.. i feel so lonely .. is there any people near ny to hang out .. drink a coffe maybe .. i donno,,,,,,2022-03-14 14:16:26 te06kv,,25,Why do alot of people in Tunisia call French syrian,"I hear alot of old people in Tunisia call French (souri) To my knowledge Syrians aren't the biggest French speakers out there.",,,,,,2022-03-14 15:33:35 te1dh9,,1,Just saw this video and made me want to get on the first plane to Tunisia 😍 How is it for hiking in Tunisia? Is it as simple as rent a car and get lost in nature?,,,,,,,2022-03-14 16:25:27 te1na4,,4,Trip to spain for 4 days,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-14 16:37:15 te2fpe,,1,Random Stop Outside of SFAX,,,,,,,2022-03-14 17:10:24 te2vsn,,9,How can you whitten your teeth in Tunisia?,"I've been doing my research on Reddit and other websites on how to whitten your teeth, and the majority of them suggested Crest Whitening stripes, because it's cheap compared to a dentist, it won't last a lifetime but it could last for 4 months which is great, unfortunately I couldn't find any who are selling it in Tunisia, so I was wondering if you've been through the experience of Whitening your teeth, does these really work? If so Where can I get them? Are there any other moderly cheap alternatives or it's just come to a dentist in the end?",,,,,,2022-03-14 17:29:50 te31sb,,4,Commercial modeling job for males in Tunisia !!,"Hi, I wanted to ask to start commercial modeling and if there are strict criteria since I'm 175cm tall. Is there any male models here (amateurs/intermediate level) to help me figure out how to start ??",,,,,,2022-03-14 17:37:05 te5j49,,11,Hiking and Nature in Tunisia,"So I just saw a video on Zaghouan (by Jackson Groves if you want to look it up, for some reason can't share it on this subreddit). Anyways, got me dreaming on a hiking vacation to Tunisia. Any fellow Tunisian hikers / nature addicts got any tips /recommendations for a foreigner on hiking and just getting lost in the wild?",,,,,,2022-03-14 19:25:15 te5jsq,,1,"legal things about weapons, basically what are the needs to own a gun",[removed],,,,,,2022-03-14 19:26:01 te5mo1,,1,Age gap in a relationship,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-14 19:29:32 te5vf0,,0,"I'm 100 % Tunisian and practically know the culture pretty damn well, but i was wondering lately...What age group of girls would date a 25 YO guy ? What i mean by dating is hanging out , being good friends but also engage in sexual activity without feeling awkward for the age gap ?","[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-14 19:40:09 te5zbt,,8,Did anyone try sleep meds? how was your experience?,,,,,,,2022-03-14 19:45:06 te606f,,1,Where to look for dreadlock barbershops in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-14 19:46:07 te68ve,,7,"F-16 Block 70, F-15 Strike eagle or F-18 super hornet",If you have been hired to choose the best fighter that fits the best of Tunisia Air Force needs what would you pick from the above models and why?,,,,,,2022-03-14 19:56:50 te6dvi,,1,anyone knows where i can get an animal pijama like this,,,,,,,2022-03-14 20:02:38 te81f1,,1,Moderators of reddit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-14 21:16:42 teae8c,,0,"3 nights in Tunis, April 2022 - Unofficial guide wanted",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-14 23:05:58 teg7j3,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-03-15 04:00:10 tekpoq,,1,guys i need ur help in something tnajmou ta3tiwni charika 3amlt pub tcharet beha 3alle5er no9sed 3amlt il buzz aparat ooreedo we orange we delice we tkoun tounsiya 100% no9sed 3amlt pub kolha walet ta7ki 3leha,,,,,,,2022-03-15 09:04:15 tekqyt,,7,Are you satisfied with your life in Tunisia?,If not what's the missing factor for making it better?,,,,,,2022-03-15 09:07:01 tel9i5,,4,Tunisian Teachers of English in high school,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-15 09:44:55 tela1s,,2,Project help,"Trying to start a clothing brand but cannot find any suppliers (Fournisseurs) I need someone who can sew the clothes and print them Any recommendations please? PS: Located in Tunis",,,,,,2022-03-15 09:46:00 telhv8,,6,where and what should i study,"i am 16 years old first year in highschool i wanna work abroad(USA, UK, canada , france , germany or switzerland) in IT so what bac should i take (math , tech, info) and after bac should i study in germany or get a ""licence"" or go to ""prepa"" then do ""cycle ingénieur"" and what are the differences",,,,,,2022-03-15 10:01:12 ten06g,,1,yo guys need ur help fil questionnare hetha fih 3 questions only we b tounsi xD won't take u more then 30 sec,,,,,,,2022-03-15 11:39:48 teo3o8,,1,Life in Modern Day Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-15 12:40:58 teo5fz,,1,water about to be cut out,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-15 12:43:41 teobik,,7,Businesses in Tunisia.,"Hey guys! Bellehy ly 3andou fekra y3awenna. 3andy chkoun bch y7ell entreprise melowel bch tkoun totallement exportatrice mta3 des services informatiques. (Computer support and services) L' API jewbettou 9atlou ta5tar ya fl Programmation ya Conseil. Wa9telly howa 7achtou b les sevices informatiques ka koll. Meme pas jewbou 3leh, w fi 7ala ki hakka chnia ynajem ya3mel? Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2022-03-15 12:53:08 teoblv,,1,Life in Modern Day Tunisia sucks.,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-15 12:53:14 teocxq,,27,Can someone tell me please what this song is talking about my tunisian Bf always sing it to me and won’t tell me the meaning of lyrics is it romantic?,,,,,,,2022-03-15 12:55:18 teodzx,,1,marsa is so based,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-15 12:56:50 teomv2,,1,hi,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-15 13:09:27 teoszo,,2,"Anybody knows the artist behind this version of ""lamma bada yatathanna"" or has the full version?",,,,,,,2022-03-15 13:18:05 tep8cc,,1,h,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-15 13:39:17 tepq9a,,1,h,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-15 14:03:50 tepwgu,,1,h,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-15 14:11:46 tepxo6,,1,"how the heck "" music is haram "" "" dating is haram"" and these people are not from tunisia and still get a pass to be on this sub? that religion poll gathered a lot of unwanted people. my question is where are the mods and they started reporting people too",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-15 14:13:16 teq7ag,,3,The Mysterious Sounds of Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-03-15 14:25:51 terwi1,,16,what topics do you talk about with your girlfriend?,"I know it's a bit off topic and all, but I wanna know what do y'all talk about with your girlfriends (/or what do you want your boyfriend to talk about with you) cuz i usually run out of things to bring up and talk about with my girlfriend and i want some advices about this if y'all don't mind",,,,,,2022-03-15 15:43:09 tettt1,,4,Need help ! do i need to book a plane ticket before my visa appointment?,"I've a visa appointment with TLS and fel ""pièces justificatives de demande de visa"" there's a ""Réservation du billet aller-retour ou itinéraire"" Will they reject it if i don't book a ticket now? it's a bit confusing to me that i've to book it before knowing whether my visa will be accepted or declined I'd appreciate any help UPDATE : turns out it's mandatory to make a ticket reservation just for the visa documents, just go to any Tunisair agency and tell them it's just for visa and you'll be set, you don't pay any fees unless it's with another travel agency, it's not much though something like 20DT.",,,,,,2022-03-15 17:04:49 teu7zt,,1,marsa is actually super based,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-15 17:18:38 teuf1t,,3,Need Help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-15 17:27:31 teur7o,,18,"hey.. apparently Muslims from other countries mass voted in that religion poll choice the other day and now they camping here with "" music haram / dating haram etc "" my question is where are the mods?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-15 17:42:26 tew4va,,0,is this really from Kais Saied to Abdelmadjid Tebboune ?,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-03-15 18:28:21 texjkp,,2,"In Maltese; borma = pot. So this is funny haha. ""Where you going?"" ""Fil-borma 🫕"" 😂",,,,,,,2022-03-15 19:21:12 tf07mz,,1,Tunisia LA RHALA,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-15 21:00:09 tf08nv,,0,buying a phone online,"Has anyone tried to buy a phone online and received it? So I want to buy an s22 ultra from Amazon because it's a lot cheaper than buying it from Tunisia. I want to ask, will I have any problem? How much will I pay diwana? And can I register it in sajalni? Also if there is anything else I should know please tell me thank you",,,,,,2022-03-15 21:01:11 tf1x0s,,2,Body armor laws?,Are there any laws prohibiting body armor in tunisia? Both airsoft body armor and real body armor?,,,,,,2022-03-15 22:16:01 tf6nma,,2,Visiting Tunisia for a week in May. Recommendations (in particular regarding staying in Sousse)?,"Hello everyone, I'll be visiting Tunisia in May, landing in Enfidha and departing from Tunis after 8 days. I'm mostly interested in visiting the historical and architectural sites, as well as spending some afternoons and evenings relaxing by the beach or at a bar if weather permits. Since a week isn't too much time, I'll be focusing on Tunis/Carthage/Sidi Bou Said around the capital, and the area around Sousse/Monastir/El Jem/Kairouan further south. My current plan would be to book an accommodation for 4-5 nights somewhere in Sousse, and 2-3 nights in Tunis. Sousse appeals to me because as far as I can tell it's got nice beaches and good touristic infrastructure, while also being the main transportation hub in the area which would make it easy to do a bunch of short day trips to the other sites by train or louage (I really rather not rent a car). However, I've also read that it can be quite hectic in the touristic season, but I'm hoping things will still be relatively calm in May (would that be the case?) Alternatively, I've read that Monastir and Mahdia in particular are calmer with even better beaches, but of course with the trade-off not not being as well connected as Sousse. So, does Sousse sound like it would best suit my needs? If so, what particular areas, beaches, or accommodations would you recommend? It doesn't have to be a standard hotel/resort, as a matter of fact I'd be interested in alternative/unique accommodations that you may be familiar with. Ideally tough I'd like to stay within walking distance to a beach and maybe some restaurants/bars. Thanks for reading! PS: What's the deal with the Bardo museum being indefinitely closed?",,,,,,2022-03-16 02:05:18 tf8gy3,,0,"I met my gf in the US but she’s from Tunisia, why does she like pda so much if it’s essentially banned in Tunisia?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-16 03:42:41 tfd2ia,,0,What's it like being gay in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-16 08:47:56 tfdbnv,,14,"I'm going to lose weight or die trying and I need your Help, guys.","I don't know what diet I should go with. I know I can search this on Google but you know,in Tunisia, not everything is accessible. I want to know what I should eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I want things I can find in our supermarkets and stores. Ps : I already started working out.",,,,,,2022-03-16 09:05:28 tfddr1,,0,Any atheist friendly females here?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-16 09:09:30 tfdn9z,,4,Any atheists here?,How do you cope with society? do you have to hide your beliefs from family and friends?,,,,,,2022-03-16 09:28:26 tff90e,,11,"It is a shame the government has a set up health care system but the cnss paperwork is a nightmare that lets people die, literally. Can you help?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-16 11:14:30 tffaij,,1,Did anyone buy from myProtein?,"Hey guys I would love to know if anyone bought products from myProtein and whether they reached them or were blocked at customs, and by blocked I mean confiscated or something like that I don’t mind paying a little extra for duty fees.",,,,,,2022-03-16 11:17:09 tffci7,,8,E-Sports and online tournaments in TUNISIA??,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-16 11:20:30 tffnln,,6,Gluten Free Restaurants,"Why gluten free restaurants are not normalized in our country? As a celiac disease patient I can't eat out without restricting my choices and btw even gluten free products are limited in markets (very few brands). Like why ? I can't wait to leave this unfair country",,,,,,2022-03-16 11:39:43 tfft64,,1,What psych meds are you on? Which worked better for you and what didn’t,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-16 11:49:05 tffudr,,47,Are Jew welcome to visit/live in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-16 11:51:02 tfg753,,17,Low key true lol,,,,,,,2022-03-16 12:10:19 tfgbaf,,1,Karting circuit Hergla,"Is there anyone who raced before in the Karting circuit of Hergla? Do they impose any criterias? Do I need to call them beforehand?",,,,,,2022-03-16 12:15:37 tfhbxv,,4,Tunisian hackers do they still exist ? And if so do they work in the shadows or the government is too afraid to announce that they've been hacked,We heard about the Tunisian anonymous in 2014 and they actually managed to spread some really important information back then but since that date we've never heard about their actions or plans are they still working and the government is just hiding the fact that they can't fight them back and if not where did they go they can't just vanish?,,,,,,2022-03-16 13:10:39 tfhq69,,4,I knew that Tunisia allow people to choose what they're wearing but would woman without Hijab be despised according to society?,,,,,,,2022-03-16 13:30:57 tfikyq,,1,welcom to green tunisia,,,,,,,2022-03-16 14:12:16 tfim5l,,1,It' s Time for relaxation,,,,,,,2022-03-16 14:13:53 tflybl,,1,graphic designer in tunisie,"hello iam currently a major in computer science and i wanted to know is graphic designing , game designing good in tunisia and if yes how do i follow that interest what do i learn in college thank you",,,,,,2022-03-16 16:26:27 tfni06,,8,Freelance,"Freelancers of tunisia (IT Fields) , anyone here for some questions ?",,,,,,2022-03-16 17:35:03 tfniev,,1,Software engineering student looking for internships abroad,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-16 17:35:34 tfnl1m,,2,Asking about imported car registration,"Hello, I already know there's two legal ways to import a car to tunisia permanently (fcr or paying a sum of money) . In which case I need to change my license plate? Also I heard there's a way to get a license to import a car for the period of 3 months, is that true?",,,,,,2022-03-16 17:38:51 tfoj6h,,2,Am I the only one noticed something weird with Celtia recently?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-16 18:21:12 tfok5u,,7,How did you stop smoking ?? for now it seems impossible to me.,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-16 18:22:27 tfokww,,1,What are some Tunisian stereotypes you want to be debunked and what are the stereotypes you tolerate and find funny?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-16 18:23:29 tfp28y,,23,"isn't it weird how a 12m population country hasn't produced any billionaire and there's only very few rich people that don't even spend their time in Tunisia.. why we can't have a "" elon musk, Hugh hefner"" or someone who wants to revolutionize tunisa? why no one has ideas to build business/empires",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-16 18:43:01 tfph2e,,4,CyberSecurity,Anyone working in cybersec here ?,,,,,,2022-03-16 18:56:48 tfptv4,,1,"Hello everybody, so I'm a tunisian oud player and composer, I imagined with this track a music that could go with the sunset in the desert. I think some of you have already seen the sun going behind the dunes. I hope you like it.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-16 19:04:14 tfuog0,,5,how do tunisians view lgbt people nowadays ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-16 22:15:35 tfvgv0,,6,Tunisia woman puts glass tumbler inside her urethral,,,,,,,2022-03-16 22:51:28 tfzx4s,,14,Arabic in Tunisia,"I'm moving to Tunis soon so I started learning Arabic, but I'm curious what the Tunisian dialect sounds like. What are some characteristics of the dialect? Any good examples? Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated.",,,,,,2022-03-17 02:37:19 tg4jw6,,11,Do you support same-sex marriage?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-17 07:26:20 tg5o2d,,0,What's your opinion about this idea?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-17 08:47:02 tg79f1,,8,I need YOUR help for a research project,"Ahla chabeb, I am a Tunisian student in the Netherlands. Your boy needs your help for something university-related. I have this group project where we are trying to come up with an idea to enhance H&M's customer experience. So, I need to collect some data (do not worry, it is totally anonymous). If you could fill in this survey [](, that would be really helpful :)) Thanks a lot for taking the time. You rock!",,,,,,2022-03-17 10:39:02 tg7kf0,,2,Any best way to access escorst services in tunisia?,"I know this is a coomer post but,Any best way to access escort services that aren't ""centre message"" in tunisia? Any forums etc..",,,,,,2022-03-17 10:59:10 tg7oqj,,4,How???,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-17 11:06:13 tg8dgb,,20,what do you think about a lonely dude,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-17 11:49:05 tg8up4,,0,Do you think Tunisia should participate in the Eurovision Song Contest?,,,,,,,2022-03-17 12:15:57 tgbspf,,16,"From experience, what's the best bank in Tunisia?","I am using Zitouna and they have horrible customer service. They also started to block my money and asking for all kinds of justifications. From experience, do you know any bank that: \- Has a fully functional app with all the possible features (send money, add beneficiaries, check the balance, order a cheque book or a debit card, etc.) \- Has a fully functional website, with the same features mentioned above for the app. \- Has a 24/7 call centre, and one where you can speak to humans not bots and can solve your issue instead of telling you to go to your branch. \- Has many branches and ATMs. TIA",,,,,,2022-03-17 14:42:40 tgc95w,,1,Is it legal & viable for a legally Muslim Egyptian man & a Christian Arab Israeli woman to get married in Tunisia & then move to Israel without any potential political ramifications?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-17 15:03:56 tggkd0,,4,Where can I find chopsticks in sousse,Does anybody know of a place that sells good quality chopsticks in sousse ?,,,,,,2022-03-17 18:18:37 tggwu1,,12,What is the Tunisian Dream?,,,,,,,2022-03-17 18:33:45 tghwwj,,9,"is it considered inappropriate to ask for girls number/instagram in tunisia in places like cafe , gym etc ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-17 19:18:22 tgipps,,0,netflix,,,,,,,2022-03-17 19:54:31 tgllc6,,4,"I’m looking for a darbuka teacher in Monastir who is able to come to the marina to teach our family. We have our own darbuka, but we are beginners.",,,,,,,2022-03-17 22:03:20 tgnb8h,,19,Canyons of tozor (wallpaper),,,,,,,2022-03-17 23:23:56 tgpvi0,,3,Has your phone been confiscated by the COPS before?,"If yes, it would be extremely handy to share your experiences, thoughts and what did you do or the documents you were requested to exhibit, hand and prepare in order to retrieve your phone?",,,,,,2022-03-18 01:30:41 tgpz8b,,7,loneliness,Things yall have done/still doing to escape loneliness ?,,,,,,2022-03-18 01:36:01 tgsp1n,,6,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-03-18 04:00:11 tgu2ex,,11,How much does a gym subscription usually cost ?,Going this summer and i wanna keep up with my training,,,,,,2022-03-18 05:25:01 tgw1yy,,6,The Educational system: what r your suggestions for a better one?,"We all agree that our educational system is not effective and overall really bad.. I think the education minster said, not a long time ago, that he will reduce the studying hours for students so they will be able to find time to practice their hobbies and learn new soft skills (basically to live a life) and other stuff, like reducing the lessons etc.. But he didn't do anything yet and i think he will start next year (i hope he's not lying like they always do tho) Anyways, i wanna hear your ideas about this matter? What are your suggestions for a better educational system?",,,,,,2022-03-18 07:45:55 tgwlwp,,2,"Thinking about joining a startup in Tunisia, any recommendations ?","Am a data science engineer, looking to join a startup in Tunisia as a new venture in life, any rec’s?",,,,,,2022-03-18 08:27:20 tgxzh7,,10,Free English-Tunisian translating site/app.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-18 10:07:57 tgyr8y,,14,Banks allowed to do this?,"Hello there, I had a BH bank account for over 2 years and their services are trash, so I went to close the account and start a new one, telling the agent that i wanted to close my account was like telling him the earth about to crash into the sun, anyway she said i have to wait for her supervisor, spent like an hour waiting and then i went home because she didn't come, what can i do?",,,,,,2022-03-18 11:01:14 tgzhzm,,31,"after participating in the ""e-istichara""i have to ask WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT ?","after being bombarded by texts to participate in the ""e-istichara"", i finally did and it basically a big waste if time . Even though i went through this with very low expectations , I still got disappointed by how pointless all of this is . the only question that really matters is asking whether you prefer a presidential or parliamentary system whereas most of the other questions are redundant , they're just there to fill space . and what really makes them even worse is the preselected answers that you're required to choose from , there's little to no difference between these answers and they're unrealistic and very unlikely to be achieved it's the same lies and shit politicians say and promise , the same shit we have heard and got sick of over the last 10 years . what's the fucking point in any of this ??? i may be dumb or misunderstood but I can't see any use for this and it's just a waste of time and resources and is just distraction .",,,,,,2022-03-18 11:48:19 th0gao,,1,I don't know if boys watching shows from zoumourrouda is considered gay?,,,,,,,2022-03-18 12:43:53 th2179,,2,Anyone can tell me about yhe dental school in tunisia (monastir) im thinking about studying there,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-18 14:01:52 th2gj5,,1,Bank information,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-18 14:20:20 th31qg,,22,"Fitch Rating ""Aka Omk Sannefa coined by our Fuhrer Kais Said"" has already downgraded our economy to CCC","The Tunisian Central bank expected this downgrade but not at this moment though and it is pretty normal, the Russo-Ukranian war has worsened the situation already: the article below states that by the mid of the current year inflation will hike to 8%!!! [Fitch Ratings downgrades Tunisia to ""CCC""]( \- The article [Fitch Ratings Definition]( \- Fitch Ratings definition [Fitch Ratings Wikipédia]( \- Fitch Ratings by Wikipedia (French)",,,,,,2022-03-18 14:47:42 th3p4p,,1,Why boys aren't allowed to say a positive rating about zoumourrouda?,,,,,,,2022-03-18 15:17:00 th4673,,1,why do boys hate zoumourrouda.,,,,,,,2022-03-18 15:38:30 th48n4,,22,Things you would never hear a Tunisian Male say,"I'm gonna be the first to admit, my mom's food sucks ass and most males over glorify their mom's food quality.",,,,,,2022-03-18 15:41:29 th4jcw,,0,This is gonna piss off a lot of you but I'm gonna say it anyway,"Wanting Palestine to be an ""Arabic land"" w ""mta3 El moslmine"" is just as shitty of an ideology as wanting it to be ""Jewish"" w ""mta3 El yhoud"".",,,,,,2022-03-18 15:55:27 th4vjt,,6,Thoughts on panarabism?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-18 16:08:48 th5haz,,4,For men and boys Do you actually like overweight girls ?,,,,,,,2022-03-18 16:35:42 thbwf4,,1,what tunisians think of algeria? I'm seeing a lot of algerians online in tunisian content so I'm curious,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-18 18:35:39 thct9v,,1,What do you guys think? Did he deserve it or not?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-18 19:17:48 thdxm6,,1,do y'all know places where I can get turnt up In mahdia lol?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-18 20:08:48 thevmz,,1,why aren't we as tunisians closer to Lebanese or Turkish people? I always wondered why aren't these three closer to eachother since we're similar in mentality and struggles.. even on this sub you'll never find them hanging around,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-18 20:53:04 thhjix,,2,Does anyone one knows Words thatbsound dirty but aren't,,,,,,,2022-03-18 22:59:39 thi5vr,,1,The question that everyone’s here afraid to ask,"What’s your fav team [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-18 23:30:12 thjnp7,,33,I will present this in my asylum folder,,,,,,,2022-03-19 00:47:12 thr40j,,13,Who's your favorite Tunisian Writer/poet? what's your favorite work from them?,,,,,,,2022-03-19 08:49:29 ths5fn,,229,this is my favourite food what about you ?,,,,,,,2022-03-19 10:08:20 ths915,,1,any queers in here who want to go out and have fun some fun ?🤔🧐,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-19 10:16:00 thshwg,ماصونية_المتنورون/,1,Conspiracy theories ماصونية 😌، المتنورون,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-19 10:34:31 tht14k,,1,Will history repeat itself and Nizar Al-Shaari become the Fuhrer of Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-19 11:12:35 thua04,,1,I didn't know the import rate was that high ...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-19 12:34:37 thujvr,,33,"The war in Ukraine’s impact on wheat supplies is particularly worrying for many developing countries. For example, an UNCTAD assessment shows 25 African nations import more than 1/3 of their wheat from Russia and Ukraine. For 15, the share is over half.",,,,,,,2022-03-19 12:51:03 thv9yi,,10,"With the current economical state of the country going downhill , Do you think we should stop importing all goodies ?","I know this will be hard at first, but in the longterm it will be fruitful, Stopping **all** imports for a duration of 5 years . Examples: Malaysia after the currency downfall / Japan after the nukes \*Starting with grains. I mean somehow we are importing ""farina"" instead of planting it. And now we are running dry . We should at least reach food self-sufficiency . \*Then we might move to fabrics ""textile"" and low level electronics . &#x200B; &#x200B; And for people awaiting outside help I recommend this video [](",,,,,,2022-03-19 13:32:29 thxcxq,,5,Is it possible to become a psychologist without bac ? And are there any private universities that teach psychology without bac ?,"I have very low hopes for achieving a good grade in my bac so Id love to have a plan b, any help is appreciated",,,,,,2022-03-19 15:17:58 thxtbr,,12,How do you find a solution to your problems?,,,,,,,2022-03-19 15:39:38 ti1v9n,,5,How to publish an android app to the google play store from Tunisia,"Hello everyone I'm a mobile app developer from Tunisia, and I recently finished my first app, I'm hoping for launching it and publish it to the google play store. the problem is I need know how to pay the google developer console fees (25$), I've heard about the CTI from zaytouna, and I want to know if it works, if not, what is the best way to pay? thank you",,,,,,2022-03-19 18:45:36 ti2wsb,,8,why did i decide to go to prengeneering school in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-03-19 19:34:29 ti3d3i,,0,would you say getting the bac is more important than learning skills and experiences?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-19 19:55:50 ti3iei,,1,"IQ map of the world, you can now understand why this country is shit",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-19 20:02:24 ti3rtn,,4,Some questions about streaming video games on twitch/youtube,"hello everyone, Does anyone have any idea how can we earn money streaming video games on twitch/YouTube while living in tunisia ? like what accounts should we do to receive the money cash and legally if that even possible?",,,,,,2022-03-19 20:14:38 ti5nwc,,1,is it safe to eat strawberries right now? I see them everywhere now and their time arrives in summer,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-19 21:43:24 ti5z3i,,9,Worst quality of life," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-19 21:58:17 ti6p3l,,0,Dirtypenpals,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-19 22:33:28 ti790l,,4,Beer taste,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-19 23:00:33 ti92mi,,3,pls someone answer,"does anyone know what are the prices for kendo in tunsia, i know the price for a kimono wich is fairly good but i wanna know the price for actually participating in a tunisian kendo league,",,,,,,2022-03-20 00:34:25 tig0zb,,6,Places to stay in tabaka,Hi guys I’m looking for a romantic place for couples to stay a few nights next week in tabaka for our anniversary if anyone has any ideas I’d be so grateful for your help,,,,,,2022-03-20 07:49:45 tigu30,,8,"Vegetarians / vegans, how often do you get criticized by family and society for your choices ?",,,,,,,2022-03-20 08:51:58 tigvv6,,24,What are the most underrated (yet beautiful) places to visit in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-20 08:55:45 tih3oq,,1,what are these called in english?,,,,,,,2022-03-20 09:11:30 tii20y,,1,"Happy Independence Day, Happy 20th of March!",,,,,,,2022-03-20 10:20:12 tii3ep,,2,"does anyone know why specific games , apps or services says "" this is not available in your country "" what's the reason behind this exactly?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-20 10:23:02 tiiln5,,3,Happy Independence Day,,,,,,,2022-03-20 10:59:08 tijwd0,,1,ما ندروش,,,,,,,2022-03-20 12:22:39 tikp8g,,2,Guitar repairing,Where's the best place to repair a guitar in Tunis. Are costs usually high?,,,,,,2022-03-20 13:09:04 tim14s,,3,"low fat greek yogurt, protein snacks. cottage cheese? where can I find them",,,,,,,2022-03-20 14:17:24 tin2p5,,0,anybody here studied graphic design in isbat ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-20 15:07:18 tiohyq,,6,where can i buy a pet rat?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-20 16:14:42 tioxtg,,1,participer à la consultation nationale,,,,,,,2022-03-20 16:35:01 tirt0c,,40,Where my fellow book readers (worms) at?,"I don’t see a lot of book worms in tunis to be honest, I don’t also see a lot book stores in here (don’t mention Al Kitab library cause that shit is a scam, selling books for 8x their worth) Are there any people that are into books in here? People that wanna give away their unwanted books? People that wanna swap books? People that wanna discuss books? What are your Goodreads usernames? What do you read? classics? thriller? horror? What was the last book you read? I don't like self help books though, respectfully yaani, cause I’m simply not into that grandma talk books",,,,,,2022-03-20 18:44:22 tise7f,,8,is Tunisian food spicier than Mexican one?,,,,,,,2022-03-20 19:11:54 tit2jz,,7,Is there a Harry Potter fans community in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-20 19:43:03 titojc,,28,Harissa Joke,"Hello Tunisians 👋 just a quick Maltese joke/pun about harissa for you. The name is funnily close to the Maltese phrase ""ħara issa"" = ""shit (verb) now"", so we would say that its called like that since it makes you go to the toilet quick 😆",,,,,,2022-03-20 20:10:29 titwih,,14,What's a good Tunisian cooking show?,"I want to see cooks cook and cook like them in my home. I want none of that luxurious or extravagant BS. I wanna learn to cook like an adult, in Tunisia. I want to be the best housewife a tall 20yo with a mustache can be. Seriously though, I wanna learn from 0 to 10. Even the most basic of basic rules b derja tounsia y3ayechkom.",,,,,,2022-03-20 20:20:36 tiwc6x,,1,Tunisia joins EU,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-20 22:13:57 tix52u,,10,Is anyone here in their 20s and still has to lie to their parents about going out to clubs etc ?,My first night out I called mom to tell her I have a headache and I'm sleeping early so she doesn't call me later on when I'm out. Even being in another country now she expects me to not attend night parties /clubs / Bars. So I continue lying because this is not the life I want to have in my 20s. Please tell me I'm not alone in this.,,,,,,2022-03-20 22:52:39 tixhfq,,0,Real Classico#,,,,,,,2022-03-20 23:08:57 tj11ho,,86,nationality noodles: Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-03-21 02:12:57 tj1t2p,,5,Where does the water come from?,I've noticed that the bottled water sold everywhere tastes all the same. Do you know what the method of cleaning the water is? Im thinking it's distilled water. Sometimes I think it's tap water 😂. Why I care of notice is because my home town has spring water from the mountains available and it's very tasty I end up missing it. If someone like that is available do you know where it can be found?,,,,,,2022-03-21 02:54:58 tj3ftu,,2,League elo boosting,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-21 04:27:07 tj846z,,27,"Tunisia did vote to condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine in the United Nations. But, officially, it still maintains diplomatic neutrality. What do you think about this? PS: Picture from the Russian Embassy in Tunisia's facebook page.",,,,,,,2022-03-21 09:51:10 tj85yx,,1,Djerba nightlife,"Hello everyone, On the last week of August me and my friends are planning to spend 1 week in Djerba to celebrate our 30 years old birthday ( we all do 30 this year, and its a mark). Since this is trip to celebrate a mark we want a destiny where we can chill and party at the same time. We have talked with a travel agency and they have given us djerba as an option. I just want to know if djerba has a cool night life with parties and stuff. Also, we are supposed to stay in djerba resort does anyone had an experience there that be able to share? Thanks in advance. Cheers",,,,,,2022-03-21 09:54:41 tj87pl,,1,Motion sickness tablets,Hi can anyone recommend motion sickness tablets (the ones you take when you feel dizzy in a bus ride) ? Thank you,,,,,,2022-03-21 09:58:03 tj9m7g,,5,how does our educational system evalute students?,"And what is this ""excellence"" we are talking about? How does our educational system describe that student who gets 20/20? What are the criteria to fulfill? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-03-21 11:28:32 tj9yw0,,3,Thousands of Tunisians have taken to the streets to protest against président Saied.," Thousands of Tunisians rallied in the capital on Sunday, the country's independence day, to protest president Kais Saied's proposed constitutional revision.",,,,,,2022-03-21 11:49:49 tjadas,,3,Tunisian music makers ?,post your work links in the comments wanna check out how many creative artists we have. its interesting to see how many genres are being made in tn,,,,,,2022-03-21 12:12:19 tjanxf,,4,Help me find this song please,"فيه اغنية لمغنية تونسية فيها هذي الكلمات. ""عقلي يتعبني كل ما اردت التفكير في مشكلة تعنيني أو..."" الاغنية تتكلم عن الــoverthinking المغنية ليست مشهورة كثيرا. حاولت اني اشوف قائمة لجميع مغنيات تونس وابحث عنها لكن لم أجد شكلها. ممكن أحد يعطيني رابط لجميع مغنيات تونس لأني أعرف شكلها. p.s. اخر البوم لها كانت تحمل جيتار والخلفية كان لونها اصفر",,,,,,2022-03-21 12:27:12 tjbhbp,,11,Is game pass available in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-03-21 13:09:42 tjbpsx,,1,"Im an algerian living in tunisia right now,how can i do the permanent residence?",[removed],,,,,,2022-03-21 13:22:04 tjbz2q,,6,where can i find buds in Ariana/tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-21 13:35:13 tjcphr,كيفاش_تشوفو_قيس_سعيد/,2,كيفاش تشوفو قيس سعيّد؟," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-21 14:10:56 tjd6ty,,1,my beautiful tunisia,,,,,,,2022-03-21 14:33:55 tjfqb3,,1,Good places for dates.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-21 16:27:20 tjgf6p,,1,Does 70d-80d Airpods worthy ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-21 16:58:16 tjgh1p,,1,where can i find lsd in tunisia ? asking for a friend,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-21 17:00:18 tjguj1,,6,Any good Apps for Tunisian public transport timetables / prices / itineraries?,"SNTRI website not working properly. SNCFT website not working properly. Basically, I just want to find out itineraries and prices for bus / train / louage journeys to and from Tunis from various other towns. Is there an App out there that can help me?",,,,,,2022-03-21 17:17:04 tjj4z2,,2,"The alcohol I buy lately is either sweet or weak, what's happening?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-21 18:57:55 tjjnu9,,0,"I'm confused, why would the president of your country change the dialing code from +216 to the Moroccan dialing code +212 ?!",,,,,,,2022-03-21 19:20:49 tjjq44,,1,"It's a Market research about ""Buying Experience"" in tunisia click to the link Support Us 🌷 so grateful 🌷",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-21 19:23:37 tjjw0l,,1,It's a market research about Buying experience Please support us and click here it's an easy survey it takes less than 1 minute so grateful,,,,,,,2022-03-21 19:31:08 tjke55,,1,communists of tunisia what's your plans on fixing tunisia.. I wanna know more about the ideology and how it can benefit tunisian's society?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-21 19:53:29 tjm6h9,,7,Did anyone here had ever experienced lucid dreaming or astral projection.,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-21 21:13:36 tjmk6e,,1,i'm looking for players to play cod warzone,"i know this probably isn't the right subreddit but i wanna play with people from my country, anyone?",,,,,,2022-03-21 21:30:34 tjmq7x,,1,What's the best phone to buy with around 1500 dt?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-21 21:38:20 tjmunx,,1,how can I make out with my girlfriend in Tunisia and I have no local as a guy 18 y. o,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-21 21:44:04 tjn9l5,,3,who is the most genius writer,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-21 22:02:17 tjnpxw,,1,is the tunisian government hostile towards tunisian jews? why they don't care about Apologizing to tunisian jews that left the country and maybe try to welcome them back?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-21 22:22:59 tjp3fb,,0,Licence system in Tunisian public university’s,"Hello, I want to know how the credits ECTS works , I’m in my second license year and I passed my first year with not the total number of credits, I’m asking if that I should repeat all the previous year classes so I can get there credits or should i let it pass ?",,,,,,2022-03-21 23:25:33 tjuczw,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-03-22 04:00:09 tjve80,,221,Tunisia in 1970,,,,,,,2022-03-22 05:04:45 tjwomf,,0,icon ⭐,,,,,,,2022-03-22 06:33:02 tjwozn,,0,Looking for FIFA elite players to make Club pro team,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-22 06:33:39 tjydck,,108,Tunisien Kids are officially Idiots,,,,,,,2022-03-22 08:37:02 tjylup,,1,Is Personal Protective Equipment required in workplace ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-22 08:54:52 tk132c,,1,Djerba,What are the best places to visit in Djerba considering how bad the weather is right now?,,,,,,2022-03-22 11:45:26 tk1isb,,6,can you use your post credit card in a bank atm like zaitoina or biat... ?,,,,,,,2022-03-22 12:10:04 tk4fqt,,30,عريضة من أجل إقرار تاريخ 31 مارس من كل سنة كيوم وطنيا لمناهضة الإفلات من العقاب في الجرائم البوليسية تزامنا مع الذكرى الرابعة لوفاة عمر العبيدي على يد البوليس وفي ظل ارتفاع وتيرة الانتهاكات البوليسية في حق المواطنين/ات العزّل,,,,,,,2022-03-22 14:37:43 tk7vzb,,1,You're welcome to join us :,,,,,,,2022-03-22 17:12:58 tk8v46,,1,sou2el,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-22 17:57:04 tk91xj,,1,hello. ena chakkit fiha la7keya w mathabia ijeba s7i7a. is investing in bitcoin in tunisia safe and legal?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-22 18:05:05 tka26k,,1,Travel advice needed,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-22 18:49:20 tkb8ym,,0,What’s your favorite beer?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-22 19:42:09 tkba8h,,34,a personal project I worked on.,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-03-22 19:43:42 tkbaw4,,1,Facts about Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-22 19:44:34 tkbelw,,7,Circumcision in Tunisia?,How common is circumcision in Tunisia? I know that Tunisia is Muslim but it’s also one of the more liberal Muslim countries in the region so I’m curious if circumcision is still the norm. Is circumcision still practiced universally in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-03-22 19:49:19 tkc80f,,1,3w academy full stack js bootcamp in Tunisia,"has anyone tried this bootcamp ? If so , would you recommend it or not and why ? link: [](",,,,,,2022-03-22 20:25:03 tkc8zi,,28,Language Experiment,"Hello Tunisians 👋 Hit me with some Tunisian Darija in the comments and I'll see if I can understand them using my Maltese. Use latin letters + numbers (arabizi) please Status - Algerian darija was easier 😅",,,,,,2022-03-22 20:26:15 tkd54n,,0,Western Sahara — Economic resources in no man's land,,,,,,,2022-03-22 21:05:24 tkibfq,,1,Can someone tell me about ipest and how it works?,Just wanna know more about it :v,,,,,,2022-03-23 01:11:32 tkk9qy,,5,Bac sport outfit,Do you anyone knows some frippe selling sport shorts or like T-shirt that kind of thing ? Zone ariana or Tunis,,,,,,2022-03-23 02:54:34 tkniek,,5,olivewood,"im thinking about importing olivewood for to cyprus from tunisia and trying to figure out the costs. How much is olivewood sold in your country. And is it widely sold, because in Cyprus we do tend to burn the trimmed branches of olive trees not only the trunks",,,,,,2022-03-23 06:14:24 tkr6i7,,0,Les avantages mta3 banque de Tunisie (BT),salem nes kol as part of my studies lezem na3ref les forces we les faibless mta3 BT donc 7abit nes2lkom chnia 7ajet ili tal9awha fil BT we matal9whch fi bounouk lo5rin we chnia il 7ajet il 5ayba feha (na3rf barcha ama 7ajet important xD),,,,,,2022-03-23 10:50:02 tkrgrf,,8,best ways to get money in Tunisia? as a young non experienced person.. I want to mainly get My own apartment.. what should I do?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-23 11:08:05 tkrsnf,,4,Evaluate real estate and land,"Does anyone have some tool, website where i can estimate value of land or real estate in Tunisia? Or if there is any good place where I can find listed objects and sort properly?",,,,,,2022-03-23 11:29:31 tkrvgo,,95,the best thing in Tunisia is food,,,,,,,2022-03-23 11:34:25 tkt0r0,,4,Can I get paid from sites such as Upwork and Fiverr with a national visa card?,and withdraw the money with no additional steps?,,,,,,2022-03-23 12:40:17 tkurf6,,28,The only correct tunisian food tier list,,,,,,,2022-03-23 14:09:06 tkx2nf,,0,"Carte du « Grand Maroc » selon Allal al-Fasi (1910-1974), fondateur de l'Istiqlal — Publiée en 1974",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-23 15:51:05 tl88vz,,7,LSD on mental health,"Hello Does any of y'all have any idea on the effectiveness of LSD on treating mental health issues like severe depression, anxiety and PTSD? Can y'all confirm that from your own personal experiences?... If yes, what's the way i can get it?",,,,,,2022-03-23 18:53:45 tla3n3,,4,Tell me your favourite tunisian joke,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-23 19:43:18 tle88z,,1,Well done 3aziza,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-23 20:55:40 tlg90t,,1,How we went from Hannibal Barca to مفترق بن دحة ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-23 21:30:14 tlj1fj,,7,How did you chose your football club?,,,,,,,2022-03-23 22:33:01 tlj6ln,,10,Where does “ya 3ycheck” comes from?,"it seems that everyone in the arab world uses “chokran” but us, why is that?",,,,,,2022-03-23 22:39:31 tljeww,,1,visa requirement,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-23 22:50:06 tll3mh,,0,Where to find sex workers in Grand Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-23 23:28:21 tlmj5f,,1,How our nation went from Hannibal Barca to مفترق بن دحة ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-23 23:53:18 tlnbfg,مفترق/,8,How our nation went from Hannibal Barca to مفترق بن دحة ?,"In the same time where a Rover is flying a drone on Mars our national problems are :سميد, فارينة, بن دحة. [لماذا نحن هنا؟](",,,,,,2022-03-24 00:08:13 tlpnl6,,7,"What’s the state of the Tunisian theatre these days? Any good plays lately from El Teatro, Masra7 El Janoub, El 7amra or Masra7 Lemdina? I always loved the theatre and was just re-watching Ghasselet Ennoueder so I thought I’d ask.",,,,,,,2022-03-24 00:46:22 tlvtsx,,2,FIFA World Cup qualification (CAF):Mali vs Tunisia-Match Preview,,,,,,,2022-03-24 02:47:10 tm0ol8,,5,"I want to buy a wireless charging phone in Tunisia for not more than 1300 TND, any suggestions please?",,,,,,,2022-03-24 07:54:04 tm1vjb,,1,❤,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-24 09:21:12 tm1vpo,,18,❤,,,,,,,2022-03-24 09:21:36 tm1w45,,7,We need this so bad...,,,,,,,2022-03-24 09:22:27 tm31sj,,4,"Finally, a way to pay for international online services other than CTI !",[removed],,,,,,2022-03-24 10:43:48 tm99g4,,12,Legal advice for remote work,"Hello everyone, I'm a 22 y.o developer working remotely for foreign companies and as I'm landing a new job with a more serious company with strict rules about paperwork and legal stuff...One of the few things I will be needing is a VAT (TVA) number for invoices, I know the first option will be starting a company and a business bank account and paying for domiciliation service and accounting services.... but I'm asking if there's a better short term options as I may relocate in a couple of months instead of the starting a company .., is there an other way to get a VAT number as an individual/freelancer or any easier formula.",,,,,,2022-03-24 13:16:55 tm9ogn,,3,English hip hop scene,Does it exist,,,,,,2022-03-24 13:22:13 tmak7n,,5,Good Tattoo shops in Tunis.,"any ideas concerning the best tattoo shop in Tunis? based on your experience or the shop's reputation. im trying to avoid the greenish looking ass tattoo after a short period of having it 😭.",,,,,,2022-03-24 13:36:15 tmaqud,,0,"this is going to become an NSFW subreddit , purely tunisian , and youll get the updates about our future ONLYFANS content follow for more 🍑🌹🔞",[removed],,,,,,2022-03-24 13:39:14 tmdtgn,,5,Tabarka,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-24 14:29:16 tmg0ge,,1,"Kais Saied responded to reports on the social outrage over water shortages around the country by saying, ""On the contrary, there is often joy on the part of the citizens amid water outages because it is in their interest.""",,,,,,,2022-03-24 15:08:11 tmjwtw,,6,My phone is getting blocked by sajalni.,"Selam, i have come to Tunisia recently (October 2021. As soon as I entered the airport i got an Ooredoo sim card and registered to their network. I thought that was all i had to do . Untill recently i started having problems with my internet and i couldn't make phone calls anymore. so i asked ppl about it and they told me to go on to get my terminal registered. I filled out all the details. But my request got rejected cause apparently my entry date has to be 3 Months ago or sooner. Now my phone is basically useless. i wonder if there's some workaround it or if i could contact them to explain my situation and hopefully get my phone fixed . thanks in advance !!",,,,,,2022-03-24 16:07:17 tmksix,,4,Who wants to hang out in Sousse?,,,,,,,2022-03-24 16:19:24 tmlda8,,1,are brass knuckles legal in tunisia?,are brass knuckles legal in tunisia? and if they are how much is one and where can i get it?,,,,,,2022-03-24 16:27:07 tmug8b,,1,هل تونس جمهورية أم مملكة أم حديقة حيوانات أم سجن؟,,,,,,,2022-03-24 18:37:32 tmvbdn,,0,Car laws,"Hello, je voulais savoir si vous aviez une idée sur les lois tunisiennes reliées au tuning Surtout sur le fait d'installer un kit turbo ou l'engine swag et tout se qui est en rapport avec le fait d'augmenter les chevaux de sa voiture merci d'avance.",,,,,,2022-03-24 18:49:27 tn17gt,,1,Hello my friend found these with a collection of old Tunisian coins and I was unable to find any information on these online. I was wondering if anyone could help us? they feel quite old,,,,,,,2022-03-24 20:11:44 tn53my,,4,lost phone,I lost my phone today! the weird thing is I left it in na9el in the morning and in the afternoon I call myself it rings once and turn off! is it weird? It may be went out of charge and it's silent . Is there any hope to find it?,,,,,,2022-03-24 21:11:14 tn67fb,,22,Anyone knows any restaurants that are good price and offer traditional Tunisian dishes in the city of Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-03-24 21:36:58 tn7c6s,,10,I posted here often the oud music I made a year ago. You guys were always nice and interested and it's always great for me to get feedback from my compatriots. So here is my latest track and I hope you like it!,,,,,,,2022-03-24 22:29:28 tn7vsj,,3,A suggestion for close trip to Tunis,"Hello everyone, Hope you are all doing well. I am planning to go on a trip with my girlfriend this weekend. I need some good suggestions close to around Tunis. Because we can't stay very late since she has a curfew. We went a lot of times To Sidi bou Said. Thank you all in advance",,,,,,2022-03-24 22:55:33 tn8e43,,26,Xiaomi vs Huawei,,,,,,,2022-03-24 23:20:30 tn8v87,,7,anyone knows names of certain restaurants that open during daylight of ramadan that are less crowded and lowkey? I don't wanna eat in a crowded restaurant,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-24 23:44:29 tnbyrw,,7,"Please explain to me CIVP, CDI and the other stuff in layman's terms",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-25 02:29:05 tnc34y,,0,Upcoming World Cup qualification - AFC Preview & Analysis: Mali vs Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-03-25 02:35:29 tnd72d,,0,FIFA World Cup qualification (CAF) - Mali vs Tunisia Preview,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-25 03:39:41 tndjhl,,6,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-03-25 04:00:10 tneos7,,1,Entanglement,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-25 05:11:13 tnh6rk,,13,"Hi TN redditors, do you consider yourselves among the educated elite in Tunisia?","for the past 2 years, since I joined reddit and engaged in this hidden Tunisian reddit community, I must admit that I've suprisingly discovered an underrated group of persons who share their opinions and their thoughts about Tunisia without any hesitation. Honestly, I've learned too many things in r/Tunisia, some are useful and some are definitely not. back to my question, If all TN redditors gather together physically in one place, and form some kind of an assembly. does that mean we're an educated, relatively young elite of Tunisia? or r/Tunisia's redditors aren't the perfect heterogeneous, represantative sample of Tunisian elite.",,,,,,2022-03-25 08:15:04 tnhbpu,,4,Least inhabited/populated area in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-25 08:26:15 tnhqjq,,60,"Discord server to teach web dev for free, wanna join?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-25 08:59:19 tnhvo3,,11,Radar,Just wanted to ask how long do i have to wait to go to el 9badha after being flashed,,,,,,2022-03-25 09:09:55 tni04z,,5,Does anyone have 2 extra Yo-Yo Ma tickets?,Looking to get 2 tickets (seated together) for Yo-Yo Ma concert. Anyone have any extras?,,,,,,2022-03-25 09:20:07 tnjn9h,,16,is there a way to own desert land in the far south of tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-25 11:18:03 tnlo55,,0,why is it so hard to get 🐱?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-25 13:14:14 tnls8j,,4,Any police officers in Tunis here? Need help with some legal matters,"So, I've tried but Tunisian language still escapes me half the time so are there any police officers on the sub (You can PM me to not out yourself) that can help me with a legal matter? Have to be in Tunis.",,,,,,2022-03-25 13:20:15 tnm8an,,1,Forum Plus your world,,,,,,,2022-03-25 13:43:14 tnndxy,,12,central bank of Tunisia,"in last day we hear about the cyber attack of cbt but i just remember an old post talk about how the rich people transfer their money in out of Tunisia with no problem . when we are the normal citizen we don't have that right because we are just poor (نحن مواطنين من درجة مليار) we don't have PayPal or visa w Mastercard international or any other international payment way only bullshit old funcking technology (CTI) useless [this the post ]( now media only talk about the cyber attack like is big deal . and no one talk about our right of freedom economy and financial. K.S talk about شركة اهلية another non sense thing and another disaster like estichare . instead create a * law for crypto * good law for startup * good financial bank system help startup * ..... he talk about (زوز خوايا مهمش متفهمين علي قطعة كيفاش بش يتفهمو 50 واحد متعرفهمش) شركة اهلية they don't care about us and i feel sorry for tunisia **Note : sorry for my bad english**",,,,,,2022-03-25 14:39:52 tnnwc0,,0,Honestly tunisia ain't shit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-25 15:03:50 tno0at,,2,found this on fb xdd,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-25 15:08:49 tntp1z,,6,TN redditors have you ever bought anything from AliExpress? if so would you share the story,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-25 17:51:48 tnv83r,,1,Let's go Tunisia.. Let's go Algeria,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-25 18:22:07 tnvjio,,1,I live abroad and Windows randomly showed me my home town...,,,,,,,2022-03-25 18:27:07 tnwuud,,4,Studying cyber-security,"Hello, I’m currently studying a computer science license degree , second year. I’m searching for a good public/private university that have a good cyber-security masters or engineering degree.",,,,,,2022-03-25 19:19:43 tnwwew,,32,Malteser here 👋🇲🇹. AMA,"Help me procrastinate from my stress-loaded thesis by asking me anything you like 🙃 (yes, I'm the Maltese dude who's been posting a lot here 😅)",,,,,,2022-03-25 19:21:44 tnxnmu,,7,Average centre d'Appel anglais salary?,,,,,,,2022-03-25 19:58:00 tnytdv,,9,"For those who live in Tunisia, how did you succeed in web development?","Ya3tikom essa7a, gaditou rwe7kom 7ata b Internet mzamra 👍",,,,,,2022-03-25 20:52:25 to20rv,,0,"is there a place in tunis where they sell newsprint blank paper ,i need it for sketching and practicing drawing, normal papier dessin is expensive",,,,,,,2022-03-25 21:56:50 to2gsh,,0,I'm bac technique nd i want INSAT !,"donc ena bac technique et j'avais 16 comme moyenne trimestre loula w la79i9a n7eb aala l'INSAT so badly, n7eb naarf est ce que suis qualifié bsh nod5lelha w est ce que score dima stable ( 202 last year 😔) wlla yetbadel. If anyone here is an INSAT student wlla yaarf haja aala INSAT please give me some info. w ken fama alternative f niveau ta3 INSAT please mention it.",,,,,,2022-03-25 22:03:59 to4hpr,,3,Women who lift,"To the women who lift, what are your goals fitness wise? And do you have any tips or tricks or any thoughts really you want to share?",,,,,,2022-03-25 22:53:08 toc11m,,9,why both zembra and zembretta island are abandoned?,,,,,,,2022-03-26 01:48:36 tojp9j,,1,Picnic place suggestions,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 07:54:13 tojrc5,,6,Picnic place suggestions,"Been looking for a place to have picnics with friends.. Preferably somewhere around Tunis that has a water source (lake, river..) and some good scenery. Thanks for your help 😁",,,,,,2022-03-26 07:58:28 tojtyx,,2,Did you participate in the istichara wataniya?,"(Sorry if this has already been done before) Simple, just wanted to know how many of us TN redditors bothered to do it. You can aldo write what you think about it... Thanks! [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-26 08:03:28 tok5ib,,2,is this site legit guys ? ( supposedly sells Game keys ),,,,,,,2022-03-26 08:28:49 toko66,,8,How do you see mining crypto in #tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-26 09:08:57 tol2az,,1,Does someone know where i can find this in tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-26 09:39:45 tol54s,,112,The iconic 1st grade book that thought generations,,,,,,,2022-03-26 09:45:50 ton45b,,17,"PSA: Dear Tunisians, please be kind to animals.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 12:05:22 ton5m8,,5,Anyone knows a good dentist in ariena (zone borj lbakouch / centre urbain...) ?,,,,,,,2022-03-26 12:07:53 tonocg,,2,Full explanation of the currency of ethereum.,,,,,,,2022-03-26 12:40:22 toxfbp,,1,Couple (26) looking for bisexual male for a threesome,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-26 16:40:33 toxreu,,1,Tunisia and Patreon,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-26 16:55:22 toxuha,,1,Situation in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 16:59:32 toxwta,,6,Situation in Tunisia,"Hi, Im just a Lebanese guy who wants to see how Tunisia is going right. The situation in Lebanon is dire, hope its a bit better in Tunisia.",,,,,,2022-03-26 17:02:20 toyb5r,,8,is it possible to transfer money from d17 to my bank account,,,,,,,2022-03-26 17:21:27 toymdx,,1,i-,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 17:36:49 toyxtz,,6,"Taking the train, advice?",I bought a ticket from Hammamet to Metlaoui second class for tomorrow. How do I know which train is mine? How crowded does second class get at this time of year? Is the food they offer on board cheap? Is the danger of two carriages colliding high? Is taking the bus a better option?,,,,,,2022-03-26 17:52:36 tozaic,,8,"Indian citizen living in Europe, want to travel to Sfax, Tunisia, stay for few Days",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 18:09:10 tp0wcf,,8,getting braces in tunisia,"hey so ive been thinking about getting braces lately and wanted to ask about the average prices (i would only do upper teeth) and about how long i'm gonna have them for Thanks",,,,,,2022-03-26 19:28:58 tp2t6m,,4,TIMUN,"hello everyone , is anyone here a member of the TIMUN organisation or a former member I have some questions about it , thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-03-26 20:06:42 tp3b75,,1,I get the recipe from my Tunisian friend and now I am in love with this Tunisian meal #chakchouka,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 20:24:32 tp3lm2,,2,What do you guys use Ful or Fava Beans for?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 20:39:23 tp3o37,,1,I got the recipe from my Tunisian friend and now I am in love with this Tunisian meal #chakchouka,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 20:42:51 tp46ig,,9,Philosophically speaking,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-26 21:08:29 tp543r,,0,what's the NFT scene like right now in Tunisia? would you guys recommend getting into it?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-26 21:56:26 tpaggg,,7,Buying a telescope,Where can i buy a telescope? Does anyone have one for sale?,,,,,,2022-03-27 02:23:43 tpamks,,12,How do you think Kais' reign will end?,"I have no idea where's the country is heading to, just weekly scandals and more socioeconomic and political problems with no clear, immaculate plan. Do you think it's the start of a new dictatorship (Sisi's lookalike regime)? Will he hold parliamentary elections? Will foreign powers and the increasing number of starving and dissapointed dummies who believed him at first revolt against him? For me, the third possibility is the most likely, what do y'all think?",,,,,,2022-03-27 02:34:08 tpcxxw,,1,just curious,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-27 05:01:15 tpfb0n,,0,Such. shame...,,,,,,,2022-03-27 07:59:34 tpfcj3,,1,Is KS the best president Tunisia ever had?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-27 08:02:16 tph04f,,1,does tunisia have non obligatory military services because the country isn't powerful or doesn't have enemies?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-27 10:12:40 tpi5ob,,0,Where can I find draugt beer bars in centre ville / passage ?,,,,,,,2022-03-27 11:38:00 tplgc5,,5,"i forgot my d17 password and whenever i choose "" i forget my password option "" the app just tells me to contact customer support ,is there a website for customer support?",,,,,,,2022-03-27 14:48:33 tpmih9,,7,Flower fields recommendations,"Hey guys, I'm thinking of taking my gf on a date to a flower field, but I can't think of any places except some flower fields on the autouroute near Enfidha. Are there any vast flower fields in the Sousse/Monastir region? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-03-27 15:42:04 tpnquk,,18,"Who do you feel culturally closer to, Algerians or Libyans?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-27 16:41:51 tpo36h,,1,hey guys please is there any the weeknd merch in tunisia?i want to buy thid chain,,,,,,,2022-03-27 16:58:40 tpohym,,9,Do you have Amazon in Tunisia? and what is the most popular online shopping site in Tunisia?,I was wondering if I can buy earbuds during my visit and have no idea from where can I buy them online...,,,,,,2022-03-27 17:18:37 tpokt6,,5,what are the must try foods in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-27 17:22:19 tpopw8,,3,Any barber recommendation for Fade cut Zone Menzah/Ariana,"I want to get a fade cut but the problem is I'm hesitant about which barber I should go to I'm looking for a barber that actually knows how to make a fade cut (some barbers don't know how to make a good one but they still do it). Any recommendations, please?",,,,,,2022-03-27 17:29:37 tpp3xe,,3,ESPRIT?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-27 17:49:02 tppph6,,1,Do we have young Selfmade Millionaire in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-27 18:17:50 tppv9m,,87,I got the recipe from my Tunisian friend and now I am in love with this Tunisian meal,,,,,,,2022-03-27 18:25:56 tprim9,,6,Does University teach mostly in french?,I always wanted to know if uni in tunisia teaches only in french or mostly in french?,,,,,,2022-03-27 19:44:18 tprthd,,1,decently priced sworn translator,"Me and my college friends are applying for a scholarship and we need to translate our grades transcripts (maybe a bunch of other documents soon) from French to English but we are kinda on a budget. any clue where can we find a decently priced sworn translator?",,,,,,2022-03-27 19:58:23 tpseg1,,1,LTC coinnut,,,,,,,2022-03-27 20:26:35 tpt0ub,,5,if I had to choose between ReBootKamp (rbk) and Gomycode?,,,,,,,2022-03-27 20:56:27 tpt29e,,9,"for those who are planning to make it Outta country, what's your plan B ?","since this sub is mostly filled with youngsters whose trying to move out for Europe or whatever as soon as they accomplish their professional goals ( graduation, college degrees ), if your plans didn't work out how do you expect your future life to be and what are you planning to do, how much money you will be able to earn ,where you will be living (would you flee for another city, neighborhood) and most importantly, will you be satisfied with your life?",,,,,,2022-03-27 20:58:22 tptgvd,,1,how's the NFT scene like in Tunisia? for those who doing it.. do you recommend it? I hear about how it's a revolution and helping a lot of people financially so I'm interested,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-27 21:17:53 tpuw3x,,1,27 MF looking for a bi male for a threesome,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-27 22:28:45 tpv00s,,4,is there any Tunisian Fulbrighter in this groupe ?,"Hi, currently I'm trying to write the required essays for the Fulbright scholarship. Is there anyone in here got accepted or know a former Fulbrighter, I'm looking for some working tips and to ask some Qs !!",,,,,,2022-03-27 22:34:27 tpvvoq,,3,"I'm looking for a fournisseur, grossiste for cosmetic products and all type of parfumerie store","Hello folks, I have someone close to me who recently opened a parfumerie ( parfums, makeup, etc) and he is struggling to find a grossiste / fournisseur for his store For now he is buying from people who already buys from someone else so he buy at a high price from them and he doesn't make much profit So i was wondering if some of you could help me to reach someone who sells with the price of gros I would be really thankful for anyone who could help",,,,,,2022-03-27 23:21:10 tpvymr,,27,Taking the train: update,"So today I woke up 7 am and walked to the train station early to be sure. The time it was supposed to come, 9:40, came and went. Two hours later it finally arrived, and the wagon had no empty seats so I stood, oh well I'm not in a hurry. The train goes normally to Sousse and Sfax, but there everyone except an old man leaves and we're alone there. The train goes a bit further to the west and then it stops. The old man smokes a cigarette, then leaves, and TWO HOURS LATER the train finally starts to go again. Now it's completely dark, I am in an empty wagon without a connection to the others, my phone is at 15% battery. The train was supposed to arrive at Metlaoui at 17, but it came at ELEVEN. The doors wouldn't open so I had to jump out of the back like some crazy drunkard. The streets were empty, but luckily there was one man whom I spoke with, he led me to a place where he said a bus could come. And it actually did. Could someone please tell me what the fuck I just experienced? Why was my wagon empty after Sfax? How are you supposed to know which station you're at in the dark? Why did he stop for two hours when it was already two hours too late of schedule?",,,,,,2022-03-27 23:25:46 tpwewi,,5,is GoMyCode Worth it?,"So a friend of mine told me that there is a school in sousse that teaches programming called go my code. I want to know if anyone has gone there know if it's worth it or no",,,,,,2022-03-27 23:51:16 tpyjxv,,2,International Friendly:Morocco U23 VS Tunisia U23-Match Preview,,,,,,,2022-03-28 01:54:14 tpzuii,,5,What do you think of Jalel Brick?,I'm just curious :v,,,,,,2022-03-28 03:08:03 tq1w48,,9,Emmy Bezzina Parody Song,"So I keep hearing how a video of Emmy Bezzina (Maltese TV presenter swearing a lot) apparently went viral in Tunisia, so here is a [parody]( song made about him! Translation; How many onions marinated in mouse shit do we have Cry for yourselves and the ignorance you have Because you think you are smart But the only satisfaction you will ever have is to look in the mirror And say ""How much of an idiot am I"" ""How much of an idiot am I"" ""How much of an idiot am I, Mr. Idiot"" *Actual singing starts If you have a dirty mind Go in front of a mirror and say how much of an idiot you are If you think you are going to ridicule me I will react in the most direct manner You're not even better than the trash in Għammieq Valley Put a weight around your neck, maybe you'll be cured Open your ears well For what I am about to tell you You onion marinated in mouse shit You onion marinated in mouse shit The cretins we have in this country Told me my tie doesn't match with my shirt Either because I am against the Church or against the Government The devil will turn me into a kebab in Hell (my favourite line 😆) You're not even better than the trash in Għammieq Valley Put a weight around your neck, maybe you'll be cured Open your ears well For what I am about to tell you You onion marinated in mouse shit You onion marinated in mouse shit You carrot brain, a perfect example Overflown with cow urine from a farm You can of peas expired with time You onion marinated in mouse shit You onion marinated in mouse shit You're not even better than the trash in Għammieq Valley Put a weight around your neck, maybe you'll be cured Open your ears well For what I am about to tell you You onion marinated in mouse shit You onion marinated in mouse shit",,,,,,2022-03-28 05:11:28 tq4yzv,,3,"Scholarships Msc or phD USA, Canda","I am currently looking for a master or a phD opportunity with a scholarship in North America acessible for tunisians. If anyone can share their experience it would be much appreciated . Also , if you have any websites or refrences to share it would be very helpful . I am remaining active for further discussion",,,,,,2022-03-28 08:54:04 tq59q3,,0,FIFA World Cup qualification (CAF):Tunisia vs Mali-Match Preview,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-28 09:15:44 tq6ch3,,1,تنمر علي زوجته فجاءه الرد سريعا و قاسيا - ويل سميث يصفع مقدم حفل الاوسكار بسبب نكته ( فيديو مترجم ),,,,,,,2022-03-28 10:34:30 tq74vb,,75,The iconic Capitol café early 90s,,,,,,,2022-03-28 11:28:31 tq7jog,,4,which bank should i switch to if i am interested in getting a loan ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-28 11:53:58 tq82aq,,0,(Inspired by another post) What do you guys think of Hammadi el 3ou9?,I wanna know.,,,,,,2022-03-28 12:20:58 tq8aep,,73,My new little best friend 🐈 in #TUNISIA 🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-28 12:34:02 tq9atr,,13,What do you guys use ful or broad beans for?,,,,,,,2022-03-28 13:27:21 tqc1xw,,2,Qst,Yaamlou cha7n mn bled okhra ltunis? Esq takhlt lhaja labes matetksrsh wala matetsraksh? Is it safe? Smaat barcha rumours ala lhkeya hdhy so I wanna make sure if it's true or not,,,,,,2022-03-28 15:37:41 tqcq0w,,9,UK immigration,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-28 16:07:57 tqjcm3,,2,for those who go clubbing.. what's your experiences with it?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-28 21:04:16 tqkb61,,1,hi,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-28 21:49:57 tqkfp6,,0,(27 MF) Couple looking for a bi male for a threesome,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-28 21:56:19 tqplxv,,29,please tell me name of this song thank you so much,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-29 02:27:47 tqr7qt,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-03-29 04:00:10 tqu2xk,,0,Soccer Prediction & Analysis: Tunisia vs Mali - World Cup Qualification - CAF,,,,,,,2022-03-29 07:10:20 tquqj0,,0,FIFA World Cup qualification (CAF) - Tunisia VS Mali Tips & Match Preview,,,,,,,2022-03-29 07:59:00 tqv8uh,,2,Best grill house you know of in grand tunis ?,"Used to go to hippopotamus years ago and it was one of my favorite places but now it's closed and my dad just came from a job in a foreign country, any good grill houses of the same style that you can reccomend ?",,,,,,2022-03-29 08:37:39 tqvacq,,8,are black seeds sold in Tunisia? the ones that the prophet Muhammad said that cures all illnesses except death,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-29 08:40:46 tqwdow,,5,A question for Tunisians living in Italy or Europe in general.,"I'm a fresh graduate. I work in a company in tunis. I make about 1500 dinars. of course it's not enough since I support my mom and sisters as my dad has passed away. I recently got a chance to get a visa for Italy. The bad thing is that my diploma won't mean anything there and I probably will be forced to do one of the manual jobs.the question here, should I go for it? Will I suffer? Is it worth it?",,,,,,2022-03-29 10:03:39 tqwi50,,2,Questions..,"what are the pros and cons of a private university compared to public unis ?? any advices you guys would offer regarding this topic ???",,,,,,2022-03-29 10:12:48 tqwnjg,,2,ANY THE WEEKND FANS? I HAVE A QUESTION,,,,,,,2022-03-29 10:23:09 tqxlqs,,7,what's your weekend activities in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-29 11:27:12 tqyfsk,,4,hey for those who go clubbing what's your experiences with it please?,I wanna know if the entry is hard or not for 18 years old people,,,,,,2022-03-29 12:15:59 tqz0fs,,31,[ Lablabi ] _____________________ By Unknown Artist | 2022- 🚩La Goulette,,,,,,,2022-03-29 12:49:11 tqzpeb,,3,"do you know any place near le KRAM or Hannibal, or Carthage where you can train sport or calisthenics?? does anyone who train know how to do it in Ranadan? it is my first time doing Ramadan and in Tunisia, I am very excited but don't want to stop training",,,,,,,2022-03-29 13:26:02 tqztln,,2,gay friendly restaurants/bar/discos?,,,,,,,2022-03-29 13:31:50 tqzyfs,,3,"is there any place I can buy alcohol in Ramadan? I know stores close in daylight, and that alcohol consumption is haram",,,,,,,2022-03-29 13:38:26 tr04a0,,20,what do you think of people parking like this? why can't we respect each other and act like humains,,,,,,,2022-03-29 13:46:07 tr0ccn,,0,Kais saied is totally autistic,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-29 13:57:18 tr1ne1,,4,Best place to live in Tunisia as a Freelancer?,"I dropped out of college and started a career as a web developer freelancer. And I am looking for a nice city to rent a house and live there, any suggestions please?",,,,,,2022-03-29 14:38:48 tr4r8q,,12,"Only one african country is green, that's horrible and scary!",,,,,,,2022-03-29 15:35:26 tr5v6u,,23,How to get over a heartbreak?,"I've been with this girl for almost 5 years (since i was 17 and she was 16) this girl is the sweetest human being .. she's so caring and warm, i don't know how i managed to fuck this up but i did.. and i lost her, she wanted to break up with me in the summer which i really tried not to let happen and it worked, only to find out that once she had her mind fixed on something there's no going back We broke up finally this December after i felt that she wasn't even the same person. Everyone saying it's not my fault but i just can't stop blaming myself for losing her Im not particularly ""sad and depressed"" ama i just can't forget about her Luckily we arent in the same Uni .. so its a bit easier.. i blocked her from everything so i dont remember her , but i still dream about her sometimes and it tears my heart into million pieces If anyone knows how to cope with this please let me know. I tried doing hobbies i workout in the gym i spend more time with friends and family but its the lonely late hours that get you . Any advice is appreciated.",,,,,,2022-03-29 16:08:35 tra4tf,,1,I came across this guy on tiktok (thatguyramy) rating stray cats which is super cute his,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-29 17:21:53 tra7h3,,84,"I came across this tiktok ( thatguyramy ) rating stray cats which is super cute, take a look at this",,,,,,,2022-03-29 17:25:11 traec8,,3,"is there an english synonym for ""tka3rir"" ?",,,,,,,2022-03-29 17:33:35 trcee4,,3,anyone here from gafsa ?,i don't have friends and need to make some,,,,,,2022-03-29 18:14:23 tre35p,,4,a Tunisian superhero digital drawing,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-29 18:33:44 treg8h,,5,What do you think about Palestina?,,,,,,,2022-03-29 18:50:24 trilom,,22,We should draw the Tunisian flag on r/place,"r/place is a social experiment happening on the 1st of April 2022 on reddit itself, every user gets to draw one pixel every 5 to 20 minutes on a 1 million pixel canvas, most subreddits are planning to draw something this year and I thought we should too",,,,,,2022-03-29 20:18:57 trjflo,,2,Transport | TUNIS - SOUSSE,"Hi, I will travel in Tunisia and I would like know how a tunisian trip from Aeroport Tunis to Sousse without his own car? What is the approximate price ? What is the duration trip ? Do you have any tips? thx",,,,,,2022-03-29 20:30:24 trjn9s,,2,WC Football,Does anyone know where I can watch Tunisia vs Mali with Issam Chaouali commentary??,,,,,,2022-03-29 20:40:12 trl9aa,,1,Does anyone have the video of meriemdebbagh ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-29 21:01:19 trlqa9,,1,Does anyone have the viral video of meriem debbagh ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-29 21:05:54 trngx1,,202,Tunisia have qualified for the 2022 FIFA World Cup,,,,,,,2022-03-29 21:36:07 trx4uf,,3,T-shirts in bulk,"Does anyone know a manufacturer of cotton, or any other t-shirts based in Tunisia, or possibly a wholesaler I could each out to? Looking to help a friend in Tunisia make some matching shirts for an upcoming function",,,,,,2022-03-30 03:22:09 ts09t4,,6,Hey so where's everyone from ?,"I'll start , i'm from Carthage,tunis but currently studying f soussa.",,,,,,2022-03-30 06:37:42 ts1ar8,,1,Post game (TUN 🇹🇳 vs. MLI🇲🇱) stats! Give credit when credit is due. Mali is/was a respectful opponent.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 07:53:09 ts1jzx,,2,Post Game (TUN🇹🇳vs. MLI🇲🇱) Facts: Mali was/is a worthy opponent. Tunisia got really lucky! Good luck to the 🦅 in The World Cup 🏆,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 08:13:17 ts26lv,,9,name on passeport,"I am preparing to make a passeport for my daughter, his name is ""Ghalia"". What d you think is better to mention as name? ""Ghalia"" or ""Ghalya""? Why? For practical purposes, prononciation and writing in foreign countries",,,,,,2022-03-30 09:01:15 ts297q,,1,Gamers..,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-30 09:06:30 ts2hae,,54,"🇹🇳 💪 Tunis, 29 March 2022 Crédit Photo: Hasan Mrad 📷",,,,,,,2022-03-30 09:24:17 ts302x,,11,Taking the bus,"So when I took the bus from Tozeur to Hammamet, I noticed that no one went out the bus, even by decently big cities like Gafsa or Kairouan, and the bus only stopped a few times, not nearly as often as the timetable would have you believe. And like usual there is no indication where the bus is or signs anywhere for buses on the streets, I just got lucky that he decided to stop by Hammamet. What was this? Are you supposed to ask the driver to stop by a certain place personally? How do you know where the bus will drive by? My ticket had the arrival bus stop of ""B. Sahel"", but I googled and found absolutely nothing about it. And it was waaay ahead of schedule, like half an hour, so if you were expecting to take the bus and were waiting there you'd be screwed.",,,,,,2022-03-30 10:03:16 ts3306,,7,who knows a psychologist in grand tunis who can moves to the patient house,,,,,,,2022-03-30 10:09:18 ts39x9,,3,Need help with payment services,"I'm going to France for work for a couple of months and i was wondering if i can open a bank account abroad so i can use international payment services (paypal, google pay etc) . Will i be able to use it when i return to Tunisia? I've no prior experience with this, i'd appreciate any help.",,,,,,2022-03-30 10:23:09 ts3z7z,,1,Legal issue with a tunisian company,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-30 11:09:11 ts45pg,,5,drop your ps gamer tag and which games you play,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-30 11:20:17 ts4jxj,,48,"Gentlemen, we are officially fucked",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 11:43:50 ts5ihv,,8,What are the solutions to the education crisis Tunisia faces nowadays?,How do you think the government would increase education affordability and what are the possible policies to make in order to get out of the crisis?,,,,,,2022-03-30 12:39:49 ts5on5,,1,How do I stop being cheap even though I have $ ? More info inside,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 12:48:44 ts5qdk,,11,How do I stop being cheap and start enjoying life? More info inside,"Burner account since the post might contain identifiable personal information. To put things in perspective, I come from an upper-middle-class family. Meaning, we have multiple properties (land, houses, other real estate), multiple cars, etc... We grew up pretty sheltered and pretty much had anything we ever wanted. Some background about me: I'm currently 29 yeas old, still living with my family, have a stable job in a managerial position that pays relatively well, have a paid-off car that's worth around 40K, have no debt, and around 220K sitting in a savings account that I have no idea what to do with. Back to the main issue here. Despite the way we were raised, and even though I can afford to go out often, buy things, travel and enjoy life, I always find myself getting PRETTY CHEAP with any and all kinds of expenditures. I always try to save as much as I possibly can and always think about the future. Specifically, mine and my partner's, if I ever get to marry someone, someday. PS: No kids for me. I never wanted them and always avoid partners who want to have them in the future. My questions is, how the fuck do I stop being so cheap and start enjoying life? Anyone in Sousse that would like to hangout/talk?",,,,,,2022-03-30 12:51:10 ts65xl,,30,Microsoft Teams and Zoom are down in Tunisia.,"We can thank the Tunisian government for disabling Teams/Zoom to prevent the parlement from having an online meeting today. Like who the fuck thought this is a good idea.",,,,,,2022-03-30 13:13:32 ts6i3u,,5,"hey ready for ramadhan ? , any one know a good place to eaat in the morning or delivery?",,,,,,,2022-03-30 13:30:47 ts706e,",520,117860,3?fbclid=IwAR2gYSpyeOyoRD13zrFJorqlEIj-MLHCKPMApguQFvqHz9AnRxUS-ypc3Yc",14,Zoom blocked in ALL OF Tunisia following the announcement of a session by the ARP. What is this president on about ..?,,,,,,,2022-03-30 13:56:06 ts767e,,0,Guys brabi w5aykom mazel beginner li yefhem fel C# y9oli 3leh wa9t na3mel debug teta3mel ken 3la mta3 el form 1 wel form 2 le,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 14:04:01 ts8jb6,,1,I wanna buy apple gift card 15 dollars or trade it with steam money can someone help me,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 15:07:27 ts8rrr,,3,Saving and Investment. In tunisia how do they work?,"When I end up with a topic related to Tunisia's system in banking and investment accounts and stuff compared to the rest of the world, I become suddenly illiterate. I keep seeing ""compte epargne"" for savings and the rest seems to be diverted to big figure companies type of saving account. Like where's the list of options. I know, probably most people in here don't give it much importance but I'd like to learn the options. Some banks I went to, were like looking at me like I'm an alien when I ask for further ""complex"" information and it's annoying.",,,,,,2022-03-30 15:18:28 ts8y5t,,4,after 30 years south part of the country won't support life.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 15:26:07 ts96yi,,3,I believe the Zoom problem is related to AWS and Not Ammar404,"I believe the root cause of the ZOOM outage today is AWS and NOT Ammar404. I personally noticed connectivity issues with a couple of other services that all use AWS Cloudfront (including ZOOM and Apex Legends). Maybe I'm in denial. I will update when more details are available.",,,,,,2022-03-30 15:37:15 tsa0ih,,11,"Same PC and same website, the only difference is the web browser: Google chrome Vs Tor 🧅 (Like in the good old days)",,,,,,,2022-03-30 16:14:08 tsak2x,,1,"Tunisia roadtrip: Must see, car rentals & vegetarian food recommendations","Looking to do a road trip through Tunisia with a friend of mine in June/July, starting in Tunis. What are must see places? Already on our list: Tunis, Dougga, Tataouine, Chott el Djerid, Tozeur, Djerba. Any tipps on renting a car? Rentals at the airport don't have very promissing ratings. Also what are some vegetarian foods Tunisia has to offer? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-03-30 16:38:36 tsbk3h,,9,Tunis Street - Dubai,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 17:24:12 tscm1h,,1,"Promotional video for tourism in Dougga, Tunisia.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 18:10:56 tscm6p,,22,Funny Tunisian Towns,"Got bored, went on Google Maps and looked at funny Tunisian placenames to me as a Maltese. 1. Oued Zbib - sounds like ou est zbib - where are the raisins 2. Houmt Souk - sounds like ħammut, suq! - I am dying, drive! 3. Mahboubine - maħbubin - lovers 4. Fatnassa - Fat NASA 😂 5. Al Borma - The Pot haha 6. Al Miknassi - il miknus - the ""swept"" 7. Sidi Salah - sidi salaħ - my lord /master bruised 8. Chebba - xebba - to annoy someone or get fed up with something/someone 9. Sidi Naija - my lord/master is a sheep 10. Jemmal - ġemel - camel Edit - Bonus: Raqqada - raqqadha - made her sleep",,,,,,2022-03-30 18:11:06 tsdeqc,,0,are there any suicide pills available in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-30 18:46:58 tsdmrn,,25,Kais Saied tw 7al el barlamen :3,8anouchi and the other kids are so fucked I guess,,,,,,2022-03-30 18:56:51 tsdrvm,,8,رئيس الجمهورية يعلن عن حلّ البرلمان,,,,,,,2022-03-30 19:02:43 tsdz69,,18,and the parliament is officially over ...,,,,,,,2022-03-30 19:11:50 tshklc,,12,"If you get scammed online, hacked or infected by a ransomware you can now ask the Gov for assistance.","Apparently this crucial announcement got overshadowed by the the Zoom outage this morning. You can now request the help of the Gov for internet related issues: \- Ransomware \- Nudes extortion \- Online scams \- Data breaches \- ISP related claims I believe this service is ***important*** and a step in the right direction.",,,,,,2022-03-30 20:07:39 tsicqt,,14,whats up with bread,"kol chay ma9tou3 : bread/sugar/smead.... wtf is up?",,,,,,2022-03-30 20:26:07 tsko2k,مع_أو_ضد_محاكمة_النواب_بتهمة_الخيانة_العظمى_إعدام/,2,مع أو ضد محاكمة النواب بتهمة الخيانة العظمى ( إعدام ) كيما أعلن رئيس الجمهورية ؟,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-03-30 22:10:38 tsla89,,2,Can anyone tell me where can i buy food colorants / vanilla essence in Monastir,I’ve looking for them but i only found vanilla essence in monoprix but its extremely expensive i guess 5dt for 10ml i think it used to be 1/2dt soo if anyone knows where can i find it and food colorant in monastir plz help me,,,,,,2022-03-30 22:40:14 tsn4px,,3,LOOKING FOR HELP !,"PLEASE IM STRUGGLING TO FIND A GAME STORE IN TUNSIA (PREFERABLY IN GRAND TUNIS) , TRYING TO BUY STEAM GIFT CARDS .",,,,,,2022-03-31 00:13:44 tsne3g,,5,"Tunisia’s president dissolves parliament, extending power grab",,,,,,,2022-03-31 00:27:42 tsnnpa,,6,Is it legal do have dashcams inside cars in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-03-31 00:42:09 tsp1jg,,17,"Business owners/entrepreneurs/or soon to be, and/or half-tunisian or foreigners, how often do these things happen to you?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-31 01:56:38 tsv2lh,,2,How do you feel after the last news of the government?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-31 08:19:47 tsvnlo,,20,Ghannouci goodbye!!!! 🥰😆,"This is the best thing Kais Saied has done. It’s time to get rid of these extremist salafists who has ruined and terrorized our country. I hope he throws them out just like Ben Ali did. May we see a clean, touristic and better Tunisia again? Tanya Tounes and f*ck Ennahda",,,,,,2022-03-31 09:04:34 tswi0t,شنية_ربحنا_من_المجلس/,22,شنية ربحنا من المجلس؟؟,"بش نكتب بالعربي هكاكة نوصل كلامي بلقدا قاعد نشوف في عباد متغششة كيفاه المجلس تحل و خايفين على الديمقراطية كان بش نحكيو بمنطق الدمقراطية و القانون و الدستور إلي عملو الرئيس غالط و مخالف القانون و ميجيش أما بربي نحطو كل شي في الإطار متاعو إلي عملو الرئيس يضهرلي كانت حاجة لازمة كمشة سراق في مجلس إختصاصهم الوحيد السرقة و إنعدام الكفائة نقعد باهت كيفاه وصلو عباد كيفهم في المجلس يعملو إلي يحبو خانر يعرفو حد مينجم يعمللهم شي نصوتولهم و نقعدو مسكرين فامنا 5 سنين القدام و فما لي تصوتلو تابع قائمة تلقاه قلب القائمة و حد لا يحاسب عمناول عام الكورونا في بلاسط مايقلو حل للأزمة و للعباد لي قاعدة تموت لاهين يعملو في العرك و يصورو في بعضهم فكروني في أيامات الليسي كيف نتعاركو أعطيوني حاجة عملها المجلس بخلاف الشهرية و الإمتيازات لي عندهم؟؟؟؟؟ بش نلخص إلي عملو الرئيس من منطلق القانون غالط لكن هذاكا اخر الحل ولي وصلنا للوضع هذا هي الديمقراطية ضهرنا ماناش متع ديمقراطية عباد تبيع صوتها على 50 دينار و القانون الإنتخابي التعيس 10 حكومات في 10 سنين؟؟؟؟؟؟ الرئيس ميعرفش يتصرف و عديم الكفائة هذا متفاهمين فيه لكن الحل مش نرجعو المجلس بش نرجعو نعيشو في الديمقراطية, بالنسبة للنواب إنتخبونا معنتها نعملو إلي نحبو و نفلسو البلاد و حد مينجم يحاسبنا. نتصور تونس يلزمها ثورة فكرية للأسف الشعب الكريم هو لي وصلنا للوضع هذا و بربي الديمقراطية البلدان الغربية عندهم سنين و هوما يمارسو فاها أحنا أبعد حاجة على الديمقراطية بإسم الديمقراطية يبركو البلاد و يبدلو الجكومة مرتين في العام و حسابات وحطلي جماعتي بش نرضا عليك مانيش ندافع على الرئيس بالنسبة لية هو من أول العباد لي يلزم يمشيو بعد الأزمة هذي لكن مش معناتها نرجعو للمجلس بش نشيخو ديمقراطية شنوة لي تبدل في حياتنا كتوانسة بعد حلان المجلس؟؟؟ و السلام",,,,,,2022-03-31 10:08:14 tswpvo,,2,Workers from Sub-Saharan Africa fill in the gaps in Tunisia’s labor market," Many Sub-Saharan African laborers in Tunisia have expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work. One such economic migrant is Kui Kadi. He landed in Tunisia in January of this year. **“Job prospects are not available to everyone,” Kadi adds. “I moved from the Ivory Coast over a year ago and, thank God, I was fortunate to find work here at the petrol station.”** [](",,,,,,2022-03-31 10:24:38 tsx17f,,1,What is the cheapest best phone in your opinion?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-31 10:47:28 tsxhcx,,28,"What does ""guera guera"" mean?","So i was in the street the other day going to the grocery minding my own business i met a group of teenagers laughing at met and keep saying the word ""guera guera"" like they were mocking at me. It's okay if it's insult or whatsover i just wanna know. PS: I'm not tunisian and i don't understand arabic language",,,,,,2022-03-31 11:17:22 tsxp3h,,3,Foreign company promised a job then they pulled the plug,"Being a middle class Tunisian means that you'll always come up short on money. An opportunity presented itself with this Ukranian outsourcing company. I took all the tests (which I nailed) and signed an NDA (none disclosure agreement). All that was left is to find me a client to work with. We agreed on 1100$ which would've been a game changer since I want to save a little money to get married with my 5 years fiancee. Unfortunately, this company started insinuating that my budget requirements was too high for them. After a couple of emails I managed to convince them that it was a fair amount since I have a 5 years experience in the IT department . Next, they came up with the excuse that the client postponed the recruitement process and that they will contact me whenever another opportunity comes up. I don't want to burden you with more details but to sum everything up, I've had 40 mails exchanges with this company (they take 2 to 3 days to respond) to no avail. I feel like they stripped me of the only shot I've had to make decent money.. I tried to get in touch with the HR staff on Linkedin but they all ignored me. What should I do folks? I'm really tired of trying and surrendering to despair and sorrow.",,,,,,2022-03-31 11:31:02 tsxvjd,,46,UNO,,,,,,,2022-03-31 11:42:52 tsykv9,,1,i need to contact playstation support but couldn't find how,"For the people that live in tunisia, what was the easiest way to contact playstation support to recover an account?",,,,,,2022-03-31 12:23:54 tsyw3d,,1,is kais Saeed a conservative ? can someone explain what his whole deal is and what he wants to do for the country for me.. seeing a lot of politics posts yet I still can't figure it out,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-31 12:42:03 tsyx2z,,65,Guess the place. 🌴☀️🌴,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-31 12:43:40 tsz4zm,,1,is rent typically paid monthly in Tunisia? or is it longer or shorter cycle?,[removed],,,,,,2022-03-31 12:56:01 tszus2,,20,"How you guys want a democratic country, but when Islamists democratically won the elections, You supported the abolition of Parliament ??? isn't that against the democratic values","I don't defend Islamists, I think they are the worst, but let's be real with ourselves, they won the elections. If another Islamist group win the next Parliamentary elections??? what will happen??",,,,,,2022-03-31 13:32:44 tszxgq,,14,mfhemtch 3lech fama 3bed mezelt difa3 3ala nahda !!,"fama 200k inta5bo nahda w 2.600.000 inta5bo 9ais ken ta7kio 3ala demo9ratia 2.600.000 m3a 9ais ma3neh la5labia w zid mayhemch 9adeh nahda inta5ebha min we7ed na3rfo neslkol fi 10 snin fech 9a3d ta3mel min irheb lt7in ldwal o5ra k qatar w turkiya w ser9t lflous ili tjina 9oroth w ye5tho fi arathi dawla yiktboha basmahiom wkol inti5abt tchehom flous mil5arech alaoh a3lem mnin w waslo 7atta lil 9atel : choki bil3id w lbrahmi => ma3neh mayech 7keyt demo9ratya ili لغلط يخلص ps:9ayes mahouch rasoul wala bech isl7elna omorna lkol ama mchina خطوة صحيحة",,,,,,2022-03-31 13:36:38 tszz9k,,28,i changed kais's face to female,,,,,,,2022-03-31 13:39:18 tt0uzd,,1,Djerba 🍉,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-31 14:22:25 tt0x79,,45,My feeling about Said/Ghannouchi,,,,,,,2022-03-31 14:25:24 tt0xza,,19,Djerba 🍉,,,,,,,2022-03-31 14:26:27 tt1cbu,,0,ثلاثة خطوات لتوثيق حسابك على الانستقرام,,,,,,,2022-03-31 14:45:14 tt1dne,,9,how to ship stuff to Tunis from Europe without having to sell my first born,is there any way to ship something from Europe without having to spend 50+ dollars on the shipping alone is there a thing where someone carries your stuff with them and gets a small fee like 10/20 bucks or something like i aint about to spend 150 dt on shipping ama everything fi tounis is so ugly and low quality plz help,,,,,,2022-03-31 14:46:55 tt1tyy,,1,New Chelsea Owners Will Have Time to Offer Cesar Azpilicueta Contract Extension Amid Barcelona Interest,,,,,,,2022-03-31 15:07:09 tt2s0m,,172,"i can sum up the 11 years of ""democracy"" in Tunisia by this video",,,,,,,2022-03-31 15:50:46 tt4906,,1,L’Alliance des patronats francophones : le business en français,,,,,,,2022-03-31 16:57:25 tt4ftr,,6,is rent typically paid monthly or weekly in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-03-31 17:05:37 tt4gjt,,2,can police make you pay amen in carthage airport,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-31 17:06:37 tt4ig3,,4,Carte technologique zitouna,"salem chabeb modda lteli amalt carte tech zitouna w dfa3t 3leha 50dt w hal ayamet najemt nkhales beha one year membership f amazon prime (69$) w ani ma sabitch feha flouss gbal. can someone please explain this to me ? thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-03-31 17:09:06 tt6y8e,,8,What are the best gifts to bring with you when you are a guest?,"In Tunisia. Bech ma tod5olch idik fer8a 3raft?",,,,,,2022-03-31 18:59:02 tt7pxr,,23,Just an observation from an outsider looking in.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-03-31 19:34:20 tt7ymc,,3,"Costs, income etc","Trying to get a picture of private finances in Tunisia. For you living and working there; -what do you earn(after taxes) -what’s your degree (if you have one) -what is your rent or interest/amortisation -how much is your hous/apartment/land worth -do you save in mutual funds/stocks/crypto? -how much do you spend on food/clothes",,,,,,2022-03-31 19:45:30 tt8yow,,6,I don't know if this was asked here concerning working remotely but I need some insight please..,"So what's the best method to get paid by working remotely with clients abroad either freelance gigs or getting hired by a company. I'm a web developer, keep in mind I don't have paypal of course. I don't know if it's possible for me to use my brother's PP account since he lives in Germany but they would cut more taxes I guess if he receives my salary.. Any suggestions that would be easy and stay away from the risk of getting trouble from the law like I'm a criminal. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-03-31 20:30:43 ttc6ij,,3,tobacco pipe,"Where can I find a tobacco pipe with full accessories kit, and what's it average price?",,,,,,2022-03-31 23:01:24 ttd0nu,,4,ever tried making ice cream?,"hello there has any of you ever tried making ice cream at home? do we have most ingredients in tunisia?and how did it turn out? edit:is creme freche=heavy cream?",,,,,,2022-03-31 23:44:48 tthqu2,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-04-01 04:00:13 ttit2w,,16,What does the average Tunisian think about lgbtq and transgenders?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 05:03:21 ttlhv3,,12,"Who's going to watch the World Cup ? And how to buy the tickets, and how much to budget ?","I am planning to go watch the World Cup, I think I have enough funds to cover that, but I want to verify on what would be a comfortable range. Also, who's going ? I would like to make some friends and go with them ! How can I buy the tickets as well ?",,,,,,2022-04-01 08:04:52 ttmy3m,,1,why did people voted for kais in 2019 instead of najib karoui?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 09:52:28 ttnp6t,,17,what are thr taboo's that you wish to discuss in the Tunisian community?,,,,,,,2022-04-01 10:44:36 ttof1b,,4,"So I signed a CDI contract with a company and my last name was miss spelled in it, everything else though is correct like the cin card number, the address and the date of birth ! is it going to be a problem ?",,,,,,,2022-04-01 11:28:45 ttq0tw,,5,"What is ""dazo khouh tah fel chorba"" supposed to mean?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 12:57:16 ttqnbl,,0,"what is the ""demi"" coffee called in english ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 13:27:02 ttqxtv,,16,"guys, are you going to participate in r/place?","If you are then let's make our flag. Let's mark our territory lol Edit: where do you guys think we should put the flag? Should we put near France's? just to annoy the French haha",,,,,,2022-04-01 13:40:33 ttrimw,,2,Does the tunisian passport allow me to visit Palestine? (through Israel),,,,,,,2022-04-01 14:05:42 ttrx8g,,22,"emchiw el r/place telkaw drapeau turkey, zidouh doura ywali tounes haha let's gooooo",,,,,,,2022-04-01 14:23:35 ttrxca,,6,"Ile Chikly / برج شيكلي , anyone knows how to get there? where can I rent a bicycle to get to it?",,,,,,,2022-04-01 14:23:42 tts8zk,,1,r/place tunisia flag,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-01 14:38:01 ttu179,,33,chabeb ch9awlkom ken n3awdhou el block hedheka fi r/place b3alam tounes?,,,,,,,2022-04-01 15:52:23 ttuaur,,1,Contributors wanted in Tunisia to make video recordings on your phone for an AI client to earn $200 for 1-2 hours work,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 16:02:56 ttuum8,,1,Let's draw the Tunisian flag in r/tunisia !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 16:25:30 ttuxwe,,28,Let's draw the tunisian flag in r/place !," Here's a design thanks to u/DhiaTr120 ~~The suggested coordinates for now are (245,686).~~ If it's not possible we can try somewhere else later",,,,,,2022-04-01 16:29:15 ttw5z8,,17,France vs Tunisia group D finale is gonna be funny af,,,,,,,2022-04-01 17:18:57 ttwwfg,,2,Let's collaborate!,"Let's create a unified flag on r/place along with other Arab subs! Please join us at r/arab_place. United we stand, divided we fall!",,,,,,2022-04-01 17:49:16 ttyabm,,7,any interest in making a Tunisian flag in r/place?,,,,,,,2022-04-01 18:47:05 ttyega,,22,"Time to go! Let’s draw Tunisia flag at (244,686) between the Belgium and transgender flag. Nothing much seem to be happening there. Everyone go there and let's make an impact hata kan s8ir 🇹🇳🇹🇳",,,,,,,2022-04-01 18:52:02 ttzpy4,,1,"norsmou ba7tha 3alem algerie chqowlkom? at (236, 87)",,,,,,,2022-04-01 19:48:28 tu0n64,,2,Cover the Israeli flag with the palestinian flag,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-01 20:28:15 tu0stl,,5,"Since nobody's made a good plan yet for r/place, i propose the following","we gotta go big or go home, let's all try to collectively hijack the turkish flag",,,,,,2022-04-01 20:35:04 tu192z,,7,"We can make this rectangle into the Tunisian flag its in 824,151 we need to unite and do this together.",,,,,,,2022-04-01 20:54:14 tu1c19,,5,"guys let's put this flag above the isreal flag ,start from the black area to the white.(It is the pan-arab flag)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 20:57:38 tu1rs9,,37,Ramadan kareem 🌙❤️,,,,,,,2022-04-01 21:16:11 tu2hxz,,1,ya jma3a hazolna blasitna fi r/place win n7oto 3alam ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 21:47:56 tu2imm,,9,"guys draw your flag here (250,88) and the right of the Algerian flag and we'll help you defend it !!!!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 21:48:48 tu34jm,,1,let's try to put the flag here quickly before someone takes it,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 22:15:22 tu3e60,,100,"Hello Tunisian bros, You can start making your flag above the flag of Morocco! (the coordinates are 244, 60)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 22:27:21 tu3jwk,,4,Is Tunisia a good place to learn French?,"Long story short I‘m looking for a cheap language stay to learn French and also learn it in an exciting environment with interesting culture, which lead me to Tunisia. Is French widely spoken in Tunisia and are there cities or areas where it is more common? My goal is to also pick up on the regional slang and learn a little bit Arabic too. Also, any school recommendations?",,,,,,2022-04-01 22:34:31 tu3miz,,1,let's try making a tunisian flag in this small area .,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 22:37:55 tu3y5t,,1,"Let's Claim This as ours, closest to morroco and algeria is the best because they can help us. It's also not a very active place.",,,,,,,2022-04-01 22:52:58 tu4jep,,1,"I tried making the crescent and star but the space above the Moroccan flag is not enough, we have to either find another place or raid the others on top of us",,,,,,,2022-04-01 23:20:31 tu4z17,,1,"let's use this place for the flag, it's pretty inactive and a bit bigger than on top of Morocco, i think we hhave to make it flipped tho",,,,,,,2022-04-01 23:41:39 tu50yt,,28,Update : Welp sorry but Morocco toke your part after we helped to clear it out :/,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 23:44:15 tu52z8,,1,guys lets just do a flag here. a lot of the work is done already.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 23:46:57 tu550c,,1,places where we can make our flag,,,,,,,2022-04-01 23:49:46 tu5b6q,,1,what about making a new flag here since morocco invaded the other one ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-01 23:58:15 tu5d5v,,2,This took more effort to make than I'd like to admit,,,,,,,2022-04-02 00:00:45 tu5hl1,,4,Guys we can modify this one a bit and we're good to go. We can do it. Our Algerien brothers will help us too,,,,,,,2022-04-02 00:06:52 tu5p1p,,6,Discord to coordinate in r/Place,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 00:17:42 tu6k85,,1,Interesting and cringe. Rached Ghannouchi on January 6th.,,,,,,,2022-04-02 01:02:01 tu6s9a,,2,maybe we can do it here,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 01:14:07 tu6w7y,,1,Join the R/TUNISIA DISCORD Discord Server!,,,,,,,2022-04-02 01:20:05 tu71jn,,1,DAMN!!!,,,,,,,2022-04-02 01:27:53 tu7ni0,,1,"since many people started raiding Ukraine, we should fo to, here you can kinda see where the borders would look like of we put our flag on top of them",,,,,,,2022-04-02 01:59:03 tu7p41,,1,Do you guys know if i can take the GED test in Tunisia ? If you have any idea just tell me ASAP.,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 02:01:10 tu7sou,,5,"Hello, please does anyone know any good and cheap restaurant to eat after fasting in Ramadan? localisation : Grand Tunis.",,,,,,,2022-04-02 02:06:20 tuaoz1,,1,"Just created r/place_maghrebunion , will love any help to get it going.",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 04:44:37 tuaxg3,,1,Subreddit for r/Place planning,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 04:58:57 tuc9p1,,2,guys this is our best chance lets make this the tunisian flag,,,,,,,2022-04-02 06:24:46 tucjcq,,1,this is the best place to put our flag it's inactive but requires some group effort to accomplish,,,,,,,2022-04-02 06:42:34 tud5h5,,1,"This place is weak let's invade it, Moroccan, Amazighs and Algerian will all help you",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 07:24:08 tudce5,,2,"This place is weak let's invade it, Moroccan, Amazighs and Algerian will all help you",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 07:37:11 tudiat,,6,Hello Tunisian friends🤗 Eid Mubarak!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 07:48:25 tudqx7,,2,This place next to morocco is weak and turning to red let's turn it red for Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 08:05:00 tudwr2,,13,"lets take over the swiss , easy to modify",,,,,,,2022-04-02 08:16:27 tuect1,,20,Tunisia flag in r/place,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 08:49:04 tuei6k,,1,Let's take the place of the candle. Then we try to expand. Our Algerian and Moroccan bros are open to helping us,,,,,,,2022-04-02 08:59:43 tuf27v,,1,lets collaborate,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 09:38:51 tuf2un,,10,I need internet to catch up on my online studies so I usually go to those quiet coffe shops cuz I don't wanna waste money on having my own internet at home.. now I had to walk a lot to find one open coffe shop and I had to knock so they could let me in,Would it kill them if they opened restaurants and coffe shops and not ruin businesses? You can only find open restaurants if you dive in deep in tunis and it's really exhausting.. we have needs/hobbies and struggles okay? Even the fucking library is closed ? Not everyone is a fucking bearded sheep with a stay at home wife to serve him..,,,,,,2022-04-02 09:40:04 tuf5iq,,1,We can do this,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 09:45:02 tuff7g,,1,"i'm thinking get that candle guys , not defensive as the other ones , fill it with red and we'll figure it out from there",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 10:02:30 tufgx6,,1,"Get the candle guys , of we go in good numbers we might actually fill it with red",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 10:05:51 tufhjv,,1,"let's tweak this Eminem Recovery album logo, I am damn sure we can make a Tunisian flag out of it.",,,,,,,2022-04-02 10:06:59 tuflu9,,8,Protect the palestinian flag lads !,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 10:14:59 tufmr2,,1,Lets take over dis bih,,,,,,,2022-04-02 10:16:41 tufoqy,,1,"r/place, found an uncontested place big enough to put the flag",,,,,,,2022-04-02 10:20:23 tufp7p,,3,Any coffee shops in marsa/sidi bou said that work during ramadan ?,Title,,,,,,2022-04-02 10:21:17 tufstt,,3,Apes together strong,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-02 10:28:06 tufwsl,,2,Anyone works for a private equity firm operating in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-04-02 10:35:27 tufx25,,1,Hello Tunisian friends🤗 Eid Mubarak!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 10:36:01 tug3ue,,1,"Big place next to morocco if you decided this spot we will share it in the main 3 subs to help you, Morocco Amazigh and Algeria",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 10:49:24 tug9fk,,42,Drawing Tunisia flag on r/place,"So we're trying to draw Tunisia flag on r/place after discussing what would be the best place to do so in the discord server we thought this place would give us the best chances at doing so hoping later on to get assistance from neighboring communities Join us at the discord server: []( we're starting from the South East up to the middle Here is the aimed design: []( Do your best everyone, and we need max active people on the spot &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-04-02 10:59:38 tuga21,,1,I don't know if you started drawing your flag but.. you can draw it next to algeria an Morocco where the bunny is,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 11:00:18 tugsiv,,7,"boys, we will fight for our flag",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 11:31:29 tuh0j4,,1,Let’s do it guys,,,,,,,2022-04-02 11:45:39 tuh1be,,3,LETS GO GUYS WOOO,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 11:47:08 tuh4m8,,1,مسح سجل متصفح جوجل كروم والحفاظ على الخصوصية,,,,,,,2022-04-02 11:52:49 tui9g0,,9,"Help us with the flag of Palestine on r/place! WE NEED ALL THE HELP! Go to 49,659 !",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 12:56:28 tuiayj,,4,Drawing Tunisia flag under Algeria flag in r/place,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 12:58:51 tuijlx,,0,Palestinian Flag on R/places,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 13:10:48 tujdqo,,1,"THE FLAG NEXT TO KOREA IS TUNIS, NOT NORTH KOREA, DO NOT PAINT THE FLAG WITH DPRK'S FLAG(also what if we filled those hearts with flags as well like the others?)",,,,,,,2022-04-02 13:53:57 tujffx,,1,"Let's go small scale, it will be easy to defend given our number. Look at the size of the Libyan or UAE flags",,,,,,,2022-04-02 13:56:17 tukgcm,,1,suggestion: lets take over malta they got the least population + we already got half the job done,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 14:44:07 tuluof,,2,"looking for people to play ""it takes two"" with on xbox","im looking for someone to play ""it takes two"" with since none of my friends have it, please have a mic. My gamertag is AnohanaQ1",,,,,,2022-04-02 15:46:51 tumuj4,,11,R/ place got bigger,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 16:30:28 tumzes,,0,Souris feha 2 buttons extra behya to93edli plusieurs ans?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 16:35:44 tun8w0,,11,Let's claim territory in new space in r/Place,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 16:46:02 tuni8f,,1,kalamni madi saatin,,,,,,,2022-04-02 16:56:36 tuniua,,4,"the canvas expanded, we need to make our flag quickly !!",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 16:57:20 tuoj5z,,1,New space New hope! Join the movement so we can create the Tunisia flag in r/place,,,,,,,2022-04-02 17:39:25 tuom8m,,1,Is this us?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 17:43:02 tuop4c,,6,Little French Girl raised in a farm speaks PERFECT Tunisian Arabic,,,,,,,2022-04-02 17:46:30 tupaq1,,6,Any links to watch live tunisian TV ?,"Hello hello romdhankom mabrouk ! Anyone has any websites or links on youtube or whatever to watch Tunisian channels live ? On youtube I only found Wataneya 2, Wataneya 1 was up but then it just cut off.",,,,,,2022-04-02 18:12:21 tupq5r,,6,r/place flag is COMING ALONG!,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 18:30:49 tupx6p,,1,good job,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 18:39:31 tupxwm,,1,Nice,,,,,,,2022-04-02 18:40:21 tupzen,,1,good job,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 18:42:15 tuq27k,,2,"Guys we need everyone to defend our Flag (1939,823 )",,,,,,,2022-04-02 18:45:50 tuq3ez,,124,Tunisia flag in r/place,"We finally did it!! after getting invaded couple of times we finally managed to draw Tunisia flag in r/place join us in the discord server: []( more people would be needed to defend it &#x200B; Tunisia flag design in case you wanted to help",,,,,,2022-04-02 18:47:23 tuq8pu,,2,we did it guys !!! tunisian flag in r/place 💪😎🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 18:53:43 tuqbpy,,1,Tunisian flag in r/place 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-04-02 18:57:17 tuqf62,,1,Let's do it guys !,,,,,,,2022-04-02 19:01:18 tuqqgm,,1,finally fil canvas te3 r/place let's defend it and enlarge it !,,,,,,,2022-04-02 19:15:09 tuqxvv,,1,Defend it in r/place canvas !!!,,,,,,,2022-04-02 19:24:14 tur5ce,,0,I believe 99% of redditors in this subreddit are male! The prove is how many female will comment in this post.,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 19:33:16 tus967,,1,Our flag is getting erased! one of them is:,,,,,,,2022-04-02 20:22:15 tutt7z,,1,7emriti (the president) is targetted fi kan ya makenesh,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-02 21:31:29 tutvrx,,7,"Does anybody know the sub that is making the wave we are getting flooded (pun intended) by blue pixels pretty sure its from them, we have to establish diplomatic relationships before its too relate",,,,,,,2022-04-02 21:34:45 tuu1j4,,148,tunisia made it to r/place,,,,,,,2022-04-02 21:41:54 tuu4k8,,11,"Suggestion for a North african national animal/flag drawing for r/place (lion, fenneck, camel)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 21:45:37 tuub3w,,1,let's make the tunisia flag bigger on r/place,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 21:53:49 tuur31,,2,Is this an invasion on Algeria or smth?,,,,,,,2022-04-02 22:13:35 tuuxh1,,29,"These are the coordinates. If you are scrolling, make sure to stop by and try to fix if someone is sabotaging the flag",,,,,,,2022-04-02 22:21:39 tuv2hk,,2,Hey folks! Let’s make a map of the Arab world!! Arabs unite!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 22:28:20 tuv89n,,1,let's take over this part on r/place,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 22:36:00 tuvp0d,,1,Do we have space to draw Labib on Tunisia's flag in r/place ?,,,,,,,2022-04-02 22:57:53 tuwy57,,2,Any bass players here?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-02 23:58:42 tux26l,,3,Does Sami work for peeps outside tunisia??,I don’t have vpn and been trying to get sami fehri tn to work but its not working... I was able to open it first but then when I put my phone number it stopped even on my phone it’s not working.... does anyone else have the same issue??,,,,,,2022-04-03 00:04:06 tuxxh8,,1,tunisia is getting attacked by the green numbers we need help r/place,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-03 01:46:58 tuz24y,,14,"For Tunisians abroad who bought property in Tunisia, how was your experience?","I'm in my late 20s and have been living abroad for nearly 8 years now. I want to buy property here but it's so expensive (at least 2m dinars for an apartment) that I'd need to pay too much on mortgage every month which would really stress me out financially and given my age it doesn't seem wise to live paycheque to paycheque trying to pay mortgage. So I've been thinking of buying property somewhere on the coast in Tunisia that I can rent out throughout the year and use for a month or two when I visit. However, there's a few issues with that I'm trying to weigh in my decision, so please challenge my assumptions: **Pros** \- Mortgage would be in dinars which means that it's likely it will be cheaper in the future as I get paid in dollars \- 300-400k dinars would get me the equivalent of a 4-5m property here \- Any money I have in dinars is always stuck in Tunisia without any use so this gives me something I can use, especially that my family sometimes needs payments abroad but can only pay me back in dinars **Cons** \- I don't plan to return to Tunisia permanently anytime soon (maybe retirement) and it seems like there's no way to take rent or property sale money out of Tunisia, so it will have to be used for a mortgage or for my visits to Tunisia. I can't even convert 6k TND most Tunisians can while traveling because I was told I'm not a Tunisian resident. In other words, any money I earn is very much illiquid. \- Tunisian taxes and complications with my taxes here \- I want to get a mortgage and not pay in full (makes sense financially) and Tunisia has high interest rates (8% in Tunisia vs <2% here) \- Instability: what if Tunisian governments whether now or later decide to tax insane amounts or take my property. Not as much of a risk here I know reddit is not great for this but I'm already doing my theoretical research and it helps to hear from people",,,,,,2022-04-03 02:46:01 tuze6y,,1,it's beautiful (◕ᴗ◕✿),[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-03 03:04:07 tuzr6j,,1,Looking gooooooddd!!,,,,,,,2022-04-03 03:24:19 tuzudl,,0,Help create a heart between the two countries,,,,,,,2022-04-03 03:29:19 tv2s1t,,1,Wanna listen to some Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-04-03 06:26:01 tv4edl,,32,"We win against Peru and draw with Denmark and France, wnetrachho 🔥🔥♥️",,,,,,,2022-04-03 08:16:12 tv50ss,,6,Being a vet in Tunisia..,"I wanna know if it's a good idea or not? Cuz i'm passionate about it but idk if it's gonna make me live a decent life or not.. but i think people now care more about their pets? I'm confused ik XD Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-04-03 08:59:01 tv52wt,,1,"Brothers & sisters, help defend Palestine 🇵🇸",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-03 09:02:28 tv543h,,2,"Brothers & Sisters, help defend Palestine 🇵🇸 43,663",,,,,,,2022-04-03 09:04:49 tv5e7x,,7,Help please,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 09:25:09 tv648r,,7,Looking for an unbiased or a reputable Tunisian news source,"I'm pretty busy to watch tv, and i hate taking my news from facebook or twitter..",,,,,,2022-04-03 10:15:53 tv657w,,1,we need to expand our terrotory. r/place,,,,,,,2022-04-03 10:17:57 tv6asc,,27,Someone’s invading our flag on r/place!! Help me out,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 10:28:14 tv6okz,,5,Looking for an open coffee in ramadan,,,,,,,2022-04-03 10:55:13 tv76i2,,4,we need your help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-03 11:28:07 tv79tx,,48,protect the flag,,,,,,,2022-04-03 11:34:22 tv7gwt,,40,Tunisia flag in r/place,"an update concerning our flag in r/place we finaly managed to expand a bit and add a chechia to symbolize our culture after being recently invaded. join us on discord: []( any help on keeping the design fixed and alive would be helpful coordinates: (1908, 804) Edit: we're being hard invaded by the Turks help is needed &#x200B; &#x200B; &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-04-03 11:47:13 tv7o9a,,7,PROTECT THE FLAG!!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 11:59:56 tv7qlh,,1,long time singles,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 12:03:04 tv8475,,25,Our flag is restored 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-04-03 12:25:55 tv8dau,,1,This is all we got left on r/place went from this to this 😭,,,,,,,2022-04-03 12:40:36 tv8efa,,6,if you want to participate in r/place and help tunisia join the discord server,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 12:42:27 tv8f47,,1,It’s back!!!,,,,,,,2022-04-03 12:43:27 tv8plg,,1,female incels,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 12:59:58 tv91jh,,2,"if we fully take this land it will a great spot for a ""khomsa"" or something",,,,,,,2022-04-03 13:16:40 tv93do,,1,Maybe some olives ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 13:19:16 tv9btq,,6,I'm back with a new track. I tried to imagine what would an eagle feel when on flight. I compose with oud in Tunis. I hope you like the track and it's better with headphones.,,,,,,,2022-04-03 13:31:07 tv9lf3,,203,Hi guys! This is the design we are trying to make in r/place. Hope you like it! 🇹🇳🇹🇳🔥you can help by following the coordinates in this picture Thx,,,,,,,2022-04-03 13:44:35 tv9lh4,,2,what's the best way to shop online from tunisia ?,"salem romdhankom mabrouk ! nheb narf chneya ahsen methode najm nesta3melha bch nshopi hajet men bara men des sites kima aliexpress wala haja w ykoun youselni li hajti bih (hajet legal betbia w mch 7weyej khatr smaat li mayouslouch juste des outils mta3 khedma mtaa cuir)",,,,,,2022-04-03 13:44:41 tvac7g,,0,Come help palestine in war in r/place,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 14:20:24 tvaj3c,,3,isn't it awesome?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 14:29:42 tvbkpp,,1,we did it bois,,,,,,,2022-04-03 15:17:27 tvcbic,,1,What is some of the best food in Tunisia? Or food that is traditional to Iceland?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 15:50:28 tvcind,,1,"guys, I think it's time for an invasion 🇹🇳🤺",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 15:58:51 tvdd56,,0,top right corner .I think we can make it,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-03 16:35:12 tvf3qk,,1,Someone help me restore this!!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-03 17:49:02 tvgg3q,,10,How to earn money from designing logos in Tunisia,"Ye5i 3ndna logo designers fi tounes?? 😓 Mn 9bila nfrks doret 3l Facebook/Instagram/7ta tiktok ya bou galb, ml9it 7ad bismou. Fma kn nhb logo tyara b sum merfe9 w 200 commentaires lkol Privée, ija privée t9oul fl frippe Mfmech des agences mt3 graphic design fi tounes? Chnwa ynjm y3ml lwehd bch ywli yd5l flouss m logo design w kifh ynjm ydbr clionet? Brbi li 3ndu experience fl majel yktb commentaire 5li testfed l3bed lkol. (For those who want to see my work ig:subarudesigns)",,,,,,2022-04-03 18:45:39 tvggyp,,56,it be like that sometimes,,,,,,,2022-04-03 18:46:43 tvguod,,1,تغيير كلمة سر الفيس بوك FaceBook بدون معرفة الكلمة القديمة,,,,,,,2022-04-03 19:03:10 tvh7k1,,35,place is expanding we should take a spot !,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-03 19:16:39 tvhkbh,,5,Looking for an old Tunisian mouzelzez i watched during ramadan as a kid,I don't remember the date but I want to say 1994-95...also the show is called Mouzelzez مَوْجة. The story is that a guy is searching for a woman who lost her memory about her past life. I don't remember much unfortunately. Anybody know where I can watch it?,,,,,,2022-04-03 19:29:58 tvk6rz,,1,Trying to spread unity and inclusivity amongst Arab nations and the international community. Help us put up Habibi on r/Place. Join r/HabibiProject to learn more.,,,,,,,2022-04-03 21:15:51 tvlqy8,,7,"Is rent typically paid monthly in Tunisia? or weekly, or, ... etc.?",,,,,,,2022-04-03 22:22:09 tvnd87,,2,Recommendation for horseback riding activities,Does anyone recommend a good horse riding club for a one-day trip to someone who has never ridden a horse before. You can share your thoughts as well.,,,,,,2022-04-03 23:36:25 tvpcnu,,1,r/place TUNISIA FLAG,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 01:13:11 tvqo4t,,0,"United we are strong ,United we will win,our rightful place",,,,,,,2022-04-04 02:17:26 tvvzot,الإقامه_في_تونس/,19,الإقامه في تونس..!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 07:19:32 tw09bm,,1,let's write tunisia in the new section we got on r/place,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 11:59:24 tw0crd,,3,"Our plan for r/place, help us build this!",,,,,,,2022-04-04 12:03:51 tw0h2a,,8,orientation,"Im debating whether i should go math or science So to thosw who went math is it rlly that difficult??? I wanna go math cuz it could get me places especially compared to science but i hear it's hard af HELP PLS",,,,,,2022-04-04 12:10:34 tw0ki7,,1,can non tunisians buy and own a house with blue title or not? if yes what are the procedure,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 12:15:57 tw0lda,,34,"Hannibal barca or sign of tanit guys, lets put it in the new space we occupied",,,,,,,2022-04-04 12:17:15 tw12og,,2,"symbol of tanit in gold time, let's do it",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 12:42:26 tw13x5,,13,where would you invest 20k€ in tunisia and why,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 12:44:18 tw1g0t,,75,Last update on Tunisia flag in r/place,"So the event is ending soon and we had a sudden expansionhere's a latest update on the drawing: \* old version picture \* finally we're trying to add an oasis and a palm tree on the bottom side and any assistance in that matter would help greatlyhere's the desired design: just draw a pixel every while it'll help greatlyNote: please don't draw on the surrounding drawings all of them are our allies and helped us greatlyPS: use yellow for sand not pale yellow and white means transparentthanks every one, Peace update: we finished the design thanks everyone and we added a camel and rabbit to invite re-zero community--> now current mission is only maintain it Edit: fixed Typo and added small detailsEdit2: updated design due to dimension issues &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-04-04 13:00:49 tw1gjp,,20,r/place Last day update : we're building an oasis,"Hello everyone, the community is trying to finalize the flag with an oasis design. Coordinates from[(1868,829)]( [(1919,829)]( By the way do not attack the **RE:ZERO** drawing to the left, that community is our ally. (Green numbers are allied too) We will also try to re-make the wind turbine that originates from the German flag below For better coordination join discord : []( &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-04-04 13:01:23 tw2jgw,,1,Is it just me or this now looks like a red snail wearing a chachia !,,,,,,,2022-04-04 13:52:15 tw2y5j,,1,Tunisian flag expanding or .....,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 14:10:08 tw3agr,,4,PSA : STOP ATTACKING RE:ZERO THEY HELPED !!,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 14:24:57 tw3gjv,,20,My Experience with myPoste app by the Tunisian Post,"Last week, I saw a Facebook ad from the **Tunisian Post** about their [new updated app myPoste]( I had a bad experience linking my old CCPNet account to the app back in October because of a ridiculous error in the myPoste. I noticed the page is ***verified*** and the posts are somewhat متعوب عليهم. I also noticed that they recently hosted a fintech hackathon in Kairouan. &#x200B; So I decided to give it another try: \- I updated the app (important). \- Although I had an old CCPNet account, I decided to create a new account. \- Everything went smooth. I particularly liked the biometric login and the 2FA. \- The app comes with all the available features disabled by default. I like that. \- I went through the FAQ. They are detailed enough but in French. \- I went to accounts > link existing account expecting hustle with the customers support since the CCPNet system is archaic. \- Everything was streamlined. You are asked to provide ID, postal ID, and a selfie with your ID. \- I made sure everything is clear, in focus and all 4 corners are visible. For the selfie I made sure to disable the ""selfie flip"" option on my mobile's camera so the selfie with ID is readable and not mirrored. \- I accepted the TOS and confirmed the request. \- Less than 24h later. I went and checked the app. There was a notification. Request approved. \- I restarted the app and I can now manage my CCP. All other features are still disabled. \- I went to services and activated the ones I need: managing my Visa cards, cheques, wire transfers. \- The app asked for BioID, password and then told me to restart app. \- After restarting the app, everything I asked for was enabled and I can even see 3 years old card transactions and wire transfers. Things that can be improved: \- Video FAQ: most complaints I saw are from people not understanding the verification process : sending scanned copied and blurred IDs. \- English localization. \- A Web dashboard. If you try to visit the []( with a computer browser your IP will be blocked and you will get Access denied error and you even won't be able to login from the app until you change you IP. \- Detailed documentation in Arabic. Most reviews I come across are from people clicking aimlessly. \- System notifications not just in app notifications. \- UI/UX are decent but can be improved. I really like the new app and I believe it to be a good start. They offer contactless online account creation and Card request. The Tunisian poste was always pushing toward innovation although the Central Bank don't like what they are doing and always try to stop them ""because of regulations"". ""We don't need another financial institution. We already have enough banks"" - محافظ bAnK aU CeNtRe [I REALLY recommend this podcast]( of the previous LaPoste's CEO talking about how they are dealing with la bAnK aU CeNtRe retarded regulations with their Blockchain and Fintech programs.",,,,,,2022-04-04 14:31:35 tw3nqt,,2,Delete this,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 14:40:14 tw3nx2,,0,Let's invade,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 14:40:26 tw4u7x,,1,that's some progress but who is behind the planning and everything ? because i want to join.. i was only protecting it,,,,,,,2022-04-04 15:30:27 tw5d7w,,3,Glitch Flag,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 15:52:04 tw5fuf,,0,r/place Asking for a favor,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 15:54:59 tw68rd,,1,"Hello r/Tunisia, could you please help us clear the invasions on our Algerian flag ? Thanks you brothers",,,,,,,2022-04-04 16:27:54 tw6yx1,,2,European vaccination pass for travel?,"Asslema, apparently site evax is down, does anyone have any idea where can I get the European version of the covid vaccination pass to travel? Y3ayshekom w chehia tayba :)",,,,,,2022-04-04 16:57:29 tw720g,,0,"r/placemaghreb/ have been created, please join us over there guys",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 17:00:42 tw74wj,,0,Place,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 17:03:54 tw7j7a,,1,"Celtia Aal b7ar, suggestions are welcome",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 17:20:11 twbkv7,,1,I need to move out. Need help!,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 20:05:08 twbouq,,1,"Looks like the Tunisia place discord has changed in the Tunisian way lmao , silence people who disagree with you",,,,,,,2022-04-04 20:09:40 twbv67,,14,Moving out,"Moving out from your parents' house before getting married or at least having a full time job and having finished your studies in Tunisia seems (to me at least) a very rare occurrence . I have talked with a lot of people from all over and everyone insists that moving out is an integral part of a person's character development as is teaches a person to be self sufficient and self reliable, while giving them the opportunity to manage money and time, plus it comes with freedom which can be a double edged sword, you might get too lazy to clean/ study... what's your opinion on the matter? Do you think that moving out is an important part of adulting? can anyone share their experience, what part time jobs that a person can get while studying to pay for rent and maybe have some extra cash?",,,,,,2022-04-04 20:16:55 twc1ar,,0,Place,"For those of you who believe we need to attack in order to expand, join us, we don't care about anything, its a revolution joins our discord : [](",,,,,,2022-04-04 20:23:54 twc5s9,,1,/r place rj3 t5mmou fi illi n5mm fih ?,,,,,,,2022-04-04 20:29:05 twc5w8,,1,الكيان الصهيوني و أعوانه أشرار.,,,,,,,2022-04-04 20:29:12 twdy01,,1,TW : Street harrassment,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 21:41:54 twfk1f,,1,This is the FULL animation of the Minecraft loading scree + Creeper explosion and death screen,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 22:50:50 twfnxu,,9,our flag is getting wiped!,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-04 22:54:43 twfz5b,,1,Anyone who lives in sousse here?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 23:05:52 twgkat,,26,Plot twist,,,,,,,2022-04-04 23:29:08 twgnci,,1,"r/place has ended and this was our work, gj to everyone who particaped and deffended he flag nhsllah na3mlou makhir el jey",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 23:32:28 twgp3s,,79,"r/Place is over, But I manged to snap a picture of this sub's effort, well done guys for such a small community, also big shoutouts for r/Lost and r/re:zero",,,,,,,2022-04-04 23:34:35 twgpj6,,1,r/place has enede and this was our work gj to everyone who participated and helped defend the flag nshalah na3mlou makhir el mara jey,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-04 23:35:06 twgsdg,,379,r/place has ended and this was our work gj to everyone who particaped and helped defend the flag nshallah na3mlou makhir el mara jeya,,,,,,,2022-04-04 23:38:26 twi8as,,18,"""Technical difficulties in R/Tunisia discord Server""","Am dhia who've been mainly helping coordinate the recent event in r/place when the event ended the server owner Bil3lO banned me from the discord server and claimed ownership claiming it's only ""internal difficulties"" here's a new discord link if you'd like to join us: []( his statement",,,,,,2022-04-05 00:41:08 twj6xa,,1,We did it 🙌 👏,,,,,,,2022-04-05 01:27:27 twl05l,,0,Discord Server of r/Tunisia and r/Place,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-05 03:00:08 twm33h,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-04-05 04:00:10 two31o,,1,how to import a car as a foreigner in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-04-05 06:00:57 twr5zn,,0,Join our New social network.,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-05 09:43:31 tws97e,,17,What’s worth watching this Ramadhan? And where to watch it please?,,,,,,,2022-04-05 10:57:30 twuyac,,1,do female incels exist in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-05 13:28:12 twwdvl,,0,Tunisia's future darkens with dissolution of parliament,,,,,,,2022-04-05 14:35:32 twy73o,,1,أهم المميزات والتغيرات فى تحديث جوجل كروم الأصدار 100,,,,,,,2022-04-05 15:57:14 twya0e,,17,TUINTER 1153 crash and overall aviation safety in Tunisia,"Hey everyone, I stumbled upon the incident report on the TUNINTER 1153 flight that crashed in 2005 nearly Sicily, Italia. I thought I would share it here for those that are interested in the aviation industry in Tunisia. It was a scheduled flight from Bari to Djerba that unfortunately ran out of fuel mid-flight because of improper instrumentation being installed on the airplane, therefore, the fueling operator put less fuel than required, hence both engines flamed out. Full report on the incident: Cockpit Voice Recorder: (it has been noted that the air traffic controllers are partially to blame due to their inability to properly communicate in English) I was also wondering if someone here works in the aviation industry in Tunisia (mostly maintenance) and could give some insight into the state of it. So far, I am very thankful that there never was any other incident on a Tunisian civilian plane apart from this one but it would be great to have some insight from those working in this (Maybe Tunisair Technics, or any FOB). I believe that in modern aviation history, the only civilian flight that has crashed in Tunisia is the EgyptAir 843 on Ennahli: (its report: Side note: It seems that this incident's investigation sparked diplomatic tensions between Tunisia and Italy because Italy denied Tunisia access to the A/C, Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR). This is a clear violation of ICAO international conventions as it is mentioned in a letter from the Tunisian embassy in the end of the incident report.",,,,,,2022-04-05 16:00:31 twywh9,,8,Does anyone know of any wedding bands in the US that play mezwed or any other Tunisian music?,,,,,,,2022-04-05 16:29:52 twz6ys,,5,how do you recognize a tunisian scammer😆,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-05 16:43:32 twzgrp,,0,Travel guide,Hi i’m pretty sure this question has been asked many times before does anyone have any travelling tips as I’ll be visiting Tunisia this august and i’d like to know about what types of scams are out there and what to watch out for or any specific restrictions or rules like with clothes etc.,,,,,,2022-04-05 16:55:25 twzr5l,,4,looking for a roommate,I'm looking for a male roommate in menzah to share an appartment. Part: 300dt,,,,,,2022-04-05 17:07:26 tx2zu6,,1,Vaccination for cats,"Hello, I have a kitten that I want it to get vaccinated. What are the prices for the vaccine and is it possible to get to free in sousse.",,,,,,2022-04-05 19:32:12 tx3g8f,,1,Which side are you on?Template for free use.,,,,,,,2022-04-05 19:52:28 tx4sfq,,15,Anyone watch Twitch...,"Howdy my fellow Tunisian redditors, Does anyone here watch Twitch or even enjoy its content? Share with us your experience, what type of streamers do you watch and what do you enjoy the most? FYI: I've been on Twitch since 2015 and I've been witnessing the good and bad moments out there.",,,,,,2022-04-05 20:50:50 tx74po,,7,What do you guys think about the Hussainid dynasty ?,Just curious about what do you guys think about the Hussainid dynasty that ruled Tunisia for quite some time (250 years) under the suzerainty of the Ottomans ?,,,,,,2022-04-05 22:36:22 tx77qt,,2,"Is there any good Tunisian Discord channel? if so, invitation link please.",,,,,,,2022-04-05 22:40:14 tx9ah4,,0,"Crypto selling, is that possible ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-06 00:22:11 txa1n4,,1,Tunisian Youtubers,"Hello! Do you know any tunisian youtuber who speaks derja (preferably), english or french? I like history, general knowledge, arts, politics, etc. But I'm also looking for entertainment youtubers (comedy, shows/movies/animes, books, sketches, etc.) or travel youtubers. I'm pretty much open about other subjects except for sports youtubers. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-04-06 01:01:34 txas36,,13,hi... im looking to visit tunisia. I had a really bad experience in Turkey in general (scamming and racism)so thought maybe some of you could help me with research about taxis and other transport from the airport. I've tried Google but I thought local folks would have better info.,,,,,,,2022-04-06 01:39:51 txba4m,,1,Tunisians in Lybia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 02:05:43 txbeip,,1,Tunisians in Lybia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 02:11:56 txbub4,,13,Tunisians in Libya,"Hello , I will be moving to Tripoli Libya next year and I would like to know more about the country from the Tunisian perspective. Please share any helpful information about the country and the life style there. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-04-06 02:34:48 txi6dy,,7,,"I noticed there are different prices based on where you live. Isn't illegal in Tunisia to have 2 prices for the same product?",,,,,,2022-04-06 09:28:03 txictj,,3,Remitly/Paypal -> BH Banque..?,"Brabbi rahom ghalbou 3leya, taw 9adech men marra 5ouya yeb3athli transaction, i receive a text saying I can go pick up my money. Nemchi y9oulouli mazelet, wela msakra, wela ija sbeh bekri.. Nji sbeh bekri twalli le tfa9adha ba3d, wa9tech ba3d ya 5ouya a3tini wa9t bedhabt 7att baa3d jem3a ""le mana3rach"". Il marra lo5ra za3ma yfasarli 9alli maw intermediaire w mech mena a7na, lyoum sbeh 9alli marra tet7al w marra tetsaker... Barra a7ki m3ah, ti ypartiwkom w chwaya, kamcha bheyem. I don't know why 7aseshom bel3ani bech twalli t9ollou aman ta na3tik 7wija kallamni w salakli oumouri, wallit 7atta nemchi ba3ad ayamet bel3ani bech ma iraj3ounich w chay nafs la7keya",,,,,,2022-04-06 09:40:42 txiok1,,21,why do we hate ben ali and still love bourguibaeven though they were both dictators?,,,,,,,2022-04-06 10:03:33 txj760,,0,Profile settings,"Is it possible to change the pseudo name? Jadid I made it long time a go when I just wanted to check Reddit because a friend mentioned it to me. But now I wanted to change it to my name and I can't see how. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-04-06 10:38:58 txj8jk,,10,Thank you!,"I apologize for posting this once again. but last time ( 😀مرحبا و رمضان كريم نحن طلاب ماجستير نقوم ببحث أطروحة. إذا كنت تعمل فنأمل أن تتمكن من استكمال الاستبيان المرفق او ربما مشاركته مع صديق يعمل. المشاركة طوعية ومجهولة. لكن الحصول على إجاباتكم يساعدنا كثيرًا. لازلنا نحتاج ل75 اجابة و الوقت يداهمنا لاننا يجب ان نجمعها حتى 8 ابريل لذلك بالامس الاستاذة طلبت تغيير العدد الاجمالي المطلوب الى 150 و ليس 200 و هكذا احتاج الى استكمال 25 اجاية حتى 8 ابريل🙏🙏🙏. الاستبيان باللغة الفرنسية. شكراً جزيلاً لكم على الوقت الذي تضحون به من اجل قراءة هذه الرسالة أو لملء الاستبيان !! نتمنى لكم يومًا سعيدًا \^\^\_link",,,,,,2022-04-06 10:41:30 txjr03,,1,"Do we have ""credit score"" approach in Tunisia?",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-06 11:14:34 txjr2z,,3,"Do we have ""credit score"" approach in Tunisia?",Having a lot of debts or misusing your finances affects your score for potential benefits with a bank sort of a thing?,,,,,,2022-04-06 11:14:38 txkqrf,,1,كيفية إنشاء حساب واتساب على الهاتف للمبتدئين,,,,,,,2022-04-06 12:12:34 txkul7,,2,Is freedom of expression still ongoing in Tunisia ? Can you mock the president or drag allah into the dirt ? What are the legal risks ?,,,,,,,2022-04-06 12:18:25 txlbdt,,1,What are the weak points of freelancing in Tunisia?,"Greetings, for the purpose of researching, I am seeking your opinions regarding the cons of freelancing in Tunisia. What are the governmental policies that obstruct freelancing and What should the government do to fix these weak points? Thanks",,,,,,2022-04-06 12:44:08 txlyvn,ïds_monastir_visit/,1,Kais Saïd's Monastir visit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 13:17:37 txm44i,,117,I really want to send this picture to all my coworkers but I don’t want to be rude is there an other way to tell them?,,,,,,,2022-04-06 13:24:42 txm5gq,,17,why are doctors so expensive in Tunisia and why they are bunch of assholes.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 13:26:32 txmjjv,,1,Overwatch,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-06 13:45:43 txmpny,,4,Looking for Swimingpool in Tunis or hammamet,"Iam looking for a warm pool to swim now. any Ideas?",,,,,,2022-04-06 13:54:00 txo06a,,0,Cap Serrat كاب سيراط,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 14:54:25 txoak3,,62,Therwa : a Tunisian remote village,,,,,,,2022-04-06 15:06:49 txp6tb,,11,Can you get unlimited data with any providers?,"One of my friends in the UK has finally gotten himself a decent PC, so he's eager to play videogames with me, but half of the games that he wants to play are over 100 GB big. I'm currently using a pre-paid flybox from Orange, but it's not very efficient for doing large downloads, seen as 120 GB costs 89 dinars each time I need to install something for my mate. I've tried looking around but haven't really seen anything, so I figured I'd ask you lovely folk; do any of the data operators offer unlimited downloads on a monthly contract or something? Or am I stuck just throwing 90 dinars at Orange each time? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-04-06 15:47:26 txqo8v,,1,Can you buy trading stocks from Tunisia?,"With how insane the market is lately its lowkey easy to earn pocket change through trading stocks if you jump on the hype early / you're smart about it (yesterday's twitter stock as an example). This made me wonder, what do you need to do to be able to trade stocks here? Obviously there are caps to foreign currency spending like that 1k tnd and 10k tnd a year but even that isn't enough when you're dealing with dollars. So the goal would be to enjoy no restrictions? Is that even possible or do you need special dick sucking privileges from bct?",,,,,,2022-04-06 16:54:26 txqtf8,,15,Considering to visit Tunisia in August/September - Is it safe considering the political turmoil?,"Tunisia seems to have a lot to offer, but the recent turmoil makes me wonder this is the right time to visit. I’d be travelling with my young kids (2yo and 1yo). We’d mostly stay in Tunis/Hammamet doing a home exchange. The government of my country does not recommend several areas within Tunisia and highlights potential turmoil. I’d love to know whether as residents/diaspora you think this is blown out of proportion from a safety perspective. Thank you in advance :)",,,,,,2022-04-06 17:00:35 txse7w,,1,How do I register my phone ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 18:11:22 txset5,,18,Would it be safe for two girls to travel to Tunisia alone?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 18:12:07 txsu2o,,1,Challenge - See how much you can get from this Maltese comedy gem,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 18:31:20 txtu7t,,2,part-time jobs in Tunisia,"What part-time jobs or anything that can get me paid in Tunis the capital ? Any ideas? help ?! I'm a uni student and I need to pay rent ASAP or homelessness is waiting for me",,,,,,2022-04-06 19:16:41 txuqrb,,1,kalamni madi saatin,,,,,,,2022-04-06 19:58:19 txurl9,فما_شنقال_في_الليل_بعد_شقان_الفطر_zone_marsa_sidi/,4,فما شنقال في الليل بعد شقان الفطر ؟ (zone marsa /sidi bou),[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-06 19:59:19 txv8do,,3,How do I register my phone ? problem,"Hello , I brought a phone with me from abroad but couldn't register it on []( ( because I tried to register more than two phone and I therefore reached my limit ) , Now I can't use my phone with a SIM card . It's such a pain ! Is there any other way to get it to work ?",,,,,,2022-04-06 20:19:34 txwci3,,1,do therapists in Tunisia give you anti depressant pills?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-06 21:09:13 txyrmd,,1,بقيت ربع ساعة نلوج في علم تونس. التوانسة ما تلقاهم كان في فايسبوك خاطر يموتوا كان على تنسنيس ما فماش ريحتهم في بلايص اخريين. هاكا علاش يتسمى نجاح ككنا حاضرين ببعض البيكسالات. برافو شباب 👊👊👊,,,,,,,2022-04-06 23:02:23 txzdi2,,18,"Looking for a friend I made here a while ago, pale-slave, you here?","I didn't know where else I could post this. I made a friend here a while ago but I lost access to my other account. Their username is pale-slave. Shoot me a message if you see this. I hope this is okay mods. EDIT: I forgot to mention why I'm even posting this. Looks like they deleted their account but I'm hoping they still lurk around this sub with another account.",,,,,,2022-04-06 23:32:53 txzza3,,7,how much do u feel this community represents tunisians in general ?,"According to the ideas and opinions you read here, how much do u think this community shows about tunisians and their mentality. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-07 00:04:09 ty0oac,,27,"Tunisia be like: congrats you're 18 now you can legally purchase alcohol, have access to night clubs and bars but you have to bring your momma to your fucking high school","hey folks, I just wanna get this off my chest I'm currently a 20yo BAC student and I've been off school for nearly the whole trimester, I tried to enter my classes this morning w 9alouli ( jib bouk besh te5ou billet) wtf?",,,,,,2022-04-07 00:40:05 ty1xnj,,0,Is Boosteno worthy ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-07 01:46:11 ty6n5u,,6,Lost Tunisian Passport in the United States.,"I lost my Tunisian passport in the US and currently stuck here. Is anybody here familiar with the process of issuing a new Tunisian passport in the US? Help would be much appreciated. Cheers. Update: got my passport back. It was found. Thanks to everyone for the help",,,,,,2022-04-07 06:17:49 ty6olo,,0,Tunisian flag,"I love our current flag don't get me wrong , but I think in the future we need a new flag that represent our long History very well , and goes back to our root , I find that many Tunisians are not patriotic for their country and always attracted to the middle eat/extremist propagandas ... , and this problem need to be fix sooner or later and for that we need huge motive and transformation . I think this flag will be a candidate of our future flag if there is a future referendum , and maybe we change the name of the country or the capital to Carthage . the red represent all the sacrifices of the Carthaginians (the people of Tunisia) through history , the 90% white circle and the star represent the great Carthaginian port of Carthage that was one of the first wonders of the world , and the phoenix represent that that Carthaginians and their history never truly die and they will rise from the ashes every time . &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-04-07 06:20:23 ty6uyi,,22,pray for me guys,Jebt 8.7 in first trimester and 9.15 second one it's my last shot for me to nenjeh I need exactly 11..151 help,,,,,,2022-04-07 06:32:39 ty8n4s,,5,Any reputable renting agency?,"Hey everyone, Can anyone recommend a good agency to rent a house in the capital? searching online is useless and most agencies you find are not professional Thanks and Ramadhan Mubarak",,,,,,2022-04-07 08:44:53 ty9dpd,,0,Arab Parody Comedy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-07 09:40:26 tyco6f,,1,Chkoun yi7ib Zuck Bucks hahaha,,,,,,,2022-04-07 13:05:49 tycqbc,,22,Is there a way to stop receiving promotional and spam phone messages from ooredoo ?,,,,,,,2022-04-07 13:08:59 tydwq7,,1,تدعو وزارة الدفاع الوطني كل الإطارات الطبية وأطباء الأسنان والصيادلة والإطارات الشبه طبية من فنيين سامين للصحة وممرضين للصحة العمومية إناثا وذكورا، من الذين لم يتجاوزوا السن القانونية للتجنيد الخامسة والثلاثين (35 سنة)، إلى تلبية نداء الواجب,,,,,,,2022-04-07 14:08:57 tydxds,تدعو_وزارة_الدفاع_الوطني_كل_الإطارات_الطبية/,20,تدعو وزارة الدفاع الوطني كل الإطارات الطبية وأطباء الأسنان والصيادلة والإطارات الشبه طبية من فنيين سامين للصحة وممرضين للصحة العمومية إناثا وذكورا، من الذين لم يتجاوزوا السن القانونية للتجنيد الخامسة والثلاثين (35 سنة)، إلى تلبية نداء الواجب," في إطار دعم وإسناد هياكل الصحة العمومية بمختلف ولايات الجمهورية بالعنصر البشري المختص وعملا بأحكام القانون عدد 1 لسنة 2004 المؤرخ في 14 جانفي 2004 والمتعلق بالخدمة الوطنية، وخاصة الفصول 2 و3 و4 منه، تدعو وزارة الدفاع الوطني كل الإطارات الطبية وأطباء الأسنان والصيادلة والإطارات الشبه طبية من فنيين سامين للصحة وممرضين للصحة العمومية إناثا وذكورا، من الذين لم يتجاوزوا السن القانونية للتجنيد الخامسة والثلاثين (35 سنة)، إلى تلبية نداء الواجب وتعزيز المجهود الوطني في مجال العناية بصحّة المواطن في إطار أداء واجب الخدمة الوطنية خارج وحدات القوات المسلحة لدى وزارة الصحة يلتحق المواطنون الذين تتوفر فيهم الشروط المذكورة، بداية من يوم 18 أفريل الجاري إلى غاية يوم الجمعة 13 ماي 2022، بالمكاتب الجهوية للخدمة الوطنية الأقرب إليهم والمتواجدة بكامل ولايات الجمهورية مصحوبين ببطاقة التعريف الوطنية وبنسختين منها وبنسخة من الشهادة العلمية المتحصل عليها، أين سيتم توجيههم إلى إحد المراكز الجهوية للتجنيد والتعبئة لإتمام إجراءات التجنيد وتعيينهم بأقرب وحدة صحيّة من مقر إقامتهم حسب الحاجيات. هذا، وتعول وزارة الدفاع الوطني على وعي شباب تونس للتجاوب التلقائي مع هذا النداء إستجابة لحاجيات الدفاع الشامل ومقتضيات التضامن الوطني.",,,,,,2022-04-07 14:09:59 tygyog,,12,Service militaire,can someone help me? i have some tattoos and i want to do my military service. i heard its not possible when you have tattoos. is that true?,,,,,,2022-04-07 16:34:01 tyhk5w,,3,Do they still require vaccine pass in our airport before traveling abroad?,"Hi, Does the scam of printing your own vaccine pass and taking it to the ""الإدارة الجهوية للصحة "" with a 5dt stamp, so that ""عم صالح"" in there put another stamp on it, still a thing ? I knew that back in December~January it was required to show a printed paper with that stamp otherwise you can't leave the airport (despite having your QR code scannable by any other decent country health app and as soon as you scan it you will get full information with your name and vaccine, etc...) thanks! Edit: Here is [an example]( of the printed shit. And here is [the reply of a friend]( who traveled last month. So far it seems not necessary. I'll update again once another friend travel this sunday.",,,,,,2022-04-07 17:02:43 tyl4qp,,1,for those who went to therapy.. can they prescribe you a n anti depressant pills ? I desperately need them to continue living,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-07 19:47:52 tylwd9,,5,where can i but supplement vitamin D3 & K2 in tunisia? in drugstores they only have vitamin D3 alone,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-07 20:22:59 tynr19,,3,Looking for a place that streams Formula1 races.,"I have always wondered if we have any places where one could watch F1 in Tunisia, If anyone happens to know a place please let me know! I live around Tunis and I'm looking for a coffee shop/bar that streams F1 races (doesn't have to be open during Ramadan), can be in Marsa/Tunis or any city north of the capital. Preferably in English, but French is also fine.",,,,,,2022-04-07 21:48:24 tyq9a4,,12,Fiber Optics Update,"I recently made a post about Fiber and how it got to Ariana Riadh El Andalous which is weird because I thought they only have it in Areas like Centre Urbain Nord, Lac ... They are currently expanding and going towards Ariana and El Ghazela. As this picture shows, this is what the dug and installing the fiber optic lines underground. If anyone is living nearby Ariana, don't lose hope, they are expanding in Ariana and they'll surely in 1 to 2 year time finish installing in most places.",,,,,,2022-04-07 23:51:21 tys303,,11,"Help, I'm looking for a haunted house..","So.. this is gonna sound weird, but I'm **genuinely looking for a ""haunted"" house**, whose owners are still around (titre bleu and shit).. I want to buy a house, and since I don't believe in ""other-worldly"" stuff, I thought I'd capitalize on superstition and get a good bargain, since the low demand means lower property value. Any help is kindly appreciated (Anywhere in the capital/Grand Tunis: preferrably not ghetto-ish hoods like Sayda, Sidi Hssin, etc..)",,,,,,2022-04-08 01:27:00 tyuv5f,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-04-08 04:00:12 tz0sau,,42,"Tunisians, do you feel culturally closer to Egypt or Morocco?","Which geographic extreme of Tunisia do you feel closest to? I asked this sometime last year and wonder how the answers will change this time if at all. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-08 10:51:01 tz21f3,,24,"Maltese, AMA Round 2",Bored so thought I'de give this another go. Downvote it to oblivion if too soon again lol.,,,,,,2022-04-08 12:06:35 tz2fe7,,1,Des redditeurs tunisiens familier avec les travaux de Youssef Hindi?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-08 12:28:48 tz3lot,,2,Foreigners wanna have a good ramadan iftar in Tunisia,"Which places would you suggest for a tourist(muslim) to go and have iftar there in Tunisia. If you give recommandation please be specific about food quality, safety of the zone around it, what kind of people go there(families/couples/friend groups) and price.",,,,,,2022-04-08 13:30:31 tz4qw8,,8,Somewhere open to buy a burger after chakan fater?,Edit : i live in the capital / i am asking because most of places i know are closed,,,,,,2022-04-08 14:26:10 tz4utm,,8,"Tunisians: which of the Southern European peoples do you think have the most similar appearance to Tunisians, or best blend in as natives in Tunisia?","I asked this last year. Let’s see what people say now, new members and all. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-08 14:31:16 tz63l2,,11,"Hello guys, I haven’t been to Tunisia in 10 years now I am going home I want to ask any gamers back home if I get a PlayStation5 from the U.S would I need any power adapters to make it work back In Tunisia ? If yes which ones. Thank you",,,,,,,2022-04-08 15:29:21 tz6qug,,0,Instagram Disabled My Account For No Reason,"Hey, andi nharin tawa compte insta désactivé khater ysuspectiw feya elli ena bot w lmochkol mouch ken el Insta tfassakh kol haja teb3a ""meta"" tfassakht menha w comme presque kol chay tebaha tfassakht mel blayess lkol donc please HELP jarabt baatht alfin mail w 3amart les formulaires lkol majewbounich habat aal reddit entaa Insta jew aabed yhebou yescamiwni famech chkoun yaaref hall please. PS: message hedha yokhrojli kol manhel el compte",,,,,,2022-04-08 15:58:30 tz88cq,,0,Des redditeurs tunisiens familier avec les travaux de Youssef Hindi?,Tout est dans le titre.,,,,,,2022-04-08 17:05:35 tzaw2o,,1,كيفية تغيير لغة متصفح جوجل كروم للمبتدئين,,,,,,,2022-04-08 19:09:18 tzb5gq,,1,How is the nightlife in sousse and tunis? and airbnb or hotel?,"It's 3 of us guys coming from NYC for the first time in the beginning of june. We are planning on Souuse for 5 days, and then 4 days in either tunis, gammarth or la marsa, whereever theres better nightlife. Please help us w info. We are muslim, but we drink alcohol and no prosititution at all, but can we meet reg women and talk it up w them? Are big chain hotels strict on who you may bring to the room? thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-04-08 19:21:27 tzc9q1,,1,Wifi adapter with support to monitor mode,"Hey everyone, I am looking for shops, preferably around Sousse that sell wifi adapters that support monitor mode. Ideally not something too expensive and beginner friendly. I found some listings online but I would rather go to a real life shop. I am not very comfortable with shopping online. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-04-08 20:14:38 tzcct1,és_in_sfax/,4,are there open cafés in Sfax,Can't find any in the morning,,,,,,2022-04-08 20:18:59 tzcps4,,1,hey guys,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-08 20:36:02 tzctqv,,10,Anybody got advice on purchasing Solar Panels?,"Hello there, so my family would like to buy Solar Panels for our household. We don't exactly have all the money in the world to spend, so we would like to find companies that offer the most cost friendly deals while maintaining the best quality/cost ratio we can. We're down south, so we're ideally looking for a seller that's got branches everywhere or can deliver to any state, not just those localized in th capital. Thanks for any help!",,,,,,2022-04-08 20:41:11 tzdub1,,1,Fatherless Child: Overcoming Abandonment and Living a Fulfilled Life,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-08 21:29:42 tzekdz,,1,Valorant/Photoshop.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-08 22:04:34 tzelg7,,1,"Hi there, I'm looking for a photoshop professional or an illustrator to help me draw myself in the Valorant way. Like a Valorant agent. Like the one below. Anyone who can help please hit me up.",,,,,,,2022-04-08 22:06:00 tzi6ii,,25,are you fasting in Ramadan?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-09 01:16:28 tzla32,عربوش_mean/,7,what does عربوش mean ?,,,,,,,2022-04-09 04:14:30 tzmcmc,,140,فكرة سامي الفهري,,,,,,,2022-04-09 05:24:09 tzrbnh,,1,Did anyone work for gemography or did an interview with them?,,,,,,,2022-04-09 11:31:03 tzrmoa,,14,"Do you watch series in Ramadhan,and which one you choose?",,,,,,,2022-04-09 11:52:16 tzs3d8,,1,hey,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-09 12:22:12 tztlie,,1,I have a question for all:do you think that boys watching zoumourrouda is fine?,,,,,,,2022-04-09 13:50:39 tzvab0,,1,All you need to know about DropShippnig and affiliate,,,,,,,2022-04-09 15:17:00 tzvhlb,,1,me right now,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-09 15:27:01 tzvtsr,,1,what do Tunisians think of non marital sex,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-09 15:43:03 tzvvqf,,5,How can I get better grades.,"Hello, guys. I need some advice to get better grades.na9ra 3 eme informatique , I feel like I have to potentional to get better grades but I dont have a plan , fel 3ada mana9rach jemla presquee w 7atta ki na3mel effort there is no results either.",,,,,,2022-04-09 15:45:44 tzx7p5,,23,What would u do with 4k DT? inspire me..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-09 16:50:51 u01rbq,,7,"What does ""ytallef fel jorra"" means?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-09 20:38:13 u01vbu,,1,Salle de musculation budget,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-09 20:44:06 u01x14,,4,Salle de musculation budget," Salam w saha chribtkom w ma tghosouch ml zlebya Bellehi Materiel salle de musculation tahfoun jdid w kemel gdch ytklf li andou info",,,,,,2022-04-09 20:46:34 u027u4,,23,phone lock screen wallpaper.,I live in tunisia off and on and have noticed a surprising high number of 20-35 year olds have a photo of themselves as the lock screen or wall paper. What's up with this? It's not limited to women either which in my mind seems a bit more understandable. I doubt it's for the practical reason that if the phone is lost someone might recognize them lol.,,,,,,2022-04-09 21:01:24 u038hq,,1,what do you predict will change in this country 20 years from now?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-09 21:53:10 u0458k,,3,r/Tunisia discord server,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-09 22:39:56 u0514l,,1,my dead Tunisian discord server,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-09 23:27:01 u061i3,,2,Family relationships problem,"I’m living in a room with my big brother, h’es so toxic I can’t stand it anymore even though we have an empty room my won’t let me take it because he wants us to be love each other. How can I convince him to give me the room I’m 19 and I think it’s time for me to get some privacy.",,,,,,2022-04-10 00:24:15 u0671u,,17,Tunisian national anthem stuck in head,"I listened to it last night and it is so damn catchy, I can’t get it out my head lmao",,,,,,2022-04-10 00:33:08 u0715i,,121,Why do people say that the Palestinian liberation does not concern us when Israel has attacked Tunisian soil on Multiple occasions (last time only 6 years ago !),,,,,,,2022-04-10 01:23:17 u08y0k,,6,Are you Patriotic of Tunisia?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-10 03:17:52 u09x0x,,22,Are there things that tourists do that annoy you?,Hi 😊👋 I am planning to go to Tunisia in the summer. I am British and I often hear stereotypes of the 'clueless English tourist' when we visit other countries. Do you notice a pattern in behavior with holiday makers from the UK? (Or other places),,,,,,2022-04-10 04:19:16 u0anef,,2,Hi! I'm asking for your help for my survey that I'm gonna use later for a project for r/dataisbeautiful!,"Now it's your turn. So, this is kind of a silly ""popularity contest"" between cities! I'm using it for ""experience points"", also. When you have a few free minutes, list ALL the Italian cities whose name you remember in your comment. You'll have two options to do that: 1) Take this survey on this website (anonymous and registration-free, with a couple of questions more): []( 2) Write that down on a comments (see instructions below) &#x200B; \*\*\*If the Italian users want to play, they can take the online survey, but they must specify their nationality. Maybe it simpler to write a comment on this post. &#x200B; *Prizes will be awarded to the various cities (eg. ""most mentioned"", ""most obscure one to get mentioned"", ""nobodylovesyou"" etc.) !* &#x200B; &#x200B; \*\*\* I ask you to include in your posts: Your (COUNTRY) If you want and you don't risk to be fired/dumped/murdered, next to the names of the cities, the (REASON) why you know them. &#x200B; An example: FLORENCE (ART) ANZIO (HISTORY) CATANIA (I HATE HORSES AND I EAT THEIR MEAT AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK) Thanks to everyone who will participate in this bizarre project! &#x200B; &#x200B; If you liked it and are interested, please share it! I'm open to related DMs.",,,,,,2022-04-10 05:09:06 u0d40g,,2,"no such thing as people from sub- saharan africa, africa is genetically connected and related",,,,,,,2022-04-10 08:07:50 u0dw31,,6,Hajj Gammarth,"3aslema! Since I was a child, I hear in Tunisia that there is an alternative way to go to Hajj from Tunisia (not the lottery system) related to the city of Gammarth (I guess 😅). I can't find anything about it on the internet. Does anyone know anything about this, or have any kind of resource I can learn from ? Thank you! 😊",,,,,,2022-04-10 09:08:15 u0f98i,,11,The medina is truly gorgeous!,,,,,,,2022-04-10 10:57:29 u0fsza,عربي/,1,Coping with Corona Research Study - English and عربي,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-10 11:36:39 u0fwni,,19,Tourism and plastic waste,"Since tourists are gonna flood the country in a few months is there a way we can pressure the government to do something about the stupid plastic waste issue that's everywhere, idk even a hashtag anything we can spread around to show that we care honestly it's depressing seeing Tunisians numb to this issue now we shouldn't give up something as important as trash management we could legit be the next cause of a major pandemic if this shit stays the same.",,,,,,2022-04-10 11:43:49 u0gois,,0,Tunisia to compensate revolution's dead and wounded says President,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-10 12:34:28 u0jejh,,0,Tunisia to compensate revolution's dead and wounded says President,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-10 15:02:08 u0k0e2,,1,chkoun bac science lena bilehi?,I'll dm you,,,,,,2022-04-10 15:32:13 u0k2qo,,1,China is taking control !,,,,,,,2022-04-10 15:35:27 u0k97q,,4,Tunisia to compensate revolution's dead and wounded says President,,,,,,,2022-04-10 15:44:37 u0kmlb,,46,"Life is a beach 🏝 #Mahdia, #Tunisia 🇹🇳 ☀️, North Africa.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-10 16:02:42 u0lk4s,,1,كيفية تسريع جوجل كروم بدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-04-10 16:48:10 u0mjsi,,3,Should we spend more time in the gammarth/la marsa area or sousse for night life. I need to finalize my airbnb/hotels this week. We are going june 2-11. Ppl have been helpful & i want to enjoy tunis as much as possible. Merci beaucoup in advance!!!,,,,,,,2022-04-10 17:34:48 u0o8jn,,2,Does anyone know of a 3D printing shop in Sousse?,"I'm looking for one and my search has been fruitless, if you're aware of one in Sousse it'll help a lot to link me their location and contact! Thanks",,,,,,2022-04-10 18:52:56 u0oddk,,2,do you guys know how long weed stays in the human's system?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-10 18:59:15 u0phd4,,0,do u think this country would be better off without Islam?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-10 19:51:55 u0rvrt,,9,What advice would you give to someone starting their first job?,What's your advice according to your experience?,,,,,,2022-04-10 21:46:46 u0rz19,,1,What would be the response if someone wore a shirt like this?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-10 21:51:06 u0s647,,1,"Looking for open coffee in Menzah 9, Manar 2/3",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-10 22:00:15 u0s9gy,,1,Is there some dry hash or dry sift in tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-10 22:04:23 u0ssc3,,27,for those who doesn't like this country ( the vibes/ ugly view/lack of opportunities etc ) how did you cope with all of those years staying this country? if you grew to love the country what did u do? if u didn't how do u cope?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-10 22:30:06 u0tkp2,,2,any tip on how to get an Internship in an IT company,"The title says it all, my college made a statment that we are obligated to have a summer Internship but i don't know anything about the procedure, i need help! Ps: i study CS",,,,,,2022-04-10 23:09:36 u0wcvt,,4,nurse's who have immigrated to canda or Deutscheland,"Since i was lil i was dreaming to immigrate to Canada, all i hear is that the recognition procedure is too difficult, Any one have any idea about that? And is it true that Deutscheland is much easier?",,,,,,2022-04-11 01:38:45 u0www4,,14,"I visited Tunis in 2015, how much has changed?","It’s been 7 years since I last visited Tunis, how much has changed?",,,,,,2022-04-11 02:08:38 u11g6u,,2,Know a good place that sells pc the newest motherboards graphics cards stuff like that in nabeul?,I want upgrade my desktop pc when I have the time do you guys know a good place that can sell and install pc parts for me I have a somewhat old gaming pc it runs fine and can manage most games but it could use an upgrade ssd/ram/gpu/motherboard as long as upgrading is cheaper than buying a new one lol my pc is 6 years old.,,,,,,2022-04-11 06:45:08 u13xfp,âtisseries_in_tunis/,1,Best pâtisseries in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-11 09:44:53 u14q6x,,17,Are there nice places to sit where you live?,"Just a general question, but I'm a British person who's been living in Tunisia for a little while, and I was curious to ask around; wherever you live, are there any nice areas where you like to relax? In my city here, I can't really think of anywhere that seems designed for people to relax. There are no parks or gardens, or plazas or squares etc. Most people seem to hang out by the road or by the bus station, which to me is a weird place to relax due to the smell and pollution and it just not being too pretty really. I don't know if I'm just looking at things weirdly though due to being foreign, or if my city just doesn't really have anywhere particularly nice compared to other cities. Where do you lovely people go to relax in your areas?",,,,,,2022-04-11 10:38:22 u1537a,,0,Tunisian actor sparks mockery for suggesting winter Ramadan,,,,,,,2022-04-11 11:00:51 u168vp,,42,here a map of countries that had a flag at the end of the r/place,,,,,,,2022-04-11 12:08:33 u16azm,,1,Anyone had a vaccine boost ? I want to know what the France covid app tells you when you scan your QR code.,"Hi, Am traveling at the end of this month and I have to transit through France, I had 2 vaccine shots and when I scan my QR code with ""TousAntiCovid"" app, it says ""vaccination 2 of 2"" but also has an informatio bubble (not a warning or an error) that says: > Based on this certificate, you are eligible for the vaccine boost but there is no other information whether is this is required or not. My Tunisia-related question is whether the boost we do here update your Evax informations, so if any of you had the boost, can you please download the French app and see if it recognize that ? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-04-11 12:11:51 u1893v,,22,"You have 5 months to help as much as you can a group of immigrants women from subsaharian Africa have a better social integration in Tunisia with only 15k dt, what do you do?",,,,,,,2022-04-11 13:51:53 u189ts,,1,Do you or someone you know study medicine in USA/Canada? how did you do it?,,,,,,,2022-04-11 13:52:50 u199m4,,0,Selling tickets cadeaux Sodexo,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-11 14:39:08 u19ogb,,1,Selling tickets cadeaux Sodexo,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-11 14:58:21 u19tmg,,1,How to sell tickets cadeaux ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-11 15:04:16 u1bpam,,2,"First time getting schengen visa, what are my chances for getting it, realistically?","I want to go to Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert in Budapest this summer, and I need a schengen visa for it. I never applied for a schengen visa before, only went to Serbia and Turkey. I am also 23 years old, I currently work and make 3k+ monthly. According to what you heard, and your experience, should I be hopeful or what? The concert ticket is 300$ and I don’t wanna risk it.",,,,,,2022-04-11 16:31:08 u1d0mv,,119,كيف تجعل الاسعار تنخفض؟,,,,,,,2022-04-11 17:29:15 u1elf9,,1,Where can I fix my watch near mourouj/centre ville,,,,,,,2022-04-11 18:48:28 u1gf93,,2,do you watch cable tv ?,"hey folks, I'm gonna use this to settle a debate [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-11 20:16:00 u1huyl,ما_هو_كوكبك_المفضل_في_سبيستون/,27,ما هو كوكبك المفضل في سبيستون,ما هو كوكبك المفضل في سبيستون علي مر السنين,,,,,,2022-04-11 21:16:01 u1iyiq,,1,"Am receiving a package through 'la poste', how much can the 'diwana' cost ?",it is a 150€ (470dt) external hard drive.,,,,,,2022-04-11 22:03:38 u1jxr2,,1,do people smoke the same way tunisians smoke in other countries? it seems like EVERY male here smokes I wonder if it's the same in other countries,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-11 22:47:41 u1k454,,0,"When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Tunisia, do as the Tunisians do.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-11 22:56:20 u1kcwq,,1,Wanna buy coffe capsules especially nespresso,"Slm, blh n7eb nes2el chkoun ya3ref win najem nal9a coffee capsules nespresso Choft f mytek, w grand surface l9it anwa3 mata3jebch, low quality 7a9 Jumia feha 7ajet mat5ibech laken, madhabiya an alternative W thanks for any info",,,,,,2022-04-11 23:07:19 u1l1v4,,2,How can I buy a car in the shortest amount of time?,"Dear redditors, This is going to be a long post so buckle up. This is a big issue that I'm currently dealing with. It all started after my father gave me his car. (4 years ago approx). It's a piece of art when it comes to garbage. For those wondering it's a Renault 19, plate 69 (wink wink). Since day one the car started being a pain. I learned alot about car defects, mechanical parts, batteries, carburator, alternator, gimbals, breaks, lights, oils... I have been to almost every goddamn mechanic or electrician in my area. And everytime I say it's fixed and I won't be facing more issues, something else pops the fuck up and commands me to spend more on this old battleship. I can keep complaining for hours on how the french people fucked up in a billion ways making this trash. It's resilient, spacious, low cost for mechanical parts relatively speaking. But these few positive points don't mean anything when the car isn't working most of the time. I have been upset and dissapointed for a long time since basically everytime I ride it I don't feel comfortable knowing that the car can stop at literally anytime and I have to be towed back home. So, I have been wondering. How people get a new car?? I know people get bank loans which i truly detest. I have an average income and I'm planning to get married next year so a loan isn't an option. If I have to sell it, it's not worth a lot. Probably 7 or 8 mil tops. And even used cars nowadays cost a fucktone of money. And there is always risks with used cars. (can't afford the same nightmare twice) I was thinking of finding someone in the family to lend me money (after I sell the car) but mom advised me not to. We have rich family members but mom's ego comes in between me asking for some money from them. (which I will return monthly) I discussed the issue with some friends, but none of them cared enough. They didn't go through the torture of having to push your car and asking strangers on the road for help to get it to a mechanic, They didn't spend a fortune on car parts and repairs, they don't spend a lot of gas money because they have economic new cars (unlike my hungry dumb beast).. I'm really mentally and physically tired, psychologically destroyed, and helpless since I have to drive to work. Any ideas, advice, sharing your problem will be appreciated. PS: I'm not by any chance begging for money! Sorry for the long post, I had to vent out somewhere.",,,,,,2022-04-11 23:40:58 u1lhqg,,1,Where can I find Chibro Proscar (finasteride) medicine in Tunisia?,"I went to the pharmacy and they told me they don’t have it, anyone had success finding it?",,,,,,2022-04-12 00:02:33 u1lrp2,,1,should I drop about of college,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 00:16:20 u1ltz1,,1,should I drop out of college,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-12 00:19:36 u1mdhz,,1,"I need someone to fuck me so hard,and fill my both holes with a cum",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-12 00:46:47 u1mjoa,,9,should i drop out of college,"So this is my first year in college, I study Cs and i didn't make any efforts at all and despite that i still think I'm gonna pass this year, but I'm afraid next year i won't be able to do the same since m3ndish el bagaje el lezem and then i won't be able to recover from that",,,,,,2022-04-12 00:55:17 u1mtmt,,1,a Tunisian bay,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 01:08:42 u1oq8z,,0,This national team is gonna be good in November,,,,,,,2022-04-12 02:44:04 u1p74y,,41,Rabi yar7amha,,,,,,,2022-04-12 03:07:55 u1q5o0,,0,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-04-12 04:00:10 u1qbry,,17,i love tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-12 04:13:26 u1qu1t,,0,can an it management(informatique de gestion) student become an engineer,"A friend of mine told me it's possible for me when i finish college to study engineering in a private university ? Is that legit, plz tell me if sm1 knows",,,,,,2022-04-12 04:57:37 u1rw1d,,4,How much money per month to live well in TN?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 06:06:51 u1u3p0,,1,Flag of Tunisia waving in the wind - Flag animation - Motion background ...,,,,,,,2022-04-12 08:25:50 u1vix1,,6,Anyone knows some cool places to have lunch in Tunis ?,As title says. Thanks,,,,,,2022-04-12 10:07:24 u1xd4u,,18,Therapy in Tunisia ??,"Hey guys I'm 28 years old living in Sousse due to some traumatic events in my childhood, I'm having lots of mental health issues since I was a teenager these problems had so many negative imlplications on my life I dropped out of college a couple of times I'm in the process of getting my degree in CS next year hopefully (i got back to college ) been diagnosed with bipolar went to multiple psychiatrists took antidepressants antipsychotics benzos and tried therapy nothing seems to work and I had many bad experiences with doctors especially the ones that claim to be therapists my symptoms can be severe sometimes raging from anxiety to panic attacks to psychosis rarely and mood swings I struggle with everyday life and the stress of college. I want to go to a therapist but I'm really scared cause i had so many bad experiences with them doctors are so eiger to give me all kinds of meds they Work to certain extinct but that's it and the ones that tried therapy with are just bullshiters one straight up told ""i don't care"" when I tried to talk about certain sensitive stuff. so did anyone had a good experience with psychotherapists in Tunisia ones that are not doctors just therapists , and if you would be so kind to recommend me one I would be grateful.",,,,,,2022-04-12 11:59:11 u1xkh2,,1,a Tunisian bay,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 12:09:47 u1zzvy,,2,What's your job and how much do you earn?,,,,,,,2022-04-12 14:09:26 u20x2k,,1,famech program najem nekhdem bih pascal mtaa el bac aal macbook? TPW ken windows....,,,,,,,2022-04-12 14:51:53 u20yqg,,4,"""Freelancers"" with SUARL companies, any good accountants to recommend please?",,,,,,,2022-04-12 14:54:01 u242gh,,1,what do you think about sexology and sexologist (sex therapist) in Tunisia w ken tenja7 wale as a job?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 17:09:26 u24llq,,3,is taking sexology as a profession in Tunisia a good decision?and why?,,,,,,,2022-04-12 17:32:12 u27a3r,,17,why people don't go to the streets and demanded paypal services/digital currency freedom? like where's the actual activism? is there any reason why people aren't moving to change things up and I'm not only talking about online world but other stuff too,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 19:30:05 u27uil,,29,"Visited another gem in Tunisia 🇹🇳 today, Salakta, Mahdia",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 19:55:07 u29euj,,3,Is there a possibility that I'll be able transition here in Tunisia one day ?,"If you are transphobic just do not read this and do not comment . I am transmasc , and I want to transition . I am tired of living like this , I really can't stand myself , I want to transition so bad , however , I don't know if I will ever be able to transition here in Tunisia or not , is there any possibility that I will be able to transition one day ?",,,,,,2022-04-12 21:03:26 u29vrk,,10,how do you protect yourselves when you go out past midnight? is it legal to carry something with you for protection? what's the worst that could happen besides getting mugged?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 21:25:11 u29xpz,,3,Software developer internship.,"Hi, can you recommend some good companies for summer internships. I am a software engineering student. I want a good company which pays for the internship and offers good projects for the internship.",,,,,,2022-04-12 21:27:43 u2a7cd,,0,is eating 😼 allowed in ramadan? I'm Muslim and I fast obviously but I don't know if I should keep doing it since people consider it a meat,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-12 21:40:09 u2ahbo,,3,Any suggestions on what to do after attending coding Bootcamp ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-12 21:53:04 u2biyp,,21,"oh hell nah,The Tunisie Telecome Commercial about NFT 💀",,,,,,,2022-04-12 22:49:24 u2crj4,,2,Summer internship,"Hello, I’m in my second year computer science degree I’m asking how can I search for a summer internship I can’t find any on the internet I’m living in Sahloul, Sousse.",,,,,,2022-04-12 23:49:30 u2hrfg,,90,good feeling,,,,,,,2022-04-13 04:10:12 u2ktiq,,3,Is learning German worth it fi TOUNES,"I have seen many job offers (Management levels) currently asking for people having good communication skills in German and frankly I have always been intimidated by the German language but I have realised that if I want to evolve in my professional career I have to strike and take action So I have been seriously considering learning it through Goethe institute however I would really appreciate those who had previous experience with this establishment: 1-All the courses (all levels included) will cost me around 7600 TND (which is quite an investment) 2-If I can level myself up over the coming 2 years, would it be possible to get good job opportunities here or abroad? I already bought Duden dictionnary, is there any other helpful source anyone could recommend to help me out in this journey? I would really appreciate your inputs",,,,,,2022-04-13 07:30:09 u2lo3y,,1,Best Marketing Agencies in Tunisia?,"# As the title says. Note that I mean Marketing Agencies that do various marketing activities, not just content creation/ video production groups.",,,,,,2022-04-13 08:34:42 u2lqc2,,30,خليجي يحكي كيفاه الأساتذة التوانسة يعسوا داخل قاعات الامتحان,,,,,,,2022-04-13 08:39:38 u2mux6,,7,"You're sick, should you go to a Clinic, Hospital or private doctor?","Put it in a laymen perspective, how do you decide which is which, why clinic and not hospital, etc Looking for general's perspective",,,,,,2022-04-13 10:02:40 u2mvp0,,11,what are laws that you should be aware of to protect yourself?,,,,,,,2022-04-13 10:04:13 u2n9y5,,0,anyone here practices witchcraft/Astral projection or any type of supernatural thing or been to a 3arafa before? what's your experiences?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-13 10:32:04 u2nd1u,,1,anyone knows where can I find erotic magazines or books in Tunisia? sex stuff,,,,,,,2022-04-13 10:38:10 u2ogiq,,1,[Hiring] Participants wanted in Tunisia for a paid AI Research Project,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-13 11:47:46 u2p9y9,,1,كيفية حجب المواقع الاباحية من الهاتف بدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-04-13 12:32:52 u2q8uv,,1,"I got hairy balls and big pubic hairs and hairy back, is there a dermatologist in tunis that can take care of man's stuff? I wanna shave them",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-13 13:23:56 u2rlol,,7,i think my phone is hacked,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-13 14:29:04 u2t4f4,,6,خطاب بورقيبة في اريحا بفلسطين عام 1965 ينصح فيه الفلسطنيين بالابتعاد عن العاطفة وقبول خطة التقسيم مع اسرائيل، افضل من ان تستمر ازمتهم لمئات السنين ويندمون لاحقاً ، وقتها كل العرب استكنرت هذه التصريحات واعتبرتها خيانة وخرجت مظاهرات في العواصم العربية ضدها، سبحان الله الرجل كان عنده وجهة نظرة,,,,,,,2022-04-13 15:38:07 u2v0xr,,1,تونس المقاومة#1 معركة صفاقس,,,,,,,2022-04-13 17:02:37 u2vgrq,لو_أتيح_لك_خيار_العيش_على_كوكب_أكشن_مغامرات_أو/,0,لو أتيح لك خيار العيش على كوكب أكشن، مغامرات أو زمردة من سبيستون ماذا تختار؟," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-13 17:22:28 u2vp71,,1,chahya tayba hh,,,,,,,2022-04-13 17:33:00 u2wdab,,7,a way to watch tunisian TV Live ?,"Is there a free way to watch TV live for people living abroad (other than ip TV) ? A link would be appreciated. Thank you.",,,,,,2022-04-13 18:02:34 u2ya5o,,1,خواطر شعرية,,,,,,,2022-04-13 19:30:36 u2yohi,,1,what do you think about Jasmyn in Ken Ya Makenech ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-13 19:48:35 u31mf5,حضر_لدى_شهيديه/,1,"How would you translate in french ""حضر لدى شهيديه السيد…"" ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-13 22:00:37 u31rl0,,4,Study partner,"Hi, I am a final year engineering student doing my PFE. who wants to team up to study together and motivate each other. I work 2 days a week from home and i get so bored and procrastinate and end up doing nothing, that's why I am posting this.",,,,,,2022-04-13 22:06:59 u33j9e,,3,General Manager Salary in Tunisia? How much do they earn?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-13 23:31:12 u37x5p,,0,weed plug,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-14 03:21:47 u395n7,,25,Ask me anything about crypto or e-payments in Tunisia,"Disclaimer: I may and will suggest ways that are in the grea area if you ask about some stuff, if you want to get ways that are regulated, this is not the post, as Ive NEVER used a ""legal"" way for tunisian e-payments, nor does almost anybody that's using crypto tunisia.",,,,,,2022-04-14 04:33:28 u3az3e,,9,"Entering the country with a drone, as a photographer/videographer - advice needed.","Greetings everyone! As the title states, I'm a photographer travelling to Tunisia later this year. Now, I have some experience with the country and I've never had any trouble with my gear over there, but this time around I'll be packing a bit more than usual. I love the country and never encountered any issues during any of my previous 7 stays over there, but this one seems to be rather specific in today's age and state of the world. The main thing I'm curious about is drones. I've recently gotten into videography as well and acquired a DJI Mini 2 and having a blast with it. I don't seem to find any specific information regarding drones in Tunisia online, but I'm aware of the state the country is in these past few years and I was wondering if anyone has some sort of experience carrying drones into the country. Both positive and negative alike would be useful to hear. I've heard of some horror stories regarding drones in Egypt and the nightmares people went through in customs, but I'm not quite sure if those are applicable to Tunisia. For reference, I'll be landing with a late-night flight into Tunisia most likely and then making my way to Sousse-Monastir-Djerba. Thank you all in advance!",,,,,,2022-04-14 06:35:25 u3b82z,,1,Grow Your Business with,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-14 06:54:17 u3bhm9,,282,Yed wa7da,,,,,,,2022-04-14 07:12:43 u3bmfu,,1,everybody drop your unpopular opinions on the tunisian government down bellow,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-14 07:22:08 u3di8x,,0,I know my gay homies here get bullied I just wanna say don't read the replies to that one post here about tunisia society. mfs will shamelessly bring up pedophilia to something so innocent . they are active in subs like Saudia where they execute gay ppl yet allow child marriages..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-14 09:38:01 u3ea0z,,6,"Tunisian who study in the UK, what shocked you the most and is it that different from Tunisia ?",Anyone here study in the uk ? If yes how long it took u to get the visa and how is it compared to Tunisia ?,,,,,,2022-04-14 10:26:40 u3flse,,3,Any good open restaurants in Tunis during the day? Drop the locations and names plz,,,,,,,2022-04-14 11:44:58 u3h2ni,,3,Does Fatales accept payment with international credit / debit cards?,Trying to buy a gift for a friend in Tunisia but I’m currently overseas. Will Fatales accept international visa/mastercards?,,,,,,2022-04-14 13:03:25 u3h5hj,,23,Translate this in tunisian arabic for me please!,"I am so glad to have met you. You changed my life in the best way possible. All I can say is thank you. Thank you so much. (casual from male speaker to a female listener)",,,,,,2022-04-14 13:07:35 u3hwzq,,6,HOW TO DEAL WITH TERRIBLE INTERNET PROVIDER CUSTOMER SERVICE ??,"wa, internet (orange adsl) hasnt been working for almost a month now. temchi w t9os w hata ki temchi the speed is close to nothing that even messages won't send and sites won't load. kalemnehom a billion times with a sane way w meme mchinelhom w they did their casual bullshit stories ""ok ahawka 3adit reclamation 👍"" ""mochkel mouch menna ahna men telecom""... I'm so lost on how to deal with these fucks, barsha 3bed 9alouli lezmek ta3mel 3ar3our bch yekbsou rwe7hom but like how bruh?? does anyone know what to say or how to deal with them on the phone/irl so they actually move they ass and do their job. it's so fucking annoying having to pay money and only get frustration in return. how does one get revenge and is there anyway I can get anything good in return for their terrible job at fixing the issue? thanks",,,,,,2022-04-14 13:46:19 u3iigy,,6,any good places for picnic and family gatherings?في الهواء الطلق,,,,,,,2022-04-14 14:14:44 u3m5ox,,6,Countries that have 3D locations in Google Earth,,,,,,,2022-04-14 17:02:06 u3majt,égation/,1,Examen d'agrégation,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-14 17:08:12 u3mnpv,,57,fr thoe cars do be expensive asf,,,,,,,2022-04-14 17:25:36 u3n7l7,,1,Any idea what font our ministries use for their text?,,,,,,,2022-04-14 17:51:36 u3nvlw,,1,was this always illegal or?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-14 18:22:32 u3nweg,,1,was it always illegal?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-14 18:23:33 u3p9im,,1,Any open restaurants in Sfax,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-14 19:27:09 u3pa9t,,5,Any open restaurants in Sfax,,,,,,,2022-04-14 19:28:07 u3pqsn,,0,is this a bot?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-14 19:49:43 u3quww,,1,Just a thin island of freedom and democracy…,,,,,,,2022-04-14 20:40:33 u3se0i,,2,I need help translating Diplome de bac in English,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-14 21:52:04 u3u1l5,,5,Ways to make pocket money?,"Hey guys, so I recently transferred as a high school student in Tunisia and I was thinking about what are some days to do some pocket money here without having to do ""mrama"" and not getting into investing or such. I just want to somehow earn a bit o masrouf and if it can help im in Mahdia. Maybe if you have some ideas you can share it with me please thanks :)",,,,,,2022-04-14 23:12:42 u3urma,,11,"Where can i buy ""fouchik"" ?","Last time i've bought fouchik it was in 2016 i think , i want them for my little cousin ... I live in Tunis.",,,,,,2022-04-14 23:48:54 u3w4ko,,3,Help me with this survey for school!,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-15 00:59:57 u3w8a5,,5,federal reserve bank & Tunisia,"Might sound dumb but anyway I read somewhere that the fed will continue to increase interest rates, isn't this really bad for countries like us?! Since most money lenders will always choose to go with the safer option (aka take their $ to usa) . Thoughts ?",,,,,,2022-04-15 01:04:52 u3xygr,,1,screaming voice in my head,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-15 02:37:42 u3zf9p,,5,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-04-15 04:00:11 u40ajj,,45,al aqsa mosque is under attack please show solidarity المسجد الاقصى يهاجم اظهرو دعمكم,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-15 04:52:00 u4448l,,8,Need some BNB dust if anyone has,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-15 09:20:55 u46693,,1,Artificial intelligence research project is looking for contributors in Tunisia to pay $200 to record simple videos on their mobile phones,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-15 11:43:13 u46nz6,,1,"[ACADEMIC] A uni project survey (design of a health care application) .Please help me with my project and fill out the form, it will take less than 2min.If you have any remarks don't hesitate to comment",,,,,,,2022-04-15 12:11:57 u46nz7,,1,"[ACADEMIC] A uni project survey (design of a health care application) .Please help me with my project and fill out the form, it will take less than 2min.If you have any remarks don't hesitate to comment",,,,,,,2022-04-15 12:11:57 u476p3,,1,Advice and the legality of weapons for self defense?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-15 12:41:29 u47ae1,,13,HELP ME NNJ7 LBAC,"Yo guys ki na7fdh dars we nt3da lely ba3dou mo5y yrkbhli ely ena bch nnsa ely 7fdhtou 9bal so trasyly narj3 n3awd nktb fy ely 9ablou to nt2kd eny mnsytch ely 7fdhtou anyway kifch n3ml to stop overthinking about it cause repeating drain my energy Zeda kifch lw7d yb9a energtic we mt7ms ena na9ra se3a se3a we nos nt3b",,,,,,2022-04-15 12:47:18 u4a61i,,9,"Last time I was in Tunisia, it was in December 2019.","Thinking about coming to visit friends and family next month. How much did things change? Those who travel to Tunisis by car/moto (boat) are there any tips or things I should know? I only ever traveled in and out of Tunisia by plane. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-04-15 15:09:10 u4abft,,8,"Any Idea if the Taxi service ""Bolt"" does any rides from Tunis to Hammamet?","If you also have any other travel solutions, I'll gladly accept any suggestions.",,,,,,2022-04-15 15:16:20 u4d1fb,,4,Cap Bon best region for vacation with family,"Hi peoples, I always spent my summer vacation in Kelibia and I love this place, but I ve never went to Korba , Dar Allouche ... , so which region you like , your feedback will be helpful :)",,,,,,2022-04-15 17:22:16 u4dbyd,,1,Happy Lights celebration from a small island of freedom and democracy…,,,,,,,2022-04-15 17:35:39 u4fg7j,ماذا_ستختار_بصراحة/,0,ماذا ستختار بصراحة؟,"لو أتيح لك الإختيار بين العيش في الخيارات أسفله، ماذا ستختار؟ [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-15 19:13:13 u4g5mz,,1,The Tunisian Dream v.2.02.2: Protable bil facilité,,,,,,,2022-04-15 19:47:16 u4gl2j,,1,what's next?,,,,,,,2022-04-15 20:06:42 u4h02i,é_fel_bac/,5,"Ken na3mel 3eme trimester non-classé fel bac, mazelt nejem n3addi bac mahou ? Mayhemnich fel bac blanc",,,,,,,2022-04-15 20:26:52 u4hbuc,,2,"Javelin thrower, does it exist here?",,,,,,,2022-04-15 20:42:25 u4hftp,,1,🇹🇳 مرسوم المزالي: الحقوق الشخصية المدنية في تونس - Fater فاطر,,,,,,,2022-04-15 20:48:15 u4hk6u,,1,Where can I find genuine video games controllers in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-15 20:54:09 u4iq5o,,4,fuel tanker just drowned,"a fuel tanker just drowned in front of Gabes, marine and shore pollution expected. Anyone knows more about the subject or the name of the tanker or what kind of fuel it was carrying?",,,,,,2022-04-15 21:50:20 u4jag4,,116,The new 50 TND and 5 TND bills ( Hedi Nouira on the 50 bill and Slaheddine Amami on the 5 bill).,,,,,,,2022-04-15 22:17:33 u4k5wk,,1,Relationship,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-15 23:01:30 u4ko55,,0,Deep learning analyses,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-15 23:28:19 u4l16k,,1,Tunisia-born InstaDeep becomes an AI force,,,,,,,2022-04-15 23:47:48 u4lbq2,,0,You can make alot of money if you take the risk,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-16 00:03:40 u4lghr,,11,can't study in Ramadan,"Since Ramadan started I've been struggling to make an efficient schedule Bfr cha9an lfatr i feel tired and after breaking fast i feel sleepy Tkasser el rythme unfortunately Any tips guys? I'm concerned cauz lbac 9rob zeda",,,,,,2022-04-16 00:10:47 u4lhog,,1,for those who wonder why teens in Tunisia study hard and plan to leave the country.. this is why.. there's no teenage dream or hopes or anything,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-16 00:12:37 u4lydb,بحضور_أعضاء_المجلس_الأعلى_للجيوش_إقامة_مأدبة/,0,بحضور أعضاء المجلس الأعلى للجيوش: إقامة مأدبة إفطار على شرف رئيس الجمهورية," انتظمت، مساء اليوم الجمعة 15 أفريل 2022 بنادي الضباط بتونس العاصمة، مأدبة إفطار على شرف رئيس الجمهورية قيس سعيد القائد الأعلى للقوات المسلحة. وحضر هذه المأدبة أعضاء المجلس الأعلى للجيوش، إلى جانب عدد من الضباط من مختلف الأسلاك العسكرية للجيوش الثلاثة. [shemsfm](الأخبار_أخبار-تونس_الأخبار-الوطنية/354803/بحضور-أعضاء-المجلس-الأعلى-للجيوش-إقامة-مأدبة-إفطار-على-شرف-رئيس-الجمهورية)",,,,,,2022-04-16 00:38:13 u4m41d,,1,Help ! (For devs or whoever knowledgeable about it),"Hello people, bech ma ntawalch alikom kdhit lbac amnewel, mamchetech m3aya l9raya fel fac sne w walit nkhamem na3mel BTS. barcha nes nas7ouni bel développement w 3ejbetni lfekra ama moch 3aref win ahsen blayes najem na3mel fihom formation privée wala Etatique mta3 3amin fi tounes w chnouma ahsen hajet najm na9rahom fel développement puisque fama barcha anwe3 7asb ma rit. Reply here or DM if u can help, very much appreciated.",,,,,,2022-04-16 00:47:26 u4mec3,,1,Hey!,"What are some of the negative/positive stereotypes Tunisians hold towards Algerians? I heard you guys think of us as short-tempered, noisy, and very aggressive. (btw, I don't really buy to stereotypes, nor I deem them as true. It's just fun)",,,,,,2022-04-16 01:03:18 u4schn,,5,Fav Tunisian podcasts?,No specific topics anything and everything. Any recommendations are appreciated,,,,,,2022-04-16 07:13:24 u4vbb2,,1,This brings back so many memories. Who's done this? 😂,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-16 10:53:32 u4wij1,,7,anyone participates in those online competitions and actually won a gift? or are they all fake?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-16 12:12:54 u4wugw,,5,Sujet PFE Problem Fi Application Mobile BT Banque,salem ken tnjmou t3awnou 5oukom chkoun mjareb wala 3andiu chkoun jareb application mobile mta3 banque BT y9oli chnia il problem ili l9aha feha 7ata ken mochkl s8ir maymhch any idea would be great <3 thx in advance,,,,,,2022-04-16 12:33:18 u4xe7e,,1,I am starting a series about facts about every single planet on spacetoon from favourite to least favourite,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-16 13:04:54 u4xewh,,1,I am starting a new series on this sub.It is about planets,,,,,,,2022-04-16 13:05:57 u4xp9i,,1,Why is god using insults in his last book to humans ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-16 13:21:56 u4xyi5,,56,Good old days :'),,,,,,,2022-04-16 13:35:50 u4y7n9,,5,Non-gaming tunisian twitch channel,Is there any Non-gaming Tunisian twitch channel,,,,,,2022-04-16 13:49:31 u4ygxl,,1,Bourguiba jokes compilation,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-16 14:02:43 u4ynth,,9,is there anyway to get out of the county with an art degree like graphic design?,,,,,,,2022-04-16 14:12:34 u4zewc,,0,Are luxury items such as iPhones and MacBooks available in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-16 14:51:19 u522kx,,3,Does anybody know a good vet in Tunis ?,"Could anybody recommend me a good vet please ? There’s nothing wrong with my cat but i want to get him checked up. I don’t care about the price as long as it is a good vet. Thank you !",,,,,,2022-04-16 16:59:24 u529sr,,3,Does anyone know how to buy comic books from the US and then ship them to Tunisia?,I've been lately trying to find out how to ship comic books from US retailers to Tunisia but I didn't find anything helpful. I tried searching for US retailer that ships to Tunisia but I didn't find anything. If anyone has any idea please let me know I'll appreciate it.,,,,,,2022-04-16 17:08:43 u52ao1,,17,Give a cool place to visit in Tunisia !,"Hello ! I thought it might be a good idea if everyone listed one cool place that is worth visiting in Tunisia. May it be a parc, à monument, à museum or even a city ! I start : There is this place place called « Ras Ben Sekka » in Bizerte, it is the Northest point in Africa! Google it, it is definetly worth visiting !",,,,,,2022-04-16 17:09:55 u52x9x,,3,Short Story,"From a bird's perspective, a short story, I hope you enjoy it ""For weakness, dear friends, whatever heights one achieves, only indicates the end.” [](",,,,,,2022-04-16 17:39:39 u546k3,,5,Glad to share with you this new track called playmate or camarade de jeu. It's a nostalgic track yet joyful. I hope you like it!,,,,,,,2022-04-16 18:38:37 u54w4z,,2,How to go study in Germany?,Please don't answer unless you did it or doing it or know someone who did it.,,,,,,2022-04-16 19:12:02 u55fbu,,1,Greetings from Malta,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-16 19:37:49 u55hsg,,35,"how not to be ""moght""","Hey I'm a teenage girl, i have a problem with first impressions, all my friends, besties, my current bf thought I was ""moghta"" at first and i don't know why. I always try to leave a good impression, smiling a lot, give compliments, let others talk about themselves, showing interest in what they're talking about. I'm really confused, it will be kind of y'all to give me some tips. RANI 8RO99TTT !!",,,,,,2022-04-16 19:41:04 u572b7,émon_go_players_in_tunisia/,10,Any Pokémon go players in Tunisia ?,Are there any Pokémon go players in Tunisia still ? I personally still play and was wondering if there was anyone else that still plays the game.,,,,,,2022-04-16 20:58:29 u57vkb,ès_pour_sauver_la_méditerrannée/,12,APPEL DE GABÈS POUR SAUVER LA MÉDITERRANNÉE !,"Une vraie catastrophe! Gabès qui vit depuis des années une dégradation de son littorale, un massacre de ses côtes n’avait vraiment pas besoin d’une nouvelle épreuve désastreuse: le naufrage du navire [\#Xelo]([0]=AZX3oiQ3UlvaVSrcJcycjRk54VqG75YGgG36L0x1DPUIW2ujS_tC5lBN2897-2CAkiomAsitzY3g9qe50GMIjwjS7KnQOH9c7YKos-Alcg9emHA5erqfrHQIJsjESOShItI&__tn__=*NK-R) à 7km du littoral, avec 750 tonnes de Gasoil à bord. [\#Gabès]([0]=AZX3oiQ3UlvaVSrcJcycjRk54VqG75YGgG36L0x1DPUIW2ujS_tC5lBN2897-2CAkiomAsitzY3g9qe50GMIjwjS7KnQOH9c7YKos-Alcg9emHA5erqfrHQIJsjESOShItI&__tn__=*NK-R) [\#catastrophe]([0]=AZX3oiQ3UlvaVSrcJcycjRk54VqG75YGgG36L0x1DPUIW2ujS_tC5lBN2897-2CAkiomAsitzY3g9qe50GMIjwjS7KnQOH9c7YKos-Alcg9emHA5erqfrHQIJsjESOShItI&__tn__=*NK-R) [\#littoral]([0]=AZX3oiQ3UlvaVSrcJcycjRk54VqG75YGgG36L0x1DPUIW2ujS_tC5lBN2897-2CAkiomAsitzY3g9qe50GMIjwjS7KnQOH9c7YKos-Alcg9emHA5erqfrHQIJsjESOShItI&__tn__=*NK-R) [\#Xelo]([0]=AZX3oiQ3UlvaVSrcJcycjRk54VqG75YGgG36L0x1DPUIW2ujS_tC5lBN2897-2CAkiomAsitzY3g9qe50GMIjwjS7KnQOH9c7YKos-Alcg9emHA5erqfrHQIJsjESOShItI&__tn__=*NK-R) [\#lsb]([0]=AZX3oiQ3UlvaVSrcJcycjRk54VqG75YGgG36L0x1DPUIW2ujS_tC5lBN2897-2CAkiomAsitzY3g9qe50GMIjwjS7KnQOH9c7YKos-Alcg9emHA5erqfrHQIJsjESOShItI&__tn__=*NK-R) [\#Tunisie]([0]=AZX3oiQ3UlvaVSrcJcycjRk54VqG75YGgG36L0x1DPUIW2ujS_tC5lBN2897-2CAkiomAsitzY3g9qe50GMIjwjS7KnQOH9c7YKos-Alcg9emHA5erqfrHQIJsjESOShItI&__tn__=*NK-R)",,,,,,2022-04-16 21:38:59 u5927y,,2,are there any tunisians in australia (sydney)?,,,,,,,2022-04-16 22:38:01 u5bv2j,,1,Why do Tunisians living abroad only hang out with other Tunisians?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-17 01:06:48 u5bzrj,,0,is ATBIG a good diplome?,ATBIG stands for Agent Technique en Bureautique et Informatique de Gestion.,,,,,,2022-04-17 01:14:06 u5c2ii,,3,Looking for the name of the song that goes like this,كعبة كعبة حتى لين توفى اللعبة,,,,,,2022-04-17 01:18:17 u5chty,حلقة_كاملة_يبيعو_و_يشريو_فيها/,1,حلقة كاملة يبيعو و يشريو فيها,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-17 01:42:04 u5d13l,,2,"Fuel ship sinks off Tunisia, threatening environmental disaster",,,,,,,2022-04-17 02:12:29 u5dbf4,,15,"Hello, ramadan kareem. What does ""bako"" mean in your slang",,,,,,,2022-04-17 02:29:00 u5dzty,,3,Best place and time of year to Tunis for a holiday?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-17 03:08:25 u5iln0,,1,Arduino,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-17 08:18:16 u5kba1,,2,Des plongeurs partis inspecter le pétrolier naufragé devant Gabès,,,,,,,2022-04-17 10:26:09 u5l8nd,,19,Are there any other good affordable options for a new car for a girl ( first car )? Everything seems so expensive,,,,,,,2022-04-17 11:34:31 u5l9ee,,0,"Any open cafes restaurants fi zone el ghazela, riadh el andalus","Any open cafes restaurants fi zone el ghazela, riadh el andalus?",,,,,,2022-04-17 11:35:54 u5m3tj,,1,Looking to hire from Tunisia — Advice Needed,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-17 12:31:50 u5meaw,,23,I am a Jordanian marrying someone from Tunisia. Any advice?,"As the title says, I am a Jordanian, and I am willing to marry a girl from Tunisia. I've never been to Tunisia so I am clueless, I don't know where to start or what should I begin with. She's living in Nabeul but her Family is in El Kef. We'll be living in Jordan once I marry her. Any traditions that I should be aware of? Is there any special Tunisian culture that I have to know before marriage? And is there anything special about Tunisian girls that I should know of? How do marriages work in Tunisia? and what about weddings/mahr? Tell me everything, please. I don't know if my questions are silly but I really wanna know everything haha Assist me with all of this, Thank you :)",,,,,,2022-04-17 12:50:10 u5mjyt,,1,"should I study engineering in Canada, Germany Or France?",,,,,,,2022-04-17 12:59:50 u5ocbv,,9,Intersting Tunisian Youtubers?,"Can you recommend any interesting Tunisian youtubers who talk in Derja? Preferably a channel about traveling/making trips inside (or outside) Tunisia? Chokran!",,,,,,2022-04-17 14:37:40 u5oqky,,1,Divers inspect fuel-laden ship that sank off Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-04-17 14:57:49 u5p920,,9,The GOOD CUISINE - A ready to prepare meals service in Tunisia.,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-17 15:23:13 u5pn3l,,5,Dating in Tunisia vs dating in Netherlands,,,,,,,2022-04-17 15:42:42 u5snw2,,1,why when you tell people in Tunisia that u don't care about religions they immediately assume you're atheists? I don't believe in a God that creates human a certain way then send them to hell that's just something human made up themselves but I believe in a God not in religions,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-17 18:09:05 u5t6ux,,12,Help me with tawjih 🙏 (2eme->3eme),"I literally have no idea about sections and everyone around me seems to have it all figured out ! I have good grades in everything, 17,5+ general grade and I'm between two options :math or sciences. I want to go to medical school but everyone is saying one section is better than the other for medicine. Can you please share your experience I'm sure other students are in my position❤️",,,,,,2022-04-17 18:35:00 u5tkpy,,1,Why when you tell people in Tunisia that u don't care about religions they immediately assume you're atheists? I don't believe in a God that creates human a certain way then send them to hell for it. That's just something humans made up themselves but I do believe in a God just not in religions,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-17 18:54:26 u5uyeh,,29,"A Bedouin woman and her child. Tunis, 1893.",,,,,,,2022-04-17 20:02:30 u5vc1m,,2,"can anyone, who studied or knows of Iteam university, tell me about it?","\-Any thing that you feel you should mention that I didn't ask about. \-Does it have any programs regarding cybersecurity and/or cloud computing? \-Is it worth enrolling in? Does it offer an advantage in employment after graduation? \-How much is the yearly tuition fee? \-Kifeh e jaw social 4adi? est-ce que les etudiants/professeurs 4adi social et cool wala strict & serieux? \-Besides the tuition, what are my expenses?",,,,,,2022-04-17 20:21:18 u5wilj,,9,What makes the Tunisian Central Bank/Government not allow International Credit Cards for people that make money online,"Why not allow Tunisians the ability to cash their money in from crypto(trading-mining)/freelance or any other online money making that pays in $/€, doesn't the country need $/€ to pay the debt and export maybe make a rule for the people that already brought $/€ that u can only spend 1/4 of your earnings online If you go look at the black market on Facebook/Discord/Telegram you will find a lot of money being traded there and it's not regulated and the country doesn't benefit from it at all I don't understand how that can have a negative effect on the country, or maybe I don't understand shit about money in this country I would love to see experts explaining this to me",,,,,,2022-04-17 21:20:05 u5xiq5,,91,"hello everyone, I made some concept kit design for the Carthage eagles of Tunisia 🇹🇳, i hope you all like these",,,,,,,2022-04-17 22:09:00 u5yqv6,,2,anyone knows an antiperspirant for hands !!,"Hello everyone, My hands are very sweaty (can't even write on papers without leaving a stain ) and its making me very uncomfortable, specifically with handshakes. If anyone can help please don't hesitate to ( if u know an antiperspirant or anything else that could help) Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-04-17 23:09:22 u5z9g4,,1,"Why are all of the buildings all-whitewashed? Were they originally like that, considering that different colors can be found in some old French postcards? Exactly what happened that made the colors change?",,,,,,,2022-04-17 23:36:04 u63xqk,,1,i need a bit of help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-18 03:45:47 u655ob,,1,Love,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-18 04:59:22 u660bt,,5,To rent a car in tunis or not ?,I will be visiting Tunis for a week. I’m not looking to drive anywhere far but I just heard it is difficult to get taxis and specially night times. I also don’t speak Arabic and taxi drivers don’t normally speak English. Are the roads safe to drive for someone that is not used to it ?,,,,,,2022-04-18 05:55:23 u67bra,,7,"I am looking for a social media manager in Tunis who specializes in Facebook advertising (landpages, target audience analysis) for recruitment. Do you know anyone like that?",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-18 07:27:13 u67zop,,0,Where can I get a Fidget Spinner in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-04-18 08:13:49 u68ngi,,1,Help me finish my last year in university 🥺,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-18 09:01:24 u68t5y,,3,help me finish my last year in university 🥺,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-18 09:12:33 u68wnd,,0,conflicted between my BFF and BF,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-18 09:19:38 u6b7w4,,8,How to land a summer internship as a comp sci student?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-18 11:47:30 u6bija,,7,"if you had a Photoshop test, that you have to make a good ""embalage"" design (can be copied, it just need to be good) how much would you rate this out of 10",,,,,,,2022-04-18 12:03:18 u6fqa6,,3,Do you regret your job and why?,you probably had a different point of view before taking your current job. if you think that your choice wasnt worth it why ?,,,,,,2022-04-18 15:24:00 u6jd5u,,4,Question.,"Sa7a shribtkm. How much a 'bac' level person could have as a salary (in any job)?",,,,,,2022-04-18 18:03:45 u6kec7,,0,shouldn't we be talking in arabic ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-18 18:48:31 u6liog,,6,How do I teach myself CODE for driving license theory test ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-18 19:38:02 u6lk3m,,2,Is it possible to buy Spotify directly with your credit Tunisian card in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-04-18 19:39:46 u6lkuh,,2,Best institute to learn German? up to B2 or c1,"i was planning on signing up to goethe institute but apparently they don't do in real life classes that are intensive pace. They offer blended learning at an intensive pace which, as far as i understand, is just 50% in an online classroom environment and 50% learning on my own. I'm looking for an institute that offers intensive learning either 50% in person 50% online classroom or 100% in person. Any ideas?",,,,,,2022-04-18 19:40:36 u6m7ts,,1,Does anyone know if there is English subs for Harga?,,,,,,,2022-04-18 20:07:49 u6mjoi,,2,Tunisie : le centre-ville européen de Tunis en péril | Africanews,,,,,,,2022-04-18 20:22:07 u6msk1,,4,"What are solutions and national plans should tunisia take to avoid, stop or minimize street robberies, or robberies in general (braquage) ;","I think that setting more strict rules and by strict i mean a lifetime jail, a very high fine to pay, legalizing carrying a self defense weapon such as a tactical knife, gas bomb, teaser, etc.. and a police van in the streets, alleys, between el ""zne9i"". I want to hear your thoughts about l braquage in tunisia and its solutions, maybe your experiences.",,,,,,2022-04-18 20:33:01 u6mxiu,,1,Dating apps in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-18 20:39:03 u6ndkb,,1,chnia raykom fi section science?,,,,,,,2022-04-18 20:58:14 u6o5as,,15,"what do you think of olfa hamdi ceo of tunisair? i heard people question her success in america with her company ,but i can't seem to find reliable information about her.",,,,,,,2022-04-18 21:33:21 u6ov5k,,1,Help in Oracle Apex,"Hiii, if anyone here knows how to manipulate oracle apex please hit me up",,,,,,2022-04-18 22:05:21 u6rsaa,,1,Getting IT certifications in Tunisia,"Hello, I am planning to pass some IT exams ( Azure , Terraform ... ), the only problem I have is that I don't know how to pay for them ( since you know it is difficult to pay in Euros or USD ). For tunisians who passed IT exams, how did you pay? Do you recommend getting a CTI (Carte technologique) ? Or are there any other (and better) methods to pay ? I am really looking for good tips and Thanks !",,,,,,2022-04-19 00:20:55 u6rxw1,,10,What's your gender?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-19 00:28:44 u6thbd,,2,can i go back to finish my degree after 2 years out,i study in an iset and thanks to some unfortunate events and the covid i have been unable to study in the past 2 years keep in mind that it was my last year so i still have 3 months and then i have to do the pfe. i didn't take any files nor did i drop out officially i just didnt go in the next 2 years so can i go back next September?,,,,,,2022-04-19 01:45:07 u6w2r7,,8,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-04-19 04:00:10 u6wzy0,,1,question about carte technologique,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-19 04:52:56 u6xa47,,1,Crypto debit/credit cards in Tunisia,"Are any of you guys aware of any crypto based debit/credit cards that can be obtained from Tunisia? Ones like Binance Visa Card, although this one can only be obtained from Europe. For anyone that doesn't know what these are, they are like your regular credit card you use to pay online, but you use crypto to fuel them, and use them to pay using EUR/USD, anywhere VISA/MC is accepted.",,,,,,2022-04-19 05:10:06 u6xfno,,4,What is the best place for a picnic in Tunisia,can you describe,,,,,,2022-04-19 05:19:33 u6zv4v,,1,is this still usable in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-19 08:03:04 u710ea,,4,"Hi, I’m in a bit of a tricky situation and need your help please!","Hi, I’m in a bit of a tricky situation. I’m currently an intern in a big corporation - extremely long work hours (I go home at 1-2am most nights of the week), and an overall disregard for personal health/problems of interns/employees. When I got the internship I was really happy about it and expected it to be quite hard but not to this degree. The workload does not bother me since the internship ends in June and I am learning a lot. However, a member of my family is undergoing last stages of cancer in Tunis and I would like to be able to come home for 10-14 days in May. Since they would never allow that, I was thinking of getting a doctor’s certificate attesting that I have health problems hence I can’t work for that time period. I was only able to find a « généraliste » (family doctor) to give me the attestation but a friend of mine who works in a similar corporation said that the attestation looks highly suspicious coming from a generalist doctor attesting that I need 10-14 days to rest bc of « health issues », he said that they won’t take it seriously and that it basically will end up hurting me. I am now looking for a specialist doctor in Tunisia to give me such attestation. I know it’s unethical but I’m genuinely left with no choice. Do you know anyone that could help me please ? (I’m also willing to pay - it’s very unethical I get it but again, I’m truly desperate).",,,,,,2022-04-19 09:25:44 u71b6z,,7,"If you want to leave Tunisia, which country you will choose Germany or France?",,,,,,,2022-04-19 09:47:14 u720qr,,15,Summoning the local EU4 Players,3aslema everyone! So I love history and alternate/history scenarios fascinate me and I have been playing Europa Universalis IV for quite a while (got more than 1300 hrs playtime... Yep) and I just thought let's see if we have some other toonsie professional map starers! I heard MP games are much fun!,,,,,,2022-04-19 10:33:56 u72pnu,,0,Does my friend look Tunisian? Sorry for asking,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-19 11:16:43 u73e3s,,17,"Tunisians that went to japan for tourism, how was the trip, did you find problems and how much did it cost overall?",,,,,,,2022-04-19 11:56:34 u73n2b,,1,The toxic competitive school environment.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-19 12:09:44 u74v7k,,0,A little lemur with a lot of trust.,,,,,,,2022-04-19 13:13:16 u75i0z,,6,Are there any chess communities in tunis(cv wela krib lil cv) that i can join? Also I want to participate in chess tournaments but i only ever find out about them after it’s been payed.,,,,,,,2022-04-19 13:44:01 u75yci,,0,,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-19 14:04:52 u7630e,ées_mteaa_récapitulatif/,1,ne recherche ala des idées mteaa Récapitulatif innovant,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-19 14:10:44 u764ba,ées_mteaa_récapitulatif/,2,recherche ala des idées mteaa Récapitulatif innovant,"bech na3ml meeting we bech ysirou fih barcha decison donc n7eb 3ala faza bech na3ml resumé leli bech yet9l il kol btari9a innovatif bech il 3bed ili manajmtch ta7thr tkoun 3andha fekra donc i need some help bech nal9a ideas Thanks in advance <3",,,,,,2022-04-19 14:12:23 u7cjj7,,7,"Hi everyone, I want to buy a folding bike to go to work (it's 30min away walking) and I want to know your opinion abt which bike I should get . My budget is restricted, no more than 500dt, I found one in Mytek (Wayscral foldy 20""). I just want decent quality nothing fancy, opinions?",,,,,,,2022-04-19 18:54:12 u7e3kd,,22,"Hello and “saha chribetkom”, I want y’all to provide me with some answers to this question, what is something that we are really in need for, but isn’t available in Tunisia, something that is maybe “essential” that we lack, services, apps, etc…",,,,,,,2022-04-19 20:02:47 u7gakz,,3,Public transit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-19 21:41:08 u7gkqa,,17,"How do I talk to people? I'm bad at talking to everyone, including friends. It's not that I become nervous when it comes to conversation, I'm just unable to start or continue it because I never have anything to say. Are there people here with the same condition?",,,,,,,2022-04-19 21:54:00 u7hosx,,1,Sending a well made Pocket Knife as a gift,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-19 22:45:22 u7hr6v,,1,Sending a well made Pocket Knife as a gift,"So I live in Europe and want to send a pocket knife to someone in Tunisia as gift. Could it be a problem when it arrives at the douane ? Will they see it as something dangerous or sort of illegal or something ? I'm still hesitant because I heard a lot about how they behave, so I'm afraid maybe it won't even reach the Receiver. So If anyone has an experience with similar to this i'm happy to hear from you Thanks!",,,,,,2022-04-19 22:48:42 u7jdzu,,2,tunisian shows/movies with english subtitles,3aslama everyone i’m trying to relearn darija and i’m having a hard time finding any tunisian shows movies with english subtitles. please link any that you know it’s greatly appreciated,,,,,,2022-04-20 00:09:26 u7jysi,,4,"healthy people of Tunisia, what are some recipes for recomp on a budget (using organic local produce)?",,,,,,,2022-04-20 00:39:08 u7khkw,,11,what is baking soda called in tunis ?,,,,,,,2022-04-20 01:05:42 u7ko16,,5,How to get mother in law to like me,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 01:15:06 u7kwi1,,20,is Healthcare free in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 01:27:19 u7l9r7,براءة_by_sami_fehri/,8,Did you watch the series Baraa براءة by Sami Fehri ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-20 01:46:58 u7mmp0,,1,"Free Job Posting Portal - , Hire Candidates in few hours",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-20 02:58:52 u7oeco,,1,Is mandatory military service required,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-20 04:37:45 u7pclg,,0,Do you wear hijab?,"I asked this question a couple months back but didn’t add a results option so answers were messed up. This is question for Tunisian women only, obviously. Just curious. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-20 05:38:20 u7rotr,,12,best city to stay for family of three?,"Hi there, hoping for a little help, I am planning on visiting Tunisia with my wife and child in a month, we are looking to stay for 7 days and mostly want to stay somewhere which has beautiful beaches, we are usually active but having a child we will be relaxing a bit more than exploring. We want somewhere which will offer nice beaches, have something to do outside of the resort ( I will be exploring the city ) has good places to eat and will just be fun for a family of three, I am looking at all inclusive hotels and Hammamet & Sousse keep popping up. This will be our first time in Tunisia, we usually travel to Agadir Morocco and have a blast there so a city quite similar would be perfect.",,,,,,2022-04-20 08:24:45 u7shdf,,4,What's a cheap place to go without visa?,"Am planning a trip with my friends for next summer and we need some places idea? We thinked of maroco or egypt Malta too but i don't know if it needs visa or no",,,,,,2022-04-20 09:24:28 u7sjrw,,3,question,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 09:29:37 u7t3fa,,2,TND for BNB help guys,"I have around ¨¨$50 or a bit less worth of BNB sitting around, anybody need that in exchange for TND? lets DM, thank you",,,,,,2022-04-20 10:08:57 u7tow5,,17,El Maghreb Cover,,,,,,,2022-04-20 10:50:17 u7txh6,,2,"footage (Drum Cam) from a live at Dougga, an Antic Romain location in Tunisia.",,,,,,,2022-04-20 11:04:50 u7ukvv,,2,Hi guys im gonna go to lake ichkeul is it free to acces or how much should i pay to acces and can i enter with car ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 11:44:21 u7upxf,,3,African refugees in Tunisia seek to be relocated to other nations,"In Tunisia, dozens of refugees and migrants are asking to be evacuated to neighboring countries. Since Saturday, the refugees have been holding a sit-in in front of the [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ]( headquarters in Tunis, Tunisia’s capital. They are largely survivors of illegal immigration attempts by sea to Europe. [](",,,,,,2022-04-20 11:52:44 u7vzdn,,2,guys looking for toys.. check me out,,,,,,,2022-04-20 13:01:08 u7woog,,3,Any Synth Fans/owners/collectors?,"Howdy y'all! I was wondering if some of you were passionate about synths and music production? If you got own a synth let us know what you got!",,,,,,2022-04-20 13:36:05 u7wqdh,,0,niqab/hijab not only should be banned in france but banned everywhere on earth. it is something created by men themselves to control women ( her body/ her choices etc ) and that's the root of the problem . anyone who wears it is simply brainwashed by perverts .,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 13:38:19 u7xe12,شعبة_رياضيات_dudes_discuss_their_experiences/,6,"Any ""شعبة رياضيات"" dudes discuss their experiences and advice?",,,,,,,2022-04-20 14:09:36 u7xvz3,,2,circumcision cost in Tunisia,"Hi there community, I'd like to know the rough price tag on a circumcision for a baby in Tunis. Should be in Tunis and preferably "" L'hopital militaire Tunis"" As I'm currently not in Tunisia, I cannot call any phone numbers you'd possibly throw in the comments. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-04-20 14:32:49 u7ygol,,14,Tried Tinder in Tunisia and honestly it wasn’t bad,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 14:59:38 u7zy6p,,0,why do you think tunisians are very homophobic,,,,,,,2022-04-20 16:07:17 u80u1r,,5,What I have to do?,"Hello, sorry guys I know there's some more important things than my problem but I'm lost, I want advice Dossier médical mta3ik thaye3 w Ani nrakah Fi wra9i chno5rej lbara. Rani mchit lilmas2oulin 3la tan9il this kind of documents min lycée El lycée 9aloli taw nlawjo 3lih fi zouz lyceeyet w nkalmok makom ta3rfo lidara tunisia ma3amlo chay. Brabi anshoni chnoi najam na3mal",,,,,,2022-04-20 16:47:07 u81jp6,,3,Advice for a Private Computer Engineering School,"Hello i'm a computer science major, by the end of this spring I would have finished my pfe and gotten my diploma. I want to study engineering next year, my average is 12 which ig would allow me to study in a public school BUT i have heard from friends that privé would be better cuz there isn't much spécialités in public schools. So for now i'm going for esprit and willing to specialize in big data. I also heard that esprit offers courses in english (the program started last year) but i'm not sure if that's true?... Kind people of reddit what do you think ? is esprit my best bet ? do you have advice ? and thank you",,,,,,2022-04-20 17:18:51 u81ysi,,0,Immigration,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 17:38:17 u81zfh,,5,Startup to get payed in Tunisia from freelance.,"Hello there, I want to ask if making a startup that helps Tunisians get payed from freelance is possible ???",,,,,,2022-04-20 17:39:08 u84c70,,2,Which goods can I import here and then sell for better price ?,"Hello guys , I'm coming to Tunisia next week from Europe , I was wondering what product can I bring with me and then sell for better price ( a computer , electronics , a phone ) any recommendations to consider would be helpful thanks",,,,,,2022-04-20 19:26:08 u8541f,,1,Favorite rapper," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-20 20:01:29 u85el2,,6,hey do u think that tunisians are rasict against algerians ? and why ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 20:14:45 u86auo,,12,remote jobs for Africans (especially people in tech!),[removed],,,,,,2022-04-20 20:55:57 u86icl,,2,"If you made a city, what elements from other cities would you use?",,,,,,,2022-04-20 21:05:05 u885qr,,4,racial slurs?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 22:21:30 u88h69,,4,how can I get the German or Canadian visa,,,,,,,2022-04-20 22:36:51 u88u57,,2,reviews about maison de senteurs ?,"I was thinking about getting my friend a gift pack from maison de senteurs for her graduation Any products recommandations (she's a female) ? Or other ideas to concider?",,,,,,2022-04-20 22:54:28 u892a8,,6,Can we hear some insights from those living in Tunisia with 1st world salaries?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 23:05:05 u89kmo,,2,Can we use a recorded conversation as evidence according to the Tunisian Law?,I think some people recorded our conversation to use it against me.,,,,,,2022-04-20 23:30:08 u89qf5,,0,"can someone please tell me why Muslims here are extremely ignorant , aggressive and crybabies? even louder than the average monkey tunisian sometimes? I'm aware just bcz it's reddit it doesn't mean tunisians will suddenly act civilized but damn",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-20 23:38:17 u8a9tp,,2,pass a year with bad grades or repeating it to get a good grades,"I'm planning to leave the country to complete my master degree, i'm 2e cs student and my grades are low af but i can pass with it, will this affect my chances to get accepted in a foreign university? , which choice is better?",,,,,,2022-04-21 00:05:25 u8aqwe,,4,how to revise for history exam knowing that the course is 10page long ?,,,,,,,2022-04-21 00:29:21 u8b5ns,,0,R/tunisia atheists trying to westernize Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-21 00:50:22 u8cf25,,3,Traveling soon to tunisia,"And tips,recommendations, warnings?",,,,,,2022-04-21 01:55:10 u8cg3z,,2,Question about university.,Is there any fully english taught university in Tunisia especially in the finance domain ?,,,,,,2022-04-21 01:56:44 u8dakd,,7,I love cook my sister,,,,,,,2022-04-21 02:40:56 u8eb19,,35,Red flags in Tunisians,"I will start first : \-if he starts a social issue argument by saying ""yedkom fih idc if you're this or that but..."" \-if he is talking to a girl and says randomly ""I'm open minded"" \-if he is a fan of Klay BBj and obsesses over red star \-if he is wearing atheism as a badge of honor-If she tells everything to her ""best friend"" \-if she gets mad at you but refuses to tell you why \-if she is over-attached to her dad-if nancy 3ajrem and elissa massari and maluma are on her spotify top listens \-and finally if she makes fun of other ppl's way of talking whether it's in local dialect or foreign languages. (also if she likes 9loub k7ol too much that means she is into ta9ti3 wel taryish run for your life)",,,,,,2022-04-21 03:35:23 u8fe7m,,8,Conspiracy theories,"Why are Arabs huge fans of believing conspiracy theories, almost every video about space exploration on Arab media outlets is filled with comments from middle easterners that are talking about the ""faking of the moon landing"" and ""the earth isnt round shaped"" Like obviously some westerners believe in that shit but jeez I never noticed that there is way too much Arabs that are obsessed with believing ""nadhariyet El mo2amra"" w ""the faking of the moon landing"".",,,,,,2022-04-21 04:38:09 u8gaia,,1,Do you think that one day we will see this in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-04-21 05:33:50 u8ht77,,1,thoughts on the name Farouk?,What do you think of the name. Is it cool cuz it's rare or old,,,,,,2022-04-21 07:18:20 u8i0go,,1,Rahmatun Lil’Alameen (رحمةٌ للعالمين) Lyrics » Maher Zain,,,,,,,2022-04-21 07:33:22 u8jc7z,,1,what do u think of bara2a? and how much would u give it out of 10 and why,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-21 09:11:44 u8jnu6,,1,What are the best english taught universities in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-04-21 09:35:23 u8jout,,1,what do u think of the new series bara2a?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-21 09:37:34 u8jzvn,,41,what do you think of the idea of the Tunisian dialect becoming its own standardized language?,,,,,,,2022-04-21 09:58:59 u8k1bs,,36,Approximate calories for ka3k war9a ?,,,,,,,2022-04-21 10:01:00 u8k3cx,,6,Interesting... what's Israel doing there? Manedrouch,,,,,,,2022-04-21 10:04:38 u8k6a7,,3,Best Tablets to read ebooks without draining the eyes,"Anyone could help me out to find a reliable Tablet so I can read ebooks without being drained by the bluelight Maximum budget: 1000 TND",,,,,,2022-04-21 10:10:13 u8lcd2,,0,what's up y'all. after my two posts about tunisian society I came to a realization that anyone who isn't Muslim is sad .I need to fit in more with unbrainwashed tunisians pls help me out brothers and sisters!! I'm now pro niqab on women I believe women are unmoral species and should be covered :),[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-21 11:24:49 u8llfd,,13,STD in tunisia,Where can i have full STD test in tunisia for free?,,,,,,2022-04-21 11:39:41 u8mfo5,,1,Deadline extended to April 29,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-21 12:25:04 u8mgud,,4,any idea where to buy magic mushrooms in Tunisia or where to find the required materials to grow it,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-21 12:26:51 u8mxqe,,4,Good plans for a summer vacation in Tunisia,"Hi dear tunisians, I'm asking what will be your plans for your vacation this summer, what good places you recommend to go For both if you're single , with friends or family",,,,,,2022-04-21 12:51:43 u8o70l,,4,I need help !! I have a tunisian streetwear brand HYPEX. How can I internationally sell my merch ?,"Here's my streetwear brand [HYPEX instagram]( Please bros and sisters, do someone know a way to sell my merch worldwide ? Also If you have any feedback about my brand please feel free to tell me...",,,,,,2022-04-21 13:54:25 u8p4sh,,7,ye5i 9ar9na wellew mayemshiwlha ken bel visa?,title.,,,,,,2022-04-21 14:39:52 u8pymw,,0,Back after 15 years and want to check out the dating scene.,"Hello everyone, came to Tunisia, Sousse after 15 years of absence, I have seen most of what I wanted to see family friends and some places that I wanted to visit, now I would like to check out the dating scene, there is some many unspoken rules here and people seem to tiptoe around so many hurdles to chat to women. Is there a good place that is known where single gals and lads go to socialize (not club), or an app that I am oblivious of that the locals use to chat to girl and eventually date?",,,,,,2022-04-21 15:17:47 u8qr8x,,7,Metal in Tunisia?,"I'm heading to Tunisia in a couple of weeks and wondering if there's any venues where local metal bands play? Any good record stores? Anywhere that fans might congregate (bars, shisha lounges, parks, etc)? Anyone want to point me to some good Tunisian metal band as well to check out?",,,,,,2022-04-21 15:54:11 u8qtbp,,1,how can I make Sablé ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-21 15:56:40 u8riju,,5,What medicine can I drink without prescription to help me sleep ? Ramadhan been messing with my sleep schedule.,,,,,,,2022-04-21 16:27:32 u8rw4e,,1,Any good psychiatrist that you would recommend in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-21 16:44:13 u8s1cp,,7,What's the salary of different police ranks in Tunisia?,Title says it all,,,,,,2022-04-21 16:50:44 u8s4ts,,2,Hiking groups around Nabeul/does anyone want to go see some nature?,"I'd like to see more of the country and enjoy some fresh air, plus keep fit, but I don't have a car and can't really get to the natural places by myself. I know Tunisia has gorgeous environments, so if anyone knows of any societies to go walking together, or if anyone wants to go with me, please let me know!",,,,,,2022-04-21 16:55:09 u8vv45,,0,where to sell motorbike trousers,I hace a couple of motorbike trousers that i want to sell anyone know someone i can sell to or a facebook group to sell this kinf of stuff,,,,,,2022-04-21 19:46:14 u8w0ek,,3,"Visiting Tunisia next month ... Im not vaccinated , is PCR enough to enter tunisia ? and the 5days isolation is it still mandatory ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-21 19:53:07 u8wbbi,,2,آش كرهت درب الفقر,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-21 20:06:41 u8x1q8,,26,I Slowly Realized that I Was Born And Raised In A Very Toxic Household,"To resume, my parents have been married for 28 years and they never talked to each others for more than 10+ years except to disrespect and insult each others Now (26 M) I realized the toxicity me and both of my sisters were exposed to I became the parent my parents and now i treat them like a 5 year olds, telling them what's acceptable and what's not I don't feel prepared for this as and I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted, need and appreciate every advise on how to deal with this please....",,,,,,2022-04-21 20:40:47 u8zvjl,,15,"My friend from Tunisia told me that ""🤏"" is used to express ""wooow"" or ""great job"". is this true?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-21 22:55:30 u901w6,,2,is there concert culture in Tunisia? and not aran music based?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-21 23:03:43 u90329,,11,The school principal has been pressuring me to cut my hair,"it affected my studies I litterally have to hide it w haka w mezel wehel m3eya whel m3eya awel l3am yekhi rbat cha3ri jey ya3mali 3amel ba3bous w drachneya w kharejni w 93adt barcha manodkhlech na9ra w maya3tiwnich billet cha3ri ken basically presque youseli laktefi lin bhokm eli fama surveillant s7ab howa w baba 3tani billet w dkhalt na9ra 93adt haka lin sayed lmoudir chadni fel beb w 9ali ma3adech tjini lema thajem. rja3tlou hawelt nahki m3eh mahabech, mchet omi mazbelha kebes bounya chnodhrbou kifech yahki m3eha w heya tloum feya kifech yahki m3eha, yekhi moudir mta3 lycee ekher kif kif shab howa w baba hke m3eh w he convinced him bech na9as fih w narja3 na9ra mchit na9ast fih w rja3tlou ma3ejbouch esayed ama khdheli billet w dakhalni ba3d meme pas jem3a radhet lehkeya w lkol, we9ef 9odem classi nfi9 bih ken jeyni ysi7 w y3ayet w 9ali staneni 9odem lbirou w mghalghel aleya allekher esayed 9rib yodhrebni w l7a9 sa7a7t 3ini w 9otlo menich mechi w taw tal9ani fel mandoubeya ""bech tet7aseb aleha hedheya li 9oltha"" jit kharej yekhi l3asesa makhalewnich nokhrej mel beb yekhi trasitli mchitlou stanitou 9odem birouh jeni chadni mn maryouli w dakhalni ydez feya w ysi7 fi wejhi litterally bze9ou fi wejhi w sama3ni li mayetsma3ch makech metrobi yali bik yali 3lik w drachneya w clochard w kel lougha lkol I honestly cant remember 93adt nejbed alih bedam lbered 9otlou matnajamch tahki bsyesa ya3mali li kifek mayethkech m3ehom bsyesa w drachneya (dhahekni khater mana3melch machekel felycee except one time anyway that's off topic) fakli kortabti 9ali ki thajem ija hezha fakithelou w9otlou nchallah kharejni ydez feya yekhi 93adt n9olo 7asbeya allah wa na3ma lwakil fik jeni l9ayem l3am yrabreb 3leya hasilou trasitli mechi nhajem mchit 9asit fih w rbatou w clean cut hasilou jitou 93adt y3ayet aleya w kharej yekhi mchit zedt na9ast fih 9alek le jib lwali je baba lha9 baba felowel w9ef m3eya 3e lmoudir b9a y9olo kifeh ena cheded vocalet alih w howa ysi7 aleya hasilou hasel hedheya lkol 9alou a3mlou eltizem hosn esoulouk marja3t na9ra ala rouhi ela mamadlou el eltizem. w taw twel cha3ri w rja3 yetlakech 3leya ysaker beb lidara w yched fel beb yetlakech aal tlemdha ala hat chy litterally w ykharejhom yjini ena bedhema lel classe ykahrejni yhantelni w ykharejni melycee n3awed netsarseb nodkhel w taw I'm hiding my hair w I'm trying my best not to get busted mana3rach chneya na3mal w belha9 it is just so soul destroying anyway much love n respect yall",,,,,,2022-04-21 23:05:14 u90qjb,,1,Does the CTI card work with any website that allows payments via Visa or Mapstercard ? and is it possible to pay directly with tunisian dinar or i must have dollars in my card to use it ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-21 23:37:51 u90xhq,,2,Does the CTI card work with any american website using payment via Visa or Mastercard ? and is it possible to pay directly with tunisian dinar or I must have dollars in my card to use it on those websites?,,,,,,,2022-04-21 23:48:07 u920tj,,3,where can i find used furniture for a fair price?,Preferably a physical adresse since i don't trust online sellers like Facebook marketplace,,,,,,2022-04-22 00:44:18 u92ayy,تونس_بلاد_باهية_و_تستاهل_كل_لخير/,30,... تونس بلاد باهية و تستاهل كل لخير," سبب كل داء في لبلاد هذي من نطرة و سرقة و غورا هو الجهل و الجهل في حد ذاتو سبب متاعو الفقر, ما تنستناش من زوالي ملقاش شنو ياكل باش يشد كتاب و يقرا, ما يتعبى لمخ كان كي تتعبا الكرش. الحرب على داء في تونس ما تتربح كان بالحرب على سبب الداء. حارب الفقر, هذا لازم يكون الهدف الأول والوحيد. وقف ما تبنيش قناطر و ما تصلحش كيسات خاطر كان شعبك جاهل راهم بش يقعدوا الكيسات ديما مكسرين. وقف أي مشروع مش يساهم في محاربة لفقر و حارب لفقر بكل ما عندك من سلطة و صلاحيات. خلي شعبك ياكل و يشبع ماغير ما يخمم في المصروف متى غدوة. خليه يعدي نهارو مرتاح خاطر يعرف إلي مهما باش يصير, باش يروح و يلقى ماكلة في دارو. خليه يعيش مطمان. و باعد حارب الجهل بالمؤسسات التربوية و دور الشباب و المنح ، أتى وحدك وحدك تبدى ترى في تونس تتحسن. قاعدة تقتل وحدة وحدة في الداء كيما الدوا يقتل فالفيروس وسط لبدن. تونس بلاد باهية و تستاهل كل لخير أما مشكلتنا الخايب راضعينو مع لحليب. علمونا لازمك تخدم مخك باش توصل على خاطر لعباد خدمة مخاخها كي ما لقات شنو تاكل. \#كسّر\_السيكل \#break\_the\_cycle",,,,,,2022-04-22 00:59:01 u92g0v,,1,What are your sources of news and knowledges?," Im talking specifically about political science,economic, credible historical events and news in general.",,,,,,2022-04-22 01:05:42 u93342,,6,"Hi, does anyone know where I can watch season one of the series ""Harga""? it doesn't seem to be on artify anymore.",,,,,,,2022-04-22 01:39:24 u93qb0,,8,the school principal is forcing me to cut my hair,"So ena na9ra 3eme w cha3ri curly Dkhalt bih twil alekher awel l aam w 9ali l moudir 9osou na9ast echtar fi awel l 3am w rja3t me3ejbouch cha3ri 9ali bara arja3 lel hajem taradni... fi october mchit 7ajamt raditou 9sir 3ale5er..i was mentally destroyed waa9tha walah w ness kol tadh7ak aleya w ala mandhri kifeh wala mchit na9ra 3ad wa9tha fra7 beya.. anyway mche l wa9t w chaari rja3 twel w howa andou chhar yejri wraya fi 7ajam chaarek wena kol mara n9olou behi... fel mara 9bal le5ra rani 9a3ed fel permenance taradni w l mara le5ra 3mali estejweb bech nfasarlou 3lech mehabitech n9os chaari .. mchee fibeli eli he's going to consider what i will say.. ktebtlou eli chaari yaatini self confidence.. weli twali andi insecurities ki n9os chaari weli howa important fi takwin cha5seyti.. anyway w jee baba w tfehmou chena9as menou tarf .. lbera7 zed 3ayatli 9ali wa9tech chet7ajem mchit na9ast menou 4cm wena 3aref eli ken chie3awed yrani chnetza3ek .. l mohem chkoun ya3raf 7al bech l moudir ya5tani.. kont n5amam chnemchi l therapist w yektebli war9a wela aya haja t3aweni ema idk",,,,,,2022-04-22 02:13:31 u95o3y,,5,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-04-22 04:00:11 u95wdw,,12,"To the people who weren't ""good students"" how is life going?",,,,,,,2022-04-22 04:13:34 u97uq5,,4,Quick question about jobs!!!,Hi I just want to know how the economic and employment situation of Tunisia. Do you guy's hire people from foreign countries. I love Tunisia just by watching lot of travel vlogs. I would like to come and work in Tunisia. I'm currently working in Saudi Arabia in logistics as an inventory management accountant. So what are the chances of getting hired. ??,,,,,,2022-04-22 06:17:18 u988mq,,2,Help looking for a place,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-22 06:43:46 u9a48v,,22,what is your number 1 goto favorite place to eat in tunis. and what is your favorite dish there ?,,,,,,,2022-04-22 08:57:43 u9b1gr,,2,y5i ken ena nchouf fel baladia walt ter5dem ?,,,,,,,2022-04-22 10:01:16 u9bcr9,,1,Wow,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-22 10:22:14 u9cd45,,7,Methodes to buy bitcoin in tunisia using D17 ?,I've been looking for methods to buy with D17 for weeks...,,,,,,2022-04-22 11:25:05 u9dhir,,4,anyone knows where i can buy one of these or the one with 2 seats? thank you,,,,,,,2022-04-22 12:28:07 u9dzyb,,1,What's the average monthly salary in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-22 12:55:12 u9e5t2,,1,هل تخطط لقضاء إجازة في دبي وترغب في استئجار سيارة؟,,,,,,,2022-04-22 13:02:40 u9fov7,,1,What's the average monthly salary in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-22 14:14:56 u9fv54,,0,Make easy 5$ everyday,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-22 14:23:08 u9fzj5,,8,Is Computer Science section worth it?,"I was notified that the leading coefficients for this secrion are computer science and technique. I have very great programming skills and am probably able to get grades above 19 for the entirety of my studies, I can pull good grades in technique, and afaik there is almost no competition for a scholarship. Yet I have received so many advices to not go there. What are your experiences?",,,,,,2022-04-22 14:29:04 u9g2nc,مجلس_التأديب_in/,1,what do they discuss in مجلس التأديب in highschool in case U cheated Fe devoir De controle mtaa option ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-22 14:32:56 u9gdyl,,78,unhated famous Tunisians,,,,,,,2022-04-22 14:47:30 u9ggai,,5,Is there any nice touristic beach in tunis?,"Hey there! I booked a flight to tunis. I know there are several beaches in Nabeul, but is there any touristic beach in Tunis or something more near? Its no issue to book a taxi there everytime, but do you know if there is any nice beach in tunis? It has to be safe there and touristic with beach loungers and so on :D Thank you guys <3",,,,,,2022-04-22 14:50:29 u9hnk0,,4,"INVESTING, STOCKS, WEALTH...","n7eb netfarej fi vids 3ala el investing w stocks w jaw heka lkol a3tiwni some yt vids links",,,,,,2022-04-22 15:44:24 u9hvtk,,1,Tunisian Nature,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-22 15:54:52 u9j2cp,,3,Is there any electronics store that sells mouse switches?,"Does somebody know of any store that sells them? I have a mouse that's starting to double click and a new mouse switch would be a very easy and cheap fix but I can't find any that sells them, Getting them from the internet is just a waste of money and time (if you even could do that).",,,,,,2022-04-22 16:46:46 u9jke1,,10,What's the average monthly salary in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-22 17:08:44 u9jou9,,1,"what are the best tunisian instagram influencers out there? for entertainment, knowledge or prize winning purposes pls! I only know Malek oueslati I need more",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-22 17:14:30 u9jtpm,,1,كيفية تفعيل وضع البحث الامن على جوجل كروم,,,,,,,2022-04-22 17:20:44 u9k4la,,6,"i want to upgrade my pc from 4gb ram to 8, where cna i do it and how much will it cost me?",,,,,,,2022-04-22 17:34:35 u9kf5t,,1,fun activities to do in Bizerte?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-22 17:48:25 u9kqbp,,9,Learn Tunisian from the streets (Youtube),"[]( please check out the first episode of Easy Languages showcasing Tunisian. Scheduled to release a video every other Friday. I know we just had a post advocating for separation of the Tunisian language from Arabic, but hey call it what you want it is what it is (The video is released as part of the Arabic languages section of Easy Languages). If you have topics suggestions for next episodes please let us know!",,,,,,2022-04-22 18:02:54 u9l2xz,,18,"on the verge of becoming a NEET, call for help","saha chribtkom 9bal kol chay.. okay i'm afraid this may not be the right subreddit for it but i really am helpless . i ve always had this tendency to isolate myself and it's getting worse. I'm a female studying in college(prepa intégré) and i just can't make friends to talk to there, so this didn't help at all, i started skipping classes and it became a habit till i start to also skip exams and it became a habit as well. I live away from my parents in an apartment and in the past 3 weeks i couldn't get out of my room. i tried to get my shit together, i always try but i end up falling into that rabbit hole again. i have zero motivation to study for finals, they are like two weeks from now. i honestly don't think there's a hope to survive this year cuz like first semester jebt 6.79 moy and i already ruined the second semester. i can't tell my parents about this because i already told them before and they said i need to finish this year. i really wish i can pass, but it's nearly impossible, although we have control. i don't know if anybody had similar experience before let me know if there is a hope to survive this years lol. this is one of the darkest loneliest period in my life, i don't wanna become a NEET. but i think i'm slowly becoming one. EDIT1: honestly i don't care about my mental health at this point, i need some advice for studying so i can pass this year EDIT2: thanks fellas.",,,,,,2022-04-22 18:18:37 u9l6yx,é/,3,Best places to eat in Sousse (also hang out/café),[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-22 18:23:46 u9np7r,,1,this is really alarming bruh,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-22 20:18:09 u9rs1u,,1,Hey guys. Apart from working or studying what do you guys do as a hobby 🤔 I wanna commit to an activity but I find everything boring somehow maybe you could give me some ideas,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-22 23:29:06 u9s3w0,,2,Recommend me where to learn german A1-B2,Im looking for a good language school to learn german. Any advice?,,,,,,2022-04-22 23:46:10 u9u9nk,,16,30 Best Paying Crypto Faucets for 2022,,,,,,,2022-04-23 01:39:53 u9ubkt,,13,I'm single afff,"Helloo guys, I'm 23M never been in a relationship before despite trying, i really can't figure the problem, I'm well above 6 feet, and they say I'm 7/10, I'm an engineering student your thoughts on it ?",,,,,,2022-04-23 01:42:34 u9uwgk,,20,Do you also suffer finding male clothes in Tunisia ?,"At first you go see stuff on internet and when you look at it in tunsian stores you find the nike that you like worth your entire salary. You decide to go to stores and mainly you will aim bershka, p&b, waikiki, h&m ... the quality is too bad, things do not look that good and the content is really ""freret"" targeted. Maybe zara and celio have little hope but still a bit expensive. For local brands such as zen, HA and exist. They are really super cringe. HELP ! This question does not include l frip. Since it's was my only source this year.",,,,,,2022-04-23 02:13:34 u9vn9j,,1,Studying masters or engineering in france through Campus France or other means.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-23 02:54:42 u9xq4n,,6,depersonalization derealisation disorder,"Has anyone suffered from dpdr after smoking weed ? Ive had it for 4 months and it was terrifying, its like you lose touch with reality and you start questioning if u even had a past and you start doubting your existence too + uncountable panic attacks when you try to sleep. Sometimes you feel like you are watching yourself or you are in a dream. Its a really serious disorder so I'd want to know if anyone had/having it.",,,,,,2022-04-23 04:55:31 u9ytb1,,1,I can't take it anymore,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-23 06:06:50 u9z10q,,119,We're not even mentioned in the meme and yet?,,,,,,,2022-04-23 06:21:43 ua1xcq,,4,Life in Kzhema (Sousse),"Hello everyone! I'm considering moving in Sousse (Kzhema part) soon and I'm investigating about life there. Anyone living there could help me me with some infos ? I'm mainly researching the common cost of life infos such as monthly budget in miscellaneous expenses and such. Ofc i researched in cost of life related websites but some locals of Kairouan told me it's not always accurate so i prefer asking to people who know. Thanks in advance ! :)",,,,,,2022-04-23 09:49:42 ua1xw1,,0,Black native berber activities in North Africa Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-04-23 09:50:44 ua2fd5,,4,Mining In Tunisia,"i m a begginer i want to know how i can choose a motherboard for mining ?what s the specs ? and what s the recomanded motherboards spically budget ones ? How i can mine safly in Tunisia ,how i can transfer my money without any problem ?",,,,,,2022-04-23 10:25:03 ua45u8,,1,relationship advice . I ve been in two year long distance relationship and I am feeling so desperate lately because of the communication gap. I feel he never gets what I say . He s no longer the loving guy that I knew . I want ro take the right decision because it hurts to end everything .. help,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-23 12:16:06 ua4k22,,3,Hajjem suggestions,Who knows hajjem behi in Tunis/Ben Arous,,,,,,2022-04-23 12:39:17 ua65y0,,1,Picture I took on my way to TLV in morning flight you can see the lights on the mountains. #Freedom,,,,,,,2022-04-23 14:05:09 ua6gu0,,9,Is there any place that sell indian food ? And how much is it approximately,,,,,,,2022-04-23 14:20:20 ua73o3,,2,which iPhone model costs between 1300dt 1600dt?,I'm willing to buy a new phone and I need one that has a great video quality plus good recording sound device in it I thought about an apple product .,,,,,,2022-04-23 14:51:31 ua8l6u,,2,What's the procedure to have a bank account in foreign currency here?,"I am planning to search for remote jobs online, and in order to do that I should have a bank account in foreign currency (compte devise). A colleague of mine has already worked in such a job and told me, in order to get the account, you need to have a family member from abroad to open the account for you through ""banque centrale"", you just need to do a ""procuration "" for said person. However this colleague is just and acquaintance and didn't want to ask too many questions and annoy him. Does anyone have the exact procedure for that? Anyone tried this before to guide me? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-04-23 16:01:40 ua8lqf,,1,this is not troll or shit post,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-23 16:02:24 uaawf1,,9,"people who called Tunisian suicide prevention , how has it been ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-23 17:52:17 uab4cm,,4,"where can I buy affordable photography accessories? (Bizerte, Tunis). thanks",,,,,,,2022-04-23 18:02:53 uab6ys,,3,are freeCodeCamp and coursera recongnised in Tunisia?,Edit I forgot to add certifications*,,,,,,2022-04-23 18:06:16 uachoj,,9,22 single wanting to have a relationship,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-23 19:09:07 uacmsy,,1,When your single for a long time,,,,,,,2022-04-23 19:16:08 uadjeu,,2,Loosing motivation,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-23 20:00:50 uaet8r,,1,COVID restrictions,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-23 21:04:36 uaevkc,,14,How the hell do you get to know twensa (friendships/dating) as a Tunisian student abroad?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-23 21:07:46 uaf6yo,,1,COVID restrictions?,"Hello, lovely people! I’m planning a trip to Tunisia at the end of May I can’t find a proper information for the COVID restrictions... please if someone can help me and give me legit information I would be very thankful! Can I travel when I don’t have a vaccine and do I need to quarantine? Even if a do a pcr or antigen test? Do I need to have a vaccine to go to restaurants and other stuff? I have a recovery certificate- do they accept it or it’s useless? Thank you! :)",,,,,,2022-04-23 21:23:29 uag8v6,,2,short from a show at Dougga International Fest (Antic Romain Ruins),,,,,,,2022-04-23 22:17:36 uahejk,,23,Tunisian Football in Discord,"Hello, You guys might be familiar with a football Facebook page named **""قوافل قفصة غول افريقيا""** (Which roughly translates into **""Kawafel Gafsa Monster of Africa""**) most known for **discussing Tunisian and World football** in a sarcastic approach, I'm one of the admins there and we have recently decided to create a Discord server to form the first-ever football Discord community in Tunisia and (perhaps) the entire region, The ""EGS Gafsa Community"" server aims to gather all Tunisians, North Africans and anyone interested in Football (whether African/CAF or Worldwide Football) and create a footballing-loving community where we tackle important topics related to the beautiful game on the Tunisian/African stage. We will be talking a lot about football in the continent here, but we also talk about other topics, such as music, and gaming, it would be great to have as many of you guys there! **Link :** [](",,,,,,2022-04-23 23:18:29 uak8ix,,2,Anyway I can buy Spotify premium gift cards ?,,,,,,,2022-04-24 01:57:53 uakc2y,,16,what do u think of guys (strangers) who flirt on social media ?,"Well, since someone posted about dating in here today and since all my friends are doing it i wanna know girl's opinion on this. An honest opinion please. To be more clear i'm talking about receiving friend requests from strangers who wants to know u and get a date. I do it too on few occasions but i feel like it's kind of weird and i think that i need to hear the other sex thoughts about it. PS : i'm not sorry for my english",,,,,,2022-04-24 02:03:22 ualyxq,,0,un nouveau concept pour gagner de l'argent en Tunisie Just à travers petites tâches c'est pareil au site Facebook mais vous pouvez gagner de l'argent merci de vous inscrire,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-24 03:40:57 uarf3p,,3,Does anyone know a good and quiet place for studying in a group of friends ( Ariana-Ennasr-Menzah-...) ?,Bac looking for a good quiet place to study with my friends in Ariana Any suggestions ?,,,,,,2022-04-24 09:57:22 uarosg,,1,Best wireless headphones?,,,,,,,2022-04-24 10:15:32 uasaoa,,49,You can now donate/sponsor a Tunisian orphan through SOS Villages by SMS/Bank," [SOS Villages d'Enfants Tunisie]( is one of the most reputable charities in Tunisia. If you can spare some change don't hesitate to donate ***ASAP*** **(next 90 days)** as your donations will be exempt from fees/taxes and they do need every millime they can get in this economy. []( UIB 12 000 000 100 570 78 85 40 IBAN TN59 12 000 000 100 570 78 85 40 SWIFT UIBKTNTT Code BIC : UIBKTNTTXXX &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-04-24 10:58:49 uasrtv,,3,Where to get iftar?,"Hey i just got to tunis (cv) from another city, any restaurants open at iftar time to break my fast? Tnx & Chahya tyba",,,,,,2022-04-24 11:29:34 uaswfb,,7,"Tunisians that live abroad, what city you live in?",,,,,,,2022-04-24 11:37:58 uau3aa,الإسلام_في_تونس/,31,الإسلام في تونس,"السلام عليكم اني نحب نحكي على الإسلام في تونس ، و في العصر الحالي .. يطريقة ساهلة و بالدارجة .. و الكلام هذا موجه للتونسيين المسلمين، اللي عندهم شك في الاسلام، اللي عندهم مشاكل مع الاسلام، للي يحب يفهم .. طبعا كل انسان مرحب به هنا بش نكونوا واضحين، اني لهنا مانحكيش على الثوابت و الاسس متع الدين الاسلامي الحنيف، فما حاجات و حدود مالازمهاش تتمس، و فما حاجات ثانوية مرنة تتغير و تتبدل حسب المكان و الزمان .. • باهي، اكيد الكلنا لاحظنا اللي فما فجوة كبيرة (قاعدة تكبر) بين احكام الشريعة الاسلامية/الفتاوى و بين مقتضيات العصر الحالي، شمعناها؟ معناها قاعدين نطبقوا في فتاوى قديمة ماهيش متماشية مع فاش قاعدين نعيشوا فيه توا سواء من مشاكل، ظواهر و حاجات جديدة قاعدة تظهر كل نهار مختلفة على شكان موجود قبل(التكنولوجيا مثلا)، حاجات اخرى تبدلت و الا ولات مختلفة جملة وحدة على شكان موجود في العصور الماضية .. مانجيش نقول الفتوى هذي من عهد الدولة الاموية/العثمانية/الحفصية و نجي نفرضها و نطبقها على التوانسة بالسيف .. •من جهة اخرى، كل بلاد و ارطالها، كل بلاد و عرفها (ما يحللش الحرام)، و كل بلاد و مميزاتها، ثقافتها، عاداتها، دبشها، ماكلتها، تاريخها .. كل بلاد حالة خاصة فريدة من نوعها، خليط من برشا حاجات بالضرورة بش يكون ما يشبهش لحتى بلاد اخرى .. معناها مانجيش اني و نقول فما فتوى مصرية/سعودية/مغربية/عمانية/.. نطبقاها بالسيف و نفرضها على تونس .. >> فما حاجة اسمها فقه الواقع، شمعناها فقه الواقع؟ هو فقه يراعي احوال الناس، فقه مبني على دراسة الواقع، (sociologie/anthropologie) كيفما علم الانسان و علم الاجتماع، دراسة تكون شاملة و دقيقة لكل بلاد وحدها من جميع جوانبها، بش يكون الحكم الفقهي/الفتوى متماشية مع البلاد و مع اهل البلاد و طباعهم .. // مثلا : في دولة كي السعودية قبل كي كانوا النسا الكل يلبسوا اكحل و غوامق، حرام المرا تخرج لابسة روز، اصفر، احمر خاطرها بش تجبد الانتباه لاها ( من شروط الحجاب انك ما تكونش ظاهرة في وسط النسا ، كيما في تونس ""حرام"" المرا تلبس اكا الجلبابات الفراشة خاطرها حاجة غريبة في المجتمع التونسي) في المقابل، في دولة كيما موريطانيا وين النسا يلبسوا دبش multicolouleur حرام مرا تلبس دبش لونو اكحل و الا دبش مغاير للي اللباس المنتشر عندهم . • و اخيرا كل دولة و مذهبها، ماتجيش تفرض فقه حنفي/شافعي/حنبلي على التوانسة اللي فقههم مالكي .. و هو في الاصل اللي كان العلماء يتسماوا عندهم مذهب .. احنا الناس العاديين موش لازم ننتميوا لمذهب، احنا نختاروا عالم دين ناثقوا فيه و نتبعوه، صحيح غالط هو بش يتحاسب في اللخر موش احنا .. • حاليا، في القرن العشرين، الواحد و العشرين، فما شيخ واحد يتسمى اسس فقه الواقع هو حبينا و الا كرهنا الشيخ القرضاوي.. نعرف اللي برشا يكرهوه اما خليكم بعاد على تاثير البروباجاندا و الاعلام .. جربتوش سمعتولوا محاضرة و الا قريتوا فتاويه ؟ اكثر من هكا الشيخ القرضاوي موش كان العلمانيين يكرهوه، السلفيين و الاخوان، الكل يكرهوه خاطرو ضد افكارهم .. هوما ناس نتعصبين متشددين يحبوا يصعبوا على رواحهم الدين .. تعرفوا اللي القرضاوي افتى بان الغناء و الموسيقى حلال اذا كانت ما فيهاش كلام محرم و الا كليبات خليعة ؟! • باهي، القرضاوي هذاكا شيخ جدد في الخطاب الديني في العالم الكل .. بالنسبة لتونس، حاليا و في الماضي زادا لاسباب معروفة : احتلال الدول ""الاسلامية"" لتونس و فرضها لاحكامها علينا، الاحتلال الاسباني، الفرنسي، و ما نتج عنه من ضياع للمؤسسات الاسلامية في تونس، الاعلام، تغييب و غياب الشيوخ و تجاهلهم و تكبرهم على الشعب .. القرضاوي انسان يخطئ و يصيب، و كان بش نقعدوا اي واحد غلط ماعادش نتبعوه هكاك نوليوا في غابة .. اني جبدت القرضاوي كمثال في التجديد في الخطاب الديني و فقه الواقع كهو ما يهمنيش في افعالو بش يتحاسب عليهم وحدو .. > قعدنا ماعندناش فقه واقع خاص بينا، مافماش شيوخ تجرئت و كتبت احكام فقهية جديدة (جديدة معناها مبنية على الاسس الاسلامية و على الاحكام القديمة) و الا بالاحرى خرّجت/استنبطت احكام جديدة تتماشى مع تونس .. > قعدنا احنا كتوانسة بالسيف منتمين للحضارة العربية ماعندناش هوية، رغم ان المسلمين في دول كالصين، اليابان، موريطانيا، اندونيسيا قعدوا محافظين على ثقافتهم، لغتهم، ثيابهم، تقاليدهم و طوعوها بش تناسب الاسلام اما ما فسخوش و خذاوا عادات الجمل و الخيمة و الجبة .. نرجع للماضي و نقول اللي الفاتحين الاوائل اللي جاوا لتونس/افريقية بش يفتحوها ما نجموش مالمرة اللولة، هوما يفتحوهة من جهة و الامازيغ يرجعوا ينكروا حتى لين بعد سبعة محاولات قبلوا انهم يسلموا على شرط انهم ما يتخلاوش على ثقافتهم و يقعدوا محافظين علاها .. اكا علاش التوانسة وقتها مالوا و اعتنقوا المذهب الاباضي مذهب متماشي مع صخة راسهم و قريب لافكارهم .. المشكلة في الدول اللي جات مبعد، وقتاش تم تعريب تونس؟ الدولة الفاطمية في مصر حبت تسيطر على تونس بعثت قبائل اعراب بدو متمردين لتونس بش يسطروا علاها .. جاوا قبائل الهلاليين هذوما بجمولتهم و خيامهم و دمروا تونس و حكماها .. وقتها تم تعريب تونس ..( الكلام هذا ماجبتوش من مخي، اني قريت انثروبولوجيا) هكا قعد يصير مبعد، كل دولة تجي ما تخرج كان ما رسخت في التوانسة جزء من ثقافتها، لغتها، ماكلتها لين وصلنا ""توانسة"" اعرفوا تاريخ بلادكم و دينكم بالباهي وحدكم و لوجوا بش ما تقعدوش دمى عبيد في يدين ناس اخرى تحقق بيكم في مطالبها وقتلي تحتاجكم و بعد ترميكم ..] !!! مالناس اللي اسسوا فقه الواقع في تونس نذكر عبد العزيز الثعالبي اللي تنفى و تنفات معاه افكاروا التجديدية .. و عنا برشا علماء ،، اكثر ماللي تتصور في مخك، نساء و رجال، في الدين، في الرياضيات، في التاريخ، في اللغات، في السياسة .. احنا توا حاشتنا بناس تتلهى بتجديد الخطاب الديني في تونس بش تتحرر تونس المسلمة مالجهل، مالعبودية للسعودية و للدول الاسلامية الاخرى، من فرانسا، امريكا و اي بلاد تشوف في التوانسة فارغين لا ثقافة لا دين لا هوية، مالانحراف و قلة التربية اللي انتشرت و ماهيش غلطة حتى حد .. غلطة الناس اللي حاربت الدين و خباتو و شوهت صورتو في نفوس الناس .. احنا توانسة. اصلنا امازيغ، و احنا حبينا و الا كرهنا، عرب، اسبانيين، افارقة، فرنسيين، نوميديين، ترك، عثمانيين، مصريين، امازيغ .. اما الكل في الكل نتسماوا توا ""توانسة"" و ربي يجيبنا للصواب و يحفظنا",,,,,,2022-04-24 12:49:06 uaueb0,,11,good communities to follow,"Hi I'm new here and I want to follow good communities . By good I mean intellectually, something rich with exchange of opinions, where I can be curious and discover new things .. Any recommendations ?",,,,,,2022-04-24 13:05:55 uav06b,,1,bullet belt,"where can i get a bullet belt in tunisia for aesthetic purposes (im thrash like that)",,,,,,2022-04-24 13:40:12 uavwfr,,6,On being a fashion designer in Tunisia.,"What is the best method to get clients. Should I open a store or sell stuff online or make a brand. Thing is I see a lot of scammers online and imo people are starting to lose faith in online stores. Plus if I'll be selling high quality clothes they'll be pretty expensive. So I'd rather be a classic ""khayata"" and maybe just market my physical shop online. Idk how that will work or how to get clients in the 1st place. So any help?",,,,,,2022-04-24 14:26:38 uaw5j5,,1,galaxy book pro 360,I wanna buy galaxy book pro 360 guy and i don't know where i can found it,,,,,,2022-04-24 14:39:03 uaw6l1,,1,..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-24 14:40:24 uaw8vq,,3,Anyone know where I can hire a digital artist?,,,,,,,2022-04-24 14:43:37 uaxji6,,1,stage externat .,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-24 15:44:59 uaxx1j,,9,How does dating work,recently I'm seeing a lot of dating related posts and I'm genuinely interested on other people experience and how they started dating and driving into a relationships and the different stages they went throw .,,,,,,2022-04-24 16:02:37 uazvad,,0,can I ( an atheist aka muslim) visit a church,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-24 17:36:18 ub1256,,7,Visiting Tunisia in May - HELP,"Hey guys. I'm visiting Tunisia for 8 days next month and going to stay in Tunis. **I have a couple of questions:** **1)** First and foremost where in Tunis would you recommend that I base myself?? In the Medina or somewhere around Sidi Bou Said etc? **2)** Other than culture. I’m mostly into nature and wildlife, I love to hike and snorkel. So I’d like to hear your opinion and experiences.. How is the snorkeling there is there lots of marine life and which place is the best for this purpose? Is there any must places that I must visit? **3)** For wildlife on land, I'm also open for any good spots and I'm especially interested in reptiles, such as snakes, lizards etc. any good locations for this? **4)** Also I'm wondering what would be the best way to get around.. Do you recommend renting a car? Is it easy to drive there, getting gas etc? Or can I just go with taxis? Thank you in advance. Looking forward to hear what you think!",,,,,,2022-04-24 18:31:28 ub1wh4,éfinition_for_a_middleclass_tunisian/,3,what's your définition for a middle-class tunisian,"I'm not a foreigner trying to know better about the average household in Tunisia I basically lived here my entire life (so far) but still I don't know what does a middle-class citizen really looks like, it sounds dumb I know but if you think about it apparently every wage holder with a salary between (500-2500 dinars) identifies as middle-class I know people living in decent/maybe wealthy hoods ( nasser manar) who identify as the same class as people from 7wem cha3beya even though they barely have anything in common what exactly is the middle class?",,,,,,2022-04-24 19:10:43 ub2pmn,,2,scholarship after high-school,"I'm in my final year in high-school, i'm looking for ways to get a scholarship after graduating from high-school, it doesn't have to be France or Germany, any European country will do. Is there anyone who can help me with their experience?",,,,,,2022-04-24 19:49:37 ub3s1s,,10,Where can i find therapy support groups ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-24 20:40:15 ub4j5f,,0,Mining In Tunisia Pt 2,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-24 21:15:14 ub4zy6,,1,Can we take a minute to appreciate how good our anthem is ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-24 21:37:21 ub537x,,4,any ideas on where to get DMT in grand tunis ?,,,,,,,2022-04-24 21:41:44 ub5fls,,3,Does anyone here own or have experience with HP victus 16? I need help,"I'm looking for someone who owns an HP Victus 16 in TN, my main concerns are the wobbly screen but the specs are too good tbh ...",,,,,,2022-04-24 21:58:03 ub5gl7,,29,Found my uncle's old Sony Ericsson Walkman and want to get my nostalgia but I don't have the charger anymore. Anyone know where I can find this kind of charger ?,,,,,,,2022-04-24 21:59:16 ub5saz,,1,Les Clients de la banque de Tunisie (BT)," Dans le cadre de mon projet de fin d'études en marketing, Si vous êtes un client du **Banque de Tunisie (BT)** je vous invite à remplir ce questionnaire help ur brother <3 [](",,,,,,2022-04-24 22:14:14 ub5v1i,,2,[RANT] EL SUB WALLA YKARREZ,"Leli yas2lou 3la 7ajet (Flair Question/Help), go create a sub r/asktunisia mathalan! A3mlou Weekly Thread a3mlou Sessions mta3 QAs, nikou 3inikom. Let's push to categorize l posts lenna w ghadi w fi ay blasa bech nes lkol testanfa3 w nebniw community zaboura ma7lena w nestanf3ou b discussions w opinions w nwaliw 3bed ma 5ir w zebi :) RANT OVER. Edit: Formatting",,,,,,2022-04-24 22:17:52 ub7l67,,1,How to deal with a naughty girl,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-24 23:46:26 ub7mlv,,1,from where I can buy training balisong/butterfly knife from Tunis/online,I want to be cool and cure my ADHD at the same time .\_.,,,,,,2022-04-24 23:48:37 ub7nle,,10,I created a subreddit for questions,"Hey, since this subreddit is just full of questions now and isn't really giving any plus for foreignrs checking r/tunisia, I created a subreddit only for questions, Tunisians can ask each other or foreigners can ask each other about anything in Tunisia. Link : r/asktunisians Wlcm",,,,,,2022-04-24 23:50:09 ub7uyy,,0,Emmanuel Macron re-elected: the #French #president gives his victory speech,,,,,,,2022-04-25 00:00:35 ub99g6,,65,"Attempt at making a ""Welcome to Tunisia"" Megathread - Spring/Summer 2022 Edition","As summer is approaching, and since Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted a bit worldwide, I realise that people are looking into coming to Tunisia, and thought ""hey why not avoid some repetitive Q&As and make some type of megathread?"". So here goes. This also can work for locals who just want to go on holidays within Tunisia. Feel free to add things, I'll be updating. &#x200B; # How to go to Tunisia? And how to move within the country? * If you're abroad, the most obvious solution is to come by **plane:** The 3 main airports that welcome regular and charter flights are: [Tunis-Carthage airport](, The [Habib Bourguiba airport of Monastir]( and the [Djerba-Zarzis airport]( You may choose your flight from either the company you're used to (AirFrance, Emirates, Turkish Airlines, Royal Air Maroc...) or from Tunisian companies (Tunisair and Nouvelair on an international level, Tunisair Express for shorter distances, including domestic flights). &#x200B; * Some people in the mediterranean (south of France, Italy etc.) also take the **car-ferry**, which can be a good solution if you want to go on a road trip across the country with your car. If you do so, you'll arrive at the Goulette Harbour. * If you're in Algeria, you can also come by bus. **HOW TO MOVE WITHIN THE COUNTRY:** **Within towns:** taxis, or a rented car. * **Taxi etiquette:** the taxis are yellow. Contrarily to other countries, when their light is red, it means they're available, when they're green, it means they're already carrying other passengers. If you get in a taxi as a group, it's always preferable that one person sits in the passenger seat (at the front), firstly to keep an eye on the taximeter, but also because they like to chit chat and they sometimes take offense when everyone is sitting at the back. **Between towns:** by bus, shared taxis (called ""louage"") or if you go through a travel agency, they can definitely put aside some private cars with a chauffeur for you. The shared taxis thing have specific station all around the country, in Tunis the stations are in ""Moncef Bey place"", ""Baab Saadoun station"" and ""Baab Alioua station"". # Do I have to be vaccinated? What about vaccine cards? Where can I do PCR tests when I leave? Since the [26th of February 2022]( here are the rules of entry: * If you're +18 and vaccinated (1 dose of Janssen/Astrazeneca OR 2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna): proof of vaccination suffices. * If you're +18 and not vaccinated: a PCR test of -48hrs or an antigenic test (rapid test) of -24hrs are needed. You will be asked to self-isolate at home for a period of 5 days (no one really checks anymore if you really abide by). * If you're still under the age of 18, there are no obligations whatsover. IF and ONLY IF all the restrictions were to be back, here is what was applied before: proof of vaccination+ PCR test + an online form to fill+ self-isolation at home (and they used to check randomly) or in hotels for non-vaccinated people. Even if all restrictions stay lifted, please stay careful and respectful of others who wear masks/demand distancing, as the country is barely pulling itself back from the covid crisis. **WHERE TO GET A PCR TEST WHEN LEAVING:** * Labs. They usually do a series of tests **BEFORE** 9 am for those who want their result on the same day (if you're leaving at night or the following morning). Most of them are closed on sundays so plan accordingly. * A PCR test costs 170 dinars (around 50€/ 50USDT). If your country accept rapid tests instead, go for it, it's less expensive. # Great I'm in Tunisia...what to visit now? **I'M INTO HISTORY:** * A circuit that goes through [Dougga](, the city of Thibar, then Testour (they have seriously good cheese) sounds like a good day. * So does a whole day at the one and only Carthage: the ruins, the acropolium, the thermal baths... however the museum Bardo, home to one of the biggest collections of mosaics in the world is closed to my knowledge. * The medina of Tunis + Zitouna mosque + St Vincent de Paul cathedral. * The Ghriba synaguoge in Djerba + ibadite mosques + the old town (the Maltese church is currently in renovation) + all the museums of Djerba. * El Jem Amphitheatre * City of Kairouan as a whole **I'M HERE FOR THE BEACH** * Bizerte, the whole coast of Ras Engela, also called ""cap angela"": it's known for being the most northenmost point in the whole continent of Africa, but the beaches are great, the water is refreshing if you're here in the midth of summer and the view is diverse (forest/dunes/hills and moutains...). If you can hop in a pickup truck, it's even better for some adventure. The Corniche side of bizerte (town) is not really swimmable anymore. * Cap zebib: more of a ""local"" hangout, it's a bit difficult to find, but if you ever embark with friends in a good car and they know they place, you'll enjoy yourself. * El haouaria * Kelibia * Korba * Hammamet (some parts on the side of Mrezga) * Some more in Monastir * And obviously, in Djerba ==> In most of these, you can either be in a hotel (so with lounge chairs, pre-set parasols, waiters, music...) or on a public beach (bring-your-own-chair or rent-a-chair depending on the beach). The dress code tends to be more ""free"" in hotels, but overrall there is nothing to worry about, everyone is usually minding their business. **I'M HERE FOR THE NATURE:** * El Kef + Tejerouine. You can visit the Jugurtha Tableland mountain, there is a pretty sick view and last time I went they were getting ready for a hot-air balloon show launch. They also have an amazing version of couscous called Borzguen. * Bizerte (Ichkeul park for example). * Tozeur and Tataouine, but not after april/may (it gets too hot). You can sleep in troglodyte ancestral housing, visit the desert (and camp there), oases, eat date-based food... * Islands such as the Kuriat Isles, La Galite, Zembra & Zembretta welcome organised camping trips. Daily trips for the Kuriat isles if you want to see turtles nests and go snorkeling. My personal advice is to always contact a guide and/or a travel agency, they will be more than happy to offer private tours, and adjust according to your needs. If you say ""hey I want to see some touristy places to cover the basics but then take me to some niche places"" it's not a problem, it can definitely be done! # Anything I should know of to help me pack my bags? * Sunscreen. SPF 50. * You may want to bring a pair of pants (even light, like made of linen or something) + a head scarf **NOT FOR EVERY DAY USE** but for some places that are worth visiting like historical mosques and synaguogues where both men and women cannot enter in mere shorts. The pants can also be helpful for places like administrations and police stations where wearing shorts and flip flops is frowned upon. * Don't bring a drone if you don't want it to be seized by customs at the airport. They're not allowed in Tunisia unless you have a specific permit from dfferent ministries. # How to avoid being scammed/pickpockets...? * For some places, it's obvious. Souvenir shops near hotels that sell Gucci/Ralph Lauren/Prada clothes for 10€ are obviously selling fake items. They will be seized by your local customs once you go back from holidays, so avoid buying such stuff. They're only useful in ""oh no I forgot to pack a swimsuit for the kid"" type of situations. * In medinas and other places where you may interact with merchants (sidi bou said, old towns in big cities..), bargaining is good. They like debating, it's a sport for them. But there is a limit: always keep in mind that they're artisans and that it's the way they make their living. Trying to prey on the fact that they're desperate to sell to get the prices insanely low (as I have observed some occurences) is not a good practice. * Shows such as bellydancers, ""pirate ships"" etc. are ways of scamming tourists. They are not inherently linked to Tunisia's culture and just play on the orientalist trope. Save some money, go to local theatres, or see what's going on in the streets of Tunis (La Marsa, Lac...), Hammamet.... If you meet locals, they can get you in on some shows happening at different places that could be more sophisticated or at least in touch with the culture. Heck, why not go to a wedding, you'll have fun! * In crowded spaces, if you're wearing a camera or a loose bag on your shoulder, wear them sideways (sling them). You have more control over them. # Is Tunisia kid friendly? It's definitely a country you can visit with kids. However, it wouldn't be considered kid-friendly by standards such as ""can I let my kids go visit a foreign town on their own while I do something else"", especially if they're pre-teens/juvenile. Some kid parks exist here and there, but hotels are your safest option if you just want to rest, go to a SPA-thalasso while your kids roam around. # Is Tunisia vegetarian-vegan friendly? Not really. The culinary traditions are quite heavy on the use of fish/meat but you can ask to get rid of them in your plate, which would leave you usually with vegetables, stew, and/or grains (couscous, bulgur...) As for the use of milk/eggs, we don't use them as much unless specified. But if you really need plant based milks and items caterers or delicatessens in Tunis mainly exist (Jardins de Carthage, Green Foods, Ben Yaghlane...). # Is Tunisia LGBT+ friendly? Officially, no. The law prohibits sexual acts between people of the same sex. However, simply ""being"" gay isn't prohibited, and an LGBT+ community exists especially within the night and art scenes. Bars and nightclubs such as Club Gingembre became famous for being lgbt friendly and basically gay bars. # Tunisia introduction card: * The currency is the Tunisian Dinar: exchange rates on the 25/04/2022: 1€ = 3,2 Dinars. / 1 USDT = 3 Dinars. / 1£ = 3,8 Dinars. * Almost 12M habitants * The official language is Modern Standard Arabic (used in administrations and schools) but on the daily basis, the population speaks a specific dialect. French and English can be used too, French mostly by older generations and English by the younger generations. * Our last [Constitution dates back to 2014.]( # Useful Links: * To stay updated with any possible change with covid restrictions and tourism related matters: [Destination Tunisie]( * To travel through a youtuber's POV: []( * Governmental Tourism website that looks like a 2005 Skyblog: []( * Governmental site about the covid situation: []( * City of cultural events website: []( * Centre of Arab and Mediterranean music: []( * A travel agency (not sponsored): []( * Another travel agency (still not sponsored): []( * One last travel agency (and still no sponsors): []( &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-04-25 01:14:26 ub9tel,,4,Little Dark Age - Moors,,,,,,,2022-04-25 01:43:38 uba4hb,,1,سلام، باللهي شنية الحكاية؟ بدلت email w mot de pass الفايسبوك ومن وقتها تجيني هذي كل ما نحكي في conversation de groupe. الconv privée لباس عليها. الكونت عمرو 12 سنة فماش حل؟؟ مع العلم اللي كونتاكتيت support team وجاوبوش.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 02:00:13 ubbbzi,,3,"Hi, since i've changed my main email address and password, i keep getting this whenever i send a message to a group chat. Private chats are fine. I think facebook takes it as a spam account after the changes that i've made but I don't want to lose my 12 year old acc. How can i fix this?",,,,,,,2022-04-25 03:07:20 ubh21u,,1,any challenger toplaners and fun to watch streamers to follow in league of legends ?,,,,,,,2022-04-25 09:27:05 ubhe33,,10,A citizen frustration,"So now for a couple of weeks i've been going to the police station to renew my national identity card but to no avail i get sent back every time. So the first time was because they said i lack a diploma (شهادة علمية) and i'm currently working and i had a Certificate of work with me why would they want that? Next time after bringing the diploma they sent me out again become the certificate doesn't contain any reference number (عدد رتبي) and the deal is that my coworkers renewed their documents with the same template so what's special in me? Any thoughts and this and if that's really a thing the reference number. And the biggest problem is that i'm currently working in the capital but i have to go back to a far state because of the Residence certificate i have only a Telecom bill in my name in tunis (does that work? ) and with work it's difficult to go everyday. Any help is much appreciated, thanks",,,,,,2022-04-25 09:50:47 ubho8h,,2,where can I find banana hsh ?,,,,,,,2022-04-25 10:09:33 ubi4px,,0,karazt yekhi 9omt nstreami 3azab,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 10:39:56 ubia2t,اللغة_العربية_بتونس_في_خطر/,0,اللغة العربية بتونس في خطر...!؟,"ا - مأساويّة اللّغة العربيّة في تونس اليوم : طبعاً، لا يَخفَى على أحد، أنّ لغتنا العربيّة المجيدة - لغـتَــنا الوطنِـيّـة والقومـيّة، تعيش اليوم حالة مأساويّة مؤلمة في تونس! فقد أصبحت هذه اللّغة التّعسة منبوذة، غريبة في عقر دارها، إفريقيّةِ عُقبة بن نافع، بلاد الجامعة الزّيتونيّة، بلاد ابن خلدون، بلاد العلاّمة الطّاهر بن عاشور، الطاهر الحداد وأبي القاسم الشّابّي، وغيرِهم كُثُر... حسبنا أن نُـلقيَ نظرة على لغة التخاطب اليوميّة فيما بين المواطنين التونسيّين - مثقّفين كانوا أم غير مثقّفين- نجدها لغة هجينة، لا شرقيّة ولا غربيّة؛ لا رأس لها ولا عقب؛ خليط عجيب، غريب، من عربيّة دارجة وفرنسيّة محطّمة، ممسوخة، علاوةً على ما يتخلّلها من عبارات سوقيّة مبتذلة، مؤذية للأسماع، وكلماتٍ لا أخلاقيّة، من سبٍّ لاسم الجلالة، وشتمٍ للوالدين، إلخ !... أهذه لغة شعب متحضّر، يطمح إلى التّطوّر والتّقدّم، ويعيش في القرن الواحد والعشرين !؟… أيّ شعب في العالم، عدا شعوبنا في المغرب العربيّ، وخاصّة في تونس التي أصبحت ""رائدة"" في هذا المجال، أيّ شعب يتعامل يوميّاً بمثل هذه اللّغة ""الّلقيطة"" ؟ ! لو استمرّت الحال على هذا المنوال، ستموت في بلادنا لغتنا الوطنيّة الدّارجة ومن ثَـمَّ الفصحى، بعد بضعة عقود من الزّمن. ستضمحلّ، وتندثر، رويداً رويداً؛ إذ ستغزوها الفرنسيّةُ، لغةُ مستعمرِنا الذي اكتسح وطننا بالأمس، واليوم يكتسح عقولنا. والأمثلة على ذلك لا تُحصى. فهناك الكثير من الألفاظ أُلقيَـت في سلّة المهملات، لِـتُـعـوِّضَها ألفاظُ وعباراتُ فرنسيّةُ، كالألوان، والتواريخ، والأشهر، والأعوام؛ وغيرها من المفردات. فمثلاً قلّما نسمع اليوم أبناؤنا ينادون أبوَيْهِم : ""papa, mama"". ثمّ هناك الكثير من الألفاظ العربيّة أو العامّيّة أُهمِلت، بل نُسيتْ تماماً، كالملّيم - عملتنا الوطنيّة- الذي عُوِّض بـــ""الفرنك""، بينما نسيَ الفرنسيّون الفرنك منذ عقدين بعد مجيء الأورو؛ و بالطبيعة الّتي استُبدِلتْ بــ""bien sûr""، وعادي ""normal""، وإمّالا أو إذن ""donc""، وامّالا لا؟ ""pourquoi pas""، وبالضّبط ""exactement""، وبطاطا مقليّة ""frites"" وخبزة ""baguette""، ورقم أوعدد ""نُومرُو""، وعلم ""درابو""، و أصلاً "" déja""، وعلى طول ""direct أو directement""، وبصراحة "" franchement ""، و بُـقعة "" بلاصه""، والقائمة تطول ولا تنتهي ! ! ! .... أبِـمِثْـل هذه اللّغة يتكلّم الفرنسيّ، أو الإيطاليّ، أو الصّينيّ، أو الرّوسيّ أوالألمانيّ أو حتى ""الاسرائيلي"" الذي اعاد احياء اللّغة العبرية القديمة التي ماتت في القرن الخامس قبل الميلاد؟.... وغيرهم من الشعوب الأخرى التي تعتزّ بلغتها، وتفتخر بها، وتحافظ عليها، وتثريها. ولا غرابة في ذلك، إذ اللّغة جزء لاتتجزّأ من هُـويّتها الوطنيّة. واسمحوا لي بأنْ أستغيث في هذا المجال، بامير الشعراء أحمد شوقي حينما قال : "" إنّما الأمم الأخلاق ما بقِـيَـتْ فإن هُـمُ ذهبت أخلاقهم ذهبوا"" لكن، لِـيسمحْ لي ببعض التصرّف - طبعاً بدون الإتنقاص من قيمته أوالتّطاوُل عليه - فأقول : "" إنّما الأمم الأخلاق [واللُّغاتُ] ما بقِـيَـتْ فإن هُـمُ ذهبت أخلاقهم [ولُغاتُهم] ذهبوا"" اا - مَـنِ المسؤولُ ؟ 1- في نظري، المسؤول الأوّل عن هذا التردّي اللّغوي هم آباء وأمّهات صغارنا، إذ المدرسة الأولى هي الأسرة والبيت. فلو تمسّك الأولياء بلغتهم العاّمية والفصحى، واعتزّوا بهما، ولا يخاطبون أبناءهم إلاّ بهما، بدل لغة فرنسيّة ممسوخة، لَـنَـشأَ هؤلاء على حبّ لغتهم والإعتزاز والتَّـشبُّـث بها. 2- المدرسة ورجال التعليم من معلّمين، وأساتذة؛ ففي وقتنا الحاضر، هؤلاء المربّون - لسوء الحظّ، ومع احترامي لهم- يُلقوُن أغلب دروسهم بخليط من العامّـية الممزوجة بعبارات فرنسيّة أو ""مُتفرنَسة""، بدل تلقين تلامذتهم وطلاّبهم - منذ نعومة أظفارهم- لغة عربيّة سليمة، نقيّة، مرتفعة عن الألفاظ السّوقيّة المبتذلة... هكذا نشأت الأجيال الأخيرة على العزوف عن العربيّة الفصحى خاصّة، مفضِّلين عنها الفرنسيّة و الانجليزية. لكن الذي يحزّ فى النفس أكثر أنّهم، في أغلب الأحيان، أصبحوا لا يُتقنون لا العربيّة ولا الفرنسيّة على حدّ سواء. 3- رجال الإعلام، ووسائل الإتّصالات المكتوبة، والمسموعة، والمرئيّة؛ فتلك هي الطّامّة الكبرى !.... فالمفروض أنّ مهمّتها الأساسيّة هي توعية الجماهير، والإرتفاع بمستواها التّربويّ، والثّقافي، والأخلاقي. فمثلاً، جريدة ""الصّبـاح""، تلك الصّحيفة العريقة الغرّاء، ذات التاريخ الوطنيّ المجيد، نراها اليوم لاتتردّد في استعمال مصطلحاتٍ وعباراتٍ سوقـيّة في منتهى السخافة، يتململ لها في قبره، مؤسّسها المرحوم الشيخ الحبيب شيخ روحه، كــ""الزّلطة"" و""البراكاج ""، و""الهمهاما""، و""لسيزيام""، و"" التِّـرْمِـنَـال"" ""والتّـيـارسِي""، وما إلى ذلك... وليست إذاعاتُـنا وتلفزاتُـنا - على كثرتها، خاصّة بعد الثورة - بأحسن منها. فقد أصبح أغلبها مراكزَ هدمٍ وتخريب للّلغة العربيّة، لا تنـميـتَها وإثراءَها والحفاظَ عليها. أمّا الإشهارفحدِّث ولا حرج ! فـشوارعنا، وأنهجنا، امتلأت كلّها بالملصقات والإعلانات ذات لغة صمّاء، لا تُفهم أحياناً. فـنجد ألفاظا بالعامّية، مكتوبة بأشكال لا رابطَ بينها، متباينة، مختلطة بعبارات فرنسيّة، مليئة بأفدح الأخطاء. ومؤسّساتنا وإداراتنا العموميّة، ومحلاّتنا التجاريّة، ومقاهينا، ومطاعمنا، كلّها أو جلّها تفنّنت في تزويق واجهاتها ومسمّياتها بالفرنسيّة فحسب؛ أمّا العربيّة فقد كادت تغيب تماماً عن الأنظار، حتّى أصبح المتجوّل في مُدنِـنا يشعر وكأنّه في فرنسا لا في بلاد عربيّة، لولا الفضلات والأوساخ الملقاة على أرصفتنا ….. !!! ااا - ما العمل ؟ أنا لست خبيراً، ولا سياسيّا، لأقدّم حلولاً ناجعة لمعالجة هذه الظّاهرة اللّغويّة المأساويّة. لكن غيرتي على لغتنا الرّائعة ذات التاريخ المجيد، وحضارتنا الأنسانيّة التي أشعَّت على العالم بأسره، شرقاً وغرباً، طيلة أكثر من ستّة قرون. لقد آلمني أشدّ الألم، أن أراها اليوم تحتضر في بلادنا. فأردتُ فقط تحسيس شعبنا بمختلف شرائحه نحو الخطر المحدق بلغتنا هذه وهي عماد هويّتنا الوطنيّة والقوميّة؛ فإن فقدناها فقدنا هويّتنا. في رأيي المتواضع، لقد حان الأوان لِـتدارُك الأوضاع، والإسراع بكلّ حزم وجدّ، لوضع حدّ لهذه الفوضى اللّغويّة، وذلك بإصدار قوانين رسميّة، صارمة وجدّية تفرض تعريب كلّ وسائل الإتّصالات المكتوبة والمسموعة والمرئيّة، العامّة والخاصّة؛ وإجبارالمؤسّسات والمحلاّت العمومية والتجاريّة على كتابة الملصقات واللاّفتات والواجهات بالعربيّة، مرفقةً بالفرنسيّة، إن اقتضت الضّرورة ذلك، خاصّة في الأماكن السياحيّة؛ وحبذا لو تكون بالأنجليزيّة إذ هي اليوم الأكثر انتشاراً؛ مع العلم بأنّ أغلبّ السّـوّاح يتقنون هذه اللّغة أكثر من الفرنسيّة، علاوةً على أنّ الزائرين الفرنسيّين هم أقلّية بالنسبة لغيرهم. إلى ذلك، ينبغي وضع مخطّط جدّي وجذريّ لتعريب التّعليم الأساسي والثانوي والعالي، مع تطوير تعليم اللّغات الحيّة، الأنجليزيّة بشكل خاصّ، لانّها اليوم هي لغة العلوم والتقنيات الحديثة، وغيرها من اللّغات العالميّة الأخرى كالفرنسيّة، والألمانيّة، والصّينيّة، واليابانيّة، إلخ....",,,,,,2022-04-25 10:49:13 ubih0d,,1,chat and chill? maybe?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 11:00:52 ubj3nc,,0,Nikom nhar lethnin,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 11:38:53 ubjduc,éd/,1,sou2el ala l change f hal bléd,"Bonjour ya jme3a Brabi eni newia nsefer 3an 9rib (awel mara) w ma naarafch 9adeh nhez. 9alouli li ki trawa7 b montant w t7eb traj3ou TND ye5thou comission 10%. S7i7a l 7keya?? Merciiiii",,,,,,2022-04-25 11:55:12 ubk6rt,,1,Transferring money from abroad to my family in Tunisia,"Asking Tunisians living abroad with dependents in Tunisia. I’ve often heard how bank transfers are insanely expensive and the rates are bad…might anyone know if there any options, like Wise, available or possible for someone like me to be able to send money over from abroad to my dependent parent in Tunisia? I’m relocating soon for work and I’m trying to plan/organize as much in advance as possible. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated !",,,,,,2022-04-25 12:38:42 ubl8t7,,0,Travel questions from me and my gf,"Hello everyone! I hope all of you are having a wonderful day! Me and my girlfriend are from Bosnia and are looking to visit your country in August and stay for a month - month and a half. We are looking for some tips and experiences from people living there. We have some basic questions that will determine if we will really visit the place. First of all, because we come from a poor country, we don't have much money to spend so we would like to know how much would a day of living cost for two people. Not looking for fancy hotels, of course. Couch surfing or hostels are perfectly fine. Second - if we run short on budget, we have some skills we can use to try and earn some side money. We both know excellent English. My girlfriend does yoga. I can teach programming skills or guitar. I could also play the flute on the street. How welcoming are your people to that kind of thing and how much could we earn per hour? Third - are your people welcoming towards strangers? We would like to learn and experience your culture as much as possible! Fourth - how is the weather in August/September? Fifth - does your country require vaccination proof for entry or is a negative PCR test enough? Do we need to enter quarantine if we aren't vaccinated? And finally, all in all - what do you recommend the most about your country?? We're looking forward to your answers! All the best!",,,,,,2022-04-25 13:32:07 ublvjc,,105,living in a coutry where you get prosecuted by the state for practising basic rights such as eating,,,,,,,2022-04-25 14:02:16 ubm7ka,,1,choufou IL enjazet choufou . Tunisia the new dubai 9allek,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 14:17:34 ubmaog,,121,Slata Mechouia number 1 💪🏻💪🏻🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-04-25 14:21:32 ubme3r,,0,What do you think about Gay people?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-25 14:26:07 ubnqtz,,1,"Fellow Reddit Twensa, do you fast during Ramadan?","Do you fast? If you want, tell us why you do/don't in the comments. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-25 15:28:23 ubpx4q,,1,Any suggestions for good hair products for man available in Tunisia?,"Shampo , hair care , anything related 🙏",,,,,,2022-04-25 17:02:14 ubq1ma,à_me_recommander_avec_un_budget/,2,Un petit business à me recommander avec un budget de 15 milles dinars ?,,,,,,,2022-04-25 17:07:39 ubq8ly,,2,The emerging of change offices,"I have noticed that there is a lot of change offices that opened everywhere in Tunisia in the past few years, any idea why?",,,,,,2022-04-25 17:16:17 ubracp,,3,"What is the orgine of the word ""ya""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 18:02:30 ubsoop,,10,Dear Tunisians what is your most bizarre ‘braquages’ story,"Let me start Almost got mugged in LAC 2 in the MORNING !",,,,,,2022-04-25 19:04:38 ubtirt,,1,Is fatales parfums original ?,Is fatales parfums original ? I’m looking to buy Armani you parfum .,,,,,,2022-04-25 19:40:48 ubud70,,1,Backpacking in Tunisia,"Hi guys, I'm from the Czech republic and want to do a solo backpacking trip. I will fly from Morocco to Tunisia and would like to ride the train from Tunis to Gabès, then do a guided tour to Jebil National Park. From pictures I think Tunisia is gorgeous land. Are there any places or ""neighbourhoods"" which I should avoid or be especially cautios in though, maybe because they don't like white visitors? If you have any tips for town or places I should visit, please, let me know! Take care!",,,,,,2022-04-25 20:16:43 ubws6o,,1,how common is neffa in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-04-25 22:02:57 ubx3s6,,253,one of the Algerians memes about Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-04-25 22:17:29 ubx77m,,1,Tunesia: Death toll in migrant boats disaster off Tunisia rises to 20,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 22:21:39 ubx9s4,,3,Tunisia: Death toll in migrant boats disaster off Tunisia rises to 20,,,,,,,2022-04-25 22:24:57 ubxdr4,,1,im not Tunisian but may allah strengthen you dear friends extremists atheists are spreading at a high speed in this sub,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 22:30:03 ubxsjy,,37,sadge,,,,,,,2022-04-25 22:49:21 ubyrez,,0,who wants to start a company?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-25 23:35:34 ubzfq7,,3,help ! need a newspaper in English,"Hi friends I desperately need a newspaper written in English. It doesn't matter when it was issued, I just want to buy one. Any help or info would be greatly appreciated!",,,,,,2022-04-26 00:08:47 ubzpsf,,1,So annoying,,,,,,,2022-04-26 00:22:48 uc13mo,,12,#تونس في المرتبة الأولى دون منازع .. بالحميص كيما نسموه عندنا في #الجزائر,,,,,,,2022-04-26 01:33:50 uc3aye,,0,5raw fih barcha,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-26 03:29:16 uc3r0j,,12,Any gamers in this sub?,"Apex legends, League, new world, escape from tarkov?",,,,,,2022-04-26 03:53:49 uc3uzj,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-04-26 04:00:10 uc782b,,37,The concept of the Arab world,"Can we all start acknowledging that the concept of the Arab world did nothing but dilute and mask the complex identity of many countries and give ppl some weird loyalty to a none existent club. in political practice, literally all ""Arab"" countries treat each other like any other country unless there is financial gain that boosts the relationship in-between the two countries, so why are we socially holding on to a concept that is destroying so many countries' chances of representing diversity in their identity and branch and develop socially, not to mention that the Gulf countries give zero shits about the rest of y'all they are just another economic power past colonizer that is abusing its financial strength like any other economic power.",,,,,,2022-04-26 07:46:28 uc8vhi,,1,No caption needed,,,,,,,2022-04-26 09:51:46 uc951l,,1,Esperanto books,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-26 10:09:37 uc9a1y,,15,"ok straight to the point, when is Eid Al fitr",,,,,,,2022-04-26 10:19:07 uca2fl,,1,Any call of duty mobile players here?,"I'm playing codm for a while , but no one of my friends do i love the game but i'm starting to lose interest. Any one playing the same game?",,,,,,2022-04-26 11:11:12 ucahnv,,1,how to work as a freelancer when you're younger than 18,"hello, I am a tunisian student aged 17 and I have some video editing skills that I want to use, but I need to be older than 18 to make a bank account and open a virtual bank account (payoneer for example) I don't know if there will be some problems if I make the account with my mother or father Identity and work as if they were the ones doing it. if anyone have a better solution please comment it. thank you so much",,,,,,2022-04-26 11:37:11 ucb4kk,,3,IT engineer salaries for entry level currently,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-26 12:12:06 ucbqyw,,12,I’m embarrassed for them 🤦‍♀️ I mean why? When will the change happen?,,,,,,,2022-04-26 12:45:44 ucch4b,,46,Tunisian high school profesors will be the doom of our society,"اليوم كيف بيقية خلق ربي عديت دفوار informatique. و نحب نحكي على فازة صارت في الدفوار. تو بالله احنا بيدانا في الدفوار اللي هو جاء على interface graphique (python et Qtdesigner) قعد نخدم على روحي عادي مبعد البروف ناض يفسر و يعاون و يكتب في السبورة الحصيلو قعد يكتب برشا و دخلنا في برشا conditions. انا كنت مركزة معاه و نكتب على PC مبعد ماصحلوش قاللنا نحي و الفازة هذي ما تخدموهاش هكا في الدفوار احسبها مش موجودا. أما دخلت بعضي خاتر ça y est خدمت. ناديتو قتلو مافهمتش اش نعمل تو نحيها ولا نخليها. ما جاوبنيش من اصلو طفى الحكاية هذيكا و قعد مركز على غلطة تافهة أخرى في الprogramme هي الغلطة بسيطة عل اللخر و.صحيح مالازمتهاش تصير خاتر تلميذة bac و شنوا اما quand même ما ركزتش بالباهي و عملت ترجمة حرفية. الحكاية و ما فيها اللي اما في عوض ما نحط ال commentaire في وسط ال input حطيتو وحدو في print. هذي هي الحكاية الكل. البروف هذا هز يديه و يلطخني بالقوي على ظهري و يقوم يعيط و يقول حرام عليك و يدور لاصحابي يقولهم بالله مش حرام عليها تعمل غلطة كي هكا و قعد يغزرلي و يقول اللي ما يخدمش الدفوار هذا راهو بهيم و ما يفهمش و زايد يعدي الbac info و نتحمل مسؤولية الكلام اللي قلتو. البروفات اللي كي هكا هوما الي يخلونا احنا نكرهوها البلاد هذي. En principe يكونو قدوة و يشجعو و يعاونو مش يطيحو الماء في الركايب و يهدمو مل التلميذ. ياسر فيهم كلمت أساتذة و مايتاهلوهاش. حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل. These teachers are going to bring up many disfunctional generations.",,,,,,2022-04-26 13:22:49 ucdk4u,,3,Opened coffeeshops in Bardo / Danden?,Does anyone here know opened coffeeshops during the day in Bardo or Danden,,,,,,2022-04-26 14:15:43 ucdozi,,1,"Everyone is coping with the month of Ramadan & fasting their own way, in Tunisia 🇹🇳 💤",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-26 14:22:08 ucdt5h,,4,Cheap tours to the desert from Gabes?,"Hi guys, I'd like to go on a tour to the Tunisian desert for two or three days and was wondering what's the best way to book? I'd like to avoid some super high prices, of course I¨'m willing to pay extra as a tourist, but I'd like to save a little as I'm a student. Any tips? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-04-26 14:27:32 ucesd2,,1,Djerba by night <33,,,,,,,2022-04-26 15:11:43 uch99u,,0,bars !,do you guys think that the bars will open in el eid ? If no how many days it's gonna take them to do so . Im really dying for a drink 😫,,,,,,2022-04-26 17:00:27 uci9oy,,1,Should I be worried about customs regarding my camera equipment?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-26 17:45:29 uckapf,,45,"""Ekbes ro7ek""","So today I got mugged fil metro in Moknine but that's not what I wanna talk about, I wanna talk about the attitude I've received from ppl afterward, a side note I get really anxious really easily and it affects my breathing and the way I behave, so I took a taxi to the police station and el taxist couldn't help but notice that I was talking quietly and not giving ""tough man vibe"" despite me telling him that I'm stopping by the police station he didn't take the hint that I was having a bad day and chose to make comments about how I should ""nekbes ro7i"" w ""7altik 7lila"" w all that stuff you hear as a male when you show signs of weakness. btw some random dude on the train also gave me the classic ""chbik ma5abitish talifounik meloul"", surprisingly and funny enough the only ppl that didn't victim blame me were el 7akim. What's up with this kind of attitude fi tounes.",,,,,,2022-04-26 19:15:04 ucktqi,,1,If you're in High School and struggle with Maths.,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-26 19:39:02 ucl8wu,,1,Stream 3azab +21,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-26 19:58:00 ucldtw,,10,blaming everything on the system and playing the victim card,yeah so i see this everywhere on the daily basis people playing victims hating on the country wanting to leave while all they do is go out and spend their days at cafes smoking drinking etc and then out of nowhere they expect to be successful and they blame everyone and everything except themselves for being the way they r and they r so stupid to the point you wont even try to argue with them,,,,,,2022-04-26 20:03:49 ucljxk,,2,Autorisation parentale de voyage na3malha fel baladeya?,"I need help regarding ""l'autorisation parentale de voyage"", i don't know where to get it from or where to get it signed..",,,,,,2022-04-26 20:11:24 uclu5z,,1,"Anyone know where could I find trustful ""masseuses"" / ""massage houses""?",[removed],,,,,,2022-04-26 20:24:26 ucm641,,0,I find the overreaction of non fasting Tunisians high-key disrespectful: A venting moment.,"Ya jme3a Rahou chhar fil 3am. Ma fi ha bes if we refrain from taunting people who fast by constantly making a hassle and big drama over eating in public or drinking or whatever it is u normally do. Every ramadan, the same ma3bouka on tv and on social media it’s tired at this point. Dima lezem fama we7ed fel tv 3amil a big deal kifech howa fater w maysalich w 7a9ou yekel etc etc. Yekhy are we that hateful towards practicing Muslims? I know people who aren’t even Muslim that work and study with me that choose not to eat in front of me and my fasting colleagues out of respect there’s nothing more to it. It really isn’t that hard tbh. It all a matter of respecting each other, and I use the same argument towards who shame those who don’t fast.",,,,,,2022-04-26 20:39:43 ucnj7a,,4,how many hours do you suggest one should spend before doing a driving test?,0 experiance speaking ofc,,,,,,2022-04-26 21:42:17 ucnr6i,,5,English Manga in Tunisia,"I am going to visit my grandma in July and want to buy manga. I'm not French educated so that's not an option and am pretty stubborn on only reading physical books. Any help in finding a bookstore or a site (like ebay or something) that'll have English manga would be great! Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-04-26 21:52:50 uco17w,,1,Do you guys have concerns about your personal data/privacy in Tunisia?,"If you have any concerns how do you do you manage keeping your personal data safe and private? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-26 22:05:25 ucomjc,,2,Is anyone coming to Tunisia in the next few days? I need a fan (ventilateur) for my pc,"I could not find one to buy here, my pc is Lenovo ideapad L340.",,,,,,2022-04-26 22:33:23 ucoz10,,1,"Tunisians, does this Neapolitan video rap song remind you of Tunisia?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-26 22:50:08 ucp2dl,,0,what's your reaction to finding out your classmates regularly have sex,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-26 22:54:28 ucq1v4,,0,what's the most common fetish you ever encounter in tunisie and the wierdest?,weirdest*,,,,,,2022-04-26 23:43:58 ucqc9q,,1,Identity crisis here is real,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-26 23:59:05 ucqlpd,,1,Identity crisis here is real,"Hello guys. Hope everyone here had an amazing day. Borrowed this fake profile from a friend because I'm a girl and want no creeps stalking me. Behi wakteh ness ch tefhem rana moch kif kif w kol wehed mokhou chnya ykolou w chnya yheb yaaml f hyetou w medemna aychin kol maa baadhna lezemna we 'make sacrifices' w nekblou baadhna akahaw yeziw mn kol wehed yheb yofrodh rayou ala lekher. W zeda kol mara wehed jeyna b hkeya ahna menech Arabs menech Africans menech Berber. Well menech white zeda. Ken ch tokoodou haka rana bch natel3ou 'mejina chay’. Goodnight",,,,,,2022-04-27 00:12:25 ucqoh8,,37,Is Tunisia safe for Americans at this point in time?,"A friend and I are planning a trip to Europe this summer and want to stop in Tunis as part of our trip. I have always been infatuated with ancient history, specifically the Punic Wars and want to visit Carthage. We don’t want to venture far outside of the capital except maybe Djerba? Is Sidi Bou Said specifically safe for American tourists to stay? Information is conflicting from the American Government and personal experiences I have read online. Go? Don’t go? Appreciate any and all advice.",,,,,,2022-04-27 00:16:33 ucryt1,,6,Tunisia detains crew of ship that sank off its coast this month,,,,,,,2022-04-27 01:24:16 ucrztd,,26,Fi9o,"Hello, the problem is not belivers vs non-believers, or gay vs straight, because I see all different groups fight here 24/7... THE REAL PROBLEM, is that we live here without any basic rights, the other groups are not against you, dont hate them, hate politicians... they're the reason! when the economy starts improving, we will see people accepting each others.",,,,,,2022-04-27 01:25:49 ucs86e,,7,"Emel Mathlouthi fan from Morocco, any fans here? :)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-27 01:38:23 ucugd2,,4,"Tunisians who own E-scooters, What's your experience ?","I'm seriously planning on buying an e-scooter, specifically this [one](, and I'm still not sure if this is going to be a waste of time and money or not so I want to read your advices and your experience so here's my details : Currently I am a high schooler in Carthage and hopefully if I succeed in Bac I'm planning on studying in Grand Tunis, I will not get out of here anytime soon, So I need something to use for transport and public transport is trash so I want something reliable I can own, It doesn't have to be fast, Just something I can ride on. I got a bicycle but riding it on a hill like Carthage is a pain in the butt, like I can't go from Kram to Presidence without stopping to take a rest so I need something motorized and the cheapest thing I can get is that scooter above, best thing about it is that I can pay for it bit by bit, so It's the only thing affordable for me. But my main concern with it is that whether I can fit it in a backpack or not because obviously I can't leave it outside, Would it sound weird to go to the classroom with a large bag on my back ? I don't want any attention, Funnily enough I'm already getting attention for owning a bicycle and hearing comments about it from my teachers and classmates, I'm the ""bicycle kid"", and I don't understand why, so having a scooter on my back isn't going to go smooth and quiet. Also, do people on the street give reaction to the people riding e-scooters ? Do they make fun of them or anything like that ? And finally, is it going to be a good idea to have it ? Like would it make life ? Did it make it easier for you ? **Tl;dr : Where do you put your e-scooter ? Can you fit it in a bag / backpack ? Do you go to the classroom / workplace with it ? Do people harass you for it ?**",,,,,,2022-04-27 03:41:46 ucw0px,,1,Doomer early morning stream join et merci,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-27 05:18:26 ucx7cy,,0,POTENTIAL GHOST SPOTTED FI STREAM WEHED TOUNSI,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-27 06:35:22 ucynt7,,0,We now have clear evidence.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-27 08:21:06 uczoiy,,17,"Hello, I'm a new self taught programmer. I want to build a portfolio but don't know what to put on it?",,,,,,,2022-04-27 09:38:40 ud15ml,,10,"hello peeps, so I live in hammamet and I'm pretty much isolated in a way xD don't know many people, any skateboarders here or dog owners? I take my dogs out and skate board every day and would love it if I can find people to do that with , cause I'm bored out of my mind 😂",,,,,,,2022-04-27 11:17:54 ud20sp,,6,Best way to send money from Germany to Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-04-27 12:07:42 ud7znn,,1,Where can i watch tunisian tv LIVE (website)??,,,,,,,2022-04-27 16:45:25 ud87gq,,2,Algeria,"what are your thoughts about Algeria? ( both negatively and/or positively) sending love and ramadan moubarak to all muslims :D",,,,,,2022-04-27 16:54:50 ud8dpq,,4,Visiting Tunisia for 8 days. Where do you recommend I base myself?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-27 17:02:08 ud8qqr,,278,"26 months. 24 Governorates. 30,000 km. 9 chapters. 80+ maps. 100 YouTube videos. The Bradt Travel Guide to Tunisia is officially FINISHED! Stay tuned for a publication date! 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳",,,,,,,2022-04-27 17:17:58 ud9upm,,1,Do you agree?,,,,,,,2022-04-27 18:07:27 udccqp,,2,Do you support circumcision?,"(At a clinic) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-27 19:59:02 udcny4,,4,How do I attract Tunisian women to my international conference?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-27 20:12:00 uddibi,,1,alAny good website for Online shopping in tunisia be5lef jumia,Any good websites for Online shopping in tunisia be5lef jumia,,,,,,2022-04-27 20:49:12 udek7i,,1,Is there a monthly fee for having an e dinar card ?,i have an e dinar smart card laying about. it has been sitting at 0dinar balance for months and now im afraid that the post might deduct a large sum from it if i send it money.,,,,,,2022-04-27 21:35:40 udekah,,4,Cost of Braces (appareil dentaire)?,chkoun aamel braces? kaddech k3adt behom? chnowa el cas mte3ek (extreme walla juste bech tkarreb sennik el b3athom) w how much did it cost total?,,,,,,2022-04-27 21:35:46 udf5ly,,6,"In 10 years, this will be worth millions of dollars!",,,,,,,2022-04-27 22:02:35 udfclx,,2,what can i do with 50m,Any ideas what can i do with 50m in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-04-27 22:11:21 udfh0w,,19,A merciful solution to those jailed because of drug use,"I strongly believe people who do drugs should not be jailed. Especially not when we don't even have the facilities and they're thrown upon each other in cells with conditions below² average. Instead, why not make them do community services like cleaning the streets or serving the government with probably another internal affairs branch that takes care of them and keeps track of their progress so that they will fulfill their punishment and be ultimately free again? This will create more jobs for government (seeing we will need law enforcement officers that will guard them as they perform their tasks for a specified period that will be determined by the law). And it will make our country more livable (be it in terms of seeing how streets are cleaned, or how lenient it has become towards drug users). We know most inmates are drug users and it is unnecessary to destroy their future and their families over something only God can judge them about; over something that doesn't kill anyone nor cause any public disorder except polluting the air which is already being polluted by cigarettes, cars and other factories. This shall include people who drive under influence too and so on. I hope you get the idea which is straightforward and up for feedback. This is my first post here and I hope we can make this subreddit another way to communicate our wants with our so lost government. May God protect our country from the people who want to do evil acts. I am neither with nor against drug use. I had my portion of it and took my lessons out of its use, but seeing people jailed for something that is a crime towards themselves alone is unfair. Because you're only harming your soul (if you're a pious person) and your body as you do drugs. I don't know about drug dealers, but at least drug users should be treated as drug users not as criminals to rot in a prison cell. If you think this is a joke of an idea, then at least I made someone laugh tonight. But as ironic as it may sound, I think it can make life more enjoyable while it lasts in Tunisia. I'm pretty sure our country will be better if this is to be applied: Feel free to do drugs, but if you're caught, enjoy community service including taking garbage, cleaning the streets, etc... (This idea came up a few days ago so I thought I should share it. I have not deeply studied its consequences and I hope we will do so together if you think it's a good one. I know for a fact that some countries already have this implemented.) ¨Peace!",,,,,,2022-04-27 22:17:06 udhoik,,10,Do you believe in Islam?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-28 00:03:50 udj4pj,,1,open restaurants in sfax during ramadhan,,,,,,,2022-04-28 01:18:21 udm3du,,3,who wants to hang out in sousse?,,,,,,,2022-04-28 03:51:57 udpfmz,,1,Topnet 👀,,,,,,,2022-04-28 07:25:11 udrrax,,7,i need help.,"hey people, i need help. i went to renew my passport so i can apply for a visa again but they won't accept my foreign university certificate, they told me i can do it with a certificate of '' 3amel yawmi '' and i don't know if i will be given a visa if i do it that way. any advice please?",,,,,,2022-04-28 10:19:37 udttb6,,4,what are the best private engineering schools in tunisia,I know that esprit is the most popular one so i wanna know if there are other ones,,,,,,2022-04-28 12:26:43 udu01p,,5,Any good side hustles for students?,,,,,,,2022-04-28 12:36:56 uduqnj,,1,University survey about Tunisians perception on global warming.,,,,,,,2022-04-28 13:15:05 uduwv6,,1,What do you guys think of AUNA ( American university of north Africa ) ? Is it a good school to attend ?,,,,,,,2022-04-28 13:23:37 udviwq,,72,;),,,,,,,2022-04-28 13:53:25 udvlca,,2,how do you feel about the Johnny Depp VS Amber Heard case?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-28 13:56:35 udvqi9,,1,Western Union,"Has anyone of you used the western union services to transfer or accept money? if yes, what was the experience like? what are the fees to pay? and how easy is the process?.",,,,,,2022-04-28 14:02:53 udwjeo,,0,what about creating a dirtyr4rTunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-28 14:39:50 udwunu,,1,"Telelcom ye telecom ouh . hi guys . i came here to complain , i called telecom to fix the upload speed (important for work . ) . after half an hour of phone call with a lady that seems bored af . she cut off the call and the internet that used to be at least slow now doesn't work anymore 😶 .",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-28 14:54:10 udwuqf,,2,Freelance Jobs,So what are the top websites y'all recommend for finding good easy freelance stuff,,,,,,2022-04-28 14:54:15 udwwys,,7,"for the ones who lives in Sousse , can you take a bus to go from Sousse beb bhar to hammem Sousse ?",,,,,,,2022-04-28 14:57:07 udx4jc,,1,how about an organized revolution to get better internet / freelancing/ MasterCard..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-28 15:06:00 udyf5z,,1,Do i need a PCR test to Travel to France?,"I wanna know if i need a PCR test for France or is the covid pass enough? And if so how do i check that my covid pass iss valid there?",,,,,,2022-04-28 16:03:26 ue0ppp,,0,Anyone applied for masters in norway?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-28 17:43:51 ue0z9j,,0,"bech eli mouch twenssa mayvotiwech, tamnou brabi ?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-28 17:55:20 ue24ay,,29,"50 Organizations from faith, anti-war, and progressive communities urge President Biden to suspend military assistance until Tunisia is on a path to democracy.","[link article]( Organizations of Faith, antiwar, progressive bla bla bla bla want democracy in Tunisia, how? They want starve 12 millions person so the head of the state go back to the democracy that they want. Tunisians outside that are asking foreign interference, are the scums of the earth.",,,,,,2022-04-28 18:45:41 ue37pl,,1,Economy,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-28 19:35:15 ue37tc,,1,Where can I sell a phone in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-28 19:35:22 ue3d4q,,5,"Tunisians living abroad, when was the first time you realized that Tunisia had messed you up",,,,,,,2022-04-28 19:41:54 ue3pt7,,0,Do people in Tunisia suffer from an inferiority complex ?,"I'm myself of Tunisian descent , but i noticed that people native to Tunisia have a different way of perceiving things in a sense . It seems to me that they view anything ""Western"" as better , including the people . Is this some form of an inferiority complex or is it something else ? And if so why do you think this mindset took root there ? Because of Colonialism ? Curious to hear from you guys.",,,,,,2022-04-28 19:57:42 ue3r20,,10,How to greet a Tunisian man other than As-salamu alaykum?,What should I say so that they are pleasantly surprised?,,,,,,2022-04-28 19:59:15 ue7dz6,,0,2nd vaccine shot to travel to Germany?," I ve been diagnosed with COVID-19 two times , so I took only one vaccination shot Moderna . And now I m preparing to go to Germany, do I need a second shot ?",,,,,,2022-04-28 22:45:03 ue891f,,1,Translation,What does ‘w aaa’ mean?,,,,,,2022-04-28 23:28:08 ue8t8v,,1,brothels in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-28 23:57:55 ue9a9j,,1,Is this Phone-Selling Website Trustworthy?,"I've never seen or been recommended this website before, but does anyone know this website? []( It presumably sells Refurbished Phones for lower prices and you can choose how much refurbished you want it to be If anyone dealt with this company before please let me know",,,,,,2022-04-29 00:22:51 ue9wue,,7,Picnic places with beautiful views,"Hi guys im searching for a good place to do a picnic with my girlfriend and i need some suggestion please Im seeking a quiet place with some beautiful views around bizerte nabeul tunis ... Thank you all",,,,,,2022-04-29 00:56:22 uecxn8,,0,How can i get a gf in this country ?,,,,,,,2022-04-29 03:34:21 ued9zx,عندي_سؤال_عن_مهنة_الهندسة_في_تونس/,2,عندي سؤال عن مهنة الهندسة في تونس,انا طالبة ندرس هندسة و نحب نتعرف على عباد يخدمو في هذا المجال، كيفاش نلقاهم؟,,,,,,2022-04-29 03:53:44 uede2x,,0,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-04-29 04:00:11 uee5v4,,8,How does the education system compare?,"I've been told the education system in Tunisia is very good. That people come from all over to study here. How does the education compare to other places like European countries or the west? If you had a choice to educate your child here or elsewhere like the other places I mentioned, what would you do?",,,,,,2022-04-29 04:45:35 uefk5d,,7,am abt to sit for the bac exam in a month nd i dont know if i can make it,"Literally Any advice or words of encouragement are highly appreciated 🙏 I've been getting below average scores this past year, bcs I've been busy procrastinating instead of actually doing the effing work . Am basically wondering if it's still salvageable? can I get average grades in the bac exam if I work my ass off now?",,,,,,2022-04-29 06:18:02 uehiyo,,0,Is this website belong to a known tunisian brand ? Thank you.,,,,,,,2022-04-29 08:46:38 ueig9p,,2,Where can I find a walkman here?,,,,,,,2022-04-29 09:57:40 ueih3e,,0,would you rather have Ben Ali back rather than the current regime?,"This is one thing is realised about a lot of Tunisians (I have not been in the country for 15 years) when I ask people about Ben Ali they only have good things to say about him and say may Allah bless his soul. I found this a bit odd, I thought people wanted democracy and stuff, now they got it, they hate it. People realise that one person holding ultimate power was way better than multiple people calling the shots and taking money from the lower classes. One man said to me Ben Ali at least y Used to mess with the rich but didn't hurt the poor that much if you keep.your head down and don't oppose him you'll be fine. What are your thoughts?",,,,,,2022-04-29 09:59:20 ueik5q,,1,THE BEST,,,,,,,2022-04-29 10:04:44 ueix4h,,1,"Women of Tunisia, does penis size matter ?","[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-04-29 10:30:56 uejac9,,2,Best Tunisian hosting service provider ?,"All in the title, what is the best hosting service provider in Tunisia ? depending on performance, availability and price. Thanks",,,,,,2022-04-29 10:57:24 uejtqe,,0,Anyone tried Vito website?,"Vito is a Tunisian social media website you can earn some money from it my first thought is ""obviously this is a scam"" but the website looks very promising and its a great method to gather Tunisians (you can search for jobs/products for sell/make ads etc)the only catch is the minimum withdrawal limit is 100$. So did anyone get money from this website? [website link]( edit: I'm not promoting the website, just asking for info",,,,,,2022-04-29 11:30:54 uejytw,,4,Beautiful picnic places,"Im searching for a beautiful quiet place in Benzart Nabeul Tunis with some beautiful views for a picnic Thank you so much and happy Eid",,,,,,2022-04-29 11:39:44 uek6x7,,1,How do Tunisians treat foreign tourists?,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-29 11:53:30 uelq72,é_bilehi_info_pascal_wala_python/,1,"Bac science sné, bilehi info Pascal wala Python? wala ezouz?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-29 13:17:35 uelqmz,é_bilehi_info_mteekom_pascal/,13,"jme3et Bac science sné, bilehi info mteekom Pascal wala Python? wala ezouz?",,,,,,,2022-04-29 13:18:14 uepld7,,0,Habib Bourguiba - Dr Mohamed Talbi,,,,,,,2022-04-29 16:21:47 uer3qq,,1,what do you think about sidi bou zid,,,,,,,2022-04-29 17:32:29 ues8oz,,2,Sailing in Tunisia,"Does anyone know how easy is it to rent a sailing boat for a week in Tunisia ? Quelqu'un saurait s'il était possible de louer des voiliers en Tunisie pour quelques jours en famille ?",,,,,,2022-04-29 18:26:38 uesejf,,2,Does this trick works with food delivery apps?,"Let's say you want to try restauraunt X but when u put ur adress it doesn't deliver there , if u change ur adress to somewhere it does and call the driver to bring it to ur adress and tip him a little will it work?",,,,,,2022-04-29 18:34:16 uesx5j,,1,Belisarius: Conquest of the Vandals,,,,,,,2022-04-29 18:59:03 ueukpu,,6,"Because we are so lazy, it happens that most blog and information about Tunisia is written by travelers",,,,,,,2022-04-29 20:17:31 uevlwv,,21,"If there was an anime studio with a tunisian creator, would you support it and what anime ideas would you like to watch it?",,,,,,,2022-04-29 21:06:55 uewt18,,3,Support my friend guys!,"Support my friend guys! Why? Because he is Tunisian and he is trying to deliver a great content!",,,,,,2022-04-29 22:05:38 uey1ls,,11,"only a month left to sit the BAC exams, help me get my shit together please","انا نقرى BAC Sciences اول العام دخلت بقوة. كنت نراجع a jour و فرحانة شايخة صحيح notet متاعي كانو خايبين خاتر بروفاتنا الله يسامحهم كورهم خايب وصلت حتى ناخذ كور من عند كلاسات آخرين و online باش نقرى اما حتى كي نخدم في ال étude نلقى روحي ça va نفهم و نخدم بالصحيح.حكاية النوتات ماخليتهاش تأثر فيا خاتر نخدم خارج الكلاس مريقلة اما مبعد صارولي برشا مشاكل و وحدة من صاحباتي my now ex-bestfriend ياسر ولات toxique معايا و أثرت عليا ديما تقلي اللي انا مانيش مش نوصل لشي و حالتي تكرب و مش تدوبل و و و و... وزيد قعدت دور بين الناس و تقول لهم اللي انا ما نقراش على روحي و مش ندوبل و ولات تخبي عليا حصص و series ال étude و ما تقليش مع العلم اللي هي responsable على group étude لين أثرت فيا الحكاية بالحق دخلت بعضي وليت نسأل في روحي est-ce que انا مش نوصل ننجح ولا. ال trimestre الثانية ما خدمت شي فيها و كيف كيف الثالثة والحق الشي تكدس اما انا نحب ننجح و نوصل اللي نحب عليه. عاونوني بالله انصحوني اش نعمل كيفاه نظم وقتي كيفاه نقرى بذكى... Please help me I need your advice I would highly appreciate it please ❤️❤️❤️ Edit: بالحق محلاكم يا توانسة❤️❤️❤️ the amount of support, kindness and encouragement. People offering to help and even sending me google drives of practice sheets is overwhelming I can't thank you enough!❤️❤️❤️",,,,,,2022-04-29 23:08:47 uey8ea,,1,Cheapest place to buy iphone 12 in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-04-29 23:18:52 ueyn54,,3,"Tips on how to make the most of banking, investments and saving systems?",,,,,,,2022-04-29 23:41:20 ueztw7,,20,Why the crime rates and social problems in the south are very low compared to other regions in Tunisia ?,"The homicide rate in the south(medenine , tataouine, kebili, tozeur) is the lowest in the country despite having a very poor infrastracture and the highest rate of unemployement in the country. Besides, social problems like abandoned babies and rapes are never reported in the news. Even in social tv shows like ""andi ma n9olek"", we rarely see guests originating from these regions. It can't be justified by the predominent rural society there since the crime in some rural areas in other regions is booming. So what's the secret behind this?",,,,,,2022-04-30 00:48:50 uf02nc,,10,chebeb ena 2eme info wma4roum beli na3mel fih 3ale5er just 3andi mochkla khw 7ayzetni fi info njib fi 19 w20 wfel physique dima fel 15 just lmath managmtch natla3 fih jemla(njib 4 wala 5 ken taret ) 5ayef mel bac tawa najem no93ed nenja7 7ata ken manjibech fih chwna tans7ouni ?,,,,,,,2022-04-30 01:02:26 uf1yk4,,14,"I got a good startup idea, you guys can have it: I advice either you are a developer or a law person. or both","we all can agree that none of us actually know the Tunisian law. what if someone develop an app that could stupidly explain all our rules, especially the road law. for example, did you know: police cannot stop you for speeding if they don't have a radar. also, do you know that fighting with a agent while he is working even if he is not actually doing anything (example baladya or bousta). can lead to prison and a fee(I think). because you are not actually his boss. also, is it allowed to record a police officer when he stops me? if someone develop an app that could actually tell us what is our right and what's our responsibilities, that would actually help us all. business model : probably could be financed by law associations and human right ONGs etc.. (pls don't use pub as a business model. that's kinda stupid). I'm a young entrepreneur & a business developer, so if anyone wants my help. PM me for contact. I just want an app which could help me through life in tunisia :')",,,,,,2022-04-30 02:51:11 uf3mko,,0,"97ab of Tunisia, how satisfied are you with your life?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-30 04:31:52 uf78rb,,7,anyone going to see dr strange and the multiverse of madness in sousse?,,,,,,,2022-04-30 08:58:47 uf8gzu,,3,Any good hairstylists for men in Ariana/Tunis?,"I have long hair and I wanna have protein treatment and shorten it a little bit. Do you recommend any good hairstylists for men in Ariana / Tunis?",,,,,,2022-04-30 10:34:26 uf8h4m,,0,Hash or weed in Sousse,"Hello, I will travel to Sousse with few friends in August. We want to find some weed or hash to smoke there and relax on the beach. How easily can we find it? Should we ask the waiters ? Whats the police situation there? Thanks",,,,,,2022-04-30 10:34:44 uf8sgn,,2,Option?,"hi im 2e science i already chose math in tawjih and sure abt it ,but a little hesitant abt option , what are your experiences (bare in mind we have spanish and german in lycee preferably one of those)",,,,,,2022-04-30 10:59:34 uf9zsw,,1, does anybody happen to know this website ? Is it any good ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-30 12:22:16 ufa0ms,,5,Does anybody happen to know this website ? Is it any good,,,,,,,2022-04-30 12:23:42 ufb2xc,,2,post office open on sunday or on al-aid,can i find a post office that is open tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ? i thought that the post office at the airport is always open but looking at the google map reviews comfirmed otherwise,,,,,,2022-04-30 13:27:44 ufbizr,,0,coffee shop ouvert ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-30 13:52:15 ufbmnc,زمردة_by_a_girl_as_a_boy_a/,2,Is getting called زمردة by a girl as a boy a compliment or a humiliation,Is getting called that good or bad?,,,,,,2022-04-30 13:57:43 ufcvm0,,1,كيفية ترجمة أي فيديو إلى كل اللغات على اليوتيوب بدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-04-30 15:02:26 ufdqzg,,1,These two inseparable muppets that live in my house.,,,,,,,2022-04-30 15:46:25 uffcwi,,3,Cat food recommendation ?,"Hey! I have a cat that I love to death and I want to take the best care possible of him. Thus, I want to provide him with a healthy nutrition. That is why I want to ask if anybody got a good high quality, but no absurdly expensive cat food recommendation and where I can buy. I also feel like it’s important to note that he’s 2 years old and never ate cat food before, so I think that it’s important that the cat food be decently tasty so that he enjoys eating it. Thank you in advance! :)",,,,,,2022-04-30 17:06:22 uffl3c,,1,Livreurs jumia food/YASSIR/Glovo,"Guys who deliver food with these apps What’s your worst experience? And is it worth the money ?",,,,,,2022-04-30 17:17:41 ufgqto,,5,Is Kais Said doing all this just to remove Ennahdha or is there more? What is the end game?,"It’s basically what Sisi tried to do with MB, but with Tunisia it’s much more complicated. The only thing is what is Kais’s intentions. Is the economy that bad that it can’t rely on a parliament that has Ennahda in it? Look at Egypt now. It’s practically a police state and it’s a beggar military economy. Obviously, the Tunisian military isn’t the Egyptian one and isn’t under Kais’s full control. I’m assuming the pro-coup Tunisians support Kais assuming they can remove him later when the economic problems are all solved? Does Kais know or respect that? Just seems all these steps look pretty dangerous.",,,,,,2022-04-30 18:16:04 ufhf36,,10,Hello guys I am here looking for tunisians with borderline personality disorder just to try and make friends how do you guys deal with it meds therapy wise ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-04-30 18:49:54 ufhr3k,,8,Tunisians in this subreddit living in Munich?,,,,,,,2022-04-30 19:06:22 ufhx60,,1,Movie download,Does anyone know where to download movie La villa(2004)...??? Please share anyone have the link,,,,,,2022-04-30 19:14:59 ufjgc3,,1,Looking for an old egyption tv show i guess,"Manich sur ken egyption wala ama aadeweh fi watania 2 ken manich ghalet yahki aala wehed ken fi de3ech wbaad rjaa l hometown helping them i guess waandou tfol botti xD Thanks in advance wsorry ken mech yesser informations",,,,,,2022-04-30 20:34:26 ufm9pr,,1,Here is a meme away from zoumourrouda,,,,,,,2022-04-30 23:00:35 ufmzyw,,1,where i can find someone to twist my hair (Tunis/banlieu sud),,,,,,,2022-04-30 23:39:01 ufp5h8,,1,how to get a Netflix account 😒,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-01 01:36:39 ufq0u1,,0,I posted a question about Islam in one of the atheist subs r/atheism... the answers were terrifying,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-01 02:27:08 ufrisu,,118,Our Eid pastries look very aesthetically pleasing i gotta admit,,,,,,,2022-05-01 03:59:30 ufsuk6,,3,Where to get a classic casio watch in Tunisia ?,"I am looking to get an **authentic** classic casio (f-91w or W-86), in the usa you can get a new casio f-91w for 10$ (30TND) where the only f-91w I could find was on tayara for 18$ (55TND), I also want a trusted seller cause there are many fake f-91w being sold on ebay for 4$ or even less",,,,,,2022-05-01 05:24:36 ufsvlk,,1,anyone knows where i can find a complete guide for c++ in Arabic?,i'll appreciate your help <3,,,,,,2022-05-01 05:26:45 ufx5rp,,26,"If you are stressing out about your future (exams, orientation, bac, carrier... ) and feel lost this may help you","It's that time of the year: students stress season. Between exams, orientation, bac, and graduating you may find yourself spiraling into anxiety trying to make the ""best"" plan possible for your life especially average students from average and poor families trying to break the cycle. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that will work for everyone in every circumstances. Even following someone else's path may limit your horizons especially in less privileged towns and neighborhood where the usual ***Success Stories*** are ""حرق و ورّق"" , ""D-max w شبكة"" and ""جعّل و دقّ مسمار في الحيط"". My advice for you is to go through [this blog]( and read every single story and focus on the ones from people in different circumstances than yours. There is also this Post that you have to check: [How much you make in Tunisia.]( Keep your mind open. Consider the paths less traveled. Stress less and take more actions and remember : *Success is a journey, not a destination.* PS: life is a meme.",,,,,,2022-05-01 10:35:33 ufywke,,1,"Asslema ya Shabab! I am in Tunisia as part of a study abroad program and I’m conducting a survey regarding the political situation in the country. If I can get some people to answer for me, it would be greatly appreciated. I have attached pictures of the questions. 3aychek!",,,,,,,2022-05-01 12:31:09 ufz2kq,,1,Asslema ya Shabab! I am conducting a survey on behalf of my study abroad regarding the political situation here in Tunisia! If I can get a few people to answer my questions it would be greatly appreciated! I have attached pictures of the questions below! 3aychek!,,,,,,,2022-05-01 12:41:21 ug0ohl,,9,How can I get sleeping pills in Tunisia?,"I really need to sleep and it's a struggle every night, is there anyone here can tell me how can I get the sleeping pills?",,,,,,2022-05-01 14:09:11 ug0q7z,,10,Need your help deciding!,"I have a relative who lives in Qatar, he can buy me a work visa to Qatar where I can go and search for a job there, I am currently unemployed and I have no degrees in specific fields, would you recommend going taking the chance and going to qatar?",,,,,,2022-05-01 14:11:46 ug1br4,,5,Welcome to the Language Cafe!,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-01 14:42:17 ug1qu7,,1,Do i need a multiple entry visa to tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-01 15:02:53 ug2gw3,ésotherapie_and_prp/,2,does anyone know how much mésotherapie and PRP cost ?,I don't have facebook to ask.,,,,,,2022-05-01 15:37:51 ug4l28,,4,ki n7eb na3ml stage lbara kifeh na3ml ?,no9sed chnia les site wala page ili nodkhlheha bech najem ndaber stage lbara ?,,,,,,2022-05-01 17:17:41 ug54ta,,13,chay ye7echem,,,,,,,2022-05-01 17:43:39 ug7e09,,1,how much would it cost to ship something to another country,"I'm sorry but I'll just post this , i want to get something to my brother on his birthday but he lives in England rn so i was wondering how much would it cost and how long will it take and thanks",,,,,,2022-05-01 19:30:03 ug7ypo,,2,is this website legit? it calculates diwane.,,,,,,,2022-05-01 19:57:24 ug7z1h,,0,The President !,"Although his path not that clear I really respect this man Always comes up with something new He works hard and fights alone towards his goals Although I disagree with him, he deserves his full chance I wish him very good luck God bless Tunisia",,,,,,2022-05-01 19:57:50 ug91rb,,2,Part time job call center,"Hey everyone , I’m looking for a part time job in a call center. To further explain my situation, I’m an engineering student, currently doing my end of studies internship. I don’t need to explain how hard it is to survive in the capital (financially) and that led me to look for a job ( nights , when I’m not in the office). If anyone has any advice or pointers I would be eternally thankful.",,,,,,2022-05-01 20:49:08 ug9je9,,17,Bringing my Norwegian girlfriend to Tunisia,"Hello! I am bringing my Norwegian gf to Tunisia this summer. She is really excited and happy to see our beautiful country. Just wondering if you have some tips on where I should take her to eat and which places to visit? Haven't been ""home"" in a while so I don't exactly know where to take her.... Also wondering if the country have become cleaner? (haven't been there since 2019) and should we stay at a hotel in Tunis, Hammamet or Sousse? Thanks for your answers, and wish you all the best:) Tahya Tounes<3",,,,,,2022-05-01 21:12:28 ug9md1,,2,is there anyone in Tunisia using Revolut?,i wanna ask if there are commission fees in restaurants and bank ATMs. which currency are you using as well since TND is not there?,,,,,,2022-05-01 21:16:19 ugaa1f,,1,arabic translations,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-01 21:48:02 ugaikd,,1,Does anyone know were to buy Trackpoint replacement in Tunis ?,"I have a Lenovo PC, and I need a trackpoint replacement, where can I find them ?",,,,,,2022-05-01 22:00:00 ugcu59,,53,"Post by Med Ali Ben Romdhane, National team player about the food truck guy of Beb El Khadhra who apparently got policed.",,,,,,,2022-05-01 23:59:03 ugefqy,,1,كيف تدرس بطريقة فعالة وتزيد درجاتك؟,,,,,,,2022-05-02 01:27:07 ugjp3r,,2,How do people in the private sector retire?,"If you work in the public sector, you get a retirement plan based on how many years you worked afaik. What about people in the private sector who don't have children nor enough stashed money til they pass away?",,,,,,2022-05-02 06:56:13 ugjylm,,8,Traveling to Tunisia,"Salam! I’m an Algerian who grew up in Canada and I’m travelling to Tunisia in 2 weeks for an internship. Do you guys have some tips to make friends? Also, what are the precautions a girl traveling alone should take in Tunis? I’m assuming it’s like in Algeria, but I would still love some of your inputs. Thank you 🙏🏼",,,,,,2022-05-02 07:14:23 uglhjs,,8,Do you need some kind of authorization or paperwork necessary if you want to install a camera in a house?,or above the entrance,,,,,,2022-05-02 09:07:56 ugmo3y,,1,where to go nhar l3id fi Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-02 10:33:58 ugnl99,,4,Vacation tips,"Hey guys! Me and my partner, we’re going to your beautiful country and we would like to see the Sahara. If we know correctly, this is a Two day trip. What is the best way to attend this program? Company name, etc.? We’re going to Hammamet in the beginning of july. We would also like to buy SIM cards. What is the best Deal for a turist like us? Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2022-05-02 11:33:57 ugo1rb,,5,Do I need to verify myself as a student to get the student coupon at pathe tunisie ?,"Title, going with a friend to see Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and I got the student coupon (13d instead of 16d) and I am worried that they won't allow me to enter without a school ID or smth. Bonus question: is the sofa seat only for couples? I booked a sofa for me (male) and my friend (male) and I am worried people will look at us weird",,,,,,2022-05-02 12:01:36 ugoaze,,26,What's that one thing about Tunisia that you like despite the inconveniences and the tough situation it's facing?,,,,,,,2022-05-02 12:15:34 ugp92h,,3,Which Hotel in Port Kantoui?,"I’ve been searching for a hotel for my vacation in August. I got a lot of recomendations for El Mouradi hotels. There are like 3-4 hotels one next to each other… Which one you think it’s the best ?",,,,,,2022-05-02 13:07:40 ugqnoh,,1,Arab Spring,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-02 14:17:15 ugqqjp,,25,'Suing the government',"**Eidekom mabrouk and sninn deyma,** I hope u guys are doing well. Today, I come to u in a time of great need, as I don't know of any other place to ask such a question. Back in the 'Bourguiba' as well as the 'Zin El-Abiidin' eras/regimes, our family got ripped off of a lot of land, land that was obviously not compensated for. My grand-pa, who's no longer with us today, actually tried to get some of the land back or get some sort of recompensation but that didn't happen duh for 'obvious reasons'. Today, I aim at getting some of that wealth back, even a fraction of it. I do believe this is possible beause I heard of 'success' stories from people who managed to win such cases. If any of u have any idea on how to proceed or have any insight/stories that relate to this, please do share them.",,,,,,2022-05-02 14:20:56 ugqwzm,,6,Arab Spring,"     Hello , Can you fill this survey please, it won't take long Thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-05-02 14:29:15 ugrtwx,,11,"Eid Mubarak everyone , I just wonder how can I make some money as a teen any ideas ?(Legal way ofc )",,,,,,,2022-05-02 15:12:19 ugs942,,2,do i really need etude info for revision ? (bac science),,,,,,,2022-05-02 15:31:22 ugsu6w,,9,Which bank to pick,"Hey, I am a Tunisian living in Europe. I'd like to open a bank account in Tunisia and am considering which one to pick. I thought here might be the best place to get this information. Here's what I would love : \- Low account management fees. (I plan on using 2 services : stocking money and money transfer. I m not going to request loans or investing) \- Ability to transfer money from € to DT at market rate? (Idk if that is even possible without paying astronomical fees) \- Good website. (so that I can transfer money from that account to another in Tunisia easily without ever physically going to a bank) \- Do we have any “online bank”? (I mean a bank in which one can create the account online and does not need to interact with an agency?) Thanks a lot !",,,,,,2022-05-02 15:58:14 ugt7hv,,4,what's something that I can only find in Tunisia? and what are the must-try and must buy when I am in Tunisia for example?,,,,,,,2022-05-02 16:14:45 ugtmco,,7,What are some interesting traditions Tunisians have ?,Hello! I am preparing a presentation to foreign students about Tunisian culture and traditions and I will need your help. What are some interesting traditions Tunisians have ? Thank you!,,,,,,2022-05-02 16:32:43 ugwc3u,,1,"for anyone who has tried working at Gomycode, how was the overall work conditions and experience?",,,,,,,2022-05-02 18:32:52 ugwkmr,,1,كيفية قص جزء معين من فيديو على اليوتيوب,,,,,,,2022-05-02 18:43:13 ugy1a3,,1,Anyone here is from paris / living in Paris? i need help !,"I'm Tunisian and currently in Paris, i went to get a french phone number and i was told i couldn't pay in cash and i can only use a credit card to pay, does anyone know any companies that take cash? or how i can solve the problem? I need the number asap to use internet etc I would appreciate any help Edit 1 : i do not have a credit card. Edit 2 : I have gotten a Lycamobile number Thank you so much for helping me !!",,,,,,2022-05-02 19:50:18 ugydh6,,0,Horse riding,"Hey there just a quick question I just wanna know where can I ride horses in tunisia not as a sport just for adventure it would be better if that place in the north coz all I found in the internet is in the south and it is too far from home. Thank you",,,,,,2022-05-02 20:05:15 ugyiwy,,2,GoMyCode,"Did anyone study at GoMyCode ? If so, how was your exeprience? How many hours Did you spend studying per day/week ? Overall, was it worth it ? I’m thinking about doing a 3 month training during summer in either UX Design, Marketting or Web Development or maybe doing 2 at the same time if that’s possible.",,,,,,2022-05-02 20:12:21 ugzchw,,1,for adoption female kitten Sousse beb bhar!,,,,,,,2022-05-02 20:49:49 uh0e6d,,20,What's your biggest turnoff?,,,,,,,2022-05-02 21:37:00 uh0gdp,,5,problem,"TRIGGER WARNING: I will be complaining in this post so if u find it irritating t3ada for the question'3lh mthbtch lpost 3l fb' it feels more safe fi reddit , nod5l toul fi sujet : kraht kilmet bac wkraht 7yeti m3aha , kima kolna na3rfou l'entourage 'itounssi' kifeh , ena awel l3am kont so motivated li ychoufni y9oul nhd jbal , trimestre loula t3adet jebt 15 , kbsst rou7i trimestre thenya jbt 17 , twa n7ss frou7i fadit me3ini fchay , fadit mn rou7i , mn ss7abi , ml3bed li b7dheya , chay m3ad ynjm ymotivini , n7ot serie 9odemi nssakerha bl wa9t , dima n7ss fi 7aja de5li kl 5an9a mnjmtch nfhmha , kolna n3rfou li mental health mch mehtamin bha fi 'tounss' , mn7bch t3ab 3am keml ymchi 5ssara ama bl79 m3ad 3ini fi chay , sorry u had to read all of that and to the ppl who may find it like ' 9a3da nfachl fhom bklemi' w ile post so negative , I'm sorry",,,,,,2022-05-02 21:39:50 uh0p8p,,0,"chabeb we7el fi mochkla, madhroub fi tofla khoha yatla3 l homie mtei l mochkla mch belaani",,,,,,,2022-05-02 21:51:17 uh0uut,,0,Is everything still closed tomorrow ?,I’d like to go buy some groceries and some school supplies tomorrow. Are places like malls and stuff tomorrow ?,,,,,,2022-05-02 21:58:47 uh0vi7,,0,People that study in fucked up universities (mostly private) then buy fancy cars instead of investing that money to study abroad and find better schools worldwide for better opportunities…..why are you like that.....?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-02 21:59:37 uh1pmi,,0,Need Advice/Information,I've applied to the teachers' children grant this year and I've been trying the D17 platform all year to check if the funds were transfered. Today I learnt that they transferd the money a month ago and I need to get it directly from the post but turns out I've missed the deadline by a few days. What can I do? If I go to the post office and find out the money is gone can I get it back some other way? Is that even an option? Would appreciate any help and/or information.,,,,,,2022-05-02 22:39:09 uh2qtf,,1,inchallh 3idkom mabrouk,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-02 23:30:33 uh4mi0,,1,ارخص بطاقة فيزا للعمل والشراء اونلاين,,,,,,,2022-05-03 01:10:39 uh7nfx,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-05-03 04:00:09 uhb8pc,,1,Why do you always get pulled over by every policeman you come across for absolutely no fucking reason when you drive a fancy car in tunisia ?!,,,,,,,2022-05-03 08:10:47 uhbi0w,,2,"baba parka el karhba w hbat, yarja3 yalkaha mkharbchin aaleha bel feutre....",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 08:31:17 uhcb6w,,2,Anyone knows any English call centers in Sousse/Monastir?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 09:33:24 uhcwj4,,1,Ma3louma Mohima,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-03 10:17:06 uhd11b,,1,MA3LOUMA MOHIMA For Guys!,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-03 10:26:10 uhdhyg,,0,Netflix account problem,"So basically we can't pay for Netflix here in Tunisia, any ideas how to get an account or pay for it?",,,,,,2022-05-03 10:59:45 uhdjqe,,1,chabeb m new fi reddit ...soo new friends ? follow me,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 11:02:24 uhdk3k,,0,chabeb ena bac w mezeli chhar w andi maredh esmou el Bokhel 😀 maaraftech kifeh nerteh menou 😀,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 11:03:07 uhdqaz,,0,Coffee delivery in Bizerte?,Does anyone know a coffee shop which will delivery coffee in Bizerte?,,,,,,2022-05-03 11:14:21 uhdrto,,0,pepipssssst,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 11:17:08 uhdu23,,6,Does anybody know where I can find Yu Gi Oh cards for sale? Not talking about the whole collection or the original cards just some good and cheap counterfeits will do.,,,,,,,2022-05-03 11:21:05 uheibd,,18,free courses,"This is a great site to learn data science, ML,Deep learning, Blockchain,cloud ... Check it . It's free",,,,,,2022-05-03 12:02:09 uheudh,,17,What's ur reason for wanting to leave the country?,"A lot of my friends have already left for the west for several reasons(money, security,etc..). So I was wondering what does reddit think of it. Edit2: The fact that my kids aren't a carbon copy of me is very reassuring to me. I had a sort of rough childhood, and I believe that my kids must make their own decisions, that's what my parents taught me and provided to me. My point is that immigration might add up to an already existing age/culture gap that could exist between me and my kid, and therefore be the cause of further disruption in this relationship Edit3: Fucking hell I almost wanna leave the country now and not have kids.",,,,,,2022-05-03 12:20:09 uhfbfa,,16,"so i was curious to see what new york times has about tunisia and i came upon this article, can somone explain the first picture ? i found nothing in the article related to the pic and iam not tryina make it weird, is it something normal in some regions or something like that ?","[this is the article](, im talking about that old man kissing that kid on the mouth, again not making it weird, maybe its cultural accepted somewhere in Tunisia ?? it is no where near normal where i live btw",,,,,,2022-05-03 12:46:46 uhfvty,,2,"Cuba , Real Madrid flags",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 13:16:12 uhge00,,9,DNA TEST TO FIND OUT ABOUT YOUR ANCESTORS?,has anyone here done the dna test ? what was the result ?,,,,,,2022-05-03 13:42:17 uhim7j,,2,Entry to Tunisia,"guys chkoun rawa7 recently ltouness, how is the entry? Are they testing for COVID/asking for vaccination proof?",,,,,,2022-05-03 15:27:47 uhitbw,,4,fun spots in Tunis,"Where can people hang out in tunis after a work day for fun préférablement fel banlieue nord Edit: not coffee shops and restaurants but like places where there are fun activities",,,,,,2022-05-03 15:37:07 uhiuix,,0,Do you agree or disagree with trans athletes in women's sports? and why?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 15:38:45 uhj0w1,,1,Chilling by the beach in bizerte. And yes it's windy. Very windy.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 15:46:59 uhk1z5,,0,how do you get a girlfriend,"how do you guys do it, i'm lost, i tried everything and i still can't get a gf. i asked 2 girls last week and they both rejected me, one was my classmate and one was at the train station, i can't even look at my classmate in the eyes anymore after the rejection Im fit, i workout, i shower almost daily, i take care of my self, i dress well, i think i dress the best out of all my friends, yet almost all of them have a gf except for me, my classmates be changing gf's every week and i still can't get one, idk what i'm doing wrong maybe i'm ugly, do girls care so much about atteactivness, i'm afraid i'm turning into a incel without realising it, how can i improve",,,,,,2022-05-03 16:33:50 uhluiz,,0,TND to other currencies,What platforms do u use to exchange ur precious Tunisian dinars to filthy American dollars? And how are the rates.,,,,,,2022-05-03 17:57:07 uhmala,,0,CHATROOMS,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-03 18:17:28 uhn911,,1,Entring Tunisia with a car for the first time,"Hey guys, Planning to come for holidays with my car. Anything to know or expect? (Port La Goulette) I see there are two forms to prepare, one for the car and one for the stuff you bringing, anything else? Thank! All tips are welcome.",,,,,,2022-05-03 19:01:42 uhnpku,,2,Banks open up tomorrow wela mazelou??,,,,,,,2022-05-03 19:22:55 uhot3z,,6,"Gonna travel for the first time in my life, destination Algeria. Any tips? Cheapest/best way to book the flight? Airport protocols and all? I appreciate it!",,,,,,,2022-05-03 20:12:15 uhpdpj,,1,"I know that the subject is not like a postcard but last week was the remembrance of the Shoah moment during the world war 2 and in Israel an image retained my attention, I’m posting it now…",,,,,,,2022-05-03 20:37:59 uhrk63,,1,Elon Musk liking The Punic cothon of Carthage on Twitter,,,,,,,2022-05-03 22:17:41 uhsxpa,من_خلال_هذه_المجموعة_نحاول_خلق_الرابط_بين_الشباب/,1,من خلال هذه المجموعة نحاول خلق الرابط بين الشباب المبدعين واصحاب المشاريع,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-03 23:23:04 uhtv2q,,1,tell us your experience working full time and doing evening engineering classes,"working full time as a swe and doing evening classes or what we call ""cours de soir"" in a private engineering school. good idea? have you done it before? how was it? how consistent were you with showing up to classes?",,,,,,2022-05-04 00:11:39 uhupep,,30,Back when we participated in a war caused purely because of imperialist european motives on the side of our european colonizers who then commited atrocities against us once the war was over ; 2nd guy starting from the left is Tunisian,,,,,,,2022-05-04 00:56:22 uhv3e7,,1,need help,"hi guys , i wanna do some graphic stuff (just using black )on my room's wall and i need the one who make the form for me so i can draw above it ..where can i find it",,,,,,2022-05-04 01:16:45 uhw5bx,,1,Best bank in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-05-04 02:12:03 uhyzjy,,100,Can’t believe I was raised to call Jackie Chan Jhackie shon,I feel like I owe him an apology.,,,,,,2022-05-04 04:57:10 ui0k13,,0, can sm1 tell me if this is a legit ps4 controller,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-04 06:47:12 ui1iww,,2,"Religion aside, it has been proven that fasting can probably cure most diseases (except Diabetes type 1, anorexia and ills caused by trauma or genetic defect). You should really give it a try, full water fasting cured my depression and insomnia in two weeks only !",,,,,,,2022-05-04 07:59:43 ui1z79,,2,How is Cite El Wafa in Nabel?,"Title. How is the place? Is it good, quiet, safe? Is it family-friendly? Is it close to all amenities? I am genuinely asking because I might move there with my family. Also, what does AFH Mrezga mean? I mean how is this different from just Mrezga? Is this a different part of the city or what? Thanks.",,,,,,2022-05-04 08:34:40 ui21r1,,2,What's the best way to buy computer parts to build your own PC in Tunisia?,"eni ma3andich experience fil la7keya hethi, donc 7abit na3rf chnaya a7san facon bich tilqa ili 7achtek bih b aswam behya barcha, nitsawer l'importation possible lehna w tnajem tichri bil r5is barcha fil 7ala heki",,,,,,2022-05-04 08:40:10 ui224t,,1,how do you send a letter from Tunisia to Qatar?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-04 08:41:00 ui23mv,,1,quick question blhy concert yuma f sousse bookee lkol? khatr f site mal9ithesh? if not kifh najm n9os?,,,,,,,2022-05-04 08:44:19 ui2v9q,,1,Transfer spotify music to car via usb,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-04 09:44:13 ui2xai,,1,transfer spotify music to car via usb,"So I have a google pixel3xl phone which has no jack port. Is there a way to stream spotify music to my car via usb cable? Ps: I looked in the internet but nothing was helpful/ sorry if the post is none relevant to the sub.",,,,,,2022-05-04 09:48:39 ui2xef,,5,Summer Job,"Any summer job opportunities for recent graduates? Availability: June Location: Tunis/Ben Arous",,,,,,2022-05-04 09:48:52 ui4f4l,,1,Its forbidden to go in here..but if u did please make a stop.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-04 11:30:07 ui4iy6,,0,how can i get ritalin or prescription for it,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-04 11:36:40 ui56v2,,28,wow what about the Law?😅,,,,,,,2022-05-04 12:14:47 ui6k2z,,2,can you get a degree online in tunisia.,,,,,,,2022-05-04 13:26:43 ui7jxj,,26,Can the police inform my parents of an issue im having considering i'm 26 yo?,"I was accompanying my foreign friend when the police stopped us saying it's illegal to be with a foreign which I know is a total bullsh*t but they threatened to call my parents to tell them. I was drinking and with a guy, I'm 26 year old, I'm fully independent and don't live with them anymore, So do the police have the right to inform my parents? I told them they can fill whatever report and I can take care of the issue alone but they kept yelling at me and threatening to call my parents, I honestly can't risk them knowing my personal life, as they are old and not understanding,",,,,,,2022-05-04 14:14:11 ui7pyh,,1,"anymore of these Arabic and electro remixes, I can't stop listening to this, the lyrics and the beats it's just wow.",,,,,,,2022-05-04 14:22:00 ui7snl,,3,Djerba nowadays,"Hi everyone ! How is Djerba nowadays in terms of covid, masks, restrictions and most importantly nightlife ? Mainly Im asking compared to pre-covid standards.",,,,,,2022-05-04 14:25:38 ui9l0n,,1,Yoo should it be a problem to travel with a nipple piercing??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-04 15:46:53 uia3ok,,3,Gym buddy in tunis ??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-04 16:10:25 uiaxvd,,9,Quatre Vingt = 420,,,,,,,2022-05-04 16:47:58 uib3e9,ère_que_vous_allez_bien_je_suis_en/,0,"bonjour j'espère que vous allez bien, je suis en 2eme année secondaire w sne ylzemni na5tar option w b9it 7ayer bin l'espagnol w dessin (nheb option mta3 tatir note) bech tans7ouni?",,,,,,,2022-05-04 16:55:02 uibdrg,,0,"Haven't been in the dating scene for a while, how would a young adult who is too busy with work find dates these days ? Any popular dating apps here ?",,,,,,,2022-05-04 17:07:30 uibsy5,,21,"Anyone tired of the huge number of algerians on every tunisian post, page or channel on the internet?","I really respect algerians and i have nothing against Algeria, but the amount of algerians present in every tunisian page and channel is unbelievable. They are always commenting (usually disrepectfully) on every tunisian post on facebook and on every youtube channel ( just check comments in channels like ""bila kinaa"" or ""réalité tunisienne"" ). Even unknown tunisian facebook pages with only 1k followers are full of algerian comments. And this situation is not new, it has been for years. Btw, I tried to check algerian pages and i didn't find a single tunisian comment. What do you think about this?",,,,,,2022-05-04 17:26:25 uic5vz,,9,Do you think that one day The (little) Magreb will be united?,"Hello to everyone, and Eidkom Mabrouk I have this question because during the Aïd, I wasn't in Tunisia due to studies, so I fested with 2 friends, one from Algeria and the other from Morocco. We all are studiying law, and when we have time we do what's called a debate: We take a subject and we have like an ""abitre"" one for, and one against . Since we fested Aïd together, we took time to do one. And the question was: Do you think that Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia will be one day one country ? I was designated as the against part, the moroccan girl in favour part and the algerian the abitre.( it doesn't represent our personnal beliefs) We had a good debate, althought at the end I won, the abitre told us that it was really hard to take a side, she had a lot of good arguments.( He didn't took the decision with his beliefs, but more about the justess of our arguments and our charisma let's say) I was thinking about it and I wanted to have your thoughts about this question ( I'm asking as well other countries in question about it ? )",,,,,,2022-05-04 17:43:00 uicyd4,,62,"I'm so happy that i found out about reddit and this commuinity, you guys are amazing ❤️",,,,,,,2022-05-04 18:18:46 uieh5x,,1,Non muslium does ramadan,,,,,,,2022-05-04 19:29:10 uifheh,,1,Does this headline sound objective to you?,,,,,,,2022-05-04 20:14:28 uifit4,,8,i find outraging that supermarkets don't return small change,,,,,,,2022-05-04 20:16:12 uigkem,,1,New World,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-04 21:04:39 uihnrg,,3,Do you know any hidden paradise in Tunisia ? 🏝🏖🏕🌄🌅,,,,,,,2022-05-04 21:56:37 uiin6s,,1,Minimum salary that you won't consider leaving the country ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-04 22:42:27 uijc1i,,1,TATTO,"hey guys ... Who knows where i can get a temporary tatto ? I need a tatto for 3-6 months cuz I have a scar on my arm and I can't wear a T-shirt eli ya3ref y3aweni pls",,,,,,2022-05-04 23:15:11 uim1ft,,35,tunisian redditors >>>>> tunisians,"you fellas are cool, i never knew",,,,,,2022-05-05 01:32:34 uin0al,,15,Ads i got on Facebook/Messenger/Instagram. Why are these people( probably american evangelists) wasting their money on Tunisia lol the chance of any tunisian of any background converting to christianity is basicaly 0%.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-05 02:22:47 uiqw68,,1,Bug or wanted ? the flag is missing ...,,,,,,,2022-05-05 06:09:02 uiqzlo,,2,Tunisian tinder story they you'd like to share?,,,,,,,2022-05-05 06:15:45 uis2xb,,27,Are Karens a thing in Tunisia? What are some of your Karen encounters?,,,,,,,2022-05-05 07:32:37 uitzeo,,0,relationship.,My boyfriend stays online on Whatsapp till 4 am everyday. I ve been confronting him seeking an explanation so he just put me offline . I feel like he's been cheating on me .,,,,,,2022-05-05 09:54:25 uiu6e0,,2,"Does any tunisian here make Lean ? if so , what are the ingredients you use(the brand of the syrup) and how much syrup/sprite you mix ?",,,,,,,2022-05-05 10:07:55 uiub4q,,0,what do you think Kais saied's disease is?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-05 10:17:22 uiv9u0,,5,studying in Europe,"Hi everyone! I am a college student in Spain, originally from North Africa, studying Business. I always had a feeling that there is a huge demand from North-African youth to study abroad, mainly in Europe. And I have been working on a project with my partner just to cover that need. However, I would like to hear from you guys and girls, do you even think about studying for your degree or language courses in Europe? Thanks. &#x200B; feel free to help me with this form to further understand the potential demand: []( Thanks",,,,,,2022-05-05 11:23:27 uivzn0,éel_legit/,0,is 'programme réel' legit ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-05 12:07:59 uiwjs6,,1,what is the name of the insekt who i have seen in Tunisia they come specialy day after it rains its oblong and dark Brown withe wings,,,,,,,2022-05-05 12:40:19 uizv10,,2,Car insurance in Tounes,"Which is the best car insurance company in Tunis? I was told it's better to go with the big ones like star, comar, etc Also does anyone have experience with ""La Carte"" in particular?",,,,,,2022-05-05 15:23:18 uj1c6o,,5,Best way to go to jerba,"Hello ya jme3a Ena 3omri la kdhit public transport to go to djerba and tommorow im going with a friend. Does anyone know which is best louage or kar based on your experience and price...etc Thanks and have a nice day",,,,,,2022-05-05 16:30:41 uj1yco,,12,Where to get checked for autism ?,"I am an adult and I, very recently, realised that I might have autism. I want to get checked but I have no idea where to. Can someone please help ?",,,,,,2022-05-05 17:02:09 uj3gc5,,0,What are gonna do if your daughter or son turns gay?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-05 18:08:35 uj3m2n,éraux_from_the_french/,0,Any neolibs here ( libéraux from the french perspective != liberals ) ?,"Hi, I wanted to know how much people here consider themselves neo-libs ""libéraux"" in french (not only from an economic point of view) on the political spectrum; who adhere to the ideas of Smiths, Montesqieu, Ricardo, Raymon Aron, Ayn rand, the Austrian school or the chicago one etc. How do you see this philosophy's future in our country ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-05 18:15:59 uj49xr,,0,Des journalistes tunisiens manifestent pour la liberté de la presse,,,,,,,2022-05-05 18:47:18 uj4mbl,,0,Any crypto enthusiasts?,If you want to talk about crypto or ask questions feel free to leave a comment or DM,,,,,,2022-05-05 19:02:31 uj4oxn,,1,For crypto sis & bros: are you in for the tech ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-05 19:05:48 uj4x9l,,0,for crypto sis & bros : are you in for the tech?,"Are you involved in the ecosystem for the tech? Or just for speculation? Do you use regularly dapps, defi protocols, web3.0 websites? How much do you rate your understanding of the most known blockchains ( Ethereum for example) on the scale of 10? For developers have you considered working for some projects?",,,,,,2022-05-05 19:16:41 uj5okr,,8,Travelling to Algeria by plane,"Hello there, I want to travel to Algeria by plane asap ( i must visit a sick relative), Tickets prices are around 1100-1400 TND and thats a lot!! is this normal? can anyone advise me on where I can get tickets for a lower price? Edit:Louage not an option, borders are closed",,,,,,2022-05-05 19:51:46 uj6alg,,1,anyone wanna chat ..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-05 20:20:11 uj6l90,,3,"Dionysus friends, whats the best value (qlty/price) wine in Tunisia?",,,,,,,2022-05-05 20:33:43 uj6naf,,1,How do I get a girlfriend without dating?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-05 20:36:18 uj7cs7,,1,'The collapse of Tunisia',[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-05 21:08:49 uj8api,,14,Looking for a Unity C# developer who can start immediately for a full-time contract position working on a cross-platform game.,"You'll join the team behind the first Tunisian game featured ww by Apple : [Grapple Gum]( We also made [few]( other [games]( The team just successfully completed the Google Play indie game accelerator program, and you will have the chance to work not only on an absolutely fantastic project, but also with people from the biggest companies in the industry. Again, **full-time, contract position, awesome game.** Please contact me here or by email at :",,,,,,2022-05-05 21:52:52 uj8gkq,ès/,2,Accommodation in Gabès,"Hi, do you guys have any tips for cheap hostel or similar in Gabes? So far I've found only something on """" for 28EUR/night. Is it cheaper to buy the room in person than online? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-05-05 22:00:27 uj8zj7,,0,why are pedophilia and rape rates high in arab countries in general compared to other foreign countries?,"edit: ‏guys im not just talking about things that we see on the news and all im talking about the shit i see everyday too (pedophilia) its fucking insane plus rakom قاعدين تغطيو فعين الشمس بالغربال edit2: your arguments guys are if there’s no data its not happening 🧑‍🦯",,,,,,2022-05-05 22:25:44 uj9mia,,0,"hi hi hiii chabeb, small urgence, aandi devoir maths demain ( 2 ème science ) and I'm completely lost . I'm this 🤏 close to having a meltdown, so if any kind soul is willing to help me tomorrow by 9am that would be amazing. And thanks to anyone who took their time to read this <33",,,,,,,2022-05-05 22:58:37 uj9une,,6,Small rant on cursing,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-05 23:09:43 ujbyk6,,8,Is there anywhere online I can learn romanized Tunisian Arabic?,"HI all. I just started taking lessons with a tutor for Tunisian Arabic online. I am half Tunisian but was raised in the US and know no arabic at all. I do not intend to learn any MSA. I only want to learn conversational Tunisian arabic so I can communicate with family, visit Tunisia, and become close to my family's culture. After taking one informal lesson, the first problem I'm running into is that I am trying to learn pronunciation without knowing how to spell anything in the arabic transliteration (roman script). I hear phrases I'm picking up, like good morning or how are you, but a) it's hard to pronounce it without seeing it on paper, especially for long term practice and b) it's hard to learn because when I'm just learning verbally, I'm having trouble picking up the patterns that help me contextualize what I'm learning. So how can I go about learning how to spell everything in the transliteration? Can I use resources for other Arabic dialects without it being incorrect in Tunisian Arabic? Tunisian Arabic is so specific, I don't think I can use resources for any other transliterated Arabic. Or is the best way just to learn form my tutor... Any advice is appreciated. I'd also appreciate any advice on good starting places going forward to learn Tunisian Arabic on my own. I just started two days ago so this is very fresh for me and I don't want to lose steam bc I'm already feeling confused :,) which will probably be an enduring theme. This also might be a fundamental misundestanding on my part that there is a consistent romanized Tunisian Arabic I can learn off of when it's just based on the phonetic pronunciation of speaking. I do know which numbers translate to what letters, like 7, 5, 3 etc. But I'm wondering about the spelling of the rest of the word, mainly. SORRY IF THIS MAKES NO SENSE. I can also just ask my arabic tutor. ",,,,,,2022-05-06 01:10:25 ujdd3h,,1,,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-06 02:26:57 ujdjwd,,1,we have our problems but the Egyptians are on another level,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-06 02:37:36 ujezbg,,6,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-05-06 04:00:11 ujf6dj,,2,Best bank to get CTI CARD,en basant sur vos expériences anehi ahsen banque pour faire une carte CTI,,,,,,2022-05-06 04:11:48 ujgja7,,2,Tunisians. What's up with sarcasm and irony,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-06 05:41:20 ujhjd5,,2,Can i open an N26 account as a student temporarily staying in Paris?,"I want to open an N26 account and i'm not sure if i will be able to withdraw money when i'm back to Tunisia or if i should declare it to the authorities etc I appreciate any help",,,,,,2022-05-06 06:53:04 ujick0,,2,Need help,"I need help with that “sajjalni” shit and am not finding anyone who can register this new phone i got with their passport , is there any other alternatives other than someone’s passport ?",,,,,,2022-05-06 07:54:00 ujij9f,,25,I’m an American considering moving to Tunisia within the next two years. Any basic tips for when looking for real estate to buy?,,,,,,,2022-05-06 08:08:09 ujikny,,2,are tunisian good friends ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-06 08:11:20 ujk0ug,,13,Anyone comming to Tunisia soon?,"I need a small device that I couldn't find here. It's worth 17$ Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-05-06 10:02:42 ujlbq3,,23,"The three Tunisian telephone operators, who are supposed to be in competition, decided recently to create a cartel together to develop an electronic payment method.","The source of the following article is ALERT Facebook page اتصالات تونس،اورنج واريدو والتقاوا حول مشروع جديد يكونوا فيه شركاء... والكل برعاية البنك المركزي التونسي. يقول القائل، كيفاش #Ooredoo ، #Tunisietelecom و #orange إلي هوما مالمفروض منافسين منافسة شرسة على سوق اتصالات صغير نسبيا، يتلقاو في مشروع موحد في الميدان المالي؟ وعلاش في الوضع الاقتصادي الحالي، تجي الحكومة جمعتين لتالي وتصعّب في الحصول على رخصة مؤسسات الدفع وترفع في الضمان المالي من 5 ملايين دينار إلي 10 ملايين دينار لكل طالب لترخيص؟ خاصة وأن هذا الحاجز كان غير موجود في قانون 2001. وكيفاش احدى هاته الشركات ملي كانت متهمة بالتنصت على المواطنين ولينا نستقبلوا في مديرها بتشريفات رؤساء الدول؟ وكيفاش مجلس المنافسة التونسي يتفرج في الشيء هذا وما يتحركش؟ في الحقيقة، تونس، ماهيش بلد المعجزات يتلقاو فيها المنافسين والاعداء لما فيه صالح للبلاد والعباد، تونس ما عندهاش اقتصاد، تونس مجرد سوق مسكر بالقوة، منتصبين فيه مجموعة هدفها الوحيد الربح الخام على حساب النموا (أعملوا طلة هلى الوضع في لبنان). في العالم، مؤسسات الدفع، غالبا ما تكون شركات ناشئة تطور تطبيقات تنافس بيها البنوك في ميدان الدفع كيف مثلا شركة PayPal، في تونس الميدان هذا كان طول عمرو كان مخصص للكبار،اللي هوما اصحاب البنوك بيدهم. فبعد ما ودينا مجمع تمرزيست الي هو فرد وقت مساهم في UBCI, باول ترخيص مؤسسة دفع Via Mobile، اليوم جاء دور الثلاثي، TT, اللي هو من اكبر المجامع في تونس، Ooredo الي ينشط في اكثر من ربع العالم و Orange الي هو رائد في الاتصالات في أفريقيا، بش ياخو ثاني رخصة مؤسسة دفع. توة بعد كملنا وكلنا الكبارات الكل، نعملو كيما عملنا في باقي القطاعات... نسكرو الباب ورانا و حكاية الرخص هذه حكاية و ننساوها و فرد وقت نعطيو فرصة للثلاثي هذا بش يبداو صفحة جديدة وينساو الماضي اللي شاكيين فيه بعضهم 17 مرة. المرة هاذي للشيء ولى بالمفضوح، وأحنا من جهتنا كأول منظمة حرة للدفاع عن المستهلك بش نعملوا المستحيل بش نفضحوهم ونوقفوا هذه المهزلة عند حدها.",,,,,,2022-05-06 11:29:00 ujlgw8,,3,Where is the louage station in Gabes?,"Hi, I would like to go from Gabes to Ksar Ghilaine and wonder how to get there. I'm a tourist from Europe and can't afford a 4x4 car rental. Is there a taxi or louage that could take me there? If so, where can I find them? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-05-06 11:37:16 ujm0aj,,7,"what job that doesn't require a skill in Tunis area, salary 15dt+ a day",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-06 12:08:02 ujmcni,,0,برنامج #القفة في #الزوارع ج1,,,,,,,2022-05-06 12:28:04 ujn0px,,4,Can I skip exams because of mental health??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-06 13:04:42 ujojzx,,5,Can I bring alcohol inside my luggage to Tunisia?,"Hey, so I was wondering if it is legal to bring a few bottles of wine/champagne with me in Tunisia in my luggage? if so, is there a specific limit, etc? thanks!",,,,,,2022-05-06 14:20:56 ujovwu,,2,Renting a plane in Tunisia?,"If anyone works in the aviation industry in Tunisia, I was wondering if it is possible to rent single-crewed small planes (single or multi-engines) in Tunisia for low IFR flights (Tunis - Djerba) ? I saw in the registry that there are some DA40s in DTTA. Also wondering if an EASA private pilot license allows to pilot Tunisian registered planes (I know there are some agreements between l'OACA and the EU but unsure about this). Thanks! I tried contacting the OACA and some flight schools in Tunisia for info regarding this but no answers at all by email...",,,,,,2022-05-06 14:36:36 ujpr7d,,1,كيفية تثبيت جوجل كروم على الكمبيوتر ويندوز 10,,,,,,,2022-05-06 15:16:48 ujq5le,,5,Investing in agriculture in Tunisia,"Is anyone here working in the agriculture sector or studying it? Do you see it as a great opportunity to early invest in it ( say in your 20s) as a retirement plan? Which culture has the best potential? And in which region?",,,,,,2022-05-06 15:35:28 ujqlu4,,3,how to add funds to Wise account?,"Hello, I have an account on Wise and it's verified (with a tunsian driver's license) and I want to know how to add funds to it to have my wise bank details and order the card (I'll try to order it to France). It requires either credit/debit cards or a bank transfer. Tried many methods but didn't work. Maybe through crypto somehow? In addition, I've got a prepaid visa card from ezzocard but it didn't work. The problem in Wise is that this first payment must be done from anything related to u, so it should match the same name of the account These are the payment methods that can be used to get the EUR bank account details : [](",,,,,,2022-05-06 15:56:24 ujqx3l,,5,Air soft guns should LEAGL,"Guys I just knew about Air Soft guns (BB guns) and they are soo cool I also just figured out that they are ILLEGAL and I think It's BS because we already have paintball guns and all of the countries who banned Airsoft guns they also banned paintball guns. The point of this is that I want to start an awareness campaign to make Airsoft guns legal and I your support. Stand by for further information.",,,,,,2022-05-06 16:10:20 ujrahd,,1,Norwegian people's perception of the North African people. It's a little sad in a way.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-06 16:27:23 ujrpf3,,5,Any solidity/smart contract programers?,Looking for smart individuals to co-build a trading bot that will take advantage of arbitrage opportunities on different crypto exchanges.,,,,,,2022-05-06 16:46:47 ujs7xk,,12,"What should i do after my ""Bac"" ?","Hello Redditors, I am finishing my Bac this year and a bit confused on what should I do next, thus, am seeking advice I am a ""Lettres"" student I am ok at everything and a abit higher than average in English (between B2 and C1 if online test counts). Am thinking of ""Anglais d'affaire"" as too many adviced it to me. I don't want to waste more time studying, so I would very much like something that doesn't require more than 3 years and can get a job out of it rapidly. Thank you for your time.",,,,,,2022-05-06 17:09:45 ujt1ka,,1,,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-06 17:47:35 ujt203,,2,Sending a phone over amazon to relative,Hello Tunisia people . My wife Tunisian from motherside and she have dear relative in there recently lost her husband.I want buy a phone from []( to her adress. Amazon showing no import fee but i wanted to be sure before sending it.Did anyone buy any phone or anything from []( ?,,,,,,2022-05-06 17:48:10 ujtfqa,,1,Mohamed Amine Aachen Uni Areospace Eng - SD,,,,,,,2022-05-06 18:05:18 ujtwwi,,5,can you send money using western union to europe from tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-05-06 18:27:53 uju9kb,,1,For those who already 5dhew lbac what was your mo3adel ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-06 18:44:31 ujv4ot,,0,Only dated french girls and now i dont know how to speak to tunisian girls,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-06 19:24:25 ujv8bi,,3,COVID PCR test location near Nabeul to return to the US,"My Tunisian friend and I are currently in Nabeul for vacation from the US, and we will be returning there next Monday. To my understanding the US government requires us to have a negative test result from the sample taken less than a day from the departure fight and the report needs to be written in English. Is there a place where they'll write a test report in English near Nabeul? Or is there a website that provides the info on the testing location and what services are offered?",,,,,,2022-05-06 19:29:13 ujwx7j,,39,Kais Saied recent speech.,,,,,,,2022-05-06 20:47:17 ujyj0w,,4,What is your name ? Do you like it ?,"My name as you can guess is “يعقوب"" who tf decides to name their child that name lmao it sounds so stupid",,,,,,2022-05-06 22:02:13 ujyrtm,,1,l'islam fi tounis,,,,,,,2022-05-06 22:14:06 uk1d1j,,69,"Why do some tunisians defend criminals and robbers under the excuse of ""zaweli""?","It has really become the norm: everytime someone gets robbed on the street or the metro, someone will come up with the famous excuse to defend the thief by saying ""he is just a zaweli"" or even blaming people by saying ""it's better to focus on the real big thieves( business men...)"". I think using the ""zwalism"" as an excuse is the most stupid thing ever and this is why: 1- The people using the metro are most of the time either poor people or students, so the robber is actually stealing from people who are ""zwewla"". 2- If stealing is really caused by poverty, then why are there many politicians and business men who are stealing despite having millions of dollars in their pockets ? 3- If you really want honest ministers and leaders, why then defending thieves? I mean politicians don't fall from the sky, they are from the people. So if the majority of people are defending robbery than the majority of politicians (elected by the same people) will not have a problem with it too. What do you think abou this?",,,,,,2022-05-07 00:28:31 uk8vib,,2,Thermal pads,"Where can i find thermal pads to change those on my GPUs? I mean thermal pads not thermal paste, and most common store (mytek Tunisianet wiki...) Don't have. Any suggestions ?",,,,,,2022-05-07 08:27:16 ukc1p6,,5,Playing drums in Tunis,"Hi so I have always wanted to play drums and I actually had enough of postponing things I want to do so if anyone knows anything about this, where to go, how to start, people to follow and how pricey can it get, that will be a great help",,,,,,2022-05-07 12:15:27 ukckej,,9,whats the best men parfum under 100dt ?,,,,,,,2022-05-07 12:46:38 ukcnpt,,12,recording spacetoon songs on mom's phone,used to make sure that the house is quiet to record spacetoon songs on mom's phone and listen to them later,,,,,,2022-05-07 12:52:15 ukd0d7,,28,"What's your go to snack , when you feel like snacking?",,,,,,,2022-05-07 13:11:36 ukddwo,,1,where can i find ssd M.2 Screw Kit ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 13:32:36 ukesad,,1,abusable medication,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 14:44:29 ukf04b,,1,I m searching someone who has this or can buy it from another country and I m gonna pay him,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 14:55:24 ukgkmo,,6,I'm planning to quit my current job and start a new full time job (remote) with a canadian agency.,"Hey guys. So I have been working as a graphic designer for 3 years now and I recently got a very interesting job offer from a canadian agency. Since it's new to me, I still don't know if it's possible in tunisia to have a full time job and work from home with a foreigner agency. I would like to have an idea on what kind of legal procedures i need to do in order to get my salary without a problem, or if it's possible to open a foreign currency account (compte en devises)? Would be really grateful if anyone who is experiencing this could advise me or give me some tips on how i should prepare 🙏🙏",,,,,,2022-05-07 16:11:58 ukgsku,,11,What to expect when dating a Tunisian man as a foreigner?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 16:22:36 ukgwvz,,1,This iz men !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 16:28:39 ukh4p2,,3,what is the best place for calisthenics/Street workout in Tunisia?,I'm interested in doing calisthenics since few months I started it at home with a bar but I always thought it could be better in an outdoor place. Any suggestions? (I live in Tunis),,,,,,2022-05-07 16:39:08 ukiah8,,5,Studying in Europe-2,"Hi everyone, it's me, again. A couple of days ago I wrote a post here about a project that I am working on with my partner. It's intended to offer 2 main services: 1) help students from North Africa enroll in foreign universities 2) study language courses abroad and 3) manage all the paperwork and processes needed (admission to European universities, visa management, housing, etc). Here is the original post: [\_in\_europe/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3]( And because I got a good feeling about the potential demand, I want to do a poll and better understand the obstacles that are making it hard for North African students to study abroad. So If you are interested, please fill out the form (it takes literally 1 minute). Please feel free to share it with other people and friends that potentially may be interested. Here is the form: []( &#x200B; Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-05-07 17:37:17 ukie3t,,2,central bank,"A family member got a loan years ago, probably a decade, from bank Al tadhamon, non profit bank, and didn't pay a 1k left, is it true that the central bank can follow it and block your next loans?? I know someone happened to him, they blocked 1.5k from his bousta account.",,,,,,2022-05-07 17:42:18 ukivrk,,5,how much of the Tunisian dinar am I allowed to carry when leaving Tunisia?,I couldn't find a solid answer online and apparently it's hard to convert currencies in Tunisia.,,,,,,2022-05-07 18:07:00 ukj63v,,1,I ranked Tunisian governorates by how fun it was visiting them (war post),[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 18:21:05 ukjno3,,2,From where can i buy creatine please,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 18:45:39 ukjxlo,,51,Please dont do that,,,,,,,2022-05-07 18:59:45 ukk4wl,,2,Brabi link streaming behi match Ons Jabeur:(,,,,,,,2022-05-07 19:09:40 ukkjh9,,1,sondage,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-07 19:30:27 ukko50,,4,STEG Compensation,So today there was a power outage on the whole neighborhood a lot of my neighbors got their electronics fried and my gaming PC and Xbox one controller and TV won't work after the power got restored. They told us to come on Monday and file a complaint to get compensated for the damage done during the power outage. What I wanna know is how does that work exactly and if anybody has something like this happen to them before. Do you give them receipts for the electronics and they refund you in cash? Do they try to repair them? How does it work?,,,,,,2022-05-07 19:37:12 ukkvt0,,3,Trusted pc repair service/agency,I have a problem in my laptop and I wish to repair it in a trusted repair service in Tunis. And please do not recommend SIMOP their service is shit.,,,,,,2022-05-07 19:48:11 ukkz2s,,1,"Best coffees for studying in Menzah 9, Manar 1/2","Its pretty difficult to find somewhere to study peacfully in this period, i would like to see your suggestions since my uni library is always full.",,,,,,2022-05-07 19:52:57 ukl77i,,1,Did you break up with someone non-muslim non-arab that you love because your family would not accept it? tell me your stories,,,,,,,2022-05-07 20:04:22 uklf6x,,3,international credit card,"Hello, I am a freelancer in upwork and I used to send my income directly to my tunisian bank account. But, I want to have an international debit card in order to purchase some online courses, features and app from google. Google pay doesn't accept Payoneer credit card and the rest of known credit card providers such as paysera, transferwise and paypal don't provide credit card to tunisian users. Does anyone find out a solution for this kind of situation? P. S: it will be more suitable if it can be a virtual card just to use it for online purchase! Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-05-07 20:15:56 uklhii,,1,I need therapy but can’t afford it what are my options?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 20:19:14 uklvgz,,131,Ons Jabeur wins her first WTA 1000 in Madrid 🇹🇳🎉 1 million $ in cash prize.,,,,,,,2022-05-07 20:39:27 uklx6g,,1,Can someone outside Tunisia buy me an item from Aliexpress that costs ~37dt?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-07 20:41:55 ukme30,,1,Looking for a MERN STACK developer,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-07 21:05:21 uknpxp,,10,I tried to class Tunisian governorates by infrastructure. How accurate would you say this is ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 22:12:43 uknw52,,49,Reviews from Tourists after visiting Tunisia. Comedy heaven :),,,,,,,2022-05-07 22:21:12 uko4xp,,9,Madrid‘s King and Queen,,,,,,,2022-05-07 22:33:54 ukoxyd,,1,Where can i repair my pc f soussa ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 23:16:49 ukpnq5,,3,This will make the day of the HR employee who will come across it,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-07 23:57:36 ukpzwv,,34,"Today, Lebanese across the globe will write history in the elections. Please pray for us. Vive le Liban & vive la Tunisie.","&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-05-08 00:17:05 ukq2f7,,135,Champion 🏆🇹🇳🎉,,,,,,,2022-05-08 00:20:57 uktdpl,,0,fit-in problems,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-08 03:43:11 ukugv7,,7,Flower delivery for Mother’s Day,"Hello all! Is there anywhere I can order flowers to have delivered to my mother in law in in zagouen near Carthage? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-08 04:56:05 ukvwmy,,1,i wanted to share this here,[\_starship\_landing/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](,,,,,,2022-05-08 06:39:13 ukw6xe,,1,dabchy app,Does anyone here how to sell/buy on dabchy?,,,,,,2022-05-08 07:00:32 ukwlgt,,1,I feel bad for the women here. (Im a dude),,,,,,,2022-05-08 07:30:28 ukxud4,,6,Books on Tunisia,"Aslema! I’m gonna be moving to Tunis in a couple months and I was wondering if you could recommend any books about Tunisia and the capital. I’m mainly interested in the history, anywhere from the Ottoman Empire to the Tunisian revolution. Also books about politics, culture and society would be interesting. Maybe also novels/texts/articles/manifestos that have been influential in Tunisia and the Maghreb, despite whether you agree with them or not? I’m mainly just trying to educate myself on the country and the city. I would also love to read some novels which are popular, classic or set in Tunisia. Can be in English or French, or any other Romance language. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-05-08 09:08:27 ukyige,,2,UK Visa,Anyone recently got a rdv at tls for uk student visa ?,,,,,,2022-05-08 10:01:12 ukyyo9,,9,Looking for the name of a clothing item bought in Tunisia,"Hello redittors of Tunisia! Long time ago, on our honeymoon, I bought my wife in Tunisia, in souk, a white sort of coat/jacket, with hood and huge square pockets, made out of some sort of wool (camel? I have no idea). It’s white with light blue edging, in some sort of motive, but there were other colors and patterns in that shop. It is not a thick coat that one would wear outside in winter, my wife has been wearing it at home. Of course after all the years it has become threadbare and I’m looking for a new one, but without knowing the name I don’t know where to start. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.",,,,,,2022-05-08 10:34:31 ukzynj,,1,Face à les années noires : À la mémoire de Nabil Barakti,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-08 11:44:06 ul00u3,,0,Top Market Place to visit in England United kingdom Granby market Toxteth Liverpool 2022,,,,,,,2022-05-08 11:48:05 ul01ts,,16,"Redditors of Tunisia, what are the most important ""street life"" advices one should know about?","As a bac student who's gonna continue his studies in Tunis, I hear alot about how much people get mugged/robbed, manipulated, taken off guard, scammed in shops, restaurants.. etc, and I felt like the sort of situations like ""someone asks for ""mnin enty khouya?"" Or ""sahbi kadeh el wakt?"" Must be dealt with well without risks of shit going wild and losing your items (not only braquages but you get the point), so please feel free to comment all your anecdotes or ""advices"". Edit: fixed some typos",,,,,,2022-05-08 11:49:55 ul0egn,,2,Tunisia like you've never seen before.,,,,,,,2022-05-08 12:12:31 ul0gi1,,2,just want to share this video (he is talking about egypt but it feel the same),[](,,,,,,2022-05-08 12:16:01 ul0lue,,64,what happens in the south? can a civilian access this area ?,,,,,,,2022-05-08 12:25:27 ul3sdl,,3,Test antigenique (test covid rapide) in sousse open on Sundays?,"Hi, Need help finding a pharmacy or a place that does ""test rapid"" in sousse today (sunday). Please send me location and phone number. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-05-08 15:11:48 ul50o3,,2,Warning: (legal) Theft at Tunisian Airports,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-08 16:10:33 ul5141,,2,Airbnb,"Has anyone tried airbnb in Tunisia ? Is it safe ? Was is worth it ? Share your experiences pls Edit: also, is it illegal ? I mean what are the risks if u're the one renting the appartement ?",,,,,,2022-05-08 16:11:09 ul6511,,6,"this i why i hate this country, we're always talked about in bad faith",[\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](,,,,,,2022-05-08 17:03:23 ul73qg,,7,where to hang out in tunis (centre ville)?,"What are the good places to hang out in tunis for a twenty something years old person? Most places tend to be filled with ""frères "" or edgy teens.",,,,,,2022-05-08 17:49:25 ul77x2,,0,"Crypto 'relief rally' erased as Bitcoin falls to $36,000 - wima space",,,,,,,2022-05-08 17:55:09 ul7s0t,,6,magic mushrooms,bellehi eli ya3ref fama shrooms f tounes wale and if yes how much does it cost?,,,,,,2022-05-08 18:21:49 ul81m7,ère_année/,5,license en anglais 1ère année,"Greetings, Could you please tell me what books professors invite first year English students to read?📚📖 Thank you ✨",,,,,,2022-05-08 18:34:31 ul986p,,1,Coworking Space,"Any nice and comfy (not too crowded) coworking space in Ariana / Centre ville? Preferably open until 4/6AM",,,,,,2022-05-08 19:30:54 ul9pp3,,31,NO to racism,"Nshouf barsha nes t9oul ""Le peuple tunisien est tolérant"" mais la plupart (85%) metwensa sont des racistes. Ka7loush, wsif w ysawed wejhek sont des expressions utilisées journellement. 5asatan par les générations le9dom . Haw 2 articles preuve 3al sujet: []( []( Ntouma ta3rfou wena na3ref elli a5yeb 7aja fi tounes heya el intolérance .Déjà racial discrimination acts contre les noirs sont fréquents , w haw exemple récent: Soyons tolérants w mana79roush el vulnérable.",,,,,,2022-05-08 19:54:38 ul9xiz,,3,Tunisians who live abroad,What is one thing you always miss about home? and if you were to bring your friends along to tunis what are you yearning to show them and have them try? Tell me!!,,,,,,2022-05-08 20:04:58 ulae7k,,0,USB-C CHARGER,Hi! Does anyone know where I can buy an authentic samsung charger and how much it roughly costs? Thank you,,,,,,2022-05-08 20:27:17 ulatip,,1,does anyone knows about this tunisian band?,,,,,,,2022-05-08 20:47:40 ulayyt,émie_can_it_be_a_goal/,5,"thoughts about "" l'académie "" ?? can it be a goal ??",,,,,,,2022-05-08 20:55:04 ulbjne,,1,A little help,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-08 21:21:39 ulbk7h,,2,kifech najem nab3ath sabat min sousse l tunis?,i9tira7atkom? tani5tar el tari9a ili fha a9al taksir ras :P,,,,,,2022-05-08 21:22:23 ulbmv3,,10,A little help,"Hi, i wanted to see if anyone knows where i can find some places(clubs,groups,organization...)in sousse. I'm 24 male and suffer from depression (yes i went to a psychiatrist) and wanted to see if i can you know do some activities or hang out around people to distract myself from it.(i tried working out) thank you (i know this is not the sub for it but i didn't know who to ask or where)",,,,,,2022-05-08 21:25:51 ulc18n,,5,"Hello guys can anyone help me find a agricultural job, i'm trying to work in seasonal job, anything like collecting fruits harvesting i find it the best thing i can do that doesn't require any skill",,,,,,,2022-05-08 21:45:16 ulcb5w,,6,"I'll be leaving soon, I need advice!","Hello, I'm seventeen, from Tunis. I recently received a scholarship abroad so I'm leaving Tunisia, for the first time, to continue my high school education abroad, then, go to college. This will be a minimum of 6 to 8 years of me visiting Tunisia once a year (in summers) or twice if the financial circumstances tend to get a bit better. I need advice on what to pack (stuff I won't find abroad, in the US) and how to deal with missing my family. We're 2 brothers and 2 parents with no extended family or anything. We grew so close and in a really loving environment the longest one of us has stayed away from the other three was when my mom (who's been crying on a nearly daily basis since I heard the news) went for a one-week-log work trip abroad so this will be the hardest part for all of us. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-05-08 21:59:31 uledyr,عندي_سؤال_عن_اللهجة_التونسية/,0,عندي سؤال عن اللهجة التونسية,"انا قبل ما نولي نحكي في سؤالي نحب نقول لي منيش تونسي ومنعرفش كان نجم نبدا بوست لنا. اما بعد: انا زرت برشا بلدان عربية وسمعت اكثر من لهجة واكيد كل لهجة فيها كلام خايب وغير مؤدب هذا شيء عادي طبعا اما لي منفهموش بتونسي لي انتوما ديما تستعملوا كلمة زبي بسياقات او معاني لي بالنسبة لي ما تعني حتى شيء ومعندهاش حتى دخل في موضوع. ومنيش جاي لهنا باش نسب فيكم ولا في كلامكم اما هي جوست حاجة لاحظتها وحبيت نسالكم عليها خاطر صراحةً استخدام الكلمة هذي مش عادي ولا موجود في اللهجات الاخرى حسب تجرباتي. دونك كان فما حد ينجم يفسرلي والا يعطيني خلفية تاريخية او ثقافية وراء الكلمة هذي باش نشكرك جزيل الشكر.",,,,,,2022-05-08 23:49:22 ulel72,,3,Arabs vs Berbers conflict," They mistranslated our books on the sole purpose of creating division and conquer, ""divide and conquer"" islam united the rebellious tribes, but then they introduced two different races and even calling berbers as more white than Arabs ""at least not negros"" and providing each group benefits according to their ""whiteness"" to cultivate hatred between the natives. ""De Slane’s liberal use of the notion of race helped generals, ethnographers and doctors avoid having to think about more subtle and complex details of Algeria and its history. For this favour, they made Ibn Khaldūn the most authoritative source on the natives; Ibn Khaldūn, mistranslated by de Slane, became the patron saint of experts. In 1870, the French organising a new system of colonial rule turned to the church of Ibn Khaldūn and its ancient truths about the indigènes, as the new colonial laws called them."" ""So it was Islam, not race, that served as the basis for the official disenfranchisement of the indigènes. Again, however, de Slane’s version of Ibn Khaldūn is important. By representing so many things as racial, and time and again inserting race as a key component of Algeria and its history, de Slane’s translation helped the French to racialise Algerian Muslims into two different peoples: Arabs and Berbers. The division reduced the threat of their partnership against the settlers. Although they might not have understood the fine points of Islamic theology or jurisprudence, the colonists knew that the new racialised Islam benefited them. France’s settler colonists were entitled to receive expropriated land at very favourable financial terms. They also enjoyed a legalised system of protections from the natives. Eventually, French colonisation led not only to the pauperisation of the natives, but also to the emergence of a few very large estates and a large number of poor farmers who depended on the colonial state for their economic survival.""",,,,,,2022-05-09 00:00:44 ulij78,,7,"First time i see a ""Happiness Officer"" job offer in Tunisia.",,,,,,,2022-05-09 03:48:21 ullhke,,1,Tunisie : des manifestants pro-Saied réunis à Tunis | Africanews,,,,,,,2022-05-09 07:08:59 ulm1f8,,0,"any cannabis or shrooms grower in tunisia , show your self lets we build a community",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-09 07:49:36 ulmmp2,,2,How to get B2 english certificate,"what is the best places to get this certificate. what do i need to know before i enter the lessons. and thank you for your time",,,,,,2022-05-09 08:35:28 uln5nq,,19,How much do you make in a month?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-09 09:15:52 ulnloz,,24,I love it when certain Tunisians wait to see what the western media say about Tunisia and then decide if they love it or hate it,"Like our forefathers said (and when you do recognize yourself in this post), اعملو هِمة لرواحكم",,,,,,2022-05-09 09:49:40 ulnoql,,19,safety,"What is the safest region/place/prefecture in Tunisia to live in as a family and/or alone ? From what I know, I think Mahdi is Safe . What about you ?",,,,,,2022-05-09 09:56:03 ulnrf8,,5,How much time and money does it takes to get driver's license (including el code) ?,,,,,,,2022-05-09 10:01:01 ulo03k,,2,Receiving a package,"Hello fellow tunisians, anyway i can receive a package from Dubai in 2 days?",,,,,,2022-05-09 10:17:51 ulsfnj,,4,Which bank is the best based on your experience?,,,,,,,2022-05-09 14:25:21 ult02j,é/,5,Carte d'identité,"Hi guys, I'm a Tunisian living (and born) abroad. Recently, somebody told me that I am obliged to obtain a Tunisian Identity card since I'm already 21. I already have a Tunisian passport. The embassy here in the Netherlands told me that I have to get an identity card in Tunisia and that it is not possible to obtain one from them. Unfortunately I have no idea on what I have to do exactly. Could someone elaborate on the necessary steps I have to take?",,,,,,2022-05-09 14:52:17 ulume6,,71,Relatable.,,,,,,,2022-05-09 16:05:51 ulvhtw,,1,Darja Directory (see first comment),[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-09 16:44:45 ulvjoa,,4,How to buy pc games in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-05-09 16:47:03 ulvom8,,1,I went through all of Wahbi Khazri's goals and made a reel of the 30 greatest bangers he has scored,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-09 16:53:10 ulw1n8,,13,The Medina of Sfax. The most best conserved medina in the country !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-09 17:09:17 ulw2lf,,3,FED's Interests rates and its impact on Tunisia's economy,"Dear Redditors Been curious to know your output regarding the decision of the FED to raise the interest rates by 50 points and its impact on our economy, should we spend less? Save more? Ask for a loan? Buy a car? [Bloomberg's interview with ex-IMF chief economist Kenneth Rogoff](",,,,,,2022-05-09 17:10:28 ulw588,,38,"Tunisia is a small country, They say..","&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-05-09 17:13:53 ulw7w6,,6,Are there any Roblox Developers here?,"I started playing Roblox in 2016 and at some point I discovered that you can develop games with the Roblox Studio. So far I have a 3 years experience with Roblox developement, this opportunity has drastically sharpened my programming skills (that I am confident to say are very powerful now) and my communication skills with people online speaking the english language. This experience has shaped my dream of getting into development and choosing it as a career. I have even used their Devex program twice now to extract money I gained from doing a bunch of jobs on the platform which were not only relatively easy but also lucrative, and I am still only a teenager. So, it felt to me that Roblox was an incredible opportunity for almost anyone, I was wondering if there are many people in Tunisia who are Roblox Developers too.",,,,,,2022-05-09 17:17:09 ulwerv,,7,There’s few green spots/dots in the ground beef I bought today from Monoprix. Is it safe to still eat this or should I throw it away?,,,,,,,2022-05-09 17:25:32 ulwj3j,çais_ici/,4,Salut! est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un au bac français ici?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-09 17:30:54 ulxkj6,,0,Thoughts about the Arab Islamic Republic ?,,,,,,,2022-05-09 18:18:18 ulz0f1,,1,is FetLife worth it in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-09 19:23:38 ulz1ra,,3,is FetLife worth it in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-05-09 19:25:17 ulzlwt,,2,question,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-09 19:50:05 um005f,,2,Ordering something online,"If I order something online from a website that has international shipping. Will it get shipped to me in Tunisia? I have an international card with enough money to do so. I am afraid that the ""diwena"" or ""bousta"" just make it impossible to reach me though. If anyone did this before, please tell me and lemme know about anything I should be aware of. (first time trying to do this)",,,,,,2022-05-09 20:07:24 um078x,,18,This old Tunisian Vaccination Campaign film proves to be one of the most creative but creepy films ever produced by this country.,,,,,,,2022-05-09 20:16:14 um0a0h,,2,The Tunisian public attitude towards social issues,"A reminder that most of the neutral people irl aren't neutral they are just only vocal about their shitty morals in places where they feel safe to do so aka the internet or around morally shitty ppl :",,,,,,2022-05-09 20:19:41 um18ug,,2,Actual diaspora,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-09 21:02:21 um1h0e,,1,"The old city in the Tunisian capital a building collapsed due to heavy rain today, 9-5-2022 #Tunisia",,,,,,,2022-05-09 21:12:07 um3kvo,,11,"So, what's the deal with those microphone fake journalists in Habib Bourguiba avenue?","ili y7ok rassou yechri microphone, yahbat li chera3 habib bourguiba w y9olek ""ena sa7afi"": I am talking about those youtube channels like ""bila kinaa"", ""réalité tunisienne"", ""rien ne se cache"" etc...which proved that everything is allowed for the sake of views, even if it means degrading your own country. So basically, a so called ""journalist"" asks people on the avenue. The majority of these people are either mentally ill or ""clocharat"", being taken advantage just to say contreversies in order to increase the number of views ( usually from Algeria). Here are some examples: 1) This is [a typical video of ""bila kinaa""]( (among hundreds of similar videos) where a bunch of ""chleyek"" talk shamelessly about the crimes they did and how the police are still searching to catch them. Well, i will not talk about the multiple ridiculious things said in that video but i just want to know: why didn't the interviewer call the police? Isn't he also considered a partner in the crime since he didn't report these criminals? 2) The second example is ""réalité tunisienne"". This channel really 3amlet l 3ar b hezzen t7in li dziriya. 90% of its subscribers are actually algerians. The comment section of all its videos are filled with algerians (insulting Tunisia of course). This channel of course knows this since youtube shows to the channel manager from what country are his followers. That's why it uses all means to please algerians ( since they outnumber the Tunisian population 4 times) by glorifying Algeria and demeaning Tunisia like in [this video]( They also don't mind the exploitation of mentally ill and poor tunisians like in [in this video]( where a girl (who seems having a trauma) delibrately insults Tunisians and express her wish to go to Algeria without giving any reason. This proves that the journalist is maybe the one who tell people what to say in front of the camera. There are many other terrible videos and examples but i can't mention them all in one post. These channels use the right of free speech in Tunisia (which doesn't exist in other countries) to demonize it. Even boycotting them by tunisians will not harm them since the majority of their followers are foreigners who believe those videos and feel better watching them. And you , are you ok with this? Is there any way to stop this madness? What do you think about this?",,,,,,2022-05-09 22:47:35 um45gq,,3,Hotels for foreign couples,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-09 23:14:30 um88v9,,2,Film cameras,"Yoo , any idea about where to find old film camera that are working zone el 3asma or sousse rlly getting into this film photography stuff. And thnx",,,,,,2022-05-10 02:40:14 um9d8c,,8,The new Telecom/Ooredoo/Orange payment solution. From bank cartel to phone operators cartel.,,,,,,,2022-05-10 03:39:00 um9qau,,100,Why do we still have to give our salt basically for free to France until goddamn 2029 ? This colonial deal should've been canceled the moment it got exposed.,,,,,,,2022-05-10 03:59:29 um9qsm,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-05-10 04:00:11 umc5be,,1,Turntable system,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-10 06:25:53 umc5ym,,2,Turntable system,"Hey, anyone one knows where i can get a stylus replacement for a turntable system?",,,,,,2022-05-10 06:27:04 umd7r1,,5,Tunisian political parties,"Hi, i'm a 15 year old Tunisan boy who has been intressted in politics latley and right now I have come to the idea to join a political party. I'm writing this to ask you: How do I join? What terms should I follow?",,,,,,2022-05-10 07:37:29 umdxwd,,12,What do u do for a living ? and how much money do you spend a day ? and what do you spend it on ?,"I'm an unpaid intern and I spend approximatively 7dt a day I buy, breakfast : jus w cake and then lunch : mlewi or chapati , dabouza mé , and thankfully i dont hove transportation problems but i used to share l'essence with a dude for 30dt a week what about you ?",,,,,,2022-05-10 08:31:38 umff7y,,6,Hotel rooms for couples,"Someone just posted asking about this and everyone said it’s fine as long as neither party is Tunisian. I’m Tunisian (just unfamiliar with the law when it comes to this ig), does that mean I would have trouble sharing a room with a girl friend at a Tunisian hotel?? Edit: For clarification, I did mean girl friend as opposed to girlfriend. No sex will be had in the room, I’m just trying to minimize costs as I show a visiting friend around the country. (I can see how the title may be misleading. Sorry) Thank you all!",,,,,,2022-05-10 10:18:34 umfg8l,,4,A Week in Tunisia - Tour Guide Help,"I'm going to be spending about a week in Tunisia in late July. I'm looking for a tour guide to show me around as much of Tunisia as possible. Some activities I would like to do are exploring Tunis with a local, 4x4 in the desert, camping/hotel in the desert, riding a camel, swimming in an oasis, exploring the mountains (no specific one in mind), as well as seeing some very rural nature areas (no specific one in mind here either). Very open to suggestions of other stuff to do besides that, as well. &#x200B; **A few questions:** 1) Around how much should a 4-5 day adventure like this with a tour guide cost? 2) Any recommendations on which tour guide to go with? I want a more authentic tour guide and am not as much of a fan of touristy stuff, but I also only speak English. 3) Any must sees that I really shouldn't miss? Especially things that are considered ""hidden gems"" (less touristy/less known, but really amazing spots/things to do/places to eat, etc.)",,,,,,2022-05-10 10:20:15 umfhja,,2,"Hello, did anyone in tunisia ever send a bailiff ( عدل منفّذ) to their former employer ? did it work?","HR not answering my many many emails. Working from home so i can't have a face to face conversation. Afraid they're purpusofully stalling so i can miss the other opportunity i left them for. Prior to leaving, i had no problems working there, did my job, kept my mouth shut, made lots of friends. I feel so hopeless and powerless, i don't know what i can do. Any advice, personal experience re-telling is highly appreciated.",,,,,,2022-05-10 10:22:42 umgcen,,1,I need some help from the Tunisian community,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-10 11:18:31 umgcu8,,1,Searching for stores,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-10 11:19:16 umgd0o,,1,"Hello, for work purposes I'm searching for stores in Tunisia that sell cosmetics and beauty products, preferably Tunisian authentic Soaps and sponges, and I want big quantities of it too, like 300 for example, can anyone help?",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-10 11:19:36 umgd8i,,1,"Hello, for work purposes I'm searching for stores in Tunisia that sell cosmetics and beauty products, preferably Tunisian authentic Soaps and sponges, and I want big quantities of it too, like 300 for example.",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-10 11:19:59 umgep0,,1,"Hello, for work purposes im searching for stores in tunisia that sell cosmetics and beauty products, preferable Tunisian authentic soaps and sponges, and in large quantities too like 300 for example.",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-10 11:22:22 umgj5t,,1,تطبيق Sweatcoin هو تطبيق حقيقي يقوم بالدفع لمستخدميه ، نعم سوف تتقاضى مبلغا مقابل المشي ، Découvrez cette application gratuite. Elle vous rémunère pour vos pas 🚶,,,,,,,2022-05-10 11:30:00 umgm39,,14,Tunisian doctors in foreign countries,"Hello community, I wanted to know if there are any tunisian doctors/medical students in foreign countries. Like, what's the procedure of working as a doctor abroad and what did they have to do to get a job there.",,,,,,2022-05-10 11:34:54 umgm9e,,13,Legal advice,"Okey, so, hear me out, a friend of mine has got insanely shitty parents that abused him for half his life, sometimes publicly, per abuse i mean giving him a black eye in front of his middle school, making him sleep in the garden during the winter season, having him sleep standing and beating him with a leather belt if he fell/sat (he has witnesses). All this resulted in some nasty psych problems, he has seen and told him everything about the abuse, my question is, can this person sue his parents now that he is 20? Even tho it happened in the past, I'm not sure so I would like some help from people in the legal field or at least more knowledgeable than me. Thank you all for your precious time.",,,,,,2022-05-10 11:35:10 umgmwa,,1,بلقاسم WE HAVE بلقاسم !!!!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-10 11:36:16 umgp6a,,1,بلقاسم WE HAVE بلقاسم!!!!!!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-10 11:40:04 umks3z,,20,Is the BELGACEM story real or it’s intox ?,,,,,,,2022-05-10 15:03:38 umljxz,,0,بشرى ساره ...عين الكترونية حلم المكفوفين للرؤية,,,,,,,2022-05-10 15:38:25 ummq8m,,9,boys and girls: what's an acceptable age gap between you and your partner and why ?,,,,,,,2022-05-10 16:30:48 umn84k,,1,Chabeb belehi teliphouni tesra9 fel mourouj 5 wel hakem mahab ya3mel chy bech y3aweni tel mskr famech haja njm na3malha,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-10 16:53:23 umn8y4,,17,Chabeb belehi teliphouni tesra9 fel mourouj 5 wel hakem mahab ya3mel chy bech y3aweni tel mskr famech haja njm na3malha,,,,,,,2022-05-10 16:54:24 umpccb,,1,Billehi fasrouli..,"I got my vaccine certificate today to travel to Algeria, bezhar nesma3 fel rajel yahki eli lazem timbre(5dt) w signature men 3andhom yethatou 3al certficate, mchit s2altou 9alli ey shih bara jib timbri wija. Mchit wjit, mal9itouch 9atli barra akhlet 3lil lel idara ljihaweya. Khlat ghadi, lkit jme3a kifi testana. I gave the paper w stanit, tofla 9atli apparently lazemna nemchiw lel ministry of foreign affairs to get their signature too! I asked the woman at the desk, She asked in what language I got the ceritifcate, I said French. 9atli Algerians yefehmou French? T3adew ma trakzouch barcha so she said the same that I need to go to the capital, even though I'm not going to work or anything just tourist for 5days wtf!",,,,,,2022-05-10 18:30:04 umq0dn,,0,vito,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-10 19:00:42 umqxbr,,5,is ritalin available in pharmacy?,"Do any of you know if ritalin is available in some pharmacy? I need to figure it out before going to my psychiatrist, i've asked some people and they said it's no longer available I need to know as soon as possible Also please mention where if you visited a pharmacy and they said the stock is empty so i don't check it",,,,,,2022-05-10 19:42:57 umr3cq,,4,does binance work in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-05-10 19:50:38 umreth,,3,is it just me or is facebook lagging terribly (can't even send a msg),,,,,,,2022-05-10 20:05:04 umsa8h,,1,كيفية حذف حساب جوجل نهائياً من الهاتف 2022,,,,,,,2022-05-10 20:44:13 umtokf,/r/exmuslim/comments/ume4ck/exmuslims_why_dont_we_date_each_other/,0,This guy is a liar Losing Muslim he lie and he don't like my true cause I say god is not a name and they kill Isa Imran and they say they love him when they call him Jesus and make him fake prophet the Christianity rob 1st Coran and make fake book with I'm the resurrection of Isa Imran sws I'm true,,,,,,,2022-05-10 21:47:02 umu8pm,,1,"ken mat3adich bac blanc, tnajem t3adi bac wala mamnou3?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-10 22:12:35 umuay2,ébergement_française/,2,hébergement française,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-10 22:15:20 umuick,,10,ways to make money in the summer as a college student?,,,,,,,2022-05-10 22:24:43 umwtxw,,4,Buying SIM card in Tunis,"Hi guys, I'm planning a trip to Tunisia from Europe and will arrive to Tunis airport. Is it possible to buy a SIM card there? I think my european SIM will not work in Tunisia. I will have a SIM from Morocco, but I think that won't work either. Should I buy it right at the airport or somewhere in the city? I need mostly internet data plan... Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-11 00:17:54 umx034,,1,.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 00:26:43 umxana,,2,Any suggestions for events to raise money for your club ?? (I do not wanna repeat all the classic events like movies w sahriyet...),[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 00:42:00 umxr4e,,21,Failing education system.,"As y'all might've heard some of belgacem's victims were college students. So, in your opinion what is causing Tunisian students to not be able to apply the knowledge they've been taught in daily life, like critical thinking and believing in science instead of healing with ""rou7aniyet"". This applies to many things btw I've noticed that there is many valuable topics to learn from fi program El lycée and apply irl in different subjects yet students seem to separate school taught knowledge from irl behavior and daily application even if they were excellent students with good grades.",,,,,,2022-05-11 01:06:41 umyjb2,,5,"Don't go abroad ,",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 01:47:32 un30ew,,1,"Sweatcoin: Healthier planet. Healthier, wealthier you",,,,,,,2022-05-11 06:09:10 un3rcy,,1,who is going to get her revenge?,,,,,,,2022-05-11 06:57:29 un578g,,10,Tunisians experiences living in Germany?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 08:36:42 un5m9s,,1,"TUNISIA Needs Urgent IMF BAILOUT due to Wheat, Oil & Gas Import Price Rises",,,,,,,2022-05-11 09:07:01 un5nbn,,8,for all the gymbros here what do you eat to get some protein since everything is quite expensive this days,"Any meals idea , Tunisian food etc...",,,,,,2022-05-11 09:09:14 un5yzm,,3,my ADSl shutdown anytimen I try tonuse MQL4 and restart if I close the program.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 09:33:15 un6e96,,0,boun9iba awbechnj 3isa khayt ka sefseri,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-11 10:04:00 un7ejp,,11,New World,Guys Famesh Chkon yal3b new world ?,,,,,,2022-05-11 11:11:31 un8smn,é_test_any_quick_tips/,1,"help, tomorrow comptabilité test, any quick tips bch nater note? a5ieb matiere meli bdit na9ra i'm 1ere année lfg btw",,,,,,,2022-05-11 12:33:12 unbgn3,,1,moving out,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-11 14:44:13 unbhf7,,1,movin out,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-11 14:45:11 unbq7z,,1,"Rest in Peace, Mohamed dorra and Shereen al'aqla, Palestine will sure be free!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 14:56:25 unbrin,,1,"Rest in Peace, Mohamed dorra and Shereen al'aqla, Palestine will sure be free!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 14:58:07 unbtsb,,1,"RIP Mohamed dorra and Shereen Al'aqla, Palestine will definitely be free!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 15:00:47 unc1jz,,1,"RIP Mohamed Dorra and Shereen al'aqla, Palestine will be free!",,,,,,,2022-05-11 15:10:26 uncwc3,,2,Public transportation from downtown tunis to technopole ghazella,any idea about the Public transportation from downtown tunis to technopole ghazella?,,,,,,2022-05-11 15:49:09 uneqmk,,16,just curious about r/Tunisia redditers age," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-11 17:09:39 ung2ka,,5,any advice to deal with stray cats?,"there are a lot of stray cats in the neighborhood, they always try to tear the trash and have a lot of fights, especially since the upper floor isn't fully built yet. they even enter the house sometimes and jump over its walls. is there some medication or trick to keep them away/make them leave the house?",,,,,,2022-05-11 18:08:55 ung6o9,,8,How similar is Tunisian Arabic near the westernTunisia border to Algerian Arabic?,"I am half Tunisian raised in America and I am trying to learn Tunisian for the first time. I am talking to a tutor from Nabeul but my family is from a town near the Tunisian - Algerian border (Kasserine area). I'm wondering if Algerian Arabic would in that case be similar to how people from Western Tunisia speak and if so, how similar. There's very little resources to learn Tunisian from, so I was thinking about checking out Algerian Arabic resources. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-11 18:14:11 ung7zo,,7,Any tunisians young adults on the autism spectrum ?,,,,,,,2022-05-11 18:15:51 unhqlm,,0,foe those who remember,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-11 19:25:01 unhvfw,,0,just curious about r/Tunisia redditers gendre," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-11 19:30:58 uniwfg,,1,Public transport Beb alioua ==> Lac 1,How to go from beb alioua to lac 1 on public transport?,,,,,,2022-05-11 20:17:14 unjmo8,,5,"Hello guys, i'm planning to be a content creator and i'm asking you to help me choose the right niche for tunisian community","Those options below depends of my skills [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-11 20:50:14 unjsxn,,1,SHkoun yfahhemni PG2 ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-11 20:58:10 unjt2b,,3,Does anyone have a Jumia Food Discount Code?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-11 20:58:19 unkbpv,,3,survey about online workers payments ways in tunisia," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-11 21:20:38 unkgvc,,9,Donating my hair,Anyone have any idea where can i donate my hair and what should i do ?,,,,,,2022-05-11 21:27:07 unkng4,,0,why we don't kick Jews from Tunisia and replace them with Palestinians?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-11 21:35:30 unkz0e,,2,Your self-thought analysis of the dating landscape in Tunisia: how do you see it?,,,,,,,2022-05-11 21:50:33 unlzq7,,2,do you use dating apps to meet people ? how your experience?,,,,,,,2022-05-11 22:38:03 unm259,,1,Blue card Visa [Germany],"Hello everyone, I want to know if anyone has applied recently for a blue card visa type for Germany and got a response? How much time does it take for them to come back with a response once the visa folder is submitted ? And do you need to add your CV to your folder? Because I didn’t add it to mine and it’s kinda scaring me since everyone is saying that I should’ve added it, also can I get rejected for not adding it? Or I can add it as a complementary file for my folder? I appreciate your help during this stressful situation.",,,,,,2022-05-11 22:41:15 unn0n0,,1,Just curious about tunisan redditors sexuality,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-11 23:28:34 unqzwz,مـتحن_وتـراااعـي_يااللبن_المرااعـي/,0,مـتحن وتـراااعـي يااللبن المرااعـي 🤭♥️,,,,,,,2022-05-12 02:54:04 unsf9f,,20,"A lil bright side, hope this makes you smirk lol","I might’ve broken my leg today riding a bicycle in Houston, the road had a big ass pothole that had me gliding before my imminent fall badly injuring my right leg. Now the funny part is; my insurance coverage hasn’t actually started yet which means if I chose to seek medical care I’d have to pay outta pocket. Which last time I fractured a bone in the state of New York it cost the insurance $6k for a wrist plaster. I’m optimistically sleeping it off tonight! Free medical care, I miss you. 🥺",,,,,,2022-05-12 04:10:53 unx84c,,34,Recent visit,"It's been few hours since I came back to Europe after spending 12 days in Tunisia. I'm not sure why I'm feeling this relentless agony.. But I think it's linked to how my lovely country became.. I want to cry but I'm not able.. Sadness, frustrations and confusion is mostly everything I saw in almost everyone I met. A very giant wave of negativity that slapped the hell out of me and got me knocked out 😔 It's sad.",,,,,,2022-05-12 09:33:04 unxrwx,,7,"let's say you have got from 2 weeks to 1 month and the you will leave Tunisia and probably never come back, what will you spend your time doing, what places you will visit",,,,,,,2022-05-12 10:13:23 uo02pw,,1,"Grosse mise à jour Instagram, je t'explique tout ce soir sur ma chaîne YouTube. Abonne-toi👇:",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-12 12:36:37 uo04gh,,0,"Grosse mise à jour Instagram, je t'explique tout ce soir à 18h30, Abonne-toi👇:",,,,,,,2022-05-12 12:39:20 uo1qnx,,6,Do men and women have separate gyms?,"I am moving to Tunis next weekend. I’ve been researching gyms and I’ve seen a few ladies gyms. I like this idea, to be apart from the men (sorry men!😝) but the ladies gyms aren’t as well equipped. Is it a rule that they have to be separate?",,,,,,2022-05-12 13:59:28 uo2ev3,,11,Part time call center job,"Hey, I am looking for an english call center that offers night shifts with some comptetive wages, any recommendations? I work online 8-17, I got an advanced english level, and I am looking to boost my income at the moment. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-05-12 14:30:39 uo2zwe,,4,A good bday saying?,Anyone have a good Tunisian birthday saying I can use in a card for my friend? Maybe something health or financial in meaning. Appreciate any and all help.,,,,,,2022-05-12 14:57:42 uo4c8j,,1,"😌We are very excited to announce the release of our new song ""Madhlouma"" on Youtube. 🙏Please share the song if you like it ! 🙏",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-12 15:58:38 uo4mka,,3,to all developers i have a question,i am a cs engineer student . now i am doing pfe using symfony. but i don t want to work with it in the future for many reasons. so i want to change the technologie in the future when i get a job. so my question is will companies hire me as a junior engineer who only have worked with symfony framework and let me work with other framework like node or spring.,,,,,,2022-05-12 16:11:01 uo5x7c,,2,Would you recommend Industrial Engineering?,"Hello guys, So this year I'm having my pfe in mechanical engineering ISET Rades and I've been looking forward to carry my studies on Industrial Engineering. So do you guys recommend it? Else should I go ULT or Polytech intl?",,,,,,2022-05-12 17:09:36 uo6pog,,2,Money for holiday,"hi all how much would a tourist need to bring for a 4-5 day holiday in tunisia in USD or Euro, to buy local things (clothes, souvenirs, food) etc just enough to last them that 4-5 day period, and how far does the USD go in Tunis?, lmk what you guys think.",,,,,,2022-05-12 17:45:43 uo7ozs,,3,Airsoft guns,Are airsoft guns illegal to own in tunisia?,,,,,,2022-05-12 18:30:02 uo800c,,96,any hungry homeless/needy people in need of food in bardo/beb saadoon zone?,"Etudiante going home on saturday I have about 100 dinars in worth of home cooked canned food (m3aleb) made by my mother that I'd like to give to someone homeless but i don't get out of my dorm a lot so I don't know where to find homeless people in need that are not lying about their situation for easy/empathy money. I have: 100g : 2 cans شربة 500g: 5 cans لوبيا 3 cans كمونية 2 cans sauce حمراء مقرونة 3 cans ملوخية 1 can of tuna in olive oil Edit: taking [this ]( tomorrow around stations metro and ave. Bourguiba to hand out all the food to those in need, I'm willing to buy plastic utensils/bread if needed to consume the food. The food is already cooked so it can be eaten cold. And also it's saltless so at least everyone can eat it. Final update: sac lhmdlh fra8 3tit 3la ged manajem w rbe7t brcha d3a behi lhmdlh 3ala kol 7al kinda got lost fl metroet wl centre ville but I thankfully managed Thank you everyone for your help",,,,,,2022-05-12 18:44:05 uo8l49,,2,"bros, recommend me a good barber to go to!",a3raft aka hyeti elkol nemchi el nafs el hajjem w jamais jetni hjema speciale ( fade clean or whatever) usually it looks like shit right after and i only start to like it after my hair grows in a bit. Doesn't matter where as long as its 30mins ish by car from tunis (lac/ariana whatever) Money isnt that strict either but i don' twant to be paying 20dt+ every month or two for a haircut xD ena nkhalless 7 dt right now rass barka w its honestly shit looking.,,,,,,2022-05-12 19:10:24 uoaup6,,21,where s the best place to meet new people in Tunis ?,"in your opinion, guys and girls, where s the best place to meet new people in Tunis ?",,,,,,2022-05-12 20:52:18 uobiad,,7,Whitening teeth,"Hello everyone, do you know from where can I buy a teeth whitening gel in Tunisia? I have been searching everywhere but did not find an answer",,,,,,2022-05-12 21:19:42 uoj6uw,,6,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-05-13 04:00:11 uolakl,,0,"Sommet de la Francophonie en Tunisie: ""Je suis de très près ce qui se passe"", dixit la SG de l'OIF | African Manager",,,,,,,2022-05-13 06:16:25 uon9w1,,18,Is Tunisia a Muslim country in the common sense?,"I'd appreciate some perspective on this. I feel like Tunisia is somewhat of an outlier in the Muslim and Arab world. It is more akin to Turkey in the sense that a significant portion of the population is secular, even actively shunning conservative values outright. Even in North Africa, Tunisia stands out; a large difference relative to Algeria, Libya, Mauritania and even Morocco. And of course an even larger difference relative to the East. This is backed up by [research done in 2016]( (slide 6): In North Africa, Tunisia is the only country where less than a majority of people think of themselves as Muslim first, and in fact, national identity is a far stronger identifier. Is this generally accurate? If so, is this something Tunisians feel thankful for, or do they lament it and wish to return to a more conservative society?",,,,,,2022-05-13 08:44:36 uopfct,,23,What do you think about this? my family name is landoulsi and i'm very offended by this its an erasure .,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-05-13 11:18:10 uopg9r,,2,Gift card,"Hello there i wanna buy a google play / Spotify gift card for someone from tunisia 🇹🇳 but I'm worried if i bought a code online or locally the code might not work because of the regional difference. Please help if u have any ideas",,,,,,2022-05-13 11:19:47 uophsw,,1,Landed a remote developer position not sure about payment process,"Hey everyone i recently a remote developer job but i'm not sure of the payment, my idea is to have a local bank account linked to a payoneer. Does anyone have any experience with this and how was your process ?",,,,,,2022-05-13 11:22:13 uoqiyo,,3,The UST crash is destabilizing crypto - wima space,,,,,,,2022-05-13 12:23:42 uoqnb7,,5,Cycling sites at Sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-13 12:30:21 uorlgb,,2,"I have an writing assignment in french , can someone have free time to help me.",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-13 13:20:06 uosgkm,,0,is it true that inote ili tekhidhha fil bac blanc hiya note ili bich tekhidhha fil principale 🙄?,,,,,,,2022-05-13 14:02:51 uotrow,,0,who's your celebrity/instagrammer crash ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-13 15:04:54 uotskz,,1,"I am 🔉🎵🎶راي قديم🎶🎵🔉 on TikTok. To download the app and watch more videos, tap:",,,,,,,2022-05-13 15:06:04 uoutfy,,0,what's the swift code of tijeri sousse beb bhar,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-13 15:53:35 uov1hk,,1,gym people of Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-13 16:03:47 uov1xm,,1,gym people of Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-13 16:04:21 uov65w,,3,gym people of Tunisia,"Any community there ? Best advise for a fat guy",,,,,,2022-05-13 16:09:47 uovd1j,,5,Is there a place that sells something like this in the capital?( it make smoothies and milkshakes),,,,,,,2022-05-13 16:18:36 uovgav,,3,Finally considering this last option,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-13 16:22:46 uovwp8,,3,"Any ""microtaskers"" in Tunisia?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-13 16:44:31 uoxf30,,9,Strange.,Can someone tell me why is there so many airplanes coming in and out of tunisia this day i saw 10 already maybe 2 in the same hour (just for curiosity i wanna know),,,,,,2022-05-13 17:56:25 uoxown,,5,Restrictions on importing plants/trees as a private individual?,"Hi, i would like to create a great garden with sorts of plants that seem not to be available in the few ornamental nurseries i checked and thinking of importing the ones missing. Are thereany restrictions since we're the country of tarakhis? By the way any recommendations for ornemental nurseries who have a large choice of plants? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-13 18:09:09 uoyqkv,,2,Things that are restricted or prohibited to bring to Tunisia,"Hello guys, This summer (nchaallah) I'm planning to go vacation. And before going back to Tunis, I'm also planning to buy a new laptop and smartphone. Because when I compared it to other country, it's better (by budget) to buy outside Tunisia. And I'm afraid that when i'm coming to airport, I'll be charged some dinars to pay with. Is it some restriction or prohibited things to bring to Tunisia? Thanks everyone ✌️",,,,,,2022-05-13 18:59:29 uoyt05,,1,شرح اضافة برنامج أنترنت داونلود مانجر لمتصفح جوجل كروم 2022,,,,,,,2022-05-13 19:02:21 up13pp,,8,How can my uncle ( a swedish resident with a swedish citizenship ) help me go to sweden,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-13 20:50:23 up1lvk,,5,Tunisan history education,"Today, I was learning history and we entered a lesson called ""Tunisia between 1956(Independance) and 1987(Zen presidenc)"". I got excited, but the teacher told us that The ministry of education told ud to teach the lesson until 1964 for education purposes. My question is what happened between '64 and '87 that made almost half of the lesson get removed?",,,,,,2022-05-13 21:14:08 up2zwk,,0,"Bitcoin tumbles, a stablecoin plunges in wild week in crypto - wima space",,,,,,,2022-05-13 22:22:24 up6dwv,,0,حقيقة كليات القمة,,,,,,,2022-05-14 01:24:52 up8lip,,23,Tunisian president hints he will not accept foreign observers in next elections,,,,,,,2022-05-14 03:35:24 upd4p0,,15,Remember those who wanted to replace the dinar with crypto since that would apparently be the best thing for Tunisia? Imagine if it was actually done.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-14 08:50:08 upd5tm,,35,are people overexaggerating how bad the situation in Tunisia actually is ?,"Its been a little over a month now since I came back to Tunisia from a western European country, and so far there are no signs that I'm regretting taking this step.. Except meeting family, friends and loved ones, I enjoyed every other little detail . Not saying it's all ""la vie en rose"" and I'm aware of most of the difficulties we have to face ( for instance inflation & tunisian bureaucracy is still as shitty as ever & we definitely need to do something about pollution & we need to be a more digitalized country). But I'm starting to believe that it's definitely not as bad as people here make it seem to be.. Thoughts?",,,,,,2022-05-14 08:52:35 upd92f,,1,A good hairdresser for men in Tunis,A hairdresser who knows what to do depending on your request? Not like the random hairdressers who only knows who to do the same haircut,,,,,,2022-05-14 08:59:39 upekak,,2,"Bonjour, savez vous si les tunisiens peuvent avoir un visa pour aller aux Émirats ?",,,,,,,2022-05-14 10:38:24 upelps,,1,Sajalni Registration,"Hey guys I need help with sajjalni who used it before? I tried to register like 30 times with my passport it's not working. I came from algeria by land. Now the mark 3 months it's exceeded. Who can help me register it with their passport? I can pay if it works, no problems. &#x200B; Currently suffering atm I have no mobile data at all and voice calls are through viber out credit, it's costly...",,,,,,2022-05-14 10:41:14 upfyxj,,8,(personal) questions about tunisian refugees (post might trigger),"hello i am half tunisian living in europe and was in djerba many times. i was very curious about the refugee situation there. some people i met there have seen c0rpses on the beach multiple times. still some of them want to leave tunisia. maybe some of you know a refugee, or you have been one or consider leaving tunisia. i wanted to highlight that situation in a art project and have some questions.... &#x200B; what exact situations in your life made you or the people you know want to leave the country? (for example: medical treatment wasnt affordable and it lead to a relative passing away because of that) what where you carrying in your bag when leaving the country? (example: passport or do you destroy your passport, snacks, photos,..) where you leaving with a small boat? what where you leaving with? where you leaving alone or with other people? how many went with you? what problems arised while on boat/in a car /etc? have you heard from people who went away ever since? have you actually lost someone because this person passed away while fleeing? how you found that out? what was your destination? where were u going from? how long it took you till you arrived your destination? &#x200B; best regards.",,,,,,2022-05-14 12:12:58 uph5w9,,15,why barbers do this,"i changed barbers many times because most of them tend to trim my hair more then what i ask, last night i asked for a fade without trimming much on the top but he gone and did it again, i seen him doing it, and asked him to stop but he said he needed to fix it a bit and proceeded to cut more then 2 cm is it smth they love to do ? is it because of my head shape ?",,,,,,2022-05-14 13:22:09 upib2k,,90,Grain d'or,"You know, if you think about it... ""Grain d'or"" was such a good cereal that we started calling any cereal ""Grain d'or""...",,,,,,2022-05-14 14:23:44 upig5r,,3,Solution for acne,Can anyone please suggest ways to cure face (and if possible back) acne ? I have been suffering from it from a long time and I am desperate to find a solution. Thank you!,,,,,,2022-05-14 14:31:04 upiyqa,,1,Is immigration to a developed a good choice for a Tunisian girl in her 20s?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-14 14:57:27 upj9v0,,10,Is immigration to a developed country is a good choice for a Tunisian girl in her 20s?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-14 15:12:23 upjeb8,,1,Renting in ariana/ghazella,I'm looking for a house or a room to rent in ariana/ ghazella near technopole would be a plus.,,,,,,2022-05-14 15:18:42 upjupf,,8,We are still dealing with the same shit,"A reminder that Youssef El Talbi a college student Mel Mahdia is still under arrest spending période El révision fil i9af with no charge given and his whole arrest is caused by ""not having an ID on while walking out of a mosque and having religious + pro Palestine posts on his facebook account"" .",,,,,,2022-05-14 15:41:13 upjweq,,1,Please help filling this survey its for a university project.,,,,,,,2022-05-14 15:43:29 upkeam,,3,Do long-haul buses stop for toilet breaks/have toilets on board?,"Hi guys,I would like to take a bus from Tunis to Douz in June and the route takes 9 hours. In my country there usually isn't a toilet in bus, is there one in Tunisia? Or do they stop for break? Or do they just go straight without a stop? Also, do you have to put your large luggage in storage under the bus or can you take it with you on board? I'm worried about losing it. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-14 16:07:31 uplnfl,,9,n7b nemchi san3a,i always thought about this but i did my research and came to this decision. i always tried my absolute very best at school but i'm still ain't cutting it. last year I failed with mo3adl 8.73 and then 8.40 and this year i got 9.00 and 9.20 even tho I tried my very best. I just feel like school isn't for me and I'm only wasting my time cuz if I continue school and by a miracle nenja7 3am el sné I'm never ever getting passed bacc. now I always loved cars and my dream country is Canada and I did some research and they are willing to let me migrate there only if you have work experience (which I will get if go san3a ) and I'm pretty good at English as u see I'm typing this in English but I'm bad at french for the average Tunisian but i can still talk french. so basically my future is set but there is one huge obstacle. which is my Family because they have this very old belief which is they think without school you won't get anywhere in life and they don't believe me when i said that i tried my very best at school and still failed. they think I'm just lazy. so what do you think nemchi san3a mechanic and do what i love and i'm 100% i'll be succefull in or continue school ( i'm wasting my time and i will never go anywhere in life cuz if i fail this year my family is making me drop out ) Please help as i'm only 16 and need guidance from people with more experience.,,,,,,2022-05-14 17:07:40 upmulj,,9,What's something you think is a must but is not yet available in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-05-14 18:06:57 upno88,,17,I can't go outside without getting assaulted,"Hello, I'm a 15yo teen and I live fel marsa, my problem is that I always get up being yelled, disturb, sometimes stolen by groups of teens or young adults wa9tli nemchi bech na3mel doura, wala nemchi nekel 7aja m3a s7abi ou ba3dika nemchiw lel park essada (dima dima yejrari 7ajet ghadi ou tawa ma3adech bech nemchilou) and I'm not used to the ""streets"", and I don't understand why they keep coming on me or my group, I'm a dude, i'm not effeminated at all (not gay or anything) I don't show my phone and most of the time I don't bring it with me.. it's so annoying they be calling outloud, running over me, asking for 500millime and then pushing around, fin tosken/mnin jit, brebi bech en3adi teliphoune and I cannot fight back bcz they're at least 7 so I just try to run away or I give them the money that I brought with me Any advice about how to act, to avoid those situations, or to replicate the good way with those people ?",,,,,,2022-05-14 18:48:12 upod02,,0,What's the one thing that Tunisians should give Algerians credits for?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-14 19:22:17 upok0h,,2,New constitution?,"Is it true that the president is going to make a new constitution for the country? If so, what is he changing?",,,,,,2022-05-14 19:31:49 uponqs,,1,Lunar eclipse is happening on 16th May. It would be from 2am to 5am. Get ready for this historical moment!,,,,,,,2022-05-14 19:36:49 upoqb0,,4,"can we still get ""extrait de naissance"" online ?",,,,,,,2022-05-14 19:40:26 upot5p,,10,The state of this sub,"These past few days, most posts are about how Shitty Tunisia is and how to leave. Y’all let’s have fun and chill Edenya feha mout y’a chabeb",,,,,,2022-05-14 19:44:27 upp6yw,,1,Amazon US shipping,How much will the country ask money if the US ships $10K worth of tech + shipping fees?,,,,,,2022-05-14 20:03:05 upp95u,,1,The advantages of custom software development,,,,,,,2022-05-14 20:05:59 upq373,,4,looking for a crutch to barrow for couples of weeks in Grand Tunis.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-14 20:49:22 upq711,ياخي_ثم_كوبل_يحبو_بعضهم_و_يعرسو_في_تونس/,7,ياخي ثم كوبل يحبو بعضهم و يعرسو في تونس؟,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-14 20:54:50 upqafd,,2,Tunisian social issues,"So when are we as Tunisians gonna admit that we have a ""harass the pale skin males"" issue. Especially in super poor neighborhoods almost everywhere from south to north ppl from all ages especially youngsters love harassing paler skin males assuming their social class and punishing them for it. Like I'm sorry who taught y'all ""pale male"" = rich. Edit : how y'all took this proves my point, pretty much everyone got on the defensive side talking about ""oh other ppl get bullied too"", I am not here to say Tunisians have some sort of racism towards lighter skin ppl, I'm saying Tunisia suffers from a class based harassment issue and the weaker chain that receives a lot of that harassment is ""pale"" kids. We have an issue with parents subconsciously teaching their kids to hate ppl that are doing better than them economically mixed with a weird assumption that kids have that pale = rich 9nanou , brown = real man.",,,,,,2022-05-14 20:59:59 upqpyx,,2,is there an institute or a center in Tunisia that teaches German language online?,,,,,,,2022-05-14 21:22:29 uprsq5,,1,Congratulations for ES Cap Bon for winning tunisian cup for ladies basketball 🌝.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-14 22:19:38 uprwpr,,29,Congratulations for ES Cap Bon for winning tunisian cup for ladies basketball 🌝.,,,,,,,2022-05-14 22:25:33 upspm3,,17,Tunisian redditors what standards do you look for in a partner ?,,,,,,,2022-05-14 23:09:46 uptth1,,2,All you need to know about DropShipping and affiliate,,,,,,,2022-05-15 00:10:07 upwri4,,2,A Palestinian Christian priest talks about how Islam brought peace to the land and criticizes the modern Arab rulers for seeking peace with the Zionists.,,,,,,,2022-05-15 03:00:46 upxcvr,,10,Tunisa DEFENCE: Battle of Tunisia ww2 Usa in north africa fighting the nazis Sfax and Kairouan (1943),[\_DUugQLvasTAVJwudrHy5Eg&index=2](,,,,,,2022-05-15 03:36:00 uq16ra,,4,Need help,"Do you know how I can get to Italy from Tunisia (without a car or anything besides my bags) via boat? Where can I find more information such as how much it costs both ways.",,,,,,2022-05-15 07:55:06 uq1m05,,4,where can I watch Ons Jabeur's match ?,"Good morning peeps, Ons is playing in a couple of hours and I want to watch ! If someone could give me a link or smth I would appreciate it a lot!",,,,,,2022-05-15 08:26:04 uq1u00,,3,"I lost my e-dinar card's secret code and RIB, and I want to get them back. How can I do that ?",,,,,,,2022-05-15 08:43:01 uq21mo,,0,The Crypto Market Is Melting Down: Here's What Every Investor Should Know - wima space,,,,,,,2022-05-15 08:59:16 uq28oi,,0,لا تفوته.,,,,,,,2022-05-15 09:13:02 uq3efg,,1,sweatcoin,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-15 10:39:10 uq3qk3,,3,First flight and airport regulations guidance,"Another post because with Tunisia you'll have to triple check and my anxiety isn't helping:) Traveling to Algiers by plane next week. I have my vaccine certificate(not vaccine passport), 5dt stamped and signed by the health ministry, hotel reservation.. Do I need PCR still? I'm 30, do I need autorisation parentale? I've seen mixed comments from people who traveled. Anyone who traveled recently would like to weigh in?",,,,,,2022-05-15 11:03:05 uq41si,حريقين_بمقري_cnrps_و_cnam/,1,حريقين بمقري CNRPS و CNAM,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-15 11:24:47 uq51zi,,3,Is it possible to use something like buy me a coffe or patreon?,Just wondering its possible here.,,,,,,2022-05-15 12:27:54 uq58h6,,2,moving to another city,"Hey guys , few months ago I've moved with my family to a new city ( a city that I didn't have any friends or any relatives in it ) also I didn't study there ... So whenever I am there , I just stay home and stay lonely ... So is there any types or ideas that I can do to integrate myself with this new cercle ? Thanks PS :21 y.o boy",,,,,,2022-05-15 12:38:37 uq6i9s,,1,Do i need to declare my revolut account when i'm back to Tunisia?,"I'm cureently in Paris, thinking of opening a revolut account, do i need to declare that i've an account abroad in Tunisia? Cause i want to still use it when i'm back home.",,,,,,2022-05-15 13:48:19 uq6kpi,,148,Tunis 1950,,,,,,,2022-05-15 13:51:54 uq6rxx,,114,This ad is something else lmao.,,,,,,,2022-05-15 14:02:13 uq7mc1,,1,bootleg Tunisian corporate cringe hits different,,,,,,,2022-05-15 14:47:04 uq7ws9,,3,i asked an A.I. robot to show me how it sees the Arab world & those are the results,,,,,,,2022-05-15 15:01:30 uq83hr,,3,Is it absolutely impossible to send money to Europe from Tunisia?,"French citizen here, we have some real estate money coming from a house we're about to sell. It's only now that I remember my parents joking about buying a lot of gold and jewelry and sell it in France. I'm at a loss here.",,,,,,2022-05-15 15:10:41 uq8j75,,2,Hints for spas in Tunis,"Hi everyone, I'm looking for a wellness centre in Tunis to offer a selection of treatments as a birthday gift for a friend, possibly with a website or an email to be able to contact them and find a solution for remote payment (as I live in EU). Since Amazon is not an (easy) option, this is one of the first things it came to my mind and I think she may appreaciate it. Any other suggestions for a remote birthday gift is also welcome. Thanks all",,,,,,2022-05-15 15:32:39 uq8oir,,1,"This made me wondering about the divorce law here , it is similar to the western countries?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-15 15:39:46 uq946j,,40,"our algerians ""brothers"" teaching us that 11 olds can give consent, they should be blamed for their action, the their mothers are number one responsible in case of a rape and rapist who ?",,,,,,,2022-05-15 16:00:52 uq9wmq,,0,Traveling to Tunisia in Summer,"Firstly, yes I checked out the stickied post and no I didn't find the answer. I'm thinking of making a trip there in June. I mostly want to see the countryside of the west (like El Kef area for example). Is it going to be too hot for that? I know obviously it's summer but not sure how hot it gets and if it would be a waste of time. I'm not a huge beach person and just want to go enjoy the jaw in general, I miss it and want to see stuff outside of Tunis/Sousse/Hammamet but have no idea how hot it gets in summer in el kef/binzerte/ain drahem areas.",,,,,,2022-05-15 16:38:26 uqb6vt,,0,"Thousands in Tunisia protest against president, demand democratic return",,,,,,,2022-05-15 17:39:42 uqb920,,7,Tutoring business,"Hello guys, I've been thinking lately about launching business in tutoring in the near future "" centre des etudes"" that will be in real life and online , where Bac students and maybe college students can profit from . I've been thinking about making 'etude de marché ' but I have no clue from where to start , I think I can improve this idea m3a lwa9t w maybe one day tw tenje7 cz why not , if u have any information or tips , say'em .. maybe they will give me some insight ( I'm 18 years old , in case these informations are important )",,,,,,2022-05-15 17:42:38 uqbfxa,,1,Business,"Which business will be helpful for tunisians in order to satisfy their needs ? if u have any ideas , please share it with us ! [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-15 17:51:48 uqcn3z,,2,Un professionnel pour entretenir un blouson en cuir !?,"Est ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée s'il existe un professionnel sérieux pour faire entretenir un blouson en cuir. Je ne veux pas m'aventurer a le faire tout seul par crainte de l'abîmer. Merci d'avance.",,,,,,2022-05-15 18:48:15 uqcwot,,0,Can you beat me 🧠 ? Tunisia's average iq in this website is 93 go make it higher. (link of the test below),[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-15 19:00:42 uqe0bs,ès_un_an_de_la_création_dune_société_le/,5,"Après un an de la création d'une société, le capital social n'a pas été libéré, c'est grave?","Quand on a procédé à la création de l'entreprise et des comptes bancaires, l'expert comptable et le chef d'agence dans la banque avaient dit que c'était urgent de libérer le capital social. Ce qui, à ce jour, n'a pas été fait, pour des raisons qui me dépassent: càd on a pas versé le montant du capital social dans les comptes bancaires de la société. Est-ce que quelqu'un sait quelles seraient les répercusions de cela? Si c'est grave? Sachant que depuis sa création, on a pas du tout utilisé cette entité juridique.",,,,,,2022-05-15 19:52:49 uqen7k,,0,What do you think about lgbt on Tunisia ?,What do you think about lgbt in Tunisia and are things getting better for them?,,,,,,2022-05-15 20:22:54 uqexp7,,2,from where can I buy a heart locket necklace online in tunisia? I can't find it anywhere,,,,,,,2022-05-15 20:37:21 uqflv3,,1,Anyone working in dropshipping here ? 😁,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-15 21:09:19 uqforh,,20,What's the one thing that's uniquely Tunisian and not found anywhere in other North African countries?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-15 21:13:04 uqg32j,,1,My life / Working / Teaching abroad as an English graduate. Any tips?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-15 21:32:11 uqhd1c,,5,is it legal to keep a knife with me for protection?,,,,,,,2022-05-15 22:34:30 uqhdev,,1,"Every guy around me is interested in sex only , is every tunisian like this ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-15 22:35:01 uqi1ku,,2,Any advice troubleshooting ghraiba?,"So, I followed [this]( recipe twice and no matter what I did (add more oil or more flour) the cookies end up becoming a blob in the oven that crumbles when I try to lift them up the tray Im sorry if this is not the place but I figured no one knows how to do tunisian ghraiba as tunisian people so, thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-05-15 23:10:37 uqiw16,,2,Average Belgacem client be like:,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-15 23:57:43 uqjlbs,,0,😀😀,,,,,,,2022-05-16 00:37:09 uqnuof,,11,"If you could tell a foreigner one thing about your country that they definitely don't already know, what would that be?","Hi, my name is [redacted], and I've lived in Norway my entire life. As such, i haven't yet had the chance to explore the world and its many different countries and cultures. For 2022, my New Year's resolution is to try to change that. I created this account to visit one new country/city/state subreddit each day to just ask, what's up? What's going on where you live? How's life like, what good or bad thing just happened, new music, cultural phenomenons, really anything goes. Open ended discussions are welcome, as are random facts about your country's national bird or what you had for dinner today! My goal here is to simply broaden my horizons. By this time next year, i hope to be able to look at any country and know just a little bit more about it than i do now, and have just a slightly better understanding of what life is actually like in places other than my own. I'll start with the country closest to mine and work my way out. Today I'm visiting r/Tunisia. So, what's up? If you'd like to join me on my journey, just click my profile and go read the comments from the other subs I've been to. Maybe you too can learn just slightly more about the world around you. Cheers, your friendly neighborhood Norwegian.",,,,,,2022-05-16 04:44:03 uqpahq,,6,Marriage in Tunisia: Both foreign parties,"Salaams, everyone. Tried my best to find a previous post for this so apologies in advance if I’m posting any redundancies… I’m American- widowed and divorced; fiancé is Algerian- never married. Curious about the documents and time frame for marrying in Tunisia compared to having him come to the US on a tourist visa and marrying in America. Birth certificate less than 30 days old seems tricky to coordinate with the issuing county and the flight itinerary. Not certain how to orchestrate the timing. Any suggestions? As well, do I need both marriage certificates or only the death certificate and divorce decree? As far as blood tests, which STIs do they test for? And if one of us tests positive, what next? (Note: as an American I test regularly and it remains negative, so I’m more curious about my partner who has never tested.) The entire point of meeting in Tunisia is to wed quickly so I don’t want to waste a trip. If there is a positive test, it’s not necessarily a deal breaker for me- trying to think of all possible scenarios. Nonetheless, I want to confirm if the government would reject our request to marry. Lastly, after all this, does it make more sense to apply for the K1 fiancé visa and marry in America or marry in Tunisia and apply for the immigrant spousal visa? We’re both Muslim so we’ll be seeing the imam in Tunisia regardless (for religious marriage, not civil). Thanks in advance for your help 🙏🏼",,,,,,2022-05-16 06:19:54 uqpl9y,,17,French language,Why can't we remove the French subject from our education system?,,,,,,2022-05-16 06:40:28 uqqwrr,,1,Tunisia Rap,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-16 08:15:29 uqr5q4,,10,Tunisian rap,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-16 08:34:22 uqrk04,,1,Is CBD legal in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-16 09:03:57 uqro5n,,5,Bringing a cat from Tunisia to Europe,"Hi all, i'm living in an european country and i love cats, i would like to adopt/buy a small cat, i checked the prices where i live and they are super expensive, so i thought why i don't bring a cat from Tunisia. Did anyone of you have some experience to share about this subject ? Any hint will be apriciated, Thanks",,,,,,2022-05-16 09:12:01 uqtlgs,علاش_لبنات_يلبسو_سراول_محزوقة_على_اسفل_الضهر/,0,علاش لبنات يلبسو سراول محزوقة على اسفل الضهر متاعهم؟,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-16 11:20:32 uqu30k,,5,guys mnadhmin re7la mta3 lycee lel hamamet and we need some recommendations (blayes yanj7ou lgroup kbir chwaya),,,,,,,2022-05-16 11:49:17 uqu9fe,,5,PFE suggestions,Anyone got any recommendations on how do I start my report and how to perfect it? It’s about Digital transformation for a company for their birthday and I study digital marketing,,,,,,2022-05-16 11:59:04 uqwfxv,,1,Transcription of the song,Does anyone have time to listen to one :tunisia: song and type down text? Thanks :),,,,,,2022-05-16 13:50:39 uqwsii,,2,best bank to open account in,,,,,,,2022-05-16 14:06:57 uqxqc2,,2,anyone plays a game called black squad ?,,,,,,,2022-05-16 14:51:41 uqykyy,,0,tsawer enta takl fi djaja wijik falouss y9olk wini mama 🥺🥺,,,,,,,2022-05-16 15:30:04 uqywa3,,1,ADHD diagnosis,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-16 15:44:30 uqzdbg,,1,Can someone explain what the fack is going on,,,,,,,2022-05-16 16:05:48 uqzt6k,,1,is there a way I can get the money from twitch using a Tunisian credit card,,,,,,,2022-05-16 16:24:47 ur0cqf,,10,ADHD diagnosis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-16 16:48:49 ur0jzd,,37,Why is there so much hate for the French language ?,"I get that most people prefer English , I do too . But I always get the impression that French being the second language is one of our biggest problems , and that replacing it with English would make our educational system so much better . I don't see the point really , I know that French is not widely spoken worldwide and most people suck at it (me included) , but I don't see it as a problem , I understand English scientific books and courses just fine as the technical and scientific terms are not that much different except for some words . We have the chance to study in English and French speaking countries so that's a plus too. If we had the ability to just simply switch to English I would prefer that , but I don't see it as an ""emergency"" that we have to get rid of , Especially that it would take ages and lots of money to do such a thing (Unless we're reverting to teaching Maths in Arabic xD) . So yeah , Why is there so much hate for the French language ?",,,,,,2022-05-16 16:57:41 ur0nnl,,1,What plans do you use for mobile data?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-16 17:01:47 ur1cre,لكذب_والتبهبير_الفارغ/,32,لكذب والتبهبير الفارغ,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-16 17:32:48 ur1e53,,1,Rjel El dine be like,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-16 17:34:29 ur1izt,مربوع_القد_mean/,2,"what does ""مربوع القد"" mean ?",title,,,,,,2022-05-16 17:40:34 ur1kjw,,1,Is there an issue with the economy?,"Hey, I'm from Algeria and recently I keep hearing about Tunisia and potential bankruptcy (searching for $4B) food shortages, and even potential famine. Is this serious? Or is the media is worsening the story. PS: I'm not talking about Algeria because its pure cancer, I'm talking US-UK YouTube channels that I regularly follow.about",,,,,,2022-05-16 17:42:33 ur20u6,,10,Jake Tran mentioned Tunisia's food crisis in his latest video,[](,,,,,,2022-05-16 18:03:06 ur2ihu,,1,How Can I utilize video editor to earn money from it 🤔... some advices plz,,,,,,,2022-05-16 18:25:36 ur30ou,,29,Suicide/depression helpline ?,"Or any other medium where I can talk with someone Please I have no one to talk",,,,,,2022-05-16 18:48:37 ur340s,,2,bar place in tunis,Is there any a good and chill bar place that you would recommend for me?,,,,,,2022-05-16 18:52:50 ur3jv9,,1,food reserves,"Does Tunisia really have no food reserves?? Are we suddenly like Ethiopia and many war torn countries except, we're not in a war really?!!!! How this came to be? We know tunisians are reliant on foreign food markets, and the Ukrainian war made it worse financially, but is it that grim? Even Egypt with more population have it better than us, 6 months worth of food reserves, and that is considered bad in the government and international organizations eyes...",,,,,,2022-05-16 19:12:30 ur7pmn,,0,$3 billion in bitcoin was sold in a last-ditch attempt to save UST stablecoin from collapse - wima space,,,,,,,2022-05-16 22:20:53 ur7zne,,1,GET ME OUT,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-16 22:34:37 ur80na,,1,GET ME OUT,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-16 22:35:57 urd4zb,,1,Algérie-Tunisie : à quoi joue Kaïs Saïed ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-17 03:12:03 urdyd6,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-05-17 04:00:10 urfihr,,2,Tunisian Man in Makkah crying for Palestine 😭,,,,,,,2022-05-17 05:40:08 urhnzz,,1,GET ME OUT,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-17 08:16:58 urie66,,1,question,"is conscription of people who dont study still a thing? and if yes how can u not be forced into it without having to study? i need a year off for my mental health but can't be fully relaxed when i am at school even if i don't attend",,,,,,2022-05-17 09:14:01 uriou5,,1,About the french language,"i know the french language is one of colonizers but its not a good idea to remove and just go english its just like changing from a language to another both having their popularity because of colonization if we yes and we should remove them then sure but don't use it then in derja which have italian french and english words from it because they are foreign and if yes then remove the arabic from derja as it is also a colonization which was done long ago and so like the french should be banned the logic is bad we see french as an outdated language but if we ban it in public schools then private schools will dispense it and they will be a mark of a class only the weathly will speak french and that will be a sign of prestige a better idea is to increase languages study make it flexible teach derja instead of arabic make reform in it dont make an academie of derja it will get worse but allow the teaching to follow the speaking and evolution of the language teach french english and arabic and apply them in domains like in philosophy where they read texts of the three languages same with scientific and other fields so they could integrate into the world scientific and thinking system easily make derja with latin alphabet similar to french and english script with some characters similar to arabic with same meaning as latin alphabet has vowels it can help ease comprehension for beginners by removing ambiguity while by using arabic script it help to know and ease arabic characters like the ° can be replaced by the ' as it is already used in hawaiian to mean a stop and so on if u want the language to survive it is not by removing languages and making it stale out of date but by reading and incorporating other languages loan words and other teach in school how humans normaly speaks and whats the pronounciation differences there is and many other ideas it can be a great way to allow people to learn new languages and be a way for us to be updated and always having different outlook on life we shouldnt use the past as justifcation for something but as a lesson on how to not fuck up",,,,,,2022-05-17 09:37:19 urjbmd,,4,"Programmers/tech workers, if I graduate from Uni later than the normal age does that affect my employment chances?","That covers a lot of industries, not all graduate at the same age. Let's say your industry has students graduating normally at age 24. For whatever reason, you graduate, you have a competitive portfolio but you are 25-27. I'm sure people will ask why you failed/took a year off/what happened? etc... You can give a generic answer as much as you can but my question is this very harmful to my career?",,,,,,2022-05-17 10:23:37 urjh5z,,1,what is the best internet provider,What is the best internet provider I need to update to 4G and I don't know which one tunisie telecom orange or ooredoo,,,,,,2022-05-17 10:33:57 urk6ln,,0,Google is Savage 😀,,,,,,,2022-05-17 11:20:22 urk7al,,0,Google is Savage 😀,,,,,,,2022-05-17 11:21:33 urlbep,,2,Choosing a bank to open a bank account.,"Hello Everyone, I need to open a bank account, and I'm confused about which criteria I should choose. Based on what criteria would you pick a bank account and what bank would you personally pick?",,,,,,2022-05-17 12:27:05 urn9vv,,1,is this a facepalm moment,,,,,,,2022-05-17 14:08:04 urnggf,,1,Our landscapes can go unnoticed sometimes.,,,,,,,2022-05-17 14:16:36 urnthi,,3,broken pc!!!,Where can I get my pc fixed anywhere in Bizerte?,,,,,,2022-05-17 14:34:16 urnz8h,,1,Has anyone here used DHL to send a package abroad? How much $?,,,,,,,2022-05-17 14:41:47 urofdu,,3,psychiatrist / therapist,"Looking for a female psychiatrist or therapist in tunis who specializes in borderline personality disorders. Please let me know if you have any recommendations. Thank you.",,,,,,2022-05-17 15:03:02 uropqz,,9,"ye5i ki ndoubel w n3awed el 3am fel fac, Ta93adli fel CV mte3i li ena doubelt wala nejem na7iha mba3ad?",,,,,,,2022-05-17 15:16:16 urp1fe,,1,Help ! i need tunisians who own revolut living in Tunisia or in France,"I need help with revolut account verification ASAP, i'd appreciate any !",,,,,,2022-05-17 15:31:32 urpqbu,,2,"hey, any recommendations for a gym with decent price near menzah 5/6",,,,,,,2022-05-17 16:03:05 urputx,,10,How tall are y’all ?,"Trynna figure out the average height for Today’s Tunisian generation . I am a 183 cm Male wbu ?",,,,,,2022-05-17 16:08:58 urqc17,,1,What do you think of this content?,,,,,,,2022-05-17 16:30:54 urql1p,,1,Labib got a new job. For anyone who watches Eurovision,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-17 16:42:08 urql2h,,1,buyong electronic from ebay cpu gpu psu mobo...what tax should i expect when arriving please?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-17 16:42:09 urqmaf,,2,buying from ebay electronics like cpus gpus mobos psus ... what tax should i expect when arriving to tunisia please,,,,,,,2022-05-17 16:43:48 urqoog,,1,"Hi everyone, I have a Ukrainian friend who wants to come to Tunisia, anyone have an idea if she needs a visa or not? And how to proceed? Thanks",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-17 16:46:51 urquga,,1,"chnowa esmga l7jema hedhi , ou chnowa najem n9oul lel 7ajem bedhabt",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-17 16:54:26 urrf96,,2,Doe's couchsurfing works in tunisia ?,"Couchsurfing for who who doesn't know what it is it's a website for hosting foreign people in return of being friends with them and learning their languages and cultures (séjour chez l'habitant in french ). Does anyone did it before ? if so how we do it ? is it paid ?",,,,,,2022-05-17 17:20:33 urrfww,,7,i m dying,"how to pick a career seriously ,mila5er hani bech na7ki bel3arbi kifah wa7d ya5tar chnawa ya9ra man7ebech na5tar 7aja nindem 3laha b9yet 3omri .I am chosing between info/droits bel7a9 chnawa aham el passion w ala l money ?",,,,,,2022-05-17 17:21:20 urrswj,,2,"Hey i was wondering what yall credit card number,PIN and expiration date.",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-17 17:37:42 urrtrr,,1,English language,I am hoping to travel to Tunisia this year. Will I be able to travel alone around the country without speaking Arabic or French?,,,,,,2022-05-17 17:38:47 urs7mq,,2,It might not be appropriate but I wanted to ask.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-17 17:56:19 urs9vp,,2,Do I buy bus ticket in ticket office or at the driver right in the bus?,"Hello guys, I'm from Europe and I plan on taking a bus from Tunis South Station to Douz. In my country we can buy bus tickets only by the driver and not in advance. How does it work in Tunisia? I'm worried that it might be a problem because of language barrier, I can't even speak French... Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-17 17:59:06 urt0ic,,2,buying a phone for uncle in from mine countrey to tunis issue,,,,,,,2022-05-17 18:32:03 urta5a,,1,"The world is recovering from COVID-19, meanwhile in Maghreb:",,,,,,,2022-05-17 18:44:39 urta9k,,9,What is something you wished you knew before getting into university?,Curious to know about different opinions/views.,,,,,,2022-05-17 18:44:50 urue8r,,38,Is it me or tunisian women are getting hotter each year while guys are getting uglier,,,,,,,2022-05-17 19:35:55 urvd8u,,2,Any successful Malta Visa applications?,,,,,,,2022-05-17 20:19:42 urw36j,,1,Do you believe in unnatural creatures/ghosts? Did you have any encounters with them?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-17 20:52:46 urwpko,كيفاش_نتعامل_مع_طفلة_تلفتني/,1,كيفاش نتعامل مع طفلة تلفتني,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-17 21:20:45 urxj7d,,3,Real estate prices,Do you guys think that there should be a limit to the number of homes a single person/institutional investor can acquire?,,,,,,2022-05-17 21:58:28 ury2ru,,6,"Someone just asked redditors here about their heights, everyone here is above the average height of the country, awesome findings, how big is your dick honest people?",,,,,,,2022-05-17 22:23:31 ury7cd,,5,crise de conscience career / Immigrating wise,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-17 22:29:37 us05wb,é_do_you/,5,"I want to a open a simple small-sh café, do you think banks that supports small business will make it easy for a person with nothing at all but a diploma?",Location : Grand Tunis,,,,,,2022-05-18 00:11:03 us384j,,5,where to learn English near l'aouina ?,Hi there a friend of mine who lives in l'aouina wants to improve his English. If you guys could recommend a good language school that's not far from there I would appreciate it a lot.,,,,,,2022-05-18 02:58:44 us5cmz,,2,famma chkoun a3mel tinted lenses or other options fil prescription glasses?,"7yeti lkol na3mel feha 3adeya juste moch el rkhissa belkol elli ba3dha ( i think its just thinner lenses) anyone tried adding some options? is it worth it? i'm definitely getting anti reflective if its like >50 dinars cause thats so annoying driving at night or looking at the computer screen or taking selfies in front of any light. But i know there are other options like auto tint? maybe some other stuff. The ones i was looking for had clip ons to turn into sunglasses but i feel like clipping on and off would be so impractical and i wouldnt even get to use the tint most of the time due to it.",,,,,,2022-05-18 05:08:02 us7w2z,,8,Do you drink alcohol? (18+),"(Drink as in regularly or occasionally e.g. on friendly outings every now and then. So anything that could be described as a habit, even if it’s once every couple of months) This is for a study about Tunisian consumption. Thank you! [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-18 08:08:17 us9ax4,,4,do you believe in God?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-18 09:56:21 usb21y,,1,which language should i use ?,"i wanted to start a youtube channel about psychology (smth similar to jordan peterson). and wanted a higher audience so i wanted using either arabic (fos7a) or english ( not fluent but decent) which one should i use ? and what's your thoughts on this niche",,,,,,2022-05-18 11:51:54 usb60k,,2,cheap used cars,I'm looking for a cheap used car but why 20+ years old cars that expensive ffs?,,,,,,2022-05-18 11:57:22 usbhw9,,0,i like to hear tunisians who live ore are born in uncommon countries like brazil US e.t.c.,,,,,,,2022-05-18 12:14:56 usd3u3,,20,"Phone lit up by itself, an unsolicited popup from OrangePlus asking for a timed offer purchase confirmation. Is this the norm ?","As the title says, just a standard operator setup popup bypassing the lock screen with ""ok"" and ""cancel"", it refreshed itself periodically too as I was showing it to my coworkers until I pressed cancel, could've easily went either way if the phone was in my pocket at the time at the cost of my credit. Should I just never bother recharging it again, such a shame considering I was pondering switching over from ooredoo to escape the intense sms spam and the obtuse sunday 9am biweekly samma3ni call. Edit: turns out they were using the sim toolkit app to create these popups, the app can be disabled safely however it requires some fiddling around with adb. If you're stuck with Orange as a provider here's a guide on how to do that []( you can have multiple of these apps if you have multiple sims . make sure to disable the app instead of yanking it, they might pull something in the future.",,,,,,2022-05-18 13:35:55 usdlyw,,1,Tunisians who have keratoconus.,Maybe we can help each other with creating a sub or a facebook group?,,,,,,2022-05-18 14:00:09 use82v,,2,I am traveling around Europe with my drone but Tunisia is my last location. What should I do?,"I am filming a YouTube Travel Docu-Series with two other people and unfortunately, on our part we did not do our research on the drone laws in Tunisia. We are now realizing that it's not allowed to bring any drones but since I'm already traveling with it I'm not sure what I should do. If they confiscate it will I be able to retrieve it when I fly out of Tunis? I will be in Albania before going to Tunis and was thinking about shipping it from there but it doesn't look like there are many good options to ship my drone from Albania to the US. Does anyone have any experience with drones and entering Tunisia? Will I have to accept that I'll have to say bye to my drone :\\",,,,,,2022-05-18 14:29:09 use8vi,,6,How can i leave tunisia,For an 18 yo who just passed “BAC” how can i leave and study on another country like westren Europe or Northern Europe,,,,,,2022-05-18 14:30:08 usfq9b,,6,"Where is the best place to learn UX/UI in Tunisia, please?",,,,,,,2022-05-18 15:38:28 usfyh3,,1,we really need to do something about this shit !,,,,,,,2022-05-18 15:48:54 usgcge,,5,"people who works remotly abroad and get paid through tunisian banks, how much does tunisia take as taxes from your salary",,,,,,,2022-05-18 16:06:29 ushfiv,,2,On the subject of the zionist state,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-18 16:56:24 ushzrh,,4,22 year old guy looking for people to go with to this event dm me if you're interested,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-18 17:22:10 usilla,,1,"anyone knows where can i buy this derma roller, wether local stores or online?",,,,,,,2022-05-18 17:50:45 usiqg3,,1,Kifech el njeh fel fac (ISI),"Hey, so nhebech ntawel barcha nakra tawa fi ISI ariana w j'ai postulé lbara simultanément w tekbelt fi awel semestre el theni. B3atht krayet el fac khater fibeli c bon maadech bich yosslohli aam sné yekhi récemment fe9t elli lezemni nanjah bich yaatiwni el visa w noteti mahomch tayara barcha entaa semestre hedha w khayef lanfaguess. So jit nessel fikom jawi behi ou non w kifech tvalidi el aam fel fac est ce que moyenne entaa les deux semestre tehsseb wela fama semestre \*2 wela kifeh (à savoir elli jebt 12.70 ou un peu plus fel sem 1) Merci d'avance lel laabed elli bich tjeweb.",,,,,,2022-05-18 17:57:08 usjpb0,,1,How often should I post in reddit ? And solution for this please,,,,,,,2022-05-18 18:41:34 uskxsd,,1,adhd/tdah,Ahla brabi fama psy fi soukra taati ritalin ml séance loula wala thenya? Ma najm nmchi ken mara wala martin déjà mchit lpsy ketbtli war9a feha eli andi el symptoms ama i had to change her,,,,,,2022-05-18 19:39:02 usl5r8,,1,chkoun yoskon fi wileyet tounes yaaref lme wakteh yarjaa??,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-18 19:49:40 usl6um,,1,anyone y3ich fi tounes w yaaref lme waktech yarjaa?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-18 19:51:08 uslc7k,,2,دليلك الشامل في مجال التسويق الالكتروني لزيادة عدد المبيعات,,,,,,,2022-05-18 19:58:19 uslln9,,5,Using airbnb as unmarried couple?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-18 20:10:19 uslt2v,,1,Getting a ''Local'' for a night through Airbnb or Tayara,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-18 20:19:59 uslz5k,,4,"Getting a ''local"" through Airbnb or Tayara","So my gf and I decided to celebrate our first year anniversary by doing it , We're both over 18 but sadly we both live with our parents and hotels as you know are off the table ( We can't go with another couple and switch . This option is not available to us . ( We live in Grand Tunis ) . We're thinking of getting a house for night in la Marsa or somewhere near but I don't know what the best option is : Is it or airbnb ? I don't have an international credit card for airbnb I was thinking of just telling the host there that I'll pay him in cash Also how do I know if the landlord is okay with me having someone else ? do I just tell him I'm bringing my girlfriend with me or be more subtle and tell him that I might have a guest ? If anyone has done this please tell me how you went through the process",,,,,,2022-05-18 20:27:53 usn1wj,ليوم_في_السفارة/,0,ليوم في السفارة,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-18 21:17:15 usncex,,1,k njib ecran mel barra n5als diwena?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-18 21:31:01 usnw0b,,64,Tunisian taxi driver sexually harassing a female french tourist,,,,,,,2022-05-18 21:56:52 usnyc3,,1,El 7al taw,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-18 21:59:56 usnzlu,,55,El 7al fi tounes,,,,,,,2022-05-18 22:01:20 usovx1,,18,Guys is it alright to get graduated from high school at the age of 23? (due to bad life decisions) and how are you supposed yo find a partner that is that is higher then you academically and how to deal with society looking down on you.,,,,,,,2022-05-18 22:44:37 usq5uk,,1,Do Chatrooms not work here?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-18 23:48:42 usqhyk,,2,anyone professional on reddit herr ?,"Im new on reddit and I got this notification '' communities with 10 posts in their first week take off faster. Add a few posts today and hi...'' What does it mean? And solutions please?",,,,,,2022-05-19 00:05:59 usr1mz,,2,need tunisian podcast suggestions,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-19 00:35:02 usz1at,,8,Tunisie Telecom (Question),"Hey everyone. Probably many of you have encountered the infamous ""bLaStEk sAtiRé nAjMoUcH nAaMlOu liGne"" Welp, I live in a place where I don't have access to alternatives ( fixe jdid, orange etc ) and my only solution for now is 4G. So my question is: has anyone figured out a way around this? Much appreciated!",,,,,,2022-05-19 08:48:31 ut0370,,1,كي تكتب ستاتي وتعمل ابفوت لروحك,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 10:07:37 ut0dk2,,15,do u feel that the system and society as a whole has failed you ???,,,,,,,2022-05-19 10:28:33 ut0mzn,,4,"Is anyone here has a pro (or semi-pro) writing experience in sites like Medium, Hubpages or even LinkedIn?","I am looking for someone who published a few interesting articles in one of the mentioned sites. It would be awesome if he shared his experience here and gave us some useful tips about writing. I wouldn't mind either if there are some intermediate writers or rookies. I have also a writing experience, but it is slightly above average. I posted an article about procrastination and another about programming.",,,,,,2022-05-19 10:47:14 ut0sxo,,1,Where in Tunisia can I spend a month?,"I’m visiting Tunisia soon and I’m staying for a month. I wanted to know where there’s decent activity, things to do, maybe a little night life and gyms close by. Any cities, neighbourhoods that are highly recommended?",,,,,,2022-05-19 10:58:19 ut25j2,,2,Are apps like sweatcoin and weRyou ( a tunisian app) any good?,Who used any of them and actually got paid?,,,,,,2022-05-19 12:18:48 ut28uw,,0,Are you a man or a woman?,"Let's see the ration [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-19 12:24:01 ut2tfb,,1,Anyone growing cannabis in tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 12:55:48 ut3fns,,10,Best tunisian album/mixtape of all time in tunisian rap ?,,,,,,,2022-05-19 13:28:02 ut3s37,,4,"Maltese, AMA Round 3",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-19 13:45:51 ut5345,,1,Is Tunisia going to experience an economic crisis like Sri Lanka? Inflation is getting very bad.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 14:48:31 ut55sp,,2,Anyone knows some Social clubs in Sousse?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 14:51:57 ut5eqj,,3,Need information please,"I decided to take a trip to Europe this summer but I never traveled before. I wanna know what paperwork I need (passport, Visa etc.....) How long will it take the paperwork to be done and any other things I should be aware of. Note: I have an uncle in France who will take care of me .",,,,,,2022-05-19 15:03:26 ut5f3u,,1,n7eb nbadel date visite technique lel karhba but the website keeps bugging,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 15:03:57 ut5kj3,,1,"ladies of r/Tunisia, are you a good cook? And if not, why not?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 15:10:56 ut5l3y,,0,"ladies of r/Tunisia, are you a good cook?...if not, why not?",,,,,,,2022-05-19 15:11:44 ut5osz,,3,USA VISA,"After getting an invitation from a US resident, what are the steps i should follow in order get my B-2 visa?",,,,,,2022-05-19 15:16:36 ut5wyz,,4,Facts/Things about Tunisia/Tunisians that would be SURPRISING for foreigners ?,"My university is organizing an event about different international students countries. In our stand, we will be giving Tunisian food and broadcasting Tunisian music. We also thought about having a quiz of surprising facts about Tunisia. Questions with unusual but true answers that will stick in mind. Any ideas for the quiz ?",,,,,,2022-05-19 15:27:23 ut6kff,,8,Do you guys think people are more delusional on fb? And why is that?,,,,,,,2022-05-19 15:58:17 ut6su4,,1,is the dried mint they sell in stores spearmint or peppermint ?,"Basically the title, also which type do people normally grow in tunisia?",,,,,,2022-05-19 16:09:11 ut778d,,6,remote worker with an offshore companies,"Hello everyone I want to ask the people that do work remotely for a foreign companies how you guys doing in order to get your salary and is there any complications that I should be aware of like legal problems Because I know for fact some people when they received some amount of money from the out side of the country they blocked their money and even got investigation by the police Thank you for your help in advance",,,,,,2022-05-19 16:27:32 ut7b4h,,1,Child abuse?,,,,,,,2022-05-19 16:32:25 ut82s0,,4,"Hello, any dating advices was single since a while and shit getting real day by day haha",,,,,,,2022-05-19 17:07:22 ut84pw,,1,Recounts of infamous traveler Ibn Battuta visit to Tunis in 14th century. (7agrouh meskin),[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 17:09:58 ut8vcb,,1,Help Us Build The Archive Of: TUNISIA,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-19 17:44:30 uta0bg,,2,Prepa,"Prepa students , what are your expectations for this year competitive examination ? And what chapters you think will be highly recommended to revise ?",,,,,,2022-05-19 18:37:13 utadf9,,4,"Mini identity/life crisis, in need of suggestions , ideas, opinions..",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 18:53:35 utapxj,,2,please translate a Tunisian phrase for my bf,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 19:09:07 utaufd,,8,desperate to find a home for 2 dogs,"So last year I had 2 dogs that I had to keep in a shelter Due to the fact that I couldn't find them adoption, they're extremely cute , beautiful and playful, they're vaccinated, have electronic chips and castrated, well taken care of and if adopted you won't have to do much. Now the reason,I came to reddit is because right now it's their last resort considering I'm currently being threatened that they'll get kicked out and I honestly have nowhere to keep them, already have 2 dogs and will probably get kicked out of my house if I add more. Help reddit! I'm legit desperate! Please dm for their pictures if interested. One is a arbi dog and the other is a golden retriever mix.",,,,,,2022-05-19 19:14:53 utb1h1,,1,i need help with what to wear for an upcoming wedding,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 19:24:16 utbbtj,,16,What's the smoothest way to approacha girl in my gym and ask her out ( in tunisia ofc ),"so there is this girl that goes to the same gym as me, i always see her since we go at the same time, i just can't keep thinking abouth her bruh, literally she's on my mind every day even though we talked a little bit ,our conversations always goes like hey how are you and that's it whenever we get eye contact, i just know her name , she sometimes ask me for help, what is your smoothest and best way to ask her out bruhhhh",,,,,,2022-05-19 19:37:39 utbh5k,,1,Tunisia is bankrupt and and needs urgent IMF bailout,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-19 19:44:42 utdj31,,1,"Hey Tunisian , what means "" Khtrk abbd k zeby? "" in English Language? can you translate ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-19 21:28:03 utdk7v,,1,Hey Tunisian,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-19 21:29:32 utdqh6,,1,what means Khtrk abbd k zeby? in English Language?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-19 21:37:40 utdqql,,1,what means Khtrk abbd k zebyy? in English Language?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-19 21:38:00 uteupk,,1,Pain in my heart,,,,,,,2022-05-19 22:30:32 utf8dw,,1,"In an attempt to reinforce the relationship between Italy and Tunisia, the modern governments of Rome and Carthage signed a ""peace treaty"" in 1985, lightheartedly ending the Third Punic War 2,131 years later!",,,,,,,2022-05-19 22:49:07 utfiok,,2,politics is what keeps this world vibrating,Are you going to participate in the coming referendum? 25th of july,,,,,,2022-05-19 23:03:06 utfuxd,,9,Discord for the sub?,Did anyone ever thought of making a discord channel where we can chill and get to know each other and share experiences/ideas/play or whatever? With remote work some of us could use the company..Not shy of saying I get super lonely sometimes.,,,,,,2022-05-19 23:20:24 utg3eb,,11,Resume (CV) and cover letter time,"Hello all. As it's mainly time for students to find summer jobs/internships (actually a bit late for that tbh..) or masters programs and for workers to start preparing for the new position they want in the upcoming year, a big question comes up: how to properly write a resume and a cover letter? I know that usually people think they know how to do it, and maybe you do even better than me, but I'll be frank and honest: being surrounded by people who own companies/hotel directors etc. I heard too many ""what the fuck is this shit""s while reviewing resumes to know that it's not the case for a good part of the population. So, I guess this is mainly aimed towards highschoolers/university students looking for internships and starting positions (or programs within other universities). For higher positions, it's slightly different. # Resume/CV The CV (curriculum vitae) is THE thing you always need to have ready and updated. * Unless you have +25 years of experience and a PhD (or stuff like that), it should never be longer than one page. * Keep it sober. Unless you're a design/marketing student or something along those lines, don't use 10 colours and fonts. [This]( type of presentation is perfectly acceptable for example. If you want to add some more colours, []( has a couple of interesting templates. So do Word and Google Docs. * A picture of the candidate is not obligatory, but often appreciated (especially by boomer employers). Don't put up a selfie. You don't need to specifically be wearing a tux either, you just have to look professional (I've seen resumes with Retrica profile pictures and/or pictures that date back to people's early 2000's emo tumblr phase. Don't do that.). If you choose to put up a picture, a recent one is more than appreciated. Basically, just ask someone to take a picture of you in front of a white wall, or a nice, clean scenery, with you wearing business/business casual clothes and a welcoming smile. * Don't put up your full address. You can say in which city/country you live, your mail and eventually your phone number in a small ""contact"" frame. Sometimes the phone number is to be avoided (especially for women) to avoid harassment, but on the other hand it helps if the employer wants a phone interview. * Start with the most recent activity. EX: you finished your studies in 2007, and have been working ever since. The first frame is going to be about your **work experience**, from the most recent the oldest (ex: Community Manager-Oreedoo-Tunis- from 2015 to 2022, then underneath it Freelance Photographer-Tunis- from 2008 to 2015 etc.). * The second frame is going to be about your **studies**: where did you study-what diploma-what year. Some people like to add if they had hounours (""mention bien/très bien"") but it only really matters if you came from a really good school or if it was an important diploma (implying a thesis or something along those lines). * Third frame is going to be about your **associative work/internships** (highschool students, you can shine in here, you can bring up all the Rotaract, Youth Club, TIMUN experience etc.). First job seekers, you'd rather put up your internships, even if associative work is appreciated too as it shows you have a life and an actual personality that seeks activity. * Then, usually on the side, **language mastery**: what languages do you speak/read/write. If you have a certification (IELTS, Goethe Zertifikat, DALF...), put the result. There is usually a european (now worldwide) recognised way of marking that goes from A1 (lowest level) to C2 (highest level). Otherwise, you can rely on Linkedin's way of describing things (from ""basic understanding of the language"" to ""mother tongue"" passing by ""professional proficiency""). You can also do a similar frame if you code, and bring up the programming languages you master. !! I would say to avoid the technique used by some people where you use stars or dots as a way of expressing your proficiency. seeing ""English: \*\*\*\*\*/ French: \*\*\*"" doesn't really mean a lot. !!! Underneath each experience, explain in a line or two what exactly it is that you did during your time there. Example: ""wrote contracts in French and Arabic/Walked clients through the creation of their companies/ Collected and analysed data for the firm"" or ""I had the role of communicating to the public the association's activity, explaining our charity related work, designing leaflets and helping my coworkers' intentions better go through"" As important as a resume is, usually employers receive hundreds of them and they barely have time to take a look. So keep it simple, clean, make sure there is no grammar mistakes, no need to overcomplicate things. # The cover letter Cover letters are an invention from the devil itself. More often than not, you'll find yourself feeling like you're begging for the job/program/internship and it's frustrating, because well, what reason do you have other than ""money"" or ""I need to finish my degree lol"" right? Welp, it doesn't mean it's okay to bullshit your way through, no one believes letters where the candidate is claiming they ""adore tax law and would love to spend a summer learning how to better use Excel"". So there are a couple of rules here too, but it's more ""free"". **Note:** if you're applying in anglosaxon countries, they often ask for 2 types of letters, in one of them you literally are allowed to tell about your whole life and explain the whys and hows you even thought of applying there. But let's stay in Tunisia for now. * 2 pages max. Times New Roman. Font 11/12 (10.5 if you really have a lot to say). All in black. * Written like a letter. Your name/surname, your identity (ex: 3rd year student at Lycée pilote bourguiba) your mail on the upper-left. The identity of the employer right underneath, on the right (""à l'aimable attention de monsieur/madame \*name\*), their position. Then back to normal way of writing. You put the object of the letter: ""candidature à...."". * There are different types of schemes you can follow. There is the regular Me/You/Us: you explain who you are first (your background education and interests etc.), then briefly say what exactly interests you in that company/program and then say what the both of you together could look like (ex: if you already know what memoir you'd like to write, if there is a dream job you think you could discover through that internship etc.). You can expand more or less on each part, (if you want to talk more about yourself because you really think that your background is what's going to make the difference for example). It's basically a seducing game. * Keep it SIMPLE. The most terrible cover letter I've seen was from a dude that used words he definitely didn't understand with never-ending sentences that didn't make sense. He seemed genuine but for the position he seeked, that definitely wasn't okay. SO, a normal ""I'm a student at such school. I am adressing this application for an internship between the weeks of the 3rd of may 2022 and the 23rd of june 2022. (always specifiy your available dates). My \*background education\* armed me with \*such and such qualities and knowledge\*. I deeply believe that I am a fit candidate as my capacity of \*working hard/regularly/continuously/learning fast...\* would be most profitable"" etc. * Never forget formal salutations. Example: ""Dans l’attente d’une réponse que j’espère positive de votre part, je vous prie d’agréer, monsieur/madame, l’expression de ma considération distinguée"" # DOs: * Send the documents in PDF format * Write a proper e-mail alongside (not just an empty mail with the documents in it) * Get a third party to check the spelling for you * Be confident and go for it :) * Look up the company and its history to see what are they looking for. Don't retell them their own history, but use the key words in their website and on their job application form to make your application pop out. Some big firms don't even read applications anymore as they receive thousands of them (usually banks, big tech companies and all) but use AIs to filtrate the first couple dozen ""okay"" applications. There are websites used to see if your application can pass this filter, I'll see if I can find them. ",,,,,,2022-05-19 23:32:49 uth49u,,1,"Why there is a huge difference in talking ? Trying to speak to Tunisian girls on tinder , I felt that I am boring person even I put effort , speak with girls from abroad , the conversation turn into another level. Am I doing something wrong ?",,,,,,,2022-05-20 00:28:14 uth74h,,1,E,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 00:32:40 uth9jy,,1,Am doing something wrong? Speak with Tunisian girls on tinder I felt I am boring person . Speak with abroad girl turn into another level .,,,,,,,2022-05-20 00:36:24 utk3ld,,3,Medical problem,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 03:14:59 utkv3f,,7,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-05-20 04:00:12 utmho9,,2,where can I buy professional chess equipment in Tunis ?,,,,,,,2022-05-20 05:46:42 uto4f5,,1,"Why its like that ? First girl from Netherlands , scd tow TN girls from tinder . Am I doing something 😑",,,,,,,2022-05-20 07:47:53 uto7pm,,1,Where are the moderators? Are we gonna let people be as violent and misogynistic in this sub as they are in real life?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 07:55:15 utovp6,,1,Are we gonna let people be as violent and misogynistic in this sub as they are in real life? Where are the mods?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 08:48:40 utsfcy,,1,a friendly reminder for 2021,,,,,,,2022-05-20 11:19:30 utsg7w,,2,places to buy steam giftcards?,i have been wanting to buy a steam gift card to buy a game and play with my friends but idk any shop that sells them in tunisia,,,,,,2022-05-20 11:20:26 uttm7t,,9,Tunisian redditors discord,For those who ar interested I created this discord for this community [Tunisian redditors discord](,,,,,,2022-05-20 12:04:59 utu5tq,,1,sorry for you gay people,,,,,,,2022-05-20 12:25:21 utv9hb,,7,Casual topics,"what about small businesses to make easy money , any ideas ? wassup dear twensa lol",,,,,,2022-05-20 13:05:30 utvcr1,,1,Recounts of infamous traveler Ibn Battuta visit to Tunis in 14th century. (7agrouh meskin),[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 13:08:50 utvwdc,,7,pick your dream car and explain why ...,,,,,,,2022-05-20 13:28:18 utyqup,,1,7al lltakriz,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-20 15:04:46 utyvp3,,1,Tax Declaration Card- What's that?,"Hey y'all! Got a remote position with a company from the US. For the payroll, they're using an app called ""LetsDeel"". In order to validate the account, the platform is asking about a ""Tax Declaration Card"". Does anyone happen to know what's that? Is it like the Tunisian version of a W2 form? (I'm supposed to be filing my taxes on my own) &#x200B; Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-20 15:09:15 utz7wt,,1,Epic Games,Epic games is selling red dead redemption 2 for a cheap price and i want to buy it but i have nothing in my wallet. I want to ask if there's a way to recharge my account (a trustworthy and cheap way like a store in tunis) without the need to have to create any type of account.,,,,,,2022-05-20 15:20:54 utzr36,,2,how much does a mechanical designer get paid?,"I'm in my last year of university, I plan on working as a mechanical designer so how much can I get paid in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-05-20 15:38:53 uu0m8l,,1,should I change my old router for a new one?,"Hey fellas so, like every person living in Tunisia, I suffer from a shitty internet connection. Yesterday, topnet sent me a text advising me to replace my old router (sagem fast 1704) for free. However, I remember a tech guy once telling me not to replace it as this model is better and I definitely don't trust the fuckers at topnet, but maybe I should ? Idk what do you think guys?",,,,,,2022-05-20 16:08:14 uu2gru,,1,How to get a job?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 17:09:35 uu2gwd,علاش_معادش_ثم_بنات_عايلات_في_تونس/,0,علاش معادش ثم بنات عايلات في تونس,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-20 17:09:41 uu2vgh,,1,Can i stay abroad until a week before my visa expires?,"I'm Tunisian, currently in Paris for work, my visa expires in july, is it okay if i stay till 1 week before it expires?",,,,,,2022-05-20 17:23:11 uu3b5b,,1,كيفية ربط متصفح جوجل كروم وبرنامج داونلود مانجر 2022,,,,,,,2022-05-20 17:37:48 uu3edx,,4,How to get a job?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 17:40:46 uu48eo,,1,i have a friend from other country i want to ask can he like bring me a quad with his name,i have a friend from other country i want to ask can he like bring me a quad with his name and make me a keteb for it or does anybody know who much i need to pay for it in diwana,,,,,,2022-05-20 18:17:28 uu5p4s,اكالجماعة_كي_يسمعو_طفل_صغير_كلا_طريحة/,38,اكالجماعة كي يسمعو طفل صغير كلا طريحة,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-05-20 19:27:50 uu6v53,,9,Any PhD student here ?,"If you are currently a PhD student or you have finished your thesis tell us about your experience, is it worth the struggle, have you done it in Tunisia or elsewhere, how long it took you to finish it, any advice or shared experience will be helpful ps : I know that every research field is different I just want to know people’s opinion",,,,,,2022-05-20 20:24:30 uu73i8,خلي_نكتة_و_تعدى/,8,خلي نكتة و تعدى!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 20:35:44 uu7ngr,,5,What makes a recently graduated student in IT employable ?,"Do higher technicians even stand a chance anymore in this field? Is a degree even enough? What are the qualifications that IT companies commonly look for in a job applicant? Are technical interviews a thing in Tunisia? Please IT people of r/Tunisia, enlighten me. EDIT: Thank you everyone who answered.",,,,,,2022-05-20 21:02:14 uu7s7n,,1,what is your purpose? or maybe you're a puposeless person..why?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-20 21:08:24 uu81zt,,16,what is it called when you want to be alone but not lonely !!?,,,,,,,2022-05-20 21:21:26 uu9azy,,2,how to find a partner how to no be wierd and nerdy,How to find a partner and how to not be wierd and nerdy,,,,,,2022-05-20 22:22:47 uu9znm,,6,On the topic of abortions: Are you with or against?,"(I'm not talking about scenarios where it's like r*pe or situations like that, those are out of the question) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-20 22:58:10 uua60r,,0,"guys wtf is this, can this be true ?",[+18](,,,,,,2022-05-20 23:06:55 uuajya,,1,"If you’re depressed, listen to this",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-20 23:27:29 uuakxr,,1,"If you’re depressed, listen to this.",,,,,,,2022-05-20 23:29:00 uudeiu,,1,Best air condioner brand available in tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-21 02:12:32 uudf7y,,1,Best air conditioner brand available in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-05-21 02:13:43 uudlfv,,1,Hey guys! i'm conducting my thesis about bilingualism so it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me by answering this questionnaire.,,,,,,,2022-05-21 02:24:07 uuhcf5,,1,Any iOS Engineers / Devs here ?,Looking for career advice,,,,,,2022-05-21 06:30:00 uuiumu,,1,أدلة وجود الله في فلسفة ابن رشد,,,,,,,2022-05-21 08:25:29 uuj6e3,,2,looking for the most beautiful private (hijab friendly) holiday houses AND cafes across tunisia,"Hello I just saw a tiktok about a house in Hammamet called dar el bhar. It looks expensive🤣, but ive never seen such a beautiful house like that in tunisia ! Maybe you know a few beautiful vacation stays... I prefer something with a nice view and this traditional/clean Mix just like the dar el bhar. But i also like those cave hotels in chenini. Modern is also fine. An extra point would be something like a Pool indoors, so women with hijab can perfectly enjoy swimming or relaxing as well. Some Private places have a Patio with Pool, thats okay as well. Ive also seen tik toks of tourists in tunisia going to Restaurants and Cafés with a beautiful city/ sea view and very beautiful Architecture and artsy Mosaic everywhere. But no one actually wants to tell where they were! Maybe you can also Name me some of the most beautiful Cafés or Restaurants 🤣 Ive been to djerba to visit my family , but someday i want to Explore tunisia from North to south haha So i dont care where those houses and Cafés are Best regards 🌹🥺",,,,,,2022-05-21 08:53:10 uujg2v,,1,Private Unis,is it true that private university degree's is worthless in getting a job in tunis/abroad ??,,,,,,2022-05-21 09:14:27 uujkzq,,39,PSA: Check if there are unrecognized SIM cards registered under your CIN IMMEDIATLY.,"Using a SIM card registered under your name use the USSD code **\*186#** to list all the SIM cards registered with **your CIN** on ***THAT NETWORK***. If you have multiple SIMs on different Networks do it on each on of them. Check for your parents and family too. You are legally liable to anything done using any SIM card registered under your CIN even if you don't recognize it or claim it was lost. Many sad stories of innocent people being involved into criminal and even national security related investigations because of ""ghost"" SIMs linked to them. Losing a copy of your CIN is not something negligible or simple. SIM street salesmen are paid commission per SIM sold. Many of them, as you can guess from the way they harass you on the sidewalk, don't respect the rules and don't stick to the procedure. Some will turn a blind eye as long as they get the commission. You don't want to find out that your ID has been stolen the hard way like this guy that lost his passport, visa, and job offer abroad and now under ""National Security"" investigations because his ""lost"" SIM card from ""ايامات المبيت"" was used by some criminals. PS: if you unfortunately found some rogue SIMs under your name do not burn them on the spot. Go to the network provider boutique and ask the agent for when was the last activity of the SIM and if it coincides with your last use then it's ok, just burn it. But if it is currently being used you may consider reporting it the police if it is being heavily used. Ask the agent for the frequency of the balance recharge since they ""can't"" officially give you the call history without a formal request. Heavily used stolen SIM usually means the user is selling illegal products. PS2: Do NOT register any phone on for other people. Only register the phones you bought for you or your family. Some scammers will claim forgetting about the []( registration and post in expat groups asking ""who landed in Tunisia recently and can register my phone pleeeeeeeeeease"". Once an **IMEI** is registered under your passport you are liable if the phones where stolen from abroad or if after that been used by criminals (you will be the last known suspect) . To check if a phone is ""legal"" in Tunisia use **\*999#**",,,,,,2022-05-21 09:25:30 uuju8k,,0,Tunisian women are so materialist,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-21 09:46:39 uujweu,ômage_en_tunisie/,1,chômage en tunisie,"TUNIS, 16 mai (Xinhua) -- Au premier trimestre 2022, le taux de chômage s'est stabilisé en Tunisie pour se situer à 16,1% après une baisse de 2,2% au dernier trimestre de l'année écoulée, a révélé lundi l'Institut national de la statistique (INS). Le taux de chômage en Tunisie a atteint 14,1% chez les hommes et 20,9% chez les femmes. Du côté des jeunes de 15 à 24 ans, le taux de chômage est de l'ordre de 38,5%, contre 40% à la fin de 2021. Vos avis ?",,,,,,2022-05-21 09:51:34 uujy6t,,1,Any it students,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-21 09:55:41 uujzs6,,2,Any IT students,"I'm looking for a partner in learning. Basically i want to learn some new technologies like (DevOps, Machine learning and Django web framework)",,,,,,2022-05-21 09:59:05 uuki67,,2,Kifech nhasen noteti f science,Salem nakra 3eme sc o nefhem l cours bl behi o ne5dem exercicet o manod5el naadi ken fahem ema kol devoir noteti tzid eti7 mafhemtech alech any tips ?,,,,,,2022-05-21 10:39:23 uukyto,,1,Quant trader/analyst - financial markets.,"Are there any quant working in the finance industry? I'm a student in mathematics in Paris. I've finished my bachelor's degree this year and would like to ask some questions. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-21 11:13:35 uulibi,,1,isn't it supposed to be italy or france ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-21 11:51:24 uuliha,,2,Question,"hello dear tunisians , i want to ask about some FCR procedures , i was living abroad since 14 aout 2020 , this period im in tunisia , how can i get my FCR here in tunisia ? thanks , i have more than 19 months abroad , and thankssss , peaceeeeeee",,,,,,2022-05-21 11:51:44 uuljk8,,1,how can i get Finasteride/minoxidile ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-21 11:53:47 uulwcr,,8,need tunisian podcast suggestions," Do u know of any interesting tunisian podcasts or youtube channels where people just talk about interesting life stuff and i get to listen to them for a decent period of time (for like maybe 30 mins or smth not the short youtube video or reels or whatever you kids r calling them) ? \#deep",,,,,,2022-05-21 12:15:43 uum6af,,0,Chkounou minkom illi ya3mel downvote 3la ayye post yrah?,"fin ma nra ayye post fi il subreddit hetha famma dima comments akethir min upvotes w famma sa3at 7ajet 3andeha kamcha comments w 0 upvotes, hajet mahech controversial a8labeha as2la w noukat, chkoun itta77an Olli ydownvoti fi illi je?",,,,,,2022-05-21 12:32:51 uumaoh,سؤال_عن_عملية_تجميل_في_تونس/,2,سؤال عن عملية تجميل في تونس,"عسلامة يا جماعة انا اريد ان اعرف ما هو الثمن العادي لعملية تكبير الصدر. انا من اول ايامي ما كان عندي شيء واريد ان اعمل هذه العملية لكنني لا اعرف ما هو ثمن معقول. فاذا اي شيء يمكن يقول لي او يعطيني فكرة عنها اشكرك جزيل الشكر.",,,,,,2022-05-21 12:40:28 uumiko,,2,how to find freelance jobs in Upwork,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-21 12:54:01 uumlus,,1,why do we get the worst version of politics from abroad,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-21 12:59:36 uumzns,,7,"Heya people, is the Flouci app worth it?",,,,,,,2022-05-21 13:20:02 uun1rv,,6,Psychotherapists in Tunisia,"hey guys , i just wanna ask if yall know any good Psychotherapists fi touness , preferably young adults who can speak english/derja obv .",,,,,,2022-05-21 13:23:07 uuown7,,3,How to get an internship as a high school student ?,"Hello! I am a high school student and I would really like to get an internship at a company for the summer. I am interested in anything related to technology and Computer Science. I already have enough skills that I am sure would make me a great fit and have already won international awards and certificates. I am also open to any position related to Business or Media. So my skills aren't a problem, I just want to know if it's possible to get a internship ? And if yes, could you please help me ? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-21 15:01:28 uuptjs,,7,"Hi everyone, anyone has an idea where I can get a nice set of chopsticks? or cute plates and kitchenware?","Edit: I found a website called little Asia, just ordered red laquered chopsticks and we'll see how this goes. Hope they turn out nice, if so I'm getting the inox ones too 😊[Little Asia](",,,,,,2022-05-21 15:47:33 uuqje4,,0,football ⚽⚽⚽,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-21 16:24:15 uuqkmm,,2,chabeb ll aasma i need ur help guys,Hi everyone . braby chkoun yskon f tunis ll aasma y9oli est ce que nel9a des taxis bl compteur kodem azur city genre ll 11am hkk ou non . otherwise ama khyr nahbat f station beb Alioua ou bien Moncef bey pour des taxis compteur . plz fill me in and thank u in advance,,,,,,2022-05-21 16:26:03 uuqtod,,5,Is succeding with mention in bac math hard?,"pilote student ,a bit skeptical, never below 16 in maths or physics , going for section math",,,,,,2022-05-21 16:38:44 uuqxec,,2,Information about e-residency estonia,"I wanna to be an e-resident in estonia 🇪🇪. But i have just a bit of informations. I'm asking for help. - How can i apply for it in Tunisia? - costs",,,,,,2022-05-21 16:44:07 uurj1w,,7,Which football team you support ?,"Please, don't have a world war in the comments.( Since I had only had 5 slots, I""m got put other teams in the comment, that you can upvote) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-21 17:14:02 uut4sr,,8,Tunisian Nationality By Descent?,I just found out I have an ancestor who was Tunisian but left the country before independence. Am I eligible for citizenship?,,,,,,2022-05-21 18:35:25 uut9id,,6,Volleyball clubs in Monastir,"So i want to join a volleyball club in Monastir for guys around 14-15 year old I've heard of the CVM but I'm not sure if it's still active. Pls if you have any information tell me.",,,,,,2022-05-21 18:42:08 uute65,,5,long hair looks good on men,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-21 18:48:49 uuuvuk,,1,what car brand is? seen in Nabeul this week,,,,,,,2022-05-21 20:06:05 uuvyki,,5,Where can i get information about the political situation in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-21 21:02:22 uuwnh9,مرض_جديد_ينتشر_فقط_بين_مزدوجي_الميول_الجنسي/,0,مرض جديد ينتشر فقط بين مزدوجي الميول الجنسي والمثليين,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-21 21:39:29 uuzd65,,1,Tunisian Citizen,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 00:09:16 uv261r,,1,"""Know Your Thobe"" ( I also made a new one)",,,,,,,2022-05-22 03:00:09 uv68tj,,1,Is there a source online to find birth certificate records for Tunisian citizens?,"Been putting my genealogy hat on lately to try to uncover more info on my grandparents & great grandparents whom on both my moms and dads side, we’re born in Tunis, Tunisia. I have such a small family (from what we know) and it’s been such a pain to find any information anywhere. Any help / insights would be much appreciated.",,,,,,2022-05-22 07:52:28 uv6f1g,,2,what shall i do ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 08:05:28 uv6t1f,,7,I'm gonna try to say this in the nicest way possible,Why the hell are beach goers that take El metro in summer the rudest most disrespectful mfs ever.,,,,,,2022-05-22 08:36:40 uv6xww,,6,A cheap place to buy books in Tunisia (Definitely not AlKitab),Enlighten me!,,,,,,2022-05-22 08:47:52 uv6ye8,,51,bjah rabbi fasrouli hal la3bed el mnayka elli ettayesh shkoufet birra fil kayess,"ech aandhom fi mokhhom? chenya hal cha3b? nokhroj bel bicyclette tawa martin teteflakli 3ejla aalech bjah rabbi chneya el jaw mte3ha hedhi? same thing on the beach, ya khouya enti k3adt w bla3t sahha lik, le minimum thot chkoufet el birra ba7dha b3adhoom taht el hit houma famma elli mkassrinou aal rmal iji fi sek chkoun mché feha w mfarkin aala kilometer tkoul yejriw w yebl3ou",,,,,,2022-05-22 08:48:59 uv70wt,,2,how to sell sweatcoins in tunisia or transform them into money ?,,,,,,,2022-05-22 08:54:43 uv74q0,,1,most requested IT fields,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 09:02:57 uv75ug,الأحياء_الشعبية/,3,"The harsh reality of ""الأحياء الشعبية""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 09:05:15 uv7avh,,1,Philadelphia cheese equivalent,"I thought Philadelphia cheese is available in Tunisia in supermarkets. but was told it is not. what are the equivalent spread cheese to buy there. i need recommendations for the least salted ones plz.",,,,,,2022-05-22 09:16:18 uv7jea,,7,where can I find boba/bubble tea in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-05-22 09:35:03 uv8b3j,,2,Getting sued for resignation,"Hi guys, so i resigned from my current job searching for better opportunitys wish luckily i found ,in my contract with the company i resigned from i had a 2 month full time prior notice working months mentioned ther but in order to have this new job i had to only finish one month, i have read the working law in tunisia and according to it the maximum prior notice period is a full time working 15 day or a month working half time, i have also had alot of pressure from my awful boss and this job made me so depressed that i had to resign, anyways my boss threatening to sueing me even tho i tried to convince him to let me go in just a month ,they are also threatening to sue the company im working for now, i have also seen a psychiatrist and got a certificate , my question is what can they do and what can i do to protect myself Ps: the prior notice month I worked was a full time working month and not a hald time one wish is double what the tunisian workers law mentioned I will appreciate any advice",,,,,,2022-05-22 10:33:54 uv8bsr,,1,How did this turn out to be in Morocco is beyond my thinking capabilities.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 10:35:18 uv9blg,,2,Who knows any cool places to visit in Monastir? Fun activities as well? Thanks,,,,,,,2022-05-22 11:46:24 uv9kw4,ège_lasalle_help_you_immigrate_to_canada/,1,Will Collège LaSalle help you immigrate to Canada?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 12:03:22 uvakvh,,5,brby lness li ta47ek 3ala ons jabeur kifech 5arjet mn Roland Garros rabby ya3lm biha chta3bt o ech 4a7at bch toussel li 3liha lyoum o ysir 3ala ay tennis player n7b n3ref ch3andkom fi m5a5kom ( rani n7ki 3ala fi2a ) Ouslou lel niveau ta3ha o a47ak lel sbe7 😣😣,,,,,,,2022-05-22 13:04:57 uvammt,,2,Informations,"What’s the favorite brand in diapers for baby in Tunisia ? I’m struggling I don’t know what to use for my baby. I want a good brand that doesn’t cause any disease. Thank you",,,,,,2022-05-22 13:07:48 uvate0,,3,any idea about Finasteride/Minoxidil in tunisia ?,"are they or any similar meds on sale in tunisia ? what's the prices ? am on a low budget so i'd like to know the price range of the treatment as whole and if i can take them without consulting a dermatologist",,,,,,2022-05-22 13:18:38 uvatwg,,7,Need help finding suitable hair products in Tunisia,"Everywhere I look into, 90% of the time men's hair products are for baldness or hair loss. Been trying to find good quality products for my hair (thick curly hair), but no good results, for now I'm using ""syoss pure smooth shampoo and conditioner""(women's products btw) when I shower, and almond oil after drying, but still I want to find better treatments/ products to take care of my hair. Can someone had been through what I'm into, help me find a suitable sollution.",,,,,,2022-05-22 13:19:32 uvc6yi,,1,Is it possible to sell CRM databases in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-22 14:34:17 uvcaa2,,1,Thoughts on post and comments ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 14:38:50 uvds5d,أحسن_تطبيق_تنجم_تربح_منه_فلوس_في_تونس/,1,أحسن تطبيق تنجم تربح منه فلوس في تونس ✅️🤑,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-22 15:56:00 uvdxva,,1,Where to find good live music?,"Hi, gonna be visiting next week and would love some suggestions for live music venues. Jazz especially. Thanks a million.",,,,,,2022-05-22 16:03:45 uve6qa,,2,Studying in Tunisian education system,Does anyone enjoy studying in this system?,,,,,,2022-05-22 16:15:38 uve82j,,1,Does anyone know a legit way to whiten my teeth,brushing is not working,,,,,,2022-05-22 16:17:29 uvecjg,,1,adhd diagnosis,Brabi fi 9ade mn séance el diagnosis (emta yetaada ldwe) aand psychiatre mch pédopsychiatre?,,,,,,2022-05-22 16:23:31 uveefq,,1,europe Visa paperwork (going as a tourist),"Hii , does anyone know what are the necessay paperwork to prepare my visa to europe (Germany) . im a student in univeristy by the way , thank youu",,,,,,2022-05-22 16:26:08 uvf6w8,,1,"tunisian women of Reddit, did u reach a point where u felt depressed to the point of being irresponsible about your future and career?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 17:04:47 uvfya8,,0,Ouh menek ya RIHEMEE OUHHH JEWEBNI LA N5ABCHEK,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 17:40:59 uvg66f,,1,What banks have the highest interest rates?,"I'm trying to open up a saving account, I calculated the inflation, based on 10 basic products and it is approximately 5%, are there any banks that offer interest rates above or close to that rate?",,,,,,2022-05-22 17:51:31 uvgmfu,,1,Who studies energy engineering here ?,"Eh nothing in particular. Just wanted to meet new friends that sharr the same field.",,,,,,2022-05-22 18:12:47 uvgzwi,,5,Job hunting... tips I might be missing?,"Like, I need a piece of genuine advice. Let's avoid, ""go abroad""; ""leave the country""; ""Kol chay bel maarif"", something different and probably useful would be appreciated.",,,,,,2022-05-22 18:30:34 uvh9wy,,6,Where can I find Creatine ?,"Hello My fellow Tunisian Gym Bros , Where can i find some good quality Creatine ? el paget bel mochta aal fb wel insta illi ncontactih ykolli wfé , illi yaaref mnin najem nekhou ykoul , thank you !",,,,,,2022-05-22 18:43:57 uvhnbq,,2,"skin care addicts of tunisia, what's the best products for dry skin arround my nose, in between my eyebrows and ears, whenever iwash my face i get dandruff in those areas","anyone here from experience can name me some products that could help me please, keep in mind that i have a little bit of acne on my cheeks, so i'm not sure what type of skin i have",,,,,,2022-05-22 19:01:51 uvhu8z,,1,"Former tunisian foreign minister Ahmed Ouanis calls for the restoration of what he called ""Tunisian lands that President Bourguiba ceded to Algeria"", on the sidelines of a forum to support the Moroccan position on the Western Sahara issue which took place on Laayoune.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 19:10:47 uvhukz,,3,"anyone tried the site called about ""microWorkers"" ?","A friend told me about this site ""microWorkers"" and I want to know is it really worthy ?? Legit or scam ??",,,,,,2022-05-22 19:11:16 uvhw9y,,6,famma chkoun itaba3 MMA?,ena netfarrej fel ufc amma hassha kobbi nsabbah wahdi lel 4 mta3 sbeh ken famma chkoun maghroum iheb njiw aala discord w netfarjou i'd be down,,,,,,2022-05-22 19:13:33 uvidpu,,1,كيفية إنشاء حساب جوجل أدسنس للمتدئين,,,,,,,2022-05-22 19:36:49 uvjvlq,,6,How can I watch the NBA playoffs from here? I know streaming is an option but the quality sucks.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 20:49:18 uvjyym,,1,"ELI5, OOP programming paradigm, anyone?",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-22 20:53:41 uvjzhg,,24,What's your best street smart tip,,,,,,,2022-05-22 20:54:23 uvkkkl,,1,I found proto-Tunisian flag,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 21:22:34 uvkl9w,,2,can you buy alcohol b bi9ta9et ta3rif dhamen abawi,,,,,,,2022-05-22 21:23:29 uvks7r,,10,"I'm traveling to Tunisia soon, what phrases should I know?","Hi guys, I will visit Tunisia next month and was wondering which phrases I should learn. How do you say Hello, Good bye, thank you, please etc. in arabic? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-05-22 21:32:51 uvkwmh,,1,"Former Tunisian foreign minister Ahmed Ouanis calls for the restoration of what he called ""Tunisian lands that President Bourguiba ceded to Algeria"".",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-22 21:38:56 uvl6xt,,1,is selling dope in the street legal?!,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-22 21:53:21 uvmed8,épéteur_lel_modem_à_tunis_w/,2,mnin najem nechri répéteur lel modem à tunis w b9adech,and is it worth it?,,,,,,2022-05-22 22:55:11 uvmldr,,8,Random s (Poste online friends),"Hello peeps ,this might be raandddom but whose down for online friends or hangout buddies ((preferably someone into music, movies, photography, trips.. for mutual interests and preferably fi Grand Tunis) Poste ouvert leli they want to socialize and expend their circle lol 🤓",,,,,,2022-05-22 23:05:29 uvnx9a,,1,"If you're going on a tinder date, where would you go ?",,,,,,,2022-05-23 00:20:02 uvovm4,,3,Any Tunisians living in Cyprus ?,"I am moving to Cyprus 🇨🇾 in 2-3 months, I want to know if there are any Tunisians living there for advise and recommendations.",,,,,,2022-05-23 01:14:45 uvp0qx,,1,"i keep seeing memes about jamal , anyone can elaborate who's that ?",,,,,,,2022-05-23 01:22:58 uvpb1e,,0,mc chlabe9b,,,,,,,2022-05-23 01:39:21 uvplrb,,3,Does Dahdah still have the big red roller coaster open ( grand 8 ),I haven't been to DahDah for a long time and i was wondering if its roller coaster is operational or not.,,,,,,2022-05-23 01:56:42 uvrube,,0,where can i buy alcohol in sfax,"other than el 3ouni, noskon fi sidi mansour wnjm nemshi lel bled",,,,,,2022-05-23 04:08:05 uvstcg,,3,Are there any good English cinemas in Tunis?,"I’m going to move into Tunis for college next year, and I’m wondering if there any English cinemas or at least cinemas with English subtitles.",,,,,,2022-05-23 05:10:39 uvt6x9,,6,Ayyy Mikethe anlyser,Just a random post calling him out,,,,,,2022-05-23 05:35:52 uvv0jg,,1,"i need help, ena 3andi BTS",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-23 07:47:04 uvvonc,,1,Are there (german) oldtimer cars in Djerba ?,"Hello everyone, this summer I will be in Djerba again after 5 years. I already was about 10 times in Djerba. Since I am now an adult and drive a Mercedes Benz oldtimer I was wondering if there a driving old (30yrs+) Mercedes Benz Taxis / Cabs in Djerba ? Are there still old Mercedes Benz driving around in Djerba ? And do you think there is a chance to rent a oldtimer car in Djerba ? I appreciate every answer :) Thanks",,,,,,2022-05-23 08:38:59 uvvvlk,,1,All Delice Danone flavors,"I come to you with a challenge : 20 years ago, I remember we already had a lot of flavors, but it seems it got out of control when I walk into supermarkets today. Can we list all the flavors one by one, from the most classic one to the unique one? Maybe we can do a tier-list later",,,,,,2022-05-23 08:54:17 uvweap,,1,"Tunis, Tunisie",,,,,,,2022-05-23 09:34:22 uvwebs,,1,what's your current stance on kais Saied? (tunisians only),"title [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-23 09:34:26 uvx7ue,,4,Reddit !!!!! but why ?,,,,,,,2022-05-23 10:33:37 uvxul9,ôme_l_bac_relevés_de/,1,Where can i translate diplôme l bac + relevés de notes? It's urgent,"I need my documents translated from arabic to french asap, where can i do that? and how much does it cost?",,,,,,2022-05-23 11:15:53 uvz8dn,,4,"What is the ""dumb"" thing that all people do and you dont ? (In tunisian society and worldwide)","Sometimes I ask myself, \- Why do people count things going like 1, 2, 3 ? Why not using multiples of 3 or 4, they will go way faster. \- Why do all people stand up when the plane lands even though they all know they will be waiting for 10 minutes at least but they still prefer being in a weird standing up position ? \- Why do people waste too much time in transport doing nothing ? Do you get some thoughts like this ?",,,,,,2022-05-23 12:38:11 uvzm48,,0,"Who can send me money in Nettler, and i will pay him through D17 or smth",,,,,,,2022-05-23 12:58:36 uvztmd,,5,What the fuck is up with the Airbnb prices in Tunisia?,"I just found a house with a pool at 850€ a night, these prices are for the Airbnb plus homes which are usually super luxurious and way fancier than what's presented here. Is it me who have no idea about prices or are they really maxing it out?",,,,,,2022-05-23 13:08:25 uw0eq8,,2,guys shkoun yafhem Arduino,Yy jma3a 3andi projet 3al arduino 3andi des erreurs fil schématique o fil program so any help plz kan fama shkoun fi djerba nitfahmou,,,,,,2022-05-23 13:37:53 uw1ctz,,1,It’s getting real dawg. #monkeypox,,,,,,,2022-05-23 14:22:43 uw1dj0,,6,Okay so...,"Asalamu alaykum, looking for must-visit cute places that are family-friendly and have nice vibes. All I got on my go-to list is sidi bou said (which I'll be going to). I want places you visit for a few hours and also places you stay at for like 2 days at a hotel or smth (like Touzer) Help me out 3ayeshkum.",,,,,,2022-05-23 14:23:40 uw1k03,,2,Kifech na3ml carte D17 w kifech nsob feha,,,,,,,2022-05-23 14:31:45 uw22ht,,2,I forgot my handbag on the plane...,"It had some money (not too much probs equivalent to 150 dinar), Samsung Galaxy buds pro and a power bank. If I go to the airport will I find it or should I give up cos khallas it's been finessed? [This is from a month ago btw 😅 pretty delayed but had to see the family yknow😬] If so, what wireless ear buds do you guys recommend? And should I buy a laptop from here for video editing or should I wait till I get back to Australia?",,,,,,2022-05-23 14:55:16 uw265u,,1,Your best punchline ever from a tunisian rapper?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-23 15:00:03 uw27sz,,1,Your best punchline ever from a tunisian rapper?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-23 15:01:46 uw2au8,,6,What's kefir?,"I encountered a video, talking about kefir, so what's kefir in our urban language and if it is available in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-05-23 15:05:28 uw2rrv,,0,Demonstration in Tunisia against President Saied,,,,,,,2022-05-23 15:26:23 uw332a,,1,"Sup y'all, im opening a new bank account and i was wondering what are the current best options for banks?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-23 15:40:13 uw44vi,,1,how much are BNA atm fees and do you have any idea about the other banks,,,,,,,2022-05-23 16:26:54 uw4c15,,1,Fans Reaction to Manchester city won the premier league for the forth time in five years 2022,,,,,,,2022-05-23 16:35:58 uw5220,,6,Couple looking for a group of friends,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-23 17:08:12 uw5j8f,,0,"ladies of R/Tunisia, can you handle The",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-23 17:29:32 uw5w8o,,1,let's create a national party and use this sub as our propaganda platform,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-23 17:45:30 uw610c,,1,Cheapest ATM to withdraw via payoneer (tax wise),"Hello, I am currently looking for an atm to withdraw from payoneer, last I withdrew 50DT but got taxed 26$ which is over 70dt at that time, the ATM was biat. Any idea how can I withdraw for cheaper? also if anyone is looking to buy smthg online I'll gladly purchase for him at the same rate (no extra fees)",,,,,,2022-05-23 17:51:17 uw71ar,,2,Payment By Transferwise,Hey guys so i m working remotly with a company from outisde of tunisia and they said they ll send me my payment via transferwise . Does it work in tunisia can i get my money .,,,,,,2022-05-23 18:36:06 uw8y9e,,0,Studying abroad (Paris),"I'm 3rd grade pupil and i'm considering continuing my studies after bac abroad. I have someone in Paris so it's my only option cuz he's going to ""prise en charge"" me and he's so close to my family. I'm kind of good in grades (i study in pioneer school and i get 16. usually ) if that will effect somethings and i want to study computer engineering. Soo i have many questions about this topic maybe you can help me if you know some informations. How much does it cost if i'm willing to go without a blocked account (prise en charge) and what are the main spendings if we exclude the living and food ? Are the universities there all for money or free? Can i study in a public one ? Do i need to work with a travel agency to take care of the paper work or i can just prepare it myself and win my money ? How to choose the university (any one or are they university that have some requirements) and whats steps should i follow ? Is it worth going for ?",,,,,,2022-05-23 20:01:32 uwb0ec,,3,i want help from someone who hasve experience in bac math,so i was thinking of take bac math (i love math) but they say the bac info is very very easy (i want to take a data sience or computer engeneering university) so i was asking what is the best option for me,,,,,,2022-05-23 21:34:40 uwbi7d,,1,I'm posting this using this same gateway I inserted today.. I love my job ♥,,,,,,,2022-05-23 21:57:45 uwbo81,,2,Recommendation,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-23 22:05:22 uwc80i,,2,Quick question : does anyone still bleives in an arabian renaissance?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-23 22:31:58 uwcmul,,8,Bipolar disorder,anyone here was diagnosed with bipolar disorder? how u dealing with it? and does seeing a therapist really help?,,,,,,2022-05-23 22:52:37 uwcx2h,,1,"Une exemption des droits de scolarité supplémentaires sera accordée, à compter de septembre 2023, aux étudiantes et aux étudiants étrangers inscrits dans une université située à l’extérieur du territoire de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-23 23:06:53 uwdkti,,4,"hello friends, where/how to buy/make any masquerade mask(اقنعة تنكرية)? yaatikom saha 🙏",,,,,,,2022-05-23 23:41:30 uwdxbv,,4,From where can I buy a good laptop in Tunisia,"Do you have some recommendations from where can I buy a good laptop ? Not a gamer, I don't need GPU I need only CPU and RAM.",,,,,,2022-05-24 00:00:05 uwf3tz,,10,"Think of the best teacher you've ever had. What did they teach, how did they teach it, and what made them so special ?","I am currently a part time university teacher and I would like to teach better and discover interesting ways to teach and motivate students. Think of the best teacher you've ever had. What did they teach, how did they teach it, and what made them so special ? Your feedbacks will be very helpful. Thanks",,,,,,2022-05-24 01:04:40 uwi69o,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-05-24 04:00:11 uwjxjj,,7,Coming back home.,"Dear all fellow Tunisians, I hope you are all safe and well. My wife and I are finally making the move back home. I want to enquire about how life is right now in Tunisia, from you guys. Jobs in the architecture field, schools, health care, bills, hangouts, and so on. I myself am a PC Gamer and I read the other day that purchasing on Steam or any other PC launchers is a bit difficult. I hope you guys have a good day and thank you in advance for the all the feedback.",,,,,,2022-05-24 05:53:00 uwlz9j,,23,kifech najam nda5el flous wena minor?(50dt/month at least),,,,,,,2022-05-24 08:24:10 uwmsux,,8,New constitution?,"The president said he's changing the constitution, do y'all have any idea about? When is it gonna change? How will it change the country?",,,,,,2022-05-24 09:26:56 uwpjpt,,1,Can someone tell me more about this place in the North West of Tunisia?,"36.943330648420805, 8.673371321192805 []( Residential? Gated community? Secondary homes ('rich' folks) or locals (farmers/fishermen)? Tunisian or foreigners? Shops?",,,,,,2022-05-24 12:21:05 uwpy59,,2,about paxful,kifech nadhmen enna el seller ma ye9lbnich fi floosi,,,,,,2022-05-24 12:42:48 uwpz2q,,4,looking for a summer job,"chabbeb belehy smaat lounges/bars fi gammarth ykhadmou b azyed staff fi siff, can someone hook me up?",,,,,,2022-05-24 12:44:15 uwqdky,اعادت_التوجيه_ثاني_ثانوي/,6,asking about (اعادت التوجيه ثاني ثانوي),"i want to change my career from 2eme sience to 3eme info i now it is possible but is there is any possibility to refuse my demand",,,,,,2022-05-24 13:05:12 uwqrfl,,5,turned 18 want drivers license but no ID,"mshit besh na3mel ta9ta3rif talbou 3leya sh'hedet 7oudhour amma ena m9ayed 8ayeb men février ye5i 3amlouhelish donc el ID t7eblou 3am hzbi. amma I have a passport can I get into driving school bih ou nrigel jawi?",,,,,,2022-05-24 13:24:10 uwqzo1,,8,Best gift ideas for a mothers birthday? Not more than 150tnd,,,,,,,2022-05-24 13:35:27 uwrsq7,,5,n7eb nes2el chkoun hne 9arin fl 9anoun w yefhemou fih/very srs,"n7eb nes2el w na3ref f 9awenin l ministry of education&regulation hne w nes2el 7ajet fl uniform w l behvaiours ta3 les surveillants f treatement of students, w mnin najem nzid na9ra hajet officials fehom e laws",,,,,,2022-05-24 14:13:18 uwspzy,,1,hw to stop cheese addiction,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-24 14:56:51 uwvfjd,,0,How long will it take for the French language to die out in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-05-24 16:56:25 uwvm15,,1,Best barber for protein/keratin treatment for males in Tunis/Ariana?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-24 17:04:15 uwxfoe,,3,How much to retire in Tunisia?,what's a good salary or an amount to have in savings to have a good retirement here?,,,,,,2022-05-24 18:24:49 uwy1gl,ماناش_عرب_في_2022_seriously/,1,"""ماناش عرب""؟!؟ في 2022؟ Seriously?",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-24 18:51:23 uwyg0l,,2,summer body aesthetic for men ?,"this is basicaly about armpit hair( for men), is it manly to let it grow ? should it be shaven ? should it be just trimmed a bit ? most ppl i know are within these 3 categories, am used to trimming but would rather shave it [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-24 19:09:09 uwygci,بر_عادي_كان_غلط_وينو_المشكل/,1,بر عادي كان غلط وينو المشكل,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-24 19:09:35 uwyk8u,,1,Easy-B 3le Ben ali!?,,,,,,,2022-05-24 19:14:25 ux03af,,5,need some advices before drinking for the first time,Hi guys i am 22 and some friends invited me to drink with them and i want to try just out of curiosity so any advice on haw many should i drink and the best beers for begginner also it would be very helpful if someone can tell me how to hide the smell of alchool after drinking and thanks 😄,,,,,,2022-05-24 20:22:40 ux044z,,2,Diplome Ingenieur vs LMD,"Hi ! So Im a student who just finished El cycle preparatoire mte3i. From here I can either finish cycle Ingenieur ( 3 ans ) or naamel 3am license w baad 2 ans master. Keeping in mind that I wanna work abroad, any suggestions or thoughts on the 2 systems ? From what I see, cycle Ingenieur is just a diploma, w internationally it's a bachelor's same as El license.",,,,,,2022-05-24 20:23:44 ux1iif,,1,looking for my first job ever in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-24 21:25:58 ux246l,,1,Famech streaming plateforme fyha himym ? ( mech genre egybest ),[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-24 21:54:42 ux3grb,,8,Where/What to invest in Tunisia,"I have around 4000TD and i’m really lost here on what to invest them in since i don’t want to just spend it and i don’t want to keep it either because they’ll lose their value soon due to inflation. My thoughts: -Savings account: Bad investment since after doing my research i figured out inflation rate > appreciation rate -Tunisian stock market: I so wanted to get into this but they keep telling me it is Corrupted and extremely unstable. If there’s anyone with some experience in the stock market i would appreciate your help. -Gold/Silver: i’m not sure -Crypto ? 🥶 Any thoughts ?",,,,,,2022-05-24 23:00:23 ux4mqe,,21,how to not get depressed in this country,,,,,,,2022-05-25 00:01:50 ux5vik,عمركش_بزعت_في_طفلة/,1,عمركش بزعت في طفلة؟,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-25 01:09:25 uxa2jj,,1,layover in tunis (Carthage airport) PCR question,"I will be traveling from New york to algiers but have 2 layovers in between (rome & tunis) when i arrive to tunis, do I need anything other than a negative PCR test to present, I will not be existing the airport, just going to my gate to catch my flight to algiers.",,,,,,2022-05-25 05:12:48 uxc64k,,2,asking for help between choosing ESPRIT (cycle dev web) or ReBootKamp(formation),"I could do ReBootKamp for 6 month and have a high chance to get a job under 2-4 months and work for 4 year and maybe become senior dev Or study for 3 year and get an engineering degree and work for 2-4 to become a senior dev Question for me is ; Ik that the pay gap is huge between someone with a ""formation"" and an engineer but i could get 3 years of experience and make money instead of studying so what's best? Thank you for reading and please give me your thoughts.",,,,,,2022-05-25 07:40:13 uxcovn,,0,Recommendations for learning coding,"Is there any good coding formation you could recommend. I want to learn coding and have some experience with c# Prefererably on the cheaper shorter side",,,,,,2022-05-25 08:21:21 uxes4w,,9,When was your first kiss ? and what were the circumstances ?,Title,,,,,,2022-05-25 10:58:27 uxf845,,1,I genuinely wanna see what my people think about this topic:,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-25 11:26:38 uxf9u0,,0,I genuinely wanna see what my people think about this topic:,"There are only 2 real genders: male and female, aka man and woman, aka boy and girl. And there arent sexualities, everybody is in reality ""straight"" but everybody who does not they are, those people are just caught in this wave of weird sexual orientations or autists or attention beggars. Tell me if you agree or not, and i already know this is about to get messy.",,,,,,2022-05-25 11:29:37 uxfn2y,,29,How to make Tunisia better?,"Hey all, I’m really impressed by the quality of the community in this group, and I want to know what ideas you can bring to change the situation in Tunisia. Feel free to exchange.",,,,,,2022-05-25 11:52:41 uxig3g,,1,Calisthenics parks in Tunis,"Hello, I am starting with calisthenics and was wondering if there are any [public spaces with pullup bars]( in Tunis. Preferably with free access. I live in DenDen, so the closer the better. I don't mind paying a small sum each month to access the calisthenics space as long as it doesn't surpass monthly subscriptions of a gym.",,,,,,2022-05-25 14:20:05 uxim65,,7,"Places to vibe, talk and share group activities ?","I live in Tunis and I am looking for a place to socialize with people and talk. I am not looking to get wasted or have mind blowing fun. Just sharing the same space, vibing, and talking or doing a group activity such as singing, dancing, or charity. I rarely meet any friendly strangers in Tunis. So a suggestion of a place where people are welcoming, non-egoistic, and have a non-depressing outlook on life is more than welcome.",,,,,,2022-05-25 14:28:16 uxjcvh,ème_secondaire/,2,Aslema brabi najem nbadel l option?2ème secondaire,si c’est possible kifech svp,,,,,,2022-05-25 15:03:38 uxk0jh,,20,Egyptian wants to say hi,"Good morning/evening I just wanted to express my admiration, love, and respect for you, Tunisians; you have such a wonderful country governed by a ""hopefully"" wonderful leadership and living in a free and democratic environment. Egypt is thousands of miles away from you, witnessing Egypt follow Tunisia's path is a dream that I doubt will ever come true. امتو الامل الوحيد الي اتبقا في الدول العربية، اوعو تضيعو بلدكم❤ \#الاجابة\_تونس ❤❤❤",,,,,,2022-05-25 15:34:54 uxm6sg,,1,How long after depositing schengen visa request does it take for me to get back a response?,,,,,,,2022-05-25 17:16:03 uxm7w6,,1,T.H.C - Arabian Night (cover) | What's your favorite Disney song?,,,,,,,2022-05-25 17:17:25 uxm8e4,,1,Visit Tunisia's classic 'Star Wars' locations in this exclusive 3D virtual tour,,,,,,,2022-05-25 17:18:04 uxmxjs,,1,What should I do to get scholarships as a college student ?,"Hello ! I'm currently in my second year of college studying Computer Science (el aam 9rib youfa) and I'm wondering what should I do to be eligible for a scholarship, I've done some research but most scholarships require extracurricular activities that prove leadership and I haven't done any, and my final grades between the 1st year and 2nd year swing between 12 and 13+. I'm asking if there's a chance that I can work on myself in the 3rd year to become eligible for these scholarships and maybe get a scholarship for a masters degree. Your answers will be much appreciated !",,,,,,2022-05-25 17:50:52 uxnkt9,نشاء_الله_يضرب_لارض/,1,نشاء الله يضرب لارض,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-25 18:20:10 uxnnew,,27,"Is Tunis, Ontario named after our capital or it iust was a coincidence?",,,,,,,2022-05-25 18:23:38 uxo4sw,,5,Investing in Tunisia,"Hi everyone, I want to start investing but i really don't know anything about the investing ecosystem in Tunisia. Can you guys help me out or give me some pointers ?",,,,,,2022-05-25 18:46:25 uxp6o4,,1,Why does Tunisia have an education system where you are forced to take notes?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-25 19:35:40 uxq8k2,,1,can somebody tell me who is this girl,,,,,,,2022-05-25 20:24:39 uxqav2,,6,Real Madrid Vs Liverpool,Anyone from Djerba watching the RM vs Liverpool game? I'll be there for work and don't wanna watch the game by myself.,,,,,,2022-05-25 20:27:48 uxqfgz,,14,are there any punks or goths or metalheads in tunisia,im trying to revive the scene a bit maybe even try to do some garage shows..,,,,,,2022-05-25 20:33:49 uxr0o2,,6,Forming a community/club,"As mentioned in some other post, Let’s form a group/club/community with people from Reddit ? We can do debates, work on projects, play games, share ideas... ? We can do regular meetings at some park, cafes... I am making a group on Telegram, everyone is welcome to join. Note: This is only for friendship purposes. Don’t expect more. Please keep up the team spirit, you are expected to be cool. I promise u will see more value in pure friendship Comment ‘interested’ I will add you to the telegram group. New ideas are welcome. I hope this works well, Thanks !",,,,,,2022-05-25 21:01:18 uxsbrj,,3,Tunisian Media?,"I'm trying to learn the accent, would you please recommend Tunisian YouTube channels or other media shows, podcast...etc",,,,,,2022-05-25 22:01:58 uxtf3g,,0,Tunisia Discord Server,"It's my server and honesty it's dead, but also honestly is really well made, I mean wouldn't you guys want a discord server instead of reddit discussion, it's 240 members yet it's very inactive. Here's the invite link if you want to join, don't expect to start having conversations immediately:",,,,,,2022-05-25 22:55:02 uxu9nv,,2,I had been wondering if there is a BDSM community in Tunisia...?,,,,,,,2022-05-25 23:38:10 uy1ns2,,1,Does sm1 know where i can buy isopropyl alcohol,i need it to clean my cpu,,,,,,2022-05-26 06:56:21 uy2nk5,,8,Butterfly knifes in tunisia,Do y'all have any idea where i can find butterfly knifes in tunisia?,,,,,,2022-05-26 08:08:40 uy3ao9,,0,Tunisia's UGTT Union Boycotts The President's suggested dialogue.," Two days after the Tunisian UGTT trade said it would not take part of the national discussion proposed by President Saeid the deputy secretary-general provided the underlying reasons for the decision.",,,,,,2022-05-26 08:59:52 uy40ls,,1,famch beach bas f sehl security mtaahom mahomch mghat ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-26 09:52:39 uy433b,,0,crypto is a scam !? (change my mind ),"i Always think That crypto is a very volatile and fragile market and yet a lot of people deffend it so relegiously and i wonder why , stating the fact that it is a risky investment . and i also found out that it's not that stable []( like tether for exemple which is one of the most well-known cryptos and of course luna and ust and their collapse so i as you know from the title i think that crypto is unreliable and a bad solution for an existing problem (inflation)",,,,,,2022-05-26 09:57:47 uy494t,,1,visit djerba?,"Hi! I'll be going to monastir for a wedding and will take a week before to do a small roadtrip. I wanted to mix both desert and beach during these days so probably staying in the south. My question is, should I target djerba? I'm not a fan of really touristic places with huge resorts. Online I found mix reviews. People saying is amazing and still authentic and people saying is quite touristy. I don't mind if there is a lot people as long as it retains its authenticity. I was thinking of the kerkennah islands as an alternative. Any advice?",,,,,,2022-05-26 10:08:27 uy4cfl,,1,ARTIFY,how to delate my Artify account ? it s taking my money without my agreement.,,,,,,2022-05-26 10:14:40 uy4fyv,,2,shaving,Can you shave your legs with a beard razor?,,,,,,2022-05-26 10:21:40 uy4jih,,1,what is this?,,,,,,,2022-05-26 10:28:59 uy7240,,6,"Why a certain priest refused to let my friend pass the RCIA even when the bishop had ordered him to, knowing she was serious and not joking around. Also I want to say as a part of the Catholic community here, the administrator of a certain cathedral here is a huge racist asshole.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-26 12:58:47 uy761s,,1,Hi everyone I would appreciate it if somebody tells me the name of this song. Thanks.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-26 13:04:06 uy7oyh,,4,Where can I buy a good quality Vape? Price does not matter as long as it is reasonable for the brand/quality.,,,,,,,2022-05-26 13:30:53 uy7t9v,,9,Traveling in Tunisia (cheap budget),"Hello all, I'm currently traveling the world (world tour) and I would like to spend 1-2 months in Tunisia. I'm used to sleeping at cheap hostels in each country. However I have the feeling there aren't many cheap hostels in cities (Zarzis, Tunis, Sousse). Do you have any recommendations for cheap accommodations? Thanks",,,,,,2022-05-26 13:36:56 uy90f6,ق_instead_of_ڤ_in_2022_are_they/,0,"people who still ""ق"" instead of ""ڤ"" in 2022? are they serious?",[removed],,,,,,2022-05-26 14:34:58 uya7mv,,25,jamming on KTYB song,,,,,,,2022-05-26 15:29:58 uybho8,,3,Twajahet fst mpi bac 2021 9rit first semester w makamltch but majbetech inscris,Kifech najem narja3 sne,,,,,,2022-05-26 16:28:11 uybnkd,,0,Mention someone you encountered in this subreddit and give him a life advice...,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-26 16:35:21 uyc5l8,,3,How do we explain to american tourists what a flexible de toilette is?,Do we tell em that we don't wipe after shitting,,,,,,2022-05-26 16:58:46 uyc6w6,,4,Mass shootings..,"I've been asking myself this question and I wanna look at it from some other perspectives.. I assume a lot of you hear about the mass shootings and school shootings that are happening in the US, I've been wondering what if guns were legal in our country and as accessible as in the US would we also have these tragedies happen here?",,,,,,2022-05-26 17:00:16 uycnw7,,6,Do You Think We're Alone in The Universe?,"Do you agree or disagree, and leave a comment saying why! ^^ [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-26 17:21:49 uyd23x,,1,Har9a saison 2,"Hi jme3a! I want to watch the 2nd season of Har9a but it's not available on Artify... Does anybody know where I can stream it ? Thanks",,,,,,2022-05-26 17:40:19 uyd2ty,,1,drugs,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-26 17:41:17 uydnq1,,0,famch chkoun yaarf win ybi3ou LSD (tnebr) wla shrooms . i wanna trip so bad,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-26 18:08:22 uyecxt,,1,Why Tunisia is getting worse?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-26 18:40:25 uyehvo,,35,Why Tunisia is getting worse?,"I'm Tunisian living abroad for 6years. Everytime i come back for vacation or other, i feel like it's getting worse. 1- You feel less safe 2- People's mentality is getting worse (less open minded people, and more islamist and fake people that use religion to judge and harass minority. 3- Even some of my ""friends"" are getting worse, no will to improve nor to achieve anything. Each time i feel less and less Tunisian, even thgh i love this country, our history and culture. Anyone feeling the same? How do expats do when they're back in Tunisia? Is it just me and my circle or does everyone feels the same?",,,,,,2022-05-26 18:46:39 uyh00f,,0,I posted this before so we try again (picture),,,,,,,2022-05-26 20:41:34 uypk6m,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-05-27 04:00:11 uytn43,,0,As'ad AbuKhalil on the Arab League in the Age of Arab Uprisings,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-27 08:31:45 uyu2ak,,12,What can we do to improve our country ?,"I know we need to change and everything but please try to be more specific. Ps: The goal for this post is to establish a list of actions needed to be done by us first as individuals and also as a collective for making our country a better place to live in.",,,,,,2022-05-27 09:01:45 uyum6j,,3,Experiences about getting abused by parents?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-27 09:42:01 uyuq10,,1,what can we do to improve this subreddit?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-27 09:50:02 uyvost,,1,تحويل المقاطع الصوتية الى نص مكتوب او كتابة بدون برامج مجانا,,,,,,,2022-05-27 10:58:42 uyvyyz,,1,is it illegal to be a seller in paxful and will I go to jail because of selling crypto in it,I want to ask is it illegal in Tunisia to sell in paxful and will I go to jail because of it,,,,,,2022-05-27 11:16:08 uywnbp,,2,how can i get a stage overseas or locally as a first year computer science student?,,,,,,,2022-05-27 11:59:35 uywpmw,,0,"In 1986, it was called a normal summer. Today they're coloring the map red and calling it extreme heat. What happened! Any explanations?",,,,,,,2022-05-27 12:02:45 uyxa7h,,0,thinking about marrying a non virgin woman,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-27 12:35:43 uyy3po,,1,First post here hahahahh !!! XD .....This is one of my recent digital artworks ... Felt like sharing it ...Also .... HI ...,,,,,,,2022-05-27 13:21:10 uyylsu,,5,T.H.C - Madhlouma (cover),,,,,,,2022-05-27 13:47:39 uz48bw,é_tounsi_any_genre/,1,chtesm3ou ghné tounsi? (any genre),[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-27 18:12:31 uz493p,,16,Who's your favorite Tunisian musician? (any genre),very curious,,,,,,2022-05-27 18:13:37 uz4x1j,,2,tunisian gamers nintendo,"hello , are any tunisian gamers interested in Nintendo Switch games ? mario maker 2 or mario kart 8 ? No one seems to play switch in tunisia .",,,,,,2022-05-27 18:45:37 uz5ibt,,2,Would you buy a property that is near a cemetry?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-27 19:13:59 uz5rrn,,3,Unlimited 4G in Tunis?,"Hey guys, I'll be visiting my parents this summer in Tunis, more specifically around Bou Mhel Bassatine (close to Mornag). I'll be there for a couple of weeks and I have other family visiting as well - and all of us are based in the US and used to unlimited internet (the kids, mostly). I'll continue working while I'm there so I'll need a good stable connection. I know that 4G is quite good in that area, and that right now my parents are using Orange Flybox I believe? It's not unlimited and they need to keep adding credits when we're there. Are there any other options for unlimited 4G availabilities? Most of the Orange and Oredoo unlimited plans aren't available in that area... hoping there's something else we're not aware of. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-05-27 19:26:43 uz6vp6,,5,"bilehi bac science, dosage acide fort, base faible dekhel? el prof fi Taki ykoul mch dekhel w hors programme w prof ekher ykoul dekhel !!!!!!!!!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-27 20:19:53 uz7vsr,,2,Does anyone know any vendor of this product? (Lenovo Legion 5),"I'm looking to buy a new gaming laptop and I'm looking specifically for one model (lenovo legion 5) unfortunately, it's not available in these specs: ryzen 7 CPU and RTX 3060 GPU this is the exact model in Tunisianet: []( in Wiki: []( can anyone help me in finding a vendor please?",,,,,,2022-05-27 21:08:39 uzfeup,,2,"""El foundou"" what does it mean?",Thanks for your replies,,,,,,2022-05-28 04:08:51 uzhu6n,,0,Pure Cringe,"Today i was hanging out and talking with my normal looking friend. He has slightly crooked but definetly yellow teeth, has unattractive short hair and talks a lot. Then we went out of his house and his gf was his neighboor and she came out. He introduced me to her. She was looking like a model. An S tier model. I cringed. Every cell of my body cringed at the moment i saw her and I kept screaming WTF in my head as I greet her seemingly unbothered by their relation. I wish i was exagerating how greatly unbalanced they looked together, a comparison would be a Vespa hooking up with a Tesla. Oh well i guess it can happen but still.. how can i face my Envy and Rage and Disdain and Jealousy and how to get a model ? If he did it then surely i can ?! Fuck that was so cringey..even her voice eyes outfit everything screamed sophisticated and my friend was the opposite of sophisticated and i kind of want to ask God how even did she like him like wtf im cringing till now.",,,,,,2022-05-28 06:59:18 uzi9ee,,55,social media,"I deleted all my social media accounts more than 4 months. Let’s face it, Instagram and Facebook are crazy time wasters. More often than not, I found myself scrolling up and down, going through meanless content and double-tapping some fake ass pictures of fake ass lives.Instead of keeping up with shallow friendships through memes sharing, bragging about the “perfect” happy life I’m not living and pouring my heart out to an audience that couldn’t care less about my existence. Instead of that, I thought to myself maybe.. just maybe I’ll have to shut all that shit down and give real life a shot. Social media for me is a bullshit . Just keep YouTube Reddit quora P.S: If any social media is not making you genuinely happy, Quit it. Don't think twice",,,,,,2022-05-28 07:30:00 uzifuv,,3,Cost estimate and advice for a month vacation in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-28 07:44:12 uzizex,,16,An other example of wasted potential and horrific management and absence of government,"just saw [This]( video and it made me quite mad lol, so apparently we have a pretty good wheat harvest this summer(luckily),, like it could cover 2/3 of our needs if not more,, yet many of the farmers are preparing to send their harvest to our ""neighbors"" \[instead of selling for 130TND locally they smuggle them for around 160TND to these ""neighbors""\], like where is the government ? do they plan to do anything about it? like can they actually fking shoot smugglers! every single country in the world(especially weaker countries) are trying to close their borders now and minimizing any exports of agricultural goods due to this global crisis and where is Tunisia in all of this? our retarded president is busy with his silly political games while we might lose our harvest to a bunch of smugglers.",,,,,,2022-05-28 08:25:58 uzj64j,,1,How much does it cost to bring a motorcycle here by boat and back? (from france or germany),"Goodmorning! i know cars are expensive to bring but is the cost of bringing a vehicle here for a couple months depending on cost of the vehicle or weight? Motorcycles weigh like 200 kilos",,,,,,2022-05-28 08:40:32 uzk9w4,,12,cadeaux mta3 3id omahet,i need ideas mta3 des cadeaux also ma3andich barcha flous donc budget zone 45 DT :(,,,,,,2022-05-28 10:05:27 uzkus3,,3,where to get the best deal on a nice TV ?,I'm buying a new TV in a couple of weeks and was wondering if you guys knew where I can get something good for a reasonable price. My budget is 1k to 1.5k dt.,,,,,,2022-05-28 10:50:49 uzkwko,,1,Looking for Tunisian comedic album title,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-28 10:54:38 uzll1q,,1,Searching for a mobile app Business plan - need your help,"Hello everyone, I'm currently writting a Business plan about a karaoke mobile app startup and i'm really stuck in the financial part... can someone send me a Business plan example so i can know how to elaborate one? especially the fianancial part. I really need your help cause i must send it before next week to my school.",,,,,,2022-05-28 11:42:31 uzm3od,,0,What's the deal with the rise of Tango(dot)me sex fiver ?,"I don't know if you know about it or not, but there is a website (and an app) called Tango(dot)me, where supposedly it's a live streaming platform where viewers can buy virtual coins and spend them on gift to support the streamers, which then the streamers can convert to real money. The website ""strategy"" is to attract talented streamers (singer, dancers, comedians, etc...) so viewers will watch something interesting. However, if you filter by countries, almost exclusively ALL 3rd world countries (arabs included) are using the website as a Live-Sex tool where they start a private group or 1:1 and just offer live sex for gifts, it's crazy how many girls are from Morocco and Egypt, but Tunisia is also a good competitor (especially at night). I am not judging or anything, I just wonder what's the overall perception of this in Tunisia (because i don't live here anymore), is this popular ? is it even legal for streamers in Tunisia to receive cash online ?",,,,,,2022-05-28 12:15:13 uzmank,,2,guys check this out lol,,,,,,,2022-05-28 12:27:23 uzms7q,,1,Who remember this,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-28 12:56:07 uzoeuq,,5,where can i get pepper spray in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-05-28 14:25:43 uzopzq,,0,,,,,,,,2022-05-28 14:42:05 uzorvb,/r/arabs/comments/uzm1m9/how_iraq_helped_tunis_to_be_independent/,21,How Iraq helped Tunis to be independent,,,,,,,2022-05-28 14:44:56 uzpi4u,,6,Education and cheating,"Despite cheating being a problem in itself I'm not here to complain about it Im here to complain about sub issues caused by cheating, so recently I've noticed that helping someone cheat became less of ""mziya"" more of ""normality"" ppl are now feeling entitled to help in tests and we keep normalizing it with ""jokes"" about kids 9araya that don't help you in tests. How did we go from helping someone cheat being a ""mziya"" back in the early 2000's to now ppl acting so offended when someone doesn't help them cheat. Like why do we as a collective think that we are entitled to help in tests. Obviously logically someone not helping you cheat is simply them refusing to join a risk that doesn't benefit them which is totally okay so why do we think that them refusing to join in our bullshit is them choosing to ""harm"" us.",,,,,,2022-05-28 15:21:46 uzqigv,,1,You have the right to be worried,,,,,,,2022-05-28 16:12:10 uzqqwu,,1,best place to watch the UCL final tonight in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-28 16:23:41 uzr47d,,28,AMA. From a software developer at Amazon,For fellow software developers/students looking to land jobs at big FAANG companies and looking for help.,,,,,,2022-05-28 16:42:50 uzr5wq,,1,طريقة تحميل ويندوز 10 من موقع مايكروسوفت الرسمي 2022,,,,,,,2022-05-28 16:45:12 uzrmox,,1,Psychologues en Tunis,"Fama psychologue behi 9rib lel Centre ville, w est ce que fama chkoun stfed menhom en Tunis en général ?",,,,,,2022-05-28 17:08:15 uzru6u,,0,Black hair culture in Tunsia,"I think we don't really have a good view on black people hair (4c category) and i find it very annoying because i am white but i have 4c hair which has always made choosing a hairstyle or a cut very hard for me (it's unusual for white people to have 4c hair) What do you think about it ? For my 4c hair boys how are you styling your hair (dreadlocks ? Box braids ? Or just free form)",,,,,,2022-05-28 17:18:07 uzt0x7,,1,Anyone from LCN 2008 here?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-28 18:19:04 uztffg,,1,Anyone from LVN 2008 here?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-28 18:39:47 uzu10z,,0,Why doesn't Tunisia recognize Kosovo?,"I don't really understand why to this day we don't recognize the independence of Kosovo from serbia. I mean after seeing the atrocities and the genocides committed by Serbia in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, I feel really ashamed that Tunisia still support such a country. Also, we are not an ally with russia ( like Algeria ) and we don't have a separist region ( like morocco or spain ), and Kosovo is 99% muslim. So why are we still waiting? Is it because serbia is visa-free for tunisians? If yes, then this is really ridiculous. In fact, Tunisia is known for standing with the opressed (like Iraq, South africa, Palestine....) despite its bad economy and the pressures from super powers like USA, so supporting a country like serbia is not reasonable at all.",,,,,,2022-05-28 19:11:16 uzuc3v,,1,"Anyone tried buying from alloallo . com, they are selling a refurbished iphone x for 600dt, i don't know if i should trust them or not",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-28 19:27:28 uzviqx,,3,How can I get a Job as a Logo/Graphic Designer in Tunisia??,"I've been passionate about graphic design and been doing it for 3 years (for fun) Since it's summer vacation I would love to start making money from it. I tried posting on Instagram/Facebook... But no engagement whatsoever, basically I realized that if you want to make it online in 2022 you need to spend money to earn money, it just became pay to win. Also websites like Upwork/Fiverr are so saturated. I don't mind working for an agency or something like that, I honestly don't have any experience on how to make money from this, so if you done this, doing it or know someone who is doing it, a piece of advice is always appreciated. This is my behance if you want to check my work: Can't wait to hear from you.",,,,,,2022-05-28 20:31:25 uzwesh,,1,what can I do to get into tunisian football?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-28 21:20:10 uzwfks,é_affect/,3,"Does passing a trimester as ""non classé"" affect future admission or employment considerations?","So basically I have found myself in this tight situation where I have skipped the entire ""semaine bloquée"" aside from a couple exams for reasons I don't wanna get into. But if I have to retake the exams I would have to go through 10 of them in 3 days, which I don't think is realistic or even allowed tbh so I'm thinking of having this trimester as non classé. My parents are worried that this notice would badly affect my ""dossier"". FYI I am a 3eme Math student, the first term I got 16.5 and the second I got 17.5 , I sat for all the control tests but I don't think I can retake the synthese. What should I do ( I can't take test after june 5th because of the same reasons that made me skip the SB and because the school would be preparing for the BAC)",,,,,,2022-05-28 21:21:16 uzxx5n,,20,If you're a software engineer working in the EU or the US with a tunisian degree tell us how you did it?,,,,,,,2022-05-28 22:40:06 uzz45r,,1,"Hi, I'm a Tunisian content creator, I want your thoughts about my channel!",,,,,,,2022-05-28 23:46:28 v00hag,,1,Test post,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 01:06:32 v00o47,,22,Recounts of famous 14th century traveler Ibn Battuta visit to Tunis.(7agrouh).,,,,,,,2022-05-29 01:18:00 v06w5a,,0,do you know any tunisian OF? i'd like to support some local products,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 08:34:03 v081d0,,18,I'm gonna escape from my family,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 10:02:25 v08h65,,0,sex,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-29 10:35:37 v08q9t,,1,education in Tunisia sucks,"So am a 15 yo tunisan and like any pubic highschool students i have a lot of pressure and that makes me feel like always depressed idk but when i see a book i feel like i can't breathe or something like that Even my passion of making and developing games and drawing i don't even have a time for that am not like the nerd of my classe but i probably study 4to12h per day Idk i just posted that post bc i felt bored and by ur opinion do u have any solution for the education cuz that education system needs to stop",,,,,,2022-05-29 10:54:37 v092ro,,0,Visiting Tunisia as an Israeli,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 11:19:00 v099gr,,2,I'm a university student and I wanna make some quick cash,"Is there any way I can make some quick money during summer? I'm quite good in English, matter of fact I studied in an American school up until freshman year of highschool and then I came back here and finished the rest of my studies. I'm very good with computers in general and know a thing or two when it comes to programing but I don't want to go out and get an actual job in a repair shop, and as I mentioned before I can speak fluent English. Can I use these two qualities to my advantage to get a part-time job online ?",,,,,,2022-05-29 11:31:50 v09bhi,,0,"is there any genuine app hat works in here for hookups and that sort of things, why has it became so fucking hard to meet new cool girls.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 11:35:32 v09kqm,,10,How can I eat healthy for cheap?,"Hello Reddit, I'm moving out in the next days, my house will be in cite olympique, I want the cheapest ways to eat healthy food and workout. initially I'll be working out in ""cite sportive"" since I was a street workout athlete, so a cheap gym is not a must rn. As for food, where can I get the cheapest things, or what is equivalent to a farmers market in tunisia eg: where can I buy chicken meat for cheaper, or eggs or grains and seeds (foul, homs etc...).",,,,,,2022-05-29 11:51:52 v09m8e,,30,Do you remember this photo? It was claimed that a girl disrespected the Quran and was then cursed by Allah and turned into this weird thing. Many people believed and shared it. Some still do. The truth is this photo is from a 2003 Art Gallery.,,,,,,,2022-05-29 11:54:37 v09m8l,,0,Le mirage de la chasse au trésor,,,,,,,2022-05-29 11:54:37 v0b05w,,1,is there any gamedev community in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 13:17:37 v0b3ys,,1,Found this american youtuber visiting Tunisia (recent videos) he seems chill,,,,,,,2022-05-29 13:23:25 v0b4tb,,13,is there any gamedev community in Tunisia ?,"So i'm a 15yo old boy and am like rlly passionated by the game developing and i do webdev but tbh i prefer gamedev I make games using unity and i poste them on (i will put a link in the first comment if u wanna try some) I just wanna know if there is someone here like me have this passion so we can help each other",,,,,,2022-05-29 13:24:43 v0bgzj,,10,suicide hotline in tunisia,"i searched on the internet but find none keeping in mind i can't pay for any therapy sessions or anything",,,,,,2022-05-29 13:43:20 v0cksa,,1,test,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-29 14:41:04 v0dbv7,/r/Tunisia/comments/v092ro/visiting_tunisia_as_an_israeli/,8,Provoking Arabs here and then saying we are racist and violent. Mods please ban this hasbara troll,,,,,,,2022-05-29 15:17:58 v0e0j1,,1,"Anyone interested in crypto Futures Trading Or the crypto-verse in general Feel free to join our Free Signals Discord server, Let's Build A Trading Community.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 15:51:04 v0e2v8,,3,"Anyone interested in crypto Futures Trading Or the crypto-verse in general Feel free to join our Free Signals Discord server, Let's Build A Trading Community.",,,,,,,2022-05-29 15:54:15 v0fela,,11,Why do we brag about bad habits..,"An idea came to my mind, why in tunisia we brag about the unhealthy habits and things we do like not going to school, not doing work properly and running with it, sleeping a lot and smoking, not being in time, staying in coffee for a half of day, and lot of other shitty habits (you can add in the comments), if you're not like them lazy procastinators they will call you names and find a way to put you down. The culture is what is normal within a society and pur culture is a bit fucked, don't you think so ? (Sorry for my english but the point is to get you to understand and you will)",,,,,,2022-05-29 16:58:25 v0figz,,0,i dont have a title for this,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-29 17:03:11 v0fvvl,,2,When do you normally eat dinner ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-29 17:21:22 v0g2nx,,1,"I already checked if this was asked here but they don't answer what I need, I got gifted an iPhone while I was traveling and I need an explanation about Sjalani please",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 17:30:48 v0g36c,,3,"I already checked if this was asked here but they don't answer what I need, I got gifted an iPhone while I was traveling and I need an explanation about Sjalani please",I got back yesterday To Tunisia and the ooredoo network was block even though I was using it just fine in Algeria. So what's the process to sign up and which exact option to choose.,,,,,,2022-05-29 17:31:30 v0h7nu,,1,Can't Access my D17 account with new phone,"My older phone broke and i got a new one, i can't Access my D17 account, it asks me to create one, what do i do? Anyone has a clue?",,,,,,2022-05-29 18:27:07 v0hmc4,,2,Vacation with Girlfriend,Hey people ! Is it really impossible to get a hotel room for a couple (not married) in Tunisia or there's a trick ?,,,,,,2022-05-29 18:47:16 v0hs5k,,2,Where can I find calm coffee shops or libraries to study? Somewhere in Ariana/Tunis/Marsa… preferably not expensive.,,,,,,,2022-05-29 18:55:23 v0imvu,,1,"For those of you that love ancient history related to the area of Tunisia, here is a video about Carthage and their empire and society. And, seriously the Carthaginians had a rather horrifying and interesting religion.",,,,,,,2022-05-29 19:37:16 v0ja2p,,2,Friendships,M new & looking for new friends 🥰 pm me,,,,,,2022-05-29 20:09:19 v0jgg4,,2,The repercussions of losing faith in the Tunisian State,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 20:17:58 v0jh50,,2,What to do as IT student?,"This is my last year naamel fel pfe f sfax license en informatique nkamel f juin nchalah I wanted to know what to do in the future Nakra esprit w nkamel ingenieurie tetkalefli f zone 40m puisque ena men sfax donc thebli kra w masrouf sinon nokhrej men hal bled ken 40m ykharjouni lbara ( canada / allemagne) ou bien nokood f sfax/tounes naamel alternance w hakeka netlaa rebah flous deja w rebah experience surtt btw money is not a problem since im investing in mysef but not more than 40M Need your help brabi ?",,,,,,2022-05-29 20:18:55 v0jpzt,,12,I need your help to fill this form and help me to graduate," [The repercussions of losing faith in the Tunisian State]( [موضوع الإستمارة : مآلات غياب الثقة في الدولة التونسية / The implications of losing faith in the Tunisian State (]( Dear network, In order to finish my end of studies research and its last chapter which will be about the relationship between the Tunisian State and its citizens, I am sending you all this short form, hoping that you will answer its questions by choosing the appropriate answers. Please consider that your identity will be unknown and that you can express freely and spontaneously your opinions so that I can make the right conclusions in my research. I will be sharing with you the statistics, the purposes behind every question and its links to the other questions after finishing my research. For now, Please answer spontaneously to the questions. .Thank you for your attention, have a great day",,,,,,2022-05-29 20:31:16 v0kcqc,,6,how Can i get a job as a motion Graphics Designer in UK ?,,,,,,,2022-05-29 21:02:55 v0ko1w,,6,TikTok is kinda bad for you...,"I stopped using the app when I realized after watching short videos on it for a while I found it really hard to get myself to focus on anything for more than 60 seconds, I became very impatient and I couldn't pay attention to things for too long.. After this I did some research and some of you maybe already know this but for the ppl who don't i found out that it shortens your attention span and messes with your dopamine system and this doesn't apply only to tiktok ofc there's other things that have similar results like porn..",,,,,,2022-05-29 21:19:03 v0kolj,,0,paypal,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-29 21:19:48 v0lrmn,,1,Does anyone relate to this too,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-29 22:14:48 v0lsp9,,1,Does anyone relate to this too,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-29 22:16:23 v0lx5n,,1,I am a high school student and I have learned html and css Java script and sql and php is there any way I can get a 3 months job with it and is there are some Tunisian companies who hire a high school student to do a work with my skills,,,,,,,2022-05-29 22:22:56 v0m413,,0,Looking for a lost friend,"So i made an online friend i can't really recall how many months ago but they are from mestir ksar helal and they study in lycee bou riadh or something like that If you study in the same highschool please comment something and i'll reach you out in private because i am going to describe them to you This is my desperate attempt to reconnect with them since i don't kniw their last name and i their old insta was deleted for some reason",,,,,,2022-05-29 22:33:01 v0mao7,,1,how hard is it to cross the Tunisia Libya border ?,do border patrol bother civilians crossing or is it just like Algeria ?,,,,,,2022-05-29 22:43:10 v0mzb6,,3,is there a tunisia gone wild subreddit ?,"or maybe any sub for tunisian girls or just tunisian girls posting their nudes on reddit ? thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-05-29 23:20:48 v0w6gv,,2,This is what I've learned about crypto so far,"I've seen people interested in cryptocurrencies in this sub in the last couple of weeks and thought maybe it would be interesting for some people to have read what I've learned so far. Crypto is based on blockchain technology (almost like a shared database between different clients) which is really interesting and innovative. Its main goal is to have a decentralized currency used world wide and from person to person (p2p) with no intermediate (third party) meaning the crypto (like bitcoin) is not controlled by a company or a governement which is super great. Crypto has gained power due to trades : people buying and selling crypto hoping to gain money and usually do because more and more people are getting intrested and investing in crypto. Cryptocurrencies have multiple goals here's some of them : \- Blockchains : Bitcoin, Ethereu, Solana ... : They built their own blockchain so that people can transfer money throught it. \- Stablecoins : USDC, Tether ... : they imitate the US dollar. It is a form of asset (like gold) \- Decentralized apps : Curve, Aave, Compound : Built on blockchains, they offer multiple financial services like trading or stacking and saving money Some other offer very innovative goals like Theta with its streaming platform built on blockchain, saving data on blockchain with filecoin, and blockchain based games like axie infinity or sandbox and of course NFTs (I dont like them) that are unique digital assets. My POV : Crypto is an intresting technology but it is mostly used for trading crypto it gets ruined sometimes by noobs, media and whales (rich investors). And when this happen the market go down and all people start to think that crypto is a scam. Hope this helped someone out here ;)",,,,,,2022-05-30 09:14:02 v0wm9t,,7,9000 BTU INVERTER AC??,"I have two questions for those who better understand and have experience with AC's. 1/ Will a 9000 BTU Inverter AC be enough for my 16m² room? Remember that we reached 50°C last summer! will it struggle or keep up? Would it be safer to go for 12K BTU or is that an overkill? 2/ Which brand is the best option with these parameters: 9000 BTU inverter. I saw ""Gree"" going at 1650dt and there are other brand at this price range: ""Midea"" ""Coala"" ""Condor"".. I'm really confused as I have no prior experience. Thanks in advance for the help.",,,,,,2022-05-30 09:46:33 v0x293,,8,i got COVID and was advised to wait before having the booster shot. Are there still vaccination sites?,,,,,,,2022-05-30 10:17:08 v0x5iq,,1,IT Fields,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-30 10:23:47 v0x68f,,1,a question regarding IT fields,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-30 10:25:10 v0x6iw,,1,IT fields,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-30 10:25:42 v0x9qp,,3,IT field," what is the easiest IT field that i could learn without any effort ,in a short amount of time for someone with no background in the academic knowledge in computer sci ,but have a basic general knowledege about how computers works but 0 technical skills ...??? i really want to learn useful skills that are demanded in current IT jobs nowadays.",,,,,,2022-05-30 10:31:53 v0xn5n,,3,Anyone interested in Google Adsense here ?,,,,,,,2022-05-30 10:57:57 v0xnk7,,3,What do you think about Tunisian Football ? 🤣,,,,,,,2022-05-30 10:58:43 v0xvj4,,1,"For someone who lives in l'Aouina, what are the best places to go for a run?",Preferrably smthng in a natural entourge...,,,,,,2022-05-30 11:12:12 v0y6rn,,2,Least worst bank in Tunisia for TREs ?,All in the title. I’ve been living in NA and want to open a bank account here. Ultimately get a mortgage too. Any decent options?,,,,,,2022-05-30 11:32:35 v0ylm7,,1,People need to learn how to ask questions here,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-30 11:58:10 v0yzm1,,3,African Football in Discord,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-30 12:20:44 v0z2c8,,3,how to get a job as a broke teenager?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-30 12:25:19 v0zos4,,2,I want to study journalism lbarra. DO you think that's possible?,,,,,,,2022-05-30 13:00:15 v0zr42,,6,Real Estate investing in Tunisia,Hey guys what do you think about real estate investing in Tunisia ? Is it worth it ? And what is the best way to find good deals ?,,,,,,2022-05-30 13:03:28 v10c4k,,1,"hey, anyone knows a flower delivery service in Sfax? thank you",,,,,,,2022-05-30 13:34:16 v1122e,,1,African Football in Discord,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-30 14:10:13 v115x5,,7,CAF/African football discord server,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-30 14:15:17 v11aj0,,1,Anyone growing Cannabis in Tunisia ? Where do you hide it ? What set up ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-30 14:21:28 v11akn,,1,Are you vaccinated against the COVID-19?,"I'm curious to know the results of Tunisian redditors. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-30 14:21:31 v11e6n,,57,"Growing cannabis/zatla in Tunisia, ask me anything !",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-30 14:26:26 v11h4l,,6,Bac Math 2023 !,"Hey guys next year i will be passing the bac exam and i am looking forward to go to INSAT. I consider myself an above average student as i always get 15.5 which as i saw is not enough to achieve my goal. So i am asking you for some advices on how to get high average aka ""mention très bien"".",,,,,,2022-05-30 14:30:24 v11ii7,,50,Which one is your favorite? Clown w Fiesta pistache >>>,,,,,,,2022-05-30 14:32:17 v11m6d,,1,anyone aware about this anti-corruption platform? and why is it limited to that niche tunisian healthcare system?,,,,,,,2022-05-30 14:37:11 v11rqx,,76,"The birth of a new Tunisian sports champion 🇹🇳🔥! - “Ahmed Al-Jawadi” (17 years old), the champion in swimming in France - for the middle 400m freestyle with a good time (3:54:44’) qualifies him for the next world championship for the middle class.",,,,,,,2022-05-30 14:44:39 v11sdf,,3,Need advice about education,"I want to resume my education, thinking about doing a professional training/formation course in an official school, 2.5 years and I get a diploma ""technicien superieur"". I can't afford to go private schools, so I'm going to a public school, talked to the staff in one of the schools in my state and I meet all conditions to apply. Thing is, they are limited on options for me. Basically I have 1 option, to become an electrician (construction electrician, not industrial). For now that's what's available in my state, haven't looked in other areas because I can't afford to move out and rent somewhere else. Regardless of everything, is getting a diploma as an electrician worth it, the reason why I thought about it is because I read and heard it's in demand in Canada mainly. If anyone could offer some advice, whether I'm making a good choice here or not, if you guys have any suggestions about what to study in relation to mainly leaving the country but also in case that doesn't workout something that'll be useful in Tunisia as well. Currently I'm teaching myself how to code, web dev mainly, just a beginner though. I know it's a desperate move to ask for life altering advice on reddit but I don't have anyone, no family and my friends just shrug things off with no constructive anything.",,,,,,2022-05-30 14:45:30 v1252v,,3,End of studies survey,"Hello, I am conducting a study to assess the brand awareness of the Entrepreneurial Tunisian ecosystem on Endeavor Tunisia. This study will help me in the process of my end-of-studies project and I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out this survey. link: Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2022-05-30 15:02:26 v12h3q,,3,Hi guys..I'm a pilot having a layover on capital Tunis Can someone recommend a cinema 🎥 with Arabic subtitle to watch Top Gun?,,,,,,,2022-05-30 15:17:55 v13695,,1,Where do you see Tunisia in 10 years?,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-30 15:51:12 v13qas,,5,My cloud provider is asking for ID for a domain name,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-30 16:16:56 v1480n,,1,Males and Late Virginity In Tunisia,"Hello Lads I wanna talk about male virginity In Tunisia 🇹🇳 , as a virgin myself (30) I can say that it's a big problem for guys here Being virgin doesn't mean not being in a relationship and I had multiple gf's , but none of my relationships reached the sexual relationship level , due to all types of excuses such as "" I want to wait till marriage "" , "" this is haram "" , "" I'm not ready "" .... You can tell me to go see sex workers but to be honest with you , i don't see myself fucking for money it's THE definition of a red flag for me A lot of people are in my situation, and I wonder when sex will become something "" normal "" like in western countries",,,,,,2022-05-30 16:40:17 v14yp7,,9,What is the proper way to tell someone that he stinks 🦨,"I am fed up with these stinky bastards, like bro i can't even go the the gym anymore or have fun with friends because there will always be a dirty mf, and you can't just go to a person and say hay you smell like a goat(snan). I need help asap cuz i don't think i will have fun this summer.",,,,,,2022-05-30 17:14:34 v16jv4,,2,Looking for a pro bono lawyer or an association for a legal advice,"As the title says, i’m a student and i’m in need of free legal advice since i can’t afford a lawyer. Anyone has a recommendation for a volunteer/pro bono lawyer or an association that handles students/teenagers legal issues?",,,,,,2022-05-30 18:28:29 v16s2a,,0,"hi, im sorry for the subject i know its taboo but im searching for a new fiable and good plug in Tunisia (any place) cause i have problems with my last one thanks in advance..",Plug = la7am,,,,,,2022-05-30 18:39:04 v18cj7,,1,what is the best place to buy a basketball panel,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-30 19:53:49 v18g8d,,1,where i can find used or new basketball panel for a cheap price in Tunisia ?,Near to the capital Tunis pls,,,,,,2022-05-30 19:58:41 v18j3c,,0,what are some good Tunisian chat apps,Not smthng like Tinder...but smthng like a random anonymous chat..,,,,,,2022-05-30 20:02:05 v19cue,,3,poor people in this country,"Why no one care about poor people?, and i mean real fucked up poor people over 40 years old, making 10D per day working over 8 hours. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-05-30 20:40:51 v1f7on,,2,9rayaaaaa,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-31 01:44:11 v1fy90,,7,how to get rid of cockroaches for good ?,,,,,,,2022-05-31 02:25:13 v1hmby,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-05-31 04:00:10 v1ju17,,1,ouvérture,,,,,,,2022-05-31 06:22:48 v1l64h,,40,the look of pure happiness,,,,,,,2022-05-31 08:00:37 v1lxne,,8,online job recommendations?,"Hey guys!! I need some job recommendations, online for a university student, I'm just trying to make some money for future plans.",,,,,,2022-05-31 09:00:32 v1nx27,,23,I offer to create websites free of charge,[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-31 11:17:55 v1ocpp,,1,online shops for authentic crystals/gemstones?,,,,,,,2022-05-31 11:44:18 v1p4xt,,7,Does anyone do online 'clickwork' for extra cash here?,"Hi posting this question again - I'm doing a student (PhD) research project about what it's like to do remote work from Tunisia - specifically microtasking / micro-tâches like image tagging, data processing, etc. I posted a survey HIT on mTurk if you have an account - if not just let me know, I would love to interview you (or anyone you know who does this kind of work) and there is financial compensation! (8TND for the survey, 50TND for the interview) HIT title: ""Are you Tunisian? Êtes-vous tunisien(ne)? (10-15min survey/sondage)"" Requester name: Veronique Sioufi (Student Researcher) Compensation: $2.73 USD (HIT has taken people an average of 12mins so far) The survey is available in both English and French depending on your preference.",,,,,,2022-05-31 12:28:06 v1pdfa,,1,legal advice for property/ land selling,"here's my question can somebody sells your land/ property just by knowing your CIN number and name ? my uncle in my home country asked for those two in pretext of "" signing of land division "" /   تقييد في تقسيم الأراضي . is it a legit thing or some kind of scam ?",,,,,,2022-05-31 12:40:45 v1pwh8,,3,Are Gel blasters and Airsoft legal in tunisia ?,I am thinking of opening up an airsoft arena in some time in the next few years and wanted to ask if it is even legal knowing that in tunisia ideas are usually hard countered by retrograde laws made in the stone age.,,,,,,2022-05-31 13:08:04 v1qu47,,1,Help for a visitor,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-31 13:55:28 v1shc4,,1,test,[removed],,,,,,2022-05-31 15:10:49 v1umap,,2,bac maths (pascal),[removed],,,,,,2022-05-31 16:48:25 v1vixx,,5,Is the Bardo museum still closed?,I checked on google and it says it is temporarily closed. Has anyone been recently? thanks!,,,,,,2022-05-31 17:29:45 v1vpoc,,1,"The owner of this subreddit is a scammer, he got a 6yo loan that didn't pay lmfao",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-31 17:38:35 v1xg57,,10,guys I want to ask how to learn to be more social and be funny with people and don't get shy or distracted when girls talks to you,,,,,,,2022-05-31 18:58:29 v1zn2x,,5,"i have mold im my room ( nde fil 7yout ) and im having allergies from it ,are there professional services fy tounes that get rid of mold",[deleted],,,,,,2022-05-31 20:44:12 v204jx,,4,"A good suggestion to a foreigner for a hotel stay in the capital, near shops and everything?",Budget is 400 euros for 7 days,,,,,,2022-05-31 21:06:08 v216tt,,13,Is he really my friend ?,So last week a company opened new job offer and my friend (we been friend for like 5 years or more ) works there . So i asked him for a recommendation and he refused (in sarcastic way) even though he knows that this job can kinda save my life and open a big door for me .and since then I have been thinking and questioning our friendship Ps : i only asked for recommendation nothing more,,,,,,2022-05-31 21:54:30 v22g9w,,1,Where to buy new iPhone 13 but cheap,"Title, I’ve seen ones around 2800-2999 but is that the price? Whether it is or not, where do you guys recommend me to buy it from? preferably not someone that i have to meet and will never see again and also must be in package!!",,,,,,2022-05-31 22:53:57 v2forq,,4,Best beaches at Sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-01 12:19:10 v2gkd0,,7,"Former Medical Students / Doctors , Where are you now ?","To those who pursued medical studies then quit/changed careers , why is that and what do you currently do ?",,,,,,2022-06-01 13:04:21 v2gv2t,,1,looking for a sppt to camp,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-01 13:19:40 v2gw9z,,2,"looking for a spot to camp , got any ideas ?",,,,,,,2022-06-01 13:21:17 v2gwvi,,4,Looking to buy an espresso machine from Jumia .Is it safe?,"As the title suggests I am buying something (an espresso machine) from Jumia and I was wondering whether or not it's safe. Has anyone ordered before and do you have any tips?",,,,,,2022-06-01 13:22:10 v2ht3q,,0,women will form the majority of the people of Hell,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-01 14:06:15 v2id4b,,1,is it possible to change 20 euros in tunisia at any bank and what are the papers needed if so ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-01 14:32:21 v2ilx9,,1,looking for a bookstore,"Does anyone know a bookstore in tunis that sells English books (fiction) and not overpriced Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-06-01 14:44:05 v2ityv,,1,religion,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-01 14:54:51 v2k7tp,شنية_الجملة_اللي_jamais_تنساوها_مالمسلسلات/,2,شنية الجملة اللي jamais تنساوها مالمسلسلات التوانسة؟,,,,,,,2022-06-01 15:57:20 v2kekb,,2,List of Illegal Drugs in Tunisia?,"Hello there! I'll be traveling to Tunisia at the end of the summer for the first time in my life and I'm trying to find a list of prohibited drugs for the country. I know Arabic countries have extremely strict drug laws so I have to make sure I'm not bringing anything that can get me in jail. Could someone find a list for me? I tried looking for a list in English but I couldn't find anything. I know the major drugs like Marijuana, Cocaine, Amphetamines, and so on are illegal but I'm trying to figure out the legal status of some less widespread drugs that's why I need a detailed list of ALL the illegal substances. Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2022-06-01 16:04:59 v2kkp1,,6,Did any of you travel to Greece? If yes how was your experience? especially in getting the visa? Thanks,,,,,,,2022-06-01 16:12:09 v2ko0p,,3,Tunisia's trade union has called a strike in the public sector on June 16th.," The prominent Tunisian trade union center UGTT declared on Tuesday that a statewide public sector strike will take place on June 16th to protest raising prices.",,,,,,2022-06-01 16:15:56 v2kp7u,,0,Visiting tunis next week and i really need someone to show me a Good time ;) check my profile if interested.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-01 16:17:20 v2kr0t,بالله_شكون_تبع_لش_قالت_هيئة_الدفاع_يعمللنا_تلخيص/,4,بالله شكون تبع لش قالت هيئة الدفاع يعمللنا تلخيص و شكرن,,,,,,,2022-06-01 16:19:29 v2l3tr,élateur_tunisie_guide_dachat_comment_choisir/,1,Congélateur Tunisie : Guide d'achat : comment choisir son congélateur ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-01 16:34:58 v2l5jq,élateur_tunisie_guide_dachat_comment_choisir/,1,Congélateur Tunisie : Guide d'achat : comment choisir son congélateur ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-01 16:37:04 v2lbew,,3,THC ejuice,Has anyone tried to make vape thc ejuice from hash? how did you do it? does it work well?,,,,,,2022-06-01 16:44:03 v2liul,,0,Ventilateur Tunisie : Guide d'achat : comment choisir un ventilateur ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-01 16:53:08 v2midz,,1,any one knows a good fast food adress that does delivery and dont cost a kidney?,,,,,,,2022-06-01 17:35:06 v2opl8,,4,This is how inaugurations in Tunisia look like (photo),,,,,,,2022-06-01 19:08:47 v2q06u,,17,njm nechri abortion pills mn 8ir prescription,"3aslama nas kol Njm nchri abortion pills mn 8ir prescription Kan eyy, mnin w b9adeh Kan lee, kifh procedure mte3 abortion fi tounes",,,,,,2022-06-01 20:04:53 v2rq08,,7,Camping.,"Hey! Summer is here and my urge to go wild is here too. Soo , as a solo female do you guys think it is possible for me to go camping ? And do you recommend some places where I can spend my night safely ? Do you guys know some groups? I don't mind being with people as long as I'm going to be safe. This may seem weird but I don't how to bike nor how to swim :v and I would like to learn both of them because they are definitely going to help me if I want to start my summer trip. (+ I don't have drive licenses ) so I'm hitting the road with 0 experience, 0 friends , 0 shelter and a little bit of money :vv ( after saying this I think that I'm surely going to be kidnapped :vv )",,,,,,2022-06-01 21:17:55 v2rs61,,1,تحديثات يوتيوب 2022 ميزة المحتوى لاداء افضل في قناة اليوتيوب,,,,,,,2022-06-01 21:20:22 v2s9ca,,1,same sex marriage abroad?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-01 21:41:23 v2sdrb,,0,same sex marriage abroad?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-01 21:46:33 v2sh73,,4,what do you think about kais?,"Kais Said [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-01 21:50:37 v2sl57,,1,safe spaces centre ville,,,,,,,2022-06-01 21:55:13 v2sn8w,,4,can you please recommend safe lgbtq spaces f centre ville ?,,,,,,,2022-06-01 21:57:42 v2t6e8,,7,Therapists suggestion?,Any therapists suggestions in Grand Tunis I’ve tried too many wlahkika had la najem yefhemni à 100% w most of them are generation mtaa our parents akeli ma yefhmounesh ahna les jeunes barsha.,,,,,,2022-06-01 22:19:46 v2u97p,,2,any one tried or know how to make a DMT effect from mushrooms ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-01 23:06:59 v2v4nn,,0,new tunisian lgbtq reddit community!,"Happy pride everyone, we created safe online reddit community for queer tunisians. It is called r/fruitea, go sneak peak on it we have a lot to share on there. Don't be shy and join us and also help us reach our fellows.",,,,,,2022-06-01 23:44:43 v358o5,,1,summer parc,"Hello guys. Last time I ve been in a water parc was in 2015 carthage land Hammamet. But I want to try out the aquaparc hammamet (I want to etza7la9). So is it worth it? I ve read some online review and they said that it was dirty and expensive. Should I just stick to carthage land hamammet (and forget about tza7li9)?",,,,,,2022-06-02 09:51:01 v359yw,,13,Why do Tunisians complain too much?,"And they seem to forget a very simple and basic truth which is ""your attitude will decide how others treat you"" so if you are a negative person who sees only negative things in people as well as in things then you perhaps shouldn't expect to be treated like a king. Also one more thing and that is that the majority of Tunisians don't really understand that the country is at best ""an average country"" so their continuous complaining sounds a bit like a 4th degree team fans complaining why their team doesn't win the Premier League (in which they don't even play) 🤔 😴 🤷",,,,,,2022-06-02 09:53:46 v36lye,,68,opinions on Facebook's translation and why is it creepy?,,,,,,,2022-06-02 11:22:53 v3723p,,8,win najem net3aref 3la 3bed jdod f sousse?,,,,,,,2022-06-02 11:49:57 v37chh,,7,A question on the card I had to fill when coming to Tunisia,"I came to see a friend who’s a foreigner but who live there since 2 months because of professional reasons. He was throwing a birthday party, and I arrived from France to see him for a week. During my flight, the hostesses asked me to fill a KARS International paper about my stay in Tunisia. I gave all the information they needed i.e. the address of the place I will stay at (my friend’s one) and the reason of my stay (I wrote tourism). At the airport, I gave it to a customs policeman who checked it and told me very angrily that I couldn’t write a private address if I’m a tourist and it had to be a hotel. I panicked and I gave the closest hotel to my friend’s place but I’m actually not staying there at all. Does it mean they will check if I actually booked a place at this hotel ? Do I risk anything ? I must not miss my flight back to France and I’m worried…",,,,,,2022-06-02 12:06:20 v37nff,زيارة_الى_دمشق_ونهر_بردى_شريان_دمشق/,1,زيارة الى دمشق ونهر بردى شريان دمشق," [؟v=rmHQ3k9zx2A](",,,,,,2022-06-02 12:22:05 v37xbb,,1,"Thoughts on Kais, 25 July?","Am an Algerian that is watching what's happening in Tunisia with Kais from afar, and noticed that this subreddit hate his guts lol. I enjoy studying speeches and his are a little bit old school but the content is actually pretty good. like all good speeches he is tangential to the populist discourse (which is a bad term nowadays for some reason). His actions are pretty effective and straightforward and he doesn't seem to care a lot about economy or maybe he just doesn't refer to it a lot. Which I think is the best way to go about politics. I feel like the economism obsession of our people (all the Maghreb) is dumb and unproductive, as we all know that a good government structure will surely create a functioning economy. Not the opposite. Im guessing that the referendum will try to give the executive branch some more power to act, the opposition will use the ""Dictator"" card. As an outsider my opinion doesn't matter, but I'd love to hear yours!",,,,,,2022-06-02 12:37:08 v382aa,,8,did anyone here before test the therapy app ahkili!?,"So lately I've been struggling with some mental health issues, life is good besides the romantic relationships part of things, I've read alot of articles and talked to a bunch of friends... And i can self identify that my problem is related to the attachement theory... So does anyone here tested ""ahkili"" or know a young therapist that is some what cheap !? (tried to talk to a couple of old psychologist and they didn't even see a problem)",,,,,,2022-06-02 12:44:38 v38sa5,,1,tunisian army(What do you think of the montage?),,,,,,,2022-06-02 13:22:55 v393cz,,1,amercian people eating gouchou,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-02 13:38:39 v39qab,,1,Faking a vax passport,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-02 14:09:48 v39sb8,,1,"Anti-v*xx, bodily autonomy, passport",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-02 14:12:29 v39u9c,,1,"anti V**xine bodily autonomy, passport",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-02 14:15:01 v39w07,,4,Moving to Washington DC. Seeking advice.,"Hi everyone, I'll be moving from Tunisia to Washington DC in the US this summer and I'm posting this to see if there is anyone on this subreddit who is currently living in DC or have had an experience living in DC before. I'm basically seeking advice in regards to the following points: -I'm currently looking for rent with a budget of $1100-$1300 and would like to know whether you have any recommendations for certain areas where I can find a decent place that is close to George Washington University or with relatively good transportation options. -I would like to hear about your experiences, the challenges you faced, and any particular recommendations you may have for someone going to DC. -Any information in regards to budgeting and expenses would be appreciated. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-06-02 14:17:16 v39wbb,,1,Anti V- xine,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-02 14:17:40 v39x0d,,1,Anti V- xine,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-02 14:18:35 v3a0kl,,1,ma nhebech nzara9,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-02 14:23:05 v3aau0,,5,"i wanna talk , can we ??","Hello guys. I really wanna talk and i think that i need help , i am really ambitious and always hustling and pushing myself to the limit, but in same time , life is always slapping me back , and always getting hit back and falling down , i do not fail but i always learn , buuuuut in same time , i feel like i am kinda pushing too far and i am not having a normal life , nor normal social interactions , i am not interested in thing that most people are interested in , and i could not handel a conversation , always get bored , and people think that i am either i am arrogant or a weirdo , idk i feel like i am talking about all my insecurities now , i had therapy like 2 years ago and i stopped without consulting my therapist , buut , i kinda got anxiety attacks until now , i am used to train ( i am a taekwondo player , had half black belt , and it was a great way to get all this negative energy out , but since covid shit , i am a smoker , and my health is getting shitty and body and muscles are getting weaker. I am always working my ass off , but i feel lonely , even i like a girl for 2 years now and i don't have the balls to tell her about my feelings , and i connected with this girl even though we are not geographically close , and i don't have boldness to ask a girl out even in high school nor in uni ( i am studying in college now ) , my ideas are not clear and i think that i talked about a lot of things kn same time , but i am really not feeling comfortable and i don't know , IS THIS NORMAL ?? AM I NORMAL . PS : I AM ALWAYS CHASING EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMIC , SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT , TRYING TO BE THE BEST VERSION OF ME , AND I AM GETTING SATISFIED WITH MY ACHEIEVEMENTS AND PROUD OF MYSELF , IN SAME TIME , FEEL LONELY AND DON'T FIT WITH SOCIAL NORMS AND INTERACTIONS .",,,,,,2022-06-02 14:36:27 v3asuo,,5,"Do gypsies (Roma / ""ghajar"" in arabic ) really exist in Tunisia?","I was very surprised when i read in [romani people in tunisia]( wikipedia page that there are about 20 000 gypsies in Tunisia. In fact, I know that they are all over europe, middle east and even algeria, but I have never known that they exist in Tunisia. The wikipedia page says that they even have their own language (domari). Is this really true? And if so, where do they live? And why haven't we ever heard of them?",,,,,,2022-06-02 15:00:00 v3axu0,,1,DAZN in Tunisia,"Hello, I heard about DAZN during the women’s UEFA league. I want to subscribe, is it available in Tunisia ? And how to do it ?",,,,,,2022-06-02 15:05:32 v3azan,,0,how much does the cheapest numbing cream and a piercing needle cost from the pharmacy,"I've been planning on getting my nose and ears pierced and I don't have enough money to go to a professional, so I wanted to know how much does the cheapest and best numbing cream cost, and does it do anything or does it only numb the first layer of skin.",,,,,,2022-06-02 15:07:21 v3ba2e,,2,"Booking and Admission in hotels, how do they work in Tunis?","I remember people used to have to fill different papers with different names of each person in the room. Is it still the case? I'll be attending an event with a friend (same gender), so I booked a room. On the day of admission do I have fill out information on my friend, while I'm the one paying? Also, he'll be arriving on second day of stay. I anticipate things always gets complicated when it comes to paper work and regulations, please.. Enlighten me y'all.",,,,,,2022-06-02 15:21:00 v3c71w,,3,Africa Cup of Nations Qualifying - Tunisia vs Equatorial Guinea Betting Tips,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-02 16:02:14 v3cdai,,13,Why is there no good Tunisian podcast?,"In fact, I am very surprised that there is no good tunisian podcast, even though I searched a lot. As someone who does not spend much time on social media and does not want to scroll through apps, i hope i can find tunisian podcast that summarizes what is happening in tunisia politically and economically, and highlighting the trends in tunisia in every aspects.",,,,,,2022-06-02 16:09:54 v3ck9g,,37,Friendly reminder to pick up the trash,"Weni sghira mchit l Lybia w the only distinct memory I have of it is that it was dirty af. Recently, when I walk the streets of Tunisia I get the same feeling I got back then. I just wish we could all make an effort to avoid enou tounes twalli maaroufa b wsakh’ha w mostly bech ahna maniichouch fel wsakh. Ki tebda temchi fecharaa w toordhek warka wela chkara wela bakou doukhan wela dabouza wela basically anything that belongs fel poubelle il n’y a pas de honte enek t’hezou w taychou f akrab poubelle w for the smokers I know it’s not convenient ema try to hold on to vos mégots hata talkaw poubelle. What I personally do is I put it fel paquet but feel free to improvise. Please feel free to suggest other helpful gestures.",,,,,,2022-06-02 16:18:20 v3dqi2,,1,awel mara 5rajt tasher how was it?,,,,,,,2022-06-02 17:10:53 v3dtbq,,1,theatre courses,"i wanna have theatre courses in Tunis , don't know how to start and where to go .. any suggestions",,,,,,2022-06-02 17:14:20 v3f4os,,3,"I want to hear about your experience with antidepressants, and how you've dealt with depression","Basically I'm a teenager and I'm on some meds, I wanna know how other people that are diagnosed with (depression, anxiety, bd , bpd ...) doing in our country tunisia that doesn't care much about mental health.",,,,,,2022-06-02 18:13:16 v3iih1,التبعبيص/,0,التبعبيص,ريت روحك كيفاش تلوج على المواضيع المنيكة؟,,,,,,2022-06-02 20:47:39 v3iz9h,,2,9adeh amarkom braby," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-02 21:08:54 v3jb0s,,2,where to buy kit original,my price range 70 tnd haja taslah mech jbl taklid,,,,,,2022-06-02 21:24:17 v3jcqo,,155,I'm dropping this here 😅,,,,,,,2022-06-02 21:26:35 v3k1il,,1,fight club in Tunisia needs members. we meet but never speak about it. if it's your first day you must fight.,,,,,,,2022-06-02 21:58:28 v3kkan,,1,Can i reveive money from abroad using a CTI,"Basically i'm hoing to help people in a video game and they pay me in return around 10 euros or so per transaction Can i receive that money directly into my CTI and withdraw it from an ATM ? If not can i use a paypal account ot something of the sort with the CTI to receive money buy online gift cards and sell it to people in Tunisia for cash I'm absolutely clueless in this regard so sorry if i said something stupid lol",,,,,,2022-06-02 22:22:33 v3ks9h,,0,How come that the vast majority of all human beings ever born (110 billions) are going to hell according to abrahamic religions since all abrahamic followers ever born are roughly 4 billions (1.2 muslims + 2.5 christians + 200 million jews) ? isn't god cruel for sending most of creations to hell ?,"Edit : the I confused the numbers of abrahamic followers who ever lived with the number of the currently living. The true estimate is around 20 billions who were mostly christians, couldn't get detailed stats.",,,,,,2022-06-02 22:33:05 v3ktup,,1,new tunisian lgbtq+ reddit community!,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-02 22:35:13 v3kxsf,,6,new tunisian lgbt reddit community!,"Happy pride everyone, we created safe online reddit community for queer tunisians. It is called r/fruitea, go sneak peak on it we have a lot to share on there. Don't be shy and join us and also help us reach our fellows.",,,,,,2022-06-02 22:40:35 v3l2nd,,1,Darja Directory App,"Forgot that I can post here too Check first post for [context]( I've setup a small page to see how many of you are interested []( Also I'd love to any graphics designer/artist if they'd love to collaborate on some illustrations/art for the app.",,,,,,2022-06-02 22:47:17 v3l7lp,,0,monkey pox is targeting the LGBT community .A sign from god!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-02 22:54:05 v3lf37,,7,making friends,"anyone from mourouj between the age 16-19 wanna go out i don't wanna spend this summer rotting in my bad like usual",,,,,,2022-06-02 23:04:08 v3lfep,,1,كيفية دخول استوديو يوتيوب من الهاتف,,,,,,,2022-06-02 23:04:35 v3m7og,,1,sone funny tinder experiences,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-02 23:44:11 v3m88i,,0,some funny tinder experiences,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-02 23:45:01 v3qtwc,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-06-03 04:00:11 v3ulrp,,1,This meme did her dirty,,,,,,,2022-06-03 08:15:04 v3wdzn,,1,What are the books / movies / games that never get old and always make you feel better when you get down ?,,,,,,,2022-06-03 10:28:26 v3whmo,,13,"what's your experience with solar panels in Tunisia,is it worth it",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 10:35:27 v3wpsz,,4,Are part-time jobs a thing in Tunisia?,"I've been looking for a part-time job in Tunis and there are almost no job offers online and all the offers require experience. Any tips?",,,,,,2022-06-03 10:51:22 v3wsj7,,5,Help needed,How to get over social anxiety w najjem net3aref 3la 3bed jdod?,,,,,,2022-06-03 10:56:29 v3wt2s,,1,الطريقة الصحيحة لكتابة بيانات الضرائب فى جوجل ادسنس,,,,,,,2022-06-03 10:57:28 v3xchq,,1,how do you make a good ma9rouna?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 11:31:58 v3zt0a,,0,What is the most attractive Tunisian dialect ?,"For guys or girls, or both.",,,,,,2022-06-03 13:48:04 v3zw8u,,5,your bac experiences?,Share with us your experiences and tips to help with the students stressing out these days,,,,,,2022-06-03 13:52:37 v40e4h,,7,bech no5rej nasher awel mara what should i do and what should i avoid doing?,,,,,,,2022-06-03 14:16:58 v41ue8,,26,is it normal to be obsessed with tunisia and its people?,"I just love every single part of it, oh and I've been obsessed with that artist Nordo , his dialect and voice makes his songs stuck in my head i cant help it but ig the Tunisian dialect has a place in me",,,,,,2022-06-03 15:26:33 v422gq,,1,working aboard and then retiring early in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 15:37:22 v42mjx,,1,What are different ages at world history & which ones did tunisia go through.,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-03 16:03:00 v42n7h,,1,"Despite being among the top 1% of the Tunisian population with a 3.9-4.0 GPA, and despite my endless dreams to improve this shithole country, the ministry of education actively prevents me from scholarships and financial support. I have concluded as a Tunisian I have no rights. Any advice?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 16:03:50 v42t9f,,2,First day of vacation suggestions for things i can do this summer ?,,,,,,,2022-06-03 16:11:31 v43i8r,,1,What historical time period of Tunisia are most curious about/like to study? Why?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 16:43:26 v44a1f,,1,What was your fuck god moment?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 17:20:19 v44bpu,,1,What's the best school teaching in English in Tunisia ?,title.,,,,,,2022-06-03 17:22:36 v457qv,,1,"Is a ""licence"" degree equivalent to a bachelor's degree in USA ??",,,,,,,2022-06-03 18:05:07 v45936,,2,Best resources for learning derja/Tunisian Arabic - I want to improve fast,"I've been living in Tunis for the last half year and while I've made progress through friends and speaking with people in public, I still feel I'm not improving my derja as fast as I'd like. Any recommendations on videos, songs, books (english to derja translations as I don't speak French) etc. would be much appreciated :)",,,,,,2022-06-03 18:07:00 v45sog,,1,how to forward port in a tp link router (TD-W8963N),"Need it to play a really old game, couldn't find another subreddit to post this on (Topnet)",,,,,,2022-06-03 18:33:09 v46qt4,,3,What makes you lose respect for a woman?,,,,,,,2022-06-03 19:17:56 v46utc,,1,win nejem nal9a pc bureautique behi myfoutch 2500DT fi tounis?,"Ana deja 3ndi écran w 3ndi clavier w souris jst nlawj 3l unité Bech nest3mlo lil gamedev we chwaya gaming",,,,,,2022-06-03 19:23:13 v48cus,,0,Engineering in France ?,donc louled o lebnet nheb neselkom est ce que possible ka etudiant tounsi andi license bsh nkamel cycle d’ingénieures f Franca wale ? Master ey tnajem ama engineering maandish fekra fibely l yemshyw baad lbac yamlou prepa mbaaed cycle d’ingénieures ama li andou license naresh kifeh donc li yarf wala amalha kbal ykoli o thanks,,,,,,2022-06-03 20:33:24 v495dm,,1,Tunisian Academia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 21:10:55 v49783,,9,Tunisian Academia?,"Hey, anyone knows of active Tunisian academics in the fields of psychology, sociology, or neuroscience to follow on Twitter? Would be cool if they operated from Tunisia, but not necessary. I'd like to connect with my fellow researchers (professors, students, etc...).",,,,,,2022-06-03 21:13:17 v4aktz,,1,"PSA: If you are an Open source contributor, a Network Security engineer, DevOPS, JAVA Dev, Database Admin that is not affiliated with any political party you can join the ISIE ASAP.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 22:20:29 v4am9d,,2,what language do deaf and hearing impaired people speak in tunisia?,Is LSF spoken in tunisia? What's the best way to communicate with a deaf person beside using approximate signs for stuff,,,,,,2022-06-03 22:22:28 v4aowi,,6,"doubelt fel bac 3amin ba3ed nje7t b 12,5. sne jebt 14.15 moyenne licence SC info, I'm hoping to work harder. I'm curious if repeating 2 years will affect my chances of recruitment afterwards and/or my chances of getting a master's abroad(germany/france)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 22:26:13 v4bta9,,1,costudying space,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-03 23:23:19 v4bvga,,0,تعرف على شبكة Media Cube و دورها في زيادة أرباح اليتويب,,,,,,,2022-06-03 23:26:31 v4bvi1,,21,I am preparing a presentation about Tunisia and I would need some help,"Hello! I am preparing a presentation about Tunisia as part of a cultural exchange program to Americans and I have already started preparing some of the content. I think it will go something like : - General introduction - Some historical facts with a special focus on recent events (From independence to now) - Fun facts (or achievements done by Tunisians) - Common misconceptions - Touristic places and sites - Food and Culture I would really appreciate if you could help me in some of the parts, especially the Fun facts and Common misconceptions, so if you have something, leave it in the comments below. Also, what do you think would be an original and creative way to make this presentation ? I don't want to do it in boring PowerPoint slides, I would like something more interactive; I am planning on including a quiz at the end, but if you have other suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-06-03 23:26:35 v4eebn,,0,6 inches,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-04 01:46:36 v4g0u5,,1,"I just landed in Tunis today and i’m amazed by how beautiful it is! Especially the women :) i could Indeed use a partner while i’m here, Check my profile if interested.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 03:22:33 v4g0vh,,1,"I just landed in Tunis today and i’m amazed by how beautiful it is! Especially the women :) i could Indeed use a partner while i’m here, Check my profile if interested.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 03:22:37 v4hxqa,é_svp/,1,abonné svp,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-04 05:21:23 v4jcbo,,3,Questions about public transportation,"I'll be traveling to Tunisia in the next few and I have a few questions about public transportation. - I'm checking the buses timetable in this website, but can't figure out where they depart from and where they stop. Is this information available somewhere online? - I'm checking the intercity trains timetable in this website Compared to the information available on Google Maps, they are different. Should I trust Google Maps in this case? I'm planning on using a lot of the trains with the Carte Bleue. - I need to be in Yasmine Hammamet around 09:30 in the morning. I'll be staying in Tunis, so the train isn't an option. I heard there's a bus going from Tunis to Hammamet. Can anyone tell me where it departs from, where it stops and how long the trip takes? - I thought about using Bolt or regular taxi from Tunis city center to Yasmine Hammamet, as it seems to cost less than 20 euros. Are drivers willing to make such a long trip or should I forget about this? Thanks.",,,,,,2022-06-04 06:59:37 v4jhpa,قصة_زيارة_الإمبرطور_غليوم_والإمبرطورة_فكتوريا_في/,0,قصة زيارة الإمبرطور (غليوم) والإمبرطورة فكتوريا في دمشق 1897,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-04 07:09:22 v4lhpg,,1,What is a woman ? By Matt Walsh,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 09:42:01 v4m21q,,6,what do you think is better ? licence en anglais wela formation fi ay haja okhra? i really need ur help here,,,,,,,2022-06-04 10:24:08 v4m2v6,é_to_study_in_sfax/,0,Best café to study in Sfax,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-04 10:25:42 v4m8tf,,32,long story,"Hello guys , i am (22 male) in my gruadiation year , i really feel frustrated and tired thinking about what i should do , my dad is construction worker i already feel regret seeing him tired to get me to this point , my degree is in informatics generally speaking , i dont want to go specific may be some of my class mate are in this sub , i am intermediate in python and beginner on working with java , i have general information about working with ML and internet security and that's it , that's what i got from my study ... i really cant figure out how can i find a work or if i can find a work for more than 480dt and live like that for a year or two without nothing guaranteed(salary increase) I just want to help my family , wled 7omti are between 30 and 40 no body left , just few of them here and there the rest left the country illegally (7er9o) my young brother is insisting in this shit and the only rich member in my family want to use the situation to buy the part of land that my mom have with the half of it's price , lying about finding a guaranteed way to go europe but I know he is lying so the only thing left for us , is i join the military or police to get a respected salary and sacrifice the life i dreamed of (living independently and may be leaving the country(there's ppl i know ) to help my family and especially my youngest brother to continue his study and may be get some money so my other brother may find a way to leave tunisia, I think about freelancing but I don't have any idea about how much money can one make per month ? I fear it's about the same average salary here of 400 dt to 500dt , I am posting this hoping that somebody have more insight or you can suggest some certification(premium or free most importantly 6 months or less) in my domain that can increase my chance of job , I am tired and feel regret bcuz I was stupid 3 years earlier 😓",,,,,,2022-06-04 10:38:00 v4mezf,,2,asking for information: buying paintball gun,"Hi i'm interested in getting a paintball gun for fun and commercial purposes, But I have no idea an how I can legally bring them in to tunis and I fear that if I bring them without the right paperwork they will be confiscated in the customs , if any one have ideas i will be thankful to u all .",,,,,,2022-06-04 10:50:40 v4mlad,,2,Bac Tunisia,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-04 11:03:04 v4o0hm,,4,Call centers in sousse?,"Any information is appreciated, preferably english though",,,,,,2022-06-04 12:37:49 v4o267,,0,Tunisia is not vegan friendly at all,"I've traveled all over the world and even as a local in the city center Tunisia is the least vegan friendly place I've ever been to, even rural towns in Europe or Asia have more options. Every single meal has either meat or egg/cheese/butter/milk/etc. There is no understanding of what vegetarianism is, let alone veganism. I can't even remember how many times I had to explain that yes fish is an animal 😂 It's actually quite sad because many tunisian dishes have the potential to make great vegan dishes. I can't imagine a tourist coming here who doesn't speak Arabic or french being able to survive on a vegan diet, maybe if they only eat baguettes and olive oil. When you ask someone is this dish vegetarian you can't trust their answer, ever because often times fish and even chicken is seen as vegetarian (?) Don't even bother asking if something is vegan there's no point. Sorry if this sounds bitter or ranty, just venting a little",,,,,,2022-06-04 12:40:30 v4o7rg,,3,li jm3a li yfhmoo omour ordinateuret jst 3ndi sou2l,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-04 12:50:07 v4ocjy,,1,My father works in France. How can he bring to continue my studies there after the BAC exam.,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-04 12:58:02 v4ogmt,,1,mnin najem nechri lsd ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 13:03:54 v4oiq0,,0,ما أسباب الطفح الجلدي عند الأطفال بعد الحمى,,,,,,,2022-06-04 13:07:09 v4ouvg,,11,"Change ""online"" to ""ynabbrou"" in r/Tunisia","I am not a very good Reddit user but I have seen many communities change their ""online status"" to something more specific to the community so I was thinking a good candidate for r/Tunisia would be ""ynabbrou"" since it lies in the identity of the country.",,,,,,2022-06-04 13:25:59 v4p5my,,3,My father works in France. How can he bring me to continue my studies in Europe after the BAC exam.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 13:42:53 v4pzre,,2,Tunisian's high school Math syllabus compared to other countries,"Greetings everyone. I've always had this question about Tunisian's math syllabus and how hard it is compared to other countries' syllabuses. Do you think it is among the hardest or is it medium? please note that I am talking specifically about the math curriculum in the Baccalaureat Math branch. I am looking forward to reading your opinions and discussions.",,,,,,2022-06-04 14:27:41 v4r3jt,,0,استخدامات الريحان المجفف,,,,,,,2022-06-04 15:22:52 v4rfzv,,2,Looking for a tunisian video.,"I am looking for a tunisian video. I watched it like 3 or 4 years ago, it's about the future and I guess the end of the world. And there was a guy using VR Glasses and he used a handsome profile to talk with her. And then he went out and didnt find anyone outside.",,,,,,2022-06-04 15:40:32 v4tpc3,,0,Niqab,"Selem everyone Is the niqab allowed in Tunisia? Someone once told me it was forbidden in some places only but I’m not sure! Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-06-04 17:32:15 v4uaqj,,5,Tunisian cuisine,What are the Tunisian cuisine or products that have a large turnout from Americans?,,,,,,2022-06-04 18:01:53 v4uc78,,0,I’m looking for a web developer (check text for more info),[removed],,,,,,2022-06-04 18:03:52 v4v9lx,,3,"How to search for an ""auxiliaire de vie"" in Tunis? Via Internet",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 18:50:21 v4vfbe,حافظ_موش_فاهم_like_opposing_الشركات/,6,Nothing says حافظ موش فاهم like opposing الشركات الاهلية but trying to look قافز by embracing Web3 and DAOs.,"I don't know who needs to hear this but FFS they are the same damn thing: \-The [الشركات الاهلية](مرسوم%20عدد%2015%20لسنة%202022.pdf) are a type of real world DAOs.",,,,,,2022-06-04 18:58:15 v4w15x,,1,Does anyone know where i can buy rechargeable battrey,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 19:21:24 v4wsqy,,1,My general opinion of tunisian governorates according to my experiences with its people so far.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 19:59:42 v4x1d5,,5,Where can i read the new constitution project ?,"i learned about it on the news, but no matter how much i look for it on google and government websites i can't find it, are people supposed to vote for an unpublished constitution based on faith alone ? is there any link ?",,,,,,2022-06-04 20:11:40 v4x1tz,,4,Has anyone tried UVT?,"so I am about to graduate with a cs license and even though I really want to continue studying to get a master at the very least I am in no position financially nor time wise to spend two years just studying without getting practical experience I need to start providing for my fam asap and I also can't do night courses due to my financial situation nor do I think I'd have a chance applying for a scholarship or alternance since I don't have high grades or anything I just have some projects and internships under my belt and hope that if I land a job after graduation I'd try finishing my masters degree online through UVT?? idk what do you guys think I should do?",,,,,,2022-06-04 20:12:17 v4xbcl,,1,Went to Tunisia a month ago,,,,,,,2022-06-04 20:26:14 v4xk2q,,1,My general opinion of tunisian governorates according to my experiences with its people so far.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 20:39:03 v4xlgz,,1,..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 20:40:59 v4xmcy,,1,My general opinion of tunisian governorates according to my experiences with its people so far.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 20:42:17 v4xng7,,1,My general opinion of tunisian governorates according to my experiences with its people so far.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 20:43:51 v4yddj,,1,افضل وقت لنشر الفيديوهات علي اليوتيوب,,,,,,,2022-06-04 21:20:18 v4yp0c,,1,Food security in Tunisia and Egypt in 2022,,,,,,,2022-06-04 21:37:15 v4zkao,,3,anyone living in sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-04 22:22:06 v50goy,,23,what the fuck with this country?,Just now called the National Guard and I told them that my neighbor is selling dope and drinks all night long in front of my house and he is making so much noise. Just told me that if he is drinking in his house we can't do anything about it. And if he's selling dope also we can't do anything about it 😭. Wtf!!!?.,,,,,,2022-06-04 23:08:36 v50nmb,,1,do people really rape each other in tunisian jails? is it common practice ?,,,,,,,2022-06-04 23:19:03 v516i8,,4,Tunis - El Hana International,"I came to Tunis in 2019 and everytime I went past the El Hama International Hotel on Ave. Habib Bourguiba, I used to see injured people on crutches outside there every evening. Why was this? Were the hotel hosting injured patients?",,,,,,2022-06-04 23:48:12 v51fv6,,3,Skills to learn this summer ?,so summer break is right around the corner do you guys have any suggestions of some handy/worth skills that i should learn while i have the opportunity ?,,,,,,2022-06-05 00:03:21 v51s5y,,1,How about ''No5rjou For a Camping Mn Sousse? '',[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 00:23:18 v51sxd,,1,How about ''Nbarmjou Camp Mn Sousse? '',,,,,,,2022-06-05 00:24:33 v51uc0,,2,chneya ahsen formation (bts) najem naamelha?,,,,,,,2022-06-05 00:26:54 v54hsn,,38,easy crepe recipe,"for 100 grammes flour 1 egg 2 tbsp sugar 1 pinch of salt and add milk until the batter is not too thicc not too thin (around half milk brick)",,,,,,2022-06-05 03:04:39 v56i48,,3,Anyone in/around Hamman-Lif up for a coffee,,,,,,,2022-06-05 05:16:40 v58v0k,,5,What are some innuendos in Choufli Hal that you only understand if you grew up in the tunisian society?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 08:11:47 v591bq,,5,can I do a blood donation when I have some small tattoos,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 08:26:16 v5956w,,1,About the couple kissing yesterday on Tunisian television,,,,,,,2022-06-05 08:35:25 v5a4mg,,1,Prices of foreign goods in Tunisia. Who benefits?,,,,,,,2022-06-05 09:54:18 v5b43v,,1,ID requirements,"ki mshit lel markez s2alt'hom 9alouli njib sh'hedet 7oudhour mel lycée wel 3am wfé ou ena ma5dhitsh cause m9ayed 8ayeb trimester theltha kemla. so I'm fucked? gotta wait till next school year? elli 3id miledou fel siif ta7shelou ou yo93ed yestanna?",,,,,,2022-06-05 11:06:44 v5bckx,,11,What is something you want to buy in Tunisia but can't while it is easily available in Europe ?,,,,,,,2022-06-05 11:23:21 v5bp0l,,2,is it possible to go study in germany without BAC ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 11:46:44 v5czci,,4,can someone relate,عندي شهر بديت نخدم في شركة لهنا في العاصمة. كل نهار مبينات وقت pause نص نهار او ساعات في الخدمة حديث قصير، الموضوع ديما هاهو فلان عمل هاو فلتان عمل، تفرج شعمل قداش اموروا تاعب ملا منيك، و الحوايج لعملها فلتان و فلان تلقاها عادية جدا امور نرمال. المهم مرضت وفديت و انا بيدي نتصورهم يحكوا في ضهري زادا. صراحتا شيء يقزز. باخي شركات و الخدم لكل في تونس هكا؟؟,,,,,,2022-06-05 13:06:23 v5d0mc,,1,tips for finding a summer internships,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 13:08:30 v5d11y,فيصاع_an_opensource_cli_built_by_a/,30,"Fissaa(فيصاع), an open-source CLI built by a developer for developers","Hello, it's been a nice journey with C# and AWS that I created an open-source CLI that helps developers deploy and manage their application's infrastructure on AWS. This project was 3 months of work, hope you enjoy it and appreciate your feedback. [](",,,,,,2022-06-05 13:09:15 v5dajl,,2,Lego sets in Tunisia ?,Where Can I find lego sets ? Medium to big ones with a reasonable price ? Used sets are too included . Thanks either way !,,,,,,2022-06-05 13:24:17 v5dq3m,,3,Where is the best pizza you had the pleasure to eat in tunisia ? Details and why ?,,,,,,,2022-06-05 13:48:41 v5efng,,1,Return of the legend,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 14:26:06 v5etob,,1,can sm1 help me with a C problem,i'm learning C by myself and there is a problem i can't fix,,,,,,2022-06-05 14:45:49 v5f1kq,,1,Am i an simp for cooking for my gf?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-05 14:57:05 v5g73j,,32,basic human and muslim etiquette,"Ena l8alet? fi biti 9a3ed n7ell fi chebeki , a window with a dim grey net bch tna9es namous, nse yet3adew ythabtou fiya wena no8zrolhom famechi yefhmou rwe7hom, whouma 9a3din met3adin ithabtou, i yell inside the house no one is there except me:""chnia 9elet la7ye 3bed mch motrobiya yo93dou iba7l9oulek wenti fi darek"" they heard it, parents came back and they snitched at me and switched the whole story, and I get fucking grounded for disrespecting old women.... Apparently they're older than me and i shouldn't disrespect them?? But they can peak and creep on a teenager's room with 5al3a w boxeurs???? 8adh il basar fil islam lil nse wil rjel mch lil rjel kahaw...",,,,,,2022-06-05 15:52:43 v5go6w,,20,question: kifech tnejmou tkounou productive f hal skhana,,,,,,,2022-06-05 16:15:25 v5gr39,,6,pancake recipe,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-05 16:19:20 v5gstn,,1,Gospel Site,,,,,,,2022-06-05 16:21:42 v5h97a,,14,Would you like Tunisia to be renamed Africa/Ifriqiya? (if the confusion between it and Africa the continent didn't exist),,,,,,,2022-06-05 16:44:03 v5hhhj,,5,what questions do you mainly ask a soon-to-be roommate?,"B derja betbi3a, n7eb na3ref chniya awlawiyet les gens ki bech yosknou m3a un ami ou un étranger :)",,,,,,2022-06-05 16:55:45 v5hi0x,,3,A blog by an amateur showing his experience with technology.,"Hello, I want to share with you an idea about a blog I created early. I wanted to create articles where I can show my knowledge about technology while also preserving the amateur way of how I learn it and let you enjoy my way of thinking about the problem. Am not giving solutions, I am giving thoughts, mistakes, and experiences. Your feedback is appreciated. [](",,,,,,2022-06-05 16:56:29 v5j33y,,1,Called for army service,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 18:13:07 v5k0sn,,4,Can sm1 give me the name of anti depressions i can buy,,,,,,,2022-06-05 18:59:07 v5k82y,,1,Made a YouTube channel where I analyze NBA games in Tunisian dialect. Basketball fans what do you think ?,,,,,,,2022-06-05 19:08:35 v5kfsj,,1,The return of a legend,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 19:18:53 v5kt83,,2,BAC,"i have baccalaureate exams in 3 days,any advice or anything i should know🥰?",,,,,,2022-06-05 19:37:07 v5ktq3,,2,Food Reviews • Instagram,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 19:37:46 v5lgng,,1,Travailler en Tunisie,Est-ce qu’il y a des français qui ont quittés la France pour travailler en Tunisie ?,,,,,,2022-06-05 20:09:16 v5lo9v,,0,what are the subs you are following in reddit ?,,,,,,,2022-06-05 20:19:38 v5m39e,,1,STUDYING IN CANADA AND IMMIGRATION PROCESS (THROUGH AN AGENCY),"I have have a relative willing to immigrate and study in Canada through the medium of some agency which will prepare the ""dossier d'immigration"" for some fees. I was asked to do a ""declaration de soutien financier"" for him which was fine. Then this agency asked for some very personal documents including my ""fiche de paye"" and my bank statements for the past year... and some other documents. Knowing that this relative has already a ""compte bloqué"" in the name of his father (100k) and already provided a ""declaration de soutien financier"" from a Canadian citizen and also some document proving the ownership of a house and a piece of land... I started to find this really exaggerated and it did not make any sense to me. I went through the Canadian l portal for immigration and tried to simulate the process to check what documents are really required because I'm not just gonna take some agency's word for it as my bank statements contain some sensitive data like my IBAN for instance, my social security number, my tax identifier and medical insurance . None of these documents are officially asked for! When I talked to this relative he said that agency told him that Canada wants to discourage immigration from algeria and tunisia so they do not put all the required documents on the website just to refuse immigration requests later .. which makes even less sense. Here is a link to what I found concerning the officially required documents. + Now what I wanna know is if any of you guys already immigrated to Canada to study in the past 2 or 3 years, which documents did you present to prove your financial aptitude.",,,,,,2022-06-05 20:40:25 v5mgyo,,0,Should we normalise boys watching anything from zoumuruda(كوكب زمردة),I want to see your thoughts about the topic:,,,,,,2022-06-05 20:59:45 v5mkq2,,2,What can I do to be accepted for an Ausbildung ? How easy is it to go to Germany as a Tunisian and get a job there ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 21:04:36 v5n46y,,3,Cozy places to chill in with my girlfriend,"Guys can you give me some cozy places that I can go to with my girlfriend in Tunis not exactly a coffee, and do you know some good coffee in Ezzahra?",,,,,,2022-06-05 21:31:44 v5ndtr,,1,Thats how The beach In Mahdia Looks,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-05 21:45:17 v5ng72,,1,Sunset In taklisah Nabeul,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-05 21:48:36 v5nhzp,,1,حل مشكلة جوجل كروم لا يعمل بدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-06-05 21:51:05 v5nnbw,,2,what's your favourite beer ?,,,,,,,2022-06-05 21:58:37 v5ny34,,0,,,,,,,,2022-06-05 22:13:19 v5opp8,,1,Tunsians abroad: spending the summer in Tunisia or abroad? which arguments for and against?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 22:51:48 v5owml,,11,Why are people so untrustworthy?,"I just realized i cant trust people anymore, whatever i do, however i behave, they will speak ill of me and i end up all alone. Do you feel like this is an increasing issue in Tunisia these days? Talking about others, having bad intentions with strangers? Why are we becoming like this? :( Please love each other, we need to be better than this. Sorry for the rant.",,,,,,2022-06-05 23:01:21 v5pxun,,2,Change my mind: Working out is overrated,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-05 23:57:27 v5q94q,,4,IELTS,whats the cheapest way to take the IELTS exam?,,,,,,2022-06-06 00:13:55 v5rtle,,1,Retail Salaries Tunisia,"Edit: i accidentally posted without writing any text... Does anyone here know how much the avg retail worker at either grocery stores or clothing stores earn per month in Tunis? By retail workers I mean the people who sort clothes, help customers, stockers, and those who work the cash registers. I can't seem to find any info online so I thought I might stumble across someone who either has worked in retail or knows others that have 🙃. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-06-06 01:41:34 v5s93w,,0,this needs to be talked about,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-06 02:06:07 v5taaq,,3,price to install climatiseur in tunis,price to install climatiseur in tunis how much can i expect to be the price to be around i have a 9000btu airco,,,,,,2022-06-06 03:05:08 v5w0lv,,3,Can you negotiate for car rental prices?,"I will be arriving into your beautiful country this week and plan to rent a car as I will be travelling into the south. There are websites i have looked at but I am not sure if it is better to book online or in person. Which is better? And is it acceptable to negotiate rental prices? It is different than bartering with locals in the Medina and I don’t want to disrespect anyone :) Thank you",,,,,,2022-06-06 05:59:32 v5x0r4,,2,Buying a round-trip bus ticket,"Hello, if I buy a round-trip bus ticket in the office in Tunis to Douz and back, is the ticket back ""flexible"", or do I have to tell on which bus and when I want to go? Thank you",,,,,,2022-06-06 07:10:35 v5xh8c,,1,what is the best age difference in relationships for success ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-06 07:44:39 v5ycfw,,1,I was scrolling through this subreddit just to see a post that copies my content.,,,,,,,2022-06-06 08:49:19 v615jq,,1,Another achievement of the last decade : Ruining Labib and our childhoods.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-06 11:18:23 v6199s,,1,Restauration de la mosquée Jeddi YOUSSEF à JERBA,,,,,,,2022-06-06 11:24:58 v61k4r,,0,Choose your best mezwed artiste (type others in comments)," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-06 11:43:03 v61uao,,23,"Hello dear neighbors, i will be coming this week from Algeria to visit your beautiful country with my wife, precisely in Hamamet Yasmine, i was wondering if you could suggest us some cool places to visit that are not that far away ? keep in mind that we’re not going to rent a car.",,,,,,,2022-06-06 11:58:28 v621lm,électronique/,9,a7kiwli 3la les domaines mta3 électronique embarquée VS génie logiciel VS data science fi tounes ??,"Chkoun matloub akther fi tounes wala lbarra ? Chkoun 3adou chances bech yatla3 in the future... Awled el domaine ken ta3mlou mziya make a little comparaison... Thanks",,,,,,2022-06-06 12:08:57 v626jz,,1,does tunisian retailers accept payoneer payments,"I want to buy a laptop from mytek or tunisianet or any electronic retailers in tunisia, the question is : does they accept payoneer payments with usd currency? Did anyone had a similar payment act using payoneer?",,,,,,2022-06-06 12:16:45 v627fc,,0,Tunisian women fight for right to freeze their eggs,,,,,,,2022-06-06 12:18:03 v639nj,,2,"I’m looking for an apartment to rent for the entire year in sousse but the rent is highly crazy and the apartments are not that good, probably because it’s summer and it’s sousse as well. Who knows any good apartments? Zone 500-600 sahloul. Id really appreciate it",,,,,,,2022-06-06 13:14:24 v64bwe,,2,can i somehow redo my bac or something like that should i not do that well?,title is self explanatory is it even possible?,,,,,,2022-06-06 14:06:25 v64o04,,5,is it really that dangerous for a woman to rent a studio alone in Tunis,Talking about Bardo or 9 avril or omran a3la.,,,,,,2022-06-06 14:22:14 v650t2,,3,How much for a 2-bedroom flat in Tunis?,"Hello fellow Tunisian, I'm Tunisian and would like to hear how much would a 2 bed room flat cost in Tunis and greater Tunis ? There are very very varying prices thus I was wondering if it was possible to buy something for less than 100k TND or would you have to go very far from Greater Tunis too? thank you!",,,,,,2022-06-06 14:38:39 v660lc,,7,any social tricks?,,,,,,,2022-06-06 15:23:49 v66rvg,,1,Consistently Pray,,,,,,,2022-06-06 15:58:24 v671mr,,11,potential fraud?,"Salem chabeb! Braby andy mochkla maa bank UBCI fima y5oss wire transfer. Ena graphic designer fi Canadian agency w l5lass kol jom3a mais 9oltelhom yabaathouly kol chhar. Tawa 3 months nejry al transfer mtaa March w mahomch wadh7in maaya. Kol mara yatl3ouly btal3a. PS: Andy contract w zedt jebt swift sheet code mn 3and Wise. Chef d'agence jeny lyoum 7kee maaya 9aly rana maadech net3amlou maa correspondant hedha w walina maa United Bank For Africa mn February. 9aly kalem Wise taamel demand to return the money. Ely heya matsirech wa9tely cbn transfer yet3ada mayerja3ch. Lflouss naarach alehom win w chkoun nemchy? W lmontant mahouch chwaya 9rib 10k TND. Fama 7al chabeeb?",,,,,,2022-06-06 16:10:10 v678zk,,1,help!!! my dumb ass accidentally droped lemon juice on Laptop but didnt went through keydoard but when i flipped it to wipe it saw a drop going through that place i just circled. is this really bad?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-06 16:19:24 v67mha,,1,what do you think ?,,,,,,,2022-06-06 16:36:16 v67nn4,,1,what do you think ?,,,,,,,2022-06-06 16:37:39 v67zak,,0,"no but for real, having orgasm is the most outstanding thing i ever experienced",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-06 16:51:57 v68pmc,,2,"my friend's arm is suddenly red wta7r9ou zeda , should he feel concerned ?",,,,,,,2022-06-06 17:24:30 v68rew,,3,how can i register to vote for this July ?,"Hi, tunisian student living in Canada rn, i would like to register to vote for July 25th in tunis, tunisia. My CIN is registred in tunisia and has a tunisian address. Checked isie website and there is no information about how to register and the website for tunisians living outside of tunisia is down.",,,,,,2022-06-06 17:26:46 v6b8k3,,2,Legalization bac,"Hello, where do I legalize my bac for visa porpoise ?",,,,,,2022-06-06 19:17:13 v6cpc8,,15,Tunisia expert drafting new constitution says no reference to Islam,,,,,,,2022-06-06 20:23:37 v6ddno,,1,how old were you when you first experienced an orgasm ? how was it ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-06 20:53:25 v6dhcm,,2,what are some of your favorite non-Tunisians Artists ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-06 20:58:02 v6dpkr,,3,How could I reach the islands of Zembra and Zembretta?,They’re not too far from Nabeul yet I don’t see any ferry or regular public transit. How do people go there?,,,,,,2022-06-06 21:07:48 v6dse5,عدل_منفذ/,6,How much does it cost to hire a lawyer + عدل منفذ ؟,"Someone used my pictures from my instagram to make an instagram account with another name in which they sent inappropriate content to people. So I want to know how much does it cost to legalize those screenshots )عدل منفذ( And how much does it cost to hire a lawyer?",,,,,,2022-06-06 21:11:21 v6e8ar,,3,Safety,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-06 21:31:14 v6ez9d,,1,حل مشكلة استهلاك المعالج CPU بنسبة 100% على كل أنظمة Windows,,,,,,,2022-06-06 22:04:43 v6f36c,,3,question for tunisian diaspora,"if your parents didn’t raise you speaking derija, were you guys able to learn/relearn if so how?",,,,,,2022-06-06 22:09:44 v6huky,,8,"guys I want to buy a car second hand, is there a website or a place where they sell cars that aren't overpriced as I know the Tunisian car market is severely overpriced.",,,,,,,2022-06-07 00:24:18 v6hvkq,,5,Beat making,"im tryna learn a new skill this summer and its my dream to make music someday appreciate anyone who tell me how i can get started",,,,,,2022-06-07 00:25:44 v6jg62,,8,how to cook perfect white rice,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-07 01:47:27 v6ly91,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-06-07 04:00:11 v6pg3b,,1,Tunisian passport visa free only 33 countries what do you guys think and is there is some hope that one day we can have more travel freedom ?,,,,,,,2022-06-07 07:34:48 v6pi1r,,0,I am tired of french,"Im just so tired of french being used everywhere in the country and apparently we're not getting rid of it anytime, this language is burried deep in our cultures and used fundamentally in every document, product, education and piece of media i can't even read what a medicine do or a government website because it's all fucking french, this language is dead and useless and will get us nowhere in the future if we don't get rid of it or maybe replace it with english, still some ignorants believe speaking french is a sign of intelligence and education and ""high class"" what the fuck.",,,,,,2022-06-07 07:38:35 v6pimw,,2,WEIRD QUESTION but where can I find +15m LAN cables in tunis?,,,,,,,2022-06-07 07:39:45 v6pl5o,,1,quick breakfast mug brownie,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-07 07:44:30 v6pon3,,1,"""Your lips, my lips, Apocalypse"" —Cigarettes After Sex",,,,,,,2022-06-07 07:51:07 v6qzsm,,1,Maybe not the best place to post this but,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-07 09:23:34 v6rmwk,,10,Help me quit my job in a fancy way,"I do intend to quit my job to start my own business, but this bitch makes me anxious at work, bossing me around while she s not my superior, very bad attitude and hypocrisy towards me. I have always been extra nice to her and tolerating cause that s just who I am. I want to tell/do something that will ibaradli ala 9albi. (Never done anything like this before, I m the type of person to help you start your car and pushes it with u without u asking me).",,,,,,2022-06-07 10:07:24 v6sssu,,1,Any help to find interships in Tunisia?,"My school is mandating an summer internship, and of course they do not provide us with companies or sources that helps us find them we were told it's a ""personal effort"", anyways I looked everywhere for intership (linkedin/offers on school mail) but nothing, if anyone is looking for an intern in computer science or video editing or honestly anything I'd be happy to just bring coffee and watch people work all day, please reply or suggest companies that are currently looking , that would be greatly appreciated.",,,,,,2022-06-07 11:20:44 v6tq9p,,2,kifech namel setup itunes al iphone fi tounes,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-07 12:06:46 v6usnu,,3,Opinion : Working in Kram.,"What is the best/strategic place to live in? Even it takes commuting that would be okay. Like in general opinions over rents, neighborhoods etc..",,,,,,2022-06-07 12:56:28 v6vdbg,,4,Banks in Tunisia,"So I’m willing to open my first bank account, but as we all know we have many banks fi tounes and i wanna know what’s the best choice for students, and what type should i go with for the “everyday account” type of account?",,,,,,2022-06-07 13:20:44 v6vggw,,2,"Should i trust tayara dot tn to buy a used iphone 12/pro ? if not, can you guys recommend me any other site or place to buy from ?",,,,,,,2022-06-07 13:24:18 v6weib,,1,kifech nerba7 des points karma bellehi ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-07 14:01:03 v6x9xk,,5,UK Visa delays,"Guys, anyone applied for a UK visa in the last 2 months ? How long did it take for the decision? Like seriously I'm losing my mind I applied for a Skilled Worker visa in 31/03 and still no decision (just an exchange in 11/05 the Immigration service asked me for additional docs and I sent them eventually) Like okay do the Ukrainian refugees priority thing but the delays you're making on other applicants are enormous 😔😔",,,,,,2022-06-07 14:32:52 v6xbbz,,10,where to eat sushi in Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-06-07 14:34:14 v6xkyc,,1,I was wondering what Tunisians think about this?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-07 14:44:02 v6ynk0,,14,something fun to do with your partner?(i don't mean sexual),,,,,,,2022-06-07 15:23:02 v6ys35,,1,Whenever someone commit suicide everybody be like he has mental health issues etc. Scorpion suicide when trapped and under pain!It is natural.convince me of the opposite!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-07 15:27:33 v6zvez,,3,7ad ma3andou fekra 3ala ro5set sayd barri,,,,,,,2022-06-07 16:06:48 v7041q,,9,please l need your help my home has been stolen,please l need your help my home has been stolen and l don't know what to do but the problem is the only thing that was stolen is jewelry nothing else was touched not phones not anything and the place where the jewelry was hidden does not look like it was touched at all and what's worse is that we have no idea when or how it happened l just found out to day when was going out and couldn't find anything pls it doesn't make any god damn sense nothing was taken only jewelry it the one who took cleaned it up before leaving,,,,,,2022-06-07 16:15:12 v70oim,,10,Business Idea: Authentic and high quality Lebanese Restaurant in Djerba or Hamamet area?,"Hi, I am Lebanese and I love Tunisia (wallah, bel 7aq n7ebkom barcha) I live in Switzerland. My wife is Tunisian, and I am in love with Tunisia. I would like to invest (to support locals and create good jobs) in a project in Tunisia (maybe Tunis, Djerba or Hamamet area). Here is what I want: 1. I know Lebanese food and Tunisians and Tourists love it. However, there is a lot of room to take it further. 2. The restaurant theme is the [glamorous Lebanese Lifestyle in the 1960s]( 3. This business is not about selling food! ***I want to sell an outstanding and unique experience > living the glamour of Beirut in 1960:*** 1. You feel like: ""You land in Beirut, you step out of the plane"" ... and enter the Restaurant 2. You hear Fairouz, you smell Beirut Winds and Sandal and Cedar Wood, the Garçons are dressed up with a [Lebanese Tarboush]( (similar to Shashia) and will welcome you with a refresher Drink. 3. Furthermore, you are being treated like a King & Queen. We even take off your Jacket and escort you to the table. 4. There will be Theme events: Lebanese Mawwal, Classical Oud & Poetry Evenings, Romantic Candlelight Dinners, Family Sundays, and of course: Hardcore Lebanese Dabke and maybe VIP events with famous Lebanese Singers... 5. Marketing: We will have a [GlamBot](, a photo-wall for Instagram, so that the people create a hype (with a hashtag) about this restaurant and make it go viral in Tunisia etc. 6. The Restaurant is completely data-driven (everything is measured with data including customer feedback to constantly improve the experience. 4. My target customers are the upper class of Tunisia and high income individuals and Tourists who are willing to enjoy this experience 5. Target size: 50-100 Guests with around 25 Tables and 10-15 employees **Here is my Question** How much initial Budget do you think is needed to finance this for the first 6 Months, including costs for rent of the venue/space (excluding the GlamBot) ? I would be happy for every feedback! Thank you so much! [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-07 16:35:14 v72xjf,,1,"En Tunisie, des « ruches intelligentes » pour sauver les abeilles | Africanews",,,,,,,2022-06-07 17:57:10 v732qy,,5,4G internet,Are there any tools that could help me choose the best 4G internet carrier for me based on my location?,,,,,,2022-06-07 18:02:15 v743sc,,10,Grow the D&D community in tunisia," Hello to all redditors :) i recently created a DND discord server , and i hope for ppl to join , it's not a perfect server and i can use some help from all of you , join the server and grow the community of DND in tunisia ❤",,,,,,2022-06-07 18:41:27 v75160,,2,hello im looking for fireworks or flamme if anyone knows anybody fiable and trustworthy (craquage bac sport) ty in advance 👌👍,,,,,,,2022-06-07 19:16:00 v75dix,,17,Anyone interested in / doing genealogy about Tunisian heritage,"3aslema everyone, I am currently working on my family tree which includes now over 200 people (both from my paternal and maternal sides), I don't only collect names, I also try to find dates of birth, marriage, death and places they lived in, etc... I am doing all of this in an Open-source program called Gramps which is pretty advanced but easy to use once you get the hang of it. I think it is a pretty interesting hobby and it's cool to learn about your ancestor's lives and I want to know what you guys think",,,,,,2022-06-07 19:31:42 v76dxq,é_à_létranger_pour_enfant/,4,Voyage organisé à l’étranger pour enfant,"Hello Hello chers tunisiens, chères tunisiennes, J’ai envie d’envoyer mon petit frère en voyage organisé cet été à l’étranger, de préférence un pays anglo-saxon. L’idée c’est qu’il puisse pratiquer son anglais. Je découvre rapidement que c’est très difficile de trouver ce genre de voyage via internet quand on est tunisien. Auriez vous une idée d’un site internet/ organisme/ entreprise ou autres qui propose un tel produit en Tunisie? Merci !",,,,,,2022-06-07 20:15:26 v79pvb,,1,طريقة تحديث جوجل كروم أخر إصدار فى دقيقة واحدة,,,,,,,2022-06-07 22:28:23 v7am5i,,5,is kickstarter and gofundme avalible for tunisians users?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-07 23:10:33 v7dvro,,1,Kirin Cup:Chile vs Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-08 01:52:08 v7hc0f,,2,Birth certificate in English,"Hey peeps, can I request an English مضمون ولادة / birth certificate from بلدية",,,,,,2022-06-08 04:58:09 v7jocp,,1,Why do Tunisian salesmen love to share the information about how much they gain in something with the buyer?,"They would always swear ""هذيكة والله فيها أربعة لاف فرنك صاحبي"" or ""هذيكة راس مالها عشرة صاحبي والله يعني فيها دينار"" and why don't they understand that buyers don't believe them?",,,,,,2022-06-08 07:25:50 v7jt3l,,5,Masters in English,Is there any masters in Tunisia in English?,,,,,,2022-06-08 07:34:47 v7ksbc,,5,"In case of contract got canceled during your work time, do I have the right to ask for period before I leave to figure out next step?","Like finding another job, place to live and manage expenses etc..",,,,,,2022-06-08 08:43:01 v7mxy2,,1,गणेश भगवान को प्रार्थना करें,,,,,,,2022-06-08 11:04:16 v7mztq,,3,airport exchange offices open 24h/24?,"Got a flight at 6am tunis-carthage, nejem nel9a bureau de change ma7loul à 4h ?",,,,,,2022-06-08 11:07:27 v7n0w6,,1,What is a power strip surge protector known as here?,"and where to buy one? but also same questions for a compressed gas cleaning Duster for computers",,,,,,2022-06-08 11:09:14 v7n6qn,,1,Jerba,,,,,,,2022-06-08 11:18:57 v7ngcf,,10,Teleperformance,"How good does your french have to be? I'd say my french isn't so good, I can barely hold a basic conversation, I get stuck a lot, and I struggled with french projects/presentations at school because I get really nervous while trying to speak. I usually get good grades in it but those just reflect my writing skills. I applied for many call centers these days. Today they called me, I didn't have the balls to answer them tbh. I've been looking for an English one but there aren't any near me. Should I just go for it?",,,,,,2022-06-08 11:34:28 v7p47f,,1,"i just got accepted in beaux-arts Tunis major is graphic design, should i go for it?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-08 13:01:18 v7pa8z,,1,"?=Besides Tayra, where's the best way to find rent per Month?",,,,,,,2022-06-08 13:09:16 v7pex1,,6,Trip to Monastir looking for things to do,"Hello guys ! I’ll be having a one week trip to Monastir in 2 weeks but I’ve been having troubles to find tours outside the city for the days I want to leave the hotel. I’ve managed to schedule some tours inside Monastir and right now I’m looking for ways to visit the Sahara desert or do some quadbike or camel riding activities but it seems to be quite hard from where I’m staying in Monastir. Any recommendations and ideas ? Thanks in advance can’t wait to visit your beautiful country !",,,,,,2022-06-08 13:15:33 v7pk7n,,1,recommendation dune ecole de design dans leurope,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-08 13:23:05 v7qavd,,3,"Visiting Tunis this summer, any tips or advice?","Hi all. My parents and family are Tunisian, but I was born and raised and have lived my entire life in America. I am finally visiting Tunis for the first time. Wanted to ask if anyone has any tips or advice? Whether is on social etiquette, culture, places to visit, etc. I’d greatly appreciate it 🙌🏻",,,,,,2022-06-08 13:59:11 v7qotn,,2,hey i need a gym recommendation,does anyone knows a cool gym with a decent price near menzah 5/6/7 or manar ?,,,,,,2022-06-08 14:17:07 v7rubd,,2,Spending a week at Qurbus,"I want to spend a week at a nice hotel there - does anyone know the name of a nice one. And a link if possible would be greatly appreciated. (As well as any tips for places near there I should visit) 3ayeshkum in advance 🤍",,,,,,2022-06-08 15:09:25 v7t4ag,,1,"Jordan Peterson, Tunisian version.",,,,,,,2022-06-08 16:05:59 v7t60w,,1,Tunisia WhatsApp group links update on daily.,,,,,,,2022-06-08 16:08:04 v7u6ef,,1,جل لعلاج الندب الناتجه من الحروق والجروح وحب الشباب,,,,,,,2022-06-08 16:51:35 v7u6up,,1,"Jordan Peterson, Tunisian version.",,,,,,,2022-06-08 16:52:09 v7vyx5,,1,SLEEP MODE AIR CONDITIONERS FEATURE,,,,,,,2022-06-08 18:08:53 v7zm5d,,10,Covoiturage f Tunis :),"I'm in Tunis for my end of studies internship, I'm staying at my relative house at hay ennasr. Currently suffering from the infamous Tunisian public transport... It's really ironic how many cars i see every day and rarely see 2+ person per car. I'm still student so am broke as hell, i tried looking for ""Covoiturage"" and apparently it only works for girls :'). Since I'm a guy it took 2 weeks to finally get an answer, the dude asked for 3dt for a one way trip, total of 6dt per day :).. from ennasr to urbain nord !!! Iike what the hell ! So now either take a 50 minute walk or take the bust+train+600meter-walk or wait for 2 hours to find a normal taxi that's not fucking bolt :)... I sure love my country",,,,,,2022-06-08 20:47:32 v7zyy9,,3,investing,Hey guys what kind of investissement can I do with 30 thousand dinars ?,,,,,,2022-06-08 21:03:13 v80nz5,,0,where can I find maasage girls in tunis (masseuses ),[removed],,,,,,2022-06-08 21:35:49 v81oja,,1,ميزة يجب تفعيلها على حساب جوجل | حماية مُحسّنة للتصفّح الآمن,,,,,,,2022-06-08 22:24:36 v82eqt,,1,Do you relate? I mean I never saw an old guy or lady doing actual work in the public sector... I'm guessing it's more than 49% in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2022-06-08 22:59:47 v843uf,,9,Best new laptop for 1400tnd max,i want to use it for light gaming like forza gta 5 minecraft and fl studio i can go 1450 max pls help,,,,,,2022-06-09 00:25:22 v85jer,,1,"Online freelancers, how much money have you made ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 01:40:56 v8c9qk,,1,Concentrix phone interview questions,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 08:40:17 v8dgcj,,1,an average camera suggestions,"i'm 17 i don't have a phone and i don't want to buy one, instead I want to buy a camera to document things.any suggestions?",,,,,,2022-06-09 10:05:17 v8dm52,,14,hi is safe ? if so how do i receive the gift card code ?,,,,,,,2022-06-09 10:17:00 v8esq9,,0,Formation,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-09 11:33:17 v8fvb9,,1,kifeh n7es bro7i mawjouda,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-09 12:35:22 v8hczk,,0,app mobile,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-09 13:54:16 v8hepj,,0,"does wmen that uses draagon and monster dildos , dream of having half monsters kids or legendary creatures",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-09 13:56:48 v8hkgk,,1,"If this happens, Sidi Mahrez will be more famous than Jesus",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 14:04:12 v8hzqi,,1,If this happens Sidi Mahrez will be more famous than Jesus,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 14:25:03 v8isxp,,0,Is it me or Tunisian atheists are as cringe as believers,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-09 15:02:52 v8je77,,1,is there a place that sells rings like this one?,,,,,,,2022-06-09 15:29:58 v8k4pm,,1,Kirin Cup - Chile vs Tunisia Prediction,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 16:03:10 v8l2bk,,1,Sousse and Tunis 1890-1900 looking better than they do today 💀,,,,,,,2022-06-09 16:45:39 v8la0f,,1,ميزة جديدة يجب تفعيلها على حساب جوجل كروم | حماية مُحسّنة للتصفّح الآمن,,,,,,,2022-06-09 16:55:16 v8ldlf,,1,Tunisien league ranking,,,,,,,2022-06-09 16:59:38 v8me0g,,2,Where can I find sushi in sfax??,I am looking for a place that serves japanese or Thai food in sfax,,,,,,2022-06-09 17:44:06 v8mup4,,3,"Best ways to go from Tunis to the USA, especially (Chicago) for Age 20+","Hi Guys I'm sure many of you have friends or brothers or cousin went to USA, Any Idea how to do that please ? Share with me all your Ideas <3 <3 <3 PS: I'm asking sorry for didn't put ?",,,,,,2022-06-09 18:03:52 v8n25j,,4,Any good co-studying spaces in tunis?,,,,,,,2022-06-09 18:13:12 v8n9hp,,1,a phone with a non saved IMEI,"Hello. I bought a phone from facebook marketplace (an Identical phone to her last one, cuz that's what she wants). I bought it from there because it's not available in the market anymore. A month later, ""el reseaux 9as"" and no phone calls or *???# can be established. Which (after asking a proffesional) seemed to be caused by the fact that the phone's IMEI wasn't saved in . In other words , the phone wasn't made in Tunisia (And I just found out that they do this procedure to prevent smuggled phones from being bought and used normally). I talked to the guy back on facebook marketplace, and the negotiation didn't go very well. Another person tried helping me out (A professional has told me that you need someone who came to tunisia in the last 3 months from another country). But it seems like it didn't work. After asking, another friend of mine , he sent me [this](, which seems to suggest that I need that someone to actually be in Tunisia in order to fix the problem in the CERT office (thanks to our amazing online services). Therefore I'm stuck. Can someone tell me what to do ?",,,,,,2022-06-09 18:22:30 v8nifw,,1,Why are a lot of famous Tunisians and public figures more European/Thracian looking?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 18:33:39 v8nxld,,1,"La startup GoMyCode, faisant de l'« edtech » en Tunisie, lève 8 (...)",,,,,,,2022-06-09 18:53:09 v8op5k,,3,Where can I get checked for autism ?,"I'm 20 and autism runs in y family. My uncle and my brother both have pretty severe forms of atism and I feel like there's a big probability that I have it as well . I really wanna checked because I fee like a diagnostic would really help me. But I have no idea how or where to get checked. We have no autism center as far as I know. So does anybody have any idea where I can get checked ? Thanks a lot.",,,,,,2022-06-09 19:26:48 v8pku4,,25,Why do tunisians go to coffee shops ?,"i'm not talking about those who go to chill and have fun with their friends, its about those (generally from older generations )who sit alone and just look at passing cars.",,,,,,2022-06-09 20:05:45 v8poie,,4,how to stay focused and motivated,"I have a lot of things to work on , i need to stay focused and sharp but in same time i do have problems in my family that affects me directly in a psychological aspects . Even that is not directly related to me , but in same time i feel shitty and can't keep myself focused to work myself ! How to solve this ?",,,,,,2022-06-09 20:10:13 v8qo71,,1,They asked which country do you hate the most to Tunisians,,,,,,,2022-06-09 20:55:06 v8r65c,,1,الحل النهائى لمشكلة عدم فتح بعض المواقع على متصفح جوجل كروم | بالرغم من ...,,,,,,,2022-06-09 21:17:18 v8r77o,,1,what do u think about this?