import time |
import praw |
import prawcore |
import pandas as pd |
import os |
from datetime import datetime |
FILENAME_POSTS = 'output_posts_after2022.csv' |
def create_reddit_instance(): |
reddit = praw.Reddit( |
client_id=os.getenv('REDDIT_CLIENT_ID'), |
client_secret=os.getenv('REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET'), |
user_agent=os.getenv('REDDIT_USER_AGENT') |
) |
return reddit |
def get_subreddit(reddit, subreddit_name): |
subreddit = reddit.subreddit(subreddit_name) |
return subreddit |
def load_existing_data(file_name): |
if os.path.exists(file_name): |
df = pd.read_csv(file_name) |
existing_ids = df['id'].tolist() |
else: |
df = pd.DataFrame() |
existing_ids = [] |
return df, existing_ids |
def get_top_comments(submission): |
top_comments = [] |
submission.comments.sort_by = 'top' |
for comment in submission.comments[:5]: |
top_comments.append(comment.body) |
return top_comments |
def get_new_post_row(submission, top_comments): |
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(submission.created) |
new_row = { |
"id": submission.id, |
"url": submission.url, |
"score": submission.score, |
"title": submission.title, |
"body": submission.selftext, |
"top_comment1": top_comments[0] if len(top_comments) > 0 else None, |
"top_comment2": top_comments[1] if len(top_comments) > 1 else None, |
"top_comment3": top_comments[2] if len(top_comments) > 2 else None, |
"top_comment4": top_comments[3] if len(top_comments) > 3 else None, |
"top_comment5": top_comments[4] if len(top_comments) > 4 else None, |
"date": date |
} |
return new_row |
def save_data(df, file_name): |
df.to_csv(file_name, index=False) |
def main(): |
reddit = create_reddit_instance() |
subreddit = get_subreddit(reddit, 'tunisia') |
df_posts, existing_post_ids = load_existing_data(FILENAME_POSTS) |
print('Starting to scrape posts') |
new_posts = list(subreddit.new(limit=1000)) |
for submission in new_posts: |
if submission.id in existing_post_ids: |
print(f'Skipped post {submission.id}') |
continue |
try: |
top_comments = get_top_comments(submission) |
new_row = get_new_post_row(submission, top_comments) |
df_posts = df_posts._append(new_row, ignore_index=True) |
except prawcore.exceptions.TooManyRequests: |
print("Hit rate limit, sleeping .....") |
time.sleep(60) |
save_data(df_posts, FILENAME_POSTS) |
print('Finished scraping') |
print("Data saved to ", FILENAME_POSTS) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |