{"input": "Question: Where was the first golf course in the United States ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are bottle caps with presidents ' pictures inside worth ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 1927 silent film received an international revival in 1981 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What country are you visiting if you land at President Duvalier Airport ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many layers of yellow paint is a Faber Mongol pencil lucky enough to be sprayed with ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the busiest air travel season ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: When does the average teenager first have intercourse ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the average life expectancy of a male in Ireland in 1996 ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What disease did August von Wassermann develop a specific test for in 196 ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the average hourly rate of American workers ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who said : `` Old soldiers never die ; they just fade away '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do West Indian steel bands use as instruments ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: How many cities are there in Utah ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was John Steinbeck 's travelling companion Charley ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who made the rotary engine automobile ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I change a file from an ART file to a JPEG or Bitmap file ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of the pop singer whose song became the theme song for a brand of catsup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Whitcomb Judson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is Mark McGwire 's e-mail address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What William Styron book is about a black preacher who leads a slave revolt ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the dot on an the letter i called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Why does a woman have to be a virgin to be a nun ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What significant battle was fought in Belgium in 1815 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Where are the tropical rain forest distributions ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer who represented Randy Steven Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Japanese electronics company was named for a coastal city northeast of Tokyo ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a ball that hits the foul pole called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does palindromic mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What organic fuel do bog-dwellers use a `` slane '' to cut ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How do I love thee ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many of them are in sub-Saharan Africa ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who would you use the Heimlich maneuver on ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was cash-conscious Colonel Edwin L. Drake the first to drill ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the star of Leave It to Beaver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the components of polyester ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of black people ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What artist 's studio was the Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the environmental influences on plant genetics ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why is the universe flat , if it started by an explosion , shouldn 't it be a sphere ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who is Zebulon Pike ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is kept in Fort Knox that is so valuable ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's another word that means `` knows all '' ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What 1953 film won Frank Sinatra a best supporting actor Oscar ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which leg does a cat move with its left front leg when walking - its left rear or right rear leg ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who was the original Humpty Dumpty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I know someone is truly in love with me ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the requirements for becoming a citizen of Australia ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the contents of proposition 98 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Jewish holiday saw the start of the 1973 Mideast War ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the origin of head lice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who were the 1974 Oscar winners ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the youngest age a boy or girl can have an orgasm ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the tallest mountain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: How many thousands of students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many pitchers occupy the shelf beside the crouching woman in Edgar Degas 's 1886 painting The Tub ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What drink is made up of rum , coconut milk and pineapple ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is a pyrotechnic display ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the Socratic method ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who gave King Arthur the round table ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the process to make condensed milk ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the main vegetable in vichyssoise ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who made Stonehenge ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the Incredible Hulk in reality ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are three ways in which wind is created on the earth ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the former name of Zimbabwe ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Name Dick Tracy 's two children .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long does it take to hike the entire Appalachian Trail ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What company makes impulse hardening equipment ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many mines can still be found in the Falklands after the war ended ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What card game derived its name from biritch , or Russian Whist ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What country was General Douglas McArthur in when he was recalled by President Truman ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the hardest substance in the human body ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What was the nickname of Frederick I , Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who graced the airwaves with such pearls as `` Do ya lo-o-ove me ? Get naked , baby ! '' ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1732, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "bb86302b1936b14c09091143ce6e0d4d4013c4789ece0230"} {"input": "Question: What was J.F.K. 's wife 's name ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What South African producer had a 1988 profit of $836 million ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do you correctly say the word ` qigong ' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Hollywood dog died in the arms of Jean Harlow in 1932 ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How did the months of the year get there name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who famously rode to warn the people of Massachusetts that the British were coming ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many miles of veins are in the circulatory system ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who invented basketball ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What athlete makes the most money from sports merchandise sales ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the Russian ambassador to Hungary during the 1956 uprising ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What common plant has a button , cap , cup , gills , and ring ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: Why do men snore ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What board game does a `` wood-pusher '' play poorly ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who was credited with saying : `` I never met a man I did n't like '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Gimli as a central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where were the 1936 Summer Olympics held ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How did Rocky Marciano die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the size of Argentina ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What English queen had six fingers on one hand ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did the ukulele originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first black to be head coach of a major league pro sports team ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many thousands of students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was Tiny Tim 's father ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Catch-22 character is elected mayor of half a dozen Italian cities ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did makeup originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What relative of the racoon is sometimes known as the cat-bear ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How do I increase my biceps ' size ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What were the ceremony traditions like during the Elizabethian times ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the only two states that incorporate the Confederate battle flag in their flags ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is Maurizio Pellegrin 's age ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What was the name of Robert Fulton 's most famous steamboat ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What is a caul ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are some of the significant historical events of the 1990s ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What Broadway musical featured the song , `` If I were a rich man ? ''\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What do the names Andrew and Christina mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is pandoro ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why do people get goosebumps when they have something emotional happen to them , like when they hear a beautiful piece of music , or see something beautiful , or get aroused by someone they love ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where did the saying `` rule of thumb '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is The Gay Science ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was shot in the back during a Poker game in Deadwood , the Dakota territory ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most common street name in America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What army 's motto is Blood and Fire ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What movie did Steven Spielberg direct in 1975 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What cancer is commonly associated with AIDS ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: With whom did Bush compare Saddam Hussein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which two inventors invented Post-its ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was child labor abolished ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the student population at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What Nantucket shipwreck killed more divers exploring it than the 52 people it sank with ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What sport do the Cleaveland Cavaliers play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What does a philatelist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many Stradivarius violins were ever made ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who would you use the Heimlich maneuver on ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of a.m. and p.m. ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does Ms. , Miss , and Mrs. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How do I stop background noise in a car stereo ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the captain of the tanker , Exxon Valdez , involved in the oil spill in Prince William Sound , Alaska , 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people die from snakebite poisoning in the U.S. per year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What new games are available for Nintendo 64 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What 's the supreme policy-making bureau of the Soviet Communist Party ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What did the only repealed amendment to the U.S. Constitution deal with ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Secretary of State during the Nixon administration ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the poetic meter of blank verse ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What film marked Robert Redford 's directorial debut ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How is silk screening done ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What countries have the largest areas of forest ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When do you plant winter wheat ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a mathematical factor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is William Wordsworth ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How do you get to the top of the Eiffel Tower ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where can I find the schematics to the windshield wiper mechanism ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was Mae West 's last film ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1697, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "be63e2d9490453d1b939ba8f850a386c7828f776df937d8c"} {"input": "Question: What color is indigo ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where can I find examples of legal cases about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the occupation of Nicholas Cage ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What was the name of Robert Fulton 's most famous steamboat ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: In what U.S. state was the first woman governor elected ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How do I change a file from an ART file to a JPEG or Bitmap file ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many neurons are in the human brain ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the name of the tiger that advertises for Frosted Flakes cereal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is thermal equilibrium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you determine if a computer monitor has an SVGA adapter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What happens to the female body with lack of sleep and food ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the singular of dice ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: In what year was the movie the Ten Commandments released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where did the Inuits live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city hosted the first Winter Olympics in Asia ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where are the Haversian canals ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can I find out which cities have cable-modem access ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What kind of animals were in the Paleozoic era ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the protection rate of using condoms ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: When is Boxing Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a ` borrow pit ' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What type of hunting are retrievers used for ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who says , `` If you don 't look good , we don 't look good '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Rona Barrett 's married name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is ethology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the original Humpty Dumpty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the languages spoken by the natives in Afghanistan ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What weapon did the crossed slits in English castles accommodate ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What U.S. state lived under six flags ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who was the last woman executed in England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What state is known as the Hawkeye State ?\nType: State\nQuestion: When was the first stained glass window made ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does the term 3 mean to a newspaper editor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the names of the tourist attractions in Reims ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What war did the Wanna-Go-Home Riots occur after ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What debts did Qintex group leave ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is Dr. Ruth 's last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Inoco based ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does idle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is proposition 98 about ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What fastener did Whitcomb Judson patent in 1893 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What do you call a date that contains sequencing numbers , like 9-8-98 ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What team did baseball 's St. Louis Browns become ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What kind of animals are Dorsets , Lincolns , Oxfords and Southdowns ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is a `` node '' in computer terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What word occurs 46 , 227 times in the Bible ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many sonnets did Shakespeare write ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why do n't you guys have some sort of contest where you ask a question and whoever finds the answers wins a prize ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What piece of jewelry is pictured on Monopoly 's Luxury Tax space ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the youngest age a boy or girl can have an orgasm ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What does a pedometer measure ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was President Cleveland 's wife ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a ballet company Mikhail Baryshnikov has danced for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was the most famous food editor of The New York Times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What newspaper returned a Pulitzer Prize for the fraudulent story Jimmy 's World ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What game is Garry Kasparov really good at ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are the stars made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where is Dartmouth College ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the full name of the PLO ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is Linux ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do they find or choose witnesses to an execution ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does the term glory hole mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who won two gold medals in skiing in the Olympic Games in Calgary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name of heroine in `` Scruples '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many innings constitute an official baseball game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What English queen had six fingers on one hand ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country is the setting for Edgar Allan Poe 's The Pit and the Pendulum ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are different products of petroleum ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I find a large list of 5 to 6 letter words ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of UOL ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many islands make up Antigua ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Tom Wolfe book is about the Mercury astronauts ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What do Englishmen weigh themselves in ?\nType: Weight\n", "answers": ["Color"], "length": 1585, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "1e8eb08f71a04cd4391fcaa7d98a166627d65284c467a318"} {"input": "Question: When was President Kennedy shot ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What does the name Billie mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can you stop the itch from poison ivy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What caused the division between the Anglicans and the Vatican ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are all the southern states of the United States ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How do cameras take pictures ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the longest English word that can be formed using just the first row of letters on a typewriter ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: A corgi is a kind of what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does the E stand for in the equation E=mc2 ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What game 's board shows the territories of Irkutsk , Yakutsk and Kamchatka ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many sonnets did Shakespeare write ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I impress a guy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What golfer has been called Ohio Fats and Blobbo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played Sally Rogers on The Dick Van Dyke Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cocktail inspired John Doxat to write the book Stirred-Not Shaken ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What war did Florence Nightingale tend the troops in ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What English playwright penned : `` Where the bee sucks , so shall I '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of creature is a coot ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the primary language of the Philippines ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What group included Abbey Hoffman , Jerry Rubin , and Tom Hayden ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What color is most often used to symbolize truth ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who killed Kurt Cobain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What penalty space lies between Baltic Avenue and Reading Railroad on a Monopoly board ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What continent pushes up the Executive Committee mountain range ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What did Richard Feynman say upon hearing he would receive the Nobel Prize in Physics ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How did U.S.A become involved in the Barbary Wars\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How tall is the replica of the Matterhorn at Disneyland ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is a fear of women ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Which team won the Super Bowl in 1968 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the name of the brilliant British economist behind its creation ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What river flows past the Temple of Karnak ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country has the most coastline ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who produces Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the chemicals used in glowsticks ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where is the bridge over the river Kwai ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. get most of its energy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What organic fuel do bog-dwellers use a `` slane '' to cut ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What organization did Mr. Waverly assign agents for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does the T.S. stand for in T.S. Eliot 's name ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What 's the better-known identity of John Merrick , the noble ogre of Victorian England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Christ born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What TV series features the adventures of a married couple named Jonathan and Jennifer ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What company 's logo is a `` W '' in a circle ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was `` America 's recessed-filter cigarette '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is Beethoven 's 9th symphony called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who asked you to do the Loco-Motion with her in 1962 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many zip codes are there in the U.S. ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What happened on January 15 , 1969 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the history of Spartacus , the Roman slave and gladiator ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What city does McCarren Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the Lost Colony ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Sherlock Holmes 's archenemy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where are diamonds mined ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the most powerful country in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is the nebbish that is Marvel 's official mascot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first woman to run the mile in less than 4 36893 minutes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many member states are in the UN ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of the Latin battle cry : Ad arma , ad arma .\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What did the Confederate Constitution say about slavery ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was cash-conscious Colonel Edwin L. Drake the first to drill ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who created private detective Philip Marlowe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the four natural aids used in riding a horse ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What 's a Craps player called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What do West Indian steel bands use as instruments ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: In what year did Ireland elect its first woman president ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: How is cologne made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where was helium first discovered , hence its name ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of UOL ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are Halloween 's colors ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What American actress was the first to be called a `` vamp '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between a board of directors and an advisory board ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you get to the top of the Eiffel Tower ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a Devo hat ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1629, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e8c5eb156625bc57f11c1f0c6e9ba97abb46b8672aefb2df"} {"input": "Question: What currency does Argentina use ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What TV talk-show host lends his name to a line of men 's clothing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where was Christopher Columbus born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country other than Germany invaded Poland in September 1939 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What language is mostly spoken in Brazil ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What cable network bills itself as `` the family entertainer '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where does `` bovine '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where can I find up-to-date coastal ocean surface temperature information , preferably along North America and the Caribbean ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In what high-risk business venture did Jimmy the Greek bet and lose ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In what area of the world was the Six Day War fought ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Leon Uris novel dealt with the Russian capture of Berlin ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What percentage of the silver production is done by independent silversmiths ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Of children between the ages of two and eleven , what percentage watch `` The Simpsons '' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is DSL ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What state capital comes last alphabetically ?\nType: City\nQuestion: In what year did Joe DiMaggio compile his 56-game hitting streak ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What kind of greeting is appropriate to send on Yom Kippur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What mountain range marks the border of France and Spain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is Jimmy Olsen 's full name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many times was pitcher , Warren Spahn , a 20-game winner in his 21 major league seasons ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What should you do for an ankle sprain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the monster in Spielberg 's film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What 1895 H.G. Wells novel was written under the title The Chronic Argonauts ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What will the California gas tax be in the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What city is found in the city of OZ ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What product 's ads claim that it `` eliminates odors , kills household germs , mold , and mildew '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What bottled-up TV character was born in Baghdad ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the chemiosmotic theory ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is `` Chicago Hope '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the approximate weight of a teaspoon of matter in a black hole ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What do the names Andrew and Christina mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a hydrogen bond ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the only primate to lack pigment in the palms of its hands ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is a caldera ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many bones are there in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How is the word ` qigong ' pronounced ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the sister ship of the Olympic ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: Who invented the Wonderbra ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport was the first televised in the U.S. ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who is Pia Zadora 's millionaire husband and mentor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you do a bibliography with an unknown author ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where can I find the history of the Taiwanese language ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the best place to live in the world , considering climate , civilization ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who directed the first Woody Woodpecker cartoon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the men 's cologne that is associated with the sea .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country are Godiva chocolates from ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was named Admiral of the Ocean Seas and Viceroy and Governor General of all the islands he might discover , and also granted 10-?? of all profits of his voyage .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what country is a stuck-out tongue a friendly greeting ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many Grammys did Michael Jackson win in 1983 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How far is Yaroslavl from Moscow ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Where are the Austerlitz and Victor Hugo subway stops ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What can you be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 2th-century American poet wrote a four-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first American in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first minimum wage ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the legal blood alcohol limit for the state of California ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the farthest planet from the sun ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the Benelux countries ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where can I find a person 's address from a telephone number ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What kind of animal is Babar ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the name of the vaccine for chicken pox ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many acres in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What James Michener book is subtitled Spanish Travels and Reflections ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where were the 1936 Summer Olympics held ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much in miles is a ten K run ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which one of the original seven Mercury program astronauts did not fly on any of the Mercury flights ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the four natural aids used in riding a horse ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who shared a New York City apartment with Roger Maris the year he hit 61 home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I take a test that will tell me what I should be when I grow up ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What U.S. state is Fort Knox in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What are the dimensions of an ice hockey goal ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who wrote ` Hamlet ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are all the rivers in Europe ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which of the following people is not associated with Andy Warhol ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did nylon stockings first go on sale ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why did the chicken cross the road ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Currency name"], "length": 1685, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "9587abceff7bb3b9e0f0df6a0a040945a27b7e1eb67c64e5"} {"input": "Question: What is a biosphere ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What 's the shape of a camel 's spine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What impenetrable system of French fortifications was built along the German frontier before World War II ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which drug is commonly used to treat AIDS ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who played the father on `` Charles in Charge '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the author of the novel `` Far From the Madding Crowd '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who would you use the Heimlich maneuver on ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the main application of sodium hydrosulfite ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was Al Capone 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In which state are the Mark Twain National Forests ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation OAS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Iowa ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What new middle school was built in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania last year ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which soft drink does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the most radioactive food ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many people died when the Estonia sank in 1994 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What comic of TV 's golden age went by the motto `` Anything for a laugh '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the Jewish alphabet ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What planet gave bith to Superman ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What feud ended with a marriage in Kentucky on March 21 , 1891 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What U.S. President had brothers-in-law in the Confederate army ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What species is a colt ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What did John F. Kennedy consider his greatest blunder in office ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what city is the US Declaration of Independence located ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's the name of the star of the cooking show , `` Galloping Gourmet '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the author of the famous fairy tale `` Snow White and Seven Dwarfs '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is it correct to say ` qigong ' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the best way to travel in Japan ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who was the famous door-to-door brush salesman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are bottle caps with presidents ' pictures inside worth ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What cigarette is `` a whole new world '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What British general surrendered to the colonial army at Saratoga ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the term for a bet before cards are dealt ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What color of dry wine should be served with veal roasts and chops ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What 's the name of the temple that is located near the capital city of Laos ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much does a poodle weigh ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What kind of sports did they play in the years 1642-1649 , the English Civil War time ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the most common kind of skin cancer in the U.S. ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many different kinds of ice cream are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the name of that popular song the Creeps sang ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who protects DC Comics ' realm of dreams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city gained renown for its pea-soup fogs ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where is Mozambique located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who awarded The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the most common elements in the Earth 's crust ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What novel inspired the movie BladeRunner ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the capital of Seattle ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How did the 7th inning stretch get started ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was Sherlock Holmes 's archenemy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the most famous food editor of The New York Times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Edmund Kemper ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the meaning of `` subaru ? ''\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was the rallying cry of the early American revolutionaries ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the Protestant revolt against the supremacy of the Pope ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Describe the Finnish music personality Salonen 's appearance .\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What two animals are specifically mentioned as being in Noah 's Ark ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who is the richest person in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played the title role in My Favorite Martian ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of sport is often associated with hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What do we call the imaginary line along the top of the Rocky Mountains ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who are the top ten richest people in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the second-most-used murder weapon in the U.S. ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How can I find online spelling , and punctuation drills for my 6th grader ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does idle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where in the Bible does it tell about Jesus Christ 's brothers and sisters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country saw the origin of the Asian Flu ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does an emperor do ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a fear of being dirty ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What country imposed the Berlin Blockade in 1948 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who portrayed Maggio in the film From Here to Eternity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many astronauts have been on the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do you fix squeaky floors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many members are in the California congressional delegation ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1641, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "3e7d6a53447488a4bf1b9e9e08ea589028f3b4197d92f5a4"} {"input": "Question: What river runs through Rowe , Italy ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many milligrams are in a gram ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the richest state in the U.S. ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Name the two mystical ravens Odin has at his command .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is considered the costliest disaster the insurance industry has ever faced ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Name the operating system that runs on IBM-compatible machines .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many yards are in 1 mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: How old is Benny Carter ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is paracetamol ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Answers.com 's address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What children 's tale contains the line : `` Come , Cinderslut , and hold this skein of wool for me '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What state in the United States covers the largest area ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What 's the largest island in the West Indies ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of hair ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is The Gay Science ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What company 's logo is a `` W '' in a circle ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which two states enclose Chesapeake Bay ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How deep is a fathom ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How do anti-locking brakes work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the best distance education university or college ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does ribavirin consist of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Name the scar-faced bounty hunter of The Old West .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What British general surrendered to the colonial army at Saratoga ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Jewish holiday saw the start of the 1973 Mideast War ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many sides does a heptagon have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the education system in the 1960 's ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What blew up at Lakehurst , New Jersey , on May 6 , 1977 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do you get a broken cork out of a bottle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the setting of John Le Carre 's A Small Town in Germany ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What company makes impulse hardening equipment ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the residents of the island of Lesbos called ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is ethology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the youngest age a boy or girl can have an orgasm ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What Batman character tools around on a Batcycle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year did Thatcher gain power ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What character in The Beverly Hillbillies has the given names Daisy Moses ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How hot should the oven be when baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What kind of animals were in the Paleozoic era ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Name a French fascist party .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What do Italians call Florence ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: In what year was actress Joan Collins born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who has more DNA - a man or a woman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year was the ATM first introduced ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does the number 33 on the Rolling Rock beer bottle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the president of Garmat U.S.A ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the average life expectancy during the Stone Age ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many eyes does a bat have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many propellers helped power the plane the Wright brothers flew into history ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Aspartame is known by what other name ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the nickname of the famous flyer who mistakenly flew to Ireland instead of to Los Angeles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Muhammad Ali maneuver was George Foreman the first victim of ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What professional cricketer 's son wrote The War of the Worlds in 1898 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What causes rust ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What international organization was founded by Clara Barton ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are Kythnos , Siphnos , Seriphos and Mykonos ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many flavors does Baskin & Robbins offer ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the 7 articles of the constitution ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What color of dry wine should be served with veal roasts and chops ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who invented silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What California bridge was Don Brown the first to cross , on May 27 , 1937 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many meters are in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Robert Louis Stevenson novel was inspired by Deacon William Brodie , a cabinetmaker by day and burglar by night ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Aesop 's fable has the moral : `` The race is not always to the swift. Slow and steady is bound to win '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the largest county in size in Massachusetts ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What condiment do the Dutch dip their French fries in ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How do they type Chinese characters on a keyboard ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the smallest country in Africa ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which killer whale died at Sea World of a fungal infection ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What state has the most Indians ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Why can 't women serve in the Navy on board submarines ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many varieties of twins are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What year did the United States pass the Copyright law ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do I write to my Congressman ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many miles is it from NY to Austria ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1664, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "53314ceb95fb9a488c88d21402e09c826d927f9c7402d0cf"} {"input": "Question: What does `` Sitting Shiva '' mean ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many innings are there in a regulation softball game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What British TV series featured Emma Peel ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who patented the first phonograph ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother 's pail ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does the name Calder mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does a chiropodist treat ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How do windmills work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the best-selling television soundtrack of all time ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who played the father on `` Charles in Charge '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many elephants are left on earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are amphibians ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country offered Albert Einstein its presidency in 1952 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Whose autobiography is titled Yes I Can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What game is Garry Kasparov really good at ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How hot should the oven be when making Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many years of bad luck follow breaking a mirror ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is the composer of `` Canon in D Major '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the Ranger who was always after Yogi Bear .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two major world religions began in India ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: What is New England 's highest mountain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Which former Ku Klux Klan member won an elected office in the U.S. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Connecticut 's first constitution called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the sister ship of the Olympic ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What are the first six words of Dickens 's A Tale of Two Cities ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What does the word LASER mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the Immaculate Conception ?\nType: Definition of somethingQuestion: What British monarch 's lap did P.T. Barnum 's Tom Thumb sit in ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you say `` Grandma '' in Irish ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How do I increase my biceps ' size ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you use an intranet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a caldera ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the secret of the universe ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What spice do chefs pay the most for ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's a Craps player called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the life span of the average monkey ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What school does Tom attend in Tom Brown 's School Days ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does gringo mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What software offers inventors use of CAD-like design ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where was the first restaurant ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the first book of the Old Testament ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What organ contains the islands of Langerhans ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What game 's board shows the territories of Irkutsk , Yakutsk and Kamchatka ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What killed Bob Marley ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is cunnilingus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 1927 silent film received an international revival in 1981 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How was the Kennedy money made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the gestation period for human pregnancies ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What Leoncavallo opera features a prologue by a clown ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was Dubai 's first concrete house built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What debts did Qintex group leave ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: When was John D. Rockefeller born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is home banking ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was a Mae West on a World War II battleship ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many elephants are left on earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of weakness ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What group asked the musical question Do You Believe in Magic ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How long is human gestation ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many species of the Great White shark are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who gave Abbie Hoffman his first dose of LSD ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What colors is magenta made of ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: When did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: When was the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Mexican leader was shot dead in 1923 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the titles of some R-Rated Sony Playstation games ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where did Ty Cobb grow up ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is SAP ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are the names of all the seas in the world and what ocean do they drain into ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What university was Woodrow Wilson President of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does the name ` Alexandra ' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much did Lucy Van Pelt originally charge for psychiatric sessions ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How can I search for a word within my own webpage ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How close a cousin was Franklin D. to Theodore Roosevelt ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name the five positions who are in the line of succession to the presidency .\nType: Title of a person\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1559, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "dc7348606b7d50383c1e69a0ea2787da8a4506114fad6f2a"} {"input": "Question: What currency do they use in Brazil ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What 's the second-most-used vowel in English ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What country is famous for Persian rugs ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What month did the Edmund Fitzgerald sink ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What state is the Filenes store located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Which two inventors invented Post-its ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who became president of the U.S. in 1789 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What country was General Douglas McArthur in when he was recalled by President Truman ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the average hours per months spent online by AOL users ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many meters are in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What stringed weapon fires a bolt ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many thousands of students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is dry ice ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name of the lady the Great Gatsby pines for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played for the Chicago Bears , Houston Oilers and Oakland Raiders in a 26-year pro football career ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are hook worms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What James Michener book is subtitled Spanish Travels and Reflections ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What do you call a Poker hand with five cards of the same suit ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who replaced Bert Parks as the host of The Miss America Pageant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed the title character in the film The Day of the Jackal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a film starring Jude Law ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who played Maria in the film West Side Story ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What food did Marco Polo introduce into Italy from the court of Kubla Khan ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is home banking ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What tennis player has the nickname `` Nasty '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's known as The queen of Drinks ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When did the Berlin Wall go up ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: When was the first practical commercial typewriter marketed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many states did Richard Nixon carry in 1972 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What famous comic strip character died of acne ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Song of Solomon '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are Fortune 500 companies ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who bestowed great power upon Captain Britain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Richard Nixon born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the tallest U.S. president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Dartmouth College ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many continents are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What are the different types of plastic ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What stereo manufacturer is `` Slightly ahead of its time '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who claims to have the greatest show on earth ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What organization has a Security Council ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When is the site www.questions.com going to open ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do chickens have baby chicks ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the most common boy 's or girl 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a farrier put shoes on ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name the various costumed personas of Dr. Henry Pym .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country are Godiva chocolates from ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What actor was the first man to appear on the cover of McCall 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Dialing , 900 , 740-TREE to have a tree planted will cost how much ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What sports event is Meyer Wolfsheim supposed to have fixed in The Great Gatsby ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who were the head writers for the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I get someone 's email address ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What year did Apartheid start ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who designed London Bridge ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does a glacier form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I get my LAN card activated so that it can hook up to another computer without using a HUB ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where does Buzz Aldrin want to build a permanent , manned space station ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was the USSR dissolved ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who does the voices of the Simpsons ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between a generator and an alternator ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who are cartoondom 's Super Six ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who said , `` I shall return . '' during World War Two ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average cost for four years of medical school ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the definition of cecum ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does `` intractable plantar keratoma '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What TV character sired a horse named Thunder ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a biologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the nickname of the Cleveland Indians ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What device provided a new way to listen to music in 1963 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: The lawyer who represented Randy Craft , what was his name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What desert country borders Saudi Arabia , Iraq and the Persian Gulf ?\nType: Country\n", "answers": ["Currency name"], "length": 1587, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "6c5121b0b6fd45c4c437d96cad36c46dffa122fabb7cf8eb"} {"input": "Question: What is the effect of volcanoes on the climate ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How far is Yaroslavl from Moscow ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What U.S. state is Dixville Notch in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What Cherokee Indian gave his name to a tree ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did the Wright brothers make their first flight ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Where can I find a person 's address from a telephone number ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When did the Chernobyl nuclear accident occur ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What National League baseball team employed 72 third baseemen in its first 2 seasons ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the name of the managing director of Apricot Computer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What infectious disease is the world 's deadliest ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Caine Mutiny ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many queen bees reign in a hive ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What shampoo prevents eczema , seborrhea , and psoriasis ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How can I find out which cities have cable-modem access ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much does it cost to have a tree planted by dialing , 900 , 740-TREE ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What kind of fish is a coney ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What mountain range extends from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Alabama ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Whom did the Chicago Bulls beat in the 1993 championship ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where do quality drinks begin ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the folklore story regarding birds ' nests and birds in Christmas trees ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a portal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the plural of gulf ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the `` coppertop '' battery ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which Beatles disc cover honors the Rolling Stones ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What European capital celebrated its 2 , 000th anniversary in 1951 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What comedienne calls her sister-in-law Captain Bligh and her mother-in-law Moby Dick ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do rooftops give off steam after a big rainstorm ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does a chairbound basophobic fear ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many people are taller than 7 feet ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is the one Independent Member of Congress ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What poet wrote : `` ... I have promises to keep , and miles to go before I sleep '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport was the first televised in the U.S. ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What color was the hundred billionth crayon made by Crayola ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What colorful sea 's region does Greek legend say the Amazons lived near ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What culture developed the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What season begins with the vernal equinox ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the Valdez Principles ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country was Mikhail Gorbachev the leader of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What animal was the heat-seeking missile called the Sidewinder named for ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What TV quiz show left the air in 1975 to the tune of Vera Lynn 's We 'll Meet Again ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many different languages are spoken in Europe ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who declared : `` I think I 'll go out and milk the elk '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I find a list of , fax and or email , addresses for human resource departments in Massachusetts ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where can I find out the top 1 singles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the music used in the new VW Beetle commercial where the car spins and changes colors ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What city was Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Caine Mutiny ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Christ born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: When was the first Wall Street Journal published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the average life expectancy during the Stone Age ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is located in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What happened on January 15 , 1969 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What South Korean city is served by Kimpo International Airport ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What color flies closest to the staff on Belgium 's flag ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What sport was the first televised in the U.S. ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Which team won the Super Bowl in 1968 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Hitler 's favorite movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How long was the TV mission of Star Trek 's Enterprise to be ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What magazine gives us the cream , not the skim ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who created the monster in Mary Shelley 's novel Frankenstein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city is near the mouth of the Amazon ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who portrayed Carl Bernstein in All the President 's Men ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the best ways to improve employee morale at low cost ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who won World War II ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is `` bloodhound '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the city in which Maurizio Pellegrin lives called ?\nType: City\nQuestion: The second most popular sport worldwide is what ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What information can you get me on Fairground Park in St. Louis\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the best online games site ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When did the original Howdy Doody show go off the air ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the chemiosmotic theory ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who led the opposition when Konrad Adenauer was Chancellor in Germany ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most radioactive food ?\nType: Food\n", "answers": ["Description of something"], "length": 1696, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e55a65ad534b2649ceccf41cdcba863db7774efbd1408eed"} {"input": "Question: What is Valentine 's Day ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What pseudonym did William Sydney Porter use in writing The Gift of the Magi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did n't Rocky Marciano do in his pro boxing career ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why is Rush 's 2112 called 2112 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's a short ton ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who held the endurance record for women pilots in 1929 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where do hyenas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What state produces the best lobster to eat ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What did John F. Kennedy consider his greatest blunder in office ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who created Big Ben ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of many numbered vats of Scotch was judged best by a panel of experts in 1863 ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are `` darning needles '' and `` horse stingers '' better known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who is Johnny Carson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where is the Danube ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many colors was the 1940s collectible called a Donald Duck Rubber Boat ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What famous meat company went out of business because it became known that the underworld had been selling them kangaroo meat ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are Arnold Palmer 's fans called ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city in Florida is Sea World in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is recruitment interview technique ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many states have a lottery ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is goulash ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What were Baffin , Frobisher and Franklin looking for ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What facial feature typically contains about 55 hairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many thousands of students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How much electricity does the brain need to work ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In AD 999 , what sort of celebrations , fears , were there ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was archy , and mehitabel ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the player 's name who played nose tackle for the Eagles in Super Bowl XV ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the frequency of VHF ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What does it take to become a lawyer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What former royal palace has served as a granary , prison , arsenal , leper colony , mint , telegraph station and whorehouse before becoming an art museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who would you use the Heimlich maneuver on ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the gestation period for human pregnancies ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What animal was the heat-seeking missile called the Sidewinder named for ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is cosmology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What baseball player was walked the most times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented Make-up ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of neon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What American won the world Grand Prix driving championship in 1978 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which continent has the most roses ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In what deodorant commercial did tenants have adjoining medicine cabinets ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: In order from the top , the four stripes on a can of Pepsi are what colors ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What plant has the largest seed ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: How many maids were milking ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who 's the founder and editor of The National Review ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who makes the `` Die Hard '' car battery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What food of the three bears did Goldilocks eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What year did the War of 1812 begin ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What food of the three bears did Goldilocks eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who invented the pull-tab opener on cans ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What British female pop singing star of the 1960s and early 1970s was a child actress in the 1940s and '50s ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you get a pointsettia to turn red ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who invented basketball ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What state in the United States covers the largest area ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of suit did true hepcats wear in 1942 ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What comedienne calls her sister-in-law Captain Bligh and her mother-in-law Moby Dick ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who banned Peter Rose from baseball for betting on games ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What video format was an alternative to VHS ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the highest Roman numeral ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who invented the paper clip ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people visit the Pope each month ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was Hitler 's minister of propaganda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who succeeded Nikita Khrushchev as first secretary of the Communist Party ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When Mighty Mouse was conceived , what was his original name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What board game does a `` wood-pusher '' play poorly ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who delivered his last newscast on March 6 , 1981 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the Nile River originate in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the better-known identity of John Merrick , the noble ogre of Victorian England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played the original Charlie 's Angels ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was China 's first nuclear test ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where on the Web is Adventours Tours from Sydney , Australia ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1634, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c84d7df6e4889807a25b8fb80db29c8c3d419c09387ef9e1"} {"input": "Question: When was the Boston tea party ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many South American countries have the letter Z in their names ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many Stradivarius violins were ever made ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: Who earns their money the hard way ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did the ukulele originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much money did the Marcos steal from their country ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Why does a woman have to be a virgin to be a nun ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What sport is known for hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What was the top box office movie in April 1998 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What country was Brian Boru an 11th-century king of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is digitalis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What former president 's daughter has written a book titled Murder in the White House ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What must a Las Vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the population of Kansas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: When was the NFL established ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are some colorful flowers that will bloom in the fall in New England ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What was Dwight Eisenhower 's favorite card game ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What kind of puzzle first appeared in the U.S. in the New York World on December 21 , 1913 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who took the toys donated for the Doodyville Orphans ' Fund and kept them for himself ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who made the rotary engine automobile ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What film or films has Jude Law appeared in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What character narrates Treasure Island ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the Incredible Hulk in reality ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of being alone ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is Jell-O made from ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is Nathan Hamill 's role in the new Star Wars prequel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played the part of the Godfather in the movie , ` The Godfather ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Musician Ray Charles plays what instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What Peter Blatty novel recounts the horrors of Regan MacNeil 's possession by the devil ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which drug is commonly used to treat AIDS ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Why was the zipper invented ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Supergirl 's secret identity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is barnstorming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who wrote The Godfather ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What President was meant for , but never placed in , the empty crypt beneath the capital 's rotunda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the definition of spamming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the weather like on the moon ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is limbo ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of gravity ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is tyvek ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are bear and bull markets ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does Belle describe her life in Beauty and the Beast ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How was Teddy Roosevelt related to FDR ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who lives at 39 Stone Canyon Way ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a meerkat ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What two animals are specifically mentioned as being in Noah 's Ark ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are the capital cities of the two large countries that occupy the Iberian peninsula in Europe ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a bourdon tube ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many quarters equal a pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the US Federal Government website for Standard Industrial Classification codes , SIC , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What kind of creature is a coot ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What comedienne upstaged Dwight D. Eisenhower 's first inauguration by giving birth to her first child ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a multiplexer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What South American capital is the world 's highest ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What TV show did John Sebastian sing the theme for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which city in Canada is the least-populated ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What organization 's offices were broken into at Watergate in 1972 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: CPR is the abbreviation for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How does color affect a person psychologically ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When was Beethoven born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the name of a Salt Lake City newspaper ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the length of border between the Ukraine and Russia ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What does a deltiologist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who kept the most famous diary in the English language ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How far can a man travel in outer space ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What does the channel ESPN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What exactly is the purpose of the anteater ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Don McLean song laments the day Buddy Holly died ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Whose cupboard was bare ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a tarantula eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the VDRL test of blood ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Huckleberry Finn '' ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1583, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "f03199226a1925234dde134936aea510c2f331e636106781"} {"input": "Question: What is the rainiest place on Earth ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are new computer games for Windows 95 or 98 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Why is it called `` hamburger '' if there is no ham in it ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the longest word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What 's men 's par on a 455-yard golf hole ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What general direction does the journey in Around the World in 80 Days proceed in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of head lice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does a teaspoon of matter weigh in a black hole ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: How does Belle describe her life in Beauty and the Beast ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What term does a Czech use to describe a Pole ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the occupation of Nicholas Cage ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is agent orange ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many dogs pull a sled in the Iditarod ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How did the tradition of best man start ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the contents of proposition 98 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much money was the minimum wage in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Rotary engines used to be made by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color tennis balls are used at Wimbledon ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who did Sara Jane Moore try to assassinate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What New Hampshire hamlet rises early to vote first in U.S. presidential elections ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who was the Columbia Pictures head who forged actor Cliff Robertson 's name on a $1 , 000 check ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a country that is developing a magnetic levitation railway system ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who did Arthur H. Bremer try to assassinate on May 15 , 1972 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the soft drink that is `` number one in the sun . ''\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who directed `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most number of goals scored by a single team in an NHL hockey game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What product did Robert Conrad dare people to knock off his shoulder ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What planet gave bith to Superman ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What did the pyramid-builders of Egypt mainly eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the smallest country in Africa ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What book was F. Scott Fitzgerald working on when he died in Hollywood in 194 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a reliable site that I can download Heretic 2 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who starred in the movie The War of the Worlds ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What islands got their name from the Spanish baja mar , meaning shallow water ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many maids were milking ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How big is Australia ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What game do Steve McQueen and Edward G. Robinson play in The Cincinnati Kid ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who was the first woman in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The major league baseball team in Pittsburgh is called what ?\nType: Group or organization of personQuestion: When was the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the principal river of Ireland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do you find out what is allowed to claim as a contibution for income tax purposes ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a golf ball made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where did the Maya people live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are names of two old men who appear in the serial tv Muppets Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What baseball team was routinely called `` dem bums '' by its frustrated fans ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What company produces Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Boston Kreme ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was the first American encyclopedia published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where did the Maya people live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How is the new Ford Econoline van F25 V1 engine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did the 6th annual meeting of Indonesia-Malaysia forest experts take place ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many times has Harold Stassen announced a drive for the White House ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was known as the Spice Island ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city is terrorized by Dracula in The Night Stalker ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is literary criticism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is multimedia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What number is at 12 o 'clock on a dartboard ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How many e-commerce companies are started every day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was called the world 's largest department store ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How can you get rust stains out of clothing ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the first Russian astronaut to walk in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Tornado Alley ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What movie told of Anna Anderson 's claim to be a Russian czar 's daughter ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was Quetzalcoatl ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What 's an auberge in France ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What did the Congress of Vienna establish ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's a `` Drinker respirator '' better known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What was `` America 's recessed-filter cigarette '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is Plc ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the largest U.S. state east of the Mississippi ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many votes in Congress dissented from the 1941 declaration of war with Japan ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1614, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other 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intelligence ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did the sport of caber-tossing originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Japanese city was once called Edo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What geological time do we live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many athletes did Puerto Rico enter in the 1984 Winter Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: The major league baseball team in Pittsburgh is called what ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What Russian composer 's Prelude in C Sharp Minor brought him fame and fortune ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the text of the Fifth Amendment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What university football team did O.J. Simpson take to the Rose Bowl ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How can I trace my family roots ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What product did Robert Conrad dare people to knock off his shoulder ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Who is Charles Lindbergh ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What did Martin Luther post on the church door at Wittenberg ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where does the weird shape of the dinner fish knife originate from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When did CNN go on the air ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many pounds are there in a stone ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: When was `` the Great Depression '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which sex is denied voting rights in Kuwait ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What Italian leader had a lifelong fear of the evil eye ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the stethoscope ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cigarette is `` a whole new world '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What colorful sea 's region does Greek legend say the Amazons lived near ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does camera-ready art mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can I transport files from one computer to another ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is color ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of a.m. and p.m. ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who are the nomadic hunting and gathering tribe of the Kalahari Desert in Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are field effect transistors ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who holds the career record for the most major league home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does Belle describe her life in Beauty and the Beast ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Shea and Gould had an office in Los Angeles for how long before closing it ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I get information about the Fifth Amendment on the American Bill of Rights ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Smokey The Bear 's middle name ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How far away is the moon ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who invented the stethoscope ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How successful is arometherapy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What part of Britain comprises the Highlands , Central Lowlands , and Southern Uplands ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can I find online spelling ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who made the deodorant that claimed that it `` actually builds up resistance to odor '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What award is the `` Oscar '' of advertising ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where is Mile High Stadium ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who won the Superbowl in ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What civilization invented the arch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who killed Gandhi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The lawyer who represented Randy Craft , what was his name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are shooting stars ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What spice do chefs pay the most for ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What President lived at 219 North Delaware Street , Independence , Missouri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` mind '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What seven digits follow the area code in the number for long distance information ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What racehorse won an Associated Press poll as the greatest horse of the 20th century ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What 1964 film introduced the song My Kind of Town ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the most popular contact lens color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How did the jack-o '-lantern get it 's name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Texas city got its name from the Spanish for `` yellow '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the treatment for depression ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is a fear of cold ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How long was the TV mission of Star Trek 's Enterprise to be ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What country did the Nile River originate in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was the king who was forced to agree to the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Leon Uris novel dealt with the Russian capture of Berlin ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` buffalo wings '' that is used as a menu item in bars across the nation for chicken wings in a spicey sauce ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What desert has been called The Garden of Allah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much money can a person be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many seats does the Batmobile sport ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who created the World Wide Web , WWW ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What schools in the Washington , DC NN NN VBP NN NN NN NN .\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1633, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4a198f563d6897cf45a1acd7af747ea3ac8e73698d1a94e7"} {"input": "Question: When was Abraham Lincoln born ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many Stradivarius violins were ever made ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the first actress to appear on a postage stamp ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I get information about cystic fibrosis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What two presidents of the U.S. published books of poetry ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does the song Anything Goes take place ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What year did Degas create the bronze sculpture , `` Fourth Position Front ? ''\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who wrote the song , `` Silent Night '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Japanese electronics company was named for a coastal city northeast of Tokyo ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the distinction of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name the 5 words that use all of the letters in the alphabet , except Q , with no repeats .\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How did U.S.A become involved in the Barbary Wars\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you match a name to a social security number ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many times in his 16-year National Basketball Associaton career was John Havlicek a member of the all-star team ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does S.O.S. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city has the world 's longest subway system ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When did the Jurassic Period end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many South American countries have the letter Z in their names ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the per-capita income of Colombia , South America ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Name of heroine in `` Scruples '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name four famous cartoon cats .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why was Henry Ford 's first automobile calleda Model T & his second type of automobile , introduced in 1928 , called a Model A ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What game 's board shows the territories of Irkutsk , Yakutsk and Kamchatka ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the regular price ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What did the forward-thinking Simon Brothers Bakery of Chicago insert into bagels to boost business ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What company has built more than 2.5 billion little green houses since 1935 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What Soviet leader owned a Rolls-Royce ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What day is August 13 , 1971 ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the 10 plagues of Egypt ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is ethylene ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why did several San Diego schools remove apples from students menus ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What country saw the origin of the Asian Flu ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What time of year do most people fly ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What color of dry wine should be served with veal roasts and chops ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What actress has received the most Oscar nominations ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What robust U.S. President imported his own instructor after seeing a judo match ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What title did Shevardnadze have during the Soviet era ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: In what U.S. state was the first woman governor elected ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What Jules Verne novel features scientists held captive in the submarine Nautilus ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What newspaper returned a Pulitzer Prize for the fraudulent story Jimmy 's World ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many stars are there on the Soviet Union 's flag ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where are diamonds mined ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the quantity of American soldiers still unaccounted for from the Vietnam war ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Where was Tesla born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What book was F. Scott Fitzgerald working on when he died in Hollywood in 194 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What comic strip sometimes features a mailman named Beasley ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a philanthropist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the brand name of a chemical used to control ripening ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What operating system do IBM-compatible machines use ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How does one correctly pronounce ` qigong ' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is always trying to get the rent from Andy Capp ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are Britain 's two longest rivers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many calories are in a tomato ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is the Prophet of Medina ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How old is Bernadette Peters ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Kosovo is a province of what country ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What player squats an average of 3 times during a baseball doubleheader ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Jewish bible called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a multiplexer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the last line of Dickens 's A Christmas Carol ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What kind of puzzle first appeared in the U.S. in the New York World on December 21 , 1913 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the population of the largest Chilean city\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What TV show did John Sebastian sing the theme for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was named Admiral of the Ocean Seas and Viceroy and Governor General of all the islands he might discover , and also granted 10-?? of all profits of his voyage .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the word for broken glass or sharp rocks embedded in cement on top of a wall ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What was the distinguishing mark on the `` Little Rascals '' dog ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What incident caused the canning of a summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How does psorisis disappear ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the Baltic States ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Secretary of State during the Nixon administration ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What country in 1998 had the most suicides regardless of population size ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When does the average teenager first have intercourse ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country has the highest per capita consumption of cheese ?\nType: Country\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1749, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "31277bc109b79395bbaed904e4696eceefe807fe63e6d375"} {"input": "Question: What date was Dwight D. Eisenhower born ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is Doegs ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long does it take light to reach the Earth from the Sun ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What piano company claims its product is the `` Instrument of the immortals '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many electoral college votes does Colorado have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Jewish holiday saw the start of the 1973 Mideast War ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How is saline used in medicine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does Las Vegas mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which infectious disease is the world 's deadliest ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is so powerful about Power Bars ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What knighted actor narrates TV 's The World at War ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What operating system do IBM-compatible machines use ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Name the company that used the line , `` Even your best friend won 't tell you '' in its ad ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which of the following people is not associated with Andy Warhol ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In which Kevin Costner movie did Sioux Indians play a role ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many different types of skunks are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What company uses the unfamiliar faces of its celebrity spokespeople to promote the use of its product ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I legally make my own will and testament ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I love thee ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of a Salt Lake City newspaper ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What kind of company is 7-Eleven ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What kind of a sports team is the Wisconsin Badgers ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What robust U.S. President imported his own instructor after seeing a judo match ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Broadway musical featured the song , `` If I were a rich man ? ''\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the difference between jazz and blues ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How can I gain access to a spy satelite ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the seven virtues ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do humans catch zoonose diseases from ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What first-aid product `` Helps the hurt stop hurting '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: In which Kevin Costner movie did Sioux Indians play a role ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was `` the Great Depression '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: In what part of the world is Mozambique ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does a red flag mean in auto racing ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What actor dressed up as Santa Claus and had a once-a-year affair with actress Shelley Winters every Christmas for many years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a leper ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city is served by Logan International Airport ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is Steve Rogers 's profession when he 's not Captain America ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How can I transport files from one computer to another ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a person 's socioeconomic position ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What disease is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What tale has the moral : `` He who wants everything gets nothing '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How much is a Canadian 1967 twenty dollar gold coin worth ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How fast is light ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What TV station did Mary Richards work for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was `` the Great Depression '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does a spermologer collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word nevermind ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the first king of England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the Moog Synthesizer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What school does Tom attend in Tom Brown 's School Days ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How was the ACLU formed ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What kind of organization is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the setting of John Le Carre 's A Small Town in Germany ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What painter popularized soup cans and Brillo soap pad boxes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of points ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What former royal palace has served as a granary , prison , arsenal , leper colony , mint , telegraph station and whorehouse before becoming an art museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are Maid-Rites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the second-highest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is amezaiku ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What century 's the setting for TV 's The Adventures of Robin Hood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the price for AAA 's liability auto insurance ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Name of scholar on whose literal translations from the Chinese and Japanese Ezra Pound depended ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What woman has carried the most multiple births , twins , triplets , etc. , ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people watch network television ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name the only extant trilogy of classical Greek plays .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What famous British actor lost his voice after an operation in 1966 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Tristan come back as ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is William Wordsworth ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is form drag ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the Golden Rule ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much is Clara Peller being paid by Wendy 's to say `` Where 's the beef '' ?\nType: Price\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1685, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "fe48b8be1c5cc6e474c04f8b96b1f2a37095e7245594b2ad"} {"input": "Question: What monastery was raided by Vikings in the late eighth century ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What state does Martha Stewart live in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is Steve Rogers 's profession when he 's not Captain America ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How fast do cheetahs run ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What is a language spoken by the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What does `` B.Y.O.B. '' mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How do you say 2 in Latin ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Why does a candle need a wick ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What city hosted the first Winter Olympics in Asia ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who painted the Sistine Chapel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the airport code for Los Angeles International ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What is the most efficient way to start a barbeque ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How do you say `` fresh '' in Spanish ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Jude Law was in what movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is celebrated during the week of February 21-27 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What are tonsils for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where was the first zoo in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the requirements for becoming a citizen of Australia ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Colin Powell is most famous for what ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who 's the founder and editor of The National Review ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Metropolis landmark was first introduced in the Superman cartoons of the 1940 's ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of hell ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is tumbled marble ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do you call a section of your finger from one joint to another ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What Tom Wolfe book is about the Mercury astronauts ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When did French revolutionaries storm the Bastille ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How old is the universe ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What do players try to do when the music stops in a game of musical chairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a leaky heart valve ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's another word that means `` knows all '' ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What happens when lightning strikes a body of water ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How much does it cost to have a tree planted by dialing , 900 , 740-TREE ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How long does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who wrote ` Dubliners ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of education do I need to become a flight attendant ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much of the earth 's surface is permanently frozen ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What President 's favorite Biblical quotation was : `` Come now , and let us reason together '' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find information on becoming a journalist ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What golfing accessory was patented by George Grant on December 12\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What nuclear process takes place in an H-bomb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the full name of the PLO ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What animal has killed the most people ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How do they raise the cranes when building high-rise buildings ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much can a person be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who played the title role in I Was a Teenage Werewolf ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What must a Las Vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What singer 's hit song inspired the Dolly Parton Stallone movie Rhinestone ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I search for a word within my own webpage ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did the saying `` rule of thumb '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What university was Woodrow Wilson President of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where is Burma ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What African country is governed from Ouagadougou ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's a male `` cuckquean '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's men 's par on a 455-yard golf hole ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is Mississippi 's state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why do they call it a `` funny bone '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is the Statistical Abstract of the United States online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What store does Martha Stewart advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Stuart Hamblen is considered to be the first singing cowboy of which medium ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the prophet of the Jewish people ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I tie a tie ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the second person ever to wear Iron Man 's armor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of drinking ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was the lyricist and who was the composer between Gilbert and Sullivan ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's an infant seal called ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What female suspect in the game of Clue is single ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the king who was forced to agree to the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Italian liner was hijacked in 1985 ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What is the virus HIV ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the hardest substance in the human body ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What city 's theatrical district has been dubbed The Roaring Forties ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the name of the American literary era that includes 1896 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's the farthest planet from the sun ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Other entity"], "length": 1661, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "b19440bff3ae91b4ff667d2183b7e5b2b2b52df48ba53289"} {"input": "Question: How many feet in a mile ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the origin of gametophytic tissue ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Muhammad Ali maneuver was George Foreman the first victim of ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What singer became despondent over the death of Freddie Prinze , quit show business , and then quit the business ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the leader of India ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Morris West novel deals with Russian bishop who becomes Pope ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How long does a pig 's orgasm last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What two body parts grow all your life ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What is the name of the company that manufactures the `` American Girl '' doll collection ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many hostages were killed in the Entebbe raid ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where are the U.S. headquarters for Procter & Gamble ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do clouds form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Garry Kasparov plays what game ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How fast does the fastest car go ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many bones are in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the current ticket fare from from Cairo to Barbados ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the price for tuberculosis drugs ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are the shortest and the longest songs ever produced ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the mother of the man who would not be king , the duke of Windsor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the correct way to abbreviate cc. at the bottom of a business letter ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What is the literal meaning of `` D-DAY '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: On average , how long time does it take to type a screenplay ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where can I find book reviews of `` Turbulent Souls '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was cigarette advertising banned on television and radio ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why can 't you taste anything when you have a cold ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much will the California be in the year 2000 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is the current UN Secretary General ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What record company was formed by Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What sport features slotbacks , tailbacks , and touchbacks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How do doctors diagnose bone cancer ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is Colin Powell ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the per-capita income of Colombia , South America , ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are the unemployment statistics for the years 1965 and 1990 ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: When was the first Barbie produced ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What weapon is the mythological character Apollo most proficient with ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country is Kosovo a part of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which killer whale died at Sea World of a fungal infection ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is 55 times sweeter than cane sugar ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Why do girls have to wear training bras ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does an echidna look like ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do a diamond and lump of coal have in common ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How did the Great Depression affect Japan 's history ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What did the Yalta Conference lead to ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Franz Kafka 's short story `` A Country Doctor '' trying to tell us ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do West Indian steel bands use as instruments ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the approximate population of Las Vegas , N.M ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How big is a normal size penis for a 15-year-old ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What sport does Chris Jogis play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What Caribbean island is northeast of Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What year was Janet Jackson 's first album released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many people did Randy Craft kill ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the highest number of home runs on record for any one game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What athlete makes the most money from sports merchandise sales ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How was the ACLU formed ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a synonym for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where do people mountain climb in Nepal ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What are equity securities ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did humans first begin to write history seriously ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the correct way to mount a roll of toilet paper ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Where is the Danube ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first X-Man to die in battle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Secretary of State during the Nixon administration ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between Neoclassical art and Romanticism art ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What foods contain the most protein ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are some translations of the phrase `` Thank-you '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is God ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the frequency of VHF ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is troilism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What park contains Firehole River and Fairy Falls ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the two youngsters saved by the animated Moby Dick .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do Hank Aaron , Jimmy Stewart , and Howard K. Smith have in common ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Number of something"], "length": 1586, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "628dffa806ccbd5b0d3ea898071a5bba1fa322937a13b3d0"} {"input": "Question: Where is the Eiffel Tower ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the name of the company that manufactures the `` American Girl '' doll collection ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In What city or state do the most gay men live in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Lewis Carroll book introduced Humpty Dumpty to the world ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What NFL team did Vince Lombardi end his coaching career with ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What drug is often used to treat AIDS patients ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What 's bottled in jeroboams ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the numbers that fit into Fermont 's last theorem ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What net game sees its women 's world amateur champions receive the Uber Cup ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What function does a community 's water tower serve ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are liver enzymes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What civilization invented the arch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do you stop junk snail mail ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What two presidents of the U.S. published books of poetry ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How old is too old for a child to not be talking ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What President once told Gene Autry : `` Please give my regards to your wife Dale '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When does the average teenager first have intercourse ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is located in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where does chocolate come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: A corgi is a kind of what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who gave us the `` Rolling Writer '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many elephants are left on earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` jiggy '' as in getting jiggy with it ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What will the California gas tax be in the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does the Statue of Liberty wear on her feet ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of insanity ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What director made one silent and one sound version of The Ten Commandments ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Visine get out ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where can I get information concerning child custody files for the State of Utah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whom did the Chicago Bulls beat in the 1993 championship ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How long does it take for your body to restore blood after you donate your blood ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where is Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What newspaper returned a Pulitzer Prize for the fraudulent story Jimmy 's World ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What soft drink first appeared in the Old Corner Drug Store in Waco , Texas , in 1885 ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the population in India ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is `` Nine Inch Nails '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why are there 12 people on a jury in criminal cases ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the five most popular Usenet groups ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What actor has a tattoo on his right wrist reading Scotland Forever ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What company is the largest Japanese ship builder ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where can I get cotton textiles importer details ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who played Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What caused Shea & Gould to close their L.A. office ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the average hours per months spent online by AOL users ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When did the neanderthal man live ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name a Salt Lake City newspaper .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What sea did the Romans call mare nostrum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is fiber in food ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Yemen reunified ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the average age a horse lives ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who invented silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is power steering ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was child labor abolished ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Shakespearean play featured Shylock ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name of the powerful white trader in Conrad 's `` Heart of Darkness '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is an ecological niche ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Darth Vader 's son ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country is located at 13 degrees North latitude and 10 degrees East longitude ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which mammal lives , breeds , eats , and sleeps underground ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the most number of goals scored by a single team in an NHL hockey game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country in 1998 had the most suicides regardless of population size ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What state is Niagara Falls located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What man-made waterways is 1.76 miles long ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the most powerful country in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What color were Ernest Hemingway 's eyes ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What book is subtitled The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was considered to be the father of psychology ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1646, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "f9666d6736c07d6af8c7599e04e37f230b63e032bc2b3cc8"} {"input": "Question: What is nepotism ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How old was Sir Edmund Hillary when he climbed Mt. Everest ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is a philanthropist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What river runs through Liverpool ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is April 's gemstone ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is another word for diet ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is splatterpunk ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a golf ball made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is color ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the company name ` General Motors ' ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What are the four railways in Monopoly ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many John Deere tractors have been manufactured ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the second person ever to wear Iron Man 's armor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What money was used here ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What was the Ventura County police department that seized the county 's largest amount of cocaine ever ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What city boasts the Billingsgate fishmarket ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What Lewis Carroll book introduced Humpty Dumpty to the world ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What actor learned to play the saxophone and speak Russian for a role in a movie ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Sherlock Holmes 's archenemy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the name `` Justin '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the Pennsylvania state income tax rate ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What computer operating system is on the most computers ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is Rona Barrett 's married name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What predators exist on Antarctica ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was the original Humpty Dumpty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Paul Bunyan 's ox 's name ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What 's the name of the actress who starred in the movie , `` Silence of the Lambs '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's father 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which Bloom County resident wreaks havoc with a computer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The second most popular sport worldwide is what ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who was the first black woman to star in the Folies Bergeres ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What painter popularized soup cans and Brillo soap pad boxes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is New England 's highest mountain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` sideburns '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What type of food makes you fat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are Cushman and Wakefield known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How much can a person be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What were first used by John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett in 1892 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who played the title role in The Romantic Englishwoman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long were Tyrannosaurus Rex 's teeth ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: How many years ago did Led Zeppelin release its last album ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are some important events of the 1830 's ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 2th-century American poet wrote a four-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Delilah do to Samson 's hair ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What type of hunting are retrievers used for ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What drink is made up of rum , coconut milk and pineapple ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's the difference between carelessness and carefreeness ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the first practical commercial typewriter marketed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does U.S.S.R. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What does Warner Bros. call a flightless cuckoo ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the origin of the atom ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of pregnancy ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many real fruit juices are there in a can of Hawaiian Punch ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What radio station did Paul Harvey work for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In what year was the movie the Ten Commandments released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What did 8 , CD NNS VBP TO VB NNP POS NN .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What President was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has been called The Queen of the Antilles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What did Vasco da Gama discover ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the name of a book written by Aaron Hass ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is the leader of Brunei ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a Jellicle Cat ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country surrounds San Marino , the world 's smallest Republic ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does the channel ESPN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are the medical purposes of `` clitoridectomy '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Plc ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How was Teddy Roosevelt related to FDR ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What letter appears on the cold-water tap in Spain ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What Catch-22 character is elected mayor of half a dozen Italian cities ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a philanthropist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who seized power from Milton Obote in 1971 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the population of Mexico ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How much will the California be in the year 2000 ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1596, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "ae345fc2a13db040fb296e9d819edf26ac19cadfcd1a1ba6"} {"input": "Question: What is the sales tax rate in New York ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What National League baseball team employed 72 third baseemen in its first 2 seasons ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the name of Humphrey Bogart 's club in Casablanca ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much did the first Barbie doll sell for in 1959 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What oldtime kids ' fare did TV Guide writer Jeff Greenfield call `` one of the most...subversive TV shows in American history '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who retired with 755 home runs to his credit ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: CNN is the abbreviation for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who was the 3rd president of the United States ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who led the Normans to victory in the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which city did Christian Crusaders fight to recapture from the Muslims ?\nType: City\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What eastern state sprouted the first commercial nuclear power plant in the U.S. ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Taiwan ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are some good exercises for kids to do ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What nation boarders Mozambique ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is Shirley MacLaine ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What English word has the most letters ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is a 2-sided object called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who claimed he killed 4 , 280 buffalo as food for the crew building the Kansas Pacific Railway ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Alice Cooper 's real name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where could I go to take a ride on a steam locomotive ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the difference between pop music and rock and roll ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What baseball star turned down a $1 , 000-a-year contract because he felt he had n't earned it ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people have died of tuberculosis ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the alphabet for Latin ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What percentage of Americans own their homes ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What two historical figures , who fought each other in a famous battle , each have a food named after them ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does a rainbow form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What year was the NAACP founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's a `` Drinker respirator '' better known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the term for any four-sided figure ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which airplane did Fawaz Younis hijack ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How much salt is in the oceans ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How is energy created ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is Desmond Tutu ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is a glory hole ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the television show , starring Karl Madsen , that had San Francisco in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What writer is famous for physically putting himself into the center of his subject matter ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two colors are you blind to if you suffer from protanopia ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What amount of folic acid should an expectant mother take daily ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word ` posh ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the signs of a country going into a recession ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What was the tragedy that struck the city of Dogtown in 1899 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is an ecological niche ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of infinity ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between a preface and a foreword ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what medium is Stuart Hamblen considered to be the first singing cowboy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the meaning of W.B. Yeat 's poem , `` The Three Hermits ? ''\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long ago did the Anglican church part from the Vatican ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many Beanie Baby sites are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is Malaysia 's 43rd prime minister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What indoor sport saw the Phoenix Inferno become the Phoenix Pride on July 14 , 1983 , when the temperature hit 111 degrees ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What California bay 's largest island is Angel Island ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is SAP ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where do you find the answers for all these questions ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can I find out which cities have cable-modem access ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What did Delilah do to Samson 's hair ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country is proud to claim Volcano National Park ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who were the Yankee 's frequent enemies ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: The Iraqis launched their attack on Kuwait on what day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What spider makes a superb pet , even said to recognize its master ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who seized power from Milton Obote in 1971 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Dubai 's first concrete house built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who invented Make-up ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fare cost for the round trip between New York and London on Concorde ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Where do hyenas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What spider makes a superb pet , even said to recognize its master ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the chance of conceiving quadruplets ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What are the seven seas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are all the southern states of the U.S. ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What do you call a Poker hand with five cards of the same suit ?\nType: Equivalent term\n", "answers": ["Other number"], "length": 1692, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "0b6cb30081f15859876d46020fca4dd45fb6fc0f24b33a07"} {"input": "Question: What is autism ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who played Al Jolson in the Jolson Story ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What king was forced to agree to the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a movie about the Sioux Indians starring Kevin Costner .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many degrees cooler is the inside of a cucumber than the air outside ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What gate opened on East and West Berlin ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where did marijuana come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Irwin Allen bomb has Richard Widmark saying he 'll be `` the first officer in history to get his butt kicked by a mess of bugs ! '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 software so successful ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who portrayed `` the man without a face '' in the movie of the same name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Salk vaccine prevent ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where is one 's corpus callosum found ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which ear can most people hear better with ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Where can I find a website that gives comparisons of good prices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When is the Tulip Festival in Michigan ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What organization 's offices were broken into at Watergate in 1972 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In which year was the cartoon character Chilly Willy created ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the main vegetable in vichyssoise ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Name of King Arthur 's sword ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How long does it take the typical hen to lay 19 dozen eggs ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: To what does Microsoft 's Windows 3 owe its success ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which of the Seven Dwarfs comes first alphabetically ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What team did Babe Ruth play his first major league game for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. get most of its energy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why was Muhammad Ali stripped of his title and barred from boxing in 1967 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do I find a web address for a company ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What do the French call La Manche ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the abbreviated expression for the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the meaning of the name Ella ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Dr. Ruth 's last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was considered to be the father of psychology ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people visit the Pope each month ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find a lesson plan for teaching the metric system conversion to American standard ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When are sheep shorn ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Shea and Gould closed their Los Angeles office for what reason ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How old is the universe ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where can I find full written draft of CTBT ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What causes headaches ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When did the last Americans leave Vietnam ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does the Peugeot company manufacture ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What Georgia town did Scarlett O 'Hara condemn as being full of pushy people ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How much did the minimum wage amount to in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is chronic constipation a symptom of ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Which glamorous actress is a close friend of Dick Tracy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do you call a date that contains sequencing numbers , like 9-8-98 ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What President-to-be was the first member of Congress to enlist following the attack on Pearl Harbor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I get information on the original 13 US colonies ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What river runs through Colorado , Kansas , and Oklahoma ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of childbirth ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where can I get a complete listing of showtimes in my area ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the Benelux countries ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is damage to business and government caused by bureaucracy ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What son of a 15-year-old Mexican girl and a half-Irish father became the world 's most famous Greek ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What company makes impulse hardening equipment ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What children 's tale contains the line : `` Come , Cinderslut , and hold this skein of wool for me '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many cherubs are there on a Trivial Pursuit board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who 's the lead singer of the Led Zeppelin band ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Charles Lindbergh ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is a Chinese `` spouting '' bowl ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Russian novel embracing more the 5 characters is set in the Napoleonic Wars ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many freckles does Howdy Doody have on his face ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Ray Charles is best known for playing what instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: How much does a new railroad coal car cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What flag flies over Wake Island ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the name of the highest mountain in Africa ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What 's the second-largest island in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the non-fiction best-seller of 1952 , 1953 and 1954 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the greatest source of `` white '' magic in the Marvel Universe ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where do rocks come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which two inventors invented Post-its ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state borders Illinois to the north ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What does NASDAQ stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What 12-hour cold medicine uses the formula `` 6 , 6 , 12 '' in its ads ?\nType: Disease and medicine\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1701, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "8b55d14186093e0012da5a7cd1b800d04704364bc6ce3686"} {"input": "Question: How tall is the Gateway Arch in St. Louis , MO ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What country borders the most others ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the world 's largest distilling company ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many trees go into paper making in a year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do bicornate animals have two of ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When did Amtrak begin operations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is considered The First Lady of the American Stage ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What mountainous region of the world is the Lhasa Apso dog native to ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many types of cheese are there in France ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What hockey team did Wayne Gretzky play for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What part of their attire were `` pothooks '' to cowboys of the Old West ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many times has `` Louie , Louie '' been recorded ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who are the nomadic hunting and gathering tribe of the Kalahari Desert in Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 1981 Candice Bergen-Jacqueline Bisset movie was a remake of 1943 's Old Acquaintance ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name a Salt Lake City newspaper .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was archy , and mehitabel ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find lyrics for R&B ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What actor learned to play the saxophone and speak Russian for a role in a movie ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was China 's first nuclear test ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the captain of the tanker , Exxon Valdez , involved in the oil spill in Prince William Sound , Alaska , 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find a lesson plan for teaching the metric system conversion to American standard ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What product is for kids , and not for silly rabbits ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What 's the maximum length , in inches , of a first baseman 's glove ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the 7 principles of learning from the Institute for Research on Learning , IRL ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What U.S. President was the first to breed mules ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What generation am I in ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Monaco ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's the most commonly-spoken language in Belgium ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: Who was Monet ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What detective lives on Punchbowl Hill and has 11 children ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What European country boasts the city of Furth , found where the rivers Rednitz and Pegnitz converge ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the longest chemical name , consisting of 35 letters ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What effect does LSD have on the brain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are Cobol , Fortran , and Pascal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What two New York Yankee pitchers swapped wives and families ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the claim to fame of night watchman Frank Wills ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where 's the GUM department store ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the only modern language that capitalizes its singular first-person pronoun ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What impenetrable system of French fortifications was built along the German frontier before World War II ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where 's the Petrified Forest ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of the first name ` Breony ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who are the top ten richest people in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose image is alleged to be on The Shroud of Turin ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What amount of folic acid should an expectant mother take daily ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What does a topophobic actor suffer from ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who played the title role in My Favorite Martian ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many school districts are there in the United States ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many soldiers were involved in the last Panama invasion by the United States of America ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of California ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where can I read about Chiang Kai-shek ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How fast is a 45Mhz processor ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What does SIDS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What famous events have happened on March 27 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What people make up half the Soviet Union 's population ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the U.S. location of Procter & Gamble corporate offices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: For what disease is the drug Sinemet used as a treatment ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where can an individual get a contact lens tested that burned the entire surface of eye when new ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who invented batteries ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who killed Gandhi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where do you find the answers for all these questions ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Indian tribe is F Troop perpetually doing battle with ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the average time it takes for a male to ejaculate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What Cruise Line does Kathie Lee Gifford advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Why do people get goosebumps when they have something emotional happen to them , like when they hear a beautiful piece of music , or see something beautiful , or get aroused by someone they love ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Jaco Pastorius die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How close a cousin was Franklin D. to Theodore Roosevelt ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What hockey team did Wayne Gretzky play for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the top vegetable crops in the world ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the name of the medical condition in which a baby is born without a brain ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does the channel ESPN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What 's a Craps player called ?\nType: Equivalent term\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1717, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "5164362f6132cb801e1d5df1c2c6356ea8bf16e9a4402a1e"} {"input": "Question: What does CPR stand for ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What year was Janet Jackson 's first album released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does a collier mine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is Johnny Carson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Why do pressure cookers save time in the kitchen ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose biography by Maurice Zolotow is titled Shooting Star ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What happened in the Long March ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name a South African diamond producer ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What can communications satellites offer yachts ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Jimmy Olsen 's full name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is office automation ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do the number 1 , 2 , and 4 mean on Dr. Pepper bottles ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the approximate population of Las Vegas , N.M ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the protagonist 's name in Dostoevski 's `` The Idiot '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where 's Montenegro ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the name of the temple that is located near the capital city of Laos ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who should I call to get a tour of the New York Stock Exchange ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the oldest living thing on earth ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the powers and weaknesses of Green Lantern 's ring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the international radio code word for the letter F ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is federal income tax ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can I find out my biorhythm ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What do the names Andrew and Christina mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How has TV affected our society ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many emperors were there in the Roman Empire ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What were the cities of Dickens 's A Tale of Two Cities ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Gimli as a central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why is the grass green ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where does Mother Angelica live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` blue moon , '' and how often do they occur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What pseudonym did William Sydney Porter use in writing The Gift of the Magi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did the world come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What animal received royal assent as an emblem of Canada on March 24 , 1975 ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What product does `` Mrs. Olsen '' promote ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What ever happened to the once popular Yale Lock Company ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word , JJ .\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What country contains the westernmost point in South America ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the Viking Prince 's first name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state boasts Leif Ericson Park ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What did Lenny Bruce say that got him arrested ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What major Victorian novelist spent as much time working for the post office as he did writing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Mao , the Chinese leader 's , full name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was a California prayer book to an Old West gambler ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What ethnic group introduced the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the music used in the new VW Beetle commercial where the car spins and changes colors ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What should you do for an ankle sprain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What will a compass do in outer space ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name the two blob members of the animated Herculoids .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is her profession ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How many of every 10 members of the Rodeo Cowboys Association have never worked a ranch ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Guam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What household products are there for adult acne ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Whose cupboard was bare ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is one of the cities that the University of Minnesota is located in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many quarts of whole milk is needed to make one pound of butter ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who were the head writers for the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is widely used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who created the monster in Mary Shelley 's novel Frankenstein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does gringo mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What word occurs 46 , 227 times in the Bible ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the capital of Italy ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is Grenada 's main commodity export ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who recorded the 1957 hit Tammy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does salt melt ice and snow ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a fear of parasites ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What did Mighty Mouse always sing as he went into action ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who is the mayor of Marbella ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the different types of plastic ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name a Gaelic language .\nType: Language\nQuestion: What novel did Ian Fleming introduce James Bond in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name the Ranger who was always after Yogi Bear .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What four elements make up 90 percent of the human body ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the full name of the man who invented the multicolored game cube that has 42.3 quintillion potential combinations ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What baseball team owner and sailor is known as The Mouth of the South ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Expression abbreviated"], "length": 1624, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e7e40bf7a9ac82f5a438c6fc369d3208e12296907e42c62a"} {"input": "Question: What is Susan B. Anthony 's birthday ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How much does it cost to have a tree planted by dialing , 900 , 740-TREE ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How can I get started in writing for television ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What steps can be taken to prevent diabetes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Whose husbands have included Conrad Hilton Jr. , and Michael Wilding ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the head of the World Bank ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What will the increase be in the California gas tax by 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 's the fifth-largest country in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: The film `` Jaws '' was made in what year ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the 24-disc John Gabel Entertainer the first example of , in 1960 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many people did the United Nations commit to help restore order and distribute humanitarian relief in Somalia in September 1992 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What type is a snail ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the cost of the drugs used in tuberculosis treatments ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Name the tree growing company .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is SAP ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What city is graced by the Arch of Titus ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What mountain range marks the border of France and Spain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: How many flavors does Baskin & Robbins offer ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What nuclear process takes place in an H-bomb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who shot Billy the Kid ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What South American city features the exclusive Copacabana Beach and Ipanema ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What country was General Douglas McArthur in when he was recalled by President Truman ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the real name of writer Ross Macdonald , creator of the hero Lew Archer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which killer whale died at Sea World of a fungal infection ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the name of the rare neurological disease with symptoms such as : involuntary movements , tics , swearing , and incoherent vocalizations , grunts , shouts , etc. ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How can I enforce new rules to a group of youngsters who have been allowed to do as they please .\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What did Lenny Bruce say that got him arrested ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a Cartesian Diver ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do economists do ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How does marijuana lead to other drugs ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What architect originated the glass house designed the Chicago Federal Center had a philosophy of `` less is more , '' and produced plans that were the forerunner of the California ranch house ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are Maid-Rites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was the last major eruption of Mount St. Helens ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What exactly is the purpose of the anteater ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where can you find the Venus flytrap ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is deconstructionism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Of children between the ages of two and eleven , what percentage watch `` The Simpsons '' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What whisky is `` known by the company it keeps '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How much did Alaska cost when bought from Russia ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many shillings more than 2 were there in a guinea ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was spawned the term `` MiG Alley '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who was with Patricia Hearst the night she was kidnaped ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who said : `` Old soldiers never die ; they just fade away '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What invention does the principle of conservation of energy make impossible ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What Aesop 's fable has the moral : `` The race is not always to the swift. Slow and steady is bound to win '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What country is famous for Persian rugs ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Why do some jets have a vapor trail , and others do not ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the first Sam Spade novel ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What type of exercise burns the most calories ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What country and western singer is known as The Silver Fox ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are the capital cities of the two large countries that occupy the Iberian peninsula in Europe ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What else has the swastika stood for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of education would you need to become an athletic trainer for the NFL ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: The Shea & Gould law firm had an office in L.A. for how many years ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What developed a crack in 1835 while tolling the death of U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who does the voices of the Simpsons ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city does Orly Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many equal angles are there in an isosceles triangle ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who makes the `` Die Hard '' car battery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is Answers.com funded ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What businesses or agencies would do an employment verification ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What do the red-and-white stripes on a barbershop pole stand for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the name `` Sheri '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the historical trials following World War II called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What does a nihilist believe in ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the quickest and easiest way to get nail polish out of clothes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What were the first three cities to have a population of more than a million ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the first names of Rowan and Martin , the stars of TV 's Laugh-In ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many times was pitcher , Warren Spahn , a 20-game winner in his 21 major league seasons ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Name a Sioux language .\nType: Language\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1776, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a20b33a8a018d27269d286e9ff805f8fbf1a370f080a14cd"} {"input": "Question: What is the esophagus used for ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What President lived at 219 North Delaware Street , Independence , Missouri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does Mother Angelica live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: How did former WWF wrestler Rick Rude die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does Ms. , Miss , and Mrs. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are Cushman and Wakefield known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What holidays are celebrated in Ireland ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What Broadway musical featured the song , `` If I were a rich man ? ''\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does Salk vaccine prevent ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What occupation has the highest divorce rate ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: When did Mount St. Helen last have a major eruption ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why should cigarette smoking be banned ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What organ contains the islands of Langerhans ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What is a fear of sleep ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: In Waugh 's `` A Handful of Dust , '' what does the mad old man force the hero to do every afternoon ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what year was actress Joan Collins born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What element , from the Periodic Table , is a gas or a solid , but never a liquid ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What country and western singer is known as The Silver Fox ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What two New York Yankee pitchers swapped wives and families ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you stop junk snail mail ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` attic '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is your favorite color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What caused the division between the Anglicans and the Vatican ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What color is Chablis ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How many zeros are there in a trillion ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the web address of the list of e-mail addresses of members of the House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What famous meat company went out of business because it became known that the underworld had been selling them kangaroo meat ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who kept the most famous diary in the English language ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are the U.S. presidential elections held in November ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who established a Viking colony in Greenland about 985 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is hebephrenia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Japanese manufacturer is known for both its pianos and its motorcycles ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's a male `` cuckquean '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find a list of `` classic '' books 5th and 6th graders should read ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country did the Allies invade in World War II 's Operation Avalanche ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What tools do you use to crewel ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the prophet of the Jewish people ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name an American made motorcycle .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What comedian has a legendary reputation for stealing jokes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In Kafka 's Metamorphosis , the hero awakes one morning to find himself turned into what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who won the 1968 California Democratic primary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did Bill Gates go to college ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of head lice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does a chairbound basophobic fear ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How much will gas be taxed in California by the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Hazmat stands for what ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is it planned to berth the merchant ship , Lane Victory , which Merchant Marine veterans are converting into a floating museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many innings constitute an official baseball game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What song served as the closing theme of The Johnny Cash Show ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why is poop sometimes different colors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many Americans have HIV ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What game is fatal to anybody over 21 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What book is subtitled The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does Las Vegas mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find free piano scores for popular music ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many lawyers are there in the state of New Jersey ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I find an Ask An Expert site ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name Dondi 's adoptive grandfather .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What double talking `` professor '' holds a doctorate in Nothing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What former African leader held his country 's boxing title for nine years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much did a McDonald 's hamburger cost in 1963 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who wrote The Godfather ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose autobiography is titled Yes I Can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find a list of all the companies in America that offer a direct stock purchase plan ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the seven seas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many cherubs are there on a Trivial Pursuit board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the dimensions of an ice hockey goal ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is the origin of the candy cane at Christmas ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What currency is used in Australia ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What does the word `` opera '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the Hungarian word for pepper ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What are the four most widely-used languages in North America ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What sport was the first televised in the U.S. ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many Stradivarius violins were ever made ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Reason"], "length": 1626, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c49fd9c1e59b10bfe04e25ca13954f4cbf77c64beb67df64"} {"input": "Question: What does a defibrillator do ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What year did Degas create the bronze sculpture , `` Fourth Position Front ? ''\nType: Date\nQuestion: What title does comedian Henry Youngman claim ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the full classification of a lady bug ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why didn 't European colonial rule spread until after the first and second industrial revolutions ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What actor came to dinner in Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of Boxing Day ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many varieties of twins are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the first Sam Spade novel ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where did the marriage ceremony come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who shoplifts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find correct tabs for Third Eye Blind songs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What year were the Olympic Games played in where Nadia Comaneci became popular ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What do the letters ZIP stand for in the phrase `` ZIP code '' ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What comic of TV 's golden age went by the motto `` Anything for a laugh '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What company makes impulse hardening equipment ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What New England state covers 5.9 square miles ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What state full of milk and honey was the destination in The Grapes of Wrath ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who is Ishmael in Moby Dick ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What are the only players eligible to score points in Roller Derby called ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Who 's the only president buried in Washington\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was International Olympic Committee chairman at the 1936 Summer Games ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many more weeks of winter are there if a ground hog sees his shadow ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Chiricahua the name of ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is making love ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do I increase my biceps ' size ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What U.S. state records the least rainfall ?\nType: State\nQuestion: In what sport are these following numbers relevant : 118 , 126 , 134 , 142 , 15 , 158 , 167 , 177 , and 19 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: When was Beethoven born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What currents affect the area of the Shetland Islands and Orkney Islands in the North Sea ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a biologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Tokyo street glitters with famed department stores and nightclubs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Broadway musical was inspired by Cervantes 's Don Quixote ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where must a soccer goalie stand to be permitted to handle the ball ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the dimensions of an ice hockey goal ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What else has the swastika stood for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What incident caused the canning of a summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the mother of the man who would not be king , the duke of Windsor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What well-known actor is the father of star Alan Alda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the number of American soldiers deployed to South Korea ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who wrote The Ugly Duckling ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Ozzy Osbourne born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the Nordic nations ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are bear and bull markets ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Whose autobiography is titled Yes I Can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What nation boarders Mozambique ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the average hours per months spent online by AOL users ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who should I call to get a tour of the New York Stock Exchange ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Italian leader had a lifelong fear of the evil eye ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the meaning of the name Kathryn ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What was American folk hero John Chapman 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What European city do Nicois live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is crabgrass ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What famous actress made her first appearance on stage at the age of five in the year 191 as `` Baby '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What President was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are my legal rights in an automobile repossession in California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does Ouija mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What is form drag ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How old was George Washington when he died ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How does a copier work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ocean did the Titanic sink in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many seats does the Batmobile sport ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. city is known as The Rubber Capital of the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What film did Lee Marvin win the 1965 best actor Oscar for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the Pennsylvania state income tax rate ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What international amateur sports spectacle was first telecast in 1956 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What state 's home to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What do you call a Poker hand with five cards of the same suit ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Whose cover is that of an employee of Universal Import and Export ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is Paraguay for vacations ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What hockey team did Wayne Gretzky play for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the English meaning of caliente ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Description of something"], "length": 1676, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "389ce23ee7c00b34a1cdbd9b6ccec47778541a5b4b2a6861"} {"input": "Question: What planet has the strongest magnetic field of all the planets ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What animals do you find in the stock market ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the spectrum of a sine wave ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many words are there in the Spanish language ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What President was meant for , but never placed in , the empty crypt beneath the capital 's rotunda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first U.S.