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 21:18:36 v8rsae,,1,Which Country Do You HATE The Most?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 21:45:27 v8rsvr,,1,Which Country Do You HATE The Most?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-09 21:46:12 v8v8ss,,1,دليلك الشامل في مجال التسويق الالكتروني لزيادة عدد المبيعات,,,,,,,2022-06-10 00:35:53 v8vggl,,1,Kirin Cup - Chile vs Tunisia Prediction,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-10 00:47:26 v8w9s3,,1,How old were u when u first tried alcohol ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-10 01:31:03 v8wiq7,,0,Whats ur opinion on homosexuality ?,,,,,,,2022-06-10 01:44:52 v8y0zd,,1,شات القلوب,,,,,,,2022-06-10 03:07:05 v8yydl,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-06-10 04:00:11 v90m9e,,17,What small projects are worth investing in in tunisia,Capital range 50- 80 M,,,,,,2022-06-10 05:40:43 v915vh,,1,I have no idea on what to do,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-10 06:16:19 v91lef,,1,My friend wrote this letter for me but I don’t know what زحبل برشا means. Is it specifically Tunisian dialect? 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-06-10 06:46:12 v92ooq,,1,in need of some information,"Hi guys , I hope someone can help, I want to send something via mail to Egypt, how many days will it take to reach + how much money to pay ? If someone knows please don't hesitate to comment .Have a nice day:D",,,,,,2022-06-10 08:02:16 v9355v,,10,Thanking my host,"Hello everyone, I’m going to visit tunesia for the first time in August this year and am going to stay with my boyfriend’s family for two weeks. I really want to gift them something to thank them for their hospitality and for welcoming me into their home but don’t want to offend anyone. The family members I’m going to stay with are uncles/aunts and not his parents. What is an appropriate gift? I’d love to give some of his baby cousins ( or more specifically their parents) something homesewn for the kids, but what about the adults? Thank you all in advance!",,,,,,2022-06-10 08:36:38 v93x44,,12,Another cafe question: Why young people want to sit in the cafes all the time?,"I saw a post about why elderly are sitting in cafés. But I would like to ask (or rather complain) why young (as <40 yo) people sit in cafes constantly. I feel like it’s the only entertainment they have. To majority of people going out means going to cafe. When it’s time to leave house the question that arises is not “What should we do?”, but “Which cafe are we going to?”. No walks, no nature, no other social activities. No cinema, bowling, museum or sports. Nothing. Just sitting in cafes for hours. Sometimes not even speaking to each other, just scrolling the phones together. I know I generalise right now, but I feel like way more than 50% of young people live this way. From what I was told, it wasn’t like that 20 years ago. It’s quite new thing, but why was it adapted so easily? Because it’s a cheap entertainment with the price of a coffee?",,,,,,2022-06-10 09:32:42 v95njw,,5,Studying in Canada,"is it worth it to spend a load of money and 2 years to have an AEC/ACS attestation of college studies ? Does the AEC graduates even have a good salary and well respected in there ? Thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-06-10 11:29:28 v960kk,,1,English Call Centers?,"just looking for english call centers. any names? websites? emails? thanks for helping.",,,,,,2022-06-10 11:51:55 v96p4c,,36,I don't want to live for two,"I am 26 years old. I've had a couple ""almost"" romantic relationship experiences but the more i grow up, it feels to me like ""naah, meeh! I just don't feel like it, I am better off alone"". I mean like I don't even have the willingness or the slightest longing to being in a relationship anymore. I basically came to the point where I see no use of it. I am just fine on my own, i want to make friends and live a free life, without having to be tied up to someone. Just wanna be ""tranquille"". I literally lost all sight of what can the advantages of being in a relationship or marriage be. And even when I see those advantages, none of them tempt me, because I know the amount of disadvantages that come along with those, too. The amount of commitment, and the loss of freedom. Modern Romantic relationships are very tangling. Sometimes I day-dream about being loved, in love and with someone, but I am literally always happier, cooler, more balanced when I am single. Who's here like me? Edit : I am not posting this as if it's a problem or a complaint. I am just stating my situation just how it is, neutrally. And just wanting to see how many of my fellow Tunisians might be feeling the same. You know.. maybe it's a social phenomenon? 🤔",,,,,,2022-06-10 12:30:24 v989cx,énieur_développement/,3,Stage ingénieur développement,"Sbe7 lkhir , blhy ken fama chkoun ya3rf société wela startup tlwj f des stagiaires fl dev (java/jee/spring ) y7ot link f comment . wlh fhemtch kifech lwe7d ynjm ydabr stage ma fama 7ad yrajaa aal mails l tab3athehom .",,,,,,2022-06-10 13:53:03 v99n50,,3,Car question,"Hello lads, So i was stupid enough to smoke in the car while drunk and ended up leaving a cigarette burn on the roof liner or whatever it's called (le tissu du ciel de toit). I wanted to know if it was possible to change tout le tissu du ciel de toit and if yes, how much would it cost and where can I do that. (I have a 208 btw) Please help my parents might actually kill me if they see it",,,,,,2022-06-10 14:58:50 v99xh4,,1,كيفية التعديل على ملف pdf للكمبيوتر 2022,,,,,,,2022-06-10 15:11:14 v9a7jy,,1,Can I do intermittent fasting and still bulk my muscles ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-10 15:24:17 v9anvh,,3,Selling a house,"As someone who never bought or sell a house before i don’t know what to do or how to find someone who would buy the house. The house is in a good place and in a good neighborhood but still under some constructions it’s mostly done but there’s few things still need fixing, we’ve spent so much time on it but we can’t continue any of it anymore since we have to move out to deal with some issues.",,,,,,2022-06-10 15:45:58 v9bbt2,,29,Did you know Tunisia was the first Muslim nation to ban slavery?,"Tunisia began the process to ban slavery in 1841 and ratified it in 1846, any slaves entering Tunisia were automatically freed. Not just the first Muslim country but one of the first in Africa and ahead of many European and South American’s states, as well as the U.S. Ibadi Berbers in Tunisia and the Maghreb actually banned slavery in the 8th century (which was unprecedented for the time) but it was reinstated by the various dynasties and empires succeeding them. It’s nice to see our small country leading the world in humanitarianism.",,,,,,2022-06-10 16:15:33 v9bc0k,,1,investment and buying shares,Is it possible to buy shares in Tunisia? And is it a good investment? If yes how?,,,,,,2022-06-10 16:15:50 v9duaj,,26,fadit mn 7yeti,3am keml ne5dm f eco gestion math 3le 18 et 19 n7eb nnj7 b mention très bien wna9ra fi ihec w ile tbs . Mais lyoum t2akedt li ena inssen bhim barcha ey n3am bhiiiiimm barchaaaaa!!!! Kifh 3abd ye5dm 3am keml w yssayeb lbhema hedhi aman!!! Allah 8aleb I didn't reach my expectations wle tla3 3andi le potentiel le chyyy . 3am keml fi wosst l3am njib mn 15 l 17 moyenne ama tw t2akdt li ena inssen bhim wmnsst79 7ata chy . Mna3rech chn3amel l7eyti nmchi nmout 3le bhemti nedfen rou7i nt8aber wlh le na3ref et merci leli 9ra w ssma3ni,,,,,,2022-06-10 18:09:59 v9fsn2,,1,The Batman 2022 (مترجم),,,,,,,2022-06-10 19:41:50 v9g61s,,6,3lech lkroz fi tounes generally tend to be white (european looking ),[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-10 19:59:29 v9hztl,,6,Rent 4x4 around Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-10 21:24:53 v9i3ot,éléperformance_phone_intervew_questions/,1,Téléperformance phone intervew questions,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-10 21:30:12 v9ila9,,2,How to buy from the playstore,"I want to buy from the playstore and don't know how I have a bank account and money Any advice is appreciated",,,,,,2022-06-10 21:54:05 v9ip6p,,1,حل مشكلة ملفات تعريف الارتباط ال Cookies نهائيا,,,,,,,2022-06-10 21:59:20 v9j1q7,,1,are u guys investing in crypto ? if yes pls tell me how to do it in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-06-10 22:15:28 v9k4j4,,1,Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA),Have you guys any idea about this program for teachers?,,,,,,2022-06-10 23:07:40 v9kaym,,1,kifeh najem naaml shab 9ad ma nhawel w dima wahdi fheltech aaleh jarabt kolchay w bdit net9ala9 mel loneliness li ena feha,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-10 23:17:01 v9kpn5,,10,how can i return to normal again,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-10 23:38:44 v9lqlq,,13,"does Tunisian mentality scare you ? If yes , how ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-11 00:34:06 v9oupo,,1,Come in Russia finish them quickly!,,,,,,,2022-06-11 03:35:00 v9rq28,,1,"Do it, NOW",,,,,,,2022-06-11 06:43:15 v9soqu,,3,Gaming Academy 2022,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-11 07:54:00 v9t5ux,مواطن_and_not_a/,0,PSA: How to make sure you are a مواطن and not a رعية,"This is the self service election portal: []( In 15 mins you can be sure you are a considered a مواطن. Make sure your personal information are correct and that you are registered to vote. All you need is you' CIN and a phone number. &#x200B; ***PS***: Some political parties are encouraging people to not register to vote as way to protest, but, in reality they are making sure people can't vote yes if the proposed constitution is actually better than the one that led us to this shitty situation. All I'm calling for is to register. Don't be a sheeple. Yes or No it doesn't matter for me. You can even register and not go. Although, I hate seeing our youth in lines in front of the gambling stores and only the elderly in the voting centers. 20 years ago, my English teacher said ""You can't expect your parent to not treat you as a childish teenager when your default response to anything you don't like is refusing to eat."" &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-06-11 08:29:01 v9t8vz,,0,What happens if one of my exam paper doesn't get signed by les 2 prof ili y3isou? (Bac),"Mathabatich ken wra9i lkol msa7in, nkhaf war9a mil wra9 tatla3 mich msa7a w ymchiw yna7iwheli :,( pls help , yekhi lprofet wil idera ykhabtou fil wra9 kenhom msa7in lkol 9bal mayaba3thouhom?",,,,,,2022-06-11 08:35:06 v9ugzi,,2,To what extent one should be egoistic in order to succeed without harming others?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-11 10:06:07 v9ux4d,,1,biking from Tunis to Nabeul alone,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-11 10:39:49 v9uxyv,,2,How come most Tunisians on Reddit are underaged ?,,,,,,,2022-06-11 10:41:36 v9vl45,,0,My experience as a tourist in Tunisia is horrible,"I arrived in Tunis a few days ago and I can, from the depths of my heart, say that I hate the country and can't wait to be back home. It's not my first time in Africa, and not my first time in a third world country. My first visit to Africa was awesome, and what motivated me to come back. But being in Tunisia is 80% stress and 20% fun. I lost count of how many times someone tried to scam me. Taxi drivers, ""guides"", sellers, random people in the streets... Everyone is just trying to get money from me. Today I stepped foot out of my hotel and got approached by a scammer literally after I crossed the street. Seconds after leaving the hotel. I had planned to visit several cities in the northern part of the country, but that has also been a failure. I tried to get a train to El Jem and gave up after it was delayed for 2 and a half hours. I could go with a driver or a louage, but God knows how they would scam me. Same for the bus, because I'm pretty sure one of my fellow passengers would try to get some money from me. I do believe that the country has several interesting things to see and do, but it's quite hard to do that when public transportation simply doesn't work and you can't leave your hotel without feeling like a walking target for scammers. I don't want to leave my hotel room and don't dare trying to buy a postcard or fridge magnet, because they will probably try to charge me 50 euros for that. I do understand that everyone in the country is pretty poor and miserable, and Corona only made things worse. But this is the kind of behavior that will make tourists think twice about coming to Tunisia. So, for me, unfortunately Tunisia sucked and I feel like I threw my money in the toilet by coming here.",,,,,,2022-06-11 11:27:00 v9wvrp,,11,"readers of r/tunisia, any good arabic books recommendation?",":) EDIT: would be nice if you specify why ",,,,,,2022-06-11 12:47:57 v9wxhz,,1,أربعة طرق للربح من موقع Jumia للتونسيين و سكان شمال افريقيا,,,,,,,2022-06-11 12:50:53 v9x82n,,0,girls ! what the fuck ?,"Short story: I met a beautiful girl online, and after a brief conversation, I simply said, ""damn you're beautiful,"" though she never responded. I mean, if I see a pretty girl, I always compliment her! Just a genuine compliment, not an attempt to seduce her or anything! It's just a fuckin compliment hahaha. Why are girls so bitchy when someone tries to be nice to them?",,,,,,2022-06-11 13:07:37 v9xfmm,,11,Why are most of the so called Tunisian modern girls arrogant?,"Hi folks, Working for a big tech firm in Lac 2, I often find myself greeting coworkers that passing by/in the elevator... Guys smile and reply friendly. However, most girls just stare and then silently move on. I wonder what reasons a person can have not to greet someone back? I am not trying to hit on those girls, I am just trying to be friendly.",,,,,,2022-06-11 13:19:20 v9xfru,,1,want to learn new thing to survive,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-11 13:19:33 v9xu4w,,1,Where can I buy a carbonated water maker?,,,,,,,2022-06-11 13:41:39 v9ys5o,,4,ans7ouni b ecouteur tel tahfoun budget <80dt (filaire ou bluetooth),"salem choft des ecouteurs bleutooth b 50-60 dt amma na3ref elli yefsdou fisa3. famma chkoun chré haja 3andha 3am walla akther menghir machekel? sinon ta3rfouch ecouteur filaire <50dt wadha7 fih micro w idoum &#x200B; rabbi ifadhalkom",,,,,,2022-06-11 14:32:18 v9ysry,,1,همووووت 😂😂,,,,,,,2022-06-11 14:33:13 v9zqqn,,0,psychedelics drugs,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-11 15:21:22 v9zuqf,,31,"heyy, why do guys expect from ""good"" girls to have no sexual life and to not express her sexual needs to her partner/husband ? and why do arab men refuse to marry a woman who's not virgin?",,,,,,,2022-06-11 15:26:54 va0bkm,,1,"Departments of FRANCE by percentage of living newborns who have a father born in North Africa or Turkey, 2020 (data:INSEE)",,,,,,,2022-06-11 15:49:56 va0v5f,,0,guys and girls what are your opinions on your partner having a best friend from the opposed sex ?,"FOR EXAMPLE GIRL HAVING GUY BSF OR GUY HAVING GIRL BSF I NEVER SAID THERE’S ANYTHING WRONG WITH IT I JUST WANNA HEAR OUT YOUR OPINIONS",,,,,,2022-06-11 16:16:03 va162o,,0,eh problematic users,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-11 16:30:47 va2frz,,1,تسريع جوجل كروم إلى أقصي سرعة بدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-06-11 17:34:29 va2pec,,3,Do Tunisians resent/dislike Moroccans?,"I was reading an article about Tunisia's economy, and how it lost nearly a decade of growth to stagnation and gdp drop. It started since the terrorist attack which caused a decline in tourism, and then political crisis that dropped Tunisia's stability rating. Morocco, which was always trying to surpass Tunisia's aeronautic and manufacturing, took advantage of this and basically got a lot of what was supposed to go to Tunisia. Now? Morocco has Africa's largest car manufacturing and export indutry. Seeing that Tunisia is a close ally of Algeria, I wonder if Tunisians do resent/hate Morocco?",,,,,,2022-06-11 17:47:49 va3q7f,,5,Picnic date spots in Tunis,Can you suggest me a nice (not crowded) place in Grand Tunis where we can have a picnic date?,,,,,,2022-06-11 18:39:12 va5g21,,1,It's time for the real renaissance!,,,,,,,2022-06-11 20:06:49 va6eup,,1,Fibre optique,Chkoun yefhem domaine hedha w est-ce que najem na9rah f touns w nokhroj lbara baed ?,,,,,,2022-06-11 20:57:28 va6npg,,0,always has been.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-11 21:09:40 va8hff,,0,hookups,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-11 22:45:35 va8v4f,,0,Choose your best modern tarab singer (by modern I mean alive and still sings),"Let’s define tarab : it’s songs that you can’t identify in one of the famous Tunisian music archetypes (malouf - pop- hadhra - mezwed …) but it is closer to oriental style. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-11 23:05:44 va8yfj,,0,Choose your favorite pop singer,"I picked the most famous ones [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-11 23:10:51 va918y,,2,any where I can buy one piece related stuff,I'm really into one piece and as the new movie coming out soon and want to see it while wearing a straw hat or some one piece stuff anyone got some for sale or know a place I can buy from,,,,,,2022-06-11 23:15:17 vaafnv,,0,Appreciation post for our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw),[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 00:33:09 vab48o,,1,"Fellow Tunisians, what’s (are) the illegal ways to invest in cryptocurrency in Tunisia? Need details. Thanks in advance",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-12 01:14:13 vab4me,,2,"Fellow Tunisians, what’s (are) the legal ways to invest in cryptocurrency in Tunisia? Need details. Thanks in advance",,,,,,,2022-06-12 01:14:52 vabc8t,,3,is liking my teacher sthing wrong,"Well am a 22 years old college student , i met with this teacher in my last year in highschool (bac) , she was a new phylosophy transfer teacher at the time and didn't like the place , she had very though year , and some how i helped her going through a lot of that, well she was pretty much young about 24 and that helped us make some sort of friendship without boundaries ""like the classic teacher student relationship in tunisia "", it's been 3 years since we've been friends and i like everything about her especially her mindset and her capability of helping me whenever i needed help , Well i m confused sometimes i think that she's only doing that paying back the favor of helping her out through her hardships and smtimes i think that she's doing it out of care and love , in both ways till this moment i rarely address her by her name i always say miss and i wanna be free from that image of her being my teacher cuz it's preventing me from being spontaneous and joking carelessly around her , What should i do nd how should I act ""ófc i don't wanna do anything that may lead me to loosing her as a friend""",,,,,,2022-06-12 01:27:31 vag1gi,,1,Post got censored,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 06:35:09 vag6os,,1,How to make sure to have stable internet in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 06:46:07 vahnze,,1,do i can get a mastercard/visa in tunisia AKA international credit card ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 08:36:22 vaj91h,,17,Tunisia's labor union rejects IMF conditions for economic reform,,,,,,,2022-06-12 10:34:22 vajiqg,,1,طفولتي ملخصة تمنيت لو أن زملائي و أخي كانوا أطيب :(.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-12 10:54:54 vajlo1,/r/ABetterTunisia/comments/vajkbo/a_better_tunisia/,1,A Better Tunisia (Crosspost),,,,,,,2022-06-12 11:00:32 vajqdg,طفولتي_في_المدرسة_ملخصة/,0,طفولتي في المدرسة ملخصة,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-12 11:09:30 vajs8l,,1,Remotely working in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 11:13:04 vajtm1,,1,A Better Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 11:15:49 vajuwm,,6,[western_union] is there any restrictions or things i should know or do when receiving a fixed amount of money monthly via western union? ps : for tunisians.,,,,,,,2022-06-12 11:18:29 vajye2,طفولتي_ملخصة/,0,طفولتي ملخصة,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-12 11:25:12 vak29g,,1,confusion about my future studies,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 11:32:42 vak2r0,,1,A Better Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 11:33:38 vakuj9,,8,Site behi na3ml bih cv we ykoun blech,mezelt ki t5arajt we n7eb na3ml CV famech site ma3rouf ya3ml cv we ykoun gratuit thx in advance \^\^,,,,,,2022-06-12 12:23:05 val0xj,,1,Where can i find a fan splitter in Tunisia ? (The cable that connects multiple System Fans to the motherboard),,,,,,,2022-06-12 12:33:36 val5ds,,1,Masturbation,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 12:40:50 val6tp,,0,Anyone fancies going to this?,,,,,,,2022-06-12 12:43:04 vama6d,,7,"Aslema, for the people that tried freelancing in Tunisia while residing here: Comment est-ce que vous avez gérer le processus de paiement??",,,,,,,2022-06-12 13:44:14 vambh4,,1,i wanna buy a film camera but how can i transfer the pics to the computer later ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 13:46:15 vamgwb,شنو_ممكن_يصيارلك_كي_يشدوك_تسمي_لشكو_يعدي_باك/,1,شنو ممكن يصيارلك كي يشدوك تسمي لشكو يعدي باك,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-12 13:54:32 vamhoo,شنو_ممكن_يصيارلك_كي_يشدوك_تسمي_لشكون_يعدي_باك/,1,شنو ممكن يصيارلك كي يشدوك تسمي لشكون يعدي باك,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-12 13:55:41 vamice,شنو_ممكن_يصيارلك_كي_يشدوك_تسمي_لشكون_يعدي_باك/,0,شنو ممكن يصيارلك كي يشدوك تسمي لشكون يعدي باك,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-06-12 13:56:44 vao3ef,,26,"Hi ,American here, but why do all my Tunisian friends here tell me people from Sfax are the cheapest people in the world? I’ve noticed a common theme with sfaxians they don’t want to associate with you in public unless you’re wealthy even if they are not themselves. Kind of sus.",,,,,,,2022-06-12 15:16:27 vaop8r,,3,How can i hide/cover scratch marks on the back of laptop ?,"my laptop got some scratch marks, and i wanted to know what are the possible ways to cover them, and if there's a store that can do these stuff around sousse/monastir/mahdia",,,,,,2022-06-12 15:46:00 var85c,,9,"I just found out that 200 people from la Marsa voted for Marine le pen, what are your thoughts on this",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 17:47:08 vas4ss,,1,Is it fine for a Tunisian like me and my European GF to book in 1 room in a hotel? without marriage certificate or anything,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 18:30:01 vas6x8,,1,tinder user,"I've been using tinder for almost a week or more nd i got 0 matches 0 .i have a good profile nd still nothing . My less attractive friends are getting matches Any tips ?",,,,,,2022-06-12 18:32:48 vasdod,,1,Laptop Gamer,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 18:41:42 vaseib,,1,pc gamer,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 18:42:46 vasfaq,,1,gamer,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 18:43:50 vaw5y4,,3,Need help with my project (html css php),Any tunisian expert in web development (html css and php) that could help me with my project ? even for an hour it will mean alot to me ❤️,,,,,,2022-06-12 21:38:37 vawxqd,,14,How can I make money this summer as an engineering student?,"Hi guys, I'm on my second year of studying and I am already good at a lot of things like photoshop, illustrator etc. I'd love to hear from you guys what do you think is the best way to make money this summer.",,,,,,2022-06-12 22:15:22 vaxlg9,,3,fech najem nista3mel solde mte3 Tel.,"Sbe7 nour ppl. Fech najem nistam3el solde mte3 il tel mte3i ? Kont nista3mel feha par exemple fi famech 7aja tasla7 najem nists3mel feha ilsolde il zayed elli 3andi ? Nharkom 3ssal 😘",,,,,,2022-06-12 22:47:44 vaxzbr,,3,Hair transplant in HR le bon choix,I'm thinking about having a hair transplant in HR le bon choix. I'm still not sure if I should go to it or have it in Turkey. What do you guys think? Do you think it's better to be more safe and have it in an expensive clinic in Turkey? Or it's not worth it and just have it done here in HR le bon choix (it looks promising) and save A LOT OF MONEY and effort?,,,,,,2022-06-12 23:06:43 vaywpt,,1,a good nutritionist please,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-12 23:56:20 vazr1u,,7,geeks,Is the web/mobile dev industry I Tunisia over-saturated that the careers won't be fulfilling in the future?,,,,,,2022-06-13 00:41:09 vb05qt,,3,Sex,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 01:02:56 vb2vgy,,0,Knowledge,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 03:31:23 vb6f5d,,12,"Tunisie : la posidonie, une herbe marine indispensable mais méconnue | Africanews",,,,,,,2022-06-13 07:19:30 vb7yxe,,3,Learn tunisian through english?,"I know its a far cry, but is there a way of learning tunisian from any source through english? Ive seen books in french but so far couldn't find any in English. 3aychek.",,,,,,2022-06-13 09:13:43 vb8kxr,,0,wanna join an nft project?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 09:57:52 vb8xrk,,6,Try to know about 3C electronics market in Tunisia,"Introductions: I am from a drones and stabilizer company. Coming to Tunisia in one month to check about the market. Before I come, I want to find some information online first. So anyone can advise me who are the local big hypermarket, photography equipment shops and are there any mobile or camera distributor? Thanks.",,,,,,2022-06-13 10:21:37 vbattn,,130,"Le boxeur Tunisien Zak Chelly 🇹🇳 né a Londres , remporte le championnat d’angleterre 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿",,,,,,,2022-06-13 12:15:42 vbb2e1,,1,Is there any hope in Tunisian youth or they lovers all of them?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-13 12:28:24 vbb356,,0,is there any hope in Tunisian youth or are they losers all of them?,"And here I am thinking primarily of all these young people who spend their days playing video games and defending homosexuality and other crimes online? As someone who has very concrete plans of ruling that country one day I still can't make up my mind whether they are to rely on or if it is a lost case and I should put my efforts elsewhere.",,,,,,2022-06-13 12:29:32 vbb4oe,,11,untold history: KKK in sidi bou said,,,,,,,2022-06-13 12:31:41 vbbjmx,,0,Investment opportunity,"I want a partner who has capital ready to invest.. I have great experience in a specific field that enables me to achieve important profits in a short time. For more information please don't hesitate to contact me.",,,,,,2022-06-13 12:53:45 vbhf87,,1,Do you need a license to run an e-commerce business? (selling products online),[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 17:25:22 vbhnf9,,1,"Hi, the best work Monitor with a budget 400TND-500TND?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 17:35:13 vbhurq,شنو_الاسم_العلمي_لحشيش_النجم/,2,شنو الاسم العلمي لحشيش النجم ؟,,,,,,,2022-06-13 17:44:23 vbja68,,6,"I'm cyber addict since the last 13 years and bipolar type || and I don't know how to talk to people in real life, actually I'm super weird and definitely a robot. please help",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 18:48:00 vbje3s,,5,What are interesting things/people/places/events/subjects located in Sousse?,"eni fi club mta3 média w 7asilou il sif hetha n7ibou na3mlou beaucoup de vidéos w reportages 3ela 7wayej bil7aq intéressante w originale, les sujets mta3na lazem ykounou lié li soussa kan ta3rfou 3ebd ya3mel fi 7aja bizarre wela tijleb il attention mta3 les autres, soit chkoun ya3mel fi fi 5idma qdima barcha, wela 5idma ma3anech minha fi tunis, wela yisna3 fi produit originale wela invention wela blasa fiha 7aja anormal, wela 3andha tari5 inintéressantwela des evenements, wela ay 7aja to5tor 3ela balek t7isha dji video creative, qoli please! merci beaucoup",,,,,,2022-06-13 18:52:54 vbjo77,,0,why do Tunisian treat black folks from Tunisia and from Africa ( any country from middle or south Africa) differently?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-13 19:05:04 vbjo9w,,1,"i've seen people finding thrown out electronics such as laptops and their hard drives or just sold for cheap in flea markets, where can you find that here?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 19:05:09 vbjrxz,,1,summer internship,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 19:09:37 vbjvz0,,1,summer internship,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 19:14:24 vbjyz8,,4,summer internship," hi am a CS student who lives in Bizerte and am struggling to find a software development company in my home town to apply for my 1 month internship. i scoured linkedin and various other sites but didn't find anything useful. in terms of experience I've been doing lots of personal projects for 5 years learning and utilizing different tools including making game framework using c# and opengl recently. if anyone knows any of these companies in Bizerte or has any helpful piece of advice i will really appreciate it.",,,,,,2022-06-13 19:18:12 vbkh5z,,6,"will AI be conscious in the future? or wait, are we already there?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 19:40:20 vblk0u,,35,well well how the turntables,,,,,,,2022-06-13 20:27:26 vblz9j,,2,restaurant reviews/recommendation,"Does anyone use/follow a blog or a website (even a facebook or instagram page) that regularly reviews restaurants in grand tunis - cap bon - sousse area ? I am making an itinerary Facebook groups i found are filled with advertisement I found a couple of dead pages on instagram and i'm not sure what to search next If not i'd love your recommendations if you like a place there: looking for seafood places but also places for breakfast",,,,,,2022-06-13 20:45:54 vbms1a,,1,Visiting Tunnis,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 21:20:24 vbnbav,,1,Tunisians are among the Top 5 consumers of Alcohol in the Middle East and North Africa (Graphic found on Twiter),[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-13 21:44:14 vbne8e,,3,what are some good quality online shops for printed t-shirts?,,,,,,,2022-06-13 21:47:47 vbngg7,,1,Do you need a license to run an e-commerce business? (selling products online) What are the legalities of online business in tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 21:50:30 vboi7u,,1,"i've seen people finding thrown out electronics such as laptops and their hard drives or just sold for cheap in flea markets, where can you find that here?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-13 22:37:59 vbpxn5,,8,Do Tunisians get paid less than Europeans in Europe?,"I heard about illegal immigrants being used and paid very little, but I'm asking more about the legal immigrants, especially the ones who got high education from good colleges.",,,,,,2022-06-13 23:47:41 vbq0ej,,4,droit,Ena bac eco wn7eb nss2l Ken na3mel droit ba3d lbac tnj7? Fha afe9 w 5dem wflouss ??,,,,,,2022-06-13 23:51:41 vbunr1,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 04:00:11 vbwfhf,,4,What are the codes for Orange?,"So, typically I dialed \*124# to get internet options but now it's for Navigation? Whatever the hell that means. Now, I can't find any options for internet. Does anyone know where it moved to?",,,,,,2022-06-14 05:46:19 vbyh0b,,5,Vacation for couples,"I'm trying to find good places to spend the night with my partner during the summer. We usually go camping in groups or stay over at friends houses, but we want something more intimate. We are unmarried and tunisian, so we cannot use hotels. Can you guys recommend guest houses, cabins in the woods, chalets... that are not conservative? We will rent for weekends/ 3days every few weeks. We drive around a lot, so the location doesn't really matter. It would be good to find something either close to the beach or the forest, in the sahel or north west. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-06-14 08:06:32 vbyr10,,4,summer jobs,"Anyone knows a bar,cafe,restaurant that is hiring college student for summer In Tunis, carthage,marsa,",,,,,,2022-06-14 08:27:12 vbytdl,,6,Questions about holiday in Sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-14 08:32:13 vbz3lo,,7,Anyone successfully managed to login Disney+ in Tunsia using a EU account?,"I live in the EU and I gave my brother my Disney+ login credentials to use, however he can't seem to able to login in. He's stuck on the main page which requests a phone number to proceed. I have no way of adding a phone number from my end, it just needs an email and a password. Are we missing something? Edit: sorry about the typo in the title. Tunisia\* not *Tunsia*. Update: I talked to Disney+ customer service, sharing accounts *across countries* is a no-go :( Update 2: NordVpn helped bypass no inter-country account sharing rule imposed by Disney+ Many thanks for interacting with the post and trying to help.",,,,,,2022-06-14 08:53:58 vbzv7g,,1,anybody interested in some BNB?,"posting this again . have some BNB dust (around 123 TND worth of bnb) anybody interested? :D let's DM, thank you.",,,,,,2022-06-14 09:50:07 vc0v5e,,1,Freelance,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 10:58:03 vc1lkp,,1,"La Tunisie , une belle destination , aux meilleurs endroits",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 11:44:00 vc1qj9,,10,Support group?,Is there any Tunisian support group for mental illness for someone who has bipolarity and anxiety?,,,,,,2022-06-14 11:52:41 vc24us,,6,"what did you know about,Hedi Chakar Hospital in Sfax?",,,,,,,2022-06-14 12:14:07 vc2gbv,,35,Burger King Sousse sucks,"I am pissed, when they started they had the original brand stuff, it tasted like everywhere in the world. Then they stopped using the sauces and put some shitty disgusting mayonaise and ketchup on everything. Now they even changed the meat to some very bad tasting product. Its a scam at this point basically. Can someone suggest a good place to get a decent burger in sousse? Not the trash they serve in most of the touristic coffee houses. I know about hardrock,put its to much hassle for just eating something for lunch. II know a lot of good food places,that are better mostly serving tunisian food,but sometimes i have a craving for a good hamburger.",,,,,,2022-06-14 12:31:59 vc2iqx,,133,Writing our names in the death note lmao congrats Tunisia 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-06-14 12:35:54 vc2mo5,,1,Mods why do you keep deleting my posts?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 12:42:10 vc2twm,,5,Any tips on how to quit smoking ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-14 12:53:08 vc42mp,,5,moyenne,13 w 14 moyenne bac eco tnajem t5alini na9ra f fac behya wnodhmn mosta9bli?,,,,,,2022-06-14 13:56:55 vc72b3,أقول_وقد_ناحت_بقربي_حمامة/,7,أقول وقد ناحت بقربي حمامة,"The leading Fintech app in Tunisia, the mobile wallet Flouci, te5dem SONSINIKE.",,,,,,2022-06-14 16:13:41 vc7r0g,,1,كيفية حل مشكلة الدولار الأصفر | حل مشكلة الفيديو غير ملائم للمعلنين,,,,,,,2022-06-14 16:44:06 vc9aac,,1,where i can find Hennessy in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 17:52:26 vc9dxj,,1,"Help, starting a buisness.",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 17:56:59 vc9hpn,,4,Help! Starting a buisness.,"I have ecommerce buisness ideas but im kinda lost on how to implement them especially when it comes to the administration .. like how do i get permission from the goverment? How do i set up the supply? How do i link with delivery companies? Etc... Is there a bootcamp or maybe a course that teaches all this stuff?also id appreciate some advices as im looking forward to my ""EntRepReneUrial"" journey Thanks!",,,,,,2022-06-14 18:01:26 vc9hvv,,1,who wanna grab a coffee,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 18:01:39 vc9loi,,1,Concentrix interview prep.,"Any idea about language evaluation, interview questions, Dos and Don'ts, dress code, etc..? Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-06-14 18:06:10 vc9q1d,,1,Importing whey/creatine,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-14 18:11:39 vc9rlz,,2,Jet ski rental in Tunis?,"Hello guys, I've got a day to spare on my holiday in Tunisia and I will be spending it in the capital Tunis. I've never ridden water scooter ever before in my life, so I figured Tunisia may be the country to try it in, as it might be not too expensive. Is there any place you could recommend where they would lend me the jet ski and teach me how to use it too? Many thanks!",,,,,,2022-06-14 18:13:41 vc9vso,,2,Video production for free,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 18:18:52 vcbtv0,,6,Starting engineering company/looking for clients,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 19:46:47 vcc0yg,,1,do companies check your degrees when you apply to them? or can you just lie about it?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 19:55:45 vcc2z2,,1,can i know some advices since i am now considered as an adult in the tunisian country ? where i live...,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 19:58:15 vccbiq,,1,"Heeeeelp.... any cool dog names? preferably something short, fun, and ""tunisish""....",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-14 20:08:35 vccdnt,,2,"Heeeeelp... any cool dog names? preferably short, fun and ""tunisish""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-14 20:11:11 vcczho,,1,stores/wensites that sell original adidas/nike shoes in tunis?,I checked the go sport store the other day and all i found were replicas with expensive prices,,,,,,2022-06-14 20:37:58 vcdb6w,,1,Sajalni,Hey guys does any one know how to register a phone on sajalni .I bought my phone from a shop and now it seems like my sim card doesn’t work on it anymore. I checked the website but i can’t figure it out at all.,,,,,,2022-06-14 20:52:44 vcf9rv,,1,Any Data/business analyst or IT auditor here ? Need some help !,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-14 22:25:59 vcgvdb,,2,asking about uni,"So I chose science expé as a branch in highschool only because that was the thing I was most confident in and eventhough I'm a few days away from choosing what to do in higher education, I don't have any idea. So if you could go to any university/higher school, and anywhere, no matter the score or whatever, what would you choose and why? EDIT: apparently I didn't make it clear enough, I have no idea of what I want to do, otherwise I'd just choose that, so I'm asking what are the options, and I'll do some extra research based on your advice and then choose what looks the most attractive. So no need for the ""choose what you want !""",,,,,,2022-06-14 23:47:34 vcjecm,,1,what do you guys think ? I've designed it myself,,,,,,,2022-06-15 01:57:46 vcm29n,,0,where can i put my cat for adaption ?,title,,,,,,2022-06-15 04:23:49 vco9x9,,5,Aslema,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-15 06:44:44 vcpxbj,,7,Tunisian Wedding (Monastir),"Hi all, I am English and my partner is Tunisian. In August we are attending one of his cousins weddings. I have never been to a Tunisian wedding before and from what I have found online, they are very different from English weddings and can vary depending on region? The wedding we are attending is in Monastir. I don't have any more information than that. It would be massively helpful if anyone could let me know what I might expect to happen on each day of the wedding - apparently they last for a few days? Also, what would be appropriate for a female guest to wear ? Thanks in advance :)",,,,,,2022-06-15 08:42:07 vcq3lt,,3,any ideas about rbk bootcamp ?,,,,,,,2022-06-15 08:55:28 vcqbof,,2,Python,what advices would you give for someone who's about to start learning Python ???,,,,,,2022-06-15 09:11:16 vcqh2x,,1,Any Data/business analyst or IT auditor here ? Need some help !,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 09:21:54 vcr945,,0,can I buy Alcohol with a Passport,"18, got not ID but I got a Passport",,,,,,2022-06-15 10:18:01 vcrneu,غياب_علم_تونس_و_حضور_علم_اجنبي_هاو_وين_وصلنا/,0,غياب علم تونس و حضور علم اجنبي ، هاو وين وصلنا فالشعبوية,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-06-15 10:44:50 vcrojp,,1,"Tunisian women, do you think tunisian men have too high beauty expectations on women ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 10:46:59 vcs33a,,0,Age gap relationships,"I don't see much of relationships where there's a ""huge"" age gap between partners. I'm not talking about marriages. I'm talking about couples. Is it a taboo to date someone younger than you? Is it more about our society defines how couples should be like?",,,,,,2022-06-15 11:12:32 vcsdob,,1,Any Data/business analyst or IT auditor here ? Need some help !,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 11:30:48 vcsqok,,1,Any Data/business analyst or IT auditor here ? Need some help !,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 11:53:06 vcsrl0,,1,asking about monthy/yearly tuition costs in Upsat sousse,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 11:54:40 vcu3at,,2,"Why this channel interviews a lot of Algerians, and especially during Ramdan?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-15 13:05:41 vcvtc7,,1,wtf Ooredoo,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-15 14:29:43 vcvuoq,,15,I'm a tourist currently in Tunis. Tomorrow there should be a 'general strike'.,"Will that affect my ferry to Italy? It's scheduled to leave Tunis at 18:30 and then sail to Palermo for 13 hours. The cruise is operated by Grimaldi Lines. Do you think it might be canceled?",,,,,,2022-06-15 14:31:18 vcwjvr,,2,Tapestry?,"Hey people of the net. I am looking for some psychedelic tapestry or any anime like ones. I've searched a lot but never got the chance to find some. I've even checked all the thrift shops but, couldn't find any too. If you have some adresses please hand them over !",,,,,,2022-06-15 15:03:29 vcwtuo,,1,Anybody here interested in Betting on Football ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 15:15:36 vcxt34,,1,Payment by Cash or Wallet,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 15:59:59 vcy5q6,يا_شباب_نفسى_اسفر_والدتى_تونس_المفروض_على_الاقل/,1,يا شباب نفسى اسفر والدتى تونس المفروض على الاقل يبقى معايا كام بالجنيه المصرى,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 16:14:42 vcyber,,2,Advice chabeb !,"Chabeb ana programmeur 54it licence fonda mel fst, ou tawa naamel fi naamel fi cycle d’ing fi ecole prive fi sfax, sara7a ana a part il experience taa il pfe maa ameltech ou tawa aandi 3aam ne5dem comptabilité fi sfax maa il walad l7a9 ama anaa ma8roum bel info, ou sna 9ararat na5ou path wahda nched fiha ou nrakez 5atrt il path taa java 9rit java core ou tmarest ou 54it des certifs deja ou 9rit spring core ou spring boot bel les certifs ou amelt sql ou mysql bel bahy, ou taw na9ra fi git ou bech nabda fil angular ou amelt certif fi IT fundamentals men google ou 9rit kotlin aussi, bsara7a 7abeb al canda chabeb some advices plzzz !!",,,,,,2022-06-15 16:21:05 vcyll8,,8,Le Tunisien Yamen Manai décroche le prix Orange du livre en Afrique,,,,,,,2022-06-15 16:33:46 vd1w41,,6,Are banks closed with the strike tomorrow?,"Need to go to the bank tomorrow, are they closed? Is the strike even confirmed yet?",,,,,,2022-06-15 18:58:30 vd1zvq,,9,Quranic recitation in the Tunisian style,,,,,,,2022-06-15 19:02:53 vd2bne,,20,Hello everyone! Doing resarch about Tunisian metal bands and the metal scene.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-15 19:17:20 vd2pdk,,0,Why can't Fawzi Ben Gamra just be honest and say how things are?,"So, music is haram and that is not what we are discussing here. Fawzi repented one day and declared ""tawba"" and that was good. But this life is all a fight against shaytan, so the shaytan won against Fawzi in their long term fight and got him back where he one day was. He should ask for forgiveness and try to go back to the right path of God and he will receive help if he is honest. Until then he is sinful and mistaken but it is nobody's business. Definitely not the business of Tunisian journalists and celebrities and ""influencers"" who themselves lack lives and base their life stories on what happen in other people's lives. Please waslou leklem hedha l Fawzi. Salam.",,,,,,2022-06-15 19:34:27 vd3f48,,2,The Moment Every National Team Qualified For Qatar!,,,,,,,2022-06-15 20:08:40 vd4a1a,,1,طريقة تفعيل ميزة سوبر شات super chat و الربح من ميزة السوبر شات,,,,,,,2022-06-15 20:47:47 vd62x9,,2,info de gestion/ science info?,"Chnawa lfara9 binethom? W anahi 5ir fil future ?",,,,,,2022-06-15 22:08:35 vd7guy,,1,DRUGS SAFETY,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 23:12:44 vd7k5o,,1,Any Data/business analyst or IT auditor here ? Need some help !,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-15 23:16:56 vd9kkc,,5,Resources for Research Study/Ressources pour l'étude de recherche,"I’m an American university student(Political Science & Public Administration Major) about to conduct a research project next month about the aftermath of the 2011 Revolution in Tunisia looking to answer: 1. Did the fight in 2011 for democracy work or fail as of 2022? 2. If it worked: What does Tunisian democracy do right? How can the Tunisian democracy be improved? 3. If it failed: Where did Tunisia make mistakes in setting up their democracy/new government? Should it remain a democracy or set up another political system? I will be coming to Tunis, Tunisia next month! I have a few contacts already to meet up with. I’m looking for more contacts in the Tunis area! If you know anyone that’s a great resource and easy to contact let me know! (My girlfriend speaks Tunisian Arabic & French so I have a translator if needed) If you want to put your opinion and answer the questions^ please do so!!! I would love to put as some background knowledge from the general public before some extensive research!",,,,,,2022-06-16 00:58:41 vd9m43,,64,Who is running what is this shit?,,,,,,,2022-06-16 01:00:39 vdaf1c,,1,Mandela effect: Tunisian edition,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-16 01:43:13 vdakts,,5,Best places to learn Tunisian Arabic???,What are some good English-Tunisian Arabic textbooks/ apps/ websites/ etc.????,,,,,,2022-06-16 01:51:45 vdcfst,,7,Starting a clothing brand,"Hello, I'm a graphic and product designer (mainly using Photoshop and Illustrator). I would like to turn some of my t-shirt designs into actual clothing and start a streetwear clothing brand. Does anyone know how to go about it? (especially networking with manufacturers that will make your clothing)",,,,,,2022-06-16 03:29:41 vdiasj,,1,"I was we walking around at five am , the street was empty . Out of sudden , a car was driven like crazy by someone Nd ithit a little kitten. Well thank God it didn't get crushed by it he was lucky to surpass the void between the the four wheels yet he was bowled along the street . I took j home I g",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 09:52:01 vdihr4,,2,Abroad bank account advise,"Just a question, will I get in trouble if I have a bank account in euros in France without declaring it in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-06-16 10:05:08 vdij2n,,62,Obesity in Europe and North Africa,,,,,,,2022-06-16 10:07:31 vdjqeh,,1,who wants to adopt this kitten ? ( Sousse ) i found him in the street while a car was about to crush him .,,,,,,,2022-06-16 11:23:44 vdjzax,,9,Tunisians Go Wild Over Constant Commodity Price Hike,,,,,,,2022-06-16 11:38:28 vdk9a1,,1,Crypto and Forex community,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-16 11:55:01 vdkb90,,1,How to download a big file (100GB) ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-16 11:58:13 vdkvp7,,0,Tunisia: President Kais Saied Unpicks Young 'Arab Spring' Democracy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 12:28:10 vdlia9,,6,Do they water down alcohol in all inclusive hotels?,"Hi, I am currently in 4star all inclusive hotel and I noticed, when I am drinking neat alcohol it does not have burn like alcohol in my country, also I can drink like ten glasses vodka and feel nothing. In my country I would be quite drunk. Also when when some bottle is empty (vodka), they say that they have no more vodka. And after half an hour there is new bottle. So my question is if they really water down alcohol. Thank you for reply.",,,,,,2022-06-16 13:01:42 vdlmm4,,3,Swimming pool near marsa,"Me and two of my friends wanted to swim but we couldn’t find anything with a reasonable price we tried yuka but they didn’t let us in. Any suggestions?",,,,,,2022-06-16 13:07:44 vdlyd1,,3,Looking for fiberglass manufacturers in Tunis,"Hello folks, came all the way from Libya just to find out that all of Tunisians decided to have one massive strike in the country XD. More power to you 🤗I hope you fix your government. Nevertheless, I am starting a Aquaponics farm in Libya and I came to Tunis to source fiberglass tanks and clarifiers for my setup. Most governmental factories are closed today which was disappointing and I’m not sure how long this would last. I wanted to ask this sub to recommend me a fiberglass manufacturer that is privately owned or any aquaponics/culture supplier in Tunis Thnxxxxx",,,,,,2022-06-16 13:24:17 vdmj46,,2,where is siege mte3 carrefour located ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 13:52:51 vdmz8q,,6,Help with internet connection,"Hey guys ! I will need you help on this one. We all know how bad internet is in Tunisia. We have Topnet 8Mb/s ADSL but we are getting shit out of it. Sometimes I cannot even watch a yt video or send a photo on Messenger. And we believe it is related to the telephone cable as we had fix it some years ago but now it is getting bad again. Also whenever there's wind we lose internet ! weird nah ? So I'm hoping you can tell me what should I do ? What choices do I have ? Is there any reliable technology other than ADSL ? Did this happen to you ? Thanks a lot !",,,,,,2022-06-16 14:14:16 vdnmdu,,0,Tunisia: President Kais Saied Unpicks Young 'Arab Spring' Democracy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 14:44:14 vdpxyx,,0,Tunisia: President Kais Saied Unpicks Young 'Arab Spring' Democracy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 16:29:50 vdq6ni,,1,It seems I've been signed up for the elections automatically even though I didn't do anything. Is this supposed to happen to everybody?,,,,,,,2022-06-16 16:40:44 vdqi29,,1,Is the new Disney movie: buzz light year banned in Tunisia too?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-16 16:55:09 vdr6qr,,1,How many upvotes this deserve?,,,,,,,2022-06-16 17:24:24 vdrpx8,,1,Time for Malouf : choose your best artist (also a suggest another genre to ask you about it),"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-16 17:48:33 vds7bc,,1,طريقة تغيير لغة جوجل كروم | How to Change Language in Google Chrome,,,,,,,2022-06-16 18:10:17 vdsjuf,,1,Thinking of doing a CPA,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-16 18:26:02 vdsr7z,,1,What is it like as a CPA?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 18:35:01 vdszqj,,1,"Where do Tayara get their engineers from? cus what the fuck is that website? Nothing is working, even code confirmation messages ma youslouch wel adresse ykoulouli ghlata w heya shiha wtf haha w ki yousel el code w nektbou ykoli ghalet like?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-16 18:45:37 vdtaxh,,36,i need your advice,"Am i the only one who don""t feel safe anymore living here . My bestfriend was sexually assaulted in broad day lignt in front of coffe shop . She told that no one rushed to help her and few were smiling watching what happened to her . I have been stalked many times before i keep getting dick pics and rape threats on facebook . Dear ladies what measure do you take to keep yourself safe . i just can't take it anymore",,,,,,2022-06-16 19:00:06 vdu1b7,,1,traveling to tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 19:33:39 vdufnt,,0,Tunisia: President Kais Saied Unpicks Young 'Arab Spring' Democracy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 19:52:06 vduo0s,,8,any legitate way to quit smoking ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-16 20:08:26 vdvqpf,,1,زوجة فنان مشهور تطلب زواجه من ثانية,,,,,,,2022-06-16 20:55:43 vdwvtd,,3,that's momentous,as a first-year computer science student how do get prepared to get an internship abroad by the end of the third year?,,,,,,2022-06-16 21:47:07 vdx8nr,,11,What do you think of our mentality as a population ?,"Hi everyone, **In theory** (according to news relayed by a hefty number of tunisians) **:** Tunisia is the best African country in terms of ease of doing business, flexible startup environnement, digitalization en veux tu en voila, educated people, polylinguism, personal freedom, transparency, and whatnot. **When In reality :** The country is becoming a breeding ground for lawlessness and corruption, Youngers are fleeing the country for an infinity of reasons, Regulators are not proactive in the slightest, we (as a whole) don't even have a full command of the arabic language let alone french and english, we allegedly have 20% of illiteracy, police and welfare are a joke. Now I know everything is not this dichotomic, but my question is aren't we a little bipolar as people ? Do you think this bipolarity hinders our ability for self criticism and ultimately see ourselves for what we really are so we can start from somewhere ?",,,,,,2022-06-16 22:03:39 vdxkpf,,1,#معجزات و أحداث كونية حدثت ليلة ولادة #الرسول محمد ﷺ 🙏🙏🙏 #الاسلام معلومات و فيديو قصير شيق جدا #شاهد 👇👇👇,,,,,,,2022-06-16 22:19:24 vdy2fo,,2,"Is ""hood rich"" really a thing in Tunisia ?","I was having a discussion with a friend about wealth distribution in the US and eventually the topic of ""hood rich"" came up ( basically people who buy expensive things/cars they can't afford and they live in super shitty neighborhood ) ( biggest fish in the pond type of situation ) He then told me that we have the same situation here in TN , which I heavily disagree with because I rarely see someone from the hood here driving a Chrysler or a Porshe . They might wear designer clothes but unlike the US they can't buy really expensive items because credit isn't easily given here. Is he wrong or Am I living in a bubble ?",,,,,,2022-06-16 22:42:59 vdy9cw,,1,Chfama 5dem sans qualifications?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-16 22:52:41 ve1gxv,,0,trying to watch this tunisian movie,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 01:39:25 ve38z0,,0,Tunisia: President Kais Saied Unpicks Young 'Arab Spring' Democracy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 03:13:59 ve43cv,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-06-17 04:00:10 ve472v,,1,tnajem t3adi condidat libre wenti wselt ken l 2eme but you also +18,,,,,,,2022-06-17 04:05:21 ve7zfy,,1,fama chkoun jey mel europe wala usa ijibli m3ah af1's w nzidou flouss,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 08:05:40 ve806k,,0,piercing,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 08:07:11 ve8i7e,,1,"where can I buy cigarettes with mint aroma? (zone marsa, kram, la goulette, ariana)",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 08:43:08 ve90rm,,0,God bless Tunisia and God bless Bourguiba,,,,,,,2022-06-17 09:19:13 ve9bz0,,2,Someone working or studying data or business analytics here ? Need some help !,,,,,,,2022-06-17 09:41:00 ve9prm,,36,Sankilopison 3andi 7ouma maison,,,,,,,2022-06-17 10:06:41 ve9vck,,0,Tunisia: President Kais Saied Unpicks Young 'Arab Spring' Democracy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 10:17:04 vea53e,,0,There's anybody Interested in Betting on Football?,,,,,,,2022-06-17 10:35:18 veagzs,,1,Will you vote in the upcoming referendum,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-17 10:56:45 veapsj,,0,Tunisia: President Kais Saied Unpicks Young 'Arab Spring' Democracy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 11:10:53 vecf5o,,4,any used watch store?vintage watches,,,,,,,2022-06-17 12:48:54 vecrp7,,1,"Kenek fan of Ktyb's music, what are your favorite songs?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 13:07:01 vedu24,,1,prescription,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 13:59:16 vedu6v,,16,"what happens after the general strike on thursday, how dangerous is the situation in tunisia now?",,,,,,,2022-06-17 13:59:27 veegk2,,7,Content Moderator Job enquiry,"Okay so basically I have a job interview scheduled with Concentrix for next week. The job position is Content moderator for TikTok. Does/did any of you work as a content moderator? If so, should I be expecting to see gore? Guys I don't want to get traumatized for a living lol.",,,,,,2022-06-17 14:28:22 veektx,,22,unsafe capital,"every time i go to tunis i feel unsafe and stressed I've been in all over tunisia and i visited 16 countries but that strange feeling when i get to tunis is something unbelievable tunis is full of craziness and madness , people like they are on drugs or something there are disrespectful and full of shit homeless people are everywhere asking for money every 2 min also afraid of getting robbed or threatened by knife when i have to walk at nights or narrow streets i feel lost every time i go there that's why i only got there when i have some paperwork to do there (cause you know everything is centralized in the capital) do you have have the same felling when you get there or it's just me ?",,,,,,2022-06-17 14:34:03 veeyjf,,1,Phone Blocked from Service - Sajalni Question,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 14:52:18 veit49,,0,Malouf time,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-17 15:56:02 veiup7,,0,Malouf time : choose the best,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-17 15:57:05 veiury,,0,Malouf time : choose the best,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-17 15:57:08 vej33a,,1,"Hello guys, what’s a D17 and what benefits can I gain from it? Ty.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 16:02:09 vej39k,,1,"Hello guys, what’s a D17 and what benefits can I gain from it? Ty.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 16:02:16 vej3j8,,1,"Hello guys, what’s a D17 and what benefits can I gain from it? Ty.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 16:02:26 vej43f,,4,"Hello guys, what’s a D17 and what benefits can I gain from it? Ty.",,,,,,,2022-06-17 16:02:50 vejc9c,,0,Choose your fighter : malouf edition,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-17 16:08:10 vejczd,,0,Choose your fighter : malouf edition," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-17 16:08:35 vejgv4,,0,aalech mamnou3 wehed 3andou mouss foukou?,"akhta fadlka, tawa houma el jme3a elli brakiw mayhemmhomch fel kanoun dima msallhin, ey azebi w ahna? ki houma hakka walla hakka kharkinou el kanoun a3lech maykhalliwech enness elkol eddour b mouss I wali wehed yejbed mouss 3ala chkoun bech ibrakih ya3ref rahou ness koll foukha w rahou bech yetahché el wehed fihom. Wallahi netsawer les braquages yonksou barcha.",,,,,,2022-06-17 16:11:26 vejh97,,0,aalech mamnou3 wehed 3andou mouss foukou?,"akhta fadlka, tawa houma el jme3a elli brakiw mayhemmhomch fel kanoun dima msallhin, ey azebi w ahna? ki houma hakka walla hakka kharkinou el kanoun a3lech maykhalliwech enness elkol eddour b mouss I wali wehed yejbed mouss 3ala chkoun bech ibrakih ya3ref rahou ness koll foukha w rahou bech yetahché el wehed fihom. Wallahi netsawer les braquages yonksou barcha.",,,,,,2022-06-17 16:11:46 veka43,,1,Payments and Wallets,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 16:43:02 vekamk,,1,Hello,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 16:43:39 vekqfk,,1,I really need your Opinions guys !!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 17:02:41 veksdz,,11,junior software engineer salary in souss,hello IT engineers in sousse . as a junior engineer how much should i ask for as a salary in sousse,,,,,,2022-06-17 17:05:04 vekspl,,1,The Tunisian administration is slowly turning into a worldwide meme,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 17:05:28 vekyab,,1,حل مشكلة اتصالك ليس خاصًا بدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-06-17 17:12:13 velr6q,été/,6,stage d'été,"slm , chkoun ya3ref win najm ndaber stage d'été developpement web wela mobile fi tunis .",,,,,,2022-06-17 17:46:59 velwd9,,5,Help,"Salam brabi n7eb nas2al ena kont bac technique ma sahalch rabi w nji7t (ma 9ritich 3la ro7i) d5alt ne5dem w n7eb narja3 na9ra ... n7eb na3mal bac science (candidat libre) est ce que najam nbadal wala la W kan ey chnoma les chapitres eli yelzem nrivizhom mel 3éme. THANKS in advance ❤",,,,,,2022-06-17 17:53:22 vemvmm,,4,Good places,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 18:36:52 ven4tx,,4,Deuxieme licence + master,Is there any change I can do my masters and a second bachelor's at the same time? did you or anyone you know have done this before in tunisia?,,,,,,2022-06-17 18:48:29 vent85,,1,what do you see Tunisia becoming in the next couple of years?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-17 19:19:09 veodkf,,0,Build new cities in Tunisia and let the old ones يخززو,"When planning for the future or discussing politics and state governing many people tend to get it to sound as if it is rocket science or something very smart. The truth is as far from reality as it could be. Habibi, give me men who understand Islam and I will give ruling the world to 4 and 5 year olds to handle and they will do it perfectly. Anyway, if you want to talk about future, build smart cities far from the current ones. The current ones have to be emptied and new smart cities with modern subways, trains and other facilities have to be built. Completely from scratch. Both coastal and might be thinking about financing it? Oh men that is the easiest thing to do; the day Bin Zayed and Bin Salman get sure that Tunisia is in safe hands they will pour money on us. Promise, boy.",,,,,,2022-06-17 19:45:27 veqd55,,1,#نجلاء_التونسية : الرجال أنواع و انا مجربتهم الكل ... #مشاهير #شاهد الفيديو ⬇️⬇️⬇️,,,,,,,2022-06-17 21:18:25 veqser,,7,les barrieres,"Right into the topic , I live near ""El kasba"" so I always hangout with my friends there , but I noticed that every month , the police would add a new line of ""[barrieret]("" , they would add them for an occasion (protests and such) but never take them off . Today we weren't even allowed to hangout there as they were adding barrieret jdod because of a protest happening tomorrow , and I know they won't take them off , as always . The place looks like a shitshow , literally . It sucks that that place , used to look ""decent"" and was somewhat of a tourist attraction , looks like a military base . I noticed similar things happening in ""centre ville"" , but nothing like el kasba . I don't know if I'm ranting about some nonsense , but I think that barriers should be taken off after protests as these places are public and people are allowed to access them as they wish .",,,,,,2022-06-17 21:39:02 veqx6m,جماع_الدجاجة/,0,جماع الدجاجة,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-17 21:45:15 veraio,,1,"Someone posted a map about obesity in compared to Eu, i memed saying""just a typical map where west is always darker while middle east and china are lower whatever measure they choose, y'all booed me"" people get beat up, stolen from, homeless are dead for long time and people pass by...",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 22:02:33 verlcq,,3,just wanted to share it :,"Here is the link , [really acheving your childhood dreams ](, just chill , watch it and give me if you have something like this . Gn y all",,,,,,2022-06-17 22:16:54 verles,,2,Dual passport visiting Tunisia,"Hello! I have dual citizenship, Tunisian/Canadian, and both valid passports. I'm visiting Tunisia for the first time since I got my Canadian citizenship and I'm wondering which passport should I use when entering Tunisia. Do I have to use the same passport to enter Tunisia as the one I used to exit Canada? And when exiting Tunisia, do I have to use the same one I used to enter? I also wanted to know if I'm allowed the ""allocation touristique"" if I have dual citizenship when exiting Tunisia, do I have to use Tunisian passport to be eligible? Thanks for any help!",,,,,,2022-06-17 22:17:00 veroh6,,6,"What are your experiences with parking lots guards (""il 3assessa mta3 les parkings"")?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-17 22:21:06 vet34r,,2,i just graduated as a marketer but i a problem when i comes to the skills part,i just graduated and got my national diploma in markting (that includes digital markting) but all the job offers i found requires someone to have the ablity to photo and video editing using both premiere and photoshop and my pc can't run them ofc haha anyway i'm used to photo edit using canva (masterd already ) and create poster in social media and i use filmora for video editing but all the offers i found required the usage of photoshop and premiere for ediintg so what should i do (obvously can't afford to buy a new pc ),,,,,,2022-06-17 23:30:50 veu3to,,1,I want to have sex with a girl,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-18 00:25:02 veudhl,,1,لاعب #مانشستر_سيتي #غوندوغان و التونسية سارة العرفاوي يحتفلان بزواجهما(#صور حفل الزواج),,,,,,,2022-06-18 00:38:54 veux0t,,3,recession,"lyouma by chance 3andi barcha nahki m3a baba 3ala mawdhou3 el inflation tallit lkitha 7.8% estaghrabtha (barcha). Ena 3andi modda moch mottala3 aala news U.S etc amma apparemment the U.S will be going through a recession very soon. How much will that affect europe and in turn, us? What do you guys think? For a while i've felt like the prices are way past what the buying power of the dinar is. I noticed this in real estate about 5 years ago. It's near impossible for the average person to afford a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment without help or decades of debt. I feel like we were heading towards a recession on our own but with everything up with the world right now it feels like its pushing us into one even faster. If you look at this you'll see that TND inflation is heading towards an all time high [](",,,,,,2022-06-18 01:08:53 vev3y1,,1,Anyone knows this company?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-18 01:19:56 vew8rn,,2,How stable is Tunisia?,"Heyo my Tunisian neighbors, I'm from Jordan and I have some questions to get a perspective around Tunisia because we know nothing about it. First of all how stable is Tunisia? in terms of jobs and salaries and security for example, do you guys have a بطالة issue like Jordan? Also how religious is the country, I know for a fact you have amazing women's rights that I can only wish Jordan applied, but, is there a full separation between state and religion? Are the laws/ courts affected by religion like we have in Jordan is what I'm asking. This last question is dependant on each of your guy's speculation, what do you think the future of your country is? is there any tensions with other countries that may cause a conflict in your opinion? what are the main problems dragging Tunisia's progerss?",,,,,,2022-06-18 02:26:01 vey5rp,,5,Hey I want to send phone to my friend in Tunisia,"So i want to ask u guys when i send phone (iphone 11) to Tunisia from Germany, is there any extra charges for person i send that phone? Thanks",,,,,,2022-06-18 04:20:04 vezfjt,,10,i need your opinions,"I found a job as a crêpier for 700dt a month Im new to the job market so i thought 700dt a month just for making crepes is a bit suspect",,,,,,2022-06-18 05:42:17 vezi86,,3,Ideas for vacation plans,I wanna enjoy this remaining summer time by myself. Idk how am supposed to spend my money exactly,,,,,,2022-06-18 05:47:12 vf27bn,,2,i want help,"i have a problem that i can t focus in math exam and make stupid mistake can someone help me",,,,,,2022-06-18 09:01:19 vf27sy,,7,search for programing club,do anyone know where can i find a programing club in tunisia,,,,,,2022-06-18 09:02:19 vf28ia,,5,Vacation In djerba,"did anyone go to djerba before? if yes, can u tell me a lot about it, is it worth discovering? is it hot? How's the beaches, what are the sites i can visit, is it enjoyable with friends? is it expensive? any information can rlly help 💕",,,,,,2022-06-18 09:03:50 vf37dz,,11,Can sm1 tell me if Grain d'or is high or low in calories,,,,,,,2022-06-18 10:15:06 vf3zlr,,2,how to switch from topnet to globalnet,"i haven't paid the last month because i wasn't in the house for that period of time and now the connection is ""ma9sousa"" so my question is if I want to keep on you using their services should i pay the unpaid month and this new one or just this month and also if i want to change to globalnet should i pay the unpaid month and return the modem or not",,,,,,2022-06-18 11:10:20 vf4u5i,,1,Night sky time-lapse [Nabeul],[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-18 12:05:03 vf521e,,2,Starting a buisness during recession.,"Im planning to open an ecommerce store where i sell affordable accessories (rings and stuff, the price varies from 15dt to 20dt i think not a big deal ) but im kinda scared that i won't have any customers since you know, they have priorities during hard times. So should i forget about the entire thing untill the economy gets better or take the risk and plan a refined marketing and pre-launch strategy (original products, sponsorships, a great website that facilitates the client's experience, home delivery, a great brand design and theme, just anything that differentiates my store from the common norm) that perhaps can take my buisness off the ground and become solid?",,,,,,2022-06-18 12:18:47 vf59kr,,1,i need help,dhaya3t l password ta3 compte d17 93at barcha masta3miltouch ki 7alit l compte 9ali 7out password wana nsitou chnowa na3mil ?,,,,,,2022-06-18 12:31:34 vf5gm7,,10,Orientation Universitaire,"Salem, ena bac math 3adit el sne 7abit na3ref chnawa el far9 mabin ta3mel prepa w ba3ed ta3mel 3 snin ingénieur wa illa ta3mel licence w ba3ed master. W ki ta3mel prepa ba3ed kifeh ta5tar el domaine li t7eb ta9ra fih? (n7eb na9ra computer science) Zeda thama barcha anwe3 mta3 prepa ma 3araftech chna5tar. Sinon bel nesba lel licence chkoun ya3ref el far9 mabin: (الإجازة في علوم الإعلامية / الإجازة في هندسة نظم الإعلامية / الإجازة في تكنولوجيات الإعلامية / الإجازة في تكنولوجيات المعلومات والاتصالات / الإجازة في إعلامية التـصـرف)",,,,,,2022-06-18 12:43:22 vf7cwf,,55,I really need your Opinions guys 🙏,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-18 14:26:42 vfaxam,,9,What is your favourite choufli hal episode ?,Mine are hal9et el kamouniya w hal9et 3azza talaatelha 7abba xD,,,,,,2022-06-18 17:25:00 vfb6nu,,1,Changing universities,Hello! Nakra 2eme w nheb nhawwel l IHEC Carthage next year. Who knows what i should do or like mnin nabda?,,,,,,2022-06-18 17:37:51 vfbw76,,1,Looking for interns,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-18 18:12:36 vfbx4b,,1,3D / Video games design / web & mobile Internships,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-18 18:13:52 vfbyag,,1,3D /Video game design / web & mobile Internships,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-18 18:15:30 vfbzxe,,1,3D / Mobile & Web Internships,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-18 18:17:47 vfc2ei,,1,3D /Video game design / web & mobile Internships,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-18 18:21:10 vfc5yk,,4,Internships offer,"Hello, for some reason I couldnt post the original Offer here, so basically there's a new company that is looking for interns , (video game design + mobile dev + 3D artists) . message me privately since I couldnt post an email or links in here. thanks and cheers to all.",,,,,,2022-06-18 18:26:06 vfcr2d,,1,Obama mestiri ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-18 18:55:22 vfcub9,,0,Anyone knows this company?," I was Inmailed on Linkedin by a recruiter who works for ''Ey''. Anyone familiar with this company? Sounds like it's very active in Tunisia. Real question is, what's the compensation range of a ''production support lead'' I want to know how much they offer Tunisians so I could better negotiate. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-06-18 18:59:59 vfe2lt,,2,Do Tunisian animals understand what their Tunisian owners tell them?,"In the few other countries I know, when addressing animals, people use the same language they use with humans. They changevtheir voices so that they sound as if they are talking with babies but no special words are used. In Tunisia however, we have special words we use when we communicate with animals f.ex Cherr: to dogs Bechbech: when calling cats Kess: when asking cats to go Err: to donkeys and horses etc Ess: to sheep Etc. So the biggest question that Tunisian should ask is whether our animals actually understand what we tell them?",,,,,,2022-06-18 20:01:42 vfexf2,,5,The heat is screwing my career,"Hello beautiful community, I'm posting this coz I want to shake it off my chest I'm a full-time employer who works 5/7 starting from 6 am to 3 pm, recently I have embarked on a learning journey that needs at least 3 hours of studying every day but when the summer came, I literally couldn't move an inch with my projects, I can not bear myself sitting in the chair sweating because of the heat Is there anyone here who was or is already having this dilemma?",,,,,,2022-06-18 20:44:47 vff0zp,,3,"im about to receive my baccalaureat dergree (sc.techniques)and expect no less than 16. i still have 0 plans and barely know anything about universities, let alone differenciating between degrees . what do you guys advise me to pursue?",,,,,,,2022-06-18 20:49:45 vff6am,,1,CompTIA accredited exam centers,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-18 20:57:11 vffroq,,1,Arabic words stretched in MS Word,"Anyone knows how to stretch Arabic words in Microsoft Word? To have something like this below",,,,,,2022-06-18 21:26:28 vfg6zh,çaissat/,1,bac français/SAT,"I know nothing about the requirement of both of them and whether it is possible to take both of them while studying in university .i just passed the bac exam and i fucked it up(average range ) so i want to have a second chance with the bac français or sats . Where can I learn more about both of them . Which one would be more beneficial in the future (their horizons)? Should I enroll in une école française if i want to pass le bac français ?where can I study for the SATs too? Is there a specific establishment to enroll to? What are the subjects that we have to study for each one ?",,,,,,2022-06-18 21:48:14 vfgrpc,,1,"Fellow Touensa, your opinion is needed/desired/wanted/whatever ?","Which realistic and easiest change, do you think we can operate in our country, that will have a dramatic positive impact on our country ?",,,,,,2022-06-18 22:18:13 vfhorb,,3,seriously asking,What's something you regret doing in your 20's ?,,,,,,2022-06-18 23:06:30 vfil56,,9,Relation with a single mom,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-18 23:56:07 vfjt2h,,2,is safe or a virus?,"so i have been trying to buy gift cards in the internet using el dinar and i found []( but my browser is going crazy that it's really dangerous, so i tried doing my research and most the reviews for the site is 5 stars except one review, it has a 1 star review and said that the site is a virus. so is it? and if it is what other websites can i use?",,,,,,2022-06-19 01:05:27 vfjwvc,,0,"$aM, Reda Aj, Big Shift, Adil, DonPacMan - AH YA LALA [AFROTRAP] (2022)",,,,,,,2022-06-19 01:11:33 vfkxbs,,2,where do tunisian shops get giftcards,in the near future i might start a business like alot of shops where they sell giftcards. but i'm doing alot of research and i can't seem to find where do they orignally get their gift cards. like for example a 10 steam giftcard is sold b 40 dinar. and ofc shops do need to make a profit so they added money to it. which means they orignally got it for less then 40 dinars. now if i start this small business and buy giftcards for 40 dinars and sell them for more to get profit i wouldn't get any buyers because other ppl sell it for less!. so the final question is where do they get their stocks of giftcards???. and thank you for your help,,,,,,2022-06-19 02:10:19 vfon6c,,3,Renewing a tunisian passport.,"i have an expired passport i need to renew, i am very tight on time and i have some concerns. first: i am a university student and i need an ''attestation de reuissite"" for the passport, can i skip that part since my uni is still not giving them untill end of month. second: i asked the police about the time i'd have to wait for it to be ready and they said ""hkeya fergha tfoutech 10 ayem"", is that true? last: my id doesnt have undergrad (etudiant) status, would that be a problem? do i need to change my id first? thanks for the help.",,,,,,2022-06-19 06:04:32 vfplpd,,2,Driving in Tunisia,"Greetings, The family is visiting Tunisia in the summer and considering renting a car to drive between Tunis, Hammamet, and Sousse. Is it safe for a driver who’s more used to driving in the west? Thank you",,,,,,2022-06-19 07:11:57 vfpnxh,,21,Are there any middle aged people here ?,I was wondering weather this subreddit is full of teens and early adults or there are older people,,,,,,2022-06-19 07:16:20 vfq38z,,1,For All you stressed about Bac results,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-19 07:46:59 vfqge9,,5,Payoneer wala carte technologique?,I mainly need it for ad compaigns on insta/fb/google. Sinon ken aandkom suggestions okhrin i'm open for other alternatives.,,,,,,2022-06-19 08:13:44 vfqi30,éjour/,1,séjour,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-19 08:17:17 vfs1dy,,11,Finding a job abroad,Share with us the story of how you did find an opportunity abroad from Tunisia. Was is it expected? Did you planned for it? Did you know someone prior to the recruitement?,,,,,,2022-06-19 10:11:48 vfs3h5,,6,I’m looking for local advice,I am planning a trip to Tunisia in October. I’m not looking for modern cities…rather historic monuments and wild forests. Could you please recommend me some place wild?,,,,,,2022-06-19 10:15:42 vfs5bi,,1,for those who are working abroad,"What are mostly likely to do if Tunisia is stable politically [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-19 10:19:26 vfscim,,8,inquiring about IT jobs in tunisia,"what is the difference between a self taught programmer and and someone with an enginnering degree (IT) in tunisia ??? do they both have the same chances of landing a job???",,,,,,2022-06-19 10:33:53 vft0xl,,1,"Hey guys, is it possible for me to get paid as a tunisian online fitness coach from people living in the US for example ? (Assuming i have the expertise and my english is fluent)",,,,,,,2022-06-19 11:19:50 vftg7l,,3,people who live in sousse,how can i go from Soviva Kantaoui to sahloul using public transportation (cheapest way),,,,,,2022-06-19 11:48:07 vftmov,,1,Job offer - Unity UI Developer,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 11:59:27 vftptl,,2,"Hey guys , what is a ‘Carte Technologique Internationale (CTI)’ and how can I get one ? Thanks.",,,,,,,2022-06-19 12:04:14 vfttqq,,5,Job offer - Unity UI Developer,"I just want to start by saying that the last post about a developer job was very effective, thanks to you we were able to fill the spots pretty quickly but more importantly, meet some great people. --- As part of its development and for one of its ambitious upcoming productions, Super Fragile is expanding its UI/UX team and is recruiting a **Unity UI Developer**. We recently released 3D Reconstruct - Rubix Puzzle, a mobile puzzle game with rubik’s cube mechanics. And we’re known for Grapple Gum, a premium game purchased by more than 100K players, and featured worldwide by Apple, a first for a Tunisian game. The team has just successfully completed the Google Play’s Indie Games Accelerator and our close relationship with our mentors and the IGA community is a core feature of the studio’s philosophy. Reporting to the Lead UI/UX designer, and in collaboration with the project's UI Designers, **you will act as a link between the UI/UX team and the Game Building team**, drawing on your knowledge of Unity GUI. * Position Title: Unity UI Developer * Employment Status: Full-time * Location: Mutuelleville, Tunis (Hybrid Schedule) As such, your main missions will be : Develop the visual aspect of the project, with the addition/modification of menus for the deployment of new features; Implementing these menus within the existing code architecture, involving a good understanding of the code architecture; Working with the UI Designers to iterate on the specifications and refine the UI. Desired profile * You have already worked with Unity GUI * You are passionate about UI and UX * You have real communication skills to interact with a variety of technical and non-technical people * Experience in writing shaders and visual effects would be a plus * Experience with mobile games & 2D animation would be a plus * Experience with REST APIs would be a plus Again, full-time, contract position, awesome game. Please fill this form: Thank you!",,,,,,2022-06-19 12:10:51 vftxrk,,0,are rumors about the cover-up of chernobyl's disaster are real??!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 12:17:31 vfu688,,0,Tunesia: Hundreds Protest In Tunis Against President Kais Saied's Plan For Constitution,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 12:31:07 vfulsg,,6,"Most ""Trusted"" stores selling iphones","Hey guys , i wanted to ask about your experience buying brand new iphones in Tunisia and the most ""trusted"" stores that you know. Thanks",,,,,,2022-06-19 12:55:51 vfvkds,,5,Want to do a computer science degree not sure which uni to study in,"Hey i'm bac math this year and I wanna do (licence info ) not prepa because I wanna find a job abroad as soon as possible. So I'll be doing self learning during my 3 year study till eventually I find something either cybersecurity or ui/ux design. Correct me if I'm wrong but i dont think there's specific courses in those fields through bachelor degree is there? Second question is the choice of uni I'm gonna be studying in sousse but not sure which Uni I will choose. I wanna choose one where the program is really not that heavy so I could spend the most of my time doing self learning and creating my portfolio and stuff.",,,,,,2022-06-19 13:47:23 vfygu3,,1,If this happens Sidi Mahrez will be more famius than Jesus,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 16:08:32 vfyi3g,,0,If this happens Sidi Mahrez will be more famous than Jesus,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 16:10:08 vg01vb,,1,What is the psychology behind the weird behaviour of louage drivers?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-19 17:24:51 vg0775,,7,does the advice follow your passion in tunisia work?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 17:32:06 vg0ipd,,0,ما هو الهاتف المناسب لك ؟ لائحة أحدث هواتف شركة سامسونج,,,,,,,2022-06-19 17:47:47 vg1ldd,,0,Tunisian Cuckold community,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 18:39:34 vg1s0a,,0,Where do you search for houses to rent during the Summer?,"Yo! It's summer and this is my first time looking for a house to spend a week max on with my friends in Hammamet/Mrezga, but I don't know where to start looking from, People told me that I can use Airbnb, however also people don't recommend me with it because there are people who scam there. Do you guys have an idea where to look for houses to rent?",,,,,,2022-06-19 18:48:35 vg1wwn,,1,public transportation,Kifech nemchi mn Manouba l sidi bou b transportation,,,,,,2022-06-19 18:55:06 vg23vj,,0,Tunisia: Hundreds Protest In Tunis Against President Kais Saied's Plan For The Constitution,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 19:04:03 vg2ckk,,2,bike rentals,"Hi,am just looking for a local that rent bikes near tunisia If you know let me know in the comments",,,,,,2022-06-19 19:15:23 vg2iea,,0,Tunisia: Hundreds Protest In Tunis Against President Kais Saied's Plan For The Constitution,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 19:22:57 vg302a,,1,Video Editors In Tunisia for youtube,"Hey guys, is anyone of you here a good video editor ( for youtube channels) if not do you know where i can get in contact / search for good video editors in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-06-19 19:47:00 vg5ogw,,2,[FR] Vivre entre la Tunisie et la France avec titre de séjour,"Ayant un titre de séjour français valide pour 4ans. Je compte m'installer en Tunisie et faire la navette (4jours chaque 2mois) en France. Est ce que ça pose un problème pour la validité de mon titre de séjour ? Merci",,,,,,2022-06-19 21:54:19 vg6xuf,,2,"My gf is american, how she can help me to get the visa, what she can do so they can give me the visa",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-19 22:56:03 vg7d7w,,1,where can I find Heel Strip in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-19 23:16:58 vg7htk,,1,Best FB pages selling used gamer computers?,"Nheb nechri Unité gamer used w f état 7louwa I need your suggestions for fb pages or groups",,,,,,2022-06-19 23:23:35 vg7zvx,,0,best place bech tnik el hala,am 19m wanna spend tbis summer having fun any ideas renting home with friends ? hotel ? ay hkeya o amehi ahsen blasa money wise 2000 dinars give or take,,,,,,2022-06-19 23:50:10 vgag0v,,1,Tunisia: Hundreds Protest In Tunis Against President Kais Saied's Plan For The Constitution,,,,,,,2022-06-20 02:08:19 vgbrfv,,12,summer plans when healing from depression,"This is the first time in a year i feel like I'm improving and beating depression , i don't want to go back in that pitiful place especially that i feel excited about life,for once .using social media wasn't that helpful this far since all the content i have been consuming up to this point had been related to depressive thoughts and they are not helping at all .i don't want to relapse .any good idea to maintain a good progress ? Edit: thanks for anyone who showed support .I'm so thankful for this community, you are all so kind and thoughtful<3 I had several issues these days and it made relapse once again but from now on I'll try to be much stronger then the intrusive thoughts .i really want to change .thanks again for the suggestions I'll make sure to update once i feel like i achieved something significant!",,,,,,2022-06-20 03:22:02 vgf1g2,,6,fama chkoun jey mel europe wala usa ijibli m3ah af1's w nzidou flouss," 3andi 3ers tfol sa7bi fi july w 7achti b af1's 5ater el af1's mte3i tnekou yesser 9dom, w ena dima nelbess suit ma3aha sneakers mane7melech essabat el 3adi w zid fi tounes barcha fake, mchit l tutto sport w go sport ki zebi, compartihom bel sneakers eli 3andi majew chay wlh l kolhom ghacha zabouromhom, i need me some new kicks please",,,,,,2022-06-20 06:42:48 vgggxs,,3,Can you take a blood test without a prescription?,,,,,,,2022-06-20 08:18:11 vgisqu,,15,Hello Everyone! Doing resarch about the Tunisian metal scene and underground. (I Accidentally deleted my previous post. I leave this here for more suggestions.)," Hello there good people! So I'm a metal musician here in Hungary and I'm going to do a video about the metal music industry in different countries and cultures and how the metal scene is in these countries are. So few questions are: 1. Which bands are considered the most famous metal bands in the country? 2. Are there any bands that sing only in Tunesian Arabic or Arabic and how famous are those bands? 3. What is the music industry generally like and how hard or easy is for metal bands in it? 4. Where do you metal people hang out? Where are the good shows? How often are there big shows? How is the scene as a metal musician or a metal fan? I mean all these questions in the best of sense of course I just want to hear from your prespective. And of course if you live in Tunesia and you have a metal band don't hesitate to put it in the comment for me. Thank you good people!",,,,,,2022-06-20 10:59:21 vgivfn,,1,"where can I find high protein food like , low fat cheese , Greek yogurt (mouch oikos 5ater oikos Greek bel kedhb ) , protein bars (high protein ones not the ones who have like 1 or 2 grams ) and drinks",,,,,,,2022-06-20 11:03:22 vgj271,,0,i’m not okay with the stuff that my foreign gf is wearing ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-20 11:15:04 vgjap4,,7,Pet import from Tunisia into the EU,"Hello, I'm moving out to Finland soon and I want to take my dog with me. In August, the little guy will have had waited 3 months after his titer rabies test officially making him fit to fly. To get to Finland, I have a layover in Frankfurt and my main concern is that he will be in a transport crate checked into the cargo hold of a Lufthansa aircraft. The little guy isn't as little as to being able to travel with me in-cabin, he's sadly over 8kg, without considering the weight of the transport crate. I'm looking for people who have done this kind of thing before and how was their experience, especially during layovers. I am worried about his behavior in the cargo hold in the dark while alone. My dog has a little case of separation anxiety, and i'm currently still training him to be comfortable in the crate, which isn't going that well to be quite honest with you, I'm not seeing any tangible results that would alleviate my worries. My wife has suggested calming pills, but I have no idea where to get such a thing in Tunisia.",,,,,,2022-06-20 11:29:29 vgji1u,,1,Serious question,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-20 11:41:23 vgkizm,,1,Thoughts on MyTek and Tunisianet for phones?,"As the question mentions, I would like to know if MyTek and TunisiaNet are trustworthy when it comes to buying a new phone. I want to know if anyone had any bad experiences with any of these shops. (Faulty products or bad service après vente) Or if you have other suggestions I will be thankful",,,,,,2022-06-20 12:36:41 vglf6l,,2,Gdp per capita in Tunisia,"I was looking at a graph of the gdp per capita in our country and realized it started decreasing in 2014. I thought it would decrease in 2011 since we had a revolution in it, so anyone care to explain why?",,,,,,2022-06-20 13:22:45 vgm5n0,,3,serious question why are guys so obsessed with football here,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-20 13:59:33 vgmncp,,1,Freestyles For The New Tunisian Generation | Harry Mack,,,,,,,2022-06-20 14:22:18 vgnhw8,,1,Results of all the polls (semhouni eli mrejtkom) first line houma el goats wel second houma their runner-ups,,,,,,,2022-06-20 15:02:12 vgpmg5,,15,On a scale of 1-10 how tourist friendly tunisia is ?,"I ve lot of images and all of them are beautiful. Looks spectacular. I want to visit tunisia so badly sometime in the future ( not now because med school). Love the culture, architecture basically everything. How tourist friendly tunisia is ?",,,,,,2022-06-20 16:34:45 vgqcev,,0,Any ideas about great tattoo artists in Tunisia? (an insta account or smth like that would be appreciated),,,,,,,2022-06-20 17:05:30 vgqsmm,,1,Dating a gamer girl?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-20 17:24:48 vgrzjc,,1,anyone here lives in Russia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-20 18:16:27 vgsmq2,,8,Hi there! What are some guides for an American to visit Tunisia?,"Of course, I want to visit some of the ancient sites, especially Carthage. But I do not want to do much driving around the country since I know it’s large. What would be the most cost-effective way and best time of year to explore Tunisia? What touristy sites do I avoid and are there any restaurant gems I must go to? What museums to go to and things to explore? How to spend and make the most of site-seeing at Phoenician and Roman city of Carthage?",,,,,,2022-06-20 18:44:44 vgsnaa,,0,test,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-20 18:45:26 vgtgau,,1,Is it possible to own a Japanese Katana / Sword as a decorarion at home ? i want to go to a blacksmith and ask him to make me one but i just wanna know if it is legal or no and thanks.,,,,,,,2022-06-20 19:20:48 vgtrbb,,2,can anyone tell me about abandoned places or scary areas in sousse?,I enjoy urban exploration and I'd love to go exploring in sousse as i can also hang out in places with that vibe,,,,,,2022-06-20 19:34:29 vgub1z,,3,Does somebody know what to do to study abroad ?,"Yejem we7ed yensa7ni kifeh namel bch nlawej ala course ou scholarship... ena passe bac math ou n7eb nakra fi franca wala almania baed lbac ama dhaya3 fiha chwaya Manich 5ayeb fel 9raya ama manich tayer",,,,,,2022-06-20 19:59:33 vgugga,,261,Is this common ? Does all tunisian hotels ban and discriminate against modest clothing ?,,,,,,,2022-06-20 20:05:55 vgvjbn,,3,Public transport help.,"Hello people of Tunisia, its my 3rd day here and im very much enjoying my stay. I have a question, is there an app or site where i can look for public bus routes or bus arrival times? I would like to go to the Sousse mall but I don't know how to get there. Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-06-20 20:53:31 vgvzod,,0,What the hell is going on ?! Laka darja mak7outin ?!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-20 21:13:07 vgw0m4,,4,how much in total does it cost to get diagnosed and prescribed adhd meds?,"On the off chance i have it, I want to have an idea of the costs.",,,,,,2022-06-20 21:14:16 vgxf1s,,1,كيفية تسطيب جوجل كروم بدون انترنت,,,,,,,2022-06-20 22:15:57 vh0cl1,,2,should i eat couscous to help sober up,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 00:37:11 vh47q8,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-06-21 04:00:10 vh9f85,,0,A Question,"Hi everyone! I'm a student who just finished 1st preparatory year (préparatoire) and moving to the 2nd year. Moreover, I always had in my plans to travel to Germany and finish my studies there. My question is, is there a way that I can get a scholarship from the government, or should I pay for my own tuition fees? I apologize for my English.",,,,,,2022-06-21 09:38:10 vha3wa,,1,"hi i wanted to sell an item through the net and when i finally agreed with someone i went to some delivery company, they told me I can't do this as individual and i need a facture we cachet !!!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 10:23:55 vha4r9,,3,"Hello,I might go to study in Tek-up next year if anyone have (has) any information about it","Good morning, As i said i think i might go to study in tek up next year mainly for two reasons : The endless free certificates And the less amount of people in there compared to esprit But i want to know if someone had or is still studying there and if so would you please give you experience there Btw I'm going to specialize in software engineering (Genie logiciel) If anyone could give me advice on the matter or even the specialty please it would help if you would share some informations",,,,,,2022-06-21 10:25:26 vhaaw4,,11,Petition to delete any post with extremely ambiguous titles,"Hi, almost every week here we see a post titled ""[A question]("" or ""[I need help]("" The 1st post is asking about a scholarship to germany, and the second about his lost D17 password, and like i said, it happens weekly now. People should write a self explanatory titles 1. its for your own benefits btw, because people who really have the knowledge about your topic, when they read the title, they will have more incentive to help, if you don't, you increase the chance of these people missing your question, AND, you end up getting replies from people who randomly open posts just out of curiosity. 2. if helps the community, googling tunisian shit literally doesn't work, and this is one of the reasons of it, if you write your title correctly, it will eventually appear in google search, and future people may find their answers. &nbsp; tagging all the mods because i don't know the most active ones: /u/Enti_San /u/flesmih /u/TeraVonen /u/Lbachch /u/djerbi /u/Stalked_Like_Corn My current solution for this is to add a ""bad title"" report option so we can help with the cleaning, also I believe bots can detect that, many subs already have this implemented. have a good day!",,,,,,2022-06-21 10:36:34 vhb0zu,,0,is the average tunisian female attractive?? (phyiscally),"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-21 11:22:16 vhb96s,,1,"Reddit you're my last hope and this is my last attempt, anyone coming to tunisia from europe or the usa that could bring me shoes ( af1s) and i will pay him extra",,,,,,,2022-06-21 11:36:15 vhbeis,,1,Internships,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-21 11:45:21 vhbg82,,1,Freestyles For The New Tunisian Generation | Harry Mack,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 11:48:25 vhbs83,,1,Do Tunisians need a visa to transit through the Doha (Qatar) airport?,"Not leaving the airport, just a layover of 2 hours and then off to a next location. Anyone did this before? How was your experience and is there anything I should be aware of? Online I’m seeing they don’t require these transit visas but I wanted to double check with folks who actually did the stop. Thanks 🙏🏼",,,,,,2022-06-21 12:06:53 vhbwpp,éma_vaccinal/,1,"Is Janssen vaccine considered ""schéma vaccinal complet""? and no need for pcr , or is another dose obligatory before entering the country?",,,,,,,2022-06-21 12:14:09 vhcdsp,,3,best internet option,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 12:38:29 vhdxgi,,1,sesame university,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-21 13:55:47 vheic7,,0,chnowa soum kg sardina ba7dhekom?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 14:22:47 vhfteq,,1,Is this legit?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 15:22:40 vhgm4a,,1,Best sushi place in Tunis guys? Affordable too :/,,,,,,,2022-06-21 15:58:52 vhgng7,,16,Tunisian revolution,An advice from your Algerian brother don't make the same mistake we did don't let the president fool you by changing the constitution you have to stay in the streets day and night you have to unite with the judges this is your only chance to get rid of the current regime good luck may allah be with u inshallah keep on mind if the Tunisian hirak will succeed algerians and marrocains will return to their revolution again,,,,,,2022-06-21 16:00:16 vhgvlr,,1,Taux d'occupation de 180% dans les centres de rééducation,,,,,,,2022-06-21 16:10:06 vhgw3y,,1,clubs,"I was wondering if there is any entrepreneur or anything related to computers clubs in Sousse where people could meet and learn about one of these topics If you know a place drop it in the comments Thx :)",,,,,,2022-06-21 16:10:41 vhgwi9,,2,Remote work from Tunisia with a foreign company,"Hello, I plan on starting a new job with a foreign company while working remotely from Tunisia I need to know if the company will be able to provide me with health care And what is the best possible way to get my salary from abroad , I don’t have an international card What’s the overall process I will be going through Thank you",,,,,,2022-06-21 16:11:11 vhh0o5,,1,Thoughts ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 16:16:08 vhhscc,,2,b3 online,It's been about 2 weeks since I submitted a request for b3 online here []( but i didn't receive shit. it this normal ? is there a way to speed up the process ?,,,,,,2022-06-21 16:50:55 vhhsig,,3,Any investors\traders in here?,"So the last couple of years I have been interested in the stock market and crypto. I have a couple of questions: Is there any good brokers for us tunisians ? What are they? And what can we trade on them(options,stocks,forex,crypto,futures...)? what are the required papers? Do they require foreign bank accounts? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-06-21 16:51:08 vhi6te,,7,Harga TV Show English Subtitles,"Hi, I am not from Tunisia and I don't understand Arabic. But recently I came to know about this show and can't get it out of my head. As an international audience where can I watch it with English Subtitles? I really appreciate any help you can provide.",,,,,,2022-06-21 17:08:45 vhj8qb,,1,Does anybody have an idea about old laptops prices?,"So I'm gonna sell this old shitbox but don't have an idea how much money do I put on it ? if any &#x200B; ![img](wymt7f30j0791 "" Ecran 10 pouces "") Cpu : intel celeron 2 cores 2.2 ghz 500gb disque dur 2 gb ram portatif en bon etat ken el clavier fama des touches mayemchwch",,,,,,2022-06-21 17:55:35 vhk8if,,119,Ons Jabeur is set to play a Doubles tournament alongside Tennis legend Serena Williams this week.,,,,,,,2022-06-21 18:38:25 vhk9gk,,1,Best internet data plan for a short stay,"Aaslema! ena jey l tounes ou bch no93ed chhar fi dar mafihech installation wifi. Khamamt na3ml un plan 4g ama mana3rech mnin nebda nlaouej. 7achti b barcha gbs khtr nheb n streami aflem ou seriet, budget is no problem tant que 7aja tosla7. Ken fama chkoun yefhem fl faza hedhi, help me ou thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-06-21 18:39:36 vhkven,,6,get rich by selling zgougou by the grams,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-21 19:06:00 vhlgtq,,1,Is Flouci safe?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 19:32:12 vhlikw,,1,is Flouci safe?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 19:34:20 vhlrso,,1,I really don't ask for much. this is my first time posting but does anyone know where I can buy heartstopper comics? cuz I'm a big fan.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 19:46:00 vhmd3h,,1,Ladies and gentlemen... We're all infidels here for using Reddit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 20:11:55 vhmeuw,,0,is it illegal to wear an antibullet vest or an anitistabbing vest under my shirt?,,,,,,,2022-06-21 20:14:02 vhmvty,,0,Is patching my ps4 a good idea?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-21 20:34:37 vhmzvo,,0,Where can I find sex toys in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-06-21 20:39:37 vhpxh8,,0,so guys lets get to know each other,"How old are chtaa3mlou w mniin ?! I will start 24 machine learning engineer from sousse but i live in nabeul",,,,,,2022-06-21 22:51:40 vhqgh9,,0,does anyone know where i could buy a spider pet from?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-21 23:16:59 vhqkgr,/r/Maghreb/comments/vgzepy/how_a_potential_maghrebi_unions_flag_would_look/,0,"How a potential Maghrebi Union's flag would look like (only Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria)",,,,,,,2022-06-21 23:22:18 vhvk6n,,1,finding an internship or a job outside tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-22 03:39:08 vhy5cv,,1,what is the current situation around CEDAW in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-06-22 06:09:35 vhz54a,,2,el 7ar9a 3la tri9 turkia w serbia wallet dhahra fi toons kamla walla kan hne fi tataouine?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-22 07:12:52 vi05hj,,7,I am half Tunesian but I don't speak the language. Should I learn Arabic or French if I want to live in Tunesia?,I live in Denmark so it is not possible for me to learn tunesian. However there are Arabic language classes I can take. So should I learn French or Arabic. And how easy is it to learn Tunesian after you learned arabic?,,,,,,2022-06-22 08:21:47 vi0rap,,14,Is the Tunisian stock exchange worth getting into?,"I've been seriously considering getting into it, but there aren't many guides online, and I really don't have any idea about how profitable it is. If anyone has any idea on how profitable it can be? /How to get into it?... Please do leave a comment. Thank you and have a good day.",,,,,,2022-06-22 09:02:54 vi1l4h,,0,rate tunisians males attractivness based on physical appearance," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-22 09:58:12 vi1mxa,,0,win crypto,[](,,,,,,2022-06-22 10:00:59 vi2asf,,0,Important question,Wa9tech tsaker lbaladeya belehi?,,,,,,2022-06-22 10:44:49 vi2k40,,6,Helping an International Discord Server get more Members from Tunisia 🇹🇳,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-22 11:01:16 vi3i3y,,8,What gifts should I bring to Tunisia?,Hi from Canada 🇨🇦! My boyfriend is traveling to Tunisia in a month. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on what to send as gifts to his mother and father ? We already bought perfumes and watches. Is there anything particular you think they would enjoy? Thanks 😊,,,,,,2022-06-22 11:58:03 vi3jzk,,3,I'm looking for people to play Ultimate (Frisbee) with.,Do any of you play or do you know anyone that does? Looking for people in Tunis btw.,,,,,,2022-06-22 12:00:37 vi4fqp,,11,"hello im thinking of starting an online buisness selling necklaces and rings ,etc.. but i don't know exactly how i would be sending the products ( i Was thinking of using rapid post) ,i also don't exactly know how i would be receiving the money (edinar,flousi ,maybe?) any suggestions would help",,,,,,,2022-06-22 12:45:35 vi4lqi,,3,"Bonjour, je voudrais avoir l'avis des Tunisiens et plus généralement des habitants de la Tunisie sur la relation avec l'UE.","Plus précisément, est-ce que le gouvernement de la Tunisie actuel envisage un partenariat particulier avec l'UE? Et en tant que redditeurs, qu'est-que vous en pensez?",,,,,,2022-06-22 12:54:22 vi4pok,,10,best solar screen for everyday usage in this heat especillay for someone who spends most of his time outside in the sun,,,,,,,2022-06-22 13:00:03 vi4yoe,,3,[Help] Did anyone file for a Lebanese visa recently?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-22 13:11:49 vi52zj,,1,Before visiting grandma vs after visiting grandma,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-22 13:18:05 vi6m09,,3,Is setting up my startup in Tunisia a good idea or should I start it abroad?,"I am excited to start a startup, but I was surprised that many people saying that i should look for another country because its almost impossible in Tunisia and it is not worth trying. Is there anyone who can confirm or deny this through his personal experience or through people he knows closely who have gone through this experience?",,,,,,2022-06-22 14:31:10 vi6wce,,1,airsoft in Tunisia,Is there a law that makes airsoft officially illegal in Tunisia and shouldn't be legal ?,,,,,,2022-06-22 14:44:36 vi6zx7,,1,food challenges in tunis ?,Looking for food challenges (preferably ones that are free if you win) in Centreville or Ariana. Any help is appreciated,,,,,,2022-06-22 14:49:11 vi7b56,,6,Looking for somewhere to stay while attending Beit al-Hikma in Carthage,"Hello Everyone. I am a Lebanese male coming to Tunis to attend the Carthage Summer School in Beit al-Hikma. I have been trying to find somewhere reasonable to stay but it seems that there is a communication problem. Every time I call no one answers and every time I send an email no one replies. The organizers of the summer school were kind enough to recommend "" **Résidence AbouFehr""** but no matter how many times I call or how many emails I send I don't get a reply. I am starting to get anxious as the date is approaching and prices are getting higher. So if anyone could give me any recommendation/referral/help/advice/anything that would be very appreciated. Thanks to everyone.",,,,,,2022-06-22 15:03:11 vi7ga4,,11,What do you think of Tunisia becoming a federation?,"I think applying federalism in Tunisia will solve many problems. For example, I have thought about dividing tunisia into 4 provinces: - the Capital province (Tunis (capital city), Ariana, Ben arous, Manouba, bizerte, zaghouan) - the coastal province (nabeul, sousse, monastir, mahdia , sfax) - the southern province (gabes, medenine, tataouine, kebili, tozeur, gafsa) - the north western province (beja, kef, siliana, jendouba, kasserine, sidi bouzid, kairouan) All of these provinces will have a huge potentiel to be developped. For example: - The southern province will be very rich if not the richest thanks to the petroleum, gaz, and phosphates ressources in tataouine and gafsa. - the capital and coastal provinces are already more developped and have access to the sea and a big touristic infrastructure. Also, a city like Sfax have huge gaz fields. - the north-western province despite its lack of natural ressources have a huge agriculture sector. Also, having a border with algeria can help them by trading with them. The federalism will solve the problem of favorising a region over another. Also it can limit the spread of corruption. Each province will assume its own responsibility and they will only blame themselves in case of failure.",,,,,,2022-06-22 15:09:37 vi7hap,,2,In need of an advice,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-22 15:10:55 vi7oth,,1,Suggest a cool place within the budget of 50dt for a romantic date," To make it all simple and short, I live in Sousse and I'm currently looking for a cool place to take my GF out and surprise her. I'm on a low budget as of now ( 50DT max) and I'd love it if you guys tell me about some places that are good for a low-budget date.",,,,,,2022-06-22 15:20:21 vi7rvo,,1,chnia tawjih behy mn bac info ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-22 15:24:20 vi7xz1,,1,amel prepa w nheb nbadel,"slt ya jme3a ena nja7t bac 2021 w 3malt prepa sne ama manja7tesh. w nheb nbadel, shnowa lezmni namel ?",,,,,,2022-06-22 15:31:57 vi81tl,,1,Does anyone knows a very good therapist in Sousse?,"I checked WebMed, and there are few names, but I am really looking for someone who is good, like really good, good listener, empathic and has up to date knowledge. Do you have any recommendations? Last time I went to a therapist, but I didn't really feel like he was listening to me. He would keep looking at his phone beside him, he wasn't empathic as a therapist should be. This time, am gonna pay 60dt again, and I want someone who's empathic, who's ready to listen and who's good at what he/she does. If you recommend someone please mention your reasons, like what did you like about this therapist? Thanks :))",,,,,,2022-06-22 15:36:45 vi82wo,,1,how much Diesel am i allowed to Import to the EU,"Hey Guys, i am going for a 6 week trip with my bus to Tunisia and was wondering how much Diesel i can take back to the EU within canisters ( Not the Bus itself :) ) greetings",,,,,,2022-06-22 15:38:06 vi9i28,,20,An Open Letter To a Muslim Tunisian,"If this statement doesn’t sit right with you keep reading. This is a statement by the Tunisian president that looks like he’s playing with words, he sounds like he’s trying to defend secularism with Islam, I know this sounds weird but I hope it won’t by the end of this letter. In his quick response, he is making the distinction between the Islamic Ummah and the Tunisian country, The most basic and important difference is that the Ummah can only be ruled by “Amir al-Mu'minin” who is appointed by a “Bay'ah”, which is a sovereign ruler that’s only accountable to god, on the other hand, the modern concept of a country is a body that claims to be sovereign, but in reality, this country is accountable to the most powerful countries indirectly and the laws of the united nations directly (Ironically the united nations is the one issuing this fake sovereignty “حق الشعوب في تقرير مصيرها”), even if this outside influence means to go against the Islamic law. The cognitive dissonance and the unproductive division that this dynamic creates is by far the first reason why the Arab countries never had and will never have stable political races to power, and will always be on the brink of a civil war. Ergo, the fight around being an Islamic country (which is what Islamist democrats want) or a secular one (which is ironically what the other democrats want) is just a dumb game that will result in the same result every time whether you’re labeled a “secular” or not, the real game must be played somewhere else, this is not a position against Islam, this is a position against the system. The perversion of the concept of “Islam is the religion of the country” by the so-called “Islamic” democrats became so apparent in the last few years. We see that it became a slogan to use in emotional speeches with no substance (much like BLM or any other slogan that no one can *literally* disagree with) to just rally people behind them. This movement that controlled the government for so long is the manifestation of the global order inside the country, removing them reduces the influence of such powers, and gives those powers back to the real ruler, after all, If you want to be *ruled fairly,* first of all, you need to be *ruled*.",,,,,,2022-06-22 16:41:26 viak71,,2,I'm developing an android app and I couldn't find an international payment method in Tunisia,"Could someone tell me how could I actually find a method, an API or something to do that? Or should I already give up on my dreams and die?",,,,,,2022-06-22 17:28:34 viarmj,,2,computer engineering in Tunisia," السلام عليكم بلاهي شكون قرا licence ingénierie système informatique نعرف فها مستقبل في تونس اما دوب ما تتخرج في تونس تنجم نلقا ستاجات في الدومان هذا في تونس نحب نعرف زادا سوق الشغل في تونس saturé كيما dev web و الا لا.",,,,,,2022-06-22 17:37:48 viceko,,1,Hammamet to Carthage Airport,"Hi All. Can someone help me with a transfer for 10 people from Hammamet to Carthage airport on Saturday? I’m told it should be no more than 50 dinar. However, we keep getting quoted 350 Dinar!! I know this is tourist prices but still, that’s a big difference!",,,,,,2022-06-22 18:50:30 vidwtn,,19,Dear Tunisians. Stop taking Democracy for granted.,"As a person who currently lives in a nation which has been under the control of a family for over 4 decades. My family have been locked up, tortured and diss appeared. People have been brainwashed to a degree that the president as higher scores than Bashar Al Assad of Syria.(election results were also vouched by the African Union as legit). There is no such thing as freedom of speech and if you protest, be prepared to die from real bullets. Stop taking democracy for granted, I’ve seen many of you supporting the idea of a dictatorship in a bid to rid Islam from the constitution is quite stupid and alienating when you yourselves have been liberated from such a thing in 2011.If you really think religion of all things is a bigger problem then say living standards or the economy and would be willing to give your democratic nation for the sake of an article which does absolutely nothing then you are irrational. My country also participated in the Arab spring but failed. The country’s conditions have improved for the old colonial aristocrats here whilst being propped up by the French and West. The CIA legit bought the government advanced spyware worth larger than the entire economy. So they can keep a close surveillance on us.",,,,,,2022-06-22 19:57:09 vie71x,,1,looking for work in IT this summer (Remote or overseas),"I have experience of 1 year. A licence in computer science and multimedia. Worked with agile methodologies. Professional experience in Flutter, Node.js React and angular (All woth typescript), mongoDB or mysql and Docker technologie. Feel free to contact me.",,,,,,2022-06-22 20:09:22 viewvj,,1,ROCK BANDS T-SHIRTS,"Hello, y'all, Is there anyone who knows a shop that sells AC-DC, Pink Floyd, Guns & Roses, or Led Zeppelin T-shirts?",,,,,,2022-06-22 20:41:01 vif5qq,,1,9adeh lezimni min flos bech nod5ol nal3ab golf louled?,,,,,,,2022-06-22 20:51:55 vih66q,,1,Would it be easy to market an AI product to Tunisian sheep owners?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-22 22:20:18 vihnf8,,0,Any playstation gamers in here ?,"I would love to make new friends on PS, all my friends play on PC. Drop your psn and I'll add you, or just add psn: rabiibouhestine",,,,,,2022-06-22 22:41:55 vikj0r,,3,job opportunity | digital artist | entry level | freelance | webcomics project," *Hello there* *Do you have a graphic tablet ? Would you like to make some side money using it while getting familiar with the professional process of creating webcomics?* *Yes? There's an opportunity to join and assist a professional team of artists working fully online on an amazing fantasy webcomic !* *Anyone Interested?* *Reach out to me in DM* !",,,,,,2022-06-23 01:04:44 vimpkq,,2,what kind of gifts to give to someone online?,"i have a friend that lives somewhere else in planet earth, we cant meet in real life but i wanna gift him something in their birthday, i don't quite know what it could be, any ideas?",,,,,,2022-06-23 02:59:00 vipsf1,,37,Is it stupid to think I can spend 10 days on my own in Tunisia as a girl?,"Is it too great a risk to be going around and to the beach and just being out on my own as a girl? Would it feel safe if I did it? I haven’t been to Tunisia for 10 years and the last time I was there I was 14 and not alone and yet I had full adult men following me around and even stalking me until I got home or met my dad… I hate that and I don’t want anyone to mind me, so maybe the real question is “how not to be noticed when going around in Tunisia?”",,,,,,2022-06-23 05:55:58 virqgr,,2,Need to sell 180€ (PayPal),[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-23 08:07:09 virsq7,,1,"do you believe the story of this guy swimming from pantalleria to hammater, 155km 66hours of swimming non stop",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-23 08:11:35 viscm9,,1,Trottinette or Bike,"Wayo please does anyone have a bike or a scooter for sale for a good price Im a college student w t3ebt m tak3ib Thank youu",,,,,,2022-06-23 08:51:00 visht2,,6,I am a big star wars fan and I am wondering if there is a place where I would be able to buy a light saber.,,,,,,,2022-06-23 09:01:16 vit1d0,,19,Do you use rani like in Algerian Darija?,Algerians use rani for showing something that is happening the present. Example - rani norkod = I am sleeping. Is this the same in Tunisian darija?,,,,,,2022-06-23 09:39:38 vit3zb,,2,How are homes financed?,I just married a Tunisian woman and we’re looking to purchase a home in Tunisia. Does anyone know how we could finance this eg cash or mortgage or some other kind of loan?,,,,,,2022-06-23 09:44:49 vitcqb,,1,How much does it cost to study an english course at the british council in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-23 10:01:06 vitegp,,3,"Is the Bir el Euch (a well in Tunis) very old? (Question relates to ancient Carthage, the people of Atlas, Titans, Atlantis, etc.)","Has anyone visited the well in Tunis, the Bir el Euch? Is it supposed to date to Roman times or before? I'm studying the origin of ancient Carthage. I am trying to understand a reference in Josephus (in against Apio) to a battle between the king of Tyre and the ""euchii or titii"" people. Scholars don't know what to make of it: they usually assume that ""titii"" is ""tyrians"" (people of Tyre), but that is nonsense: the letters are wrong, and why would the king of Tyre fight himself? Soon after this the queen of Tyre founded Carthage in ancient Tunisia, so I won exploring the idea that ""Titti"" could be ""titans"", i.e., people of Atlas, i.e. Atlas Mountains, Tunisia. (Also known as Atlantians!) The theory depends on the meaning of ""euchii"" or people of Euch. The only reference I can find to ""euch"" is the ""bir el euch"" well in Tunis. Is this well ancient? Watering holes were very important in ancient times: the ""euchii"" would be the people of the region called ""euch"", around the euch well. But if the well is not ancient then that destroys my theory. :) I know nothing about the bir el euch. Is it ancient? Was euch a name for the region? Does anybody know?",,,,,,2022-06-23 10:04:15 viu1dn,,0,Nofap,Do wet dreams count as failing Nofap?,,,,,,2022-06-23 10:46:16 viu9p9,,1,i envy people with healthy family relationship,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-23 11:01:07 viupv3,,1,طounes,,,,,,,2022-06-23 11:29:03 viurzd,,0,guys do you have any idea about this member or his social media accounts (Ok_Marionberry_5185),,,,,,,2022-06-23 11:32:28 viutjc,,1,Transport mel centre ville lel aouina,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-23 11:35:03 vivcdm,,3,"hello, I got an offer at an offshore company and the contract type is self employment. Any idea about how that goes and if you have any experience or ideas you can share with me?",,,,,,,2022-06-23 12:04:58 vivksn,,5,skills to learn this summer ?,"im confused between learning python, graphic design or blender what do u think ?",,,,,,2022-06-23 12:17:39 vivq00,,37,I encountered the most toxic community yet (a foreign country),I posted on a community belonging to a specific country (which I prefer not to mention) if it was easy to find jobs there).they kept telling me that I should stay in my country and that Arab ppl are a burden everywhere.I even got -11 karma points for that post!,,,,,,2022-06-23 12:25:33 vivugo,,11,Internet out for 5+ days,"Anyone else has/had this problem with topnet before? I've called them nearly 50 times and there's no progress whatsoever. They keep telling me the same thing about how it's ""en cours de traitement"".",,,,,,2022-06-23 12:32:20 viwlgm,والي_تونس_and/,0,lightyear animated movie banned by والي تونس and والي سوسة because it contained a same sex kiss,Wrf is wrong with this country? وين الحريات الي فلقولنا روسنا بيها,,,,,,2022-06-23 13:09:35 viwuec,,1,I want to buy a phone that is out of stock online,"Hello, I'm looking to buy a Tecno Spark 7 Pro, but online it's out of stock everywhere. Where do you think I should go and look (trusted places).",,,,,,2022-06-23 13:21:49 vix7o4,,1,Is it normal that my future owner asks me to pay 3 months of rent at once ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-23 13:40:29 vixrxw,,2,Is it normal that my future owner asks me to pay 3 rents at once ?,"Hey guys! So I’m coming to Tunisia for 3 months and I found a really good place. The owner also looks very serious and kind, but there’s this odd thing that is kind of sus… Rather than wanting me to pay a monthly rent the owner wants me to pay everything at once i.e the rent for the three months at the same time. Is it a practice that is actually common in Tunisia or should I worry ? I couldn’t understand everything, but he told me it’s because he usually rents this place for a year so he basically needs an guarantee that I’m not going to leave early. What do you guys think about it? Thanks a lot for the replies :))",,,,,,2022-06-23 14:07:50 vizcl1,,1,video editors i have a question,"GreetingS I start working as a video editor at upwork with hourly rate 15$/h How much does it cost to make a video of 10mn like top 10 stuff ? Since i am working with adobe premiere and idk anything about the editing pricing",,,,,,2022-06-23 15:19:20 vizxiy,,1,Software internships.,"Why is it hard to find a good internship in tunis, I applied to like 20 with no responses.",,,,,,2022-06-23 15:45:47 vj0auk,,2,"boite prod/com internship, any recommendations?","Anyone knows any good boite prod or boite com in tunis? I'm looking for a summer internship but I don't know how to start. Something like Havas, propaganda...",,,,,,2022-06-23 16:02:22 vj1dzo,,1,hireright,"Anyone got background verification through hireright ? They told me now that they are unable to accept my Bachelor degree as proof of education. It seems that all they can do is ""breaking potatoes for us"" for a while, so what to do? Anyone had an experience wth them? Or should i show them our ""sou9i"" education?",,,,,,2022-06-23 16:50:01 vj2vdo,,1,For real..,,,,,,,2022-06-23 17:56:05 vj3b93,,0,Isn't is time yet to admit that there is something wrong?,,,,,,,2022-06-23 18:15:31 vj531t,,1,Youtube tutorial how to make money from jumia affiliate program,,,,,,,2022-06-23 19:33:44 vj6174,,1,any ideas about holberton uni ?,,,,,,,2022-06-23 20:16:07 vj8fk9,,3,Remote workers in Tunisia,"Hi everyone, I'd like to catch up with remote workers in Tunisia so we can have weekly/monthly meetings and exchange.. maybe pick some location and work there all together.. It would be nice to break the routine of working at home!",,,,,,2022-06-23 22:04:39 vj8gs9,بربي_فماش_شكون_مختص_في_التجارة_الألكترونية_يفسرلي/,4,بربي فماش شكون مختص في التجارة الألكترونية يفسرلي النقاط هاذم," 1 : كيفاش يتم التعليب هل عن طريق شركة التوصيل والا انا هو لي نتصرف فيه 2 : الفاتورة الي بش تتلصق على المنتوج هل ضرورية و ألا لا و كيفاش نعملها 3 : البطاقة الي بش نخلص باها اعلانات الفيسبوك منين ندبرها و اناهي احسن بطاقه و هل قنونية والا لا وشكرا 🙏❤",,,,,,2022-06-23 22:06:09 vj999e,,1,.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-23 22:43:13 vj99np,,4,what's the better -700dt smartphone currently?,"hey all, I need your opinions/advice on the best 700dt or less smartphone currently in the market, and someone told me to wait for a few days for the prices to lower due to discounts because of the results of Bac, do you agree on that? thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-06-23 22:43:45 vj9cig,,1,Tawjih behy men bac info?,"chnia tawjih behy info t3 mo3adel zone 18 , near Grand Tunis (not interested in Design or WebWebDevlopment) ? Nheb fac mch s3iba brcha . Kont newi ala insat ama smaat li hya s3iba brcha wena mel bac wfadit nhbch n3wd 5 snin akeka .",,,,,,2022-06-23 22:47:34 vj9drs,,2,Did the hacker group Anonymous really said that about Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-23 22:49:12 vj9ehn,,0,my crypto project of this summer,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-23 22:50:09 vjah1z,,1,Tunisian Police Arrest Ex-Prime Minister Jebali On Suspicion Of Money Laundering,,,,,,,2022-06-23 23:42:43 vjaisl,,8,"(World Cup) How do you guys feel about your upcoming matches against France, Denmark and Australia?","Most Tunisians I know told me that Tunisia will be a disappointment, but I personally think Tunis can shock France (because of the Champions Curse) and Australia should be easy, I think. Denmark, though, will be tough",,,,,,2022-06-23 23:45:05 vjasoq,,7,How/Where do I look for a job?,,,,,,,2022-06-23 23:59:15 vjb9pu,,1,MEN why do you keep on sending friend requests only to girls on social media despite having a gf?? I want an honest answer .,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-24 00:23:29 vjba0i,,0,أنشئ متجرك الخاص على التيليجرام وحقق أرباحك الاولي,,,,,,,2022-06-24 00:23:56 vjbrir,,1,"Tunisians say stuff like "" this is a western thing"" .. this and that about any subject if it's women rights/lgbt rights or if it's about lifestyles/ businesses why can't we think of if other countries reached a certain level of social development shouldn't we thrive to even be better than them?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-24 00:49:02 vjczim,,1,Buying Airplane Tickets,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-24 01:53:15 vjfbyl,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-06-24 04:00:10 vjh1iw,,2,do you know about any theater clubs?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-24 05:37:44 vji648,,1,شات تعب قلبي,,,,,,,2022-06-24 06:50:23 vjja5j,,1,High school graduation rates by Tunisian governorate for 2022 (results were released an hour ago),[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-24 08:06:39 vjjbb8,,1,High school graduation rates by Tunisian governorate for 2022. Mabrouk to everyone who succeded and good luck to those who failed or ta7ou contrôle.,,,,,,,2022-06-24 08:08:59 vjkbw3,,10,Add Payment (donation) method on your desktop web app ?,"Stripe : Not available Payonner API : Headache be5léf hédhom zouze anéhi a7sen w ashel tari9a fi tounes ?",,,,,,2022-06-24 09:23:21 vjkrwu,,5,traveling to Tunisia for vacation,,,,,,,2022-06-24 09:54:59 vjl11i,,7,Someone expert in the Tunisian nightlife wants to be my guide in August?,"I don’t know anyone that parties in Tunisia in the ways I want to (are there even raves there?) so I’m just looking here for someone that knows how to have a good time Also, do you know how much a night out would cost?",,,,,,2022-06-24 10:11:29 vjlb7f,,1,JUST GOT A JOB CONTRACT IN FRANCE . WHAT PROCEDURES I NEED TO DO ?,"Hello good people of reddit &#x200B; I just got a job contract to work in France but i have no ideas about what procedures to do , what papers to prepare , to which adminisrations should i head to and how long things can get in order to get my visa ? Any help is very much appreciated and thank you all",,,,,,2022-06-24 10:30:13 vjliue,,2,Quick survey,Hi ! I'm doing a research about Crowdfunding in Tunisia for my masters degree and i would appreciate if you could do this quick 5 min survey (Its in french). Thanks in advance ! :D [](,,,,,,2022-06-24 10:44:18 vjlntj,,1,تثبيت متصفح جوجل كروم بدون انترنت اخراصدار,,,,,,,2022-06-24 10:53:08 vjm77u,,1,Bac exam results per governorate.,,,,,,,2022-06-24 11:25:37 vjm7ty,,0,Website for dropshipping,"Hi, I want to start dropshipping in tunisia and i found this post sponsored in my facebook, the website is []( and it lets you create a store online. I wanna know if it's good for dropshipping and if you have any other suggestions let me know, thanks. &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-06-24 11:26:39 vjn3pr,,11,BAC TODAY,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-24 12:16:46 vjnfvv,,2,why is baccalaureat so imortant in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-24 12:35:33 vjnyg7,,2,BAC ORIENTATION,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-24 13:01:20 vjo44f,,3,I need your help to choose a master program,"Hello guys I hope you are doing fine. I will be graduating in September as a civil engineer.i got preselected for 2 master program -1 year ""mastère de recherche ""in civil engineering mainly taught in french but there is some courses in English. -2 year ""mastère professionnel innovation management ""joint degree between enit,essec and ihec carthage,taught in English. Help me choose one, the one that could help me leave this country or get a high paying job.i'm leaning toward the first option cause I have few master programs abroad that are fully funded and I think that a master degree in civil engineering can increase my chances but I don't know.",,,,,,2022-06-24 13:09:32 vjoath,,3,[NSFW] Have you ever had a friend with benefits ?,"It's rare in Tunisia, but totally possible, and quite frankly it is much better than a romantic relationship that ends up failing because of how toxic we are most of the time : ""do that and don't do this"", ""dont wear that"", ""tell me where you're going"", ""who is she/he ?"", etc... I am curious to know if anyone here had a similar experience before of having a sexual partner purely for fun. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-06-24 13:19:19 vjojps,,10,Would it be easy to get Tunisian farmers and shepherds to buy an AI product for their sheep?,"The product will be kinda ""robot shepherd"". Do you think they would be willing to buy it? Also, what about electricity which you can control through an app, would such an idea be easy to market in Tunisia or are there already electricians who perhaps implement similar ideas?",,,,,,2022-06-24 13:31:34 vjonlw,,1,Tunisian psychics,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-24 13:37:02 vjozxg,,0,Is there any tunisian girls with onlyfans accounts ?,I ve been looking everywhere but i didnt find any 😢,,,,,,2022-06-24 13:54:01 vjpcrd,,1,Airport Taxi price to Sousse.,"Does anyone know the airport taxi price from Tunis Carthage to Sousse & Enfidha to Sousse ? Thanks",,,,,,2022-06-24 14:10:31 vjpf6a,,1,Any help finding a part time job in the Tunis metropolitan area?,"I’m a college student and I’m looking for a call center position, preferably in English. I don’t have any experience in that regard though. Any tips would be appreciated!",,,,,,2022-06-24 14:13:54 vjplcs,توجيه_كيفاش/,2,توجيه كيفاش ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-24 14:21:40 vjpscf,الجماعة_لنجحت_الباك/,1,الجماعة لنجحت الباك,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-24 14:30:43 vjqw45,,2,chnhoma el mara7el elli etab3hom bach tmchi ta9ra fi almaniya (3ndi chkoon fl EU),[removed],,,,,,2022-06-24 15:21:24 vjrmmy,,23,Bac questions...,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-24 15:55:28 vjrtzu,,1,What's up with people trying to sell tissues on the streets,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-24 16:04:18 vjrx9t,,2,Visa issues (Canada).,"Heyy ! I deposited a visitor’s (tourist) visa since the beginning of April this year and I’m yet to receive any answer positive or negative? Knowing very well that I stated in my application that I’m traveling by the beginning of July. I’ve gotten the Canadian visa before so this shouldn’t be an issue. What can I do to check if they’ve considered my visa application yet ? or even maybe ask to make this process quicker ? Thank you so much !!!",,,,,,2022-06-24 16:08:15 vjso18,,1,Student loan,"Hi everyone! I want to ask about any chance to get loan to study i have the chance to study a online master in London university while i am in tunisia but it costs 16,000 dollars and i am working btw but I don’t have a family support my only choice is to get a loan! Any one has idea thanks on advance!!",,,,,,2022-06-24 16:41:38 vjsok1,,0,What will happen with LGBT rights with the new constitution?,Edit: wow I am surprised that majority of people here replied with nuanced and moderate opinions or answers. I am not Tunisian and I don’t want to imagine the replies in my National country sub,,,,,,2022-06-24 16:42:16 vjt7kl,é_students_i_found_out_about_a/,1,For prepa/ecole d’ingé students: I found out about a new way to go study in USA. (It’s not guaranteed 100% and it depends mostly on you),"In Ecole polytechnique de Tunisie, students usually aim to get a double diplome with another grande ecole in France (garanteed full scholarship frim Tunisian government). Those who don’t manage to get it will look for other opportunities by themselves. Saudi Arabia universities have heard about this so they started receiving students from EPT for a master degree. The universities are mainly KFUPM (petroleum and minerals studies) and KAUST (science and technology). Here’s the trick many teachers there are Americans and occupy/have occupied important positions in top American universities. So if you manage to build good relationships with your teachers and have good marks, they’ll vouch for you to get a phd contract in USA (with or without scholarships doctorates are always paid because they work in research labs or as assistant teachers). I know 2 friends that have done this.",,,,,,2022-06-24 17:05:41 vjtbu6,,2,with which language should i make my youtube videos?,"i was thinking of creating educational videos on youtube and uploading them, but i'm not sure with which language the videos are gonna be , english or tunisian. i'm afraid if i do content like khormologia(former youtuber) i will get death threats and eventually retire too early. at the same time if i make them in english i'm afraid my videos won't be as good as the other international youtubers and won't get anywhere. any ideas or suggestions?",,,,,,2022-06-24 17:11:15 vjtstl,,1,Why are boys under-performing? Only 38.51% of those who succeeded in the baccalauréat are boys.,,,,,,,2022-06-24 17:32:29 vjvcal,,1,كيفية إنشاء حساب تيك توك في عام 2022 | How To Make a TikTok Account In 2...,,,,,,,2022-06-24 18:41:52 vjvmhs,,9,The big question: who wants to assassinate Mr the President?,"According to the ministry of interior affairs there are concrete plans of assassinating Mr the Presiden si Kaïs, so who is behind these plans?",,,,,,2022-06-24 18:55:07 vjvmmj,,2,is there any driving schools to teach me how to ride a motorcycle ?,,,,,,,2022-06-24 18:55:18 vjwudq,,3,Visiting Tunis in Eid,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-24 19:51:43 vjyc5s,,1,#بث_مباشر لحفل #بلطي و #سمير_لوصيف بمشاركة 12 فنانا في شارع الحبيب بورقيبة الآن #شاهد مباشرة⬇️⬇️⬇️,,,,,,,2022-06-24 21:01:17 vk184p,,1,looking for places like hardrock but cheap in Sousse,Hey basically looking for q cafe/resto that has an open view terasse or sth but actually cheap in Sousse,,,,,,2022-06-24 23:19:46 vk1dc3,à_propos_les_experts_comptables/,2,Question à Propos Les Experts Comptables,aslema n7eb nessaal ala statut les experts comptables baad ma yet5arjou(men tounes) fi tounes w ken y7ebou yo5rjou chnou yejmou yetwa93ou.,,,,,,2022-06-24 23:27:10 vk2pxc,,56,admiseee,Hamdoulllh after everything I've went through I got 16 moyenneee❤️❤️🤟!!,,,,,,2022-06-25 00:36:20 vk3u6z,,1,What are the odds of a successful METALCORE band in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-06-25 01:37:12 vk7rxc,,1,"rtx 3070 Gigabyte a vendre 1600dt, nthifa",,,,,,,2022-06-25 05:26:07 vk811z,,3,What is your religion?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-25 05:41:42 vk8g18,,3,EV Charging in Tunisia,"3aslema! I’m coming nchallah next month to tunisia with my EV. I saw there are charging points at some Total gas stations, does anyone know how it works in tunisia?",,,,,,2022-06-25 06:08:15 vk8kvm,,2,Future education plan,"Hello, I just ended my second year computer science degree (license) and I want to continue after that but I’m not sure whether I continue with an engineering degree or a master degree abroad. Do you have any advice to what should I do cause to be honest I don’t trust our education after those years I feel like I know nothing even thought I’m in the top 10 of my class.",,,,,,2022-06-25 06:17:21 vk9c5j,,2,universte privee (imset-universte centrale),"ayo anyone studied at these? how are the prices? are they decent at teaching? did you get a job using the degree? u got any opinons on em?",,,,,,2022-06-25 07:09:00 vk9rxn,,0,"Techno Parties Raves, near Sousse or Monastir","My girlfriend and I love Techno music but our hotel does more of a chill animation style music. Is there any club or Rave we could go to?",,,,,,2022-06-25 07:38:08 vk9s8q,,3,who has an idea about SAP?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-25 07:38:47 vkajrt,,1,كيفية ربط قناتك على اليوتيوب مع التيك توك TikTok,,,,,,,2022-06-25 08:33:30 vkbfhm,,4,How much money do you need to retire in Tunisia?,"Assuming one person in his 30s retiring early (fantasy), accounting for inflation, and having enough money to live in a nice 2 bedroom apartment in a nice area and still travel and spend money on leisure Roughly how much would that cost in tunis (also assuming it is invested and grows 3-7%/yearly)? In addition, just in general for normal people, what does retirement look like? Do people retire or just work into old age until their kids take care of them?",,,,,,2022-06-25 09:36:46 vkdwa0,,1,mouch behya l7ograa louled a5tawna 5wetna jmee3et europ 😂😂,,,,,,,2022-06-25 12:20:53 vke1fg,,1,Man.. is this a political subreddit?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-25 12:29:43 vkemnf,,1,Bac Question,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-25 13:02:56 vkesi7,,1,.,,,,,,,2022-06-25 13:11:35 vkf1is,,1,i have few question about call centers can anyone with experience dm me ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-25 13:25:43 vkf2rc,,6,Web3 builders here ?,If yes what are you building ?,,,,,,2022-06-25 13:27:40 vkfqen,,4,what do you think is the best way to get into politics in tunisia?,What do you guys think is the fastest way for someone to get into politics in tunisia ?,,,,,,2022-06-25 14:03:21 vkgia3,,3,Is 400€ (1300tdn) enough for 7-10days in hammet ?,"Haven’t been to tunisia in almost 6 years and finally going this summer im from a small town* (m3tamdia) in monastire, and instead of going there to just see family, that we barely ask abt each other, and since I don’t really have friends there, i had but we didn’t talk for almost 6years so i don’t think we still friends lmao I decided to go on a solo vacation, wanna go to the beach and visit historical and cultural places, so basically ill be a tourist :) Anyways, is 400€ enough ? Especially in a truistic place ?",,,,,,2022-06-25 14:42:57 vkh4ct,,1,Is this enough to get a scholarship?,,,,,,,2022-06-25 15:12:42 vkhvqj,,1,where in Ariena can i buy a mosquito repellent device ?!,,,,,,,2022-06-25 15:49:41 vkiizn,,1,15 bac tech,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-25 16:20:27 vkj2yd,éat/,1,Please make a Megathread for the Baccalauréat,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-25 16:47:00 vkjwb0,,21,BAC 2022 / Orientation Megathread,"First, Congratulations to all of you who as well as your relatives who passed this year! Due to the high amount of threads following the bac's result and probably a lot of you who are looking for advice about what to do next, we are focusing all the discussion in the megathread. Please refrain from making new threads and post your comments here instead. Old threads :",,,,,,2022-06-25 17:25:57 vkk9my,,2,ISAMM OR ESSTED??,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-25 17:43:56 vkku0d,,1,Im going to Sousse on holiday and i have 3 important questions🫣,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-25 18:11:10 vkkxpt,,2,Im going to Sousse on holiday and i have 3 important questions🫣,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-25 18:16:08 vklqc6,,1,Cs Engineers,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-25 18:54:37 vkmfpn,,1,,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-25 19:28:33 vkmqy8,,7,Is Exist a good clothing brand ?,,,,,,,2022-06-25 19:43:51 vkoj8r,,1,حل مشكلة اتصالك ليس خاصًا بدون برامج | your connection is not private,,,,,,,2022-06-25 21:10:48 vkqfp8,,1,favorite city ?,What tunisian city do you prefer to live in and why?,,,,,,2022-06-25 22:45:39 vkrc2k,,6,"Finished high school, wanna study in the netherlands PLEASE HELP!","Hey everyone, as u all know the bac results are out and i passed the exam after a very long and tiring year I've been looking to study economics or business or even audio engineering in the Netherlands. I've looked everywhere but couldn't find a straight answer or someone to point me in the right direction, i would really really really appreciate it if can someone help me out on how i should approach this. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-06-25 23:31:36 vkt3h6,,1,Tunisia is one of few countries that doesn't have a national animal. So if you were to chose which animal would you chose as the most adequate. These are some of the closest contenders,,,,,,,2022-06-26 01:09:34 vkt7m4,,20,28 male Tunisian in a crossroads,"عديت عمري وانا متدين و رزين و لانتكيف لانشرب لانيك، لانخرج لانسهر، حياتي لكل ممكن عرفت ففيها اربع كعبات، ديما نتبع في الامور والحكيات الصحية، حسيت الي حياتي كانت تعيسة و صراحة عرفت هذا كخرجت نسهر لاول مرة. منعرش هل انا صحيح او غالط، في نهاية المطاف الانسان يموت وياكل الدود والتراب شخص بسيط نعيش في تونس و حياتي وجودها او عدم وجودها مش بش يغير شيء في العالم كحيات البشر لكلها. منيش بش نولي guru و نكتب كتاب ونخرج النظر عالناس، صراحة الوقت بش يتعدى هك والا هك. كنت ياسر مقتنع بحكاية الشخص المثالي الي كان حسب تصوري ميشيخش اما نحس الي الشخص هذاك مش موجود. Edit: فروخ اعمارها 15 17 قاعدين ينصحو",,,,,,2022-06-26 01:16:18 vku5ug,,7,does anyone know how much it costs to get to hannibal from centre ville?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 02:11:01 vkuh42,,1,An interesting report about minibuses a.k.a Louaj in derja.,,,,,,,2022-06-26 02:28:57 vkzc4i,,0,"my first ever small business , help me grow it",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-26 07:38:19 vkzc9f,,1,Bac 22,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 07:38:34 vkzmdk,,1,Europe trip,"Hi everyone! so i’m planning to visit Europe for 2 weeks next year(somewhere around March/April 2023), first week in Italy and then I wanna go to Germany to visit my friends, but I was wondering how the visa papers work because i’ve never been to Europe and i’ve heard that it’s not easy to get it especially if you’re not enrolled in any universities because i’m planning to have a gap year next year. Does anyone know what I should do?",,,,,,2022-06-26 07:58:49 vl0e1d,,1,Are there any destinations a Tunisian guy in their late 20s can go to without a job?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 08:52:14 vl0n8t,,9,Free condoms in Tunisia,I heard you can get free condoms in Tunisia but i don't seem to find them anywhere. Can anyone show me where's this organisation? Thank you.,,,,,,2022-06-26 09:09:41 vl0tgx,,1,"Hello, où je peux trouver ce modele de casquette (nike+logo) celtics, psg, etc.. C’est un ancien model mais je ne le trouve plus.",,,,,,,2022-06-26 09:21:57 vl1i1z,,1,can you guys share your favorite discord servers!,,,,,,,2022-06-26 10:10:01 vl1odz,,0,barre fixe,Belehi chkoun andou fekra yansahni mnin nekhou barre fixe eli men jumia nehshom hkeya fergha,,,,,,2022-06-26 10:22:03 vl27fd,,59,Perceptions of Tunisians,"I just read such a horrible post about Tunisia and felt awful that someone would put that here, so I wanted to share my perception of Tunisians: Im Scottish but live in Germany and know many Tunisians here and also I tried to learn some Tunisian dialect this year so talked to people online and would really love to visit Tunisia soon!! (Also it’s weird but also I’ll do my masters on soils in North Africa) They are the most patient people I’ve ever met, also passionate and proud people; very confident and don’t let people take advantage of them, they are super friendly but you also have to be able to take a joke because they make fun of everything (I like that because it’s the same in Scotland but here in Germany it’s not common) and always extremely competitive and sometimes like gossip (but not two faced, they will just tell you what they said about you lol). Also the friendships of Tunisians I find to be so sweet, they will lend you money or give you a place to stay no questions asked etc which is much different to people in Europe. Every Tunisian I met was light hearted and fun (bearing in mind I’ve only met/talked to Tunisians in their 20s) obviously these are generalisations and I don’t think EVERY Tunisian is like this, but I just mean this is the general vibe I get :) you can also tell me your perception of Scots if you want ! Btw if anyone wants to teach me some Tunisian phrases in the comments I’d love that :)",,,,,,2022-06-26 10:58:29 vl2a87,,1,Cs Engineers of Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-26 11:03:06 vl2k0s,énieur_au_canada/,0,cycle d'ingénieur au canada,,,,,,,2022-06-26 11:20:28 vl2whk,,22,Why is everything the state's fault according to Tunisians?,"There are not many things that drive me as crazy with Tunisians as this one. I honestly hate it. It really doesn't matter what happens or how and why something went wrong, you will always find somebody who will tell you ""it is the state's fault. The stateshould have done this and that"". When will that typ of people grow up, take responsibility and behave as men are supposed to behave. #shame",,,,,,2022-06-26 11:42:12 vl30un,,1,Tourisme,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 11:49:43 vl31s2,énieur_au_canada/,0,cycle d'ingénieur au canada,Est-il possible d'étudier cycle d'ingénieur (aerospace engineering) au canada après 3 ans de licence au tunisie en mécanique ?,,,,,,2022-06-26 11:51:20 vl31ux,,3,Rent,How can I get rent a place zone marsa-aiouna-ain zaghouan for a short period without getting hit with the 1500 as if I am going on vacation in a city?,,,,,,2022-06-26 11:51:29 vl3ote,,1,recommend me a drink (alcohol) i can buy from carrefour?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-26 12:29:33 vl50jb,,75,Tunisia is one of few countries that doesn't have a national animal. So if you were to chose which animal would you chose as the most adequate. These are some of the closest contenders,,,,,,,2022-06-26 13:42:46 vl5ujo,,1,Job opportunities abroad,What are the chances of getting hired in a law firm abroad for a Tunisian lawyer with 1 to 2 years experience and a master’s degree in research?,,,,,,2022-06-26 14:25:17 vl63o4,,1,what does it mean AP Advanced Placement in Arabic,,,,,,,2022-06-26 14:37:44 vl6nr8,,1,The fan of the A/C compressor turns for 10 seconds and stops.,"I live alone and I don't really know anything about air conditioners. I turned on the A/C and set it to 22° C but it wasn't cooling, so I went to check the compressor and it made a faint sound and the fan stopped. I saw that there was no water coming out of the pump, so I sucked in the air and some water came out (I don't know why it was stuck in the first place). Turned it on again and the fan turned for ten seconds and stopped again. I called the guy who installed it (I had it installed two weeks ago) and he said it's hot so I should just turn my A/C in the evening (doesn't make sense). The A/C is not as cold as it should be and the compressor fan keeps doing the same thing (turns for 10 seconds and stops). Shkoun yefhem wela bouh yefhem (I can't call my dad wel rajel li rakbou is completely useless).",,,,,,2022-06-26 15:04:00 vl6nuf,,11,mental health awareness in Tunisia,"I feel like we don't give mental health much importance, and a lot of people probably go undiagnosed because of it which results in all sorts of problems. Am I wrong in thinking that? What do you guys think about our lever of awareness?",,,,,,2022-06-26 15:04:07 vl6qwl,,1,Phone recommendation,Hey guys for a budget of 1500DT do yo think buying a new phone or buying a used Iphone is better.,,,,,,2022-06-26 15:07:56 vl7elo,,1,what good alcohol drink i can buy from Carrefour,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-26 15:38:34 vl7g2i,,3,What do you think of the future of the relations between the EU and Tunisia?,"Hello fellow redditors, As the question suggests, what do you think of the relations between Tunisia and the EU? And the future of these relations? Also do you believe that we, as the Tunisian youth, can contribute to them in any ways? (for example strengthen them or change something)",,,,,,2022-06-26 15:40:26 vl7zvy,,2,renouncing the Tunisian citizenship,Is it possible to renounce the Tunisian citizenship and if yes ? How ?,,,,,,2022-06-26 16:05:48 vl88y4,,0,getting in touch with girls,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 16:17:35 vl8zvb,,0,recommend me a good alcohol drink to buy from carrefour,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 16:51:30 vla629,,1,anyone use an active noise cancelling earbuds ?,,,,,,,2022-06-26 17:45:39 vlac7m,,4,New North Africa Sub,"Hey all, I started a new sub for North Africa (r/northern_africa) check it out and feel free to parttake!",,,,,,2022-06-26 17:53:35 vlaqtn,,11,Thought maybe someone could help here?,,,,,,,2022-06-26 18:12:10 vlb42r,,1,Anyone know a good place to throw a birthday party in the Ariana/Ennasr area?,"I'm looking for some place to set up a birthday party, problem is the party will include my family, meaning I have to pick somewhere that's ""family friendly"", and I know nowhere like that. any advice would be helpful!",,,,,,2022-06-26 18:29:43 vlbnhz,,1,BAC tech wants to study in isi and fst.,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-26 18:54:11 vlbx76,,1,Life and Parenting dilemma in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-26 19:06:34 vlcokf,,1,asking for advice,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 19:42:46 vldf6i,,1,حلم و تحقق,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 20:18:00 vldr79,,30,maghrebi South Park,,,,,,,2022-06-26 20:33:56 vle5m1,,0,"Religion is a CURSE, if it won't let you be a skeptic",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 20:52:32 vlexcn,,9,congrats to all the bac graduates,,,,,,,2022-06-26 21:28:39 vlffdx,,1,A good bar in centre ville recommendation please? I'm with a girl.,,,,,,,2022-06-26 21:52:39 vlg815,,2,Anyone who succeeded landing a job in cybersecurity abroad ?,Hey as the title suggests just looking for people who work abroad in cybersecurity cuz I'm interested in the field and wanna ask a few questions pls :),,,,,,2022-06-26 22:31:20 vlh1fg,,0,where i can find sex workers?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-26 23:12:17 vlhsbm,,1,A Tunisian company asks a student for money to be their intern.,,,,,,,2022-06-26 23:51:13 vli2kf,,2,how do you buy air plane tickets without international credit card,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-27 00:05:50 vll22r,,9,Is it worth it?,"I am a Tunisia living abroad (Qatar) I started my own business here , things tbh are going great , I started with one camera and now i have equipments that worth almost 200M , i am investing all my income in my work , i earn a rough 40m each month since it’s weddings season now , so financially it’s a bad idea to go and start back in Tunisia, but i think it worth it, I can’t grow creativity here anymore, tbh here everything is accessible i can buy everything online related to my gear , i can get a credit card easily , it’s safe also ! The safest place on earth but , there is no soul no life everything is huge and shiny , things looses value here , i miss home , it was a hard continuous 4 years away from it , so filmmakers or anyone here can you tell me is it worth it? Sorry for my awful English",,,,,,2022-06-27 02:43:33 vlm81t,,0,"Are we really Muslims? Tunisians casually bribe, cheat ( at work, at school, on his/her wife/husband...), steal, lie, harass, bully, drink alcohol, smoke weed, drugs... We're basically a disgusting people with no morals whatsoever ( which basically what islam is all about).",,,,,,,2022-06-27 03:46:57 vlnv2i,,1,Preview Multiple Images Before Upload Using JavaScript in Oracle APEX,,,,,,,2022-06-27 05:20:55 vlpamz,,0,what's a high valuable man / high valuable women ?,By the standards of the Tunisian community / and you're personal take ofc,,,,,,2022-06-27 06:54:18 vlstyl,,20,Are there really people who will vote yes for this constitution?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-27 10:58:25 vlthi8,,5,"Anyone abroad and coming to Tunisia soon , plz i need someone to buy something for me and i'll pay him extra",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-27 11:38:26 vltp8b,,9,i ordered a lenovo gaming laptop from tunisianet and I'm worried about the guarantee. how does the guarantee work with an online entreprise ?and how to make sure that the laptop has never been out of its box package before ?,,,,,,,2022-06-27 11:51:05 vltta2,,1,"Guys, where can i get a decent mthalla?",,,,,,,2022-06-27 11:57:34 vlu4ai,,2,Do you know where i can fix my ps4?,"I have a problem with the hdmi port and don't know any trustworthy guy to fix it ? And any idea how much would it cost to change it",,,,,,2022-06-27 12:14:23 vlu96i,,3,mezelt ki 5thit diplome national en gestion specilite Marketing what should i do now ?,"mezelt ki t5arajt we il 7a9 menich 3aref chnia il 5edma ili najem ne5dmha bel diplome mte3i (btw diplome national mta3 markting 9rina fih digital we hors digital presque kolchy 3al markting) zeda n7eb nar3f kifeh najem ntawer mel skills mte3i fi domaine hetha coz i love it so much also il diplome hetha najem no5rj bih lbara ou non ?",,,,,,2022-06-27 12:21:58 vlv3wy,,1,طريقة لمعرفة ان هاتفك مراقب وكيف تمنع التجسس عليك,,,,,,,2022-06-27 13:07:10 vlv9xh,,20,First-time flyer,"I'm flying for the first time in my life to another country, so what are your **advice for first-time flyers** in terms of procedure, steps at the aireport, stuff I need to pay attention to...",,,,,,2022-06-27 13:15:21 vlvgqr,,1,"bit of a stupid question, can I still register and pass bac if I finish a BTP or in the middle of it?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-27 13:24:50 vlvkyw,,6,"bit of a stupid question, can I still register and pass bac if I'm registered to study a BTP?"," \-Just to give you some perspective, I want to pass Bac so bad. It's legit stuck in my head because of why I couldn't pass it. It's not something that'll fade with time. I want it so bad. And I just want the chance to do it again. \-N7eb n3adi el bac (libre) ta7t 7es mess, na9ra wa7di w ma yasma3 biya 7ad be5lef ken rani nja7t. Ena f situation ma najamsh netnajeb el BTP. El 3ila tesma7lish w 3andhom lha9 puisque deja fchelt fi e5r 3am 9raya. \-najem n9ayed bac libre w ena na9ra BTP? et najem n9ayed bac libre ba3d ma nkaml el BTP? \-ye5i el btp(network) twali useless ken nanja7 fel bac?",,,,,,2022-06-27 13:30:46 vly8py,,0,Algeria delays border opening with Tunisia and threatens to cut gas supplies,"Algeria delays border opening with Tunisia and threatens to cut gas supplies and distances itself from Tunisia as Tebboune agrees with Italy to increase gas sales by 40% Why? Manidrouch",,,,,,2022-06-27 15:33:45 vlyca6,,7,Best SIM card to buy while vacationing in Tunisia?,"Hello, My wife and I will be traveling from USA to Tunisia for 3 weeks and we are not sure what SIM card to buy for the best coverage/service and unlimited data? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-06-27 15:38:18 vlzn20,,0,Who applied for American visa. Please give me tips and tell me about the entire process. I’m kinda lost,,,,,,,2022-06-27 16:34:06 vm0p1h,,1,The truth,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-27 17:18:43 vm1uol,,2,How to get to Kram / Carthage with transportation from Menzah / Montplaisir?,,,,,,,2022-06-27 18:08:29 vm1zan,,1,Best Air Conditioner brand available right now in Tunisia?,"Hey all, after looking at the different retailers' catalogs I'm seeing a variation of multiple brands such as: Vega / Coala / SABA / TCL / NewStar / Midea / etc... from the lower tier ACs (9000/12000) and the absence of the more known brands like LG and Samsung. So based on your experience or expertise, which brand do you recommend? thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-06-27 18:14:21 vm44lg,,1,"bilehi gholtouli fel centre de vote mteei, hatouli win kont noskon kbal li heya fi wiléya okhra, kalou li tnajem tbadlou ama ma aaraftech kifeh....? fel site tekteb num carte d'identité yjiboulek nafs el maktoub fel sms kahao, ma famech win tbadel...any help?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-27 19:47:06 vm4tgp,,3,seeking guidance/advice,"hello everyone, i have come to the realization that life is really tough,everyone is waiting for you to fall, most people can't do what they love, give up their dreams and just follow a secure path, one that pays the bills , i wasn't one of those people and chose to do something i love(or i thought i do), i don't really wanna go through the details, as i wanna keep myself anonymous, but i'm here seeking guidance. so i'm studying something that is not computer science related, and i wanna build some programming skills that may help me to land job someday, like a plan B if i couldn't achieve what i want to achieve in the field that i chose to follow, one cant really rely on their creativity all the time especially mine. so that's why i wanna work on improving other skills in a different field, the thing is i'm not sure i can find a job without a computer science degree or even go abroad. i learned some programming languages such as C and i'm learning python, i also learned HTML/CSS and a little bit of js. i really like web development especially front-end, but i'm not sure what skills should i have to be able to land a job as a front-end developer, i really don't have an idea from where to go from here or whether i should keep doing this, it's really discouraging because as i said i don't study computer science in college. the other thing is, now i'm financially unstable, and i don't wanna get a crappy job takes most of my time when i need to work on my skills and invest in myself while im still young, i wanted to work an English tutor, but i can't find people to teach, although i heard there are some online platforms where you can teach people English and you get paid somehow, i checked some but they requested a degree, or a certificate in English, and i don't have nor can i afford to take the IELTS test. anyways i'm really stuck and don't wanna end up a pathetic loser, moan and blame the system. so like i'm trying to find ways to help myself so i don't end up that way in the future. my questions are : after learning html/css and js what should i do in order to become a front-end web developer? can i find a remote job after one year of self-learning? how can i find a job online as an English tutor that doesn't require a certificate? sinon any other advice would be appreciated :)",,,,,,2022-06-27 20:17:02 vm61no,,4,Are women over 18 but under 35 still required to have signed parental authorization to travel?,I looked it up but as you know official portals are rarely updated.,,,,,,2022-06-27 21:29:26 vm69h8,,2,anyone in sousse wanna hangout?,,,,,,,2022-06-27 21:47:03 vm7soq,,0,What is the most Tunisian name?,"Like what is the name that more Tunisians have than any other name (or even the name that sounds so Tunisian) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-27 22:51:44 vm85gd,,3,i just made a game,"[]( a really amazing game for you guys to try it out the game is about the rock Johnson and contains a lot of gen-z humor (dont you fing dare call me a boomer) &#x200B; sna3et le3ba, el le3ba 3la dwayne the rock johnson.",,,,,,2022-06-27 23:08:08 vm85jm,,0,If Kais said put this flag on the voting table would you guys still vote for him?,,,,,,,2022-06-27 23:08:15 vm8al4,,3,Any Tunisien among us discord that still active,,,,,,,2022-06-27 23:15:00 vm8qh5,,59,"I made a girl cry today fil Louage, Should I feel Awful?","I was traveling long distance using Louage and I was sitting next to the window and a young pretty lady on my side. She was eating, It was morning, and when she finished eating she asked me to open the window with a gesture that she will throw the garbage outside from the window. So I offered to help her throwing the garbage and I took them and put them on my bag. I don't know why but when she saw that she turned her face to the front, she put her mask on and slowly started crying, I was like wtf. If there is something makes me nervous more than a hot girl sitting next to me, is a crying hot girl, especially if it is because of me. And I feel awful.",,,,,,2022-06-27 23:35:32 vm8xt1,,4,"5ayef, help.","I literally don't know what the fuck I'm going to do f tawjih. No one gave me good advice [Context: moyenne 16.84 (sc.exp) score(FG):164] *Med school is unachievable* Fama isimm f Monastir bech na3mel ingénieur informatique mais najem na5let 3al faculté de sciences f tounes (fst) w na3mel (math , physique , info) which seems a lot better as a university or maybe even INSAT 9alou Les clubes 8ady 5ir 1)Is it worth it bech neb3ed Lil fst or insat, Wala no93od f Monastir f isimm(institut supérieur d'informatique et mathématiques de Monastir ) ? 2)Can someone give me more details 3al fst w insat w n7eb na3rf chnwa prépa intégrée bdhabt **More details**: Math:17 Science physique :18.75 Info:19.37 SVT (which i completely fucked): 14.25",,,,,,2022-06-27 23:45:29 vm93gt,/r/travel/comments/v9vnmc/my_experience_in_tunisia_was_horrible/,2,Just embarrassing!!,,,,,,,2022-06-27 23:53:26 vm96a5,,3,does anyone know where i could get those fake tats prints :),[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-27 23:57:25 vm9rdb,,2,Question,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-28 00:26:29 vmdi96,,8,where does 'kan' (only) in Tunisian Arabic come from!? I can't find any resemblance in other Arabic dialects,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-28 03:38:55 vmdw2y,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-06-28 04:00:11 vmfrj8,énieur_informatique/,4,Concour sur dossier ingénieur informatique,"Hello, how does concour dossier work when you are doing license informatique and want to continue with an engineering degree and how to garantie passing the concour ?",,,,,,2022-06-28 05:49:49 vmftcj,,2,"for bookworms , do you like Tunisian novels ? if so recommend some .",,,,,,,2022-06-28 05:52:52 vmjgyh,,2,cheapest way to build a decent pc,do i order parts from aboard?( got couple of cosuins in france) or do i just buy used? or just buy from sbs or mega pc?,,,,,,2022-06-28 09:55:14 vmjkrk,étudiant_w/,5,Famesh had yaaref samsara fi tunis ? eni étudiant w nlawej aala kre ghadi,,,,,,,2022-06-28 10:01:49 vmkoxp,,116,it is kinda scary,,,,,,,2022-06-28 11:10:28 vmkszi,,5,HELLO TUNISIANS IS ANYONE INTERESTED IN MYCOLOGY GROUP,,,,,,,2022-06-28 11:17:22 vml3do,,1,"👑| Play Here, Win Here👑 Welcome to the Global Blockchain FREE 3 Spin Everyday Lottery Platform!🤑 Make ur deposit QUICK and SIMPLE💳 ®️REGISTER IT NOW®️",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-28 11:34:16 vmlxzv,,1,Hope You Will Enjoy It,,,,,,,2022-06-28 12:20:17 vmm4ya,,2,What are some good German teaching schools within Sousse’s and monastir’s boundaries.,So I need to study German until I reach the B2 level. There is the ELIT school but the timing is very bad. Are there any other good school for learning German until the level B2 within Sousse or monastir?,,,,,,2022-06-28 12:30:32 vmmb3c,,1,any furniture shops where I can find an affordable and comfy couch?,"I'm thinking of buying a couch, but the issue is that most of the furniture shops offer couches that are horribly uncomfortable, like the ""mousse"" or whatever is inside is just square shaped and hard and you can't relax on it. It's very frustrating and the ones I liked cost like 4 to 6k and there's no way I'm paying that for a couch, I can't afford that. Does anyone have a cheaper alternative which is still kinda comfy?",,,,,,2022-06-28 12:37:42 vmmu3g,,1,About Toyota agya,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-28 13:04:37 vmob16,,2,selling and buying clothes online,what do i do if i want to sell clothes online in tunisia,,,,,,2022-06-28 14:16:19 vmodl3,,8,Is buying from jumia safe?,,,,,,,2022-06-28 14:19:28 vmouff,,7,how I can make new friends I was disconnected for 5 years?!,,,,,,,2022-06-28 14:40:45 vmoz3v,,1,double standard ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-28 14:46:42 vmre9k,,1,How many % travel with Tunisair because of patriotism and how many % do it because it's the cheapest option?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-28 16:32:52 vmrhn2,,1,Any good laptop repair shops here in Tunis ??,Or any place near Tunis,,,,,,2022-06-28 16:36:55 vms77z,,4,"Tunisians who live in Jbel Jloud, how's life there?",,,,,,,2022-06-28 17:08:12 vmss29,,2,Hash in Hammamet,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-28 17:33:29 vmt0hk,,3,carte edinar mdhaya3ha w feha barcha flouss ech na3mel?,"tawa heya el carta b esmi nemchilhom ikoulouli a3tina el 24 chiffres mta3 el carta. Moch normalement na3tihom bitaket ta3rif iriglouli oumouri? sinon ena sabbit el application w jaddadt el carta (kenet mayta) najjamch neb3ath bel application flouss toul?",,,,,,2022-06-28 17:43:47 vmtts8,,3,SOFIMA FILTRES ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-28 18:15:48 vmtwgg,,5,where can I buy a good quality ps4 controller at an affordable price?,,,,,,,2022-06-28 18:18:28 vmtymy,,3,Best City to live in ?,"(those are the most populated cites in 2019 according to ins ) []( [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-28 18:20:38 vmtzho,,11,How much Dinar do I need per month for 2 persons?,"Coming to Tunisia and staying for a few months next year, after my visit in Morocco. I will finish my studies online and will be at home most of the time. On weekends i will go to the beach. How much money will I need for 2 persons (my wife and me)? I won’t have to pay rent. Just food, transportation, etc Oh and if you have any recommendations where to eat or where to go/ what to visit in Grand Tunis I would be thankful.",,,,,,2022-06-28 18:21:29 vmubfh,,2,"Most guys, deep inside, want to be submissive. To what extent, this is true?",[removed],,,,,,2022-06-28 18:34:44 vmum4v,,2,Did anyone passed concours d'alternance for engineering in Iteam or esprit?,"I am currently at master 1 level in informatics and I am going to pass an exam for ""concours d'alternance"" in a private university. Can someone describe the procedure and how a company is suppose to interview and admit you to such program. And what is the possible disadvantage that they don't talk about ?",,,,,,2022-06-28 18:47:06 vmur8b,,8,ba3ed El bac man7esech 3andi amal fi 7ata chay,"Manajemtech na9ra snee comme if faut w jebet moyenne th3ifa 14,95 (bac math).mon FG =145 ) N7eb na3mel rorentation insat (itha Ken mawjoud) Wala est ce que ne5let prépa fi tounes? I'm lost and i wish eni mamchitech n3adi men aslou :'(((",,,,,,2022-06-28 18:53:10 vmvinr,,109,Rip Tunisian actor Hichem Rostom dies at 75😢🕊️,,,,,,,2022-06-28 19:25:37 vmvn84,,1,طريقة تحويل الصور إلى pdf بخطوات بسيطة وبدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-06-28 19:31:00 vmvndf,,1,طريقة تحويل الصور إلى pdf بخطوات بسيطة وبدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-06-28 19:31:11 vmwzq6,,3,blhi chkoun jarbet khdhe l B3 mte3ou en ligne y9lna est ce que service yenja7 walee w 9adech yo93ed bech yousel e jweb,,,,,,,2022-06-28 20:28:43 vmy19b,,0,Guys i'm the smartest 😊,,,,,,,2022-06-28 21:13:13 vmy4nq,,2,psychology students help lol,"Basically I'm still f 2eme année lycée and I'm thinking of becoming a psychiatrist in the future and idk the process of becoming one , how do I get accepted in universities,what's the score to get accepted ...lots and lots of questions wandering in my head . Please explain to me the process .",,,,,,2022-06-28 21:17:02 vmzkzm,,3,orientation and the educationnal systeme,"After witnessing the amount of confusion and panic going around this year's bac graduates i think an orientation 101 or side clases should be included somehow in our high school timetable its so frustrating seeing ppl with decent bac scores being lost on what do next in their lifes, every one should have already planned on what to do next in their carreer instead of old fashioned shcool programs",,,,,,2022-06-28 22:21:05 vn00sf,,5,Why as Tunisians we can visit Serbia without visa yet Egypt requires a visa?,,,,,,,2022-06-28 22:41:34 vn050w,,2,where can i play warhammer/dnd/cyberpunk 2020/etc board games in grand tunisie?,title basicly,,,,,,2022-06-28 22:47:04 vn0dk1,,0,Any computer vision or AI specialists here ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-28 22:58:04 vn16vq,,3,Little help for a somewhat tourist?,"Ok so technically i am tunisian and i have citizenship, but i was born in the US and i visit Tunisia every 4 years or so. Ive had the ability to learn French but next to nothing in Arabic. Talking to my cousins is a fucking nightmare and they dont like to speak french so im stuck. what are some like common sayings and basic knowledge that i can use so i dont sound like a total dumbass? btw currently in El Alia, southeast of Bizerte",,,,,,2022-06-28 23:37:21 vn1rxg,,0,Germany Blue Card help !,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-29 00:06:06 vn2a8m,,4,Transport from Sousse to Djerba,"Aaslema brabi what are my options ken nheb nemchi men sousse lel djerba? Famma bus? Louage? Thank you",,,,,,2022-06-29 00:31:59 vn3ods,هل_الزيارة_في_اواخر_شهر_يوليو_فكرة_جيدة_ام_لا/,0,هل الزيارة في اواخر شهر يوليو فكرة جيدة ام لا؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-29 01:42:14 vn3vdk,,1,How many % travel with Tunisair due to patriotism and how kan % do it because it is the cheapest option?,"And if someone travels with another airline company, does that make them less patriotic? In other words, are you supposed to sacrifice some of your time and your energy (bad service, risk for being late, risk for stolen baggage etc) for the sake of your country or should you think primarily of yourself?",,,,,,2022-06-29 01:52:10 vn8k83,,2,B3 en ligne,Combien de temps pour recevoir son B3 commandé en ligne? Srlon votre expérience ?,,,,,,2022-06-29 06:02:46 vn9pzv,,13,She wouldn't talk to me anymore so I wrote her this,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-29 07:15:09 vnajbg,,0,Winners and their runner-ups from the music polls,,,,,,,2022-06-29 08:10:27 vnapwe,,4,Doesn't it feel weird ? (BAC topic),"First, Mabrouk linness el kol =D ! BAC is in the tunisian mentality a huge step and students would spend litterally all the year working and stressing for it to get the best results. But doesn't it feel weird how big of percentage is the students who have absolutely no clue about what to do after the BAC ? What options ? What Universities ? What domains ? What jobs do they like ? I know that we have no help from lycée or the ministry. But still ... this is YOUR future and YOUR choice to make ! Do your own research ! What do you think about this ?",,,,,,2022-06-29 08:23:10 vnay71,,3,Tunisair airline,"Hey everyone What do you think about a tunisair flight to London? Is it as bad as the other flights ? I mean we hear a lot of complaints from the france travellers but some people told me that the uk flights are different and organised (in term of time) Please only answer if you have a useful information (I'm stressed enough)",,,,,,2022-06-29 08:39:53 vnbxv7,,20,Holiday in Tunisia. Some advice please?,"Hi everyone! From the Netherlands here. :) I'm going on holiday this summer with my family to Tunisia for the first time. We got an all inclusive hotel in Sousse, so that's already covered. But it's my first time to a foreign country and I'd like some advice because I'm very anxious: 1. Where can I book excursions? At the hotel or online? 2. How much money do I need for 7 days for 2 adults and 1 child? Is 500euros enough? 3. Is tipping required? If so, how much? 4. Can I just speak English or do I need to learn another language? 5. Where can I exchange my euros to dinar? 6. How can I can I get a cab? 7. What are some important things I need to know as a foreigner? 8. Can I go alone outside the resort as a woman? 9. What kind of clothes can I wear? Don't want to dress disrespectful. Thank you so much for helping me. I'm really stressful.",,,,,,2022-06-29 09:48:21 vnc2f7,,11,ISAMM?? HELP!,"Soo can I go to ISAMM if I have no idea about programming and all (cuz bac eco) but I really want to study this one called ""communication multimedia"" and I'm willing to learn from scratch but I just don't wanna regret it",,,,,,2022-06-29 09:56:49 vnd4mc,,15,Where does most meat in Tunisia come from?,"Salam aleykum, in all countries of western world, meat comes from unethical sources like factory farming, where animals get trough hell. Before slaughtering, they’ll get stunned by choking on gas, electrocution, or bolts on their heads that often miss the first shots. Even the halal meat. Is this the same in Tunisia? Does factory farming exist there, too? Any places where you could buy meat from animals that saw sunlight and had more than 1 sqm space? It doesn’t have to be organic. Thank you",,,,,,2022-06-29 11:03:08 vndxhc,,81,"Reject stupidity, embrace greatness, Tunisian version.",,,,,,,2022-06-29 11:49:47 vng2en,,0,l3om9,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-29 13:39:22 vngpla,,0,-12,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-29 14:09:34 vnh5v1,,4,life/career dilemma,I'm 22 with licence in computer science currently masters M1 I want to go abroad to study or to work both I would continue. Working in a startup for part time in noir. But I would like to do engineering here so I could get a good job offer overseas can't get into engineering in public sector scores are too low and going to actually get a apprenticeship in a company and private school might not be worth while considering if a contract might get me stuck here for 6 more years which I would rather not do. And I seem not to have a lot of money or a job to pay for a private engineering school. I m helpless please any thoughts??? I would really appreciated thanks.,,,,,,2022-06-29 14:30:25 vnhbef,,3,Desktop through Tunis Airport,"Howdy friends, I'm flying to Tunis soon and I'll need to take my desktop computer with me along with my usual laptop/phone etc. I never had issues with laptops, but is there a different procedure for a desktop/monitor? I can either bring it in hand luggage or checked luggage in a sturdy component suitcase. Let me know if there are forms or procedures to follow for this please. From the Doha end of things nothing extra is required.",,,,,,2022-06-29 14:37:50 vnhnzc,,2,Yo guys quick question about SBS informatique,"How does the loyalty program (programme de fidélité) work Like does 1 point = 1 TND? Because I want to buy a few things from them and one of the things is a PC which gives a good amount of points, if it's 1:1 ratio then I can use the points to buy the rest of things separately with the points (mouse+keyboard+mousepad) I hope that's how it works",,,,,,2022-06-29 14:53:58 vni9sa,,1,for Tunisian students living in Sorbonne. how did you cope with that rhythm in your new life especially when you are Anglophile?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-29 15:19:23 vnicvm,,1,I am thinking about joining Tunis Business School and I need your opinions (Redditors of Tunisia),[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-29 15:23:22 vnif7a,,4,Don’t let the Islamist scum divide and destroy your country,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-29 15:26:15 vnj1fp,,2,Tunisia & Governance,,,,,,,2022-06-29 15:54:18 vnj9ta,,30,Be Careful of What You Buy From Tunisianet (And Other Vendors in General),"Long post/rant ahead. Apologies in advance.... &#x200B; **TLDR: Tunisianet is falsely advertising products + removing standardized extras that are available in other countries (including 3rd world countries like ours)** &#x200B; It's a bit of a shame that I have to write this. Been buying from Tunisianet for over 5 years. But the last year I started noticing a downgrade. I'm not talking about the workers there. They're always overworked so I have no beef with them. They're also really patient so I value their effort. My problem is with the products advertised on the website (which still, like most Tunisian websites, offers no option to turn off most of the tracking.) 95% of the time, the product is as advertised elsewhere. But when it comes to electronics, pay extra attention and do your research. &#x200B; Here are two separate case studies: &#x200B; **First case study:** I needed a laptop a while ago. I did a thorough research on the model, including the extra parts it comes with as standard (such as a sata connector for sata SSD's). &#x200B; I also cross-referenced different reviews from different countries (went as far to watch reviews in languages I didn't understand. But I know hardware pretty well so I can get the gist of it). &#x200B; So I went there to finalize the purchase. Informed them in advance that I will return it if it lacks the accessories it comes with as standard. I opened the laptop box and did not find any of the accessories it should come with. This is a huge deal breaker because it meant I had to shell out over 1K DT for an equivalent simply because they didn't have a sata connector (I already own a Crucial MX 2TB Sata SSD). &#x200B; To their credit, they did accept the return (always keep the guarantee paper). This is one of the advantages of buying from them. Still, did not expect them to remove standardized extras. &#x200B; **Second case study:** The old man needed a new TV receiver. Did a thorough research as always. But this time, my research led me to far more egregious findings. They were falsely advertising, seemingly with impunity. &#x200B; The product in question is a Vision-Edge 4k receiver. But the picture has nothing to do with the product itself. It was most likely a knockoff. How did I know this? &#x200B; Here is the image from the [official website]( Now here is the one from [Tunisianet]( &#x200B; &#x200B; Now you might think it was an updated/outdated model. So did I. I checked all the models on the official website. Nothing came even close. So I went back to check a variety of reviews online of different receivers. Yay, fun. &#x200B; I found a deluge of receivers with the same hardware as the second image (red receiver) but with different names imprinted on them (Samsat....). &#x200B; Tunisianet, get your $hit together. &#x200B; Sorry again for the long and admittedly petty rant.",,,,,,2022-06-29 16:04:11 vnlg5t,,11,Do we have a voice doctors in Tunisia (sfax)?,"my voice is very dense and deep in a non sexy way plus i talk in a non clear way , most people ask me ""what did you say "" multiple times before they understand what i'm saying",,,,,,2022-06-29 17:36:52 vnn3ja,,12,What is with LUDO ?,"Win nemchi, 9ahwa, 5edma, everywhere everyone is playing that game daily, I mean yeah it is good game at first but isn't it so boring as it is more game of luck than skills ?",,,,,,2022-06-29 18:48:44 vnnksw,,4,Looking for a hotel partner in hammamet,I know it sounds weird but i don't have friends whose willing to pay for a hotel we can discuss the hotel and the date and how many nights,,,,,,2022-06-29 19:10:06 vno4ns,,1,Why do Tunisians and North African generally hate Arabs?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-29 19:34:11 vno5ja,,0,Why do Tunisians and North Africans generally hate Arabs,"And here I mean Arabs of the gulf specifically. Honestly I discussed this with many people and never ever got convinced that it is about anything else than: ENVY! Because I mean everyone knows that their countries nowadays are a 1000 times better than ours, and their history as nomads or shepherds or whatever isn't really important today, so what is the reason exactly if not envy?",,,,,,2022-06-29 19:35:12 vno7zd,,1,Where can I find foreign cheese such as feta and parmigiano ?,I’m trying to make a hell of a salad but I can’t find these two cheese in Tunis. Does anyone have any idea ?,,,,,,2022-06-29 19:38:12 vnowuf,,1,French elite schools,"Any Tunisian here have an insight on some of the elite French schools after prepa fi tounes: ecole normale supérieure / polytechnique. I know that one should pass ""concours scientifique voie CPGE: cycle MPI (for me) Excellence in this ""concours"" is all thats needed? What are the other acceptance criteria? How can I as a Tunisian pass this ""concours""?",,,,,,2022-06-29 20:08:32 vnoze2,,5,English call center in Sousse?,"I am looking for a summer job, does anyone know if there are English speaking call centers in Sousse? I am not good in French!",,,,,,2022-06-29 20:11:39 vnq5rb,,1,what can i do with 170-175 score bac science?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-29 21:01:53 vnqal0,,5,"I want to learn graphic design from scratch, where to start?","I would like to pick up some skills other than the ones I know, this time it is graphic design, can you recommend any tutorials/ programs that work on ios I can watch/ use to take my first baby steps? I am all ears :)",,,,,,2022-06-29 21:07:03 vnqcvc,,1,playing poker with real money online fi tounes,"juste 3amelha mta3 jaw ena bdit b 2$ tawa 3andi 50$ donc mehich barcha flouss. Kont nal3ab aal pc 3ada lyouma sabbit el app fil telifoun. Jit nkhammem kolt ya3mloulichi mochkla? Famma chkoun 3andou expérience m3a real money online poker (phone/pc)?",,,,,,2022-06-29 21:09:45 vnqk5w,,8,DO TUNISIANS UNDERSTAND MALTESE LANGUAGE BETTER THAN MOROCCAN DIALECT?? OR IS MOROCCAN DIALECT MUCH EASIER THAN MALTESE LANGUAGE TO UNDERSTAND??,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-29 21:18:35 vnslme,,3,What's the average price for a monthly subscription in a gym in Sousse,,,,,,,2022-06-29 22:47:30 vnuo3x,,3,Got bac and thinking about studying in germany,"I just got admis in Bac ( bac science : 12,59) I'm thinking about studying in germany I'm still not sure about what to study maybe something in medcine field but i want to ask people with experience : - is germany the best country to study abroad ? - should I study german here in tunisia rather than in germany because it's much cheaper ? - do i need to work while i'm studying in germany to sustain myself and be able to live after the money from compte bloque runs out ? - are there any scholarships that i can apply to for studying in germany or other countries ? - how hard is studying medicine is in germany ? I would appreciate if i can have private conversation with people who went to study abroad in germany Thanks",,,,,,2022-06-30 00:23:31 vnustq,,2,How do people who get paid in Mobile cards convert the money to cash ?,"Hey, I wanted to know how people who sell ""special services"" on facebook or instagram and get paid in mobile cards codes convert the money to real cash.",,,,,,2022-06-30 00:30:18 vo35xa,,4,Solar panel and battery combo. is it even available?!,,,,,,,2022-06-30 08:16:49 vo3dj3,,0,Can non Jewish Tunisians visit Israel and reenter?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-06-30 08:31:03 vo3xxm,éussite/,4,"Civp contract with ""attestation de réussite""","Hello guys, I just finished my PFE internship ( software engineering ) but unfortunately I prolly won't be able to obtain my diploma right now ( I'll have to wait at least until septembre ). The company I interned at, offered me a Civp job contract. Can I sign this contract with no diploma yet ? ( using an ""attestation de réussite"")",,,,,,2022-06-30 09:08:48 vo4uzh,,9,Japan,"anyone here managed to go to Japan as a tourist?? what are your thoughts on japan????",,,,,,2022-06-30 10:09:24 vo4ve0,,6,Can I study *field* in France/Germany/Russia/US/Czechoslovakia... general advice post,"Hello, more unsollicited ( & maybe unwanted?) advice from me. First of all: Congrats to everyone who got their bac, good luck to those still taking their resits, and better luck next time for those who didn't get it this year, to each their pace. Now, I know that in Tunisia, the general rule is ""study all year long for bac, and then think about orientation, since it will depend on your bac grade"", and orientation posts have been flowing (no problem in that, you should definitely ask around before committing to a field). **However,** this rule isn't exactly applied around the rest of the world (at least, not fully). If your goal is to go abroad, the main rule to keep in mind is: **It's not a last minute project.** You cannot, by the end of june/beginning of july start wondering ""maybe I'll go to France, still unsure tho..."". The reasons are: * It's an administrative hell that you should be ready for months beforehand. * Universities abroad usually look at your grades of the last 2-3 years of high school, not just bac grades. So if you've been skipping classes, and having max 12 GPA and got a random 13-14 during bac...your file may not be at the top of the pile. * By july we are beyond the subscription deadlines of many universities. **Though,** some places have adapted to the Tunisian system and added a specific longer deadline for Tunisians and have a quota of foreign students, so if you can still luck out there, go for it. **Basically:** * **If you're still in high school:** start working on your grades (15-16 GPA maintained throughout high school), do side projects (associative work, personal work if you're into art or coding or writing..), work on your language skills (B2 is the minimum required at the bachelor/licence level in most countries), and search up the needed paperwork (do you need to sit for the SAT? Do you need to sit through an interview? How long will it take for the university to give you proof of subscription so that you can get your visa? What are the procedures for the bank? etc.) * **If you just got your bac:** you're going to need to rush through all of the above. If it works out, awesome, time to go find a place to live and start your new student life. But always stay updated on the administrative side of things. Yes you're technically allowed to study anywhere in the world: South Africa, Canada, Russia, but doing things last minute may make you lose opportunities.",,,,,,2022-06-30 10:10:04 vo5swr,,3,German speaking job opportunity,Does anyone here speak german looking for a job? Its available in Center urbain for nice new startup salary is 1100tnd and you will be mainly looking through instagram selecting good profiles to sponsor a beauty brand.,,,,,,2022-06-30 11:09:16 vo6800,,1,"I've setup a development company in Tunis, and wrote a post about why(written for a UK audience) I would love to hear what the Tunisian view of it is",,,,,,,2022-06-30 11:34:36 vo7q7r,,11,"Is it possible to buy an apartment in Tunisia? I am almost 27, I have a stable job but depending on my salary alone, I’ll never be able to buy an apartment. I want to know how do people do it? Do people take loans? Or there are other ways?",,,,,,,2022-06-30 12:55:55 vo8ln9,,33,Women at Friday Prayers,"Hello everyone, wondering what’s the culture on females attending Friday prayers (jumu’ah)? Just wondering because where I’m from (Malaysia), it’s usually men only. Hoping to attend one tomorrow at Zaytuna mosque.",,,,,,2022-06-30 13:37:10 vo8o9a,,1,Trust worthy and safe place to sell phone,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-30 13:40:38 vo9gj5,,9,"Tunisans' ""we are the best mentality"": corrupt, ugly and one of the reasons the country is still backward!","I was discussing with another guy on my other thread and so he mentioned ""Tunisian intellectual capabilities"" which is a classic statements Tunisians made. Tunisians who haven't seen much of the world seem to believe up to today that we really are special and more intelligent than others. Funny actually. My friends and cousins ask me when I am home ""what do they (Europeans and Americans) say and think about us?"" and I am like ""hmm they don't think about us that much actually and many many of them don't know that we exist"". In Scandinavia there is something called ""jantelagen"" which basically is about the following: ""no matter how much you know or how highly you think of yourself or how intelligent you think you are or how much you achieve, YOU ARE NOTHING"". Now, that is a bit extreme but you get the point. In 2011, only a few months after releasing Levels which soon became an international hit, Swedish DJ Tim Bergling was asked by the TV reporter about his ""success"" so he answered ""no no I can't say I've succeeded of course, success is something bigger than this"" whereas Tunisian actor Jihed Cherni (you find the link down), after having played in a series or two which were watched by a couple hundred thousans in Tunisia, on a radio interview he said ""my success didn't come from nothing"". Kill him.",,,,,,2022-06-30 14:15:47 vo9qph,,3,famech tunisian marketer 5dem bel bing ads 9bal ?,famech tunisian marketer 5dem bel bing ads 9bal ?,,,,,,2022-06-30 14:28:47 voanhj,,1,How to buy playstation subscriptions,"Hello everyone, Is there a way to buy subscriptions from playstation when you're living in Tunisia. I wanted to buy a playstation extra subscription but can't seem to find a way and I think it's not possible with the technology card.",,,,,,2022-06-30 15:08:58 voaqg4,,2,freelance in tunisia,What do you think about freelancing in tunisia and what's the best thing you can start with as a new freelancer?,,,,,,2022-06-30 15:12:27 vocj9o,,1,Phone recommendation,"Hey guys so i want to buy a new phone and i am confused between these 2: [Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Graphite Gray - 4 Go / 128 Go | Tunisianet]( [Smartphone Realme 8 / 4G / 8 Go / 128 Go / Argent Cyber (]( So wich one should i buy ?",,,,,,2022-06-30 16:28:48 voctzi,,12,LASIK,"Hello, chkoun jareb LASIK(laser eye surgery) before. I have few questions. Does it hurt? And how much would it cost ?",,,,,,2022-06-30 16:41:42 vodxc1,,2,Have you ever ordered anything from shein?,"cause I've been told that they ship to Tunis but when I try to buy stuff it doesn't give me the option of shipping here, like wth????",,,,,,2022-06-30 17:29:49 voeoe7,,3,Tunis -> Tozeur train in September not showing on SNCFT's site?,"Hello, I'm considering taking the train from Tunis to Tozeur in September. However, when I check SNCFT's site, [it shows no trains then]( It does show trains for that route up into August. Is that train only seasonal? Or is it just too early for the September schedule to be on SNCFT's site? Merci Thanks يعيشك",,,,,,2022-06-30 18:02:15 vof4v1,عدد_المسجلين_في_الاستفتاء_يتجاوز_الـ_9_ملايين/,16,عدد المسجّلين في الاستفتاء يتجاوز الـ 9 ملايين,"Comments? I'm curious about Pro-Saied people's opinion in particular. Link for reference:",,,,,,2022-06-30 18:21:44 vogyjd,,2,What do you want from the new constitution?,What are the reforms you are looking for ?,,,,,,2022-06-30 19:40:13 vohwrt,,4,Any .NET engineers (bac+5) looking for job around paris?,[removed],,,,,,2022-06-30 20:22:09 voic0t,,53,"Text of the new Tunisian constitution, that will be the subject of the July 25th referendum",,,,,,,2022-06-30 20:41:13 voin70,,0,Is premarital sex still not accepted in our society ?,"share u thoughts if you got any ; ) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-06-30 20:54:52 voj4af,,3,PC suggestions?,So I'm looking to buy a good PC but my budget can't go over 2K dt. Any suggestions of places or links ?,,,,,,2022-06-30 21:15:23 voj7dr,,3,MG Hammamet tbi3 chrab ghodwa?,,,,,,,2022-06-30 21:19:09 vojmg5,,1,regime advices?,,,,,,,2022-06-30 21:37:47 vojvjd,,11,just venting.,"I have bipolar disorder. I'm 26. Didn't acheive anything baad lbac. I had no friends for the past 6 years and I see no one apart from one person, once a week. I'm isolated. I feel depressed that I forgot how to approach people and I'm painfully shy. Sometimes I think of ending my life, cutting myself doesn't do it anymore and having scars as a girl you're always viewed as a ""whore"". I feel ashamed and empty. Just needed to let it out.",,,,,,2022-06-30 21:48:50 volvcx,,5,Looking for a private school for IT engineering,"Hello fellow redditors , I just finished my 3 years degree in information technologies and my next step is to seek an engineering degree in IT in a private school . I want to know ur thoughts between 3 schools : ESPRIT , Sesame and the wild card Iteam university.",,,,,,2022-06-30 23:18:22 von1cp,,2,Anyone else scared from this new constituion ? or at leat how Tunisia could go ?,"So i am not an expert in constitutional right, what scares me the most is that there's no reference to the 'civil state' anymore in Articl 1 or in any Artical, worse , Artical 5 is very ambigous about the state achiving the goals of Islam. ( no matter what's your opinion about the religon) here we are talking about laws and Islam laws are from being fair (Chariaa) or human rights friendly. it 's sad to see that we are in the 21st centry, the threat on Tunisia is clearly it's enviorment, climate change... the right for access to water would have been a far more relevant right to introduce to the constitution.... than false problems.... what are yourr thoughts ?",,,,,,2022-07-01 00:15:42 von2vs,,0,Mission trip to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-01 00:17:43 voq16a,,0,Does anyone have the link to the Muslim man interviewing young Tunisian(Algerian or Moroccan) secondary student if they know verses from the Quran or questions about Islam.,,,,,,,2022-07-01 02:47:03 vorfgz,,5,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-07-01 04:00:12 vossdg,,2,is this a reliable tech site ?,[](,,,,,,2022-07-01 05:16:16 vow9ch,,1,Online furniture stores in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-07-01 08:58:25 vowb94,,1,تسريع الانترنت على جميع الهواتف بدون برامج 2022,,,,,,,2022-07-01 09:01:34 vowg9y,,6,"where to find board games? for adults (by adults I mean those advanced board games like Gloomhaven, Pandemic Legacy and Terraforming Mars)",,,,,,,2022-07-01 09:11:12 voy98l,,0,script casino for sell contact use 😀,,,,,,,2022-07-01 11:08:37 voya2w,,1,Online shopping,"I wanted to order some stuff online from shein and amazon , but shipping is either unavailable or expensive , so is there any other methode beside instagram scam pages , like a third party company or something bc i don't want to pay double price the items and thanks :3",,,,,,2022-07-01 11:10:07 voyeg7,,69,still trying to undrstand how carthage lost after this favorable situation... I wonder what would Tunisia be like today if Carthage actually won,,,,,,,2022-07-01 11:17:34 vozik6,,2,kifeh procedure le5rouje to Germany ps bac info,,,,,,,2022-07-01 12:20:23 vozr35,,0,Techno appreciation post,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-01 12:31:59 vozzzg,,4,"anyone have an idea ken najam nbadal echo3ba fyl BAC ,","ena BAC math manja7tch n7eb n3awed ama bac anyone have an idea ken najam na3mel i3adet twjih ? anyone who have more infos on the paper or the process pls dm or comment i'll appriciate it !",,,,,,2022-07-01 12:45:07 vp03zd,,4,"For females here, Any cosmetic brand/products you wish to get in Tunisia but couldn't find a provider?",Edit : females and males :3,,,,,,2022-07-01 12:50:38 vp21le,صلاة_الجمعة/,17,صلاة الجمعة ؟,Aleh thotou krahebkom win yjy tsakouh lkayes nahaj yaady zouz kraheb ywali karhba yaadeha b syf,,,,,,2022-07-01 14:23:55 vp226u,éorientation/,4,réorientation,Chkoun ynajem yfaserheli bethabet kifeh w wa9teh El inscription ( TBS et medicine) surtout el TBS est ce que mawjouda snee (mars 2023) or not 5ater 9alouli Fi a3wem elle n'est pas disponible. 7aja o5ra est ce que les facultés lkol fehom réo? W fin najem nal9a les coucours le9dom (relative à la TBS ) Kater ma9it Ken médecine . Benesba le programmet Zeda ma9itech fin nal9ahom ( ya3ni yjibou El 7ajet en commun Binet les sections Wala kifh)?,,,,,,2022-07-01 14:24:40 vp2cet,,0,"should we start using tounsix like latinx instead of tounsia / tounsi, for a more gender neutral term",,,,,,,2022-07-01 14:37:14 vp2v5b,,2,Hammamet Drink/Food.,I need advice to know where can i get food ( delivery ? ) and buy alcohol in hammamet. Thank you,,,,,,2022-07-01 15:00:09 vp3p21,,2,looking for a job,My sister has a 2 master degree business engineering and International Trade and the second is strategic management and consulting ( Ingénierie d'affaires et Commerce international et management stratégique et Consulting) she's been applying to all kinds of jobs for the last 2 years with no luck does anyone know a site where she can apply for more maybe she will finally get a job,,,,,,2022-07-01 15:36:30 vp439e,,2,"Before Choufli hal, what was THE TV show in Tunisia?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-01 15:54:03 vp43fx,,1,Has anyone attended Coding Dojo?,ANSWER PLS,,,,,,2022-07-01 15:54:15 vp44qu,,3,HOTAS joystick,"So im looking for a decent hotas joystick setup in tunis. Scoop gaming carry some stuff from 2005 but nothing decent. Any suggestions?",,,,,,2022-07-01 15:55:55 vp45og,,5,Finasteride,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-01 15:57:05 vp4yff,é_kaaed_ykoss_aalikom_randomly/,1,El mé kaaed ykoss aalikom randomly ?,"Selem ! Habit neseel ken barcha fikom el mé kaaed ykoss alikom mel7it ? W ki ykoss yokood barcha maksous wella fi awkat mou3ayna fennhar etc.. ? Thx !",,,,,,2022-07-01 16:31:59 vp5eq8,,7,what advice would you give to someone moving out on their own for the first time?," I'm moving out on my own in 3 months. I'm kinda nervous and feel like I'm not really prepared. What's something you wish you knew before moving?",,,,,,2022-07-01 16:53:33 vp5j62,,33,Will you vote for or against the new constitution?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-01 16:59:17 vp5vk2,,9,"Thoughts on Bolt, Yassir & other ridesharing apps","When they first launched I found it convenient to get a quick ride home when you're stuck in the middle of nowhere, but fast forward to today it's become unthinkable to find and stop regular cabs, specifically past a certain time during the day and certain areas. Transportation was already a problem and now it's even worse especially for lower/middle class citizen who don't own a car, or (worse) old people who are disconnected from technology. Feels like taxis are collectively pressuring us to go through these apps and soon it will become a requirement. Most of the taxis now work without ""blayek"" and many times I have stopped taxis who shamelessly forced me to pay a bolt ride instead (can cost more than x2). I understand being a driver can be tough with all the traffic and the heat but at this point they're just exploiting the system since nobody is reacting and it's becoming a societal concern. It's not normal to pay 20dt for a simple ride (besides the obligatory mobile data), I can get a train ticket for this price. Anyway I wanted to know your thoughts on this, how often do you pay for these services and if you have any stories to share about this.",,,,,,2022-07-01 17:14:26 vp7it6,,2,jme3t bac 2022 i can answer your questions about medical school,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-01 18:27:47 vp7rdc,,1,About the Article 5 of the constitution ( Referendum),[removed],,,,,,2022-07-01 18:38:16 vp7sm0,,1,"Face à l'envolée des cours mondiaux, le Maghreb relance ses filières d'oléagineux",,,,,,,2022-07-01 18:39:49 vp7y3b,,5,For anyone who continued their masters in the USA or abroad,"how did you finance your stay (Tuition, living costs ...) ?",,,,,,2022-07-01 18:46:30 vp8n04,,2,Help,"Helloo chkoun andou fekra ala communication multimedia eli tet9ara fi isamm ? What are your thoughts on it ??",,,,,,2022-07-01 19:17:15 vp989j,,0,ausbildung,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-01 19:44:14 vp989m,,1,ausbildung,Chkoun andou fekra,,,,,,2022-07-01 19:44:14 vp9sej,,0,islamophobia in Norway and Europe:,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-01 20:09:28 vp9xeh,,1,Metaruffy,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-01 20:15:48 vp9zid,,1,Metaruffy,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-01 20:18:31 vpaekn,,3,learning electric guitar,Gonna buy an electric guitar but since i never touched one in my life(neither types of guitars) im looking for some good place to start learning,,,,,,2022-07-01 20:37:53 vpahe0,,0,The new Islamic State by the retarded 9aiysun,"So for anyone saying this is like the old constitution it's not the artice 5 of his new pathetic constitution opens the door to this interpretations as you can see number four means making abortion and any contraceptive method illegal that's what he is suggesting to us. Even nahdha didint dare slide that crap in 2014, if it ever passes we are headed to really dark days. This is not someone who wants to rebuilt a country he wants to send us back to the Khalifat ages. مقاصد الشريعة: أولاً: حفظ الدين (جرّب انقد الدين و شوف العرض) ثانيا: حفظ النفس ثالثا: حفظ العقل : بمعنى تحريم كل ما من شأنه أن يؤثر على العقل ويضر به أو يعطل طاقته كالخمر و الحشيش وغيره (منع بيع الخمور وارد) رابعا: حفظ النسل: و يراد به حفظ النوع الإنساني على الأرض بواسطة التناسل ذلك أن الإسلام يسعى إلى استمرار المسيرة الإنسانية على الأرض؛ حتى يأذن الله بفناء العالم ويرث الأرض ومن عليها. (ارجاع تعدد الزوجات وارد) خامسا: حفظ المال : الحفاظ على المال إيجادا و تحصيلا غسان اللواتي",,,,,,2022-07-01 20:41:27 vpb6dx,,2,"Corner Sofas is extremely dirty thanks to the previous renter, who's service can clean/purge it in Tunis?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-01 21:12:59 vpbx98,,1,WOWSA does not believe Nejib Belhedi swam as he initially intended or ultimately claimed.,,,,,,,2022-07-01 21:47:13 vpcx18,,1,Retro games and consoles in Tunisia,"Hi everyone I just wanted to ask does anyone knows who sells Retro games and consoles in Tunisia or anything about them or related to them , el mouhem haja tb3a jaw hadha kn ynjm y9oulou Thank youuu.",,,,,,2022-07-01 22:32:40 vpd8c8,,0,"Puisque dostour khraj el berah, chnia el hajet li ma eejboukech fih? (This question is for Kais Saied voters that somehow don't agree with some parts fel dostour jdid)","Ps: I voted for Kais Saied too and I'm against Ennahdha, to avoid misunderstanding",,,,,,2022-07-01 22:48:11 vpdke1,,12,where can I get / print this t-shirt?,,,,,,,2022-07-01 23:04:29 vpeez8,,1,Os 10 Tipos de E-mail Marketing para Usar na sua Empresa,,,,,,,2022-07-01 23:47:01 vpg2th,,1,Constitution and what's going to happen by abir moussi.,,,,,,,2022-07-02 01:15:48 vpi0dy,,2,The new constitution,"To the ones that are gonna vote for it and support the changes, tell us why.",,,,,,2022-07-02 03:02:01 vpjujp,,1,Awel mara jarabt l weed chsarlek ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-02 04:51:13 vpkcby,,1,Could be wrong sub but might as well ask.,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-02 05:21:51 vpmupe,,5,Salut brabi tserkouli 2 carnets de cheques chnaamel?,"Thazouli mel karhba 2 carnets de chèques fehom 25 chèques w wehed fih 3 chèques lkolhom blancs, non-signés. Chkoun andou fekra chlezem namel? I was told eli aala kol chèque dhayaa nkhales 35 dinars shih?",,,,,,2022-07-02 08:11:30 vpnlqf,,1,Hypnosis,Is anyone interested in hypnosis ? Does anyone know if there are hypnotherapists that do past life regression? I'm genuinely curious.,,,,,,2022-07-02 09:04:18 vpogtl,دستور_2022/,0,دستور 2022," لا أو نعم: دستور قيس سعيّد؟ [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-02 10:04:32 vpp027,,0,PFE LBARA,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-02 10:40:15 vpp0r8,,13,Constitution Polls,"Considering the demographic of this subreddit (the so-called intelligentsia), this Reddit [polling]( shows that the vox populi will be in favor of the new constitution, fellow liberals, what went wrong? or should I say what went right? &#x200B; edit: It's either dictatorship is good because people want to vote for it, or democracy is bad because it can allow people to vote for weird stuff. Edit 2: doesn't this negate the whistle blowers that believe the referendum will be frauded if it passes? Also, Marzouki is telling the people to boycott, isn't he a democrat? Or is it just democracy when he agrees with it.",,,,,,2022-07-02 10:41:33 vppse1,,1,Tunisia National anthem by Scrum Unison,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-02 11:31:13 vppz8i,,2,Another victim of corruption?,i was in tunis(first time back in 4 years) and i saw a kfc and a fucking chili’s 😭😭😭but no mcdonalds? whats the reason?,,,,,,2022-07-02 11:42:58 vpr6o9,,2,Can i join a public university?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-02 12:54:06 vpr8gq,,8,Opening a business/company in Tunisia,"I have a friend of mine who has a company in Portugal and Malta that is responsible for picking up trash, transporting it and turning it to biogas. I’ve told him that we have a big waste and trash problem in Tunisia, and he’s open to expand his company to Tunisia as well. (The company cleans the cities, transport the waste and turns it to biogas. They also sell petrol, energy etc from it) My question is: How hard is it to make this idea possible? I’ve been told that the Tunisian government doesn’t want any competition against the state backed companies unless u offer them a generous amount of the profit Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-07-02 12:57:02 vpsqua,,0,A small advice.,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-02 14:16:38 vpt0gz,,3,Question re: Bolt in early morning hours,"Hello! I am an American in Tunis and am flying out on Wednesday to head back to Europe. My flight is at 9:00am so I planned to get to the airport around 6:00-6:15am to be safe. Is it typically easy to find Bolt or other taxi rides this early in the morning? I would be coming from Le Kram. Bonjour ! Je suis un américain à Tunis et je vais voler mercredi pour retourner en Europe. Mon vol est à 9h00 si j'avais prévu d'arriver à 6h00-6h15 pour être sûr. Est-il généralement facile de trouver Bolt ou d'autres taxis si tôt le matin ? Je viendrais du Kram.",,,,,,2022-07-02 14:30:03 vpt3bx,,21,This constitution was really disappointing.,"I really had hopes and thought it would be “revolutionary” and that Kais would be brave enough to do something really impactful and positive in the history of Tunisia. But no, it looks like a barrage of ambiguous articles and many important things are not even taken into account. Wtf? And what is the need to mention Palestine at all? And why the mention to Islam? I mean, the only thing I see is more power to the president lmao. The only conclusion I reached is that Kais is much dumber than I thought.",,,,,,2022-07-02 14:33:50 vptfju,,24,all Tunisians must stand against the pollution crisis happening in sfax or there will be severe consequences that will negatively effect the entire country,,,,,,,2022-07-02 14:50:31 vptpud,,3,Freelance Traduction website recommendation / explanation,"i wanted to know how to start working for a traduction website, i heard that they pay up to 18 $/1k word does anyone have experience or knowledge about them and how to work and get paid?",,,,,,2022-07-02 15:04:20 vpu03o,,12,Do you think that article 5 was just made to appease the islamists in our country ?,We all know that if they didn't mention islam in the constitution we'll immediately have people saying l islam fi khatar and that type of things. This could make ennahdha popular again or create a similar movement. I don't think there's another alternative for that right now,,,,,,2022-07-02 15:18:27 vpu43e,,1,طريقة تفعيل ميزة الانتساب على قنوات اليوتيوب,,,,,,,2022-07-02 15:23:45 vpuizg,,4,where can i find places to buy manga and comics in English in Tunisia,Fi zone grand tunis we fnac mchitlo l9ithom ybi3o kan bil fr,,,,,,2022-07-02 15:44:20 vpvpyn,,2,doctor,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-02 16:39:41 vpw6c7,,5,anyone here got a scholarship to study abroad,"specifically in countries such as germany, portugal, spain, turkey, netherlands...",,,,,,2022-07-02 17:01:21 vpwf25,,1,what are your best thrift shops in tunis,,,,,,,2022-07-02 17:12:51 vpwoj0,,5,Can Someone please explain the new constitution without biases,"You can also reply with links and resources And can someone please explain what article five and six means as i found them ambiguous.",,,,,,2022-07-02 17:25:39 vpyfff,,16,"The argument of ""No"" Vs the argument of boycott","I am in a complete disapproval of KS's project. and i can't decide weather it is wise to go vote a ""No"" or to boycott the referundum. What is your argument in both cases ? PS: the Yes vote are welcome to share their thoughts.",,,,,,2022-07-02 18:50:35 vpyxx7,,1,where can i find an autosomal adn test in Tunisia? and how much it costs?,,,,,,,2022-07-02 19:15:44 vq0uim,,5,please a full guideline on how to open a payoneer account in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-02 20:48:10 vq3tb4,,1,Would anyone be interested in joining/building a leftist-politics-focused discord server?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-02 23:16:50 vq44q4,,14,It's a 101% NO from me.,"&#x200B; This is what the new constitution is supposed to be: الفصل 5 (من مسودة الصادق بلعيد): تعمل الدولة على تعزيز التطور العلمي والبحث والتدرب والابتكار كمحركات أساسية للتنمية ولاقتصاد معرفي ذي قيمة مضافة عالية، كما تدعم حرية المبادرة والمعاملات في الفضاءات الافتراضية والنفاذ إلى البيانات العمومية عبر الشبكات الرقمية. &#x200B; If you had enough of the retarded Tunisian laws and systems: GO VOTE ""NO""! PS: the Sabah newspaper secured a copy of the supposed to be new constitution (BelEid). To be released in full tomorrow morning. There is a scanned leaked copy circulating on Facebook. Kais Said stole our dream of a decent futuristic constitution and injected his old regressive project.",,,,,,2022-07-02 23:33:34 vq5pjr,,24,The Constitution Draft,"So Sadok Belaid the Chairman of the Commission appointed by Kais Saied to write the new constitution just published the version they gave him and it's fundamentally different compared to the version Kais published for the referendum . He completely changed the preamble , removed an entire section about economics , changed a lot of others things and added dangerous Islamic chapters like chapter 5 that can lead us down the road of sharia laws . What are your thoughts ? PS : sorry about the image quality , that's the best quality available for now . Edit : here is the pdf link [](",,,,,,2022-07-03 01:00:50 vq6zf8,,11,"i am an Islamist , and even i think this constitution is trash","the fuck did i even read ? , i would very much prefer the sadik bel3id version of this constitution",,,,,,2022-07-03 02:12:41 vq7fom,,1,Tahche!,,,,,,,2022-07-03 02:38:17 vq9s81,,1,Ambassador - Free Palestine (Official Video),,,,,,,2022-07-03 04:55:24 vqbgac,,2,Is Greece observing some christian 'Shariaa'?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-03 06:44:03 vqclwe,,2,Is Ben Yedder cofffe beans old or what? same for Bondin? it doesnt taste like coffee at all,"Listen, I've been a fan of coffee for as long I can remember, I have every coffee equipment home (V60, Aeropress, Delonghi Espresso Machine, Breville Espresso Machine, Chemex) and I've been trying coffee beans from every european place I visited or my family members visited, the coffee beans taste so good but when I try Ben Yedder/Bondin coffee beans, they legit taste like rotten vegetables you forget in the freezer, there's no way coffee tastes like that, I can't be the only one to notice this. I use a scale too when I make coffee and I follow the 1:16 ratio (for every one part coffee, you use 16 parts water)",,,,,,2022-07-03 08:03:47 vqd0up,,1,chnia el fousoul that's causing controversy fel dostour jdid? (sorry I'm late),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-03 08:33:29 vqdats,,0,Any Book recommendation relevant to Tunisia's situation today ? (in relation to what KS is proposing),"Feel free to suggest classics or modern in ENG/FR/AR : * Historical Books * Philosophical Books * Sociological Books * Economical Books * Political Science Books * Fiction * or Authors",,,,,,2022-07-03 08:54:22 vqdj0a,,2,Is there a french or english translation of the new constitution ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-03 09:09:52 vqdnhf,,0,asking about NEST.JS,is it worth learning nest.js in terms of job opportunities? i know it is a an easy framework and i like it.,,,,,,2022-07-03 09:18:37 vqepa4,,21,An interesting piece of code on the Tunis Carthage airport website,"I was procrastinating on some exams and found this comment in a Tunis Carthage airport webpage source code. You could've at least cited the source without keeping their instructions if you really didn't want to pay ...",,,,,,2022-07-03 10:32:52 vqesy1,,26,"I am really mad now, I truly hate the past 10 years politicians and wanted to vote ""YES"" just to punish them, but now I am thinking of voting ""NO"" just for the hope of having a better constitution which is already available.",,,,,,,2022-07-03 10:39:58 vqf5be,,20,"It's a ""NO"" from me",,,,,,,2022-07-03 11:03:34 vqfdz5,,1,is the new constitution really trying to deprive non Muslims from even more of their basic human rights?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-03 11:19:02 vqfinr,,3,Article 5,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-03 11:27:19 vqfw7h,,1,Voting is useless Just abstain if you don't support the new constitution,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-03 11:51:02 vqgnti,,7,About the referendum of july the 25th,"i'm gonna talk in ""derja"" to be precise as much as i can 1- lezm ki ta9ra a constitution w ba3d ton9od lezmk testa3ml mokhek mch 9albek (i'm talking surtout 3al fasl 5 eli ness teskhayl bch nwali saudia ) don't let korhek lel islam or na9dek lih ye8lbek lezmk t8aleb el esprit critique 3al ideologie rahou dostour mch 9anoun 2- about el Constitution mta3 ""Saied"" the discussion mezelt 3al ideology (islam w bch nwaliw iran w blablabla) it's a waste of time fama more important eli houwa sala7iyet el ra2iss eli heya so vast kifeh ? he's not politically responsible ! kifeh ? mafama 7ata fasl tajm ta3zel bih el ra2iss which is dangerous ya3ni hata in case of ""5iyena 3odhma"" tajamch t7asbou nor tse2lou nor ta3zlou .. 3- for me both Constitutions mta3 ""Saied"" w ""Belaid"" sucks ! why ? nebdew mta3 Saied (fama machrou3ou eli howa el ""bine2 el ka3idi"" + fama el niya mta3 ""authoritarian regime"" benesba l ""Belaid"" ha9 el idhrab moch mawjoud + el fousoul mta3 liberalism of the economy are non sense cuz lmochkla mte3na fel 9awanin + benesba l nidham l7okem bch yok3ed nafsou kima 2014 .. kifeh ? 1/3 of the parliament can dissolve the goverment (hedha bch ya3tina a non stability mta3 el goverments for me lezm at least 2/3 of the parliament) 3- hné bch nahki 3al vote ""yes"" wel ""no"" wel consequences lel both menich bch nahki 3al boycot (5ater bensba liya t9oul 3lik ka3d tsahel lel yes) consequences mta3 el ""yes"" : bch nsahlou lel authoritarian regime w bch nerj3ou lel 3arka el 9dima consequences mta3 el ""no"" : awel haja fama el FMI eli testana fel referendum yerba7 bch haka ta3tina lel flous (fel case mta3 ""no"" were gonna live in the biggest economic crisis w bch n3ichou kima lebanon or worse + el classe el politique el zebla bch tarja3 w bch ywaliw syouda (e2tilaf karama , 3abir moussi, 5wenjiya ...) 4- WE SHOULD THINK ABOUT A SOLUTION",,,,,,2022-07-03 12:35:12 vqgq8m,,30,Sadok Belaid Draft,,,,,,,2022-07-03 12:39:09 vqgsdx,,2,VPN for a Tunisian IP address 2022,"I found the same question asked 2 years ago but the solutions in the replies no longer work today, so you can think of this as a renewal of the old post. The question here is how can you get a Tunisian IP address from abroad to have access to websites/apps only working in Tunisia. Well if you're asking what the websites could be, generally anything related to watching TV is location restricted, and in my case I'm trying to use the post's website or the D17 app, which both aren't working for me from France. I tried several VPNs, most of them don't even have Tunisia on the list, the one that had it is HMA but it was fake, found myself in UK even though the app claimed I have a Tunisian IP.",,,,,,2022-07-03 12:42:32 vqh3b1,,4,"x boulqqres, can i post this guy pic here",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-03 12:59:18 vqh86w,,1,This is what we are about to get robbed of.,,,,,,,2022-07-03 13:06:00 vqhmon,,5,dealing with feet fetish,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-03 13:28:00 vqhsfk,,4,Couldn't have said it better myself!,,,,,,,2022-07-03 13:36:28 vqi96c,,1,I am looking for a job in the country or abroad that suits my certificates,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-03 14:00:20 vqig1u,,0,A legal expert's take on the constitution draft. TL;DR: it's a disaster,,,,,,,2022-07-03 14:09:22 vqiip1,,1,Why do Tunisians blame everything on El Nahda ?,"Hello everyone. I would like to know what exactly is this discourse about Ennahda running / ruining the country ? I genuinely don't understand. - In 2011, Ennahda had 89 seats out of 217 members of Parliament - In 2014, Ennahda had 69 seats out of 217 members of Parliament - In 2019, Ennahda had 52 seats in the 217-members of Parliament They never had the majority in parliament. They could never vote any law. And they aren't gaining power. The elections show it's a party that is crashing down.",,,,,,2022-07-03 14:13:06 vqin6z,,4,Females we need help : need advice about hair and skin products .,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-03 14:19:22 vqj2q2,,0,Halal Netflix,,,,,,,2022-07-03 14:40:54 vqj5c0,مسكينة_تونس/,36,مسكينة تونس,"نحب نعرف علاش كل مرة يجي شكون يحشيهولنا و احنا نبقاو ساكتين نفس الناس إلي انتخبت النهضة قال شنوة يخافوا ربي هوما بيدهم الي دارو في الحياصة و انتخبوا النداء قال شنوة جاو ضد النهضة و هوما نفسهم إلي انتخبوا سيف و عبير و بعد فرحوا وقت قيس سكر البرلمان قال شنو النواب معجبوهمش. و اليوم هوما نفسهم يساندوا في مشروع دستور تعسفي رجعي ما عندو حتى علاقة بالواقع. شعب بهيم تافه كل مرة يغلط نفس الغلطة يجيه شكون يزكمو بكلمتين يتبعو للهاوية بعد كي يظهر على حقيقتو تلقاهم مكرزين. نحب نعرف كيفاش انسان يوصل يعدي 30 عام من حياتو عايش في ديكتاتورية بعد تجي ثورة من لا شئ تحلوا عينيه على الدنيا و هو باقي بهيم و يعمل في نفس الأغلاط إلي عملهم 40 عام لتالي. مسكينة تونس و اكهو.",,,,,,2022-07-03 14:44:22 vqjdj5,,9,fuck you Sajalni piece of shit!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-03 14:55:41 vqk3xo,,0,Are we still limited to one wife in the new constitution?,"I'm trying to make my mind whether I should allow this to pass or no? I hope that the 5th article could be interpreted in a way that supports the polygamous minority. Your input is greatly appreciated.",,,,,,2022-07-03 15:30:44 vqk4h6,,7,i'm gonna repost this cuz this dude says it all,,,,,,,2022-07-03 15:31:26 vqk65z,,6,Kais Saied = Ben Ali 2.0?,"توا برشا يراو في قيس سعيد الي هو بن علي 2.0 بالدستور الجديد ولا بورقيبة 3.1 ( يعني انسان باش يرجع العيشة الستابل الي كانت عنا تحت بن علي ولا بورقيبة، اهوكا باش ما نقولوش ديكتاتور، أما زيدهم شويا حريات و محافظ في نفس الوقت، كيفاه جات هاذي؟ ماندروش) هو انجم نفهم التصور هذا، أما فما برشا مشاكل في الحكاية هاذي: 1/ قيس سعيد ما يسمع حد و ما يعمل كان الي في راسو، على خلاف بن علي و بورقيبة الي يحطوا مستشارين عندهم و ولات و وزراء كان la crème de la crème ، و يسمعوهم، مع قيس سعيد تلقى روحك عندك والي بن عروس متاع لماذا لم ينخرطون، وزيرة اولى لا تبل لا تعل، أقصى حاجة تنجم تقولها ماشاء الله، والي صفاقس ما خلى حتى سياسي ما قففلوش وما خفي كان اعظم, من الاخر، تحب تنجح مع قيسون، يا تقفف يا تطير. 2/المشكل الاول يهزنا المشكل الثاني الي هو ترسيخ la médiocriatie، والي على عكس la méritocratie، تعطي الفرصة الي هو الأكثر ردائة أما قفاف باهي باش ينجح 3/بن علي ولا بورقيبة ممكن ما كانوش يفهمو اقتصاد أما كانو يمنوا بالعلم و بما يسمى النخب ( العباد القارية يعني) قيس سعيد لا و الدليل انو ما يستشير حد في الاقتصاد، القيس سعيد هو الوحيد القاري في البلاد، العباد الأخرى الكل تقرى عندو",,,,,,2022-07-03 15:33:43 vqk99k,,3,Do you pay diwena for recieving a gift from a friend abroad?,bascially what the title says.,,,,,,2022-07-03 15:38:01 vqlu6o,,2,date with gf,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-03 16:52:58 vqmcb2,,2,A poll for Kais supporters,"So now that we have a clearer idea about Kais plans, are you still supportive? Or you regret supporting his coup? Or may be you're now confused and undecided? Just let us know in this poll. I know this sub isn't very representative of Tunisian society but it would be good to see if Kais' popularity is taking a hit (or may be increasing). [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-03 17:16:42 vqo3hj,,1,طريقة ربط قناه اليوتيوب بحساب ادسنس,,,,,,,2022-07-03 18:42:41 vqoupt,,40,Ons Jabeur,فخر العرب,,,,,,2022-07-03 19:18:24 vqov3t,,3,Cognitive Dissonance: We want to be an Islamic Nation مع وقف التنفيذ,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-03 19:18:54 vqp49i,,29,Done with politics. Painting cute fantasy characters in Tunisian clothes instead @TaaazArt,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-07-03 19:31:03 vqpfid,,0,How to become a tyrant?," These are some notes I took while watching the Netflix documentary series. “How To Become A Tyrant” This is kais' favorite documentary -Vision + VERY strong belief -Outrage sells, show them that you understand their problem and their enemy is your enemy. Common grievance brings people together. -Be a man of the people. Show your people that you are one of them. -Brand your movement slogans, symbols, etc. -Build your squad. Nobody governs alone…. People with diverse skillet: a trusty assistant, the organizer, ruthless military man and the war hero (in the doc they go into details explaining their roles) -Choose the right time to strike and take over -Crush your rivals, establish dominance every rival must be controlled and put to place. -Be everywhere (secret police and trusty network of informants) and buy loyalty -Put your people in charge -Everyone is EXPENDABLE, even family -Conceal your brutality -Choose a scapegoat -Indoctrinate the youth I advise you to watch the documentary series it’s very interesting.",,,,,,2022-07-03 19:46:16 vqpj63,,0,Can UGTT play a role ? ( July 25th),"It is clear that the only force that is able to moblize people is UGTT as it is the union for worker. Yes it is apolitical, however it is clear that we are in a dangerous situation. The fact that Belaid's comission was somehow betrayed shows how KS operates. He doesn't listen to nobody. Can the mobilization of UGTT be a good force to stop 25th July from happening ?",,,,,,2022-07-03 19:51:21 vqpmyr,,1,"Do you think we might have a ""democratic"" 99% yes in the referendum ?",,,,,,,2022-07-03 19:56:27 vqq02d,,0,For those who want to understand the new constitution and its consequences,"At the same time, it's a Lotfi Mraihi appreciation post, that man is what we can call a true Tunisian intellectual and politician.",,,,,,2022-07-03 20:14:00 vqrss4,,5,What I like in Sadok constitution proposal,"# was3ou belkol les gens w a9rawah rani tgata3 wena na9ra w nekteb الفصــل 20 :الدارة العموميــة ف خدمة الواطن والصالــح العام، تنظــم وتعمل وفق مبــادئ الحياد والســاواة واســتمرارية الرفق العام، ووفق قواعد الشــفافية والنزاهة والنجاعة والســاءلة. وتسهر الدولة عل ضمان حياد الؤسسات التبوية والقضائية والمنية من التوظيف الديني واليديولوجي والفئوي والحزبي. الفصــل 21 :تخضــع جميع الوظائــف والهمات السياســية والنتخابيــة والوظائــف العمومية لبدأ الساءلة حسبما يضبطه القانون. article 15 fi sadok is a better version of article 44 in KS one &#x200B; الفصل 37 :تلتزم الدولة بحماية الحقوق الكتســبة للمــرأة وتعمل عل دعمها وتطويرهــا وعل تحقيق تكافئ الفــرص بي الرأة والرجــل ف كافة الجالت. وتعمل عل تحقيــق التناصف بي الــرأة والرجل ف الجالس النتخبة. كمــا تتخذ الدولــة التدابي الكفيلــة بالقضاء عل جميع أنواع العنف ضد الرأة والطفل والســني وذوي العاقات. الفصل 52:يمارس الشــعب الســلطة التشيعية بواسطة مجلس النواب أو عن طريق الستفتاء أو عن **طريق العرائض**. الفصل 61:يمارس مجلس النواب السلطة التشيعية طبقا لحكام الدستور. ولرئيس الجمهورية أو الوزير الول ولعضاء مجلس النواب عل السواء حق عرض مشاريع القواني. ولشاريع رئيس الجمهورية أولوية النظر.**لا تكون مشــاريع القواني القدمة من قبل أعضاء مجلــس النواب مقبولــة إذا كان إقرارهــا يؤدي إل تخفيض ف الــ**م\*\*وارد العامــة أو إل إضافــة أعباء أو مصاريف جديدة.\*\*وتنطبق هذه الحكام عل التعديلت الدخلة عل مشاريع القواني.... الفصــل 70 :الجلــس القتصــادي والجتماعي والبيئي هيئة تستشــار وجوبا مــن قبل الحكومة أو مجلس النواب ف مشــاريع القوانن التعلقة بالشؤون القتصادية والجتماعيــة والبيئية، ويضبط القانون تركيبته وعلقته بمجلس النواب. ويمكــن لجموعة مــن الواطنن تقديــم عريضة للمجلــس يضبط القانون إجراءاتهــا. ويعلم الجلس الحكومــة ومجلس النواب بمــآل العريضة موضوعalthough it not clear who will be in this majles but its better than majles el jihet الفصــل 82:.....ولرئيس الجمهورية الحق أثناء الجل الذكور ف رد مشروع القانون إل مجلس النــواب لتلوة ثانية وإذا وقعت الصادقة عل الشوع من طرف الجلس بأغلبية ثلثي أعضائه فإنه يقــع إصداره ونشه ف أجل آخر ل يتجاوز خمسة عش يوما. ولرئيــس الجمهورية أثناء الجــل النصوص عليه بالفقرة الول أعله وبناء عل قرار الحكمة الدستورية أن يرجــع مشوع القانــون أو البعض من فصوله ف صيغة معدلة إل مجلس النــواب لداولة جديدة. وتتم الصادقة عل التعديلت من قبل مجلس النواب حسب الغلبية النصوص عليها بالفصل 61 من الدستور، يقع إثرها ختم مــشوع القانون ونشه ف أجل ل يتجاوز خمســة عش يوما ابتداء من تاريخ بلوغه إل رئيس الجمهورية. edheya a7sen article so far I can say inspired from us system الفصــل 91:يتمتع رئيــس الجمهورية بالحصانة طيلة توليه الرئاسة، وتعلق ف حقه كافة آجال التقادم والســقوط، ويمكن اســتئناف الجراءات بعد انتهاء مهامه. لا يسأل رئيس الجمهورية عن العمال التي قام بها في إطار أدائه لمهامه. (last phrase fiha wa3liha) &#x200B; [najamtech ncopih haha]( الفصل 139:تنشر الوافقة عل هذا الدســتور عل إثر إعلن الهيئة العليا الستقلة للنتخابات بأن نتائج الستفتاء أفضت إل موافقة الشعب بأغلبية الصوات المصرح بها. (by far better than KS article 139) PS: el a8lat mouch meni idk why when I copy ijiw maktoubin akeka &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-07-03 21:40:57 vqssjc,,3,a question Abt orientation,"So basically m a bac graduate and I'm thinking Abt going to the Insat and I have a couple of questions. If someone studied/studies there can u help plz. EDIT: Tysm for all the responses. Most of my questions have been answered. The only thing I'd like ask is this. If u had choice between ipest or insat what would u do? I don't need a lot of explaining just an answer Again appreciate all the help",,,,,,2022-07-03 22:30:12 vqtom9,,2,Anyone know what is causing this to happen? Internet Spiking up and down.,"During the day, the latency spikes up suddenly (instant 30ms increase in ping) for a long period of time (4 hours+) then spikes down suddenly (instant 30ms decrease in ping). Any1 here care to explain why this kind of shit only happens in Tunisia? [Decrease recorded](",,,,,,2022-07-03 23:16:03 vqu2ih,,0,What I like in KS constitution,"الفصل الخامس عشر: أداء الضرائب والتّكاليف العا  مة واجب على كل شخص على أساس العدل والإنصاف. وكل ته  رب ضريبي يعتبر جريمة في حق الدولة والمجتمع.(although ijich tajrim fel dostour but..) الفصل السادس والأربعون: العمل حق لكل مواطن ومواطنة، وتتخذ الدولة التدابير الضرورية لضمانه على أساس الكفاءة والإنصاف. ولكلّ مواطن ومواطنة الحق في العمل في ظروف لائقة وبأجر عادل. الفصل الحادي والستّون: يحجر على النّائب ممارسة أ  ي نشاط بمقابل أو بدونه. وكالة النّائب قابلة لل  سحب وفق الشروط التي يحددها القانون الإنتخابي. الفصل الثّاني والستّون: إذا إنسحب نائب من الكتلة النيابية التي كان ينتمي إليها عند بداية الم  دة النيابية لا يجوز له الإلتحاق بكتلة أخرى. الفصل السادس والستّون: لا يتمتّع النّائب بالحصانة البرلمانية بالنّسبة إلى جرائم القذف والثلب وتبادل العنف المرتكبة داخل المجلس، كما لا يتمتع بها أيضا في صورة تعطيله لل  سير العادي لأعمال المجلس.",,,,,,2022-07-03 23:37:10 vquigw,,3,BAC,is it possible to have multiple Bac Degrees in Tunisia ?,,,,,,2022-07-04 00:02:21 vquplp,,3,"Tunisians with low/average BAC scores, what are you doing in life now?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-04 00:13:33 vqvior,شني_المشكلة_في_ربط_الدين_بالدولة/,22,شني المشكلة في ربط الدين بالدولة ؟؟,"علاش برشا عباد تشوف انو ربط الدين بالدولة هو المشكلة رغم انو الناس الكل تعرف انو الفهم الخاطئ و التعصب و التجارة بالدين هي المشكلة الحقيقية موش الدين نفسو ... و المشكلة الي كانت عندنا هوما الاشخاص موش الدين في حد ذاتو ..(كيما الي يقولو انو الديمقراطية هي المشكلة رغم انو المشكلة في الاستغلال السيء للديمقراطية ) خاتر كان نشوفو الاسلام تو مانلقاوش تناقض كبير بين النظام الي نلوجو عليه و التعاليم الموجودة فيه مثلا .. (juste خاتر مربوط بالدين الناس الي عندهم حساسية منو direct يقولو لا ) (فما دول اوروبية رابطة الدين بالدولة كيما ايطاليا و اسبانيا و البرتغال و انجلترا ) سؤالي بريء حبيت نعرف راي العباد الي مع فصل الدين عن الدولة و علاه ؟؟ خاطر مالقيتش شكون اقنعني",,,,,,2022-07-04 00:59:51 vqvkaq,,1,Any cheap food places in lac 1?,"I'm spending a full day there, qnd do not intend on spending 10Dt on a lunch.",,,,,,2022-07-04 01:01:57 vqwdcb,,1,9la9,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-04 01:47:58 vqxrn6,,3,Where can i get a wifi card for PC ?,"I already checked tunisianet, jumia, mytek ,sbs and wiki but didn't find what i'm looking for.",,,,,,2022-07-04 03:07:02 vqzy70,,0,Challenging Tunisian society’s homophobia through theatre,,,,,,,2022-07-04 05:20:03 vr2g1q,,2,drone laws in tunisia,"Hello, im in tunisia for 3 weeks visiting my family. However, i just want to know, how the laws for drones look like here. Fyi i have the DJI Mini 2 which weights under 250 grams. I also have an insurance which covers 10 mio euro.",,,,,,2022-07-04 08:11:03 vr2m91,,1,Tunisia - Governorates map quiz (English / Arabic),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-04 08:24:06 vr39nh,,1,"Tinder user's, i need some new pickup lines.","After finally getting some new matches, I'm running out of pick up lines, any help ?",,,,,,2022-07-04 09:10:56 vr3pco,,6,Gift ideas for my partner (1 year anniversary),"So guys, me and my partner are about to finish our first year together ❤ and I want to get him smthg special (btw I'm traveling soon so I want the gift to be symbolic .. a gift that can ease our temporary separation until he joins me 😅) what do you recommend? And if it's a personalised gift please suggest me a good print studio",,,,,,2022-07-04 09:42:41 vr3v87,,28,Tunisia should not be inspired by Arabs,"Tunisia should not be socially, culturally or politically inspired by Arabs. Every Arab country is a failure, except the ones with oil. * Fear of minorities which turns into hatred. * Refusal of making compromises. When they are strong, arabs say « I am strong. Why should I compromise ? » and when they are weak, arabs say « I am weak, how can I compromise ?! » * Dialoguec can be seen as a sign of weakness. * Intense emotions at the expense of pragmatism * Obsession about honor * Toxic Masculinity. Sorry but it's true. Men must inherit twice as much as Women. If a family has a daughter, the money must go to her uncle. In Saudi Arabia, a female school burned down with girls inside instead of letting them leave, because they had no veil. In Egypt, a woman was sent to prison for criticizing harassment. * Deep insecurity over humiliation. It’s very hard in Arab culture to admit a mistake. Mistakes are associated with humiliation. It’s exceptional to hear Arabs say *« We made a bad mistake. We apologize and will try to fix it »* * Difficulty to think in nuances. (« They are partially right»). Thoughts are only expressed in extremes (« They are right » « They are wrong »). * Blind obedience to authorities figures. Fear of contradicting them. (« Professor, I disagree with this idea »). Every human is flawed but these characteristics are all arab cultural traits. That is not to say Arab culture don't have qualities like Generosity toward strangers or courage on the battlefield. But I think in the case of Tunisia, the flaws outweight the benefits.",,,,,,2022-07-04 09:54:45 vr4geh,,2,Shipping a PC,"Hi guys, so i was thinking of buying a complete PC (desktop) here cz it's cheaper here than in my country and when i leave i want to bring the PC too so how do i do? Like shipping it via dhl, fedex or something? What's your suggestions ?",,,,,,2022-07-04 10:34:28 vr4mem,,0,metal,"So I'm a metalhead. I love metal a lot like there's no other genre I can be attached to as I am with metal . Yet I love other types as well such as ( classical music/ folk / indie / old school rock ...etc ) Nd I play guitar as well out of full desire and devotion. The thing is this period of time I'm thinking about praying . Nd someone,who knows that I listen to metal to music in general besides that I'm an artist I paint and I draw , told me I'll forget about my art and the music under the pretext that ""the power of praying will make quit those things "" so I'm really worried and I cannot Abondon what makes me feel something euphoric such as art and music ( like I paint and I sketch while I listen to music especially metal , it makes me feel connected to this world and to this life ) Nd personally I believe that each person has a private relationship with God . It differs from each individual to another. So what do you think ? Will it really makes me forget about what love the most ? ( I know it's stupid to ask you this but I'm really anxious , I don't wanna neglect my religious duty at same time I'dont wanna Abondon what makes me be alive )",,,,,,2022-07-04 10:46:13 vr56qx,,8,Techwear, in order to change my style a bit and experience new things i wanted to try techwear but it seems that it's really rare in Tunisia or doesn't exist at all and i didn't manage to get my hands on them any advice on how to find them (It is very expensive to buy abroad),,,,,,2022-07-04 11:22:16 vr6ayq,,0,"Sorry, but this is the truth berjoulia","So, I have never wanted to say this but I kinda feel for saying it now. Those who complain all day about Tunisians' treatment or reception or way of dealing with you or whatever you wanna call it, I mean those who complain that Tuniaians ""yontrou and are mkachbrin"" etc.. I am sorry to say this but the truth is the following; سامحني لكن منظرك وهيئتك و طريقتك ما يجيبوش الإحترام آش تحب نعملك أنا. Don't get me wrong. I would never ever mock a person for the way they look or they dres or whatever (well, dressing I might do in some cases) but here I am talking about ATTITUDE which is something you actually CHOOSE. So, if you are a mkachber type you will of course be met with makachber attitude.",,,,,,2022-07-04 12:27:26 vr6oex,في_حالة_مرور_مشروع_سعيد/,0,في حالة مرور مشروع سعيّد,"في حالة مرور مشروع المعتوه قيس سعيّد ثما حل كلاسيكي وحيد ينجم ينقذنا في السنوات القادمة و هو الانقلاب العسكري فقط لا غير باش انجمو نفسخو الكوارث الي باش يعملها الكل و نبداو فترة انتقالية على ورقة بيضة يقول القايل"" ماذا عن التحركات الشعبية و نعملولو كيما 2011 و نطيحوه "" ، نقلكم يبطى خاطر المعتوه ناوي ياكل و يوكل بإستعمال البناء القاعدي متاعو و مجالس الاقاليم و الجهات باش يدجّن الشعب و يركز لجان شعبية تمنع اي تحركات من النجاح ، باش يبيلكنا لسنوات و سنوات بالشركات الاهلية و يربط عروقو في كل بلاصة ، اللي باش يعملو المعتوه ساهل عملانو اما صعيب برشا تنحيتو باش يحطنا رهائن عندو حتى يجي الانقلاب العسكري المفترض و يرتحنا منو ، قيس سعيد باش يعمل عشرة سنوات اخرين حكم على الاقل بخلاف فترتو الحالية ، يعني ممكن يحكمنا قريب 15سنة كان مايوصلش حد ينحيه ، و اللي يخوفني اكثر حاجة هي الاجيال الصغيرة اللي باش تتربا على نظامو التعليمي المستقبلي و اللي بدا يحضر فيه بكتابتو في دستورو التعيس ، كتّب علينا ربي نخسرو 10سنين تحت الخوانجية و 10سنين فما فوق تحت حكم البهاليل المفسرين وكهو",,,,,,2022-07-04 12:48:22 vr71le,,1,Hey there ! Does anyone here know why Snapchat logo changed Its been like this for like two days and im scared lol,,,,,,,2022-07-04 13:07:13 vr7jxk,,0,"Tunisian Streets, follow my insta plz",,,,,,,2022-07-04 13:33:51 vralc1,,1,looking for a dungeons and dragons group (marsa),[removed],,,,,,2022-07-04 15:58:07 vrb8lv,,0,Need to interview sex workers,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-04 16:26:50 vrd5m0,,1,رئيس الجمهورية٠ #قيس_سعيد يتجه نحو #الجزائر بدعوة من أخيه #عبد_المجيد_تبون (صور),,,,,,,2022-07-04 17:53:25 vrdojt,,1,any apex legends players we need a third with mic +20,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-04 18:16:52 vrdt3l,,1,Kairouan to Tozeur?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-04 18:22:39 vrdwwz,,33,Saied REALLY meant what was written in the chapter 139 !,"الفصل 139 من مسودة الصادق بلعيد : تنشر الموافقة على هذا الدستور على إثر إعلان الهيئة العليا المستقلة للإنتخابات بأن نتائج الإستفتاء أفضت الى موافقة الشعب بأغلبية الأصوات المصرح بها الفصل 139 من دستور قيس سعيد : يدخل الدستور حيز التطبيق إبتداء من تاريخ الإعلان النهائي عن نتيجة الاستفتاء من قبل الهيئة العليا المستقلة للإنتخابات. Saied deliberately removed the part where the ""yes"" vote is mentionned as a condition for the adoption of the new constitution. This really means that Saied will adopt the new constitution no matter the result of the referendum, whether it is Yes or No. I brought up the problem of the chapter 139 here in the past, however, many people defended Saied saying that it is just a misunderstanding. But after seeing Belaid's draft, it became very clear that Saied intended the literal meaning of the chapter 139.",,,,,,2022-07-04 18:27:43 vrew1z,,14,I like bikes,"I used to live in Aouina and commute to Lac2 for work. I used the bike and I wondered why there is not a lot of people doing it. At rush hour it's much faster than cars and less frustrating. But now I know why. It was dangerous and stressful and you need to be an idiot to do it. Each day I was taking a risk by sharing the road with cars that can easily kill me if they get distracted or something goes wrong with their vehicle. I recently moved to a European city that is trying to make riding bikes safer and when that happens people start to use bikes to go everywhere. But as everywhere people tend to resist creating such infrastructure because of the initial cost and the car people complaining of less parking and road space. However, generally when these projects are implemented quickly everyone benefits even the car people: * Less people take cars, so smoother circulation * Better Air quality * Less noise I think that also in Tunisia we need some lobbying to get these projects started so people can see their benefits and people can start expecting them everywhere. Basically is there such a group or organisation trying to promote biking infrastructure and more urban planning centred around it.",,,,,,2022-07-04 19:11:21 vrgb0w,,8,need help understanding politics in Tunisia,"I have 0 knowledge when it comes to politics and as a 20 years old dude I think I should at least understand what's going on in our country. I know one thing for sure and that is the government is and always will stay corrupted no matter what",,,,,,2022-07-04 20:16:49 vrgh2i,,3,How do I launch a start-up in Tunisia ?,"I'm fairly new to the ""entrepreneurial scène"" in Tunis, i want to launch my own start-up and I don't know the first thing about the legalities and the requirements for such a thing. Any advice would be highly appreciated",,,,,,2022-07-04 20:24:45 vrgvj6,,3,Trip from Sousse to the Sahara Desert,"Hello everyone, I am landing in Tunisia tomorrow and staying in Sousse. I was keen on a desert trip until someone told me it's an 8 hour trip from Sousse. Is it for real that long? How long would a car ride take?",,,,,,2022-07-04 20:43:15 vrhcv8,,0,About K.S's Constitution,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-04 21:05:32 vrhsr8,,3,Help with Visa papers,"I am willing to visit my brother in Germany but when I try to schedule an appointment it says 'There are no open seats available for selected center -Germany visa Application centre , Tunis' (Ps:there is no other center) Will it be open again and what should I do",,,,,,2022-07-04 21:26:13 vrhu6r,,3,Passive incomes,"Aaslema, Anehom the best ways to have passive incomes as graphic designer in tunisia. Thank you in advance :D",,,,,,2022-07-04 21:28:08 vrhz89,,7,Should i vote ?,"Hey guys, as you all probably know, there's a huge event going out here in Tunisia: the referendum of the new constitution. so before i vote or not i would like to gather maximun knowladge .I already talked with people from my person space and they had diffirent approaches . some think that the referdum doesn't matter some will vote no and are totally against the president and some say we can't know we'll have to wait, and on social media i see people wanting to vote for the new consitution . so guys what do you think the best is . should i vote ? should i not ? please stay civile i'm legit seeking the maximun of information before taking a conclusion. i respect all of your opinions and i hope you guys will too.",,,,,,2022-07-04 21:34:45 vrlhi6,,14,looking for a good therapist,"Mchit El 3 9bal .first one was a woman and she was very religious,felt uncomfortable with her because i knew I was lacking faith and she would judge me very hard for it ( she cured only with talking no medication) .went to a psychiatrist next ( he was a man ) , he looked very compassionate but he gave me extreme medications ( according to my parents, google and everyone) .changed to a new one .visited him for three times throughout 6 months he wasn't compassionate enough and i wasn't able to talk about my problems because he would judge me hard everytime i said something dumb and related to affection ( the first thing he asked about me is ma moyenne which was ""smart"" according to him ) he discarded any worries I had and didn't address them properly .he didn't notice when I masked things either .gave me medication but it made me feel worse .all i am looking for is someone who would listen and help me find solutions to my problems rationally rather then prescribe something to me .i just want to cry and not be looked at weirdly .or i want to someone to validate my feelings and take small steps with me .any good recommendations in Tunis ( Zone Bardo manouba Danden? Wala 7ata ab3ed chwaya miselch ?)",,,,,,2022-07-05 00:34:24 vrnnqg,,5,tunisian jerseys,where can i buy a real tunisian jersey that ships to the us?,,,,,,2022-07-05 02:38:51 vrp2un,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-05 04:00:10 vrrbsr,,14,"Tunisian Folk Tales - or Fairy Tales - recommendations - especially ones that have to do with travel to foreign lands, ingenuity and creativity?",Please recommend some with similar themes - for an education project - ideally with a link. Thank you in advance :),,,,,,2022-07-05 06:22:52 vrslqh,,9,Harissa vs Hrouss,"It's difficult to find english language explanations for the difference between harissa and hrouss. The hrouss I've had tended to be saltier and smokier. I've seen that some recipes also have onions. How are harissa and hrouss differentiated? They are both pastes made from peppers, but what are the defining aspects that make them seperate? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-07-05 07:53:10 vrt4cf,,1,Gagnons ensemble des boîtes mystères pour le 5YA de Binance ! Chacune d'entre elles contient un NFT ou 500 $ en cryptomonnaie 🎁 #BinanceTurns5,,,,,,,2022-07-05 08:31:35 vrtajl,,18,Problem sleeping,"Hey guys , i have problem sleeping especialy in the summer , i try to sleep early but there is a lot of outside noise and i can't close the window because it's hot, so i don't sleep as early as won't , the problem is i wake up early because of the light (and the noise also) so i don't feel refreshed at all and my productivity is affected , anyone had similair experience , any tips ? Thanks",,,,,,2022-07-05 08:44:50 vrtdzk,,4,Hammamet to Carthage (taxis and buses)?,"What is the best way to travel from Hotel (South of Hammamet) to Carthage? In hotel I was told to take a taxi from hotel to Barraket Essahel then a local red strip bus to Moncef Bay and again a taxi to Cartahena. Does it make sense? What kind of prices (fair) I can expect for the taxis and the bus. Just want to avoid being scammed. Any advise will is welcomed.",,,,,,2022-07-05 08:52:02 vrtukw,,2,should I reconsidered change to science section instead of staying in math section,"I moved from 3 eme math with 14.66 . This year I messed up everything . In physics and sciences I get high mark all the year but nevertheless in math i didn't do well in math . till now all people i know their thoughts terrified me . should i focus on math this summer and stay in math section or concentrate on sciences and math since i have heard that math in sciences section is easier . any thoughts ?",,,,,,2022-07-05 09:24:45 vruuk0,,2,Renting a house in hammamet or sousse,Hey peeps my friends and I are looking for a nice place to rent in hammamet or sousse for a couple of days in August. What sites do you guys recommend ? Thnx,,,,,,2022-07-05 10:35:25 vruymf,,1,تحديثات جديدة على اليوتيوب تخص قسم التعليقات و عدد المشتركين,,,,,,,2022-07-05 10:43:24 vrw9jx,,3,question,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-05 12:04:24 vrx79e,,1,كيفية تغيير لغة نظام ويندوز 10 | Windows 10 - Change Display Language,,,,,,,2022-07-05 12:54:34 vrxzz8,,1,Carthage land's Aqualand,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 13:34:17 vry564,,3,Carthage land?,"So yeah, it's summer and honestly with this heat, when I get free time or take a few days off, I want to cool down and have fun even at my age (27). Got a few questions: I bought through a friend 5 tickets for Carthage Land Lac(along with 5 food tickets or whatever they are), and there is no mention of Aqualand on it. Can I still use it to access the Aqualand part of the park? Another question, as I am sure many people in this subreddit tried these out: Is there any other place, that is not a hotel, that can be considered as good or better than Aqualand? I'm mainly looking for the aquatic stuff, The whole pools slides lazy rivers etc. Thanks for the replies in advance!",,,,,,2022-07-05 13:41:22 vryorl,,1,"Thoughts on the recent political problems between Tunisia and Algeria? Could Morocco-Tunisia relationships cause Algeria to ""punish"" Tunisia?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 14:06:34 vryudr,,16,Thoughts on recent Tunisia Algeria political problems? Could Morocco-Tunisia relationships cause Algeria to retaliate against Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-07-05 14:13:56 vryump,,7,Gynecomastia in Tunisia,"so I'm a Tunisian 21 y.o man suffering from a severe problem , I have a rare condition known as "" Gynecomastia "" , in other words man boobs , now you can imagine the insecurities such condition can generate in a young Muslim man , or any young man for that matter Now the solution is simple , a surgery , but the reason why i'm writing to you is that I have no idea where to do such a surgery ( the northern have of tunisia ) or how much it would cost . Anyone with a similar experience pls let me know Edit: i grew up to lose a lot of weight , yet they didn't disappear, so I'm positive it's not from obesity",,,,,,2022-07-05 14:14:14 vrzfpu,,2,"Tunisian redditors , how did your first sexual experience go ?",,,,,,,2022-07-05 14:41:17 vrzvc0,,22,Sub-saharan Africans are now part of Tunisia: accept it!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-05 15:00:55 vs08za,,1,how to build friendship with a boy as a girl,"Hey, bh, m gonna be meeting with tow guys of my age (16-17) for the first time, like a blind meeting or thing, i don't know their faces nor names nor even their interests (we only spoke once when we arranged this meeting), i want to seem cool and chill, but m afraid i won't be funny enough ( i have this fear around boys of making jokes, i don't want to seem masta) , m really open for new friendships and talking to new people, i just want to leave the impression of me being this cool kid and lowkey chill . Thanks y'all",,,,,,2022-07-05 15:17:16 vs13wb,,1,Private school recommendations,"I already have a degree in another field of engineering but wanted to know what other private schools are out there (in the Tunis region) where I can sign up to get another degree. I'm looking for ""Ecole privée informatique"" essentially. All suggestions welcome!",,,,,,2022-07-05 15:54:33 vs1muo,,7,Any good Italian restaurant in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 16:17:08 vs2alo,,4,"Tunisian redditors , what's the one thing your parent/s never apologized for despite doing some damage to you ?",,,,,,,2022-07-05 16:45:52 vs2czy,,3,Where can I find a good classic guitar for a good price (100dt - 150 dt),"As the title says, I'm looking for a classic guitar for a good price in Tunisia specifically in Djerba Thank you in advance <3",,,,,,2022-07-05 16:48:47 vs2vsn,,3,Ons Jabeur game,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-05 17:11:28 vs3hjb,,3,Kairouan to Tozeur?,"I’ve just arrived in your lovely country and am planning to visit Tozeur soon. I wanted to know the best way to reach it from Kairouan: I’m more than happy to travel by louage, but I’ve also heard that there may be an actual bus route? Could anyone shed some light on what the best way to do this might be",,,,,,2022-07-05 17:38:01 vs3t98,,1,can anyone who undrstands law confirm this ? i found this on facebook," اللي موش قاري قانون شبه مستحيل يفهم مدى خطورة الفصل5 دوب ما ندخلو أولى قانون في مادة الدستوري من الحاجات الاولى اللي تنعلموها هي سلم أو هرم كيلسن الهرم هذا يرتب القواعد القانونية من الأعلى /الأقوى درجة الى الأقل منها و الدستور في أعلى الهرم و القوانين الأقل درجة لازم تحترم و تتماشى مع اللي أعلى منها في دستور 2014 تم التنصيص على عبارة (الإسلام دينها ) كإشارة إلى أنو دين الأغلبية هو الإسلام كما تم التنصيص على مدنية الدولة و نحكيو هوني على الائكية و اللي تمثل صمام أمان لأي إنحراف في استعمال كلمة دين ، كما تم زادة دسترة التعايش السلمي بين الأديان في مشروع الدستور الجديد تم التخلي على مدنية الدولة اللي تم اعتمادها منذ الإستقلال و عن التعايش السلمي بين الأديان وتعويض عبارة (الاسلام دينها) بما أشنع و هي عبارة (تسعى الدولة لتحقيق مقاصد الإسلام ) أش دخل الدولة في السعي لتحقيق مقاصد الاسلام ؟ وكي نقولوا مقاصد الاسلام و نذكروهم رانا نحكيو على مقاصد الشريعة الاسلامية غير نحالكم كلمة شريعة بش متتفجعوش و تقعدوا تصفقوا و البعض يقول هذا أحلى دستور على أساس فاهمين اللي قبلوا .. نرجعوا لهرم القواعد القانوني تعرفوشي قداه عنا من قانون في مجال الحقوق و الحريات لا يتماشى مع مقاصد الإسلام ؟؟ يعني في صورة أنو الدستور هذا تعدى القوانين هذيكة يمكن الطعن فيها بإعتبارها لا تتماشى مع الدستور اللي هو أعلى منها درجة للأسف قاعدة نشوف تأسيس لدولة دينية و ما نستغربش العقوبات زادة تولي قطع اليد و الجلد و … السؤال المطروح توا كيف ستسعى الدولة لتحقيق مقاصد الاسلام ؟",,,,,,2022-07-05 17:52:34 vs4bcn,,1,how obtain social skills ?,this year i reach 18 year old and i couldn't make friends . the last time i success doing was in elementary school . i didn't do it on purpose to look as mysterious i can't even make a appropriate conversation . i just don't know how or what topics i should have knowledge to do . i am so bad at communication and shy so some people i know use this for their advantages like in school they give me the hardest part of group work or make me doing it all by myself . i tried to overcame it but people always reminding how social awkward am i make it harder to deal with . i want to know if you konw how be more opened able to communicate in a proper way .,,,,,,2022-07-05 18:14:24 vs4ftu,انس_جابر/,5,انس جابر,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 18:19:47 vs4zdq,,356,Ons Jabeur becomes the first Arab or North African player - man or woman - to reach a Grand Slam semi-final.,,,,,,,2022-07-05 18:44:36 vs52xs,,0,Must-do activities and places to visit in Monastir as a tourist,Hello everyone! I'll be visiting Tunisia (Monastir) next Friday and I'll be staying for about 10-14 days so I'm looking to explore as much as possible and do unique activities. I'm looking to get out of my comfort zone so the more adventurous the recommendation the better! I would like your help to tell me what the city has to offer and how I can have as much fun as possible!,,,,,,2022-07-05 18:49:07 vs5fjf,,3,WORLD CUP TUNISIA 🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 19:04:19 vs5t18,,1,Hotel Room - price double 2 traveller Vs 1,,,,,,,2022-07-05 19:20:39 vs6b9d,,11,stand up comedy in tunisia,"We're opening a stand up comedy club and looking for some amateur or professional stand up comedians willing to do atleast a 20 minute show Inbox me if you're interested or know someone that might be",,,,,,2022-07-05 19:42:57 vs6hhk,,1,juridique fsjpst,Njaht filbac w n7eb na9ra corporate/ international law .lfac hedhi tanja7?,,,,,,2022-07-05 19:50:26 vs6urv,,0,Tunisia and Algeria relations are a bit weird now,"guys, can you help me understand this our president organised a huge military event ( its our independence day ) and he invited your president and his opposition? his name is [نور الدين الطبوبي]( the only explanation i found was [this]( but then we promised to open our borders back again with you in the upcoming days. what are your thoughts on this?",,,,,,2022-07-05 20:06:21 vs76sv,,5,"The TUNISIAN tennis-woman, Ons Jabeur, reaches Wimbledon's semi-final.",,,,,,,2022-07-05 20:21:00 vs82c6,,0,Ons jabeur said in a interview with lotfi abdelli ( abdelli showtime ) that she's proud to be a arab women achieving amazing things yet people in here are trying to change her ethnicity 🤣,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 20:59:25 vs8a9s,,1,"Whoever is moderating is this sub, what's your problem with Ons Jabeur being TUNISIA FIRST?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 21:08:33 vs8bps,,16,"Whoever is moderating this sub, what's your problem with Ons Jabeur being TUNISIAN FIRST?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 21:10:20 vs8nvx,,7,Tunisia national anthem by Scrum Unison,,,,,,,2022-07-05 21:25:02 vs97il,,1,Would you be able to take your E-Scooter with you in a flight to Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-05 21:48:56 vs9xiy,,19,"There's a giant ass flying roach hiding in my room, what products can I buy in TN that will poison it?","Title For tonight I think I might sleep in the living room fml",,,,,,2022-07-05 22:20:22 vsajpz,,7,How do I make money now??,"Hey everyone, so I'm a college student studying computer science (cycle ingenieur) and since it's summer break, I would really love to make some money right now, (doesn't have to be much maybe 500dt or more if possible) it's just so I can afford simple things like gym subscription, food(protein),buy some clothes things like that. But I need to start earning now, so things like freelancing that take a lot of time are not a solution. I've searched a little bit on this topic, people recommend that you buy cheap stuff and sell them on ebay for high prices (since we don't have eBay) I figured you guys might help me or have a solution. Thanks to every one of you. Can't wait for your response.",,,,,,2022-07-05 22:48:26 vscdcc,,0,"On the last post about Ons there was a ""great"" debate... our we Arabs?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 00:15:00 vscidd,,3,is philosophy major in 9 avril worth it ?,N5amem bch na9ra philo fi 9 avril w i was wondering ken fyha afe9 wle ( although i like philosophy ) donc 9olt maybe someone in this subreddit aando fekra aaleha w ken fac 9 avril behya wle .,,,,,,2022-07-06 00:21:50 vsd13p,,5,a7na twensa ou nikomha pls?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-06 00:47:30 vshsa6,,3,Sajalni website not working,I've been trying to fill out a sajalni form before coming to Tunisia but the website doesn't seem to be online. Do they block people from outside Tunisia accessing the website ?,,,,,,2022-07-06 04:53:45 vsmmtq,,8,Do you guys know where I can order a personalized cake in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 10:18:41 vsn8y3,,4,Acharaa Al Magharebi Cover 05/07/22,,,,,,,2022-07-06 10:58:26 vsnruo,,0,Am I the only one that is kind of salty about Tunisians marrying foreigners instead of fellow Tunisians?,"\[spare me the philosophy lesson, I know that it's their choices \] is it just me or that many Tunisians are rooting for, and marrying foreigners these days? in my small circle alone: 2 family members are married to a German and American guys, 1 family member is married to a Canadian girl, 1 friend is married to a German guy and a friend's family member is married to a Brazilian guy. I can only imagine it's much ""worse"" on a larger scale. why it kinda pisses me off ? Idk really, maybe I'm just a hitler and want this population to only procreate with each other? but yeah, I wish there were less tension between men and women in Tunisia and that we actually rooted for each other more instead? thoughts?",,,,,,2022-07-06 11:28:54 vsoazv,,20,How to get a driving license in the cheapest possible way,"So 7abit na3mel permis this week nod5el na9ra el code ect ki 7kit m3a el auto ecole 9ali fama 9anoun jdid minimum 15 h code w 32 h. conduite wish is absurd w ti7 fel 1000dt elkol felkol w ena kont 3amel 7sebi fi max 10h code w max 20 wala 7ata 15h conduite . So chkoun ya3ref faza kifeh najem n3adi b a9al takalif . Update:Just found someone who told me if I register before 13th of July I'll be counted as an old rule candidate 😅",,,,,,2022-07-06 11:59:25 vspqkj,,1,ISSAT Sousse or Esprit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 13:12:43 vspw3h,,1,"Yo mods make user flairs for Grand Tunis governorates (Ariana, Tunis, Manouba, Ben Arous)",,,,,,,2022-07-06 13:20:24 vspyvm,,1,hsa,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 13:24:28 vsq317,,0,mwefe9 al ta3adod zawjet ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-06 13:30:09 vsqrxu,,0,Mwefe9/a al ta3adod zawjet?,"sérieusement w fasser alech [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-06 14:03:20 vsrv39,,1,ماهو الأكل الصحي الذي يجب علينا تناوله يوميا؟,,,,,,,2022-07-06 14:53:21 vssk27,,0,if you where to go to one of them and to 3 years of engineering (IT)?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-06 15:23:51 vssyr6,,30,"DOES ANYONE WATCH ""GEOGRAPHY NOW"" ON YT?",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-06 15:41:51 vsuebn,,18,"how the hell am i supposed to find a job if every one of them require at least 2 years of experience, im in need of money and i can't find a single job that doesn't require skill or experience, where can i find one please help",,,,,,,2022-07-06 16:42:59 vsun6f,,1,Where can I get a master’s degree in marketing?,"Hello, so I graduated with a license degree in Communication. I want to get my master’s degree in marketing. Which private institutes/universities do you guys recommend. I really need some guidance and I didn’t know who to ask.",,,,,,2022-07-06 16:53:38 vsvg4d,,1,تغيير شكل قائمة ابدأ في ويندوز 10,,,,,,,2022-07-06 17:27:34 vsvtw2,,0,how does Tunisia react to crime happening in international waters or Antarctica,is there any incidents where Tunisia interferes in international waters or Antarctica? is there any laws or PDFs or any form of docs on this subject?,,,,,,2022-07-06 17:43:35 vsw5lh,,1,Visiting Canada,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 17:57:41 vswi6y,,0,Visiting Canada,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 18:12:28 vsyo96,,0,welcome to Tunis-Cartage airport,"Tunisia, a 3rd world shithole should continue accepting these helpless people from sub-Saharan Africa , keep it up guys and girls. this video (among many others) explains why algeria and libya are not accepting them and instead are sending them to Tunisia.",,,,,,2022-07-06 19:46:07 vsys1p,,0,cheap gym in Sousse zone Tantana-Akouda,,,,,,,2022-07-06 19:50:29 vszxw6,,3,Tunisia Vs jboura,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 20:38:54 vt051a,,1,When will we be able to vote for this new constitution? Im going to Tunisian in August and i have to make sure i vote for No,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 20:47:25 vt051v,,11,do you pronunce reddedit like the sound of i vomited,"eni en9oul raddit",,,,,,2022-07-06 20:47:26 vt0as8,,2,transfer dinar to Aud,"Hi, I'd like to transfer money out of Tunisia with the least fees obviously. I'm used to use Wise but the currency is not available on this platform. I wondered what would be the best way for more than 20K. I got recommended Western Union but I heard their exchange rate + fees are ridiculous. Cheers",,,,,,2022-07-06 20:54:11 vt1lf1,,1,orientation,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-06 21:49:45 vt2bfz,,2,We should all do the minions movie trend where we all wear suits and go to the movie the best place we can do it is in pathe azure city,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-06 22:20:48 vt30oj,,3,Ideas on 3eme informatique?,"Next year I'll be 3eme info, what is it like for people who went through it, is it easy or hard or average?",,,,,,2022-07-06 22:51:46 vt3u0b,,3,best investment for an expatriate,"I'am married . We are both engineers and living un france . We both have good salaries and i would like to invest in tunisia . But i dont know where and how to use invest. i didnt fix a budget but maybe 10-20-30k€. We dont have plans to comes back for the upcoming 20years but i want some steady cash flow to spend it during vacations,visits, for my family",,,,,,2022-07-06 23:28:24 vt4a4y,,3,Algerian tourists,"Since Algerian Tunisian border will be opened this month, as Tunisians, are Algerians welcomed in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-07-06 23:49:17 vt4v61,,75,Concerning the new constitution,,,,,,,2022-07-07 00:17:20 vt511i,,1,Why the new constitution is a total mess,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 00:25:23 vt6rd1,,3,Improve/Invest in myself,"Hi everyone, I have slowly been sucked into a materialistic/sedentary lifestyle and have pretty much been a loner during these past few years, I don't know what I like besides from travelling which is kind of challenging and expensive for us Tunisians. I'm looking for suggestions on what one can do in Tunis for self improvement, except learning a language and sports as I'm somewhat doing those things at the moment. Any recommendation on a valuable skill to learn, socializing activity is welcome. Thank you",,,,,,2022-07-07 01:49:51 vt7ff2,,1,I am concerned my brother has fallen victim to a scam,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-07 02:22:31 vt7frg,,1,Is this normal?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-07 02:23:01 vt7hla,,1,Marriage customs,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 02:25:28 vt7l4u,دورة_المتفوقين/,1,bac دورة المتفوقين,"Brabi taw bech naamel aka dawret el moutafawi9in Naamer juste ya ipest ya almania ya frança wale? Les choix lokhrin style médecine wla prépa li fi tounes laadiyin wkol lezem nestana dawra ra2isseya wnaamer wale? W brabi l rang el مجموع li ywariwlna fih chneya bedhabt ? Khater mahouch FG aadeya vu que el majmou3 hedheka li warawhouli 186.6 alors que FG mtei 174. Haja",,,,,,2022-07-07 02:30:13 vt8i9c,,3,Any Thoughts On Opening Board With Algeria ?,,,,,,,2022-07-07 03:15:29 vtc57h,,0,"Tunisians born and living in Tunis, how do you guys view Tunisian diaspora?",,,,,,,2022-07-07 06:45:06 vtdbzv,,1,Importance of first 10 Days of Zillhajja,,,,,,,2022-07-07 08:04:44 vtde8t,,1,Importance of first 10 Days of Zillhajja,,,,,,,2022-07-07 08:09:05 vte0zq,,1,Is there a game developer here who sent me a DM yesterday ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-07 08:53:38 vte6f0,,1,Hello Guys,"&#x200B; im looking for training school for learn Audio engineer or mixing mastering any suggestion",,,,,,2022-07-07 09:03:44 vtehny,,1,"my cats caught a little bird, he still can't fly properly, what can I do? what can I feed him? Any bird experts here?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 09:25:10 vtezso,,10,Tunisia at its finest. Aya 3idekom mabrouk bel msaba9 xD.,,,,,,,2022-07-07 09:59:15 vtfo23,,32,why misogyny seems to be the norm in Tunisia?,"\[I'm not a feminist(although it's quite reasonable to be one in this shithole) nor single, so spare me the philosophy lesson again \] anybody else noticed how many men in this country are openly misogynistic? you don't believe it ? take a look at social media, precisely facebook, any post that discuss women in Tunisia or marriage or jobs or trending videos made by women or even women's achievements in this country(which outnumber men's achievements anyway) and you'll almost always find bunch of dudes insulting and/or ridiculing women, and it's not like few of them it's most of them. which is something you rarely see in neighboring countries social media \[quite pathetic isn't it\]. Irl, I had ""friends"" that would start calling women ""97ab"" just because these women didn't reciprocate interest \[if you think you are one of these men please seek psychological help, you are dysfunctional\] I came to the conclusion that the rebel nature of Tunisian women is threatening to many men which makes them go really defensive and hateful towards women, since, apparently most of men in this shithole seek ""conservative"" women (basically want slaves in their houses and not an actual person to continue the rest of their lives with) As a person that lived in a western country for a while, I know how valuable most Tunisian women are, \[other than the fact that they are gorgeous\] , they are exactly in the ""goldilocks zone"" when it comes to dating/marriage since they manage to be quite moderate( not the crazy liberal men-eating feminist nor the submissive useless woman), so cherish and appreciate them. thoughts?",,,,,,2022-07-07 10:41:48 vtfsir,,1,كيفية استخراج مضمون من السجل الوطني للمؤسسات,,,,,,,2022-07-07 10:50:01 vtggl5,,3,How A Tunisian Arab Woman Made Headlines In Wimbledon,,,,,,,2022-07-07 11:30:03 vtgrki,,0,I HATE EID,"it's the worst time of the year ,not only cuz i have to meet people i hate the most 'familly ' ,there is nothing fun about it ,kids become annyoing in the streets with sheeps ,the sheeps are noisy and the smell is terrible , the worst part is transportation u need to go back home before a week at least or else u will be stuck in living hell and it's not even worth it ,not like big festivals like lunar new year or smthg it's just killing sheeps so boring",,,,,,2022-07-07 11:48:01 vthfyf,,10,any coffeehouse/library in tunis center with a calm environment and good wifi to study?,Help will be appreciated,,,,,,2022-07-07 12:23:11 vthqx0,,2,Looking for internships,"Hi, did anyone get a summer internship with no experience and where please? None of the firms i reached out to seem to understand that they are the experience i want",,,,,,2022-07-07 12:38:54 vti4kh,,1,Travel Agencies or Embassy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 12:58:39 vtieqe,,1,"I found this little bird in my house yard, i let him out, he flew once but then again i found him, he's small, he can't fly properly. any bird experts here, how can I take care of him? what should I feed him? he ssems so helpless",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 13:12:07 vtiuno,,9,Taser Guns,"hey, I have a question are taser guns legal in Tunisia as a self-defense because I'm tired of feeling threatened and if its not illegal what I should do is it ok to carry a taser around in my bag or should I get rid of it or keep it at home please help :3",,,,,,2022-07-07 13:34:09 vtiv9e,,1,What is happening is not the fault of foreign powers,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 13:34:58 vtj6vi,,6,postgraduate studies,"What do u guys think of postgraduate studies , I am specifically talking about masters degree and PhD after getting an engineering diploma, is it really worth it ? Or is it a waste of time for those that are not into research ? I'm eager to hear ur opinions",,,,,,2022-07-07 13:51:36 vtjvkh,,192,"Ons Jabeur reaches her first Slam final at Wimbledon, defeating Tatjana Maria in three sets 6-2, 3-6, 6-1. Jabeur becomes the first Arab or North African — man or woman — to reach a Grand Slam final.",,,,,,,2022-07-07 14:24:02 vtkedg,,5,best internet for vacations,"aslema, habbit nes2el anehi a7sn internet bensba lwe7ed bsh y3adi vacances 20 jrs f blasa spécifique.. w shnya lprocedure ta3ha bdhabt",,,,,,2022-07-07 14:48:42 vtkeo9,,2,Sustainaible Development in Tunisia,"Hello everyone, I'm planning on starting on working on a project aiming, at the end, to accomplish one of the sustainable development goal. &#x200B; Therefore I need to chose an underserved community to work on and some local organizations I can partner with. &#x200B; I thought about rural schools but I'm open to any suggestion. &#x200B; I would prefer IT related projects. &#x200B; Thank you in advance and Aid Mubarak!",,,,,,2022-07-07 14:49:07 vtkkrz,,1,‘Aunt’ Ons beats ‘mum’ Maria to reach Wimbledon final,,,,,,,2022-07-07 14:57:12 vtkolj,,5,finding a summer internship in IT .,"Hello , i have been applying for an internship (in computer science field )for almost a month but sadly with no response. my question is : Should I physically visit company's and present my self or it doesn't worth it ? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-07-07 15:01:42 vtkqna,,3,are Travel Agencies worth it ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 15:04:14 vtlt5m,,0,Do you trust this guy ?,,,,,,,2022-07-07 15:52:48 vtmdi9,,1,Tunisia tourist,"Im going to tunisia in 3 days and is wondering where the most amount of tourists are, I’m going to Hammamet and sousse. Does any of them have a good nightlife?",,,,,,2022-07-07 16:16:58 vtn136,,2,Traditional/hallmark designs or patterns of Tunisia,"I am in a singing competition (Kentucky, USA) and I plan on singing A Night in Tunisia. I want to dress up for it and try to bring visions of Tunisia to the audience. What are some Tunisia designs or patterns that a non-Tunisian person can wear? Links to images are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!",,,,,,2022-07-07 16:45:20 vtn41j,,1,Expert opinion on the new constitution. À vous de réfléchir et choisir commes des citoyens dignes,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 16:48:55 vto9yl,,1,I just found out the account of a Kai’s Said himself in this sub,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 17:38:53 vtoe3t,,1,I just found out Kais Said’s account in Reddit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 17:43:59 vtohay,,2,does anyone know how i can suscribe to be notified of clothing sales in tunis?,,,,,,,2022-07-07 17:47:48 vtowtg,,0,How comes Tunisians care about Saied and find time and energy to discuss Tunisian politics?," Considering that the world witnessed men such as Jesus of Nazareth, Muhammed, Omar, Napoleon, Newton, Einstein, Michael Jackson, Maradona and hundreds or thousands of other very very heavy names. How comes someone find time to think of or discuss Saied and Ghannouchi for example?",,,,,,2022-07-07 18:05:56 vtphqp,,3,Thoughts on TakiAcademy?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 18:30:58 vtput8,,1,Expert opinion on the new constitution. À vous de réfléchir et choisir comme des citoyens dignes.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 18:46:37 vtpyex,,2,AC from carrefour missing parts and they don't give a shit,"my father bought a tornado AC from carrfour, but after getting it home i found there was no power wire (should be installed in it ) and there was no remote went to talk with them and after a few degrading comments as if am the one at fault, they said ""a3mel reclamation lel charika elli san3thom a7na ma3anna 7ata da5l"" now am confused as what to do ? am i not able to get a refund ? is there no other way ?",,,,,,2022-07-07 18:51:03 vtqeaj,,1,"Kais saied: ""the constitution is written on the walls""",,,,,,,2022-07-07 19:09:59 vtrb6r,,18,Any introverts here wanna be friends,,,,,,,2022-07-07 19:49:46 vtrkru,,0,Are there any laser hair removal centers for man in tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 20:01:12 vtryuw,,3,"21 Yo , Failed bac second time","Soo I failed another year , What do y'all suggest ? *N3awed candidats libre *Formation *Work What else ?!",,,,,,2022-07-07 20:18:14 vts290,,7,Can we create a separate subreddit for tunisian politics,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-07 20:22:11 vtsew0,,2,"No Tunisian ever did better for Algeria than Lotfi Bouchenak! Algerians do thank your, sir!",,,,,,,2022-07-07 20:37:19 vtt23a,,1,عيد اضحي مبارك | ولكن احذر تخسر قناتك بسبب احتفالات العيد,,,,,,,2022-07-07 21:05:01 vttc04,,1,does anyone know what this means?,,,,,,,2022-07-07 21:16:59 vttih3,,3,Anyone knows what's happening to the Chinese Sports Center in Ben Arous,"In 2019 [it was announced]( that an aid came from china and they are building a sports center in ben arous (next to ""sbitar el hourou9"") that's pretty close to me. now it's 2022 and it isn't done yet, to add to that they have no Facebook page that I could find and a launch date was never mentioned in the original articles. So I was wondering if anyone has more info on it",,,,,,2022-07-07 21:24:58 vttm60,,38,Where is this kind of dress worn and what is it called?,,,,,,,2022-07-07 21:29:19 vtttxo,,3,What's the age limit for 4th grade (Bac) secondary in public schools ?,"I'm 21 currently and I started going to school at the age of 5. I failed this year's Bac exam and I want to try another year in my public school but I've few issues which are : \- I repeated the previous year in Bac and also one year in 2nd grade secondary school and 7th grade middle school. \- My total school year's mark of this year is below 10 \- I was expelled for few days I tried getting my marks report both online and by going to school but I couldn't and I asked a school administrator about my situation but she was clueless and added that both the school principal and head administrator are taking a vacation so she also told me that I have to wait until August or even September therefore I'm currently unable to find out if I can repeat another year or not. I searched online and I read somewhere that I've to be not over 22 (I will be 22 years old on 12/31) and got a total school year's mark no less than 10 so according to this I'm not able to repeat the year but I also read that school council can suggest to the ministry to let me repeat another year but then again I am a student who was expelled for few days (unfairly) and to make it worse, I also read that my situation needs to be handled before August or they won't let me do another year. I cannot go to a private school because I cannot afford it and I want to specifically study in my school because it's the closest one that has Arts section and I cannot afford transportation to a far school so if I'm not able to do another year it'll also mean that I'm not able to do Bac at all. Also, Since I'm unable to afford private school and transportation it means that I can't do vocational formation as an alternative to Bac since it's not free, I'm completely financially broke so my only hope in life is odd jobs and it honestly doesn't seem like a good choice.",,,,,,2022-07-07 21:39:02 vtuxye,,1,studying german course,"Hello guys , wish that you are going alright . I would like to learn german , and i am thinking about enrolling in course that is offered online here in tunisia (because where i live there is no other alternative ) so do you guys have any idea about centers offering this kind of service (giving courses online for german language , and if you advise me to enroll with that center or not ) else , if there is some material online that helped you , i ill be really greatful if you share it with me . Else , what do you think ? Shall i enroll in such a course , or just follow some channels on youtube ? Thank you !!",,,,,,2022-07-07 22:32:46 vtwtgj,,0,Thoughts about Morocco imposing visa on Tunisians?,,,,,,,2022-07-08 00:00:05 vtydjh,,1,isn't it a bit unlucky for Ons Jabeur to have that name?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 01:15:31 vu1kd0,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-07-08 04:00:11 vu5zkq,,1,This might belong here as well,,,,,,,2022-07-08 08:38:58 vu5zl0,,2,"Nostalgia Days, What era you miss the most and why?",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-08 08:38:58 vu87o3,,1,DUAON ME BEHTAREEN DUA ARFA KE DIN DUA HY,,,,,,,2022-07-08 11:07:49 vu8bqx,,1,DUAON ME BEHTAREEN DUA ARFA KE DIN DUA HY,,,,,,,2022-07-08 11:14:42 vu8hvq,,4,Books by Tunisian authors that I can find translated in English?,I tried googling it but nothing came up,,,,,,2022-07-08 11:25:18 vu8khf,,1,Where to buy 35mm film cameras in Tunis? Canon AE-1 35mm to be specific,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 11:29:39 vu8kik,,1,Does anyone know what this means?,,,,,,,2022-07-08 11:29:43 vu8kza,,1,Where to buy 35mm film cameras in Tunis? Canon AE-1 35mm to be specific,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 11:30:21 vu8lqm,,6,What are things that are hard to find in Tunisia?,"So im visiting home in august (from Germany) and im trying to bring some stuff to sell and make some pocket money and at the same time benefit my countrymen. Any help is appreciated,and u can ask me if u want me to get u something specific :)",,,,,,2022-07-08 11:31:38 vu8mej,,1,Does anyone know what this means?,,,,,,,2022-07-08 11:32:47 vu8nyf,,1,Does anyone know what this means?,,,,,,,2022-07-08 11:35:20 vu8tjs,,0,Tunisia Protests Intensity As Saied Readies Stage For Constitutional Amendments,,,,,,,2022-07-08 11:44:38 vu90tx,,18,"hey, can you fix my rim?... yeah no problem",,,,,,,2022-07-08 11:56:11 vua7ad,,3,Any trading trustworthy platform (stocks / online brokers) available in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 12:58:36 vuaa57,,90,aid moubarek all,Aidkom mabrouk all tunisian reddit community w jme3et crypto fi tunis,,,,,,2022-07-08 13:02:08 vub6yd,,1,Does anyone know what this means?,,,,,,,2022-07-08 13:47:38 vubio0,,12,What is your state is famous for,might be something like a positive and a negative thing about your state or something that was funny and/or got a lot of coverage,,,,,,2022-07-08 14:02:57 vubnih,,0,flying tickets for visa,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 14:09:14 vubosz,,1,Are Coinbase / Binance available in Tunisia ?,"is it possible to buy Ether ( for e.g) using TND currency from Tunisia using Postal card ( or bank card ). Also, are there any consequences (legally ) if these transactions happen. Finally, are there any other methods to buy crypto (safely ) from Tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-07-08 14:10:52 vucvkc,,1,Any hotels in Hammamet that allow unmarried couples in 1 room?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 15:06:00 vudhcu,,2,"Any fancy, aesthetic restaurants in tunis suggestions?",,,,,,,2022-07-08 15:33:46 vudzaz,,1,ماذا افعل بعد قبول قناتي في تحقيق الربح | تحقيق الربح من اليوتيوب 2022,,,,,,,2022-07-08 15:56:47 vue8ue,,2,Do I need a PCR-Test when entering Tunisia tomorrow ?,,,,,,,2022-07-08 16:08:16 vuegty,,1,asking for info,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:18:09 vuegzd,,1,Marriage in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:18:19 vuej1h,,1,asking for advice about Tunisian girl I met,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:20:56 vuek75,,1,Problem with a tunisian girl,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:22:23 vuelik,,0,Asking for info $$$$,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:24:02 vuem2s,,1,problem with a tunisian girl,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:24:43 vueun8,,1,What places should I recommend to my foreign friend coming here? he's staying in Tunis. Any places like restaurants and nightclubs and cool places,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:35:11 vuf37g,,6,Tunisian t-shirt design,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:46:02 vuf4y3,,0,Asking for advice : overly attached tunisian girl,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 16:48:03 vug1e8,,1,What discontinued Tunisian snack do you miss the most?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-08 17:27:45 vukhh2,,6,Thinking to visit Tunisia next days,I'm algerian and I'm thinking to visit Tunisia this summer. What are the cities and places that should be better to visit ?,,,,,,2022-07-08 20:49:47 vum4cl,,1,what's the best Tindet bio ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 22:04:07 vume3j,,0,what's the best Tinder bio ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-08 22:16:51 vuny65,,1,"What do you think of the new "" تعديلات""",,,,,,,2022-07-08 23:29:48 vuoee6,,1,"What do you think of the new ""تعديلات""",,,,,,,2022-07-08 23:52:28 vupphs,,17,"i m looking for a job any job zone tunis ariana, i can fix pcs both hard and software , phones just software , i can paint/draw in walls very well if anyone interested here is my number 56165781 ps:aandi chheda taa bts fabrication electronic",,,,,,,2022-07-09 00:59:14 vuq55u,,11,im at a crossroad education wise not sure how to go through it,"context:im 20 years old (about to be 21 this month) highschool dropout i left at the second highschool grade and purseued a ''btp'' in (automatismie and informatique industrielle) i managed to get it and i been considering two options a:get a private bts (programming) and join the workforce after that as a technician b: get back in school and try to get my bac and head to uni i been considering these for a while friends/family suggests that i go back to school for the bac and uni others say im too old for it and i should not let my btp degree go to waste i would like to hear you sugesstions",,,,,,2022-07-09 01:21:30 vuq7r9,,2,Anyone from Rjim Maatoug?,"I'm trying really hard to find out the origin of the name of this place, doing so online was obviously impossible so I'm searching for people from there or people who visited who might help me. I went down deep google maps and facebook rabbit holes to contact a bunch of random people who worked there/went there/live(d) there, and waiting for responses.",,,,,,2022-07-09 01:25:26 vuqo3t,أبحث_عن_الأوراق_النقدية_التونسية/,7,أبحث عن الأوراق النقدية التونسية,"مرحبا 👋، &#x200B; أنا من المكسيك وأقوم حاليًا بإعداد مجموعة من الأوراق النقدية من جميع أنحاء العالم كهواية. أود أن أعرف ما إذا كان هناك أي تونسي يرغب في المساهمة في ذلك عن طريق إرسال نوع من الأوراق النقدية المحلية لي: جديدة ، قديمة ، عالية أو منخفضة القيمة ، لا يهم. إذا كان لدى شخص ما ورقة نقدية يريدون إعطائها لي أو استبدالها أو بيعها ، فلا تتردد في إرسال رسالة إلي. أدرك أن الخدمة البريدية المحلية قد تصنف الأوراق النقدية على أنها عناصر محظورة ، ولكن إرسالها كجزء من خطاب قد يكون حلاً. ما قبل الزواج &#x200B; شكرا على كل حال! 👍",,,,,,2022-07-09 01:49:39 vuuss1,,0,Those who consider aid as a nightmare,"Klemi directed lel aabed eli l3id benesba lehom nightmare kima 9olt, bsh nahki fel sujet hedha khatr am sure that am not the only one who go through the experience am about to talk about, Fama aabed such myself who can't stand dhbi7a, sight or smell of blood, or even the whole idea of butchering animals, kol wehd w kifeh but in the end we all share those hard times, So benesba lel aabed eli taarf rou7ha kifi speak up ur minds 3al mawdhou3 hedha nd let everyone else understand nd respect what we feel far from any stereotypes that's goes on every year ,",,,,,,2022-07-09 05:44:57 vuvw29,,1,A military airplane full with ink landed from China yesterday,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-09 06:56:28 vuxd2p,,1,studying in germany,"kighir khdhit lbac w newi na9ra f germany, hasb mas2elt les agences l'inscription fel étatique fet deadline mte3ha but i can register for the 2nd semester. smaat elli l German embassy tabta bech taati appointment, should i apply for one asap or nestana l agence houma ycontactiwhom w kol ? also enehom ahsen les agences fi tounes ?",,,,,,2022-07-09 08:41:22 vuxy34,,3,"hey peeps, haven't played league in a while, fammech chill aram walla draft walla custom games lila with discord on EUW?","mta3 jaw w chwaya dhahka :p haw discord mte3i you can add me and invite me to your server if you have one Midnight#6047",,,,,,2022-07-09 09:25:23 vuy2vz,,5,Kais published the corrected version of the draft on the 8th of July at night,"[Corrected Constitution Draft ]( In the link above you can find the new corrected articles. What are your thoughts about the new corrections?",,,,,,2022-07-09 09:35:26 vuy3fg,,0,Reddit rules,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-09 09:36:36 vuzcch,,1,Did you changed your mind after the constitution revision ( 8 july ),"J-16 [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-09 11:06:59 vuzrsf,,0,Question about football anthems,"Eni mantaba3ch koura w sahbi sma3ni 8neyet mt3 virage mt3 brigade rouge ... Fama 8neya mel 8neyet hassit enha copied men spanish song wela revolutionary songs mt3 cuba w kol I might be wrong ema i have questions: What s the source of inspiration for stadiun anthems? (What makes them similar to some extent) Am i right? Do football clubs inspire from spanish culture? ( tfakart zeda eli houma yestaamlou barcha spanish words ; vafanculo, merda, w aka lou8a) If i am right drop links for the inspiration i would like to listen to the source of inspiration",,,,,,2022-07-09 11:35:33 vuzsql,,87,"Listen, I don't consider myself that religious (I don't pray, I smoke weed and get drunk and stuff) but what I see 24/7 on this subreddit is straight up rudeness and disrespect to other religions. Yadi christian wala molhed wala hindu adhika oumourek, discuss things b torbya.","Tkolou dana ghadi chwaya ykolek freedom of speech, those spoulaya moulaya people are getting out of hands Being rude to other religions is not your first step to look cool rao. Be civil w aaref kifeh tahki w have a normal conversation tebdech tetjaltem w tsayeb fel tjoubir mteek sinon had mao bch yesmeek even if you're right. w bilehi arhmouna men comparing living conditions of prophets w their acts mtaa aam 1 milédi b wakt taoua, it's embarrassing that you're resolving to that ""argument"" in the first place..... Nakra fi ekher post, wehed commented ""you can't go to an ugly or fat person and call them fat/ugly"" yekhi s(he) replied ""yes I can, it's freedom of speech"" lol insen kif haka mazelt tesmoou? like even with proof ma ysadkek had no matter what convo you're in, khatrek jabri.... I swear walah wras dalinda, you can be atheist, agnostic, whatever the fuck you want without belittling other religions and beliefs you know w no matter what you're doing rao you can't win in this life lol you can be doing something right now li heya offensive fi religion okhra that you maybe support so please zeda naksoulna ""aaaa you're killing sheeps and cows wala chnia and that's offensive to hindus"" like? c'mon guys, hata ken you're right, it's lacking maturity...wether you're atheist or muslim or christian or any other religion, bras omkom taalmou ahkiw, w naksou mel whataboutism wel tu quoque fallacy cus the moment you start acting rude you lost the argument that's it. It's straight up islamophobia in this subreddit, yjih wehed ykolou ""I hate blood"" ykoum yseb prophets like? the correlation please? at some point fama profiles it's literally their personality walét, like okay my dude take a break, ahki aal kraheb, or movies or songs, sayebna mel mradh mteek chwaya. Ma fama hata religion ma fihech flaws compared to nowadays standards donc zeyed aaleh tkaser fi rasek w tkaser fi ras ghirek, you know people ma ybadlouch their religions khater kraw commentaire SmellyBalls7696 on reddit w they're now convinced, I mean if that's the type of scenario you're imaginning everytime you leave a fucked up comment about some religion you know? People ybadlou religions when they watch laabed li yaarfou yahkiw w graduated from ivy league unis w mentored by the best of the best w scientists moch enti ki jey tetjaltem bel mostawé tayah maybe stop? aafina w aafi rouhek Ena personally, ken khamemt nhar nkoun atheist rani bch nakra researches and books and watch scientists yahkiw moch enti, an ""anonymous"" person on reddit for fucks sake li his/her only argument ""mohamed aares b tofla 9 year old hihihi"" like? are we really comparing wakt kbal w wakt taoua? ala hseb haka go and kill your grandpa li mekhou your grandma at the age of 10/11/12 w bou jadek li howa worked it all out, emchi w kaserlou kabrou w akeka nertehou lkol like it don't make sense li kaadin tahkiw fih it's stupid. Years from now, the legal age will rise too and maybe will be 25 or 27 or some other age but that doesn't mean eli your great great children will think of you as a pedophile khater 100 sné lteli their grandmother/grandfather (enti) married a girl/boy who's 21, it's stupid lol. If you visit any other atheism subreddit, telkahom discussing science w debunking theories and stuff w lena yjik wehed rasou mraba3 ykolek ""prophet merrid 9 yor eld, islom bed"" lol Again, I don't give a fuck about your religion, just naksou mel prejudice. sayeb mardhek w kayed aal freedom of speech.",,,,,,2022-07-09 11:37:11 vv12cp,,0,hookers in djerba,"serious question, my friend is looking for hookers in djerba, he's a french guy, he got the ""locale"" w jawo behi, any helps ?",,,,,,2022-07-09 12:52:07 vv1bex,,1,بديل مجاني ورائع لحزمة برامج مايكروسوفت اوفيس - LibreOffice,,,,,,,2022-07-09 13:05:49 vv1i5h,,22,Ons Jabeur Wimbledon Final,Is anyone watching the Wimbledon Ladies final? The Tunisian player Jabeur is playing. Good luck to her!,,,,,,2022-07-09 13:15:57 vv1lca,,1,do you people think this kind of post getting thousand of likes is okay?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-09 13:20:55 vv1z6c,,2,"Ophtalmo behi zone Boumhel, Ezzahra, Hammam Lif?",,,,,,,2022-07-09 13:41:52 vv217h,,1,The new constitution argument,This new constitution shit is only proving one thing and it's that some of you are willing to sacrifice freedom of others for the sake of economic and political stability that is not even guaranteed.,,,,,,2022-07-09 13:44:55 vv22vc,,13,can someone who works at the hospital or related tell us if there is a spike in knifes accidental injuries during el 3id? looking at all these people handling big knifes with no regard to safety..ive never seen an injury during el 3id myself but i cant help but think it happens all the time,,,,,,,2022-07-09 13:47:20 vv2d0c,,5,Any valid livestream link to watch Ons Jabeur?,Thanks for any suggestions!,,,,,,2022-07-09 14:01:54 vv2v0k,,6,Longing for the american dream,Tunisians who made it to usa kiféh 3maltou kiféh 5rajtou need your help chnowa i5tisaskom and how's life there,,,,,,2022-07-09 14:27:00 vv388q,,0,Tunisians drinking alcohol on Eid,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-09 14:45:32 vv3hzw,,1,The Islamic world sees the biggest hajj since the pandemic. God bless!,,,,,,,2022-07-09 14:59:01 vv3jt3,,1,The Islamic world sees the biggest hajj since the pandemic. Mashallah!,,,,,,,2022-07-09 15:01:11 vv6686,,5,Should I join The School Of Tunisian Air Force,Long story short I want to join the School of Tunisian Air Force in Borj el Amri hoping to be able to become a pilot in 4 years but none of my family members have joined the academy nor my friends. If you are in the academy or you were in it I'd be so thankful if you contacted me,,,,,,2022-07-09 17:05:20 vv706y,,1,Maybe there is hope in this country...,,,,,,,2022-07-09 17:45:54 vv8iqe,,2,Adobe Premiere Pro,"Hello I've been looking for **Adobe Premiere Pro** cracked by I'm unable to find one seem all the websites and torrents seem to have a malware If someone can provide a torrent link or file or google drive or anything that would be really helpful thank you and aid mabrouk chabeb",,,,,,2022-07-09 18:58:38 vva9u4,,1,Application for a visa as a student,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-09 20:22:03 vvb327,,1,Expert opinion on the new constitution. À vous de réfléchir et choisir comme des citoyens dignes.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-09 21:02:04 vvb6ik,,1,Orientation baad El bac,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-09 21:06:45 vvb7u6,,1,Orientation baad El Bac,"Well , I passed el Bac(lettres) b score moch qwey , w now I’m thinking about studying things related to business in private universities since I was 3ème tech w 2em info like I got a scientific background, is just I’m gonna spend the summer revising maths so I could remember at least the basics, and I’m thinking about AUNA or UTC , UIK or even UIT , w tbh I don’t wanna study law , but idk I’m not sure about the decision I feel like still didn’t actually found my desire and I’m just trying everything while this what gonna decide my future I swear I’m lost Ps:I’m interested in design /art /fashion and I draw well but I think I got no future with it here , so I really would love to know ur opinions n thoughts guys , n thankx in advance",,,,,,2022-07-09 21:08:32 vvba1t,,16,Moving back to Tunisia after 20 years abroad. Need some advice on where to settle.,"I'll be moving back to Tunisia in about a year and a half. I'm looking into buying property but unfortunately I don't really know the country that well, the last time I lived there I was a child. I'm looking for specific qualities and I was hoping that you could help me narrow it down. I'm single and work remotely, so I'm prepared to move anywhere. I hope to find a place somewhere green, somewhat secluded (low population density), ideally not landlocked, with fast internet (essential to my job), an hour or so away from a major city. Basically what I imagine is a countryside house on a secluded piece of land in a mountain/forest/coastal area where I have peace and privacy but can easily drive to a modern city for a night out, hopefully the kind of city where I can make new friends. Do you know places that fit the profile, even partially? Also what websites do you recommend to find realestate ads? I've mostly looked at tayara so far",,,,,,2022-07-09 21:11:32 vvcc6o,,25,Message to the mods: please activate the ne talk feature for the sub,,,,,,,2022-07-09 22:03:26 vvcgur,النقل_بين_aouina_و_centre_urbain_nord/,1,النقل بين Aouina و Centre urbain nord," مرحبا كيف يمكنني التنقل بين ال Aouina و centre urbain nord ؟ هل يوجد نقل جماعي ؟ هل متوفر في كل الأوقات ؟",,,,,,2022-07-09 22:09:45 vvcha1,,1,Business field salary,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-09 22:10:17 vvcwke,,4,How to get a Programming job in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-07-09 22:31:05 vvghvg,,2,Help me make the right descion,anyway ena 5dhyt bac letters esnè b 11.40 n7b na9ra privè but man3rfch za3ma ki na9ra info wela nursing enajm nfhm l9raya we nnj7 fyha 5ater ena m3ndich knowledge kbyra fy les domaines hedhom ema bhy fy lou8at also ena na3ml jaw 3e l english n5amem fy anglais d'affaires fema chance eny n5dm byha fy tounes ? Hhh fasrouli chabeb rany 7ayr suggest me ken fema des formations bhyn wela 9raya 3ndha future ena just n7b 7aja na9raha we it gets me to better future and n7b na9ra hhh thank you guys,,,,,,2022-07-10 01:38:49 vvh09d,,1,ons jabeur is the goat,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-10 02:07:22 vvohvu,,3,online payement.,"Is it possible to pay steg an sonede online, from another country with non Tunisian cards?",,,,,,2022-07-10 10:15:49 vvohx3,,1,Any idea where I can get these or something similar ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-10 10:15:53 vvpasp,,2,Cool places in hammamet,"Sup yall aidkom mabrouk. I'm renting a house in hammamet with a group of friends for a couple of days, but we're not very familiar with the city. Can you recommend to us some cool spots there, specifically beaches, beach bars, nightclubs, etc. ? Thnx",,,,,,2022-07-10 11:14:45 vvpkjg,,0,3 gay men in northern Nigeria convicted to death by stoning after proven they have had sex. How many Tunisians here support criminalization of homosexual acts by law?,"Tunisians, doo you support a law (as is already present in Tunisian constitution) where the state criminalizes gay sex and makes it an offense? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-10 11:33:47 vvq6k2,,5,where can my friend buy a taser ?,,,,,,,2022-07-10 12:12:26 vvr09z,,4,Best beaches in Tunisia + Not too crowded,"Hi guys, I'm familiar with Mahdia and I really love the beaches in there. But I'm looking to try out other places. I don't want sousse / hammemet / very touristy and crowded places But rather something less hype, underrated, more modest moods, but excellent beach and water and nature possibly 😁 Any idea? &#x200B; Thank you !",,,,,,2022-07-10 13:00:52 vvrnqe,,0,Is Tunisia actually Carthaginian and not Arab?,,,,,,,2022-07-10 13:36:39 vvtbmc,,1,Cult Leader BMX,guys belehi chkoun yaaref cult leader bmx kadeh yaamlou w win najem nalkahom,,,,,,2022-07-10 15:01:49 vvu1xb,,43,Am i the only tunisian women who is attracted to mainly non tunisian guys or tunisian guys living abroad visiting tunis ?,Its not a matter of money or physical appearance. Its rather the mentality and way of thinking/behaving.,,,,,,2022-07-10 15:37:00 vvuj3h,,2,You think we have free will?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-10 15:59:45 vvuvhy,,1,طريقة منع الاعلانات المحرمة او الغير لائقة من الظهور على قناتك,,,,,,,2022-07-10 16:15:41 vvvlqk,,31,over glorifying parents,"Anyone else annoyed with the culture of over glorifying family and parents in Tunisia like genuinely half of the parents fi tounes are neglectful shit fucks yet we shove a family before anything type of attachement in kids, like I'm sorry but if you're a good family member kids will grow up to like you anyway you don't have to manipulate them into it.",,,,,,2022-07-10 16:50:15 vvvswk,,1,INSAT OR PREPA ?,"hello guys I need some help , I am a lycée pilote student bac math I got 17.5 moyen and my goal is to work and live abroad tunisia I love maths and am good at cs my question is , which is better for me ? btw my long term goal is to become financially independent and start my own company",,,,,,2022-07-10 16:59:53 vvw3fh,,1,طريقة منع الاعلانات المحرمة او الغير لائقة من الظهور على قناتك,,,,,,,2022-07-10 17:12:48 vvwwcb,,2,Am i the only tunisian men who is attracted to mainly non tunisian girls or tunisian girls living abroad visiting tunis ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-10 17:50:05 vvxa3c,,1,Does anybody know what this means?,,,,,,,2022-07-10 18:07:20 vvxlqk,,3,I failed the 1st year of uni for the second time,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-10 18:22:29 vvye6d,,1,Found this in the wild,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-10 18:59:55 vvyh2w,,1,Found this in the wild,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-10 19:03:18 vvyioi,,0,pls help,ye5i fema rio insat ?,,,,,,2022-07-10 19:05:21 vvzdlo,,1,Withdrawing money from,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-10 19:45:33 vvziif,,2,"Tunisia's ""appel"" behaviour: why does it exist and how comes it is still the case in 2022?","I mean come on. A Tunisian needs a favour from you and he wants you to help him with something but he still thinks you should pay for the phone call. So what he does is that he drops you a call 📞 (in Tunisian: ya3mallek appel) and expects you to call him. How comes such a behaviour still exist in 2022 and here I mean how comes telecom companies don't have subscriptions where calls and messages are included for a fixed monthly price like many other countries?",,,,,,2022-07-10 19:51:58 vw0fw8,,15,Which are the 5 biggest challenges and 5 best opportunities of life in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-07-10 20:34:26 vw0h5b,,5,a good calm coffe place to study in sousse?,a good calm coffee place to study in sousse?,,,,,,2022-07-10 20:36:04 vw0jur,,2,"Life in rural areas. How does the reddit community value life in the villages, farming and agriculture?",,,,,,,2022-07-10 20:39:37 vw1nrj,épa_worth_it/,1,"is ""le9raya fl prépa"" worth it?","Soo i got my bac sc with 15.11 moy (not satisfied)and im confused abt what to choose next ..btw im interested in maths and physics and prépa seems to be the only thing that comes to my mind right now..i've heard that it takes a lot of hard work and idk if i'm ready for that. Kn fama chkoun yansahni..thanks in advance<3",,,,,,2022-07-10 21:31:12 vw1xwc,,2,which of these laptops is better for coding and studying for a non gamer person?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-10 21:44:39 vw2ln8,,1,I'm not Tunisian,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-10 22:14:59 vw32t8,,1,gyms zone bardo with the cheapest price for one session,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-10 22:37:17 vw3ppm,,2,searching for koreans living in tunis,"hi everyone , lately i ve been searching to make new friends from around the world and the Korean culture seemed interesting for me so i m searching for koreans living in tunis that i can talk to ,and actually meet up, to have a coffee or even just walking around and thanks ❤️",,,,,,2022-07-10 23:09:01 vw3umk,,1,"We always hear about the independence being only a formal one, while we're actually still colonized by France. Has anyone got concrete evidence that supports this claim?",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-10 23:15:32 vw3uqi,,1,What’s the best portable gaming computer can you buy with 5000-6000 DT?,"I want to buy a good computer that i’ll be using for both gaming and coding, and is buying a used computer usually a good or bad idea or should i just buy a brand new computer?",,,,,,2022-07-10 23:15:42 vw49yt,,1,can someone help me covience this dude,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-10 23:36:36 vw4lvo,,2,my sister heard my girlfriend and I having sex.,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-10 23:53:44 vw4rn1,,34,the economic indicators show Tunisia is going to a dark hole but most of people seems nonchalant about it my question is why is that ?,,,,,,,2022-07-11 00:01:50 vw67u8,,0,aziz is adopted,,,,,,,2022-07-11 01:15:45 vw6a6i,,1,ahmed ya7tagkom !!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-11 01:19:03 vw7q9e,,2,German SIM doesn't work in Tunisia,"Since my arrival in Tunisia none of my German SIMs are working and I'm wondering why. Tunisian SIMs work just fine but Germans won't get any reception at all. Does anyone know why that is so? I already did the Sajalni stuff with the Tunisian SIMs. Do I have to register the Phone with the German SIMs too? I'm really at a loss here because the last time I was here the SIMs worked just fine.",,,,,,2022-07-11 02:35:27 vw9wb7,,1,ASSASSIN’S CREED ODYSSEY Come here please,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-11 04:34:58 vwao0j,,0,Why is everyone talking in english ?,"Aaleh lsub lkolo english posts wa9teli lkolna presque twensa? (i'm fluent so i'm not complaining). Why talk in english wa9teli tnajm thki tounsi ?",,,,,,2022-07-11 05:20:40 vwdg1i,,3,Ichkel national park is it worth it?,"Aslema im a tourist (M22) in tunesia, actually i have Tunisian roots but my Arabic is bad. i was wondering if i could go visit Ichkel. The pictures seem nice and i love beautiful landscapes but there are many unknowns. Is it safe there? how do i get there from tunis and would u rather recommend me to go somewhere else? would appreciate any help",,,,,,2022-07-11 08:28:45 vwe04f,,2,Quran teacher,Bye! Do you know any good Quran teachers in Tunisia for private lessons?,,,,,,2022-07-11 09:09:51 vwe8ki,,1,طريقة تسريع الانترنت على جميع الهواتف من الاعدادات,,,,,,,2022-07-11 09:26:45 vwecd9,,3,Anyone had HPylori here ? how did you get rid of it,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-11 09:34:23 vwed3v,,1,Where can I find speakers in tunis (PA speakers) ?,I want to buy a PA speaker but most stores don’t have them or they are overpriced. Does anyone know where I could find one for a good price ?,,,,,,2022-07-11 09:35:53 vweefg,ître_jaidane_riadh_ancien_député/,1,Maître Jaidane Riadh - Ancien député,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-11 09:38:36 vwet6m,,0,"Hello People, where can I find heets in Tunisia?",,,,,,,2022-07-11 10:06:46 vwf97n,,3,Flossing,Do you guys floss your teeth? And if so where do you get the floss from?,,,,,,2022-07-11 10:36:16 vwfxxd,,1,"next episode in Geography now is about Tunisia , and i'd really hate to be disappointed since i waited for years , so idk guys if you have time and you can help give him infos about our country that'd be awesome",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-11 11:18:22 vwgt89,,3,Why nsfw posts get removed ? is this an islamic based subreddit or what ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-11 12:05:58 vwgvlb,,0,Why do people over 70yo have the right to vote?,,,,,,,2022-07-11 12:09:17 vwh1ib,,1,ahmed chrbib dha3 ...,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-11 12:17:54 vwh1nk,,0,Is it possible to change a passport photo? And how?,,,,,,,2022-07-11 12:18:06 vwhbqw,,1,Taxi sercice in Hammamet,Do someone know if there is a taxi service like Bolt in hammamet ??,,,,,,2022-07-11 12:32:55 vwhggd,,1,Does anyone know if the results of ESPRIT (Ecole Sup Privée d'Ingénierie et de Technologies) are up?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-11 12:39:42 vwhw4b,,5,License vs Prepa Integre (repost m megathread about orientation coz no one seems to be there),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-11 13:00:59 vwj1f9,,1,Adaptateur electrique uk,"Where can I find an electric plug adaptor Tunisia-Uk in tunis? Ps: I already looked in tunisianet, myteck, zoom and there is no stock",,,,,,2022-07-11 13:56:13 vwj5nh,,6,Good websites to buy clothes off of?,,,,,,,2022-07-11 14:01:27 vwk8ps,,1,cute,,,,,,,2022-07-11 14:50:43 vwkdzj,,1,pure love,,,,,,,2022-07-11 14:57:14 vwki67,,1,Schengen visa application for uni students,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-11 15:01:47 vwkm8o,,0,My gf bet me I won’t find it and if I did she well let me fuck all month,"Hay! Jordanian here, My gf and I were talking about bikinis and wearing them on beaches and we were debating over how wrong and not it is, then she told me of nude beaches for tourist access only! And bet me I won’t find it, help me please, I swear I’m doing it just for fun. Thanks!!!",,,,,,2022-07-11 15:06:42 vwl3ec,,1,"Tunisia, which has been given an official warning by the IMF and had its credit status downgraded by the ratings agencies, is struggling to cope with an external debt which currently stands at close to 100% of its GDP and is weighing heavily on its finances",,,,,,,2022-07-11 15:27:36 vwlre8,,54,why did they ever remove the lids from milk cartons,,,,,,,2022-07-11 15:56:55 vwlrug,,11,Visiting Tunisia next week,"First time to visit Tunisia, have a littile time to plan it. Not sure which area we should stay at. We love beaches, cafes, resturants to try different delicious tunisian cuisine dishes. What are the historical sites we need to visit/see. Any tips or recommendations will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-07-11 15:57:30 vwn845,,7,International remote jobs question,"Hello this is a question for ppl working remote jobs (mainly dev jobs) I have been applying for weeks now for remote international jobs from all over the world (mainly USA/Canada / Europe) and all I m getting is rejection mails saying that they dont do remote jobs from the country of that job offer So for any 1 who already has a remote job, if u can give me some tips or websites where I can find remote international jobs, that would be a huge help I ve been messaging with HR and recruiters also but no luck in that area too",,,,,,2022-07-11 16:57:57 vwnqii,,2,is it safe to make a paypal account with an online SMS receiver platform ?,"found this [website]( to receive sms for paypal confirmation and was wondering if it is safe otherwise what's the safest way to get a Paypal account, ( i have a payoneer account with expired Card that i made and didn't use years ago )",,,,,,2022-07-11 17:19:43 vwr5uy,,2,A Question,"Hello everyone! I recently downloaded a mobile app for teaching languages and picked German. It's called Babel (I guess many of you have heard about it or can relate to it) and I like it very much, it is well structured and offers excellent courses (at least that's my point of view). The problem is, like pretty much every single language app, there comes a time when you're asked to purchase the rest of the courses and I don't want to lose my progression. Could anyone provide me with solutions to unlock the courses? For instance, is there a possibility to pay them through a specialized platform (I've heard about one platform called I don't know if it's trustworthy)? If you have any better ideas please feel free to comment with your thoughts. Sorry for making it long, I am looking forward to receiving your feedback.",,,,,,2022-07-11 19:44:31 vwtd5p,,3,,"Anyone can help me ddos this stupid ass site they made it just to piss us off. Even if you put the right shit it will block the phone and they are not willing to fix it, added to that they’re stealing the passport numbers when you come via plane boat or car so the funny part you cannot use your own passport. What a shame 3000 sne hadhara..",,,,,,2022-07-11 21:16:01 vwtxiq,/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/vwqbwn/pornhub_via_hotel_wifi/,0,We are not that strict right ?,,,,,,,2022-07-11 21:39:39 vwurmc,,6,"Do you agree that if school/bac was in arabic or English instead of French , it would’ve been noticeably easier or better ?","I personally think that French is useless and that we are forced to learn that language just to benefit France and work for them, since its the easiest “french speaking country” that Tunisians can go to, [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-11 22:14:19 vwusjf,,1,Is it easier to date or to hookup when you get out of Tunisia ? please share with us your personal experience guys,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-11 22:15:21 vwva5n,,1,Dating after a brutal breakup in Tunisia.,"Was studying abroad for 7 years, starting to feel good after a tough breakup so maybe am ready to date again. My question is how to put myself up there and try dating in Tunisia.",,,,,,2022-07-11 22:37:01 vwvfvl,,7,who's going to world cup in Qatar?,,,,,,,2022-07-11 22:44:06 vwvj6d,,1,Part time remote jobs,Does anyone have an idea on how a person studying (genie logiciel) can work on a remote part time job related to his studies ?,,,,,,2022-07-11 22:48:17 vwx5rv,,2,Monastir(Shems Holiday),"Hello guys, I will be going on holidays for like 2 weeks to Shems Holiday Village in Monastir? Any tips from locals or places to visit. Thanks",,,,,,2022-07-12 00:04:29 vwx9s9,,27,What do you think of the first picture of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope AS a TUNISIAN?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-12 00:09:52 vwxdge,,1,Marriage annulment in Tunisia,"Hey all, I would like to know if it's possible to get a marriage annulment in Tunisia fairly easily? I've recently ( 6 months ago ) signed the ""marriage"" documents in a Tunisian commune with a Tunisian girl and I would like to avoid having to go to court etc if possible. Note: I'm only ""married"" in Tunisia, and this ""marriage"" has not been applied in the EU (yet).",,,,,,2022-07-12 00:14:51 vx1v94,,5,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-07-12 04:00:09 vx51c9,,3,junior software engineer salary in tunisia,"hi, I'm getting my engineering degree in two months and i was wondering how much does a fresh graduate software engineer im tunisia get paid. (I'm specialized in web development)",,,,,,2022-07-12 07:08:33 vx68si,,7,About Kais Said and the political system,"I understand some of you are against the guy and in some manner you are probably right but let's not forget the alternative which is a possible corrupt parliment and politicians whom did not serve the country not on any good level and as far as I can see it they just confused us even more. The thing is Kais Said and I know this for a fact when he sacked the the judges one of them is a corrupt judge who only became a judge to get immunity as my family tried to prosecute him for violating the law when he was a the governor of ben arous (an immunity position to prosecution) and he even tried to get into the government after that but denied due to suspension for curruption. My entire family business which is a coffee shop open since 1975 just disappeared as if it didn't exist and all of it was a setup by him and a business man. I am not saying I like Kais Said but as Tumisian youth we should take in charge of our future I don't likr that you need to be at least 35 to be able to be a member of parliment or at least 40 to be a president I think we should create the youth a political movement to ""youthify"" the political grounds I don't know how we can do that but I m so fed up of being represented by incompetent corrupt old dudes who constantly put their own benefit first. We never tried this so I think this is an opportunity to give it a shot.",,,,,,2022-07-12 08:32:05 vx6v0y,أسأل_عن_أجمل_الروايات_تونسية/,5,أسأل عن أجمل الروايات تونسية؟,"تحية طيبة يا أهل تونس الخضراء الجميلة، أخطط قريبا لزيارة تونس بهدف السياحة، وأود أن يكون لدي روابط بها قبل أن يتاح لي زيارتها. يطيب لي قبل سفري لأي مكان أن أقرأ بعض الروايات اللي تقع أحداثها فيها. بعد بحث قصير، قرأت كتاب (حدث أبو هريرة قال) لمحمود المسعدي، وحاليا أقرأ (سهرت منه الليالي) لعلي الدوعاجة. أنوي بعد ذلك قراءة (التوت المر) لمحمد العروسي المطوي. فهل تزيدوني كتبا أتعرف من خلالها على خفايا وطبائع أهل تونس اللتي يصفها كتاب تونسيون رائعون؟ لكم جليل الشكر مقدما",,,,,,2022-07-12 09:14:16 vx6wj3,,2,The Government's Technology,"Does the Tunisian government develop its own technology, or does it work with dev firms? This can be regarding their internal databases or their connections with clients through websites and mobile applications.",,,,,,2022-07-12 09:16:50 vx89tr,,1,House contruction costs in Tunis area?,"It’s very difficult for someone who doesn’t speak Arabic or French to get good information online about that topic. So, I hope someone here can enlighten me on that. How much does a house construction of average western standards cost in the area of Tunis? Say, a house of 250m2 with 2 floors. What are some of the troubles one will have to go through and what are the general steps from start to finish? I do ask from the perspective of a Tunisian citizen. Thanks for the helpful answers ahead.",,,,,,2022-07-12 10:47:53 vx8mqf,,2,Orientation,"Bac tech 16,17 avec MPI total 176,325. N7eb nes2el 3an afe9 lprepa integré (mou9arna blprepa l3edi) w ara2kom 3an ISSATSO",,,,,,2022-07-12 11:09:16 vx8xch,,1,getting fined in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-12 11:27:03 vx9jhh,,5,5 Days Vacation plan in Bizerte suggestions,"Hello, any good plan/activities/places/beaches/restaurants suggestions for a 5 days vacation in Bizerte for 3/4 guys? We will have a car for transportation",,,,,,2022-07-12 12:02:06 vx9opk,,13,What's your definition for success? and do you think it's your own definition or one that's influenced by today's society and mainstream?,,,,,,,2022-07-12 12:10:01 vx9qyl,,2,does it worth learning without getting a cs degree in Tunisia?,"My question toward experts. does it worth investing in learning some computer skills like web developement in Tunisia without getting superior education to start a career in this field (at certain age) ?",,,,,,2022-07-12 12:13:30 vxa6sp,,5,How to deal with flight reservation for Schengen visa?,"I am applying for Schengen visa to France for the first time. Is there any way to book now, pay later a round trip flight? What airlines allow that? If not, what are my other options? Thanks",,,,,,2022-07-12 12:36:36 vxa8ls,,1,are you planning on having kids some day?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-12 12:39:12 vxaxek,,58,"The interior minister remove the ""chengal"" for algerians and keep it for tunisians!","وزير الداخلية توفيق شرف الدين: “نعلم جيدا ان الاخوة الجزائريين يحبون التسوق عند القدوم الى تونس وأحيانا يركنون سياراتهم في اماكن لا يعلمون انها خاضعة لاجراءات الشنقال لذلك قررنا الغاء الشنقال بالنسبة للاخوة الجزائريين ليتمكنوا من قضاء عطلتهم في تونس في احسن الظروف ولنجنبهم البحث عن سياراتهم بمستودعات الحجز عكس التونسي الذي يعرف البلاد جيدا وبامكانه التنقل ودفع الخطية لاستعادة سيارته “. Is he serious? Mela t7in. EDIT: here is the link of the video:",,,,,,2022-07-12 13:13:02 vxb5ck,,0,"The Brotherhood’s Ennahda Movement still controls Tunisia to the extent that it commits many corrupt violations, such as the assassination of its opponents and anyone who threatens its presence on Tunisia because the Brotherhood’s Ennahda party in Tunisia is known to be funded by countries known for",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-12 13:23:42 vxbrcs,,1,حيوانات مزعة ينقذون صديقتهم من الموت Farm animals save their girlfriend 😳,,,,,,,2022-07-12 13:52:02 vxcteq,,2,Any ideas about salaries for IT testers in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-12 14:40:28 vxd44a,,3,Can someone please translate this to French? (Appropriate French not google translation French),"I got my master's diploma. I want to thank everyone who assisted me, especially my dear professors, I had the luck. Note: the sentence is a bit awkward so feel free to paraphrase it.",,,,,,2022-07-12 14:53:23 vxda6u,,5,"A chapter focusing on freedoms, equality, and the general, economic and social rights of the citizen, which confirms the new path. I wish the Tunisian people all the best and that they get the freedom they want","&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-07-12 15:00:30 vxdik1,,1,sorry for the mismatched ques but who knows attijari bank iban code,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-12 15:10:25 vxeqry,,1,any hotel recommendations?,"So I'm looking to reserve for three nights in a hotel, recommendations?",,,,,,2022-07-12 16:04:02 vxettm,,3,Is covid making a comeback?,I'm kinda concerned and the health ministry seems to be careless they made no update for so long.,,,,,,2022-07-12 16:07:36 vxfe1f,,3,can i sue for damage,"So my dad's 4×4 had a bit of trouble. he took it to a mecanic whose fix caused the car to breakdown and have bigger trouble And fixing it would cost 7000 dt Can i sue him for damage or something",,,,,,2022-07-12 16:32:06 vxgldb,,1,Scientists Marvel at NASA Webb Telescope’s New Views of the Cosmos,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-12 17:23:15 vxgof4,,6,BTS or fac?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-12 17:27:03 vxhg5r,,1,i live in manouba and im planning to go with my cousin shes a girl my age to lac 1 i never went to the lac without a group and was wondering do you think its a risky place to take my phone with me?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-12 18:01:55 vxhgo1,,6,what websites do recruiters use in Tunisia (apart from Linkedin),Computer science / engineering to be specific,,,,,,2022-07-12 18:02:33 vxhidj,,1,i live in manouba and im planning to go with my cousin shes a girl my age to lac 1 i never went to the lac without a group and was wondering do you think its a risky place to take my phone with me?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-12 18:04:35 vxi3p0,,1,Taw sérieusement hédhi 7kouma?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-12 18:30:31 vxi44p,,1,A Tunisian ID card or passport has to include profession: is that normal or very sick?,Is there any other country in the world which you know has your profession both on identity card and passport? Is it a sign of a corrupt ugly sick class-based society? What can we do as normal citizens to abolish this thing?,,,,,,2022-07-12 18:31:01 vxic3m,,1,طريقة زيادة الرام لجميع هواتف | زيادة رام الاندرويد دون روت,,,,,,,2022-07-12 18:40:49 vxjhmy,,2,How truthful do you think this statement is?,Do you guys believe [this](أخبار-وطنية/actu/رئيس-الجمهورية-فتح-تحقيق-في-محاولات-اختراق-موقع-تسجيل-الناخبين-وسماع-7-أشخاص/402337?fbclid=IwAR0seEp7AIQ8zXwcY_lVRGAHtnvnJAnCk0_KYjaRSjQs5cX9vEuvYTT7jEY) statement from Kais Said?,,,,,,2022-07-12 19:31:47 vxjirt,,3,Graduation Internship Abroad,"For people who managed to get a graduation internship abroad ,What's your field of study, what country did you go to ? how was the process of finding an internship like, when did you start applying, how did you find the offer, any tips on how to search effectivly for one , how many internship did you apply to , any advice / tips would be appreciated. Thanks",,,,,,2022-07-12 19:33:14 vxjzq9,,5,Photovolataic help needed,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-12 19:54:09 vxkanz,,1,Someone help me quick,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-12 20:07:02 vxkw81,,1,SBS informatique,"Why is it only letting me pay in cash When I pressed commander and filled all the info and got to the payment section (last step) it only had an option for paying in cash and I HAD to do it to continue with my order I didn't see anywhere to use a credit card",,,,,,2022-07-12 20:33:29 vxl1q4,,2,In need of information about Canadian programme,"So I've lately came across a program in Canada that provides a boot camp(formation) for 2 or more years that allows you to live and work in Quebec , is there anyone who have more detailed information about it ? Btw it's called diplome d'etudes collegiale DEC",,,,,,2022-07-12 20:40:14 vxlnvh,,10,what's the thing you wish can change in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-07-12 21:06:21 vxm2cg,,1,Is it easier to date or to hookup when you get out of Tunisia ? please share with us your personal experience guys,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-12 21:23:58 vxn557,,0,what do you guys think of the YouTuber Barrytube?,Title.,,,,,,2022-07-12 22:13:11 vxnhbp,علاش_لعباد_يعرسوا/,48,علاش لعباد يعرسوا؟,"شنو الهدف من العرس، انا شخصيا عايش وحدي فرحان زاهي، صراحة نتثور حياتي بش تتحول الى جحيم، وفي احسن الاحوال بش تتزادلي مسؤاليات انا في غنى عنها. صراحة مش عارف علاش لعباد تعرس. نراه مشروع فاشل حتى كان جيت كرزة. تعديل: نقرى في الاجوبة شيء يعمل العار لاكثرية تحكي عالجنس او كتكبر يتلهاو بيك اولادك. معنتها وصلنا للمستوى هذا، هذا يفسر علاش مشروع العرس فاشل ياسر في تونس خاصة.",,,,,,2022-07-12 22:28:32 vxo1ni,,3,Do Tunisians shop online?,"I’m wondering how the E-commerce industry has evolved in Tunisia. Is it now common by atleast the youths to order online? What payment methods do they prefer COD (cash on delivery), PayPal or other methods? I’m interested to know because I work in the marketing space, I see so many bad Tunisian advertisements and feel like it would be fairly easy to outcompete the Tunisian marketers.",,,,,,2022-07-12 22:54:47 vxpis4,,4,Things to consider when moving out on your own,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 00:07:20 vxshr6,,1,i live in khaznadar but im going out to lac 1 alone sometimes this week do you reckon theres a risk of theft there? i never go there so i wouldn't know,Of course ill try and be safe but just looking for a second opinion of someone more used to going there,,,,,,2022-07-13 02:41:13 vxwu2l,,1,Almost every country requires us a Visa Solutions ?,"Well as you know Tunisia is like visa free for most countries but the same countries are requiring Tunisians Visa like wtf you want more. It's not because of islam Malaysians and indonesians can travel visa free to most of europe including France. The thing is that Ive found on the internet is that the refusal rate must be less than 3% to be eligible country for removing visa embargo. Currently Tunisians have way more visas at 30% refusal rate I mean wtf you going against the flow against the objective hhh. Your thoughts",,,,,,2022-07-13 06:58:08 vxxcsk,,3,bilehi win najem nelka Board games? I'm not talking about Monopoly,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 07:32:35 vxxfmd,,0,Sousse,"Salem n7eb nes2el ken famma chkoun wa7dou fi sossa PS: madhabeya ikoun 3andou chrab ama mouch birra, mak ta3rafni el birra manochrobhech",,,,,,2022-07-13 07:38:14 vxy91n,,0,"The Ennahda party seizes the Tunisian people’s money and has carried out many terrorist operations and political assassinations since 2011 until now, so it must be tried.",,,,,,,2022-07-13 08:35:43 vxyf4n,,14,Where can i buy something like this?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 08:47:28 vxyrlc,,0,LGBTQ COMMUNITY IN TUNISIA,CHnia raykom f Eli 9a3ed ysir,,,,,,2022-07-13 09:10:45 vxyvc6,,5,what are the most popular and interesting old myths in the history of tunisia?,"Hi I'm entering an art contest where I gotta draw my own depiction of a mythical creature in my culture and i need help finding an interesting one to draw so that i can win a 16"" pen display (these stuff go around for 2500dt here) and to promote the various myths we've had throughout the 3000 years of civilization into one drawing (also I'm bored and in artblock and found this prompt to be good enough to reactivate المادة الشخمة in terms of drawing). Thanks a lot in advance and I'll share the process of drawing here as well [here's the link for anyone interested in entering too](",,,,,,2022-07-13 09:17:33 vxzg8p,,0,let's have a roast,We'll have each one post his pic and back story and get roasted by everyone in the comments,,,,,,2022-07-13 09:56:34 vxzpwa,,10,"hey, i have a question. me nd my gf r booking a hotel in Tunisia, Yasmin hammamet. we know we can't book the same room without marriage certificate, so can we book two separate rooms and sneak out to each other's room without getting into trouble???",,,,,,,2022-07-13 10:13:34 vy09l6,,7,This made me disgusted !,"[]( : watch the video and especially the comments. Someone literally insulting his nation, culture and religion ; insulting a person who have no idea of. At first, I was laughing at how dumb a person can be and how idiot to pick the words he is using. But then the comments that are supporting him .... ugh What do you think ?",,,,,,2022-07-13 10:47:37 vy0r1t,,2,"i need all your opinions you young people about l estefte2 that's gonna happen days later , do you agree or disagree,and why ?",,,,,,,2022-07-13 11:16:36 vy0v7w,,0,Do you think tunisian society failed us men ?,"I know teens are in west is the best we should be like them, yeey homosexuality, yeey feminism but is that really good ? I've been thinking lately about how western society have been trying to kill real men how they're trying to create coward men who fear conflict I've wrote an essai about this topic even : []( And I'm positive that I learned alot about myself as a man and as civilian of such socity, if my arguments are flawed please tell me.",,,,,,2022-07-13 11:23:46 vy1kh6,,1,I hate Elon Musk,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-13 12:03:16 vy1l3o,,5,remote job,"So finally I ve been accepted by a french guy who has a startup in france who affored me a deal and I need a second opinion. Well for starters it s a different stack from which I m used to work with. 1- So is it a good idea to switch stacks or will it bite me in the ass in the future? 2- He said for the contract for now he s using a freelance contract that is renewable each month, will this hurt my career in the future? 3- for the pay I feel I m getting robbed but still getting more than what companies in tunisia are paying (he offered me 1300€ for now and renogiciable after I finish the test exercice and renogiciable again after 6 months) Note that 1300€ is the base what he s paying new comers with 0 exp but I ve been working for almost 2 years with different stack That s pretty much it. Any insight would be appreciated",,,,,,2022-07-13 12:04:13 vy21ae,,4,ISIE denies any hacking attempt to the referendum site?,"Follow up on my post yesterday about this topic, turns out I was actually right and it was all bullshit according to this [post](استفتاء-25-جويلية/1067697/بوعسكر-لا-وجود-لـ1700-محاولة-لاختراق-موقع-تسجيل-الناخبين) why are they lying to us?",,,,,,2022-07-13 12:28:28 vy2ktb,,1,Animals attacking people 😱,,,,,,,2022-07-13 12:56:00 vy348j,,2,advice,hey so ena bac info njaht sna eb 10.70 n3ich fi sfax o berjolia fadit mel 3fat mta3 el dar nheb nkamel nakra fi weleya okhra naaref bech tkoun s3iba ama miselech 3fat etha khir men 3fat o stress o 9o7b el dar nheb n3ich ya zebi kbert saye anyways fin tens7ouni nakra o kifech el kra o el masrouf o kol and thanks <3,,,,,,2022-07-13 13:21:33 vy47xj,,1,reminds me of a certain place😂,,,,,,,2022-07-13 14:13:19 vy5nvf,,17,Why Sri Lanka is having an economic crisis - Interesting read to see what lessons Tunisia can draw from that,,,,,,,2022-07-13 15:16:24 vy632n,,1,Axians France Paris recrute des Data Engineer !!