diff --git "a/output_posts_after2022.csv" "b/output_posts_after2022.csv" --- "a/output_posts_after2022.csv" +++ "b/output_posts_after2022.csv" @@ -53491,3 +53491,2111 @@ Y'all should ensure that your illegal migrants don't ruin the Italian economy be What do you even think will happen? The EU will just make stricter laws against those illegal migrants. So you're only making things worse for Tunisia if these migrants keep coming to Italy. ",Hi! Tunisians live in a dictatorship and therefore currently have no say in political matters. May I forward your message to his majesty the dictator instead?,You gave me another reason to go,nope no amount of convincing would make me stay here. am out of here either legally or illegally lmao,"Nah man, good to see my homies hangout with blondies","Sounds like Italy’s problem. Not Tunisia’s problem. Learn to guard your own borders and stop whining ?",2024-06-14 07:28:47 +1dgvqng,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgvqng/first_time_open_space_party_organisation/,0,First time open space party organisation ,We (friends) would like to throw a party in an open space. What is the procedure to make it legally work and what are the suggestions/ advices that we can benefit from to make it work and what are the problems that we could face??? I'm open to answer any questions.,,,,,,2024-06-16 00:36:31 +1dguvks,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dguvks/grants_manager_wanted/,0,Grants manager wanted! ,"Hello, +I am currently looking for someone who works in finance or grants management in NGO'S or startups + +Thank u for reaching out +",,,,,,2024-06-15 23:49:22 +1dguq7x,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dguq7x/should_i_go_or_not/,1,Should I go or not ?,"Before I start , 3iidkom mabrook enes El kol , I'm going to get to the point immediately , tommrow is the 3iid and I'm pretty stressed out about going to my mom's family to celebrate , I just went there today and I felt extremely out of place , not only did my aunt nit pick me and laugh for anything that I would say but I also get the feeling that I just don't belong there especially when I hanged out with my relatives , it seems like I'm always out of place and they don't seem to bother With me especially since it's the same for them wether I'm in or not , they are still gonna have fun anyways , going to visit them has always felt like a toll on me , I would always try to fit in but it seems like they just don't want me to come or they just wanna make fun of me and stuff , I just feel like it's overall uncomfortable for me to go there but at the same time staying at home in a holiday sucks too , idk I just feel like I'm in a lose lose situation , I either stay at home or get laughed . There is no in-between sadly , social anxiety really is a curse ","Everything is the same. + +[Everything is the same and the only thing that matters is your inner peace. Because in the end nothing but your experience matters. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQf7WanWOpk) + +Remember that.","you talk about laughing at you like you are dressing as a clown, i don't get it.",nikomhom bara emchy,,,2024-06-15 23:41:41 +1dgunxc,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgunxc/events_to_attend/,3,Events to attend ? ,"Hello ya all 👋🏻 +Are there any interesting Entrepreneurship events , hackathons or maybe workshops to attend this summer ? + +",,,,,,2024-06-15 23:38:19 +1dgui0i,https://i.redd.it/9xmyduzilt6d1.jpeg,4,Thoughts ?,"Personally i won't let my kid watch dhbi7a +It's not a manhood priority 4 me","I saw that post. I guess we have friends in common on facebook. +tbh, ""psychology experts"" have many things wrong, especially in recent revisions that would turn everyone into a snowflake. +In the past, kids become men at 13-year old and they are allowed to sleep with women and lead armies. It doesn't have to be that extreme, but humans are resilient and they need exposure to become strong. +In USA, there are specialized centers where middle-aged losers are trained to become more functional by raising a goat and then having to slay it, and then cry their hearts out in the embrace of their girlfriends. + +Whenever you're hungry, something has to die. There's no way around it, and that's the nature of things. Modern society likes to put layers and middle men between death and the average human, and hide away the sick and dying and whatever. But death is all around us and we have to grow to accept it. We also like to feel positive all the time, and think that traumas are evil by necessity, instead of something that we evolved to have out of necessity, and that it can be useful for our growth. + +And that's the whole spiritual point of the Eid. It is theorized that religion was created mainly thanks to this: hunter-gatherers needed to hunt pray for hundreds of kilometers with blunt tools until they catch it tired and dying. They created rituals around that, out of empathy towards the animal that has to die, and thanking nature, and thinking about their place within the ecosystem. The Eid is reminiscent of that, and it's what's left from that tradition that has given birth to religion itself.",when i were young (like 7 y/o) nothing worry me about slaughtering the sheep but i recommend for parents if your kid have a foniasophobia PLEASE KEEP HIM AWAY DURING THE BUTCHERING,شنوة يصيرلهم؟,"It’s the yearly fun debate where we are reminded that we as a nation have many idiots roaming the streets and living amongst us in broad daylight. They vote, they drive, they might have degrees and jobs and they have archaic minds.",,2024-06-15 23:29:53 +1dgtko0,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgtko0/starting_my_life_at_23/,2,starting my life at 23,"I hit rock bottom but I already started making changes in my life, I'm saving up some money to start going to therapy at least one time per month, I already got a gym membership and been trying to workout consistently as I noticed it makes me feel really good, I stopped smoking cigarettes and weed almost a month ago, all in all i'm clean and I don't even want to go back to consuming any drug, except coffee. the only issue though, is that i have no skill that could get me a good and secure job, as i dropped out of uni almost a year ago, I want to make up for the years i lost, and want to start learning something, only i don't know what it is exactly i have so many interests by the way, graphic design, Programming, the English language, video editing, web design etc, and it really confuses me as i don't know what to start working towards, i tried working on all of them at the same time but i didn't get anywhere and ended up being overwhelmed, it sucks that in Tunisia there's no such thing as career advisor, I really feel lost and i don't even know whether i should learn things on my own get an actual degree, I really don't want to waste three years of my life learning something i could learn in one year or less, i'm so lost and i really don't want to hit rock bottom again, I was thinking maybe I'd take a break from everything for another two years till i'm 25, and just invest in my physical and mental well being, but yet again, i also need to get good at something to work and depend on myself financially, i no longer wanna work in dead end jobs in restaurants and such. i would appreciate it if anybody gives their insight on my situation. thankyou.","Don t rush the process, enjoy the ride. If you can get into a good uni go for it even if u could lean faster, this opens a lot of doors and can get u far unlike self learning. + +You can look into entrepreneurship if that s your thing. + +Improve ur language skills and maybe learn german, work on any other soft skill u see useful. + +Also, work on ur deen, you ll avoid a lot of other mistakes by following allah s guidance and the after life is far more important than this short period.","It doesn't matter if you have multiple interests. That's how the creative mind works. You have to pick one and dive deep into it. maybe for months or years. It doesn't matter if it takes you more time to learn than if you had a mentor or whatever. You'll learn the thing deeper than you would otherwise, and you'll also learn how to learn in the process. Subsequent deep dives into other stuff will get easier and easier, and your brain will get used to learning. +I honestly wish that I'm 23. I would be able to do anything I want and get anywhere. Maybe do everything I ever want. Also, be at peace with jumping from one thing into another. Maybe you haven't found the thing that would grab you forever yet. Maybe that jumping is useful. But still, there's no alternative to taking a deep dive, and of pushing through the basic phase. +Keep in mind that you have to be a professional before you become a professional. You have to acquire the skills that a pro has, to be able to work consistently and through sickness and bad events and whatever. Imagine clients depending on you to perform day in and day out. +You don't need a job advisor. Nothing is clear. You can guarantee that you'll be hired if you are exceptional at what you do, and if you have unique value. Being interested in many things would make you unique, and a job advisor can't offer you that. You can also pursue paths that don't particularly depend on someone hiring you, and work your way towards being able to deliver a finished product from scratch. +Anyways, good luck.","First of all congratulations for the efforts you 're making you did the hardest part which is starting +Secondly you need to choose a field to put all ur efforts and time on it +Because you cant learn all of what you had mentioned at the same time and be good at all of them +So you have to choose i suggest you take a paper and write down the cons and pros of every field than choose +The most important part is to start dont panic i know its overwhelming to choose something that May affect your life forever but remember you can always change and experience until you find your real passion thats way its better to start early than along the way you 'll find out if its the right path for you or not +And Best of luck buddy","- You're still young but you have to realize that you need a career choice, not something to start learning for a few years, realize it doesn't work and switch to another. +Imo, you can't monetize a skill and go full time in less than 3 to 5 years of learning and working on projects. +- I kinda went through that, at 22 i dropped out of uni because of health related stuff and was at the same position with similar choices, i took a year and half to heal, read and plan the most suited career path while still doing a one year training program and started internships, at the end of it i decided i'd start over and go to business school for another 5 years and it worked. +- A regular academic curriculum still grants a clear path and enough time to find the right specialty so you might want to still consider it. +- If you're healthy i say don't exceed 6 months to a year as a break, you get lost and it becomes hard to get back on track. +- During it, You better work on yourself while doing other stuff, they need to go together. +- It's really important to make at least a 5 year plan. +- Don't obsess over financial independence, if your family can still support you for a few years, you can leverage their help. +- Don't feel bitter about the years you missed, i did and i was wrong, you got untill the end of your twenties, actually, you'd find that most of your friends won't get a steady job until 30, you might even do it before them. + +Good luck 🤞",,2024-06-15 22:42:52 +1dgsq5j,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgsq5j/relationship/,2,Relationship ,"Hi everyone am New here +So ive been dating this guy for 4 months at first everything was fine +But once the summer vacation has started +Our relationship became long distance rs +And thats when my partner started acting weird +He stopped Phone calling me +Always replying late to my texts +All he do was sending me reels w akahaw +I tried to talk with him about he's said that he's busy helping his dad with work and he's doing his best to text me +I appreciated his efforts and respected that +And suggested that we can Phone call each other at the end of the day to communicate and keep each other update and all +He was okay with that then at the same day he forgot to call me +Anyways lately he stopped texting me ! +I'm pretty confused +I dont wanna act clingy and annoy him i stopped texting him as well +But thats so uncomfortable +My question is what's the right thing to do to end things with him in a mature way +I cant dwell in a rs when i'm not feeling loved and cared after +Thank you all and (sorry for my bad english) ","Always keep it clear and tell him how you feel, stoping texting him when he stops texting you won't solve the problem. It could be true that he's very busy and that's why he stopped talking but it would lead to bigger problems if you do the same. I'm not saying you should be the only one making effort in the relationship, I know how it is and it really sucks but you should try to communicate about how you feel as much as possible. +Good luck with your relationship.",Make an appointment with him to examine and discuss the state of your relationship and if you should shut it or not.,,,,2024-06-15 21:59:40 +1dgsq3r,https://i.redd.it/3sgoezff5t6d1.jpeg,3,"Is this true ? If yes, what Tunisians think about it ?",,Tunisians stopped thinking a long time ago,"oh god, now iraqis fleeing whatever they got going on will come here and try to go to Europe and some of them will get stuck here. YAY more extremists in the country. What tf are they thinking? these are not even the type of tourists that we need.",What should we think about it?,"If we're being honest, we don't give a shit",,2024-06-15 21:59:37 +1dgs0o4,https://i.redd.it/n2wzw2e8zs6d1.jpeg,22,Aid mabrouk to the best community ❤️,,,,,,,2024-06-15 21:24:51 +1dgruvl,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgruvl/a_question_for_software_dev_agency_owners/,2,A question for software dev agency owners,"How much in average would you charge a european client for building an MVP based on the following data : + +* Web app + mobile app +* Time estimation : 4 months + +Team : + +* 2 devs +* 1 UI/UX +* 1 DevOps + +",,,,,,2024-06-15 21:17:14 +1dgr73q,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgr73q/autismasd/,1,Autism/ASD,"Good evening everyone. I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with autism/ASD, either personally or with a family member. I'm looking for information on the full procedure for getting an autism diagnosis, as well as recommendations for specialists in the Grand Tunis area. Thank you!",,,,,,2024-06-15 20:45:34 +1dgr3db,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgr3db/tell_me_itll_be_okay_one_day/,38,Tell me it’ll be okay one day,"Next week imma hit 30, rn i’m unemployed since december 2023 and i realized that i kinda need to vent cuz ideas of “offing myself” been crossing my mind lately.. moved from tunis to a rural area down south in 2013 ( i was 20 back then), underwent “l bac” here and went to college for 6 years (english major), so 7 years here spent studying so i didnt properly have time to make friends, as years went by it became harder, not to mention some folks still see me as “barrani”.. 30 years of age and i spend 99% of my day in my room, with the other 1% to go to bathroom/eat or outside to buy cigarettes.. i worked as a “sl$ve” in a factory for 2y and a half, standing (3am to 3pm), for 550 dt, untill my body and mind collapsed and i walked out back in december 2023.. i got no soul to talk to.. i live with my grandma(only us).. my mom took off in 2015 back to tunis where she remarried, dad stayed here nd remarried as well, hence i live in grandpa’s house..im in a stage of spending money i dont have.. burnt thru my savings and i can not move to tunis to look for jobs.. i stay awake till like 10 am nd wake up abt 3 pm..depression has me on a chokehold. I barely eat, might as well be malnutrined but smoking tricks my mind…and i dont even know what day is this ! My only friend is a decent pc that i built in 2022, sometimes i think of selling it, than i ask myself for what ? I have no motivation left.. my body barely functions and my mind is cloudy.. im so sorry for the length but im really struggling and this is just a part of it.. i just need someone to tell me its gonna be okay….","A reminder to respect rule 1 and be considerate in your comments, any trolling or breaking of rule 1 won't be tolerated. + +If you have any info that could help OP don't be shy to share.","لطف على خويا 🌸 ربّي يجبر بخاطرك و يفرّح قلبك 🤍 + +ما تحطّ شيئ في بالك و الله توا تفراج، ناس لكل تعدات بفترة صعيبة و ببطالة و تعدّاتها المهم ما تقعدش واقف و تسلّم و تقول هذاكا الموجود ، ربي لا يغيّر بقوم حتى يغيّروا مما في انفسهم.أسعى انت و حاول و توا احوالك تتبدّل. الانجليزية متاعك باهية تنجم تخدم في سنتر دابال في العاصمة يخلصوا مليون اقل حاجة تنجم تعيش بيه فرد وقت تنجم تلوج خدم على الانترنت و الله راهو موجود اخدم اي حاجة جيست عبّي وقتك و ما تعرفش على الخير فين.انك تستسلم للاكتئاب و الحزن و تعدي نهارك راقد ما يغيّر شيئ و الرزق ما يجيكش لباب دارك(عكس المعتقد) لازم تفيق و تسعى و تفارع و توا تفراج. و راهو اول مرحلة تعملها تلوّج على اي خدمة تعبّي بيها وقتك الفراغ يعمل loop متاع عجز و حزن و كآبة لطف عليك … + +I don’t claim that it’s gonna be easy but unfortunately it’s the only way..don’t wait to be saved because no one will, you are the only one capable of saving yourself… + +I hope we hear good news from you in the future and that you are in a much better place 🤍",ان بعد العسر يسرا thats the only think I can say,"I feel you. and not only me. That's the sorry state of many people in Tunisia since the economy collapsed and high unemployment became rampant. +Personally, I kinda spent around 7 years in a similar state - from age 27 to age 34. I had depression for 2 or 3 years too. But I knew what was coming so I started working on other skills since I was 25 and before graduating. I kept on improving in my room, even when no one believed in me. For a time, I needed a better computer to get a dream job, but parents refused, thinking that I was in my room playing video games and masturbating or whatever. But I kept at it. I had so many things going on at the same time that conflated to get me into a depressed state. I would say that I used to sleep on train tracks as a hobby, to prep for offing myself, but I won't say that because it may or may not have happened, and because I now work in a field that is notoriously known for being outdated and extremely intolerant when it comes to mental health. One day, I was going to the train station during the morning (to take the train as a means of transport obviously), but then I made a detour to a psychiatrist. I took meds for anxiety for some time that helped me sleep, but I had things to work on, and I wanted to power through them even with depression. the meds numbed me too much to be functional so I ditched them out. +I kept myself busy and busting my ass off to whatever capacity I have. In the end, I got over the depression. It took time, but now I feel extremely resilient to it, including to stress and anxiety. It somehow feels like a necessary step towards being more whole, and you won't understand this state unless you survive. It required a change on how I see life as a whole, but that happened somehow automatically. Whatever you used to live for and lost, know that there's a lot more to live for. It may feel hypocritical to change your reason to live just out of convenience, but let it happen, and you'll learn to appreciate everything in life a lot more, and you'll become more spiritual and you'll feel good within your own skin. +Anyways, maybe don't focus on depression itself or how much your mind is cloudy. Power through everything, and your mind will keep on adapting and expanding. Your situation is shitty, that's for sure, and there's no hiding from it. I can't give you proper advice on how to go about your life. . Offing yourself is the only decision that you can't somehow fix or change. ""But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength"". I assure you if you believe in yourself, or at least in the process, and keep on surviving no matter what and on striving forward, you'll find yourself in a good place that you never thought imaginable. +I don't think it's a good decision to sell your pc. If you use it wisely, it can be your getaway car from the situation you're in. It's better than to sell it and burn through its money.","It's going to be okay +I'm gonna turn 30 in three weeks too +no education currently broke but I've been slowly making up plans and asking around on what I can do to make the next few years bearable +don't give in to the suicidal thoughts make it at least to 35 give yourself some hope with planning out what your next steps for a better life should be that was the only thing I found that worked for suicidality +30 is still young we have to accept it it's just society that dictates this imaginary age limit to living a decent life +I'm open to talking if you want",2024-06-15 20:40:42 +1dgr16i,https://v.redd.it/l8ddi0wsqs6d1,2,وزيرة التربية و التعليم: ما تنجمش تقاوم الغش في جهة مفتوحة على الكونترا.,"الحل؟ التبادل الحر. + +Thoughts?…. And prayers because we desperately need them. ","This is the same person who said اولاد الحوم الشعبية هوما الأطفال الغير شرعيين للبلاد + +https://preview.redd.it/1n30ce0ots6d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ca03bbce734d706a42c50097c5da0e0d71f889","Love it or hate it: She got a valid point. + +[The shocked people have no idea how the concept of ""Dawla"" is absent in the remote area.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MeOWGMr7MGo)","Shih hiya Todhhor jihawiya ama wlh klemha Shih... ena 9rit fi collège w fi école publique, chTar la3bed li ta9ra kamcha jboura w mnaykin ma3andhom 7atta 3ale9a bil waTaniya w mouch metrobin, ki weldihom manajmouch yrabiyouhom lezem dawla tetlheh bihom w hedha ySir fil developed countries. Elli jey yrabi mouch bech yzaghretlik fi wedhnik raw jey bech yrabik w ywajhik.",,,2024-06-15 20:37:48 +1dgqr8b,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgqr8b/car_m_cv_l_nasr/,2,Car m cv l Nasr ,"Famech ay transport m cv l Nasr? Car , metro etc",car 51A walla 5~~D~~ men TGM (walla 5C tahbat fel Menzah 7 tkammel 3la sa9ik),"Fama car kont no5oha thez men med5 l nasr2, ama leya barchaa, netsawer mazelt mawjouda, zid es2el w chouf.",,,,2024-06-15 20:24:42 +1dgqb43,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgqb43/adhd_medication/,3, **ADHD Medication** ," + +""I need the point of view of someone who has taken ADHD medication in Tunisia and found it helpful. I've been trying to write my thesis for two years, but I can't focus for more than 15 minutes without getting distracted.i always suspected that I have it ,I just want to know if it's worth trying. Also, I'm looking for a good psychologist in Sousse. Any recommendations?""",Ken el psy masha5sksh eli anti 3ndk ADHD fa you can't say that you have ADHD it could be because of the PhD syndrome,"ADHD is the new gluten allergy. + +Get diagnosed by a specialist before you start taking medication (that you can't get without a special prescription)",,,,2024-06-15 20:03:15 +1dgpsue,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgpsue/recommenation_for_first_date_plan_in_grand_tunis/,2,Recommenation for first date plan in grand tunis ,"We are planing to go out the next week end for someplace zone marsa-lac-gammarth probably for a dinner and after we may go out for a walk +I need some recommendations for some cozy-calm palces with good vibes ",Budget for the night?,,,,,2024-06-15 19:39:17 +1dgpd7b,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgpd7b/any_elden_ring_players/,11,Any Elden Ring players?,I have questions concerning the game and would love to talk about it bi tounsi with someone hhh this is my first time playing a souls game w berasmi mesh 3arfa win n9abel lol,"I finished it. It's a masterpiece, and I'm waiting for the DLC. Other souls games are kinda different and enjoyable in their own way. We can talk about it.",couldnt get past the first boss and deleted the game :),Hit me up finished the game and I've got an embarrassing number of hours on it,"Big fan of Souls games, recently finished Sekiro, and am currently downloading Elden Ring + +Hit me up","i've been playing it for like a year, i may be able to help",2024-06-15 19:18:45 +1dgp025,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgp025/this_is_when_you_establish_respect_and_other/,1,This is when you establish respect and other countries treat you as equals.,"This is the first official state invitation from a chinese president to a tunisian president. The welcome was just so good, they even played taht yasmina fel lil. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnJWNAe-Whc&ab\_channel=TunisieNum%C3%A9rique](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnJWNAe-Whc&ab_channel=TunisieNum%C3%A9rique)",Lol some people downvote just because it's not a western president if he was Beiden they would go crazy,,,,,2024-06-15 19:01:21 +1dgogil,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgogil/looking_for_tunisians_in_the_uk/,5,Looking for Tunisians in the UK,"Hey brothers and sisters, moved to the UK a few months back and noticed that seeing my countrymen here is very rare compared to France. Miss the humour and the vibe and would love to connect with those rare gems living in the UK, peace ✌️",If I wanted to hang out with Tunisians I would have stayed in Tunisia,"We are rare, but there is a big community in London where I am and in Manchester. But I tend to avoid Tunisians like the plague lol","Im in south Hampton practicing as a resident physician so Im literally spending 18 out of 24hrs in the hospital cause thats how residency like, fu@@in slave work 🫠 +But hey maybe will meet no p mate",Where did you move? My wife is Tunisian and we live in the UK,">Miss the humour and the vibe + +https://preview.redd.it/m6fsmgbhdt6d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=09e7eea316cd592a2dd31292db852e0f5c14a8ef",2024-06-15 18:35:27 +1dgo2c2,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgo2c2/help/,3,Help,"I'm a junior software engineer, I've graduated since 8 months and been working at a startup 14km away from home since. I'm tired of carpooling and taxis and would love to have the freedom of transportation but at the same time don't want to trade my hard-earned money for a depreciating asset. My budget is 62k. Should I buy a car or not? If yes, what car will it be? Thanks.","Buy a scooter dude and save that money, cars are a money sink even in tunisia",Golf 6?,"It is a bit dangerous, but if you are a responsible person, you get by safely. Get a motorbike, it will get you were you want to be faster than a car (because you can fit easily between cars, and hardly get stuck in traffic), but you need to be extra careful. + +If you don't think a bike is a good idea, get a new car, as cheap as possible. I'd say a 208 or similar (clio, c3, polo, ibiza...). you are sure it is in a good shape, you save a lot on maintenance, and when you sell it, you can get a good price, especially if you keep it clean. This kind of cars is always in high demand. + +Or you can always get a bicycle, an electric one if possible, 14 km is roughly a one hour commute (actually less than that, your average speed would probably be around 20km/h)","in touness used cars are not the typical depreciating assets , prices temchi w tzid anecdotally i know dudes who made profit on kraheb occasion flips. sinon go for it bro",,2024-06-15 18:17:28 +1dgo15k,https://i.redd.it/lzq3ppyi1s6d1.jpeg,0,How can this country ever develop if evolution is not presented and taught as actual science? ,,It is teached in high school,Idk what schools y'all went to. We were taught evolution in highschool.,"I'm a proponent for the proper teaching of Evolution, but honestly, I don't see what relationship that has with the development of the country. Both issues are completely independent.",https://preview.redd.it/piqgb24bds6d1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f47fab4a4ed7ef01179d7d8d8bfe4b1c41bbcb,"We need sources and we need actual numbers. As far as Tunisia is concerned, this is totally wrong.",2024-06-15 18:15:56 +1dgnahz,https://i.redd.it/iz1pqqfdvr6d1.jpeg,2,Tunisie télécom forfait trick,"Hey all, so I've been doing some math on the best way to get mobile data and this is what I came up with: +So basically we go for the biggest possible offer (100Gb for 64,8dt paid with credit card on the MY TT app), this offer is valid for 60 days. At the day of the expiration, we buy 1.25Gb for 4.5dt with credit card. +Doing this should* extend the expiration of the entire data plan for another 30 days. We keep doing this every month till the entire thing expires. +So basically, if one limits themselves to 10Gb a month of data usage, starts buying the 1.25Gb by the end of the second month and does it for 9 months, you'll be using 10Gb a month for 11 months before you run out. + +So the total cost amounts to: 64.8dt + 4.5dt*9 = 105.3dt, which is approximately 9.6dt / month for 10Gb of monthly mobile data. +The usual 10Gb costs 18dt if bought directly without doing any of this which is almost double. + +*Tested with 10Gb data plan and it was extended by 30 days, so technically should work the same with 100Gb. Can anyone else confirm that it works? + +Anyone got any better tricks/ ideas? ",U can get illimited internet for 30-40dt/month,"https://preview.redd.it/foqpj8r1es6d1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bb0a98b3c43596e8bdbc1be0a101cbf3bf38c31 + +Well done dude","hek 100go nosrofhom f chahrin btbi3ti, a5ta l adsl f dar..ma3neha be7sbet telecom 1tera yaswa 600dt. starlink mta3 elon musk ya3ti 1 tera b 200dt ..mazelna b3ad",are you sure about the extension? That's a pretty huge loophole,,2024-06-15 17:41:27 +1dgmw0g,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgmw0g/how_much_does_it_cost_to_build_an_apartment/,2,How much does it cost to build an apartment?,"S+2, 70M carre, moyen-standing, A-Z.",i'm no engineer but let me tell u that the info u gave is nowhere being enough for that question,I think you could be looking at 150-200 Dinars per squared meter just to build.,">build an ***apartment*** + +https://preview.redd.it/yypochcjur6d1.png?width=218&format=png&auto=webp&s=05302b52aed917fa636bf646af7e30055ac94890",,,2024-06-15 17:22:28 +1dgmfm1,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgmfm1/donation_link/,1,Donation link,"Hi everyone, + +I'm in a bit of a tough situation and could really use some help. I'm looking for a way for people to donate to me, but I've run into a problem. I can't use [https://ba9chich.com](https://ba9chich.com) because it doesn't support PayPal, and all of my potential donors are from outside the country. + +Does anyone have any suggestions for alternative platforms or methods that support international donations and PayPal? Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!",Patreon or buymeacoffee,"Paypal is temporary down on bakchich, and international cards does work on bakchich. so you can accept donations from outside the country using bakchich.",,,,2024-06-15 17:00:51 +1dgm0l8,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgm0l8/anahi_prepa_5ir/,2,Anahi prepa 5ir?,"Ana bac math wn7ab na3rf anahi li tchoufouh 5ir, IPEIT wela prepa lmanaar. Lzouz 3andhom reputation bahya wmanich 3arf chna3ml. +Scori bch ykoun ~175 nchalah","All prepas are almost the same. Choose the one that will make you study more comfortably, that’s the most important thing from my experience",choose the nearest one,"IPEIT khir (9rit fiha 2007-2009). Competitive akther, les porfs khir, niveau general khir. el 7ouma khayba par contre. Ekri b3id ken tnajjem w khoudh el car walla metro bech temchi w tji. + +Sinon, prepa Sfax behya zeda, a9rablek yomkon, wel niveau behi.",,,2024-06-15 16:41:17 +1dglvsh,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dglvsh/options_to_pay_flight_tickets/,2,Options to pay flight tickets ,I am struggling to find an option to pay flight tickets with a different currency. What are the available options in Tunisia if the company is not Tunisian? I don't want to ask family or friends for help...,"Carte edinar travel w y9osoulk mel allocation touristique if you want the legal way, wela aamel carte wise w echry solde mel marche noir w khales biha (tjik aghla 7-8% ama ashel w asre3 w khir)",3aychek wlh you helped me with that,"I can do the exchange face to face , ill buy the ticket and u can just give me cash , but the company needs to accept ideal as a payment method , aka tui fly transavia thomas cook",,,2024-06-15 16:34:55 +1dgl9qc,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgl9qc/whats_the_best_traditional_way_to_make_molokhia/,5,"What's the best, traditional way to make Molokhia?","I went to Tunisia years ago and the aunts of my friend made Molokhia. I absolutely fell in love with it. + +My dad went to Tunisia recently and I asked him to bring me some Molokhia powder because I want to make it at home. + +I've seen multiple ways people make it on internet. A lot say to use olive oil, others say neutral oil like seed or sunflower oil. What's the best one? I live in Italy so I have access to really good olive oil. + +As for quantities, some people measure with spoons, other say like 100gr of powder and 2 liters of water. + +I would really appreciate some tips and tricks to make a really good Molokhia! Thanks!","Measure with spoons, the number of spoons = number of servings + one spoon “for the guest” as for the water you should fill your cooker nearly fully (leave some space for the sauce to boil later without spilling), tastes better with good olive oil. Pro tip from grandma : you can start first by stir fry one chopped onion !",,,,,2024-06-15 16:05:17 +1dgjxb4,https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dgjxb4,2,"Looking for application ""code de la route CFCSR"" the app's interface is in the pics (pc not phone)",,"The one used in auto ecoles is private and is not allowed to be shared. But there are similar ones on tunisia-sat. Based on my experience, 80% of the questions are the same.",,,,,2024-06-15 15:03:03 +1dgj59k,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgj59k/that_guy_who_used_to_bully_me_and_threaten_me/,13,That guy who used to bully me and threaten me confessed to me something shocking.,"So I used to be bullied by that guy who studied with me from the ""1ere anneé"" who wouldn't leave me alone every day and every time he found a chance to bully me, steal my money, and my glasses call me names. After 7 years now when I was taking my dog for a walk he stopped me asking me questions about my dog, then asked me why I don't sit with him or talk to him, anyway, he told me that he wanted to talk to me about something but I refused. After some weeks he asked me to sit with him and started talking, he started talking about the past, he was drunk and he told me that he was sorry about the past and that he did all of that because he was into me, and started having some tears, yes I was shocked didn't expect that I just stand up and wanted to leave he hold my hand and told me not to leave I pushed it away and left. Today he saw me again he told me that if I said anything about what he told me I would lose my life, I told him that I don't care about him nor about what he said and I am not that weak person anymore and if he is g.y I am not and I don't care about losing my life and I left him. + +What should I do now? ","Chkoun kan ya3ref bullies have plot twists? +Min tlbully to secret admirer. +What a play mta3 zebii haha","Ignore him. He thinks the world rotate around him but who gives fuck? +You said it yourself : you don't care about him. +Ignore and move, continue enjoying your life and focus on your future. + +In case he try to talk again, ignore firmly. What can he do? + +Just in case, you can take some self defense classes, its not abt fighting anyone, it will give you more confidence, who knows.",ignore this waste of space what else would you do? But If he keeps pestering you because he's scared you might tell ppl he's gay just say you won't you won't so you can have peace,"Some infos needed. +You leave in the same area ? You are neighboors ? Seems you bump into him quite often. + +He may be kinda disturbed, so imo I suggest you to dont stay on a conflict level. If you have an opportunity, just try to make him understand that you moved forward, that the past is the past and that his secret is well kept with you. Not saying you forgive him but that you understand. +Wish him good luck with his situation...The goal is relaxing tensions if possible.","Damn what a plot twist ! 🤯 +Well ig now you know why he was acting that way towards you, but if i were you i'd be better than him and i won't out him",2024-06-15 14:26:24 +1dgictd,https://i.redd.it/lhfh04mlpq6d1.jpeg,7,Is it real ??,"Just saw this comment on a Facebook Post, is it real that kais said did say that ?? If so, can someone provide us with the video that highlights that.",it's funny that he gave france as an example. These people still live in 1960 when france was one of the big countries economically. This year the french growth is 0.6. It's the 7th in the world and projected to become the 10th in 2030. Yet some people expect them to invest in Tunisia. Their cars are not even that popular in europe. In the same time he ignored the visit of china. I think it's the first visit and official invitation from a chinese presedent to a tunisian one. The future is there. This just show the ignorance and how their mind is still living in the 80s,He said that in France 24 with the Tunisian journalist Taoufik mjayed w works for France 24.,"[check yourself](https://youtu.be/SLf4kYJKqOM?si=JaiM3X2C1a_pGOew&t=468) + +Foreign Direct Investments decreased in the next quarter after this interview",Yes in france 24 interview,"if it is real it is real. it could mean that he doesn't want the type of investment France is offering, but overall tunisia is bad in matter of investment our economic sectors monopolize everything and our laws and certifications is worse, what's the matter of saying that??",2024-06-15 13:47:20 +1dgi5cb,https://i.redd.it/30abjv1onq6d1.png,1,Tek-Up alternance,"I didn't apply for it this year, i did last year and i was kinda late applying then, todat i received this message from them... + +Does it means they accepted me ? +If i go there 10.07, what should i take with me, papers, resume, smthing else ? +10.07 will i just find companies for me to apply so they'll cover the cost or what exactly ? ","الاغلبية بش تمشي تعدي devoirs +و مبعد تنجح فيه ماللوالا يلوا يعطوا الcv متاعك للشركات و الشركات ينجموا يختاروك ينجموا لا +الحكاية لكل ماركيتينج يعملوا فيه بش يلفتوا شوي انتباه ليهم من خلال الكونكور هذا و هدفهم الاساسي الطلبة اللي مش بش ينجحوا في الكونكور يقنعوهم يدخلو يقروا عندهم.",,,,,2024-06-15 13:36:29 +1dgi1sx,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgi1sx/flous_mel_bara/,1,Flous mel bara ,"Aslema , what is the easiest way to accept money from abroad (usa for example)",Western Union,,,,,2024-06-15 13:31:13 +1dght6z,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dght6z/just_saw_someone_say_orange_donates_to_the_idf_is/,4,just saw someone say Orange donates to the idf is this true ? ,berrasmi lahkeya ? orange ta3ti fel flous l jaych israel ? and whats the alternative ,"I know that the french goverment supports Israel and that orange formally France Telecom pays taxes to the french goverment. + +I had my orange number for years, so instead of completely changing numbers I did a switch demand online and I switched to Tunisie Telecom while keeping my old number.",Orange kenet mawjouda fi the occupied lands but then they temrinated their license( in 2015 i think) and got out,![gif](giphy|JoDdAnhQfm3zw2VYN6|downsized),,,2024-06-15 13:18:53 +1dggwsd,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dggwsd/system_of_beliefs_and_social_habits/,2,System of Beliefs and Social Habits ,"Since it's 3id and all, I wanted to get some opinions on this. + + +Can humans maintain a spiritual system of belief throughout multiple generations without manifesting it into physical habits, what do y'all think? + +Are social physical habits a way to manipulate ppl into unconsciously keeping a belief system alive? + +",i think this doesnt affect that i believe that these events have nothing to do with manipulating the ton and the living example is us this religious event is anything but religious its more meat and grill themed than religion but in an other perspective yes it originated from the deduction of ibrahim of his son and that signifies the  willingness of muslims to give up worldly desires for the sake of god which in its technicalities is a physical event that propels the idea of utter belief and obedience,"As a Muslim, yes العبادات in general are crucial to maintaining the religion. + +Islam openly discusses this in terms of: +“التقرب من الله من خلال الصلاة و الصوم ووو"" +Praying 5 times a day is great but what’s even greater is praying “nawafel”. +I don’t believe god gains anything from me praying or fasting or anything… if I were to stop today it would be of little to no consequence to a higher being. + +It is something entirely designed to maintain my faith steady. I can attest to the fact that I’m kinda more religious now that I pray everyday than I was a few years ago. + +Muslims have to celebrate Eids and refrain from celebrating any other religious holidays like Christmas for example. Which is basically highlighting the importance of social habits in maintaining a religion or a belief system. + +This however isn’t something we view as “brainwashing” or “manipulation” because the beliefs are within us, they already exist, العبادات only serve the purpose of solidifying them. + +I think even if we cut ties with “the habits” entirely people still wouldn’t stray away from religion. The “truly religious” aren’t religious because their ancestors were and now that’s what they are, they’re religious because religion fundamentally aligns with their morality and that’s truly their belief system. These habits are important yes but far from being the only reason people are religious.","Depends on the components of the belief system itself,You can argue that belief systems such as Deism,Atheism,Agnosticism and to some extent Buddhism don't need to maintain themselves through physical activites since they are based on philosophical,non-worldly and non-physical aspects which are the centerpieces of their belief",">Can humans maintain a spiritual system of belief throughout multiple generations without manifesting it into physical habits, what do y'all think? + +I don't think so. It won't survive. + +Physical habits and beliefs have always been interconnected and complementary. These practices were invented primarily as a measure to find out who actually are ""the believers"" and who are not. What is the purpose of religion if stripped of its rituals and practices? + +ISIS, for instance, and the people who established that belief system used prayer in mosques as a way to find out who's actually a Muslim and who's not.",Are you personally triggered by Aid?,2024-06-15 12:30:16 +1dgfwc8,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgfwc8/bac_sc_3am_jey_w_lvl_mte3i_fl_français_0/,2, bac sc 3am jey w lvl mte3i fl français 0 ,Hi guys ena 3am jey bac sc w taya7 brcha fl français raghm li ena njib bl behy fl svt wl phy eli houma bl français ama ml ena fl madrsa 9rit 3nd mo3almin mch behyn w kraht l français 7awelt net7asen fih bl motal3a ye5i l9it rou7i n9ra f 7ajet meni fehm mnha 7ata kelma btw n3rf some verbs and words but it's not enough to write an essai for the exam chkoun 3ndou nfs l mochkla mte3i w jeb note behya fl français fl bac and thnx. ,"Same problem back then. Juste hawl tched vocabulaire fi kol chapitre chwaya chwaya w les essais lhadhrin are a HUGE help akrahom barcha marat twali tchedhom plus au moins wki bch tji tekteb juste