-based team in the NHL ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is website of the International Court of Justice ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 such a successful computer program ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the largest snake in the world ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Garry Kasparov plays what game ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How was the element calcium named ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I get a complete list of all the people that are living with the last name Kilvington ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Musician Ray Charles plays what instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What 's the International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy usually called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What President lived at 219 North Delaware Street , Independence , Missouri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a phalanx ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Camp David named for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of fish ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What amount of folic acid should an expectant mother take daily ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does the word terrorism mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the two youngsters saved by the animated Moby Dick .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the price of Varian Associates ' vacuum products division ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What attorneys work for The Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the occupation of Nicholas Cage ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How many years do fossils take to form ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was Jane Goodall ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How do I love thee ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is Desmond Tutu ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What category does the color pink denote in the Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer Edition ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What meter was invented by C.C. Magee in 1935 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How long does it take the Milky Way Galaxy to make one revolution ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What meter was invented by C.C. Magee in 1935 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is an auto-commentary ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find the history of the Hungarian language ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who danced into stardom with Fred Astaire in 1941 's You 'll Never Get Rich ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the gestation period for human pregnancies ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is a fear of black people ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where are the apartments in Saint John , New Brunswick ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is Karenna Gore , Al Gore 's oldest daughter , married to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first minimum wage ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How does Cos Cob , CT get its name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What animal 's tail is called a brush ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does RCA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many disks does each player have in a four-handed game of Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why do USA fax machines not work in UK , NNP ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What famous actress made her first appearance on stage at the age of five in the year 191 as `` Baby '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many yards are in 1 mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When will the millennium officially begin ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a rhomboideus minor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the first Lifesaver flavor ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the fine for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How do hermit crabs reproduce ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How long does it take for Spider-Man 's web to evaporate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who is the president of Bolivia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation OAS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What company is being bought by Yahoo and how much is the deal worth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word nevermind ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What TV series featured Neal , a martini-drinking St. Bernard ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the 10 plagues of Egypt ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are perfect tenses ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of shadows ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How do you ask questions ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Texas ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many shillings more than 2 were there in a guinea ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Mark McGwire 's e-mail address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What tale has the moral : `` He who wants everything gets nothing '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What U.S. city 's skyline boasts the Gateway Arch ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was the name of the director of the movie `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What are two plants that clothes are made from ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What sport is played on the largest field ?\nType: Sport\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1617, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "2515df579016f05f203679b9925e33d885985054564b2c62"} {"input": "Question: What is the major fault line near Kentucky ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is InterLata Internet service ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much of the earth 's surface is permanently frozen ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is `` the airline built for professional travelers '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the name of the ball game played by the mayans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What was the verdict in the 1925 trial of John T. Scopes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the country of origin for the name Thomas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How is energy created ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the Arabic Numerals from 1 to 10 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why did the Globe Theatre burn down ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What French leader sold Louisiana to the United States ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fear of the computer called ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many referees work a soccer game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is viscosity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who loved Flash Gordon besides Dale ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is ouzo ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How is the word ` qigong ' pronounced ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Bill Gross 's email address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is Zebulon Pike ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What U.S. President had brothers-in-law in the Confederate army ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famed strip of land is a 15-minute boat trip across the Venetian Lagoon from Venice ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Apollo 11 astronaut minded the store while Armstrong and Aldrin made history ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What pseudonym did William Sydney Porter use in writing The Gift of the Magi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much money does each player get at the beginning of the game in Monopoly ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Where can an individual get a contact lens tested that burned the entire surface of eye when new ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which Latin American country is the largest ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the name of the daughter of the Virginia chief Powhatan that married John Rolfe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of women gave Sigmund Freud erotic dreams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the best art and design school in the world ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many elephants are left on earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can one find information on religion and health , the brain and nutrition ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the Latin ante mortem mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What war saw a naval battle between the luxury liners Cap Trafalgar and the Carmania ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: In which year was the cartoon character Chilly Willy created ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What according to the Kinsey Institute , is the sexual preference of four percent of American males ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What professional cricketer 's son wrote The War of the Worlds in 1898 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What wrestling star became `` The Incredible Hulk '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What animals do you find in the stock market ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who wrote The Godfather ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the longest river in Canada ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is a fear of drinking ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the origin of the city `` Corpus Christi '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What did Englishman John Hawkins begin selling to New World colonists in 1562 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is chronic constipation a symptom of ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What were popular songs and types of songs in the 1920s ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How fast do cheetahs run ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What was the name of Humphrey Bogart 's club in Casablanca ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What city contains the district of Hell 's Kitchen ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What actor dressed up as Santa Claus and had a once-a-year affair with actress Shelley Winters every Christmas for many years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are tonsils for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What year did nylon stockings first go on sale ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which of the five senses develops first ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is November 's birthstone ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How can I trace my family roots ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When reading classified ads , what does EENTY : other stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many horses are there on a polo team ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the history of Buffalo chicken wings ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the most common causes of death in the U.S. ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the location of McCarren Airport ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the second-most-used vowel in English ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: How did the Hohenzollerns build their power around 17 ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the first American citizen awarded the Albert Medal of the Society of Arts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who were the Yankee 's frequent enemies ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the name of Aristotle Onassis 's yacht ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn became queen of England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was General Manuel Noriega ousted as the leader of Panama and turned over to U.S. authorities ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What cocktail inspired John Doxat to write the book Stirred-Not Shaken ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the all-time stock high of Apple Computer , and where can I find this information ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Why do movie and TV stars get paid so much ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the powers and weaknesses of Green Lantern 's ring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How much of the nation 's children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are three ways in which wind is created on the earth ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What did Abolitionists try to end ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was a Mae West on a World War II battleship ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's an auberge in France ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Other entity"], "length": 1700, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e0508a69f493c99a55708cb841b5db4e350dd0cd2e3dce2d"} {"input": "Question: What year did the Titanic sink ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where did Bill Gates go to college ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why was Washington , DC originally called District of Columbia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Chiricahua the name of ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How is silk screening done ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the highest Roman numeral ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the highest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What country has the best defensive position in the board game Diplomacy ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What were the five opening words on Ben Casey ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the meaning of the name Ella ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the deranged super-criminal Otto Octavius uses ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the address for the main government office in Rome , Italy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What planet did Percival Lovell discover ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the United States ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does ` PSI ' stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What baseball outcome required nine balls in 1879 , eight balls in 1880 and seven balls in 1881 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What feathered cartoon characters do Yugoslavians know as Vlaja , Gaja , and Raja ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is dry ice ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What countries earn the most from tourism ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How do Ouija Boards work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a First World country ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What month , date , and year did Charles I die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was introduced commercially by Bayer A.G. of Leverkusen , in 1899 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How can I transport files from one computer to another ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What clause in the U.S. Constitution may not be changed , altered or amended ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What animal has been called The Poor Man 's Cow ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country was Mikhail Gorbachev the leader of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Boston Kreme ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Aspartame is known by what other name ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is `` snoogans '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city is . KDGE Radio located in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is LMDS ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many square feet is Bill Gates ' home ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Amsterdam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Japanese city was once called Edo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who wrote ` The Pines of Rome ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the lens behind the iris in the eye called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the most delicate-tasting member of the onion family ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What phenomenon would you expect to read about in the monthly publication The Bigfoot News ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What was American folk hero John Chapman 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are sometimes your hands cold , but the rest of you isn 't ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the protection rate of using condoms ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What does a deltiologist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What major airline has the best safety record in the world ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What rum is so `` mixable '' it is a one-brand bar ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who invented the radio ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: What golfer has been called Ohio Fats and Blobbo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 19th-century painter died in the Marquesas Islands ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. general died December 1 , 1945 , when his jeep collided with a truck ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I contact Answers.com direct ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When was the first flush toilet invented ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a fear of worms ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What bestselling modern poet was the co-founder of the famous City Lights Bookshop in San Francisco ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In Hemingway 's `` Old Man and the Sea , '' what kind of fish does the old man catch ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are people doing to help prevent the extinction of birds ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the longest-running television series ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where is former Pro wrestler Johnny `` Rubber Man '' Walker ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What were the cities of Dickens 's A Tale of Two Cities ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Cabarnet Sauvignon ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What month did the Edmund Fitzgerald sink ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does an ashen-faced eidologist search out the existence of ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many bails are there in a cricket wicket ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much does one ton of cement cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: When did Muhammad live ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the eighth day following the Nones in each month of the Roman calendar called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the international radio code word for the letter F ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How long do cardinal eggs incubate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What does the policeman become in the Canadian edition of Monopoly ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the Columbia Pictures head who forged actor Cliff Robertson 's name on a $1 , 000 check ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1609, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "40889e3cd2e32438572f29c578c29cdecb3b112ccf9952f6"} {"input": "Question: Who founded American Red Cross ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many films are made by the major studios in a year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is form drag ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What sport was the first televised in the U.S. ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where is the Statistical Abstract of the United States online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is located in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who was Ezra Taft Benson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What Batman character tools around on a Batcycle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Nevil Shute novel is about the doomed survivors of a nuclear war ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many colleges are in Wyoming ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the history of Valentine 's Day cards ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What lawyer won the largest divorce settlement , $85 million , in U.S. history for Sheika Dena Al-Farri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is platinum ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was called the world 's largest department store ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes play ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: How do I change a file from an ART file to a JPEG or Bitmap file ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What were the ceremony traditions like during the Elizabethian times ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What non-mechanical sport achieves the highest speeds ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where is Guam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the nickname for the state of Mississippi ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the difference between a generator and an alternator ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do you get by adding Lactobacillus bulgaricus to milk ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the number of American soldiers deployed to South Korea ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: On which Hawaiian island is Pearl Harbor ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the Internet2 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the meaning of caliente , in English , ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 1981 Candice Bergen-Jacqueline Bisset movie was a remake of 1943 's Old Acquaintance ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What common plant has a button , cap , cup , gills , and ring ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What was the U.S. highway death toll in 1969 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What video format was an alternative to VHS ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the horsepower of the shuttle boosters ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What color are the castellated walls of the Kremlin ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I search for a word within my own webpage ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I know how much money to save for retirement ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How is a hydrogen bomb different from a nuclear bomb ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: On what river is Strasbourg built ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What company sells the most greeting cards ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What causes headaches ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where can I find a review of Nightmare on Elm Street in a film journal ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is Edmund Kemper ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is Li 'l Abner 's last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Caribbean island is sometimes called Little England ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What hair color can I use to just cover a little gray ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is the Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of bees ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What civilization invented the arch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the most common name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first English play written exclusively for children ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which oil company almost picked a word that meant `` stalled car '' in Japanese as its new international name ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What U.S. general died December 1 , 1945 , when his jeep collided with a truck ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What drink is made up of rum , coconut milk and pineapple ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is a research expedition in mountain climbing ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What was the education system in the 1960 's ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When did Jaco Pastorius die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who shared a New York City apartment with Roger Maris the year he hit 61 home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The Jewish alphabet is known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What penalty space lies between Baltic Avenue and Reading Railroad on a Monopoly board ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is DEET ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are Maid-Rites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is her profession ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What Peruvian city is home to the mummified body of Francisco Pizarro ?\nType: CityQuestion: What 's the most extensively grown and eaten food ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What business exports the sparkling wine Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What food did Marco Polo introduce into Italy from the court of Kubla Khan ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What sports event is Meyer Wolfsheim supposed to have fixed in The Great Gatsby ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What makes you fat ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What desert country borders Saudi Arabia , Iraq and the Persian Gulf ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Who took the toys donated for the Doodyville Orphans ' Fund and kept them for himself ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the biggest `` thing '' humans have made ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the name of the temple that is located near the capital city of Laos ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of rejection ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the name of a book written by Aaron Hass ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1652, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "97cf3ad59a0cc47dc987e51c39efd282b16022bf1e86c30e"} {"input": "Question: What precious stone is a form of pure carbon ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are vermicilli , rigati , zitoni , and tubetti ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What beer is ` rockin ' America ? ''\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What is a fear of touching ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What attorney-general ordered the closing of Alcatraz ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many emperors were there in the Roman Empire ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 2th-century fictional character attends Pencey Prep School ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a Sioux language .\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is the nickname of Pennsylvania ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What U.S. city is The Queen of the Pacific ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who played Humpty Dumpty in the 1933 film Alice in Wonderland ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport do you shag flies in ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the temperature for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: Name the country which Honecker lived in .\nType: Country\nQuestion: What chocolate company gives you a one-pound kiss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When not adventuring on Rann , what does Adam Strange call his profession ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the name of the pop singer whose song became the theme song for a brand of catsup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the USSR dissolved ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the name of a language spoken by the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What was the death toll at the eruption of Mount Pinatubo ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What chemicals are used in lethal injection ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What was the date of CNN 's first broadcast ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you identify prime numbers ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who invented Make-up ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of file has the extension .dbf ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many people was Randy Craft convicted of killing ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the first X-Man to die in battle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the longest-running television series ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who first broke the sound barrier ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why did the world enter a global depression in 1929 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who are the presidents of Mexico and Indonesia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What century did art 's Romantic Period begin in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the largest breweries in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many people live in cities ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Italian liner was hijacked in 1985 ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How do you say `` fresh '' in Spanish ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where can I find book reviews of `` Turbulent Souls '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who starred with Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times and The Great Dictator ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was nicknamed The Little Corporal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who succeeded Nikita Khrushchev as first secretary of the Communist Party ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the recommended weight of a 15 year-old male that is 5 , 6 ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What do the figures represent on the Easter Island ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of going to bed ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who is the best known villain of the 165 Gunpowder Plot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How high must a mountain be to be called a mountain ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is the name of the chronic neurological autoimmune disease which attacks the protein sheath that surrounds nerve cells causing a gradual loss of movement in the body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where can I get piano music for the Jamiroquai song Everyday for the midi ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many members of a family could be drafted in the U.S. military during World War II ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city was President William McKinley shot in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country did the Mau Mau Uprising take place in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the history of the hairdryer ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the monster in Spielberg 's film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who discovered imaginary numbers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What clause in the U.S. Constitution may not be changed , altered or amended ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What European country is home to the beer-producing city of Budweis ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How much waste does an average dairy cow produce in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the term for a group of geese ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many hearts does an octopus have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What New York Yankee was known as The Iron Horse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is chronic constipation a symptom of ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is a leaky heart valve ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How loud is thunder ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who is section manager for guidance and control systems at JPL ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why is the development of space so important ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many calories are there in a Big Mac ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a biologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does one correctly pronounce ` qigong ' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many flavors of ice cream does Howard Johnson 's have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Which German president was pressured into appointing Hitler chancellor in 1933 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the Family Circus 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who is buried in the great pyramid of Giza ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. senator once played basketball for the New York Knicks ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Element and substance"], "length": 1612, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "2f60ccd7193f99ecd68fc106b0cb6c66ae7b60e41af9b28f"} {"input": "Question: What is the average body temperature ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the origin of the city `` Corpus Christi '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of robbers ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Hermann Hesse book gave its name to a rock group ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When did Fraze get his first patent for the pull-tab can ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the most common cancer ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who claims to have the greatest show on earth ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What comedian was banned from the Ed Sullivan Show for allegedly making an obscene gesture at the show 's host ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does VCR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How long does James Bond like his eggs boiled ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where is the largest post office building in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What state was named the Green Mountain state ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What was the name of the Titanic 's captain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What causes pneumonia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What do you need to do to marry someone in jail ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does hazmat stand for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the current unemployment rate in the U.S. ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What ever happened to the once popular Yale Lock Company ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How hot should the oven be when making Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What company is the largest Japanese ship builder ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many Community Chest cards are there in Monopoly ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Rocky Mountain ridge separates North America 's eastward and westward-flowing rivers ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: How is the election of a new Pope announced to the world ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What writer is famous for physically putting himself into the center of his subject matter ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a reliable site that I can download Heretic 2 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do you determine heating requirements for your home ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was the 1st U.S. President ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the fax machine ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name of the lady the Great Gatsby pines for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year did Joe DiMaggio compile his 56-game hitting streak ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is the mayor of Marbella ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which magazine is `` fine entertainment for men '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the number of assassinations and attempts to assassinate in the U.S. since 1865 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a geoscientist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How many people died when the Estonia sank in 1994 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Prewitt play in James Jones 's From Here to Eternity ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What language is mostly spoken in Brazil ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: In what U.S. state was the first woman governor elected ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What river runs through Colorado , Kansas , and Oklahoma ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of the American ship sunk by a mine in Havana harbor , causing the Spanish-American war ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What should you yell to hail a taxi in Madrid ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How does hair curl ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the 28 tenses in the English language ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the meaning of the name Kathryn ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What `` melts in your mouth , not in your hands '' .\nType: Food\nQuestion: How long does a fly live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What U.S. state does the Continental Divide leave to enter Canada ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What city did the Mormons establish as their headquarters in 1847 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What movie has made the most money ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is known as `` the world 's oldest teenager '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who danced into stardom with Fred Astaire in 1941 's You 'll Never Get Rich ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the top boy names in the U.S. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What South Vietnamese president was assassinated by his generals in 1963 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find pictorial directions on how to build a very simple treehouse ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the bandleader mentor of Ella Fitzgerald with whom she cowrote `` A_Tisket , A-Tasket '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who co-starred with Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country borders the most others ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What artist 's studio was the Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are field effect transistors ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does ribavirin consist of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the first woman to run the mile in less than 4 36893 minutes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did the first issue of `` Playboy '' come out ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why are the rooftops in Canada green ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How did Lee Harvey Oswald purchase his rifle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What product 's ads claim that it `` eliminates odors , kills household germs , mold , and mildew '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is ethology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What famous comedian recently tried without success to revive the play ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the human skin least sensitive ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What is the nature of learning ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the No. 1 killer in industrialized countries ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What kind of business is 7-Eleven ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Temperature"], "length": 1709, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "432bc5d5343a2d90493d1502feca910fa4f04638c165bfc5"} {"input": "Question: Where are the National Archives ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the nature of snow and how is the formation of snow different from that of ice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How did Lee Harvey Oswald purchase his rifle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Huckleberry Finn '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What store does Martha Stewart advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of General Motors ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What is the acronym for the rating system for air conditioner efficiency ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was Camp David named for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long has L.L. Cool J. been married ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the second-longest coastline ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What are you caught in if a haboob blows up ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's a male witch called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What are some interesting facts and information about dogsledding ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What state is Mount McKinley in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Of children between the ages of two and eleven , what percentage watch `` The Simpsons '' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Where did makeup originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the prime minister of Australia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many bottles of wine were prisoners in the Bastille allowed per day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which is heavier - cream or milk ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What city contains the district of Hell 's Kitchen ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What painter popularized soup cans and Brillo soap pad boxes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What is a person called that likes fire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did beethoven die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where do rocks come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What river runs through Liverpool ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who invented the lawnmower ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What age followed the Bronze Age ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What presidential administration challenged Americans to explore The New Frontier ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the one thing you need before you can purchase life insurance ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the average salary of a paleontologist ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the real name of disc jockey `` Wolfman Jack '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What card company sells Christmas ornaments ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country did the Romans call Hibernia ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does Ms. , Miss , and Mrs. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What state produces the best lobster to eat ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What are the three secondary colors ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What city is Logan Airport in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How much waste does an average dairy cow produce in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I check if my modem is v.9 compatible ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the names of the different toes ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What Leon Uris novel dealt with the Russian capture of Berlin ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who 's the only man to have won the Olympic decathlon twice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. senator once played basketball for the New York Knicks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What number is at 12 o 'clock on a dartboard ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the only primate to lack pigment in the palms of its hands ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was actress June Havoc 's legendary sister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How high must a mountain be to be called a mountain ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What country is the world 's largest importer of cognac ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When was the USSR dissolved ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the origin of the typing practice sentence `` Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which way do you turn your Bic to increase the flame - clockwise or counterclockwise ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: The second most popular sport worldwide is what ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are the benefits of a rowing machine ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What bay sparkles next to Miami , Florida ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Broadway show introduced the song Some Enchanted Evening ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the term for a group of geese ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the name given to the Islamic counterpart of the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where is Rider College located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the largest city on the Great Lakes ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the only substance that gives food its `` taste '' when eaten ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Where did George of the Jungle live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the longest river in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What snack food has ridges ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is Nero Wolfe 's favorite drink during office hours ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who was Hitler 's minister of propaganda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How far away is the moon ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What female faith healer wrote the inspirational book I Believe in Miracles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why are there Braille things on the ATM machines that people drive through ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How much of the silver production is manufactured by independent silversmiths ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Jewish bible called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1591, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "3d969a6b17acac98d1007630ada2d3ee04202e2543caf688"} {"input": "Question: What city has the zip code of 35824 ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the biggest `` thing '' humans have made ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is an example of an actual case of using the Fourteenth Amendment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the world 's highest peak ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Who was the Democratic nominee in the American presidential election ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: What is the capital of Burkina Faso ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who sang the song `` Hooked on a Feeling '' in the dancing baby episode of `` Ally Mcbeal '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does rabies spread ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How would I find the price of different organs that have been donated ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Chilean president was killed in a 1973 coup d 'etat ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a good book to read for people who hate to read ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name the ship Beany and Cecil sailed .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I get chemicals importers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What should the temperature be set at while baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What is the name given to the Islamic counterpart of the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What civilization invented the arch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many Canadians emmigrate each year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I find info on research being done on oilseeds thru genetics ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are all the different types of pizza ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is a common anti-AIDS drug ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Name an art gallery in New York .\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What high school does Archie attend ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What do bee hives do in cranberry bogs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do the number 1 , 2 , and 4 mean on Dr. Pepper bottles ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name a technique widely used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What net game sees its women 's world amateur champions receive the Uber Cup ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What do Christian Scientists believe in ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is HTML ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the highest peak in Africa ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is a fear of sinning ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Muhammad Ali maneuver was George Foreman the first victim of ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What Stephen Sondheim ballad ends : `` Well , maybe next year.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I get information on the original 13 US colonies ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long does a pig 's orgasm last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the English translation for the word `` caliente '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What countries have the largest armed forces in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was spawned the term `` MiG Alley '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What are the requirements for becoming a citizen of Australia ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why was the L.A. office of Shea and Gould closed ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What did Aaron Hass write ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What characteristics contribute to its `` intelligence '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What film or films has Jude Law appeared in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How much folic acid should a pregnant woman get each day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was Samuel Johnsons 's friend and biographer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the donation process entail ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Caribbean island is northeast of Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does crosstalk relate to InSb thickness in infrared detectors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What beer 's name is translated as `` lion brew '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who made the first surfboard ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the economic impact of unemployment on the economy ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do the French call La Manche ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the Latin ante mortem mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did the Berlin Wall go up ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where are diamonds mined ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What incident of 1933 did the German Nazis use to justify emergency decrees , imprisoning opponents and vesting more power in themselves ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the seafaring name for the southern tip of South America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How is the new Ford Econoline van F25 V1 engine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you reference a website ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What United States city produces the most oil ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the origin of infinity ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where can I find an Ask An Expert site ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What constellation is known as The Water Bearer ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who accompanied Space Ghost on his missions ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the Ouarterly Review of Doublespeak call an `` inoperative statement '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What bay divides Maryland 's Eastern and Western Shores ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What comic strip sometimes features a mailman named Beasley ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What animal received royal assent as an emblem of Canada on March 24 , 1975 ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the one thing you need before you can purchase life insurance ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How did the jack-o '-lantern get it 's name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you correctly say the word ` qigong ' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why do some clothing labels say `` Use a nonchlorine bleach '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What comedian was born Allen Stewart Konigsberg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which drug is commonly used to treat AIDS ?\nType: Disease and medicine\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1678, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c484b36f511ec3f88c462e36a451394a0f7674ca1146e617"} {"input": "Question: When was the first liver transplant ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was Nine Tailors , the television show from 1974 , about ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Italian leader had a lifelong fear of the evil eye ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the Marvel team loosely based on DC 's Justice League of America ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the largest sculpture in the world ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the nature of learning ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the only modern language that capitalizes its singular first-person pronoun ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What color eyes are most sensitive to light ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What Scandinavian capital is built on nine bridge-connected islands ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was the largest city in the world to declare martial law in 1989 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What French seaport claims to be The Home of Wines ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What Civil War general wreaked havoc on the south by marching through Georgia on his way to the sea ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Where can I find examples of legal cases about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many dots make up the symbol for `` because '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the architect of Central Park ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the West Virginia state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the population of Ohio ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What was Connecticut 's first constitution called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What year was the Avery Dennison company founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where is former Pro wrestler Johnny `` Rubber Man '' Walker ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find a list of `` classic '' books 5th and 6th graders should read ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first king of England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What steps can be taken to prevent diabetes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are manifest and latent function theories ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many varieties of apple are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the name of that popular song the Creeps sang ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a language spoken by the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What does the six-footed Musca domestica become when it enters a house ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country did the Mau Mau Uprising take place in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the most popular four-player game of all time ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is Pittsburgh 's baseball team called ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many miles is it from London , England to Plymouth , England ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Jules Verne novel features scientists held captive in the submarine Nautilus ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many films did Ingmar Bergman make ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who held the endurance record for women pilots in 1929 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What product did Robert Conrad dare people to knock off his shoulder ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How can you be happy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What female suspect in the game of Clue is single ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do manatees eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are the short- and long-term effects of underage drinking ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what year was the Wall built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Shakespeare play opens with the line : `` Now is the winter of our discontent.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What army 's motto is Blood and Fire ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does the double-O indicate in 007 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does Lloyd 's Lutine Bell announce ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between fatalism and determinism ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who has more DNA - a man or a woman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What function does a community 's water tower serve ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the executor in a will ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What animal migrates the farthest ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why are the ears your center of balance ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the first names of Rowan and Martin , the stars of TV 's Laugh-In ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Procter & Gamble headquartered in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I change a file from an ART file to a JPEG or Bitmap file ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What do the letters D.C. stand for in Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What Japanese city was once called Edo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When was the last major eruption of Mount St. Helens ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the chemical formula for napalm ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What is the deepest area of the Arctic Ocean ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of Joan Jett 's band ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the population of Mozambique ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Name a movie about the Sioux Indians starring Kevin Costner .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who recorded the 1957 hit Tammy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What role do fruits play in the survival of plants ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the weakest bone in the body ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What is the name of the company that manufactures the `` American Girl '' doll collection ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How long is Camptown Racetrack ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Where did the sport of caber-tossing originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is an ecological niche ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of childbirth ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What holidays are celebrated in Ireland ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many John Deere tractors have been manufactured ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the lyrics to `` Smelly Cat '' ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1641, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c929e9466c70da2f1b667b9968b34928e0f16197ca9e9c04"} {"input": "Question: What instrument did Glenn Miller play ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who is the Incredible Hulk in reality ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: On average , how many miles are there to the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who told all in Ball Four ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Karenna Gore , Al Gore 's oldest daughter , married to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What sport do the Cleaveland Cavaliers play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are snowballs to a hot-rodder ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played the part of the Godfather in the movie , ` The Godfather ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the nickname of the famous flyer who mistakenly flew to Ireland instead of to Los Angeles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did Spielberg make `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does the name `` Sheri '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long was the longest hiccup attack ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What 's the largest island in the West Indies ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Hitler came to power in Germany in what year ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What percentage of children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Why do some jets have a vapor trail , and others do not ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is viscosity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the rallying cry of the early American revolutionaries ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who has the only speaking role in `` Silent Movie '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the following people is not associated with Andy Warhol ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I legally make my own will and testament ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is dextropropoxyphen napsylate ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the first ten amendements passed ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many four star generals were there and who are they ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How many furlongs are there in a mile-and-a-quarter recetrack ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What sport features snatches and clean jerks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who spoke the only word in Mel Brooks 's Silent Movie ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Jimmy Stewart invent ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who did Arthur H. Bremer try to assassinate on May 15 , 1972 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does a small businessman contact the Good Humor Ice Cream company to do business with them ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What kind of organization is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What game does Garry Kasparov play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What season begins with the vernal equinox ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What college produced the most winning Super Bowl quarterbacks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In which year was the cartoon character Chilly Willy created ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was Damocles ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the chance of conceiving quadruplets ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: On which Hawaiian island is Pearl Harbor ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What sport do the Cleaveland Cavaliers play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What 's the most delicate-tasting member of the onion family ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Which mayonnaise refers to itself as `` real '' mayonnaise ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What baseball player was walked the most times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the Nile River originate in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the population of the largest Chilean city\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What sport features slotbacks , tailbacks , and touchbacks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What caused an adjournment of the 25th anniversary session of the United Nations General Assembly ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What city is sometimes called Gotham ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many sides does an obelisk have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who asked the musical question : `` Have you ever been to electric lady land ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do we call the imaginary line along the top of the Rocky Mountains ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why are there letters on the telephone ? Why are there no Q or Z ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How come light bulbs go out ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the text of the Fifth Amendment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you use `` farther '' as opposed to `` further '' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` The Brooklyn Side '' in bowling ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What attorneys work for The Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many times in his 16-year National Basketball Associaton career was John Havlicek a member of the all-star team ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city was President William McKinley shot in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who took the toys donated for the Doodyville Orphans ' Fund and kept them for himself ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What New England state carries the telephone area code 27 ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many questions are on this thing ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the second-longest coastline ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What Shakespeare play opens with the line : `` Now is the winter of our discontent.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Iowa ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How does an abacus work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the birthplace of Edgar Allen Poe ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does BTU mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What do you call a `` twirl '' in ballet ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many athletes did Puerto Rico enter in the 1984 Winter Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What blew up at Lakehurst , New Jersey , on May 6 , 1977 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the distinct physical characterstics of the Arabian horse ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Musical instrument"], "length": 1680, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "69091626855bf63b2b103f3af3a47a624ccdb47285a921ca"} {"input": "Question: Who won Ms. American in 1989 ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was the first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is a mathematical factor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What pseudonym did William Sydney Porter use in writing The Gift of the Magi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country 's royal house is Bourbon-Parma ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What two countries share the Khyber Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who played for the Chicago Bears , Houston Oilers and Oakland Raiders in a 26-year pro football career ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two countries is Andorra nestled between ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Southern California town is named after a character made famous by Edgar Rice Burroughs ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is Cabarnet Sauvignon ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are Cobol , Fortran , and Pascal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is Ocho Rios ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What presidential press secretary dismissed Watergate as a third-rate burglary attempt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people did Randy Steven Craft murder ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the motto of the Boy Scouts ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What comedian was banned from the Ed Sullivan Show for allegedly making an obscene gesture at the show 's host ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What money was used by them ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What is a fear of motion ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What 's the only mammal that can 't jump ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many types of cheese are there in France ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much energy is released when oxygen and hydrogen mix ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does NAFTA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Whose old London come-on was : `` Buy my sweet lavender '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country are you in if you woo in the Wu dialect ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who said `` Give me liberty or give me death '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In Kafka 's Metamorphosis , the hero awakes one morning to find himself turned into what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What TV family sometimes buys eclairs from Nelson 's Bakery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which presidents of the USA were Masons ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the recipe or formula for Coca-Cola ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What does verdandi mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who portrayed George M. Cohan in 1942 's Yankee Doodle Dandy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many rings are there on a five-zone archery target ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the second-longest coastline ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who gave King Arthur the round table ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the four elements ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What war did the Wanna-Go-Home Riots occur after ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What World War I battle saw 6 , 0 troops killed in one day ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the first town to be chartered in Vermont ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was Paul Bunyan 's ox 's name ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What Cruise Line does Kathie Lee Gifford advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the tallest building in Japan ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What multitalented Academy-award-winning director failed a college course in motion-picture production ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the definition of cecum ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What percentage of Americans own their homes ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of argon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How long do hermit crabs live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What 's the most common surname in America ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many URL extensions are there ? and what are they ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the mother of the man who would not be king , the duke of Windsor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What pillar of the Dutch Renaissance painted Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the leading pecan and peanut growing state ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What were the first frozen foods ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: The Jewish alphabet is known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where can I find the best free evidence for debate about Russia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does a chick breathe inside an egg ?\nType: Manner of an actionQuestion: What is the HIGHEST Roman numeral ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did Israel begin turning the Gaza Strip and Jericho over to the PLO ?\nType: DateQuestion: Who were the head writers for the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who created the character of Scrooge ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are electric cars less efficient in the northeast than in California ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who created `` The Muppets '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who made the musical plea Be True to Your School ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the term for the side of the mountain that faces the prevailing winds ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What did John F. Kennedy consider his greatest blunder in office ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Tom Wolfe book is about the Mercury astronauts ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the oldest building in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is osmosis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who portrayed Fatman in the television show , `` Jake and the Fatman '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the Nazis occupy for 1 , CD NNS IN NNP NNP NNP .\nType: Country\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Gimli as a central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: With whom did Bush compare Saddam Hussein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did World War I start ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1643, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "206b78b2a11b7e444a95e37dc0fd700df904094152b64a4a"} {"input": "Question: How long did Rip Van Winkle sleep ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What cancer is commonly associated with AIDS ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How big is the universe actually ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What is a golf ball made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where is the Isle of Man ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What has to be produced in a writ of habeas corpus ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What university fired Angela Davis ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What painter popularized soup cans and Brillo soap pad boxes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where was Christopher Columbus born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who owns the St. Louis Rams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did the use of `` the syringe '' first appear in medicinal history ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the Southern dish made of pigs ' small intestines ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: In the song `` Yankee Doodle , '' why did Yankee Doodle stick a feather in his cap and call it macaroni ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What do a diamond and lump of coal have in common ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What constellation is known as The Water Bearer ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Name the fast food chain with the golden arches .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the recipe or formula for Coca-Cola ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who manufactures the software , `` PhotoShop '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who sings the song `` Drink to me with thine eyes '' by Ben Johnson ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the non-fiction best-seller of 1952 , 1953 and 1954 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a fear of thunder ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the name of Miss India 1994 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many tiles did the Space Shuttle Columbia lose on its second flight ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is HDLC ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where are the 49 steps ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What amount of folic acid should an expectant mother take daily ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What river flows through Vienna , Budapest and Belgrade ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much money are Dumbo 's ears insured for ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is Latin for incompetent ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What do ladybugs eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who created Dennis the Menace ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does Zatanna perform her magic in DC comics ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who were the Yankee 's frequent enemies ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a glory hole ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the characters ' names in the Scooby-Doo cartoon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which mosquito 's bite draws blood , DT NN CC DT NN .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the fare cost for the round trip between New York and London on Concorde ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How can I stop or slow down aging ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which sex is twice as likely to contract leprosy ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the largest sculpture in the world ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What two vegetables are combined in succotash ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Why is the mile 528 feet ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What two countries are separated by the Bering Strait ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who coined the term NN cyberspace `` in his novel NN Neuromancer '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Chiricahua the name of ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Why do pharmacists work on raised floors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How long does it take sunlight to reach Earth ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What 's the largest U.S. city on the Great Lakes ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was Jean Nicolet ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who turned all he touched to gold ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who killed more people , Hitler or Stalin ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American naval officer broke Japan 's isolationist policy in 1853 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of crystals exist ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What U.S. Government agency registers trademarks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Connecticut ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is the prime minister in Norway ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who did Arthur H. Bremer try to assassinate on May 15 , 1972 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the all-time stock high of Apple Computer , and where can I find this information ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who was Hitler 's minister of propaganda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Edward Albee 's first full-length play ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Russian composer 's Prelude in C Sharp Minor brought him fame and fortune ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 2th-century fictional character attends Pencey Prep School ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What record company produced the 1978 movie The Wiz ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many bottles of wine were prisoners in the Bastille allowed per day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What fool is not so wise To lose an oath to win a paradise ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does snafu stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What makes thunder ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the leading pecan and peanut growing state ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is amezaiku ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do I find out what cities are in a certain area code ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is dextropropoxyphen napsylate ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Lasting time of somethin"], "length": 1627, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "10e30eb8abf0d20556b414e826d971873468493164027855"} {"input": "Question: What is foot and mouth disease ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the only modern language that capitalizes its singular first-person pronoun ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: Who wrote ` Hamlet ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long do cardinal eggs incubate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: When was China 's first nuclear test ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name the vessel used by the Atari Force in the DC comics .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What causes an earthquake ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who is Olive Oyl 's brother ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did Hitler die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who gave King Arthur the round table ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Rocky 's and Bullwinkle 's ever-lost friend ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much money was the minimum wage in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What army was founded by William Booth and his wife Catherine ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What function does homeostasis have on the existence of an organism ?\nType: ReasonQuestion: What was the name of Captain Bligh 's ship ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What tennis player has the nickname `` Nasty '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does God create in the first sentence of the Bible ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How hot should the oven be when baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What 's the second-most-used vowel in English ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: How many disks does each player have in a four-handed game of Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What should you do for an ankle sprain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What ratio of children of ages between two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: In what year did China and the Republic of Korea establish diplomatic relations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a fear of disease ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Whose cupboard was bare ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did the name Daniel originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What southeast Asian country has the Wang River joining the Ping River at Tak ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Java ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the temperature for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a Gaelic language .\nType: Language\nQuestion: What Michelangelo sculpture is in Saint Peter 's Cathedral , Basilica , ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What must a Las Vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When did the Jurassic Period end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which breakfast cereal brought you `` the best each morning '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the name of the American literary era that includes 1896 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What university was Woodrow Wilson President of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When was Berlin 's Brandenburg gate erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the name of Sergeant Preston of the Yukon 's lead dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Tell me what city the Kentucky Horse Park is near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the U.S. location of Procter & Gamble corporate offices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I get a map of Prussia on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Aspartame is known by what other name ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What wrestling star became `` The Incredible Hulk '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was The Pride of the Yankees ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of patent did Ermal Fraze get in 1963 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What color are school buses ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Name of King Arthur 's sword ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What name does the world know Renaissance artist Kyriakos Theotokopoulos by ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What percentage of the body is muscle ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Where can I find the lyrics for the song ` Getting Married Today ' from the musical ` Company ' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is one of the cities that the University of Minnesota is located in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How does food color affect how you think it will taste ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the definition of ` graphic details ' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many days does a typical mayfly live ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When did Israel begin turning the Gaza Strip and Jericho over to the PLO ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the name of the television show , starring Karl Madsen , that had San Francisco in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the student population at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: When was Babe Ruth born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was Connecticut 's first constitution called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many pounds are there in a stone ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What is Goldfinger 's first name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What island group is Guadalcanal a part of ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the art of growing miniature trees ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What sea did the Romans call mare nostrum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: About how many soldiers died in World War II ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How big is a quart ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What was the name of the `` Little Rascals '' dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What ability has the silkworm moth lost through domestication ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How much did the minimum wage amount to in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: In what movie is the number nine found in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are two plants that clothes are made from ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is located in what city ?\nType: City\n", "answers": ["Disease and medicine"], "length": 1592, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "7d1f909bc981db6c50db83a5c83825bb38e2d5cec1f6ebcd"} {"input": "Question: What is semolina ?\nType:", "context": "Question: About how many soldiers died in World War II ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between the anus and the rectum ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the nickname of Pennsylvania ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Why do some clothing labels say `` Use a nonchlorine bleach '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Louisiana Senator won a seat that had been held by his father and mother ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who did Sonny Liston succeed as world heavyweight boxing champion ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Russian city used to be called St. Petersburg and Petrograd ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's the distinction of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many of every 10 members of the Rodeo Cowboys Association have never worked a ranch ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is Robin Williams ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who was International Olympic Committee chairman at the 1936 Summer Games ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many movies has Drew Barrymore been in ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: How many flavors of ice cream does Howard Johnson 's have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country in Latin America is the largest one ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a research expedition in mountain climbing ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What kind of company is 7-Eleven ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who are the two sons of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many equal angles are there in an isosceles triangle ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's a male witch called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is a gas release event ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the name of a golf course in Myrtle Beach ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the Chivington Massacre ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What baseball player was known as Charley Hustle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What are the components of polyester ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where is the Orinoco ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the web address at which I can find the e-mail address of a member of the US House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the head of the World Bank ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Define Spumante .