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-13 15:34:04 vy674w,,1,What's the tunisian version of morocco's moorish ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 15:38:58 vy6diu,,30,For those who want to make new friends,"Hi everyone, So a month ago we made a discord server for making new friends from reddit to occasionally meet and do stuff together, we've already met twice but we are planning to grow this community even more. (if you can't make it to the meetings, No worries, because we also do some online activities as well) in the next upcoming gatherings we are planning to do debate sessions and make some small projects together. if you are interested you can dm me for the link :) sinon any comments or suggestions are welcomed.",,,,,,2022-07-13 15:46:34 vy7fke,,1,Is reliable in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 16:29:23 vy7h57,,5,is reliable in Tunisia ?,"I just booked a hotel room in Hammamet through []( I used my Canadian Credit Card but they haven't charged the price yet as they don't require advance payment. I'm a bit paranoid as whether I will find my room waiting for me when I arrive on site. Also it is not clear if they are going to withdraw the money in Canadian Dollar from the Credit Card or I will have to pay them in Dinar when I arrive ?",,,,,,2022-07-13 16:31:02 vy7stf,,0,Anyone studying Nursing in France ?,"Hi, My cousin just passed her bac exam and she wants to become a nurse and her dad agreed on funding her study in France. Can anyone help clarify the process please ?? I think she have to go through campus France ? and find a shcool there ? also provide the B2 for french and her bac degree. How does the ""school finding"" process work ?? do you just email random school and hope one will accept you ? &nbsp; also is there any ""private schools"" for that ? and is the process any different ? &nbsp; Any other help, advice will be appreciated. thanks! &nbsp; PS: I really tried googling, but (1) my french sucks, and (2) their schools/college websites are super badly designed tbh.. compared to Canada, UK, the US or even Spain, I literally can't find anything.",,,,,,2022-07-13 16:44:31 vy7wd0,,1,Where can i find this tool ? (Sfax or shipping),,,,,,,2022-07-13 16:48:31 vy7z6m,,13,maybe we could use something like this,,,,,,,2022-07-13 16:51:47 vy8cgs,,3,why the hell places like istore tunisia are more expensive than their competitors !,"an iphone 12 64gb in istore is 3.5m an iphone 12 64gb tunisianet is 3m also i understand some companies want some proft but this store in particular adds up to a 1m sometimes in profit aren't there any laws any something just because they have this ""revendeur agrée par apple) ??? does their iphone are more authentic than the ones in mytek , tunisianet etc at this point ??",,,,,,2022-07-13 17:07:21 vy8fon,,0,The moment a female canary lays her first egg 🤩,,,,,,,2022-07-13 17:11:10 vy8k3r,,0,I've been noticing a lot of islamophobia on this app . like brutal hateful islamophobia! that's weird i swear!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 17:16:22 vy9mux,,1,does cold approaches still work with tunisian women?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 18:02:28 vy9n7e,,0,does cold approaches still work with tunisian women?,,,,,,,2022-07-13 18:02:55 vyabi6,,1,"Help, where can I find a good massage?",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-13 18:32:27 vybnxp,,0,looking for WEED,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 19:30:00 vybs0x,,1,Trip to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 19:34:45 vyc0mc,,5,"Trip to Tunisia, finally...","Hi everyone, I have always wanted to visit Tunisia and this year my dream comes true. I will be there for 13 days at the end of September and at the beginning of November. I don't want to stay in one place but I would like to travel around. Is it possible to find without previous booking accommodation like hostels or any other affordable (cheap) placesto sleep? I want my trip to be flexible so I don't want to do a lot of planning. I am not fussy so anything will do :-). What about couchsurfing in Tunisia? Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-07-13 19:45:04 vyd6cr,,30,Midnight question from a Moroccan,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 20:34:39 vyding,,2,English major in Tunisia (ISSHT),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 20:49:42 vyduhy,,4,Post-University Guidance.,"Just got my Bachelors degree (license) in computer science. no clue what's the next step. Masters ? Alternance ? Can i switch to the engineers cycle ? honestly any advice, reference, even talking about ur own experience, anything is very appreciated",,,,,,2022-07-13 21:03:29 vydvyy,,1,Someone told me that Monastir is the governorate with the most delegations. Can someone confirm ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 21:05:16 vye9aw,,6,hello from NYC😃🤟,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-13 21:21:15 vyef8l,,0,how can u make online in tunis?,,,,,,,2022-07-13 21:28:29 vyfgv0,,1,Agency Advice,"Hello guys! I've recently finished my secondary school studies and received my BAC certificate (18.13 Techniques Section) and I am willing to study abroad, in Germany specifically. I am currently searching for a good agency to help me pursue a software engineering/computer science Bachelor's Program and I'd wishing to get some advice on some good ones to work with. I'm also searching for information about the approximative prices and whether I am the one who gets to choose the university or I am limited to specific ones. Any information or advice would be highly appreciated",,,,,,2022-07-13 22:13:15 vyfsbf,,2,Relationship advice,"*sigh* now i know this isn't the best place to ask for relationship advice but frankly i'm stumped. To cut things short i'm in a relationship with this really wonderful girl and gosh darn i live her to death. So like any other couple we go out a lot. But my parents seem to despise her since her family isn't wealthy at all and they keep telling me either to dump her or just user to pass the time or that they say she only sees me as a moving wad of cash ( 3a9lia mnayka -_-). I do really see a future with her and i intend to see it through but what if my parents have another say or they use (محناش راضيين عليك) and at one time they even accused her of being a @#$% because i came back late at eid's eve. What do i do ? Shit this is hard.",,,,,,2022-07-13 22:26:56 vyftr5,,1,is there any teen cycling community in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 22:28:39 vygnik,,1,STD test prices in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-13 23:05:06 vygrwv,,1,Where can I find butterfly knives (Trainer) in Tunis ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 23:10:51 vyh1gn,,0,Expulsion of Jews,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-13 23:23:07 vyh60z,,23,Apparently jesus is tunisian,,,,,,,2022-07-13 23:28:55 vyhw3q,,1,About the upcoming constitutional referendum,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-14 00:03:37 vyi4ra,,1,"Where's a good gym and a driving school in ""hay lkhadra, city olympique, center urbain nord "" ?","For the gym, I'm mostly looking for one that's affordable, and that has trainers on site that can help me start my journey.",,,,,,2022-07-14 00:15:23 vyijie,,1,anyone from isetcom can give me information please ?," (isetcom ariana )nheb naref chnya les matieres w kifeh systeme lkraya w est-ce que feha mostakbel wela le w ken fama abed tjihom fouras yokhrjou lbara ( khater lahkika nhebech nakra kraya bech felekher natlaa batal)",,,,,,2022-07-14 00:35:33 vykl5p,,3,looking for a job?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-14 02:17:44 vylap5,,2,computer science or iot or cyber security,"i neeed help, im wondering which one of these is better w fih mostakbel",,,,,,2022-07-14 02:54:49 vyn1a6,,1,شات تلاقي الأحبة | دردشة تلاقي | شات تلاقي للجوال مجانا بدون تسجيل,,,,,,,2022-07-14 04:27:07 vynjn5,,3,"French Laicism, why not?","Do you think the tunisian state has been rejecting french laicism in order to take control over religious intitutions and confine them from radical dogmas, and to ensure that only ""healthy"" doctrines are being promulgated within these institutions? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-14 04:56:15 vynky7,,0,My Poor ( not close ) friend went to Chicago ( one of the best City in the world !! for Rich people ),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-14 04:58:25 vyotcc,,2,Beach recommendation?,"Hello is there any good beach with clean waters in Hammamet? If so, please give me the gps coordinates or the name of the beach since I suck at finding places. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-07-14 06:11:56 vyqgpv,,1,ihec carthage or tbs,Ame adhmen fl5dma ftounss tbs or ihec carthage ?,,,,,,2022-07-14 08:01:05 vyr4np,,43,Geography Now episode on Tunisia is finally in the process,"Hey fellow geograpeeps here, Paul is finally working on the tunisian episode, if you have anything that you think Paul must talk about in the episode, please leave your comments on this youtube Short: It's time to show them how great our Tunisia is! :)",,,,,,2022-07-14 08:47:40 vyruwg,,1,For the females who live in Grand Tunis or near,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-14 09:38:24 vys1dj,,6,Therapy for Tunisians abroad?,"Does anyone know if psychotherapists in tunisia offer online sessions for tunisians abroad? Also, anyone experienced therapy with a foreign doc and willing to share their experiences? Thanks",,,,,,2022-07-14 09:50:48 vys33i,,0,For the females who live in Grand Tunis or near,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-14 09:54:00 vys52a,,6,exchange a foreign driving license for a Tunisian one,Anyone has any experience doing this sort of things ? I'm planning on driving in both Russia and Tunisia but I was told today that if I choose to get the local driving license they'd revoke the Russian one. Any actual way of having BOTH ?,,,,,,2022-07-14 09:57:51 vys91l,,2,What do you guys think about Otoplasty,"what do you guys think about otoplasty/Ear pinning, has anyone experienced the surgery in Tunisia, and do you recommend it??",,,,,,2022-07-14 10:04:46 vysj9m,,6,last year i got a carte technologique ( cti) with zaytouna bank and i had to pay 30 dt fee (which is a lot in my opinion ) and i don't wanna pay that fee again which are the banks that don't demand a fee or have a small one,,,,,,,2022-07-14 10:23:12 vytmef,,2,Can I sue the steg ?,"Makontesh Fi tunes b7okm covid dar b9at msakra 2ans November 2021 khallast kolchay w mn wa9tha ltaw LA raj3ou lgaz w presque kol jema3tin narj3lhom (most time I can afford b7okm lkhedma) 3awdet jetni fatoura (alahou a3lam kifeh) Fi may w khalastha w be9i marja3sh w jem3a hedhi 9alouli monguela tsar9et lezem tkhaless wahda jdida khalast ghir raj3ouh bark W chay 8 months mkhaless w ltaw LA raj3ou dhaw ! La me skhoun la najem ntayeb Kol manarja3 ywaliw y9oulou ghodwa ffs should I sue them or what",,,,,,2022-07-14 11:30:07 vyu12h,,1,"We found this dog lost this morning in La Marsa, Tunis.. have you met her ?",,,,,,,2022-07-14 11:53:04 vyvaya,,2,How to pay online with my bank account card (biat),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-14 12:59:02 vyvi0y,,3,Visa demand and work contract needed. I need ur help please.,"Hello everybody, It's my first time sharing on Reddit. I trust the Tunisian community in here. I just graduated (30th june) and became and engineer, I'm gay and my only way to have a peaceful life is to quit the country, unfortunately. I got an opportunity to work with a business man who manages 4 firms. He wants me to work for him and I'll get a good salary and I'll have the chance to continue my master's degree there in France, I trust this person a lot and I accepted to work. But the problem is that I don't know whas the contract needed, he proposed a ""contrat de professionnalisation"" and I'm not eligible for this type of contract, I want to know if there are any other alternatives (He can help me a lot so If there's something that I can suggest please write down in the comments section. I want also to know about the VISA procedure and thank u ❤️🌹",,,,,,2022-07-14 13:08:20 vyvnqx,,1,Trigger Warning: Self-Harm / What would you think if the girl you are about to hook up/have a relationship with have self harm scars on her thighs?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-14 13:16:05 vyvyuo,,2,How much are the rents in Tunis,"Hey, I’m wondering how much you pay in average (long term) for rent in places like Lac 1 or 2. I understand it varies depending on size, interior etc. If you would’ve rent a normal sized villa or a apartment with 4-5 rooms, in the above mentioned areas. How much are you expected to pay if you rent long term, minimum 1 year.",,,,,,2022-07-14 13:30:56 vywkak,,1,who bought the e-commerce course of ayoub_nejem,"Fama chkoun chré l cours e-commerce mta3 ayoub\_nejem ? [\_nejem/](",,,,,,2022-07-14 13:59:21 vyxy72,,1,Esprit ou Tek-up,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-14 15:00:39 vyyli4,,1,🗿,,,,,,,2022-07-14 15:28:38 vyzzwi,,0,,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-14 16:28:01 vz0gqn,,40,Need the help of a gentleman,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-14 16:48:06 vz0nqu,,34,i feel sad about my mother and my father," you know like most of tunisians couples they are officially married but they have a cold relationship, they always fought and it pissed me off, the sad thing about that each of them speak to me about the other and start to cry ""i love him/her but she/he changed"" Any suggestions/solutions?",,,,,,2022-07-14 16:56:29 vz15pn,,2,Who is the best speaker of Tunisian? And who are some good speakers of Tunisian?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-14 17:17:49 vz2m8y,,1,Bars in Sousse/Monastir,"so I'm coming to Tunisia soon, and I'll be meeting a couple of people in Monastir and Sousse, so I just want to ask about good bars in those places mennahyet el drinks selection, atmosphere, and service.",,,,,,2022-07-14 18:21:23 vz2wnd,,2,"any feedback on ""Foyer Bel horizon"" Montfleulry? sinon chnwa ahsn foyer privé krib l rabta?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-14 18:34:19 vz3au8,,6,Any serious and good psychotherapist near Ennasr?,"Hello! I'm dealing through mental issues right now and I'm willing to seek a psychotherapist nearby Ennasr, also prefferably in Ennasr, if one of you guys went to one please share with us your experience! I need one that really listens, because I've had one that only speaks most of the time rather than listen and end up by giving me advices off subject and basically made things worse so I quit from her. I need one that makes me feel invested and motivated to come back in order to solve my problems, and most importantly one that is qualified to not only solve my current problems but also to solve the problems that I have caused in the past. And preferrably that can speak english!",,,,,,2022-07-14 18:51:49 vz3phr,,3,Chnouwa Barnemjek: How well do you think that this platform accurately reflects your preferences concerning the upcoming referendum?,"Hello there, would please take a moment to try out the following platform: []( It provides a quiz. And it provides an option to give each subject of the quiz a particular weight (or a coefficient) to calculate, depending on your answers, a percentage reflecting how much you agree with the new proposed constitution. The questions and results are fairly simple and not very developped. But I don't have extensive expertise in law, sociology, politics, economics or history, nor do I follow the news that much, and I've yet to fully read the new proposed consititution. So it's better to be safe than sorry. I'm looking for anybody with better knowledge than me to try this platform and give us some objective insight of how well it reflects the user's preferences. Also, how well do you think it protects private user data? I'm not solely hanging my decision upon the results provided by this platform, but I think it's important to know how reliable it is before forming a final opinion.",,,,,,2022-07-14 19:09:24 vz5eeo,,1,Engineering or business ? ( orientation advice),"Is engineering worth it in tunisia ? Because i hear a lot about engineers who get underpaid and who are jobless. In the other side, i hear a lot of people who have studied finance or accounting end up successful in life. So what's better engineering or finance and accounting ? ( i'm not planning on leaving tunisia)",,,,,,2022-07-14 20:22:47 vz5ek6,,0,"Most over-done question in this sub, but does anyone know places to hang out in ennasr/ariana area that aren't strictly 18+","Hey, i'm a 16 year old trying really hard to expand his social circle, but I can't find anywhere that's generally full of people or fun, any advice would be great! doesn't need to be some super child friendly place or anything, something like a club but obviously not a club if you know what I mean? just a place that generally has people in it",,,,,,2022-07-14 20:22:58 vz5k0o,,2,Transport min centre ville lel TBS,Slm louled famech chkoun ya3ref kifeh nemchi men centre ville lel TBS b2ay wassilat na9l (apart Taxi bien sur),,,,,,2022-07-14 20:29:36 vz5op2,,5,"[Technology] Do Amazon or Google stuff (fire stick, Alexa, Chromecast... etc) work in Tunisia?",Just asking if they are restricted in any way. Thanks. :),,,,,,2022-07-14 20:35:08 vz65jv,,2,BTS formation centers recommandations.,"Hey, nakmel BTP ta3i fel soutien en informatique de gestion this September, i looking into Finishing BTS in same domain informatique kont na9ra fel collège lasalle Tunis Any other formation centers worth applying for since lasalle isn't that good and huge waste of money Ps: my English is bad don't mind me mixing derja and English",,,,,,2022-07-14 20:55:32 vz6abt,,1,so.. am I supposed to let that go? I mean srsly I left Facebook for the sake of my mind's health ...but this guy!!! I mean do u think he is right? or even has the right to say so!,,,,,,,2022-07-14 21:00:50 vz6j8y,,7,What's the best way of buying minecraft in Tunisia,"I mean since most of us can't afford international bank cards then I want to find a way to actually buy the legit minecraft copy, I've seen websites like []( and []( but honestly I don't know if it's worth it. Maybe you guys have done this and I would appreciate if you share your experience. And please don't tell me play cracked versions",,,,,,2022-07-14 21:11:38 vz6t48,,1,"please watch this, Tunisia is on the top of the list. debt to GDP is more than 100%",,,,,,,2022-07-14 21:23:22 vz7e21,,1,Such an event in the current circumstances isn't the greatest idea,,,,,,,2022-07-14 21:48:20 vz7k0u,,3,Anyone can help me with paypal,"First damn this country. I got a job online. spend a lot of time and my work won the prize. it was a competetion. the problem is Paypal is not available in Tunisia for transfer from and to abroad so I have a good amount of money locked. I tried making an account with fake number that provided by a website for sms but it all failed and they say it is suspecious. can someone help please.",,,,,,2022-07-14 21:55:45 vz861c,,3,looking for advice,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-14 22:22:31 vz91et,,0,what's the best way or site to find Airbnb in Yassmine hammamet,"One without front desk, since I'm planing to go alone, then my gf sneak in with me after i rent",,,,,,2022-07-14 23:01:25 vzap88,,2,Looking for a chiropractor,Anyone been to a chiropractor before ? Any recommendations ? And how much does it cost ?,,,,,,2022-07-15 00:19:41 vzclip,,1,المجد لتانيت,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 01:54:34 vzcny5,المجد_لتانيت_واهبة_الحياة_والنور/,1,المجد لتانيت واهبة الحياة والنور.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 01:57:59 vzctl6,,1,Another site besides Tayara,"Hey guys, do you know any other site other than ? Tayara is a bit messed up the filters sometimes doesn’t even work, what other good sites you are suggesting ? PS : targetting phones, ipads etc…",,,,,,2022-07-15 02:05:26 vzehtl,,2,how old do you have to be to get a motorcycle licence? and what's the cc limit for riding without a licence?,,,,,,,2022-07-15 03:28:56 vzf3pn,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-07-15 04:00:11 vzg74v,المجد_لتانيت_واهبة_الحياة_والنور_عادت_لقرطاج/,0,المجد لتانيت واهبة الحياة والنور عادت لقرطاج.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 04:59:53 vzgb0u,,21,Loneliness among Tunisian young generation,"Hey I'm in no way a teenager anymore, I am closer to the older side on this subreddit (33). I've been scouring the posts these past couple of weeks and I've noticed a huge amount of posts about loneliness and people trying to find friends (mostly by teenagers) which is awesome TBH. But it's conserning. I was surprised of the amount of posts and I wonder if it's only on Reddit or is it a societal phenomenon that's developping in the new generation. (I don't remember it being this bad when I was a teen). I live in France and loneliness among youg people is a big issue here too. and Covid made things even wors by isolating everyone. Could any of you guys give some insights? \[PS: I know being a teenager sucks balls, and it's awkward as fuck because we don't even know who we are let alone to get to know new people so hang in there. It gets better believe me :) \]",,,,,,2022-07-15 05:05:31 vzjqj6,,3,what is like working as a salesman in indigo company,"so i got the job at one of the indigo company's stores , but before that i had an interview at pathé and even the salary wasn't higher than indigo , i liked the working hours ( 3 days per week ) because i can work and study with that time , but at indigo , you have to work 6/7 , 48h per week and 208h per month just to get 590 TND , as soon as i started working at P&B , i was making them a lot of money , the customers liked me and held a good sales speech but i didn't really enjoyed working because of these reasons : there's some awfully disrespectful customers who mess everything and leave / verbally abuse for prices you didn't obviously put we're all having daily goals in which is measured by n numbers so me and my coworkers always work under pressure and we sometimes fight of customers just so we can reach our daily goal, the attitude of managers is so disrespectful ( except only one ) , i mean what did i expected from girls who've been working there for more than 5 years and have nothing to do with their life except waiting for marriage and stay on the phone all day , we can't pull our phones in our shifts but they can and they come to work just to scroll mindlessly through socials and make stupid tiktoks ( they're in some shape or forme freret ) I didn't like all of this and it's not about the money , it's true that i need the money especially that i'm renting a house alone and i have to cover all expenses ( thank god i don't smoke nor drink cuz that shit's expensive ) but if i want to chase the money i'd stuck in that job so one day i was working and pathé called me , they said they need staff asap and they called me the first one because i left a really good impressions there , i told i need to at least finish my month so i can come but they said they can't wait anymore ( fuckin minions trend and thor ) and if i don't complete my month ill get a less paycheck and without the extra money ( we had a prime ) , so i shoot my shot and said fuck it , i went there and said that i want to quit , and since that moment everybody was basically harrasing me , and btw as soon as i said that , they started calling people for job interviews , so i quit and signed my quitting papers , i only took the pathé job offer because of my bad experience at indigo ( fuck indigo man ) and because i saw chances in pathé that could help me in the and the job overall is great for me , i know it's with a less pay but with every extra hour i work i get paid on it and they already told me that I'll start working extra hours , the base salary is 450 and it's decent for a three day a week work . i just wanted to know your opinions about the decisions I make oh i also gave them some bipolar acts before i left xd ( said yesterday that i'm ready to work extra hours and can't wait formy promotion but as soon as i got the call i quitted immediately )",,,,,,2022-07-15 08:42:47 vzk83o,,0,"Tunisia's security and stability are linked to the security and stability of neighboring countries. Therefore, all Arab peoples support the decisions of President Qais Saeed because they aim to achieve security and eliminate corrupt groups that seek to implement their agenda and seize the wealth of",,,,,,,2022-07-15 09:15:34 vzkjz0,,1,Glad to see our queen celebrating our Goddess Tanit on Carthage.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 09:37:15 vzklu4,,0,"Glad to see our queen celebrating our Goddess Tanit on Carthage. Tanit is also called Tinnit. was a Punic goddess. She was the chief deity of Carthage alongside her consort Baal-Hamon. She was equivalent to the war goddess Astarte, and later worshipped in Roman Carthage.",,,,,,,2022-07-15 09:40:43 vzl5si,,0,"There is great support on the Tunisian street with President Kais Saied, who is walking the country to safety",,,,,,,2022-07-15 10:16:24 vzlatw,,1,Car renting in Tunisia ?,Salem nlawej 3ala agence wala naarech Aya form mte3 kré kraheb b soum maa9oul I know it's expensive at this time of the year but any recommendations preferably in Tunis or Nabeul,,,,,,2022-07-15 10:25:14 vzltpu,,86,"seriously? who came up with this ""title""?",,,,,,,2022-07-15 10:57:23 vzlur3,,0,What's wrong with listening to Rock/Metal when you're drunk? why do i have to listen to Ray or Mezwed or Rap to conform to the general taste ??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 10:59:07 vzm7rj,,0,"Photo of the day from Tunis, only men will get it 😁",,,,,,,2022-07-15 11:19:13 vzmbe3,,5,A research paper deconstructing the myth of Kais said's project of البناء القاعدي,[](,,,,,,2022-07-15 11:25:13 vzmds5,,1,This is mascat -oman.Oman a dictatorship still happy people.Everything is relative!Just chill.,,,,,,,2022-07-15 11:29:21 vzp2u2,,7,Which are the best cities/neighbourhoods in Tunisia and which are the worst?,"Would be nice if you could give a brief explanation (for the best and worst place). Thank you very much Edit: I didn’t want to discriminate anyone, just hear peoples opinion about their favourite and least favourite places. If I did, i want to apologise. To be clear, my intention was to know if there are any cities not worth living in (because of high crime rate, unhappy townsfolk, etc…) and cities that have the best quality of life I didn’t want to discriminate anyone, just hear peoples opinion about their favourite and least favourite places. If I did, i want to apologise. My intention was to know if there are any cities not worth living in (because of high crime rate, unhappy townsfolk, etc…) and to know the cities that have the best quality of life",,,,,,2022-07-15 13:43:41 vzr2fd,,1,slm chkoun 3andou site netfarej fih 3ala film il harba 5lef artify,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 15:12:07 vzsfve,,1,Trigger Warning: Self-Harm / What would you think if the girl you are about to hook up/have a relationship with have self harm scars on her thighs?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-15 16:10:39 vzsl2k,,26,Tourism vs energy,"أحنا قرابة 12 مليون مواطن، صندوق الدعم فيه أكثر من 6 مليار دينار. حسب وزير السياحة، جاونا عام 2019: 9 مليون سائح، أي 9 ملاين متمتع بمواد مدعمة أغلبها مستورد بالعملة الصعبة : - فيليب ياكل الخبز المدعم المخدوم من الفارينة المستوردة بالدولار في وقت الفارينة سومها طالع في العالم جرة نقص العرض بحكم الحرب الروسية الاوكرانية - يحوس بالمازوط المدعم اللي سومو في تونس من اقل الاسوام في العالم رغم اننا دولة غير نفطية - الكليماتيزور بالكهرباء المدعمة اللي تتولد من الغاز المستورد بالدولار هذا فيليب خلي عاد ميلود... إذا علمت أن السياحة الكلها (مداخيل مباشرة و غير مباشرة) تساهم فقط ب 7% من الناتج القومي الخام (قرابة 3 مليار دولار) و أن كل ما تنتجه من ثروة بالكاد يغطي صندوق الدعم. و إذا علمت أن الوتلة تخدم في ناس خدم هشة، ما تديكلاريش عليهم، برشة فلوس تقعد في الخارج، الكياس الي يوصل للوتيل مبني من فلوس دافع الضرائب، برشة إمتيازات.. التسعة ملاين سائح، يجيو في فصل الجفاف، في بلاد فيها فقر مائي والماء مقصوص في برشة بلايص، و سي السائح يدوش 3 مرات في النهار و يغطس في البيسين و يلعب ال golf و هذه أمور تستهلك الماء المفقود الي محرومة منه الفلاحة. زيد على ذلك قطاع حساس جدا: فترة كوفيد التوريزم يتقطع والنزل تسكر وتطرد الخدامة.. خلي عاد في صورة عملية ارهابية لا يقدر كيما في صار في 2015 السياحة متاعك تموت حرفيا وماعاد يجيك حد واقعد قداش من عام باش تركح في امن البلاد وترجع الثيقة. زيدهم ميزانية وزارة السياحة (باريس يزورها 60 مليون سائح و ما عندهمش وزارة سياحة). كي تسمع 9 ملاين سائح، و تراهم يقضيو من ال monoprix دبوزة ماء و كعبات ياغرت و يركبوا في النقل المدعم، يمسخوا في الشاطئ و يمصوا في المائدة المائية. إحسب، قداش خسرت البلاد من نقطة نمو، جراء هذا النموذج التنموي الفاشل في العشرين عام الإخرانيين. موش وقيت نركزوا اكثر على قطاعات اخرى اكثر استقرار واستدامة فيها قيمة مضافة حقيقية؟ علاش الدولة ما تركزش اكثر في دعم الطاقات المتجددة. علاش ما نشريوش كميات كبيرة من les panneaux الشنوة -جودتهم باهية وسومهم معقول مقارنة بالالمان عنا آلاف الاراضي ملوحة في الجنوب تلهب فيها الشمس نجمو نستغلوها ونعطيوها لشباب الجهة يعملوا مشاريع طاقة شمسية ويبيعوا للدولة الطاقة نعملوا محطات طاقة شمسية ضخمة في الجنوب ويولي عنا فائض طاقي وترخص الكهرباء وتنقص تكلفة الإنتاج للسلع وبالتالي تنقص الاسوام. ------------ ننتجو ضونا ديراكتومون من شمسنا مش من غاز نستوردوه بالعملة الصعبة اسعارو مرة طالعة مرة هابطة طاقة خضراء نحافظوا بيها على بيئة نظيفة للاجيال القادمة ونقصوا من الغازات السامة في بلاد التغير المناخي حبس عليها المطر والتصحر ينخر فيها واحنا راقدين علاش ما نستغلوش شمسنا الحارقة وقربنا لاوروبا باش نعملو فائض طاقي ونربطوه بالشبكة الاوروبية للطاقة ويخلصونا بالاورو على طاقة تنقبلنا في روسنا كل صيف وحتى في بقية المواسم؟ فائض طاقي نعملو بيه محطات شحن للسيارات الكهربائية ونشجعوا بيهم الانتقال للسيارات الhybrides والélectriques ونقصوا من استهلاك الوقود المستورد بالدولار واللي يكلف ميزانيتنا فلوس زرgة. فائض طاقي يوفرلنا الطاقة الضرورية باش نبنيو ونخدمو محطات جديدة لتحلية المياه ونحاربو الشح المائي وقصان الماء في الصيف ونوصلوه للجهات اللي مزالت من غير ماء في 2022 الطاقة الشمسية نجمو نستغلوها في انتاج الهيدروجين ونصدروه للعالم ونوليو دولة طاقية من غير بترول وغاز. خصوصا في ظل ازمة الطاقة في العالم. علاش عشرات القروضات اللي خذينها والمليارات من الثورة ما استثمرناش بيها في الطاقة الشمسية؟ تصور الدولة جات عندها سياسة لتشجيع الاستثمار وانتاج الطاقة الشمسية... منقول بتصرف",,,,,,2022-07-15 16:16:46 vzsm1z,,2,Anyone following the mediocre performance of Our Handball Team?,,,,,,,2022-07-15 16:17:55 vztyst,,24,57th Stop whilst visiting every country’s sub. Hello from Germany.,,,,,,,2022-07-15 17:16:22 vzujoi,,1,Does anyone know where to find games in Sousse?,"Hi As the title suggests I'm trying to find a place that sells video games in Sousse Preferably in Sahloul I'm specifically looking for Ps4 games",,,,,,2022-07-15 17:41:20 vzvczp,,6,Best job in tunisia?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-15 18:15:57 vzvdxj,,10,Can someone explain me what the „Tunisian 3aqlia/mentality“ is?,"a lot of times people on reddit or irl complain about the Tunisian mentality, but with no further explanation. It’s the go to answer to any question related about what’s going bad in Tunisia So can anyone explain what’s actually wrong with? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-07-15 18:17:05 vzvf0j,,1,كيفية تسريع الانترنت مجانا | تسريع الانترنت في شريحة الهاتف 2022,,,,,,,2022-07-15 18:18:20 vzw1i1,,2,Is there any actually good therapist in sousse?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 18:45:41 vzx099,,2,"Tunisian is such an interesting and fascinating Language, but how can we develop its writing system?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 19:27:49 vzx0lr,,13,"Hello people of Reddit , new phone , aamalt redémarrage and this is what I got. any idea what it means",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 19:28:14 vzx4m0,,20,"Tunisian is such an iteresting language, but how could develop its writing system?","•To start, we have to know that Tunisian could be written in both Latin script and Arabic script. What i'm going to discuss the way tunisian is written in the Latin script since the arabic one is already canonized. You can call this ""a spelling reform"" where we speak about how tunisian words should be spelled. Spelling reform is not a new thing or rare. It was organized for multious languages before such as English, French, German, Spanish, Croatian, Italian... The 9 most important points that i see should be adopted in writing Tunisian are: 1-Only long vowels are represented, short vowels would not: So baisically every short or reduced vowel shall not be spelled as long as it's not in the end of a word, for example: Sidenote: The ː represent the long vowels Mchelk [mʃɛːlək] →Notice how [ɛː] is represented (by 'e') cuz it's a long vowel however the reduced sound [ə] was not not represented cuz it's reduced. Djeja [dʒɛːʒæ] → Again the long vowel was represted, however the short vowel [æ] was represented as well because it was at the end. But some will say ""So how would we distinguish long vowels in the inital or the middle place of a word, and the longs vowels in the end of a word"". Since only [uː] and [iː] are the only long vowels that could be in the end of a Tunisian word. Then 'u', 'i' would represent the long vowels in the initial and the middle of a word, and 'ou', 'y' would represt the same long vowels in the end of a word. 2-Definite nouns: If a word starts with a solar letter then we ought to doubling its first letter twice to make it definite and if it was a lunar letter then we add 'L' to the first, for example: Tsswira (a picture) →Ttsswira (the picture) 7arf (a letter) → L7arf (the letter) 3-No diacritics, nor accents: Standard Tunisian would have no accents such as ""à, é, ï, û"". It would be just like English with no accents. Only lownwords like (Café - Nîme...) would still have accents. This point was suggested to make Tunisian much easier and simple. 4-Pharygealized consonants: so to not make it complicated pharygealized consonants are those who are pronounced back to the pharynx (a part in the food hole) which are in arabic ""ط"" [tˁ], ""ص"" [sˁ], ""ض/ظ"" [ðˁ]. So since phonetics says that pharygealized ane non-pharygealized equivalents are indeed pronounced in the same place for eachz we'll make it simple and represent each parygealized consonant twice the letters a non-pharygealized consonant would need, so simply: Tt = ط [tˁ] | T = ت [t] Ss = ص [sˁ] | S = س [s] Tth = ض/ظ [ðˁ] | Th = ذ [ð] So basically ""a pail"" would be ""Ssttl"" and ""the pail"" would be ""Sssttl"". ""a table"" would be ""Ttaula"" and the ""the table"" is ""Tttaula"". Some would say ""is it ususal to write 3 Ts in a row?"", but Welsh got 4 Ls btw as in ""Llanfair....drobwllllanty..."" So it's a normal linguistic appearance. Other would say ""Well but some words will completely have no vowels"" however it's so normal since a lot of the slavic languages never write their vowels such as ""Srpski"" and ""Strč prst skrz krk"". And no this writing way of Tunisian would nolonger be difficult if you gave it a shot and practises it as usual. The same ""Th"" represents both ث and ذ just like English 5-""W"" would be only used if it's after a consonant. So words like ""طاولة، ناوي، يدواي"" would be ""Ttaula, Neui, Ydeui"" not ""Ttawla, Newi, Ydewi"". The reason behind this point is that many major languages treat ""w"" as a consonant not a vowel and so i considered that it's pretty logic to use it as a consonant. 6-Apostrophes are either used as definite isolater between the ""L"" and the vowel-starting word like ""L'anania"" (The egoism) - ""L'ist9tlel"" (the independance), or used as pronounciation isolated, for example: ""sh"" (ش) - ""s'h"" (سهـ)/ ""tth"" (ض/ظ) - ""t'th"" (تذ) 7- The letter ""c"" would be used as [k] sound and i sound that this is a revival of the way 'c' is pronounced in African romance that lived for long in the provinve of Africa (Tunisia nowadays) but there will be some rules. 'C' would be only used before consonants and all consonants (a,e,o,u,i,y) just as in as usual-ish way so: Crrasa - كراسة/Clit - كليت /Cnna - كنا/ Cassecroute - كسروت/ Ces - كاس/ Cteb - كتاب... It's also so usual for languages to use 'c' as [k] always (Latin and Old English did it atleast). Small info: You can use 'K' before ""e,i,y"" instead of 'C' 8-Loanwords in Tunisian that their pronounciations are being kida shifted shall be written the same way as in their original languages but pronounced as in Tunisian, that means you'll be writing ""Citerne"" but still pronouncing it as same you used to [sitirnæ] 9-The only accepted diphthongs/Triphthongs in this new writing system are ""Th"", ""Tth"" and ""Ch/Sh"". No others are allowed like ""Kh, Gh, Dh"" because they're phonologically incorrect, rather numbera will still be used as a way of representing the wanted sounds such as ""2,3,5,7,8,9"". Oh yeah and not other numbers are allowed to be used. And those are the 9 most important notes to develop the latino-Tunisian script as it is so useful nowadays. And i think you liked them...",,,,,,2022-07-15 19:33:07 vzx5cc,,1,Logiciel mte3 lcode,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 19:34:05 vzxcsg,,22,"Tunisia is always behind, mods do something!",,,,,,,2022-07-15 19:43:42 vzxo18,,2,Any safe heavenly non-expensive calm surrounded-with-good-air coffee shop in the Ben Arous area?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 19:58:09 vzy3or,,1,“Tunisia's Islamist leader says president moving country towards dictatorship.” Thoughts?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-15 20:17:27 vzyf8p,,7,Any English call centers hiring currently?,"Or any kind of similar jobs. 7asel, thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-07-15 20:31:50 vzyspg,,0,International bank transfer to Tunisia,"I made an international money transfer from Dubai into Arab Tunisian Bank account on 19th June 2022 which until today has not been credited into the owner’s account.. Last year an amount was transferred into the same account wherein it got credited within a week,but this time don’t know what the problem is.. And yes the sender’s account and receiver’s account were same both times.. Dubai bank says the money was processed from the source account next day itself… Even Dubai bank is officially trying to enquire about this transaction but there is no response from Tunisian bank.. What,why and how is this happening can anyone suggest? It would be a great help…",,,,,,2022-07-15 20:49:09 vzztsm,قصص_that/,6,Does anyone still have those story books (قصص) that were kinda big and costed like 1dinar ? They were amazing and I couldn’t remember the series name,They had purple covers if this helps,,,,,,2022-07-15 21:35:43 w00dlg,,6,Anyone did a water fast before?,,,,,,,2022-07-15 22:00:50 w01yop,,2,Any experiences applying for EU visas or entering the US after visiting Turkey?,"I've been living outside Tunisia (Canada) for 8 years but not a citizen yet. I'm thinking of visiting Turkey with a friend for a week and was wondering if any of you had any experiences with applying for Schengen as a male in his mid-late 20s after visiting Turkey? Did it raise any red flags or get you rejected? Also, a long shot but I go to the US often because it's close by and I do have a 10yr visa but they only recently stopped asking me a million questions when entering (thanks to our unfortunate reputation) and was wondering if anyone had recent experiences on whether that will change after visiting Turkey. I have a high paying remote US job and permanent residency in Canada, so it should be very clear I have no interest to stay in Europe (or US) but I spent my entire life struggling with immigration so who knows",,,,,,2022-07-15 23:14:55 w040ik,,3,tryna move out,what are some safety tips you have for a girl living alone in tunis? including choice of residence lol.,,,,,,2022-07-16 00:56:10 w06ucn,,1,"Russia is deliberately burning fields of grain in Ukraine, as well as stealing exports. Putin wants to starve millions to pressure Ukraine and its allies to surrender. Tunisia is the #10 importer of grain from Ukraine in the world",,,,,,,2022-07-16 03:22:50 w0a8yu,,1,"Street arts of Djerba, Tunisia",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-16 06:43:20 w0b81w,,1,Looking to rent house/apartment near esprit,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-16 07:46:58 w0bvfw,,2,Does anyone have an experience in modeling in tunisia ?,"So for many years modeling has been on my mind, but i've been having some concerns about the modeling agencies here in tunisia. I've heard people are paying a monthly subscription hoping they would get featured. so does anyone have an experience in the modeling field ?(preferably male modeling) Can you recommend any trust worthy non scamming agencies? Does modeling take up much time? (i'm free only on weekends)",,,,,,2022-07-16 08:31:24 w0c4vb,,1,"I just discovered an amazing old Tunisian film : The Silences of the Palace صمت القصور. It is high class art. More people need to know about it, it is our heritage! Hope you enjoy as I did.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-16 08:50:00 w0c9nv,,1,"Just discovered an amazing Tunisian film : The Silences of the Palace صمت القصور. It is high class art. More people need to know about it, it is our heritage! Hope you enjoy as I did.",,,,,,,2022-07-16 08:59:30 w0ci3w,,0,what to wear with a red polo?,"Rouge bordeaux. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-07-16 09:15:05 w0cn3s,,1,"Street arts of Djerba, Tunisia",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-16 09:25:06 w0cyff,,3,How to go from Tunis airport to Sousse easily?,I have an early morning flight arriving to Tunis at around 6am. What arrangement should I make to easily go from the airport to Sousse? I will have heavy luggage so I would prefer something convenient. Thank you,,,,,,2022-07-16 09:47:30 w0d4kh,,1,A picture worth 3000 sné 7athara.,,,,,,,2022-07-16 09:59:21 w0d4x8,,3,What to expect from a coding test ?,"As a part of applying to a full stack engineer position I have to pass a coding test. I've never done one before so what can I expect it to be like ? what kind of questions do they ask generally ? All I know is that the company hiring works with Vue (Front) Python (Back) and that the test will last 2 hours.",,,,,,2022-07-16 10:00:01 w0dk6t,,1,After two years the land borders between Tunisia and Algeria have been opened.," According to journalists working for AFP on the Tunisian side of the border, the land borders have been reopened between Tunisia and Algeria on June 15th.",,,,,,2022-07-16 10:28:21 w0dp0w,,12,82% of the people agree with the implementation of the presidential system in the country,,,,,,,2022-07-16 10:36:54 w0dt3n,,1,still waiting for paypal !!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-16 10:44:24 w0dtyx,,5,"Does Uber work in Tunisia. If not, are there any similar apps?",,,,,,,2022-07-16 10:46:07 w0dwdl,,4,The Tunisian people express their full support for Tunisian President Kais Saied's reform decisions and declare their desire to ensure that stability and political balance are restored once again in Tunisia.,,,,,,,2022-07-16 10:50:36 w0emj9,,2,Tunisian people refuse the continuation of the rule of the Brotherhood And the position of the Ennahda party declined after it was at the top of the political summit Due to his involvement in money laundering cases,,,,,,,2022-07-16 11:35:06 w0emut,,12,Homesick :(,"Hi guys, I’m a Tunisian living abroad. Usually every summer my family & I go to tunis, but this summer I couldn’t go bc I’m doing an internship. I’m missing out on like 2 of my cousins’ weddings and I’m super bummed about it. I miss home, a lot :( and where I live has BARELY any Tunisians (I know like 2) so it gets pretty lonely. If y’all have any discord servers or groups with Tunisians that I could join to feel a lil less homesick pls let me know <3",,,,,,2022-07-16 11:35:38 w0enoh,,2,Masters abroad,"Hello, just finished my second year (license) computer science mention assez-bien and I want to continue with a masters abroad I prefer cyber-security but I’m ready for anything as long as I can get out I have a delf b2 French language degree and I’m thinking of getting toefl English language degree this year. What to prepare? What to do ? Private or public ? How much the budget?…..",,,,,,2022-07-16 11:37:03 w0f8gb,,7,Any Tunisian couples/Friends that would like to spend some nights at hammamet hotel together?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-16 12:10:33 w0fmsz,التصوير/,3,brabi chebeb chkoun ya3tini fekra 3al التصوير الفوتوغرافي chnia na9ra fih ? I REALLY NEED UR HELP,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-07-16 12:32:20 w0gsr9,/r/travelbuddies/comments/w0gqw3/29m_backpack_adventures_in_turkey_andor_serbia_by/,1,"29M, Backpack adventures in Turkey and/or Serbia, by the beginning of September!",,,,,,,2022-07-16 13:33:06 w0gx9q,,1,freelancing as a retired individual,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-16 13:39:22 w0hla9,,2,Finance my project,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-16 14:12:09 w0hpoo,,3,Questions about esprit and private colleges in general,"This may be asked before here, but i am currently studying in istic(genie logiciel) and want to continue my studies in a private school(currently havent decided yet) and i just want to know what should i expect(how many years should i study, what specialtys can i choose..) and what college u guys reccomend, thnx in advance. Note:i really apolagise for any typos or grammatical errors i commited",,,,,,2022-07-16 14:18:04 w0i0dw,,1,"any thoughts about the concert 7th august with balti, the jackson five and B.I.G ?",,,,,,,2022-07-16 14:32:17 w0i5d9,,6,seeking advice from computer science workers and students,"As a first-year computer engineering student (licence) what's the best advice you can give me to excel in this field and get a good chance to work /study abroad by the end of the 3rd year? Should I concentrate on technical skills or my studies more especially since I m not in well-known? I won't lie to you my goal is to work and live abroad. Pls, don't hesitate to share with me any resources/tips it'll help a lot. Wish you all the success and joy in the world.",,,,,,2022-07-16 14:39:07 w0i6r4,,1,Getting the toefl,"I've been meaning to take the toefl exam for a few years now but didn't get the chance to proceed with the application and all that fuss. I'm planing to give it a chance next summer hopefully, thus I came to you guys for guidance. How much does it cost? How long will it take?",,,,,,2022-07-16 14:41:05 w0i72j,,9,"TT told me ""You Can't Have Internet"", and I need your help","So I live in Carthage, I don't have WiFi in my home, and I really need unlimited wifi so I called Telecom to buy a telephonic line, after 4 months of waiting they tell me that the place where I live is ""saturated"" and there's nothing we can do about it, I did some research and found ""Fixe jdid"" and ""fixbox"" of Ooredoo and orange respectively that offer internet without needing a telephonic line, but they also told me that this place is ""saturated"". I don't know what else to do, if you have any advice or a solution please let me know",,,,,,2022-07-16 14:41:31 w0j0l1,,1,Was just in Hammamet for two weeks (came back yesterday) and managed to capture this picture on the last night. Thought people here would like to see 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-07-16 15:20:35 w0jk54,قيس_الدزيري_باش_يبيع_تونس/,0,قيس الدزيري باش يبيع تونس,"تونس بشوية بشوية قاعة تتاكل من دولة العسكر ، و مخابراتها و ذبابها قاعد يخدم في خدمة قوية في مجالات التواصل الاجتماعي و الاعلام باش تونس تولي تابع و مجرد ولاية تحتها و تحطم اي مستقبل ديمقراطي او نهضة اقتصادية فيها ، برشا توانسة لا علاقة و برشا لحاسة حتى فالريديت ، اما تو يجي نهار و تفيقو ، و نشالله قبل ميفوت الفوت",,,,,,2022-07-16 15:46:08 w0jwf7,,2,How would you plan a 1-2 weeks road trip around the country?,"So let's say you have time and a reasonable budget (nothing too lavish), how would you plan a road-trip around the country? What regions/cities would you prioritize? What would be your route, accomodation, car, bucket list activities etc... Gathering ideas for inspiration :))",,,,,,2022-07-16 16:01:44 w0kgtu,,2,Are There Any Sports Journalists here in this subrredit?,"-Preferably working with websites. -Interested in covering some interesting data on Ons Jabeur",,,,,,2022-07-16 16:28:10 w0klvb,,38,Where does this deep hatred toward Tunisia come from? What is the best response to their behaviour?,"This is not about Tunisians in Tunisia, it’s about Tunisians that live abroad. I always notice how badly everyone of them talks about Tunisia as if it is hell on earth. Just the other day, an old Tunisian guy, whom I had not asked for his opinion, told me how bad Tunisia supposedly is. He even devalued whole professional groups, according to him Tunisian doctors are nothing compared to European doctors and their diploma is worth nothing. After talking with him for a while I found out he himself lives like a dog, he survives from social fraud and moonlighting as a cleaner and has achieved nothing here even after 30 years. Guess how many here share his situation and are highly indebted, even those with good education. They only get the dirty jobs, are exposed to constant humiliation and have sold themselves and their dignity just to show off 1 time a year with an expensive rental car in their home country in front of everyone and thus create false illusions. This first generation of immigrants children were allowed to grow up in socially deprived areas and had to go through a bitter childhood marked by identity crises, humiliation, discrimination, devaluation of their own origins. Its actually an insult for many native children to call them or someone Tunisian, Moroccan or Turkish. Until today, every generation goes through a process of assimilation attempts on the part of society on the one hand and the desperate attempt of the parents to convey the traditions and culture on the other hand, many schizophrenic personalities emerged. These poor souls have developed their own culture, which is neither here nor in their homeland contemporary and took only the worst of both cultures. They have reinterpreted Islam and are quick to forgive themselves, but very strict with others. Fasting is voluntary, praying only a workout suggestion done once a week on a Friday and interest is allowed. Drunk and wasted after their third glass of vodka they’ll happily explain to you how someone somewhere in Saudi Arabia once said something that somehow it would be allowed after all. Haram meat is allowed because living in the West is a particularly difficult hurdle and you would unfortunately have no choice despite the 1000 alternatives. However, woe betide you if you get caught with a pork salami, all hell breaks loose here. I don’t care if you’re religious or not, or what ever you believe, but this kind of stuff… just lol. Btw, we weren’t welcome, we are still not welcome and we will never be, even after all this time and all that our parents had to put up with and go through. Children of the 3rd and 4th generation are still not accepted as native. We learnt to live with that and move on. Unfortunately, all the cake is gone. Even before the current economic crisis, a large proportion of people in European countries are barely able to save money and will be affected by severe poverty by the time they reach retirement age at the latest. At the same time, they pay far too high taxes, which are squandered or embezzled for the stupidest things. It is true that consumption is quite cheap here, but assets in any form are damn expensive. You can buy many consumer goods here relatively cheap on an average salary, but you will never own anything important that could accumulate wealth. Real estate is unaffordable even for two academics working full time, your only chance would be to have parents that could pay half of the costs for you and even then you would be in debt for at least the next 25 years. Why do so many still believe that this is the promised land? Newly immigrated North Africans are at the bottom of the food chain and most of them are just waiting to be deported. During their stay here, however, they go to great lengths to disgrace themselves and their compatriots. So where does this subservience from all sides to Europe come from? Don't these people realize how ridiculous they sound? How many still want to sell their values and standards in the hope of finally being accepted by their colonial master? Do these people really think that they are seen as equals? That they are something better? We are perhaps half a crisis away from Europe going after refugees and people who look like us. Many things are indeed better here, like free health care and social security (although for how long will this go on well?) but that is only due to the (unfairly distributed) wealth that countries like France had grabbed from the raw materials of Africa through exploitation and robbery and still benefit from it until today. And as I said, it's not about condemning desperate people who want to flee despite the dangers of drowning in the sea und such. It’s about self hating bootlickers who have achieved nothing in either country, but have decided to boost their self-esteem by badmouthing their homeland and their countrymen. PS: yes, my plan is to come back and live in Tunisia (or Morocco) in the next 5 years and I invested a lot of money already, so it’s not just all smoke and mirrors. Thanks",,,,,,2022-07-16 16:34:30 w0mq0h,,1,nice weightlifting gyms zone soukra?,"budget less than 80 dt a3bed w matériel ndhif. I'm a guy if it matters. thank you.",,,,,,2022-07-16 18:11:15 w0n4kw,,2,looking for friends in Monastir,"Hello, I am spending the summer with a friend of mine in Monastir and we would love to meet and get to know local people. we are interested in entrepreneurship, business, politics, and anything IT-related. I am 21 years old and we both study at Tunis Business School.",,,,,,2022-07-16 18:30:19 w0ngk9,,2,Tunisia number one in vegetable consumption across Africa,,,,,,,2022-07-16 18:45:47 w0o9yo,,33,"Choufli 7all, ra9m l 7al9a elli yrawwah fiha slimen sokran lel dar.","So my father has drinking issues. He told me he wanted to spend quality time with me by having dinner at our house. I want to bring up his drinking issues and thought a good starter would be a laugh at that episode where Sliman goes back home drunk and surprisingly empties his heart to sbou3i. I am not sure which season it is, if anyone knows the exact episode I would appreciate it.",,,,,,2022-07-16 19:23:46 w0ohb3,الزغاريت/,0,the weird thing i never understood about (الزغاريت),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-16 19:33:23 w0p3ti,,3,best gym in sousse?(preferably not too expensive),,,,,,,2022-07-16 20:02:14 w0pub8,,1,Thoughts on Norman Tunisia? *(Siculo-Norman Kingdom in Africa),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-16 20:37:41 w0pxk2,,1,Thoughts on Norman Tunisia? *(Siculo-Norman Kingdom in Africa),,,,,,,2022-07-16 20:42:00 w0qhi8,,1,thoughts on taki academy,"hi , im looking for thoughts and opinions about taki academy offre mellowel lelle5er im bac math with average 14 3eme looking to get a 17 or 16 in bac . do u think its worth putting money on it and taking it as a remplacement of etude and how good are their profs and seriet I need help from someone who experienced it",,,,,,2022-07-16 21:08:16 w0rgt9,,23,Diplomatic passport,"So apparently the son of the Minister of the Interior Taoufik Charfeddine posted a picture at some airport with him holding a diplomatic passport , do you guys think that's normal ? how would the son of the minister defend Tunisia's interests outside for him to have that passport ? and for the record Kais Saied opposed giving diplomatic passports to MPs , isn't this corruption ? &#x200B; &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-07-16 21:55:33 w0s1wd,لوقتاش/,0,لوقتاش ؟,"اليوم برشا أعباد مقتنعة أنو تونس ماشيا في أزمة أقتصادية بش تأدي لأنهيار الدولة و العباد الكل تستنا في الفرصة ""المناسبة"" بش تهبط للشارع، وقت الأسوام فجأة تطير و يولي المواطن معادش خالط على حق الخبزة. أما الفرصة هذيكا عمرها ماهي بش تجي، مهوش بش يكون فما أنهيار كامل للأقتصاد بين ليلة و نهار، الأسوام مهيش بش تطير فجأتا. ألي بش يصير هو أنك بش تلاحظ حاجات عادية تغلا بالشوي بالشوي، كيما الحلويات، كيما البترول، كيما المواد الأساسية. ديار لعباد تصغار على مر السنين ملي كانت الدار المتوسطة كبرها100m² تولي 90m² مبعد 85m²... سوايع الخدمة تزيد، أما الخلاص يقعد نفسوا كان مينقصش. تولي لاهي بخدمتك و عيشتك أكثر من عائلتك و صحابك. كل نهار تلقا روحك تنقص في طلاباتك، ملي كان حلمك دار و كرهبة و خدمة باهية تلقا روحك راضي بدار كرا كار معبية و خدمة من 8 تاع صباح لل6 متاع لعشية. ملي كنت تشري في حوايج مرا في الشهر تولي تشري مرا غي العام. حلمك في العرس و أنشاء عايلة أنساه تتكلف برشة لحكاية، و كل واحد يبدا لاهي في مشاكلوا و ""حياتوا"" و ميركزش لا معا سياسة، لا مع الإعلام ألي يكذب عليه. و متخممش بش يدافع على حقوقك حد، توغل يبدا الحاكم في البلاد و قضا على أعدائو. بالوقت يلقا الواحد روحوا كبر و محقق حتى شي ملي كان يتمناه و قتها يتفكر و يقول :«مصاب حليت عينية و تلهيت بالسياسة في وقتي و شاركت في أنقاذ بلادي» هكا تحبوا تعيشوا؟ شبيه الشعب ساكت؟ لوقتاش؟",,,,,,2022-07-16 22:23:10 w0s9m2,épa_to_be_able_to_go_abroad/,3,Insat vs Prépa to be able to go abroad,"Hi! I just got my bac (section math) and I’m hesitating between choosing Insat or other prépas (IPEIEM, IPEIT etc.) . My goal is to go live/work abroad as soon as I get my diploma (you may think it’s indecent but that’s my real life goal). I’m a good student and I got a 18.12 average in bac but my parents can’t send me abroad for economic reason (I don’t wanna be a burden on them either, they already did so much for me). So what do you advise me to choose based on your experience/experience of people you may know. I see that many insat students have gone abroad but schools like tunis polytechnic school or enit also have many exchange opportunities. Thanks for your help!",,,,,,2022-07-16 22:33:12 w0spwg,,5,hello guys looking for friends.I've recently move to marsa and im not a very social dude so if anyone interested in hanging out just hmu,,,,,,,2022-07-16 22:55:22 w0tou0,,1,Is MyTek a reliable online store,"I havent ordered from them before, Found they have the cheapest price of a monitor I want (which was really hard to find btw, I have small desk but I still want a full hd so I had to look at every monitor's dimensions, only found a few that fit and only one is in my price range)",,,,,,2022-07-16 23:44:23 w0uh05,,1,How can I get a girlfriend :'),[removed],,,,,,2022-07-17 00:24:34 w0uxic,,1,We now have fake gurus apparently,,,,,,,2022-07-17 00:49:03 w0vtbf,,9,Salem m3alem fama khedma?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-17 01:35:54 w0y6v6,,3,About Tunisian Movies On ARTIFY,"I'm about to do like a cine-family with my cousins And we're aming on tunisian's movies on artify So any suggestions or recommendations ? P.S. i would like it to lotfi abdelli's movie tbh",,,,,,2022-07-17 03:46:04 w123b7,,4,Engineers or knowledgeable people needed,"Any engineers here? Or someone who has good knowledge about engineering fields and careers and what not, would like to ask some questions, won't take that much of your time.",,,,,,2022-07-17 07:50:29 w130sn,,10,feel exhausted for nothing,"Does anyone here have the feeling that you feel tired, have anxiety,and even sad for no specific or direct reason, indeed one week after june 24 (the baccalaureate results) i have this feeling, Generally each year is divided into two parts for me : the study year : stress The summer : vacuum Because i feel more productive in qraya despite my stress But why it's still here despite i'am no longer in الثانوي But even this feeling زاد حدته",,,,,,2022-07-17 08:53:54 w1352p,,0,"Rached Ghannouchi, who is responsible for terrorist activity in Tunisia, works for foreign agendas and incites the Tunisian people against issuing statements encouraging his supporters from the terrorist Brotherhood to riot and end chaos.",,,,,,,2022-07-17 09:01:48 w138qv,,0,President Kais Saied is keen to hold accountable all those who caused the deterioration of the country's situation and wasting its money,,,,,,,2022-07-17 09:08:59 w13jv9,,22,This sub is targeted by bots supporting Saied and that tells you everything you need to know,"This is just reddit, \~50k subscribers and who knows what percentage are Tunisian citizens or eligible to vote, yet there's constant posts from accounts who are clearly bots to promote the president. Most of these accounts posts have 0 comments and their posts are getting deleted for being irrelevant robot content and are just pictures with no personalized content, they also post random quotes on the same subreddits with the same format before targeting r/Tunisia. They also post the same pictures to the same basic subreddits to get karma like r/cats and r/oceans. They are clearly bots built to promote Kais Saied. Here are some of the accounts: []( [\_mamdoh/]( []( [\_fahmy/]( []( All of them clearly bots that post basic pictures and no real opinions. These are screenshots I took before they get deleted: []( This is a professional product made by companies who are clearly paid to run this campaign for Kais Saied. It's far from innocent. I'm sorry but ""ndhif"" w ""mosta9el"" my ass, these are the same dirty tactics used in previous elections except much worse.. just think of this: if this campaign is extensive enough to target a few thousand Tunisians on Reddit, imagine what's happening on Facebook",,,,,,2022-07-17 09:29:58 w13lig,,20,Does social media hatred toward Algerians reflect reality ?,"Good morning Tunisian Redditors hope you are all doing well. So to introduce myself, I am an Algerian who hasn't visited Tunisia since long time ago, and since the border are opening up again, I am planning to visit Tunisia this days. I've always had a good image of Tunisians, being welcoming, cultivated and good living people. Lately browsing social media mainly Facebook and Instagram, I stumbled upon lot of posts and videos from Tunisians expressing an obvious hatred toward Algerians tourists, hatred ranging from calling to rise the prices on us to literally inciting violence and asking us to not come to Tunisia. Now of course I know from experience in my own country that social media never reflect the general opinion and it tend to promote the extreme opinions since such opinions is what brings more clicks and engagement, but what's bothering me is that it seems like there are lot of people who have this opinion in Tunisia, and its becoming kind of trend. So I would like to take the opinion from reddit since people here tend to be more reasonable and have rational points of view. PS: I am in no case stating that Algerian tourists are angels and that they dont abuse their presence in other countries, but that doesn't justify the trend I am seeing. Have good time lovely neighbors and see you soon probably.",,,,,,2022-07-17 09:32:57 w146sl,,2,info de gestion,Taw ena bac eco nej7a b moyenne w score 9wiy wn5amem bch na3ml info de gestion puisque l3alem metajeh lel info akther mais ma3andi 7ata 8ram bl info tanss7ouni bih?,,,,,,2022-07-17 10:13:06 w14k9l,,1,Couldn't buy a Minecraft account,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-17 10:37:52 w14kxs,,1,Couldn't buy a Minecraft account,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-17 10:39:09 w14qds,,1,Couldn't buy a Minecraft account,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-17 10:49:01 w16hln,,40,Chkoun ynajam yfasrelna map hedhi?,,,,,,,2022-07-17 12:37:21 w16kne,,13,Anyone here wants to make an online friend?,Meow.,,,,,,2022-07-17 12:42:06 w16nfc,,7,German Student Visa,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-17 12:46:17 w16w6p,,3,How do I make money without having to do physical activities,I need money bad before I go back to uni I used to work but injured my back and shoulder now Am just home,,,,,,2022-07-17 12:59:46 w17fd5,,1,"Trying to write songs about the humorous/messed up aspects of being a Tunisian, any ideas?","I'm Tunisian and lived here most of my life but I've never really written about Tunisians in my songs. So far I've only gotten one idea: ""Song from the POV of someone who hesitates to marry someone because she's not a virgin (even though he's not a virgin himself)"" So my aim is to include those weird or lewd topics, the songwriting genre I have in mind for those songs is mostly 60s pop, like The Kinks. Beck is another influence. These songs for the most part won't be very serious sounding, it's kind of like social commentary but at the same time taking the piss. With that said, if you guys have any ideas I'd love to hear them. I write a lot.",,,,,,2022-07-17 13:28:25 w17g0j,,11,Starting a Blog about stoicism and you need to learn about it,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-17 13:29:24 w1bfo9,,1,4 day trip with my parents,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-17 16:37:02 w1bwe0,,1,Flying in to tunisia ?,Can anyone tell me what COVID measures are in place ? I am fully i need a RT-PCR test ? also will car rental places be open on monday july 25th at the airport or is everything closed ?,,,,,,2022-07-17 16:58:03 w1cu8u,,6,How much of your salary goes to rent and food ?," Just wondering how people can afford night clubs, hotel weekends... With the actual salary range in Tunisia. And how much a person should be paid to afford such things Personnaly, i pay around 50% to 60% of my salary to rent and food.",,,,,,2022-07-17 17:41:07 w1db8n,,1,Our officials think with their buttholes.,,,,,,,2022-07-17 18:02:26 w1efj2,,1,Southwest trip with my parents. Hope you like the pictures.,,,,,,,2022-07-17 18:51:49 w1f0g9,,20,Best Restaurant (Any Budget) in Lac to meet with a Girl in?,"Title says it all! The Girl is very close to me, and we're going out together but I don't know any good Restaurants except Chilli's (EDIT: And Pasta Cosi), I want one with a nice view (or nice style) and everything :p. Thanks for your suggestions!",,,,,,2022-07-17 19:16:51 w1fa77,,1,Anxiety before wisdom teeth removal,"So I'm gonna get my wisdom teeth removed this Wednesday and I have another session 3 weeks later. I'm feeling really anxious and scared.. (I despite the idea of pain+ I'm terrified of dentists) should I really be this scared? (I can't really help it tho) and for those who tried it, is it that painful? The doctor already gave me some anti anxiety pills but I'm only gonna use them the night before the operation and that's not helping rn",,,,,,2022-07-17 19:28:42 w1gbco,à_grenoble/,2,Tunisiens à Grenoble,Bonjour je cherche des kafteji enjoyers à Grenoble 😬,,,,,,2022-07-17 20:14:40 w1h43u,,5,"I need ""sunset in beach"" videos for some project so do you know bhourat toghreb feha chams?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-17 20:50:42 w1ho04,,6,"which one have more protein : scalope,steke,or chicken(if chicken which part)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-17 21:15:35 w1i2lj,,2,Searching for an entrepreneur / a way to finance my project,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-17 21:33:30 w1i4o6,,1,Anehi lpuc eli 3andha ahsen forfait internet (ar5es),,,,,,,2022-07-17 21:36:04 w1ieiw,,1,تنزيل الفيديوهات على جوجل كروم بسرعة |هذه الخاصية فعلها فوراا,,,,,,,2022-07-17 21:48:26 w1j0ke,,1,Tunisian dialect blog,,,,,,,2022-07-17 22:15:50 w1ja97,,1,Any photo booths in tunis?,,,,,,,2022-07-17 22:28:03 w1jazu,,1,"Guys, from where do you buy your cologne?","And what is your favorite one ? Price doesn't matter. Ladies you can chime in as well with the best cologne you smelled on a man. Danke",,,,,,2022-07-17 22:29:02 w1jjau,,1,Ahla chebeb njaht prepa,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-17 22:39:46 w1l47s,,1,Im stuck :/,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-17 23:56:12 w1m22w,علاش_كراجل_يرقد_مع_قحبة_يقولو_مصخ_اما/,0,علاش كراجل يرقد مع قحبة يقولو مصخ اما,علاش كراجل يرقد مع قحبة طول يخلصها و يعمل واحد يقولو مصخ اما كركح طفلة بشوي بشوي يصرف عليها و يخرج معاها و بعتالي يرقد معاها و يمشي على روحو. يتسمى جعبون.,,,,,,2022-07-18 00:42:27 w1mrss,,8,should i make my childhood dream come true?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 01:18:14 w1uwmy,,1,lol..,,,,,,,2022-07-18 09:20:59 w1uywh,,0,kifach nijim nitfaraj fil aflam mta3 artify bi blach?,,,,,,,2022-07-18 09:25:00 w1v20g,,1,"I want to create an account abroad to put my savings there, what are the options",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 09:30:34 w1vdd4,,0,"The decisions of President Qais Saeed are welcomed by the country's political parties, support and support",,,,,,,2022-07-18 09:51:34 w1vjt8,,6,Purchasing a laptop with a budget of 5K,"Hi Redditors ! I've been looking into purchasing a laptop for intensive graphical work (3D, rendering) and also good CPU performances, preferably with similar specs to these : \-RTX 3070 8GB mainly (RTX 3060 if the performance is less than 20% loss) \-MUX Switch preferably \-i7 11th or 12th generation or equivalent in Ryzen (ryzen 5 or 7) since there isn't an important difference \-Optionally 2K and good refresh rate above 144Hz, FULLHD is good as well The models I've found so far after a couple of weeks of research and benchmark comparison : \-Legion 5 pro \-Aorus 5 SE4 \- Asus Rog Strix G15 (2022) \-Zephyrus M16 (might require a higher budget) Kindly let me know about your experience if you have ever purchased one of these or have other suggestions in mind! I'm not certain which seller to turn to as well, any propositions would be likely appreciated, thank you and have a great day",,,,,,2022-07-18 10:02:54 w1vknu,,11,Any source of money no matter what it is,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 10:04:22 w1vmp4,,9,What's the most used dating app in Tunisia (Tinder Like),almost everything's a Paid Feature on Tinder and am sick of this and tbh am not ready to spend money buying memberships on dating apps yet since am new and it's not even worth it (atleast in tunisia),,,,,,2022-07-18 10:07:55 w1vxao,,257,Cover to my Tunisia guidebook has been finalised. Publishing in April 2023!,,,,,,,2022-07-18 10:26:27 w1w87o,,2,"im sick with covid, ask me anything",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 10:44:53 w1wfdd,,2,Tattoo,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 10:56:49 w1wihf,,3,Transport from Kalaa Soghra to Manchiya,"Hello Redditors, Can anyone from Sousse tell me if there is transportation (Taxis,,,) from Kalaa Soghra to Al Manchiya at 7 pm?",,,,,,2022-07-18 11:01:20 w1wtle,,1,Tunisian social media and Bloggers,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-18 11:19:36 w1xnvj,éussir_sa_carrière_sans_partir_vivre_à/,6,Peut-on réussir sa carrière sans partir vivre à l’étranger ?," J’ai été personnellement confronté au dilemme de partir faire carrière à l’étranger ou de continuer ma petite vie pérenne en Tunisie.  Pas mal de haters se sont hissés sur mon chemin tout au long de ma vie d'entrepreneur. Plusieurs personnes ont essayé de donner leur avis et de me sortir le vieux couplet de la trahison, ton pays a investi sur toi, ton diplôme a coûté des millions …etc  Et ce que j’ai pu amèrement constater c’est que bien souvent ceux qui critiquent ma démarche, ce choix d’épanouissement professionnel vivent ou ont déjà vécu eux-même à l’étranger ! Alors pourquoi interdire aux autres ce que nous avons fait nous-même est qui s’est révélé salvateur  pour notre propre carrière ? ",,,,,,2022-07-18 12:04:44 w1yulh,,2,"where can i buy fishing bait in Kelibia, and when? thanks.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 13:03:14 w1yvbp,,0,as tunisian do u like algerians ?,"(im sure the last thing u want see on reddit is shitty fcb things but this is pure genuine question not trying to spread hate or smthg ) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-18 13:04:10 w1z3bp,,4,why is SBSinformatique and Tunisianet selling GTX 1650 53% over the MSRP,"The Zotac one is being sold for 699 tnd (=228$ That's 79$ above the 149$ MSRP, +53%!!!) it should be around 500-550 tnd at most, sigh",,,,,,2022-07-18 13:14:30 w1zpcs,,1,I want to know everything about startups in Tunisia,"I have a website that I just launched and I wanna know if I'm eligible to turn it into a startup, I also wanna know how and where.",,,,,,2022-07-18 13:43:29 w21col,,4,Don't you think Algeria 5rat fih maana?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-18 14:55:03 w23nkc,,2,"Good restaurants , restaurant ideas","So long story short in the next month i wanna try a lot of new things , Decided to try new restaurants. So what's ur top 5 restaurants ( tunis gouvernement preferably )",,,,,,2022-07-18 16:30:00 w23zwc,,3,Beginner bikes in Tunisia,"Hello everyone, i want to buy a bike ,and as am a beginner am considering ""keeway rks 125"" as it is reliable and easy to handle for beginners, if anyone have any information about other options or this model I'll appreciate it",,,,,,2022-07-18 16:44:25 w2477o,,1,Hôtellerie-restauration: la France facilite le recrutement en Tunisie via un dispositif qui pose question,,,,,,,2022-07-18 16:53:24 w24eq4,,5,Need help renting in Sousse,"Hello, I want to rent a little house near the beach in Sousse (kantaoui) with my gf and another couple, is there any good couple friendly places you know of ? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you",,,,,,2022-07-18 17:01:55 w28t4b,,1,From where do you get theocal news?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 20:06:14 w28uey,,2,Local news sources.,"Hey guys, I used to follow up with the local news, especially politics, on Facebook. However, I recently deleted my FB account and now I feel that I'm missing out on the news. Could you recommend other news sources to me?",,,,,,2022-07-18 20:07:45 w2adbe,,21,The voting process,"I'm not trynna over complain here but am I the only one that thinks Highlighting ""yes"" in green and ""no"" in red is a bad practice in a voting procedure in a democratic country especially in promotional material.",,,,,,2022-07-18 21:11:07 w2b3u2,,5,"Hello, a Question regarding "" transport""",Is there any apps similar to uber in Tunisia that helps with getting by? Like in Algeria there are these apps called yassir and heetch that similar to uber. So is there any like this in Tunisia pls?,,,,,,2022-07-18 21:42:40 w2b7ie,,4,Best university to study English,What is the best uni/fac/inst for English bachelor degree?,,,,,,2022-07-18 21:47:10 w2bra1,,5,I understand there’s somewhat of a techno scene in Tunis. Is there any venues for industrial techno or are there any underground rave groups? Can’t stand the table culture at Tunisian nightclubs and really want to enjoy a night out for once…,,,,,,,2022-07-18 22:10:37 w2byv5,,7,places to visit in Tunisia?,"Hello, m renting in hamamet soon, what do u recommend me visiting in Tunisia ? Like museums, traditional stuff, cinema, bazaar. Thank you.",,,,,,2022-07-18 22:19:39 w2c6s0,,43,Going back home makes me depressed,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 22:29:09 w2d7jk,,1,pooling in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-18 23:13:55 w2edhg,,1,Eli yaaref win nel9a menha f tunis aandou boustin mn aandi,,,,,,,2022-07-19 00:08:16 w2ef17,,3,"im thinking of selling phone cases ,my question is what are the most common phones in tunisia ?",,,,,,,2022-07-19 00:10:14 w2j42u,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 04:00:10 w2jj0z,,17,Would you support decriminalizing homosexuality in Tunisia?,"Title. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-19 04:21:37 w2jksp,,4,"Tunisia imposes a blockade on the French naval base at Bizerte in 1961, resulting in a 3 day battle that would leave some 630 Tunisians, and 24 French dead, leading to France eventually ceding the base."," Though Tunisia had become independent in 1956, France still retained control of Bizerte, which it used as a base during the Algerian War. The Tunisian Govt was furious to know that instead of vacating the base as promised, France only planned to expand it more. The French managed to secure Bizerte in 3 days, using tanks, paratroopers and marines. Though there was some street to street fighting, the French military eventually captured the base. Finally with end of Algerian War, the base was handed over in October 1963.",,,,,,2022-07-19 04:24:17 w2kjij,,0,طريقة عمل ماكرون الشوكولاته من الشيف حورية المطبخ حورية زنون,,,,,,,2022-07-19 05:17:43 w2nek3,,5,Question about studying in Tunisia!,"I wanna study for a semester abroad - in Tunisia! I'm wondering about wether there are any Universities where the courses are in English? Would those be public or private Unis? Does anyone know about student loans in Tunisia? (i have a Tunisian passport tho!)",,,,,,2022-07-19 08:17:19 w2nfcv,,1,"situation is imberable , i have seen my mom crying",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 08:18:51 w2o4ei,,1,Working with a foreign company while living in Tunisia,"Does anyone here works/worked or knows someone who worked a full remote job (in Tunisia) with a foreign company ? If yes what are the pros and cons, and what is the procedure to get paid here?",,,,,,2022-07-19 09:05:02 w2oagc,,7,Why don't Tunisians living abroad tell Tunisians living in Tunisia the truth?,"About the hardships they face in the West such as discrimination, loneliness and other difficulties? I mean, yes sure you might be able to buy a car and come back home with it in the summer but for many many Tunisians the West is indeed not the place to be. I don't say they necessarily have to come back to Tunisia but there are many other alternatives.",,,,,,2022-07-19 09:15:52 w2ol3f,,1,"Rached Ghannouchi seeks in every way to spread chaos and destruction in Tunisia, and the leaders and members of the Ennahda party were putting pressure on society to influence the Tunisian judiciary during the investigation with Rached Ghannouchi",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 09:35:27 w2onup,,8,how do you tell if a guy likes you or he's just being a nice person considering you knew each other for 4 days,,,,,,,2022-07-19 09:40:28 w2p6h3,,1,need help with linear algebra,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 10:13:30 w2p7gh,,1,تسريع الهاتف والانترنت مع بعض | تسريع الهاتف والانترنت بأحترافية,,,,,,,2022-07-19 10:15:10 w2pi3n,,1,Tunisian Wojak Soldier for military fanatics,,,,,,,2022-07-19 10:33:26 w2pl8f,çais/,1,thoughts on bac français?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 10:38:49 w2q3bv,,6,receiving money as a content creator.,"Hi everyone I'm a content creator, I've created a buymecoffe page w I've been receiving donations there. Any body know how to withdrawal money from there? It says that you can payout using Payoneer, wise or PayPal, are those available in Tunisia? Thanks for your help in advance",,,,,,2022-07-19 11:09:07 w2qm7w,,1,"Any idea where I can buy a disco lamp like this in Tunis? or any other cool lamps, the Jumia ones are not that good so if any one of u know other shops or like instagram pages it would be very helpful.",,,,,,,2022-07-19 11:39:23 w2qp8w,,2,"Back to Tunisia, but no sign of referendum!","I came back from abroad to watch the referendum in action. I follow tunisian politics daily and read different tunisian newspapers to get an idea of what is going on. For weeks, I have not seen anything in the streets that show a referendum is happening. And people rarely speak about it. And those who speak are mainly a weird mix of Abir Moussi fans that want one man to rule them all in the name of maqasid al-islam. The rest either are too scared to say something or do not care. What is going on?!!!!",,,,,,2022-07-19 11:44:08 w2qt09,,27,Tunisia going bankrupt?,"&#x200B; [thoughts about this? ](",,,,,,2022-07-19 11:49:34 w2r94b,,1,License alternative,"Hello, is there a more easy and more practical diplôme that anyone can complete?",,,,,,2022-07-19 12:12:39 w2s9rj,,1,Tunisia at night,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 13:04:38 w2sb7m,,1,WHERE I CAN FIND Ls@\`7D in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 13:06:29 w2sy4o,,5,Tunisian startups,What's your favorite tunisian startup and why?,,,,,,2022-07-19 13:36:37 w2t2oj,,42,I'm a Tunisian girl that makes ≈20$ a day selling foot pics AMA.,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 13:42:27 w2uktc,,1,can any one help me to make a payonner account in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 14:49:50 w2uyfl,,1,who offers better prices?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 15:05:55 w2w0cg,,3,how much money do I need for studying abroad in France ? campus France compte bloque w b9iyat lmasarif w fmachi tari9a ndabr baha bourse ? bac info 16.22 moy,,,,,,,2022-07-19 15:51:42 w2wxav,,19,I’m visiting Tunisia for a couple days. Anyone want to meet up and chat?,"(Sorry mods if this type of post is not allowed). Hi, I’m an American guy in my 20s staying in Tunis for a couple days with another American friend. I’ve spent some time in Morocco before and I’m a big fan of the people and culture of the Maghreb, so I’ve been wanting to visit Tunisia for a long time. I’d like to meet up with any young people who are free and just chat about life for a bit. Drinks (coffee, tea, juice, beer, wine, whatever) are on me. I also speak French pretty well and would love to practice, or you can practice your English. Leave a comment or DM me if you’re interested and maybe we can hang out. Thanks! Edit: I’m staying near Place de la Kasbah in Tunis, but it’s possible I may end up in another city and I’m happy to visit other neighborhoods of Tunis. Wednesday, Thursday or Friday are the best days. And I just offered to cover the drinks as a friendly gesture, but if you want to pay for your own or even mine that is fine by me as well!",,,,,,2022-07-19 16:30:21 w2xwjl,,3,Is IT a good career option in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-07-19 17:11:10 w2yvex,,32,BAC has ruined my relationship with my mother,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 17:52:00 w2yxny,,1,IT student looking for guidance,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 17:54:44 w2z7xz,,1,Self Identity,,,,,,,2022-07-19 18:06:37 w2z860,,1,Self Identity,,,,,,,2022-07-19 18:06:52 w2zkuy,,1,chkoun yaaref win nel9aha or a similar one in tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 18:21:36 w2zmrb,,3,"any one know why i can't post pictures here, i'm not really familiar with reddit but iv'e seen bots post pictures but not me 😭",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 18:23:54 w2ztkh,,3,some good domains l wa7ed bac informatique score 105+,thanks in advance,,,,,,2022-07-19 18:31:31 w2zwih,,10,I just missed my driver's license for the second time.I feel so let down and sad. Anyone had a hard time getting his drivers licence?,,,,,,,2022-07-19 18:34:58 w30df5,,61,forest fire on Jebel Boukornine,,,,,,,2022-07-19 18:55:04 w30g5g,,1,World's Most Viewed Categories,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 18:58:16 w30nfq,,1,Tunisia at night,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 19:06:32 w30ts2,,0,what do you guys think about their comment ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 19:14:40 w314te,,2,what is the best private university in Tunisia?,"What is the best private university in the computer science field? teaching in English is a plus (french=gay)",,,,,,2022-07-19 19:26:57 w31ayb,,2,Covid obligations at the Tunis-Carthage Airport,In start-mid August I am going to travel to a country that only requires a PCR test to enter its border and I am not vaccinated at all (not a single dose). Will I find any problem at Tunis-Carthage Airport taking into account that I will be having my PCR test taken within 12 hours of my arrival at the airport? and does anybody know what should I do in case I will have any issues because the country I am going to requires me to take two shots of its own vaccines which don't exist here that's why I don't want to get vaccinated yet because 4 doses within 2 months can severely affect your body?,,,,,,2022-07-19 19:34:08 w3209d,,3,Bardo Museum Updates?,I am traveling to Tunis in a few weeks and was interested if there had been any updates on the status of the Bardo.,,,,,,2022-07-19 20:02:53 w32y9x,,5,GEOGRAPHY NOW,"So no he didn’t post yet the 7 year long waited for episode about Tunisia. But brother asked a very good [question]( What is a Tunisian? And tbh really makes you think. How do Tunisians define Tunisians ?",,,,,,2022-07-19 20:41:46 w33a30,,2,where can i find exterior lighting decoration for rent?,"I'm having a reception at my garden and looking for some lighting deco to rent (long Christmas light cords, colorful lightbulbs...) ,any idea where to go?",,,,,,2022-07-19 20:55:34 w33abd,,1,"update: For reference, the small lines of light are the city.",,,,,,,2022-07-19 20:55:50 w33bo6,,3,Any scholarships?,"Did anybody here get or knew somebody who got a fully funded scholarship? Some info: Bac math 17.46 - 173.715 score FG - 334 rang hasb score - no experience fel vie associative",,,,,,2022-07-19 20:57:23 w33ep1,سقوط_فستان_هيفاء_و_الجمهور_يبحلق/,0,سقوط فستان هيفاء و الجمهور يبحلق,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 21:00:33 w33pbf,,1,"This is the new anthem I chose for the Republic of Tunisia, our Republic. Brace for Impact!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 21:12:31 w33w6w,,1,how to get to know people while on vacations,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 21:20:33 w348j6,,1,7 Amazing Jobs That Will Require Future Skills,,,,,,,2022-07-19 21:35:11 w34ktr,,1,How does an American foreigner find a hookup?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 21:49:41 w34tud,,4,How to open a buisness in tunsia?,I am a Canadian citizen and have been in tunisia multiple times with friends and family. I currently work in canada but would love to start something there in order to try to be closer to my family and enjoy life as I am 30 and have been working for almost 15years now... I thought of maybe opening a buisness but I am just lost of how the process works exactly:/ Please let me know if you have any valuable information I should know that can help me out in my quest. Thank you!,,,,,,2022-07-19 22:00:16 w35869,,1,Conflicted,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 22:17:00 w35r9u,,4,How do you deal with loneliness and boredom ?,"This question is destined to those who live in Tunisia that go through intense feelings of loneliness and/or boredom, whatever their reasons or situations are. How does loneliness/boredom affect your life ? How do you deal with loneliness/boredom in your everyday life ? And finally, what role does being in Tunisia play in this, if you think it indeed has anything to do with it? (I'm not assuming living in Tunisia has necessarily anything to do with these feelings for everyone, but maybe it does for certain people, maybe there is a connection, or maybe it's a total illusion, I myself wonder whether it is) Thank you",,,,,,2022-07-19 22:39:49 w3660m,,1,Custom prints,"Hey guys, any stores in grand tunis that print custom high quality artwork/posters? I'm looking to give my room some life. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-07-19 22:58:04 w368yg,,4,anyone wanna sell her used socks for a good price? pm me,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-19 23:01:16 w37i51,,1,"Who’s doing Sousse-Tunis tomorrow? 2 people, will pay, not serial killers.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-19 23:59:04 w37pcd,,2,bac and job help,"Hi, My cousin has just graduated (bac info, score 107 or 109). He wants to work desperately (financial reasons) over the summer, any ideas of what he can do? He's actually not bad at coding at all (17/20) and his English is amazing. He's willing to help with coding or doing research that is programming related to solve issues or something. In addition, any universities or majors you recommend for him? As I said he has a low score, but he really wants to do something in programming. No money to go to a private school",,,,,,2022-07-20 00:07:44 w38gv5,,1,location estivale à kélibia plage,,,,,,,2022-07-20 00:42:29 w38wh0,,6,Your president is really cringe and funny,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-20 01:02:55 w3aqst,,8,Your top 3 stand up comedians? (local/international),,,,,,,2022-07-20 02:31:05 w3d32x,,0,Regional Stereotypes,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-20 04:28:20 w3hrqx,,11,what happened to CN Arabia?,"it completely disappeared from my TV and I have children who won't stop crying about it with me, someone save me please",,,,,,2022-07-20 09:11:08 w3ibi8,,1,سر لزيادة مساحه الهاتف الى 32 جيجا | حل مشكلة الذاكرة ممتلئة في هواتف ال...,,,,,,,2022-07-20 09:47:33 w3ie4g,,0,"President Kais Saied issued a decree calling on voters to vote in a referendum on a new constitution on July 25, and the Tunisian government approved today, Thursday, a draft presidential order calling on voters to vote in a referendum on a draft new constitution on July 25.",,,,,,,2022-07-20 09:52:29 w3jb9w,,3,Kmayen el Gort must be making big money,Otherwise they would have never accepted to ride hundreds of kilometers from Northern Tunisia to the South of the country in their super warm trucks at a very low speed. How much money do they actually make?,,,,,,2022-07-20 10:49:21 w3jish,,0,hello tunisian brothers I have a question about lycées,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 11:01:48 w3jqgx,,3,Private university Tek-Up,"Hello fellow tunisians, i graduated (license) this year and I'm still hesitant between completing my studies in Tek-up or continuing my studies in a classic way (master's degree) - Can you give me insights about Tek-up (preferably by an alumnus or a student there)? - What is the best aproach to finding a job and starting my career? Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-07-20 11:14:31 w3k04f,,4,where could I find Transport Jobs online ?,"Hello dear Tunisians, &#x200B; I own a Truck ( Isuzu Nkr 3.5 T with isothermic cabin) and I struggle to find transport gigs. Does anybody know a website or a forum or a facebook page where I could find informations about job offers and opportunities? Any Help will be much appreciated. I live in Mahdia. Sadly the economy is semi dead here that's why I am trying this here. I am not looking for long time contratcs rather for short term jobs.",,,,,,2022-07-20 11:30:25 w3kbwb,,3,shopping,"Hey guys, i know it's two very diffrent things but i just wanted to write only one post 1. Where can i buy a good quality 10mm powerlifting belt? 2. Where can i buy a good quality speed cube(rubik's cube)?",,,,,,2022-07-20 11:49:06 w3klo5,,0,Covoiturage Gabes vers Jerba,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 12:03:22 w3ksxk,,0,work with melbet in tunisia contact me in whatsup : +21696144993,,,,,,,2022-07-20 12:13:59 w3kt5g,,1,work with melbet,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-20 12:14:17 w3kylg,,34,"I need an advice ! Please, tell me what to do ?","I started a new job and my best friend and my boyfriend (soon to be fiancee) are interested in joining this team. My boyfriend is currently abroad and this job will allow him to come back home and be with me once again. He's having a hard time at the country he is at. My best friend recently lost her job and is currently on the search for a new job. She does not have an income at the moment. There is an opening that each of them can fill. If I refer my bf, he will certainly get the job and if I refer my best friend, she will certainly get the job. However, if I refer them both, my bf is most likely to have the job. What should I do ? Who should I refer? Should I refer them both and wait? I think my best friend is more in need for the job, but also, my bf will know I referred her and not him and it will be a bad situation.. I cant say that I dont want him to get this job and come back too because I do.. CLARIFICATION: This is a fully remote position and the work environment is perfectly healthy. UPDATE: I just spoke with my bf, told him that there is an opening and that I will refer both of them. He told me he would pass and I should refer my best friend because she is more in need for a job and he will do his best to find another job allowing him to come back 🥺💔 UPDATE II: My best friend thinks it would be best if my bf applies because she really wants us to reunite again. 🥺♥️",,,,,,2022-07-20 12:21:23 w3lj41,,69,Picture of the burning mountain of bougarnin(or bourgsidria) from last night,,,,,,,2022-07-20 12:50:14 w3loa8,,1,Recruiters on LinkedIn,,,,,,,2022-07-20 12:57:12 w3n3wm,,1,orientation,Ame 5ir w feha akther afe9 gestion w ile info de gestion?,,,,,,2022-07-20 14:01:41 w3n8sr,,1,كيفية نشر فيديوهات على اليوتيوب من الهاتف,,,,,,,2022-07-20 14:07:25 w3nj6k,,5,"The Campaign to Thwart the Referendum"". A planned protest for July 23rd",,,,,,,2022-07-20 14:19:56 w3p0n6,,2,studying abroad question,"Hello fellow redditors! I want to study abroad next year, and i haven't applied to any university yet because I haven't decided where to study and my passort isnt ready(it will take one to two weeks from now i guess). Do you have any suggestions where to go knowing that i am already late? My budget is around 10 to 20k a year and would love to study in english.",,,,,,2022-07-20 15:20:58 w3pdsh,,4,Where can I find the gdp of every Tunisian state?,,,,,,,2022-07-20 15:35:37 w3q8pi,,1,"Threesomes, Cuckold, BDSM, Femdom, BBC and other...",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-20 16:10:43 w3qa9w,,1,Are there any communities in Tunisia for bdsm and threesome?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-20 16:12:29 w3qken,,21,Is it normal for employer to demand 40 hours a week for a first year unpaid intern?,,,,,,,2022-07-20 16:23:29 w3qmst,,7,CV mta3 khedma,Any site n3mel bh cv ll 5edma kol site nod5olo y9oly pay me ba3ed mankmlo emergency ⚠️,,,,,,2022-07-20 16:26:05 w3qpu2,,3,i live in tunisia and srsly if there is a chance of selling my kidney to leave the country i would !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 16:29:28 w3r43a,,2,need help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 16:45:13 w3rvyn,,1,GEOGRAPHY NOW TUNISIA EPISODE! Important to respond!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-20 17:15:48 w3rx65,,1,Geography Now Tunisia Episode! Please respond!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-20 17:17:15 w3s622,,3,written laughter,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-20 17:27:21 w3uiy5,شكون_عندو_نتائج_سبر_اراء_عل_استفتاء_سمعت_الجزيرة/,0,شكون عندو نتائج سبر اراء عل استفتاء سمعت الجزيرة حكات علي واحد,,,,,,,2022-07-20 19:02:41 w3vawc,,1,"Is it just me or after reading the constitution, it seems it'll fuck up most of person's right even in what they wear?","Won't it affect the rights of a person even the peace of their own homes or am I misreading ""read between the lines verses""? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-20 19:34:48 w3w1qv,,1,where can i sell my pc ASAP,"im in a bad financial situation and i need moeny ASAPP so im looking to sell my laptop. i posted it on tayara and on FB marketplace and no one contacted me so where do i sell it? and for those who are maybe intrested here are my specs 4gb ram intel core i3-6006u Intel HD 520 now i personally need 550 because i need 542 but i'm ready to negotiate",,,,,,2022-07-20 20:05:18 w3w3ou,,1,500 hectares of our dear Bougarnine went up in smoke!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 20:07:35 w3w4lp,,1,500 hectares of our lovely Bougarnine went up in smoke!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 20:08:40 w3w8o4,,1,500 hectares of our lovely Bougarnine went up in smoke!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 20:13:27 w3wb5f,,42,500 hectares of our lovely Bouragnine went up in smoke!,,,,,,,2022-07-20 20:16:20 w3wrap,,0,Crunchyroll subscription,"Tawa fama stores temchilhom yaamloulek subscription Netflix for example, Is there any store fi soussa yaamalou subscription fi crunchyroll? If yes, any idea ala el aswem? Thanks",,,,,,2022-07-20 20:35:10 w3xfg1,,2,kadeh aandi el hak njib flous mel bara?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 21:02:22 w3xnyn,,4,How do you get your books in sousse?,"I am talking about paper cover book I used to order my books from an instagram page but i am looking for alternatives. I read mainly in english, live in Sousse w menich most3ad nadfa3 100dt ala kteb 5ater menich korza so aka fnac mt3 zebi w amthelha lee. W ken fama renting service methebia library tkoun kbira w diverse mch feha ken el mainstreamw typical fiction mt3 19eme siècle mt3 🇫🇷 aka loktob mt3 madame zebi 7abet we7ed noble w hia f9ira chwaya 3arsoulha chwaya el church nekethom chwaya tala3a el badrou 3alayna dezou 5ouh ta7 f chorba",,,,,,2022-07-20 21:12:13 w3ytbr,,5,why do we have this mentality,"In normal elections since 2011: ميهمش شكون بش يربح مش بش يتغير شيء - انت تتخبهم وهوما يطلعوا يعملوا لفلوس وانت تبقى مقود. Now: مش بش يتغير شيء كان صوت نعم واللا، الانتخبات مزورة... شالعباد المنيكة؟",,,,,,2022-07-20 22:00:07 w3yv3m,,2,Books,A3az blasa bch nekhou ktob mesta3mla f wost tounes bekhlef Eddabaghin?,,,,,,2022-07-20 22:01:45 w4126b,,2,Orientation bac sc,Hello im bac sc 2022 with an average of 16.77 and FG = 163.955 ( low asf amirite) and Rank according to FG = 956 ( extremely low) so i have always wanted to study in INSAT MPI (bformule insat score = 180.825) but today hbat دليل طاقة الإستيعاب w jme3et bac sc 3andhom ken 92 places do i have good chances to get into INSAT MPI ?snn is INSAT CBA good 5ater nhes domaine chimie very interesting ? w ken fama chkoun ya9ra fi ISSATSO is there a possibilty for double diplome ? snn suggest some other alternatives nheb na9ra haja najm no5rej beha barra,,,,,,2022-07-20 23:35:50 w416xh,,1,Finding a job in tunisia with no knowledge of french,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 23:41:54 w419gw,,7,What are ways of making money online in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-07-20 23:45:08 w41g7f,,1,The view tonight,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-20 23:53:40 w41t2w,,3,help me plan my days off,"thing is im way out of the loop on cool spots for swimming, eating and drinking. please give me your suggestions on cool lounge bars, restaurants, beaches and hotels. any interesting live music bands, concerts, art or comedy shows ? please i am actually desperate and dont want to spend my kounji curled up in bed watching Netflix",,,,,,2022-07-21 00:09:35 w41yox,,2,chkoun fi djerba na3mlou 9ahwa? just for fun,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-21 00:16:53 w41yqe,,0,"im convinced, wentouma?",,,,,,,2022-07-21 00:16:56 w42s40,,0,what are your views on furries?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-21 00:54:30 w42yax,,1,who has experience as a freelancer in tunisia ?what do you do ? how much u get payed ? what platform do you use ? what field do you work in ? how do you withdraw your money ? a lot of question in my head xD bear with me,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-21 01:02:10 w43103,,1,manouba engineering school,Any thoughts about the new manouba engineering school ( e5tisasta /afe9....)? eni neje7 bac math jdid btw,,,,,,2022-07-21 01:05:37 w43ng3,,2,.,"Yoo, i'm a 16 year old tunisian boy . I've a problem and i need some help, so i'm too skinny and i'm a hard gainer i just need tunisian meals with high calories that would help me bulk up, (i can eat daily and not expensive)",,,,,,2022-07-21 01:34:36 w4cbed,,60,C malheureux...,,,,,,,2022-07-21 09:33:13 w4co3k,,11,Insights to relocating to a no visa country(for tunisians) .,"I ve been working remotely for some time now as a graphic and digital designer with offshore agencies. My salary is in usd. And lately I have been considering relocating to a non visa country. Any insights? Advices? Countries i should be avoiding? Recommendations?.... Thanks",,,,,,2022-07-21 09:55:20 w4cxjh,,0,Transformation Of The Ennahda Movement From Islamic Party To Terrorism," The Ennahda Movement, whose foundations were laid in Tunisia, a country in [**North Africa**](, at the beginning of the 1970s by Rached Ghannouchi and his friends, has continued its existence as an Islamic party for many years. However, the movement gradually shifted its association with terrorism and assassinations.  [](",,,,,,2022-07-21 10:10:43 w4d0e9,,1,طريقة زيادة مساحة هاتفك بشكل خيالي مجانا,,,,,,,2022-07-21 10:15:15 w4d3t4,,0,looking for an abortion clinic/ gynecologist in Grand tunis.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-21 10:20:56 w4dcdu,,4,Difference between CI-DS and AI,"hello i have been given a choice to go to ether CI-DS or AI in the IT domain can someone plz explain the difference thanks.",,,,,,2022-07-21 10:35:30 w4edzj,,1,"why people on this country aware it's a shithole, deeply ignorant and barely liveable but when anyone tries to be logical they tell them to go to ""Canada or San Francisco"" Like you're aware it's a third world but don't want change?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-21 11:33:53 w4en5o,énieur_informatique/,4,cours de soir ingénieur informatique,"I have passed my m1 master in computer science and I was wondering when studying in cours de soir how many years till graduation and if there is online studies. Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-07-21 11:46:45 w4exnw,,17,who is a software engineer in Tunisia ? what is the average salary i dont trust google,,,,,,,2022-07-21 12:01:54 w4fkrz,,1,recommend me a fitness smartwatch plz,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-21 12:34:24 w4g6m2,,1,Geography Now Tunisia Episode!! Important please read!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-21 13:03:21 w4g7dx,,1,Geography Now Tunisia Episode!! Important please read!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-21 13:04:26 w4g8d6,,35,Geography Now Tunisia Episode!! Important please read!!," Aslema jma3a! [Geography Now]( (\~3m subscribers), likely the BIGGEST Geography channel on YouTube, is working on the Tunisia episode (they make an episode on every country, going by alphabetical order). As the channel has grown they've been putting more and more effort into the videos making them longer and more detailed. aH we are so far down the alphabet LOL. Anyways, this will most likely be the **BIGGEST video on Tunisia in ALL of YouTube.** Lets make a big impression! He loves asking the people of the country to directly contribute to his videos, answering questions for each of his segments. I have emailed him already, and sent me the questions/information he would like to know about our country! I will paste what he has asked in the email in this post at the bottom. You can either reply to this post (I will try my best to compile and send him an email back) or you can directly email him at **the email in the reply to this post**. I am pretty busy nowadays, so don't trust me on taking all of your suggestions, I will do the best I can. I'd prefer if you could email him your answers directly! Here is the email: >Hey Malek again!  So basically I'm asking all my Tunisian Subscribers a bunch of questions and if you'd like to help feel free to answer any (or all) of these questions! ALSO If you are interested in recording yourself for any special segment in the show (Like the famous places, food, language, culture or other stuff let me know and I'll write a segment for you in the video!)   What are some secret cool places to see in Tunisia that not many people know about? 2. FOODS - Top foods that are DISTINCTLY Tunisian. Like you can only find them in Tunisia- What are they? 3. What is a ""Tunisian?"" Like if the Arab world was a family, how would Tunisia fit in? What is their ""role"" or what are they ""known"" for? What do they specialize in? 4. Tunisian dialect- I've been told Tunisian Arabic is pretty unique and has a mixture of many different influences. Can you explain a little bit more about Standard Arabic vs. Tunisian Arabic? (I am also looking for Volunteers to record themselves explaining more on this! Would you be interested?) 5. What are some of the economic specialties of Tunisia? What drives your country and what are you ""good"" at? 6. What are some of the controversies Tunisia is facing today ? 7. SPORTS! - What should Art say in the Sports segment in the episode? What are some Sports highlights of Tunisia? 8. HANNAH'S CULTURE SEGMENT! - What is DISTINCTLY Tunisian Culture? What are Tunisians known for with customs, traditions, practices, beliefs, lifestyles, folklore, ...etc. What makes Tunisian special and unique from all other Arabs/ Maghrebi people? 9. KEITH'S MUSIC SEGMENT- What are some of the top things people should know about Tunisian Music? Are there any distinct styles, genres, instruments, or themes that are ONLY done in Tunisia? Or Dances? And who are some of the most famous Tunisian Musical Artists? (Modern and historical) 10. LAST CHANCE- what are some things you think I absolutely CANNOT miss in the episode? Things you want the whole world to know about Tunisia? Are there any weird/ interesting facts nobody knows? What do you think? Let me know! \-Barbs I have already typed out my response to the first part which is usually cool geography, and focused a lot on the northwest (wilayat jendouba, beja, bizerte, kef) in where Tabarka and Ain Draham are really underrated beauties in the whole of North Africa They actually are one of the fastest growing tourism areas of tounes. In fact, Tabarka has the most rainfall of any coastal city in the Levant or North Africa, and Ain Draham the most rainfall in general! We are blessed to have these two exclaves of rain and dense forest in our country (in fact the vast majority of the Mejerdah's flow comes from the Kroumirie). It is not typically North African, and is a small part leftover from the African humid period thousands of years ago. I want him to mention these, as people only think desert when they think of Tunisian geography (in a large part bc of Star Wars). **Anyways, please help and contribute as much as you can! This will likely be our MOST VIEWED, and honestly, INFLUENTIAL video on YouTube!!** Thanks!!!",,,,,,2022-07-21 13:05:40 w4h4ph,,5,anyone knows a trustworthy place to buy original sneakers?,"I went to City Sport w Tuttosport cause I want nice durable sneakers, Ema 7assithom kol mdhar7in, I didn't have that feel for quality and it felt really sketchy. Genre la colle qui dépasse un peu, la couture irrégulière, des details haka eli 5aliwek testa5ser 300dt in a shoe to be frank. Famechi blasa nel9a fiha something that really looks like it belongs to the brand? I've seen shoes brought from abroad w bil7a9 la différence est claire avec ce que je trouve ici a tunis, it's really frustrating!",,,,,,2022-07-21 13:46:48 w4hry9,,7,"I'm confused, need your opinions","so long story short, I went to the beach and there was a girl who wanted to swim near me so she won't be alone. she started a conversation, said she was 17 then she started talking about boys. she said that she once went to the beach and a boy was clearly staring at her so she made the first move and after some talking the boy kissed her, and there when I started getting upset, she was underage and the boy clearly took advantage of her, he could've done more and she would actually like it as her way of describing the kiss shows. Then, she started staring at the boys around us and smiling and making small talkings or saying bad words out loud so they can notice her. One of them was clearly minding his own business but she said that he's looking at her, she went to swim next to him even talked to him but he was avoiding her which made her upset, she even asked me if her boobs are clear enough and other questions about her being sexually attractive. I tried to keep her away, advicing her without sounding like a mom, but I eventually got out and left her trying to get the boy's attention My problem is, if one of them just gave her the attention she was craving for, or just seized the chance, would it be ""taking advantage of her""? would it be his fault or her fault? she was 17, her 18th birthday could be tomorroww and she'll be legally free to make her decisions but it felt so wrong, I felt that she was so young to think that way! I felt confused because while she's 17 I'd say it was the boy's fault but when she'd be 18 (which could be after one day), it'll be hers because she was kinda ""asking for it"" . we should always support the victim but should we have ""biased standards""?I always think that life is not ""either white or black"" but our standards should be, is that wrong? what do you think?",,,,,,2022-07-21 14:15:07 w4iopx,,54,بجاه ربي شنوا يحسو اعوان الحماية المدنية هاذم والي اطرافهم محروقة بعد حرب شرسة مع النار ليلة كاملة وصفحة الرئاسه و صفحات الاذاعات و التلافز تشكر في الدزيرية الي ما طفاوش معاهم جمرة وحدة و خلطو بعد نهار من اخماد الحماية التونسية للحريق.. علااااااه الطحين علاااااأااااأه,,,,,,,2022-07-21 14:53:46 w4lfyo,,2,any ui/ux designers here ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-21 16:46:37 w4ll4x,,2,Is it common to pay with paylib in Tunisia?,Didn’t find any informations on the internet so I’m asking you inhabitants of this country.,,,,,,2022-07-21 16:52:28 w4nehz,,4,does anybody know from where can i find red lenses and fangs for a vampire cosplay?,fi grand Tunis,,,,,,2022-07-21 18:06:51 w4pxf8,é_behi_fi_benzart_w_bkadeh/,2,chkoun yaref foyer privé behi fi benzart ? w bkadeh tetkalef aicha ta etudiant hakeka,title says it all nheb nakra ghadi w nheb naref kadeh bech tetkalafli lahkeya,,,,,,2022-07-21 19:49:41 w4q3ws,,2,Is it true that tunisian females are wearing the khimar less?," ""Photos of women in full Islamic attire - faces covered and in long dresses - next to old pictures of women in short skirts from the 1950s and 1960s in North Africa and the Middle East are often put together on social media to make a point. The underlying message is: ""Look what has become of Arab societies during the past 50 years or so."" To those who share such photos, it is the most visible sign of how their countries have regressed and abandoned the ideals of progress and modernity, exemplified by adopting a Western lifestyle. But for the conservative forces that have shaped the region in the past few decades, it is quite the opposite: it is a positive act of asserting Muslim identity in societies that had for long been colonised and had a Western lifestyle imposed upon them first by colonial rulers, and then by Westernised elites out of touch with local culture. From Morocco to Egypt and beyond, the issue of ""Islamic dress code"", in particular the veil or hijab, has been one of the most controversial piece of clothing. By all accounts, its spread within the region has been down primarily to one factor: the emergence and eventual success of political Islam, the phenomenon also known as Islamism. The whole of North Africa has powerful Islamist movements that either came to power or nearly did as in the case of Algeria in the early 1990s. Even after they were removed from power, their influence over societies has remained considerable. But that is beginning to change, according to many observers. And one of the most obvious ways to assess that is by looking at the most potent symbol of the impact of Islamism: the hijab. Many observers have noted that the past few years have seen a steady decline in the phenomenon in North Africa. In Moroccan news website Al-Yaoum 24, columnist Said El-Zaghouti recently wrote: ""It's not hard to notice that the extent to which the hijab was worn in our Arab world, and in particular in Morocco, has gone down relatively, and that retreat and decline is to a large extent due to the decline and ebb of what is known as the Islamic current."" Young Moroccan women have spoken to local media about the social pressure, even harassment, they have to endure when they take off the hijab. But that has apparently not deterred them. In Tunisia, where wearing the hijab was once an act of defiance because it was banned by successive autocratic regimes, it became popular for a brief period following the 2011 Arab Spring, but has started to fall off again recently. Writing in the Arabic Independent, Tunisian journalist Huda Al-Trabulis highlights the complex motives for the appearance of the hijab in the country and its subsequent decline. The hijab was once an act of resistance and opposition to secularism imposed from above during the rule of the post-independence autocrats, Habib Bourguiba and Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. It then became popular in the short period after the revolution in 2011 that saw the rise to power of the Islamist Ennahda movement, to the extent that the veiled woman was promoted as the model to follow for the Tunisian public. But then it fell out of favour as successive Islamist-dominated parliaments failed to solve the country's many problems and Tunisia plunged into a deep economic and political crisis. In Egypt too, arguably the birthplace of the hijab as we know it today, the appearance and relative decline is tied up with the political fortunes of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptian women began throwing off traditional face coverings nearly a century ago and by the mid-twentieth century the veil had almost completely disappeared. But the hijab made its first re-emergence in the mid-seventies when then-President Anwar Sadat gave a green light to the Muslim Brotherhood to operate on university campuses to fight off political rivals from the secular left who had developed considerable influence over society in the previous decades. The spread of the hijab continued almost unabated until 2013 when the Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi was removed from power. Hostility to Islamist symbols - the hijab foremost amongst them - was palpable. There were persistent reports of restaurants denying access to women wearing the hijab, or swimming pools refusing entry to women wearing the burkini, the supposedly Sharia-compliant swimsuit. Today there is palpable decline that is hard to quantify due to a lack of objective surveys. The evidence is largely anecdotal. Still, the hijab remains one of the country most divisive issues - a cultural and political fault-line not dissimilar to the one surrounding abortion in the US, with cultural and political rows breaking out at regular intervals on the matter. Most recently in Egypt reactions to the stabbing to death of a young university student in broad daylight by her suitor after she refused to marry him were as shocking as the crime itself. To everyone the crime was abhorrent and duly condemned. But as soon as it emerged that the victim was unveiled, reactions began to diversify. A famous tele-preacher urged women to cover their bodies properly to avoid meeting a similar fate. He actually said: ""Cover your face with a basket."" And when her university sought to pay tribute to her, it produced a poster of her with her photo apparently doctored so it appeared as though she was wearing the hijab. Both reactions triggered a barrage of angry responses from the secularised sectors of society. The young man has been sentenced to death by hanging. But a campaign has swung into action to defend the convicted murderer. No-one knows for sure who is behind it, but many suspect wealthy Islamists in exile have hired the highest paid lawyer in the country to defend the culprit in the appeal proceedings. An intervention by al-Azhar - the highest religious institution in Egypt - to calm tension has ironically poured more oil on the fire. The Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, has said that not wearing the hijab does not make the woman a renegade, but simply a woman who disobeyed God. The statement that was meant to assuage secular sectors of society enraged women's rights and other secular groups even more. Once again, social media were full of impassioned pleas for the hijab as an inalienable part of the faith and equally vociferous condemnation of the cloth. Although support for the hijab appear to be waning in the region, especially among the young, the perception that it is inseparable from Muslim identity has become entrenched far and wide. So much so that whenever any government - especially in Europe - introduces restrictions on wearing it in public institutions, that is usually denounced as a war on Islam itself. Merely criticising the hijab in Western democracies has also become almost synonymous with ""Islamophobia"" or attacks on minority rights. But in Muslim-majority societies it is still regarded as part of a legitimate campaign for the liberation of women from stifling tradition.""",,,,,,2022-07-21 19:57:19 w4q5e0,,5,geomatics engineering,"Can u guys tell me about geomatics engineering (what is this specialty, what is used for, and what are the employment opportunities here in tunisia) its is a new specialty in the new manouba school of engineering that teaches with english language",,,,,,2022-07-21 19:59:21 w4q5qy,,2,only 4% arabs so ..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-21 19:59:52 w4qqqr,,31,I made bad life choice,"I typically would post something like this on r/offmychest but right now I feel like I want to vent to my fellow Tunisians. I went to college for five years pursuing a not so prestigious degree, that's my mistake #1. I spent most of my college years figuring out heavy shit about life and about who I am, and I didn't pay much attention to studying or social life, I made some pretty good friends though, truly some of he most amazing and dear people to my heart, and they could've been my friends for life, only to lose them all later by choice, I ghosted them and deleted them from social media as long as I got my Licence, and that's my mistake #2. I wasn't planning to pursue a master's degree, yet a colleague of mine convinced me, only to regret it later because we studied the same things all over again, mistake #3. And now it pains me every time I scroll down job offers realizing I'm disqualified for at least 70% of the positions available in my industry, then I start automatically comparing myself to my social surrounding and to my peers. I have hard choices to make ahead of me, whether to settle down with any job and upskill my way up, or save up some money and pursue the kind of academic education I want and invest more time of my life studying. I'm not being regretful or resentful, I'm pretty calm about it, because I didn't know better, I was very delusional at the time. If I had the money to go to a private university and live my college years all over again, I would do it gladly, and make up for all of my silly mistakes",,,,,,2022-07-21 20:23:19 w4r2hj,,11,learn about our dna only 18% arabs,,,,,,,2022-07-21 20:36:58 w4u6os,,1,"Question: does anyone know of any incubators, makerspaces, or prototyping centers in Sousse for engineers or startups?","hi, thank you for reading this and helping out! The types of places i'm looking for have memberships or rates where you can go in and use their tools and equipment for your own projects. Anyone that likes to build and tinker would go here to use equipment they don't want to buy and to connect with other builders. The spaces have equipment like**:** cnc machine, drill press, 3d printers, table saw, band saw, light welding, laser cutter, water jet cutter, electrical testing equipment, soldering irons, etc... below are links to similar types of places for reference. []( []( thank you so much for your help!!",,,,,,2022-07-21 22:46:47 w4v33w,,3,Good dermatologist in Tunis.,"Chabbeb, belehy chkoun yaarf w jarreb mche l dermatologist zone tunis w se3ddou in treating his/her skin problems (Acne).",,,,,,2022-07-21 23:27:02 w4x59z,,3,i really need help,"So i got my bac degree and i really have no idea on where to go for uni Can u pls explain what uni are related to info and what kind of studies they offer and what work would i be doing later Btw score is fg + info 150",,,,,,2022-07-22 01:02:38 w50qpx,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-07-22 04:00:12 w54ak1,,10,"Hey redditors, I'm selling this beer opener that i made but my sells do not match my expectations, i only sold few of them. I really do not understand why. I really need your help and thanks a lot ( i made it affordable, price is 15 Dinars with free shipping)",,,,,,,2022-07-22 07:26:12 w551pp,,1,can international technology card pay in dollars?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-22 08:14:03 w5524h,,1,can international technology card pay in dollars?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-22 08:14:49 w557gj,,1,I got stung by a wasp on my penis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-22 08:24:29 w55lmq,,5,Experience about the Tunisian post,"I want to send a package to Germany, does anyone have any clue how much time it'll take to be there? Or the process in general please? I've heard alot that the service here is so bad, the package is important to me and I really don't want it to get lost, if anyone knows another way to send it please tell me ! 🤍",,,,,,2022-07-22 08:50:32 w55lwo,,6,Are international credit cards (CTI & others) not working these past few days?,"Hey everyone, I just tried to use my international visa card (from UBCI) to buy something online and it didn't work. I called my bank yesterday, and they told me that ""monetique-tunisie"" had a problem, and that most CTIs and other international cards are not working. They also told me that the problem should be fixed by yesterday, but I'm still unable to use my card. And as if it wasn't enough, ""monetique-tunisie"" is not picking up the phone... Did anyone else encounter problems these past few days? Does anyone have info on this problem and on how long it will last please?",,,,,,2022-07-22 08:51:00 w56d85,,1,bourguiba school,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-22 09:39:01 w575yz,,2,Leaving multiple bank accounts open with no activity,"Hey guys, I'd like to know if there are bad consequences to leaving multiple bank accounts open. I have like 4 or 5 (comptes courants) with no activity at all since a couple of years ago. Edit: I'm wondering whether they keep charging me those fees every 3 months. What happens if I don't have any money in the account?",,,,,,2022-07-22 10:26:17 w57oxh,,3,Intership in Data science domain ( abord or in tunisia ),"Hello guys, i am in my 5th graduate year , and i am seeking for an intership i the data science field so there is any advice or ways to make the process easier",,,,,,2022-07-22 10:57:38 w57r0f,,2,is chemical engineering a good career ?,so i recently got my bac and i was planning to get into INSAT MPI but my score is not enough to be accepted so im considering studying CBA ( Chimie Biologie appliqué) in INSAT then do chemical engineering but some people discouraged me from and others reccomended it to me so in general is the pay good w feha afe9 fi tounes or no ?,,,,,,2022-07-22 11:00:32 w58vne,,1,can I (tunisian med student) carry on my studies abroad (not france preferably) ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-22 12:02:32 w59ev6,,4,Anyone know a good orthophoniste (speech therapy ) in sfax,,,,,,,2022-07-22 12:29:41 w59qoj,,1,Where can i possibly find Border Collie dogs for sale ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-22 12:46:10 w5a06n,épa_f_tounes/,5,El prépa f tounes.,"I'm interested to know your opinions about prépa in Tunisia from your experiences, what are the best ones? What are some myths you keep hearing about prépa? Thanks a lot in advance.",,,,,,2022-07-22 12:59:03 w5a3he,,1,Is Tinder plus / gold worth it here ?,"I (26M) have recently started using tinder and it's been alright, but I heard getting tinder plus or gold could get you more likes and matches. Has anyone here tried them before in Tunisia ? I don't want to get the paid version and realize I wasted my money. Thnx",,,,,,2022-07-22 13:02:12 w5ac1z,ïed/,4,Why are people still unaware of Kais Saïed intentions?,"Every time I hear or read what Tunisians are saying about the referendum or the new constitution I can't help but laugh. Many people still think Kaisoun (the president) cares about democracy or the state of the law the way the other parties look at it. Kaisoun has chosen a very clear way, similar similar that of El Sisi in Egypt, Recep in Turkey and Vladimir in Russia, and has been working professionally and silently on his plans. I honestly don't think he has any plans of going back to the type of the democracy we have been seeing in the last decade as long as he is alive. The same way Ben Ali had a parliament, Kaisoun will also have a parliament, but it will be primarily composed of marionettes just the way Ben Ali had it. It is quite funny that there are still people who are waiting for the results of the referendum and don't seem to have yet understood the intentions of the president. Until then he will keep fighting against them because of course establishing a dictatorship is not an easy thing and he will take his time just as Ben Ali took his time. You might be wondering ""but what about democracy and institutions, and what if Kais suddenly dies?"" In that case I can tell you the easy answer: Kais is not responsible for what happens after him. He has a goal and a plan and a mission, the day he goes away his mission is finished and new people can re-start from scratch and do whatever they want.",,,,,,2022-07-22 13:13:29 w5ajdj,,3,"Taxis in Nabeul area vs taxis in Sfax, and the rest of the country?","Whereas most taxis in Nabeul area are relatively new, beautiful nice good-smelling fresh cars, taxis in Sfax are mostly old stinking khorda Fiat Palios and Fiat Puntos with brokem doors and two ""bottles of gaz"" in the car boot which could explode at any moment. How comes taxi culture differ so much between the different cities and what about the taxi culture in the other cities? Is there any other town where there are remarkable things about taxi cars or drivers?",,,,,,2022-07-22 13:22:53 w5b879,,0,L'expatriation !," L'expatriation est l'une des expériences les plus riches. Qu'en pensez-vous ? Êtes-vous prêt à la vivre ? Selon mon expérience personnelle, il n'y a rien de plus enrichissant qu’une expérience à l’étranger ! Et je dirai même que pour moi toute personne active se doit de vivre une telle expérience.",,,,,,2022-07-22 13:54:45 w5bkct,,43,I desperately need help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-22 14:09:20 w5bs81,,3,Fama des boutiques 3andhom catalogue en ligne comme Decathlon?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-22 14:19:08 w5bs9e,,2,Computer science (licence fst) then engineering (Concours specifique) or prepa then engineering,"I want to become a software engineer but I am really confused cuz there are some people who advise me not to go for prepa, note that I am really good at Maths and Info but really bad at Frensh. So if u can help please suggest me a path.",,,,,,2022-07-22 14:19:11 w5c76f,,4,l informatique fi ISAMm,Blhi ena njaht bac w nkhamem naamel développement nlawej ala chkoun kra licence informatique et multimédia fi ISAMM nheb naaref idha lkraya w les profs behin wala nemchi ISI khir,,,,,,2022-07-22 14:36:55 w5dyxx,,1,"Mods, wa9teh bch ta3mloulna live chat?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-22 15:52:20 w5e8nc,,1,"Mods, wa9teh bch t7elou live chat feature",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-22 16:03:33 w5ej7p,,4,I am a star wars fan and I'm looking for a lightsaber near the capital if there are any of course.,,,,,,,2022-07-22 16:16:03 w5ek7p,,3,Orientation Bac sciences : are my choices good ? suggest me some changes if not,"hello im bac sc FG = 163.955 Rang = 956 Math = 16.5 SVT = 17.5 Phy = 17.25 Info = 16.87 1 - INSAT MPI 2- Dentistry 3 - Prepa integré ISSATSO 4 - Prepa integré FST 5 - TBS 6 - CBA INSAT 7 - Prepa PC IPEIM 8 - Prepa PC IPEIN 9 - ISI ariana Sc de info 10 - ISITCOM Sc de info im not sure about the last 2 choices but suggest some alternatives",,,,,,2022-07-22 16:17:14 w5ewlt,,0,The new place to be: Dar Allouche!,,,,,,,2022-07-22 16:31:52 w5fhfj,,0,DOES IM THE ONLY ONE WHO GOING THROUGH SPIRTUAL AWAKENING!!!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-22 16:56:08 w5fvxt,,5,What are some things to do when in Djerba other than going to the beach,"Pretty much the title, I am visiting Djerba in late august and yeah the beach is nice and stuff, but what are some other things to do that aren't too expensive and pretty memorable",,,,,,2022-07-22 17:13:25 w5fy5p,,6,Getting Between Tunis and Kairouan with Luggage,Hey guys how would you travel between Tunis and Kairouan if you had luggage. I won't be driving and am a bit worried about boarding a louage with a massive suitcase but if that won't be an issue I am fine with that. How would you do it if you were me?,,,,,,2022-07-22 17:16:02 w5goob,,1,So are you voting yes or no for the new constitution,"Well I know that this poll been already posted, but since we are near the date of the referendum, I think the poll going to be more representative btw, I'll be voting tomorrow. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-22 17:47:33 w5gxn1,,1,international technology card not working,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-22 17:57:55 w5ham4,,6,is sugar available in your area ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-22 18:12:44 w5i4sp,,1,Tunis Airport,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-22 18:48:04 w5ib79,,2,Tunis Airport,"Dear Tunisians, I just visited your country for the first time and i absolutely adored it; the people, the culture, the landscape, everything. We had a fantastic time and I hope to return again before long. I had a quick question for Tunisian redditors; at Tunis Airport we were unable to spend our remaining Dinars. Merchants accepted Euros , USD, Swiss Francs etc, but no Dinars. Also, no forex to exchange dinars beyond passport control. It's a minor complaint but it seems strange that the local currency should be refused as legal tender. A few Tunisians i met at the airport just shrugged and said ' C'est la Tunisie!'. Has this been like this for long?",,,,,,2022-07-22 18:55:33 w5iu6x,,12,Tunisia size if it was in Europe,"for more info check [](",,,,,,2022-07-22 19:17:09 w5j8wd,,3,What is this called?,,,,,,,2022-07-22 19:34:29 w5jfio,,0,Do you think there should be a limit of how many kids a couple can have?,"So last night I had a heated argument with some friends about this, so basically what I think is that there should be a limit on how many kids you can have but with some conditions and the number would be different for some ppl, like if a couple can't provide for a single child they should not have a second ( in Tunisia poor ppl always have 4,5,6 children and then keep begging the government for help and then most of these children become homeless and criminals) there should also be some other conditions like : living conditions, emotional availability, mental health, intellectual level... I would love to read your opinions on this. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-22 19:42:32 w5jpcg,,105,Goodbye democracy.,,,,,,,2022-07-22 19:54:08 w5kmbd,,0,TBS or INSAT ?,eni bac math jebt 18.20 w 7ayer mabin TBS w INSAT shkoun 9ra fehom ya3tini informations 3lehom w anehi 5ir,,,,,,2022-07-22 20:33:12 w5l7ub,,1,Dr. John Coleman (former member of the Secret Intelligence Service) – The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of Committee of 300. So how old you will be in 2050 ??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-22 20:58:51 w5lcoq,,0,Tunisie : Lancement de la compétition nationale de l'entrepreneuriat,,,,,,,2022-07-22 21:04:09 w5lxbr,,5,How to get from Tataouine to Douz?,"Aslema my wonderful Tunisians, I will be visiting your amazing country in August, unfortunately there is a significant lack of information when it comes to going around. Could you please tell me what would be the best, fastest and cheapest way to get from Tataouine to Douz (perhaps visiting Matmata on the way)? Are there any louages between these towns? I don't think there are any direct ones but perhaps you could recommend a reliable route between those to places? Thank you in advance!",,,,,,2022-07-22 21:27:44 w5n0gs,,0,Do you know what are the opening hours to vote for the referundum this weekend in Paris?,I can't find any information online.,,,,,,2022-07-22 22:14:12 w5o98f,,0,25th vote,"On Monday we will vote for the new Constitution and I am still have no idea about what we gonna vote I saw some people reaction here on reddit that made me confuse one time I am all for it the next I don't like it and I plan to vote no , can someone put the cons and pons of this constitution cause some of us doesn't understand politics and we need to make a change in the contry for the better I need your opinion whatever you are against it or with it",,,,,,2022-07-22 23:07:52 w5p73k,,1,i remember playing gta sa tunisian edition as a kid but now i can't find it. can someone help me track it down?,"so i remember i bought a disk with my older brother when i was a kid. the woman that i bought it from said this was tunisian gta sa. i can't remember much of the game since i was a kid but i do remember there were cars you'll see on the street like peugot 206 and renault clio, after i remember the game i thought abt finding it online and downloading it but i can't find it!!!. does someone know it's name or have a link? i'd really appriciate it",,,,,,2022-07-22 23:50:54 w5qo2q,,0,Is it obligatory to study prepa with an age that's less than 20 ? And is anglais in manouba worth it ?,,,,,,,2022-07-23 01:01:37 w5qrht,,2,"should I be afraid of voting no to the new constitution? , tbh i would rather avoid any problems",,,,,,,2022-07-23 01:06:12 w5rwn7,,1,good cheap bars away from centre ville,"I'm taking a girl on a date to a bar and I was planning to go to one fel centre ville, but we're both only available on the day of the election and we know how nasty it's gonna get, so can anyone reccomend a good and cheap bar we can go to ? Preferably where beer is 5dt or less and has a good enough ambiance for a date",,,,,,2022-07-23 02:02:33 w5swfp,,2,"What does ""mongala"" means exactly in Tunisia?",Thanks,,,,,,2022-07-23 02:52:47 w5u8wl,,2,is Tunisia becoming a full dictatorship?,"I thought that maybe since Kais said is not a military man, then he might not have enough power to control the entire country.",,,,,,2022-07-23 04:00:26 w5uz6l,,1,Where did you get your gf or bf from?,"It's just a question that popped in my head, wanted to know where do the masses get to meet their partner? (Ik reddit doesnt represent shit) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-23 04:37:57 w5zfcx,,12,"Opinion: as a Tunisian who has the right to decide their fate, how can I vote no?","I'm a Tunisian citizen like most of you and I have the right to participate in deciding the fate of this country I love despite everything. I won't talk about why I would vote ""no"", this is not the subject. I want you to please vote ""yes"" if you're convinced, as long as it's a fair election where all Tunisians can be represented. My question is how can I go and vote ""no"" in this referendum and trust its result? This president launched an online referendum (istichara) and asked Tunisians whether they wanted a new constitution. This istichara had 200k (less than 2%) participate for more than a month and mysteriously went up to 500k in 1-2 days. 500k is 4.2% of Tunisians and 5.5% of eligible voters. Did Saied admit that this istichara was inconclusive based on participation? No it was considered a success. So what is going to stop him from doing whatever he wants based on participation in the elections? Nothing, he showed he will do what he wants. The online referendum with huge selection bias (his own supporters are the majority of responders) which is a basic statistical flaw... no let's ignore that. Let's say his istichara represented what the people wanted. People (who are mostly his supporters) said they didn't want a new constitution but rather changes to the current constitution. So if the istichara is a success, and Saied will take into account people's choice then he won't attempt to change the constitution? NO he wanted to write his own constitution regardless of what people said in the online referendum that he considered a success. So let me ask you, is this a person who will accept the result of the referendum this weekend? he already did what he wanted with the previous one. What makes you think this will change anything? Okay okay but Saied is knowledgable and will only listen to experts not istichara.. he intentionally started a national dialogue that he knew he will just throw away and do what his plan was. He's been doing this for years. So he doesn't listen to any experts either, and he's certainly not an expert himself when he writes a constitution full of glaring legal flaws. Saied won't rig the elections though, that's crazy! Is it though? it's the same guy who refused to listen to the istichara telling him not to change the constitution. It's also the same guy who for the first time since 2010 assigned ISIE himself with his own loyalists and all sorts of organizations are saying they're messing with voter registration and have not been transparent. It's the same guy who intentionally banned international observers and of course ISIE is his own people now so who exactly is observing these elections? ISIE previously refused to automatically register voters because everyone knows records are not accurate and the old regimes used that to fake votes. Why would Saied, the same guy who refuses to accept referendum results and assigns his own people, why would he do that? Just coincidence? If this is a guy that will respect the laws or the election laws or their results, how can he be the only one not abiding by those laws and using the Tunisian flag in sponsored expensive ads in illegal advertisement spaces (malls and all that, not dedicated areas by municipalities)? Why wasn't that punished but the ""no"" campaign is punished for doing legal things like campaigning in region like Sidi Bouzid (Afek Tounes was assaulted)? Why was there intentional and direct orders to assault protesters and opposers of the constitution if this is a real referendum? This is one of the very last times I'll be able to say all of this without being terrified of being put in jail since this regime will be just like the previous one eventually and the walls will have ears soon (Tunisians who lived under Ben Ali know about ""l7yout tesma3"") so I will say this: I will not vote to this regime. No and Yes is a vote for the regime because this regime showed that it doesn't matter what you vote. They also showed that they're embarrassed by participation in estichara and had to spend Tunisians money promoting it to death to get it to 500k (if we're being innocent and pretending it doubled in 2 days). The best you can do as someone who doesn't believe in this regime in my opinion is to not vote. The voting bureaus will be empty and it's a clear failure even if the constitution passes and it will regardless of what you will vote. If you vote, the voting bureaus will be full and mr Kais will choose the result he wants and say you participated in it. This is my opinion as a Tunisian and it looks like it's forbidden almost everywhere so I wanted to write it here. Again, please go and vote ""yes"" if you want. you're a Tunisian and I won't argue with your choice. **I want the chance to choose too**",,,,,,2022-07-23 08:58:46 w5zigc,,6,Opinion on Nouvelair? how punctual are they ?,Is it only slightly better than Tunisair? Not worth the risk of delays if I'm pretty tight on time ?,,,,,,2022-07-23 09:03:40 w606jo,,0,Looking to buy an Afro pick,"I've been looking to buy an Afro pick for a long and I would appreciate if anyone would share any useful info. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-07-23 09:46:57 w60emu,,1,Testeur QA,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-23 10:01:06 w60hfu,,1,Testeur QA,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-23 10:05:50 w60px8,,0,Asking for a friend : Testeur QA,"Salem ya jme3a ena ingenieur electrique w nheb nod5el domaine qa w test logiciel chkoun ynajem yfahemni chnia el parcours li lezem ntab3ou (formations, certifications, experience...) li lezem ntab3ou bech nwali eligible pour l'emploi en qualite de qa w chnia les centres de formation el mansouh bihom",,,,,,2022-07-23 10:20:25 w613j9,,3,Hanging out / Socializing / New friendships/ Chatting / Passing time,"Hello everyone, 26 y.o. male engineer here , gonna be moving to Tunis soon (New job there) and i dont really know lotta people there . What am looking for straight forward is people/potential friends to hang out with , spend time with and stuff . Sounds awkward but am already thinking bout all the free time id be having and i dont wanna spend days in bed and shit . Other than that , do you recommend any activities to which i can go solo and come back knowing more people than i did when i went in ? Male or female friends , doesn't really make a difference . Bad things bout me is that I vanish from time to time . Iam short too . I cuss a lot once am comfortable with you . Got a bunch of personalities but i can pretty much control em, so yes i can be fun to talk to while switching personalities and shit , i can give you lotta perspectives concerning the same topic . Am an introvert mostly but as i socialize , i do very very well . Also iam kinda fun but waay more funnier after the third beer . I have no problem talking about pretty much everything . Am interested in science mostly , other than that , anything that can think is sexy to my brain . I prefer being with smart people , those who have a lovely imagination mostly , oh , and if you have an idea that you're ashamed to share with anyone , am the one who wants to hear it the most so ... Good thing about me is that i listen , veeeery well . And i guide people or help em solve whatever they have on their hands . Am the kinda friend you can rely on when shit turns bad , but wont be there with you at your loud party and shit . Long story short , wanna chat , meet , talk bout stuff ,hang out and spend hours debating over an idea or some phenomenon ? Iam your guy .",,,,,,2022-07-23 10:44:19 w613y6,,1,What will you vote for the next Referendum?,"What will you vote this Monday [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-23 10:45:04 w61k6b,,0,if you have a annoying brothers and sisters or as i say toxic stay away from them,"as my experience i was living normal life and i had worst days from 1 little brother and 2 sisters they dont stop annoying me from whole life and i had headeche from them becuase this is painful even if you cant sleep in peace at once and they still watch tv in early midnight and i dont know what with their mind for this and they dont listen to my parents and they always making break plate and cups (but sometimes they do that) and my little bro (bro=brother) and little sister they always stay at front house after ظهر و بعد مغرب and they always my little brother even not stop playing dad's phone for hours and hours and he always addicted even tho i am not if i am going to stay or flying away to USA For peace and if you have suffered same experience like me let me know in comments",,,,,,2022-07-23 11:12:29 w620h7,,0,Chnw t3rfou 3l'Conlangs?,Just wondering kn t3rfou what a conlang is. Bch nchouf itha twensa yfhmou wmstau3bin brcha comcepts 8aybin 3leha,,,,,,2022-07-23 11:40:06 w62jb8,,46,i didn't see that coming...,,,,,,,2022-07-23 12:10:06 w637sj,,1,Are you going to vote?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-23 12:46:25 w63ujl,,17,This is an urgent thing to confess,"N7bb nfhm 7aja khw 3lech ki we7d yjib fkra fi tounes, y9oulou enta t7bb tbayen rou7ek 9array wsmart w5yr mnness lkoll. 3lech tfkir ttwensa lmun7att ymchi kn ll7aja hethika. Fi 3uth y9oulou y7bb yrodd ttwensa muhtammin bl7aja hethika wstfedou 7aja jdida.",,,,,,2022-07-23 13:18:32 w64frr,,1,Your Most Embarassing Job Interview Story,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-23 13:47:31 w64nf5,,1,"Some of you are gonna call this ""jihawiyet""","Some cities fi tounes are getting completely out of hand due to poverty rates, yes I'm about to mention specific examples and mostly ""Moknine"", at this point metro El Sahel goes to complete chaos every summer the moment a group of mkekniya get on especially male groups, idk if it's poverty rates or whatever that are causing these ppl to be so careless about other ppl's comfort in public but it's 100% sad and irresponsible for El dawla not to provide security ppl that are capable to kick reckless ppl out of public spaces that are meant to offer public services not entertainment.",,,,,,2022-07-23 13:57:57 w64oe7,é_a_demi_but_allongated_or_diluated/,1,"is ""allongé"" a "" demi"" but allongated or diluated",,,,,,,2022-07-23 13:59:15 w64uir,,3,Share your opinion,,,,,,,2022-07-23 14:06:45 w65pxn,,2,Was there an actual conversation about why one should vote YES or NO in this referendum?,"I've disconnected from Tunisian politics since the parliament started to look more like a kindergarten than anything else. So ever since the announcement of the new constitution, were there 'rational' discussions about it, whether on TV, Radio or practically anywhere legitimate? The Faculty of Law in Campus Manar organized an event to discuss it but other than that I saw nothing. If there are footage of public figures, political specialized professionals or just journalists discussing it please share them here. Nb: by rational I mean a discussion about the constitution text. NOT about Kais Said, Ennahdha or any single person/party, just the goddam text. Thank you.",,,,,,2022-07-23 14:47:17 w667l2,,2,kifech na3raf idha el ISP 9as linternet wala fama mochkel,Topnet,,,,,,2022-07-23 15:09:28 w66al9,,5,Looking for things to do in Sousse,"I moved to Sousse a few months ago to work, but I found myself sticking to a work-home routine mainly because I don't have many friends here to hangout with and I don't know the city well. It would be great if someone from here or knows the city suggests some cool places to go to or things to do here. Thank you.",,,,,,2022-07-23 15:13:14 w66lbr,,1,Example of the lack of strictness crisis we are having in this country,,,,,,,2022-07-23 15:26:30 w67sxk,,16,Will you fight for this country,"I'm talking for war, not ideologies. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-23 16:19:34 w683xc,منظومة_الدعم_هي_إلي_مبركة_البلاد_و_ماهاش_بش/,19,منظومة الدعم هي إلي مبركة البلاد و ماهاش بش تخلينا نقدمو,"منظومة الدعم عملوها برشا بلدان في 50نات و أغلب البلدان نحاوها ولا صلحوها و ردوها موجهة بطريقة مباشرة. في تونس حيب رأي المتواضع صندوق الدعم إلأي الهدف متاعو الأول هو تحقيق العدالة الإجتماعية بعيد برشا علي الهدف هذا إلي نشوفو فيه تو صندوق الدعم إلي يستنفعو منو هما أصحاب النزل و المطاعم و رجال الأعمال المواطن العادي كان تزيدو في الشهرية و تنحيلو الدعم يطلع رابح أكثر و الدولة تربح أكثر في تونس الوتلة فيهم كل شي مدعم أما القهوة عندهم ب 7لاف إلي هي متكلفتلو أقل من دينار و الضو مدعم و الماكلة مدعمة أما الأسوام في السماء بالمنطق صاحب النزل معندوش الحق في مواد مدعمة و جماعت المطاعم زادا الخبز مدعم و كل شي مدعم و الأسوام في السماء معنتها صندوق الدعم ولا كيف صندوق التعويض سرقة مقننة تتسمى هاذي. رجال الأعمل إلي عنا تباركالله عليهم ميدخلو في مجال بش يستثمرو فيه كانشي كيف يبدا مدعم و فيه منح هكاكة يدخل في الربح و يخرج من الخسارة فما منحة لأصحاب النزل ب 10% من التكلفة متاعو أوتيل يتكلف 10 مليارات يردو 20 و ياخو منحة من الدولة ب 2 مليارات سرقة عيني عينك. حصب رأي هذا من أكبر الحاجات إلي تخلي فينا نعيشو في التخلف و الإقتصاد تاعب و ديما فالسين خاتر منظومة الدعم لازمها مراجعة كلية .(مش وقت دستور و إستفتاء) &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-07-23 16:33:06 w68648,,1,is paypal checkout guest feature available in TN nd how is it done ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-23 16:35:47 w68af3,,1,So I Voted Today,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-23 16:41:12 w68bfs,,1,So I Voted Today,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-23 16:42:28 w68c6c,,15,So I Voted Today,"So today I went Voting for the first time today, it was a good experience. The people there were nice and helpful, Only took about 5 minutes, since there was only one person besides of me, it was kinda empty ngl. I know Voting in Tunisia is going to start at 25th, but how much time would it take for the results to come out? And would there be Data about the age demographics?",,,,,,2022-07-23 16:43:26 w68hon,,1,Your Most Embarrassing Job Interview Story,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-23 16:50:23 w69mdr,,1,concerning entering Tunisia!,Is it mandatory to get a PCR test to enter tunisia? Even if you have the Vaccine documents!,,,,,,2022-07-23 17:40:20 w69mqa,,3,when i was watching this vid it almost felt like tunisia,,,,,,,2022-07-23 17:40:46 w69ohu,,6,is there an event for metalheads in Tunis,,,,,,,2022-07-23 17:43:03 w69oir,,2,is there anyone here up for a chat...I feel like I missed a few episodes of Tunisia and now I don't know what to do and I have no one that's actually understands me,Recently there's a lot of things that completely changed out of no where and I'm talking like a lot especially when it comes to mentality and life in Tunisia it's becoming more horrible by the minute and there's no one to talk to,,,,,,2022-07-23 17:43:05 w6ay1j,à_propos_le_prépa/,9,(urgent)j'ai besoin de l'aide à propos le prépa,"Nés lkol 9alouli fok 3lik menou w ena ka personne ma ywali 3andi endurance kounech ki nebda fi wost 3bed ma7ratha nwali wa9tha nma7reth w el traget men dari el prépa b3id ( Au moin 2 heures ) tans7ouni na3mel prépa ? Est t il vrai enou lezem des études w séance barka b 100dt tekhlet? Itha ken ta9ra perpa normal tawa, ou bien mezelet ki 3adit ta3tini fekra 3al perpa realistically kifeh ?",,,,,,2022-07-23 18:39:04 w6btcv,,1,Let's create a discord server for Tunisian teens,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-23 19:18:16 w6bvtz,,17,what are the cons/ pros of voting vs boycotting the vote ?,,,,,,,2022-07-23 19:21:21 w6c3vx,,2,"Houston, voting issues",So today I went ahead to the public library where elections are supposed to be held. Yet the library has no knowledge of it. I have filed for an official response and it will be ready Monday.,,,,,,2022-07-23 19:31:32 w6c49n,,2,Houston voting issues (refer to last post),,,,,,,2022-07-23 19:32:02 w6c5m3,,0,Im a 16 year old Tunisian living abroad and I have no idea what the vote on the new constitution is about. Can someone explain real quick how the new potential constitution is different? Keep an objective perspective please.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-23 19:33:43 w6cgdz,,1,Are fake cigarettes available in Tunisia?,"Hey! I've seen this so many times on the Internet so basically there are these cigarettes that have 0 nicotine and 0 of the toxic things, and they use those in Movies and they actually help in withdrawal for smokers to quit smoking, can I find them in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-07-23 19:47:36 w6cn51,,0,are you virgin?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-23 19:56:12 w6czpz,,2,Yes signs f kol blassa,"I mean is this even legal and who's founding this promotion or whatever it's called ? why can't I see a No signs ?",,,,,,2022-07-23 20:11:58 w6d9x5,,1,any good barber in l'Aouina? I do fades mostly,,,,,,,2022-07-23 20:25:22 w6dk7y,,3,What do you think are the most underrated faculties/formations in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-07-23 20:38:56 w6dr3k,,5,what will happen if people voted against KS's constitution ? ( i meant officially on the road map he wrote ),,,,,,,2022-07-23 20:47:44 w6e9fy,,4,This sub is an online houma (eng: neighborhood) but many don't get that.,"Most people seem to have missed that the postmodern human being lives big parts of her life online. Things which she used to do irl for just some decades ago, she does them online nowadays. An example of that is this sub which counts (or should count) as an online ""houma"" (neighborhood) for its users. Here people know each other, ask questions, give advice and do basically anything that their parents used to do with their real ""awled houma"" I real life. And sometimes a new neighbor moves in and people will be curious about him and wanna know who he is and where he comes from. Is it easier to get connected with others online than irl?",,,,,,2022-07-23 21:11:08 w6eb0r,,9,Who's not sleeping tonight,,,,,,,2022-07-23 21:13:08 w6ebl2,,1,For the hip-hop fans,Which tunisian hip-hop song do you guys think is the most iconic ?,,,,,,2022-07-23 21:13:49 w6ehxy,,3,Game dev universitys?,"ever since i was a kid i played a SHITTON of video games and i still do to this day and imagining video game ideas and my attention of details made me in love with the idea of making video games. and i've been trying to learn on my own cuz every single programmer said to start learning early but here is the thing tho. YT tutorials are boring and probably won't help and websites are way to advanced and try to teach me as if i was coding for 20 years. but i realised something, every country like the US, UK, Germany etc have game dev university's so here is my question. do we have any here fi touns? cuz if i go there i'll reach my dream",,,,,,2022-07-23 21:21:46 w6eocm,,2,"This YouTuber was exploring Takrouna, a historic Amazigh town in Tunisia, and while editing, he discovered that a woman was speaking when there wasn't one. I think she wasn't speaking Arabic, and it seemed like Amazighian to me. What she stated [the voice at 4:14] interests me.",,,,,,,2022-07-23 21:30:03 w6f7ln,,15,What video games do you play?,,,,,,,2022-07-23 21:54:15 w6fhjd,,1,Marriage procedure.,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-23 22:06:21 w6flbb,,1,Marriage procedure,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-23 22:10:50 w6fqkb,,5,Marriage procedures,"Hi, we are a Tunisian couple (you understand the suffering..). We want to get married without changing our birth certificate status (single to married), just the marriage licence for obvious reasons.. is that possible ? Can we get married by a notary and then not register it?",,,,,,2022-07-23 22:17:24 w6g3w0,,2,"What is the best place to sell men clothes online (Zara, Nike, etc..) new and used.",I mean the best..,,,,,,2022-07-23 22:33:56 w6g8j4,,4,is it even meaningful ?,"Hey folks , just a quick thougth that have been swinging in my mind for the couples of the last day , n i couldn't talk it out , so xanted to share it with all of you. We are living through one of the shittiest time in our history , like for last 60years . I don't care about politics , and it is not about 25th of july . But it has been tough period of time , i am 21yo and all i wanna is to get the hell out lf this country. But is it even meaningful ? Like , i am out and got a decent income , does that mean that , it is it ? That's life ? ( What is the purpose of being alive ? Doing staff that you like , eyyy w be3ed ? Excelling in a field ? Eyyy w be3ed ?? Sounds like nihilistic approach , but i am really frustrated , feeling shitty and worthless ? What is the purpose of someone , why do i exist ? ) --> just to mention , i have been , and still a science enthaustic person , ilike exploring things and stuff , and my childhood dream was being a scientist , ( still working on that dream , and my academic results are so far so good , and i am purisng college certificates in a field that i like , but kinda having an exestinatial strike those days ? How to get over it ? How to get answers , does this questions have even an answer , or at least , how can i cope with those exestantial nhilistic thoughts ?",,,,,,2022-07-23 22:39:50 w6gmif,,1,What would happen if the majority voted « no »?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-23 22:58:08 w6iu9i,,1,anyone from bizerte,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-24 00:45:54 w6j43m,,3,anyone from bizerte here?,I will come to bizerte in august and would love to meet some bizertins :),,,,,,2022-07-24 00:59:59 w6j8lb,,3,Orientation,"I did put in the orientation computer science cause i like programming... I was thinking that i would continue on computer science till the baccalaureate, then i changed my mind and chose to rotate to maths. After that i was talking with my brother and he told that it would be easier for you and better to go science next year then you rotate to maths so i don't know what to choose computer science' or science??",,,,,,2022-07-24 01:06:00 w6lsha,,3,Looking for Tunisian Music,"Hello everyone! I am putting together a playlist/CD and I'm planning to include one song from every country (UN member) in the world. I'm here today to ask for some suggestions of music from Tunisia. For each country, I am looking for a song in the country's most prevalent non-English official language. So in this case, I would be looking for a song in **Arabic** (Standard or Tunisian). As I also want the playlist to be full of songs that I actually enjoy, I'd like to ask for suggestions of songs that are more high-energy, preferably from the relatively modern music scene. It doesn't have to be hardcore dubstep or anything, but I just prefer songs with faster tempos and a good beat that you can bop your head along with. **Please note, I have a lot of countries to go through and so not a whole lot of time. Please only recommend *one or two songs*, and don't recommend an entire album or an artist's entire works. Just pick a really good one.** I look forward to hearing from you!",,,,,,2022-07-24 03:19:28 w6mmah,,1,click the link,,,,,,,2022-07-24 04:03:48 w6qm25,,1,Couldn't buy a Minecraft account,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-24 08:14:49 w6rgjb,,2,Where can I buy official national soccer team jerseys in Tunisia?,Title,,,,,,2022-07-24 09:12:37 w6rp3u,,18,cheap way to eat in tunis with low budget,"Hello, I have to move out in september from my home. I still live with parents and i am moving to menzah close to where i study. I get like 680 tnd a month minus the 250 for rent which leaves me with 430 which is wayyy to low but i have no other alternatives. I have some saving but they r not much to begin with and i need to survive like this until december 2023. do u guys know some ways i can eat cheap in tunis? Also is there a way to make money online while i study 8:00 to 17:00. I looked for freelance gigs for web dev but they r time consuming and return is not guaranteed. I appreciate any kind of help. ty btw",,,,,,2022-07-24 09:29:00 w6s3js,,0,"Yesterday, the voting process for the new constitution of the Tunisian Republic began abroad, a step that would support the pillars of the Tunisian state if approved, according to the data of the Independent High Authority for Elections in Tunisia.",,,,,,,2022-07-24 09:57:41 w6s4li,,3,Looking for rent in Bardo/Menzah 1 ou 4/Mutuelleville,"Looking for a s+2 or s+1 with A/C and equipped kitchen. Budget 700-800dt. I can't find anything suitable on tunisie annonces, tayara, mitula, 9annas...",,,,,,2022-07-24 09:59:49 w6sbxk,,10,guests at Tunisian weddings,"Hello, Hopefully, I am getting married soon. I always had a disdain for most people in general ( including family). After negotiations with my mother, I have successfully managed to shrink the number of guests to a more or less satisfactory number. However, with my introvert dominated personality and my general hostility to Tunisian wedding traditions, I keep worrying that I might lose my temper and snap at these leeches who will be staying with us for the duration of the wedding and acting as if the house was theirs. Any advice please on how I can work on myself ( basically to avoid "" nitarch9 3lihom wa7id wa7id"" ) just for the few days of what should be my fucking wedding and not others. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-07-24 10:13:25 w6spz0,,6,AMAZON,"hey dudes . is it possible for me in tunisia to buy something from AMAZON and get it delivered here .",,,,,,2022-07-24 10:40:07 w6t3cn,,0,What is your favorite cigarette brand?,"I enjoy smoking cigarettes, but with Tunisians brands it seems impossibles most of them taste horrible also brands like Royale classic,yellow and white Camel aren't available anymore, any idea where can i find it and why they don't sell it those days?",,,,,,2022-07-24 11:04:15 w6tuwc,,1,how was your night club experience's ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-24 11:51:10 w6tzjr,,5,chnia na3mel Fi 7yeti," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-24 11:59:00 w6umr5,,2,More Geography,We are finally on a Rainbolt [video](,,,,,,2022-07-24 12:34:35 w6uq1h,,2,can i get condoms in Tunisia with no trouble being under 18?,I'm a teenager living in the capital city and i would like to buy condom but I'm afraid the pharmacy won't buy it to me.. is that true? Any help?,,,,,,2022-07-24 12:39:58 w6us60,,1,klibiya attractions,"Hey, first time going on vacation to klibiya and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about what to do here or if anyone knew cmany cool places to visit Ps: I went there with my family",,,,,,2022-07-24 12:43:16 w6usok,,3,salem mnin najm nchri barre fixe behi yerkb fel bit and ty,,,,,,,2022-07-24 12:44:09 w6vfvt,,0,How comes people care about Saied and his constitution even tho itotally meaningless (part 2)?,"In the previous part of this thread I focused about how the world has had very much heavier names and that caring about Saied and Ghanouchi is a waste of time, but most answers I received were about the fact that these people do affect our lives so that is why we care. That argument however is so weak or even non-existent in reality. I mean, no matter whether people vote yer or no tomorrow, the pice of coffee will be the same on Tuesday. And your family problems will not disappear. And the bus will come in the same time. And Uncle Ali's shop will open and close at the same time. Nothing, absolutely nothing will change. Perhaps in the very long term some things will change but in the short term politicians are definitely not affecting the loves of the masses. They may make special laws which benefit special (usually very few) people in the short term and change their lives dramatically but that is never the case with the constitution anyway, instead that is something usually done in the parliament. That is why for example some political parties are for privatising the public sector, because they might become suddenly millionaires out of it, but the masses will always have the same miserable lives. Pathetic and sad that not all people can see very clearly this very clear truth.",,,,,,2022-07-24 13:18:25 w6vg1w,,1,How comes people care about Saied and his constitution even tho itotally meaningless (part 2)?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-24 13:18:41 w6vu4a,,1,carte technologique,Bilehi chta3mel carte technologique fi tounes yelzm 3ndk 18 wla licence wla chnwa bedhabt ?,,,,,,2022-07-24 13:38:30 w6w3kq,زقفونيات/,4,زقفونيات,"&#x200B; \- باش نصوّتو بنعم للدستور الجديد باش نرتاحو من الخوانجية ساااااحبي.. الخوانجيّة:",,,,,,2022-07-24 13:51:39 w6w400,,1,:((,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-24 13:52:16 w6w51l,,5,Cope right? :((,,,,,,,2022-07-24 13:53:44 w6w9zv,,9,"hi, i have one year in my hand to improve my life and i am between three options,I wanna hear your thoughts about each one","So i graduated this year as mechanical engineer, looking to the jobs and the field things are not that good, salaries are low, there's not a career development, companies are not that big in international level except one or two, so i am trying to go abroad it's my main purpose and i have three options : - option 1: complete a master degree in France then landing a job there, but I don't want to waste another year in education. - option 2: work for one year here and learn German at the same time to get a job offer there , honestly i don't know if this is guaranteed, if there is someone here who did this before tell me. - option 3: learn programming in the field of machine learning AI or web development for one year, especially that i have a good previous experience with programming during my two years in prepa. So what's the best option in ur opinion that gonna help me in the long term. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-07-24 14:00:23 w6xhs7,,2,Are there good covoiturage apps or facebook groups for long distance trips ?,,,,,,,2022-07-24 14:57:07 w6xx9n,,2,Part time jobs?,Are there any options in tunisia?,,,,,,2022-07-24 15:15:57 w6yp7g,,3,fellow engineers I need ur help,"So I've just finished my engineering degree and I'm thinking about pursuing a masters(research not pro) and PhD , what do u guys think ? Should I go for it or should I just start looking for a job.",,,,,,2022-07-24 15:51:03 w6zeym,,10,Do you smoke?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-24 16:22:36 w6zy44,,3,Where can I fix my laptop ?,I have a laptop that I haven't used for over a year. It's not broken I need to clean it and maybe equip an SSD if possible but I don't know the right place. Any suggestions ?,,,,,,2022-07-24 16:46:11 w701q0,,47,Tunisian states that have sea access,,,,,,,2022-07-24 16:50:35 w70i2j,,2,help,guys can u recommend healthy restaurants in hay ennasr,,,,,,2022-07-24 17:10:23 w70y0z,,1,"When applying to study for a BTP, should I apply for secondary options as back-up?","I have a diplome in mind but the website waiting link implies that it's designed towards having a list of BTPs to check which ones you got accepted for. Should I apply for secondary options in case I don't pass the test for the main one I applied for? Kima l'orientation ta3 li naj7ou fel bac par example.",,,,,,2022-07-24 17:29:48 w72m1w,,0,"Tunisian women, aren't you afraid of the new constitution?","Article 5: > تونس جزء من الأمة الإسلاميّة، وعلى الدّولة وحدها أن تعمل على تحقيق مقاصد الاسلام الحنيف في الحفاظ على النّفس والعرض، والمال، والدّين والحريّة. ما يخفاكمش انو طبعا مقاصد الاسلام يقصد بيها مقاصد الشريعة ([كيما قالها الرئيس في المطار]( مقاصد الشريعة الاسلامية هو [كتاب للشيخ محمد الطاهر بن عاشور]( بن عاشور، اللي يقولوا عليه وقتها تنويري، هو نفسو قام **بتكفير الطاهر الحداد المدافع عن حقوق المرأة في تونس**.. مع العلم انو التكفير مدعاة للقتل ضد كل مَن يصدر في شأنه حكم بالكفر والردة. بن عاشور نفسو كان متمسك **بالخلافة** ويؤيد الجلد وقطع يد السارق **ويرفض حرية المعتقد**، متمسك بتعدد الزوجات، ويقول **بقتل المرتدد**.. هل مستعدين نحطو فكر بن عاشور ومقاصد الشريعة في الدستور اعلى نص في البلاد؟ ما تخافوش كيفاش سيتم تطبيق مقاصد الشريعة؟ كيفاش سيتم **تطبيق الحفاظ على العرض** (العرض عند العرب=النساء)؟ هل وفق تعاليم بن عاشور الارثودوكسية اللي كفرت الحداد واللي تدعو لدولة الخلافة؟ كيفاش سيتم تطبيق الحفاظ على الدين؟ هل سيتم تكفير كل من له رأي مخالف (كيما صار للحداد)؟ هل باش نطبقوا حد الردة على مئات التوانسة اللس خرجوا من الاسلام؟ هل باش نعاقبوا اللي يفطر في رمضان واللي ما يصليش بحكم الحفاظ على الدين؟ علاش تم حذف مفهوم الدولة المدنية من الدستور الجديد وتعويضها بمقاصد الشريعة؟ Edit: بالله يا جماعة ركزوا شوية غدوة راهو باش نصوتوا على دستور متاع اجيال موش على شخص. قيس سعيد والغنوشي موش باش يدومولنا. هذا استفتاء مش انتخابات رئاسية.",,,,,,2022-07-24 18:41:06 w73eps,,1,good tea brands?,"Hello, I collect tea from everywhere I travel. Could you recommend good brands of black or mint packed tea I could easily buy in a shop on Djerba. Please don't recommend markets (I already went there) thank you!",,,,,,2022-07-24 19:16:24 w750so,,3,Need help and ideas,"&#x200B; famech options o5rin behyin? noskon f soussa w medhebia ala prepa integre ema haja hlouwa mch isimm w kol kalouli ahsen prepa integre hia insat w fst fst hatitha 3 5ater kalouli blasetha 5ayba w mezelt ma5arjet menha hata promotion so its efficiency hasn't been tested in the job market any ideas?",,,,,,2022-07-24 20:26:05 w76mgh,,1,Invicta is posting some dimes about carthaginian history lately,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-24 21:35:44 w781go,,1,Are there any good bars/Clubs in hammamet?,"Hey! So i’m visiting Tunisia hammamet for the first time ever in the month of august, and i was wondering about which clubs and bars i should go to. Do you guys have any recommendations? I’m also Open to making friends during my stay so feel free to hmu",,,,,,2022-07-24 22:37:35 w786qg,,12,Map Porn,,,,,,,2022-07-24 22:44:16 w7870u,,4,Is there a Beach Bar / Restaurant that stays up to 10PM (or more) in Hammamet?,"Hey! As the title says, I'm looking to go out with a **(one)** friend but I found these results: * Lemon Beach * Les 3 Carrés For Lemon Beach I have no clue when they close, I've been told they close 7PM and Les 3 Carrés has really bad entrance fees and bad service. I really would love a nice clean beach too!",,,,,,2022-07-24 22:44:38 w78cm5,,99,.,,,,,,,2022-07-24 22:51:45 w7aqm7,ذكرني_ببن_علي_في_2010/,2,ذكرني ببن علي في 2010,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-07-25 00:43:26 w7aqo5,,1,Do you guys agree ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 00:43:30 w7ba23,,5,mele5r koloulna chkoun yefhmou why yes ou why no sinn warka bidha,,,,,,,2022-07-25 01:09:32 w7bjzs,,8,"Tunisians living in Tunisia, do you wish to immigrate to another country?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-25 01:22:43 w7clla,تونس/,4,تونس,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 02:12:51 w7f4s0,,0,"Habib Bourguiba who led the Tunisian freedom movement becomes the President in 1957, as King Muhammad VIII al-Amin steps down, marking the transition from a monarchy to a Republic. He would rule the country for 3 decades."," He took many steps to modernize Tunisia, with his Code of Personal Status, that announced a series of progressive laws. Established a modern education system, banned polygamy, more rights to women, abolished the dual system of justice, was critical of hijab.",,,,,,2022-07-25 04:17:45 w7gzv9,,19,Today is voting day on the Referendum. GO VOTE!,"Today is the day to vote on the Referendum. No matter what your view is on it, I hope that you all go out and vote. It's important that you make your voice head no matter what you feel the outcome will be. The rules STILL apply in this thread so discourse is encouraged but be civil! If you are for or against it, state why.",,,,,,2022-07-25 06:00:13 w7h8mn,,4,25/07/2022 Yes or No,GO VOTE,,,,,,2022-07-25 06:14:43 w7iij1,,16,"One thing to say about referendum today: “the path to hell is paved with good intentions”, whether that’s people voting YES or Kais Said himself (if u believe that).",,,,,,,2022-07-25 07:31:45 w7iwid,,1,Your experience with SpaceNet ??,"A lot of friends told me that they have a really bad service, is it the case with you ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-25 07:56:09 w7jgko,,3,anyone wants to meet for a coffee or something (getting the head of this referendum shit),,,,,,,2022-07-25 08:31:12 w7jl7z,,5,Fuckin hell you can't even receive steam gifts from an EU country,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 08:39:12 w7jvbf,,5,What is Bac-anglais?,"Hey, I am a 16-year-old girl, I heard about Bac-anglais around last year and I don't really know much about it, my teachers themselves don't, the only information i have heard about it is that you are able to take the exams in the 11th or 12th year (basically take it early) so I wanted to ask what do you know about it",,,,,,2022-07-25 08:57:52 w7jvnl,,2,conflicted between boycotting and voting no,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 08:58:31 w7kf7b,المكاتب_فارغة_و_قلك_قريب_600الف_صوتو_لحدود_الساعة/,1,المكاتب فارغة و قلك قريب 600الف صوتو لحدود الساعة خخخ,اضحكو بالشوية ههه,,,,,,2022-07-25 09:30:57 w7kgsv,,2,Tunisia is the sole survivor of the Arab Spring. It was nice while it lasted,,,,,,,2022-07-25 09:33:41 w7kn76,,1,"Are you voting today? If so, yes or no, and why?",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 09:45:00 w7kotw,,6,how it is to vote today,,,,,,,2022-07-25 09:47:47 w7kxhy,,0,تونس تدخل مرحلة جديدة في تاريخها الحديث بـ (نعم) للدستور الجديد... مرحلة جديدة تقطع فيها أيدي الإخوان الفاسدين الذين دمرا ثوابت الدولة وعملوا على نهب ثرواتها,,,,,,,2022-07-25 10:01:50 w7kxre,,103,This referendum is getting hot (credit Radio Médenine),,,,,,,2022-07-25 10:02:15 w7l8mn,,4,"Once again, the elderly are deciding our future","I just read an article on Babnet, and for maybe the tenth time or something it seems like people above 60 are deciding our future while we sit here and watch. Everyone here (we are pretty much all young) is boycotting, and the result might be a decent vote by our elderly, which gives enough legitimacy for this process and allows Kais Saied to continue doing whatever he wants. Do you think voting no would help put an end to his rule? Source:",,,,,,2022-07-25 10:19:48 w7lrxq,,3,prime ministers 'place of birth ' since 1969,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 10:50:54 w7lsqe,,0,My ignorant parents are voting yes.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 10:52:12 w7mrq4,,8,We’re 50% already on the way to become next Lebanon. Kais Said is going to either save us or make it 70/80% of getting into lebanon scenario.,"Lebanon’s foreign currency reserves around 3bn dollars. Tunisia increased this year to 8bn dollars. Keeps the Tunisian state going in case all should be spend on expenses for 5 months approximately. Lebanon’s annual national budget deficit is 20%, we just reached 10%. So we’re already halfway down to becoming like Lebanon an utterly failed state. The next 3/5/7 years are crucial, will they turn the tide (sort of) or make the Tunisian state financially collapse? Just an example; Morocco foreign currency reserves are 30bn dollars and annual state budget deficit round 5%. Egypte foreign currency reserves at 25bn dollars. By the end of this week when the constitution is adopted FULL focus and priority should be on the economy and highly needed reforms. Time is really running out.",,,,,,2022-07-25 11:43:15 w7msx9,,13,Gyms for women only,"Are there any good gyms for women only zone Ennasr, Menzah, Manar.. ?",,,,,,2022-07-25 11:45:00 w7ngvk,,2,Tunisians Students who went to france via campus france got some questions to ask,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 12:17:22 w7nooj,,18,voting no =\= not voting.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 12:27:49 w7nru5,,6,"Which are the best ""don't throw garbage here"" wall messages have you seen? Here is my suggestion",ممنوع إلقاء فواضل الزبيرة هنا,,,,,,2022-07-25 12:31:55 w7nwi5,,1,Go vote please,"Salem ya jme3a ,blhy go vote today raw it's OUR time to take responsibilities w care for this country , ama 9bal ma tvoti ,a9ra kol chy, 7atta taswit mn 8er mtfhm chy is pointless, so read and do your research, efhm kol chy,make your decision for a better Tunisia ,and go vote. Peace.",,,,,,2022-07-25 12:38:06 w7o41v,,1,what's your favorite manga?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 12:48:09 w7o5d7,,99,For real?,,,,,,,2022-07-25 12:50:01 w7ogxs,éférendum_trop_faible/,1,Taux de participation au référendum trop faible,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 13:04:34 w7oyu5,,7,لا هكا دخلنا في سيدي نيك…,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 13:27:17 w7pr0r,,2,Referendum,Let's not bullsh** each other Kais Said doesn't need to rig the election the majority of people are on his side. So Let's stop with I know my side isn't going to win therefore it is a sham. Maybe if you had a snow ball's chance in hell to win then it would be sensible to worry about if the referendum is fair. Yes the text is very problematic but please stop the whining.,,,,,,2022-07-25 14:01:28 w7pyla,,3,I wanna buy a laptop msi... tell me about it I have no idea 🥺,,,,,,,2022-07-25 14:10:06 w7qc4g,,1,"Just because most of the tunisians are mostly voting ""Yes"" doesn't mean it's ""rigged"" lol",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 14:26:25 w7qgda,,0,"Just because most of the tunisians are voting ""Yes"" doesn't mean it's ""rigged"" lol","Stop using words li ma aandhhom hata dakhl fel hkeya lol that's embarrassing and it shows kadechek 9am3i w hayawen kif el results ma tjich kima theb enti. We're seeing a lot of trumpies lookalike today lol. Koul mchit votit w kahao e results wether it's ""Yes"" or ""No"" ma jetech kima habit enti, it's okay to feel disappointed ama ma tkoulech rigged khater lkolna nadhhkou aalik w it shows the little mama's boy that gets mad when things don't come his way, right? ""Kel aada elderly people are deciding our future 😭"" wait you tellin me theb ken enti tvoti? lol how is that democracy? the way y'all talk really shows your true fucked up colours, 9am3 eeini eeinek. w bien sur kbal ma you people jump into conclusions khater I know that's your favorite hobby lol I'm not saying what my vote was and there's no way you can find out mel post hedhi so those that'll attack my ""choice"" can chill lol Borjouleya wether I voted ""yes"" or ""no"" I would still be ashamed mel posts li thabtou fehom to prove it's rigged lol reminds me of ennahdha w l'ahzéb lokhrin kbal ki kenou yhabtou fel fake conspiracy videos w aatin ma aandhom to prove anything but elli houma khesrou b nazéha. Again, naawed nkoulhelkom kima kolt fel last post about islam and atheism, y'all would scream freedom of choice and speech until it doesn't suit your agenda haha",,,,,,2022-07-25 14:31:26 w7qnis,,1,exchange steam Fifa22 for Minecraft account,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 14:40:10 w7qz71,,0,Factbox: What Became Of Tunisia's 'Arab Spring'?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 14:53:45 w7rkzj,,0,Factbox: Whatever Became Of Tunisia's 'Arab Spring'?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 15:18:05 w7rrzc,,4,Is this vote suppression?,"A month ago, I registered to vote in the tunisian consulate of Paris. I never received any letter or email or anything that proves I am registered or to let me know the opening hours to vote or anything. Nothing either on the website of the consulate. Nevertheless, I went there this weekend not hoping for much just to find out that they changed half of the voters to another bureau (that was never an option when registering) all the way across the city (in La Maison de Tunisie) and none of us had been notified. Once I got there, there were maybe one or two other voter, and one of them was yelling at the volunteers about why they changed bureaus without telling him. I personally didn't care, but a I just keep asking myself if this is just a logistics fuck up or a deliberate act of vote suppression so that less people get to their assigned bureau. What do you think ?",,,,,,2022-07-25 15:26:03 w7rstr,,2,Any Rocket League players?,"I want to play RL during my vacation days in Tunisia. I wanna know if it's worth it. How's the ping there? Here it's around 24 to 36 average.",,,,,,2022-07-25 15:27:02 w7ruix,,3,Anyone know a good therapist for Anxiety/Pure OCD in Tunis ?,"Hello, I've been looking for a therapist in Tunis to help me out with symptoms of anxiety and Pure OCD for a while and just don't know where to go. If anyone has a good experience with a therapist that specializes in these disorders or has helped with similar symptoms, I'd love it if you could give me their contact. Thank you !",,,,,,2022-07-25 15:28:59 w7s50s,,2,The sad reality they are trying to hide,,,,,,,2022-07-25 15:40:52 w7s7bw,,2,Are the courts still striking?,"I (UK f) have been trying for 2 years now to divorce my ex through Tunisian court (to make it easier for him vs divorcing in the UK), after a lot of back and forth and miscommunication, just when it finally seemed it might be over, the judges went on strike. This was a few weeks ago, but I can't find a recent update. I'm guessing everything is a bit up in the air at the moment. If anyone hears anything about the courts reopening could you update me please? Don't exactly trust that everything my ex tells me is true...",,,,,,2022-07-25 15:43:30 w7slnm,,1,Reo mars,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 15:59:36 w7tma5,,1,prepa MP,"Brabi chnouma a7sen les institues preparatoires (math, physiques)",,,,,,2022-07-25 16:39:38 w7u24w,متى_تنتهي_مدة_التصويت/,0,متى تنتهي مدة التصويت ؟,,,,,,,2022-07-25 16:57:08 w7u4jt,,2,I want to go vote but I don't if there is still time,,,,,,,2022-07-25 16:59:51 w7u666,,0,Is there going to be a ceremony with fireworks tonight?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 17:01:14 w7vgzv,,2,Lél chnawa él énti5abét bédhabt?,,,,,,,2022-07-25 17:52:43 w7vjvb,,2,تفسير لما تغير عموما في الدستور لقيتو في موقع انكفاضة,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 17:55:53 w7vlna,,12,Tunisia today,,,,,,,2022-07-25 17:57:48 w7w452,,2,Anyone here invested in stocks ? i need help with the process you know everything is complicated here,Thanks in advance,,,,,,2022-07-25 18:17:59 w7wj5k,épa_normal_and_succeedli/,4,Les gens li 3amlou prépa (normal) and succeed/li mezelou ya9raw prépa,"What are your advices for someone willing to do prépa ? How do I manage my time , where can I get des séries behin, for those who succeeded getting into supcom what are your best strategies to study , can someone with an avrage background in physics and w formation behia fel math yekhlet ? What are things that are a MUST know before getting into prépa .do you have an idea about success rates ( especially in the fields of informatics ) . Thanks for your help<3",,,,,,2022-07-25 18:35:07 w7x193,,3,does the dude looks like casey neistat,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 18:55:58 w7xl9u,,1,Factbox: Whatever Became Of Tunisia's 'Arab Spring'?,,,,,,,2022-07-25 19:17:41 w7xw7c,,1,Labib Costume,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 19:29:54 w7z1ng,,1,voting yes means saving our future,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 20:15:45 w7z6h7,,2,a good coworking space in/near tunis centre ville?,,,,,,,2022-07-25 20:21:08 w7z99x,,5,convince me that boycotting is a good choice,"I've seen MANY people saying that we should boycott the vote and it just bugs me that I can't see any logic in that choice. Here's my opinion: - There's no threshold (aka a minimum of voters needed) and so boycotting is just enforcing the YES over the NO (assuming you're against it) - If your concern that the president can alter the results, I believe he can also alter the number of participants, right? - If you don't give a tiny shit about the vote then this question is not for you. I understand the frustration and I also believe that while voting is a right, people still have the choice to boycott. I'm mainly asking people that call for boycott to defeat KS Am I missing something? Please enlighten me",,,,,,2022-07-25 20:24:22 w7zks7,,3,are bars open on Saturday (ras 3am hejri) ?,,,,,,,2022-07-25 20:37:13 w7zvwu,,1,anyone want talk?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 20:49:52 w7zy4t,,12,From Cairo To Monastir (Sexy Football),"Hello guys I've decided to start a memey series named “From Cairo to Monastir” in Football Manager 2022: Which is the best Football Coaching Simiulation Game, In which I'll be aiming to start an adventure on the shores of Tunisia's Sahel with US Monastir, And since Tunisian/African Football is rarely played on any Football game, This adventure that will be even more worth documenting and recording! 🇹🇳💙 [](",,,,,,2022-07-25 20:52:27 w808mr,,4,92?,,,,,,,2022-07-25 21:04:12 w80ce9,,13,Sigma conseil Said 92.3% ✅,,,,,,,2022-07-25 21:08:32 w80o9d,,2,I love how Sfax is so special they made a special category for it,,,,,,,2022-07-25 21:22:15 w80tjr,,1,"Hi, can anyone please provide me the document published by SIGMA CONSEIL about today's referendum?",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 21:28:15 w80xu0,,0,need taki-academy courses (videos),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 21:33:07 w812iu,,5,وجهي اليوم بعد ما مشيت نصوت الصباح و جيت هبط بوست بش العباد يمشيو يصوتو,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 21:38:27 w8199n,,3,"Dear Tunisian Redditors, please choose the most suitable option for your opinion.This poll is a simple initiative in order to share a clearer idea/overall picture of where do the people stand within these recent circumstances, thank you."," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-25 21:46:11 w81ko4,,0,brby n7b na3rf chbikom 3ala 92% o 3ala sigma conseil pourcentage ta3 mousharkin b sigma 25% o bl isie 27% zayd li t9oulou fih ta3 bn ali o k4ee 😒,,,,,,,2022-07-25 21:59:37 w81mn5,,1,,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 22:01:33 w81pak,,10,ماحشاهولنا حد احنا حشيناهولنا,,,,,,,2022-07-25 22:04:41 w825td,,66,thoughts ?,,,,,,,2022-07-25 22:23:43 w82d5s,,16,"See, nobody cares.",,,,,,,2022-07-25 22:32:21 w82mgl,,5,yasser 7.7% 😂😂,,,,,,,2022-07-25 22:43:21 w82nxl,,24,"Yeah, ~90% it's real... get out of your houses and meet other real people","I was a member of a مكتب today, we had \~90%, can't give exact % for obvious reasons. Next مكتب to me had 94%. Half of the people who voted in my مكتب were +45 years old men, and it goes without saying that they are often associated with mainstream parties like Nahdhaa and we still got that percentage. No i don't support Kais.",,,,,,2022-07-25 22:45:03 w82qdu,,1,YES,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-25 22:47:50 w82sdc,,0,So much YES,,,,,,,2022-07-25 22:50:10 w83h49,,1,How does onlyfans work in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-25 23:19:18 w83i3o,,11,"Did not vote, I accept this outcome. Let us hope the people that voted yes either see their dreams come true or get an important lesson for the next elections if there are next elections.",,,,,,,2022-07-25 23:20:27 w83id5,,0,What did you gain with democracy ?,"This is an honest question, besides the freedom of speech what did democracy bring to Tunisia ? I have lived 20 years in Canada/QC and came back to Tunisia around 2008, lived a few years under Ben Ali and as a normal citizen I did not have any issues besides not talking politics when having a coffee with friends. There were not strikes every few days, I felt safer when going out late at night, I could afford a car / going out. National companies were more efficient and better thant they are now.The Dinar was not shit like its now. Its true that Ben Ali was no saint, but for an average citizen, you cannot deny that life was better. From personal experience, Tunisians always know everything about everything and will argue things to death, same goes for our politicians and parliament. What I think Tunisia needs is a strong leader, to stop all the quarreling between parties and actually get things done. I dont know Kais, I dont worship him but one thing is clear is he is trying to go forward and is not a thief ( atleast from the looks of it ) . Are we going to fail or succeed , only time will tell, but a change was needed. So, I am asking genuinely what did you gain from the Arab Spring and democracy?one thing is clear, that democracy does not put food on the table.",,,,,,2022-07-25 23:20:47 w841n4,,6,Does university name hold a great value in job recruitment ?,3aslema ena etudiant t3adit 2éme année info de gestion (E-BUSINESS) essec tunis wenchallah nkhammem na3mel master software development fel fac but in the same time I'm afraid annou the fact elli lfac mahich ma3roufa barcha bel info may cause some problems mba3ed in job recruitment.,,,,,,2022-07-25 23:44:34 w84m1u,,0,She’s watching you.,,,,,,,2022-07-26 00:09:33 w84sjn,شبينا_منيكين_ياسر_لصار_في_البلاد_فضيحة/,0,شبينا منيكين ياسر لصار في البلاد فضيحة,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 00:17:45 w852nd,,101,[update] any advice on opening my own bar,,,,,,,2022-07-26 00:30:42 w854uz,,0,25 June it's more than a usual day here🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-07-26 00:33:35 w86itw,,13,"He got his constitution, now what ?","People voted Yes. Saied got the constitution he wanted. How do you see the future of Tunisia ? Here is my prognosis (sorry for the bleak picture): A puppet Parliament will be elected, Saied of course will make sure the future members are under his control. A puppet government will be appointed (by Saied of course). The state will be run by an incompetent bunch with no skills whatsoever to manage a country. Saied will carry on with his primitive philosophy ""El bina2 al 9a3idy"". The state will turn into a new ""Jamahiriya"". In the meantime, our economic woes will deepen. No real solutions will be implemented, because they are all unpopular (restructuring Public companies aka privatisation, phasing off the subsidy system...), people will turn against Saied if he attempts to force them, something he will never do. Saied will continue to isolate himself and the country internationally. No lender in their right of mind will continue to lend us money. Eventually, the music will stop, the state will go bankrupt and fail. People will suffer. I give it 1 to 2 years...",,,,,,2022-07-26 01:37:34 w87w36,,23,A message to my Tunisian brothers and sisters.,"(TL; DR) Following the results of this referendum , I can see there’s already a divide amongst us all. I write this message in hopes of it resonating and spreading amongst many of you. Regardless of what the outcome is, we have reached a critical stage in this country’s history. We only need to look around us to understand the state of the Arab World (Lebanon, Libya, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, etc). We do not want to follow them in their demise. Yet we are so close to reaching that point regardless of this referendum. I know to many of the results of this referendum are highly polarising and controversial. Whether you voted or not, who you voted for, your class, your education, your colour, your gender, your religion or any characteristic that differentiates us from one another, let us be better to one another. I believe we can universally agree one of the many consequences of our revolution was the divisions it created among us. In every social class we are split, arguing, marginlaising, and separating ourselves from each other.Tunisians are no longer tolerant nor good to one another. We put ourselves and our material needs ahead of our brothers and sisters. I know it’s hard considering the economic state of the country has been terrible for us and the image of our country, but after a decade of debating and voting none of that has come to avail. Why must we keep relying on our government and its officials to improve? Why must we let a select group of people dictate how we interact and treat one another. We do not need money nor a political opinon to be Tunisian to one another. Tunis is distinctly different from the arab world because despite our regression, we remain still ahead of the rest of the Arab World socially. Tunisia is a civilisation of diversification and has been for 2 millenia .To the extent, that the rest of the Arab world look at us and believe we aren’t Arab enough.We celebrated our differences with our joy to live and love. I know to many, being open and tolerant is a Western perversion but the truth is that it portrays what Tunis is: A bridge between Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Let us not villanise each other for being consevative or porgessive. Our conservatism is needed to remind ourselves of who we are and where we come from. The other side of this coin, is our progressivenes helps us connect with the world beyond us and move us forward as a society. My implication with this is that we neeed both sides to remain ourselves as well move forward. Let us be kind and loving to each other once more. It no longer seems people trust or like one another. Help those who need help without expectation but also with kindness and fondness. Do not put a price on helping each other out. Do not sell yourself like the many politicians we elected in the last decade. Let us protect each other from brutality and corrpution instead of relying on a police or government to do so. For the longest time we’ve had a bribing culture that only dies if we stop being so cheap and demanding of one another. Not everything needs to be “Ifra7 beya.” You will be empty and drinking, smoking, or drugging yourself numb because you’ve allowed a piece of paper to consume you. I know to those who have less this seems like bullshit, but how else do we stop having to pay for so much without removing this culture to begin with. Our country no longer feels safe to walk around. Our sisters are too afraid to walk alone for even the most basic of things. We do not need to label them as whores for wearing what they want or drinking or being out. The same has to be said for our sisters who are more conservative and religious. They are not terrorists, they are our mothers, aunts, and sisters. Religion is important in community building but do not let outside forces manipulate, dictate and pervert our Islam into something hateful and bigotted. We must not allow violence or hatred or bigotry to be inflcited upon them by anyone. What if it was your own mother, sister or daughter? These women are the future of this country and the mothers to our childre; OUR FUCKING FUTURE. This doesn’t apply only to women. We can all agree as men that we are constantly paranoid and afraid of each other and their intentions. Enough the bravado macho behavior and let go. Our role as providers doesn’t extend solely to the amount of money we make. We must provide emotionally through respect and acceptance. Let’s stop fighting with each other and acting like hooligans over our inflated egos. We are being harassed and bullied by those who wear unifroms because we are constantly fighting and hurting each other. Our mental health as men is a big problem because of the social pressure and lack of empathy for one another. Set aside your ego and ask for help and give help to your brothers in return. To my fellow youth, I beg, we are the future whether we like it or not. Let us not repeat the mistakes of those who came before us. Regardless of your financial situation please put your education, physical health, and mental health ahead of the social expectations and material needs indoctrinated into us. The future of our politics is shaped by what we accomplish, as well as the standards we set for the future. Only then do the branche of our government and institutions fix themselves. An entire generation of the elderly will soon fade away and we do not have to be like them. I know it can feel at times like we are trapped here, but to many outside of here they view this country as paradise. Let us build this paradise not just for ourselves but for our elders and our children. Let’s clean our streets, our beaches, the air we fucking breathe. Put down the cigarettes, alochol, and drugs and start to accept the pain. Only through pain, hardship, failure do we grow and mature. Do not numb yourselves to the point where you can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. Let us be better friends, who celebrate, laugh, love, live, and most importantly work. Do not judge those who have less or more than you. We feel we deserve more but the reality is, this kind of thinking is flawed. The world is ruthless and it owes you nothing. If you dont give back to it, it will swallow you and extinct you. I aplogise for how long this message is and I’m sure most of you won’t make it this far. I am sorry if speaking English is a barrier to anyone but I am not francophone and I don't have to be in order to be Tunisian. My blood bleeds red and white I promise you as it does through your veins as well. Let us come together so that if the day of reckoning comes, we stand and bleed together in face of any impending doom. I repeat, we need only to treat one another as equals, and love endlessly. That is Tunis we live and dream for, whomever we elect will not give us that. Please let's be Tunisian with one another again. Do not let the last two decades of corruption, poverty, racism, biggotry, and hatred define you and consume you. Whether Kais is good or bad, please remember, the powerful prey on the weak by turning themselves against each other. Creating a problem in society and acting like theyre the only ones who can fix it. ONLY WE CAN FIX IT BY BEING BETTER. God bless Tunisa, God bless you ,wa inshallah a7hna wa rabi deema nahmyw fi b3athna. I love you all, my brother and sisters. Ta7ya Tunis ❤️🇹🇳",,,,,,2022-07-26 02:40:20 w89k7b,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-07-26 04:00:09 w8awop,,0,refrendum,So only 25% tunisian suppprted new constitution. Its seems he failed in propaganda against gannouchi unlike his best friend al sisi and al burhan,,,,,,2022-07-26 05:09:47 w8beuq,é_with/,0,"Happy eating ""5ra"" with Saied than ""khobz w mé"" with the last Parliament.",[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 05:37:29 w8bxxg,,0,scuba diving for Women,"Salem Aleykoum, is there a scuba diving center for women only? Or at least that organizes ""women groups"" Cheers",,,,,,2022-07-26 06:07:57 w8dgyp,,11,Where can you get an ADHD diagnosis?,I think I have ADHD or something that's really messing up with my focus and I'd like to get diagnosed by someone preferably in Mahdia/Mestir/Sousse but I'm willing to travel to Tunis if you can recommend someone decent.,,,,,,2022-07-26 07:38:36 w8edai,,0,"Tunisie: la Constitution en passe d'être adoptée, forte abstention",,,,,,,2022-07-26 08:34:52 w8esj1,,0,Baited.,,,,,,,2022-07-26 09:01:15 w8f37f,épa_sousse/,3,someone who have an idea about prépa Sousse (normal ) et prépa Monastir.,N7eb na3ref 3al leblasa la3bed El foyer ken Fama El restau le9raya which one is better and if ya3iwlfaoyer besehel besenesba lwe7ed men tounes,,,,,,2022-07-26 09:19:54 w8f8dq,بلكشي_مكش_صحيح/,10,بلكشي مكش صحيح؟," إذا لقيت روحك في مجموعة كبيرة متاع ناس و ماكش متفاهم مع مجموعة كبيرة أخرى. أعمال طلة عل المجموعة إلي إنت فيها، شكون فيها: فيها سمير الوافي؟ عبير موسي؟ راشد الغنوشي؟ سيف الدين مخلوف؟ ياسين العياري؟ احزاب و جمعيات بو دورو؟ مرتزقة؟ لقيتش فيهم مثلاً المنصف المرزوقي يهدد في ألي يعملو عكس رايو، إنو كيف يجي نهار أخر تو يندم؟ لقيتش صفحات الفيسبوك متاع الجماعة هذي لكل ما تنجمش تكتب فيها تعليقات كان ما تولي ""فان"" عندهم؟ زيد خمم، تلقاش روحك إتبع في الإعلام التونسي و العربي الممول من بلايص ما تعرفهاش؟ حاول تتفكر على شنوا تعاركت إنت و المجموعة إلي ضدك وشنوا كانت الوضعية قبل ما نوصلو هكا؟ ما فماش وحدة جايبة بطانية بش ترقد في المؤسسة إلي تحكملك في حياتك؟ و موقفتلك رزقك؟ مفمش واحد جاي يعدي في الوقت غادي و يعبي في جيبو من فلوسنا؟ ما كناش عايشين في مسخرة؟ قبل ما يبدو صوابعك ياكلو فيك وتحب تسبني، حاول تتفكر وين كنا قبل 25 جويلية و على شكون تدافع. في الأخير بش نقعد أنا وياك نتعفنو في هالبلاد و الطحانة إلي تدافع عليهم تسمع بهم في سويسرا.",,,,,,2022-07-26 09:28:47 w8fcb4,,0,Référendum en Tunisie : que prévoit le projet de Constitution du président Kaïs Saïed ?,,,,,,,2022-07-26 09:35:28 w8fv91,,1,How does onlyfans work in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 10:06:56 w8gbpp,,15,Boycotted the referendum,"I'm honestly perplexed by the contradiction in this subbredit, people are talking about democracy and how you should be voting not boycotting while forgetting that Said staged a coup d'état, he suppressed opposition by all means, and then concentrated all the power in his hands dismissing everyone else. And you're talking about democracy and referendum ? Mind blowing",,,,,,2022-07-26 10:33:05 w8hk9h,,1,Where can I fix my broken Apple Watch ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 11:41:21 w8i7f0,,3,Master degree,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-26 12:13:54 w8i7ih,,1,support e with comments pls !,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 12:14:02 w8ifxb,,1,ahmed cherbib !,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 12:25:31 w8ihsf,,2,summer jobs for uni students,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-26 12:28:10 w8il3f,,1,ahmed cherbib,,,,,,,2022-07-26 12:32:36 w8ioz3,,1,Turkish Hostility/Toxicity,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-26 12:37:42 w8isn2,,45,"For those that voted ""Yes"", A Question","So, clearly, KS got the constitution he wanted which grants him a great deal of power. The contention is, by those who voted for the referendum, were basically voting to support KS but, the man is 64 years old. I know he wants re-elections every 5 years and would probably be re-elected if he so wanted to do so, but he has granted a great deal of power to the position. Power that could quite easily become a dictatorship with zero intervention possible from other branches to stop him. The problem isn't KS, it's who comes after him. Maybe he has good intentions and wants more power so he can do the things that can save Tunisia but, the person after him, would have the power to do what is best for THEM instead of Tunisia. This includes someone being elected that goes, largely, against your beliefs. Is there not a fear of what happens after Saied is gone?",,,,,,2022-07-26 12:42:37 w8j5h9,قصيدة_رومانسية/,0,قصيدة رومانسية,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-26 12:58:32 w8jb5a,,0,طريقة عمل خبز الروشيه من الشيف حوريّه ّزنّون فتافيت,,,,,,,2022-07-26 13:05:09 w8k3hr,,15,I made this game when back I was 15 .,"&#x200B; MY GAMES : [](",,,,,,2022-07-26 13:40:39 w8kqkm,,0,For those who are blaming the boycotters...,"Many people are blaming the boycotters and saying that if they have voted ""no"", the results will be ""no"" and the new constitution will not pass. short answer: LOOOOOL Long answer: Boycotting the referendum is the best choice and it is the one which made this referendum a joke and without any credibility. Here's why: - First of all, the ""yes""result was ready from the begining. Saied [have already said before in this video]( that referendums is a tool used only by dictators and that any referundum held in any arab country will have a ""yes"" result. So he literally admitted that he is a dictator and told us the result of the referendum even before its begining. Yet, some people still insisted on participating in that circus🤡🤡. - Second, the number of participants is clearly FAKE. Despite the big number annoucned by the ISIE (~ 2,5 millions), there were no queues or any sign of a huge presence of voters. The centers were empty. Imagine that at 9:00 am, more than 500k have already voted which is even higher than the same numbers of the 2019 presidential elections when the numbers of voters was exceptional. - Third, even if the majority voted ""no"", the result will still be ""yes"". In fact, the ISIE is appointed by Saied himself and there was no international observers. He also didn't respect ""samt inti5abi"" and many other rules. So adding an imaginary number of ""yes"" voters to the total isn't that difficult. Even if we suppose that a 2 million boycotters voted yesterday, the total number of voters will be near 5 millions which is impossible since that number was not even reached in the 2019 presidential elections when the queues were very long and the centers were overcrowded. So, saied will always add a number of yes voters to the total to ensure the majority. - Fourth, even if the result was ""no"" (which was by no mean possible), Saied will neither stop his new constitution nor dismiss. I already made a discussion [in this post]( showing how Saied delibrately changed the 139 chapter and removed the ""no"" scenario from Belaid's constitution. Saied have already interpreted many chapters in the past in a very wierd way that suits his interests, so I don't see anything stopping him from doing this again. - Finally, the boycott has succeed. In fact, in democratic countries where the opinion of people is taken into consideration, any referendum with a rate of participation less than 50% is invalid. The 25% (which is fake) is still a very low rate and it is a big sign of the failure of this referendum (in the opposite of what Saied is claiming). In the end, the 93% results proves that this referendum is invalid. I thought the results will be 50% or 60%. I didn't expect this dumb move which is made by every typical dictator. You must know that Saied is a dictator, so no democratic move can stop or remove him including voting ""no"" to his silly referendums.",,,,,,2022-07-26 14:07:53 w8l3zf,,28,Map of Tunisian governorates by their parliamentary representation (number of people per seat),,,,,,,2022-07-26 14:23:12 w8l5bj,,6,Tunisian AITA,"We should make AITA style posts and try to make them mainstream bch nonchrou tarf wa3y fl aabed Also it would be fun Kahaw chokran",,,,,,2022-07-26 14:24:52 w8m1mw,,36,Math is hard,,,,,,,2022-07-26 15:02:23 w8mqbp,,1,Thoughts?,,,,,,,2022-07-26 15:30:28 w8n43e,,5,A Good Therapist in Tunis ?,"Hey Guys , Am looking for a good therapist and due to some previous ones being incompetent , i am adressing you hoping you wouldn't know anyone who's really dedicated and was efficient with you ? &#x200B; i think i have severe anxiety . &#x200B; Any help would be appreciated &#x200B; Thanks .",,,,,,2022-07-26 15:45:56 w8nm7h,,1,Can someone translate the Darija lyrics pls?,[Music Video](,,,,,,2022-07-26 16:05:53 w8nmac,,1,yakhi sigma conseil kifech ta3mel les estimations eli tal3ethom l bereh,If the 'official' results we get today is done by the manual classification of votes then where does sigma conseil get their numbers from? and apparently they're supposedly almost pretty accurate,,,,,,2022-07-26 16:05:57 w8npa3,,2,Is it safe to criticize the government/the president anymore?,I am beginning to feel anxious about this. There have been a lot of military trials against bloggers and other citizens recently. Now that the president has a big chunk of judicial power.. Do you think it would be risky to criticize the government and president like we always did before?,,,,,,2022-07-26 16:09:12 w8nqeq,,5,I sense a conspiracy!,"Just speculation from my side. What if emir Kaison is just a puppet in the hands of the mukhabarat/deep state feeding him bad intel. Then they advice him to act and they give him this new constitution to give himself all the powers to ""save Tunisia"". Then, after doing his part, they will assasinate him to install whoever they choose to be our real dictator. As I said, just some speculation.",,,,,,2022-07-26 16:10:25 w8nrv5,,1,contrat civp + master,"Habit naaref ken fama chkoun dkhal yekhdem b contract civp w kamel kra master etatique en parallele wala haja du genre. Merci !",,,,,,2022-07-26 16:11:59 w8nvny,,10,what to do when you're 30 (M ) with a master degree but still unemployed due to lack of experience ? is it late to turn things around ?,Can you please give me some advices?,,,,,,2022-07-26 16:16:01 w8ongb,,1,Hello folks there is a data analyst here ?,,,,,,,2022-07-26 16:47:24 w8pb7z,,9,I won't be able to sit for a few days,,,,,,,2022-07-26 17:13:59 w8poz1,,1,4th language/option,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 17:29:24 w8q4r5,,2,"Salam 3alaykom ya twensa, ena 9a3d na3mel fi ba7th dirasi, ken tnajjmou t3abbiw il form hethi yar7am weldikom! (9sira mat5afouch)",,,,,,,2022-07-26 17:46:15 w8qval,,2,Travelling to Tunesia by car and ferry,"We‘re travelling to your beautiful country next month with our campervan. We’ll be arriving with the ferry in Tunis. I read that some travellors were rejected the entry because they didn‘t book their hotels for their whole trip. As we like to travel more spontaneously we just booked a hotel for the first few days in Tunis. Do you know if this really is an issue and does anyone has an idea what to do about it? Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it and look forward to see Tunisia and learn more about it‘s culture and society. P.S. Do you think there will be big protests because of Kais Said’s constitutional changes and will I get into trouble by talking to people about it? Just because I‘m very interested in politics.",,,,,,2022-07-26 18:15:22 w8rgvn,,7,what do you think guys ? and bl7a9 isimm w fsb mouch mosta3raf bihom ? na7ihom wlla,,,,,,,2022-07-26 18:39:46 w8ruib,,3,Expedited Tourist Visa,"Hi folks :) I messed up with my visa and now I need your opinion and/or advice. Quick recap of my situation: citizen of Uzbekistan, living in the US (Seattle) as a permanent resident. Booked a two week long trip to Tunisia thinking that I do not need a visa (until recently, Uzbekistan was one of the countries that had a 30-day long visa upon arrival agreement). Checked the embassy website again last weekend and Uzbekistan isn’t on that list any longer. I emailed the embassy and tried to call them to inquire about the expedited visa process, but they’re not responding and not picking up the phone. I’m thinking about flying to DC and trying to get a walk in appointment. So my question is, how possible is it to a)get a walk in appointment in the first place and b)get a tourist visa in a day or two. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-07-26 18:55:13 w8tf8x,,1,كيفية تسريع هاتف الاندرويد البطئ,,,,,,,2022-07-26 19:59:11 w8tjqq,,1,option/4th language,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 20:03:47 w8u3wc,,1,"Boycotting or voting no had no effect, the refrendum is a sham",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-26 20:25:56 w8u52o,,3,anyone in tunisia tried to publish game in steam?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 20:27:14 w8u7h3,,44,I know its old news but this is a crime against humanity. 9cl less but same price????,,,,,,,2022-07-26 20:29:53 w8ulgl,,0,"Boycotting or voting no had no effect. The referendum was fraudulent, deceptive and manipulated since the beginning.","Article 139 of the new ""constitution"" states the following : يدخل الدستور حيز التطبيق إبتداء من تاريخ الإعلان النهائي عن نتيجة الإستفتاء من قبل الهيئة العليا المستقلة للإنتخابات Notice that it only mentions نتيجة without specifying if it's a majority yes or no? **A law professor whom I know who was a collegue of Kais Said** explained to me that legally speaking, the new constitution goes into effect **regardless of the vote results**. It's a legal loophole intentionally inserted by Said in the constit draft to **manipulate** the outcome. In Sadek Belaid's draft article 139 states the following : تنشر الموافقة على هذا الدستور إثر إعلان الهيئة العليا المستقلة للإنتخابات بأن نتائج الإستفتاء أفضت إلى **موافقة الشعب** على بأغلبية الأصوات المصرح بها. Notice how in Belaid's draft it specifically mentions ""**موافقة الشعب""** instead of a vague ""نتيجة الإستفتاء"" ? It was a scam and a joke since the start. Bléd el tarananni",,,,,,2022-07-26 20:45:26 w8uuov,,2,Was watching Legend of the galactic heroes when they brought on sidna al akbar kais said,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-26 20:56:04 w8vsse,,13,logique mtaa li 9at3ou,", >مش موافق على الدستور , > يقاطع الاستفتاء , >ربع العباد كهو تصوت , >لي مشات الكل صوتت بنعم , >قيس يربح ب 90% , >""الانتخابات مزورة، أرقام غالطة :( """,,,,,,2022-07-26 21:33:44 w8wxa8,,1,can someone recommend me from where can i buy a good vap,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 22:19:39 w8x0iu,,3,On what problems should we FOCUS nowadays in Tunisia?,"&#x200B; Here we are on the first post-referendum day, and I thought it would be interesting for everyone to come up with a reflection, take a step back, and imagine a positive path for the country in an ideal scenario, although in practice, it's unlikely to succeed. To tell the truth, myself, I barely followed the news concerning the referendum. All that I did was to read diagonally the text of constitution submitted without really having previous references to be able to cast an enough relevant critical eye. I am totally unaware of whether the new separation of powers only foreshadows excesses, the why and how a certain number of people agree that the parliamentary system was dysfunctional. I don't know neither how this new constitution is supposed to grant sovereignty to the people. But never mind. In short, as you'd've understood, I am completely outside of all this for the moment, and I reserve the right to conduct in-depth research a posteriori to form a solid opinion on the situation. Whether you voted yes or no, whether you boycotted the referendum, or whether you think it was rigged, I invite you to put that aside for a moment, and try to think about this question: What are the work axes to prioritize these days? By this, I'm thinking above all of the economic methods (the type of market to adopt, the priority areas of development (like, real estate, agriculture, etc.), local short circuits, imports/exports, etc. ..), to the role of young people within the national project, to the orientation chosen in all that concerns development, the fields of innovation (as tiny as they are (computing, medicine, research, engineering, programming, artificial intelligence ), etc... What should be identified and labeled as a vector of unemployment and precariousness of the ""zaweli"" in Tunisia. Without forgetting the case of the forgotten territories of the republic, namely the West coast (Kasserine, Le Kef...) and others like Sidi Bouzid, Kebili, Tataouine. &#x200B; In your reflection, by way of example, if you were to cite education, try an approach of the type: What are the dysfunctions of the current education system. What should we change? Is it really relevant to force education to a certain extent when many children from poor territories are hastily taken out of school to help their parents? What is the place of Tunisia in a world where innovation, internet, programming etc. are gaining ground in many countries, often regardless of their level of development (Nigeria, India, etc.) If you are talking about diplomacy, avoid giving answers of the type: Fares USAbigot or Abdelweheb Vladimirov... Instead, prefer the diplomatic philosophy to adopt in trade, the geographical areas to turn to, the case of pan-Arabism, etc. ... You can of course criticize foreign powers that do a lot of lobbying like Qatar for example, but make sure that this is only a minor part of your thinking. &#x200B; And finally avoid talking too much about the separation of powers. Here, it is not so much the levers/tools that we seek to question, but rather the philosophy of development and reconstruction to be expected, and to hope for. You can obviously address social issues, but avoid dwelling too much on the relationship of society to religion: I think we are in an in-between that kinda satisfies both secular and religious, whereas we are not on the verge of becoming a caliphate, just as much as a future Western society. Even if tunisian people have gained a lot of maturity on this subject, the fact remains that tackling this kind of thing strongly obscures much more serious and important problems. There you go ! Tell us what you have on your heart, your hopes, and your ideal vision of the Tunisian future. Be respectful of differing opinions, but feel free to challenge ideas civically. À vos claviers ! And God Bless Tunisia.",,,,,,2022-07-26 22:23:22 w8xfgn,,0,ISIE officially: 94.6% voted yes in the referendum,"Nothing new, just the same 90% results from a typical arab dictator.",,,,,,2022-07-26 22:40:46 w8xre4,,1,Casually staring through your soul,,,,,,,2022-07-26 22:54:53 w8xy9v,,1,FST mpi - Manar,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-26 23:02:40 w91a1y,,2,Let's talk about serious stuff.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-27 01:30:40 w98u2k,,1,Referendum approved,,,,,,,2022-07-27 08:07:07 w9989r,,3,Tozeur has a population of 115k and the number of voters are 105k !!!,"The number of voters by governorates is a scandal. Not only tozeur, governorates like gafsa where the population is low has more voters than sfax and sousse! The ISIE has deleted the statitics of voters by governorates from its site so [you can see here lfdhaya7]( . And then someone tells you: A fAiR AnD fReE VoTe ! 😂😂",,,,,,2022-07-27 08:32:54 w998ci,,23,can somebody explain how the participation went up 400k between yesterday and tomorrow? there isn't even 400k voters in foreign countries if everyone went to vote.,,,,,,,2022-07-27 08:33:03 w9ab4l,,3,what it feels like to study in a sfaxian university ? is it good to study there if you aren't sfaxian ?,,,,,,,2022-07-27 09:39:23 w9b07b,,4,ADHD meds,"Hey guys so I'm diagnosed but ritalin hasn't worked for me that well really. I'm trying to look and do more research about what's available already so that maysirlich tbalfit la79i9a. I know ritalin is the most common and we don't have vyvanse.. Adderall etc but I've come across some non classical meds that can help in some people. So that i can bring it up with a new psychiatrist (I started looking more for a good one already) because i asked my old one to up the dose a little and she has a way of not listening and filling up the prescription mta3 ija n3abilek dwe w osket keka 5it 7asilou.. P.s: guys I'm doing this so I do more research about costs and general stuff (I do know stimulants are mostly the way to go ) before I dive into this with a new psychiatrist. And I'm not sure if there's some way even later if my budget becomes bigger sometime this next year if there's a way to import stuff i really don't know that's probably not an option tho.",,,,,,2022-07-27 10:21:06 w9bdmt,,54,N7eb neth3af 😭,"Well mille5er ana 3andi kerch we borjouliya n7eb neth3af ana ken bech nemchi il salle de sport bech nal9a ro7i wa7da nejri 3ala tapi kil bahloul we mba3ed no5rj mana3rfch chnia les exercice ili lezem na3mlohm we il melkla ili lezem neklha donc a3tiwni nsaya7 please kifeh neth3af fi a9ser wa9t btw menich smin il aka darja just chwaya Ana nouzen 77.5 we touli 165 cm(9sir barcha fibeli hahaha) Edit: Thank you all for the answers Pa u might wanna upvote this thread i think a lot of ppl might benefit from it",,,,,,2022-07-27 10:42:43 w9br4k,,1,tunisie_commu,,,,,,,2022-07-27 11:03:32 w9cwgi,,25,Did i introduce it well?,,,,,,,2022-07-27 12:01:09 w9cz8q,,1,4th language/option," I chose the math section and I chose the spanish language as the option back when the highschool gave me the option paper.But back in June I changed my mind and I put german in the government site .So I don't know which option they are going to direct me in bac. I did a formation this month(July),I studied A1.1 german and A1.2 spanish(I had some knowledge of spanish beforehand).And now I'm flip-flopping between them and I can't decide so can you give me some of your personal experiences. If I'm being honest the only interest that I have in learning spanish/german is becoming fluent in more languages and for opportunities abroad. P.S: -I read some previous threads on this sub but I want to get more info since some people told me that german bac is just A1.1 but others told me it's the entire A1(I heard the german exam is easier) -I considered learning them both but it would be too hard especially with summer ending soon",,,,,,2022-07-27 12:04:41 w9d5rl,,2,bitcoin wallets in Tunisia,How can i have a valid bitcoin or any other good cryptocurrency in tunisia?,,,,,,2022-07-27 12:13:15 w9deq3,,2,International Cards In Tunisia,"I have a question and i wanna get you guys's opinion about it. how and where can i get an international credit card in tunisia without shitty spending and withdrawing limits (like the CTI) And also why dont we even have international transacations properly automatic in any card like egypt.",,,,,,2022-07-27 12:25:10 w9dmxn,,7,solidworks formation in tunisia,"Hi everyone, I want to learn solidworks and to have a qualified certification for work in europe or canada norms. Does anyone have a qualified formation center adress in tunis. Thank you",,,,,,2022-07-27 12:35:54 w9dqqd,,1,Biggest disco in the world founded in Tunisia,"I was search on google maps for some locations and i found this by luck, so anyone can tell me what the fk is this ?? location : [,10.2097073,158m/data=!3m1!1e3](,10.2097073,158m/data=!3m1!1e3)",,,,,,2022-07-27 12:40:55 w9ed5o,ارجوكم_متخلوش_تونس_تقع_صدقوني_لو_تونس_وقعت_ما/,1,ارجوكم متخلوش تونس تقع، صدقوني لو تونس وقعت ما هتقوم تاني، الحقو نفسكم عشان خاطركم وخاطر كل العرب الي كانو شايفين الامل فيكم. انتم لو وقعتم بجد كل الامل الموجود هيروح، اوعو تغلطو زينا وتخلوه يسرق ثورتكم، شهادئكم، دمائكم، تضحياتكم.,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-27 13:09:05 w9ei7v,,6,Name your fv film/serie and why,,,,,,,2022-07-27 13:15:11 w9ejw8,يحيا_الوطن/,2,🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳 يحيا الوطن,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-27 13:17:16 w9emmt,,1,Laabed li mn tounes laasma," Chkn ykoli akreb blayess yekriw fihom ihec carthage students who dont have a car and dont want to use public transport nor bolt, yaani ymchiw w yjiw kol nhar ala sakehom. And thank you!!",,,,,,2022-07-27 13:20:32 w9ey4k,,3,cheapest place to print my graduation project report (rapport pfe),"Hi nlawej 3ala arkhess maktba tatba3 des rapports PFE f Aya blassa men hethom : Tunis Beja Sousse Gabes ps Eli yaaref win pls provide the prices ken taaref thanks a lot",,,,,,2022-07-27 13:34:38 w9fa07,,4,Can you give some information about Tunisia?,"I would like to live in Tunisia for a few months but I don't know the country. If you like, write me a message.",,,,,,2022-07-27 13:49:05 w9fens,,0,يحيا الوطن 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-07-27 13:54:39 w9fvt9,,1,the logic of bad losers:The election is rigged but we boycotted it and didn't send any observers (we can't pay them anymore no bad money)so we are the 75% of who didn't vote.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-27 14:14:08 w9fxkh,,7,"the logic of bad losers:The election is rigged, but we boycotted it and didn't send any observers (we can't pay them anymore no bad money). we are the 75% who didn't vote.",,,,,,,2022-07-27 14:16:07 w9g98w,,7,Quotes,,,,,,,2022-07-27 14:29:44 w9gdmq,é_l_serbia_i_need_help/,6,brabi chkoun mché l Serbia i need help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-27 14:34:50 w9h01g,,2,Musical project from a Tunisian Artist in collaboration with artists from USA and France.. Enjoy,[](,,,,,,2022-07-27 15:00:19 w9hcxu,,11,"Tunisia Luxury Hotel Tour (2022): Anantara Sahara Tozeur, North Africa",,,,,,,2022-07-27 15:14:51 w9i6ao,,1,I'm done with Facebook.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-27 15:47:30 w9k5lt,,3,"Billehi chkoun in Europe coming to Tunisia soon who can receive a package of 7kgs(clothes, memory card, thermal paste, vitamins) and bring it along? Extra kilos would be paid if you already have a lot of baggage.",,,,,,,2022-07-27 17:05:42 w9kfd8,,3,A question about CIVP urgent!!,I want ot continue my studies and work. This is my terminal year in my master's and I want to gain experience while at it. I ve found in CIVP article 15 that the beneficial of the contract of he return to studies or does another economical activity he has to return the amount of the benefit and the contract is terminated.,,,,,,2022-07-27 17:16:33 w9khp4,التجارة_الإلكترونية_بتونس_ecommerce_in_tunisia/,1,التجارة الإلكترونية بتونس / ecommerce in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-27 17:19:15 w9loi9,,4,Political scene/Tunisia,"salem belehy chabeb i need ressources nheb na9ra aal political scene f tounes (ktob/articles/twitter users) ken fama zeda podcasts /radio/tv shows behin",,,,,,2022-07-27 18:08:03 w9mr0p,,7,Do you think it will be safe for a western tourist to visit in the next month or two?,,,,,,,2022-07-27 18:52:56 w9nh7o,,18,That's why we call it صورة بألف معنى,,,,,,,2022-07-27 19:22:30 w9o2qh,,0,برجولة خشب برجولات حديد برجولات قماش برجولات خشبيه,,,,,,,2022-07-27 19:47:12 w9o50o,,3,Question for the fiscality and tax folks on this subreddit,كيفاه الدولة تنجم تعرف وتحدد الضرائب لي لازم يدفوعها القهاوي و العطارة والخضارة والحماصة والنصابة، والانشطة الاقتصادية لي تكون بصفة عامة شركات صغيرة ومتوسطة .,,,,,,2022-07-27 19:49:59 w9ob3r,,2,any AMV enjoyers here? would love some feedback!,"since this sub didnt allow me to uplaod the video with sound ,ill just drop you the link [\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=6938536556508513794](",,,,,,2022-07-27 19:57:03 w9p7yf,,5,how late can I find des louages from Tunis to Sousse or Monastir ?,I am going to Tunis from Monastir next week but I have to return in the same day as I have nowhere to stay. I probably gonna stay pretty late (midnight to 1 AM). I was wondering if anyone knows how late would I be able to find des louages from there.,,,,,,2022-07-27 20:34:13 w9pskf,,1,Its starting...( In kairouane),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-27 20:57:57 w9pu6e,,3,"Where i can find ""un-lfa 1ug"" with expiration date after 2022 or more","My mother had an operation to remove thyroids, she's been proscribed to take this drug for the rest of her life, the problem is the batches available now in pharmacies expires by this September and new ones will come after at least 6 months as the pharmacist said.",,,,,,2022-07-27 20:59:51 w9t5hb,,93,"One of the most beautiful things in tunisia , fruité drink after hammam 😍😍",,,,,,,2022-07-27 23:14:01 w9tj9b,,3,looking for an internship,"I'm trying to find an internship in design ,3d modelling or game development that offers learning the skills needed and working at the same time and help is much appreciated",,,,,,2022-07-27 23:30:49 w9tlhu,,8,software developers salaries in Tunisia,I work as a software developer in Tunisia and I have a salary negotiation coming up soon. I was wondering how much other software developers are getting paid (around 2 years of experience).,,,,,,2022-07-27 23:33:29 w9u0hs,,1,College Students and Summer Jobs,"Hey there! We all know how difficult times have been and we college students suffer a great deal when it comes to a plethora of expenses we're expected to pay each college year. No matter how far and wide I've looked, I couldn't find any business that hires college students. (or at least one that hires them for a decent salary) Not only is it outrageous, but it's also miserable that one can't have access to some cash during the summer. I was wondering if anyone knows about a business that hires college kids during the months of June, July and August in Tunis, and if there are alternatives to call centers (I've been scammed out of my salary twice so far)",,,,,,2022-07-27 23:51:59 w9u8k2,,2,"Approximately, how many calories and sugar content in 1 كعبة مقروض from Kairouan",I know this might be an odd question for some but I like to keep tab on how much I eat.,,,,,,2022-07-28 00:01:36 w9ug9j,,7,how to move on with my life ?,"I am 18 year old male got rejected recently by a f18 best friend that she was the only friend I had from 6 years ago .she rejected in a way without hurting . This experience took it so long and kinda messed me up so I want to move on ? . I really don't have any others friend in this town so I'm a longer, antisocial boring person I want to change, I want to have friends to talk, laugh , creating memories with as an average person . Being alone all the time make others avoiding me even in a group of class everyone just ignore my existence. So do you have any suggestions to improve myself to be more social ? To be honest I'm so skinny I'm afraid to go to the gym for long time . I kept procrastinating. I do have low self-esteem, confidence I heard joining gym will help to boost yourself What exercises should I do ? What kinda of food should I eat ? I'm now 1.78 m but you can easily see the bone came from my skin it's really embarrassing even I tried to avoid going out since the heat force to wear less clothes that hide the arms . Any advice will help. Besides sorry for long post , but do you know any way I can go out to others countries after bac ? Like the necessary score ?",,,,,,2022-07-28 00:11:03 w9uznt,للي_يعاودوا_في_حكاية_المقاطعة_غالطة/,3,للي يعاودوا في حكاية المقاطعة غالطة...,"الإنتخابات النزيهة والعادلة ماهيش كان حساب الأصوات، هي أنك توفر للاطراف لكل الفرصة أنهم يعبروا على رايهم و أنهم يعملوا حملة. هي أنو تصير مناظرة، أنو ميتمش إستعمال جهاز الدولة من بلديات لدور شباب، لتلفزة وطنية في حملة طرف معين، انو ميتمش إستعمال البوليس في قمع الطرف الأخر، أنو ميتمش إستعمال المال السياسي (إي نعم حملات مدفوعة للتأثير عالفسبوك وحتى هوني في الرديت.. و إستعمال الدولة رهو زادة مال سياسي و متع الشعب من فوق هذا)، هي أنك تأسس لمناخ يحس فيه الناخب إلي مش بش يتحاسب على صوتو مش أنك تحط هيئة معروف أنها تابعة لك كلياً وقتلي كان بالحق فما مشكلة فالهيئة لقديمة كيفاش نجم قيس سعيد يربح 70%؟   مش لازم تزور بش تسرق إنتخابات. هذا كلام قيس سعيد وأنصارو أكثر عباد حكاوها وعندهم الحق خاطر المال السياسي وتخويف لعباد تابع في التأثير على مسار الإنتخابات. كما النهضة ستعملت المال السياسي كيما قيس سعيد ستعملو ليوم و أتعس من هذا أغلبو مال عام، كيما نبيل القروي إستعمل نسمة قيس سعيد إستعمل التلفزة الوطنية إلي لكلنا نمولها من جيوبنا.  قيس سعيد عمل الاختيارات لكل عن قصد كما زادة إختار عن قصد انو ميحطش سقف ادنى للمشاركة متتحسبش فيه الإنتخابات، كانوا حب الناس تشارك وحبها تكون ديمقراطية فعلاً رهو حطوا ملول. يكفي أنك تخوف لعباد وتجرهم أنهم يقاطعوا بش إنت تمشي تربح، خاطر منعرفوش شنوا كان يعمل كان جات فما حملة صحيحة علما إلي بلي عملوا قيس سعيد وحملة في وجهة واحدة و النتيجة فالإستطلاع 50/50 مع وضد. ومنع إستطلاع الرأي كيف كيف مقصود بش الأغلبيية الصامتة (75%) متشوف كان التلفزة والمساندين وحملة النعم لين تأيس. ونزيدك أكثر ننساو موضوع عدم تكافؤ الفرص، كان النتيجة جات كما حقيقتها إلي هي متقاربة برشة، شكون ينجم يأكدلي إلي في حالة هكاكة سهل فيها التزوير، بضعة الاف أو مئات يقروا النتيجة (و [صارت مع جورج بوش للعلم]( ) شكون يأكدلنا إلي هيئة منحازة مش بش تعمل شي؟ خاطر متحتجش بش تمس أي نتيجة كانها 90% أما كي تولي 50% حديث اخر.  إذا كان النتيجة ناقصها 20 ألف صوت، تحتاج فقط ل3-4 مكاتب إقتراع في تونس الكبرى متواطئة بش تبدل النتيجة  يزيو بربي من التبسيط المبالغ في الأمور. نجمو نتناقشو في حاجة بالمعقول أما مش صحيح انو المسألة بسيطة والتصويت هو الحل. ",,,,,,2022-07-28 00:35:05 w9x53v,,8,"Tunisians who were in tonight's Carthage Concert, I love you.",,,,,,,2022-07-28 02:13:08 w9ymu7,,31,Thoughts ?,,,,,,,2022-07-28 03:23:14 wa14m9,,4,Rental Prices of 125cc ktm,"Hello i live in italy but im half tunisian, my mom is planning to go to tunis next summer i wanted to ask the prices of rental of 125cc ktm there.",,,,,,2022-07-28 05:30:36 wa4152,,49,Good morning to you all!,"After some days of hate and polarizing politics, let us spread some love!",,,,,,2022-07-28 08:17:02 wa5hw2,,5,Why Tunisian don't read books like past before internet??,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-28 09:45:13 wa60lc,,1,"Hey, unlock Mystery Boxes worth up to $500 each when you join Binance using my referral link!",,,,,,,2022-07-28 10:14:20 wa6813,,0,More than 90% of the voters in #Tunisia voted yes on the new constitution. I think that the upcoming elections in Tunisia will be the end of spoilers and the beginning of stability.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-28 10:25:43 wa6yj1,,5,work cafes?,"Looking for calm cafés/coffee shops around Grand Tunis. Family are constantly arguing or doing something disruptive around the house,and so I'm looking for places where I can just get shit done",,,,,,2022-07-28 11:05:31 wa7cck,,2,Thoughts on the request of vassalization* of Ifriqiya?,,,,,,,2022-07-28 11:25:23 wa8plm,,1,"Do stuff like mdma , lsd exist here",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-28 12:31:01 wa8wyr,,5,Im too lazy to read the constitution.. Is that true?,,,,,,,2022-07-28 12:40:35 wa8yns,,1,كيف نحمي أنفسنا من أشعة الشمس الضارة؟,,,,,,,2022-07-28 12:42:44 wa9bv5,,4,what if,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-28 12:59:53 wa9oe2,éveloppeur_après_15_ans_de/,5,Quel est l’avenir d’un développeur après 15 ans de carrière ?,"Vous êtes-vous déjà posé la question de ce que vous ferez après 15 ans d’expérience ?  Après 15 ans d’expérience en tant que Dev, il vous reste encore 25 années avant la retraite!🙂  Cela fait déjà un moment que je souhaite écrire sur ce sujet. Une réflexion que j’avais déjà bien mûrie durant mes années passées à assister des milliers d’ingénieurs en informatique qui partent s’installer en France. La crise du Covid est passée par là et est venue accélérer la chose.  J’ai notamment eu de très nombreux échanges avec des ingénieurs IT tunisiens et marocains. Et j’ai été surpris par le nombre d’entre eux qui ne se sont jamais posé la question de ce qu’ils feraient à 40 ans une fois qu’ils auront 15 ans d’expérience dans leur domaine. En sachant qu’ils leur restent 25 ans de travail devant eux… Ils sont complètement déboussolés par la question, et souvent comme ils n’y ont pas pensé auparavant, ils répondent qu’ils continueront certainement à coder jusqu'à leur retraite.  >**Pourtant ne pas s’y préparer à l’avance est une vraie prise de risque.**  Tout développeur devrait se questionner sur le futur de sa carrière. Même s’il est vrai qu'à ses débuts il est difficile de se mettre face à une telle question, elle s’invitera de toute façon inévitablement au bout de 15 ans de carrière. Alors autant s’y préparer dès l’âge de 35 ans… Il est assez courant de voir des candidats écartés d’office par les recruteurs en France parce qu’ils ont plus de 40 ans. Un diplôme sur une techno spécifique obtenu 10 ans auparavant a de fortes chances de devenir obsolète dans un marché en évolution constante. À moins que (mais c’est plutôt rare) de rester en veille constante sur les technologies émergentes.  Sur le terrain la réalité est encore plus tranchante, les seniors sont remplacés sans aucun ménagement par des candidats plus jeunes qui sont plus à l’aise avec les nouvelles technologies. Et malheureusement ce Turn-Over régulier a un impact négatif direct sur la fin de carrière des ingénieurs.  Le constat sans équivoque que j’ai pu en faire c’est que l'âge où l’on commence à être déjà “trop vieux” c’est 40 ans. À 45 ans c’est déjà trop tard si un plan B n’a pas été envisagé. Face au mur, il devient plus difficile pour les développeurs de rebondir et de trouver de nouvelles opportunités.  >**La bonne nouvelle c’est que des solutions existent.**  Après des années d’accompagnement de plus de 5000 ingénieurs IT, j’ai pu observer des comportements, des prises de décisions, des changements de parcours très diversifiés. Chaque ingénieur IT, chaque développeur que j’ai rencontré durant ces 10 dernières années a un parcours différent.  Certains ont un véritable choc, lorsqu’ils entendent pour la première fois alors qu’ils n’ont même pas 40 ans : “tu fais du Dev depuis 15 ans maintenant, tu comptes faire quoi les 25 prochaines années ?”  C’est une réflexion très déstabilisante quand on ne s'y est pas préparé.  Mais la bonne nouvelle c’est que plusieurs pistes et plusieurs solutions existent, il suffit de s’y préparer :) J’ai regroupé ci dessous quelques pistes / axes qui s’offrent à un développeur expert (15 ans d’expérience) : * **Devenir Consultant spécialisé (Assurance, Telecom, Banques…)** * **Rejoindre un pôle de Management ou direction d’un grand groupe** * **Créer son ESN ou sa Startup** * **Revenir dans son pays natal et lancer des projets** * **Devenir Investisseur ou Business Angel** * **etc...** **Toutes ces pistes sont possibles, mais il faut choisir et se préparer pendant quelques mois, quelques années avant de se lancer.**",,,,,,2022-07-28 13:14:37 waa71a,,5,"I'm going to Serbia, do i need transit visa for stopping in Rome for more than 8 hours?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-28 13:36:56 waabc0,,5,financial education... i suck at making appealing titles,"I had to bring it up.... We need FUCKING financial education... We need to know ch ma3neha patente w start-up we need to know RNE, taxes and the banking system..... we need to know how to manage funds... STOP TEACHING KIDS AND ""ADULTS"" SHIT At this age no one taught me that and i had to struggle to get fragments of an answer... Include that in school curriculums.... Every one should know this... Eventually it might help That..... And sex education",,,,,,2022-07-28 13:42:01 wabacy,école_polytechnique_sousse/,1,École polytechnique sousse,"Hey, is école polytechnique a good school for computer engineering and are the certification good ? Because it’s is the closest to my house and I don’t want to live in Tunisia where I think there’s better options in there.",,,,,,2022-07-28 14:22:41 wabmbv,,1,Epi polytechnic sousse,"Hello I’m based in sousse, I’m interested in cyber security engineering I found out that Epi polytechnic have it , is it good ? Should I worry for which university I choose ? Should I kill myself and go for the unis in Tunis ? Help !",,,,,,2022-07-28 14:36:36 wabtom,,3,Opening a bank account in 'devise' for a Tunisian,Hey folks! Do you have any idea if it's possible to open a bank account in 'devise' for a Tunisian who is working remotely with an international company (not based in Tunisia)? How about the taxes?,,,,,,2022-07-28 14:45:06 wabya3,,1,hannibal,,,,,,,2022-07-28 14:50:32 wac9em,,1,واقع الأمة الإسلامية اليوم,,,,,,,2022-07-28 15:03:09 wacsh5,,11,drone for sale,"&#x200B; [should i sell it here or out of tunisia ? ]( some say i can just sell it here other say that i need to take it out of the contry",,,,,,2022-07-28 15:24:52 waep3c,,1,تناقضات النظام الديمقراطي,,,,,,,2022-07-28 16:41:59 wafhtg,,2,Tunisian Passport,Can I renew my passport 1 year before its expiration?,,,,,,2022-07-28 17:13:48 wagqxy,,11,Reasons to leave?,"So i was chatting with my friends about the reasons that makes us want to leave Tunisia and he came with a great idea , writing a book that has every reason that makes you want to go away. Any REASON?",,,,,,2022-07-28 18:03:49 wagzd3,,5,English translation of the 2022 constitution?,"Does it exist? Or in lieu of that, is there a link to a website I can run through Google translate? All I have access to are English-language media outlets telling me what it says (meh) and a PDF in Arabic (so no Google translate). I'm very curious as to the actual text. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-07-28 18:13:05 wai6li,,0,A new constitution in Tunisia has been approved,"# According to the results of a referendum that were released on Tuesday, [Tunisians]( voted in favor of a new constitution that will cement the one-man rule that President Kais Saied has instituted over the past year. This will be a body blow to the democracy that was built in Tunisia with a tremendous amount of effort and high hopes following the overthrow of the country’s dictator more than a decade ago. [](",,,,,,2022-07-28 19:01:19 waiq6a,,2,"your experiences with Orange wifi services, worth it?","So basically I live in a remote area a little village in Bizerte with no land-line in that area and want to have wifi at home. Apparently if you get it with orange that's your only ""vis à vis"" and you don't have to talk to Télécom. BUT, being super traumatized from Tunisie Télécom, I am afraid that in case of an issue with the phone line, Télécom won't honor their part of the contract and won't fix it. So basically the question is: The fact that I have a contract with orange for the wifi, does it guarantee a better service for the phone line from Télécom part? Yaani jme dis idha ken orange c'est le seul vis a vis and you call them for a land-line issue mich bech yetjabdou kima ya3mlou Télécom with their own internet clients. Am I being delusional here? 😅 any advice would be super welcome, thank you!",,,,,,2022-07-28 19:22:20 wak830,,2,academie militaire,"hello i am bac informatique currently and iam thinking about aiming for the military academie as my goal ""academie militaire"" and i wanted someoen to clear my view of it how is the studying there can you use phoen is it as strict as the 6 months of the voluntering and how is the jobs after for my branch specialty thank you",,,,,,2022-07-28 20:22:00 wak865,,22,Websites to learn about out history and culture.,"If you want to learn more about Tunisia, I do not recommend using Wikipedia. Instead blogs written by locals offer way better information For ex : If you want to find interesting places to visit, Here are 187 Archaeological sites spread across 22 administrative areas in Tunisia : If you want to read about the history I recommend: A website about our local amazigh language If you want to learn more about it : The origin of words in our language : A good tourism website : More :",,,,,,2022-07-28 20:22:05 wal7rv,,1,حوار الحضارات,,,,,,,2022-07-28 21:01:48 wam1tb,,31,Is it me or everyone is actually escaping the country?,"Almost everyone l knew in my life went abroad (even those who didn't finish high school found their ways). And whenever l talked to the 10% who didn't, they make it clear that going abroad is their ultimate goal and they are actually working on it. I know that some people don't want to hear that, but why don't we try to make our country great instead? even if it's at the expense of our life time, for the next generations? If you deep it, Tunisia isn't that bad after all and you want be missing a lot staying. Not like someone from congo for example.",,,,,,2022-07-28 21:34:39 wami9f,,1,shabeb shkoun ynajem ybayet 3 wled fil hamemet elila,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-28 21:53:26 wamrui,,1,شرح اعدادات يوتيوب كاملة للمبتدئين 2022,,,,,,,2022-07-28 22:04:00 wan59j,,1,هل تعلم أن انتشار الشذوذ وزواج المثليين من علامات الساعة؟,,,,,,,2022-07-28 22:19:18 want3o,é_njeht_f/,1,"So imma quote a friend of mine : Sné njeht f concours préparatoire, w besh nemshi génie industriel, nheb nekhou fekra aal management en gnrl.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-28 22:47:41 wao7n7,,1,Relocating to portugal,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-28 23:04:56 waoaw3,,1,Relocating to Europe,"Hello fellow Tunisians. Is any one or knows any one who lives and works in IT in portugal or Netherlands? I have some questions.",,,,,,2022-07-28 23:08:45 war4cs,أزمة_دولة/,1,أزمة دولة.,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-29 01:14:56 wauazg,,1,Tunisia VS Usa,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-29 03:47:41 waujz1,,5,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-07-29 04:00:11 wawkxq,,0,Help,"بلاهي فماشي transport (bus,taxi collectif) من اريانة و ألا centre ville ل Tunis city (géant)",,,,,,2022-07-29 05:46:26 waxr88,,1,Making an offshore company in the uk. Lezem naamel aaleha declaration fiscale lahne fi tounes? Khater men jihethom houma mech talbin.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 06:53:49 waxx1v,,2,"Hi, can someone give some information about Tunisian divorce laws ?","Hi I would like to know what is the laws about divorce in Tunisia. Like is there alimony in Tunisia, a female relative too me is getting an divorce from her husband, is she entitled too anything ? They have been married for 30 + years. Thank you for you’re time.",,,,,,2022-07-29 07:02:51 waxynr,,3,Do i need to declare taxes in Tunisia as a tunisian for an offshore company?,,,,,,,2022-07-29 07:05:32 way01t,بلاهي_فماشي_transport_bustaxi_collectif_من_اريانة/,3,"بلاهي فماشي transport (bus,taxi collectif) من اريانة و ألا centre ville ل Tunis city (géant)",,,,,,,2022-07-29 07:07:40 wayk8o,,2,Where can i find a pdf version of the new constitution ?,I tried googling it but i only got older ones,,,,,,2022-07-29 07:42:13 wb0gs7,,1,Outsourcing/Offshoring companies,"Hello dear redditors, I've been busting my ass off looking for an outsourcing/offshoring companies that hire worldwide applicants. I've applied for so many with no luck but here are the last couple two: supportyourapp, 5ca Not going to bore you with all the details, I'm just looking for other companies that are legit and pay in dollars. Thanks for all the help!",,,,,,2022-07-29 09:43:17 wb1fmq,,5,Ija 9atouss a3tini boussa,,,,,,,2022-07-29 10:40:07 wb1gz7,,1,Backlinks/ Link Building Profiles,Is there anyone on this community who has a relevant experience with SEO backlinks and the best to earn them?,,,,,,2022-07-29 10:42:13 wb28ez,,0,Random Thought,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 11:23:12 wb2t86,,3,"What is the song that goes 'choftek fi halq al wad, dn dn dn dan dndn'","I heard it on the radio, the guy also named other places where he saw some woman. It is a very known song I think. It also made use of the oud for the dn dn dn sound I think. &#x200B; EDIT: I would like to add that it is an older song, not these modern ones. And I don't know if it is choftek or choftha",,,,,,2022-07-29 11:53:22 wb30ro,,6,"my phone got stolen!! ( metro 2), what can I do (other than the stander police procedures ) ?","Hi everyone, As I already said, my phone got stolen in the blink of an eye, I did the stander police procedures and wen't home which is 350km away :/ since I was on my way home. The worst part is the idiot that I am my phone does not even have screen lock, sine I thought that I have nothing to hide :3, but now I know that I had something to safeguard. The phone is off from that point till now, changed all passwords and logged out of everything but all my infos, photos and notes are still accessible offline and Probebly there's nothing I can do about it. If anyone have any advice please don't hesitate.!",,,,,,2022-07-29 12:03:18 wb37e1,,106,ahem ahem,,,,,,,2022-07-29 12:12:30 wb3fo5,,1,Opportunities abroad after Bac,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 12:23:59 wb3nwd,,5,Can you bring back medicine to Tunisia ??,"hey everyone, i have been outside Tunisia for the last month (in France working for a french client ) and I am coming back next week. I was wondering what the policy is on bringing back medicine from outside. will it be allowed to pass in the passport ?, is the form I need to fill out? it's heart medicine for one of my parents & it has been unavailable in Tunisia for quite a while. here's the [reference]( if anyone is interested. I don't need that much, 2 packs will last him 6mo, thank you",,,,,,2022-07-29 12:34:55 wb3sxw,,1,اثبات شفاعة أولياء الله تعالى للعباد في قضاء الحوائج,,,,,,,2022-07-29 12:41:41 wb4q8d,,1,Does anybody know this artist and something about him?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 13:23:02 wb4syh,,9,Does anybody know this artist and something about him?,,,,,,,2022-07-29 13:26:23 wb4t3m,,7,need course material for BAC info,Hi I would really appreciate it if anyone can send me some course material to study for BAC info. Thank you in advance.,,,,,,2022-07-29 13:26:34 wb5r40,,1,هل تعلم أن الاسلام يشجع على السفر والنزهة؟,,,,,,,2022-07-29 14:07:07 wb7bwk,,0,diaspora be like: we are living in heaven,,,,,,,2022-07-29 15:12:39 wb7o4c,,0,any recommendations for cheap tunisian agencies for booking for hotels?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 15:26:23 wb88qw,,1,ماهو سر الكلب الذي كان مع اصحاب الكهف؟,,,,,,,2022-07-29 15:49:46 wb8tb4,,7,Is this the hairdresser with the most strategic place in the country?,,,,,,,2022-07-29 16:12:15 wb92fn,,1,"As funny as it sounds, awel mara bch nemchi (a guy) lel hamem (fel medina) so what prices to expect? like hamem aarbi not those touristy hammems",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 16:22:16 wb99yy,,18,"Quartier du Vieux port, Bizerte, Gouvernorat de Bizerte",,,,,,,2022-07-29 16:30:43 wb9p93,,1,Un taux d'acceptation à 100%.,,,,,,,2022-07-29 16:48:19 wb9r2k,,1,ضبط اعدادات القناة على اليوتيوب من الهاتف 2022,,,,,,,2022-07-29 16:50:19 wb9u3s,,1,ways to earn money as a teen in tunisia (summer jobs),[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 16:53:44 wb9wk8,,2,looking for Blender/Unity designers,"Anyone interested? Or anyone knows someone who might be interested? Please DM",,,,,,2022-07-29 16:56:31 wbbhzs,,1,TUNISIA IN ONE IMAGE,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 18:01:45 wbbj30,,3,Are there any Angel Investors around this corner of the internet?,"We are a deep tech startup (labelisée, whatever that means) that has confirmed the need for its product and is ready to launch in september. We tried talking to the few investment funds and some incubators/accelerators and we're NOT very excited about their expertise nor their way of doing business (a circle of friends and influencers aka m3aref w as7ab). We're solving a real burden on the backbone of digital transformation and modernization. We're looking to raise 150K TND to hire a couple of senior team members and prepare a go to market campaign. Early investors will be able to get a faster exit as we prepare to incorporate in the US where we have a few investment leads for a serie A. The First foreign investment means acquiring your shares in the tunisian entity which will become part of a global entity. I am the founder, please get in touch to know more. Cheers",,,,,,2022-07-29 18:03:01 wbc4oc,,1,Countries ranked by best pasta,,,,,,,2022-07-29 18:28:06 wbccnz,,13,I recently moved to Sousse and need to meet new people,"Hey ! I’m a 26F, there is a description on my profile check it out. If we have the same interests let’s hang out ~",,,,,,2022-07-29 18:37:42 wbdhxc,نحب_نخدم_فريلانس_اما_مانيش_فاهم_كيفاش_نجم_ندخل/,4,نحب نخدم فريلانس اما مانيش فاهم كيفاش نجم ندخل الفلوس لتونس.,شنوا المشاكل القانوية اللي تنجم تعرضني و كان فما شكون يفهملها في القانون، يمدنا بالفصول اللي تحكي على الموضوع,,,,,,2022-07-29 19:27:48 wbe0li,,8,how much does creating a key replica cost in tunisia (hemamat),So i rented a house and broke one of the keys and the owner said 100 dinars to make another can you tell me the real price knowing the lock is fine and not damaged and he does have anotjer replica with one of his family members.,,,,,,2022-07-29 19:50:47 wbejb7,,8,Any good tunisian Airbnb recommendations?,,,,,,,2022-07-29 20:13:30 wbevsd,,1,الروايات الشريفة تثبت نظرية التطور قبل الاف السنين,,,,,,,2022-07-29 20:28:42 wbfbuz,,1,Tunisians are fun at parties?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 20:48:37 wbffmn,,81,Tunisians are fun at parties?,,,,,,,2022-07-29 20:53:12 wbi3nb,,92,Happy Hijri year to all 😍,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-29 22:52:52 wbi5aw,,1,Thoughts ??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 22:55:00 wbiy2a,,1,How to download big games with tunisian internet?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-29 23:32:30 wbkscr,,14,"Bismillah bdina! May you have tasty molokhiya, qiddid and happiness. New year is here!",,,,,,,2022-07-30 01:02:27 wbm7wn,,0,Bizerte and Nabeul People Have The Same Traits,They get along with people rapidly and you hardly find someone hates them.,,,,,,2022-07-30 02:14:58 wbnd18,,50,can klibia be more wonderful than it's?,If the government focus on klibia will it be a good spot that attracts more tourists?,,,,,,2022-07-30 03:15:27 wbo5cd,,1,التوكل على الله لا يعني ترك العمل,,,,,,,2022-07-30 03:59:41 wbs5jd,,107,an artistic interpretation of Tunisia by an Artificial Intelligence robot.,,,,,,,2022-07-30 07:54:54 wbsrfs,,9,Do you relate to your governate of origin??,"From what governate are you and do you relate to its culture? I'm 50% sfaxian from my mom and 50% bizertian from my dad but I relate to neither.",,,,,,2022-07-30 08:36:35 wbt124,,1,كيفية اضافة ستوري في تيك توك TikTok تفعيل ميزة الستوري,,,,,,,2022-07-30 08:55:17 wbtdal,,1,هل يجوز التبرك بالقبور؟,,,,,,,2022-07-30 09:17:34 wbu0oi,سؤال_من_عند_الرئيس_السابق_المنصف_المرزوقي/,1,سؤال من عند الرئيس السابق المنصف المرزوقي," المنصف هبط فيديو يدوم فيه 27 دقيقة، بش نلخصلكوم فكرتو: مشاكلنا الإقتصادية مبنية على عدم الاستقرار السياسي في 10 سنوات الأخيرة في الدقيقة 14 سأل المنصف السؤال هذا: هل الذي عملو قيس سعيد في الإستفتاء بش يعاون إنو البلاد تستقر سياسياً ؟ &#x200B; fb video link: []( [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-30 10:01:54 wbucib,,2,Studying dentistry in Tunisia then going abroad,"hello so orientation results come out tmrw and i might get into dentistry idk so will studying dentistry in Tunisia let me practise in foreign countries such as France , Canada , Egypt .. ?",,,,,,2022-07-30 10:23:26 wbudy3,,5,Renting a home in Djerba for a week,Hey guys I am visiting Djerba with my family of five for a week in late August and our budget is 1100tnd at max for the whole week. Preferably somewhere close to a beach. But if renting somewhere else is cheaper than it's also fine.,,,,,,2022-07-30 10:25:58 wbv7xg,,3,where can i get Creatine in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-30 11:19:07 wbvqr3,,6,For those who are working as a part time software engineers,"I'm currently looking to apply to be a part time software engineer but I don't know where to start. Any idea about the companies that are currently hiring , the salaries and the skills required to get in? Thank you",,,,,,2022-07-30 11:50:45 wbwpby,,67,Shakespeare would be proud,,,,,,,2022-07-30 12:44:02 wbws1d,,0,moving to the netherlands,"hi, I'm planning on moving to the Netherlands soon and i really need to know if i can find a job at the entry-level. I only got an IELTS certificate, no skills and no bachelor's degree. help a brother out ;) much love",,,,,,2022-07-30 12:48:03 wbx7un,,1,Formation + Stage urgent svp,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-30 13:10:42 wbx9pm,,1,At what age can a daughter be kicked out of the parents' home?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-30 13:13:17 wbxb1x,,1,is it true that Tunisia are going down financially this year ? a question from a dz lover,,,,,,,2022-07-30 13:15:15 wbxcr4,,31,At what age can a daughter be kicked out of the parents' home?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-30 13:17:40 wbxdaa,,2,Your opinion on the campaign about Lamine Nahdi?,"Does he deserve this hate on Social Media or people are exaggerating? My stand is: I've never watched him more than 4 minutes and I don't recall he has made a successful one-man show in the last 10 years. However, he doesn't deserve this resentful attack. He is one of the iconic figures in the history of Tunisian Comedy",,,,,,2022-07-30 13:18:26 wbxx3l,,31,Bro studied the whole Tunisian economy,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-07-30 13:46:36 wby1br,,5,What is something about living in Tunisia that tunisians living abroad can’t understand and won’t feel like tunisia’s inhabitants do?,In your opinion,,,,,,2022-07-30 13:52:38 wbzgfy,,9,I've visited over 15 pharmacies and not one offers Ritalin :( what do i do?,I have a prescription. Nes2el ken najem n7ot commande y9oulouli ma njibouhshi wala sa3at y9oulou ma9tou3. Zone te3i zone hammam lif. Blhi la3bed elli 9a3din ye5dhoj f ritalin chta3mlou?,,,,,,2022-07-30 15:01:13 wbzr8v,,3,Best travel insurance agency in Tunis,what's the best and most affordable travel insurance agency in Tunis,,,,,,2022-07-30 15:15:04 wbzwjj,,1,يا ايها الناس لقد ظهر المسيح الدجال وهو موجود بيننا,,,,,,,2022-07-30 15:21:59 wc0ido,,1,Hormonal Implant,"Just out of curiosity, has anyone here taken a Hormonal Implant? I heard it's first sold in the Pharmacies then you go to a Obstetrician-Gynecologist that installs it in place. Is it true? And how much does it cost min. and max. ? Is it worth it? Thanks, also I don't want ""Sayyeb alik khouya 7ram"" comments because I'm just asking.",,,,,,2022-07-30 15:50:41 wc18el,,12,This interactive map highlights the most notable person from your hometown,,,,,,,2022-07-30 16:22:47 wc3hta,,2,How to get a FWB in this country ? 😬,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-30 18:04:08 wc4ugw,,1,what about the new constitution,"Salam alykium, I am not Tunisia but I have heard recently that the new Tunisia constitution will not mention Islam as the state religion, I am curious as what the Tunisia people have to say about this",,,,,,2022-07-30 19:06:18 wc5266,édiger_son_cv_pour_postuler_auprès_dune/,4,Comment rédiger son CV pour postuler auprès d’une ESN en France ?," >**« Envoyer un CV pour postuler en France, demande de respecter certaines règles lors de la rédaction de ce précieux sésame. »** **C’est une information essentielle que nous prenons soin de transmettre à tous les candidats qui nous contactent. Le message est on ne peut plus clair :** ***« vous devez impérativement adapter votre CV afin de ne pas être confronté à un refus net »*****. Puisqu’un CV qui ne répond pas aux normes d'une société, peut paraître désorganisé et sa crédibilité risque même d’être remise en cause par les recruteurs.** **Ainsi, un CV destiné au marché des ESN françaises ne sera pas rédigé et mis en page comme on écrirait un CV qui sera envoyé à une SSII tunisienne, marocaine, sénégalaise ou encore ivoirienne. Des détails qui pourraient sembler optionnels, voire anodins dans ces pays doivent nécessairement apparaitre sur un CV en France.** **Existe-t-il un CV type pour postuler en France ?** **Il n’y a pas de CV type à proprement parler. Mais votre curriculum vitae doit suivre un fil conducteur, et correspondre aux standards auxquels sont habitués les équipes RH en France. Il faudra s’affairer dans ce sens, et mettre en évidence les points essentiels qui seront parfois scrutés « à la loupe ». Vous réussirez ainsi à vous distinguer aisément par rapport aux autres candidats étrangers.** **Et dans cet objectif, nous vous conseillons vivement de suivre le Template de CV que nous avons réalisé en collaboration avec les équipes RH de nos ESN partenaires. Et que nous mettons à disposition de tous les candidats qui ont besoin d'effectuer la refonte de leur CV.** **Ce Template va vous permettre d’organiser votre CV afin de permettre aux recruteurs de s’y retrouver et d’entrer dans le vif du sujet dès les premières lignes. Notamment, en précisant d’emblée, quelles sont vos compétences et quel est votre champs d’action.** **Comment bien structurer son CV ?** ***Pour effectuer une bonne refonte de votre CV, il devra être rédigé en tenant en compte l'ordre des rubriques suivantes*** **:** 1. **Vous devez commencer par indiquer votre nom et votre prénom, suivi de votre poste actuel,** **ainsi que de votre** **niveau d’expérience, sur la partie supérieure droite de votre CV. Vous préciserez également vos coordonnées téléphoniques ainsi que votre adresse e-mail. Et juste en dessous, devront apparaître votre âge, et votre adresse de résidence.** 2. **Sur la partie supérieure gauche, vous pensez certainement à une photo. Exact ! Même si le CV anonyme est accepté par certains recruteurs. La premier coup d’œil à la recherche de la photo du candidat est un réflexe instantané. La photo d’identité est donc nécessaire, et elle se doit d'être sobre, sur fond blanc ou uni.** 3. **Vous allez maintenant aborder votre vécu professionnel. En commençant par votre domaine d’intervention. L’expérience sur le terrain, la pratique, c’est ce qui intéresse avant tout une équipe RH. Est-ce que vous êtes un candidat averti ? Que savez-vous faire concrètement ? Cette rubrique permet d'avoir une première idée sur votre champ d’action.** 4. **Vous allez enchaîner avec vos compétences techniques. Le recruteur va vérifier ici que vos acquis correspondent réellement au exigences du poste que vous convoitez. Et il effectuera un parallèle avec votre domaine d’intervention. La liaison doit être évidente et sans aucune ambiguïté.** 5. **Est-ce que vous êtes unilingue ? Bilingue ? Trilingue ? ou peut-être polyglotte ? Il est important d’indiquer les langues maîtrisées ainsi que le niveau de maîtrise.** 6. **C’est le moment de décortiquer votre cursus universitaire** **en listant les formations que vous avez suivi et les diplômes que vous avez validés.** 7. **Et enfin, arrivent vos fameuses expériences professionnelles, qui vont justifier les compétences précisées en début de CV. Il s’agira ici de donner dans l’ordre le nom du projet, l’intitulé du poste occupé, la liste des missions réalisées, et bien évidemment dans quel environnement technique vous avez évolué C#,** [**ASP.NET | Open-source web framework for .NET**](**, Javascript, php etc.** 8. **Vous avez ici le champ libre pour parler de vos centres d’intérêt, de vos loisirs et de vos passions.** ***Concernant la longueur de votre CV*****, les équipes RH ne pourront accorder plus de quelques secondes par CV pour un premier coup d’œil. Un aperçu qui sera bien souvent rédhibitoire. Pour passer au-delà de cette première sélection, votre CV doit donc être concis et aller droit à l’essentiel. Il se résumera en deux pages grand maximum selon l’enrichissement de vos expériences professionnelles.** **Pour conclure, inutile d’essayer de trouver une alternative face au CV version imprimable, rendons les armes, il résiste avec force. Et il garde sa première place d’élément décisif lors de l’étude d’une candidature. Alors ne le sous-estimez, il semble avoir encore de belles et longues années devant lui… ;)** ***Si vous êtes ingénieurs en informatique ou développeurs et que vous souhaitez adapter votre CV au marché français, nous vous enverrons volontiers le Template sous format PDF. N’hésitez pas à le demander.*** **Vous avez maintenant les clés entre vos mains pour adapter parfaitement votre CV aux attentes des ESN françaises.** **Bonne chance à tous !**",,,,,,2022-07-30 19:16:05 wc5acx,,2,dentists can tell you had oral,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-30 19:26:40 wc5bbz,,1,new video,I am curious how you guys think about this,,,,,,2022-07-30 19:27:56 wc5l2l,,6,hi you guys do any one of you know how or where to get immigration permit to canada,,,,,,,2022-07-30 19:40:19 wc7g67,,3,Which website to buy or rent a house or a flat in Tunisia,"Hi guys, I would like to rent or maybe buy a house or a flat I. Tunisia, which website do you suggest me except Tayara of course. Thanks 🙏",,,,,,2022-07-30 21:07:26 wc7nyz,,2,what is the beauty standards for women in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-07-30 21:17:47 wc7oey,,0,I need help,"So i'm in love with a girl, we know each other like 4months but she is too shy. i tried to get closer to her but as i said she is too shy (just with me she talks normally with other boys). Also she has never been in a relationship so i found it hard to express my feeling. The problem is i want to get closer and closer but i don't know how i talked with her on social media but her answers were normal like i can't get more into the topic or find another one, so i need some help. what should i do??",,,,,,2022-07-30 21:18:24 wc7tm3,,3,So since prices became “euronized” how did this impact your life? (Maybe compare it to 10 years ago).,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-30 21:25:15 wc89je,,1,بين خوارج الأمس والوهابية,,,,,,,2022-07-30 21:45:42 wc9dy3,,1,"If you are looking for ways to make money online I would recommend you to do surveys. The one that I am currently busy with is opinion bureau, you get $25 for each survey completed",,,,,,,2022-07-30 22:36:23 wcarhs,,20,It's time to stop ⌚🚫,,,,,,,2022-07-30 23:43:20 wcaxnm,,2,من ايجابيات اقتصاد الريع انك تشوف بوادر تغيير مجلّة الصّرف قبل ما يعلنوا عليها للمواطنين العاديين,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-30 23:52:12 wcb4ph,,0,jetni my 1st hated place for university...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-31 00:01:47 wcbbvg,,1,psychiatrists in tunisia?,"Hi, if you're seeing a shrink can you please share a feedback on your experience? Do you feel like you're making progress? Also how much does it cost to get treated?",,,,,,2022-07-31 00:11:45 wcbs2g,,1,Are animesexuals accepted in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-31 00:34:28 wcdop9,,24,Why do people stare so much?,"EDIT Thank you guys so much for your perspectives. I wasn’t expecting such a response. After the reading the comments I felt I needed to describe myself. I am a young man in his very early twenties, with dual nationality. Yes, I never thought about it, but I am quite white or “gawri.” I am however fortunate in the sense that I can develop a deep tan during the summer. In the winter I turn extremely pale. My father, a foreigner, is strawberry blonde and turns red as a lobster in the summer, whilst my mother is Tunisian and somewhere in-between. After living and being in out of Tunis for over a decade, I guess I’ve identified with being Tunisian for so long that I couldn’t differentiate myself. —————————————————————————- It really unsettles me how much people stare at me. It sometimes gets to the point where I even stare back to get them to stop. The reaction is almost always negative.",,,,,,2022-07-31 02:14:48 wcdpxf,,111,maybe this country isn't so bad after all.,,,,,,,2022-07-31 02:16:36 wcf0n2,,6,How can i survive el prepa.,,,,,,,2022-07-31 03:27:13 wcf43u,,1,هل الانسان اصله قرد؟,,,,,,,2022-07-31 03:32:23 wcixc4,,1,looking for a female company while in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-31 07:20:56 wcj947,,1,anyone who did Lazer to get rid of myopia wanna share his experience?,"I live in Germany, and i wanted to ask people that went through this operation for reviews, is it better to do it in Germany? Or in Tunisia? Does the insurance give back some of the money spent? Etc... And thanks",,,,,,2022-07-31 07:43:29 wcjb69,,77,I left Tunisia and I feel bad about it,"So guys, I just left Tunisia and settled in the UK for a job opportunity with an international company. Yes everything sounds great, but I literally live with a broken heart, the moment I stepped out of that gate in the airport, I felt a strange feeling, like if I'm not the same person anymore, I miss the old me. I never thought I'll be saying this, I always complained about the country and wanted to immigrate but I didn't expect it to be this hard. I miss my mum, my sister and her kids: my nephew and my 1 y.o niece(who calls me mum btw), my fiance for sure (at least he'll join me at some point), my friends, my life there and tunis, yes this is unexpected.. but I'm really considering one thought: make some money with my partner in few years, lance a project between uk and Tunisia.. so I can be flexible one day between the two, more likely so I can stay in Tunisia as much as I want.. in brief guys, family and friends are priceless.. and truly I don't think I'm going to spend the rest of my life away from home. Ps don't blame please, I'm not dramatic, but I'm just a person who grows deep attachment towards his loved ones.",,,,,,2022-07-31 07:47:27 wck4ya,,20,"Hey I am an addict who wanted to share my story , this is an essay I wrote with a personal touch , I Hope I get feed back . Thanks","بسم الله لم يكن ليتضح لي ،أنا ضانا يوم من هذه الأيام من عصر الترهات ،أن ينتهي بيا المآل الضرس أن أكون سجين القرميد الشائط في اوسو المبارك عوض أن أكون مشعل الركح بصراخي العالي بمجد سمفونيات Kornعلى ركحleeds أو nuremberg بدايات القصة الحزينة ، المليئة بمقت قصور الإسكندر الأكبر : يعود أول الخرافة التافهة إلى الثلاثية الأولى من السنة الكبيسة لعام القمري 2019 بعد الميلاد …. ماذا ؟كنت كا ايي طالب تونسي كركر أطوال السنين العجاف في كلية \*\*\*\*\* الحرفة ومن ثم أتم بنجاح تقديم أطروحة copier coller أمام الملأ الفاشل صاحب ال \-bm وال-benz … ضن الناس العاقلون وأنا منهم أنا المآسي قد اندثرت بلايلي التمحريث محطم الشبيبة الجميلة و التصبيح القاتل برائحة الدخان و القهوة المذرحة ,ولكن ... .هنا بضبط ، خيل لي أني أحلم ولكن بالفعل سمعت بداية دق طبول أشرس معركة في تاريخ حياتي ، كنت جالس على ضفاف البحر الناتن إلى أن تأكدت من روية اساطيل الإغريق المتعشطة تتقدم نحو ضفاف بحور طروادة …ماذا ؟؟ فاش تخرف يا بهلول \-الاغريق هو المرض و اللعنة التي ستصيبني- طروادة هيا تعبير مجازي أقصد به حياتي الشخصية ، المهنية ، الاجتماعية ، العاءلية و العاطفية-ا لإقتباس من أحداث حرب طروادة (WAR OF TROY(TROJAN WAR ساهلة ، عميدة الكلية العريقة أصبحت تتباطأ في تصحيح شهادة التخرج ، الخلاص ultime من الربطية العفنة ، حلي القفص خلي نطير و والله لا عد ترى وجهي ، أمان يرحم بوك هاني نستنا اللوطة ، كلاني الستراس و الدخان يرحم بوك اعطني قضيتي …تعمل هكا العميدة القديرة و تخرج كونجي ... .نتلفت ايسارen regard des amphithéatres لاراء معاقل الاغريقpointing their fist toward me…ذاك الوقت تأكدت أن المعركة قادمة لا محالة ...Chapter one طرح السؤال العظيم : ما العمل؟ شنوا الحل ؟ كيف ل انتظر طول هذا الوقت لانال شهادتي الموقرة و أنسى الدمار النفسي و نصف جسدي الذي خرب من التمحريث طيل سنين أطول من عمر النبي نوح ؟-السؤال واضح و تبين فال الإبان أن الجواب أوضح من شمس الفجر الصادق ، الجواب هو : ما عليك إلا الانتظار حتى يرضى عليك إلي يسوى ولي ما يسواش- ولكن الانتظار ياكل الوقت مثل ما يشيب شعرك ، و لا تنسى أنا سفن العدو قادمة لا محالة … \-كان لي طريق سهل لجعل وقت الانتظار أقصر ، طريق أمر من الحنظل ، كان مجردة فكرة قبل أن تنتهي إلى ما أعظم ..لم أدري لماذا كانت السفن متجهة صوبي ، من ارسلهم و ماذا يريدون مني ، أهم حقاً الاغريق قادمون لل إنتقام ؟ و- لكن يا صديقي أنا لم اخطف الياقوة هيلين التفسير الأكثر منطقاً هو أنهم متجهون ل لغاية شخصية , نعم انا الآن أدري لماذا ولكن لم أدرك شيئا حينها ، الحاصل ،صراحة يا صديقي كنت اشرب الكحول من وقت الآخر ، الكل يعلم أنه يقتل الوقت و يروح عن النفوس المهمومة ، لكنه حرام فال العقيدة وسامْ في العلوم و مدمر لل المال …وبدأ الشوط ألاول ، اللذي كان خفيف الظل ولكن هو المسؤل الأول على إحراق و تدمير مدينة طرودة الى الأرض … بدا الأمرSTREOTYPé : كل يوم ، مع السابعة مساءا كنت أهذب لاقتناء ستة حكك بيرة من نوعHEINIKEN، أعود بهم إلى المنزل , المنزل لم يكن لي ولا الجاري الحسود ، كان منزل أبي وأمي ، 30 عام و مازلت أعيش مع الدار ، لاسباب أو ل اخرة ، و- لكن كانت هذي كارثه لم أعي مخلفاتها إلا بعد سنين ماذا لدينا الليلة ،A GANGSTER MOVIEولا ماتش CHAMPIONS LEAGUE ??? في كلتا الحالتين كان الجو رايق ، كعباتي و أكل الوالدة و ال كمبيوتر في حجري استمر الأمر هكذا يوميا ، كل الليلة الكحول يداعب أعصابي ، في صدفة ، إلتفت ل أحد اصدقائي القوي التفكير و قال لي انني اذا واصلت هكذا سوف ينتهي الأمر بدمار المدينة و أن تلك السفن العتيدة متوجهة لي ، صوبي وإن أمسكتك ف أنت في مازق مظلم و انك ستعيش أيام ضنكة في قرية محروقة بعد أن يتمكنوا منك . لقد نبهتك و الامر بين يديك … بعد تخمام طويل ومليء بل احاسيس ، نظرت صوب الحائط و ماذا فعلت ؟ حملت كعبة البيرةو- وضعت يدي على الحلال ، في وهلة ... تصور شريط حياتي كيف أني ستهجم عليا سفن الاغريق و يلعنوني بعلة الإدمان و كيف أن الثلاث سنين القادمة من حياتي ستدمر المدينة التي بنيتها حجرة على حجرة ..في ضلام تلك اليلة من شهر مارس القارس صعدت إلى قمة المنزل لئشاهد السفن العتيدة متوجهة صوبي ، تنتظر ماذا سافعل ، حرت وقتها ،كان الكحول انيسي الوحيد الذي يعطيني النشوة الخارقة والبسمة الصفراء ولكن في نفس الوقت كان يدمر في سلام مالي و صحتي ، الاختيار صعب يا صديقي ، ماذا س تختار في مكاني HEIN ،؟ استعين بصديق ولكن بسرعة لان وقت الليل محدود و اشتغل الصباح … شكرا س أوافيكم ببقية القصة بعد جوابكم",,,,,,2022-07-31 08:43:48 wckq8u,,8,a way to get out of tunisia,"how you guys leave this country ? tell us your story maybe it will help us",,,,,,2022-07-31 09:24:39 wclfj2,,12,question for y'all,"Hey tunisians of Reddit, i will soon come in Tunisia for the first time of my life and i'm wondering, does people really speak french ? Like does everyone speak french or it is a minority, i've been to Morocco and they used to speak very good french but in Egypt, sometimes they didnt even knew an english word but people told me Tunisia is different, it's like Europe in North Africa... What do you guys think ? Am i going to speak french there ?",,,,,,2022-07-31 10:13:30 wcli55,,0,"Tunisian President Kais Saied affirms that Tunisia is a free, independent and sovereign state, and that our sovereignty and independence are above all considerations.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-31 10:18:15 wclvlg,,3,Help translating french terms to english for a CV,"Hello, I am preparing an english version of my CV and I found some confusion in translating these terms/diplomas to **english**: * **Licence fondamentale en Informatique ( 3 ans )** * **Cycle d'ingénieur en informatique ( 3 ans )** * **Baccalauréat** I was told **Cycle d'ingénieur** becomes **Masters** but after some googling, Masters is a 5 year program and I only did 3. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-07-31 10:44:25 wcmd5f,,1,learn more about VR work,,,,,,,2022-07-31 11:16:26 wcmhm8,,6,Part-time remote job,"I'm searching for a part-time remote job, does anyone know a way to find one. a website or a contact is much appreciated, btw I'm still a student (computer science engineering).",,,,,,2022-07-31 11:24:26 wcmj3k,,1,hello im 20 & i want a gay friend :),[removed],,,,,,2022-07-31 11:26:58 wcmkms,,5,buying a car,"Ive saved 10 mil for a car, my first ever car, all i know about cars and the car market is that prices here are hyper inflated - any advice?",,,,,,2022-07-31 11:29:36 wcmuvm,,0,Travel to Tataouine,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-31 11:46:36 wcn0tx,,3,medecine russia or prepa bg soukra,,,,,,,2022-07-31 11:56:24 wcn16y,,0,Questions bout INSAT,"Te9belt fel insat. So chkoun yaaref kadeh lekrée f zone heki wela andou tool (website..) najem nchouf bih average mt3 lekree 8adi? El foyer winou? Esmou? Quality? W chnia hkeyet foyer privé? Haja hlouwa? Tans7ouni cantine bch ndhaya3ch wakti wela netsaref w ntayeb wahdi ( mochkla fel cantine hia carbounatou netfaker fel college kont nekel fel cantine w n3adi laachiya re9ed fel classe maybe cuz i was a kid naarach)? Eni mel reasons eli 5aletni nemchi insat hia enou a9al stress w 5edma men prepa classique so how often najem no5roj nasher, naamel kaabeti f dar? Is there time for gym? wela yelzemni na7re9 rou7i bel 5edma w chouf chouf?",,,,,,2022-07-31 11:56:59 wcnahg,,4,Legal advice if it exists,"Simple and short; someone parked in front of our own garage for 10+ h now, we don't know who. What to do?",,,,,,2022-07-31 12:11:23 wcndg1,,47,Noice,,,,,,,2022-07-31 12:16:06 wcntlq,,1,حياة الميت في البرزخ,,,,,,,2022-07-31 12:41:27 wcnua9,,4,Anyone knows a date coffee shop?,"Hey! I went to Barista's recently, It felt very nice except I went to it so many times to the point where I got kinda bored and wanted to try something new, do you guys know any similar/alternative to Barista's as in a good coffee shop that feels very modern?",,,,,,2022-07-31 12:42:32 wco0a4,,1,Esprit students,do you recommend it ? and why ?,,,,,,2022-07-31 12:51:27 wco0ty,,1,Airbnb,Anyone who has any experience renting out rooms/apartments to tourists in Tunisia? Is it worthwhile? Please share whatever.,,,,,,2022-07-31 12:52:12 wco7zx,,1,Boys tour in Sousse,"Hi guys, this is going to be our first trip to Tunisia. Please, recommend me some nice things to see/do around Sousse. I read great things so far and we are super hyped. Also, is there any typical scams to be careful with? We want to go clubbing as well, so what is the situation with girls and their relationship with foreigners? Looking forward to your replies. 🇹🇳",,,,,,2022-07-31 13:02:10 wco808,,0,Welcome to the Language Cafe!,"This server was created in order to bring together a small community of people who wish to learn languages and help each other study. If you feel like this would be a place for you to develop yourself and find new friends, then join us using the link :) [](",,,,,,2022-07-31 13:02:11 wcoq33,,1,What are your thoughts on anal Sex?,[removed],,,,,,2022-07-31 13:27:08 wcor7n,,1,ادلة دعوة سيدنا يوسف ع,,,,,,,2022-07-31 13:28:42 wcp4k8,,2,i am misunderdood and misguided...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-31 13:46:50 wcqde7,,2,any suggestions for a venue in Sousse where I might conduct my team-building activities?,"I'm working on a team-building strategy. My team is made up of 40 people, and I want to undertake some team-building exercises. Any solid recommendations for a place to stay in Sousse are welcome as the trip will last from nine in the morning to nineteen at night.",,,,,,2022-07-31 14:45:02 wcqg98,,5,How old are you," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-07-31 14:48:42 wcr7af,,2,Anyone knows the prices of tennis courts or memberships?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-31 15:22:01 wcr7tm,,3,Trustable taxi for foreigner,"Hello, I have a 10 hour layover in tunisia and would like to book a hotel to stay at for that time. I've found a hotel and need to book a taxi there and back. I've heard bad stories about Tunis taxi's and how they are crooks and try to cause problems for foreigners for more money. What is a highly trustable taxi service in Tunis?",,,,,,2022-07-31 15:22:41 wcrjtc,,1,اضاءة من دعوة يوسف ع في مصر,,,,,,,2022-07-31 15:37:27 wcsmmo,,2,subreddit for Tunisian Upworkers and Freelancer,"What's up Kafteji Enjoyers! I noticed that many people here have experience with Upwork and freelance, so I decided to make a subreddit about this topic, I thought it will be easier for anyone who is interested in that topic to find information and answers, and the Reddit community is way better than FB community, more experience, and less toxicity if you want to learn more about Upwork or want to share your experience please join the subreddit and you can add your friends link: [\_Upworkers/](",,,,,,2022-07-31 16:25:54 wcssi9,,1,هل الزواج اختيار أم قسمة ونصيب؟,,,,,,,2022-07-31 16:33:11 wcstol,,2,Upwork Payment & Expert Account Recommandations,"Hi There, I used to withdraw my upwork income to my local bank account for an amount of 1000/1500 TND each month for 5 month now. I do have three questions : Can I withdraw an amount of 2000 TND with not having a problem? What is the largest amount that you did withdraw to your local bank? I want to legalize my freelance activity with a ""SUARL totalement exportatrice"" so I am looking for a trusted expert account in tunis (grand tunis) who did have an experience with similar case. Thank you for your help community!",,,,,,2022-07-31 16:34:42 wct348,,3,Costs of building in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-31 16:46:24 wct86d,,5,Is it safe to keep a motorcycle out without it getting stolen?,"My dad told me that I should always keep an eye out for my motorcycle when going out as people will steal it, but I find that hard to believe since I see motorcycles parked all the time. I live in Nabeul if that matters.",,,,,,2022-07-31 16:52:49 wctd17,,1,Les formations fel info,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-31 16:58:58 wctkpx,,39,Classic r/Tunisia enjoyer,,,,,,,2022-07-31 17:07:53 wctuac,,2,is the german market saturated with Tunisians??,,,,,,,2022-07-31 17:19:30 wcuoq8,,1,اضاءة من سجن يوسف ع,,,,,,,2022-07-31 17:57:14 wcuwmp,,1,كيفية التعديل على الملف الشخصي انستغرم,,,,,,,2022-07-31 18:06:31 wcv09v,,9,PSA: If you have an App or a website that process Tunisian user data you should register it with the INPDP ASAP,"The recent Bolt debacle triggered the **INPDP** to investigate the app and they found out that they are not registered as Data controller in Tunisia and they are operating under the GDPR and processing the data abroad. This alone can put the Bolt Tunisie's CEO in prison. &#x200B; >كما تذكر الهيئة أن لا أحد يمكنه تبرير عدم تطبيق القواعد المبينة بالقانون الأساسي عدد 63 لسنة 2004 بجهله بالقانون. ولقد نص الفصل 90 أنه ""يعاقب بالسجن مدة عام وبخطية قدرها خمسة آلاف دينار كل من :يتعمد معالجة المعطيات الشخصية دون تقديم التصريح المنصوص عليه بالفصل 7 ..."". &#x200B; The INPDP also asked any Bolt user to submit a complaint with them so they can represent you and legally go after the app. [Details here]( &#x200B; A couple of days ago, they announced they are accepting and pursuing any complaint from a Tunisian user against any App or Website that didn't register as a Data controller. [Details here]( &#x200B; If you have an App or Website that process Tunisian Data you should register ASAP. If you are just a user , you can earn تعويضات by reporting violations to the **INPDP**. [Radio interview.](",,,,,,2022-07-31 18:11:08 wcwkyy,,7,Que disaient-ils ?,"Bonjour, j'ai une question que j'ai depuis des années et c'est l'occasion d'y répondre. J'ai habité en Tunisie pendant un peu plus d'1 an en 2000-2001 (oui, ça remonte à loin déjà) J'habitais à La Marsa et de temps en temps j'allais chez un coiffeur pas loin de chez moi. D'ailleurs je viens de vérifier sur Google maps et il existe encore, ""Slim & Amine"", rue Abdelhafidh El Mekki, bref... Donc, un jour que je me faisais coiffer, le coiffeur et ses amis étaient complètement mort de rire, en larmes, en répétant plusieurs fois ""atini zouzou"". Je sais que ""atini"" signifie ""je veux / je voudrais"", mais ""zouzou"" c'est quoi ? En bref, ils se foutaient de ma gueule c'est ça ?",,,,,,2022-07-31 19:21:10 wcwnhn,,4,I daydream while looking at people. Am I the only one?,Idk if it's a cultural stuff or just a me problem. But sometimes I just daydream (nesra7) while looking at someone. I don't look at them I just look through them.,,,,,,2022-07-31 19:24:16 wcx8tw,,8,Do you think political satire shows should return to Tunisia?,"In my case I think they should return since they present politics in a fun way. But a lot of them were meant to be also comedic and none have achieved that purpose. Such example I remember from my childhood is ""les guignoles du maghreb"" etc (provide more if there were more that I don't know of)",,,,,,2022-07-31 19:50:22 wcxjh4,,5,Question about Tembri,"Me and my friend are thinking of doing LSD and are looking for places to trip, we were thinking of lMarsa, anything that's one taxi drive away from Lac 2 where we can trip undisturbed is excellent, ive heard that nature is optimal for this",,,,,,2022-07-31 20:02:56 wcy18a,,49,فنون البهامة و الطحين,,,,,,,2022-07-31 20:24:30 wcyxi6,,3,PCR Tunis Carthage,"Hello everyone, Is the PCR test still required to access the airport?",,,,,,2022-07-31 21:04:08 wd02q8,,1,What is the future of work in virtual reality development?,,,,,,,2022-07-31 21:54:56 wd0jwv,,1,لماذا كمل من الرجال كثير ولم يكمل من النساء الا اربعة؟,,,,,,,2022-07-31 22:15:40 wd0t1h,,2,can any official business import products from abroad?,,,,,,,2022-07-31 22:27:27 wd1ot1,,2,Suicide prevention hotline,[deleted],,,,,,2022-07-31 23:07:23 wd5yv6,,1,blogs by hafsa 12,,,,,,,2022-08-01 02:32:03 wd8u5d,,0,does furries exist in Tunisia,"Looking back into the net and YouTube memes, furry fandom is expending and always find one or two in every country I was wondering, does furries exist here, and are they capable of surviving the harsh waste land called Tunisia And most importantly The fuck how horny are they ?",,,,,,2022-08-01 05:05:07 wd9k5x,,9,"As a Tunisian living abroad, did it feel weird dating a Tunisian?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-01 05:47:17 wdb3j1,,11,where do i meet cool people?,"hi there - i'm coming to tunisia next week (staying in hammamet) and i'm wondering where to find open-minded people in their home i mostly like to hang out with other students who look like hippies...where do i find cool, nice people in Tunisia? (i'm not the kind of person who wants to go clubbing and stay in the VIP area, i rather chill at a bar or the beach and smoke..)",,,,,,2022-08-01 07:20:30 wdchav,,1,7 Ad Campaigns That Became Legendary Examples of Good Marketing - House of Technology,,,,,,,2022-08-01 08:51:53 wdd6am,,1,Does CTI not work with play store ?,I tried linking my CTI to my play store account but I got an error message saying my card provider doesn't it allow this action. Is this the case for everyone ?,,,,,,2022-08-01 09:35:51 wdda6w,,8,Good Restoraunts In Hammamet Nord For ZAWALI,MA Akthaech men 15 dinar lzouz a3bed,,,,,,2022-08-01 09:42:53 wddjdl,,1,ماهو سر قميص يوسف ع؟,,,,,,,2022-08-01 09:59:13 wddvzf,,1,"THE HEALING PROPERTIES OF ""CORN SILK"" NOBODY TOLD YOU ABOUT",,,,,,,2022-08-01 10:19:51 wdejq8,,0,Any Tunisian Onlyfans links?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-01 10:59:27 wdfe1h,édecine_fi_tounes_ya7ki_3l/,3,Chkoun 9ra wla ya9ra médecine fi tounes ya7ki 3l expérience,,,,,,,2022-08-01 11:43:51 wdfn2g,,3,isetcom,"so i got accepted fel isetcom in ""stic"" habit nesel est ce que ça va lekraya for those who went there? est ce que domaine el network is in high demand? and whats the difference between cyber and network security? thanks in advance :)",,,,,,2022-08-01 11:57:08 wdgda3,,167,save yourselves,,,,,,,2022-08-01 12:33:53 wdgm4u,,2,Restaurant recommendations in Sousse,"Any recommendations for restaurants in Sousse? Preferably on the beach. Also small local food places that are a must visit :)",,,,,,2022-08-01 12:46:01 wdgn95,,1,ماهي أسباب انتشار الإلحاد في مجتمعات اليوم؟,,,,,,,2022-08-01 12:47:40 wdhm3u,,1,Il's all fun and games until a type 1 diabetes with enough insulin comes in,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-01 13:32:50 wdhp9u,,1,It's all fun and games until someone with type 1 diabetes and a truck load of insulin comes in,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-01 13:37:08 wdhqkt,,32,Someone posted their game previously on this subreddit. Today I saw it was featured in Dealabs (a big deals site in France): Good Job buddy.,,,,,,,2022-08-01 13:38:52 wdhtu1,,27,It's all fun and games until someone with type 1 diabetes and a truck load of insulin comes in,,,,,,,2022-08-01 13:43:01 wdhwok,,1,Tones,,,,,,,2022-08-01 13:46:46 wdi165,,0,Best comebacks,"A moroccan friend of mine told me he was hanging out with his friends in Rome and they met a group of girls from different european countries, two of them were French, so they went all for a drink. Between the jokes and the laughs a french girl asked my friend (thet all spoke english) from where he was originally, he said Morocco and she went ""Oh, it's thanks to us that you people speak french"" a small silence and he then said ""Well that's bullshit! Pardon my french"".",,,,,,2022-08-01 13:52:34 wdif5t,,3,the safest way to buy some weed here in sousse ??,"so basically i'm here with some friends in sousse , w apart el security ely ye5dem te7t darna ely wa7al maaya y7eebny neslek mno mana3ref 7aad , so should i just go for it or is there any alternatives ????",,,,,,2022-08-01 14:09:27 wdiw48,,4,Anyone here managed to get into a Master's program/scholarships in Germany?,"Hello, I'm a 2nd year computer science student(passe 2ème) and I'm looking for people who studied licence sciences de l'informatique in tunisia and managed to get into a master's scholarship program in Germany. I'm looking for more info and insight on the matter. It will be highly appreciated.",,,,,,2022-08-01 14:29:54 wdj0pj,,20,what's your favorite Tunisian streetfood?,,,,,,,2022-08-01 14:35:26 wdj22s,,3,migrating to Canada as an electrician,Does any one have any info about the procedure to migrate to Canada as an electrician ? Im trying to help my excellent electrician leave,,,,,,2022-08-01 14:37:09 wdj2xb,,1,"Unmarried couples in tunisia who live/lived/tried to live together, how do you cope with society.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-01 14:38:11 wdj501,,7,"Unmarried couples who live or tried to live together in tunisia, how was your experience with our society?",,,,,,,2022-08-01 14:40:46 wdjbm8,,11,Long hair as a boy in Tunisia,"I have plans to visit Tunisia. But my mom doesn’t allow me unless I cut my hair. I am a black boy with long hair. She says that it’s a Muslim country and therefore it’s not a good idea, but I really don’t wanna cut my hair. Is it really a bad idea to have long hair as a boy in Tunisia (Tunis)?",,,,,,2022-08-01 14:48:47 wdjcom,,4,bac sciences 2022/2023,Your experience with bac sciences... How was it ?,,,,,,2022-08-01 14:50:06 wdjk4s,,1,ماهي الحكمة من تعدد الزواج ولماذا تزوج النبي محمد ص من عدد كبير من الزوجات؟,,,,,,,2022-08-01 14:59:17 wdjmxg,,0,OUR TUNISIAN BROTHER TRYNNA MAKE THE HISTORY..LET'S GO BARDO BOYS,,,,,,,2022-08-01 15:02:03 wdjnld,,0,Are there any operational brothels in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-01 15:02:50 wdkak5,,0,"FAQ Campagne de Recrutement, Décrocher un CDI en France avec Sintegra Consulting.",,,,,,,2022-08-01 15:30:20 wdktu0,,0,"Le spaghetti tunisien, un mets typiquement saguenéen [Québec]",,,,,,,2022-08-01 15:53:04 wdkutc,,1,شرح انستقرام للمبتدئين كامل وسريع التحديث الجديد 2022,,,,,,,2022-08-01 15:54:09 wdl1sc,ération_support_technique/,2,Question sur l'opération support technique,"Bonjour, je sais que cette question peut paraître un peu étrange mais je vais la poser tout de même on ne sait jamais, je fais ce qu'on appelle du scambait et je traite des arnaques avec des opérations qui se déroulent dans des call center et la majorité sont en Tunisie, est-ce-que parmis vous certains ont entendu parler de l'opération du support technique ? Si non, je m'explique Le but est de mettre un popup bloquant le pc au sigle de Microsoft demandant aux gens d'appeler un numéro pour les mettre en relation avec Microsoft, la majorité des personnes au bout du fil sont tunisiennes et n'ont pas l'air d'éprouver le moindre scrupule d'arnaquer des personnes âgées ou handicapées en récupérant par la même occasion leurs économies et leurs données bancaires et même plus. J'aimerai savoir ce que des tunisiens en pensent et si pour vous c'est normal que ce genre de choses se passent Si il faut on peut s'amuser à descendre ces opérations 😉",,,,,,2022-08-01 16:01:39 wdl444,,0,الجامعات البريفاي,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-01 16:04:16 wdl897,,0,Why Tunisia becoming a dictatorship is inevitable,"Following the most optimistic studies about climate change, we are expected to hit a global increase in temperature of 2 degrees Celsius IN THE NEXT 5 TO 10 YEARS. Globaly, this means (again being very very optimistic) that 100 million + people will have their living areas submerged under water and flooded (look at UAE this week) Tunisia is going to be highly affected by this in coastal areas. 1 billion refugee immigrants will be escaping their inhabitable lands which means most of the Sub-Saharan ones will be passing through north Africa and Tunisia as much as Tunisians will be trying to escape to Europe Our droughts which have been catastrophic (as a hunter from a farmer family we and the community have noticed this way way more than the average person) with less food production, water scarcity increasing etc will lead to 300 million experiencing starvation and thirst. Is Tunisia prepared in any way or shape to combat any of this ? Imo Tunisia may very well collapse in the next 10-20 years. The paris agreement of limiting this increase to 2 degrees has already failed and we will be reaching 3 degrees very soon. 4+ degrees is apocalypse mad max level shit with most countries burning and billions dying. With 2 degrees we will already get gunned down by Italians, French and other Europeans while trying to escape our inevitable doom while having millions of refugees coming to our lands. How is anyone optimistic ? Is it from ignorance ? Look at ours forests burning today, look at the prices of food, the infrastructure, the water scarcity In 5 years it's gonna be 1000x worse. Our democracy was not prepared to do anything. The dictatorship will not be either but I see it as something that would have happened anyways as the country would collapse very soon. In times of crisis it's either fascism or socialism that takes over. Just hope that we will not be the abused puppet of Europe that is forced to deal with the immigrants while millions will die.",,,,,,2022-08-01 16:09:02 wdln05,,3,what is the best coworking space in downtown Tunis?,Somewhere nice and somhow cool and provacy friendly...,,,,,,2022-08-01 16:25:27 wdnq9d,,39,what if I tell you that this is 100% IA generated,,,,,,,2022-08-01 17:51:07 wdonzx,,10,What is success for you ?🤔,,,,,,,2022-08-01 18:29:28 wdoqq8,,1,TUNISIA🇹🇳تونس,,,,,,,2022-08-01 18:32:28 wdovk4,,1,الأسس الصحيحة لتربية الأبناء,,,,,,,2022-08-01 18:38:02 wdqbbc,,1,IMO selection process?,Does anyone has an idea how the participants are selected? Regional competition ? Recommendations?,,,,,,2022-08-01 19:36:26 wdqnbe,,1,هل الفقر هو أمر محبب في الإسلام؟,,,,,,,2022-08-01 19:50:17 wdr34w,,1,Chna7wel swagman btw…havent heard from him in a while,,,,,,,2022-08-01 20:07:58 wdra2q,,1,Night life in Port El Kantaoui/Sousse ?,"I’m flying out to Port El Kantaoui on friday and will be staying there for a vacation with two of my friends. Is there any night life there, going out to clubs? Sousse is also an option.",,,,,,2022-08-01 20:16:01 wdraci,,1,Night life in Port El Kantaoui/Sousse ?,"I’m flying out to Port El Kantaoui on friday and will be staying there for a vacation with two of my friends. Is there any night life there, going out to clubs? Sousse is also an option.",,,,,,2022-08-01 20:16:19 wds0cf,,1,هل التقدم المادي الذي يعيشه الغرب اليوم هو حضارة؟,,,,,,,2022-08-01 20:45:34 wdstxj,,5,"27 y.o , wanna start a licence degree in B.I , would I be able to get an internship later at 30?(In Tunisia)",I want to become a data analyt/ scientist and I have a licence degree in economics/ finance.,,,,,,2022-08-01 21:19:12 wdsvj8,,11,Can non married Tunisian couples book a hotel room together?,I've heard that you can't do that in Morocco. How is that in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-08-01 21:21:08 wdsxzf,,2,Djerba,What's life like in Djerba ??,,,,,,2022-08-01 21:23:57 wdtg5n,,2,ideas online store,aslema brabi nheb nhel online store w I need ideas about the product to sell can you help me,,,,,,2022-08-01 21:44:54 wdu1c1,,7,everyone is a gangsta until Ghneya Lik starts playing,I tear a bit every time I listen to it knowing well that the furthest I've ever been is El Kef.,,,,,,2022-08-01 22:09:28 wdu1l1,,2,What should I choose as a bank account?,"I got my first job in Tunis, so as known, I should have a bank account but I didn't find any suggestion about what should I choose, so guys if you have any idea, enlighten me and thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-08-01 22:09:45 wdul4n,,1,هل نظرية التكور صحيحة؟,,,,,,,2022-08-01 22:32:43 wdvdlp,,1,Can I buy a baseball bat here in tunisia,Or is it possible to bring it with you from abroad,,,,,,2022-08-01 23:06:40 wdvekq,,0,ايا فيسع يا جماعة قيس يطحن ليبيا ابداو سبان ههههه,,,,,,,2022-08-01 23:07:54 wdwsiy,,0,"I have been a YouTuber for just shy of 500 days (497) and failed to achieve the 1,000 subscribers necessary to monetize the channel by over 20%, at 208 short ~ can the people of Tunisia save my venture?",,,,,,,2022-08-02 00:11:11 we1mqv,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-02 04:00:10 we3b96,,3,Thoughts on beyblade?,,,,,,,2022-08-02 05:31:11 we56ng,,0,Publinet sur Tunis,"Salut, Fama publinet behia fi tunis ? (comfortable, climatisé, propre etc..) biensur feha tous les outils de traitement de texte word excel ppt etc.. Merci",,,,,,2022-08-02 07:25:12 we5bdu,,1,I'm searching for an empty intimate spot without facing trouble in the car in Tunis/Ariana,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 07:33:43 we5sej,,9,Let’s do a night out guys and girls!,"Yo I’m holidays for another week here in Tunis, it’s just boring without some cool people, let’s do a meet up and let’s go destroy the clubs!!",,,,,,2022-08-02 08:03:46 we6fzc,,3,Some sad music 🥺🥺,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-02 08:44:50 we6g1i,,1,Some sad music 🥺🥺,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 08:44:57 we7hym,,1,تحقق علامة من علامات الساعة وهي ظهور يد في السماء رصدتها وكالة ناسا,,,,,,,2022-08-02 09:51:10 we7j4s,,1,Student Spanish Visa,"Iv'e been accepted in an International University in madrid, I've already booked an apartment, I've already got the nessecary paperwork to even book an appointment in the spanish embassy here but I've sent the email they requested a month ago, I kept doing it when I got the impression that it slipped by them; and I know they're will be more papers to take care of. Does anybody know how long this shit's gonna take fi hal bled el 9a7ba? Classes begin august 29th and I got no word back from the embassy whatsoever. 7ata bech tokhroj maykhaliwkesh ya zebi",,,,,,2022-08-02 09:53:12 we7raw,,8,Tunisian TV using Free Youtube Music,"Youtube has an official Library of free Music tracks for creators to use, I used to make videos for Youtube so I am very familiar with many of the tracks.. Sometimes when I happen to watch some Tunisian TV doing a service on some tourist attraction in the country, they use one of those tracks. I find it pathetic for a well established entertainment company to use free music from the internet when they can hire young Tunisian freelance producers to deliver better music.",,,,,,2022-08-02 10:06:18 we84zs,îtier_fiable_iptv/,3,Je veux acheter un boîtier fiable IPTV,"J’aimerais acheter un boîtier IPTV, avec canal plus, bein Disney+, 7assilou, tout Netflix, Amazon, appletv etc etc, quelqu’un à une marque spécifique et un endroit. Rani fel 3asma, du côté de Montfleury, on m’a dit Moncef Bey mais j’ai pas l’impression que c’est top, quelqu’un a une idée?",,,,,,2022-08-02 10:28:26 we8cu3,,49,"Hello, I'm new to this community and I would love to know more about Tunisia. more so because I'm moving there in a couple of months to study medicine. I know nothing about the country and do want to. I hope you welcome me here for asking frequently in the future 💚",,,,,,,2022-08-02 10:40:51 we8cz6,,0,"Celebrations in the Tunisian street due to the success of the new constitution, and with that constitution, Tunisia will enter the world of the new republic and the black Brotherhood decade will end, and the expected reactions of the people towards the results of the vote disappointed their hopes.",,,,,,,2022-08-02 10:41:05 we8hti,,1,خير أولادكم البنات,,,,,,,2022-08-02 10:49:10 we8wer,,1,"An intimate place in Tunis, Ariana",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-02 11:11:50 we8xg2,,1,"Secret clear spots in Tunis, Ariana",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-02 11:13:28 we8zv2,,1,clear spots,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-02 11:17:04 we9ibw,,8,Is it meme worthy ? lol,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 11:44:14 we9qyk,,1,what are your thoughts on work study programs (alternance) more specifically the one it business school provides,"i am wondering if it' a good idea and if it's too binding and and a deal in the long run. it especially web dev professional world seems to be hard to get into without a lot of skills or ktef s7a7 and htis is the best way i found so far to get professional experience, but i have a lot of concerns about it. i'd love if anyone has an idea or previous similar experiences",,,,,,2022-08-02 11:56:28 we9uav,,3,"Intimiate spot in Tunis, Ariana",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 12:00:53 wea0pp,,0,Anyone here aamal prepa anglais before so could share the experience?,,,,,,,2022-08-02 12:09:37 weafgr,,0,Votre CV est aussi important que tout autre critère.,,,,,,,2022-08-02 12:30:22 weaolc,,25,why are things getting worse / not improving ?,"I'm not criticizing nor being pessimistic here, I'm just describing what I'm seeing on a daily basis. Getting a simple document ( madhmoun, carte e-dinar..) has become hell, you have to wait for at least 45 minutes before they tell you to come back next week, you go back next week they tell you the same thing. No one is doing his job correctly, you have to know someone ( aktef ) in order to get a simple thing done, a thing that you 1000% have the right to get without the intervention of no one. People's mentality is just trash, all I see around me is people with no ambition in life, a good life for them is getting married, having a car and a house. There is no public parks for the youth to play, they recently built a basketball court in my area and they just closed it ( tahky m3a l3ases t9olou 5anelaabou y9olek thebhom ytardouni? ). Things have been this way for years, and with time passing by, I'm becoming more aware of the shit we living with. I'm not being a victim here, as I said, I'm just describing what I see on a daily basis. I want to know what do you think in this matter, especially those of you who are in the early 20s, do you think that you are sacrificing your adolescence in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-08-02 12:41:45 weap6q,,0,Are animesexuals accepted in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-02 12:42:31 webwjt,,2,Recommend me places or ideas please!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 13:37:04 wecknv,,2,3 guys walk to a bar...,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-02 14:05:38 wecoxr,,2,need your advice!,"should i pay money to a center to prepare me for DELF B2 exam , or should i prepare at home with websites , yt videos etc.. if you can tell me about your experiences and advices , thank you in advance. (sorry for bad eng)",,,,,,2022-08-02 14:10:31 wed1lh,,2,do stoic tunisians exist ?,". [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-02 14:24:48 wed2zs,,3,"Hey, please what's the best way to pass ""forfait"" internet on phone to connect it on my laptop to study? ooredo wela orange, moving someplace without wifi and need it tonight to prep",,,,,,,2022-08-02 14:26:22 weeorg,,2,Is it possible to bring my desktop PC with me to France?,"Hey guys ! Bich nemchi nakra lbara in two weeks w nheb nhez my desktop pc with me ama khayef mel diwena normalement andi les factures lkol wel pc rakabtou wahdi andi 3am. Est ce que fama risques bich yfokouhouli wela nkhaless tax or idk? (I'm not ready bich nkhaless fou9 200dt bich nkharjou)",,,,,,2022-08-02 15:30:05 weg2l3,,5,Mobile developer salary in Tunis city,"Hello everyone, I will really appreciate your advice, as I have no idea about salaries in Tunis city for mobile developers. I am a React Native/Kotlin engineer with one year of experience. I'm working at a company in Sousse for 1400dt (CIVP) and I live with my family, so I have almost 0 living cost expenses and I save about 1200 dt of my salary. I had an interview with a company in Tunis for a React Native/kotlin developer position, where they asked my about my salary in my current company and I told them sincerely what I make (1400dt) and that I have no rent or any kind of expenses. I made a coding interview with them, where the questions were 70% off-topic and almost non-related to technical stuff in React Native or kotlin. they replied to me they are really interested in my profile (as I was part of developing some applications that are published on the store) with 1600 dt salary package (without sivp). I refused the offer, they replied again, that they want me to work with them and the offer was based on my performance in the coding interview, and they asked what is my salary expectations. I don't know what to do. PS: before they reply to me with their offer, I made it clear that I won't do anymore CIVP, even if have more months with it. sorry for the long explanation, but I really need your advice, as I have no idea how companies in Tunis operate. thank you",,,,,,2022-08-02 16:24:05 weg442,,1,أقوى علاج للحسد والسحر,,,,,,,2022-08-02 16:25:42 weh7ck,,1,Transport advice :!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 17:08:37 wehcjv,,3,Pharma university and reo med,"Hello there, i am a former bac science this year and got 16,92 moyenne, i was aiming for any of the 4 medecine faculties but sadly i didnt make it unlike my classmates who were a few points above me and i got pharmacie instead (i put pharma on top of dentaire for no reason i dont know I am honestly quite bumped out that i was so close to making it so i am wondering if anyone with a slightly similar experience or has good knowledge can give me advices or suggestions on what i can do My family (mostly my mother) isnt too fond of pharmacy and thinks it has no future and well i myself since i was young i wanted to be a doctor so bad I was wondering if either i can study pharma while preparing for reo medecine to get a chance at medecine and change from pharmacy or if i should abondon pharma for a year and only focus purely on reo med for higher chance of getting it but ofc there is the risk of losing a year for nothing Mom also plans on signing me to campus france to study abroad anything (medecine is highly improbable), as much as i want to go abroad i dont feel that interested in ingeneering and other stuff or try to see if i can move out to somewhere else in general like maybe mauritania to study medicine but i honestly dont feel she would be as reliable bc she doesnt know that much and just asking her friends I would love to hear everyone of your opinions 🥺💖",,,,,,2022-08-02 17:14:30 wehddq,,4,looking for Transport advice :!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 17:15:25 wehoio,,5,rooftop gardening,Can anyone recommend me some plants for rooftop gardening. Yk ones that could survive the summer/winter in Tunisia.,,,,,,2022-08-02 17:28:00 wej1qp,,6,a way to get free mobile data?,"we've recently moved and it's been really tuff financially so it's kinda inconvenient to keep asking my parents for money. is it possible to get free mobile data?",,,,,,2022-08-02 18:22:04 wej2xc,,4,How do you get yourself prepared for a new school year,"Hello there reddit users, It came to my mind wondering how do people prepare their selves mentally for the new school year after a long summer break",,,,,,2022-08-02 18:23:26 wekyoh,,3,"Tips on finding second-hand furniture in Grand Tunis, on social media or sites; places.","Excluding Tayara. And even brand new but not very expensive suggestions are welcomed.",,,,,,2022-08-02 19:39:34 weln91,,1,فتنة العجل في عهد سيدنا موسى ع,,,,,,,2022-08-02 20:06:26 welvel,,0,Do you think that the next presidential elections will be in terms of transparency and fairness equal to previous ones?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-02 20:15:31 wemcet,,1,قصة تيه بني اسرائيل,,,,,,,2022-08-02 20:34:42 wemjda,,5,How to learn the Tunisian dialect?,"Any suggestions, any help? (I F25 could help with English and German)",,,,,,2022-08-02 20:42:34 wemn34,,215,Tunisian politicians in a nutshell,,,,,,,2022-08-02 20:46:52 wenkhi,,3,IT student looking for guidance,"Greetings!Long story short, I'm a ISET student, I just finished my first year and I came 2nd in the whole department with a 15.14 average which I'm pretty happy about. I am looking for advice on what to do after I'm done/ while I'm finishing my degree. In the next paragraphs I'm gonna talk a lot but I'll leave a TL;DR at the end. So a little bit about me, I graduated Technical BAC last year, wasn't even going to do IT, but after some convincing from my cousin, I went with his advice. I've been using computers since I was 6 just playing games. But in the last 3 years I started becoming my friends' go-to ""tech support guy"" and I'm always happy to do it. What I'm trying to say is, I have experience troubleshooting problems and I've developed some great googling skills, I've also gotten to the point where I fix problems without googling them lol.So as part of my studies, if you know ISET you know that they're much more ""Hands on"" than Universities, we do a lot of workshops and I find it easy to pick up a new thing, for example, we were taught the most basic of Linux administration and I found myself really enjoying it, same thing with Networking, I always nail the Labs the teacher asks us to do and again, I LOVE IT.6 months ago, I've discovered that Hacking and Cybersecurity isn't just dark knowledge and that it's actually very approachable for a tech guy, so I've started binge watching Hacking videos such as CTF challenges, DefCon talks(If you're a tech guy and you've never seen a DefCon talk, you're missing out) etc...Programming wise, I can't really say right now as I only know what was taught to me at school which isn't much, but I made 1 ""useful"" script to scrape the results of students from the institute's website which was very fun, I've also put the results in a CSV and did some ""data cleansing"". I think If I give it enough time and effort I can make it work but I'm honestly more interested in the stuff I talked about above.**TL;DR I know my way around a computer, I can google things, I'm interested in Cybersecurity and I know basic programming.** So my questions are: 1. What now? What should I do to better my chances at getting a job or even making some money on the side by freelancing 2. What next? Where do I go after finishing my studies, should I even finish my studies? 3. I am thinking about moving abroad in the future, preferably an English speaking country that doesn't make you bankrupt if you dare to cough, or make you bankrupt if you try living in it /s. Canada or Australia are my prime choices. 4. If I were to stay in Tunisia, are there any security companies worth working at? 5. Since I'm a ""Majeur de promotion"" I have a chance to apply for an engineering degree, is it worth the ~~2~~ 3 extra years? 6. Is a cybersecurity degree at the TEK-UP university worth it (after I finish my current degree)? I can probably get the same knowledge online but will having that degree and university backing help me? 7. Not a question, but if you've got any other feedback/advice, I'd greatly appreciate it I know it's a bit too long of a post / too many questions xD Thank you for taking the time to read it if you did, I'll be waiting for your response!",,,,,,2022-08-02 21:23:47 weo9tu,,1,What jobs I can do in the US as a tourist?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-02 21:52:07 weohl5,,0,What jobs I can do in the US s a tourist?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 22:00:46 wer4y9,,2,looking for someone expert in managerial accounting,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-02 23:55:00 werkdj,,6,Where can I find a plug adapter EU to US ?,Title,,,,,,2022-08-03 00:13:40 werrqm,,2,Is taking pictures of policemen illegal?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-03 00:23:11 wet9kx,,1,IS LINKEDIN (STILL) USEFUL FOR FINDING A JOB IN 2022?,,,,,,,2022-08-03 01:32:49 wetbvi,,2,"Now that we officially have a new referendum and a new political regime, do you actually think Tunisia will get better in the next 5-10 years?","By getting better I mean: - More jobs - Good salaries - Better purchasing power - More investments - More productivity and less tkarkir - Economic growth - More safety - Better education - Better health services - Better public transport - Less corruption/More transparency - Better rule of law - More equality - More rights [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-03 01:35:45 wez522,,12,Geography Now Tunisia Episode Teaser! 👀,,,,,,,2022-08-03 06:34:56 weznkt,,8,I will create free websites,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-03 07:05:26 wf1pvy,,58,"Hey all, I'm in port el kantaoui for the next couple of weeks, I'm from England which is why I am about to die in this heat, my question is are there any cafes, bars, etc with good air conditioning so this white boy doesn't die, thank you😅",,,,,,,2022-08-03 09:11:30 wf1rg8,,14,Sajalni,,,,,,,2022-08-03 09:14:09 wf21cb,,0,[ Removed by Reddit ],[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-03 09:31:01 wf2zyn,,11,what is your advice for teenagers dating in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-08-03 10:26:50 wf30ul,,1,Reconversion Professionnelle,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-03 10:28:15 wf48z7,,3,"Many phases and political changes, Tunisia is moving through a two-year rule under the leadership of President Kais Saied to reach its last current station, which is the best and safest for the stability of Tunisia in the region. May God protect Tunisia for its people.",,,,,,,2022-08-03 11:34:36 wf4axf,,3,Need help understanding Tunisian music lyrics…,"Greetings from saudi! I get recommendations for artists like balti and jenjoon, and I appreciate their songs but I can’t understand anything… Are there tutorials on Tunisian accent or English translations for Tunisian songs i can look into. + drop your favorite Tunisian artists/songs, I’d love to listen to them :] Peace and love",,,,,,2022-08-03 11:37:21 wf4drb,,9,"Is it impossible for a Muslim country like Tunisia to thrive and develop without losing it's Islamic roots and values? or is it like what most people say, you can't have one without forsaking the other?",,,,,,,2022-08-03 11:41:17 wf5057,,0,should we really be proud of the carthagian empire,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-03 12:12:16 wf50xn,,3,e-baweba e-houwiya mobile-id not working,"Hello. saw that today is the launch of these website/services/apps As they are not working yet, or available for download. is there any official communication that clarifies when the launch will be..",,,,,,2022-08-03 12:13:22 wf60de,,18,22 years old boy and never been in a relationship is this norml or not xD,"Im almost 22 years old and i never dated before i did finish college and still didn't get a single girlfriend , well i did have few first sight crushes before but all of them either turns out to be really bad or just isn't my type 😅 i did have a girl that i loved since high school but everytime i try to approach her i fear that she would reject me and ruin our friendship ( or im jusy waay too shy i guess) well that lasted until she got a boyfriend hahahaa",,,,,,2022-08-03 13:00:37 wf6xqd,,2,Passport renewal (French dual citizen),"Salam 3aleykom, My Tunisian passport has expired in 2012 (and probably so has my Tunisian ID card, which I can not find). I have never needed it to travel back to Tunisia (always used the French passport), hence why I never renewed it, but I now need to renew it. Among the required documents to renew listed on the Consulate website, I can see it is asked for a copy of both the Tunisian ID card and French ID card (or Carte de Séjour). Does this mean I need to first ask for a Duplicata of my lost expired Tunisian ID card in order to renew my passport ? Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-08-03 13:41:29 wf72no,,7,Future and Career,"What do you guys think is a better career graphic design or game design in terms of salary and employment? I do prefer game design but if I don't leave the country it will be risky. I'm planning to leave to get my masters degree in Belgium (my aunt lives there and it's really cheap) after like 3 years, but what if they don't accept me there? which career would be better if I get stuck in here? I personnally think that if I choose game design it will be hard for me to find a job here cuz we barely have any Tunisian game companies and I don't think international companies will accept someone with no work experience and I if I'm gonna freelance it will be risky cuz apparently freelance is not a thing here. Any advice?",,,,,,2022-08-03 13:47:25 wf7pww,,5,Have you watched the series called The Boys,"Its honestly in my Top 5 shows [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-03 14:14:20 wf7s8t,,1,dwletna el fechla bech ta5la9 su9 munafsa liha bblech,,,,,,,2022-08-03 14:17:07 wf7tvp,,1,Should I be concerned (for future bac)?,"3eme math (2022-2023),When the lycee gave us the paper of option, I put spanish but on the government site a few months later I put german as option. Should I be concerned and can this cause problems in bac??",,,,,,2022-08-03 14:19:03 wf7w1i,,1,أين كان ابن نوح (ع) عندما ناداه سيدنا نوح (ع) ؟,,,,,,,2022-08-03 14:21:33 wf9at7,,3,(A bit) Afraid to buy items from Ubuy.Tn,"So, I'm a student, living in Sousse, a fan of video games and I'm trying to build up a collection of games in physics because from time to time I find myself in countries without a network and I find it difficult to have access to games in my virtual library. therefore I am looking for specific games to buy, sometimes I go through Tayara, Facebook marketplace and others but I have trouble finding certain games (often JRPGs), so I came across this site which obviously delivered up to in Tunisia, which is really cool (btw I use to pay with my card and PayPal on website like this but for non-physic items) so,I see positive opinions but I don't have too much confidence so I wanted to know if anyone here has already used this site or if you have an alternative that will be reasonable or slightly expensive in terms of delivery costs etc.",,,,,,2022-08-03 15:19:10 wf9xzc,,1,Study abroad,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-03 15:44:59 wfanro,,8,Djerba Night Out,"Howdy Djerba people, is there any cool people going to the Radisson Blu music event or interested in partying in Djerba? I will be spending a couple of days there and hate to be alone! Yoo hmu if you’re interested.",,,,,,2022-08-03 16:13:11 wfb5cx,,0,if sex toys was legal would you use it?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-03 16:32:22 wfbjo2,,4,Recommendation of some spots to chill with your girlfriend alone(besides our houses),,,,,,,2022-08-03 16:47:32 wfc65s,,9,hi i am from zurich and now in bizerte,"I live in Zurich and am now in bizerte for a month. I would love to meet new people. Maybe anyone from bizerte here with whom i could drink a coffee and have a chat ? You can text me directly. Would love to meet some of you. :)",,,,,,2022-08-03 17:11:54 wfclhc,,3,How does CIVP work ? Can anyone with experience explain ?,Like what are the necessary paperwork and when do they pay you and can you sign the contract in august but put starting date 1st of july ? Thanks in advance.,,,,,,2022-08-03 17:28:17 wfclvy,,1,Rent is CRAZY.,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-03 17:28:44 wfdy34,,1,"Searching for events in Tunis, august 2022 & and clarify on reservations",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-03 18:21:21 wfe2ai,,5,"Searching for events in Tunis, august 2022 & clarify on house/hotel reservations","Hello, this month I'm coming in vacation in Tunis (first time) for a week and I was searching online for some events but with not much luck so far. I'm mainly interested in music and any local stuff (art and so on). I'll be there in the second half of the month, so any link of some concerts or stuff like that (even in French) is much appreciated. And just for confirmation: is it true that police at airport can cause troubles to enter Tunis with an house reservation in a different city (via Booking app)? Even if combined with an hotel reservation in Tunis (my case)? Thanks all in advance",,,,,,2022-08-03 18:25:53 wfekq5,,5,Yoga in Tunisia,Are there yoga studios in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-08-03 18:46:14 wfevu8,,1,Any people who live in Tunis(the capital) wanna hangout ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-03 18:58:39 wfezax,,7,Any People wanna hangout if you live in Tunis(capital) ?,,,,,,,2022-08-03 19:02:08 wfg5u2,,1,لماذا اتهم يوسف ع إخوته بالسرقة؟,,,,,,,2022-08-03 19:49:41 wfgmoe,,0,Why do Europeans visit Tunisia?,"I'm an American who got brought along on a trip to Tunisia. I don't mean to offend anyone with the following observations. I noticed it seems to be a popular tourist destination for French and Germans. The country seems to have a lot of issues with trash, stray dogs, cats, half built buildings, poor water quality, bad drivers, cars that smell awful, and waiters who look like they hate their lives. I know every place has it's bad spots. But for Tunisia it seems to be the majority of the country. I kept asking myself why do Europeans come here? Europe has beaches, clean air, nice restaurants, tourist zones, clean parks, clean roads. Yet they chose to visit a place with none of that. I enjoy relaxing vacations. I've never been so stressed driving down the street, dodging cars, dogs, people. The cops appear to enforce nothing but love standing at checkpoints. I know there are some important historical landmarks here and all that, but go out the exit from any tourist spot and your back to trash. Sorry if anyone gets mad. Just an observation, this place seems terrible and I can't wait to leave. I just wish I could take the dogs with me.",,,,,,2022-08-03 20:08:16 wfgys0,,3,Paiment rules,"Hello, today my friend told me that there is rules that cap your paiment limit based in your level of education . as an example someone with a degree of 3 years worth of higher education can't get past 1200dt",,,,,,2022-08-03 20:22:04 wfh5eh,,4,is there anyone here who got a Fulbright Scholarship or made to the interviews ??,I want to hear from people who got to the Fulbright interviews what question do they ask and what kind of profile are they looking for ?? I just want to get ready just in case I got the opportunity !,,,,,,2022-08-03 20:29:30 wfhnrb,,5,Question About Dougga and Bulla Regia,"I want to tour the archeological sites at Dougga and Bulla Regia at some point in the coming weeks. Are the sites open on Sundays? Also, does anyone have recommendations for food nearby or at the sites?",,,,,,2022-08-03 20:50:06 wfi1u1,,5,masters abroad or engineering in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-03 21:05:42 wfjjhe,,1,can any legal business owner get an international credit card even if its a small one,,,,,,,2022-08-03 22:06:28 wfjtfj,,1,اضاءة من قصة ابني ادم واخوة يوسف (ع),,,,,,,2022-08-03 22:17:48 wfjzzt,,0,JUST WOW,,,,,,,2022-08-03 22:25:16 wfkmk9,,1,دعوة النبي ص في مكة,,,,,,,2022-08-03 22:51:56 wflysp,,10,Asking girls out in tunisia,"hey im a 26 yrs old guy from germany (but my family is from tunisia so basically im tunisian too) and i rly think that tunis has the most beautiful women and id love to have a tunisian wife who can help me teaching our kids the language and culture. but i have no clue hows it work here, do ppl here meet the classic way? or is it ok just to talk to a girl on the streets who i found attractive? hows the view of the tunisian girls, would it be ok for u?",,,,,,2022-08-03 23:49:31 wfmmks,,0,RIP ENGLISH 😀,,,,,,,2022-08-04 00:19:56 wfmnac,,2,is theres anyway to send money from tunisia to china,,,,,,,2022-08-04 00:20:46 wfmsfn,,3,renting for a tunisian student ?,"salem chabeb w chabbet ! blhi famech site wale groupe facebook kbir nal9a fih abed nekri maahom. location: anything near isim gabes &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-08-04 00:27:46 wfqojr,,1,هجرة النبي ص الى المدينة,,,,,,,2022-08-04 03:35:35 wfrg4z,,2,Any people who live in menzah 1 / 4 wanna hang out ?,,,,,,,2022-08-04 04:14:54 wfsdk5,,3,"Is possible to have ""Pantente Personne Physique"" and be a ""Salarié"".","If yes, what should I do? How can I deal with CNSS",,,,,,2022-08-04 05:03:37 wfu4yr,,4,Sahloul -> mytek public transportation?,I want to buy a gaming mouse my budget is 30dt,,,,,,2022-08-04 06:45:11 wfvy0o,,1,What is monkeypox? How common is monkey flu?,,,,,,,2022-08-04 08:39:10 wfw93i,,1,جهاد المسلمين مع رسول الله ص,,,,,,,2022-08-04 09:00:02 wfwl7f,,1,Tunisian football kit,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-04 09:21:00 wfwvjd,,2,Tunisian Football Kit,"Hello, I was wondering if I could get the national team’s football kit in Tunis the capital. And if so, where? I dont mind the price, just good quality. Thanks",,,,,,2022-08-04 09:39:12 wfx2sk,,3,Best way to find quality housing to rent ?,"Edit: I found a house after actively searching for about a week. I found it through local rent/sell groups on Facebook. I had contact with multiple “samsaar” that found the right place for me. It’s important to find a samsaar that is professional and proactive. The search was a bit stressful because they always put pressure on you (both samsaar and landlord) to decide immediately if you want to rent or not. Original post: So after two years my mf’ing landlords told me I should leave my house and search for something new. They’ve really made things difficult for us (not giving us a contract when they told us they would, not wanting to repair anything, now this…) and I’m desperate now that I have to leave my home. We are in Kelibia and right now everything for rent is only for “saayefi”. We are looking for a very specific house (individual, garden, quiet quartier…) and I don’t know where to start. The house I’m in now, we stumbled upon through a Facebook ad. To make things as easy and fluid as possible, is it best to search through Facebook or a real estate agency? What are your experiences and what is best?",,,,,,2022-08-04 09:51:55 wfx6m3,,1,الرد على من يطعن بصحة القرآن لأنه يخالف قواعد اللغة العربية,,,,,,,2022-08-04 09:58:31 wfx9to,,2,Sommet de la Francophonie : Le «sale» coup de Justin Trudeau à la Tunisie,,,,,,,2022-08-04 10:03:14 wfxlw8,,1,فضل الاطفال في الاسلام,,,,,,,2022-08-04 10:22:48 wfyd0d,,3,Pet Travel : Going through the airport with a dog,"Hello everyone, Posting again about a pet travel issue, not very happy about it but I hope I can find some solace and comfort in your traveling experiences. I wish to know how the checking-in with a dog can go at the check-in counter? most importantly, do the counter agents check that you have all the necessary documents for your pet transit? I ask because I have hit a big hurdle with the official vetenerian who won't issue the EU sanitary certificate off a technicality that I had my dog microchipped after I vaccinated him against rabies, and not before, which somehow makes all the difference in the world and he can't overlook this detail and says that I must redo all steps from scratch. I have all the necessary papers from my treating vetenerian (Who is far more qualified and works for the Ministry of Internal affairs than this guy) such as a sanitary certificate for transit and my vaccination records, and I also carry the results of the titer test and have waited 3 months since I got them, which means the dog is now fit to travel and poses no threat to spread infectious diseases like rabies. I just want to know, will they allow my dog to board the plane? will they ask about this missing EU certificate at Carthage? my treating vetenerian told me to flip him off and go anyway and that it'll be fine. I'm just very worried and scared, I hate bureaucrats.",,,,,,2022-08-04 11:04:35 wfynjr,,1,.,,,,,,,2022-08-04 11:20:13 wfz21o,,1,Thank you 😉,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-04 11:41:41 wfz2jo,,1,Thank you 😉,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-04 11:42:24 wfz760,,2,"Does my phone number get blocked if the ""sajalni"" service doesn't work?",,,,,,,2022-08-04 11:49:19 wfz7fk,,1,places in sfax I can take my girlfriend to?,,,,,,,2022-08-04 11:49:40 wfzkbm,,2,can the e-dinar card be used internationally,,,,,,,2022-08-04 12:07:27 wfzzs1,,7,is westren union available in tunisia? and if so can someone explain the process of sending money abroad,,,,,,,2022-08-04 12:28:02 wg02ji,és_to_take_my_mom_out_in_tunis/,9,Non-smoker cafés to take my mom out in Tunis,"So basically the title, I want to take my mom out for a coffee and have a nice evening together but she really really doesn't like smoke smell, like at all. I know having a non-smoker area wala part of a cafe fi tounes is super unrealistic, but I am shooting my shot haha, this in advance!",,,,,,2022-08-04 12:31:41 wg0hck,,3,anyone has experience working part-time as a developer while still studying in uni?,,,,,,,2022-08-04 12:51:35 wg0o34,,2,gift ideas for bf,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-04 13:00:13 wg0xl9,,3,help please,"hello is there any psychiatrist who can work online for free please i need help and i can't afford 60/70dt per session please.",,,,,,2022-08-04 13:12:02 wg0z03,,13,Fun activities you can do in sousse?,,,,,,,2022-08-04 13:13:49 wg1zv3,,2,Does anyone know where I can buy good pens zone tunis,"I looove writing with good pens, gel or nib pens and I struggle finding any store that sells good pens.. Al kitab used to have a good selection but not anymore and I hate writing with ball pens or classic stuff like steatdler/stabilo fine points.. if anyone can guide me to a good shop that’d be great",,,,,,2022-08-04 14:00:13 wg2unk,,70,Les taxis-vélos . Sfax 1940 ...,,,,,,,2022-08-04 14:36:02 wg2yiw,,7,Jobs,"Well, i am looking for part time job as a junior graphic designer in Tunis (downtown if its possible) i want to work with foreign people from europe or america, to have have more experience and learn how their rhythm works, i am planning to move canada or the states in the future so i want to a good experience here first.☺️☺️",,,,,,2022-08-04 14:40:36 wg3p4u,,5,do tunisian girls even use tinder ?,"ive recently come here from europe for tourism, and god do i love people here already, boys and girls, i thought of trying 2 meet a girl here and start a relationship and my guess is, online should be my go-to so, do tunisian girls use tinder too ? males, whats your tinder experiences with them ?",,,,,,2022-08-04 15:11:22 wg4u1p,,7,I need help with my toxic mother,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-04 15:58:21 wg5gj8,,1,Data on criminal cases or any type of Cases,"سلام ياجماعه, I'm trying to create a data analytics project on the criminal cases that are passed and judged in tunisia if there's a way you guys can direct me to get a csv file with no names just raw data I'd really appreciate it",,,,,,2022-08-04 16:23:10 wg6197,,1,printing a shirt as a gift,"hey, I am looking for store or someone that prints good quality shirts. friends birthday is coming and i want to print imagine dragons shirt for him as gift any ideas? ty btw",,,,,,2022-08-04 16:46:24 wg61r7,,17,"Battle of Cannae , like 2 days ago in 216 BC","Too bad I didn't post this on the 2nd of august but oh well. so on the 2nd of august 216 BC, Hannibal Barca of Carthage with his 50k army \[the same one that crossed the Alpes yes \] defeated a 80K Roman army which was the largest roman army to ever be deployed on a battlefield in Rome's history (from it's creation to it's doom) near Cannae . we always hear that Hannibal's tactics are taught up until now in military academies right? this battle is the one, the epitome of his military genius. so to those of you that don't know what Hannibal Barca is, there you go : [Battle of Cannae](",,,,,,2022-08-04 16:47:00 wg6mft,,2,master de recherche vs master professionnel,which one should i choose,,,,,,2022-08-04 17:10:30 wg7qlp,,1,Sajalni waiting time,"So today I did the registration on sajalni and it says demande en cours /aucun faute. How long do I have to wait?",,,,,,2022-08-04 17:57:37 wg8azi,,4,"""An Early Fable"" Live with my band CrowZ",,,,,,,2022-08-04 18:20:52 wg8skc,,1,payonner in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-04 18:40:56 wg8tfm,,8,Tunisian Jewish Community,Are there any Tunisian Jews here? Interested to know if you feel included in the larger society; are you happy in Tunisia or would you leave? Are you open about your identity or do you tend to keep it to yourself?,,,,,,2022-08-04 18:41:55 wg98gk,,3,what's the best lounge or night club to go to solo in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-04 18:59:01 wg9t0o,,1,can you pay for facbook ads with a national credit card or do you need an international one,,,,,,,2022-08-04 19:22:39 wgam1o,,78,Geography Now episode on TUNISIA is finally uploaded!,,,,,,,2022-08-04 19:56:51 wgbi3b,,1,هل حقا الشذوذ الجنسي مبرر علميا ويجب الاعتراف بحقوق المثليين؟,,,,,,,2022-08-04 20:35:46 wgblhe,,1,Geography Now! TUNISIA,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-04 20:39:42 wgch45,,1,مناظرة ابو حنيفة النعمان مع بهلول,,,,,,,2022-08-04 21:15:04 wgdm4t,,1,Ghazi - Uhlalala,Check First single of our tunisian brother,,,,,,2022-08-04 22:03:12 wgdywd,,1,ماهي الزينة التي لا يجب على المراة ان تبديها؟