aaml joumal simples wksar khatr hakeka lrisque bch toghlet is nearly 0 w try to introduced the learned vocabulary. Always remember, lfrançais baad lbac rak bch tnafkhou wtochrob meh (unless u’re lettres wbch taaml prof de français which is not your case here nrmlmnt)","Awal chey te3mlou, tet3awid tesme3….asme3 lghna francais, tferij f les film francais.. moch lezim tefhim birasmi movh lezim tefhim just 3awad wedhnik tesme3 :) +Bichwaya bchwaya ataw tel9a rou7ik tefham.. w bil wa9t ataw tel9a 3andik vocabulaire ektib f les forum, wela instal les applications mte3 chat w communication… lezim wa9t mais eli n2ekdo ena t3awid tesme3",,,,2024-06-15 11:29:53 +1dgfud1,https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dgfud1,4,"Tunisia seen through different filmmakers lenses. +Nothing of the following really exists. (Pictures I generated with AI)",,,,,,,2024-06-15 11:26:06 +1dgfqsx,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgfqsx/ah_the_grind/,5,Ah the grind,"https://preview.redd.it/2liynobazp6d1.jpg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2050dd4ef9487439b70717ea3342459f27667b3 + +","Most common mistake happens to a student +Even the younger ones",,,,,2024-06-15 11:19:55 +1dgfh8l,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgfh8l/according_to_you_what_would_make_our_country_a/,12,"According to you, what would make our country a better place to live in?","To me, we can't even dare to call ourselves a country when we don't have basic transportation infrastructure, such as an underground metro line connecting the airport and the city center, as well as linking the city center with other major towns. It's embarrassing to rely solely on overpriced taxis for airport connectivity. + +We also need bus stations equipped with electronic displays that show real-time bus arrival times, along with a tracking app that displays the current location of each bus. + +Apart from that, what else could make Tunisia a better place?","Getting bus stations with whatever fancy stuff won't fix anything. +What we need is judicial independence, accountable law enforcement and economic equity. Everything else will follow.","• Rule of Law and strong independent institutions. + +• Economic equality and cutting red tape, so everyone can start a legal business quickly and easily. + +• Ban everyone who served in government pre 2011 from serving. + +• Investing heavily in education and fostering a culture if academic freedom and a strong R&D sector + +• A free and independent media, where journalists don’t self-censor in fear of government + +• Major investment and overhaul of the infrastructure + +Edit: Format",Make it easier for people from Tunisian to work in freelance and promote our product's internationally...and for god sake stop sucking dick for a tourist who only spend 100$ max.,More water resources?,"A huge purge in the public sector, the amount of ""do nothing"" zero productivity corrupt public employees that bankrupted the country with their fat salaries is too big. The real cancer of Tunisia.",2024-06-15 11:02:03 +1dgfh8e,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgfh8e/industries_in_germany/,0,Industries in Germany,I have some questions related to the levels required for the German language to work as a senior technician in Germany,"imagine, just for the sake of imagining, including the questions in the post...","I mean technically you don’t even need German, but it will be way harder to land a job without the language, and will severly limit your future profesionnal career there. Getting to a B2 level takes 6 months- 1 Year in Tunisia depending on how many hours you are studying weekly, you can study German and try at the same time looking for an english-speaking job and if you were lucky enough to get one, continue studying German in Germany while working as it’s a huge plus. + +Edit: you should post on r/Germany too.",,,,2024-06-15 11:02:03 +1dgf3qn,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgf3qn/similarities_with_lebanese_people/,7,Similarities with Lebanese people,I posted something yesterday on r/Lebanon and a tunisian person commented that we have a lot of similarities as a society and ive never heard that before so is it true? And how are we similar ?,As a Jordanian/Palestinian I do see the similarities. Idk how you guys can be so chill yet so angry simultaneously,"Both say ملّا with a similar meaning. + +Oh and also both, as well some parts of Algeria, use بعلي with the same meaning related to farming using rainwater only. + +The last one clearly survives from Canaanite. Maybe the first one too no clue.","Aside from being Mediterranean, ""Arabic""-speaking, significantly Francophone and sharing some common history and some liberal values, nothing in particular comes to my mind. If you know other similarties please share it with us!",Lebanon is first and we’re second in alcohol consumption in Arab countries.,the only similarities are being more secular and liberal and having french as a second language i don't know what the person is talking about,2024-06-15 10:35:58 +1dgesq3,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgesq3/dealing_with_a_toxic_colleague_how_do_you_manage/,3,Dealing with a Toxic Colleague ; How Do You Manage? ,"Hello reddit , + +I'm facing a challenging situation at work and would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. I have a colleague who exhibits a big ego and a narcissistic persona. This person often tries to assert dominance by offending others in various ways. It can be quite frustrating and draining to interact with such disrespectful person who is unable to see the bad effect of his past actions, especially since they seem to thrive on creating tension , fake problems , stalking and rumours. +such interactions doesn't add value to me and it bothers me to be surrounded with uneasy vibe which drain my energy . +Personally, I've been focusing on protecting my social media presence and limiting what I share to ensure they don't gain much insight into my personal life or interests. However, this is complicated by the fact that we have mutual connections, which adds an extra layer of complexity. + +How do you manage interactions with someone like this in your workplace? Have you found effective strategies for maintaining boundaries and minimizing their impact on your work and personal life? I'm open to any advice or insights you might have based on your own experiences. + +Thanks in advance for your help. ","One of the biggest problems I have with working with others is this. You have to work in close proximity with psychos, egomaniacs, children in adult bodies and much more. You have to be their sliman labiedh and serve each one his own medicine. +There’s no work around this. You just have to get in, do your job, minimize interactions and get paid and leave. +If it’s unbearable, seach for other jobs on the side especially when management is the toxic one.",Beat him in his face,"Setting boundaries has been key for me , keeping interactions strictly professional and avoiding unnecessary interactions It's also helps to limit your social media presence to avoid unnecessary drama. Maybe why do you have work people in your private socials ? +Finding colleagues who share the same experience as you can be a game changer too. It sucks feeling stuck in a toxic environment , but focusing on work and self-care with friends outside of the office can be a saving grace. Hang in there."," +واجه زكمو بالحقيقة في زكم وجهو تبقاش تغلي وحدك هو يحكي يرقص كيما يحب و يتفرهد و انت تبقى تغلي تغلي ازبي اجبدوا بكلمتين خفاف نظاف. هوما في الاغلب يعملو اكاكة خاطرهم ما يفهموش شمعناه واحد يحب على خصوصيته في الشريكة و يجبد روحوا الا ما تولي ترقص معاهم و تفدلك و تساهم في امتداد التصورات متاعو في المخو اكاكة تولي باهيلهم. بش يحاولو يستغزوك و يبقاو يسبوك ورى ظهرك و يطلعواك طلالع تجري بيها لسانتهم الناتنة. حلها واحد تستنى اي تصرف قادم متجاوز للحدود و توقف زكمو عند حدو خلي زكم يعرفو قدرهم تربح راحت اعصابك و بالطبيعة ترتاح من الاحتكاك متاعهم معاك خاطر نتصورش شيبقى يدور بيك بعد ما تسك زكمو بالباهي هو خاري فيه خاتر ماشي فيبالو دامك ساكت دامك ماكش متقلق و يبقى يواصل.","Grey Rock him. Ignore to every extent possible, react as mutedly as possible even as they yry to enthrall and provoke. Bore them and make them seek the attention they crave from elsewhere.",2024-06-15 10:14:01 +1dgejln,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgejln/where_to_buy_clothes/,0,Where to buy clothes?,"Hello guys, actually i (f23) gained weight w hweyji maach yjiw kadi and idk where to buy clothes. I used to buy m malls wala when sm travels yjibli. But since the boycott, idk where to buy from. Ik eli bech tkoulouli frippe but i have this medical condition ma nethamalch blayes fehom too much noise and screaming and i m honestly skeptical about the hygiene. So ken taarfou local brands or brands that aren't part of l boycott please give me suggestions and thank youuu.","Barsha, jennyfer , koton, lc Waikiki , zen , HA , zoda or there are instagram pages that sell second hand clothes or on dabchy",[deleted],,,,2024-06-15 09:55:42 +1dgds9f,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgds9f/hiking/,7,Hiking ,"Hello Guys, am gonna ask ken fama hiking activities for young people in Tunisia for free organized by a safe institution or trustworthy people what do you think 9olt nchouf hnèe ",There's no free ones really. But you can always get a friend group and go into the wild. it's better than any organised shit,"There's Aventoura and Avaloon, you can find them on instagram/facebook they organize outdoors activities like hikes and camping but they are not for free but it's pretty safe and it's seems fun",,,,2024-06-15 08:59:58 +1dgd6ge,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgd6ge/creatine_from_the_brand_impact/,3,CREATINE From The Brand IMPACT ,"I've been training for 2 years now and I wasn't using any supplements I used to be thin (60 Kg) now I'm happy where I am (82 KG) I'm 1,86 m, and lately I started considering using creatine I've done my research on the internet and I know that this is what I need atm. +now I have 1 thing left to figure out which brand to get I found that Impact is a Tunisian brand with a decent price. so I'm just asking If anyone tested it I would like to hear your review and personal experience ","I've been using Impact creatine for months now, I've seen incredible result, I've done multiple PRs when it comes to squats and chest press, and I keep adding weight each week, my muscle noticeably grew, and my pump is now really cool. + +I advice you to use it, my friends are using it too and btw im using their whey protein too.","Impact is a very praised brand, li neseelou ykoli ki bch tebda start with impact, a very good local brand.",,,,2024-06-15 08:14:13 +1dgcf40,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgcf40/setting_up_a_business_in_maghreb/,6,Setting up a Business in Maghreb - Tunisia/Algeria/Morocco,"Hello, bon jour, Salaam! + +I am a Canadian citizen living in Montreal. I have been to Paris as well. I love the Tunisian and Maghrebi cultures, especially the food, geography, and of course the people I have met! + +Planning to start a business based in Maghreb, but not sure which country to choose. + +I can stay 90 days in Morocco and 120 days in Tunisia visa free. Algeria requires a visa and the process is quite cumbersome including employment letter, bank statements, income tax returns etc (not just for Canadians but pretty much all countries). + +I haven't decided the business yet, but it could be either tourism, immigration to Canada/USA, importing some food or smoking related products from Maghreb and selling into North America. + +Can any one help me to choose the right location between Casablanca, Algiers, or Tunis? + +Open to any any suggestions, and if you need more info, please reply! + +Thank you, merci, choukran!","I literally just posted this same message in r/morocco and got banned within 5 mins. + +Clown world. + +No reason. + +I guess that eliminates them. + +Literally no reason bruh. + +The modes there are total Karens.","It seems people everywhere are frustrated and angry. + +The political and business class in every fucking country has managed to perfectly pivot the anger, frustration and negative emotions towards the ""outsiders"". + +Even though we are trying to somehow bring people together...","As I know, foreigners don't have the right to open a business in Tunisia unless they have a permanent visa. +Otherwise, it depends on the type of business. Before setting a business, you have to analyze the market, know each country laws well, have partners. And learning Arabic is a plus. Understanding Tunisian dialect or Maroccan dialect will help you better to connect with people. Many people don't like talking in french. Unless you're in the north (Marsa, Sidi-bou) but the new generation really hate French language and they're better in English because of social media ect.","> importing some food or smoking related products from Maghreb and selling into North America. + +For Food you need an authorization from the state + + +And Smoking related stuff, if you mean cigarettes than it’s straight up illegal + +>Can any one help me to choose the right location between Casablanca, Algiers, or Tunis? + +Wherever you come from otherwise the one where you actually know some people to help you a bit mate","I'm from Canada as well but originally from Tunisia, shoot me a dm , i might be able to help.",2024-06-15 07:19:32 +1dg8ixx,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dg8ixx/seeking_help_trust_and_empathy/,2,Seeking Help: Trust and Empathy,"It has not been easy coming to terms with this realizing that many people I have trusted in my existence are not considerate enough to practice empathy, confidentiality or care about the well-being of the people they interact with. + +In light of several talks, my father remained oblivious of my needs, choosing to attend to his own instead of concerning himself with my mental well-being. + +Family members violated my privacy by revealing my secrets and indulging in jealousy loaded rumors. + +A friend of more than ten years not only displayed jealousy but also interfered with my work and failed to apologized even when I tried to address him first and I never did anything wrong to warrant that. This friend has recently seen some positive changes in me and his response is the opposite of what one would expect, he outright stated that he despised this new attitude I have embraced. + +These have helped me break the perceived notion of possessiveness of such qualities, and realize how tough it is to come across people who actually care, are considerate, and extend support. Thus, I am aware of the need to cultivate relationships which are based on some kind of respect. + + Is it then true that there is scarcity of people with empathy, discretion and support of others?!?Are you the forgiving type who gives second chances or the type who completely eradicates someone from their lives and why so?!?",I just use spite of people like those to keep going,"The truth is, nobody will care about your wellbeing more than you, if you live by this truth you will never care about what people think or do, put yourself first always and don't compromise for others, we live in a new world now, all the morals that we thought existed are gone unfortunately","- They are there but they might not have other qualities and similarities that would make you friends. +- People that have both are scarce tho, still it's a matter of how many places do you visit, how many people you meet and have the will to get close to then your quality control. +- Sometimes it's better to hangout with high integrity people even with an age, interest and intelligence difference than your type of friend.",,,2024-06-15 03:11:06 +1dhmcho,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhmcho/35mm_film_in_tunis/,1,35mm film in tunis?,"i'll be in tunis this july and i'm wondering where is the best place to get 35mm film if i end up running out of the rolls i bring, and also whether there are any good places for developing and scanning rolls in tunis",,,,,,2024-06-17 01:16:36 +1dhlsl9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhlsl9/how_to_control_the_feelings/,2,How to control the feelings,"So i (23m), i have a lot of feelings in me and i don't know how to control them, whether i'm angry or sad or in love, i feel like it's 10x the other ppl feelings... +I was raised to never show my emotions and mens don't cry and that bs talk we all know... + +In my last relationship, i realized that i can give high amounts of love, it was like 10x higher than what she'd give and she too admitted that, also when i'm angry, in person i do nothing, i just suck it up and take 10-20 min to calm down, but when i'm alone and remember that i keep punching the shelves, doors, and i feel so mad... +Even sadness and depression, i've been in a severe depression for more than a year now, i do nothing except laying browsing tiktok the whole night a'd sleeping 7am, wake up 3pm... + +At night while browsing tiktok, i feel so lonely, i feel all the emotions i've been keeping inside me all coming up together and have to feel a different feeling for every video, specially the couples videos... + +Don't tell me give love to yourself and try to control your feeling coz i've been trying it for a long time and couldn't... ",">In my last relationship, i realized that i can give high amounts of love, it was like 10x higher than what she'd give and she too admitted that + +haha don't do that lol, girls will leave you soon after you show the x10 love you have +at most, do it very rarely",,,,,2024-06-17 00:46:27 +1dhlcg9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhlcg9/doing_zdag/,1,doing zdag ,"hi all + +kinda a messy situation + +i told my mum about the guy i like (he’s tunisian, lived there his whole life) and she didnt accept him - bare in mind shes very strict and difficult and has incredibly high expectations. she thinks he’s running after papers as do all immigrant parents but i know for a fact he isnt, hed much rather raise our family in tunisia than the UK (we’ve spoken about it extensively so pls trust me on this) + +im thinking of writing zdag next time i go tunisia, so it would be in secret of course, parents wouldn’t know about it. it breaks my heart because i want my mum to know everything but she’s not accepting him so i dont know what else to do, he’s the only one i want to marry man + +any advice, words of guidance, etc would be very very appreciated tysm everyone ",,,,,,2024-06-17 00:21:56 +1dhkx0j,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhkx0j/summer_job_and_friends/,1,Summer job and friends ,hey everyone I'm stident and I'm renting a house with my friends in ariana and i want to get a job there because in my hometown there's no jobs . anw so i wanted to know if there's a job opportunities you can recommend. also I'm having a prob with friends there like I don't have many friends to hang out with only my 2 friends that I'm renting with so how can i get some other friends ,,,,,,2024-06-16 23:59:43 +1dhkvhj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhkvhj/freelance/,1,Freelance ,Anyone started a freelance online using upwork or something like that can tell us about his experience and how he started .,,,,,,2024-06-16 23:57:29 +1dhkv4m,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhkv4m/whats_it_like_living_in_tunisia_is_it_worth/,0,what's it like living in Tunisia? Is it worth moving there in 2024?,I'm a foreigner looking to move and live in Tunisia... I work in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence idk how big the market is in Tunis but I have a remote job after I finish it tho idk if I'll renew or try to find something local,,,,,,2024-06-16 23:56:59 +1dhk1kb,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhk1kb/taking_out_dinar_from_tunisia/,1,Taking out dinar from Tunisia,"Hello. If I bring with me a small amount of dinar when leaving Tunisia, are there any other likely consequences than that the money will simply be confiscated if they see it? I collect foreign currency, and would like to bring with me maybe a 5 dinar note and a couple of coins. ","If it's 5 dinars and some coins they won't care. +I usually keep a 20 dinars on me, in case I want a coffee while waiting for the plane. +If they ask, dont hide anything, simply say I have X amount to buy this or that. Saying that you want to keep them as a souvenir works too. + +To sum up, by experience if it's less than 30 dinars they won't care. More than that can cause problems.",,,,,2024-06-16 23:14:54 +1dhiyby,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhiyby/ye5i_saret_w_5arjou_resultats_el_bac_nhar_a7ad/,1,Ye5i saret w 5arjou resultats el bac nhar a7ad?,Haw marra y9oulou 25 juin marra 23. Ye5i yji nhar a7ad? ,yes,my brother's was on a 3am on a sunday,,,,2024-06-16 22:21:55 +1dhipjj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhipjj/tourist_sites_hours_during_eid_al_adha/,1,Tourist sites hours during Eid al adha ,"I’m traveling Tunisia from June 15th (yesterday) and I leave on 19th. Appearently in Tunis, places like Bardo Museum or Ruins of Carthage will only be open after Eid Al adha on 19th. +My original plan was to go south to Kairouan, Sbeitla and Tozeur tomorrow (17th) then start to slowly move back north across Matmatat, El Jam and Sousse on the 18th (I know it’s very an intensive travel). But are places just going to be closed due to the Eid Al Adha before 19th? I know I can still visit those old towns since they are not a site, but are sites like Kairouan Mosque or Amphitheater of El Jem just gonna be closed? +",,,,,,2024-06-16 22:10:04 +1dhiph0,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhiph0/your_help_guys/,1,Your help guys😭,"Ahla ya jme3a ena tfol 20 years mochklty enou 3andi condition mafhemthech kol mano93d 9odem ay digital screen (phone,PC,tv) wejhi ynaf5 (5doudi ) mafhemtech 3lech wallit ma3adch nsta5dm fi ay 7aja digital (nab9a 7keyet 6 ayem wyarja3 wjhi 3adi) +Momkn tben tefha ama Wlh 3a9dtni la7keya 3andha 3 snin tawa wallit tji periode nab9a chhar walla thnin la n7ell laa PC la tlfn wtji periode o5ra nwalli yesser introvert 7atta dar man5rojch mnha + +Blhi ya jme3a illi ya3rf ay 7aja 3al 7keya hedhi y9olli w thank you so much😭 +",chouf allergologue..also jarbetch blue light filter on ur laptop ?,![gif](giphy|huRQ5pulxTtnTP3338),"This makes no sense. +reminds me of this + +https://preview.redd.it/r6ezsczjq07d1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=c004099dc956f3ff09a3cf5a73a2e44e4fe2513f",,,2024-06-16 22:09:59 +1dhijjj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhijjj/why_is_no_one_talking_about_sudan_or_uyghurs/,11,Why is no one talking about Sudan or Uyghurs?,Not many people talking about them why?,"I do honestly and Congo as well ama the world is too pre occupied with Palestine. +For Sudan and Uyghurs people can't usually protest cause it is ""a national case"" +Most people think that the war in Sudan is a civil war (when it's promoted and funded by the UAE and other external forces ) so they don't talk much about it since it's out of their countries leagues and their protests won't change a thing. +Urghurs are being mistreated by their own government and we can apply the same logic we can protest here ama it's all up to china. +So Sudanese people and Uyghurs people are getting harmed by their own ""people"" And own military and gov unlike Palestine who is directly oppressed by external gov (israel and USA) + +Other from that Xinjiang and Sudan aren't holy lands so they don't get much attention from muslims sadly . + +I am not justifying I am just giving some possible theories as to why not people are silent about sudan and Uyghurs. +We should also talk about Sudan Uyghurs and congo ❤🙏","No ""holy land"" no one cares, plus some racism",Not trendy enough like palestine,"At least for Sudan, they are having internal civil war. The best thing the world can do is not intervene and encourage them to have négociations. + +For the Uyghur, there is no war neither mass murder, it's a persecution campaign against a minority. Ofc they deserve empathy. But right now given the sheer scale of gaza war, it's completely normal that ppl feel more emotions towards gazans.","I think supporting Palestine despite the fact that it is human, it is also cultural and religious. Meaning that since we were young our parents tought us about it and since we were born it was happening all along. We didn't know much about the other conflicts and most of tunisians don't bother to do some research or know what's happening around the world. I mean this year we had the sudan war, the armenian war etc and most of our attention went to Palestine. I think that it's a matter of knowledge and all colonized countries or civil wars etc should be treated equally because the west doesn't really care and we should be their voices to stop the conflicts. I also do believe that it's due to racism Tunisians don't really care about ´African' conflicts idk if yall remember how KS treated the Palestinian people when they come to Tunisia but few days earlier a subsaharan woman and her child were found dead on the border and people gave 0 fuck about that and kept on praising him.",2024-06-16 22:02:09 +1dhihm4,https://i.redd.it/s5rzy5cea07d1.jpeg,0,Not a shitpost ,,"https://preview.redd.it/wb4q02vfd07d1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=f56b87fd543481536722a2dadd543e7edf6cc7a0 + +It's an old ritual to heal and protect","That's fucked up... and disgusting + +Bruh",This is exactly what keeps us uncivilized,,,2024-06-16 21:59:55 +1dhia67,https://i.redd.it/876x1jam807d1.jpeg,4,"The foundations of ""frerism"" aka Bruhhh",,"This has nothing to do with ""frerism."" Also are you suggesting that North African Muslims are different from other Muslims?",https://preview.redd.it/i801hne8b07d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fdb627e177fef0e44a7e2a77be330e2c4e72c4f,"I remember this guy that will literally curse allah by saying ""n** r***"" threatened to kill me for not being a muslim, like bro stop cursing your own god first before caring about other people's beliefs.",,,2024-06-16 21:50:10 +1dhi74g,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhi74g/my_friend_is_going_to_boycott_social_media_and/,0,My friend is going to boycott social media and asked me to post this,"His words: If you boycott everything that supports Israel, why don't you boycott US companies that support Israel, such as Facebook, Instagram ,YouTube, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Reddit, Apple, Windows, Android, Gmail and more... Why don't you boycott them? Ask yourself honestly If you really believe in boycott. + +My words: I deleted some of his words because he was so angry like describe who doesn't boycott those companies is Traitors, idiots, Hypocrites, and other things that I cannot say here because the subreddit rules prohibit that.","your friend needs to understand not everything is ""boycottable"" +ask him to boycott his phone, watch, and other electronics at his house too because they were made by overworked Chinese / African children that get paid 1$ a day and work 15 hours a day, which funnily enough he had been using up to this point and completely ignoring this fact + +even his clothes are probably made by exploited workers + +if anything, what he's doing is pure hypocrisy in and of itself + +tell him to calm down, acting angry just makes him look and seem silly + +at some point you have to start using reason over feelings + +because what he's doing is pure idiocy",We wouldn't want to hurt ourselves more than we hurt these companies.,"If you want to boycott social media like that I recomend VK which is like a Russian facebook if you want. + +Anyway I don't boycott and I don't care at all about those but at least I gave you an alternative :)","Are you sure you're not that ""friend,"" making up this whole BS just so nobody asks you why you're still using social media?",,2024-06-16 21:46:10 +1dhhzuz,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhhzuz/aidkom_mabrouk_oh_yeah_also_why_does_everything/,2,"Aidkom mabrouk! Oh yeah also, WHY DOES EVERYTHING TASTES LIKE SHEEP???","Seriously why does the smell linger on your nose and stick with you? I mean i get it it's potent, but my god is it strong, what scientific reasoning can explain this?",>[what scientific reasoning can explain this?](https://youtu.be/byat305TRRY?t=4),,,,,2024-06-16 21:36:52 +1dhhrzn,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhhrzn/move_to_tunisia/,4,Move to Tunisia?,"Hey my people 🇹🇳 + +I’m Tunisian but born and raised in northern Europe, never lived in Tunisia. I’m married to a Tunisian and we are waiting for my partner’s residence permit to be approved which sadly can take anything from 6 months to years. + +I have always wanted to leave Northern Europe as I never felt home here, I absolutely hate living here and have hated it for as long as I can remember. Culture, climate, lifestyle, all of it just isn’t my thing at all. It was always my goal to move away from here to ideally somewhere around the Mediterranean. + +I would love to leave my life behind and start a new life in Tunisia. I have a well paid corporate job today which I absolutely hate. + +Has anyone here left the corporate world behind or just relocated from Europe/the west to Tunisia? + +Is it possible to relocate to Tunisia and work remotely for a European employer? Do you know of any companies hiring on these conditions? + +Curious to share ideas and experiences as I’m trying to figure out how to make the move to Tunisia and more importantly what job opportunities are available. ","I think what worries employers the most is the fact that you will not be paying taxes in Europe, probably the way around this is setting up your own company and working as a contractor, this way it will not cause a problem to do a fully remote job! As an employee I don't think it is doable.","I’m half Tunisian half Belgian, and I also would like to go back and live my life there, where family is close, but I have the feeling there’s a lot less opportunity in Tunis to have a good life. I heard there are a lot of people who go working in western companies that pay a lot more than the Tunsian ones, so maybe you could try one of those, if there are any.","Depends on your specialty but you'd want to secure that remote job first, apply like everybody else. +I'd personally relocate to spain or portugal instead, much more order and stability, but if you have the money Tunisia can still provide a very enjoyable life.",I would say make sure you have a remote job thay let's you live in Tunisia and welcome home <3,"If you are fully remote and your employer doesn’t care where you live to do your job and you are not required to be in Europe then by all means, do it. You’ll save a ton of money. The first comment is wrong since you will pay income tax in the country of your company’s residence. Tunisia has agreements with the EU to avoid double taxation on income. Besides, the fact that you will be in TN is an advantage to TN since you would need to spend money there and so economically speaking you are consuming and spending in TN. All the best.",2024-06-16 21:26:31 +1dhhh1a,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhhh1a/my_room_is_about_to_swallow_me_alive/,4,My room is about to swallow me alive,"If these walls could talk they’d say ""go get a life and let me spend some time alone I’m begging you "". +I came to spend my summer vacation in Sousse but I don’t know anyone since I don’t live here and I’m getting sick of sitting in my room all day. +As an introverted extrovert, I need some time to recharge but I also forget how to socialize and all of my social skills start to vanish if I stay home for two weeks on a row. I don’t wanna fall down the rabbit hole and end up having summer blues so can anybody suggest some activities that might help me make some friends to hangout with? Also you can message me if you live in Sousse and want to get know each other. +I’m 21 years old btw. +PS: I’m not comfortable with hanging out with a man alone, just the two of us, so if u wanna meet u can introduce me to ur friends, if u want to hangout ofc.","Hey there, I live in sousse",Maybe indicating your age and your hobbies will help the right pple reaching you,Why are you in sousse if you don't know anyone there? Are you studying or working or smthing...?,heey there I'll also spend summer in sousse gonna be there around the end of the month I'd love to know someone there too,,2024-06-16 21:12:14 +1dhg5jf,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhg5jf/i_would_like_to_buy_a_ps5/,3,I would like to buy a PS5,Guys what is the local price for a PS5. I’d like to buy one; is it worth it? What games do you recommend ? ,"worth it ? well u can judge that +games ? idk what genre do u play...",,,,,2024-06-16 20:11:49 +1dhfzbs,https://v.redd.it/v5468nzo4w6d1,3,What's stronger ? A hydraulic press walla galb zitoun ?,,,,,,,2024-06-16 20:04:02 +1dhfmrh,https://i.redd.it/u6jn8mwfmz6d1.jpeg,28,bOyCoot is bat fOr eConoMie.. meanwhile Tunisians waiting in line to buy Tunisian made Soda drinks,,"قازوز العموري في بنزرت ❤️ +Is a must try w zid tawa m3a el boycott.. it's a great option ✨️🥰",Booga was anyways always superior to Coca. I never needed to boycott,Mashallah,,,2024-06-16 19:48:19 +1dhfkxp,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhfkxp/help/,6,Help ...,"How does this dating thing work? I talked to a girl, she seemed into me, and we chatted and went on a couple of dates. Then, suddenly, she started to be distant and only responds once every two hours. So, I just gave her space. What does this mean? My instincts tell me there is another guy in the picture. She is free to talk to whoever she wants and whenever she wants, but why keep me around? Does she just want me as a friend? Or am I overthinking? It took me ages to make this girl interested in me, and I don't think I have the energy to do what I did again. Any advice on what to do next ? I am 30, she is 29. ",Bruh meh she didn’t answer me since 2018,She's not worth it. Just move on. ,"Been there, just move on. Not worth your time nor your energy.",Bro she probably didnt click with you when yall went to dates and she keeping you on standby like a plan b if she fails to get with another one thus why she acting like that or she just tryna play games with you to make you like her more. Either way move on and onto the next,"bruh for two hours for me she changed her name ""instagram user"" after few hours talking i think she got bored from her name in instagram so she wanted to change it",2024-06-16 19:45:51 +1dhfh3t,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhfh3t/investment/,2,Investment,"What are the best investments schemes in Tunisia that have 100% certainty of profit (ordered by highest profit percentage) similar to HYSA or S&P 500 in USA? +It would be great if the funds are available on demand and I can track the investment using an app or a website. +I have around 60k TND that I want to invest. +","Well, technically speaking there is no investment that offers 100% certainty of profit. Even ETFs such as VOO, VTI, S&P do not offer that kind of certainty. Maybe HYSAs, but even those can be impacted by inflation and fluctuate back and forth. But if you want to play it safe while keeping your investment in Tunisia, there are multiple SICAV portfolios that you can put some funds in. That is all I know about investing in Tunisia. Riskier options would be real estate investment of course. + +If you can, I recommend keeping your investment in the USA and learning more about some good ETFs. The annual return rate will be much higher with those than it is with some Tunisian Sicavs.",,,,,2024-06-16 19:40:56 +1dhf5mq,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhf5mq/tunisie_telecom_sim_card_living_abroad/,2,"Tunisie Telecom Sim card, living abroad","Hello Everyone, + +I am a Tunisian living abroad. I used to have a Tunisie Telecom SIM card that I kept active for several years. + +I used it occasionally to make some calls. + +Today, I discovered that the service is not available, and it seems like the SIM card/phone number is inactive. + +Does anyone have any ideas on how I can recover it? + +Thank you.","by disabled u mean the SIM card won't work ? +if yes, try calling it, cuz after not using it for a while, the number is given to another person",Try to contact your provider.. it’s probably inactive .. you can reactivate it tho by charging it using my TT app .. Dont worry your number wont be deleted and given to someone else unless its been not charged for like more than 8 months ..,,,,2024-06-16 19:26:28 +1dhehop,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhehop/drinving_school/,2,Drinving school,"Hello, do you have any suggestions for a good driving school in Marsa? + + + + + +",,,,,,2024-06-16 18:55:25 +1dheh3c,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dheh3c/where_can_i_get_purebred_dogs_in_tunisia/,2,Where can I get purebred dogs in Tunisia?,"I lost my Yorkshire Terrier one week ago, which was brought from France. Since then, I haven't been able to find purebred dogs here. It seems like there is a big scam in Tunisia, with everyone claiming that the dogs they are selling are purebred when they are not. I would never go to the famous سوق الحيوانات because I don't want to get scammed there too.",What’s the difference? Street dogs will love you the same.,bro lost a pet and looking for another one week later . smh.,,,,2024-06-16 18:54:41 +1dhdwhb,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhdwhb/where_can_i_watch_the_euros_in_sousse_or_any/,1,Where can I watch the euros in Sousse? Or any close by cities?,I’m going to be staying in Marhaba club sousse and want to watch the euros with an atmosphere and enjoy a pint. Where is best? ,,,,,,2024-06-16 18:28:00 +1dhdoen,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhdoen/beach_vibes/,3,Beach vibes?,"Gday all. + +I’m currently in Mali and will be travelling to London in July post work. + +I’ve got 4-5 days to kill and want some laid back beach type activities. + +Is tunis and surrounds good for this type of thing? + +Appreciate any local knowledge and feedback 😊","Tunis is no good if you're looking to spend some time in the beach, your best option is Bizerte, Haouaria, Klebia and hammamet which are far from the capital approximately around 60 - 120 km",,,,,2024-06-16 18:18:05 +1dhd4w8,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhd4w8/mini_golf_in_soussemonastir/,2,Mini Golf in Sousse/Monastir?,"Hi! Are there any spots to play Mini Golf in Sousse or Monastir? + +Thank you!","Yes, in Sousse. In Soula Center, I think it costs 12 dinar per person. It is indoors, 18 holes and it is full of murals and glow-in-the-dark paintings.",,,,,2024-06-16 17:53:13 +1dhctn7,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhctn7/what_are_my_legal_options_after_being_physically/,3,What Are My Legal Options After Being Physically Attacked?,"I was recently physically assaulted by someone I know and know where they live. I went to the police and filed an official complaint, and I obtained a medical report that confirms the injuries. Now, I would like to know what other legal actions I can take to get my rights back and protect myself. Can you provide advice on the next steps I should take? + +Note: I am not Tunisian . + +Thank you in advance for your help.","write a petition to the state prosecutor, argumented with the pieces of evidence available (including the medical report) and he will open a lawsuit in ur name, then u need to hire a lawyer","Curious on this one too, what rights i have for to defend myself actually in a fight and not get judged as crime?","first of all sorry for what happened to you, it can happen to anyone else were as we are vulnerable to physical conflict anytime anywhere in fact does vary upon the country and culture, you get your medical certificate from the emergency department in hospital and go to police to report the incident and hire a lawyer is the best for you rather learning the law yourself, good luck.","First, go onto your embassy's site and find their list of lawyers that they vouch for and use one on that list. + +If it's a cell phone number, send them a message on WhatsApp. 