\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What British TV series inspired All in the Family ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is mandibulofacial dysostosis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the composer of `` Canon in D Major '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many lakes are there on the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is one of the cities that the University of Minnesota is located in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What company produces Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the motto of the Boy Scouts ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does Venus Retrograde mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is `` flintknapping '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country was Hitler the chancellor of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who has more DNA - a man or a woman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I take a test that will tell me what I should be when I grow up ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who 's the founder and editor of The National Review ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who did Arthur H. Bremer try to assassinate on May 15 , 1972 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I get cotton textiles importer details ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What time does Wee Willie Winkie run through the town ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What ability has the silkworm moth lost through domestication ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was Samuel Johnsons 's friend and biographer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which city has the oldest relationship as a sisterðcity with Los Angeles ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What comedian created a punch-drunk pugilist named Cauliflower McPugg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is state tree of Nebraska ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What meter did Shakespeare use in writing : `` To be , or not to be , that is the question.. . '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What state is Niagara Falls located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` jiggy '' as in getting jiggy with it ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of cold ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does caliente mean , in English ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the country of giants twelve times the size of man in `` Gulliver 's Travels . ''\nType: Country\nQuestion: What European country 's monarchy was restored in 1975 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which country is Australia 's largest export market ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does Ms. , Miss , and Mrs. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Why do horseshoes bring luck ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Doegs ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where are the 49 steps ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find book reviews of `` Turbulent Souls '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the music used in the new VW Beetle commercial where the car spins and changes colors ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I get a complete listing of showtimes in my area ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first woman in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which gender has bigger thighs ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How does an abacus work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What country is the worlds leading supplier of cannabis ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was considered to be the father of psychology ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is pandoro ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1609, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a12c082b70af2ce8257e73f6072f8b2b9d0d30cac6a06055"} {"input": "Question: How tall is the Sears Building ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the largest county in size in Massachusetts ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: On what date did Rosa Parks Become a symbol of the civil rights movement for refusing to give up her seat on the bus ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name a band which was famous in the 1960 's .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the best way to overcome a fear ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What planet did Percival Lovell discover ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many people live in cities ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the occupation of Mandy Rice-Davies ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How tall was the animated Frankenstein\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Name a country that is developing a magnetic levitation railway system ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was the 16th President of the United States ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the most famous food editor of The New York Times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sea surrounds the Cayman Islands ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who retired with 755 home runs to his credit ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played the part of the Godfather in the movie , ` The Godfather ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many cards is each player dealt in Contract Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What amount of money did the Philippine ex-dictator Marcos steal from the treasury ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the population of Japan ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What are the lengths of pearl necklaces ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many people watch network television ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What President lived at 219 North Delaware Street , Independence , Missouri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the longest English word that can be formed using just the first row of letters on a typewriter ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Where is the actress , Marion Davies , buried ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is magnetar ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the two cities in Dicken 's `` A Tale of Two Cities '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: On average , how many miles are there to the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What percentage of American men are alcoholic ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: How many disks does each player have in a four-handed game of Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What terrorist group was headed by Donald DeFreeze ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the name of the second space shuttle ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What city was President William McKinley shot in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is Margaret Thatcher known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the top five oil-producing countries in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What comedian created a punch-drunk pugilist named Cauliflower McPugg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who are the Challengers of the Unknown ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much time does the blinking of an eye take ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which thrilled taste buds first - Snickers or 3 Musketeers ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who is Olive Oyl 's brother ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is located in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is one of the languages of the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What company 's logo is a `` W '' in a circle ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country contains the westernmost point in South America ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Why do some people have two different color eyes ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which two inventors invented Post-its ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What award is the `` Oscar '' of advertising ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What chemical in red wine is good for the heart and what exactly does it do to your body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the world 's highest peak ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Who did Sara Jane Moore try to assassinate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of David Letterman 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where can I read about Chiang Kai-shek ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who portrayed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in The Desert Fox ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Berlin 's Brandenburg gate erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does the acronym CPR mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who protects DC Comics ' realm of dreams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Calypso music invented ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was Hitler 's minister of propaganda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What should the oven be set at for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who recorded the 1957 hit Tammy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much money was the minimum wage in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: For what reason did some San Diego schools stop serving apples ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What day is known as the `` national day of prayer '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why do n't you guys have some sort of contest where you ask a question and whoever finds the answers wins a prize ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's a male `` cuckquean '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the Benelux countries ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's another word that means `` knows all '' ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the treatment for depression ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who famously rode to warn the people of Massachusetts that the British were coming ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the theory of equivalence states ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the Lost Colony ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do I love thee ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many times has `` Louie , Louie '' been recorded ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why does a woman have to be a virgin to be a nun ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What animal has killed the most people ?\nType: Animal\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1599, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "dac55a9f7b6f6935b806c22e5b2a0fa53d1052fa1084aec3"} {"input": "Question: How far is a nautical mile ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How do I love thee ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the term for a young fox ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who was the first American citizen awarded the Albert Medal of the Society of Arts ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: What are all the southern states of the United States ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who is currently the most popular singer in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who made Stonehenge ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which Kevin Costner movie involves the Sioux Indians ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What river flows past the Temple of Karnak ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is cosmology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which member of Charlie 's Angels sang vocals for Josie and the Pussycats ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the number 33 on the Rolling Rock beer bottle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you get bubblegum out of carpet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who plays the cop in the movie `` Kindergarten Cop '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much calcium should an adult female have daily ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What team did Babe Ruth play his first major league game for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Beethoven 's 9th symphony called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are geckos ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What war did the Wanna-Go-Home Riots occur after ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What after-dinner treat was invented in 1916 at the George Jung noodle factory in Los Angeles ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the principal river of Ireland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What color was the hundred billionth crayon made by Crayola ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What film dramatized the Scopes monkey trial ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What two New York Yankee pitchers swapped wives and families ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a pig in a poke ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What makes a clitoris sensitive ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do Ouija Boards work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What cocktail inspired John Doxat to write the book Stirred-Not Shaken ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's the American dollar equivalent for 8 pounds in the U.K. ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the planet that the Ewoks live on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Greek pita ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played Sally Rogers on The Dick Van Dyke Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the recipe or formula for Coca-Cola ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What caused the Lynmouth floods ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What company has built more than 2.5 billion little green houses since 1935 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is making love ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What planet gave bith to Superman ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What actor dressed up as Santa Claus and had a once-a-year affair with actress Shelley Winters every Christmas for many years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country 's national passenger rail system is called Via ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which city has the oldest relationship as a sisterðcity with Los Angeles ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many hours of work does it take a typist to complete a 100-page screenplay ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of everything ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What kind of rocket launched the Surveyor spacecraft ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What was the name of Randy Craft 's lawyer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of food ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was Einstein 's IQ ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who markets Spaghetti-o 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Rotary engines used to be made by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does General Mills manufacture Cheerios ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What song put James Taylor in the limelight ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What date did man first land on the moon ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What time of year has the most air travel ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How long does it take the typical hen to lay 19 dozen eggs ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How do companies cut paper so thin ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I contact Answers.com direct ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did the Maya people live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is section manager for guidance and control systems at JPL ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the longest river in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What do the letters ZIP stand for in the phrase `` ZIP code '' ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What were Babe Ruth 's Christian names ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What future deer hunter portrayed Annie Hall 's neurotic brother , Duane ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is Mississippi 's state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What did a 16th-century Aztec athlete get for putting a rubber ball through a ring ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Archimedes famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injection ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What city boasts Penn 's Landing , on the banks of the Delaware river ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why is Rush 's 2112 called 2112 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How big is the universe actually ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: Why does sound travel quicker through water than air ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1638, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a7df71a32324720da9ed7e8b71d99605a7aa2c8c03fce970"} {"input": "Question: When did John F. Kennedy get elected as President ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What five-time winner of the Kentucky Derby lost his first 25 races ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What baseball team became the Minnesota Twins ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of a.m. and p.m. ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What actor said in A Day at the Races : `` Either he 's dead or my watch has stopped '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How big is the largest diamond ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: How does Belle describe her life in Beauty and the Beast ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: How many spears are there on Kenya 's flag ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What actor married John F. Kennedy 's sister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What are the capital cities of the two large countries that occupy the Iberian peninsula in Europe ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many years did Shea & Gould practice law in Los Angeles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many square feet is Bill Gates ' home ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was Einstein 's IQ ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is color ?\nType: Definition of somethingQuestion: What causes asthma ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What English word has the most letters ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What does a red flag mean in auto racing ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many objects orbit the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What card game has variations called Canfield , Klondike and Spider ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who is buried in the great pyramid of Giza ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Candlemas Day ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What after-dinner treat was invented in 1916 at the George Jung noodle factory in Los Angeles ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What does the number 33 on the Rolling Rock beer bottle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the first names of the famous husband-and-wife acting team of Lunt and Fontanne ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What comic of TV 's golden age went by the motto `` Anything for a laugh '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the largest museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can I get a CCT diagram ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does the donation process entail ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the name Calder mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many milligrams are in a gram ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much iron is in your body ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name of King Arthur 's sword ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the `` fourth dimension '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of night or darkness ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which sex is denied voting rights in Kuwait ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the quickest and easiest way to get nail polish out of clothes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who portrayed Etta Place , companion to Butch Cassidey and the Sundance Kid ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state lived under six flags ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the high pitched sound that you hear in your ear every now and then , but then it goes away , after a while ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name the two blob members of the animated Herculoids .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a word whose letters can be rearranged to form a different word ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Name a movie that the actress , Sandra Bullock , had a role in .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the second person ever to wear Iron Man 's armor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Ozzy Osbourne born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the acronym for the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What are Halloween 's colors ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How does Belle describe her life in Beauty and the Beast ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What singer 's hit song inspired the Dolly Parton Stallone movie Rhinestone ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How far can you see ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is the protection rate of using condoms ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How many oceans are there and name them ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What can I use to remove the stubborn gummed labels from some diskettes ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: In what country is a stuck-out tongue a friendly greeting ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's father 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the largest water conservancy project in China ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who was the famous door-to-door brush salesman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What landmark Italian restaurant can be found at 239 West 48th Street , New York City ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the only extant trilogy of classical Greek plays .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who wrote The Ugly Duckling ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does Barney Rubble go to work after he drops Fred off in the `` Flintstones '' cartoon series ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How has TV affected our society ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many consecutive baseball games did Lou Gehrig play ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term soda jerk ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What country 's royal house is Bourbon-Parma ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What army 's motto is Blood and Fire ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What whisky is `` known by the company it keeps '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who did Doris Day mean when she said : `` I call him Ernie because he 's certainly no Rock '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many bails are there in a cricket wicket ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who wrote the Farmer 's Almanac ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many teaspoons make up a tablespoon ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1705, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a94bd8caca00b64dffecfc1381aba40f95f662be291e982c"} {"input": "Question: What is ozone depletion ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What do I need to learn to design web pages ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between terry cloth and French terry ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the Kalahari desert ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do you clean an LCD monitor screen ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who received the Will Rogers Award in 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many pairs of legs does a lobster have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What web sites are linked to the Report on Genesis Eldercare ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose husbands have included Conrad Hilton Jr. , and Michael Wilding ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many years do fossils take to form ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much caffeine is in a 16 oz cup of coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name a Gaelic language .\nType: Language\nQuestion: Where does the weird shape of the dinner fish knife originate from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which leg does a cat move with its left front leg when walking - its left rear or right rear leg ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who was President of Afghanistan in 1994 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does Nicholas Cage do for a living ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What 1976 Deep Throat clone provides the leading lady with a second larynx ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where did Wile E. Coyote always get his devices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many Vietnamese were there in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Tetrinet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Germany ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Name a civil war battlefield .\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What percentage of the world 's plant and animal species can be found in the Amazon forests ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who did the Seven Mules block for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the top 5 tallest buildings in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the Cleveland Indians also called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How do I know how much money to save for retirement ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What book did Aaron Hass write ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many men died building the Mackinaw Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What literary classic centers on the search for a treasure in gold worth 7 , 0 pounds ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the main blood vessels ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What did Woody Allen call the Japanese gangster film he dubbed into English as a comedy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What country has the largest sheep population ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the name of the television show , starring Karl Madsen , that had San Francisco in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: In what religion was Isis the nature goddess ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: What is one of the cities that the University of Minnesota is located in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why is the word `` abbreviation '' so long ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many men died building the Mackinaw Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Sinn Fein ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played the Ringo Kid in the 1939 film Stagecoach ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a resurrectionist steal ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What state is the Filenes store located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What cocktail do you concoct with whisky and sweet vermouth ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What woman was Time 's Man of the Year for 1952 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many cullions does a male have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who said `` What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is LMDS ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What garment was named for Bradley , Voorhees and Day ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: When did the Jurassic Period end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What ratio of children of ages between two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How long does it take light to reach the Earth from the Sun ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the full form of .com ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where on the Web is Adventours Tours from Sydney , Australia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What four U.S. states have active volcanoes ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What celebrity couple , when going through a divorce , divided their toilet paper into two equal piles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was cash-conscious Colonel Edwin L. Drake the first to drill ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a pig in a poke ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long does James Bond like his eggs boiled ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many tenths of the Earth 's surface lie under water ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many games are played in a five-team round-robin tournament ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What types of water pollution are there ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: In the past 8 years who have the MVP players for the NHL been ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What hymn did John Steinbeck get his title The Grapes of Wrath from ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What lake is the source of the White Nile ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is software piracy ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the Bernoulli Principle ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In what movie is the number nine found in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why do people in the upper peninsula of Michagin say `` eh ? '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the first person inducted into the U.S. Swimming Hall of Fame ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does Buzz Aldrin want to build a permanent , manned space station ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does Knight Ridder publish ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1678, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "943ab0f567be614c671b5ca026c222919c5bc65ca6bd27f7"} {"input": "Question: Who invented the calculator ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is Spumante ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: A corgi is a kind of what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does a man suffering from diphallic terata have ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Which area produces the least acidic coffee ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the most common cancer ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the cultural origin of the ceremony of potlatch ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many people died because of a smoking problem in 1997 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What group kidnaped Patricia Hearst ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country is the world 's largest importer of cognac ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are the words to the song sung by `` Banana in Pajamas '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When did the supercontinent Pangaea break up ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the capital of Italy ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who were the Yankee 's frequent enemies ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many people live in the Falklands ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was unusual about Alexandra 's appearance in Josie and the Pussycats ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a caul ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the channel ESPN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What should the oven be set at for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which type of submarine was bought recently by South Korea ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of the football game that saw Fordham defeat Waynesburg State 12601 on September 3 , 1939 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the first person inducted into the U.S. Swimming Hall of Fame ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Nicholas Cage 's occupation ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What Jewish holiday saw the start of the 1973 Mideast War ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What country , after Canada and Mexico , is closest to the U.S. ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do goldfish lose if kept in dimly-lit or running water ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What two animals are specifically mentioned as being in Noah 's Ark ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who is the president of Stanford University ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What weapon is the mythological character Apollo most proficient with ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the name of a hotel in Indianapolis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who made a boat out of gopher wood ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What North American city boasts the biggest Polish population ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What predators exist on Antarctica ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What 's the most popular contact lens color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is the occupation of Nicholas Cage ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Britain 's possession on the Chinese mainland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What bottled-up TV character was born in Baghdad ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What female suspect in the game of Clue is single ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many U.S. presidents were assassinated during Queen Victoria 's reign ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long does a human live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the celtic symbol for `` life '' ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What U.S. President showed a fondness for munching on bee pollen bars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has the best defensive position in the board game Diplomacy ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Independent silversmith 's account for what percentage of silver production ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who was Monet ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the cultural origin of the ceremony of potlatch ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of that popular song the Creeps sang ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: Why does a woman have to be a virgin to be a nun ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the correct way to abbreviate cc. at the bottom of a business letter ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What are close encounters of the first and second kind ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What Frederick Forsyth novel chronicles the toppling of an African government by mercenaries ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What famous comic strip character died of acne ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What war did Florence Nightingale tend the troops in ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who is Shirley MacLaine ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the most number of goals scored by a single team in an NHL hockey game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What TV series saw many of its aquatic scenes shot at Silver Springs , Florida ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who played Humpty Dumpty in the 1933 film Alice in Wonderland ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most popular four-player game of all time ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What drink is formed of tequila , orange juice and galliano ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What is the difference between microprocessors & microcontrollers ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Describe the Long March .\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Stuart Hamblen is considered to be the first singing cowboy of what ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How is an executioner determined ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Jude Law was in what movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the only vegetable that starts with `` z '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What was the death toll at the eruption of Mount Pinatubo ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the longest river in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was Darth Vader 's son ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of motion ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What did Jack exchange with the butcher for a handful of beans ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who portrayed Renaud in Casablanca ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1696, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "1d12eb0eac6d6119b8b60c3988dcfdf8f311fdbef2308937"} {"input": "Question: What do you call a word that is spelled the same backwards and forwards ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many movies has Drew Barrymore been in ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Basque country located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What meter did Shakespeare use in writing : `` To be , or not to be , that is the question.. . '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What international sport was originally called hurley ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What 's the better-known identity of John Merrick , the noble ogre of Victorian England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport is Chris Jogis a top player of ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who is the Antichrist ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do you get by adding Lactobacillus bulgaricus to milk ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What causes `` rolling thunder '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What country has the largest sheep population ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is an auto-commentary ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What TV comediennes 's characters include former movie star Nora Desmond , secretary Mrs. Wiggins and a housewife named Eunice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When the Tutankhamun exhibit was on display in the U.S. , what moving company transported it ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are amaretto biscuits ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did U.S.A become involved in the Barbary Wars\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the backup singing group for Roy Rogers ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I stop background noise in a car stereo ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the name of the peace agreement imposed on Germany after World War I ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 1895 H.G. Wells novel was written under the title The Chronic Argonauts ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does the `` c '' stand for in the equation E=mc2 ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What U.S. state are the Finger Lakes in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many objects orbit the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who started the Dominos Pizza chain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Amtrak begin operations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` tampon '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How long is the border between Canada and the 48 conterminous states ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How long is the Coney Island boardwalk ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Where did the real St. Nicholas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What exactly , specifically does sleep do for you ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Scandinavian country covers 173 , 732 square miles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is Johnny Carson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What 's the biggest-selling U.S. magazine aimed at a black audience ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who invented Make-up ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much do drugs to treat tuberculosis cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is Srpska Krajina ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many sperm cells are in an average ejaculation ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which of the following famous people does not paint as a hobby ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are there 12 people on a jury in criminal cases ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the shape of a camel 's spine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What incident caused the canning of a summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Stuart Hamblen is considered to be the first singing cowboy of what ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is object-oriented design ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much did the minimum wage amount to in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What did Louis Cartier invent for aviator Santos Dumont in 1940 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the origin of thank you notes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the distinct physical characterstics of the Arabian horse ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of disease ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How do you determine if a computer monitor has an SVGA adapter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What vowel do all Esperanto nouns end in ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What pseudonym did William Sydney Porter use in writing The Gift of the Magi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two South American countries do n't border Brazil ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: A corgi is a kind of what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the `` coppertop '' battery ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many consecutive baseball games did Lou Gehrig play ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where did surfing originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the treatment for depression ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What nuclear process takes place in an H-bomb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What country has been called The Queen of the Antilles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What drink is the best thirst-quencher ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What causes the redness in your cheeks when you blush ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many inches over six feet is Tom Selleck ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How is the election of a new Pope announced to the world ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What exactly , specifically does sleep do for you ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name the two actress daughters of John Mills .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who won two gold medals in skiing in the Olympic Games in Calgary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many of them are in sub-Saharan Africa ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of childbirth ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who wrote The Collector ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the inventor of silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Internet2 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What crooner joined The Andrews Sisters for Pistol Packin Mama ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Equivalent term"], "length": 1630, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "cde02966d1f0851a130f3fc25319c63c6ef8e234ed90cae0"} {"input": "Question: When is Father 's Day ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What happened in dogtown in 1899 to make that year remembered ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is California 's capital ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Tell me what city the Kentucky Horse Park is near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What did 8 , CD NNS VBP TO VB NNP POS NN .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why can 't women serve in the Navy on board submarines ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is November 's birthstone ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What continent is Bolivia on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the second-longest coastline ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the nature of snow and how is the formation of snow different from that of ice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What animal was the heat-seeking missile called the Sidewinder named for ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many times a day does the typical person go to the bathroom ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many James Bond novels are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the name of Tom Sawyer 's aunt with whom he lives ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Lucelly Garcia , a former ambassador of Columbia to Honduras , die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What business exports the sparkling wine Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What color were Ernest Hemingway 's eyes ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Name 11 famous martyrs .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who owns the rights on a TV program ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cooking oil has `` corn goodness '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many games are played in a five-team round-robin tournament ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city is the Kentucky Horse Park near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where is Erykah Badu originally from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is limbo ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In what part of Africa is Mozambique located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where did George of the Jungle live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What sport was the first televised in the U.S. ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What do ladybugs eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When were camcorders introduced in Malaysia ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a fear of being cold ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When it 's time to relax , what one beer stands clear ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What will the increase be in the California gas tax by 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the Hub of London ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do pointed letters mean to a handwriting analyst ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the most important nation in the world , historically ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of the name Tatiana ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the number `` 5 '' stand for on FUBU clothing ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What country 's flag is field green ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who killed JFK ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the tree growing company .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is buried in the great pyramid of Giza ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do pressure cookers save time in the kitchen ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What stereo manufacturer is `` Slightly ahead of its time '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How long does it take the typical American to eat 23 quarts of ice cream ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What do you call a `` twirl '' in ballet ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What does a chiropodist treat ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What 1966 boob tube bomb took astronauts back to prehistoric times ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What two Caribbean countries share the island of Hispaniola ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are the powers and weaknesses of Green Lantern 's ring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who created the monster in Mary Shelley 's novel Frankenstein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Jackson Pollock was a native of what country ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does the word terrorism mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What hymn did John Steinbeck get his title The Grapes of Wrath from ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are my legal rights in an automobile repossession in California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state are the Finger Lakes in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who coined the term NN cyberspace `` in his novel NN Neuromancer '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the U.S. location of Procter & Gamble corporate offices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the former residence of Scottish kings in Edinburgh ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many quarters equal a pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: How much did a McDonald 's hamburger cost in 1963 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is Garry Kasparov famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who is the director and editor of the movie Big starring Tom Hanks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find a case on Americans with Disabilities Act of 199 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the smallest thing seen under the most powerful microscope , and how big is it ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What revelation did Alexander Butterfield make to the Senate Watergate committee ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who invented silly putty ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1699, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "68e634727ef0e25bc70ae29ca004adaa9b13ff53c6aa9b90"} {"input": "Question: What did Jesse Jackson organize ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who was the first President to appoint a woman to head a cabinet ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who advised listeners to `` see the U.S.A. in your Chevrolet '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many pins are used in skittles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In which sport is there a `` scrum '' ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: In order from the top , the four stripes on a can of Pepsi are what colors ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What does NN O `` mean when used as a prefix in Irish surnames ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What makes Black Hills , South Dakota a tourist attraction ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: The Kentucky Horse Park is located near what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the probability that at least 2 out of 25 people will have the same birthday ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What does the method called `` cold fusion '' create ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the origin of head lice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does a phobophobe fear ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What famed river flows through Bagdad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many lakes are there on the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What kind of rocket launched the Surveyor spacecraft ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: When did CNN begin broadcasting ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does NECROSIS mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What Asian gulf were the destroyers Maddox and C Turner Joy shot up in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many states have a `` lemon law '' for new automobiles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 2th-century fictional character attends Pencey Prep School ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is widely used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Soviet leader owned a Rolls-Royce ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American sergeant lost both of his hands in combat during World War II and then went on to act in a single movie for which he won two Oscars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Asian spiritual and political leader was married at the age of 13 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the diseases that can be cured by black cumin ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the most commonly used 1 letter word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the world 's best selling cookie ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What famous actress made her first appearance on stage at the age of five in the year 191 as `` Baby '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people die from snakebite poisoning in the U.S. per year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the four most widely-used languages in North America ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: How many fiddlers did Old King Cole have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where does the expression `` cloud nine '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of weakness ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What comedian was born Allen Stewart Konigsberg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What piece of jewelry is pictured on Monopoly 's Luxury Tax space ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What causes headaches ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which of the following did not receive a 1983 `` Outstanding Mother Award '' from the National Mother 's Day Committee ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which two products use a tiger as their symbol ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What city is Logan Airport in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the four natural aids used in riding a horse ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is RCD ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who is Malaysia 's 43rd prime minister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many square feet is Bill Gates ' home ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who were John F. Kennedy 's dogs ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does SIDS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is a philanthropist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How has TV affected our society ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the orgin of xoxoxox ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many Leos have been Pope ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What infectious disease is the world 's deadliest ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Caribbean island is northeast of Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does Playboy title its `` continuing dialog on contemporary issues between Playboy and its readers '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many square feet is Bill Gates ' home ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What makes a clitoris sensitive ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When did Spain and Korea start ambassadorial relations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much could you rent a Volkswagen bug for in 1966 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Where must a soccer goalie stand to be permitted to handle the ball ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the two cities in Dicken 's `` A Tale of Two Cities '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do chickens have baby chicks ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What title does comedian Henry Youngman claim ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Who stopped making diary entries on May 31 , 1669 , because he thought he was going blind ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many spears are there on Kenya 's flag ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between ninjitsu and kung fu ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who sought to create The Great Society ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two New York Yankee pitchers swapped wives and families ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who created the World Wide Web , WWW ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are faults in the earth 's crust ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which former Ku Klux Klan member won an elected office in the U.S. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a green bog ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of Uruguay ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was John Steinbeck 's travelling companion Charley ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the environmental influences on plant genetics ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Group or organization of person"], "length": 1653, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "48ef3bbe793adfd2329dad96fda943f2b7278fe29ee69505"} {"input": "Question: What does I.V. stand for ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the origin of music ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: At Christmas time , what is the traditional thing to do under the mistletoe ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which infectious disease kills the most people worldwide ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Which side should a bowler facing a 37803 split hit the 3-pin on-the left or the right ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What World War II leader declared : `` The blow has been struck '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many inches tall is Stuart Little at birth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Linux ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why did Europeans first come to Australia and Oceania ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When was cigarette advertising banned on television and radio ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you clean an LCD monitor screen ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What actor dressed up as Santa Claus and had a once-a-year affair with actress Shelley Winters every Christmas for many years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the monster in Spielberg 's film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why was the zipper invented ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What character in The Beverly Hillbillies has the given names Daisy Moses ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What concerts are held in New York this week ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What racehorse won an Associated Press poll as the greatest horse of the 20th century ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What bird can swim but can 't fly ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What 's the nickname of oddsmaker Jimmy Snyder ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whom did Friz Freleng add to the Warner Bros. cartoon ranks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Malaysia 's 43rd prime minister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the death toll of people dying from tuberculosis ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you build a solar car for a high school experiment ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What occupation has the highest divorce rate ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the term for the side of the mountain that faces the prevailing winds ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What war saw a naval battle between the luxury liners Cap Trafalgar and the Carmania ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is Srpska Krajina ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: The Kentucky Horse Park is located near what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Texas city got its name from the Spanish for `` yellow '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation for Original Equipment Manufacturer ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: Who invented the fountain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many milligrams are in a gram ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How big is the universe actually ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What is the movie Jonathan Livingstone Seagull ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What cocktail inspired John Doxat to write the book Stirred-Not Shaken ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where are the apartments in Saint John , New Brunswick ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is Natick ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the airport code for Los Angeles International ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What is Mark McGwire 's e-mail address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first black woman to star in the Folies Bergeres ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the circumorbital hematoma ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country is proud to claim Volcano National Park ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the outcome of the 1945 Yalta Conference ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you say `` eat the day '' in Latin ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What does Esa-Pekka Salonen look like ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the `` 7-minute cigarette '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What took first prize in Omni magazine 's contest to find the `` ultimate unanswerable question '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does BUD stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are the shoe sizes of O 'Neal , Jordan , and Mutombo , the NBA players ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What famed library can you reach by dialing 22-287-5 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many were in attendance at the Last Supper ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How did Socrates die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How can SQL queries be improved ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How can I easily remove red wine stains from t-shirts ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many stars are there on the Soviet Union 's flag ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. city was named for St. Francis of Assisi ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What English word contains the most letters ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is a fear of food ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How much did the Iran-Contra investigation cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was `` America 's recessed-filter cigarette '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What kind of patent did Ermal Fraze get in 1963 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What overalls are named for Dungri , a suburb of Bombay ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What joins white wine to put the spritz in a Spritzer ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is a `` node '' in computer terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What woman was Time 's Man of the Year for 1952 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the `` Global Economy '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the life expectancy of an elephant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the difference between a preface and a foreword ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the dumbest domesticated animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How much salt is in the oceans ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much Coca Cola is drunk in one day in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many chairs are shown in Vincent Van Gogh 's 188 work The Artist 's Room in Arles ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Expression abbreviated"], "length": 1680, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c3ad7a6f2da7f11e98894dc996a92d822a6b75acea83aba4"} {"input": "Question: When was the first kidney transplant ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How much stronger is the new vitreous carbon material invented by the Tokyo Institute of Technology compared with the material made from cellulose ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Captain Bligh 's ship ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What is the tallest building in Japan ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many James Bond novels are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where was Lincoln assassinated ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What interesting method was used to run the credits in the early Popeye cartoons ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who sent the brief message `` I came , I saw , I conquered '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most common boy 's or girl 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Gothic art and architecture flourish ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How much caffeine is in a 16 oz cup of coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the longest river in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does Inuit and Eskimo mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What language is mostly spoken in Brazil ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is a fear of strong light ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who protects DC Comics ' realm of dreams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which city did Christian Crusaders fight to recapture from the Muslims ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why do we call someone `` honey '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which Vietnamese terrorist is now a UN delegate in Doonesbury ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the child left on a doorstep at the beginning of Gasoline Alley .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of the zoological term ruminant ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I buy movies on videotape online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of Joan Jett 's band ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of creatures are the Canary Islands named for ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What island was the target of the U.S. 's Operation Urgent Fury ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was the Triangle Shirtwaist fire ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where did Gulliver find a race of tiny people ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who created Maudie Frickett ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average time to kiss somene ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What river runs through Liverpool ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What U.S. state 's biggest lake is Lake Sam Rayburn ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How can you define time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What state did Helen Keller call home ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is a fear of thunder ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are values ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does a bill become law ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the nationality of Jackson Pollock ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where in the United States do people live the longest ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What fast-food magnate 's initials graced the left sleeve of the San Diego Padres ' baseball uniforms in 1984 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which area produces the least acidic coffee ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the term `` spaghetti western '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who plays the cop in the movie `` Kindergarten Cop '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is paracetamol ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What mammal of North America is the world 's longest-lived for its size ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does the name Melissa mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where are diamonds mined ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What kind of books does Fodor 's publish ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many species of the Great White shark are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the second space shuttle ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What New York Yankee was known as The Iron Horse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does Buzz Aldrin want to build a permanent , manned space station ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the president of Bolivia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What film dramatized the Scopes monkey trial ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What nutrients are for healthy bones and teeth ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is Boston Kreme ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What President lived at 219 North Delaware Street , Independence , Missouri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many Beatles ' records went #1 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother 's pail ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the starting salary for beginning lawyers ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who wrote Brave New World ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people was Randy Craft convicted of murdering ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the largest city in Chile , South America ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why were the American soldiers in WWI called `` Doughboys ''\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many astronauts manned each Project Mercury flight ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What volcano showers ash on Sicily ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What new middle school was built in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania last year ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the correct way to mount a roll of toilet paper ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who is the voice of Miss Piggy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What line divided the North and South in the U.S. Civil War ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the longest English word ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: In which state are the Mark Twain National Forests ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many times has `` Louie , Louie '' been recorded ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many horses are there on a polo team ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1573, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "d92c1cc16f6305d942c3a2708369443c62178bad2958676a"} {"input": "Question: What year did the Titanic start on its journey ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the habitat of the chickadee ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the procedure called for drilling a hole in your skull to acheive a higher consciousness ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the longest-running television series ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why are the ears your center of balance ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother 's pail ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many miles are there between Tel Aviv , Israel and Memphis , Tennessee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What countries have the most auto thefts ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of the name Tatiana ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In What city or state do the most gay men live in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does `` intractable plantar keratoma '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I find information on laundry detergent ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are names of two old men who appear in the serial tv Muppets Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Lenny Bruce say that got him arrested ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Morris West novel deals with Russian bishop who becomes Pope ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many states did Richard Nixon carry in 1972 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who did Jackie Kennedy commission to write The Death of a President ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Qatar ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is white chocolate ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country was Hitler the chancellor of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the international radio code word for the letter F ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is a Mexican hairless ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What English playwright penned : `` Where the bee sucks , so shall I '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of infinity ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the Viking Prince 's first name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color is the lipstick on Boy George 's wax lips at London 's Madame Tussaud 's ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is Dick Clark 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the name of Darth Vader 's son ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country is the worlds leading supplier of cannabis ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the green variety of beryl called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Name four comic strips about pilots .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name the food company that traveled to Soviet Georgia to film a series of ads .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many wives did Brigham Young have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is Desmond Tutu ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What does the name Billie mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Mary Tyler Moore Show regular came into the world as Tadeus Wladyslaw Konopka ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is `` flintknapping '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is another name for nearsightedness ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who was the inventor of the stove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state includes the San Juan Islands ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is considered the costliest disaster the insurance industry has ever faced ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who was the first woman in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which organization is the Security Council a part of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What singer became despondent over the death of Freddie Prinze , quit show business , and then quit the business ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What should you do for an ankle sprain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the brand name of a chemical used to control ripening ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How many colors are there in a rainbow ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the correct way to mount a roll of toilet paper ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What was the first Funk 'N Lata , Brazilian group , success ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the Christmas tree ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the web address of the list of e-mail addresses of members of the House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the American who was captured when his plane went down over Syrian-held Lebanon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Mount St. Helen last have a significant eruption ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who sang the song `` Hooked on a Feeling '' in the dancing baby episode of `` Ally Mcbeal '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fastest commercial automobile that can be bought in the US ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What percentage of American men are alcoholic ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who portrayed Prewett in From Here to Eternity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can an individual get a contact lens tested that burned the entire surface of eye when new ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the country which Hitler ruled ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What animal dined on bread and oysters with a carpenter ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What two countries in South America are landlocked ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the difference between a median and a mean ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many holes are there in a tenpin bowling ball ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When was Nostradamus born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who said `` Give me liberty or give me death '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the definition of spamming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the seven deadly sins ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where are the Haversian canals ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the name Kelly mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Woodrow Wilson served as president of what university ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What can I use to remove the stubborn gummed labels from some diskettes ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the name of Jamiroquai new album ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1663, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a08d0b2b6ab805c9d3d56655ec8cdb0a2b74722cd8ddd71d"} {"input": "Question: What is a group of turkeys called ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Pope inaugurated Vatican International Radio ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who says , `` If you don 't look good , we don 't look good '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of organization is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the address for the main government office in Rome , Italy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose husbands have included Conrad Hilton Jr. , and Michael Wilding ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 4-foot-9 actress in 1984 became the first performer to win an Oscar for playing a character of the opposite sex ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do horseshoes bring luck ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of neon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What African capital is named for a U.S. president ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a turnkey contract ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. university boasts the largest library ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What journalist can be found in and around Walden Puddle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Princess Diana and Prince Charles get married ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the four most widely-used languages in North America ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: How many years did Shea & Gould practice law in Los Angeles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the history of yo-yos ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who is the best known villain of the 165 Gunpowder Plot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many logarithmic scales are there on a slide rule ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What newspaper returned a Pulitzer Prize for the fraudulent story Jimmy 's World ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Japanese electronics company was named for a coastal city northeast of Tokyo ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the only modern language that capitalizes its singular first-person pronoun ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What century does Captain Video live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the AIM-54C Phoenix ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the rarest coin ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When did French revolutionaries storm the Bastille ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What chemicals are used in lethal injection ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What war was fought by the Spanish as far as the Philippines ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: On what date did Rosa Parks Become a symbol of the civil rights movement for refusing to give up her seat on the bus ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where can you find the Venus flytrap ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What did Jack exchange with the butcher for a handful of beans ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What color were Ernest Hemingway 's eyes ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What city has the world 's longest subway system ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where is McCarren Airport ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the Ranger who was always after Yogi Bear .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I find out the exact time of a sunset for a particular day ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the difference between sleet and freezing rain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What should you yell to hail a taxi in Madrid ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How close a cousin was Franklin D. to Theodore Roosevelt ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is the world championship sled dog race held each February ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What famous actress made her first appearance on stage at the age of five in the year 191 as `` Baby '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a movie about the Sioux Indians starring Kevin Costner .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who co-starred with Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What appointments secretary to Richard Nixon went to jail ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What record company was formed by Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are vermicilli , rigati , zitoni , and tubetti ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What makes Black Hills , South Dakota a tourist attraction ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What blew up at Lakehurst , New Jersey , on May 6 , 1977 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What countries have the best math students ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many points are there on a Backgammon board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is object-oriented design ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who has won the most Super Bowls ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a Jellicle Cat ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are three ways in which wind is created on the earth ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What film was based on the play Everybody Comes to Rick 's ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is Henry Butler ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How far is the longest hole in 1 on any golf course and where did it happen ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What 's the American dollar equivalent for 8 pounds in the U.K. ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a Jake brake ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many yards are in 1 mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of the name Tatiana ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of education do I need to become a flight attendant ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which type of soda has the greatest amount of caffeine ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What color is Mr. Spock 's blood ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What Indian tribe is F Troop perpetually doing battle with ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where do the Blackhawks maintain their operations ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who invented the pull-tab opener on cans ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I find out what cities are in a certain area code ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who invented the Moog Synthesizer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a mathematical factor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What year was the NAACP founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the name of the song that Dracula plays on the organ ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was Richard Nixon born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does SHIELD stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\n", "answers": ["Animal"], "length": 1675, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "6483b104728d33a66f53068a55c5340f9b0c8f2879a717a0"} {"input": "Question: What are coral reefs ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What did Warlock wear on his forehead in Marvel comics ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do I legally make my own will and testament ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: Tell me what city the Kentucky Horse Park is near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Which radio stations air the Jim Bohannon Radio Talk Show ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who were the Picts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people in the USA say their number one source of information is the newspaper ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I get information concerning child custody files for the State of Utah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: CNN is an acronym for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Aspartame is also known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the best art and design school in the world ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the most popular form of bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Whose autobiography is titled Yes I Can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who moderated the first Kennedy-Nixon TV debate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can people from Ireland come to the U.S. , work , and then return to Ireland ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What two animals are specifically mentioned as being in Noah 's Ark ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How do storms form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who invented the lawnmower ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What materials did the three little pigs use to build their houses ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What two commanders directed the forces in the Battle of El Alamein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year was Desmond Mpilo Tutu awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Huckleberry Finn '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Israel begin turning the Gaza Strip and Jericho over to the PLO ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many miles is it from NY to Austria ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the S&P 500 used for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many people died when the Estonia sank in 1994 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Green Bay Packers coach philosophized : `` There 's nothing that stokes the fire like hate '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What television network flogged its sports programming on Inga Nielsen 's body in 197 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What do river otters eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where is the Danube ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who portrayed the title character in the film The Day of the Jackal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the most common elements in seawater ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How many lakes are there on the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who 's won the most Oscars for costume design ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's approaching when a cyclist shouts : `` Oil '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who does Shakespeare 's Antonio borrow 3 , 0 ducats from ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can you tell if someone is lying ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What comedian was banned from the Ed Sullivan Show for allegedly making an obscene gesture at the show 's host ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the first American encyclopedia published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How can I find out my biorhythm ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When did the Chernobyl nuclear accident occur ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the belt of low pressure around the equator called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is capitalism according to Max Weber ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of puzzle first appeared in the U.S. in the New York World on December 21 , 1913 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How did the months of the year get there name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Which is the only Dick Tracy villain to appear three times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's an infant seal called ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the present Pope named ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the fax machine ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first woman in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many teaspoons make up a tablespoon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the most delicate-tasting member of the onion family ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where are the leading medical groups specializing in lung diseases ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does light travel through the void of space if there is no medium for it to ` wave ' or ` pulse ' .\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is thermal equilibrium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the literary term for a play on words ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where was the largest concentration camp in World War II ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who built the first pyramid ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How does hair curl ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why do recipe books recommend starting with cold water when you boil something ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which medium is Hamblen the first singing cowboy in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many times can a nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery be recharged ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation IOC stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many people was Randy Craft convicted of killing ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the numbers that fit into Fermont 's last theorem ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is Greek pita ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does Lloyd 's Lutine Bell announce ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What new games are available for Nintendo 64 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What state is known as the Hawkeye State ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What James Michener book is subtitled Spanish Travels and Reflections ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's played at Wembley Stadium , London , every May ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How is energy created ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1640, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "58103d85701e317b63815561b012e302ba0d2b49f14e84e5"} {"input": "Question: What currency is used in Algeria ?\nType:", "context": "Question: When did World War I start ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who wrote ` The Pines of Rome ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's men 's par on a 455-yard golf hole ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: In what year was the Wall built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is Drew Barrymore 's email address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who else was considered for the role of Luke Skywalker when George Lucas was casting for Star Wars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the rites accompanying the circumcision of a newly born-child in Judaism called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: When did French revolutionaries storm the Bastille ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What function does a community 's water tower serve ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the name of the star of the cooking show , `` Galloping Gourmet '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What percent of world 's fresh water is found in Canada ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What actor has a tattoo on his right wrist reading Scotland Forever ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What relative of the racoon is sometimes known as the cat-bear ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What 's the only color Johnny Cash wears on stage ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What 's bottled in jeroboams ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the exchange rate between England and the U.S. ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What president also became a supreme court justice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name 11 famous martyrs .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What animal received royal assent as an emblem of Canada on March 24 , 1975 ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was the first black golfer to tee off in the Masters ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What beer tells us , `` Grab all the gusto you can get . '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: In South Korea , how many American Soldiers are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What four elements make up 90 percent of the human body ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How much did the minimum wage amount to in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What materials did the three little pigs use to build their houses ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Who wrote : `` Poems are made by fools like me but only God can make a tree '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the lowest highest elevation at 6 feet ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What country is Mount Everest in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What did Mighty Mouse always sing as he went into action ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What female painter produced primitives of rural New England life ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What drink is made up of rum , coconut milk and pineapple ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What motto ended Merrie Melodies cartoons ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many continents are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of Explorer I , launched February 1 , 1958 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the odds of giving birth to twins ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What was the sister ship of the Olympic ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What are the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What golfer has been called Ohio Fats and Blobbo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What causes pneumonia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who took the toys donated for the Doodyville Orphans ' Fund and kept them for himself ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What tennis term is said to come from the French word for egg ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What Scottish poet penned To a Mouse and To a Louse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the score of a forfeited baseball game ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What 's the term for a limestone deposit rising from the floor of a cave ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What does G.M.T. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: In the movie Groundshog Day what is the name of the character played by Andie MacDowell ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What girl 's name is `` Teddy '' an affectionate form of ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can you become an FBI agent ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many people died on South Carolina highways in 1998 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What level of government or governmental agency is responsible for dealing with racism ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What book opens : `` At a certain village in La Mancha , which I shall not name.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What according to the Kinsey Institute , is the sexual preference of four percent of American males ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Iraqi troops invade Kuwait ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who came up with the name , El Nino ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famous coach said `` if you can 't beat 'em in the alley , you can 't beat 'em on the ice '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the nickname of German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What fictional character is known as the `` melancholy Dane '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's father 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many equal sides are there on a scalene triangle ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the powers and weaknesses of Green Lantern 's ring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why was Curious George curious ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When was John D. Rockefeller born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How long does it take sunlight to reach Earth ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What radio , TV and movie character did Jackie Gleason and William Bendix play ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most abundant element in the sun ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What actor , who had greatest fame on TV , became the father of triplets ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the definition of a witch ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the size of the student body at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What do we call the imaginary line along the top of the Rocky Mountains ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does an abacus work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of King Camp Gillette ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Currency name"], "length": 1742, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "10987bf3a71ef060f7e7dae970d32c0020c6aad1ada932ca"} {"input": "Question: Who was the first US President to ride in an automobile to his inauguration ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How do I impress a guy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are some mythology websites ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the virus HIV ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Queen Victoria born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What World War II leader declared : `` The blow has been struck '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Tornado Alley ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do you get bubblegum out of carpet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who loved Flash Gordon besides Dale ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is kept in Fort Knox that is so valuable ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Italy is the largest producer of what ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What was the name of the daughter of the Virginia chief Powhatan that married John Rolfe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Pia Zadora 's millionaire husband and mentor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which side of the face do most artists tend to show more of in self-portraits ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What non-alcoholic syrup is made from pomegranate juice ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: In the song `` Yankee Doodle , '' why did Yankee Doodle stick a feather in his cap and call it macaroni ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer for Randy Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were the three prophecies the witches make to Macbeth ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What South American capital is the world 's highest ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How does a hydroelectric dam work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of the president of Garmat U.S.A ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who discovered imaginary numbers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What motto ended Merrie Melodies cartoons ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who won the 1968 California Democratic primary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I call a friend in another country when I do not know the telephone number ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What causes asthma ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Catch-22 character is elected mayor of half a dozen Italian cities ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a `` USB '' port on a computer ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are the 7 articles of the constitution ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the highest peak in Africa ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Madonna hocks which soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who wrote the poem that starts `` I love your lips when they 're wet with wine and red with a warm desire '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What gaming devices were dubbed `` Mississippi marbles '' and `` Memphis dominoes '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who died 1 feet from where John F. Kennedy did ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Asian city boasts the world 's biggest bowling alley ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a good book to read for people who hate to read ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is cosmology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the number of assassinations and attempts to assassinate in the U.S. since 1865 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the chronic neurological autoimmune disease which attacks the protein sheath that surrounds nerve cells causing a gradual loss of movement in the body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When is President Nixon 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country did King Wenceslas rule ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What film or films has Jude Law appeared in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the name of the Islamic counterpart to the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the correct way to use `` may '' vs. `` might '' ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Madonna advertises for what soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What city did the Flintstones live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What can you be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How is the element strontium purified ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is endometriosis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the death toll of people dying from tuberculosis ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What two states is Washington D.C. between ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What does El Nino mean in spanish ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How much did a knight 's armor weigh ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What day is August 13 , 1971 ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many pounds are there in a stone ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: Who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Caine Mutiny ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where was Christopher Columbus born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who created `` The Muppets '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the Hungarian word for pepper ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` The Brooklyn Side '' in bowling ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is titanium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What makes Black Hills , South Dakota a tourist attraction ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When was the Hoover Dam constructed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How much did the minimum wage amount to in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who is Desmond Tutu ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What Polynesian people inhabit New Zealand ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What southeast Asian country has the Wang River joining the Ping River at Tak ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who invented silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are equity securities ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What did people use to freshen their breath before toothpaste ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Woodrow Wilson served as president of what university ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a tonne ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did shipyard inspector James J. Kilroy designate equipment as being satisfactory ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was football star Elroy Hirsch 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Amtrak begin operations ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1592, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "7e9b88f04d10b86992f69376308f6376f4d2b88e1c3b8b66"} {"input": "Question: What peninsula is Spain part of ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How can I get someone 's phone number if I only have their screen name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who owns the rights on a TV program ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the international radio code word for the letter B ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Who was the first black to be head coach of a major league pro sports team ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the inventor of the stove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What horse did Zorro ride ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What cooking oil has `` corn goodness '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What will happen when sodium is put in water ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What singer 's hit song inspired the Dolly Parton Stallone movie Rhinestone ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What enigmatic U.S. vice president was once tried and acquitted for treason in a plot to set up his own independent empire in the West ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where was `` I have fallen , and I can 't get up '' said first ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the highest possible bid in Contract Bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What multitalented Academy-award-winning director failed a college course in motion-picture production ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did n't Rocky Marciano do in his pro boxing career ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What flag flies over Wake Island ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What crooner joined The Andrews Sisters for Pistol Packin Mama ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played Al Jolson in the Jolson Story ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Steve Rogers 's profession when he 's not Captain America ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Who led the Normans to victory in the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When do MORMONS believe Christ was born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the name of the Tampa newspaper ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What planet did Percival Lovell discover ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is goulash ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In what year did Hitler gain power of Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How old is Britney Spears ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is a fear of lice ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How do vending machines tell if your dollar is a 1 or a 5 ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of rejection ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Name an art gallery in New York .\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was Darius ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How many tiles did the Space Shuttle Columbia lose on its second flight ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What John Steinbeck novel portrays the Joad family , driven from the Oklahoma dustbowl ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What radio , TV and movie character did Jackie Gleason and William Bendix play ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who earns their money the hard way ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the second-most-used murder weapon in the U.S. ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a virtual IP address ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who asked the musical question : `` Have you ever been to electric lady land ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do oceans contain salt water instead of fresh water ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the location of McCarren Airport ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which magazine is `` fine entertainment for men '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the Olympic motto ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which language has the most words ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is diabetes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What money was used here ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: Why does sound travel quicker through water than air ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who advised listeners to `` see the U.S.A. in your Chevrolet '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What six-foot temperance advocate wielded her hatchet on saloons ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How big is the universe actually ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What is the origin of thank you notes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Jean Nicolet ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who does data collection in tourism ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the oldest ethnological museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I get a complete list of all the people that are living with the last name Kilvington ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the all-time stock high of Apple Computer , and where can I find this information ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the U.S .\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What film or films has Jude Law appeared in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where is the oldest living thing on earth ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is e-commerce ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is the Danube ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What desert has been called The Garden of Allah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Grenada 's main commodity export ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a biologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 2th-century fictional character attends Pencey Prep School ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who are the nomadic hunting and gathering tribe of the Kalahari Desert in Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I do this ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was nicknamed The Little Corporal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the biggest-selling U.S. magazine aimed at a black audience ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the most expensive car in the world ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What film did Lee Marvin win the 1965 best actor Oscar for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: At Christmas time , what is the traditional thing to do under the mistletoe ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of food ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When did the vesuvius last erupt ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1649, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "cd34b068e5211051011049b00cf563b9d4993997d9c7e69f"} {"input": "Question: What is the width of a football field ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was Einstein 's IQ ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who led the opposition when Konrad Adenauer was Chancellor in Germany ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state borders Illinois to the north ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many people on the ground were killed from the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie , Scotland , December 21 , CD .\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What indoor sport saw the Phoenix Inferno become the Phoenix Pride on July 14 , 1983 , when the temperature hit 111 degrees ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who made the first surfboard ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the paper clip ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are perfect tenses ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the name of David Letterman 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are manifest and latent function theories ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What year is etched on the Gold Medal of Excellence from the Paris Exposition depicted on a can of Campbell 's tomato soup ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many claws has a lobster called a pistol lost ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who created Billy Pilgrim , a survivor of the Dresden firestorm ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Boris Pasternak book sold 5 , 0 copies to become the fiction best-seller of 1958 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Russian novel embracing more the 5 characters is set in the Napoleonic Wars ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was Secretary of State during the Nixon administration ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much does a poodle weigh ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What year was the ATM first introduced ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where can I find scientific data , `` research papers , '' on textile engineering ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In which year was the cartoon character Chilly Willy created ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the name of the ` female ' counterpart to El Nino , which results in cooling temperatures and very dry weather ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where is the biggest bell ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of going to bed ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are close encounters of the first and second kind ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American won the world Grand Prix driving championship in 1978 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What company uses the unfamiliar faces of its celebrity spokespeople to promote the use of its product ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What Japanese city was once called Edo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the name of a Salt Lake City newspaper ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I find a lesson plan for teaching the metric system conversion to American standard ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the tragedy that struck the city of Dogtown in 1899 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What kind of creatures are black , yellow , and brown bullheads ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is a transistor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What card company sells Christmas ornaments ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the difference between optical and digital video ?\nType: Description of somethingQuestion: Who are the nomadic hunting and gathering tribe of the Kalahari Desert in Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a fear of fish ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the definition of a witch ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the cookies in Internet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the men 's cologne that is associated with the sea .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who held the endurance record for women pilots in 1929 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Venus Retrograde mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many layers of yellow paint is a Faber Mongol pencil lucky enough to be sprayed with ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is p.m. an abbreviation for , as in 5 p.m. ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where did Woodstock take place ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the largest lake in North America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many John Deere tractors have been manufactured ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Taj Majal made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What 's the third month of the Gregorian calendar ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What does a philatelist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: In which sport is there a `` scrum '' ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What qualifications are there for individuals donating blood ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of Burkina Faso ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are amicable numbers ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How old was Gene Siskel ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Which condiment was once sold as a patent medicine ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What do I need to do to take my dog with me to live in Dominica , West Indies for a year ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many quarts of whole milk is needed to make one pound of butter ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who wrote The Collector ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the difference between J.D. and LL.M. ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who played Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most commonly-spoken language in Belgium ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What are the different approaches of systems analysis ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What are the developmental stages of a swimmer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a meerkat ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What time of year has the most air travel ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What company started out making pies , and wound up manufacturing plastic throwing toys ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How big is the universe actually ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What is the difference between a college and a university ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the largest post office building in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's comic strip photographer Peter Parker 's secret identity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find the best free evidence for debate about Russia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do cameras take pictures ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1672, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "620e8f66c4d9c17ea9e91670bce23f19f799435178540aed"} {"input": "Question: What county is Phoenix , AZ in ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Which country is the largest country in Latin America ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where can one find information on religion and health , the brain and nutrition ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the world 's best selling cookie ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who said `` Give me liberty or give me death '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Abolitionists try to end ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do I find out about jobs ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the first Sam Spade novel ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many eyes does a bat have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What two countries contain Sierra Nevada mountains ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was Jean Nicolet ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is a fear of bees ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What happens when a body part falls asleep ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What causes asthma ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the name of the Protestant revolt against the supremacy of the Pope ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the definition of spamming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In what year did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which police department made the all-time biggest cocaine bust in Ventura County ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is chromatology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What were first used by John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett in 1892 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of Explorer I , launched February 1 , 1958 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do I check if my modem is v.9 compatible ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the 10 plagues of Egypt ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of argon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What author landed a 468-pound marlin without harness in the early 193 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Samuel Johnsons 's friend and biographer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year did Joe DiMaggio compile his 56-game hitting streak ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many rings are there on a five-zone archery target ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does caliente translate to in English ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How long does it take the typical American to eat 23 quarts of ice cream ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a `` False Moon '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the procedure called for drilling a hole in your skull to acheive a higher consciousness ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who was the first elected mayor of Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What title does comedian Henry Youngman claim ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What doctor claimed in a 1946 book : `` There is no such thing as a bad boy '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many times a day does the typical person go to the bathroom ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the 7 Wonders of the World ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is the leader of Brunei ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are so many umbrellas black ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How can SQL queries be improved ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation for micro ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: When was `` the Great Depression '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many endangered species are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do plants make food ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the longest word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Who died with more than 1 , 000 U.S. patents to his credit ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What product did William Horlick discover and produce ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the last name of Lucy and Linus from the Peanut 's comic strip ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you get a girl to have sex with you ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is the Smithsonian Institute located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many double-word-score spaces are there on a Scrabble Crossword Game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Sinn Fein ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the Marvel team loosely based on DC 's Justice League of America ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the longest river in Canada ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What animal dined on bread and oysters with a carpenter ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who protects DC Comics ' realm of dreams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Melissa mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many electoral college votes does Colorado have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What famous communist leader died in Mexico City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the largest museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What software offers inventors use of CAD-like design ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is Grenada 's main commodity export ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many times a day should you take a prescription marked `` q.i.d . '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Peloponnesian League ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Larry King 's job ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the web address of the list of e-mail addresses of members of the House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country has been called The Queen of the Antilles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does `` Semper Fidelis '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What nation boarders Mozambique ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Why are organ transplants more successful today ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What does Freddy Freeman say to become Captain Marvel Jr. ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1623, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "13dfcc1e607745f0f8e6043f75f5e7c3b6774e0f7dbcb9a0"} {"input": "Question: What is foreclosure ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How do you make a million bucks ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are Arnold Palmer 's fans called ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did the Seven Dwarfs do for a living ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What percentage of American men are alcoholic ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What do the letters D.C. stand for in Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who was the last woman executed in England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Princess Diana and Prince Charles get married ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the legal blood alcohol limit for the state of California ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How long ago was the Roe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme Court ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the busiest air travel season ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What percent liked Thatcher after she had been in power for a decade ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who invented the road traffic cone ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the infamous feat of Germany 's U-2 submarine ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does caliente mean , in English ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the first personal computer company ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who played the father on `` Charles in Charge '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What anesthetic did Queen Victoria allow to be used for the birth of her seventh child , in 1853 ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was the first American citizen awarded the Albert Medal of the Society of Arts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How close a cousin was Franklin D. to Theodore Roosevelt ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What level of government or governmental agency is responsible for dealing with racism ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who markets Spaghetti-o 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cathedral was Thomas Becket murdered in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What kind of fruit is a Yellow Transparent ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What brand of white rum is still made in Cuba ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What was The Living Room War ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country was A Terrible Beauty to Leon Uris ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which thrilled taste buds first - Snickers or 3 Musketeers ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many Fig Newtons are there to the pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In Beetle Bailey , can you name Sarge 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who sings Angel Eyes from the 80 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much money are Dumbo 's ears insured for ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is a wart ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long did the Charles Manson murder trial last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What makes you fat ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the rules to `` snow golf '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What function does a community 's water tower serve ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the probability that at least 2 out of 25 people will have the same birthday ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What 's the Southern dish made of pigs ' small intestines ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Why is poop sometimes different colors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What did Richard Feynman say upon hearing he would receive the Nobel Prize in Physics ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the Michelangelo painting that shows two hands with fingers touching ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many hostages were killed in the Entebbe raid ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What store does Martha Stewart advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the environmental influences on plant genetics ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What country 's northernmost city is Darwin ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Answers.com 's address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What famous model was married to Billy Joel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What were first used by John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett in 1892 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What famous actress made her first appearance on stage at the age of five in the year 191 as `` Baby '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of car did Janis Joplin ask the Lord to buy her ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the nursery rhyme Rock-a-by Baby about ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who are the presidents of Mexico and Indonesia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many points make up a perfect fivepin bowling score ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What part of your body contains the corpus callosum ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What are bottle caps with presidents ' pictures inside worth ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What does an emperor do ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name the five positions who are in the line of succession to the presidency .\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What Good Little Witch is Casper 's girlfriend ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does caliente translate to in English ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What are the top 5 fiction books of all time ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why are the U.S. presidential elections held in November ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 12-hour cold medicine uses the formula `` 6 , 6 , 12 '' in its ads ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is commonly considered the fifth sense ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was the first successful heart transplant for a human ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What hymn did John Steinbeck get his title The Grapes of Wrath from ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative pieceQuestion: Where is Ayer 's rock ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the capital of Kosovo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many layers of yellow paint is a Faber Mongol pencil lucky enough to be sprayed with ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What famous model was married to Billy Joel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many years ago did the ship Titanic sink ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do you say `` eat the day '' in Latin ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where is Rider College ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How is plastic made ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1668, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "1c07ce343f7fc3291945943efab1fe204e2fc86c018349b6"} {"input": "Question: What does a barometer measure ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the population of Arcadia , Florida ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of water ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Why do heavier objects travel downhill faster ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What dog was dubbed The Mortgage Lifter ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Which of many numbered vats of Scotch was judged best by a panel of experts in 1863 ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When was the De Beers company founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is troilism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did former WWF wrestler Rick Rude die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What U.S. city is The Queen of the Pacific ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many minutes were there on the original GE College Bowl clock ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much will gas be taxed in California by the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was the number of people that Randy Steven Craft was convicted of killing ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How much time does the blinking of an eye take ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which sex is denied voting rights in Kuwait ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who domesticated the wild turkey ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who headed Hitler 's infamous Gestapo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are all the different kinds of contraceptives ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When was Richard Nixon born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the first host of Person to Person ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Jackson Pollock is of what nationality ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is an isthmus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is recruitment interview technique ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name of scholar on whose literal translations from the Chinese and Japanese Ezra Pound depended ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the only players eligible to score points in Roller Derby called ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is Smokey The Bear 's middle name ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is `` the computer for the rest of us '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Why is Indiglo called Indiglo ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What European city do Nicois live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How does psorisis disappear ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: Who wrote ` Dubliners ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn became queen of England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does `` B.Y.O.B. '' mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What college produced the most winning Super Bowl quarterbacks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you make panoramic sugar eggs for Easter - the ones with the scene inside ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What cigarette company urged us , `` Come to where the flavor is ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What multitalented Academy-award-winning director failed a college course in motion-picture production ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were millions of kids wearing on their heads in 1955 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What award is the `` Oscar '' of advertising ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What dumb-but-loveable character did Maurice Gosfield play on The Phil Silvers Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What planet would you visit to see Bebrenia , Arcadia , and Amazonis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Connecticut ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What children 's tale contains the line : `` Come , Cinderslut , and hold this skein of wool for me '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where is there information on the novel `` El Cid '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where was `` I have fallen , and I can 't get up '' said first ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I know if I am pregnant ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the names of Jacques Cousteau 's two sons ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most common nickname of U.S. college football teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the `` coppertop '' battery ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many varieties of apple are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When did the American Civil War end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the eighth day following the Nones in each month of the Roman calendar called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What day of the week was July 13 ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is Johnny Carson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How does a submarine operate ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What botanical marvel did Nebuchadnezzar build ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What record company was formed by Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What fastener did Whitcomb Judson patent in 1893 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the fastest commercial automobile that can be bought in the US ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country has declared one-fifth of its territory off-limits to Russians ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How long did Shea and Gould practice law in Los Angeles ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many quarters equal a pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of helium ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who does the advertizing for Frito-Lay ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you find oxidation numbers ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is Samuel F. Pickering ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the main application of sodium hydrosulfite ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the 24-disc John Gabel Entertainer the first example of , in 1960 ?\nType: Other entity\n", "answers": ["Other entity"], "length": 1645, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "f13ac67f320e6a4fe60dddf077d7d1c4090fa69ffe0e1664"} {"input": "Question: What is the depth of the Nile river ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How does Zatanna perform her magic in DC comics ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Alice Cooper 's real name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the shortest and the longest songs ever produced ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What city has the two steepest streets in the U.S. ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What term means a sexual attraction between a male and a female ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many men died building the Mackinaw Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which glamorous actress is a close friend of Dick Tracy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How old was Gene Siskel ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where can I find a list of all the companies in America that offer a direct stock purchase plan ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the brand name of a chemical used to control ripening ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What newspaper returned a Pulitzer Prize for the fraudulent story Jimmy 's World ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What did Vasco da Gama discover ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the ingredients of Coca-Cola ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How do fuel injectors work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What were the last names of gangsters Bonnie and Clyde ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What breed of dog was the `` Little Rascals '' dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many e-commerce companies are started every day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What American naval officer broke Japan 's isolationist policy in 1853 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What well-known TV talk show host was a lay preacher by the time he was seventeen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much does a new railroad coal car cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is a Jake brake ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In what city is the US Declaration of Independence located ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What director portrayed the commandant of the POW camp in 1953 's Stalag 17 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's approaching when a cyclist shouts : `` Oil '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are my legal rights in an automobile repossession in California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Stephen Sondheim ballad ends : `` Well , maybe next year.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a `` node '' in computer terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who killed Gandhi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did Asia get its name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I tie a tie ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What were the ceremony traditions like during the Elizabethian times ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find correct tabs for Third Eye Blind songs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Jackson Pollock is of what nationality ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Madonna advertises for what soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the most expensive car in the world ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What are the only players eligible to score points in Roller Derby called ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the Milky Way ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who wrote the sci-fi trilogy Foundation , Foundation and Empire , and Second Foundation ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does `` antidisestablishmentarianism '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you get silly putty out of fabric ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the average hours per months spent online by AOL users ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What mountainous region of the world is the Lhasa Apso dog native to ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many spears are there on Kenya 's flag ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How is the new Ford Econoline van F25 V1 engine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What time of year is air travel the heaviest ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What tennis term is said to come from the French word for egg ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What fowl grabs the spotlight after the Chinese Year of the Monkey ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are the distinct physical characterstics of the Arabian horse ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What five cards make up a perfect Cribbage hand ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is the nebbish that is Marvel 's official mascot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do Christian Scientists believe in ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the first Barbie produced ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What do I need to do to take my dog with me to live in Dominica , West Indies for a year ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What money was used here ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: Where are the Union Stockyards ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many types of lemurs are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What South American country won its first World Cup soccer title in 1978 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 's the abbreviation for limited partnership ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What 's the most abundant element in the sun ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How many years did Shea & Gould practice law in Los Angeles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Nebraska 's most valuable resource ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Madonna hocks which soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Which breakfast cereal brought you `` the best each morning '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many shillings more than 2 were there in a guinea ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In what year did the US Marine Corps adopt the motto `` Semper Fidelis '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How can I easily remove red wine stains from t-shirts ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the most common elements in seawater ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Which of the following people is not associated with Andy Warhol ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1698, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "d4791c5914a6e73526116106a7407d4627a626ef355d122f"} {"input": "Question: What is the gestation period for a cat ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How long does it take light to reach the Earth from the Sun ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Name the blind sculptress in love with the Fantastic Four 's Thing .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi quit Saturday Night Live to become ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What animal occurs in Spielberg 's `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many Fig Newtons are there to the pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is thermal equilibrium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long do cardinal eggs incubate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What was the name of Aristotle Onassis 's yacht ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How many hummingbird eggs could fit in one ostrich egg ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Natick ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What ethnic group introduced the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What food of the three bears did Goldilocks eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What cigarette is `` a whole new world '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Pittsburgh 's baseball team called ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What U.S. state boasts Stone Mountain , the world 's largest mass of exposed granite ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What was the name of the Protestant revolt against the supremacy of the Pope ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What country do the Galapagos Islands belong to ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is your favorite color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: President Bush compared Saddam Hussein to whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were popular songs and types of songs in the 1920s ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What group starred in the movie Rock Around the Clock ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What bread company used to feature stickers of the Cisco Kid on the ends of their packages ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In what year was the Berlin Wall erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is the Incredible Hulk in reality ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a rhomboideus minor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What terror of the sea did Johnny Horton sing about ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What barroom judge called himself The Law West of the Pecos ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Motto for the State of Maryland ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name given the 6 , 500 German airforce troops that used the Spanish Civil War as a training exercise ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How hot does the inside of an active volcano get ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What is an auto-commentary ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where in the Americas is it only 47 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: When was the internal combustion engine developed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What three colors are on the French flag ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Which comic strip was never turned into a Broadway musical ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What year was the first automobile manufactured ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country did King Gustav V reign over from 197 to 195 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is Langston Hughes ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How many degrees cooler is the inside of a cucumber than the air outside ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What measures did Clinton take to avoid the draft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What does appropriates money mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What piece of jewelry is pictured on Monopoly 's Luxury Tax space ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why does it snow ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the first names of Rowan and Martin , the stars of TV 's Laugh-In ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What video game hero do some of his fans call Chomper ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What game do Steve McQueen and Edward G. Robinson play in The Cincinnati Kid ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What river is Pocahontas buried along ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the first town to be chartered in Vermont ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What causes pneumonia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who famously rode to warn the people of Massachusetts that the British were coming ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What lake in Scotland is said to hold one or more monsters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What French seaport claims to be The Home of Wines ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is Li 'l Abner 's last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What CBS soap opera was interrupted by the bulletin of John F. Kennedy 's assassination ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many people did the United Nations commit to help restore order and distribute humanitarian relief in Somalia in September 1992 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country has problems with hooligans ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When was Dick Clark born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many Stradivarius violins were ever made ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the Crimean meeting of Roosevelt , Churchill , and Stalin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How long does it take for Spider-Man 's web to evaporate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What harmful chemicals are in bug spray ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What ability has the silkworm moth lost through domestication ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the HIGHEST Roman numeral ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many `` No '' answers was the What 's My Line ? panel allowed ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is Malaysia 's 43rd prime minister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which glamorous actress is a close friend of Dick Tracy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who won the first general election for President held in Malawi in May 1994 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who lived on the shores of the Gitchee Gumee River ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the four railways in Monopoly ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How often are brain cells replaced ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the population of the United States ?\nType: Other number\n", "answers": ["Lasting time of somethin"], "length": 1674, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "354efe23a5c22ff89540575878c2400ee220720061c2df00"} {"input": "Question: How many pounds in a ton ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the word for love of pain or abuse ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How many hostages were killed in the Entebbe raid ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is the premier of China ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between Neoclassical art and Romanticism art ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bottle and a jar ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When did the Berlin Wall go up ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the 401 , K , plan ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is goulash ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the most albums sold by one artist or band ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a pyrotechnic display ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the temperature for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: How do you get a broken cork out of a bottle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: At Christmas time , what is the traditional thing to do under the mistletoe ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Rotary engines were manufactured by which company ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do you convert foot-pounds to foot-inches ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What number is at 12 o 'clock on a dartboard ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What 's the official language of Algeria ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: The Olympic Games in which year allowed Nadia Comaneci to become popular ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many feet more than 2 is the average height of the Great Wall of China ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is an example of a natural acid-base indicator ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the world 's largest cathedral ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the Kentucky Horse Park ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Colin Powell is most famous for what ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What web sites are linked to the Report on Genesis Eldercare ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What song did Patti Page set people dancing to in 1950 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the first names of Rowan and Martin , the stars of TV 's Laugh-In ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does an echidna look like ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What police force did Mack Sennett create ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who sells Viagra ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What apostle is Taylor Caldwell 's Great Lion of God ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is glass made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What country did the Romans call Hibernia ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the most abundant element in the sun ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What are the top boy names in the U.S. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whom does Uncle Duke 's girl friend , Honey , room with ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a bone marrow transplant meant for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a drought ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is prepared mustard ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is the official `` zero '' of the sea level ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much will the California be in the year 2000 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many pins are used in skittles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How does a small businessman contact the Good Humor Ice Cream company to do business with them ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What sun-blasted , 14-mile wide valley is just north of the Mojave desert ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What chocolate company gives you a one-pound kiss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What were hairy bank notes in the fur trade ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why do some jets have a vapor trail , and others do not ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was Hitler 's minister of propaganda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What award is the `` Oscar '' of advertising ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who led the opposition when Konrad Adenauer was Chancellor in Germany ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What comedienne upstaged Dwight D. Eisenhower 's first inauguration by giving birth to her first child ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the most common causes of death in the U.S. ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who invented the pull-tab opener on cans ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a synonym for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the last name of Lucy and Linus from the Peanut 's comic strip ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the medical condition in which a baby is born without a brain ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is a fear of bees ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who discovered imaginary numbers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long ago was the Roe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme Court ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What month , date , and year did Charles I die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What French designer declared : `` The jean is the destructor ! It is a dictator ! It is destroying creativity. The jean must be stopped ! '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What horse did Zorro ride ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Whose image is alleged to be on The Shroud of Turin ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the weather like on the moon ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you clean up a cache ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why does sound travel quicker through water than air ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What beer 's name is translated as `` lion brew '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where was Pythagoras born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the average salary of a paleontologist ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: Who directed The Wild Bunch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the home of the Rockettes ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Number of something"], "length": 1637, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "53612771a03cbf45bb4e4e38231672d293438cd552407f82"} {"input": "Question: What was the first satellite to go into space ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who 's The King of Swing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What film or films has Jude Law appeared in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 2th-century American poet wrote a four-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the root of all evil ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many electoral votes does it take to win presidency ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is Johnny Carson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How do I find info about rice importers in the world ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is the Abominable Snowman said to wander ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who does data collection in tourism ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What company makes impulse hardening equipment ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How does a hydroelectric dam work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many astronauts have been on the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What company tabulates the ballots in voting for the Academy Awards ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What record company was formed by Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who developed potlatch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long does cocaine stay in your system ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the best art and design school in the world ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is Karenna Gore , Al Gore 's oldest daughter , married to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the first actress to appear on a postage stamp ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the following TV newsmen was a Rhodes scholar ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What civilization invented the arch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the name of Betty Boop 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are the five most popular Usenet groups ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much would a black-and-white 1-cent stamp be worth , Thomas Jefferson on it ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 's the second-largest island in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who developed potlatch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where are the Haversian canals ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the history of yo-yos ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do they find an epicenter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What class of animals makes up more than two-thirds of known species ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many muscles does an oyster have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What president 's ghost is said to haunt the White House ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What title does comedian Henry Youngman claim ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the current unemployment rate in the U.S. ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What was the education system in the 1960 's ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does a nihilist believe in ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what year was actress Joan Collins born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the longest English word ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What card suit originally represented the peasant class ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where can I get piano music for the Jamiroquai song Everyday for the midi ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What flag flies over Wake Island ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country in Latin America is the largest one ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is DTMF ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What stadium do the Miami Dolphins play their home games in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of gravity ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What drink contains as many types of rum as possible ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where is Windsor Castle ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country was A Terrible Beauty to Leon Uris ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What sport do you shag flies in ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the purpose of a car bra ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many shillings more than 2 were there in a guinea ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is leukemia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is an ecological niche ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can SQL queries be improved ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many people died in the Vietnam war ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What nuclear process takes place in an H-bomb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where can one find Mozambique ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What organization did Mr. Waverly assign agents for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Name four comic strips about pilots .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What park contains Firehole River and Fairy Falls ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find lyrics for R&B ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who discovered imaginary numbers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the Arabic Numerals from 1 to 10 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name a flying mammal .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the origin of head lice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the main ingredient of yogurt ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is fiber in food ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Zionism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What net game sees its women 's world amateur champions receive the Uber Cup ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is pasta ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Product"], "length": 1522, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "0c1076ddfb446ce669afe60a2108eecfbb2365223e8f07d2"} {"input": "Question: What metal has the highest melting point ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the mission of Nike ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who was the architect of Central Park ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the oldest capital city in the Americas ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is commonly considered the fifth sense ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the largest natural lake in Pennsylvania ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is Burma ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the biggest bell ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many feet high is the hurdle in front of a runner 's steeplechase water jump ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the folklore story regarding birds ' nests and birds in Christmas trees ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where is the bridge over the river Kwai ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What percentage of the body is muscle ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What does the word `` opera '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why was Washington , DC originally called District of Columbia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Dick Clark 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the capital of Kosovo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What interesting method was used to run the credits in the early Popeye cartoons ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What was the first country to put a second woman in space ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What botanical marvel did Nebuchadnezzar build ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What month of the year is there no television in Iceland ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of argon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What does hazmat stand for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Hall of Fame pitcher started three World Series Games for the New York Yankees in 1962 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who does the voices of the Simpsons ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city is sometimes called Gotham ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many three-letter permutations can be made from the four letters : c ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are Maid-Rites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is Kings Canyon ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What relative of the racoon is sometimes known as the cat-bear ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What major Victorian novelist spent as much time working for the post office as he did writing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Count Cinzano ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What comedian created a punch-drunk pugilist named Cauliflower McPugg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whom did the Chicago Bulls beat in the 1993 championship ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What kind of creature is a coot ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What spy novelist served as Moscow correspondent for Reuter and The Times of London ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the nickname of model Leslie Hornby ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's another name for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the `` Dead Man 's Hand '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is Procter & Gamble headquartered in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where are there aborigines ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much iron is in your body ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the second man to walk on the moon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Lauren Bacall 's first husband ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What countries have the most auto thefts ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What U.S. Government agency registers trademarks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How long was the longest hiccup attack ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What city has the two steepest streets in the U.S. ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many thousands of students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which is heavier - cream or milk ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What do you do when your mouse is n't working as fast as it 's supposed to ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the most common street name in America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country is the largest diamond producer ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the temperature for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: How old is Britney Spears ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is commonly considered the fifth sense ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did the neanderthal man live ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many times has Harold Stassen announced a drive for the White House ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Good Little Witch is Casper 's girlfriend ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What facial feature typically contains about 55 hairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What kind of wine is Spumante ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What British commander surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown in 1781 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the mother of the man who would not be king , the duke of Windsor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country was General Douglas McArthur in when he was recalled by President Truman ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the Bridge of San Luis Rey made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where can I find out the top 1 singles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What constellation is known as The Water Bearer ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the name `` Sabrina '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How old is Bernadette Peters ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who earns their money the hard way ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the alphabet for Latin ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What is the difference between a preface and a foreword ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why does a woman have to be a virgin to be a nun ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the largest city in the world to declare martial law in 1989 ?\nType: City\n", "answers": ["Element and substance"], "length": 1577, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "8e5060883a3a65416b865d26d3ba447eb93738218403f554"} {"input": "Question: What is caffeine ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What color flies closest to the staff on Belgium 's flag ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What police force did Mack Sennett create ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Tetrinet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is Ayer 's rock ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many years do fossils take to form ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many pitchers occupy the shelf beside the crouching woman in Edgar Degas 's 1886 painting The Tub ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is King in Alley Oop 's home of Moo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was International Olympic Committee chairman at the 1936 Summer Games ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famed tennis tournament 's men 's singles title was Fred Perry the last Englishman to win ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who made the first airplane that could fly ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What turns blue litmus paper red ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many layers does a bottle of Yoo-Hoo settle into ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What caused the Lynmouth floods ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why does a candle go out when we blow on it ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When was child labor abolished ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many stations do you shoot from in the basketball game `` Around the World '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many American soldiers remain unaccounted from the Vietnam war ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is mandibulofacial dysostosis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did people respond to the idea of the first millenium ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why do n't you guys have some sort of contest where you ask a question and whoever finds the answers wins a prize ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which two products use a tiger as their symbol ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What North American city sprouts the most parking meters ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who portrayed Fatman in the television show , `` Jake and the Fatman '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many trees go into paper making in a year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the world 's four oceans ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are some important events of the 1830 's ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What do you call a date that contains sequencing numbers , like 9-8-98 ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who is the President of Ghana ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the regular price ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are the rules to `` snow golf '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the second-highest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What does the word LASER mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many Grammys did Michael Jackson win in 1983 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which major diamond producer is based in South Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What causes rust ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why shouldn 't you remove a bee stinger with tweezers ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What city has the world 's longest subway system ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the origin of the midwest slang , ` you 're darn tootin ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What card game has variations called Canfield , Klondike and Spider ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who is the author of the book , `` The Iron Lady : A Biography of Margaret Thatcher '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many web servers are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What year was Janet Jackson 's first album released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where did the marriage ceremony come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How high is the city of Denver ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is Li 'l Abner 's last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What war did Florence Nightingale tend the troops in ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What award is the `` Oscar '' of advertising ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the spectrum of a sine wave ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is South Bend ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who played Humpty Dumpty in the 1933 film Alice in Wonderland ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of women gave Sigmund Freud erotic dreams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How big is the Electoral College ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What was unusual about Alexandra 's appearance in Josie and the Pussycats ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many bones are in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Whose singing voice was dubbed in for Natalie Wood in West Side Story and Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Greek pita ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played Sally Rogers on The Dick Van Dyke Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the name `` Anthony '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the shape of a camel 's spine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where did the saying `` rule of thumb '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What baseball team was routinely called `` dem bums '' by its frustrated fans ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What city is Logan Airport in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many hours of work does it take a typist to complete a 100-page screenplay ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where does the tennis star Stefan Edberg come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why do USA fax machines not work in UK , NNP ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Stephen King novel is set in a graveyard for pets ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do I check if my modem is v.9 compatible ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Kenyan city is the safari center for East Africa ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Ray Charles plays which instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: Who has more DNA - a man or a woman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can someone become a federal agent ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1626, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "92a0d38c9117e9bf0b832ae14ee87bf169a8dbad727e0386"} {"input": "Question: What color are crickets ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What type of bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who created `` The Muppets '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What building appropriately enough is depicted on the back of the 1-dollar bill ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What comedienne calls her sister-in-law Captain Bligh and her mother-in-law Moby Dick ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country is located at 13 degrees North latitude and 10 degrees East longitude ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What season does a hiemal activity normally take place in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country are you visiting if you land at President Duvalier Airport ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a wop ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was cash-conscious Colonel Edwin L. Drake the first to drill ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When was the first Barbie produced ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: McCarren Airport is located in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the protection rate of using condoms ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who comprised the now-defunct comic book team known as the Champions ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What household facility contains a float ball , ballcock , and overflow tube ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How can I easily remove red wine stains from t-shirts ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the former name of Zimbabwe ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the closest G2 Spectrum Yellow Dwarf to Earth ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the highest point in Japan ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What city does Orly Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What should the temperature be set at while baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: Who did Bobby Fischer beat to win the world chess championship ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do some people have two different color eyes ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the alphabet for Latin ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What is the life span of the average monkey ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What does a deltiologist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What causes tuberculosis ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the busiest air travel season ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many states have a `` lemon law '' for new automobiles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What were popular songs and types of songs in the 1920s ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Triple Crown-winning horse took the 1973 Belmont Stakes by 31 lengths ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many types of cheese are there in France ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What phenomenon would you expect to read about in the monthly publication The Bigfoot News ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's a `` Drinker respirator '' better known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What labor leader was last seen in the parking lot of a Michigan restaurant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the U.S. highway death toll in 1969 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What film dramatized the Scopes monkey trial ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does the name Billie mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What percent liked Thatcher after she had been in power for a decade ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What TV family sometimes buys eclairs from Nelson 's Bakery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Pittsburgh 's baseball team called ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What year did Hitler die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What year did the first issue of `` Playboy '' come out ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who invented the stethoscope ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find out the top 1 singles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What creature scares people in the film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What kind of animals are Dorsets , Lincolns , Oxfords and Southdowns ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: On what river is Rome built ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What U.S. Congressman said : `` Keep the faith , baby '' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who accompanied Space Ghost on his missions ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did King Gustav V reign over from 197 to 195 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What kind of weapons were used in Medieval warfare ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where did bocci originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long does it take for your blood to make one complete trip through the body ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How do plants make food ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How do you get bubblegum out of carpet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a horologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What girl 's name is `` Teddy '' an affectionate form of ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find info on research being done on oilseeds thru genetics ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the AIM-54C Phoenix ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does G.M.T. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the definition of ` graphic details ' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country has the highest per capita consumption of cheese ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What mammal of North America is the world 's longest-lived for its size ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is one of the cities that the University of Minnesota is located in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is molybdenum ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What can I do to get into an Ivy League school ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What New York Yankee was known as The Iron Horse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many states did Richard Nixon carry in 1972 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How did people respond to the idea of the first millenium ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What camera company said , `` If you haven 't got the time , we 've got the camera ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What National League baseball team employed 72 third baseemen in its first 2 seasons ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Color"], "length": 1658, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "0ec47c5bfef1cf9ea4d1d47116a30121de69db12519d410e"} {"input": "Question: What is the fourth highest mountain in the world ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the name of the medical condition in which a baby is born without a brain ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What do you call a section of your finger from one joint to another ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who is Johnny Carson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. get most of its energy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Chiricahua the name of ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What English word contains the most letters ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Who is the leader of India ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who 's the only man to have won the Olympic decathlon twice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do doctors diagnose bone cancer ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the star of the 1965 Broadway hit Golden Boy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a bone marrow transplant ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Hitler 's minister of propaganda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can an individual get a contact lens tested that burned the entire surface of eye when new ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is one of the languages of the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: Who is Nicolo Paganini ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What sport features snatches and clean jerks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is a fear of sinning ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What did Warlock wear on his forehead in Marvel comics ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What U.S. vice-president said : `` Some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has been called The Queen of the Antilles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country 's flag is field green ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are the short- and long-term effects of underage drinking ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Rotary engines used to be made by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the longest war in U.S. history ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who do Herb and Tootsie live next door to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport do you shag flies in ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where did the name Daniel originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I get information concerning child custody files for the State of Utah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Answers.com 's address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What holidays or observances are celebrated in Italy ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How do you select wine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What money was used here ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What California bridge was Don Brown the first to cross , on May 27 , 1937 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why did David Koresh ask the FBI for a word processor ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Judith Rossner novel was made into a film starring Diane Keaton ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does A&W of root beer fame stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What city does Orly Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is diabetes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was the first stained glass window made ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the name of the Tampa newspaper ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the difference between a generator and an alternator ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the Immaculate Conception ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What jockey won 17 Triple Crown races ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you get dates with the `` Hooters '' girls ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What comedian created a punch-drunk pugilist named Cauliflower McPugg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where was the first zoo in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the alternate to VHS ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is HTML ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What does a collier mine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What famous New York City mayor wrote the hit song , `` Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Robert Louis Stevenson novel was inspired by Deacon William Brodie , a cabinetmaker by day and burglar by night ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is `` bloodhound '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can SQL queries be improved ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is website of the International Court of Justice ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Argentine revolutionary fought with Castro and died in Bolivia in May , 1979 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does camera-ready art mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What clause in the U.S. Constitution may not be changed , altered or amended ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What crooner joined The Andrews Sisters for Pistol Packin Mama ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the number of American soldiers deployed to South Korea ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How did names come about ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: The Kentucky Horse Park is located near what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What country are you visiting if you land at President Duvalier Airport ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What kind of habitat does the scorpion live in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many oceans are there and name them ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who won the first World Series ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: Names of books by James A. Michener set in the following locations ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a ` borrow pit ' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What sports magazine has the largest circulation ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the Chivington Massacre ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Larry King 's job ?\nType: Title of a person\n", "answers": ["Mountain"], "length": 1584, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "8eb86e597aa70c66a934687954ad3504a23ce95ec9c68efe"} {"input": "Question: What is Australia 's national flower ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is `` Nine Inch Nails '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city boasts Penn 's Landing , on the banks of the Delaware river ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who was Maria Theresa ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How high must a mountain be to be called a mountain ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What took first prize in Omni magazine 's contest to find the `` ultimate unanswerable question '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What book opens : `` At a certain village in La Mancha , which I shall not name.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: In what year was the first patent for the pull-tab opener on cans obtained ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What year is etched on the Gold Medal of Excellence from the Paris Exposition depicted on a can of Campbell 's tomato soup ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name a technique widely used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What city was President William McKinley shot in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the origin of the name Igor ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name a canine cartoon character other than Huckleberry Hound to have a voice by Daws Butler .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of the computer in ` 2001 : A Space Odyssey ' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How many American soldiers are stationed in South Korea ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How hot does the inside of an active volcano get ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: Why are eggs supposed to be stored small end down ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: In a computer , what does SCSI mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What drink is formed of tequila , orange juice and galliano ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What country received all the Nobel Prizes awarded in 1976 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What double talking `` professor '' holds a doctorate in Nothing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What effect does friction have on perpetual motion ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what county is Eckley Colorado ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do chickens have baby chicks ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the four most widely-used languages in North America ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: How many quarters equal a pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Irwin Allen bomb has Richard Widmark saying he 'll be `` the first officer in history to get his butt kicked by a mess of bugs ! '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the world 's most common compound ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What organization was founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Why does a wheel , e.g. a car tire , appear to spin in the opposite direction as it slows down ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where did the term `` 69 '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where can I get a complete listing of showtimes in my area ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many layers does a bottle of Yoo-Hoo settle into ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What mountain range extends from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Alabama ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: How do you clean an LCD monitor screen ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is the largest dam in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the acreage of the Chappellet vineyard ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What amount of money did the Philippine ex-dictator Marcos steal from the treasury ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 's an auberge in France ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the last woman executed in England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who were the `` filthiest people alive ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` Teddy bear '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In which state are the Mark Twain National Forests ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the life expectancy of an elephant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Name the two actress daughters of John Mills .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who led the Normans to victory in the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What woman was Time 's Man of the Year for 1952 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What fraction of a beaver 's life is spent swimming ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: When did the Chernobyl nuclear accident occur ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are hook worms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played Maria in the film West Side Story ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does General Mills manufacture Cheerios ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of the name Igor ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Mediterranean island is home to the first Club Med ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Russian composer 's Prelude in C Sharp Minor brought him fame and fortune ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which breakfast cereal brought you `` the best each morning '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are the top 10 colleges in the United States in the field of engineering ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Steve Rogers 's profession when he 's not Captain America ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is another name for nearsightedness ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the origin of blue for boys and pink for girls ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What park contains Firehole River and Fairy Falls ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is so powerful about Power Bars ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Leoncavallo opera features a prologue by a clown ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was her real name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What racehorse won an Associated Press poll as the greatest horse of the 20th century ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How does a scientific calculator work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Freddy Freeman say to become Captain Marvel Jr. ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where 's the 19th hole on a golf course ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who gave us the `` Rolling Writer '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What California bridge was Don Brown the first to cross , on May 27 , 1937 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the capital of California ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who shot Billy the Kid ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do you do when your mouse is n't working as fast as it 's supposed to ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Plant"], "length": 1722, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "37fc91e0069dfc5177c65cf2937227f33bffeb756d408325"} {"input": "Question: What is the capital of Ethiopia ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What did The Gas House Gang play ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is La Nina ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What film did Lee Marvin win the 1965 best actor Oscar for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a Certified Nurse Midwife ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What attorney-general ordered the closing of Alcatraz ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kinds of animals are in Cambodia ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the name of the gulf between Sweden and Finland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the `` Dead Man 's Hand '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What percent liked Thatcher after she had been in power for a decade ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the word for love of pain or abuse ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How did the Hohenzollerns build their power around 17 ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How would someone go about becoming an organ donor ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What movie has made the most money ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What year was the ATM first introduced ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What female suspect in the game of Clue is single ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who has won the most Super Bowls ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What basketball maneuver did Bert Loomis invent ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How many colors are there in a rainbow ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many gallons of water go over Niagra Falls every second ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Guam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of U.S. Army sergeant 's stripes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What color is the lipstick on Boy George 's wax lips at London 's Madame Tussaud 's ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who kept the most famous diary in the English language ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was known as the Time Master in comic books ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the Big Thompson flood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country is the largest diamond producer ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who were the Picts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which organization is the Security Council a part of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who invented the stethoscope ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a philatelist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: In what movie is the number nine found in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is leukemia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many people live in cities ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What keeps clouds in the air ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How does one correctly pronounce ` qigong ' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of the American literary era that includes 1896 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What are some translations of the phrase `` Thank-you '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Name the 5 words that use all of the letters in the alphabet , except Q , with no repeats .\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What are the Urals ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the largest city in the world ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Name Dondi 's adoptive grandfather .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the size of the largest akita ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What is a caul ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name Randy Craft 's lawyer .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ethnic group introduced the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the meaning of W.B. Yeat 's poem , `` The Three Hermits ? ''\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How big is the largest diamond ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: Where in the Bible does it tell about Jesus Christ 's brothers and sisters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the name of the tiger that advertises for Frosted Flakes cereal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is home banking ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name a civil war battlefield .\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What famed strip of land is a 15-minute boat trip across the Venetian Lagoon from Venice ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What kind of business is 7-Eleven ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What language is mostly spoken in Brazil ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's father 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In Beetle Bailey , can you name Sarge 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What two commanders directed the forces in the Battle of El Alamein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Nevada center has been dubbed The Biggest Little City in the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What city has the world 's longest subway system ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When is a woman most fertile ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How can you contact play producers and promoters on-line ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of helium ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What was the number of assassinations and attempts to assassinate in the U.S. since 1865 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name of heroine in `` Scruples '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Smartnet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What comic of TV 's golden age went by the motto `` Anything for a laugh '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Bill Gates of Microsoft E-mail address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are some of Australia 's native flora ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: How do you measure the heat of the sun ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Pittsburgh 's baseball team called ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1576, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "7aebb78c4dfb93851df88819813a91bdc31fcc524032d622"} {"input": "Question: What is leukemia ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Woodrow Wilson served as president of what university ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many degrees cooler is the inside of a cucumber than the air outside ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's another name for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the temperature for cooking ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: How many dollars a day did Arthur Frommer say you could get by on in Europe in 1968 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long do you have to live in a community to vote ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Why does sound travel quicker through water than air ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What South American country won its first World Cup soccer title in 1978 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How do telephones work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How does the Elongated Man know a mystery is afoot ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What novel has Big Brother watching ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How does salt melt ice and snow ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is the world 's most active volcano located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many people died in the Vietnam war ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the words to `` My Way '' written by Paul Anka ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How long would it take to get from Earth to Mars ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How long does it take to hike the entire Appalachian Trail ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What are the capital cities of the two large countries that occupy the Iberian peninsula in Europe ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the brand name of a chemical used to control ripening ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What 1963 Joseph L. Mankiewicz film cost $28 million ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are dinosaur droppings called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What state did Anita Bryant represent in the 1959 Miss America contest ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How does marijuana lead to other drugs ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What kind of file has the extension .dbf ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name a product that controls the ripening of apples .\nType: Product\nQuestion: How does the chain of command work inside an US army Apache helicopter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I increase my biceps ' size ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why were people recruited for the Vietnam War ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the airport code for Los Angeles International ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Who is the president of the Spanish government ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the English translation for the word `` caliente '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is dextropropoxyphen napsylate ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was Nine Tailors , the television show from 1974 , about ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How can I get some free technical information on Electric Vehicle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who declared : `` I am down on whores and I shan 't stop ripping them '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Gimli as a central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the most common name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What D.H. Lawrence novel was originally titled Tenderness ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Broadway musical featured the song , `` If I were a rich man ? ''\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is idealab ! ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does `` Philebus-like '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the infamous feat of Germany 's U-2 submarine ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the tallest mountain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is California 's state bird ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What new games are available for Nintendo 64 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What sprawling U.S. state boasts the most airports ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who banned Peter Rose from baseball for betting on games ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many wives did Brigham Young have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What device provided a new way to listen to music in 1963 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball at ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What drink is made up of rum , coconut milk and pineapple ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What former major-league left-handed baseball pitcher was known as `` Space Man '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who headed Hitler 's infamous Gestapo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What future movie treat was introduced to American colonists in 1603 by Native Americans ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who replaced Bert Parks as the host of The Miss America Pageant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What civil war was fought between 1936 and 1939 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many rows of sprocket holes does a roll of 35-millimeter film have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the longest word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is typhoid fever ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who did Sara Jane Moore try to assassinate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Las Vegas hotel burned in November , 1980 , with the loss of 84 lives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who shot and killed himself while painting Wheatfield with Crows ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what religion was Isis the nature goddess ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: How do you say `` fresh '' in Spanish ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the name of the police officer who tried to keep order in Top Cat 's neighborhood ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What exactly is the purpose of the anteater ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How far away is the moon ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many of them are in sub-Saharan Africa ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between pop music and rock and roll ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are bottle caps with presidents ' pictures inside worth ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are the short- and long-term effects of underage drinking ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who wrote The Look of Love after viewing Ursula Andress ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The name of the actor who played the detective in the film Kindergarden Cop is what ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many cards are dealt to each player in Gin Rummy ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who followed Caesar ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1719, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e9b5249c001ca9eab599bc3ddfd315d790726d9c147ce018"} {"input": "Question: What is the street address of the White House ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where is the Statistical Abstract of the United States online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who are the nomadic hunting and gathering tribe of the Kalahari Desert in Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How does salt melt ice and snow ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What country borders the most others ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a technique popularly used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What famous comic strip character died of acne ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the purpose of BIOS ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is an isthmus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the most common elements in the Earth 's crust ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What Scandinavian country covers 173 , 732 square miles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is Desmond Tutu ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who is the voice of Miss Piggy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In which Kevin Costner movie did Sioux Indians play a role ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who invented the toothbrush ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cocktail inspired John Doxat to write the book Stirred-Not Shaken ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who is the Greek God of the Sea ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year was Gandhi assassinated ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What card suit originally represented the peasant class ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where 's the GUM department store ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What college football team did Knute Rockne build into a power ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does appropriates money mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is `` the washed vodka '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did Super President gain his powers on the animated series ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do movie blues screens work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did Honecker rule ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a reliable site that I can download Heretic 2 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Taiwan ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do you do a topic outline ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How can I register my website in Yahoo for free ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the celtic symbol for `` life '' ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What does the double-O indicate in 007 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word , magic ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the oldest ethnological museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What pillar of the Dutch Renaissance painted Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first domesticated bird ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does the Peugeot company manufacture ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Prewitt play in James Jones 's From Here to Eternity ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What is a gandy dancer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where was Lincoln assassinated ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does an echidna look like ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played the part of the Godfather in the movie , ` The Godfather ' ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: In what U.S. state was the first woman governor elected ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What year was the NAACP founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: How does a submarine operate ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's a short ton ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do pointed letters mean to a handwriting analyst ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do I know how much money to save for retirement ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What two Caribbean countries share the island of Hispaniola ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is Stephen Hawking ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What are some good exercises for kids to do ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: When was General Manuel Noriega ousted as the leader of Panama and turned over to U.S. authorities ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a serigraph ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What two European countries are joined by the Gran San Bernardo Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are the benefits of home school ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Caine Mutiny ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most extensively grown and eaten food ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How long is Camptown Racetrack ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How long does it take to travel from Tokyo to Niigata ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the definition of hazmat ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Lacan ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What percentage of the body is muscle ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is a fear of punishment ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Name the French historical period during the reign of Napoleon III .\nType: Event\nQuestion: What constellation represents a hunter with club and shield ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the meaning of thalassemia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are Maid-Rites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the Valdez Principles ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 1956 Grace Metalious novel was on the best-seller list for two years ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where did the term `` 86 '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was Mao , the Chinese leader 's , full name ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1528, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "64185c36020ead184262b3cd1aa28a4e7b28444c0043daef"} {"input": "Question: What is metabolism ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What city in Florida is Sea World in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Where can I find information about touring the Philippines ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the word terrorism mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many people did the United Nations commit to help restore order and distribute humanitarian relief in Somalia in September 1992 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long after intercourse does it take to find out if you are pregnant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: In what city is the headquarters of Sinn Fein ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What country has the most time zones , with 11 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where is former Pro wrestler Johnny `` Rubber Man '' Walker ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the date of Bastille Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What literary classic centers on the search for a treasure in gold worth 7 , 0 pounds ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Italian city of 155 were Leonardo da Vinci , Michaelangelo , and Machiavelli all working in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When were camcorders introduced in Malaysia ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is cosmology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can I get my product licensed by the NBA ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you make a million bucks ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was William F. Cody 's better-known name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the quantity of American soldiers still unaccounted for from the Vietnam war ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What product is for kids , and not for silly rabbits ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What high school does Archie attend ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the function of RAM ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the first person inducted into the U.S. Swimming Hall of Fame ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Judy Garland 's date of birth ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What engineer invented the pull-tab can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many layers does a bottle of Yoo-Hoo settle into ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Islamic counterpart to the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What are amaretto biscuits ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What non-mechanical sport achieves the highest speeds ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many claws has a lobster called a pistol lost ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the only U.S. President to wear a Nazi uniform ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are shooting stars ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Damocles ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What former royal palace has served as a granary , prison , arsenal , leper colony , mint , telegraph station and whorehouse before becoming an art museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why do they call it a `` funny bone '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What web sites are linked to the Report on Genesis Eldercare ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why is hockey so violent ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the first elected mayor of Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did the Dow first reach ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How much did Lucy Van Pelt originally charge for psychiatric sessions ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How long did the Paris Commune hold out for against the rest of France ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the lowest highest elevation at 6 feet ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What American sergeant lost both of his hands in combat during World War II and then went on to act in a single movie for which he won two Oscars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which mosquito 's bite draws blood , DT NN CC DT NN .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What time does Wee Willie Winkie run through the town ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How long is human gestation ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What did the Chinese emperor present to the English soldier Gordon in recognition of his services in quelling rebellions ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the original Humpty Dumpty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the price of Varian Associates ' vacuum products division ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are shooting stars ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the date of CNN 's first broadcast ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What color is the cross on Switzerland 's flag ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How many dots make up the symbol for `` because '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the 10 largest cities in the US ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many endangered species are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the second man to walk on the moon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed Vincent Van Gogh in Lust for Life ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fine for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: In what year did Hitler gain power of Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Mary Tyler Moore Show regular came into the world as Tadeus Wladyslaw Konopka ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who wrote The Night of the Iguana ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long does it take light to reach the Earth from the Sun ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where can I buy a hat like the kind Jay Kay from Jamiroquai wears ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does it take to become a lawyer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the difference between the anus and the rectum ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How does ultraviolet light damage the DNA of skin cells ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What species was Winnie the Pooh ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where do the adventures of `` The Swiss Family Robinson '' take place ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Jane Goodall famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the difference between a college and a university ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What fast-food magnate 's initials graced the left sleeve of the San Diego Padres ' baseball uniforms in 1984 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1716, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "0b8e6cece544fd1a0037a0dd5e9117a3f47dfb7542803207"} {"input": "Question: Which country has the most water pollution ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are the five most expensive cities in the world ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the meaning of W.B. Yeat 's poem , `` The Three Hermits ? ''\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of company is 7-Eleven ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who played Lucas McCain on The Rifleman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where was `` I have fallen , and I can 't get up '' said first ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many sides does an obelisk have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Caribbean island is northeast of Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What effects do nitrates have on the environment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What took first prize in Omni magazine 's contest to find the `` ultimate unanswerable question '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How can you be happy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What ocean did the Titanic sink in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the most widely cultivated plant ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What is thalassemia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do economists do ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the seven seas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many bottles of wine were prisoners in the Bastille allowed per day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long does cocaine stay in your system ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is film noir ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many lawyers are there in the state of New Jersey ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city hosted the first Winter Olympics in Asia ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How were the days of the week named ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What money was used here ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What do the red-and-white stripes on a barbershop pole stand for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of animal was Winnie the Pooh ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` sideburns '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Aesop 's fable has the moral : `` The race is not always to the swift. Slow and steady is bound to win '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word Marijuana ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the first king of England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Japanese electronics company was named for a coastal city northeast of Tokyo ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many three-letter permutations can be made from the four letters : c ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between New York-style and Chicago-style pizza ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the oldest building in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name a tiger that is extinct .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why are there no white lines on pro footballs ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are you caught in if a haboob blows up ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are Cushman and Wakefield known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the meaning of the name Ella ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the four natural aids used in riding a horse ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Where did surfing originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first black woman to star in the Folies Bergeres ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a deltiologist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How does crosstalk relate to InSb thickness in infrared detectors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is section manager for guidance and control systems at JPL ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does NASDAQ stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What kind of file has the extension .dbf ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How long is the border between Canada and the 48 conterminous states ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What are all the different types of pizza ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What does ribavirin consist of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is a fear of everything ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What famous communist leader died in Mexico City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the high pitched sound that you hear in your ear every now and then , but then it goes away , after a while ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is Johnny Carson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who created `` The Muppets '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cigar-chewing comedian observed : `` You 're only as old as the woman you feel '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did nylon stockings first go on sale ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who shared a New York City apartment with Roger Maris the year he hit 61 home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of a Salt Lake City newspaper ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the weather like on the moon ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many Vietnamese were there in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How did Edith Bunker die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does Nicholas Cage do for a living ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What was the backup singing group for Roy Rogers ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many lakes are there on the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Jane Goodall known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many were in attendance at the Last Supper ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the lens behind the iris in the eye called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Whose video is titled Shape Up with Arnold ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` blue moon , '' and how often do they occur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What horse did Zorro ride ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How long would it take for a $ savings bond to mature ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What buxom blonde appeared on the cover of more than 5 magazines ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you become a dentist ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Country"], "length": 1620, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "56a70996016ed618c2c83f4fb36933dfca9f15f43d709208"} {"input": "Question: What is the earth 's diameter ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the origin of the term `` blue moon , '' and how often do they occur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do I find if my relatives were on the Trail of Tears ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In what part of Africa is Mozambique located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What political party is Sinn Fein a part of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much will the California be in the year 2000 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Italy is the largest producer of what ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What movie did Steven Spielberg direct in 1975 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a Devo hat ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does a hydroelectric dam work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What killed Bob Marley ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country and western singer is known as The Silver Fox ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What color is the eight-ball in pocket billiards ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What was Suzy Parker doing to earn $1 , 000 in the early 1950 's ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the third month of the Gregorian calendar ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Jackson Pollock is of what nationality ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is Shirley MacLaine ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What female faith healer wrote the inspirational book I Believe in Miracles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many different countries export coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Rider College located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What journalist can be found in and around Walden Puddle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What function does a community 's water tower serve ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the best distance education university or college ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the most common nickname of U.S. college football teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What president also became a supreme court justice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played Lucas McCain on The Rifleman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the accused in The Trial of the Century , which opened Janurary 1 , 1935 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many games are played in a five-team round-robin tournament ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the meaning of Jesus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What did Benny Carter play ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you measure the heat of the sun ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a fear of reptiles ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Why should cigarette smoking be banned ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who killed more people , Hitler or Stalin ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What date is Richard Nixon 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What army was founded by William Booth and his wife Catherine ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How does the Elongated Man know a mystery is afoot ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where does your hair grow the fastest ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Name the poet of the poem which begins : I do not know much about gods ; but I think that the river Is a strong brown god-sullen , and untamed ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Musician Ray Charles plays what instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What two historical figures , who fought each other in a famous battle , each have a food named after them ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is titanium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long does it take for Spider-Man 's web to evaporate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What knighted actor narrates TV 's The World at War ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What killed Bob Marley ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many teats does a female goat sport ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do West Indian steel bands use as instruments ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What sea separates Naples and Algiers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are amicable numbers ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who made Stonehenge ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Where is the biggest bell ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What `` little red car '' is mentioned in pop singer Prince 's hit song ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the average hourly rate of American workers ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Why is Rush 's 2112 called 2112 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is `` the taste that beats the others cold '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What percentage of American men are alcoholic ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What poem contains the line , `` grow old with me the best is yet to be '' .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Whose video is titled Shape Up with Arnold ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes play ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: How far is Yaroslavl from Moscow ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What company sells the most greeting cards ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do you say `` fresh '' in Spanish ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who delivered his last newscast on March 6 , 1981 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport do the Cleaveland Cavaliers play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How do you do a bibliography page ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What countries have the largest armed forces in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What country surrounds San Marino , the world 's smallest Republic ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: The Kentucky Horse Park is close to which American city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1590, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "1264141d08caf6f2f4105ce15f3c2d69d34749b96ece38de"} {"input": "Question: What is bipolar disorder ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How did former WWF wrestler Rick Rude die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When did Hitler come to power in Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What character narrates Treasure Island ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the Kentucky Horse Park located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the Smithsonian Institute located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of a.m. and p.m. ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What diamond producer controls about 80% of the world 's diamonds ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is William Wordsworth ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the origin of Boxing Day ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the United States ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What religion has the most members ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: What Italian leader had a lifelong fear of the evil eye ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What California governor said : `` Inaction may be the highest form of action '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many movies has Drew Barrymore been in ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many people have been Captain America ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country contains Africa 's northernmost point ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What football bowl game 's first queen was Hallie Woods ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What do the Japanese call Japan ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I get mailing lists ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What square is the geographical center of London ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What `` little red car '' is mentioned in pop singer Prince 's hit song ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When is a woman most fertile ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many people was Randy Craft convicted of killing ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When were camcorders introduced in Malaysia ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you become a dentist ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How can I get someone 's phone number if I only have their screen name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What two South American countries do n't border Brazil ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What English word contains the most letters ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is diabetes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the snakes of New England ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What two countries ' coastlines border the Bay of Biscay ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what sport are these following numbers relevant : 118 , 126 , 134 , 142 , 15 , 158 , 167 , 177 , and 19 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How did P.T. Barnum bill the diminutive Charles S. Stratton ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who said : `` Soldiers win the battles and generals get the credit '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: On which dates does the running of the bulls occur in Pamplona , Spain ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is Peter Weir ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where is Burma ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which area produces the least acidic coffee ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What kind of animal was Winnie the Pooh ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many children does Ray Davies of the Kinks have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What state full of milk and honey was the destination in The Grapes of Wrath ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who is the man behind the pig-the man who pulls the strings and speaks for Miss Piggy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: When was the Bill of Rights ratified ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you solve `` Rubik 's Cube '' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Ray Bradbury 's illustrated man illustrated with ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is `` flintknapping '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What animals can live the longest without food ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are the `` Star Wars '' satellites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What famed gangland slaughter cut into the membership of Bugs Moran 's outfit ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Which infectious disease kills the most people worldwide ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many people in America snore ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a phalanx ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between terry cloth and French terry ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many colored squares are there on a Rubik 's Cube ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where did the name Daniel originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who told all in Ball Four ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many bytes are in a terabyte ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which Vietnamese terrorist is now a UN delegate in Doonesbury ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do Hasidic Jews refrain from while dating ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the first U.S.-based team in the NHL ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a person called that likes fire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What boxer 's life story is titled Raging Bull ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two colors are you blind to if you suffer from protanopia ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What else has the swastika stood for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of robbers ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the HIGHEST Roman numeral ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the first names of Rowan and Martin , the stars of TV 's Laugh-In ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What woman has carried the most multiple births , twins , triplets , etc. , ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What bordering country is due north of Costa Rica ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the first domesticated bird ?\nType: Animal\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1611, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e611e432a55774a5572d62c26d8aa3b90a308154bcb92bcc"} {"input": "Question: What city 's newspaper is called `` The Star '' ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What do you call the feeling of having experienced something before ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What game does Garry Kasparov play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many characters are in the Chinese alphabet ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Asian city boasts the world 's biggest bowling alley ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where can I get information and statistics on countries and nations ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Dick Clark 's date of birth ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the common name for acetylsalicylic acid ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What Scandinavian capital is built on nine bridge-connected islands ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was her real name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between a classical and an acoustic guitar ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the company name ` General Motors ' ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What is the economic impact of unemployment on the economy ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many years of schooling after highschool does it take to become a neurosurgeon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In which state are the Mark Twain National Forests ?\nType: State\nQuestion: When did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What film marked Robert Redford 's directorial debut ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do you get dates with the `` Hooters '' girls ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What nationality is Gorbachev ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the name of Darth Vader 's son ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do peacocks mate with ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was the oldest U.S. president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the toothbrush ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What party was Winston Churchill a member of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the fine for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is a 2-sided object called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many times more than 3\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How does crosstalk relate to InSb thickness in infrared detectors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How long does it take to hike the entire Appalachian Trail ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is a virtual IP address ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's Japan 's largest car manufacturer ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is literary criticism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did the vesuvius last erupt ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What information can you tell me about actor James Cromwell ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What films featured the character Popeye Doyle ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's bottled in jeroboams ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are shooting stars ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who fired Maria Ybarra from her position in San Diego council ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What facial feature typically contains about 55 hairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How would someone go about becoming an organ donor ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who were the four famous founders of United Artists ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the meaning of the name Kathryn ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did Honecker rule ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long does it take for your blood to make one complete trip through the body ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How do you exterminate bees that are in the walls of your home ? Will bee eggs remain over winter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What mountains lie between the Arkansas and Missouri rivers ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What fossilizes to form coprolite ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Dick Clark 's date of birth ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What ocean liner burned and sank in Hong Kong harbor ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How do you box train a cat ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is recruitment interview technique ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who shoplifts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When it 's time to relax , what one beer stands clear ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What U.S. state 's biggest lake is Lake Sam Rayburn ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many miles are there between Tel Aviv , Israel and Memphis , Tennessee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of shadows ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When was the first Wall Street Journal published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What holidays or observances are celebrated in Italy ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What Frenchman claimed the following ? If God did not exist , it would be necessary to invent him . ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is `` snoogans '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What sport do the Cleaveland Cavaliers play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is another term for the painful wrist syndrome ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is ouzo ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the company that manufactures the `` American Girl '' doll collection ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country and western singer is known as The Silver Fox ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Batman character tools around on a Batcycle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I find out how much income tax is paid on Social Security income on the 1998 income tax ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In what high-risk business venture did Jimmy the Greek bet and lose ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What count did Alexandre Dumas write about ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are some good fractal web sites ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why do horseshoes bring luck ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What city does Orly Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is the creator of `` The Muppets '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What task does the Bouvier breed of dog perform ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: When did CNN begin broadcasting ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1566, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4848c8025606efcf122bd8046265c1883a064b9bc90d26ff"} {"input": "Question: What year did the Andy Griffith show begin ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What war was fought by the Spanish as far as the Philippines ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How do I tie a tie ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What city has the two steepest streets in the U.S. ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are perfect tenses ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a term for behavior , appearance , or expression that violates the accepted standards of sexual morality ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many eyes does a bat have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is home banking ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the largest U.S. city on the Great Lakes ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the name of the pop singer whose song became the theme song for a brand of catsup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed the title character in the film The Day of the Jackal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the first names of Rowan and Martin , the stars of TV 's Laugh-In ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country was Hitler the chancellor of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the most commonly-spoken language in Belgium ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What season does a hiemal activity normally take place in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What animal has the biggest eyes ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was President of Costa Rica in 1994 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What carries sperm up into the pelvic region ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: How long is the Coney Island boardwalk ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What did the Yalta Conference lead to ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What product did Robert Conrad dare people to knock off his shoulder ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How do I love thee ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the star of the 1965 Broadway hit Golden Boy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What President was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I love thee ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How has TV affected our society ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Georgia town did Scarlett O 'Hara condemn as being full of pushy people ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What does ` PSI ' stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How can I stop or slow down aging ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What country , after Canada and Mexico , is closest to the U.S. ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a fear of cold ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who is Snoopy 's arch-enemy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the temperature for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What is Supergirl 's secret identity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What product does `` Mrs. Olsen '' promote ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Where was helium first discovered , hence its name ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of a Greek god ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why doesn 't www.answers.com have any answers to my questions ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the mother of the man who would not be king , the duke of Windsor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is `` Nine Inch Nails '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What sign is The Water Carrier the zodiacal symbol for ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What is the protagonist 's name in Dostoevski 's `` The Idiot '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first animal into space ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who wrote Brave New World ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many varieties of twins are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's a male witch called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What country 's flag is field green ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When was the first Barbie produced ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many were in attendance at the Last Supper ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Aesop 's fable has the moral : `` The race is not always to the swift. Slow and steady is bound to win '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How old is Benny Carter ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What was the man 's name who was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much do drugs to treat tuberculosis cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many disks does each player have in a four-handed game of Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the slowest Olympic swimming stroke ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What made the short-lived Star Hawks strip so unique ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of argon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What city is often called The Insurance Capital of the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What sport is played on the largest field ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who wrote The Night of the Iguana ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What state is Niagara Falls located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the name of the planet that the Ewoks live on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In AD 999 , what sort of celebrations , fears , were there ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the first doctor to successfully transplant a liver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many innings constitute an official baseball game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which is a real berry : blackberry , cranberry , raspberry , strawberry ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the virus HIV ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Connecticut ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What does IOC stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are amphibians ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How you can raise your IQ ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What year is etched on the Gold Medal of Excellence from the Paris Exposition depicted on a can of Campbell 's tomato soup ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1627, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c6bdd84ce95d94c9cea3db7d14d6c2fedfc0c9d735b67415"} {"input": "Question: Where do apple snails live ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are the names of the tourist attractions in Reims ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a `` False Moon '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What TV station did Mary Richards work for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the only president to serve two nonconsecutive terms ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many calories are there in a glass of water ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What drug is often used to treat AIDS patients ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who is the prophet of the religion of Islam ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What erupts every hour at Yellowstone National Park ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How did names come about ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name the story by Chris Van Allsburg in the which a boy tries to become a great sailor ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many Beanie Baby sites are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many casinos are in Atlantic City , NJ ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are emblazoned on the Jolly Roger ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What appointments secretary to Richard Nixon went to jail ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most heavily caffeinated soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is one of the languages of the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What was the infamous pseudonym of Peter Sutcliffe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many astronauts manned each Project Mercury flight ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How long is human gestation ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where must a soccer goalie stand to be permitted to handle the ball ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the history of `` the toast '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where did makeup originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Compaq 's mission statement ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When did communist control end in Hungary ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the origin of the midwest slang , ` you 're darn tootin ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What holidays are celebrated in Ireland ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What does e=mc2 mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the top 5 tallest buildings in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can you define time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What group asked the musical question Do You Believe in Magic ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of Boxing Day ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are Cushman and Wakefield known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Dialing , 900 , 740-TREE to have a tree planted will cost how much ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is Doegs ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is a biologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did the term `` 69 '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the Russian ambassador to Hungary during the 1956 uprising ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Chiricahua the name of ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many calories are in a tomato ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When did Theo Rousseau paint the `` Forest of Fontaine '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the name of a hotel in Indianapolis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose funeral train traveled from Washington D.C. to Springfield , Illinois ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a handheld PC ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Bombay duck ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What percentage of children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What TV character sired a horse named Thunder ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What character in The Beverly Hillbillies has the given names Daisy Moses ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the world 's deadliest infectious disease ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What state has the most Indians ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is a bone marrow transplant meant for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who were John F. Kennedy 's dogs ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: When was the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many astronauts manned each Project Mercury flight ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Home Rule Act ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is SVHS ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What river runs through Liverpool ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Colin Powell is famous for what ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the name of the Jewish alphabet ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What sport is Chris Jogis a top player of ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Why do oceans contain salt water instead of fresh water ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many grooves are on a dime 's edge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What state is Niagara Falls located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who did Napolean defeat at Jena and Auerstadt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did the Confederate Constitution say about slavery ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the last major eruption of Mount St. Helens ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is Bill Gross 's email address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What TV series changed the names to protect the innocent ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do cameras take pictures ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many wings does a flea have ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1563, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "88462d84aa70aeb3ccc737da4417cb41bade6a0503b79eee"} {"input": "Question: When were William Shakespeare 's twins born ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How long is the Coney Island boardwalk ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What war added jeep and quisling to the English language ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What does the word LASER mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What island is home to statues called Mauis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city does McCarren Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do I write to my Congressman ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How long does a pig 's orgasm last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What did the ancients call the four great elements ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: When did the royal wedding of Prince Andrew and Fergie take place ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the largest and most expensive freeway construction project in the U.S. right now ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city has a newspaper called The Plain Dealer ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Which of the following actors worked in New York 's Yiddish Theater ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the following actors worked in New York 's Yiddish Theater ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the odds of giving birth to twins ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What non-conformist abstract painter was dubbed Jack The Dripper by Time ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the definition of ` graphic details ' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I buy a good snowboard for less than $200 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Asian country has a bill of rights for cows ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a wart ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Why is Thanksgiving on a Thursday ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: In what year did the US Marine Corps adopt the motto `` Semper Fidelis '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: When did Iraqi troops invade Kuwait ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What color were Ernest Hemingway 's eyes ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What 's approaching when a cyclist shouts : `` Oil '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who were John F. Kennedy 's dogs ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the C programming language ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long do flies live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What was an `` Asiento '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state ends with a G ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many varieties of apple are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Immaculate Conception ?\nType: Definition of somethingQuestion: What four U.S. states have active volcanoes ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What actor and actress have made the most movies ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What President was meant for , but never placed in , the empty crypt beneath the capital 's rotunda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the web address of the list of e-mail addresses of members of the House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many different countries export coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What basketball maneuver did Bert Loomis invent ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What do camels store in their humps ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many degrees cooler is the inside of a cucumber than the air outside ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why do some jets have a vapor trail , and others do not ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the monster in Spielberg 's film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How long ago was the Roe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme Court ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is another term for the painful wrist syndrome ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What significant battle was fought in Belgium in 1815 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is thermal equilibrium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What comedian was born Allen Stewart Konigsberg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which is a real berry : blackberry , cranberry , raspberry , strawberry ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are the largest libraries in the US ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find a website that gives comparisons of good prices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What U.S. state is Fort Knox in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many points make up a perfect fivepin bowling score ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What mountain range marks the border of France and Spain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: How much did Manchester United spend on players in 1993 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: When did the original Howdy Doody show go off the air ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why was Henry Ford 's first automobile calleda Model T & his second type of automobile , introduced in 1928 , called a Model A ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a fear of fish ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When were the Olympic Games in which Nadia Comaneci became popular played ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was Quetzalcoatl ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What continent 's name appears on the upper left corner of a Budweiser label ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many bottles of wine were prisoners in the Bastille allowed per day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What state produces the best lobster to eat ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who is Terrence Malick ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What European country is home to the beer-producing city of Budweis ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What do the Japanese call Japan ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What are the Benelux countries ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What countries have the most auto thefts ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When is the Sun closest to the Earth ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What actor came to dinner in Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is an example of a famous rock band from the sixties ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What do Hasidic Jews refrain from while dating ?\nType: Other entity\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1611, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c32eb5c8f3c8880273a439cf5d69d544e7100960c40711c8"} {"input": "Question: What continent is Egypt on ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Which king signed the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long is the border between Canada and the 48 conterminous states ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What state is the Filenes store located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Why do we ask for the `` check '' and not the bill at a restaurant ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How did Jayne Mansfield die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How can I get someone 's phone number if I only have their screen name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When did French revolutionaries storm the Bastille ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who portrayed Renaud in Casablanca ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is an isthmus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What famous coach said `` if you can 't beat 'em in the alley , you can 't beat 'em on the ice '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of Betty Boop 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How do hermit crabs reproduce ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the goat population of the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who spoke the only word in Mel Brooks 's Silent Movie ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did Asia get its name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is Imam Hussain Ben Ali whom Shia people believe in ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where can I get a map of Prussia on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose autobiography is titled Yes I Can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many questions do you have on your database ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was Hitler 's favorite movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a fear of hell ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was the 3rd president of the United States ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where do quality drinks begin ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where in the Americas is it only 47 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 1981 Candice Bergen-Jacqueline Bisset movie was a remake of 1943 's Old Acquaintance ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a fear of lice ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What makes you fat ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is there information on the novel `` El Cid '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many votes in Congress dissented from the 1941 declaration of war with Japan ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many chemical elements are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I contact answers.com ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was named Admiral of the Ocean Seas and Viceroy and Governor General of all the islands he might discover , and also granted 10-?? of all profits of his voyage .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the difference between sleet and freezing rain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the effect of the Yalta Conference ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does Lloyd 's Lutine Bell announce ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is p.m. an abbreviation for , as in 5 p.m. ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How tall was the animated Frankenstein\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: When did the royal wedding of Prince Andrew and Fergie take place ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What war did Johnny Reb and Billy Yank fight ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is widely used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of disease ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Why are the rooftops in Canada green ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where in the Bible does it tell about Jesus Christ 's brothers and sisters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why is the word `` abbreviation '' so long ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many rings are there on a five-zone archery target ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In what year did they build the Berlin Wall ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does CPR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How old is too old for a child to not be talking ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who 's the only U.S. president to have won a Pulitzer Prize ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country boasts the most cars per mile of road ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the most widely cultivated plant ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the treatment for depression ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What interesting method was used to run the credits in the early Popeye cartoons ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is Goldfinger 's first name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What British prime minister and U.S. president were seventh cousins once-removed ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the proper Laugh-In respones to : `` Say goodnight , Dick '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do Italians call Florence ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the largest U.S. agricultural crop by weight ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How much money was the minimum wage in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many points is a bullseye worth in darts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was cash-conscious Colonel Edwin L. Drake the first to drill ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What were the first three cities to have a population of more than a million ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was the name of the Titanic 's captain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many major Nazi leaders went on trial after the war at Nuremberg ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long is human gestation ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where did the energy for the Big Bang come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How much electricity does the brain need to work ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of sinning ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where did the saying `` rule of thumb '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I get chemicals importers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the Voyager project manager ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the abbreviated term used for the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1665, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a67738fc3db1df1e8403e8ca5805ab387a334d886399ad11"} {"input": "Question: What Canadian city has the largest population ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What cereal goes `` snap , crackle , pop '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What was John F. Kennedy 's 1960 campaign song ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the longest river in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the normal resting heart rate of a healthy adult ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is a fear of ruin ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the fine for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What woman was Time 's Man of the Year for 1952 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many corners does a spritsail have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the size of the student body at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How much of the earth 's surface is permanently frozen ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many yards are in 1 mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What title did Shevardnadze have during the Soviet era ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the second highest mountain peak in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What did Shostakovich write for Rostropovich ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who kept the most famous diary in the English language ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whom does Uncle Duke 's girl friend , Honey , room with ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the French historical period during the reign of Napoleon III .\nType: Event\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was known as the Time Master in comic books ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the weakest bone in the body ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Mississippi is nicknamed what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How long does James Bond like his eggs boiled ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What are the titles of some R-Rated Sony Playstation games ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the AIM-54C Phoenix ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What age is Benny Carter ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: When was the first successful heart transplant for a human ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many times has Harold Stassen announced a drive for the White House ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When did Lucelly Garcia , a former ambassador of Columbia to Honduras , die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is La Nina ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: The Jewish alphabet is called what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is worth seeing in Reims ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much does it cost to have a tree planted by dialing , 900 , 740-TREE ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name a Salt Lake City newspaper .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was Fred Astaire 's dancing partner 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are electric cars less efficient in the northeast than in California ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is osmosis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the flight that Fawaz Younis hijacked ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What product is for kids , and not for silly rabbits ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is a fear of parasites ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What boxer 's life story is titled Raging Bull ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is troilism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many people died on D-Day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was Jinnah ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What 's the Red Planet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where are the busiest Amtrak rail stations in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the rounded part on the top of a matchbook called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who wrote the Farmer 's Almanac ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who wrote The Night of the Iguana ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's played at Wembley Stadium , London , every May ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What 's the No. 1 killer in industrialized countries ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What lawyer won the largest divorce settlement , $85 million , in U.S. history for Sheika Dena Al-Farri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why is black the color of mourning in the West ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What sea did the Romans call mare nostrum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What celebrity couple , when going through a divorce , divided their toilet paper into two equal piles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What London museum features a Chamber of Horrors ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the distinction of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the Big Thompson flood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where was the first restaurant ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the distinction of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you buy stocks ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much does the President get paid ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What food did Marco Polo introduce into Italy from the court of Kubla Khan ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When was the first American encyclopedia published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many people died when the Estonia sank in 1994 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What did Cool Hand Luke go to jail for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the first minimum wage ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are some good fractal web sites ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is Natchitoches , Louisiana ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the difference between a classical and an acoustic guitar ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where must a soccer goalie stand to be permitted to handle the ball ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who invented the Moog Synthesizer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the Romans call Hibernia ?\nType: Country\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1606, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "5660f8f87173d67fee56f2787e551f4b8ed9970d5f46987c"} {"input": "Question: What is nicotine ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What state capital comes last alphabetically ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What country contains the westernmost point in South America ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What type of exercise burns the most calories ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who are the top 10 richest people in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What causes the body to shiver in cold temperatures ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How much money does each player get at the beginning of the game in Monopoly ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What book is the follow-up to Future Shock ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name a movie about the Sioux Indians starring Kevin Costner .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What information can you get me on Fairground Park in St. Louis\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What comedian was banned from the Ed Sullivan Show for allegedly making an obscene gesture at the show 's host ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does RCA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What professional sports league originated the college draft ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Name of the powerful white trader in Conrad 's `` Heart of Darkness '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the following actors worked in New York 's Yiddish Theater ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What colors make up a rainbow ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How many miles are there between Tel Aviv , Israel and Memphis , Tennessee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Colorado city owns its own glacier ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is the president of the Spanish government ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state boasts Stone Mountain , the world 's largest mass of exposed granite ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What was Mao , the Chinese leader 's , full name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who made the largest cocaine seizure in Ventura County history ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is the worst US President ever ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who said : `` Soldiers win the battles and generals get the credit '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the five senses develops first ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is fellatio ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where does your hair grow the fastest ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What county is Chicago in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What actress 's autobiography is titled Shelley : Also Known as Shirley ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is HTML ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What was Eduard Shevardnadze 's job in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is goulash ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What drink contains as many types of rum as possible ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Why do roosters sing at five o 'clock in the morning ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the origin of the typing practice sentence `` Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was Berlin 's Brandenburg gate erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who played Humpty Dumpty in the 1933 film Alice in Wonderland ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you select wine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What well-known actor is the father of star Alan Alda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the most common elements in seawater ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the claim to fame of Agra , India ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What nationality was Jackson Pollock ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is the voice of Miss Piggy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the `` Dead Man 's Hand '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who has the only speaking role in `` Silent Movie '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find the schematics to the windshield wiper mechanism ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the oldest U.S. president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of worms ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What two Japanese cities are spelled with the letters K , O , O , T and Y ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball at ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many bends are there in a standard paper clip ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's been the ruin of many a poor boy in New Orleans ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where is the bridge over the river Kwai ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can someone become a federal agent ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How effective are condoms in protecting against AIDS ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does EKG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer who represented Randy Steven Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I find out which cities have cable-modem access ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What crooner joined The Andrews Sisters for Pistol Packin Mama ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the singular of dice ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What horse did Zorro ride ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many sides does a heptagon have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is spaceball played on ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Germany ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's the hardest substance in the human body ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Who was the accused in The Trial of the Century , which opened Janurary 1 , 1935 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find all the information I need to know about the English Civil War , 1642-1649 , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's a male `` cuckquean '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the shortest and the longest songs ever produced ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why were the American soldiers in WWI called `` Doughboys ''\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is `` Global Schoolhouse '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Marx Brothers movie centers on a stolen painting ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1648, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c88bac0efe7689764268cc616fbc767033db59f9a36c1554"} {"input": "Question: What is the National Park in Utah ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How much of the silver production is manufactured by independent silversmiths ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many soldiers were involved in the last Panama invasion by the United States of America ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When was the Big Thompson flood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does G.M.T. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who used to make cars with rotary engines ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What do the names Neil , Mary , and Anthony mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What animal dined on bread and oysters with a carpenter ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was known as the Time Master in comic books ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What meter was invented by C.C. Magee in 1935 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the most efficient way to start a barbeque ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What did John F. Kennedy consider his greatest blunder in office ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What four elements make up 90 percent of the human body ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the meaning of `` subaru ? ''\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a storm surge ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many meters are in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a synonym for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What landmark Italian restaurant can be found at 239 West 48th Street , New York City ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the chronic neurological autoimmune disease which attacks the protein sheath that surrounds nerve cells causing a gradual loss of movement in the body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Huckleberry Finn '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What team did Babe Ruth play his first major league game for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When was the last major eruption of Mount St. Helens ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many people have been Captain America ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. city is known as The Rubber Capital of the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How successful is arometherapy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What famous actress made her first appearance on stage at the age of five in the year 191 as `` Baby '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does a rainbow form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the longest English word that can be formed using just the first row of letters on a typewriter ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What shampoo prevents eczema , seborrhea , and psoriasis ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How much money can a person be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the average cost for four years of medical school ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Name the child left on a doorstep at the beginning of Gasoline Alley .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fastest fish in the world ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What color are seven of every 10 houses in the U.S. ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Name a movie about the Sioux Indians starring Kevin Costner .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the name of the peace agreement imposed on Germany after World War I ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What happens to the female body with lack of sleep and food ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What trade did the 15th and 16th century Portuguese hope to control between Asia and Europe ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where does the expression `` cloud nine '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball at ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where is the Statistical Abstract of the United States online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was Christ born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many calories are there in a glass of water ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much of the earth 's surface is permanently frozen ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What shampoo prevents eczema , seborrhea , and psoriasis ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: In what war was the first submarine used ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's the farthest planet from the sun ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the claim to fame of Agra , India ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who manufactures the software , `` PhotoShop '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In what year was the movie the Ten Commandments released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Colin Powell is famous for what ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the Milky Way ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many questions are on this thing ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When does the Bible say the seasons started ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What doctor is synonymous with footwear and foot care ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What university football team did O.J. Simpson take to the Rose Bowl ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 2 statues did France give to other countries ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: CNN 's first broadcast occurred on what date ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the name of the tiger that advertises for Frosted Flakes cereal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: When did the royal wedding of Prince Andrew and Fergie take place ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What causes `` rolling thunder '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What actress 's autobiography is titled Shelley : Also Known as Shirley ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famed gangland slaughter cut into the membership of Bugs Moran 's outfit ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What turns blue litmus paper red ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many states have a lottery ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In what year did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the music used in the new VW Beetle commercial where the car spins and changes colors ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which type of submarine was bought recently by South Korea ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: Which sex is twice as likely to contract leprosy ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How is Answers.com funded ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a person 's socioeconomic position ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why were the American soldiers in WWI called `` Doughboys ''\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1695, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "2f004723bf6ff8379370d9ce35852a6694627bb15f4a3dfe"} {"input": "Question: What are the two houses of the Legislative branch ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How can I register my website in Yahoo for free ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the most popular contact lens color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What hockey team did Wayne Gretzky play for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How long does it take sunlight to reach Earth ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is recruitment interview technique ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word Marijuana ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What president kissed the Queen Mother on the lips ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the battle of the Somme fought ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many points is a disk in the center hole worth in Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What company uses the unfamiliar faces of its celebrity spokespeople to promote the use of its product ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many yards are in 1 mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In AD 999 , what sort of celebrations , fears , were there ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does the River Seine empty into ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the limits to `` self-defense ? ''\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What country is the largest diamond producer ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How is carbon dioxide removed from natural gas ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the average life expectancy during the Stone Age ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where is the largest post office building in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In what year was actress Joan Collins born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why did David Koresh ask the FBI for a word processor ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where can I buy movies on videotape online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is after death ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is federal income tax ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the disposable razor that `` costs about 19 cents . ''\nType: Product\nQuestion: What are the first six words of Dickens 's A Tale of Two Cities ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What does the term glory hole mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What future Soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he got turned on to Marxism ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The Jewish alphabet is known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What season does a hiemal activity normally take place in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why were red M&Ms discontinued then brought back ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is the official `` zero '' of the sea level ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the developmental stages of a swimmer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the oldest U.S. president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a Gaelic language .\nType: Language\nQuestion: What direction do most baseball pitchers pitch toward ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Louisiana Senator won a seat that had been held by his father and mother ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did Indian Pudding come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the killer whale who died at Sea World of a fungal infection named ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where did the myth of Santa Claus originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country was Kim Philby really working for ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the name of a golf course in Myrtle Beach ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's new in the postal world in 1999 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who were John F. Kennedy 's dogs ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What U.S. state borders Illinois to the north ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What beer tells us , `` Grab all the gusto you can get . '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How high must a mountain be to be called a mountain ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How do you determine heating requirements for your home ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Mormon leader was said to have had 27 wives ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who won the 1968 California Democratic primary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Boston Kreme ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is buried in the great pyramid of Giza ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do pointed letters mean to a handwriting analyst ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a stratocaster ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In what war was the first submarine used ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How you can raise your IQ ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Musician Ray Charles plays what instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What country 's capital is Tirana ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are dinosaur droppings called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What does saliva consist of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the history of Valentine 's Day cards ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What did Delilah do to Samson 's hair ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which of the five senses develops first ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What do Mormons believe ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who is Stein Eriksen ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What was the first Lifesaver flavor ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the meaning of caliente , in English , ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word ` posh ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is Zionism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who created the monster in Mary Shelley 's novel Frankenstein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What group was formed in 1969 after police met resistance from patrons at the Stonewall , a Greenwich Village gay bar ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does e=mc2 mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the average life expectancy of a male in Ireland in 1996 ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\n", "answers": ["Other entity"], "length": 1555, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "da20414068a09f773bef4f3c60623599e79a743c4f0204e3"} {"input": "Question: Who wrote `` The Divine Comedy '' ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was the previous name for the Commonwealth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which country did Hitler rule ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What state 's home to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the second-longest coastline ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is `` snoogans '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the name of Popeye 's adopted son ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the `` coppertop '' battery ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Frenchman claimed the following ? If God did not exist , it would be necessary to invent him . ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What events happened January 26 , 1978 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many furlongs are there in a mile-and-a-quarter recetrack ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of Burkina Faso ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What international amateur sports spectacle was first telecast in 1956 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who graced the airwaves with such pearls as `` Do ya lo-o-ove me ? Get naked , baby ! '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What labor leader was last seen in the parking lot of a Michigan restaurant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What impenetrable system of French fortifications was built along the German frontier before World War II ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many inches tall is Stuart Little at birth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Taiwan ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where did Dikembe Mutombo go to college ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What sport is known for hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What female suspect in the game of Clue is single ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is object-oriented design ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Madonna hocks which soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What southeast Asian country has the Wang River joining the Ping River at Tak ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What penalty space lies between Baltic Avenue and Reading Railroad on a Monopoly board ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What percent liked Thatcher after she had been in power for a decade ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: How do you use an intranet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was known as the Time Master in comic books ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose old London come-on was : `` Buy my sweet lavender '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What century did art 's Romantic Period begin in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the first doctor to successfully transplant a liver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of animals are Dorsets , Lincolns , Oxfords and Southdowns ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What Tokyo street glitters with famed department stores and nightclubs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the benefits of a rowing machine ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where can I find examples of legal cases about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What California bay 's largest island is Angel Island ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What state is Niagara Falls located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who shoplifts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do pharmacists work on raised floors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why is black the color of mourning in the West ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What `` melts in your mouth , not in your hands '' .\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many megawatts will the power project in Indonesia , built by a consortium headed by Mission Energy of US , produce ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name Randy Craft 's lawyer .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between pop music and rock and roll ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the approximate weight of a teaspoon of matter in a black hole ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What book is the follow-up to Future Shock ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the per-capita income of Colombia , South America , ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 's the largest U.S. city on the Great Lakes ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What makes Black Hills , South Dakota a tourist attraction ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was Shakespeare 's Moorish general ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first American poet to win the Nobel Prize for literature , in 1948 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I find out the exact time of a sunset for a particular day ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When was the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Jackson Pollock is of what nationality ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many maids were milking ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What state is Mount McKinley in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: When was Nostradamus born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the fear of frogs ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What flag flies over Wake Island ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Colin Powell best known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does the theory of quantum leaps mean in simpler terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is color ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What can one see in Reims ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What sport is played on the largest field ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Which is the best opening move in chess ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the only mammal that can 't jump ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What U.S. President was the first to breed mules ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does caliente translate to in English ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: From what cause does tuberculosis stem ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What NFL team did Vince Lombardi end his coaching career with ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the name of the television show , starring Karl Madsen , that had San Francisco in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does gringo mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How large is the Arctic refuge to preserve unique wildlife and wilderness value on Alaska 's north coast ?\nType: Size, area and volume\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1611, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "9866e1962b7589f4b029c249ee13345898d8126136c7531f"} {"input": "Question: Who was the first vice president of the U.S. ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the largest natural lake in Pennsylvania ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's Japan 's largest car manufacturer ?\nType: Group or organization of personQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Asian leader was known as The Little Brown Saint ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What is the name of the 1919 occurrence in which British troops killed over 3 unarmed Indian protestors ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What Hermann Hesse book gave its name to a rock group ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How is plastic made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How is water treated to make it safe to drink ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the only East european country not tied to the ruble ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How much could you rent a Volkswagen bug for in 1966 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What country did the Mau Mau Uprising take place in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What comic strip sometimes features a mailman named Beasley ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What animals do you find in the stock market ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is a fear of sourness ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many earthworms are in a single pasture ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the International Olympic Committee ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What constellation represents a hunter with club and shield ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was Buffalo Bill ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where is Ayer 's rock ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the `` Queen Mother '' ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What was the former residence of Scottish kings in Edinburgh ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What did the ancients call the four great elements ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Name of scholar on whose literal translations from the Chinese and Japanese Ezra Pound depended ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the name of the Tokyo Stock Exchange ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What does an emperor do ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What college enlivens Hanover , New Hampshire ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What islands got their name from the Spanish baja mar , meaning shallow water ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many watts make a kilowatt ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the abbreviated term used for the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What are the seven deadly sins ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Sergeant Preston of the Yukon 's lead dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What do Hasidic Jews refrain from while dating ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is Tetrinet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does psorisis disappear ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the first Russian astronaut to walk in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What soft drink held a national flavor poll in 1967 ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When did the last Americans leave Vietnam ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What web sites are linked to the Report on Genesis Eldercare ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I make fuel bricks from recycled newspaper ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name the product that is `` at your grocer 's , at your fingertips . ''\nType: Product\nQuestion: What state does Charles Robb represent ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the secret of the universe ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the 1899 policy forced on China by which all nations had equal trading rights ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What president kissed the Queen Mother on the lips ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most common name in nursery rhymes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color are seven of every 10 houses in the U.S. ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What eating utensils are used for handicapped kids ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What are the rites accompanying the circumcision of a newly born-child in Judaism called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What radio station did Paul Harvey work for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What college football team did Knute Rockne build into a power ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who played Humpty Dumpty in the 1933 film Alice in Wonderland ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where are the busiest Amtrak rail stations in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does A&W of root beer fame stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What color is `` ash '' ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who wrote the Farmer 's Almanac ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What President hit the jogging paths to enhance his athletic image and , sporting No. 39 , almost collapsed during the road race ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are amphibians ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the peace symbol ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What concerts are held in New York this week ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is another name for nearsightedness ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How long was the OJ Simpson trial ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the best place to live in the world , considering climate , civilization ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the Russian ambassador to Hungary during the 1956 uprising ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find an Ask An Expert site ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the 1940 annual salary for a boilermaker ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Where did the myth of Santa Claus originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of the first Watergate special prosecutor , later fired by Nixon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a person called that likes fire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why does tuberculosis afflict people ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the second-lightest element ?\nType: Element and substance\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1637, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a24136eadf45ce9c6cc8d3d0e09e70b0aacd6a907019f634"} {"input": "Question: What is fibromyalgia ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who made the deodorant that claimed that it `` actually builds up resistance to odor '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who created the comic strip , `` Garfield '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What animal dined on bread and oysters with a carpenter ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are the `` Star Wars '' satellites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can I find a phone number of someone if I only know their email address ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What device provided a new way to listen to music in 1963 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What did n't Rocky Marciano do in his pro boxing career ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between pop music and rock and roll ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What dangles over the tongue from the palate ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What four tournaments make up tennis ' Grand Slam ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: In what year did Ireland elect its first woman president ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What city was John F. Kennedy nominated for president in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why was the zipper invented ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is your corpus callosum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the name of the Wilkes plantation in Gone with the Wind ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of Roy Rogers 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What lawyer won the largest divorce settlement , $85 million , in U.S. history for Sheika Dena Al-Farri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a polyorchid man have at least three of ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: In which state are the Mark Twain National Forests ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who portrayed Vincent Van Gogh in Lust for Life ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American actress was the first to be called a `` vamp '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How many people have died of tuberculosis ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who did Richard Nixon tender his resignation to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was the NFL established ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Of children between the ages of two and eleven , what percentage watch `` The Simpsons '' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How fast must a spacecraft travel to escape Earth 's gravity ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In what year was the Berlin Wall erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is a fear of cholera ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was the lead actress in the movie ` Sleepless in Seattle ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the leading pecan and peanut growing state ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is Nicholas Cage 's occupation ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How many chemical elements are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How does salt melt ice and snow ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who wrote ` The Pines of Rome ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When are the Oscars Academy Awards in 1999 ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What percent liked Thatcher after she had been in power for a decade ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who is Pia Zadora 's millionaire husband and mentor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much did Alaska cost when bought from Russia ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What Caribbean cult did Marcus Garvey originate ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: How did the war of 1812 affect Delaware ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What kind of greeting is appropriate to send on Yom Kippur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the worst hurricane ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who is the prime minister of Japan ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did the ukulele originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was actress June Havoc 's legendary sister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is `` snoogans '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What harmful chemicals are in bug spray ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What country is the setting for Edgar Allan Poe 's The Pit and the Pendulum ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Alice Cooper 's real name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Amtrak begin operations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the stars made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What nationality is Gorbachev ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a fear of black people ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What 's the singular of dice ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Who says , `` If you don 't look good , we don 't look good '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the chemicals used in glowsticks ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How far is London UK from California ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Name the organization that is presided by a Security Council .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What species is a colt ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where is Amsterdam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first English circumnavigator of the globe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color are seven of every 10 houses in the U.S. ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What business exports the sparkling wine Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When was the internal combustion engine developed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the prophet of the Muslim people ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is considered The First Lady of the American Stage ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the main application of sodium hydrosulfite ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is website of the International Court of Justice ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1572, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "35645649fc0f46aee04fae92a77c75c7823d5b970e241a89"} {"input": "Question: What is acetaminophen ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What exactly , specifically does sleep do for you ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is gymnophobia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where in the Americas is it only 47 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the seafaring name for the southern tip of South America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What do you call a section of your finger from one joint to another ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What time does Wee Willie Winkie run through the town ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the historical trials following World War II called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What do camels store in their humps ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What causes `` rolling thunder '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What animal occurs in Spielberg 's `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What disease is the second-biggest killer of North Americans ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the longest place name in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does it make its colors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What `` magic '' does Mandrake employ ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: The operating system that runs on IBM-compatible machines is called what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: When was Microsoft established ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What prison is found in Ossining , New York ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a green bog ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are faults in the earth 's crust ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a nematode ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a Guild ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is yohimbine ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does it take to become a lawyer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Larry King 's occupation ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How do hermit crabs reproduce ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What country is the setting for Edgar Allan Poe 's The Pit and the Pendulum ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country 's people are the top television watchers ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are some chemical properties of mendelevium ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What war saw a naval battle between the luxury liners Cap Trafalgar and the Carmania ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What barroom judge called himself The Law West of the Pecos ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much money are Dumbo 's ears insured for ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How does marl form and what mineral does it contain ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the Bernoulli Principle ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which one of the original seven Mercury program astronauts did not fly on any of the Mercury flights ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many acres in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Hall of Fame pitcher started three World Series Games for the New York Yankees in 1962 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many states did Richard Nixon carry in 1972 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can I find online spelling ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who wrote the song , `` Stardust '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fastest-growing comic strip of all time ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why are the U.S. presidential elections held in November ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was shot in the back during a Poker game in Deadwood , the Dakota territory ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which city has the oldest relationship as a sisterðcity with Los Angeles ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What did Mighty Mouse always sing as he went into action ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who created Billy Pilgrim , a survivor of the Dresden firestorm ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much would it cost to purchase a 2-foot-square party tent , with sides , ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Whose old London come-on was : `` Buy my sweet lavender '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the state nickname of Mississippi ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What delicacy is known indelicately as pickled roe ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: In what war was the first submarine used ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What was a California prayer book to an Old West gambler ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: On what continent is Mozambique ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the rites accompanying the circumcision of a newly born-child in Judaism called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What Robert Louis Stevenson novel was inspired by Deacon William Brodie , a cabinetmaker by day and burglar by night ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which of the following actors worked in New York 's Yiddish Theater ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many double-word-score spaces are there on a Scrabble Crossword Game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How fast is a 45Mhz processor ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: Where can I find up-to-date coastal ocean surface temperature information , preferably along North America and the Caribbean ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much did Mercury spend on advertising in 1993 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What color of dry wine should be served with veal roasts and chops ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Why do some jets have a vapor trail , and others do not ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many degrees cooler is the inside of a cucumber than the air outside ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who wrote The Look of Love after viewing Ursula Andress ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Dynasty star made her 2th Century-Fox debut in The Virgin Queen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What new year is celebrated on February 16th ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who used AuH2O as an election slogan ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin about ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the midwest slang , ` you 're darn tootin ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is Megan 's law ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What high school does Archie attend ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is the leader of India ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a Salt Lake City newspaper .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1683, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "ce76993084f62d56b92777705e3158e7205fedf4d720a8fc"} {"input": "Question: Where are the British crown jewels kept ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What company has built more than 2.5 billion little green houses since 1935 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the definition of the term `` weapons system '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What newspaper serves Salt Lake City ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many Fig Newtons are there to the pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is Malaysia 's 43rd prime minister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the percentage of children aged two through eleven who watch ` 'The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: How did the U.S. come into the possession of an empire in the wake of the Spanish-American War ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you find out what is allowed to claim as a contibution for income tax purposes ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the ages in comic book lingo ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many people live in Chile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who founded the first aerodynamics laboratory in 1912 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What astronomical phenomenon takes place in Jan. 1999 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What do sailors use to measure time ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What boxer 's life story is titled Raging Bull ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two South American countries do n't border Brazil ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the company name ` General Motors ' ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: Who is Zebulon Pike ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who was Tiny Tim 's father ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of education do I need to become a flight attendant ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When did Amtrak begin operations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a fear of touching ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are you caught in if a haboob blows up ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the dialogue circle in cartoons called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What ocean does Mauritania border ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many Grammys did Michael Jackson win in 1983 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many points make up a perfect fivepin bowling score ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When is the Jimmy Buffett concert coming to the E center in Camden NJ ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country is the setting for Edgar Allan Poe 's The Pit and the Pendulum ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What New York Yankee was known as The Iron Horse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I register a trade name in North Carolina ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 4-foot-9 actress in 1984 became the first performer to win an Oscar for playing a character of the opposite sex ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: What does EKG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the only prime minister of Canada to serve 22 years but not necessarily consecutively ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who gave King Arthur the round table ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the ten safest American cities for pedestrians ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many American soldiers have died for their country to date ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country boasts Cawdor Castle , Glamis Castle , and Blair Castle ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where is Dartmouth College ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many children does Ray Davies of the Kinks have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long does it take the typical hen to lay 19 dozen eggs ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How do you use `` farther '' as opposed to `` further '' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who awarded The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do manatees eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What American sergeant lost both of his hands in combat during World War II and then went on to act in a single movie for which he won two Oscars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many different countries export coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do you call a Poker hand with five cards of the same suit ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where did the real St. Nicholas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Amtrak begin operations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which is a real berry : blackberry , cranberry , raspberry , strawberry ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's the score of a forfeited baseball game ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How was the Kennedy money made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the Fahrenheit equivalent of zero degrees centigrade ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What was the Vietnam War ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What town was the setting for The Music Man ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What year did the first issue of `` Playboy '' come out ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Asian country once thrilled to the sport of cricket fighting ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a Certified Nurse Midwife ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What star-faring race brought about the Inhumans on Marvel 's Earth ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What century does Captain Video live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What comedian was banned from the Ed Sullivan Show for allegedly making an obscene gesture at the show 's host ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the V-8 Juice slogan : `` the tastebud '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How does marl form and what mineral does it contain ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you box train a cat ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the longest word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How big is Australia ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What is the executor in a will ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the actress Bette Davis once said she wished she looked like ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What letter adorns the flag of Rwanda ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What is the gestation period for human pregnancies ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the price for AAA 's liability auto insurance ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What sport features snatches and clean jerks ?\nType: Sport\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1669, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "560d8e7494165e41e5ef1a47ba991d3a84d63e9c9c31d8c8"} {"input": "Question: What are Quaaludes ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Which came first , according to Genesis 1 : 2 : 22 - the chicken or the egg ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What makes Black Hills , South Dakota a tourist attraction ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who do Herb and Tootsie live next door to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which major diamond producer is based in South Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 12-hour cold medicine uses the formula `` 6 , 6 , 12 '' in its ads ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What was the name of the American ship sunk by a mine in Havana harbor , causing the Spanish-American war ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What kind of sport is often associated with hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: When did the Chernobyl nuclear accident occur ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why do some jets have a vapor trail , and others do not ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many thousands of students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long did the Charles Manson murder trial last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What are the world 's three largest oceans , in order of size ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is `` the computer for the rest of us '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the Lost Colony ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the food company that traveled to Soviet Georgia to film a series of ads .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Name the Ranger who was always after Yogi Bear .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are super balls made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Define cosmology .\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What female faith healer wrote the inspirational book I Believe in Miracles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many calories are there in soy sauce ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where was the first restaurant ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the ages in comic book lingo ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Who is Charles Lindbergh ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What must a Las Vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the captain of the tanker , Exxon Valdez , involved in the oil spill in Prince William Sound , Alaska , 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: CNN is an acronym for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where did the sport of caber-tossing originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the name of the tiger that advertises for Frosted Flakes cereal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: When did Hitler come to power in Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of argon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball at ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much of the nation 's children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many years make up a lustrum ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Ray Bradbury 's illustrated man illustrated with ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What two vegetables are combined in succotash ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What do you do when your mouse is n't working as fast as it 's supposed to ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many points make up a perfect fivepin bowling score ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the top vegetable crops in the world ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When called upon to surrender , what American general replied , `` Sir , I have not yet begun to fight . '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What island is home to statues called Mauis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How was the Kennedy money made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where does Buzz Aldrin want to build a permanent , manned space station ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What geological time do we live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a `` False Moon '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the plural of gulf ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How many cities are there in Utah ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the only substance that gives food its `` taste '' when eaten ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the origin of blue for boys and pink for girls ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the inventor of the stove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a pedometer measure ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who were John F. Kennedy 's dogs ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where do you find information about the Queensland National Competition Policy\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the Islamic counterpart to the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What Nantucket shipwreck killed more divers exploring it than the 52 people it sank with ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation AIDS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where did makeup originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who lives at 39 Stone Canyon Way ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the largest city in the world ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the origin of music ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What country are you in if you woo in the Wu dialect ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Why was Washington , DC originally called District of Columbia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What famous British actor lost his voice after an operation in 1966 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many calories are there in a glass of water ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What language is mostly spoken in Brazil ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is an Angelus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are boxcars ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the student population at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What was the first domesticated bird ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What group asked the musical question Do You Believe in Magic ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What bread company used to feature stickers of the Cisco Kid on the ends of their packages ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are close encounters of the first and second kind ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the term for the side of the mountain that faces the prevailing winds ?\nType: Equivalent term\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1641, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c9d42d796a770c574d7673d7dff5af3c99b0a72b5084117b"} {"input": "Question: What are platelets ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What does the word `` meta '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why should cigarette smoking be banned ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is another term for the painful wrist syndrome ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What director portrayed the commandant of the POW camp in 1953 's Stalag 17 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of company is 7-Eleven ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the name of the peace agreement imposed on Germany after World War I ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the `` coppertop '' battery ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the Columbia Pictures head who forged actor Cliff Robertson 's name on a $1 , 000 check ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in The Desert Fox ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What made the short-lived Star Hawks strip so unique ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What state is Mount McKinley in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What 's the population of Mississippi ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Where is the Bulls basketball team based ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of sinning ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who said `` What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has the most time zones , with 11 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What female suspect in the game of Clue is single ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What dictator has the nickname `` El Maximo '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the president of the Spanish government ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did Luther display his `` Ninety-Five Theses '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What chapter of the Bible has the most verses ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What is proposition 98 about ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is dry ice ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which drug is commonly used to treat AIDS ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How fast must a spacecraft travel to escape Earth 's gravity ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What food did Marco Polo introduce into Italy from the court of Kubla Khan ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who wrote the Farmer 's Almanac ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does Mother Angelica live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the full classification of a lady bug ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What was the name of the orca that died of a fungal infection ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the seafaring name for the southern tip of South America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much does one ton of cement cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Jude Law acted in which film ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who did the Seven Mules block for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What constellation represents a hunter with club and shield ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are some good medical sites for information ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: The name of the actor who played the detective in the film Kindergarden Cop is what ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American actress was the first to be called a `` vamp '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the cultural origin of the ceremony of potlatch ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where do hyenas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country is bounded in part by the Indian Ocean and Coral and Tasman seas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where are the busiest Amtrak rail stations in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where are zebras most likely found ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How fast is light ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: Why do eyes sometimes look red in photographs ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the average time to kiss somene ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where did guinea pigs originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the average hourly rate of American workers ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is Australia Day ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the life expectancy of an elephant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What was the nickname of Frederick I , Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's a male witch called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What British TV series inspired All in the Family ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the most delicate-tasting member of the onion family ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What actor has a tattoo on his right wrist reading Scotland Forever ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of Joan Jett 's band ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the seven deadly sins ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who invented baseball ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did the Vietnam War end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What did the pyramid-builders of Egypt mainly eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many freckles does Howdy Doody have on his face ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many athletes did Puerto Rico enter in the 1984 Winter Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is splatterpunk ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are Kythnos , Siphnos , Seriphos and Mykonos ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is pandoro ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What carries sperm up into the pelvic region ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What is a fear of fur ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How much caffeine is in a 16 oz cup of coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: About how many soldiers died in World War II ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What basketball player is credited with 23 , 924 rebounds ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I look up someone 's E-mail address on the Internet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 19th-century painter died in the Marquesas Islands ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famed library can you reach by dialing 22-287-5 ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1584, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "05d13b416defd2d3f3cff926edf1e0ce7cba62a99a34effa"} {"input": "Question: What is the Moulin Rouge ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was Edward Albee 's first full-length play ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of King Camp Gillette ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What do camels store in their humps ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the nickname of oddsmaker Jimmy Snyder ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a common dolphin ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does a glacier form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is tumbled marble ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What state produces the best lobster to eat ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is Margaret Thatcher known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does the dot on the letter i mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What well-known actor is the father of star Alan Alda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Grand Slam golf tournament wasn 't held between 1940 and 1945 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Name the 5 words that use all of the letters in the alphabet , except Q , with no repeats .\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the country of origin for the name Thomas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which Beatles disc cover honors the Rolling Stones ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is currently the most popular singer in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find examples of legal cases about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the human skin least sensitive ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Why are the U.S. presidential elections held in November ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the green variety of beryl called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What war was fought by the Spanish as far as the Philippines ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How much money does each player get at the beginning of the game in Monopoly ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is amezaiku ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did Lee Harvey Oswald purchase his rifle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the name Igor ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where did Hillary Clinton graduate college ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a conifer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a synonym for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: CNN is an acronym for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What does palindromic mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What other name were the `` Little Rascals '' known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the best art and design school in the world ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What flower did Vincent Van Gogh paint ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: How does it make its colors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the fear of frogs ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What United States President had dreamed that he was assassinated ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many home runs did Babe Ruth hit in his lifetime ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who did Bobby Fischer beat to win the world chess championship ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why was the L.A. office of Shea and Gould closed ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What do pointed letters mean to a handwriting analyst ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What holidays or observances are celebrated in Italy ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What company 's trademark was His Master 's Voice ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What currents affect the area of the Shetland Islands and Orkney Islands in the North Sea ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What island was the target of the U.S. 's Operation Urgent Fury ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the predominant color of the Tab label ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who is Barbara Jordan ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the dot on an the letter i called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What are Halloween 's colors ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is glass made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Who does Shakespeare 's Antonio borrow 3 , 0 ducats from ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find detailed information about Manchukuo ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country is Kosovo a part of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What baseball star turned down a $1 , 000-a-year contract because he felt he had n't earned it ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who did Dita Beard work for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the best online games site ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is `` the washed vodka '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you solve `` Rubik 's Cube '' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What layer of the atmosphere contains most of the ozone layer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the most famous German word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What color is the lipstick on Boy George 's wax lips at London 's Madame Tussaud 's ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Which is the only Dick Tracy villain to appear three times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you get bubblegum out of carpet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What English word has the most letters ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What did Woody Allen call the Japanese gangster film he dubbed into English as a comedy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is object-oriented design ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What color is Chablis ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who played the original Charlie 's Angels ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What war saw a naval battle between the luxury liners Cap Trafalgar and the Carmania ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What are the names of all the U.S. Navy aircraft carriers ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What is typhoid fever ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is Langston Hughes ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Which team won the Super Bowl in 1968 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1606, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a057710d15bc87687798011aa9051bdbd1664b8b1936a524"} {"input": "Question: When was Lyndon B. Johnson born ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who was Samuel Johnsons 's friend and biographer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Picasso ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How many stations do you shoot from in the basketball game `` Around the World '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What singer 's hit song inspired the Dolly Parton Stallone movie Rhinestone ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find information about Bob Barr , representative from Georgia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where does the Santa Fe Trail begin and end ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does CPR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What future movie treat was introduced to American colonists in 1603 by Native Americans ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How big is a quart ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What is a fear of food ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: The italian artist , Maurizio Pellegrin , is how old ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Why do some clothing labels say `` Use a nonchlorine bleach '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What country do the Galapagos Islands belong to ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: The Iraqis launched their attack on Kuwait on what day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer who represented Randy Steven Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What actor married John F. Kennedy 's sister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What London street is the home of British journalism ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What day is known as the `` national day of prayer '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How can SQL queries be improved ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What country did the Nile River originate in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Beethoven 's 9th symphony called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where is Poe 's birthplace ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many rows of whiskers does a cat have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of children ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the principal river of Ireland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the acronym for the rating system for air conditioner efficiency ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: Name a country that is developing a magnetic levitation railway system ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 such a successful computer program ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who made the largest cocaine seizure in Ventura County history ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a fear of sleep ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many feet long is a baseball pitcher 's rubber ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who spoke the only word in Mel Brooks 's Silent Movie ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Name the two mystical ravens Odin has at his command .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What was Franklin Roosevelt 's program for economic recovery called during the Great Depression ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is tyvek ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What film featured Shirley MacLaine as a prostitute and Jack Lemmon as a pimp ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the busiest air travel season ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the residents of the island of Lesbos called ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What company is being bought by Yahoo and how much is the deal worth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is section manager for guidance and control systems at JPL ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What singer sings `` Oh Boy '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of education would you need to become an athletic trainer for the NFL ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What city is often called The Insurance Capital of the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where is Tufts University ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What are the medical purposes of `` clitoridectomy '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is humidity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the nickname of the Cleveland Indians ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How can you be happy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What type is a snail ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What common livestock have the greatest variety of breeds ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: When are sheep shorn ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many people in the USA say their number one source of information is the newspaper ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is the fastest guitarist ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find detailed information about Manchukuo ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When does the Bible say the seasons started ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How did Asia get its name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are some of the significant historical events of the 1990s ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What European country 's monarchy was restored in 1975 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How much did Manchester United spend on players in 1993 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How would I find the price of different organs that have been donated ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is home banking ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many times a day does the typical person go to the bathroom ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which former Ku Klux Klan member won an elected office in the U.S. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is King in Alley Oop 's home of Moo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What British TV series featured Emma Peel ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What city is the Kentucky Horse Park near ?