,,,,,,,2022-08-04 22:18:22 wge7l4,,1,what are the papers needed to get an international technology card ? (the one with 300 euro limit),,,,,,,2022-08-04 22:28:51 wge7oq,,15,are you a spiritual person ?,"Do you think that there are supernatural stuff that happens. Do you believe in negative energy , black magic , and all of that stuff ? Can it be explained logically ? ( Met someone who is going crazy those days. About this stuff and the way he talked was really wierd , though it is an opportunity to get to know something new , so if you have some information , would you share it ? ) . Or is it just the popular culture ? And he is sick and need to seek help ( how to help him get convinced ) . Wanna know more about it , and if you were in such a similar situation , what will you do ?",,,,,,2022-08-04 22:28:58 wgevh3,,1,Private or Public HS??,"And why ?? (Just wanna see the arguments, btw by private I mean paid not international ones)",,,,,,2022-08-04 22:57:42 wgeylg,,1,اضاءة من علم يعقوب (ع),,,,,,,2022-08-04 23:01:13 wgflfk,,2,How to apply for a master's degree (M2) abroad,"I'm gonna get my engineering degree this September and I don't know what to do next, I want to go for a master's degree but I don't wanna do it in tunisia, I wanna know how to apply, where and when, if there are any post graduate programs I would also appreciate it.",,,,,,2022-08-04 23:29:11 wgg1ip,,1,الجهاد لاعلاء كلمة الله,,,,,,,2022-08-04 23:49:32 wggsdk,,7,Landing an entry level job abroad as a software engineer.,"Hello,I'm a recently graduated software engineer (ENSI) and I've been applying for different entry level jobs abroad but always end up getting rejected and I wanted to ask if there was a certain way to quickly land a job ,say in Europe? I know in this field ,in a matter of years, it will get easier but I wanted to know if there was a way to get accepted in a job abroad as a fresh graduate. Are there companies known to recruit fresh graduate tunisians or something? Any help will be much appreciated.Thank you.",,,,,,2022-08-05 00:23:43 wgj1dn,,8,Chkoun yal3ab games online ?,"Minecraft , no man's sky , raft ay survival game if there's a tunisian community Wala chkoun y7eb y9asir chwaya lwa9t Dm me.",,,,,,2022-08-05 02:09:16 wgkp87,,1,الاسلام احياء لشريعة ابراهيم ع,,,,,,,2022-08-05 03:29:31 wglbcn,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-08-05 04:00:11 wglneh,,1,الاسلام ثمرة الاديان الالهية في الارض,,,,,,,2022-08-05 04:16:48 wgo1va,,9,is there a way to write the Tunisian dialect?,"like the title says, is there a way to write the tunisian dialect in arabic letters? I've never seen this really done before and it seems like most Tunisians use English letters with a mix of numbers for letters that aren't available.",,,,,,2022-08-05 06:29:38 wgq25r,,4,Fama chkoun rakkeb pc gamer?,"As the title says.. my friend asked me about this, and I have no idea.. how much it costs? If it's done with a company or you can do it by yourself?? How long it takes to do it? Are all components available in tunisia? If anyone can help me with this it would be amazing Thanks y'all in advance ✌️😁",,,,,,2022-08-05 08:35:58 wgq8ar,,1,🧐,,,,,,,2022-08-05 08:46:28 wgqx9a,,2,where can i buy decent headset for the gym,"as the title said i need to buy a headset for the gym i'm tired of listening to their shitty taste the budget is around 70-80 tnd thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-08-05 09:29:35 wgriyz,,1,الغاء الوهابيين لشفاعة اولياء الله تعالى,,,,,,,2022-08-05 10:05:28 wgsfc6,,4,Meilleur écouteurs sans fil surtout rapport qualité/ prix ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-05 10:56:24 wgshp5,,1,اضاءات من دعوة نبي الله محمد (ص),,,,,,,2022-08-05 11:00:07 wgto0j,,6,How difficult it is to land a job as a dentist abroad ?,hello so i recently got accepted into dental school in monastir (FMDM) and i rlly want to go abroad after graduation so is it really hard to practice dentistry in a european country or canada with a tunisian degree and which countries that are accepting dentists from tunisia and thanks,,,,,,2022-08-05 12:00:48 wgtq4z,,3,is this normal ?,,,,,,,2022-08-05 12:03:31 wgv2qi,,52,Moving to Tunisia - student life/things to avoid/general advice,"Hello! I am a 22 year old female student from the UK, I am coming to Tunisia in September as part of my final year in university studying Arabic. I am here for 3 months, before anyone suggests going somewhere else to learn Arabic I cannot change where I go and Tunisia was decided by my university! I understand the dialect is very different from MSA, but I hope to learn as much as I can and make the most of it as I am very open-minded and want to enjoy myself as much as possible. I have previously lived in Jordan for a year so I speak some Jordanian/Palestinian dialect of Arabic and my fusHa is pretty good, I am also fluent in French. I have a feeling Tunisian life will be quite different to Jordan, I was wondering if there are any facebook groups / clubs etc I could join that might help me make friends here? In Jordan the friendship groups were quite split into male/female, is it the same in Tunisia? I would really like to make some good female friends in Tunisia. I am really excited to start my academic year in Tunisia, I will be living in Carthage and that is where my university is. Does anyone have some recommendations for activities, things to do, sights to see, food to try etc? Any suggestions are welcome :)",,,,,,2022-08-05 13:08:49 wgv74v,,1,كيف نوفق بين الرضا بالقضاء والامر بالدعاء؟,,,,,,,2022-08-05 13:13:56 wgwgbd,,2,How to Obtain Canada Work Permit?,Please provide me with links and instructions or steps. I suck in this field though I have a good professionnel profile,,,,,,2022-08-05 14:09:29 wgxaxj,,0,"Université francophone Galatasaray, Istanbul, Turquie. Une université publique turque francophone, considérée comme l'une des universités les plus prestigieuses du pays. Elle est l'héritière des traditions séculaires de l'école de Galatasaray créée en 1481.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-05 14:44:47 wgyauu,,2,Where can I study Spanish in Tunis?,"I need to study a minimum of 20hours of Spanish (and get a certificate saying that I did so) for some reason and I need a good institution for that. Any information or help will be much appreciated.",,,,,,2022-08-05 15:25:41 wgz39e,,2,RENTING QUAD,"I’m currently on vacation in kelibia, and I was wondering if there is any quad activities or like renting a quad for a day or more even in Al Huwariyah. Thank you",,,,,,2022-08-05 15:58:50 wgzric,,59,This is how AI imagined a symétrie portrait of a Tunisian man in traditional clothing.,,,,,,,2022-08-05 16:26:29 wgzwpj,,2,Who's from Hammamet and wants to meet ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-05 16:32:28 wgzxc6,,4,how can i complete masters abroad after licence ? (i will start studying in isi),"I appreciate any help you can provide. some information :I have a b1 level in german and I will get TOEFL soon in English",,,,,,2022-08-05 16:33:14 wgzz4t,شنية_أفاق_الإجازة_في_علوم_الإعلامية_في_المعهد/,5,شنية أفاق الإجازة في علوم الإعلامية في المعهد العالي للإعلامية أريانة ؟,,,,,,,2022-08-05 16:35:30 wh1ryc,,3,A beautiful recap of a visit to Djerba! Have you been?,,,,,,,2022-08-05 17:50:25 wh34el,,3,trading stocks,"Are tunisians capable of purchasing and selling and trading outside of Tunisia? In foreign markets? And if we do, how can transfer money from both ends? Thanks.",,,,,,2022-08-05 18:47:07 wh368g,,1,اضاءات من دعوة نبي الله عيسى (ع),,,,,,,2022-08-05 18:49:21 wh4842,,2,"Tried to register a phone with sajalni, it's been 2 days like this, does it take a long time?",,,,,,,2022-08-05 19:33:51 wh4e8k,,1,اضاءات من دعوة سيدنا موسى ع,,,,,,,2022-08-05 19:41:16 wh4qjb,,6,"Please share your music playlist, youtube or spotify.",I want to discover new music,,,,,,2022-08-05 19:56:04 wh62rr,,1,متى خلق الجن؟,,,,,,,2022-08-05 20:53:26 wh6x1e,,6,"""People who graduated from public schools should pay the Tunisian treasury a % back when working abroad until their ""tuition"" is paid"".","Taxes alone can't fund the needed upgrades for our public schools. In 10 years our education system will be so outdated that our degrees will be worthless abroad. The point is to keep the door open so middle class and poor families kids can ""escape' too. Eventually, only upper class Tunisian kids can leave the country not on a ""شقف"". As someone who studied in school where the chemistry lab ""يسخنوا التجربة في زَزوة "" and volunteers each summer to fix school equipment, I believe each school should have a public ""gofundme""/""cha9a9a"" where funds are used to improve the quality of the teaching without passing by the wasteful bureaucratic system. &#x200B; \----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: I feel sad seeing how some grown-ass people can't debate the idea and are attacking me instead. Obviously they are victims of the حافظ مش فاهم system. PS2: I'm calling for opening the doors for direct crowdfunding of schools (voluntary).100 euros/year donation can maintain a classroom in a remote primary school in a rural area. It's a moral engagement from someone who is financially stable toward the future generations. &#x200B; [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-05 21:29:30 wh7fcm,,7,Hello my fellow Tunisians,"I’m Palestinian/ American citizen I’m planning on traveling to Tunisia to meet a friend of mine I met online. I know her for 4 years now. What’s the things I should avoid ? What’s the things I should visit cuz I might go Deep South",,,,,,2022-08-05 21:51:24 wh7j6p,,2,For Tabaco and Drug users,"i need a drug or somethin , that gives me a longer effect of that trance we get after the first cigarette .. it isn't the same as THC or Alcohol",,,,,,2022-08-05 21:56:05 wh7l1h,,1,Traveling from Tunis to Dougga,"Hey there! I'm planning to travel from Tunis to Dougga then back to Tunis in a day (I have a car). Is there anything interesting on the journey I should stop at ? I saw that Testour could be nice ! Any other idea ? Thanks !!",,,,,,2022-08-05 21:58:30 wh7n4l,,3,Good psychologist in Ben arous or Tunis?,i know this question was asked alot ama brabi famech psy behi who won’t judge especially f sujet l religion ? thanks in advance,,,,,,2022-08-05 22:00:50 wh7te5,,0,[ Removed by Reddit ],[removed],,,,,,2022-08-05 22:08:34 wh7ug7,,3,Tunisia vacation,"I apologize I’m new to this app. I wanted write few things in fact but this app only asks for title first. I wanted to say, Tunis is beautiful in fact, how come there aren’t many people vacationing here. Biggest issue I find so far are none English speaking population, which is ofcourse my fault since I don’t speak their language. Tunisia would surely benefit from tourism. So how come the government doesn’t make Tunisia a Tunisia a tourist destination with relax rules and English adaptations?",,,,,,2022-08-05 22:09:56 wh87jr,,39,"This is what Carthage would look like in the 21st century, according to artificial intelligence",,,,,,,2022-08-05 22:26:17 wh88za,,0,Where can I find hoes/bitches/escorts in Sousse?,"I’m from USA, looking for a quick f*ck and willing to pay around 100 D (+-50). If you know someone or have a number, let me know, thanks.",,,,,,2022-08-05 22:28:09 wh8rpk,,3,Where can i buy papaya or avocado?,,,,,,,2022-08-05 22:52:02 wh9cmj,,4,what faculties can you pursue after bac scientifique other than médecine ?,,,,,,,2022-08-05 23:18:30 whb7s7,,3,Hi Tunisians! What do you put in brik?,"Sometimes I get bored of cooking the same things so I go to a random country generator click and cook the top food result of the country I get. I tried cooking brik as I got Tunisian today but I need to try again because I think I didn’t do a good enough attempt. For the pastry I used flour cornstarch salt sesame seed oil and a little nutmeg. I cooked it on a pan heated over a pot of boiling water. I think I let it cook too much because it wasn’t sticky after. For the filling I boiled chopped potatoes then mixed it with can tuna and parsley. Then I added salt and pepper and put it in the pastry. Cracked an egg in there and boiled. It was good but I feel like it can be a lot better. Any suggestions? Edit: Deep fried not boiled",,,,,,2022-08-06 00:48:07 whglb8,,1,Tunisia by Vincent van Gogh | created by AI,,,,,,,2022-08-06 05:34:22 whj1ww,,1,Sommet de l'OIF | Tunis veut éviter un troisième report,,,,,,,2022-08-06 08:09:10 whj3rw,,7,Tunisie. Forte hausse des demandes de visas vers la France,,,,,,,2022-08-06 08:12:24 whk5r9,,10,Where to dispose of my damaged laptop battery in Tunisia?,I'm moving from my house and I know I shouldn't throw my old lithium damaged laptop battery in the garbage because it could explode or whatever soo any idea what I can do? Thank you,,,,,,2022-08-06 09:22:05 whlg30,,1,"Found a Video of a little girl (Pedo / TN) its f****ng disgusting and i really don't know what to do !! what should i do, what are your thoughts ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-06 10:46:13 whln0f,,1,I found a video ( Pedo / girl / Tunisian ) its f***ing sickening !! what should I do i'm really confused ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-06 10:58:44 whlp8y,,1,اضاءات من دعوة نوح ع,,,,,,,2022-08-06 11:01:59 whlqqp,,28,"I'm Maltese and was looking around on Google Maps in Tunis and noticed a lot of these buildings which looked familiar, do you also have a problem with these unfinished empty buildings?",,,,,,,2022-08-06 11:04:32 whm2t7,,0,"In order to Make my Graphic Design 🇹🇳 Squad , im looking for these Criteras : 🍓 Quelqu'un maghroum 🍓 Y7eb yetallam 🍓 y9adar w yaati men wa9to 🍓 bien-sûr créatif 🍓 ando Pc t5adem 🍓 ando soft communication skills 🍓 et bien sûre insen kbir f mokho w yetamel alih",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 11:25:14 whm3ob,,35,Is this picture fake?,,,,,,,2022-08-06 11:26:42 whm8xz,,3,recommended beaches in djerba ?,,,,,,,2022-08-06 11:35:22 whmlqk,,55,"The Tunisian passeport is among the weakest in the world, it can give acces to only 34 countries VISA free, three times less than Nicaragua, Venezuela or El Salvador. what can explain such a depressing situation?",,,,,,,2022-08-06 11:56:09 whmo04,,5,"how can I buy stuff from alibaba, is there any payment methods I can use here",,,,,,,2022-08-06 11:59:56 whniq6,,48,"A Citizen from an Arab country needs a VISA to go to another Arab Country ( there's 2-3 exceptions depending on the country you're from, but even then there's a 90 days limit). How can such a situation be possible although there's the Arab League and Arab World?",,,,,,,2022-08-06 12:46:28 whny53,,13,does the water cut out in all of tunisia or just in monastir?,Title,,,,,,2022-08-06 13:08:21 whnyu9,,5,Plastic surgery in Tunisia,"During the last ten 10 years I have noticed a dramatic increase of plastic surgery in Tunisia. Many TV personalities have undergone massive transformations. And they are all starting to look the same. Even a couple of friends from high school have had a massive transformation although one of them was already very attractive. They are now Instagram stars and all they do is post pictures at parties. You can barely recognize their faces anymore. All of them do the same things: oversized lips and lifted cheeks. Most of the time it is overdone and honestly they look scary and disgusting. I personally find this phenomenon very disturbing as they not making the best influence on future generations. Does it bother you as much as it bothers me? Do you think there is something that can be done about it? How to control surgeons who making a fortune out of this? What do you think is the cause? Is it just insecurities? How do explain that even attractive people are doing it?",,,,,,2022-08-06 13:09:23 who4bj,,2,Would I be able to bring a gift box of 200 small mini-chocolates with me from France ?,"I'm coming home from France by the end of the month and I'm planning to bring some chocolates as gift for my family. The box contains 200 small mini-chocolates. My question is : Can I get it past douane without paying taxes on it ? if not how much would I pay? For info the box costs like 30 euros or less. Thanks",,,,,,2022-08-06 13:17:01 whp4l1,,1,kifeh najem nwali barman ?,,,,,,,2022-08-06 14:05:52 whpjck,,1,Yemen -,,,,,,,2022-08-06 14:24:29 whplde,,1,Best cost effectiveness option for a ride from Monastir to Hammamet?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-06 14:27:07 whpoeg,,1,Best value for money option from Monastir to Hammamet?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-06 14:30:57 whpzaa,,16,what does zabour means?,"Yesterday i came back to my country and the diwani asked me where i was ( hamamet,) when i told him he said "" nekti a zabour?"" I said i don't know what that is, and he left me alone. Also thanks for Tunisians on this subreddit for ur answers in my pots, it helped me a lot.",,,,,,2022-08-06 14:44:43 whq76q,,18,Now this is my kind of weather 😅 hopefully everyone has cooled off 👍🏻,,,,,,,2022-08-06 14:54:52 whq8id,,1,لماذا نحج وماهي الحكمة من الحج؟,,,,,,,2022-08-06 14:56:38 whqys9,,16,free entry to museums tomorrow,,,,,,,2022-08-06 15:29:59 whqyud,,1,fac,"Salam, belahi chkoun 3andou fekera 3al ESPRIM and if it worth it or not",,,,,,2022-08-06 15:30:03 whr9hw,,1,كيف اكمل الله عز وجل لنا الدين؟,,,,,,,2022-08-06 15:43:41 whredm,,98,Raining in the medina of sousse.,,,,,,,2022-08-06 15:49:52 whrlrv,,1,good places?,Any good place in Ariana for Saturday night?,,,,,,2022-08-06 15:59:15 whs6zc,,3,Blonde Tunisia Girl in Traditional dress vs Tunisian Girl in Traditional dress,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 16:24:56 whsd5e,,1,how to make indomie,,,,,,,2022-08-06 16:32:23 whstm5,,1,"The word ""Rbibha""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 16:53:41 whttd8,,2,Greetings…,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 17:39:03 whukgn,,1,Dropping the insanely hight import taxes on cars should be a popular demand cause id it keeps going like this buying a basic new car will be a luxury only the top 5% of people can afford.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 18:13:21 whumes,,6,Dropping the insanely hight import taxes on cars should be a popular demand cause if it keeps going like this buying a basic new car will be a luxury only the top 5% of people can afford.,Its embarrassing how expensive new cars got due to mainly very high import taxes that are one of highest in the world. Cheap asian cars that sell for 8000$ in a US market are +50k here and its probably worse in quality and with less features. Literally a basic ass Suzuki S-Presso thats sells at 5000€ in France is 40k here like wtf man !,,,,,,2022-08-06 18:15:51 whumqw,,2,Single gay man visiting Tunis - I have a few questions,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 18:16:17 whusrt,,2,...,"Fama haja t9ala9 li fel les festivals (mahrajanet) walet tet3ada haja zbela kima festival de Carthage wala hammamet, l mochkel la3bed men kothret ma walet mestensa b quality kzbi yodhrelha haja mezyena, mais ki tji tchouf 9awe3ed l arts w shows tal9ana ahna ma 3ana hata ale9a bihom, ki ton9od twami ma toslohch w nghir w tekel sab, zid l moda lekhraneya dkhalt l domaine l masrah w l music w ktacheft khonar kbir barcha li ykarhek fel fan w tal9a des artistes ma9mou3in w ma yahkiwech alihom fl media wala fel les festivals w houma l bara des stars",,,,,,2022-08-06 18:24:04 whuzzy,,2,Does a tunisian sim card work outside of the country like in europe or something?,,,,,,,2022-08-06 18:33:31 whxmdb,,1,chabeb ena fi hergla fi soussa nsayefbmezelt mtawel w dhrabni l tlag chkoun mena yokhrej maaya,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 20:36:14 whxrjy,,4,chabeb ena fi hergla fi soussa nsayef mezelt mtawel w dhrabni l glag chkoun mena yokhrej maaya,,,,,,,2022-08-06 20:43:01 why1ht,,4,North African single Market?,,,,,,,2022-08-06 20:56:18 whyvfs,,2,Etymology of Ichkeul (lake and mountain),[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 21:34:19 whz5sq,,1,قصة النبي يونس ع في بطن الحوت,,,,,,,2022-08-06 21:47:22 whzf0h,,9,poll,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-06 21:59:51 wi0co5,,1,AUDITORS,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-06 22:42:45 wi0djd,,1,Gym recommendations zone el manar/bardo/cite ettahrir/ras ettabia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 22:44:00 wi0jr8,,1,Moving back to Tunisia! Wish me luck 🙏,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-06 22:52:20 wi1os9,,1,Steam cards,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-06 23:48:27 wi4g53,,1,Is now a good time to visit Tunisia?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-07 02:12:12 wi6ffu,,2,esprit school of engineering ?,"i'd be so grateful for some personal experiences , pros and cons and honest thoughts !",,,,,,2022-08-07 03:58:17 wi85uz,,2,Mouse repair cable,"Hey, can you find paracord mouse replacement in sousse ?",,,,,,2022-08-07 05:38:11 wi9tkc,,3,a tunisian in vienna,"I am a 15 yo tunisian boy who is going to vienna, austria next month to study computer science. I was wondering about the prices and the average salary that a minor can get in working in a tech shop/supermarket/ or delivering food. And if there's any local tunisian community or arab community in there. Thanks",,,,,,2022-08-07 07:23:58 wia1c2,,1,Foreign passenger beat up by an airport employee,,,,,,,2022-08-07 07:38:28 wia8n0,,1,آداب التعامل بين الزوجين في الاسلام,,,,,,,2022-08-07 07:52:05 wiayni,,3,creatine monohydrate,"Hey guys , i Ve been doing research on creatine monohydrate and it came to my attention that every online store is out of stock, and Facebook pages that sell it are rare , do you have an idea why ?",,,,,,2022-08-07 08:39:46 wibg19,,1,مامعنى قلة الطعام التي أمرنا بها الانبياء (ع)؟,,,,,,,2022-08-07 09:12:07 wibouy,,7,How to learn Tunisian Arabic?,"Can't believe there isn't such a post here yet. I don't live in Tunisia and don't speak Arabic either, but am interested in Tunisian Arabic. I would appreciate any tips. Literature, translator apps, keyboard that could help transcribing tunisian latin to arabic (is a way to go?) and so on.",,,,,,2022-08-07 09:27:56 wic8q7,,4,Rules Of Communications in Tunisia,"What subjects should not be brought up during a conversation with a new person either a man/woman to not look a weirdo, if there are any of course? Curious to know your insights",,,,,,2022-08-07 10:05:04 wicaf8,,1,ماهو الصيام الحقيقي؟,,,,,,,2022-08-07 10:08:06 wicd17,,27,"Developing the field of education and scientific research will accelerate the pace of reform processes taking place in the country, because education has a strong potential for improving and reforming the country's conditions.",,,,,,,2022-08-07 10:12:52 wiclis,,2,Ben Aoun Delegate Dismissed,"If this dismissal was related to the poster on top of the Minaret, if that was the case, this shows that their supreme leader is stupid and shortsighted and makes mood-based decisions, I am not defending anyone here, I don't know the delegate, but dismissing an official just to look good before your people shows how stupid you are.",,,,,,2022-08-07 10:27:51 widaeq,,3,Does anyone know a good Hairdresser in Nabeul?,"So i will be visiting Family pretty soon and i would like to get a haircut while I'm there as well. My issue is that i can't really talk tunisian (i talk like a 6yo due to living in germany and not speaking at home)but i understand everything! So I'd like to know if there is a shop that had a good quality/price ratio and maybe slighty fluent in english (not by alot just so i can communicate better) Thanks in advance! Edit: I am a girl",,,,,,2022-08-07 11:11:49 widmue,,3,average age of the community,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-07 11:32:51 widty0,,1,الرد على اشكالات الملحدين: الرحيم المطلق لم يعذب بالنار؟,,,,,,,2022-08-07 11:44:46 wie54k,,17,"Why french is the second language , not English ? ( talking about scientific use )",,,,,,,2022-08-07 12:02:36 wiehyr,,2,Good coffees/restaurants in Rafraf and Bizerte center city,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-07 12:22:34 wif6av,,3,Hi,"Does anybody know how to consult a therapist ( either a psychologist or a psychotherapist) in the hospital do you need a referral or you can just go directly (i live sousse ) ? Andd how much does it cost? Also if anyone saw a therapist there are they any good are they gay friendly ? ? Do you have any recs ??? Thanks in advance <33 Have a good day !",,,,,,2022-08-07 12:58:49 wif6si,,0,Age-gap nowadays for marrying,"Guys,girls what your ideas about age difference for marrying. Personally no more than 5 years otherwise i see a girl too younger as a daughter",,,,,,2022-08-07 12:59:32 wigv4a,,16,🤕,عيشة كلاب في ها البلاد,,,,,,2022-08-07 14:21:53 wiho5m,,1,Graphic design freelancing,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-07 14:59:28 wihv3p,,1,does Tunisians listen to podcasts?,"I'm about to start a new podcast with my friend, its about same teens talk about different topics. But idk if podcast are popular or not in our country, so did someone can help us, does Tunisians listen to podcasts if yes how we can promote our podcast and get new listeners. Edit: we already started our podcast and uploaded 16ep Edit: upvote the post plz",,,,,,2022-08-07 15:07:36 wiicam,,1,graphic design freelancing,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-07 15:28:10 wiipif,,2,International internships,"Hello Guys! Is there a to find internships outside of tunisisa without being in a university ? without internship conventtion ? Is there in tunisia organisms that can help you contact international companies ? Thank you very much for your help !",,,,,,2022-08-07 15:44:39 wijljd,,2,Hookups in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-07 16:23:05 wijyhl,,7,New religion has dropped,,,,,,,2022-08-07 16:38:29 wikh14,,5,can my dad have a second in egypt ?,"Hii so I posted this originally in r/egypt but got no response so I'm hoping any of you can answer me: So basically my dad is egyptian but my mum is tunisian, they married back in 1999 in tunisia according to tunisian laws and we live in tunisia My question is will my dad be able to marry another person in egypt according to the egyptian law ? Edit:I mean a second wife",,,,,,2022-08-07 17:01:07 wilzmy,,12,"If a tunisian dislike Couscous, find Choufli Hal boring and eat Brika with knife and fork , What is he?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-07 18:07:32 wimeri,,1,لماذا يرتكب الانسان المعاصي في شهر رمضان اذا كانت الشياطين مغلولة؟,,,,,,,2022-08-07 18:26:06 wimkbh,,2,Does anyone know how much is the postal fee for a Laptop coming from abroad is ? Has anyone of you got a PC sent to him and how much was the customs fee ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-07 18:32:28 wiorzq,,19,Importing a smartphone from abroad and How it went,"(TLDR) In 2017, I was so excited that my Lenovo ZUK Z2 finally arrived to Tunisia, it took about 20 days from the day of the purchase. My brother in Canada bought it from Bangood website and set the delivery address to Tunisia, to my home. It was sent through EMS logistics (paid option)... I received a call from TNT, a company located in Tunisia's industriel zone if I remember correctly... They told me come take your parcel. Well i got to the place and demanded that i get my parcel, they told me it's a Smartphone! (Note: TNT is a delivery company that works with Diwana in same space, kinda) I told them so what? They told me first I have to pay the ""magasinage"" fee! Basically a sum of money for storing the phone in their ""magasin"" for 3 days, they said 200 dinars I was like ""wtf""... Well i wish it ended there.. but nope, they also told me that you won't get the phone unless you get Diwana/Custom approval! I went to Diwana office, waited for 2 hours to finally get a meeting with one of the high ranking officials, and as soon as she heard my case, she told me ""Why did you buy a phone from abroad?"" and ""don't you know that such acts hurts out economy?"" I swear to God she was toxic as heck, in darija we say ""shamta"". Her voice tone was quite offensive... Anyway, she refused that i take my phone and she threatened that she would issue a ""send back/return"" to where the phone came from. I asked her kindly and kinda begged her to give me the damn phone, I told her that I already paid 200 dinars, she said you know what, for such a value item you're obliged to pay 220 dinars more as part of custom duties regulations. I told her ""wtf"", the phone would cost me 420 dinars extra in total?? That's insane! She told me , don't waste my time your phone will be at our disposal for a limited period of time, pay the required amount and you should be good, we will get you your import authorization papers including phone registry. Anyway, without extending the story any further, long story short, I ended up giving them the 220 dinars extra (420 tnd in total) and they released my phone. It was a nightmarish expérience tbh, so rude, so harsh. Never again, Wallahi!",,,,,,2022-08-07 20:08:33 wipxxy,,0,"Moroccans, what do you think of Andrew Tate?",,,,,,,2022-08-07 20:59:29 wiqcrj,,16,Should we switch the capital to Carthage?,,,,,,,2022-08-07 21:16:41 wiqqcz,,13,"Divorce cases number by the thousands in Tunisia every year, more than half of them are ""Caprice"" cases, which means no valable reason. What is going on?",,,,,,,2022-08-07 21:33:04 wiqqe3,,1,محمد (ص) خاتم النبيين,,,,,,,2022-08-07 21:33:07 wir68d,,1,Nights in Arabia -,,,,,,,2022-08-07 21:52:21 wirx0y,,1,,"SI VOUS CHERCHEZ DES OPPORTUNITES D'EMPLOI OU SI VOUS AVEZ BESOIN D'UN PROFESSIONNELS DE N'IMPORTE QUEL DOMAINE, CE SITE EST LE BON ENDOIT. INSCRIVEZ-VOUS ET BENEFICIEZ DES SERVICES GRATUITS DU SITE!",,,,,,2022-08-07 22:24:11 witdcd,,1,الرسل من الرسل,,,,,,,2022-08-07 23:29:21 wiy14c,,2,good place to celebrate the birthday of a family member ? (tunis),"hi everyone as the title says, looking for a good place to celebrate someone's birthday, something casual, preferably with good views in tunis. i've tried googling but eugh the suggestions were bad... any help is appreciated \^\^",,,,,,2022-08-08 03:14:29 wiy900,,2,"Who to blame the graphic designer? The one who installed it? or the owner who is defending his sign because ""لوز يعبي الركايب""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-08 03:25:34 wiyhfn,,8,What are some fucced up statistics about Tunisia you would like to share?,,,,,,,2022-08-08 03:37:20 wiyw2s,,2,Inventions,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-08 03:58:31 wiywnv,,1,Do you guys think North Africans look down on the rest of Africa?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-08 03:59:23 wj1vli,,1,Micro-farming in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-08 06:46:45 wj1y2p,,12,Micro-farming in Tunisia?,"Hi! did anyone here consider doing micro-farming in Tunisia? Do you think that a 100 000m² piece of land can be ""auto-sufficient"" (in the north of the country)? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-08-08 06:50:51 wj2qe9,,1,Dr guech deleted freestyle,So could anyone find that deleted freestyle of dr guech the one was played on dr guech video talking about k2rhyme and lapa I tried vpn Google Spotify everything,,,,,,2022-08-08 07:38:43 wj2vki,,41,sad,,,,,,,2022-08-08 07:48:08 wj30gl,,1,اشكالات يسوقها الملحدون: الاعاقة والمرض,,,,,,,2022-08-08 07:56:42 wj49h5,,11,Happy monday everyone,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-08 09:14:58 wj4acr,,15,Egyptian girl wants to live in tunisia,"I think the laws are more suitable for me, Does the tunisian people will be annoyed with my presence ? It's safe to live alone ? I thought about Dubai cause it's safe and Arabs from all countries are live there , but I like Tunisia more. I don't know anything about tunisian people and I am worried that my presence will be annoying😅",,,,,,2022-08-08 09:16:28 wj4fa6,,4,Where can we check the beach conditions?,"I’m visiting Tunisia and now in the Kelibia area, and we’ve been getting mixed messages about whether the beach near our Airbnb is swimmable or not. Is there a website or resource we can check to confirm the condition of the beach ?",,,,,,2022-08-08 09:25:34 wj4uze,,1,الاستبدال في دين الله,,,,,,,2022-08-08 09:53:52 wj5e9b,,1,Using a Tunisian PayPal account without a linked card,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-08 10:25:47 wj5xip,,1,اشكال عمر نبي الله نوح ع بين العلم والدين,,,,,,,2022-08-08 10:58:21 wj6xn5,,0,"I'm in an argument, men mandhri 9addech 3omri?",,,,,,,2022-08-08 11:53:15 wj8ofs,,7,Do you support Abdelli or cops and why ?,,,,,,,2022-08-08 13:19:03 wja0rc,,2,Share your best Spotify playlists and its genre,"im in need for new songs and I'd love to get some recommendations (mainly I listen to hip hop, pop and electronic if that makes a difference)",,,,,,2022-08-08 14:18:38 wjae7i,,6,any good hairdressers that ACTUALLY know how to work with curly hair?,"I just started to wear my long 2c hair naturally and in need of a haircut, it's hard finding one that won't tell me to just straighten it or ruin it, help !",,,,,,2022-08-08 14:34:22 wjbf5y,,11,PSA2: Check if there are unrecognized SIM cards registered under your CIN IMMEDIATLY. It's official people went jail for this.," This is a repost of my old post because, it's official now, people went to jail for losing SIM cards. [The INPDP just confirmed that.]( \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using a SIM card registered under your name use the USSD code **\*186#** to list all the SIM cards registered with **your CIN** on ***THAT NETWORK***. If you have multiple SIMs on different Networks do it on each on of them. Check for your parents and family too. You are legally liable to anything done using any SIM card registered under your CIN even if you don't recognize it or claim it was lost. Many sad stories of innocent people being involved into criminal and even national security related investigations because of ""ghost"" SIMs linked to them. Losing a copy of your CIN is not something negligible or simple. SIM street salesmen are paid commission per SIM sold. Many of them, as you can guess from the way they harass you on the sidewalk, don't respect the rules and don't stick to the procedure. Some will turn a blind eye as long as they get the commission. You don't want to find out that your ID has been stolen the hard way like this guy that lost his passport, visa, and job offer abroad and now under ""National Security"" investigations because his ""lost"" SIM card from ""ايامات المبيت"" was used by some criminals. PS: if you unfortunately found some rogue SIMs under your name do not burn them on the spot. Go to the network provider boutique and ask the agent for when was the last activity of the SIM and if it coincides with your last use then it's ok, just burn it. But if it is currently being used you may consider reporting it the police if it is being heavily used. Ask the agent for the frequency of the balance recharge since they ""can't"" officially give you the call history without a formal request. Heavily used stolen SIM usually means the user is selling illegal products. PS2: Do NOT register any phone on for other people. Only register the phones you bought for you or your family. Some scammers will claim forgetting about the []( registration and post in expat groups asking ""who landed in Tunisia recently and can register my phone pleeeeeeeeeease"". Once an **IMEI** is registered under your passport you are liable if the phones where stolen from abroad or if after that been used by criminals (you will be the last known suspect) . To check if a phone is ""legal"" in Tunisia use **\*999#**",,,,,,2022-08-08 15:16:26 wjc7au,,1,Buying online leather jacket and perfume from turkey or any other country to tunisia,"Hello, I wanna buy leather jacket and a perfume from another country like turkey france swiss to my country Tunisia, i was wondering if there's any extra fee they would tell me to pay besides the 4dt of poste. If anyone have any information or experience with this please feel free to share with me.",,,,,,2022-08-08 15:48:16 wjc8le,,3,Nheb naamel jarda mezyena,"Tounisiet, tounisiin Nkhamem ndesigni o naaml jarda ala kifi o kolshay wahdi meloul lelekher. Andkomsh adresset behia mtaa des pépinières fihom gamme kbira d'arbres d'ornements w des artisans tradi (msh haja moderne) lel décoration ( pot, lanterne, statue etc.) Wken andkom zeda sitet najem ninspiri menhom Wa shokran",,,,,,2022-08-08 15:49:43 wjd023,,9,Are Tunisians open-minded (in a way you might find good) ? I am confused .,"I am really confused , For exemple , many friends of mine , mostly girls , support lgbt+ , isn't this against Islam ? And you see clothes like crop-tops too often , even in schools . To my surprise I don't Tunisian schools have a dress code . And people usually don't have problems with bikinis on the beach , people drinking alcohol , I know many people here who drink . And people go to night clubs . Or maybe this only applies to some people born in the 2000s ? I don't deal much with Tunisians so I don't know anything about the mindset here , only a small circle of people , I feel like an alien here .",,,,,,2022-08-08 16:19:34 wjd8z2,,2,jobs abroad,"Addressing those who worked/currently working abroad , can u tell us the mean salaries for different type of jobs (engineers , doctors , teachers..)in ur country and how high the cost of living is ?",,,,,,2022-08-08 16:29:31 wjdku0,تعاركت_مع_تاكسيست_على_الصرف/,62,تعاركت مع تاكسيست على الصرف,"خذيت تاكسي الكورسة جات 2.5د خارج مزروب فوقي 10د قتلو أقف مديتلو 10د قالي معندكش صرف؟ قتلو لا هاذاكا ليفوقي قلي مش معقول تقرا حسابك كيف يبدا عندك كورسا قصيرة ياخي قتلو نمشي نصرف في الحماص قلي لا نقعدش واقف في الشمس قتلو أنا مش مشكلتي الصرف أنا فوقي 10 لاف و مزروب الصرف مشكلتك إنتي تهبط لحماص توفر الصرف مش العكس ياخي خرج الصرف و رجعلي الباقي عدا معايا ساعة يتشكى في الاخر طلع عندو الصرف شنية الهم هذا حسسني عامل علية مزية يا ولدي نمدلك حتى 20د ترجع الباقي و فمك ساكت بعد تصرف فاها ال20د كيفاه تعمللها منين يجبو فيها الوبنة تع الصرف؟؟؟؟ بربي لاعاد تخليو حد يذلكم على الصرف قلو مش مشكلتي تصرف إنتي.",,,,,,2022-08-08 16:42:40 wjdz4j,,1,What Is a Woman? documentary by Matt Walsh,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-08 16:58:32 wje8gg,,0,"This Guy is Bandar Al Khaybari, a scholar from Saudi Arabia who says that the Earth doesn't turn around itself and that the Sun turns around the Earth. Where did he take into his mind these kind of Ideas?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-08 17:08:37 wjec58,,0,"Just a qesution , what do Tunisians think of LGBTQ+ , femboys , etc ..","Obviously people in real life won't tell their opinions because they fear society , that's why I am asking here.My honest opinion , I don't know ,gays : I don't think such relationships are cute , I don't want to even imagine it ,lesbians : They are probably cute , it depends ,trans : well I understand what they are going through so I don't blame them or maybe they watched Ranma 1/2 I guess ,femboys : well I couldn't care less but I think if it fits them well then they are fine . But it's rare , if it ever fits them with the makeup and what not , but then you hear a man's voice , that's not cute at all .That's just my personal opinion and taste , but if I talk from a political ideological perspective then I'd say heck no . We want X and Y , not colors .",,,,,,2022-08-08 17:12:38 wjgn2e,,2,Scuba diving clubs in Hammamet,Has anyone done a scuba diving trip to Hammamet? What was your experience like? Which club did you go with? Any recommendations would be appreciated.,,,,,,2022-08-08 18:43:38 wji23i,,7,Battle of Karbala,"I am not religious, I am purely taking this from a historical point of View. This must be one of the most horrendous crimes ever recorded: People who when they finish praying ""ask god to pray and salute Mohammad and his family and to bless Mohammad and his family"", then few minutes later take up bows, swords and spears to kill Mohammad's family. This is so mind boggling to me that I can't even see how people can defend any of those people (both the leaders and the led). I can't even see how they are considered Muslims when they contradict directly what Islam's prophet had them saying at least 5 times a day.",,,,,,2022-08-08 19:39:47 wjim4o,,2,Water,Is the water in sousse drinkable ? they say it is but it smells and taste bad to the point I gag,,,,,,2022-08-08 20:02:27 wjiqa5,,1,How long do I have to wait for Sajalni?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-08 20:07:22 wjirvj,,6,Best project possible!,"What project would you suggest for a 60 million budget, maximum 70 (tnd) ? A business that has a good success potential in 2022! Something that wouldn't get hindered by the rivalry. Anything but fast food/restaurants and coffee shops. Also don't propose investments. Thx.",,,,,,2022-08-08 20:09:17 wjkfo8,,1,التيه في الامة الاسلامية,,,,,,,2022-08-08 21:15:47 wjkljl,,57,Recruiters on LinkedIn,,,,,,,2022-08-08 21:22:30 wjleum,,2,i need some advices,I bought a midi key and Im new in beatmaking and i need some advices for free plugins for lofi music and jazz plzz!!!!!,,,,,,2022-08-08 21:56:10 wjlun0,,1,does doordash work in tunisia?,"the title is self explanatory, my brother want a side hustle and i thought of being a door dasher. does it work?",,,,,,2022-08-08 22:14:09 wjlwh0,,1,can I deposit money to e-dinar card using an international credit card?,,,,,,,2022-08-08 22:16:15 wjlyg5,,7,Someone needs help,"To keep things clear I have nothing to do with this story and it is just someone asking and i posted this question like everywhere. The man says: My daughter is under some sort of heavy cyber bullying, from a fake account, they all belong to the same person, the idiot sometimes when she stops accepting freshly new profiles he started making fake accounts with the name and same profile picture of siblings stating that they git they're facebook passcode lost and they had to start a new one, anyways you can guess what happens next, even tho she stopped using a smart phone completely knowing that it is not a good solution, I as a father i can't ignore the threatening, I can't be by her side 24/7, and I also can't take her back to the stone age, no smartphone no internet, can't keep her always at home either, true at night no going out but what about outside ?! Her internship her university her friends and whatever.. The thing drove her to dig a little into the fake profiles he used, one by one until she tried something and on that page where you can reset the facebook she found out there is a number in one of them, a phone number ending by ******15, unfortunately that's as far as she managed to go. Asking all around all we managed to know that technical police only can reveal the full number and find the guy, police officers are always mocking me saying that this is normal internet behaviour and she just ignores, me on the other hand can't call down, she is my daughter after all how can i calm down.... Sorry for the long story, but this is as far as i managed to learn from this gentleman, he asked me to post everywhere , maybe someone here might have an idea, a way to go, a contact or even a solution here. Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-08-08 22:18:33 wjme7f,,0,"Payoneer , is it a risk for Tunisians now ? I've heard that they started to randomly close bank accounts from arab regions .",Did anyone here have problems with Payoneer ?,,,,,,2022-08-08 22:36:52 wjo3wj,,1,am I the wrong one? I need help,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-08 23:50:57 wjo5tn,,1,هل تعلم ان الانترنت من علامات الساعة؟,,,,,,,2022-08-08 23:53:15 wjod5m,,1,Pc windows 10,"Guys help ! I turned my pc on and I put my password but it doesn't accept and I'm sure that's correct 100% . Then it asked me to put on my pin code and I remember it too . Yet it Dosen't work . What shall I do ? How to fix it ? I used my pc multiple times today , and I hadn't any problem with the password . I even wrote it down on a paper . Edit : it's fixed .",,,,,,2022-08-09 00:02:15 wjorxj,,1,القرآن هو تبيان كل شيء,,,,,,,2022-08-09 00:21:12 wjoxqu,,1,am I wrong? need help/advice,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-09 00:28:45 wjpb9f,,1,Help with toxic friendship," Hello . I’m 18 , she’s 17 . We’ve been friends for since high school started we always fought a lot , most of the people around us were telling me that she had a major crush on me while she was denying it pretty violently . We had a big fight (amongst the others )then lost contact for a couple of months . I went back to talking to her a couple of weeks ago . What’s wicked is that now I feel like I want her whereas she didn’t attract at all when I could go past the friendship with her . My intentions are unclear . All of her friends have apparently been telling her that I’m no good for her and that we should never talk again even though she said she missed me and wanted to keep the special bond we once had in her eyes . I don’t know if she’s doing this out of friendship or if the flame is igniting again and that’s why I came here to have some peoples opinions about it . Thanks .",,,,,,2022-08-09 00:45:31 wjpgvt,,1,What's your top 3 video games of all time?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-09 00:52:42 wjqas7,,8,Death or life,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-09 01:31:08 wjsue3,,14,"I still don't quite understand what's *so* bad about Tunisia, so help me please","I grew up in Monastir and moved to Germany at 18 cause I am half-German and wanted to explore my other home. I fucking hate it. After 4 years here, I am seriously considering moving back to good ole Mestir. First off, I have to admit that we're relatively wealthy there, but not rich, maybe top 20%. I am not even alone, one of my best friends there is half-French but refuses to move to France and instead studies and works in Tunisia. I am very patriotic and I always wanted to help fix Tunisia but at this point I don't know \*what\* to fix. The one huge advantage in Europe is the better pay of course, but they also just work much much more here. Starting as early as elementary school where they only get 6 weeks of summer vacation. Most of what they talk about is wörk, and they focus on it their entire lives, streets here are completely deserted by 10pm even in a big city. Really the only fun they have is in the few weeks of vacation. Truth is, Tunisians are very lazy compared to the rest of the world (based). In Tunisia, there's always someone to socialize with cause people are friendlier and not as busy, our nature is much more fun. Great beaches with very clear water, non-depressing climate... Our food is SO much better like you wouldn't believe (they actually consider McDonald's a good meal here lol). My point is, they don't actually get to enjoy their wealth and just end up spending it on more expensive cars or bikes or mattresses or whatever, basically stuff we also have but more expensive. Would that make you happier though? Another big complaint I often hear is that Tunisia makes entrepreneurship very hard along with many many many other political problems. I think that's true but you'll be just as disappointed in nearly every other country. Germans for example pay more than half of their income to the state (income tax, vat, diwana, various small fees, etc.) but just never complain :\^). Literally some laws here would cause a rebellion in Tunisia. You only have to look at Reddit's front page to see how corrupt American politics is. The only thing that really pissed me off about Tunisia was the trash problem. 7atta ki nimchi n3oum nal9a 100+ canet celtia fil 93ar, 3leh haka :(( ? Also the typical tkoulif, Tunisians should mind their own business a bit more imo Maybe it's just Monastir, maybe I am extremely privileged without knowing, or maybe I have other priorities, but I just don't get you guys. Also maybe suggest a better place, only one that comes to my mind is Switzerland, but that's just another league.",,,,,,2022-08-09 03:32:07 wjtdn1,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-09 04:00:10 wjvhjt,,25,Advertisement gone wrong?,He must be taking inspiration from Sisi putting his ugly face everywhere for Egyptians to see.,,,,,,2022-08-09 05:56:37 wjxjna,,11,Cops and security officials in Tunisia,"Okay so didn't we all agree 9bal El thawra that El 7akim had a lot of corrupted ppl that abused their power and did pity things to please their own ego, didn't we all bitch about how El 7akim lacked discipline and a higher governmental power t7asebhom wa9tali yo8ltou, so why the hell 10 years ba3d El thawra we are dealing with the same ppl the same ones that happily abused their power fi wa9t ben 3li but now we are supposed to pretend nothing happened and push for no reforms or anything, the older generations of cops are still in service teaching the younger ones how they ran shit back in the days and the cycle continues. And again El thawra fi tounes completely failed simply because the ppl aren't willing to prioritize freedom and reforms and would rather prioritize bitching about food prices wel btala, tounes won't get fixed till everyone decides that freedom is worth starving for.",,,,,,2022-08-09 08:06:46 wjxxjn,,2,Soundtrack of the moment,,,,,,,2022-08-09 08:31:48 wjyidf,,2,Online Payments in Tunisia : Can I send a big amount of money from Payoneer to my local bank account (converted to TND) without problems ? I heard you go to jail and they take all of your money if you do it .,"I am a game developer and I am working on a project , I have some small amounts of money and I thinik I can withdraw it via an ATM , but what if I have big amounts of money ? Can I transfer it to my local bank account without any problems ? Of course I'll show them the source of money (Steam , ) .",,,,,,2022-08-09 09:08:42 wjyrve,ôtelsairbnbs_in_djerba_near/,2,Recommandations for hôtels/airbnbs in Djerba? Near everything and affordable. Thanks 🙏,,,,,,,2022-08-09 09:25:09 wjyuvv,,7,In need of recommendations,"Hello My partner and I are traveling to Sousse at the end of September. We would much appreciate it if you could give us a little bit of your time 1 Both of us are foodies and we would like to experience the true cuisine of Tunisia. Where would you recommend us to go to try your national cuisine? Places for tourists do not interest us, we would like to go somewhere where locals usually eat. 2 We would also like to spend one day in Kairouan, so we were wondering what are the means of transport between Sousse and Kairouan. Is it better to use taxi, buses or some other way? What are the costs? 3 Where would you recommend to exchange currency to dinars ( banks, exchange stations etc.) Thank you very much:)",,,,,,2022-08-09 09:30:29 wjz2ac,,95,The new Tunisia electric tricycle pickup will be sold for 12k TND,,,,,,,2022-08-09 09:43:35 wjz60j,,2,Is Ooredoo's Adsl Jdid the same as Fix Jdid? Has anyone here tried it?,,,,,,,2022-08-09 09:50:07 wjzv6t,,3,Best place to eat Japanese food in Tunis?,I wanna try it for the first time but I'm clueless,,,,,,2022-08-09 10:31:31 wk0er9,,7,"I am a developer , I have questions about financial stuff .","\- I am an indie game developer , and I am working on a serious project that will take me a year to finish . (I released [v0.1]( , it's a prototype )- I want to release it on Steam , but before I do that , I need to pay the 100$ Steam fee . Should I use a Payoneer account ? (Since I have some money from my games on itchio and it only accepts Payoneer and PayPal to withdraw your money) &#x200B; # 1. Using Payoneer : 1. \-a- Is it safe for Tunisians (I heard some people saying their accounts got blocked , but I doubt they did something against the rules) . 2. \-b- Can I keep a large amount of money on Payoneer ? So that if I travel for exemple I can use my money without being under the mercy of the couple thousand dollars limitation forced by the Tunisian authorities . 3. \-c- Can I send large amounts of money (eg : 10k $ , converted to TND) to my local bank account ? If I show them the game on Steam and itchio , will they accept it ? Which leads us to the next question :(I HEARD ABOUT SOMEONE WHO WENT TO JAIL because he was freelancing on AMAZON , that's why I am very confused and afraid .) # 2. What about opening a company , my mum is an accountable for an IT company , so she will help me with legal stuff . But I want to take your opinion : 1. \-a- What are the benefits of having a company ? Taxes ? Legal matters (avoid problems with banks , since all my work is knowns to local authorities) &#x200B; Thank you so much for your time .",,,,,,2022-08-09 11:02:34 wk0fwo,,15,What do tunisians think of Jendouba?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-09 11:04:21 wk0t9v,,0,"Tunisia is witnessing the post-referendum phase on the new constitution, a new phase of stability, establishing the third republic announced by President Kais Saied",,,,,,,2022-08-09 11:24:45 wk13hn,,2,Mobile-id,Guys i want to know what will this electronic id benefit me now and maybe in the future?,,,,,,2022-08-09 11:40:06 wk1orx,,13,Places you think must be seen at least once in a life time in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-09 12:10:21 wk24l1,,3,advice about buying a car,"I wanted to buy a car, something around 20k. A very low budget considering what the market is offering but still, any idea what are the best options (models) in the used market",,,,,,2022-08-09 12:32:09 wk2do3,,2,Sousse,"For the ones who are living in Sousse and have an accurate recognition of buses : Does jawhara _sahloul 13C bus , gets across Toscana cafe ( sahloul 1) ? At least is there a station column in there , at least close to it ?",,,,,,2022-08-09 12:44:23 wk2lzz,,3,My dentist is a gold digger,"hey guys i really wanna ask u are all dentist expensive as fuck or am i going to the wrong one? nheb nes2el est ce que kol dentist w el prices mte3ou w ela el kol share normalment the same tas3iraa and if so il taglif w ta9li3 w tarkib w treatment lel zorsa b9adeh?",,,,,,2022-08-09 12:55:33 wk2x7b,من_أوقات_الإستجابة/,0,Facebook is not من أوقات الإستجابة,"So, the absolute majority of Tunisians are Muslims and Musls have one type of worshipping God called dua دعاء. The prophet peace and blessings be upon him spoke quite a lot about dua and among the things he said is when dua is more likely to be heard. The so called أوقات الاستجابة. Some examples are sujud, between adhan and ikama, when it is raining and many more. However, to do dua as a Facebook or WhatsApp status has never been mentioned as a time of istijaba so I would like our Tunisian brothers and especially sisters to save their time and go and ask God when praying to Him or in another time of the times of istijaba not to come on Facebook and start sharing your dua to God that He protects your beloved children or that He be tothe side of your Palestinian brothers. If you want that to happen ask God sincerely not publish a status on Facebook.",,,,,,2022-08-09 13:09:35 wk4o9g,,1,"Hey please I would like to know is it possible for someone who siding has his bac to pursue his studies in France for a training BTP and BTS , if yea please I would like to know the details ?",,,,,,,2022-08-09 14:25:21 wk4or5,,0,Which private university do you recommend (IT domain) ?,"Hey Guys, I finished my professional masters this year and thought about enrolling in a private engineering school. I know they are both considered BAC+5, but the title of engineer (which a lot of job positions require) and the possibilities of continuing my PhD Studies (Doctorat) are the reason for my choice. It doesn't seem reasonable to redo my M2 as a research masters just to access PhD studies. As for the field, I choose software engineering (Génie logiciel et Systèmes d'informations), The reason is I wanted something I enjoy and at the same time all-encompassing (A software engineer might work as a data scientist but not necessarily vice-versa). By the way, I don't intend on enrolling in ESPRIT since it seems it's not being recognized by the OIT ([source](, or lack thereof) . Here are a few more questions 1. For now I intend on choosing between Tek-up and Sesame, which one do you recommend and why ? 2. Is the ABET (U.S.A) label from medtech more recognized than the EUR-ACE (european) one ? 3. Concerning the EUR-ACE label, Is there any difference between ASIIN and QUACING accreditation organisms. 4. Since most of them are not yet confirmed to have the label, do you think they will get it this year. or is it just a marketing scheme ? 5. Do you have any other uni or IT field recommendation and why ? tl;dr : I didn't intend to make it this long, but for short I wanted to know which one was better for software engineering, Tek-up or Sesame ? Thanks in advance for all your answers.",,,,,,2022-08-09 14:25:54 wk4p83,,62,"I'd like to build a home in this style. It's made by pouring concrete into molds, either on site or pre-made, and leaving it exposed as is. I was told by relatives that this style of construction doesn't exist in Tunisia, not for homes at least. Is that true? (more details in comment)",,,,,,,2022-08-09 14:26:27 wk4u33,,2,looking for a certified translator,"Hi people, I'm looking for a certified translator to trasnlate some official paper from JAPANEESE to ARABIC (or FRENCH) Any advice or help would be appreciated, thanks",,,,,,2022-08-09 14:31:54 wk4utk,,3,Fellow Unemployed Tunisians!!,"Hey fellow unemployed tunisians! What's uppp!! Make some mhtfkn Noise!!! So I have been wondering how y'all unemployed buddies spend your days throughout the year, kinda what's the routine? Personally, almost everyday is the same day, nothing special just PC gaming mainly Fortnite, a little bit of CSGO and Black Squad. Streaming some documentaries (history, animals, politics, religion). Then there's my smartphones world! I regularly spend time on a bunch of apps such as, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TempleRun and AJ. A bit of Palestine activism every now and then. And lastly, my time outdoors which consists mostly of riding my bicycle to some random destinations, going to coffee shops, eating lablebi, kafteji and kaskrout ton. Staying in a pleasant uncrowded area for some time. Return home, sleep, repeat.",,,,,,2022-08-09 14:32:43 wk6kji,,4,"Is it better to take a broken MacBook Pro(broken screen) to an apple store or a third-party repair shop, if so which shop is better?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-09 15:42:28 wk8iso,,10,doesn't anyone here loathe the country and wants to leave asap ? if yes why ?,,,,,,,2022-08-09 16:59:38 wka3dh,,71,What are my chances to go back to my country,"Hello, my mother is from Tunisia. Father also arab but from another country. Grew up with a single mom tho. So don't speak egyptian and was only there 2 times as a small child. I was born and raised in germany but visited tunisia almost every summer as a child until i was 19 or sth. Now i am 27. I cannot read or write arabic. My tunisian is okayish. After a year probably alright.So the thing is, I dont want to stay in germany. I study business administration with an emphesis on Supply Chain Management / Logistics. I also started teaching myself programming (web dev) on the side. What are my chances to go to tunisia and make a decent living. Why i want to leave germany and move to tunisia would be too long to explain. Just need some tips how to approach things. Maybe i can work remote for a foreign Company as Web dev or SCManager and stay in Tunisia? What are your thoughts? Edit: The amount of self hate from tunisians here is sad. Some of you seem to worship white people and try to tell me how germany really is. imagine me telling you how tunisia is actually like from germany. bunch of clowns.",,,,,,2022-08-09 18:01:38 wkb1pv,,11,i want to go out but my mom says no I'm 19,"She has allowed me to go out with my friends this summer up until now ( like 4 times) and now she refuses to let me do it . ""Ma 3anech bnet nhr lkol fechere3"" . I was going out to Sidi Bousaid with my classmates who i never considered to be friends to begin with , they hate me and behave weirdly whenever i am too talkative or am I too silent, but i really want to see this one guy whom i have a crush on and happens to be going out with them . I will be missing a big opportunity because i will never see him again. My mother is overprotective and she says that even if i am legally an adult i should always be attached to my family and listen to her , it feels a bit suffocating, ik I'm being immature but what should I do ? She's the type to say no even if there is no excuse for .""just because"" . It's irritating. I want to be independent for once. I want to be like people my age but her parenting is hindering, i feel lacking on many departments because everyone my age is active in clubs , enrolled into associations but she doesn't allow that .I'm honestly helpless , she doesn't what to get that i am growing to be my own person . What can I do ? I am being a careless brat and a spoilt teenager ? Edit : i am recovering from depression ( she doesn't acknowledge it in the first place ) and i never asked for things like going out with friends. I deprived myself from all things normal teenagers would do to please her and make my self seem more mature , but it clapped back and this restraint caused my depression, i have no friends at all and I feel isolated all the time , she says family is enough but it clearly isn't i want to live but idk how . I just wanted to make the best out of the summer vacation bech narjaa fi fourma but she doesn't seem to get why is that even necessary.",,,,,,2022-08-09 18:38:45 wkcra7,,13,Soussa ❤️,,,,,,,2022-08-09 19:45:45 wkdq4t,/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/wkdp6k/are_tunisians_amazigh_or_arab/,0,Are Tunisians amazigh or arab ?,,,,,,,2022-08-09 20:25:17 wke0uu,,0,3ndkomch fekra a7sn el jam3at mta3 computer science fi almanya? w wa9tech w kifech na3ml inscription?,,,,,,,2022-08-09 20:38:21 wkey60,,0,where do u live?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-09 21:16:44 wkfczu,,3,any kickboxing/fighting gyms in sfax?,,,,,,,2022-08-09 21:34:35 wkfe96,,0,"if kais Saied asked for a blowjob to resign, would you give him one?","Don't be selfish do the sacrifice, think about Tunisia future, your kids future. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-09 21:36:06 wkfefp,,2,Last Call to R/Tunisia Discord,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-09 21:36:18 wkggix,,2,psychedelics,"I was wondering if you guys knew if shrooms, psilocybin were available in Tunis. I already know that there is LSD in almost every place and it's referred to as 'tembri' but I'm specifically looking for magic shrooms, and if there is I'd also like to know if it's sold in marsa or anywhere close to that.",,,,,,2022-08-09 22:20:28 wkgwg7,,6,history of Tunisia,"Algerian here , do Tunisian see ottomans as a colonizer or as a protector And do you think that they have the same type of government like the regency of algiers (beylerbey,pasha,agha ,dey ) And thank you",,,,,,2022-08-09 22:39:23 wkpnlj,,0,Any Twensa fi Almanya?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 05:57:11 wksxwj,,8,"How can a master graduate, with little experience, apply for a job abroad (canada, Qatar, EU)?",,,,,,,2022-08-10 09:27:23 wkt12e,évelopment_webmobile_à_sousse/,4,Stage dévelopment web/mobile à Sousse?,Je suis un étudiant 4éme Genie Logiciel. Je cherche un stage development web/mobile à Sousse. Je suis pret a payer pour faire le stage.,,,,,,2022-08-10 09:32:49 wku6km,,0,what happened between the cops and lotfi abdelli in a festival,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 10:43:00 wkudnt,,5,unmarried couple,"We’re an unmarried couple. We are foreigners as well but the problem is I’m Egyptian, my gf is British tho. So I wanted to know if I will face problems booking a hotel room or an apartment. Just wanted to know if it works the same as it is in Egypt.",,,,,,2022-08-10 10:54:49 wkun1p,,1,صرح الرئيس قيس سعيد بضرورة محاربة جرائم المال العام و الفساد في أسرع وقت و أنها لا تقل أهمية عن جرائم تخريب الاقتصاد هي سطو على حقوق الشعب والدولة,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 11:08:59 wkurz3,,1,Beaches in Tunis,"I'm looking for your suggestions on which beaches in the capital are worth going to on the weekend mornings, preferrably ones that don't get too crowded.",,,,,,2022-08-10 11:16:38 wkv3ir,,18,Let's build a reformist mindset,"Hi fellow Tunisians, how are you doing? I have something to talk to you about. I've noticed that so many people fall into these patterns: * This country is bad, get me out of here, take me to Europe/elsewhere. * This country is bad, this world is a bad place, it's so unjust => goes into depression and hopelessness. * This country is so corrupt, let me take advantage of that. * This country is doomed, there's nothing I could do, let's live as if everything is fine. * This country is doomed, I don't care, let me enjoy my life and focus on maximizing my pleasures. I think we should rather implement this pattern instead: This country is bad, let me help reform and improve whatever I could according to my limited means. If my efforts are fruitful then الحمد لله. If not, then at least I've done my best. Don't carry the burden of saving the country by yourself. You don't have to reform the whole country. Simply start by improving your community, neighborhood, your relatives and most importantly yourself. Don't neglect the impact that your small deeds can have on society. Our small actions can induce a [domino effect]( or a butterfly effect. You don't have to reform the educational system, finance, culture, military, technology, transport all together by yourself. Choose just one domain that you're familiar with and cooperate with other like-minded people. Don't just sit there doing nothing and complaining about how corrupt this country is. Instead go do something, even if it looks insignificant in the eyes of others. Look what our prophet ﷺ said: \- لا تَحقِرَنَّ مِنَ المَعْرُوف شَيْئًا، وَلَو أنْ تَلقَى أخَاكَ بوجهٍ طليقٍ \- **أَنَّ رَجُلًا رَأَى كَلْبًا يَأْكُلُ الثَّرَى مِنَ الْعَطَشِ، فَأَخَذَ الرَّجُلُ خُفَّهُ، فَجَعَلَ يَغْرِفُ لَهُ بِهِ، حَتَّى أَرْوَاهُ، فَشَكَرَ اللَّهُ لَهُ، فَأَدْخَلَهُ الْجَنَّةَ** \- قُلْتُ : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ مَاذَا يُنَجِّي الْعَبْدَ مِنَ النَّارِ ؟ قَالَ : "" الْإِيمَانُ بِاللَّهِ "" قُلْتُ : يَا نَبِيَّ اللَّهِ ، إِنَّ مَعَ الْإِيمَانِ عَمِلٌ ، قَالَ : "" يُرْضَخُ (ورضخت له رضخا، وهو العَطاء ليس بالكثير) مِمَّا رَزَقَهُ اللَّهُ "" قُلْتُ : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ أَرَأَيْتَ إِنْ كَانَ فَقِيرًا ، لَا يَجِدُ مَا يُرْضَخُ بِهِ ؟ قَالَ : "" يَأْمُرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ، وَيَنْهَى عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ "" قُلْتُ : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ، أَرَأَيْتَ إِنْ كَانَ عَيِيًّا (عييا: أي لا يحسن البيان.) لَا يَسْتَطِيعُ أَنْ يَأْمُرَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ، وَلَا يَنْهَى عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ ؟ قَالَ : "" يَصْنَعُ لِأَخْرَقَ "" ، قُلْتُ : أَرَأَيْتَ إِنْ كَانَ أَخْرَقَ (وهو الذي لا يُحْسِنُ العَمَلَ) لَا يَسْتَطِيعُ أَنْ يَصْنَعَ شَيْئًا ؟ قَالَ : "" يُعِينُ مَغْلُوبًا "" ، قُلْتُ أَرَأَيْتَ إِنْ كَانَ ضَعِيفًا ، لَا يَسْتَطِيعُ أَنْ يُعِينَ مَظْلُومًا ؟ فَقَالَ : "" مَا تُرِيدُ أَنْ تَتْرُكَ فِي صَاحِبِكَ ، مِنْ خَيْرٍ تُمْسِكُ الْأَذَى ، عَنِ النَّاسِ "" ، فَقُلْتُ : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِذَا فَعَلَ ذَلِكَ دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ ؟ قَالَ : "" مَا مِنْ مُسْلِمٍ يَفْعَلُ خَصْلَةً مِنْ هَؤُلَاءِ ، إِلَّا أَخَذَتْ بِيَدِهِ حَتَّى تُدْخِلَهُ الْجَنَّةَ "" Do you have some money, tools, means? Give or lend it to a friend that is working on a beneficial project, or to some poor person that merely makes it to feed his children. You see your friends wasting their money, time and opportunities? Give them council and help them out. Do you have Photoshop and design skills? writing skills? print flyers, create info graphics, create a blog and start writing articles. Complaining why there are a lot of ignorant people? Go out and reach out for them, teach them and spread awareness. Complaining that our country is filled with plastics? raise awareness, make a sustainable plastic-free shop, provide alternatives to people, make it easy for them to adapt lifestyle changes. If you're capable of thinking, have some knowledge, have some social power or status, then you're responsible. Because this country is filled with people that are incapable of thinking correctly, many of them aren't even aware and don't have the same means and opportunities that you do. That's why, it's your duty to use your influence to guide people towards righteousness. Don't waste your talent and skills in vain things. Instead work towards helping others, sharing, looking after people's needs, forgiving the ignorant and sincerely wanting to benefit others. Don't do it so that people praise you. If you're interested in activism, sustainable living, living a moral life, religion, self improvement, looking after the needy the poor, orphans, widows, animals etc... Then let us hear you out, tell us about your struggles, your projects, your goals, your vision. We can help each other and make things possible for a better future if Allah wills.",,,,,,2022-08-10 11:34:20 wkxma1,,38,"what's if a male and a female lived together, it is probably illegal on paper but I think police would have more important stuff to worry about than two adults living together without marriage, just asking out of curiosity",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 13:34:53 wkygui,,67,"Be thankful, always.","من المضحكات المبكيات أنّك في أقل من أسبوع تحكي مع 6 أصدقاء في 4 قارّات مختلفة لكن النتيجة واحدة، اللي في تونس 🇹🇳 قالق و يحب يهاجر بأي طريقة، اللي في فرنسا 🇫🇷 موش عاجبو مستوى الحياة و العقلية، اللي في ألمانيا 🇩🇪 على عصابهم من نمط الحياة و الإقصاء المجتمعي، اللي في كندا 🇨🇦 و أمريكا 🇺🇸 فادّين من البعد وحابّين يقربو، اللي في الخليج يستناو في دزّة باهيا بش يرجعو يصرفوها في تونس. النتيجة أنو الجميع ينتظرون اللحظة المثالية للرفاهية اللي لم و لن تأتي، و العديد مأجلين حياتهم لتلك النقطة بدون أدنى وعي أنّ العمر ساعات ، وأنّ إنتظار الفتره المناسبة ماهي إلاّ خدعه من دماغك للهروب من الواقع. لاتؤجل حياتك و أهدافك و لا تكن من المسوّفين. فأنت هو أنت ، إن لم تكن شكورا في تونس فلن تكون شكورا في ميامي. كن شكورا تكُ سعيدا.",,,,,,2022-08-10 14:11:03 wkzh8v,,1,LGBTQ Tunisia!,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-10 14:53:21 wkzrrz,,1,"I am a 29 y/o Lebanese entrepreneur, married to a Tunisian woman (both living in Tunisia). I run my own Business (Financial Trading & Crypto). I make ~ 20'000 TND (~6200 EUR) per month with crypto as side/passive income. AMA!",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-10 15:05:10 wkzvqh,,1,"I am a 29 y/o Lebanese entrepreneur, married to a Tunisian woman (both living in Tunisia). I run my own Business (Financial Trading & Crypto). I make ~ 20'000 TND (~6200 EUR) per month with crypto as side/passive income. AMA!",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-10 15:09:31 wl0h55,,0,why does everyone want to leave tunisia.. it’s much better than the west,"i was born there but lived in canada most my life. i’ve had the luck of going back home for a few months every few years, and the older i grow, all i want is to be back home. i really want to move back, build and help my country, but why do so many want to leave?",,,,,,2022-08-10 15:33:46 wl0vcg,,2,transport Kantaoui --> Nabel (Mrezga),"Hi guys ! is there any kind of transport from kantaoui to mrezga or even some locations close to it (louage, a bus ..) ? please help",,,,,,2022-08-10 15:49:58 wl0zz2,,100,Tunisians brands are the worst (this happened to me as well),,,,,,,2022-08-10 15:55:08 wl182l,,1,Médcine fel ma8reb,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 16:03:56 wl4hop,,1,How can I spend more than 6000TND when I travel abroad?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 18:13:54 wl5eyx,,0,What limits do totally exporting companies have on how they use their foreign currency reserves?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 18:50:51 wl5x5h,,1,study license science d'informatique in ISI then leave for Germany (while preparing myself for german tests) or leave right now and lose 2 years?,"note - the 2 years are :the embassy of Germany take about a year to give me a rendezvous (hope I wrote that right) and another year of learning the language thereadditional information: not sure if it does matter but some of my family members do live there edit : leave for MASTER in germany",,,,,,2022-08-10 19:10:20 wl5xij,,2,Taxi driver took his wiwi out of and started masturbating in front of a girl in the back seats while she was filming.,,,,,,,2022-08-10 19:10:43 wl6i02,,6,You wanna leave the country?,You need to widen your horizons.,,,,,,2022-08-10 19:32:46 wl6j0j,,1,"I love my country, but I fantasize frequently about going to France getting citizenship becoming a politician revoking the naturalization law so none of you or any one of similar country can follow me.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 19:33:53 wl6kqt,,6,I love this country but I constantly fantasize about going to France getting naturalized becoming a politician revoking the naturalization law so none of you can follow me.,,,,,,,2022-08-10 19:35:50 wl6qeg,,31,100 things about Tunisia people dont know about?,"Hi :) Im looking for some unique information and knowledge about Tunisia, things which are less known in the world and worth to know. One thing what I didnt know, like that Tunisia was one of the first countries, which banned Slavery. Please tell me historical facts and things worth to know :) Thank you",,,,,,2022-08-10 19:42:03 wl7si8,,4,Why my post has been removed?,,,,,,,2022-08-10 20:24:27 wl7tvn,,1,Police brutality must be stopped #antifa,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 20:25:59 wl7zu7,,13,how long are we supposed to wait before police brutality is gone ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 20:32:50 wl8pp9,,4,"In Tunisian Society, is it easier to find work when you're a graduate from Foreign Universities? or is it the same as local graduates?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 21:01:53 wlagqw,,1,where and how can I test my testo levels,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-10 22:15:03 wlayia,,1,"I am a 29 y/o Lebanese entrepreneur, married to a Tunisian woman (both living in Tunisia). I run my own Business (Financial trading & Crypto). I make ~20'000 TND (~6'200 EUR) per month with crypto as side/passive income. AMA!",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-10 22:36:03 wlbpca,,4,This is way too good!,,,,,,,2022-08-10 23:08:08 wlc8mr,,2,"Where should i go to buy clothes during ""solde""",men clothing/shoes,,,,,,2022-08-10 23:32:38 wlcfjw,,5,if you're a programmer how do you know you're good enough to get a job? also how many project do you need to be considered ready to start working?,,,,,,,2022-08-10 23:41:49 wlfbze,,1,Roadtrip on motorcycles,"السلام عليكم، Hello there, With a friend of mine we're planning a roadtrip to Tunisia in early September on our motorcycles from Algeria. I'd kindly want to know what are your recommendations regarding what's the best route to take to visit the most interesting/beautiful places around Tunisia during a week or so. Preferably a loop. Also, what are the current gas prices? Any recommendations/advices regarding hostels/touristic places are more than welcome since it's our first time visiting. Thanks. Edit: I just checked the menu of the sub. Really helpful. Still, I'd like to get more insights/advices of several people.",,,,,,2022-08-11 02:00:10 wlg4jw,,0,Is it easier to date or to hookup when you get out of Tunisia ? please share with us your personal experience guys,,,,,,,2022-08-11 02:38:03 wlh1uq,,1,est-ce que njm naaml formation wala nemchi nakra fl UK sans bac,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-11 03:22:53 wlh669,,1,airbnb recs for unmarried couple,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-11 03:29:11 wllo5z,,4,Which one is better ?,"Choice 1: 45h/week unpaid internship, super toxic environment but a really really good subject that I like and would look great on a resume Choice2: Flexible hours, unpaid internship as well, no idea how their work environment is, and a mediocre subject. Thanks for you input.",,,,,,2022-08-11 07:53:31 wllvfe,,4,Are there Palestinians in Tunis?,I know in the 80s the PLO had a significant presence here and my understanding a lot of these Palestinians married Tunisians and stayed back here. Does anyone know if there’s a Palestinian community here somewhere? Asking as a Palestinian visiting Tunis for the first time with my Tunisian partner,,,,,,2022-08-11 08:06:15 wllwte,,1,anyone looking for rommate ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-11 08:08:50 wlmsbs,,1,What games do Tunisians play on steam? (Survey),[removed],,,,,,2022-08-11 09:05:45 wln158,,3,Moniteurr,Who knows a good professional andd patient driving instructor in Sousse pleaseee,,,,,,2022-08-11 09:21:48 wlofvj,,102,🤩❤ Vol Tunis - paris 10/08/2022,,,,,,,2022-08-11 10:51:01 wlogx4,,0,"I am a 29 y/o Lebanese entrepreneur, married to a Tunisian woman (both living in Tunisia). I run my own Business (Financial trading & Crypto). I make ~20'000 TND (~6'200 EUR) per month with crypto as side/passive income. AMA!","*Throwaway account to prevent scams.* **I will try to answer all questions. Please be kind and respectful!**",,,,,,2022-08-11 10:52:36 wlot7k,,8,can an 18 years old get married?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-11 11:12:16 wlowvr,,1,"help, i've lost my id card","Hello and sry for the bother Was on my way to police station for شهادة إقامة I was just walking in souk when some guy i never met says hello to me then handshakes me fsr So i don't think much of it and walk away (they usually mistake me for my brother since we look alike) Anyways i reach el markez then take a quick peek at my papers to see that i have lost the copy of my parent's id card What can happen if someone steals/finds a copy of an id card? Are my parents screwed? Im really scared.",,,,,,2022-08-11 11:18:18 wlr96l,,18,"Argument de vente: ""isma3 rannet el moutour""",,,,,,,2022-08-11 13:20:26 wlre1j,,1,Tattoo,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-11 13:27:05 wlrgmk,,3,any good tattoo artist to recommend ??,,,,,,,2022-08-11 13:30:37 wlryks,,1,Speed Traps in Tunisia,"So I heard they added a new check for whenever you use your phone you get flashed, same with your safety belt. But aside that, how do they work? Is there a constant speed in all of them or are they all variable depending on the road? I honestly see people going around 100 in a 70 zone and the speed trap didn't even give a shit (GP1 Speed Traps and A1 Speed Traps).",,,,,,2022-08-11 13:53:53 wltena,,0,unionizing in tunisia,"So we all know that our general labour union sucks and how a lot of Tunisians are not satisfied with their jobs and labour conditions especially if they have an asshole ,totalitarian boss but in the us a bunch of workers decided to step up and form their own union to fight for their rights and I really wanna know your opinions about unions are you a pro-union or an anti-union and why?? And are you willing to adopt this behaviour and do the same here in tunisia or not",,,,,,2022-08-11 14:55:43 wltjsh,,11,If you were impressed with facebook understanding the fucked up arabic tunisias use,Well we're no match for it.,,,,,,2022-08-11 15:01:18 wlut31,,5,transit visa required in paris?,,,,,,,2022-08-11 15:53:55 wlv09i,,3,Anyone here have connections to INM (Institut National de la Météorologie),"Hi all, I am conducting a research project for school on the evolution of rainfall (climate in general) for each major weather stations that INM uses (on the website []( Most research articles right now only reference older data. Right now, it shows the averages for 1981-2010, but I would also like the **climate normals data for 1991-2020**. I have tried emailing them and contacting them on Facebook, but like expected, no response. I know they do have it calculated and compiled, as they referenced this data in a news channel report on the recent hot temperatures (they showed a meteorologist on his computer screen with the 1991-2020 temperature data). If you know anyone or know someone who knows someone, please let me know :) Thanks",,,,,,2022-08-11 16:01:49 wlvaqj,,3,Any online or fb group for thrift clothes for men?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-11 16:13:45 wlw6bu,,2,Bringing E-cigarettes / vape liquids to Tunis?,"Hello all! I'm going to be coming to Tunis for a couple of months, and wanted to know if it's safe/advisable to bring vape / e-cigarette liquids with me? (Traveling from the UK.) I've stopped smoking after a bout of Covid and don't want to fall back in the habit (whenever I'm in Tunis I tend to chain smoke, it's so easy). Any advice would be most helpful!",,,,,,2022-08-11 16:50:05 wlxtmb,,2,Need your help ! Tunisian streetwear brand owner HYPEX,"Hello there ! I have a streetwear brand HYPEX (you can check it out on instagram as hypex\_tn) I need your help in 3 pts: \-Do you have an idea about pop up shops in Tunisia ? \-Can you recommend a good advanced tunisian training program about digital marketing and ecommerce in Tunisia ? \-Can you take the time to review ma brand ? (hypex\_tn on instagram) Thanks a lot guys for your attention :D",,,,,,2022-08-11 17:59:57 wm0c12,,18,"Rich Parentson, professional trust fund baby.",,,,,,,2022-08-11 19:44:44 wm0rnm,,3,Conseil reconversion,"salem, lawéj na3mel reconversion lel informatique. fama chkoun ynajem ya3tini fekra chnowa najem na3mel? (ena ing mec)",,,,,,2022-08-11 20:02:59 wm2kgm,,4,Introvert,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-11 21:18:19 wm2pxf,,2,"Hi guys,is there some place in Tunis or gafsa where I can dye a fabric this way.thanks",,,,,,,2022-08-11 21:24:40 wm2sq8,,5,Savez-vous qui est cette personne ?,,,,,,,2022-08-11 21:27:57 wm37bh,,12,"Can we all agree that Mounir Ben Salha is Tunisian ""better call saul""",,,,,,,2022-08-11 21:44:46 wm498z,,1,Sidi bou saeed tonight,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-11 22:29:29 wm4eys,,1,المهدي (ع) في الاديان الالهية,,,,,,,2022-08-11 22:36:20 wm5co0,,1,How do I receive money from a different country onlime?,Anyone know how I can receive money as in euros or dollars online?Also how do I convert that money to dinars?,,,,,,2022-08-11 23:17:26 wm8v5g,,12,what concepts and products u want to see more in Coffee shops in tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-12 01:59:16 wmbcyc,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-08-12 04:00:09 wme529,,32,Why everyone so angry and rude?,"Note: of course when I say everyone I mean majority of people and not literally everyone since there are always some exceptions. I'm Tunisian and I traveled lately to Tunisia for few weeks. I noticed that most people seem to be inherently angry or rude. For instance when I go buy something from a store the cashier doesn't look at me or even respond to my greeting. In the streets people beep at you for the smallest thing while you drive and don't even consider you while you cross the street (I almost got hit by a car) When I stand in a line, people always that come after me try to get service before me. I literally have to defend my place. In the airplane on my way to and from Tunisia there were arguments between passengers on each way. (I travel a lot and only saw those arguments on Tunisian flights) And then of course there's no notion of personal space... Strangers get too close to you in line or while talking to you to the point that they're almost touching you. The only place I saw people behaving well as a group is in the mosque during Jumua prayer. I'm not sure if this is because people are stressed out and under pressure, or if it's just a culture...",,,,,,2022-08-12 06:33:52 wmfkd1,,0,This is why the earth is not flat..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 08:02:07 wmfkyv,,0,I am sick 🤒,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 08:03:13 wmfmkg,,26,This is why the earth is not flat..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 08:06:05 wmfyo4,épa/,2,need advice about prépa,Chnouma a7sen les parascolaires prépa( giving me titles would help a lot ) /where can I get the best series ? Est ce que cours est le même pour tous les prépas même les prépas intégrés ? Is there anyone who studied ipeit and is willing to give their documents if they no longer need it . Thank you very much for your help <3,,,,,,2022-08-12 08:27:19 wmg2yz,,0,"join now at to make our flag you can place one pixel every 2min form (619,172) to(641,183) lets goooo","&#x200B; [THANKS EVERYBODY \<3](",,,,,,2022-08-12 08:34:51 wmgf12,,1,Recommendations about work 😎,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 08:56:13 wmghet,,6,Asking about work 😎,"Hello everybody, I'm from Tunisia, I'm 25 yo, I graduated this june. I'm starting feeling pissed of staying home jobless, It's kinda killing my mood, I want to find a job related to my field (hydraulic engineering). My aim is to quit the country that's why I need some experience here. I feel a bit lost and I need someone that can help me be efficient on my job-research process.",,,,,,2022-08-12 09:00:12 wmgovv,,4,How can I change my life no matter the circumstances in Tunisia?,I am a 24 years old and I am a student who is passionate about programming and I'm trying to find a living from it.,,,,,,2022-08-12 09:13:27 wmgsdw,,5,looking for a study partner bac math,,,,,,,2022-08-12 09:19:37 wmhov5,,3,Does these exists in Grand Tunis,"* Kendo * Aikido * Archery * Kung-fu ( but seriously an actual authentic instructor) * Gymnastics general public that wants to pursue it not for little children and girls. * Again, Archery? Or any sort of activities that isn't in every corner of a gym, I'm not interested in Kenpo / Karate or Judo etc..",,,,,,2022-08-12 10:16:05 wmi5bx,,0,Should Tunisia go back to protectionism?,"What's your opinion on protectionism? I'm asking this since I'm hearing a lot of boomers(generally people who lived before the 1987 ben ali coup) praise how Tunisia used to only strictly import what was necessary. My personal opinion is that protectionism is only good when it comes to achieving food self sufficiency, other than that it's no good.",,,,,,2022-08-12 10:43:56 wmikit,,1,Help with Microsoft Word,"I know this is the wrong sub but the situation is kinda urgent Can you guys tell me where I can download Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013 for free? (These are the only versions I love) I really need it asap, the only version I have on my pc is Microsoft 365 and I can't pay for it and Microsoft word online sucks",,,,,,2022-08-12 11:08:24 wmk3ip,,2,Law student future,"So with no introduction, got expected into law school and idk i am kinda scared? Does anyone have an experience in the law filed , how they got a job and everything. Because it doesn’t seem promising",,,,,,2022-08-12 12:30:13 wmkooo,,7,English person going to Tunisia on Monday...,"Flying to Tunisia on Monday - what does an English person need to know? Advice, tips, help, all greatly appreciated.",,,,,,2022-08-12 12:59:45 wmlixf,,1,am i wrong or many people in kairouan are not friendly ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 13:39:06 wmlsh1,,1,where can i find a PCIE adapter cable 6 pin to 8 pin in kairouan and much appreciations,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 13:51:02 wmltzb,,2,anyone that likes anime and study at isi next year ?,"seriously , i really want a friend to talk to there",,,,,,2022-08-12 13:53:03 wmluus,,1,Where can i find a PCIE 6 pin to 8 pin for GPU in kairouan??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 13:54:13 wmlwn3,,1,Which SIM card i buy here?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 13:56:26 wmm2q4,,6,where can i find a PCIE adapter cable 6 pin to 8 pin for my GPU in kairouan??,,,,,,,2022-08-12 14:03:24 wmnubw,,14,"can’t find a translation for this phrase a friend sent me? aya sa7a kattouss, could someone tell me what it means",,,,,,,2022-08-12 15:18:12 wmo7t8,,2,who worked for 5ca ? what was the pay and what to expect ?,,,,,,,2022-08-12 15:33:43 wmp3lr,,1,Flight booking for visa,"Dear all, I'm applying for a visa to Egypt as I will be flying to Cairo on the 14th of October and coming back on the 17th of October. I will need for that a flight booking but I can't seem to find where to make it for free on internet anywhere. Any help ? Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-08-12 16:09:16 wmp94p,,3,I will create free websites,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 16:15:28 wmq27w,,1,salem louled belehy andkomshy fekra ala m3amel tbi3 tshirts f tounes ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-12 16:50:07 wmq737,,1,Relocating to Tunisia for work,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-12 16:56:00 wmqh7k,,3,ANY T-SHIRT MANUFACTURERS IN TUNISIA ?,shkoun andou fekra ala m3amel tbi3 bl gros mrewel kadeh soum o kadeh minimum quantity ? thanks,,,,,,2022-08-12 17:07:45 wmqnmj,,2,can a minor make a bank account and be able to pull out money from it? And can they have a credit card?,,,,,,,2022-08-12 17:15:24 wmrwrl,,1,Any PC gamers on Steam?,Looking to befriend Tunisian PC gamers. Feel free to add me on Steam: **1005572061**.,,,,,,2022-08-12 18:08:56 wms6ai,,2,need some help,"soo yeah i just need a help about how to start a conversation i mean a deep one with a girl which i don't know i just know her name that's it. i just wanna get closer to her and make her trust me i need some topics that may lead to another topic if u know what i mean i don't want to make her feel bored or make her leave the conversation. also i hate when someone answers like 'ok' 'bh' 'ey' to sum up, what are the best things to talk with a girl and get closer to her.",,,,,,2022-08-12 18:20:29 wmslnh,,1,Recommendations for a good Orthopedist doctor/surgeon ?,Looking for recommendations for a good Orthopedist doctor/surgeon. Preferably someone specialized in shoulder injuries and around Banlieue Sud of Tunis (Hammam Lif - Ezzahra...) ? Thanks!,,,,,,2022-08-12 18:39:09 wmsuj9,,3,e-commerce in Tunisia,What about e-commerce in Tunisia ? Still worth investing? Where can find some number for the market?,,,,,,2022-08-12 18:49:57 wmtg8t,,2,Is it only me or does Tunisian really have no word for wine or alcohol?,"Tho we still have a word for ""beer"" that's 'birra' but i just realized that we don't have a word for wine or alcohol. I can assume that we call every alcoholic beverage by 'chrab' after all... (Don't think of alcool because it actually means 'sanitizer' or the pharmaceutical/medical alcohol)",,,,,,2022-08-12 19:16:30 wmumkp,,1,كيف تزيد من ثقتك بنفسك؟,,,,,,,2022-08-12 20:07:09 wmuvyt,,1,Communism in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-12 20:18:33 wmvsmg,,1,im searching for mdma in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-12 20:58:19 wmvtxn,,1,ماهي المهمة التي بعث الله الامام المهدي (ع) ليتمها؟,,,,,,,2022-08-12 20:59:49 wmxl9q,,3,crypto in tunisia from a legal point of view,"Is it legal mch techri cryptocurrency mn tounes wa2ila le wala mafamech 9anoun wadhe7 . par example wehd 3andou carte technologique inajem yechri beha crypto wala fama mechekel . fibeli litchad 3amnewl 3al crypto chadouh 5tr andou hardware wallet w houma mahomch fehmin chniya . blhi li3andou ma3loumet s7i7a w met2aked inawarna",,,,,,2022-08-12 22:14:58 wmy51c,,18,How common is pre-marital sex among Tunisian youth?,"I know that the difference is significant between regions and the data is lacking, but from your own perspective (especially your experience in college life), how often do you think young men and women practice sex before getting married?",,,,,,2022-08-12 22:38:29 wn0fdp,,13,is 1500dt salary for an entry level full stack engineer worth it?,"i just got my computer science engineering degree and the company that i had done my end of study internship with proposed to me a full stack engineer position with a 1500dt salary + 200 civp. a lot of my friends told me that 1500dt salary for an entry level engineer is low and not worth it, and i still don't know if i should accept or deny their offer.",,,,,,2022-08-13 00:23:49 wn0sf0,,23,My father: The controlling freak,"I posted something like this a while ago about how much I hate that Tunisian weddings mean crowds of guests, rather than a simple intimate ceremony. Let me just tell you that what happened to me today is downright fucked. It was none other than the person who happened to be my father ( yup, so fucking lucky) to give me the greatest performance of all times on how parents can simply fuck up their own children's wedding. I am marrying a Muslim foreigner. I finally got the invitations ready to hand out to possible guests. I sent a picture of the invitation to this person ( yup, "" my father "") and guess what he did ? He exploded and said that he is not coming to the wedding anymore ( he lives abroad ). Why ? That was my first question and the answer was that in the invitation, I put my husband's parents real names and last names. What the fuck, right? Hear me out because what I knew next was pretty fucking amazing. This father of mine turned out that he was going about telling everyone he knew that I was marrying an Algerian European and , therefore, the fact that I put these REAL names meant that he will be seen as the liar he ACTUALLY is, since their real names are as foreign sounding as it gets and now he is forcing us to change the invitations into his liking and come up with Arabic sounding names so that this fucker will be happy that his lies will not be found out. To this hour, I have not the slightest clue as to why he did it, knowing he NEVER mentioned anything to me or my mother before, and why of Algerian descent ? ( no fucking idea ). YUP...............",,,,,,2022-08-13 00:41:03 wna6um,,2,Ever had that feeling of taking your own life ?,"Ever had that feeling, while maybe washing the dishes and you go through a knife and your brain just says: Why don't you stab yourself, or even better, cut your throat, Or sometimes when you are up high and again your brain says: JUMP :/ Is that considered suicidal thoughts ? Cause it literally feels real and i want to do that then my heart starts beating and i suddenly feel terrified and scared, fear just starts creeping on le for a few seconds before i realize that nothing happened and i'm just fine, seriously like the sensations, feels real. Should i really consider seeking treatment? Seriously?",,,,,,2022-08-13 09:17:33 wnac3d,,0,i think ta7che im in love with my ex,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-13 09:26:51 wnb7ms,,1,Does tunisia provide international E-card?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-13 10:21:36 wnbcm7,,3,A questioning about job and retirement,"What's the age retirement by law in Tunisia? can someone healthty work until the age of 65? Do you think for early retirement from your job? Would you spend 30 years of your life in the same career? What are your thoughts about career swith in the middle age is it common in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-08-13 10:30:24 wnc89x,,9,I need your help with PC specs,"So I need to buy a new pc for gaming and projects.. it's been a while since I've been up-to-date with specs and all.. and now it's all confusing.. I've found [this one on Tunisianet]( and idk how good is it.. what do y'all think? Also if u got any suggestions for a good pc it'd be really nice.. I need the PC for gaming, Android development and unity3d development.. so it needs to be good.. my maaax budget is 3.4k Thank you all in advance ☺️",,,,,,2022-08-13 11:22:42 wnday0,,12,Tunis beaches,"Hey all I’m arriving tomorrow for a 7 day trip. I’m from Australia and I love beaches so I’m hoping to visit some whilst I’m in Tunisia. My first stop is Tunis, what are the beaches like there?",,,,,,2022-08-13 12:23:49 wndijl,,3,is College lasalle computer science woth it ?,,,,,,,2022-08-13 12:35:12 wndmyf,,5,shirt prints,looking for suggestions on where to find high quality shirt prints - ive never custom printed a shirt before so I don't know which site to trust with the process.,,,,,,2022-08-13 12:41:50 wne3ye,,2,police violence.,"Police violence in Tunisia is horrible and never just, but I have to say knowing what they go through would you do something different? everyday they face insults and violence thrown at them by citizens. My uncle once got arrested by the police (for good reasons) then when they let him go. He got his jacket he wore it then he told the police officer that if he worked a life time he will never be able to afford a jacket like his. The police officer didn't respond. This is just one example. A big part of being a police officer is not to react to provocations by citizens and anything less is wrong. But, in my life I knew plenty of Tunisian that push the limit of what is humanly possible. Again not justifying police violence. No matter what, if a police officer breaks the law he should be punished.",,,,,,2022-08-13 13:05:53 wneqvn,,5,a good place to study/work in sousse?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-13 13:37:58 wnfr1t,,23,Looks like a meme tbh,,,,,,,2022-08-13 14:25:37 wngmqa,,1,I am looking for an old PC game,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-13 15:04:49 wnh57k,,3,is it possible and legal fi tounes idha had ykoun yekhdem étatique w ykamal fi doctorat fi nafs el wakt?,,,,,,,2022-08-13 15:27:35 wnh9l1,,30,"I'm visiting Tunis from Libya and I'm loving it so far, great places, friendly people and good food, is there anything that you would recommend experiencing before I leave?","Things I've tried in the last day or two: * Restaurant, cafe and a mall in La Marsa * Ice cream + walking on the beach (melted all over me lmao) * Visiting the National Museum, it's mostly getting renovated but an employee let me through some gates and فرح بيا * Visited the Roman amphitheater, apparently there's a show later 🤔 * Really good pizza place and then a cafe in Sidi Bu Said P.s This city is beautiful ngl, so much blue and white, there's a tiny language barrier but it's honestly been more fun than harm lol P.s.s I really want to visit a Cinema and a bowling alley and a co-working space P.s.s.s I'm a mid-twenties guy btw if that impacts the recommendations",,,,,,2022-08-13 15:32:57 wnht04,,3,Can a Tunisian living in Tunisia make a revolut card or any alternative other than Payoneer?,,,,,,,2022-08-13 15:57:28 wnht6k,,0,Happy women's day,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-13 15:57:43 wni3rm,,1,How can I deal with the call for military service? What are my options?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-13 16:10:05 wni409,,1,Created my first youtube video !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-13 16:10:22 wni74t,,8,How can I deal with the call for military service? What are my options?," Hey there, So I graduated last year from university, I was studying engineering, and I decided to take a long time off before getting a job. I only started looking for a job now, but I was informed by a friend that a number of the Neighborhood dudes are included on a list of guys that are being ordered to enlist in the military training (the list is in el mo3tamdia). Now I'm left wondering what kind of options I've got. I'm not exactly opposed to military service as an idea, even if it might be a living hell, but it's going to set me back a long time from doing the things I actually want to do, including finding a job at the moment. Especially since I'm looking for opportunities abroad and I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to leave the country in this situation. I just feel stuck doing nothing. A friend sent me [this page]( containing military service laws. I'm not sure if it's up to date or not, and I'm not sure if I understand it clearly, because there seems to be some missing details. Maybe it's incomplete. But from what I understand I can either delay it by looking for a master's degree, or I can enlist in the second type of military service called ("" التعيينات الفردية"") where you serve for a little bit and pay off the rest of the time, but I don't understand it fully and I'm not sure if I fit the necessary conditions for it. Any kind of help or advice is deeply appreciated. It's a little stressful, I don't even feel good going outside of the house, or going to the mo3tamdia to check and ask. Passing by a police officer makes me feel like a fugitive or something. I just want to start looking for a job without the extra stress and pursue my goals. I'm willing to serve a shortened period and even pay if I have to. If I have to look for a Master's degree, do you know one that I can easily apply to and be accepted in in a short period? I doubt that I'll be accepted in my original school since I wasn't accepted last year, plus I'll have to travel hundreds of kilometers to the capital to go to it and apply, and that may result in police officers checking my ID and I don't know if that'll get me into trouble.",,,,,,2022-08-13 16:14:11 wni80p,,0,I fell in love with a married woman,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-13 16:15:09 wnidkd,,3,"Spelling issue in passport, can it deny my Visa ?","Would a tiny speeding error in my passport get visa denied ? Hello, I got accepted to study in a French university, I'm born and raised in Tunisia and I'm trying to get a student visa. Tunisia's main administrative language is Arabic, but as you know, Passport has to have your name translated to it's latin version. When I applied for my passport, the agent who worked on it decided to add a letter to my surname because it would sound like the Arabic version. In my diplomas and other school documents, my name is ""Arbi"" the simplified version of my surname that I choose to write cause no one pays attention to such detail here, whereas my passport has the letter ""L"" added to it .. so it became ""Larbi""... Which is pretty much exactly how you'd pronounce my name in Arabic. So I'm depositing my Visa application within these coming two weeks and when I tried to fix the passport.. I was told that it would take up to 6 weeks, time I don't really have seeing how I need to show up in France before 09/19th. I am ready to accept that version of my name whenever I have to submit it in a formal administrative procedure. But all I care about is my Visa application, I'll have to submit my diplomas with the visa application.. and the diplomas have my ID number written on them, Same ID number that exists in the passport as well. Could it ruin my chances of getting the visa ? Where'd It'd pretty much waste a year of my life. PS: my university acceptance letter has the simplified version of my name that I entered.. I received the letter before my passport was delivered.",,,,,,2022-08-13 16:21:48 wnindx,,4,help,"Im going to Annaba (algeria) this week for 2 nights, which transportation should i take from here and how much it will cost probablyy And Graçiassss",,,,,,2022-08-13 16:33:26 wnj2de,,1,Created my first Youtube video !!,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-13 16:51:40 wnjebj,,15,Help!,"I am an introverted guy but I do enjoy the company of cool buds. Every time I join a new community I find myself the loner after a short time, despite being good-looking and respectful. I don't know if it is self-sabotage or if something about my personality causes people to push me to the background. My friends do not invite me when they are going out. I want to meet people and commit to a relationship with someone, but my solitude makes me feel like it's my fate to be alone, and I am tired of trying.",,,,,,2022-08-13 17:06:00 wnk2mj,,1,Part time IT student engineer,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-13 17:35:57 wnloub,,1,Marsa,,,,,,,2022-08-13 18:48:56 wnm2hp,,1,كيفية تهيئة شبكة الواي فاي من الاعدادات,,,,,,,2022-08-13 19:05:52 wnm7di,,1,Sidi Bou view,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-13 19:12:04 wnmrqz,,2,How can I send money from France to Tunisia using western union? What information do I need from the person I’m sending money to?,,,,,,,2022-08-13 19:38:38 wnmvfz,,4,Trip to the Maldives,"hey everyone, we are 2 Tunisians planning a trip to the Maldives (-+ 10 days) we don't really want to go the tourist way (resorts/hotels, etc...) we want to explore the local culture and people and have this mini-adventure. has any Redditor here done something like this or similar and if so what was the avg cost per person for this? from our research (googling accommodations, trips, activities ) we figured it would cost 8k TND per person. any help/insights would be much appreciated! thanks",,,,,,2022-08-13 19:43:35 wnnw3k,,1,Help: Tunisian Translation,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-13 20:31:12 wnod62,,2,how do i get a 2nd job?,"So i have a job that consists of working from 8am to 3 pm but i still have a lot of time doing nothing. I was wondering what kind of job i can get, i have to not declare it because it's against the law here to have two jobs.",,,,,,2022-08-13 20:53:51 wnqj2y,,0,"Doggo’s face is priceless: you’re my hero, bro!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-13 22:33:52 wns8u5,,1,For those who are working as a part time student engineer,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-13 23:57:18 wnsj3v,,5,I hope they find a substitute for the school. Classes are back in 1 month.,,,,,,,2022-08-14 00:11:21 wnsupf,,15,advices for starting university,"I will be 1ere anne perpa after 2 weeks nchalah and I'm honestly abit afraid,my experience with bac wasn't the best due to depression and I'm afraid of replicating that and continuing with the same problems into my university, i will be strating a new chapter in my life soon but I'm afraid more then excited , i promised myself to be strong but the way people portrayed prépa is getting into my head . I feel like i will be going to jail not uni , what are the advices / practices that i can do to be fully mentally prepare for going back to school, i am honstly suffocating with thought s and every time i think about it my head starts hurting , my toxic mother's behavior who is still considering me a small child isn't helping either because it makes me feel like I'm still stuck in bac and not moving on with life . Edit : thanks for everyone who helped ,gave their advice and shared their experience ( especially those who gave words of encouragement), sorry for responding late , it's due to health issues allah ghaleb, thanks again ❤",,,,,,2022-08-14 00:27:53 wnzei1,,7,[Help] with a piece of lost media from the mid to late 90's,"(Just in case the notion of ""*Lost Media*"" is lost on anyone, it's basically a any piece of media that is missing/lost or unaccessible to the public) Hey fellas, I am seeking your help to **find** and/or **identify** a piece of lost media from the mid to late 90's.. I do not recall the exact name of this show, but I remember enough details about it to write a general description: \-It aired on Tunis7 (**تونس** **7**) sometime between noon and the afternoon, between *1996* and *1999*. \-It was for kids, but it was not animated, it was rather a **puppet show** (something like *Sesame Street*, but with a wider shot). \-I believe the original production was in *Arabic* and not *dubbed* from a *foreign language* because the script and play on words felt original (but I could be wrong) \-The name of the show was something like ""**منارة في الفنارة**"" or something of the sort # Plot: The parts I'm *POSITIVE* about: \-A girl (most likely named ""**منارة**"") was on a ship with her *dad*, the ship wrecked and the girl washed up on a beach. \-The girl was taken in by an old man who turned out to be the *lightkeeper* in the *lighthouse*. \-The *lightkeeper*'s name escapes me, but there's an emphasis on him being old and frail, gray hair showing from the sides of his beanie. \-The girl is waiting for her *dad* or looking for him or something, and that is kinda the premise that the whole plot is based on. \-There is an *antagonist* in the story, some dude with a *brown jacket*, and there is something thick in his face, I'm not sure whether it was a thick moustache or thick eyebrows, but it was thick as fuck, and he had at least one *goonie/yesman* with him (either that or he talks to himself when he's plotting stuff). \-The *brown jacket guy* has it in for the girl (or her father). \-The *lighthouse* is the center stage for most events. \-It was supposed to have a **season 2,** I distinctly remember season 1 ending with a cliffhanger right around the climax, and the ""*to be continued in season 2*"" showing up on screen. It's been bugging me since I was a kid that I never knew what happened afterwards, as I had apparently gotten hooked to that show back then. (And this is why I'm seeking it today) The parts that are kinda *foggy*: \-The girl constantly has *flashbacks* from the *shipwreck*, or remembers her *dad* saying stuff. \-There could have been a *treasure* of some sort involved. \-The *brown jacket guy* might know the girl or her dad in person \-Most of the plot is the *brown jacket guy* trying to hurt/kidnap the girl, and the *lightkeeper* defending her. \-The original crash of the ship that the girl was in has something to do with the *lighthouse*. (It was myseriously turned off that day or something, I don't recall) &#x200B; This is all I could remember, if anyone of you folks remember this, or even if it rings a bell, please don't hesitate to contribute, it's been driving me crazy for some time, and I cannot even recall the name or find an archive of the TV7 children's shows anywhere. &#x200B; Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-08-14 06:24:48 wnzwbx,,0,is there any dobberman for sale that y’all know off?,,,,,,,2022-08-14 06:56:26 wo01wy,,0,are there any leftists in this server,,,,,,,2022-08-14 07:06:02 wo0qcs,,1,Traveling to Brazil,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-14 07:49:09 wo1gsb,,1,Protection following divorce,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-14 08:35:29 wo3514,,0,Which one is better?,"Although I know they all suck [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-14 10:23:42 wo3vq5,,1,هذا التطبيق ستجد فيه علامات الساعة (الكبرى والصغرى) التي أصبحت قريبة وعلامات ظهور الامام المهدي (ع),,,,,,,2022-08-14 11:09:53 wo447o,,9,Buy house in Tunisia,"Hello everyone! Would you think is a smart move to buy a house now in Tunisia? Not sure due to the political climate but I always wanted an apartment there next to the beach (hammamet, sousse or mahdia). Thinking to rent it throughout the year when I wouldn’t use it. What are your thoughts? Would you also know how much are the buying fees?",,,,,,2022-08-14 11:23:54 wo59nl,,1,.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-14 12:29:28 wo8gin,,2,Airbnb Bardo,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-14 15:04:06 wo8ujh,,0,best french/english librairies in tunis/la marsa etc ? :),,,,,,,2022-08-14 15:21:00 wo8urj,,0,yoga classes in tunis / la marsa etc ?,,,,,,,2022-08-14 15:21:17 wo8wsd,,1,good french/english speaking tattoo artist in Tunis / la Marsa / Gammarth / anywhere ?,,,,,,,2022-08-14 15:23:46 wo9cor,,3,Can a Tunisian girl legally marry a non muslim man in Tunisia?,"Also are there 2 types of marriages in Tunisia? Like a religious one and a non religious one? I did research this but it's still blurry to me.",,,,,,2022-08-14 15:43:36 wo9gku,,15,"[ HELP ] lost my wallet in nabeul, and i live in sfax",,,,,,,2022-08-14 15:48:20 wo9qfl,,0,Why don't Tunisian girls use vowels when they transliterate Tunisian Arabic?,"It could look something like this: If I write it would be ""ahla bik winek chniya ejaw ech 3amel ech 3andek jdid?"" But when a girl writes it it could look like this ""ahla bik wnk chn jw ch3ml ch3ndk jdd"" Bonus comment: Did you know that the Tunisian word ""lehi"" can be used to mean busy but is at the same time used by so many people to mean the exact opposite? Are there any other similar words in Tunisian? What about such words in other languages? I know for example that many people have difficult times differentiating between ""lend"" and ""borrow"".",,,,,,2022-08-14 16:00:29 woa0pt,,1,were can i buy a small monkey as a pet. i live in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-14 16:12:38 wobkl7,,1,Airbnb Bardo,"I am sorry for the previous post about Airbnb Bardo, turned out the guy is super nice, he did not know how to use the platform. I already found an accomodation with a friend, free is always better.",,,,,,2022-08-14 17:20:20 wobkut,,4,WW2 monuments in Tunisia,Do y'all know any ww2 monuments in the south? especially Tataouine,,,,,,2022-08-14 17:20:40 wobsph,,0,Louled fama community mta3 warhammer 40k fi tounes?,,,,,,,2022-08-14 17:30:21 woc2ug,,3,Militaire baad lprepa,"Mathabia nakra aerospace engineering ama kaloli fmsh specialité ethi ken fl militaire wla tokhrj takra lbara, donc hal enajam baad aamin prepa nkammal maa lmilitaire wla kifeh bethabt?",,,,,,2022-08-14 17:42:34 wodm3j,,10,clandestine immigration has become a trend and everyone is starting to think about it seriously,"Out of every 10 people i know, 8 are considering emigrating or have already left,, even rational and old people have no problem with clandestine immigration as an option.. like really, what the fuck is happening ?",,,,,,2022-08-14 18:48:48 woei7c,,3,slm .. sné kdhit diplome licence o nhrb naqra master fi Allemagne fil visa fama hathom zouz fhemtesh chnowa lfar9 binethom fama loula (red) lazmk germany language lvl A2 wthanya just tesha9 language eli bash ta9ra biha fil University mithal kan bta9ra b anglais tesha9 IELTS or TOEFL ..,,,,,,,2022-08-14 19:27:49 wofdy6,,3,Difference between master degree and engineering degree,"what is the difference master degree and engineering degree in every aspect (salary , study ,job ....)in Tunisia or aboard",,,,,,2022-08-14 20:06:38 wog1ff,,0,Did people even want the 2011 revolution to happen?,"As a zoomer I can't tell. Whenever I hear people talking about the revolution it's mostly negative. These people usually only use ""arabs should be ruled by the sword"" ""we gained nothing besides freedom of speech"" ""It caused political instability/decrease of international investment"" ""Things were better in ben ali's era"" From what I heard , it feels like the revolution is an accident that the people rolled with",,,,,,2022-08-14 20:35:06 wog78s,,3,Looking for a job a professional diploma,"Hello reader, i'm 26, i just graduated and got my BTS diploma in international trade/commerce international this year from CSFMT (public), i know this isn't a job interview but bare with me heh, i didn't get my bac but rather got BTP instead in commerce de distribution (i passed an exam in order to get promoted to BTS level), i have decent knowledge in export/import, custom and trading software programs namely TTN and SINDA and i can manage to learn new ones but one of my limitations is that my french linguistic level is poor which might affect my job search.. fliit aneti but no avail they all ask at least one year experience and i submitted for municipality two positions for keteb tasarrof and motasarrof mouse3ed (nchlh i get accepted for one of them wish me luck) but still i ponder the question, for someone who just graduated with no job experience what else does take to find a job ?",,,,,,2022-08-14 20:42:10 wohhkr,,100,Just finished a trip of a lifetime to Tunis,"To give some context, I married a Tunisian woman but we live abroad. We tried organizing trips to Tunis a few times and it didn’t work out with COVID. It finally worked out earlier this month and it was once of the best trips I’ve taken in the last 10 years. A country with so much history, beauty, culture, food should be on top of the list for any avid traveller. What is really sad though is seeing my wife and her family’s reaction to the deteriorating situation in Tunis. You can feel a sense of defeat with everyone you speak with on the street too. And most of those that can get out are leaving. Truly sad seeing such a beautiful country and people with little hope. Nothing but love and support to my Tunisian brethren",,,,,,2022-08-14 21:38:45 wohjdd,,3,Learning Arabic,I was wondering if anyone knows how i can start learning Arabic. Are there any useful resources out there that i can use? I’m really interested in learning the Tunisian dialect.,,,,,,2022-08-14 21:40:53 wojj3o,,1,any good gym near salamboo/carthage?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-14 23:09:24 wojw72,,5,"Sidi Bou Saïd painted by Van Gogh, generated using DALL-E.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-14 23:26:18 wok1h3,,5,Nightlife in Tunisia 🇹🇳,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-14 23:33:17 wokgkf,,3,need help can't find a version pdf of a book,Hey i searched to much for the pdf version of your brain on porn edition 2015 224 pages and couldnt found it i look on libgen and didnt found nothing there too if anyone has website or has already read the book drop the link or a subreddit could help me in this stuff i appreciate,,,,,,2022-08-14 23:53:16 wokjsv,,1,adoption / foster home stories?,does anyone feel comfortable sharing their story regarding being adopted in/from tunisia or being part of the foster care system?,,,,,,2022-08-14 23:57:41 wonjyw,,2,can foreigners get tunisian driving license?,,,,,,,2022-08-15 02:18:19 woszu7,,15,Interfaith religious marriage,"Hello fellow redditors, I come to you with a very personal question regarding my situation. We partner and I would like to get married in Tunisia. I am a non-muslim french and she's a Muslim Algerian. Because of traditions and beliefs it is important for her family that we do a religious marriage. Tunisia seems like a good place to do so as we both like the country and it is easier for everyone to travel there, i.e., no visa required for both families. In France it is quite common to see a non religious person marrying a catholic one, if the couple is ok with it so is the priest marrying them. I am wondering if the same could happen in Tunisia or if I must convert to Islam beforehand. Thanks a lot, Cheers !",,,,,,2022-08-15 07:10:18 wotehr,,5,part time job for minors,"I'm 16 and I wanna work part time , does anyone know where I can find some jobs",,,,,,2022-08-15 07:36:34 wou0wk,,4,Bed bug exterminators / products in Tunisia?,"I might’ve brought some bed bugs with me from a hotel in the US although I’m still not certain. Looking online, I could not find any of the typical products available in Tunisia. Would some specialized store that does not have online presence have them? I have also found a few professionals exterminators although I am not sure I need them yet. Is anyone aware of how much they would cost? Thanks",,,,,,2022-08-15 08:16:37 wovw0p,,2,"Czech Republic, Visa procedure, and is it easier ?","Long story short, a work authorization is on its way to me from Czech, and i literally have no idea what to do. What are the papers to prepare with the authorization, how to get a Visa rendez vous with the Czech embassy, and is it really worth the trouble, is its visa easier than the other known countries ??",,,,,,2022-08-15 10:13:31 wowvi8,,3,What strategy game are u playing ??,"i'm confused between Age of empires IV, Civilization VI and EU4, which one is worth buying.",,,,,,2022-08-15 11:10:42 woxd2d,,5,Consumer Feedback!,"Hello, I want to know if anyone here tried any of the mass gainer/whey products of Impact. I heard its a local brand and its prices are affordable. Are you satisfied with it?",,,,,,2022-08-15 11:37:17 woxehz,,2,Part time job as an IT student engineer,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-15 11:39:27 woxg47,,0,How to explain Aid Edh7a to a German friend,"Hi all, I got a question from a german friend asking why we are killing sheep at the Aid, why not just buy meals and have a barbecue, as you know the European people are so sensitive with animals stuff I tried to explain the purpose of Aid, family members meet, rich people, share with poor people And I want to ask how to explain it in a better way if you suggest good dialects and arguments (BTW she is interested in our ISLAMIC habits like Ramadhan fasting, and Aid ) What do you think?",,,,,,2022-08-15 11:41:44 woy8zt,,0,Psychedelics,"Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone knows where to find magic mushrooms/lsd/dmt (pure and authentic) in tunisia. I’m trying to use them for therapeutic reasons. I’ve been struggling with mental health issues since i was 13 (i’m 24 now) i went to 5 differant therapists and a coach throughout these years and nothing really helped. I took anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, did talk therapy, EMDR therapy, hypnosis, EFt and tapping, introspective shadow work on my own and energy healing (reiki and sound therapy) to name a few. Though i learnt alot about myself Im still struggling with a resistant kind of depression. My internal chemistry did not change. So i thought i should take it to the next. I want some good quality psychedelics. If anyone has any informations and willing to help i would really appreciate it. i’m willing to even pay for the help (if it’s shrooms or DMT). Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-08-15 12:20:44 woyijv,,26,Why was Arnouba from Dhay3et Ma7rous never pregnant?,"Since this community is all day discussing very important stuff such as quantum physics and nuclear science, history, philosophy and anthropology, I was thinking some people like me are needed to make things a bit less serious so here we go again. We all know that rabbits love sex and love making babies so the question that every normal Tunisian should be asking is why in all the seasons of Dhay3et Ma7rous as far as I remember Arnouba was never pregnant? Could we agree that that was a huge mistake by the writer and director of the series?",,,,,,2022-08-15 12:33:00 woz4zn,,1,اضاءة من اخلاص داوود (ع),,,,,,,2022-08-15 13:02:31 wozaad,,9,is there a way to get this bill replaced,,,,,,,2022-08-15 13:09:21 woznf0,,4,what do you guys think of this ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-15 13:26:09 wozqdm,,3,going to manouba,"This year year i finished my pre-engineering cycle And going to manouba to complete my studies. I wanted to ask for some tips regarding living independently . And i heard that the outskirts of manouba and the metro are a bit dangerous . How true is that and what should i watch out for ?",,,,,,2022-08-15 13:30:01 wp0m5x,,1,دور الاسلام في نبذ العبودية والاستغلال الجنسي,,,,,,,2022-08-15 14:08:32 wp0qd8,,0,I am confused and i am thinking my gf is pregnant …,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-15 14:13:24 wp0w7i,,0,Do tech employers emphazise having a college degree for entry level jobs in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-15 14:20:08 wp12ya,,2,"problems with ""carte technologique postale""","Is there anyone who is facing some problems with the CTI these days ? I tried to pay for my duolingo english test several times yet the transaction failed",,,,,,2022-08-15 14:27:49 wp1hy3,,1,رسالة ابو جهل الى رسول الله (ص) لما هاجر الى المدينة,,,,,,,2022-08-15 14:45:46 wp351c,,1,لماذا يتكلم الله بصيغة الجمع في بعض الآيات؟,,,,,,,2022-08-15 15:55:27 wp3z0j,,4,How to get in a serious relationship?,"Never been in a serious relationship before. Even tho i always think that when ut's time to marry i'll ask any woman or my mother if she knows a girl ready for How do you make contact with nice girls beside college phase? It seems really tough also social networks don't work. And i'm not that attractive guy girls in the street turn their faces when i stare at one she looks beautiful also i m not rich man and jobless Any recommendation is welcome",,,,,,2022-08-15 16:28:18 wp4lsp,,10,Worst Tunisian president?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-15 16:53:08 wp4rau,,117,"You guys use ""mela"" too??? 😳",,,,,,,2022-08-15 16:59:27 wp5rlr,,1,Accommodation for a Masters in Munich,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-15 17:39:09 wp5rtl,,0,My impression of people from other governorates according to MY personal experience so far.,,,,,,,2022-08-15 17:39:25 wp5v75,,0,1000 KST for free!,,,,,,,2022-08-15 17:43:06 wp6du1,,4,Accommodation for a Masters Student in Munich,"Aaslema chabeb:) I got accepted to do my Masters in the uni of Munich (LMU) which was very unexpected and now I am seriously considering taking this opportunity and I will be starting in October. I did some research and apparently the waiting time for a dorm room is from 2 to 7 Semesters (even though a Masters is 4 Semesters and the admission in the uni is necessary for the application so the whole process doesn’t really make sense) and the rent in Munich is insanely expensive even compared to other cities in Germany! Are there maybe any Tunisians who study in Munich who can help me here? Any advice or accommodation initiatives? I‘d also like to make friends who study there so feel free to message me even if you can’t offer help:))",,,,,,2022-08-15 18:03:38 wp79jg,,1,which delivery app delivers tobacco (dokhan) in tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-15 18:39:01 wp8i90,,6,What do you think of public transit in Tunisia ? (plus some other questions),"What do you think of public transit (trains, buses, metro, etc..) in Tunisia ? I am mostly talking about the infrastructure here and not about the kind of people you would find there. Bonus questions: * do you want bike lanes to be added in urban areas and/or highways * do you think certain places should ban cars at specific times of the year to encourage people to walk/bike",,,,,,2022-08-15 19:29:40 wp8mr1,,1,هل يجوز ضرب الطفل لغرض التربية؟,,,,,,,2022-08-15 19:34:29 wp98a4,,1,Anyone want a virtual international credit card?,"If you want a virtual credit card in euro, I'm interested for an exchange Euro <=> Dinar. you will send me the amount you want and you will use it in a virtual credit card.",,,,,,2022-08-15 19:58:32 wp9iqm,,5,nheb nechri el baba vape bech ibattel el dokhan walla au moins i3awdhou bhaja andhef," # E Zigarette aspire speeder Revvo Kit 200w hedhi elli nkhammem nechrihelou. Bellehi 3andkomchi fekra ken behya walla le (manefhem chay la dokhan w la vape) w tnajjmouch tkoulouli ken arkhess walla aghla el vape juice vs dokhan? howa tawa yetkayef yomken 25-30 cigarou fel nhar average. w famma haja okhra lezmou yechreha m3a el vape walla akahaw hedhika wel vape juice w jawha fesfes? aychou!",,,,,,2022-08-15 20:09:43 wpa2he,,3,How can I apply for Tunisian citizenship as an Algerian?,,,,,,,2022-08-15 20:31:33 wpa3li,,5,How popular is Star Wars in Tunisia?,"I mean, it was filmed in places near Tataouine and Ksar Ouled Soltane. How popular is it, and is Tunisia proud of being a Star Wars filming site?",,,,,,2022-08-15 20:32:46 wpaaqe,,2,nationalization / privatization of industries,are there any industries or sectors that should be nationalized or privatized in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-08-15 20:40:45 wpcm7v,,3,Where to buy isopropyl alcohol 99% in Tunisia?,I'm looking for a small amount to clean my print head. Couldn't find it in pharmacies.,,,,,,2022-08-15 22:13:55 wpcuob,,9,"When people ask me why i left this country, i show them ""houmani"".",,,,,,,2022-08-15 22:23:52 wpcycb,,8,Has anyone made a website in tunisia and can give me some advice on hosts and stuff?,,,,,,,2022-08-15 22:28:16 wpd8dp,,0,"Where can I find host families for under 18 / children in Tunis, Tunisia?","Hi there, I want to ask if anyone can guide me as to how to find a host family in Tunis, Tunisia. Like, if anyone can share with me the name of a trustworthy website, or link in the contact info of anyone you may know here. I am looking for a family that will accept to host a high school teenager (boy), 16-17 years old, and which meets the following criteria: \- speaks English and/or french \- accepts minors (-18) and will host for 8-10 months \- will provide full accommodation, i.e., a room with desk, 2 meals on the weekend (lunch+dinner) a meal during the week (dinner) , access/help with cleaning and laundry. \- reasonable price \- if possible, has at least 3 years experience in hosting Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it :D",,,,,,2022-08-15 22:39:56 wpgh0u,,1,Djerba fellas,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-16 01:03:41 wpixq5,,3,Should I buy a used laptop?,"I have around 700dt, can't buy a new good one, we have a computer at home but I'm moving away for college (I can only use it in weekends). I found some good used ones but I don't know if I can trust those, also, can anyone suggest me where to look for, except facebook and [](",,,,,,2022-08-16 02:59:28 wpk6qx,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-08-16 04:00:12 wpn1qf,,1,Les villes balnéaires et le calvaire des consommateurs... ou quand le ministère du commerce n’anticipe pas,,,,,,,2022-08-16 06:39:40 wpnkgn,,3,Maya jribi 0 - 1 3am 3li,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-08-16 07:10:57 wpos0j,,1,German/deutsch courses,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-16 08:26:05 wpot07,,1,German / deutsch courses,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-16 08:27:54 wpq1sq,,6,Cleanliness in Tunisia,"How would you rate cleanliness in Tunisia [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-16 09:46:39 wprd4v,,2,Short video with weed silhouette #aveyro#weed#imagination,,,,,,,2022-08-16 11:03:45 wpri9a,,0,What do you think about the Tunisian Wedding that Enraged Conservative movements/people ?,"Basically this week a bride in Tunisia decided to spice up her wedding by wearing a short revealing white outfit and and a white bikini underneath it, in the end she made a big strip-tease with a pole before the groom and all his/her family. Source of the info : Of course conservative movements inside and outside tunisia are ENRAGED by this, and the couple are receiving a lot of hatred over that. What's your opinion on the matter ?",,,,,,2022-08-16 11:11:10 wprqt2,,1,Technician and Fish stores in Ariana area?,"Hey, looking to buy LIVING fish as well as buying mechanical components, anyone know where I can find such stuff?",,,,,,2022-08-16 11:23:46 wprrjr,,4,"Just failed my driving license and i feel so let down, anyone else didn’t get their driving license from the 1st time","I did 18 hours of driving by the way and the mentor wasn’t very helpful, how many hours should i add?",,,,,,2022-08-16 11:24:51 wprvk2,,3,Climbing in Tunisia,"Hey there! I'm looking for climbing spots in Tunisa (i'm an advanced climber) where i can also rent equipment since i didn't bring mine. Are there any guided tours you would recommend?",,,,,,2022-08-16 11:30:36 wps4xy,,1,مناظرة الرسول(ص) مع اليهود حول تبديل القبلة,,,,,,,2022-08-16 11:44:15 wpsr46,,1,"On ""Carte Technologique"" are they all the same? Thinking of Biat's, thoughts?",,,,,,,2022-08-16 12:13:56 wpssac,,2,Would you rather be," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-16 12:15:14 wpvfzq,,1,ماهو الصراط المستقيم؟,,,,,,,2022-08-16 14:14:41 wpvofb,,4,Seeking online book store recommandations.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-16 14:24:31 wpvx5d,,3,electronic identety,"Hello guys, I would like to ask how can we proceed to get the electronic identety/signature that was recentely appraoved by the tunisian goverment. We would like to create a society in Tunisia but the CEO is in external country were there is no an ambassy.",,,,,,2022-08-16 14:34:54 wpw06p,,1,هل النجمة السداسية صهيونية؟,,,,,,,2022-08-16 14:38:26 wpw7ud,,22,is there any asian store in Tunisia?,Planning to visit my boyfriend there and I'm Asian ty :>,,,,,,2022-08-16 14:47:00 wpxs2r,,22,For car experts what’s the best car i could get for 30-35 millions,"I am looking for a used car Edit : i meant in dinars",,,,,,2022-08-16 15:50:17 wpxu0j,,3,i wonder how much do those water bottle collecters make?,"cuz i saw this guy couple of times going around with a truck to for maximum hustle and it wasnt once or twice quite regularly bottle collecting new meta? but for real tho geniune curiosty what makes so pepole would waste gas on it",,,,,,2022-08-16 15:52:28 wpy7b4,,4,How much dental care cost in TN?,"I would like to know the costs per visit for a private dentist, for example how much is it for a cavity case.",,,,,,2022-08-16 16:07:30 wpykzq,,2,The End of the Tunisia Model,"""Over the past decade, Tunisia was repeatedly heralded as the beacon of democracy in the Arab world. Yet it was never offered the same degree of financial and diplomatic support that other young democracies have enjoyed. Instead, Tunisia’s growing economic crisis and deteriorating political situation were drowned out by the myriad conflicts around the Middle East and North Africa. While a Tunisian Marshall Plan may not have saved the country’s transition, greater financial support could have helped Tunisians weather the painful side effects of the economic reforms needed to create long-term sustainable growth. Today, Tunisian civil society actors and political opposition figures need both rhetorical and financial support from the international community for their efforts to drag Tunisia back to the democratic path."" [](",,,,,,2022-08-16 16:22:27 wpyq96,,2,Software engineering student & I don't know what to do for PFE.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-16 16:28:27 wq040o,,0,Weed,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-16 17:23:56 wq0fii,,4,A cosy place that serves alcohol drinks for a date?,,,,,,,2022-08-16 17:36:55 wq0jt3,,3,Who did an internship in a bank before?, I'm going to have my internship the next month in a bank (BIAT) and I would like to know about someone who had it and how was it ? especially what tasks are you supposed to be done? Thanks in advance,,,,,,2022-08-16 17:41:47 wq0q39,,0,Places to go to have fun in dejarba,"I am staying here for couple of days and would like to have fun as much as possible, is there anyplace where there is booze and girls to go to?? And is there is any place here that offers bungee jumping or free fall from the sky",,,,,,2022-08-16 17:49:00 wq1991,,13,How to stop the current brain drain that Tunisia is suffering??,,,,,,,2022-08-16 18:09:58 wq1c7m,,1,samir🐱,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-16 18:13:03 wq28kc,,3,British living in Tunisia?,"Alloo Mate, it's Tchusdaay innit! (with love) So, I am a researcher (currently) and I have this survey intended for UK residents or nationality holders to answer, it really only takes 10min and it would help me a lot if you could fill it and pass it on to your fellow co-patriots to make it reach as many people from where you're from. The survey: []( You'd be helping me A LOT. Cheers!",,,,,,2022-08-16 18:49:21 wq2s4g,,3,How to open a shirt printing business,What machine to buy and the shirts prices,,,,,,2022-08-16 19:10:59 wq2vn9,,0,"people who live in Omrane sup , Hay tadhamen , carthage , y'all are npcs or something?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-16 19:14:51 wq3929,,1,Why girls prefer not to ride bicycles ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-16 19:30:13 wq3jnl,,0,what do you think about women dressing promiscuously,"It feels like tunis has the both extremes I've been around girls that act like wearing a slightly cropped t-shirt or slightly tight pans is a scandal and also girls that dont mind going out half naked idk which one is the norm here and which one is the outlier and is it even safe to dress in revealing clothes here or does it bother people around them, i want to know where Tunisians stand on this matter",,,,,,2022-08-16 19:42:24 wq4afa,,1,School is not the reason for success in life fr,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-16 20:12:22 wq5hr1,,3,For the people who are interested in learning Tunisian Arabic,,,,,,,2022-08-16 21:00:51 wq68ef,,4,"is there some chat rooms for tunisians who want to practice speaking in ""English"", ""German"", etc...","For academic and professional reasons. i want to have people that i can practice ""English"" and ""German"" speaking with... do anybody know ***chat rooms*** or ***sub-reddit*** to follow related to this topic???",,,,,,2022-08-16 21:30:29 wq6hha,,24,Torn between staying or leaving Tunisia," I'm so torn between staying or leaving Tunisia in the future. I have a good relationship with my parents and I appreciate them a lot. They both want me to work in another country after I finish my degree since the industry I chose isn't that big in Tunisia and I've always wanted to leave too, I don't see myself doing well here, and even if I do it won't pay me well. I work in film vfx and my goal is to be a vfx supervisor one day and the field here and in other countries is so different since others are much more advanced so it'll be a whole different experience. We barely even use vfx here in Tunisia. But the thing is, I'm so attached to my family, and thinking of leaving my parents alone breaks my heart. Both my siblings have left already, one is in japan and the other in europe and the house feels empty without them so I can't help but think how my parents would feel if I leave too. They're both getting old but dad still works all day so my mom would be all alone when usually I'm the one who keeps her company. One of my goals in life is to make my parents happy and pay them back for everything they did for me. Even tho they had many problems they still tried their best to raise me well and I appreciate that a lot. We have never traveled together so I want to take them on a vacation in the future, take them to good restaurants, and do the family things we've never done before because they were always busy and couldn't afford such expenses. I just want to see them happy and know that I'm the reason for it. However I know that if I stay in Tunisia and work here It'll take me so long to save up for something like that, I'll get paid minimum wage but If I work in another country I'll get paid in a better currency, I also don't mind working a lot and saving up so it'll be much easier and faster to save money. I don't know what to do, I still have a lot of time to think more but I also want to hear others' opinions. Am I too attached to my parents? What do you think is better, stay here or go aboard?",,,,,,2022-08-16 21:40:37 wq6ksj,,5,Is it necessary to use a life straw water filter to drink from the tap in Tunisia?,"I'm going to be travelling to Tunisia and read that bottled water is advised over tap water. Wondering if a life straw would be a good solution to staying hydrated without over-purchasing plastic bottles. Side q: is water provided with your meals at restaurants?",,,,,,2022-08-16 21:44:24 wq8f8s,,1,Tunisia Islamic Country Of North Africa-With Police Escort,,,,,,,2022-08-16 23:01:15 wq9gl5,,2,"Regarding the Israeli attacks on Gaza, and the protests in Tunisia and Iraq",,,,,,,2022-08-16 23:46:26 wq9vhb,,1,For people living in Sousse!,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-17 00:04:37 wqayks,,22,Let's please collectively stop saying money amounts,"1 malyoun (million) refers to millimes. Which are worth nothing today. So when are we going to stop talking in malyoun and milliard. The correct thing to say is ""10 lef dinar"" which is precisely 10000 TND (not using commas to avoid confusion with decimal points). Or even ""3achra kilou"" is so much more precise even if it sounds slang. Someone that has 1000000 TNDs is a ""millionaire"" not a ""milliardaire"" (millionaire not billionaire). Like you say ""dinar"" would be cleaner to day ""3achra dinar"" instead of ""3achra lef"" which is absurd. Myet dinar, alf dinar, 10 lef, 100 alf, 1 malyoun dinar and so on. I don't get it when some people just look at me like I'm inventing words when I say ""10 lef dinar"". Anyways. Edit: typo in title lol missing ""wrong"" at the end",,,,,,2022-08-17 00:53:29 wqhtzn,,5,Ya ma3lem mela s8ana lyome i can't fucking sleep......,\+45 degree C,,,,,,2022-08-17 06:43:54 wqiykv,,1,Dermatologists in the capital,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-17 07:53:28 wqizi4,,8,Tell me more…,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-17 07:55:06 wqjtcc,,1,what's the best used car i can get with a budget of 15000-17000 TND?,,,,,,,2022-08-17 08:48:18 wqk1q8,,0,Why is this song is so popular?,"I've heard it since about 2012 or so.. people laugh hysterically when they hear it.. maybe I don't get it.. or maybe my sense of humour is different.. I just don't get what's so good about it.. if you find it funny, please explain why.. [here's a link to it from tiktok](",,,,,,2022-08-17 09:02:21 wqkqly,,2,"how can I get ""positive pcr test"" in Tunis",,,,,,,2022-08-17 09:44:56 wqltdo,,6,"studying IT abroad , best country ?","njaht sna bac 10.7(info) thinking to study abroad mazel ikafi el wakt ? best country to study in ? any links resources there are lots in facebook but cant trust them money wise idk compte bloquee 60 50 max preferably less majority says german but are there any other countries i dont like the country nor its language tbh",,,,,,2022-08-17 10:48:35 wqm0y3,,3,Online store for Tunisian snacks,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-17 11:00:18 wqm5db,,2,willing to pay good money fo whoever posesses this book and wants to sell...Preferrably in Tunis...,,,,,,,2022-08-17 11:06:51 wqmgoi,,1,Men 8ir 7achw how tall are y'all,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-17 11:24:30 wqmvda,,1,What's your shoe size??,,,,,,,2022-08-17 11:45:54 wqn7ox,,62,"This is your reminder to put some water for your neighborhood's cats, dogs and birds.",This heat is unbearable. Stay hydrated and take care of yourselves.,,,,,,2022-08-17 12:03:21 wqnb4o,,2,searching for an Iphone,A trustful page that you know for selling Iphone peu utilisé?,,,,,,2022-08-17 12:08:08 wqnp8c,,2,Where to find a tunisan flag,"I like collecting flags and ive been looking for a big tunisian flag to hang up on my wall, if anyone could help me find a place that sells it here that would be great, preferably in the nabeul or tunis region Thanks",,,,,,2022-08-17 12:27:24 wqny3k,,3,where do you buy your fragrances ?,"I usually buy those hand mixed cheap ones but as you might guess they're not that great, zara's smell good but the performance is meh. I don't mind investing in a designer perfume but I hear that fatales's products are not authentic. Please help I just wanna smell good ffs.",,,,,,2022-08-17 12:39:26 wqobt1,,3,B3: which is faster to get...Through the local Police dep wella online?,,,,,,,2022-08-17 12:57:38 wqoy31,,0,dropshipping,"Hello guys blh el dropshipping ya5i yanj7 fi tunisia ? Mouch yelzm visa/Mastercard or PayPal, w yelzm zeda el twensa ynajmou yechrou online bch yab3thou. Dropshipping 7aja yasser tayara tnjm tdaber mnha barcha flous ama manich 3arf if it is doable or not in tunisia !",,,,,,2022-08-17 13:25:45 wqq0pl,,1,What do you think of the French protectorate in Tunisia?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-17 14:11:58 wqq75u,,1,Was the French Protectorate in Tunisia good or bad?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-17 14:19:33 wqr47e,,12,NEW CS STUDENT SEEKING HELP,"3aslema ana l3em haha bech na9ra license computer science. I m a bit confused by the roadmaps and everyone's perspective toward the market .nes t9oul rakez 3al problem solving /data structure/algo w nes t9oul rakez 3al technologies mafhemtech checkout ntaba3 (the first group convinces me more). 3malt tala 3al 9raya ama Cena n7eb n7adher ro7i min Tawa chna3mel bedhabet : kifeh na3mel bech ndaber stage loul fi blayes behya (ma3andich m3aref) ? w knife nwafa9 Mabin 9rayet el fac (i want to get good marks it s important to me) w 9rayet dev wa7di? I m a little bit confused pls help me with your experience tag anyone who is good in this industry or upvote at least thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-08-17 14:58:24 wqrdcz,,20,Feedback on preliminary 6 day road trip itinerary,,,,,,,2022-08-17 15:08:20 wqrh7j,,0,A fire is burning in Tunisia in Sidi Thabet and the protection has escaped Is this a country...Log into Facebook,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-17 15:12:36 wqsuxk,,2,Can you pay Airbnb with CTI card ?,Can you pay Airbnb with CTI card ?,,,,,,2022-08-17 16:07:17 wqukgg,,1,How old are cars allowed to be to bring to tunisia?,"As my wife is tunisian and im here on a regular every year, i thought i could bring a car from europe to leave it here in ariana so we dont have to pay the rental car every time. i heard about 3 years old max. which would be expensive and much better than my car in germany 😂 is there a way to bring a car lder than 3 years?",,,,,,2022-08-17 17:16:40 wqur2d,,2,adress for cupping therapy (hijama) in tunis?,"Any good adress for cupping therapy? Not a shady place since that's all i found on Facebook, but a legit physiotherapy center with strict hygiene",,,,,,2022-08-17 17:24:27 wqvl7l,,10,i drink a lot of water am i sick ?,"everyday i drink around 4.5 / 5 litres of water , also i dont workout or hitting the gym , should i visit the doctor ?",,,,,,2022-08-17 17:59:50 wqw2jx,,1,scholarships abroad,hey so i got 16.77(bac sc) and i want to study abroad but my fam won't let me bc of financial reasons so im asking how can i apply to scholarships abroad and will i get accepted even tho i havent done any extra curricals except this german lang club 3amet 1ere w 2eme,,,,,,2022-08-17 18:19:19 wqyrp0,,4,What's your opinion on the issue of Brain Drain for Tunisia?,"Since you guys have been discussing this topic since yesterday, I thought I'd do this poll to see from which angle people see the issue. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-17 20:09:43 wqzdua,ما_معنى_زربوط_شلاكة/,1,ما معنى زربوط/ شلاكة؟,,,,,,,2022-08-17 20:34:38 wqzepb,é/,2,fama chkoun sre9li carte d'identité,"salem, lyouma fama rajel hazli bita9t taarif te3i w ki kalemtou 9ali rw mahazhech alors que ena met2aked li howa hazha. Sayed hedha naarfou met7ayel mn 9bal donc netsawr ynajm ykoun newi yaaml beha 7aja illégale. Belehy chkoun ynajm yaarf chnowa l 7ajet illégales li ynajm yaamlhom howa bl carte d identinte mte3i. W chnowa najm naaml bch nraja3ha mn 3andou wela bch man5alihouch yestaamlha.",,,,,,2022-08-17 20:35:35 wqzfam,,0,القصص كلها دايماً بتنعاد...,,,,,,,2022-08-17 20:36:18 wqzvqz,,0,Why is the English Tunisia article filled with so much nonsense ? It doesn't mention the capsians or the fact that our ancient population came from modern day Ethiopia and Palestine according to modern studies but mentions a roman myth about Hercules and berbers,,,,,,,2022-08-17 20:55:16 wr0e5e,,1,"During the pandemic Tunisian girl was sentenced to six months in jail for making quarn verses, Will this guy get the same treatment ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-17 21:15:28 wr1g7p,,1,college years,What do u guys think about college nowadays ? Is it really worth it to spend 5+ years of ur life running for that degree ? And are people really happy and confident with such choice or is it just a result of the pressure society been applying to pursue higher education( bac then engineer degree and then masters and then PhD like nobody is ever satisfied with where u at ),,,,,,2022-08-17 21:59:02 wr1my1,,0,Studying German,"Hey guys, what is one of the best-rated German centers in grand Tunis, I am looking To start learning this year and hopefully get a certificate in less than 2 years with extensive courses, help would be highly appreciated! Stay cool and hydrated! Much love",,,,,,2022-08-17 22:06:08 wr1qv7,,0,i need some advices and guidance on doing computer science masters in germany.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-17 22:10:38 wr22y9,,4,working in cun,"Hello people working in ""centre urbain nord"", what's the best places you can rent in to be as close to work as possible/ or anywhere transport means are available? Thank youu",,,,,,2022-08-17 22:24:26 wr3b5a,,2,any suggestions for a venue in Sousse where I might conduct my team-building activities?," I'm working on a team-building strategy. My team is made up of 40 people, and I want to undertake some team-building exercises. Any solid recommendations for a place to stay in Sousse are welcome as the trip will last from nine in the morning to nineteen at night.",,,,,,2022-08-17 23:17:29 wr68ui,,1,is there any asians stores/restaurants in sousse ?,,,,,,,2022-08-18 01:31:19 wr6ly0,,1,"Is there drug tests for public ? like a drugs test kit can be bought from the pharmacy to test if someone doing any kind of drugs ( weed / mdma , other )",,,,,,,2022-08-18 01:48:12 wr7fp4,,53,A joint Russian-Tunisian cooperation mission will be sending Tunisian women on the ISS for the first time next year.,,,,,,,2022-08-18 02:26:39 wrbvn5,,2,الطقس اليوم الخميس 18 أوت 2022 météo,,,,,,,2022-08-18 06:15:52 wrcoy9,,18,he was so happy,,,,,,,2022-08-18 07:05:37 wregbd,,1,Hajjem,"I’m from abroad and am in need of a haircut. Does anyone have a recommendation for a barber (for men) that speaks English? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-08-18 08:56:49 wreomm,,2,"Beginner web development books for sale, anyone interested?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-18 09:10:37 wrevxl,,1,"Does anyone here use contact lenses ( for vision ), if so which brand do you recommend?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-18 09:23:26 wrf34i,,1,ماهو الهدف من خلق الانسان؟,,,,,,,2022-08-18 09:35:46 wrffbd,,1,recommend me boxing/kickboxing/muay thai or jujitsu gym kriba el soukkra?,,,,,,,2022-08-18 09:56:44 wrfm94,,1,ماهو المحكم والمتشابه؟,,,,,,,2022-08-18 10:07:36 wrfo4r,,2,"I think i have Sleep Apnea, I have some questions","Yeah so basicly i can't breath well in general i have small nostrils and my nose i always blocked, at night i wake up several times at least 5 times, it's taking a toll on me , anyone know where should i go what kind of doctor should i visit , and how much will the whole process will cost. And if anyone have the same experience please let me know. Thanks",,,,,,2022-08-18 10:10:37 wrfsoi,,2,The best Amazigh dictionary,"After trying them all, ""Tafsut dictionary"" is the best way to consult the official IRCAM Amazigh-French-Arabic dictionary. Après les avoir tous testé, le meilleur dictionnaire gratuit de la langue amazighe unifiée hors-ligne trilingue : amazighe-français - Arabe est le dictionnaire Tafsut. [Play Store link](",,,,,,2022-08-18 10:17:55 wrfy5w,,107,Help !!!,,,,,,,2022-08-18 10:26:35 wrga58,,10,How to be as pleasant guest as possible?,"Hi, we are leaving for our 2week vacation to Tunisia. We are going to stay at a hotel in Sousse. Everytime I leave abroad I try to research how to make our stay as pleasant as possible for the people who provide services for me. I learned some very basic words, however my pronunciation is obviously terrible, as I have never been to African country, could they view it as offensive? Or should I try to learn even more words? Tipping. We booked all inclusive service, however I learned people working at hotels are underpaid and tips can make a large portion of their earnings. I will happily respect that, however I am unsure how much is appropriate to tip the waiters and bartenders, etc. since we won't be paying in cash for anything? Is it okay to tip euros as well or should we exchange to TND asap? Any other tips for being the best tourist in your country are welcome!",,,,,,2022-08-18 10:44:58 wrgefx,,2,salary renegotiation?,"مانجم نجبد موضوع renegociation de salaire كان بعد مرحلة التجريب (عام كامل في حالتي) ؟ ومع شكون نحكي؟ بربي ماتجاوب كان متبدى متأكد، التجوعيب لا وشكرا.",,,,,,2022-08-18 10:51:26 wrgiv9,,1,G2A valorant codes EU,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-18 10:58:32 wrhb4l,,1,مامعنى حديث: الدنيا سجن المؤمن؟,,,,,,,2022-08-18 11:39:10 wrhji3,,0,أخبار المرناقية 18 أوت 2022 : ماهو مضمون نداء أهالي سيدي علي الحطاب ؟ ماذا يوجد بقصر المياه بالمرناقية ؟ و ماهو عنوان قصر المياه بالتحديد ؟ ماهي أخر مستجدات بلدية المرناقية ؟ هل شركة سوميتومو مازالت مستمرة في انتداب العمال و العاملات ؟ ماهي أخر مستجدات حملة النظافة بمعتمدية المرناقية ؟,,,,,,,2022-08-18 11:51:31 wrhqhy,,1,i heard a rumor that there's a dentist in Ariana who works at night.,"If true.: Does anyone knows his/her name and address?",,,,,,2022-08-18 12:01:16 wri7yc,,16,Algerian woman moving to Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-18 12:24:12 wriqeq,,5,Two years studying medicine in maroc than going back to Tunisia and continuing here?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-18 12:48:46 wrir44,,2,Any bad stories to share from Ardjan?,,,,,,,2022-08-18 12:49:44 wris1g,,3,TOEFL/IELTS,"Hello people, I hope the heat is not killing y'all. Does anybody know where I can take TOEFL or IELTS exam in **Sousse**?",,,,,,2022-08-18 12:50:51 wriw3c,,1,ماهي الحاجة التي كانت في نفس نبي الله يعقوب ع؟,,,,,,,2022-08-18 12:56:09 wrjs21,,3,Anything to do in Biserte?,"I saw many beaches, met all my relatives, ate all the food, and now? I’m really bored and I want to party/meet new people/do anything else… suggestions or someone available?",,,,,,2022-08-18 13:36:00 wrjud2,,2,reverse engineering,"i need some help in some tasks about reverse engineering. can someone help ?",,,,,,2022-08-18 13:38:52 wrkmus,,0,Someone studying master business intelligence here ? Need some help !,,,,,,,2022-08-18 14:12:39 wrlgvx,,8,"In need of a job that doesn't require any skill, experience or degree, can you guys help me out ?","brothers and sisters of reddit, can you please help me with a job ? i have no degree and i quit school at an early age, and this is going to be my first job ever so i got no experience, can anyone here hire me ? or at least or tell me how or where i can go to get a job that doesn't require anything please help",,,,,,2022-08-18 14:47:42 wrlh5p,,1,ماهو الروح؟,,,,,,,2022-08-18 14:48:02 wrlvus,,0,if interested.. dm me..,,,,,,,2022-08-18 15:04:22 wrnb57,,1,There are a limited number of places left,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-18 16:02:28 wrp4bt,,3,Unpopular opinion about the brain drain issue,"If you think about it, you can easily convince half of the ppl leaving to stay if you fix the rules that govern social day to day shit, if they get less 3waj you can easily convince them to stay, less 3waj idarat less laws that make no sense and limit potential to try out new business ideas, easier access to international market, less 5an9a 3al stuff youngesters consider fun but more laws that helps them practice it safely. It never was about getting paid more fil Europe it's more like tounes to5no9.",,,,,,2022-08-18 17:15:15 wrpdr6,,21,how did you learn english?,"I need to learn english please help me with some tips that helped you. Thanks",,,,,,2022-08-18 17:25:54 wrpq26,,1,Ghazi -Uhlalala Check our Tunisian brothers and let me know your thought,,,,,,,2022-08-18 17:39:30 wrpxvi,,2,Tunisian cinema,"Hello there wonderful people! I am very interested in Tunisian cinema, but I've been having trouble finding some of the films. Do you know if these films might be accessible online: *Man of Ashes, Bezness, Essaïda, Bedwin Hacker, The TV Is Coming,* Fatma 75\*.\*",,,,,,2022-08-18 17:48:14 wrqo7d,,3,تطاوين : توزيع مليون لتر من الماء الصالح للشرب لـ '' مقاومة العطش '' عن طريق الصهريج,,,,,,,2022-08-18 18:17:24 wrr3uk,,3,hello need help chosing a laptop,hello i am a civil engineer i will need help chosing a laptop for my work also for some editing and graphic design does anybody have good laptop recommendations and thanks ( please nothing more than 3k dinars ),,,,,,2022-08-18 18:35:06 wrr8vr,,1,We booked a ferry to Tunisia and want to travel without prebooking. Now we got this Information by the ferry company. What can we do?,,,,,,,2022-08-18 18:40:48 wrrrna,,12,how it's like to have 0 family activities and nearly no relations with your cousins,"Hey I just wanna get it out of my chest coz it's irritating, sad and lonely. Dad is a man who literally cherish routine, his career and of course saving money. He be constantly refusing to go on family vacations, have a dinner or a lunch together, go to a concert or mahrajen, or even going to the mall, and m telling y'all he got all the money to do this activities but still be dragging us with him in this infinity loop of routine and this killing us slowly. Mama is trying her best to entertain us but she's short on money and I'm totally grateful for her and I will cherish her to the last day of my life. In the other hand, the fact that me and my bro don't nearly have any contacts with any of our cousins, the distance between us is getting bigger by time, we tried to talk to them but they are not putting the effort in our relationship with them and it becomes forced and awkward as long as we talk to them. That consider this matter to be a big problem in my life coz we're Arabs are known for our strong family relations and yeah most of my friends are on a good terms with their cousins and be having the best time of their lives. I wish if there someone i can relate to and I'll stop here coz I nearly expose half of my family's secrets. Thank you for reading ❤️",,,,,,2022-08-18 19:02:34 wrtnko,,0,is there no LVN anymore?,"Some years ago, that is to say when many of this community members were still using diapers (I am joking it was not that long ago but like 5-6 years ago) LVN, Language Village Nabeul, was a yearly event where the 200 or so best students of English met for two weeks in ISET Nabeul where they could mingle, speak English and meet other students from English-speaking countries. On the Internet it doesn't seem like there is a lot of information about it now so is there anyone who knows what happened with it? P.S please youngsters of the community don't downvote me, I swear I love you but ""my mouth is bad"" شتحب تعمل?",,,,,,2022-08-18 20:19:03 wrv4l2,,2,Any idea?,"Hi I've heard that people who own a company or at least a partner/gerant on paper may have a chance to get a touristic visa abroad can someone plz confirm? if so What do you think about 'Burning the visa' and stay abroad?",,,,,,2022-08-18 21:18:04 wrvn59,,5,thrifting/fripe,"hello tunisian comrades i was wondering if there's any outdoor/indoor fripes if that's what they're called near lsoukra or lac 2 with good modern stuff, most thrifting shops that i visisted have bad stuff like skinny jeans and shirts with random things written on it that dont look good, but maybe it doesnt depend on the zone you go to and they're all the same, so far i visited fripe laouina and ein zaghouan which were decent but i didnt find a lot of stuff that i liked",,,,,,2022-08-18 21:38:53 wrxi9c,,14,The beginning of the fall of education in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-08-18 22:56:53 wryf3d,,3,Anyone been in dar el misk? Can I book there and stay with my tunisian girlfriend?,,,,,,,2022-08-18 23:36:49 wrysuu,,4,Raves in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-18 23:54:36 wryx69,,2,is this laptop worth buying for web dev / software dev?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-19 00:00:04 wrzl4n,,2,Restaurant recommendations and Itinerary,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-19 00:31:20 ws1m1d,,1,"The best way to study and excel in it, but in less time?",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-19 02:07:53 ws1mfr,,8,R.I.P,"C bon denya wfet fi 2012 w 9a3din nt7asbou, hethi s5ana mte3 3icha? Le hethi s5ant jhannem, le mzel feha le clim le bhar",,,,,,2022-08-19 02:08:24 ws23ad,,13,Moving back to Tunisia from the us,"I need advice. I left Tunisia when I was 15. I did highschool, college, and masters in the USA. But now I want to move back to be closer to my family. I haven’t been back in years and I want to move back permanently. Do you guys have any advice on finding jobs or how to adapt to the transition?",,,,,,2022-08-19 02:30:26 ws2lp2,,12,Can we report animal mistreatment in Tunisia and have it actually be taken seriously?,"Passed by a protest in downtown Tunis today against dog shootings and it reminded me; there's a monkey in a playground type cafe in Kef being kept alone in a tiny cage (probably 24/7) for kids to play with and literally bully all day long. From what I've seen she gets into these fits of screaming when they start irritating her and rightfully so. I can only imagine how agonizing it must be for such a smart animal to be treated like that. Also if anyone's from there, and happens to know anything about her, please elaborate and thanks.",,,,,,2022-08-19 02:54:23 ws3ss0,,2,How to sell on Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-08-19 03:53:24 ws3xp5,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-08-19 04:00:13 ws5uxh,,1,Getting married abroad without the presence of my family,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-19 05:43:01 ws7u5a,,4,allowance for teenagers,what should be the monthly or weekly allowance for a 17 yo girl ??,,,,,,2022-08-19 07:40:38 ws98rk,,22,emergency numbers in Tunisia ain't shit..,"Needed to report an indecently exposed driver following my younger sister and I, for around 15 minutes, while taking a walk at 9am today.. Tried calling 197 three time with no response.. What if it was a far more dangerous situation? What could have happened if we didn't run back to a safe place near by? Who should I call next time? This man still needs to be reported since I am sure he will go on follow any other girls walking around, but yeah good luck to them, the police is busy ig..",,,,,,2022-08-19 09:09:58 ws9fy6,,16,Why Tunisia doesn't want to open their sky?,"I mean it's 2022, most of the Mediterranean countries have opened their sky and many airline companies bring millions of tourists each year, Spain Italy, Malta or Greece. But for Tunisia it's different... If the government open the sky, that means we would have Ryanair, WizzAir and else companies operating at Monastir, Djerba, Tozeur, Tabarka, Enfida and else... and bring more millions of tourists each year. So I don't understand why the government prefers to sacrifice millions of euros and thousands of new jobs to protect Tunisair and Nouvel Air... Example, there is only one flight from London to Tunis each day with Tunis Air against 10+ for Morocco with different airlines... Morocco took the risk to open their sky and Royal Air Maroc is still operating...",,,,,,2022-08-19 09:22:52 wsacmn,,104,"I think this has to stop, education is the priority",,,,,,,2022-08-19 10:19:55 wsan4a,,1,Rock/Metal coffees/places ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-19 10:36:49 wsaplr,,2,Rock/Metal places/coffees,"I know this has been asked before but I couldn't find the post. Are there any places or coffeeshops in Tunis that host events and small parties for heavy and rock music ? I checked the one in Goulette on Facebook. Looks like they are done for the summer. Plus that one is too far from me. Any other suggestions or information would be appreciated.",,,,,,2022-08-19 10:40:41 wsaysp,,0,failed my driving test 3 times.,Hello guys! So today i failed my driving test for the third time and i’m getting so depressed about it . The problem here is i’m leaving for France after 3 weeks and i’m not sure if i have the chance to pass the test for the 4rd time . Even if I did i’m too scared to fail again then I will have to start from 0 to get driving licence in France and it’s too expensive.,,,,,,2022-08-19 10:55:16 wsb9lv,,3,I'm alone in sousse for 4 days is there anything entertaining here to do alone,,,,,,,2022-08-19 11:11:18 wsbbyh,,0,Update for my last post about a web dev laptop,"Thanks to everyone who helped me, I realized that the laptop that I chose was bad so I looked again and made sure it came with an ssd. My budget is between 2000dt and 2500dt So I found this [one]( hope it's good.",,,,,,2022-08-19 11:14:55 wsbrk9,,1,kids these days 😔😔,,,,,,,2022-08-19 11:38:03 wscf1h,,16,Completely Legal Loopholes Everyone Should Know About in tunisia ?,i'm curious about the loopholes in tunisia,,,,,,2022-08-19 12:11:01 wscz39,,0,"Pride flag, if you’re proud of being a fucking loser",,,,,,,2022-08-19 12:38:00 wsd5yv,,39,"The idea was great, the product is a total flop",,,,,,,2022-08-19 12:47:14 wsg9ts,,2,Is a degree in computer science enough to get a job in Tunisia or abroad?,,,,,,,2022-08-19 15:04:21 wsid5a,,3,I urgently need contacts for a reliable chauffeur service company to save my job!,"So I work for a travel agency that deals with arranging chauffeur services for various clients globally. I was assigned a very huge client for Tunis and I am not able to find reliable chauffeur service suppliers just by searching on google. Please can anyone local refer a chauffeur service company in Tunis? Note: I am not based in Tunisia",,,,,,2022-08-19 16:30:38 wsk0v4,,2,Taxi prices in Tunisia,"I'm coming to Tunisia soon, and I would need to take a taxi from the airport to my hotel (a 4km trip), can someone tell me about the expected taxi prices so I don't get scammed? Thank you 🙏",,,,,,2022-08-19 17:39:44 wsk48q,,6,How to do delivery in Tunisia ?,"Names of delivery company ? Easiest way",,,,,,2022-08-19 17:43:37 wskc1f,,2,How much do you think one would pay for digital art on a canvas?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-19 17:52:30 wskrp2,كتاب_مقدمة_ابن_خلدون_بتحقيق_إبراهيم_شبوح/,10,كتاب مقدمة ابن خلدون بتحقيق إبراهيم شبوح,"مرحباً، أين أذهب لشراء هذا الكتاب بأجزائه، أبحث عن مكتبة أذهب إليها مباشرة.",,,,,,2022-08-19 18:10:15 wskrso,,6,ye5a site laqta chnya 7kayto,"[]( l prices fih suspicious 3ale5r, 3 chhour spotify b 20dt []( fi TrustPilot it seems legit....or at least not a scam kan 7ad fibalo ynjm yfahmni kifh ya5dmou, thanks",,,,,,2022-08-19 18:10:21 wsmri5,,3,On getting paid from outside the country or within possible without using private credentials? Or for the case of getting paid on Patreon for the digital art I make. Thoughts on the processes in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-19 19:33:51 wsnl27,,3,Best Casque Or Ecouteur Under 200 tnd,Pls help,,,,,,2022-08-19 20:08:43 wsnlci,,20,kids that sell mouchoir,"So today a kid came to me in sahloul Sousse insisting that I buy Bakou mouchoir so i did usually I don't cause I'm unemployed but I can spare some change from time to time when I gave him money an old guy told me don't do it cause they are ""3isabet"" in his words but they are just kids kids don't make ""3isabet"" it's not their fault that they beg they're forced to do that by these 3isabet probably their parents. Then going home a woman had many kids they were running around all of them selling mouchoir to passing cars she had the youngest strapped on her body and she's sitting in the sun with the kid the kids look like they are sun burnt with dead eyes how come we became so desensitized to this cruelty how come we let kids be so exploited and some even label them as ""3isabet"" not to mention what happens to these kids when they go home probably exploited and abused in every way possible how come nobody in the media or the government talk about these kids ? The people that way they're 3isabet or whatever they were so privileged not to go through a childhood like that I just feel like somehow this became the norm and it's disgusting",,,,,,2022-08-19 20:09:04 wsnodj,,7,"any good,preferably young therapist in tunis who's open minded to recommand?","And yup, not all therapist are open minded...not looking for domeone who'd bring up religion and so",,,,,,2022-08-19 20:12:37 wso9ig,,2,R/Tunisia Discord Server,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-19 20:37:25 wspabh,,65,Google it yourself.,,,,,,,2022-08-19 21:19:50 wspnhl,,5,question about shitty hair,"Hello guys, girls and helicopters. I have a what u call 9offa fou9 rassi and I m thinking of doing ""protein"". So is it worth it? How much does it cost 3and el 7ajem? What other hair products should I use after doing it? (Like shampoo? Zit? Mask? Etc..) Ty",,,,,,2022-08-19 21:35:35 wsrhhe,,3,need friends,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-19 22:54:48 wsrpkf,,0,الطقس يوم السبت 20 أوت 2022 météo الطقس بمختلف ولايات تونس الطقس ببعض المدن و العواصم العربية الطقس في أوروبا مواعيد الشروق و الغروب بتونس أوقات الصلاة,,,,,,,2022-08-19 23:04:47 wsuize,,0,The Habits of Successful People and How You Can Be One of Them,,,,,,,2022-08-20 01:19:06 wsvcmt,,7,is there cps in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-08-20 02:00:31 wt22hv,,1,3ndi sa7bi fi fransa byn3thli physical gift card. t5dm fi toons wle lazm na3ml compte b vpn walla kif?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-20 08:29:10 wt2w9n,,11,any smart ways to take more money abroad ?,"i was wondering if there is things you can do to overcome the 6000dt limit when leaving tunisia. for example is it possible to buy gold, take it with me and sell it there?",,,,,,2022-08-20 09:25:17 wt3jp6,,1,Bizarre that people still discuss living abroad vs living in Tunisia in 202w!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-20 10:07:58 wt3ki7,,12,Weird that people still discuss living abroad vs living in Tunisia in 2022!,"Even though it is is so very easy in fact: 1) Those who never tried to live abroad will never believe so you are losing your time and energy if you are trying to convince them of anything. Let them go and try and they will know themselves. Easy as that. 2) Those who live abroad for some time and understand ""what life is about"" will most of the times arrive to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter where you live. You will always have problems so the absolute only thing you need to make your opinion about is which type of problems you want to have. Closed case. Bonus comment that has nothing to do with the topic. Did you know that الحصيرة قبل الجامع in standard Arabic is تَزَبَّب قبل أن يتحصرم.",,,,,,2022-08-20 10:09:28 wt3wag,,2,closest/best private uni in terms of reputation,what is the best/closest private uni for computer enginnering for someone living in Ezahra-Ben Arous ????,,,,,,2022-08-20 10:30:15 wt4kbq,,5,AI engineering in Tunisia,Where can you study **AI engineering** in Tunisia? because I looked well in the 2022 orientation guide but there is nothing.,,,,,,2022-08-20 11:11:36 wt4mxn,,2,Best mail carriers for shipping from USA to Tunisia?,Looking to ship some personal/clothing items totaling < 2kg / 4lbs from NYC to Tunisia and curious if anyone is aware of economical options?,,,,,,2022-08-20 11:15:54 wt5nsh,,0,Does anyone know how to become a diplomat/ambassador in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-20 12:14:33 wt5qo8,,5,Education System in Tunisia,"How would you rate the education system in Tunisia [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-20 12:18:57 wt6xjm,,125,"While traveling around the country I have seen a lot of graffiti like this in most Tunisian towns, what is it? A Ramadan calendar?",,,,,,,2022-08-20 13:18:50 wt7rnz,,5,Hello fellas here,"I live in Palestinian & most year at Jordan and want to fly to Tunisia, but it’s super expensive! Not like I’m broke or smt nah, but I can literally fly to the USA, Europe, uae cheaper or same price sometimes a bit higher, I don’t understand why is it too expensive to fly to Tunisia, from Jordan to Tunisia coasts a whopping 700-1100 jd about 987$-1551$! It’s way too much isn’t it? And if there any way to get a flight cheaper please help thanks Edit: For who’s wondering why not fly from Palestine? I mean it’s obvious why not flying from there.",,,,,,2022-08-20 13:58:31 wt8ly7,,9,affordable protein snacks?,"hi guys so I'm looking for some good cheap protein snacks I can buy. I do have access to white and red meats thankfully and most of my protein intake is from those. Though some days i dont get enough and thats why I feel the need to buy some protein snacks on the side.. I cant afford any of those expensive supplements so do you have any affordable suggestions I can find at my local market?",,,,,,2022-08-20 14:36:04 wt9yd0,,2,A decent car rental agency with chauffeurs,Does anyone know a decent agency that rents cars with a chauffeur for a one off trip from La Marsa to Mahdia? I've used one before but it was pricey. My budget is around 180 to 200 maximum. Thanks.,,,,,,2022-08-20 15:34:35 wta05j,,2,Tourism in Tunisia,"Tunisia is one of the most visited countries in Africa. It has been an attractive destination for tourists since the beginning of the 60's. **What part of Tunisia is the best?** [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-20 15:36:41 wtamof,,3,How much do lingual brasses cost in Tunisia ?,Does the company assurance cover it ? ( I know that they cover the regular braces in my company ),,,,,,2022-08-20 16:03:37 wtauht,,4,What air bnb in tunis let non married couples in?,,,,,,,2022-08-20 16:12:45 wtchqk,,2,furniture thrifting,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-20 17:23:00 wtd1vu,,1,How many hugs do you get daily?,"""We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth"" [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-20 17:47:31 wte8di,,7,tunisia getting better or worse?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-20 18:39:22 wtf6qu,,0,change my mind : being homo tolerant ...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-20 19:21:36 wtflhg,,2,Studying abroad,"Is there any tip to study abroad and getting a scholarship. My bac got at 2020 as free candidat Is it possible now?",,,,,,2022-08-20 19:40:09 wtfvxc,,28,Tunisian stand-up scene is uncreative and even dangerous!,"Having a look at Tunisian stand-up scene one can easily see that it mirrors a widespread comparison mentality that the whole population suffers from. Not less than 70-80 percent of stand-up passages are comparing people. We vs the West. We poor people vs they rich people. Our wedding their weddings. Our schools their schools. Our-their all day long. Not only does this reflect a people that lacks creativity but it also more dangerously reflects a mentality if انهزامية and dissatisfaction with oneself. Which has to change.",,,,,,2022-08-20 19:53:11 wtgomj,تعريب_العلوم_arabising_science/,0,تعريب العلوم- Arabising Science,"What are your thoughts about arabising all the scientific fields ( Mathematics, Medical , Engineering…) ? I know it seems “Impossible” for now but If you are pro,what do you think should be done from all perspectives to ensure it ?",,,,,,2022-08-20 20:29:34 wtgtct,,3,Any place in Tunis to practice american football ?,,,,,,,2022-08-20 20:35:20 wtgwsl,,5,"Any Tunisians living in germany here? How much do you spend a month as a student and can you specify where and how much rent is, food is, etc",I was looking to go to cologne but i was told its expensive. I just want a general idea!,,,,,,2022-08-20 20:39:44 wth0gf,شنوا_اثاث_موجود_في_غرفة_مبيت_جامعي_و_شنوا_تجيب/,5,شنوا اثاث موجود في غرفة مبيت جامعي و شنوا تجيب معاك؟,"من باب الفضول والفدة :) مثلا ISI ولا FST ياخي كل مبيت و احوالو؟ معنتها فما الباهي و الخايب ولا كلهم كيف كيف؟ في الجامعات التونسية العمومية فما مبيت بالفلوس؟ سؤال اخر نتصورو زايد اما المبيتات الكل لازم تعيش مع عبد اخر ولا فما مبيت فردي؟ في السخانة هذي الي معاش تنفع فاها حتى مروحة فما عباد تجيب مكيف موبيل؟ شنوا حاجات اخرى يلزم نعرفهم كان نهار خلط للجامعة؟",,,,,,2022-08-20 20:44:24 wtiw3a,,2,L Bourse,chkoun lena andou experience wala fekra 3al boursa mta3 tounes i9oli win najem nal9a l balance sheet w income statement w cashflow statement w fazet hedhom ta3 cheriket lem9aydin f boursa w thanks,,,,,,2022-08-20 22:09:27 wtjeaw,,0,الطقس اليوم الأحد 21 أوت 2022 météo,,,,,,,2022-08-20 22:32:25 wtkuol,,112,POV: Marriages season in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-08-20 23:40:32 wtrf5t,,1,Fifa Qatar Jobs Announced Qatar 2022 Jobs UAE,,,,,,,2022-08-21 05:19:17 wtsqor,,1,il baladiya ma7loula nhar il thnin ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-21 06:37:07 wtsr2q,,0,il baladiya ma7loula nhar il a7ad ?,,,,,,,2022-08-21 06:37:49 wtu4v8,,2,Tunisia World cup 2022,"*World Cup* 2022 will kick off on November 20, 3 months left. **Would Tunisia reach the knockout stages of the World Cup for the first time ?** [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-21 08:04:42 wtufrh,,0,مروى حسني بنت المرناقية ، الحرفية صاحبة اللمسات الجميلة,,,,,,,2022-08-21 08:23:40 wtuqlq,,1,Proper procedures bich tawed IL carte d'identite Nationale Wil edinar pls,,,,,,,2022-08-21 08:43:26 wtv67y,,8,did you get bullied at school," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-21 09:11:24 wtwgev,,9,50km ultramarathon in Tozeur,"Good morning, hope you guys are doing well. So to sum it up we're three Algeriens we'll be running a 50KM ultramarathon in Tozeur on the 1st of Octobre for charity(جمع التبرعات لكافل اليتيم) and we're looking for the cheapest place to stay in Tozeur, any tips where i can find a good appartement with a low price ? thanks :)",,,,,,2022-08-21 10:34:24 wtx3b6,,7,for people who are willing to practice their french or who want to help other foreigners learning the language .,send me a dm to add you to the french group,,,,,,2022-08-21 11:12:44 wtxard,,1,"Education, Work and Prosperity in Tunisia",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-21 11:25:06 wtxfig,,5,History/culture,where can i read about Tunisian history/culture?,,,,,,2022-08-21 11:32:35 wtxvzs,,2,How do i apply for a bourse ?,I’m going abroad next year to study masters how do i apply for a bourse ? Thanks ❤️,,,,,,2022-08-21 11:58:54 wty1em,,64,How to make friends after the 25 age,"i can't believe I'm writing this but currently, I cut off my toxic group and I'm all alone by myself, hanging out going to restaurants alone, doing all the stuff that I used to do with my group alone, how can I make friends? I'm sober and I don't smoke and I don't like football ( m25) like for real I want some company ps: I go to the gym but I'm working from home ( for now )",,,,,,2022-08-21 12:06:25 wtz2v1,,2,"For the ""Bac Lettres"" graduates. you can make it if you play your cards right.",,,,,,,2022-08-21 13:01:12 wtz76x,,1,What is the racial group and the ethnic group that tunisians classify as?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-21 13:07:12 wu0617,,5,Anyone yarf num agences immobilières/samsara zone CUN ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-21 13:54:16 wu28y2,,1,kifech najem naamel compte bancaire fransawi Wala mel Europe,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-21 15:26:42 wu2bqc,,1,Can i link e-dinar card to payoneer when signing up?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-21 15:30:07 wu2br8,,11,should I write my cv in frensh or in English?,,,,,,,2022-08-21 15:30:09 wu2cwh,,1,Can i link e-dinar card to payoneer when signing up?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-21 15:31:27 wu2fzb,,4,Can i link e-dinar card to payoneer when signing up?,"# Hi Kafteji Enjoyers! i was wondering if you can link an e-dinar card to payoneer account since it's a requirement to link your bank account/card when signing up.",,,,,,2022-08-21 15:35:11 wu4nl9,,1,What's your height (male)?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-21 17:09:04 wu4or5,,0,What's your height (female)?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-21 17:10:25 wu4q2t,,5,photo camera repair shop in tunis ?,"hello ! i was wondering if anyone could advice me. my Polaroid has been broken all summer and id love for someone in tunis to take a look at it and possibly get it repaired. im not sure where to look, i already messaged a shop on whatsapp but they haven't replied and it's been a few days (only shop that popped up after a Google search). thank you !",,,,,,2022-08-21 17:11:55 wu5y66,,12,"I want to study abroad, any cheap/free ways?","Tunisians of Reddit, Greetings! So I'm a 20 year old dude who's inspired by many to go chase my dreams. My first year at college wasn't bad but I'm studying something I don't really like. I spent 7 years in Pioneer Middle and High School, brainwashing us that we're ""elites"" and stuff. but even tho I graduated from high school with an honors I got 0 chance of chasing my dream abroad because gov thinks that talented people are the ones perfect at everything (according to a one-time exam). I tried applying for Japan but it was pure BS, Campus France said no and North American Colleges often look for those who pay much. Even my parents don't think of investing in my future as they selfishly get in debt but to expand our house and buy more land (The Conservative Tunisian Beliefs). So financial support from them is near impossible. So I'll really be glad if someone who has succeeded in getting outside LEGALLY could share their experience with me, preferably with the initial cost being symbolic (the airplane ticket/visa, governmental fees). *You'll be really saving my motivation from dying.*",,,,,,2022-08-21 18:03:08 wu6gy3,,6,Is there any arcade in tunisia like the ones in japan with alot of different games?,,,,,,,2022-08-21 18:24:58 wu6x8n,,2,Looking for earphones with good mic quality!,Anyone knows where I can get earphones with good mic quality for a decent not so expensive price? I've bought 2 from a local phone accessories store and they both had shitty mics. Recommend an online store or a brand plz!,,,,,,2022-08-21 18:44:20 wu76gl,,2,Looking for Sim card with internet offer for foreign visitors!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-21 18:55:15 wu8igv,,4,Buying real estate when living abroad,"Aaslema, ki nebda fil kharej, kifech na3mel bech nwassi chkoun yechrili ardh ama yiktibha bismi? thanks.",,,,,,2022-08-21 19:51:30 wu8y1t,,2,Looking for a somewhat decent Hotel in Tunis.,"Hi ! I’m looking for a decent Hotel in Tunis or around where I could stay for a night. My budget is between 50 and 100 dn. I could go up to 120 if the room is really worth it. I am not looking for anything too fancy. Just a calm and confortable room where I could spend my day working in my laptop. And since I’m gonna stay all day in the hotel room, I don’t care that much about where the hotel is located. Thank you !",,,,,,2022-08-21 20:09:28 wu954j,,8,How can I develop my soft skills?,,,,,,,2022-08-21 20:17:33 wu9a2a,,0,Do you get this feeling?,Wanting the summer to be over and school to start,,,,,,2022-08-21 20:23:18 wuas9d,,2,win nlawej etude bac francais?,"ta3rfouch page facebook walla blassa win nes2el aal etudet? choft fi tayara malkitech barcha &#x200B; merci! ena fi tounes/soukra ",,,,,,2022-08-21 21:26:39 wuavix,,0,why are you gay?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-21 21:30:31 wub3s5,,1,Adult toys vs airports,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-21 21:40:12 wub6hv,,2,Adult toys vs airports,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-21 21:43:19 wubhk6,,0,have sub reddit for amazigh marriage..join and introduce your self سب للزواج من الامازيغ,,,,,,,2022-08-21 21:56:20 wubi0c,,4,Can I open a bank account in Tunisia as a student with no income (to be able to link it to my Payoneer account)?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-21 21:56:53 wubw1h,,0,"planning to study software engineering, which university is better (ESPRIT or TEKUP)",,,,,,,2022-08-21 22:13:00 wubxyh,,0,pros and cons of TEKUP University,,,,,,,2022-08-21 22:15:14 wubyry,,0,esprit or tekup for software engineering,,,,,,,2022-08-21 22:16:12 wuc7f7,,2,VPN server in Tunisia,"Hey all, I live abroad and I would like to connect to a Tunisian network. Is there any vpn provider that has servers in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-08-21 22:26:34 wuegju,,23,PSA: You can get an extra degree if you want/can.,,,,,,,2022-08-22 00:07:36 wueiuc,,2,Any good sources to learn Tunisian dialect?,Planning on visiting early next year and would like to learn enough to have a decent conversation with the locals. Any podcast/books/YouTube channels or other sources would be appreciated.,,,,,,2022-08-22 00:10:23 wugoea,,1,Any recommendations for quality co-working spaces?,"Can anyone recommend (from experience) a high quality co-working space? It would need to have private rooms with stable, hi-speed WiFi. I found Hubio and VIKA online so far. Any other recommendations?",,,,,,2022-08-22 01:51:18 wuivfp,,0,I like dominant women 🌹🍷👠 Am i weird ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-22 03:38:07 wujgpn,,8,is there unfair arrestations in Tunisia ?,"Hello , i moved recently to tunisia So i wanna Ask do the authoroties here take persons to jail for relative reasons ? ( Like contreversial reasons ) For exemple you post something on internet as a joke but they put u in jail for public harrasement or public , or you chat with a girl you get charged with illégal sexual things And so on.... Thank you ..",,,,,,2022-08-22 04:07:45 wulerx,,4,The last level of Jumia,,,,,,,2022-08-22 05:55:52 wuomd9,,4,Every damn Saturday.,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-08-22 09:10:57 wuowe9,,1,الطقس اليوم الاثنين 22 أوت 2022 météo,,,,,,,2022-08-22 09:28:05 wupym7,,6,Best websites for ordering computer parts?,"It MUST have pay on delivery, thank you brothers and sisters.",,,,,,2022-08-22 10:29:10 wuqpk0,,32,"what did you want to be if you weren't rushed by your parents, social norms and expectations and most importantly the economic collapse we go through ?",,,,,,,2022-08-22 11:09:24 wuqpkr,,10,ماذا كانو يقولون هنا.. اريد تأكد لو سمحتم,,,,,,,2022-08-22 11:09:26 wusx91,,2,Any active Final Fantasy XIV Players in Tunisia?,"So, curious if anyone else plays FFXIV here in Tunisia. Hoping to get some FFXIV friends on Steam. In addition to playing a game, can both practice our language skills. I'm on European Server (Spriggan).",,,,,,2022-08-22 12:56:17 wut29n,,1,"Again, willing to pay good money for this book if anyone have it and wanna sell it...",,,,,,,2022-08-22 13:01:59 wutzql,,17,"Redditors! What are goods you can't buy in Tunisia, but I could easily bring by car?","without getting problems with duane 😅 i am looking for goods which are less expensive in europe than in tunisia (for example: cars - but i could only bring one) and from which i could make a profit while also giving the buyers a better price than they would usually pay.",,,,,,2022-08-22 13:42:03 wuud23,,3,Tourist question about price of shisha tabac,"How much is a good price for a good box of tobacco for shisha? It'd be a gift for a friend, I'm not sure about the ranges and we are about to visit a bazaar",,,,,,2022-08-22 13:57:31 wuv5jv,,6,hey just wanted to ask who can draw in Rick and Morty style in Tunisia custom work ? thank you,,,,,,,2022-08-22 14:29:36 wuv9rd,,91,Beautiful art,,,,,,,2022-08-22 14:34:04 wuwjuw,,8,Why I LOVE the Tunisian Diwana.,,,,,,,2022-08-22 15:24:36 wuwt2s,,1,Vote to NEURODATA Project,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-22 15:35:10 wuwxyw,,1,I've been seeing this meme in ylyl compilation. does anyone know it?,,,,,,,2022-08-22 15:40:33 wuxjka,,2,I don't know what I'm going to do in life,"I'm 3eme math(2022-2023) and I pretty much don't know what I want to do in life. The only thing I say when people ask me about my dream/future job I always say ""what makes the most money"". I only went the scientific section because of parents/promised future. The only aspirations I have are the same that a average teen has which is ""get out of the country""",,,,,,2022-08-22 16:03:48 wuz2c5,,0,i am becoming a psychopath,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-22 17:02:56 wuz56u,,2,What are job prospects of architecture students in Tunisia (ENAU not private unis)?,,,,,,,2022-08-22 17:06:05 wuzq6a,,8,"I was wondering about the electric car ""culture"" in Tunisia. We know Tesla is rare or doesn't exist here, but I want to know if I have an electric car, do we have charging stations in the country, and if I would charge it at home, would it cost a lot (steg) .",,,,,,,2022-08-22 17:29:02 wv10z0,,3,Looking for volunteers for a wiki with traffic rules around the world,"Hello! I have created a wiki that summarizes the traffic code of several countries (currently 17) aiming to present in an organized manner and in a minimal way all the legal (and not only) information for those who travel abroad and people who love road trips. If there is anyone who wishes to contribute by creating a page for Tunisia, please make yourself familiar with [the editing guidelines and the pages' structure]( and then create the page with the respective information. Thanks in advance for any help or contribution!",,,,,,2022-08-22 18:19:18 wv150v,,0,"Hello people, is there any hookup community in Tunis? A group of open minded people who'd like to have fun?",,,,,,,2022-08-22 18:23:40 wv1bxe,,1,باجة : أهالي واد الكرم يحتجون بسبب تردي الطرقات و وزارة التجهيز والإسكان توضح,,,,,,,2022-08-22 18:31:19 wv2pqu,,1,is Bac francais worth it?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-22 19:27:17 wv4b9v,,3,Best phones for ~700dt budget,"Hello peeps, as the title says I am looking for a good phone with that budget to use for another 5 years x) Preferably Android as I don't understand apple products and don't want to. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-08-22 20:31:01 wv4q18,,3,Anyone coming home soon?,The new google pixel 6a dropped to 200$ on bestbuy(been a pixel user for 3 years). Can anyone who's coming home soon buy me the phone? Ofc I'll pay for it and I don't mind a reasonable interest.,,,,,,2022-08-22 20:47:42 wv4tdq,,8,Hi everyone. Im flying to you this week and have some questions!,I will be a tourists in Tusisia this week. Could you let mi know if theres something important before and during the trip? What I should buy from you? Sweets? Food? Any advise welcome! Thank you !,,,,,,2022-08-22 20:51:29 wv55kk,,1,is bac francais worth it ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-22 21:04:53 wv5v6y,,1,bad experience at Yuka gammarth,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-22 21:32:49 wv67ib,,0,3amel challenge kol youm freeverse rap.,Here is the link to my Tiktok: []( welli ma3andouch I post the same content to Instagram [\_rap/]( Counting on your guys' support <3,,,,,,2022-08-22 21:46:47 wv699u,,6,Off chest,"Idk why i have this weird feeling and if this the right place to express out. I m not an empathetic or emotional person to ask for such help suddenly i found myself lonely and empty even surrounded by my family. All the friends i used to hang out with, spend time and laugh altogether gone. Most of them quit Tunisia or the city where i live. I hate texting and calling. Also because of these strong feelings i lost my energy for enjoying things i like. I got relly mad becuase i'm responsible for this situation i wish i didn't made any friendship before. Note im not asking for any kind of recommendation to how to make new friends or getting social again it's obviously fair enough and i feel so sorry for myself becuase i did not count this will happen one day.",,,,,,2022-08-22 21:48:46 wv6kcg,,3,Where to buy an adjustable laptop stand,,,,,,,2022-08-22 22:00:47 wv7sb0,,10,Is fayrouz (the drink) still for sale?,,,,,,,2022-08-22 22:50:38 wv84u8,,4,Any tunisian book club?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-22 23:05:05 wv89qo,,1,"i guess that i need some support , that's why i am going to tell the story here. but life is really getting me hard.",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-22 23:10:50 wv8blf,,1,Living in chaos,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-22 23:12:53 wv8nsg,,3,looking for a Rock/Metal themed Coffeshop/Bar/Lounge,"Suggestions ? Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-08-22 23:27:42 wvalz3,,2,Anyone tried bringing a date to an escape room?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-23 00:54:43 wvbaem,,2,what's the price of a used iphone 8,"No box New battery ( etat 100) Original charger",,,,,,2022-08-23 01:25:37 wvc0lp,,0,what you think of my drawing,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-23 01:59:38 wvcc6c,,3,How long does it take to change the “job title” on cin ?,,,,,,,2022-08-23 02:14:13 wvd1vr,,1,What the hell does the ending of Sultan El Mdina mean?,"A classic tunisian movie, loved everything about it, didn't get the ending. I have found 0 resources anaylizing the movie online.",,,,,,2022-08-23 02:45:41 wvelnw,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-08-23 04:00:13 wvfudf,,3,EPI or Poly ?,"Hello everyone. I'm not sure where to complete my studies, it has to be sousse but I can't choose between EPI or Poly, do u guys know what would be better and why please Thank you",,,,,,2022-08-23 05:05:07 wvhovs,,15,What is some of the interesting stories from Tunisia that could be turned into a Netflix documentary?,,,,,,,2022-08-23 06:53:38 wvi18l,,0,i'm algerian need female friend,"I'm in Tunisia here is my insta : @nis_igg If you wanna be Friends reach me ok",,,,,,2022-08-23 07:14:08 wvi1yr,,5,do we have Dr pepper soda in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-23 07:15:24 wvj1k4,,1,The necessary documents for marriage authorisation tunisia-portugal ?,,,,,,,2022-08-23 08:18:26 wvjohp,,25,PSA: Make sure orphans have a chance to a better future by donating school kits to SOS village.,"Please, if you can spare 100 TND, help SOS village buy enough school supplies for the orphans before the start of the school year. Prices are soaring and a single school kit can enable a vulnerable orphan secure a better future. Donations can be make by bank transfers, postal remittance or on premise. [**All details are available here.**](",,,,,,2022-08-23 08:59:17 wvjrfl,,1,Tunisia themed game,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-23 09:03:30 wvjs3k,,0,tawjih il jem3i,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-23 09:04:40 wvjto8,,12,Tunisia themed video game,"Hey all, In your opinion, what would be the best historical era of tunisia to make a game on ? I am thinking Carthaginian. Maybe a more recent interesting era ? What would the game be ? Adventure ? RTS ? Story driven on a real person ? Please advise. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-08-23 09:07:16 wvkho7,,5,any people with IDD/ADHD wanna be friends,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-23 09:47:50 wvkvoc,,1,بادروا باقتناء اشتراكات النقل و لا تنتظروا العودة المدرسية 2022-2023,,,,,,,2022-08-23 10:09:48 wvkwv0,,0,"Hello, was wondering Is it a good idea to port luxury cars to Tunisia (self use)","I’m making my wedding in Tunisia and it’s 5 moths away, all my family and friends are flying from deferent places and they all are demanding to bring their cares with them because for most of them it’s the summer vacation too, the question is, (is it safe to bring luxurious cars I’m talking Ferraris lambos RollsRoyce, will they get attacked or stolen or anything like that?) Had past experience with deferent countries so yah Please it’s not a flix🙂 Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-08-23 10:11:41 wvlvbs,,0,Do you think Hitler is good or bad?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-23 11:04:53 wvmldq,,1,Does anyone here know a 100% free website/software for plagiarism?,,,,,,,2022-08-23 11:42:32 wvmtzs,,16,Good podcast recommendations,"Hello, I'm a big podcast listener, I was wondering if the podcast culture in tunisia has finally caught up to the rest of the world. Are there any good tunisian podcasts except for pre-recorded radio shows? If not, what podcasts do you guys listen to? here are some of my favorites: **Educational:** *Stuff you should know, Dear hank and John, NPR's planet money, The anthropocene reviewed, StarTalk radio...* **Comedy:** *The Ricky Gervais show, Conan O'brien, Monday morning podcast.* **Gaming:** *IGN Beyond, NVC, Game scoop!, Kinda funny games, Wulff den podcast, SpawnCast...* **True crime:** *Atlanta Monster, True crime, ...* **Creepy/Dark:** *Unexplained mysteries, Conspiracy theories, Cults, Welcome to Night Vale...*",,,,,,2022-08-23 11:54:57 wvnojm,,87,Why I LOVE the Tunisian Diwana. PART 2,,,,,,,2022-08-23 12:35:18 wvo1ur,,1,my experience at Yuka gammarth,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-23 12:52:56 wvoegu,,1,Hi! Can anyone help me with a translation from one of my Tunisian friends?,,,,,,,2022-08-23 13:08:37 wvpc7w,,12,Coffee Quality in Tunisia Got worse the past year ?,"Is it just me or coffee taste different the last few months , no matter where i buy it from or if i make it myself",,,,,,2022-08-23 13:49:52 wvre7g,,43,We should do more of this,,,,,,,2022-08-23 15:13:36 wvsbc5,,3,When does the heatwave end in Tunisia?,"Came a bit late to Tunisia this year, filling the swimming pool in the next few days was wondering if it is pleasant to swim in September/start of October as I've never been here for the past 8 years at this period of time. Appreciated.",,,,,,2022-08-23 15:51:46 wvt4mk,,1,who can make me a personal stump?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-23 16:23:58 wvt716,,6,Another mystic building is about to disappear,,,,,,,2022-08-23 16:26:43 wvtjnu,,2,can i sue my internet service provider for not being in accordance with the purchase contract?,"As a ""valued citizen of my state and municipality"", who is recieving an interval of 2.5 kbps to 1.6 mbps internet while i am subscribed to the ""OFFRE LA FIBRE RAPIDO "" of TT, which consists of an internet as fast as 20mb/s,can i sue my ISP for not giving me the advantage of what promised ?",,,,,,2022-08-23 16:40:45 wvtowg,,1,80+ Important Websites To Get Canada & International Jobs You Must Know,,,,,,,2022-08-23 16:46:35 wvu3io,,2,Vos avis concernant la formation Rbk (Rebootkamp Tunisia) ?,,,,,,,2022-08-23 17:02:44 wvu9w3,,1,وزارة الداخلية : بلاغ مروري استثنائي بمناسبة فعاليات تيكاد 8 بتونس,,,,,,,2022-08-23 17:10:06 wvurey,,10,"out of Spanish and German, which language is easier as an option?","It's true that German is more difficult to learn than Spanish, but in the contrary German exams are way easier than Spanish exams, isn't that true?",,,,,,2022-08-23 17:30:06 wvvy2t,,21,Hillbilly in Tunisia,My wife and I want to retire to Tunisia from the US. Our conversational french is poor and our Arabic non-existent. We shop at Wal-Mart and believe hard work is the path to enlightenment. Is there a place for us in Tunisia or should we look elsewhere?,,,,,,2022-08-23 18:18:10 wvxp34,,3,Bringing a PS5 through Diwena,Hey belehi ma famech we7ed recently rawe7 wou jeb m3ah ps5 n7ab na3ref ken el diwena yorbtou fel 7keya barcha wale. Thanks,,,,,,2022-08-23 19:29:21 wvxwnb,,2,Esprit,Do someone know if its still time to apply to Esprit for engineer scholarship ?,,,,,,2022-08-23 19:38:00 wvy38r,,17,It's not getting any better and it's driving me crazy,"Our Salaries are at the bottom of the world, we are unable to consume anything and there is absolutely no way to make more money even if your ready to rip your ass of .. Like seriously, to buy a good pair of shoes you need to reconsider a hundred times.. And as I work I see everyone around me sad and depressed and its just sad.. Adding salt to injury its not enough that we are unable to consume but everything is also so fucking overpriced why the fuck is internet cars electronics are so god-damned expensive Excuse my madness, I needed to get this out of my chest.",,,,,,2022-08-23 19:45:16 wvyidc,,7,there is no essence in the kioske and nobody is reporting it,"i have found essence only in agil fi soussa all the orther brands dont have petrole and this news is not shared in tweeter , or facebook like every body s'enfou tldr there is no essence expet in agil in the city of sousse",,,,,,2022-08-23 20:02:14 wvytas,,7,Books,"Any good safe sites for reading online or downloading books? In English or French or Arabic, I don't care which language of these, i just want to have access to books for free, already have 4 in mind, English books.",,,,,,2022-08-23 20:14:15 wvyzga,,2,Receiving a graphic tablet from a friend Mel bara par poste,"I have a friend who lives in Germany, I paid him to buy a graphic tablet (Wacom One) there worth 200€ , Now Im wondering if he sends it to me through post or DHL as a gift How much will it cost fel diwena ? will diwena annoy me about or anything like that ?",,,,,,2022-08-23 20:21:18 wvz32p,,2,A tunisia vpn or a tunisian IP address,Hey i need to access a Tunisian service from outside of the country but unfortunately the access is only restricted to Tunisian ip addresses .. any suggestions please thank you,,,,,,2022-08-23 20:25:22 wvzt0x,,2,A website/facebook group where to buy and sell used/new electronics,I'm looking for a Tunisian community where I can find a gadget for my printer.,,,,,,2022-08-23 20:55:03 ww1t4d,,2,"Do you hope for a better future ? Since the new generation had access to the internet and more resources of knowledge about all kinds of things and also about other cultures , etc ..",I want to know your opinion !,,,,,,2022-08-23 22:16:40 ww205m,,1,الطقس اليوم الأربعاء 24 أوت 2022 météo,,,,,,,2022-08-23 22:24:59 ww2mkx,,3,"How to learn ""derja""","Does anyone know a good website or YouTube channel or really anything that can help teach Tunisian derja? Or maybe some language exchange website? I'm from Tunisia, but we moved to the Scotland when I was 10 years old to live with my English speaking mum's side of the family. I didn't have anyone to speak Arabic with (it's my mum's second language) and I threw myself into understanding English/Scottish, then trying (and succeeding) so hard to pick up a Scottish accent. As a result, I've lost most of my Arabic. I still have some (I can understand far more than I can speak) but it's so embarrassing when I come back to Tunis to visit family and they can all speak three languages and I've basically forgotten my first language. They also all make fun of me (in a nice way!) for only speaking one language and now my English is hard to understand because I now have a strong Glasgow accent. Any help from anyone would be amazing! Thank you so much!",,,,,,2022-08-23 22:50:54 ww3ayu,,1,Classy places in sfax,"hello can anyone recommend me a classy places in sfax ( restaurants , lounges , coffee shops ... ) also comfortable places to stay hotels / house for rent for 1-2 days ( for couples) .",,,,,,2022-08-23 23:20:09 ww5vzg,,2,emotional support dogs.,Chkun aandou fekra if we have emotional support dogs for people who suffer from schizophrenia where can I get one and how much does it cost.,,,,,,2022-08-24 01:16:36 ww8eek,,6,Tunisian singer Ghalia Benali with Ensemble Constantinople from Montreal,,,,,,,2022-08-24 03:15:46 wwbi2m,,6,is Raoued a safe place to live in?,I will be living in raoued near the delegation for next school year. i wanna know if it's is safe to live there ?,,,,,,2022-08-24 06:00:24 wwbkpv,,1,Police Brutality,"Anyone knows the context of this clip and if any media reported on it, it's not really a new one but it still happened this year. [\_20220709090500\_t](",,,,,,2022-08-24 06:04:42 wwd4mj,,43,bad experience at yuka gammarth,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-24 07:38:59 wwdnv2,,2,leather/sky online,"Is there a website or fb page that sells and delivers sky/leather? I want to buy medium pieces to make customized leather bracelets (personal use not business) Edit: if there aren't any online, is there someone who sells near Ariana/soukra/laouina/raoued/kram?",,,,,,2022-08-24 08:12:07 wwe14l,,1,Bus/Train to Tunis Airport?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-24 08:35:23 wwe5lt,,2,Bus/Train to Tunis Airport?,"Hello everyone! I’m currently visiting Tunisia with friends of mine and when it’s time for me to travel back home, I was wondering if there is a bus that can take me straight to the Tunis Carthage Airport? I was thinking of taking a taxi from La Marsa to Tunis Carthage, but there are about 10 people with me on this trip so it would take several taxis just to get everyone over there. Does anyone know if it’s possible if I can take the tram to Tunis, and then from there another bus/train to the airport? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-08-24 08:43:09 wwg88e,,29,What's this?,,,,,,,2022-08-24 10:45:33 wwhhly,,1,Is it legal to tint your side windows in the front in tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-24 11:50:56 wwhqg2,,7,Do companies in the field of web development in Tunisia recognize just university degrees?,,,,,,,2022-08-24 12:02:23 wwhs5k,,1,"Legal status of electric moto , electric bike","do i need carte grise /assurence when i buy an electric moto , does the mourour can bitchin me or an e moto is considred a bike since there is no diametre of piston so no cilyndré",,,,,,2022-08-24 12:04:39 wwhss1,,1,Esprit school of business ?,"I need some informations about this school , studying there worth it as a 2nd master degree ? I need pros and cons please . Also I can study cours du soir. ?",,,,,,2022-08-24 12:05:24 wwj0bh,,1,هل المرأة ظلمت في الإسلام؟,,,,,,,2022-08-24 13:02:49 wwjh04,,1,can I get my driver's license men wileya o5ra ?,"Recently 5dit my temporary driving license (Tunis) , i asked and the physical copy should be ready in 15 days but by then I'll be back in monastir My question is can I get my license from monastir's ATTT or it must be from Tunis ?",,,,,,2022-08-24 13:22:37 wwkk39,,1,واقع الأمة الاسلامية اليوم,,,,,,,2022-08-24 14:09:32 wwlazy,,0,Ibn Khaldun is overrated and I as Belgacem consider myself better!,"Ibn Khaldun is undoubtedly one of the most famous Tunisians throughout time, but having a look at his Mukaddima I see that not only does it include many factual mistakes but also it consists mostly of general knowledge which normally anyone who achieved 25 or 30 years should possess. I hereby declare myself better than Ibn Khaldun!",,,,,,2022-08-24 14:41:12 wwm9lq,,1,famma louage yhez men tunis l Ghar el mel7?,ken famma transport e5er 9olli lmouhem nal9a kifeh nemshi 8adi,,,,,,2022-08-24 15:20:20 wwmrdm,,0,When my kids ask me to show them Naomi Campbell,,,,,,,2022-08-24 15:40:28 wwnfco,,1,is it possible to register for mobile ID thing while abroad?,maybe through parents?,,,,,,2022-08-24 16:06:45 wwnfcu,,2,Rock/Metal scene in Tunis ?,"I remember between 2013 and 2018 there was a big surge in number of bands and self taught musicians forming a nice community and offering live shows. Where is everyone now ?",,,,,,2022-08-24 16:06:46 wwo8vx,,0,How To Keep On Track | Motivation Tips,,,,,,,2022-08-24 16:39:25 wwosgp,,5,Tunisian kids are built different,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-24 17:01:03 wwp1qe,,57,Nothing! I mean nothing is worth throwing your life like that. Nothing!,,,,,,,2022-08-24 17:11:15 wwp8yp,,0,"Guys , do you prefer women with tan skin or pale skin ?",,,,,,,2022-08-24 17:19:27 wwpd47,,1,كان الاب و الام يتفرقوا بعد ما المرا تولي حبلة و منجموش يتفقوا على اسم للرضيع شنوا يصير؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-24 17:24:12 wwpihh,,2,Where can i buy a razer/alienware laptop in Tunis?,"I’ve seen a few on tayara and Facebook marketplace but i’m not looking for a used laptop, any shops that sell brand new laptops here?",,,,,,2022-08-24 17:30:32 wwps9e,,6,What's your favourite region/city in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-08-24 17:41:41 wwqd7b,,2,Can we shop online?,"I remember that there was a very complicated issue about shopping from sites like amazon in ebay because of paypal, and i wanted to know what is the current state about shopping online? and if the issue is still there is there a way you know to allow you to shop from any online store that you'd be willing to share?",,,,,,2022-08-24 18:05:09 wwqezc,,5,has anyone bought a cube from mimos cubes,is it worth it?,,,,,,2022-08-24 18:07:18 wwredl,,0,what keeps you to live in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-24 18:47:36 wwrtbr,,42,We are handsome 😎,,,,,,,2022-08-24 19:04:36 wws2f7,,7,ahsen naw3 mta3 stylo azrak?,,,,,,,2022-08-24 19:14:57 wwtf36,,2,thread for restaurants in Tunis,"[Only the capital and surroundings] What are the best deal for : 1/Chawarma 2/Burgers 3/Tunisian street food (kafteji, lablebi) 4/Cool sit in restaurants (italian/asian..)",,,,,,2022-08-24 20:10:32 wwtuqf,,4,Public transportation in Tunisia,"How would you rate public transportation in Tunisia [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-24 20:28:23 wwtw7l,,1,prepa france/CPGE,"Asslema, nheb naaref est-ce fama shkoun dkhal prepa fi franca bel bac tounsi? Si oui kifeh? Sur parcoursup? ( excluant les bourses nationales)",,,,,,2022-08-24 20:30:04 wwv16j,,3,Job opportunity,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-24 21:15:52 wwvi6g,,4,Is a porn addiction an issue?,"Today I opened the unanswered topic with one of my friends about porn addiction, what's your opinion about it do you think it can make a lot of problems for men and women nowadays? Have you ever experienced this addiction and you get rid of it? What are the consequences and the results of removing it from your life? If you didn't get rid of it, what's the issue that caused you? Alone or with your partner",,,,,,2022-08-24 21:35:13 wwvon5,,1,"hello everyone, im new in the app but i thought its a good place to share what i want. Basically i just got in the gym and im trying to lose weight but it hard to follow the recepies i find on tiktok so anyone do you know the tunisian 'low fat' products as cheese, heavy cream and especially the-",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-24 21:42:46 wwwucg,,0,fact:,,,,,,,2022-08-24 22:30:40 wwx2x3,,2,Any help with Wedding planning ?,"Hello people of Reddit! We’re a Tunisian young couple living abroad and we want to get married next summer. We want a Pinterest-y X traditional wedding in an open space and in Tunis ( grand Tunis). However, it seems to be almost impossible to find proper wedding planners that don’t offer purple, green or red lights as decoration OR find a nice open space venue that would fit our 300 guests. So my question to you is the following: can you please recommend a good venue and/or a wedding planer ?",,,,,,2022-08-24 22:40:22 wwxfsm,,3,Should I go BAC science or BAC math? assuming both have equally great grades.,Which one has better job prospects/future?,,,,,,2022-08-24 22:55:46 wwxlv1,ée_dun_bulletin_n3_extrait_en/,3,Combien dure l'arrivée d'un bulletin n°3 extrait en ligne,"Avez vous une idée combien il faut de temps pour qu'il soit prêt ? J'en ai besoin en urgence.",,,,,,2022-08-24 23:02:33 wwyk7w,,1,Need Advice about a masters degree abroad !,"Hello fellow humans. Long story short, I'm an industrial engineer I'll be graduating in like a month. Tbh I've got a job offer at a big company but at a shitty pay ( like all the industries here ) . Now , what i wanna be in 5 years can't be achieved here Sadly ( not only cz the shitty pay , but also our industries are primitive) so I'm looking for a way out ( like 99.99% of the population) I figured i have 2 options : either accept the job , build up some experience and apply for jobs abroad Or find a masters abroad, study there and hope to land a job while at it . For now , option 2 feels like the one with higher chances, but all the masters i could find costs a hella of money . So if you guys know anything that can help with the second option or any recommendation, it's all appreciated . Thnx in advance.",,,,,,2022-08-24 23:44:35 wwzf8z,,1,Where to buy Margoum in centre ville,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 00:23:30 wx04u4,,7,is social media is a requirement to pick up girls,Yekhy lezem social media bch tahky m3a bnete w lezemk kadheb w tokhrej tesker bch yardhou alik kamcha bnete n9oulou sob7ane allah wehed yakrah choreb w mayhebech tsawer w mayokhrejch chya3ml inik courda 😂😂😂,,,,,,2022-08-25 00:55:48 wx24jd,,1,"You can only be rich or powerful? Which would you choose, and why? What’s more durable in the long run? Power or money?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 02:28:14 wx3mz6,,1,Best shipping carrier/operator to send some stuff overseas?,"In terms of price/reliability/shipping time/tracking etc... I'm just talking about an individual package for now, but also wondering if they have affiliate programs (aka do they offer plans for businesses?) Thanks guys The package is not a big item: 1kg - 30cm x 40 cm x 50cm",,,,,,2022-08-25 03:42:17 wx5nuw,,2,"can you burry a dead animal in public ""gardens""? if not, any alternatives?",,,,,,,2022-08-25 05:29:59 wx6o7g,,1,الطقس اليوم الخميس 25 أوت 2022 météo,,,,,,,2022-08-25 06:28:17 wx7jpp,,3,Where can I find a 12V to XT60 cable in Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-08-25 07:22:01 wx7m2q,,4,How prominent is the regionalism problem in Tunisia.,"I notice that Tunisians are still disseminating and stereotypical towards other regions of the country, even among the young generations. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-25 07:26:19 wx81no,,19,Need some advices for the first date,"So I knew a girl and we get along with each other ... She decided that we should meet and suggested going to the beach early at 7AM to swim , so basically our first date will be at the beach.... Any advices , tips can help ? Ps: we are so close and idk what to do if things got romantic.",,,,,,2022-08-25 07:54:23 wx823w,,3,Is it easy to find a battery for my laptop?,"If yes, where can i find it? Model: Hp pavilion 15 n010ek",,,,,,2022-08-25 07:55:12 wx88hp,,2,What should I do?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 08:06:11 wx8h6o,,0,What should I do?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 08:21:09 wx8ky3,,1,shkoun yfhm f DJing wel music production yji prv,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 08:27:49 wx8n5n,,4,where to get booked in tunisia to make electronic dance music live set like Tomorrowland and ultra ?,,,,,,,2022-08-25 08:31:36 wxa6a7,,9,Any eSports cafe's in Tunis ? feel like playing some Apex Legends..,,,,,,,2022-08-25 10:07:49 wxa6h7,,1,Industrie textile : l’export tunisien vers l’UE a le vent en poupe,,,,,,,2022-08-25 10:08:07 wxb1cz,,1,uni, what is the closest private university( that has a good reputation ) for computer enginnering for someone living in Ezahra-Ben Arous ????,,,,,,2022-08-25 10:55:27 wxbi9u,,9,if u could fix one of them what would you choose?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-25 11:19:56 wxbvph,,1,الفجة المرناقية : تدشين مصنع ياباني جديد للمنتجات الطبيعية SARAYA,,,,,,,2022-08-25 11:38:48 wxch1o,,2,Found this engineering fail in some random store in Hammam-Lif,"&#x200B; [\(in case u didn't get it, the ad sign is centered in both door's wings, which, when left one opened, looks really funny.\)](",,,,,,2022-08-25 12:06:54 wxcshg,,1,Looking for places that organize rafting,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 12:21:37 wxd8d5,,7,LEC playoffs R comin,famech 9ahwa fi tounes t3adi il games n7eb netfarej fi game mta3 G2 vs MSF m3a 3bed idk forja fi grp makes it more fun,,,,,,2022-08-25 12:42:10 wxebax,,65,Tell me you're in the south without telling you're in the south,,,,,,,2022-08-25 13:29:27 wxec08,,9,Wtf is wrong with sfaxiens and 9raya?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-25 13:30:14 wxest7,,2,Comment la diaspora peut transformer le Maghreb en machine à innover,,,,,,,2022-08-25 13:50:23 wxfo82,étudiantes_is_the_most_toxic/,38,"""Nekri ken ll les étudiantes"" is the most toxic sentence these days for the boys out there looking for a rent for their studies",,,,,,,2022-08-25 14:26:36 wxg4vl,,1,فضل الأطفال في الإسلام,,,,,,,2022-08-25 14:45:34 wxi098,,1,Earbuds suggestions,"Hey y'all, Looking for some good earbuds to buy, with noise cancellation feature and able to use for casual days and working out if possible. Budget : 500TND maximum (I feel scammed just writing this but I need smthg to distract me from نفخان public transport وجوجمة العاصمة) كوغديالمون.",,,,,,2022-08-25 16:01:07 wxi4o7,,1,is legit?,they're selling refurbished iphones for decent prices & some of them seem too good to be true.,,,,,,2022-08-25 16:06:00 wxiz6a,الشركات_العمومية_و_تعكعيك_النقابات_و_المسمار_في/,12,الشركات العمومية و تعكعيك النقابات و المسمار في حيط,خبر عرضني انو الشركة العمومية للتبغ و الوقيد اللي الوحيدة محتكرة مجال الدخان و تكور وحدها و من غير منافس فالسة خخخ ، و هي المسؤولة على تزويد تونس كاملة بالدخان و كل الارباح ترجعلها وحدها ، و بالرغم هذا فالسة تصورو اكثرش من هكا فساد ، تصور شركة بربح مضمون و هاذي حالتها ، خلي من بقية الشركات العمومية التونسية من اتصالات للجعة و النقل الخ ، شنية مستقبل تونس مع هالشركات العمومية و اتحاد الشغل؟ ، علاش كان فالدول المتخلفة يصير هكا بينما الدولة المتقدمة تلقى كان الخوصصة و التنافس مغير تعكعيك و مسمار في حيط ، توه زعما تونس تنجم تتقدم و هي ديما مطفية هالآفة و عمرها للقاتلها حل ؟ شيء يعيف ترى فالفساد عيني عينك مغير حتى شيء لا يتبدل,,,,,,2022-08-25 16:40:15 wxj0kc,,8,What’s with the social culture in Tunisia,"Tunisian born abroad(u.s.) who didn’t really start coming here until I was older like 20 and found the social culture to be the same if not worse than before. Like everyone says they hate Tunis and that everyone is fake, but will go on to be fake to each other. Making friends seems like a scam here, which is why I wish I had come before to have the day 1 friends you do everything with as opposed to trying to make a group at a older age. I would say the u.s. or Europe is like this, but it seems being fake and shit talking is more a part of the culture here and everyone does it. Am I tripping",,,,,,2022-08-25 16:41:51 wxj312,,2,Where are you guys (from) ?,"i'm interested in who frequents this subreddit [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-25 16:44:48 wxj8r5,,1,اخبار المرناقية 25 اوت 2022,,,,,,,2022-08-25 16:51:27 wxk3v4,,1,What are the best places to visit in Grand-Tunis for a September trip?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 17:26:16 wxkm46,,15,Do u say mte3i or nte3i? Famma or thamma?,"Translation: 1. Mine 2. There is/are…",,,,,,2022-08-25 17:46:23 wxl1da,,2,which is better: masters in Germany or cycle ing in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 18:03:15 wxlkh1,,8,Tunisia World record,,,,,,,2022-08-25 18:25:10 wxlkut,,9,Sending Condolences,"My brother in law's father passed away today, rather suddenly. In the U.S. we would typically send flowers to the next of kin if we could not be there in person. How do Tunisians send condolences? Would flowers be inappropriate?",,,,,,2022-08-25 18:25:36 wxmgxn,,1,git workflow,,,,,,,2022-08-25 19:01:08 wxmpza,,1,Lost package?,So I bought some stuff from a foreign brand and I was l receiving the package from Frankfurt to tunisia and on the tracking website it said it was send to destination county on the 16 of July and since then I've got no update mind you I've order the package on the 28 of June. I've contacted the brand they said they can't provide me with end to end tracking unless I get a cn18 form from my local post office which I don't even know what that means (if anyone knows please let me know) and now Idk what to do can anyone help please,,,,,,2022-08-25 19:11:17 wxmxa9,,1,وفاة طفل غرقًا في قنال مجردة و وفاة تونسي غرقا في الجزائر,,,,,,,2022-08-25 19:19:27 wxnrpk,,2,How much does it cost to get a car from Tunisia to France ?,"I will be going to France to study and live there and I was thinking about bringing my car with me there because if would make my life there a LOT easier and more enjoyable. So I was wondering how much would it cost to get my car from Tunisia to France ? And how long/ hard is the whole procedure.",,,,,,2022-08-25 19:54:49 wxoiwd,,1,لماذا الكلب نجس ووفي في نفس الوقت؟,,,,,,,2022-08-25 20:25:24 wxooa2,,2,is there any place where i can buy takis in tunisia,"i've been searching online for a while but unfortunately i found none , so any ideas",,,,,,2022-08-25 20:31:38 wxp69u,,1,"On a scale from 0-10, how good is Kais Saied governing the country?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-25 20:52:23 wxpni4,,1,a weird story or situation that you had or know,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-25 21:11:34 wxqby3,,1,"As a freelancer/someone being payed from abroad companies, how are you managing in Tunis the wage transfer?",,,,,,,2022-08-25 21:39:10 wxqcfr,,0,Just one question to one of the moderators,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-25 21:39:42 wxqdh0,,5,Any tips on how to invest money in Tunis? Thoughts and stories that worked for you? Opinion over certain banks? and is there someone who's investing in their retirement plan from an early age?,,,,,,,2022-08-25 21:40:47 wxqlkl,,0,"Fellow Kafteji Enjoyers, I have a question: How/Where can I buy alcohol from on Fridays?","I don't have a red passport or anything of the sort, and the (few) black market alcohol dealers that I know of, are super expensive. Can anyone help a brother in this time of need and point me in the right direction?",,,,,,2022-08-25 21:50:03 wxrroo,,1,what is some illegal things that i may do by accident online in Tunisia,"So i am a person who goes to the dark web ( not the deep one) for personal entertainment watching red rooms and browsing the tor and onion libraries for some nice threads. And i torrent games and movies and music and series.and some times mine crypto sometimes to buy steam games i am forced to buy to play like AMONGUS for example.and i ddos my neighbors when i am bored to get their reactions. And i of course got their wifi password. Using a handshake file (hacking) I just one to know if any of the things i am doing are illegal. And some things that i may fo by accident that are leagle cause i don't wanna be arrested.",,,,,,2022-08-25 22:37:40 wxrwp9,,1,What are you as Tunisian doing for climate?,"Do you for example take the train instead of louage every time you have a chance? Do you switch off the lights in the rooms in which you don't need lights? Do you take a bicycle or walk 🚶‍♂️ instead of taxi when the distance is short? Do you feel that we humans have a common responsibility to save rhs planet or do you think that rich countries are the ones who destroyed the planet and they have to take alone responsibility? And why did rich countries destroy the planet? Isn't it because they are more innovative? Or do you want to convince me that Tunisians - to take an example we know - would consciously consume less even if they had the opportunity? Is Tunisian koffa قفة a sign of a historically ""climate-smart"" people?",,,,,,2022-08-25 22:43:33 wxs2uh,,0,Desperate need of help (SAT),"Payment is the issue , i think you can transfer the money from a bank account but the exact procedure i have no ideaa . So if anyone knows , i would be glad if u shared the knowledge !",,,,,,2022-08-25 22:50:40 wxsoyx,,1,(M24) looking for company in Monastir,"Hi, so Im looking to meet new people here in monastir. it doesn't matter if you'r a male or female. Im looking for easy going and enjoyable company. DM me if intrested!",,,,,,2022-08-25 23:16:29 wxtu51,,0,محمد السادس ملك المغرب سكران بعد حفلة في باريس,,,,,,,2022-08-26 00:07:06 wxv7vj,,6,Thoughts?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 01:08:53 wxw3ec,,6,Hello friends ! I'd like to hear your advice on living in Tunisia ^^,"As I said, I will come to Tunisia next year and live here for a long time due to my work. So I would like to ask you about traffic, climate personal safety and so on . As a non-believer, are there any taboos for me to get along with local people?",,,,,,2022-08-26 01:48:51 wxw70y,,1,recommendations,"Hi, anything to recommend to get from tunisia for my international friends ? something that doesnt take a lot of space and weight please !!",,,,,,2022-08-26 01:53:34 wxyuy5,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-08-26 04:00:11 wy02rs,,2,Gifts,Any idea for gifts I can bring to Tunisia? I'm going to stay in one family house and meet a few people I have never met before so I would like to bring the something.,,,,,,2022-08-26 05:01:05 wy080u,,2,Married french couple who live in the US wanna visit tunisia...........,"We heard that tunisia has very multiple nude beaches and we are interested to visit it. I would be great if tell us some places and beaches and we will be very thankful.",,,,,,2022-08-26 05:08:58 wy2z5b,,1,interesting,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 07:49:18 wy326j,,1,الطقس اليوم الجمعة 26 أوت 2022 météo,,,,,,,2022-08-26 07:54:44 wy3hmy,,0,recherche de voiture,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-26 08:21:51 wy3y4o,,1,محافظ البنك المركزي: مشروع مجلة الصرف الجديد سيكون مواكبا للتغيرات الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية,,,,,,,2022-08-26 08:50:35 wy43dw,,2,HELP!!!!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 08:59:22 wy45ag,,59,Making a goal from 75 yards away,,,,,,,2022-08-26 09:01:58 wy47bu,,1,Any advice is a life saver for me :’),[removed],,,,,,2022-08-26 09:05:19 wy4qrr,,2,smn hacked my acc w habatli pics khaybin what can i do please,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 09:38:08 wy574i,,0,Which country you would like to live in,"If you have the possibility to live abroad , where would you like to live [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-26 10:04:47 wy5hht,é_libre_de_tunis/,1,ULT (université libre de Tunis ),thoughts about ULT (université libre de Tunis )???,,,,,,2022-08-26 10:21:34 wy5o6w,,69,"The last thing he knew, he got beaten up",,,,,,,2022-08-26 10:32:15 wy6rqc,,3,Any place to find a job,"I decided to take the bac exam as a candidate libre, and in the same time find a part time job to not waste time, any advice where or how to find any ?",,,,,,2022-08-26 11:31:42 wy6v3s,,1,Question/Help," ***I had a friend that's a girl, she was really close to me, we were best buddies, but all of a sudden she stopped talking and is avoiding me. What could be the reason ?***",,,,,,2022-08-26 11:36:46 wy6waf,,0,A place to park the car and makeout with my gf?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 11:38:35 wy72bg,,0,"after the hacker did post some bad pics of me, and all my fam did saw it i should probably die hhhhh",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 11:47:24 wy753i,,3,the order of engineers,Do you think by threatening to not list engineers who graduated from universities recognized by the ministry or even some public school they are unjustly bypassing the ministry's authority? and what do you think about it stating that it won't recognize ESPRIT degrees only days before the return to universities? Also what do you think about the head of the order?,,,,,,2022-08-26 11:51:25 wy7p6o,,4,Tunisia queer film festival," What do you think of it",,,,,,2022-08-26 12:18:13 wy885q,,6,من تطاوين إلى صربيا.. دولة الكزاوي,,,,,,,2022-08-26 12:43:19 wy8jhp,,0,اخر اخبار الترجي الرياضي التونسي اليوم 26 اوت 2022,,,,,,,2022-08-26 12:58:05 wy8r7x,,17,"ex-smokers, how did you quit cigarettes?",My addiction is getting out of hand and I seriously need to consider all the health hazards. Plus this shit is expensive. Your experience can really help😮‍💨,,,,,,2022-08-26 13:07:04 wy99xb,,27,croissant😋,,,,,,,2022-08-26 13:29:42 wycf11,,30,Some websites and services (like Discord) are not accessible ?,"**Final Update/edit** : Cloudflare isn't blocked by Telecom lines anymore it seems! Services such as Discord and other websites using cloudflare are accessible as intended. I am very glad they did not censor it, and it seems to be just a technical issue with DNS. I would like to note they took about half a day to fix it, which might seem to be a lot but knowing TT and other ISPs we Tunisians got, this is very good compared to the usual""wait until monday"" . Edit 1: Seems like it isn't just me, and it isn't just ""Tunisie Telecom"" (although it's still most likely them, they provide for the rest).Calling them through one phone number (1200) would go through, a woman who suggests me to call their other number (1298) Even though on their website, the first number is the correct one.1298 doesn't even work (maybe too many calls saturating their line? I don't know). Yet again, Telecom and their bullshit.VPN Time. Edit 2: Just like how u/azizbna pointed out, Phone data seems to be working fine, which makes me think either this is temporary by Telecom lines or, phone data will sadly follow and get blocked later on. Hoping for the former. Edit 3: Again following a comment from u/azizbna , it does seem that all of the unavailable websites/services were using Cloudflare, which means Telecom blocked Cloudflare, or they have some sort of technical issue? Who knows &#x200B; ~~Anyone got that problem today?At first I thought it was an internet problem which could be fixed with a quick reboot, but rebooting didn't help. Half of the websites I usually go on (and apps like discord) aren't loading for me, whether it's on pc or phone.Status online shows those website seems to be running fine, which leads to me thinking it's my internet.So I'm wondering if it's (yet another) Telecom problem? Or is it just a me-problem?~~",,,,,,2022-08-26 15:40:29 wycj1g,,20,Discord Down?,Is discord down in tunisia right now? because it didn't work for me and when I turned on my VPN it worked,,,,,,2022-08-26 15:44:59 wycxhc,,1,where can I buy nerf darts,i couldn't find darts only online any ideas?,,,,,,2022-08-26 16:00:58 wydtsg,,4,Any tunisians living in Finland here?,,,,,,,2022-08-26 16:37:50 wyewbc,,2,where can i watch wc qualif basketball tunisia vs egypt?,,,,,,,2022-08-26 17:20:56 wyfn9n,,34,Monastir on August 5 from the ISS,,,,,,,2022-08-26 17:51:58 wyg5zb,,0,Gay in Tunisia,"Is it safe to be queer in Tunisia? Do the authorities give queer people trouble? Is there a queer scene in Tunis, Sfax or other big cities? I'd like to hear specifically from queer Tunisians on their experiences.",,,,,,2022-08-26 18:13:10 wyg6xc,,0,"The disappearance of the Dead Sea, One of the signs of the end of the world.",,,,,,,2022-08-26 18:14:14 wygmgg,,1,is it safe to buy things from AliExpress? if so can they deliver a guitar without harm?,,,,,,,2022-08-26 18:32:02 wyhi4e,,2,Which Roufi3at El Jalsa episode was best and why? Here are my candidates!,"**El Berka (قضية البركة)**: in the heart of Tunis a Jewish goldsmith was killed in his shop on Sunday. A guy called Sami was convicted but I and many others think that it was the Jew's younger brother who killed him. **Samir Rahwi (قضية سمير الرحوي)**:a guy died in a mysterious train accident. Nobody was found guilty of the ""murder"" but many believe that it was his wife together with some other guys plotted and performed the murder since he (Samir) started a paternity DNA test case which actually showed that he was not father to their only child. **El Arbi El Matri (قضية العربي الماطري)**: need I say more? If you a reason to strengthen your belief that burning eternally in fire is a just thing then watch that episode. A ""monster"" raped a 4 year old child two times and then killed him with a stone. Between the two rapes he smoked one or more cigarettes at the same time the child was in front of him bleeding, naked and crying.",,,,,,2022-08-26 19:08:30 wyhq0z,,1,anyone exchange dinars for paynoeer balance here?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-26 19:17:45 wyhwru,,5,"Who can explain it, who can tell you why",,,,,,,2022-08-26 19:25:55 wyimto,,1,Does anyone know where I get plates like this made ?,,,,,,,2022-08-26 19:56:44 wyjz5u,,1,The Tunisian administration is the source of all evil since.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 20:54:05 wyk7px,,1,is this considered illegal in tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 21:04:08 wykdei,,1,bonjour tout le monde de reddit,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-26 21:11:00 wykfcq,,0,looking for a hot guy to give my best friend ( hot girl 25) her first kiss. if interested text me your picture :)),[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-26 21:13:24 wyl33i,,1,Are the train schedules on the SNCFT website accurate?,"Hey everyone! Does anyone know whether this website is actually accurate or not?",,,,,,2022-08-26 21:41:39 wyl4nw,,13,Can someone explain why are we so high on this index?,,,,,,,2022-08-26 21:43:38 wylcn3,,5,With which console generation/pc era did you grow up in ?,,,,,,,2022-08-26 21:53:15 wyllit,,1,الطقس اليوم السبت 27 أوت 2022 météo,,,,,,,2022-08-26 22:03:39 wyloa5,,1,Interested in spending a month in Tunisia this winter. Suggestions?,"Hey all, I’m interested in spending a month in Tunisia this winter. I was reading this subreddit, and people seemed to talk poorly about Tunis. So I was curious where you’d recommend staying? Cities and neighborhoods. I will be working during the day, so it’s not a pure holiday. I just want some sunshine and good food. I speak a *little* Arabic too (shwaya).",,,,,,2022-08-26 22:06:49 wylpqt,,1,Best way to go to Ghar El Melh?,"Never been to and I'm meeting someone there, I live in Nabeul and I wanna know what's the best transportation and how to go to the beach, thank you!",,,,,,2022-08-26 22:08:34 wylw2d,,1,TUNISIA OR USA? ADVICE,"Hello everyone. I'm a tunisian citizen age 22 i just graduated and got licence in software. I need advice , I have an opportunity to fly to U.S and get masters degree there and probably stay there for good it cost's so much but I will work so much so I can pay the college or i can stay here study computer engineering and get a contract in europe. In both ways almost the same outcome (high paying job) but one path is harder (usa) . What do you guys think?",,,,,,2022-08-26 22:16:12 wyn6k1,,29,"Morocco is pissed at Saied/Tunisia for inviting Ghali, thoughts?",,,,,,,2022-08-26 23:14:08 wyo03o,,2,Travelling to Tunis for business. Need some general advice.,"Hi. Salaam. Bonjour! I'm a British Muslim (non Arab) professional and I'm coming to Tunis for work for some time (my company is sending me). I'm sort of semi- practising like a typical second or third gen Muslim grown up in France say.. What are the best neighbourhoods to rent a place? How much is typical rent in an upmarket area for a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment furnished? What''s best for nightlife? I don't speak very good French but a little. Will it be easy as a Muslim to make friends with local Tunisians or would I have to mix with expats? Also, I've read online that if you are seen going to a mosque regularly you can be harassed by police? Is it true?! I am more into Sufi Islam and zawiyas and shrines of holy people. Are there Sufi communities or mosques in Tunis where one could go to do dhikr? Also how easy and safe are the best neighbourhoods in Tunis? I have worked in Morocco before and really loved it there so is Tunis similar? Any advice would be appreciated. Like for example, excluding rent how much money would be enough to live a comfortable or elite lifestyle per month? I am culturally quite Europeanised but also proud of being a Muslim so what I don't want to do is just mix all the time outside work with expats. I'd like to hang out and get to know educated Tuinisians too and local culture. How easy is it to meet Tunisian women if one is also a Muslim (not talking of prostitutes)? I'm into the arts, arabic poetry, cinema, books, also sufism (tassawuf) and music like I said. Merci!",,,,,,2022-08-26 23:52:29 wyohb6,,3,How to become a pilot as a Tunisian,I always wanted to become a pilot.I have been obsessed by planes since I was a kid but I have no idea about what path I should follow,,,,,,2022-08-27 00:15:00 wyp39x,,1,hurry up elon musk doing another give away on crypto,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-27 00:44:24 wyp84z,,3,is this considered illegal in tunisia?,inajem inda5alha ltounes hedhi wala 5ater sma3t eli heya mamnou3a wala chneya,,,,,,2022-08-27 00:50:53 wypb32,,2,nice vid (old sadly),[](,,,,,,2022-08-27 00:55:04 wyq452,,0,0 = 1 !,,,,,,,2022-08-27 01:34:28 wyqjw9,,2,Relocating to Tunisia,"I am relocating from Sweden to Tunisia for work for the duration of a year. I have always had the idea that Tunisia seems more progressive compared to other Arab countries and it seems accurate given my interactions from people from different nationalities. I wanted to ask if society there is more or less tolerant towards kink/fetish communities? I am a member of a local group who is very friendly and open minded and we organize events weekly for bonding and finding people with the same interests. Is there something similar in Tunisia even at an underground level? I would be very interested to be part of a findom/femdom community. Thank you for the helpful answers and if there is a way for m to reach out to such a community please feel free to point me in the right direction as well as if there are members into findom feel free to send me a message!",,,,,,2022-08-27 01:56:23 wyqp1q,,2,Please don't be offended but...,I have been lucky enough to meet a lot of people from North Africa either at my university in England when I was a postgraduate or whilst living in Morocco or travelling in Paris and I've met quite a few women from Tunisia/Morocco/Algeria (I am not talking about girls born in France or UK) and almost all of them were really what we call in English culturally 'Francophile' - -which is fine as I think France has a lot of positive things about it and its language is great -- but what I didn't like was they seemed to be ashamed of being from North Africa or especially Arab (they always insisted they were Berber or Amazigh and NOT Arab) and also a lot of them seemed to not be too proud of Islam either. Am I just meeting the wrong type of North Africans or is this common amongst wealthier Maghrebians to deny their Islamic history/Arabic roots? Also they all hated the men of their own country with a passion! ,,,,,,2022-08-27 02:03:16 wytibz,,1,Getting alternance offer for computer engineering,,,,,,,2022-08-27 04:28:37 wyu6nb,,49,A giant Nikola Tesla portrait painted on the STEG power plant in La Goulette,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-27 05:05:34 wyusgm,,0,"Do you think Tunisia should hit the world with a UNO Reverse Card and declare war on Morocco? Algeria already ""ناقصها رابع"" and can't hold it anymore."," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-27 05:40:45 wyv03a,,39,خسارة السوايع الي عديتهم نحفظ في درس اتحاد المغرب العربي,,,,,,,2022-08-27 05:53:23 wyvdb5,,5,Aren’t we all Memphis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-27 06:14:44 wyvsod,,52,"Hi Tunisians! I'm from Slovakia ( europe🇸🇰) i was in Sousse 3 weeks ago on, vacation at hotel called Riadh Palms Resort&spa, we had room ofcourse i liked everything people are nice they were offering us things for money n we gave it to them. i also vent to Visit Sahara Where i seen camels",,,,,,,2022-08-27 06:40:55 wyxix5,,7,Convention Wikipédia de Bruxelles (2019) !,,,,,,,2022-08-27 08:26:53 wyxtma,,56,لايوجد سكر لا يوجد قهوة لا يوجد ارز لا يوجد وقود لا يوجد فارينة,,,,,,,2022-08-27 08:44:55 wz0pa0,,108,"Bunch of kids robbing a tourist in Cleopatra beach, Sousse","Was with my parents just earlier and behind us, kind of isolated, was a tourist sunbathing. We noticed two kids (the one in yellow and another one selling tea I couldn't get on camera) talking to the guy. We thought nothing of it at first but soon after we noticed the tourist struggling and trying to hide his things. We yelled at the kids so one run and the second (the one selling tea) managed to snatch a small bag (probably containing a small camera) but then ended up returning it and fled. Under 15mins later the guy in yellow who clearly didn't give up, came back and started talking to the tourist again. That's when my dad and I went over and led the kid away. I spoke to the tourist (who spoke English) and apparently a bunch of other guys were ganging up on him in a different spot so he came to a calmer place before these two kids came up to him. Thankfully nothing was taken from him and I advised him to get closer to families to be safer. He didn't some to move so I'm pretty sure he's getting robbed. Hopefully not. What really disgusts me the most, is those kids work with an old guy that owns a bambalouni (chichi) stand just a couple meters away and they seem to have been planning there all along. Anyway, the catch here, if you're a tourist for the love of god avoid staying alone and away from others. You'll be an easy target for these scumbags. It's okay if you stay in the middle of local families.",,,,,,2022-08-27 11:36:31 wz0rzq,,1,western Sahara is a part of the African union if we wanted TICAD inviting Ghali isn't very much of a choice.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-27 11:40:47 wz0tyo,,25,Western Sahara is a part of the African Union. Not Inviting would have been taking Morocco's side and not a neutrality.,المغرب تخلوض وحدها نخليوها نهارين أتو تبرد.,,,,,,2022-08-27 11:43:47 wz1dmf,,1,tawjih,"Got 15 tech bac tech, mostly 9 or 9,5 out of 15 are in elec, and the rest in meca, but I'm in love with meca more, the thing is, the prof of elec was very capable and we enjoy his session, he's passionate about teaching us, unlike the meca prof, etude pulled me through meca because we rarely enter class with our teacher will i find difficulties in genie mecanique?",,,,,,2022-08-27 12:12:45 wz2i3x,,24,"The pathway to success of a hidden talent concealed by poverty and neglect, more details in the comments.",,,,,,,2022-08-27 13:09:53 wz2mni,,40,Sidi Bou Saïd ♥️,,,,,,,2022-08-27 13:15:56 wz2saz,,1,is IOT a good career?,,,,,,,2022-08-27 13:23:24 wz2w1p,,3,e9tar7ou 3liya ktob na9rahom bch lvocabulaire l3arbi mte3i ya9wa 5trni mechi letter,"students please help me in this, 93adt yeser mrakez 3le ktob englais bch n9awi lvocabulaire, w nsit elli ena mechi deuxieme letter w lezm nrakez 3le l3arbi, a3tiwni chwya ktob bel 3arbi ach3ar wela 9isas bch n9awi l3arbi mte3i. aa jmou3 madhabiya something i can download in PDF format.",,,,,,2022-08-27 13:28:16 wz3goy,,1,D,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-27 13:55:22 wz3huw,,48,9atous striking a pose,,,,,,,2022-08-27 13:56:55 wz3nd7,,20,Hope I'm not being out of the loop sharing this.,"Also, I genuinely don't know how to feel about it.",,,,,,2022-08-27 14:03:14 wz3qqu,,5,"I want to move to canada, any advice?","Hey guys, I need your help with something, so I really want to get out from Tunisia and move to canada, I'm still a student (1er cycle ingenieur), I want to know what is the process to go and live in Canada (with my family if possible) How can I do this? What are the requirements? Can I go before finishing my studies? If you've done this is it worth it? The reason I chose Canada is because I heard that it gives you citizenship in 3 years (a thing I believe even money can't buy) and I wish that I can go as soon as possible to finish those 3 years as soon as possible. Feel free to talk freely, if you think this is a brilliant or shitty idea, let me know I'm really tired of living here, and things look like it ain't getting better soon, although I really try to stay hopeful",,,,,,2022-08-27 14:07:11 wz3rmp,,1,Dates spot,Hiii!! Im looking for dates spots f tunis ( ariana manezah wala hata ab3ed chwaya) that dont cost alot w got the cozy and chill vibe . I would appreciate any suggestions 🥺,,,,,,2022-08-27 14:08:18 wz3t77,,2,Girlfriend birthday gift idea,"Dear all, Title says it all. Her birthday is in one wek and I still don't know what can I get her. She loves cats. I want something more personal like maybe including a picture of us or a quote or anything of that kind Thank you all in advance",,,,,,2022-08-27 14:10:06 wz435f,,2,asslema ♥️ belhy any idea mnin njm ne5ou scrunch butt leggings fi tounes w aswem ma3qoula?,,,,,,,2022-08-27 14:22:16 wz5aqk,,1,"I can travel with dollars not declared in the passport?? Gonna convert in the black market, going to Philippines",,,,,,,2022-08-27 15:14:23 wz5dc6,,5,How did you get wealthy ?,"Wealthy people of tunisia, if you don't mind asking, how did you get wealthy ? Edit : damn we're poor 😂😢",,,,,,2022-08-27 15:17:30 wz7nkg,,0,What is your ethnicity?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-27 16:54:43 wz7qaj,,3,places for camping,"I'd like you fellas to suggest me some nice locations preferably full of nature, for me and a few other friends to camp in. that's all",,,,,,2022-08-27 16:58:05 wz8ibd,,37,Another sad day when whole families rides the sea to the other side,,,,,,,2022-08-27 17:30:06 wz9tkc,,1,is karim kammoun (ons jabeurs husband ) ethnically Tunisian ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-27 18:26:38 wzajhm,,9,J'ai arrêté le café pour être un homme sans vices,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-27 18:57:14 wzaq1j,,3,where can i find Laptop skin or just some wrap that can do the job ?,,,,,,,2022-08-27 19:04:23 wzauqu,,1,اضغط علي زر رفع وخفض الصوت لتشاهد هذا السر في هاتفك | شرح برنامج كينوت ...,,,,,,,2022-08-27 19:09:56 wzc6jx,,4,Is there any book containing all the Tunisian words ?,looking for book containing tunisian words,,,,,,2022-08-27 20:06:40 wzc7nu,²_studio/,2,32000DT for a 23m² studio?,"The studio is located in a normal neighbourhood (neither fancy nor miserable) with a nice rectangular shape, and possibility to add 2 extra floors. Is the price adequate? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-08-27 20:08:04 wzccve,,4,"i wanted to ask you guys, which is the best restaurant in tunisia and why :)))",,,,,,,2022-08-27 20:14:35 wzcxpn,,5,Astrophotography in Tunisia: Any Astro parks? How safe is it to carry gear around? and is anyone here passionate about it as well?,,,,,,,2022-08-27 20:40:09 wzdfaw,,1,Quick way to make friends/find social people who do shit in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-27 21:01:47 wzdot2,,7,Any Tunisians living in Australia?,"Hello peeps, TLDR: I have always been facinated with Aussie culture, wildlife, economics and politics. A dream of mine is to relocate there and live for a couple of years even permanently. If there's any Tunisians living in Australia, would be helpful if you shared your experience.",,,,,,2022-08-27 21:14:05 wzdvej,,1,Quick way to make friends/find social and welcoming people in Tunis.,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-27 21:22:21 wze55g,,1,zab,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-27 21:34:53 wze5ja,,2,Where can I buy Uno or any board game suited for family and friends,"Anyone know a place in sousse or monastir to buy games like uno, connect four,...",,,,,,2022-08-27 21:35:20 wzepp5,,0,The forbidden preworkout😏,Is the forbidden preworkout (tren or basically any kinda testosterone/ t like medicine ) available in pharmacies and if so can you buy it men8ir ordonnance ?,,,,,,2022-08-27 22:01:07 wzeqfe,,6,Chneya l machrou3 eli ennajem nabdeh b 10 mleyen?,Aandi aam w nos nekhdem sbeh w lil bech najamt nlem 10 mleyen w madhabeya nabda nkhadamhom b chwaya b chwaya w au même temps nkamel nekhdem… chneya raykom?,,,,,,2022-08-27 22:01:58 wzespw,,1,Quick question,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-27 22:04:53 wzfm7c,,1,salary negotiation for a mobile software engineer position,Good day everyone. I have an upcoming interview for a mobile development position in medium size company with over than 30 collaborators (mobile software engineer) and I would like your best advice for the salary negotiation because I really suck at it (I'm naive and a shy person..). I have one year of experience and my current salary is 1200 + civp. Thank you.,,,,,,2022-08-27 22:41:26 wzghj8,,0,Tokyo International Conference on African Development ( TICAD),"Do you think holding TICAD would be beneficial in the future for Tunisia [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-27 23:20:58 wzh7l5,,1,Brabi apart from taxis kifech najem nemchi el Raoued?,,,,,,,2022-08-27 23:56:12 wzic09,,2,Water,In Tunis can you drink the tap water or do you have to boil it first or buy bottled like Evian?,,,,,,2022-08-28 00:52:00 wzid7i,,45,[ Removed by Reddit ],[removed],,,,,,2022-08-28 00:53:49 wzjye9,,4,is there genealogical DNA test in tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-08-28 02:15:37 wzjylq,,1,"is purchasing goods from Ali express worth it?, if yes then how?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-28 02:15:55 wzksh8,,1,somebody coming to Tunisia from abroad this September?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-28 03:00:03 wzmy24,,7,"Comment on dis ""les coups bas"" en Tunisien ?",Merci de répondre.,,,,,,2022-08-28 04:55:16 wzo5m9,,7,Which language is the most important to learn for tunisians in Tunisia?,"Please give reasons in the comments. Also, if one of the languages have had too much importance or have no relevance, please give us why. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-28 06:05:19 wzohfa,,2,is anyone going to Ryujin'Con Multiverse Fest 2022 ?,"i wanted to go, but my friend changed his mind, so i wanted to know if anyone here wanna go with me instead (i know its real late rn lmao) additional information: i am an 18 years old guy , name's aziz dm me if interested",,,,,,2022-08-28 06:25:12 wzrqsy,,5,Communism in Tunisia,"Disclaimer: I'm a total newbie in politics and all my knowledge about communism comes from a couple of videos I saw on youtube, this post is just meant to get some answers about somethings that I saw in the past and couldn't explain, also I have 0 knowledge about tunisian politics and all I know is the president's name. Context: Back in the days, just after the revolution (2012-2014), I was still a young teen 12yo, I saw a center opening close to my home with a big communism symbol hunging on it, a bunch of youngsters (age 18-23) were having regular weakly meetings at that place, I don't wanna judge people by their looks but they all had a similar clothing/style pattern, they all looked like the ""3ami9in"" style we see today, ngl I thought that they are cool people back in the days and I admired them for having a strong political sense at a young age, even though I literally don't know anything about the ideology they are supporting. The trigger: I've been watching a lot of tv shows lately such as peaky blinders and stranger things, I've never understood the political sides of the story, but 1 idea was pretty much very clear "" Communists are always the bad guys"" and every time the symbol appears I know a new villain is about to be introduced. The small research I did : So I wanted to understand what is communism and the idea about it, I watched a couple of short videos explaining it with simplified words for people who have no interest in politics, and after watching them I was interested in the idea but I didn't see any possible way that it could be implemented especially in today's circumstances.. And tbh I don't understand how people with apparent strong political knowledge might support it, I also saw videos criticizing nations that tried to adapt the model and described it as a total failure. The question: I wanna know what those youngsters might have been talking about, and are they really supporting communism?? Is communism a thing in tunisia? And If there is any tunisian communist in this subreddit I really wanna know why does he support this ideology, I may have missed some details because of my lack of knowledge but I really wanna know your intake about this matter.",,,,,,2022-08-28 09:56:59 wzs4kv,,6,Birth Control.,"Hello guys, are there any hospitals or clinics specifically for birth control in Tunis?",,,,,,2022-08-28 10:21:33 wzsfgs,,0,thank god for islam,,,,,,,2022-08-28 10:40:43 wzskm8,,10,what are some good coffee shops to read a book in downtown Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-08-28 10:49:40 wzsq01,,36,I don't know if this has been shared before but it made my day,,,,,,,2022-08-28 10:59:16 wzss69,,4,"average looking people on tinder , do y'all get any game?",If so how ?,,,,,,2022-08-28 11:02:21 wzt584,,0,"algerian here , f*** morroco , love you tunisia",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-28 11:24:07 wzu5xp,,4,Any companies hire junior Tunisians for remote work (Web development field) ?,,,,,,,2022-08-28 12:20:45 wzu80x,,3,any tunisians in japan ?,"to what level of japanese level i need to study in tunisia in order to be consider? i want to go there after graduation ( cloud computing / data analyst (from a prviate uni) i wonder if thats a problem there ) do you need money to support urself at first does AISEC really help u get internships there ?",,,,,,2022-08-28 12:23:48 wzudv6,,3,How hard it is to get a junior web dev job ?,,,,,,,2022-08-28 12:31:57 wzv91v,,5,Switzerland Work Permit Visa,"Hello, I'm a Java Software Developer currently working in Tunis and thinking of getting a job in Switzerland next year. For the tunisians working in Switzerland, Is it easy to get the Switzerland work permit visa once you have a job offer and let's say the company will not sponsor it? Because I've found this rule in the visa requirements ""Your future employer must prove that there is no suitable person to fill the job vacancy from Switzerland or from an EU/EFTA state."" So it seems a bit hard?",,,,,,2022-08-28 13:15:39 wzvxys,,15,Greetings from Serbia!,"Hello, I am student from Serbia who is trying to learn more about WW1. As you may know, a lot of Serbs came to Bizerte to recover. I can't find the exact number of our troops that went to Tunisia but more than 10 000 for sure. I am interested in your culture, history and how was life back then and now. I read something about Young Tunisians and Ali Bach Hamba but it's not enough and to be honest I don't quite understand what happened with them. How was life for ordinary Tunisians in French colony? Were there a lot of French? If you know some good articles, books, videos, etc. pls send it to me! With much respect from Serbia! &#x200B; #",,,,,,2022-08-28 13:48:21 wzwmud,,3,"Foreign Bac, need help!","سلام انا عندي بكالوريا اجنبية، عملت المعادلة وقدمت المطلب منين نلقى رقم البكالوريا؟",,,,,,2022-08-28 14:20:08 wzwsix,,22,Ideas for good places to eat out fel 3asma ? I’m going to my long distance gf after long time without meeting her and I want to take her for a fancy restaurant so she can believe that I love her even tho we’ve been together for 6 years :),,,,,,,2022-08-28 14:27:30 wzxej7,,1,TP...operation Tiktok...anyone here works ghady wella have an idea abt it?,,,,,,,2022-08-28 14:55:13 wzxy48,,1,فضل البنات في الاسلام,,,,,,,2022-08-28 15:18:38 wzy16o,,3,Uber in Tunisia and other “essential” apps for day to day living?,"Does Uber operate in Tunis? If not, are there local equivalents? What about other local apps for transportation (e.g for the Metro), food delivery, etc. , taxis etc. Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-08-28 15:22:18 wzyce9,,1,Best ways to make friends from scratch in Tunis/be exposed to social people?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-28 15:35:53 wzzd3k,,2,are you?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-28 16:20:04 wzzfh0,,1,tunisia in 5 years will be like ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-28 16:22:53 x002h0,,25,thoughts?,,,,,,,2022-08-28 16:50:40 x004cs,,6,twenties are hard,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-28 16:52:58 x005pj,,9,I can't believe that in the age of the internet sh!t like this is still considered innovation.,,,,,,,2022-08-28 16:54:35 x00jhd,,2,"How much does it cost to see a dermatologist in Tunis, Tunisia?",,,,,,,2022-08-28 17:10:56 x00l75,,6,Where to purchase Solar light panels in Tunis or Bizerte?,"In the USA, solar light panels for the garden are around $40 USD = 120 DT. Does anyone know where to get good quality solar panels in either Bizerte or Tunis Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-08-28 17:13:00 x00ulf,,2,Looking for poppers,"hello everyone, I am looking for poppers or any helpful substitute here in Tunisia, does any one have an idea how to get them? Thank in advance.",,,,,,2022-08-28 17:24:26 x00wop,,6,we all know that we can't use PayPal in tunisia so what is an app that gives me a visa card with no id or anything. I'm still 16 it doesn't have to be visa it just has to give me the ability to resive money from anywhere in the world and buy things online,,,,,,,2022-08-28 17:27:02 x0129l,,2,imported smartphones inusables in Tunisia ?,i heard about a law that makes SIM cards not working with smartphones brought from europe.,,,,,,2022-08-28 17:33:50 x02vuc,,6,Education,"Hello, my brother drop out for the second time license science info. Is there a private uni that offers a path he can succeed in that doesn’t have scientific courses and relay mostly in experience and hand to hand stuff ? ( I have nursing in my mind is it a good choice?)",,,,,,2022-08-28 18:51:06 x03c1v,,8,Age of empire IV fans Tunisia =,"Helloo chcwn yel3ab Age of empire IV, a7na groupe twensa w n7ébo nzido des joueurs : [](",,,,,,2022-08-28 19:09:45 x04fc4,,3,Transport mn Soussa Beb l jdiid lel 9antaoui,What’s the cheapest and most logical way to get from Beb l jdiid to 9antaoui? (Fema louage? Taxi bou blassa? Wala Taxi compteur?) thank uuu 🤗🤗,,,,,,2022-08-28 19:55:22 x04v5x,,23,Now we can understand why the education System in Tunisia is bad,,,,,,,2022-08-28 20:13:18 x05dvx,,29,this choufli hal fan made video had me in tears,,,,,,,2022-08-28 20:35:42 x06ckf,,1,what are your thoughts on teaching children/minors a certain religion,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-28 21:16:57 x06dnn,,32,I'm relocating my rescue 9atousa from Tunisia to UK,Has anyone here ever flown a cat from Tunisia to the UK on TunisAir or Nouvelair? I have a few questions!,,,,,,2022-08-28 21:18:19 x06etd,,0,or were they created without there being anything or are they the creators ? (Quran 52.35 ),,,,,,,2022-08-28 21:19:40 x06eyo,,19,The countdown has started! 4 weeks to go.,,,,,,,2022-08-28 21:19:50 x072u3,,1,Anyone been to or familiar with Bellini Gammarth? Safe? No problems happen over there?,,,,,,,2022-08-28 21:48:09 x07vpr,,1,thougths on teaching a certain religion in school,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-28 22:23:04 x07we2,,1,or am i missing something,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-28 22:23:53 x08cus,,1,thoughts about the ielts test if u passed it,,,,,,,2022-08-28 22:44:09 x092mz,,3,hi everyone is this a good choice for a laptop i will use it mainly in my civil engineering studies also some gaming .,,,,,,,2022-08-28 23:16:41 x09l15,,0,لماذا نؤمن بآلهة - بيت الحكمة,,,,,,,2022-08-28 23:40:19 x09onr,,1,just wanted to share,,,,,,,2022-08-28 23:44:57 x09szm,,11,Why are Moroccans and Algerians way more nationalistic than we are ?,Do you think we would react as violently and massively as they do if we had similar issues?,,,,,,2022-08-28 23:50:30 x0a5iz,,1,"In the long term, Tunisia has more to gain by siding with Morocco",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-29 00:06:41 x0bcgp,,5,Paris dauphine,"Hello guys Kammalt prepa w nkhamam nkamal fi paris dauphine brabi eli aandou fekra aaliha yaatini some detais and thanks a lot",,,,,,2022-08-29 01:04:01 x0bhkq,,4,Question to help me start my brand.,"Hi guys, I’m in the process of planning and setting up a fashion brand in Tunis. I’m 22, heavily inspired by Alaïa, and have hopes of creating brand that’ll help not only myself, but also bring attention to the country. I wanted to ask a few questions that would help me in the long run. 1. What do you spend or are willing to spend on clothes per year? 2. What determines whether you’ll spend over your budget for a clothing product? 3.What clothing products do you buy the most and how frequently do you buy them? 4. Does quality matter to you? By this I mean how durable of a product are you expecting (how long do you expect the product to last? How good do you expect the fabrics and construction to be?)? 5. What is it about brands or fashion, in Tunisia, that you don’t like? 6. What fashion ( which articles or styles) would like to see more of in Tunisia? 7. Are you willing to be part of a community surrounding the brand? 8. If a brand is helping create jobs for actual people who make/ tailor them, does this affect your purchasing decision? 9. How much is too much for an article of clothing? 10. Finally, what draws you to a brand? Thank you so much to those willing to contribute. Your input means a lot to me.",,,,,,2022-08-29 01:10:32 x0cw27,,0,you guys owe me an apology,"Hewwo everyone omin here. I guess i have to apologize from everyone. From my post asking about some stuff and wether it's legal or not. In the post i admitted visiting onion sites (not the fbi honeyposts. You need a potato for a brain to fall for that) and consuming disturbing media such as red rooms. As well as mining crypto and preforming a ddos attack on my neighbors as well as hacking their wifi. Well let's do it bit by bit. *ONION* : since i am here in my grandfather's house in this exact desktop (ik i am posting this on my phone but i don't want the keyboard noises breaking the silence) i visited an onion site for the first time. Three or four years ago. I think it was just a thread page like a place where people ask questions and all you know.but i was way too scared. I do it because i like the feel of it. Exploring a world of new sites that 99% of doesn't even use css because .onion files have just a body-type thing no style. But yeah visiting.onion sites is fine and harmless. *Red rooms* : i only saw like 3 of them (were hard and risky to find) the first one i saw was sent to me on discord 4 years ago by someone i know. It was a japanese red room.i barely finished it without puking but still that night i couldn't sleep i was shaking (i was 12 duh) but red rooms helped build some guts up i don't enjoy watching quite the opposite i feel disturbed watching them but yeah. Idk if it's because of the red rooms but when ever someone close to me dies or something bad happens i don't cry or even get sad when my brother died when my grandpa died when my uncle died when my aunt died (not close to me but i saw a kid and his sister walking and the a big-ass van struck them the girl didn't survive and was bent with the tire but the boy was injured and that's it) so yeah i don't watch them for fun i think people miss-understood the word entertainment i was refuring to entertain onion sites and exploring anything like that. Alright done with this one. *Ddos attacks* : i ddos my neighbors i admit this one proudly not an act of being an asshole or anything but the story is ; my neighbors have 3 wifis and our area is only allowed to have 7 wifis but the dumb 3 member family next to me have 3. I talked to them about it and explained why it's bad having more than one wifi close but they almost beat me up and started saying some weird slurs i never heard before (I'm white btw. Saying stuff like slut-boy and fuck-boy in Tunisian. I will let you have your fun guessing it) So yeah they have been toxic about it so i had to do what's gotta be done Trying as hard as possible to make them remove at least one so i can have a wifi because all the places are occupied and it wasn't until last year that i had the leagle right (under a parents id ofc) to file a demand for a wifi so that's that or at least that's what my parents told me. So yeah that's why i ddos my neighbors ofc i don't spoof or snoof on them that would be terrible *Hacking the neighbor's wifi* : i don't have internet and k just explained why and second of them it's in the name handshake it's harmless (if i used smthn like brute force i would be arrested for sa lmao.) *Crypto mining* : i work for a small game development studio as the boss (how cringe of a way to put it) as head leader developer (that's better) so i don't get much money we are sorta rich but my parents just don't buy me anything they need a report on anything i buy and ofc they wouldn't buy me digital stuff like games on steam or whatever so i need to make some other cash. And it's harmless they just have to pay for the electricity bill and complain each time it comes. I think my apology was worst than travis Scott's but still ppl calling me an asshole and all over nothing bro. Like people already forgived reiko#3333 The most malicious online individual i could think of. Well he is most popular for his discord of t-slur harem (why would i even be caring about the t-slur it's Tunisia) where he recruted a lot of minors 11 - 17 years old and he would require a picture of theire thighs or a picture of their chest (any sus picture) and then telling them that if they don't have a girlfriend they can be the girlfriend someone else's girlfriend telling them to take hormone pills (you know wich hormone) and sending them the pills in a box with a maid dress or some cross dressing material and some times some sus toys and telling them to use those and taking a naked picture everyday and sending it to prove that they were taking the pills. Admitting he wouldn't stop until every minor on /r6k/ is a femboy or at least starts cross-dressing and people forgived him after being exposed he did a not so official apologie to someone on discord and the someone recorded it. So people just forgived him. But for me i still think that the t-slur harem is still recruiting and there are people still being blackmailed and doxxed by Reiko To this day and people are worshipping Reiko to this date. But reiko has done other stuff before he drove some minors to commit suicide after blackmail and cyber bullying them. There are rumors that he traded cp but i am not sure. He started this whole be the girlfriend thing ofc after having experience in doxxing and blackmailing. Just wanted to point this out because people were calling me a psycho and the worst and everything but still this right here is the definition of a psycho online. He had done worst stuff then me he is Heisenberg of this shit and i am nothing but a Skyler in this entire rabbit hole of internet maliciousness.",,,,,,2022-08-29 02:17:49 x0ep69,,1,Are poly & Epi engineering degree approuves by the government (will I have engineer in my con),,,,,,,2022-08-29 03:47:13 x0fqj0,,0,Morocco & Tunisia are close allies.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-29 04:42:00 x0goc2,,1,morocco Tunisia,Whats happening betzeen morocco and tunisia exactly and why ?,,,,,,2022-08-29 05:35:12 x0ixud,,15,بورڨيبة نحى الجهويات والقبلية وعمادة المهندسين باش ترجعها,,,,,,,2022-08-29 07:55:39 x0j4u5,,2,"Am I the only one who finds ""k2rym"" disgusting?",What do you think about him?,,,,,,2022-08-29 08:08:07 x0jkc5,,7,friendzoned,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-29 08:37:23 x0kam9,,4,How Douane works?,"Hello, anyone knows how Diwana works in Tunisia? I need a friend to bring me something from abroad, no packaging, for my personal use. How can I be sure how much should I pat for it in Diwana?",,,,,,2022-08-29 09:25:40 x0kf4u,,3,self hate,"Since I was little the grown ups always told me not to marry a tunisian women, because they stress you out and are crazy. Tunisian women would always express to me that tunisian men are the worst. I have always noticed how the tunisians, who were born in tunisia talked bad about our people. I am tunisian born in Germany, but even in jendouba people would talk like that about our people. Why do you guys think that is ?",,,,,,2022-08-29 09:33:58 x0l44z,,12,"heyy, what advice would you give to a (female) college student turning 20 today ?",Any advice would be welcome...,,,,,,2022-08-29 10:17:28 x0leao,,7,marrying a tunisian woman.,"Salal aleikium all i hope you're doing good. I wanted to ask if there's any Tunisian woman who's married to an algerian, i wanna ask about the civil procedures between the two countries. Have a good day everyone.",,,,,,2022-08-29 10:34:44 x0lkss,,4,"I’m currently in the capital, and I have a printer that isn’t working and I don’t know how to fix it. Who should I call or take it to in order to fix it?",,,,,,,2022-08-29 10:45:50 x0lp0t,,4,IT privatw universities in Tunis,"Hi everyone, I posted a few weeks ago about my cousin who graduated bac and has to make a uni choice. Do you guys recommend any private universities in Tunis that do IT? Not cycle ingénieur, just license. What do you recommend? His budget is 6,000 dinars per year and he said his main criteria is a degree that would allow him to leave the country ASAP. Also, what do you think about GoMyCode full stack developer certificate? Do you think it's worth it? Would it get you a job? THANKS!!!",,,,,,2022-08-29 10:52:53 x0lx69,,0,WHEN GIRLS WALK IN FRONT OF A TUNISIAN GUY,,,,,,,2022-08-29 11:05:02 x0mve4,,2,City of culture open for the public today?,,,,,,,2022-08-29 11:57:17 x0ng5t,,2,Student Visa France,"Heyyy redditors, has anyone here got his student visa for france after a first refusal (motif 4&5), any solutions/recommandations ?",,,,,,2022-08-29 12:25:57 x0o0dw,,30,بطبيعتهم اليد الوحيدة الي يستعرفو بيها هي يد الماليك,,,,,,,2022-08-29 12:52:46 x0oc48,,1,fiche de paie,"Hello guys. Khrajt men ex khedma b 3arka m3a el 3arf, he only gave me l'attestation de travail and now I need the last 3 months of fiche de paie when I was working with him. The thing is I had a sivp contract. Najm neskipih w nemchi toul lel birou choghl? W chnowa wra9 lezma? Ty",,,,,,2022-08-29 13:07:35 x0olfy,,1,Where to actually go to make friends and find welcoming people?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-29 13:19:15 x0ooj0,,11,Been trying to make friends and be social for a while now. At a loss.,"Where to actually go to make friends and find welcoming people? been to coffee shops, restaurants, pretty much know the entirety of the country and don’t have close friends like I used to as a kid. never had this problem anywhere else but ways to find people who are welcoming and go out when you’re by yourself? I know there isn’t a go to answer, but I’m starting to hate it here cause I’m at a loss. Parents sorta isolated me early on and now I’m trying to form relationships at an older age. My sisters never had this problem cause they travelled back home a lot when they were teens 17-25 while I was still young and had houma friends in a random village. Now in the city and don’t know where to start(been coming for a year). Keep getting told to go out and talk to people, but I’ve usually had to know one person who introduced me to their group or already had a group. Not sure how to start from scratch again. Not close friends for obvious reasons but people who just go out and are welcoming. Tunis is very cliquey. Been impacting me mentally and I wanna get over this shit.",,,,,,2022-08-29 13:23:09 x0pfe3,,3,Opeth - The Wilde Flowers (drum cover),,,,,,,2022-08-29 13:56:56 x0pkls,سؤال_تافه/,6,سؤال تافه,"علاش كان انا حوايجي يتهلكو فيسع ياخي كيفاه و باش تغسلو دبشكم 🤦‍♂️ only god knows how serious i am",,,,,,2022-08-29 14:02:41 x0qcyp,,1,Is it actually true that 80% who studied IT at Esprit are now working abroad?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-29 14:36:19 x0qn1j,,39,Black and Arab: The hidden reality of racism in Tunisia by BBC,,,,,,,2022-08-29 14:47:58 x0r37r,,2,sigh...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-29 15:06:46 x0ruvp,,9,Do you say sabbela or chichma? Dengri or marsillas? kahwa or filtre? other words?,"Which other words do people in Tunisia say in two or more ways depending on where you come from? If I come up with more I will add, until then don't hesitate to add your words to the list.",,,,,,2022-08-29 15:38:51 x0s8vz,,2,dauphine tunis,belegi ken wehed yaref kadeh el 3am yamel akber mzeya khater lawajet fil site malkitech w manajemch nemchi lghadi sur place b3ida,,,,,,2022-08-29 15:54:57 x0v2kc,,0,feminism in tunisia,Well i want to ask some questions and learn your thoughts because i have my own way of fighting feminism but some peoples (especially women ) think that of tafkir raj3i or whatever ( well they just as toxic as i ever saw them ) but what are your principle about womens in relationships and marriage also do you want your wives to work another day or stay at home and thank you,,,,,,2022-08-29 17:50:14 x0vksy,,1,studying abroad,"Don't get me wrong or Don't be sarcastic But anyone here regrets going studying abroad all alone in (france,germany,canada...) Ive left tounes 10 days ago now and ive been feeling like shit",,,,,,2022-08-29 18:10:28 x0vnkh,,0,Dash cams in tunisia,where can I find a dash cam and how much will it cost me to buy one and install it ( if the installation needs an expert ),,,,,,2022-08-29 18:13:36 x0w4uj,,0,"camera was designed by human. otherwise, we find that randomness is much better at designing more complex things. ""which then of the bounties of your lord will you deny?""(Quran 55.13)",,,,,,,2022-08-29 18:32:54 x0w8mh,,3,What’s your favourite restaurant in Tunis?,If you could only name one and where in Tunis or Grand Tunis it is located and why?,,,,,,2022-08-29 18:37:17 x0whj8,,1,Algeria or Morocco?,"With the recent tensions between Morocco and Tunisia, do you think tunisia should remain neutral or increase ties with either algeria or morocco?",,,,,,2022-08-29 18:47:23 x0wxoe,,2,Are Tunisians ready for Democracy?,"...please explain why you choose your answer! [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-08-29 19:05:39 x0x7sb,,8,Good manners in Tunisia.,"Where can I find young good mannered people here? Do they even exist? Is all what is left from old conservative Tunisian culture is the barbarism and Niquab? I am not a great person. I am sometimes very rude but atleast I try.",,,,,,2022-08-29 19:17:30 x0xwu9,,1,Getting flags from embassies,"Will embassies in Tunisia send me their countries' flags if i contact them via E-mail? If anyone can help me, please do.",,,,,,2022-08-29 19:46:07 x0xxxf,,19,مثال حي على العدل الاجتماعي و تكافؤ الفرص,,,,,,,2022-08-29 19:47:20 x0yapd,,0,Change takes time and is painful but all support to the Tunisian president,"There is no way back now. If a 10.000 policemen deserve to be in prison then let it be. And police, being at the end of the day nomal people they too, shall understand very clearly what it means to represent a state and to respect the state.",,,,,,2022-08-29 20:01:43 x0ye3i,,18,Why Tunisians are not responding to Moroccans’ attacks on social media ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-29 20:05:36 x0yo7q,,2,how did living in Tunisia affected your mental health?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-29 20:17:06 x0yvdl,,11,best bartender,,,,,,,2022-08-29 20:25:15 x0zhle,,0,me irl,,,,,,,2022-08-29 20:50:03 x0zhq6,,0,me irl,,,,,,,2022-08-29 20:50:10 x0zvkr,,1,chauffage 6 Litres,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-29 21:05:11 x0zyzd,,22,Unpopular opnion,"I think Tunisians need to learn not to react to insults and still view things logically, you can notice this everywhere wether it's police force being triggered that someone insulted them to politicians to famous ppl to judges to workers fil idarat even wled la7wem and now we are seeing it on a big scale when it's about the Moroccan issue, half of the country doesn't even know what the Morocco vs Algeria issue is yet they are so mad at Morocco as whole just cause of social media insults. Like when are we gonna grow up and not behave out of anger and childish thinking like just a reminder rahou ki wa7ed yseblek omik omik mayejralha chay I promise.",,,,,,2022-08-29 21:08:55 x107i9,,0,is it normal to never have a girlfriend?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-29 21:18:38 x107qr,,3,chauffeau 6 littre,"I was told that by someone that we (4 etudienat)can't really expect to live with chauffeau 6 L and we should buy a 10l ( +120 dt), we only plan to use it for shower .so I'm asking to know if any of you bought one and if so can we expect it to work fine for the next two years?",,,,,,2022-08-29 21:18:53 x10ojx,,1,When will the next generation take over Tunisian politics are there any new youth parties in the rise or individuals?,"When talking with my closest family and friends (ben arous) most seem to have given up on changes and or want out. idealism mostly die in your mid 30s",,,,,,2022-08-29 21:38:12 x12vgs,,4,Where to book Private driver with car for 7 days?,"Hello ! I am visiting your beautiful country, specifically Tunis, with my family and wanted to know how I can go about booking a driver with car for 7 days. Can anyone advise of a company that I can talk to ? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-08-29 23:10:32 x1325g,,4,"I dunno much about Tunis, can you you guys suggest me a great restaurant and coffee place to take my foreign gf to? Where it would be chill, no constant eyes drilling us(it's really irritating)",ps: it doesn't have to be popular and when i say chill even the area around the place where it's okay for psa damn it:),,,,,,2022-08-29 23:18:43 x137rh,,2,Anyone here doing Bachelors at TUM( Technical university of Munich)?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-29 23:25:45 x13mi1,,1,Traveling The World Over The Years,,,,,,,2022-08-29 23:43:52 x15pnz,,0,3 طرق لربح المال من خلال مشاهدة الإعلانات 2023,,,,,,,2022-08-30 01:19:18 x17fx2,,6,the Medusa tattoo TikTok trend,"Why is this trend getting so much hate in Arab countries mostly Egypt/Tunisia, why do Muslims hate seeing the ugliness of their society, pretty much everyone mad about victims talking about their experience not even in details just hinting at it brings up the topic of ""sotra"" like wtf, not only ppl have to carry the burden of being a victim but also we have to shame them into silence? Edit : for ppl that don't know the trend and don't use Facebook and tiktok the trend is basically referencing that you went through the experience of being raped or sexually assaulted and the Medusa tattoo is used to reference that in the trend videos. Usually the videos include vague details about the experience or the feelings associated with it.",,,,,,2022-08-30 02:38:53 x192no,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-30 04:00:10 x1efpz,,3,Wanna play Dungeons & Dragons ?,"Then click the link below and join the event : &#x200B; [](",,,,,,2022-08-30 09:24:15 x1eyw5,,8,"Alpha, beta, sigma male bullshit!","I see a lot of people here taking this ""A Brave new world"" classification way too serious than they should be. You guys realize that there is no scientific backing for that theory, it's just some bullshit that those self development gurus spit out on YouTube to convince some vulnerable young men either that they're Alpha and that they deserve all the fame money and women they desire without trying to work on themselves, or that they're below that and they need to accept it and stop trying for the rest of their lives. This is absolutely not true, this theory was proposed about apes and other wild animals and it has been debunked a long time ago. You are not an alpha all the time or a beta or a sigma all the time, you are what you want yourself to be. Some people have more charm and charisma than others I'll admit that, but that does not mean that they're better or worse than anybody else. Stop put yourselves down for thinking you're below alpha and stop hyping your ego up thinking that you are an alpha just because you're good at talking to people.",,,,,,2022-08-30 09:57:29 x1f18p,,3,Is it normal that I’m 21 and I still don’t know what to do with mt life?,"bsara7a i feel embarrassed cause lot of people my age already figured out what to do with their lives/education and I’m still vague w dhaya3 f aka thneya, i’m desperate for help consider me 5oukom guys :’)",,,,,,2022-08-30 10:00:58 x1f4v5,,1,Is it normal that I’m 21 and I still don’t know what to do with my life?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-30 10:07:05 x1fut4,,3,what advice would you give to a 24 years old student to make a great career in the IT world?,"I gonna graduate next year in the IT Field. I have a passion about programming and I really want to live and work abroad ( canada, france, germany).",,,,,,2022-08-30 10:49:04 x1g8m1,,1,What was the most racist moment you have witnessed or experienced in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-30 11:09:41 x1gl9g,,6,I live in germany and have a friend from Marroco WHO is incisting that Tunisia is the one WHO started all this shit! Wtf? Is that true?,,,,,,,2022-08-30 11:28:03 x1gt1l,,6,What Accreditation mean ?,,,,,,,2022-08-30 11:39:16 x1hf49,,1,Help with canva,"9a3ed net3alem fi canva ama l9it problem ma3ref kifeh na3ml il 5at lasfer choft curve lines we jarabt shapes ama ma3ref kifeh na3mlou meyel akeka any idea how to do it ? (i'm using canva educational mech free)",,,,,,2022-08-30 12:10:09 x1hmwj,,1,verification codes mayjiwnich fi tel,puce mte3i ooreedo portabilite kol ma na3ml verification code maya5litlich mayjini chy d5alt fil paramtre lawajt chy 7ata 3al youtube mal9itch jarabt badalt puce fi tel e5er kif kif mata5ltch faemech chkoun saretlou mochkl hetha we l9a 7al ?,,,,,,2022-08-30 12:20:20 x1hxvn,,3,Joining the military as a women,"17F here, after bac i want to join the military (académie borj el amri) I’m seeking for some advices from those who have been there.",,,,,,2022-08-30 12:34:39 x1i16r,,6,It's safe to hang out in the Medina Tunis during the night??,,,,,,,2022-08-30 12:39:06 x1i73d,,10,Where do I go from here? (Can I go anywhere from here any time soon?),"So I'm a 14 year old tunisian living in Tunisia, and I just finished around 4-6+ certifications on web development. Any suggestions?",,,,,,2022-08-30 12:46:20 x1ii8p,,16,tf?,,,,,,,2022-08-30 12:59:54 x1imnz,,6,So this is essentially what happened.,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-08-30 13:04:51 x1ipk6,,2,"i'm bored, can you advise me any fb groups to find group hikes or say for example, learn survival skills etc","doesn't matter if its paid or free, i was in a group like this before where people advertise these things but i forgot it, thank you!",,,,,,2022-08-30 13:08:19 x1ixd9,,2,Bank loans,"At what interest can u borrow for a house in tunisia, and whats the downpayment? What criterias do they look for?",,,,,,2022-08-30 13:17:48 x1j5xf,,20,The prices are going crazy,,,,,,,2022-08-30 13:28:28 x1jkff,,1,Where to find chinese tea sets fi tounes?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-30 13:46:06 x1jm0m,,3,Where to find chinese tea sets fi tounes?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-30 13:48:04 x1ltke,,74,municipality of tunis collecting its plant pots after TICAD 8 is over.,,,,,,,2022-08-30 15:20:19 x1mcc0,,2,Acquiring visa,"I’ve been working for almost a year with a “civp” contract, will I be accepted for a tourist visa to greece or there’s no chance for me getting visa ?",,,,,,2022-08-30 15:41:21 x1orf0,,0,any crypto trader here?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-30 17:16:42 x1ozpc,,4,Can I or can I not bring dollars/euros or pounds into Tunisia?,I’m confused as different websites give different info?! Anyway I just want to bring enough to tide me over for a day or two then I can use my card but is there a max amount you can bring before you have to declare it? (Not that I’m planning on bringing more than a couple hundred dollars!) it’s stressing me out as I don’t want to get into trouble!,,,,,,2022-08-30 17:26:01 x1pmtz,,2,what options do i have to continue my education?,"i got my license degree in IT, my score is 15.70 (including pfe). i sent 8 demands to with a cs engineering course, 4 through csingenieur and 4 with using mail(after i didn't get accepted in the first 4) I already missed the CS master dates, i went through almost every option in Cursus and even though it says the expiration date hasn't passed yet in the home page, selecting one tells me the date has passed. are private universities my only option now? recently i heard Esprit's diplomas won't be recognized in tunisia",,,,,,2022-08-30 17:51:40 x1s7v2,,6,do you feel safe in tunisia?,"when you get robbed or someone attack you, what would you do?",,,,,,2022-08-30 19:35:06 x1sjqy,,5,what is up with the esprit and the 3imada ?,,,,,,,2022-08-30 19:48:23 x1tfu8,,1,WIFI/INSAT/INTERNET,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-30 20:24:19 x1tgfg,,1,WIFI,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-30 20:24:59 x1th8e,,2,Anyone that lives in menzah 1/4 and wants to be friends ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-30 20:25:51 x1thke,,1,wifi," 3aslema a7na 3 etudiant awl 3am sne w kerin dar zone citée olampique w n7ebou na3rfou chnawa a7sen wifi fi zone haki nhabtouh w ykafina (9raya/navigation kahaw) merci d avance .",,,,,,2022-08-30 20:26:14 x1tueu,,2,in The entire unlimited data scam is there any true ones,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-30 20:40:05 x1u1r4,,3,Ordering stuff online in Tunisia as a Tourist,"Hey, I am staying in a Tunisia for a while and need some tech stuff for my work. I am in Mahdia and local stores either don't have the good stuff in stock or it's overpriced. Found some online retails stores with delivery option but I am not sure if it would be possible for me, as a non-tunisian tourist to order something online. Would that be possible? Any tips or info I should know? This is what I've found so far, it's a same model from different stores. I've tried to contact them via email last week but haven't received any response so far. []( []( []( Help would be appreciated, thanks!",,,,,,2022-08-30 20:48:03 x1vmkr,,12,The rest? Fk'em!,,,,,,,2022-08-30 21:51:48 x1w7jr,,0,"Hey , Can any other fellow citizens tend to describe our current era as of a certain perceptible "" Decadence "" ? . Thanks",,,,,,,2022-08-30 22:15:41 x1we9l,,2,What is the best internet option for students in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-30 22:23:33 x1wfpp,,135,Tunisia nationalism post day 1 : Tunisia has the oldest flag in MENA. It's first use of the crescent and star dates from the 12th century with the yellow hafsid flag.,,,,,,,2022-08-30 22:25:12 x1ws7m,,1,tafrika discord server?,"Hey all, Is there any discord servers where i can chat with stranger for fun? Ajjaw",,,,,,2022-08-30 22:39:42 x1x0x5,,9,Hacker needed ASAP !!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-30 22:49:40 x203f3,,1,Shipping parcels out of Tunisia (ie. DHL),"How safe is it sending parcels out of Tunisia, are there the same fears as incoming parcels? I want you buy some ceramics/home goods, handbags and want to eliminate dragging things in my suitcase and just ship it to my home country.",,,,,,2022-08-31 01:08:35 x209ya,,0,can I bring a car and a motorcycle fcr?,"so my parents are going to bring a car as a fcr and I’m turning 16, I’m going to soon pass my A1 motorcycle license and would like to bring a 125cc Mt yamaha but I don’t want to go back to France every 3month. Pls help I appreciate it",,,,,,2022-08-31 01:16:58 x28ph0,,1,is TGM train safe?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-31 09:04:45 x29vyq,,2,urgent!! nji n5als ygolli heka! kol chy s7i7! ach n3ml?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-31 10:17:54 x2aqz8,,1,New FCR rules (ELI5),"hey, I wanna ask about new FCR rules and what does it mean. Can i import a car with it even if i am living it tunisia and how will it affect the market? ty",,,,,,2022-08-31 11:07:18 x2b4t9,,7,First date advice,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-31 11:27:27 x2b84p,,5,"Looking for people into spirituality, yoga and psychedelics",[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-31 11:32:11 x2bd0c,,8,english,Hello guys i have a question how can i improve my english because sometimes i find difficulties to express my opinion with it and thanks,,,,,,2022-08-31 11:39:27 x2bjf5,,0,أسهل 5 لغات لتعلم البرمجة للمبتدئين,,,,,,,2022-08-31 11:48:37 x2btft,,0,10 منصات ممتازة لإنشاء تطبيقات الهاتف,,,,,,,2022-08-31 12:02:05 x2bwi2,,2,is aiming to Germany to study/work still a thing?,,,,,,,2022-08-31 12:06:16 x2cuox,,1,Do you think federalisation is the solution?,"I've already seen a thread like this before but it didn't get as much traction as it should've. So basically do you believe federalisation is the solution? (either splitting tunisia by wealth distribution, geographical basis or any other category you can think of or by giving more autonomy to each individual state) Also by federalisation I don't mean kais saied's version of it.",,,,,,2022-08-31 12:51:53 x2dqom,,20,Hello Tunisian expats. Where are you located ?,,,,,,,2022-08-31 13:31:59 x2etmi,,3,Réo et Bac Etranger 2022,I’m about to go crazy,,,,,,2022-08-31 14:18:59 x2evd1,,1,and now they're targeting us with this? why are they so buttheart?,,,,,,,2022-08-31 14:21:00 x2f7b1,,1,"I found a batch of 20 kittens on the street, some of them are prem and no signs of a mother , is there a shelter I can call or anything in Mabel?ature and all of them are skin on bones.",,,,,,,2022-08-31 14:35:03 x2fhit,,0,Tunisia is a Muslim country. ☪️ Many men died for that cause!,"This is the picture of some village between Nabeul and Tunis. As you can see, the most clear thing in the picture is the mosque. There is no village in Tunisia more or less which doesn't have a mosque, al-hamdulillah. But what most people don't realise is that thanks to the fighting of several men throughout history that there is a mosque instead of a church in that village. 1",,,,,,2022-08-31 14:46:36 x2fulx,,3,Suggest me trusted people who sell netflix accounts,[removed],,,,,,2022-08-31 15:01:35 x2g01u,,1,can someone help me translate something in Tunisian?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-31 15:07:42 x2g5rs,,9,Is Canada the best country to immigrate to ?,"Why Canada is very very popular for Tunisians , what make Canada special and many Tunisians want to immigrate there? I personally heard about the horrible weather in Canada, discrimination against Arabs and Muslims ,and mental health problems because of the rude weather. Anyone Know about about Canada or live there and can tell us more about that?",,,,,,2022-08-31 15:14:10 x2g8k0,,1,"À Paris, Bouden en mission lobbying pour le Sommet de la Francophonie",,,,,,,2022-08-31 15:17:24 x2gjdl,,2,Game’s back,,,,,,,2022-08-31 15:30:11 x2iexn,,0,best country to immigrate to without racism,i want to immigrate to a first world country with the least racism possible against Arabs and Muslims. any suggestions?,,,,,,2022-08-31 16:47:40 x2itv7,,3,Do Tunisians really understand what a meter is?,"It happened at least a 100 times so thats why I am asking. It is quite common that you ask a Tunisian for a place and they will answer ""It is approximately 250 meters from here"" but in that case remember always that ""250 meters"" might show up in reality to be anything between 75 meters and 750 meters.",,,,,,2022-08-31 17:04:58 x2iwj7,,7,e5i spotify yekl barch connexion ?,"kima youtube ye5oulj vaaarcha ml connexion, oreedo 3ndha forfait spotify e5i ??",,,,,,2022-08-31 17:08:03 x2jheb,,9,"slm, famch site wela ay 7ekeya bech nefhem el Transport public west el 3assema apart les metro.",,,,,,,2022-08-31 17:31:56 x2k49e,,2,How to study/work abroad ?,,,,,,,2022-08-31 17:58:02 x2kmfo,,2,I used to wonder why the IRS limits and taxes personal gifts until I saw this,,,,,,,2022-08-31 18:18:34 x2m6ha,,1,Tunisia nationalism post day 2 : Tunisia is the only country outside of Europe to have olive oil ranked in its top 20 in the world (n°4 and 10 for organic and n°17 for normal),[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-31 19:22:34 x2m82g,,70,Tunisia nationalism post day 2 : Tunisia is the only country outside of Europe to have olive oil ranked in the top 20 in the world (n°4 and 10 for organic and n°17 for normal) Making our olive oil the best in Africa and MENA.,,,,,,,2022-08-31 19:24:25 x2mdgs,,3,unpopular opinion,"Every post that get posted in this subreddit always have someone nagging or complaining about something for no reason whatsoever It's like they getting paid to hate and being toxic. If you don't have something nice to say stfu When someone ask for help or a question try to help them not make fun of them And for those people that whenever a foreigner post a question and they almost everytime talks shit about our country the fuck is wrong with you chbi baba labess ? 7aytkom ka7la le darja ma te7bouch nes lo5ra te3ich w techof bldek Edit : me no good at English",,,,,,2022-08-31 19:30:47 x2mr89,,28,Is that us? I wouldn't be surprised if that's us.,,,,,,,2022-08-31 19:47:02 x2nk60,,3,Tunisian looking for freedom !,"Good evening, I have a problem getting passports, it's a long story, now that I just received my passport I can see that I can have some troubles if I go travelling I started thinking if I went to ""Umrah""- عمرة and then directly to Turkey (Visa not required for Tunisians)—what do you think",,,,,,2022-08-31 20:20:20 x2nxuh,,15,"Tunisians in Marocco, how are you feeling?",,,,,,,2022-08-31 20:35:55 x2o1df,,1,استخارة الإمام علي بحروف القرآن,,,,,,,2022-08-31 20:40:04 x2o6vx,,3,Hello nabeul people,Anyways guys this reddit help me a lot to get my baccalaureate degree now im going to study English fy l iset t3 nabeul ken fema chkoun 9ra 8ady wela ya3rf the city y7kili 3lyha and thanks im kinda scared to go to new city sooo,,,,,,2022-08-31 20:46:26 x2obkw,,8,Is that a big deal,,,,,,,2022-08-31 20:51:48 x2oem3,,2,bars in gammarth,[deleted],,,,,,2022-08-31 20:55:20 x2piib,,3,what is the red card ?,"While it might be weird for some people, There is a case where someone has mental illness and he might also cause a serious threat to the life of citizens, when i ask about the reason why these kind of ppls ain't getting health care or maybe taken to somewhere where they do whatever they must to keep them from causing danger to others, they tell me they got the red card, we even here in my small city we have 2 of these who both if them stabbed multiple peoples causing some of them serious injuries that led to death and they were always taken for couple days maybe 3 and then released again to walk among peoples like nothing happened and you still have nothing to do to them, they sleep on in the middle of the road in the crossings, they leave their waste here and there sometimes, they generally knows everyone but you have to do whatever they want like if they as for 1 dinar you just gotta give them otherwise you are getting into serious problems. AND ALL THAT UNDER THE NAME OF THE RED CARD. So what the hell is it? What's going on? And why do the police let them do whatever the hell they want?",,,,,,2022-08-31 21:41:07 x2psuk,,13,Poem about Tunisia," Tunisia I love you but I hate you too Many friends left you, many friends died in Italy Others fled to Sweden, others are stuck in Germany We were raised in poverty, yet on Tv we watched Mtv We wanted to meet Britney Spears, we wanted to be free Every pleasure was banned; every pleasure was haram We felt exhausted, repressed, we wanted to go bahn dam We played soccer barefoot, we fought we loved, we learned to hope We were beaten; we made mistakes we learned to cope We learned to respect the flag and to respect our president Now we know we must respect the money and respect the government The generation changed, the walls have been made taller People are more afraid of each other The corruption didn’t cease, most probably never will Like the jungle: cutthroat mentality: kill or get killed Beware my friends this country is hard and tough If u get fucked here, it will be very rough North Africa my Friend, People are considered intelligent Yet most people struggle to pay the rent Rich country and poor at the same time, confusing Having or Being, Erich Fromm, a book worth musing Let’s say the truth no more lies No equality here, no fair game, do not fantasize Many people are alive but dead inside Trapped in many prisons, stuck in many troubles they can’t leave behind Obsessed people, lost generation, a sad scene, gloom factors Even the first tv channel shows only dead actors We trapped in this prison born here we die here, we only love our mamas Enjoy your freedom and don’t succumb to the drama",,,,,,2022-08-31 21:53:35 x2q11b,,8,can you kiss your wife in public legally,"I always wondered about this, since there was a couple that got caught and they were handed prison sentences.",,,,,,2022-08-31 22:03:05 x2rhfj,,2,Suggestions for a tourist in Mahdia?,"I am going to Mahdia for a week with a mate this month, staying in an amazing resort. Any suggestions for things to do?",,,,,,2022-08-31 23:05:18 x2rph7,,0,What would you do if you were the president?,"My policies: -Make weed legal and make it only sold by the government(new revenue stream/less money to spend on teenagers in prisons and more on serious crimes) -Decriminalization of being lgbtq(not saying making lgbtq marriages legal or adoption ,I believe that it is an issue that can be argued for or against but I hate that the country's ressources are being wasted on catching lgbtq poeple) -Take a loan from the chinese(or the IMF but the IMF has economic conditions that would limit tunisian economic direction) -Reform Education(5 days of school instead of 6 and 4PM max instead of 6 PM,mandatory dress for both males and females,Teach history chronologically without neglecting any part of it ,make secondary subjects enjoyable for students,raise teachers's salaries,enforce both students and teachers's presence,teach religion only in primary school as an option,make the 1st lesson of the year in every subject an explanation on why the students are being taught that subject,make equal balance of opportunities between the sections) -Make English the second language(but also make sure that there is equal opportunities in both French and English) -More taxes -Increase tourism in the non-coastal states of Tunisia also encourage guide based trips instead of the stay in the hotel for 7 days -Federalise -Increase trade with other non-eu countries(most notably South America towards Asia) and negotiate non visa permits for tunisians -Make a tunisian national identity embracing every part of our culture(arab,carthaganian,amazigh,vandal,ottoman etc)and thus decreasing the chances of people wanting to go abroad -Hope that the people seeing change start voting more and become less pessimistic/toxic when talking about the country",,,,,,2022-08-31 23:15:06 x2sejg,,3,where can I find a batman mask in Tunis please?,,,,,,,2022-08-31 23:46:30 x2sirx,,1,"hey so I need your opinions on something...I didn't succeed baccalaureat so I decided to do a ""formation en multimedia"" do you think It's the right choice since I noticed some ppl are so against it because they had no jobs",[removed],,,,,,2022-08-31 23:52:06 x2stgh,,2,international student advice?,"my friend has a rough situation at home but is very proficient in English and writing. she has no baccalaureate diploma but is planning on taking the SAT and TOEFL next summer. thing is their financial situation isn't exactly the best and she wasn't provided with the best education growing up and I'm scared of it not meeting certain criteria or her being refused financial aid. any advice on where to get genuine college counseling or if you guys have advice for her? thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-09-01 00:05:46 x2tbc2,,2,if i am going to write a book what i need to do so it doesn't end up being unread and thrown away or worst case uploading it on wattpad,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-01 00:28:30 x2ttex,,0,9aysoun has 0 diplomatic skills and the recent event was an emotional response for this,,,,,,,2022-09-01 00:52:35 x30bp5,,5,What yo fo in Djerba?,"Hi fellows, I will be in Djerba for 5-6 days. Do you recommend anything to do/eat while there?",,,,,,2022-09-01 06:31:33 x31yx0,,3,what is this food ? do we have it in Tunisia,"mafhemtech foul walla jelben [\_P5AhVKOewKHdP4DxMQ\_AUoAXoECAIQAw&cshid=1662020214939493&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25](",,,,,,2022-09-01 08:17:07 x3375n,,4,"I wanna buy a car in the far future, need some advices.","I am in my early 20s and i am thinking of buying a car in the future. I am asking for advice on the budgets. I am looking for a small car, average/good looking just for me and my family. I just have no idea on the prices for the new and used ones. I will be starting my live from 0 basically, starting from now, and i wanna plan for a car so my budget will not be that high. So what are my options?",,,,,,2022-09-01 09:36:31 x33gnm,,2,good morning Tunisia. are you ready for a new day !!,,,,,,,2022-09-01 09:53:21 x33if9,,5,"chkoun iheb yemchi ""yesker"" f cv xd","Srsly maneha Cool people najmou nahkiw f hajet baid al laabed l maakda w maahom kaabet beks wela dabouza vin xd🚩🚩🚩🚩 L maim subject : Bar behy w mafihouch aabed ki zeft f cv ghir marionette (tbadel esmou w nsit esmou ejdid) Thnx❤️",,,,,,2022-09-01 09:56:31 x3554s,,3,do bars really check el date de naissance f bta9ta3rif,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-01 11:27:15 x35d7p,,10,mal9itch Appartement lel kre zone manar :( HELP,"7aja jdida fi tounes win ma3adech yekriw lel twensa we y5aliw dyar lel libiya pusisque y5alsou akther xD anyway chkoun 3andou fekra win najem nal9a bortmen lel kre fi zone manar 2 lawajt barcha we kolhom complet :( if u have any idea thx in advance",,,,,,2022-09-01 11:38:52 x35gcm,,5,Which is better ESPRIT or TEKUP for data science ?,"Hi everyone, I just graduated and am going to start my engineering degree, and I don't know which university to choose between TEKUP or ESPRIT. First ESPRIT is a well-known university in Tunisia or in the world and it has many partners but the real problem is the recent problem with the order of engineers. On the other hand, TEKUP is on the rise and gaining a good reputation, but still not as much as ESPRIT, the good thing is that it offers free certificates. can you guys help me decide and i really need opinions on both universities",,,,,,2022-09-01 11:43:22 x35h0u,,2,Looking for touristic recommendations,"Hey guys , what are your fav spots to relax and have quite time in Tunisia or somewhere where Tunisians can travel visa free ?",,,,,,2022-09-01 11:44:22 x35ho9,édia/,6,Formation en multimédia,hey everyone I need your opinions on something…I have a cousin who didn’t have his « bac » so He decided to do a « formation en multimedia » do you think It’s the right choice ? If so what some of the other options !?,,,,,,2022-09-01 11:45:16 x35itm,,11,Which is your favourite/most respected/ least bad Tunisian President?,"Which Tunisian president do you respect the most? And why? VST: Very Short Term [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-01 11:46:58 x36a0c,,3,This video was saaaaddd,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-01 12:22:39 x36u74,,1,.,,,,,,,2022-09-01 12:49:25 x37bfq,,2,Gouvernerat - délégation - localité,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-01 13:10:59 x37bnq,,2,Can someone help me pronounce this name?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-01 13:11:13 x37cdk,,4,date ideas in Tunis,"heyy, I am looking for date ideas in grand tunis, i am not expert in dating and i am tired of going to cafes or restaurants. u have any ideas? ty",,,,,,2022-09-01 13:12:07 x37j9d,,93,just found out that our fricassé is ranked 23 worldwide,,,,,,,2022-09-01 13:20:48 x38bi7,,1,Stolen bike,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-01 13:55:31 x38btq,,33,Step 1: outlaw the native Tunisian seeds. Step 2: flood the market with Monsanto single-use crap. Step 3: profit.,,,,,,,2022-09-01 13:55:58 x38nge,,10,Short sad story,,,,,,,2022-09-01 14:09:49 x3946n,,3,Scholarships,"hello guys, 3éme science student here and i was wondering if there are any scholarships for the US that dont involve having to pay 200,000 every year? something affordable if possible, or if studying in english system schools can do that too, doesnt seem realistic though, but there's plenty of other countries out there",,,,,,2022-09-01 14:29:52 x39937,,0,Buying crypto in tunisia,"can we buy crypto with ""carte technologique""? I need a small amount of USDT and binance wouldn't accept my card. is that a binance only issue ? or is there any alternatives? (those shady facebook groups keep ignoring me if I demand hand to hand transaction)",,,,,,2022-09-01 14:35:26 x39b8g,,1,Tours from Mahdia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-01 14:38:03 x39elg,,4,Tours from Mahdia,"Hello there Tunisian people! I need some help, my girlfriend and I fell in love with Tunisia in 2018 now we are back and we are staying in Mahdia because of nice beach, but we didn't know there is so little tours to explore other parts of Tunisia from Mahdia. Do you know any agencies that offer tours to El Jem, Monastir etc.? We would really appreciate your help",,,,,,2022-09-01 14:41:54 x39pet,,2,Where can i find English programming books?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-01 14:54:38 x39w9c,,6,Help with Research," سلام عليكم I am currently researching in the field of Arabic print media for university, but I have a hard time finding reliable numbers regarding print numbers and buying numbers. Which is why I turn to you guys. I hope this question is ok. From your memory, which were the most widespread/important newspapers in Tunesia around 2010-2011? I'm looking forward to your replies! سلمت يداك",,,,,,2022-09-01 15:02:05 x3an8m,,10,New record,,,,,,,2022-09-01 15:32:55 x3bbu2,,1,3D Artists based in Tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-01 16:00:53 x3bg2p,,14,Local Kef soft drink,,,,,,,2022-09-01 16:05:32 x3cjw5,,8,was tunisia really part of morocco?,,,,,,,2022-09-01 16:50:58 x3cpmn,,10,"Unpopularopinion: ""They are all bad and I am good"" mentality in Tunisia.","I don't if I am the only one to notice this and to get disgusted by it. It is very common that you see or hear somebody complaining about how the state and its employees are not doing their job and that they don't want things to get better and bla bla. Shame on you!! How comes you still think like that in 2022? You wanna convince me things would have been so much better if YOU were in power? You wanna convince me that someone who all he can do is sit behind a screen and complain has the right to give his stupid opinion about how a 12 million-resident country shall be run? Shame on you! Shoot all complainers now, and let the remaining million citizens live a happier life.",,,,,,2022-09-01 16:57:43 x3cq3c,,12,tunisian friends,"most of my friends i knew since high school and college but when i traveled to Germany 10 years ago everything changed. when i come back home they ignore me and when i'm with them they make really toxic joke about me looking arab and will have bad racist experience in Germany.. after another couple of years they deleted me from facebook and yesterday i found one of them on the streets and talked to him and he was talking like i killed his mother or something he told me to add him on facebook and we can hangout, so when i did the next day he blocked me? what is wrong with them?",,,,,,2022-09-01 16:58:19 x3dvn6,,15,"American here, I’m coming to Tunisia next summer to visit a friend. Any tips, things to see, stuff to avoid? My buddy lives in Tunis.",,,,,,,2022-09-01 17:47:31 x3dvwr,,2,can someone tell me where the Tunis metro station is,"Like the place where u make Abonnement fil metro Ty in advance",,,,,,2022-09-01 17:47:50 x3ecnu,,4,fun activities to do in tunisia,"hi, awhile ago [u/Environmental\_Cry\_51]( made a post about fun activities to do in tunisia. (link [(8) List of fun activities to do in Tunisia, apart from spending all your days in coffee shops : Tunisia (]( ) do u have ideas to extend this?",,,,,,2022-09-01 18:07:46 x3eddf,,1,I hope someone hear what i say ♥,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-01 18:08:37 x3fhlm,,3,Why are there no Airbnb Experiences in Tunisia?,"I’ve used Airbnb Experiences in a lot of countries around the world and was surprised to discover that there aren’t any available in Tunisia (I searched in Tunis, Bizerte, Hammamet, and Djerba). Anyone know why this is? In other countries, a lot of local folks (including students) can make decent money offering tours, cooking classes, culinary tours, and other local experiences from it. Seems like this would be a great way to help stimulate the tourist economy here.",,,,,,2022-09-01 18:55:57 x3g1ej,,8,Remote working for a foreigner company which is not based in Tunisia,"Hey folks! I wanted to ask if any of you is working remotely for a foreigner company or organization that is not based in Tunisia as an individual. How did you proceed with receiving your monthly salaries? How did you proceed with keeping the salary in euros (or dollars)? And how do you handle taxes payments. I have heard from several persons about a lot of reluctance from the Banque Centrale to let folks receive their salaries sent from abroad in devise. And even people who haven't been paid for 12 months just because the money is still blocked at the Banque Centrale. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-09-01 19:18:50 x3gu1c,,4,Cooking courses,"Hello. Anyone knows where to learn to cook our traditional food. My friend can't cook anything and won't try learning from neither youtube or me (I'm a mediocre cook) which leave us with cooking classes. Tried searching on google and facebook but the only results I got were for BTP and BTS which isn't what we're looking for. Simply, casual tunisian cooking courses. thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-09-01 19:52:17 x3hrdn,,2,how can i get into erasmus mundus ?,,,,,,,2022-09-01 20:31:11 x3hw8x,,2,How useless are Tunisian Visa/Mastercard bank cards?,"I have 2 bank cards, a Visa and a Mastercard, and with both I cannot add them to Amazon prime, Paypal or even get Twitch subscriptions! How useless are these cards internationally... are they cards in Tunisian banks that are not limited to national online sites? (laposte/steg/etc...)",,,,,,2022-09-01 20:36:43 x3hylb,,2,airpods,"So guys n7b nchri airpods since El ecouteuret dima ychedouli zone 1-3 months w n7b w7yd me8ir ekil w7da plastic w not very expensive mabinet 190-300dt w quality behya mt3 sout. Any recommendations pls?",,,,,,2022-09-01 20:39:37 x3kj51,,13,Private Universities in Tunisia,"First off, I would like to point out the fact that I'm not hating on the people that chose to go to private Unis. I do have some bright friends that didn't do too well on the bac exam and therefore couldn't get into their ""prepa/prepa intégré"" of choice in order to pursue an engineering degree. Hassilou, what I'm trying to point out is how unfair this can be. Having to go through the ""prepa"" phase, and having to bear everything that comes with it, be it stress, anxiety, depression or the butt load of other emotions, just for someone else to pay to get an easier path and get the same engineering degree that one has to work so hard for, is completely unfair. I'm not saying students in private unis don't work for their degrees or that they straight up ""buy em"". I'm just saying that they do work for em. Just not nearly as hard as those in public unis. The reason why I do find this to be a problem is because the job market is being flooded with people with degrees (that in some cases don't deserve at all).",,,,,,2022-09-01 22:26:51 x3ll4e,,2,is souk el moncef bey safe to visit?,"What should i know before my visit, what to avoid and what to look for (we are a group of 3, 17 aged, males)",,,,,,2022-09-01 23:12:02 x3nock,,1,cheap soundproofing Tips&Ideas for Drums ?!,"Soo I'm looking for cheap sound proofing ideas , Or products , if soo I wish you tell me where to go and buy these materials for a reasonable price",,,,,,2022-09-02 00:48:20 x3ovs0,,1,He's got a point..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 01:45:18 x3pbwg,,1,Is there any only ladies gyms and only men gyms or only ladies pools and men pools only?,,,,,,,2022-09-02 02:06:27 x3rmne,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-09-02 04:00:11 x3sbbo,,5,Is it possible to order from china,"Hello everyone, I am working on my end of study project in electronic and I want to order PCB from china (jlcpcb or pcbway) But I am not sure if it will make it to Tunisia or not. (note that I can pay the fee online) Has anyone tried this before? help me please , thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-09-02 04:34:59 x3tji2,,1,Studies Suggest Boron Has Potent Cancer-Fighting Properties,,,,,,,2022-09-02 05:44:24 x3tu7c,,1,"Friends, I encountered problems at work","Salaam friends, I work for a sales company in Tunisia. and I do market work in the front-end. I need market research and analysis. The sample size is not large and between 50-200 is enough. However, I am an expatriate employee, and I am not familiar with Tunisia. I want to seek help from everyone. I wonder if there are any local organizations that help survey research?",,,,,,2022-09-02 06:01:43 x3up3m,,5,La SNCFT annonce de nouveaux horaires des trains à partir du 1er septembre,,,,,,,2022-09-02 06:53:54 x3wto3,,1,Is there a way to legally keep Euros/dollars stored in Tunisia ?,"I remember hearing that you can't keep foreign currency on you here. Incase I manage to convert TND to Euros/Dollars is there any way to keep it, maybe in an account ? I am sure there is a way, since there are embassy workers that get paid in foreign currencies.",,,,,,2022-09-02 09:16:10 x3x6gp,,29,How Shell took over Nigeria entire economy,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-02 09:38:04 x3x70s,,1,ne5ou tunsia wala gawria?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 09:39:13 x3xflh,,1,معرفة باسورد شبكات ال wifi بدون برامج,,,,,,,2022-09-02 09:54:20 x3xfwh,,0,help on choosing a school,"hey im thinking of transferring to another school ' lycee garçon sfax ' in this case , but the problem here are its results in bac lettres 2022 good ? if u have a link to something that helps or a friend who knows better pls tell me. THANK U",,,,,,2022-09-02 09:54:51 x3xv2o,,11,Is it legal to carry around a pepper spray in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-09-02 10:19:46 x3xxic,,3,what are some good coffee shops to read a book in downton Tunis?,Like someplace cool with an encouraging surrounding..nice place...,,,,,,2022-09-02 10:23:49 x3za70,,24,Anyone with better grip on how the banking system works in Tunisian can explain how they can make such profits in such an economy?,,,,,,,2022-09-02 11:38:38 x3zb66,,7,corona vaccination,I just wanna ask that the corona vaccination led to many physical problems like i got sick too easy or i get tired too much i think i regret for taking the vaccination how about ?,,,,,,2022-09-02 11:40:03 x3znn2,,1,thoughts about Universite central?,thoughts about Universite central??,,,,,,2022-09-02 11:58:23 x40w41,,1,Can anyone help me translate this?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 12:57:37 x40xgl,,7,Can anyone help me translate this short text?,"Hey! I just need some help translating this verse from Bayna by Ghali into English. I understand a few words, but the missing ones often throw off the whole meaning. Much appreciated! :)",,,,,,2022-09-02 12:59:28 x41dbq,تكوين_مهني/,4,about تكوين مهني,"Hi i am 20 years old male,sadly i didn't take the baccalaureate last year hopefully i put in the work this year for it (gonna pass it condidat libre by the way) i just wanted to know should i also study something else like electricity,mechanics etc in a free centers (i don't have enough money for bts,btp centers) Can i take my degree in 2-3 years and make a good amount of cash from it? And perhaps go work aborad if there's a chance ?? Just wanna hear your opinions",,,,,,2022-09-02 13:20:00 x41nje,,1,Can you change dinar to dollars at bank?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 13:33:20 x41yhd,,58,Inspirational. I want to buy a Carthaginian dress it looks so cool.,,,,,,,2022-09-02 13:47:14 x426x1,,6,"A couple of years ago, he was selling ""فحم"" and sleeping in a garage. It ain't easy but it can be done.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 13:57:24 x428ps,,11,What is it with a bunch of tunisians not knowing what the concept of queue is?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 13:59:40 x434sj,,3,The information about how Dagbaji killed the 5 French soldiers is scarce!,"There are many things you can hear or read about Dagbaji and his revolutionary actions against French aggressors, and you can even read about the ""bitter battle"" in which he killed 5 French soldiers alone. However, I can't find any specific details about that battle and how exactly he managed to kill them. All I can find is that 5 soldiers followed him and that the angel of death was waiting for them: خمسة لي لحڤو بالجرّة و ملك الموت يراجي - لحڤو مولى العركة المُرّة مشهور الدغباجي",,,,,,2022-09-02 14:36:59 x436gw,,1,"Can you hire someone to ""Take care of business""?",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-02 14:39:01 x43jvo,,0,How would you rank the seasons of choufli hal?,,,,,,,2022-09-02 14:54:30 x43p2o,,36,THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT,,,,,,,2022-09-02 15:00:26 x43xvs,,7,"Hi, so we have a discord group that was made to make new friends and we are welcoming new members! Join us!","Group Activities example: -Online quick group games -Debates -Art sharing -Gatherings -Projects -Music sharing -Movie nights -… Comment “Add me” i will pm u the link Note: For 18+ only, thanks for understanding",,,,,,2022-09-02 15:10:11 x44qrl,,2,حملة ذكرهم ونكد عليهم,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 15:42:42 x45qmk,,6,this is happening rn in tunisia w fi les facs,"belegi labed elli tetchaka kifeh laabed kada temchi privé kal chnowa techri fi diplomet (wakteli houma mkaydin legally w kodem ness kol ) ne3lemkom elli fama abed mahech jeyba scorat fil bac w dakhlet takra fi akwa les facs bel maaref kal chnowa sur dossier mafama had bien sur yheb yahki wela yetkalem ama ken fama haja lazem tetalemha mel chay hetha enou fi akreb waket hez dabchek w tiir men hal hofra",,,,,,2022-09-02 16:22:07 x464sd,,3,Where to find free virtual internships ? * front end dev. Field *,,,,,,,2022-09-02 16:38:20 x46540,,4,Egybest decided not to work,"It gives me a russian broken screen and none of my movies even load, can you recommend safe movie sites in English or Arabic?",,,,,,2022-09-02 16:38:43 x46po0,,1,gossiping,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-02 17:01:58 x46thu,,2,what are the currently available Work-Study programs? (alternance),,,,,,,2022-09-02 17:06:05 x46x7o,,1,What phone brand do you have ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-02 17:10:15 x47ovh,,5,What’s your favorite conspiracy theory about Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-02 17:41:52 x4am4c,,28,OverSimplified just dropped this!! The first punic war,,,,,,,2022-09-02 19:45:45 x4aveu,,1,We probably won't go to Jannah because we live in arab countries,"No doubt our life has been robed for obvious reasons the sad thing is that we probably have the same fate in the after life , we can't be good muslims , being in outside countries is better which is really sad what if we were the worst people on earth ?",,,,,,2022-09-02 19:57:03 x4awxx,,4,So how do you evaluate Kais Saied's performance in light of the ongoing shortages in basic necessities?,"I wanted to aim this poll mainly at KS supporters, but I think it's better to have a general view on how Tunisians see the recent developments, and in particular this ongoing shortage in sugar, rice, coffee and other basic necessities. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-02 19:58:54 x4az2m,,2,ESPRIT OR IIT,bonsoir aandi license fel informatique w nheb nkamal cycle ingenieurie nheb nekho raykom nkamal esprit wala iit (sfax) sachant que iit tokhrej ingénieur informatique polyvalant mafihech des spécialités w esprit fihaa w ena newyaa nkamal cybersecurity nchalah et merci,,,,,,2022-09-02 20:01:11 x4b16q,,2,I will create free websites,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 20:03:51 x4bdkp,,2,"hii who’s interested in reading a punk zine that’s an introduction to punk history, scene, music, fashion and politics",,,,,,,2022-09-02 20:19:15 x4bj1f,,0,أولم يتفكروا في أنفسهم (سورة الروم الآية 8 ),,,,,,,2022-09-02 20:25:45 x4bq23,,10,Is military service necessary in Tunisia.And if so how can you escape it cz most of people I know didn't do it,,,,,,,2022-09-02 20:34:20 x4bv88,,2,places in gammarth where I can buy shrab as a 17 yo,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-02 20:40:33 x4c4rw,,5,"History Fans, here's a cool video!",Here's a freshly uploaded [video]( about the punic wars made by one of my favorite youtube channels about Carthage and the first punic war...Enjoy,,,,,,2022-09-02 20:52:11 x4hu9s,,8,How hard it is to and study and work and get a citizenship in Australia ?,Any Tunisians in Australia can give us the process,,,,,,2022-09-03 01:14:01 x4iwrn,,2,best places in Tunisia to buy clothes from ?,,,,,,,2022-09-03 02:09:27 x4ktr9,,4,Looking for the significance of my grandmother’s tattoo,,,,,,,2022-09-03 03:52:06 x4lpl3,,159,nektbouh,,,,,,,2022-09-03 04:41:30 x4oumn,,2,P.O. Box questions,"I am a recent American expat, and I shipped some things over but only 2 of the 3 boxes made it. I attribute some of this to the mail system and some of it to the lack of physical address for my current apartment building. There's no name for the street I live on and definitely no number. Is there an alternative way to receive packages? We have a poste near our house but I don't want to confuse anyone in search of a PO Box if it doesn't exist.",,,,,,2022-09-03 07:53:44 x4prkv,,8,Is it safe at the moment to travel to Tunisia?,"I am going to travel with my girlfriend and a friend. How is the safety in general? Is it safe for us to use the trams for my girlfriend? We are planning to go to Kairouan also. Is it also safe for us? Thank you for your time",,,,,,2022-09-03 08:54:38 x4qcje,,23,Strange road signs in Mahdia,,,,,,,2022-09-03 09:33:08 x4qsnf,,1,طريقة اظهار شاشة الهاتف على التلفاز بدون كابل,,,,,,,2022-09-03 10:02:45 x4r3sl,,1,campus France,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-03 10:22:24 x4rw7g,,2,Part time jobs for uni students,Are there any part-time jobs a fellow uni student that finishes at 5pm can work? i need help :c,,,,,,2022-09-03 11:12:13 x4smrr,,0,US Stresses Need for Economic Reforms in Tunisia,"""Saied called on the US authorities to hear from Tunisian counterparts to find out the reality of the economic and social conditions in his country."" I dont care whether you support or not Kaies Saied but tbf I am sick of the U.S telling us what to do wnhat not to do, especially after having the Foreign Ministry and Presidency repeat several times in the past months that they refuse the interference with Tunisia's internal affairs. ""She underlined the importance of human rights, protecting rule of law, and freedom of expression for all Tunisians. "" Sources: []( [](",,,,,,2022-09-03 11:55:20 x4sndt,,4,is PCR test required for entering Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-09-03 11:56:21 x4sxhu,,1,دوحي,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-03 12:11:13 x4t1jm,,0,sidi bou said,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-03 12:17:22 x4t6w3,,5,sidi bou said,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-03 12:25:19 x4te4q,,1,"What do you think about this whole Morocco v Tunisia situation? How far can all of this escalade, potentially locking exchanges between the countries?",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-03 12:35:39 x4uawj,,0,Woman who tested how it was being a man for 18 months ended up commiting suicide! a clear message to stupid feminists!,"Well, this didn't happen in Tunisia, but the message is clear to everyone out there claiming that men are having it easy compared to women and other bullshit. A woman who tried living like a man committed suicide primarily because of the way she was treated by women! Need I say more?",,,,,,2022-09-03 13:20:50 x4ulnz,,9,Street logic in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-03 13:35:28 x4vf58,,73,Who participated in the making of Tunisia's flag in Ludwig's r/place,,,,,,,2022-09-03 14:13:32 x4vsrt,,0,"جديد كيبروكو: ""دوحي"" مع تحسين الجودة.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-03 14:30:40 x4vvdf,,3,OVERSIMPLIFIED Punic war video!!!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-03 14:33:57 x4wd2s,,6,Best movies website?,"I found this gem website for anime which has a huge database/no adc/no annoying redirections..(pretty sure a lot of people here know it but just wanted to share) Do you have something similar for movies? Thanks for the suggestions.",,,,,,2022-09-03 14:56:30 x4wh89,,2,how can someone find a girlfriend in Tunisia?,"a friend of mine is single af, where can he approach girls? is it ok to message a girl on facebook?",,,,,,2022-09-03 15:01:32 x4x3if,,17,"FK ESPRIT, real engineers study in خربة آيلة للسقوط",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-03 15:28:40 x4xa2q,,0,How often to u get harrassed as a girl in the streets.," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-03 15:36:24 x4y7rn,,48,"Guys what do you think of Lebanese, Syrians and Israelis who want to claim Tunisian history?",Here is the link to the post:قa/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share,,,,,,2022-09-03 16:15:18 x4yinx,,4,"my info prof says i can't use QWERTY in bak exam, is it true? (i just need qwerty keyboard mode, i don't really care if irl keyboard is azerty)",Bac*,,,,,,2022-09-03 16:28:19 x4z3q2,,5,Any experiences with bumble in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-09-03 16:53:23 x51avp,,10,help," Hi guy I m computer engineering student i bought a Lenovo Ideapad 5 15IIL05 with 8GO Intel i5-1135G7, 11è Génération processeur ,512GO SSD. i noticed that it gets slower espacialy when i run multiple programs or brosing chrome what should i upgrade . thanks.",,,,,,2022-09-03 18:29:13 x524cl,,4,Hi,Looking for a part time job in tunis do you have any suggestions please,,,,,,2022-09-03 19:04:44 x52qrs,,6,Revolut ATM fees,"I read that STB and QNB banks both dont charge on Revolut ATM withdrawls in Tunisia. Is it true?",,,,,,2022-09-03 19:32:13 x533yy,,11,How everything went wrong,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-09-03 19:49:00 x551ea,,0,is it illegal to sell sex toys online in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-03 21:15:39 x563ln,,3,what are some side hustles/part-time jobs I can learn for/practice in Tunisia rn as a 17yo student ( preferably from home)? Any ideas would be welcome.,,,,,,,2022-09-03 22:03:03 x564cb,,3,blhi chkoun 3andou fekra 3alla kifh to5rej ta9ra fi allmanya b prise en charge chouma les étapes eli lazem ntb3ouhom. lazem nchouf agence walla le?,,,,,,,2022-09-03 22:04:01 x57k6x,,4,Looking for a good equivalent to a chiropractor or physical therapist in Tunisia,"I have severe nerve pain, our pain killers are crap that doesn't nothing but give me diarrhea, I don't want to destroy my body with strong stuff. I'm looking for a good chiro, my condition doesn't require surgery, I went to several doctor, wasted hundreds of dinars, I'm not even rich. I did Kinesitherapy but it made my pain worse, no offense to any of the workers in that field but they don't know what they're doing regarding severe or unique cases, I tried it in 2 different states and several centers. If anyone can recommend a good physical therapist or someone that can do things similar to a chiropractor like an osteopath maybe, I'd really appreciate it. I need a doctor that won't be a waste of money because I'm not doing well financially and every penny has its place. Preferably in either Tunis, Bizerte or Nabeul but anywhere will do.",,,,,,2022-09-03 23:09:59 x5b65a,,5,question about tawjih,since e res ta3 e reo has revealed and I am confused which spécialité should i take so chnowa 5ir prepa physique chimie fel fst wla info ges fel esen,,,,,,2022-09-04 02:07:17 x5d15x,,7,Twensa fi NYC,I just started going to NYU and have not found any Tunisians or any maghrebis at all. If you’re a tunisian from nyc let me knowww !,,,,,,2022-09-04 03:43:00 x5hjkj,ياخي_وقتاش_ناويه_تبرد_الدنيا/,14,ياخي وقتاش ناويه تبرد الدنيا ؟!,,,,,,,2022-09-04 08:10:10 x5hzze,,6,"As a Moroccan, is it worth visiting Tunisia ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-04 08:39:41 x5iaci,,5,Chkoun ysalah les pc fi Soussa/Tunis and is trustworthy?,"Pc mteii 3dem w hazitou l jari yefhm fel les pc kalli mochkla fi 9alb 9alb el pc, 9ali hezou lsalleh assyén w yefhemleha. Betbiaa nheb wehed thika w maydafaanich fi akthr melli lezem . Any adresses fi Soussa or Tunis",,,,,,2022-09-04 08:58:09 x5ib89,,67,The flags of Tunisia throughout history:,,,,,,,2022-09-04 08:59:44 x5j910,,4,Tunisians in Germany,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-04 09:59:33 x5jnkj,,15,now that's an expensive shit,,,,,,,2022-09-04 10:24:03 x5k55t,,12,Any developpers / software engineers living in Tunisia ?,"Hello everyone, Is any of you guys/girls a developper / software engineer who's living in Tunisia RN ? There's an opportunity to move to France and work with a growing french Licorn / start-up turned scale-up (appearently they pay very well). Actually they're coming to Tunis (Charguia 2) on saturday september 10th to meet, interview and eventually hire whoever is interested... I just work for their recruiting angency, wanted to see if anyone is interested in getting more details on the event, participation is free ofc =)",,,,,,2022-09-04 10:54:13 x5kx85,,2,njmo neshro mn ali express wtousllna lcommande ltounes f sur ?,,,,,,,2022-09-04 11:40:24 x5mrjo,,10,Advice to motivate my sister to start preparing for the baccalauréat and reduce phone usage,"Hi community, I'm asking how can I motivate my little sister to prepare herself for the scholar year and start step by step studying, she failed last year with very low rates due to miss preparation and work at the last minute, and she advised during the summer to learn German( as a language option) to improve herself in the Algorithmic, and she promised she will try to have a good score, but what I see she didn't do anything, always sleeping addicted to phone and this behavior makes me annoyed and angry, because I want to have people auto-responsible and self-learner In comparison to my case I was not having some conditions and comfort as this generation has but they don't care, and I think I will ignore her and I will not take care",,,,,,2022-09-04 13:16:40 x5n38c,,2,Study Abroad Academy for Africans,"Africans have the lowest enrollment in higher ed abroad so I created a virtual academy for them (us).  All students in Africa welcome. The academy is to prepare students 12-21 years old for opportunities like scholarships, etc. It's a highly interactive program with mentors and other services. Lesson topics include college prep, ACT/SAT, funding, etc.",,,,,,2022-09-04 13:32:33 x5p6cy,,14,I read this Bullshit today,"Today. Sunday September the fourth 2022. I was reading the daily newspaper Al Chourouk. What do I find on page number 4 in the middle? This title: A Tunisian invents a Motor without energy. There is a picture of the so called inventor. Next to it this article: The tunisian inventor Mohamed Abbassi has been able to invent an electrical motor that works without energy when he was only 30 years old. This invention could make Tunisia the biggest producer of energy in just 5 years and help it get rid of its debts, so he says. Knowing that the production of energy could reach 100 times what the STEG( Tunisian Society for Electricity and Gaz) is producing right now. Mohamed Abbassi is now 61 years old and he is an autodidact from Sfax. He has been fond of mechanics and electricity since the tender age of 11 years old and he made a car start with water when he was 17 years old. And he has other inventions in the aerodynamics field. Mohamed Abbassi hopes that the goverment and businessmen would listen to him and take interest in his project and fund him to help the people and the country.",,,,,,2022-09-04 15:06:30 x5p7n3,,8,where can i get similar knifes in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-04 15:08:02 x5p9j0,,4,Moula tej ye7tej: a question about tajine!,"So, everyone knows that I am here to teach Tunisians (and non-Tunisians for that matter) how to live. But, anyone might one day need others and in that case it is totally fine to ask for help. My question here is *whether you can save tajine in the freezer and eat it after some days*. I know that most visitors of this sub can by no means be sitting on the answer but maybe you can ask your sister or especially mother? And please don't tell me to do that myself because if I had the chance to do it I wouldn't wait for syedtek bech tansa7ni From Belgacem with love ❤",,,,,,2022-09-04 15:10:17 x5pqvl,,1,Are any inline skaters in here?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-04 15:30:57 x5qopn,,5,why expensive ffff,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-04 16:10:20 x5qzcs,,1,Maybe too late but still:,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-04 16:22:27 x5rdva,,20,dating a Libyan dude,"I like a Tunisian girl and I'm low key thinking that Tunisian girls have that bad stereotype about Libyans, so any stories or experiences that u would like to share?",,,,,,2022-09-04 16:39:27 x5rhin,,12,I just want to understand something about all the Tunisian constitutions,"So we all know that the texts written in our constitutions since independence are deeply contradictory. For example all Tunisians are equal yet the president can only be Muslim. Also, the text contradicts established laws, e.g. unequal inheritance between men and women(Ps: I do consider all inheritance to be unfair because I am a leftist but that is another story). So, if we were a functioning democracy how would these contradictions have been resolved.",,,,,,2022-09-04 16:43:40 x5rmo2,,3,Is it the best idea to learn Russian?,"I don't wanna hear excuses such ""the script is so hard"" cuz i've used to write in russian since i was 15 yro, or ""they have so many cases such as nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional!"" Cuz i used to deal with more cases such as ""Ablative, Vocative and locative"" from latin and i know other such as ""inessive, ellative and adessive"" from hungarian or ""they pronounce so many hard sounds"" because i can pronounce almost every consonant and vowel in the two of ipa charts: But the thing is, i don't know if i would need it someday or if it would be that important (also i know where to learn it. Youtube could be everything guys)",,,,,,2022-09-04 16:49:37 x5u477,,1,unemployment is way worse than 2010 not to talk about the prices and blank future. Where's your second revolution ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-04 18:33:54 x5uvwv,,3,Bin gerden,"Why and how bin gerden became a trade, commerce, trafficking hub? Is it just because it is near Libya? And why their goods sell cheap? Their goods can even sell 3 times lower than an average Tunisian city!",,,,,,2022-09-04 19:05:15 x5uyci,,0,⚠️Help a cute girl graduate 🎓⚠️,"heyy guys, I hope you are doing well 💗 please help me out with my graduation project by filling out this survey 💕💕 It wouldn't take much of your time but it will be a huge help for me",,,,,,2022-09-04 19:07:59 x5v2t7,,3,Eating 5 eggs a day good or bad?,So I can't afford protein powder so eggs is my primary choice for protein,,,,,,2022-09-04 19:12:57 x5vjxw,,9,what are these ingredients name in arabic and are they available?,,,,,,,2022-09-04 19:32:56 x5vuj8,,0,does sbou3i suffer from down syndrome?,"We all realise things about choufli hal that we didin't get as a child (like slimen coming back drunk,the alcohol episode or that guy who was talking about na9aba etc) As a child I thought sbou3i was just an idiot/naive man child. But now thinking more about it ,I think he suffers from something. Am I overthinking it or is my theory correct?",,,,,,2022-09-04 19:45:46 x5wxi4,,23,This is a list of the best fast food places in the capital andbits suburbs,"I gathered the locations of the best fast food/street food in the capital and its suburbs based on reviews and notoriety) This google map link is a copy that you can save for later use. ( It's in prgress and I will keep on updating it) Please share it with friends, tourists and FB groups related to food and travelers (i don't have FB) I would love to hear your SUGGESTIONS about other places.",,,,,,2022-09-04 20:31:39 x5x5fq,,3,New friends ?,....,,,,,,2022-09-04 20:41:02 x5xibh,,1,Nice and neat restaurants in Hammamet area?,"Hi there, would be cool to get some nice recommendations for a great time with the family. Thanks a lot",,,,,,2022-09-04 20:56:09 x5y7m3,,1,how do i calculate my PC's power consumption and cost,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-04 21:25:07 x5ycgp,,1,Selling 20$ gift card,Hello I’m selling Amazon gift card that I won online if somebody interested contact me in private,,,,,,2022-09-04 21:30:52 x5z4qu,,10,this is not an ad . i repeat this is not an ad . but i found this product. it's a microphone towel for cleaning i extremely recommend it i found it in my local shopping mall but i believe you can find it anywhere. this product really makes .e proud of Tunis,,,,,,,2022-09-04 22:04:42 x5zi51,,241,*Sighs*,,,,,,,2022-09-04 22:21:00 x60u5m,,23,"finally ""oversimplified"" made a video about punic war(Carthage vs Rome)",the most famous animation channel talking about historical 'oversimplified' events in world made a video about punic war in the most entertaining way as usual the should definitely check it out,,,,,,2022-09-04 23:23:25 x63v3y,,4,Buying a shirt from a AliExpress,"Hello, i wanted to know will the diwena demand me to pay extra tax for buying a shirt from AliExpress? I always buy stuff and the only thing they asked me to pay tax for is ear buds but this time I'm just buying two shirts that weight around 400g or 500g, because i heard that someone payed tax for something similar",,,,,,2022-09-05 01:52:31 x65hry,,2,Customs at Tunis airport.,"I would be arriving in Tunis in the first week of October and would be bringing a brand new phone as a gift for my Tunisian friend with no commercial intentions. I checked with the Tunisian customs website( )it says if it’s a gift it’s permitted. What are the parameters on which they consider it as a gift?😅 I had been to many countries and aware how customs officers are at the airport they assume everything as commercial purpose and it’s quite hard to convince them. Irony is that it would be brought as gift but the customs officer will decide after entering Tunis airport. That day if customs are not in a good mood and make up their mind to not consider it as the gift I’ll have to pay huge taxes. Can someone please suggest what do I need to do?",,,,,,2022-09-05 03:16:19 x661bg,,6,What online service you would like to see in tunisia ?,am curious to know your opinion about what online solutions/platforms you would like to see and would personally use if it existed here in tunisia ?,,,,,,2022-09-05 03:44:18 x6alsk,,1,Conservatories/music schools options for a working adult?,"I've always been an avid enjoyer of soul,Ska and Jazz. sadly My family were too broke to provide me with any type of musical education as a kid. As a teenager, I ended up buying a self teaching Piano book and borrowing a MIDI keyboard from a classmate and my and I ended up quitting after a year and half since the book barely taught any music theory and focused on the physical skills and the dexterity for the keyboard. And now as a grown-ass adult, I am thinking about spending some of my own money on some western music theory ""skills""&""knowledge"". And damn I can't find a single conservatory or a school around the Grand Tunis area with courses for working adults. the best I got was ""can you leave us your number, we might find you a personal teacher"" where I ended up calling them back just for them to start apologizing. If anyone here has some experience in the local music scene,please offer me some suggestions",,,,,,2022-09-05 08:05:06 x6auls,,2,Buying a new PC,"So imma buy [this pc from tunisanet]( nchallah.. First I want your insight on its specs Second, it says it's FreeDOS.. does that mean it comes with no OS whatsoever? Or does it come with unlicenced version of windows? Thank you all in advance",,,,,,2022-09-05 08:20:28 x6bx47,,1,"Fi niveau BTP, chnouwa les formations privées najem na9rahom f domaine l'info? (zone Grand Tunis)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-05 09:30:42 x6bx4k,,0,annonces rencontre,,,,,,,2022-09-05 09:30:44 x6dx62,,6,a question for Tunisian teens!,"what are some sustainable ways you or your friends make money with? (legitimate ways!!)",,,,,,2022-09-05 11:31:09 x6ej93,,34,"Does the Tunisian dialect make it difficult for you to express your thoughts, especially when talking about scientific topics that require precise linguistic terms?",,,,,,,2022-09-05 12:04:28 x6eoru,,8,Another reminder to register with the INPDP if you have an App or a Website.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-05 12:12:22 x6gh60,,13,Does anyone know if and where I can find a pegboard like this one in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-05 13:39:44 x6hiiw,,2,"A good lawyer, please?","Hello everybody! Would you mind pointing me towards a good lawyer, a trustworthy one, in Tunis please? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-09-05 14:26:28 x6hrkw,,1,وفي أنفسكم أفلا تبصرون ؟ ( سورة الذاريات الآية 21 ),,,,,,,2022-09-05 14:37:57 x6htmf,,2,where can i buy custom keyboard keycaps,,,,,,,2022-09-05 14:40:28 x6i6ja,,2,the entire country if Singapore compared to Tunis,,,,,,,2022-09-05 14:56:25 x6i6z3,,71,the entire country of Singapore compared to Tunis,,,,,,,2022-09-05 14:56:58 x6j5wi,,2,Rugby in Tunisia,"Hello Can anyone recommend a rugby team in Tunis? I can't find many details online. Cheers",,,,,,2022-09-05 15:37:34 x6jc9m,,2,Best place to find good tunisian memes,I wanna laugh at some tunisian memes. Any suggestions?,,,,,,2022-09-05 15:44:48 x6k953,,3,Is there anyone who can fix a coffee machine in Tunisia? and thank you,,,,,,,2022-09-05 16:21:04 x6n1cr,,8,علاش فما أنواع متاع خضرة و غلة ماعادش تلقاهم ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-05 18:12:14 x6nasm,,1,My parents has thrown away my cat and I can't forgive them .,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-05 18:23:01 x6nbzv,,2,A discord friend to play fortnite/valorant with ?,,,,,,,2022-09-05 18:24:20 x6pzwa,,1,Wen tnajm t3addi test DSH walla testDaF fi toons?,,,,,,,2022-09-05 20:12:11 x6qlul,,0,Transfer Universities in Tunisia for a foreigner,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-05 20:36:56 x6qqrm,,4,any idea where i can buy this plz,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-09-05 20:42:22 x6qx45,,2,Recommandations pour une parapharmacie en ligne ?,Recommandations pour une parapharmacie en ligne ?,,,,,,2022-09-05 20:49:45 x6qyws,,21,I had to look up the technical details of the Tunisian flag for my friend's son (kindergarten intro party) and I thought it may be useful for r/TN too.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-05 20:51:49 x6r52m,,2,"please, is this protein powder any good?",,,,,,,2022-09-05 20:59:01 x6rgbb,,3,hii im planning on making an independent film does anyone have any tips or wanna help,,,,,,,2022-09-05 21:11:28 x6ruj8,,3,What countries can you study in under the government's fund?,"I know for a fact that if you're one of the top 18 or something in the bachelor exams, the government would pay for you to study in Germany and France, but can they send you to other countries, like Spain for example.",,,,,,2022-09-05 21:27:37 x6tcoc,,3,Renting in Marsa/Gammarth area,"Hey, I'm considering moving into the Marsa/Gammarth area sometime soon and I'm wondering how the rent prices are around there? anyone who lives there have any idea what a 1 person studio apartment would cost monthly? If anyone knows any cheap places they can recommend that'd be extra welcome! thanks",,,,,,2022-09-05 22:30:12 x6txoe,,1,Should these Peugeot 103 knights be forced into عام جيش ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-05 22:55:33 x6u58a,,2,Can I make a PayPal account using the bank's Carte technologique?,"Can I make a PayPal account using the bank's Carte technologique? I was planning to get one but I heard that you could only use it on certain websites and it's not possible to make a PayPal with it so I want to make sure whether it's true or not before getting it",,,,,,2022-09-05 23:04:30 x6uj42,,0,who else had to deal with this shit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-05 23:21:16 x6urjh,,1,#ذكريات #ذكريات_الزمن_الجميل #ذكرياتنا #طفولة #ريمي #جيل_الطيبين,,,,,,,2022-09-05 23:31:46 x6vah8,,1,gardening stores,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-05 23:56:22 x6vd8a,,3,help with internet connection,so in the last period I asked a lot of people about their experience with internet I asked about VDSL and fixbox premium orange because that's the best thing I can get in my area but i m still unable to choose some people are complaining other are satisfied and I know that el zone tafrak but i m really confused btw I live in el kram if anyone knows how is the internet there,,,,,,2022-09-06 00:00:03 x6vuxx,,82,who else had to deal with this shit,,,,,,,2022-09-06 00:22:35 x6wrk1,,4,what's a good headphone for a budget of 150dt,,,,,,,2022-09-06 01:04:32 x6xhuh,,2,AISCEC,"Hi guys Layamet nlawej 3la stage lbara w 9alouli 3al AISCEC. Najem n9adem 3al site Malagré ma3anech aiscec fil université bta3na ?",,,,,,2022-09-06 01:38:32 x70aok,,11,Is it weird that i miss my depression?,"I know this isn't the right subreddit to post that but i really need help understand and i know so many of u are secretly suffering from mental health problems sooo yeah .... Since i was a child I had that terrible feeling hunting me and chasing me around. I remember i was only 7, when i kept telling my father that i have that gut feeling that something awful is about to happen . I had that big ball in my throat that's making it hard for me to breath .. The bitter sensation you get when you are holding back tears . Whenever i laugh i just find myself washing it off quickly because i felt like i didn't deserve it. That's how I've always known myself. As i grew older my dark shadows never left. They're heavier,darker,stronger now i never had dreams , ambitions or allowed myself to let others in because i knew i am not staying . I didn't want no strings attached to that world. I tried praying ..cried and begged god to help me . But i was on my own. I was so confused as a child and didn't even have the words to describe it . I decided then that i have to let go. I contemplated suicide very often and i even went for it twice . It obviously didn't work for me . But i remember vividly the fantasy of dying that never left me . Depression often comes with so many companions... Anxiety.. eating disorders..body dysmorphia... Insomnia And lucky enough i believe i had the whole package. I hated to way i look i have always felt ugly and fat ... I would binge eat whenever i am sad then feel disgusted by myself and i the little self control i had then i would puke all of it. At some point i lost the ability of feeling hungry i would just eat-puke-repeat or i would just eat nothing at all for days.. i believe that lasted 2 constitutive years . Sleeping was a real issue... sometimes I wouldn't sleep for days till i start hallucinating and passing out for seconds... An whenever i do i get sleep paralysis and iwould wake up freaked out. At night time my brain would be on fire.. all the narrators in my head would be simultaneously speaking asking questions and be trying to keep up with all of em... It was exhausting. I never went to a psychiatrist or got diagnosed because i hated myself enough to not reach out for help and when i did my parents asked me to self medicate or pray. That was my life till i am 23 ... At 23 everything changed i simply completely dissociated... Convinced myself that i can ""analive"" myself anytime i want and that i will eventually do it. And now I don't feel anything It's like i am not alive anymore and my conciseness is sitting there in the corner watching the character that used to be ME ""living"". Now i be would having sleep paralysis but not be scared or even react.. i would just watch it happen and i wait for it to end I simply am aware now that my brain is playing games .. and the games aren't working anymore. The voices in my head faded away on by one .. none is asking questions anymore. i simply don't care about my personal development no more I am not curious about anything... I don't know who is this but i know i am gone. I am not sad or happy i am totally numb and i pretend whatever feeling i wanna show . I wear so many social masks and make reckless irresponsible decisions. Hang out with ppl that i would have never been around. And i am just standing there and watching like if i am waiting for my clock to stop and i would go and everything would never be remembered. I find myself now missing my depression, my voices... the uniqueness of the personality that came with it. The realness of life that came with it. I find myself wishing that i actually kil*ed myself when i had the chance instead of just letting her fade away like that.",,,,,,2022-09-06 03:53:02 x70fum,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-09-06 04:00:10 x730iz,,3,Can you use a flybox's(orange) SIM card on a phone?,,,,,,,2022-09-06 06:21:11 x73pqi,,7,ana blayes f tounis fihom fibres optiques waela wifi kwey mokhasa lil nes li hajtha bdebit kwey ?,,,,,,,2022-09-06 07:02:59 x749r0,,2,where to get gardening products,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 07:37:08 x76rp0,,5,happy ahla nes 😁😁😁,,,,,,,2022-09-06 10:11:35 x76x1d,,1,German visa delays,"I passed my bac this year. Got accepted into a German university and was supposed to start studying by October 1st, but because of the visa I had to delay my plans till april. I know it's a mistake of mine for not checking the visa delays and not taking an appointment earlier. But isn't 10 months too much ? Does it really take 10 months to get an appointment? I'm legit frustrated as hell because of this.",,,,,,2022-09-06 10:20:29 x77izb,,12,All honors to our national team led by Nour Hasnaoui hosted in ISTANBUL TURKEY to get them the most honorable ranks worldwide,,,,,,,2022-09-06 10:55:54 x77kgl,,38,"So basically this shit is trending in the last few days! , what do you think guys ?",,,,,,,2022-09-06 10:58:17 x7a6nk,,0,Portable blender smothie 🤩,,,,,,,2022-09-06 13:06:59 x7a7hy,,3,I’m shook 🥲 the prices are way higher than I thought they would be,,,,,,,2022-09-06 13:08:00 x7adr8,,8,"Why isn’t Bizerte a bigger, more influential city in Tunisia?","Bizerte has a great position in the Mediterranean being the most northern city in Africa. It has much better weather than Tunis, raining ~650mm per year vs ~450mm in Tunis. In the summer the weather is way cooler especially with the much stronger sea breeze coming from the Northwest (France). It has a lot industrial infrastructure, including a big port and military airbase. The only oil refinery in Tunisia. Better agricultural potential than Tunis. Great natural sites, such as forests, a UNESCO reserve (Lac Ichkeul which is the biggest natural freshwater lake in North Africa) and the possibility for eco-tourism. Yet, after all of this, it’s only the 7th biggest city in the whole country. Just unlucky? Or did the past regimes fail to invest in Bizerte as they did Sousse, Mahdia, etc",,,,,,2022-09-06 13:15:46 x7awi7,,1,Anyone wanna be friends?(from sfax),[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 13:39:26 x7b5ls,,3,Anyone wanna be friends,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 13:50:40 x7bkgo,,10,"a LOT of people keep reposting the same question,, I hope it helps.",,,,,,,2022-09-06 14:08:52 x7cafu,,5,"if football did not exist, what would our national sport be?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-06 14:39:20 x7chmw,,14,"A friend: ""the gov says the economy is healing"". Me : ""In data we trust. Check the FORWARD AVERAGE EXCHANGE RATES on the central bank website. What does it say"". Friend: ""In 6 months 1$=3.3TND at best.FK! what should I do? I'm saving for a car"". Me: "" سوق البركة Au & Ag .مانفعله كل مرة يا صاح"".",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 14:48:04 x7cwhn,,27,last but not least.,,,,,,,2022-09-06 15:05:12 x7e0fu,,1,why does the province Neubel offer the most and cheapest properties than Djerba and Sousse,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 15:50:39 x7exs9,,1,explain ECTS credits to me like i am a 5 years old,,,,,,,2022-09-06 16:28:26 x7f7ea,,1,Can someone help me translate a short text into Tunisian Arabic?,"Me and my friend are attempting to create a comparative catalogue of languages, normally when you go onto Wikipedia or glosbe for a language sample text you get an almost robotic read of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we are hoping to provide a better alternative to that by collecting interpretive translations for a surrealist text, to provide beginners a better feel of a language sample. Ideally we need both a native and a Latin script. The text is as this: \------------- I am the singing lamb I bite In the house of the elect The green dog. Catch me or I will escape I don't need you but Don't leave me. As good as a turkey At singing Like a rat Always hidden. All my accomplishments are The work of others I speak six languages All half-assed. I am the prince of the west With many servants, I bring a thousand gifts I don't know why! Deaf to good reasons I'm going to perish, At least I'm the fastest Among the fools. \------------- Interpretative translation is encouraged instead of literal, for example there is this line in the English version ""as good as a turkey at singing"" which compares bad singing to the noise made by a turkey bird, if your language for example compares bad singing to something other than a turkey I encourage you to use that translation instead (in Dutch a crow is used e.g.) or when it says ""deaf to good reasons"" most languages have a specific way to express deliberately ignoring good advice. Some context to the text: The first verse is a character introducing himself as the singing lamb, this is a literal singing lamb because it is a surrealist song text, he bites another character - the green dog (also literal) - in the house of an elected official (presumably a mayor). In the second paragraph a new unnamed character is speaking, each paragraph then has a new speaker. The next time a character introduces himself is in the 5th paragraph with the prince of the west. It is doubtful this character is an actual prince but it is open to interpretation by the listener. In the final paragraph another unnamed character is saying he is deliberately ignoring advice he knows to be good which will lead to his demise, he then proclaims that at the very least he will be the fastest among the fools (people who deliberately ignore good advice).",,,,,,2022-09-06 16:39:23 x7fb88,,2,anyone that likes small pixel art games in ariana?,"we don't have to meet at first, but i am practically moving to Ariana, and i need some friends. i just want someone to play silly games with. just in case, i am an 18 years old male, i study in isi ariana license cs first year, thank you so much",,,,,,2022-09-06 16:43:41 x7flmo,,26,"Djerba is the only town and island where I was able to find somewhat protected bike lanes in Tunisia, hope something similar comes to The capital of tunis soon!",,,,,,,2022-09-06 16:55:31 x7ghui,,5,"Tunisians of Reddit, what do you think about crypto lately?","Not asking for a financial advice, let's say I'm doing a psychological-economic research.",,,,,,2022-09-06 17:30:19 x7j86i,,25,any advice,,,,,,,2022-09-06 19:20:23 x7jrh5,,3,Urgent : Kittens need a place to live ASAP,"Hello ! So long story short I have been taking care of some kittens that live in the garden of an empty house for the past three weeks. But the house's owner (who doesn't currently live in that house) decided to kick the kittens out. I can't let stay on the street beacuse they are so young that they won't survive. I can not take them into my house either because we have a dog. Sow where can I put those kittens ? Does somebody know any refuge that takes animals in ? Or any other place where they would have a chance of surviving ? Or someone who wants to adopt kittens ? They just need to be taken care for some weeks the time that they grow up enaugh to survive on their own. I have been searching and thinking for days but couldn't find anywhere to put. And this is pretty urgent because the day after tomorrow I am gonna be going back to friends. Thank you so much in advance to anyone who could help me with this.",,,,,,2022-09-06 19:42:30 x7jri5,,3,Where is the smell of the smell of Tabboubi?,"Is Tabboubi still alive? I have not seen any news about him not his organisation for several weeks now. It feels like Si Qais is doing a great job behind the scenes or is there another explanation that I am not aware of?",,,,,,2022-09-06 19:42:32 x7k05h,,0,Iptv,,,,,,,2022-09-06 19:52:11 x7klg8,,1,help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 20:15:50 x7klmj,,3,Why doesnt Tunisia ask for reparations from germany because of the nazi rule during ww2?,"بولندا طالبة رقم خيالي من ألمانيا كتعويض على الحرب العالمية. مانيش نقارن في الخسائر و الدمار الهائل الي صار لبولندا باللي صار في تونس، أما حتى الخسائر في تونس موش شوية. فما برشا توانسة ماتوا و تضروا بما في ذلك اليهود التوانسة أصلا الألمان ديما عندهم هاكا الاحساس بالذنب. ما فيها باس كان نستغلوه باش ناخذو شوية فلوس.",,,,,,2022-09-06 20:16:03 x7lfs3,,1,Any place recommendations in grand tunis to go out with my gf?,,,,,,,2022-09-06 20:50:04 x7lkck,,5,"Hey guys ,I am going to monastir for vacation and would like to go to a shootingrange. Does anybody has recommendations ?",,,,,,,2022-09-06 20:55:15 x7lq8y,,57,Ons just qualified to the US Open’s semi-final!!!,,,,,,,2022-09-06 21:01:31 x7oii0,,0,Massage therapist available in Tunisia for women. Specialist of tantra and cashmiri. DM for more details.,,,,,,,2022-09-06 22:57:13 x7okfs,,1,"PSA: Please, spared the word.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 22:59:35 x7oleh,,32,"PSA: Please, spread the word.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 23:00:31 x7ow4a,,3,How much money you make,"How much is your salary in Tunisia? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-06 23:13:12 x7p398,,43,The first African woman to reach the semis at US Open,,,,,,,2022-09-06 23:21:42 x7p4nl,,0,DT,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-06 23:23:23 x7pdkq,,3,Where do you live,"Where are you located ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-06 23:34:18 x7qg75,,0,افضل موقع لتجديد إشتراكات tnelectroaz,,,,,,,2022-09-07 00:22:33 x7sgdf,,2,About Carte technologique CTI,I'm wondering is it better to get cti from la poste or from a bank and what's the difference,,,,,,2022-09-07 01:55:56 x7t33n,,3,What is up with Tunisian men trying to shoot their shot to women who are engaged and literally about to get married?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 02:25:08 x7x5sh,,3,"I’m trying to build a new concept community where a positif Loser feel confortable to discuss his fails and being proud of it, and meeting a community who will support him and help him to overcome the zero to become a hero.",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-07 05:55:36 x7yshy,,5,where to buy good cigars in Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-09-07 07:34:14 x7zz42,,3,house for rent,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 08:50:13 x81b2l,,1,Gulf Arab Nations Ask Netflix To Remove ‘Offensive’ Videos,,,,,,,2022-09-07 10:13:08 x81ios,,0,نستنا فينا 🤐,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 10:25:34 x81rxs,,0,"chmeta w bleda ""fla7na"" ""we can't accept u like this lel "" don't care keep 😁"" "" hamdoulah aalikom lkol""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 10:40:47 x81wzv,,0,"فيبالنا بينا خذينا"" جزء عم "" ""وينو اقوي زميم لنا """,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 10:49:03 x81y6h,,0,"""we hate islam so much"" ""but deep inside we can't let it ""guys """"",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 10:50:53 x81z09,بالعينو_عورة_الحمد_لله/,0,"""بالعينو عورة "" الحمد لله",,,,,,,2022-09-07 10:52:05 x821l0,انا_الالد_خصم_متربين_برشا_رانا/,0,"""انا الالد خصم "" ""متربين برشا رانا""",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-07 10:56:04 x825s7,شكون_فرح_بيك_الله/,0,"شكون فرح بيك ""الله """,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-07 11:02:07 x827hk,فيبالنا_بينا_لميديا_تحكم_في_دنيا_ممكن_انا_مريض/,0,"فيبالنا بينا لميديا تحكم في دنيا ""ممكن"" انا مريض",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-07 11:04:39 x835tk,,4,is reddit a better then instagram?,i belive that reddit is good for alot of things like asking strangers for advice or recomanding a brand or a place but instagram is good for 12 year old to show their discord nitro,,,,,,2022-09-07 11:53:55 x83f5q,ازمة_الحليب_is_it_any_true_or_it_is_just_an/,1,ازمة الحليب؟: is it any true? or it is just an excuse to sell the other kinds of milk?,,,,,,,2022-09-07 12:06:39 x83kow,,19,how much money do you guys think it takes to immigrate to some european country from 0 till you get a job there. (serious question plz).,,,,,,,2022-09-07 12:14:40 x83ms1,,155,My experience in Tunisia so far,,,,,,,2022-09-07 12:17:44 x84awz,,0,Guys I want your opinion on this site called and if anyone have ever tried it or is it legit or not.,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-07 12:49:54 x85r8l,,1,where to find good cheap villa in tunisia (near beach),[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 13:54:47 x85u0h,,1,what are the steps to get the blue titre/titre foncier as a tunisian when you buy a house,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 13:58:20 x8635v,,0,tunisians i found a small youtuber that make the cutest simple art ever . this is not an ad i have nothing to do with this person,[this one](,,,,,,2022-09-07 14:08:50 x866b6,,1,"the flags of all nations 1860 , Tunisia <3",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 14:12:28 x86k5u,,2,flags of the world 1900-1911,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-09-07 14:27:29 x878fp,,1,Tunisian ISPs tracking information,"Now I already knew that ISPs track your info to some extent, but interested in what regulates this in Tunisia? The law, if you will, that does so. Wanna know the limitations of it, and whether they're violated sometimes. I'm interested because of a story that goes like this: a friend's cousin downloaded 3G on their grandma's phone to play some game, the grandma noticed the missing money, so called Telecom to know where the money went, Telecom notified her that the phone downloaded that game, meaning they track what you download. Edit: and actually, why I'm most intrigued: she just called client service, the person who got the call is probably a very normal employee with not much skills needed to get his job, yet he has access to EVERYONE's history?",,,,,,2022-09-07 14:55:29 x88hul,,6,Why is the Dinar value going down so quickly?,"I have been following the value of the Dinar with the app Currently Converter which tells you the value of any currently at any given moment. I've been following the Dinar for a year now. It was once 1 USD was 2.70 Dinar. Currently we are at 1 USD is 3.249. Just in the past few months it was 1to3 evenly. What are the reasons why the dinars value is dropping and when do you suppose it'll stop?? At the time of posting this the Dinar was 2.249. as of right now it is 3.25 tnd to $1 😟",,,,,,2022-09-07 15:45:51 x88qnt,,2,بودكاست الإذاعة التونسية | If you are missing the Bled this may help a bit.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 15:55:59 x88vsd,,7,"Once Upon A Time: Perspectives on Punic Carthage (modern Tunisia), 814-146 BC",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 16:01:16 x896e1,,5,sending money to another country,Is there a way to send money to another bank account in a different country?,,,,,,2022-09-07 16:12:41 x89d2r,,11,Appropriate/inappropriate,"Do you guys think if is it appropriate to send a girl an invitation over fbk or whatever SM platform without having the slightest interaction? There is an attractive girl at my workplace who always appears in my fbk suggestions and I really feel kinda awkward contacting her that way",,,,,,2022-09-07 16:19:56 x8a7aa,,1,How do I expand my political knowledge?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 16:53:25 x8b6of,,1,"gentlemen on Instagram: ""#Me #friendship #happyness #life #love #instagood #picoftheday #photography #photooftheday #jewelry #pendant #reelsinstagram #stayhome #actor #art #artist #life""",,,,,,,2022-09-07 17:32:46 x8b9cm,,2,[ Removed by Reddit ],[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 17:35:55 x8bbgq,,3,Selling on an international website,"I have a friend living that wants to sell digital products on an international website. What can he do about the payment? Can he have a foreign bank account? I am living in france, how can I help him in that?",,,,,,2022-09-07 17:38:12 x8bqwp,,3,anyone got hacked and got that elon musk giveaway shit,"title tell me what do pl i already chanegd password and did two verfication methods and a storn password and changed mail adress can' t loose the acc and thx",,,,,,2022-09-07 17:55:19 x8bxaz,,11,What can a person do to improve the state of our country,"Prices are going up, the country is run by corrupt people, so what are actionable things an individual do to improve the status of this country other than ranting about it's problems ?",,,,,,2022-09-07 18:02:11 x8c0ss,,4,"€50,000 prize offered to revamp Carthage.",,,,,,,2022-09-07 18:05:58 x8chbw,,2,china el transport tunis - hammamet?,is louage safe? i've heard they drive so fast,,,,,,2022-09-07 18:24:56 x8d4js,,2,"I am thinking about leaving this country , the countries that come to my head are UK , USA , France , Germany , Ireland , Japan . I am a high school student (Bac Math next year) . What should I do ?","How can I continue my studies abroad ? If not directly after graduating from high school then when ? How much will it cost ? And what do you recommend ? And for those who have experience , describe your journey , and how life is in the country you went to . Thanks !",,,,,,2022-09-07 18:51:08 x8d81p,,1,Cool video about Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 18:55:15 x8dlpb,,5,What if you're Tunisia president for 24h,"Hello tunisian reddit community, I want to ask you what if you will be Tunisian president for 24h what are first decisions you're going to take (serious decisions I mean)",,,,,,2022-09-07 19:09:58 x8ds0w,,2,pls how can i study smarter not harder cuz i'm fed up,,,,,,,2022-09-07 19:16:56 x8ex8y,,1,مشاريع عملاقة للعدالة الاجتماعية 2022,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 20:02:02 x8fa69,,1,Manga in Tunisia ?,"An otaku here ! Started collecting manga ever since i was in a foreign country before coming back home to Tunisia, wanted to buy more manga but i was surprised it’s translated to french ( i don’t mind that much ) Anyway my question is where can you buy manga in Tunisia? As far as i know there’s “ Fnac “ but i wonder if there’s somewhere cheaper that i might be missing out on…",,,,,,2022-09-07 20:16:24 x8fi0d,,11,Fmach 7ar9a el Kuwait ! Do I need a camel for that? I don't understand the devise think but OMG,,,,,,,2022-09-07 20:25:01 x8g2l3,,1,Best internet provider/option for a student in Tunis?,"Hello everyone. I'm a student in INSAT in Tunis, and as you may guess, I often need to use internet to study. It's not a problem when I'm in uni since the internet there is acceptable and good enough to study and download some files, but I live in a public ""foyer"" and the internet there is so bad that it's driving me insane, and half of the time it doesn't even work, so I thought about getting my own wifi/4g. Any suggestions? I'm not planning to play games or anything, just a stable internet connection to study with and browse reddit and stuff and maybe watch some videos every once in a while. Please don't suggest something expensive and thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-09-07 20:48:23 x8gavs,,2,looking for good public libraries,"Salem as the title say I am looking for good libraries ( feha relatively new books ken lzem English) fi Tunis Sma3t el maktba fi ben 3rous has interesting titles Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-09-07 20:57:44 x8h3zk,,22,It makes sense,,,,,,,2022-09-07 21:29:42 x8hcik,,1,Travel or Driver/Guide Company recommendations?,"Greetings! I will be traveling across the country soon and would like to know if there are any travel companies with a good reputation that you would recommend? Looking at potentially booking a tour or just a guide/driver. Any advice is appreciated. Very excited to visit this beautiful place and experience the people, culture, and food.",,,,,,2022-09-07 21:39:08 x8hciq,,1,"what are side jobs, i can do as a computer science university student ?",,,,,,,2022-09-07 21:39:08 x8hl5j,,5,"Hey guys, i am freelancer and i am make really good money per month its up to 2k dollars but i really need to get visa but there problem i don't have register my business what can i do, i can't stay more in tunisia its become as nightmare for me any suggestions?",,,,,,,2022-09-07 21:48:34 x8hpg4,,1,Louage from Kairouan to El Jem,"Can I take one directly? Or would I have to get one back to Sousse (where I came to Kairouan from) and onwards to El Jem. Would be great to get an answer on this. First time in Tunisia, it's the first country I've visited in the continent and I'm loving it so far :)",,,,,,2022-09-07 21:53:29 x8htte,,1,ونمر إلى نغم وطني لسنية مبارك,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-07 21:58:34 x8ih3j,,1,"how to explain a ""taper fade"" to a Tunisian barber",,,,,,,2022-09-07 22:24:15 x8io6y,,0,Interested in a Crypto Trading / Signals Discord with analysts with 90% win rate?! Then Join MMO!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-07 22:32:30 x8ip6h,,12,customs kill a citizen !! Is that normal ? How can this happen in downtown Tunis,,,,,,,2022-09-07 22:33:41 x8ir1i,,1,how do i create a company for e_commerce business what procedure's should i take,,,,,,,2022-09-07 22:35:50 x8jd2k,,8,I just found it nice to share.,,,,,,,2022-09-07 23:01:41 x8jehc,,1,Can we remove french ?,"Do you think we can remove french language from Tunisian culture , education and media and dialect. It's ridiculous how people in Tunisia use french , they can't discuss a smart subject without switching to french . Did Tunisian dialect not exist before 1881! What do you think? what we should do [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-07 23:03:16 x8jfbl,,2,Come play Dungeons & Dragons with us !,"Don’t forget your weekly D&D game session ! Every saturday from 5pm to 9pm ! []( Join us !",,,,,,2022-09-07 23:04:17 x8jils,,0,this music will give you chills . no cao,,,,,,,2022-09-07 23:08:21 x8jpjz,,1,Loan inquiry,"Hello redditors of Tunisia. I am seeking advise in regards of a loan acquisition. I work with a foreign company from home and I am not listed as a working person in Tunisia. I make about 1300euros monthly and I'd like to buy a new car. I have a foreign bank account and my credit card helps me withdraw money whenever I need it. Is there any one who knows how to approach Tunisian banks in order to request a loan to buy a car ? Keep in mind that my work contract is foreign and not tunisian. I know this is silly but i'd really need some advise. Thank you !",,,,,,2022-09-07 23:16:49 x8kk2a,,22,for context; about the death of a smuggler at the hands of the customs police,,,,,,,2022-09-07 23:53:55 x8kv7h,,1,Volunteering in Tunis?,"Hi guys, lately I have a lot of free time and I am not making the best out of it. That's why I am looking for volunteering work that I can do on weekends and maybe workday evenings. If you know any organisations that are looking for young adults, please share it and don't spare me your experience. Mostly looking for work in sustainability and environmental services, any other suggestions are welcomed. Thank you",,,,,,2022-09-08 00:07:37 x8l9tn,,1,just asking,Who is the oldest person on this sub? (really asking),,,,,,2022-09-08 00:25:33 x8nb5y,,1,Tunisian mathematician and professor at New York University Nader Masmoudi awarded King Faisal Prize,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 01:57:15 x8obpo,,0,تونس طلق ناري وفاة تفاصيل توضيح الديوانة النيابة احتقان احتجاجات,,,,,,,2022-09-08 02:44:16 x8t7rf,,5,COPS AND BODYCAMS,would be nice if cops got a body camera so we can get full context of a scene and there would be less corruption j3ala,,,,,,2022-09-08 06:57:50 x8twb0,,5,Ghosting my boyfriend out of the sudden,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-08 07:37:22 x8vacg,,1,Daily Reminder,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 08:59:34 x8vdz7,,1,"Trying to do my college registration but i keep getting this error, any help?",,,,,,,2022-09-08 09:05:00 x8w67k,,4,Why are you atheist?,,,,,,,2022-09-08 09:50:42 x8w81n,,0,Is the residence permit still valid with renewed passport?,So I will be renewing my passport and I have a valid residence permit. What I know is that you need to transfer your valid visa to the new passport but what do you do if you have the residence permit card? Do you need to transfer that as well or just travel with the new passport and residence permit without doing anything?,,,,,,2022-09-08 09:53:44 x8wciy,,12,Girls and dating in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 10:00:36 x8wg6q,,11,Do u know any tunisian websites ?,do u know any tunisian websites or websites used by tunisian that aren't mentioned [here]( ?,,,,,,2022-09-08 10:06:20 x8xeh9,,4,Going to Algeria by car,"So in a couple of days I’m planning to go to Algeria from Tunisia by car. I already did “tawkil abawi” but I need more advice. For example: - how much money should i bring with me for 3 nights there? And how should i convert it? - what are the procedures in the border? Should i worry about anything? - what are the best places to visit in algeria and what’s the cheapest way to spend the night? - do I need insurance from the post office or not?",,,,,,2022-09-08 10:58:44 x8xtnv,,0,Sajalni,"Hey, I’m currently jn tunisia for about 12 more days, and I’ve been here for a month or so. My SIM no longer works, I’m mot really interested in registering to Sajalni, when i go fly back and use my old sims will they work? Will my phone be blocked from all sims across the world or something?",,,,,,2022-09-08 11:19:43 x8za2u,,1,التاريخ في ظاهره لا يزيد على الإخبار وفي باطنه نظر وتحقيق,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 12:30:37 x8zxl7,,0,stupid question but how he done his hair like that without anything visible,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 13:00:31 x90d2n,,1,Do you have the same problem with Tunisian radios?,,,,,,,2022-09-08 13:19:44 x9147b,,59,What are we doing wrong? Why is everything getting worse?,,,,,,,2022-09-08 13:53:36 x9150b,,2,Is it illegal to launch an online Crypto Currency shop website in tunisia,"I'm working on a small project of mine, basically it's an online shop with crypto payment, I wanted to know if the police would give me a hard time or if I'd get in trouble if I did so. This question is for those who have experience or who know the law, I'm not interested with predictions.",,,,,,2022-09-08 13:54:35 x91yuj,,3,need help with carte technologique,"I'm a 3rd year cs student and I recently wanted to get GitHub copilot but it's been impossible to get my hands on a CTI I went to biat and they said unless I have a job or own a company I can't get it, then I went to my local poste which said I need to go to the big one in monastir to get it, I went there and they told me I need an account courant, but I can't open it here cause they don't have the papers (wtf) so I went back to my local poste and apparently students can't open that account anymore cause you need a paper to confirm you're getting a paycheck I can still try bank amen or zitouna but I'm pretty bummed out about this situation, was any student here able to get a CTI recently?",,,,,,2022-09-08 14:29:47 x927jb,,3,Software engineer salary in Tunisia (3y+ experience),"I'm working as a fullstack engineer with 3 years of experience in React and Node js. And I'm wondering what salary should I ask for in a job interview.",,,,,,2022-09-08 14:39:30 x92lfa,,2,drone,"Guys i bought a drone from canada, and my friend will bring it with him next month ! should i prepare some kind of autorisation or should i tell him to hide it so good in his packages or hand package! or what exactly should i do! thanks!",,,,,,2022-09-08 14:55:11 x92wuw,,20,Parents will never accept you as their son/daughter unless you fit the image they have on you,makch weldi ken ma …,,,,,,2022-09-08 15:07:47 x93h3m,,4,I (23M) got ghosted by my GF (28F) what do i do ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 15:30:32 x93hpz,,2,Questioning armed forces accountability,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 15:31:06 x94q3w,,22,"Visit of Queen Elisabeth II in Tunis, Tunisia, 1980-10-21",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 16:19:37 x95yzq,,0,living the tunsian dream,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-08 17:08:40 x965u1,,0,help 🏳️‍🌈,looking for expensive places for lgbtq+ (bars/hotels....),,,,,,2022-09-08 17:16:10 x967d1,,1,hihihi,looking for a sugar mommy in tunis,,,,,,2022-09-08 17:17:55 x97l19,,2,Fixbox by Orange,"Did anyone try Fixbox or anyone has any experience with it (Basic or premium). If you tried Fix Jdid by Ooredoo I'm interested too. Main questions I'm interested in: does it cut randomly and is the flow (debit) stable and as advertised. Is it worth it to get.",,,,,,2022-09-08 18:07:16 x97obd,,0,"Not tunisian, general news, but queen liz just died",,,,,,,2022-09-08 18:10:32 x982zj,,4,Has our passport become stronger?,"When looking in visa free countries I noticed that we have peaked in non-visa required countries. (For example I noticed that Armenia/Singapore allow us with only an e-Visa which wasn't the case before)",,,,,,2022-09-08 18:26:19 x98ayw,,4,How do Tunisians feel about tourists?,"I'm from Ireland where we have a bit of a reserved culture - people stick to who they know and would give at most a small nod to an unfamiliar passerby, so this is kind of ingrained in me. When I'm walking on the streets here in Tunisia I usually feel like I'm being glared at by the majority of people I walk past. I'm quite introverted and anxious by nature so it might just be in my head but I was wondering whether Tunisians at large just don't really like seeing tourists (which would be understandable, it's not a complaint, but I'm just curious what anyone thinks).",,,,,,2022-09-08 18:40:24 x98d4x,,14,where can I find soy sauce and what it's name in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-08 18:43:58 x98tex,,3,i need help and advice please help?,i'm going to try and make this as short as possible but basiclly i got mugged out of my phone in 31st may and today i found the muggers identity. all of my friends said to forget abt the past since he is from a very bad place and i could be in grave danger if he went to prison cuz i went to the police soooo i'm asking for advice here... should i forget about what happend and move on or should i go to the police and possibly risk my life,,,,,,2022-09-08 19:12:49 x993fm,,1,I am trying to learn Tunisian. Could someone translate this conversation please?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 19:21:54 x993ud,,3,"""etude"" is it really necessary for an average BAC student ?"," all of my former classmates use ""etude"" as a main tool for education some already started crusing thru the programs by now, some family members are trying to hook me up with good profs but I really like to study alone and whenever this gets talked about in a convo with Friends they be thinking I'm a fucking idiot for not starting etude by now, I'm I doing something wrong ? I'll appreciate it if you share sum of your bac experiences",,,,,,2022-09-08 19:22:20 x999j4,,2,I am trying to learn Tunisian. Could someone translate this conversation please?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 19:28:16 x99fns,,0,Tunisians have to stand behind Mr the President.,"In 2012 I supported the president Moncef Marzouki. Today I regret it because he was not the right guy. Before that in late 2010 early 2011 I did everything possible to stop the so-called revolution. I did that because I was a little bit selfish but at the same time I have always hated chaos and hamajia. I didn't regret that. I am proud of it. Today I call all Tunisians to stand behind the new president and support him to the end. Don't you ever listen to liars who tell you that the black decade was better and that you then at least could find sugar and salt in the shops and other bullshit. Tunisia is today better. Mr the president is waging a very big war behind the scenes. We can't tell you everything now, but support us to the end. With love from Belgacem <3",,,,,,2022-09-08 19:34:29 x99o3o,,2,are there any resources online to judge how the Tunisian economy is doing?,,,,,,,2022-09-08 19:43:12 x99z1n,,1,كيفية إنشاء قناة على اليوتيوب بالهاتف وتحقيق الربح منها,,,,,,,2022-09-08 19:54:52 x9agyo,,2,Best 4K IPTV?,Chneya a7ssen service mta3 iptv 4k fi touness ken fama?,,,,,,2022-09-08 20:13:57 x9ay4l,,1,Any advice for someone coming from abroad who will study in Sousse soon? (Never lived in Tunisia before),[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 20:32:50 x9bonz,,21,Life is a meme simulator at this point.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 21:01:50 x9d4hw,,15,This is why salaries are so low,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 21:59:43 x9dstc,,8,Reasons Why People Emigrate,"Why do you want to immigrate? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-08 22:27:25 x9expj,,5,In case someone is looking for a Startup Idea: source the hardware from China and use Flouci API for creating the parent wallets and payment processing. Get approval from the INPDP and market to private schools.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-08 23:14:40 x9g3p3,,2,A place to watch Formula 1 Race?,"Hello, Does anyone know a place (cafe, restaurant, etc) in Grand Tunis where I can watch Sunday F1 race?",,,,,,2022-09-09 00:05:35 x9g6si,,4,How to properly get rid of recyclables especially tech waste and batteries?,,,,,,,2022-09-09 00:09:22 x9glie,,40,Ons just qualified to the US Open’s final. She beat C. Garcia 6-1 6-3.,,,,,,,2022-09-09 00:27:39 x9hygw,,0,"Starting from midnight, air traffic stops at Carthage Airport and all the country's airports... and all flights are canceled",,,,,,,2022-09-09 01:28:58 x9i4dl,,0,I'm not surprised by anything anymore,,,,,,,2022-09-09 01:36:27 x9l6e9,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-09-09 04:00:10 x9nabr,,9,Is it possible to work remotely with a foreign company and get paid in € as i live in TN?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 05:50:09 x9nxlv,,1,تونس مش لاهيا بالمناطق المهمشة,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 06:27:14 x9nzfs,,20,تونس مش لاهيا بالمناطق المهمشة,,,,,,,2022-09-09 06:30:17 x9oddg,,1,Any Dermatologist or Pharmacist Available?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-09 06:53:11 x9q4vo,,1,am starting to doubt the actual goverement,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 08:42:23 x9q5x8,,5,Why are you lonely and how to make friends? (new video),,,,,,,2022-09-09 08:44:10 x9riso,,2,BLUE CARD VISA,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 10:05:28 x9rnbu,,1,why do you think Tunisia is a good country?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-09 10:12:56 x9rrvk,,4,anyone feels like this?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 10:20:08 x9sfqn,,1,most -tn sites are down?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-09 10:58:33 x9skem,,6,a poll about a manga story,"I want to make my own manga and I love history. So I need your help guys with this poll [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-09 11:05:11 x9stn0,,1,What’s the best bank for student loans ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 11:19:09 x9svgb,,3,What’s the best bank for student loans ?,,,,,,,2022-09-09 11:21:54 x9t0jm,,1,Why don't we use center-pivot irrigation and bring our aquifers into use to grow crop fields in our desert like our neighbours did?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 11:29:38 x9t8i7,,6,I am new to Tunisia. Can someone explaine to me how does the e-dinar card works?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 11:40:58 x9tbu8,,15,Why we don't use center-pivot irrigation and bring our aquifers into use to grow crop fields in our desert like our neighbours did?,,,,,,,2022-09-09 11:45:52 x9tq6g,,3,Hello,"Good day reddit Is the civil sector in the police station open on Saturday? I am planning to give them my papers to them to get my identity card.",,,,,,2022-09-09 12:04:53 x9u2x3,,6,I am studying Tunisian and I need some practise...,"Are there any easy-to-understand Tunisian series that I could watch to practise my understanding? Or, by any chance, movies/series that got translated to Tunisian (i have little hope)? ! Tunisian, not Arabic ! choukhran :)",,,,,,2022-09-09 12:21:28 x9u9ec,,2,FixBox orange zone Manouba,"chabbeb, ili andou fixbox orange fi manouba, chnouwa jawou ghadi ? Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-09-09 12:29:57 x9uvq2,,2,another manga poll... ;),"I'm gonna leave this open for y'all. Tell what you wanna see in a form of manga ( historical wars, stories of philosophy..ltrly anything)",,,,,,2022-09-09 12:58:57 x9xau7,,39,I'm starting to notice a lot of posts calling for our ethnic cleansing in recent years this. this is one of them that i recently found.,,,,,,,2022-09-09 14:42:20 x9xlme,,2,what happens if you lose your tunisian passport in tunisia,"i'm always afraid of losing my tunisian passport in Tunisia because i've heard that you can't another one for 5 years, is this true?",,,,,,2022-09-09 14:54:44 x9xr36,,2,yo guys does anyone know where to get a stump remover in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 15:00:45 x9y5al,المصادقة_على_شهادة_الباكالوريا_في_وزارة_الخارجية/,4,المصادقة على شهادة الباكالوريا في وزارة الخارجية ؟,بلاهي بش نعمل مصادقة على شهادة الباكالوريا في وزارة الخارجية شنيا الوثائق المطلوبة ؟,,,,,,2022-09-09 15:16:40 x9yjqo,/r/XSomalian/comments/x9vrfr/i_wish_our_country_was_like_tunisia/,8,I wish our country was like Tunisia 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-09-09 15:32:58 x9yzsa,,1,Why nothing is fun no more?,,,,,,,2022-09-09 15:51:00 x9zajs,,5,عاجل: قريبا قرارات مزلزلة و سينتهي هذا العبث....loading,,,,,,,2022-09-09 16:02:51 x9zd0o,,8,from Tunisia to hell,"In the good old days when I used to come to Tunisia to drag the souls of its inhabitants to hell it used to be fun they used to resist put up a genuine fight you know, but now when I tell them they are going hell they become genuinely happy. This is not OK, I can't even do my job right in this country anymore. Why God Why?",,,,,,2022-09-09 16:05:38 x9zp5f,,3,المنستير: بطاقة ايداع بالسجن ضد شخص بتهمة الاساءة الى مدير الصوناد,,,,,,,2022-09-09 16:18:58 xa2mag,,2,is KFC shit only in Tunisia or everywhere?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 18:20:14 xa4bp0,,0,does tunisia really make it hard to renounce the tunisian citizinship?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 19:31:52 xa4rhe,,0,Best soccer player of all time," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-09 19:50:47 xa4tzn,,0,Ben Guerdene have become bigger and richer than Medenine it's time to change it to Ben Guerdene Governorate and move the Governor there.,,,,,,,2022-09-09 19:53:51 xa51c0,,9,قائمة منتخب البرازيل لمواجهتي تونس و غانا,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 20:02:19 xa54qm,,3,Any idea where I could print books and how much it usually costs?,"Any idea where I could print books and how much it usually costs? I can't afford to buy a single book for +50dt anymore so I thought about printing them instead. The books I read usually have +300 pages so would it be expensive to print them?",,,,,,2022-09-09 20:06:15 xa5exe,,1,Your favorite sport team in Tunisia," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-09 20:18:27 xa5me1,,0,Who will win the 2022 world cup,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-09 20:27:10 xa5qo1,,7,sad story,,,,,,,2022-09-09 20:32:04 xa6b25,,0,We wanna create a fight club...hust like the movie...somwhere where fighting leads to greater discoveries..,If you're interested or really wanna see this come to life...make your presence be known...Glory is the access word...,,,,,,2022-09-09 20:55:50 xa6qug,,16,Is this route safe? (Question in comments),,,,,,,2022-09-09 21:13:45 xa7m12,,1,Are there any good Longboarding/Skating Spots in Nabeul?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 21:50:46 xa89ok,,5,Hey we are included in this list,,,,,,,2022-09-09 22:19:08 xa8gij,,3,يا حسرة على بورڨيبة نحالها القمل...,,,,,,,2022-09-09 22:27:22 xa8ltr,,13,i got diagnosed with bipolar type 1,"Yesterday my second psychotherapist confirmed that i (30 yo , m) have type 1 bipolar disorder. Things started to change 4 years ago , when i started to sleep less without feeling tired , i became more sociable ( used to be a die hard introvert) and i started to feel more energetic. I was euphoric and happy for most of the time for no apparent reason. Back at the time i thought i somehow managed to ""upgrade"" myself and become the ""super human"" thay i am right now. No one could keep up with energy . No partner or friend. Fasr forward 4 years , i started some things are off I was active sexually and my sexual behavior was becoming wreckles to the point i slept with 3 different strangers in two days I was losing my stuff all the time and getting distracteed way too easily Thats when i decided to seek help Turns out nothing was super about me , it was just having manic episodes. I am sharing this because i want share awareness. And because i really dont know what do anymore Did anyone have a similar experience?",,,,,,2022-09-09 22:33:30 xa9uwc,,0,Making money as a teen: reselling novelty gadgets,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-09 23:28:48 xa9z02,,1,I'm looking for a Dermatologist or pharmacist here In Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-09 23:34:02 xaanoi,,21,Have you guys seen this?,,,,,,,2022-09-10 00:06:14 xaapt3,,8,-Tra myé,,,,,,,2022-09-10 00:09:07 xab0c8,,2,what is the easiest country to immigrate to as a web developer?,,,,,,,2022-09-10 00:22:30 xabawt,,0,"Comment on dit "" comme avant "" en Tunisien ?",Merci de répondre,,,,,,2022-09-10 00:36:49 xad47f,,1,AIDS testing in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-10 02:03:31 xadmub,,0,"where to kiss your partner in Tunisia,centre ville ?","Me and my gf always have problems kissing on public so i'm tryna know some good phew spots where i can make out with without anyone noticing, hope i get some help it's a real struggle and we're going on a date soon",,,,,,2022-09-10 02:29:09 xafegn,,2,Restaurants/ services that accept PayPal,"Hello, I’m in the USA and wanted to order meals for my parents in Tunis, I checked most of the apps(glovo,yessir…) they either accept Tunisian bank cards or cash. Any solution ?",,,,,,2022-09-10 03:59:33 xahn0h,,2,Decent bike 400 dt budget,"Hello, can I find a super good bike for 400 budget I love in sousse",,,,,,2022-09-10 06:03:03 xahssd,,0,"A question for Tunisian. If a girl name in tun passport is "" Rahal Imen"", what would be her first name and family name ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-10 06:12:53 xaj7po,,4,cycle d'ingénieur in a foreign country,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-10 07:39:59 xakfl7,,8,Free tickets to Above and Beyond weekender in London,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-10 08:54:44 xal6uo,كيفاش_تاكل_العنب/,12,كيفاش تاكل العنب ؟," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-10 09:39:58 xam5gr,,24,"If u had 40k (dinars that is), what would you invest it in?","I'm looking for ideas for a business, and thought u guys could be of great help :), thank you for taking interest in the post.",,,,,,2022-09-10 10:37:10 xan2wg,,6,what's the easiest country to get a touristic schengen visa valid for a while,"I'm a student and i wanna do a euro tour lasting for a month. I thought about applying for the visa process via Portugal embassy but i heard that they give the exact amount of your stay in their country, and I'm counting on doing 3-4 countries in my visit. Any suggestions?",,,,,,2022-09-10 11:30:19 xanpe1,,1,do i can purchase online with visa e dinar jeune ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-10 12:03:43 xao1p4,,17,Frér + Hunting Gun + Girls in the audience= Lethal Frérizm,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-10 12:21:09 xao3tw,,2,slm belehi chnouwa a7sen serveur iptv tn ?,,,,,,,2022-09-10 12:24:19 xao7ai,,4,"can I buy ""Co algesic"" in Tunisia without a medical prescription?",,,,,,,2022-09-10 12:29:17 xaolbc,,0,Ons Jabeur vs Iga Swiatek final !," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-10 12:48:41 xapp2c,,3,Parler Tunisien Fissa!,"Hi there, This may be a long shot, I bought this book new while in tunisia. Unfortunately, the CD that came with the book is damaged and I cannot follow along. Does anyone happen to have the mp3 files from the CD to share? le livre en question : [](",,,,,,2022-09-10 13:40:24 xaq501,,5,tunisia's future,"Do u guys believe that tounes would get any better In like 5 10 15 years and why?",,,,,,2022-09-10 14:00:54 xaqx5a,,14,"Found something interesting, Finally I am proud to be Tunisian.",,,,,,,2022-09-10 14:36:05 xar223,,0,Cigarettes,How do I make cigarettes taste better and whats the best cigs (quality/price),,,,,,2022-09-10 14:42:01 xaritj,,0,Tunisia is perhaps the best country in the world!,"But its people are not thankful. Tunisia is an average country in almost everything. If you speak about corruption and stuff like that then I have to tell you look at Haiti or Mexico. Even countries like India and Pakistan are worse. If you say ""criminality"" I tell you be happy that you are not aware of the amount of atrocities taking place in the world. There are websites which I won't even tell you about but if you would ever visit them and see how ugly the world is you would be very thankful that you live in Tunisia. If you talk about the standard of life then I tell you be happy that you live in Tunisia because you ain't stupid and think that welfare comes without cost. In most developed countries people living there are empty souls; more or less bodies only. In Japan you hardly can notice the difference between people and robots. So be happy that you live in Tunisia and may God protect Tunisia. There is definitely a lot to develop and to make better but until then we're (one of the) best. #حزب_بلقاسم",,,,,,2022-09-10 15:02:14 xasqh8,,0,Adderall,Is there any way one can get their hands on adderall? Doesn't matter if legally or illegally prescribed or not,,,,,,2022-09-10 15:54:24 xasz3m,,7,"Do you think Tunisia benefited from the French occupation and leaped at least 50 years of development? For reference google ""Lehnert & Landrock Tunis"" (NSFW and culturally shocking)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-10 16:04:06 xaszu5,,1,WE Bank attijari is it worth it ?,"So I'm newly employed, w nkhamem nhel compte courant khatr for some reason attijeri yaamlouli njmch nhel compte courant w compte d'épargne fard wa9t (Aandi meli njeht lbac). But they told me eli njm nhel compte bel we bank, so I'm just wondering is it worth it ? W gdch y9osou AGIOs kol chhar etc.. ? Thanks",,,,,,2022-09-10 16:04:59 xaxn7p,,2,"I have a B2 french test coming up soon, any advice/resources/tips might be helpful.",,,,,,,2022-09-10 19:21:27 xayhoi,,1,Urgent,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-10 19:58:24 xaylhw,,7,where can i watch ons jabeur live?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-10 20:02:44 xaym8f,,5,tell me about your PFE experience (3rd year licence )(IT related).,"I'm a 3rd year student (computer science) and I have a pfe at the end of the year. can anyone share with me their experience ? and inform me on how they got a good mark ? some tips will be appreciated too :) Thanks in advance :)",,,,,,2022-09-10 20:03:39 xazay8,,2,i just saw a pontiac transarm. what are the chances?,i was out on a walk and i saw a pontiac transarm and i wanna know how rare is this like is it the only one in this country or are there multiple?,,,,,,2022-09-10 20:33:24 xazkxg,,1,louled chkoun 3andou fekra ons ch3amla since I cba to watch sports,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-10 20:45:35 xb1dsz,,1,Is there a way to opt out of these messages?,,,,,,,2022-09-10 22:05:06 xb1iif,,2,Ideas on how much a nice coffee shop could make a month?,"Yes I'm the same guy from earlier today, I appreciate your replies and suggestions. The conclusion that I came to was that the best safe investment is prolly opening a coffee shop or buying land. So I turned back to you guys for more guidance and help. Thanks again for your help and advice :). You guys are awesome.",,,,,,2022-09-10 22:10:54 xb1r5q,,0,No wonder this country is going downhill,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-10 22:21:22 xb23gt,,2,"Tunisians!, how close do you feel toward Syrians ?","how close do you feel toward Syrians ? Like what are they to you ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-10 22:36:17 xb2fhe,,1,Sport management or marketing in tunisia,"Hi ! I want to have the chance to work in sport management or marketing in tunisia’s sport team like the big five teams or anything related to sport but I don’t know even where to find this opportunity or who club recruits. If anyone have an idea or anything to help I would be grateful Btw : i am junior I have a bachelor and 2 years experience and self educating my self in those things because it’s my dream to work in sport domain.",,,,,,2022-09-10 22:51:30 xb3d08,,4,"I al going to Italy on the 16th as a student, Any advice?","Are there things I should be aware of? What are the things I have to take with me?",,,,,,2022-09-10 23:34:06 xb3sfl,,2,i m searching for Viagra pills 💊.,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-10 23:55:11 xb46q0,,1,I'm looking for Finasteride without Prescription,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-11 00:14:01 xb9kjm,,103,I guess we can all agree on how accurate is this 💀,,,,,,,2022-09-11 04:51:42 xbckwz,,32,did u guys notice that everyone is leaving tunisia? how are they doing it like I genuinely want to to somewhere else for my well being not only money and I'm at age where I can finally take care of myself.. I just don't know how it is easy for them to just leave? how are they doing it..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-11 07:51:46 xbcmj6,,2,uni,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-11 07:54:42 xbdkv4,,7,parents of kids how are you doing this back to school ?,"I m not a parent, but Yesterday I had to Do some shopping and was baffled by how expensive school bags were, not a Brand looked cheap in small shops and prices were all above 100dt, so I got interested and went to see the prices of Books and notebooks and school stuff and was even more shocked, I coudln't help but think that if me and my 3 siblings were still in school my parents wouldn't be able to provide for us this year, so parents how are you doing what do you think ?",,,,,,2022-09-11 08:53:51 xbecep,,1,What do you feed your cat?,"Cat owners of Tunisia, what do you feed your pets? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-11 09:42:20 xbek2q,,4,Fixbox/Fixe Jdid,Anyone tried one of those two services outside the eligible area?,,,,,,2022-09-11 09:55:34 xbezdx,,3,anybody coming to Tunisia this month or in october nwassih yjibli m3ah kteb?,,,,,,,2022-09-11 10:20:40 xbg5l1,,11,If you know what I mean,,,,,,,2022-09-11 11:28:28 xbgaff,,2,Any good bass/sound quality wired earphones ?,preferably with rubberbuds . my budget is 100dt,,,,,,2022-09-11 11:35:49 xbgajl,,10,Millennials who had an emo/goth phase where are you now?,"I'm 28 feeling nostalgia from highschool days i was an emo edgy boy had the swoopy haircut over my eyes and black clothes i remember there was lots of kids that loved breakdancing too and there was an obsession with ""tectonik"" music and dance i remember 0.facebook on my dumb phone. Lots of it was cringe but fun I miss those days now I'm bold fat and my back hurts 🤣",,,,,,2022-09-11 11:36:01 xbgm1a,,16,Boss always pays my salary late (5 to 10 days),"Hello everyone, I'm really looking for advice. I'm a junior mobile software engineer and I have a problem. My boss is paying my salary really late and it's not only affecting my daily life but also my mental health (on weekend I'm always thinking if he is going to pay me or not). It's the third time he done it. I've just started looking for another job, but is there any other solution so that he starts paying me on time? I'm on CIVP working contract. Any advice is welcome, even minor ones. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-09-11 11:54:15 xbh7lb,,2,Whats is your Favourite Fast food in Tunisia?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-11 12:24:14 xbhaj6,,14,Would you like a course on how to make a living freelancing on Upwork?,"I'm on Upwork and I made about $55k in the last 1.5 years. I haven't seen any course that explains the components of a successful Upwork account. My only concern is that this will be perceived as a ""Get rich quick"" course. It's not. Would you like me to create that? Would you buy that? (let's say 30dt) And if yes, what would like to see in it?",,,,,,2022-09-11 12:28:15 xbi4ry,,54,Tunisian students be like :,,,,,,,2022-09-11 13:08:19 xbij1x,,0,how do u eat L9LOUB LAK7L," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-11 13:25:52 xbj7d8,,1,vegan brands,does anyone know any good cruelty-free and vegan brands for toiletries??,,,,,,2022-09-11 13:55:50 xbk9iz,,7,Where i can find a sponsorship in tunisia for small projects ??,"Edit: Ps: i mean assist not sponsor",,,,,,2022-09-11 14:40:30 xbm1x4,,4,How can i find an online part-time job fi tounes ?,,,,,,,2022-09-11 15:54:02 xbma0p,,6,How to dress decently in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-11 16:03:23 xbn20c,,53,So glad and proud we have ons to represent us this way around the world,,,,,,,2022-09-11 16:35:01 xbomji,,87,ليام كيف الريح في البريمة..... غربي و شرقي ما يدومش ديمة,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-11 17:39:53 xbpriz,,1,طريقة ضبط اعدادات قناة اليوتيوب 2022 من الهاتف,,,,,,,2022-09-11 18:26:23 xbprls,,1,طريقة ضبط اعدادات قناة اليوتيوب 2022 من الهاتف,,,,,,,2022-09-11 18:26:28 xbqg6s,,4,Unemployed Tunisian wants to travel,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-11 18:54:06 xbqmye,,4,Very tight 5-day itinerary without a car advice,"I am visiting Tunisia this December for 5 days. On day 1/2, I am arriving around noon at Enfidha-Hammamet, and I will be going to Kairouan, El Jem, Monastir. I don't know where to head first though. I will visit just one place for day 1, and the rest on day 2. Day 3. Heading to Tunis early in the morning. Checking in, and heading to Baths of Antoninus / Sidi Bou Said Day 4. Going to Dougga early in the morning (bus & taxi) and exploring Tunis in the afternoon. Day 5. Going to Bizerte and Ras ben Sakka in the morning and afternoon, spending evening in Tunis. Day 6. Flying out of Tunis–Carthage in the morning. I can't drive so I will be completely dependent on public transit. Would it be too challenging, or impossible to do this? Je parle français aussi",,,,,,2022-09-11 19:01:32 xbqpq2,,5,"which one is chicken breast ,steak or escalope",,,,,,,2022-09-11 19:04:45 xbrz7u,انا_غبت_على_امتحان_باك_في_دورة_2022_و_سكرت_فمي_لا/,4,"انا غبت على امتحان باك في دورة 2022 و سكرت فمي لا جبدتها قدام حد و لا حتى تبرير, ياخي هذا معناها انا ممنوع من التسجيل في باك حر 2023؟","في 2022 كنت نقرى في مععد عمومي و منجحتش...... التسجيل في الباك ماشي و يقرب ياخي حبيت نشوف كيفاه نسجل باك حر نلقى [هذه]( من جوجل و قريت الشرط الأول تصدمت و تذكرت الي انا غبت على امتحان واحد في وسط الجمعة و كملت عديت الباقي منغير من نقول حتى شيء. منعرش حتى شكون فيبالو بيا ولا يتذكر الي انا غبت وقتها(غلطة منجمش نرجعها صحيحة). اما مدام الشرط هذا موجود معناتها الي بش يقيدني نعدي باك بش يتفقد حضوري و لا قاعد نهلوس وحدي؟ كان الي خايف منو صحيح, معناتها لازمني نرجع للتعليم العمومي بش يخليوني نعدي الباك؟ و كان هذا لازم, نجم نلتحق بالترسيم و اليوم 11 سمتبر؟؟ الحق ناوي نعمل حاجة اخرى و نعدي باك حر اما كان لازمني نرجع عمومي و نجم نخلط نرسم, نعملها من غير شك. edit: I'm an absolute fucking idiot.",,,,,,2022-09-11 19:55:39 xbtbkl,,12,How to learn to dance like traditional tunisian dancing as a man,"For clarification: Yes, I am tunisian (Male), I just suck at dancing I want to learn the kind of dancing you'd see at a tunisian wedding. I want to learn preferably online from a video or something cause going to learn to dance with a bunch of other men seems really fucking weird",,,,,,2022-09-11 20:49:55 xbtfl0,,1,ياخي فما غروب توانسة عل فيسبوك فقط بش لعباد تسأل كيفاه يمشيو لبلاصة و الكومنتارات ينعتوهم؟,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-11 20:54:11 xbul9k,,1,IS THIS NORMAL?! (not my photo),[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-11 21:40:11 xbumnf,,7,"IS THIS NORMAL?! ba3d iji y9olk ""l ta3lim majeni"" (not my photo)",,,,,,,2022-09-11 21:41:39 xbuoz8,,1,"is ""l7naynet"" used to refer to money",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-11 21:44:16 xbvji8,,2,"Opening a new bank account in Tunisia, what should I look for? best banks out there?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-11 22:19:15 xbw49o,,3,will Tunisia have an international credit card in the near future?,,,,,,,2022-09-11 22:43:51 xbyn8n,,0,why do you guys approach women in public (like why why?),"I met a guy we exchanged some eye contact and then he came to me to get my socials but I refused, he insisted tho but I still refused he was really really polite and gentle, so I kinda regretted not giving him anything :(",,,,,,2022-09-12 00:40:19 xbyot7,,0,salem chabeb... chnaamel bch narjaa lel ex khater theb nikan l hala,,,,,,,2022-09-12 00:42:25 xbzyzd,,0,"Presidential security, a presidential car, heavy security, and the daughter of Atika Shebeel doing a Tik Tok",,,,,,,2022-09-12 01:43:36 xbzzv6,,36,رحمة الله عليهم و ربي يصبر أهلهم,,,,,,,2022-09-12 01:44:48 xc07lf,,11,An example of the companies through which the president will revive the economy in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-12 01:55:21 xc217v,,35,تكاليف العيش في تونس لعائلة متكونة من أربعة أشخاص 3739 دينار .. متوسط الدخل 875 دينار - سبتمبر 2022 ملاحظة : المبلغ بدون معاليم كراء وبالنسبة لتونس العاصمة المبلغ يتجاوز 4000 دينار,,,,,,,2022-09-12 03:25:25 xc4i9t,,32,البحث العلمي,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 05:38:57 xc5j84,,2,How to register yourself as a freelancer in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 06:39:57 xc616c,,8,brothers in god m i need u r help,"hello guys this is my first post ever on reddit aand i really need ur help :( caan somone help me find a job any job im really sick and tired of staying batal and broke im 24 years old with no bac , i studied 2 years graphic design but t7cheli joret corona and i have to restudy a whole semester but fuck that , if u guys know anything that can help me or guide me to find any job ill be so thankful ( i really wanna kms i cant take this hit anymore )",,,,,,2022-09-12 07:09:50 xc6b7b,,4,What can i be able to pay online using the cti card?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 07:26:55 xc7k29,,9,"Bardo ! basically from 5AM until now police sirens didn't stop, aggressive police driving and Ambulances are going somewhere, who knows the fuck is happening?",,,,,,,2022-09-12 08:45:38 xc84ig,,4,Fiche de paie,"Hello guys. i worked in a startup for about 6 months and then left with a ""fight"" with the manager there. The problem I didnt get the chance to take some papers that I need with me when I left. So now after a year from that ""fight"" I sent this asshole an eamil demanding my ""fiche de paie"" and he ignored my mail. So I went there to talk to him politely. But nope he was still agressive, denied my rights and said that he ""chké beya"" for what Idk. So any ways there is no 7al with this asshole and I need the papers. Any way can I get them by bypassing him? Like go directly to birou choghl as I had a civp contract. Or maybe the usless OIT can resolve the issue?",,,,,,2022-09-12 09:22:08 xc8ybg,,2,Does anyone here have good knowledge with wireless communications and GNU Radio?,,,,,,,2022-09-12 10:12:59 xcbjms,,1,"Tunisian types, type : the atheist.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 12:29:56 xcbkiy,,0,"Tunisian types, type 1: the atheist.","There are so many so Tunisian types but we will be taking them one by one inshAllah. The first type to start with is the atheist. I know it is by no means an exclusively Tunisian thing but this is actually r/Tunisia. A Tunisian atheist can't understand how the world can look the way it looks so what he does is simply: stop believing in a God haha. The Tunisian atheist will often have as a profile photo in her social media profiles the picture of a lamp or an engine thinking she is smart and everyone else is dumb haha. The Tunisian atheist will defend human rights and the rights of every creature on Earth but when it comes to Muslims generally and Arab Muslims specifically he will become a Hitler. What more defines a Tunisian atheist?",,,,,,2022-09-12 12:30:51 xcc67q,,1,Isn’t this to good to be true ?,,,,,,,2022-09-12 12:58:29 xcc7wo,,0,nheb nbi3 w nichri mrawel taa bands,,,,,,,2022-09-12 13:00:15 xccq74,,0,anybody noticed that texting in derja is awkward as shit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 13:22:02 xccvmw,,1,Confortable desk chair budget 300dt,hey there do u guys know of ways to get good used desk chair my budget is 300 max.,,,,,,2022-09-12 13:28:48 xcdeje,,2,help me find place to rent," I'm looking for studio in the area of Bouchocha , 20 mars or bardo ..(not necessarily l feyda 9riba mel centre ville) my budget is around 300DT... And if you re looking for a rooommate just text me .. Thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-09-12 13:52:01 xcdlra,,1,How can I buy something from another country and ship it to Tunisia? Is there a way?,If there isn't a way can someone living abroad and coming here soon bring it to me and I'll pay all of the expenses ofc,,,,,,2022-09-12 14:00:26 xcdqyo,,2,Geocaching,Are there geocaches in Tunisia? Does anyone do this?,,,,,,2022-09-12 14:06:24 xcdwlo,,1,Song translation,"Hello everyone, so recently I have gotten a bit into northern Africa rap , and there's that song that I'm really into I can understand some of the lyrics because I can understand Arabic byt the dialect and the fast paced nature of the song makes it a bit hard to follow, so I was wondering if anyone can help explain it to me, thanks in advance ! The song is ""Na3ref"" by Two2 I think it has some curse words so just a heads up! My DMS are open and I can understand Arabic and English :)",,,,,,2022-09-12 14:12:59 xcdyc7,,1,problem globalnet,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 14:14:56 xce34z,,3,internet price increase ?,"Except for topnet, who noticed that monthly internet price increased ? In my case, i started the year at 40 tnd, the price went to 43 on March and the last edited invoice is 47 dinars. 43 tnd got a notice 47 tnd nothing Does the price increased for otver operators as well ?",,,,,,2022-09-12 14:20:21 xceflk,,0,"Tunisian types, type 2: the Amazigh type haha.","I know I am supposed to wait and the original plan was to have at least 2 to 3 days between the types but I just can't wait with this one haha. Sorry boys. The Amazigh type. His only problem on Earth is ""we are not Arabs"". He hardly know who his grandfather was and he will tell you ""we are amazigh"". He uses ""we"" to speak about a country of 12 million people as if he talking about his little family. He claims he is amazigh but speaks and writes Arabic every day. In alla DNA tests he will be 90% Arab and 10% divided amongst all other ethnicities but he will still claim he is not Arab. The whole world sees him as Arab bur that doesn't matter for him as long as he himself thinks he is not Arab.",,,,,,2022-09-12 14:34:40 xcfhq3,,51,"💸 Retour vers le futur (Back to the Future) 4 : une bouteille d'eau minérale Safia 0,5 L (½ litre) est à 9️⃣ DT à l'aéroport international d'Ennfidha !",,,,,,,2022-09-12 15:17:22 xcfzw5,,1,vaccination and covid recovery in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 15:37:51 xcgzgy,,2,[OC] The iPhone 14 Index: How much of a yearly salary you need to spend to afford an iPhone 14 around the world,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 16:16:19 xch51p,,3,social integration,"Hi, Im a 21 years old tunsian guy who encounter huge difficulties to socialize in tunisia. Why ?? I never been integrated to our society, i went abroad after my highschool degree, left my crazy toxic family. During highschool i was psychologically destroyed by my family and socialy isolated. Didnt talk to any person of my school, though that people were all btchs etc... i isolated myself to make it simple. I regret. Really. Now im back in tunisia, joined a university as a freshman and struggle hard to communicate and build relationships. Any advices ? Thanks ❤",,,,,,2022-09-12 16:22:23 xcibpu,,0,crypto fi tounes,"Blh ena n7b nbda trading fel crypto chkun 3endo tips wla ay 7keya tnjm t3awen, ena tw 3mlt carte technologique bch nchri behi usdt, w chkun 3endo fekra kifech njm nrj3 el usdt lel dollar w kifch n5arejhom?",,,,,,2022-09-12 17:08:37 xcik3i,,11,"PSA: If you work for someone, they own your workhours and everything you produce during them. Don't like it. Start your own business. Don't be a thief.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 17:17:45 xcimst,,6,Tap water composition,so ive been looking for info about tap water chemical composition in tunisia and i cant seem to find anything at all ! any help would be appreciated . its absurd that we dont even know what wr using in every day's life,,,,,,2022-09-12 17:20:42 xciydr,,1,haircuts tunisa,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 17:33:29 xcj2lr,,4,haircut tunisa,,,,,,,2022-09-12 17:38:13 xclfij,,8,Who is the best athlete in the last 20 years?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-12 19:13:36 xclpd2,,1,Entering Tunisia : do i need shots book or special shots to enter Tunisia ? *coming from Europe*,,,,,,,2022-09-12 19:24:55 xclwg2,,1,Cost of living in Tunisia.," I'm going to live in Tunisia and I'd like to know how much it cost to do shopping (like a leather jacket , jeans or shoes).",,,,,,2022-09-12 19:32:50 xclyk5,,9,How old are you?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-12 19:35:16 xclysz,,4,Weak 20 y.o.Tunisian student.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-12 19:35:30 xcmaws,,1,am i wrong for turning down a girl who approached me wearing explicit clothes?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-12 19:51:50 xcngod,,8,The iPhone 14 Index: How much of a yearly salary you need to spend to afford an iPhone 14 around the world,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-09-12 20:37:37 xcnovf,,48,Just amazing to see!,,,,,,,2022-09-12 20:46:23 xcoacw,,6,[OC] The iPhone 14 Index: How much of a yearly salary you need to spend to afford an iPhone 14 around the world,,,,,,,2022-09-12 21:09:43 xcp73c,,0,25th july: for or against and why?,,,,,,,2022-09-12 21:47:09 xcrq7q,كارثة_أرقام_متاع_بلدان_حرب/,41,.كارثة أرقام متاع بلدان حرب,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-09-12 23:34:37 xcvxbv,,1,Cafes or bars near tunis Medina for watching champions league,Hi. As the title says I'm looking for a place to sit down and watch champions league football. In particular I'm after somewhere to watch tottenham vs. sporting at 5:45. Many thanks.,,,,,,2022-09-13 02:48:35 xcxdov,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-13 04:00:10 xcy52n,,9,Do you know any Syrians in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-13 04:38:47 xczoup,,6,"I am booking an AirBnb in El Omrane,Tunis..Is that area/locality considered safe for tourist stay?",,,,,,,2022-09-13 06:05:40 xd2aw2,,12,Are call centers the worst thing ever ?,"Yo ! I just started to work in a call center ( planning to stay max 2 months ) , but after working one day I already feel like quitting, this shit is HORRIBLE 😂 ,I don't believe that there's a job worst that this , and I swear to God that I can find an argument for every objection you guys submit Sitting on a chair all day long , while reading a dumb script to try please clients who insult you all day long,your vocals are monitored , your rest time is also monitored, every personal touch is forbidden ( the script is literally Rabbi), even your identity is not permitted, everyone is sharing the same pseudonym... sounds like dystopia to me ( cyberpunk 2077 call center version lol ) The salary is also trash 🗑, in my case I consider this as a momentarily job , big respect for those who chose it as a career...",,,,,,2022-09-13 08:49:43 xd2gvy,,0,Le meilleur site pour renouveler les abonnements I_P_T_V 👇👇👇,,,,,,,2022-09-13 09:00:19 xd3n98,,11,where to find good quality rubik's cube,"I m tired of getting the cheap plastic ones , i want one with premium quality , couldn't find any trust worthy shops online",,,,,,2022-09-13 10:12:29 xd4hos,,1,Opportunity for artists/ illustrators to work on a manga project with professionals,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-13 11:01:14 xd5zpe,,6,Gonna buy a Laptop need an advise,"I am designer I use alot of programs that require a good device to do my work I have a desktop at home but I need a laptop for work now I use autocad 3ds max and rhino thoese programs take alot of space I have a budget of 3000d max I will be happy to pay less honestly if anyone know alot about pc advice me on the better option",,,,,,2022-09-13 12:18:01 xd5zxd,,6,"What are the types of questions on the exam ""concours baladia"" ?","i got accepted for two positions ""moutasarref mouse3ed"" and ""keteb tassarrof"" and i'm admitted to take the tests on the same day one in the morning and the other follows afternoon, what are the types of questions that are asked on the exam and what do they ask about ? i'm heading to the municipality and try to ask some of the staff there myself and i'm trying my luck here too and thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-09-13 12:18:17 xd6icp,,4,Hourly wage for full stack developer?,"Hello, does anybody know the average or standard hourly wage for full stack developer in Tunisia? To be exact, Full Stack JS Developer in React/Node, junior/mid level. Thank you",,,,,,2022-09-13 12:41:49 xd7d8e,,5,No service for born abroad,,,,,,,2022-09-13 13:18:53 xd7q4x,,3,Sports Equipment with Tunisair,"Hey everyone, I am having a trip to Djerba from Germany and I want to bring my kitesurf with me. It's a kite and a board(144/42). Is carrying sports equipment free with Tunisair or do I need to pay extra for that? I didn't find that much information actually on their website. Thanks for your help",,,,,,2022-09-13 13:33:44 xd89kg,,26,the police office near me refuses to renew my ID card (out of a personal dispute i had before with them for not doing their job). how can i get a new id?,,,,,,,2022-09-13 13:56:40 xd8sdf,,1,purchase from alibaba,how to buy from alibaba and how much does it cost? espicially MFing Diwana?,,,,,,2022-09-13 14:17:58 xd8v3s,,1,anyone knows where can i get a good portable chess set?,,,,,,,2022-09-13 14:21:02 xd8vxm,,0,Quote of the day from Belgacem,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-13 14:21:58 xda64k,,6,Is Tunisia actually better after 25 July?,"Ya twensa 7assin bel 7achwa walla lin y9osou 3lina dhaw bech nfi9ou? Zit, rouz, sokker, 7lib, essence, 9ahwa.. a z* win mechin? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-13 15:12:38 xdb851,,1,Rent In Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-13 15:54:39 xdboh9,,5,Rent In Tunis,"Any idea chkoun andou noumrou smasra or fekra win najjem nal9a apt S0/S1 Zone: Lafayette/ cité khadra / menzah 4 / belvedere Budget: ~450Dt Merci en avance.",,,,,,2022-09-13 16:12:26 xdc9bm,,1,is it normal?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-13 16:35:18 xdcmm9,,1,Marvel really done it this time !!!!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-13 16:50:04 xdcsys,,1,what's a junior web developer called in Tunisia? I couldn't find a job in LinkedIn it only shows remote work from companies I don't know if they're even real,,,,,,,2022-09-13 16:57:05 xdd1t8,,9,will i find a job if i learn web devlopement using the internet,,,,,,,2022-09-13 17:06:18 xddwfx,,0,wtf is wrong with this reddit ??,"habat post 9bila na7ki fih 3ala film marvel jdid ili bech yet3ml we kifeh fih barcha 7ajet 5ayba 3ala palastine and it got deleted by the modarators can i ask why ?????? ti 7ata il vid mta3 insta we simple ya7ki fih 3al film we mafhouch 7ata 7aja 5arja 3al rules mta3 subreddit hetha like WTF?",,,,,,2022-09-13 17:58:33 xdek82,,2,"not sure if i should ask it here or not, but how to go from ennasr to isi ariana (cité taamir) ?",,,,,,,2022-09-13 18:22:52 xdfduv,,3,can someone with paypal send me money on my payoneer account ? even though i don't have the credit card,,,,,,,2022-09-13 18:54:52 xdfsce,,3,rent in sahloul sousse,hello do you guys have an idea about the prices for rent for example old apartment with 3 bedroom s,,,,,,2022-09-13 19:10:42 xdgqye,,3,guys is fix box orange available in jendouba and is it worth it,guys is fix box orange available in jendouba and is it worth it,,,,,,2022-09-13 19:49:56 xdh1xp,,4,"yay, summer is over","Can't wait for all the suffering, excessive school hours coupled with multiple études, shitty timetable that gives you no time for hobbies (which are already limited since it's tunisia anyway), boring lessons that likely have no value in the future and far too many tests and of course, the stress of the BAC i finally managed to get an average gaming pc mid summer but my parents will cry and will try to ruin my free time (they already did even in the summer) blah blah ""3am 9raya"" i hate this school system like most people, i'm not a bad student, rather decent i would say but i have hated school for many years already and that's with pretty minimal work in my free time (this is also because i didn't have a remotely decent pc/laptop before, i've always felt like my free time was wasted, aka i didn't have a way to relieve the stress from school so i most definitely wouldn't want to spend it studying) like i just want to zoom through this ""last"" year but my usual behavior (minimal work in free time) probably will be detrimental to my plan of leaving the country eventually &#x200B; PS i think the fact the BAC can include any lesson from the whole year is pretty pointless, call me stupid, we should at least be told which ""set"" (not all but a bunch) of lessons could come or maybe the opposite by telling us about a few lessons that aren't included, instead of just ***relearning*** all the worthless lessons from the whole year",,,,,,2022-09-13 20:01:48 xdh28q,,15,Economic collapse,"Seeing all the news and how government is responding i am literally afraid that we are heading speed of light to an economic collapse, I'd say in the next year or so we can experience something similar to Lebanon what do u guys think ?",,,,,,2022-09-13 20:02:08 xdhv1i,,32,"If Tunisia had a loading Screen, what tips would appear?",Saw this question in r/Germany and I think Tunisian Loading screen would be extremely interesting lol.,,,,,,2022-09-13 20:34:45 xdhzg5,,1,عمان/الأردن : انهيار مبى... وفايات و إصابات... عملية الإنقاذ و الإخلاء متواصلة...,,,,,,,2022-09-13 20:39:50 xdi7co,,0,so the economy is collapsing and I have nothing to do tomorrow..Dm me if you satisfy both criterias as shown below...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-13 20:48:38 xdj5jx,,1,How is life in Dubai ?,,,,,,,2022-09-13 21:26:11 xdkx55,,20,How much of the current crisis would you say falls on kais saied or would you say he inherited this from his predecessors/result of a global recession?,,,,,,,2022-09-13 22:38:28 xdlg8r,,1,Democracy,"I think that democracy is deeply related to the concept of the nation state and can only truly function with in its bounds. The more a state digresses towards religion or ethnicity the less functioning the democracy becomes. We can see in America the failure of multiculturalism and the exceedingly toxic political sphere of immigrant accepting countries. In Tunisia for the reason that we don't have a strong sense of national identity we are doomed especially in a world where national identity is harder and harder to cling to even for westerners who are lucky to not need it as much. In conclusion democracy will never function for us as long as we do not perceive ourselves as a nation, a civilization, a culture and a state and not as a part of any of them. Ofcourse the religious and ethnic homogeneity of the country can delay the issue but not for an indefinit time.",,,,,,2022-09-13 23:00:47 xdntmp,,4,Let’s say you have 40 thousand dinars ( malyoun ) what kind of project you will start ?,,,,,,,2022-09-14 00:48:58 xdr947,,2,PFE help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 03:30:31 xdtis5,,2,Hi! I’m travelling to Djerba soon. I use marijuana for a medical condition. Anyone knows where I can buy it while I’m there? Text me private.,,,,,,,2022-09-14 05:31:09 xdw25j,,1,why brownies 800 now when it used to be just 450 franc?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 08:06:45 xdw91j,,1,do you believe immigration is good for the host country,"Immigration: migrating to another country and staying there indefinitely. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-14 08:19:31 xdwal2,,1,robert green: kifeh tet9ablohom el ma3loumet eli fiktobtou o esce que dhohroulkom shah ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 08:21:59 xdy47x,,0,from where can i buy sex toys !!!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 10:14:24 xdygvw,,0,Visiting tunisia next summer with my husband............,"So we heard that tunisia is the most civilized arab country and husband and I are thinking to visit this coming summer. We just wanted to make friends (couples like us and ladies)so when we visit we find people to hang out with and show us the cities. We would be very thankful and good day to everyone.",,,,,,2022-09-14 10:34:46 xdymzd,,3,"Can't decide between Huwaei Matebook E PC Tablet & a Galaxy Tab S7 (11"")",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-14 10:44:57 xdzd65,,8,Biggest (cultural) differences between Tunisia and Europe?,"Tunisians who went Abroad! Europeans who went to Tunisia! What were the biggest/funniest cultural differences you experienced? What advice would you give to Tunisians who want to fit in after emigrating to Europe? What advice would you give to Europeans moving to Tunisia/spending time in Tunisia? Of course not all of Europe is the same. Of course not all of Tunisia is the same. But in my experience the difference in mentalities can't be denied :D",,,,,,2022-09-14 11:22:25 xe00w7,,1,receiving payments from abroad,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-14 11:56:13 xe0edh,,0,Unions power in Tunisia are in a level of a communist or a social country!!,,,,,,,2022-09-14 12:14:04 xe0j99,,1,How to make international friends?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-14 12:20:35 xe0lao,,19,Any fellow artist / illustrator here? Need you !,"Hello 🥰 Would any of you artists/illustrators be interested to join in working on a manga project ? * digital * remote * full time or part time * project duration estimated to 6 months * salary starting at 1200 d (or more depending on your level) Please reach out if you're interested or know anyone who might be ! Thank you 🙏",,,,,,2022-09-14 12:23:14 xe182s,,1,what do you guys think about holberton school !,"My friend want to enroll in it saying he will become a software engineer so what do you think about it ,and should I advice him to enroll or choose a private uni instead !?",,,,,,2022-09-14 12:52:54 xe1him,,31,Let’s spread some positivity in this thread: What is a domain where Tunisia is doing well currently? (menghir tma93ir),I mean field not domain 😆,,,,,,2022-09-14 13:04:40 xe1uvx,,3,Pfe in proxym,"Hello, is there someone who did his pfe in proxym sousse if so would you tell us about ur experience and how competitive is to get accepted for pfe. I’m third license this year have some full stack skills and a portfolio of projects and I really wanna work for them",,,,,,2022-09-14 13:21:01 xe242a,,1,where can i find a full playlist of choufli hall episodes,,,,,,,2022-09-14 13:32:13 xe313r,,1,❤️FULL BODY MASSAGE🇰🇼🇰🇼 💙LIP KISS 😘 💜 BODY KISS 💋 💛 BOOBS PRESSING HARD 💕 💚 NIPPLES BITING 🤪 🧡BODY TO BODY OIL MASSAGE ✅ 📞 Whatsapp:,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-14 14:11:47 xe3ad2,,3,How can I find freelance projects (Tunisia/Remotely) not formal way,"Hello community, I want to ask about re commanded way to find freelance projects (web dev/ mobile dev) from clients not in a formal way, but like by recommendation or by asking the client directly Can you share your experience with that?",,,,,,2022-09-14 14:22:31 xe3fjr,,7,How to make international friends ?,"Hello everyone. I've been thinking of returning to social media just to make friends from all around the world (not sure whether to start with instagram, twitter or reddit). After graduating from high school in late 2019, I relocated to pursue my higher education. As a result, I literally lost most, if not all, of my friends. I didn't give up and tried to get new ones in university, but then Covid came along and we started having online classes (which didn't help), the majority of my classmates are avoidants for whatever reason and have their own world. I'm feeling lonely, with basically no one to talk to, outside my family members. The last time I spoke to someone my age was a couple of months ago, and it was about a project assigned to us by our professor. I'm hesitant because contacting strangers online seems weird, especially if you try to slide into their DMs, or comment on their photos while I don't even know them. I tried an app called ""Slowly"" where you can exchange virtual letters with penpals, but didn't go well since most of people I stumbled upon abandoned the platform. Anyway, I really would like to make international friends but I have no clue how, where, and what should I do exactly ?! Do you have any personal experiences in this? All your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated :)) .",,,,,,2022-09-14 14:28:40 xe3y69,,16,Enehou?,"Akther kteb massek ,badalek l perception mte3k lel 7ayet ? Akther kteb tansa7 ghirek besh ya9rah fi ay mar7la fil 7ayeet ?",,,,,,2022-09-14 14:50:16 xe40kf,,0,"Tunisian types, type 3: the victim","To have a look at types 1 and 2 please visit my profile and check my posts. Type 3 is the victim; He is good and everyone else is bad His family are nice people but most other families in the houma are evil He and those who work in the same field as him are good people but they don’t get their full rights due to stupid directors and managers and the ministry itself XD Every national company such as STEG and Sonede and others are conspiring against him and want him always to pay more than what he actually consumes haha He seriously believes that UAE and Saudi Arabia are envious of the Tunisian democracy and want to destroy it lol What did I forget?",,,,,,2022-09-14 14:53:01 xe432s,,3,Fun bars in tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 14:55:54 xe4e2g,é_appearance_on_jre_podcast/,9,Dr. Gabor Maté Appearance on JRE podcast,"If you have few hours watch this episode,Dr. Gabor Maté work focus on addiction, stress, and childhood development mainly, Highly recommand his work [](",,,,,,2022-09-14 15:08:08 xe50jc,,1,web development,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 15:33:35 xe5dll,,7,Going to work in France for 12 months and I want to invest into my earnings there,"Here is the thing: I'm going to work in France for 1 year. I suppose I'm going to save like 10k euros and I want to invest into them before I go back to Tunisia I'm not sure what I am going to do afterwards, stay in Tunisia or going back there. But I don't want to convert my money into dinars since our currency is loosing value. Also, I want to keep a foreign account from which I can pay online (International Mastercard) What do you recommend ?",,,,,,2022-09-14 15:48:37 xe5ea3,,12,i got 5mils to travel with. where should i go to get the most out of it? (no turkey pls),i got 5k tnd to travel with. where should i go to get the most out of it? (no turkey pls),,,,,,2022-09-14 15:49:25 xe5r4t,,0,Translation,how does one write happy birthday i miss you more everyday ? i have a tunisian friend i want to surprise,,,,,,2022-09-14 16:03:26 xe65qz,,6,"Any fall guys players in here? we have a small community and we play nearly each day. i will leave our discord channel link in a comment below, we are playing right now, feel free to join us.",,,,,,,2022-09-14 16:19:06 xe6kua,,5,Is private health insurance in Tunisia worth it?,,,,,,,2022-09-14 16:35:00 xe6rij,,6,A map of colonial era Africa 1914 🌍,,,,,,,2022-09-14 16:42:24 xe8isn,,15,What do I do to bring a kitten to France ?,,,,,,,2022-09-14 17:53:12 xe98nc,,1,How do you make friends after 25? Is anyone here from Bizerte? Looking for girlfriends mainly.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 18:22:01 xe9m3e,,84,I asked an art AI for the personification of the country Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-14 18:37:21 xea399,,1,Signing a CDI contract,"If I sign a cdi contract for 6 months with a call center, can I resign in 3 or 4 months? Would that cause any problems?",,,,,,2022-09-14 18:56:51 xeb76h,,2,how can i transfer from different highschools ? as in paperwork and administrative papers wise,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 19:41:04 xecppj,,1,Covoiturage Question,"I'm about to go for a ""covoiturage quotidien"", this is ly first year in tunisia and i needed it badly because my university is like 6km far from home. So my question is : How much does to go back and forth for 6km cost per day ? I need this to not get scammed Need ur help guys ;)",,,,,,2022-09-14 20:42:18 xectkn,,0,COVOITURAGE question !!,"Covoiturage Question I'm about to go for a ""covoiturage quotidien"", this is ly first year in tunisia and i needed it badly because my university is like 6km far from home. So my question is : How much does to go back and forth for 6km cost per day ? I need this to not get scammed Need ur help guys ;)",,,,,,2022-09-14 20:46:30 xedpd6,,1,PFE need help asap (IT section),"If u already done soutenance, Dm me",,,,,,2022-09-14 21:22:05 xeeg6b,,30,The Gov is working on a legal framework for online Freelancers and service providers.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 21:52:02 xeeuh2,,6,weird question,do ur parents constantly fight over anything? is the dad always the root of the problem?,,,,,,2022-09-14 22:08:09 xeevkp,,2,"I don't wanna back to my house until midnight , where can i go everyday as a college student",,,,,,,2022-09-14 22:09:23 xefqx6,,3,"Hey guys , I am going to monastir as a tourist . Can you recommend me an app like Uber ? Do you guys possibly have bolt ?",,,,,,,2022-09-14 22:45:38 xeglas,,6,Anyone down for some apex ? Chill games no sweat,,,,,,,2022-09-14 23:22:25 xegwtr,,0,The voice of the sashimi that you are about to eating like,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-14 23:36:51 xehzm7,,3,Do you have the right to record in public?,,,,,,,2022-09-15 00:25:20 xejz2v,,3,Would an anti-littering government campaign do any good here?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-15 01:57:54 xeoym5,,2,is laqta legal ?,,,,,,,2022-09-15 06:10:11 xepe2m,,5,Help !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-15 06:34:47 xepwwy,,0,It's not a third world country. We're a third world people.,"So I just removed the polarizing filter from my phone screen and bought polarizing glasses so that my phone has an ""invisible screen"" where only I can see through with those glasses while others only see a white screen, and some girl next to me in the train, probably college student, told me to ""stop doing creepy stuff and then pretending like I'm using my phone while it's closed"".",,,,,,2022-09-15 07:05:42 xequor,,1,do I stay in esb or change to another uni? help please,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-15 08:01:35 xerbas,,1,Suggest me a new laptop screen please,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-15 08:30:50 xerc8e,,1,Suggest me a new laptop screen please,"Hey , so 3andi laptop il ecran mte3ou wallet defected , n7ib nbadalha ( 15.6 inch 144 hz ) So can u sugest me the best quality and the best buyer mnin najam na5ou wa7da kifha ?",,,,,,2022-09-15 08:32:29 xeryzf,,0,What's the best charities to open at ur univesity ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-15 09:12:00 xet7d9,,7,Tunisians who worked on Upwork or any freelance platform before . what is the best payment method and how much taxes do i have to pay . ( i heard i direct transfer to a bank account costs 50 tnd in taxes),,,,,,,2022-09-15 10:25:33 xetarj,,22,What scam is culturally approved and accepted in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-15 10:30:46 xeu0r3,,1,What do you think how accurate is it ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-15 11:10:16 xev75t,,3,Ye5i fama animal shelters for adoption f grand tunis?,,,,,,,2022-09-15 12:09:37 xevuvq,,3,what do i need to create a savings bank account in biat . how much do i need to pay ?,,,,,,,2022-09-15 12:42:06 xewes9,,2,Help,"Hi i am new in tunis and i don’t get anything about transport systems please how can i get from el menzah 8 to marsa ??? Famaaa louage wala bus and win les stations? preetty please 😔",,,,,,2022-09-15 13:07:25 xexede,,8,Why HR workers are usually snakes,"maybe not all of them but this is something everyone notices but no body talks about Like they always try to put act of being there as ""a friend"" and they keep asking detailed question sometimes even for personal matters while secretly keeping record I heard some jaw dropping stories about that and had a lot of my own",,,,,,2022-09-15 13:51:36 xexkth,,24,*ولدي غنيلي انشودة الصباح ‏ *أنيستي تعملي مزيه اخرجي من مخي,,,,,,,2022-09-15 13:59:33 xey3h6,,6,what to do when the company doesn't want to pay me my salary,"Good day everyone. as the title says, what legal actions can someone take when a company doesn't pay your salary (or doesn't want to pay you), in a CIVP contract? is it true that when someone in CIVP contract, companies can get away with it and not pay the salary of some of their employees? need advice and some of your experiences. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-09-15 14:21:29 xeyd0i,,1,i have problem with my family,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-15 14:33:14 xeyhfz,,7,How can i see bac results from each highschool? im deciding on a hs to transfer to and i want to know Which ones have better results,,,,,,,2022-09-15 14:38:39 xeyk7n,,3,Anime/Manga and chill,"Hi , would love to know people that enjoy and die hard anime/Manga fans here in tunis :)",,,,,,2022-09-15 14:41:58 xeypkw,,1,I genuinely don't understand how to get a job in IT,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-15 14:48:19 xeyqq7,,1,why was my psot deleted ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-15 14:49:40 xeyxyp,,26,"I genuinely can't find a job, I going crazy with frustration.","I'm a fresh graduate CS engineer and I genuinely don't understand how to get a job. &#x200B; \- Every job offer asks for 2 to 3 years of exp \- I swear I didn't come across a single job asking for fresh graduates in the last 6 months of my search. &#x200B; \- Every job offers expect you to know 7 billion programming languages and frameworks and to have done projects. \- How Am I supposed to be know how to use kubernetes ? in my mom's basement startup ? How am I supposed to know these programs that are meant for big scale projects ? &#x200B; \- Every job offer expects you to be fluent in French, English, chinese and hieroglyphs. \- Have you ever heard of Google Translate mf ?! &#x200B; \- Every job offer asks for a good interpersonal skills and team spirit . \- Bitch, I got into computer science because I'm introvert as f and never leave home and you think I'm willing to work with a team ? &#x200B; \- Every application has to go through bullshit formalities like a motivation letter, short and long term goals, etc... \- I don't have plans for long term, and any one who has is delusional. Have you ever heard of future discounting motherfucker ? I'd like you to read your long term goals you set in 2018 thinking that the world will go according to your plans, were you able to take into account Covid at that time ? I personally genuinely can't, for the life of me, set long term goals, cause you just can't, there are many factors, that you can't predict, any engineer who has ever studied physics knows that predicting the future is super hard, you barely can predict experiment result in an isolated lab with 2 factor like gravity and time. &#x200B; and most importantly WHY DONT THEY RESPOND WITH A CLEAR REJECTION. WHY DO I NEED TO KEEP GUESSING IF THEY ARE GONNA CALL ME OR NOT FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS ! &#x200B; I'm genuinely lost, I've been looking for a job for half a year now and I get no responds or get rejected after the first interview, it's so frustrating and with every experience I become less motivated and less tolerant towards this corporative bullshit.",,,,,,2022-09-15 14:58:00 xf22ak,,17,"Quick, easy to make meals?",I'm a student and I'm tired of making kaskrout 3dham w hrissa,,,,,,2022-09-15 17:05:46 xf2ke3,,1,Buying products from china,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-15 17:26:35 xf2taw,,231,The single star on the Tunisian flag is actually a review.,,,,,,,2022-09-15 17:37:01 xf2zbe,,9,"will it help me get a job if I make databases, react, nodejs Express, APIs, EJS, etc, experiences instead of just html, css, Javascript?",,,,,,,2022-09-15 17:43:59 xf34ex,,2,can a contrat de travail get you a visa to canada even as a janitor or something similar ?,,,,,,,2022-09-15 17:50:01 xf3q5z,,11,direct bank transfer from Upwork,"Welcome Tunisian well I started freelancing on Upwork, and al hamdullah I received some contracts, theoretically, I will get my first payment this month, but I want to know if someone already received payment before and if there is any problem that he faced, I'm just going to receive 100$ so it usually won't be a problem I think &#x200B; Thank you",,,,,,2022-09-15 18:14:41 xf5osw,,1,Is a bank-blocked account a must to study aboard?,"Hello, I finished my uni degree and I was thinking of continuing my master's in Germany and I was wondering if I would still need a bank's blocked account (with 10k€) even if I have my sibling living and working there? they're financially stable and I'll be living with them so I wouldn't really have to pay for living costs other than uni tuition",,,,,,2022-09-15 19:33:37 xf68ro,,2,best recommendation for a (computer science student) laptop on a 1.5k TND budget ??,"Basically as i said in the title, i want some recommendations of laptops and where to buy / and not buy them... I want something durable and the most effective with the least possible money... What are the good brands/ the overpriced ones ? I really appreciate your help",,,,,,2022-09-15 19:56:14 xf6ah0,,2,Temporary place to stay in the capital,"Are there cheap options for a place to stay in temporarily in the capital, things like a hostel Edit: am looking for something to stay 2-3 months",,,,,,2022-09-15 19:58:13 xf6lhw,,9,"Tunisie, le grand exode des médecins (Warning: baguette language )",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-15 20:10:29 xf7bl1,,6,neighborhood to stay in tunis for a couple months,"hi all, first, thanks for reading and for help. i'm an english speaking writer looking to stay in tunis for a couple months (october and november) to do my work. so i'm looking for somewhere peaceful where i can take walks, get fresh food, and survive without french or arabic. i'm not looking for excitement or to sight see. if anyone can recommend such a place, please let me know. thanks",,,,,,2022-09-15 20:39:39 xf7jqh,,1,slm,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-15 20:49:00 xf8vh0,,1,Is a degree in Telecommunication useful in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-15 21:42:45 xf907f,,2,Let's play Dungeons & Dragons for real !," Don’t forget your weekly D&D game session ! Every saturday from 5pm to 9pm ! For those who would be interested in new fun and friendly activities, we organize tabletop role-playing games (Dungeons & Dragons ! See the attached event). Our goal is to introduce these games and bring together enthusiasts of all places and generations. :) &#x200B; [](",,,,,,2022-09-15 21:48:12 xf9h0g,,1,What was your experience dating an older woman in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-09-15 22:07:15 xf9hnp,,6,need your help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-15 22:08:02 xf9hqh,,27,"Is it common in Tunisia for children to call older adults ""aunt"" or ""uncle""? In terms of showing respect and honorifics?",,,,,,,2022-09-15 22:08:08 xfc9q8,,2,Looking For a shop that sells cargo pants in tunisia,"so basically i want to buy cargo pants but i looked everywhere for a good looking one but i couldn't find any can any of you recommend some i want something that looks like this: [](",,,,,,2022-09-16 00:14:29 xfg78m,,2,US jobs in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-16 03:24:06 xfgx04,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-09-16 04:00:13 xfjh9m,,6,"Car lovers, would you like to do me a favor?",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-16 06:16:59 xfkbl1,,2,WHERE TO SELL WATCHES ?,"I HAVE AN AUTHENTIC VALUABLE FOSSIL WATCH NEVER BEEN USED BEFORE STILL WITH ITS CASE AND ITS A HIGH PRICE WATCH I POSTED IT IN MARKETPLACE AND TAYARA BUT I GOT 0 CALLS ABOUT IT IS THERE A PLACE WHERE I CAN SELL IT FOR ITS PRICE OR EVEN A LITTLE BIT LESS ? THANKS",,,,,,2022-09-16 07:06:19 xfna8q,,3,drop shipping in tunisia!!!,"Whats the best bank to work with to pay for shopify you need paypal that we dont have or another payment is mastercard how can i get that any tips",,,,,,2022-09-16 10:09:33 xfnfj3,,1,تفعيل ميزة التحقق بخطوتين باستخدام الهاتف | طريقة حماية قناة اليوتيوب من...,,,,,,,2022-09-16 10:17:50 xfo2j7,,11,"Startups in Tunisia, what do you think about our ecosystem? growing or bullshit",,,,,,,2022-09-16 10:54:18 xfo8m1,,3,as a tunisian teenager what can i do to make money? any ideas?,,,,,,,2022-09-16 11:03:25 xfprvo,,1,"GP1, 3an3an",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-16 12:18:58 xfrmsc,,1,How do i sart freelancing as a tunisian teenager?,"As the title says, i want to start freelancing but dunno how. Any ides/links/experiences would be helpful. Thank!",,,,,,2022-09-16 13:40:59 xfrnc3,,0,شوفوا كيفاش ولاو يحكيو على تونس في عهد قيس سعيد,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-16 13:41:39 xfsn8i,,1,Looking for good shampoo suggestions,"Any good shampoo suggestions in tunisia that doesn’t contain toxic chemicals like sulfate,dimethicone,silicone,DMDM hydantoin...",,,,,,2022-09-16 14:21:11 xfsngs,,3,"is it me or this new trend of men calling women "" benna "" is cringe af",,,,,,,2022-09-16 14:21:24 xfsnkm,,2,"Chkoun 3mal Invisalign please? If yes aand chkoun, who would you recommend wb9adeh? How was your experience? Thank you",,,,,,,2022-09-16 14:21:32 xftnki,,0,Would a game 🎮 with a good Tunisian scenario be easy to market?,"I am not that much into gaming and I think it is for small kids but as an entrepreneur and a creative person I like new ideas. I think that I could make a very good scenario for a Tunisian game which would eventually include French occupation, the fallaga, the tahhana etc. I have it in mind already. Not the full scenario but how it would eventually look like. The mountains, the villages, the people, the weddings, just everything. I have it in mind just the way Michael Jacksson used to have his songs in mind before he even write them. That is called talent btw. Anyway, I am so bad at the actual making of the game and after some Googling I am afraid it will never be profitable considering that some good games might cost as much as 50 million dollars to design 😱 What do you think?",,,,,,2022-09-16 15:00:18 xfue21,,1,Reo is it possible now?,From 2eme info to 3eme tech how can i do reo (for my bro) what are the steps,,,,,,2022-09-16 15:28:41 xfuekh,,2,Army Service,"Are you still eligible for compulsory army service if you have a short eye sight? (around -2 per eye) Thanks ahead",,,,,,2022-09-16 15:29:15 xfvxdp,,1,LF someone that buys old coins ( money pieces since the bey's leaderships ),[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-16 16:27:32 xfyfji,,2,"Drive from Raf Raf to Sousse, what to visit on the way?","As the title says, we're driving from Raf Raf to Sousse. We're planning to visit Zaghouan as a pitstop, but are there any must sees on the way? People advise Ghar el melh, but I don't see the appeal? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-09-16 18:04:55 xfyfqg,,1,طريقة اخفاء التعليقات والاعجبات عن الاصدقاء على الفيسبوك facebook,,,,,,,2022-09-16 18:05:07 xfz9oh,,14,Can I succeed as a software engineer in Tunisia even I don't speak French at all?,,,,,,,2022-09-16 18:37:33 xfzo8k,,0,Can someone PLEASE write down lyrics (if they're in Tunisian dialect) of this song.,[](,,,,,,2022-09-16 18:53:16 xfzsf3,,5,Noumrou el dar?,"Maybe silly question but i honestly don't know. Currently trying to nda5el internet lel dar and the guy told me i need to get him exactly noumrou dar to do that. What does he mean and where do i find it. Thank you for your help.",,,,,,2022-09-16 18:58:00 xg01ql,,13,Tunisian Labeled startups - Startup Act,,,,,,,2022-09-16 19:08:02 xg0ehf,,5,is there anybody that buys from aliexpress in bulk(30-50 item) on this sub ? and can they give me what they go through with the diwana ?,,,,,,,2022-09-16 19:22:04 xg1ycp,,4,Need team for E-Health Valey Hackathon 2022,"Looking for cunning, ruthless, unhinged people from state universities to compete in E-Health Valey Hackathon 2022 just to stick it to the private universities and maybe win some cash. Need a developper , a medical student/doctor and a pharmacist. Other related disiplines are welcome ! Here is the link to the competition : [](",,,,,,2022-09-16 20:24:26 xg23dq,,1,how to get paid online,If im tryning to do something like coding or smthng similaire how can i get paid from popular site like fiverr etc?,,,,,,2022-09-16 20:30:18 xg254d,,1,plz any psychedelic here in tunisia (lsd ;mushroom),[removed],,,,,,2022-09-16 20:32:09 xg3znu,,1,How can I get an electric shocker in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-09-16 21:47:06 xg4kp6,,1,I long for the day when we would have anything remotely close to this type of projects…is it possible?,,,,,,,2022-09-16 22:11:06 xg4rif,,2,Who else also experienced:," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-16 22:19:01 xg5n8p,,1,What info from Payoneer should I send to the person I'm requesting money from?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-16 22:56:37 xg5wjh,,1,can i find some psychedelic (lsd mushroom),[removed],,,,,,2022-09-16 23:07:37 xg68uh,,3,can protein powder/creatine/pre workout... be accepted when shipped to me by a sibling outside the country?,So I have a sibling who currently lives in Russia and I'm wondering if these supplements can be sent to Tunisia with no problems?,,,,,,2022-09-16 23:22:38 xg6adh,,0,"I know this song is old but, I'd like to know your opinions about it.",,,,,,,2022-09-16 23:24:40 xgcsmv,,2,what is the sneakiest way you ever hid zatla with?,,,,,,,2022-09-17 04:41:08 xge4vu,,2,anyone playing project zomboid,,,,,,,2022-09-17 05:43:10 xgf5c6,,3,Artsy and cheap bed and breakfast / hotel / inn suggestions in Tunis?,"Coming for a visit and I am looking for a nice place to stay for a couple of nights. Maybe some sort of haven for artists, or a cheap something by the beach? Suggestions are welcomed.",,,,,,2022-09-17 06:41:51 xgfkbm,,4,"C'est quoi les synonymes du mots ""Argent"" en Tunisien ?",Merci de répondre.,,,,,,2022-09-17 07:06:34 xgfytp,,2,Where to find data online about Tunisia,"Hey chabeb, I’m looking for any kind of data about anything in Tunisia online Any suggestions?",,,,,,2022-09-17 07:30:37 xgh10v,,1,is it wrong to split the bill with my bf?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-17 08:34:03 xghqhj,,0,"mel9itch local, chniya l7al ?",,,,,,,2022-09-17 09:15:49 xghwxv,,6,Best internet in tunisia,"I have a new home and I am planning to install wifi in my house. I used to have topnet in my parents house and it was generally fine. But the case is that telecom has some technical issues in the area that I am living in and for the time I cannot install a new line. So I wanted to know if ooredoo or orange are as good as topnet in terms of price and internet speed. So for those of you who has ooredoo or orange ADSL installed in their home please give us your honest opinion. Thank you cery much.",,,,,,2022-09-17 09:26:30 xgij5j,,3,ye5i ken n7eb na3mel formation solidworks lezmni pc fih GPU?,,,,,,,2022-09-17 10:03:59 xgimcx,,0,Tunisians playing soccer in middle east,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-17 10:09:20 xgiy33,,2,Witch visa free country you wanna visit ?,"**Tunisia have 34 countries with visa free entry up to 90 days.** **Many countries offer VISA ON ARRIVAL or an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) but for visa-free countries witch one would you want to visit?** [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-17 10:27:44 xgj857,,1,"Reddit, would you ever pay for sex? Has anyone ever paid for sex before?",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-17 10:43:55 xgkejx,,2,How can I go from the train station in Tunis to the Cité sportive d'El Menzah apart from metro?,"I know there's a metro that will take you just right there, but tbh I hate metros and I've never felt comfortable riding them, so I try to avoid them. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-09-17 11:48:38 xgkqus,,5,Self-taught programmer in Tunisia,"Is it easy to get hired for a job in Tunisia as a self-taught programmer? (no certificate or degree) Any idea about the salary?",,,,,,2022-09-17 12:05:48 xgltrf,,8,does anyone play paladins ?,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-09-17 12:57:34 xgmbw9,,1,where I can get Finasteride without a prescription ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-17 13:19:50 xgmhky,,0,"Tunisian types, type 4: The Nahdhaoui","Check my posts for an idea about Tunisian types 1, 2 and 3. Here is type 4 tho: The nahdhoui still seriously believes that Nahdha represents Islam and that Ghanouchi is a light version of Omar He cares about Tunisia because he lives there but he cares as much about Egypt and Türkiye He will never ever accept or be happy for any Tunisian success as long as his party isn't in power He seriously believes that Türkiye is a developed country and that Turks see him as a brother He still seriously believe that Bin Zayed is wrong in his brutal war against the Brotherhood",,,,,,2022-09-17 13:26:40 xgn4fq,,8,Food crisis looms over Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-17 13:53:54 xgphio,,2,What happens if u don’t register your imported phone on during the 30days period.,,,,,,,2022-09-17 15:29:58 xgpqa3,,1,Politics of the Czech Republic,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-17 15:39:43 xgqado,,177,How AI sees carthage,,,,,,,2022-09-17 16:02:03 xgqvs3,,4,what is the gender ratio of bars in Tunisia,"I have never been to a Tunisian bar, I went to some bars in other Arab country but majority were males, I will be going to a bar and I wanna know what to expect, if location matters then I will be in tunis and nabel and sfax and el kef, if you went to a bar to any of these places please inform me on the ratio",,,,,,2022-09-17 16:25:29 xgqzgy,,0,houmet eloued gafsa.,Need a plug,,,,,,2022-09-17 16:29:33 xgr7io,,0,bellehy kifeh transport Mel mourouj lel esprit ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-17 16:38:34 xgr9n3,,1,online and part-time jobs in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-17 16:40:51 xgrjg4,,5,Is it safe for a teenage girl to walk around her neighbourhood during the day?,Edit: for clarification I live in a safe middle class/upper class neighborhood the concern is that it’s very quiet and though it is deemed safe I have gone out and been stared at by men quite a bit. I also grew up kinda shelter from being out alone which adds to the anxiety.,,,,,,2022-09-17 16:51:36 xgrt22,,3,getting money before graduating,"so is it feasible ta9ra w te5dem like ta9ra lisence+ master w fakel 5 snin te5dem b salaire ma39oul (500<) . asking about time management possible wala le twafa9 bin 9raya w 5edma",,,,,,2022-09-17 17:02:08 xgrxyz,,1,what is the best plan after getting a license degree from university.,,,,,,,2022-09-17 17:07:27 xgs76q,,0,"EL ""H""","9raha/9ratha maaya bil 7abes a.k.a khadem el H Concept (طريقة تفكير او وجهة نظر ) yestaamlou barsha touensa Kifech tchouf walla chneya raykom fih ?",,,,,,2022-09-17 17:17:50 xgsyng,,1,The best credit card provider?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-17 17:49:25 xgt0gr,,3,Best credit card provider?,"Hi everyone, I hate walking around with liquid money in my pocket so I'm looking for a credit card that could be used instead(small amount), someone suggested the one of ( La poste Tunisienne ), but does it work online or to pay with in restaurants/shops?",,,,,,2022-09-17 17:51:28 xgtufw,,4,I built a website to test Authentication that I would like you to test (if you want),"I used passport to authentic the incoming data to my website and I would like you guys to test it. It's a simple app that you can use to share secrets anonymously. Also should I add this website to my resume/CV?",,,,,,2022-09-17 18:25:55 xgtv0a,,0,Fuel Prices up again??!!!,"Yeah, we going to buy some horses soon enough!! FUCKING INFLATION, FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!",,,,,,2022-09-17 18:26:32 xgui5w,,39,I have been seeing this a lot over Facebook… what do you think?,,,,,,,2022-09-17 18:53:45 xgv4bb,,0,WHAT DO TUNISIANS THINK ABOUT THIS ??,"just saw this on fb timeline [just](",,,,,,2022-09-17 19:19:28 xgvszk,,17,Revolut kinda works,"Slm nes elkol, nchouf f barcha nes le9ya mochkla f inha tokhlos ken tikhdim online wala thib ykoun 3andha flous lbarra, donc habit n3awen belli naaref. Tajmou taamlou compte revolut ( yi9bil el num tunisien) w mbaad ma taamel verification yitsayeblik el compte w tajam tekhou 3liha zeda mastercard. Bitbi3a tajamch t7awel flous min tounis lil compte heka, ama ken bech tokhlos flous min bara wala aandek flous lbara tajam tkhalihom f compte heka. Revolut mahech janna, s7i7 rkhis w yaatik some perks, but for some services ( if you plan on going in for stocks, crypto...) it more often than not has issues. For the regular use i can attest inha cv. I hope this helps.",,,,,,2022-09-17 19:48:35 xgw3w1,,1,حل مشكلة جوجل كروم لا يعمل بدون برامج google chrome,,,,,,,2022-09-17 20:01:08 xh0ewh,,1,Is it possible to actually bring a car with you when you’re emigrating elsewhere ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-17 23:04:59 xh0m5t,,3,"What’s your thoughts on Decree No. 54 of 2022 dated September 13, 2022 on combating crimes related to information and communication systems ?",,,,,,,2022-09-17 23:14:10 xh0ug9,,1,علاش العباد الي عندهم لهجة هذا الطفل ديما يطلعوا كلوشرات و فرارات ؟ هيا هاذي لهجة العاصمة ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-17 23:24:33 xh2l9x,,7,"hey everyone, what would you say are the most progressive/socially modern, woman-friendly neighbourhoods in Sousse and in Tunis?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-18 00:46:26 xh3e9m,,1,Any appartements with pools to rent (maximum 330 dinars),,,,,,,2022-09-18 01:25:30 xh3tsv,,1,UPDATE : I built a website to test Authentication.,"I would like to thank anyone who tested the website sincerely. And for the people who gave me feedback thank you more. I have read the feedback and implemented them First I added an Email and password verification. The email has to follow user@domain.ext And the password has to be at least 6 characters and contain both lower and uppercase. I also fixed a bug where secrets aren't shown. (it was an error on my part 😅) You can still check the website at If you have any more feedback I'd appreciate it. Known bugs: at the time of writing this you won't be able to register with Facebook or Google. Because updating domain settings take time, I believe it'll fix itself soon. Edit:: Facebook and Google Login are now working fine",,,,,,2022-09-18 01:46:43 xha54o,,1,Any tips for shipping from the US?,"I'm trying to ship a package to a friend living in Bizerte, and I live in the United States. I've run into some difficulty trying to figure this out on my own, and it seems like FedEx won't even ship to Bizerte? The package I'm trying to send is under 2kg, but they're personal items I already own, so I don't think a forwarding service would work. If anyone has any experience with this or any recommendations please let me know, thanks.",,,,,,2022-09-18 07:28:26 xhazsw,,1,The song that made your Turkish neighbor cry at 3AM like,,,,,,,2022-09-18 08:18:38 xhbb4u,,16,Are you with or against positive sex education in primary school and why?,,,,,,,2022-09-18 08:37:18 xhbljb,,57,thoughts,,,,,,,2022-09-18 08:55:04 xhbwda,,62,"PSA: Make sure to READ and UNDERSTAND the new Cyber Law. This is SERIOUS. Most Tunisians are in violation of at least one rule (Cracked Windows and games, Downloaded TV shows and songs..).",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-18 09:12:36 xhc9h7,,4,Anyone is Seoul South Korea?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-18 09:34:24 xhcifn,,2,Mitacs internships,"Hello, I'm going to apply for Mitacs internships in Canada but I'm wondering if it's better to translate my transcript of records into English or just send them in French, someone told me everyone there can understand English but French is not of course. Plz if anyone has any advice I need to apply before 22nd September.",,,,,,2022-09-18 09:49:56 xhcxx5,,1,quitting life,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-18 10:15:44 xheo11,,2,Europe & Europeans,,,,,,,2022-09-18 11:53:08 xheuq3,,9,what is the best written tounsi show in your opinion?,Please ignite the comments with debates,,,,,,2022-09-18 12:02:09 xhffjg,,0,What is the greatest location in Sousse for team building activities that cost little or nothing?,,,,,,,2022-09-18 12:31:03 xhfjhb,,1,smartphone recommendation,"i want to buy a new smartphone ( a decent one ) my budget is 800 TND any suggestions?",,,,,,2022-09-18 12:36:27 xhg5mf,,1,Transport in Tunisia,"Hello, I am planning a trip trough Tunisia with friend of mine and I would like to ask what would you recomend or prefer to travel by? How developed are railways and what are the prices for tickets, do you use apps? Are delays usual? (I am used to delays so) and what about buses? What is the probability of meeting an ticket inspector in the light metro in Tunis? Any other facts/tips would help :) Thank you!",,,,,,2022-09-18 13:04:39 xhg9om,,5,Any Tunisian medical students that took USMLE/MCCQE here?,"- How much did it cost overall? - How hard is it compared to the Tunisian curriculum? -Were you able to work in the US/Canada afterwards?",,,,,,2022-09-18 13:09:56 xhgk0c,,0,Is this accurate???,,,,,,,2022-09-18 13:22:22 xhgmg4,,2,Need some good suggestions,"Is there any good places accessible with a car where i can share a private moment (means few people and NO COPS) in Tunis or Ariana ? Thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-09-18 13:25:21 xhhulv,,2,Restaurants for a dinner date in Tunis,"Hello guys, please I need help with the names of good restaurants for a dinner date in Tunis.",,,,,,2022-09-18 14:17:27 xhhxvm,,1,How profitable is e-commerce in Tunisia?,"It seems like everyone and their grandma is hopping on this trend, so I came to u guys thinking that you might have an idea on how profitable ""actually"" is.",,,,,,2022-09-18 14:21:02 xhi71n,,18,Nice to meet you Anus!,,,,,,,2022-09-18 14:31:27 xhis3z,,1,delivery in tunisia,soo delivery guys how much do you get paid,,,,,,2022-09-18 14:54:59 xhjoep,,3,metro tunis,how’s the metro in tunis? i never had the opportunity to use it. what are your opinions on what should be done to make it better if anything?,,,,,,2022-09-18 15:30:14 xhjs1l,,2,Tunisia is becoming a European-funded poor buffer zone for subsaharian Africans.(like Hunger Games :12 poor Districts vs The krozz Capitol). Change My Mind.,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-18 15:34:15 xhkffy,,5,does a murderer gets death penalty or prison in tunisia if so for how many years ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-18 16:00:41 xhl52s,,1,What are your thought About it?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-18 16:28:11 xhl6zm,,10,What is your thought about it?,استدعاء كل من رئيس الحركة راشد الغنوشي ونائبه علي العريض للمثول غدا الاثنين أمام وحدة مكافحة الإرهاب دون تحديد سبب الاستدعاء. ورجحت نفس المصادر، أن تكون الدعوة على خلفية التحقيق في ما يعرف بملف التسفير إلى بؤر التوتر. وكانت وحدة مكافحة الإرهاب في تونس، قد أوقفت صباح الأربعاء الماضي القيادي بالنهضة الحبيب اللوز في إطار التحقيقات في هذه القضية. كما أصدرت النيابة العامة في وقت سابق، مذكرة إيقاف بحق ثلاثة مسؤوليين أمنيين سابقين إضافة إلى النائب السابق بكتلة ائتلاف الكرامة رضا الجوادي,,,,,,2022-09-18 16:30:12 xhlupn,,1,does any one know how to cash mony from payoneer and if carte e-dinar jeune is one of them,,,,,,,2022-09-18 16:56:31 xhn8s0,,2,do you think the government and isp will actually start to crack down on piracy (movies/video games/songs/cracked programs...ect.) the next few years?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-18 17:51:23 xhnb6n,,3,Hey folks win najem netrena natation ?,Near of the capital please and thanks,,,,,,2022-09-18 17:54:10 xhoglp,,6,Gifts from the USA for Tunisian hosts,Hello ... I am leaving next week for a 3 week trip to Tunisia. I will get to visit several families and hopefully a school. I heard that peanut butter is hard to get in Tunisia and was wondering if that would be a good gift. I have some chocolate sauce that is made here in Michigan. I would appreciate any suggestions from Tunisians.,,,,,,2022-09-18 18:39:33 xhoj1j,,6,What drives you in life ?,,,,,,,2022-09-18 18:42:12 xhojby,,2,Best way to make new friends (Tunis) ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-18 18:42:33 xhp4ft,é_to_have/,5,can anyone recommend me a good café to have breakfast in benzart not far from the old harbor. a quiet place to study.,,,,,,,2022-09-18 19:06:04 xhpg9p,,40,"thanks to the current top post, i gave a read to the new cyber security laws and Jesus christ","For the love of god people, read them and share them and much as possible. These new laws are genuinely horrifying, the post may have talked about cracked software but the new laws are pretty much destroying the concept of private life online. Anything you say or do online is saved for 2 years minimum by ISPs (and thanks to the new laws, they're legally required to do so) and the police agencies have the legal right to use this data against you. So any illegal activity you may do and post about or talk about with anyone you know online, can and probably will be used against you. Also there is a law in the text which is pretty much gonna prohibit the publication of police brutality. Be wary of anything you say or do and share the text as much as possible. People need to be aware of the new laws and of what the state can do to them.",,,,,,2022-09-18 19:19:09 xhrkeu,,0,sad short story,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-18 20:45:19 xhsy7n,,0,Who is worse ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-18 21:41:05 xhtgfo,,3,My opinion on decree number 54,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-18 22:01:42 xhv7ey,,2,Doing masters in Germany,"i m 2 year computer science student aiming to do masters in germany . the question is what s the minimum GPA required to get accepted in German universities because i repeated a year and i m afraid that it will effect my chances despite my good results after ?",,,,,,2022-09-18 23:16:49 xhwoqr,,1,(EXTREME CRINGE) The music video that Korean government doesn't want you to know about,,,,,,,2022-09-19 00:22:53 xi4pfi,,13,What are common Tunisian last names?,"I’m writing a novel where a couple of lead characters is from a Tunisian family, and while I have the first names down, I would like a proper last name. I could just go to google and find some list, but I’d rather hear it from real people actually having experience with it, knowing the meaning and context of the name. Thank you! Edit: These replies are magnificent, thank you so much! I’ve noted down the ones I like",,,,,,2022-09-19 07:07:52 xi5nq5,,1,Trip suggestions for parents - Oct,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-19 08:04:22 xi6fe7,,1,is Tunisia showing off something we don't have?,,,,,,,2022-09-19 08:50:58 xi73eu,,69,شكرا سيد الرئيس,,,,,,,2022-09-19 09:30:00 xi8ahe,,1,What happens when you report a number to the police?,Aaslema ki wehed yechki b noumrou w yhezou lel hakem chnouwa ysir bethabt?,,,,,,2022-09-19 10:35:49 xi8nfx,,7,Any psychonauts ?,"i’d like to know if there’s fellow psychonauts in Tunisia, people interested is psychedelics meditation…",,,,,,2022-09-19 10:54:56 xi8y26,,1,lawyers of reddit what can you do the moment you know your phone number has been prosecuted.,,,,,,,2022-09-19 11:09:22 xi9qmz,,1,#عاجل : محطة المترو الرمانة طعن أحد الركاب في البطن خلال #براكاج دموي و إيقاف الجناة,,,,,,,2022-09-19 11:48:12 xi9spj,,1,Can someone explain the new laws for me?,"I've been off social media and news lately focusing on other important things in my life but everyone on reddit and outside are talking about the ""censorship"" / ""piratage"" laws? Can someone give me a link where i can read those laws or explain them in this thread? Thanks (resources are appreciated)",,,,,,2022-09-19 11:50:56 xia26d,,0,narja3 lil tounes wala nemchi Europe?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-19 12:02:48 xiadto,,0,Any music artists here?,"Are there any music artists here? Beatmakers, rappers, singers, bands, etc.",,,,,,2022-09-19 12:17:23 xiaj9w,",520,122895,3",2,إذا كانك ماشي تقدم شكوى في المركز، هاو شنوة يستنى فيك,,,,,,,2022-09-19 12:24:09 xias10,,1,Naruto AMV - Halsey nightmare,,,,,,,2022-09-19 12:34:51 xic2b6,آرائكم_عن_التكوين_المهني/,2,آرائكم عن التكوين المهني؟,نحب نقل من الثاية اداب للتكوين، اما مازلت موش عارف سواء توصل ولا ماتوصلش.,,,,,,2022-09-19 13:28:13 xiccc2,,0,KHEDMA KHEDMA KHEDMA,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-19 13:39:07 xicj6n,,0,#فيديو حصري عن ايقاف #راشد_الغنوشي و #علي_العريض بتهمة #الارهاب و تجمهر عدد كبير من انصار #النهضة امام فرقة مكافحة الإرهاب.... #شاهد الغنوشي و عريض و مورو و غيرهم,,,,,,,2022-09-19 13:46:41 xidcbz,,71,"wtf, New restaurant in Tunisia",,,,,,,2022-09-19 14:17:40 xiezcb,,0,"Why did Tunisians neglect the old fox Ahmed Ounaies' wise words about the ""revolution""?","So, for those who are young or don't know who Ahmed Ounaies is I can quickly say that he is an old (and old) Tunisian minister who immediately after the turmoil of 2011 came out and warned for the eventual chaos that would take place. And of course he had right. A decade after the coup against President Ben Ali, not only has Tunisia gone back in basically everything but also we witnessed terrorist attacks, political assassinations and much more. Now when the new president is trying to fix things, even tho on the one hand his intervention came a bit late and on the other hand he is going quite slowly, there are still people who don't seem to have understood anything. Seriously what is wrong with these people? و بعد يجيو يقولو بلڤاسم حالة مستعصية",,,,,,2022-09-19 15:20:00 xigep5,,4,diplomas from english schools in tunisia,what kind of diplomas do English schools provide? are they even worth it or any different from regular BAC? or worse? would be a waste of money and years worth of time if its as worthless as canadian BAC (which i have heard is bad),,,,,,2022-09-19 16:00:03 xigpxt,,2,Chkoun yaaref psy behy fel Grand Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-09-19 16:10:25 xihp47,,9,TF is this? Wierd to have sponsored tunisian stuff on reddit,,,,,,,2022-09-19 16:46:00 xii8hh,,9,Can you be held accountable for pirating something in the past by the new law or is it for what do you online from now on?,,,,,,,2022-09-19 17:05:45 xiifui,,2,the new cyber security laws stuff isn't that serious,"Can y'all chill pirating shit has always been illegal and the government gave no fucks if they did they would end up embarrassing themselves cause of the amount of pirated software circulating in government offices colleges and public schools, pretty much everything mentioned fil marsoum ain't new except the fake news stuff.",,,,,,2022-09-19 17:13:23 xiij2r,,1,I know this sounds crazy but is there a lawyer like Saul Goodman (jimmy) but in tunisia ? (Urgent),Is there a lawyer like Saul Goodman (jimmy) but in tunisia ? (Urgent),,,,,,2022-09-19 17:16:37 xijo23,,0,"TF is this? I saw it at least 5 times this past hour alone, its sponsored.",,,,,,,2022-09-19 17:58:25 xijxny,,1,Is it possible to retire in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-19 18:08:09 xikp2h,,1,The more you know,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-19 18:36:56 xikrc1,,4,Sure,,,,,,,2022-09-19 18:39:17 xiku2t,,7,just a rant while trying to get milk,"Mchit lel 3attar chnekhou bakou 7lib 9ali mafamesh wena kharej mala steyek mrasfin g7ertlou 9ali fesdin :) I mean wtf xD",,,,,,2022-09-19 18:42:01 xima15,,1,painting replical," There is a painting that means alot to me , does anyone know someone that can replicate it for me ? (Grand tunis)",,,,,,2022-09-19 19:35:21 xip7ab,,1,زين العابدين #بن_علي .. #وثائقي جديد و خاص بمناسبة ذكرى وفاته الثالثة من إنتاج موقع الخبر نت ... و تجاهل تم للمحاسبة من وسائل الإعلام #شاهد ⬇️⬇️⬇️,,,,,,,2022-09-19 21:23:57 xiqad6,,4,Anyone studied business analytics fi esprit ?,"Nheb nes2el 3al formation w kol Thanks guuuys",,,,,,2022-09-19 22:05:25 xit2cs,,2,"As a person who have no medical insurance from work, how you suggest one manage this in case needed a medical attention?",,,,,,,2022-09-20 00:00:31 xiuws2,,2,salem i need advice,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-20 01:19:24 xiwmi3,,3,best place to buy old cars parts in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-20 02:35:15 xiyf7f,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-20 04:00:13 xiyfqd,,1,history of hammams? female healers?,"I'm trying to understand women in the workplace, do the attendants that run these use a spiritual methodology? where can I identify orgs/groups/places/sites where this exists today? was it a rite of passage into girlhood? Edit: trying to understand how it’s a safe space for women, to gossip or rest…maybe a social gathering before an event? And it’s privacy or intimacy it offers? Sorry western is showing",,,,,,2022-09-20 04:00:33 xj2lne,,10,can I use my driving license in Europe ?,,,,,,,2022-09-20 07:56:03 xj2rb8,,47,What i’ve learned after a week of driving in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-20 08:05:27 xj33bs,,2,I felt that the author was describing Tunisia in this passage,"from the book "" the orchard keeper"" by cormac mc carthy. "" They were rented to families of gaunt hollow-eyed and darkskinned people , not Mellungeons and not exactly anything else, who reproduced with such frightening prolificness that their entire lives appeared devoted to the production of the ragged line of scions who shoeless and tattered sat for hours at a time on the porch edges, themselves not unlike the victims of some terrible disaster, and stared out across the blighted land with expressions of neither hope nor wonder nor despair. They came and went, unencumbered as migratory birds, each succeeding family a replica of the one before and only the names on the mailboxes altered, the new ones lettered crudely in above a rack of paint smears that obliterated the former occupants back into the anonymity from which they sprang."" Like I said, I come from Tunisia and when I read this I felt like he was describing people of my country. Most youth here spend the whole day standing near the walls watching and observing and staring because of joblessness and boredom. People are struggling and seem to have no idea of purpose or meaning. Thousands are fleeing each year illegally to europe through the midetteranean and thousands die in that sea in sad anonimity.",,,,,,2022-09-20 08:26:42 xj3i03,,1,The sexy music video that made Arabic government want to burn it with the extreme hot fire in the middle of the Sahara desert like (Humour/ضحك),[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-20 08:52:50 xj3k6r,,19,Tor vs VPN,,,,,,,2022-09-20 08:56:48 xj45yi,,2,My friend is doing a small operation in farhat hachet sousse and h’es asked to bring two person for blood donation,Is that obligatory ?,,,,,,2022-09-20 09:33:13 xj57d4,,1,Tunisians living abroad,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-20 10:33:58 xj58s7,,3,we are heading towards economy collapse and this country still isn't allowing digital money for their own citizens? instead of yall always kissing ass for the other annoying Muslim countries for their Islamic bs why can't u follow them on good stuff like how to make fucking money digitally,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-20 10:36:15 xj67fz,,3,Permis f tounes experience,"Hey, I want to ask you if you can share your ""Permis"" experience in Tunisia, the worst things you had while passing your exam, the examanitor behavior etc ..",,,,,,2022-09-20 11:27:39 xj6arg,,2,Exporting commercial goods to Europe,"Hi all, I'm interested in exporting stuff like ceramics to Europe for commercial reasons. How does the procedere looks like to get the stuff through customs and are there any tips I should know? Thx a million",,,,,,2022-09-20 11:32:09 xj6wh7,,16,"Serious question , how is the sex life between couples in tunisia ?","Okey it’s kind a crazy question maybe for some people but I’m really asking in Reddit cause there is no other place where I can ask . So since we are a Muslim country , how do you guys think about the sexual life in our country ? I mean I know anal is not practiced here by most of the people o guess . But what about other practices ? I heard even there is Tunisians who have sex only when the light is off , also do you guys think Tunisians accept or practice oral sex ( for exemple blowjobs or eating the girl down do girls or guys accept such practices ? ) You think Tunisians discuss sex and how to improve sexual relationships between the couple ? People who wanna discuss this topic : please be respectful . THANKS !!",,,,,,2022-09-20 12:01:25 xj70oj,,1,sigh...,,,,,,,2022-09-20 12:07:04 xj8xio,,1,فضيحة جديدة #مريم_الدباغ تظهر مفاتنها على شاطئ البحر #للكبار فقط #شاهد قبل الحذف,,,,,,,2022-09-20 13:32:04 xja8go,,0,"Tunisian types, type 5: the Western wannabe","For types 1 to 4 check my old posts, here is type 5 tho: He seriously thinks that living in a developed country and having a good (happy) life are the same thing completely ignoring statistics He knows that if he declare he is an atheist he will be rejected by society so he never actually clearly says it but his words will often reveal him He goes to the gym and orders food delivery to home not because of health reasons or actually because he doesn't have time but because people in the West do it lol He spends 75% of his awake time playing video games and still defends his behaviour and claims he's doing something good He seriously thinks that women in the West are looking for men from other countries cos there are no men in Europe haha What did I forget?",,,,,,2022-09-20 14:25:12 xjc74l,,2,How did you land your End of study internship Abroad,"What was your strategy you used finding the internship, how long did the process take, what country did you go to ?",,,,,,2022-09-20 15:42:26 xjcvh9,أنشأت_صفحة_في_ريدت_لدارسي_اللغة_العربية_أن_يتدربوا/,4,أنشأت صفحة في ريدت لدارسي اللغة العربية أن يتدربوا,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-20 16:08:16 xjdd8l,,7,is having a college degree necessary to launch a startup?,,,,,,,2022-09-20 16:27:37 xjddhd,,7,what the fuck what is this account,,,,,,,2022-09-20 16:27:54 xje9mb,,1,Hey,"Hey folks, am a tunisian student and i wanna ask if anyone can help me know if i can apply for Uni in UK when am 31 years old and hadn't finish my degree in here yet (currently 3rd year) coz some plp are telling me that theres age limit to do so...thank you",,,,,,2022-09-20 17:02:36 xjef6y,,21,Is there really a law that prohibits tunisian women from being with a non-tunisian?,"I was visiting Tunisia to see my girlfriend and as I was driving around, I have been stopped at a police checkpoint. They claimed that it is prohibited for her (a respectful adult woman) to be in a car with a non tunisian. They called it (مراودة أجنبي) even tho we just have been in the same car doing nothing disrespectful. They even threatened to call her parents and have been very rude. They were clearly asking for a bribe, which I eventually ended up paying..",,,,,,2022-09-20 17:08:35 xjeos6,,4,Some board games fans in Sousse ?,"Hello, are there some modern board games fans in Sousse (not monopoly or Uno) that are interested in meeting up and creating some small board game group to play ?",,,,,,2022-09-20 17:18:56 xjfq2d,,7,is Spanish easier than Italian?,So 5tart option italien but everyone is telling me that if I want good grades I should've chosen Spanish since it's easier apparently. So is that true?,,,,,,2022-09-20 17:59:11 xjgzt4,,1,"Most Alcohol-consuming arab countries per capita, from 1987 until now",,,,,,,2022-09-20 18:47:47 xjh9vw,,10,The country is heading towards an unknown future and the state is busy distracting us from reality and clowning,,,,,,,2022-09-20 18:58:29 xjhcjy,,0,"As long as the state opened the files, why doesn't it address this person's file?",,,,,,,2022-09-20 19:01:05 xjhl5z,,0,كيفاش مثل هذا الشخص يتحصل على الجنسية التونسية و هو معروف أنو من جماعة دحلان و قاعد ينبر علينا,,,,,,,2022-09-20 19:09:57 xjiwii,,4,Are there Ukrainian refugees in Tunisia?,"If yes, how are they percieved /treated?",,,,,,2022-09-20 20:00:35 xjja6p,,25,"Poor Palestine, sorry I mean Tunisia",,,,,,,2022-09-20 20:15:36 xjjka1,,1,Facebook 'nearby' apps,What is/are the most apps Tunisians uses to match depended upon the area?(like Zingr),,,,,,2022-09-20 20:26:24 xjkhcj,,0,"""n7eb local"" sar5et madhloum",,,,,,,2022-09-20 21:01:38 xjkxob,,1,Where can I find these lunch box cakes in Sfax?,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-09-20 21:19:19 xjl5as,,4,Quick question. If I had a friend from outside of Tunisia and we made a project together and he gives me the money in cash when he visits here once a month is there any issues with that ? Or the money needs to go through the central bank? is there any process the I need to follow ?,,,,,,,2022-09-20 21:27:35 xjlfla,,0,Paperwork,"What papers you legally can and should have during various situations to keep as a reference for future needs or legal matters. things like a copy of a contract you signed, or papers you get from your employer, etc...",,,,,,2022-09-20 21:38:37 xjodxk,,2,Thoughts on this interaction ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-20 23:38:53 xjp4fi,,2,شنوا رايك في مشكلة الكلاب السايبة ؟ و وقت الدولة موش قادرة دبرلهم مأوى تدعم قتلانهم ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-21 00:11:03 xjqzll,,1,Nheb nechri manette pour pc,"basically nheb nechri manette w aandi zouz 9dom najamch genre nbi3hom w nzid aalehom for a good manette or sthg ? ah w b9adeh manette behya ? w enehi ? help",,,,,,2022-09-21 01:32:28 xjr3q5,,2,my wife wants an open minded boyfriend..,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-21 01:37:43 xjyffp,,2,I'm living abroad now since 2 years and I'm thinking about coming back to Tunisia. give me reasons to not do so !,,,,,,,2022-09-21 07:49:35 xjyqev,,17,"Tunisian men, what are your physical turnoffs on a woman?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-21 08:07:49 xjyqok,,20,"Tunisian women, what are your physical turnoffs on a man?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-21 08:08:19 xjzmxj,,1,بي بي سي عربي تتحدث عن الراقصة التي افتتحت البطولة العربية لكرة اليد في تونس,,,,,,,2022-09-21 09:03:49 xjzwb2,,1,PC warranty problem,Techri pc light gaming mn sbs fih 1 year warranty ysiroulek fih machekel meme pas l 1 year wfet thezhoulhom first time ygedouhoulek trawah bih jawou behi meme pas 5days the problem is back long story short toked mechi jey alehom krib 6 marrat w theshom they aint doing their job blgde khater the problem persists w they blame it on your cables ( keep in mind li your cables are perfectly fine you tested everything) at some point toked l mochkla haka lin l wakt mtaa l warranty youfa w you're left with a half broken pc what do you do ?,,,,,,2022-09-21 09:19:37 xk26mh,,12,Do you think Tunisia will suffer from Energy shortage the same way as in Europe this winter?,,,,,,,2022-09-21 11:24:14 xk2aos,,3,Any advice to learn German more efficiently and faster?,"Hello Lads! I started learning German a week ago and it's a very very low process, I'm planning to pass à certification exam ( aiming at least B1 ) Is there a way to make my learning experience more efficient? Do you guys know a good online platform that has plenty of exercises and grammar tips ? Thanks a lot",,,,,,2022-09-21 11:29:46 xk2g6x,,3,What's the meaning of My mrigel?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-21 11:37:03 xk33dd,,1,what are the easiest ways to get out from the country?,"People would answer me that I should get 19 on bac, but I don't think I can manage to do that. any other suggestions or past experiences?",,,,,,2022-09-21 12:07:20 xk36bq,,6,Any Tunisians living in Finland here?,"Hey, I’m very much interested in moving to Finland for many reasons. Can you share your experience of moving there?",,,,,,2022-09-21 12:11:13 xk3xkx,,8,US/Tunisia democratic systems,"Hi! I'm wondering what this group thinks about recent US pressure on the Tunisian government to shift direction away from the consolidation of presidential powers toward providing political diversity and so called ""checks and balances"" to the political system.  Here's an article: I'm a Chicagoan (who will be coming to Tunisia in June :) - can't wait!), and I don't have adequate background in Tunisian politics to have an opinion about this. All I can say, from an American perspective, is that US ""checks and balances"" - and electoral systems, and civil political discourse, and evidence based decision making, among other things - failed pretty miserably under Trump, so maybe the US should worry a little more about their own decaying political system.  But I'm curious to hear some Tunisians' perspectives. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-09-21 12:45:38 xk4ar8,,4,how would you react if you SO confesses that they cheated on you,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-21 13:01:13 xk4w7r,,1,Tunisia opposition chief questioned all night by counter-terrorism police,,,,,,,2022-09-21 13:26:01 xk5dyq,,2,IT conversion experiences,"Hey guys, I was thinking about reconverting to IT or do a specific programming language course. My current degree doesn't have as much job offers in Tunisia or Europe as I would like and Ive seen some people succeed after converting to IT. Do any of you guys did it? What school/education center did you get your certificate from? Are you happy with the conversion?",,,,,,2022-09-21 13:46:28 xk5fb4,,102,I want to appreciate my country a little more. What things can we do to make Tunisia better? Small daily things that can make a change in the long term?,,,,,,,2022-09-21 13:47:59 xk7c17,,3,Alibaba and CTI,"Asslema chabeb , fama chkoun jarreb staamel lcarte technologique internationale f alibaba w had a good experience?",,,,,,2022-09-21 15:01:54 xk7xor,,26,Wtf is even this country anymore ? Dude literally hunting domestic cats for his dinner,,,,,,,2022-09-21 15:24:44 xk85tt,,2,how hard/ easy it is to get rich through boxing sport in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-09-21 15:33:25 xk96eb,,1,Is this legal in tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-21 16:10:57 xk9m0w,حي/,7,"did anyone know a city of tunisia called ""حي الغزالة"" ?",,,,,,,2022-09-21 16:26:44 xk9ush,,3,Does Amazon Prime (subscription) work in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-21 16:35:49 xka089,,2,dropshipping in tunisia!,What's the payment in tunisia available I can use in Shopify I can pay for my work and get my money,,,,,,2022-09-21 16:41:31 xkb84e,,1,Where do you think you are personally on the IQ bell curve?,"I have noticed this obsession on the subreddit of people talking about IQ. Wether it’s an individual insinuating/blatantly stating that they have a higher than average IQ or it’s using low IQ as an insult or reason for certain behaviours. Reliable and valid IQ tests are not available online, and the very inaccurate results given online vary from test to test. Reliable IQ tests are only administered in person by qualified/accredited facilities, and 99% of the time are only administered to children who have no prior knowledge of IQ/IQ testing. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-21 17:27:25 xkbk21,,1,Where to buy booze in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-21 17:39:57 xkcu9f,,1,Is there a way to receive money from someone abroad except via bank account?,,,,,,,2022-09-21 18:28:43 xkdi0z,,25,anyone have some news that can explain this?,,,,,,,2022-09-21 18:53:51 xkf246,,6,"Hey this is my first part of my biography , hope you enjoy"," BISMILLAH Wednesday the 21 th of september 2022 \-This is an essay , \-a confession , \-a quest for urgent emotional support , \-a recitation of a dramatic childhood burdened with late night gruesome beating and a life in a poor village of قُرًى الساحل التونسي الناتن \-A paper that describes the holiness of the adolescence crisis and its devastating impact on relations with opposite gender , stories that haunted my supposed 8 hours of night sleep \-I couragely decided to write the truth about my 10 years of brain-devasting time spent roughly in a college that gave me after begging a diploma that continuously ruins my life , \-this is a tale of a social revolution ‘s destructive events , \-a truly honest picture of a one year experience among the “ghorba “ dommar , events that almost catched my breath \-and eventually a complete and honest depiction Of my addiction situation … \-1: so to start : To me : the best thing is to write , to shout , to yell , to say that your problems are real and not that just : يفرجها ربي Yeah but no , i mean i suffer , i suffocate , dear Almighty have mercy upon me To me also : the worst thing is to lose a part of your beloved diary , your ancient essays , it just gone by the wind , without you noticing it got burned with flames , your papers lost and gone away in بلاد العكري \*\* ok now may I start this document , thanks for reading respect and love towards your interest in my suffering : \*Part one : Hey , i was successfully but not asked for BORN in the late 80s , an epoque of great mouvements , an era of hope and uncertainty ; God bless my mother and all yours told me that where i was born the hospital ward was infested with cockroaches , i think one of them was smart enough to enter my little developing brain and cruse it deeply that i became an insane , addict , social failure , black hearted (قلب أكحل ) And indifferent (ترما أبرد من فريغو ) Shout out to my infesting little pet … So as to say , the first memory of my life was this : i was about 5 years old and it's most likely the year 1993 , The image i remember : we were till now HAMDOULAH a happy group of people with different ages and conceptions living a middle class neighborhood in a village of east coastal tunisia (الساحل التونسي ) This is a family , and may Almighty bless and conserve yours We had like a classic house , the type they call دار عربي It was and still after 3 decades cosey and lovely …. So i remember in our yard me and my brother ( shout out bro) bought a plastic soccer ball from one of the oldest stores in town , the big Nacer GH a pioneer of our little city in the 90’s , may he RIP We brought the ball , entered happily our household , but my beloved grand Pa ( father of my PA) was sitting in a corner sipping concentrated RED tea التاي ، شاي أحمر تع المرمجيا I think that trash is like meth or crack to them old folks lol And he was smoking MARS legères , the famous , plus was enjoying some classic arabic music singing throughout the broken radio .. We didn't give a damn about grand PA ( may he RIP i still miss him he was a honest man among filthy people …) We went crazy AF , kicking the ball harder than Pele towards the wall and shouting crazy like typical middle class tunisian children …. Then sadly my memory starts to blaze and I don't recall what happened next OMG this is my cockroach pal did ate that part from my SD card … oh no :’( So i dont keep you longer , apparently what happened next was that grand PA got so upset and took our ball and yelled at as , As you can see its a story without meaning or عبرة But i will ALWAYS be proud that i did remember my first life scenario that is hamdoulah stuck in my vision , I hope you all conserve those first memories of your beautiful childhood … \-part 2 : the second event i remember was that ( no body is perfect , i am squeezing my memory part of the brain to try remember that pop song of 1996 that we used to sing ) while playing in a little so called forest in our neighborhood , like i said we lived in a village not that urbanic , So we were climbing trees singing jumping and stealing Almond (اللوز ) We were three happy and back then caring about each other , neighbors and pals , Sadly all that friendship went flying into air for those who got married , those who immigrated , those who became rich , and those who become a proud and honest addict , Those little scams and troubling we did in the hood are still present in my mind , and everytime i happen to remember em i just burst in the last tears that were left on me , But ok , that's life , nothing is permanent , see patriarch Noah… \-Part 3 folks then i will spare you my sickness memories : It was about 1997 or so , i had an uncle ( i still don't like it , he is the type of “SFAXIEN “ life style and thinking \[ no offense and big shout out \] So this asswipe convinced my little brain to go with him in a swim with his kids who were also my pals , I knew something wasn't' right but i couldn't resist So we hop up into his car that his government institution gave him , it was and old Renauld bull crap vehicle , So we arrive at time at one of the most beautiful beach and sea in Green Tunisia , you might guess .. The douche was swimming with his kids , its his right , he didnt care bout my ass and didnt even talked to me , why the fuck you brought me here asshole ? i could have been playing soccer in the hood (بطحة الحومة ) Or watching saturday’s ايقاعات عالمية على قناة 21 \-okeydoke , I left them happily swimming next to the beach and I entered the sea alone to see what it was like .. Beware of whats gon happen , I realised that my feets werent touching the sea ground properly , it was my first attempt to learn to swim , i d be a proud “ SAHLI” but fuck i coudnt do it , so i started to drown , and didnt even had the force to cry for help , and the stupid beach didnt have security punkass guard , I knew it , i was gonna die young , 9 years old maybe , so accepting this fate i started to wave and use my hands to stay on top of the water , it lasted bout couple minutes then my hands gave up so i sadly drowned for a couple of seconds and that FILM of your life cassette started to roll in my mind , but some grateful guy came out of the blue and holded me up , i was mid unconscious , so sorry i dont remember the details but i was taken back to the beach and rescued in an “ artisanal” way … The douche uncle was happy i was still alive and drove us back home while i was obnubilated .. عمر جديد تكتبلي حمدلله When i got home i walked straight to my beloved room , my baby room that kept all my secrets inside its walls , and i started to cry , since i ‘v conceived that what happened was the first shock of real life : Life doesn't ‘ hold you like a baby , life is a silent killer , it gave me mental resistant illness(’es!) , i failed college , i destroyed many lovely relationships, i overdosed , i cried in them dark long nights of rainy winter , i suffered long term virginty and spent millions dinard in drugs and alcohol in order to forget the awefull pain , i made my mother proud and then hopeless , i remember my poor father crying like a baby when he catched my big brother doing his first cigarette , i hamdoullah got graduated , worked my ass hard in my field , i helped and served hundred of people and i do love all people , i no envy no one , i swear Almighty , i have a good heart , but one day i did a suicide attempt that failed but gave me real sequels , but i learned that , after all these years of suffering , problems , abusing , hard work that the most important thing is to FIGHT TO STAY ALIVE …. Thanks , Sorry for being that emotional i just wanted to share and maybe help or inspire others with same issues \-i certainly will continue the tale if y’all kindly approve and i have time … \-farewell :)))",,,,,,2022-09-21 19:53:14 xkfdju,,17,"Tunisians living in France, do you feel like 4th class citizens?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-21 20:04:43 xkj3hy,,1,any idea kifech nsajel bech na9ra f jam3at lbara?,"I'm a bachelor's student and to know how to study abroad, like do I need to submit it now or after I get my result?",,,,,,2022-09-21 22:25:49 xklkq7,,6,formation,"hey guys , please chkoune 3andou fekra 3ala Rebootkamp (ReBootKamp (RBK Tunis) we if is it worth or not thanks.",,,,,,2022-09-22 00:08:06 xkwcah,,1,Has anyone applied for a visa to Colombia?,Has anyone applied for a visa to Colombia? I need to attend a conference there in October but those mfs keep rejecting my visa and asking me to visit a consulate in person. We don't even have a Colombian consulate here,,,,,,2022-09-22 09:12:58 xkwgkf,,1,YTUB premium in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-22 09:19:52 xkwhfh,,1,going out Sfax,"Hey there guys, anyone knows a good place for weekends in sfax ?",,,,,,2022-09-22 09:21:11 xkwxq1,,7,What values do you think are missing in this country these last 10 years?,,,,,,,2022-09-22 09:49:18 xkxcqz,,4,how to deal with your parents trying to control your life so much ?,,,,,,,2022-09-22 10:13:33 xkynbx,,27,Dating in Tunisia,"I feel like dating is too hard in Tunisia. A couple of months ago, I went out with a girl I'd been chatting with on Facebook for months. We have been talking on the phone and texting but we could not go out because we were never available at the same time. During summer vacations, when both of us were free, we finally went out and I thought we had a great time. We talked nonstop for 2 hours about different subjects, joked around and I liked her company. Guess what? I got ghosted by her. She no longer picks up on the phone and never replied to my texts. I kept thinking about what I doing wrong: we both talked, I asked her about herself, talked about myself, talked about topics that interested her and we had some things in common, I was kind and I made her laugh... I would not be surprised if she did that because I told her that I don't have a car and I don't drive my father's. Also a while ago, I and some friends from university went out. One of them was a girl and we were the first to arrive since our other friends were a bit late we sat alone in the coffee house for half an hour and the tension was so awkward... while I was trying to break the ice and talk, she just answered and then stayed silent. No effort to keep up the conversation. We got along fair enough back in university and we were not best friends or anything but come on... Another girl stood me up before even meeting after we agreed on Facebook that we will meet after work for coffee. Seriously, I wonder how guys get their girlfriends. Most of my friends are single, except for the la7asa's (lol) and the tall handsome ones. I get the feeling that people here are so insecure since it's not safe out there in Tunisia. Or maybe the girls have so many options thanks to Instagram and Facebook and people calling them out on 'Spotted' groups on Facebook, that they decide to not get interested in the guy the minute they see he is missing something. For years, I've been focusing on my career. I also work out and I believe I'm fit enough to attract some women and I also have lots of hobbies ... I'm confident in myself and people generally like my company since I'm fun and respectful so I really can't figure it out. Maybe I was having too much faith and refused to believe that most women are superficial and Tunisians are not an exception. Maybe having a car gets you from being a 6/10 to a 9/10?",,,,,,2022-09-22 11:21:45 xkywke,,2,Tunisian women: What is one physical thing you wish to change about yourselves?,Girls only plz!,,,,,,2022-09-22 11:34:52 xkzzne,,12,considering going back to high school after i dropout im now 21 is it possible,"i dropped out of high school in my 2nd year of high school due to deprission and frustration of the school life and went doing and i got it (automation) the thing is now that im older and more ambitous i dont want to settle and to being a simple techniacean i kinda got ambitous most bts stuff are meh at best there are some good ones but i fallen in love with computer science while studying alone my question is there anyway to go back to school now as a 21 year old student?",,,,,,2022-09-22 12:27:03 xl0yoa,,3,Paintings of Mahdia generated by DALL-E,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-22 13:09:32 xl1j3p,,35,The Tunisian Intern Experience.exe,,,,,,,2022-09-22 13:33:04 xl231w,,1,TIFU by prioritizing location to work description,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-22 13:55:39 xl24h4,,146,Meh,,,,,,,2022-09-22 13:57:15 xl2b2z,,0,TIFU by prioritizing location to work description,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-22 14:04:08 xl3zus,,1,Why does the majority of Tunisian guys chose to marry a foreign women over a Tunisian one,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-22 15:08:48 xl4pzf,,54,...,,,,,,,2022-09-22 15:36:27 xl4rn1,,2,Asking for a friend !,Is there anyone here going to the madfest tomorrow?,,,,,,2022-09-22 15:38:11 xl4ux6,,0,"Tunisian types, type 6: the democracy and ""Dawlet El 9anun"" guy.","For types 1 to 5 please check my posts. Here's type 6 tho His life revolves around Tunisia. Tunisia and its politics are in other words more important to him than his private life He still believes that democracy and the state of law are possible with a population like that. Nothing wrong with the people btw but it is just completely incompatible with democracy He thinks that sitting and theorising about democracy and state of law behind a computer is the same thing as in reality He find it weird that people don't agree with him totally ignoring that people don't even listen to their creator He nags about democracy and diversity but applies nothing of it in his private and professional life He gets so happy and will share any news in which Tunisia is mentioned abroad even if it is mentioned by the toilet cleaner of the Congress What could I add?",,,,,,2022-09-22 15:41:39 xl8o3k,,1,"is there an actual law in the school system that doesn't allow long hair for males? ( clean, in good health hair )",,,,,,,2022-09-22 18:07:19 xl8ons,,0,girls of tinder/bumble?,"I've been on tinder /bumble for quite some time now .. I'm not going to talk about my experiances there but i kept noticing that a lot of girls there are just like: like y (swipe right) or match with y and never text or never reply to yre message or even ghost y after a shor time . The question is why would they act like that ??",,,,,,2022-09-22 18:07:55 xl9y5n,,2,hi i need advice.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-22 18:56:24 xl9z6z,,2,Discord in Tunisia,Hey guys and girls can any one suggeste any good chat group or products like'' boubli'',,,,,,2022-09-22 18:57:35 xlajme,,0,crypto in tunisia,anyone have any idea how to invest money in crypto in tunisia without paypal or smthg i need money soooooo bad thats why im asking,,,,,,2022-09-22 19:19:05 xlalm5,,2,I need advice!!,"So I've been taking a bootcamp course on udemy that is 65+ hours in total. I started about 2 months ago, and since I'm free all the time I studied it 2 to 5 hours a day. Mostly 2 hours for front end and 5 hours for backend cuz I enjoy it a lot. I have about 4 hours of courses left. But now everytime I try to finish it my body just tells me to go back to bed and watch TikToks!! I really wanna be a web developer. How to fight the laziness and get back to learning?",,,,,,2022-09-22 19:21:16 xlbfa6,,10,"Twensa l min 7wom sha3biya (kif 7ay ta4amoun, 7ay shekir, l kram), 3leh mat5aliwsh we7id min 7ouma o5a yit3ada min 7omtik?",,,,,,,2022-09-22 19:52:53 xlc059,,1,What does a Tunisian student need to get Visa for france for two weeks of vacation?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-22 20:14:50 xldea5,,4,I am trying to sell my car und i am wondering how much is it worth.,"I know that this is not a facebook cars selling group or a tayara post and i am not tying to sell it here so this is not an ad but i am really having some trouble deciding how much is my car worth. It is a Audi A4 2015 Model Type Constructeur 8k2 Kilometrage 120000 still pretty new and barely used in the last 3 Years and never had an accident. I don't know anybody who is involved in the cars buisness that can provide advice. I took a look in tayara but appears that the price varies alot for the same car( barcha 3bed yebdew ychoutou barcha )",,,,,,2022-09-22 21:07:56 xlds22,,0,kifech najem ndaber contact mta3 imam ? merci,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-22 21:22:47 xleln1,,1,What do tunisian men think about girls who are not virgins?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-22 21:54:51 xlft0o,,2,dating apps,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-22 22:42:58 xlmuh3,,7,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-09-23 04:00:09 xlr6cz,,1,"Hello, I know that my contribution to this subreddit is only to promote my music but I'm rarely on reddit and I don't have the habit to participate in online discussions. I apologize for this behaviour hoping you give me a chance and some support though. This music talks about feelings in meditation",,,,,,,2022-09-23 07:56:20 xlrwu6,,1,"Opinions on college la salle is it legit,does it help to find a job in canada ect...",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-23 08:41:08 xltfeo,,4,a trusted High End Tunisian Provider,"Hi Community, I am going to buy a new laptop by the end of the month, cost is around 4500 TND. I saw many people struggling with the quality of laptop sold in MYTEK, Scoop and Tunisianet just after a little bit of time from purchasing (High CPU Temperature, Drop FPS..). Can You recommend a trusted laptop provider in grand tunis which have a multiple choice of laptops? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-09-23 10:09:05 xltjfa,,1,"African Court of Human Rights finds that Kais Saeed's 2021 decision to suspend sections of the 2014 Constitution violated the African Charter on Human Rights and orders the Tunisian state to abrogate that decision. Logically, if Decree 117 is abrogated, the 2022 Constitution would also be abrogated",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-23 10:15:14 xltk0l,,39,"African Court of Human Rights finds that Kais Saeed's 2021 decision to suspend sections of the 2014 Constitution violated the African Charter on Human Rights and orders the Tunisian state to abrogate that decision. Logically, if Decree 117 is abrogated, the 2022 Constitution will also be abrogated",,,,,,,2022-09-23 10:16:07 xlu8po,,1,Is somebody in this sub working as a solar energy expert or studying this subject? I am looking for talented people to explorer business ideas in this area.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-23 10:53:54 xlu9a7,,1,Is somebody in this sub working as a solar energy expert or studying this subject? I am looking for talented people to explore business ideas in this area.,,,,,,,2022-09-23 10:54:43 xlunr0,,11,Do you think that investing in Real Estate in Tunisia is worth it?,,,,,,,2022-09-23 11:14:21 xlv2la,,1,Will bringing many nutella jars cause problems at airport customs?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-23 11:34:44 xlvyy8,,85,🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️,,,,,,,2022-09-23 12:17:36 xlxzja,,60,Do they still make these nowadays ? Where can I find some?,,,,,,,2022-09-23 13:43:36 xlz571,,1,A new Tunisian startup made for music artists,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-23 14:29:59 xm05vp,,10,"La banque qui innove, my ass.",,,,,,,2022-09-23 15:10:23 xm0gxn,,3,man needs some nautamine,,,,,,,2022-09-23 15:22:30 xm1f3u,,1,"Tunisian types, type 7: The Typical Redditor.","For types 1 to 6 please check my posts. Here is type 7 He is between 17 and 25 and lives in La Marsa or Lac Most of his life revolves around either developing, coding and crypto or high school and its childish problems A typical problem fot him is parents who don't get along or a mother who used in her sallad the avocado he bought for his face mask It is important for him that Reddit isn't Facebook or Twitter or anything else. He wants to feel special as a Reddit user He is as easily offended, sensitive and fragile a Aysha Attia. He can't (under)stand that other people have different opinions He has a very weird sense of humor that only he and other reddit users understand What else defines the typical Tunisian Redditor?",,,,,,2022-09-23 15:59:44 xm4xs2,,1,Promotional video for the Sommet de la Francophonie de Djerba 2022,,,,,,,2022-09-23 18:13:59 xm5jrk,ème_lorsque_jutilise_ma_carte_e_dinar/,3,Problème lorsque j'utilise ma carte E dinar,"J'ai une carte E dinar active et qui contient une somme d'argent déjà. J'ai reçu une mandat et j'ai voulu la retirer via ma carte mais l'application D17 me fait sortir un message d'erreur ""la carte est bloquée du paiement, veuillez essayez plus tard"" Qu'est ce que je dois faire ?",,,,,,2022-09-23 18:38:04 xm68s1,,6,Volunteering in Tunisia,"Hi everyone! I want to volunteer in a good organization that have an impact but I don’t know the right one Ps : i want an organization that act in fragile and help people for real not the normal ones that plan tree or normal act ( i respect them all ) but just i want to make an real effect",,,,,,2022-09-23 19:05:50 xm8a6r,,5,هل الإنجاب شيء أخلاقي ؟ Is it ethical to have children?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-23 20:27:25 xma3og,,1,الطقس اليوم السبت 24 سبتمبر 2022 تونس,,,,,,,2022-09-23 21:40:25 xma84k,,7,Jail system in Tunisia is a bad joke,"From Today's issue of ""Al Chourouk"" newspaper: An inmate kills an other inmate by putting a broom stick in his eye. An inmate died on thursday in Mahdia Jail because of a grave injury caused to him after being fatally attacked by an other inmate who showed signs of psychological disorder. The attacker put a broom stick in the eye of the victim. The victim was taken to Farhat Hachad Hospital but to no avail.",,,,,,2022-09-23 21:45:11 xmagl5,,3,Fixbox Premium opinions,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-23 21:54:51 xmcjol,,1,Geography teacher here with questions from my students for people living outside the U.S.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-23 23:22:27 xmcn0b,/r/france/comments/xmbb78/geography_teacher_here_with_questions_from_my/,1,[Cross Post] Geography teacher with questions from students for people living outside the U.S.,,,,,,,2022-09-23 23:26:35 xmdd4c,,22,Geography teacher here with questions from my students for people living outside the U.S.,"Hello everyone. I am an AP Human Geography teacher, the class is basically why things are where they are. I prompted my students to ask questions to people in other countries as that is a big part of our next unit on Culture and am now trying to find people to answer said questions. If you are outside of the U.S. and interested in this brief survey, any response is wonderful. The link is [here in a Google Form]( No names or email addresses are collected. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-09-23 23:58:58 xmhkhj,,1,Is it safe?,"Hi I'm going to Tunis, Tunisa in 2 weeks with a friend, he insists on taking me to the Red Light district, is it safe and hygienic? Thank you",,,,,,2022-09-24 03:18:11 xmli50,,0,"Good Morning , not the best Storytale you wanna start your morning with , you shouldnt' give it a Try"," “Ouuh ! ouh ! aahh ! \[Spits \] 3 times أعوذ بالله من شر ما ريت ، أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم Allah soit loué ! It was just a dream I just woke up , right hand to God from a gruesome nightmare ( i’m used to those) , With my belly still aching and fast-heart beating as my perception emerges from a dramatic and loud vivid dream about a war scene … guess i was shot or stabbed or blast I suppose that's how I am dead in there and awake in here … Thank god it was just a dream But why the brutality Its its its ? \[ trying hopelessly to catch what part of the awful night it is\] … yea Dawn ( Sobwh) prayer time , deducing so , since I heard my father leaving our home to Sobh prayer and my lasy pet-cat woken up by adhan call ( call to prayer ) to ask for his “first '' breakfast …. But what the fuck i’m doing grasping my computuer while i’m ( the intention to try to to lie upon or make up something like this is an obscene act that *was never raised to be part of or accepted to do ) still in a mental agony and physical disturbance …* *Reader ‘s awareness that what follows is just what nothing but the truth must be kindly privileged , before everything starts to emerge and then gets judged by different types of adjectives . Period* *-General context : OP is -as ancient and special as you - redditor since the community was founded ,* *i ' m proud to have had (before ) an account with 9 years ago Cake day , lost access to it due a social media -accident* *-But the sad and scary part of it is that it consists mostly of NSFW real content ( no crime thanks to ALmitghy ) but scenes of what my life evolves around : death , morbidity , continouess mental ilness ; suicide thoughts and substance abuse , a discription of long term undergraduated studies among university ,* *a questionable spiritual thoughts ,* *a gruesome description of a devastating field of sanitarian work ‘ diaries ,* *tales of multiple broken heart enigmas , sociopathy , separation ,* *negative effects of 21th c globalization among the third world ,* *pictures of immigration and graphic portrait of ghorba ( the state of living in western europe in my case )* *and ofc recitation of a Tunisian youth ‘s hopeless decay after a modern revolution ,* *Now its almost 5 am of still dark morning of september the 24 th of this same year :* *Thats right you guessed quickly ,* *This a present talk* *Sorry to have to write what the nightmare was about sooner in order to catch details from fading : ok this has to be the most important part ….* *At it happens : i woke up in a cloudy day , certain , with people shouting , screaming and yelling ,* *no laughts or sleep sounds were heard :* *so its about a group of people unified by something or some circursomestances ,* *as i look around a deduce that it was a scene of an illegal embarkation accident ( Har9a) and a military convo / deployment , somewhere in shore ,* *a mixed scene from a documentary about Italian ONG’s rescuing an Africain failed disembarkation and the famous Omaha beach scene from the movie Saving private Ryan …* *Weird and makes no sense like all nightmares/ dreams ..* *The events were short but i do recall :* *-some firearms were shooting at and hitting us , i was blood , people running , the air smelt metal , flesh and pee ( i damn know those last 2) ,* *-some guy ran to me speaking common arabic and shouting that they were burning our passeports ?* *-Who were we then ? : obvious : the immigrants , im and afro-arab …* *- Who were them : no clue …* *3rd scene mad me trippy scared and dizzy : i was at the same time holding a machine gun like one from call of duty alterery and felt torturing pain from above then* *saw flesh mixed with blood making way out of my vest holes …..* *-It was clear that the scenario was a war scene , first experience for me virtually and probably irl , at least at this extinct …* *Who was I ? Where are we ? and what in the hell was going on ????* *-The pain was so vivid that it ended with me waking up this saturday dawn …* *-nothing special about this story since we do all know how nightmares works , so i'm not upvoting nothing on it ,* *-on the other hand what did disturb me is that is a continuous occurrence to me recently :* *i’m in an unwanted situation of chronic parasomnia , sleep and behavioral disorders , financial and relational breakdowns , drug-recovering , edging my mental illness , questioning my religious practices and especially my unwanted popping-off writings disturbing internet clerks …* *-As I regain reality , i decide to honest write this down failing to stay not-emotional as i intented ,* *-as said before , the current place is :* *a rural village in central tunisia , with typical dawn Rooster shouts ( the animal Cock sound ) ..* *-Then i exited my room , 15 min afterwards , put the coffee machine on and gou-out our family house (beloved like yours ) in quest for cigarettes from a open shop and maybe some spiritual atmospheric reconciliation next to Mosques and Honest Believers ,* *I do sadly instead cross another poor dead little cat in fractured streets of our destroyed Tunisia …* *It made me remember when I was rushing to work in rainy Dawns of the second deadly wave period of The Covid Pandemic 2 years ago in northern France ,* *Dawn was way different , rain and cold were a must , and people were hurring mostly by obligation to their hard working - vital positions as obliged by the feets of unjust gigantastic ruthless father “Capitalista” worried about a chinese virus …* *\[ needless to say : I ‘m no body special , i dont blame history , family , national nor foreigner gouvernements , neither society of all ages nor the brave revolution , i’m one responsible individual accounted for his personal life choices and deeds “* *End of story* *TLDR ; not an interesting morning essay about typical personnel issues and never ending global dilemmas .* *Have a nice week-end* ",,,,,,2022-09-24 06:49:51 xmlsjh,,29,How much do you agree that most marriages in TN are somewhat loveless and rather transactional ?,,,,,,,2022-09-24 07:05:53 xmnnej,,3,Problem with getting a rendezvous at the German Embassy.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-24 08:56:09 xmop6v,,2,هذا هو الجزء القاتل من الرصاصة ، فإن رأيته قادم باتجاهك تجنّبه,,,,,,,2022-09-24 09:57:18 xmp39m,,81,oui,,,,,,,2022-09-24 10:18:33 xmp5do,,1,Kteby: somehow the Tunisian Amazon,,,,,,,2022-09-24 10:21:58 xmpbng,,1,Order gift from Europe to Tunisia.,"Hey! My friend has a birthday in 4 days. It's too late to post something now so I thought I'd order something from a tunisian online store that would deliver it faster. Are there any such websites where I can pay online from Europe and it would dliever to an address? 3aychek",,,,,,2022-09-24 10:32:03 xmpdmg,,10,Is Slimane Labyedh a good doctor ?,"Tunisian therapists, psychologie students and fans of Choufli Hal What are your reviews of Dr/ Prof Labyedh? I know his scenes in practice are meant to make people laugh, but whats a professionals take on, for example, being sarcastic/passive agressive regarding some cases of his patients?",,,,,,2022-09-24 10:35:13 xmqd9a,,1,Websites supported by the carte CTI,"Is there a list, published somewhere online or offline, of the websites supported by the carte CTI ? I don't wanna get it only to find out it's not what I need. Also, on an unrelated note, are there issuance or maintenance or any other fees, or high exchange rates associated with the card ?? Thanks.",,,,,,2022-09-24 11:29:08 xmqhx1,,4,"I became interested in psychology , need advice about good books or YouTube channels !",Thanks !,,,,,,2022-09-24 11:35:42 xmrok3,,55,Tunisian's logic,"They be broke and living in one room with 8 kids...",,,,,,2022-09-24 12:33:50 xmrtia,,1,ADHD ASSESSMENT,"aslema i wanna know if any of you aamal bilan neuropsychologique (adulte) aand afef louati bch yahkili alih khatr andi rendez vous w i'm anxious nkhamem nchouf had ekhr meli hkewli alihom w urgente lhkeya",,,,,,2022-09-24 12:40:23 xms368,,1,آخر أخبار النادي الإفريقي اليوم السبت 24 سبتمبر 2022,,,,,,,2022-09-24 12:52:57 xmsl6z,,0,Light Reddit,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-24 13:14:53 xmt2wt,,4,How would you improve the tourism industry situation in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-24 13:36:29 xmt4bq,é_bac_francais_terminale/,1,taa3rfouchi prof math spé bac francais terminale?,merci,,,,,,2022-09-24 13:38:09 xmu085,,2,Asking about Boosteno Tunisia Center to find a job in Germany,"Hi, I'm a software engineer and I wanna find a job in Germany. I came across Boosteno center where I can study German, many of my friends recommended its training program and some of them moved to study in Germany because of it. Boosteno center claims that it can get you job offers in Germany too, and I'm looking for someone who got a job offer in Germany through them. Can anyone help me with information about this center ?",,,,,,2022-09-24 14:16:03 xmuemq,,0,BEin Sports APP Urgent !,"I used to use oustoura tv app but lately it went wrong with me so i'm here without any app on my phone to watch my favourite matches. Any recommendations please ?",,,,,,2022-09-24 14:32:59 xmvq7e,,30,I'm Libyan AMA,"I saw someone doing this in another subreddit so I decided to do one here I'm Libyan, I live in Libya I'm from a city called Darnah in the east of Libya please ask anything you want. حتى لو بالعربي عادي زي ماتحبوا",,,,,,2022-09-24 15:26:47 xmvyaz,,25,You can choose the language you want as long its arabic,,,,,,,2022-09-24 15:35:42 xmxfsy,,15,"Redditors who decided to stay in Tunisia, why?",,,,,,,2022-09-24 16:35:25 xmy4vk,,1,BUYING ONLINE,anyone has experience buying from amazon and shipping to tunisia,,,,,,2022-09-24 17:02:55 xmyd48,,1,"Tunisians: how important is ancient Phoenician and Carthaginian heritage in Tunisia, to your sense of being Tunisian?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-24 17:12:05 xmz03x,,2,POLY OR EPI,"hey! im currently studying telecommunications,hassit licence basé akthar aal physique w maths w presque manakrawch jemla info w ena habit aala jaw heka donc ama khir nemchi epi or poly pour une licence en informatique? w ena nheb nkamal baad data science/data analytics/big data any help will be appreciated",,,,,,2022-09-24 17:37:39 xmzokj,,6,the biggest difference between Raoued Brarja and Cité El Ghazela's houses,,,,,,,2022-09-24 18:04:09 xn0ecy,,1,van apartment,Hello everyone im thinking to build a van apartment and i wanna hear your opinions about that,,,,,,2022-09-24 18:33:11 xn0ry7,,3,Can someone recommend speakers for a desktop please?,"nfarkes 3la speakers qualité acceptable, fihomch 7ess zeyd. Ma na3rech ken nechri li yabdew duo speakers wala we7d bark. ma na3rech 9adeh lezmni puissance ama n5ayer speakers fihom akther options ta3 % du son. Najem nemchi nechri b 10lef men a9reb 7anout informatique ama baz yefzdou fisa3. Nothing professional, just for casual at home use.",,,,,,2022-09-24 18:48:39 xn0xzb,,2,How are educated Tunisians getting work contracts in Canada? Which tools are useful?,"I have a friend with a degree (health related) and experience working with children. Knows French and English and doesn’t have dependents. What would be a good place to search for Canada immigration opportunities? Any websites/places/events she should consider?",,,,,,2022-09-24 18:55:32 xn107o,,11,The presidency spent more than 1.1 million dinars to buy meat!,"When I first read the news, I thought the [photo]( was fake. But then, I realized it is from [the official site of public procurements of Tunisia](, so it is definitely true. The presidency also spent 226 000 dinars to buy mineral water. I can't really tell if this is ""too much"" since water is vital and I don't really know the quantity that the presidency need, but the 1.1 million dinars for the meat is definitely too much and can't be by no mean considered logical. What do you think?",,,,,,2022-09-24 18:58:09 xn351i,,1,i don't know what to do ba3d l bac,"hello, bac info aiming for 14-15 idk if i should go with esprit or apply for campus france .. any suggestions ?",,,,,,2022-09-24 20:27:33 xn3ntk,,8,إشهار عالإحتكار الحلقة 20: الإدارة التونسية و الرقمنة قصة حب ما توفاش,,,,,,,2022-09-24 20:49:56 xn4oud,,1,I'm looking to buy old out of circulation banknotes mainly of Arab countries if you have any please PM also please notice that with some notes the condition is really important,,,,,,,2022-09-24 21:32:37 xn5734,,2,do college students have free therapy access ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-24 21:54:09 xn5gix,,1,Best way to get around the country?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-24 22:05:09 xn6i4j,,1,حادث اليوم السبت 24 سبتمبر 2022,,,,,,,2022-09-24 22:50:29 xn7eai,,1,IVG en tunisie.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-24 23:30:42 xn832t,,1,$1 = 3.3 TND,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-25 00:01:56 xn9gxn,,3,kratom legality,Is kratom legal in Tunisia? I have chronic pain and use it daily to avoid hard drugs. I'm in the US but next year I plan on moving there to he with my husband. Anyone with any knowledge on this? Thanks,,,,,,2022-09-25 01:07:57 xnabhb,,4,How are police perceived in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-25 01:49:28 xnaopm,,0,Easy & fun crypto mining,Hi all! I have a serious offer concerning crypto mining. No expensive hardware needed: a connected smartphone or a connected entry level computer would suffice. You are welcome!,,,,,,2022-09-25 02:07:33 xnfa1a,,1,I have a question for any women that lives in Tunisia that speaks Arabic and English if you’re free to answer pls pm me,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-25 06:10:50 xnj2aj,,9,What's your excuse?,,,,,,,2022-09-25 09:50:55 xnjr1p,,3,How to download Isis ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-25 10:30:00 xnkkgw,,35,I lost hope at this point if this is true,,,,,,,2022-09-25 11:15:33 xnkyxt,,2,what to look for when buying an external hard drive,"Hey guys , i m intending to buy a external hard drive , yet i m not versed enough to trust my own judgement It's an big investment for me atm and i don't want the drive to fail on me Do you recommend a drive or a Website to buy from ?",,,,,,2022-09-25 11:37:28 xnl0zq,,2,Best way to get around Tunisia?,"I'm traveling to Tunisia soon and plan on going around the country. What's the best way to get around (bus, plane, train, etc)? I'm landing in Tunis and want to visit either Tataouine or Medinine. Are there bus or train routes from Tunis to different cities, if so, where?",,,,,,2022-09-25 11:40:29 xnp879,,15,"PSA: Please, spread the word. Tell you friends.",,,,,,,2022-09-25 14:43:56 xnq2tk,,1,How much do I have to pay for getting an iPhone i bought from England to Tunisia? (diwana),,,,,,,2022-09-25 15:16:57 xnqegd,,0,"البقاء لله ، توفي الشاب ""فيجيتا"" في وقت متأخر من مساء أمس بسبب جريمة قتل على كوكب ناميك ..ترحموا عليه",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-25 15:29:37 xnqveu,,2,what's the best and the cheapest way to get out of Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-25 15:47:46 xnrfqh,,3,"Does any Tunisian here sell their uni study notes, projects, etc, online?",Pretty much the title.,,,,,,2022-09-25 16:09:28 xnsa9a,,44,Normal handball game day between EST and CA lol 💀,,,,,,,2022-09-25 16:42:14 xntf0w,,2,recommend me shops that sell men earrings,can be either instagram shop or IRL one,,,,,,2022-09-25 17:26:14 xntg9o,,3,Any ideas or suggestions for male fragrances,"Just wanted to know what’s the best fragrance for a student ( small budget) for the winter, I have zara blue but i feel like it’s not going to work for the cold days",,,,,,2022-09-25 17:27:35 xnu2vh,,0,Crypto mining Tunisia | Question,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-25 17:51:56 xnwd2e,,1,is it possible to get a temporary tunisian sms / phone number?,"hi all, i'm staying in tunis for a few weeks and i'd like to order some food delivery but monresto requires a tunisian phone number for sms validation. i assume all other apps are the same. any ideas on how i can get a tunisian number while i'm here? it would need to be free or from a reputable service. i don't want to use my credit card on a sketchy website that might steal my info while i'm traveling because it'll make my life a nightmare :| thank you",,,,,,2022-09-25 19:20:10 xnwx1r,,8,where did you all learn english?,"everyone here speaks english so well. from what i've read the older generation speaks mostly arabic, middle aged & professionals speak arabic and french, and the younger generation speaks arabic, french and english. did you all learn in school? do you ever speak english to each other or only online?",,,,,,2022-09-25 19:41:45 xnxxv5,,1,Internet fi tunis.,"Well, ena fi foyer fi manouba and im thinking about getting internet since i cant really live without it for the moment, i'd like to have it on phone and pc at the same time without wifi hotspot from phone or usb sharing. Njmsh nhabet adsl and fixbox maya5latsh lmanouba, any advice or ideas ?",,,,,,2022-09-25 20:21:31 xnyn09,,1,"When someone buys a new car , after how many years must he pass for the VISITA ? 4 or 5 years?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-25 20:48:54 xnzz5o,,1,Clubs in tunisia,What are your thoughts about clubs like interact/leo/tunivision and others...,,,,,,2022-09-25 21:42:15 xo16rb,,6,Do you think Tunisia will have a high tech industry in the future?,"Because many companies are leaving China, and some Asia in general. Maybe Tunisia will make use of that because of it's location near Europe?",,,,,,2022-09-25 22:32:35 xo19la,,1,ESPRIT Students (urgent),[removed],,,,,,2022-09-25 22:35:54 xo1po1,,1,So the frèreette are finally going to cash their sweatcoin,,,,,,,2022-09-25 22:55:01 xo2oyw,,0,"IMPORTATION PERMIT , i asked a lot of times on this sub about how can i import product in BULK (necklaces ,etc) from aliexpress and not get trouble with the diwana and a lot of you told me to get an importation permit so how do i get this permit and from where .",,,,,,,2022-09-25 23:37:50 xo39ux,,13,This post is sponsored by Tunisair.,,,,,,,2022-09-26 00:01:57 xo46ca,,0,Sex fi tounes kthor wala le?!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-26 00:41:59 xo4qij,,55,بقدرة ربي إلي بش يحرق تحرقو..,,,,,,,2022-09-26 01:06:54 xo5gxk,,166,My 9atousa has officially emigrated: a journey in pictures 🇹🇳 ✈️🚙⛴️🇬🇧,,,,,,,2022-09-26 01:39:35 xob4qs,,1,الطقس اليوم الاثنين 26 سبتمبر 2022 تونس,,,,,,,2022-09-26 06:18:52 xobmxa,,5,Good morninggg, fama des louages f trajet men el menzah 9 l 9 avril please ?,,,,,,2022-09-26 06:47:05 xodb0j,,2,Tunisie : des «jardins suspendus» pour mieux résister à la sécheresse,,,,,,,2022-09-26 08:25:47 xoegps,,12,are we fucked or there's still a chance ?,Is there by mean any chance we get back track and survive this economic crisis and if yes according to you what should be the right procedures to do so ?,,,,,,2022-09-26 09:33:05 xof24h,,18,Is it really worth this leaving the country as a ''middle class person'',"So yeah i am 28 years old male, i work a 9 to 5 job as a chemical engineer, i make almost 2k dinars a month. i live with my parents in a seperate house (1er étage) so I have a house and family car that is always available for me. isnt that enough to live here ? i mean i had the idea of leaving the country multiple times because both my sisters already left to france for good but people leave to make money and have a better life, well i am making a little money and i love my life here, my friends my family, even tho half my friends are leaving or already left to france, I dont know if i really should try harder and try to get a job even tho it's really hard for chemical engineers, or should i go to france to study M2. life is not that bad in Tunisia, Sousse. I enjoy gaming and i have a full setup gaming PC/ PS5, i enjoy going to the gym, i enjoy going to coffe shops and to the mall and to the beach etc.. so what else could i experience if i went to france/canada ?? is it really worth it to live alone and start from 0 ???is it really heaven out there ? alot of my friends say that you cant live here with a 3 to 4k a month and start a family, and that i will struggle etc..and at the same time i dont want to leave my parents alone in here. i am really struggeling to make a decision, i just want to know if it's really heaven out there ? is Tunisia THAT BAD ? i mean we grew up here and we turned out fine. everyone and their mother left the country, what's the obsession about ?? makes me wonder if someday i am going to regret missing a chance or not trying hard enough.. sorry if my ideas are all over the place.. &#x200B; &#x200B; i",,,,,,2022-09-26 10:06:17 xog29r,,1,How Good Is Ons Jabeur? Tunisian tennis player - US Open finalist 2022,,,,,,,2022-09-26 11:00:53 xoh60y,,5,Websites like Tanitjobs,"So I am a freshly graduated civil engineer and I am searching for something to start with my professional career. I am wondering if there are any other websites, apps, Facebook groups.. for recruiting like Tanitjobs. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-09-26 11:54:30 xohe97,,6,how can we help Iranians as tunisians? is there anything we can do? I'm genuinely tired of Muslim countries and their barbaric laws we need to put a stop to religion in politics full stop it's sad that none of us talking about it or standing up with them with protests etc,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-26 12:04:44 xohmuc,,2,"Hello, I’m third year licence science info with a delf b2 french diploma 70/100 and I want to study abroad",,,,,,,2022-09-26 12:15:38 xol26g,,6,anyone ever did info de gestion and worked with it? or anyone you knew? can you tell me the experiance?,title,,,,,,2022-09-26 14:36:06 xolndv,,0,"Tunisian types, type 8: the Belgacem Type (part 1)","For types 1 to 7 please check my posts. Here is type 8 It is easier to speak about others than about yourself but we will give it a try. He sees not other as competitors. He is never envious, never jealous. He is very very secure and knows very very well that there is enough for everyone. Way more than enough. Just look at the universe! His arena is the whole world. He doesn't believe in fixing one country or one thing. He literally has no limits. He is aware that to change the world you need to start with your inner world. Weird that there those who still don't get such a self evident truth as this. He understands the game rules and his only mission in life is to get others to understand them. All he needs is to find a way. He believes in steps and in the fact that things take time and that every thousand-step journey actually started with one step. He believes in real justice and that the world hasn't achieved it yet for only one reason: people who are either stupid or stubborn or both. All we need is to take them out of our way.",,,,,,2022-09-26 14:58:00 xolqyy,,4,How do y’all celebrate lmouled?,,,,,,,2022-09-26 15:01:17 xolz8z,,1,وفاة الشيخ العلامة الدكتور يوسف القرضاوي,,,,,,,2022-09-26 15:09:26 xonbda,,10,help!,"Hi everyone I learned today that one of my classemates is a rapist and a pedophile he was exposed last year but it was quickly covered, there are a lot of proofs and the scandal was slept on and nobody is talking about it. He is living his best life now and acting like nothing happened I wanna expose him again at least to my class.That person must be shunned and does not deserve a social life imo what should I do??",,,,,,2022-09-26 15:58:04 xoo8vs,,2,can i find spare parts of honda scooters here in Tunisia ? i heard they are only available for Honda cars,,,,,,,2022-09-26 16:30:45 xop021,,125,United in 7ar9a,,,,,,,2022-09-26 16:58:14 xoq99d,,1,need help with orange fixbox prem,"Salem chabeb, 3malt fix jdid orange ayamet lteli w mochkelta li howa dh3if brcha hatta kif yabda reseau tala3. B nesba lel antenne rakeb jawou behy. Any help pleasssee! Location:gabes.",,,,,,2022-09-26 17:43:38 xoqavl,,1,"heyy, what are the best (cheapest) places/shops to buy a laptop from ?","In Tunis ... Carrefour/darty/mytek/tunisianet/...etc ..... ?? Which is the best ? Which one should i avoid ??",,,,,,2022-09-26 17:45:22 xor5pw,,4,Hexabyte problem,Anyone having problems with hexabyte these past few weeks ? it works for 30 min and then stops repeatedly,,,,,,2022-09-26 18:16:32 xorfcx,,8,1 out of 6 checks in Tunisia is fraudulent. Meaning 1.4 billion dinars worth of circulating goods are not paid for.,,,,,,,2022-09-26 18:26:28 xos76p,,2,Studying Abroad,"Hey tunisians studying abroad, do you recommend studying in Portugal?",,,,,,2022-09-26 18:55:12 xou26l,,2,Cinema Schools,Does anyone know about tunisian cinema schools ? I am tunisian born but live in France and I'd like to go back to study cinema there if possible.,,,,,,2022-09-26 20:01:41 xou40r,,0,how can you live like a human being in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-26 20:03:34 xovhfo,,1,bac englais/americain,I heared of it if anyone knows about it or did it i would really appreciate it if u explain what is it/ what do i have to do to do it/benefits,,,,,,2022-09-26 20:52:48 xovzr3,,1,software engineering requirements?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-26 21:10:42 xoyom9,,1,opinions on huawei matebook d15?,,,,,,,2022-09-26 22:52:01 xozsjt,,1,الطقس اليوم الثلاثاء 27 سبتمبر 2022 مفتتح شهر ربيع الأول تونس,,,,,,,2022-09-26 23:37:12 xp5tnw,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-27 04:00:09 xp8gqh,,13,Why is it that most unemployed tunisians refuse to build their own businesses instead of (illegally) migrating?,With the rise of far right in Europe and the upcoming energy crisis...,,,,,,2022-09-27 06:12:44 xp8jg1,,2,Any shops that buy laptop stickers and all in sousse? (Not online),[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 06:17:02 xp9r2c,,12,Guys is this possible?,,,,,,,2022-09-27 07:25:44 xpa1cg,,5,Visiting Tunisia,"Hey… I am visiting Tunisia this month and rented Airbnb..My question is can I and my local Tunisian friend stay at the same property during the day time.. Not always but sometimes… Trust me we are not friends with benefit… This is sober friendship… Is it allowed to stay ?",,,,,,2022-09-27 07:42:53 xpagot,,0,Help,"How can I send flowers in Tunis rapide ? Like asap Ps : e fleur poste didn’t work",,,,,,2022-09-27 08:08:24 xpapqf,,2,1 PLACE AVAILABLE FOR TUNIS VS BRAZIL,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-27 08:23:58 xpclen,,1,urgent help for compte rendu Today 13h30 ( whelt f exercice Java balyz help 😭),,,,,,,2022-09-27 10:10:46 xpcr8n,,3,thermal paste / Pc cleaning,Hello can you suggest me a professional pc cleaner to clean my pc and apply thermal paste in Tunis. I want someone that will not fuck up my pc,,,,,,2022-09-27 10:19:20 xpcvq2,,0,"I live in La marsa and my dad gives me 200dt masrouf everyday, i don't understand why tunisians immigrate 😡",,,,,,,2022-09-27 10:25:56 xpcwya,,2,Sommet de la Francophonie: Kaïs Saïed adresse une invitation officielle à António Guterres,,,,,,,2022-09-27 10:27:43 xpecgs,,9,"Tunisians who dated outside their nationalities, how did it go?","How did their family treat you? How did you deal with cultural differences? &#x200B; ect...",,,,,,2022-09-27 11:39:42 xpeiau,,11,"where can i find this, or a similar one ( fake one duh )",,,,,,,2022-09-27 11:47:08 xpfa8g,,1,need help guys 🙂😁,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 12:22:04 xpfz57,,0,For these Tunisians who kept saying tunisia shit and europe/usa heaven in earth,,,,,,,2022-09-27 12:53:00 xpgheq,,6,PFE engineering,"so to keep it short, I am very depressed and I can barely move from my bed, I tried pushing through this internship and I still have a month to finish but I can't do that anymore. the app is still not complete yet so I was wondering if I stop now would it cause a problem? can I provide the university with a medical certification? if anyone knows anything I would appreciate it.",,,,,,2022-09-27 13:14:19 xpgyln,,1,is BAC info that important?,"Im really lost, i just keep studying none stop for bac without hesitation, is it that important to get better chances in leaving tunisia to a better country? After bac i can easily countinue stuyding in Russia/Belarus, as im fluent in Russian + belarussian citizenship, however, that's not the best i expect.",,,,,,2022-09-27 13:34:44 xphw2j,,1,اخر اخبار الترجي الرياضي التونسي اليوم,,,,,,,2022-09-27 14:12:08 xpi5od,,0,Help. Is bac 2023 with Ferrari or without Busch?,I think the title says it all. Please help.,,,,,,2022-09-27 14:22:40 xpj9nv,,1,Dirty bull,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 15:05:38 xpjabo,,11,Dirty bulk,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 15:06:21 xpkh5q,,1,"someone told my bro "" china7ilik l puce mte3ik"" what does that mean, is that an insult?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 15:51:47 xpmo6g,,3,Implant Contraceptif,How much is it if anyone knows here?,,,,,,2022-09-27 17:15:01 xpnci7,,1,how can i go to Europe after license or continue my license in Europe ?,"i know i am a lazy fuck that could have searched this on his own, but ngl everything is vague, i want someone with actual experience about this Edit: Ana 1ere annee license science d'informatique isi ariana",,,,,,2022-09-27 17:40:58 xppq2g,,1,"If Tunisia collapsed, where would you emigrate and why?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 19:11:08 xpq1dz,,0,Payed girlfriend in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 19:23:20 xpq8w6,,23,FinTech LvL 9000.,,,,,,,2022-09-27 19:31:15 xpqhcb,,1,Wildlife Of Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-27 19:40:10 xpqknx,,33,Ridbelkom tn*kou Copium overdose louled.,,,,,,,2022-09-27 19:43:39 xpqvfl,,1,هل تعلم ان انتشار الشذوذ وزواج المثليين من علامات الساعة؟,,,,,,,2022-09-27 19:55:13 xpqx5c,,4,"if you had no choice but to emigrate, where would you go and why?",,,,,,,2022-09-27 19:57:02 xpqx74,,3,Best tea place in Soussa?,"Hey guys! Is there a spot in Soussa that serves premium quality tea? Preferably with the possibility to choose the type of leaves, aromatics, etc. If not, any cosy place with good tea you recommend? Thanksss :D",,,,,,2022-09-27 19:57:06 xpr4v3,,0,Za3ma 5-1 tzid wla nmarkou na7na,,,,,,,2022-09-27 20:05:02 xprbrk,,6,fax,,,,,,,2022-09-27 20:12:35 xprpwh,,1,Is Sobflous legit ?,I have some money I wanna store is it a good place for that and how can I retrieve them later on.,,,,,,2022-09-27 20:28:15 xprzuo,,2,Uni professor’s,"Hey there, in my uni there’s a good portion of teachers that label themselves as doctors when they can even pronounce french correctly and they are completely clueless about the topics they teach for example m’y AI teachers takes the code from YouTube and write a Portion of it on the table and assign us to finish it as a homework, the code is exactly the same on these videos without any modification or nothing and she’s just read the code pretending she’s explaining it. How is that possible how did they manage to reach that level of education and why they act cocky ?",,,,,,2022-09-27 20:39:18 xpsda6,,1,"dumbass throw a banana and suddenly the whole country is ""racist""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 20:53:57 xpsi4q,,1,Hello guys ! Ta3rfouchi win ybi3ou similar vests ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 20:59:23 xpsjzo,,8,Tunisian world-class,,,,,,,2022-09-27 21:00:55 xpssmv,,59,What a typical Tunisian guy looks like through the eyes of DALL.E,,,,,,,2022-09-27 21:10:06 xpush2,,16,Wildlife Of Tunisia,"Hey, just wanted to share with you this channel where you can find some cool videos talking about the **Wildlife in Tunisia**, especially in Béja. [The Channel's Link]( Enjoy watching ! Please Subscribe since more interesting videos are yet to come !",,,,,,2022-09-27 22:28:20 xpwm06,,1,Looking for people to . . .,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-27 23:46:57 xpxbp0,,1,Pure OCD,"Tunisians who desl with pure-o , how was your journey and what are your daily struggles?",,,,,,2022-09-28 00:19:10 xpxjgi,,17,Thoughts?,,,,,,,2022-09-28 00:29:03 xpxvu4,,0,Which side are you on?,"Are you more “Left” or “Right”? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-28 00:44:37 xpynrj,,1,friends with benefits.,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-28 01:20:00 xq26ww,,16,Going to visit Tunisia,"Hey, so I live in Australia but my dad is Tunisian. He goes back every year to visit the family and I told him I want to go next year in April for my bday. ( last time I went to Tunis was like 20 years ago). However, dad is telling me not to go bc it’s become dangerous and corrupt. I just want to hear it from people who actually live in Tunisia what it’s currently like and if it’s worth it for a female, 30 years to travel alone there? I don’t understand the politics of what’s going on there so I’m seeing it thru innocent eyes if that makes sense? Thank you for any help!",,,,,,2022-09-28 04:02:08 xq2ssl,,1,الطقس اليوم الأربعاء 28 سبتمبر 2022,,,,,,,2022-09-28 04:32:43 xq6ss2,,2,Major yikes,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-28 08:17:02 xq6x2e,,3,Recommendations for site-seeing?,"I arrived to Tunis two days ago and hired a travel tour guide through an agency. Unfortunately, he ghosted the company and I. I got my money back, but don't have many places in mind as the tour guide was meant to show me around. Do y'all have any recommendations of the city? Edit: I forgot to add: as well as recommendations for Tunisian street food. I'm arriving from the Czech Republic and I can't to try food different of my own",,,,,,2022-09-28 08:24:09 xq7mc2,,15,Imagine how much cultural and quality of life shock you got that you risk everything to get your kids out.,,,,,,,2022-09-28 09:06:47 xq7ze7,,17,Which Tunisian celebrity did you see IRL who turned out to be an A**hole?,,,,,,,2022-09-28 09:28:09 xq83d2,,1,How long am i allowed to keep foreign currency after returning to Tunisia?,"I went to travel and came home to Tunisia in late july, the 27th to be exact, i was left with 180€ i forgot to do a currency exchange, can i still do it now?",,,,,,2022-09-28 09:34:09 xq86m8,,1,حادث اليوم سيدي بوزيد: جريمة قتل تونس: 11 حالة وفاة و 332 مصاب خلال الــ 24 ساعة الفارطة قابس: اصطدام بين سيارة و شاحنة يخلف حالة وفاة على عين المكان قابس: وفاة شاب في حادث اصطدام سيارتين و دراجة نارية,,,,,,,2022-09-28 09:39:32 xq86mb,,0,Boycotting the world cup,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-28 09:39:33 xq9ihe,,4,anyone knows a good psychiatrist in tunis?,,,,,,,2022-09-28 10:55:43 xqajq7,çants_fi_tunis/,1,Highlight t3a9ribet l commerçants fi Tunis,This is a post to state t3a9ribet eli t3adew aalikom wala 3amlouha kodemek commerçants/taxis/etc.. to be careful in any case.,,,,,,2022-09-28 11:49:03 xqca4q,,1,Tunisie. Vincent Geisser : « L’armée pourrait devenir un acteur politique de premier plan »,,,,,,,2022-09-28 13:07:17 xqcgt8,,4,Would you ever forgive your SO for cheating early in the relationship ? ( tunisian prespective ),[removed],,,,,,2022-09-28 13:15:21 xqfa3h,,3,n7eb nwli pilot chnia yelzemni na3mel,,,,,,,2022-09-28 15:11:48 xqgr15,,0,Dear Tunisians,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-28 16:09:02 xqj9u4,,9,PSA: Spread the word.,,,,,,,2022-09-28 17:45:16 xqjkrd,,11,"I am a Jordanian, AMA","Also what do Tunisians think of Jordanians, just curious",,,,,,2022-09-28 17:57:15 xqlloj,,0,Which channel would you like Belgacem to communicate to his Reddit fans thru?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-28 19:16:30 xqls83,,2,"expressing my ultimatevhate to this country and its people, thankyou very much.",[removed],,,,,,2022-09-28 19:23:36 xqmel8,,6,Laptop gift suggestions for a cs student,Budget around 2000,,,,,,2022-09-28 19:47:42 xqmi01,,4,What should I do?,"I'm 3eme math, it's been only 2 weeks since school started yet I feel lost in class, I feel overwhelmed in physics/math classes. I can't concentrate and I feel that the info I learn is overwhelming and my brain refuses to start working and rejects everything and refuses to comprehend and I simply devolve to waiting until the session is over. What should I do?",,,,,,2022-09-28 19:51:25 xqn6hp,,1,"THANKYOU FOR DELETING MY POST, COWARDS.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-28 20:17:42 xqp4fl,,1,Everyone drop the greatest quote u ever came across,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-28 21:34:07 xqpjb6,,22,Tunisians fl ghorba what was the biggest culture shock when you got out?,,,,,,,2022-09-28 21:50:50 xqq2mp,,2,Need advice on importing a car to Tunisia and selling it.,"I can't find information in English online. I want to know how much i'll pay in taxes if i intend on selling it within a year. ""Tunisian who has lived more than two years abroad"" does apply to me. Can anyone help? Duana of Reddit? :D",,,,,,2022-09-28 22:12:30 xqz5fl,,7,Can you claim damages from STEG?,"I woke now to my PCs screen flickering which means it turned on an off a few times then it sort of stayed on by the led light from the on/off button which usually means there's electricity... But there wasn't at least not enough current to actually turn on my room's light. Then I looked at the modem and it was literally turning on and off constantly. I'm no electrician but doesn't low current damage electronics? Also does STEG actually claim responsibility when it happens? (Claim responsibility as in they pay you for the damages. And no I'm not talking about written law. I want to know if they actually go through it.)",,,,,,2022-09-29 05:19:18 xr266h,,0,Golfing in sahil,"My little cousin is a big fan of golfing and wish if he could've try it in real life not just in games so for his birthday my aunt is planning on taking him to play but she has no idea how to apply for courses, how much is cost for 4 people to play? do they provide bats or should we buy our own ?",,,,,,2022-09-29 08:23:55 xr2mmw,,1,حالة الطقس اليوم الخميس 29 سبتمبر 2022 ، حالة الطقس بمختلف ولايات تونس، حالة الطقس ببعض المدن و العواصم العربية، حالة الطقس في أوروبا، حالة الطقس في المرناقية، حالة الطقس في منوبة، أوقات الصلاة، مواعيد الشروق الغروب.,,,,,,,2022-09-29 08:54:05 xr3qb5,,7,Which Tunisian celebrity did you see IRL who turned out to be a Sweetheart <3,,,,,,,2022-09-29 09:59:47 xr4l5t,,2,Looking for people to chill with,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-29 10:48:44 xr4ve7,,1,GED In tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-29 11:04:06 xr5326,,3,GED In Tunisia,"Hi, Long time lurker first time poster. I am a highschool Dropout no bac, but this summer i got my GED after testing in ""university Central"". And now i feel stuck, I am wondering if the GED is accepted by Tunisian private or public institutions if so can you please site any ?? Is it possible to register in an online school with my GED while in tunis?? Do you have any recommendations on how I can further my education?? Thank you!!!!",,,,,,2022-09-29 11:15:31 xr5hzi,,1,Hmldh mato7nech maa Italia fard poule xD,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-29 11:36:53 xr5q8j,,7,TUN 1- 0 USA : الإجهاض في تونس : انت تختار,,,,,,,2022-09-29 11:48:10 xr68cu,,27,Djerba c’est vraiment magnifique 🤩,,,,,,,2022-09-29 12:12:04 xr69nr,,7,Thoughts about Tunisia and my life here," Time to say the truth You need to tell things they way they are Our country is not as bad as they say Life can be awesome here. Life is awesome here. This is our country. We were born here. Our grandfathers and our grandmothers lived here. This is a superb country. One of the greatest countries on this planet. Our location alone is so unique and special. North Africa and along the middeteranian sea. Tunisians are raw and smart. They belong to the most intelligent people on this earth. Tunisians are “bon vivants”: They enjoy life and want to enjoy life to the fullest. There is poverty here? There is poverty everywhere on this planet. No one can change that. People are unsatisfied? They can change their state of mind if they rethink carefully and consider their options and potential. It is time for us Tunisians to regain faith in our country and to be more than proud of our history, heritage and present and to look forward to building a more positive future. For the sake of our kids and future generations and for the sake of humanity in general. Like everywhere on this planet we have some bad apples. Let us not let these few dictate the music to which the whole country should dance. There is enough money, resources, wealth and richness in Tunisia that each person could live in dignity and with no fear of hunger or desperation. We should start spreading this message more and more. People need to change the narrative of “ lets get the f out of here “ . No. We need to stay here and make it better. We need to fight and not escape. We need to face the enemy and not surrender. We need to give it a try at least. We owe to ourselves. And we owe it to our ancestors and we owe it to our kids and future generations. We can make our heaven here. There is enough room for all of us to live each like he wants. Lets pay our taxes. Lets make our state stronger. Let us start to love each other. Let’s stop the hating and the envy and all the negativity. Someone is making tons of money? Good for him! Let’s try to do like him. Some girl is dressing like Kylie Jenner? Well it is her choice and no need to dwell on it and move on and do something good for your life and for your society! Be smart. Find a way to be yourself and to find your satisfaction. We need to learn how to be happy and satisfied again. We had some hard times I admit but this gotta end now. I was born in 1985. When I went to high school in Sousse the director made it his personal business that I keep my hair cut short. I wanted to have longer hair like Curt Cobain but it was forbidden by the law of the ministry of education, or so the director said. When I look at it back now I realize I was lost during nearly all of my youth and twenties. My parents were working like workaholics and they thought I was okay because I was doing fine in school but I was not. So I had to learn everything on my own. The real things that matter in life. I had to go through a lot to finally learn what really matters and what doesn’t. What is good and what is lethal. I want you to smile now. The next interaction you have with any other person, whether it is the waiter in a café or the worker in the post office or the other driver you meet in traffic. Just smile to him or her. We need to each ourselves to smile a bit more. We need to be polite to each other and say nice things and mean them. If you have a job, help someone who doesn’t have a job. It is not a shame if you help a jobless person to pay for something. You don’t need to buy a lacoste shirt if it is too expensive for you. The greatest things in this life are free. A small walk on the beach. A nice conversation under a tree. A love moment on the street. Be nice to your wife is you have one. It doesn’t matter what other people say. Focus on yourself. Focus on your family. Spread love and positivity. Make yourself stronger every day. Eat healthy. Stay away from drugs. Read books. Continue to educate yourself. Explore. Enjoy.",,,,,,2022-09-29 12:13:46 xr6iwq,,3,selling books !,I have some books that I need to sell ASAP any rcmnds ? how and where ?,,,,,,2022-09-29 12:26:09 xr6ndn,,2,How to hookup in tunisia ??,,,,,,,2022-09-29 12:32:12 xr6pd6,,11,3lech nekt hyeti w mchit Bac lettres?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-29 12:34:59 xr7oem,,0,where can i find prostitues in tunisia ? im not jk or trolling im very very serious,,,,,,,2022-09-29 13:19:33 xr8az3,,131,"The new shirt for the Tunisian national team that he will wear during the World Cup, which is inspired by the shield of Hannibal 🇹🇳",,,,,,,2022-09-29 13:46:35 xr8ka1,,7,C’est quoi ce maillot là ?,,,,,,,2022-09-29 13:57:56 xr8qk5,,4,Millenials of r/Tunisia (>30yo): what advice would you give to the rest who are under 20?,"I will start: You will not change when you reach 30yo, you will be the same person so try to change a little bit everyday and don't wait for adulthood to suddenly transform you.",,,,,,2022-09-29 14:05:08 xr9vvr,,17,So is there a way for an average looking shy guy get a girlfriend in this country?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-29 14:54:02 xra8e5,,1,can i really find a appartment for 30000 dt to buy?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-29 15:07:50 xraa3i,,1,can i really find a appartment for 30k dt to buy?,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-29 15:09:47 xraadh,,1,hey what is this name,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-29 15:10:05 xrb4ej,,7,Which of these Southern European countries has the most people who look Tunisian?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-29 15:43:24 xrbkx9,,5,Best Lablebi in Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-09-29 16:02:13 xrboyx,,1,Can offers like this be trusted,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-29 16:06:53 xrbpmy,,3,Bringing 2 boxed phones with me to Tunisia,"Hi, I'd like to bring 2 new boxed phones with me to Tunisia for my family. May I do it without paying any import fees/taxes? I know about Sajalni, willl register them on my passport, just want to make sure it's alright. Anyone having similar experience? Thank you",,,,,,2022-09-29 16:07:36 xrbs1d,,3,Can offers like this be trusted?,"I saw this in a popular FB group so I wanted to know if offers like can be trusted? did anyone here use something like and how it went? when I contacted her she told me we need to start by signing a 'contrat de service' does anyone here have an idea what is that?",,,,,,2022-09-29 16:10:10 xrdpy6,,1,French-Tunisian woman has her French citizenship removed for attempting terrorist attack,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-29 17:27:49 xrdpz8,,1,is recommending kaguya sama: love is war to a tunisian woman too lewd ?,"i am being serious, i kinda like this girl, and she asked me for recommendations, i just said kaguya sama: love is war, and now i am seriously worried note: if you don't know what is that, that's an anime",,,,,,2022-09-29 17:27:52 xrdzl3,,3,if i drop out of college do they force me to the military thing immediately ?,,,,,,,2022-09-29 17:38:32 xrec5j,,0,Anyone in Tunis looking for a roommate? Need a place urgently plz,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-29 17:52:45 xrek5c,,1,help,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-29 18:01:28 xrfcbo,,3,Lf ppl to hang out with,"Yo, 21 y.o engi student f 7ay l bo2s sfax L denya bdet tebred and I want ppl to eat lablabi with and have fun",,,,,,2022-09-29 18:32:31 xrfhrr,,1,any law student here specifically jme3et el droit public and already graduated what yall doing for living ? genuinely asking khater im in 2nd year and i dont know what to do,,,,,,,2022-09-29 18:38:48 xrg92z,,1,is there any maktba 3momiya in ennasr ? (or atleast some co-studying space ?),,,,,,,2022-09-29 19:10:06 xripal,,12,"took it few days ago, bizert ras enjla",,,,,,,2022-09-29 20:53:28 xrj08e,,20,The best menu you'll ever see. Chaneb khzema Sousse,,,,,,,2022-09-29 21:06:04 xrjazc,,16,Are they any Tunisian child free here ?,Due the pressure of our culture or life in general n how they measure ur worth by gettin married then havin kids. And the talk they give when u mention u don't wanna kids in the future they go by like thats how life works or especially when i bring it to mom she freaks out n tell me not to say it just wondering if there r any Tunisians who desire to not have kids in their future plans. U guys aren't alone.,,,,,,2022-09-29 21:18:40 xrkcth,,4,"Tunisians, do you know about your family's ancestry ?","I asked mine and they had no idea. I'm just curious to know about other Tunisians. Also too many people claim to be Andalusian or Turkish so I think it might be BS",,,,,,2022-09-29 22:03:00 xrkur7,,13,Finally!,,,,,,,2022-09-29 22:24:57 xrli2t,,1,am i only one who sees tunisia as prison ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-29 22:54:58 xrnitd,الاعزاء_تدريبات_اللغة_الانجليزيةلتلاميذ_الثانوي/,0,الاعزاء تدريبات اللغة الانجليزيةلتلاميذ الثانوي,[](,,,,,,2022-09-30 00:31:24 xrrnx0,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-09-30 04:00:12 xru5rh,,3,Stage pfe AI,Aaaslemaa nlawej fi stage pfe ingénieur fel domaine mta3 el IA. Belllehi ay suggestion aala anehom a7sen les entreprises el intéressantes weli ikhalsou fel domaine hedha.,,,,,,2022-09-30 06:25:34 xrue05,,0,حالة الطقس اليوم الجمعة 30 سبتمبر 2022 ، حالة الطقس بمختلف ولايات تونس، حالة الطقس ببعض المدن و العواصم العربية، حالة الطقس في أوروبا، حالة الطقس في المرناقية، حالة الطقس في منوبة، أوقات الصلاة، مواعيد الشروق الغروب,,,,,,,2022-09-30 06:39:56 xrv0xt,,1,Qatar's Ultimate Football Player Experience,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-30 07:21:12 xrvm2d,,28,"Seriously, is anyone happy here?","Im 21yo coming from a middle class family and i noticed that litterally everyone my age (myself included) is planning/wanting to get out of the country because they feel unhappy in here, im seriously asking if anyone is truly happy in here and why?",,,,,,2022-09-30 08:02:19 xrwhgm,,44,"My cat of 2 years has been missing for 3 days, If you ever find him please message me, he's not frightened by anything and he only has one eye. (Kasserine حي الزهور )",,,,,,,2022-09-30 09:03:44 xrwudv,,3,Dinars/Euro,"Pour ceux qui suivent l evolution des cours de change. Est ce qu il y a une réelle explication à ce cours de change qu'on a ? J ai l impression qu on va avoir comme en mars 2017 un passage brut apres l accord qu on aura avec le FMI de genre 20-30%. Avec l inflation qu on a on aurait du etre a 4-5 dinars Euro/dinars.",,,,,,2022-09-30 09:27:17 xrxels,,6,tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-09-30 10:04:12 xrxqil,,2,Public Transport to South Tunisia,"Hi all, I am visiting Tunisia in the next couple of weeks for 10 days and would love to go to the southern regions. Is there any way to travel to Gabes or Douz from Sousse on public transport? Thanks so much!",,,,,,2022-09-30 10:25:23 xrxqxe,,3,skinny knees and Tunisians,"What's with Tunisians and skinny knees??? ""Rkeybek fergha, 5arta baz"" ""3dham rokbtek dhaher, yesser to5rot fiha"" ""7aba fi rasaek, to5rot fiha"" ""te3eb? To5rot fiha""?",,,,,,2022-09-30 10:26:07 xrxrgs,,1,Kids playground equipment,"I'm looking to buy some kids playground equipment but, everything I search online just gives me results in parks that have the equipment, not selling it. Anyone know where I can buy playground equipment? Pictures show the type I'm looking for: [Example 1]( [Example 2](",,,,,,2022-09-30 10:27:00 xrxt4a,,8,Tunisian Nostalgia,"I am not sure if anyone here is aware of the iceberg charts trend especially those dedicated to nostalgic elements, so as Tunisian what are the things, especially things from media , that make you feel nostalgic?",,,,,,2022-09-30 10:29:54 xryeix,,1,stage Tunisie Telecom,"salem nes elkol sna awel 3am licence science info 3andi opportunite na3mel stage fi telecom tunis est ce que 7aja behya w tfidni w aila 7keya fergha 5ater barcha 9alouli matestfech chay w to93ed thez fel 9hawi XD ANSWERS PLS",,,,,,2022-09-30 11:03:47 xryuky,,1,My trip to Djerba,"&#x200B; I would like to share with you a trip I had made in the past to Djerba. Djerba is really a magical island. Well the thing is probably 15 years ago but the memory of it is still fresh in my mind. I took the Louage from Sousse to Djerba. Well I tell you it was a terrible experience. The road is so long I cannot believe no more when someone says that Tunisia is a small country. That road, that long road seemed to be endless. The Louage driver made a few stops here and there but all passengers became tired and fed-up, me the most. Once we went past Sfax the road became visibly more southern like. Scrublands and the desert seemed to send us welcoming signs. The palm trees became more frequent. We made a stop somewhere where we could have a snack or a drink. The Louage driver seemed to know the proprietor of the inn where we stopped and they had a conversation witch each other. It seemed to be rather some kind of economic transaction. The driver stops us deliberately there. Passengers spend money there. And the owner gives the driver his share because the driver could have stopped in any other place and those places were many along the road. So like everything in Tunisia, some petty business going on and the business partners imagine they are doing something big and special. I captured that transaction while many of the other passengers didn’t even notice. I sat on a chair and smoked a cigarette and suddenly a passenger starts a conversation with me as if he were an old acquaintance of mine. The guy was middle aged man who seemed to enjoy talk and conversation just for the sake of it. He told me that he knew another passenger who was an old man. He told me that the old man visited Sousse once a month and took this very tiring trip upon himself because his daughter studies there and he wants to visit her and make sure she is okay. I looked at the old man. He looked frail and very tired, maybe even sick. The middle aged man added that he thought this is not okay and that the old man should stay at home. I agreed with him and then I guess we went back to the car to continue our suffering. The public transport system of Tunisia is a disaster and the roads are a deadly atrocity. I remember looking at the road and seeing the world turn yellower and redder and somehow things changing very much. The green seemed to disappear and it became a really southern atmosphere. When we finally arrived in Djerba and took the ferry and landed there it did seem to be another country that had nothing to do with the main land. People seemed way laid back and nice and hospitable. And I remember seeing so many high quality good hotels everywhere. It seemed like some kind of hidden tourist paradise. I know money when I see it and it damn sure was a lot of money going on in that place. Busses and special convoy cars full of tourists. These tourists even looked wealthier than usual. I was just surprised that I didn’t know about all of that going on before I visited Djerba. It is a very peaceful island and it has its own charm and the weather was fantastic. I guess there is a reason for all that booming tourist business. Anyways I remember also during the way back on the ferry that there were 2 guys who started a conversation with me. It turned out they were from Libya. One of them said he worked in the petroleum business. He confessed that they came to Djerba to have some fun and then he went into the specifics and he seemed really eager and he thought I were some kind of pimp and that I could give him access to what he was looking for, he even insisted on having my phone number and that dude kept calling me for months after we met until he gave up and realized I was no pimp indeed. Well I shared with you some of my memories about that special trip I made in the past. I didn’t say why I went there because I prefer to keep that part private. But if u never were in Djerba and u can afford a visit I highly recommend it. It is really a well hidden secret and it is indeed much underestimated.",,,,,,2022-09-30 11:27:18 xrz37h,,2,work opportunities recommendations ( IT field),"Hi guys , it's been a while since I m looking for a job opportunity as a junior software engineer or junior developer in Sousse , i looked everywhere on LinkedIn, tanit jobs ect.. Can you give me some recommendations of software companies or startup where I can start my career as a junior in Sousse or Monastir ( i have other skills , communications , in love with business sales and digital marketing.. ) I would really appreciate your help Thank you",,,,,,2022-09-30 11:39:54 xrzrst,,0,"Lmao, Arabia didn't realise this is a gay flag and not a rainbow",,,,,,,2022-09-30 12:13:35 xrzs5k,,1,best way to sell crypto?,"I have a decent amount of cryptocurrency and I'm wondering what's the best way to sell it in Tunisia, and can i get it in trouble?",,,,,,2022-09-30 12:14:03 xrztiv,,1,Should we allow full capacity fan attendance in stadiums?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-30 12:15:48 xs0lnp,,1,100K TND reward,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-30 12:53:37 xs13gx,,2,Can i enter University with an SAT and without BAC,,,,,,,2022-09-30 13:15:50 xs1d6z,ésiste_dentaire/,1,Salaire prothésiste dentaire ?,"Je suis un nv technicien prothésiste bac +3 , chnouma les salaires? -Tunis (capital) -Monastir -Sousse Difference entre nekhdem fi caninet mtaa chkoun wella cabinet wa7di (difference côté flous no9sed) Merci en avance pour le retour",,,,,,2022-09-30 13:28:01 xs1he1,,4,"Tunisian Gamer, What games you playing this weekend?","Used to play FIFA 22 but decided not to get FIFA 23 because FIFA is a black hole that swallows all your time. Since then i've been inbetween games : Shatterline, Fortnite, Celeste.. I need some ideas for good/fun Online/Offline Games",,,,,,2022-09-30 13:32:55 xs265q,,2,Where to find/buy local art?,"I’m looking for a website or location where I can buy local art. I want to see what Tunisian artists are doing these days, I’m not interested in traditional art reprints.",,,,,,2022-09-30 14:02:34 xs2rlw,,1,I need ideas for a galaxy / space / stars themed place bich na3mlou shooting ghady,,,,,,,2022-09-30 14:27:24 xs3rm8,,1,What is/are the best/worst thing(s) about Tunisia! Feel free to express yourself.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-30 15:08:15 xs449r,,6,Brectify on instagram guesses location of bridge,,,,,,,2022-09-30 15:22:32 xs49va,,0,english grammar exercises,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-30 15:28:50 xs4vrb,,5,إطلاق البوابة الإلكترونية للخدمات القنصلية,,,,,,,2022-09-30 15:53:35 xs6rlw,علاش_مانعملوش_فيزا_في_المطار_تكون_ب80أورو_للبلدان/,28,علاش مانعملوش فيزا في المطار تكون ب80أورو للبلدان لي عامليلنا فيزا؟,ساهلة برشة بلدان الأوروب خراو علينا الأعوام لخرة في الفيزا عباد ماشية تقرا و تخدم قاعدين يروفزولهم في الفيزا منغير سبب و تقريبا يتحيلو علينا عيني عينك تصرف 350د و إنتي مازلت معفستش الأوروب بالطبيعة من حقهم يحميو الحدود متاعهم و مانيش بش نقول ينحيو الفيزا أما يعاملونا كيف العباد و ميتحيلوش علينا و مترفضليش فيزا منغير سبب لعباد من حقها تاخو الفيزا إنت عامل إجراءات كاملة و بالفلوس مش بلاش و تاخو في معلومات شخصية متع عباد و فلخر تتمنيك عليهم تعدي قريب شهر و إنتي تحضر في الدوسي متاعك و شهر بش يجاوبوك بعد ترفض منغير سبب يتسما تحيل عباد تخدم تقرا تداوي و تقوللهم لا منغير سبب بعد هاذا الكل يجي الأوروبي الفقير لي مافوقوش 50 أورو بش يصرفهم يعدي جمعة في الحمامات ب 300أورو إنت متحلمش بيها يدز الباب و يدخل بالطبيعة متنجمش تعملو فيزا كيما لعملينها هوما أما تنجم تعملو ضريبة الدخول لتونس تكون ب 80أورو صالحة لمدة 90 يوم تدخل شوية علمة صعبة و تعمل قدر لبلادك شوية و كان سائح بش يحسبها في 80أورو بلاش بيه خير خاتر هكاكة نوليو أحنا نصرفو عليه و خاسرين فيه.,,,,,,2022-09-30 17:10:04 xs8gkt,,3,كل جامعة لاهية بمشاكلها و تحيا الرياضة,,,,,,,2022-09-30 18:20:10 xs8tyu,,6,software engineers that are working remotely/outside of tunisia can you shed some light on salaries abroad,I'm really curious to know the range of salaries(post tax) for different software engineering roles abroad and how does it compare to faang tier salaries,,,,,,2022-09-30 18:34:47 xs9c9b,,1,Faddit n7eb no5rej l barra,[removed],,,,,,2022-09-30 18:54:49 xsal37,,1,What are the most flexible and high paying part time jobs for a teen?,"I'm a 16 year old teen looking for a part time job that's high paying,any suggestions? Asap please.",,,,,,2022-09-30 19:44:40 xsbuk6,الشقف_mean/,1,What does الشقف mean?,"I've heard ""Jebt ech9af?"" in a tv show and I haven't found the meaning on the internet.",,,,,,2022-09-30 20:35:55 xsc951,,0,Any advices on pfe hunting,"Hey there, can y’all give me some advices on pfe hunting I’m a computer science student in hammam sousse and I have some skills in react web dev.",,,,,,2022-09-30 20:52:05 xscdb6,,0,Pfe in sousse,"Hey there, can u guys please give me a list of companies recruiting license students for pfe in sousse for an IT rôle preferably react web dev, and thanks 😊👌",,,,,,2022-09-30 20:56:40 xscrlu,,3,whats the best bank in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-09-30 21:12:22 xscyjy,,0,What do you do?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-30 21:20:15 xsddxh,,6,الغزالة رايقة,,,,,,,2022-09-30 21:38:25 xsdf6h,,2,"Looking to buy a cheap smartwatch, any advice?","cheap ma3neha zone 150-300tnd. I'm only looking for round ones. Definitely an anti-sweat one cuz I need it to time my rest periods between sets of workout exercises. I was kinda set on buying on the mibro lite but it seems kinda bad to not be able to set ""always on"" mode forever. (It's 20min max) so that's one more thing i guess. It seems like all of them in this price range have similar battery capacity so that's a non-issue? Idk what else to watch out for.",,,,,,2022-09-30 21:39:57 xsdo4s,,6,any cozy and nice coffee shops (not crowded) suggestions to meet with friends zone sidi bou said or marsa ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-30 21:50:33 xse3sm,,0,"Hypothetically a civil war breaks out, which region will win?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-09-30 22:08:51 xsecsk,,2,Chabeb I need help,"7achti b attestation d'inscription fi ay nou3 mt3 9raya wela ay formation w najm n5als ay frais lezm 3ndkom fekra ken 9ayd fi formation wela fac privé ne5ou attestation d'inscription wle Merci",,,,,,2022-09-30 22:19:33 xsfh8z,,12,Only an idiot would believe that the Establishment will fight something they are benefiting from. Why even attempt to slow down the Human capital flight when we can rent them for hard currency.,,,,,,,2022-09-30 23:09:07 xsg9k2,,2,Transportation,"Good day everyone , i will be visiting soon and i wanted to get some insight of the most efficient way on getting around Tunis. Would you say the standard cab is best or is there perhaps a rideshare app locals use? Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-09-30 23:44:53 xsgdix,,1,Questions related to a tunisian crypto-miner bro,"Hi all! Do you remember that piece of news, dating a few months ago, related to a fellow tunisian crypto-miner getting arrested then released? Do you have any updates regarding that matter? Thank you so much!",,,,,,2022-09-30 23:49:58 xsggwn,,5,"Carthage, Tunisia! My future background",[deleted],,,,,,2022-09-30 23:54:18 xsjcrj,,1,اخر اخبار تونس اليوم فيسبوك Facebook يوتيوب YouTube أخبار google جوجل 01 اكتوبر 2022,,,,,,,2022-10-01 02:12:29 xsjfbv,,3,"AI's Personification of Tunisia,","&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-10-01 02:16:07 xso0pz,,2,Tunisian teachers working remotely locally or abroad,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-01 06:23:54 xsogid,,5,Any plans this weekend?,,,,,,,2022-10-01 06:50:44 xsp7mk,,5,A few questions,"Best fournisseur in Tunisia ? Best livreur in Tunisia ? Roadmap to the e-commerce in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-10-01 07:37:30 xsqmqz,,0,How to invest in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-10-01 09:08:06 xsqmzr,,1,How to buy services in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-10-01 09:08:32 xsqn80,,1,How to work freelance in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-10-01 09:08:52 xsqphn,,1,Best stocks to buy in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-10-01 09:12:41 xsr3ia,,3,some one is creating custum card busness in tunisia,"that would be nice BUT &#x200B; the card industrie is a monopole of rnta ( regie national des tabac et des allumetes ) so it's illegal to sell smugled card games because the 9badha add (droit de timbre ) on the card , in other word in every chkoba that you buy there is a stamp ( timbre) of 1d or more that goes to the dawla this guy is selling his own card but the 7akem can give him a heavy fine for that i remeber reading the in news that some diwan that captured a smugler camiun full of rami and chkoba from algeria &#x200B; &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-10-01 09:37:12 xssy8v,,4,A place to physically shop for good english books?,This is my dream,,,,,,2022-10-01 11:29:02 xst96k,,13,"Full scholarships to study abroad after the baccalaureate exam, How to get any? When and how to apply? and which are the best options? if there are any real life examples, please share them below. PS: Idk if this helps but a straight A student here",,,,,,,2022-10-01 11:46:18 xstbxv,,0,Help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-01 11:50:34 xstomv,,48,The value of our biggest exports VS the cost of some of our basic imports (2005-2014) really puts things in perspective,,,,,,,2022-10-01 12:09:17 xsts5d,,6,is it possible to join the army without bac?,"my brother doesn't have BAC and we are trying to help him do something. so is there a way for him to join the army (or anything really) ?",,,,,,2022-10-01 12:14:25 xstsfs,,1,اخر اخبار تونس اليوم 01 اكتوبر 2022 موزاييك جوهرة شمس ديوان أف آم mosaique fm ifm jawhara shems diwan,,,,,,,2022-10-01 12:14:50 xsusg1,,6,The cars cartel in Tunisia,"Any ideas on how to fix this situation, our country is being filled with Chinese moving graves that people will buy even with a crazy price.",,,,,,2022-10-01 13:03:31 xsuvg5,,60,Tunisian social media pages are circulating videos that French security prevented a Tunisian from raising a Palestinian flag during a friendly match between Tunisia and Brazil in Paris.,,,,,,,2022-10-01 13:07:17 xsuwi7,,21,my cat passed away yesterday and i'am very sad,"Yes human lives Is more important, but still I raised my cat since 2013 and this just make me sad",,,,,,2022-10-01 13:08:36 xsv304,,3,Single traveler to Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-01 13:16:52 xsw8nu,,1,what do you think about the war in Ukraine? and what are ur expections?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-01 14:08:34 xsy6cu,,4,Can a minor open a bank account?,,,,,,,2022-10-01 15:29:04 xsyrmm,,4,Is Ben Gardane Safe to Visit?,"I'm currently in Tunis and my flight date was extended. I've seen all that there is see in Tunis, and planning to make a trip to nearby cities/towns. I saw that Ben Gardane is next to the border of Libya. I was planning on visiting Gabes then Ben Gardane/vice versa. Is it safe to visit? If so, where can I find the louage for a direct trip from Tunis to Ben Gardane?",,,,,,2022-10-01 15:53:05 xsz9c1,,5,Can i go to Romania with a Schengen Visa?,"Edit: i have a french new (unused) visa , 7a9ni wadha7it akthir 😅",,,,,,2022-10-01 16:12:11 xszt9t,,5,Any Pilot's Here,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-01 16:34:18 xt0pxm,,3,Making cider,"Hi everyone, I would love to try to make some homemade pear cider this autumn. Unfortunately I'm not able to find any yeast meant for vinification, that allows for a second fermenting process in the bottle (necessary to get the right amount of sparkle). Does anyone of you know where I would be able to find yeast meant for vinification here in Tunisia. All the help is appreciated!",,,,,,2022-10-01 17:11:24 xt0ysu,,1,How to send gift,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-01 17:21:40 xt1xsj,,5,need advice buying a watch,"what do i look for in a watch ? how do i know if it's a good one or just a cheap knock off ? where do u think it's best to buy them ? budget is around 100 dnt but would apreciate if u recommend lower ones",,,,,,2022-10-01 18:02:46 xt21f1,,5,what are the things that you hate the most when you're debating someone?,I'm just trying to not become friendless,,,,,,2022-10-01 18:06:53 xt3pgw,,1,English Grammar Practiceقواعد انجليزي,,,,,,,2022-10-01 19:17:51 xt3qcn,,0,English EmSAT Practiceقواعد انجليزي,,,,,,,2022-10-01 19:18:54 xt44fi,,3,Weather in Tunisia mid-Oct to mid-Nov,"I'll be going on a business trip to Tunisia by mid-Oct to mid-Nov. Any tips on what is the weather like and what kind of clothes should I pack? Also, I plan to go to Kelibia during my spare time and enjoy the beach. Or is the temp too cold to swim by that time already?",,,,,,2022-10-01 19:35:34 xt4o7h,,3,Whale/dolphin watching,"So I’ve just been told I’m going to Tunisia in two weeks for work. While I’m there, I get two days off to explore and have heard you can go whale/dolphin watching but I can’t find anything online about where in Tunisia you can do this or how to book it. Does anyone have any advise? I’ll be staying in Tunis.",,,,,,2022-10-01 19:59:39 xt4qmq,,2,is it a good idea to go to Qatar in 2022?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-01 20:02:13 xt5m4d,,1,Game of Thrones books,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-01 20:39:47 xt5u3m,,0,how to start a conversation with a guy ??,,,,,,,2022-10-01 20:49:24 xt7brx,,0,حادث اليوم 01 أكتوبر 2022، المنستير: محاولة قتل فتاة، الكبارية: تلميذ بمعهد يقضم أذن زميله و يقطع جزء منها و أب المتضرر يطالب وزير التربية بانصافه، القيروان: وفاة كهل صدمته الة لتعبيد الطرقات بمنطقة أولاد عامر، تونس: 08 وفايات و عدد 322 مصاب خلال الــ 24 ساعة الفارطة، صفاقس: وفاة امرأة اثر انقلاب سي,,,,,,,2022-10-01 21:54:09 xt7ezb,,4,Nail salon,Quick question: Is there nail salons that do both men and women nails? I want to do mine with my girlfriend.,,,,,,2022-10-01 21:58:10 xt7qx9,,0,Do you know where I can find a restaurant serving cat's meat in Tunis ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-01 22:12:55 xt7ru9,,3,Is there somewhere suitable to go forest foraging in tunisia (preferably tunis/benarous),"I was watching [this video]( and now I really want to try forest foraging now, doesn't have to necessarily be edible stuff (but that's certainly a preference)",,,,,,2022-10-01 22:14:08 xtem0j,,1,"Hello, I need some help in something relating to sending an admission to a Canadian university I don’t know how I can ask my uni to send them my relève de notes.",,,,,,,2022-10-02 03:47:12 xtflzj,,5,"Is it me or every summer I come home to Tunisia, there are more people becoming insta-influencers and models?","Is it me or every summer I come home to Tunisia, there are more people becoming insta-influencers and models? It’s happening elsewhere in the world, but particularly in Tunisia, the culture surrounding it feels intense af. PS: am a 90s kid born and raised in Tunisia & overseas expat for past 10 yrs",,,,,,2022-10-02 04:41:22 xthex3,éant_do_copie_conforme/,5,Does baladeyt Géant do copie conforme?,Need to do some urgent paperwork,,,,,,2022-10-02 06:23:50 xthrfb,,6,RunPay works?,Is it possible to buy steam gift cards from it? And does it work without any problem?,,,,,,2022-10-02 06:44:40 xtk8ih,,3,Any good clothing lines ?,"I’ve been looking for clothes for the past month for winter and all look the same and boring, bershka pull&bear zara kotton h&m and kiabi all almost the same with high prices any one has an idea about any Tunisian clothing line that is creative and good quality or an online website that ships to Tunis",,,,,,2022-10-02 09:19:07 xtl8h5,,9,Any communities or people interested in investigative journalism?,"Title pretty much explains it self, am a tunisian interested in investigative journalism I'd like to join a community or get to know some people interested in the same thing and work k together on some projects.",,,,,,2022-10-02 10:16:42 xtmrut,,1,👋 I’m looking to continue my studies in Canada and here is my current list uqar uqat upac. Please if u are familiar with admitting to one of those unis please tell me ur experience and ur advices ☺️.,,,,,,,2022-10-02 11:46:30 xtmuj3,,6,Speedrunning community in Tunisia,"Hey guys, anyone knows if we havea speedrunning community in Tunisia and what games they Speedrun 😁",,,,,,2022-10-02 11:50:38 xtn175,,7,"A 2 minute survey to help us desperate college students, thanks in advance!",,,,,,,2022-10-02 12:00:19 xtnbfz,,3,making money / buying from abroad,"is it possible to buy a bunch of cheap goodies online ( smart watches , phones, kit bleutooth.) and resell it with facebook ads and make the price x 5 and deliver it in tunisia ? with cti card is it thaat eazy w kifeh nekhou sel3a zama f diwana m ttfakech ?",,,,,,2022-10-02 12:14:57 xtobjb,,9,my phone got stolen last night and i can't do sh!t,"is there any way to get back my phone :""( and yes i went to police station and they did nothing",,,,,,2022-10-02 13:04:02 xtpb92,,3,"Hey there, how can I get 3 lettre de recommandation ? Should I ask my uni teachers ?",,,,,,,2022-10-02 13:50:22 xtrstw,,11,"Hé tonton, les cabas ils sont trop lourds!",,,,,,,2022-10-02 15:38:19 xts1v0,,80,"hello, my mom started making cooking video show on you youtube, any feedback? or suggestions?","this is her first video, she made kosksi bel bouri check it out :))) [\_\_74h8KWYtg&ab\_channel=KikouRecettes](",,,,,,2022-10-02 15:49:11 xts65y,,8,Before starting a business make sure you are not a competitor of the عايلات الريع,,,,,,,2022-10-02 15:54:09 xts8jv,,13,Thoughts about Tunisia 2," What is going on in Tunisia? People complaining. Some don’t like this, others don’t like that. Moody’s decided to rate us negatively again. Economists are saying that the future is uncertain and things don´t look good at all. I read the newspaper today. News about youths being buried after having been found drowned trying to get to Europe. News about streets of the capital filled with the homeless. Even the football games haven’t started yet. Those teachers are on a strike. The other workers are planning a strike. It has become impossible for the middle class to even think of building a house. Divorce rates are on the surge. Dirt, plastic and rubbish all over the streets and in all places have become normality. I can’t deny that. That is indeed a truth. However let’s look at the other side of the picture: The weather is great. The air we breathe is refreshing and clear. Other people seem to be doing just fine. New Cars. Expensive cars. Dream cars. New extravagant villas being built. New projects being launched. Businesses booming and thriving. Money being made. Money flowing and circulating. That is also an undeniable truth. A fact. So how about we stop complaining and start working instead? How about we finally change ourselves because no one is going to fix our country for us. How about we stop throwing dirt and rubbish everywhere? How about we start behaving in a more civil and responsible matter? All of us. How about we learn all over again the true meaning of work? When we work, we must respect the time. We should give work its due importance and respect. We must work harder and believe in our country again and stop the self-loathing and self-defeating. I hear of parents selling their land and goods to afford to send their children to Europe. What do you think awaits them in Europe? A better future? A paradise? How about staying in Tunisia and making in it work here? If I had any authority I would make reading some books mandatory in school for all Tunisians. Like “To have or to be?” of Erich Fromm. I personally know a guy who makes good money yet he sends his 2 sons to Canada so that they make a better future for themselves. Or so he says. I rather think he wants just more. More money. Bigger house. Nicer car. More. More. Like that dude who went to Canada and came back wealthy and happy. Or that other dude who came back with a fortune too. That is an existing mentality here in Tunisia sadly. How about being humble and accepting the little? Now these 2 youngsters could easily spend up to 10 years in Canada. God knows the stress they will have to deal with and the numerous hardships they would encounter. 10 years without their family. Is it worth it? Has money become the all defining norm of success and happiness in our lives? Let us not let our society fall apart! We need to stop obsessing with greed and get our things in order and our priorities straightened out. No need for the madness and frenzy. Wake up Tunisians! We need to work. Hard work is required. Pride people! We need to get our pride back. And there is something else: It is called “Love”. Let’s admit it. Most of us Tunisians don’t even know what that word means. Or we became so lost and confused along the labyrinth of life that we lost sense of it. Let’s start again. Love our country. Keep it clean. Love each other. Have stronger family ties. Or else there would be no prosperity. We can do this. Let us help each other. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. But a country is at stakes here. Let us all just try to spread more love and hope for the better.",,,,,,2022-10-02 15:56:54 xtswqg,,4,Gaming platforms poll,"Which gaming platform are you into ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-02 16:23:35 xtt80t,,110,Blessing your feed with couscous bdjej l aarbi,,,,,,,2022-10-02 16:36:30 xtthvl,,2,How to spend a couple of hours in the Medina of Tunis and make the best out of them?,"Hello ! I've been to Medina a couple of times already, but always with guidance of friends as I'm not originally from Tunis. Now I'll be going with a friend that is also not very familiar with Medina. We want to go there to walk around and see places with high historic values. ( We love arts and crafts). And we'd also like to eat something traditional and/ or yummy 😋 Any recommendations for places to visit? (We'll be 2 or 3 girls) Thanks ! &#x200B; \-- &#x200B; Update : I also heard that DREAM CITY is on and maybe I'll check that out, seems a lot like what we're looking for . Any reviews on the event? ",,,,,,2022-10-02 16:47:39 xtur31,,40,hello there tunisian redditors i was wondering if you can help me find a restaurant that makes arabic shawarma just like the one in the picture I'll be grateful,,,,,,,2022-10-02 17:39:03 xtv898,,0,I want a biker boyfriend,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-02 17:58:17 xtvqkv,,0,is it possible to change from math section o sciences bac,title,,,,,,2022-10-02 18:18:41 xtwldf,,1,MOSAÏQUE représentant des animaux en combat Musée El djem Fin Illè s. ap. J.C,,,,,,,2022-10-02 18:53:38 xty2ue,,8,Help identify this name?,,,,,,,2022-10-02 19:53:45 xtyafu,,1,Recieving payments from abroad,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-02 20:02:01 xu152y,,12,Why does tunis feels lonely?,"I don't know if it's just a normal depression episode or my imagination. But I feel that tunis ""il3asma"" feels very lonely. It's wasn't only me who noticed this, w I think a lot of people are feeling like this, even tho having lots of friends.",,,,,,2022-10-02 21:59:07 xu18in,,1,Is Geodesic the shortest distance between two points in geometry?,,,,,,,2022-10-02 22:02:59 xu33xb,,1,Language help,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-02 23:24:45 xu3s8u,,1,Funny Video 2022 N 9,,,,,,,2022-10-02 23:56:18 xud8oa,,0,World Info (@worldiinfo) is LIVE | TikTok,,,,,,,2022-10-03 08:06:18 xue63m,,1,Military services,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-03 09:04:09 xufdxy,,5,What is the best physical activity for a kid?,My nephew is 12 and I'm want to include him into sports.. I thought about martial arts ( kick-boxing or so) but we really wanted smth that can grant him a future as an athlete. Any suggestions?,,,,,,2022-10-03 10:14:34 xuinjx,,4,"Looking for martial arts gyms by the banlieue sud train line, any suggestions?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-03 12:53:09 xujo5k,,1,Hurry up watch this video how Tunisians celebrate their wedding,,,,,,,2022-10-03 13:35:45 xuk7n6,,7,an affordable place to print posters to hang,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-03 13:58:13 xukbv3,,52,Cries in Tunisian. I wish we can do the same,,,,,,,2022-10-03 14:02:44 xul5u4,,1,Payment method for Tunisian NSFW content creators,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-03 14:35:16 xulsc6,,6,urgent,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-03 14:59:58 xulvt6,مسلسل_القضاء_الحلقة_37_مترجمة_للعربية/,1,مسلسل القضاء الحلقة 37 مترجمة للعربية,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-03 15:03:24 xum3fk,,4,Does Amazon France deliver products to Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-10-03 15:11:34 xum5ml,,1,Any one here who work/studies bioinformatics? need your help !,,,,,,,2022-10-03 15:13:52 xumpw0,,5,بُولط تونس: غشّ ضريبي، تقويض للسوق ومعطيات شخصيّة لتونسيّين تُسرّب إلى تل أبيب,,,,,,,2022-10-03 15:35:18 xuneim,,5,side hustle in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-10-03 16:01:02 xuoaiu,,4,Need help getting high speed internet," Hey everyone, I'm being considered for a good remote work position but the company is requesting the following internet speeds: 1. 45-50 mbps – for the download; 2. 20-30 mbps – for the upload; 3. 30-50 ms max – for ping. Do I have options besides fiber optic internet? That would require me to rent and I'd rather not, but if necessary, what are the most affordable areas where there's coverage? Really appreciate any help",,,,,,2022-10-03 16:32:12 xuopg7,,12,"TN women, do you think that most tunisian men have overall unrealistic standards when it comes to finding a wife?",,,,,,,2022-10-03 16:47:46 xuq80i,,1,Where can I get Genki I & II,"Any idea where can I get Genki I & II both the textbook and the workbook for a reasonable price? I would normally opt for kindle but I kinda want the paper version this time!",,,,,,2022-10-03 17:45:44 xut9sa,,1,what's the meaning of life?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-03 19:41:26 xuttxm,,1,anyone can help me get a vpn,"Hey guys I am trying to get a vpn Nord vpn and atlas vpn and express vpn are all good options but I don't know how to pay for them",,,,,,2022-10-03 20:02:46 xuueqg,,2,Xbox Game Pass PC yemchi fi tounes ?,"Hello guys, nheb nekhou el xbox game pass fi tounes khamamet nechrih eb VPN ama nheb naaref déja connexion khayba bech trasili nal3eb bel VPN w download bel VPN zeda?",,,,,,2022-10-03 20:24:56 xuw0dh,,2,"Tunisians , how much do you know about sex and more specifically safe sex , and for womens what is the best contraceptive methode you use and why ?",,,,,,,2022-10-03 21:27:31 xuyfla,,1,Funny Video 2022 N10,,,,,,,2022-10-03 23:08:30 xuz0zj,,5,Job hunting,"Hi everyone, i'm currently finishing my engineering degree in the field of business intelligence and i've been looking for a job to kick start my career. i tried looking in linkedIn and tanitjobs but with no luck so far, feels the job market is saturated in tunisia and i'm not very picky about the job (applied for various fields bi/ds/back end dev ...). got one employer that was interested in my profile and yet he never replied to my messages in linkedIn and tanitjobs is filled with jobs from months ago that are probably closed and no new jobs at all and all available one are asking for 5 years experience minimum. i would appreciate your advices on where to look for jobs and how can i approach them in the field of computer science. &#x200B; much thanks :D",,,,,,2022-10-03 23:34:24 xuz4oq,,12,getting paid late,"I am a senior UX UI designer and I have been working for 7 months with a startup. And these last 3 months they payed me late ( 5..12 days ). Tbh this is affecting my productivity. What's happening with them is unprofessional because I am sure if I deliver my tasks late I am gonna get fired and they will overreact. However they are normalizing paying me late 🤡 I really value respect at work and getting paid on time is a way of respect for the services I am giving to this startup. What I learned from my past professional experiences is that asking my boss to get paid on time means I am working with the wrong person... Anyways I am open to any advice. HELP!",,,,,,2022-10-03 23:39:06 xv0bjd,,1,Are there any study spots in La Marsa Plage with wifi?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 00:32:48 xv1qir,,1,Bravo à tous les responsables régionaux 🙂👏,,,,,,,2022-10-04 01:37:06 xv4rpg,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 04:00:10 xv8w82,,0,is AIESEC in Tunisia legitimate?,Hello I want to become a part of AIESEC but I have been told to avoid it like the plague since it has a pyramid scheme and is kinda cultish and extorts large sums of money from its members in the name of fake leadership. What are your opinions about it ?,,,,,,2022-10-04 07:54:26 xvanl6,,1,"Azzedine Alaïa (1935-2017), un couturier français",,,,,,,2022-10-04 09:41:46 xvavt3,,1,jobs in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-04 09:55:06 xvbcby,,1,Payment method for Tunisian NSFW content creators,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 10:21:16 xvbn92,,2,Rollers near Ariana,"I am looking for artistic rollers or freestyle roller both quad or inlines, Decathlonis expensive and I would like to find an alternative any frippe that you recommend ?",,,,,,2022-10-04 10:39:00 xvce0u,,1,Les transferts en devises effectués par les Tunisiens résidents en France ont contribué à 44.2 % du total des transferts étrangers en Tunisie,,,,,,,2022-10-04 11:18:19 xvcyyx,,13,"Men of Tunisia, what are the standards you have when it comes to choosing a wife?",,,,,,,2022-10-04 11:47:03 xvdjhh,التطبيقة_الخضراء/,2,"""التطبيقة الخضراء""","Anyone else saw the report by "" الحقائق الأربعة "" about the apps more people are forced to use to get a taxi ? How common is this for you? Is it as bad as the report mentioned? Is it the same problem everywhere or are there some areas in the main cities, especially Tunis, where it is more prominent?",,,,,,2022-10-04 12:14:36 xvdm37,,3,for exp tarbya islamiya in tunisia,"Do you think it s right to force children to learn a certain religion , isn't it some kind of brainwashing? , I mean there are tons of religiobs out there , who are they to decide which one is right for you?",,,,,,2022-10-04 12:18:06 xve5l5,,1,cum,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-04 12:44:10 xve9zs,,2,Quick question,"I am receiving a package from croatia, i was asked by the post to go to the douane regional bureau, any ideas why? Is it a formality? They are beauty products… I’ve never had this happen before. Any ideas?",,,,,,2022-10-04 12:50:08 xvelku,,3,I’m moving from Europe to Tunisia. What can I bring with me to resell?,"I’m moving from Scandinavia to Tunisia and I want to bring goods with me for resell. I’m travelling by car so I don’t have that much of storage issues. What’s the best items to sell that’s in high demand? I know phones, bicycles and furniture is popular, any ideas besides that can go well. Preferably smaller in size but more high valued items.",,,,,,2022-10-04 13:04:37 xvfc1l,,2,Any ideas💡 of project in tunisia with minimum budget,Thanks,,,,,,2022-10-04 13:36:55 xvhjt8,,8,giving up...,"did u ever reach a point where you just like ""fuck all this"" ? a point where you actually died subconsciously and you are not sure if ur dreaming or is this actually my life ? how did u get out of that situation ""7ala nafsseya te3ba xd"" ?",,,,,,2022-10-04 15:08:05 xvhmqs,,1,Tunisian at the University of Tokyo How did you make it?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-04 15:11:20 xvhoer,,14,Tunisians in the University of Tokyo how did you make it?,"Hello guys, So I guess the title says it all, Tunisian graduate students in the university of Tokyo how did you get there? how did you prepare for the entrance exam? do you like it there?",,,,,,2022-10-04 15:13:10 xvj5q4,,1,Our media is on another level,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 16:12:01 xvjajc,,1,dw we won't tell anyone,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 16:16:59 xvjhc3,,1,our media is on another level,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 16:24:27 xvjtp0,,1,Question about driving.,"Just wanted to know, if you drove without a license and end up getting caught speeding what would happen to you? Do you get arrested for a day or more? Would you also have to go back to driving school to learn how to drive again and pass the driver test to be able to get back your car and be able to drive again? Thanks in advance :).",,,,,,2022-10-04 16:37:41 xvkiy3,,1,PSA: If you code/setup something illegal for someone else you are still liable to the crime. Casino games are illegal.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 17:04:26 xvkr02,,1,PSA: You are responsible for the work you do. If you code/setup something against the law for someone you will be held accountable.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 17:13:02 xvkugv,,1,PSA: Just because you can code it. It doesn't mean you should code it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 17:16:49 xvo52t,,0,how to not end up unemployed?,"older people with no jobs makes me so worried ngl i am a computer science student at ISI, what can i do to get more of a chance to not end up employed or to even get out of tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-10-04 19:25:11 xvp71a,,1,Just because you can download a cracked CA$lN0 script from the internet it doesn't mean you can sell it to desperate teens.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 20:07:17 xvp8ld,,1,Just because you can download a cracked CA$lN0 script from the internet it doesn't mean you can sell it to desperate teens.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 20:08:58 xvptmg,,1,Why the Tunisian banks are refusing to adopt new payment methods and want to keep the retarded system:,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-04 20:31:22 xvqwij,,5,"Does Northern vs Sfaxian ""accent"" sounds really like American vs British accent somehow",">Disclaimer: I'm not a linguist, i'm just a Phonology and linguistics lover who enjoys to look into languages and their phonological structures. •It's like how both share the same vocabulary (kind of) but each one of the two has a different way of pronounciation, regardless of the fact that Tunisian is neither a language on itself nor standardized yet. •Sfaxian seems to pronounce back **rounded** vowels more often compare to northern accent: *""ɑ""* is pronounced in sfaxian as **rounded** *""ɒ""*, compare words like ""th**a**3"", ""y9r**a**"" and ofc ""8**a**li"", in both accents. •Sfaxian tends to have more diphthongs (a diphthong is a combination of two vowels into one single syllable as in ""C**oi**n"", ""H**ow**"", ""W**i**ne""..) compared to northern accents, as in ""Fin"" vs ""Feyn"" (i→ɛɪ) ""Huni"" vs ""Hawni"" (u→ʌʊ) ""Binek"" vs ""Beynek"" (i→ɛɪ). This was just my analysis, it could be wrong the same way it could be right too..",,,,,,2022-10-04 21:13:45 xvro2d,,2,"I want to get into wine, any good Tunisian wine to suggest for begginers? (not a big fan of really sour stuff)",,,,,,,2022-10-04 21:44:20 xvsvy9,é_calme_w_cozy_najam_nakra_fiha_fi_centre/,0,café calme w cozy najam nakra fiha fi centre ville tunis/bardo? w mch expensive!! suggestions?,,,,,,,2022-10-04 22:35:04 xvt090,,5,college students how much money do you spend per day,,,,,,,2022-10-04 22:40:22 xvtfck,,0,People who went from fat to fit,What's your story? What motivated you? Did you struggle with our Tunisian diet,,,,,,2022-10-04 22:59:06 xvth88,السلام_عليكم_أنا_طالب_جامعي_سعودي_لدي_دكتور_اسمه/,3,السلام عليكم أنا طالب جامعي سعودي لدي دكتور اسمه زهير الزغاوني تريمش هو دكتور مشهور عندكم ؟,بحثت عنه في النت لقيت له مقابلات يوتيوب وحبيت أسأل وشكرا,,,,,,2022-10-04 23:01:09 xw42oo,,16,how to buy a car if you are a student.,"Is there a way to get a car if you are a student in tunisia ? ( For covoiturage i did not find anyone in my area that go to borj cedria ) Public transport is painful, trash and take a lot of time.",,,,,,2022-10-05 07:41:21 xw48eo,,3,bicycles,Morning. I m looking to buy a bicycle. Any idea what I should look for? Because I have no idea about bikes. Also where s the best place to buy a reasonable not pricy one?,,,,,,2022-10-05 07:51:13 xw5rgt,,6,What would be the proper translation for dev or web dev that fits in the CIN?,,,,,,,2022-10-05 09:22:52 xw64cz,,1,Blue card/fast track procedure/german embasssy,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-05 09:44:25 xw6b0t,,1,"How can I immigrate to Europe? (No, no 7ar9a)",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-05 09:55:19 xw6zp1,,5,How to get my official citizenship,Hello! I am Tunisian by descent. How do I acquire my citizenship documents? I live in Canada.,,,,,,2022-10-05 10:33:44 xw7prg,,1,"""كما ظهر في عدد من المنابر الاعلامية وتحدث عن وصفات معالجة الأمراض النفسية والجنسية""",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-05 11:11:03 xw8eqd,,1,"Question regarding the ""prise en charge""",I'm going on an internship abroad and i wanted to know if a friend of the family can take me in charge wala lezem un membre de la famille ? Thank you,,,,,,2022-10-05 11:45:52 xwabxx,,3,"fekra of buisness for the tunisian resident outiside , selling 9badha stamps by paypal","what do you think of sellin 9badha stamps from tunisia for crypto or paypal for example i know that a 30d stamp is sold 30 dolar in the usa but what if i sell to you the same stamp for 15 $ with the transport fee included",,,,,,2022-10-05 13:12:48 xwc5ku,,0,Typical cost of a taxi driver for a day?,"I am in Tataouine and meeting with a friend here. He doesn't have a car yet and he wants to give me a tour of sites near Tataouine that are 30-40 minutes from each other. Public transport would take a bit too long as I'm only here for a couple of days. Do ya'll know how much it would cost if I hired a taxi driver for a day? Edit: I forgot to add: I am open to hiring a travel agency that provide drivers. The tour guide I hired through a travel agency ghosted the company, and the company only has so many drivers and they're all booked",,,,,,2022-10-05 14:30:14 xwcn1r,,1,Hairdresser in tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-05 14:49:33 xweucl,,0,I farted,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-05 16:14:17 xwfk8i,,1,can i book airbnb abroad using tunisia's CTI card ?,,,,,,,2022-10-05 16:41:59 xwggne,,1,Professional Painless Hair Removal Kit Laser Touch Epilator USB Rechargeable Women Body Face Leg Bikini Hand Shaver Hair Remover,,,,,,,2022-10-05 17:16:14 xwhub8,,1,How to learn the tunisian dialect of Tamazight aka Chelha,"I am doing research on the amazigh people and their culture and for that I wanted to learn some tamazight, I would prefer if I could learn the tunisian dialect (chelha) but if that's not possible then the libyan and algerian dialects are good",,,,,,2022-10-05 18:09:21 xwi38e,,0,I shit in toilet at a restaurant,I was shitting in toilet in souse got raped in my ass by shop owner,,,,,,2022-10-05 18:19:04 xwjwm5,,17,"why haven't burgers and fried chicken takeaway become a thing in Tunisia, I know our food is something beautiful but why isn't there many places that serve burger and fries chicken at a reasonable price for normal people.",,,,,,,2022-10-05 19:30:33 xwk0os,,1,Tunisian math book pdf,Where can I find a corrected pdf of exercise from Tunisian math book (3eme math preferably),,,,,,2022-10-05 19:34:58 xwka9m,,9,Which political and economical identity should Tunisia adopt to develope into a better country.," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-05 19:45:28 xwkr6v,,1,Sondage Enseignement étatique VS privé (I'll share the results once we gather enough voters if u wish) Thank you for voting :),[removed],,,,,,2022-10-05 20:04:05 xwm520,,0,NBE airport to Tunis? Best/cheapest way,"I'm landing at NBE airport at 13:30 and need to get to Tunis. Looks like the train departs before I land, and private transfers are quite expensive. Does anyone know of other options?",,,,,,2022-10-05 20:58:17 xwm9ah,,1,T-shirt TN to CA,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-05 21:02:37 xwmafv,,1,I want to send a T-shirt to a friend in Canada how much does it cost,,,,,,,2022-10-05 21:03:47 xwmezw,,1,"How can I immigrate? (No, no 7ar9a)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-05 21:08:31 xwnalt,,0,Crowdfunding in Tunisia?,"Hi all! Can you help me gather informations about crowdfunding in Tunisia? Does it exist? If it does, how should I proceed? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-10-05 21:43:18 xwo9pk,,0,which better system for tunisia that may turn things way better than it is,"My thoughts The idea that socialists want free stuff is the great lie of capitalism Socialists want the fruits of our labor to be equitably distributed rather than allowing 10 old men to hoard half the planet's resources. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-05 22:23:06 xwoucw,,0,Orphans of the 90's [ a Biography essay ],"&#x200B; We … Are the unfortunate soldiers of fame We , Used to be sane before y’all hit us with your globalisation , your digital wave , your failed communist feat islamic revolution , dragged us with you to the era of decay … We were having a solid time , getting entertained with viva polska , ايقاعات عالمية , and honest soccer disputes in El Menzah , Chedly Zwiten and Olympic of Sousse , We used to get driven by national company busses to the beach where we were separated from tourists swimming zone by a guarded fence , now y’all swim with crap and celtia cans .. We were die hard fans of Starwars while you admire Casa del papel We used to buy cassette tapes of Rai and Hard Rock in the morning Souk then go play barefoot soccer in Houma’s batha ( hood's pitch) before y’all grimmed us with stupid fancy artificial grass fields with parties (takwira) costing us 5Dinars , what a shame … We used to wear FC Inter and AC Milan Shirts and support Olympic Marseille in the old Veledrom when your PSG was ligue 2 … We learnt French grammar quite well from Motus and Italian from Rai uno and we werent all lucky to catch all canal horizon shows … We feared renault 19 chamade police patrolls and respected RCD’s school director … We didnt know about democracy , imperialism , socialism , salafism , nor anarchy because the governement brought us security , 100 millimes gaucho , water and television … ⅓ of us were part of the birth of nu-metal generation , another danced to Rai masterpieces and the rest just followed commercial pop … I cant’ say we were much of book readers , just classic french novels for some and مجلة عرفان for the rest .. You are responsible for the plague called Har9a and immigration that tore our families apart.. As we witnessed how y’all became junkies we just said no to drugs thanks to a vanished tv spot on Tounes 7 wiggling : ""المخدرات خطر ، إلي جرب حصل و خسر الكل في الكل "" Only harcode people can remember that … Violence was frequent , but it mostly was over pride , masculine principles and loyalty … Education was sacred , teachers were Godfathers and school love confessions were announced through written papers or with indirect oral messages … Now we see how you all got married thanks to facebook , sad … It’s Sad how in a couple of decades we had to morally fell this far , I guess every period shares with us some time then just leaves us with memories … I have also remarked that time has gotten so ill that it just became passing faster , runs like a bullet , always in a hurry , and that is bad , since it leaves irreparable physical and mental damage … Lots of faces had gone , new one appeared , some lost faith , others got luckier , you can either be part of those who choose ( and have the right) to just forget , but I … Rather not I recite it as it happened Recall it as it was felt Cherish how long that was a joy And cry how much that did hurt …",,,,,,2022-10-05 22:46:49 xwqbfc,,2,Does the bac matter if you are trying to go university in the US?,"My friend lives in Tunisia. She is in her last year of lycée and she is understandably under a lot of stress because of the bac. She plans on studying in the US, so i was wondering if the bac would matter at that point, and if so, to what extent? Thank you.",,,,,,2022-10-05 23:50:52 xwqdmo,,7,What habits Tunisians do that makes you sure we live in a third country ?,,,,,,,2022-10-05 23:53:42 xwqznc,,0,What makes a Tunisian a gangster ? Is it zatla or birra or sirga or something else maybe sports clothing ??,Lol i'm curious to hear your guys thoughts,,,,,,2022-10-06 00:21:09 xwra07,,6,Police 🚓 come to my house 🏡 randomly!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-06 00:34:44 xx1vep,,1,"why would they even host this ? I mean seriously they only allowing married couples cuz dating, music is in their haram list? why is even homosexuality in that list are we in nazi era how are gay ppl breathing and existing bothering you? and what exactly is the dress code? I can't wear shorts ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-06 10:27:58 xx2ock,,4,I want to study abroad and I’m a little confused on which TCF test to take.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-06 11:15:30 xx3ifh,,1,Can you play Overwatch 2 from Tunisia ?,does blizzard accept the Tunisian SIM cards for the 2FA in Overwatch 2 ?,,,,,,2022-10-06 12:02:05 xx3sfl,,2,Looking for a website,Hi everyone belehy nlawej aal site Eli nedakhel fih l'immatriculation mte3 karhba bech naaref aandi khteya (for speeding or whatever),,,,,,2022-10-06 12:16:13 xx4dah,,0,Question about job interviews,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-06 12:45:14 xx6f1n,,15,French language,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-06 14:18:36 xx74k2,èrisme_movement_in_tn/,1,"Where does this whole ""frèrisme"" movement in TN come from?","Unless you live in a cave with no access to the internet, you probably came acrossa lot of posts on social media of a vocal portion of tunisian people from different age classes bragging about how they are ""better than the west"" in everything and how western people are just ""poopy uncircumsized kuffar"". I am not talking about those who just love their country and are proud of their tunisian civilization and rich culture across history. I am referring to those who constantly make comments about them being ""better than europeans/non-muslims"" , and whenever they get asked why they only reply with things like ""a7na top rojla w lo5rin day\*\*th"". &#x200B; This doesn't exclude the fact that white supremascists exist as well online and irl, but again, two wrongs don't make a right. And while white supremascists are being somewhat hated in most western societies, the ""fréret"" in tunisia are being widely accepted in TN. My question is, where does this whole ""tunisian frère supremacy"" come from? Why do those tunisian people never provide with any good reason why they think they are ""the supreme beings on earth"", and just throw the ""top rojlé"" formula?",,,,,,2022-10-06 14:49:17 xx7jlr,,0,Asking For Recommendations,"what is the best streaming service to watch all competitions football in France? PS: I googled and I found many name of streaming service providers but can't choose the right one. &#x200B; Thanks.",,,,,,2022-10-06 15:06:51 xx7uq1,,1,Excuse me 😳 chfama,,,,,,,2022-10-06 15:19:44 xx8dmq,,1,Is there a chance or a way to pursue an education when U have low grades and not the required number of ECTS credit. I’m license but I didn’t secure all my credits and with that it’s impossible to pursue a masters in europe,,,,,,,2022-10-06 15:41:44 xx8p3z,,1,For 10kUSD you can have a brand new Tunisian car.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-06 15:55:02 xxb7gp,,4,Thoughts about Tunisia 3," If you ever meet a Tunisian who is not satisfied, who is angry or frustrated, who is not happy with the world nor with himself, who is always whining about how bad Tunisia is and who is always raving about how much he would like to get the hell out of here, just tell that person that maybe just maybe the problem doesn’t lie in Tunisia but in himself instead. The way I see it Tunisia has everything to offer a person may wish for. You just have to open your eyes and look for what you are searching for. I was reading a thread in an online forum the other day about some frustrated young Tunisian who was asking in all earnestness whether there were any happy people in Tunisia at all. I found a good answer. Someone replied to him that he was the same age and that he was happy and the reason for his happiness is called family. What a good attitude! I am sitting here now in downtown sousse as I like to call it. Sousse is really getting bigger and bigger by the day. Sipping a coffee in a cosy clean place among some pretty happy looking faces in a nice atmosphere with not so loud rhythmic music in the background. If you find yourself in a downward spiral, in a bad zone, in a negative environment maybe you just need to change friends or move to another place but don’t put the blame on the whole country and generalize single bad events. Like the late great man John F Kennedy said “Do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. I know that there was another great thinker called Bertolt Brecht who once said “ Erst Fressen dann die Moral” which could be translated in : “ First the food, after that the morality” but the way I see it most if not all the people leaving our country illegally towards Europe are not starving here either. There is a major problem in Tunisia similar to the problem faced by the black community in the United States. There is a collective void being built among the younger generation. There is a sense of cynicism, a sense of senselessness and nihilism that is threatening our younger sons and daughters. I went to the so called “house of youth” in Hammam Sousse and I had the unpleasant experience of hearing what some of the pupils of the adjacent school were saying in a conversation they were having in front of the entrance door. Some of the most vulgar language I ever heard in while pronounced so matter-of-factly and naturally by youngsters and young girls. Teenagers saying profanities and sexist words about their mothers and about intercourse and whatever. I was shocked to say the least. When I was their age that kind of behavior was absolutely not acceptable. So this kind of experiences leads me to surmise that there is sadly an ongoing decadence of values among our youths and that we must do what we can and all we can to stop it. Even on the radio today I heard about school violence and school criminality being a worrying and increasing trend in our society. Our TV programs, our rappers and celebrities are not helping. I am fed up of hearing the cliché argument “but there are no jobs in Tunisia”. Hell, a job is not going to come knocking on your door; you have to get up early in the morning, have a nice attitude and go look for it. Believe in yourself and in your abilities and people will believe in you. I once heard the late boxing champion Joe Frazier say in a podcast “If you dress good, you will feel good and people will be good to you “. There is undeniable truth in that sentence. Despite all the skeptics and naysayers there are many booming industries in Tunisia and if there are problems these problems are faced by the whole world and not by us alone. Each of Tunisians need to be thankful that we are blessed to be part of this wonderful country and each of us needs to do his part to make sure that this country becomes as successful as it can be. We are on this ship together and there is enough room for each one of us. Each one of us can live like he wants too. With the rule of law and a common sense of citizenship our future can be only bright and promising. We need to exchange positively with other successful countries and make sure we stay friendly and respectable with them. Let Tunisia be a bridge between the west and the Middle East. Let us make the exception and show the whole world how exceptional and unique we can be.",,,,,,2022-10-06 17:37:13 xxbvyw,,1,bourse,"So I'm a 3rd grader, section science, and I rlly wanna get a scholarship to study abroad, hopefully an English speaking country. Our teacher today told us there are sites for that where u can sign up and probably win a scholarship, never heard of that before ngl. So I was wondering if any of y'all had an idea abt what site I could use. Thank youuu",,,,,,2022-10-06 18:04:39 xxc2gg,,1,Video clip 2 guys and 1 girl meme song,Guys who remember that 1 video clip recorded in sidi bou said were 1 girl and 2 guys are singing a funny song if you do have the clip please share it.,,,,,,2022-10-06 18:11:56 xxcqbb,,19,Foreigner looking for friends,"Hi, I am originally from Turkey but looking for friends in Tunisia pref if you are in Tunis. I have visited Tunis last week and if it goes as planned i will be visiting Tunis often. I am just looking for someone who can teach me about Tunus its culture and lifestyle. About me 21 yo male studying medicine, i love gaming, exploring new places, rock music, anime, fantasy and sci fi. Hmu if you are bored and just want to talk.",,,,,,2022-10-06 18:39:30 xxdq1u,,4,App or Website Suggestions,"Hello! I have to propose an innovative idea for a project in my CS engineering school I had some ideas like creating a food recommendation system using deeplearning or a disease identifier from symptoms cuz Google always diagnosed me with cancer... Matawalch 3likom if you have knowledge fi Domain or no give me suggestions what a website or an app you think will solve one of your problems!",,,,,,2022-10-06 19:19:56 xxg22c,,3,I have a question for people who recently got new VDSL internet,"How long did it take you to get the internet fully working after you got a new subscription with your ISP. I'm asking because I requested a new 20mb internet subscription with Ooreedo last friday (September 30th) and I went back to Ooredoo today (October 6th) and they told me that my request is still being processed by Tunisie Telecom and that it could take a month or two which is a huge problem for me as I had no clue that it could take that long. So my question how long did this process take for you and where you live. And why this procedure takes so long if you have an idea about that because it seems that so most areas of the country are saturated in terms of internet. Is this just because of bad infrastructure? Also the agent at Ooredoo told me that if I have some connections with Tunisie Telecom I could pull some strings to make the process faster since it could take a long time. Smh.. Thank you.",,,,,,2022-10-06 20:55:48 xxi178,,72,"Searching for my father in tunisia, good or bad idea ?","tldr : Don't know anything about tunisia, tunisian culture or language, but my father is in tunisia and I never met him. He might have kids there. Is it a good idea or a bad one to look for him ? &#x200B; Hello there, I'm a 40 year old french guy. My father met my mother in Paris when he was studying computer science in a french university in 1980, he was teaching her mathematics as a side job (she was already working and was studying for a grade and a better job).One thing led to another, she was pregnant. She told him this and he told her that he was still leaving france at the end of his grade, which was before she would give birth. So he left and she raised me as a single mother. She never hid anything about it and gave me his name anytime I asked for it. But she's from deep french decent so she could not transmit to me anything about my father's culture. When I was 18 I searched for his name in phone books from the city she knew he was from and I found three reference. I called the phone numbers saying I was searching for a man that was studying in french in the 80's. The third call I had a woman who told me that it was her husband's home and he was a student in france. But I cannot remember what I told her then before ending the call. Also, at this time, I was slowly understanding that I'm gay. So I put my father's legacy aside and didn't think about it for the next 20 years or so. Now I'm a forty year old bachelor working in IT. I see the older generation slowly disappearing as my uncle died and his wife isn't well. And I saw a french drama which is partly about accepting our foreign legacy (Miskina, la pauvre) and I wondered again about who is my father, etc. So the question is: Would a 70ish year old tunisian man who left a son 40 years ago in France would be at least partially happy to encoutner his gay son coming to meet him ? As I don't ""look gay"", i can leave the gay part in france, but I don't know the tunisian feelings about france and french etc and the mentality and openness of his generation. Or is it a really bad idea and must I let the tunisian part of my legacy be a cool trivia to tell about me ? Thanks for reading :)",,,,,,2022-10-06 22:18:23 xxi9a1,,1,Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-06 22:28:29 xxp1ld,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-10-07 04:00:12 xxs4f4,,1,صباح الريف و الهواء النظيف 😍🦋🌻 [تصويرة من الانترنت],,,,,,,2022-10-07 06:52:43 xxt3xr,,2,what is the best time to go to the post office to avoid crowdedness,,,,,,,2022-10-07 07:55:30 xxvj01,,6,Bedt library to study,"For the ones that enjoy studying in libraries, which one is your favorite in Grand Tunis",,,,,,2022-10-07 10:29:47 xxvmpk,,1,Work certificate,Is it possible to buy a work/experience certificate in Tunisia? and is it a problem to do so?,,,,,,2022-10-07 10:35:49 xxwvzx,,16,Looking for friends (girls only),"Hi, I don’t have many tunisian friends anymore and would like to get to know someone. only looking for friendship(platonic only). Age 21+, girls only (i am a tunisian girl). I like movies and books and down for becoming penpals if we vibe :) Anyone interested feel free to leave a message!",,,,,,2022-10-07 11:42:10 xxxvmh,,3,A question for those who regularly (or not) travel from france to tunisia and vice versa,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-07 12:30:09 xxy9jw,,1,have you ever been through alot of shit to the point that y wish God takes your soul away?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-07 12:48:01 xxymra,,2,Can someone explain to me why arabs are against competing against israelis ?,I know they don’t wanna acknowledge them but you can just play and beat them won’t that be better? Stepping down is just doing them a favour 🤷‍♂️,,,,,,2022-10-07 13:04:21 xxyqq8,,1,How can someone (abroad) transfer me money to my post office account ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-07 13:09:08 xxzvi8,الهامل_متاعي/,3,What is the meaning of الهامل متاعي,What is the meaning of الهامل متاعي,,,,,,2022-10-07 13:58:54 xy01ja,,1,I need your help tunisians !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-07 14:05:37 xy0pjv,,1,Quad bike laws,Hello I'm 16 and own a quad bike (yamaha yfz450) it's registered under my dad's name is it legal for me to drive it or do I need a licence?,,,,,,2022-10-07 14:33:15 xy17z9,,1,#thechnology #tiktok #nzxt #huwei #iphone #samsung #sony,,,,,,,2022-10-07 14:54:09 xy1nwf,,5,"Those who came back, how are you doing?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-07 15:11:49 xy1vhy,,1,How can someone steal a Boeing engine?!,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-07 15:20:25 xy2758,,14,Olfa Hamdi is running for President,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-07 15:33:31 xy3bsz,,3,new friends,"hello everyone im looking for new freinds mostly poor middle class people xd i like gaming , tech news , anime , weed xd if anyone interested just dm me",,,,,,2022-10-07 16:19:33 xy3hun,,2,Twitch,,,,,,,2022-10-07 16:26:28 xy3kjb,,1,"Sweatcoin: Healthier planet. Healthier, wealthier you",,,,,,,2022-10-07 16:29:39 xy3w5x,,6,How far can we hold this economic crisis ?,"If you look at the current situation in Lebanon, it looks really bad. Of course, the explosion incident combined with covid has a major impact on the formula, but still, their economy was much better than ours before that happened. So the question is, what are the chances that something like what is happening in Lebanon will happen in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-10-07 16:42:54 xy4749,,1,Is she a fascist ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-07 16:55:32 xy4bh3,,3,Do you think kais saied can win the next elections?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-07 17:00:18 xy4hwh,,4,why wizards in Tunisia say I'm chi5?,,,,,,,2022-10-07 17:07:28 xy54np,,0,resizing a desk,"So recently i found this fancy desk/shelves and a leather desk chair on Facebook marketplace for only 200dt And since i remote work/ study and was unable to leave the house on that day i asked the guy to deliver it to my place and i would pay him extra for fuel. Turns out the entire set is too large for my apartment and it took me and my roommate a lot of effort to put it in our living room and we barely have enough space. Is it possible to resize the desk to make it smaller to be able to fit it in my room ?",,,,,,2022-10-07 17:33:08 xy5d7l,,5,Transportation,"Hello everyone. I want to ask if there is any way of transportation between bardo and Abderrahman Mami hospital in Ariana (bus,shared taxi..) and where can i find them",,,,,,2022-10-07 17:42:57 xy5f7d,,7,Reliable Group of friends,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-07 17:45:12 xy5yz8,,1,Enjoying holidays,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-07 18:07:07 xy62bu,,1,"i noticed this car board is different from ordinary one's, why?",,,,,,,2022-10-07 18:10:49 xy6c2r,,8,will Tunisians fight back to regain their democracy?,,,,,,,2022-10-07 18:22:20 xy797t,,3,study tips,"Hi guys I m a first-year CS student struggling to sit my ass to study, and I can't make it work for more than 45 minutes.I don't think the problem is with the study technique but my poor self-drive I just want to ask what keeps you motivated to push yourself and study ?",,,,,,2022-10-07 19:01:03 xy7ic5,îne_youtube_w4ssim/,1,Chaîne YouTube W4SSIM 🔥🔥,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-07 19:11:38 xy8n7w,,0,What Tunisians can't accept or tolerate,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-07 19:58:43 xya36v,,1,Haider Tiramissu.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-07 20:59:40 xydofb,,2,what does it mean when people yell 'sa7a li X' when they sit next to a girl?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-07 23:38:07 xydz5b,,0,Do you all hate Israel?,Are you all versed in the history of the area? Do you hate Jewish people? Is there a hope to live side by side with Israel in the Middle East ( like many countries are agreeing to) or not?,,,,,,2022-10-07 23:52:39 xyewwu,,3,if you had a choice between having a job and having your dream job( no financial stability ),"Well I'm architect I'v got mt degree from a private University ,wish is the first problem that I confronted ,all architects coming from private University can not make ther one arcitectur studio for no reason ...a long story we can discussed later . I worked for nearly a year with an architect for a literally ""mitin frankk"" and at the and hi didnt pay us for 3 months so I had to search for an other job and I had 2 choices , 1- architect with no contract and a month of trail . 2-other job with contract and a regular pay chek that give me the possibility to begin mi FN life. Excuse my english ☺",,,,,,2022-10-08 00:38:39 xyi6yd,,1,Hotels in grand tunis to get with your GF (local),"Landlord is very religious, where can I spend a romantic day with my partner without the owner calling the police on me.",,,,,,2022-10-08 03:27:15 xymsja,,7,Any board games cafe or store in tunis?,,,,,,,2022-10-08 07:49:06 xynpf0,,4,Anyone watch Ramy?,"I found it such a breath of fresh air as series go. Doesn't take itself too seriously, isn't too ridiculous, and deals with communities and subjects rarely shown in any kind of natural light on mainstream TV. I'm partly curious what people here think because Tunisians born and raised in Tunisia often seem perplexed by the views and attitudes of the diaspora. So maybe this show doesn't resonate with you guys at all. Some of his experiences when he goes back to Egypt strongly correlate to my own in Tunisia though. For those of use who are mixed, or raised abroad, it's also kinda weirdly nice to see familiar type faces and cultural markers on TV. I always thought that was overblown as positive reinforcement concept. But even though Ramy isn't Tunisian, it's kinda satisfying. Makes you feel seen and is even inspiring somehow. Lol and that's being nothing like the main character or having half the issues that he seems to have",,,,,,2022-10-08 08:47:07 xynt8r,,0,Do we need to boo the fuck out of the french anthem when we play France in the world cup ?,The stadium in Doha will probably be like 90% tunisian/arab fans (i myself am going) and so its definetly doable.,,,,,,2022-10-08 08:53:54 xynwl7,,4,Local problems,How do you guys manage to go with your partner home ? And any ideas or recommendations for one night rent ( places / prices…),,,,,,2022-10-08 08:59:49 xyo92r,,26,i personally never thought of leaving the country like i dont have the desire to just leave everything behind and start a new life abroad. im just comfortable in my town and even tho we are going through crisis i just cant think of leaving while my parents are nagging me to leave. why i feel guilty?,,,,,,,2022-10-08 09:20:44 xyp215,,10,A question for girls,What characteristics you believe makes a guy non-datable?,,,,,,2022-10-08 10:10:52 xyq0xm,,1,Cat in an apartment,"Sbeh lkhir, any tips/recommendations on raising a cat in an apartment (s+1) sachant que nosken wahdi. Thank you 🥰",,,,,,2022-10-08 11:06:40 xyq8b2,,1,"salut, fammechi chkoun bac francais houni?",belek n3awnou b3adhna fel kraya,,,,,,2022-10-08 11:18:04 xyqgdx,,1,Payment in dollars,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-08 11:30:17 xyqhyi,,1,Payment in dollars,How can I pay an online certificate in dollars from Tunisia? (It costs 20 dollars),,,,,,2022-10-08 11:32:33 xyqvfm,,6,Question for the men,"what characteristics should a woman have for a man to be happy with her P.S. : I just saw a post of a woman asking the same question about men so no double standard stuff, just give a straight answer",,,,,,2022-10-08 11:52:55 xyrchg,éomatique/,2,Géomatique ?,Fameshi shkoun 3andou license fel geomatique w wasleto ba3d l7aja behya ?,,,,,,2022-10-08 12:17:22 xyrfkx,,0,chkoun yekrah l3ebdeli 3allekher w 3lech ?,,,,,,,2022-10-08 12:21:39 xysysr,,2,"Need a cheap washing machine but not a piece of junk either. Thoughts abt the brand ""VEGA""?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-08 13:34:20 xyt24q,,2,Overwatch 2 Freezing Problems,"well i guess fhemtou mel title il problem nabda nal3b 3adi il phase loula temchi cv mba3ed fi phase thenya game tfreezi we lewem nsakrha b task manager pc mte3i yomkn mech aka il 7aja we nal3b feha fi low graphics ama melowel nal3b 3adi la drop fps la chy we temchi jawha behi ama mba3ed wa7dha tfreezi tharba wa7da dima fil phase 2 :( fama ckhoun 3andou nafs il prob we ken akeka fama solution ? ps: il drivers mte3i kol updated",,,,,,2022-10-08 13:38:33 xytgju,,0,What are my options in studying in france??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-08 13:57:12 xyvvw1,,63,Khaliji guy trying zgougou for the first time,,,,,,,2022-10-08 15:41:57 xyw5r4,,3,Lprepa walla Germany,"Ana nja7t 3am sne bac b 15 moyenne w d5alt prepa 93adt 7ayer Binet nkamel prepa w baad lconcour taw n9arer chnaamel W illa Andi imkaniyya no5rej l Germany w naamel engineering 8adi : Famma chkoun 9alli kammal Fi tounes prepa 9rayetna 9wiyya w baad o5rej Famma chkoun 9alli kammel 9raytek lkol Fi founes W famma chkoun 9alli 7keya fer8a prepa w kol o5rij min taw w a9ra 8ad What's do you think guys ?",,,,,,2022-10-08 15:53:48 xywjb7,,1,How do I calculate shipping costs for a package from France to Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-10-08 16:09:31 xywp7q,,1,Misconceptions,What do you think are the most common misconceptions about Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-10-08 16:16:21 xywr0t,,1,the only way to ensure cabs will stop in Tunis,,,,,,,2022-10-08 16:18:28 xyyjhu,,2,Any honest remote work platforms for me as a college student?,"Good evening Redditors! So as the title says, this post is about ways to make money on the Internet. and inb4, **NO MLM suggestions!** I kept digging on social media to look for some potential work. But let's say that 99% of them are straight BS (""I made 60k per month!!! "", it's obviously too good to be true.), so I thought about asking Al-Cheikh Reddit for clues and especially fellow Tunisians. *Ah and by the way, assume that I have no corporate experience (student usually don't have one, duh)*",,,,,,2022-10-08 17:32:48 xyzgaf,,0,do you guys think that gay sex have a direct influence to the increased leved of HIV and AIDS cases in the recent years ?,,,,,,,2022-10-08 18:09:55 xyzohm,,12,Why everything looks old in Tunisia?,"Hey guys, I'm not trying to be a dick or shit on Tunisia, but that was one of the things I noticed visiting Tunis. I'm Moroccan, I had the chance to go to Tunis last month, I met many beautiful people and visited some of the touristic places and the not so touristic ones, it was surprisingly one of my best experiences, it felt like I was home but a different kind of home, like another version of Morocco, different vibes but same culture... I don't know how to portray it, it's a very beautiful country, for me at least. But one thing I couldn't help but to notice, the infrastructures look old, old buses, trains, stations, trams or trino kif tqolo, bridges... I felt like I was walking in a 2007 Tunisia. Sorry if I'm being offensive, it's really not my intention.",,,,,,2022-10-08 18:19:28 xyzx0y,,1,Lost passport while in the US,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-08 18:29:26 xyzy1u,,1,Question about losing passport,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-08 18:30:34 xyzz5g,,1,QUESTION ABOUT LOSING YOUR PASSPORT WHILE IN THE US AS A STUDENT,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-08 18:31:45 xz01n6,,1,LOSING YOUR PASSPORT WHILE BEING A TUNISIAN STUDENT IN THE US,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-08 18:34:42 xz06d1,,6,LOSING PASSPORT WHILE ON A STUDENT VISA," Hi Everyone; I'm a Tunisian student in the US on a student visa I lost my passport, and I'm trying to figure out how to go around it. my student status will expire soon since I'm graduating soon. Could that endanger my ability to get another visa in the future? Also, does the Tunisian embassy offers an outpass for such cases? , So I can go back to Tunisia and try to work on getting a new passport there. Thanks",,,,,,2022-10-08 18:40:16 xz0sy3,,0,FAKE AND REAL ?,Chmaaneha 3abd fake o 3abd real ? Chneya el mouasfet mtaa kolwehed ?,,,,,,2022-10-08 19:07:02 xz1sie,,9,Some of your favourite series.,"Lets share some of our fav series and discover new gems in the process of doing so, me personally i started with game of thrones ki ken airing fl 4th season mbaed i discovered other series my favourites are game of thrones/breaking bad/mindhunter/kingdom/vikings/love death and robots, I forgot the others i havent really watched many series im hoping i doscover new ones from you.",,,,,,2022-10-08 19:48:44 xz1tt6,,6,why did Tunisian YouTuber khormologia quit YouTube?,I remember he used to be very successful before. It seems very weird that he decided to quit randomly,,,,,,2022-10-08 19:50:16 xz21q4,,1,What freedom does a girl want from her partner?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-08 19:59:29 xz32oj,,13,How to convince my parents that i dont want to get married?,"I’m a 26F , i don’t want to get married , i dont want to have childrens , pregnancy scares the shit out of me to the point of having a panic attack when i think of myself giving birth , i find sex disgusting , i want to try to convince my mother especially who keep pushing me to start a family and give her grandchildrens , ans7ouny please 🙏🏻",,,,,,2022-10-08 20:41:47 xz3p5b,,2,SHOW SOME LOVE,"Started a digital marketing recently and I'm trying to implement some skills that I've seen on the Course/Internet into reality (which is social media ofc), the thing is I need a tiny audience to start with and unfortunately can't afford to run and ad aaand algorithms are kind of racist haha (jk), just a follow would be nice and promise you won't be disappointed by the posts, they will be informative and at a high quality, here are my facebook page and instagram acc for the brand, [click here]( Thankyou fellow Tunisian Redditors.",,,,,,2022-10-08 21:09:17 xz5mk1,,1,High price of used desktops,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-08 22:36:05 xz5vnu,,2,"i need advice on whether telecom or topnet is a better wifi provider, also is the portable modem any better than the normal one?",,,,,,,2022-10-08 22:47:43 xz5zdq,,3,Feminism and Sexism in Tunisia,"Redditors of Tunisia: Is Sexism a topic which is often discussed? Is its existence viewed as a given fact or often denied? Which forms do you see? Whats your opinion on Feminism? Feminists of Tunisia: What's it like to be a feminist in Tunisia? Would you say a lot of people identify as Feminists?",,,,,,2022-10-08 22:52:24 xz6ga3,,1,"Men of Tunisia who were raised by single mothers, what issues if any do you struggle with because of an absent father?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-08 23:14:19 xz6hdx,,5,"Men of Tunisia who were raised by single mothers, what issues if any do you struggle with because of an absent father?",,,,,,,2022-10-08 23:15:48 xz6qv2,,1,Next On Netflix.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-08 23:28:26 xz9izm,,1,Steam Deck 64GB - who wants to buy it? 😏,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-09 01:48:58 xz9ou6,,0,What is Bitcoin and why it has value? Best explanation so far.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-09 01:57:25 xzd1kr,,7,Where can I find the list of countries in which one can drive with Tunisia's international driving licence?,,,,,,,2022-10-09 05:01:56 xzg3ow,,3,Can you renew your driving license with just an expired copy of the ID?,"Title. I know I have to renew my ID but it's not ready for now. Can I renew my driving license with a copy of the old one? So far I've been able to do everything with the expired copy, but not sure about this one. Otherwise, would a valid copy of the passport work?",,,,,,2022-10-09 08:10:36 xzh572,,3,did someone of you guys try trading crypto how did it goes and do you have advice for someone who want to try to get into trading,,,,,,,2022-10-09 09:15:56 xzhajf,,2,Who wants to buy a Steam Deck 64GB,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-09 09:25:21 xzhiz0,,1,Japan,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-09 09:40:14 xzhlv2,,4,Electrical Engineering..,"i wanna know if electrical engineering is a good career to pursue.. if you're an engineer in this field i'd appreciate it if you gimme more infos about it.. like how much do you make (and your years of experience)? is it in demand or is there a high risk of unemployement? is there a good chance to work abroad if you become an Electrical engineer? thanks y'all!",,,,,,2022-10-09 09:45:10 xzhndo,,1,"Someone explain this to me please , how's this possible ?? Even a dollar is Three times a Tunisian Dinar",,,,,,,2022-10-09 09:47:48 xzhsit,,4,"gaming buddies for lol, ow2, rocket league etc..",anyone down?,,,,,,2022-10-09 09:57:03 xzi12k,,1,how can I use those apps to sell or resell my things and ship them out to customers who lives abroad without PayPal or cashapp and those things please?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-09 10:11:19 xzieo0,,2,Gamers in Bizert,Bellehi chkoun aaand red dead redemption 2 for pc on a hard drive ncopeha men aandou ?,,,,,,2022-10-09 10:34:01 xzimog,,3,FB group or Club for graphic designers/painters/art lovers ?,"Is there any club or even Facebook group for art lovers to post different kind of works, get ratings, meet up ?",,,,,,2022-10-09 10:47:30 xziwcc,étudiants_koll_w/,13,3lech fi tounes manetlamoush les étudiants koll w na3mlou modhahrat 9odem wzara besh ya3mloulna transport ki laabed ? 3ar lyoum fi 2022 w mezelna fel khra,,,,,,,2022-10-09 11:02:54 xzk4jv,,3,Is tax system fair in Tunisia?,"If someone makes 5000 dinars a month, how much taxes should he pay in your opinion? How much for 10k? And for 3000? And for 1000? And for 500? كان واحد يخلص 5 ملاين في الشهر، قداش حسب رايك حقه يخلص ضرايب؟ نفس السؤال لواحد يخلص 10 ملاين، 3 ملاين، مليون، و 500 ألف.",,,,,,2022-10-09 12:10:16 xzkbmd,,11,the secret to be good at english is to listen 500 hour,"you have to listen to 500hour of content to elevate your skills you can listen to podcast , audiobooks , youtube i personaly download podcast and audiobooks every day when i take the metro there is 1 hour fi essbe7 and 1 hour fi el 3achia i listent to audiobook every time na3raf site bhai mta3 audioboks etnajem tejbed menou bel torrent wella cherche audiobook fi youtube mezelou fama des audiobook amateur ghadi",,,,,,2022-10-09 12:20:42 xzkjq0,,1,Nfidha airport,Kifesh njm nemshii mn sousse centre lmatar nfidha b louage wla car?,,,,,,2022-10-09 12:32:13 xzkps0,,30,how do Tunisian men think of women who confess 1st?,"I have a crush on someone and we're quite good friends. Sometimes I think I should confess to him, then I just back off because I'm afraid of his reaction.",,,,,,2022-10-09 12:40:46 xzl9ip,é/,2,recherché,9adech lezem wa9t bech tahbet fel recherche ba3d ma ta3mel 3amla (3onf par exemple) ?,,,,,,2022-10-09 13:08:07 xzlr1s,,0,I sell gift cards for people who doesn’t have access to online stores/payments in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-09 13:31:43 xzlsa4,,11,"what are the best newspapers in Tunisia today, the weekly ones",Newspapers that have good political and economical articles not just a collection of random Facebook posts,,,,,,2022-10-09 13:33:17 xzmh24,,0,so a world reknown football player comes out and suddenly all of tunisia is enraged on Facebook? like what's wrong with this country!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-09 14:04:31 xzmzp1,,3,Have you ever been in crypto before ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-09 14:27:18 xznrjw,,13,"i am watching anime with my family (kinda conservative parents), any recommendations?","watching yakusoku no neverland with my family, safe enough ?",,,,,,2022-10-09 15:02:12 xznvi0,,1,My wife made her first short black & white Tunisian short movie.,,,,,,,2022-10-09 15:06:47 xznw6f,,1,Can i send a package from Tunisia to Australia.If yes then how?,,,,,,,2022-10-09 15:07:34 xznwwq,,7,Study tips,"I m a bac student (sciences) and I don't know how to self study i went all my life without studying at home and now i m stuck , unmotivated and easily distracted by the slightest bits i m in a desperate need of tips to study",,,,,,2022-10-09 15:08:27 xzonqt,,1,Are there any good organized trips abroad that accept 17-year-olds traveling alone?,Looking to travel outside the country as a 17-year-old tourist alone and looking for good programs that include a guide etc Recommendations?,,,,,,2022-10-09 15:40:40 xzqp4u,,1,What is still functioning in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-09 17:08:19 xzqr65,,3,Survey,"Hi this [survey]( is for a small school project would you guys be kind and take it . thanks in advance .",,,,,,2022-10-09 17:10:42 xzqv3i,,4,Working in luxembourg as a software developper for tunisians,"as a software developper , i'm considering a job offer in luxembourg and i'm thinking about it. what is the advantages and disadvantages of working in luxembourg compared to working in Paris, for example.",,,,,,2022-10-09 17:15:28 xzrfde,,1,الأقوال المقدّسة لربّكم الأعلى هشام,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-09 17:39:33 xzrpo5,,1,الأقوال المقدّسة لربّكم الأعلى هشام,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-09 17:51:37 xzrvps,,1,Are cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and similar) halal?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-09 17:59:00 xzs77p,,2,Where to stay on a 3 months remote work in Tunisia?,"Hi everyone! I'd like to know the ideal place to stay in Tunisia for 3 months during cold canadian winter... I'm 33 and don't know a lot of people up there but I can remotely work. I didn't want to stay with family but still looking to rent my own place, to meet up people and having a bit of social life during those 3 months...any suggestions/ recommandations? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-10-09 18:11:59 xzsrcp,,1,This is Japan..Why infrastructure in Tunisia is so bad?what's the problem,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-09 18:35:24 xzsrjx,,2,"What word do you use for ""three""?","it's either variations of ""tletha"" or ""thletha"" despite the different pronounciations of vowels. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-09 18:35:37 xzuk0e,,4,"I have 30k euros, I wanna Immigrate out of Tunisia 🇹🇳",I have 30 k euros and I want to immigrate out of Tunisia to any EU country or Canada. Does anyone know what path I can take to do so except for studies ? Thank you.,,,,,,2022-10-09 19:51:21 xzw1gz,,1,looking for a study buddy,"[Serious] As the title says I'm looking for someone who can help me with coding. Preferably someone who is on an advanced level so they can tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I should focus on exactly. Also it would be great if they can answer some questions about the subject",,,,,,2022-10-09 20:54:05 xzylgv,,10,Dating a Tunisian man?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-09 22:45:18 xzzoyz,,0,"STOP calling people si flen, NEVER allow people to call you si flen.","This country will evolve the day we stop overrating people. your contribution in society and your personal achievements are what make you important. And being called si flen is nothing but a ""ta\*\*an"" seeking benefits from you and it has nothing to do with paying you respect or valuing you.",,,,,,2022-10-09 23:36:44 y0ab68,,5,investing ideas,"Hi , any ideas for investing 30-40 k long term? thanks",,,,,,2022-10-10 09:30:57 y0aeop,,11,Another question for girls (and guys) ?,"Girls, how'd you react if you know that your partner consumes porn? Would you be around a person who consumes pornographic content occasionally? Guys, are you satisfied with yourself watching porn? I've tried hardly to avoid it when everyone was familiar with it during high school, but at uni it became a regular thing for me to consult porn especially on weekends. I tried to avoid it for short periods of time (sort of sticking to a NoFap schedules), but urges and nudity almost everywhere in movies and series always trigger me and cause me to collapse. I can't claim physical porn effects on me, but personally it drains my confidence and self-control. I feel guilt instead of pleasure, and porn is there uncontrollably accessible. I need some advice please. Also, I'd love to form a community of Nofap Tunisia where we motivate and stand by each other.",,,,,,2022-10-10 09:37:09 y0ar16,,12,How on earth can I get a relationship I'm a guy let's say I'm clueless when it comes to flirting I will just send memes and hope for the best. but things got to change any advice?,,,,,,,2022-10-10 09:59:09 y0au3a,,4,playstation 5 from USA,"Hi guys I have a friend who lives in USA and I told him to buy me a PS5 from there and bring it here Please does anyone have got a PS5 this way Also since in the US they use 110v what kinda of adapters I need to buy for this power problem Also when he brings it here will Diana cause any problems here ?",,,,,,2022-10-10 10:03:41 y0c5dd,,19,"What do Tunisians think about latinas, if anything?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-10 11:19:09 y0cmg1,é_or/,1,What’s better in German system embarqué or computer science?,,,,,,,2022-10-10 11:43:41 y0dy3y,,6,Looking for a good computer repair service,I live in the southern suburbs of Tunis and I'm looking for a good computer repair service to fix some stuff on my laptop namely overheating (cleaning and thermal paste reapplication) and broken screen. Any advice on where to take it?,,,,,,2022-10-10 12:47:56 y0enpk,,11,What social issues do you think Tunisia is suffering from?,"This also includes political and economical issues. If you could deal with only one issue, what would it be and why?",,,,,,2022-10-10 13:20:37 y0eshd,,2,Is there any Tunisian digital nomads here? We are u located now guys?,,,,,,,2022-10-10 13:26:49 y0f5x9,,1,what's the best way to make side money for college students?,,,,,,,2022-10-10 13:43:38 y0fjgg,,5,Leaving neverland,"Im a 22 yo girl, just finished my license degree, i applied for master degree but not willing to study! I hate it here. I wanna leave TOUNSS, for work or for studying,i had many opportunities to work here but i can’t really (transportation+people) my family wouldn’t help me to study abroad cause i study cinema and that’s something not worth to waste their money on. So i need your help what can i do so i can go and study or work or immigrate abroad! Literally any country (europe+uk,usa,canada ect…)",,,,,,2022-10-10 14:00:25 y0g3x0,,1,any tekken tag 2 players here?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-10 14:25:09 y0g5ec,,0,any tekken tag 2 players here?,,,,,,,2022-10-10 14:26:57 y0gb8h,,1,The heat,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-10 14:33:54 y0gzq4,,1,Anyone’s had any luck getting a job in Canada?,How do you approach applying to (non-tech non-engineering) jobs in Canada or elsewhere abroad? I seem to only come across companies that want you to already be there / be a citizen / be legally able to work..,,,,,,2022-10-10 15:02:32 y0hb8j,,4,How to deal with tunisian narcissists?,"Im choosing this sub because they're a different breed fr (I only know one lol). I'm speaking about a distant aunt and she pratically lives with us. So if you have a clear idea about how a narc person is like, tell me how do you deal, how do you behave? Give your tips. Wazza3.",,,,,,2022-10-10 15:15:22 y0i0np,,2,looking for someone to study with,"preferably license science d'informatique 1ere, but i wouldn't mind anything i just want someone that can motivate me, dm me if ineterseted",,,,,,2022-10-10 15:44:16 y0i4no,,0,What are you looking for on Tinder?,"And have you had any luck? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-10 15:48:48 y0ihd0,,1,Do you want to leave the country permanently and settle somewhere else?,"This has been a recurring topic in the last few weeks, and sometimes feels a bit boring and repetitive. It gives the impression everyone wants to leave, but I have a feeling it's not the full picture really. So I thought I'd share this poll and see if most Tunisians are really that desperate to leave or if it's just a minority. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-10 16:02:57 y0jhct,,0,Where can i meet cougars ?,EDIT: Common guys grow tf up..,,,,,,2022-10-10 16:42:34 y0k58v,,1,The Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry. (turned economy into shit),[removed],,,,,,2022-10-10 17:08:50 y0ldgu,,1,do you think the old Tunisia can come back?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-10 17:57:38 y0n7pw,,4,@ Tunisian guys: do you feel embarrassed to date non-skinny girls? Or do you genuinely not find them attractive?,I’m not talking obese. I’m talking curvy / slightly overweight I suppose. I have a feeling some guys may even be into curvy girls but won’t admit it? Is this because of how society will “look at you”?,,,,,,2022-10-10 19:11:04 y0n9lo,,1,Anyone down for WoW:Wotlk Classic,"Not talking about private servers. I started playing like 2 months ago and I think I want to make some friends :D I play on Gehennas EU and no I'm not going to switch servers because I play with 2 friends already (Not Tunisians).",,,,,,2022-10-10 19:13:14 y0njpr,,1,Carrer advice,"Long story short , I'm finally graduating this year from one of the best engineering schools in Tunisia and I'm not considering to pursue a master or PhD program abroad but I'm inclined to finding an engineering position abroad but I have been told that it's quite difficult to land a good position as a junior without proper experience or a diploma from foreign countries, is that true ? And if not please give details , thank you",,,,,,2022-10-10 19:24:30 y0og0z,,5,Choosing a gift,"What is a good gift to give to a Tunisian dad & where to get it? Give me ideas guys 🙏 (Dad is 63, used to like football, sporty, used to be fashionable, but now is quite decent in clothing. A bit of a conservative guy.) Ps: I want a budget gift since u kn...",,,,,,2022-10-10 20:00:43 y0pd53,,2,What’s the least crime you can do in Tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-10 20:37:37 y0ry4u,,1,"If a girl threatens to post my nudes, what can I do?",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-10 22:23:47 y0ucd3,,14,kol manor9d n9oum ala helma yesr terrible . presque chhar keml ala nafs lmenwel . famech hal guys,,,,,,,2022-10-11 00:12:16 y0v98m,,3,Do banks in tunisia accept payments from gambling sites?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-11 00:55:39 y0z1t1,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-10-11 04:00:09 y0zivs,,1,Slow progress is still progress.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-11 04:24:52 y0zjkj,,16,"Hamza - Adrenaline Rush Mix | TechHouse, Cloonee, Vintage Culture, Biscits",Enjoy some good vibes 🙏,,,,,,2022-10-11 04:25:57 y10y27,,2,Hey guys ! chkoun andou fekra bch naaref ken fama des moyens lwehd ynajm yamel behom dropshipping men tounes lbolden okhra khatr haja tse3edni barsha w tse3ed ay ensen yekhdem fel commerce !,,,,,,,2022-10-11 05:45:44 y10yu0,,8,@ Tunisian girls: do you feel embarrassed to date short guys? Or do you genuinely not find them attractive?, Is this because of how soyciety will “look at you”?,,,,,,2022-10-11 05:47:03 y11fql,,4,"Hello tunisians , idea for dating in tunisia.","Hey , I have an idea of making a sub reddit where we can talk about dating and everything about it (including the look , flirting and seduction tips , etc) especially for tunisians . I think you got the point , right ?",,,,,,2022-10-11 06:15:01 y13759,,1,Anyone knows what's the best way to take transport from Khairddine Becha to LAC1 ?,,,,,,,2022-10-11 08:06:31 y14ap6,,4,To my fellow lifters (question),"I'm commiting to doing a push/pull/leg workout split. Problem is, my gym is closed on Sunday? Is there any smart way to overcome this predicament? Thank you and merci !",,,,,,2022-10-11 09:15:25 y14awt,,5,sweaty body,"It's been a problem since childhood, during high school I used to ignore it, I wasn't stylish at all, sports uniform, cap, etc... Now it's college and my sense of clothes developed and I'm more self aware, standing up, sitting down, doing nothing, and getting so sweaty it starts a lake in my hands, neck, etc.... I'm not even that hairy, all the deodorant, perfume washes off, hair gets messy, it's 8 am in the morning and it feels and looks like I've been running a marathon all day, without doing anything, just staying idle, I use papier mouchoir ffs, not for cold, but for sweat. It makes me ill, uncomfortable, and it's a part of me, I'm not even fat, getting warn while idle, starts moving and it's gets cold and I'm now sick...",,,,,,2022-10-11 09:15:47 y14qt8,,1,Sommet de la Francophonie 2022 : Exposition artisanale au Village Artisanal de Houmt Souk à Djerba,,,,,,,2022-10-11 09:42:44 y16unr,,1,"ألمَوسُوعَةُ العَربِيَّةُ 9, إبن باجة Arabic Encyclopedia 9, Ibn Bajja",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-11 11:40:40 y171t7,,3,Help ya louled,"Louled chkoun jetou Varicocele w 5alleha hakkeka la surgery la welou Lahkeya ta3betni barcha w energy mte3i mara lfou9 mara 0 w battal el musculation w même hata souhabi ma3adch en contact bihom Wallit nhar kemel nkhammem ken fi hal hkeya lin hassit rouhy mrodht bkollli.",,,,,,2022-10-11 11:50:51 y17qc5,,1,غزوة الأنبياء الدجالين !,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-11 12:24:55 y17tk0,,11,Advice for an ADHD tunisian fellow,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-11 12:29:14 y1879q,,3,studying fi tunis,Hello guys Fama possibilty bech wehed khraj ye9ra fi Russia yerwa7 wykamel 9raytou fi tunis men ghir mayekhser el a3wem eli 9rahoum ?,,,,,,2022-10-11 12:47:14 y18fhd,,4,"musicians in r/Tunisia, what's your experience with the music industry?","whether it's in Tunisia or in any other country? how did you get started? what kind of music do you play? do any of you dabble in less popular types of music (noise, punk, ambient...)? any advice on how to get started? any funny (or not so funny) anecdotes, stories about your career/hobby and/or the music industry? any major obstacles we should know about? is it a financially viable career path, according to you? i have so many questions ~~might as well ask you about your social security numbers.~~ but these should be enough for now lmao, spill the beans, musicians!!",,,,,,2022-10-11 12:58:27 y1b9un,,18,How to be a well minded and smart person ?,,,,,,,2022-10-11 15:00:14 y1blfb,,11,Thoughts about Tunisia 4," I have read that some Greek philosopher once said that if you have a roof over your head and if you have a job and if you can walk then you have all three necessary conditions to be happy. I fully agree with him. I woke up early today. I had a good night’s sleep and felt like eating something hot and spicy instead of sweet. So I headed to the port. The fishing port. There is always a lot of activity there in the early morning: That is something you can count on. And I found what I was looking for. A vendor of Lablabi. A mixture of bread, beans, hot sauce, eggs, salt, harissa and other healthy ingredients. I’ve also read somewhere that a good breakfast is always a good idea. As I was slowly enjoying this traditional food I was looking around and making my usual observations. Cafes were open and full of customers. The rising sun offered a stunning grand spectacle with the godly light symphony organized with the clouds and starring the calm blue golden sea as the main protagonist. People were hurrying. Police officers talking to each other and checking the newly arriving. White big birds hovering loudly in the sky. Cats going through the fishnets looking for the lost forgotten fishes here and there. Truck drivers speeding in and out. The fish port is also home for the fish market. This is the place where the daily fish trading takes place. One man in front of the wall of the fishmarket building was carrying two sacks full of fish. He was loading them in a box in the rear of his motorbike. I know the guy. He works in the fish auction. He carries heavy stuff and works for a modest salary yet it is common that such workers receive gifts from the ship owners. So those two sacks are what we might call a bonus. A job benefit. I could see the happiness in his face as he was carefully arranging his cherished prize. I finished my food and sat in a dry clean spot when I get approached by an old acquaintance who works as a fisherman there. As common among many Tunisians he directly starts asking me private things about my private life. How many children I have. If I’m happy with my wife. I answer him calmly and amused and then unashamed and uninhibited I ask him myself about his own situation. “Last time we talked I told you already how we were about to divorce. I am so unhappy and miserable in my marriage. I am just waiting for my two daughters to marry and then I am going to divorce her. She yells at me, she disrespects me in front of my son and two daughters.” His hair was white. His work clothes were ragged and dirty. His face darkened by countless hours under the pitiless sun. I tell him to try bringing her a present once in a while. Even a simple thing. As a gesture of love and appreciation. Women love this kind of stuff, I tell him. He retorts: “I’ve already done that. I brought her presents and gifts but to no avail. You know? There is a saying that goes like this: (The inferior stays always inferior. It never gets up and becomes superior)” Another fisherman comes and joins us. He is also above 50 years old. My acquaintance instantly bombards him with personal questions the same. Turns out this dude has already divorced and that his son crossed the sea illegally and found his way to Italy. I decided to leave them because it became gradually obvious that they were going to start to hustle me for some dough and I happened to be short on change myself that morning. Our society. Our men. Our rules. We should spend more time with our families. Men in Tunisia spend too much time among each other in cafes. Men should talk more to their wives. They should spend more time with them. We Tunisian men should forget about the patriarchy. It’s over. Women now are something else. Gone forever are the times of grandma and grandpa and how they lived and the standards of their relationships. There is now facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and all that stuff. A girl in the saddest most remote part of a little town in Tunisia can see and access the lifestyle of a girl in Santa Barbara, California. How she lives, dresses, talks, eats and behaves. A teacher once told me in school that the family is the basic unit of a society. If families are healthy then society will be strong and positive. We need to dedicate ourselves more to each other. Treat marriage like the holy commitment and responsibility that it is. I had an argument with my wife yesterday, she yelled at me in front of my kid. She literally told me to get the fuck out of her car. I did. No need to play the alpha male role with her. She is my wife after all. She is entitled to get angry. Today I took her for a cup of café in a nice place and we talked things over. We found a way. We need to keep finding ways. My dad used to hit my mom. Her dad used to hit her mom. It’s over now. Nobody is hitting anybody anymore. We need to teach our children that dialogue and mutual respect is the key. Not violence. And not lawyers. We need to be happy. Like that man with the two sacks full of fish. Life is full of bonuses and nice surprises. We just need to keep our eyes open.",,,,,,2022-10-11 15:12:55 y1brl8,ïd/,4,kais saïd,"Okay first of all I need to say that I hate ennahdha and every party participating in the last 10 years so I was so happy about the president's ballsy things he've done to shit on them. HOWEVER in the last month : no sugar , no coffe , no water , when you go to supermarkets you can only get two bottles of milk and butter , the gas problem(but not all the fault of government due to the war in ukraine) . Can we all agree that in the past 8 years or so when all the shitty parties were holding the power in the country , we had all the basic needs like milk butter or sugar. Can kais saïd and his shitty government be worst than ennahdha? I repeat that I hate ennahdha and every political parties in the last 10 years so I dont get spammed by the braindead that thinks ""you are against kais so you are nahdhaoui""",,,,,,2022-10-11 15:20:06 y1cri6,,0,ANY ADVICE ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-11 16:00:24 y1e4kc,,1,"Louled, belehi best mean of transport to get from khaznadar or even bardo lel Passage/Barcelona excluding the metro ( preferably not a crowded one ) ?",,,,,,,2022-10-11 16:55:35 y1ex8x,,6,"How do you justify that some TN men consider themselves ""superior"" to men from other nationalities/culture in terms of dating/physical attraction ?",,,,,,,2022-10-11 17:27:17 y1f4xs,,13,How to respond to catcalling?,"Catcalling is typical in tunisia and it happened to my girlfriend while we were walking. I got angry and insulted him multiple times, then I realised that it only shows me as an insecure man with fragile masculinity. What would you guys do in that situation (as a guy)?",,,,,,2022-10-11 17:35:45 y1g7hz,,3,Mosque Loudspeaker Too High,"New mosque got built right next to our house. Speakers are set way too high (they peak and crackle!). Measured at around 80dB. Who do I talk to so they can adjust them to match nearby mosques or at least lower it manually? Thanks",,,,,,2022-10-11 18:18:33 y1go6s,,1,"hi, I'm looking for study partner for bac exam if anyone interested dm me",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-11 18:37:19 y1hi8v,,0,sorry about such a post,"ayo guys 7achti b local fi sousse for one night that wont have a problem with me bringing in a date for the night, and since i am a stranger here i have no idea where to go, any reccomendations ?",,,,,,2022-10-11 19:10:25 y1hq8b,,1,Question about contracts,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-11 19:19:26 y1i4ws,,2,any good rising singers suggestion?,"by singers, i mean people who can really sing, judging by live performances ofc any genre is welcome gimme ur favorites \^\^ (mine is : Faouzia)",,,,,,2022-10-11 19:35:32 y1i5dj,,1,anyone knows the background song used here ? xD,,,,,,,2022-10-11 19:36:02 y1ieon,,3,kol manchuf lwa9t : 11:11 what does it mean ?,,,,,,,2022-10-11 19:46:12 y1if76,,0,Any single girl ? nbadlu hata jaw,,,,,,,2022-10-11 19:46:45 y1j1pu,,1,Where can I find a place to install Zbrush ?,I tried to download a torrent but it didn’t work. I need it for school,,,,,,2022-10-11 20:11:24 y1j2nj,,1,I will create free websites,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-11 20:12:27 y1jfk5,,1,welp i need help,"anyone intersted in sharing some full workout plans ( i could'nt find one for myself they usually ask for money or the exercises need machines i don't have access too) for more information m skinny aiming to gain weight ( not in a hurry tho and i 'd rather with home workout ) any help would be so much apprciated and thank you",,,,,,2022-10-11 20:26:36 y1jkl0,,1,(y),,,,,,,2022-10-11 20:32:06 y1k1kj,,2,Need advice,"Hello hello 👋 , ya jme3a I need a serious advice, this is my first year at university and I have no idea about anything I'm studying in class, I asked the professor a question and he said simply :"" think , what could it be ?"" I dunno I was staring at him I said I dunno he said think I'm not leaving u alone until you give me the answer so I fucked up ( I started crying) I really hated myself at that moment and again I cried when he tried to ask me about the reason I cried during the class I told him I didn't like the way you talk to me you are my professor and you are here to teach me and other nonsense that I really regret saying , so please tell me how to stop this emotional breakdown in such situations? 😔😔😔😔😔",,,,,,2022-10-11 20:50:55 y1kb9n,çaise_en_tunisie/,0,bac française en Tunisie,Chebeb ena n7ib n3adi el bac français. Billehi ken fama chkoun 3ada we ila 3andou fikra 3aleha 9olilna 3aliha.,,,,,,2022-10-11 21:01:31 y1kntl,,12,Petrol remains in Tunisia for 7-14 days before tanks are empty + currency remains for 3 months,"Really bad news for tunisia :( []( []( Are you aware about the topic of a blackout situation? How you prepare for an outage of the water supply through water bottles? As I was in tunisia as tourist visiting the family, I saw the big problem already coming, without petrol, no trucks can transport and distribute the huge amounts of water bottles in the whole country. I made water test stripe measurements in Sousse and Kasserine, while Sousse is chemically just not good, in Kasserine, there is lead (cause brain damage and cause issues in brain development of children) and other toxic minerals contaminating the water. Are tunisian people aware about this coming situation?",,,,,,2022-10-11 21:15:30 y1lq5x,,4,ken ena kif nra la3waj manoskotch ?,"is it just me ? kif nra 3abd m3awej na3mel reaction fi wa9tha... like kif nra 7ad fi medda 4i9a yemchi fel west ndezou w net3ada... wala kif 7ad yebza9 fel chera3 7achekom n9olou 3la man4rek... (w fama fazet o5rin)",,,,,,2022-10-11 21:59:16 y1lzaz,,1,Formula 1 Cafeteria ( Sousse ),"is there anywhere in sousse where an actual cafe streams formula 1 racedays, qualis, or even free practice ?",,,,,,2022-10-11 22:09:43 y1mus1,,1,Are there any US jobs in Tunisia?,Just wondering or jobs I could do remotely?,,,,,,2022-10-11 22:46:52 y1n98c,,1,Traveling Tunisia - Mediterranean journey | DW Documentary- I Love everything about Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-11 23:04:48 y1p0z4,,2,a long academic career,"How do you keep your shit together for years? As a pharmacy student I don't see myself doing this for 6-10 years. Chnwa l7al? Ch3mltou ntouma?",,,,,,2022-10-12 00:24:17 y1sk8m,,1,"We TUNISIAN roommates did a mix for fun, we live in New York - <3 TUNISIA <3 represent -> Yassine B2B Hamza - Deep Melodic FIFA/Chillin House Mix | Solomun, Adriatique, Sven Vath, Artbat",,,,,,,2022-10-12 03:11:54 y1zl9v,,0,Win mechin?,"Normally this time of the year i would be abroad... but this year i stayed a bit more and sadly i am seeing the reality of this country. Rakom 3maltou el re7a... El sokker w 9olna miselch... el 7lib w el 9ahwa miselech... tawa esseence w 3dham... chnya 7ata el djej maach ybidh fi hal bled? El kayeset tsakret w el 3bed cheda el saf 3al essence bel sweye3. W bientôt el dollar bech ywalli yaswa 10 tnd... Aman fi9ou rahou te7che... 7achekom... w9ayet bech nfi9ou yezi ma berket el bled w yezi ma bhemet. Ken s3ayed y3awed yerbe7 les élections el jeyin... rahou tounes bech tebrek. W nou3edkom makomech 7adhrin leli bech ysir wa9tha.",,,,,,2022-10-12 09:48:55 y1zny5,,1,Birthday Gift,"Hello, my girlfriend's birthday is coming up, and I want part of her gift to be a NCT or EXO album as she's heavily into kpop music, I scoured the internet but couldn't find any reliable site to buy one - any advise?",,,,,,2022-10-12 09:53:09 y20ipr,,13,"Does anybody know where did the tunisian ""please"" hand gesture come from?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-12 10:41:51 y20yfk,,17,What is happening in zarzis?,Title,,,,,,2022-10-12 11:05:42 y21ude,,1,@Tunisian cat owners. Is it okey to give my cat 1 meal/day ?,"I'm currently working from 8 to 18. And my cat spend the whole day alone. Is it fine to give her a fine m3al ij the morning (escalope, pate) and some milk kif nrwah ?",,,,,,2022-10-12 11:51:38 y223tz,,1,إنجازات قيسون حفظه الله,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-12 12:04:12 y22o86,,0,Do you think there’s a gender pay gap in Tunisia?,Has anyone witnessed female coworkers being paid less for doing the same job here in Tunisia?,,,,,,2022-10-12 12:30:42 y245im,,1,"Yassine B2B Hamza - Deep Melodic FIFA/Chillin House Mix | Solomun, Adriatique, Sven Vath, Artbat",,,,,,,2022-10-12 13:35:16 y246g8,,2,How to avoid English grammar mistakes while writing posts and comments?,,,,,,,2022-10-12 13:36:22 y2491l,,1,لا اسونس و لا تكسيات هذا الحل,,,,,,,2022-10-12 13:39:33 y24hdx,,0,Do you even need anyone ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-12 13:49:16 y24qqh,,3,"Yassine B2B Hamza - Deep Melodic FIFA/Chillin House Mix | Solomun, Adriatique, Sven Vath, Artbat",,,,,,,2022-10-12 14:00:18 y25fg6,,0,"As Tunisians, do you allow yourselves to say the N-word ?","I’m not talking about the « hard R N-word » just the equivalent of homie/friend that can be found in rap songs,movies etc..",,,,,,2022-10-12 14:28:45 y26cv9,,7,I'm so tired this sucks :(,"I have bipolar disorder, ADHD, anxiety disorder, BPD, I've been taking medication for 3 years and i go to my psychiatrist every month but I'm not getting better, I've been suffering for over 10 years and attempted suicide like 7 times I'm so exhausted i started using anything i get my hand on to get high and numb myself i dropped out of school and tried so many things to get better but nothing works i don't know what to do at this point I'm only 19 and my mind and body are so messed up i went through so much by myself it hurts so much",,,,,,2022-10-12 15:05:56 y26e5d,çais_w_niveau/,1,belahi fama had ya3mel bac français w niveau terminale ?,,,,,,,2022-10-12 15:07:25 y279ru,,0,is there any girl here offers GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE here ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-12 15:42:14 y27uir,,1,"Looking for online sources of ""Objective compta"" software","A friend of mine asked me to about ""objectif compta"" software and where can I get any information about it (links, pics,...) have any of you have any idea where to find information about it? I've been looking online and couldn't find anything!",,,,,,2022-10-12 16:04:57 y28ktv,,1,Has the Jumia Food app updated?,"Suddenly when I use the app it shows me every restaurant in the country with no option to filter by distance, so I cannot really use the app anymore. This wasn't happening last week, has my app glitched or is this supposed to happen?",,,,,,2022-10-12 16:32:52 y29bwc,,1,a good barber in mahdia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-12 17:01:54 y2b7xw,,0,what are woman’s rights like in Tunisia? Do you get equal pay? Respect at the work place ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-12 18:17:54 y2c88w,,5,Is 1 million Tunisian dirham a lot of money in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-12 18:57:33 y2cu2b,,1,Men height infographic,,,,,,,2022-10-12 19:21:31 y2czv3,,1,Men personality infographic,,,,,,,2022-10-12 19:28:03 y2deef,,0,Future?,"What do you guys think about the current situation of our country and what are your thoughts about the shortages in almost all essential life supplies I don't want to seem like a pessimistic person but i believe that our petrol shortage is a big red flag. What solutions do you propose?",,,,,,2022-10-12 19:43:55 y2dflc,,2,800 Travel Agents are being held up wrongfully because of the latest news about immigration to Serbia.,"[This.]( It started last month and it’s been going ever since, many of my partners and colleagues have been arrested and investigated for selling airplane tickets to customers going to Serbia and/or Istanbul. Cherry on the cake, they are being held up as terrorists in the “terrorism” section at Bouchoucha, all this info I’ve been able to collect was told to my husbands family by the lawyer we appoint to him. I also called the FTAV (federation tunisienne des agences de voyages), but I think it’s a waste of time as they told me to write a letter and deposit it… he’s been held up for more than 48 hours now, with no food and no visits, I only managed to get him his heart pills. What else should I do?",,,,,,2022-10-12 19:45:15 y2dh2u,,0,louled B00BS or A$$ ?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-12 19:46:57 y2djnb,,1,Test test,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-12 19:49:43 y2dtzy,,5,architecture student looking for internship,i'm currently looking for an architecture internship abroad!! any help guys???,,,,,,2022-10-12 20:00:37 y2dxo5,,1,Men height infographic,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-12 20:04:32 y2e0zr,,0,Men height infographic,[](,,,,,,2022-10-12 20:08:12 y2e2t2,,0,Men personality infographic,[](,,,,,,2022-10-12 20:10:10 y2h85h,,12,"The slow economic recovery from COVID-19 and a delay in carrying out key reforms, including of subsidies, is likely to further strain Tunisia’s public finances and deepen budget and trade deficits, according to the World Bank’s latest Tunisia Economic Monitor","This is a great report that I recommend to anyone trying to take a deep dive into the current crisis. []( \------------------------- Summary: [\~:text=TUNIS%2C%20Sept%207%2C%202022%20%E2%80%93,Bank's%20latest%20Tunisia%20Economic%20Monitor](,Bank's%20latest%20Tunisia%20Economic%20Monitor). Issued in French under the title Gérer la crise en temps d’incertitudes (Managing the crisis in times of uncertainty), the report forecasts economic growth of 2.7%  in 2022, largely due to the post-COVID recovery of tourism and trade, plus the solid performance of the mining and light manufacturing sectors. This growth rate is slightly lower than earlier World Bank forecasts, a reflection of the impact of the war in Ukraine. As a result, the economy is expected in 2022 to remain well below the pre-pandemic period.  “Just as its economy started to recover from the COVID-19 crisis, Tunisia faced the double challenge of rising commodity prices and the war in Ukraine, which has put huge pressure on global wheat and energy supplies.” said Alexandre Arrobbio, World Bank Country Manager for Tunisia. “Cognizant of these unprecedented challenges, at the end of June, the World Bank granted a $130 million loan to Tunisia to help mitigate the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security. This will allow the government to finance grain purchases while initiating announced reforms,” added Arrobbio. The first chapter of the report highlights how the war in Ukraine and rising global commodity and manufacturing prices exacerbated existing vulnerabilities of the Tunisian economy in the first months of 2022. Inflation rose from 6.7% in January 2022 to 8.1% in June 2022, prompting the Central Bank to raise its policy rate, the first increase since 2020. The trade deficit widened by 56% in the first semester of 2022, reaching 8.1% of GDP; and the budget deficit – pushed by mounting energy and food subsidies – is forecast to reach 9.1% in 2022, compared to 7.4% in 2021.  The second chapter covers the food subsidy system - one of the key drivers of rising trade and budget deficits. In the case of wheat, the report shows that while this subsidy system kept prices stable for consumers, it put significant pressure on the state’s finances, penalized farmers and food processors, and generated over-consumption, with significant leakages and waste. The report stresses that replacing subsidized food prices with compensatory cash transfers to vulnerable households would make the system more efficient, reduce fiscal and import costs, and strengthen food security in the face of future shocks.",,,,,,2022-10-12 22:13:41 y2hgy9,,2,PFE for cybersecurity degree,"Hello Tunisian Redditors, can you please site me some Cybersecurity companies where i can postulate my CV for PFE, i really need your help, I know there is EY, Deloitte but these are Audit companies, there is ANSI also but it's rare where they accept people unless you have aktef, I am still searching for companies where i can lay my head on",,,,,,2022-10-12 22:23:21 y2hqgc,,9,Struggling to survive,"Well m a [23m] started to work as waiter for 2 months and I just got back to uni So I wake by 7am go to uni until 3pm, then go to work until 11:30pm and I had some ""dhourouf"" so I really can't quit. So any advices to survive ? [UPDATE] I really appreciate all of u guys even the ones that came to argue with the others xD I need some advices cause in real world I try to rely on myself as much as possible but it's good to take some advices from now and then so thank And for anyone who's interested I will update my situation after a month or so .. Ayshkom barcha ♡♡",,,,,,2022-10-12 22:34:29 y2icjl,,0,why there are more females than male in universities ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-12 23:00:38 y2ilm6,,0,how old are you ?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-12 23:11:18 y2jryp,,2,hi guys i need help..i in relation with a girl so 3amin el tali ta3mil fi account Instagram ou tiktok fihim tswrha ou hiya tw t7jbt ou t7ib el compte ytfs5o and in the same time ma3indhach la address la chy so plz if u having some information 3ounouni,,,,,,,2022-10-13 00:02:35 y2ludl,فما_أمل_بش_تتصلح_تونس/,3,فما أمل بش تتصلح تونس؟," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-13 01:36:42 y2m5ha,,2,John harvey kellogg,"Was watching the first episode of the new dahmer series and then i don't even know why i paused and searched for the history of corn flakes only to be shocked. John Harvey Kellog the dude who invented Corn flakes with his brother, He believed of the balance of religion and science and the whole point of inventing corn flakes believe it or not was to prevent sexual arousal this dude literally launched an ANTI MASTURBATION crusade by developping bland food mainly corn flakes and it doesn't end here the launching of the crusade was after he lost the rights to use his own name for Kellogg’s Corn Flakes in 1920 and this is where it gets dark. This man was terrified and disgusted by sex his entire life ""he encouraged parents to tie their children’s hands to their bedposts or to circumcise their teenage boys. An even more aggressive tactic saw the foreskin of a young man’s penis sewed shut to prevent erections. For young girls, he recommended pouring carbolic acid on their clitorises"" and more fucked up shit so here ya go you'll never look at corn flakes the same again.",,,,,,2022-10-13 01:51:20 y2ndn2,,6,Do you guys like being called Arabs? Do you consider yourselves same race as Saudis?,How many of you have made a DNA test and found out that they have 0 Arab DNA? Would you still call yourself Arab ?,,,,,,2022-10-13 02:50:24 y2r02w,,5,قداش يقعد تليفون جديد قبل ما يهبط في تونس؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-13 06:05:15 y2ru3l,,8,what do you think about mass migration of sub saharan africans in tunisia ?,I noticed that sub saharan africans are taking over our country in hope of using it a route to cross the sea into europe but end up staying here. I mean the goverment should do something about it. Or just try to integrate them to the tunisian culture and society.,,,,,,2022-10-13 06:57:10 y2vpav,,13,I've done too much and received too little,"25 male , stuied my ass off in computer science and become a web dev , now I have almost 3 years of experience and I feel burned out of work and despite all of this I barely survive let along have what I desire .",,,,,,2022-10-13 10:58:47 y2vpn2,,1,TUNISIA HOUSING LOAN,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-13 10:59:19 y2w4ci,,1,any unreal engine expert here ?,i have a problem with android and UE5 anyone know ?,,,,,,2022-10-13 11:21:22 y2wgkb,,2,Parking HELP,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-13 11:39:24 y2wzp4,,0,I really want a tunisan gf / wife.,I'm 25 years old I'm a U.S. citizen of Zanzibar decent but I Look like a North African dude. I get mistaken for morrocan all the time. Tunisan women are so beautiful. After taxes I only make 3k usd monthly but the cost of living there is so low. I have a remote job from an American company but I hear the internet in tunisa is pretty bad. I look Arab so I don't think the locals will know my intentions from just looking me. I got some matches are muzmatch. Do you think the girls there would be in to me? I'm 177cm tall slightly below average looking in the face. 4/10.,,,,,,2022-10-13 12:05:56 y2x4ib,,1,IELTS vs TOEFL,"I'm thinking about getting a certificate to use to apply to scholarships in international universities. So according to your knowledge , should i take toefl or ielts ? i'm talking in terms of time , difficulty and preference of unis.",,,,,,2022-10-13 12:12:30 y2xlur,,5,Any Tunisian moved to spain for work ?,I need some infos about moving to spain for work.,,,,,,2022-10-13 12:35:44 y2xxe2,,5,Thoughts about Tunisia 5," Most people of this group are blessed. Because they belong to those who have the chance to live in more than one country. This is a freedom that should not be taken for granted nor taken lightly. This is a privilege. We have seen more than one country in our lifetime. We have traveled. We took our bags and we left our countries and we have seen other parts of the world and by that decision alone we changed ourselves too. We have seen with our own eyes and we have felt with our own senses. And we have made memories that will live on forever with us and that would even have an effect on all our latter decisions and on all the people that we know. A few hundred years ago such enterprise was barely imaginable and travelling was restricted to a few privileged and financed with gold from Kings and Barons. Today we live in the globalization age. If you have the means, you could make it happen. I remember around 2009 I was reading an article about Cristiano Ronaldo travelling from Spain to the USA in his private jet to attend a highly prominent party in a lush nightclub somewhere there and that he would be back to training in Real Madrid the next day. The article included a picture of the star accompanied by a beautiful brunette, both of them laughing and holding drinks in their hands. I follow football. During one game of the German team the commentator mentioned that a player named Jerome Boateng is accustomed to travelling to Paris just for the sole purpose that his preferred haircutter is located there. Okay these are extreme examples that might be criticized for the unnecessary pollution caused by the private jets but I was trying to show that people always find a reason to travel and that technology and logistics nowadays have reached an unprecedented progressed level in the history of mankind. Tunisia is near Europe. 2 flight hours and you find yourself in a European metropolis in a whole different world. I love the feeling of travelling. Even within Tunisia itself travelling can give you such a healing and reviving feeling. Some unexpected beautiful suddenly perceived landscapes or horizons could hit one’s soul in an incomprehensible way. The sight of the reflection of the sun on a lake could make you feel something transcendental. You would just be in awe of the beauty of the uncustomary sighting. Like something extremely important is calling you to understand it or to remember it. Nature is such a great phenomenon that is why we Tunisians must preserve our environment and cease polluting it. But travelling does not just involve landscapes and nature but primarily people too. What I most love about travelling is meeting new faces, new people with new attitudes and reactions and learning from them and exchanging stories and life experiences. For instance I remember a French girl I met in school because she belonged to an exchange program where students from France would visit us in Tunisia. She noticed that I was highly interested in a book in her hands called “If this is a man” by Primo Levi. She just gave me the book and said to me that I can keep it. As I was looking for money in my pockets to pay her she refused and insisted that I can have that book as a gift from her. And she added “Can I not give without having to get something in return?”. In French it sounds simpler : “ Faut il toujours avoir pour donner? That question startled me. This happened about 20 years ago and I still remember her words to this day. So powerful was that moment to me. Until then I never asked myself that question and until then I was taught that if you give without getting something back that means you were a fool and a dumb person but her decision at that moment rattled that conviction and unfounded it. And I learned maybe for the first time to see things from another perspective. Seeing things from other perspectives. This is what travelling is all about. What is highly important here could be trivial over there. What is mostly holy or complicated over there might be normal and simple over here. Each one of us has his own unforgettable memories that helped define him and that helped explain the world for him. Each one of us has met somewhere someday that stranger who leaved a nice impression and who engrained a word or an expression in our consciousness. We are a product of our environments in some sense and travelling could only bring richness of character with it and an increase of the strength of personality. And for those who cannot afford travelling believe me when I tell you that reading is the ultimate way of travelling. You just read a good book and at the end of it you will find out that you most probably have made the best journey you could possibly make. If I may share a discovery I made during my last lecture, I came across the term “ Aspen tree”. That kind of tree does not exist in Tunisia and they have special leaves that make very special sounds. The leaves flutter in the lightest wind. I typed aspen tree in youtube and I found several videos dedicated to the calming relaxing natural sound that these leaves make. Our world is so rich and technology nowadays brings us even the sounds of the tropical forest with the birds and creatures that we never saw and otherwise would never have heard. Just always remember we are blessed and we should say thanks.",,,,,,2022-10-13 12:50:30 y2yfw7,,2,Any Good Psychologists in sfax ?,"as the title says I'm looking for good psychologists in Sfax. Thanks in advance &#x200B; Ps: I'm looking for Psychologists (therapy) , not a psychiatrist so please don't mention any Psychiatrists",,,,,,2022-10-13 13:13:44 y2zl5y,,9,"Anyone here spiritual/atheist, or with any philosophical belief system, or other than Abrahamic religion","I'm a spiritual neo pagan with wide variety of beliefs and I'm curious if there's anyone else here with similar or different beliefs and how it impacted their life and their thought process, and how they live with it and if they told their family or close people, I'm open to anything i don't judge i respect everyone's beliefs and i hope you guys don't judge me.",,,,,,2022-10-13 14:03:51 y30y7v,,0,does Amazon ship products to tunisians? I can use my dad's credit card I just want to buy some new york best selling books and use them as an escape of reality I'm starting to hate going outside and seeing ignorant mfs everywhere in this country,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-13 15:01:01 y318a4,,0,How much time do you give KS before he is deposed?,"Whether he resigns, the army kicks him out, or another revolution takes place, we don't know. That said, it seems like the countdown has started, and if the demonstrations of the 15th of October are allowed to take place, this could be the start of the end. Thoughts? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-13 15:12:37 y31d4s,,1,"🔴 A simple comparison between the milk of the French company Candia in France and Tunisia In Tunisia, it is milk dust plus water, as the picture shows. The ingredients for milk are mentioned below. In Tunisia, it is water and has no nutritional value, unlike Candia, which is sold in France!",,,,,,,2022-10-13 15:18:08 y31t2s,,5,Standardized Tunisian Amazigh,"Zoomers and millenials of Tunisia (too late for the others sorry), if a standardized written version of modern tunisian amazigh is put together would you be interested in learning it and using it on a daily basis, within your home, with your future children and especially in official matters (administrative, judicial, education...etc) instead of Modern Standard Arabic ? What would such a language look like ? The current Tunisian dialect is a patchwork language of multiple vocabularies and grammar rules that tries to pass as Arabic for political and ideological reasons. All the while, the (very resilient) amazigh culture and language are beginning to die off. Modern Tunisian contains a lot of amazigh words and expressions, which were preserved by marginalized communities. In turn this lead the public to view these words as inferior and stupid compared to pure arabic (jokes on them French is doing to Arabic what Arabic did to Amazigh). Of course, that's absolute bullshit, and frankly it's thanks to those communities that we may be able in the future to revive a standard tunisian amazigh (Let's call it ⵜⴰⵜⵓⵏⵙⵉⵜ tatounsit) that would closely ressemble darija but with legit grammar rules, modernized vocabulary and literary potential just like it was done in Morocco and Algeria before. Of course the particularity of our language and it's main asset is how easily it can absorb other languages. History happened and this is not about erasing it, a tunisian amazigh would of course keep influences it gained from phoenician, latin, arabic, french, italian and turkish.",,,,,,2022-10-13 15:36:42 y3282f,,1,Rental cars in Tunisia,"I'm hoping to visit Tunisia again for a holiday sometime in November. I'm currently 18, from the United Kingdom, and I have a full UK's driving license. I've driven here previously in my own vehicle brought over from the UK, but I'm wondering if I am able to drive a rental vehicle, even if its under a parents name? Please do let me know if its feasible to. My mother also has a full UK driving license, but isn't very confident in driving longer distances, so it would be up to me to do that. Cheers.",,,,,,2022-10-13 15:54:00 y32xtn,,1,"Twensa elli mchew ""ykawnou"" lbarra",Was it worth ?,,,,,,2022-10-13 16:22:42 y32y61,,3,Translation,"What does weld el laba mean ? My mom used to say that to me when I was younger but not anymore. I think I know what it really mean but I need your help Translation in English or French please",,,,,,2022-10-13 16:23:08 y33zx3,,4,Arabic Vocabulary test,"hey, if are willing , can you do this Arabic vocabulary size [test]( and report back your results ? it takes 5 minutes to complete . my result is : Your vocabulary size is like that of a 8-year-old child in Arabian countries",,,,,,2022-10-13 17:06:04 y35der,,2,Seeking English Speaking Friends,"Hey, anybody else a native English speaker whose living in Tunisia and wants to make a friend? The only catch is you have to be female. I'm open-minded, progressive, and emotionally intelligent. I'm looking for a friend with a similar perspective. Here's to better days...",,,,,,2022-10-13 18:02:06 y35q9t,,1,Campus france,"I'm going to study abroad next year in france, if you have any information or could help feel free to DM or comment. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-10-13 18:16:40 y36znd,,2,Future,"I'm planning to go to college chasing a degree but i feel too old (late twenties). My only motivation is yo gurantee a better future and the only way is this after messing around it seems there is no any opportunity. So i wanna ask what are my odds to get a job immediatly after graduation? Is there any possibility to study only online without going to class i mean presenting only for exams. Thank you and please no mocking",,,,,,2022-10-13 19:06:19 y37966,,1,How corrupt are the judges in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-13 19:16:52 y3852y,,1,How do I activate a phone that has been brought from Dubai (Sajjalni),"I have someone in my family who went to Turkey and came back 2 months ago, is their passport eligible to activate the phone with?",,,,,,2022-10-13 19:51:36 y38851,,1,What happened to Anime Slayer?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-13 19:54:43 y38sdk,,0,antidepressants,Chkoun contre les antidépresseurs khater ikhaf mel side effects wel dépendance wala khayer mo9atana3 eli macheklou enafseya tet7al b 7ajet lezem ya3melhom fi 7yetou concrètement mouch bedwe iraka7lou mokhou.,,,,,,2022-10-13 20:15:51 y39akm,,2,help: looking for a place to rent zone hay lkhadhra,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-13 20:35:13 y39t8w,,1,How does the Tunisian electoral process works?,"Considering what happened im the referendum, I think we all got to realize that elections really play a major role in our country, and that must be regulated. I know that ISIE oversees the election process, but is it an independent organization or is it appointed by the government? Could there be any sort of corruption in the process? And what do you think of the electoral system as a whole? If you could anything, what will you do?",,,,,,2022-10-13 20:55:16 y3a9fu,,1,My gf is religious while I'm not,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-13 21:12:23 y3baov,,1,test,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-13 21:52:33 y3bh1f,,1,sport shooting,"anyone here practiced or still practicing sport shooting at the national guard of aouina im thinking of joining",,,,,,2022-10-13 21:59:38 y3bqfu,,4,HELP: stuck and can't get help,"I'm under much pressure and anxiety, that got me paralyzed. Now my life is a sinking ship. I don't have the money for therapy. I'm non-functional, i couldn't get a job. Been more than 9 months now suffering in silence, fighting for my sanity on the brink of suicide, with nowhere to go or anyone to turn to. Keeping it short. I don't think i can make it on my own. Think you can help somehow, it will be much appreciated. Edit: i'm not looking for ""coaching"". Things like stay strong, be disciplined, have goals, work-out, a9ra quoran... DOESN'T HELP. There is hundreds of other subs where i can get better advice, and i already have been there. I've been on youtube, heard and seen so many videos, i've read couple of books, i've been all over the internet and the self-help literature. I already heard and tried whatever you're going to say, i'm here cause i'm at the end, and can't think of anything else to try. i came here now specifically to see if there is any way I can get professional help, maybe therapy, for free or at least for cheap. Or maybe there is a mental health organization or anything. I already decided to quit, i see no way out and can't bare this any longer. Doing last shots to make sure i'm not being foolishly impulsive",,,,,,2022-10-13 22:09:53 y3dhdn,,1,Turkish girls or boys?!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-13 23:23:37 y3hs2p,,3,Sick of opportunists and attention seekers in our politics.,"While the country is sinking, the economy is stagnating, and we are witnessing the worst recession we have ever recorded; a douche presents himself for presidential elections and takes us back to the ditch and to the nightmare of fake social subjects that previous politicians used to manipulate us for 10 years and to distract us from our real economical issues. This imbecile, idiot maggot ( I don’t even want to promote his name) uses the polygamy card to gain population. When I start seeing a little hope in this country, it soon fades again because of the retards we have in the ‘political’ scene. Im about to hate ‘Democracy’.",,,,,,2022-10-14 02:41:39 y3jdxi,,2,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-10-14 04:00:12 y3ljfc,,1,does it cost anything to open a bank account?,"hey, im looking to move back to tunisia from canada but i was a kid when we moved so don’t know much about banking and all. is it possible to just open a regular account to put money in and transfer to from canada/use for work in tunisia? thanks",,,,,,2022-10-14 05:52:58 y3llpt,,25,for the Tunisians that live abroad. Is there something that you didnt find elsewhere except in Tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-10-14 05:56:36 y3lsgf,,3,Anyway to convert BTC to TND in Tunisia?,"Hi all! Can you please tell me if there is a way to exchange BTC to TND in Tunisia? Thank you so much!",,,,,,2022-10-14 06:06:49 y3netn,,7,Feeling guilty since a few months,"I mean I remember it like 3 times a month max but it was tone deaf 🥶 Someone asked me if I like France or Tunisia more and I said Tunisia and insisted. He looked surprised bc that’s what a normal reaction is. But given the state of the country…idk lol I just come for a month and 1/2 so I don’t really have time to feel what tunisians feel living in this country at all. But what I said was true. It pains me to leave Tunisia every time and I feel like wishing to become a wall there. Tbh idk if it’s bc I hate France or bc I like Tunisia too much.",,,,,,2022-10-14 07:43:17 y3o8b7,,1,Sad but true,,,,,,,2022-10-14 08:33:08 y3od8k,,3,The mods in this sub are:," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-14 08:41:30 y3ovt9,,3,Foreign cards in Tunisia,"Anyone tried to pay with a foreign card in a supermarket lately? won't take any foreign card, and a friend of mine told me his card won't work in supermarkets. How about you guys?",,,,,,2022-10-14 09:13:04 y3p1ul,,1,How to deal with over-usage of the phone and social media ..,,,,,,,2022-10-14 09:23:02 y3p9ao,,9,"I made $250k out of $5k investment during the last crypto bullrun , AMA.",,,,,,,2022-10-14 09:34:57 y3q1hf,,0,شرى واشترى,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-14 10:19:18 y3qjx7,,1,كي تمشي تصوت لشعبوي من غير برنامج تقعد من غير شي,,,,,,,2022-10-14 10:47:41 y3qo31,,2,is RBK TUNISIA worth it ?,,,,,,,2022-10-14 10:54:12 y3qppx,,19,Where does all this unconditional love to Kais Saied come from?,,,,,,,2022-10-14 10:56:41 y3qzn2,,3,Is visa on arrival still available for Chinese passport holders?,"I have a flight booked to Tunis in 7 days thought that I do not need a visa to enter as a tourist, because it is stated almost everywhere on the internet (Even China Ministry of Foreign Affairs site) that Chinese passport holder can enter Tunisia visa-free for 90 days with valid hotel/flight booking. However, it seems that the visa free policy is no longer valid. I just discovered that in recent months there were posts on Chinese social media about tourists who were not aware of it and got denied entry or stuck in airport for 18-24 hours before their visa on arrival is approved. Also hearing from one of the tourist agent that visa on arrival is no longer available for Chinese since 7 Oct, but I can’t find anywhere on the internet that confirms this information. Does anyone know if this information is up to date? Tried embassies/consulates near me but they all have invalid email or phone numbers, or did not reply my enquiries. (Trying my luck here)",,,,,,2022-10-14 11:10:44 y3rnvb,,0,AWS re/start program in Tunisia question,Would love to hear from people who have done or know someone who has completed it here in Tunisia.What was their experience and what job they landed after it.,,,,,,2022-10-14 11:43:54 y3ru4j,,3,What is the issues with delivery apps in Tunisia?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-14 11:52:04 y3rv5n,/r/algeria/comments/y34md8/why_is_our_cultural_heritage_largely_ignored/,1,Do tunisians relate to this?,,,,,,,2022-10-14 11:53:27 y3rvsf,,19,"Tunisia right now, chasing gas","&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-10-14 11:54:18 y3scrj,,3,Visa Reality,"anyone have any insight on percent of Tunisians who are granted fiance or marriage visa/green card in USA? I have heard/seen- just for the interview at Embassy, it can take 1-2 years to apply etc etc. AND more than 2 years after that for approval or denial. I also recently saw there was a lottery at the US Embassy in Tunis for a better chance for USA VISA maybe somebody on here has more of a scoop-thanks",,,,,,2022-10-14 12:15:59 y3sg44,,5,Random question for fun,"What's your favorite games? (Mobile games excluded) 7ab na3ref ghiri fech yal3eb",,,,,,2022-10-14 12:20:17 y3sg6k,,1,كيفية اختيار الاسم المعرف للقناة بسهولة تحديث اليوتيوب الجديد,,,,,,,2022-10-14 12:20:22 y3tes1,,2,can creatine be accepted in Tunisia if shipped to me from Russia ( i know someone there ) ?,,,,,,,2022-10-14 13:03:31 y3u5uk,,2,Is there any other English call center ?,"I tried National pen multiple times but they don't respond also tried Teleperfermance but they told me we only do frensh ( my frensh sucks) . Honestly I'm pretty desperate for a job right now btw I'm ""niveau bac"" , I tried putting my C.V in multiple boutiques but non till this day called me, if you guys have any other suggestions please feel free to advise me.",,,,,,2022-10-14 13:35:49 y3ux1f,,1,scheduled power shutdowns in different regions for 6 hours.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-14 14:06:31 y3x0q9,,2,Calisthenics park in ben arous,Looking for a calisthenics park in the ben arous area,,,,,,2022-10-14 15:29:43 y3xpdf,,1,"PRetty sure, this is in Tunisia",,,,,,,2022-10-14 15:56:16 y3xuuj,ée_fi_tunisia/,2,Win nagem na3mel lunette personnalisée fi Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-10-14 16:02:09 y40y4y,,0,Stagnant incompetent people that ALWAYS make the wrong choice. They need to take responsibility at a point.,"Au moins Karoui était un homme d’affaires qui comprenais comment l’économie marche et qui voulait ouvrir la Tunisie à La libre économie. Mais les populistes et les stagnants ont choisit de voter à celui qui ressemblait plus à eux: un incompétent qui ne fait que parler. Moi j’ai voté Karoui.",,,,,,2022-10-14 18:06:47 y41pcd,,2,"How can I shil stuff outside the country from here(Tunis, Mégrine)",,,,,,,2022-10-14 18:37:54 y42lk2,,3,How can i get paid online in Tunisia ?,"Hey everyone hope you doing well , needless to mention that this question is been controversial the last years , especially after PayPal case . As a student i know a few ways to earn money online , but how can i get paid , or deposit those money ? Disclaimer : withdraw , shopping etc .. is the last think i care about tbh , just place where i can collect the money i earn . Thanks in advance 😁",,,,,,2022-10-14 19:14:46 y42m83,,1,how did you find a job abroad as a junior developer,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-14 19:15:30 y42rpf,,1,how did you find a job abroad as a junior developer,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-14 19:22:08 y43430,,0,European looking tunisians,Why blond people with colored eyes think their self superior and make it their whole personality just asking cause I hope I am not the only one who deals with them and see their behavior,,,,,,2022-10-14 19:36:53 y43y75,,2,Good laptop repair Shop In Ariana or El Ghazala?,"Good afternoon , I have probleme with my laptop hinge it can't open easily and I am afraid that the problem will increase in the future. So can you recamande a good and honest technician to fix it (not stealing and changing the other components and know what he do ). Thanks in advance :) &#x200B; &#x200B; &#x200B; #",,,,,,2022-10-14 20:11:26 y444ky,,8,I realised that I'm an a7feth/sob student,"Ever since I was a kid,I was told that I was a prodigy by everyone around me(even tho I didn't believe that myself since I was only school smart and I failed both attempts at pioneer school(college/lycee pilote)) Flash forward to last year,I was in 2nd year of highschool in the science division while I was still averaging 15 score,it was clear that I was lifting up my score with the secondary subjects but It only hit me that I was an a7feth/sob student when I got a 7 in physics when we were being taught vecteurs/moments(something that required actual skill/thought process). And now I'm 3eme math and in physics classes I feel overwhelmed or out of the loop. Should I switch to another section? My current plan is to finish the year and if I'm still having trouble ,I would just switch to eco or another section (especially since I discovered a new internal joy for history/geography but I don't want to change sections then be hit with the ""تكثر من الحلو يمسات"" since I used to enjoy physics when it was more electric based)",,,,,,2022-10-14 20:19:12 y44y3a,,1,Newi tcherek ghodoi fi Maasiret 15 octobre ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-14 20:53:29 y44ybg,,2,best way to escape tunisia,"Take me seriously please I'm currently ""bac info"" and i'm trying my best to succeed this year (i'm not a good student) Anyway if i succeed which hopefully i will There are 2 options ig I can only afford 25k after bac to go study abroad which is obviously not enough Second is to study at private university but it's not guaranteed to go abroad Any advice will be much appreciated Note:don't worry about the first step i know myself i got it",,,,,,2022-10-14 20:53:45 y451io,,0,Newi tcherek ghodoi fi Maasiret 15 octobre ?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-14 20:57:32 y45arb,,0,المستذئبين بالدارجة - من هو الرجل الذئب ؟,,,,,,,2022-10-14 21:07:58 y45n4s,,1,Translation: i have a Tunisian girlfriend how do i tell her i miss her in this sort of tunisian writing? with the i7 and shit like that lol i wanna surprise her,,,,,,,2022-10-14 21:22:24 y461mv,,3,Does anyone here do Amazon FBA,"I would like to start selling on amazon, I have some cash in my payoneer account and would like to invest some into amazon. Anyone does this already?",,,,,,2022-10-14 21:39:29 y46uii,,7,Any Starlink users here? Is it worth it compared to local ISPs?,,,,,,,2022-10-14 22:12:41 y47sbi,,1,Does life get any easier eventually?,"I'm a prepa student, and since a lot of u here were at some point at that stage, I wanted to inquire u. Does life get any easier after the preparatory and engineering cycles? Do u have time to enjoy life?",,,,,,2022-10-14 22:53:00 y48dxs,,1,yar7em weldikom saybouna. rahi el bled tneket. tnekt omha el bled yzbi.,,,,,,,2022-10-14 23:20:25 y4hg6n,,17,who are you voting for in 2024 ? why ?,,,,,,,2022-10-15 07:25:34 y4isld,عمار_who_is/,12,?? 404 عمار who is,Can someone explain who is عمار 404 and what he did before 2011 revolution ??,,,,,,2022-10-15 08:50:07 y4jlwm,,1,how did you manage to get a job abroad as a junior developer,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-15 09:38:54 y4kenr,,0,Does anyone here work as a day trader?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-15 10:25:55 y4njd6,,1,hotel to spend a weekend in winter?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-15 13:07:22 y4nspu,,6,Am I the only one who thinks people in TN were more elegant back in the 90s ?,,,,,,,2022-10-15 13:19:12 y4nsxe,,2,"PC is making tkhashhish noises, help, what should i do ?",,,,,,,2022-10-15 13:19:30 y4o0sa,é_de_maladie_man9oub/,4,congé de maladie man9oub,"bonjour ye jme3a. eni développeur informatique, sba7et mrith, ye5i mananjemtech nemchi ne5dem. ye5i 9alouli eni nharek man9oub w bech yetna77alek menl salaire. 7aja normal hethy ? n7eb na3ref mes droits bethabet fel 7ala hethy. merci. PS: 3andi certificat maladie.",,,,,,2022-10-15 13:29:33 y4p9am,,0,"Tunisian men, is it true that short women are considered 'unattractive' ?","I am a 157cm tall 23F from Belgium and went to Tunis last summer for vacation with friends. I fell in love with this handsome tunisian guy who is 25 years old. Problem: I learnt from the interactions and expectations that tunisian men (even those between 160cm and 170cm men)only consider 170cm+ women to be attractive. I lived in different counties in Europe,, Canada, and USA. The men and women there don't have much expectations on dating based on things they don't choose(race,ethnic group, height....). Even if they do, this is just ""preference"" not a ""must-have"". Most men in Tunisisa however, from what I see, seem adamant with not giving women the time of the day if she isn't tall enough. A Tunisian female friend of mine is the same height as me, and said that in their culture, tallness is expected on women for them to be considered ""a person"". And that surprisingly, a short man in tunisia is more acceptable than a short woman. Idk if I am wrong? Which is why I posted this here. What do you think of women my height? Do you think my tunisian crush will reject me because of my missing 13cm? &#x200B; Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-10-15 14:23:38 y4pcbz,,1,شوف مولدات الكبت والتخلف.. في باكستان..,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-15 14:27:10 y4qjfj,,1,First Job Experience,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-15 15:17:20 y4qv51,,1,Ki yfed yzid ynikha hedha Wala chnowa?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-15 15:31:06 y4r7vf,,4,cyberstalking," 1. u/everyone can you help me fill this form its for a cybersecurity project for our college[\_vfu7ajgbtbURKg/viewform]( Docs[**CyberStalking**]('m inviting you to fill in this form:📷 2. ***\[*****17:34*****\]***share it later 📷",,,,,,2022-10-15 15:46:30 y4reiz,,1,بث مباشر الترجي الرياضي التونسي و بلاتو يونايتد النيجيري,,,,,,,2022-10-15 15:54:35 y4smsf,,2,Where can I learn Dutch in Tunis ( Dutch not German ),Where can I learn Dutch ? ( Netherland's language ) I started learning it through DuoLingo but I feel like it won't be enough since their course is for beginners only.,,,,,,2022-10-15 16:45:53 y4tc6a,,28,Kais saied's opinion on the illegal immigration crisis (lhar9a),,,,,,,2022-10-15 17:15:53 y4tj5w,,2,"Visiting Tunisia, confused about transportation","Specifically from Tunis Airport to Yasmine Hammamet and back, this is the first time I can't find a clear explanation online... I would need a reliable route in the early morning as my return flight is at 7:00.",,,,,,2022-10-15 17:24:10 y4tn1x,,3,Does droppshipping work in our conrty,,,,,,,2022-10-15 17:28:43 y4toz8,,2,"if you could choose between ISI & ISET Rades in these commute situation, which one would you pick?","ISET R is about 30minutes commute while ISI could be done in about 2h depending on luck with public transportation, or perhaps even karya f mabit.",,,,,,2022-10-15 17:30:55 y4tykp,,3,Thoughts on Tunisian Website SelectShop,"Hello guys.. does anyone have any thoughts/past experience regarding this online electronics shop called Selectshop, is it legit? I might get a new pc delivered from them but i'm a bit skeptical.",,,,,,2022-10-15 17:42:06 y4u4u4,,13,i need recommendation of best photovoltaic solar panel providers in tunisia,"hello guys and girls i am willing to buy amount of solar panels , but i am newbie to this subject so i need recommendation of best solar panels system (photovoltaic ) providers in tunisia i realy appreciate the help",,,,,,2022-10-15 17:49:43 y4v1rp,,1,Does this mean we're not going bankrupt and that we are spared from joining Club de Paris?,,,,,,,2022-10-15 18:29:11 y4y3p8,,9,I think my friend is trying to unalive,"So my friend visited me today out of nowhere and started talking about us never seeing each other again or anyone seeing them again and that they're going to go. I asked them if they were traveling or moving and they said no. I kept trying to get an answer out of them but they kept dodging all my questions and just said ""I have to, I don't have a choice"". I can't help but assume they're talking about suicide since they seemed mentally unstable. I don't know what to do, should I tell their parents? I'm scared that I'm just jumping to conclusions but I guess that's still better than not doing anything. So what should I tell their parents and what if I'm wrong and I get my friend in trouble?",,,,,,2022-10-15 20:42:04 y4yr89,,1,The state of fashion,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-15 21:10:35 y4z1zf,,1,Tunisian in Canada...I have a question,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-15 21:23:41 y4z2xt,,2,Tunisians in Canada ...I have a question,"We know that Canada is a rich country and the best place to be for immigrant , but i want to ask Tunisians living there what's bad about living in Canada?Is it really as good as their government is trying to promote this country? Any cons about living in Canada? is it worth it to relocate from new York to Toronto ? because salaries seems to be more higher in Toronto...Thanks",,,,,,2022-10-15 21:24:56 y4z31y,,1,IMF And Tunisia Reach Deal On $1.9 Bn Loan,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-15 21:25:06 y525e7,,11,Should I quit my job?,"Hi, I need your help. 1st I'll give you some context, I'm 24 yo and I work as a primary school teacher. This is my 3rd year. Like many of my peers, I didn't choose to be a teacher but under my family pressure and the high unemployment rates in Tunis, I was forced into it, even though I never wanted to be a teacher and I have other ambitions. In short, I was manipulated. So, during the last 2 years, I focused on making money from the internet by doing the stuff I love: freelancing and selling courses and digital products. Together they make me a decent chunk of money around double to triple my salary from teaching. Lately, I've been really considering quitting teaching for good, to solely focus on my online work, but at the same time, there's that feeling of unease: what if everything goes south, what if in 10 years my whole online work crumbles... So I'm asking for your advice. What would you do if you were in my position? Should I quit or keep juggling both jobs? Thanks.",,,,,,2022-10-15 23:46:43 y526ey,,3,Dar lel kre kriba l 9 avril,"Hey guys, I really need your help. Chkoun yaaref dar lel kre meublé pour une étudiante kriba l fac 9 avril w soumha mayfoutech 400-500.",,,,,,2022-10-15 23:48:08 y52sxj,,1,"Wled el Bey, We’re Tunisian and we make music, if you can support us, check us out and maybe subscribe. It would mean the world ❤️🇹🇳❤️",,,,,,,2022-10-16 00:18:20 y52y5e,,1,"Wled el Bey, We’re Tunisian and love making music for the passion of it, check us out and maybe subscribe… it would mean the WORLD ❤️🇹🇳❤️",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 00:25:37 y537s5,,1,"ملخص أخبار العالم اليوم, انفجار منجم تركيا, مظاهرات تونس, مظاهرات ايران, إيلون ماسك",,,,,,,2022-10-16 00:39:23 y53io7,,1,what is the best bluetoooth headphones with high base under 400d and available in tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-16 00:54:53 y53ysk,,2,Vacation in Tabarka.,"Hello Tunisians, me and my friend are willing to go to Tabarka and pass 3 days there but we don't know anything about, how to even go to Tabarka from Tunis. Would love to hear your opinions about good places to stay preferably with alcohol and what's places are safe for hikes with great views.",,,,,,2022-10-16 01:17:32 y541pt,,3,Do you think Tunis is getting into some dark times or is it just me?,"I'm just going to through a quick analogy to explain my point: You know when you hear about someone's death, there's that though that you're lucky because you're still alive and somehow you will not die and that death couldn't happen to you or something... I feel like that same ignorance is happening to everyone fi Tunis. Somehow a lot of people are ignorant of how bad the current economical situation is and seems to forget that all the economical crises in the past starts like this and seems to think that we're immune to scenarios like the economic crises in Lebanon or ecuador. Curious to hear your thoughts on that.",,,,,,2022-10-16 01:21:31 y545nx,,3,"what are the best headphones with high base , under 400d and available in tunisia ?","What are the best bluetooth headphones with high base , under 400dt and available in tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-10-16 01:27:09 y54adc,,7,Getting Married In Tunisia,"Salam! By the grace of Allah, I recently got not engaged to a beautiful lady from Tunisia, and wondered if anyone can advise how best to find a venue in Tunis for the wedding. I am trying to do research online but unfortunately I seem to find many broken websites or websites with minimal details - it does not help that I live abroad, and therefore am unable to visit these places in person and therefore wondered if there were any companies you could recommend that would be able to help plan this event? Brothers and Sisters of Tunisia, is there anything else you think I should be aware or would like to advise me on? Especially as I come from a different culture! Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.",,,,,,2022-10-16 01:33:45 y58wdl,,10,تونس.. الاحتجاجات تتواصل لليوم الثاني واحتكاكات بين المتظاهرين والأمن,,,,,,,2022-10-16 05:46:18 y59s17,,1,Why does Tunisian society have that fear of homosexuality? Especially anti-gay men while accepting particulary lesbo women? And why is it almost impossible to find a Tunisian femboy with whom you can continue your life?,,,,,,,2022-10-16 06:40:21 y5a6vd,,1,"Why Tunisians are hostile to homosexuals? I used to be like most Tunisians anti-gay, but now I feel a great attraction towards them, especially bisexual ones and femboys. I also know many women who are attracted to homosexuals. There is a big complex in the Tunisian people on this issue why??",,,,,,,2022-10-16 07:06:12 y5bm8a,,0,تزامناً مع عيد الجلاء.. مظاهرات تونس تطالب بإسقاط قيس سعيد,,,,,,,2022-10-16 08:35:55 y5d5vc,,1,Malheureusement le ridicule ne tue pas 🤣,,,,,,,2022-10-16 10:09:17 y5dmv5,és/,7,"Stereotypes, clichés","Can someone give me the ""stereotypes"" about people from El Kef (jedi mel kef, father side, Sidi Bou Makhlouf to be exact, never went there tbh, planning to next year) w Kairouan (omi mawlouda fi kerwen, I went there for the 1st time and a seller scammed me HHHH in 2020 in front of the Great Mosque) ? &#x200B; What does they think about them ? The good, and the bad. 3ayshkom",,,,,,2022-10-16 10:36:40 y5ek9a,,9,"Traveling to Tunis, suggestions?","Salam, I'm traveling to Tunisia and landing in Tunis. Staying for 1 week. What are the must see/do around? Also best food places. Thank you",,,,,,2022-10-16 11:29:30 y5fzd7,,1,"Hi , Im looking for study partner for bac exam dm me",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 12:46:58 y5gnxw,,1,"Selon vous, quelle est la raison de l'hostilité de l'orientation sexuelle polygame du peuple tunisien envers les autres ? Y a-t-il acceptation de l'autre s'il est différent ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 13:19:55 y5hz7c,,10,why are there fuel shortages all around the country?,text,,,,,,2022-10-16 14:19:51 y5j9kj,,1,بث مباشر النادي الافريقي و نادي كيبانغا زنجبار,,,,,,,2022-10-16 15:14:12 y5kb2n,,1,What is wrong with our neighbors claiming Tunisia every now and then. Tunisia have more claims historically on them than they have on us.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 15:57:31 y5kq7v,,1,How to not hang out?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-16 16:14:23 y5l1ya,,0,Tunisians I’m Vancouver,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 16:27:53 y5lzsg,,2,"searching for a coach for bac sport ASAP , sousse",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 17:06:01 y5n5bs,,1,هاذي ماهيش في فاڥيلا في البرازيل ولا في شوارع كولومبيا... هاذا كرتوش في حي التضامن تونس,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 17:53:44 y5na1w,,2,"""Stop complaining about poverty just don't have kids"" then they're like ""oh no, تهرم سكاني is a threat now""",,,,,,,2022-10-16 17:59:13 y5ni93,,0,socialist clubs in sousse,I study in sousse and ever since I got here I saw a lot of Cuba flags and there was this one time when I saw an antifa drawing and ever since that I really wondered about this,,,,,,2022-10-16 18:08:02 y5nn1i,,1,MMA ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 18:13:25 y5nszn,,0,"Working Tunisian women, how are the work environments with men? Are they as toxic as you suspected them to be? Have your complaints been heard and swiftly acted upon by HR or your bosses when men harass you, not sexually necessarily, and when male colleagues act like your boss when they are not?","Edit: I’m only posting this to get women’s in-takes and thoughts. My men, please understand that this is not an attack on your humble beings. Peace.",,,,,,2022-10-16 18:19:51 y5ovkb,,21,"If we had the chance to standardize Tunisian, would you be in favor or against it? And what writing system would you suggest for the newly standardized langauge?","pls pls, the question is too simple. Don't relate any other subject such as (would we totally remove Arabic? - why would we do such a thing? - That's kufr - That isn't important - waste of time and energy...) Note: •Never forget to write down the loanwords in the arabic script such as ""papier - vape - gazuz - piquêt - variant - gâteau) •When I say ""Latin"" i don't mean that of using numbers as letters NOPE it's a standard system for a **Language** [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-16 19:02:46 y5p6ki,,1,"ملخص ارض زيكولا بصوتي , المرجو تقييم صوتي انا مبتدأ وشكرا لكم",,,,,,,2022-10-16 19:15:05 y5sp3x,,1,خذ الصفر ولا تبالي**** فان الصفر علامة الرجال,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-16 21:38:41 y5t5e0,,23,The moderators of this sub are a prime example of the mediocrity of the Tunisian Mindset.,"&#x200B; \-10s of pending posts waiting for their approval because they misconfigured the auto-moderator. I contacted Reddit management and they will be sending QA surveys to r/Tunisia members randomly. If you get one please take the survey. &#x200B; عقلية الاستقالة عند تعذر الايفاء بالالتزامات مفقودة . موجود عقلية مسمار في حيط، رزق البايليك، عندكش؟ عندي،عربي والباي عطاه حصان، يلقط في خبيزة...",,,,,,2022-10-16 21:57:48 y5twan,,2,Where can i buy and engrave a good quality male engagement ring?,"I want to buy a male engagement ring and engrave my and my fiancé's engagement date on it but i don't know which place is the best to get one and what is the best material (metal) for a male ring? PS i'm in Tunis.",,,,,,2022-10-16 22:30:18 y5vt0u,,6,Pet Names,"I am dating a Tunisian girl, I'm mexican so I usually use spanish pet names but I wanted to see if there were any in tunisian that were common. some friends will call her kattous. Lmk any other ones.",,,,,,2022-10-16 23:55:49 y5y4gu,,11,"People who want to stay here, what are your reasons?","As the title says, am curious why some people ( It's a minority in my circle ) aren't interested in a better quality of life and financial stability abroad. Talking about those who have educational degrees and have the money to afford going outside of Tunisia.",,,,,,2022-10-17 01:45:04 y64lmj,,9,toxic parents,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-17 07:34:24 y6503n,,10,Is cohabitation between a non married man and woman illegal in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-17 08:00:16 y666tn,,1,Making new friends as an adult in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-17 09:13:33 y66sy8,,8,Why are trains so bad here!!!,"Got the train from Sousse to Tunis, train was suppose to set of at 7.30am but train didn’t set off still 7.45am. It was suppose to be a 2 hour ride but it’s ended up being over 3 hours. Sat in the so called 1st class sits but all seats we ruined and one for the windows was smashed! Really didn’t enjoy this at all even tho I love train rides in other countries I find them to be scenic but with the heat was a misery",,,,,,2022-10-17 09:52:00 y67g2s,,1,"Tunisian international students, what can you study abroad with 9000€/yea other than medicine? Any university names?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-17 10:27:40 y67gan,,3,"Tunisian international students, what can you study abroad with 9000€/year other than medicine? Any university names?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-17 10:28:02 y67shg,,9,the state of public transportation is a reflection of how poor we are. We're getting roughly what we can pay for.,"Be5lef el jboura li yraskiw, e cha3b taw ye5reb denya ken zedou f soum métro wala train kima yest7a9ou bch ymawlou el transport publique. El transport mahouch bch yet7assen ma dem e tounsi mahouch 5alet 3la 7atchay. Hadheya be5lef li dawla betbi3a mch bch tmess el 3aylet el 4onya. El 5adema w el taxist mkarzin mn b3adhhom w mch fehmin li hiya mch 4altet el 5addema wala taxist, 4altet li ya3ti fikom salaire ta3 3am 2010.",,,,,,2022-10-17 10:46:22 y68t43,,1,فيديو لمحب اللغة العربية,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-17 11:36:53 y69txq,,4,tunisie telcome is a good fournisseur ?,,,,,,,2022-10-17 12:23:52 y6ahun,,4,Any tunisians that been to qatar i'm interested to hear your story it could help.,,,,,,,2022-10-17 12:52:59 y6akcy,,1,"it's impossible for a freelancer to get a bank loan, any alternative?",,,,,,,2022-10-17 12:56:05 y6arv9,,2,How to renew tunisian passport ? W es que il attestation travail lezem minha ?,Ne7ebch nab9a mechi jey,,,,,,2022-10-17 13:04:44 y6bcn6,,11,I want to learn tunisian Arabic.,Any suggestions?,,,,,,2022-10-17 13:30:12 y6bhgm,,3,"Im from Germany, ask me anything [AMA]","Im living in Germany, i have my own business here in IT and web development. Is there something you always wanted to know about Germany or some non-medial insights, let me know your questions, i will try to answer them :) I have a family in Tunisia, that's why I'm in this group.",,,,,,2022-10-17 13:36:07 y6cfb2,,5,My foreign friends are visiting me in two weeks. Where can I take them? Any nice suggestions for places to see in Sousse-Monastir-Tunis please? Id appreciate nice restaurants too. Thanks,,,,,,,2022-10-17 14:17:18 y6epu5,,6,"Tunisians, Can you teach me about tunisian culture?",,,,,,,2022-10-17 15:55:11 y6g6gb,,1,Looking for a wife to marry in a cheap quick wedding like in Las Vegas,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-17 16:52:16 y6guo0,,1,which language out of these is the easiest as an option?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-17 17:18:46 y6i841,,4,coffee shops in sfax,anyone knows any cozy and dark academia themed cafes in sfax??,,,,,,2022-10-17 18:12:56 y6ja6c,,21,Prix inbox people: explain yourselves,"Everytime I try to purchase something it is always painful to find basic details including the price. I believe if you are selling a car you should include kilometers, year, etc... I see for example someone trying to sell an apartment and when I asked how many rooms it had he answered : privé or inbox This goes for the majority of listings so I'm really curious about this phenomenon, I only see it in Tunisia Any explanation?",,,,,,2022-10-17 18:54:41 y6jmpl,,6,For ppl who are interested in standardization of Tunisian,"We have made a [discord server]( for the project of standardizing Tunisian. We'll be covering all of concepts such as the writing system (Latin alphabet), its grammar, phonology, syntax and everything you need to know about this project. [This]( was the article wheere we've discussee some of the main reasons for considering the Latin Alphabet... Never forget to join in!!",,,,,,2022-10-17 19:08:04 y6k2mf,,7,is it a good idea to be in relationship with your classmate ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-17 19:25:36 y6k6ji,,2,budget fitness tracker recommendation?,,,,,,,2022-10-17 19:30:08 y6kqtl,,1,"Riots in hay al tathamon enter 4th night in a row, thoughts?",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-17 19:51:53 y6l3g1,,1,which of these options are easier as an option??,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-17 20:05:04 y6l72c,,0,Just a cool video from a well educated islamic scholar hamza yusuf !,[](,,,,,,2022-10-17 20:08:55 y6l92v,,1,thoughts on the riots ?,,,,,,,2022-10-17 20:11:03 y6lyje,,3,نداء لرئيس الجمهورية: أعملولنا وزارة للإقتصاد الرقمي,,,,,,,2022-10-17 20:37:40 y6lz9q,,1,أهم أخبار تونس اليوم حسب النشرة الرئيسية للأخبار ليوم 17 أكتوبر 2022 الوطنية 1,,,,,,,2022-10-17 20:38:25 y6mawl,êtement/,2,En generale wa9teh solde du vêtement?,"kol saison fama periode la plupart des boutiques ya3mlou solde, non?",,,,,,2022-10-17 20:50:39 y6mglc,,1,which of these two languages is the easiest as an option?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-17 20:56:40 y6mx0c,,3,"out of these two languages, which one is the easiest as an option?","My friends and I are making a bet so yea choose ur answer, w Justifiez votre réponse (also bellah 7ad may9oli art wala musique ashel lolol) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-17 21:13:52 y6n37c,,6,STUDY LOUNGE TN,"Salem chabeb :D baz fama fikom barcha ya9raw :D ken tlawjou 3la espace en ligne win tnajmou ta9raw m3a s7abkom w tet3arfou zeda 3la nes jdod w kif kif fih drive kbir 3likom b Study lounge tn []( en plus dima na3mlou f events w podcasts eli dima tal9awhom f Spotify []( & Apple podcasts []( & [](",,,,,,2022-10-17 21:20:34 y6ncdf,,1,"guys, what's your definition of death ?",,,,,,,2022-10-17 21:30:33 y6pmrx,,3,Is PayPal banned in tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-17 23:02:17 y6ppv6,,1,"Working men of Tunisia, what KPIs do you work with and what KPI do you loathe the most and why?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-17 23:05:50 y6qffl,,1,Zillow in tunisia ??,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-17 23:35:58 y6w5ot,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-18 04:00:11 y704it,,1,Help me pick a boxing gym!,"Hi. I'm planning to start boxing and I'm not sure which boxing gym to go to. I found two that are near me and that would fit my schedule, but not sure whether anyone else tried them. The first one is called Jab Club in Soukra, and the second is called Boxe Club in Marsa. Which one should I go to? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-10-18 07:35:04 y70p69,,0,I'm 32 M4F in sfax for a professional mission Looking to know girls who want to share their naughty toughts,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-18 08:09:22 y71igr,,7,What's the best IPTV server in this country?,"I got my hands on an Amazon Firestick, and I want to know which IPTV service is the most reliable, no buffering, no stuttering, etc. (stable 20mpbs internet, looking for consistent streaming quality and not necessarily football/sports stuff)",,,,,,2022-10-18 08:56:28 y72n5o,,1,أهم أخبار تونس اليوم فيسبوك: صور و فيديوهات الاضراب العام في جرجيس,,,,,,,2022-10-18 09:56:12 y73lpa,,12,Tunisian automotive blog,"We think built a tunisian automotive blog. Talking about new technologies, best maintenance and repair ways, easy self diagnosis. What do u think?! Which langage use?!",,,,,,2022-10-18 10:46:40 y74djm,,7,Project Idea,"Hi there I'd like to know your opinion on an idea of a project thought of by my friend. He'd like to make a website on which people get health guidance, disgnosis (all virtually) etc, with assistance of local experts (Tunisian Doctors and nurses). I understand if you find it a bit vague but do you think it's worth a shot, and if so, how much would it cost on approximately? Thanks in advance <3",,,,,,2022-10-18 11:24:23 y75g88,,11,How about a Tunisian satire and sarcastic news Tik Tok?,"I'm working on a fake newspaper that promotes news to critic and mock of some political and cultural aspects in Tunisia and sometimes around the globe, I announced my work in April first (not a joke) but I'm not taking it seriously till now.. Now I'm thinking of making the content in videos instead of sarcastic articles, what do you think? I think my writings in Arabic are highly qualified for this, I need your opinions you smart people.",,,,,,2022-10-18 12:15:13 y75sgj,,1,نتائج قرعة كاس الكاف اليوم، نتائج قرعة كاس الاتحاد الافريقي اليوم,,,,,,,2022-10-18 12:31:15 y764by,,5,Visting Tunis in 10 days,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-18 12:46:37 y78a74,,3,"Any MS, PHD Tunisian quantum or theoretical physicists here ?",,,,,,,2022-10-18 14:16:47 y79xzj,,2,how do i buy books en ligne im searching for a book called cain's jawbone,,,,,,,2022-10-18 15:19:57 y7aef7,,2,where can i buy arm /leg sleves for basketball?,,,,,,,2022-10-18 15:37:47 y7ap3c,نقابة_أصحاب_المخابز_في_تونس_تعلن_إيقاف_نشاط_كل/,15,نقابة أصحاب المخابز في تونس تعلن إيقاف نشاط كل المخابز المصنفة بكامل البلاد بداية من غد الأربعاء 19 أكتوبر 2022,Nice.,,,,,,2022-10-18 15:49:42 y7b1kr,,1,"what do you think it takes to make a movement like ""The wring generation""?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-18 16:03:23 y7c6qp,,10,Making new friends as an Adult in Tunisia,"Hi I am a woman in my late 20s and I have a hardtime making real life new friends At work I am currently surrounded by much older people mostly married men and women with a lot of responsibilities .. And in my free time I really don't go to many places to socializes. I tried going to the gym and meeting ppl but most ppl seem reluctant to interact outside. I don't go to nightclubs and don't really like hiking that much as it drains me for the rest of the working week. Most of my high-school and uni friends are now either living abroad or married or we just lost touch. Any suggestions pls?",,,,,,2022-10-18 16:47:25 y7d0rr,,1,winkom tunisian cannabis growers !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-18 17:19:26 y7e1ai,,63,We reached 50k members !,"We're finally **50 000 members** now. The insane growth that r/Tunisia has seen in the recent months has been absolutely incredible to watch. The mod team would like to thank everyone here for their contributions and for being welcoming of our newcomers. We hope that this community will continue to stay friendly and be a good place for discussions about everything related to Tunisia, though now that we're much bigger we might have update our rules to insure the quality of the posts (Always open to suggestions). I also would like to take this opportunity to announce our upcoming short **subreddit survey**. It is customary for subreddit to make some of those when reaching certain milestones to get a good idea about the userbase. Most of the questions would be just the usual demographic ones, but we're looking to include a few more that would be special for us. It can be about local politics, laws, trends, etc. Again, open to suggestions here, feel free to suggest questions you'd like to have answered but our subreddit. Notable Milestones : Previous notable milestones: Creation Date: September 28th, 2009 100 members: January 2013 500 members: September 2015 1 000 members: December 2017 5 000 members: May 2020 10 000 members: November 2020 25 000 members: July 2021 50 000 members: October 18th, 2022 Do you have any thoughts to share about our subreddit? Feel free to comment below!",,,,,,2022-10-18 17:58:49 y7ec8a,,24,Selling counterfeit copyrighted products online is a VERY BAD idea. Just because you can print a logo on a piece of fabric that doesn't mean you can sell it.,,,,,,,2022-10-18 18:10:21 y7fq10,,3,do you have ADHD?,Talk to me about your experience.,,,,,,2022-10-18 19:03:50 y7h713,,3,is Megapc a trusted seller,"hello there , Megapc is always one step ahead from the other competitor always good stuff for sale , not alot of out of stock products and helluva variety . Does it have something shady going on ? or is it just cutting profits in hope to sell in larger quantities ?",,,,,,2022-10-18 20:01:31 y7hjqa,,0,"Unpopular opinion: what people find funny in Choufli Hal is the fact that everyone is shouting at each other. The family dynamics are violent and toxic and that reminds people of their own households. if you like it, you should actually see a psychoanalyst.",,,,,,,2022-10-18 20:15:07 y7hkpy,,1,cheap psychiatre,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-18 20:16:10 y7hzej,,7,Good places in Tunis for a 1st date?,,,,,,,2022-10-18 20:32:01 y7i4wj,,2,el bac,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-18 20:38:00 y7j3be,,1,! قصص وروايات: حقائق لا تعرفها عن تونس الخضراء - معلومات عن تونس لايعرفها حتى أبناء البلد نفسه,,,,,,,2022-10-18 21:14:11 y7jmor,,2,Any Advice for Thomas Jeffreson Scolarship Program ?,"Hello everyone and I hope all of you doing great! the tjsp application dropped yesterday and I have started applying already, has anyone ever got accepted into the scholarship, and if yes can you provide some tips in order to get accepted ? and thank you in advance <3",,,,,,2022-10-18 21:35:12 y7kb4d,,3,"Is Bitcoin legal in Tunisia? If yes, how can you withdraw money from your wallet?",,,,,,,2022-10-18 22:02:01 y7manc,,3,Salaries,Any idea on the salaries in Tunisie Telecom??,,,,,,2022-10-18 23:24:58 y7utol,,3,"Helllo , anyone knows chnouma cars li dispo fi dar?","Looking for small car like polo ibiza rio etc I called dar ennakel yesterday and polo and ibiza weren’t available",,,,,,2022-10-19 06:19:08 y7vp90,,8,The economic situation in Tunisia,When do you think this big crisis end?and how does it end?should I be worried if i have a big amount of money in the bank?srsly this situation is freaking me out and i think that Tunisia will end up like lebanon very soon,,,,,,2022-10-19 07:10:24 y7woa9,,7,"can I, a bac student, have an online job that I get paid for with real money?","I was wondering if that's possible here, cause it's said that PayPal is banned here and Bitcoin could get you into trouble.",,,,,,2022-10-19 08:09:51 y7wval,,15,something you find its better in tunisia more than Europe ?,,,,,,,2022-10-19 08:21:50 y7x3pn,,2,who tried freelance and got money out of it before the age of 18 ?? And how ??,,,,,,,2022-10-19 08:36:12 y7zvkz,,1,Do they sell guns on tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-19 11:12:53 y80a5c,,23,What is the silliest conspiracy theory you heard in Tunisia?,"We all had to go through long hours of Arabic class where the professor, who is usually wearing an over-sized kaki vest and smoking Cristal légères, rants about politics and religion. During most of these classes, they will often present conspiracy theories as facts, thus indoctrinating young Tunisians in the process. Of course, this is only a satiric example of a wider phenomenon that is the outspread of non-factual beliefs and conspiracy theories. So my question is: what is the funniest or the silliest unfounded piece of bullsh** you’ve heard in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-10-19 11:33:37 y80ju6,,1,Jelwa: This Bridalwear From Tunisia Is Unique For Its Perfect Square Shape And Gold Embroidery,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-19 11:46:49 y81kcp,,1,ترندينغ بي بي سي: ملف تهريب الأبقار إلى الجزائر يثير قلق التونسيين,,,,,,,2022-10-19 12:34:59 y83p0y,,1,فرانس 24: توقف المخابز في تونس سيبقى مفتوحا لحين تسديد الدولة لديونها,,,,,,,2022-10-19 14:07:46 y845lx,,2,What's the best calculator for an IT bac student?,"I got a 14 year old Sharp one from someone else...they had it before they did their bac 11-12 years ago It's really lacking in important features and lacks documentation, I asked for a new one a while ago but my dad refused, I definitely need a new one now, my math teacher recommended a new Casio one",,,,,,2022-10-19 14:26:42 y84stt,,3,Is water running fine in your area or is it cut out ?,mainly grand tunis,,,,,,2022-10-19 14:53:04 y859xv,,3,Personalised cakes in Tunis? Where?,"Heyy guys is there any shops in Tunis where they make personalised cakes? Preferably in Ez-zahra or Tunis downtown, and ofc a recommended one. I actually want a car shaped cake..",,,,,,2022-10-19 15:11:09 y86n7m,,3,Cigarette brands and stereotypes,Wath type of stereotypes do you have about different types of cigarette brands that people smoke?,,,,,,2022-10-19 16:05:04 y86xsx,,2,"treatment for hair loss in Tunisia, preferably in Sousse area.","hello, I'm an 18 years old man and recently i have been suffering from severe hair loss in the back of my head, the issue runs in my the family on both sides of my parents, and it is quite noticeable in my case. the hair loss is effecting my confidence greatly and it is causing me a fair amount of stress, so I'm wondering are any aware or did any of you undergone a treatment for hair loss that is available here in Tunisia? and if they can point me into the right direction? . some of the research that i did online (not extensive or deep, an hour or 2 at most) showed that some pharmaceuticals and treatments can be effective like, Minoxidil+Micro-needling, Oral Dutasteride, RU58841, and Finasteride... . if any anyone is aware of doctor, a dermatologist perhaps that can prescribe some of these medications for me (if they decide they are appropriate or beneficial to me after consultation of course) or can help me with my issue in general i will be grateful. Thank you so much.",,,,,,2022-10-19 16:16:23 y88yze,,5,looking for a PC repair shop.,"Hello peeps, nhadher f pfe w fajaatan bazzat 9ahwa al pc, halitou bil wa9t w nathaftou b alcohol w chayahtou w then got cocky and decided to boot it up and bricked it so now im looking for a repair shop that specializes in stuff like this, already tried gallery 7 but when it comes to pcs l9ithom unprofessional (they're really good with phones) and they said 350 to try and experiment, tried simop chargeua but they said 1000+ for new parts, so ken fama chkoun ydhawi ala thneya and appreciated",,,,,,2022-10-19 17:36:14 y89x6p,,5,هل تؤيد التجنيد العسكرى الالزامى؟,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-19 18:13:44 y8bozr,,2,Do you prefer local brands or international brands ?," Hi! I was doing some research on a project I would really appreciate it if you could take a minute or two to answer some questions [](",,,,,,2022-10-19 19:22:05 y8bqmh,,1,Help translation from tunisian,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-19 19:23:54 y8c7yy,,44, citizens emails will be available soon.,,,,,,,2022-10-19 19:42:40 y8dgd6,,1,Sexual relations in tunisia ( aouina ),[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-19 20:30:56 y8dwl7,,2,"I Have ADHD, what are some drugs for adhd i can find in tunisia, mainly djerba?",,,,,,,2022-10-19 20:48:17 y8dxw3,,3,affordable German courses HELP,I don't care much about the quality since i will be getting a private tutor later on i just want some cheap courses so i don't give the guy a headache by being a complete beginner (preferably near manouba) thank you for your time <3,,,,,,2022-10-19 20:49:45 y8e2qv,,2,Hey there is there good intensive part time English courses in sousse,,,,,,,2022-10-19 20:55:04 y8f53m,,2,date ideas or places in tunis,,,,,,,2022-10-19 21:36:25 y8gb2i,,1,les centre d'appels anglais in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-19 22:23:33 y8hffs,,1,Translate please,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-19 23:11:16 y8hkhx,,1,الطقس في تونس يوم 20 و 21 و 22 أكتوبر 2022,,,,,,,2022-10-19 23:17:22 y8hqh1,إتحاد_الطلبة/,5,إتحاد الطلبة,شنو رايكم في إتحاد الطلبة في الفاكات ( uget و GTE ) ؟؟ ينفخو الكرارز ولا ؟؟,,,,,,2022-10-19 23:24:31 y8ivrs,,1,شاهد هذا الشاب قبل موته,,,,,,,2022-10-20 00:16:08 y8l1zr,,2,"heya,anyone got any idea about commission for companies who sell for you from ali express in tunisia",,,,,,,2022-10-20 01:55:16 y8sh6r,,5,"hello guys, i'm plannin to to visit south korea in april, solo travelling. how do i get a touristic visa, should i head to the korean embassy or is it sufficient to apply online on k-eta? what other papers should i prepare and how much money should i take with me? help plz, i'm kind of lost",,,,,,,2022-10-20 08:27:18 y8snb6,,6,Tunisia community for people with social anxiety ?,Im not talking about introversion or shyness . Im talking about people with diagnosed social anxiety disorder is there a group chat or forum for us to talk or share our experiences and help each other . r/socialanxiety is an awesome subreddit and i want something like that for us,,,,,,2022-10-20 08:38:02 y8t25a,,2,Translation Sahhbi,does anybody know what sahhbi means? my girlfriend is tunisian and calls me that sometimes i was wondering what it means.,,,,,,2022-10-20 09:03:26 y8te4h,,3,Brabbi I can pay with my bank card(not international) for a service in Algeria men tounes??,,,,,,,2022-10-20 09:23:41 y8thgk,,2,Cost of education in france,"Hi ! Nheb naarf ken fama chkoun yaarf wila qraa fi France qedah tetkalf khater ana aandi prise en charge w haaq compte bloquè akahaw ! W bch yarj3 khatro slaf yaani lazm nekhdem w naqra w naarech fama aslan possibility haaka wila le !",,,,,,2022-10-20 09:29:24 y8u4c6,,5,Bank account (epargne or courant) with minimal fee?,,,,,,,2022-10-20 10:06:14 y8unp4,,4,A good gift to cheer someone up?,,,,,,,2022-10-20 10:35:35 y8uoft,,2,"Are you interested in an eCommerce website for Tunisian Art products (photos,painting...)?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-20 10:36:45 y8upse,,1,محمد القرشي: مباراة الترجي و برشلونة محسومة لبرشلونة، بث مباشر، القنوات الناقلة,,,,,,,2022-10-20 10:38:54 y8urzy,,1,please help !! sahbi tay7ouh fi test médical mta3 7aras fama possibilité yechki wala yaamel haja ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-20 10:42:07 y8ush1,,9,"Why is there a shortage of milk? we don't import, we produce, it doesn't make sense",,,,,,,2022-10-20 10:42:50 y8w2lk,,38,How I received my birth certificates online in 45min for FREE.,"As you know the @ citizens emails will be available soon. To create one you will need your MobileID. So here is my journey getting my MobileID and testing it by ordering 2 Birth certificates (AR/FR) online. \-9:30 am : I applied for a MobileID (you only need a phone number under your name) []( \-9:34 am : received the confirmation SMS with ID number. \-9:45 am: I went to the nearby boutique of my mobile network provider with my CIN. \-9:55 am: I received the approval SMS with my PIN. \-10:05 am: I logged in the MobileID platform and [downloaded the app.]( \-10:07am: I received my cryptographic certificate from TunTrust. \-10:10am: I logged in the administration platform using my MobileID. []( \-10:12 am: I requested 1 Birth certificate in AR and another in FR. \-10:14 am: 2xDigitally signed Birth certificates downloaded.(currently for free) The UX is clear and the process is smooth enough. For a beta platform, I'm impressed. Congratulations for the [TCTD team]( for job well done. &#x200B; PS: using your Mobile ID you will be able to print your [documents using the new ATMs.](",,,,,,2022-10-20 11:48:01 y8x1f1,,7,check this call center (uses English),"I stumbled upon []( today and I remember ppl asking about call centers that use English. so maybe check it. ps: I have no experience with them or anything. proceed at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-10-20 12:32:44 y8xsr4,,2,National Novel Writing Month 2022,"Curious, are there writers on here participating in NanoWrimo 2022? for those who are not familiar it's National Novel Writing Month where writers try to finish an entire 50K word novel (or anything else that involves a lot of writing) in the month of November []( If so, maybe we can set a discord server up for writing sprints and shared accountability throughout the month.",,,,,,2022-10-20 13:06:33 y8y4ge,,10,"For Tunisians who lived in both or visited both, how do you compare life in rich arab cities like Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha to big european cities like Paris ?",,,,,,,2022-10-20 13:20:27 y8y5wo,,1,Covid-19 travel restrictions,"Hi guys, I'm travelling to Tunis soon. Are there still COVID-19 restrictions/requirements in the airports? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-10-20 13:22:08 y8zlmr,ïed_in_2019_are_you/,5,"Redditors who voted for Saïed in 2019, are you satisfied with your choice?",,,,,,,2022-10-20 14:22:13 y8zmet,,2,I need help in USA,"Hello, fellow Tunisian-American. I'm looking for assistance with housing and employment. As long as it respects our dignity, I'm happy to move at any moment, especially to a sunny location as I now live in the north Midwest. I'm a hard worker and a problem solver who is committed to improving myself. I have a wide range of experience and don't engage in drama. Edit: I have managerial and customer service experience and can assist with tech, e-commerce, and social media marketing... If you have any suggestions or inquiries, get in touch with me.",,,,,,2022-10-20 14:23:12 y8zv2a,,1,"Cap Negro, Beja",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-20 14:32:50 y90vsq,,26,Gimme your best jokes,"I need some jokes to tell people tomorrow, preferably bel 3arbi 5ater belekchi some of them won't get english wordplay and such",,,,,,2022-10-20 15:13:24 y919wl,,1,FYI,,,,,,,2022-10-20 15:28:43 y927cx,,0,Conditions of Qatar migrant workers ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-20 16:04:24 y95cim,,0,You'll get triggered watching this video and hate this government even more.,,,,,,,2022-10-20 18:05:39 y95g99,,2,I need advice,"Weldiya 7atouni fi lycee prv fil marsa ou makontech mwefe9(nosken fi ben arous,sem3ou b s7abi 9arayin barcha(yjibou 17 mou3adel)na9lou laha lycee ye5i sif kemel marouli kebti na9el 8adi na9el 8adi 7atalin 9olt ay mta3 fada).el mchkla tw jetni forssa n3awed na9el lil lycee li kont fih (fi h lif) ama man3rch chnia na5tar no93od fi lycee el prive wla narja3 lil lycee li kont fih 5ater ena nosken b3id min h lif(kont nimchi lil 5idmit baba ou nrawa7 m3a 7 ou nos li dar). El mchkla el mandoubiya 9alouli ya na9louk tw wla tkamel el 3am 8adi(fi lycee prv)ouzid ken narja3 el h lif nkamel 4 ayamet e 6 donc etudet s3ib ken nal9a ouzid 9raya so3bt m3atch najem nraw7 m3a baba 7 ou nos li dar ama ma8ir n7eb nkoun autonome min weldiya ou man7ibich y9oulouli srafna 3lik flous ou 7atinek fi lycee prive ou mba3d tnaj7ch bac. El mchkla yelzmni elyoum n9ara 9bal ma nemchi lil mandoubiya 8dwa ken n7ib na9el wla no93od. Ena n7ib no93od 5ater: -9raya 5ir -ysse3dni fil etudet -nhar sebt man9rach -kolyoum nkamel el 4 donc na5let el 5 mba3d se3et el trajet Ena man7ibich no93od 5ater: -b3id donc yelzmni n9oum 6 mta3 sbe7(kont messteness n9oum 7 ou nos) -privé donc weldiya yossrfou 3liya -ma3andi fih ken chwaya s7ab ou lo5rin jerks(I miss my old friends) -Mana3mlch jaw 3la li 9raya ki nkoun 8adi 3la 3akss el lycee li kont fih -N3awed el kraress ou no93od n3awed n3adi devoirat Sama7ni ken tawalt 3likom,ena an easily-swayed person so ans7ouni tharabni stress mch nrml tw",,,,,,2022-10-20 18:09:45 y96q7y,,3,Date ideas,"Me and my girlfriend are looking for fun date stuff to do in Tunis , smth like bowling , any suggestions ?",,,,,,2022-10-20 18:59:10 y96vdd,,3,phone problem,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-20 19:04:30 y97036,,2,Where to get a Casio Fx-991EX in Mahdia (that's not overpriced),"i checked online stores and i only found that specific model on tunisianet for 55tnd but it was out of stock (i'm guessing the price is outdated as well, a worse Casio model is mostly sold for 109 tnd but saw it for 85tnd with a discount on mytek, $30=90tnd is retail price btw) for what i saw, the fx991ES Plus 2nd edition is a lot more common (already seen a few people with it) if not the only one available, though the EX is quite better so i'd really rather get that",,,,,,2022-10-20 19:09:39 y9762h,,5,Tunisians atheists drop some blasphemous jokes,"Side note: someone on this subreddit has already asked a similar question, but I thought it’d be funnier with the blasphemous version, so there ya go! Do your best",,,,,,2022-10-20 19:16:00 y97xr2,,1,I need advice(same as my last post just in English),"Parents put me in a private HS in el marsa and I wasn't on board with the idea.To get to the bottom of it,I have to decide today if I want to stay or move back to my old lycee. Pros: It's better for my education to stay in the private HS(easier for etudet,no Saturday,I finish at 4PM and arrive at5 PM home)(in regular HS I finish 4 days at 6PM And it takes me 1 to 1 and a half hour to get back home) Cons: I feel miserable in the private HS and I live far away so I have to wake up at 6AM everyday(I live in Ben Arous and study in el Marsa go figure) and I miss my old friends(I have some friends in the private HS but they're superficial friends that are externs so I don't talk to them that often) Please give me advice/check my last post since I went to a bit more detail on my situation(it's just that I wrote it in tunisian)",,,,,,2022-10-20 19:46:54 y97zc8,,1,Tunisie: le premier festival de l'humour francophone a pris date,,,,,,,2022-10-20 19:48:38 y98bgp,,3,Immigration to canada 🍁,"Do you know guys how to immigrate to Canada with no ielts... But i have 10 years of work experience... 5 in Tunisia, 5 in middle the domain of design, printing, signboard making, interior decoration... An official website said that s possible but i need 13k USD in my account... Any idea ?",,,,,,2022-10-20 20:01:34 y98mgz,,1,Sommet de la Francophonie Djerba 2022 : tous les détails,,,,,,,2022-10-20 20:13:24 y994bu,,2,louled i need your support ❤️✌️,,,,,,,2022-10-20 20:32:36 y99cix,,1,"tunisian cannagrowers chnoua oumourkom mekomch ne9sin chay , fertilizer , growlight etc",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-20 20:41:25 y99rn7,,1,Any recommended hair dressers for curly hair? (around sousse),"i need a good hair dresser for both men and women. thanks.",,,,,,2022-10-20 20:58:36 y9cc9g,,0,HELP,"Mnin najem neshri alcohol ( birra,vin) zone manouba, wala akreb blasa men ghadi ???",,,,,,2022-10-20 22:41:28 y9d600,,16,Is it me or October is too hot this year?,"I used to start wearing thick clothes by the second half of October in last years This year, I'm still in an undershirt and the window is wide open. Back when I was a kid (early 2000'), I remember wearing a coat to go to school by the end of September. Clearly, climate change is moving faster than scientists predicted.",,,,,,2022-10-20 23:17:07 y9evrb,,1,A.L.A - Maktoub (Navik Remix) | Slap House,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-21 00:33:33 y9ew8j,,0,A.L.A - Maktoub (Navik Remix) | Slap House,,,,,,,2022-10-21 00:34:07 y9face,,2,Mailing a letter?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-21 00:52:40 y9hu51,,8,"Need help, wife stuck at Tunis border patrol",My wife is Indian and has been held for more than 3h now by Tunis Airport border control. Nobody talks to her (or admits speaking english). She is only there for a short holiday. We don't know what's going on. What should we do?,,,,,,2022-10-21 02:55:12 y9hvla,,1,Tunisia's sex workers want their brothels back,,,,,,,2022-10-21 02:57:13 y9j6e3,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-10-21 04:00:14 y9jvxl,,7,DNA Test,"Hey guys. Has anyone done a ***DNA*** ***test***? If so, someone from *E****l*** ***Kef*** or ***Kairouan***? I just want to know the results. Feel free to share the results here if you're from another city. Thanks ! :p",,,,,,2022-10-21 04:35:49 y9k7yw,,2,Is there any information about this ?,,,,,,,2022-10-21 04:53:22 y9m1c0,,0,‘Halal’ food?,"What’s this foreign trend of looking for ‘halal’ food all about? Tunisians from older generations did not give a shit about ‘halal’ food, but those young ones tire me abroad, looking and endlessly searching for halal… It is not like killing animals while reading some stupid words will make it any more ‘merciful’! Why are people so stupid and buy into pure profitable selling narratives??? People, stop being STUPID. Please!! Don’t eat pork if you don’t want to, but ‘halal’??? Really??",,,,,,2022-10-21 06:33:54 y9mp5d,édical/,2,service médical,Idée sur le prix d'une opération gynécomastie en Tunisie??,,,,,,2022-10-21 07:11:26 y9n2gx,,8,In your opinion does cheating occur often in Tunisia?,Cheating in the sense of betraying your spouse or cheating during exams...,,,,,,2022-10-21 07:33:31 y9o01a,,2,Can i refuse topnet rising my internet from 8mbps to 10?,"At the beginning of the month i received a msg that ill get 10m this month for the same price i used to pay for 8m and now i received a new one telling me the free trial is over and I’ll have to pay the price of 10m. But they didn’t even give the choice to accept or refuse at the beginning, is there any way to cancel this?",,,,,,2022-10-21 08:30:58 y9p145,,63, emails are LIVE.,,,,,,,2022-10-21 09:29:16 y9p1fm,,2,Tourism Countries,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-21 09:29:43 y9pg2c,,5,What slang nicknames have you heard for cities in Tunisia?,"Cities or other places. Also has anyone else heard people say just 'Biz/Binz' for Bizerte?",,,,,,2022-10-21 09:51:29 y9qrmu,,3,CNSS refund?,"Hey, My mom worked at a sewing factory like 40 years ago. She insists that the CEO deposited a sum of her salary to CNSS. She worked for 6 years, and now she's 60 years old and wonders if she can collect that sum of money from CNSS. Is that possible? I have no idea how these things work..",,,,,,2022-10-21 11:03:25 y9ruez,,6,Anyone going from Tunisia to Canada during this period? I need to send my laptop back to Lenovo. Willing to pay for the help obviously.,,,,,,,2022-10-21 11:58:10 y9rwlu,,14,What’s the thing you hate the most about Tunisian culture?,"By culture I mean music, food, language, movies, etc. Not politics. Not ethics. I don’t want this post to turn into a “mandba” For me it’s definitely Gasba music. God I hate it so bad, how do people enjoy it? 🤔",,,,,,2022-10-21 12:00:51 y9tq5t,,2,أهم أخبار تونس اليوم في العالم,,,,,,,2022-10-21 13:27:28 y9wkl2,,1,"Are you for or against legalizing cannabis products in tunisia ? And if yes, which one and what method would you use ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-21 15:26:34 y9x1ki,,8,Kifech nchouf el map ta3 el couverture de fibre optique en Tunisie?,"7abit nchouf 3la site topnet w 9alouli het num, kifkif el telecom. Najamsh nchouf men4ir ma n7ot info mte3i? blhi li ya3ref el map wala just region specifique, y9oli wala y7ot lien svp.",,,,,,2022-10-21 15:46:42 y9x2m5,,7,Hello Tunisia,"Hi everyone, I came here on Sunday for school and I really love the city of Tunis. I want to make some friends or girlfriend (we never know) , meet new people but I don't know if I can just come and start talking to people in the street. Can I get some advice pls",,,,,,2022-10-21 15:47:58 y9xhhx,,2,Sun umbrella (handheld) fi tunis ?,L7a9 nheb ne5o wa7da ema mal9itsh mnin neshri.. idha ken fama shkoun yaarf fi tunis wela nebl y9oli rani 7ert.,,,,,,2022-10-21 16:05:18 y9xobk,,1,"Guys, how do you take care of your face/skin?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-21 16:13:08 y9xzo5,,14,"Tunisians of reddit, what's the worst thing in your opinion in the tunisian educational system?",,,,,,,2022-10-21 16:26:24 y9ziz1,,1,Chess game,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-21 17:32:13 y9zkxx,,0,What is the best channel for TV," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-21 17:34:40 y9zojq,,7,أسبوع لعطلة - A week in Tunisia - naturey/cultural places?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-21 17:38:59 ya00ae,,1,Any chess players here down for a Friday night game?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-21 17:52:27 ya0vo3,,3,any chnya el bank/account najem n7elou n7ob fih euros for sponsoring et playstore etc..,"Prob with payoneer et nettler lezmni nda5l flous as freelancing or smth nn ? Et wise ma yab3th kn men wise to wise. Help ??",,,,,,2022-10-21 18:28:16 ya0wnh,,4,planning a winter 10 days stay in Tunisia,"hello my Tunisian brothers, i need your help concerning a trip for 23 December to 3 January . I've never been to Tunisia before and i cant find a good source to look for cities and what the offer , i want you to suggest me places to stay , malls , restaurants , activities to do in Tunisia for that date , my budget is a bit tight but not something to worry about a lot , it will be a casual normal stay not a fancy one . we will be 5 people so what is better and less expensive hotels or apartments ? do you recommend Airbnb to look for such thing or what is the best way to reserve ? i want to stay in at least 2 cities . i will defiantly stay in Tunis the capital but what other places can be good ? all help and resources will be appreciated thank you in advance",,,,,,2022-10-21 18:29:26 ya1632,,0,بي بي سي عربي تتحدث عن تفاصيل طفلة الاربعة سنوات التي هاجرت في قوارب الموت دون والديها من تونس الى ايطاليا,,,,,,,2022-10-21 18:39:58 ya184p,,3,Required grade to do master's abroad,"what is the required grade to apply for a master's degree in Europe or Canada? and do they consider only the grades of the last year or the whole 3 years (licence) I tried to use google and ask my friends, but I couldn't get a clear answer",,,,,,2022-10-21 18:42:10 ya1a61,,1,Any chess players here down for a friday night game?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-21 18:44:34 ya3qbs,,2,Help,"I missed the deadline for the smartphone from abroad registration and now it doesn't read the sim card, how can I fix that? Thank you.",,,,,,2022-10-21 20:24:10 ya4pn0,,1,Tunisians Students in Germany Help,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-21 21:04:33 ya4wpn,,1,تونس الرقمية,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-21 21:12:44 ya6az8,,2,Problem with Sobflous app.,"I used Sobflous app, for the first time, to transfer an amount of money to my E-dinar card but nothing was received in the latter despite the transaction was confirmed by the former. How to proceed ?",,,,,,2022-10-21 22:11:42 ya76cz,,3,"Yo, my mom is coming from Jordan to Tunisia what currency should she bring with her","What currency she should bring with her USD EUR OR TUNISIAN MONEY",,,,,,2022-10-21 22:50:22 ya8i1s,,0,"whoever made this post, must be punished. When familial conflicts become targets of marketing and promotion.","&#x200B; [No one deserves to be divorced.](",,,,,,2022-10-21 23:50:23 ya8rx1,,1,Tunisia will according to the IMF privatize more companies that are public.,,,,,,,2022-10-22 00:03:13 ya9wwl,,0,Should I date a tunisian girl?,I'm from the UK and also tunisian. I like to frequently visit tunisia because of family. I've been considering maybe trying to date a tunisian girl and wanted some advice.,,,,,,2022-10-22 00:58:22 yaaniu,,1,"Scrappy, le chat au pelage incroyable",,,,,,,2022-10-22 01:34:44 yabdp9,,45,Alright we get it! Tunisia is bad and you all wanna leave,Enough we got your point like you will find a cure to the cancer outside of it . If you don’t have a positive thing or fucking start up or any info to help people stop crying we get your point Mr smart,,,,,,2022-10-22 02:11:29 yaeroi,,31,Give us your best Tunisian nsfw proverbs!,"It will be best if we write it in tunisian (whether arabic or latin letters) and then translate it to English and maybe explain its meaning. I'll go first. ""kosksya w za3ket benti?"" ""my couscous (dish) and my daughter's ass?"" When someone keeps asking for favors and it's becoming too much. I don't know what to expect here but let's try not to offend anyone even if it's just for laughs ❤️",,,,,,2022-10-22 05:09:00 yaha3o,,1,Digital transformation,,,,,,,2022-10-22 07:37:45 yaheem,,0,Question for girls,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-22 07:45:11 yahvs9,,5,Ordering a phone + earbuds from the US via a friend,"So I'm thinking of buying a phone and earbuds from an official store in the US via a friend who currently studies there. Has anyone done something like this before? Is it guaranteed that I'll have to pay the ""diwana"" to receive my package? Are there any other fees included? EDIT: Typo",,,,,,2022-10-22 08:15:31 yaj8bo,وين_ماشين/,0,وين ماشين ؟,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-22 09:34:27 yal5be,,2,8 hours layover in Tunis,"I have an 8 hours layover in Tunis, coming up, I've been to Tunis before and I'm looking for things I can see or visit when I'm there. Any suggestions? I will have transportation, so distance is not a problem.",,,,,,2022-10-22 11:20:21 yalf5f,,3,anyone know anywhere in sousse that I might be able to watch the ufc today?,,,,,,,2022-10-22 11:34:44 yam9wu,,18,"Tell me why, tell me why...ooooh..",,,,,,,2022-10-22 12:17:38 yan0h4,,1,Kitten (female) for adoption (Capital Tunis & suburbs),,,,,,,2022-10-22 12:52:57 yaovif,,2,I want to take my car (RS plate) with me to Germany. Does that mean I lose the license plate? any help would be appreciated.,,,,,,,2022-10-22 14:14:32 yap3q4,,1,Je cherches des bonnes beurettes Arabes,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-22 14:23:58 yar73l,,3,Do i need a PCR test to leave the Tunis? i cannot read Arabic or French and so cannot find info of it online.,,,,,,,2022-10-22 15:51:52 yarfj2,,4,"is there an association or a club like ""Iwatch"" but for high schoolers?","Hello am interested in joining a club or association but mainly focused on political / social state of the country, not like interact or somilar clubs. Something more like Iwatch that focuses on politics / social problems or maybe journalism. But for high schoolers",,,,,,2022-10-22 16:01:50 yasefc,,3,internship France,"Hello I landed a 6 month internship in france, do you know what are the steps to get the visa? we signed the ""convention de stage"" and what next",,,,,,2022-10-22 16:41:25 yatefq,,2,Where can I find actual reliable data concerning the average Tunisian's spending?,"I'm working on a long-term project but I'm gonna need some data to analyse and use to optimize the algorithm. I managed to find ""some"" data online, however it seems to be either tied to a certain area/state, or straight up unusable and unreasonable.",,,,,,2022-10-22 17:23:20 yau8nl,,1,No more visa-free travel to Serbia,,,,,,,2022-10-22 17:58:48 yawdka,,1,"question for girls, do you prefer a bad or a nice guy ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-22 19:30:00 yawk8n,,1,No more visa-free travel to Serbia,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-22 19:37:56 yawp2u,,9,صربيا تفرض تأشيرة على التونسيين,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-22 19:43:44 yay99i,,1,"Brother-in-Law just landed, Where should we go?",,,,,,,2022-10-22 20:49:56 yayh2y,,1,CROSSFIT THROWDOWN TUNISIA,,,,,,,2022-10-22 20:59:10 yaznqo,,1,طارق ذياب يثير ضجة بتعليقه الطريف,,,,,,,2022-10-22 21:49:09 yazxva,,1,"This is not a joke, it's for real",,,,,,,2022-10-22 22:01:19 yazylw,,2,mobile ID SMS,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-22 22:02:10 yb0bmr,,0,asba likom wehed wehed,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-22 22:17:47 yb1cgq,,8,Freelancers ( designers specifically ) . how do u price ur work .,"Sup, i m starting to freelance in UI/UX design , making website designs with adobe XD , logos , company branding , content etc . I ve experience working on this stuff for companies but when it comes to freelancing . how do i price my work ? i know the prices in USD but when freelancing with tunisian clients , how much do u charge for ur work ? examples would be very welcomed . &#x200B; TYIA .",,,,,,2022-10-22 23:02:35 ybame3,,3,Did any one successfully passed a mini drone from Tunis Airport,"I have a vacation in Tunisia and planning to bring my DJI mini drone with me , what's your experience in this, will they size it ? or i am allowed to pass it",,,,,,2022-10-23 06:54:13 ybcnue,,8,Online jobs for students,First year in uni and family's having some financial difficulties and I'm not allowed to get a job in the city so I figured an online job would be more acceptable. What are some online jobs a uni student can work and doesn't require way too much experience?,,,,,,2022-10-23 08:56:23 ybdyh8,,1,why are middle eastern/ north African men afraid of nothing except women rights and equality for all groups of people?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-23 10:13:00 ybe2xa,,1,Looking for phone recommendations,"Hello everyone, can you suggest some phones in 1k-1k5dt price range please Looking for something that I'll be using for at least 3 years. I've done some research and I think the Samsung a52s is pretty good but I've been told I can find iPhone 11 pro at the same price and they're way better. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-10-23 10:19:58 ybf2cy,,3,"Hi folks, what is the best book about tunisian history ?",,,,,,,2022-10-23 11:15:23 ybfjko,,1,The reason your highway barriers are f-ed,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-23 11:41:39 ybg7vu,,19,Is anyone interested in a meetup in Bizerte? I really both want to meet and make new friends. I don’t know a lot of people in Bizerte and I work from home so I’m having a hard time meeting new people here. If anyone is interested please let me know :),[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-23 12:16:51 ybgtjv,,1,Any cheap online turkish stores (wears) that ship to tunisia,,,,,,,2022-10-23 12:46:09 ybhlvy,,2,university clubs,Hi guys so my problem is that i want to join clubs in my uni but the people in the clubs here are so cringeee so what should i do ? xDDD,,,,,,2022-10-23 13:22:46 ybjdgf,,0,are there programs that immigrate you to europe as example ? and for what amount of money ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-23 14:38:54 ybjtaq,,1,Payoneer,"Whom here uses Payoneer bank Is it safe ? Wich ATM do you frequently use ? I'm concerned about how much can I retrieve at once. Because of the bank fees",,,,,,2022-10-23 14:57:37 ybk1x3,,10,how to ask a tunisian girl ro be your girlfriend,It happened that I met this religious beautiful very kinded person at work and I really want to ask her out and i am nervous because I never done this before,,,,,,2022-10-23 15:06:58 ybkgzq,,3,Basketball,"Where can I play basketball? Seems like everyone I asked don't know. Ty for your answer",,,,,,2022-10-23 15:24:04 ybkil9,,2,Tunisian idol,"What is (a relatively recent) historical figure that you identify with, feel proud that you share the nationality with or you think can be a role model for you?",,,,,,2022-10-23 15:25:56 ybkto7,,7,Any Tunisians in Brussels?,"I miss Tunisians, I also need recommendations for places to eat Tunisian food. It's getting expensive to go to Paris just for a Mlaoui.",,,,,,2022-10-23 15:38:45 yblbb0,,2,Where can I buy clothes?,"I am trying to buy some clothes for the winter but shops and malls became really expensive and I honestly can't afford spending 300,dt for a single shirt and jeans ... I never get lucky with frip, I really tried but I rarely find something that fits :(",,,,,,2022-10-23 15:58:31 yblndf,,2,elections in tunisia,not about the upcoming election but i’m interested in knowing if in previous elections candidates released platforms online or actual plans or projects / things they plan to do when in office? either president or prime minister / members of parliament. or is it basically mostly facebook,,,,,,2022-10-23 16:11:49 ybm3hw,,1,Chess game,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-23 16:29:39 ybm69w,,1,Chess game,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-23 16:32:28 ybmhic,,1,Editing Pics,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-23 16:44:51 ybmx5m,,1,"sis anyine buy shoes from catchy 99 store ? do they sell authentic shoes, i have been seeing them all over tik tok lately idk if they are legit or not",did anyone * sorry for typo,,,,,,2022-10-23 17:01:55 ybobr4,,3,How do you understand physics?,"I just want to apologize in advance for flooding the sub with posts of me complaining I said previously that I am struggling with maths/physics while being 3eme math.I caught up to maths with private tutoring and it turned out to be not so hard. But I'm still struggling with physics even with private tutoring and I have an exam coming up this Friday and I don't know what to do. I'm also considering finishing the year and then switching to bac eco since I have a love/hate relationship with geometry and a new discovered hatred/disinterest for physics(since it's no longer equations/algebra based and I became more geometry based) so do you suggest I switch to bac eco or not? Also I know that the physics I study this year isn't the same in bac but the terminology is basically the same",,,,,,2022-10-23 17:56:12 ybpb8y,,5,Do you know any chess clubs in Tunis (not banlieue nord) where beginner adults can join?,,,,,,,2022-10-23 18:36:00 ybq4i8,,26,mental health 📉📉,"Hi, im 20 For the last 5 or 6 years i've been terribly struggling with mental issues and i've tried therapy but it never worked meds had little to no effect on me Ive always wanted to get better but recently im so close to giving up and that scares me So fellow tunisian depressed teens, what should do to turn my life around *no fake positivity please i really tried many things*",,,,,,2022-10-23 19:08:12 ybqxt3,,1,Any tunisians in the UK?,,,,,,,2022-10-23 19:41:31 ybr2am,,2,How do you understand physics?,"I just want to apologize in advance for flooding the sub with posts of me complaining I said previously that I am struggling with maths/physics while being 3eme math.I caught up to maths with private tutoring and it turned out to be not so hard. But I'm still struggling with physics even with private tutoring and I have an exam coming up this Friday and I don't know what to do. I'm also considering finishing the year and then switching to bac eco since I have a love/hate relationship with geometry and a new discovered hatred/disinterest for physics(since it's no longer equations/algebra based and I became more geometry based) so do you suggest I switch to bac eco or not? Also I know that the physics I study this year isn't the same in bac but the terminology is basically the same",,,,,,2022-10-23 19:46:32 ybrtd5,,2,what should change about public education,primary/secondary higher education for example. what’s not working / is working?,,,,,,2022-10-23 20:17:43 ybryt4,,1,hello where can i find a balisong knife ? if you know please send me the cords and thank you,,,,,,,2022-10-23 20:23:54 ybsusc,,23,Serbia ends visa free entry for Tunisians..,"Starting on 20 november tunisians will need to apply for a visa before traveling to serbia, after weeks of pressure from top eu officials to tackle sharply rising migration routes through the western balkans... any thoughts on it",,,,,,2022-10-23 21:01:35 ybtczi,,1,Best suburbs in the country,"I'm having some difficulty recommending a place for my friend who's coming to settle in Tunis, where would you guys want to live in this city (money is not a problem)? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-23 21:23:15 ybtpqb,,2,Please answer this quiz if you like the monster under your bed :) it's about art events in Tunisia and I need it for educational purposes <3,,,,,,,2022-10-23 21:38:13 ybtyeu,,2,best laptop repair place in sousse ?,"I have a fairly old pc bought on 2015 but it still holds up it's an asus x550j with time some keys (letter A and Q + the tab key and the D key is barely working) stopped working (azerty keyboard) do you know where I can find a good place or store to repair them in sousse",,,,,,2022-10-23 21:48:47 ybuqmo,,11,"A crew from the 16th/5th Lancers, 6th Armored Division, clean the gun barrel of their Crusader tank at El Aroussa in Tunisia, May 1943. [1100x1122] (Imperial War Museum, IWM)",,,,,,,2022-10-23 22:22:55 ybveoe,,5,I need help with translating some text messages,"(I hope this is the right subreddit for this, if not let me know, I’ll remove this post) Long story short; A guy from tunisia asked for my Instagram, we’ve been talking for a while now and a few days ago he invited me into his friend group’s chat. Out of curiosity I scrolled through their chats and saw that they had a good talk about me (I’m assuming in a negative way, he sent pictures from my story highlights to them). I tried using google translate but the translations didn’t make much sense.. It’s quite much, knowing if it was negative/positive stuff is totally enough for me! These were the text messages: “Winou wejha zab” “Ti os enti” “7atitha story public ye zebi” “Ama yzzbi ml bzoul” “3aycha wa7adha dhaher” “El taswira elli ba3dha” “Ouh 3la zebbi” “stepmom 7abitha” “lwah zebi zabour se3a nayik moch kheyba” “just thivk chawaya” “la7tha haw bich nlim caps w ntayich” “react 3ala il story li fih wejha 9oltilha so you are gorgeos not only beatiful” “yekhi jewbirbi haka” “mafhimt 7ata 3asba” “Ma3neha athbtet eli hia beautiful” “isma3ni bich ntaba3 technique i9olik matkhalihech tthon inik intéressé beha twali tabi3thik” “9e3id niflirty ena asber nab3ith cap” “aslan 3andhom il bazoul 3asba lih il tey, tan3alamhom itaybo” “chouf taw kifeh taw 3amlitli replay na9raha mil notification” “w njewib ba3d 2 3mn keka” “bich mat9olich yeflerti m3eya wala ma3ando 7ad fi 7yeto” “t9oul aa howa play boy w ena e girl yayy” “taken w yeflirty a777” “deja prety 3ala il 7weyij” “t7ib nraka7ha w nhabatha il 9libia fil sif ?” “sala7touh il ex ili fih point d'intersection” I really hope someone can help me, thanks in advance🥲",,,,,,2022-10-23 22:53:37 ybwede,,4,"Follow your dreams. If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.",,,,,,,2022-10-23 23:40:44 ybyzdf,,2,Dropshipping from Tunisia to Usa,Been thinking of ecommerce businesses and wanted to see if it's easy to get products shipped from tunisia. The website would primarily be for US customer base but all products delivered from Tunisia. Anyone does anything similar?,,,,,,2022-10-24 01:47:20 yc0u05,,2,Money deposit threshold,How much money is enough to raise suspicion for a student to deposit in a bank?,,,,,,2022-10-24 03:22:52 yc2yzl,,1,is license enough to study master in Germany ?,,,,,,,2022-10-24 05:24:00 yc3wsy,,1,Does anyone have an idea wtf is this about and how to make it stop?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-24 06:23:40 yc56af,,0,Why is suicide being glorified in Tunisia?,"Why is suicide being glorified in Tunisia? I don't know but lately I've been seeing a lot of suicide in the news outlets. People are acting like we live in a really poor country while yes it's poor but there's others living in worst circumstances that are not suiciding. And don't get me started on the comments: (""he has a point we live in a terrible country and poverty is rising""), don't people realize that by accepting it people would do it more????????????????",,,,,,2022-10-24 07:45:41 yc5gjh,,5,"CTI Poste, anyone tried it?",Basically can you pay Netflix with it? And what else you can do ?,,,,,,2022-10-24 08:05:06 yc5v8l,,2,Tunisian Music,"What Tunisian music would you recommend? I am not prejudiced, I listen to everything, but more than traditional music (very documented and codified) I am very interested in contemporary and research music. I do not despise electronic / techno music and any genre. In addition to your advice and tastes, If there were any publications on the subject I would like to know more! Thks",,,,,,2022-10-24 08:32:14 yc5wkc,,0,Wanna online learn? ( Software dev ),[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-24 08:34:35 yc6wxk,,1,need some tips on contract freelancing.,"So guys I got a job offer from a hiring company fro. The US they said I'll be a contractor for them and their client. Also they pointed out that their platform will provide me with a visa card and afterwards I get transfer the money to wherever I wish. So is there any tips or things I should consider before working with these firms?",,,,,,2022-10-24 09:39:50 yc6zho,,1,You can free wild tree seedlings from the gov.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-24 09:44:28 yc703g,,33,You can get free wild tree seedlings from the gov.,,,,,,,2022-10-24 09:45:34 yc7u2r,,1,[Urgent Hiring] Fresh Full Stack Engineer in Tunisia 📢📢📢,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-24 10:36:02 yc7uob,,2,[Urgent Hiring] Fresh Full Stack Engineer in Tunisia 📢📢📢,"I noticed that the sub has many fresh software engineers so here's an urgent opportunity for the fresh graduates here Machinestalk Tunisia is Hiring 📷📷📷 We are actively looking for Fresh FullStack Engineer 📷 \-Job requirements \-PFE or first experience with integration with frontend technologies (JavaScript, Html5, CSS3, Angular11, and the Spring Framework) \-knowledge in Java 11 and also in Spring Boot \-3 months Experience in MicroServices Architecture \-Graph QL appreciated \-What do we offer📷: \-Flexible Schedule (Work From Home) 📷 \- Professional development & skills training 📷 \- Inspiring work environment and a fast-growing company 📷 \- Office events and networking activities 📷 DM me for details",,,,,,2022-10-24 10:37:03 yc8rpp,,1,Serbia ends visa-free entry for Tunisians amid EU pressure,,,,,,,2022-10-24 11:28:29 yc8wbl,,3,Any available stats?,"I hear always that percentages of females are superior to that of males. Also when i was a students every class are most girls. Can anyone with an idea can give us a new update stat of Tunisian population",,,,,,2022-10-24 11:35:19 yc9equ,,4,What are nice cities to stay in Tunisia?,"Like, a city that's historical, liberal, not too expensive, etc. Thanks for any tips!",,,,,,2022-10-24 12:02:03 ycaapb,,3,car meets?,i always loved cars but idk where and when to find car meets. are there any account to follow or what?,,,,,,2022-10-24 12:44:49 ycb6kp,,34,Are you for or against legalizing cannabis in Tunisia ? And what product would have success in tunisia if it was ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-24 13:23:50 ycbhph,,2,Video editing in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-24 13:37:18 ycczzg,,6,Tunisians in Netherlands,"I have moved recently to Netherlands, Den haag. I want to know if there are any tunisians here )))",,,,,,2022-10-24 14:40:21 ycf79c,,6,Pharmaceutical Companies leave tunisia due unpaid bills,"[,520,123884,3?](,520,123884,3?fbclid=IwAR17xq-SzZR6j1lU_k_QrANF-_B5m_4tomUPtPSHSCV6vkNAgy5opJnVNJY) &#x200B; ""The departure of foreign pharmaceutical companies from Tunisia will lead to higher drug prices. Fourteen months of arrears. These are the debts of the Tunisian Central Pharmacy to three major foreign laboratories, reveals the president of the National Chamber of Trade Unions of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Tarek Hammami, on Monday, October 24, 2022. Bayer, GSK and Novartis are closing their offices in Tunisia, Mr Hammami explained in a telephone interview on Shems FM's Matinale. However, they will continue to fulfill contracts for the local production of licensed medicines, the same source said. ""In addition to accumulating arrears with the central pharmacy, these labs face difficulties in registering their patent-protected innovations and getting reimbursed by the CNAM. They now have to negotiate for five to six years to reach an agreement on reimbursement and often fail to do so,"" he said. When asked about the impact, he pointed to the loss of jobs and access to innovation. Noting that Tunisia has fallen significantly behind in access to innovative products in the Middle East and North Africa region, ranking second to last, he explained that the process of registering innovations allows the country to negotiate these drugs at preferential prices. ""Tunisia can still have access to these innovative products, but at exorbitant prices if there is no registration."" "" via []( ([]([0]=__%3DAZV-R6cP2xjmT8Soet9LRHQ7NCw6e6ND2DA7e0D43j9JhDWMFjy3oapYRfc37GOBGU967WOZFUj7W4fwZXC6-2egCPaapQLJ1lrOtRMv8zggF6u76KRSSZaJ7tGerTooPWIbBYSb8DRMO62GO73D8lIa3NtsZ7Lj0cDFUp7a1wTT6VpQorbcIxUkGTiUrX3DQwM)) &#x200B; Can someone explain me how the tunisian insurance/health care system work? In Germany employer and employee pay a own split percentage to the public insurance, make medications available, you pay just 5-10€ if you need to buy one with a receipt. How does it work in tunisia?",,,,,,2022-10-24 16:08:22 ycf8dz,,1,إماطة اللثام عن نشاط إجرامي لشركات منتصبة بجهتي البحيرة وأريانة، تعمل في اطار شبكة دولية مختصة في تبييض الأموال بتونس الكبرى تضم تونسيين وأجانب، عبر تعاطي أنشطة الرهان الرياضي.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-24 16:09:30 ycfhqu,,9,الكشف عن شبكة تنشط في مجال غسيل الأموال عن طريق تعاطي أنشطة الرهان الرياضي على خلاف الصيغ القانونية، وفق بلاغ إعلامي للإدارة العامّة للحرس الوطني.,,,,,,,2022-10-24 16:19:38 ycfvb9,,2,is there a problem with ClicToPay?,"I used to be able to use my payoneer card to topup my phone and pay for online services, but now when I try to use it it says ""cannot connect to bank"" or something.",,,,,,2022-10-24 16:34:22 ycggq1,,9,I'm afraid to submit my cv,"I'm a Jobless Software engineer in Tunisia, and afraid to submit my cv. My cv is empty of projects. My internship projects their selly and not complete. I can't decide if I should build projects in Data analysis or Web development. I'm confused beginning a project and worried if it will take so much time. Please suggest to me a course, a road map with resources, a guided project, or anything that can help. I'm a fast learner, and have the basic concepts for each domain. I want to practice projects to put them on my cv and start searching for work.",,,,,,2022-10-24 16:57:48 ycgwc5,,2,Searching for a job abroad,"I have a friend asked me if there's an opportunity to get a job abroad ofc if it is on demands He has master's degree in industrial chemistry petrochimie. Is it any opportunity to help him seek France or Canada despite Indeed any other good trusted website?",,,,,,2022-10-24 17:14:55 ycieue,,0,Why are eco students this stupid ?,"I am a 2nd grade economics and management student . I had 17 moyenne last scholar year however I selected eco , of course everyone questioned why I chose the trash of all sections , I always reply with ""because it is interesting"" . We all know one thing , eco students are kind of stupid , it's a very common stereotype . Well I thought , it might be an exaggeration , I am sure some of them at least are good . And oh boy I was wrong , they're actually stupid , really annoyingly stupid . They don't even think , they ask the dumbest questions ever , they have 0 problem solving skills , they suck at French and English , they don't know basic math , they don't understand the very simple economics lessons we have studied , they don't understand anything . What's up with those people ? Did the education system fail them then sent them all to this section to the point it became the stupid people's section ?",,,,,,2022-10-24 18:16:25 ycimhf,,1,Comment modifier le pied de page de mon site sous WordPress ?,,,,,,,2022-10-24 18:24:41 ycjfv5,,5,serious question,"I personally know that I have mental health issues ( not a self-diagnosis, but something is wrong, I can see in my behaviour, my habits, my thinking etc.), but I hesitate to check professional help because of the reputation of the inefficiency of psychiatrists in Tunisia in general. I want to know what should I go for because I'm afraid in the future things get out of control. Have you ever consulted a professional help and it actually helped you? Where should I go? Who are well-known psychiatrists in Tunis?",,,,,,2022-10-24 18:56:50 ycjyof,,0,these are supposed to be the pilote students 😮‍💨,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-24 19:17:32 yck1th,,0,Average Tunisian be like,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-24 19:20:57 yck2yn,,0,Average Tunisian be like,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-24 19:22:06 ycmlkk,,0,gymrats need you all to sign this petition i don't if this gonna help but why not give it a shot,,,,,,,2022-10-24 21:03:24 ycn2te,,3,What do you think is the best highschool section?,,,,,,,2022-10-24 21:22:48 ycnaux,,1,"This is THE address you need for anything Internet worthy. On your mark, get set, keyboard!!!",,,,,,,2022-10-24 21:31:58 ycq111,,12,Looking for a business partner to start a non-profit organization,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-24 23:33:53 ycudd7,,5,Hopes for actual high-speed Internet?,,,,,,,2022-10-25 03:09:55 ycuu3q,,2,ru58841?,anyone knows where i can find ru58841 in tunisia? i don't know if anyone here is familar with it but it is a local androgen blocker for the scalp. if anyone by any chance knows how i can get a hold of it i would be very grateful.,,,,,,2022-10-25 03:33:55 ycvbgb,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-25 04:00:09 ycyiip,,28,في انتظار قرار القضاء في هذا الشأن تعلم الهيئة العموم أن اللجوء إلى خدمات هذه الشركة يعرضهم إلى خرق حقوقهم في حماية معطياتهم الشخصية وتبعا لذلك يتحملون وحدهم مسؤولية التبعات القانونية في السماح لهذه الشركة بتجميع معطياتهم الشخصية,,,,,,,2022-10-25 07:15:57 yczo98,,4,Tunisians in Denmark ?,"Hi ! I was wondering if there is here Tunisians who lives in Copenhagen area in Denmark. Owl was born and raised in France, from a Tunisian father, and I have now settled in Copenhagen. I know « you shouldn’t «  meet people of Reddit in real life, but I can’t say I have a rich social life, plus it would be nice for me to find someone willing to help me with re learn Arabic, which I use to speak as a kid but it’s really going down.",,,,,,2022-10-25 08:36:21 yd1gul,,5,Woman+Tattooed+Tunisia,"Hello to all that chose to read this! Traveling to Tunisia early 2023 - Heavily tattooed gal here, dress modestly when traveling (originally middle eastern so I understand how the vibe COULD be) but wanted to ask - how strict should I be about covering all the tattoos, and even making sure they’re not accidentally showing? Understand the historical and tribal context of tattoos but aware that doesn’t apply to me. Also read about the first tattoo shop that’s opened in Tunis but haven’t read or seen much about the acceptance or lack thereof. Any info appreciated! Thanks!",,,,,,2022-10-25 10:32:34 yd2bb5,,1,Fouchana pupils spend the night in jail for contesting the falling roof of their classroom,,,,,,,2022-10-25 11:19:43 yd4nca,,2,Fripe beb el falla,"random question : billehi chkoun andou fekra fripe beb el falla yoko3odou ye5dmou la3cheya wella yskarou maneha ye5dmou sbeh bark ?? appreciate any response!",,,,,,2022-10-25 13:19:08 yd4was,,1,GigaChad ends all depression fi tounes,,,,,,,2022-10-25 13:30:54 yd5ln9,,1,"Hello, for the software and web Developers can you please check my resume and tell me if it's good or bad?",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-25 14:01:56 yd660o,,22,winter???when??,à peu près wa9teh ycharafna el bard w chta ??????,,,,,,2022-10-25 14:26:39 yd6xlt,,9,Trip around Europe/the World,Are there any Tunisians here that trip around Europe/the World? It’s my biggest dream in life and I’d like to make it come true in the future. How much did it cost you? and was it worth it?,,,,,,2022-10-25 14:59:59 yd7kcf,,3,for software and web developers,"Can you please take a quick look at my resume and tell me if it's good it bad? Edit: This is the file ad pdf",,,,,,2022-10-25 15:26:31 yd7umd,,1,ال Toyota متاع حمودة باشا يرحمو,,,,,,,2022-10-25 15:38:45 yd8iav,,0,where can i buy sexe toys in tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-10-25 16:06:38 yda7rx,عام_الجيش/,9,Using Phone during عام الجيش,"are we allowed to used cellphones, smartphones during this period of military?",,,,,,2022-10-25 17:15:16 ydarp0,,1,Well you know wht it is haha,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-25 17:37:19 ydatp3,,1,For toys collectors haha i know it's a taboo however this is the land of freedom.. booo me whatever,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-25 17:39:37 ydcquq,,1,I noticed here in Tunisia hijabis and non hijabis get along very well and you can find pictures like this everywhere.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-25 19:00:40 ydcu56,,89,I noticed here in Tunisia hijabis and non hijabis get along very well you'll find pics like this everywhere and hijabi/non hijabi besties and things like that. Not as common in other countries.,,,,,,,2022-10-25 19:04:23 ydd237,,16,Our logo and banner are ass compared to those of Other countries subreddits,"Am i the only one that thinks that out logo and banner aren’t great ? I’ve been on some Other countries subreddit and they all have a great logo and banner that was specifically made for them. Meanwhile ours is just a flag and a picture of Abou El Kacem El Chebbi taken from Google and zoomed out. We should host something like a context where people with some design or draw OMG skills could create a new logo+ banner.",,,,,,2022-10-25 19:13:50 yddmwl,,1,"Tunisian man facing charges for setting building on fire, killing Clara, a young pregnant women, and Anna, her 4 year old daughter",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-25 19:37:43 yddo2u,,1,"Tunisian man facing charges for setting a building on fire, killing Clara, a young pregnant women, and Anna, her 4 year old little girl",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-25 19:39:06 yddq0f,,1,"Tunisian man facing criminal charges for setting a building on fire, killing Clara, a young pregnant woman, and Anna, her 4 year old girl",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-25 19:41:19 yddqul,,1,"Tunisian man facing charges for setting a building on fire, killing Clara, a young pregnant woman, and Anna, her 4 year old girl",,,,,,,2022-10-25 19:42:17 yde1je,,1,"I can't properly cuss people romanticising/justifying illegal immigration in here cuz it'll get me banned, again.",,,,,,,2022-10-25 19:54:41 ydei7v,,1,"Anyone in Portland, OR or Seattle, WA ?",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-25 20:13:50 ydg1er,,3,Being Trans While Visiting Tunisia?,"Hi! Sorry, this is my first post on Reddit, thanks in advance for your patience. Context: My mother immigrated to the US from Tunisia when she was young, and I've always wanted to take her there and visit because she hasn't been back since. Problem: I am a transmasculine person. I mostly pass as male when in public and have medically transitioned. Question: What sorts of things should I know regarding being trans in Tunisia? I go stealth for safety reasons whenever traveling, but is there anything in particular I need to be respectful of or careful with? Places that are slightly safer for people like myself? Thank you for reading and considering my questions! Have a good day! Update 10/26: Thank you so much for your comments and help! I hope to one day support my mother in visiting her place of birth, and also to have a chance to learn about my family's heritage in a safe and respectful way. I feel a bit more informed and will do more research on the things you have provided 💜🙏🏾",,,,,,2022-10-25 21:17:50 ydgvf5,,50,Tunisia Reddit banner sugg ??,,,,,,,2022-10-25 21:53:48 ydi3p4,,2,Filmmaking in Tunis,I know this is a pretty niche question but does anyone know a process or a way to pitch your movie idea or a show to producers or some production houses? xD,,,,,,2022-10-25 22:48:59 ydrrq5,,1,B3 documents,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-26 07:23:49 ydtq08,,1,Besoin d'avis pour opérateur internet cause I'm sick of my current offer,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-26 09:33:07 ydvptp,,7,Frip tunisia,"I'm looking for good clothes, men, preferably around l'aouina",,,,,,2022-10-26 11:29:40 ydvqr4,,1,frip tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-26 11:30:51 ydxev4,,1,regarding CIVP,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-26 12:53:42 ydy175,,2,Is it true that an only child is exempt from military service?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-26 13:22:42 ydy82e,,1,"European Truck Championship 2018 Highlights Truck on Fire, Huge Flames, Accidents",,,,,,,2022-10-26 13:31:36 ydyefi,,6,A Rare Bootstrapped Tunisian Success Story.,,,,,,,2022-10-26 13:40:09 ydzfaw,,1,Trying to find out more about the users on this sub,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-26 14:25:36 ydzudv,,2,"My roommate maghroub bil musika wel techno, let’s show him some love, it’s his birthday ❤️🇹🇳❤️",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-26 14:44:00 ydzy8s,,1,ayo guys help,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-26 14:48:46 ye0333,,8,Tunisia //how freelancers get paid and it will cause a problems with authorities or not ? And do you have an idea about payoneer?,,,,,,,2022-10-26 14:54:38 ye1xaf,,26,"Roommate mte3i maghroum bil techno w 7aja 3amel a3leha kifi, let's show him some love <3",,,,,,,2022-10-26 16:12:43 ye2pas,,3,What does the name Aouididi mean?,,,,,,,2022-10-26 16:44:50 ye5f2u,,1,"Hello, does anyone know where is frippe in sousse?",,,,,,,2022-10-26 18:37:40 ye6z1b,,0,Germany to legalize cannabis use for recreational purposes,,,,,,,2022-10-26 19:43:33 ye8fpo,,1,gaming questionnaire,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-26 20:44:29 ye8q1b,,6,need some from an expert in object detection using yolo,"Salut la tribune, je sais que la majorité préfère utiliser l'anglais mais allah ghaleb (i'm not that skilled) surtout pour exprimer ce problème là. Alors l'idée c'est que je travaille sur un projet qui traite la détection des fumées dans une image en utilisant l'algorithme Yolo. J'ai trouvé un modèle, open source, qui fonctionne et tout Ma galère c'est que j'arrive pas à l'interpréter dans un e mémoire, j'ai lu pas mal d'articles, d'autres projets de recherche qui traitent le même sujet ... Etc jemla w tgoul, vu que je ne suis pas un connaisseur dans la matière et ma formation de base b3ida barcga 3al informatique, menich mnajem ne5dem 3lih. Mon objectif c'est de prouver l'utilité de ses nouvelles technologies dans mon métier afin de s'inscrire dans la nouvelle vague 🌊 li y3ich feha l3alem w a7na on est encore trop loin Bref any help would be so much appreciated.",,,,,,2022-10-26 20:56:42 ye8xjo,,1,"Gallery 7... they say confusion when there are too many options, but oh boi this..",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-26 21:05:04 yeacxf,,3,"Tunis, looking to buy Converse. Help?","\*Grand Tunis. fama boutique fih variety ta3 Converse shoes for men? Les choix li l9ithom houma boutique (the fridge) 9rib el passage fih converse b 7keyet 300td, I never bought shoes that expensive. I'm wondering if it's worth, I appreciate opinions on this. b9iyet les boutiques tal9a ka3ba wala ka3btin 7althom mokrba. Ena li nfarkes 3lih houma el classic high top w mid top From Converse's official shop, my main [example]( This one shoe design, I'd love to get multiple colors out of it. And here's a [2nd]( \+ye5i les Converses yetbe3ou f saison mou3ayna? no9sed yjibohom akther f el été par exemple? P.S: bras la7nina lwech les converses m9asmin bnet / wled. Rahou 70% unisex w elli barka bnet dhaher. 7ot ma ba3dhou w 5ali la3bed techri :'(",,,,,,2022-10-26 22:04:08 yebd1x,,9,Nice bars in downtown / Lafayette that aren't 100% male?,"I'm trying to make a list of nice places (incl. bars) around centre ville. Basically places where you can go alone, with friends or on a date without being judged hardcore. Ideas: Frida Le Malouf O'Barrio Baghdad Junior Bayt El Fan",,,,,,2022-10-26 22:47:05 yecg6o,,3,Internships,"Heyy folks ! So i am in my final year , studying a bachelor degree in computer science , i would like to get to know your thougths about internships in CS . And if you have any ideas abojt the precedure of having an international remote internship ? Thank youu!",,,,,,2022-10-26 23:36:03 yeng9k,,11,"Hello guys ! Im looking for a good language center near Ariana/Manezah/Ennaser to learn german,I would love to get recommendations and thank you 😁",,,,,,,2022-10-27 09:31:49 yeo01z,,1,us it just me or all sites don't accept international bank cards anymore?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-27 10:05:12 yeogjx,,2,Is it normal that I cannot retake the baccalaureate exam without a residency certificate?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-27 10:32:43 yeopu5,à/,1,Nous avons l&#39;honneur de vous inviter à participer au concours et au prix international &quot;The Honest View - 2022,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-27 10:47:49 yep158,,1,"chabeb, chkoun yechri Husky 🤔",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-27 11:04:46 yer17d,,31,USA: Fortune 500 TUN: Fortune 3.75,,,,,,,2022-10-27 12:44:53 yer9vj,,1,Siberian husky for sale 250 DT,,,,,,,2022-10-27 12:56:02 yeruip,,7,"any food delivery apps in manouba ? glovo , yassir and jumia are not covering all the area",,,,,,,2022-10-27 13:22:00 yeu5tc,,93,The first copyrights offender down. No more Choufly 7al.,,,,,,,2022-10-27 14:58:15 yew29n,,1,How being hypersexual in tunisia feels like ?,,,,,,,2022-10-27 16:14:07 yewi4a,,13,ADHD,"Guys!! Some1 know from where i can get Adderall! or anything similar ""ritalin or whatever.. \#adhd meds",,,,,,2022-10-27 16:33:46 yey7kn,,1,tunisians in ottawa/gatineau/montreal?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-27 17:37:55 yey7uw,,1,How do I protect my work with copyright in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-27 17:38:14 yeycxo,,1,The Tunisian Economy is officially a meme.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-27 17:43:40 yezfe3,,4,Adoption process,"Hello everyone! Ok maybe this is not the right place but I can't find much online. Would you know how I can kick off an adoption process? I would like to adopt a child from Tunisia as a single parent, the child would then travel with me back home (outside of Tunisia), As far as I know, adoption is legal in Tunisia however I am not sure where to start and where to find the requirements/ centers. Any help will be appreciated!",,,,,,2022-10-27 18:26:57 yezw3c,,1,d17,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-27 18:45:44 yezwkg,,1,Why is everyone ignoring this catastrophic deal that Kais Saied made with the IMF ?,,,,,,,2022-10-27 18:46:17 yf2197,,0,is there any sexaholics girls in tunisia ? im just on all the time,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-27 20:11:55 yf2p30,,0,Kifech na9ra médecin fi fransa b bac toons?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-27 20:38:33 yf3o8m,,1,Heart break: hiya dhaya3t haja? ena: oui 9albi andek... hiya: hhhhh aamltu kamounia,,,,,,,2022-10-27 21:18:04 yf5j1n,,1,An ancient photograph of a guy from alhmama indigenous Sidi Bouzid now holding an original rare African lion race from his ear,,,,,,,2022-10-27 22:30:36 yf8kg7,,1,"could opening a small warehouse for distributing stuff using a website online in Tunisia work. I'm talking clothes, beauty products and other things like Amazon does. paid online or in cash upon delivery work?",,,,,,,2022-10-28 00:35:54 yfd9ad,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-10-28 04:00:12 yfhe1e,,0,About a broken heart,"Ena sera7 f 3iniha.. Hiya : dhaya3t haja? Ena: oui 9albi andk ... Hiya : khsara aamltu kamounia",,,,,,2022-10-28 07:23:24 yfhmcz,,0,NFT,Salem chkoun fikom maghroum bel NFT w 9a3ed ytaba3 w y7eb yanvesti f machrou3 behi ?,,,,,,2022-10-28 07:37:22 yfkpj9,,5,ZOO in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-28 10:40:56 yfkul5,,2,looking for crypto,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-28 10:48:52 yfkvt0,,5,Seen at Billionaire Gammarth.,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-10-28 10:50:42 yfl4ns,,1,Cat lovers.,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-28 11:03:39 yflmi9,,21,choufli hal lovers,"Hey guys☹️☹️ I don't know how about you but I really can't live without choufli hal. I live alone in Germany and it sucks so much that the YouTube channel wataneya 1 got deleted And all choufli hal seasons. I know it's for the best and It should be like that but what about choufli hal, our anti depression medicine? Whenever make dinner or lunch I put choufli hal, it's doesn't matter how many times I repeat it, I laugh from the bottom of my heart. For those who would say there is wataneya 2: well it's just the first season. I know I am not alone so how wilk you guys (mostly outside Tunisia) deal with it? ☹️☹️☹️",,,,,,2022-10-28 11:28:38 yfn6ft,,54,"There is a thin line between ""tmanyik"" wel ""tfadlik"" and Tunisians seem to never realize when they've crossed it.","Judging by every local social media trend and what makes locals laugh in comments whether it is on Facebook or anywhere, pretty much all locals don't know when they are being rude ""tfadlik"" wise. Gonna reference another post but some dude posted about studying medicine fi franca on this sub a few hours ago and pretty much all of the toxicity hiding in this sub was dumped in the comments just cause he used derja and spelled tounes as ""toons"" and franca as ""Fransa"". Since when policing spelling and doing it in a toxic way is how we behave on this sub, Wala is this shithole becoming jawhara FM's comment section. Seeing this shit makes me realize how ""nsibti la3ziza"" survived for multiple seasons and was considered ""funny"".",,,,,,2022-10-28 12:43:28 yfnd06,,2,bellahi elli 3enda ma3looma yanf3ni. kifech ennajm na9ra médecine fi fransa b bac toons.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-28 12:51:49 yfoiad,,0,looking for iphone 11 pro max,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-28 13:41:20 yfqitx,,22,تذكر الهيئة أن شركة بولت ليست الوحيدة في وضعية خرق واضح لمقتضيات القانون التونسي الحامي للمعطيات الشخصية.,,,,,,,2022-10-28 15:01:56 yfvfe6,,2,internet fiber/vdsl,so recently in my street they removed the old Masan (that big gray box) with a new white one that contains fiber technology so I have some questions firstly am I able now to get 100% optical fiber ? if so how much should I pay and what are the procedures otherwise if I get VDSL how much time should I wait for and should I go to telecom or to my original provider? by the way the box is already activated they just finished their work last week,,,,,,2022-10-28 17:43:27 yfvq3q,,2,Mi band 6 strap,Where can i find mi band 6 straps?,,,,,,2022-10-28 17:53:13 yfxgy9,,2,im looking for samsung tab s7 FE or s6 lite but i can't find them anywhere,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-28 18:57:26 yfz3k3,,3,What to do after licence informatique,"Hello I’m in third year license science de l’informatique ,my scores are average and I don’t have all the required ECTS credit. I want to study abroad especially Canada but I don’t know what to apply to ? Should I apply to bachelor and run the risk of visa refusal cause license is equivalent to bachelor or apply to master’s even though my scores are 11 12 and I’m missing some ECTS credits. Any ideas please help",,,,,,2022-10-28 20:03:57 yg23kx,,1,أنا يقظ: نبهنا وحذرنا منذ 4 أكتوبر .. وهذا القرار انهيار للخطاب الزائف للرئيس الذي ادعى حرصه على استرجاع الأموال المنهوبة,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-28 22:11:05 yg82p7,,3,Can i drive in tunisia with a saudi arabia drivers license?,,,,,,,2022-10-29 02:53:48 ygdfhh,,3,how to make new friends,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-29 07:45:27 ygdj6e,,10,"الاحتفاظ بهم من أجل ""تكوين وفاق وإتلاف عملة وطنية وافتعال أخرى تعود إلى حقبة تاريخية قصد التحيّل والمشاركة في ذلك",,,,,,,2022-10-29 07:51:42 ygf3mc,,14,What can I use to protect myself in Tunisia? (Legally),,,,,,,2022-10-29 09:26:21 ygfb4j,,1,"ICYMI: Robocare, a Tunisian startup, has developed a drone with the ability to save threatened crops",,,,,,,2022-10-29 09:38:10 ygfgnw,,7,Does anyone use Ooredoo Fixe Jdid and what is your experience ? Mine got cutting all time and need a router restart to work again,,,,,,,2022-10-29 09:47:15 ygfsp4,,33,it's now possible to make a spotify subscription in tunisia using your credit card and pay in tnd.,,,,,,,2022-10-29 10:07:11 yggem5,,1,Almost 80 degrees today! What a phenomenal weather…! Anyone else swimming today? 😆,,,,,,,2022-10-29 10:43:27 yggzrw,,0,فرقة الابحاث الديوانية بالعاصمة تستدعي رجل أعمال إقتنى تذاكر كأس العالم,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-29 11:16:37 yghb3t,,1,New here. Looking for friends (loner),[removed],,,,,,2022-10-29 11:33:18 yghhd4,,3,What is the best smartphone to buy in terms of quality for a budget under 1000dt ?,"I know it's not much but my old phone is dying, so need new one asap",,,,,,2022-10-29 11:42:38 ygitlz,,1,How to make extra money if you travel to Paris always,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-29 12:50:02 ygix1w,,2,How to make extra money if you travel abroad a lot ?," My job allow me to go to Paris often . Idea to use this in order to make extra money ? Maybe buying stuff from freeshop to sell it in tunisia ? I'm looking for easy stuff that I can sell easily and quickly. Edit : please don’t judge. I’m just a small fish in a big pond. The company i work for pay for the travel and give me a shitty salary.",,,,,,2022-10-29 12:54:24 ygjg6a,منين_نشري_لابتوب/,7,منين نشري لابتوب؟,"اناهو احسن موقع انجم نشري منو لابتوب على النت؟ شفت برشة على الجوجل اما ما نعرفش اناهوما الي سمعتهم باهية. والسؤال الثاني للي يفهمو، انجمش نلقى لابتوب باهي بمعالج i7 آخر موديل و32 رام و1 تيرا SSD بمبلغ أقل من 4 ملاين؟ ولا المبلغ ضعيف برشة؟",,,,,,2022-10-29 13:18:15 ygk59q,,2,chabeb urgent chkoun mechi mel ezzahra l 7al9 el wed taw?,,,,,,,2022-10-29 13:49:21 ygkpd1,,4,Date in sfax,M looking for a calm place to go out with my partner. preferably near centre ville.If you have any recommendations please let me know :)),,,,,,2022-10-29 14:12:41 ygkrgy,,2,Has anyone found tobacco-free nicotine pouches in Tunis (Velo/Snus)?,,,,,,,2022-10-29 14:15:17 ygkvst,,33,Arrests based on Facebook posts,"Second person today gets arrested men 7ay El tadhamon for social media posts, owner of the page ""حي التضامن"" was arrested at 4am after police raided his house, first person to get arrested simply got arrested for a Facebook share of a post without even attending the protests fil 7ay El tadhamon, and now they went for the Facebook page posting about El protests. Be careful what you post online, freedom of speech went out of the window and it's going more and more downhill the more our economy struggles to stabilize.",,,,,,2022-10-29 14:20:26 yglupj,,3,can I buy Kaspersky codes with Tunisian credit card ?,,,,,,,2022-10-29 15:00:43 ygmaxv,,8,"help!!!!!! chabeb chkoun excellent fel anglais , i realy need help . andi form lazemni naamerha bel anglais w khayef la noghlet",,,,,,,2022-10-29 15:18:49 ygnbh5,,5,astronomy,"is there any astronomy clubs located in bizert? i love astronomy and space nd m looking for people who have the same interest",,,,,,2022-10-29 16:00:46 ygnchw,,2,"Hi, does anyone know of an English-speaking psychiatrist in Tunis or nearby? Thanks for your help!",,,,,,,2022-10-29 16:01:45 ygpcw1,,4,books?,"hey there , suggest me some books ? ( anything but self development).",,,,,,2022-10-29 17:21:29 ygrmir,,5,Web Development in Tunisia," This is my first year at university studying computer science and I'm thinking about learning web development Is it really worth it to be a web developer in Tunisia ? And I'm really curious about your experiences and how much money you make in this field Thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-10-29 18:54:00 ygspgg,,6,Need a Resume Review,"Heeeey everyone ! (I know about r/Resume ! But since the one column format is MUCH better known there, I feel like that 90% of the comments will be about me using the two column format, correct me if i'm wrong or something !) &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-10-29 19:39:59 ygtg9h,,2,Planetwin tn,What's the website that Tunisians bet in?,,,,,,2022-10-29 20:10:55 ygu2r3,,17,Non religious psychiatrist in Sousse,"Hello guys, you know life can get tough sometimes, I need to see a psychiatrist and start working on improving my mental health. Well no, I'm just so fucking angry about life and about my wife and I'm suicidal and need to urgently start seeing a psychiatrist. I'm non religious so I want to avoid the read some quran or do your prayers part.",,,,,,2022-10-29 20:38:03 ygutqc,,16,The Tunisian passport,,,,,,,2022-10-29 21:08:36 ygv6rf,,8,france or germany?,"for a software engineer if you get to choose between france and germany . which one do you choose? and you can recommend another country to apply for its jobs. I am talking about the life , weather, people sociability. ps: i don't speak German. i speak french but i am not that good to use it in work. i prefer to speak in english in work",,,,,,2022-10-29 21:22:50 ygy4ql,,1,Weed in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-29 23:23:21 ygyqnc,,1,Why no one in Tunisia is talking about this catastrophic loan?,,,,,,,2022-10-29 23:46:49 yh3g2i,,7,about non prescription anxiety / depression medication,"I been on lexomil 6mg for about 2 years now (prescribed ofc) and im looking for an alternative, preferably one without prescription (don't wanna go through the whole therapy process again ) any suggestions or experiences do u guys take any meds that actually work ? EDIT : I also get prescribed rosal for like 2 weeks evey once in a while and it is super efficient. maybe sth similar ?",,,,,,2022-10-30 03:30:39 yh44lk,,6,Would this product pass through customs?,"So I was thinking about ordering the rose toy from their website, they ship worldwide for free. Would it pass safely through tunisian customs without any hassle?",,,,,,2022-10-30 04:08:13 yh9pux,,1,"Mick Wallace, a member of the European Parliament, is warning Tunisians about the disastrous consequences of the loan of IMF",,,,,,,2022-10-30 09:04:40 yha8si,,1,"A survey on job satisfaction ,motivation and turnover rates",[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-30 09:40:06 yhabb5,,5,"A survey about job satisfaction, motivation and turnover rates","Hi We are currently doing a project relating to jobs in Tunisia What would motivate you , what gives you satisfaction and what would make you resign We would appreciate you taking some time to answer our survey [\_link](",,,,,,2022-10-30 09:44:44 yhaw94,,6,"In your opinion, what's the reasonable budget for a wedding sab3a ayem w sab3a lyeli?",And what's the most extravagant budget for a wedding you've ever heard of?,,,,,,2022-10-30 10:20:33 yhcjmc,,1,How much does in cost to rent a small studio apartment in Tunis ?,,,,,,,2022-10-30 11:59:31 yhd97w,,1,"Guess the place! Hint: Lots of beaches, and olive trees!",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-30 12:36:51 yhdg2y,,1,Thoughts about Tunisia 6,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-30 12:46:33 yhdyim,,32,"Why there's no too many people from Tunisia on Reddit, although it is better than Facebook and Instagram?",,,,,,,2022-10-30 13:11:49 yhe71z,,1,is th SAT useless wela fama feyda menou ?,,,,,,,2022-10-30 13:23:08 yhevif,,5,Want to meet friend to hangout with in Tunis,"Hello, Wanna make some new friends to hangout with in Tunis.",,,,,,2022-10-30 13:54:45 yhf9cw,,13,How to meet girls in Tunisia,"I have been single now for 3 years since university. I didn't have many friends after university, especially female ones. Women at my workplace I don't find them attractive also I don't want to start a relationship in the office it's not good. I tried tinder app, and have been respectful and polite. I had several matches that didn't end up with a date. Do you have any advice for me?",,,,,,2022-10-30 14:11:21 yhfnam,,1,محمد الجويني يغني تركي,,,,,,,2022-10-30 14:28:31 yhfrg0,,2,Doctor for hair loss ?,"I'm looking for a good doctor to consult about my hair loss, any recommendations.",,,,,,2022-10-30 14:33:24 yhg3jw,,5,Questions about the choufli hal movie?,"Gen Z here Was the choufli hal movie ever broadcasted in cinemas? Was it a smash hit or a failure? Was it broadcasted during New year's eve or was that just the script of the film? Do you think this longer format worked for choufli hal or was it detrimental compared to the shorter format that the show had? Was the movie profitable?",,,,,,2022-10-30 14:47:55 yhgr1v,,6,"I am Lebanese, AMA",[removed],,,,,,2022-10-30 15:15:25 yhhuyv,,4,Help!,Is there a way to ship something from Tunisia to the UK? If so how? How much it costs?,,,,,,2022-10-30 16:01:00 yhij8h,,0,DT Upcycling Product For Designer and Designer Students,[](,,,,,,2022-10-30 16:27:44 yhijvf,,0,DT Upcycling Product For Designer and Designer Students plz answer and thank u chbeb,,,,,,,2022-10-30 16:28:30 yhj7o6,,0,"if you had 1 TND and u could either give it to a beggar or buy food for a stray animal, what'd u do ?"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-30 16:51:55 yhji5b,,1,why is the weather medium hot every single day? why can't it go below 20C this isn't normal,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-30 17:01:45 yhjpqx,,3,what is zinc called in tunisian foudha wala n7ass,,,,,,,2022-10-30 17:08:47 yhjzql,,3,Chess game,Any chess players here down for a game ?,,,,,,2022-10-30 17:18:07 yhk4sv,,7,Making friends in this society is almost impossible,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-30 17:22:43 yhmav2,,1,where can I buy this or similar in Tunis?,,,,,,,2022-10-30 18:40:43 yhmuna,,2,Aman aamrou l form bech ma nfagasch (PFE),,,,,,,2022-10-30 19:02:48 yhnr2l,,1,Crypto gratuit 500dt/mois,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-30 19:39:02 yhof15,à_0800h/,8,Tunisair retard de 12h aujourd'hui vol à 08:00h vers Milan ne part pas jusqu'à maintenant.... sans aucune information ni vis à vis ni dedommagement ni excuses ni climatisation à l aéroport ! Quand est ce que qu elle sera privatisée la gazelle....,,,,,,,2022-10-30 20:05:20 yhoj6z,,1,Travel banned.,"I need some advice. So Someone I know got baned from travelling. The reason is simple he's Tunisian and decided to sue a French citizen. This person and somz of his friends had some business with a french dude but the latter decided to scam them when they made quite the sum. They decided to sue him and after a couple of years, our legal system saw it fit to issue a travel ban on all of the tunisians and let the french go. So now my question is, is there a way to lift the ban?",,,,,,2022-10-30 20:10:05 yhpa9c,,1,asking for help,"Hello everyone, I am having my first baccalaureate year and I got the papers ready but I forgot my signature, is it okay to have an another signature in place?",,,,,,2022-10-30 20:40:25 yhpdmx,,11,Spread the word. Tell your friends.,,,,,,,2022-10-30 20:44:06 yhpeho,,1,Affordable mental health care or therapy in Nabeul?,"I’ve been thinking of booking therapy sessions and address my underlying issues without breaking the bank (since I’m a college student) and I’ve only had a couple (albeit sporadic) sessions and even though I can’t assess their value as of right now I’m quite certain that they’re going to be costly (from a financial standpoint.) I know a handful of government hospitals in Tunis but I wonder if the regional hospital Mohamed Taher Maamouri had a psychiatric facility (I was informed that they inaugurated one in the last couple of years but I’m still unsure) I hope my question wasn’t too specific (I would definitely appreciate any input on this regardless of region as to help fellow Redditors find affordable therapy in their area as well.) and thank you.",,,,,,2022-10-30 20:45:03 yhpzhx,,5,Why is is a big deal when a woman makes a couscous especially to a guy?,"As the title suggests, couscous although really delicious and a traditional dish isn’t the most complicated or time consuming dish (in my opinion) nor is it relatively super romantic (in comparison with cake or something) so why is it a thing?? Confused please enlighten me....",,,,,,2022-10-30 21:08:02 yhqbkk,,1,it be like that.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-30 21:21:28 yhs62a,,1,where i can find good quality backpacks,"I only find shitty knock-off backpacks from Facebook that worth 50DT or a tunisianet/mytek backpacks from DELL/hp that only hold the laptop. Im a college student, I want a backpack that hold tech properly (like special hold for the mouse) and it can hold a water bottle and my kaftaji kaskroot to survive the day EDIT: water resistant is a plus , heda ken 7ann 3lina rabi w sbet el mtar",,,,,,2022-10-30 22:31:30 yhtzhv,,1,عدن عملة بنب مجانا,,,,,,,2022-10-30 23:34:58 yhz7e6,,1,So maybe weird question…,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-31 03:13:51 yi4m3x,,0,prepa geologie biologie comme deuxieme license,Ena nchalla sna net5arej Wn7b na3ref est ce que najm nod5ol na3ml prepa. I really wish I could be a vet ama el score mta3i mawasalich 5thit deplome o5ra ama ltaw mazelt N7b na9ra we nwalli vet est ce que possible ou non.,,,,,,2022-10-31 08:11:50 yi4m6m,,1,Permis B tunisien en France,"Aaslema ness lkoll , Aandi permis B tounsi khdhitou 9bal ma natla3 na9ra fi franca lmoddet 5 snin. Tawa kammalt 9rayti w nchalah dekhel nekhdim fi franca. Nheb naaref kifech najjim nbaddlou l permis français w est ce que faisable walle ? Merci !",,,,,,2022-10-31 08:12:00 yi5393,,3,How to start a conversation with a girl on social media?,I don't want those 'bonjour nejemo netaarfo style' i want something unique!,,,,,,2022-10-31 08:37:44 yi55sq,,0,"agree, disagree..","سألتُ صديقًا : من ستشجع في كأس العالم، عدا تونس طبعا. قال : لن أشجع تونس، سأشجع البرازيل فقط، لمَ أشجع بلدا لا أرى نفسي فيه لا مواطنا ولا إنسانا؟ Let's write in Arabic, sometimes at least.",,,,,,2022-10-31 08:41:01 yi80mo,,0,Why does South Americans consider themselves latinos even though they are not Italians while many tunisians don’t consider themselves arabs ?,"Why does South Americans consider themselves latinos even though they are not Italians while many tunisians don’t consider themselves arabs ? Latin Americans came mainly from iberia not the italian peninsula and have nothing to do with italians, and iberians are not latins they just speak latin languages and have latin culture which replaced their native iberian languages and culture when the Italian people invaded and romanized them in roman conquests My question is why does latin americans consider themselves latins and spain, Portugal [are grouped under latin europe]( even though they are ethnically different from italians, while a lot of tunisians don’t consider themselves arabs or arabic country even though it’s the exact same situation as latin America and latin europe ? Can this be explained as self contempt from tunisians toward themselves ? Edit: just a simple note everyone seem to not know it or ignore - **The Latins were originally an Italic tribe in ancient central Italy from Latium** - **spanish and Portuguese original spoke native iberian languages and practiced native iberian culture but it was wiped out when the italians/latins/romans invaded, massacred, killed,raped them** - **Spain and Portugal consider themselves latin european countries even though they are not ethnically latins/italians**",,,,,,2022-10-31 10:48:31 yi8xo0,,2,win najem naaml dreadlocks fi tunis?,,,,,,,2022-10-31 11:25:41 yicmgw,,0,Liberalism will ruin us,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-31 13:44:15 yid7ls,,11,What healthy snacks are available in Tunisia? With correct macros and calories,,,,,,,2022-10-31 14:07:44 yiemj4,,0,What are your political ideologies ?,"Please explain why you think that the ideology you have chosen will make Tunisia a better place. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-10-31 15:03:47 yif1v6,,0,why do you you say 'Mohamed is the only prophet' all the time?,Edit* I meant shahada sorry guys ( god and his last prophet Mohamed),,,,,,2022-10-31 15:20:23 yifk77,,3,Hey kafteji enjoyers ! im planning to turn leathercraft as a full time career since i find it cool and satisfying if you guys want to help me out check out these wallets and bracelets that i made i can make them according to the specifications of an individual buyer (hope you find them cool :),[removed],,,,,,2022-10-31 15:40:08 yigf4o,,2,where can I get cigars in Tunisia?,Is there a place near Centreville or Ariana? And what is the price range?,,,,,,2022-10-31 16:12:59 yihvmc,,4,how much 3d animators make in tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-10-31 17:07:36 yiibbn,,2,Did they delay autumn/winter?,"I live up in the north and it's still hot here. Like really hot. I think it has to do with the latest patch. They might be experimenting with the weather in order to collect data or something. In all seriousness, I'm really curious as to what could be causing this disturbance in the seasons' cycle. I'm not a weather expert, but i do know that things could differ from region to another. I have done some research and could not find a satisfying answer.",,,,,,2022-10-31 17:21:49 yil8ob,,27,What makes you love Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-10-31 18:57:59 yim3mb,,1,TLS CONTACT Internship france,hello!! so I got this internship in france and I need to be there by the end of december. But I am having difficulties in finding near RDVs in TLS contact! the nearest ones are in the of January 2023! anyone knows a way please to get a near RDV date ?,,,,,,2022-10-31 19:26:02 yim6sb,,0,Any girl from sfax ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-10-31 19:28:53 yipuh8,,3,Guys I need an explanation for this,"I have a problem like I can’t speak all of a sudden for no reason It’s not about speaking with peoples only sometimes it’s about reading: like i see the word and i know it but the letters refuse to come out like something is blocking me from talking and then i just have to say « i forgot what i was going to say xD » I wanna know why and what should I do ?",,,,,,2022-10-31 21:42:53 yir9nz,,3,Jcc,"Ahla ya twensa, do you recommend some movies hallayamet?",,,,,,2022-10-31 22:41:15 yis1y9,,19,Netflix+HBO+Prime+Hulu 0 - 1 Average Day in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-10-31 23:15:00 yit0av,,12,Abortion in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-10-31 23:57:04 yiy5qw,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-01 04:00:11 yiy6uf,,45,Oumouk tangou,,,,,,,2022-11-01 04:01:13 yizkb5,,8,A se*ual harassment case that happened in our town and literally blew our mind,"So a couple weeks ago a 13 years old kid got SAed and you might think it will not get worse but it did. His rapists were 3 of his classmates , three 13 y.o ,three KIDS. The good thing that the little boy told his parents and they immidiatly pressed charges against them. The three boys got caught and admitted to the crime and also said "" we just wanted to know what sex feels like, we wanted to rape a girl but none of the girls trusted us so we chose this boy because he's shy and have no friends."" The police officers were choked that they told everyone to be careful with their children and who interact with them. Also police called child services and took the three boys with them. The bad thing they can't go to اصلاحية because it's illegal for kids aged between 11-13 to go there but they send them to Child services to get some psychiatric help and also to wait for their 14th birthday so they can go to prison. It just crazy how ""sex"" is painted as a goal for young boys that they are willing to do a crime to get it or even be a victim of a female pedophile . It's sad that we don't have proper sex education and young people people get theirs from p0rn and random people from the streets.",,,,,,2022-11-01 05:14:32 yj0hos,,6,Why do people like to share their personal lives on the Internet?,"I'm asking genuinely btw, i don't get it. i mean, if you are in a fine place, doing/seeing something special or uncommon, that's fine, someone will appreciate that. but posting a picture of yourself drinking coffee? what's the catch? something is worth the offer i suppose.",,,,,,2022-11-01 06:07:13 yj36jj,,4,Let's argue (fast food edition),"Pizza sauce belongs in ma9loub or not, I see so many places that don't default put it in and some others that do, opinions?",,,,,,2022-11-01 08:42:59 yj3hlh,,1,Zara perfumes opinion,"Ladies (and gents please) is it just me, or do the Zara perfumes always turn rancid after a few hours? I have tried several of them, everytime the top notes smell great and for the first hour it's just amazing, but after a few hours, the middle/ base notes that remain are just so icky. Did anyone experience this too? And do you have alternatives? PS: just a quick anticipation before you tell me those are cheap and worthless and you should get real designer perfumes: I can't afford it. T-T",,,,,,2022-11-01 08:59:07 yj3uq8,,3,information about rhinoplasty,Hi I have a crooked nose bridge and it's kinda hard to breath with my nose as one side is almost blocked. I also have a lot of allergies so my nose is always stuffed. I'm considering having a rhinoplasty to correct my nose bridge and I was wondering if anyone have done it here in Tunis and what are the prices and the best doctors known in this country. Also is Tunisia a good destination for rhinoplasty? Any information you can provide will be helpful. Thanks.,,,,,,2022-11-01 09:18:29 yj4cbx,,7,suggest me books,"I want books on self development and developing some soft skills that help socially and professionaly around the company, also where can I find it?",,,,,,2022-11-01 09:47:32 yj52js,,1,المرصد التونسي للاقتصاد: رفع الدعم عن المحروقات سيُعيق الجهاز الإنتاجي ويمس من الحقوق الأساسية للمواطنين,,,,,,,2022-11-01 10:26:51 yj61sx,,13,I'm selling printed books.,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-01 11:20:09 yj6cfn,,2,"I'm looking to gain mass, what protein powder would you recommend?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-01 11:35:28 yj6eul,,5,Can you recommend good organizations to join in order to meet people and make friends?,"Hello, I am working now full time and after university I lost contact of all my university friends. I want to join an organization that won't take much time from me since I am working full time. The purpose of this for me is mainly to meet people, make friends and break out of the routine.",,,,,,2022-11-01 11:39:01 yj6h7k,,3,how to go to djerba from tunis with public transportation?,,,,,,,2022-11-01 11:42:24 yj7ihb,,1,Only Tunisians will understand...,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-01 12:32:58 yj7jkq,,6,Trying to rent an AirBnb in Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-01 12:34:24 yj7jlz,,1,Only Tunisians will understand...,,,,,,,2022-11-01 12:34:27 yj82mk,,1,Visiting in February,"Hello Guys, to continue on travelling all arab countries, I‘d love to go to tunisia in February, but couldn’t find any info on the seasonal weather - especially on the coast/inland difference. Is it cold to spend a few nights in the desert? will i need to bring my rain jacket? Or do you have any tips in general for me? thank you so much in advance",,,,,,2022-11-01 12:59:50 yj8jtr,,4,investing in Tunisia,"Hello guys , i just got my first salary , in your opinion , In what can i invest my money in Tunisia ? Putting in my mind that i'm talking about a small amount of money not millions since its my first salary. And thaank you !",,,,,,2022-11-01 13:20:50 yj96of,,4,is Kais the next Erdogan?,"There are a lot of similarities : *Both are islamist *Both did a referendum to change their countries from a parliamentary system to a presidential one *Both are tall mfs(jk) *Both have a solid foundation of supporters but also a divided opposition *Both were raised in a period when their countries were ruled by nationalist leaders that made them reject nationalism and embrace islamism *Both are leading a country with a broken economy Do you think kais will follow in erdogan's steps and become a dictator(at least become decent in economics) or will he become the next Gaddafi (minus the ressources/wealth of the country)?",,,,,,2022-11-01 13:48:37 yjah32,,47,What u guys think about this?,,,,,,,2022-11-01 14:42:08 yjbubk,,2,"I wonder if reddit tunisians are muslims or secret atheist/others afraid from their society, are you muslim ?","Are you muslim ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-01 15:37:04 yjbyks,,2,Sommet de la Francophonie: Plus de 90 responsables de haut niveau confirment leur présence à Djerba - Tunisie,,,,,,,2022-11-01 15:41:46 yjct6a,,3,chkoun ya3ref win t'unlocki locked icloud iphone,,,,,,,2022-11-01 16:11:24 yjeng5,,2,OCD in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-01 17:16:02 yjeyz6,,3,Good place in Nabeul for a 1st date?,Any recommendation to a cozy place,,,,,,2022-11-01 17:27:20 yjf8nw,,2,Mid-End Workstation laptop in tunisia shops,"Hello Tunisian Designers, I am looking to buy a workstation laptop for 3D architectural design and 2D animation ( 3dsmax+Vray and After effect). My budget is between 4K and 4.6K and that's the maximum amount that I can afford. Mainly, I need an I7 cpu with 24mo cache memory so I can do 3D modeling with no headache + RTX 3060 and 24+ GO Ram. I have find this laptop as the best offer to go with : The question 9al irajeil is : does there any other suitable offer in tunisia? IPS: I don't want to go for a PC build, I need a laptop for now PS2: I need an expert advice who understand the GPU and CPU fonction with 3dsmax,Vray and after effect, media encoder in term of performance and rendering production time. Thank you for your time 😘",,,,,,2022-11-01 17:36:26 yjfeqw,,1,Is it actually possible to buy a car to its normal price and not paying double of the price because of taxes ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-01 17:42:08 yjfi46,,3,List of supermarkets that sell alcohol in grand Tunis?,"Let's help each other: Carrefour La Marsa Monoprix Marsa plage (not Zephyr) Monoprix Lafayette Monoprix Menzah 6 MG Mutuelleville Géant Tunis City Géant Azur City What else?",,,,,,2022-11-01 17:45:21 yjfufe,,16,tunisian saul goodman,,,,,,,2022-11-01 17:57:00 yjhjkn,,5,"do you have any idea/theory on why they call it ""9assa 3arbi"" ?",,,,,,,2022-11-01 18:53:44 yjhw39,,1,have u a problem with translation tasks,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-01 19:05:21 yji0mk,,24,What are we going to do with this joke of a president?,,,,,,,2022-11-01 19:09:43 yjkh3f,,2,Where can I find/buy authentic dr. martens in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-11-01 20:33:30 yjkpqx,,3,Movie recommendations in jcc .,No specific genre.,,,,,,2022-11-01 20:42:17 yjkvgo,,2,"Hamilcar Barca wanting to conquer Spain after Rome took Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica",,,,,,,2022-11-01 20:48:03 yjkwb4,,3,Passport Renewal,Do you guys know if there is any time limitation to renew the passport ? Someone told me that you cannot renew it if it is expiring in more than 6 months but don’t know if this is correct,,,,,,2022-11-01 20:48:55 yjllbp,,5,Should Austria become the new destination for tunisian students?,"Most people have a debate around which country is better out of France and Germany. I personally believe that Austria is the best destination for tunisians students since France's filled with anti immigrat sentiments and Germany's inflation is flying off the roof and visa conditions are harsher than ever",,,,,,2022-11-01 21:14:28 yjmm3j,,5,Looking for a good math teacher in nabeul,"Former bac sciences students from nabeul, who would u recommend as a math teacher . I m struggling to find a good one and exams are super close . Please help 😭😭😭",,,,,,2022-11-01 21:55:55 yjop8u,,26,"Fellow Tunisians, what do we gain from the Arab League? Any economic or political benefits?",,,,,,,2022-11-01 23:19:15 yjs36p,,4,Building a PC / Buying a prebuild,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-02 01:47:53 yjyrx0,,1,Is it possible to buy a car in Tunisia from its actual price without using FCR?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-02 07:42:48 yjz0uz,,2,Questions about visiting Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-02 07:58:33 yjzg90,,1,Can you actually buy a car to its real price range in Tunisia without FCR ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-02 08:24:42 yjzt0y,,1,Tunisia tourist visa got rejected by ministry of Tunsia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-02 08:46:45 yjzupx,,6,Tunisia tourist visa got rejected by ministry of Tunsia,"Even though I have a good travel history. Submitted every documents, with accommodation proofs.Any specific reasons there could be for rejection?",,,,,,2022-11-02 08:49:54 yk067e,,1,Best solution for diarrhea? Pills!?,,,,,,,2022-11-02 09:10:18 yk0api,,2,Is there a place where you can purchase Surfboards around Tunis ?,,,,,,,2022-11-02 09:17:51 yk1hm5,,1,what ADHD meds i can buy ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-02 10:25:44 yk1iq1,,3,Is there any blackjack places in Tunis or Sahel,"I'm not talking about Online places, I'm looking for a real casino or place in tunis or sahel where you can play some blackjack.",,,,,,2022-11-02 10:27:28 yk1nlw,,4,We never heard Sbou3i’s surname,Lyoum fe9t,,,,,,2022-11-02 10:34:50 yk1vgc,,5,Will you participate in the parliamentary elections next month? And why,"باش تشارك في الانتخابات البرلمانية في ديسمبر؟ وعلاش؟ [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-02 10:46:41 yk29oq,,1,what ADHD meds i can buy,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-02 11:07:52 yk2iby,,1,love this song,,,,,,,2022-11-02 11:20:15 yk2w1m,,3,"Best application websites to learn ""code de conduite"".",,,,,,,2022-11-02 11:40:06 yk342j,,4,Female Mobile Gamers in MENA,"Hello! If you're a female mobile gamer in MENA with an avid love for mobile games, can you please fill this survey? Please DM me if you need any more info. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-11-02 11:51:01 yk467a,,36,Tunisian startup Paymee signs partnership with e-commerce giant Shopify,,,,,,,2022-11-02 12:39:16 yk4chi,,3,Delays with Tunisair - General rights,"After seeing some posts about delays with Tunisair (which seems to be more frequent everyday), here is a reminder, for all of us that are suffering from delays with the airline. Here is a link to start the compensation/claim process with Tunisair : []( As a general rule, **when flying from or to a country from the EU, and reaching destination with more than 3 hours after the scheduled time of arrival, you are entitled to a compensation**. Here is a summary of your right, as you can be entitled to more compensation depending on what happens (denied boarding, broken luggage, etc..) : [\_en.htm]( Also, be aware that most companies try to deny the compensation. But in the end, it's a law, and they are required to adhere to it. Extraordinary circumstances are well defined, and if in doubt, you can check it online. Lastly, if you find yourself stuck during the request, and if you wish to have a team representing your case, you can find numerous websites that will process the request for you, but they will then take a percentage of your compensation for their work (usually, you don't need to pay anything upfront, it's just taken from your compensation). Let's hope Tunisair will improve, as we all want to have a flag carrier we are proud of. Every action will have an impact, and that's how we can try to improve things as customers.",,,,,,2022-11-02 12:47:30 yk4ggf,,126,آخر طلعات دولتنا ال*بورة,,,,,,,2022-11-02 12:52:24 yk7vht,,0,El Dawla Wel Wataniya Mayefhmou ken bel Pressure So Here is an Idea.,"el mo9at3a and a bunch of bullshit protests at this point will mean nothing to kais or anyone, they only care about stability to portray a good international image so in short, we should convince everyone to mass report el wataniya's social media accounts till they start paying creators or el dawla takes serious action to stop el wataniya from stealing content. false reports are typically ignored by algorithms but in case of mass false reports the algorithm typically freaks out and bans the page anyway so it will work it happened before on youtube and other platforms and we can pull it off.",,,,,,2022-11-02 15:13:58 yk9k0t,,1,إنشاء فضاء رقمي وطني وتحقيق الإستقلالية فيما يخص نشر المحتوى في إطار غير خاضع للإحتكار وقواعد الشركات الرقمية الأجنبية بما يضمن ديمومة مواقع التواصل والإتصال الوطنية،,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-02 16:19:25 ykdhmx,,1,ماذا لو انخفضت الجذبية الي النصف,,,,,,,2022-11-02 18:51:11 ykejd1,,5,Travel to tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-02 19:29:45 ykeven,,3,D17,"Is it good ? Can you use it frequently? And tge negative things about it ?",,,,,,2022-11-02 19:40:55 ykf42o,,0,are you going to vote in the upcoming elections?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-02 19:48:47 ykf56i,,1,Why aren't we recognizing it tho?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-02 19:49:49 ykfkdf,,31,cops vs me ( round 3 ),"just got pulled over of a taxi by the cops, got searched, they found the weed (1g) they found 530 d, they paid 4 d the taxi driver, took 500 (left me with 26 d yarhem weldihom ) and they released me saying and i quote : ""hak hchitou to7t bweld 7lel"".",,,,,,2022-11-02 20:03:33 yki2ef,,8,Tourism recommendations re:revolution and democracy?,"This is maybe cringey of me, but I was 13 during the Arab Spring and since then I've always been so captivated by Tunisia ever since it really emerged as the best democracy to come out of it. I know things aren't perfect politically there (they sure aren't here in the USA either), but it's something that's held my attention for years now. I'm considering travelling to Tunisia this summer. Is there anything to be done to celebrate this? A museum or plaza or something about the Tunisian Revolution or democracy? (And if you have any other tourist recommendations, feel free to comment as well!) Thanks in advance :)",,,,,,2022-11-02 21:27:54 ykjcsq,,1,and what should we do in tunisia plz,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-02 22:11:35 ykjmqs,,30,Netflix+HBO+Prime+Hulu 0 - 2 Average Day in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-11-02 22:20:48 ykk1e6,,2,is there any non religious psychiatrist/therapist/psychologist in tunisia?,"As the title says, especially in monastir or any cities that are close to it. I'm not muslim and I have serious religious trauma and I'd like someone who will understand me instead of invalidating me, and when I was a muslim i tried rukyah, reading Quran,pray etc and it didn't help me with my mental illness at all.",,,,,,2022-11-02 22:33:59 ykkqyx,,3,Brass knuckles in tunisia,Is there any way one can get brass knuckles in tunisia and if so where? and is it legal or no,,,,,,2022-11-02 22:57:49 ykls4o,/r/ChoufliHal/comments/yklq7d/choufli_hal_whats_next/,2,"Choufli hal, what’s next ?",,,,,,,2022-11-02 23:33:32 yklva3,,2,How to watch it?,"Do you watch Choufli Hal? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-02 23:36:42 ykmnsn,,0,The Bezness,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-03 00:07:16 ykox0k,,0,we're i can found a shooting club like this in Tunisia ofc,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-03 01:46:54 ykw9l0,,3,What are the leading AI oriented and data science companies in Tunisia?,"I'm a computer science student looking for internships and I want to know more about the AI and data science field in Tunisia. I was wondering what are the big and prominent names in this industry. Btw this sub reddit is gold",,,,,,2022-11-03 08:32:36 ykwutz,,28,Is it ok to go to fac by motorcycle or is it cringe?,"I mean, the small motorcycles (without licence plates)",,,,,,2022-11-03 09:05:33 ykz79g,,14,Bourse de University of Western Australia,,,,,,,2022-11-03 10:55:26 ykzyr8,,11,Any tips for dealing with social anxiety in Tunisia?,I have had social anxiety since I was 9 years old. I was born in a gulf country and came to Tunisia just 2 months ago. I struggle with my accent alot (which doesn't help my situation). Any tips for how can I be more talkative?,,,,,,2022-11-03 11:26:28 yl06aw,,1,Looking for a good english teacher,"For individual online courses Please contact me via private message",,,,,,2022-11-03 11:34:51 yl0844,,0,عسلامة بربي بش نسال توا اني نخدم contractuelle و بش نصب فيزا نشاله اما اني salaire تجيني علي edinar بش تقلق لحكاية في صبان فيزا و لا ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-03 11:36:58 yl1aea,,2,Anyone can help me please ? i want to apply for a visa to spain and as u see i work contrcual with company and my salary is deposited in E-dinar i want to ask if it will cause a problems and do you have suggestions ?,,,,,,,2022-11-03 12:18:01 yl3rob,,7,What would you do with 1 Million TND?,if you somehow earned 1 million dinars in tunisia what would you spend it/invest it on?,,,,,,2022-11-03 14:06:45 yl48v1,,8,"I don't try to be racist, but why the SAHEL people always trying to have independent things over the other part of the country and hate everyone who is not from them and trying to stay and have some business or house or career there, ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-03 14:26:47 yl50si,,2,Can we buy Spotify subscription with any Bank cards?,,,,,,,2022-11-03 14:59:14 yl67om,,1,From where can i buy pixel,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-03 15:46:19 yl686h,,2,From where can i buy pixel 6,,,,,,,2022-11-03 15:46:50 yl6hh1,,2,hyperbeast,,,,,,,2022-11-03 15:56:42 yl6lns,,1,Jelwa: This Bridalwear From Tunisia Is Unique For Its Perfect Square Shape And Gold Embroidery,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-03 16:01:16 yl6px9,,3,What if you retire tomorrow,"We had this conversation today at work: If you were to go into retirement tomorrow, what is the amount of money you should have to allow you to live for the rest of your life without work. I'm not talking about answers like: a gazillion dinars or 100 billion dollars. I'm talking about a realistic sum that will allow you to live comfortably without working.",,,,,,2022-11-03 16:05:56 yl9kt9,,1,The issue of increasing day by day violence fi moknine continues to be ignored.,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-03 17:57:16 ylaf6g,,2,sick cat,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-03 18:25:51 ylb55e,,1,2 years for 12 cops for OMAR that fair?,,,,,,,2022-11-03 18:51:33 ylbl0r,,2,How would you split this sub into categories?,"For me the categories would be *50% Tunisians living in Tunisia *30% Tunisian expats *10% Tunisian born abroad *10% not Tunisians",,,,,,2022-11-03 19:06:23 ylbmpn,,7,"Where’s 🇹🇳? According to the IMF, Intl Monetary Fund, this is how the $100 Trillion World Economy breaks down",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-03 19:08:01 ylbtlo,,3,Best way to travel from Sousse to Tataouine for a solo Male U.K. tourist ? Would also like to see other historical sights etc while on the way there and back.,"Hi all looking for help as I don’t fancy booking through my main tour operator as they charge a fortune. I would be looking to travel as early as possible on the first day and return the following night with one overnight stay, as only coming to visit for one week. Would you say it would be safe to catch public transport? Or would I be better trying to sort through a local agent once there ? Also any ideas on the costs would be a massive help.",,,,,,2022-11-03 19:14:28 ylbwnb,,2,"Is getting an internship at a company mandatory for PFE licence (computer science)? Can you work on a project of your own , and would that negatively impact the grade (regardless of quality of work)?","I know getting an internship would be a better choice down the line (for getting experience and all).. but, I just need some clarification. Any insight would be appreciated. thanks",,,,,,2022-11-03 19:17:24 ylcals,,6,Studying isn't fun anymore,"Up until last year ,I used to enjoy studying but now it feels like a chore especially the main subjects math and physics which every time I try to study I just get overwhelmed and then give up especially since I didn't follow much in class+in physics I'm lacking behind on what I studied last year(I'm 3eme math,fil physique manjmch na3mel 7ata calcul chimique ouzid mani fehem chy mil moment li howa suppose ou nkoun fehmou bich najem nkamel na9rah e sne) Everytime I try to study the main subjects I just give up and end up using my phone especially since I'm used to study in etude/get the hang of it there+now that I'm 3eme math I have to be up to date in which I wasn't+I'm in a private HS that has harder exams than normal highschools(I used to be able to get 15 total score last year but now I'm doubting if I'm ever going to pass the year) Should I just to switch to bac eco or bac info(I know it will be harder since I have to learn either gestion or HTML but I have a gaming pc that I don't use too often so that could be of service ,I have a growing interest in geography/history and a growing disinterest in geometry/physics,I also have an algebraic type brain(I excel in ""règle de trois""/simple divisions)) What should I do?",,,,,,2022-11-03 19:31:57 ylcmqr,,1,"tetchad 3ala jounta 30 sne, toktel rouh 3amin. ""العدالة"" at its finest",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-03 19:44:51 ylcmyj,,1,guys I want to ask can I start doing degital marketing in Tunisia without having PayPal and did someone of you try it before and can someone tell us how to do it because I ve heard a lot of people make a lot of money from it,,,,,,,2022-11-03 19:45:04 ylcv3n,,1,if you come with video projector lazer in your bagage,"do you get f\* by the diwana in the airport i know that if you come with big tv you get f\* but what about lazer projector espcialy courte focale",,,,,,2022-11-03 19:53:16 ylejjg,,7,why do people support abir moussa,"I am genuinely asking She seems like a crazy narcissistic/maniac Karen who is obsessed with power. Ps : i had psychology class in uni and she doesn't seem normal... Ps: kais also went nuts after covid",,,,,,2022-11-03 20:51:34 ylepj3,,1,Do tunisians consume plant-based milks ?,"Dear fellow tunisian people, what do you think is the demand for the plant-based milks in Tunisia ? Almond milk, oat milk... Do you actually consume this type of milk ? Do you even consider doing so ? If so why you are not consuming it, is it the price or any other factors? Thanks for taking the time to respond, I'm asking this since I want to consume this type of milk but I find it difficult to do so mainly due to its high price.",,,,,,2022-11-03 20:57:28 yleqzu,,1,Movies in Tunisia?,"Hi , I would like to know if there are good movie theaters in Tunisia, do they show lot of different movies, blockbusters too? And is there a tv- show in Tunisia about upcoming movies? Thanks in advance!",,,,,,2022-11-03 20:58:54 ylf7cn,,1,"Do you think it is safe to wear a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia? I have Jewish friends asking me this question, I am thinking of doing this as a social experiment, do y'all think it is dangerous? after all we are the so called only democracy in the arab world",,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:14:21 ylf80b,,1,wearing Kippah in the streets of Tunisia (Y/N),[removed],,,,,,2022-11-03 21:15:02 ylf8td,,1,"Do you think it is safe to wear a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia? I have Jewish friends asking me this question, I am thinking of doing this as a social experiment, do y'all think it is dangerous?",,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:15:46 ylf9hz,,1,"Do you think it is safe to wear a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia? I am thinking of doing this as a social experiment, do y'all think it is dangerous, or what would be the reactions.",,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:16:22 ylf9r9,,1,"Do you think it is safe to wear a Kippa in the streets of Tunisia? I am thinking of doing this as a social experiment, do y'all think it is dangerous, or what would be the reactions.",,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:16:36 ylfax3,,1,"Do you think it is safe to wear a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia? I am thinking of doing this as a social experiment, what would be the reactions.",,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:17:44 ylfbew,,1,"Do you think it is safe to wear a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia? I am thinking of doing this as a social experiment, what would be the reactions.",,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:18:13 ylfby3,,1,Do you think it is safe to wear a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:18:41 ylfcue,,1,Do you think it is okay to wear a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia? what do you think would be the reactions? I am thinking of doing this as a social experience,,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:19:33 ylfdfd,,1,Do you think it is okey to walk with a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia? what do you think would be the reactions? I am thinking of doing this as a social experience,,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:20:05 ylfdoy,,1,Kippah,,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:20:18 ylfdvt,,1,Do you think it is okay to wear a K-ippah in the streets of Tunisia? what do you think would be the reactions? I am thinking of doing this as a social experience,,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:20:29 ylfe6n,,1,Do you think it is okay to wear a Jewish hat in the streets of Tunisia? what do you think would be the reactions? I am thinking of doing this as a social experience,,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:20:46 ylfes1,,1,Do you think that hannibal Barca would've fight for Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:21:21 ylfh0p,,1,"As a Tunisian jew, would it be fine for me to walk in the streets of Tunisia saying who am I?",,,,,,,2022-11-03 21:23:27 ylfhue,,1,how can i travel to tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-03 21:24:15 ylkmpy,,2,"Can I sue a Tunisian woman in Tunis for using me for money and gifts and then all of a sudden saying she doesn’t have feelings anymore and then blocked me ? After multiple flights from the US to Tunisia over $20,000 in gifts over $15,000 in cash",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-04 01:06:12 ylo8hr,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-11-04 04:00:11 ylpyl5,,10,Can I stay in Tunisia after marrying Tunisian husband?,We are trying to find out the logistics of this. I'm an American woman wanting to marry my Tunisian bf in Tunisia. But what is the process after this so I can stay in Tunisia with him? I don't have a Tunisian job.,,,,,,2022-11-04 05:35:01 ylrd6b,,4,bnj,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-04 07:00:55 ylrfd9,,8,How do we feel about this 2 year sentence?,"I'm not a fan of soccer but I heard about the police raid on the court and gassing and beating people up but what caught my attention was the boy that drowned because the cop didn't help him and told him ""T3allem 3oum"", some said he hit him too with his baton. Though, he wasn't detained or fired and got a 2 year sentence. How do you guys feel about this? What do you think will happen after this order?",,,,,,2022-11-04 07:04:45 ylrjzq,,9,Mental Health Awarness and Care in Tunisia: Let's talk experiences,"This subject is dear to me cause I have suffered and seen people around me suffer from it. Unfortuantly in 2022, it is still frowned upon and shamefull to suggest or admit that yourself or someone around you has mental health issues to others sometimes even to your own family. I will share my experience in replies and I wish this can be considered as a safe space to share anonymously your own about dealing with mental health issues in Tunisia: When/ how did you realise it? How did you deal with it at first? Family and friends reaction? If you seeked professional help how was it? ..",,,,,,2022-11-04 07:12:32 yls9kn,,0,Visa abroad,"Good morning I'm looking to get out for working i have a sibking in germany i wanna know what are the procedures to get a touristic visa while i am jobless now. Or how to get a fake contract and how my bro can help me? Any other recommendations are appreciated. I have two certificates in restauratns and haircut.",,,,,,2022-11-04 07:58:52 ylsmvr,,3,Streaming for everyone - Upload speeds radically increase,"Sources here: Test yours too, let's see if everyone got the upgrade.",,,,,,2022-11-04 08:22:51 ylt34s,,7,future of Tunisia,"Do you think Tunisia will get better next coming years ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-04 08:47:12 yltd3h,,2,Thoughts about Tunisia 7,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-04 09:02:48 ylti58,,1,What is the best lablebi in centre ville tunis?,,,,,,,2022-11-04 09:10:59 yltiwk,,1,Best lablebi in centre ville Tunis ?,,,,,,,2022-11-04 09:11:55 yltxox,,0,"We are the Faith Guardians of the #LGBT+ liberal rainbow Islam. The only modern Islamic teaching. Our superprophet gave us a #LGBT Quran. Just pray the new 12 commandments towards our @HolyKaaba_LGBT one time a day, to join our Islam. Order the Quran:",,,,,,,2022-11-04 09:31:34 yluaal,,11,Best coffee you ever had,"I quit drinking coffee more than a year ago, just as an experiment. Thought I’d keep it up for a month or two but I immediately noticed the benefits (better sleep, increased productivity) so here I am with a year (and roughly two months) coffeeless streak on my belt. Aaand now, I wanna get back to it but I dont wanna walk into any coffee shop, get me a burnt ass cappucin or express and ruin the momentum of my experience. So what are some of the best coffee places you’ve been to (in terms of taste, kick…) and why? Le big thank.",,,,,,2022-11-04 09:48:59 yluxow,,15,is 400 + civp a good salary for a self taught web dev? it's my first job.,"Title Edit : right now I take 600 with civp. And I was told in 3 months if I show good work I'll receive 800 with civp",,,,,,2022-11-04 10:20:34 ylw8og,,3,I can't find anything to talk about with people,"High school was tough for me, I only hung out and talked with some old friends, then university happened (moved to another state) and somehow I became quite the social person(befriended new people, got along well enough with nearly everybody, got invited to gatherings, outings and parties), started work afterwards in my original town (as a nurse) but I found out it wasn't for me, so I pursued a second licence in computer science, problem is, it's been 3 weeks and I barely talked with anyone, the few times I tried, it developed into a cringy, awkward silence that I couldn't do anything about.",,,,,,2022-11-04 11:18:59 ylwatl,,14,"Tunisian Jew/ Shalom, Do you think it is safe to wear a Kippah in the streets of Tunisia? I have Jewish friends asking me this question, I am thinking of doing this as a social experiment, do y'all think it is dangerous? after all we are the so called only democracy in the Arab world",,,,,,,2022-11-04 11:21:21 ylxh7q,,7,what is this namous,,,,,,,2022-11-04 12:16:51 ylyhrz,,1,test,,,,,,,2022-11-04 13:03:49 ym10xg,,4,Online Payment,"Hi, I was wondering if there are any ways to pay for online services like spotify or airbnb...etc in Tunisia? giving the fact that you cant convert to USD and its hard or impossible to get a card that uses USD currency to pay for anything, but are there any ways or alternatives to pay for such services?",,,,,,2022-11-04 14:50:12 ym14w6,,52,"Now, imagine if Tunisia had good moderate sunny weather. One can only dream.",,,,,,,2022-11-04 14:54:46 ym1dqp,,6,Tunisians in Turkey,"Are there any Tunisians who lived at some point of their life or are living in Turkey at the moment here? I’m considering moving there because (I know it’s cliché XD but) I like the culture and the country in general. I also have a decent knowledge of Turkish (B1 speaking and B2 for the rest). I’m very much aware of the problems occurring there but I’d to get the opinion of twensa specifically. What are you working in? Is it easy to find a job for a foreigner? Is it cheap? Please share your experience with me.",,,,,,2022-11-04 15:04:46 ym1gdn,,1,Where can I buy a body pillow ?,,,,,,,2022-11-04 15:07:41 ym3l9d,,1,Random thought,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-04 16:33:29 ym5a1d,,1,finally it's raining. hamdou lellah,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-04 17:41:39 ym5pgl,,1,"anyone have any knowledge about bac international "" Cambridge "" ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-04 17:58:49 ym6c0y,,3,Why is the TN car market crazy expensive ?,"Genuine question Edit: thank you everyone for clarifying :)",,,,,,2022-11-04 18:23:03 ym6hxt,,1,Tunisian Football Fans,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-04 18:29:37 ym7lsm,,0,"🙄🔎Looking for Freelance VAs / CMs, preferably creative ✅. Full Remote Possible✅. Work hours according to choice✅.","This is for Sintegra Consulting's marketing team. Here are the application links (expect an entry test, or two 🤣) for the profiles we are currently looking for 👇 💻 [Virtual Assistant]( 👨🏿‍🦱👩🏿‍🦲👧🏿👧🏼👨🏽[Community Manager]( &#x200B; If you want, you can have transverse tasks, for example working as an assistant and learning graphic design / or video at the same time.. We encourage you explore the skills that interest you and accompany you with trainings and follow ups / feedback (this is online) Advantages 🔹 Very attractive salary adapted to the level of experience 🔹 🔹 pleasant working environment + possibility of remote work 🔹 🔹 Work hours according to your choice 🔹 &#x200B; PS: I been in the team for three years now and I can testify that it's an enriching experience (besides being a convenient one): Competent people, great growth mindset, you get encouraged when you do good work 🚀 &#x200B; Anyone interested? Any idea where I can find peops who might be interested? 🤔",,,,,,2022-11-04 19:13:55 ym81r6,,7,what do you think about religion in tunisia? I have been living in another country for 9 years and Tunisians have a closed mind about it,,,,,,,2022-11-04 19:31:18 ym8ggg,,1,What is your opinion the Tunisian girl that imitated the Quran and made surah coronavirus in 2020 ?,,,,,,,2022-11-04 19:47:52 ym9spo,,1,What's the percentage of flexitarians in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-04 20:40:39 ymc2fi,,0,sexy twerking,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-04 22:13:23 ymcn7y,,1,is 1700 dt enough as a salary,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-04 22:37:39 ymed54,,23,is it legal to have a capybara in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-11-04 23:51:40 yml4rl,,1,is it illegal to have centralized digital assets that worth money ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 05:26:22 ymoiv1,,4,VoIP Tunisian numbers,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-05 08:48:52 ympnf3,,136,قيس سعيد: الدستور الحقيقي هو ما كتبه الشباب على الجدران. الشباب على الجدران:,,,,,,,2022-11-05 09:58:14 ymqus0,,1,can i use a tunisian credit card on spotify ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-05 11:04:54 ymqxjz,,3,can i use a tunisian credit card on spotify ?,I am using a paysera credit card now and i pay 11eur every month for a family subscribtion and i noticed that when you change the country to tunisia the subscription become 20tnd but you need a tunisian methode payment so can i use a regulatmr credit card or card technologique ?,,,,,,2022-11-05 11:08:43 ymrfi1,صقيع/,13,"How to avoid getting ""صقيع""",I'm sick and tired of it every winter,,,,,,2022-11-05 11:33:29 yms2ax,,1,What's the percentage of flexitarians in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 12:04:42 ymtwj6,,1,Top up in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 13:26:44 ymuin5,,10,christian Tunisian,"I wanted to see how life for Christians Is here , have they experienced any discrimination, wholesome stories that happened to them. Frequent questions that are asked to them .",,,,,,2022-11-05 13:50:40 ymuxnp,,3,Looking for a teacher,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-05 14:06:45 ymvvag,,9,Elon Musk makes offer to buy Tunisian-Mauritanian telecoms operator.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-05 14:40:36 ymvz20,,1,Average kaïs saïd Activities.,,,,,,,2022-11-05 14:44:28 ymw4j9,,4,Bsisa,"Hi, I was given to try some Bsisa from a person in passing to try. I don’t have there contact details. Does anyone know where to buy bsisa online? Can you give any brand names? Any help is appreciated! Thanks!",,,,,,2022-11-05 14:50:03 ymwxn5,,1,"a new day, a new victim of police brutality. Allah yarhem Rabii Chihaoui",,,,,,,2022-11-05 15:19:42 ymxco1,,58,Now we know why Spotify decided to give the Tunisian market some attention.,,,,,,,2022-11-05 15:34:54 ymyyqf,,12,"Guys , I want to go algeria next week , any informations about where to go and transport , accommodations , papers ...",,,,,,,2022-11-05 16:34:31 yn0wf1,,1,How well can you understand Maltese?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 17:44:49 yn1wjm,,1,making my girlfriend's wish come true,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 18:21:14 yn1zl2,,1,How to study ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 18:24:17 yn2imr,,1,studio Ghibli,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 18:44:14 yn3fwh,,1,Where to find competent product designers in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 19:19:40 yn3zlc,,1,What online service do you need so badly in Tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 19:40:15 yn5r9j,,3,why do you hate tunisia ? add why if you do.,,,,,,,2022-11-05 20:50:15 yn7wxn,,1,Twitch,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-05 22:10:03 ynf4nx,,1,Okay Tunisians let's settle this debate,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-06 03:12:36 ynj3jf,,1,in-game purchases,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 06:52:14 ynkjbt,,0,الطراك الجديد ديالي، آش بان ليكوم ؟,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 08:21:19 ynknnp,,3,Do you recommend a weekend in Tozeur in early December ? What’s the weather like ?,,,,,,,2022-11-06 08:29:01 ynl1bq,,1,"hello, I am from sousse. I have 2.5k that in want to spend on a nice trip. do you have any recommendations?",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 08:53:56 ynl26e,,1,"hello, I'm firm sousse. I have 2.5k that I want to spend on a nice trip for 2 people, so you have any recommendations? I plan on going in December.",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 08:55:30 ynl67e,,1,what would you recommend for a trip in December for 2 people from sousse? I have a 2.5k budget,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 09:02:36 ynls30,,5,Any marriage ideas?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-06 09:41:07 ynmfd0,,7,Are there even working Radars in Tunisia?,"If yes, where? (Fixed Radars)",,,,,,2022-11-06 10:21:44 ynmt7i,,1,Is what they are saying true about the milk industry? enjoy slapping your foreheads...,,,,,,,2022-11-06 10:45:51 ynn4ip,,0,how do peaple still wanna become teachers ?,"seriously how ?low pay ,lots of work hours ,dead end job .Still some of my friends think it s a good idea to pursue education lol. in 2022 if you are not pursuing a career in tech then you are tripping for a little context I am 19",,,,,,2022-11-06 11:04:20 ynoc1y,,1,God of war ragnarok,,,,,,,2022-11-06 12:11:20 ynoynp,,1,Help needed,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 12:43:17 ynp0do,,12,اين ذهبت بڨرات التونسيين؟,,,,,,,2022-11-06 12:45:41 ynplst,,1,avg income,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 13:13:31 ynqsvm,,1,is it legal to have 3 tests a day ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-06 14:06:39 ynra4a,,7,do you consider yourself religious ?,,,,,,,2022-11-06 14:26:03 ynrexm,,0,wtf?,,,,,,,2022-11-06 14:31:22 ynrq2u,,1,"the subject ""Arabic"" sucks",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 14:43:55 ynrrgh,,1,can you study psychology in tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-11-06 14:45:25 ynsg2t,,18,"why do i speak perfect english / french in my head, but sound really bad when i speak it out loud, is it because im used to speaking tounsi everyday, any help how to get better",,,,,,,2022-11-06 15:09:27 ynsqep,,1,[Urgent] Anyone know a pharma lab open this sunday on tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 15:19:12 ynsw1j,,12,"The reason why Tunisia dropped its ""Open Software Policy"" and Why Microsoft agreed to give Ben Ali the source code for MS Windows and MS Office.","Since the Intellectual property rights subject is trending lately and because the new laws will change the Tunisian IT scene in the upcoming months, I would like to remind r/Tunisia of one of the reasons The Ben Ali regime opted for ""the chaotic evil"" approach and سيّب الماء على البطيخ. &#x200B; >According to a cable sent by the US embassy in Tunis on 22 September, 2006, Microsoft was so keen to get the Tunisian government to ***drop its policy favouring open-source software*** that it agreed to set up a ""program on cyber criminality "" to cover training. The deal also entailed the company giving the Tunisian regime, headed by President Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, ***the original source code for Microsoft software***. &#x200B; >In turn, the GOT agreed to purchase 12,000 licences to update government computers with official Microsoft software, ***rather than the pirated versions that have been commonly used***, according to one Microsoft employee. Since 2001, the GOT adopted an open software policy, using only free software programs. &#x200B; [The full report and leaked files.](",,,,,,2022-11-06 15:24:26 ynuksr,,0,mrbeast Tunisia ?,"would a Tunisian mrbeast be our glorious Saviour from this poverty we live in? what are your thought of the idea and what are the odds that this mrbeast will appear? no need to limit your thoughts to my question be free to discuss it however u like",,,,,,2022-11-06 16:20:27 ynvhia,,1,My brother smoke Canabis at home,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-06 16:50:16 ynwgjs,,14,anyone feels like tunisians dream a lot? like everyone have such unrealistic expectations and think they gonna continue living their lives in the most progressive countries on earth.. why don't they just mimic their laws and start a digital revolution like China and most of first world asian/Latin,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-06 17:24:49 ynwpsv,,1,did you know a heart attack inducing drung was stolen during 2011,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 17:34:39 ynwu8x,,3,Exchange tnd to euro as a resident in europe,"Hi, so if a tunisian resident in a country in europe wants to convert a relatively big amount of tnd to euro (60 000 tnd for example), is there a procedure to follow? Is it even possible? Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-11-06 17:39:21 ynx68q,,0,why tf is it in TND?,"So I've been to recently (and for people who don't know it's Jumia but like a million times better?) Like I was planning to scroll around look at a few hoodies, see some nice rings, maybe a necklace or two. But then I was like WAIT. IT'S IN DINARS? And IT IS in dinars. And things there are pretty cheap? Like surprisingly cheap considering how broke Tunisia seems to be. So I was really excited like DAMN COOL RINGS CHEAP. And I saw ""shipping: From USA"". Now I've lived enough in this country to know how lovely Diwena is. And how accessible and easy shopping online is. Especially paying foreign currency!! BUT THEN AGAIN, IT SAYS THAT IT'S DINARS!! LIKE HOW TF ARE U SUPPOSED TO BY FROM THERE? OR ARE U EVEN SUPPOSED TO BY FROM THERE? IT SAYS THAT IT'S IN DINARS? SO IT SHOULD BE POSSIBLE? HELP?",,,,,,2022-11-06 17:51:20 ynxj04,,2,December/January Travel in Tunisia,"Visiting Tunisia over the New Year. Are there any public holidays in Tunisia in early January (1st January or 2nd January) to be aware of? If yes, are tourist attractions or public transport (trains/buses) likely to be closed or affected by this? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-11-06 18:03:44 ynxph8,,36,Depression is eating me alive,"The pills they prescribed aren't working, no treatment ever worked. I hate everyone around me, I hate this country so much, everything about it disgusts me to no end, starting with its institutions down to the fucking weather. I hate myself because I'm like this, nothing alleviates my incessant state of boredom, not friends, not ""loved"" ones, not my useless studies, not video games, not any books or movies. I don't know why I'm writing this, why in this sub specifically, maybe because I believe my condition has something to do with this shithole of a nation?",,,,,,2022-11-06 18:09:53 ynzn6f,,1,Where can I men jewelry in Tunis or close by?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-06 19:16:09 ynzxez,,1,Can anyone translate this? I’m curious! Probably some touristy text? It’s a wooden gazelle statue.,,,,,,,2022-11-06 19:25:25 ynzzix,,1,Why do people believe in things and when you ask them why they don’t know.,,,,,,,2022-11-06 19:27:26 yo0l9n,,2,high ping at night,"hey all wanted to ask if anyone experiences high latency/ping at night, from 8pm to 11pm (approx) ? i got TT waffi (i'm the only user) and every day i get extremely high ping at that period of time (190ms+)",,,,,,2022-11-06 19:48:16 yo1f0u,,10,When SPEED pronounce Tunisia LMAO,"Hasan Abi reacts to SPEED world cup song and he asks chat what is Sunzia xD Watch it [\_medium=redt](",,,,,,2022-11-06 20:19:00 yo2fbx,,1,What are your thoughts on socialism ? do you think it can save the tunisian economy,,,,,,,2022-11-06 20:54:18 yo2mtk,,1,I'm failing school and it's taking a huge mental toll,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-06 21:01:22 yo6igr,,2,Tunisia is a shitty country mainly because of the people,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-06 23:37:45 yo710k,,14,Why is Tunisia so expensive?,"Came back from London to visit family for a week, but can't stop comparing grocery and everyday day usual stuff between both cities. It's impressive how tunis is more expensive. I'm talking about here basic necessities like food, fruits, meat, appliances.. I pay (5gbp for 1kg of chicken in London, 2gbp for a kg of grapes, 1gbp for tomatoes,..) but those prices are easily 3x,4x f Tunis. don't get me started on gym memberships and non essential stuff.",,,,,,2022-11-07 00:00:33 yo84bb,,2,Anyone know how to book this tatto artist?,"Manel Mahdouani. h[ttps://]( &#x200B; DMed her bunch times but no response. She's got amazing work!",,,,,,2022-11-07 00:50:31 yofal0,,1,what's a good vacation trip in December?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 06:55:26 yogigo,,15,"Coming to Tunisia for the first time, need some tips","Salam All, I'm coming to Tunisia for work trip very soon. I will be staying near Belvedere Park and I hope you can help a brother out with few questions. 1- Is it a safe area? I don't trust the news outlets but I keep reading about demonstrations/strikes .. etc recently. 2- What is the best walking or sightseeing area you can recommend. 3- Please recommend a traditional food and if possible good restaurants. 4- Can I pay with credit card? or do I need cash? Many thanks in advance :)",,,,,,2022-11-07 08:08:45 yogw7e,,1,Is Tunisia still a Muslim country?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 08:32:56 yohel0,,3,is Ubuy safe? i recently bought a tablet ou i couldn't find a good bookcover for it donc i wanted to know if anyone of you had bought from it ou diwena twakfek wale,,,,,,,2022-11-07 09:06:20 yohf2i,,1,thoughts?,,,,,,,2022-11-07 09:07:13 yohf46,,1,Why KS doesn't give a shit about people killed in police custody?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 09:07:18 yohg40,,1,thoughts?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 09:09:06 yohjdn,,1,Why doesn't KS care about deaths in police custody?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 09:14:52 yohjwr,,1,what the best trip destinations in December on a 2.5k budget for 2 people?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 09:15:44 yoji2t,,1,book spots in tunis?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 11:07:18 yol2ft,,4,Is business a good career option in Tunisia? and is MSB a good faculty?,,,,,,,2022-11-07 12:15:31 yom9fd,,4,Internet in Tunisia(Monastir),[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 13:04:18 yomdkr,,1,I'm getting married soon and I'm freaking out,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 13:08:55 yomlfz,,1,I'm getting married soon and very scared,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 13:17:11 yosc2a,,1,.,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 16:35:13 yoscv4,,1,.,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 16:35:58 yosml4,,2,Do I need to get my Bac degree certified by the ministry of foreign affairs or of Education in order to use it abroad ?,,,,,,,2022-11-07 16:45:02 yot12k,,0,Any place where I can talk to people from Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-07 16:58:22 yotsmj,,1,who is the worst act a person have done in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-07 17:23:18 yotwod,,7,Chnwa curly-girl products el mawjoudin fi tounes tanshouni bihom?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-07 17:27:02 you4yo,,3,how to Contact vending machine service,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-07 17:35:09 youqww,,3,Documentaries on the Tunisian revolution?,"Hi all, I'm trying to find some movies/documentaries about the 2011 uprising, but I can't find any. Do you have any suggestions? :)",,,,,,2022-11-07 17:57:41 yov47o,,1,Tunisia Football Fans,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 18:09:19 yoweco,,1,Don't go to the scientific branch,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 18:51:24 yoy6ix,,1,women friendly companies,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 19:50:20 yozbay,,1,why tunisian is too hostile about gay and transgender! even it's near impossible to have a transgender or femboy girlfriend! what is your opinion?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 20:29:22 yozjf8,,3,What are the average wages in Tunisia especially around the hospitality sector ? And do they expect tips or is it included in final bills at restaurants etc?,,,,,,,2022-11-07 20:36:52 yozkux,,2,academic question,"Hey people, any alternative for z library? Im stuck.",,,,,,2022-11-07 20:38:18 yozuwu,,1,"D’un autre angle , un autre charme Pont De Rades - Tunisie #Rades #Tunisie #LaGoulette",,,,,,,2022-11-07 20:48:08 yp0ok8,,1,Don't go to the scientific branch,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-07 21:16:14 yp169b,,29,Study in Sweden Fair,,,,,,,2022-11-07 21:33:07 yp1el0,,8,Paying for stuff online in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-07 21:41:25 yp3mq6,,1,احذروا عُيُونَ الحاسدين 👈 هل من مستمع يرحمكم الله | الشيخ محمد أصلان,,,,,,,2022-11-07 22:55:59 ypairu,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-08 04:00:10 ypekqm,,0,I'm living in Qatar but I'm currently looking forward to go to Sweden or Switzerland. any idea what should I do to get a visa ? tbh I want to get out of here and btw I'm a massage therapist I know it's not a big deal but all I heard is that I need certain amount of money which I cannot afford xD,,,,,,,2022-11-08 07:39:19 ypeulm,,1,Sommet de la Francophonie: 30 Chefs du gouvernement confirment leur présence à Djerba,,,,,,,2022-11-08 07:53:13 ypeyts,,1,1988: l'arrivée au pouvoir de Ben Ali | Archive INA,,,,,,,2022-11-08 07:58:47 ypf9kj,,8,Where can I buy/find World of Warcraft merch ?,"My bestfriend's a huge fan of WoW and I would like to get them something related to WoW. I messaged a lot of facebook pages and none of them seem to have WoW merch... Do you know any reliable source or page where I can find what I'm looking for ? (My main target is a necklace with the Horde logo) Thanks in advance. (Dms are open incase any of you doesn't want to make their source public)",,,,,,2022-11-08 08:12:34 yph4fk,,43,Identity crisis,"I moved to france 3 months ago, i didn’t adjust yet and it’s been hard for me to make friends, now the issue is why every time I hear a Tunisian speak in public places its someone insulting others in a way i never even heard while living in Tunisia or talking about how he got away with stealing phones and shit and now I just got on the train and a kid just literally said ´ eb3ed nayek ‘ Now I’m just feeling broken because I don’t feel like I’m a proud Tunisian like I’m literally in ghorba and in ghorba with my identity it’s depressing along with people DYING and DROWNING to get here and others reach it and just keep on being jerks. I’m sorry if it’s too much but i didn’t know where to rent.",,,,,,2022-11-08 09:42:15 yph85a,,2,Hiring artists,,,,,,,2022-11-08 09:47:36 yphaqr,,1,Tunisian presidents tier list,,,,,,,2022-11-08 09:51:16 ypj1zs,,0,"Okay I opened Facebook, now how do I talk to Tunisian people?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-08 11:15:31 ypj32v,,4,Freelancing," Hi everyone ,i 'm a new freelancer and i'm getting paid with westerunion but i really want to do a credit card and as i understand my only option is payoneer so i'm asking how to do one in tunisia i already know i need to have a bank account to verify my payoneer credit card but i don't have a bank account, i have an account in ""Tunisian Post"", so can i apply for a payoneer card with a Tunisian postal account or i need a bank account",,,,,,2022-11-08 11:16:54 ypjhs3,,6,Does teleconsultants (call centre agents) have any chance to get contracts abroad like software engineers?,I have a friend works as call centre agent with more than two years experience in Téléperformance and talk a fluent french language with a perfect accent who’s struggling to find a job in Europe to reunion with his gf. Does anyone have an idea if there’s opportunities to have contracts? Did he should keep searching or try another way to immigrate?,,,,,,2022-11-08 11:35:46 ypjibp,,0,Why do think Serbia forced Visa on the tunisian comers ?,,,,,,,2022-11-08 11:36:28 ypjzw0,,1,الفائدة التطبيع خيانة عظمى,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-08 11:58:16 ypka39,,7,how to find a good training in IT (Formation ),"I am a biology graduate and I am thinking of doing a training in I.T (full stack, embedded systems or something else) can I get an IT job if I have a training at a school ( Centre de formation)? can you recommend one?",,,,,,2022-11-08 12:10:14 ypl674,,7,What do you think of weebs in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-11-08 12:47:01 ypnmnr,,4,"Looking for 2 individuals that can play fortnite for fun , usually afterworks.","We are two individuals who have day jobs, not so great players and not not that competitive , we just have fun playing the game hahahahah Feel free to reach out XD",,,,,,2022-11-08 14:20:34 ypoemp,كيفاش_انجم_ناخذ_الكولي_هذا/,1,كيفاش انجم ناخذ الكولي هذا؟,"جاني الكولي هذا من انجلترا والتراكينج يقلي وصل لتونس عندو مدة، لكن مش فاهم منين وكيفاش انجم ناخذو. الي عندو المعلومة الصحيحة ينورنا. Update مشيت للبوسطة ولقيتو موجود. شكرا",,,,,,2022-11-08 14:49:02 ypon5a,,27,نحو إجبارية ممارسة الرياضة داخل أماكن العمل‎‎,,,,,,,2022-11-08 14:57:47 ypp1pu,,14,"can we do ""talk friday"" or maybe some other day in this sub?",Up vote if you agree,,,,,,2022-11-08 15:12:02 ypp3fg,,1,Ergonomics is important,,,,,,,2022-11-08 15:13:46 yppgdb,,5,good cheap printer for a student?,,,,,,,2022-11-08 15:26:04 yppiez,,1,The last Tunisia internet meme( great guy and story teller btw),,,,,,,2022-11-08 15:28:08 yppl9q,,1,car recolor,can you recolor your car in tunisia?,,,,,,2022-11-08 15:30:53 ypqc3r,,23,any fellow pink floyd enjoyers?,,,,,,,2022-11-08 15:57:29 ypqhwn,,6,(22M) y'all ever feel awkward/embarrassed while buying condoms?,"cuz I do. some tips to alleviate that feeling would be greatly appreciated and thank you :) edit: everyone was super helpful and sweet as hell. THANK YOU my fellow compatriots!",,,,,,2022-11-08 16:03:03 ypqnli,,1,"Was ""Sayd Errim"" meant to have a second season?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-08 16:08:34 ypqo55,,2,"Hi Mr. accountant, i want you to help me luander some money",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-08 16:09:07 yps02e,,1,How to get from Enfidha airport to Tunis ?,"Basically, I will arrive at Enfidha airport soon and worried about how I will get to Tunis. I know I can take louage from hammamet to Tunis. But how would I get to Hammamet by public transport preferably, Otherwise how much would a taxi cost from The airport to berekit esa7el?",,,,,,2022-11-08 16:57:43 yptfjv,,3,If you were wondering why the banks added 3 TND to their base fees. This is why.,,,,,,,2022-11-08 17:51:54 yptlkd,,1,"Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Hier en promenant sur une plage, mon père a ramasser une magnifique pierre d'un rose intense. Il l'as mis dans la poche de sa veste et voila le résultat. En réalité cette pierre est un morceau de phosphore rouge inactif quand il est mouillé. Dès qu'il sèche il s'embrase",,,,,,,2022-11-08 17:58:25 yptttg,,1,XOR logic gate explained,,,,,,,2022-11-08 18:06:38 yptxv5,,1,What are my options in finding internships??,"I'm in my 1st year in IT (iset student) and have no idea how to look for an internship, in my first year I'm not required to do anything in the company but I don't want to sit idle and I already know a little bit about web development and other technologies (listed below) and want to actually learn and grow and I'm willing to put in the work, so is there any chance I can find an internship where I will have real work experience? what I know so far: \- HTML & CSS \- Javascript (event loops, asynchronous js, prototype oop..) \- Basics of React \- Git & github \- basics of linux commands and some bash scripting \- SQL \- Basics of Node",,,,,,2022-11-08 18:10:58 ypty4u,,5,I don't have the motivation to do anything,"I pretty much lost all of my interests. I don't want to study no matter how hard it's necessary. I just don't care about anything anymore.I'm no longer interested in anything,most of the hobbies I had no longer interest me. What to do? Edit: I can't find the motivation to do anything. I used to get 15 average score just last year but now my grades have declined since I'm in a more difficult branch(3eme math) and harsher exams(the lycee I'm in is known for having pilote like exams). I used to have big ambitions of living/working abroad but now I don't have those ambitions anymore since no matter what I do abroad ,I will never be considered a true citizen. Also I lost the motivation to study to get a job since 100%of the people I will be competing against will have the same degree as me. So by that you can see I have no motivation to study,now whenever people ask me what is my dream profession ,I say it is to be unemployed If my grades keep plummeting ,I'm seriously considering dropping out of school or at least finish bac or maybe switch to bac eco(the upsetting thing is I used to get good grades just last year but this year I already failed(7rebt) my physics/math exam and it seriously made a jab on my already unstable mental health) TLDR :I have no motivation to study and no desire to do anything in life",,,,,,2022-11-08 18:11:15 ypu9xx,,1,How to deal with Mental Health in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-08 18:23:38 ypveas,,10,is not having a big friend group and going out often seen as a red flag ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-08 19:05:59 ypvqet,,12,Psychologists in Tunisia,"Hello, I'm posting asking for help and an advice, I have always considered myself as a healthy guy when it comes to my mental health, I'm happily married, Mid 20's, sporty, multiple hobbies, decent salaries and I shouldn't have anything to worry about. However, mentally I'm exhausted and lost (reasons varies, we should leave this to my future Psy) and I come from a simple family with a huge history of schizophrenia and Mental illnesses. I'm aware that self diagnosis is a bad idea and asking/searching on the internet is not the best solution. I tend to over prepare and I hate failure, so I'm here doing my homework on how to get a successful experience, and I'm willing to invest if the chances are favorable. My sole issue is: I rarely heard positive/successful stories when it comes to Tunisian Psychologists and I know that this field is not as researched/developed as in let's say Europe or US (maybe I'm wrong) I could've just asked a simple question, but I thought these details are helpful. Thank you 💓",,,,,,2022-11-08 19:19:00 ypwa4j,,1,Thoughts ? Is this correct ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-08 19:39:57 ypwd1p,,3,Thoughts ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-08 19:43:09 ypx1dd,,5,Looking for an Arabic teacher,"Hello! As the title says I am looking to learn Arabic from a native speaker. I have taken an Arabic class in the past but I would like to learn the colloquial language. Preferably with someone who has teaching experience. We can do so over zoom or other platforms. Will compensate! Send me a message with your qualifications/experience/rate! Je parle français aussi.",,,,,,2022-11-08 20:09:21 ypxf1j,,3,How is El Marsa during winter?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-08 20:23:55 ypxvrz,,1,I guess not...,,,,,,,2022-11-08 20:41:56 ypxxup,شنوا_الوضع_اذااشنو_الحياة_تااع_زبي/,0,شنوا الوضع اذاا…شنو الحياة تااع زبي ؟!,,,,,,,2022-11-08 20:44:15 ypyx2g,,1,Do you live in," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-08 21:22:00 yq3jx5,,2,Can I receive money in a paypal tunisian account ?,"Hey I've just got an online job and I'll be paid on paypal, i created an account with tunisian details but i heard that a tunisian account can't receive money. is that true ?",,,,,,2022-11-09 00:32:09 yq4k6g,,3,where can i find places to buy manga in English in Tunisia,I'm wondering if I could buy some manga as a gift for someone and I literally have no clue if manga in english exists in tunisia,,,,,,2022-11-09 01:18:08 yqd0vl,,2,@ Developers / Software Engineers / IT consultants : Great opportunity to start an international career without much headache xD 👉 IT event in Tunis on november 12,"If you're good with any of these : DevOps / DotNet / React / Scala / Spark / Fullstack / Angular / Java-J2EE / JavaScript / Prod And you'd like to go work abroad without dealing with annoying procedures Then I recommend you join the event this saturday You get to meet a nice selection of employers from abroad and hop on a recruiting process &#x200B; Anyone interested?",,,,,,2022-11-09 08:48:23 yqdkqk,,3,Camping/Tours passionates,I used to go camping or tours around different cities in Tunisia but the group of people with whom I used to do so are now separated and I'm looking for people in Tunis to hang out with and plan some weekend programs. Preferably +20 y.o,,,,,,2022-11-09 09:22:32 yqe428,,16,did you get your adhd diagnosed in tunisia?,"If you got diagnosed with adhd in tunsia or you are in the process of doing so and you think your doctor was great please drop their contact info, much appreciated!",,,,,,2022-11-09 09:52:58 yqekir,,0,The single star on the Tunisian flag is actually a review.,,,,,,,2022-11-09 10:13:57 yqel0m,,0,The single star on the Tunisian flag is actually a review.,,,,,,,2022-11-09 10:14:28 yqeqzx,,7,any JJBA fans in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-09 10:22:09 yqet3t,,1,Paysera card in Tunisia,Hello can anyone tell me if you can send a Paysera card to Tunisia or will it be confiscated or I may get in troubles?,,,,,,2022-11-09 10:25:02 yqhn1o,,0,why is it so dead?,The subreddit seems completely dead like the country,,,,,,2022-11-09 12:30:07 yqjfw1,,1,hey guys I'd like to know where TLS in tunis exactly because I'm applying for a British visa and I have an appointment and I don't know where exactly and how I can contact them.,,,,,,,2022-11-09 13:45:40 yqjta8,,8,Still looking for 2 players to join us for some fun games... afterwork games usually ... REACH OUT,,,,,,,2022-11-09 14:00:56 yql1sg,,10,"Our PM, Najla Bouden, speaking with the Israeli President in Egypt, thoughts?","&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-11-09 14:49:46 yqlru6,,1,إياكَ ونَفْيَ صِفاتِ الله 👈⛔️ لا توقف هذه الرسالة عندك الدَّالُّ على الخيرِ كفاعِلِهِ | الشيخ محمد أصلان,,,,,,,2022-11-09 15:16:55 yqmd88,,1,"Hi everybody, not sure if people are interested in reddit avatars, but reddit is releasing a new collection for the 2022 World Cup, just wanted to share if you didn't know and because I think the avatar that will represent Tunisia here on reddit is just too cool with the painted eagle and the hat ^^",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-09 15:38:08 yqmmah,,1,Is there any vape stores in the area of Manzeh/Ariana ?,,,,,,,2022-11-09 15:47:06 yqmnsm,,27,Netflix+HBO+Prime+Hulu 0 - 3 Average Day in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-11-09 15:48:41 yqn6ez,,4,FAQ Revamp : Post overused/reposted threads here,"In an effort to address topics, questions and help requests than come up VERY often in this sub, we should identify those clearly first. Once we do that we can add them to our [FAQ](, and maybe even make automod remove threads if they detect a frequently reposted question. Post stuff you think come up a lot here and you're tired of seeing them. You'll also help a lot by linking a thread/comment that gives a good answer for that topic. Things that comes to my mind are paypal, carte technologique, ""is the country safe"", etc.",,,,,,2022-11-09 16:06:40 yqo0ql,,1,The front fell off.,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-09 16:36:30 yqr4sv,,3,Rugby or Football in La Marsa?,As title - if anyone has contact details for Rugby or Football teams in La Marsa hit me up!,,,,,,2022-11-09 18:27:00 yqtkbq,,8,am i the only one ?,"25yold and don\`t know what to do with my life, like some part of me want to ""chase"" a career while i don\`t see myself in anything and that bothers me a little, like i am supposed to be into somthin, o min chira okhra nchouf ro7i manich mil laabed eli aandhom dream job, ahouka kol marra nikhdem 7aja besh nkoun ensen fa3al o besh nkoun mas2oul aala nafsi,plus ma 3andich hadaf nheb n7a9ou, just nheb nkoun discipline.",,,,,,2022-11-09 19:52:10 yqu4ta,,0,Looking for a girl friend,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-09 20:12:05 yqz1rm,,1,Guys I’m opening a restaurant in Sousse. Ig: Jimmys_sousse,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-09 23:30:19 yr0bi9,,3,I need a dentist recommendation,"I need to go the dentist to fix my teeth but i would highly appreciate it if i would be completely drugged out , is there any dentists or clinics that would do these dental procedures with putting u under full anesthesia ?",,,,,,2022-11-10 00:26:55 yr1f4a,,1,photo credits: Hasan Mrad 📷,,,,,,,2022-11-10 01:17:42 yr3yg3,,1,"Nationalism/ Is marrying another a person from nationality is act of treason or betryal to your country? please WITHOUT: *alech le, 5oudh passport rouge, bled t3ayef*, those people have to be sent to the Sahara",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-10 03:21:47 yr3zpr,,0,"Nationalism/ Is marrying a person from a different nationality is act of treason or betryal to your country? please WITHOUT: *alech le, 5oudh passport rouge, bled t3ayef*, those people have to be sent to the Sahara",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-10 03:23:42 yr49hi,,0,"Identity crisis/ We are not Arabs, are we? or is it just the language?","Did you know that according to a DNA Analysis: Only 4% of Tunisians Are Arabs We are a mix of Turks, Berbers, Greeks (myself) , Italians, Maltese, French, Spanish, and a little bit of arabs We call ourselves Arabs because we speak the language, and bit of culture related to religion Arabs also did not come in peace, they slaughtered our ancestors that wanted their freedom.",,,,,,2022-11-10 03:36:54 yr5mxr,,1,Hello! Reddit just released free World Cup Avatars and I wanted to show off mine! I'm hoping they get out of the group stage!,,,,,,,2022-11-10 04:49:13 yr5uo3,,34,"Disconnected from the updated VISA & Mastercard networks: The outdated Tunisian system (ClicToPay) is currently incompatible with the rest of the world. After attempting to patch IN PRODUCTION, the system crashed.",,,,,,,2022-11-10 05:01:12 yr99dl,,5,alternative to Western Union,"Hey everyone, what's the best alternative to western union to send money to someone in Tunisia? I wanted to use Revolut but it's not fonctionnel in our dear country xd, also sob flous servers are always down so the operation is no longer impossible. Thank you [UPDATE: i found an app called Remity, does anyone know about it ?]",,,,,,2022-11-10 08:30:07 yra72t,,2,Free time at work,"I'm a junior software designer, I have a lot of free time at work, how can I spend it knowing that I can't access youtube, facebook or instagram since I'm working in an open space, thanks!",,,,,,2022-11-10 09:33:54 yrckz9,,1,"if u don't think this is alerting in a DYSTOPIAN way, i don't know what is. leftist globalists pro-west and EU, STFU! #WakeUp!",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-10 11:50:39 yrdd7w,,3,how can i withdraw crypto to my tunisian bank account ?,,,,,,,2022-11-10 12:24:16 yrddel,,1,no wonder 3lech tbanniw fia. reddit is a woke leftist globalist political propaganda tool. ya 7asra 3al free speech...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-10 12:24:28 yrdfcj,,1,no wonder 3lech tbanniw fia. reddit is a woke leftist globalist political propaganda tool. ya 7asra 3al free speech...,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-10 12:26:45 yrese4,,5,Mahdia Hospital several departments about to collapse,"The Regional Director of Health in Mahdia has said that the Minister of Health has ordered the immediate transfer of five departments at Tahar Sfar Hospital in Mahdia. The affected departments are the maternity ward, women's general surgery, pediatrics, and cardiology and internal medicine departments. The same source asserted that these departments are dilapidated and in danger of collapse, adding that their repair has been the subject of several tenders that went unanswered as contractors refused to carry out work on behalf of the hospital. [](",,,,,,2022-11-10 13:21:31 yrf2tn,,7,Potato shortage - professionals refused to store for fear of being accused of speculation,"The member of the Executive Office of the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries (UTAP) in charge of crop production, Chokri Rezgui, was interviewed on Thursday, November 10, 2022, on Mosaïque FM to explain the shortage of potatoes on the market. The official explained that Tunisia has always stored the production surplus to compensate for the lower harvests in autumn, which did not happen this year due to the reluctance of traders who feared being accused of monopoly and speculation. Farmers had engaged in traditional stockpiling, which resulted in large losses due to extreme weather conditions and high prices for the products needed to maintain stocks, he said. ""The solution would be to open the market to regulation by supply and demand (free market) and not to set thresholds (fixed prices by the government) that would encourage monopolies. Those responsible for this situation would have to be held accountable. The market must be freed, even if prices will rise two or three points, they would eventually regulate themselves,"" he continued"". [,520,124341,3?fbclid=IwAR3A45655uN-71mXedw\_GI1ll42AcSp1ABJ7AnY5NuE2W1ZTNpxexLR1U3k](,520,124341,3?fbclid=IwAR3A45655uN-71mXedw_GI1ll42AcSp1ABJ7AnY5NuE2W1ZTNpxexLR1U3k)",,,,,,2022-11-10 13:32:26 yrhkfx,,5,I'm going to start freelance work and I want to know how do I receive my money (ex:wise..)?,,,,,,,2022-11-10 15:01:04 yri2m9,,3,Friends/Dating/Relationships,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-10 15:18:22 yri7an,,13,"My First experience thread horreur betounsi, u like it?",,,,,,,2022-11-10 15:22:46 yrjqcb,,2,hello i have 3 free days in a week,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-10 16:14:49 yrjsah,,2,how can i immigrate to canada if i have a license in computer science ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-10 16:16:33 yrk23k,,2,what is the most affordable sport motorcycle here?,,,,,,,2022-11-10 16:25:51 yrkh7f,,1,Are there any guys over 25 years old on this subreddit ? I really need some relationship advice!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-10 16:39:45 yrkifg,,30,We made it in reddit world cup section,,,,,,,2022-11-10 16:40:51 yrkq76,,1,2 نحو إجبارية ممارسة الرياضة داخل أماكن العمل,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-10 16:48:12 yrkub5,,18,انتظمت بمقر رئاسة الحكومة، أولى الحصص الرياضية تحت إشراف النادي الرياضي برئاسة الحكومة وبتنظيم مؤطري الجامعة التونسية للرياضة للجميع.,,,,,,,2022-11-10 16:52:02 yrl02u,,2,Question about wire transfer to Tunisia,"So I sent some amount in US dollars to my family's bank account in Tunisia. The amount was recieved with a 600 dollar difference less. When I checked with the Tunisian bank, they said they have a hidden rate for wire transfers in dollar they don't disclose to the public!!!. I came to know the difference because the exchange rate from USD to TND mentioned in the bank's website adds up to a much higher amount than the one actually received. Anyone familiar with this? I feel like the bank robbed me right in front of my face.",,,,,,2022-11-10 16:57:34 yrmxmb,,1,Going to menzah 9,"Chabab how do i get to menzah 9 from CV Beside taxi compteur ?! And thanx in advance.",,,,,,2022-11-10 18:03:37 yrobtv,,65,❤️🥰,,,,,,,2022-11-10 18:57:12 yrra3r,,0,تكلفتها اقل من سعر الحرقة: فيزا البحث عن عمل بالبرتغال,,,,,,,2022-11-10 20:43:15 yrtasb,,7,Is there anyone here who will travel to Canada in the coming days?,"I want to send a T-shirt to a dear person. No matter where you are, I'll get you a T-shirt and I'll pay you back . W Yarhem waldikom",,,,,,2022-11-10 22:09:28 yrtg6a,,1,Can I receive money (get paid) from a paypal french account to a payoneer tunisian account ?,,,,,,,2022-11-10 22:15:25 yrtmqw,,1,comic books,"Hey everyone, I got some Marvel comic books I want to sell, in good condition and in original packaging. I was wondering if there is a group where I could sell them. Thanks",,,,,,2022-11-10 22:23:09 yrto78,,0,Horny & Lonely,,,,,,,2022-11-10 22:24:54 yrtsgv,,3,How to import from tunisia to canada ?,"Lets say i have a friend in Canada. What do i need to do to import something like olive oil, clothes or whatever kind of product over there ? Would i need a business license ? How much tax do i have to pay ? How much would it cost to make this happen and what would need to be done on my side ?",,,,,,2022-11-10 22:30:01 yrumfn,études_la_visa_la_plus_facile_à_obtenir_pour/,1,études : la visa la plus facile à obtenir pour continuer les études ?,,,,,,,2022-11-10 23:06:06 yrv3sj,,1,"Congolese children in camp after fleeing from, organized by Annoye Moh",,,,,,,2022-11-10 23:27:25 yrv7n1,,0,موقع تواصل إجتماعي تونسي جديد .. Pepolls، هذا الـavis متاعي بعد نهارين إستخدام. #إستهلك_تونسي,,,,,,,2022-11-10 23:32:14 yrx6u7,,13,What was the worst job/internship interview you've had?,,,,,,,2022-11-11 01:05:31 ys0ktw,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-11-11 04:00:10 ys0qvu,,1,,,,,,,,2022-11-11 04:08:54 ys28wn,,1,"Hey folks, اما بعد، قاصد ربي مع العايلة (امي و بابا) لوحدة مالبلايص هاذم يا بنزرت يا سوسة بمناسبة العطلة متاعي. نحتاج نصيحة خاتر اول مرة بش نزورهم الزوز و كيفكيف امي وبابا عندهم برشا ممشاوش و أهم حاجة شنوة البرنامج و الحاجات الي نجم نعملهم غادي مع العلم الي انا بش نبقا نهار برك و نروح في اللليل.",,,,,,,2022-11-11 05:32:43 ys38o0,,2,hey guys from where I can get a residence permit and is it necessary to translate it in English or french because I need it for my visa .,,,,,,,2022-11-11 06:32:08 ys4n56,,30,"Corruption in tunisia, my approach how to solve it","Hello dear tunisian reddit Community, Im following the Tunisian thread since a while, and often I see the problems of corruption mentioned in the comments. As I'm a German, living in Germany and have family in Tunisia, Im into this thing and as an entrepreneur, I want to improve the life of people and solve problems. For this reason, I made a draft of a platform to remove corrupted people from transactional services. Please tell me you're thinking and design flaws I have, so it could improve it. The goal is to remove corrupted people from transactions, to build more trust to other people and gaining life quality by knowing that you can trust a person or a company for the quality of service. If the system is in production, the system will handle all this automatically by the given rules, there is no chance then, to change the points. The only problem what I see is, to use the application, the user have to provide their identity card ID, so its verifiable that the name of the person, match with the name on the identity card and that the user have to have an account on the platform to participate on this system to reduce the corruption. What you think? &#x200B; # Process The Customer A want a Product or Service from a Business Entity (Shop/Private Person) and pays money for it, this is a transaction. The Transaction can be verified by both sides with a QR Code. As Example: Customer A want a repair of a Lamp in his living room, he specifies this in the transaction. Then the company member who is processing the work, will scan the QR code and confirm/compare that the transaction is the same, as the Customer provided the details to the company, if it doesnt match, the company member will not process the work, as potential fraud is possible. After the work is done, the user has to confirm that the work was made the right way, if the confirmation is not made in 7 days, the Customer is loosing reputation points. Reputation Points: Every user/company has reputation points, everyone starts with 10 points, the basic trust that you give a user/company, that they will do the job. If they don't follow the procedures, they loose reputation points. If a user or a company is reaching 0 points, they get marked as potential corrupt and get a warning.If they get into debt, so -5, -10 points, they get listed as not trustable person/entity, whenever they want to make a transaction with another person/entity. A person or business entity will be notified about that they will loose reputation points when working with a corrupted entity. To separate corrupted people from a health society, people who proceed a transaction with a not trustable person, will be punished by loosing reputation points",,,,,,2022-11-11 08:04:36 ys5pq6,,1,يا سلاك الواحلين …,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-11 09:19:25 ys5q1a,,3,"Thread horreur beTounsi, Thriller Part2",,,,,,,2022-11-11 09:20:04 ys5rlj,,12,يا سلاك الواحلين,,,,,,,2022-11-11 09:23:06 ys6ccf,,0,"if u don't think this is alerting towards a DYSTOPIAN present and future, i don't know what is. leftist globalists pro-west and EU, STFU! #WakeUp!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-11 10:02:06 ys6fk6,,6,What are the stereotypes other people have on Tunisians?,"We have a lot of **stereotypes** of other people: Moroccans are witches and king-asslickers. Libyans are rich and dumb. Italians are good looking and know how to cook. Frenchies are snobby. This got me wondering how other countries **stereotypically** see Tunisians?",,,,,,2022-11-11 10:07:55 ys6gjc,,2,can a Graduated SE look for an internship instead of a CDI?,"I graduated as a Software engineer last month, My pfe experience was the worst(I got tricked by the supervisor who promised he'll get me abroad but ended up working 8 months remotely without getting paid). Now I got my degree and I stopped working with him , he promised me again he'll get me a contract abroad but I have to work for free remotely for another 8 months which I immediately refused and was polite enough not to insult him. Now am struggling to get a job abroad, I land interviews but as soon as they find out I require visa sponsorship they turn me off... I'm thinking of looking for an internship instead of a job since most of my friends were able to easily find a pfe abroad.. Is this possible? And if it is how do I explain it for the recruiting manager... Ps: I have family members in france that can help me if the internship salary is too low.",,,,,,2022-11-11 10:09:37 ys6jdd,,10,Is the coming WC boycott sentiment existent in Tunisia?,"The coming WC as all previous editions is not free from controversies. And a lot of people are calling for its boycott (at least in Belgie where I'm based). Is there any talk in Tunisia about this topic? Controversies I refer too: \- The use of slave labor to build stadiums \- The huge cost of life to make the WC happen \- The bribery of FIFA officials (although this is true for Previous editions) \- The ecological cost",,,,,,2022-11-11 10:14:20 ys6mm6,,1,why i cant send money through western unions ?,,,,,,,2022-11-11 10:20:02 ys6pl9,,3,chill coffee shop for coding in sousse ?,n7eb haja ta7founa mta3 rakcha and not too much money to spend.,,,,,,2022-11-11 10:25:10 ys6rc4,,2,My CTI card doesn’t work,"Spotify, Netflix etc doesn’t work with my CTI card although it contains enough balance. Any idea why?",,,,,,2022-11-11 10:28:24 ys6tkj,,1,Name and shame session.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-11 10:32:21 ys6tyo,,12,Name and shame session.,"Alright fellas I noticed that most of us are being or have been abused by corporates in Tunisia. Therefore it would be a good idea to name and shame them in order to help eachother and the new graduates to avoid them too. I'll start first: Ozeol sousse : overworking and low pay 700dt as base salary, very stressful environment and the good wages go to a minority of employees. Forstaff placement mahdia: generally all good except the CEO Behaviors towards the employees due to his lack of experience (غفاص). Please mention the previous negative work experiences in the comment section",,,,,,2022-11-11 10:33:06 ys7gqb,,0,"is it normal that a renewal of an ID card requires ""attestation de salaire""","Two months ago i went to the police station for my ID card renewal. As usual i went back and forth multiple times, haw jib hedha haw aamel hedha. I gave them attestation de travail, JORT, RNE, even my fucking diploma to finally accept my file w 9alouli c'est bon, it's completed. After that i went there multiple times and everytime they come up with an excuse""it's not ready yet, aadna barcha charge, mekina mkasra, nsina dossier mte3ek maadinehech, come back after 4 days and it would be ready and finally it's "" oh attestation de salaire is missing"" . Like wtf why would they need it for a fucking ID ? Do they want a bribe or what ?",,,,,,2022-11-11 11:14:10 ys7j7a,,2,STEAM games in tunisia,"hi, with x2keys closed is there a way to buy steam games with ok price",,,,,,2022-11-11 11:18:27 ys823t,,3,anyone knows a good psychiatrist in sfax,,,,,,,2022-11-11 11:43:41 ys9f1c,,2,Are universities better here or in morocco?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-11 12:44:25 ysbapl,,3,What is the best (in derja) documentary you watched?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-11 13:59:51 ysc1cv,,0,if you wonder why you ever got blocked /cancel-cultered on reddit here's the untold original story.,,,,,,,2022-11-11 14:26:12 ysc245,,5,Best dating apps in Tunisia,"Hello community, I am using tinder for a month now but didn't get a date yet. Can you recommend other dating apps tested in Tunisia PS: I am a male.",,,,,,2022-11-11 14:27:04 yscf6s,,0,"Tunisians !, do you think Tunisia should legalize brothels like Amsterdam and turkey to bring more foreign income to the country ?",,,,,,,2022-11-11 14:40:40 ysd5jk,,2,Andi 50 malyoun w nheb nokhrej mn tounes b awra9i... canada surtout... Andkomch fekra ? 3andi btp en multimedia w 10 ans experience,,,,,,,2022-11-11 15:09:57 yseq9g,,1,end of study internship,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-11 16:07:30 ysesp6,,2,end-of-study internship in Tunisia,"as a computer science student in Tunisia, I should do an end-of-study internship. So I built this cv to apply for some roles. I was ghosted for a while ( 2 weeks maybe) there is anyone here who can give me feedback about this cv? there is any recommendation for tech companies that can help? this is my cv :",,,,,,2022-11-11 16:09:54 ysgewb,,0,9 days! candidates?,"The World Cup is getting closer, all fans of this sport are excited. Fans from different countries are coming to Qatar and little by little the national teams will arrive to the country. Candidates? We made a free game for the world cup. Only 3 minutes of your time, one mysterious player and different themes each day. Fast, dynamic and fun! Ideal for comparing results with friends and remember players that you already thought you didn't have in mind. []( 3 languages: english, spanish and portuguese. enjoy it!",,,,,,2022-11-11 17:06:27 yshnt8,,7,World Cup,"Anyone of the sub is coming to Qatar for the world cup? If so! Let me know of you need help with anything.",,,,,,2022-11-11 17:52:07 ysl1ax,,3,"hello, my hobby is mixing music (techno, minimal) thebouchi na3emlou event maa baadhna nes kol (ps nosken fi ariana). at least wehed ibadel jaw",,,,,,,2022-11-11 19:51:34 ysl1io,,1,Phone blocked by sajalni,"Basically I bought a new phone from abroad . Then after a while, I didn’t have any signal bars ( no service / can’t call or text ). At first I thought it’s a hardware problem then someone told me did u register your phone via sajalni. And i didn’t do coz i didn’t know about it. Long story short, my phone passed 3 months in Tunisia and got blocked coz not registered. And apparently u can’t register a +3 month old phone. What can I do ? Did anyone managed to fix the problem ? Please help.",,,,,,2022-11-11 19:51:48 ysl4ig,,7,Do students in Tunisia suffer from bullying ?,,,,,,,2022-11-11 19:54:58 ysl4vu,,0,"Gaddafi was a decent leader and Libya is worse without him. This isn’t a question, discussion or opinion… it’s simply a fact.",,,,,,,2022-11-11 19:55:17 ysn8kv,,0,im looking for someone that studies in campus mannouba w ya3mel weekly covoiturage men marsa/carthage/elkram or anywhere near please :>>>>>>> i literally spend 4 hours everyday minimum on public transportation and i cant rent for personal reasons,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-11 21:09:07 yso01l,,1,first date sousse,"I really like that girl n9raw fard lycee w we barely know each other w t7sha th9ila Ely n9oulha Ely n7bha so I'm making a move imma ask here out, any blayes t7founin fi soussa w good ideas for first date?",,,,,,2022-11-11 21:40:01 ysq7w0,,0,Anyone heard of devokt?,,,,,,,2022-11-11 23:13:04 ysrxad,,0,difference between tunisia and europe?,Trying to wonder why most of tunisia people love euope that much,,,,,,2022-11-12 00:31:25 yst0yn,,0,Mind explaining what you have against Abir Moussi ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-12 01:26:04 ysuh6r,,8,Changuél amerikya,,,,,,,2022-11-12 02:42:11 yswqhc,,2,"Fellow photographers in Tunisia, I have a question.","How do you get over that fear of looking awkward whipping out a camera in public to take a few pics of something you thought is photograph worthy, also gimme some tips for staying safe a lot of the time I feel like waving around something expensive in Tunisia makes you more likely to get mugged.",,,,,,2022-11-12 04:44:05 ysytlo,,26,صدر بالرائد الرسمي الحمّاص والجزّار و المقهى خرجوا من ترتيب افضل المشاريع الاستثمارية بتونس,,,,,,,2022-11-12 06:44:34 yt2dwp,,4,Bike packing around Tunisia,Did anyone tried to do a bike trip around tunisia? What are the most enjoyabe routes? How safe is it? Can I easily find camping grounds or cheap airbnbs?,,,,,,2022-11-12 09:43:42 yt2ku7,,2,Are online payments still down for you?,"I still can't pay my bills online. The error message I get is ""CRes Verification Failed"". Has anyone been able to pay online successfully in the last couple of days (Ooredoo, STEG, Jumia, etc.)?",,,,,,2022-11-12 09:53:52 yt2mam,,1,question aboit aramex,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-12 09:56:05 yt345e,,8,Books about the Arab Spring and its consequences,"Hello! I've been searcing for books about the Arab Spring that really catches the events from an inside perspective (not from a western journalist, there's a few of these). And I was wondering if any of you would have any recommendations as I am specially interested in the effects that had in Tunisia. Thank you for your time!",,,,,,2022-11-12 10:20:59 yt3wq3,/r/francophonie/comments/ysc2cw/tunisie_la_démocratie_tunisienne_est_agonisante/,1,La démocratie tunisienne est agonisante mais elle peut être sauvée,,,,,,,2022-11-12 11:00:39 yt427b,,3,"Can i get ritalin without a doctor prescription , if no what alternative i can buy without visiting a doctor","please i know it's bad to buy it by myself , just answer the question",,,,,,2022-11-12 11:08:03 yt55yf,,1,favorite dish?,Personally I dislike Alot of Tunisian dishes.... What's the best and worst dish?,,,,,,2022-11-12 12:02:41 yt9vpy,,8,How many phones can you bring with you on a plane?,,,,,,,2022-11-12 15:20:47 ytabz7,,3,migrating to Portugal,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-12 15:37:57 ytbl1r,,0,"So, the social effects of the 25th of July","So, I believe that kais stopped the shedding of blood before it started but I am starting to doubt it was a good thing, even though I supported it at the time. So in France after years of Church rule (in Tunisia's case years of Islamist rule) the homogeneous conservative catholic population revolted killing both clerks and aristocrats. During the dictatorship the Islamist movement used to say ( It is all the fault of the dictator if we were to rule it would be better) During these 10 years we witnessed that they are not able to rule. Now that Kais is dictatory to not say a dictator they are returning to their old rhetoric and it is working and more and more people are becoming more religious look at this thread for example it was filled with ""ouvert d'esprit"" people to not say ""3ami9iin"" and now it is filled with conservative Muslims. To give you an idea I am an atheist and even I thought that these people were too much. I am naturally against illegal violence, but to get rid of Islamists for good So we can have a running democracy. I believe there are 2 ways: A laïc dictator killing them like Bourguiba planned to do before the putsch, or the people revolting against them and killing them after years of dysfunctional democracy. I wish I am wrong and I am writing this so that someone might convince that there is a future for Tunisia that doesn't include the shedding of blood. I don't care about democracy or equality even though I would prefer them I just want my country to be functional that is not much to ask.",,,,,,2022-11-12 16:24:59 ytexoc,,5,My cat just chocked to death,"My 8 months old cat suddenly became disabled and within 10 minutes it died. It had blood coming out of his anus , trouble breathing , I did everything to help him but he died so quickly that i didn’t have the time to bring him the the doctor. The things I started feeling side were so horrible that I couldn’t stand them anymore, I feel like I’m the reason he died that I couldn’t not rush him to the doctor as fast as possible.",,,,,,2022-11-12 18:38:32 ytfe3g,,3,Netflix+HBO+Prime+Hulu 0 - 4 Average Day in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-11-12 18:58:15 ytg2lg,,4,Germany or Austria and why?,,,,,,,2022-11-12 19:27:38 ythb51,,4,Thread Horreur beTounsi part3,,,,,,,2022-11-12 20:21:13 ythcaq,,50,😂😂,,,,,,,2022-11-12 20:22:46 ythh6g,,3,teenager's mental health,"Hey everyone! I need your help for an English project, we're founding an association to care for mental health of teenagers(students) so I would like if you share you're experiences with us If you deal with any mental issue(anxiety, depression,ED..ect) If you have autism, ADHD, learning/writing disabilities.. If you ever was a victim of bullying or SA Would you please fill this questionnaire to help us do our research You are not alone, let it go🫶 Thanks for your help it means alot, we know it's not easy and we appreciate it ❤️",,,,,,2022-11-12 20:28:51 ythqpy,,0,"Anyone up for drink, in Tunis?",,,,,,,2022-11-12 20:39:57 yto0nv,,2,Is there unemployment benefits/money in Tunisia?,"If not how do the unemployement survive in Tunisia? I saw many youths that are on a working day on the streets and in coffee shops.",,,,,,2022-11-13 01:16:35 ytoedj,,3,"Hi guys , I’am working as an HRIS Analyst , any possible advice for how to pursue my UNI education while I’am working 8 to 5 ,I have a diploma in IT management (BTS) , but would rather start again from zero .",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-13 01:35:26 ytp7m9,,1,What's the reason behind Tunisia high number of ISIS fighters ?,,,,,,,2022-11-13 02:16:41 ytyr9p,,7,can you recommend a good therapist in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-11-13 11:16:21 yu0s7z,,6,buying a laptop and need some advice !,"I'm buying a new laptop with a max budget of 2500TND and found this : lenovo ideapad gaming 3 which is above my budget :2760tnd ( willing to go for it if its worth it ) Does anyone know a better option than this ?",,,,,,2022-11-13 12:50:20 yu221q,,5,How can I reach my objective in Baccalaureate this year?,"I started this year with an objective in mind, which is to get 17 in the Baccalaureate so that I can go for ""INSAT"" to study there, and I believe I have a lot of potential in reaching this goal, which is confirmed by a lot of people and professors, but I haven't done a lot of hard work before, so we are now in the middle of the first trimester and I am not doing a lot of ""real"" hard work, I know I I've gathered information about Baccalaureate tips and advice from a variety of sources, and I've concluded that it differs for each individual; however, I'm still unsure whether I should make a plan for daily studying or be free, and is it possible to reach this goal if I take the right actions?",,,,,,2022-11-13 13:43:50 yu3ci9,,0,Jeune Afrique Magazine,Is there a way to read Jeune Afrique articles for free?,,,,,,2022-11-13 14:34:12 yu3eut,,0,Freelancing in tunisia ?,"I m personally looking for ways to get payed as a freelancer in Tunisia, I wanted to try Payoneer but I won't be doing that since I found out that the owner is Israeli. You helping here, will help me and many others change their lifes , so I Would appreciate if someone could help me choose other alternative that they themselves tried or used in Tunisia.. And perhaps if possible, tell us about stuff and documents that we will require or maybe knowledge that we will need on our Journey to start and continue smoothly freelancing.",,,,,,2022-11-13 14:36:35 yu3hi0,علاش/,28,علاش ؟,"علاش وين نمشي في الفايسبوك نشوف كان التنمر و التشائم و التوكسيسيتا و حتى شي ميعجب التونسي ... عرضني فيديو من التسعينات في اليوتيوب فيها صحفي يسأل في جزار على اسوام اللحم و أراء الناس . .. وقتها كان الكيلو ب200 فرنك .. و قال نفس الكلام إلي يقولو فيها ليوما ... ديما غالي و ديما التونسي مش خالط ... بربي إجابة معقولة انا راني بطلت نستعمل فايسبوك مالحكاية هاذي ...",,,,,,2022-11-13 14:39:23 yu472t,,1,tips on this company.,"Hey guys a friend of mine has been reached out by a company called pearl consulting in LAC2, so any important things I should know about that company?",,,,,,2022-11-13 15:05:39 yu6ftw,,1,French company Perenco is destroying the soil of Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-13 16:27:16 yu7902,,1,good psy in monastir?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-13 16:55:48 yu8cic,,8,Uni is nothing like bac. Les comptes rendus suck.,,,,,,,2022-11-13 17:38:58 yu8jd1,,2,Car girls/boys winkom,"Ok so, I recently moved to Tunisia and i really wanna be apart of the car culture here (although I don’t have a car xD). Where are the usual car meets, drift spots, etc..?",,,,,,2022-11-13 17:45:27 yu9d3n,,7,Tunisien fighting in Indochine war?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-13 18:13:52 yu9dyl,,1,Trouble finding a job as a self-thought Graphic Designer...,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-13 18:14:44 yu9wcm,,3,paintball,looking for paintball teams near tunis,,,,,,2022-11-13 18:32:47 yuadie,,3,where to find Steam Deck fi tounes bilehi?,,,,,,,2022-11-13 18:52:00 yubq2y,,1,how to get a job in Diwana,What university or what should someone study to get a job in Diwana ?,,,,,,2022-11-13 19:41:46 yuc6xb,,3,"chkoun aando fekra aal les formations f Canada college/uni/centre de formation, do I need bac ?",,,,,,,2022-11-13 19:57:52 yuc734,,0,do food apps deliver to :,"i just wanted to ask this question, because the lazy me, currently alone at home, wanted to buy smth, only to find that food apps (except for one) don't deliver to my place (edit: sry for forgetting the results option ) [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-13 19:58:01 yudhap,,3,Phone number problems in tunisia,"Hello, I want to ask, whether its a known problem or whether only specific phone operators are affected. Me and my mom calling often our family in tunisia via land line, via whatsapp etc. its working without problems. But when we call over the mobile phone grid, in tunisian site, its appears a tunisian phone number, which can not be called back, and which is shown up as a spam phone number. As Im into digital stuff, the behavior of spam shows me, that its used for mass calls/messaging, but its not clear, why the german phone number/call doenst get forwarded to the tunisian phone in tunisia. Our family in tunisia has Ooredoo and Orange, both seems to be affected, from german site it can not be the problem, our family in czech problem never had such a problem, so the problem has to be in tunisia, but we dont know how to solve this. Do you have experience with this issue? What is happening there? Who is the responsible entity to contact? I appreciate every help. Thank you",,,,,,2022-11-13 20:41:04 yuhirm,,0,augmented reality is mind blowing,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-13 22:56:50 yukh6m,,8,Anyone else failing to make new friends ?,"I will be moving to Germany and people talk about Germans being cold and conservative towards themselves and especially towards foreigners and it's extremely difficult to make friends there. I understand that, but I don't see that there will be much of a difference compared to people here in Tunisia, tunisians like me. I mean people are respectful and kind, but when I took my first job in Tunis, I tried asking people to hang out, guys and girls ( some for dates, some others as friends ), classmates I knew from University, people from work and the thing is that they see Yes at first, but all of them come up with a late minute excuse. * One friend from college left me on read after asking him if he wants to have a coffee on Sunday * A coworker said yes but has to wait for a delivery, then he will message me. He never did and I simply assumed he is not interested and was shy to say that. Next day he told me that the delivery came late and I said it's ok. He never rescheduled or proposed another day. * Two girls canceled before 2 or 3 hours from meeting me. * A friend from college said Yes and she will call me after an interview. She called late at night and said that the interview took longer than she thought and I said that's ok, we will try it next time. I left it to her to plan it if she wants to hang out, which she never did. Maybe that's not the case for anyone. My guess is that it's not that different from other western countries and the difference is seen since people associated it with being a foreigner. I'd rather say some Tunisians here 'fake' that they are indeed interested in going out and would like to associate, but deep down they don't and just want to go home and chill because it's such a pain to go out in Tunis since it's, well, not very safe, public transportation sucks and so on ...",,,,,,2022-11-14 01:01:07 yurhus,,5,"Alors, on pense quoi du sommet de la Francophonie qui se tiendra les prochains jours à Djerba?",Qu'en pensez vous ya jma3a? Should we keep faire du français notre deuxième langue de facto? Or should we distance ourselves from it? Can pro-francophonie people give an exhaustive list of the advantages of keeping our higher education and our non-Arabic media in French? As opposed to either keeping everything bel 3arbi walla ndawrouha kolha english.,,,,,,2022-11-14 06:58:26 yutsff,,2,Theatre Clubs/ Acting Coach Downtown?,"Looking for a trustworthy theater training center preferably located downtown or personal acting coaches. Any recommendations?",,,,,,2022-11-14 09:19:46 yuujj0,,1,"2 millions olive trees -president kais saied announced yesterday during a visit to jebel boukornine his plan to plant 2 millions olive trees , what do you guys think about that ? will it finally be the solution to our economic problems and make Tunisia rich",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-14 09:57:13 yuvt9n,شنوة_رأيكم_في_القائمة_النهائية_متاع_المنتخب/,2,شنوة رأيكم في القائمة النهائية متاع المنتخب؟,,,,,,,2022-11-14 10:57:26 yuvtp3,قائمة_المنتخب_الوطني_لكأس_العالم/,0,قائمة المنتخب الوطني لكأس العالم,المنتخب التونسي بأربعة حراس ...الكاليپسو في تمكبها و ماعملتهاش 😏,,,,,,2022-11-14 10:58:04 yuvzut,,12,Best conspiracy theories you've heard in Tunisia,"What are some of the most unique, f'd up or hilarious conspiracy theories you've heard in Tunisia? Let's avoid the most famous ones (911, Illuminati etc...)",,,,,,2022-11-14 11:05:48 yuw879,,1,just imagine what was her dreams when she borned and what she is looking right now .,,,,,,,2022-11-14 11:16:26 yuxml4,,1,"Tunisia squad, Good luck in the world cup 🇹🇳",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-14 12:17:51 yuxpir,,8,do North America/Europe still the best places to migrate to??,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-14 12:21:10 yuz4gp,,1,Tunisia is experimenting with floating solar stations,,,,,,,2022-11-14 13:17:44 yuz930,,8,"I develop my First experience of thread horreur tounsi :) what u think about storytelling and wrinting style ? Your ""artistic"" advice plz... to improve, to add....",,,,,,,2022-11-14 13:22:35 yv0gs5,,0,is it totally hazardous the distraction and destruction sound pretty much the same?... 🤔,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-14 14:08:52 yv12wb,,0,امتحانات الثلاثي الأول سنة سادسة ابتدائي,,,,,,,2022-11-14 14:31:13 yv1pn2,,6,Aviation ?,"Hello guys , who is interested to aviation simulating here ? or wanna learn (for free of course ) ?",,,,,,2022-11-14 14:53:59 yv4z2t,,1,hello please im a baccalurate student i want to study aboard please if u konw some international universities or agencies who gives some scholarship please help me,,,,,,,2022-11-14 16:44:16 yv6546,شكون_يعرف_centre_de_reconversion_professionnelle/,3,شكون يعرف centre de reconversion professionnelle باهي في تونس,N7EB nbadel domaine khedemti w net3alem développement full stack,,,,,,2022-11-14 17:22:31 yv6upq,,6,irresponsible dog owners,"Anyone else bothered by the increasing number of dogs in the country? Whether it's stray ones or none stray ones it seems like it's becoming more of a trend in ""hoods"" to become a none licenced dog breeder, do we like have no regulations around that stuff? Cause all I see now is kids handling huge dogs in public with no leash or anything, also what's up with the trend of ppl literally going on a motorbike and letting their huge dog chase them on the street. Why do ppl think any of that behavior is okay.",,,,,,2022-11-14 17:46:04 yv7fd0,és/,2,lissage cheveux bouclés,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-14 18:05:21 yv7g0c,,0,Any skincare products available in tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-14 18:05:55 yv92ph,,6,where do i find a public library in centre ville tunis (zone avenu?),i dont think i saw a public library in my life to be fair,,,,,,2022-11-14 19:01:26 yv9gty,,2,JCC VS CIFF : choufou les commentaires mtaa etwensa aal JCC w choufou les égyptiens kifeh maa les artistes mteehom..zeyed,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-14 19:15:01 yv9n93,,1,Any place or hotel that have covered pool for a reasonable access price ? Around 50 dnt?,,,,,,,2022-11-14 19:21:19 yv9sz1,,1,Is abortion legal in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-14 19:26:45 yva66l,,10,shame and name platform,"The platform exists in the US and South Korea it's called It's an ANONYMOUS forum where professionals can discuss freely about work related stuff like reviews of companies, salaries, any type od harrasmemt/misconduct, or any other subject related to work. I was wondering if creating a Tunisian version will be a good idea without getting into legal troubles with companies. How can people connect fo to the platform? 1) By using your active work email, you receive an email to verify your account and a random username is assigned to you. So on your profile you the only visible info is your username and company name. Users can trust you when you give ur opinion about your company or the industry you work in. 2) Normal email but you will only have READ only access that means you can't post and comment. Benefits of the platform: - Sharing your opinion without making enemies in the industry, avoiding HRs in your industry hating on you or people in your company... - Many taboo subjects can be discussed, like salaries - name and shame, companies with bad culture can be exposed without the exposer having to risk his/her professional life. My concern: - People don't use their work email fearing that someone in the company can have access to their inbox and notice the verification email send by the platform and this can get them in trouble (i don't think anyone in the company has access to someone else's inbox) - Companies suing the creators of the platform becoz of tarnishes reputation (i don't know if this is legally feasible) Is it worth it to create such a platform in Tunisia taking into consideration people's mentality and the egal system?",,,,,,2022-11-14 19:39:26 yvcvz1,,1,جماهير المجموعة الرابعة 🇹🇳🇫🇷🇩🇰🇦🇺🐘❤️,,,,,,,2022-11-14 21:15:59 yvk143,,3,people from SOUTH AFRICA,"Slam i m moving to sa so do anyone here went before to sa or maybe know someone s from there ? I really have couples of questions 😃",,,,,,2022-11-15 02:17:48 yvk3ec,,2,And this ladies and gentlemen why crypto is the biggest scam in the history of Ponze schemes as explained by the CEO of FTX.,,,,,,,2022-11-15 02:20:33 yvm6ve,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-15 04:00:10 yvo5du,,15,"salut tout le monde. Je ne suis pas tunisienne mais je suis épris de tout tunisien, je rêve d’y voyager un jour",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-15 05:39:17 yvq3de,,1,How to move forward from a breakup … a very bad one,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-15 07:32:32 yvr02c,,1,"Sommet de la Francophonie : à Djerba, premiers couacs",,,,,,,2022-11-15 08:28:26 yvrul0,,2,Can you order a laptop/iPad from the US and ship to Tunisia?,"So I see all these BF offers and some of them are literally twice or 3 times cheaper than here. I am wondering if I can buy a laptop and an iPad and ship them here using ""Shop n Ship"". 1- Has anyone does this before? 2- Did you get your item in a good shape or it was meddled with/stolen? 3- Were you asked to pay a big custom duty on it? Would it be any different if you show them that you're a business? 4- Is Shop n Ship the safest option compared to La Poste (for any theft or legal issues)? Edit: I get the cost with diwana may make it very expensive, but first, how much is this cost roughly? 19% of the total bill? Also, the laptops I am talking about are ones that cost originally $1000, and that are sold on BF for like $599. I am happy to spend another $200 for shipping and diwana if I know I will get my laptop. If I buy it from here, it will cost me probably $1200, and I won't get any discount on it. So yeah that makes it worth it, but I need to understand what other shenanigans I have to take into consideration.",,,,,,2022-11-15 09:18:45 yvrz3b,,1,Those damn harissa poeple again,,,,,,,2022-11-15 09:25:06 yvsso3,,4,Gamers suggestions,"This is to my fellow lurking gamers out there: I came to the conclusion that online and competetive games are trash and went back to exploring singleplayer games that I haven't had the chance to play when young and had a potato PC. I have a robust build that can mostly play everything with a decent framerate. I was wondering if you know games like ""metro exodus"" I have just finished the game and been in love with the: plot, graphics, gameplay, characters..basically everything is perfect in that game. Any other games that tried to reach that level? I was thinking of red dead redemption but I'm mostly FPS oriented..",,,,,,2022-11-15 10:05:39 yvt2y7,,38,Can an Algerian girl come to Tunisia to get an abortion?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-15 10:19:56 yvt4q9,,1,Enough said,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-15 10:22:18 yvtm22,,16,Official r/Tunisia Pre-World Cup Thread,"Greetings ! As you all know the World Cup will soon start and our Tunisian National team will take part in it. So we're happy to announce that this sub will be the hub of discussion for everything related to our national representatives in Qatar 2022 ! Regular threads will be created where discussion can be held between both Tunisians and newcomers from other subs, make sure to welcome them ! [Here's a team preview of our team on r/soccer courtesy of u/Lyrical_Forklift.]( [Here's the final Tunisian squad for the World Cup]( Tunisia's Matchs (Time in GMT+1) : November 22th, 2 p.m. : **Denmark - Tunisia** November 26th, 11 a.m. : **Tunisia - Australia** November 30th, 4 p.m. : **Tunisia - France**",,,,,,2022-11-15 10:46:43 yvu356,بسكلة/,2,A folding bike or an electronic scooter? بسكلة تتطوا على زوز ولا تروتينات آلكتريك,"I live in Tunisia and I need something that helps me avoiding the traffic and the yellow shitty bus, I prefer a folding bike because I'm willing to do some physical efforts. which one is best? who tried one here tell us? I did a research but it's not enough . ps: I can't afford more than one million and a half.",,,,,,2022-11-15 11:10:06 yvur2l,,1,"Kifeh na3mel ""Conge sans Solde""","Salem, bellehi nheb nes2l ithe kan ay wahed 3andou fekra ""How hard is it"" bech ta3mel conge sans solde. Wchniya el processes to get it?",,,,,,2022-11-15 11:42:29 yw0quu,,4,Will be you interested in IT courses (Web development for example) in the Tunisian dialect or do you prefer English?,"Hello, my lovely Tunisian community, I want to ask if you will be interested in learning some online courses, you will prefer it in English or with our Tunisian dialect?",,,,,,2022-11-15 15:42:40 yw0t47,,0,"You, too, will boycott the World cup, as some European people said?",,,,,,,2022-11-15 15:44:48 yw2kvm,,1,Out on a date,I am meeting up with girl in Tunis and I don't know the place that match. Would tou recommend any good coffee shops to take her to? Preferably calm ones with nice atmosphere.,,,,,,2022-11-15 16:44:40 yw2oep,,1,kinda dumb question,"Let's say I work with company A for 3 months. And at the same time I worked with company B for 3 months, does is count as 3 months of experience or 6 months of experience?",,,,,,2022-11-15 16:48:03 yw3974,,3,where to buy sling backpacks?,"where would i be able to buy a sling backpack? example being the image below, just anything with one strap [it do go hard](",,,,,,2022-11-15 17:07:38 yw3miq,,1,Can you test positive for weed if people smoked around you?,"You didn't smoke at all. Ama yetkayfou ba7dhek. Ken el 7akem ya3mallek test fama ay chance yatla3 positive, 7atta chance s4ira? \+Idha ken yti7ou bik 7dha 3bed yetfarksou w yal9a 3andhom zatla en plus ytestiw positive tnajm tetchad m3ahom? betbi3a tbet lila liltin ama na7ki tnajm trasilek f rabtiya?",,,,,,2022-11-15 17:20:38 yw4nlk,,0,How can I meet a lady from Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-11-15 17:56:09 yw4w0f,,1,ينجم واحد في فرانسا يعملليت كيل لكرهبه ن.ت.؟ اني في تونس و هو في فرانسا.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-15 18:03:52 yw59ly,,13,its sucks living in kairouan,"Today me and my friend tried approaching a couple of tourists in fasqiyya, out of geniune curiousity, fascination and an attempt to get out of our comfort zone. Guess what was their first reaction? THEY FKN WALKED AWAY ASAP For any swiss couple on this subbreddit, were sorry there was no malicious intent 😭",,,,,,2022-11-15 18:18:23 yw66ub,,5,ye5i 3leh ki nsobou solde yjina ne9es?,"Edit: no9sed ki tsob flous f tel. Manich sure ama ma kenetch hakka 9bal, non? Lwech wallet hakka w 3lech ya3mloha? T5ayel techri bakou do5an yjik ne9es zouz wala thletha.",,,,,,2022-11-15 18:54:53 yw6rxx,,1,"Best place to train MMA, boxing or kickboxing in sousse ?"," Preferably close to sousse jawhara",,,,,,2022-11-15 19:17:13 yw7et0,,1,Making friends past 25,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-15 19:42:00 yw7xz8,,1,i need help here guys,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-15 20:03:08 yw8gtu,,5,Where to buy Steam gift cards in Tunis?,"I am a gamer and as you know we cannot buy directly due to archaic laws, I am looking for trustworthy stores (their google maps locations or Facebook pages) around the capital, preferably turkish gift cards. Any help is welcome, thanks in advance. Edit: Thanks to everyone who helped me, I appreciate",,,,,,2022-11-15 20:23:39 ywh3q0,,1,My crush and I got assigned to work together ps:3omri la sou7ebt + ne7chem barcha can I get some advices please (I'm a boy)🥺,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-16 02:28:25 ywnvqa,,0,Are you," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-16 08:19:35 ywnvyy,,2,i recorded takiacademy videos,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-16 08:20:03 ywohf6,,1,Guys any suggestions how can I watch word cup online free !!,,,,,,,2022-11-16 08:57:52 ywolmv,,0,poland invoking articale 5,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-16 09:04:55 ywoyzg,,48,"Because ""200000 Tunisians own Crypto"", The Tunisian GOV is preparing a legal framework for Blockchains, Crypto assets, ICOs and smart contracts.",,,,,,,2022-11-16 09:28:00 ywp2de,,2,"Girls living alone, share your experience",I m thinking about renting a studio next semester and i want your advice,,,,,,2022-11-16 09:33:57 ywpeor,,1,"Schedule FIFA World cup 2022 - Timings, Dates, and Matches",,,,,,,2022-11-16 09:55:29 ywqcs9,,1,Opinions?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-16 10:54:02 ywqelb,,1,Opinions?,"[Business News Investigated for an article about ra2isset El 7kouma](,520,124464,3)",,,,,,2022-11-16 10:57:05 ywqgtj,,1,This is why oNlInE BaYmEnT is SOO advanced in Tajikistan.,,,,,,,2022-11-16 11:00:25 ywr3b2,,6,Chose one domain name i can use for a video streaming platform,"[]( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( &#x200B; Feel free to give suggestions if you'd like &#x200B; [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-16 11:37:18 ywrq11,,1,Chkoun f lac 1 y7eb yt9abel tawa,I have two hours to kill and I’m all alone 🤣 li y7eb yet9abel tawa ykallmni un direct,,,,,,2022-11-16 12:11:31 ywsogo,,1,Sommet de la francophonie : rendre visible l'entrepreneuriat au féminin,,,,,,,2022-11-16 12:59:38 ywtbgi,,1,Airport Freeshop Advice,"Shall I buy chocolate (Kinder, Bueno, Milka) from The Airport or it is cheaper in Tunisia Cities?",,,,,,2022-11-16 13:28:35 ywtmm7,,4,What industry/Daily life aspects are missing mobile apps in Tunisia? And you will use it?,"Hello, I'm doing do kind of survey to get what's missing for our Tunisian market mobile apps or websites that can be useful for our daily lives aspects like transportation/ health sector/ education: e-commerce/ socializing/ sharing/financial gaming hobbies etc I believe we have a well-educated new generation passionate by new technologies Share your ideas!",,,,,,2022-11-16 13:40:26 ywtsgl,,4,Longboarding,Soo as the title says is there any longboarders who are into free riding and Downhill longboarding ? It's quite underrated here in tunisia !,,,,,,2022-11-16 13:46:28 ywxmnl,,1,my crush and I got assigned to work together in university ps: 3omri masou7ebt ..can I get some advices please 🥺,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-16 16:09:12 ywxogr,,1,my crush and I got assigned to work together in university ps: 3omri masou7ebt..can I get some advices please 🥺 (I'm a boy),,,,,,,2022-11-16 16:10:51 ywzp2x,,4,students who got a high mark in french at the baccalaureate exam? How did you do it? Any tips please? ( Bac Math ),Edit: My main concern is fluency and ideas in writing,,,,,,2022-11-16 17:18:38 yx0s4d,,1,can I take another course at another university while still studying ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-16 17:56:07 yx12xl,,1,The EU provides a budget of 100 million euros for Tunisia's reforms,,,,,,,2022-11-16 18:06:07 yx1c5m,,2,Is joining clubs in UNI at all worth it?,"I'm majoring in software engineering, I'm not sure I like the clubs that I joined. I'm not particularly introverted, I know my way around people and have no problem doing public speaking. However, the people that I met aren't exactly the type I liking being around therefore I'm considering leaving all together. Instead of investing my time in clubs I'm really considering putting my effort and energy into personal projects (In other words I'd like to work on my portfolio.) What do u think would be the better option?",,,,,,2022-11-16 18:14:48 yx1cre,نلوج_على_حلقة_شوفلي_حل_تع_كي_عزة_كلمت_الاذاعة/,1,نلوج على حلقة شوفلي حل تع كي عزة كلمت الاذاعة,جزء 2005 حلقة 7 كان مش غالط، احسن حلقة عني و ملقيتهاش في حتي بلاصة,,,,,,2022-11-16 18:15:15 yx2tjx,,1,Anyone from Tunisia? Dealing with hyperacusis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-16 19:06:01 yx36y2,,1,Anyone from Tunisia dealing with hyperacusis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-16 19:18:52 yx4frc,,1,looking for advices...,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-16 20:02:31 yx4v4n,,18,I want to learn your dialect,"Hi! I'm looking for an online Tunisian friend so I can learn to speak your dialect I love how it sounds and I feel like it's not far from mine (kuwaiti) I'm 31 F, into sports, food and adventures Hit me up if you have time and you're interested",,,,,,2022-11-16 20:17:15 yx5sas,,1,kifech na3ml bach nab3th 7aja bl post rapide?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-16 20:49:24 yx6o43,,1,Chkoun Jareb Map tounes f ETS2 ?,,,,,,,2022-11-16 21:22:55 yx7vna,,1,Arab-American Participants Needed for Online Survey,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-16 22:09:24 yx9jqx,,3,Any musicians around ?,"Hey there , I'm a drummer , a self-taught one , and I was wondering if there is any other musicians I could possibly connect with here, especially self-taught ones.",,,,,,2022-11-16 23:16:21 yx9krr,,3,Any hiking/camping spots recommendations ?,"Preferably under a 100kms radius from Ariana . Must be fairly unknown to guarantee absolute privacy please .",,,,,,2022-11-16 23:17:30 yx9oxb,,2,"looking for friends to hang out with in la Marsa, Tunis.",,,,,,,2022-11-16 23:22:15 yx9zei,,1,Watch out for this man!,,,,,,,2022-11-16 23:34:44 yxanld,,12,shitting on ppls passion,"i have just seen this [video]( of amine nouira aka bandana and it just crushed me, seeing someone giving up on doing what they like because of bullying. why do we have the need to shit on ppl's creativity, why do we have to be the active bully in the group, the guy is only sharing fashion trend, he's not forcing you to wear it. for those who don't know, amine has been sharing many American fashion trend, that he likes, most of them is what you'd expect from a fashion trend ""not in our culture"", what's the rational response to that ?... hate, bullying, mocking etc just have some empathy and let ppl be",,,,,,2022-11-17 00:03:33 yxgnzp,,6,seeking advice,"So I'm a first year medical student and the more I study the more I find out that it might not be for me. A lot of people around me are extremely passionate about it and dream of becoming doctors but I personally never had such a goal. The subjects \*aren't\* the problem, in fact they are(mostly) fun. (minus the pressure of having to memorize an insane amount of content for tests you have no idea how you will do on because you can't find any practice tests) but it's the job part. I do not see myself enjoying being a doctor and dealing with patients + I am not really interested in illnesses, I am more interested in the fundamentals that we're studying rn than how to treat diseases(will be our main focus starting from 3rd year)+ there's very little freedom and so much one has to sacrifice to become a doctor that unless it's truly your dream in life you will probably regret it. which is why i'm considering quitting early. I did réo aout and got prépa first so I think I have the option of applying to prépa next year but i'm not sure. For context I was a bac math student and would say doing pure math or theoretical physics research would be my passion but idk how available becoming a researcher is in tunisia or how good that path is financially speaking or how hard/easy it is to work abroad or how good the quality of education (physics specially cuz labs need money and maintenance..) compared to other institutions internationally and would I be risking unemployment following it etc.. i'm also interested in software engineering so would love to hear abt that(mainly if it pays well and if there's job security in it) also for those who know, is it possible to do research as a doctor ? i don't mean disease research but scientific, smth akin to what someone with a phd would be doing. If that's the case i might just stick with it and do neuroscience research and hopefully ditch the dealing with patients part. would love to hear your thoughts on this. Is sticking with medicine worth it?is switching to smth else worth it? tl;dr : indecisive af mf thinking abt switching from medicine to smth else. for some reason wants ur opinion abt it",,,,,,2022-11-17 04:37:50 yxhdml,,1,Does anyone know where I can buy or order this in the US? My Tunisian friend is homesick and having cravings 😭,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-17 05:13:58 yxj4gw,,0,I saw a post about Russian missile hitting Poland so I wanted to update everyone that that missile turned out to be Ukrainian,,,,,,,2022-11-17 06:47:03 yxkh7y,,15,Ya twensa ! is it only me facing this issue when it comes to online payment ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-17 08:09:08 yxlu2s,,1,A made in Tunisia cover... Tanja7?,,,,,,,2022-11-17 09:30:42 yxmt17,,1,chkoun yaaref wa9tech bourse taa syobouh,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-17 10:29:17 yxnrh9,,10,Help me find places to buy / borrow books from pls !,"I' m new to reading books mainly in english and i need help finding a place to buy them / borrow them ! Do u know any public libraries (or second hand books ) arround the capital that have fiction novels (preferably in english) and Thanks in advance!! Btw i tried ""alkitab"" and its pretty expensive to me as i am just a student .",,,,,,2022-11-17 11:23:57 yxog2p,,8,Best place to meet strangers,"Hi 24M and introverted, is there any place to work/ meet new people ? (i tried cosmitto)",,,,,,2022-11-17 12:00:31 yxohca,,16,Tunisian Youtube channels recommendations,"I recently dicovered a great youtube channel called Alert; it's very informative and it made me think if there are other channels like it. Do you guys have any recommendations?",,,,,,2022-11-17 12:02:06 yxojpf,,3,الدّزان الإلكتروني في تونس خارج الخدمة ؟ الرّد الحاسم من مدير عام شركة نقديات تونس,,,,,,,2022-11-17 12:05:31 yxow58,,8,Math tutoring,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-17 12:23:06 yxrcj0,,1,عدنان بن صالح: بروموكوت قانونا مقننة أكثر من بروموسبور | عودة على فقرة برنامج خط أحمر في Express Fm حول الرهان الرياضي بحضور ممثل من شركة بروموكوت رابط الحلقة كاملة:... | By Promocote Tunisie | Facebook,,,,,,,2022-11-17 14:11:08 yxs9rr,,1,🚨 MAGNIFIQUE ! Des centaines de supporters tunisiens ont accueilli le bus des joueurs tunisiens à Doha pour les encourager ! 😍🔥🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-11-17 14:51:44 yxsj5d,,4,why are e-book readers expensive?,,,,,,,2022-11-17 15:02:33 yxslsu,,8,Most capable government we had since 2011? And why?,"ابرك حكومة شدت البلاد؟ I can't include all governments into one poll so I excluded what I think are the most obvious terrible ones.. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-17 15:05:35 yxszec,,1,"Selem, yekhy najjam nekhou relevé de naissance mtaa ensen meyo9roblych ? Ken oui chnowa lmatloub ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-17 15:21:26 yxtjro,,1,"The Carthage Eagles goalkeeper was injured days before the start of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, and it was found that there was a muscle injury that requires at least a week's rest. for an MRI scan on November 20 to assess the progress and improvement of the injury, to determine his status in the W",,,,,,,2022-11-17 15:45:30 yxu8x4,,1,Best place for afterword drinks in Tunis?,"So I am looking for a nice trendy place with a modern vibe for an after work drinks session with colleagues from work. We’ve been to the Marriott rooftop bar and would like to have another place…",,,,,,2022-11-17 16:13:54 yxx0lh,,1,Looking for a software developer,"Hi everyone, hope you doing great. I'm looking for a software developer to team up for a product idea that I think has a huge potentiel to succeed in Tunisia. Dm if interested. Edit : thanks for everyone that sent me a dm but I found one.",,,,,,2022-11-17 18:05:59 yxyitp,,7,How to be paid as a Tunisian freelancer?,"Hello everyone I want to recruit a Tunisian freelancer for my French company, how can I pay him? I only have euros and don't know how to bring him money in a legal way.",,,,,,2022-11-17 19:05:41 yxzkbw,,1,watchu think of leaving ?,"Am i the only one who constantly think of immigrating outside Tunisia to a developed country ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-17 19:45:52 yxzvk7,,12,Tunisia jokessssssss,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-17 19:58:24 yy0534,,2,Rja3na rja3na - Live 🙈,,,,,,,2022-11-17 20:08:16 yy1x9a,,11,"TIL When it's raining while the sun is shining, the Japanese people call it ""the fox's wedding"" which is similar to our ""wolf's wedding""",Just something I learned today and felt like sharing,,,,,,2022-11-17 21:19:02 yy2caq,,4,LA COUPE DU MONDE VUE PAR LA FRANCOPHONIE,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-17 21:36:10 yy5cqw,,3,Important Words List English/tunisian arabic?,"Hello, Im struggling currently to find a vocabulary list of Tunisian Arabic and English/German. As the Tunisian Arabic is not the ""general Arabic"" (if even there is a clear definition what ""general""). So I found a list of more than 350 words, but only in Arabic, nothing in Tunisian Arabic + the phonetic pronunciation (so even non-arabic speaker can read the spoken word in Latin alphabet and pronounce the word). If someone has a source/website or something similar, where the quality is proven to be good, I would appreciate this very much. Thank you / Chokran",,,,,,2022-11-17 23:45:09 yy6eev,,4,How to make money as a student: real life example.,,,,,,,2022-11-18 00:33:43 yy940x,,16,رَ رُ رِ را راء : ريعٌ. تدشين خدمة حصرية لشركة نقديات تونس. منصة بايسمارت.,,,,,,,2022-11-18 02:48:24 yyai3n,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-18 04:00:10 yycy74,اللهم_صل_على_المصطفى/,1,اللهم صل على المصطفى,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-18 06:17:26 yye9o2,,3,Tunisians in Argentina,"Are there Tunisians in Argentina ? I want to ask about living there as it's my dream country. I know that they are suffering from inflation and bad economy (just like Tunisia or even worse) but I always wanted to be there as I'm speaking good Spanish with Porteño dialect and that I know mostky everything about the country. The main question is : Is it worthy ?",,,,,,2022-11-18 07:39:55 yyfc79,,1,best phone repair center at Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-18 08:50:26 yyg1ws,,1,Don t forget to collect the limited free Style in Reddit,,,,,,,2022-11-18 09:37:04 yyg59j,,1,hi my prepaid sim card I got for 3 weeks here by orange is out of data. how can I top it up with data while I'm here 🙂,,,,,,,2022-11-18 09:43:24 yyg9gs,,2,Can anyone recommend a Tunis-based graphic designer?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-18 09:51:06 yyh30y,,1,Howdy can anyone here read doctor handwriting?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-18 10:44:01 yyh32m,,1,aslamaa fin ntl3 7aja haka !?,,,,,,,2022-11-18 10:44:05 yyhlqv,,2,karate 🥋 in Tunisia,"I was passionate about martial arts since I was a kid and the last one I practiced and my favorite one was karate in the age of 14 After that my leg got broken and I couldn't do sports for 3 years and when I fully healed and wanted to go back covid come and everything closed for 2 years Now I'm 19 Yo and I want to go practice my passion again but every karate club just teach kids (5_10 YO) And I couldn't find place with people close to my age or older Do you guys have any idea if it's possible to find people my age do karate or it's pointless ?",,,,,,2022-11-18 11:15:05 yyi03q,,1,كيف تتخلص من العصبية وتتحكم في انفعالاتك؟,,,,,,,2022-11-18 11:37:41 yyi4jr,,1,Is it normal that your partner says they want to marry you when you are both still in your early 20s?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-18 11:44:38 yyjfvo,,1,is it normal for an ex girlfriend to try and make you jealous,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-18 12:56:15 yyjg4f,,0,Are you for making our dialect a language?,"I'm for it if it's done with the Arabic alphabet/it becomes the first language followed by Arabic. My arguments: -Most of the people around the world are taught the language that they speak -It would be easier for tourists. -It would make us multilingual (4 or more languages)",,,,,,2022-11-18 12:56:38 yyjz45,,3,What do you think about Algeria/Algerians?,Hi guys i am from Algeria and was wondering what our brothers think of us?,,,,,,2022-11-18 13:22:57 yykerf,,1,Try my SMV Calculator app,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-18 13:43:35 yykltw,,2,Do you wish we had a different flag? If yes kifeh?,,,,,,,2022-11-18 13:52:56 yyknzl,,3,First vidéo Thread horreur beTounsi,,,,,,,2022-11-18 13:55:36 yym3ia,,1,Question about CTI,I know there is a 1000 threads about CTI on this reddit but i wanted to know if you could use the CTI on CD KEYS thx,,,,,,2022-11-18 14:58:56 yymoqw,,10,how do you find a job in it or any related job without professional experience (not including internships) ?,"I'm not sure if it's just me or the game is rigged, bac +3 and a hundred job application sent with barely any replies. Even internships I see people in engineering schools get accepted while I get denied or ignored all together. On the other side of the spectrum I see people that are not necessarily great at dev get good jobs and get paid well. It industry is going to shits eitherway but come on !! z3am ken yjiw new startups abusing students fel pfe wgive them full time job's worth of workload without paying them a dime, or at least this is the trend i'm noticing. ps: keejob, linkedin, tanit all have had the same results: radio silence",,,,,,2022-11-18 15:24:20 yyn6p0,,0,LA COUPE DU MONDE 2022 VUE PAR LA FRANCOPHONIE,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-18 15:46:40 yynnr7,,1,5g is a lie,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-18 16:06:46 yynxf2,,3,How would one go about sending a large sum of money abroad?,"Money currently in bank, open to unethical methods",,,,,,2022-11-18 16:18:22 yyp1o5,,0,For people who still have hope to afford living in this country,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-18 17:05:36 yyp1o7,,50,For people who still have hope to afford living in this country,,,,,,,2022-11-18 17:05:37 yyp23a,,7,For people who still have hope to afford living in this country,,,,,,,2022-11-18 17:06:05 yyp847,,1,if you still think you can afford living in this country,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-18 17:12:45 yyqlap,,1,"We are bombarded with corruption, inflation, unemployment and crime rate all time high, human rights going to shit because of islamists, we suffering the most from global warming like when is enough going to be enough?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-18 18:10:57 yys74y,,8,shower thoughts,"who own da7da7 and katkout ? seriously asking",,,,,,2022-11-18 19:21:15 yysjzr,,2,Help me to solve this,,,,,,,2022-11-18 19:36:39 yyswtw,,1,livraison mta3 B3,"hey all 3malt demande b3 awel el chhar hétha (novembre) w machallah 3lihom t5edmet fi 10 jours ta9rib. ykalmouni bousta y9oulouli rahi fel blasa X elli teb3ed 3laya taxi mta3 7 dinars hakéka wa9teli fama bousta teb3ed 3al dar 3 min à pieds... normal ? 3lech nadf3ou fihom el flous ken mba3ed chikalfouheli fi taxi ?",,,,,,2022-11-18 19:52:05 yyt4rs,,2,"I'm curious, how much pocket money do you receive (per week)","answer below [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-18 20:01:19 yytcmt,,3,Psilocybin,Does anyone know where to find Psilocybin in Tunis? Thanks in advance,,,,,,2022-11-18 20:10:35 yyulva,,2,Haircut,"Hello guys, i have a question about haircuts, how tunisians think about haircuts, stereo types, whats considered as acceptable and what do you prefer long pr short haircuts ?",,,,,,2022-11-18 21:05:39 yyuqnp,,1,OnePlus Nord 2T Vs Realme 9 Pro +,"So I have these two phones as options (within budget and I like them). Problem is I initially wanted the 9 Pro+ because of the better autonomy: my reasoning is better autonomy mean less charge/discharge cycles in 3-4 years which means better battery life. but my friends actually both argued that I am not a heavy user and that the battery life gains over time will be negligeable compared to the performance upgrade of the OP N 2T (it is true I am not a heavy user of my phone, I am more of a PC person). So I am here asking people who have experience with these ligns of phones (Realme 9 series and OP Nord series) what do they think and **if you use Realme UI 3 phone or Oxygen 12 phone please comment on what you like and dislike about the Operating system.**",,,,,,2022-11-18 21:11:40 yyv2vi,,0,Solution ?,,,,,,,2022-11-18 21:27:05 yyvlxo,,1,Headache and insomnia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-18 21:50:22 yyx2gv,,0,how the fuck can I leave this country I'm 21 years old and I have bac and 2 years BTP formation experience and I had a stage experience yet it's so fucking hard to leave its sounds near impossible I'm just fucking sick of Muslim piss ass countries,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-18 22:55:09 yyxy7n,,1,Football is coming home,,,,,,,2022-11-18 23:35:25 yyy17c,,0,are there safe strip clubs for women to apply for in Tunisia?,"i’m an english major. I can’t live on minimum wage, my dad has with cancer, he is in first stages. i’m trying to help financially but I can’t. looking for a position in which I can work without indulging in sexual contacts withs strangers, aka just do my job ans get paid. kindly don’t be mean any help is much appreciated thanks all.",,,,,,2022-11-18 23:39:16 yz5907,,1,Tunisian Hustler on TikTok visite us and follow discord will drop soon,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-19 06:16:26 yz6lkx,,1,"Hatem Belhaj to institute legal proceedings against unlicensed broadcast of Choufli Hal on Spotify, Youtube and iPTV.",,,,,,,2022-11-19 07:48:34 yz7gmz,,1,كيف ننظف أسناننا بالطريقة الصحيحة؟,,,,,,,2022-11-19 08:49:38 yz7j6p,,5,"Not tunisia, but how corruption looks in germany - 350.000 Euro as Photographer","Hi tunisian reddit Family :) I wanted share with you, how the corruption in german government look like, so you can compare about it with the tunisian government corruption. Summary: The Green Party lead ministry for economy is looking for a Photographer who will get 350.000€ for the next 4 years paid. This is 87.500 Euro (290.000 DT) per year, this is 7.290 Euro (24.200 DT) per month, a good paid full time worker get in germany before taxes 2.800€ ([;jsessionid=366423E4036DD5A96710150A02C88324.live721](;jsessionid=366423E4036DD5A96710150A02C88324.live721), check the row: **Gross income from dependent employment**) the total income is not realistic and is only ""beautifying"", but the reality. Here a table what jobs get paid in germany: []( The Photographer get in average 243€ per day, what is around 806 DTA similar paid job is vice chair of a company/ Co-CEO / Prokurist. Thats how german government is wasting tax payers money, while we have to freeze as the gas too expensive. &#x200B; All translated from german with DeepL Translator Via [LinkedIn]( >\#Habeck Ministry is looking for its own celebrity photographer for photographic ministerial escorts - contract duration max. four years, payment: 350,000 euros. Nothing seems to be more important to this exceptional political talent in the current situation than his #self-staging at the expense of #taxpayers! > >In the past, princes and kings had poorly paid court painters who made embellished portraits. Today, government officials have well-paid photographers snapping embellished portraits. Well, at least the salary has very obviously improved...#socialpolicy > >Sorry, but Germany is looking a bit more like an open psychiatric ward every day since the #Greens co-governed.... The hard cases sit on the government bench, the new blood is stuck on the street.... > >We citizens, however, are no longer blinded by any photo.... It is only a matter of time until society will understand who the real exploiters are and who stands up for any concerns of the people at all! Example: Climate! > >Do any of you think it's right, important and good that over 800 private jets flew to Egypt for the #ClimateSummit to tell us from there that we should all cycle to work because otherwise we'll destroy the planet.... &#x200B; Article snippet via [Focus Online]( >Who is currently still looking for a job and has a knack for photography, which is currently a golden opportunity. Because the Ministry of Economics of Robert Habeck is looking for a photographer for the appointments of the Minister . Official title: ""Framework agreement on photographic accompaniment of the Minister and commissioned photography for the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection."" > >Habeck ministry seeks photographer for 350,000 euros > >The job is well remunerated: The ministry gives the ""estimated total value"" as 350,000 euros - excluding VAT! From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024, the job is initially temporary, but there are two ""extension options"" for one year each. The 350,000 euros are estimated for the maximum possible four years. > >There are four main tasks the new photographer is expected to perform: Photographic travel and appointment support, provision of images and image processing, commissioned photography for the public relations work of the BMWK and archiving of the photographs submitted.",,,,,,2022-11-19 08:54:52 yz83ba,,15,Is it true that Tunisia's high school education program is way harder than France's or Germany's?,,,,,,,2022-11-19 09:34:07 yz8pjj,,0,Ye5y kif tabda ta9ra jem3a bch twali technicien lezem tnik staget? W yet7esbou kif 5ebra fi c.vs ?,,,,,,,2022-11-19 10:16:16 yz8vhd,,2,anyone knows some comapnies working in IOT or metaverse in tunisia ??,,,,,,,2022-11-19 10:27:39 yz8zl5,,1,What the saddest story you did you know in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-19 10:35:15 yz9be7,,2,You woke up as ben ali in15/12/2010 what you do to stay as president?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-19 10:57:48 yz9bfo,,26,"Is there any hope left to save the public education? I think in 10 years, only the rich will be able to get decent education in Tunisia.",,,,,,,2022-11-19 10:57:53 yz9fcx,معاني_اسماء_الولايات_التونسية/,23,معاني اسماء الولايات التونسية,"معاني أسماء ولايات تونس⁦📷⁩وعددها24: [\#ولاية\_بن\_عروس]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) هي نسبة للولي الصالح أحمد بن عروس وهو ولي صالح وعالم دين تونسي. [\#ولاية\_نابل]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) إسم يوناني يعني المدينة الجديدة. [\#ولاية\_باجة]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) كانت تسمّى في القديم ""VAGA"" من قبل الرومان وتعني البقرة الحلوب أو تموجات سنابل القمح، ومع الفتح الإسلامي أطلق عليها ""باجة"". [\#ولاية\_أريانة]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) إسم إيراني ويعني بلاد الإيرانيين. [\#ولاية\_بنزرت]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) إسم يوناني ويعني الحصان الذهبي أو الحصان الأشقر. [\#ولاية\_صفاقس]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) يقول العديد من المؤرخين أنها نسبة لقائد أمازيغي قديم إسمه ""سيفاكس"". [\#ولاية\_تطاوين]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) هو إسم أمازيغي ويعني المنابع أو العيون الجارية بالمياه. [\#ولاية\_توزر]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) يُقال أن التسمية تعود إلى إمرأة خزّافة إسمها ""توزر"" وهناك كذلك تفسير لإسم توزر على أنه من اللغة الأمازيغية ويعني المرتفع أو الهضبة. [\#ولاية\_تونس]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) العاصمة، حسب العديد من المؤرخين فمعنى الإسم يعود إلى الألهة التي كان يؤمن بها متساكنوا المدينة في العهد الفينيقي وهي الألهة ""تانيت"". أما في اللغة الأمازيغية فإسم تونس يعني المخيم الليلي أو مكان للتوقف وقضاء الليل فيه. [\#ولاية\_منوبة]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) إسم من أصل بونيقي، فـ كلمة منوبة تتركب من مفردتين: الأولى "" منّه"" وتعني السوق والثانية ""وبة"" وتعني الخير، بذلك فـ منوبة تعني سوق الخير. [\#ولاية\_جندوبة]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) هو إسم بربري يتكون من مفردتين: الأولى ""جن"" ومعناها سوق والثانية ""دوبة"" ومعناها ""القمح"" بذلك فـجندوبة تعني سوق القمح. [\#ولاية\_زغوان]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) يُقال أن أصل الأسم هو لاتيني ""زيكا"" أو ""أكوا"" والتي تعني ""ماء"" وذلك بالنظر إلى ثرواتها المائية، فكلنا نعرف أن زغوان تشتهر بمنابع المياه والحمامات الطبيعة. [\#ولاية\_سليانة]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) إسم مقتطف من ""سليان"" وهو مصطلح أمازيغي يعني ""العالي"" بمعنى المرتفع أو الهضبة. [\#ولاية\_سوسة]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) المحروسة هو الإسم الذي إستعمله المسلمون ومن المرجّح أنه من أصل أمازيغي حيث أن عدّة أماكن بشمال إفريقيا تحمل نفس الإسم، مثال ذلك مدينة ""سوس"" بالمغرب أو ""سوسة"" بليبيا. [\#ولاية\_المهدية]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) إسم منسوب للخليفة الفاطمي ""عبد الله المهدي الفاطمي"". [\#ولاية\_سيدي\_بوزيد]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) إسم منسوب للولي الصالح سيدي بوزيد. [\#ولاية\_ڨابس]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) كان في القديم يطلق عليها ""تكابي"" وهناك من يقول من المؤرخين أنّها إستمدت إسمها من قديس روماني إسمه ""تكابيس"". [\#ولاية\_ڨـبلي]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) يُقال أن أصل التسمية لاتيني ""كابيلا"" ومعناه المصلّي في الكنيسة. [\#ولاية\_القصرين]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) تعود تسمية الولاية إلى قصرين من عهد الرومان. [\#ولاية\_قفصة]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) هو إسم لاتيني وإشتقاق عربي للتسمية اللاتينية ""كاباسا"" وهو مصطلح يعني الحضارة الحجرية القديمة. [\#ولاية\_القيروان]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) هو إسم فارسي ""كيروان"" ويعني المعسكر أو المكان الذي يدّخر فيه السلاح. [\#ولاية\_الكاف]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) كان يطلق عليها قديما ""سيكا فينيريا"" نسبة لفينوس ألهة الحب والجمال. [\#ولاية\_مدنين]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) هي إختصار لكلمة ""مدنيين"" جمع ""مدني"" أي مجموعة سكانية. [\#ولاية\_المنستير]([0]=AZVS-yG1n2YBRqnnMRUa3dda5bk9yAHRvain7qxczw2WJ4PO7hMv4Yi7RR1_rJdc9qieH6naqf7RxZqZWLHkFmeZPBo38JqRbIHnWeqgN2NfoiRpnjx3_Mnaw0yD52qjXdkvWbBn54N7wCMF3PkxIph2RiS5Qc0fhOGzFiN9lZsTwX6JgDADTmbXrMddBGp2UItHcIq1PJZfFNrRL7RTO5c-&__tn__=*NK-R) تعني دار العبادة وأطلق عليها هذا الإسم نظرا لكثرة المعابد التي إنتشرت فيها في العهد الفينيقي. 📷 📷📷898Rawdha EL May et 897 autres personnes 83 commentaires 1,2 K partages **J’aime** **Commenter** **Partager**",,,,,,2022-11-19 11:04:47 yz9gl4,,1,"Anyone noticed most of the delusions, hypocrisy, perversion, ignorance, simping for women while being misogynistic etc mentality of arab men is all linked to Islam? there's no way this is "" a culture""",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-19 11:06:56 yz9lhv,,2,المصادقة على شهادة التخرج,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-19 11:15:44 yz9zu6,,4,Guys plz tell me what is the best way to invest 1000 tnd or 300 usd,What'd you do.,,,,,,2022-11-19 11:41:24 yza0tn,,1,عدو خفي للنجاح احذر منه,,,,,,,2022-11-19 11:43:05 yzae0o,,1,searching for a stranger roommate,"Hey everyone I'm thinking of renting an apartment in kantawi near the port. I lived before with a Japanese student, prior to that a Spanish couple. And I really liked both experiences. So I'm looking if any foreigner is willing to rent it out with me",,,,,,2022-11-19 12:05:30 yzagyj,,1,Trading in the Us stock market,"3andi moda naamel paper trades ou il profit margins mte3i stable n7ib nabda nitradi fil stock market. any brokers yi9blou twenssa ? ou 3andkomch fikra 3alla il bourse il tounsia kifech titradi fiha ?",,,,,,2022-11-19 12:10:24 yzauh7,,7,"Témoignage d'un sénégalais en transit à l'aéroport de Tunis Carthage, et du traitement honteux qu'il a subi","Salem nes lkol, Hedha témoignage d'un sénégalais 3mal transit fi matar Tunis Carthage, ya7ki fih aala mechekel eli saroulou maa l boulissiya fel matar. Moch awel mara, nesm3ou 7keyet haka malheureusement maa l bandiya hedhouma. Ken aandkom nasaye7, bch le7keya twali médiatisée chwaya, je suis preneur. Nharkom zin",,,,,,2022-11-19 12:32:05 yzaz5o,,1,ملاّ جمهور يا بابا 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-11-19 12:39:52 yzbqys,,1,Beware of Karim2k.,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-19 13:21:26 yzce97,,3,What are the requirements to get a frensh tourist visa?,Title,,,,,,2022-11-19 13:54:35 yzckoi,راديت_تنعتني_على_حمام_باهي_في_أحواز_تونس_يرحم/,7,راديت، تنعتني على حمّام باهي في أحواز تونس؟ يرحم الوالد.,,,,,,,2022-11-19 14:02:55 yzcmyj,,2,Should i consume Xanax in the morning or before i sleep,"So i was diagnosed with anxiety , my psychiatrist prescript ed Xanax and a bunch of other meds , 9aleltli ebda b 10 9tari wken 7asitha dh3ifa zid 2 kol nhar , ema nsit fellil 9bal manor9ed wella fel nhar wkalamtha mehish djewb , help please!",,,,,,2022-11-19 14:06:02 yzdnl1,,3,Do Tunisian companies go for native development or cross-platform ?,"I've seen a rise in Flutter job posts in recent years but I guess most of them are startups which explains why they would go for a cross platform solution for mobile development . But how about the bigger companies ? how to they decide ?",,,,,,2022-11-19 14:54:23 yzen6m,,1,Introduction to Neurodevelopmental Disorders and it's causes and symptoms.,,,,,,,2022-11-19 15:38:31 yzflxy,,1,Your thoughts on the Francophone summit ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-19 16:20:46 yzfowl,,1,Your thoughts on the Francophone summit ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-19 16:24:25 yzg74t,,32,famma chkoun nse fommou fel bousta,,,,,,,2022-11-19 16:46:33 yzgsbz,,2,"Weird question, but need recommendation to shop for clothing items for Viking size people","I'm a large guy, freaking fed up because I can't find shoes my size that won't kill my feet or stink of death at the end of the day, been looking for decent shoes for a couple of months now to no avail, I can't afford super expensive shoes, anything past 250 dinars is too much for me. I have messed up feet with nerve issues, so I need shoes that are comfortable. I wear size 47. Any brand or stores anyone could recommend that has affordable decent quality shoes for someone with big wide feet.",,,,,,2022-11-19 17:12:16 yzhf99,,2,Questions and help,Chkn inajem i3awenni bech man5allasech diwena im fucked up guys,,,,,,2022-11-19 17:39:54 yzhg44,,1,"I'm gonna turn 20 years old in few months and I'm really sad like I look back and there's nothing there. the "" youth "" and golden teenage dream and memories are nonexistent I just don't know how to feel better knowing damn well I'm stuck in this country and this environment. idk how to feel alive",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-19 17:40:52 yzhk8v,,0,LA COUPE DU MONDE 2022 VUE PAR LA FRANCOPHONIE,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-19 17:45:52 yzjf6m,,2,"Did anyone try or buy anything from wildkard .tn, i'm trying to buy something but the website looks shady as hell",,,,,,,2022-11-19 19:05:56 yzk83e,,0,Costs of going to the world cup ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-19 19:41:24 yzl3na,,1,Best way to travel around Tunisia? (Tunis>Tozeur>Tataouine>Gabes>Sfax>Sousse>Tunis),[removed],,,,,,2022-11-19 20:20:45 yzl8i4,,23,notice how countries who got colonized by the English people doing well than the ones who got colonized by the French? It should've been always English the language of technology and science.. it's good news that we becoming more fluent in English than french,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-19 20:26:37 yzmt1p,,6,Comprehensible list of taxi jama3i routes in Tunis,"I'll start: Av. Bourguiba (near the clock tower) - La Marsa Metro Ariana - El Aouina Metro Ariana - Mongi Slim hospital Tunis Marine - La Goulette - Le Kram",,,,,,2022-11-19 21:36:47 yzn9zh,,1,Med schools in USA,Coucou! Je suis actuellement étudiante en 3ème année médecine et je voudrais savoir s’il y a moyen de poursuivre mes études aux Etats Unis ? Est-ce que c’est comme en France (PACES) ? Devrai-je tout refaire dès la 1ère année ?,,,,,,2022-11-19 21:58:33 yznxfi,,10,"Tunisians who live in Gulf countries ( Qatar, UAE, Oman ), how would you compare life there with life in Europe ?","Europe, especially France, is the number one destination for young professional Tunisians. I hear it's more difficult to land a job in Gulf countries ( I am a software engineer ) and countries like France and Germany are more welcoming to young talents. But I wonder how is life in Gulf countries and how does it compare to France or Germany for example. Cities like Dubai and Doha definitely seem 'fancier' but I want to hear some experiences from fellow Tunisian expats.",,,,,,2022-11-19 22:27:57 yzpimb,,1,How Qatar Bought the World Cup,"[]( An interesting video that goes a long way to show how the ""Arab world"" cares about their countries and are working towards better future. I'm personally neutral about Qatar, but there you go, how the f did we get here.",,,,,,2022-11-19 23:40:51 yzq83j,,1,Nul Behi,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-20 00:14:34 yzxu3o,,5,Custom phone cases,Is there a place that makes phone cases with custom designs in Tunis?,,,,,,2022-11-20 07:14:39 yzz2n1,,21,Tunisian apps only work after 8AM !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-20 08:34:39 z002ts,,0,hello Friends. I have built website and I can export electronic directly from new zealand..if you wish to buy iphone..please visit my site.,,,,,,,2022-11-20 09:40:59 z00t3f,,0,Guys what could go wrong if you immigrate illegally disguised with visitor visa,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-20 10:27:59 z01ti3,és_eli_yod5ol_el_sport_fi_scorhom/,2,anouma les facultés eli yod5ol el sport fi scorhom?,,,,,,,2022-11-20 11:28:34 z02hao,,2,Is there Pepsi in Tunisia ?,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-11-20 12:05:17 z038u4,,0,Denmark vs Tunisia Prediction,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-20 12:45:29 z03xxa,,14,Cultural Differences,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-20 13:19:29 z048sq,,1,Lacking stuff in Tunisia.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-20 13:33:16 z049wx,,8,Things that piss you off.,"What things do you hate that are missing /or exist in low quality in our country? I'm talking about services (other than public services which we all know that they are shit), products, concepts... Thanks for taking the time to respond !",,,,,,2022-11-20 13:34:49 z04jhb,,1,It was shakshuka time for me this morning! Unfortunately I broke the yolk on the egg 😔 but it was still delicious!,,,,,,,2022-11-20 13:47:15 z06bp7,,2,where can i buy steam cards online in tunisia ?,is there any legal or trusted online tunisian sites or pages that sells steam gift cards?,,,,,,2022-11-20 15:04:43 z06l7i,,9,Any links of free streaming platforms for the world cup?,Any links of free streaming platforms for the world cup?,,,,,,2022-11-20 15:15:30 z072nx,,6,Visiting Tunisia for about 6 days - is it worth making the trip down to Djerba?,"It's my first time visiting Tunisia, and I'm a little cramped on time. So far, I am planning to visit El Jem, Sousse, Kairouan, Tunis, and maybe Montasir. My question is, with this little time, is it worth going to Djerba? It looks super cool with the street art but it is far - a train then a loauge then all the way back to Tunis.",,,,,,2022-11-20 15:35:28 z07wp2,,3,How to take care of your linked in profile as a software engineer,Any ideas or advices on how to take care of your linked in so you can be appealing to recruiters from overseas.,,,,,,2022-11-20 16:09:46 z08fkx,,1,Best way to travel around Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-20 16:31:36 z08hx6,,2,Tunisian Children songs,"Hello, a friend of mine from germany wants to make playlists for his daughter with different children songs from different countries, and he has asked me to send him a couple of Tunisian ones! So what are your recommendations? I've added ones like ""may may"", ""diki diki"", ""tita tita tita"", and thought of adding some spacetoons songs even though they're not exactly tunisian, they were sill a part growing up for a quite a big number of us.",,,,,,2022-11-20 16:34:42 z08jsg,,4,Advice on Travel around Tunisia,"A friend and I are planning a trip to spend 2 weeks in Tunisia later this year. We want to rent a car in Tunis, drive to Tozeur, then Tataouine and then drop the car off in Gabes. Then we would like to get the train up the coast back to Tunis, stopping at Sfax and Sousse on the way. The trip would be: Tunis>Tozeur>Tataouine>Gabes>Sfax>Sousse>Tunis I am having trouble finding a car rental place that will allow us to drop a car off in Gabes - does anyone know where we could organise this? Or would you recommend travelling around Tunisia a different way (e.g. Louage or just public transport)? We like the freedom of being able to stop wherever you want with a rental car but would consider other transport options as well. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-11-20 16:36:58 z09z0u,,3,Anyone can tell me or advise me about the return policy of Exist?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-20 17:33:29 z0c992,,2,Is it normal to ask?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-20 19:03:58 z0cvo2,,2,how i can find underwear Calvin Klein ?,,,,,,,2022-11-20 19:29:24 z0dz6u,اللقمة_الباردة/,11,I realised that I like اللقمة الباردة,"I avoid studying like the plague even if it's in one of the most important years of my life(I'm 3ème math). Up until this year I averaged 15-16-17 score but now I doubt I'll even finish the year. This country made me feel like I'm some sort of genius for being able to use règle de trois in physics and copying/pasting formulas in math and using history/geography/civil education as tar9i3 for the other bad grades in other subjects. I already got 9.25 in physics and I'm definitely not getting above 8 in French/Arabic and I'm definitely getting a 0.25 in maths. I realised that I'm an a7feth/sob student and also that I'm very lazy/a procrastinator who relied heavily on étude(I used to get the hang of it in étude and chill at home,I never studied outside of étude)but now I realised that I don't even like the stuff that I'm studying so in étude I started to not care whether I understand what I'm being told/taught. I can't work hard even if I know that my whole future depends on it. I'm considering either finishing the year and switching to bac eco or bac technique or redoing the whole year in either bac eco or bac section? I even started considering dropping out and becoming unemployed which is very annoying since I used to have big ambitions before this year started but what can I say I like اللقمة الباردة and I don't like anything that's actually challenging",,,,,,2022-11-20 20:13:45 z0f6oq,,1,"hello guys, what do you know about brother cajun on telegram and who has a link to add us?",,,,,,,2022-11-20 21:02:12 z0g53e,,7,Need Tunisian Insults!,"I am making a collection of insults for each country taking part in the world cup. You can see some here: []( I am having difficulty finding some good ones for for Tunisia. They need to be something I can visually translate too also. Even if it's expressions. Oh and if you like this follow us on Instagram ([]( or twitter ([]( Thanks!!!!",,,,,,2022-11-20 21:39:23 z0o60r,,17,Fellow Algerian that wants to study in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-21 03:28:26 z0qee0,,2,"What is Airport customs in Tunis? Do they search all your bags or just your carry-on. Can I bring my prescription medication’s like tramadol , Adderall and gabapentin or will the take it.",,,,,,,2022-11-21 05:20:32 z0rkzf,,1,FIFA World Cup:Denmark vs Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-21 06:24:43 z0u2bt,,20,Why do some Tunisians romanticize poverty?,,,,,,,2022-11-21 08:54:31 z0v668,,1,Swimming training in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-21 10:02:36 z0v820,,3,Swimming in Tunisia,"Looking for places where I can do swimming ( a part from Menzah 6, and California gym). It doesn't have to involve a trainer, just a fine swimming pool with flexible hours.",,,,,,2022-11-21 10:05:47 z0vmlm,,1,"anyone just sick of the concept of "" Bac "" and elimination? why do we have to follow france in everything like even them have a better approach towards it",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-21 10:30:08 z0x4zx,,2,Tunisian Vacation,My wife and I would like to take a vacation to Tunis from USA. We speak no Arabic and very little French. We're looking to do more of a cultural vacation than a beach vacation. What is best time of year to visit? Is there a tour company anyone would recommend?,,,,,,2022-11-21 11:54:32 z0xcd9,,5,"salut, avez-vous des recommandations pour un adresse qui fabrique de l'emballage pour des pâtisseries ? merci",,,,,,,2022-11-21 12:05:07 z0ywfh,,2,وزارة التربية تسلّم على كل الطلبة و تذكّرهم ان ما درسه الذئب حفضهُ السلوقي .,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-21 13:23:12 z0z08f,,10,what are Tunisians thoughts about Habib Bourgibah ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-21 13:28:20 z0z0ad,,33,وزارة التربية تسلّم على كل الطلبة و تذكّرهم ان ما درسه الذئب حفظهُ السلوقي,,,,,,,2022-11-21 13:28:24 z11fzy,التنمر_bullying_in_tunisia/,10,(التنمر ) bullying in tunisia,"Why did bullying become so normalized in Tunisia ? whenever you go online there’s always harsh comments making fun of people or their appearance there’s always some video about someone doing something silly or just normal stuff being passed around all over social media and the comments are just disgusting , I get that there’s alot of cringe but sometimes the reactions are just over the top..",,,,,,2022-11-21 15:16:30 z12e5n,,6,Will showing my payoneer card statement be sufficient for a visa application?,Title,,,,,,2022-11-21 15:55:17 z137ab,,2,fellow Tunisians in dubai.,"I noticed there some Tunisians in dubai hanging around here, so guys I'm coming there in 2 days from now can y'all help me get a job. I have prior experience of 2 years of inside sales and business development.",,,,,,2022-11-21 16:28:49 z13ojp,,8,[Pre-Match Thread] Denmark vs Tunisia | 2022 World Cup,"#🇩🇰 Denmark vs Tunisia 🇹🇳 ---- ​ Kick-off: 22nd November, 2022, 14.00 CET ​ Venue: Education City Stadium ​ Referee: Cesar Ramos (Mexico) ​ Predicted line-ups Denmark : Schmeichel, Andersen, Kjaer, Christensen; Wass, Delaney, Hojbjerg, Maehle; Eriksen; Braithwaite, Dolberg. Tunisia : Dahmen, Dräger, Bronn, Talbi, Meriah; Skhiri, Laidouni, Ben Slimane; Khazri, Msakni. ---- Less than a day left before the first whistle, let's go !",,,,,,2022-11-21 16:48:50 z14gx7,,1,What visa free country is worth visiting?,Edit:And why?,,,,,,2022-11-21 17:21:06 z14z68,,1,Traveling to Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-21 17:41:47 z15iw8,,0,Should the voting age be lowered to 16?,,,,,,,2022-11-21 18:03:36 z15rh9,,2,Denmark v Tunisia - My Prediction - What is your Prediction?,,,,,,,2022-11-21 18:12:45 z161zb,,2,Tunisian grading System equivalence,I am looking for a way to convert the grading scale x / 20 (niveau faculté ) to GPA. I couldn't find an accurate answer online. Help!,,,,,,2022-11-21 18:23:55 z16ty5,,9,imagine if this happens in Tunisia (i'm a dreamer LMAO),,,,,,,2022-11-21 18:53:15 z16ua4,,1,Is there any way I can buy a game from HumbleBundle? It's a steam game that is being sold with a discount at humblebundle.