2-3 sentences because they have a short attention span and remotely competent lawyers in Tunisia get irritated over nothing: + +""Hi, my name is X, I found your number on the Y country's consular site. I was attacked by a Tunisian citizen in neighbourhood A, I filed a police report at police station B, I know where the accused lives and I need your help to make sure that they go to jail. How much do you charge to take on such a case, from start to finish?"" - copy and paste the same message to all of the lawyers and get quotes, pick one that has the least reptilian vibe. + +The overwhelming majority of Tunisians will want to fuck you over (financially and otherwise) - lawyers are one of two types of individuals: they will promise you that they have the president on speed dial, take crazy amounts of money and openly scam you (by not delivering anything and keeping your documents in a aesthetic folder on their desk, telling you to come back in a few months) or they will be machines that can get you the result you want but they'll charge you through the roof and humiliate you, expecting you to come to their office and beg them to take their money. If you think I am exaggerating or lying... I don't give a fuck. Think what you want. My intention is to help you as a fellow foreigner who was in a similar situation - and not only once. + +If your embassy does not have such a list, the British embassy in Tunis does. + +Get a lawyer to get in touch with the police station and request a copy of the complaint. This ensures that there is actually a paper trail and the police cannot be lazy and trash your report or take bribes from the other side because they know there is someone who doesn't fuck around that is monitoring them and not just a ""foolish foreigner who doesn't know the way of the land"" praying for luck. + +Next, CC the case to your consulate so they can breathe down the Tunisian law enforcement system's back (via the MoFA) so that they don't procrastinate. France will do this for their citizens. India and Pakistan also. The British embassy won't put their neck out on the line for you. Bunch of diversity hire clowns. + +You start a lawsuit and, assuming the person who attacked you is a mediocre shiteater who's parents barely earn 1000 dinars a month between the two of them and not someone super connected, they probably won't have the 5k TND that they'd need to pay to get out of repercussions for assaulting a Tunisian, let alone a foreigner, and even if they pay that, they've bribed one judge and you can appeal the decision and have it seen by another judge, at which point they've ran out of cash and you can grill their anus. + +Best of luck and if you need help, I'm here for you.",,2024-06-16 17:38:45 +1dhcl2h,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhcl2h/café_creme_cigars/,2,Café creme cigars, في صفاقسCafé creme بالله شكون عندو فكرة وين نجم نلقا ,,,,,,2024-06-16 17:27:33 +1dhcexw,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhcexw/les_magasins_2_aïd/,2,Les magasins 2 Aïd?,"Les magasins comme monoprix, carrefour etc, ma7loulin theni aïd?",For sure!,,,,,2024-06-16 17:19:50 +1dhc5yz,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhc5yz/questions_about_what_will_be_open/,5,Questions about what will be open,"Hello - + +My girlfriend and I are visiting Tunisia and are loving your beautiful country so far! We are staying in Sidi Bou Said and have been here for about three days. However, we were not aware that it is a holiday today and tomorrow (dumb, I know). We tried visiting the Carthage ruins today and were disappointed to see that just about everything was closed. We tried a few other places today and found nearly everything g to be closed. So I have come to Reddit with a few questions. + +1. Do you know if everything will continue to be closed tomorrow (Monday the 17th)? We were looking forward to seeing everything g in Carthage as well as the Medina in Tunis. + +2. Do you have any recommendations for thing/places that are open TODAY (the 16th of June) and tomorrow as well? Google maps has inaccurate hours and we keep going to places that are closed. We are worried this trend will continue tomorrow. + +3. Is there any stores open near Sidi Bou Said where liquor is available for purchase (beer and wine)? Ideally one that is open today. + +4. Do you have any recommendations in general? + +Thank you in advance, we are thoroughly enjoying your beautiful country and would love to visit again! + +","There are only 2 holidays /year where public institutions close from 2 to 3 days which happen to be the Eids. +Private stuff should be open by tuesday i guess.","Unfortunately we ask ourselves the same question year after year without being able to guess (I am local). We even struggled a bit finding a restaurant yesterday night, as half population leaves town in this holiday. + + +For 3. Carrefour and Magasin General should be open tomorrow. + + +Tuesday should be back to almost normal."," Most grocery stores and some restaurants will be open again tomorrow, but nothing is updated on Google Maps so it’s hard to know for sure!",I literally did the same thing. I was in Sidi Bou Said in the morning but both the museum and the Carthage ruin are closed. Im planning to head south tomorrow but I don’t know if those places gonna be open or not.,,2024-06-16 17:08:07 +1dhb2k2,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhb2k2/visiting/,1,Visiting ,"I am old enough to get a hotel but can't rent a car. What do you recommend doing, or going? ","stick to taxis if you don’t want to wait 1 hour for the tram/metro +use louages for intercity travel (mini buses)",Is public transport good in Tunisia?,,,,2024-06-16 16:16:50 +1dhaztv,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhaztv/online_job_in_tunisia/,2,Online job in tunisia ,Comment je peux travailler en ligne en Tunisie ? Quels sites vous recommanderiez ? Je suis une étudiante et je veux gagner un argent de poche ,,,,,,2024-06-16 16:13:09 +1dhawr4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhawr4/card_magic_enthusiasts_anyone/,2,Card magic enthusiasts anyone?,I am looking for Tunisians who are enthusiastic about card magic. Show yourselves please ,,,,,,2024-06-16 16:09:13 +1dhash0,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhash0/rafel_jaysh_f_touns/,5,Rafel ( jaysh f touns ),"Lately wallew ywa9fou aal jaysh i have few questions. +K ywa9fouk shnua El ejra2 elli ysir w k tebda tekhdm privée moush etatique lezm t3adi ? +W any advices Ken wakfouk Shtaaml ? + +",Tetsamch rafl ken 3andk 7okm 8iyebi Rak recherché yhzouk sinon lé,"My cousin works in the mililtary, rafl doesn't exist anymore. You're either recherché or there are lying to you.","Keep in mind it's not a game and if you are stopped then, you already have 1 year in prison and 1000tnd fine. + +[Start here. ](https://www.tunisia-sat.com/forums/threads/3247175/)","Act very gay, act very sick, act very mentally fucked, tell them you don’t want to pass it, ena I had the same situation, I told them that my job is more important yekhi nekouni b khteya 300 dt and I am done 😎✌🏽",,2024-06-16 16:03:50 +1dhai6b,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhai6b/looking_for_working_spaces_centreville/,3,Looking for Working Spaces (Centre-Ville),"So me and my team are looking for small spaces in ""centre-ville"" to practice presentations, so it cannot be a coffee place cause we'd making a lot of noise. also worth mentionning that the four of us would need to be stood up.","not centre-ville but there's a great co-working space called ""Workzone (2.0)"" in Centre Urbain Nord","Hubio Beb Saadoun , fama salle de formation you can rent out for 15dt/hr.",,,,2024-06-16 15:50:41 +1dh8jy0,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh8jy0/meow/,6,Meow,Meow.,كس,بشبش,"Careful, you might accidentally start a cult with this.",pchpchpchpchpch,"https://preview.redd.it/mhplg2rz9z6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb62554f4e8f195c5b1ac8230660e66fb360cbfc + +اقعد و ريض",2024-06-16 14:17:44 +1dh8fhd,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh8fhd/bringing_in_a_13_year_old_car_to_tunisia/,1,Bringing in a 13 year old car to Tunisia ,"I’m planning on bringing an old car (MY 2011) to Tunisia so I can use it while I’m there. But I’ve been hearing different things whether this is possible or not, and I’m hoping to get some clarification here. Thanks in advance:)",you can only import cars that are no more than 5 years old.,,,,,2024-06-16 14:11:32 +1dh819z,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh819z/any_friends_around_ras_jebel_rafraf/,3,"Any friends around Ras jebel, Rafraf ",It’s getting lonely here lol all of my friends from bizerte went abroad ( most of them are in IT) I am willing to meet cool people in this city 🏙️ ( mostly crazy and fun folks),,,,,,2024-06-16 13:51:54 +1dh7r0s,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh7r0s/hello_everyone_and_aidkom_mabrouk_should_i_open_a/,2,Hello everyone and Aidkom Mabrouk! Should I open a company here in Tunisia or travel to the UAE? ,"Salem! I live in Tunisia and work remotely for a company based in the UAE. I've been getting paid via a friend's PayPal account abroad, so I don't have official documentation of my work situation (can't change my passport...). I want to fix my situation to apply for tourist visas or other types of visas without looking sketchy. My plan is to later apply for Digital Nomad Visas in Europe or similar. + +My question is: Should I travel to the UAE for a short trip to try to change my status there, or should I open a company here in Tunisia and start getting paid here to fix my status? What would be faster?","UAE bro,never ever trust this country broken administration,at least in UAE you'll have access to international markets despite the high costs","Travel mf, escape take me too",,,,2024-06-16 13:36:31 +1dh7lko,https://i.redd.it/hiii0bbsqx6d1.png,20,We should do this prank.. any candidates?,,"Ya7ya Ya7ya Ya7ya Ya7ya... + +i=0 + +while(i<1): + +print(""Ya7ya "") + +return(0)",Bourguiba named his son Ya7ya... Ya7ya Bourguiba,,,,2024-06-16 13:28:19 +1dh72bn,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh72bn/belehy_kifeh_najem_nest3ml_d17_m3a_carte_cti/,2,Belehy kifeh najem nest3ml D17 m3a carte CTI ?,"3andi CTI (Carte Technologique Internationale) 5dhitha mel bousta. N7eb nest3mlha fil D17 bech ntaba3 beha solde mt3i w kol... + +Ena 7aja wa7di li t5alili trace heya SMS li tjini fi kol transaction but it's not always a viable solution.. + +So jitkom bech nes2lkom kifh n3ml ? + +3andi ken war9a fhea coords mt3 card akahaw w fihech nomrou b 4 ar9am kif talbin fil D17 💀",SMS is the only way,"Create a MyPoste account with the details of your account and you will have web and app access +[https://my.poste.tn/MyPoste/web/connexion](https://my.poste.tn/MyPoste/web/connexion)",,,,2024-06-16 12:59:25 +1dh6bx4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh6bx4/why_most_tunisian_here_following_blindly_the_west/,0,Why most Tunisian here following blindly the west without checking facts?,"*I am sure some people won't even discuss this topic and just follow the clan 'west' and will downvote this but still i want to discuss this with facts with people who are open enough. A noticed here that a lot just follow the west thinking it's the best for Tunisia, and our country is* s*hifting towards the east and it's 'Bad', we will be isolated, we will regress , china is not a democracy etc.* + +# Let me get it straight with facts that you can look it up: + +# 1- The Age of the Amazing West: + +I will now say if any ruling system is good or bad. In fact, every system worked at some point till it failed. +From egyptian monarchy to Spainsh kingdom, To the Mangolian empire, The Roman empire, The shogun area in japan and the democracy in the USA. +None here can argue that at some point each one of those where one of the biggest successful empires in their own Era. Yet not all of them were democracy. Every system has it's pros and cons so it won't be wise to follow blindly a system saying it's the **One.** Just like any other methodoly or systems in the world, everything is evolving and what we are seeing now we can also assume that we will be facing a new change in the world. + +Indeed the USA and the west, especially after the WWII led the world, economically, technologically and politically. As several countries looked up for them as a sign of success, Countries tried to implement their systems and their way of life. After all it's working their, USA was thriving so was Western germany, Uk, Canada etc.. + +Keep in mind that at that period. As a sign of the success of the USA in the 20th century. the Empire state building has been built in just 1 year. The middle class was also capable of having a house a car etc.. so it was in other western countries. + +# 2- The 21st century crash: + +However, in the start of the 21th century specifically after the 2008 crash. Countries and economist were wondering if the economical system is still intact. And the growth in the west started to slow down due also to the huge growth from countries like China, India, Russia and other countries in south east Asia and Latin America. That also impacted the market shares for classical industrial countries like France. Also due to the cheap products provided by china, USA was not capable anymore to compete with them, thus started to become more hostile and pushed towards the sanctions. The sanctions worked a bit since the world economy is backed bby the $, knowing that before that, the world economy actually was backed by Gold( it's a long story to explain the reason you can google it). That made the USA capable on printing money and also made other countries trust less the $. + +In the meantime, even for global issues, the main decision were always defined by the G7 ( the same winners after WWII) Yet we all know that economy and the world is evolving, the top 5 countries now cannot stay the same top 5 forever. And we already saw this especially after 2020. Europe now is facing a huge growth issue with France has 0.7% this year, uk 0.6% and germany a bit more than 1%. Compared to 4% in China and 6% in India. The econmocial projections already estimate that The top 10 countries in the world in 2040 won't be even european almost. As India, Brasil, SA, Malysia are growing exponentially. And india is projected to be the 3rd already surpassing Germany and Japan in 2030. + +# 3- The New Players in the Game: + +Other countries actually started to follow the BRICS as they know that sadly, if their trading is backed by the dollar then USA will have always the leverge and power to sanction them. As the $ now is not onnly used for it's main goal ( to have 1 global trading currency) but also as a leverge from the USA to weaker and more economically fragile countries. + +Countries like El Selvador with their new president that reduced his countries crime rate by 80% ( with harsh means , you can google that) yet western countries tried to sanction him because the 'human right' is not respected with drug lords. Now also is thinking to shift ( if it didn't already). + +Countries also like Ethipia sees that the USA is now struggling to maintain their own infrastructure, they even struggled in building a 600 meters railways in california , how will they invest in our infrastructure in Africa? in the other hand china's infracture is one of the best in the world and helped them to grow more than 5% on average in the last 5 years. + +# 4- Conclusion + +I am not saying that we should take any side, but if you consider yourself 'open minded' then you need to check the fact, and be open that there are other ways and systems that can work till they don't at a certain point of time and that as Tunisia, it's wise to adapt quickly to those changes and not follow the west or the east just because they are 'cool' or based on what you watch on TVs. if you check philadelphia zombies on youtube about whole regions in the usa with drug addicts and people can't take public transport you will know that the USA is not as what it was 50 years ago. + +**Just like the mangolian empire, like carthage, like Rome, every system, every great nation will fall one day and the better we are ready the better we adapt.**",Inferiority complex,The west is not one block … Tunisia followed France and Italy … we never really got close to following the United States or learning anything from them,"It is true that historically all empires have risen and fallen. Your description is solely focused on economy. People are interested in the west simply because they would like to have a government that imposes less on their personal freedoms and live in a prosperous society that gives them access to abundant resources. No one said the west is without issues, but you cannot deny that freedom and abundance are more readily available in western countries. There may be arguments about western morality, but we all see that deviant behavior occurs in every society. Where I live in the US, it is comfortable, safe, prosperous, rich in culture, and peaceful. I wish this for all humans, but it’s the damn governments and demented rulers who control everything and fuck people over.","This post neglect a lot of nuances and things about how economies work. +Don't get me wrong, the west is struggling but compared to the ""east"" it is holding on much better then it. + +The West is struggling considering it is now having troubles with its economics policies from 80's and Geopolitical Decisions in the 90's and 00's. Their decision to invest into China as a cheap source of labor or emphasize Neo-liberalism and Globalization didn't bring ""the end of history"" like they believed ( the end of Authoritarianism and a complete win to Western-Styled Liberal Democracy). China quickly developed thanks to the foreign investments as well as Demographic growth and the policies of the ""sleeping dragon"" coined by Deng Xiaoping and the successors statesmen as the CCP (to prevent another Mao somewhat decentralized as the party became center stage. Meanwhile the de-industrialization of the west as cheap manufacturing jobs were sent abroad while service jobs mostly in the financial sector expanded heavily thanks to the de-regulations which pushed speculation to the extreme which caused the financial crises like 2008 or the euro crisis or dot com bubble etc. + +With all this it seems that the ""east"" is managing much better then the west. well no, China's economy is in a bit of a conundrum. It is still a heavily exporting economy and its low GDP par Capita means that its ability to maintain their economy through consumption is low (they are still a middle income country). While its central planning system allow it to easily push for projects, many aren't done well. From the high speed rails system that they constructed much more then needed to multiple building constructed in just a few weeks turning to be extremely dangerous thanks to lack of oversight and trying to build it too quickly for proper construction. The majority of Chinese invest in homes to have an investment for their only offspring or a way to have savings as banks are not reliable and its a good way to invest (causing a huge real estate problem imaging homes expected to go for higher and higher meanwhile the building is so badly constructed that it won't last). so china's economy ain't as stable as it seems. + +So the economics point actually don't count. +Second Democracy isn't imperialist. Imperialism is a very loosly defined term with everyone defining it in a way but broadly it is known as a country interfering in the internal affairs of another sovereign country just because they are more powerful then it and no Democracy is a political system and the USA as a country can be seen as imperious and even so its much difficult. Ever since WWII the US became a guaranter of trade and protection in the open seas and guaranter of the current world order as well as the grease of global trade as dollars became the main way to buy and sell oil which is the most valuable commodity in use. + +In conclusion it ain't clear cut as it seems. with much more nuances","Somehow you’re not really answering the question but just giving your opinion on the state of the world economy. + +I think what makes the West attractive to many people around the world is not just economics but also the personal freedom people have.",2024-06-16 12:16:44 +1dh62fu,https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dh62fu,72,Mahdia by drone,,"Machallah! +Keep it up ❤️",How much paperwork did you have to do before flying a drone? I haven't dared to bring mine.,Rejiche🤍💚💪,Credits: Gharmoul Outdoors (FB/IG),"The only good thing about Mahdia is the beach, the rest is just horrible.",2024-06-16 12:00:45 +1dh61yh,https://i.redd.it/qhlmt1ldbx6d1.jpeg,3,Cleaning 🧼 products for floor ,"Hey homies chnowa lproducts that would probably work here, it’s full of herbs 🌿 and I want to clean it without ruining the floor, I used Javel/ foam mixture and a brush xD but didn’t work well ",[https://www.judy.tn/en/our-products/floors-and-surfaces/judy-scouring-agent/](https://www.judy.tn/en/our-products/floors-and-surfaces/judy-scouring-agent/),"I see that you have terasso tiles, no product will get it really clean. The dirt entered the poors of the tile changing the colour of the top layer. +What you can do is get a polishing machine and polish off the top layer it will make them as new again. +Good luck.","Fama produit esmou 'ماء الفرق' keni mch ghalet give it a try, should be available aand 3atar l7oma",,,2024-06-16 12:00:06 +1dh5vi9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh5vi9/where_to_eat/,2,Where to eat,Where do I go to eat lunch and have a coffee in manar and manzah areas? Looks like everything is closed.,"i hate eid's times because of everyone on holiday, like a social apocalypse.",Chouf glovo ta3tik les restaurants il ma7loulin taw,At home,,,2024-06-16 11:48:46 +1dh5uhl,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh5uhl/lice_9mel_in_tunisia_situation/,4,Lice (9mel) in Tunisia situation ,"Why the hell are we supposed to be quiet when we see lice on someone's hair? As if it's not socially acceptable to tell them, I'm not sure if this is a universal thing or just Tunisian thing, even in elementary school I was accused of bullying when I told a girl that she had lice, which got me in trouble with the teacher, and before isle3a I've seen one of my classmate with lice, and all rhe elementary shool trauma from lice came back, I didn't say anything because of what happened in elementary school, I just stayed away from her and nobody else told her even though my friends knew, they also didn't tell her. + +Why are we expected to not notify others when they have lice? Why are we always expected to stay quiet which increases the chance of others getting infected? Why do people feel offended when someone notify them of lice instead of thanking them and getting treatment? Our society really needs to change and this is one of the things that need to change ",I suffered from this last year (a distant younger cousin gave me lice) I would've actually appreciated it if someone told me I had it so I could start treating it early on. I think as long as you point it out politely 1on1 and don't make fun of the person it's okay and also necessary so they're careful to not give it to other ppl around them. Speaking from personal experience someone with lice might not notice they have it early on (but only in the early stages I don't know how anyone wouldn't realize they have it when it gets bad) as it can be mistaken for a light itch caused by changing hair products and such so yeah you should tell ppl just do it nicely you'd be helping them,How can someone have lice without knowing?,"Generalizing some shitty incident from elementary school and highschool (?) to a while society. Peak /r/im14andthisisdeep but since this shit is too stupid to even make it there, r/Tunisia welcomes it since it's a dumpster.","The real question is: +Kifeh t9oul rao 3andek 9mal maghir mat9oul rao 3andek 9mal",fama fechfacha tetchra ml pharmacie tet3aml 3l ch3ar w ba3d lazem ghassla lch3ar ..fi blastk nbadel lycée w ela nchouf 7al,2024-06-16 11:47:02 +1dh5ca7,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh5ca7/chkoun_yalaab_xdefiant/,2,Chkoun yalaab Xdefiant ? ,Chkoun yalaab Xdefiant ? ,Is it good?,,,,,2024-06-16 11:13:40 +1dh58n4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh58n4/wish_you_all_eid_mabrouk/,90,Wish you all Eid Mabrouk 🙏🏼🐏🕋,Eid Mabrouk to all to you and your familys,Eid Mubarek lella,Eid Mubarak brother ❤️,Eid mubarak!,Aalina w aalikom,Eid Mubarak!!!!!,2024-06-16 11:06:51 +1dh4mwd,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh4mwd/whats_the_average_cost_of_a_rhyinoplastynose_job/,1,what's the average cost of a rhyinoplasty/nose job in tunisia,do you guys have any idea on how much it cost to get a rhinoplasty in tunisia ? can you guys recommend a doctor ? anyone have went through a similar surgery that could share with us his experience ? ( all the prices i found in google are in euros and designated for foreigners),"around 6k to 10k, depends on how hard the surgery is",,,,,2024-06-16 10:24:14 +1dh4jnv,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh4jnv/looking_for_tunisian_food_in_berlin/,1,Looking for tunisian food in berlin ,"Hello, + +So I take any recos really, +I was craving street food but no sure to find here + +There’s only one Tunisian restaurant I know and its la maison bleue but sahbi im still studying I wanted to pay less +Anyw please hit if you know places + +Thanks a lot +",Cafe Clave has tunisian food. idk about the prices or quality but La Maison bleue is worth it.,My experience with café clave was better than the one i had with la maison bleue,"I’ve had food at maison bleue several times when I’ve been desperate. First few times it was ok, last time I had it was terrible. Doesn’t taste like Tunisian food at all really, more like a German version of Mediterranean food. Very bland, no taste and definitely no spice. Won’t return.",,,2024-06-16 10:17:33 +1dh43om,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dh43om/what_to_do_this_summer/,17,what to do this summer,"Salam everyone, + +I'm 23f, half tunisian and half german (i don't speak tunisian 💔) and visit my family every year. My two brothers live there (13,24) and I'll be there next month again nchallah. +I'm looking for things to do, places to hang out at. Especially for my older brother who's not really social, also doesn't speak tunisian and needs some friends. That's another topic, but I feel like many tunisians our age aren't sincere with us, they would try to become ""friends"" with us for their own benefit and that makes it even harder for us to ""integrate""? +Just let me know whatever comes to your mind, even if it's an activity for kids because I want to take my younger brother (he knows tunisian perfectly) to places as well. +Thanksss +Oh and please nothing with alcohol and party stuff ❌ +fyi: I am muslim and won't respond to men in my dm ","Game production in Ain Zaghouan ( has multiple escape rooms you can play, also you can enjoy some board games together they have tons of them and the team there are very nice and speak English ) +Climb'in, indoor climbing gym, amazing people there, and sometimes they do outdoor stuff. +Also if you want something more summer, you can try to paddle, there's one on the beach of Sidi bou said, it's super fun. +Hope this helps, enjoy your family time.","if you're going to be in Tunis, +VR Land in Lac and Jumppark in soukra","hi o5ti! same thing here where i also visit my (25f) family 1-2 times a year around the summer. you should check out greentrek.tunisia on instagram, they organize different kind of trips to gorgeous places and work with locals. i have no idea in which city you will be staying, but in sousse theres a bowling alley and in the mall of sousse there is an arcade. i also struggle a lot with finding fun things to do, so i hope more people can give us both more options. good luck!","For your young brother who needs friends and needs to learn the language, there's nothing better than following his hobby and joining a club or a group of like-minded ppl to help in that regard. +Good luck!","I am in a group for tunisans and foreigners. It's on whatsapp and Facebook. Board games and social activities in a group setting. + +I am planning to go when I come to tunisia. + +I don't speak tounsi either, but I'm learning slowly. Most speak English at these meetups, and they're really nice and friendly. You can meet some your age and who are tunisian and other foreigners there..",2024-06-16 09:44:05 +1dgys0g,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dgys0g/mhamdia_ben_arous/,2,Mhamdia (ben ‘arous),"Salaam, +For people who live around mhamdia, what are some tips or like nice places to go to (im not a tourist)? +BarakAllahu feekum (3eidkum mabrouk)",oudhna,,,,,2024-06-16 03:32:36 +1didvul,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1didvul/does_your_eyes_sometimes_get_blurry_and_you_can_t/,1,does your eyes sometimes get blurry and you can t read or focus with them ?,bellehi chabeb habbit nesalkom yakhi tirelkom sa3at ki tog3do yesser tahat chemes 3inikom ma3adech tgedo tchoufo bihom mli7 ou thasso wji3a fi raskom bellehi kena fema chkoun saletlo yeketblna mnach el mochkla ou kano lga solution liha wel la ,with a username to match,heterophorie (peut être) bara chouf orthoptiste,3awed lunetik,,,2024-06-18 00:46:04 +1didibm,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1didibm/problem_with_phone_number_verification_on_google/,1,Problem with phone number verification on google,"Salem ya jmou3 wou aidkom mabrouk. + +I have a problem with phone number verification on google and when creating my google play developper account ,i tried changing the phone number but still nothing,so i went to my brother and asked him to do the same thing with his own computer with his own phone and he has the same error. So i want you guys to check for me ,blh ,if you have the same problem too ,so that i know if its a global technical problem or is it from me??Just open your google profile settings for example and access your number section and then try to press améliorer le partage sur google ,its not even working damn it.I am desperate please guys ,check for me or tell me if you know anything....!",try all operators sims,,,,,2024-06-18 00:26:52 +1didb3f,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1didb3f/foreign_currency_import/,1,Foreign currency import,"So let's suppose you travel out of Tunisia, you declare the amount of money you'll be taking for the trip and all is good. However, when you come back, you come back with more money ( be it winning it at an event, money from a family member abroad, or anything really, lmohom let's say 5rajt b 1k usd tarja3 b 2k usd as an example ) + +When you come back, would you get in trouble for getting back with more money? + +If not, do you just declare it at customs then you can take it to a bank and have it be converted to TND?","Yes, but the 9batha will be asking questions.",,,,,2024-06-18 00:17:19 +1dicqj9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dicqj9/children_of_divorced_parents_i_need_help_with_a/,1,Children of divorced parents I need help with a decision,"So basically my parents are divorced and I live with my dad for like a year and a half now(personal irrelevent reasons) +Well I just finished bac exams and Ik Im gonna succeed hopefully ..but Idk what to do on the results day (next sunday) I was thinking at first since my dad spent money on my studies and Im living with him its fair to spend that day with him and go the next day to my mom's..but then thats not fair for my mom cuz uk every mom should see her daughter and be happy for her n all that drama ect ect ..but then I thought..Ill spend the results day eve at my mom's and as soon as the result comes out I just do all that happy drama with her then go back to my dad's and spend the first day with him then the second day back to my mom's ..the thing is..each one of them thinks they are worthy of the first day and I cant just cut myself into half (Im thinking of making 2 clowns of myself and sending one for each of them while I go hit the gym or sum) +But seriously I need help before the results by at least 2 days so I wont stress more than I already am..which suggestion sounds more fair..if neither Im open for suggestions ",,,,,,2024-06-17 23:50:30 +1diblar,https://i.redd.it/9rngx4emp77d1.jpeg,5,"The Tunisian flag is one of the oldest in history, symbolizing a proud legacy that has left its mark on history. You should all take pride in this national emblem.",,https://youtu.be/3oMj-nxHo-w?si=2izNsvpx0VLh6Ini,,,,,2024-06-17 22:57:54 +1dib930,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dib930/can_i_get_in_trouble_if_i_use_the_canal_14_of/,1,Can I get in trouble if I use the canal 14 of wifi band,"In order to use canal 14 I need to set my router to Japan +Can I get trouble with jme3et el ذلذبات +Especially if I am not far from gazerna militaire ","Yes, you might get in trouble. Anyway, why would you be interested in a channel that limits your speed?","2.4Ghz is already allocated in TN : [https://www.anf.tn/fr/plan-national-des-fr-quences](https://www.anf.tn/fr/plan-national-des-fr-quences) + +They won't catch you easily unless you interfere with other stations or be lucky enough to live near one of the observation stations [https://www.champs-em.tn/fr/public/observatoire-cem/](https://www.champs-em.tn/fr/public/observatoire-cem/) + + + +https://preview.redd.it/6fv90lj6t77d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970a8bafc7ee4261550c2a787b6ec831f65944f1",,,,2024-06-17 22:42:32 +1dib8kv,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dib8kv/tunisian_language_experts/,1,tunisian language experts,where did the word nik and its derivatives originate from ? ,from the arabic word...,ِنكاح,,,,2024-06-17 22:41:50 +1diatuc,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diatuc/why_is_lgbtq_hated_in_tunisia/,13,Why is LGBTQ hated in Tunisia?,"I'm religious and ***USED*** to be a homophobic, but now I'm neutral (also still religious). Before you smash your keyboard hating on my decision, please read the whole post. They're doing a private thing that doesn't matter to us. + +I just watched a documentary about LGBTQ in Tunisia and realized: Why I act normal with my friends who drink but not with homosexual people? Why Tunisia gives 3 years prison for homosexual activities but not for drinking? + +Even from a religious point of view: Drinking is more prohibited and hated then homosexual activity. The prophet Muhammad (SAW) cursed men who imitate woman and vice-versa, but Allah himself cursed who drink alcohol. It's from Kaba-ir which makes it more dangerous. + +I have friends who, unfortunately, drink and I don't hate on them. Why will I hate on homosexuals? + +And the problem is people don't think about it at all, they just go for homosexual people like an easy prey! (Well I'm not surprised, we're in TUNISIA) + +I don't endorse, nor hate homosexuality. I'm neutral, the same way I'm neutral towards my friends who drink and gamble. + +We're all sinners, I'm a sinner, you're a sinner. Just ask God for forgiveness and look for the best for you and your relationship with God. + +What do you think about my point of view?","I want to also apologize for my latest post, which *was* homophobic. It's funny how I found out I was wrong BY MYSELF. If you remember me, I was the 16 y/o who posted it 5 days ago","Tunisians don't hate on homos because it is a sin but because they are toxic I mean they will support anything that will make them appear masculine like drinking/smoking/sleeping with girls/cursing/ even ""ykfr rabi"", but as soon as they see a homo they feel targeted and hate on them to feel more masculine... + +I don't support all of these btw neither the people who drink/sleep with girls (doing bad stuff in general) nor the gay people... I am not tolerate and I tell my friends when they do something wrong (as I said to my friends I don't go telling people what to do in general). + +Ps : Some Tunisians hate everything, I just posted that I am a shy person and I got hate even tho I am straight because being shy is seen as feminine, imagine being gay lol...","As a muslim you should draw lines and principles, if you allow everything, you stand for nothing. None said you should hate anyone but anyone who does sin should keep it as private as possible ( including drinking) it's not that we normalized drinking means it's fine in our religion. after all god cursed even the people sitting next to people who drink. You don't need to give excuses if you really believe in your religion. If you have principles, any other person if they are LGBTQ or hetero or whatever should respect that as you keep you religion to yourself as they should keep their stuff private.",Let’s change the conversation: teach your kids to not hate anyone because of their sexual preference and orientation and ask your friends to do the same.,"*sigh* so I'm expecting another religious vs atheist war down there, remember to do your research, if you're religious you can check the many videos on this specific topic (why does islam ""hate"" homos). a couple notes to take: being homosexual in itself is not a sin, acting on it is the sin, both as in the reference of kawm lout and in it being considered zina (even if married, islam only considers marriage between man and woman), why people hate on it is because of how many homos act feminine (for us it's: yelli mch rajel), there's the people using it to share their fetishes publicly or the many girls calling themselves bi or lesbian just because they ""hate men"" (more of a gen z thing and not that locally relevant), and also because it's literally an act that is punishable by death in the literal religion most tunisians believe in. In general if your question isn't extremely specific you'll find more than enough people already answering, discussing and arguing about it as many others have already asked it. +> edit: oh it isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would lmao",2024-06-17 22:23:26 +1dia8rg,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dia8rg/college/,1,College,"I'm bac lettres this year and even if the results don't come out till later this week,im starting to wonder what i could study in college. I'm really passionate about french and english and have been thinking about either taking english literature or french literature. +Any thoughts or suggestions?","Well, I think english is better because it is the international language, it allows you to communicate with people world wide and it will help you to get better oppertunities . at the end choose what you are really comfortable with it !",,,,,2024-06-17 21:58:28 +1di92hq,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di92hq/spending_10_days_in_your_beautiful_country_any/,2,"Spending 10 days in your beautiful country, any tips and rules to abide by, places to see and visit","Going to be staying near Nabeul and hammamat. I love street food, hookah bars, old ruins, old towns (kasbahs) and traditional music events, hiking trails. I'm open to all your suggestions! I would like to experience the deep culture of Tunisia and where I can find it. + +PS. I am not a drinker",,,,,,2024-06-17 21:08:47 +1di8atm,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di8atm/topnet_alternative/,1,Topnet alternative?,"what's the best alternative? they are thieves + +",I believe they are all the same. It’s an infrastructure problem,"unless u live in an area where ooredoo has its own optical fiber network, there's no alternative.",,,,2024-06-17 20:37:03 +1di838u,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di838u/anyone_living_in_cornichecentre_bizerte_know_what/,1,Anyone living in Corniche/Centre Bizerte know what the max temperature was today?,"Am conducting a study comparing the center/corniche temperature to the airport temperature on hot shili days + +Would love an actual temperature reading like from your car or something after driving a few kms, or any temperature sensor you might have + +Btw the iPhone and smartphone weather apps don’t provide exact measurement data, they are based off predictive models even for the “current temperature” + +Also, anyone who lives here mind telling me the temperatures in the next few days? I’ll just ask u thru DM periodically",,,,,,2024-06-17 20:28:15 +1di6ndj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di6ndj/i_dont_know_what_to_do/,1,I don't know what to do ,"Well I don't know how to start yet ena I have friend like kinda good friends we went out togther a lot of times (ena am student and am renting a house tawa ena rawahyt l darna khater otla w kmlt assln lekraya) elmoshkl enu that person ma yahkich jemla aal virtual yaaneha he always wanna meet face 2 face w kul +Plus ahna we won't meet again khater déjà hata kraya I finished it anyways ena a can't stop thinking about him since last time I saw him I really don't know what 2 to and how to stop thinking about him I really do miss him ","You have to try to convince him to talk to u online since meeting often isn't an option anymore, try watching stuff together while voice chatting on Discord or something that can be fun and closer to meeting irl than just text messaging",Kanou worth it he’ll find a way to stay in touch,,,,2024-06-17 19:28:38 +1di6nb7,https://i.redd.it/iaj8suxao67d1.jpeg,1,Air conditioner,"Has anybody tried this MOBILE air conditioner ? Any reviews ? +Otherwise is there an alternative ? ",Tji maah manette wala techreha wahadha?,don't even think about it.. a mobile air conditioner beside the bad performance had noisy sound and you will not have a good sleep when its on,Look on YouTube some of them are super noisy and louuuuuuud.,it's a good idea to have one but check reviews and best quality.,"this particular unit sucks air that it cooled inside ur room and blows it outside. unless it's a unit that has two hoses (sucks air from outside from one and blows it outside from the other) then it's very inefficient. unless it's ur only option, i don't recommend it. also of fb marketplace u'll find a bunch of beat up imported ones, they're e-waste. please don't fall in the trap.",2024-06-17 19:28:33 +1di5hyj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di5hyj/where_to_study_bachelor_in_cs/,1,Where to study bachelor in cs,"Hello, aandkomch fekra win inajem nakra bachelor (4 years) in computer science fi tounes ? Public or private mch mochkel. Just nheb naakhdh fekra before getting my bac results ",Bachelor is equivalent to licence in tunis w tokood 3 snin mouch 4 ejbed kteb tawjih telkah en ligne mtaa les annés qui precedent telkaa kol chy mnadhem and good luck 🍀,"Isi ariana is the best place to go, then comes issat, the rest are just shit.",,,,2024-06-17 18:41:13 +1di39qj,https://steamcommunity.com/id/Omgacookie/,2,Any steam gamers wanna family share accounts? ,"Hey all, + + +I have a pretty good list of games that I already finished and wanted to look for other Tunisians who has a pretty good list so we can both share and add each other as family, + + +Dm me or whatever, + + + + + + + + + + + +",What games have you played?,,,,,2024-06-17 17:08:02 +1di2q6e,https://i.redd.it/z49cnvbzu57d1.png,20,Main Door of an old House in the Medina of Sousse,,"bottom one is protection againt the evil eye  +fish symbolizes luck and abundance top one is a common amazigh symbol unfortunately i don’t know its exact meaning","Can somebody please explain the symbols visible on the door ? +thank you !",,,,2024-06-17 16:46:13 +1di1wos,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di1wos/how_was_your_experience_studying_one_semester_in/,1,How was your experience studying one semester in tunisia as someone who lives abroad?,"N7eb nji na9ra fi tounes, hakeka madhabiya no93od akther men chahrin vacances fi blaset man rawe7 lel مجاري ta3 fransa. +And i wanna study in tunisia once in my life as ive never done it obviously and im almost done with my studies. ",Bro please wake up and be realistic,Tounes behya ama moush mta3 dima,Maybe u can make an internship in a Tunisian university. I know ppl who did it,,,2024-06-17 16:11:36 +1di1tfq,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di1tfq/i_want_more_than_to_boycott_israel/,34,I want more than to boycott Israel ,"Boycotting as a movement has proved to be useful for long term but I want to help Palestinians NOW too. +It just angers me how there are all these online charities that I simply can't participate in because our country thought it was a good idea to prevent us from having proper credit cards. +That's why I ask you people of reddit, is there any **practical ways** for ys to help our brothers in Islam? +",Educate people. It’s by far the best thing we can do.,"You can try to pressure the government to join South Africa's ICJ case against Israel. That's about the only thing you can do really, but it will still be plenty. For some reason, KS is all talk no action when it comes to this conflict. Criminalizing normalization (as dumb of an idea it was) was like one of the very few campaign promises he did, and even that he pulled the rug on it.","Educating oneself++++ and educating the next generations, is one of the most important things now. Knowledge has a huge butterfly effect, especially with tiktok and social media now. there's loooots of ressources to educate oneself on the apartheid","Ok, here's the right path. + +Make your country better economically > your country now has more influence and power > pressure other countries to support palestine > mission accomplished. + +Any other way is worthless and won't bring much to the palestinian cause, today it isn't really about who's right and who's wrong, it's about who has money and power, we have none, helping Palestinians by joining hamas (neutral towards them btw) or sharing online slogans won't really affect their future. Stop being overdriven by emotions and think pragmatically, emotions won't get you far really.","the only way to really help Palestinians as arab states is to actually if we work on ourselves to built better countries, get rid of the corrupt leaderships and any kind of obstacles that prevents us from having a strong countries , learning from the past and what got us here at the first place, and how and what to change to really have a say in the world. + +staying and having marches and boycottes and showing support sure helps but it's very limited, +and I might get so much backlash for saying this, +but we need to learn from the Israel and know all what we can about them, like having people [Dr. Fawzi Bedoui](https://youtu.be/9gEPoVlHX6w?si=pmajQoz-BjK7Q5aI) who actually try to use knowledge before anything else, that the way that's what Israel used the most to reach they goals until now , and they're still using it , they leveraged and used any chance they have to advance in their goals, which arabs didn't and caused all this . + +arabs needs to go beyond relegion in this conflict, and go beyond extremism and bigotry and all the useless ideologies that won't take us anywhere.",2024-06-17 16:07:54 +1di1km5,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di1km5/unpopular_opinion_about_boycott/,11,Unpopular opinion about boycott ," +المقاطعة كمبدأ حاجة عندها دور كبير و شكل من أشكال المقاومة الناجعة و شاي هذا بان بالكاشف برشا ماركات عالمية قاعدة تخسر في الفلوس +باهي نجيو للمقاطعة في تونس و من رايي علاش مهيش ماشية و ناس مهيش مواظبة و مهيش باش تواظب على خاتر كثر القيل و القال و على خاتر ضيقتو عيشت العباد ! في العالم لكل فما ليستا عالمية باش المقاومة تكون مباشرة +و التأثير واضح +اما ريق الي عملينو توانسة شدو كل شركة فركو اصلها فرنسية الماني +على دز هذي المعامل باش تفلس خاتر حتى شريكة ما تنجم تدفع شروط جزائية باش تلغي عقودها مع شركأها يزيو من الشعبية +في العالم اجمع العربية و الغربية فما ليستا إدور +التونسا قالو +لااا احنا نعملو ليستا وحدنا نحطو شركات بلادنا + نقطعوها !!! +عايلتكم الي يعيشو في الخارج يدفعو في الضرائب للبلدان الي تمول في الحرب مالا اقطعهم خاتر ما بطلوش خدمهم و رجعو يعيشو هوني +و نحيو الفايسبوك و الانسا و اي حاجه عندها علاقة كيف نتوما لها درجة مواظبين +ماركة تونسية اكبر مني في العمر يخدمو فيها توانسة كيفي كفهم نقاطع فيها قال شنوا فما 1٪ +تاخذها شركة ام اصلها فرنسية +و حل صرة تلقا خيط + هذاكا مبدأ الفرنشيز +و في اطار العيش في عالم منفتح على بعضو +هذا واقع اقتصدي محتم من غير ما نحكي على الماركات الي كيف تعمل بحث وحدك يطلعو مسيكنات خاطهم جوست الشركة المنافسة عملت بلبلة بلعاني باش تجبد ليها العباد + +كان تحب المقاطعة يكون مبدأ حقيقي تعيش بيه من مجرد موجة ركبو عليها ناس و كيف توفا الحرب ترجع كانو ما فما شاي +انا مقاطع كان الماركات الي نلقاهم في 3 سيت عالمين و فما زوز ابلكسيونات الي يكتبك حتى علاش و الدليل +اما تفلسيف الي يعملو فيه توانسية كسرولي كرايمي بيه +و وليت نتفهم علاه بعض الناس معاش تهمها خاتر لا يكلف الله نفسا الا وسعها و التغير يبدا بالتدريج مش من ضربة وحدة +نخدمو على روحنا باش نطورو بلادنا و يوالي عنا ماركات مغير شراكات اجنبية +اما الشعارات الفضفاضة و المزايدة على المبادئ ما عندها وين تهز الدليل كمية العباد الي ترها تحكي على المقاطعة في الانترنات تخرج في الشارع تقول مالا شكونهم الي يقظيو في الشوارع + +",وت البارح مشيت لكيوسك في الأوتوروت بش نشري حاجة تتاكل نلقاها معبية وكل عبد شاري يا كوكا يا فانتا يا دليس.. بهتوني عاللخر كيفاه فايسبوك وانستاغرام كامل ينبحو مقاطعة مقاطعة وماني نرى في شي. المشكلة مش في الكيوسك كهو راو في أي بلاصة نمشيلها هكاكا. وبالحق في أي بوست لازم نلقى عبد يقلك هاكي تابعة المقاطعة من مخو ماغير مايتأكد تجي تشوفها تلقاها شركة تونسية من أصلو ماعندها حتى علاقة بالبرا وكي تسألو على االسورس يطفيك ويعاود يقلك لااا هاكي شركة عندها فرع في اسرائيل. نفاق. كان كل واحد صب اكا الابليكاسيون الي تعطيك حاجة تابعة المقاطعة ولا لا وشاف وحدو ماغير كذب رانا لاباس علينا,"I just talked about this in my last post on this subreddit. Sadly, if we continue this way, we won’t get any further.",شنومة الشركات التونسية الي تحكي عليهم؟,,,2024-06-17 15:58:18 +1di007r,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1di007r/chabeb_fama_des_stages_pour_develeoppement_en/,1,chabeb fama des stages pour develeoppement en ligne,i know php and front end technologies but i still feel kinda newbie ama nheb zeda naamel stage nekhou bih l'experience,chouf boite devloppement fi blasa elli toskon fiha ou chouf ahki m3ahomc non raho php ou html ou css tged ta3mal bih stage bahi ou kan tzid m3ahom bootstrap,,,,,2024-06-17 14:53:08 +1dhzhwp,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhzhwp/best_foods/,3,best foods,"in your opinion, what are the best foods from Tunisia?",Sorm m9ata3,,,,,2024-06-17 14:30:58 +1dhzcr8,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhzcr8/best_00s_games_to_replay_on_basic_non_gaming/,2,best 00s games to replay on basic non gaming laptop,"Hey guys aidkom mabruk, so i got a Thinkpad x270 its not the best but im kinda sure it runs classic games decently, i travel often and i like to play games on a long trip, would appreciate your help suggesting some good games, i loved playing Hitman contracts\\Blood money, Tom clancys Classics and Grand theft auto.","Play warcraft III + +Diablo II + +age of empires II, age of mythology, age of nations + +You can also emulate any old games so you can play all the pokemon game from gen 1 to gen 5 + +you can play earthbound and also other SNES games + +Legacy of kain blood omen 2 and soul reaver 2 + +the og tomb raider games + +there's just so much",Emulate the psp and GameCube games ... All are playable with any modern pc,"try Vampire the Masquerade!!! Excellent story, highly replayable, different clans and combat options, hilarious dialogue, unique soundtrack and amazing well written characters",tekken 7,Try stalker trilogy,2024-06-17 14:24:41 +1dhz1gg,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhz1gg/help/,8,HELP," As a young woman who has hit rock bottom after experiencing a devastating breakup, I find myself feeling completely lost. I had built my entire life around this person, and now that they're gone, I feel like I have nothing left. The impact of this breakup has been incredibly tough, causing me to suffer from insomnia and lose a significant amount of weight in a short span of time. I'm desperately seeking guidance on how to cope with these overwhelming emotions and move forward from this heartbreak. Additionally, I would greatly appreciate any recommendations for a psychologist in tunis l3asma who can prescribe medication to help regulate my sleep, mood, and increase my appetite during this difficult period. +thanks in advance !","﴿مَثَلُ الَّذينَ اتَّخَذوا مِن دونِ اللَّهِ أَولِياءَ كَمَثَلِ العَنكَبوتِ اتَّخَذَت بَيتًا وَإِنَّ أَوهَنَ البُيوتِ لَبَيتُ العَنكَبوتِ لَو كانوا يَعلَمونَ﴾ [العنكبوت: ٤١] + +English (Saheeh): +(41) The example of those who take allies beside Allāh is like that of the spider who takes [i.e., constructs] a home. And indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew. + +Don’t build your entire life around people who can’t harm nor benefit you except with what Allah wills. Build your life around trusting and relying upon Allah, that’s better for you if you know.","It's a matter of time, your brain will have its grief then adapt to your new situation.","I'm in the same place right now. I'd say delete everything related to the ex (messages, pictures, etc), get hobbies and fill your time (I recommend cinema or books as they will consume a lot of your time and focus), don't seek attention from others to fill the void and don't rush into a situationship to forget this one it will make things worst, and just have time for yourself alone and just family, time heals all wounds. Good luck we're in this together soldier.","I really don't think meds would be a great idea, and most importantly don't get yourself in a new relationship yet, as we say ""jor7 mezel mahloul"" and you gonna end up either bleeding on someone else or being vulnerable to thursty predators that feeds on that post-breakup weakness and low selfesteem and shit. +I guess you should try to move on (for real! No second chances, no friends with benifits w dra chnwa), move on by doing stuff you like, stuff you werent able to do when you were sucked into the relationship, discovering yourself and give more time and appreciation to your friends (if you have ones, if not you can easily make ones) people that genuienly care and that would always be there for you no matter what. +Shit might take some time, but its worth it. I mean you're the only one who's gonna be literally FOREVER with yourself, the rest are just chapters. +Hope this was at least a tiny bit helpful, if not i hope you find the light in other ways.","I suggest you do some kind of ritual to say goodbye to that person, binetek binet rouhek. +Talk to yourself through this, remind yourself you are strong and independent and that nobody is forever. + +Keep in mind that this is a temporary situation and it will be gone after the right time that you need to cope with it. + +For medication, Dorzen helps you sleep effectively. Use a little bit of Maré Mag (Magnesium) which also helps relax and sleep better. +Make sure to drink lots of water. Do some physical activity that helps reduce your mental and emotional pain, choose something you usually enjoy doing even if you don't feel like it for now. Not only will it help release feel-good hormones, but it will also make you sleep better and get hungry.",2024-06-17 14:10:55 +1dhy9ui,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhy9ui/is_the_enpc_application_still_relevant_to_learn/,1,"Is the ENPC application still relevant to learn ""code de la route"" from it? and is the ""code de la route"" have changed or got updated?",[Screenshot from ENPC](https://preview.redd.it/ac6tfwlfx47d1.png?width=1253&format=png&auto=webp&s=223ee34529eb80382e4d4aeb1efc2037b32a57ba),,,,,,2024-06-17 13:37:20 +1dhy8yu,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhy8yu/help_me_fl_orientation_f_esprit/,2,help me fl orientation f esprit,"can you help me understand which of these are good in tunisia ( walla ouside of tunisia ) oumour tal9a khedma w flexibility + +ena chn7ot arctic , sleam and iosys lwela ama idk which is better and i really appreciate your help + +https://preview.redd.it/nld2oa7ex47d1.png?width=1561&format=png&auto=webp&s=276899ee9906ebf5a8994bf15e39049950c7d407"," Check score teek , i put arctic and then nids because i feel there is alot of money in those fields w reseau nerte7lou , but it all depends on what you're good at , DS domaine tayaraa zeda , but depends ken score ywasslek wala lee +Ps : i heard eli formation GL tayara fl esprit , and from gl tnajem taamel stage f domaine eli t7eb aalih","Depends on what you lean more into, if you can tolerate réseaux then cloud is a good choice. Me personally hatit mt3 dev cuz that's what i enjoy.",,,,2024-06-17 13:36:13 +1dhxdyq,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhxdyq/tunisians_in_hungary/,1,Tunisians in Hungary ,"Is there Tunisians here living in Hungary ? +I have some questions +Thnx",,,,,,2024-06-17 12:55:37 +1dhx74r,https://i.redd.it/dvg6udaho47d1.png,20,Bro started a civil war in the comments ,,That's actually so funny,https://preview.redd.it/dnt7e4j2a57d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=d74a77442cb01d39ce56c19da57256d1f1b8752a,Why did he start a war in comments?,haha chbihom mkarzine? 9alhom koulou m3aya el gâteau?,"Dhaher eli howa just trolling, it's obvious.",2024-06-17 12:46:02 +1dhx374,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhx374/masters_at_a_private_university/,1,Masters at a Private University ,"Hello, everyone! + +Aidkom Mabrouk and hope you’re all doing well. + +Long story short, I have a bachelor’s in English and I was looking into private unis to pursue a masters in business. Tried teaching, hated it. I also tried customer service, despised it. Universities such as Esprit school of business and MSB come to mind because many of my friends have studied there. + +For those who have studied in private universities, is it worth the investment? Have you had any difficulties finding jobs afterwards? Does the university assist you with finding internships in the field of your studies? + +(I am fully aware that degrees alone don’t guarantee you a job. You also need networking, skills, internships, etc…) + +Any feedback or input is much appreciated. + + + +",,,,,,2024-06-17 12:40:22 +1dhwpzc,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhwpzc/has_anyone_here_been_accepted_into_the_italian/,3,Has anyone here been accepted into the Italian Master’s scholarship,"https://preview.redd.it/7nzkwg61k47d1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=428c1a3e6f2766273fd5a21e83ae08b19b2f3c03 + +if u have any experience with this scholarship plz leave a comment",,,,,,2024-06-17 12:21:36 +1dhwk45,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhwk45/is_there_nonprepa_for_telecom_engineers_which/,0,is there non-prepa for telecom engineers? which places?,"ma3neha te5ou license w to5rej as a telecommunications engineer. + +supcom hiya kolha prepa, right? + +edit: it seems to me smth completely wrong with the post, downvoted & 0 comments, can anyone tell me what's wrong please?",tnajem ta9ra [licence en télécommunication](https://isitcom.rnu.tn/fra/pages/381/Licences-en-T%C3%A9l%C3%A9communications) fil isitcom (bien sûr ken ton score ywasslek) . w ken 9rit 3la rou7ek bel behi tnajem charek fi concours sur dossier w tkammel [cycle d'ing](https://isitcom.rnu.tn/fra/pages/382/Dipl%C3%B4me-national-d%E2%80%99ing%C3%A9nieur-en-T%C3%A9l%C3%A9informatique) (spécialité téléinformatique) fi nafs el institut.,,,,,2024-06-17 12:12:51 +1dhwiui,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhwiui/at_witch_phase_did_the_tunisian_populace_who/,0,"At witch phase did the Tunisian ""populace"" who contributed the most in the revolution , did the mistake of ""handling back the power to the state"" ? ","I remember at a certain period of time , the Tunisian people \[ especially the underclass , the oppressed , the populace from a socio-demographic and not an academic perspective \] did held a great part of power in the country , + +either they gave it by freewill or was ""robbed"" from them , +it went back to the state , + +that's how I see it +so when did that happen ? + +and is it true that the Tunisians didnt' know how to rule out the aftermath of a ""social revolution"" ? + +","When they started forming lines in front of bakeries + +also live-streaming the circus that was the previous parliament made them hate ""democracy"" even more + +also, which\*","It started with the Kasbah sit-ins in 2011 and continued with poor choices at every election. + + +It is what it is, governments are a reflection of the population.",,,,2024-06-17 12:10:58 +1dhwa3n,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhwa3n/i_started_a_voucherselling_store_in_tunisia_need/,1,"I started a voucher-selling store in Tunisia, Need your feedbacks ","Hello guys, + +So recently, been experimenting on how to enable the local market to access services that are previously been restricted to the black market, as my company is an official reseller for multiple brands including Freefire, PUBG, and other game & non game items so we started [https://express.t7dgaming.com](https://express.t7dgaming.com) , basically for people to fill wallets and buy coupons with instant code delivery, please check it out and tell me what you think, I also need your ideas on what other coupons to add. + +Also for those curious about the service, here's a website that explains it all : [https://t7d.my.canva.site/](https://t7d.my.canva.site/) + + + + + +","Topnet already has a website that sells same goodies [Topnet Gaming](https://boutique.topnet.tn/topnet-gaming-50.html), the problem with such industry is that the targeted audience and the majority are underage and unable to make online purchases. It would be great to somehow add other payment methods through phone currency which is being used a lot by the youth as an alternative.","https://preview.redd.it/ysyi7ppuc77d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45b80f8adfe4218b3993909597897db9667603f + +Bruh",,,,2024-06-17 11:57:45 +1dhw3s3,https://i.redd.it/w73a6xzod47d1.jpeg,17,What is life like in Tunisia?,,https://preview.redd.it/jcb0jy79j57d1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4abbc6e196143550266663c0b1b0573e8b8d0b,"the dinosaurs are running wild, trying to control them",Hell,Theyre all trash imo,What’s better….Morocco or Tunisia and why?,2024-06-17 11:47:28 +1dhvpq6,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhvpq6/are_there_people_who_speak_in_tamazigth_in_tunisia/,10,Are there people who speak in Tamazigth in Tunisia? ,"Hello + +I met a Tunisian girl once and she was shocked when I told her that in Algeria we have regions where millions of people don't speak Arabic as a first language and some not at all and they speak Tamazigth in everyday life. She assumed that everyone in Algeria just spoke Arabic. + +Is there people who remember their grand parents speaking Tamazigth? I assume the younger generations are almost exclusivly speak Arabic now. If yes then in what regions of Tunisia do they live? + +Thank you","Very few. + +By the early 20th century there were four subgroups of Berber speakers left in the country : + +1- Djerba : A significant minority speak Berber especially in the South, though it declined in the 20th century greatly. It was and still is the variety with the largest number of speakers (possibly 20 thousand, but declining rapidly due to the lack of conservation efforts). + +2- A cluster of 3 villages around Matmata in the mountains of the Gabes governorate, most of the population moved to New Matmata in the 70s due to overpopulation and the main language there is Tunisian Arabic today, but the villages still use a variety of Berber for daily communication. A few thousand speakers. + +3- 2 villages near Tataouine, most notably Chenini. They used to be 3 villages but the language died in Guermassa in recent years. The language is thankfully still healthy in the two remaining villages though. A few thousand of speakers too. + +4- 4 villages around Gafsa, most notably Sened which was split in half linguistically at the time (half spoke Berber, the other spoke Arabic). This variety died in the 60s too though interestingly the societal distinction between Arabic-speakers who used to speak Berber and Arabic-speakers who used to speak Arabic is still prominent in those areas. + +There existed also communities of Mozabis and Warglis in oasis towns in the Djerid (either as traders or religious teachers, I apparently descend from one), Chaouis in a few towns in the Kasserine region (many came as refugees during the French conquest of Algeria) and Kabyles in garrison towns in the Northwest (where they were employed as soldiers by the Beys). Those communities either assimilated to the Arabic-speaking milieus around them within a generation or returned to their regions in Algeria eventually.","2 of my great grandmothers speak tamazigth. one of them is still living but has alzheimer's + +they are both from the island of djerba","there are some families in djerba who still speak tamazighth espacially in a place called ""GALALA""","yes i had a classmate who comes from a small village in tataouine and her family speaks tamazigth, although she can only understand the language but can’t speak it","Mostly in a small place in Djerba, called Guellala (and they speak it in like a dialect, so not the real amazighia). In guellala, There is maybe 400 people who can say at least simple sentences in amazighia, and a lot more who can understand it being spoken. + + +There is a bit in some other places (sedouikch and bini maaguil in djerba; some villages in gafsa and tataouin...), but who can speak it probably don't exceed 100 people. + + +My grandfather is from djerba (not guellala) and he told me that maybe 10% in his area spoke amazighia, so it is mostly arabic since then. He knew a few words though.",2024-06-17 11:23:51 +1dhv15w,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhv15w/vacances_dété/,2,Vacances d’été ,"Je veux savoir comment passer votre temps pendant les vacances , vous faites quoi pendant la journée surtout les filles ? Comment faire passer le temps sans perdre la journée en rien ya3ni taamlou haja feha manf3a hata Ken haja simple +Et merci 🫶🏻",U read a book,,,,,2024-06-17 10:40:51 +1dhun2r,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhun2r/why_tunisians_support_russia/,27,Why Tunisians support Russia?,"Russia is an imperialist country. Always has been. Invading neighbours and not only. Playing dirty geopolitical games. They don’t give a single fuck about Muslims (Kosovo, Bosnia). I get that people hate USA (as they should, their geopolitics are to be condemned) and that Russia is direct enemy of USA, but that doesn’t make Russia “the good guy”. Do people realise that if the result of Cold War was opposite, Russia would behave with same aggression on global map? Do people forget what Russia did to Afganistan? Or in Syria? I get that one wants to support the underdog to take out the Goliat, but I can’t understand how people can with a straight face say that they support Russian invasion on Ukraine. I saw children playing shooting game and cheering “I am killing Ukrainians”. Obviously they took their global views from their parents. We all know it’s a proxy war run by USA and Russia, but that doesn’t give Russia right to invade and kill people. + +Tunisians will call people in the west hypocrites for supporting Ukraine, but not supporting Palestine (which I think they would be hypocrites if person does it). However they would never see themselves as hypocrites for supporting oppressed Palestinians, while cheering for oppressors from Russia. In my eyes both are hypocrites. I met so many Tunisians, relatives and friends, that are like ""Russia good, USA bad"" with the only reasoning being ""because they oppose US and I hate US"". Fuck USA, fuck Russia, fuck China and other global dirty superpowers. + +Why is it so rare to see people supporting human lives instead of imperialist countries?",In this case we say اللهم اضرب الظالمين بالظالمين وأخرجنا من بينهم سالمين,"Both countries are bad are fucked up, as USA did crimes in Iraq, Palestine and Libya, Russia also did the same in Syria, Chechnya and Bosnia&Herzogovina...there is no difference between them. +For many several reasons USA is considered to be the most country hated by people around the world esspecially by arabs, that's why you notice their huge support to Russia but they don't know that Russia could do the same as USA and even worse, ama kif ma n9oulou fl ham 3andk ma t5tar the essentiel thing for us as Tunisians is our safety but from what I think world controlled by USA despite everything is much better than a world controlled by Russia and China.","The enemy of my enemy is my friend +Basically people don't care what russia do to others but they like it because it opposes to USA and USA did so many horrible stuff to arabs and muslims with its sister Israel. +USA invaded Iraq, syria afghanistan libya , supports a genocide against palestinians and pretending Israelis are saints and ignoring every evidence of israeli atrocities. USA is threatening to invade Iran and supports israeli operations in lebanon. Russia didn't do that to ""US"" so they will naturally like russia more","""support Russia"" simply means they prefer Russia over the USA. or, if you like, hate the US more. + +I don't think Tunisians are willing to sacrifice anything for Russia; not more than the Russians are willing to sacrifice for Tunisia.","cuz they think Russia and China are better than the West, when in reality they're just as bad, China is already bullying everyone around it to assert dominance in the region, same is true for Russia concerning Ukraine and Georgia and the Wagner group activities in Africa. The real victims are the poor and weak nations in Africa getting exploited either by the West or by Russia and China.",2024-06-17 10:14:34 +1dhtwic,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhtwic/driving_school/,1,Driving school ,"Hello , do you have any suggestions for a good driving school in Marsa ?",,,,,,2024-06-17 09:21:34 +1dhtnjj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhtnjj/how_do_i_get_a_scholarship_to_study_abroad/,1,how do i get a scholarship to study abroad,"as june 25 is getting near (bac result) i started to search for free scholarships, but nothing seemed clear no matter how long i searched for information . Can anyone give me some pieces advice on what i need and how to apply for it ?","embassies websites +although afaik, u might be late for them (ps: advice\* & plural is pieces of advice, doesn't take an S)",,,,,2024-06-17 09:03:18 +1dhtn46,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhtn46/lack_of_passion/,6,Lack of passion,"Does anyone else feel like they lost that fundamental drive or passion ? + +How do you cope with that? + +How do you reignite your passion for life, for your job, for your hobbies? + +What do you do if you lose the passion to everything, whenever you feel completely drained? + +Why modern life feels rather undead...","Could be a sign of depression , you should check a therapist if you hadn't already.",You take a 1 week break.,"Change. maybe it's time to try new thing: a new job. a different hobby. + +or maybe you've been overwhelmed with life for a little too long and now you don't care for anything anymore. maybe think about taking a long break.","When I felt that way l9it changing my mindset and setting clear achievable goal made huge difference. +5oudh chwaya wa9t to think about what truly matters to you what are the activities or causes you used to love ? +Abda with small manageable goals that align with your interests.ki t7a9ahom it can give you a sense of accomplishment w tebni momentum","could be anything. from vitamin deficiency, to psychological state, to burn-out, or even physical when it comes to hormone secretion. +The overall atmosphere is ominous and distracting, that's for sure, but it should be up to you to believe in yourself and create a bubble where you can pursue your passions and hobbies.",2024-06-17 09:02:21 +1dhtfwj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhtfwj/cycling_routes_suggestions/,4,Cycling routes suggestions.,"Me and two of my friends decided to go cycling together, do you have good destinations in Tunis (the capital), preferably non urban places with the least amount of cars, or any other fun places, thanks in advance.",What is your starting point,,,,,2024-06-17 08:48:00 +1dht6fk,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dht6fk/mnin_nechri_sajjéda/,1,Mnin nechri Sajjéda ,"Chabeb mnin najem nechri sajjéda , brabi aatiwni blayes kol li ybi3ou bch nalka blassa tseedni . +F ariéna / Manézeh +Merci ",Should mention the city,Choft fel aswe9? Manoskonch fi tounes ama rit jbeyeb 8adi 9olt belek ybi3ou sajedet,"Marché ariana, (bahdha l beb mtaa marché l 7out) demain tel9ahom mahloulin","9odem jema3 lfat7 fel passage. + +sinon fel aswe9. + +ou bien fi sou9 Ariana (the weekly market).",,2024-06-17 08:28:53 +1dhrx4z,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhrx4z/i_need_an_advice_student_gonna_live_aboard/,4,I need an advice. (Student gonna live aboard),"Hello everyone! Let me start with 3idekm mabrouk w inshallah bil farha wkol. I'm 18 years old and soon turning 19 years old, I have lived my last 4 years in France, and I have lived in Swiss and London alone and everything. Still, I'm studying at a university in Paris, and I'm here today and can move to another country that is a colonization of France, live alone, and have a new path. I'll be a 20 20-hour flight away from home (Tunis) and live with new people and everything for a whole year or even more. I'm afraid of taking this step ahead and I do have a girlfriend who lives in Paris too, and studies in different majors at the same university but she can't go with me to those places. I'll be leaving all my friends/ my father who is in Europe and I'll be doing the same responsibilities but away and in different timezones from my mother who is in Tunisia. What I wanna ask. Do you guys advise me to take this step ahead or not? Please tell me your opinion. I had nowhere to ask and tried but I do not wanna ask my father or my mother so they wouldn't get worried and start getting scared I'm good at making friends and also I'm good at living alone and managing the money (last time I took money from my family when I was 14-13 years old lol) but it's my first time going away from all like this. ",U will never regret a challenge in ure life ; ure still young ; if ure willing to only stay one year as erasmus bro vasy aalkher ou les exps hedhom houma li rodouna aabed khir fel denya ; maybe its t8me to move out from europe ou tmchi tchouf culture okhra ! Its hard to deal with parents maa decalage taa wakt. Ama kol chy najmou nalkawlou hal khater si on veut et si on peut on doit fiston ❤️🙏🏻 bon courage,"Is it a good opportunity for you? If the answer is yes do it. + +You can always come back if you change your mind. Do not make choices based on your relationship. You said it's easy to make friends, etc, so you'll adjust to the new environment. + +When visiting your mom you don't necessarily have to fly direct to tunisia. 20 hour flight can be broken down into smaller flights and you can visits other places along the way.","For me, the only question you have to answer is : do you want to cease this opportunity or not? Forget about everybody else, just think about yourself. + +If the answer is yes, don't even think further. Accept the offer and go. New places, new experiences, new friends... + +If the answer is no, then don't. + +Just keep two things in mind +*it's only a year +*the experiences and opportunities this offer will give you","Based on what you said you're either going to Guyane, Martinique or Guadeloupe. I don't know about Guyane nor Guadeloupe but have an acquaintance who completed her M2 (law degree) in Martinique and apparently she had the time of her life. She even stayed there after her degree for some time. I'd say go for it, you're still very young and can always go back to the metropole after a year.",,2024-06-17 06:58:24 +1dho6ox,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dho6ox/zaama_nerjaa_wela_nbadel/,2,Zaama nerjaa wela nbadel?,"Ahla chabeb. Ena hmd raby aatany forssa bch khrjt baad bac krit f canada bachelor finance. + +Hassilo sar ili sar 3icha maajbtnich jemla. krit ken 2ans mazelouli 2. Ghlot f hwyej mestaarf. thama deux semesters kaadt nekhdem w baatht lkraya lhak. + +W thama zouz hassito rouhy khrjt chwaya ml tor7 w tbdlt yesser walit serieux barcha w maach saheb jaw k kbal w dprmt chwaya +… +Mchit l psychologue kali hkeyet canada 9awetek ama dhhaer mch 3jbtk l3icha bara badel. + +Darna mkabchin bch nerjaa l canada ama yarham weldihom kalouli theb badel miselich mais ena weheg bch nekho decision. Entourage kol ykoli irjaa kamel ili bditou. + +Chabeb melekhr, some advice.. sante mentale mte3y priorite lhak bessif marjaat nedhhak dhhohka bnina maa3inich bch nerjaa f heka bard mais frd wkt 2ans yetaadew nakra f fac yesser kweya ala l’echelle mondiale… + +Merci❤️","Well if u don’t like it here… try something else… (im good, married studied in Tunisia, immigrated here in 2013 ) so long story short: خمم في روحك ، ما ساعدتكش الكندا؟ جرب حاجة أخرة. صحتك قبل كل شي","Success is not related to a place/country or a certain field, ken m3jbtksh Canada mtrj3sh ken enti t7b 9rytk w t7b te5o el shheda arj3 a9ra kml el fac w shouf ay bled o5ra w think of it as a mission that you have to do for 2 years more, you are the person who decide not others. mtmshish lel Canada juste 5aterha el ""Canada"" don't let the pressure mte3 el Canadian dream control your life.","Dude +Nta 7a9a9t el 7olm ta3i hhh +Arj3 kaml w 7awl sir entourage ltem des amis mla7 +Hk ra7 tkon a7sn +Bi tawfi9","Successful people never go to their comfort zone, it's called comfort zone for a reason and you don't grow in it. If you are too serious, where that's adulthood, you have responsibility as you live and deal with stuff on your own, young men in tunisia live with their parents till they get married ( most of the cases) or close to their parents so they don't have any responsibility as still act as teens till their late 20s. Some young adult in the west already have a long time partner at 25 and living together and dealing with adult life. + +As for the finance itself i think it's also in demand, finance and data are the most paied industries especially in the west so don't loose that advantage, you will regret it.","Thank you chabeb! ❤️I like it how everyone gave a different opinion based on a different perspective! Fortunately, I still have some time to decide…",2024-06-17 02:58:56 +1dhnefw,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dhnefw/what_do_tunisian_girls_think_of_shy_men/,13,What do Tunisian girls think of shy men?,"I am a shy and quiet person. I am confident when it comes to other aspects of life. For example, I wouldn't feel shy giving speeches in front of people, or when it comes to talking to people in my job or doing daily tasks. I am only shy around people outside and girls. Even when girls like me and give me hints, I still don't take the step to get closer to them. I know that girls, in general, tend to be more attracted to bad boys, and being shy is a turn-off for them, but I don't know if that's just me overthinking things or that's what girls really like.",Human race ain’t uniform. There are wide array of perspectives on everything. You will some that like what you describe and you will meet that don’t ,"every girl has her own preferences, a lot of girls like the charismatic assertive type of personality but a lot of them like shy reserved guys too...so don't worry you'll find your person eventually. + +just make sure to at least make it obvious that you're into the person you're interested in, if there's one thing women hate it's gonna be the wannabe nonchalant guy.","I'm tunisian and YES WE DO LOVE THEM but we don't know if they're attracted to us so we kinda not make the first move, but yes shy boys forever better than bad boys don't worry 💝","Are you shy or, rather, introvert ? That's not exactly the same. + +And, generally, I'd say being shy/introvert guy is hard regarldess the country, but I feel that's even harder in our culture that expecting people in general to be very extrovert, confident and having the ""shame"" cursor more harder to get hit.",[deleted],2024-06-17 02:14:47 +1dj5sip,https://i.redd.it/hd3n5m8o8f7d1.png,1,"تطبيقة ""ء-هوية "" مباشرة من متاجر التطبيقات ابل ستور",,"[Source](https://www.facebook.com/MinistereTCTD/posts/pfbid034W4wS487TmbU6kyMcCxtDcYoKhNvYgnyyGeZwacmHomiApR76Ao8vPktsGZDxsT6l) + +https://preview.redd.it/915rilgu8f7d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0389c93fab5efd3b9988def39b117a52eba5fbc3",,,,,2024-06-19 00:17:14 +1dj46p4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dj46p4/who_wants_to_do_a_really_dirty_job_for_me_paid/,2,who wants to do a really dirty job for me (paid),It's a really dirty job. Might get u into jail. ,least sus post on r/tunisia,Boeing is hiring Tunisians now?,"Dark web ❌️ +Reddit ✅️",I'm interested fr,https://preview.redd.it/3y3bqh6uef7d1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968d6b0be57eed5695b8da047c6cda78467a554c,2024-06-18 23:02:19 +1dj1lp5,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dj1lp5/chkoba/,3,Chkoba ♦️,Can anyone please explain to me kifeh te7seb fi el chkoba i just need an easy well explained how to 🙏😭,"you get points like this: + +- every chkobba: 1 point gained when you eat all the cards on the table counted by putting a downside up card on your eaten deck. + +- il carta: 1 point for having more than 20 cards at the end of the game. + +- il 7ayya: 1 point for having the 7 diamonds at the end of the game. + +- il barmila: 1 point for having 3 sevens or 2 sevens and a 3 or more 6 at the end of the game. + +- il dineri: 1 point for having 6 or more diamond cards at the end of the game",,,,,2024-06-18 21:09:13 +1dizv2e,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dizv2e/beggars/,3,Beggars,I work in an area that's full of beggars. They are literally everywhere and they will harass you verbally for a long time and insult you if you don't give them money. How do I completely repel them and make it clear that I won't give them anything from afar?,Ask them for money first. UNO reverse 🔄,"https://preview.redd.it/teho78w1ee7d1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b5031b76198946a50cbe87f58f6206f61b5a76 + +To beat the beggars, you need to think like a beggar. + + +PS: they make 150 - 300tnd per day.","Just say ""rabi ynoub"" and keep on walking",Don't make eye contact and move faster,"Give them a sharp side eye and keep going, if they persist, threaten them.",2024-06-18 19:56:13 +1dizo73,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dizo73/lying_about_experience/,1,Lying about experience,How do you make up experience that you don't have as a software engineer without getting caught? How can I pass as someone with 5 years of experience if I only have two?,Two years exp is not bad why you have to lie about it. Most jobs in tunisia set the requirement at 1 year minimum.,Just say you did the things in the two years you actually worked in 5 years,"Work on personal projects, put them on github and add the link to your resume.. that helps the hiring managers figure out how good you are.",,,2024-06-18 19:48:05 +1dizhy4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dizhy4/where_to_buy_video_games/,1,Where to buy video games,I want to buy Minecraft but since we can’t pay games with euros i was wondering where can i buy it in tunisia online. It’s for pc btw. And also where could i find like valorant cards to buy skins,"Valorant [here](https://gameworld.tn/80-carte-valorant-points-valorant) + +minecraft [here](https://gameworld.tn/jeux-windows-store/1361-2462-minecraft.html#/86-genre-aventure/93-nombre_de_joueur-1_joueur/102-classification_d_age-_7_ans) + +also for minecraft getting bedrock automatically gives you java ( the only version that matters )",,,,,2024-06-18 19:40:31 +1dizbsa,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dizbsa/dusty_laptop/,1,Dusty laptop,"I haven't cleaned my laptop's internals nor did I change thermal paste since I bought it (3 years). Its ports are clogged and I can't imagine what the inside looks like. + +Which shop do you recommend that can take care of it at a reasonable price?",Do it yourself,,,,,2024-06-18 19:33:07 +1diy22h,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diy22h/المااااااااااء/,44,المااااااااااء,"ياخي الشعب الي نعيشو معاه واعي الي فما ازمة ماء في هل البلاد يا ولادي معاش تسيقو شارع +الا هذا مخرج تايو يبرد في القايلة باش في الاخر الماء يقص علينا من 8 + في الصيف ! ياخي هل الشعب شنيا طينتو و باش يفهم راني فلڨطت 0 احساس بالمسؤولية و الوعي ما زعام كان في السبان و هتك اعراض البشر ! ","I kinda blame it on the media.. this topic should be spoken of more often ( radio, tv , ads on the street, fk everywhere) we are in high danger yet no one seems to care 😀","0 responsiblity sadly +at some point in life i had the same pov as urs, now i just don't give a fuck about them, i just do my best not to waste any water hakéka nra4i 4amiri kahaw","Water consumption of people are around 14%,the rest are for agriculture and industrial,you should blame the state for being late to open desalination facilities, otherwise why we're paying the state taxes ?","خويا فمة ناس ولله الحيونات تفهم وهوما ولله لايفهموا +الله غالب زايد تكسر في راسك","Let me guess, Gafsa? It's been off for the last 48 hours or so here.",2024-06-18 18:40:39 +1dixcv4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dixcv4/printing_my_pfe_book/,3,Printing my pfe book ,"I'm looking for a good place to print my pfe book near laiouina any recommendations, didn't see any places near my house ","Helmi, manar",Doub ma to5roj mn campus l Manar es2l 3la basma tal9aha win 9ahwet césar,,,,2024-06-18 18:11:20 +1dix8x2,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dix8x2/can_you_buy_games_directly_from_steam_with_carte/,2,Can you buy games directly from steam with Carte technologique ? ,"I am planning on buying a game I found on steam that's on a 50% discount and I want to know if I can use Carte technologique (Zitouna) to buy funds direcltly on steam to add to my wallet ? + +Did anyone do it successfully ? I want to know before I do it in case it blocks the CTI or something .",if you try and it doesn't work it won't block it or anything so don't worry,"https://preview.redd.it/lun4t5o3id7d1.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=14589d186d6a5c3179ce6161115ba72e764b0857 + +why bother with cards when you can use the stations?",Yes I did it multiple times and it works.,,,2024-06-18 18:06:49 +1diw8kx,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diw8kx/tunisian_born_in_france_and_returning_to_tunisia/,3,Tunisian born in France and returning to Tunisia,"I was born in Europe, and have lived there until now (I'm in my twenties). The rise of the far right and the prevailing Islamophobia since my youth, as well as the widespread forgetting of Tunisian roots and traditions by the children of immigrants, motivated me to return to the country of my parents, who were able to build houses (in poors hood = houma cha3bi) and where I settled. +I would subsequently like to be able to open a project, bearing in mind that in Tunisia it is difficult to live comfortably. but it's the decision that I made and that I want to accept. + +now I'm in Tunisia, I go to see a few uncles and aunts from time to time... but the main difficulty for me remains establishing social relationships: I'm in a 7ay cha3bi where 90% of young people my age want to to go to Europe, and blame me for having come to Tunisia. When talking to them I sometimes have the impression of being seen as crazy. it's quite disturbing to be constantly questioned and ""advised"" and taken over by people who give little credit to what I am. + +Now I feel ""Fadd"" at the idea of ​​establishing a social relationship with a Tunisian from my 7ouma cha3bi because it's like everyone spoke to me like a child or a crazy person. +It also sometimes happens to me that people ask me for gifts thinking I'm rich when I'm just a little bit better than them because I own a house but I don't have much money. money just enough to eat and dress without going out in the center of Tunis, ""Lak"" and Marsa. + +I also don't know how to make contact with a girl from my houma. I see street flirting as being rude and not acceptable. but I'm really alone and I don't have any mutual friends or work to have a private and pleasant sphere where I could get to know a girl normally. + +here is my situation. Despite everything, I love my country very much 🇹🇳🙂","People from the hood won't empathize with you, you are looking for meaning whereas they are trying to survive. However, there's a good number of Tunisians that returned from abroad that are in your situation, some of them born abroad and some born here, those are the ones I think you'd be able to truly connect with. + +I don't live in Tunis so I can't give much advice on where to go, but I can tell you that the hood is the wrong place to look into.","My advice for you is to change your ‘Houma ‘ tbh. Just rent in a better neighborhood and give yourself some time to think and reflect on your next steps. Ton entourage will ruin your mental health.not worth it and it is better to keep a distance. + +I hope you find your peace and comfort here.","Just say ""Loumour mnayka ghadi w tahet bina yekhi rjaana"" they won't say you're crazy and they will understand that you're as broke.","I have a cousin who used to live in Germany and has worked for so many prestigious companies over there. A couple of years back he decided to come back here. Built a house in the countryside and started a project. Everything is going well for him.  