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-21 18:53:36 z16w0m,,0,My YouTube channel,,,,,,,2022-11-21 18:55:31 z17216,,3,"Questions about ""Entreprise Individuelle"" for freelance","1. Is it the easiest/most popular form of company for freelancers working with foreign clients? 2. Can I show my home address (technically my parents' home address) as the company's address? 3. Is it possible to declare it as *""totalement exportatrice""* and benefit from tax reductions? Or does the regular personal income tax brackets apply? 4. Must all the payments come straight to a Tunisian bank account, or can I keep my money in Payoneer and only withdraw the tax amount? 5. Does it allow me to open a business bank account? Is it required to have one? 6. Does it allow me to open a bank account in foreign currency (dollars/euros)? 7. Are there any ""hidden recurrent costs""? Something like a flat fee to pay every month/year to keep the company alive? 8. If for some reason I cannot find clients/decide to take an extended pause, can the company stay ""dormant""? 9. Are there any other benefits to opening enterprise individuelle? (Like being able to spend/take more money abroad? 10. Once set up, is it possible to operate it from abroad? Like are there things that need to be done frequently that require my physical presence in Tunisia? 11. EDIT 1: Do you know if there is a way to completely set the company up from abroad? Kinda like how you are able to open an LLC in the US easily through some companies. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-11-21 19:01:37 z18o23,,1,How was life during Ben Ali era for those who experienced it. be brutally honest,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-21 20:03:59 z18rxq,,1,مشمش راكش شايخ في قطر. و الله ما ربح كان هوا رتاح من همنا . قعدت كان نجلاء مسكينة في اخر عمرها قيس غاصرها في البيرو يحكيلها عل قصة الأرنب والثعلب والضّب,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-21 20:08:15 z1962p,,16,Foreigner in Tunisia,"Hi, I'm at Tunisia for a business trip and I'm trying to understand the behavior of the people around me. Hope this doesn't come off as snobby or anything. I work for a global company so everything is fine at the office. However, when I go to places outside, I usually get stares and I can't even count how many ""Ni hao""s I've received already. Teenage girls would often come up to me too and say ""hi/hello"". The good side I guess is that people in sales/waiters seems to treat me really nicely. They give extra attention to my needs, which is awesome. Just want to understand if there's any meaning behind these. I grew up in a very multi cultural country so this is quite odd to me.",,,,,,2022-11-21 20:23:26 z19qyt,,1,📍Tunis 📆 21/11/2022,,,,,,,2022-11-21 20:46:39 z1ae8q,,11,"hello fellow redditors van gogh necklace for 25 dt , i can ship around ben arouss area and tunis area for more details dm me . materiel in non oxidizable",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-21 21:11:45 z1aivo,,0,I want to promote peace between Israel and Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-21 21:16:27 z1bag0,,0,ouzart El tarbia sucks,"Tawa belhi yaarfou tlemtha excited to watch the match and it only happens every 4 years w this is for most of us the only occasion to have this kind of event with all ur friends W nikomhom tawa Jew yetzbrou w ykoulou le w blbala? Mech ken telhet f zokom machekel okhra taa tlemtha andhomch asatitha lel taw w others who have to study f maktb mkassr w masakh w halla hlila? Yedi lyoum barka nakra w chbebek mkasra gersena maach njm w that's a problem sghir bekhlef El tanamor w sexism w taharoch saat eli ysir f El maktb college Wala lycee . Walew hatta leprofet ysebou w ytnamrou ala letlemtha ! W when we have a small occasion to have fun ,khtt ofc we don't have clubs or cool events fel school, they ruin it T bara rabi yehdi wkhw w baad ykoulou aleh el chabeb haka w aleh ihebou ihejou",,,,,,2022-11-21 21:45:45 z1c0f2,,2,"Gift ideas for family back home, suggestions?",I was wondering what is your opinion of a good gift from Tunisia to take back to my family and friends in my country. Once I got everyone some refrigerator magnets but they were so cheap I'd like to bring back something more culturally relevant. Any suggestions?,,,,,,2022-11-21 22:13:11 z1fmmn,,1,What do Tunisians think about Tunisians?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-22 00:45:13 z1jqwj,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-22 04:00:08 z1llrl,,2,Looking for Aneex E-BG004 controller in Tozeur,,,,,,,2022-11-22 05:39:33 z1pq17,/r/ReddSports/comments/z1pbeg/who_will_win/,1,WHO WILL WIN?,,,,,,,2022-11-22 09:57:56 z1q22m,,10,1st time Tunisia holiday in December!! Help with suggestions please :),"Hello all, Me and my wife will be visiting your beautiful country in the first week of December. It’ll be our honeymoon and we’re looking to do everything so we don’t come back and suffer from F.o.m.o (fear of missing out). We’ll be staying in Hammamet. What would you recommend we do or visit. I like art galleries, historical sites and shisha. Wife likes restaurants, shopping and chilling Many thanks",,,,,,2022-11-22 10:19:12 z1q7jd,,42,تفاعلا مع بلاغ وزارة التربية الطرد بيوم لكل غياب جماعي خلال كأس العالم,,,,,,,2022-11-22 10:29:01 z1qlvn,,3,What do you hate the most about djerba?,"I am from djerba, and I am really interested to know bad things about djerba from no-djerbian people. Please talk freely as much as you can.",,,,,,2022-11-22 10:53:46 z1r4a8,,1,انظر كيف انتصر المسلمون على الكفّااار 🇸🇦تكبييرر😂,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-22 11:22:47 z1rmv8,/r/francophonie/comments/z1cjte/tunisie_dans_une_tunisie_au_bord_du_gouffre/,1,"Dans une Tunisie au bord du gouffre, l’évasion fiscale se porte bien",,,,,,,2022-11-22 11:51:50 z1s7te,,1,"Watch Denmark Vs Tunisia Free Live stream, TV channel| FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar",,,,,,,2022-11-22 12:22:11 z1sgcz,,10,tunisians who went and lived in Europa- what made you go back to tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-11-22 12:33:40 z1sxqz,,25,Match Thread: Denmark vs Tunisia | FIFA World Cup,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-22 12:57:19 z1uel0,,1,Denmark vs Tunisia:,,,,,,,2022-11-22 14:04:24 z1vndj,,13,LETSSS GOO INCHALLAH A DRAW (BIG SUPPORT FROM ALGERIA),,,,,,,2022-11-22 14:56:53 z1vxcl,,248,From a Palestinian to all Tunisians,"Seeing the Palestinian flags today on TV during the world cup and the Palestinian Kufiyeh made my heart melt! Fucking love you guys from the bottom of my heart 💓 Screw borders and I wish I can one day visit your awesome and great country",,,,,,2022-11-22 15:07:56 z1vzw0,من_مصر_مبروك_عليكم/,42,من مصر مبروك عليكم,اداء كبير برشا,,,,,,2022-11-22 15:10:46 z1wkww,,2,Internship in Poland,"Dear Guys, I got an internship in Poland as a student of software engineering. I would like to know if it is safe to travel there especially after what happened lately between Russia and Poland, how to obtain a visa, how long the process takes, and if any Tunisians who may be residing there may provide assistance. February is when my internship begins, so I simply want to make sure I can get there securely.",,,,,,2022-11-22 15:34:30 z1wwrh,,1,Days off,"I am not a fan of football but everyone I know is and everyone I know wants to watch the game so why not give them a day off. How many people should want a day off for the government to make it a holiday? Because I am very sure that if you suggested that they work on independence day it will be way more accepted by the masses than the suggestion to work during the Tunisian games of the cup. Why not just few more days off once every four years if we are lucky?",,,,,,2022-11-22 15:47:35 z1xy0v,,20,Another way to remind yourself that a Tunisian match started.,"I think you guys will recognize when the match started. Internet usage: 0%. [Red = Packet Loss | Black = Latency](",,,,,,2022-11-22 16:29:15 z213xu,,2,Available underwear for men in Tunisia,Men of Tunisia. What do you think of the quality of the underwear available ? Where do you buy your underwear from ? And how much money do you spend on it ?,,,,,,2022-11-22 18:35:05 z21b8q,,1,nlawej a tofla takra medicine🙂,,,,,,,2022-11-22 18:43:10 z21qtp,,1,Payoneer account creation with La poste saving account (Compte d'Epargne Postal),"Is it possible to use a saving account from La Poste when creating a Payoneer account? If yes, what should I put in the field that says ""Account Number""? &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-11-22 19:00:11 z226f0,,3,Most beautiful voices of the desert,,,,,,,2022-11-22 19:16:49 z23ktg,,2,Where can I buy a pullup bar online ?,I looked up on many websites like jumia and dechatlon and found a pullup bar for 70DT and I wonder if anyone knows an optimal website to purchase a good one online I don't wanna get scammed. Thanks in advance,,,,,,2022-11-22 20:10:22 z26mmw,,1,Tunisian Citizens Only,"Hello, within the frame of an academic project, we want to know about Tunisian citizens' opinions regarding COVID-19 vaccine and explore the reasons behind their decisions on whether or not getting vaccinated. We would appreciate your help in filling this survey and sharing it with your friends and families❤️ Ps: the survey won't take more than 5 minutes Thank you very much 🙏",,,,,,2022-11-22 22:06:24 z2aufp,,1,Hola 🥰 (OC),,,,,,,2022-11-23 00:58:46 z2b19f,,2,receiving a package from the US,"Hello guys, I'm seeking help, my girlfriend sent me a package from the US, I'm currently residing in Tunisia, we have been tracking the box and it reached the tunisian Customs since 4th of Nov, and then it passed customs, and it was scanned again in le centre des colis postaux, also in the airport, and then it had another scan that said it departed the airport, last scan was on 8th of Nov. Anyone else before tried receiving a parcel from abroad can guide me on what to do? Should I call the airport? I have the package code with me too. I know my girlfriend sent the box through UPS and paid 100 dollars but I do not know if those are the custom fees, also the package is designated to be sent to the post office in La Goulette. Would really appreciate any help on this matter. Cheers",,,,,,2022-11-23 01:06:56 z2dmeg,,1,A Tunisian football fan wears Palestine flag during Denmark vs.Tunisia match,,,,,,,2022-11-23 03:07:10 z2k3vt,,7,Wireless earphones,"I want your suggestions, my budget is 100dt",,,,,,2022-11-23 08:55:26 z2l6ne,,4,Can I have more than one contract?,"So I am working with a company as a fullstack, but the tasks I get are so easy, so I wanted to do 2 jobs. I got an offer, but I don't know if I'm allowed to accept 2 jobs since I already signed a civp.",,,,,,2022-11-23 10:00:52 z2m35a,,3,best wireless earphones for iphone,budget is 120dt,,,,,,2022-11-23 10:53:58 z2n3da,,1,"can someone please help me translate a few text messages from Tunisian to English? please? DM, if you're willing.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-23 11:49:31 z2nfbw,,1,Looking for a wooden chess set,"Hello, I've been looking for a wooden chess set (board and pieces made of wood) for a while now. The ones I've seen are really expensive (200 dt+) and i do not have that kind of budget. If anyone no longer has any use for their chess set or if you know of where i could get a fairly inexpensive one I'd greatly appreciate it!!",,,,,,2022-11-23 12:06:29 z2owm4,,2,What should I know before starting to work at a tech startup?,Title,,,,,,2022-11-23 13:17:48 z2q70y,,35,I had an embarrassing interview how can I recover,"I'm a software engineering student last year i went today for an internship interview i was so anxious i couldn't say one sentence that made sense i got pretty tense barely can hear what I'm saying just mumbling words. the interviewer gave me a basic algorithm to solve i couldn't even think i was frozen then he told me to write a sorting algorithm i couldn't even write a selection sort i felt like i couldn't even remember how to write a for loop it was so bad and awkward and uncomfortable i had projects on my resume that i couldn't even present it was so bad. Just for context i do have psychiatric issues i do go to therapy regularly and i was laying back on the anxiety pills and trying to cope with healthy habits but this just cought me so off guard as soon as he sat Infront me all i could hear was my heart beating like crazy and some words i was mumbling. Can I recover from this ? Does it get it better if i just kept trying I feel so defeated. **** Thank you guys for all the advice and the kind words it was much needed can't thank you enough i will keep at it and try again. I love reddit cause of people like you thank you !!",,,,,,2022-11-23 14:13:57 z2sm1u,,2,Question and help,I am friends with a girl and We hold each other's hands every time we see each other and we flirting a lot and she love me and i love her but when other people ask about our relationship she said that we are just friends so she left me in a position that i can't have a relationship with other girls (i didn't talk to her about a relationship) and she told me that she is not interested to have a relationship with anybody,,,,,,2022-11-23 15:52:36 z2snlw,,29,هذا ليس سجنا بالبرازيل. هذا مكتب شؤون التلاميذ بمعهد عمومي بالجمهورية التونسية سنة 2023,,,,,,,2022-11-23 15:54:24 z2snoa,,2,سبعة من سطاش و الا سبعة ميا و سطاش ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-23 15:54:29 z2t1j2,,1,Allemagne vs Japan,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-23 16:09:18 z2we8o,,1,Would love to visit Tunisia and had a couple of questions?,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-11-23 18:20:25 z2y0jv,,1,who else's get irritated by this gholam ?,,,,,,,2022-11-23 19:24:23 z2z0pw,,1,"got me a pocket knife, is it legal?",so what's the legality on this bitch? in what cases is it better to not have it on me when I'm out and about?,,,,,,2022-11-23 20:04:35 z2z9pw,,10,InDrive is hiring online English customer service agents.,,,,,,,2022-11-23 20:14:36 z2zfqs,,0,Help me pls,"Hi , I’m from Argentina and I’m investigating about Tunisia, I need to ask to someone who lives there this 2 questions : 1) how old are you 2) do you think Tunisia is a developed country? Why? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-11-23 20:21:21 z2zrlc,,8,Do I need to write a French copy of my CV to send to companies located in Tunisia?,"I need an end of study internship, so i build my resume and i wonder whether it should be written in French or it should be kept in English.",,,,,,2022-11-23 20:34:29 z2zxde,,1,What do you think about french speakers,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-23 20:40:52 z2zyck,,1,Making friends as a french speaker in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-23 20:41:56 z300bn,,1,Making friends as a francophone in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-23 20:44:11 z30cwa,,3,Researching Tourism Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-23 20:58:32 z30kh7,,1,F,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-23 21:06:51 z312hl,,1,From where can i buy the official moroccan world cup shirt ? there is no official puma store in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-11-23 21:26:43 z31q62,,2,What major should I choose,"So I'm 15 years old and I'm really confused about either choosing informative or mathematics+ I believe that I'm super intelligent and I naturally maths and physiques but most of the people that I know said that's super hard and some others said it will be easy if I'm smart So what shall I do?",,,,,,2022-11-23 21:53:39 z31vnz,,5,Thoughts on Code of Personal Status ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-23 21:59:56 z32n9c,,1,is there anyway i could study in Canada or abroad without money?, hi! a nice friend here .this year i get my bachelor degree.i'm studying computer science.can u help me with information on how I can get to study in Canada without money or without much money.thank u,,,,,,2022-11-23 22:30:48 z32vow,,1,About raves in Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-23 22:40:39 z3f8cj,,2,Let's talk about Oil Monopoly in Africa and its problems,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-24 09:08:41 z3ffju,,53,تدعو الهيئة الوطنية لحماية المعطيات الشخصية الى منع استعمال الخدمات التي تقدمها الشركات الكبرى الأمريكية على غرار مايكروسفت في المؤسسات التربوية,,,,,,,2022-11-24 09:20:46 z3fxfd,,15,world cup 🥰🦅,Whats the 2nd contry ur supporting after tunisia !?,,,,,,2022-11-24 09:50:57 z3fxy6,,7,Side hustles in Tunisia.,Do you guys think that there are side hustles opportunities in Tunisia ? Activities that you can do in your free time to earn extra cash. If not what do you think the solution is ?,,,,,,2022-11-24 09:51:50 z3gyn3,,7,Which book changed your life?,,,,,,,2022-11-24 10:52:58 z3h5x4,,1,Does anyone know anything about flywire?,"I got accepted into a german university, and I'm required to use flywire to pay my tuition fees. I asked around and I know that flywire is a legitimate money transfer service, But the issue is, can it be used in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-11-24 11:04:40 z3h6tr,,1,How to lose weight 60 proven ways to lose weight without lick of exercise and diet,,,,,,,2022-11-24 11:06:09 z3h8kz,,1,What does it mean to be “3ami9”?,,,,,,,2022-11-24 11:09:02 z3imo1,,16,Tunis needs a street hero who can kick those who scratch their crouch in public,,,,,,,2022-11-24 12:24:51 z3jdpj,,5,places to visit in Monastir,"Hello, I will be visiting Monastir tomorrow and I would like to get some recommendations of touristic places to visit please?Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-11-24 13:01:39 z3lfg5,,3,I randomly found this gem. Might be the most touching song I ever heard. Esmou Mabrouk!,,,,,,,2022-11-24 14:31:41 z3mfwe,,43,I Followed your Advice.,"So last month I made a post where I asked if 450+ civp(600) a month is a good salary. Most of you told me to work here while I find something better. I found another company that'll pay 850+civp(1000) and I accepted. Thank you for the advice. 🙏",,,,,,2022-11-24 15:13:59 z3mmez,,1,ففعف,,,,,,,2022-11-24 15:21:12 z3p2e1,,2,Kifech najem nemchi lel zone Lac Palace men el centre ville tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-24 17:01:00 z3qci2,,4,does anyone here sell on jumia ?,"Can u share ur experience ? Is it worth it ? And if u dont mind what do u sell . Thinking of selling there ( i already have my own website and brand etc , i sell beauty products )",,,,,,2022-11-24 17:56:03 z3qngz,,1,Receiving package from family overseas?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-24 18:08:39 z3re76,,1,Are there organizations or something that helps women abroad when they have social issues or not able to exercise their rights from Here; Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-24 18:39:57 z3rfi2,,15,Hope We make it against Australia,,,,,,,2022-11-24 18:41:29 z3s7nq,,0,Vape recommendations,"Hi, I live in Europe and I want to buy a vape for a friend in Tunisia to help him give up smoking. The thing is I understand nothing about vapes, I was going to buy a vaporesso 100 but someone told me that they are ""mesh"" so changing the mesh can be expensive in Tunisia. So What are your recommendations ? thank you.",,,,,,2022-11-24 19:15:22 z3sajx,,3,social question.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-24 19:18:55 z3t17a,,4,Are there organizations or something in Tunisia that helps women abroad when they have social issues or not able to exercise their rights,,,,,,,2022-11-24 19:53:15 z3uk1z,,13,I'm a 19yo self taught fullstack web dev that recently got a second job. AMA,Please read the answers too so. I don't repeat myself. 😅,,,,,,2022-11-24 21:03:53 z3v598,,2,Could I take a loan of 30MD from any Tunisian bank ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-24 21:29:58 z3w8ld,,4,what is your wildest metro experience?,I take metro 4 everyday so something happens everyday.,,,,,,2022-11-24 22:17:40 z3wlxl,,41,مكافئة قيمتها 70 دولار امريكي لكل تونسي يبلغ على مقهى تستعمل الرسبتار الرسمي للبين سبور,,,,,,,2022-11-24 22:33:56 z3x4r7,,0,How can i make money as a teenager?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-24 22:57:51 z43a5m,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-11-25 04:00:12 z4761a,,3,"Hello, I need some help! I think my impostor's syndrome is kicking 😣",Title,,,,,,2022-11-25 07:28:37 z48m14,,2,Tunisia vs Australia - FIFA World Cup 2022 : Lineups & Prediction -,,,,,,,2022-11-25 08:56:43 z48u7v,,3,Migration/visa sponsorship,"I grew tired of this country and the opression in it I made reconversion 3 times and still manage to get the worst job experience ever So please if any one know of an agency or a program that offer migration chances or better visa sponsorship program help me",,,,,,2022-11-25 09:10:29 z49eun,,1,how to go from centre ville to el manar ?,i am from sousse and need to know the best way to go to manar should i take the metro if yes wish one or a taxi and how much will it cost and thanks .,,,,,,2022-11-25 09:46:02 z49tkc,,1,dropshipping buisness fi tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-25 10:10:22 z4aowf,,1,FIFA World Cup:Tunisia VS Australia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-25 11:02:54 z4avxx,تونس_ضد_أستراليا_توقع_المباراة_معاينة_المباراة_و/,1,تونس ضد أستراليا توقع المباراة، معاينة المباراة و نصائح الرهان,"كأس العالم 2022 تونس ضد أستراليا – معاينة المباراة تعادلت تونس والدنمارك 0-0 في افتتاح المونديال. على الرغم من أن تونس كانت المستضعف في تلك المباراة ، إلا أنها تنافست بشكل جيد ضد فريق أوروبي قوي. لديهم أفضل فرصة للفوز بكأس العالم في المباراة القادمة ضد أستراليا. &#x200B; تونس لديها دفاع قوي جيد التنسيق. في تسعة من المباريات العشر السابقة ، كانوا بدون أهداف. &#x200B; خسرت أستراليا أمام فرنسا في المباراة الافتتاحية للموسم 4-1. وسجلت أستراليا الهدف الأول في تلك المباراة في الدقيقة التاسعة ، لكن فرنسا واصلت الفوز بالمباراة. قد تنهي أستراليا حتى دور المجموعات بدون نقاط لأنها أسوأ فريق في المجموعة. &#x200B; خط الهجوم الأسترالي ضعيف. في المباريات الأربع السابقة ، سجلوا أربعة أهداف فقط. هذه المباراة بين المنتخبين الجزائري وتونس حاسمة لكلا البلدين لأن أي شيء يمكن أن يحدث إذا تعثر أحد أصحاب الوزن الثقيل في المجموعة الرابعة. [](",,,,,,2022-11-25 11:14:43 z4b67k,ازيكوا_يا_شباب_ممكن_مساعدتكوا/,2,ازيكوا يا شباب. ممكن مساعدتكوا!,"كنت عايز اشتري حاجه اونلاين و انا في مصر و ابعتها لتونس من اي موقع تونسي الحاجه هي : سلسله فضه أو استاليس دهبي بناتي على شكل فرعوني، في طريقه ؟ شكرا مقدما :)",,,,,,2022-11-25 11:30:39 z4be56,,1,Earn passive income by sending sms Autopilot in Tn $$$,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-25 11:43:30 z4bxzy,,4,Question about recieving a parcel (phone) from Germany to Tunisia !,"My friend is willing to send me a smartphone from germany, via fedex or something else , should i expect any problems from the customs ? Am i going to have to pay taxes ? can it get lost even thought im going to have a tracking number ? any help is needed , thank you!",,,,,,2022-11-25 12:13:58 z4cnh6,,1,Looking for friends to hang out with in Monastir,"Hello, I am visiting the university of Monastir for few weeks and I would like to socialize and made some friends from here. I am an Algerian male in my late twenties, I am open minded and very curious about the local culture and the history. I would like also to get some recommendations about how and where to socialize here. Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-11-25 12:51:35 z4daow,,4,Why are so many western (tourists) so ignorant?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-25 13:23:09 z4daq0,,32,Girl falls from pendulum ride,,,,,,,2022-11-25 13:23:11 z4fg1o,,0,Who wants temporary tattoo? Follow this page on Instagram,,,,,,,2022-11-25 15:01:55 z4fg8w,,0,Who wants temporary tattoo? Follow this page on Instagram,,,,,,,2022-11-25 15:02:09 z4fzw3,,0,was there ever a successful republic (with no slavery and where both women and men were considered citizens) that wasn't secular? Do you think that a non secular country can become a successful republic? if yes why?,,,,,,,2022-11-25 15:24:52 z4g9yd,,0,عجبا من شباب يزعمون الوطنية في مباريات كرة القدم و يتهربون من آداء واجبهم الوطني وينتهي بهم الحال في التفتيش,,,,,,,2022-11-25 15:36:40 z4ive7,,0,Hello guys,"(It's a bit off this community's usual topics and i hope that by this I'm not going against any policy) I was assigned to do a project about organ donation i need from y'all to help me by answering the following questions if it's possible : * What do u know about organ donation? * What's ur position towards organ donation? * Are u with or against donating ur organs after dying/alive, and why? * Do u think that we should spread more awareness among Tunisian people about it's importance? * Do u have any relatives/friends u know that are organ donors? And thank you in advance <3 :3",,,,,,2022-11-25 17:24:35 z4j67e,,0,Est ce que ennejim n7il online bussiness fil Instagram menghir awra9 legal ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-25 17:37:03 z4jkix,,1,😍😍😍😍,,,,,,,2022-11-25 17:53:34 z4jrj1,,19,Can we beat the Aussies tomorrow?,I think we can take them if we apply our selves more than we did against the Danes. Thoughts?,,,,,,2022-11-25 18:01:20 z4jt9i,,1,eco-friendly NFT project,"Hi , i am working on a new eco-friendly NFT project with great utility and I would like to hear your thoughts . Would you be willing to have a 10 min chat to answer some questions ? If you do you get a whitelist spot 🔥",,,,,,2022-11-25 18:03:19 z4lafi,,11,How much should I expect to pay at a barbershop in Sousse?,"I know I got ripped off today, but I didn’t feel like arguing this time. Biggest reason is that I don’t have a good reference point for this yet like do for other expenses. Only time I is once in El Djem, where I payed like seven dinars, but figure it maybe doesn’t really compare. All I know is I’m pretty sure I payed to much.",,,,,,2022-11-25 19:03:50 z4mql3,,8,[Pre-Match Thread] Tunisia vs Australia | 2022 FIFA World Cup,"#🇹🇳 Tunisia vs Australia 🇦🇺 ---- ​ Kick-off: 26th November, 2022, 11.00 CET ​ Venue: Al Janoub Stadium ​ Referee: Daniel Siebert (Germany) ​ Predicted line-ups : Tunisia : Dahmen, Dräger, Bronn, Talbi, Meriah, Abdi; Skhiri, Laidouni, Sliti; Khazri, Msakni. Australia : Ryan; Atkinson, Souttar, Rowles, Behich; Mooy; Leckie, Irvine, McGree, Goodwin; Duke ---- Must-win game to advance !",,,,,,2022-11-25 20:03:55 z4msah,,2,"Selem, yekhy kifeh na3mel tracking rapid poste ? Site maye5demch",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-25 20:05:51 z4n4af,,0,L’île du soleil : Découvrez Les Meilleures Choses à Faire à Djerba,,,,,,,2022-11-25 20:19:55 z4n5ro,,5,ta3rfouch ktob ta3 auteurs twensa sujet te3hom 3la healthy relationships wala healthy romance?,"Reason I ask this is: fel l'internet w fel aflem dima ya7kiw 3la 7ajet ya too extreme ya unrealistic ya 3andhech 3ale9a b culture tounes li ena 3ayesh f westha, mo5i tnek bel delusions mel porn, el aflem janoubiya w el internet. N7eb na9ra wala netfarej f content tounsi. n5ayer ktoba b derja ken famma (seriously) ama fos7a wala ay lo4a o5ra mch mchkl. Note: no offense but I'm just asking for recommendations, that's it.",,,,,,2022-11-25 20:21:37 z4nj5c,,2,Internship Struggle,"hello fellas , hope that you are doing great and everything is going allright ! actually , i am a student and i am perusing a bachelor degree in computer science , but after doing some research i found that the majority of companies asks for "" being enrolled as an engineer rather than a bachelor degree in order to be accepted in the internship"" , so how can i get an internship ? anyone have been is same situation ?",,,,,,2022-11-25 20:38:01 z4pbck,,5,just looking for some friends to talk to,"i would very much prefer if we can chat about different things or just play video games and discuss anime i am an 18 years old guy that is studying 1ere license comptuer science",,,,,,2022-11-25 21:51:40 z4qde9,,1,Application to watch the World Cup Match live,,,,,,,2022-11-25 22:34:27 z4ukld,,5,Serious question: Can I find a PI in Tunis?,Family matter. Won’t get into detail here. Looking for a private investigator in Tunis who can help me a personal matter. Happy to engage in Tunisian or French. I welcome suggestions.,,,,,,2022-11-26 01:40:32 z4ukwv,,3,Has anyone heard about the BCT withholding payments from overseas companies to TN freelancers for legit work?,,,,,,,2022-11-26 01:40:56 z4vbzc,,1,"For campers, where do you buy your gear from?","Hey, i'm new to camping and I need to buy some equipment for my next camping (i've been renting /borrowing). I wanted to ask you guys if you know about a shop or a souk that you recommend. Thank you! PS: I live in Ariana.",,,,,,2022-11-26 02:16:23 z52tw2,,0,Help with Master's degree - LGBT Women in Tunisia,"Hello reddit! I am a master's student who is hoping to write my thesis on the democratic perceptions of queer women in Tunisia. I am wondering if there are any Tunisian women-identified people who are in this sub who might be willing to speak with me on the topic. For transparency: I am a white woman from the US, currently living in Europe. I spent some time living in Tunis, which is the reason I'm interested in writing about this. I'm happy to answer any questions people might have and provide more information. Everything can be anonymous and this information would only be used for my academic paper. If you are, or know, a Tunisian woman who might be interested in speaking with me, please reach out. Mods, please let me know if this is not allowed.",,,,,,2022-11-26 08:55:35 z536c9,,1,"Tunisia vs Australia: Predicted lineup, injury news, head-to-head",,,,,,,2022-11-26 09:15:44 z53fkw,,1,"Watch Tunisia vs Australia Free Live stream, TV channel| FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar |How to watch",,,,,,,2022-11-26 09:31:19 z53woq,,1,Match Thread: Tunisia vs Australia | FIFA World Cup,"#**FT: Tunisia 0-1 Australia** *Australia scorers: Mitchell Duke (23')* -------- **Venue:** Al Janoub Stadium [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Tunisia** Aymen Dahmen, Yassine Meriah, Montassar Talbi, Dylan Bronn ([](#icon-sub)Wajdi Kechrida), Aissa Laidouni ([](#icon-sub)Wahbi Khazri), Ellyes Skhiri, Ali Abdi, Mohamed Drager ([](#icon-sub)Ferjani Sassi), Issam Jebali ([](#icon-sub)Taha Yassine Khenissi), Youssef Msakni, Naïm Sliti. **Subs:** Aymen Mathlouthi, Anis Ben Slimane, Ali Maâloul, Nader Ghandri, Bilel Ifa, Seifeddine Jaziri, Bechir Ben Said, Hannibal Mejbri, Mouez Hassen, Mohamed Ali Ben Romdhane, Ghaylen Chaaleli. ^____________________________ **Australia** Mathew Ryan, Kye Rowles, Harry Souttar, Aziz Behich, Fran Karacic ([](#icon-sub)Milos Degenek), Aaron Mooy, Jackson Irvine, Craig Goodwin ([](#icon-sub)Awer Mabil), Mathew Leckie ([](#icon-sub)Keanu Baccus), Riley McGree ([](#icon-sub)Ajdin Hrustic), Mitchell Duke ([](#icon-sub)Jamie Maclaren). **Subs:** Bailey Wright, Joel King, Marco Tilio, Danny Vukovic, Andrew Redmayne, Thomas Deng, Jason Cummings, Cameron Devlin, Garang Kuol. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **23'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Tunisia 0, Australia 1. Mitchell Duke (Australia) header from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner.** **26'** [](#icon-yellow) Aïssa Laïdouni (Tunisia) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **45'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Ferjani Sassi replaces Mohamed Dräger. **64'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Australia. Jamie Maclaren replaces Mitchell Duke. **64'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Australia. Ajdin Hrustic replaces Riley McGree. **64'** [](#icon-yellow) Ali Abdi (Tunisia) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **67'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Wahbi Khazri replaces Aïssa Laïdouni. **73'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Taha Yassine Khenissi replaces Issam Jebali. **73'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Wajdi Kechrida replaces Dylan Bronn. **75'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Australia. Milos Degenek replaces Fran Karacic. **85'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Australia. Awer Mabil replaces Craig Goodwin. **85'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Australia. Keanu Baccus replaces Mathew Leckie. **90'+3'** [](#icon-yellow) Ferjani Sassi Yellow Card -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)*",,,,,,2022-11-26 10:00:28 z54kl6,,1,Watch FIFA 2022 WorldCup | Tunisia vs Australia | live Stream,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-26 10:40:55 z54rcz,,1,How good is football 🇦🇺,,,,,,,2022-11-26 10:52:52 z55lqz,,17,Advice needed : Should i go or should i stay ?,"Hello everyone I never thought that i would ask the internet about an advice but here i am : I am in my early thirties , holder of master of research degree in finance and with over 7 years of work experiences in many fields starting from telecommunication , Tourism, Construction and real state business , Wholesale and retail of agro-food products and now with an international well known firm specialized in IT, Finance and consulting services as a sales administrator i make a little over 2k dinars in month with many bonuses and advantages and most of the time i work from home . In june of this year i signed a 'CDI' contract with a french company in Brest working in the field of windev and consulting as a junior consultant . Due to the changes in french laws regarding new arrivals and immigration i lost hope that i will receive my work permit and forgot about it and about leaving Tunisia . Until last week when my french employer sent an me an email telling me that the work request is accepted, french authorities sent me the work permit and now i should start the procedures with OFII and TLS. The problems is : I started to panic a little bit and having second thoughts. well this new french job will pay me over 1900 euros a month , my employer will pay half of my transportation fees and a 9 euros a day of food tickets . I checked the rent in Brest and i found that a small 30m² with furniture is over 600 euros adding the prices of food , internet , electricity and water fees there will no much left to keep it to a side . Here in Tunisia a live with my parents and beside my car expenses i dont spend much , sometimes i dont even touch my salary for 4 months , but the future in Tunisia is kind of dark and unpredictable. Today i live well cause cause i am with my family , the day i will start one of my own things will be a lot harder. Many questions in my mind some of them push me to go and start from zero and rely on my own in everything which will be hard specially at first and some push me to stay in my confort zone. Either ways i need to make a decision cause my OFII rendez-vous is very soon and hope you guys can help me with you thoughts and ideas . Any help is very much appreciated Thank you all",,,,,,2022-11-26 11:42:41 z55zp2,,39,"Well the inevitable happened, maybe next time Tunisia, Australia had good defence to be fair. Hopefully we can pull a sneaky one against France but that's near impossible.",GG,,,,,,2022-11-26 12:04:55 z56a7p,,5,Is it possible to change my high school specialization/branch?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-26 12:21:21 z56wml,,3,Tunisia vs Australia Score : FIFA World Cup 2022. - oculus network,,,,,,,2022-11-26 12:55:10 z573or,,48,"Giving fans a bit of hope, just to shatter it completely in the next match is really a speciality of the Tunisian NT at this point","Last AFCON, after winning against Nigeria, I thought ""Hey maybe we're not that bad after all."", only to completely shit the bed against Burkina Faso. Now, they did it again, how completely unexpected.",,,,,,2022-11-26 13:04:38 z58bqs,,0,What does a Tunisian Karen/Kevin look like? How old would she/he be? What would her/his socio-economic class be? Who would she/he vote for?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-26 14:05:24 z58kq0,,3,payoneer in tunisia,"aslema ana 9a3ed nhawel nekhdem aal shopify donc lzemnti carte inter smaat bel payoneer jit bech naamel compte talbou 3liya compte mtaa banka. lzemni carte inter bech inhel compte ?",,,,,,2022-11-26 14:17:20 z59e9g,,7,"How the F*** can you pay for cloud services like AWS, Google Cloud, Heroku from Tunisia?","I am a student in Computer Science and I want to start learning to use cloud services but I can't use any of the mentioned above without a valid international credit card... How do developers in Tunisia pay to use those services? EDIT: yeah Tunisia doesn't allow international credit cards & PayPal so they won't get bankrupt but they allow students to pay up to 100 000 DT for scam universities in Canada :) fair enough",,,,,,2022-11-26 14:55:58 z59xpi,,3,"What do you think of Ferjani Sassi, as a football player?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-26 15:20:13 z5deq6,,18,can you get your tubes tied if you're unmarried with no children,"Can anyone of any age can get their tubes tied or do you have to be at certain age, or do you have to be married and had atleast 1 biological child? Is it possible for a young unmarried child-free woman to get her tubes tied?",,,,,,2022-11-26 17:50:26 z5dhlp,,6,Kammoun in german,Hey guys does anyone knows what Kammoun in german is ?,,,,,,2022-11-26 17:53:56 z5eg2m,,3,Cafes/restaurants/bars open late old Medina,"As the title suggests, I’m looking for establishments in old Medina that stay open late into the night. The only I know personally is Dar Belhadj.",,,,,,2022-11-26 18:34:12 z5frro,,0,Can someone translate this video for me please,,,,,,,2022-11-26 19:31:36 z5ge1s,,2,ye5i lezemni na3mel request 3al canadian colleges and get accepted before i request the visa ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-26 19:59:30 z5il0j,,5,best place to get an English certificate (IELTS or TOEFL),"Hello, I'm thinking of getting an English certificate, TOEFL or IELTS, I just don't know if should enlist in a full training course or just take the test. If anyone took it before I'd like to know the fee's for the full course and for the test only, as for the formation center I really don't any so I'm open to recommendations (preferably In Ariena ), thanks.",,,,,,2022-11-26 21:32:48 z5im1m,,50,Can I sue my neighbor for killing my cat?,"A few hours ago, one of my neighbors hit or kicked my cat that he blinded him, broke his jaw, did damage to his brain, and he's currently dying. If I found out who it was (I have some suspicions), can they be held legally accountable for this? I will forever feel guilt and will never forgive myself for letting my cat go outside and I deserve every bad thing that happens to me but I also want to know if there's anything that I can do because I can't let him get away with this, شواوني و قهروني Please help!! Edit: Just an update that he survived and is doing much better now. He lost an eye and a part of his jaw has inflammation but at least he's alive. Thank you all for your help and kindness.",,,,,,2022-11-26 21:34:00 z5iz4f,,7,Why does this new generation of leftist have weak arguments?,"To start off,I'm personally left leaning both economically/socially but this new generation of leftists has weak arguments for example whenever someone gives actual criticism of the LGBTQ community they will turn around and say ""homophobic"" or ""sexist"". It's sort of them being leftists for the sake of open-mindedness or that being the social norm. I wish I could expand on my thoughts but that will make the post way too long",,,,,,2022-11-26 21:49:17 z5k1yz,,1,campers/hikers from sousse,"Hello, are there some campers/ hikers from sousse, I want to join :D",,,,,,2022-11-26 22:35:45 z5lz3v,,2,Where to stay in the Tunis area for a solo traveller?,"Hi, I'm a solo traveller who is heading to Tunisia for 7-10 days in January. I plan to spend my time around the extended Tunis area. Do you have recommendations on which neighbourhoods or towns to stay in (La Marsa, Sidi Bou Said, Medina, Carthage, Hammamet, etc.)? I was thinking of spending the 1st half in Tunis Center/Medina and then spending the 2nd half up in a scenic part of the area. I do enjoy exploring a city's nightlife and meeting locals & fellow travellers. I will be working remotely so I will need reliable access to internet (or a coworking space). Any recommendations?",,,,,,2022-11-27 00:00:33 z5marl,,4,Where can I buy a vape for 100-150dt in Tunis,"My friend is a heavy smoker, for her birthday I want to buy her a vape because it's less harmful. Where can I buy a good vape in tunis for less than 150dt? Thank you",,,,,,2022-11-27 00:15:19 z5onom,,0,tounes b niveau hetha tnajem ken tal3bli bih,,,,,,,2022-11-27 02:06:40 z5v51q,,2,Would you take refugies from a neighbour country in 2025?,"while lot of people think the next war is in Taïwan , what you don't know is that the next war is actually in the nord of Africa are you ready for the repercussions ? Any hardcore immigrants passers mafia contacts?",,,,,,2022-11-27 07:47:25 z5vyaj,,7,Help me (American) understand Tunisian exports,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-27 08:36:14 z5wugb,,1,How Ferjani Sassi look and see in the stadium,,,,,,,2022-11-27 09:29:04 z5x4cd,,1,I am looking for a trip in Algeria,"I don't know if I will be spending a whole week from a city to another or if I will just see one city. It depends on the cost. I also don't know where are the safe places to go on the morning and where are the safe places to go out in the night. Are there cities that are more liberal and how is the nightlife. Basically if you know anything about Algeria or have been to Algeria please let me know.",,,,,,2022-11-27 09:44:47 z5ykrs,,6,Who do you call to remove a dead cat from the streets? It’s been days,,,,,,,2022-11-27 11:06:04 z5yuxo,,1,Hey! Anyone interested in surfing in banlieue nord here?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-27 11:22:11 z5zz0g,,3,Question for musicians here.,"I want to learn to play the Ukulele. I am a beginner. I never played any instrument before. I would like to know what Ukulele to buy and where to buy it. Budget 300 dt.",,,,,,2022-11-27 12:24:21 z618zw,,1,Not sure where else to ask this!,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-27 13:28:48 z61msu,,26,"Hi there, I look for and digitize old 8mm film and I found a 1980 video from Sfax, if you like take them a look",,,,,,,2022-11-27 13:47:01 z61rnd,,1,An advice desperately needed : what should i do with my life ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-27 13:53:29 z627t5,,1,is studying in australia a good option?,"i've been lately thinking about studying in autralia vu eli hiya a native english country w el universities mte3ha 9wiyin. for context , el sné mechn3adi el première partie mta3 el bac français en tant que candidate libre 3andi niveau B1 fel englais men cambridge university, w yomkon nzid n3adi el TOEFL el sné, les notes mte3i fel 16 et 17. we are not wealthy hakeka i have to get scolarships eli bel7a9 ken mene5ouhomch e4a el kol yti7 fel mé. for the extracurricular activities, 3andi ceinture marron fel kick boxing w nchallah n7awel ncherek fel olympiades de mathématiques el sné. is it possible to get full scholarships bel profil mte3i w is studying in autralia fe cas mte3i walla in general a good idea ( m fully aware bi eli hiya w remote country w an expansive one) w ken lé any other options yemchiw m3aya? merci beaucoup eli wasa3tou belkom w 9ritou 7ata linna",,,,,,2022-11-27 14:13:48 z62cts,,1,Nlawej aala salle de jeux for a double date fi grand Tunis,,,,,,,2022-11-27 14:20:06 z647jv,حرمونا_من_فرحة_كي_هكا/,21,حرمونا من فرحة كي هكا,Yekhi chbih l'équipe mte3na mka3les,,,,,,2022-11-27 15:38:38 z64c0z,,4,where I I find martin boots in Tunisia? I've been looking for a couple literally everywhere online and in actual shops bit I couldn't find any,,,,,,,2022-11-27 15:43:36 z64gu0,,1,Is medically assisted suicide available in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-27 15:48:45 z654zi,,1,"It's the weekend, a new Sunday, a new set - yalla raj3na LIVE",,,,,,,2022-11-27 16:15:13 z65scp,,1,Cang toys transformers,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-27 16:40:57 z661mj,,0,Why are we still supporting the natial football team ?????,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-27 16:50:55 z683ul,,2,How do I check if I'm registered for bac?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-27 18:09:55 z68p0k,,0,La communication autour du Sommet de la Francophonie : Avec 1 million d’euros dépensés on pouvait éviter ces ratés,,,,,,,2022-11-27 18:33:03 z68sfa,,3,Connaissez-vous tous les scientifiques tunisiens de l'histoire ?,,,,,,,2022-11-27 18:36:49 z68uar,,25,تونس 1-0 فرنسا أستراليا 0-0 الدنمارك ترشح تونس ✅ تونس 2-0 فرنسا أستراليا 0-1 الدنمارك ترشح تونس ✅ تونس 2-1 فرنسا الدنمارك 1-0 أستراليا الإلتجاء إلى عدد البطاقات الصفراء وترشح تونس ✅ .. يا ربي في خاطر الجمهور و القلوب الباهية ياااااا رب 😢💔 ..,,,,,,,2022-11-27 18:38:58 z69ktw,,4,Who do you think was the best leader Tunisia had since its independence?,,,,,,,2022-11-27 19:07:38 z69v3p,,1,How to get an official copy of a Marriage Certificate?,"Hi, I have a photo of my wife's grandmother's marriage certificate from 1950. We are looking for an official, certified copy from Tunisia for European citizenship purposes. I've looked online but can't seem to figure out how to request this information. I speak only English. Can someone help me out? Many thanks!",,,,,,2022-11-27 19:18:43 z69zbv,,2,"Guys, how feasible is this in TN? Please note that I’m not looking for a political debate or how lacking behind TN is or anything of that sort. I’m simply trying to understand from our tech pros if there’s a chance and if so, what is it?",,,,,,,2022-11-27 19:23:16 z6an1w,,2,where are Tunisians?,"I am a newcomer in Tunis, who can help me know this country?",,,,,,2022-11-27 19:49:35 z6b3i9,,5,Tunisia Tourism Research Survey,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-27 20:07:02 z6bhc4,,6,"Am selling my Piano, anyone is interested?",,,,,,,2022-11-27 20:21:38 z6bpgr,,0,Software engineers moving to france,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-27 20:30:39 z6dcc8,,0,Anahi a7sen agence nmchi m3aha l almanya?,nawi nmchi ken sahel rabi fi October 2023,,,,,,2022-11-27 21:35:13 z6fr4r,,3,Any hook-up apps/websites in Tunisia ?,"I know I might be trolled just for asking lol, but i'm seriously looking for a **direct** **way to hook-up**. Like ~~no dating or talking involved~~.Also, don't tell me about **Tinder** guys, cuz i tried it and it's awful: some are looking for relationships and some are even looking for friendships and i'm honestly past that :)",,,,,,2022-11-27 23:08:45 z6pofo,,1,"Margot Robbie's preparation for her N*de scene with actor Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street was quirky yet legit: ""I was nervous; very, very nervous""",,,,,,,2022-11-28 07:04:09 z6qjf0,,1,WTF is wrong with google,,,,,,,2022-11-28 07:54:10 z6s5dt,,30,need life advice,"Bare with me 28 M, working in wiring cable factory (standing 8 hours a day) with 20 minutes break, for 550 dt for salary..i live in a small province near sfax (no jobs or anything) nd it's really getting into me to drop out of the factory cuz im really tired physically nd mentally after a year nd a half of working..i have a licence in english yet in my job it means nothing..manfadhel f chy e5er l chhar nd i don't know if i should move to the capital (tunis) nd look for a new start there, (my familly kinda against it), on top of all that i have depression nd no one to talk to...",,,,,,2022-11-28 09:31:54 z6ss2k,,0,"An Observation, nothing more!",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-28 10:09:05 z6tch7,,1,Thoughts on this attitude?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-28 10:42:31 z6truh,,2,Weather in December?,"This time next week I will be in Tunisia, staying in Sousse. I have visited Tunisia before but never this time of year. What is the weather like? Should I still pack a few summer dresses as well as jeans or leave the summer clothes altogether?",,,,,,2022-11-28 11:08:04 z6uaec,,0,hi! SEX IN THE STREET OR THE SEA!!!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-28 11:37:26 z6ukrl,,17,"People in their 20s, how much salary do you get per month?","Don't have to answer if you don't want. To people in their 20s here, how much salary do you make each month and do you consider it enough? (value in TND or usd).",,,,,,2022-11-28 11:53:08 z6ur7u,,1,hi! bac info graduates,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-28 12:02:09 z6uxds,,1,for people who studied bac info," the orientation for the university after bac is not a less of important task and I think that it requires a decent amount of time to take the mostly right decision since there's no absolute one.long story short , i have some questions for bec info graduates : what's your university and what was your score to reach it? what do you study in the major you chose? if you had any problem or regrets , what would be your advice to your younger self and me? thanks a lot it takes you some time but it helps me a lot",,,,,,2022-11-28 12:10:47 z6w07u,,14,Is democracy dead in Tunisia?,"According to what I've been seeing, Kais saied has been becoming more and more of a dictator. Is Kais saied the new Ben Ali?",,,,,,2022-11-28 13:01:41 z6wjw9,,1,:))),,,,,,,2022-11-28 13:26:40 z6wxbv,,1,wtf,,,,,,,2022-11-28 13:42:55 z6wzr6,,1,"China shows an alternative feed when fans are shown on the main World Cup feed, to avoid showing unmasked people",,,,,,,2022-11-28 13:45:54 z70e3l,à/,2,attestation de non-boursier pour les etudes à l'étranger, ena awel el 3am sabbit wra9 attestation de nn boursiers w t7assalt 3leha el war9a 5aterni kont bech na9ra lbarra fi faculté w allah ghaleb saretli dhourouf w botlot el machya ema 3awedt te9belt fi faculté o5ra ( pre-master) w 9raya fi fevrier ki jit bech na3mel demande o5ra vus enou moch nafss el faculté nal9a enou el demande tsir marra wa7da fil 3am ! est ce que najem nesta3mel nafss el attestation bech dossier scolarité meme si el program wel faculté wel bled moch nafesehom ? stp deadline 9rib j'en serai très reconnaissante,,,,,,2022-11-28 16:08:04 z71g69,,1,dropshopping buisness in tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-28 16:48:53 z71gdd,,5,"Le Lac 2, nouveau quartier de Tunis",,,,,,,2022-11-28 16:49:06 z7252e,,6,العبر، البحث الشامل والتحقيق الكامل والخبر في أسباب تخلّف خدمات القطاع البنكي التونسي و الدفع الالكتروني، ومن ساعدهم من ذوي الريع الأكبر,,,,,,,2022-11-28 17:13:47 z725cb,,2,what do the different abbreviation in Tunisian car plates stand for ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-28 17:14:03 z72z9t,,0,investigation,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-28 17:45:21 z73i4y,,1,Orange Signal issue in Jendouba Area,"Hi, is anyone having issues with Orange in Jendouba area? I can use mobile data but can't make phone calls or texts. &#x200B; Thanks",,,,,,2022-11-28 18:05:01 z73oqa,,0,investigation,,,,,,,2022-11-28 18:11:23 z74vf6,,1,I am not comfortable identifying with my government.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-28 18:54:24 z77299,,0,Brabi I need answer urgent please!,"khouya resident in Germany booked a flight on the 17th on December, his passport expires 2 weeks after after his flights w even though he has a new German passport because he has the nationality mche lyoum bech yjaded the tunisian one, he got the appointment since months ago(kima ta3rfou 7keya 7oula 3al ID 9dima), they didn't want to renew his passport. He can still come no problem?? Khater fibeli ken el passport youfa in 6 months you have to renew it. Wela since he he got the German one, it wouldn't be a problem?",,,,,,2022-11-28 20:13:38 z77na9,,3,Are there any Tunisians living and working in denmark?,"I need to know what are the necessary documents for a student (pfe) who has been offered an internship in denmark! Is there an agency that can help like TLS that I can go to? How do l find accomodation and do l need to set up a bank account early? What are the steps in detail please and thank you!",,,,,,2022-11-28 20:34:44 z79pp0,,1,how may i know if she is a male or a female,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-28 21:48:55 z79qbf,,1,..,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-28 21:49:33 z7ahc1,,0,Tunisian Patriot,[\_channel=%D8%AB%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9%D9%88%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%AF](,,,,,,2022-11-28 22:16:14 z7b7e4,,2,FixBox Orange Performance Review and customer feedback,"Did any one in this sub-reddit subscribed to the ***FixBox Orange*** internet solution?if **Yes,** is it good? how long do I have to wait for a technician to show up on site to assemble the necessary equipment and configure internet access?",,,,,,2022-11-28 22:43:10 z7dlmy,,1,Where are the Tunisians in Japan/Tokyo?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-29 00:14:11 z7dwxr,,1,problème cpu,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-29 00:27:07 z7e8ao,ème_cpu/,6,problème cpu,Slm bellehi 3andi mochkla f pc msi ki n7ot chargeur cpu ywali 100 % w les. 2 ventilateurs ye5dmou w manich 7alel 7ata jeux w ki nod5el l gestionnaire des tâches nal9a visual basic commande liner we5ou processeur bkol fhemtech chniya mochkl,,,,,,2022-11-29 00:40:39 z7fjx4,,1,CS GO,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-29 01:38:44 z7fsga,,1,CSGO,"Hey guys! Any csgo players from Tunisia? I need help. When I try to play mm I can’t reach any official servers and when I do, the ping is so high that I can’t play. Same with faceit, ping is really high. Could the problem be wifi? What kind of wifi(provider) do u use in Tunisia? Please open to any help. I’m desperate.",,,,,,2022-11-29 01:49:01 z7iq23,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-29 04:00:11 z7lmn4,,187,The only one who can use the sidewalk in Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-11-29 06:23:44 z7oht2,,3,how can you become a professional cook?,"I am looking for a school or an association where someone could learn pro cooking. Ps: it should have a recognisable certificate please",,,,,,2022-11-29 08:58:00 z7qb1c,,13,Working remotely for an abroad company,"Hello everyone, Got an offer to work remotely (as a software engineer) for an abroad company. However, they want me to register at Deel as freelancer to take care of the paperwork. Does anyone have an idea about freelance work in Tunisia throughout Deel and what to do legally to ensure everything goes correctly as it should ? Is there any documents, I need to prepare to make sure all is good with the government in Tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-11-29 10:31:45 z7rzty,,6,Tunisia vs France - FIFA World Cup 2022 : Lineups & Prediction -,,,,,,,2022-11-29 11:55:36 z7s4xx,,3,"Bac eco nejjem na9ra CS fi canada /germany , help pleaaase",,,,,,,2022-11-29 12:01:57 z7tdeq,,1,Tunisian,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-29 12:58:20 z7vrg6,,1,"How long do I need to work in a company to get a ""attestation de travail""",I want to change my id card profession.,,,,,,2022-11-29 14:35:40 z7vyil,,1,question,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-29 14:43:39 z7x4xe,,0,Forza Tunisia," ثما ناس قالوا غدوة الاربعاء الماتش مع الأربعة بش ناكلو أربعة، و انا نقول التونسي يموت على الصعيب و عندنا ناس مڨربعة",,,,,,2022-11-29 15:29:37 z80x6m,,1,Twitch,,,,,,,2022-11-29 17:54:05 z817g1,,15,Is that him when he was kid ?,,,,,,,2022-11-29 18:04:23 z819b8,,1,n7eb net3ada 3eme technique chnw na3mel ?,salem blhy ena na9ra 2eme science ou n7ib nit3ada 3eme technique amma min owel el 3am ma3annech prof ou kol dma el moudir y9oul tw el jem3a el jeya yji mou3aweth walla y9ouloulna elli l9aw profa filli5ir chay masar ou el mochkel zeda elli prof el math ki zeby le yfahem marra y9arri marra le marra yji y9arri se3a min se3tin ou marra ychedna se3tin fil class ou na7na na9raw ken se3a ou 7atta fil devoirat yetchamet fil class a9wa note fil devoir cntrl 1 hiya 7.5/20 ou rahou class fih 3bed thkeya minhom we7ed jaweb 18moyenne donc bich net3ada science walla math sib blhy fasrouli chnw na3mel fi 7yeti el madrasiya walla famech 7all???? sry for the rant amma takriz mta3 el systeme educatif thx,,,,,,2022-11-29 18:06:16 z81frd,,83,What are your guesses?,,,,,,,2022-11-29 18:13:02 z83hxu,,1,"29 Years Old Tunisian Adult Returned by the Tunisian Frontier Police and told ""Barra jib ommok""",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-29 19:29:29 z83ixg,,1,"29 Years Old Tunisian Adult Returned by the Tunisian Frontier Police and told ""Barra jib ommok""",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-29 19:30:28 z83je9,,1,"29 Years Old Tunisian Adult Returned by the Tunisian Frontier Police and told ""Bring your mother""",,,,,,,2022-11-29 19:30:57 z842gg,,3,The perfect candidate to represent r/Tunisia in the next elections,,,,,,,2022-11-29 19:51:05 z846dq,,3,where can i find a place to buy a cheap skate in tunis?,Madbia lprice max 200dt,,,,,,2022-11-29 19:55:11 z85bb5,,8,A call to the mods: please activate the talk feature,"The talk feature has been ongoing for months now, basically it's same as clubhouse or Twitter Spaces where pope came along and have an audio discussion, tye feature has been brought to Reddit and it's a huge success and can offer a other experience for the holy land land of nabbaras, the mods has to go to the /r/reddittalk and request I did already for one of my subs With 5k. So guys let's do it",,,,,,2022-11-29 20:35:18 z85m7b,ès_des_études_en_ingénierie/,1,Master après des études en ingénierie,"Nheb nkaml na9ra master, ena ingénieur informatique spécialité analyse des données avec un an d'expérience. Chniya master tnajem tkoun complémentaire lel domaine mtei Merci d'avance ❤️ PS : naaref expérience aham mel diplome w kedhe ema nheb na3mel master.",,,,,,2022-11-29 20:46:08 z87hqd,,5,searching for a good place to watch the football match tomorrow in sousse,,,,,,,2022-11-29 21:56:45 z88dae,,6,can anyone please help me choose a bank to deal with nheb n7el RIB any suggestions? khlef el biat femchi bank behi,,,,,,,2022-11-29 22:30:43 z88rh2,,21,Good luck for our 🇹🇳 team tomorrow,,,,,,,2022-11-29 22:45:49 z89bp7,,2,Can i live indefinitely in Tunisia as an Algerian?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-29 23:06:44 z8av7c,,1,تسريب من مباراة تونس فرنسا,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 00:05:27 z8c19y,,2,agency creation for tunisian freelancer,"Hi Freelancer, I would like to create an agency for my freelance business in upwork, i am looking for a good accounting company to proceed with it for creation and ""domiciliation"". I am looking for a good recommandations regarding service's quality and price. I had some recommendations regarding proservi from facebook comments.",,,,,,2022-11-30 00:52:18 z8cyxt,,2,Why don't we have any great TV shows or movies,"For example wolf of wall Street type a movie and shit like that ... Or a TV show like 'You' , Dexter...",,,,,,2022-11-30 01:30:16 z8d6da,,1,Brabi chkoun 3andou fekra chnya easiest shengen coubtry bch ne5ou visa touristique et chnouma lawre9 ?,,,,,,,2022-11-30 01:38:41 z8gvdd,,5,What is the etymology of the word brik (بريك) the food dish ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-30 04:12:38 z8jn8o,,3,Coursera,"Guys are Coursera certificates any good on your resume ? or is it just a big waste of time , and did anyone here get a job partly thanks to these certificates ? (courses related to datascience to be exact)",,,,,,2022-11-30 06:23:10 z8kfnn,,1,what's happening in China!!??,,,,,,,2022-11-30 07:02:17 z8m2sj,,1,تسريب من مباراة تونس - فرنسا,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 08:29:18 z8oyxg,,9,Is there a private investigator in Tunisia that can find someone based on few personal information?,,,,,,,2022-11-30 11:19:57 z8qggy,,1,"The date of watching the France-Tunisia match today, Wednesday, 11-30 in the 2022 World Cup - Woo soccer -Football news - transfers, fixtures, scores, pictures",,,,,,,2022-11-30 12:39:08 z8rjb2,,6,Life of a PROgrammer," it's cold outside , and having an internet connection , developping a Web server, having an ambigous error and reading a blog written from 2010 ( when i was 9 yo ) in order to figure out this problem it can't be better than this , isn't ? &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-11-30 13:29:34 z8saz4,,39,i think we might have a chance,,,,,,,2022-11-30 14:03:31 z8sq0m,,9,Kais Saied the anime😍,,,,,,,2022-11-30 14:21:40 z8tdp7,,1,Tunisie Telecom outage/panne?,"Bonjour, Dans le grand Tunis (El Aouina), est-ce qu'il y a une panne avec l'internet DSL de Tunisie Telecom? Impossible de rejoindre le support technique, j'ai déja fait le troubleshooting de base (reboot/reset du modem/routeur). Merci",,,,,,2022-11-30 14:49:25 z8tzq8,,1,Watch Live Tunisia vs France World Cup Match 2022,,,,,,,2022-11-30 15:14:02 z8u8gb,,1,Watch Live Australia vs Denmark World Cup Match 2022,,,,,,,2022-11-30 15:23:34 z8uqq1,,1,HOW WILL THIS GAME END?! - Tunisia v France | World Cup 2022 | Football Oracle AI,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-30 15:44:15 z8uwp7,,12,"American, sending all my good vibes for you guys to beat France!","You got this, guys!",,,,,,2022-11-30 15:50:56 z8uz52,,2,Match Thread: Tunisia vs France | FIFA World Cup,"#**FT: Tunisia 1-0 France** *Tunisia scorers: Wahbi Khazri (58')* -------- **Venue:** Education City Stadium [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Tunisia** Aymen Dahmen, Nader Ghandri, Montassar Talbi, Yassine Meriah, Aissa Laidouni, Ellyes Skhiri, Ali Maâloul, Wajdi Kechrida, Wahbi Khazri ([](#icon-sub)Issam Jebali), Mohamed Ali Ben Romdhane ([](#icon-sub)Ghaylen Chaaleli), Anis Ben Slimane ([](#icon-sub)Ali Abdi). **Subs:** Bilel Ifa, Taha Yassine Khenissi, Mouez Hassen, Aymen Mathlouthi, Hannibal Mejbri, Mohamed Drager, Youssef Msakni, Bechir Ben Said, Seifeddine Jaziri, Ferjani Sassi, Dylan Bronn, Naïm Sliti. ^____________________________ **France** Steve Mandanda, Ibrahima Konaté, Raphaël Varane ([](#icon-sub)William Saliba), Eduardo Camavinga, Axel Disasi, Aurélien Tchouaméni, Jordan Veretout ([](#icon-sub)Adrien Rabiot), Youssouf Fofana ([](#icon-sub)Antoine Griezmann), Randal Kolo Muani, Matteo Guendouzi ([](#icon-sub)Ousmane Dembélé), Kingsley Coman ([](#icon-sub)Kylian Mbappé). **Subs:** Dayot Upamecano, Marcus Thuram, Hugo Lloris, Jules Koundé, Theo Hernández, Benjamin Pavard, Olivier Giroud, Alphonse Areola. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **28'** [](#icon-yellow) Wajdi Kechrida (Tunisia) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **58'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Tunisia 1, France 0. Wahbi Khazri (Tunisia) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Aïssa Laïdouni.** **59'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Issam Jebali replaces Wahbi Khazri because of an injury. **63'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, France. William Saliba replaces Raphaël Varane. **63'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, France. Adrien Rabiot replaces Jordan Veretout. **63'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, France. Kylian Mbappé replaces Kingsley Coman. **73'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, France. Antoine Griezmann replaces Youssouf Fofana. **74'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Ghaylen Chaalali replaces Mohamed Ali Ben Romdhane. **79'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, France. Ousmane Dembélé replaces Mattéo Guendouzi. **83'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Tunisia. Ali Abdi replaces Anis Ben Slimane. -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)*",,,,,,2022-11-30 15:53:41 z8vl3s,,31,Let’s fucking goooo,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-30 16:17:47 z8w8cz,,1,Watch Live Saudi Arabia vs Mexico World Cup Match,,,,,,,2022-11-30 16:43:33 z8wdje,,31,LETSSS GOOOOO🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩,,,,,,,2022-11-30 16:49:12 z8wg28,,1,Why do we always have missed opportunities like this,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 16:52:03 z8wloe,,15,Each time I watch our national team,,,,,,,2022-11-30 16:58:15 z8wpbj,,95,Congrats on winning against France!,Congrats on you’re goal! Thank god they cancelled the French goal! You’re brother from Algeria :),,,,,,2022-11-30 17:01:49 z8wpzy,,4,Congrats with the win against France! 🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏WP! (World Cup),,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:02:31 z8wq9y,,4,Screw You Denmark!!,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 17:02:50 z8wr28,,10,مبرووووووووووووك,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-30 17:03:40 z8wv09,,72,At least fra7na ha lila even we r out ...,,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:07:55 z8wv2m,,1,"we won against ""france"" but i ain't happy about it","why ? several reasons 1/ france played with their subs 2/ we haven't done what's important, qualify 3/ (and fuck this shit) now that they won against ""france"", they'll think they are good, and they'll stick with this team, coach & that stupid wadi3... cuz uk we won against ""france"" w ta5rawlna fih... seriously, winning wasn't good... now we can't move on the way we should",,,,,,2022-11-30 17:07:59 z8wvhs,,5,EVERYBODY STAY CALM! STAY FUCKING CALM,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 17:08:26 z8wzjh,,54,WE WON AGAINST THE WORLD CUP CHAMPIONS,"It's still unfortunate we didn't qualify for the round of 16 but we beat France which is an amazing and great achievement. Gg Tunisia I love you 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳",,,,,,2022-11-30 17:12:51 z8x15s,,41,Better luck next time our Tunisian brothers 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:14:40 z8x1rq,,11,Mabrook ❤️ and Hard Luck,"My Tunisian brethren, 4 points against the current champions France and a decent Danish side (who ended up useless when we needed them most) is nothing to be ashamed of. Hold your heads up you made all of us proud ❤️ Got unlucky against Australia but that’s the sport. Love and your neighbors Libya 🇱🇾 will always be supporting you guys. Dima Tunis!!! ❤️🦅🇹🇳🌶️",,,,,,2022-11-30 17:15:18 z8x7g4,,1,Insert funny title,,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:21:18 z8x93v,,2,Yeah we left the World cup that's another thing! But yesterday many Tunisians said at least we will lose 4 no for France!!,,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:23:05 z8xcfg,,1,LLLLEEEEESSSFFUUUUCKKINNGGGOO,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 17:26:37 z8xnpe,,0,Tunisians be like: The surgery have succeeded but the patient died … Let’s celebrate this achievement,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-30 17:38:52 z8xph2,,8,FUCK FRANCE,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 17:40:43 z8xqmj,,1,Tunisia-France 1-0 (Goal of Waahby Khazri),,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:42:01 z8xs1s,,1,Well at least we won't go home with empty hands,,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:43:33 z8xxb6,,75,( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:49:23 z8y1q1,,10,صي وديع,,,,,,,2022-11-30 17:54:14 z8yame,,1,"Tunisia vs France Score 1 - 0, Group D Final Standings",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 18:03:32 z8ybhm,,1,"Can you please help me with my investigation concerning the metaverse for my final project in architecture , and thank you :)",[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 18:04:30 z8ye77,,6,The Juicer is shocked when Khazri scores for Tunisia vs France xD #WC2022,,,,,,,2022-11-30 18:07:21 z8yguf,,107,So close ...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-30 18:10:16 z8z8j2,,1,Online payments,[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-30 18:38:13 z8zb8h,,12,Let's go Wahbiiii,,,,,,,2022-11-30 18:40:59 z8zoqw,,1,when you tell grandma we still didn't pass to the next round,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 18:54:07 z8zph4,,1,when you tell grandma we still didn't pass to the next round,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 18:54:50 z8zqxc,,1,when you tell grandma we still didn't pass to the next round,[removed],,,,,,2022-11-30 18:56:17 z8zt40,,1,when you tell grandma we still didn't pass to the next round,,,,,,,2022-11-30 18:58:30 z8zzrx,,5,"What are some of the best spots to observe the night sky? (high altidude, low light pollution)",,,,,,,2022-11-30 19:04:47 z8zzyd,,20,Congratulations on winning against the world champion,"I am Algerianw but the game made me feel Tunisian. You did well, but missed some luck. Congratulations and better luck the next time.",,,,,,2022-11-30 19:04:59 z902d2,,23,مبرووووك نسور قرطاج 🇪🇬❤️🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-11-30 19:07:19 z91x4x,,13,"A great metal band from Tunisia. As a Moroccan, I’m so proud of them. What about you ?",,,,,,,2022-11-30 20:16:26 z93nfb,,1,"Ah yes, MonetiqueTunisie at its finest",[deleted],,,,,,2022-11-30 21:21:33 z94sm5,,1,استخارة الامام علي بحروف القرآن,,,,,,,2022-11-30 22:02:38 z95dpn,,6,PSA: Don't fall for these scams. They will use your ID to upload banking trojans and viruses to the app store and implicate you in their crimes. They also will ask for your ID/Passport (thus 18+) to create accounts under your name. Never give random people copies of your ID.,,,,,,,2022-11-30 22:23:50 z97ruk,,11,Hey look we're orange,,,,,,,2022-11-30 23:56:24 z97s9g,,14,"In the city centre of Nice, the french city with the largest tunisian community, french and tunisian fans celebrate together in peace after the game",,,,,,,2022-11-30 23:56:52 z98wwg,,3,"any one is working as an IT support ?? actually I'm taking a course ""google it support "" and wanna know how important is this certificate in tunisia market for jobs .",,,,,,,2022-12-01 00:42:15 z9hbhm,,1,Compliments and guys,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-01 07:07:18 z9hiq1,,30,congratulations on your victory,"From a moroccan, congratulations on defeating France last night, it was sad to see u guys get knocked down (when you should have deserved way more) but atleast you still got a victory, Goodluck on future tournaments 🇹🇳 :)",,,,,,2022-12-01 07:19:39 z9lltc,,1,Australia down Denmark to Secure a Place in the World Cup's last 16; Tunisia Stuns France,,,,,,,2022-12-01 11:34:47 z9lnqc,,0,3o9det WW2 and the fifa world cup,"Sociologically the main conclusion Eli enajmou no5rjou bih based on comments and posts and even El mo3al9ine kima 3issam El shawali is that middle easterners and north Africans as a whole are raised and still raised to maintain that 3o9da of never letting go of that post WW2 hate and the inferiority complex, in fact it's so deeply buried in us that even a draw against a European country in a sports game that has nothing to do with past politics causes an over exaggerated sense of achievement no matter the conditions. Chbina mnaykin.",,,,,,2022-12-01 11:37:51 z9p6kg,,1,"the union is wanting to f the country so bad after"" moule lkoura"" ""tabboubi"" is up next to be castrated...",,,,,,,2022-12-01 14:25:43 z9pu73,,2,Black European team playing against white African team is the funniest joke our world has produced,,,,,,,2022-12-01 14:53:20 z9rrev,,29,How to break this vicious cercle? Is electoral democracy responsible for this? How can we shift to a more meritocratic system? Because the current one is extremely anti-intellectualist,,,,,,,2022-12-01 16:10:15 z9ssvw,,1,In case you want to know the cases fabricated againat the 57 dissmissed judges,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-01 16:52:34 z9stza,,3,In case you want to know more about the cases fabricated against the dismissed judges,,,,,,,2022-12-01 16:53:48 z9sz7s,,5,Do software developers have it easier getting a visa or is it just like everybody else?,Title,,,,,,2022-12-01 16:59:47 z9tb5d,éjour_residency_permit_as/,10,About Carte de Séjour (residency permit) as freelancer in Tunisia.,"I just arrived in Tunis for the first time, love the people so far, and am excited to explore more. I work as a freelancer in Europe I'm considering moving my work to Tunisia. Watched this [video]( and I visited the lawyer he suggested, but she asked around 1400$ for doing the paper and legal work is this sound reasonable? She even said I should pay the same amount for renewal every year. It sounds wrong to me. in the video the guy said, you can do it the hard way with 200TND or a bit more. It is not about the money for me I just feel I got used, I speak Arabic and I can go through the pain of doing it myself, I just don't have time. Are these the only options I have? I really wanna benefit the country even a little bit, invest pay taxes even though I can set up my company anywhere in the world I just prefer Tunisia. Hopefully, there is another route. Look for suggestions.",,,,,,2022-12-01 17:12:26 z9tu0g,,2,Do you know any therapist that diagnosed ADHD before in Sousse?,"I seem to have most of the common ADHD symptoms, and I would like to visit a therapist that has treated it before so I know if I have it or not. From what I saw in this sub, it seems most therapists in Tunisia don't recognize it or even believe it is a real desorder, so I would like to see one that has experience with it.( Honestly I have a very limited budget, so I can't hop from doctor to doctor)",,,,,,2022-12-01 17:32:33 z9txs8,,1,"I am doing a project about Tunisian Arabic, can someone help?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-01 17:36:21 z9u3fa,,1,i need help on a project,"i have a project on greek mythology in french class and i want it to be original and creative, any ideas on how to make it and present it ???",,,,,,2022-12-01 17:42:02 z9ukcm,,4,How to receive western union online without going to the poste,,,,,,,2022-12-01 17:58:30 z9vw1p,,6,Tunisia and Libya,"The method in which the Libyan Prime Minister Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba announced the return of 250 million dollars in “debts” left to Tunisia from Libya to Tunisia (treatment costs, services, transportation, etc.) Of nobility, magnanimity, appreciation for Tunisia and respect for its people, and expresses the originality of the great Libyan people. Thank you Libya and thank you Algeria",,,,,,2022-12-01 18:45:00 z9wfdq,,1,Uncertain Future Of Tunisia.,"I wondered what would happen if we got rid of colonial influence and corruption. How will our economy perform if we become clean and 100% independent? Also, regarding question #2, let's say we didn't get rid of these problems, what will happen?",,,,,,2022-12-01 19:03:43 z9wp0p,,3,how to check date of driving test in ATTT website,,,,,,,2022-12-01 19:13:08 z9xj4s,éniques_sont_devenus_un/,25,"les serviettes hygiéniques sont devenus un produit de luxe en Tunisie comme le parfum et le maquillage et comme tous les produits qui tournent au tour des femmes d'ailleurs, quelques commerçants ont pensé au lycéennes et au étudiantes en passant a la vente en détail... par pièce!",,,,,,,2022-12-01 19:44:13 z9xrj8,,2,is assisted suicide available in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-01 19:52:51 z9zmfq,,3,Where can I find so7lob/droo in Tunis? (I'm a foreigner),"I mean the thick cream/porridge that you often eat with nuts or chamia for breakfast. Preferably in La Marsa, Lafayette, La Goulette or around Passage as that's where I mostly hang out.",,,,,,2022-12-01 21:01:09 za0ka7,,12,japan is giving a lesson to the whole world,"they lost to us few months ago, miserably, 3-0, in their home! they worked hard, with practically the same people (& same coach)! and managed to win against germany & spain... (who seemed to be an unstoppable team) i truly wonder if we can do smth like that, with some fixes... (and no... not with jalel being the puppet for wadii)",,,,,,2022-12-01 21:33:52 za1cu5,,16,How can I beat el ta7ana to get the promotion in my job ?,"Fama zouz tahana maaya fel khedma looking to get the promotion I need your help for ways to get the attention of my boss because I need that promotion (the extra money) w maandech maa t7en maa el 3elm ena khir menhom fel khedma Help pls",,,,,,2022-12-01 22:01:16 za2fyk,,3,What are the most profitable side hustles for a 20yo in Tunisia (no computer skills).,,,,,,,2022-12-01 22:38:37 zaaoyt,,3,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-02 04:00:09 zaf92d,,3,Why Sobflous e-dinar recharge is unavailable!,,,,,,,2022-12-02 07:43:10 zah42s,,4,what's the best international card i can get to pay for services online?,,,,,,,2022-12-02 09:30:46 zakg4d,,2,Gadech lezemni njib FL bac bch na9ra medicine Fi Denmark,Wow really helpful guys 👍😄 such friendly people,,,,,,2022-12-02 12:11:14 zamx6s,,2,Any suggestions for private CS universities?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-02 13:55:39 zaohrz,علاه_الغرب_يكرهنا/,5,علاه الغرب يكرهنا؟,باهي أحنا نكرهوهم ممكن عقدة الإستعمار قعدة فينا أما هوما علاه يكرهونا شنية عملنا معاهم خايب بش يحقدو علينا بالدرجة هذي؟,,,,,,2022-12-02 15:03:30 zaotfe,,5,Date ideas,"Hello there, I am looking for some date ideas in Tunis.. I have to say that we don’t have a car so a cozy place away from normies and “freret” and accessible by public transportation will be a great deal We are looking for a drink free cozy place with some chill atmospheres the time we will be going out will be around 3-4 pm so consider the world cup games we want some cozy place.. thank you all",,,,,,2022-12-02 15:17:17 zap3m4,,30,قريبا: خدمة إمضاء العقود الكترونيا والاستغناء عن الإمضاء المعرّف بالبلديات.,,,,,,,2022-12-02 15:29:32 zaq2mj,,0,receiving a parcel (coli),Aaslema bellehi n7eb nes2el... Bech yjini coli w mana3refch l poste kifeh ya3mlou. L adresse ta3 dar mafihech numéro w kol. Ykalmouni 3al taliphoun ki yjihom l coli? (aandhom num 5atr coli jey ml barra),,,,,,2022-12-02 16:10:16 zas0um,,0,Atheism,"There is a lot of atheists in Tunisia, what do you think about them, Are they fake, or توجه جديد نحتاجه في المجتمع التونسي؟",,,,,,2022-12-02 17:29:46 zasd85,,3,is GED even available in Tunisia and if so how do i reach it?,so i'm level bac batalt maadch y3ini chen3adih and i wanna try GED so can someone tell me what GED is and how do i test it and where?,,,,,,2022-12-02 17:43:15 zawuoi,,0,payoneer, salem just habit naaref elli istaamel payoneer yaatini rayou fih,,,,,,2022-12-02 20:35:42 zax88i,,1,Are galaxy buds live worth it?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-02 20:51:32 zay008,,6,can i use the zitouna bank card on any atm ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-02 21:18:56 zay16f,,2,"sneaker heads of Tunisia, from where do you buy your shoes",,,,,,,2022-12-02 21:20:00 zay2by,,6,مهدي جماعة على شمس ف.م : نحن اليوم نعيش مع منظومة بنكية تبراكي في المواطن وتمول في الدولة,,,,,,,2022-12-02 21:21:01 zayvee,,1,Weird encounter fi campus manouba,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-02 21:48:53 zazvdc,,13,should we seperate religion from politics in tunisia ?,,,,,,,2022-12-02 22:24:58 zazxq9,,0,what do the jewish and christian minority in tunisia think about the fact that some laws derive from the quran ?,,,,,,,2022-12-02 22:27:23 zb007s,,20,why only female students have to wear a school uniform ( tabliya) ? what s the logic behind it ?,,,,,,,2022-12-02 22:29:54 zb9iji,,1,Prevention from Lifestyle Diseases through Yoga Asanas (Part-7 Brain Stroke),,,,,,,2022-12-03 06:18:08 zbfjr5,,1,Best Bank Account In Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-03 12:50:40 zbfkr3,,1,Best Bank Account In Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-03 12:52:14 zbfrgg,,1,Best bank in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-03 13:01:39 zbfz64,,1,Best bank in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-03 13:12:17 zbg4zq,,5,What is the safes/best .tn domain provider local or international,I want to buy a .tn domain name from a trusted company local or international company.,,,,,,2022-12-03 13:19:48 zbgm4d,,3,Joined a Discord server as a Tunisian Jew and experienced racism,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-03 13:43:53 zbibnu,,2,people are so tone deaf wth,,,,,,,2022-12-03 15:05:56 zbilnm,,2,Chnowa najm na3mel bech na3rf my fat %? nemchi li tbib? nechri mizen special? or smth else?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-03 15:18:48 zbiqm5,,2,Medecine,"Slm, na9ra bac eco sna w ba3d lbac n7eb na9ra medecine, ama fi touns manajmch.. Najm na9raha fl Japon walla ay bléd okhra ?",,,,,,2022-12-03 15:24:59 zbjc1g,,1,can i make a living of playing guitar in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-03 15:51:41 zbjhpm,,1,Helppp,Are there any good tips to pass a driving test ?,,,,,,2022-12-03 15:58:49 zbktua,,5,تفعيل خدمة الإشعارات الإدارية عبر بوابة المواطن لإستقبال الرسائل الإلكترونية التي تخص وثائق العربات والجولان,,,,,,,2022-12-03 17:00:05 zbmgi0,,2,Can anyone link me the old Nessma AR game?,I could've sworn Nessma made an AR game that was inspired during the period Pokemon Go gained popularity. Am I hallucinating? I can't find anything about it.,,,,,,2022-12-03 18:08:54 zbmyuq,,3,A serious question.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-03 18:30:45 zbn3zh,,1,Liquide vape fel CV?,"Hi, nheb neshry liquide vape, any shops close lel CV?",,,,,,2022-12-03 18:36:42 zbngc4,,1,drive license help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-03 18:51:27 zbnp7q,,9,How to invest 70 thousand dinars?,So let's say I have completely legal 70 thousand dinars that I got in a way I don't want to discuss with strangers and I want to invest them in a profitable way.,,,,,,2022-12-03 19:01:52 zbp6nz,,1,Who are some notable members of this sub?,,,,,,,2022-12-03 20:04:16 zbq6ub,,11,E-commerce store in Tunisia,"Hello everyone hope you doing well. I'm in process of starting E-commerce online store selling make-up and Perfumes. I'm planning to ship all around Tunis and accepting payments as Cash on delivery and though online payments. Anyone who has a decent experience and willing to share his experience regarding delivery companies and best payment gateway. Our stock will be in Sfax not in the capital. Any recommendations or advise will be great. Thank you in advance :)",,,,,,2022-12-03 20:45:36 zbqrk4,,1,"Chabeb, what are the exact limits of CTI?","I just wanted to know, that if it’s possible to use it, to like order anything online, maybe buy some games on steam or smth idk..",,,,,,2022-12-03 21:09:24 zbvnqa,,34,"From a feeling maghrebi, ho much do you understand from Moroccan Darija?",,,,,,,2022-12-04 00:37:00 zc49uo,,1,can someone make a living from playing the guitar in tunisia,,,,,,,2022-12-04 08:18:18 zc5oo1,,10,🤷‍♂️ Here’s your answer,,,,,,,2022-12-04 09:50:39 zc6nm8,,3,Meeting new ppl,"I've moved to Hammamet from Ariana with family about 6 years ago and I'm looking to meet new people here and hopefully make new friends. I'm a 25 years old man, I like gaming (mostly solo games tho), football(watching and tanbir mostly because am too lazy to play haha), tv shows, movies and all that good stuff. I do wanna get in shape so I would appreciate a gym buddy as well. I'm kind of an introvert but I want to make friends here for occasional coffees chill sometimes after work or in weekends. Some of you might think this is weird that I'm looking for friends here as a grown man, to put it simply all of my friends live in Ariana, and with work and weekly responsibilities visiting them sometimes in the weekends became difficult especially with the ""rakcha"" cold weather (but ofc we still keep contact till this day, it was much easier before tho because I was a student and had more free time). Anyways, I'm looking for some fun genuine light hearted people who share some of my interest and around my age but most importantly generally fun spontaneous folks \^\^ Side note: No I'm not some pervert who looks for hook-ups, I've already found my lobster(friends series ref for finding your soulmate for those who are wondering what I'm talking about).",,,,,,2022-12-04 10:47:53 zc6o94,étè_web_development_1ere/,2,kifeh ndaber stage d étè (web Development ) 1ere science info,the problem is that ma3andich m3aref fi domaine w zid lfac li na9ra feha mech 9wiya barcha fi niveau,,,,,,2022-12-04 10:48:53 zc8byv,,5,Guys I need your advices .,"I introduce myself I spent more than 5 years as a freelancer on fiverr , I started a business with one of my clients then we opened an immigration agency , then after two years we decided to stop . Now I have a job as an Hr business data analyst in a world-leading company . I own a BTS in IT & management however I’am stuck between choosing to further my academic experience by joining a engineering program for 5 years which will require time and money investment or I focus on a world-recognized certificate that perhaps would be more than valuable for next abroad employers . I’am 27 , I don’t wana spend more years in tunsia so I don’t know guys if continue studying again will be a great choice . Please feel free to share opinions , advices ...exct .",,,,,,2022-12-04 12:11:09 zc8cr6,,0,What’s the obstacles in Tunisia?,I need to know all the obstacles that are needed to solve in Tunisia to begin a business about it,,,,,,2022-12-04 12:12:13 zc8fqk,,1,i need help asap plz,"behi ritouh el dossier medicale lazrak elli yet3ta ki tenjah fil bac ena thaya3tou w maandi hata fekra chnya lazemni naamel tawa",,,,,,2022-12-04 12:16:16 zc8tsp,,3,Is this page legit ?,Chkoun jareb 5dem m3aha 9bal is this page legit ?,,,,,,2022-12-04 12:35:52 zc8wvh,,1,Afikra Tunis Vol. 1,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-04 12:40:36 zc97vh,,1,recommendation comptable,"Bonjour, Je cherche une recommandation pour un comptable au grande tunis pour créer un suarl totalement exportatrice.",,,,,,2022-12-04 12:57:06 zcbxkc,,1,Any cool places to visit with my wife while living in the capital ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-04 15:03:31 zccdft,é_names_in/,1,"Hello i need a list of tunisian faculté names in french ,and it would really help if i get their facebook group names .",,,,,,,2022-12-04 15:21:00 zcdhmv,,5,Money laundering up to 100k,"So .. I just saw a post in here .. about someone who was asking how to invest 70k ... He also raise a question about the money being legal or not ... Sounds like he doesn't wanna discuss it with strangers but he needed to mention it... So .. most of the comments were on how to clean the money ... Is it cash or in a bank .. the easiest way to make it legal ... . that got me wondering.. here is my question... Do I need to clean 100k in Tunisia? Like buy a house and loan it to a friend bla bla bla ... Or it depends ... Because I'm pretty sure if I go to a bank with 50k in cash and disposit them in my account that won't be a problem nor raising any flags ... So.. it depends on the amount of money or the location or what exactly... Yeah ... Last time I checked we don't need to legalize/launder money in Tunisia ...",,,,,,2022-12-04 16:04:57 zcdtz3,,2,How much would it cost to rent a car for a month / year?,"And how much will the security deposit be? If I rent it for a year can I pay monthly?",,,,,,2022-12-04 16:17:51 zceb7r,,1,Wa9teh a9reb solde f takiacademy?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-04 16:36:09 zcelcc,,1,esprit school of engineering,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-04 16:47:02 zcep04,,1,"salam, help please chkoun 3anedou fekera 3al procedure ta3 rendezvous me3a sfara ta3 germany.",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-04 16:50:54 zcep5r,,8,Why there is no Amazon in Tunisia ?,"Why there are no e-commerce like Amazon in Tunisia? What are the other options? If there are?",,,,,,2022-12-04 16:51:04 zcetil,,1,"salam, help please chkoun 3anedou fekera 3al procedure ta3 rendezvous me3a sfara ta3 germany.",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-04 16:55:40 zceu49,,0,germany,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-04 16:56:16 zcgtc0,,1,can someone tell me if this happens I'm tunisia or not?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-04 18:09:04 zcgum7,,36,can someone tell me if this happens In Tunisia or not?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-04 18:10:16 zcj0bz,,1,Air bnb,So let's say I buy an apartment s+1 in a good condition and I air bnb it. It is in a touristic port like that's of sousse for example. How many days a year will it be reserved. How much can I charge for it a night? Or a night per season. Any help would be highly appreciated,,,,,,2022-12-04 19:29:25 zcjtn6,,6,why hitting children is normalized in Tunisia,So according to most studies hitting causes the behavior of child to worsen and not to get better and most of the time the parents reason to hit the child is that they are angry and not to more positively change the child's behavior. Why in this day and age is this violence that is the root of plenty of society's violence is still propagating.,,,,,,2022-12-04 19:59:30 zckcor,/r/Rum_Afariqah/comments/zcjfk2/benevénitos_ad_rrum_afariqah_sa_communitate_de/,5,Come join r/Rum_Afariqah for discussion/posts on the historical topic of Latin/Romance-speaking culture in North Africa/Maghreb in the Ancient and Medieval periods.,,,,,,,2022-12-04 20:18:27 zckcvz,,2,Can someone recommend a basic moisturizer for my face and another for my hair for men?,"Ik nothing about skin care but here's my problem: ki narja3 ne5dm physically and no3ro9 wejhi yefsed, el 7boub yo5rjou barcha w el 9echra f 7wejbi 9ad e ras w f ajneb 5achmi w ba7dha wedhneya zeda. 7wejbi lin ywaliw ya7r9ou. netsawer nafs el mochkla li jeldet cha3ri 5ater el 9echra tetchef 3la bo3d km ken ma jitch na3mel f anti-dandruff shampoo. ma 3andich 9echra mademni na3mel f shampoo ama hadheya jst solution for the effect, ena n7eb nsala7 el mochkla f 7ad thetha li hiya jeldet rasi kolha tefsed bel s5ana w el 3ra9.",,,,,,2022-12-04 20:18:40 zcm2h6,,2,Mint you 1st free WC avatars,"Want to get a free avatar of Tunsia or any other country of the WC . Click on the golden ball (smartphone) and choose you team.",,,,,,2022-12-04 21:20:08 zcml3m,,1,my facebook hacked and disabled.... I tried everything to get it back. .. I have a page with 370k followers lost .... if you were me ... chta3ml ! stop working...start again!!,,,,,,,2022-12-04 21:38:51 zcprfy,,1,Just passed my cloud practitioner cert. Any projects recommendation?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-04 23:36:55 zcqpwr,,2,Serrure de porte pour Opel Corsa B,chabbeb andkomchi fekkra win enajem nemchi nlawj fi tunis ?,,,,,,2022-12-05 00:13:25 zcrikm,,2,power bi premium,"hello, as a tunisian living in Tunisia I can't subscribe for Power bi premium from Microsoft website. where can I find companies who provides this service ?",,,,,,2022-12-05 00:44:44 zcroua,,2,s17,"twa9afet 9bal 24h w ena bari2. w saybouni w ba3aad moda wa9afni radar 9ali rak s17. chnowa na3mel? any nasa2e7?",,,,,,2022-12-05 00:51:29 zcuh0z,,3,How to transfer money from Tunisia to a British bank account,"I got like 21,000 Dinards and I would like to transfer it into my brother's bank account in Britain, how do I do that?",,,,,,2022-12-05 02:42:11 zcw9fb,,1,"How to get a ""Convention de Stage""","I've graduated in october 2022 as a software engineer and I found a new internship offer in france that starts in February 2023. The problem is that if I want to apply for the Visa, it says that I need a convention de stage, and I can't get it since I no longer belong to a university/ education establishment. I made some research and found that I can apply for an online education cursus that I can use to help me get the Convention, if this is possible does anyone know a program that can accept me before january. I wanna know if anyone has been in my position before and if that's the case how did he proceed.. Ps: the company has made it clear that it only hires interns and this can't be negotiable.",,,,,,2022-12-05 04:00:29 zd03wu,,1,Why doesn’t show any available gift cards to buy?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-05 07:19:45 zd0mki,,1,famach ehkoun jarab liseuse kobo wella kindle,est ce que les liseuse hadhoum yemchiou fi tounes wella yelzem enhakihoum bech ensob les .epub dedans,,,,,,2022-12-05 07:50:52 zd1uot,,1,"What to do for a Tunisian man living abroad missing home? I’ve made all his favorite foods, cuminia, cous cous, brik even made Arabic harees. Any suggestions? Anything I can make or do to make it feel a bit closer to home. He does so much for everyone and forgets himself. Just want to make him smile",,,,,,,2022-12-05 09:01:50 zd34kl,,1,what about general elections ?. will you vote ? #tunisia,,,,,,,2022-12-05 10:17:43 zd38a7,,2,asking for help - money related,"If I want to get paid by a company after providing a service, knowing that I do not have a ""patente"" What solutions do I have to make my payment legit and legal? And when I asked the company on which options do I have, they said we can do a payment as ""person physique"" just bring an invoice and a copy of your ID and they will take 15% off for taxes 1- isn't that supposed to be called ""prestation de service""? 2- do I really have to get a patente? Cause there are companies who lend theirs for a percentage of the money. 3- is that the legit procedure?",,,,,,2022-12-05 10:23:52 zd4b6j,,3,Best florists in the capital?,Looking for the best place to buy flowers. Do they do deliveries here? Or should I go and get them?,,,,,,2022-12-05 11:25:52 zd5wqb,,1,an africain team could win the world cup if ... [interesting study],[removed],,,,,,2022-12-05 12:47:42 zd628r,,3,Searching for Best print on demand company in tunisia,"Hello I own a clothing brand and i'm searching for a high quality print on demand company to work with, if you have any company on your mind please provide me with a phone number and location. I'm also searching for cotton hoodies and Tshirts Factory, High quality.",,,,,,2022-12-05 12:55:12 zd7814,,5,Company in Tunisia,"Hey guys I was just wondering if any of u fellas have some knowledge about having a company as a foreigner without residence card in Tunisia. I want to start a business in Tunisia but I really don't know where to start tbh. Where should I go or what should I do? Please if u have some ideas I would be grateful. PS: I live here but didn't get the residence card yet.",,,,,,2022-12-05 13:50:04 zd7dhz,,3,Can I buy Viagra In Sousse?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-05 13:56:41 zd8qu8,,1,"facebook hacked and disabled, instagram and whatsapp too .. I lost my 700k pages .... if you were me chtaaml !!!!!!",,,,,,,2022-12-05 14:48:17 zdc83f,,1,"question for Tunisian web developers, ye5i lezmni net3alem Linux for web development?",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-05 16:52:10 zdcamq,,10,"idha ken n7eb nwali web developer, lezmni net3alm nesta3mel Linux?","sou2eli fih 2 niveaux: \-Ye5i Linux necessaire 100%? \-Ye5i ken net3alem nesta3mel Linux w nekteb mes programmes fih nabda 1 step ahead 3al nes lo5ra?",,,,,,2022-12-05 16:54:41 zdcbm4,,3,Can I transfer 20k Dinards to bitcoin?,"If so how can I do it, via my Tunisian bank or other means?",,,,,,2022-12-05 16:55:43 zdctne,,50,Tunisian channels,,,,,,,2022-12-05 17:13:07 zdencs,,2,carte banker International,"Yo Ya jme3a chkon yinajim yi3awini plz N7ib n7ib ndabir carte banker International bch na3mil biha freelance wo nwali nijbid minha flos , ili 3ando fikra kifech help please",,,,,,2022-12-05 18:15:23 zdh7lh,,1,How to avoid prejudices...,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-05 19:42:35 zdhqyf,,1,"i asked the ai an essay about ""the history of tunisia through music""","he gave me this ## the history of tunisia through music Tunisia is a country in North Africa that borders the Mediterranean Sea. It's one of the most popular destinations for tourists from all over the world. The country is rich in culture and history, and this is reflected in its music. Many songs are dedicated to the country's geography and people. By preserving its music, the country is preserving its heritage. Music has always been an integral part of Tunisian life. Songs chronicle life in the country and celebrate national heritage. The lyrics can be in Arabic, French or Tunisian Arabic, which is a mixture of both languages. Many songs tell the stories of people living in Tunisia; these are called bardic traditions. This oral history has been passed down through generations and is still performed today. The songs reflect the different cultures living in Tunisia; they celebrate both indigenous practices and those brought by immigrants from other parts of Africa. Tunes are played throughout the country to celebrate events and traditions. For example, weddings are typically celebrated with a tune called 'Fennec fox'. This song celebrates how foxes run quickly with little effort. This represents how quickly a celebration can happen in the country. Other common tunes include lullabies for newborns and patriotic songs celebrating Tunisia's independence from France. These songs tell of the struggles faced by many who lived through the Tunisian revolution in 2011-12. Songs about this period are still being written today to commemorate the sacrifices made by those living through these events. Musicians contribute a large amount of revenue to the economy. In 2015, musicians made up 17% of all male employment in Tunisia. Many musicians earn money playing at weddings, festivals and on radio stations. In rural areas, musicians use traditional instruments like a 'tawath', a stringed instrument similar to a guitar or mandolin. However, some artists use electronic music to bring new sounds to the country's music scene. That being said, most popular music in Tunisia remains ' Rai rap ', or rap performed in Tunisian Arabic dialects. Music has always been an important part of Tunisian culture- even though it's difficult to preserve through modern technology and media outlets. Songs tell of past struggles and current events; they celebrate both local traditions and those from other countries living in Tunisia. Plus, musicians contribute greatly to the economy through their revenue generated from playing tunes. \------ what do you think of this text generated with []( in case you need a homework fouska",,,,,,2022-12-05 20:00:47 zdhuiq,,1,How's your grades?,,,,,,,2022-12-05 20:04:03 zdi3st,,3,Yalla chwaya musika bnina - Live,,,,,,,2022-12-05 20:12:41 zdi808,,79,A map showing country-level prevalence of witchcraft beliefs around the world.,,,,,,,2022-12-05 20:16:41 zdja35,,1,contrat CDI yelzem tsir fih mention mta3 el prime wel avantages lo5rin ?,,,,,,,2022-12-05 20:52:40 zdjchs,,1,Where to get a pegboard in Tunisia?,"I've searched for it practically everywhere, even through online stores but there seems to be nothing. The one I found: []( [Example of the one I'm searching for]( (Timecoded) Is there anywhere I can get one through delivery and preferrably with its shelve supports as well?",,,,,,2022-12-05 20:54:56 zdjh4b,,0,do unlimited term contracts need to mention the bonuses and different advantages to the job ?,"just as the title says, i got a new contract, first time CDI, and i'm not sure of what i should be finding in the contract",,,,,,2022-12-05 20:59:20 zdjynb,,3,upwork Tax Identification Number in tunisia.,"salem, blhi chniya la7keya jdida fl tax information fl upwork. chniya howa Tax Identification Number w mnin njibou? w hal ana fahemha s7i7a ki manzidouch y9osou 30% 7ata kan n3amer Tax Residence w W-8BEN.",,,,,,2022-12-05 21:15:16 zdk3zs,,5,آنآ آحِبُ فُلٌوصَ آدعِمْ,,,,,,,2022-12-05 21:20:09 zdkrnu,,1,website or platform suggestion,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-05 21:41:34 zdl19j,,1,Anyone here dealing with hyperacusis?(Sound sensitivity),[removed],,,,,,2022-12-05 21:50:17 zdmt7n,é_in_sousse/,1,cosy/romantic café in sousse?,,,,,,,2022-12-05 22:49:25 zdmyik,,4,Do you think our economy will collapse in the next 3 years?,"so i don't know if i should leave and study abroad or do my bachelor here and masters(+equivalence i don't know how many years) abroad since it's cheaper but i fear the inflation/ or if our economy will collapse like Venezuela So if you had the option what will you choose",,,,,,2022-12-05 22:54:18 zdrn46,,1,Odd Question: Do people in Algeria typically wear deodorant?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-06 01:59:02 zdroq9,,2,Odd Question: Do people in Tunisia typically wear deodorant?,,,,,,,2022-12-06 02:00:37 zdul4w,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-06 04:00:09 zdxwt0,,3,"Places to visit in Mahdia, Sousse, Kairouan and Tunis","Hello, those are the cities that I am willing to visit (Mahdia today) and I will appreciate it a lot if you can recommend me good touristic places, restaurents, cofe shops or any place that you think is enjoyable or worth visiting. Thank you in advance.",,,,,,2022-12-06 06:23:57 zdyfly,,1,What are your opinions on 9ays S3ayyed?,,,,,,,2022-12-06 06:48:21 zdzl99,,20,what's going on with internet in Tunisia,"The past 2 weeks more and more ADSL users reporting their internet speed dropping down to 2MB or lower specifically from 8pm to 1am, and this isn't tied to a specific internet plan it seems to be ppl that are subscribed with different providers and in subscription plans ranging from 4Mb to 20MB. It's not even happening to everyone which makes it more confusing. Like why a specific but significant number of ppl are struggling with this the past 2 weeks even tho they are subscribed to different providers.",,,,,,2022-12-06 07:43:30 ze26cv,,1,Anyone here dealing with hyperacusis?(Sound sensitivity),I would like to connect.,,,,,,2022-12-06 09:55:13 ze3j2k,,6,How do i ask her to be my girlfriend?,"Hello! So I am starting to fall for this girl. We went out together 4 times now. The first 3 times were with our mutual friends (that's how i met her) and once just the two of us (we were supposed to go out with a couple other friends but they luckily cancelled). So my question is, how should i go about asking her to be my girlfriend? I've only had one gf in my life. It didn't last very long, and it just sort of happened. I didn't ask her to be my gf. I'm not sure how the process usually goes in tunisia. Do people ask ""t7eb tsou7ebni?"" Or is that weird? How would you do it ?",,,,,,2022-12-06 11:02:12 ze4w1u,,1,Could you name one or more foreign tech companies that are currently working in Tunisia?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-06 12:04:40 ze5e0y,,2,I bought a curved screen from scopegaming and they can't fix it because it is a 'curved' screen!,"the monitor is 1yo and it suddenly stopped working. I took it to their ' après-vente'**après** and they told me that they can't fix it because they can't open a curved screen. Warranty is expired and all I want is to fix it. Please give me some advice if you were in a similar situation or if you know a good shop that can fix it.",,,,,,2022-12-06 12:26:15 ze61pi,,0,Why is Tunisia sh4t,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-06 12:55:21 ze72hp,,1,Any one know a good way to buy some weed/hash in Sousse?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-06 13:39:54 ze74om,,1,Looking for some help buying something in Sousse,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-06 13:42:46 ze7jkn,,1,Having trouble finding something in Sousse,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-06 14:00:50 ze8cx1,,45,صبالخير حبيت نرمي هاذي جوست باش الكعبتين اللي مزالو يطحنوا لسيدنا ينفضوا رواحهم شوية. تونس آخر مرتبة!!,,,,,,,2022-12-06 14:36:07 zebd6i,,1,"I heard something about a group of people getting arrested for planning a coup in Tunisia recently, does anyone have the story or sources?",,,,,,,2022-12-06 16:41:00 zebias,,3,I heard that a large group of people are being court martialed for an attempted coup. Where can I find more info on this?,,,,,,,2022-12-06 16:46:52 zebsod,,1,yekhy ki naamel tatoo maatch najem naady hata concour shiha ?,,,,,,,2022-12-06 16:58:17 zec1v9,,2,insults,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-06 17:08:18 zee2ya,,1,Help please!,Hello beautiful people. Bellehi kifech najem nemchi l Hammam Lif men Benzart?,,,,,,2022-12-06 18:29:35 zeeoee,,22,interesting ...,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-12-06 18:52:48 zefmwl,,1,Looking for special contact lenses fi tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-06 19:30:49 zefrq0,,0,Should I be happy?,"I'm 3eme math and I got 9 in philo despite it being a test (the teacher said if we score better in the test he will count that instead of Devoir de synthèse (in 3eme we only have Devoir synthèse Fil philo and I'm definitely not getting above 9 since I didn't revise and I didn't make my arguments philosophian enough so it's fair to say I got 9, sorry for the long tangent)) So should I be happy or should I be sad or aspire to get better?",,,,,,2022-12-06 19:36:16 zeg14n,,1,A tunisian website to buy microsoft and other paid sercives.,"Hi everyone, hope y'all doing well ! I wanted to ask you if you know a tunisian website through which I can buy online paid Microsoft services. Thanks a lot for your help.",,,,,,2022-12-06 19:46:36 zeghh6,,3,What are the problems you face on your day to day life as a tunisian?,Title.,,,,,,2022-12-06 20:03:57 zegn4e,,0,do u think we are facing a civil war in tunisia in the next period of time ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-06 20:09:45 zegq0s,,0,Win nsaref tickets resto,Chkoun ya3ref win nsaref tickets Sodexo zone manouba ? Would be appreciated,,,,,,2022-12-06 20:12:44 zehz93,,3,Is there a shortage of skilled software engineers in Tunisia?,"Was it hard for you to find a software engineering (programming, coding) job?",,,,,,2022-12-06 21:01:55 zeiol4,é_et_marbout_be_carte_de/,1,3and compte paypal verifié et marbout be carte de credit fr expiré,"el compte mel periode elli count etudiant en france ech najem na3mel bih el compte paypal hekka ,",,,,,,2022-12-06 21:30:00 zeiu3s,,20,"Guys, go to the r/Morocco sub and congratulate them!! I mean, WOW!!! Show some love, share the joy and spread some love!! LET’S GO!!!",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-06 21:35:47 zell9q,الحرية_في_تونس_عشق_قديم/,4,الحرية في تونس عشق قديم,[](,,,,,,2022-12-06 23:23:25 zenqlo,,4,أرجوك لا تتهوّر و تجْتز الحدود خلسة (مايعرف اصطلاحا بالحرقة) اجلس في بلدك و انشأ ستآرتاب تنفع بها ابناء بلدك.,,,,,,,2022-12-07 00:58:15 zeu7jh,,13,How much does it cost to sterelize a cat in Tn ?,Also can you propose a good vet,,,,,,2022-12-07 06:35:15 zew42c,,1,Thoughts on this?,,,,,,,2022-12-07 08:41:04 zezl5v,,3,Best budget Tablet for studying,Price range : 1000-1500,,,,,,2022-12-07 12:09:17 zf0tml,,29,Tis the Season of Olive oil in Tunisia!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-07 13:12:32 zf19s8,,25,I was in love with an engaged girl from my class.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-07 13:34:33 zf28be,,1,🎶🎶🎵,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-07 14:18:40 zf2b7s,,1,🎶🎶🎵,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-07 14:22:14 zf37a5,,1,from can I buy ms office and windows in Tunis !!,,,,,,,2022-12-07 15:00:09 zf5h6l,,8,I'm curious about the average age on this subreddit,"I'm curious about the average age of this subreddit [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-07 16:23:32 zf7wh8,,10,100% true,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-12-07 17:45:28 zf822q,,1,Do you think that tunisia is controlled by france ?,"You know, they choose the goverment members and/or select the president according to their needs by using mafias and corruption. What do you think about this ? Especially that every time kais saed meets macron he seems to incline to him and see him as a leader. I can be so wrong lol so please no harassment",,,,,,2022-12-07 17:50:43 zfa9df,,3,Which scenario do you prefer ?,"In this context, you can think of ""Rich"" as someone who does have a luxurious lifestyle but not the filthy rich way. You can think of Average as someone who's having a middle-class average life. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-07 19:04:07 zfbs9k,,1,Tunisianet gedach ya5dhoo wa9t bech yrj3ooli 7aja fesdt feha garantie?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-07 19:56:30 zfcfgx,,2,Tunisianet gedach ya5dhoo wa9t bech yrj3ooli 7aja fesdt feha garantie?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-07 20:18:02 zfct9w,,1,How did you meet the love of your life?,,,,,,,2022-12-07 20:31:17 zfcu7f,,0,Tell us your story,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-07 20:32:11 zfczqq,,0,MTB,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-07 20:37:59 zfezea,,8,little job ideas a 14-15 yo teenage girls can do for pocket money ?,Me and my friend are looking for lil part time jobs to do to have some pocket money any ideas bekhlef small businesses since we already own one ?,,,,,,2022-12-07 21:45:39 zfg8i5,,2,Anything fun to do in Yasmine Hammamet at this time,"Having lots of fun during the day but as soon as nightfall nothing to do. Any good clubs? Time of writing this 23:28hrs",,,,,,2022-12-07 22:28:39 zfi4h2,,3,"Help , how can i get ride of my phone addiction"," sni andi cncr prepa w ylzmni n9as mn w9ti al tel , pls anyone have been in my situation yns7ni chnjm naaml",,,,,,2022-12-07 23:39:53 zfjeqj,,1,"What's the saddest ""card declined"""" moment you've seen?",,,,,,,2022-12-08 00:32:06 zfjgal,,0,Tell us,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 00:33:52 zfjgm9,,1,Frobidden love !,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-08 00:34:15 zfjo9u,,1,Forbidden love !,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 00:43:12 zfjqmg,,1,Frobidden love !,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 00:45:58 zfjzmj,,1,Forbidden love !,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 00:56:33 zfkc6u,,1,Forbidden love !,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 01:10:46 zfr51z,قصة_قصيرة_عن_الغباء_التونسي/,19,قصة قصيرة عن الغباء التونسي," رئيس البيرو حل البرلمان وأعلن عن حظر تجول وعن تعليق القضاء والنيابة العامة مباشرة، أعلن القضاء أنه يرفض أي قرار يتعارض مع الدستور نائبة الرئيس أعلنت أنها ترفض أي انقلاب اجتمع البرلمان وصوت لعزل الرئيس تحركت الشرطة وأعلنت إيقافها للرئيس هذا الكل صار في غضون سويعات البارح في دولة البيرو ملاحظة: كل تشابه جزئي مع قصة حقيقية صارت في دويلة في شمال افريقيا هو من محض الصدفة",,,,,,2022-12-08 06:21:20 zfr8u7,ériences/,1,Public Transport Experience in Tunis | Expériences du transport en commun à Tunis,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 06:27:20 zfsumk,,78,I asked ChatGPT to come up with a poem on Kaisoun. I am impressed.,,,,,,,2022-12-08 08:01:41 zfu32c,,1,How much do people charge for 3d printing here ? If it even exists,,,,,,,2022-12-08 09:17:30 zfvb0w,,1,Recommend me a place for an intensive German course in tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-08 10:31:20 zfvjp5,$titre=قيس-سعيد-يطلق-برنامج-استعادة-آلاف-المليارات-من-الأموال-المنهوبة,1,قيس سعيد يطلق برنامج استعادة آلاف المليارات من الأموال المنهوبة,,,,,,,2022-12-08 10:45:52 zfwmgt,,1,اخوتي ابغي اقضي اجازة في تونس بالصيف وعندي ٣ خيارات.. الحمامات .. سوسة.. موناستير... اي الاماكن تنصحوني بها علما بانها اول زيارة لي,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 11:46:45 zfy8fg,,1,Buying a training butterfly/balisong knife from AliExpress to Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 13:00:15 zfzz2u,,10,Losers of the day 🤮,,,,,,,2022-12-08 14:09:16 zg08ad,,1,What mobile games are you playing?,So tell me tunisian gamers what mobile games are you playing and which have the most active communitys in tunisia I'm bored of playing alone.,,,,,,2022-12-08 14:18:58 zg0er7,,12,Landing a software engineering job abroad,"Hello guys, I want to address Tunisian software engineers who successfully landed a job abroad. Would you please share your insights about how you earned it and whether Linkedin was useful or not? Also How many years of experience are required to find a job in Europe or Asia. If you found a job abroad please guide us through your story and thank you.",,,,,,2022-12-08 14:25:40 zg1a0f,épreuve_affiliation_cnss/,1,Where do i find myÉpreuve affiliation CNSS,The embassy is demanding my epreuve d’affiliation au CNSS and I’m an expat here. Could anyone tell me how I could get this ?,,,,,,2022-12-08 14:58:04 zg1rpt,,1,Do you think that running a Sticker business could be profitable in Tunisia?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 15:15:47 zg1u7l,,1,Help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-08 15:18:23 zg2gkl,كيفية_الخروج_من_العمل_alternance/,4,كيفية الخروج من العمل alternance,"سلام عليكم يا شعب reddit انا السنة تخرجت من الجامعة ومتحصل علي شهادة في علوم الاعلامية اختصاص هندسة البرمجيات و تقبلت في شركة في تونس تعمل alternance يعني نقرا ونخدم وصححت معاهم عقد 6 سنوات لكن بعد تقريبا 3 اشهر من العمل كرهت الخدمة والناس في الخدمة ودخلت في دوامة تاع depression كبيرة برشا حبيت نعرف اذا فماش طريقة للتخلص من engagment بعد ان امضيت عليه وما عنديش فلوس باش نخلص عام دراسة علم اني قريت 3 اشهر",,,,,,2022-12-08 15:40:54 zg2hq5,,2,Anyone living in Tunisia and working for UK company?,"Currently living in UK and considering going back to Tunisia, and would love to be able to work for a UK company get paid in £££ but live in Tunisia. Wondering if anyone here is already doing that and has some advice ? My work experience is in banking and fighting financial crime.",,,,,,2022-12-08 15:42:05 zg5pcf,,13,How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 17:39:41 zg6jis,,0,اغنية بمناسبة فوز المنتخب المغربي 🔥🔥💪🏿💪🏿🇲🇦🇲🇦,,,,,,,2022-12-08 18:11:32 zg7btp,,1,Working remotely is illegal in tunsia ?,,,,,,,2022-12-08 18:39:05 zgbhkx,,4,"tunisian pharmacists, i need answer plz","i need a tunisian pharmacists plz Iam egyptain, I want to contact a tunisian pharmacist plz For asking about a drug in tunisian pharmaceutical market It will take 5 minutes, and Thx",,,,,,2022-12-08 21:01:29 zgcjyb,,1,is there any NSFW tunisian sub ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-08 21:38:10 zgd60l,,3,map/resource of tribes,"hello all, bellehi I was wondering if anyone had a resource, or preferrably a map, of the different tribes present in tunisia before the ottomans came. i'm struggling to find anything reliable from google and wondered if there was anyone i could find all this info. thanks :)",,,,,,2022-12-08 22:00:06 zgd8pw,,92,Found this in an expat group on Facebook. Thoughts?,,,,,,,2022-12-08 22:02:19 zghdad,,1,What does Lezmek tefarej mean?,,,,,,,2022-12-09 00:29:46 zghe7y,,5,What does Lezmek tefarej mean?,What does Lezmek tefarej mean?,,,,,,2022-12-09 00:30:39 zgm77e,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-09 04:00:11 zgqd3i,,1,"if you were me, chtaaml!!",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-09 07:36:28 zgrmdv,,1,hii I wanna ask for something is it okay to have a relationship with your doctor? I mean is it legal in Tunisia or not,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-09 08:45:43 zgrr93,,1,Tunisian doctors I need answers asap,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-09 08:53:08 zgs64n,,64,💃💃,,,,,,,2022-12-09 09:14:33 zgt7mh,,1,How can i boost my YouTube channel?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-09 10:09:18 zgtitc,$titre=لقاء-بين-الرئيس-قيس-سعيد-ونظيره-الصيني-شي-جينبينغ,1,لقاء بين الرئيس قيس سعيد ونظيره الصيني شي جينبينغ,,,,,,,2022-12-09 10:25:04 zgw6mw,,16,You can now open a Checking Account with La Poste online.,,,,,,,2022-12-09 12:34:41 zgwkpa,,49,"Thoughts about a Tunisia-Libya Union (North African Republic) ? It would have one of the largest oil, phosphate and gas reserves, controls a big part of the Mediterranean with the potential for to become a solar powerhouse. All of this with a population of less than 20 million (15th largest country)",,,,,,,2022-12-09 12:52:54 zgwu83,$titre=الزيتونة-تكافل-تفوز-بجائزة-أفضل-خدمة%C2%A0للحرفاء,1,الزيتونة تكافل تفوز بجائزة أفضل خدمة للحرفاء,,,,,,,2022-12-09 13:04:40 zgybpe,,76,Hiking the 200km La Grande Traversée du Dahar in southern Tunisia,"My friend & expedition partner Ben just hiked the 200km Dahar trail (La Grande Traversée du Dahar) in Tunisia's southern Dahar mountain range. A beautiful part of the country. So much potential for ecotourism! (Note the Malagasy hand-axe from our Kayak The Mangoky trip this May!) 🇹🇳 Photos courtesy of Ben Ziehm Stephen, of course! 📸",,,,,,2022-12-09 14:10:22 zgyluz,,1,كيفية ربط قناتي على يوتيوب مع صفحة فيسبوك,,,,,,,2022-12-09 14:22:25 zgzhwh,,1,where can I buy premium plain monochrome sweats/sweatshirts/ joggers?,,,,,,,2022-12-09 15:00:05 zh1i9u,,1,Tunisian driving license in Turkey,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-09 16:22:16 zh1nnz,,1,How to cram a test on the night of the exam?,"I'm a procrastinator/lazy up until this point of my life I only relied on étude and it was great for me. But now 3eme math I don't think that is no longer the case,I don't how I got 8.75 in my last math devoir(I just spammed Lim and had some luck that the stuff I wrote was actually correct ,also was lucky that prof only gave us one geometry exercise instead of the usual 2 as I got 0.75 our of 6 and I only used knowledge of last year's teachings)(and I don't understand anything in this year's geometry) Nemchi n3adi kifma yji wla n7ather (mba3d draj 3andi étude 4 sweye3 Ama 7assess rou7i Mani bich nefhem chy fih) ou ken 3andek advice share it Edit :7rebtou e dvr as expected",,,,,,2022-12-09 16:28:29 zh1o7w,,4,Tunisian driving license in Turkey,"Hello, I'm planning a visit to Turkey, and I hold a Tunisian driving license, can I rent a car with it directly? Or do I need to get an international driving license from that travel club in the capital? I was told by some people that they used the Tunisian license directly, but now I have some doubts, since I found nothing about it on the internet. So any clarification would be very welcome.",,,,,,2022-12-09 16:29:05 zh1w88,الهندي_في_تونس_هبة_من_السماء_للمناطق_المهمشة/,1,الهندي في تونس هبة من السماء للمناطق المهمشة,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-09 16:38:06 zh2878,,7,Amazigh culture interview,"Hello! I’m looking for someone of Amazigh descent who would be willing to answer some questions about Amazigh culture for a university research project. More specifically about language, traditions, beliefs, and values. I would send you the questions over chat and you can send back your answers at your leisure. Please contact me if you are interested!",,,,,,2022-12-09 16:52:08 zh2l80,,1,is expert opinion real or just a scam?," Is this platform reliable or is it just scam and a waste of time and money I hope those with experience answer my question <3",,,,,,2022-12-09 17:06:21 zh62qf,,0,ChatGPT should be in charge not Kais Saied,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-09 19:20:41 zh9fvf,,2,kifech na3mel reclamation lel radar fixe,"jeni message comme quoi chadni radar fi autouroute benzart alors que eni nekhdem fi mestir il m'est impossible d'etre fi benzart comment demandé de voire la photo du radar ? et faire istinef",,,,,,2022-12-09 21:34:26 zh9unn,,1,Does Business English have a promising career in Tunisia or other countries?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-09 21:51:27 zhc04r,,4,"Let's create a better environment for the next gen of developers, shall we?","For the last 4 years I've been trying to create asome sort of online-community for developers called ""التوانسة إلي يحبوا البرمجة"" if you're familar with our work there. ([]( We started with basic technical content written in the Tunisian dialect so that we can grow an audience and so on. Last year, we started creating local university clubs and we reached +15 club by this year alone. We exist in multiple governments. Check this link if you wanna see their work []( For the long run I had this vision of creating an ecosystem that can use the local talent, nurture it and invest it into meaningful projects and maybe startups ideas that can develop the Tunisian ecosystem. This group of ideas is called the TuniverseGroup([]( We've been trying to launch few things in the last year and a half now, stuff like: \- []( : an e-learning platform for college students \- : a place where you can find a bunch of internships offers(though, this is just phase 1) \- []( : trying to college a bunch of ""pfe"" reports in one place for students, still needs a lots of work tho &#x200B; Its been a rough journey with a lot of troubles since there's 0 support from the government besides the bullshit forms you have to fill to play less tax or something, that's not what we want or need. For this to work, it needs a serious investment in the community itself and how we can build solic networks and get enough push, funding or whatever to work on those projects and actually put those developers and talented engineers in something meaningful. &#x200B; If you have any thoughts on our work, ideas to share or even desire to help in any aspect of this process, let me know. Your feedback is appreciated. ",,,,,,2022-12-09 23:15:22 zhnc83,,6,quality plain clothes?,Where can I buy premium quality plain monochrome shirts / sweats / sweatshirts / joggers / etc.?,,,,,,2022-12-10 08:47:18 zhnmam,âte_tunisia/,1,Seriously i hâte Tunisia,,,,,,,2022-12-10 09:04:39 zhptcf,,125,I need some serious help,"So recently my mom got sick and I'm managing everything at home including finances She can't go out to get her paycheck so she gave me her Bank credit card and now i can withdraw it easily Now, she got me another credit card for "" La poste"" and i don't even know how to use it to withdraw all the money of my dead's father Retirement Like if we can use the credit card why would a lot of ppl gather and stand in line to get their money? And nope i can't get "" TAWKIL W EJBED TOUL MEL BOUSTA"" bcz I'm only 16 Sorry m new to this and idk what to do",,,,,,2022-12-10 11:03:28 zhqyax,,1,The national government is implementing a financing project to connect electricity lines from Italy to many areas of the town #تونس,,,,,,,2022-12-10 12:05:09 zhqz8x,,1,So it's almost 2023,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-10 12:06:29 zhqzy3,,49,So it's almost 2023,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-10 12:07:32 zhrd1h,,1,Buying a training balisong in tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-10 12:27:37 zhv0ha,,1,What Software Do Board of Directors Use?,,,,,,,2022-12-10 15:18:10 zhvb8y,,0,follow for more,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-10 15:31:11 zhvbvk,,0,need support,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-10 15:31:53 zhzb2s,,2,Tunisians: do you feel that Tunisia shares a closer cultural bond and more similarity to Spain/Portugal or to Greece?,"When I gave all of the European choices last time people put southern Italy/Sicily or Malta but if I took that away.. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-10 18:15:06 zhztwm,,0,🔥🔥💪🏿💪🏿🇲🇦🇲🇦‎‫اغنية بمناسبة فوز المنتخب المغربي‬‎,,,,,,,2022-12-10 18:36:06 zi0k8i,,1,Tunisia - Hammamet in January - Resort Life?,"Hello all! Off to **Tunisia** in January for a week. It will be my second time going, with the last time being May 2022. I am in good hands with a local, so it won't matter if the holiday is more authentic. I am wondering whether to book the same hotel in **Yasmine Hammamet**, or to book more in the Tunis area. The deciding factor is if Hammamet closes a lot of its shops/restaurants/bars/activities in the winter. If anyone knows about **Hammamet in Winter months**, please let me know if it's still worth a visit :) &#x200B; Thank you very much in advance, and Merry Christmas!",,,,,,2022-12-10 19:06:05 zi11tb,,4,What Should I Do After High School,"I am currently in my bac. bac math to be more accurate. I am thinking I either do 3 years and then a master degree or go for prepa. if I go for prepa I think I will do it ""prepa integre"". I hate the thought of prepa but everyone from my class is doing it and they all said that id you don't do it you will be a ""technician"" and not an ""ingenieur"" and being ""ingenieur"" is much better and the salary is higher. is it true. should I aim for master or just go for prepa. I don't know a lot about this whole thing so I looked to reddit for help. Thanks in advance.",,,,,,2022-12-10 19:26:34 zi14l8,,12,"Working in the middle East (Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia..) in IT","Achyetekom zina :), So, I'm a software engineer, I've been looking for ways to ""make more money"" in a shorter time frame for a while now,aka going abroad so that I can hopefully come back home and retire early. (or at least have the option of doing so). I have a relative who's a mechanical engineer that got a life changing opportunity about 7 years ago. He went to work in the middle East, in the UAE precisely. He lived and worked there for about 5-6 years. And it was totally worth it for him despite the fact that he was working upwards of 18 hour days and was away from his family for months on end. He was smart with his money, he didn't spend it on anything that wasn't considered essential. That's what allowed him to come back home with 2M+, and yes that's in dollars. Now yes, there's a catch. He worked on super yachts. And took commissions. But hadn't he told me how much he made. I wouldn't have realised that making such money in 5-6 years is indeed possible. Now the reason why I'm here, is because, I don't know the prospects of IT in the middle East. So if someone here knows anything about it/worked there in IT. Please do enlighten us. Tldr: is the IT field in the middle East worth working in?",,,,,,2022-12-10 19:29:54 zi2lwf,,1,"do people go to jail here for harmless drugs? ( medical Marijuana, lsd , weed )",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-10 20:28:24 zi2npg,,10,"Do people go to jail here for harmless drugs? ( medical Marijuana, lsd ,mushrooms,weed..)",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-10 20:30:24 zi3w67,,3,Where can I get my guitar strings changed for cheap,Title :P I have an electric guitar w n7eb nbadallou l5yout b'soum rkhis w qualité behya (fi Tunis!!),,,,,,2022-12-10 21:19:42 zi4wkj,,1,Visiting Tunis during Ramadan,"I just messed up a little since I booked a flight for me and my girlfriend during our Easter holiday to Tunis not knowing it's Ramadan and its implications. So where do I go from here? My original plan was to book an AirBnb in Tunis or La Marsa for 10 nights and just go out to eat and chill in the sun since Germany is still quite cold in April. I read that some restaurants open during the day. Is La Marsa therefore maybe the better place to stay since there's more tourism? How do we best structure our day in Tunis if we're not fasting? At what time the restaurants and shops open again?",,,,,,2022-12-10 21:58:58 zi53w9,,6,question about Douane when coming to Tunisia,"hello Guys, I'm going back to Tunisia the end of this year to see my family in and I have this close friends who want me to bring him a Playstation 5. Although the shortage in Europe, I managed to get one. I'm planning to keep it in its package (surprise him with a new one) . will there be any issue when arriving to Tunisia? Any surprises waiting for me for the dear 'Douane'? If I put it in the check in luggage. Is that safe? Thanks :) ",,,,,,2022-12-10 22:06:31 zi53xq,,1,Chkoun yaaref laham fel centreville ?,,,,,,,2022-12-10 22:06:34 zi75sg,,1,the only thing these dumbasses proud of is a ball that comes and go,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-10 23:29:46 zi7sjf,,8,People get the leaders they deserve.,"Yall blaming the country which is fair.Skip to the 5th Paragraph if you don’t have time I am a patriotic person and I hate seeing you complain about Tunisia for X or Y. The country is filled with untouched potential yet is about to go bankrupt like Lebanon. (Which also an excellent country btw) You are all wanting Crypto and Paypal but you know what would happen to the currency if that happens. The politicians are aware that you don’t trust the currency and that you will dump the dinar the second it happens. You all want our country to live without debts yet some (ofc not all) take loans just for consumption and I see a bunch bragging. You are justifying illegal immigration yet you know that those immigrants will not only be poor hated but they will also ruin our reputation and that our country is the only in Africa that has a fertility rate below replacement. Gov does the same thing by taking little action to stop them. Every Country gets the politician it deserves. This is a statement that I here and that make sense. There are a lot of analogies between what random Tunisians do and what the government is doing(debts, negative speculation, non repatriation of immigrants) Now I expect people to tell me that I have no Idea and they willtalk to me about that poor guy that can barely make 20dt a day. Ok I don’t know but shouldn’t there be a change in the Tunisian mentality? The upper class and middle class specifically. Also encourage people to become entrepreneurs here rather than go abroad (even if I get it is tempting) brain drain is going to kill us. Please read about this on the internet (How people get the leaders that they deserve especially since we have the democratic country if Kais doesn’t bring us behind morocco) and inform the others. And Tunisians have a lot false stereotypes about the rest of the arab world but that ‘s whole other topic. I am not expecting a lot of responses. I can gladly discuss that with you if you disagree with that",,,,,,2022-12-10 23:57:29 zilsw2,,1,"any suggestion: a good and calm place to work and study in Tunis, Ben Arous, Ariana!!",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 09:16:52 ziluu1,,3,"best place to work and study in Tunis, Ben arous and ariana!","Blasa behya bech we7ed yerkech ye5dem o ya9ra in Sundays Thank you",,,,,,2022-12-11 09:19:21 zimo8h,,38,Any idea what Sputnik graffiti means? See it everywhere in Tunis,,,,,,,2022-12-11 09:57:30 ziomg0,,1,experience using online banking in Tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 11:29:05 ziomh2,,14,قريبا : الإمضاء الإلكتروني للعقود عبر بوابة المواطن بإستعمال الهوية الرقمية على الجوال.,,,,,,,2022-12-11 11:29:07 zioslh,,1,Online banking,"Hello fellow tunisians, I'm considering opening an online banking account in Tunisia. It should be a mobile app where I can make transfers easily from abroad and also then transfer the money to my other tunisians accounts. I hope the fees are very minimal for such offering! What's your experience?",,,,,,2022-12-11 11:36:56 zip52m,,1,how to get a part time job ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 11:52:57 zip7b2,,3,how to get a summer job in tunisia?,i am really thinking about getting a job this summer to be able to have some extra cash at hand when i need it. i am kot sure my parents will allow it but its worth a shot. i am about to turn 18 so being a minor isnt that big of an obstacle anymore.,,,,,,2022-12-11 11:55:41 ziptq0,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 12:20:32 zipvfw,,6,What would be the best way to get in touch my my Tunisian roots?,"My father was Tunisian, I never knew him so have little to no connection to my Tunisian roots. I would love to get to know more about Tunisia, its people, its culture, its customs, its communities etc. but I'm not sure how to do this. I don't know any Tunisians and I've never visited. I would love to visit, but don't want to be in a touristic location. Are there any chat rooms, discords or forums where I can meet and speak to Tunisians? Are there any places you could recommend to visit or ways I can connect? Incase it's brought up, I do not want to seek any connection to my father as I have heard from my mother he was not a good person. I also found a half sibling through a DNA history test that told a very similar story.",,,,,,2022-12-11 12:22:00 zipwny,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 12:23:04 zipzi9,,8,what is a part time job that I could get money from as a 16 year old student?,"i really want to make some money to get a new gpu for my pc before the summer break, since my family probably won't accept my offer, I live in bardo district if that could help in any way and thank you :)",,,,,,2022-12-11 12:25:27 ziq6p2,,2,marketplace for bitcoin,"Hey there, I'm looking to sell a certain amount in bitcoin for cash/D17. Can anyone tell me where I can find potential buyers?",,,,,,2022-12-11 12:32:55 ziqu1g,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 12:55:42 ziquju,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 12:56:11 zirh00,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 13:14:20 zirxv4,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 13:27:31 zisgwi,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 13:42:41 zitemd,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 14:09:01 ziu623,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 14:29:38 ziuchv,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 14:34:13 ziuzp9,,1,2eme Annee Secondaire Equivalence en DEC Canda,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-11 14:51:30 ziv3ok,,3,2eme annee secondaire equivalence en DES canadien,"&#x200B; [Bonjour , ena nejah el 2eme annee secondaire w nheb nejbed el warka eli tothbet eli ena neja7a w naamlelha equivalence besh twali DES \(diplome d'etudes secondaire bel systeme canadien\) besh akeka naamel DEC fel canada , eli yaaref mnin nejbed w kifech naamel el equivalence yaaweni et meci](",,,,,,2022-12-11 14:54:26 ziy8rc,,1,Balenciaga Released their own NFT for Free for the first 999 People.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 16:21:13 ziz5kl,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 16:47:02 zizkn5,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 16:59:00 zj047t,,1,some questions before I go to an ENT doc (ear nose throat),"\-Most of my life, I didn't take care of my ears or nose or throat. If I go to an ENT doc can they remove all the build up of years of not properly cleaning my nose or ears? Like getting a fresh start to be a clean fucker? \-I stopped wearing in-ear buds cuz my ears are disgusting. Is it realistic to expect my ears are 100% clean if I clean regularly? I don't want to see NOTHING, not even a 0.001 of that ear goo, when I take earbuds out of my ears. \-This is pretty much how I lived. I have to clean my nose even when not ill (not as much ofc). Is it realistic to expect the doc to be able to restore balanced breathing and not having to clean my nose when not ill or eating hot/spicy food?",,,,,,2022-12-11 17:13:25 zj0shy,,1,TUNISIAN BAC,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-11 17:31:21 zj0wx6,,1,TUNISIAN BAC,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-11 17:34:57 zj10r0,,0,TUNISIAN BAC,"Hey , blhi jme3a nej7in fel bac est ce que awal 3am to7tou Fih w t3ada cvp trimester loula",,,,,,2022-12-11 17:37:56 zj29o7,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 18:12:15 zj2sl3,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 18:26:23 zj383e,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 18:37:47 zj3s73,,1,"yo, famech plug mte3 des pellicules. need 3 asap. thanks",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 18:52:41 zj4nqs,,25,I'm looking for a date,"This is perhaps the most ridiculous post on this subreddit and will probably get shat on but I don't give a fuck really cuz my goal is to find a date before the end of the year and by any means necessary. I'm looking for a date (I'm a guy btw 21 years old) I don't care about the distance we can work something out to meet up. But I want to get to know to my date first. I like music alot, music is my life pretty much. I want to share my passion and my ideas. If you wanna become friends with me, that's fine actually but I'm gonna be focusing on my goal. This post is definitely going to attract trolls, jerks and all but as I said igaf and my will is pretty strong. If you're interested, you can chat me on this burnout account for security reasons. Here goes nothing...",,,,,,2022-12-11 19:16:03 zj4tnu,,2,kifeh na3ml attestation de non boursier ?,7ashti bel warka w na3resh win w kifeh nekhuha,,,,,,2022-12-11 19:20:29 zj5now,,2,Best passive noise cancelling headphones/buds available in Tunisia?,"What's the cheapest? Which one has the best noise cancelling? Which ones are sweat-proof? Idc about sound quality cuz I don't notice the difference unless one of them is really garbage.",,,,,,2022-12-11 19:45:52 zj76p8,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 20:25:47 zj86fg,,0,Not sure where else to ask this!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-11 20:48:31 zj88x5,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 20:50:05 zj88ys,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 20:50:06 zj8rbq,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 21:02:18 zj8swu,,1,Who do you think is more in demand in Tunisia: Men or Women?,"As a guy, I'm always hearing: ""Girls are everywhere.... they're the ones to worry about not finding a partner..."" At the same time, I have a lot of girl friends who believe quite the opposite. My question is do you think there's a gender who's in a position of power over the other or not? and also who do you think should be worried about not finding a partner: men or women? Curious to hear your thoughts.",,,,,,2022-12-11 21:03:14 zj907b,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 21:08:04 zj931t,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 21:09:54 zj9fvm,,1,"What does ""Brabi otlobni hachti bik"" mean?",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 21:18:29 zj9gdn,,1,"What does ""Brabi otlobni hachti bik"" mean?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-11 21:18:51 zj9wej,,0,belhak mehomch bech yaatiw bulletin ?,Tawa belhak Nadiw devoirat w mehomch aatin bulletin zaama zaama pression Al louzara ? Sounds like fake news to me,,,,,,2022-12-11 21:29:30 zjb8sx,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 22:03:22 zjbxc2,,1,How to be full stack web developer ?,"***Yo , what's up*** # N7ib na3rif chnia les langauges ili nist79hom li full stack web developer #",,,,,,2022-12-11 22:19:34 zjc6nd,,1,how to get charguia 1 from tunis by public transport?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 22:25:09 zjcc0x,,1,how to get charguia 1 from tunis by public transport?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-11 22:28:31 zjcwny,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 22:42:18 zjdkbn,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 23:00:17 zjdsal,سلبية/,3,سلبية,"عندي مدة وليت نشوف لكل شيء بسلبية حاجة خايبة و تستحق طبيب؟ مع الشكر",,,,,,2022-12-11 23:07:06 zjfcql,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-11 23:56:19 zjfqjm,,1,Balenciaga Released their own NFT for Free for the first 999 People.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:08:37 zjg0fq,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:17:35 zjg761,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:23:38 zjgbav,,1,Balenciaga Released their own NFT for Free for the first 999 People.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:27:17 zjgn3u,,1,Kifesh nwaaly machehour fi twitter w ana mosh tofla mosh lesbian mosh gen z mosh naaa9ra fi 9raya karehha mosh dima in pain w having a hard time figuring out my life???,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:38:10 zjgnx4,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:39:00 zjgpxe,,3,sidehusle,"Hello everyone i'm currently working full time in a computer science related job and wanna have other sources of income but it really get me frustrated to find where to begin Can Any one working full time and has a side hustle can share their experiences and any advices are welcomed",,,,,,2022-12-12 00:40:54 zjgqug,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:41:48 zjgr7y,,1,Kifesh nwaali machehour fi twitter w ana manich tofla manich lesbian ofc manich gen z manich netchaka mel 9raya nhar kol mosh mosh in pain all the time and i don’t have daddy issues ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:42:11 zjgto1,,0,Kifesh nwaly machehour fi twitter fi tounes w ana manich tofla manich lesbian ofc manich gen z manich na9ra fi 9raya karehha manich all the time in pain w ma3ndich daddy issues ?,So is it even possible ?,,,,,,2022-12-12 00:44:40 zjh08i,,1,Balenciaga Released their own NFT for Free for the first 999 People.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 00:50:45 zjh0m0,,5,شيء يأسف كان مازلت فما عباد بالعقلية هذه,,,,,,,2022-12-12 00:51:05 zjhd2m,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 01:02:50 zjhdd7,,1,Booked a trip to visit Tunis during March 20/March 21 2023 - impact of Independence Day/National Holidays?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 01:03:08 zjhe62,,1,Visiting Tunisia during 2023 national holiday of March 20,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 01:03:57 zjhhr2,,1,Booked a trip to visit Tunis during March 20/March 21 2023 - impact of Independence Day/National Holidays?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 01:07:29 zjhigl,,1,Booked a trip to visit Tunis during March 20/March 21 2023 - impact of Independence Day/National Holidays on tourist visit?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 01:08:10 zjl6f2,,1,Balenciaga Released their own NFT for Free for the first 999 People.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 03:18:43 zjn5t7,,1,how do i go to charguia 1 mytek from centre ville ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-12 04:35:17 zjnupn,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 05:02:55 zjoed3,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 05:24:46 zjp00l,شكون_وصلو_colis_قبل_فيه_bijoux_خاتم_فضة_صارتلو/,1,شكون وصلو colis قبل فيه Bijoux (خاتم فضة) صارتلو مشكلة مع الديوانية؟؟,,,,,,,2022-12-12 05:49:49 zjpmgj,شكون_وصلو_colis_قبل_فيه_bijoux_خاتم_فضة_و_صارتلو/,3,شكون وصلو colis قبل فيه Bijoux (خاتم فضة) و صارتلو مشكله مع الديوانية؟؟,مع العلم إنو الcolis جاي من البرا فيه تصريح لكل شي,,,,,,2022-12-12 06:15:22 zjpq0d,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 06:19:45 zjq06o,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 06:31:39 zjqudl,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 07:09:02 zjrjeb,,1,Balenciaga Released their own NFT for Free for the first 999 People.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 07:40:39 zjrngd,,0,If you're not in the list you're either poor or a knatri (smuggler lord),,,,,,,2022-12-12 07:45:43 zjro4k,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 07:46:33 zjrxtf,,1,What are the values of Nutrition in your life?,,,,,,,2022-12-12 07:59:24 zjt9pg,,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 09:02:21 zjteqo,,5,Tips traveling Tunisia by bike 🚴‍♂️,"I just bought a ferry ticket to Tunis tonight and i would like to experience the beautiful country. I am travelling by bicycle for a couple of weeks. Do you guys have any recommendations or things i really should know or be careful with? Thanks a lot ✌🏼",,,,,,2022-12-12 09:09:03 zjtq4o,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 09:23:58 zju1bz,,1,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 09:37:48 zjvjf2,,1,Balenciaga Released their own NFT for Free for the first 999 People.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 10:51:00 zjvw0x,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 11:07:33 zjvzml,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 11:12:17 zjwfpw,,11,Italy is spending 850M euros to exploit our sun while we Tunisians import gas to produce our electricity. Thoughts?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-12 11:32:49 zjwjj8,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 11:37:55 zjxa36,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 12:10:50 zjxopy,,14,Making friends in your 20's,"Hi everyone, I'm sure a lot of you relate but after graduating from university, things can get a little lonely for some of us when we grow apart from uni friends. In my case, I also realized that my current friends are not really helping me grow or push myself to do better, so here I am, 24 and trying to build a new friends base What are some places or ways you guys recommend to make new friends as a person in their 20's in Tunisia?",,,,,,2022-12-12 12:29:14 zjy0d8,,1,Palm Angels NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 12:43:14 zjz5vi,,1,My MacBook died where can I find a battery?,"Hi everyone! I don’t know if this is the proper place to post (I’ve looked everywhere to no avail) I’m a CS student and I can’t live without my laptop. Also for whatever reason Apple made it harder for me to use it without a proper battery installed. It’s fairly old now (13” Early 2015 model), I wouldn’t want to spend a fortune on this but I’d take anything that “resuscitates” it if you will. TL;DR: Where do I find a (cheap) replacement battery for my Mac? Particularly an (older) model: A1502?",,,,,,2022-12-12 13:30:05 zjzg0p,,1,Saeed's visit to Al-Manihla neighborhoods strengthens the president's relationship with citizens #تونس,,,,,,,2022-12-12 13:42:02 zjzs66,,4,non immigrant US visa,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-12 13:56:25 zk0dcc,,9,Dear Tunisian taxi drivers,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 14:20:00 zk1z07,بطاقة_عدد_3_في_البريد/,1,بطاقة عدد 3 في البريد,نحتاج بطاقة عدد 3 متاع خويا اللي يسكن البرا، حبيت نعرف إذا نطلبها اون لاين وتوصل للبوسطة، انجم نجبدها بتوكيل منو؟ خاطر اذا باش نحط ادريستو في الاوروب لازمني نستنا لين توصلو من بعد يبعثهالي (شهر ونص تقريبا).,,,,,,2022-12-12 15:22:46 zk2ig5,,1,HELP TRMNASPORT,"salam , how can i get from menzah 6 to the central park and to zaytouna please ? is there a bus or metro map to know hours and number of busses please ? ",,,,,,2022-12-12 15:43:08 zk3bf5,,3,Visiting Tunis during Independence Day March 20,Any impact on tourists?,,,,,,2022-12-12 16:12:46 zk7m0j,,9,Early stage Tunisian startup “Heroi” looking for MERN stack developers,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 18:47:43 zk9a2d,,6,New High Quality Street Wear With UNIQUE designs !,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 19:47:00 zk9lv1,,1,looking for a bar or nightclub that accepts groups of male friends (yaani yekbell rojla safi menghir tkantirr w menghir tjaltimm),[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 19:59:17 zk9pvt,,0,looking for...,"looking for a bar or nightclub that accepts group of male friends without girls (yaani menghir tkantir walla rik zeyed, rojla safi mechin😛)",,,,,,2022-12-12 20:02:55 zk9top,,24,Beautiful view in nabeul 😍,,,,,,,2022-12-12 20:06:44 zkaf8u,,1,check it out,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-12 20:28:55 zkahrp,,1,check it out,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 20:31:24 zkaj1h,,4,check out the first punk archive of tunisia,,,,,,,2022-12-12 20:32:44 zkcj4n,,1,Abdurahman,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 21:44:34 zkcnd4,,1,Abdurahman,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 21:48:21 zkdcdy,,3,"I'm confused about btp/bac, can someone help me out?","situation:I'm 1st year btp and simultaneously studying to get my bac. Best scenario: finish my 1st year btp and get a high enough score at bac to go to the uni I want. Here's where the 5alabiza balabiza li mch fehemha begins \-If I get my bac diploma, am I unable to finish 2nd year btp forced to skip 2nd year to go straight to bts) or can I finish my 2nd year and get a btp diploma? (I prefer finishing 2nd year so I can actually be متكون and able to work) \-**Assuming** I can stay for 2nd btp year and I got a superb bac score, can I reserve a spot at the uni I want, finish my 2nd year and get btp diploma THEN the year after I actually go to uni? (plz plz plz) I really want to ask more questions but I'm leaving it for a post another day so as to not get too far without any facts.",,,,,,2022-12-12 22:13:07 zke48a,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 22:39:31 zkep4u,,1,Your recommendations for 4 days vacation plan in Tozeur ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-12 23:01:02 zkewhd,,1,Your recommendations for 4 days vacation plan in Tozeur ?,"Your recommendations for 4 days vacation plan in Tozeur ? Hello redditors, We're a group of people of people planning a trip to tozeur, we will stay 4 days there. What do you recommend for places to visit, activities, restaurants ( no alcohol ). PS : we don't have a car.",,,,,,2022-12-12 23:09:00 zkg20a,,0,Looking for a good coffe shop for a date,any ideas?,,,,,,2022-12-12 23:54:46 zkhzzg,,0,Let's network,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-13 01:15:43 zklo0t,,3,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,"Do you have something to promote? Your music? Your YouTube channel? A blog or anything else? This is the place to do it. Please be aware, we won't be vetting these as closely so if someone comes along with a business idea, it's at your own risk.",,,,,,2022-12-13 04:00:09 zknqim,,5,Going to be visiting Sousse/El Jem/Monastir/Kairouan during first 3 days of Ramadan,"Realized too late that my trip to your country overlaps with the first 3 days of Ramadan 2023…. Too late to modify flight plans without a substantial money loss so I’m going to go through with it. Will Ramadan affect the availability of louages to get between the cities? I understand that the streets might be quiet during the daytime and no food/drink but major tourist resorts should still be serving some food for their guests right?",,,,,,2022-12-13 05:40:30 zknt6y,,7,What is the Name in English of those small seeds in a black shell?,"I love eating them when family brings some back, was wondering what they're called to see if I could maybe somehow get them in USA",,,,,,2022-12-13 05:44:28 zko3ex,,3,cryptocurrency,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-13 05:59:45 zkp6ca,,42,Beautiful beach view in Sousse😍,,,,,,,2022-12-13 06:57:23 zkprzq,,2,VISA for Japan? tourist,"^(Hey, I am of Tunisian nationality and was wondering if we needed a visa as tourists?)",,,,,,2022-12-13 07:32:10 zkpvwi,,4,"small business owners , do u use e mail marketing ?","I feel like in tunisia it s all social media ads and no one really checks his e mails . Do u guys get any results marketing with e mails and newsletters etc ? ( I sell cosmetics if that makes any difference ) .",,,,,,2022-12-13 07:39:05 zkrcar,,11,mrasem sahbi hhh,"I just wanted to know what are the privileges of someone ""mrasem"" f societe quelconque because everyone seems happy about it and enjoying it!",,,,,,2022-12-13 09:11:54 zkrjcy,كيفاه_نعمل_بش_نعاود_بسبور_فيه_أكثر_من_عام_صلوحية/,3,كيفاه نعمل بش نعاود بسبور فيه أكثر من عام صلوحية؟,كيما مكتوب في التيتر حبيت نعاود باسبور منجمتش خاتر فيه أكثر من عام و أنا يلزم نعاودو شنية نجم نعمل؟,,,,,,2022-12-13 09:24:27 zkrzz9,,4,Software engineer salary in Tunisia with 4y of experience,"Hello redditors, Is there any way that I can get the information of how much tunisian companies pay a software engineer without passing by recruitement interviews, I don't want to waste time for that, I'm looking for something like glassdoor where employees share their salaries, so I can know what is the resonable salary that I can ask my boss for. I talked to my current boss and he wants some real values in the market ( salaries ) from other companies in Tunisia for a software engineer of 3 to 4y of exp. I'd like to know how much medium and big companies in Tunisia pay like sofrecom, infor, expensya, vermeg, pwc, deloitte,think-it, ... I would be grateful if you can share some informations with me. Ps : I'm a FullStack JS developer",,,,,,2022-12-13 09:55:38 zkt7y2,,1,any body to say hello!,,,,,,,2022-12-13 11:14:57 zktlvg,,8,Beautiful Touzeur🏜️,,,,,,,2022-12-13 11:36:46 zkuf7f,,17,how to eat healthy in Tunisia,"Seriously, most of Tunisian food is the complete opposite of healthy, and I'm trying to lose weight. I'm slightly overweight so I'm not looking for a hardcore diet, but I just want some tips for meals that I can at least have for dinner that are healthy and somewhat enjoyable.",,,,,,2022-12-13 12:22:40 zkvwgg,,2,Cute little forest in Ariana😍,,,,,,,2022-12-13 13:34:53 zkvxp5,,5,Beautiful trees in Ariana,,,,,,,2022-12-13 13:36:45 zkxuuh,,1,"On December 29th, the gas stations will begin their strike.",,,,,,,2022-12-13 15:02:04 zky2xa,,1,brabbi kifech nechki b taxisti ?,,,,,,,2022-12-13 15:12:29 zkyduy,,16,Looking for Game developers and graphic designers for a Coming soon game studio.,"#1) Intro Hi, Am doing a small initial study for a project (game dev studio) that I will launch next year with few partners. The 3 of us have great experience making mobile games, we helped creating titles that generated millions of $ per month, and though we are not ready to leave our current fulltime position yet, we are discussing the possibility of opening a small studio so we can test our knowledge with, and the current countries in discussion are : * Tunisia * Portugal * Bulgaria * Estonia * Morocco &nbsp; I am the Tunisian in the group (with one Aussi and one Saudi), and I am fully convinced that surely we can find 2 or 3 passionate game devs in this country. I started working alone in 2012, and in 2016 [I posted here about my monthly income from freelancing]( and last year i wrote [the freelancing faq]( in this sub. Am saying this just to let you know that everything I did was done from my room, this year I worked in a game that reached the #1 chart in the US stores and my yearly bonus exceeds 100k Euro (beside my salary) &nbsp; #2) What's the plan ? We have a good budget, around 150k tnd just for development. The right industry-contacts for marketing and publishing. I have 10 years experience in mobile game programming and currently I am one of the 3 senior programmer working on a Live game that generates $200k/day, and my 2 other partners have a business background and mobile apps publishing. With our expertise combined with the possible publisher partners we will have, we believe that a team of ~3 programmers and ~2 designers should be enough for the first year. Also, i think its important to note that we are not starting right away, like i said this is just a little study am doing, I believe we should start by ~June 2023 &nbsp; #2) Are we looking for cheap labor ? Nope, we are simply taking advantage of the the internet. a $1000/month will have you living in poverty in the USA, but in Tunisia, Estonia or even Portugal, that's a very good salary for a non-senior programmer, and its *SUPERB* for a junior, which we are willing to pay if we find the right candidates. &nbsp; #3) What are you looking for ? **Programmers:** If you game dev is not already your main hobby, then this job is probably not for you. I don't care what degree you have (or don't have), I personally don't have any college degree, all we want is that you know how to solve problems in Unity/C# and you are willing to really learn. The minimum requirement is an account where you have published at least a couple of games, publishing on mobile is a huge plus. &nbsp; **Designers:** It is really hard to find good ones, but initially we will mainly focus on Ui/Ux designers who are *VERY* familiar with Unity and can create Particles effect and animations and understand the Prefab workflow in the engine. Imo, there is a big chance that the designers are going to be freelancers from other countries for the first year simply because we don't have a graphic expert in the team who will manage the ""learning process"" for this like I will be doing for the programmers. &nbsp; 3D folks, am sorry :( but unless we create a block-buster franchise, for the time being, everything that we might need can be purchased for less than a $100... &nbsp; #4) What are we offering ? I know that the most important thing is money, and our threshold will be set to 1200dt *Minimum* no matter what your level is (as long as you pass the minimum requirement of course), but we are willing to go as up as 4k/month if you deserve it. Like i said before, i spend 70% of my career freelancing and one the main thing i loved about it is how transparent everyone is about money, unlike the ""prix inbox"" bullshit that we suffer from in Tunisia, so the ""la diversité contribue à la créativité"" crap in a job offer is not my kind shit lol. I could tell you that you may be witnessing the birth of a future multi-million dollar company, bla bla bla, but you don't care and frankly you shouldn't, so fuck that, if you want to make games and didn't find a good job, i believe we can help with that, and after 2 or 3 years you can apply for Ubisoft or something lol #5) Remote or office ?? This is the key element that will let us choose Tunisia or not, frankly, the 3 of us are fully convinced that with the right team you can do wonders and have everyone working from the comfort of their home, my current team of 13 people for example are 100% remote, and this also apply to +80 other employees in our company. This section is not just for game developer, but in general, are you willing to work from home ? You will have the same work contract, etc... but you just won't be waking up everyday to go to the office. Also working from home come with a great advantage of choosing your own hours as long as you don't block the progress of the project and keep in sync with your teammates. It has many other disadvantages though and require a very strict mindset otherwise you will build up a lot of bad habits. #6) what's a fair salary in your opinion ? Please share what is your ideal (and realistic) salary based on experience, from Zero experience to 4 years XP, what's the salary should be for a programmer and a designer for every year ? #7) [Optional] share your portfolio: It is SUPER EASY to find the programmers and designers work/portfolio when it comes to Portugal, Bulgaria and Estonia. It is incredibly hard to locate Tunisians and Moroccans online, seriously, this post aside, where the fuck are you lol ? there is a huge market when it comes to freelancing in IT and so far its super hard to find talents from these countries. In my opinion its related to the dominant ""work in an office"" culture that still have you think in term of CV instead of an online-presence thanks to a portfolio. &nbsp; Anyways, I hope this was detailed enough, looking for ward to hear your replies. Thanks for your attention.",,,,,,2022-12-13 15:26:13 zkymex,,3,How can I send a small package from Tunisia to the US and the UK?,"Hello fellow Redditors, I have friends in the USA and the UK. I want to send them a small package with a card, olive oil, and harissa. What services do you recommend? and which ones deliver on time (and don't steal)? I appreciate your help. Thank you,",,,,,,2022-12-13 15:37:13 zkzid7,,28,Bizerte is easily in the top 3 governorates in terms of nature imo 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-12-13 16:16:23 zkzxg9,,3,Is Kraut a good way to educate one's self on politics?,"This might not be the right sub but I want to hear Tunisian opinions on this. I know he mainly does coverage on European politics/history but he does cover other countries or politics in general and I've been watching him for a while(it's actually what got me into politics) But would you say his coverage is unbiased or at least not one sided. And would you know other content creators with similar art style(country balls or at least animation just like h0ser for example)",,,,,,2022-12-13 16:32:26 zl2qzf,,1,عقلية نفسي نفسي و يرحم من مات ؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-13 18:20:45 zl4r2z,,0,Help!,"Is anyone here familiar with unreal engine, if so I need help",,,,,,2022-12-13 19:39:39 zl4ru2,هرمية_القوانين_في_تونس/,38,هرمية القوانين في تونس,"بما أني اولى حقوق السنة و حسيت اني ما كنت نعرف شيء قبل ما نقرى و حقوق و بما اني عارف الاغلبية الساحقة من الشعب التونسي مش فاهم شيء في القانون كيف ما كنت انا، و بما اني مؤمن انو الشيء هذا هو سبب دخول تونس في متاهة تحت حكم سعيد.. حبيت كل مرة نطيش معلومة من الي قريتو لعل و عسى زوز او ثلاثة يصيرو يفهمو كيفي و انشالله خير مني. فما حاجة إسمها هرمية قوانين، يعني في تونس عنا ياسر انواع متاع قوانين ( قوانين عادية، أساسية، معاهدات، دستور...)، و تنوع القوانين هذه يفرض وجود الهرمية و معناه ترتيب أنواع القاونين مالفوق لللوطا.. و منه، فالقانون الي اللوطة ماعندوش الحق يعارض و الا يتجاوز القانون الي فوقو باش نضمنو إستقرار قانوني في البلاد.. الهرمية هي كالآتي : 1. دستور 2. الاتفاقيات و معاهدات الدولية 3. القوانين الاساسية 4. القوانين العادية 5. الاوامر 6. القرارات به شني يصير كيف أمر الي هو في المرتبة الخامسة مثلا يتعارض مع الدستور؟ - من المفروض ما يصيرش و نتجاوز هذا الأمر خاتر الأمر ما عندو حتى حل كان انو يخضع للدستور و كان تعارض من المفروض المحكمة الدستورية الي تم تعطيلها من 2014 توقف الامر يعني ما يتعداش و حاجات اخرى ما نكسرلكش راسك بها. به، تو نمشيو للواقع المرير المعاش : قيس سعيد حسب الفصل 80 من دستور 2014 فعل حالة الإستثناء ( ما طبقش شروط الفصل بالصحيح ) و جمد مجلس النواب و ما وقفش العمل بالدستور الكل اما عمل امر 117 الي يظم مؤسسات البلاد بصفة مؤقتة و عوض يوقف العمل بدستور 2014 قال لا نخدمو بالتوطئة متع دستور 2014 و بالباب كذا و كذا عللللىىىىىى شرط ما يتعارضش مع الأمر الرئاسي هذا. يعني شني صار لهرمية القوانين، في رحمة ربي. يعني من المفروض الامر يخضع للدستور و المعاهدات و القوانين الأساسية و القوانين العادية ولى الدستور هيكل البلاد يخضع لمجرد امر، بالعكس يعني.",,,,,,2022-12-13 19:40:28 zl56us,,1,طريقة تقوية اشارة الواي فاي في هواتف سامسونج,,,,,,,2022-12-13 19:57:18 zl5r4h,,1,any good IT companies/startups in sfax ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-13 20:19:10 zl5slr,,1,Twensa and proud - Let's groove ❤️,,,,,,,2022-12-13 20:20:44 zl5wbt,,1,S7abi twensa w n7ebhom ki khweti and i thought of this reddit group - enjoy,,,,,,,2022-12-13 20:24:54 zl5zy4,,2,Best bank in Tunisia ?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-13 20:28:52 zl61ws,,9,Hiv tunisia,"Hello, What's the fastest and most accurate hiv test out there in tunisia? And is it available in all laboratories? I can pay any amount I sadly made a bad mistake and panicking a lot right now Heard that pcr tests are the best, are they available here? Thanks, inshallah labes",,,,,,2022-12-13 20:31:01 zl6e5n,,1,Is it possible to go from Marsa to Hammemet with no car and be there by 7:30 am ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-13 20:44:25 zl6o88,,2,tnlingo," hi this is tunisian dialect translator from english to tunisian []( , you can request a translation from them and they will translate it for you asap. and it's free to use",,,,,,2022-12-13 20:55:28 zl6oqu,,3,tnlingo," hi this is tunisian dialect translator from english to tunisian []( , you can request a translation from them and they will translate it for you asap. and it's free to use",,,,,,2022-12-13 20:56:03 zl70qq,,1,Is it possible to go from Marsa to Hammemet with no car and be there by 7:30 am ?,At the end of this month i have a german exam at ösd Hammemet and i currently live in Marsa. The exam begins at 8 am and i have to be there 15 minutes earlier. I have no idea if i'm gonna make it.,,,,,,2022-12-13 21:09:07 zl7bho,,32,Monastir this early evening,,,,,,,2022-12-13 21:20:34 zl7id9,,0,doliprane is the worse medicine ever..,"I have been sick for 2 weeks and half and I still didn't get better Parents keep giving me doliprane but it ain't helping it just chokes and taste like poison Any medication recommended for fever?",,,,,,2022-12-13 21:27:59 zl80b4,,1,"My brother is bringing like 6 different vitamin bottles from Germany, they won't bother him at customs right?? Or maybe take them away?",,,,,,,2022-12-13 21:46:50 zl80xs,,1,"My brother is bringing like 6 different vitamin bottles from Germany, they won't bother him at customs right?? Or maybe take them away?",optional text,,,,,,2022-12-13 21:47:32 zl84wu,,3,Future Traveler,"This is for any Tunisian or past travelors of Tunisia. German here, I would like to someday travel to Tunisia to see the long, rich history, but I am not aware of many places to stay or go to. Please give me some places, concerns, or any special events available to a tourist with a passport. Thank you for those who will help me. (Also the Tunisian flag is one of my favorite national flags)",,,,,,2022-12-13 21:51:50 zl8a2i,$titre=تجار-المصوغ-في-صفاقس-يطالبون-بأمين-السوق,1,تجار المصوغ في صفاقس يطالبون بأمين السوق,,,,,,,2022-12-13 21:57:24 zl8q64,,1,Best bank in Tunisia ?,"Which bank do you think is the best in Tunisia & why ? What do they offer that others don't ? Do they provide international services ? Do they provide fast services ? Do they offer a ""functional"" online app or website for transfer and management ? I'm considering opening a new account in QNB, what are your opinions on it ?",,,,,,2022-12-13 22:14:14 zl9bmj,,1,"What are board of directors Arabic language - مجموعة مخرجين , من هم مجلس الإدارة مجلس إدارة",,,,,,,2022-12-13 22:37:13 zlbf3q,,1,Integrate tunisian payment provider in webflow,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-14 00:00:21 zlbkwo,,1,Integrate tunisian payment provider in webflow,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-14 00:07:14 zlddik,,0,"Solution M42 for Tunisia, please consider and let me know your thoughts","Tunisia is in a deep economical, political crisis, there is one of the solutions I want Tunisians to let me know their thoughts: Solution M42 is one of the solutions that have worked for Tunisia in a parallel universe: let me know your thoughts, i spent loads of days analysing and researching, dont be harsh (Those are not arranged steps) \-choosing 42% of the population that is seen as not ''civilized'' enough (stealing and doing ''braqages'', sitting in cafes and waiting for an opportunity from the sky (waiting for cold bread), or those who are simply very simple minded that often leads to political influence or Jihad) \-The specific people will be analysed by family background and will be sent to our beautiful south of Tunisia in a great complex to be re-instructed the true values of civilization (this worked in Argentina), learning about respect of the public environment (Tunisia is super dirty with 'un-educated people throwing shit everywhere, we are going to be like Bangladesh), respect of the values, history and 42% de-arabize the country. \-The 42% of this people won't be brainwashed; instead, they'll know how to behave better and how to be determined to work for your country and help it thrive rather than being selfish. After all, we're all in this boat together. \-the south of Tunisia will install there colonies and while the north of Tunisia may grow by the reasons below, there will find a point X in the middle (probably Sfax) to install a metropolis sector of industrialization, production and SPECIALLY ENTERTAINEMENTS. \-Making Tunisia a secular state so our Jewish people from abroad can come again and re-establish a bit of economy, (in the late 42's Jews created an economic boom to the country), we need to promise them SAFETY, i know so many Tunisian Jews that would do anything to live in Tunisia if it was a better place \-Make Tunisia more liberal so it attracts foreigners to STUDY, live and invest in the country, we need expats (it brings opportunities) \-Ban the AK-47 rifles : this is mostly used by terrorists and developing countries mostly, the source is never clear, we are not commies. \-Open more doors to Vysehrad group(Czechia,Hungary,Poland,SLovakia), Baltic countries and Singapore and the new east (diplomacy is the key, goddammit) diplomacy>relations>cooperations>investments>jobs>money>growth \-probably optional but creating a bridge between Tunisia and Sicily to connect to EUrope to us let me know about your thoughts. do not be harsh.",,,,,,2022-12-14 01:23:35 zle0vr,,1,How To Safely Introduce A Cat And A Dog#shorts,,,,,,,2022-12-14 01:52:03 zleqxm,/user/plasmacutters/comments/zlas7m/rolls_royce_is_airdropping_1000_free_nfts_for/,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,,,,,,,2022-12-14 02:23:45 zlfvqd,,1,what do I need to know about placing a vending machine in Tunisia? how it actually works?,,,,,,,2022-12-14 03:15:15 zlfyqh,,6,vending machines,How do I start a vending machine buisness in Tunisia? What do I need to know? What do I have to do?,,,,,,2022-12-14 03:19:01 zlgb26,,1,devise transfert,"Selem guys, I used to live abroad and came back to tunsia after ending my scholarship. I left some money in a foreign bank account. Is there any possibily to retrieve it, here in tunsia ? Anw by any chance, if you guys have ideas of possible use (around 800€) for it i'll take it into consideration Thaanks",,,,,,2022-12-14 03:34:54 zllkns,,55,لماذا نحن هنـــا.. سؤال صـعبٌ.. ســـؤال يُراودني,,,,,,,2022-12-14 08:23:38 zlm3v5,,12,Abortion,"Guys i had protected sex with my girlfriend but she told me that her period is late . She took birth control pills too. So we're preparing in case she's pregnant . I want to know what to do next , how much an abortion would cost if we had to do it.",,,,,,2022-12-14 08:58:30 zlntag,$titre=فايروس-كوفيد-يستقر-في-تونس,1,فايروس كوفيد يستقر في تونس,,,,,,,2022-12-14 10:44:32 zlod0c,شنو_الفرق_بين_المراسيم_و_القوانين/,8,شنو الفرق بين المراسيم و القوانين ؟,"القوانين الي نعرفوه العادي تكون مصدو مجلس نواب الشعب يعني السلطة التشريعية و هي الي تشرع و تكتب القوانين. اما المراسيم فهي زادة قوانين أما إلي يكتبها هو رئيس الجمهورية أو رئيس الحكومة اذا فوضلو البرلمان بذلك. يعني من المفروض رئيس الجمهورية او الحكومة ما يجم يكتب مرسوم كان ما البرلمان/مجلس نواب الشعب يعطيه الOK علاش نكتبو مراسيم ؟ خاتر القوانين العادية باش نعديوها تحبلها وقيت ؛ لازم ناقشها و نحكيو فيها و يصوت عليها البرلمان و آجال بش تصير نافذة ... الخ الخ 1- الحالة الاولى لكتابة مراسيم : كيف تصير مشكلة في البلاد و لازم نخرجو قانون فيسع شنعملو ؟ مثال في عهد حكومة الياس الفخفاخ وقت صارة جائحة الكورونا كان لازم نخرجو قوانين حظر تجول و فلوس تدعيم و حاجات أخرى فيسع، ما نجموش نستناو شهر و الا شهرين... لو كان تصير خرب بين تونس و دولة أجنبية، كيف كيف لازم قوانين إستثنائية تتعدا فيسع.. هكا علاه البرلمان وقتها عطى رئيس الحكومة تفويض انو يصدر مراسيم بصفة استثنائية. 2- الحالة الثانية : وقت العطلة البرلمانية ، البرلمان يرتاح شهر في العام، شنعملو نوقفو الدنيا ؟ لا، هنا رئيس الجمهورية او الحكومة عندهم الحق يخرجو مراسيم الي هي قوانين بصفة مؤقتة مابين البرلمان رجع. ===» في الحالتين، البرلمان كيف يرجع من العطلة و الا توفى حالة الإستثناء نوقفو إصدار المراسيم، و المراسيم الي صدرت في حالة الإستثناء فيثبتها البرلمان.. اذا باهية يردها قوانين و اذا لا مش باهية يلغيها و يتوقف العمل بها. باه تو الواقع المرير المعاش كيف العادة : بما ان سعيد حل مجلس نواب الشعب الي هو السلطة التشريعية الي تصدر قوانين، لازم شكون يشرع و بما انها حالة استثناءءءء حسب كلامو الى إعتمد فيه الفصل 80 من دستور 2014 رئيس الجمهورية عطى لروحو حق إصدار المراسيم حتى إنتهاء حالة الإستثناء يعني حتى يجي مجلس نواب شعب جديد و نرجعو للحالة العادية، و هكا يولي قيس سعيد الي هو من الأول سلطة تنفيذية، حط في يدو السلطة تشريعية فرد وقت خلاف انو يتدخل في سلطة القضاء. يعني بإختصار قيس تو تشرع القوانين و يسهر على تنفيذها و يتدخل في القضاء. و المشكل الاخير، شني مصير المراسيم هذه مبعد، خاتر ما صدرتش بحكم تفويض من مجلس النواب، فهل هذا يعني انهي باش تقعد على قلوبنا ؟ الخلاصة اذا : القانون خرجو البرلمان = قانون أساسي/ قانون عادي القانون خرجو رئيس الجمهورية او رئيس الحكومة = مرسوم / أمر (مش نفسهم) و مش متأكد اذا في دستور 2022 اذا رئيس الحكومة مازال عندو صلاحية إصدار القوانين",,,,,,2022-12-14 11:17:05 zlohh3,,1,الرابط العجيب سبيستون 😃,,,,,,,2022-12-14 11:24:14 zlomh9,,10,Help finding remote job with a foreign company as a full stack engineer,"Hi guys, I've been thinking of looking for a remote job with a foreign company (higher salary) but I didn't know where to start looking. So, I'm here looking for anyone from Tunisia who was able to get a full time remote job as a full stack engineer / full stack developer with a foreign company who can help me. I'm mainly looking for websites that have remote job offers, I'm currently only trying LinkedIn.",,,,,,2022-12-14 11:32:23 zlp81j,,1,Revolt bank in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-14 12:04:54 zlper6,,1,Revoult Bank in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-14 12:14:36 zlpg08,,8,Revolut Bank in Tunisia,"Noticed people wondering about this. Was able today to use QNB ATM to withdraw cash, no 10tnd fees applied. Even the exchange rate wasn't bad. Took 800 TND firstly then another 300 TND all same day. [Proof](",,,,,,2022-12-14 12:16:14 zlpnpr,,2,Best/ easiest way to book a hotel,I live in tunis and I'm planning on spending a couple of nights in a hotel in sousse and I wanted to know the best way to book a hotel there. I know tunisiebooking is a popular travel agency but maybe there's something better or maybe I should contact the hotel directly? Also if you have hotel recommendations in sousse please share thnx.,,,,,,2022-12-14 12:26:53 zlpwrv,,21,Foreigners living in Tunisia help pls,"Hey there! Any fella foreigners living in Tunisia? What do u do for living? How’s your social life in Tunisia? I’ve been here since 2019 and it’s been really hard when it comes to socialising (friends mostly)… even harder with finding a job. I’m a female (22). My social life is terrible in here. I’ve always had mostly male friends back in my hometown,few girlfriends. But here? No one. I always go out with my spouse and his friends. I mean they are amazing and funny-they are my friends too. But it’s not like we can go out heads up for a coffee and chat. Guy friends are out of question now but what about girls? Anytime I try to interact with girls they give me death stare. Even if I’m just sitting, minding my own business they stare with disgust in their eyes. I don’t get it. I try to smile and shit be nice but nothing. When it comes to working it’s worse! Literally can’t find a job for myself. I would expect at least working when I have zero social life lol. I’m so bored. Do u guys have any tips of where to start or what should I look for? I mean my work experience is not bad. I’ve studied clothing design but I’ve done many different jobs. Last summer I worked for a Czech travel agency (wasn’t bad but not a cup of my tea). The season ended in September. Help guys pls! hhhh thanks in advance",,,,,,2022-12-14 12:39:04 zls2q2,$titre=شركات-الرهان-الرياضي-في-قبضة-القضاء-التونسي,1,شركات الرهان الرياضي في قبضة القضاء التونسي,,,,,,,2022-12-14 14:16:23 zlsb15,/user/SusBird_Jpg8709/comments/zlrl4v/official_porsche_nft_publicfree_ethereum_mint_now/,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,,,,,,,2022-12-14 14:25:32 zlsf2e,/user/thebabyverse581/comments/zlsb1s/official_porsche_nft_publicfree_ethereum_mint_now/,1,Official Porsche NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 hand drawn sketches with tangible benefits for Porsche owners. Interesting at least.,,,,,,,2022-12-14 14:29:57 zlslzj,,3,Fifa winner,"[removed] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-14 14:37:26 zltkf9,,1,why can't I find video editor position outside of tunisia? Is this domain is dead?,,,,,,,2022-12-14 15:14:50 zltvi3,,1,Impersonation of Business on Facebook,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-14 15:26:48 zlucz6,,1,My business was impersonated on Facebook!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-14 15:46:41 zlukgn,,1,covoiturage mourouj l technopole,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-14 15:55:16 zlumuj,,2,La francophonie canadienne rayonne en Tunisie - Aurore boréale,,,,,,,2022-12-14 15:58:02 zlw2vc,,3,Need help receiving money from abroad,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-14 16:56:34 zlw7dr,,1,"Hammamet sunset, shot on analog film 🎞",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-14 17:01:17 zlw7ur,,14,Gorgeous ennahli 🥰,,,,,,,2022-12-14 17:01:47 zlww5z,,2,i need to talk to somebody that went to ESPRIT,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-14 17:28:27 zm31te,,0,Snoop Dogg's Ruthless Roast Against Justin Bieber🥺😭#shorts #youtubeshorts #viral,,,,,,,2022-12-14 21:39:51 zm3hje,,9,People who get second citizenship shouldn't be allowed to political positions.,"I am not talking about all double citizenship Tunisians, but those who obtained foreign citizenship through swearing an oath of loyalty. Because once they get the position they can be one of two things: - Loyal to the country they swore loyalty to. - Liars (which is the majority) In both cases we don't want them running our country. Now I know that some people will say that the oath is a puch of words and it doesn't matter but if the oath doesn't matter to you then the concept of the nation doesn't matter too and the concept of the nation and the good of our nation certainly matter. We shouldn't take these sort of things lightly.",,,,,,2022-12-14 21:57:35 zm4qbf,,3,Studying in germany,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-14 22:48:06 zm55mz,,3,How strict are they about having a flight out?,"British National coming from London going to Tunis to see a friend and unsure when I’ll be leaving (I’m heading to Thailand, this is a bit of a diversion) How strict are they about having a confirmed flight out? I went about 5 years ago but don’t remember",,,,,,2022-12-14 23:05:26 zm8myj,,1,hello can you give me the best Urologist in tunisia i see alot of Urologists and i dont het the solution for my problem,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 01:39:25 zm8tyb,,1,hello can someone tell me who is the best Urologist i see a lot of Urologists and i didn't get a solution,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 01:48:29 zmaswq,,16,"Recommendations for tv shows, youtubers, blogs, any media to help learn Tunisian?","3aslema everyone! Min Amerikia w na9ra Tounsi. I'm half Tunisian and never learned it as a child, so I am learning it for the first time with a tutor. I'm hoping to go to Tunisia or at least make some friends to speak with... I would love any recommendations for media I can find online and use to learn! I have been listening to Tunisian radio to try to identify words I know, but I find it somewhat boring... I just need something new to study with. I suck so much even though I've been taking lessons for like 6 months :,,,,,) Aishkom, aishkom! (is that how you say it, omg :,,,,,,,/ )",,,,,,2022-12-15 03:23:22 zmh312,,0,الحقيقة الكاملة خلف شركة مشروبات طاقة ريد بول,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 09:34:16 zmhj5z,,9,I'm a university student and I need a part-time job ASAP,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-15 10:03:03 zmio91,,3,how to get out to japan or south korea?,Does anyone know the process of applying to universities in japan or south korea or if there is game development opportunities there? Or is it even possible to get there?,,,,,,2022-12-15 11:16:50 zmiykp,,0,Christmas ideas for Tunisian friend,"I have a friend living in djerba at the moment who I'd like to get a Christmas present for, though it seems pretty difficult to find anywhere that will ship to the island. Can anyone tell me where I can get international gift cards they use? I'm not sure what commercial brands are available in tunisia. Was thinking Starbucks but it seems they don't have any branches :/",,,,,,2022-12-15 11:34:22 zmjlkz,,4,The sea in Sousse😍,,,,,,,2022-12-15 12:11:37 zmkj29,,5,Concerta price,What is the price you bought Concerta with,,,,,,2022-12-15 13:01:00 zml31o,,12,I NEED HELP!,"Hi Tunisians, I will try to tell you everything and I will try to be concise. So, I've started watching pornography when I was around 17 years old, that is about 8 years ago, and back-then, I was frankly enjoying it, it was free, available, it enabled me to enjoy myself and distract me from getting stuck in any sort of relationships because I was back then sort of reserved and antisocial. Most importantly, I had control over my porn consumption and masturbation was only a healthy practice for me, unlike now, it the umbrella word for my struggle. During college, I started to meet many attractive people, and my sexual urges went up to the sky, but being alone and incapable of engaging with the people I was interested in made me crumble into my shell and fantasize. I did that for a long time. Initially, it was a relief for me because I was liberating my sexual desires at the lowest costs. But then, I started to think about masturbation and porn almost all the day. I meet a new person and I think about sex, I meet a friend and I think about sex, I meet a new colleague and I think about sex. All these thoughts translated later into masturbation and pornography consumption and I found out that I have totally lost control. I was therefore addicted. I tried to get into challenges like nofap, I would stay away from porn and masturbation for 7 days, 2 weeks, a month, but during these times my urges intensify, and that's the reason I relapsed. And every time I relapse, massive negative thoughts and sadness waves hit me, negative self-talk and low self-esteem. I wanted to be with someone but my self-image is so bad it tells me that I'm mentally insane, incapable of handling my instincts and a filthy person to be around. My masturbation addiction was driving me crazy and baptizing me into depression. I remember one day I was watching porn and I bursted into crying because it was out of control and I was tired asking myself why I am doing this. There are days when I feel a slight espoir that I can change, and I try to stop watching porn for some time. I install porn blocker on my phone and on my browsers, and feel quite good for a bit of time, but again, I relapse and there's the slippery slope of negativity again. I feel that I am broken beyond measure, addicted beyond repair, and I can not share my struggle with anyone because I feel too shameful about it. I need help. I'm drained by this addiction, I'm tired of being alone. I am planning on seriously retaking the journey of nofap again, and I want to ask: ° Tips to get over sexual thoughts ° Tips to disable porn on devices °Quantifiable measures to regain confidence in myself. ° Tips to control sexual urges while having no partner.",,,,,,2022-12-15 13:28:34 zmlktg,,10,I once found it here and I think it should be re-shared. تغوص إنكفاضة كل ثاني يوم أحد في محفظة تونسيين وتونسيات وتفصّل مداخيلهم ومصاريفهم,,,,,,,2022-12-15 13:52:48 zmmpce,,0,Xanax,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 14:41:29 zmmxpg,,14,Lost approximately 300 TND after transferring $1640 from Wise to my tunisian bank account via SWIFT,"So I got paid for a 3-month worth of freelance work through Wise. I decided to send the money from the US account in Wise to my tunisian bank account via SWIFT. Initially, Wise charged me a transfer fee of approximately $15. The money that was supposed to reach my bank is $1625. I am also aware that banks may charge some additional fees but what surprised me is that, when I received the money and checked my account, I noticed that the amount which is missing is approximately 300 TND. I know that currency conversion rates vary from one provider to another, and at the same time, when I checked how much $1640 would be equal in TND, it was around 5200 TND (That's because at that time 1 USD was approximately 3.21 TND, of course that changes frequently). BUT, no matter how variable it is, there are some limits. When I investigated the database with an agent within the bank agency that I go to, I saw that the central bank issued a treasury rate of 3.04. That means that they made $1 = 3.04 TND, which is way too low. I still don't understand how and why all of this happened, can someone elaborate?",,,,,,2022-12-15 14:51:27 zmqx06,,1,the topnet issue,"so i have a topnet router (biggest mistake i've ever made) and it's been 2 weeks since the ""adsl"" thingie ticks on and off with green and whenever i phone topnet client service they hit me with the ""osbor m3ana , hana mazlna nchoufou fl mochkl"" and i'm really getting tired because i paid for this month and i feel like i got what should i do?",,,,,,2022-12-15 17:33:20 zmr4ao,,14,"Hi there, i have found another old 8mm from Tunisia, if you like take them a look",,,,,,,2022-12-15 17:41:50 zmrhcu,,3,"It's possible to register a new phone into the Tunisian network with a EU passport? Tunisian, resident abroad, thank you!",text,,,,,,2022-12-15 17:56:54 zmri6u,,1,I need help please,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-15 17:57:54 zmrr0s,,19,How do you explain the insane homophobia in Tunisia?,"Inb4 I know homosexual practice is haram and Tunisia is a muslim-majority country. However how do you explain Tunisians tolerating blasphemy/insulting Allah while everyone [goes crazy]( for a gay sleeping with another gay in private? I mean drinking alcohol is haram من الكبائر. Tunisians adore alcohol. Almost all Tunisian men I know drink/yeskrou.. zatla/weed is very spread among the young and for some reason it is normalized and socially accepted between friends. Zatla is fucking haram too.. we have TV spots inciting people to play betting games and betting is very common among the young. Gambling, weed, alcohol are all haram.. why are these haram things normalized (alcohol is legal) but everyone goes insane and harass gay people and threaten to torture and kill them? Marra jéna patient homosexuel lel psychiatrie 3amel détresse ba3d ma sarlou harcèlement w death threats khater fe9ou bih gay? 3leh ya din erab? علاش تسكروا وتنيكوا وتزطلوا وتقمروا اما تهبلو كي تسمعو بواحد مثلي وتهددولو حياتو خاطر قال شنوة حرام؟",,,,,,2022-12-15 18:07:38 zmtq93,,0,where to find girls who are up for O.N.S in tunisia,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 19:29:13 zmtvl4,,4,Local recommendations for visitors to Tunis,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-15 19:35:16 zmuaai,,2,Home Renovation,"Is there a shortage of House Paint and renovation supplies for homes- and such in the general Sousse area? What Shops do you recommend that have Paint in stock for inside and outside house. thanks-",,,,,,2022-12-15 19:51:55 zmug2v,,0,how to have one night stand in tunisia ?i,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-15 19:58:45 zmuu6s,,2,call center and part time jobs,"Hi guys, im currently in college and looking to make some extra money. Im a native french speaker so i was wondering if call centers would be a great opportunity. If any one of u guys experienced it and call share details i would be glad to acknowledge them. And if u guys got any other ideas for part time jobs i take them too ! Btw, i have a bank account in france. I thought i could be a plus to found stuff to work on and receive payments there. Online jobs if u have ideas",,,,,,2022-12-15 20:14:32 zmuwmi,,2,Public transportation from Kheireddine Pacha to Institut Arabe des Chefs d'Entreprises.,Does anyone know which way is the best for everyday commute.,,,,,,2022-12-15 20:17:17 zmwj9e,,6,Guys any freelancing ideas ?,"I’am doing spokesperson videos on fiverr making around 500 USD or less monthly , yet still looking for any other possible higher income , maybe remote jobs could be a great option otherwise I’am still struggling to land a job interview... any one could share any idea 💡 !?",,,,,,2022-12-15 21:24:05 zmxsgg,,1,Porsche NFT Public Mint Live Now! 1000 NFTs claimable,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 22:13:34 zmxwzg,,1,Porsche NFT Public Mint Live Now! 1000 NFTs claimable,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 22:17:49 zmxyvd,,1,Porsche NFT Public Mint Live Now! 1000 NFTs claimable,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 22:19:38 zmy0ak,,1,Porsche NFT Public Mint Live Now! 1000 NFTs claimable,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 22:21:01 zmyfl7,,1,Porsche NFT Public Mint Live Now! 1000 NFTs claimable,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 22:35:43 zmyprg,,0,Tunisia should get rid of democracy and adopt imperialism,"Tunisia's democratic experiment has failed, the media manipulated the population into being french retards, and no progress was made, the only thing we where able to do was, split the value of the dinar, install a (((Bourguiba))) statue and the worker's union got to do strikes every week. So whats the solution? In the search for political stability, and economic prosperity Tunisia should first install a one party system resembling the one in China through a second revolution, this time the revolution shouldnt stop after the army takes controll (we all know what happened in Egypt). Second a new army should be made, this army should be large with every male being obliged to do service, this army would protect the constitution. Third Tunisia should help insure peace in libya with a freindly invasion, this would put an end to the civil war and later they can join us in a union, this would help the tunisian economy due to Libya's high petroleum reserves, in addition to natural gas and phosphate. Fourth and most important, the tunisian state should export these revolutionary idea's to egypt, morocco, algeria and lebanon.",,,,,,2022-12-15 22:45:41 zmytvc,,1,Chromie Squiggles V2 Public Mint Live now! Only 2500 NFTs claimable!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 22:49:35 zmzao0,,0,The LGBTQ Community In Tunisia,is there tolerance for the LGBTQ community in Tunisia? it will ever be in the near future with this new generation? what are the consequences for being one of the LGBTQ members,,,,,,2022-12-15 23:06:25 zmzqut,,1,Porsche NFT Public Mint Live Now! 1000 NFTs claimable,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-15 23:24:35 zn5gqb,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-12-16 04:00:08 znathf,,1,I need your help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-16 09:35:54 znatuy,,1,I need your help I need to find where this street view picture was taken,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-16 09:36:40 zncdkm,,14,Will you participate in the parliamentary elections tomorrow?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-16 11:21:56 zndl6g,,1,"Save your country and stop sabotage, because there will be a terrorist in you who kills and destroys without you knowing it. May God protect Jordan, its President and its people",,,,,,,2022-12-16 12:31:20 znez3k,,3,A few Questions with the Economics,"Hey there, I have been asking myself a few questions since my last visit to Tunisia (I visit my Grandparents with my Mom regularly every Summer if possible from Germany, long story short, they're guest workers having gone to Germany in the 70s and moved back during the mid-2000s while my Mom stayed here and raised me, I'm 16 Years old) Since I've been getting a major background on economics and politics, in general, I have a question about the Energy situation in Tunisia. While doing my Investigation I found the EEG of Germany from 2004, the EEG or ""Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz"" is basically the law revolving mostly around renewable energy and most things relating to that in Germany, the EEG 2000 and 2004 being only a few pages long had set definitions for what renewables are, and most importantly its incentives like the feed-in tariff, that renewable subsidy has then let for a massive renewable industry in Germany to form which had in 2011 its peak at 300,000 Employees. Does Tunisia have such a similar State Investment Program? and if not, why does it not commence such through subsidies and feed-in tariff incentives with the goal of industrial development? Another Question is about the general economic development in Tunisia, many months ago I have read the Book ""how Asia works"" by joe Studwell, it talks about how the Asian Tigers industrialized during certain periods of time and how they used such things called Export Discipline (basically export-oriented industrialization and subsidizes) to industrialize, including that land reform and so on. Did Tunisia ever have a Land Reform? Or required one to incentive agriculture and then industrial development? Did it also ever use state industrial policy and investments like Export Discipline to form state industries in a few sectors and subsidizes them to export to the world and develop? Yes No? Would be generally interesting to hear why! Anyway, thanks for the Answers! Would love to discuss/know it!",,,,,,2022-12-16 13:42:38 znffsc,,10,Part2 Thread Horreur ... why he shouldn't say those words?,,,,,,,2022-12-16 14:05:04 zng90e,,0,About a frequently discussed topic .,"A lot of my friends talk about their hookup fantasies . I also tried to find hookups through tinder Instagram and FB but nothing happened . Most girls i talked to , do hookup just for money . I'm kinda curious now do girls in Tunisia belive in hookup culture and do some of them really want a NSA sex or a FWB Relationship ?",,,,,,2022-12-16 14:43:23 znihee,,1,Rolls Royce NFT Mint live now! Only 1000x claimable,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-16 16:19:10 znj769,,1,teen therapy in sfax?,Any therapy recommendations in sfax?,,,,,,2022-12-16 16:49:56 znjeaq,,1,why new users can't post,,,,,,,2022-12-16 16:58:45 znjqyw,,0,How do I make sure I'm going to hell?,"What's a unforgivable sin and that isn't in any way immoral. So when people try to preach ,I say "" I did X so I'm definitely not going to heaven""",,,,,,2022-12-16 17:13:36 znk518,,1,Payoneer Help,"Hey guys, I really need help with anyone that had experience with payoneer before ( and preferably was paid in euros) I started working as a freelancer with a european company. So when I created my payoneer account, there is a section 'Receiving accounts'. But I don't have access to a Euro receiving account. Could anyone having experience with it, offer me some help? &#x200B; Cheers,",,,,,,2022-12-16 17:30:21 znl98m,,0,Are majority of Tunisians living in Cote d’Azure area illegal aliens?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-16 18:18:19 znne9f,,1,FIFA23?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-16 19:52:56 znnmjn,,3,I am looking for internship at the end of my school program as an IT engineer in a specific domain,I'm interested mainly in BI (Business Intelligence) and there's a few companies and startups which offert this in there PFE Book. Any ideas or suggestions?,,,,,,2022-12-16 20:02:48 znnn4p,,12,Advice please,"I'm an engineering student who's described as shy, introvert, ""3a9la"". I'd describe myself as someone who HATES hypocrisy which makes my friends circle limited, and things were fine and I was comfortable until I joined a club. people were quickly making relationships and joking with each other although some of them secretly dislike each other (and I know it ) and now I'm the weird one for refusing to play this game and for not pretending. it's not like I refuse to talk to people, I do talk to them, I simply take some time to get along with them. making friends doesn't happen in a day and night and it's killing me how everyone is doing it fast. but what bothers me the most is that, although I do all my tasks in time, and I sometimes come up with nice ideas, all the credits go to ""loud people"" or popular ones or those who fawn the executive board... without making a lot of effort. when I told my friend about this, she told me that ""I should get used to it, it's about making acquiantances not necessarily friends, and that's how things are gonna be in the professional life"". the mere idea is making me miserable, I really can't imagine my life with people like that. is it true though? is this how things are gonna be like later on? can't a quite person with some potential make his way through success without having to pretend or make fake relationships?",,,,,,2022-12-16 20:03:30 znnpgd,,8,Kairouan to Tunis in the morning,"Hi guys - needing to travel from Kairouan to Tunis on Monday morning. Any tips or anyone wanting to give us (2 people) a ride? ;) We know there's louages. How long should we expect them to take to Tunis? Is 2 1/2 hrs realistic? We need to be at Tunis airport at 13:00/1PM so I thought I would show up at the louage station at 9:00 and go from there. Does this sound sensible or would you come even earlier? Also, how realistic is it to find someone to drive us to Tunis and what might that cost? $50-100? Finally, I want to say a big thank you to Tunisians. I wasn't sure what to expect of Tunisia. I have been to Algeria, Morocco and Egypt before and the experiences were all quite varied. But in Tunisia, I think people have been the friendliest. Nobody is pushy as in Egypt, you dont feel like a total outsider as in Algeria .. so thank you very much for your hospitality.",,,,,,2022-12-16 20:06:19 znp19g,,1,Does anybody know the cost of 3d printing in this country ? Cuz I haven’t found a single thing,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-16 21:02:47 znrz81,,1,do libraries work on election day?,,,,,,,2022-12-16 23:12:10 znrzlf,,6,do libraries work on election day?,literally just the title,,,,,,2022-12-16 23:12:41 znugzj,,3,Recent Tunisian/Maghrébi/Arabic music recommendations,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-17 01:12:20 znz6ht,,1,I'm down for hookup Dm if interested SNP:miaerick03,,,,,,,2022-12-17 05:36:22 zo0wbj,,15,قريبا: انترنات صَبّة من المنتج الى المستهلك.,,,,,,,2022-12-17 07:25:11 zo8u9i,,2,How do I use US play store credits,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-17 15:37:39 zo9gao,,1,How do i find an internship for my last year in computer science license?,"i'm on my 3rd year license informatique, I got good projects, mostly in web development, and a good CV but i have no clue where to start searching, linkdin has very few jobs in my area (sahel) most of them are in tunis, and my uni isn't helping much with it either. DM me if you want to see the cv",,,,,,2022-12-17 16:05:45 zo9h3e,,19,Beautiful dawning sun in Maamoura 🤤,,,,,,,2022-12-17 16:06:45 zoa6z5,إفتراض_في_القانون/,3,إفتراض في القانون.,"حسب رايكم لو كان جار نسميوه مكرم شاف باب جارو نسميوه محسن مكسر و محسن في ليبيا وقتها، لذا مكرم على خاترو جار باهي قال تو نصلح باب جاري و نصرف عليه فلوس و كيف يجي يخلصني.. الحاصل، مكرم جاب نجار و صلح باب محسن و بعد وقيت محسن جاء و قالو مكرم رجعلي فلوس التصليح و محسن قالو ما نرجعش و ما قتلكش صلحلي. قانونيا، حسب رايكم هل من حق مكرم يقوم على محسن باش يرجعلو فلوسو و الا مادام ما خذاش موافقة قبل الفعل يولي ماعندوش حق يطالب بفلوس ؟",,,,,,2022-12-17 16:38:31 zoa8hg,,6,want to learn Tamazight but dunno where to start,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-17 16:40:23 zoaevv,,2,Custom book print in tn,chkoun ya3rif win najim natba3 kteb. i remember seeing an instagram page that did this kind of stuff but i forgot the name,,,,,,2022-12-17 16:48:28 zobpu0,,0,Forbidden love !!,"Hey guys I may need your honest opinions here! This is my story, I feel in love with this girl and I may say that she is my soulmate. We vibe and really get each other and I really believe the feelings were both ways. Therefore, I took the leap and decided to ask her to be my gf (not just for a casual dating because she is THE ONE and I'm willing for something serious). And since day one, I made sure that she knows about every little detail about me and I just kept one for myself (or when the right time comes) The day we went on a date, everything went as expected and since I'm willing for something serious I told her about my secret that I kept from her. I told her that I'am atheist and really it was hard to swallow that she cried her eyes out. I will not bother you with details, but the actual situation is that she's still thinking deeply about it (she has mixed feelings between not to lose me and how to deal with it since the religious type) I know this is a big deal but in my opinion, if two people love each other, they may come to understanding each other and they sure will find a way to coexist together this is how i see it because what matters most to me is that mutual connection you reach with someone precious and everything else comes second. I'm not asking for what to do or not to do all I'm asking for is some different POV and sorry for making it long.",,,,,,2022-12-17 17:47:39 zobtte,,11,Give me a reason to live abroad that I can't spin to you being too lazy and/or too unbothered about trying to better Tunisia.,"I have a year to make a decision about living my next 5 to 10 years in Europe. &#x200B; I'm a family gal, I like to think I care for Tunisia more than average and I'm too introverted and individualistic to crave the developed countries lifestyle the way most Tunisians seem to do. Sure, I don't connect with 99% of the community here, but, I know I won't anywhere else. &#x200B; The country I'm planning to settle in is not on my dream destination list, but, it has study/work opportunities that I can get behind; I'd be alone and I don't mind that though the risk sure exists. And I believe I can make my country 0.00001% better by staying here and I'll be better for it, though it'll take me at least a decade longer to achieve some of my goals. &#x200B; Could you, hopefully from experience, weigh out pros and cons of living abroad based on my kind of personality. And convince me to stay or go with arguments that don't involve the words ""hej"", ""t7arrar"", ""ma yoslo7 fiha chay"", ""tdhaya3 7yetek"", and all that ri9. &#x200B; Thank you kindly.",,,,,,2022-12-17 17:52:40 zoctnd,,1,M(38) How to Beat Driving Phobia,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 18:37:12 zocv00,,1,M(38) How To beat driving fear ??,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 18:38:57 zocv3o,,1,for those who went to study in french and are still living there,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-17 18:39:04 zocz9r,,1,"ISIE: 8,8% is the percentage of paticipation in the elections.",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 18:44:02 zod3yt,,1,Looking for best areas for rent in Grand tunis,"Hello , IT engineer here , working for an European company remotly and been living around ariana for a while . Now since things are getting a bit better , id like to move out to a better place , i dislike overrated areas such as aouina,sokra,nasr,... because its always crowded and shitty services . Been looking for recommandations , some areas that are chilly , calm , clean with grass im all hearing for your suggestions , Thanks !",,,,,,2022-12-17 18:49:45 zod4xk,,1,Anyone know who sells epic games $$ or games in Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-17 18:50:53 zod6fz,,1,"ISIE: 8,8% is the percentage of paticipation in the elections.",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 18:52:51 zodbwf,,2,M(39) How To Beat Driving Fear," Hello Everyone ! I need your advice here ! So basically , i'm 39 years old and i have an enormous fear of driving , like i al ways imagine all the worst possible scenarios every time i try to do it to go to work i always use public transportation , and to be honest it's kinda off heavy when it comes to budget every time do you have any advice ? do you know other people in my situation ? i tried retaking driving lessons , when i know that there's someone next to time who can prevent me of making mistakes , i don''t feel anxious. but when i'm alone , the idea of driving becomes a herculean task. Thank you very much !",,,,,,2022-12-17 18:59:47 zodee6,,4,France ends visa restrictions for marocain citizens,"Not only did they forgive them for pegasus but also ended the visa restrictions saying they are starting a new page . Chniya Cheddin aalihom hasb raykom ?",,,,,,2022-12-17 19:02:27 zodmxd,,1,How to contact mods in this sub?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 19:13:00 zodpch,,1,for those who went to study in france,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-17 19:15:55 zoei35,,1,"6 Best Work From Home Jobs! (Netflix Tagger, Amazon Product Tester ect.)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 19:51:21 zoeu7h,,1,Brabbi bel7a9 eli resident abroad ynajem ytala3 ID (lost) in a day??,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 20:05:46 zoeuyr,,2,Brabbi bel7a9 eli resident abroad ynajem ytala3 ID (lost) in a day??,text text,,,,,,2022-12-17 20:06:43 zoevzk,,13,"Okay !! You wanna tell me Tunis fiha 12 Million, 9 Millions of them over 18 xD",,,,,,,2022-12-17 20:07:58 zof6r6,,1,"6 Best Work From Home Jobs! (Netflix Tagger, Amazon Product Tester ect.)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 20:20:51 zofkhk,,3,Do i really need to have my father approval so I can travel,"I'm 22M , willing to leave this country but I don't think any of my parents will accept that , as I know I need approval from my father to travel since I'm under 35 Is that true ? And if so , what are the ways to fly out without them interfering ?",,,,,,2022-12-17 20:37:17 zofzl1,,1,where you see yourself in 5 years ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 20:55:37 zogdzu,,3,Best way to receive my salary from outside the country,"Hello guys! I want to do a remote internship with a foreign startup. Not through my university or something but from my own time. What is the best way to receive the payment and do I need to pay any taxes? thank you in advance!",,,,,,2022-12-17 21:12:51 zoghft,,1,"6 Best Work From Home Jobs! (Netflix Tagger, Amazon Product Tester ect.)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 21:16:44 zogr3o,,1,I want to send a souvenir to a Brazilian friend (f 28)... she told me that she wants something original from Tunisia.. I need ideas please,,,,,,,2022-12-17 21:28:06 zogvjx,,1,"6 Best Work From Home Jobs! (Netflix Tagger, Amazon Product Tester ect.)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-17 21:33:14 zogz3w,,2,I need ideas for a souvenir,Hello.. I want to send some souvenir to a Brazilian friend (28 f).. She wants something specific to our country... Any ideas please?,,,,,,2022-12-17 21:37:25 zokw9d,,1,Donald Trump's NFT Mint Is Now Live!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-18 00:23:32 zolfd8,,1,Porsche's NFT Mint Is Now Live!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-18 00:44:38 zopf8l,,15,Libyan father but only Tunisian and Moroccan shows up on 23andMe. Why's this? Also? Are these results Amazigh or Arab ancestry?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-18 04:02:29 zosga2,,1,Argentina vs France Prediction & Live Streaming of Final Match World Cup 2022,,,,,,,2022-12-18 06:58:24 zotq4a,,165,تونس و السعودية ينتظرون الفائز في نهائي كأس العالم ليقولوا أنهم فازوا على بطل العالم 🙂,,,,,,,2022-12-18 08:21:34 zou4gn,,1,"Elections, what's next?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-18 08:47:43 zou7t4,,14,السعوديين والتونسيين في بيوتهم يتفرجون على المنتخبات الي فازوا عليها يلعبون بالنهائي,,,,,,,2022-12-18 08:54:07 zov5aj,لا_فما_10_دينار_مصروف_و_لا_حتى_باكو_شوكوطم_وتحبني/,16,لا فما 10 دينار مصروف و لا حتى باكو شوكوطم وتحبني ننتخب؟, و برى مشيت انتخبت، لا فما جماعة نخافو ربي، لا فما جماعة دواء الكورونا و ملحنا و بترولنا.. تي حتى جماعة التجمع ألي كانو قاصين علينا يوتيوب خاطرو إرهاب ما فماش. شعندي ننتخب امالا؟ بلكشي نقعد نضيع في وقتي ونشوف في شكون المترشحين؟ شكون يحسبونا؟,,,,,,2022-12-18 09:57:04 zov7hg,,15,Tunisian parliamentary election records just 8.8% turnout | Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-18 10:00:49 zovqha,,5,how come around 2.6 million voted yes in the referendum but only 800k voted in the parliamentary elections?,"does this mean that the referendum was actually rigged (but then it doesn't make sense to rig one and not the other)? or does it mean that KS somehow drastically lost popularity in around 5 months? or it because the most of the condidates are unknown due to the more popular one boycotting? it's strange since i remember everyone and their mother was in support of KS after that 2022 constitution but now suddenly nobody care?",,,,,,2022-12-18 10:35:15 zovuta,,3,Is this a fact or just a theory ?,"I knew a tunisian guy who told me that Tunisian independance was done mainly by falega and worker union melitias lead by farhat hached but after the independance France assasinated Farhat Hached in order to put the man Bourguiba in power to suit their interests. Although it seems logical, I still have doubts about the worker union melitias thing but I've watched a doc from aljazera saying they existed back then.",,,,,,2022-12-18 10:43:09 zowjqj,,1,anyone who studied in isamm hit me up,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-18 11:28:11 zox8ss,,1,Dried up creek in Touzeur,,,,,,,2022-12-18 12:11:20 zoxz2w,,62,If I start posting step by step how to make money in tunisia would anyone be interested ?,"Hello I'm jomohunters on reddit but known as DAT\_Jmag on most my platforms, I own two agencies and I make money from drop servicing to big creators. I'm 100% Tunisian. I've been thinking for a couple of days about the potential of Tunisians and how it's been ruined by their lack of commitment and blaming others syndrome. I would love to help you guys level up and make more money and read more books and become your better self. If you guys are interested I could start by posting a recommendation of books to read (their not what you think, really heavy learning books) then I'll post some step by step how to make money online in tunisia as fast as possible ( fast does not mean easy ) and we will start with small goals like 300 dollars a month then we level up till we reach 5 figures inchallah. I don't do coaching or any of that stuff I just love making people appreciate my help hhh, I've been posting on twitter too to help as much in my free time as I can.",,,,,,2022-12-18 12:53:26 zoy9u6,,1,bottom of the table,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-18 13:09:28 zoyz5g,,1,Bellahi li 3nda ma3loma y3awenni. 9rayet el medecine 1er w 2eme cycle fi France (ba3d 3am PASS) blech walla bl floos kani tlmidh 3ndi BAC Toonsiya? Elli ma 3ndach fekra ynjm y3wnni b upvote bech el post tadhher ll nes.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-18 13:45:38 zoz8n9,,12,Bellahi li 3nda ma3loma y3awenni. 9rayet el medecine 1er w 2eme cycle fi France (ba3d 3am PASS) blech walla bl floos kani tlmidh 3ndi BAC Toonsiya?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-18 13:59:09 zozjvv,,1,where to watch final match worldcup,"Hi, Any link, site to watch for free the final ??",,,,,,2022-12-18 14:14:11 zp1j9a,,1,best cafes/places to study at in sousse?,,,,,,,2022-12-18 15:50:58 zp2b9c,,2,Can you help me?,"I need to know who was the boxing champion in tunisia in 2005 and 2003 i know it's oddly specific but I need to know! Weight class is 56 kilogram.",,,,,,2022-12-18 16:26:27 zp3ww0,,1,Donald Trump NFT public/free Ethereum mint now live. 1000 NFTs for the first 1000 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-18 17:44:11 zp401r,,50,من سيفوز بعد قليل؟,,,,,,,2022-12-18 17:48:54 zp5x9h,كي_تتفرج_في_ماتش_و_يدخل_بوك/,2,كي تتفرج في ماتش و يدخل بوك,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-18 19:17:41 zp6c2t,,3,A Canadian trying to date a foreigner,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-18 19:35:58 zp6wmq,,5,Redditors of tunisia how you got your first job,"Seems like a lot of people got their first jobs simply by knowing someone who currently worked there. I'd be interested to know if this is the main way people get on the career ladder. My year First work experience was for EY which I probably wouldn't have got if my uncle didn't work there.",,,,,,2022-12-18 20:00:59 zp7wjf,,4,Looking to join a painting club,Anyone knows of a good painting club in sousse?,,,,,,2022-12-18 20:44:36 zp9cy0,,2,Where to buy passport wallet with airtag," Hello Guys. You know where I can buy a wallet like this one in Tunisia ( Tunis or delivery ), that has an Airtag place ?",,,,,,2022-12-18 21:47:25 zp9i6s,,0,Master degree or formation web ?,"hi i'm 21 and i'm really obsessed with web developement thats i want to become a web developper (outside of tunisia if possible) i already finished my licence (E-business) and confused between doing my master or doing formation like gomycode. PS:i heard from many that my university (ESSEC) isn't well known for it's computer science Master because it's supposed to be ""business only"" university which sound like waste of time.",,,,,,2022-12-18 21:53:57 zp9w5q,,18,"I’m 23 , yr old solo female traveller. Is it safe for me to go to Tunisia alone. ???",23 female solo. Advice ?? Found a great hotel with a great price and ready to book rn.,,,,,,2022-12-18 22:10:30 zpaguj,,2,Do you know any Tunisian DIY channels for home decor ?,A lot of stuff used in diy videos I find on the internet is not available in Tunisia so I was wondering if you know any Tunisian based channels?,,,,,,2022-12-18 22:36:38 zpanw2,,0,"🎉Guide To Claim 1,000 Free SEA Token Airdrop 🌊 (Current value $590)",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-18 22:45:21 zpb3ql,,1,Looking for any kind of sex toys plzzzzz,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-18 23:04:46 zpdrja,,3,Brackage,Chnou ysirlou telifoun ki yitisra9?,,,,,,2022-12-19 01:07:47 zpf8ey,,0,what is your opinion on Karl Marx,"what do you think about communism/socialism, and how would you feel about a Marxist revolution in Tunisia that would get rid of all corruption (also if it is guaranteed there will be no famine)",,,,,,2022-12-19 02:19:13 zpgsfl,,31,I said once I will say it twice: The majority of Tunisians aren't boycotting the majority of Tunisians couldn't be bothered.,"I didn't vote you have no right to misrepresent my intentions as some sort of an objection to Kais said. I simply didn't care (some other personal reasons too). If U believe that people are boycotting then brother you live in a parallel world and not with ""normal"" Tunisians. Don't misrepresent our intentions for your own ideological agenda. You didn't vote because YOU ARE BOYCOTTING you are the exception. Ps: I am posting this as a reaction not an independent statement, so treat it as such.",,,,,,2022-12-19 03:34:06 zpkr6c,,9,kifeh najem naaml mchrou3 fi tounes (nda5el sel3a mel barra),"Chabeb ena taw bdit gi 7keya jdida nsala7 el 7weyej el 9dom wenbi3 el l7a9 ta3melli profit mezyen ama lezem l7a9 noawi fl niveau. SO hal layemet n5amem kifeh njib mel China El domain li n7eb nebda fih nbi3 el bsekel",,,,,,2022-12-19 07:05:35 zpmx2q,,2, any reviews,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-19 09:20:52 zpnj9q,,1,Tunisia: President Saied urged to resign after &#x27;fiasco&#x27; election,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-19 10:00:10 zpnkix,,16,Tunisia: President Saied urged to resign after 'fiasco' election,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-19 10:01:37 zpnykg,,2,"Faible participation aux législatives, l'opposition appelle Saïed à la démission - Reuters",,,,,,,2022-12-19 10:25:05 zpo4ji,,1,Agence Immobiliére,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-19 10:35:22 zpo58e,,1,وقتاش؟,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-19 10:36:37 zpodd4,/r/francophonie/comments/zpmpk6/tunisie_participation_très_faible_aux/,1,TUNISIE : participation très faible aux législatives boycottées par l'opposition,,,,,,,2022-12-19 10:50:59 zpofj2,/r/francophonie/comments/zpmvbz/tunisie_après_le_fiasco_des_législatives/,1,"TUNISIE : Après le fiasco des législatives, l’opposition réclame la démission immédiate du président Kais Saied",,,,,,,2022-12-19 10:54:18 zpp87y,,1,Russian observers monitoring Tunisia parliamentary elections,,,,,,,2022-12-19 11:36:29 zppmuv,énomination_social_pour_personne_physique/,4,dénomination social pour personne physique,"Salut à tous, Je vais commencer la procédure d'ouvrir une entreprise individuelle / patente physique et j'ai une question à poser pour ce qu'ils ont fait ce choix: Pour la dénomination sociale, les comptables disent qu'il est préférable de mettre seulement le nom et prénom sans nolmer la société parce qu'elle va porter comme par exemple le nom suivant : Folen ben Folen *chbik prod*. C'est ce dit ton nom avec le nom de société entre deux etoile. Qu'est ce que vous pensez ?",,,,,,2022-12-19 11:57:57 zprrvb,,0,Tunisia's President Saied has been called to resign after the election.,,,,,,,2022-12-19 13:36:09 zps4gs,,0,What's the average salary of a Data scientist in Tunisia and in Europe?,"Out of curiosity and because I know some of you are here, also it would be nice if you could give some details into what you do as a DS/DA/DE specialist that things you're tasked with generally. Thanks.",,,,,,2022-12-19 13:51:02 zpt5y4,,1,إصدار جديد للكاتب الصحفي عامر بوعزة,,,,,,,2022-12-19 14:32:53 zpu6q0,,6,There was a guy asking for date here...,"Can he update us on the status of his request, did he get what he wanted or smthng of the sort...Curious to know the effectiveness of his methodology hihi... I applaud his creativity as well as his desperation hh...I hope he could pass by to enlighten the people here.. **Salaud!**",,,,,,2022-12-19 15:13:44 zpw4ji,,12,"as tunisien teenager, what peice of advice would you tell me?","Piece* I have no idea why it was written like that I am very grateful for the people who took this post seriously and wanted to help others with thier knowledge . I am glad this kind of people still exist in our community.Thank you for your advices 💖😊 ⚠️Anyways, I thought my avatar made it clear that am a girl but still some people thought I was a dude and mentioned some words that I consider controversial so please refrain yourselves from using such stereotypes to avoid unnecessary trouble⚠️",,,,,,2022-12-19 16:28:00 zpwt0v,,4,"Need help finding a USB 3.0 cable, it's been 2 months...","Hello folks! I'm actively looking for [this]( ""**USB** **3.0** cable, 5 meters long, **5 Gbps** data transfer speed, male-female"" It's not that this product is *non-existent*, it was [**available in multiple stores**](! But for some reason, since late October, it fucking vanished from every shelf, I tried everywhere, any store you can think of, nobody has it.. As for those who DID have it, I contacted them about any possibility of restocking, but nada. All I get is ""we're not restocking that item"" or the absolute gem ""We have USB 2.0""! I honestly find it weird that this particular product is unavailable in every single store I look, it's like scalpers do with 80 series GPU's and PS5's.. Any help is kindly appreciated! ♥",,,,,,2022-12-19 16:53:37 zpxzmx,,0,Academic grading in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-19 17:36:49 zpzlgw,,2,Thoughts? This african american coming to tunisia and other north africans just to show black north Africans and claim they they are the original peoples here and we are recent invaders.,,,,,,,2022-12-19 18:35:26 zq03ia,,2,Ljme3et beaux art,Fama real life figure drawing fi tounes ?,,,,,,2022-12-19 18:53:56 zq0qtw,,1,Thoughts on Boosteno? Has anyone went there? is it worth it,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-19 19:18:09 zq0v9f,,3,Thoughts on Boosteno?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-19 19:22:39 zq11zn,,1,What do you call masturbation and someone who masturbates in tunisian arabic.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-19 19:29:43 zq358o,,2,help ! ynjm yaarf chkoun mn 3aylti what sites i have been visiting al tel? (we use the same wifi),pls 9oulouli no he can't...,,,,,,2022-12-19 20:50:46 zq6088,,1,Sousse community: help a friend out mnin najem neslek?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-19 22:41:15 zq6x0l,,2,did he tag the wrong location? i thought this is Nabeul,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-19 23:17:30 zq8ncc,,2,Avoiding bankruptcy,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-20 00:26:12 zq9tcw,حواجز_وزارة_الداخلية_تعطل_تجار_شارع_الحبيب_بورقيبة/,1,حواجز وزارة الداخلية تعطل تجار شارع الحبيب بورقيبة,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-20 01:13:33 zqdp81,,2,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-20 04:00:11 zqeion,,7,Tunisian faces return to prison in homosexuality case,,,,,,,2022-12-20 04:37:24 zqgv3p,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 1000 Free NFTs for first 1000 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-20 06:33:01 zqi2p8,,1,لحفظ الأطفال من شر الجن والشياطين,,,,,,,2022-12-20 07:37:20 zqid4z,,1,What do you guys think about the low voter turnout for the parliamentary elections?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-20 07:53:09 zqjfzf,/r/francophonie/comments/zqjfhd/tunisie_après_labstention_record_aux_législatives/,3,"TUNISIE : après l'abstention record aux législatives, Kaïs Saïed sort de son silence",,,,,,,2022-12-20 08:55:01 zqk7lf,,4,Tunisian passport renewal,I'm a tunisian living abroad and I want to renew my passport( it expires in May) . The problem is they will require carte de séjour on which it's figured that I am a student but I finished my studies and no longer have attestation de scolarité and started working without a contract yet. If I go to the embassy to renew my passport are they going to ask me to update carte de séjour ( I still have one year left on it)? Any answer is appreciated.,,,,,,2022-12-20 09:40:03 zqkjon,,1,Anyone knows where to buy gift cards??,,,,,,,2022-12-20 09:59:50 zqlbye,,5,Nytimes covering the recent election,,,,,,,2022-12-20 10:47:34 zqm6ey,,6,Website where I can find statistics about mobility sector in Tunisia,"Hello beautiful community, I was wondering if I can find any data about mobility sector in Tunisia or data about multinational corporations that exists in Tunisia",,,,,,2022-12-20 11:37:21 zqnala,,1,twitter may7bch yraj3lly ll account mat3i zabourom elon musk w les règles twitter jdida .,,,,,,,2022-12-20 12:34:29 zqngep,,60,Nobody: ---. CAD technicians in Tunisia:,,,,,,,2022-12-20 12:41:53 zqpdkw,,12,resources to learn tunisian tamazigh dialect,"hello, i was wondering if anyone had a resource or where I can learn a Tunisian dialect of Amazigh. Not particularly bothered about which one, thanks! PS: i know a lot of people on this sub have some weird misplaced problem with any discussion on amazigh culture, but leave it out of this post please. i am just asking for resources from anyone who can help, or any info on this topic! thanks",,,,,,2022-12-20 14:04:16 zqqyo3,,1,anyone knows a driving school in tunis with a clio populaire ?,,,,,,,2022-12-20 15:14:04 zqr045,,1,anyone knows a driving school in tunis with a clio populaire?,Title + if uk prices that'd help,,,,,,2022-12-20 15:15:41 zqt9i8,,6,soo m getting a puppy ( beglian malinois),"nheb naref el dressage kadeh yetkalef a peu pres ( zone ariana ) rit centre k9 sur facebook anyone sent their dog there before ( is the environment clean and pro ?) and how much did it cost u please",,,,,,2022-12-20 16:50:04 zqu1su,,2,coffee place for a first date,"i'm looking for a nice coffee place for a first date, cozy and calm so we can talk.. zone menzah, manar, not Lac",,,,,,2022-12-20 17:21:17 zqulus,,1,pls guys shkoun ynajem yekhouli article men aliexpress ??,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-20 17:43:59 zquqdr,$titre=تعرف-على-سرحان-الناصري-المرشح-للدور-الثاني-في-صفاقس-الغربية,1,تعرف على سرحان الناصري المرشح للدور الثاني في صفاقس الغربية,,,,,,,2022-12-20 17:49:01 zquw1g,,2,about getting article from abord,نحب ناخو حاجة من سيت علي اكسبرس و ماعنديش ماستركردبش نخلص نجمش نلقى شكون يعاوني .,,,,,,2022-12-20 17:55:19 zqvdyd,,10,ال Designer في تونس🥹🥺,,,,,,,2022-12-20 18:15:04 zqyajb,,1,علاش قتلوا حشاد وخلاو بورقيبة حي ؟,,,,,,,2022-12-20 20:10:31 zqymqk,,3,Tunisia: Low turn out recorded in first legislative vote since parliament dissolution,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-20 20:24:19 zr0xgh,,7,انتهى زمن الكٌنّش و السِجل المُسطّر و المُرقّم والجُذاذات . مرحبا بعصر المَحامل الالكترونية وجهاز الكمبيوتر ولوحة المفاتيح .,,,,,,,2022-12-20 21:55:27 zr0zng,حسب_رايك_هل_لازم_نتبعو_العادات_و_التقاليد_ولا/,0,حسب رايك هل لازم نتبعو العادات و التقاليد ولا نصنعو لرواحنا حاجة جديدة ؟," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-20 21:58:00 zr1p4x,,6,"I can't verify my Tunisian number on the open ai platform, does anyone here have the same issue?",,,,,,,2022-12-20 22:25:38 zr2pol,,1,Empty bars in Sousse,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-20 23:06:48 zr3hr5,,9,"I know this is really weird, ama chanj3ouna w check us out 🙏🏽",,,,,,,2022-12-20 23:38:26 zr4cyg,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:14:39 zr4fwp,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:17:54 zr4kp7,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:21:32 zr4pab,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:25:24 zr4v6d,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:31:11 zr4zo8,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:34:51 zr54cu,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:38:46 zr5c5a,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:45:32 zr5kj2,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 00:52:36 zr5vub,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 01:05:14 zr6383,,1,Ethereum Name Service Free Airdrop,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 01:13:42 zr76gn,/r/francophonie/comments/zr75tz/tunisie_nouvelle_crise_politique_à_lhorizon/,1,TUNISIE : nouvelle crise politique à l'horizon ?,,,,,,,2022-12-21 02:02:23 zr7dwn,/r/francophonie/comments/zr7d8d/tunisie_la_tunisie_dans_lincertitude_après_le/,1,TUNISIE – La Tunisie dans l'incertitude après le fiasco des législatives,,,,,,,2022-12-21 02:11:40 zreegt,,6,Tunisian Arabic pronunciation,"Hi r/Tunisia! I am supposed to say a few words in Tunisian to a Tunisian colleague and need some help because I'm relying on Google Translate > I cannot speak tunisian arabic. > I'm sorry. It is very hard. > Please laugh now, so everyone thinks I said something funny. Which Google translates to: > لا أستطيع التحدث باللغة العربية التونسية. > أنا آسف. > صعب جدآ. > من فضلك اضحك الآن ، لذلك يعتقد الجميع أنني قلت شيئًا مضحكًا. or westernized: > la 'astatie altahaduth biallughat alearabiat altuwnusiati. > 'ana asfu. saeb juda. > min fadlik adhik alan , lidhalik yaetaqid aljamie 'anani qult shyyan mdhkan. Does this look right? Any guidance on pronunciation? Can I just parrot [Google's translation](",,,,,,2022-12-21 08:17:19 zrfkkf,,44,Found this study of tunisian population haplogroups by region,"I hope this helps the people who are still not sure about their ancestors in Tunisia. As you can see the only region with predominant middle eastern haplogroup is Wesletia which is in Kairouan the islamic capital. I know this is a sensitive topic I hope it doesn’t spark debate. If someone is interested i can send them the source",,,,,,2022-12-21 09:29:13 zrg30w,,2,Tunisia election board edges vote turnout up to 11 percent,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 10:00:53 zrhci5,,1,anyone tried ooredoo's super box? and if they are still on sell?,"Just title, plz & ty",,,,,,2022-12-21 11:16:04 zrhp1r,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:35:04 zrhqpo,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:36:10 zrhtek,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:38:00 zrhy2x,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:41:05 zri5ko,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:45:58 zri9z1,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:49:03 zrierg,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:52:27 zriirh,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:55:15 zrijqu,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:56:00 zrioxs,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 11:59:32 zritpi,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:02:28 zriyha,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:05:41 zrj3sl,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:09:24 zrjf5b,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:18:00 zrjg9s,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:18:50 zrjlae,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:22:50 zrjyx3,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:33:25 zrjznp,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:33:58 zrk4q3,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:37:48 zrkb2j,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:42:40 zrkbbd,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:42:53 zrkgus,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:48:01 zrkhe6,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:48:26 zrknkb,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:52:52 zrkquf,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:55:15 zrkt1h,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 12:56:53 zrkyxe,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 13:01:03 zrl1gy,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 13:02:54 zrlb76,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 13:10:05 zrlchn,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 13:10:58 zrlmq6,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 13:18:42 zrlvpt,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 13:25:27 zrmjmk,هل_سيارة_الاسعاف_مجانية_في_تونس/,12,هل سيارة الاسعاف مجانية في تونس,title,,,,,,2022-12-21 13:42:20 zrmpk5,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 13:46:44 zrmti3,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 13:49:40 zrnajm,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:03:23 zrncdj,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:04:54 zrnj87,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:10:20 zrntqb,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:21:59 zro4rc,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:30:21 zro8pj,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:33:37 zroaqo,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:34:56 zrog0b,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:37:24 zrolao,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:40:25 zrowsx,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:48:55 zrp3n5,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:53:31 zrp71y,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 14:55:51 zrpk6e,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:04:21 zrpsq3,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:10:00 zrpwh3,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:12:11 zrpzan,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:13:57 zrq8fs,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:19:31 zrqdxf,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:22:55 zrqh0z,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:24:54 zrqm4h,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:28:04 zrqnm6,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:29:00 zrr1ng,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:37:49 zrr8o1,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:42:22 zrrfye,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:47:05 zrrj27,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:49:06 zrrogq,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:52:33 zrrx6p,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:58:14 zrrzm2,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 15:59:54 zrs6qe,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 16:04:19 zrs8gw,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 16:05:23 zrsg0q,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 16:10:34 zrsojn,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 16:16:19 zrspmp,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 16:17:06 zrsuz2,ملخص_بيان_المكتب_التنفيذي_الصادر_عن_اتحاد_الشغل/,2,ملخص بيان المكتب التنفيذي الصادر عن اتحاد الشغل اليوم 21 ديمسبر 2022,"* المكتب التنفيذي للإتحاد العام التونسي للشغل يسجل التدني الكبير لنسبة المشاركة في الانتخابات مما يفقدها مصداقيتها و نزاهتها و يعتبرها مسارا لا شعبيا و لا ديمقراطيا في سبيل تكريس الحكم الفردي * يدين الاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل توجه الحكومة الى صندوق النقد الدولي و مواصلة اغراق البلاد في القروض و رهنها للراسمال الامبريالي * و يدين قرارات التسخير و الممطالة في الاستجابة لمطالب الشغالين و تلكئ حكومة بودن في تطبيق الاتفاقيات * الإتحاد العام التونسي للشغل يحذر من تضمن قانون المالية لإجراءات لا إجتماعية و لا شعبية تستهدف اجور العمال و الموظفين و قوت الشعب * الاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل يؤكد انه سيلعب دوره الوطني وفق اهداف وطنية واضحة و خريطة طريق مضبوطة * &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-12-21 16:20:45 zrsxjq,,0,almost 10 years,,,,,,,2022-12-21 16:22:34 zrsyxb,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live. 800 NFTs for the first 800 people.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 16:23:33 zrtguj,,1,tourism in 🇹🇳,,,,,,,2022-12-21 16:35:41 zrtimu,,2,I wanted to ask what are the best tourist attractions in Tunis as I am planning to come soon there,,,,,,,2022-12-21 16:36:57 zrtja1,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 16:37:24 zru15b,,3,arcade games in sfax,"Hey guys, I am taking my girlfriend out and she loves playing arcade games, I have been looking for a place that has them in sfax. Any chance someone could point me out to where I can find some? Thx",,,,,,2022-12-21 16:55:34 zrurcb,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 500 Free NFTs for first 500 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 17:22:19 zruxsn,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 500 Free NFTs for first 500 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 17:26:25 zrv1pc,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 500 Free NFTs for first 500 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 17:28:55 zrvvma,,14,Where would one seek help in this situation ?,"If a Tunisian citizen goes through police brutality (almost killed), where would this person need to go to seek help if they can't afford lawyers ? I even thought about one of those TV shows but I don't watch TV and not familiar with how any of that would work. Why post on reddit you might ask ? => because of despair and the mind hits a point where rationality is not longer present.",,,,,,2022-12-21 18:01:49 zrwn2h,,0,How it started vs. how it’s going,,,,,,,2022-12-21 18:31:59 zrwvcp,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 500 Free NFTs for first 500 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 18:37:49 zrx047,,1,Rolls Royce is Airdropping 500 Free NFTs for first 500 People To Claim It.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 18:40:39 zrypd6,,1,لولاد بلاهي شنية أحسن connection في تونس بخلاف TopNet. ماذابيا VDSL موش ADSL,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 19:45:05 zrywkf,,0,TopNet Alternatives..,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-21 19:52:29 zrzf3q,,1,is there a way to buy sex toys (specifically a butt plug) in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-12-21 20:11:21 zrzg9q,,33,"Habib Bourguiba, alors en résidence surveillée sur l’île de Groix (Bretagne), plaisante avec deux vieilles dames, 1954.",,,,,,,2022-12-21 20:12:38 zrzl0p,,2,Darkweb tn,De we have that ?,,,,,,2022-12-21 20:17:43 zrzs5d,,2,best internet provider apart from Topnet??,preferably VDSL not ADSL.,,,,,,2022-12-21 20:25:04 zrzyft,,2,Forum Economique de la Francophonie Djerba - 21 Novembre 2022 Sessions Pleinières 1 et 2,,,,,,,2022-12-21 20:31:30 zs0ioo,,0,Ariana 😍,,,,,,,2022-12-21 20:52:48 zs1h7w,,1,Learning Tunisian arabic,"Aslema! Are there any apps or websites to learn Tunisian? Similar to Duolingo. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-12-21 21:28:27 zs21f8,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 21:49:40 zs25yb,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 21:53:03 zs2gz5,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:03:44 zs2hfi,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:04:04 zs2k2e,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:05:36 zs2kkt,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:05:52 zs2n1c,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:07:09 zs2nl1,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:07:24 zs2oi1,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:07:55 zs2pgk,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:08:25 zs2ssm,,1,Get A free $750 Cash App Card! See if you qualify below!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:10:37 zs3xbo,اعتقال_المدير_العام_لأكبر_بورصة_افتراضية_أمريكية/,1,اعتقال المدير العام لأكبر بورصة افتراضية أمريكية,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:42:49 zs46bx,,1,where can I buy US Playstation gift cards?,I only found French ones,,,,,,2022-12-21 22:52:13 zs49lq,,1,are italians racist against tunisians?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-21 22:55:45 zs7sfo,,1,is the pw-49 motorcycle good?,"Am thinking about getting a new motorcycle . I have 3000 dt and as there's no much of a choice in the market, am thinking about getting the ""pw-49"" , so if anyone here knows about bikes and can tell me if it is worth , if not , why ?",,,,,,2022-12-22 01:15:06 zs9egy,,1,2023 الاستدامة في المملكة العربية السعودية ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا Board Sustainabilty,,,,,,,2022-12-22 02:24:24 zseqcm,,1,headphone recommendation,"hello everyone , looking for overear headphones recommendations for gym ,thankyou",,,,,,2022-12-22 06:34:29 zshgnx,,1,Travel group in Tunisia,"Hello community, Are there travel groups in Tunisia to go with like wantotrip but cheaper. I don't like voyage organisé too boring. My main destination are turkey and middle east.",,,,,,2022-12-22 09:03:56 zshk7j,,48,'It is a duty towards society to have children' % that agree,,,,,,,2022-12-22 09:09:35 zsio0x,,0,making a sub for nonreligious Tunisians,"I'm not Tunisian myself but since I saw multiple irreligious subs like exEgypt exsudan exsyria and it's kinda a weird that Tunisia doesn't have one so yeah who likes the idea Edit [EXTUNISA ]( If you want to be a mod dm me [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-22 10:15:14 zsjf0t,,2,can I find natural traditional lipstick that is inside ceramic?,"I'm going to tunisia for the 5th time in January, and my sister asked me this. But it was a tik tok of objects from Morocco.",,,,,,2022-12-22 10:59:27 zsjhdb,,2,products I want in Tunisia where to find them?,"I want to get black seed oil, and traditional perfume. How much DT do these cost? I'm not Tunisian I'm spanish",,,,,,2022-12-22 11:02:32 zsju1e,,0,how tf 90% of this country looks like this compared to other countries yet all the architects/intellectuals are leaving and all ppl care about is islam and a game of kicking balls 😐,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-22 11:22:58 zsk6vu,,10,Nheb nkarer min taw,"Une Élève fil 9 eme année. Mouch arfa chnowa nheb natlaa nhar e5er ama ena mil naw3 li y5atet lkol chey 3ala bikri bich nalka rouhi mnathma. Li habit neselou howa al les spécialités li fil 2 eme année secondaire, o chnowa motatalibethom (barcha math wala barcha science etc) o finalement chnowa najem ne5dem bkol wahda . Et merci",,,,,,2022-12-22 11:43:44 zsknep,,2,Creatine in Tunisia,Where can I get good quality creatine in Tunisia guys and thank you 😊,,,,,,2022-12-22 12:09:11 zslbq0,,27,هل تعلم ان رغم امتلاكه لـ 16 شركة تنشط في مجالات المقاولات والسياحة والخدمات والحديد وغيرها، يقدّم رجل الأعمال ماهر شعبان نفسه إلى مصالح الجباية التونسية على أنه عامل يومي.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-22 12:47:30 zsll7q,,2,Travel to Germany from Tunisia with a Business VISA for pleasure,"Hey Everyone, So , i applied for a business VISA for Germany based on my contract ( in which i work with a german company remotely ) , and i have received a type C visa for 2 months , and i wanted to travel to germany using the business visa for pleasure , for around 5 days and then go back , i'm i allowed to do so ? what i mean is that will the customs in germany know if my visa is a business VISA or not , since it's mentioned no where on the VISA printed on my passport ? Any help would be appreciated , thank you",,,,,,2022-12-22 13:01:50 zslrc6,,14,Why are some religious people on this sub butthurt,"Seriously. I'm talking about people that get offended by the very mentioning of atheism, agnosticism, or mentioning exmuslims or mentioning flaws/dangers of islam. Grow the fuck up. We're a country that's been known for its cultural acceptance for hundreds of years. Why are we becoming very egocentric and offensive? Why Tunisia, a symbol of peace and multiculturalism, is becoming like this? You see someone making a statement about Islam, leave him be. He has his opinion and you have yours. If you have an argument, then discuss it. If you only have insults or lack of respect, then shut you whore mouth.",,,,,,2022-12-22 13:10:46 zsm8qx,,7,When will the Bardo Museum reopen?,"My significant other and I have been telling each other for a long time that one year we will visit Tunisia and the Bardo museum; a few months ago we decided that this year we would visit Tunisia. I just learned that it’s presently close; does anyone have any idea when or if it will reopen? Thanks.",,,,,,2022-12-22 13:36:15 zsmbx3,,4,"ye5i eli bech y3adiw bac candidat libre ya9raw Python wala Pascal? (cho3bet SVT, 3amnewl 3ami el theni fel bac w 3adi Pascal)","Btw, it feels kinda weird the fact that I registered in November and now it's nothing until the exams date, lol. Mafamech 7ata awra9, 7atchay? jst el récu li 5dhitou w nemchi n3adi bih toul f juin?",,,,,,2022-12-22 13:41:02 zsmume,,0,what economic system do you lean to?,"by ""any type"" i mean it doesn't have to be a specific type of capitalism/socialism (like pure capitalism ,it can be capitalism with some welfare programs) or only a certain communist ideology. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-22 14:05:40 zsnm7i,,1,Some street art that I do ^^,,,,,,,2022-12-22 14:40:55 zsnrpv,,0,شكايةُ الجَمَلِ للنبيِّ محمدٍ ﷺ 👈كُلُّهُ بقدرةِ اللهِ تعالى، فَصَلُّوا على رسولِ اللهِ.ﷺ,,,,,,,2022-12-22 14:48:00 zsnsg8,,1,Orange fix box ping spikes problem,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-22 14:48:55 zsnvfg,,1,Street art work,,,,,,,2022-12-22 14:52:41 zso9mk,ʖ/,4,How to get wood? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),"I'm into woodworking and really don't know where i can buy a small amount of wood planks from. I also don't want to go to a carpenter because that's not his job. Area: Grand Tunis. Sorry for the click bait title.",,,,,,2022-12-22 15:09:58 zsobgz,,7,% of people who think one of their main goals in life is to make their parents proud,,,,,,,2022-12-22 15:12:15 zsopul,,2,TBS bachelor of Business Administration with IT Major,"Hey tunisian software engineers and developers who work abroad and in Tunisia and who gain high salaries in this field. What do you think about this degree? Is it worth it in Software engineering? Is it competitive towards an engineer degree graduated from INSAT (GL or RT) ?? Anyone who studied at INSAT or TBS and graduated tell me about the international market please and what you think about it ??",,,,,,2022-12-22 15:29:42 zsoy0x,,5,salem ye jme3a kifeh najem nemchi men tunis centre ville l géant chnouwa najem nakhou transport,w kifeh nrawa7,,,,,,2022-12-22 15:39:05 zsp52l,,1,hotels in tunisia: would there be issues if you rent two hotel rooms for you and your gf and then sneak in one together?!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-22 15:47:00 zsp6e1,,0,hotels in tunisia: would there be issues if you rent two hotel rooms for you and your gf and then sneak in one together?!,I don't even have a gf.. I'm just curious if this is a viable loophole?,,,,,,2022-12-22 15:48:34 zspkqp,,2,Those sketchy massage parlor facebook accounts,Did someone try to contact them or to call them on the phone number they put on their Facebook page ? They put suggestive photos and I think it's bright light prostitution.,,,,,,2022-12-22 16:04:24 zsqv2t,,2,Did Morocco Steal Western Sahara from the Sahrawi People? & What do you think if Tunisia's support for Western Sahara?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-22 16:57:04 zsrg00,,1,Receiving money from abroad,"So I operate a few social media accounts that have grown enough for me to be able to make some money off of them. Question is, how on earth can I receive money f tounes :(. Win ma ndour I'm told I need an international credit card/bank account which I don't have. I also don't have any relatives abroad that can help me get my hands on an international debit/credit card. Thanks for ur help :).",,,,,,2022-12-22 17:19:36 zsslk6,,1,fix box orange ping spikes, Hey guys andi 2ans nistamel f fix box orange fih problem kif yitsamlou Maya chkoun ywali andi ping spikes Mel 60 lel 500 every second mal9itech hall braby Eli andou solution y9oli.. W haseb ma9rit El mochkla Mel modem kif ywazz3 El packet akther men device 1 yodkhel bathou najem nekhou router ekher rakbou alyh? Walah tharit bel 25gb w fixbox every month.. :(,,,,,,2022-12-22 18:05:37 zstzyh,,1,Best place to look for basic laptops for personal use,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-22 19:04:16 zsu36v,,5,lezmni nedfa3 taxes lel USA malgre ena tounsi?,"Salem ya jme3a! ena aabed walit intrested in dropshipping b shopify ama lkit mochkla fi taxes. hal ena suppose nedfa3 wala w hal ena lezm aalia ykoun aandi sales liscense (bech nbi3 lel USA) houwa aandi chkoun fi Canada ama mnaarch ynajm y3awni wala w zid mn7bch nkather aalih. eli yaarf please 3awni!!",,,,,,2022-12-22 19:08:08 zsv3r0,,3,Debating the existence of God,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-22 19:51:20 zsw2zq,,1,I seriously wanna kill myself how the fuck do you get away from this fucking dumbass country.. like do I have to start saving up and money will help me? I already have an alright CV at 18 years old,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-22 20:33:21 zsw5ig,,0,I seriously wanna kill myself I can't stand waking up another day in this country how tf do u get the fuck out I already have an alright CV at 18 like does saving up money from now can lead me to it? I'm so fucking exhausted I'm working so hard towards it yet it still looks like a summer child dream,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-22 20:36:15 zsxcm3,,1,Chabeb Aawnou Khoukom,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-22 21:27:29 zszp2x,,2,Visiting the capital,"hey guys i'm planning to visit tunis(downtown-sidi bou said...) this week with 2 foreign friends ,i'm just asking if using gps or google maps useful or nah,. thanks for help",,,,,,2022-12-22 23:06:01 zt03tz,,1,Get a Free $750 Cash-App Card! See if you are eligible!,,,,,,,2022-12-22 23:21:29 zt0dl5,,1,Get a Free $750 Cash-App Card! See if you are eligible!,,,,,,,2022-12-22 23:29:30 zt2ado,,2,Is there any web developer or studying it right intentionally and serious about,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-23 00:56:42 zt3651,,2,How much cash should I bring in Tunis?,Hey. I and my two friends are visiting Tunis and will be there for 2 weeks. How much money should we take with us? And which currency would be the best to take for exchange?,,,,,,2022-12-23 01:40:15 zt5th2,,1,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-12-23 04:00:11 zt7zfd,,1,"Street art work by me, any feedback or constrctive critism is appreciated",,,,,,,2022-12-23 06:03:46 zt8wyh,,0,IMO Gerard Butler is the only perfect match to play Hannibal Barca in a movie,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-12-23 07:00:53 zt947y,,1,"dropshopping "" plusbase"" platform w fiha local bank payout",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 07:13:35 zt9iqg,ën_celysee/,3,"Car enthusiasts, peugeot 301 or Citroën C-elysee?","I'm in the market for a used car with a budget of 20M or so. I'm interested in the opinion of people who know of these cars or who preferably own or owned them previously. What are their common problems? Why are they so cheap compared to other cars in their segment? Which one would you recommend out of the two? If none, what car would you recommend for that budget? I'd love to hear your guys opinion on this 😄",,,,,,2022-12-23 07:40:52 ztaor2,,1,When a Tunisian father is in charge of the road lights,,,,,,,2022-12-23 08:56:31 ztbo1j,,1,"Tunisia: 23 Constituencies Not Concerned By Legislative Runoff, Says Mnasri",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-23 10:00:48 ztbzj9,,1,"If I order from """" or """" does it deliver to my home or not. Because when I create my account they asks me for an address and in addition it is written that they delivers in Tunisia.",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 10:21:07 ztc19z,,3,Does Amazon deliver to your home or not ?,"When I order from """" or """" does it deliver to my home or not. Because when I create my account they asks me for an address and in addition it is written that they delivers in Tunisia.",,,,,,2022-12-23 10:24:04 ztc995,,6,Looking for a psychiatrist,"Hi I’m looking for a psychiatrist in Tunis specialised in obsessive neurosis and anxiety disorders Could you please advise me Thank you all",,,,,,2022-12-23 10:37:50 ztctak,,1,A strong Tunisian trade union requests a delay in the voting,,,,,,,2022-12-23 11:12:29 ztdys0,,1,any good Orthodontist in Grand Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-23 12:21:18 ztf7ae,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 13:26:24 ztfeqn,,1,Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is Airdropping Tokens worth up to 5000$ for the first 1000 People To Claim it.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 13:32:39 ztfk3d,,1,Ethereum Name Service's Token Airdrop is Now Live!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 13:38:59 ztfpx3,,1,Ethereum Name Service's Token Airdrop is Now Live! Worth up to $5000,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 13:43:41 ztfrd0,,1,Ethereum Name Service's Token Airdrop is Now Live! Worth up to $5000!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 13:44:42 ztfv5s,,1,Ethereum Name Service's Token Airdrop is Now Live! Worth up to $5000!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 13:48:10 ztfxs1,,1,Ethereum Name Service's Token Airdrop is Now Live! Worth up to $5000,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 13:49:41 ztgqcb,,1,Ethereum Name Service's Token Airdrop is Now Live! Worth up to $5000!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 14:19:24 ztgvui,,1,Ethereum Name Service's Token Airdrop is Now Live! Worth up to $5000!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 14:22:37 zthdvp,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 14:40:47 zthjn7,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 14:44:12 zthov3,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 14:47:09 zthx0h,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 14:52:01 zti34j,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 14:55:51 ztic24,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 15:01:10 zticsb,,14,What languages do you guys speak more often?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-23 15:01:36 ztihta,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 15:04:49 ztim0v,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 15:08:26 ztiw1s,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 15:15:24 ztj2mj,,0,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 15:19:52 ztj8ty,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 15:25:13 ztjjep,,1,do I need stamp to travel? I've heard that I need to pay 60 dinars to leave the country. and please from where I can get it?,,,,,,,2022-12-23 15:32:56 ztk1pa,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 15:51:39 ztk372,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 15:52:39 ztk7pq,étude_les_tunisiens_sont_de/,0,"Good news! Selon une étude les Tunisiens sont de moins en moins religieux, en particulier les plus jeunes.","[]( We are going in the right direction!",,,,,,2022-12-23 15:55:32 ztkhe5,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 16:01:44 ztkow9,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 16:07:29 ztkvl3,,2,"Linguistic Map of Europe and its surroundings, 2022.",,,,,,,2022-12-23 16:12:24 ztl0wn,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 16:16:25 ztl9yy,,1,Rolls Royce's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 16:23:25 ztlh0x,,3,Travel stamp - does it still exist?,"I've read and heard mixed messages about needing a travel stamp or not to leave the country. I've never been abroad before so I'm not sure about these things, but I'm planning a trip to Turkey and some people have said I'll need to pay 60 dinars at Tunis airport? Some sources say that this stamp was abolished in 2015? Please, do any of you know the truth? Thank you!",,,,,,2022-12-23 16:29:11 ztlna3,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 16:34:11 ztm22o,,0,Tunisian Pepe Frog,"Hey guys, I’m looking for a pepe frog meme but Tunisian’s version. Who has one please? I don’t find any on Internet. 3ayshkom🥳",,,,,,2022-12-23 16:46:17 ztmqgn,,1,Ferrari's new NFT collection is Live! 800 NFTs for the first 800 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 17:13:12 ztmzuq,جمعية_متطوعون_تنظم_ورشة_للكتابة/,1,جمعية متطوعون تنظم ورشة للكتابة,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 17:20:17 ztn3wx,,1,Balenciaga's new NFT collection is Live! 2022 NFTs for the first 2022 people!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 17:23:23 ztni3b,,1,Get a free $750 CashApp Card! New Cash App Hack Method! Only 72 left,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 17:36:36 ztnpn3,,1,Get a free $750 CashApp Card! New Cash App Hack Method! Only 72 left,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 17:40:27 ztnu7v,ïd_aware_of_his_failure_on_all_fronts/,8,Is Kais Saïd aware of his failure on all fronts?,"The president's popularity has dropped, but does he know it? Or does he still believe that he is beloved and that the problems he is encountering are the consequence of a plot against him?",,,,,,2022-12-23 17:42:56 ztnxmn,,1,Get a free $750 CashApp Card! New Cash App Hack Method! Only 72 left,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 17:44:53 zto64s,,1,Get a free $750 CashApp Card! New Cash App Hack Method! Only 72 left,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 17:49:51 ztodmt,,1,إياكَ وإهانةَ زوجتِكَ الكريمةِ👈 رفقاً رفقاً بالقوارير 📲 لحالة الواتسأب | الشيخ محمد أصلان,,,,,,,2022-12-23 17:59:11 ztp4xp,,15,Are Tunisians living an identity crisis?,"I see many conflicting opinions about what being tunisian is, many argue that we're arabs since we speak arabic, others say we're north african/amazigh . what do you think ?",,,,,,2022-12-23 18:31:34 ztplep,,2,What's the one advice you will give your son/daughter someday?,"i will tell him to carry a knife as ""plan b""",,,,,,2022-12-23 18:51:57 ztq156,,0,why no one cares that the country is going to shit?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-23 19:10:40 ztrzt7,,1,No to maths,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-23 20:37:16 ztscpy,,1,How can i pay for an Audible membership in Tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-12-23 20:53:34 ztse1d,,1,How can i pay for Audible membership in 🇹🇳?,Im wondering if there is a service that pays for me and i pay in tnd.,,,,,,2022-12-23 20:55:17 ztsnjc,,41,who agrees with me,,,,,,,2022-12-23 21:07:06 ztt6gt,المدعو_قيس_سعيد_لقى_الحل_لمشكلة_الحليب/,2,المدعو قيس سعيد لقى الحل لمشكلة الحليب,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 21:30:33 ztthid,,34,Kelibia is gorgeous,,,,,,,2022-12-23 21:44:14 ztve3j,,10,Better luck next time (2026) boys & girls!,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-23 23:08:33 ztvj1s,,0,Tunisian onlyfans,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 23:14:39 ztvwd5,,1,Anyone from Sousse?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-23 23:31:35 ztvy61,,7,Anyone from Sousse?,"Hi everyone. Sorry in advance, I know this is a weird ask and low chances but I guess I can't lose anything by trying. I am trying to find someone from my past that l've lost contact with about 10 years ago, before social media became a big thing where I am from. However because it was so long ago, I only know that his first name is Mehdi. I have pictures and bracelets, but back in the day we were children so I don't have much more information to give out. only know he is older than me (22) so perhaps 23-26 | guess, from Sousse and trained football in the football club Etoile Sportive du Sahel. If you are from Sousse, or trained football in this club please send me a message if this reminds you of anyone you might know. In any case, thank you for taking the time to read this and I wish you all the best in life.",,,,,,2022-12-23 23:33:58 ztxhr4,,1,Appearance and grooming on job interviews in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-24 00:48:48 ztxwcs,,1,Asking for clarification !,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-24 01:08:52 zty8o4,,1,Asking for clarification!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-24 01:25:51 zu1bqi,,3,Can a democratic regime be applicable in Tunisia?,"Okay hear me out: - The west, after hundreds of years of trial and error, have come up with their idea of a good regime, which is a democratic regime that respects individuals and grants freedom to all people. It mainly consists of the choice of the political leaders by the people. These nations are also highly educated. The whole population is well educated meaning that their choice in elections is somewhat an educated one, meaning less frauds are getting into the political scene. - On the other hand, we are a nation that is part of a group of nations that never tried any form of freedom in the last few hundred years. Plus we are among the least educated people on earth. Our educational system is one of the worst, and education is not even accessible to everyone. Studies after primary school are becoming a luxury. The majority of the people are not properly educated. Above all of this, we are dirt poor. A fucking economical and intellectual distaster we are. In the last few years, we've discovered that democracy, as beautiful as it sounds, may not after all be applicable on our country. Why? Whether you like it or not, we are a population that is ignorant and hungry. We simply cannot form a legitimate opinion on a political problem. Let me give you a small example: Imagine you are very hungry and desperate, lost in a village that you don't know. You find many people that you don't know that have food, and that are willing to give you some. You are excited to finally get food, but these people, as a return, want you to do favors for them. As you don't know these people, you are simply ignorant to their bad intentions, as they are asking returns that may be dangerous for you. But you're desperate, hungry, and can't make a reasonable choice. They are literally exploiting your weakness and ignorance. You'll never do a rational choice. This is exactly what we, as a population, are experiencing in my opinion. We simply cannot be given the choice as we are not mentally and physiologically healthy. We are dangerous to ourselves. You don't let your 3-year old decide for his future. On the other hand, going back to dictatorship would make us more ignorant and hungry. What's the solution? Can you suggest a good political model that can be applied? Even some ideas, not some sciences po shit. Please discuss respectfully. And please do not suggest a religious solution on the matter, nor discuss any religious opinion. Thank you.",,,,,,2022-12-24 04:09:04 zu3g73,,0,Can I msg somebody who was or is in tunisia military?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-24 06:13:07 zu559v,,0,A strong Tunisian trade union requests a delay in the voting,,,,,,,2022-12-24 08:02:25 zu5wa6,,1,Billehi chkoun yaaref 7asb ta9rib El kg Zayed fel baggage 9addeh?,,,,,,,2022-12-24 08:53:52 zu6ua6,,1,Tunisia set for runoffs after low turnout parliamentary elections | Elections News,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-24 10:01:04 zu78ld,,0,"the west has won in its intended plan of ideological, moral, and ethical deconstruction of Tunisia. Change my mind.","The plan have always been to end sovereign Nationalism in all the world ( via Globalism - Humanism) not just our Tunisia. We're witnessing the end of ""classic"" Tunisia as we know it, and most of the Tunisian left: deconstructionist post modern neo-marxists(not just politicians, ""chroniqueurs"", journalists, artists,...even here on reddit) are all responsible. Ps. : Once again ya boi wassupstardust is gonna get hugely downvoted or banned as usual",,,,,,2022-12-24 10:30:12 zu7bnd,/r/francophonie/comments/zu762g/tunisie_le_parti_ennahdha_secoué_par_une_vague/,0,TUNISIE : le parti Ennahdha secoué par une vague d'arrestations,,,,,,,2022-12-24 10:36:32 zu7ojr,,4,What do you guys think about private schools?,"Is there somethings worth noting about private elementary/high schools vs Public in tunisia, and what do you think about them. [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-24 11:02:43 zu7uak,,1,is there a melatonin supplement and what’s its name in the pharmacy,i havent been sleeping well and i need melatonin supplements what’s the name of it in tunisian pharmacies and how much is it,,,,,,2022-12-24 11:14:26 zu8efw,,2,aliexpress in tunisia,"Hi everyone , does anybody knows how can i buy from aliexpress or amazon from tunisia",,,,,,2022-12-24 11:55:48 zu8mwh,,8,no to maths,,,,,,,2022-12-24 12:11:42 zu8pzk,,14,Maze's Randomness," Hellooo everyone, I am Maze (Mazen), Long story short, I ve been job hunting for more than 6 months, and it started getting into my head, and started talking to the wall. I made a tiny tiny youtube channel where I just talk about random topics (kinda like a podcast but a million times smaller) I would realllly appreciate it if you have a look and give me your feedback and your constructive critism. Also any topic ideas would be a huge favor. [](",,,,,,2022-12-24 12:17:31 zu8tg5,,1,Yo any idea if it's legal to ship magic mushroom grow kit to tunisia ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-24 12:24:01 zu8uzx,,0,Magic mushroom,"Yo guys! Any idea if it's legal to ship magic mushroom grow kit to tunisia ?",,,,,,2022-12-24 12:26:55 zu9lbt,,3,Is Spotify here?,"Just only this morning I have received an SMS from Orange that I can get subscribed to Spotify premium by paying 16.5 dt for the first 2 months, I went to one of Orange boutiques 2 hrs ago to pay my internet bill and I asked them about it, they confirmed they knew shit about it Here is the link to it:",,,,,,2022-12-24 13:13:34 zua93e,,1,why's everyone writing in English here? 😂,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-24 13:52:31 zuaaeo,,32,why's everyone writing in english here? 😂,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-24 13:54:42 zuasmi,,3,African Romance/Latin,"Did you guys Know that back in the day we had our own romance language?! It's called african romance",,,,,,2022-12-24 14:22:24 zuawyl,,9,I made HANDMADE Vinyl Records for my album," I pressed a single record of the album"" Just More"" and waited for it to be shipped to Tunisia. I then used this original record as a mold to create many handmade records, using a variety of materials and techniques. The covers for the records were made from cardboard and painted cloth using acrylics, giving each one a unique and artistic look. - Nizar13 instagram: nizxr13 spotify: Nizar13 I AM TRYNA CHANGE HOW HIP-HOP IS PRECIVED IN TUNISIA AND BREAK THE LIMITS OF WHAT AN INDEPENDENT ARTIST CAN DO.",,,,,,2022-12-24 14:29:19 zubfjr,,8,so true,,,,,,,2022-12-24 14:57:31 zuc55y,,1,Any reviews regarding,"I want to buy some nutritional supplements but I'm hesitant as the website seems a bit sketchy. If anybody has used it before, can you describe your experiences? How's the shipping handled and do they deliver it at your door or do you have to pick it up from the post office?",,,,,,2022-12-24 15:34:00 zuctlv,,0,i see him everyday,,,,,,,2022-12-24 16:09:24 zud9k8,,14,New real estate tax,"Literally the only thing that’s left investing in tunisia now if you own a bunch of real estates that worth more than 3 million dinars you have to pay 0,5% of every real estate that you own to the fucking government For How long does this country intends to milk us ? And fo what ? For absolutely shit roads shit infrastructure shit security and shit leadership The only thing that’s left good and easy in this country which were real estate is now gone",,,,,,2022-12-24 16:31:55 zudyeg,طلب_الغوث_لنصرة_التراث_التونسي/,0,طلب الغوث لنصرة التراث التونسي,# رويداً يا أبناء الخضراء. ها أنا ذا اخاطبكم بالغة العربية. نصفي الأول أمازيغي ونصفي الآخر عربي. فمن أنا؟ ما هو أصلي؟ ألا يمكنكم يا أصحابي أن تتأملوا ولو قليلا في حالي؟ أوّاه يا أصحابي، فقد كثر من يعزم على تقسيمي إلى قسمين. فعَجَجْت إلى اللَّه بالدّعاء ليخفف عني. من قبلهم الزَلَل يأتينا كاِشمِئزازهم من ما هو عربي أو أمازيغي. فبأي تراث يريدون إستبدال تاريخنا؟ هل من دواء لكي تبرء قلوبهم وتستنير عقولهم؟ وللمنادى يَا أصحابي، فأنا الأن مسَلِّما نفسي لمن هداه ربنا بحكمة تلهمنا بتراثنا.,,,,,,2022-12-24 17:06:31 zuea05,,13,"No, Tunisia is not ok, please stop asking",,,,,,,2022-12-24 17:22:09 zueqyf,,1,What's your naughtiest confession for 2022?,,,,,,,2022-12-24 17:45:19 zuerex,,6,What's your naughtiest confession for 2022?,"title Edit: People giving free insults for no or whatever reason need serious therapy. I'm also wondering where are the mods in this sub.",,,,,,2022-12-24 17:46:01 zuf33d,الطاقة_الشمسية_في_تونس/,6,الطاقة الشمسية في تونس,"شكون عندو فكرة على برامج دعم إستغلال الطاقة الشمسية في تونس (كمستهلك مش كباعث مشروع). سمعت إنو ال **ستاج** تاخذ عليك فائض الإنتاج و تنقصو من استهلاكك إذا استهلكت برشة في شهور أخرى، مالقيت عليها شي الحكاية، فما منها؟",,,,,,2022-12-24 18:01:58 zufiiq,,27,relatable,,,,,,,2022-12-24 18:23:06 zufp8h,,1,"I'm tryna take my cat abroad, bilehi chkoun yaaref el procedures w kadeh flous",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-24 18:32:07 zufq6e,,1,"I'm tryna take my cat abroad, bilehi chkoun yaaref el procedures w kadeh flous","I'm tryna take my cat abroad, bilehi chkoun yaaref el procedures w kadeh flous, maybe send me a PM explaining everything you did? I really need this",,,,,,2022-12-24 18:33:28 zugtfe,,1,Good Tunisian Clothing shop?,What do you advise? Mabrouk used to produce good quality clothes but I think now it is only selling Women clothes. Which store do you recommend for good quality clothes,,,,,,2022-12-24 19:26:44 zugy3o,,30,Why is there so much litter in Tunisia?,"It seems that there is an unusually high amount of trash on the streets in Tunisia. I’ve travelled to many developing countries(Uzbekistan, Indonesia, South Africa, etc.) and Tunisia seemed to have a worse littering problem than those. Why is that? Do the people not care? Or are trash collection services not reliable? PS I’m not trying to offend anyone from Tunisia, I’m just curious about the trash problem. I loved my trip to Tunisia and hope to return. The people, architecture, and overall vibe was awesome.",,,,,,2022-12-24 19:33:04 zuh9nx,,1,tunis to technopark ghazela,How do I get to technopark ghazela from tunis apart from taxis?,,,,,,2022-12-24 19:49:27 zuinmv,,2,BVMT is a racist,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-24 20:59:38 zujyg1,,1,What does the following mean?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-24 22:04:59 zuk1rd,سفاح_نابل_xd/,1,Looking for a date to watch سفاح نابل xD,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-24 22:09:45 zuknat,,2,What's the easiest way to fly to Belarus?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-24 22:40:51 zulesg,,0,Homosexual living in Tunisia,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-24 23:21:03 zumyqe,,1,what do tunisians consider themselves: arab or berber?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 00:47:16 zurnnq,,0,guys i fucked up.. i need help,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-25 05:41:01 zus8mc,,1,Thoughts ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 06:19:59 zusi6g,,1,Thoughts ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 06:38:43 zut2xl,هل_تحتفل_بعيد_ملاد_المسيح/,0,هل تحتفل بعيد ملاد المسيح؟," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-25 07:19:45 zuuolm,,1,Wich is better," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-25 09:18:31 zuuwqt,,0,"Some leftist propaganda, maybe it will help someone see the truth",,,,,,,2022-12-25 09:35:37 zuvjxp,,0,Yes,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 10:23:05 zuvsr2,,0,Add this to your Visa application 😂 Sidi Bouzid beauty pageant competition 😂,,,,,,,2022-12-25 10:41:38 zuvxky,,1,"help, I want to buy a new smartphone, withe ±1000 dt, tans7ouni b :","[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-25 10:51:53 zuvycm,,9,"Help, I want to buy a new smartphone, with ±1000 dt, tans7ouni b :"," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-25 10:53:34 zuxc2k,,3,what's up with the body shaming on facebook lately ?,"I hate this type of jokes and the داك خونا jokes.",,,,,,2022-12-25 12:35:09 zuy9sl,,1,the weather acting weird? global warming?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 13:37:47 zuybgr,,45,Photo of the day from Carrefour Algeria 5 liters of oil for 10 TND. Why are the prices crazy high in Tunisia and not neighboring countries?,,,,,,,2022-12-25 13:40:46 zv2jm0,,1,Should I sell my PC ?,"I bought my desktop PC back in summer of 2021 at peak prices.The whole PC costed 5200dt but now a new identical PC is about 4000/4200 dt. Tbh I don't use it much anyways(besides in vacation ofc),when I first bought I thought I would play with a bunch of my friends but that didn't happen and my ping made online games off the table so I'm stuck with pirating offline games. And I didn't partake in the info section so I don't think it has much use for me outside of gaming(especially since I'm 3eme math so I don't have much time for gaming/using the PC) How much would you advise me to sell it for If I were to sell it ? And should I sell it and buy a laptop since it will help me in case of transportation (on one hand I will lose a lot of money selling it but on the other head I can't use it for university since it would be a hassle to transport especially if I can make it into another country) I'm thinking maybe I'm overthinking since the excitement of me first buying it has worn off so idk Edit:I'm going to mention the specs for more details on how much I should sell the PC . CPU:AMD RYZEN 5 3600X+CPU FAN(forgot the name,not the one included with the CPU) GPU:RTX 2060 SUPER STORAGE:240GO SSD+ 1 TO HDD POWER SUPPLY:COOLER MASTER 650W +80 BRONZE Monitor:MSI 165HZ 27 inch Mouse: logitech g302 Keyboard:redragon k552 Headset: Redragon h301 Gamepad:MSI GC30 Edit 2: I'm kinda split ,on one hand I would've lost a lot of money by selling it and on the other hand a gaming laptop would be much more for studying if I make it abroad but if I don't make it abroad it wouldn't be that much of a hassle in case of transportation . I'm thinking of selling it in the 3000/3400 dt price range if I were to sell it. Also If I were to sell it,it would be in the near future coz if I were to wait after BAC It would lose more of its value",,,,,,2022-12-25 17:36:02 zv2lqd,,1,Tab3ath flous mel 5areg,"Hello Anyone y3rf chnouwa lzm oumour déclarations fi tounes ki tab3ath flius men un compte vers un compte fi tounes ? Thanks",,,,,,2022-12-25 17:39:06 zv2lw2,,3,Facebook accounts getting hacked within the last week,"So many of my friends facebook accounts along with accs of people that i don't know well are getting logged in into from different devices that don't belong to them , and they also received text messages indicating someone tried to log in , has anyone experienced something simillar within the past week? Any idea what's going on? ",,,,,,2022-12-25 17:39:21 zv2qz2,,14,Why there is much jealousy in Tunisia,"Tunisians are so jealous of each other I remember that one time I got a chance and talked about it to someone he started sabotaging me, and this done me many times sometimes you seek help from someone and he starts to sabotage you",,,,,,2022-12-25 17:46:35 zv3gge,,3,Lyrics explanation,"So initially I thought Samara was Moroccan, but I was told in the r/Morocco that he is Tunisian. I have been listening to Samara but I can’t really understand what he’s saying in his songs even after reading the lyrics, so I was hoping for some help to explain Paranoia and Paradise.",,,,,,2022-12-25 18:22:50 zv43q7,,26,Kais Saied in a 1980s Algerian lube oil Commerial,,,,,,,2022-12-25 18:56:06 zv47ex,,2,skiing resorts around the world,"Hello everyone, I need suggestions for the best destinations to try skiing and may be the cheapest as well Is there shops for equipments rental too ? How much approximately it costs ( in the suggested destination) ? Does it need a visa ( depends on the suggested destination) ? Thank you so much in advance",,,,,,2022-12-25 19:01:06 zv4e61,,3,.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 19:10:36 zv4kpg,,1,Need your Help!,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 19:19:29 zv4m04,,21,What are the pink lakes in Sfax?!,,,,,,,2022-12-25 19:21:11 zv4nc1,,0,what do tunisians consider themselves to be: arab or berber?," I'm not tunisian and I want to ask y'all. Do you consider yourselves to be arab or amazigh (berber) ? It would be rude to ask without saying my answer to this question: personally i'm both, dad is berber from the atlas mountains and mom is from arab descent. what abt y'all?",,,,,,2022-12-25 19:23:03 zv4sub,,0,Remote working tips,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-25 19:30:39 zv6fji,,3,Since we are the future of this country I want to know how much are youth interested/involved in politics," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-25 20:53:25 zv6iam,,1,Can phones imported from abroad be used in Tunisia?,"Does the network work in the imported phones, if that is not possible, how do I deal with that ? I want to understand the cause of ' '",,,,,,2022-12-25 20:57:18 zv78uq,,1,Does anyone know where I can get zero-drop/minimalist/barefoot shoes?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 21:34:06 zv7b5a,,2,Does anyone know where I can get zero-drop/minimalist/barefoot shoes,Here is a [video]( showing what they are,,,,,,2022-12-25 21:37:15 zv7bsk,,1,I tried reading religion book/ I tried spirituality/I get jobs and stages every summer begins/ I skip formation for a month because I'm too sad/ I tried be hopeful for a happy life but I'm not excited for anything or want anything from this life. not love not money nothing,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-25 21:38:11 zv8m8z,,1,DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND CLOTHES MANIFACTURES,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 22:41:58 zv9756,,2,concerning the cti,i heard that with a cti you can't spend more then 1000dt a year with the card internationally if you are using for personal use. but can pomeone abroad send me money on that card and if that is possible what are the transaction methods that they can use (like can they use paypal to transfer me money on the cti) and is there a maximum on the money that i can receive,,,,,,2022-12-25 23:11:05 zv9c9b,,1,Does anyone know any clothes manufacturers,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-25 23:18:38 zv9dan,,3,I don't want to get better or anything but I'm too coward to commit suicide and before you Start I tried everything even religion so pls don't start. I simply look forward to nothing and that's alright I just want to let myself go. is there a hospital for this that can diagnose me as mentally ill,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-25 23:20:07 zv9fuv,,1,Does anyone know any clothes manifactures,"DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND CLOTHES MANIFACTURES Hey guys does anyone know any clothes manifactures (a manufacturer that can produce hoodies t-shirts sweatshirts etc) or at least where I can find any manifactures.",,,,,,2022-12-25 23:23:37 zv9j7y,,1,can i have a work contract with my bac degree?,"I'm a university undergrad, finished my studies yet still didn't get my diploma (thesis taking way too long), I've heard that i can't get a civp or cdd contract without a higher education diploma. What kind of contracts am i eligible for",,,,,,2022-12-25 23:28:30 zvbhqk,,1,what are prices for services?,"I'm just going to start asking questions. What's the average cost for a spa treatment? What's the average cost for a haircut? What's the average cost for a sit down restaurant? What's the price of a movie ticket? What's the average price for a 5 star hotel? How much does an employee make a week working at carrefour or being a real estate agent? What does the fisherman make? I'm asking for your personal experience. I'm trying to better understand what things cost, on average. Thank you!",,,,,,2022-12-26 01:11:48 zvbs3f,,1,violins?,Anyone know of a violin luthier based in tunis? I asked around and was told there were none. Also I've been looking at violins online and there are no additional informations about the brands or the makes so if anyone has any useful links or knows about the models available for purchase online please share!,,,,,,2022-12-26 01:27:13 zvdozf,,3,Good restaurants/bars in Sfax?,"I’ll be passing through Sfax during a trip to Tunisia, and am planning to stop and spend one night there. Are there any restaurants or bars that are worth checking out? Or anything else fun to do for a night? Thanks!",,,,,,2022-12-26 03:12:56 zvgvd2,,1,How do you pay for foreign services?,"With the exception of some freelancers who have access to the Payoneer debit card and some people who have the Carte Technologique (CTI), the vast majority of the Tunisian population don't have access to an international credit or debit card and they cannot directly pay for foreign services such as Netflix, Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Steam, Playstation and others. I am aware of some retailers in Tunisia that are selling prepaid cards/codes of varying amounts ranging from $5 USD/€5 EUR to $100 USD/€100 EUR for the different entertainment services that are most in demand such as: Netflix, Spotify, Steam, and Playstation to name a few, are you satisfied with this solution? do you find the prices that these retailers sell the prepaid cards for reasonable or expensive compared to the USD/TND, EUR/TND exchange rates? What solutions do you suggest that will make it easier, more conveniant and affordable for people to pay for the foreign services of their choice? please state solutions that may be implemented by the private sector and does not envolve waiting for the central bank or the government to change things.",,,,,,2022-12-26 06:24:54 zvhxe2,,1,What's the best way to send gifts to Tunisia?,"I live abroad and really far away but would like to send gifts to my family in Tunisia. I was wondering if there are any workarounds to be able to order stuff online or send them from abroad to Tunisia without it becoming a diwana nightmare. Alternatively, what are the best online stores in Tunisia for buying electronics with local shipping that accept payments from abroad?",,,,,,2022-12-26 07:35:29 zvimxf,,5,Dad's birthday,"Dad's birthday is coming soon and i was thinking of gifting him sth decent and at the same time under 100 dinars Open to all suggestions except s\*x toys",,,,,,2022-12-26 08:22:13 zvj292,,46,أحلى شجرة كريسمس فيك يا تونس بلاد sad reality تنبّت السّاشيات ـ papa پوبال,,,,,,,2022-12-26 08:51:43 zvj9an,,4,AliExpress or AliBaba,I want to import some products from any site that's similar to both sites in the titles and sell them online... How can I do that please?,,,,,,2022-12-26 09:05:09 zvkn3q,,38,Most Tunisians can't digest milk!?,,,,,,,2022-12-26 10:42:12 zvkoho,,18,في جربة، الـ Greater Flamingos/Flamant rose تقريبا هو أكثر حيوان يحظى باهتمام وإعجاب السياح بصفة مبالغ فيها أحيانا، رغم أنو ما عندو حتى قيمة عند السكان المحليين. سؤالى؛ هل أنو تم التسويق لهذا الشيء أم أنو بالرسمي هالطائر له قيمة وميزة تخليه فريد عن غيره من الحيوانات، في جربة على الأقل؟,,,,,,,2022-12-26 10:45:10 zvkvzz,,0,Only one in ten people in the Middle East voted in Tunisia's elections,,,,,,,2022-12-26 11:00:10 zvle4w,,4,How is new year's eve celebrated?,"Hi all! I'm visiting Tunisia for the 4th time now, but it's the first time that I visit it during Christmas and New Year. What are the usual things to do during new year's eve (I'm in Tunis)? And are fireworks actually legal in Tunisia? I've seen it quite often, but only at weddings. Other than that never seen a place you could actually buy it.",,,,,,2022-12-26 11:34:28 zvlmdr,,1,"do you know any travel agencies planning trips from Tunis to Zanzibar ? If not, any other African destination besides Algeria?",,,,,,,2022-12-26 11:50:33 zvltbv,,1,No more visa free entry for Tunisians to Serbia. Bravo 👏 soon Turkey will do the same.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 12:03:41 zvlvqz,,1,Serbia ends Visa-free entry to Tunisians 👏 bravo soon Turkey will do the same.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 12:08:17 zvlvww,,1,Serbia ends Visa-free entry to Tunisians 👏 bravo soon Turkey will do the same.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 12:08:37 zvlwbq,,1,Serbia ends Visa-free entry to Tunisians 👏 bravo soon Turkey will do the same.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 12:09:28 zvm1yx,,1,Serbia ends Visa-free entry for Tunisians 👏 Turkey will soon do the same probably.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 12:19:43 zvm374,قانون_المالية_2023/,10,قانون المالية 2023,"هالنهارين قاعد نسمع و نقرا في برشا كلام على قانون المالية 2023 حبيت نسأل اللي يعرف بالطبيعة علاش القانون هذا بالذات لازمو يتخدم كل عام و علاش مهم برشا بالنسبة للاقتصاد؟ سمعت برشا خبراء في الاذاعات يحكيو على كارثة اقتصادية و عام جاي بش يكون أنيك من خوه اللي تعدا، نورونا تعملو مزية",,,,,,2022-12-26 12:21:47 zvm3up,,1,No more visa-free entry for Tunisians to Serbia - bravo 👏- Turkey will soon do the same probably.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 12:23:00 zvp4cf,,1,Selling tech,"Hey guys im trying to sell some processors and graphic cards nd im wondering if there's any other place to post my stuff except tayara nd fb market Thanks !",,,,,,2022-12-26 15:12:06 zvqrhv,,0,So We Dumb or What,,,,,,,2022-12-26 16:30:39 zvque2,,2,Greece / europe Visa translation language,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 16:34:18 zvqwp0,,0,Modern Lady 🙂,,,,,,,2022-12-26 16:37:25 zvr5js,,6,Is there any *cheap* (no Taxi) mean of transportation from Nasr 2/ Menzah 6 towards Esprit/ Technopôle el Ghazela?,,,,,,,2022-12-26 16:49:06 zvraap,,1,"Masters degree or ""formation"" in germany ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 16:55:18 zvrd61,,0,Do it to STFU,,,,,,,2022-12-26 16:59:14 zvtt82,,3,travel to korea question,did anyone travel to korea and is there any package tour from tunisia to seoul with a travel agency,,,,,,2022-12-26 18:48:44 zvv3oa,,5,التاريخ في ظاهره لا يزيد على الإخبار وفي باطنه نظر وتحقيق,,,,,,,2022-12-26 19:46:00 zvvlk3,,7,Ladies did you notice this,What about this hatred for women taking over the country ??? Insults death threats crimes are on the rise !!! I don't feel safe anymore even on line . Have you experienced this yourself and how do you xope with that ??? Even Tunisian women suffer from abuse from Tunisian men abroad ????,,,,,,2022-12-26 20:08:11 zvxjet,,1,ye5ii brabi 9adeh men 3am equivalence 7al n7eb na3mel master fi canada w5dhit licence fi tounes (computer science),,,,,,,2022-12-26 21:33:26 zvxl2x,,1,ye5ii brabi 9adeh men 3am equivalence 7al n7eb na3mel master fi canada w5dhit licence fi tounes (computer science),"licence ne5ouha sna wne7b ne5ou fekra ,zeda ken ta3raf agence behya walla 7ad ynejem yeb3athni 9olli brabi ------usa maybe zeda ",,,,,,2022-12-26 21:35:25 zvya9y,,1,is Italy racist again tunisians?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-26 22:05:25 zw087w,,9,Studying abroad in Hungary,"Which is better studying in Tunisia (Business in TBS or Software engineering in INSAT) or studying computer science in Hungary for someone who has ambitions and want to push it up to work with international software companies ?? I'm planning after graduation to work abroad for an IT company in the US for example (Google) and I have ideas that maybe will help them to earn more money and maybe will let me establish my own software business but my question is: Isn't studying in Hungary helps me to get into that easier (working abroad) ?? Also I think that software engineering in Tunisia is a torture or you should be freelancing independently .",,,,,,2022-12-26 23:29:01 zw3enl,,0,[ Removed by Reddit ],[ Removed by reddit on account of violating the [content policy](/help/contentpolicy). ],,,,,,2022-12-27 01:52:52 zw5rah,,1,"What does ""ena dhayatha baz"" mean?","What does ""ena dhayatha baz"" mean?",,,,,,2022-12-27 03:47:00 zw6040,,1,[Discussion Thread] Tunisia Self-Promotion Thread,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 04:00:08 zw7ppo,,5,Tunisian Green Tea,"Hey guys, Is Tunisian green tea (تاي اخضر) supposed to be caffeinated or nah? Had it at night but I couldn’t fall asleep .. so wondering if that was that lol",,,,,,2022-12-27 05:28:41 zw7tx0,,8,"people who are bulking or done it before, chnowa teklou wala tjibou ki ma tnajmoush traw7ou fi 12:00? w chnowa teklou e sbe7?","be5lef el mlewi wala kafteji li howa bch ne5dhou ken jebt m3aya 7aja wale, chnouwa e5er? w sbe7 nekel f kaskrout escalope w ka3btin 3dham masmoutin w sa3at bsisa. Kont ne5ou w n5allet el chouffen b ka3ba banane ama 5raw fih b soum el banane donc na7it el chouffen/banane. (what about tmar in the morning btw, nas7ouni bih barcha ama nsit 3lech lol ) How far can my weight gain with our normal food? I'm sub-65kg 6'0. Edit:what the fuck is going in the comment section. I'm asking for food recommendations to help gain weight. I'm training, not part of my question, my body is fine and don't need a doc for this bit, not part of my question. Hadheya be5lef 97ab yraj3ou 9ocha3liya taleb mziya. Thx for the ones who gave me food recommendations. Food. Recommendations. This is not deep.",,,,,,2022-12-27 05:34:45 zwaltt,,10,Carte technologique (check 1st comment),,,,,,,2022-12-27 08:15:41 zwaxrj,,1,what’s the process to bring 2 phones to tunisia?,"I bought 2 new phones and I’ll bring them to tunisia for my family. could you advice what’s the process of registering them? shall I show them explicitly or hide them from douane? also my own phone is not registered as I bought it recently, can I use it for just one week with tunisian number or same process of sajalni should be applied to my phone too?",,,,,,2022-12-27 08:37:45 zwaybq,,1,What are good tunisian youtube channels and news channels to improve my tunisian again?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 08:38:50 zwbcy4,/r/francophonie/comments/zwbcm1/tunisie_promulgué_par_la_présidence_le_budget_ne/,0,"TUNISIE : promulgué par la présidence, le budget ne passe pas dans la population",,,,,,,2022-12-27 09:05:47 zwbz5a,,1,I need some help and advice,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-27 09:47:01 zwcifj,,2,Looking for ppl into esotericism,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-27 10:22:06 zwcjij,,1,wrong postal code mail,"I am expecting to receive an important mail from abroad . when writing the address and postal code I have put the wrong postal code to my area and the right address and I didn't notice until It was already sent. Any idea how La poste processes the mails please? I need to know where I can find my mail...",,,,,,2022-12-27 10:24:12 zwd3rq,,3,Spotify premium Tunisia,"Hi everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone here made the change from premium Spotify France/US to the Tunisian premium subscription. I am considering making the switch since it's almost half-price (9.99$ compared to 12.5 TND). However, having switched countries before (From the US to France) I noticed that some of my music was no longer available. I am worried that the same thing will happen. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-12-27 11:00:46 zwdkgn,,1,"hey guys I'm back with toys, dm if interested",,,,,,,2022-12-27 11:30:00 zwdpvl,,1,Are there any quiet areas of calm coffee in nebel where I could conduct a phone interview?,"Hello i have two job interview tomorrow one at hammamet and one with phone Are there any quiet areas of calm coffee where I could conduct a phone interview? And another questions please nebel bus is from beb saadoun or beb aliwa ?",,,,,,2022-12-27 11:39:04 zwe302,,1,any cgi/3d animation artists here i have a few questions,,,,,,,2022-12-27 12:00:33 zweod1,,2,Any Tunisian Scouts here?,"Scouts reveal yourselves non-scouts ask if you have any questions or want to join",,,,,,2022-12-27 12:35:16 zweyjs,,1,psychiatrist recommendation,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 12:51:27 zwfumm,,11,Cry session on! Brabi chnia hkeyt 9anoun lmaliya? Who can help me understand it?,,,,,,,2022-12-27 13:38:31 zwfvpq,,2,did you opinion about Kais Saied change since 25 july 2021 or did it stay the same?,"and if your opinion changed,why? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-27 13:40:06 zwg5xv,,3,Tunisia to raise new taxes to close budget deficit," Tunisia's finance minister unveiled a budget Monday aiming to use new tax revenues to claw the deficit back to near five percent of GDP, as the cash-strapped country awaits an international bailout.",,,,,,2022-12-27 13:54:45 zwgkf9,,1,where do the expressions “khamsa ou khmis 3lik” and “sita ou siteen kif” come from? seems a bit random.,,,,,,,2022-12-27 14:14:20 zwgllp,,15,tunisia is the definition of failure,"I used to love and admire this country , but that was really a long time ago , now you can't even have a stable life or even dream of it lol all of these can be easily fixed if not for these thieves we have , we'll be much more advanced in Africa continent but that's unfortunate I guess , we are doomed to be a failure and trash no matter what we do 👌 at least I got this thing out of my chest because although it pains me to say all of this , that's however the truth",,,,,,2022-12-27 14:15:57 zwgm43,,6,where do the expressions “khamsa ou khmis (55) 3lik” and “sita ou siteen (66) kif” come from,"it seems kind of random, anyone know where it’s from??",,,,,,2022-12-27 14:16:40 zwhs14,علاش_تخمم_تحرق_للاوروب/,26,علاش تخمم تحرق للاوروب ؟,"السلام، انا خرجت من تونس عندي 6 سنين، بطريقه قانونيه و كنت ديما نخمم نخرج من تونس ماللي كنت صغير، وجا النهار اللي خرجت فيه، اما قلبي ديما يقعد يوجعني على ولاد بلادي اللي تحرق و تتعرض للخطر و للموت بش تمنع روحها، عندي عباد من عايلتي ماتوا فالبحر و لتوا ما نعرفوش وينهم، المهم، انا حبيت نعرف علاش تمشيو للاوروب و علاش ما تحاولوش للآخر في الخروج بطريقه قانونيه ؟ علاش ما تجربوش الخليج ؟ الامارات، قطر، السعودية، كويت, البحرين والله بلدان عندهم فلوس و برشا مناصب شغل والاقامة فيهم اسهل ببارشا من الاقامه في الاوروب، مانيش قاعد نقول اللي الاوروب خايب اما كانك عاجز بش تطلع للاوروب ما هيش نهاية العالم جرب طرق اسهل، و نضمنلك اللي الخليج افضل بمراحل من الاوروب و فيه اكثر فلوس, ذكرت الخليج اما فما زادا تركيا ! الفلوس اللي بش تدفعهم الحرقه الغير مضمونه خبيهم و خلص بيهم الدوسي والسفره و استحفض عالباقي لين تلقى خدمه. ربي معاكم شباب 🙏❤️",,,,,,2022-12-27 15:11:26 zwhtkw,,1,Consumer Behavior in Thrift Stores (Fripe),[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 15:13:25 zwhy58,,1,Consumer Behavior in Tunisian Thrift Stores (fripe),[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-27 15:18:37 zwi5oo,,2,"hello my friend, another video from the 80s",,,,,,,2022-12-27 15:27:02 zwia2q,,0,Tunisian Facebook be like,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-27 15:32:25 zwindo,,1,Easiest international universities to get into? For very cheap or free,,,,,,,2022-12-27 15:49:08 zwipul,,4,The easiest international universities to get into when applying from Tunisia?,Looking for the cheapest/most likely acceptance of universities when applying from Tunisia.,,,,,,2022-12-27 15:52:20 zwk9ij,,2,gel/mousse nettoyant recommandation,"guy here who never took proper care of my skin, so am taking my first step and a friend recommended i start with a ""gel/mousse nettoyant"", what's ur recommendations for a good and relatively cheaper one.",,,,,,2022-12-27 16:59:55 zwkljo,,1,Any Tunisians been to Iran?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-27 17:13:42 zwlxbx,,1,searching for tunisian Onlyfans models,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 18:09:50 zwmfin,,1,Searching for Tunisian Onlyfans models,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 18:31:09 zwmkxn,,1,ye5i samsung stores ynajmou ysal7ou buds pro wala mesta7sen nechri buds jdod?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-27 18:37:45 zwmm1f,,1,Searching for Tunisian Onlyfans models,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 18:39:07 zwmw6w,,12,"Where is this guy, he used to be active. But he’s not here anymore??😔😔😔😔😏😔😔😔",,,,,,,2022-12-27 18:51:08 zwn0fl,,3,Do you find that tunisians here represent all tunisians ?,"The answer is no , but wanna see your opinions",,,,,,2022-12-27 18:56:14 zwoqh0,,2,Any december road trip idea?,"Hey! I'm bored and I'm looking for an idea to spend a day somewhere, but I'm not familiar with anything. All I'm looking for is to spend a day with a friend, it can be a ""Maison d'Hote"" or any fun activity (such as camping etc...)",,,,,,2022-12-27 20:08:09 zwp0k7,,122,"Why is Tunisia Weird, like in every Metric we are the Ones that Usually Stick out from our Neighbors, whether Bad or Good.",,,,,,,2022-12-27 20:19:28 zwr53a,,1,ChatGPT,"ChatGPTبالله شكون يعمل مزية و يفسرلي حكاية ال و شكرا",,,,,,2022-12-27 21:44:40 zwr75z,,1,n7eb nhej saye burnout,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 21:47:00 zwr8jc,,13,n7eb nhej 😔,saye burnout ma3adech,,,,,,2022-12-27 21:48:35 zwrhnf,,1,What's your new year resolution(if u believe in)?,,,,,,,2022-12-27 21:58:39 zwscu3,,0,your age group?,"[deleted] [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-27 22:32:48 zwsrd8,,0,"Tunisians in a nutshell, the page name makes it funnier.",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-27 22:48:52 zwssvw,,1,make a future in Japan,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-27 22:50:31 zwt7r3,,1,did someone try buying from it safe?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 23:06:22 zwtgi9,,10,Europe : The land of peace and humains rights,,,,,,,2022-12-27 23:16:28 zwu2a7,,1,did someone try buying from is it safe?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-27 23:41:38 zwu542,,1,did someone try buying from it safe?,the sale timer seem suspicious since it alwaus start from 9:00:00 in each device,,,,,,2022-12-27 23:45:02 zwv3xp,,2,Hollywood in Arab countries,,,,,,,2022-12-28 00:26:25 zwvdip,,2,Taxes,"From what you heard do U think the new tax law is: BTW, if you are a rich person complaining about the tax on property. IDC about your opinion [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-28 00:38:00 zwwnnk,,0,What language do you like the most on this poll?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-28 01:36:45 zwxb1v,,1,searching for Tunisian Onlyfans models,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-28 02:07:10 zwz9su,,2,Permis International,"Kifeh nekhou permis international ASAP I heard it’s easy and it’s done somewhere near marché central, but I forgot the details. Thanks!",,,,,,2022-12-28 03:40:13 zwztqw,,3,Does anybody know a Tunisian online store that accepts American express/Mastercard?,"My brother who lives in USA wants to buy me a laptop, I need a Tunisian online store who accepts American debit cards, I already tried scoopgaming but it their payment process doesn't work properly. Does anyone know another online store that can help me?",,,,,,2022-12-28 04:07:53 zx5h0u,,2,Drapeau Tunisie & Chachia,"Salem, Bellhi win nal9a fel 3asma: \-Drapeau Tounes matrouz fih kelmet تونس \-Chechia matrouz feha drapeau Tounes Merci",,,,,,2022-12-28 09:35:06 zx5hzp,,2,what's your opinion on lotfi m'raihi?,"I am watching his interviews and he actually seems not bad with good intentions on changing the country + he has an economic vision that could save the country. What do you think about him?",,,,,,2022-12-28 09:36:44 zx5o3k,,6,Taking some days off,"I'm a mobile engineer working in a startup with over a year of experience. in 10 months, I only took 2 days off in that period, in those 2 days, they said we would allow it this time, but '' wa9et 5edma taw"". I want to get some rest now (3 to 5 days). I am feeling getting burnout. how to request a vacation. PS: salary is always late by a minimum of 5 days to 20 days. just sticking around because I can save of lot of it.",,,,,,2022-12-28 09:47:28 zx66yz,,5,why is Africa so yellow looking in the map.. is it really all that deserted?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 10:20:02 zx6ki6,,7,Why are most Tunisians limited thinkers?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 10:44:44 zx7dl2,,20,The problem of getting married for sex,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 11:33:31 zx7gg3,,1,how can I upgrade my CV ? I'm still a student and I have a BTP degree and fluent in English and had a stage at vitalait.. what else can I do for a country to accept me cause I'm trying to get away from my family forever and live my life and I'm trying to be better mentally,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 11:38:32 zx7xxr,,5,"Project idea, need your opinion.","What do y'all think about rage rooms in tunisia? Would u go to one if there was one. I know there's one but I have no idea if it's successful. Would u go to one? Individually or in groups? Would it tempting if there was mental health help services included (psychologist, vent out room, etc..)? All your ideas and opinions are welcome.",,,,,,2022-12-28 12:05:46 zx8i37,,0,"guys , I'm selling these",,,,,,,2022-12-28 12:34:54 zx8lqj,,5,"ChatGPT - might help people with mental stress, depression, anxiety, or just someone to talk to","I gave it a trial and it gives some helpful thoughts. It even provide it in arabic, but Im not sure how well the tunisian arabic is as result. google translate at least can translate it back for me to understand whats about. Do you will give it a try? For sure its not a replacement of a human, but I guess in some cases, its even more helpful as a family, which have no idea about depression or social anxiety and how to work with that. &#x200B; What are your thoughts about this new and world changing artificial intelligence? &#x200B; &#x200B;",,,,,,2022-12-28 12:40:16 zxaf3a,,0,Best tattoo shop fi tunis l3asma,Wanna know the best tattoo shop fi tunis. Côté khedma w nthafa thanks alot,,,,,,2022-12-28 14:06:49 zxbzjg,,2,How common is the surname Troudi and is the same as Trudy?,I found out my grandfather hailed from Tunisian descent and I wanted to know how common Troudi is and if anybody know what it means and it is essentially the same as Trudy?,,,,,,2022-12-28 15:12:38 zxcv4k,,50,Is this how weak we are?,,,,,,,2022-12-28 15:47:32 zxdnw6,,4,Music preferences,"What kind of music do you listen to more ? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-28 16:19:16 zxflcs,,11,Soccer goalie Kungfu kicks his opponent right on the neck.,,,,,,,2022-12-28 17:35:26 zxgp08,,4,A non-tunisian person told me that the tunisian dialect sounds like we’re singing,I never ever noticed. Did you?,,,,,,2022-12-28 18:18:23 zxgrbu,,4,Soccer goalie Kungfu kicks his opponent right on the neck.,,,,,,,2022-12-28 18:20:48 zxhbfd,,3,How did the Tunisian Arabic dialect develop?,"………under the aghlabids, Fatimids, hafsids & etc….",,,,,,2022-12-28 18:42:21 zxhbmn,,0,Soccer goalie Kungfu kicks his opponent right on the neck.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 18:42:36 zxhjmx,,1,looking for a used film camera under 100dt,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-28 18:51:29 zxhlel,,10,Would you stay in tunisia under these circumstances ?,"Let's say you were freshly graduated , earning 2000DT+ , already have a car and living with your family. So practically that 2000 is all yours. On the other hand you have the possibility of continuing your studies abroad but you will have to wait extra few years to get paid a good amount. What would you choose ?",,,,,,2022-12-28 18:53:26 zxhrgy,,3,looking for a film camera,"For anyone who would help I'm looking for a used film camera that's price less than 100dt .to be precise a Nikon f 501 would be perfect but give your suggestions anyway "";)",,,,,,2022-12-28 19:00:12 zxi2th,,1,What's some Tunisian expression that if translated too literally will sound absurd?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 19:12:14 zxi3pk,,1,What are some Tunisian expressions that if translated too literally will sound so absurd?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 19:13:12 zxitzw,,19,"Oh, America...",,,,,,,2022-12-28 19:41:27 zxivp8,,1,Merch By Amazon,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 19:43:25 zxkf48,,1,question about home delivery from jumia,"i want to buy different product and it says products may come home at different dates if they are from different sellers if that happen do i have to pay 8dt (frai de livraison) each time or only the first time?",,,,,,2022-12-28 20:43:45 zxlazy,,0,why KS crying too much?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 21:18:09 zxlibt,,2,win najem nelka saudi/emirati bakhoor fel centre ville? the ones that looks like chocolate or normal bottles,"&#x200B;",,,,,,2022-12-28 21:26:00 zxmjow,,1,How is the weather in Tunis in February and March? I’m getting conflicting information.,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-28 22:06:33 zxmtbj,,11,Is it the end?,"A lot of people are talking about Kais' speech today as the end. It's similar to one of ZABA's speeches in the middle of the revolution, when he was talking about protesters as thugs, traitors and so on. I am a bit sceptical KS will leave on his own or will be deposed by a coup. I actually think he will move to a complete dictatorship Sissi-style. We will probably start seeing a series of arrests for journalists and unionists soon. He is said to be particularly pissed with Midi Show. Dark days lie ahead for us Tunisians. Good luck to all of us.",,,,,,2022-12-28 22:16:38 zxn878,,2,"Can i use ""personnal wallet"" in flouci app to get paid in upwork ?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-28 22:32:49 zxnlbg,,4,Soccer goalie Kungfu kicks his opponent right on the neck.,,,,,,,2022-12-28 22:46:46 zxotak,هذا_آخر_انذار_لقيس_سعيد/,1,هذا آخر انذار لقيس سعيد,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-28 23:34:12 zxpa41,,1,Hello guys please I need a help,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-28 23:52:57 zxpccn,,1,thoughts about ' ittihad cho8l ' ?,,,,,,,2022-12-28 23:55:25 zxpzgj,,16,"if you were the president , what would you do to save/improve this country",Seriously,,,,,,2022-12-29 00:20:40 zxwhkl,,15,Which label do you like for yourself the most?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-29 05:08:14 zy10k7,,1,Is Immigration a Solution ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-29 09:19:59 zy118w,,1,How can i immigrate to any other country ?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-29 09:21:04 zy24i4,,1,Arab Spring survey for school,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-29 10:27:21 zy2zjj,/r/francophonie/comments/zy2z2i/tunisie_malgré_une_très_faible_participation_le/,0,"TUNISIE : Malgré une très faible participation, le président Saied minimise le fiasco des législatives",,,,,,,2022-12-29 11:17:40 zy3q21,,3,National Visa Appointment Waiting Time [Germany],"Hello, I am a student who is going to work on their PFE in Germany. How long does it take for the embassy to give you an appointment date?",,,,,,2022-12-29 12:00:04 zy4kj0,,1,Any recommendations for independent/indie Tunisian bands or singers?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-29 12:45:43 zy4m1n,,3,Tunisian indie music,Any recommendations for good independent/indie Tunisian bands or singers?,,,,,,2022-12-29 12:48:06 zy5kew,,1,is there any chance i could buy a used iphone bel facilité in Grand Tunis?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 13:35:20 zy5vlz,,0,كله بسبب السلفيين المتشددين,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 13:50:23 zy678e,,8,Looking to buy a Kindle. Does anybody know a way to buy it?,,,,,,,2022-12-29 14:05:17 zy7v7o,,217,"Hello everyone, Im a banknote collector from Kosovo and I wanted to share these beautiful banknotes of your country that are part of my collection 😊",,,,,,,2022-12-29 15:20:46 zy8086,,1,is there codeine medication without prescription for migraines?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-29 15:26:50 zy81lz,,1,migraine medicine,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 15:28:35 zy8368,,1,chronic migraine,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 15:30:24 zy9y2y,,1,i thought he joking till i started reading the comments,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 16:48:46 zyb23d,,14,I've always been confused by this,"Why are Arabs abroad more Islamically extreme and vocal than the Arabs in their homeland. I mean obviously, there is a lot of extreme ppl in Arab countries but they always keep a low profile and never discuss their extremism proudly and loudly and all. edit : since a lot of ppl asking for examples of Ali dawah and similar preachers saying stuff that can be considered extreme by zaitouna mosque licensed preachers I'm gonna edit this post to include clips of examples of what I'm talking about throughout the day, (keep in mind that these clips can be hard to find so updating this post with links will be a slow process). Ali dawah supporting and calling for death penalty for Muslim reverts : Ali dawah spent 16 mins trying to excuse rape in-between married couples by implying that it's wrong Islamically but it's also wrong for women to deny their husband sex cause ""it's oppression against the husband"" and then turns it into a gender conversation by saying that it's wrong for men to deny their wife sex too by referencing a weak 7adith: Ali dawah saying that if his daughter would reach puberty at 9 he would say she is ready for marriage unless she disagrees : Moahmed Hijab making sexual comments about a content creator's wife and excusing it cause they are a ""kafir"" and encouraging ""kofr"":",,,,,,2022-12-29 17:33:49 zybk8s,,1,searching for Tunisian Onlyfans models,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-29 17:54:19 zyblqs,,1,searching for Tunisian OF models,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-29 17:56:00 zybqs6,,6,"Men, What is a reason you would stop dating a girl although you really liked her?",Mental illness? Family issues? Like what?,,,,,,2022-12-29 18:01:23 zycet6,,1,Where to get Soy/almond/oats milk in tunisia?,,,,,,,2022-12-29 18:28:31 zycfl2,,0,Where to get Soy/almond/oats milk in tunisia?,The question is in the title :),,,,,,2022-12-29 18:29:24 zyd0y2,,1,I wanted to get stuff out of my chest but other subs can't relate,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 18:52:31 zydh70,,1,what do you think about kais said politics? and if u had to choose one president from all those who ruled since Bourguiba to Said as the least evil which one would it be,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-29 19:09:29 zydsss,,15,All right boys it is going to get worse,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 19:21:37 zyf2ew,,1,Kleibia 2022,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 20:10:13 zyh8t4,,0,"I have a pickup line that works on every girl, without exception...Should I copyright it?",[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 21:36:45 zyhfmt,,0,So I noticed that Zakir naik is popular in Tunisia so...," In one of these Zakir naik says that once a girl hits puberty she can get married in another he says that the punishment of apostasy is death in anotherone he is instructing people how to beat their wife. Some has some atheist commentary maybe christian but ignore that just focus on Zakir naik say.",,,,,,2022-12-29 21:44:14 zyhwzu,,3,I have no talent whatsoever,"Title says it all. I used to be pretty good in school but that fell off recently (went from 15 general score to 12 in one year,I'm in the 3rd year of high-school the math section to be specific)(I used to pride myself on being no-life/good grades kinda guy) The second thing I could think of is having an above average level(for a Tunisian at least)in English Besides that I'm talentless and I don't know how to pick any new talents since I'm not interested in anything tbh(yes my life is that boring/meaningless) Edit:Also I don't have a dream profession so I need help figuring that out since I'm not interested in anything job related to this very moment",,,,,,2022-12-29 22:02:57 zyi4dz,,2,Amazon wishlist,3andi monitor wou jbl earpods wou headset 5dhithom ama moush ena i order gifts mel wishlist mte3i and i have no idea shnowa isir delivery time mahtouta between 2 - 14 janv do they ship to home ? 7atit adress wala lezmni nemshi lel diwena,,,,,,2022-12-29 22:10:47 zyi9a2,,0,what is he looking for? god?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-29 22:15:55 zyip12,,2,rehabilitation societies/centers in Tunisia?,Is there any place where you go to live with the same people and complete chores together each day away from distractions and social media? Sort of like monasteries and temples in eastern countries. Even if they're religious.,,,,,,2022-12-29 22:32:19 zyk9co,,41,Someone told kais about addmefast or a similar buying likes service XD,,,,,,,2022-12-29 23:34:47 zykez3,,9,How is dating in Tunisia?,"I went abroad after Bac almost a decade ago and have only been coming back for vacations (so not long time) and I’m intrigued by the dating culture, so what’s it like in Tunisia these days? PSA: I’ve never dated a Tunisian before .. (I know, قصة قصيرة حزينة ههه)",,,,,,2022-12-29 23:40:56 zyqbqc,,4,[Discussion Post] FREE TALK FRIDAY! Do you have something on your mind? Discuss it here!,This is Free Talk Friday. The rules will still apply but you can converse about anything; Tunisian related or not.,,,,,,2022-12-30 04:00:10 zyvq04,,2,I'm trying to pay with my CTI card but it keeps declining,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-30 08:53:01 zywznh,,2,Studying my masters degree in budapest,I would like to ask if anyone actually went throught the process and how was the experiemce there. In all the aspects.,,,,,,2022-12-30 10:09:03 zyxi1n,,2,آخر عروض الشغل بالخارج ANETI International,,,,,,,2022-12-30 10:40:25 zyysms,,5,Getting out of the country,"as a mobile application developer coming from an electronics background, my next goal in 2023 is to get out of the country (legally). I have now 1 year and a half of experience, my English is decent (Toeic B2), my french is decent too (delf B2), and I have an engineering degree (electronics and embedded systems) but I still feel somehow that I still have a lot to learn (imposter syndrome maybe). so, what's the best way to go work abroad? what papers and certificates should I really get from my actual employer before I leave, and that are really needed aboard (attestation de travail chnouwa yelzem feha ? bel Anglais walle francais, 7ajet kima ekkeka), civp.. ). need some details from experienced people who got out. thank you.",,,,,,2022-12-30 11:56:20 zyzb5i,,1,GREAT PLACES TO EAT,"Hello, I am going to tunisia in the next month, and I want to know if you could recommend me good places to eat tha are at a good price with big rations of food. I mean like trendy places, not necessarily luxurious, where young people go to and only Tunisians know (not touristic please). I know that in the last month's it became very trendy a man that makes sandwiches with a lot of things in a street food style, and he went to TV because of the popularity he got. I want things like that.",,,,,,2022-12-30 12:24:31 zyzbn3,,6,Najem neb3ath mekla in a package to Europe via post-office wela aramex/dhl??,text text,,,,,,2022-12-30 12:25:16 zyziav,,1,balti song playin in a hollywood blockbuster,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-30 12:35:24 zyzl6l,,20,Balti's song in a Hollywood blockbuster movie,"i got surprised when i heard balti's song in the scenes backgrounds music , i see no relation between the scene and the song tho , my only explanation is the sound director might be tunisian lol [here](",,,,,,2022-12-30 12:39:52 zz1d81,,0,Did Kais saied take power because Islamists were getting too strong?,"The islamist ennahda party, as far as I know, were going to nominate an Islamist prime minister before saied intervened. Islamists, even if they act moderate, will become more extreme after they take power. The taliban is an example they promised they were going to respect the right of women to get an education, now they aren't. Do you think Kais saied took power to stop something similar from happening in Tunisia with the ennahda party?",,,,,,2022-12-30 14:06:30 zz1mgr,,14,what do you think should happen to current homosexuality law (3 year prison)?," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-30 14:17:51 zz5gjg,,3,Describe what a 25 Years old Man/Woman should be like in Tunisia,"I know itt is easy to go wild but if possible let's keep them realistic and based on our country current sitution. Here are a couple of criteria that come to mind * Financial Situation * Living with Family or having your own place? * Renting a place or actually owning a place? * What sort of Assets might have (car, apartment, etc...) * Emotionally",,,,,,2022-12-30 16:59:41 zz5ig0,,0,A message to fellow Tunisian atheists:,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-30 17:01:30 zz8843,,0,If you had to choose," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-30 18:51:21 zz8iin,,0,Veil and intimacy,Why some Tunisian men abstain from marrying veiled modest women ? Do some men think a pudic woman won't be as intimate as another woman who wears revealing clothes?,,,,,,2022-12-30 19:02:56 zzbdy6,,9,How to improve my understanding of Tunisian Derja as a Moroccan? (see below for more context),"I'm Moroccan, grew up in Europe, and was therefore only exposed to Moroccan Darija. I recently picked up an interest in the other Maghrebi dialects. I have little problem in understanding Algerian Derja, even the variant spoken 'as far east' as that of Constantine. However, today I tried to watch a live from the YT channel Boubli and I was baffled and disappointed (in myself) by just how little I understood. I always thought that Tunisian wouldn't be that difficult for me to understand. Would you say that the Derja that the Boubli guys speak is close to Constantinois Derja? And do you have any tips to improve my understanding of Tunisian Derja?",,,,,,2022-12-30 21:00:54 zzbzik,,2,"iphones from mytek are cheaper than isotre is that sus ,?","are they refurbished or something ? i need somebody that bought an iphone from them to tell me which letter their model number starts with the check the authenticity please",,,,,,2022-12-30 21:25:12 zzckr1,$titre=شخصيات-نسائية-تونسية-في-العلوم-والتكنولوجيا-تتألق-حول-العالم,1,شخصيات نسائية تونسية في العلوم والتكنولوجيا تتألق حول العالم,,,,,,,2022-12-30 21:49:47 zzds0u,,0,Can we ban talking about atheism and religions in this sub ? Cauz I found it became toxic and useless," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-30 22:39:33 zzduhs,,0,"I have been banned from this subreddit because i posted 1 comment that said: ""i never knew our neighbors were so gay""",,,,,,,2022-12-30 22:42:22 zze5l4,,1,Are Tunisians known to be anti divorce?,"I don’t think this situation is common in Tunisia. I’m trying to understand a cultural point of view on divorce. But what if the wife never wanted to marry the husband in the beginning, but she was pressured into the marriage by her family. The wife and the husband don’t have compatible personalities. They always argue. The wife resents her marriage and life with him for the past 25 years. The husband never hit her or cheated on her. The wife hates the husband and never appreciates anything he does for her. The wife has a lot of assets in money and could afford to live on her own after a divorce. Would most of their Tunisian relatives talk them out of divorcing if this couple wanted to divorce? [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-30 22:55:31 zzet7a,,0,atheism is a joke and science isn't a stable enough basis for any existential belief whatsoever lmao,"now that i have your attention with a tout, bullshit title, some of yall need to answer some **real ass questions** such as : Should we think of bringing children in a world doomed by climate change, perpetually fueled by mankind's self-destructive tendencies? Is mankind hardwired to self-destruct? Does this explain Ons Jabeur's heartbreaking loss in the us open? Is Tunisia a prime example of mankind's self-hatred loop on a national scale? Is self-love even a **S***pecific*, **M***easurable*, **A***chievable*, **R***elevant and* **T***ime-bound* goal? Is combatting climate change on an individual scale possible? Can we look beyond the disastrous treatment of migrant workers if it provided some excellent entertainment most people comfortably watched behind their screens? Who was Laura Palmer, really? Is all of this even real or are we experiencing some kind of mass delusion, or a collective fever dream? Seriously what the fuck was this year on, speed? What is your social security number? When the sun will explode in some five billion years and engulf the earth in the process, will our existence have mattered at that point? do you guys worry about that shit at night? tbh i don't i just sleep very late because i keep on browsing reddit because revenge bedtime procrastination is a bitch",,,,,,2022-12-30 23:22:55 zzewfm,آيطاليا_تتوقع_انتداب_أكثر_من_82_ألف_مهاجر_خلال/,1,آيطاليا تتوقع انتداب أكثر من 82 ألف مهاجر خلال السنة المقبلة,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-30 23:26:46 zzgutq,,1,ukulele,"N7b nchri ukulele fi soussa ,anyone y3rf mnin w chkoun y3rf fekra 3ala soumha pls w merci",,,,,,2022-12-31 00:52:08 zzhema,,6,is abortion available for women who are not married in Tunisia?,"I am genuinely asking cuz jayt inraja3 fil science w a7na 3anna partie 3al diagnostic prénatal w kifeh el mra tnijjim t'have an abortion if the fetus is sick or something and I started over thinking the abortion part and now I need answers! Like do all women have the privilege of having an abortion or do you need to fit some kind of criteria to be able to be provided the medical care you need? ( I only know there's a 3 months limit or so, correct me if I'm wrong)",,,,,,2022-12-31 01:16:44 zzjnj5,,1,Intense Hail Storm,,,,,,,2022-12-31 03:03:28 zzjpqq,,2,Gym-PT suggestions [Capital],"3aslema! I'm living in Menzah & searching for a decent gym\[not so crowded and allows a monthly subscription\] and a personal trainer who's fluent in English \[ I'm a foreigner living in Tunis, I speak the basics of Tounsi but not sufficient enough yet\]. Location preference: Menzah/Manar/Nassr Any kind of suggestions are welcome PS: No female trainers, 3aychek.",,,,,,2022-12-31 03:06:27 zzla0p,,1,I need help,"I'm receiving a parcel (colis) from abroad. And the person who sent it didn't include the house number. What should I do to get it. He included the post office number and everything but the house number",,,,,,2022-12-31 04:25:53 zzqam9,,0,تونس و صندوق النقد,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-31 09:30:45 zzqd92,,1,is it me or the weather been chill all this winter? where's the fold because we usually get it..,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-31 09:35:54 zzqen8,,0,why the weather chill all this winter.. don't we usually get some cold weeks?,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-31 09:38:40 zzqog4,,20,A Brit just arrived in Tunisia. Some help?,"Hey all, I just arrived in Tunis yesterday, escaping the British cold weather. Hoping to stay a while if possible. I love Tunis so far, btw! If anyone could offer some advice, it'd be greatly appreciated. From experience so far, it seems wifi can be pretty unreliable here. What's the best sim card/data deal available for a foreigner who will be on his laptop a lot. Also, it it worth getting an internet dongle as an alternative to hotpotting? I'd love to travel around the country a bit in a few weeks, probably very slowly - at least a couple weeks in each destination. Any recommendations of where to go? I'm keen to avoid places that are 'resorty' and not sure whether Hammamet falls into that category? Oh, one cultural question. I like to run and would usually wear shorts/t-shirt - is it culturally frowned upon to show legs in public, even when exercising? Should i buy some jogging bottoms? Anyway, any help appreciated! And Happy New Year :)",,,,,,2022-12-31 09:58:43 zzriqr,,1,Payoneer balance was not affected after withdrawing $100 (300 TND) from Attijari's ATM.,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-31 10:52:56 zzrop7,,1,"What is the state of sexual education in Tunisia? Of course, people know that a man and woman can make a baby, but what about sexually transmitted diseases? Are sexually active Tunisians aware of these risks? Are STDs as prevalent in Tunisia as they are in Western countries?",[removed],,,,,,2022-12-31 11:02:42 zzrt5z,,3,Sexual Education in Tunisia,"What is the state of sexual education in Tunisia? Of course, people know that a man and woman can make a baby. But what about sexually transmitted diseases? Are sexually active Tunisians aware of these risks? Are STDs as prevalent in Tunisia as they are in Western countries?",,,,,,2022-12-31 11:10:02 zzs2vp,,3,Freelancers that receive money in EUR/USD,"Hey all, I want to know if any freelancers get paid on Upwork or companies outside Tunisia, how do you get your money into the country and spend it, I am looking for a solution to minimize taxes and be able to keep the money in EUR/USD in order to spend it abroad. Do you have to create a SARL (or another type n company)? Do you use your own personal bank account or the company's? Do you get your money in EUR/USD (compte en devise) or do you have to convert it to TND to spend it? How do you pay taxes on that money ? Do you have any contact for a trusted Accountant? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks",,,,,,2022-12-31 11:26:55 zzshgx,,1,Receiving large amounts of money in bank account,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-31 11:53:43 zztjl6,,3,"If you had the Choice to Keep Ben Ali in Power back in 2011, Would You do it or Would you support the Revolution anyways?","The more I look into the matter, the more I find it hard to choose, I mean back in time it's true we weren't free but at least we had investments coming in and Tunisians were financially living in better conditions than today.",,,,,,2022-12-31 12:56:58 zztli4,,7,I want to Join a book club,"Hey guys, I want to fall back in love with reading but i need a kick, when I was a teenager all I did was basically read but then came prépa my life just spiralled downhill (maybe I'm over dramatic lol) but I stopped reading and painting and never picked them up again. I want to find a book club I can join where we read good books and discuss them, I m a adult so I have no age restrictions to what material i can read, If any of you is in one please contact me to see if i can join.",,,,,,2022-12-31 12:59:58 zztmct,,0,Do Tunisians feel more affinity with....," [View Poll](",,,,,,2022-12-31 13:00:51 zzwnal,,1,"I m need for a plug zone ennaser, hadya9 El Menzah happy new year and stay stoned brothers",,,,,,,2022-12-31 15:35:49 zzwqaw,,0,need a plug,"I'm in need for a plug preferably with good shit Zone ennaser hadaiek El Menzah ect Also happy new year and stay stoned brothers",,,,,,2022-12-31 15:39:45 zzwwdd,,52,from my grandparents garage,,,,,,,2022-12-31 15:47:57 zzx27z,,1,Groups to travel with in Tunisia,"Hello community, Are there agencies to travel with like wantotrip but cheaper and share the same concept, not the traditional travel group where they visit the same places. My main destinations are turkey and middle east.",,,,,,2022-12-31 15:55:35 zzysde,,2,Happy New Year 💗,"Away from those who try to find a way to ruin New Year's either by deeming it not part of our culture or either plain old religious lies, I'd like to invite you to drop your New Year resolutions in the comments, and I genuinely hope that you reach each and every last one of them, here's to a new you 🍷 regardless of what the matrix is trying to mold you into 😁",,,,,,2022-12-31 17:15:01 zzyx9k,,1,"I want to start e-commerce, kifech njib products mil barra?",,,,,,,2022-12-31 17:21:12 zzz3mr,,2,"I want to start e commerce, kifech njib les produits mil barra?",Any helpful tips are appreciated 🙏,,,,,,2022-12-31 17:29:27 zzzsil,,2,"Any recommendations of things to do/see/eat in Tunisia, mainly around Sousse","Any advice on how much I’ll be spending each day, and the average price of certain things would be greatly appreciated",,,,,,2022-12-31 18:00:51 zzzz7a,,1,is there a place where u can find commentated (arabic) football games resumes ?,"i missed today's games, tried searching on youtube & shitty fb but all i found was 1 video heavily spammed by multiple channels, all of them incomplete & they add a mysterious video (kitchen shit and i saw snake hunting or whatever) to make the video longer...",,,,,,2022-12-31 18:09:08 10002rt,,2,Facs d’informatique fi tunis?,Chnouma ahsen facs najm n9ra fehom hajet teb3a linfo fi tunis?,,,,,,2022-12-31 18:13:29 1000syt,,4,Where to go as a software Engineer ?,"Hello everyone, I'm a freshly graduated software engineer, looking for a job abroad but not sure where to aim, I've never been out of the country so I don't know well the world outside, the US seems like the pioneer of computer science but people are telling me that it's expensive and life there isn't beautiful as in the movies, they say Canada is cold and far, I've also heard that the Scandinavian countries are not a bad option at all, and there is also UK, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium, I'm not tempted by France as I prefer to work with the native language of the tools ( English ) I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter, especially from those of you who went to these places and any other recommendations are welcome.",,,,,,2022-12-31 18:47:50 1001k4j,,1,Tunisair !!😭,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-31 19:24:05 1001o3b,,1,elli tfarej fi sbou3i film rass el 3am y7ot j'aime >U<,[deleted],,,,,,2022-12-31 19:29:27 1004fh2,,10,Do you think Fadhel Abdelkefi is a good choice for president ?,"Hey everyone and happy new year smaat barcha yahkiw aala fadhel abdelkefi w ykoulou ynajem ykoun howa l bedil fel entikhabet ejeya ( hatta ken mehoush l hall ynajem ykoun abrek men 10 snin maa kais saied) nheb naamel ray aala bekri kbal lentikhabet ama aandish aalih barsha des informations donc aatiwni raykom walla shneya taarfou aalih besh najem naamel ray •••First of all I am not sure if he is actually running for the presidential elections, barcha ykoulou feha ama I am not sure whether It's confirmed or not.. hedha lkol nhaki fih in case trachah •••Second I know elli howa ken wzir kbal, donc l'argument mtaa ken jee iinou besh yaamel raw aamal kbal naarfou ama ki smaatou yahki hassitou pertinent shwaya donc kolt belkchi ken yekhou forsstou w ywalli president ynajm yaamel haja •••Finally l hajet eli naarfhom aalih elli howa 9ari économie f Sorbonne w homme d'affaires donc au moins aandou fekra aal e9tissad srtt li howa akber mochkla fi tounes tawa w naaref elli howa oomrou 51 wala 52 ans donc relativement yetsama sghir srtt par rapport lel cheyeb eli kaadin yohkmou",,,,,,2022-12-31 21:42:32 1004svn,,67,Bro I love THIS Tunisia ❤️,,,,,,,2022-12-31 22:01:03 1005v5c,,4,Let's organize a biking day,"I know everything is going downhill in this country, but who cares. I think we should organize a day where everyone who has a bike goes out at a certain time with their bike, just for the fun of it, and to add to that if you see another biker out there you can nod each other knowing that they are fellow redditors.",,,,,,2022-12-31 22:54:36 1005xf8,,19,just in case,"In case no one told you, happy new year Anon ❤️ Keep your cool and enjoy life.",,,,,,2022-12-31 22:57:58 100626o,,1,Chnowa m3amel f 2023?,[removed],,,,,,2022-12-31 23:04:33 10063d1,,7,Chnowa m3amel f 2023?,Ena m3amel n3adi bac for the final time and get the highest score i can work for :),,,,,,2022-12-31 23:06:13 1006b28,,6,"2023 Bozitiph Vibez: the Magazine de Conjugaison will be soon updated to accommodate the fact that we are, currently, living in 2023.",,,,,,,2022-12-31 23:17:21 1006tjy,,1,"Happy new year, Tunisia :)",,,,,,,2022-12-31 23:44:29