Don't listen to people's opinions, Tunisia isn't perfect but wled houma shabya aren't exactly the go to guys to hear any piece of advice let alone their bs opinions. I live in one and know them like I know the back of my hand. This is a great country, it's the (majority) of young people who have ruined it with their crappy mentality.",Black Africans are treated way worse in Tunisia than tunisian are treated in Europe....,2024-06-18 17:25:08 +1divsl3,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1divsl3/transport_tunis_vers_hammamet/,2,Transport tunis vers hammamet ,"السلام عليكم ، بلاهي نحب نهز الوالدة من تونس إلى الحمامات ، شنية احسن وسيلة نقل +I need some help please , louage walla bus w kifeh l wa9t w mnin najjem ne5ouha + +Merci d'avance ","louage wela bus koll men bebe aliwa. + +zouz thabtouk fi 7ammamet centre. + +Bus koll sa3a w louaj ki y3abbi. + +aw9at bus shouf site mta3 société de transport mta3 nabeul. + +wowaj mana3rafech e5er wa9et ema ye5dmo fi sur lel 20h","Bus confort beb alouia ,5dt the best one ever,fast and always on time",https://preview.redd.it/abwrwmn9vd7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e713dcc14dd75ed0f18c95447133093ea291fda1,"Louage men beb 3liwa 7ata nabeul , +ba3d temichi li round point mta3 bourgdenett ba7dha carfour ghadi fama taxiett, +tatla3 fi taxi (khlas bl blassa) wou t9lou 7ammamet , taw yhabtek fi hammamet centre . +Li zouz 3bed tetkalf a9al men 20 dinar","Ya3tikom sa77a nes l koll , yar7em weldikom .",2024-06-18 17:06:30 +1divhdv,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1divhdv/art/,7,Art?,"I'm an introvert and I'm also an artist. I've always wanted to join an art studio or something about an art community. I asked like all of my friends if they knew about a place cuz they always go out but i don't so i have no idea. +Note:(i live in tataouine)",Does anyone know where i can find an art community or something?,"there are no good art communities in Tunisia. We have some fairly good digital artists who are usually friends on facebook, but each is concerned by his own problems. Closest thing to a community when it comes to that is maybe working in a video game company or whatever, and we don't have many of those in Tunisia. +For traditional art, boomers have a somewhat official community full of all sorts of drama and corruption. Their role is basically to embezzle the ministry out of money to give to selected few.","i advice you to join a art school/music school,slolwy you'll get connected with ALOT of talents you might get along with",,,2024-06-18 16:53:47 +1diuy4m,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diuy4m/what_fun_activities_can_i_do_in_tunisia/,0,What fun activities can I do in Tunisia?,I want to know if there's places where I could learn surfing or go hiking or do any fun activity. I'm up to anything really as long as it's close to where I live and is fun to do.,I guess you could camp but you need a permit as i remember,,,,,2024-06-18 16:31:27 +1diuuko,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diuuko/whats_with_a_lot_of_tunisians_butchering_the/,0,What’s with a lot of tunisians butchering the quran when reciting,"if you open this post to spread your poison against islam, sakker el poste. + +It’ll come up as judgy i think but im just asking bc it surprises me. A lot of tunisians i met or even my family members, when they recite even the shortest surats they make sure to make 2 mistakes by eya and even the tachkil is wrong. Is it common or is it just a coincidence ?","religious people who listen to and read the quran regularly don't make mistakes, especially in joz2 3aamma. Only casual muslim who only pray ""jem3a w a3yed"" do.",Examples of mistakes? Most tunisians don't know the difference between ض and ظ,"At this point in time/history u should be glad that the Tunisians who try to recite the Quran are at least making an effort to do so, instead of pointing out their failures. Believe me when i say religion or Islam in Tunisian society today is basically at an all time low and there is almost 0 basic education or awareness. It’s by default for most laymen being Muslim in name and believing in One God and the Quran and Muhammed and that’s where it ends, don’t expect people to be able to answer more. I’m quite sure if u ask the majority to mentioned the “5 pillars of Islam” اركان الإسلام they won’t be able to get them right. + +So any Tunisian who is making the slightest effort to read even 3 words of an aya with spelling mistakes….great!","We have a lot of hafidhs here in this country, you're probably referring to casuals and I think it's not surprising if they make a few mistakes especially since we grew up in a country where teaching quran to kids could get you jailed. And religious education in school curriculums is close to nill.",,2024-06-18 16:27:25 +1diuqkk,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diuqkk/sick_in_tunisia/,1,Sick in Tunisia?," +Hello, + +Does Tunisia have a virus going around at the minute? We have recently gone on holiday to Hotel Delphin Ribat and 5 out of the 6 in the party have come down with diarrhoea and vomit. The locals are saying it’s a virus going around but don’t know what it is? Any ideas? ",Yep it's a virus going around but I don't have more info,"Ice in drinks + +ice porridge +🫠🥴",مين قال فيروس ؟ بالكشي infection bacterienne مالماكلة ..,"Avoid any ICE or fruits like Peach or watermelon or cantaloup and also avoid tomatoes. +Allah of them might go Bad with the heat and sun",,2024-06-18 16:22:53 +1diuodd,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diuodd/doctors_mass_migration/,8,Doctors' mass migration ,Each year around 900 medical doctor get their Medical degree . The same 900 migrates towards europe each year ( correct me if I am wrong ) . Are we on the brink of a complete paralysis of the healthcare system ? ,source: trust me bro,Sauce please.,yes,,,2024-06-18 16:20:15 +1diull4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diull4/0_fil_français_wl_3am_jay_bac/,0,0 fil français wl 3am jay bac,"Bac SC wsure mn ro7i fil mwad el kol el matières principales el Philo el info el anglais you name it. Kn el français el snee akthr 7ja jbtha 13 wdima melfa bil 7. + + El mochkla mn3rch kfh njm fi chahrin nbadl ro7i complètement fil Français mais n3rf ro7i lzm nbdl. Chn3ml??",https://www.projet-voltaire.fr/,I think the best way is to practice. Try doing old bac sessions as homework and look for some good teacher to give u feedback so that u can correct ur mistakes and improve,"Labes 3lik. +Français el bac ashal men wost el 3am w aak jawwek behi 7~13 mahiyech grave. +3ich 7yetek hal chahrin w raw el bac akbar kethba devoir kifou kif lokhrin juste la3bed mhawlinou w bonne chance.",,,2024-06-18 16:17:05 +1diubq9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diubq9/what_in_the_fck_is_this_skhana/,13,what in the f*ck is this skhana ?,"holy fuck i feel like im dying in this heat,how are u guys coping with this skhana ? khassatan laabed eli tekhdm l bara fi skhana kima haka🤯","Climate change is a monster eating Tunisia alive.. + +what terrifies me is that we Tunisians are not aware of that imminent danger.. at this rate the country will become a wasteland and everyone will leave for the north in a few decades. + +كان فما اعداء لازمنا نحاربوهم في تونس هوما الجهل والفقر وتغير المناخ",It's nothing compared to what's coming in the next two months. Just brace yourself,"Summer somehow became a nightmare since 2014. Heck, even winter became so freaking warm, I stopped wearing coats in winter for 3 years now except for a week or 2. + +I remember the years before when we could walk normally in the street without fearing being hit by the sun or the heat and not even having an AC in the house. Now you can't even stand 5 minutes outside without your heart rate going high and starting to feel dehydrated and nauseous, and you can't even sleep without an AC now too.. + +Allah yoster wkhw, the whole Mediterranean region is going to have it the worst in terms of deadly heat, raising sea levels and catastrophic storms compared to any other region in the world. So many weather specialists spoke about the effects of global warming in the Mediterranean region.","https://preview.redd.it/9kvaid5guc7d1.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f3628b30256931ffe53714a9a7dfb9fd0d60d77 + +I'm literally just tanking the heat",First summer in Tunisia ?,2024-06-18 16:05:40 +1dithep,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dithep/nightlife_after_the_ardjan/,5,Nightlife after the Ardjan,How do you find nightlife in Tunis after the closure of the Ardjan? am I the only one who is lost between the other establishments or plenty of u feel the same? Whats your best spot for this summer?,"I'm not concerned by these pitiful problems that the poor masses suffer from. Every night, I just throw a dart towards the world map and then take private jet to that destination.",,,,,2024-06-18 15:29:43 +1ditdfe,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1ditdfe/discord_servers/,1,Discord servers,"hello i'm new to discord and want to know which servers are so far the best . i'm trying to use discord to learn more about english and cultures in general . any suggestions ! + +et merci d'avance","I don't think you should learn about cultures from discord, that's really far from what a cultured place is + +go for youtube and check videos by established creators that discuss the culture/language you're interested in","Idk if it's still active but there's a server called "" intellectualist"", i learned a few things there.",,,,2024-06-18 15:25:04 +1dismg0,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dismg0/i_got_a_job_offer_as_student/,6,I got a job offer as student,"I'm a computer science engineering student, and I will be finishing my studies upcoming november/december 2024, then It's the usual ""pfe"" stuff afterwards. +I got a job (not internship) offer in a company in germany, with possible relocation in january of 2025, but I don't know how that would work with the mandatory internship+report+final presentation for the pfe (I don't what it translates to in english sorry) and if i can make something out of it in that regard. +I'd appeciate if someone could explain how this situation can work + +Also I have heard that there was a very recent law, in canada and maybe europe, that you can't go to your home country for 2years after you start your work contract? It does not make sense to me but i've heard it from more than one source (a cousin in canada who's been there for more than a year and has been planning to come to Tunisia for marriage and then going back, both of them work in canada and already ""ketbin sde9"", also a distant relative who got a new job contract in france and they told him the same thing) +Maybe there was a detail missing from what I heard, so i hope you can enligthen me about it, thanks!","Ps : you don't have to apologize for not writing everything in English. Rana twensa it's okay.. + +Good luck finding answers.",">in canada and maybe europe, that you can't go to your home country for 2years after you start your work contract? + +This doesn't make sense at all, there's no way that this law exists. The minimum you have is two weeks of PTO so consider going back for two weeks to pass your PFE. + + +I finished 1st semester in Nov 2017 and relocated to Canada for a job (not an internship) in early 2018 and I took some time off (3 weeks) to go back and pass soutenance in late 2018. You don't have to have the title of intern in your report or whatever. You can be transparent to the company about your situation and they'll help you. They usually don't care as long as work is done.","Going to your university and talking with ""service eleves"" would be helpful. Gl brother.","easy accept the work offer, send them the papers required for the internship ,start working, pick a project from the company to work on it as thesis aka ‘pfe’ when ready to present it contact ur university and fix date and fly back and present also keep in contact with ur university supervisor ALL the time , he is the key pick someone available and don’t make him forget about you he can basically organize everything with the uni without you going there if u have any questions ask me","Don't take my word as the Quran or whatever, but university degrees these days don't mean jack shit especially for tech. Getting a job and having job experience is significantly more important than your uni degree. I would completely ditch the degree if I were you. If you feel too guilty try to negotiate doing your PFE defense remotely. Good luck!",2024-06-18 14:53:59 +1dis84k,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dis84k/the_bedwi_origin_of_tunisians_make_driving_in_the/,0,The bedwi origin of Tunisians make driving in the country quite hard!,"As the Ibn Khaldun of the 21st century I notice things which the averagely intelligent masses can't see. + +The bedwi people of Tunisia (i.e 80% of Tunisians according to among others Jamel Sassi in this video https://youtu.be/FVr_Z3URpZs?si=BezREUPpvne2Auwk at approximately 1:30) are born in the wild free nature. + +This makes walking for example from your own house to your uncle's house an easy journey where you don't have to think a lot about any hinders. You just need to walk on auto-pilot and soon you will be at your destinations. + +Later on, with the development of cities and urban areas these same people will keep the same habits they had inherited and will for example be walking in the middle of the road still thinking that the only important thing is to go where you're going. They seem to forget that in cities there is another aspect to take into consideration and that's arriving to your destination SAFE (not only arriving as in open areas of the rif). ","alternative title, driving is hurting the lives of the badwi who really dont seem to care about road safety just getting where they wanna go, everything important like their fami... ehem... members of their tribe are located seem to be at walking proximity so fuck you and your car + +/s",,,,,2024-06-18 14:36:56 +1dis0g2,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dis0g2/how_to_find_a_summer_job_after_bac/,2,how to find a summer job after bac,i just finished bac and i want to find a job to get money for stuff . how can i find a job idk do go into a company and say andkmchi khedma? idk pls help,Go to your hood cafés or fast food places. They might be looking for people,,,,,2024-06-18 14:27:34 +1dis02i,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dis02i/i_would_like_to_work_with_a_music_producer_indie/,2,I would Like to work with a music producer (Indie type of music),i just started my journey in Music Production and i was wondering if anyone of you would help me with my journey (friendly) or give me tips and advice on how to improve and make bangers. (i'm a guitarist and i like Indie POP/Indie Rock or alternative) thanks in advance !,Are you looking for a recording studio ? Or just music production ?,It would help if you give where you live. For example gal3y is a well known music producer and he has a studio in bardo called rec and roll.,there is no better help than youtchoub to learn 😁,I can give you some feedback.,,2024-06-18 14:27:05 +1dirxzy,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dirxzy/is_it_really_bad_for_my_career_to_quit_a_job/,2,is it really bad for my career to quit a job without having another one lined up ?,"i've been working in an industry as a technician for a little over a year now, the work environment is very stressful, i don't get along with any of my collegues, and am in constant arguments with other department ( necessity of our field of work) + +lately i become really stressed that i can't even perform the usual tasks i've been doing previously, causing a constant yelling from my boss and/or collegues. + +now i'm thinking it wouldn't be too much before i get kicked out so it would be better to leave on my own, even though i haven't found another job yet.","I wouldn't recommend it... Try to stay for a big longer and make job hunting your priority + +I was in a very similar situation and despite the relief I felt when I quit regret set in later on when I couldn't land another job fast enough + +But maybe someone in your own work field could give better advice","Bro, just go to the gym, work on urself, gain some confidence",,,,2024-06-18 14:24:29 +1dirt82,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dirt82/about_iphone_prices/,5,about iphone prices ,3leh fama 7wenet ybi3ou par exemple iphone 15 b 2500 w 7wenet kbar kima spacenet w mytek ybi3ohom f site b 4500 w fou9 belehi fasrouli ,"Eli mhareb ( may5alassech diwena ) yajem yjibou ar5es barcha meli mawjoud fi tounes, ken temchi lel europe msefer w tjib tel tnehi tax wenti 5arej sinon fama mel US w thaherli ( pretty sure ) fama iphones ma3moulin lel marche chinois ( mouch mthar7in ama fihomch e-sim ) donc ar5es ( ya3mlou fihom promos ) +Mytek wel be9i tekel m3ah diwena w yekel howa ytihlek marbouh 9rabet 100% +Haja okhra el iphones ( mharbin ) doub mayahbtou fi tounes yahbtou ghalyin khater talab akther mel demande ama ki yet3adew ochhra yer5sou khater concurence te9wa fil marche ( iphone 15 bde ye5dem b 3500 melouel tah lel 2500-2700 ) +Finally, nenshekech te5eth iphone 15 taw, famma apple AI elli mouch bech te5dem aal 15 ken 3al 15 pro/pro max donc stana khrif w chouf soum ytih akther wala khouth 16 fard mara",maykhalsouch diwana,"Les boutiques el kbar ykhalsou diwena tzid f soum. Yekhdhou zeda les modèles européen par contre el 7wenet lokhrin aghlabhom yabda el modele chinois ( mafamech E-SIM , no third party apps support , facetime …. ) adheka zeda yodkhol fl soum mais aghlab el 3bed matfi9ech.","lama7ala 4500 ghali barcha, fama storage zeda yzid f soum w zid thabet enty za3ma mouch occasion li b 1500?",,2024-06-18 14:18:29 +1diqw8l,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diqw8l/calling_all_psychonauts_share_your_experience_in/,0,"Calling All Psychonauts: Share Your Experience in Our Survey! +","Hey everyone, + +I’m really curious about the psychonaut community here in Tunisia and would love to hear your experiences. +Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Your input means a lot! +[https://q2j7i9jdd.supersurvey.com/](https://q2j7i9jdd.supersurvey.com/)",,,,,,2024-06-18 13:37:44 +1diqqw6,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diqqw6/sites_to_sell_used_samsung_phones/,0,Sites to sell used samsung phones,"Hello guys, aandi two samsung phones (a70 w a73) w chargeur w wehed mestaamel for few months w lekher for a year presque w jawhom behi, nheb nbiihom ama manaarach enehou site eli nhothom aalih. Plz aatiwni suggestions and thanksss ",post them on fb marketplace it's better,,,,,2024-06-18 13:30:55 +1diq9wn,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diq9wn/fuck_all_drivers_and_bike_riders_in_this_country/,50,"Fuck all drivers and bike riders in this country, fuck them all.","People are too imaptient and too lazy to wait until the road is clear to reach the proper lane in thr main road, they'd rather go in the opposite direction and put everyone at risk. People are so impatient they do not wait until they're out of a small town to surpass you, they'd rather put everyone at risk and surpass you in the middle of a crowded road in a small town. Now imagine riding a scooter and having both in front of you. This happens to me a lot: someone driving on your right in the opposite direction and someone in the opposite lane trying to surpass and coming toward you. Where the fuck do you go? And to make it even worse a fucking d-max behind you blowing his horn for you to let him through because he's going 60 in a crowded small town. This very scenario happens to me on a weekly basis. +ملا عباد خرا وملا بلاد خرا، كرهت زك ام السياقة وكهرت زك ام الطريق.","Rule 1 of Tunisian driving: kol tounsi prioritaire 3ala le5er + +Joke aside though, I feel you bro, driving is a miserable experience here",I'm fed up with this shit hole as well. People drive like mad here. ,"I totally get you +The real boycott is boycotting na9l jame3i and glovo who are such bad drivers",Bro you gotta enjoy it . Not even driving sims provide such a fun challenge \\s,Not to mention some pedestrians who prefer to walk in the middle of the road,2024-06-18 13:08:44 +1dip7wa,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dip7wa/how_much_for_sajjéda/,1,How much for Sajjéda,"Kadech laswem akeka maandi hata fekra aatiwni price range maakoula merci +A priori haja simple bch nekhou +Merci",It depend on what kind of sajjadah you want to use. I still have my grandpa's Sajjadah (basically a Hsira) it's painful but I love it because it reminds me of him and when I used to climb his back whenever he prostrated.,"If you wanna pray, you can do it on anything as long as it's clean. you can pray on a regular mat or even a scarf if you need to.",,,,2024-06-18 12:15:55 +1dios9l,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dios9l/how_to_regain_my_academic_skills/,3,How to regain my academic skills,"So im a uni student at insat ( currently 2nd grade) I used to be in a pioneer middle school then a normal high school. Graduated high school with a very good score . Since i joined college, everything went off, from 18 / 19 i found myself barely reaching 13 / 14 per grade. Confidence in myself went downhill. Ik you'll say : "" ehmed rabi ghirk mouch jeyeb l 10"" but its not about a grade anymore, even the smallest and most simple things make me question myself and my abilities, i found myself getting more and more insecure even in the subjects im good at and i enjoy revising to. And to add, im not a hardworking person, i just revise as little as possible leaning on my 2mg intelligence thats not effective anymore. ","It's more about trying to understand by yourself what's not working for you for the moment. + +Don't get me wrong but, coming from pioneer school doesn't make you smarter than anyone else. You had good grades that let you study in a great institution that's enough already. + +In highschool i had a friend who instead of working hard or at least do the bare minimum, was absent most of the time because he comes from Pioneer and got his bac with 18, he used to say ""moch kima lebheyem eli ya9raw m3aya tawa"". + +Long story short, he barely made it and since he was absent most the time, lacks a lot of fundamentals. +He is easily one of the worst engineers i worked with. + +We discussed abt it and told him that, with everything available online now, he can study what he missed and get better, his answer was : +""Don't give me advices, I got my bac with 18 from a Pioneer school !"" + +Moral of the story, focus on the present, getting back ln the track is like when you stop going to the gym and then come back suddenly. You need time, rythme and courage even if you used lift thousands. + +Start slowly, increase the pace, focus, dont under or overestimate yourself and confidence will come back. + +Wish you the best young man.","13 و 14 في الجامعة موش خايبة جملة. + +الترتيب هو اللي به الفايدة إذا كان فما توجيه ولا إختصاص بش تعمله اللي يقوم على الرتبة. + +النوتات متاعك حد ما بش يغزرلهم، خاصة أعوامك الأولى. + +اللهم بينك و بين روحك تحب أعداد باهية و معدلات باهية، ما تحط شي في بالك. المهم تهز ماتياراتك الكل",Fuck grades why should it matter if you get 19 or 12 on a subject. Also from your post it seems like you know what the problem is just sit down and do what needs to be done to get the subjects down. not revising wont cut it anymore and your 2mg of intelligence is not enough.,,,2024-06-18 11:52:43 +1diopap,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diopap/كيفاش_نستقبل_فلوس_من_منصات_الفريلانس_freelance/,3,كيفاش نستقبل فلوس من منصات الفريلانس (freelance) كيما upwork, بش ما نطولش عليكم بطلت الخدمة و بطال حاليا و as a web developer نحب نخدم فريلانس,"a3mel compte wise w esta9bel 3lih, w bi3hom fama barcha 3bed techri","through Payoneer, you can withdraw your money to your local bank account.",bro ebda e5dem w dabbar l clients w kol w ba3d 5amem f jabden l flous don't overthink it sehla 3ale5er le7keya esta3mel payoneer ashal le7keya wa2la e9bel l flous 3la binance par exemple wala ay wallet w 7awelhom,"Welcome to the club bri 😎 (ofc i mean the club of btala and quitting the shitty job) +I myself starting to consider upwork like u. +First i think you should focuse on landing your first client upwork system save ur money for u. u are not forced to find a payout solution from the begining.",,2024-06-18 11:48:07 +1diogsf,https://i.redd.it/4rnpeiungb7d1.jpeg,113,"As i said once in another post ""ignorance can destroy civilizations""",,"Rit lpost hedha on fb w ghadhetni yecer tounes, tji tchouf tal9a 20% m twensa appreciate things like this w yhebou yhassnou bled'hom ama lb9eya tal9aha abed ma taaref ken tkasser w tmassakh chweraa w tebraki w tasra9...",why would they break the glass? Aren't the books accessible,They could have taken the books without breaking the glass…. تحسّها فيها فشّان غيض و شماتة,you don't need to be a genius to know that this is what to expect,This is why we can't have nice things,2024-06-18 11:34:43 +1dioc84,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dioc84/surf_camp_in_tunisia/,1,Surf camp in tunisia ,I am wondering if such a thing exists in Tunisia. I saw most of them are in morroco but haven't found anything in tunisia,surfing in the Mediterranean sea? There are barely any waves.,,,,,2024-06-18 11:27:20 +1dinucp,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dinucp/transferring_money_to_a_foreign_account/,1,Transferring money to a foreign account,"Aaslema nes lkol, nheb nabaath flous lbara, ama smaat l BCT yeser msakra aal les transferts w tekhou lahkeya barcha wakt. Chnaya ahsen méthode najem nabaath beha flous lbara ? (France)",3andek compte en devise?,شبه مستحيل تبعث فلوس لبرا. فما حالات معينة تسمحلك تبعث فلوس لبرا,,,,2024-06-18 10:57:52 +1dingwn,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dingwn/speeches_of_ben_ali_and_saied_for_my_thesis/,2,Speeches of Ben Ali and Saied for my thesis (French/English),"Hi Tunesians, + +I am a Dutch student and very interested in your country's political dynamics :-). + +I'm writing my thesis about rhetorics on Islamism by comparing Ben Ali and Saied but I have not been able to find any speeches by them on the internet (except for the speeches by Ben Ali before he fled). My Arabic is extremely limited so I'm bound to English and French. +If you by any chance know where I could look I will be forever grateful. + +Thank you in advance!","I think that if someone can provide written texts in arabic, [deepl.com](http://deepl.com) translations can do a good job for you! + +beyond speeches, you might be interested in [Noria Researrch](https://noria-research.com/mena/project/tunisia-in-transition/) Articles about Tunisia :)",,,,,2024-06-18 10:33:57 +1dindmk,https://timesofmalta.com/article/popular-tunisian-influencer-dies-malta.1094074,0,Popular Tunisian influencer dies in Malta,Why do we see more and more young people die from health issues… I feel it started happening after covid,"الله يرحمها ويغفرلها، هي عند رب ارحم بيها من امها وبوها، انا طبيب مقيم في اختصاص امراض القلب والشرايين وبالله حبيت ننصح اي واحد يقرا كلامي هذا، وخاصة الشباب، انتبهو على رواحكم ولو حسيتو اي احساس غريب في قلبكم او صدركم راكم ماتخسرو حتى حاجة كان مشيتو قابلتو عليها، صدقوني يوميا نشوف ونعاين في حالات رجال ونساء اعمارهم تحت 30 وعندهم امراض يمكن تكون مميتة وكان نفرغ قلبي ونحكيلكم على حالات الوفيات اللي شفتها بسبب حالة مرضية كانت يمكن تتداوى كان فقنا بيها بكري تو روسكم تشيب، الزمن اللي عايشين فيه كله توتر وروتين وجو غير نظيف وزيد الماكلة المعلبة والمصنعة والتدخين والكحول راهو يعمل مايعمل، انتبهو على رواحكم وماتسألوش العم جوجل راهو والله مرات يكون يخرف امشيو لطبيب ومش واحد اثنين خوذ اثنين اراء لأنه القلب حاجة مايتخاطرش بيها، واخيرا حبيت نقول موت الشباب حاجة منتشرة ومنتشرة جدا فرد بالك تقول اني مازلت شاب وبدني شاد روحو خاطر والله ماتدريش شنيا يصير، العبو الرياضة كولو المكسرات ابداو نقصو من الدخان هاني ماقلتش نحيوه مرة وحدة لأنه والله مصيبة عظيمة. +موت الفجأة كيما هذا يذكرنا انه الدنيا ماتسوى شي وانه احنا في دار باطل ودار الحق مازلنا ماعشناش فيها، عيشو حياتكم انفسكم ليها حق عليكم ولكن ماتنسوش راهي دنيا وفانية وربي يحفظكم ويرزقكم حسن الخاتمة ومايفجعش احبابكم عليكم.",First of all Rabi yarhamha w ysaber aylethaa ... That was very shocking for all of us 💔.. I used to watch her stories and she probably she has minor cardiovascular problem .. she told once in her stories that her heart beats so fast when she does stuff .. other than that she is an active smoker based on her stories nd posts with an active party life .. you can definitely notice a specific smoker tone in her voice .. which can higher the risk of such a heart attack .. otherwise again rabi yarhamha .. Death comes without knocking so speak your love and make your amends early 🤍,">I feel it started happening after covid + +Why? Can you elaborate?","Young people die all the time stop this vaccine non-sense, it's just now with social media you hear more about young people dying.","Many young people die of cardiovascular causes even before covid was a thing. She could have an undiagnozed disease. + +We can decrease the incidence of such deaths by a better health system that focuses not only on treatment but also prevention and early detection/dépistage.",2024-06-18 10:28:17 +1din9yf,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1din9yf/language_to_study/,0,Language to study,"I am moving to Tunis for work next month. I will be there at least 2 years. Which language would be the most useful to study for everyday life and just ease if living: French or Tunisian Arabic. + +If I studied ""regular Arabic"" would it be helpful or is the Tunisian language very different?","This will be a little bit hard to answer as it depends on a lot of variables. + +Firstly, you speak English, that’s good, your situation wouldve been way worse if you only speak German or Polish or some random language. + +Now, you are staying here for two years, I am not sure how proficient can you get in Tunisian Arabic by then if you dedicate 5 hours weekly, but I would guess good enough but nowhere near fluent/native. Also, there aren’t much resources to learn from, and they are usually discontinued after few episodes. + +Regular Arabic has more resources, it’s hard, and it’s understood by everyone everywhere in the Arab world, so it will be a plus if you want to continue living in Arab countries. + +French is widely understood and usually spoken by Maghrebis only (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco), it also gives you more opoortunities in France, Belgium and African countries. + +If your goal is just integrating in Tunisia: learn Derija, you will probably still speak english 95% of the time you are here. + +If your goal is learning a new language that will help you in Tunisia but offer you more opportunities down the way: French + +I don’t see why would you learn standard arabic unless Islam interests you and you want to understand the Quran, all arab countries that hire foreigners don’t require Arabic and people will get by with you in English.",,,,,2024-06-18 10:21:50 +1din7rq,https://i.redd.it/afyg5kxx2b7d1.png,6,What do you think about this ? ,"Personally i see it as the devide and conquer strategy that is usually used by french. + +Linkto that article: https://d.lib.msu.edu/etd/19384#:~:text=Based%20on%20a%20Berber%20myth,from%20the%20Sultan%20to%20France. .","The European pseudoscientific racial hierarchy is a bullshit theory based on racist origins. as the name suggests: it's ""pseudoscience"". + +Probably they came to Algeria, saw all the Kabyle people were generally white skinned and Arabs were brown thus, the whites are better.","Wow we are placed higher for our masters, i mean the European pseudoscientific racial hierarchy lol , that is really making you proud ?",“How do you all feel about Nazi pseudoscientist ethnicity rankings”,Irrelevant,A Bullshit scientific classification. You should ignore this trash,2024-06-18 10:17:44 +1dimokp,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dimokp/apex_legends/,2,Apex legends ,"Anyone down for an apex teammate? Level 158, Gold lll rank. ","unrelated but still also somewhat related + +have you played titanfall 2?","Hi, I would like to partner up in Apex Legends! I last played two years ago but I am 500+ level and have actually achieved Platinum. I am on console and need to download the game again first. Please let me know if that is fine with you!","level 2,472, silver noob 🤠 +had to put apex on pause since ''the finals'' launch, +gotta let the gold players feel good about themselves",What other games do you play,Fortnite is the best,2024-06-18 09:42:26 +1dimhxy,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dimhxy/should_i_study_prepa_integré_or_license_in/,6,Should I study Prepa integré or license in computer science,"I had my bac last year and took a year off, i'm not sure what to choose between prepa integre or license in computer science, prepa is quite hard and there's a chance i wouldn't get my dream job (swe), is there a big difference when it comes to hiring and salary between the two branches? What would you recommend","License 5ir raw 3am le7keya lkol bch tzido donc License arta7 w kif kif wenty b prepa wlla License tnajjm tkammel cycle ingénieur w wa9tha you'll have ur dream job +(3malt maw reo mars?)",ena bidi douba kamalet 3adit lbac nestana fel resultat b9odret rabi neja7 w mezelet 7ayer bin barcha 7ajet prepa wla licence eli n9olou prepa y9oli s3iba w kol weli n9olou licence y9oli tnajm matmajwerch w te5ser 3am weli n9olou prepa integre y9oli ethatique 5ir yzbii chnowa eda,"prépa classique eli fi des instituts heya eli s3iba, ( li feha concours d'entrée aux écoles d'ingénieurs) w baad l concours tnajem temchi l ay école theb aleha hasb rang, mouch ken info tho, ay domaine d'Ingénierie theb alih. + +concernant prépa intégrée mafihech concours national, hasb les moyennes mteek fl aamin li takrahom ya tetada cycle d'ing ya licence w mehich assez compliquée kif prépa classique. + +licence fl info is the easiest choice with a risk enek ma tmajwarch, if you could take risks go ahead. + +making things clear for you bch taarf chtekhtar. + +talking about salary w khedma nhar ekher, no mafamech fark, parcours académique mteek ma andou hta dakhl, diplôme d'ing eli bch tekhdhou que se soit mn prépa intégrée baad cycle d'ing or licence baad cycle d'ing howa bidou 'most importantly you develop good skills no matter what the road you take is. + +Good luck","License 5ir raw 3am le7keya lkol bch tzido donc License arta7 w kif kif wenty b prepa wlla License tnajjm tkammel cycle ingénieur w wa9tha you'll have ur dream job +(3malt maw reo mars?)",Prép intégré,2024-06-18 09:29:44 +1dill8o,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dill8o/opinions_on_the_decathlon_st_100_mountain_bike/,4,Opinions on the Decathlon ST 100 Mountain Bike?,"Hello everyone! I'm considering purchasing the Decathlon ST 100 mountain bike and would love to hear your experiences and opinions about it. How does it perform on trails? Is it durable? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! + +Link : [https://www.decathlon.tn/sentiers/192872-56345-velo-vtt-st-100-gris-275quote.html#/demodelcolor-8400335/demodelsize-1045xl\_185\_200cm](https://www.decathlon.tn/sentiers/192872-56345-velo-vtt-st-100-gris-275quote.html#/demodelcolor-8400335/demodelsize-1045xl_185_200cm) + +https://preview.redd.it/ggd8w1zbia7d1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f639816c5575677e856efdb62003000ce977623 + +","don't buy it from decathlon, it is overpriced also tbh the bike is outdated (mecanical brakes,old derailleur and bad crank) ,for that price you can get a much better bike in the used bikes market","Biker here. For that price you could get a much much better second hand bike. That bike is shit. +You could either look online, like in Facebook market, or go to Moncef Bey on sunday. Equally, there are many bike sellers, like Hammaet vélo or Vélo Reglo in Nabeul. I only know these two because I live in Nabeul. +Another choice is to go Msaken in Sousse where there are many dedicated bike sellers. + +Before doing anything, I advise you to watch this YouTube video from a very famous bike Youtuber. Its a bit lengthy, but presents everything you need to know + +https://youtu.be/J7GXupivCrs?si=eMDzIfSOdqXEuoRa + +Btw, the only advantage that Decathlon offers compared to the others is the 1 year warranty. However, buying from Hammamet Vélo for exemple, they will offer a 3 to 6 month warranty. + +Good luck",Facebook market has some great deals else try markets where they bring stuff from italy/france they might sell it cheaper,"too cheap to be good! compaired to other Mountainbikes. +ill recommend 2nd Hand bike.",,2024-06-18 08:22:37 +1diji1y,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1diji1y/customs_and_ferry/,3,Customs and ferry,"Hello + +Going to tunisia, through italy this summer. + +Will take some personnal stuff in my car so I can work (pc / screen etc), i also am gonna take a few phones for relatives (4 iphones 15 pro max) +You think it’ll pass the customs when I get to Tunis through ferry ? + +There is no available info when it comes to that, idk how many phones I can bring, and if I have to pay taxes, how much would it be ? I’m going with my parents so we could say to the customs that my dad’s taking 2, my mom 1 and me 1 + + +Thank you in advance ",I think the limit is 2 per trip. I suggest you take them out of the box so it seems that you're not going to sell them for profit.,90 % of diwana are tahana they won't let it pass try to look for a traveler and get them later,"Your best bet is to unbox them and have them on you, leave the boxes in italy. also, they need to be registered with sajalni, which has limits, so either way, they couldn't use them. best you could do is take 2 this time, the other 2 next year.","I had two phones on my person coming into Tunisia. One in my hand for personal use with a service provider, one in my bag (not in box) not hooked up to anything for a gift and I wasn’t asked anything. + +Edit: I was traveling alone and I also had two laptops.","No it will not pass. +You pay diwena for new iphones automatically. + +The only thing that can work is having one per traveler and say they are your current phones. + +Saying it's gifts won't work, they hear that everyday. + +The only available info says ""importation is forbidden without rokhsa bla bla"" , diwena agents are poorly trained and simply interpret that ""anything is forbidden for business reasons or not""",2024-06-18 05:56:25 +1digtff,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1digtff/stray_dogs_scare_the_shit_out_of_me/,7,Stray dogs scare the shit out of me.,"So every time I walk at this time, my big fear is stray dogs. I have been bitten by stray dogs three times before, and every time I have to run to get rabies shots. That has made me phobic of dogs. What should I do when I come across one or a pack of dogs?","here is the perfect strategy +assert dominance : +bark back at them... loudly , and pee on yourself to show them you own yourself, \[do the same if you're accompagned , pee on them, aim for the legs \] + +it will show them who is the boss +it works every time",Throw stones at them and shout as loud as you can and most importantly don't show them that you're scared and especially never run away from them. Dogs become more agressive when they see a person who is scared of them. ,"Ngl, the smartest thing you can do is to stay scared, you never know what those little shits carry. + +As much as I love dogs, I stay away from stray ones. + +Whenever you see some and have no way to go around them, just mind your business and they should leave you alone.","Ngl i didn’t know it was that bad, i always pass by them like they won’t do shit (and they don’t they just lower their head) but looks like i have to start getting scared",">I have been bitten by stray dogs three times before,  + +bro has a bounty on his head",2024-06-18 03:16:50 +1djy6ay,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djy6ay/ama_about_crypto_and_epayments_in_tunisia/,0,AMA about crypto and E-payments in Tunisia.,"I did this before, a year or two ago, but some stuff has changed so I am re-doing it. + +Will start with some FAQ: + +1- How to buy crypto in Tunisia? + +* Your easiest and safest way is Binance P2P, basically just sign up on Binance, KYC using your passeport and driving license, then head out to the P2P section, filter with your preferred payment method, find a seller with preferably over 50 succesfull trades and as close to 100% ratings as possible, read the negative reviews to ensure they are just about late payment or so, and start a trade. Only release the crypto when you receive your money, ensure the sender name matches the binance name. + +2- How to get a card to pay online? + +Legal way: CTI, but very limited (1000 TND yearly cap). + +Grey way: Redotpay, wise but I think it’s no longer available in Tunisia. + +3- Is it legal? + +Not legal, not illegal, grey area, be cautious but arrests are very rare, basically just keep your mouth shut and you won’t get in problems. + +4- What do I think of centers that teach trading in Tunisia? + +No first hand experience, but I don’t recommend, it’s as the saying goes, those who can do, and those who can’t teach. I am not a trader so I can’t give advices. + +","1/Where do I start as someone who has 0 knowledge about these things. +2/is it profitable and worth the time spent learning . And thx",,,,,2024-06-20 00:09:36 +1djxq5u,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djxq5u/finding_a_hotel_in_djerba/,1,finding a hotel in djerba ,"i'm planning on going to djerba with my friends this summer during july,but i cant find any cheap hotels . + +please give me some addresses if you know any + +PS: july 22nd to 28th would be ideal and our budget is arround 1000dt for the hotel",,,,,,2024-06-19 23:48:12 +1djxfxs,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djxfxs/this_is_a_cry_for_help/,1,This is a cry for help ,"I prefer to not say a lot of personal information to protect myself, but please help me if you can + +I live in kasserine am 18 and I still have just next to finish high school ( bac science) + I live in an abusive family and I’ve been through a lot . I just want you to tell me what to do when I finish high school I want to go to university but I just want to cut off contact with them so I won’t be financially stable . +So please if you can advise me and tell me what to do I want to leave this city and family and never come back. ","Your submission was automatically removed because it appears your account is brand new. This is a measure to avoid spammers. + +If you think your post should be approved, please contact the modarators here : https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Tunisia + + +*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tunisia) if you have any questions or concerns.*",,,,,2024-06-19 23:34:55 +1djxayb,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djxayb/feel_like_tunisia_much_progressive/,4,Feel like Tunisia much progressive ,Tunisia banned polygyny despite being muslim country.Allowed muslim woman to marry non muslim men.Tunisia also banned marital rape.Wanna say I am really impressed by Tunisia's progressive decision,"for best, it's chaotic as it is , we have lots of idiots as it is +1 high divorce numbers, mostly rushing into marriage with no clue of the responsibility ahead +2 having lots of kids they can't feed (won't use a fucking condom) +.... +it's best some retards can't marry more than 1 woman besides personally i believe it's best to marry for real love and u can't love more than one that's not love","Yeal the laws are fine, not ideal (Lgbtq+ are still being discriminated against and a couple of other stuff too). + +The issue for me comes with the society, an extremely hypocritical society, built around toxicity and hating diversity/any kind of difference in general, which feels sad to me, since once upon a time this land was a melting pot for the Mediterranean, now it's just there with a crippling economy and a confused society.","https://preview.redd.it/z0s3gwdwgm7d1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cda57c16f7c28d3955820e8e93258c2e40069f0 + +We have Bourghiba to thank for that. (before he went senile) + +But he didn't go far enough when it comes to inheritance laws and a few other things to appease the islamists, who weren't appeased anyway (predictably).",Inshallah islam will reign supreme,,2024-06-19 23:28:28 +1djwmas,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djwmas/ديوانة_تونسية_غريبة/,2,ديوانة تونسية غريبة ,باش نحكيلكم علي غريبة كمنديت كيت بلوتوث من Aliexpress ب-3 دولار (10 دينار ) يوصلني للبوسطة يقولولي تخلص عليه 26 دينار.. ديوانة في تونس حاجة غريبة برشة تكمندي حاجة تجيك ببلاش من China وهنا تخلص triple سومها اكاكة حرام ,26dt yetsama ballouchi wbelaktef 😂😂 ena marra talbou aleya 40dt ala power bank,,,,,2024-06-19 22:57:13 +1djwbas,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djwbas/how_much_would_you_lend_your_family_in_the_case/,2,How much would you lend your family in the case of a medical emergency?,"If it's your aunt/uncle who's terminal and has to get a treatment to extend their lifetime, what percentage of your net worth would you be comfortable giving knowing you likely won't get it back?",d3iwet khir is all i can lend,depending on how much you have and how close you are to them,"It's not as simple as that. First, if he has something to sell, he should sell it first. Then if needs more money, all the family should participate. Now if no one is capable or I am the only option, then I will help them out with as much money as they need.","> your aunt/uncle  + + +Personally? No material support.","my aunt/uncle everything we're very close +,other relatives i'd help reasonably like keep enough to live by cause i might start family , give like savings for car or smth i can live without stuff , when it comes to money +as for body parts im ready to donate for anyone if there is no death risk, only close family if there is",2024-06-19 22:43:33 +1djvwvm,https://i.redd.it/2ilc70hptl7d1.png,2,Proof that the gov will read your suggestions and forward it to the جهات المعنية,"el gouvernement 3mal initiative so people can suggest (and many other stuff ) online . +here's the link https://www.e-people.gov.tn/","Hedhi kima fazet l 2estichara mta3 dostour, wja3elna beha rousna 3am kemel felle5er jeb destour men 3andou la 3ale9a, hedhom lkol 7keyet fer8a, madem mafamech l cash w dawla felsa w les institutions mahomch 9a3din ye5dmou, la7keyet adhouma mch bch ywaslouna leb3id.",but i wonder if actions will be taken by the ultimate deciders,Can it help a person who are waiting for his passport for 2 years?,,,2024-06-19 22:25:38 +1djvcqj,https://i.redd.it/zjs75fsbpl7d1.jpeg,0,Is this real? If so can we please nuke Kairouan,,"9athiyt 9tl m3ndhech 3ala9a bl aid , mt3arkin 9tlha kima l jareym l5rin , mafmch twist bl aid kima ychahrou w y7chiw","Nuke darkom , mich 5ir?, ena ma fhimtech 3lech il i3lem ou social media mrakkzin 3la tachwih som3et il 9orwen, fazet hethi tsir fil blayes lkoll, barra lil jbal la7mer walla 7ay tadhamon walla ta7rir. +Ou il mra allah yar7amha",,,,2024-06-19 22:01:34 +1djuq8q,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djuq8q/can_i_receive_the_bac_result_through_sms_if_i_am/,2,Can I receive the BAC result through SMS if I am living abroad?,"I have a Tunisian SIM card… will it work? any way around it? + +mainly I don‘t want to wait for a phone call from my family and would like to receive the SMS. +","Our tunisian SIM cards (Ooredoo, Orange and Telecome) are initially local, meaning they are programmed to fonction on only one network which exists in a specified geographical location +There's an option called \*\*Roaming\*\* that you could enable (available for the three types) + +And inchallah benjeh wl tawfi9 <3",,,,,2024-06-19 21:34:18 +1djtxfw,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djtxfw/serial_experiments_lain/,2,Serial Experiments Lain,"Saw someone asking about anime earlier so I decided to indulge. Have you ever seen the show? What do you think of it? Any insights on the symbols presents in the show? Any personal intakes on the message or smth? + +And ofc if there is any other show with very similar vibes, do recommend them please. ",Seen it in 99 on VHS that bought in France. Anime was mind blowing. As for the symbole it's around schizophrenia,all I'm going to say is that you should check [this website](https://fauux.neocities.org/),It's about lain realising that she is a god and she couldn't live in the real world and how she was afraid to live in the wired..,,,2024-06-19 21:00:35 +1djtbpe,https://i.redd.it/kc3orwt0al7d1.jpeg,5,What do you think ?,"STEM = science, maths, information and technology.",We are too poor to study bulshito social studies,"It's not because we have huge tech companies and it's not a benchmark for success and development. Just the opposite actually. Other fields like health or human sciences and culture are suffering. basically because everything is dying, but people can work in tech or, preferably, go abroad.",STEM mch Science Technology Engineering Maths?,"does stem include medicine or not +because the percentage is so low",,2024-06-19 20:35:16 +1djt5ca,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djt5ca/stripe_express_in_tunisia/,0,Stripe Express in Tunisia ,Hey guys I managed to make a stripe express account using buy me a coffee and stripe said that stripe is available in my country I put all of my info my bank and stuff like that and it actually showed me the name of my bank but like could it be illegal or something ? I don't think it should ?!,,,,,,2024-06-19 20:27:41 +1djrz9g,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djrz9g/msb_master_in_finance/,1,MSB Master in Finance ?,"Hello, +Is MSB a good school for a foreigner to pursue a master in finange degree ? +Will it be possible for me to find work in tunisia ? + +Thank you.",,,,,,2024-06-19 19:38:20 +1djrmxh,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djrmxh/finding_a_partner_abroad/,3,"Finding a ""partner"" abroad","Hello TN folks + +So I am a 26M and I have been living abroad for about 2 years now. I never really gave finding the right life partner (as in looking for the right one) much of importance at least at this age before leaving the country. But now that quite an interesting number of my friends and peers are engaged and with the ""solitude"" ( I have some friends here but it's just different from my family and group of friends I had in TN) from living abroad for a while, I'm starting to see it as a really important thing. Also living in a society with a different culture doesn't help either in finding someone with serious and similar intentions. +My message is more directed to the guys especially those living abroad or who went through something similar. How can you find someone (from TN) when you have very limited periods of time when visiting TN occasionally? I feel like my social circle went downhill since the time I left TN and I'm finding more and more difficulties to engage with a potential ""partner"". + +and please no answers like ""focus on improving yourself"" and ""go to the gym"". +I'm alreday taking care if myself but it's just a reuccuring thought lately. +",I guess dating apps ( change ur location to Tunisia ) funny enough when I was on those I met a lot of guys like that but was never interested cause I knew it was going to be long distance so ig the hard part in that will be to get the girl actually interested in you/the conversation while knowing y’all won’t be meeting soon,this is so true man,"25M here and thinking about the same, long distance won‘t work if you didn‘t know that person well before leaving tunisia, I‘ve been with a european girl before thinking that this would work but it eventually didn‘t due to the cultural differences, it is basically left for absolute luck to meet and like someone now..",Bezness,Long distance is your best shot.,2024-06-19 19:23:43 +1djqgok,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djqgok/17_yo_looking_for_a_job/,4,17 yo looking for a job,title says it all im a 17 year old looking for a job in ariana or tunis i can do anything as long as you teach me the basics,Good luck!,,,,,2024-06-19 18:35:41 +1djq3f4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djq3f4/from_where_i_can_rent_a_huge_yacht_in_tunisia/,1,From where i can rent a huge yacht in Tunisia?,"I want to rent a huge yacht in Tunisia (any city is okay) , provide me with contacts and tips.",request it from your manager and he'll do it for you.,"What do you mean by a “huge yacht”? With all due respect, this question seems silly or comes from someone inexperienced. Please provide more details about the yacht you have in mind.","https://tuniboat.com/ + +Biggest listed holds 38 (catamaran), but they could have the contacts to arrange it. + +You could also just visit the closest marina and ask around.",,,2024-06-19 18:20:16 +1djp68g,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djp68g/looking_for_friends_to_hangout_with_in_monastir/,0,Looking for friends to hangout with in Monastir,"Hey everyone! I'm (F 23 ) I'm on the lookout for awesome people to hang out with in Monastir. Whether it's exploring local cafes, discovering hidden gems around town, or simply enjoying good conversations, If you're up for grabbing a coffee send me a message ","Hey am from monastir , but feel like this is sus , i dunno","Hey there. I visit Monastir quite often. I'm moving away in less than a month, but maybe we can hang out and get you to know some people before that. DM if interested.",What if you're not awesome? 🤔,"awesome people = reddit... + +![gif](giphy|7SOdwNYHzCI7ygrLw7|downsized)",,2024-06-19 17:42:08 +1djoiip,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djoiip/where_do_i_look_for_tutoring_opportunities/,1,Where do i look for tutoring opportunities ?,"Hi beautiful people <3 I’m an English teacher and it’s my first job so you can imagine the salary isn’t great so i really wanna work this summer (I’m not allowed to according to the contract 🤫) +So i was thinking i could make some extra pocket money tutoring this summer (all ages) bur idk where to start, any advice would be greatly appreciated 💗","You can offer your services on facebook groups, this worked for a lot of people I know. Good luck!",,,,,2024-06-19 17:14:35 +1djoefw,https://i.redd.it/trzscpwc9k7d1.jpeg,6,Amen Bank share reaching an all time high ,ti haw 3ana bourse actif,Chnowa esmha l app,,,,,2024-06-19 17:09:46 +1djoan1,https://v.redd.it/e5tdlgii8k7d1,5,Lalo Salamanca vs Random Villains from Tunisian TV,,tha3loub enters the chat,Huh,,,,2024-06-19 17:05:11 +1djo6m7,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djo6m7/hair_specialist/,1,hair specialist,"Yoo am a 21 year old student and i just wanna check my hair and get some stuff for it to get better it's not bad but i wanna see someone just in case +Is there someone here in monastir? I study (pharmacie) here and am in monastir for most of the year. +Ps:i know i should know a thing or two about this but am looking for recommendations for specialized people",,,,,,2024-06-19 17:00:46 +1djnhlp,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djnhlp/best_anime_u_have_ever_watched/,9,Best anime u have ever watched ,for me Vinland saga and The promised Neverland ,"Shingeki no kyojin is always at the top IMO. Vinland saga is nice, unique as well. Promised neverland fucked up the 2nd season.",Monster is a personal favourite,Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood,can't believe that death note is not among the comments ...,ashita no fucking joe,2024-06-19 16:31:54 +1djngks,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djngks/unwanted_pregnancy/,1,Unwanted pregnancy ,Hey everyone my gf hasn't had her period for 38 days straight. We didn't run a stylotest or anything but we're pretty sure she is already pregnant. What should we do knowing that we can't pay those extravagant prices for the abortion pills (around 300dt) and the..whole situation must be fixed in no later than the next 10 days.,برا للتنظيم العائلي,"Since previous commentors gave you good advice, I'll seize the moment to praise tunisian laws regarding abortion since it's one of the most loose laws on the planet if not the most.","التنظيم العائلي. + +Abortion. + + +You don't need private clinics, pills, or anything risky. + +Your GF can get an IUD for next time and she can remove it whenever she decides to actually try to have kids. IUDs are safe and effective but won't protect from STDs, only pregnancy.","Planning familial, and use protection next time",Have her pee on the stick first. if she's preggo you can go to any Planning familial center and it'll cost around 50 dt with the analysis and everything. If her blood is O-/O+ she might have to get an Anti D syringe which will cost around 100dt more. And she needs a whole 10 days from the start of the process until the start of the recovering process so you might have to take the test TODAY!,2024-06-19 16:30:41 +1djn2ye,https://i.redd.it/m9dwugdezj7d1.png,15,"""and work on urself"" may I add. Feel free to tag the ""you know who"" lol",,u/Purple_zither I think they’re talking bout you buddy…,"I am at the lowest point of my life and people keep telling me to go to the gym, the funny part is I go to the GYM, that won't solve my problems people.","people are so ignorant +your brain and all what you feel in just chemicals ... +all the negative sensation caused by your problems are just chemicals reaction in the brain + +there is 4 main chemicals in the brain responsible for happyness +-**dopamine**, activated by achievement , sucess, music , etc ... +-**serotonin** activated by sunlight , meditation, mindfulness etc ... +-**oxytocin** activated by love ,cuddles, pets ,social connection , etc ... +-**endorphins** activated by physical laugh, food, etc ... + +the fact that exercices **activate 3 of those chemical in brain** ^((dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins)), which will significantly improve your mood and give you the motivation to attack any problem + +that's why if you're depressed , having problems ,overwhelmed or whatever , they always advice you to go to the gym, because it's the major boost that will give you the motivation, the mood to face any kind of problem and much higher chances to suceed + +you either continue to cry about your life or be happy solving your problems by giving the right amount of motivation to your brain to do something +conclusion , whatever you have done in life to be at your lowest point in life, yes , go to the gym",Yeah I tried. It helps a little bit but doesn't unfuck your mind lol,"I've been very athletic since childhood, but I hate gyms and their mentality. It's the only ""sport"" that I know of that makes you worse at moving, even at basic stuff like walking, but that's besides the point. The fitness mentality is like a plague. I used to like girls who would do sports, but now I run away from any girl who does ""fitness"" or goes to those shitty gyms. + +It inflates the ego too much and make people super cringy. They start thinking that people who don't do the thing they do are inferior, while they are for the most part good for nothing, paying money to lift heavy things and return them to their place, while eating too much and smelling bad. Imagine if a math teacher would advise people who are down to learn how to solve 4th degree equation or whatever. +We know you like it and it makes you feel good, but not everyone has to prescribe to the neverending pursuit of superficiality and egocentrism. check your ego and learn to shut up.",2024-06-19 16:14:45 +1djn0l9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djn0l9/where_do_i_find_rocks_like_this_in_tunisia/,2,Where do I find rocks like this in Tunisia?,"https://preview.redd.it/97xk3uruyj7d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=b05296f366da029d40231e2a241bb5e9d878d9d2 + +They're from a movie me and my friend really like and I want to get her a pair of rocks that look just like these as a small sentimental gift. Any idea where I could find them/ where they are sold? + +","they are literally everywhere +visit the beaches, it's in 90% of them",كرية رمل,,,,2024-06-19 16:11:49 +1djm9wx,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djm9wx/why_are_the_buildings_in_downtown_tunis_leaning/,3,Why are the buildings in downtown Tunis leaning?,"I don't think anyone wouldn't notice how leaning some of the buildings in Centre Ville are. Some even have to use metal supports to stop it from collapsing. Any idea why this might be? I heard that it is because Tunis is built on swamplands but I found no sources on the internet proving it. So if you find some or know where to look, let me know. ","Even untouched, buildings have life expectancy.",https://preview.redd.it/gdwsy7m21k7d1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37fcab041bfbe96160b2e57c10cafb1347b4dd5d,"Lack of maintenance and the soil in that area is of a sandy nature, thus buildings will tend to sink over time if not properly reinforced every once in a while. + +Some of the buildings have actually been abandoned for a long time (most of them are around Moncef Bey) + +There's a very funny one that's literally resting on the neighbouring building behind the central bank Rue Hedi Nouira (and it's occupied), you can see how bad it is when you walk through Rue Pierre de Coubertin and look towards the Central Bank's building. You can partly see it here https://maps.app.goo.gl/Tyrgo936JJL9M1zE8?g_st=ac + +You're partly correct on the swamp part as ""Avenue Jules Ferry"" (Former name of avenue Habib Bourguiba) used to be technically just a muddy place before the French transformed it.",,,2024-06-19 15:41:06 +1djly9d,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djly9d/i_want_to_learn_web_development_by_my_self_any/,2,I want to learn web development by my self any source or advise? ,I want to learn web development or anything I can work with it online from home . anyone here can help?? ,"freecodecamp site, check it, it also has a youtube channel, it's great too featuring long bootcamps, but of course after getting some basic skills you need to practice no more tutorials are needed or even good for you","The Odin Project, it starts you from 0. Only thing you need to have is a computer and an understadning of English.",ali bouali long videos explains everything in details,"fullstackopen.com/en/ + +React, React native, mongoDB, GraphQL, Typescript, CICD +ama lezem juste chwaya basics ta3 programmation","Isn't ai good enough to make websites, or will be better in the next few years?",2024-06-19 15:28:00 +1djlj4a,https://v.redd.it/i4cz7htynj7d1,6,What is the name of this song?!,A group performed this at the hotel and I asked so many staff for the song name but no one knew and Shazam doesn’t recognise it. Please help🥺,Hello here's a YouTube video of the song. [ziara song](https://youtu.be/cRlVZbm-UQc?si=rq1qmsETRR90nUdM),the lack of coordination here is hurting my eyes,https://youtu.be/cRlVZbm-UQc?si=tA9foK2PqNyawq4g,,,2024-06-19 15:10:22 +1djlgr6,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djlgr6/freelance_opportunities/,1,Freelance opportunities,"I'm a junior self-taught web developer, I've spent months learning and built few projects here and there and now, I want to get into the world of freelancing but I feel stuck. + +Actually, I've been trying now for weeks to find any clients but I found iterally none. + +Could anybody help (platforms I need to sign up to, communities, tips on how to promote myself, job opportunities...) + +NB: I've tried upwork, freelancersTn, le bon développeur",,,,,,2024-06-19 15:07:36 +1djkgf8,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djkgf8/which_game_do_you_play/,5,Which game do you play?,Hello I want try something new so I want try MOBA games but I don't know which game do I choose dota 2 or lol. if so why?,"don't, please","I played dota 2 for a long time. It's a bit difficult to get used to but amazing once you understand the mechanism. The lore is very rich, and the characters are well designed. I tried LOL, and it was ok.","I was a former napoleon total war player. +Now I should focus on tmajwir","Neither tbh, i'd suggest steering away from competetive games on tunisian internet it is just infuriating...",Lol 100%,2024-06-19 14:24:55 +1djjer6,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djjer6/bibliotheque_nationale_de_tunisie_lnajam_nichri/,1,Bibliotheque Nationale de Tunisie lnajam nichri ktob minha wyamlou livraison wala le?,a,Nope,"sadly nope ama fibeli if you're doing masters you can borrow from . +call them and check for yourself...",,,,2024-06-19 13:38:47 +1djimeu,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djimeu/tunisian_photographers/,1,Tunisian Photographers,"Hello ppl, is there any private fb group or anything like that where i can find used photography materials without brokers involved ? +All i see on marketplace are resellers trynna make a fortune out of a 10 y.o camera . +Any help will be appreciated.","a decent camera full frame will cost you 1.2k dt and it's a good price already, if the camera is from the 2012 era, just look for something clean, cameras are immortal if you take care of them",,,,,2024-06-19 13:01:32 +1djicwu,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djicwu/anniversary_gift_suggestions_for_my_soon_to_be/,3,Anniversary gift suggestions for my soon to be fiancée ? ,"so I've been with my girlfriend (soon to be fiancée) for 3 years now , and our anniversary is in a month and I don't know what to give her... + +I'm planning to make dinner reservations and I was planning to taking her to "" Fly in Tunisia "" where she can fly an air plane for 45 min but they are fully booked :/ +I don't want to give her jewelry as I've already done that multiple times and I want to be creative this time .. +No parfume or clothes either.. +She is great at surprising me with wonderful gifts and I want to really surprise her and one up her this time... +The budget is open so please feel free to suggest anything ... I m really desprate here xd",https://www.instagram.com/solaris.bateau?igsh=MW0zbjZwaXEydm9pMA==,"Maybe sky diving in Tozeur as an alternative, it's called skys, and you still get to hop on a mini jet.",https://www.instagram.com/solaris.bateau?igsh=MW0zbjZwaXEydm9pMA==,imchiw l dzayer 3al train xD,,2024-06-19 12:48:42 +1djht1x,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djht1x/how_can_i_invest_in_stocks_from_tunisia/,1,How can I invest in stocks from Tunisia ,"I found myself stuck, recently graduated and unemployed. I applied for some jobs but nothing can really satisfy my needs. That's why I'm looking for other alternatives to make income.","https://www.tunisievaleurs.com/ +https://www.bvmt.com.tn/fr/intermediaire/list + + +1. Not a financial advice + +2. Only invest what you are willing to lose + +3. Educate yourself on investing first","educate yourself firstly... +starting point will ilboursa.com +millim.com +and starting point would be ovpcm .","educate yourself firstly... +starting point will ilboursa.com +millim.com +and starting point would be ovpcm .","If you don't mind answering, how much are you willing to invest and does ~23% profit over 3-4 years suits you ? + +It's for a market research your answer would be appreciated 🙏",,2024-06-19 12:21:21 +1djh8kc,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djh8kc/tunisian_taxi_driver_ooops_moment/,33,Tunisian taxi driver Ooops moment,"I want to share a funny situation that happened to me. +Last year, when I went back to Tunisia to visit my friends, I took a taxi from the airport to the hotel in Tunis. I planned to wait there until my friend could come and pick me up to take me to his home. + +In the taxi, I speak only English, even though I can speak Arabic very well. I do this as a social experiment: if the driver is humble and kind, I give him a generous tip when we arrive at the destination. + +Anyway, when I took the taxi, the driver started talking badly about me while he was on the phone with his friend. He said things like “I picked up a stupid son of a b*tch tourist from Britain.” I waited until he finished his conversation, then I said to him in Arabic, “Brother, you’re wrong. I’m from the United States.” I can’t describe his face—it was hilarious! + +He started to say that he wasn’t talking about me but about his friend. I told him, “No, you were talking about me,” until he finally confessed that he had made a mistake and asked for forgiveness. He even invited me to eat lablebi with him as a way to apologize. I appreciated his kindness—maybe I caught him at a bad time, maybe he was just angry. In the end, I gave him the tip. + +Hope you enjoyed it! + +⚠️ I reposted this post just to confirm that I respect all taxi drivers, and I didn’t mean to offend anyone.",No some people need to be offended. It's disgusting behavior that needs to be pointed out. A lot of Taxi drivers have bad mouths and bad behavior even with Tunisians (most of them are not the owners of the Taxi they are driving).,"I do this all the time, I'm Tunisian/British but I don't look Tunisian so I can get away with this. + +One time I was walking through the Medina in Tunis and a carpet sales men tried to convince me to buy a carpet, he started speaking to me in English so I played along. + +He gave me a tour around the store and we walked passed like an admin office and there were two men sat there. + +The salesman introduced me to the two men: this is Mr Ras 3asba and this is Mr Ta7an and I could barely keep a straight face and went in to shake their hand and said: Hello Mr Ras 3asba and Mr Ta7an nice to meet you. The look on their faces was priceless. + +Anyway once he finished giving me the tour I said I really can't buy a carpet, taking it through the airport would be a nightmare. + +He obviously wasn't happy and said to himself: rawa7 nayek mella, goodbye. + +I said goodbye rabi yi3inek ya m3alem. As I walked away and looked at his face.... Priceless 😁","We are glad you confronted him about it, the plague of tunisian taxi drivers can never be cured without regular confrontation + +I once had a taxi driver complaining and insulting all taxi riders and at some point i had to explain to him that i neither cared nor sympathized and thats the job, he proceeded to justify his attitude by saying “i had a shitty couple clients before i picked you up”, nah brother you’re just a dickhead","He is not angry nor having a bad time, Tunisian men who are not well educated (the majority) will say such things, just for the laughs or a way of telling a story. + +That's why he invited you to eat lablebi, he knows what he did and that It was for no reason other than ""mehouch metrobi""",Taxi drivers in all countries are doing their job except in Tunisia they are doing you a favor,2024-06-19 11:50:49 +1djgd1a,https://i.redd.it/2hvq9rvffi7d1.jpeg,1,الفرق بين البنية الجسمانية متع الصرب ودول البلقان وبينا احنا بسبب الجينات ولا التغذية ؟,Ki tchouf el ultras ta3 serbia w romania t7md rbi 3al mafra5 li tetrages 3ana jeybtha ultras wkes7in 7abit na3ref ken lfar9 hetha bsbab el genes wla el ta8thiya ? 7asb mala7dht el ta8thiya mt3na ne9sa brcha protein,"Bergmann's rule at play. Animals living in colder climates are bigger because the increase in size helps them retain heat better, while in hotter areas they tend to be smaller since that helps dissipate heat easier. Same for humans, somewhat. Kind of a similar process to the skin tone of humans getting lighter as you go north to help you absorb more UV to be able to produce enough vitamin D, while getting darker as you approach the equator to protect you from getting cancer from the excess UV.","Actually both, in tunisia really the diet doesn’t promote the growth of such muscle mass","the simple answer,if we had more purchase power, average tunisians would eat more rich protein foods like meat + +https://preview.redd.it/qapu7d0g7k7d1.png?width=541&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d69c749675d2f6247a7989c3155f9c5c96775e",نحنا ناكلو العجين برشا لذا صحتنا ماشية في الكرش و الترمة أكثر حاجة,"The Mediterranean diet is one of the best overall diets knows to science the problem is that you have to consume proteins and good fats daily (fish, lamb and olive oil). To work, every thing needs to be in portions and balanced. + +Because of north Africa 's current economical situation, our bodies are fucked (see Egypt) because we substituted protein and good fats with cheap carbs and trash seed oils. + +If you want to know how our bodies are supposed to look like, see the Spanish, Greeks and Balkans. + +I remember how people used to all look thin in the 90s.",2024-06-19 11:00:15 +1djg6qc,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djg6qc/best_ways_to_receive_money_from_europe_to_tunisia/,2, Best Ways to Receive Money from Europe to Tunisia with Low Fees and Taxes?,"Hi everyone, + +I'm looking for advice on the safest and most cost-effective ways to receive money from Europe to Tunisia. My main concerns are minimizing fees and taxes. Does anyone have experience with this or recommendations on the best methods or services to use? +thank youuuu","You can use western union, money gram.. Or crypto","when you say ""taxes"" i assume you are not talking about your own company taxes right ? (do you have a ""batinda"" ?) + +anyways, + +* fees: + * the smallest fees are by doing a direct wire transfer from their bank to your [company] bank account. + +* taxes: + * consult an accountant, you can do something that feels trivial and normal to you and then end up paying a huge fine or worse because it was illegal. + + +  + +If you don't have a company and you're working f ""noire"", then you're asking the wrong question and you will be called up eventually to justify the source of your income. (if the amount exceeds ~10k for the entire year)","I usually use Ria money transfer with bank pickup kinda transfer, I dont recommend western union and money gram for the ridiculous fees",,,2024-06-19 10:49:06 +1djg6ez,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djg6ez/tunisian_flirt_phrases_for_couples/,11,Tunisian flirt phrases for couples,"What are the tunisian flirtatious / endearing phrases you tell you girlfriend/boyfriend ? + +",نجيببك حاجة في يدي؟,"يا حبي يا شلاغم زبي + +يا حبق يا كبدة يا عضمة مفقصة في الزبدة + +قلبي ليك كي التاكسي هو ياقف ونتي ت��عد + +حبي شنوة جديد؟ عصبة و بار حديد. بار الحديد تتكسر. تجي فوقو و تتعصر",Just tell her ‘ محلاك و مابنّك' sweet and simple .,"عبنيك نيك في نيك *** و حواجبك قحب صافي + +نحب نحطّو بين رجليك*** علاش مالنيك تخافي + + +في الظلمة تشعل تراميك*** يا ما احلي النيك و الضو طافي","Keep it simple. Someone dear used to jokingly respond حاضر عرفي when I ask for something basic. Even picking where we eat, he'd say that. And I found it super cute because I was absolutely not in charge at that time. Also something as simple as محلاك ليوم goes a long way. Oh, calling a loved one lella too, is sooooo adorable too.",2024-06-19 10:48:35 +1djf7wr,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djf7wr/searching_a_tunisian_music_video/,1,Searching a Tunisian Music video,"I'm looking for a Tunisian song, I forgot the name. + +The song is about a man who sees the shadow of a woman and falls in love and his heart skips a beat + +whoever finds the song gets a gift + +Thk","kif chba7t khyelk +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cFCqW0gWFE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cFCqW0gWFE)",,,,,2024-06-19 09:45:44 +1djf16o,https://i.redd.it/xewaxqluzh7d1.jpeg,20,Bro is down bad 💀,,https://preview.redd.it/iiyumw5z2j7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06e3e4a19a11a3fdc79f96e7113ee70a1ad29f7,تخاريف.,"people it's just a book and it's interesting , for people who want to know more I recommend [this](https://youtu.be/kAzdgYl0-lQ?si=KtdhKjbrayynYXcc) video made by let's talk relegion, +and it's actually a manifestation about how the cultural and ""academic"" scene of medieval Muslim history was much more tolerant then we think of it that such a controversial book could even be written at that time .",Is this the Harry potter book Arabic version? With a worst story xD,you can find it in archive org,2024-06-19 09:32:53 +1djevbj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1djevbj/leaving_my_job_to_start_a_company_العطلة_لبعث/,4,Leaving my job to start a company -- العطلة لبعث مؤسسة,"https://preview.redd.it/aif0nni2xh7d1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=23e4a879e3f1bc1136e22e09b933987ebdbd86a0 + +I work in the public sector as a teacher (Metrassem wjawi mrgl). I plan on doing the ""Conge sans sold"" thing to focus on my online business. + +if anybody knows the process/steps to get it that would be of great help since I didn't find something useful on the net.","I am a tax lawyer who specializes in startups . +you can dm me :)",the starting point [Idarty](https://idaraty.tn/publications/procedures-et-modalites-d-octroi-de-conge-pour-la-creation-d-entreprise),"Waste of time, do you want to do business or become an accountant? If it's the first one, just hire an account for 1500dt, and he will set it up for you so you can focus on business.",,,2024-06-19 09:21:00 +1dje3sh,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dje3sh/i_need_to_learn_tunisian_arabic_fastly/,11,I need to learn Tunisian Arabic fastly,"Hello guys, + +I am a Turkish girl who is having Tunisian boy friend and unfortunately his family rejects me so that I cant communicate with them as foreign girl. + +I decided to learn Tunisian language but couldn't find a way, all courses based on standard Arabic. Can you suggest me any online course or material. + +Thanks for your helping!","Wait, his family rejected you because you're not capable of speaking Tunisian Arabic?","The family are not nice if they’re willing to reject you over a language difference. I can’t speak Arabic and my husbands family couldn’t be nicer. +I visit and spend time with them even though we have different religion, language, culture and they are always super kind and respectful. + +Of course learn Arabic but don’t expect the family to change :(",your bf should be the one teaching you,where are all the english-speaking turks when i'm actually in turkey.,"so sad to hear you’re having this experience! I have a Tunisian boyfriend as well but his mother is nothing but loving towards me, and is even learning English to communicate with me. + +I’m also learning Tunisian Arabic and other than being taught by your boyfriend or physically being in Tunisia to quickly learn, I have learned a lot from astafeed.tunisian.arabic on Instagram as well as my book “Tunisian colloquial Arabic vocabulary” by Matthew Aldrich and Lilia Khachroum, all content of the book is available online to listen to on lingualism.com. I would say I’m at the level of a child atm in Tunisian Arabic + +It also helps knowing some basic French as Tunisian Arabic frequently mixes some French into their sentences (+ a lot of signs and most restaurant menus are in French). I studied French in school so I’m not having much issue with this personally. Best of luck to you!",2024-06-19 08:25:56 +1djbpf3,https://i.redd.it/j8hzzdu8ug7d1.png,6,It's too early for blasphemy but I couldn't stop myself (Trigger warning/shitpost),,,,,,,2024-06-19 05:42:08 +1dj974v,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dj974v/google_pixel/,2,Google pixel ,"Where can I buy a Google pixel phone in tunisia? Preferably zone kairouan, sousse.. ","had this struggle a month ago, someone told me i could phones in shops in jerba they got a lot of pixels (but they didint give me any other info) + +in the end i was done with the headache and just got a samsung","- Keep an eye on facebook marketplace, also some shops have them and they advertise them there. + +- Keep in mind that you won't find a case, a screen protector or repair pieces here, i broke my Pixel's screen because of that and can't do much about it, if you got someone abroad you might want to ask them to get you the whole package or at least the protection.",Try the mall,,,2024-06-19 03:11:47 +1dj88jk,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dj88jk/aiesec_volunteering_program_in_istanbul/,1,AIESEC Volunteering Program in Istanbul,chkoun machi maa AIESEC li Istanbul jom3a jaya?,Did you pay to do free job in turkey,,,,,2024-06-19 02:20:53 +1dj872j,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dj872j/freelance/,7,freelance,"# is freelance legal in Tunisia? freelance.tn? + +i want to be a freelancer for this holiday to earn money for the university but i dont know much about it. +i want to know: + +1. if it's legal in Tunisia +2. how do i get paid? +3. i checked the site ''freelance.tn"" and want to know how it works, do i just create the project suggested and send it to the client? is it guaranteed that I will get paid? (based on your experiences) and what if the suggested project is not that clear, how do i ask for more informations and details? +4. lastly, if you guys could suggest to me any other possible ways to earn money online i'll be more than grateful <3","على حد علممي الفريلانس معندو حتى إطار قانوني و هذا مش معناه انك تخالف في القانون بل بالأحرى إنوا الدولة مش معنية توفرلك حتى شي. بلغة أوضح + +you are on your own","Make money first and then you'll find out how to withdraw them. The hardest part is getting the first client. + +And no, no authorities would find out you're freelancing unless you deposit 10k in your bank account out of nowhere.",,,,2024-06-19 02:18:43 +1dkrv3z,https://i.redd.it/v9pf1upust7d1.jpeg,1,No fucking way he said that??!!!,,"what happens on facebook, stays on facebook. +please stop reposting trash opinions.",,,,,2024-06-21 01:15:03 +1dkrisq,https://i.redd.it/guqt8rurpt7d1.jpeg,1,Tunisian girl who got stylized by moroccan immigrants,,,,,,,2024-06-21 00:57:47 +1dkqrnu,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkqrnu/deism_tunisia/,1,Deism tunisia ,Are there any tunisian deist ??,Probably,In the end it’s just labels to be honest. Believe in whatever you want to believe in.,wtf,,,2024-06-21 00:19:16 +1dkqgz7,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkqgz7/affordable_rent_tunis/,1,Affordable rent Tunis ?,"Hey, +Where can i find affordable places to rent as a student near Paris Dauphine please ? +I looked online but haven't found many, and Airbnb is super expensive.",,,,,,2024-06-21 00:04:41 +1dko2cx,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dko2cx/human_resources/,2,Human resources ,What do you know about human resources as a job and a concept?,akthir nes tekil sab mil abed,always hungry for d3a char,>[human resources as a job and a concept?](https://www.facebook.com/reel/1054229539138641),,,2024-06-20 22:13:34 +1dkltll,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkltll/braid_shops/,2,braid shops?,"im a guy and i want to get braids. live in the capital and im wondering if anyone knows a good and reputable braid shop (and preferably cheap). +thanks :))",,,,,,2024-06-20 20:36:36 +1dkl6hn,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkl6hn/dance_clubs/,2,Dance Clubs?,"I'm a 20-year-old guy, I've been wanting to pick up dancing for so long, do any of you know the best dance clubs in Grand Tunis (beginner friendly), if yes : what could the price range be (I'm on a pretty tight budget). + +Thank You !",,,,,,2024-06-20 20:09:16 +1dkl1p9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkl1p9/any_content_creators_twena_ya7kiw_3al_motorbikes/,1,Any content creators twena ya7kiw 3al motorbikes?,"Fama ka3bet eal insta ntaba3 fihom ya7kiw 3al kraheb. + +Ama lil moutourat ma l9it chay.",Blayah,"it's all Z1000/Z750, CB1000, XT660, Tmax and recently MT07. Not much worth watching.",,,,2024-06-20 20:03:42 +1dkkzo1,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkkzo1/why_you_still_didnt_find_the_one/,6,Why you still didn’t find the one ?,Why do you think you still find the one ? What are the standards or values you are looking for ? ,"One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.","Many reasons, i hope I'll find her someday. It's miserable at my age to be alone",I did find the one but it turns out she was Geyyy!,I'm barely finding myself,Bruh there’s no such thing as “the one” just quite these glorified ideals and find someone who makes you happy and that’s it no need for them to be the “one”,2024-06-20 20:01:23 +1dkk2dg,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkk2dg/is_there_a_veterinarian_in_the_house/,1,Is there a veterinarian in the house?,I have a question. Three kstray kittens fel 7ouma have conjunctivitis and I dunno what eye drops to get them. ,"u got a pic ? +any swollen third eyelids ? or redness +if not, get unigenta, it's for 3 dinars or so, to be applied 2 drops twice a day for 3 days +if yes, get sterdex ointment to be applied twice a day for 3 days as well (they are small ""j3ab"", so use one for each kitten at once, can sometimes be sufficient for two kittens) +also, treat both eyes, regardless of the status +(ps: not a vet, but i have & raised hundreds of cats)","nystatin works every time for me, you have no idea how many stray cat eyes i've saved with the same old tube of nystatin, shit it's probably expired by now, there is probably some better choice but it has yet to fail me","not a vet. +it's usually a bacteria. A friend took her kitten to a vet recently (not a very small one - maybe 3 or 4 months old), and he was administered antibiotic shots. The vet also told her to buy ""PND"" (Polymyxine B Sulfate - Sulfate de néomycine - Dexaméthasone), and administer 2 drops per eye, 3 times a day. + +I personally have tried Sterdex as commented below, and it worked. maybe not very suitable but I don't know. + +It's important to clean the eyes. compress soaked in warm water helps, then drops of physiol. then you can apply whatever meds you choose I guess xD. 3 times a day. + +Make sure the kittens nurse well, or eat/drink well if they're weaned (older than 6-8 weeks). +Also make sure to clean their asses and that they don't have sh\*t stuck in their inner anus (you'd see a bulge I guess). + +If you can deworm their mother, that would be great as her milk will contain the meds and the kittens will get healthier. deworming pills are a bit expensive, and I guess you can break the pill and cover the pieces in cheese or something. + +Avoid giving them any sort of milk at all costs. It's poison. even baby powdered milk or whatever. Only cat milk is suitable. + +If you lose them, you don't have to feel bad about yourself. try what you can, and shit happens. most likely it's not your fault.",,,2024-06-20 19:22:20 +1dkjsqu,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkjsqu/do_u_guys_think_there_are_ppl_who_buy_rare_coins/,2,Do u guys think there are ppl who buy rare coins in tunis?,I was looking thru some old boxes and I found an old coin so I did some research and I found that it’s worth a good sum of money ,![gif](giphy|dMn6DpYvzeKJ1UTar6|downsized),What do you mean with rare coins ? If they’re some ‘dourou’ and you find them listed for hundred of dollars . I don’t think people buy them,eBay is your friend,you will probably find someone who's willing to buy them,,2024-06-20 19:10:57 +1dkjnki,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkjnki/visiting_hammamet_in_december_any_tips_or/,2,"Visiting Hammamet in December, any tips or suggestions? ",As above really. Any suggestions would be great :) ,"Hammamet in winter is not alive. You can go the typical place like the Marina, night clubs etc. But it's gonna seem empty and lonely. This is true for the first half of December at least. + +In the second half of December, on the other hand, will be more enjoyable as we have holidays and Christmas (yes people do celebrate it although it's a Christian thing), so it will get alive. In hotels too, if you are staying in one, you will find more animation... + +If you are capable of leaving Hammamet, I advise you to tour the Cap Bon (Nabeul governorate) or even go to Beja and the north west. Its beautiful at that time of the year. But, disclaimer, very cold.","Kan cht3ich fi hammamet I recommend jawha behy l7a9 +Ama kan fi vacances Lee l7a9 5ater chtl9aha tafyaa kimaa 9al Eli 9abli +Sinon hammamet nord is good for living +Places to visit: +Sidi bouhdid +Berber +Medina +Nés cute .....",,,,2024-06-20 19:04:55 +1dkitxv,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkitxv/tinder_gold/,0,Tinder gold,Hi ! How to pay for Tinder gold in Tunisia please ?,"we don't? +I met a few people who paid for it, and they met some girls maybe thanks to it, but their state of being is sorry to say the least lol. +Dating apps are mostly a scam. Certainly are if you pay for them. If you start considering it, I would guess that there's so much stuff going wrong with you that you should focus on instead. Checking your profile confirms this lol. + +It's okayish to use tinder for free, as long as it doesn't drive you even deeper into your desperation so you would think that tinder gold is the solution. That's a lie on top of a lie on top of another. You get sold the idea of casual dates and one night stands and whatever, and the necessity of body count for you to feel like a man, you get sold the idea that there are people out there that have the lifestyle of Barney Stinson or whatever lol, which simply doesn't exist anywhere, let alone in Tunisia,... +If you want to get worthwhile dates, You need to fix that desperation first. Heal your porn addiction that is clearly twisting your mind. learn to respect yourself and women. Learn to appreciate life by yourself, and have hobbies and activities which will automatically put you in settings where you can meet women that you can connect with. + +But even if that doesn't happen, you'll be way better than if you go down the rabbit hole of dating apps. Pay for them (which btw hurts the economy without providing any value), and you'll probably end up feeling more like shit about yourself when it's not working or when you get ghosted and rejected, and that in turn will make you invest even harder into those apps in trying to deny the truth. the one that you should work on fixing instead.",Bro it's a trap,,,,2024-06-20 18:30:42 +1dkij99,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkij99/how_to_get_rid_of_a_mloukhiya_stain_from_clothes/,3,how to get rid of a mloukhiya stain from clothes?,"You may ask why do you have mloukhiya on your shirt or pants or whatever? + +That's because I'm the one of the least clumsy people in the wooooorld.",Tnajm tghates el maryoul/serwel fi tanjra mloukheya akeka lkolha twali fard loun?,"My only suggestion is eating it up before it settles, but it’s probably too late if you’re here.","izi do like me , if people ask that you have something on your shirt, tell them it's a feature +moutha mteb3a design trikou 🤠",">how to get rid of a mloukhiya stain from clothes? + +You don't. + +it is okay now, everything is gonna be alright + +![gif](giphy|hcUPQUU9BiH8U4g90d)",The first time my tunisian friend introduced me to mloukhiya i thought it was green diarrhea and he was messing with me.,2024-06-20 18:18:10 +1dkie0x,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkie0x/tbs_and_quitting_tunisia/,1,TBS and quitting tunisia,slm 7abit ns2el ba3d ma net5arej m TBS b Master in Business Analytics najm na9ra lbara blech ? enjam ndaber contrat d emploi fi canada wla europe ? w chkoun 3andou experience,it's definitely not easy to land a job abroad without experience however I'd say if you're CV is good enough you can as for studying idk if a second master or something is a good option for you or not.,,,,,2024-06-20 18:12:26 +1dkhvop,https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nJ45vLT-wPU,0,What willl you choose ?you can share your answers with us in comments ,,,,,,,2024-06-20 17:51:25 +1dkhnur,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkhnur/web_vs_mobile_development/,2,web vs mobile development ,"i'm a student at esprit and fil orientation i'm stuck between 2 options. should i choose web or mobile development. like which one is better in terms of the market in tunisia and especially abroad. i've heard there are many web positions but there's also many web developers so idk. + +also pls don't tell me to choose the one i lean into more because i'm equally interested in them, the only deal breaker is the market and the job opportunities. + +thank you.",take this with a grain of salt but i think mobile,Im not a developer so I can't help but you should ask this questions in a Facebook group named Tunisian developers you'll probably get better answers there plus you can also post anonymously in it,"you will have much higher chances of landing a job in the Tunisian market with web rather than mobile even though there’s more web developers + +In terms of rarity, .NET developers are the rarest, then Java J2E/Spring developers then nodeJS/ExpressJS developers","there is nearly no jobs in tunisia for mobile devloppement , which will get you less chances / opportunity to land jobs aboard also because of no real accreditation experience :P +go web , but you need to outshine the competition and also have rare cards in the pockets + +edit : yeah we live in a smartphone era, where everyday there is a new app out for anything, but how many tunisian mobile app , or tunisian team worked on a mobile app did hear about ?",,2024-06-20 17:42:07 +1dkhb8p,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkhb8p/hey_guys_tunisian_m_who_live_in_usa_project_idea/,1,hey guys. Tunisian (M) who live in USA project idea,me and my wife have been here for almost 4 years regular worker struggling . I’m thinking about new business and to get any helpful tips ideas. what would you go for small business ( please do not mention any Tunisian sweet or food ) thanks :) ,What are your skills? What degrees do you have?,,,,,2024-06-20 17:27:27 +1dkh4hm,https://i.redd.it/novzafw1gr7d1.jpeg,10,"Guys; Zenaidi candidacy for the presidential election, ex-RCD, ex-Ben Ali minister, disappeared for 13 years and now is back. Would electing an ex-RCD minister for president mean the revolution is officially dead? Your thoughts?",,"Anyone who was a kid watching tv in 2011 would ever believe that the revolution can be dead. +It will never die and we will never forget. +We inspired nations and kicked out a long time dictator. + +The revolution can't die but it can be a wasted potential if we don't work on it seriously and start doing our best",It's been dead since 25 July 2021,you're ignoring that we are under the rule of a dictator who will never give up on his position before death.,Why it’s officially dead really i dont understand,Not every RCD is that bad rahou 👉👈,2024-06-20 17:19:42 +1dkgv1g,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkgv1g/tesla_for_rent/,0,Tesla for rent,Looking for Tesla model 3 or Model y for rent in Tunisia ,I don't think there is.,I've seen them circulate in tunisia but I don't think there are people who rent them,,,,2024-06-20 17:08:48 +1dkfx4v,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkfx4v/attending_school_with_dyed_hair/,0,Attending School with dyed hair,"I (15F) really want to dye part of my hair, nothing too crazy, maybe red or dark purple, but I don't know if my school will allow it. I know that there are different rules for different schools and different settings aswell. Please help!!!","Ask the school staff, supervisor or smth",[deleted],">nothing too crazy, maybe red or dark purple + +that's crazy enough xD for old people like me",,,2024-06-20 16:29:50 +1dkdol7,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkdol7/those_who_are_marriedin_rs_with_people_your/,4,"Those who are married/in rs with people your parents don't accept, how did it go?","I want to know what happens when u are with someone your family don't accept (not because the partner is bad) let's say because of regional or financial or cultural differences. +Did it end up well? Did they compromise? Or did you choose to breakup?","This is not me but someone i know in my Family I come from a well-known family in Monastir and tbh most of the old folks are quite racist white supremacists one of my cousins is about 20 years older than me and fell in love with a dark-skinned woman who he decided to marry her his mom and grandma refused to accept or even attended the marriage but he went through with it despite that. +I remember that his mom was crying the day of his wedding. Now they accepted his wife he has around 15 years of marriage and 2 kids despite going against his Family. +I'm not giving any advice this is just the one story. the conclusion is up to you",They all eventually all come around. No one has the right to dictate or decide for you the person you will spend the rest of your life with.,My uncle did so XD but it's all good now even though many members don't really fw his wife but they respect her,"Ik it may sound like a bad advice} , but don't go against you parents. Many disagree, but don't",,2024-06-20 14:57:20 +1dkd248,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkd248/dating_someone_out_of_your_league_how_did_it/,0,"Dating someone out of your league, how did it went(Tunisian version)","As in the title, I wanna hear stories about dating someone you considered out of your league, how did u do it, and how did it went!?","it doesn't work, Tunisians tend to calculate benefits from their partnerships and it's all based on economic viability, physical attraction, then cultural roots and standards, mostly if it happens it ends in failure, it happened to one i know, him and his family got disrespected cause the girl's family thought they are higher class and so bad they already sign the marriage contract but the marriage never happened, and they mutually part away after a short period.","a lot of shit tests, attempts at disrespect. having big expectations of what I need to provide. +It's not an enjoyable experience overall. and I don't even think she was out of my league. It was only in her head.","broke up because i was too insecure to be with him and didn'tunderstand why he was with me, purely my fault, he was a good partner","Well when the family know in my case they will oblige her /him to leave , i ve been twice in the situation the first one left immediately she was respectful she told me that with respect the second one didn't leave but put pressure on me an incredible one to provide thgs that are not in my plans in short term , and the pressure turned into an unhappy relationship add to that feeling guilty because she 's a failure for her family for dating me so from my opinion don't force thgs let him/her decide what to do , and tell them that's who you are and no need to change their expect or be more and more demanding through time just be clear if it's a yes then go for it",i was out of their league but still got played 😔,2024-06-20 14:30:37 +1dkd1qx,https://i.redd.it/lrxbgi4tlq7d1.jpeg,0,Chkoun y3rf chkoun ya3mel irezumi tattoos fi Tunis ?,,"Think before doing it, it is a forever decision. Plus it looks ugly (sorry I know that you didn't ask for opinions but I couldn't help not saying that).","I don't think we have artists specialized in this style. +If you're interested in a free advice from someone who loves tattoos and got some : +Save up the money until you can afford the price of a really good tattoo and the fees of a good artist who can produce the art style you like. + +You seem like someone with refined taste and that is pretty expensive. I think in 10 years your 5 years old expensive tattoo would look amazing on you. Not sure if you'd like the 10 years old cheap tattoo.","There’s few tattoo artist who can do this type of tattoos +Faouez shop is in Marsa and yahyia shop is located in menzah9",Irezumi ?,"Bilel Ennasr 1 is your guy. While his prices might be on the higher side, w 3adi ynikek for such tattoo you can be confident that his work will surpass your expectations and turn out even better than the picture, consider 900dt ++",2024-06-20 14:30:15 +1dkco13,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkco13/inviting_family_to_japan/,3,Inviting family to Japan,"Hello :) + +I'm currently living and working in Japan for few years and my family want to come visit next month. Now I know that Tunisia is visa exempt but I'm trying to find out if there are any documents they require before coming here beside their passport and the flight return ticket! + +I wrote an invitation letter for them and signed it with my name and my stamp and told them to sign up for the visit Japan app on the smartphone. Is this enough for them to pass at the airport? + +Any advice on this is much appreciated! Thank you!",ask them to sign up [here](https://www.vjw.digital.go.jp/) to help with customs and migration at the airport,I went last month. They didn't ask me for anything at the border. just showed the QR code and my passport. it took one minute. no questions asked.,"If you can go ask at the local municipality you live in, they probably could tell you more about the process.","if it’s an indirect flight in an european country, they must have a special visa",,2024-06-20 14:13:36 +1dkc3ou,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkc3ou/what_do_i_need_to_do_to_go_to_bosnia_visa_wise/,1,"What do I need to do to go to Bosnia, visa wise.","I'm wondering what things I should do and where should I go so I can be able to travel to Bosnia? + +any tips would be helpful, thanks!","Assuming you’re Tunisian Citizen and Resident: + + +You need a Bosniac visa or valid multiple entries Schengen Visa or valid US Visa. + + +If you use Schengen or US Visa you’ll be allowed to stay in Bosnia&Herzegovina for 30 Days maximum.",,,,,2024-06-20 13:49:15 +1dkb10b,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkb10b/card_games/,0,Card games,"Hola! Nlawaj ala des sociétés, imprimeries, entreprises manaarach... qui font la production de jeux de cartes(Harissa..) Ken taarfou please help! ",,,,,,2024-06-20 12:59:46 +1dkawmn,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkawmn/crypto/,1,Crypto,"Hello i have a Tunisia nationality but i live in Belgium, i was wondering if i could open up a bank account in Tunisia and deposit crypto there, but i've read crypto is taxed as capital gain in Tunis, anyone has an idea how much % tax i'll have to pay on my crypto?",Crypto is illegal in Tunisia. Anything related to crypto can only be done under the table.,"even us tunisians we have no idea about this law,tunisia literally put in jail these crypto owners",,,,2024-06-20 12:53:37 +1dkajcj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkajcj/my_dog_have_a_white_dot/,1,My dog have a white dot,My dog is 3 years old wala akber bchwaya narach ou andou faza fe ino bidha nokta chnouwa heya bedhabt fhemthech ou nhezo lel vet wal le?,Obviously hezou,"do you vaccinate and deworm him? if not, then you can take him to the vet for that, and ask about the eye by the same occasion.",Take him to the vet it might be dangerous,,,2024-06-20 12:35:13 +1dkaj8c,https://i.redd.it/6iufa4t91q7d1.jpeg,33,Isnt gawri also used to call non tunisian arabs too ?,,tiktokers try to not make up bullshit challenge ( impossible ),"Gawri doesn't come from guerrier, and it is used mainly to describe non muslims. +It comes from Turkish word [Gawur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giaour) which was a common way to refer to Christian Balkans in the Ottoman Empire.",no,She's lying that's not the origin of the word gawri.,bro making their own tunisia with all these lies,2024-06-20 12:35:04 +1dk9y2c,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk9y2c/studying_in_the_usa/,2,studying in the usa,"hey redditors , ani deja s2elt 9bal 3el sujet hadha mais tw puisque kamalt l bac w kol n7eb neprecisi akther .So , mchit l Amideast sousse w 7kit maahom est ce que tans7ouni nkammel maahom ? femmech chkoun 5raj maahom? sinon bech tans7ouni kifech najem ndaber scholarships ? PS: it's not necessary nchouf fac tayara lakedarja ","R u a top tier student? U might find a scholarship, but not this year afaik. + +And cha7kit m3a amideast?","You gotta wait till next year, cycle is over for now for the US. Do SATs in the late summer/early fall (Amideast administers the test), then you should apply to your top college for ""early decision"" in the late fall-winter and apply ""regular decision"" to other colleges in the spring. If you are a top student with really good grades, extracurriculars and a solid essay (try your best to leverage being international), you should be able to get into a really high-ranking college and get a mix of financial aid and take on a bit of student debt, or you can get into a mid-range college (possible at many state colleges for instance) that'll give you a merit-based scholarship to cover all the expenses. + +Also, if you're committed to this, make sure you get involved in some projects during this gap year that will look good on your application, like volunteering, community work, NGO-work or associations or a mix of all. Especially try to take on roles in which you can display leadership in various ways.","from my personal experience with Amideast, they are money-grabbing corrupt assholes. I had to take a test with them, under a Tunisian examiner, but they made sure that I fail it before recommending me that I should study with them if I want to succeed. +I retook the test with another entity the same day, with an American on the other end of a webcam, and I got the highest level there is. +Maybe you don't have an alternative in your case, but keep that in mind, either you want to play their game or not.",,,2024-06-20 12:04:23 +1dk9xr4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk9xr4/les_métiers_les_plus_demander_en_informatique_en/,3,Les métiers les plus demander en informatique en tunisie ,"Bonjour , + +je suis un éleve ingenieur en 1 ére année du cycle w tbh mezelt la vision concernant les differents domaines kima le dev , l'embarqué , GL ..... en fait na9ra Info idus wl 9raya fl ecole me twadh7 chy c meme pas 10% mli lezmk tkoun taarfou pour decider . + +7abbit naarf tout d'abord enehou domaine lmatloub akther w coté salaires zeda chkoun 5ir .","I don't think this is the best question to be asking. You should've started by telling us what you sort of like/ are into. + + + + +Most people try to hop on the latest/ shiniest of buzz words. Currently, it is AI, last year it was the meta verse, 2 years ago it was the blockchain.  + + + + +Just pick smth u like, and then do ur research. ",So many languages in one post. The most relevant right now is AI. Rasi7ti kamel Info idus w 5oudla des certificats related to AI. 5dem w nti ta9ra bch tet5araj andik experience (internship or entry level web developer). F tunis ing 9rab barcha lba36houm li yefre9 houwa l’étudiant eli yaml des application fi wa9t fera9ou.,"This may seem counter intuitive but take a look at some dev ops stuff namely with data. Anything relating with data is on the rise (analysis / data science / data visualization) +Try to search for the concept of real time data pipelines and the ELK stack and data engineering in general. +Also a lot of companies are looking for business analysts with a technical background so may as well search for it.","jaw el Cloud / Platform engineering / site reliability engineer, +new business needs with AI and big data are energy consuming and people are finding refuge in the cloud, +win ne5dem these are the current opening +- cloud platform engineer +- mlops +- data scientist / ml engineers +ana sysadmin de base ou taw ne5dem platform engineer,",,2024-06-20 12:03:56 +1dk9rlr,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk9rlr/boycott_safe_clothing_brands_suggestions/,4,Boycott safe clothing brands suggestions ,"Hello beautiful people 🤍 as stated in the title, i am looking for boycott-safe clothing brands that are good quality because wether we like to admit it or not, most tunisian brands aren’t all that good and never last. +So id greatly appreciate any suggestions !🥰",What’s a safe clothing brands?,"[hobb.tn](http://hobb.tn) +[guyagang.com](http://guyagang.com) + +depends on your style tho, if you dont like these dm me i have more",,,,2024-06-20 11:54:51 +1dk9bti,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk9bti/best_place_to_study_in_bardo/,3,best place to study in bardo ?,"I'm looking for a coffee shop NOT a co-working space cuz i know that costs a hell lot of money, do any of you know a nice and NOT EXPENSIVE place to study ?",Fama [Madison](https://maps.app.goo.gl/b5xvL6K7ihXUu9ft9?g_st=ic) hloua ou wifi behi ! Khalitha b3dt 9ahwa,Fama meraki mch khayba f revision ama feha barcha hess,"i know you said no coworking space, but you can check out hubio, you can order a coffee for a two hour access, and then pay 2dt for every following hour",Patisserie moka (it never closes open 24/24) but it is noisy.,,2024-06-20 11:29:38 +1dk8st9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk8st9/relationship_advice_needed_from_a_tunisian/,13,"relationship advice needed from a tunisian perspective, been together for almost 3 years, no signs of engagement, what's the reasonable thing to do?","I'm asking here because other subs are quite ignorant of our culture so i might get better advice here + +I love my boyfriend dearly, he's a truly amazing partner but I can't stop overthinking about his intentions with our relationship + +I'm in my mid 24, he's 28 and we've been together for almost 3 years now and he hasn't brought up engagement yet or even introduced me to any member of his family, we talk about the future frequently and he always mentions me in it + +he's working on his masters, and I'm in my last year of engineering school. + +i refuse to beg or ask for an engagement, or to get one just because i gave an ultimatum so I'm clueless as how to proceed. + +I considered breaking up with him, but it would be unfair since our relationship is stagnent yes but he's a good partner and I love him. + +what can I reasonably do in order to either get engaged or not waste any time or youth on a relationship that can possibly not go anywhere?","he's still studying, he has no money. + +I've been with my GF for 4 years, the moment I had enough money, we got engaged and married in the same year.",so you considered breaking up and you refuse to bring the subject and discuss it with him ... what a plot twist,"You haven’t graduated, he hasn’t graduated. +Which means neither of you have set the conditions needed to even start *thinking* about engagement, one of which is being in a good enough place in life (stable job, high enough pay etc) to afford living together, build a family (if that’s one of your goals) and so on","I'm a 28yo guy who lives in Tunisia. I wouldn't be anywhere close to considering engagement. That has nothing to do with how I feel towards the girl, but it's more about how I personally view my situation in Tunisia. + +I would recommend you sit him down and have a conversation with him about your expectation of your relationship and get to know how he views things, you won't be begging or asking for anything. You just wanna make sure you guys are compatible and are looking for the same things. Only after that conversation you will be able to decide whether this is a relationship you wanna continue or cut off :)","Communication. + +It's not unreasonable to have a grown-up conversation and set up expectations. + +Sit him down and establish what you want / what he wants. + + +If he's not ready to settle down and you're unhappy with that, leave. If you're satisfied with his answer, problem solved. + +Maybe he has family issues and doesn't want their approval anyway? It's pointless to speculate.",2024-06-20 10:59:07 +1dk8l6j,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk8l6j/we_need_to_quit_paying_taxes_to_the_government/,0,We need to quit paying taxes to the government ,"I think in Tunisia income tax is basically theft, any type of taxes are theft, no good roads, no good health care, no good education, if we doing everything in the private sectors then paying taxes is irrelevant, the mfs are paying 40% on 1100 dinar salary, this is insane....","شطر العباد شهارة، معناتها التاكس يمشي من الغادي لغادي، بقية الحرف اغلبيتها ماتخلصش و كل شي في الnoir يتم. + +ربي معاك","Get the facts dude, don't fall for it. And this is a repost. Subject already being discussed on a previous post.","Mate as a worker you should be asking for a tax on wealth to improve public education, healthcare, services and affordable housing. Without taxes your boss can afford paying for private education and health care for his kids, your kids will suffer. + +Capitalists would love nothing more than to git rid of public services since they know they can replace them with private one and squeeze you dry, you should have better class awareness.","Nah l7al mouch ma nkhalsouch tax akahaw, hedhika wa7adha bech tdhorna. Lazm ndhahrou siwa 9odem baladia wla ay mou2assa mas2oula ken fama haja ma te3jbch, bech naamlou dhaght, w netkalmou aal 7keya au maximum fl media",نحنا من أكثر الدول تخلص taxes و ما ترى شي الكل ماشي في بونوات الessence و المسامر في حيط. كيما قال حد آخر في الcommentaires ،لبلاد قايمة على الشهارة مساكن. Tellement كل شي خربة ما تعرفش حتى منين تبدأ في التصليح، كياسات؟ كيران؟ خربوها البلاد.,2024-06-20 10:45:34 +1dk8ggs,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk8ggs/how_to_hear_about_eventshackthonsworkshops/,4,How to hear about events/hackthons/workshops without using facebook and instagram?,"As someone who hates social media and willing to minimize using it , I find it hard to find events maghirhom. So kima lyouma i was scrolling in insta reels and i stepped at an event hosted by BigTech and i feel like if i didn't see the reel i would have missed the opportunity. I also find inspirational content on social media. So please tell me how can i find opportunities in other platforms ; suggest me alternatives",Teskerti or eventbrite,Thank you for posting this. I am in the same situation. I don't use social media anymore and even through teskerti not all events are available.,,,,2024-06-20 10:37:10 +1dk8dzx,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk8dzx/is_it_me_or_them/,4,Is it me or them?,"I've always been an introvert calm around strangers w glingy around my favorites . +Before I used to value friendship (female friendship) and everything was smooth .but rn that am 20yo w 9abelt bnet tbadlet el vision towards em (much kol ofc) walit I hesitate often before making any move ,I can't be myself no longer ,I feel left out sometimes so I become distant but it gets even worse when u get accused that u don't like em anymore , but from my pov I see that they don't like me. I get really confused and as a result nejbed rou7i 5ater man7ebch nkoun neglected in a click . But I really do want to have friends naaref enou najemch nekhtarhom 3le 9yesi ama man7ebch nhess eli am doing too much to get em ",[deleted],"Welcome to being an Adult You don't need a ""Click"" any more 7achtek b 2 real Friends. +if you feel neglected in a Groupe keep a friendly relationship just maadch to93ed m3ahom barcha, your mental stability matters more, start doing some activity physical or artistic you will find yourself with people with similar interest ama you expect nothing from each other. +w work on finding happiness in solitude I used to have the 2 friends a porter de main tawa They both left the country so I found myself alone berasmi T3ebt mellowel M3adch le9i 7ad M3aya w les grp lokhrin hata ki nemchi m3ahom nfed nhez ro7i w nrawa7 fi meme pas 30 mnt. +Du coup bdit njareb nokhrj wa7di kol weekend nhez rohi w nemchi lblasa Cinema Bar camping boita B7ar Musée w L9it rohi mert7 akther nahki maa 3bed ma na3rfhmch w may3funich nadh7ku la nekhou les contact mt3hom la chay just First name w ma3dch narhom ba3dha. +w fy west el jem3a btbi3ti Nekhdem(nahki maa el co workers), netrena(Bjj sport collectif w Musculation walit Friendly maa la3bed Eli yjiw maya fard wa9t) netfarej fi haaja w nor9ed + +You will find your way just khali rohek open llhajet jdod w matorbet rohek B7ata 7ad +Dima enek tkoun wa7dek Khir meli Tkun m3a la3bed El Ghalta + +Edit: After Reading what I wrote I guess I was venting","happens when you only have one group of friends making it a single point of failure if they decided to not talk to you anymore and you cant be yourself since you try to please them + +go integrate another click let the other parts of your personality express themselves Being an introvrt makes it hard to make friends go to social gathrings of different types so you can have different types of people around you that way you ll be yourself since you cant please everyone",[deleted],,2024-06-20 10:32:36 +1dk855d,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk855d/asking_about_transport/,3,Asking about Transport,"Hello + +I got an internship this summer at a company in Lac 2 so i wanted to ask about Transport. + +ana manich min Tunis ama kari fi Cité Olympique donc 7abit nes2el kifech najem nemchi min Cité Olympique/Cité Khadra l Lac 2 + +I'd appreciate any help , Thanks!","If you mean Cité Olympique of Radès, than here's how to do it. + +Walk to the train station, of Radès (or Rades Melyen, i think it's the same distance), take the train to Barcelona. From there take the metro to Tunis Marine. From there go back to the taxi station (Taxi jame3i) under the bridge and take one to Lac 2",,,,,2024-06-20 10:15:58 +1dk7y5v,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk7y5v/inquiry_about_a_tourism_related_lawrule/,0,Inquiry about a Tourism related law/rule,"I'm a Tunisian male, I live with my European girlfriend abroad and we want to spend a week in a hotel in Tunisia, I heard that they might require a marriage certificate which is something I never in a million years expected out of Tunisia, maybe Afghanistan or Iran, but not Tunisia.. I digress, is this true? And can i somehow circumvent this without booking an extre room which costs a lot? +Also I heard they're not allowing tunisians to book a full all inclusive (only soft)","We had a similar thread to this before, act confident, let her book the room and you're good to fo","Search for the old thread, I had a through out response there","Either marry her or quit wasting her time. You wouldn't mistreat one of your own women like that so what gives you the right to do that to a white woman? + +Car dealerships barely make money on the sale of a car but this is by design: they overcharge people on silly stuff like oil changes. It's the same thing with Tunisia: they bring foreigners in for almost no money and then overcharge for magic carpets, chachiyas and other tons merch. You're (I ASSUME) a lower-income Tunisian, incapable of affording a proper wedding, so opening that up to you would just have you holidaying for cheap, taking rooms away from Europeans that would actually contribute to the economy and you'd be eating kefteji cooked by your aunties instead of bringing money into the ""luxury"" restaurants...",,,2024-06-20 10:02:47 +1dk36uv,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk36uv/are_you_a_feminist/,7,Are you a feminist ?,"A question to both genders , males and females . Do you support feminism ? Please explain your reasons why and feel free to express your opinion .","by definition yes but i was also a teenager during the whole 2016 blue haired feminists yell at men for existing trend so i cringe a little at the term, reason? women are human beings? that's reason enough i think.",no one gonna answer until u give ur opinion first,"As far as definitions go, I do believe that there should be no discrimination based on gender and that both men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. This would in theory make me a feminist, I suppose. + +However I don't know if it would be appropriate for me to classify myself as feminist partly because I don't really consider myself much of an activist overall and mostly because I happen to have some reprimands about mainstream feminist activists.",[removed],"Unfortunately, when it comes to these sorts of debates, there is no ""explain your reasons"" because people's psychies in general are heavily influenced by the experiences they went through. Add to that the confirmation bias social media immerses us with, and boom, you have a traumatized person trying to rationalize their opinions, which are the results of years, if not decades, of constant stimuli.",2024-06-20 04:35:51 +1dk71ev,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk71ev/which_team_are_you_in_video_game/,0,Which team are you in (video game),Yesterday I made post here in this subreddit about what do I choose dota 2 or lol but it made me thinking which team are the Tunisian with steam(valve) with their game cs2/dota2 or with riot games with their valo/lol so which team is popular in Tunisia and what your opinion about it . SORRY FOR YAPPING TO MUCH🙂,"Only fanboys choose a ""team"". You should play whatever game you enjoy. You don't owe companies shit.","i Grew up with steam Half life CS 1,6 CS Go i even played FIFA on steam. +than on 2012 i started playing league to this day, but I still use steam for POE/GW2/LA/Red Dead/ Elden Ring they both provide games i can't pick teams, I love games and i love and respect anyone who make games.","Team paradox +± riot",im playing far cry 6 rn,I’m probably here asking for trouble but moba games bore the fkn wits out of my head. I can’t stand the repetitiveness. I’m more into open world games.,2024-06-20 08:58:12 +1dk711i,https://i.redd.it/xjnn9fjfyo7d1.jpeg,15,Just saw this on FB,If we suppose that on avg people work for around 30 to 40 years it will take us 9 to 8 life times to get there ,"You need to take into account the cost of living to really rate these countries, this graph alone is useless, for reference, with 2000$ you would barely rent an apartment in Switzerland, meanwhile in Tunisia with a salary of 2000$ you would be living like a king.",You have to see it from another perspective: Tunisians get to live longer than GCC countries' citizens! N7ebek feye9 weld o5ti!,"In GCC you may have a higher chance to be a millionaire as the cash flow there is waaaay higher than our country, but also way expensive . So mindset and discipline play a big role in it . You better know how to deal with money and how to expand more than a regular job there if u want to be a millionaire…","Considering a linear revenue, yes. But I think people usually have other sources of income (such as buying/selling real estate). At least the ones that want to become rich",I'm so wishing for a haha react rn,2024-06-20 08:57:23 +1dk69rm,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk69rm/marriage_in_tunisia_for_a_woman_with_no_guardians/,1,marriage in tunisia for a woman with no guardians,"Hello everyone, i wanted to ask a question regarding marriage in Tunisia. If a woman wants to get married to a man, but her father refuses for no islamic reasons, can she go the islamic court and ask in islamic judge (Qadi) to get her married or an imam? Because i've read that a woman might refer her case to an islamic court, but i don't know how it works in tunisia cause a lot of times women are denied their rights in arab countries","Tunisia doesn't follow Sharia Law. There are no islamic courts not islamic judges in Tunisia. The constitution guarantees women their freedom of choice as soon they reach adulthood. To get married, all she has to do head over to a municipality, provide the required documents ([here's an example](http://www.commune-carthage.gov.tn/ar/index.php?art=280)), and sign some papers with her partner so that her marriage would be recongized by the state.","Her brother or son or uncle from side of father, or grandfather side of father… and son on… are her guardian. + +If you marry without a guardian, then Islamically you’re not married, and it’s considered zina, even if you do your papers.",,,,2024-06-20 08:01:16 +1dk689z,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk689z/tattoos_in_corporate_jobs/,2,Tattoos in corporate jobs,"I have a small shitty tattoo on my arm and I want to cover it with something better but it will be bigger and more noticeable.I also work in IT in a coporate job. +Does anyone with tatoos care to share their experience?",friends with tats never complained in that regard,"long sleeve shirts my friend. + +but some companies are more tolerant than others. it depend on the tattoo really. if it's nothing vulgar or offensive, it should be ok.",If you’re in a position to interact with clients more often then it will effect you but if your position is that dev ho code in the corner implement features and go home then no one cares.,show tattoo,"I always felt that tattoos indicate that the person is incapable of making a good decision. + +they are permanently marking their skins for no good fucking reason.",2024-06-20 07:58:35 +1dk5u9p,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk5u9p/why_do_you_pay_taxes/,0,Why do you pay taxes,"Why do you pay taxes if the government doesn't provide detailed plans and vision on how that money is spent within ministries and organizations? Do you really think the country is entitled to 20% of your income? Last time I heard news about the government constructing shelter centers for abused women and news about a state-owned bank giving prizes to women in an entrepreneurship competition and those are only two examples of poor management from many others. How does that benefit me as a male citizen? + +Yeah, you won't see me pay taxes in the foreseeable future.","""if a fraction of my taxes is used for something that benefits others and not me why should i pay?""",tensach chhari l7akam jma3at el 7imaya jayech el baladya kolhom yokholso men flous tax ta3ek bech ikadmollak khademet ta3hom,[removed],"ryous lkbar yetharbou m taxes, heck even a relative doctor of mine pay 500dt of taxes per year, instead of 10k dt..but on the other side u have a president that costs 180k dt per month to spoon feed and babysit, and a parlement with 400 members each earning almost 4k dt per month for doing nothing .. of course u wont pay taxes if u can get away with it..","Well, if sexist MFs like yourself wouldn't abuse women the country wouldn't need a shelter for them would it?",2024-06-20 07:29:34 +1dk25cz,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk25cz/dropshipping_in_tunisia/,0,dropshipping in tunisia,"i was wondering , when u ship directly from supplier to customer , how would i get paid if the full amount is going to the actual supplier when paying in the post office , how do i get my profit ?","The supplier sells a product for 10$ +The delivery costs 5$ + + +You sell at 30$, Shopify collects it all : +15 goes to supplier, 15 goes into your account.",,,,,2024-06-20 03:35:29 +1dk1c72,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk1c72/slm_good_evening_any_family_friendly_kids/,2,"Slm, Good evening, any family friendly, kids friendly things, places to not miss in Tunisia, visiting during July. ",Your input is very appreciated. ,visit chott meriam / kantaoui its beautiful,"Beaches in the North +[Jerba / reptiles' park in the south. ](https://www.djerbaexplore.com/en/)",,,,2024-06-20 02:51:34 +1dk0rq4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dk0rq4/please_help_me_find_this_henna_song_for_my_henna/,4,please help me find this henna song for my henna ceremony <3 ,"[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&si=GSZSqfsFby9RnZet&v=oSxFfYxpM5Q&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0E4eUheywYP00yeYAqRNJOGnOwFsMZQNplQu8i6QuqPKY9nPd\_5evQWdk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&si=GSZSqfsFby9RnZet&v=oSxFfYxpM5Q&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0E4eUheywYP00yeYAqRNJOGnOwFsMZQNplQu8i6QuqPKY9nPd_5evQWdk) + + +Having trouble finding the artist / name. Thank you so much ",Faiza Mahressi- Medi yedek ll henna,,,,,2024-06-20 02:21:11 +1dljpiw,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dljpiw/change_my_mind/,1,Change my mind,"alll that mentality sh!t was made up by the gov ""starting by ben ali and bourguiba"", + +Since i was a kid kont nasma3 tawa entouma kima el jpapna wala el germans w yekhdmou w maytaychouch el zebla fl kayes w mana3rech chnowa, w wa9tha netfaker kan fama traktour mta3 zebla ydour al dyar ylem el zebla mel kayes (laa3bed t7otha 9odem el dyar), w sa3at el traktour adheka bidou mayt3adech nharin wala tletha fi joret b3adhhom w kbert w fhemt belli germany bled mta3 khtaya (i.e tayech zebla fl kayes tkhales,tet3ada kayes blghalet vert t5ales 'w zid kif yabda andek permis tkhales akther',wel japanese nhar el kol yekhdmou fl lil yeskrou w yrodo also they urinate fl kayes ""kont mara fi tokyo the whole city smells"",wa9tha la79i9a khamemt enou 7keyet el mouwaten el sala7 w e5dem li yji fi masla7t les hommes d'affair wl kroz el sorre9 ta3 el dawla kahaw khater ala base bled mta3 jibeya,w hedhom juste tricks bch el spendings yon9sou (technically) w el margins mta3 el ser9a yzidou,samething with every ridiculous story we have been thought when we were kids,el gov kan t7eb tsala7 tsala7 (mainly bl laws) ,kima matnajamch t3abi kes man9oub matnajemch tsala7 ml micro w tsayb el macro,its just an optimization bs to enable robbers to rob more,think about it whenever there is a crisis prices come up and even that problem get resolved prices stay the same,even thought they lower the quality and rise the prices,w unfortunately el system fi tounes bkolha based ala sar9an el dawla lel cha3b w sar9an el cha3b lel dawla personally i dont blame people who dont want to work as slave (earning 750 dt,and paying 250 as taxes and get nothing in return 'bekhlef el matrak' w tawa walina nkhalsou taxes bch el naval guard y3es ala 7doud Europe ",https://preview.redd.it/ucvhl4tiw08d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc40a063f4e422a628b289ad68ca41578f10cbd,"Honestly i saw alot, sometimes i think about starting a podcast 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂,i feel really bad kif nchouf wled 7oumti mordha mel lyrica wel la3ba w chtarha fl 7abes w chtar lakher ynikou fl btala (andhom diplomet w eli ma3ndouch 3amel san3a) just khater mch mel blasa x wala may3rfouch si z,and dont get me starting on people that got killed in the middle of the ocean by you know who +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=820gBYqYfzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=820gBYqYfzI)","This is a very long sentence, bro use paragraphes",,,2024-06-22 01:04:10 +1dliseh,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dliseh/where_to_stay_in_tunis/,1,Where to stay in Tunis?,"Hello. I am planning to go to Tunisia in September. We are thinking of going to Tunis ofc, but also Tozeur, and Sidi Bou Said. We are definitely going to stay in a hotel in Tozeur, probably the Anantara resort. But we aren’t sure if we should stay in Tunis or Sidi Bou Said. We were originally just going to make Sidi Bou Said a day-trip. Should we stay over in Sidi Bou Said or Tunis? Are there any other cities we should stay over in, or make a day trip to? What are the best luxury hotels we should stay in? Thank you!",,,,,,2024-06-22 00:16:37 +1dlh3qy,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlh3qy/how_did_you_manage_to_quit_porn_addiction/,2,how did you manage to quit porn addiction,for all of the man in this group i want to ask you how did you guys quit the porn addiction do you guys have any tips on how to do it and i think most of the guys got a problem with it so if you guys have any advice let s help each other and become better,"Yooo am on day 35 of quiting porn and masterbation all together , this is my longest streak , i can tell you this i started working out wi completly forgot about , i am not depressed anymore , 3andi barcha thi9a fi rou7i walit , la7keyat ili ya7kiw alihom kif y9olik titbadal inti ka personne s7a7",I am looking for friends to quit porn addiction together.,"You masturbate cause you get bored and you have free time.mist likely you are always on your phone or laptop. +My advice to you: +1- change your routine +2-limit the usage of the phone laptop +3-dont stay alone erkech m3a famille or friends +4-find a new activity to keep you busy +5-do physical activities this will reduce your stress and help you to control your desire.",Here some tips but I won't lie I didn't work for me and for real I ****** off 2 hours ago first thing do something that can give no time for thinking about it cold shower/sports/video games specialy rts and that's it nothing worked but hey probably can work for u I read all of these from reddit,I'm not speaking from experience but most people I know watch it out of boredom and loneliness so I guess picking up as many hobbies as you can so you never have time to watch it would be a great start.,2024-06-21 22:56:05 +1dlgslr,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlgslr/is_there_any_website_that_sell_books_in_tunisia/,1,is there any website that sell books in tunisia ?,"guys i ve recentry heard this quote ""the more you learn the more you earn "" and i want to change the habbits of using my phone .. with other one as reading books so does any of you recomend a tunisian website that sell books with a good price ?","there is an instagram account I think called ""nextread\_sameh"" + +the owner sells books so you can start there",You know you can use both at the same time there is some sites/apps that contain many free books that you can read so now you can use your mobile and read at the same time!!,,,,2024-06-21 22:41:30 +1dlgaju,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlgaju/gaming/,1,Gaming ,"Hi everyone since am pretty bored +I decided to start playing video games +Any suggestions please ? +Maandi hata fekra al video games wala kifeh i download them on computer +Also nheb games interactif like i want to play with people online +Thank you in advance ","if you're playing video games for the first time don't play with other people + +so in other words, stay from useless games like league of legends, valorant and such, these games don't even capture what it is to play a game lol + +start with single player games, but you have to decide what type do you want + +if you want something cozy and ""chill"", you can start with stardew valley, slime rauncher + +if you want difficult games, start with dark souls I, II, II and elden ring + +if you want strategy games, you can play RTS games like stellaris, endless space 2, civ 5 / 6 + +if you want exploration and such, minecraft, no man's sky + +if you want autism fueled games ( my type ), factorio, rimworld, project zomboid, kenshi, satisfactory + +if you want roguelikes, the binding of isaac repentance, death must die, vampire survivors, dead cells + +if you want fun games, hollow knight, diablo II + +if you want to fuck up big monsters, monster hunter world + +as for download, most games you can get from [here](https://fitgirl-repacks.site/), the rest you can look in [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/games/) + +again stay away from shit like genshin ( saying this as someone who plays gacha myself ), league of legends, valorant, and all that basic toxic stuff",Play witcher 3,,,,2024-06-21 22:18:23 +1dlg1b2,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlg1b2/your_top_3_in_the_music_industry/,5,your top 3 in the music industry,"Hey fellow Redditors, I'm curious to discover new artists and listen to fresh voices. Any recommendations?","Led Zeppelin +Pink Floyd +Journey +Nirvana +The Smiths +Massive Attack +Mos Def +Metallica +Radiohead +Dire Straits +And of course everything related to Dubwise & Otherwise","ado (japanese) fav performances [1](https://youtu.be/rDMkkQdhyUY) [2](https://youtu.be/YGx5fcgEuwA) +faouzia (moroccan-canadian, sings in english mostly) fav performances [1](https://youtu.be/SuLt06d5eN0?si=XaMLtUisVHuAoezF) [2](https://youtu.be/rj21whvvzCU?si=UTDBGpupfAxZKN8J) +kenshi yonezu (japanese) fav performances [1](https://youtu.be/ccw3R9JDObI?si=EClA2Ln58phJ_xFi) [2](https://youtu.be/SjnmOjBKkdY?si=TNIh2liHmN_DC3Vl) + +linked u with live performances since u appreciate the voices \^\^ hope u enjoy some of them (assuming u don't know them)","electronic: boards of canada ( my all time favorite ), aphex twin, grouper, 2814, home, daft punk, yellow magic orchestra + +shoegaze (my favorite genre ) / dreampop: my bloody valentine, slowdive, きのこ帝国, beach house, sunbeam sound machine, bowery electric, men i trust, alcest, lush, cocteau twins, the verve, LSD and the search for god + +J-POP: fishmans + +postpunk: drab majesty, she past away + +postrock: godspeed you black emperor, MONO, god is an astronaut + +rock/metal; gojira, sonic youth, bell witch + +korean ( not kpop although i don't mind suggesting kpop lol ): hyukoh, the black skirts + +radiohead: radiohead + +hip hop: MF DOOM + +linkin park: linkin park + +nujabes: nujabes + +susumu hirasawa is his own genre of music + +this list is nothing as I'm not thinking of any artists / bands, but I can go on forever if you'd like","I listen to whatever sounds good to my ears. +But mostly classical and Renaissance music, military music and of course some mainstream well known songs. So I am not a guy with kit all the time","Underground Hip-Hop: Billy Woods, JPEGMAFIA, Earl Sweatshirt + +Mainstream Hip-Hop: Kendrick Lamar, Tyler The Creator, Childish Gambino + +Jazz: Butcher Brown, Sons of Kemet, Yussef Dayes + +Rock/Punk etc. : IDLES, Parquet Courts, Soul Glo",2024-06-21 22:06:28 +1dlfzg1,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlfzg1/thoughts_on_jninet_el_passage/,2,Thoughts on Jninet el Passage?,"Planning on going there and taking some photographs, but Isn't it more of a risky spot?",Alone? yes.,Jareb hethi khir barcha [Jardin Japonais](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5Z6f4p6mN2MNeRRH7?g_st=ic),,,,2024-06-21 22:04:06 +1dlfx4e,https://i.redd.it/if22agn7zz7d1.jpeg,0,What do you think of this supposed unity project ,I think before they unite into one country they should unite the currency and the education system before going to such extremes like that ,"On the Right: a country going thru a civil war, divided east and west, tribalism is still prelevant, barely even a country + +On the middle: I don't even need to explain this one + +On the left: military dictatorship, highly dependant on natural resources, socially very conservative + +Now my question ya si OP: what in the fuckery is this unification going to achieve, how can someone be this stupid is beyond me, like mf we ain't even alike, get the fuck over yourself and quit these silly dreams.",The pixels on the picture explains it .,This project is never going to happen…( thank God),It will never happened but if it did it will last like 3 days at max like Libya and tunis you know the most free/democratic Arab country is tunis and the racist country in the whole Africa is Libya btw tunis will not lead this union and Libya will be the forgotten land who have become the winner Algeria they will be the leader and have all the ressources and the population they need to beat the Moroccans that my thoughts about it,"> they unite into one country + +😂 + +>they should unite the country **and the education system** + +😂😂🤣🤣🤣 + +Thanks for the laugh dude.. I really needed it",2024-06-21 22:01:21 +1dlfrvl,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlfrvl/genuine_question_about_parenting_fi_tounes/,2,Genuine question about parenting fi tounes ,"Hello, F(25) talking, I come from a very dysfunctional family, my parents used to fight A LOT, they are divorced now thank god. I was watching a movie and there was a scene of a father who went to talk to his daughter about the fight they just had to check on her. And I never experienced that! My parents never acknowledged their endless fighting! +Are your parents like that? Did they acknowledge their fights to check on you as kids? ? ","Never ! It was as normal as breathing to us but very bothersome though. I never expected an explanation bc since I wasn’t an adult like them I didn’t expect them to respect me or sum. + +Realized that this system wasn’t normal after I watched countless series where the parent acts patient and considerate with their kid. Basic, bare minimum but unseen for me.",,,,,2024-06-21 21:55:03 +1dlfd5x,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlfd5x/its_my_first_time/,3,Its My first time,My hole live I wished that I become even the 10th in my class so today you now conseil for 2éme I'm 2éme eco so my teacher told me I'm at rank 2 in my class (mo3adil sanawy)the happiness I feel it my hole class pass only 2 I hope for them good imagine your hole life seeing all your friend get chahaiyd only you don't get anything but now still got anything cuz our lycée suck but hey at least you completed your dream right I came here to share this in reedit and how I felt about it thank you for who read it this.,"It's ""whole"" goddam it, good job tho for more naja7at inchalh","good job kiddo + +time to focus more on improving your english writing skills",Seems obvious why you were always the 10th,,,2024-06-21 21:36:48 +1dle2jo,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dle2jo/how_old_are_the_average_tunisians_that_use_reddit/,6,How old are the average Tunisians that use Reddit?,Been wondering actually because it wasn't that popular ,I guess Reddit Is the place to all of the introverts xd,"The only way to know is a poll, maybe ask the mods for yearly surveys.",OMG I made the same question in my head like 20 mins ago xD !!! well idk why but it seems to me that we have lots of 15-17 yo and lots of 25-35 yo,Dunnow let's make it spontaneous,MINORS (and few older people),2024-06-21 20:40:01 +1dldnrv,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dldnrv/men_and_women_relationship/,0,Men and women relationship ,"My bro doesnt have reddit and wants me to ask this question : + +Does friendship btw men and women exist ? + +Kotlou eli its a clear No. +Haja moderne yesser lahkeya hedhi. +Women can like a guy as a friend but a man cant actually like a girl just for friendship. +If he says he does, then he is a liar. +C'est pas du 100% tho. +Nkoulou ahna fl 90% ml halet. +Les 10% yetbkou kif tebda el lmra non attractive. +Unpopular opinion tho. Ama ena convaincu. + +Tell me what you think. +","~~Unpopular~~ very popular opinion. + +FTFY","if that's the case, it's not smth to be proud of.","I don't think so, i have many male friends and we have been like that since high school, for others we have known each other for more than 9 years, we are good, we are more like siblings","Think married girls, can you still see them as potential partners ? +At some age that's how it is, you don't get to sexualize every woman you know.",You're 100% right.,2024-06-21 20:22:23 +1dldh0j,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dldh0j/i_cant_take_another_heartbreak_im_about_to_lose_it/,14,"I can’t take another heartbreak, I’m about to lose it ","It’s the same thing every time, every year. It HURTS, the pain is excruciating. One week before I leave Tunisia, I tear up w tjini 8ossa whenever I remember I’m leaving soon. +W zid el billet yesser 8alia donc manajmch fi ay wa9t ndez el beb kol ma yodhhorli. + +I don’t even wanna save money for something other than coming here since I started earning money (bourse fac mouch mél 9aroun) and coming here in summer is the only thing i look forward to all year long although I keep getting older (this is kinda irrelevant). So I start looking for ways to be here as often as possible. + +Tout plaquer pour vivre ici (avec un salaire en euro). Lkolhom y9oulouli mahouch ma39oul echhay hedha, enness théj wenti t7eb to93od??!! Elli yasma3 yafza3 ","7asb m93d nshouf l3bd lkol t7b tab9a f tounes walet, ma3adsh nshouf nes t7eb t'hej keni eli ma3ashoush the experience. Tunisia is welcoming you.",then go back to Tunisia and maybe after sometime you’ll figure out why you should’ve stayed there,"I agree bro, I really love this country",I think it's more like ( lblsa w thourouf Eli 9a3ed fihom 5aybin fl8orba ) then (tounes behia) 7awel tintgri rou7ek fi communities 8adi,O93ed fi tounes. As easy as this.,2024-06-21 20:14:13 +1dlcq8x,https://v.redd.it/lgr7utlozx7d1,5,An interesting study about Tunisian Sand Ants.,,"Scientists around the world : dark matter, zero point energy, green energy, fusion reactors.. + +Scientists in Tunisia: lets fuck with these ants and torture puppies .. + +https://preview.redd.it/vor8ihl0nz7d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=73f615fd8fe1c8dbd352bb1c9dad967dd4463154",They can count?????,,,,2024-06-21 19:42:22 +1dlbxb9,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlbxb9/embracing_curls/,8,Embracing curls ,"I see more and more people embracing their curly hair in tunisia and boycottoing harmful straightening chemicals and it's so beautiful , it makes me happy and more confident with my curls tbh . 💗💗💗",,,,,,2024-06-21 19:07:36 +1dlas5b,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlas5b/age_gap/,4,Age gap,"Normal fi thakafetna el age gap bin rajel wl mra ? +Kif el mra tebda 3y akber mel rajel i mean. + +Heya dhaharli metkalka menha lahkeya khater. +Shes 26, im 23. +Before i introduce the subject to her nheb nekhou fekra lehne. + +I dont rly have a fam. And im not much informed aala our culture. + +Edit : thanks for the answers 🙏",It is uncommon for Tunisian women to be partnered with men younger than them. But neither you nor her should let that define your relationship.,Win lmochkol if she's your gf? Aalech met9al9a?,"I am one year younger than my wife and still get side eyed by people, so you just gotta do you khater ken bch taba3 thakafetna aana thakafa wahda w heya tanbir. +So live your life marry who you love no matter what age they are juste eb3ed aala 7ram w khw.",Who cares man as long as you’re both adults.don’t let society dictate you who to love or date.,"Tunisian society invisible rules once again + +No, clear your heart and your soul, don’t intoxicate your relationships which such baseless rules + +80 and 18 is an age gap and that’s basically it, be free from social norms if you want to have a healthy relationship",2024-06-21 18:19:20 +1dlaq5w,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlaq5w/suggestions_for_science_fiction_series/,2,Suggestions for science fiction series?,I'm eagerly awaiting the conclusion of Dark Matter.,"Blade Runner 2049, not series though, but it's a beautiful futuristic movie",,,,,2024-06-21 18:17:08 +1dlapem,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlapem/why_is_rice_so_high_priced_here/,5,Why is rice so high priced here?,Like there’s many pasta for less than 1 dinar per kilo … basmati rice is 16 dinar … ? This has to be a joke or something right? Like 20 kg bag is about 80 dinar in canada … what gives?,Pasta is subsidized by the state and eaten a lot by tunisians (wa are second worldwide consumers of pasta). Rice historically is not eaten that much by tunisians and is imported. Add to the mix a country cutting funds to imports on behalf of sugar rice bananas coffee and you could solve the equation.,"basmati rice is imported from india & co, u are not comparing the right rice","The government limited the grain imports after the Russian-ukraine war broke out, since Ukraine was a huge grain exporter, so prices went to the roof after the war due to limited production, and now most of the grains we import are going to bread production, heck even bread was shorted for a while.","We maghrebis eat couscous and tabouna as staples unlike arabs and Gulf people. +We are couscous lads mate. +All hail couscous🤚",Aala khater ma nazr3ouchou ?,2024-06-21 18:16:17 +1dlabak,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dlabak/free_talk_weekend/,3,Free Talk Weekend 📅,What's on your mind?,,,,,,2024-06-21 18:00:39 +1dl7iu0,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl7iu0/boycott/,9,Boycott ,"Hello everyone, so basically my wife is pregnant and she's really craving Chilli's but we're not quite sure if it's on the boycotting list or not. I have a boycotting app on my phone called ""No Thanks"" and Chilli's is not on the list but I wanted to verify here. ","It’s not on the list. “No thanks” is great and very practical and useful but since there are limitations in Tunisia, you can check the BDS movement’s list, it’s well categorized and is not meant to make your life harder, it targets the big names that directly affect Palestine’s liberation and support “israel” directly and shamelessly, and profit from the ethnic cleansing. + +Some would say it’s on the boycott list because it’s an American product, which is fine imo, i’m all for boycotting American companies, but i believe we should be realistic and practical about certain things and in your situation, your wife is pregnant and she’s craving it. + +https://preview.redd.it/nywth5psiy7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916b207a6da9c49cb23cbb17fd608c2c31b01cd2 + +Edit: obviously there are more products in the food category that can and should be added.","Sorry I can't help you with your question since I am not sure. + +However, may I suggest a place that serves food that's quite similar to Chili's? It's called [the Food Court](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5xrtMy8bhnFQZZX88), located in Lac 1.", Why are people so indifferent to the boycott thing ? People don’t care where their money is going or what ???,"Mate, just go eat chilli's","Imagine letting strangers control what you consume, imagine not running as fast as possible to provide for your pregnant wife but instead asking strangers if it's okay or not, what a pathetic life.",2024-06-21 16:02:24 +1dl7fng,https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dl79j3,4,"How is living on the most northern city in Africa? Bizerte, TN",,8/10 by African standards.,"Benzart sem7a, w 3ichetha sem7a w behia , w kornichha sem7 w 3bedha sem7in.",Bizerte is nice,Can we ban this guy? He's trying to farm karma.,,2024-06-21 15:58:56 +1dl7bb3,https://youtube.com/shorts/_U-RJ7dauAA?feature=share,0,What will you choose ? #shorts #red #blue #versusclash #choose #whatwillyouchoose #whattochoose,,,,,,,2024-06-21 15:53:39 +1dl76ja,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl76ja/what_will_you_choose_shorts_red_blue_versusclash/,0,What will you choose ? #shorts #red #blue #versusclash #choose #whatwillyouchoose #whattochoose,https://youtube.com/shorts/_U-RJ7dauAA?feature=share,,,,,,2024-06-21 15:47:56 +1dl5k2c,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl5k2c/looking_for_local_groups_camping_volunteering/,5,"Looking for local groups : Camping, Volunteering, Educational Tours, Handy workshops...","Please share any links to groups, pages, or websites that organize social activities and thank you 🍉 + +PS : doesn't matter where, men Benzart el Borj el Khadhra",Am interested 🙋‍♀️,Count me in,Count me in ( ARIANA ),count me in,"Guys, I guess I wasn't clear, I'm looking for who organises such events so i can join too XD",2024-06-21 14:37:32 +1dl5iqm,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl5iqm/old_currency_buyers/,1,Old currency buyers ,"Im noticing a large amount of people looking for the old Tunisian currency ( 1 / 2 / 5 franc ) offering a reasonable amount of money for the piece. +Do you think its a scam ? +Is it legal ? ",Dont sell. I personally keep mine.,ofc it's a scam. our dinar ain't worth shit let alone dourou :p hide it for future generations who knows,,,,2024-06-21 14:36:02 +1dl5hjo,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl5hjo/lalwed_chraykom_fl_cnx_20_mbps_thanks/,3,"lalwed chraykom fl cnx , 20 mbps , thanks ","https://preview.redd.it/651w8kvbrx7d1.png?width=923&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e111ac3c1f11689bbab88f3224fa2627573205d + +","go to steam settings -> downloads -> ""display download rates in bits per second"" and disable it + +https://preview.redd.it/bk4j58xmtx7d1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=d82bba2e152f1b05989217d8ab01bd0cd78c73cb","that's displaying in bits not bytes, like internet companies, will say in bits to make it sound more when it's less than bytes, if you want your real download speed divide by 8, so 20 should translate to 2.5 megabytes download speed","it's mega bits not mega bytes. so u need to divide it by 8 cuz file size is typically defined in terms of bytes.But, yea that's higher than the average speed for most tunisians cuz of our shitty providers. i get around 17 mbps winhom l 3 me ndrouch.",,,2024-06-21 14:34:41 +1dl5c7i,https://i.redd.it/pn30twgdqx7d1.jpeg,24,I found this ,,Akon_Smack_That.MP3,https://preview.redd.it/6gh1hmhe2y7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293c522b395f92cb388602ac0f1e608d186565ac,Oldie but a goodie,lucky,goosebumps 🥹,2024-06-21 14:28:15 +1dl5al4,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl5al4/ya_rojla_chnya_akther_jeu_aal_pc_fiha_community/,4,ya rojla chnya akther jeu aal pc fiha community twensa ( i dont like pubg ) ,thanks <3,matkoun ken ya valo ya lol,Valo presque kol 3 atra7 yty7 tounsi,"Among us +Cs2 +Rust ( moch barsha ama cv ) +Valorant",Pubg is dead 💀,lol and valorant,2024-06-21 14:26:12 +1dl4rgp,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl4rgp/liliri_yama_liliri_yaaaa/,9,Liliri yama liliri yaaaa,"https://preview.redd.it/fi3mu64plx7d1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a79e9135f4a6d43342d3656ef24cc254b25d200 + +",well this confirms that it's about time I finish the nuclear reactor I started in my backyard,وشبي والديهم ما قراوش حسابهم وزادو في العرض كي عارفين الطلب باش يزيد في الصيف؟,I'm sure it's gonna be much worse with Sonede.,copy pasting Egypt?,Following the egyptian model,2024-06-21 14:02:50 +1dl4fzo,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl4fzo/تعدد_الزوجات/,0,تعدد الزوجات,نحس كان جا فما تعدد الزوجات راهو نسبة الطلاق في جرة خيانة الرجال أقل ,"also OP: + +https://preview.redd.it/jjmoqbodox7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8992c3825a6c6b2b0d11bf78a124cc1268c5e32",ناس وين ماشية تقدم و تحسن في قوانينها، وانتوما مازلتو ترجعو فينا ل 1956,هذا برنامج نزار الشعري … يعطيه آش باش يقول فمي … الناس تمشي و تقدم و احنا في تونس يحبوا يرجعونا بالتوالي,"Bro the whole developed world is laughing at us we are still stuck in this phase. +Especially the West I don't think they want is to adopt secularism because we will be just like them.",I see removing the marriage system would be better,2024-06-21 13:48:22 +1dl3lvj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl3lvj/what_should_i_choose/,10,What should I choose ?,"Hi ,(32M) and my wife(32F) So right now we both have been living in the north of Sweden for 1.5 years , I work as a pharmacist and she as an digital artist we earn together 4000€ per month after taxes But lately I have been thinking going back to live in Tunisia since my father owns a pharmacy and my brother is also a pharmacist and working with my father. My dad was against my choice of living abroad but I did it anyway to try and see a new perspective and experience. For me it was great sometime not so great but lately my wife has been longing and missing her family(she never lived abroad) and she isn’t happy sometime here because of the weather (winter) and language barrier (she go language school twice a week) though she has made some friends(from Syria and Tunisia) that we meet sometime.And it’s been affecting me in some way and don’t know what to choose , I earn almost the same thing in Tunisia , I have my car and m’y appartement there but here I rent have no car and must redo my driving license. What do you think I should do ? ","Home is where you both feel comfortable, secure and happy.",I am in a similar situation and strongly considering going back to Tunisia despite all the problems of our country. You will face many challenges but in my opinion nothing can replace family especially when you have kids.,Do you have swedish citizenship? If yes you can take the risk if not wait until you got the citizenship,"a third option, which IMO is the best, is to stay in europe but get closer geographically. best option would be south of France or something similar. you'd get the best of both worlds. you'd be able to keep your european lifestyle and career opportunities, but also be able to fly home more often.","Just come back home. + +I imagine that even later on if you decide to have kids. You might do a better job raising them here, your whole family could help even emotionally. Not to mention how your kids will feel the warmth of the extended family.",2024-06-21 13:08:11 +1dl35ls,https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dkvkqe,3,"How's life on Djerba island, Tunisia🇹🇳?",,Calme et tranquille ❤️,"Me living in this little island is heaven , +Compared to other places djerba have more peaceful vibes and safety. +Less stealing and almost no crimes . +Its little bit expensive because its touristic but im having no issues",Very chill and slow paced.,The last photo is not from Jerba tho,Peak Vinland saga ,2024-06-21 12:45:53 +1dl34cb,https://i.redd.it/j1p6nfps7x7d1.jpeg,0, منطقة البحث والإنقاذ Search and Rescue Area : هي توسيع لمنطقتي المياه الإقليمية والمياه المتاخمة التي اصبحت تونس مطالبة بالقيام بعمليات البحث والانقاذ داخلها. ,,,,,,,2024-06-21 12:44:14 +1dl32me,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dl32me/why_short_guys_are_highly_disrespected_in_tunisia/,24,Why short guys are highly disrespected in Tunisia ,المدة الاخيرة نشوف في تعليقات كيما (الراجل القصير موش راجل) (قصير حاشى نعمة ربي) و مختلف أنواع الإهانات والحقرة للرجال القصار ، تو السيد تولد هكاكا تجي أنت إطيحلوا قدروا علاه ؟؟,"They are not, the avg height in Tunisia is 175cm or less. + +saker el insta/tiktok wo5rej mel dar.","Nothing to do with Tunisia, that's the case everywhere. + +There is a reason why ""over 6ft"" is a huge meme in the US because that's usually the number women say when asked how short should a guy be.","With all due respect such a topic ينقص من العمر, and the people who post suxh comments are not worthy of your time my friend.",حسب تجربتي كرجل قصير اذا تحطها في مخك اللي انتي قصير بش يتعاملو معاك بنفس المستوى و يركزولك مع الطول لكن المرى بصفة عامة في الدنيا مش في الفايسبوك و الانستخرام يركزو عالطبيعة و ثيقتك في روحك و خفة دمك الخ الخ ما يركزوش برشا عال physical aspect، it's just a good bonus بالطبيعة ماكش بش تصدقني,الوالد كان قصير، أما حد ما كان يتجرأ يطيحله قدره، خاطره إنسان متعلم و متثقف و شخصيته قوية، و اللي يتقبح معاه ولا يطول لسانه، يمسح به القاع بكلمتين. الحكاية كلها مسألة قوة شخصية و ثقة في النفس,2024-06-21 12:41:44 +1dl23oq,https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dl23oq,6,Short story: The fallen helicopters,,"One pilot is in critical condition, and the other has died. I believe the crash occurred yesterday, as I saw two helicopters flying above the military airbase.","That's unrelated. Every part of any aircraft has to follow inspection cycles, and parts have to be changed based on flown hours. If the maintenance team didn't do their job correctly or let's say they didn't obtain the parts they needed but still have approved the aircraft for departing, it's on them only. +There could be any reason for the accidents, and rigorous investigations determine the cause. Random screenshots from some articles by a guy who knows nothing about the field won't do.","As long as we keep using old and outdated military equipment this shit will keep happening, and we will keep on losing pilots lives",US is not the only side that can provide military gadgets :P,A reminder that our defense budget for 2024 is 1.3 billion dollars and we still didn't bought anything,2024-06-21 11:49:10 +1dl0xjc,https://i.redd.it/3aftnbujlw7d1.jpeg,20,"Why is it illegal to take your pet (cat, dog ) on public transportation in Tunisia","Returning home from the vet I called a bolt and I texted the driver telling him that I have a cat with me, he immediately called me screaming telling me it's illegal and that I should cancel the request. This happened before, but most drivers would just accept because my cat is in his carrier. +I know that in Tunisia most pet owners are not aware of vaccination, which led us to this situation where the government put such law. It's so frustrating, how am I supposed to go home with my cat ?? Should I walk home in this heat, my cat is already sick, he wouldn't tolerate this 40° heat ? There is no consideration, I would expect that this law have exceptions, maybe if the owner have the pet vaccination card then it's okay! ","It is not illegal. He just doesn't want cat hair and ""filth"" in his car. You know tunisian cab drivers have an impeccable réputation for cleaning Ness that they have to maintain. Only cigarette ash,mud,leaves,greace are allowed.",Hedheya talaaha tae nahbtou ahna aadi,"At this point, taxi syndicates and cie can require getting head as part of the payment and law will oblige.","The smart thing to do is respect the law and live the same year as your country is , you can't live in 2024 while your country stuck at 2000","I literally adopted homeless cats and let them lose under the seat of the driver's seat when moving houses with the entire taxi filled to the brim with my belongings, lmao. Never had someone tell me I can't bring a pet in their taxi, the two times that I moved with a cat (unvaccinated, un-everything, just fed unfinished restaurant food and washed once in a while)...",2024-06-21 10:39:29 +1dkzwxw,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkzwxw/looking_for_friends/,8,Looking for friends,"I'm a 24-year-old living in Tunis, and I'm looking for a group of friends to hang out with. I'm interested in activities like going to the cinema, beach outings, and just having fun together. If anyone's interested, let's connect!","Im 27, i dont live in Tunisia but im there every summer for two three months. Would love to hang out with like minded ppl !",I'm 25 in bardo,I need wingmans,i'm 24 in ezzahra,23 aouina happy to meet u,2024-06-21 09:30:22 +1dkzusj,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkzusj/looking_for_open_minded_friends_in_tunis/,2,Looking for open minded Friends in Tunis!,"Hi guys! I am in Tunis for a while and looking for new friends. Pretty open minded northern European guy, always looking to grab a coffee or a decent meal. Currently residing in Lac. No homophobes, racists and haters please, but other than that let’s meet🙏🙏🙏",you buying me meals and ice cream ? you didin't mention opportunist in your list 🤠,Contact me,Happy to meet new ppl 😎,So you are tall,,2024-06-21 09:26:01 +1dkzru8,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkzru8/how_do_we_make_this_country_better/,28,How do we make this country better?,Very general question but i just can’t stop thinking about it every single day because whenever i go out and start seeing lkeyeset limkasrin w zebla w lham w taalim lfesed w l9ita3at lfesdin kol i immediately start tearing up khater berasmi fadit w hases maach najem n3ich haka jemla. I can’t go abroad until a few years maybe donc lhal lwehid li l9itou houwa nhawel alla9al nhasen mel lmant9a li feha ena. ,Step 1 we don't buy more bread than what we need,نحي المسمار في حيط من العمومي و طرّد الكركارة. معادش تدخل ناس بالconcours اعمل Des entretiens كيف خلق ربي. ما تحطليش جرحى الثورة في منتصب يحددلي حياتي. الدولة متاعنا مسيرة بعباد سخفنا عليهم. قلبي عل البطالة و جرحى الثورة، أما يا حليلي خدّم عباد عندها كفاءات باش نقدمو، مناش الهلال الأحمر.,"Education reforms. Notably civic behavior, teaching about the values and advantages of our country, and what is left to build and improve. Not just humat al hima.","In two words. Putting the right people in the right place. As someone who spent the last 10 years living between Europe and north america, I met many highly educated and smart tunisians who stacked the experiences in many fields (economy, technology, governance, management etc). And guess what, they're all extremely motivated to go back and give back to our country. We are just waiting for that opportunity. Some of us offered their services for FREE and still couldn't get their voices heard. +Imho we need the following: +- Somehow create a process to convince these brains to come back and give them the opportunity to lead all areas. Public and private sectors. +- Real legislation revolution, our laws are laughable. +- Start working on our gaps that our politicians have been avoiding for years now: eradicate and change our education, completely change our economy gears: tourism is a losing bet. Catchup on technology revolution by investing in IT infrastructure (in few words: high speed and affordable internet access for everyone) and IT regulations. +- Beat corruption by investing heavily in digitalisation (the enemy of corruption is everything digital, no paperwork, no human intervention, no cash paiement = no bribes). + +Apply this in all fields : healthcare, transportation, media, agriculture. You will see a change in 5 years. You will feel the change in 10 years. You will have a generation that never think of leaving Tunisia in 25 years.","""Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country"" +if only 20% of us think like you're thinking, we can be much better",2024-06-21 09:20:08 +1dkzmqc,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkzmqc/activities_to_do_alone_in_tunis/,3,Activities to do alone in Tunis ,"Hi everyone +Im looking for recommandation on activities to do alone in Tunis , ( the transportation isn't an issue ) ? +Pls no one tell me "" druggs , bira....comments lbléda )","Kahwa, movies , eating out , go to the gym, walk around, check out thrift shops (fripe) , go to beach resorts, beach clubs. that's what I've been doing when i'm alone.","Hiking , camping near the beach (choose a safe place ) , ik you can do anything alone but it seems less fun yet you still can do it (advice from someone who does everything alone even going to coffee shops )",Chay manajamech neb3ed hâta wken khalit dabechi 3and famille nabda nhalwess. W zid nebda marbout behom yraw7ou wena nheb no93od lel sunset,bike/e-scooter renting. DahDah adrenaline rush. ice skating in ariana. hunting for good food.,a camel trip to Sahara,2024-06-21 09:10:09 +1dkzb78,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkzb78/depression/,2,depression,what is the reason of your depression? and how did you get out of it,"You just don't have a goal for this summer, unmotivated for the future and progress and disappointed by our country. A combination of these.","Don't get me wrong, but unless a specialist tells you that you are in depression you can't say that about yourself, this is a very important point, because nowadays even a bit of anxiety is considered depression.","For those who tells you that you wont know your depression are totally wrong. +and the stats given to you below also doesn’t make sense because we do not really look for this stats and unfortunately people in tunisia do not seek help with a professional when depression kicks in. + +I have been through depression during Covid due to job loss, and was diagnosed with Depression after. +One of the major symptoms is that you sleep more , you lose all kind of interest and you lose your appetite. As a very social person i would say about myself, i lost all interest on meeting friends , texting , or even calls, it difficult to sleep at night however when i fall asleep i spend more than 12 hours in bed , i wake up in between but i push myself to sleep again, i felt something was wrong and i googled it and it was depression. +I visited a professional and been diagnosed with depression, been advised on 2 courses of treatment to chose from , pills or sessions , i chose sessions and i got better slowly. +If you have the signs that i shared with you , go to a professional therapist and speak up. You are not alone.",,,2024-06-21 08:47:12 +1dkz8fs,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkz8fs/fair_question/,20,fair question ,"I feel no sense of patriotism, and the very idea disgusts me. The notion that I should feel proud because someone or some organization arbitrarily drew lines on a map and decided, ""This is your country; let's call it Tunisia,"" seems absurd to me. Then, we are expected to feel proud of an anthem written by someone else. I find all of this ridiculous. I understand that there are martyrs who defended this country, often driven by religious convictions, but that's my opinion. I find it illogical, and often those who loudly proclaim patriotism are the ones benefiting the most from this country.","You find it illogical because it is illogical! Humans are social creatures and they need something that gives them a sense of security in belonging to a group that includes other people. Some find it in a religion, a football club or a country, the examples are numerous.. It's a comfort mechanism based on an ideology. I'm not saying it is good or bad but once you are aware of it you will be able to go beyond it. + +As soon as you proclaim yourself a Tunisian or French or British you automatically become violent because it is inherently divisive and breeds conflict. That is why the global migrant crisis will only get worse because as long as we have the concept of a country or a nation, we will fail to acknowledge our common humanness and keep being violent to one another! + +I think being a Tunisian can mean a lot of fun and good food, so enjoy it and don't take the ideology too seriously! + +I recommend that you read or watch Krishnamurti on YouTube, good shit bro ✌️","I agree with you, i always believed that patriotism is something that has been created by the people in power so they can benefit from it. +In wars the call for patriotism while they never gonna send their families to war, in economic crisis they call for patriotism so they can reduce peoples expences while they never gonna reduce their's","Nationalistic and patriotic fervor can suppress individual thought and critical reasoning. When loyalty to the nation becomes a primary virtue, individuals might feel pressured to conform to the prevailing national narrative, stifling dissent and creativity. You get a homogenized society where questioning the status quo is discouraged, hindering progress and innovation. + +People out here creating false enemies and bounding over the wrong g collective virtual nationalistic goals + zero critical thinking skills . Which is perfect environment and conditions for so called leaders can take advantages of and will distract from domestic issues and justify authoritarian measures","imo the human is not designed to relate or identify with what hasnt consciously and unconsiously affected him, ie his people, close location + +before we were a country, that doesnt care about its people nor can it, because everything has become so unrealistically abstract, to your country you are just a number and a tax payer, to your family you are AMINE (if thats your name) people who know you by name, the land that supports your weight everyday + +before all this we were tribes (to be clear am not calling here for a ""going back"" to whats before, but am giving a solid argument for why people validly dont feel patriotic) tribes are close communities of intertwined lineage and ancestry, riligions that thrived greatly respected the family units and the human need for close communal relatedness, its always common across every religion, that it felt like religion was theirs, and so when they went to war and were willing to die for a cause they were doing it as much for their family and tribe. + +state is a nominal non entity, it relies on government to keep it alive, if government is corrupt, state is corrupt consequently the connection of it to the people are sideways corrupted too, but lets see where poeple would actually feel patriotic? even today? in contrast to other nationalities la akther la a9al + +but with this am not for a woke stance on ""just be a citizen of the world"" bs, again the human is not designed to care for more than he is phisically able to influence envirenment wise, we are productive beings, being overwhelmed by unresolved global issues portrayed by all kinds of media objective and otherwise, is corrupting to our sense of belonging and ability to be potent and useful, it creates a false narrative of uselessness eli makes people way too unquestioning and complacent",الوطنية بروباغندا دورها باش تشجعنا نخدمو مع بعضنا، لا تكثر لا أقل. تخيل équipe متع كورة ماعاش تلعب للجمعية. نفس الشي احنا. المشكل التونسي ما ينجمش يكون وطني محبة في الهريسة وقت الدولة ترفس فينا و ما فماش ما أسقط منها. في بلاد وين حقوقك محفوظة و واجباتك ظاهرة، و مطمان الي الtaxes متاعك ماشية في بلاسطتها، و بلادك عندها قدر و قيمة و ما بذلك حد على فيزا.... تولي تحبها و تحترمها. أما في ظروفنا، مهبول الي يكون وطني. خاتر الدولة عاملة المستحيل باش تقتلك و تقتل طموحك.,2024-06-21 08:41:34 +1dkz10h,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkz10h/when_should_i_give_up_on_somone/,4,When should i give up on somone ,Mokhi kaad ykoli abaatha tnayk why are you doing all of this and i get bare minimum attention ,و الله زايد بش تبقى تحرق في أعصابك زعمة تعبرني زعمة لا.. لي بش تبدى تتجبد عليك غير طيش و فوت..شوية عزة نفس بربي les enfants,Is she your girlfriend or just someone you are interested in? What did she do? Like no one can give you any constructive feedback on your post haka khater it lacks any form of insight.,"Since you got the mere thought of leaving, leave. Mouch ml sme jek el tokhmem hedha. Always remember, you deserve way more better and you shouldn’t settle for less than what you deserve.",Just don't ignore your gut.,"Cho, enti adra bel situation alli enti faha, haw na3tik 5 as2la as2alhom l rou7ek, w kan 3 out of the answers were negative, hawka chouf rou7ek + +- are you feeling fulfilled or less lonely? +- if someone told you that you are like your partner, would it be a compliment or an insult? +- would you want your child to date a person like your partner? +- when you are with your partner, are being yourself or do you act up? +- are you in love with your partner for who they are? Or in love with the good side and potential?",2024-06-21 08:26:27 +1dkyxmg,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkyxmg/how_do_tunisian_watermelon_pickup_trucks_think/,0,How do Tunisian watermelon pickup trucks think?,"Ad the Ibn Khaldun of the 21st century I notice things which the averagely intelligent masses can't see. + +A common view on Tunisian roads is pickup trucks taking watermelons to sell somewhere. Let us say you drive between Tunis and Djerba, you will meet at least 50 pickups with at least two tons watermelon going from south to north and you will overtake at least the same number of cars taking watermelon the other direction. + +How comes that people of the south are ready to take watermelons hundreds of kilometers instead of to the nearest market and why do people from the north are ready to do the same trip instead of a short one? Why don't they simply take to the nearest market and thereby save petrol, time and energy?","If you're asking this question, you definitely don't count as part of the averagely intelligent masses. You're below average.",starting your post with 'I notice things which the averagely intelligent masses can't see' isn't the way to go champ.,i don't think they're that stupid they know what they're doing,"You are a very good example of the dunning-kruger effect. Very ""above the average intelligence"" indeed. +As for your question, there are so many reasons. Supply chains (not everything can be produced at a certain place, so transport is needed to get from point A to point B, or you need to get to the production area on your own to procure it) and the simple and very obvious fact that it's far cheaper to sell out of a car than from a shop, since it cuts on so many expenses like rent, utilities, lisence etc"," people house who do that are mostly region or town natives. using their trucks as a vending point, they bypass the need for a store which helps for accessing more than one market per week. some of them do 4 and 5 weekly markets. they also adapt the ir prices by adding logisitical costs.",2024-06-21 08:19:25 +1dky1ub,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dky1ub/help_me_buy_pc/,2,Help me buy pc,"Guys I am buying pc to work on web dev and flatter , please any suggestions? Any tips ,my budget is only 1500 dt .",Laptop wala pc fixe ?,"can you build a desktop pc yourself +do you want the ability to game +what is your budget +do you need to buy a windows licence ( or use linux ) (if you really need windows just use megathread)",Hasb man3rf SBS informatique 3andou ahsin aswam lil pc bureau jahsin ima Ida thib tjam3ou wahdik lzmk ta3rf trakbou w Ila bi tbi3a mch bch y5dmlk Aw twali fi machakil w Ida bch t5mim tchri laptop homa 8alin w bi soum wahd chritou tnajim tchri ma a9wa min wa lkn Ida 3arif rouhk titna9l ichrih laptop w ey nsit chouf Zelda Tunisia net w ninshik matchrich mosta3mil,,,2024-06-21 07:15:10 +1dkwk3n,https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/1dkwk3n/what_are_some_good_places_to_go_fishing_in_tunisia/,1,What are some good places to go fishing in Tunisia,"Hi, I (22M) have been getting into fishing lately as a solo adventure, I have been thinking to pull an all nighter fishing by the sea one of these summer nights. +But I have no idea where to go. +Do you y know any good places to do this mini adventure, preferably close to nabeul. +Thanks !","Which way you fish? +Shore jigging? surfcasting?",,,,,2024-06-21 05:36:52 +1dkvlok,https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dkvlok,10,الإعفاءات جديدة لفائدة المقيمين بالخارج,,"They gotta extend the age limit for imported cars to at least 7 years. + +It just boggles my mind to see the law allowing 30 year old French made cardboards with a Tunisian registration to roam the streets and be bought and sold freely whereas a 5 year and 1 day old well maintained reliable foreign car can not.",all they want is to make tunisian life harder every year,bike lovers just got royally fucked..,,,2024-06-21 04:38:54 +1dkvfoe,https://i.redd.it/sotczzegru7d1.jpeg,2,What is this Building?,Found it on google maps on kerkennah but no explanation of what it is. TIA.,"https://preview.redd.it/hp3zdhpyvu7d1.png?width=988&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0f2155222538718c91e07e184904ed4074e5e8b + +Mosasaurus lagoon.",It doesn't look like a building to me. more like a water treatment facility. maybe for irrigation looking at the neighboring farms.,It's water treatment facility cause thats circle looks like Water tank,it's area 52,,2024-06-21 04:28:58