\nType: CityQuestion: What is cache memory ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1565, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "ac63cf847f670d41f854b5561b2c41d63f6d497ae6efe15b"} {"input": "Question: Who discovered America ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What did Cool Hand Luke go to jail for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What ethnic group introduced the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who are the Challengers of the Unknown ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What card suit originally represented the peasant class ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What must be exceeded to produce a sonic boom ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was Whitcomb Judson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What computer operating system is on the most computers ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What court does Bob Woodward describe in The Brethren ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term soda jerk ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who invented the road traffic cone ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cocktail inspired John Doxat to write the book Stirred-Not Shaken ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the origin of the rock band Led Zeppelin 's name ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the name of a golf course in Myrtle Beach ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do I give a good massage ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who 's The King of Swing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What vehicles are raced in the Tour de France ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What does the name `` Sheri '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who portrayed `` the man without a face '' in the movie of the same name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What part of your body contains the corpus callosum ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What was the name of Roy Rogers 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What ocean is the largest in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many Community Chest cards are there in Monopoly ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How tall is Prince Charles ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What African animals are known as The Big Five ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many Americans have HIV ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What German city do Italians call The Monaco of Bavaria ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How much did Varian Associates try to sell its vacuum products division to the BOC group for ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was the nickname of model Leslie Hornby ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is state tree of Nebraska ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: How old was Stevie Wonder when he signed with Motown Records ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is a conifer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did French revolutionaries storm the Bastille ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What spy novelist served as Moscow correspondent for Reuter and The Times of London ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does CNN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are the benefits of home school ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the Immaculate Conception ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are shooting stars ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` jiggy '' as in getting jiggy with it ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Randy Steven Craft 's lawyer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the massive North Korean nuclear complex located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a geoscientist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was the Berlin Wall erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why did the Aztecs first think the Spanish were Gods ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When was the Bill of Rights ratified ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What toy can you make sleep ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: When did Hitler come to power in Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What fool is not so wise To lose an oath to win a paradise ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the lengths of pearl necklaces ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Where is Natchitoches , Louisiana ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do websites like Yahoo and Excite make money ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where do quality drinks begin ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Rona Barrett 's married name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 1966 boob tube bomb took astronauts back to prehistoric times ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 19th-century painter died in the Marquesas Islands ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How effective are condoms in protecting against AIDS ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the best art and design school in the world ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was the most famous food editor of The New York Times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What shrubs can be planted that will be safe from deer ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What is the nickname of the Cleveland Indians ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: A corgi is a kind of what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How tall was the animated Frankenstein\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What 's the highest possible bid in Contract Bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does the method called `` cold fusion '' create ?\nType: Techniques and methodQuestion: What is widely used to detect prenatal birth defects ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What sport is known for hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many people was Randy Craft convicted of killing ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What card game derived its name from biritch , or Russian Whist ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What information can you tell me about actor James Cromwell ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What tennis term is said to come from the French word for egg ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How do I get another city 's newspaper ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why did the Anglican church split from the Vatican ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1549, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a57a8f12682411b108e4ebb96590a46c1acdb0f7622f8459"} {"input": "Question: Who is the actress known for her role in the movie `` Gypsy '' ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What is a nanometer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the first doctor to successfully transplant a liver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What soft drink not only has its own video game , but was featured in its own Marvel comic book ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What infectious disease is the world 's deadliest ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Name the operating system that runs on IBM-compatible machines .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What landmark Italian restaurant can be found at 239 West 48th Street , New York City ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many people live in Tokyo ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was President of Costa Rica in 1994 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Israel 's first prime minister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Darth Vader 's son named ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who invented batteries ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who made the rotary engine automobile ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How did the war of 1812 affect Delaware ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where can I find a website that gives comparisons of good prices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is office automation ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does El Nino mean in spanish ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who is the richest person in the world , without owning a business ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I get information about the Fifth Amendment on the American Bill of Rights ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What whisky is `` known by the company it keeps '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What TV comedian worked with White Fang , Black Tooth and Pookie the Lion ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was unusual about Alexandra 's appearance in Josie and the Pussycats ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what year was the Wall built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is carpal tunnel syndrome ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the oldest ethnological museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why were the American soldiers in WWI called `` Doughboys ''\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which two states enclose Chesapeake Bay ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the difference between a preface and a foreword ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the world championship sled dog race held each February ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Cherokee Indian gave his name to a tree ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did communist control end in Hungary ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where were the 196 Summer Olympics held ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the different approaches of systems analysis ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What effect does a prism have on light ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What sports magazine has the largest circulation ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When did CNN begin broadcasting ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What journalist can be found in and around Walden Puddle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the probability that at least 2 out of 25 people will have the same birthday ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a hyperlink ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which magazine is `` fine entertainment for men '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who took over as conductor of the Boston Pops after Arthur Fiedler 's long reign ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of argon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What king boycotted Prince Charles 's wedding ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was London 's Docklands Light Railway constructed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many colors was the 1940s collectible called a Donald Duck Rubber Boat ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What South American city has the world 's highest commercial landing field ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What political party is Sinn Fein a part of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are bottle caps with presidents ' pictures inside worth ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: When did the `` Star-Spangled Banner '' become the national anthem ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How long ago did the Anglican church part from the Vatican ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How does lightning travel ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is HDLC ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who manufactures the software , `` PhotoShop '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much would it cost to purchase a 2-foot-square party tent , with sides , ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How far can a human eye see ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who is Coronado ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How long does a dog sleep ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who recorded the 1957 hit Tammy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the Smithsonian Institute located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is moxie ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Argentine boxer was shot dead outside a Nevada brothel in May ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has declared one-fifth of its territory off-limits to Russians ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How much does a poodle weigh ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What constellation is known as The Water Bearer ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many colors are there in the spectrum ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many queen bees reign in a hive ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why is Indiglo called Indiglo ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What causes an earthquake ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who held the endurance record for women pilots in 1929 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a person called that likes fire ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1609, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a748374c01086b106ed89a37e09be54162695db65d909b31"} {"input": "Question: Which mountain range in North America stretches from Maine to Georgia ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What book opens : `` At a certain village in La Mancha , which I shall not name.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What according to the Kinsey Institute , is the sexual preference of four percent of American males ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was shot in the back during a Poker game in Deadwood , the Dakota territory ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much electricity does the brain need to work ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the filmmakers collabrative ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find a lesson plan for teaching the metric system conversion to American standard ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What onetime member of Ronald Reagan 's cabinet called federal policy toward Indians `` an example of the failure of socialism '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the Baltic States ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of animals were in the Paleozoic era ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Name the country which Honecker lived in .\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the definition of spamming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where are the 49 steps ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can stocks be traded on-line ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many cullions does a male have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is pasta ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much does it cost , average or whatever is available , to produce and send junk mail catalogues in the US ? , DT CD NN NN ,\nType: Price\nQuestion: What flower did Vincent Van Gogh paint ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What year were the Olympic Games played in where Nadia Comaneci became popular ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: In what nation is Edessa located nowadays ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the name of the largest city in Chile , South America ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What religion has the most members ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: How does an ion drive work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the purpose of a car bra ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is mandibulofacial dysostosis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the most common cancer ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does CPR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is Answers.com 's address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What author was appointed U.S. ambassador to Spain in 1842 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: CNN is the abbreviation for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What weapon is the mythological character Apollo most proficient with ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What do you need to do to marry someone in jail ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many equal angles are there in an isosceles triangle ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are amphibians ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do insects do through their spiracles ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How can I register my website in Yahoo for free ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the length of border between the Ukraine and Russia ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What are some ways to help someone with Chicken Pox ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What are the seven wonders of the world ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does God create in the first sentence of the Bible ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is tyvek ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did the Chernobyl nuclear accident occur ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where was Richard Nixon when Gerald Ford became president ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When were the Olympic Games in which Nadia Comaneci became popular played ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the average time it takes for a male to ejaculate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who is the mayor of Marbella ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most popular form of bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What record company produced the 1978 movie The Wiz ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much money does a back injury lawsuit get ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What sport can a free-legged pacer compete in ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How does ultraviolet light damage the DNA of skin cells ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of the American literary era that includes 1896 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the quantity of American soldiers still unaccounted for from the Vietnam war ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the salary of a U.S. Representative ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who was the architect of Central Park ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What turns blue litmus paper red ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the first elected mayor of Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where on the Web is Adventours Tours from Sydney , Australia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: CNN is the abbreviation for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviatedQuestion: What are the factors leading to the high teen pregnancy rate in Spartanburg , South Carolina ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many `` eyes '' does a coconut have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of sleep ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What does a chairbound basophobic fear ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the diseases that can be cured by black cumin ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What party was Winston Churchill a member of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the airport code for Los Angeles International ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Who received the Will Rogers Award in 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who wrote ` Dubliners ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the president of Garmat U.S.A ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of science is cosmology ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What disease did August von Wassermann develop a specific test for in 196 ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Name the country of giants twelve times the size of man in `` Gulliver 's Travels . ''\nType: Country\nQuestion: How did the tradition of best man start ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Mountain"], "length": 1661, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e5d161f8e8db85864d32796535db57b99a3beaedf3716af1"} {"input": "Question: What 's the easiest way to remove wallpaper ?\nType:", "context": "Question: In which year was the cartoon character Chilly Willy created ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name the two mystical ravens Odin has at his command .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What Cruise Line does Kathie Lee Gifford advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a fear of sleep ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Name Randy Craft 's lawyer .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Ishmael in Moby Dick ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of glass ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What 's the common name for acetylsalicylic acid ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where did Luther display his `` Ninety-Five Theses '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city boasts the Billingsgate fishmarket ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is Zionism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who were the four famous founders of United Artists ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where could I go to take a ride on a steam locomotive ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the top 10 colleges in the United States in the field of engineering ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many Canadians emmigrate each year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Russian city used to be called St. Petersburg and Petrograd ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who was nicknamed The Little Corporal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Mile High Stadium ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first black to be head coach of a major league pro sports team ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What state has the longest Great Lakes shoreline ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What are the cookies in Internet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many islands make up Antigua ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many different types of skunks are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Madonna hocks which soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What English playwright penned : `` Where the bee sucks , so shall I '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What drink contains as many types of rum as possible ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where did the marriage ceremony come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name a tiger that is extinct .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: The lawyer who represented Randy Craft , what was his name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which magazine is `` fine entertainment for men '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What color are the castellated walls of the Kremlin ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is the origin of music ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where did the term `` 69 '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What condiment do the Dutch dip their French fries in ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the most popular sports car color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: When was `` the Great Depression '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How much pizza do Americans eat in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is meant by `` capital market '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What date is Boxing Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of the Latin battle cry : Ad arma , ad arma .\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did Ty Cobb grow up ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What North American city sprouts the most parking meters ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are all the southern states of the United States ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Name the designer of the shoe that spawned millions of plastic imitations , known as ` jellies ' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do some people have two different color eyes ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the name of the Titanic 's captain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you pronounce `` Tzimisce '' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is glass made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What kind of creatures are the Canary Islands named for ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where can I get U.S. economic statistics ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's men 's par on a 455-yard golf hole ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What makes thunder ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the 1940 annual salary for a boilermaker ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was the verdict in the trial of Lizzie Borden ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the man 's name who was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How can I trace my family roots ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the shape of a camel 's spine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the wolverine habits ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the name of the pop singer whose song became the theme song for a brand of catsup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Compaq 's mission statement ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state comes last in an alphabetical list ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How do you ask a total stranger out on a date ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the four largest mountain ranges on the Asian continent ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What does NASDAQ stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is a fear of reptiles ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What city has the world 's longest subway system ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who wrote Sons and Lovers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the three winter months in the southern hemisphere ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is always trying to get the rent from Andy Capp ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why is Indiglo called Indiglo ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the shoe sizes of O 'Neal , Jordan , and Mutombo , the NBA players ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What does `` intractable plantar keratoma '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the theory of quantum leaps mean in simpler terms ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Techniques and method"], "length": 1558, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "7011be7047eaaf45afdf0b6bef4622c058d9aec9fe0b8d2c"} {"input": "Question: Where is the Lourve ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What caused Harry Houdini 's death ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why is Indiglo called Indiglo ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was another name for East Germany ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What country in Latin America is the largest one ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who invented the game bowling ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of Betty Boop 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does each of the utilities cost in Monopoly ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How do I get a complete list of all the people that are living with the last name Kilvington ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What city did the Flintstones live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What bordering country is due north of Costa Rica ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What terrorist group was headed by Donald DeFreeze ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What state has the most Indians ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What Don McLean song laments the day Buddy Holly died ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are emblazoned on the Jolly Roger ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What South American capital is the world 's highest ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many years do fossils take to form ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What athlete makes the most money from sports merchandise sales ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who does the advertizing for Frito-Lay ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Louisiana Senator won a seat that had been held by his father and mother ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Ayer 's rock ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` blue moon , '' and how often do they occur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many engines does a Boeing 737 have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is SAP ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What do camels store in their humps ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: CNN is an acronym for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What kind of science is cosmology ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the shape of a football as stated in the NFL rulebook ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What must be exceeded to produce a sonic boom ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does a collier mine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What film featured Shirley MacLaine as a prostitute and Jack Lemmon as a pimp ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which is heavier - cream or milk ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What city is served by McCarren Airport ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where are the tropical rain forest distributions ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a mathematical factor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the term for an organism that lives on or in another ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is making love ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why is poop sometimes different colors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How does the car in `` Christine '' become possessed ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the top ten most common girl names in the US ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 12-hour cold medicine uses the formula `` 6 , 6 , 12 '' in its ads ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the mission of Nike ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What holidays or observances are celebrated in Italy ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is a wop ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why do they call it a `` funny bone '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What actor has a tattoo on his right wrist reading Scotland Forever ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. Government agency registers trademarks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is an urban legend ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you get to the top of the Eiffel Tower ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many websites are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who starred with Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times and The Great Dictator ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a Jake brake ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of slime ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who played the title role in The Romantic Englishwoman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average life expectancy of a male in Ireland in 1996 ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Which of the following celebrities was not born in Philadelphia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the Hungarian word for pepper ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: On which Hawaiian island is Pearl Harbor ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the name Jenna mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who took over as conductor of the Boston Pops after Arthur Fiedler 's long reign ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What caused Harry Houdini 's death ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a fear of water ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where did the real St. Nicholas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Australia Day ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was spawned the term `` MiG Alley '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the name of the vaccine for chicken pox ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is chromatology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the West Virginia state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Name four famous cartoon cats .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the highest continent ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the biggest Indian airports ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1554, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c0495d43f7080033aae75ceba1655c35742bbdf36cf74186"} {"input": "Question: Who is a German philosopher ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where is the Keck telescope ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When did the use of `` the syringe '' first appear in medicinal history ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where can I find a case on Americans with Disabilities Act of 199 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of the flight that Fawaz Younis hijacked ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: From what cause does tuberculosis stem ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What dumb-but-loveable character did Maurice Gosfield play on The Phil Silvers Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which mosquito 's bite draws blood , DT NN CC DT NN .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What was the former residence of Scottish kings in Edinburgh ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: By how much will the California state gas tax rise by the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What season does a hiemal activity normally take place in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country contains the highest point in South America ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many varieties of twins are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the different types of plastic ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the author of `` John Brown 's Body '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How come light bulbs go out ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What magazine paid Ernest Hemingway $15 a word to write a bullfighting article ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a fear of black people ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When did French revolutionaries storm the Bastille ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the first man to return to space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why did David Koresh ask the FBI for a word processor ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was Maria Theresa ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the name of the police officer who tried to keep order in Top Cat 's neighborhood ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of strong light ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What was the Great Britain population from 1699-172 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What caused the division between the Anglicans and the Vatican ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was an `` Asiento '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much of the silver production is manufactured by independent silversmiths ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What poem contains the line , `` grow old with me the best is yet to be '' .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a fear of hell ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the recommended daily requirement for folic acid for pregnant women ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where were the 1936 Summer Olympics held ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does James Bond like his martinis ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Where can I find the history of the Hungarian language ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What explorers followed Columbus to the Americas ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cigar-chewing comedian observed : `` You 're only as old as the woman you feel '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Candlemas Day ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of Congo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the environmental influences on plant genetics ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the words to the cd Eminem 's , or slim shady , `` My Name Is '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name a movie that the actress , Sandra Bullock , had a role in .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is William Wordsworth ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What two countries is Andorra nestled between ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where does the Santa Fe Trail begin and end ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a cullion ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who provides telephone service in Orange County , California ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does IQ stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the best way to travel in Japan ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: The name of the actor who played the detective in the film Kindergarden Cop is what ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the largest letter in Salvador Dali 's signature ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: How much waste does an average dairy cow produce in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What then-derogatory term was applied to the painters Monet , Sisley , Pissarro , Renoir and Degas ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What does INRI stand for when used on Jesus ' cross ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who is Langston Hughes ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What film or films has Jude Law appeared in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What city is terrorized by Dracula in The Night Stalker ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's the better-known identity of John Merrick , the noble ogre of Victorian England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the principal river of Ireland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose funeral train traveled from Washington D.C. to Springfield , Illinois ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the only substance that gives food its `` taste '' when eaten ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: When did CNN begin broadcasting ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are my legal rights in an automobile repossession in California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the treatment for depression ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What makes salt ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What country buys 25 percent of the world 's tea exports ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a urologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is recruitment interview technique ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many times in his 16-year National Basketball Associaton career was John Havlicek a member of the all-star team ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the distinction of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who won the 1967 Academy Award for Best Actor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most famous German word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1680, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "d21366d5b4ba5ca8c0c06e934bb093375512de3952fbef4f"} {"input": "Question: When was Rosa Parks born ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many home runs did Babe Ruth hit in his lifetime ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's a short ton ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who succeeded Nikita Khrushchev as first secretary of the Communist Party ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are you hearing when you put a seashell to your ear ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many pitchers occupy the shelf beside the crouching woman in Edgar Degas 's 1886 painting The Tub ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How far do you have to run if you hit a home run ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What dumb-but-loveable character did Maurice Gosfield play on The Phil Silvers Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Head Start ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the United States ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What were the trials called which followed World War II ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: When did Jaco Pastorius die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is in baby powder and baby lotion that makes it smell the way it does ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the quantity of American soldiers still unaccounted for from the Vietnam war ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What Tokyo street glitters with famed department stores and nightclubs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was originally defined as one 1-millionth of the distance from the equator to the Pole ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What term means a sexual attraction between a male and a female ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is lung cancer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What mythical figure carries an hourglass and a scythe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are binomial coefficients ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the symbol for the zodiacal sign Gemini ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: Who is the author of the book , `` The Iron Lady : A Biography of Margaret Thatcher '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the name of the temple that is located near the capital city of Laos ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which large U.S. city had the highest murder rate for 1988 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is thermal equilibrium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which breakfast cereal brought you `` the best each morning '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What was Al Capone 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did the Dow first reach ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How much did the Iran-Contra investigation cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What TV series features the adventures of a married couple named Jonathan and Jennifer ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was Dick Clark born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: To what does Microsoft 's Windows 3 owe its success ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How long would it take to get from Earth to Mars ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What beer tells us , `` Grab all the gusto you can get . '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How does a hurricane form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What schools in the Washington , DC NN NN VBP NN NN NN NN .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where can I find info on research being done on oilseeds thru genetics ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many miles is it to Ohio from North Carolina ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many square feet is Bill Gates ' home ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the hair style called that new military recruits receive ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of neon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who was Jinnah ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What was the infamous feat of Germany 's U-2 submarine ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many Grammys did Michael Jackson win in 1983 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was actress June Havoc 's legendary sister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What radio station did Paul Harvey work for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was paper made of in the late 16th century ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: In what film did Steven Spielberg 's dog star as the main character 's dog ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What island was the target of the U.S. 's Operation Urgent Fury ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the vaccine for chicken pox ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was the 3rd president of the United States ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the company name ` General Motors ' ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Song of Solomon '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city or state do the most gay men live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What animal do buffalo wings come from ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What country 's people are the top television watchers ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the official animal of Canada ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What famed river was Hernando de Soto the first European to see ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What general direction does the journey in Around the World in 80 Days proceed in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Jude Law was in what movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why do n't you guys have some sort of contest where you ask a question and whoever finds the answers wins a prize ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: The second most popular sport worldwide is what ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is the Loop ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why shouldn 't you remove a bee stinger with tweezers ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is moxie ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Caribbean island is sometimes called Little England ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What two Caribbean countries share the island of Hispaniola ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Name the two actress daughters of John Mills .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is `` alternative '' anymore ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of animal was Winnie the Pooh ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where did the energy for the Big Bang come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do players try to do when the music stops in a game of musical chairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where are 8 of the 10 highest mountains in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What novel did Ian Fleming introduce James Bond in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1671, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "569808d9d65b3e6d8d7ea00c4e77009acf10a517466532dd"} {"input": "Question: What are polymers ?\nType:", "context": "Question: When was Nostradamus born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How was Teddy Roosevelt related to FDR ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In what part of the world is Mozambique ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What World War II leader declared : `` The blow has been struck '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you match a name to a social security number ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does MSG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: When was the first steel mill in the United States built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the largest lake in North America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does ` PSI ' stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What was the sequel to The Pink Panther ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What classical Spanish writer warned : `` All that glitters is not gold '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What countries have the best math students ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Tell me what city the Kentucky Horse Park is near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a fear of thunder ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What U.S. state boasts Leif Ericson Park ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is a word whose letters can be rearranged to form a different word ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How many different languages are spoken in Europe ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What countries have the largest areas of forest ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's bottled in jeroboams ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the four largest mountain ranges on the Asian continent ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Who became president of the U.S. in 1789 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year were the Olympic Games played in where Nadia Comaneci became popular ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who protects DC Comics ' realm of dreams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is the world championship sled dog race held each February ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which German president was pressured into appointing Hitler chancellor in 1933 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Robert Louis Stevenson novel was inspired by Deacon William Brodie , a cabinetmaker by day and burglar by night ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do you write MLA style bibliographies for an Internet source ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was named Admiral of the Ocean Seas and Viceroy and Governor General of all the islands he might discover , and also granted 10-?? of all profits of his voyage .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I get U.S. economic statistics ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What two European countries are joined by the Gran San Bernardo Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many websites are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 1950 film won seven Oscars , including best picture ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How can I get someone 's phone number if I only have their screen name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How can I get my product licensed by the NBA ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the difference between a college and a university ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who lives at 39 Stone Canyon Way ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who made the first airplane ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What carries sperm up into the pelvic region ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What percentage of children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the plural of gulf ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: The major league baseball team in Pittsburgh is called what ?\nType: Group or organization of personQuestion: How high is the city of Denver ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How can I get someone 's phone number if I only have their screen name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is the only prime minister of Canada to serve 22 years but not necessarily consecutively ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you clean an LCD monitor screen ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the first person inducted into the U.S. Swimming Hall of Fame ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average time it takes for a male to ejaculate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who was Santos-Dumont ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What Asian gulf were the destroyers Maddox and C Turner Joy shot up in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do you use `` farther '' as opposed to `` further '' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who was Buffalo Bill ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What college football team did Knute Rockne build into a power ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What film had Bette Davis creating a scandal by wearing a daring red gown to a society ball ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What shrubs can be planted that will be safe from deer ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What steps can be taken to prevent diabetes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How can I get some free technical information on Electric Vehicle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was an `` Asiento '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do telephones work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many people died in the Vietnam war ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What feud ended with a marriage in Kentucky on March 21 , 1891 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What English queen had six fingers on one hand ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What buxom blonde appeared on the cover of more than 5 magazines ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who sells Viagra ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Argentine revolutionary fought with Castro and died in Bolivia in May , 1979 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long is the Coney Island boardwalk ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Which Rockefeller was sometimes called `` JDR3 '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does an edentulous smile lack ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What President once told Gene Autry : `` Please give my regards to your wife Dale '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state does the Continental Divide leave to enter Canada ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How do I start a web based business ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1715, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "18a99852ee4f2bdcc14df2a8bf88e75893ee8ccf106449b8"} {"input": "Question: Name a stimulant .\nType:", "context": "Question: What 's the term for a bet before cards are dealt ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What racehorse won an Associated Press poll as the greatest horse of the 20th century ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What constellation is known as The Water Bearer ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why do people get goosebumps when they have something emotional happen to them , like when they hear a beautiful piece of music , or see something beautiful , or get aroused by someone they love ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does Elysium mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Nostradamus born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who invented the fountain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Jackson Pollock was a native of what country ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where is the official `` zero '' of the sea level ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of Sergeant Preston of the Yukon 's lead dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What countries earn the most from tourism ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the correct way to abbreviate cc. at the bottom of a business letter ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What does `` intractable plantar keratoma '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What female faith healer wrote the inspirational book I Believe in Miracles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did Super President gain his powers on the animated series ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is moxie ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you get silly putty out of fabric ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many bytes are in a terabyte ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the first woman to run the mile in less than 4 36893 minutes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do ladybugs eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the Internet2 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Randy Craft 's lawyer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What desert country borders Saudi Arabia , Iraq and the Persian Gulf ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was paper made of in the late 16th century ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How can anyone tell if a female had sexual intercourse ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many furlongs are there in a mile-and-a-quarter recetrack ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What California bay 's largest island is Angel Island ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is kept in Fort Knox that is so valuable ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is California 's state bird ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where 's the 19th hole on a golf course ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose old London come-on was : `` Buy my sweet lavender '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who shot and killed himself while painting Wheatfield with Crows ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did Dylan Thomas die ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the verdict in the 1925 trial of John T. Scopes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many revolutions does a standard LP make in three minutes ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of the football game that saw Fordham defeat Waynesburg State 12601 on September 3 , 1939 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Name the tree growing company .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What American actress was the first to be called a `` vamp '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation OAS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is 55 times sweeter than cane sugar ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where is it planned to berth the merchant ship , Lane Victory , which Merchant Marine veterans are converting into a floating museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I sing like Elvis Presley ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which type of submarine was bought recently by South Korea ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What does the E stand for in the equation E=mc2 ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What does BUD stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many meters are in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is SAP ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What World War II leader declared : `` The blow has been struck '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What police force did Mack Sennett create ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is an ecological niche ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does e.g. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What category does the color pink denote in the Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer Edition ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the first domesticated bird ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What was the monster in Spielberg 's film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who painted `` Soft Self-Portrait with Grilled Bacon '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many American soldiers have died for their country to date ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a turnkey contract ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why was Curious George curious ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What labor leader was last seen in the parking lot of a Michigan restaurant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Mississippi has what name for a state nickname ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What was the Bridge of San Luis Rey made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the longest word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is office automation ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state boasts Leif Ericson Park ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is a `` USB '' port on a computer ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Which of the following men was not married to Rita Hayworth ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which city did Christian Crusaders fight to recapture from the Muslims ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What drug is often used to treat AIDS patients ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What 12-hour cold medicine uses the formula `` 6 , 6 , 12 '' in its ads ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What city is often called The Insurance Capital of the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do I find the balance of my social security account ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are you caught in if a haboob blows up ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where did the name Daniel originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What do you say to a friend who ignores you for other friends ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Disease and medicine"], "length": 1660, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "ce4d2107e842c9baf2fcf0e566d57f843e632e2c98240eb3"} {"input": "Question: Where is Milan ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What does the method called `` cold fusion '' create ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Where did Wile E. Coyote always get his devices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is California 's capital ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What does the Peugeot company manufacture ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Why are sometimes your hands cold , but the rest of you isn 't ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where can one find Mozambique ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was Red Grange ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What Tom Wolfe book is about the Mercury astronauts ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which of many numbered vats of Scotch was judged best by a panel of experts in 1863 ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Name four comic strips about pilots .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is the prophet of the religion of Islam ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed Dracula in Hammer Studios ' films ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What time of year do most people fly ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What barroom judge called himself The Law West of the Pecos ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What caused the Titanic to sink ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the medical condition of hypertension ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is the Rose Bowl played ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How old is too old for a child to not be talking ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Approximately how many students are enrolled at the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was unusual about Alexandra 's appearance in Josie and the Pussycats ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What seven digits follow the area code in the number for long distance information ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What do humans catch zoonose diseases from ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the non-fiction best-seller of 1952 , 1953 and 1954 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was Thatcher 's approval rating after 10 years in power ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the meaning of the name Ella ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What radio , TV and movie character did Jackie Gleason and William Bendix play ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is cologne made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the Red Planet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the name of Jacques Cousteau 's research ship ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How do anti-locking brakes work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: To get the most caffeine , what soda should I drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What movie did Steven Spielberg direct in 1975 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who said : `` Old soldiers never die ; they just fade away '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What explorers followed Columbus to the Americas ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the American who was captured when his plane went down over Syrian-held Lebanon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the `` coppertop '' battery ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does a chairbound basophobic fear ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the Bernoulli Principle ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the best known villain of the 165 Gunpowder Plot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word ` posh ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What color flies closest to the staff on Belgium 's flag ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What causes the redness in your cheeks when you blush ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What do I have to do to get good grades in school ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the deepest area of the Arctic Ocean ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What common livestock have the greatest variety of breeds ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What was the player 's name who played nose tackle for the Eagles in Super Bowl XV ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a country that is developing a magnetic levitation railway system ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the nickname of German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What dog was dubbed The Mortgage Lifter ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What desert country borders Saudi Arabia , Iraq and the Persian Gulf ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Why do magnets attract ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a fear of fur ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Why are lions called `` King of the Jungle '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Dynasty star made her 2th Century-Fox debut in The Virgin Queen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the Arabic Numerals from 1 to 10 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who did Richard Nixon tender his resignation to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What writer-journalist made his mark describing colorful Broadway and underworld characters ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the number of people that Randy Steven Craft was convicted of killing ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who wrote the song , `` Stardust '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What type of food makes you fat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the term for the side of the mountain that faces the prevailing winds ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How does General Mills manufacture Cheerios ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the only primate to lack pigment in the palms of its hands ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who said : `` The victor will never be asked if he told the truth '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many Vietnamese were there in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the best hospital for orthopedics in the country ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How tall is Prince Charles ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many men died building the Mackinaw Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long does it take the Milky Way Galaxy to make one revolution ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1692, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "69dc977e188f73a5006e3e40169f49d0970ccac9bb014727"} {"input": "Question: Who was the first governor of Alaska ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the `` coppertop '' battery ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can I get a CCT diagram ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is `` the soft drink for adults '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is Sinn Fein ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: For what reason did the Shea & Gould law firm close their L.A. office ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What fastener did Whitcomb Judson patent in 1893 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do websites like Yahoo and Excite make money ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What book was F. Scott Fitzgerald working on when he died in Hollywood in 194 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where did Sarge Steel get his metal hand ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the temperature today ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: Whose acceptance speech of more than 3 minutes prompted a time limit on Academy Award thank-yous ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: What is the Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long has L.L. Cool J. been married ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How is carbon dioxide removed from natural gas ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which of the following men was not married to Rita Hayworth ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What war did the Wanna-Go-Home Riots occur after ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is Boston Kreme ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the current ticket fare from from Cairo to Barbados ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many consecutive baseball games did Lou Gehrig play ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Betty Boop 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was the king who signed the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is chronic constipation a symptom of ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What 's the second-highest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Where is Kings Canyon ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city or state do the most gay men live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How can I register my website in Yahoo for free ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When did the art of quilting begin ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is the current UN Secretary General ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much money are Dumbo 's ears insured for ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 's the only mammal that can 't jump ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many bytes are in a terabyte ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the longest river in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is November 's birthstone ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the function of RAM ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where can I find a `` Fifth Element '' screensaver ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How is Answers.com different from KnowPost.com ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who won the 1967 Academy Award for Best Actor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What attorney-general ordered the closing of Alcatraz ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does `` intractable plantar keratoma '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who wrote : `` Poems are made by fools like me but only God can make a tree '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Andy Hardy 's father do for a living ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: When is a woman most fertile ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What U.S. senator once played basketball for the New York Knicks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Sinn Fein 's headquarters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the author of the book , `` The Iron Lady : A Biography of Margaret Thatcher '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Eduard Shevardnadze 's job in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is California 's capital ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is the bridge over the river Kwai ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many fiddlers did Old King Cole have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Where was `` I have fallen , and I can 't get up '' said first ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the geographic term for the submerged fringe of a continent ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is Li 'l Abner 's last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what religion was Isis the nature goddess ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: Independent silversmith 's account for what percentage of silver production ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What else has the swastika stood for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did Edith Bunker die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What presidential press secretary dismissed Watergate as a third-rate burglary attempt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the name Katie ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the star witness at the Senate Watergate hearings ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What TV series changed the names to protect the innocent ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Las Vegas hotel burned in November , 1980 , with the loss of 84 lives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was Suzy Parker doing to earn $1 , 000 in the early 1950 's ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Lacan ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is Boston Kreme ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What painter popularized soup cans and Brillo soap pad boxes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most common name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two body parts grow all your life ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What is the daily requirement of folic acid for an expectant mother ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What organization did Mr. Waverly assign agents for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a fear of food ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What country contains Africa 's northernmost point ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word , JJ .\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1603, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e40d4b02326a848a9fca110c36522853da4888d73be44a49"} {"input": "Question: What is the oldest university in the US ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many muscles does an oyster have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are shooting stars ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where can I find detailed information about Manchukuo ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first host of Person to Person ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What will a kid eat the middle of , and save the chocolate on the outside for last ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What drug is often used to treat AIDS patients ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What makes a tornado turn ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why are so many umbrellas black ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What famous New York City mayor wrote the hit song , `` Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the frequency of VHF ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is gymnophobia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the brand name of daminozide ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What river runs through Liverpool ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I find a web address for a company ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much iron is in your body ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the components of polyester ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What landmark Italian restaurant can be found at 239 West 48th Street , New York City ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is meant by `` capital market '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does marl form and what mineral does it contain ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did marijuana come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What term means a sexual attraction between a male and a female ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What did n't Rocky Marciano do in his pro boxing career ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the managing director of Apricot Computer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of being alone ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are the factors leading to the high teen pregnancy rate in Spartanburg , South Carolina ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a drought ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the premier of China ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of mammal is a colt ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the highest number of home runs on record for any one game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What state full of milk and honey was the destination in The Grapes of Wrath ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is RCD ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What poem contains the line , `` grow old with me the best is yet to be '' .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How can a foreigner get a U.S. Social Security card ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the name of the US helicopter pilot shot down over North Korea ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cable network bills itself as `` the family entertainer '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What well-known TV talk show host was a lay preacher by the time he was seventeen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the benefits of home school ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is HDLC ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What blood sport features a movement called a veronica ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are the statistics for drunken drivers in Maryland ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Where does the tennis star Stefan Edberg come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are two plants that clothes are made from ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What is the frequency of VHF ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is ethylene ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long was the longest hiccup attack ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What Chilean president was killed in a 1973 coup d 'etat ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the best-selling book of all time ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Winnie the Pooh is what kind of animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What incident of 1933 did the German Nazis use to justify emergency decrees , imprisoning opponents and vesting more power in themselves ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What President hit the jogging paths to enhance his athletic image and , sporting No. 39 , almost collapsed during the road race ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: On which dates does the running of the bulls occur in Pamplona , Spain ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you correctly say the word ` qigong ' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Smokey The Bear 's middle name ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who is the current prime minister and president of Russia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the biggest-selling U.S. magazine aimed at a black audience ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the number of American soldiers deployed to South Korea ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the root of all evil ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What countries have the largest armed forces in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word Ozymandias ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the nature of learning ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much folic acid should a pregnant woman get each day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In order from the top , the four stripes on a can of Pepsi are what colors ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What causes asthma ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is e-commerce ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Babe Ruth born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where is the oldest living thing on earth ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do wasps make their nests ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which city in Canada is the least-populated ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What card game derived its name from biritch , or Russian Whist ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many astronauts manned each Project Mercury flight ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the sister ship of the Olympic ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: When was the battle of the Somme fought ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["Group or organization of person"], "length": 1609, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "03b05f488f77aafcceaf28e5338051de95fa9d66d2539322"} {"input": "Question: What does NASA stand for ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is Nathan Hamill 's role in the new Star Wars prequel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who holds the career record for the most major league home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What animal 's tail is called a brush ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What state is John F. Kennedy buried in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How does one correctly pronounce ` qigong ' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many Grammys did Michael Jackson win in 1983 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many miles of veins are in the circulatory system ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What chapter of the Bible has the most verses ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: Where can I find lyrics for R&B ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What fast-food magnate 's initials graced the left sleeve of the San Diego Padres ' baseball uniforms in 1984 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do companies cut paper so thin ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What presidential press secretary dismissed Watergate as a third-rate burglary attempt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who loved Flash Gordon besides Dale ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whom did the Chicago Bulls beat in the 1993 championship ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is barnstorming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What store does Martha Stewart advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the name of the first Watergate special prosecutor , later fired by Nixon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of being alone ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is hypnotherapy ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the state nickname of Mississippi ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What made the short-lived Star Hawks strip so unique ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is witch hazel ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What explorer was nicknamed Iberia 's Pilot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were the ceremony traditions like during the Elizabethian times ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why do they call a hamburger a hamburger when there is no ham ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What two cities usually mark the extremes of English Channel swims ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the top 10 colleges in the United States in the field of engineering ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Name the product that is `` at your grocer 's , at your fingertips . ''\nType: Product\nQuestion: What year was Desmond Mpilo Tutu awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What African country is governed from Ouagadougou ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many cherubs are there on a Trivial Pursuit board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much did the first Barbie doll sell for in 1959 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer for Randy Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many types of lemurs are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name an American made motorcycle .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What product does `` Mrs. Olsen '' promote ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Which Latin American country is the largest ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: CNN began broadcasting in what year ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name the scar-faced bounty hunter of The Old West .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy usually called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who stopped making diary entries on May 31 , 1669 , because he thought he was going blind ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are two plants that clothes are made from ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What 's a male witch called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who wrote the song , `` Silent Night '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country is proud to claim Volcano National Park ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the treatment for depression ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What Asian country once thrilled to the sport of cricket fighting ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What college produced the most winning Super Bowl quarterbacks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What Argentine revolutionary fought with Castro and died in Bolivia in May , 1979 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Red Grange ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What was the nickname of German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What king boycotted Prince Charles 's wedding ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who made the first airplane that could fly ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In what ways did Ivan IV support Russian expansion ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who played the Ringo Kid in the 1939 film Stagecoach ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does `` B.Y.O.B. '' mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What dictator has the nickname `` El Maximo '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did the `` Star-Spangled Banner '' become the national anthem ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 1950 film won seven Oscars , including best picture ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a ` borrow pit ' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the distinction of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What `` little red car '' is mentioned in pop singer Prince 's hit song ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What composer was awarded the Medal of Honor by Franklin D. Roosevelt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Darth Vader 's son named ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year was the Avery Dennison company founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where in the Americas is it only 47 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What `` little red car '' is mentioned in pop singer Prince 's hit song ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How high is the city of Denver ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What year was Janet Jackson 's first album released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What National Basketball Association superstar told his story in Giant Steps ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what city is the headquarters of Sinn Fein ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a fear of going to bed ?\nType: Disease and medicine\n", "answers": ["Expression abbreviated"], "length": 1664, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "5c743e30c49cecf433278bc2849b6347c74eb20bde08f468"} {"input": "Question: What do you call a professional map drawer ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How long is human gestation ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who wrote The Night of the Iguana ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the richest person in the world , without owning a business ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of Aristotle Onassis 's yacht ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How many dogs pull a sled in the Iditarod ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name the fast food chain with the golden arches .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the nickname of German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball at ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where was the first zoo in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Polynesian people inhabit New Zealand ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where are the Austerlitz and Victor Hugo subway stops ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the purpose of BIOS ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the sequel to The Pink Panther ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` tampon '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who provides telephone service in Orange County , California ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Why did the Anglican church split from the Vatican ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who else was considered for the role of Luke Skywalker when George Lucas was casting for Star Wars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Jackson Pollock was a native of what country ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What color are tennis balls ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the shape of a football as stated in the NFL rulebook ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country has been called The Queen of the Antilles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of Explorer I , launched February 1 , 1958 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: In the Miller Lite TV commercial , who is the creature ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What was The Living Room War ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long did the Charles Manson murder trial last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who holds the career record for the most major league home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do wasps make their nests ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you get bubblegum out of carpet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What British TV series inspired All in the Family ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What city houses the U.S. headquarters of Procter and Gamble ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a portal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many South American countries have the letter Z in their names ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country has the port of Haifa ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does CNN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: For what reason did some San Diego schools stop serving apples ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was America 's first Public Enemy No. 1 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What film featured Shirley MacLaine as a prostitute and Jack Lemmon as a pimp ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the capital of Seattle ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Which two products use a tiger as their symbol ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What two body parts grow all your life ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: In what sport are these following numbers relevant : 118 , 126 , 134 , 142 , 15 , 158 , 167 , 177 , and 19 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many liberty bells have there been ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was Lacan ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How much does a poodle weigh ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What tragedy befell the city of Dogtown in 1899 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the design of the ship Titanic ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the Christian name of the title character in Our Miss Brooks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What spy novelist served as Moscow correspondent for Reuter and The Times of London ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does MSG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What state is the Filenes store located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who said of Super Bowl III in 1969 : `` We 'll win- I guarantee it '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The name of the actor who played the detective in the film Kindergarden Cop is what ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Dr. Seuss ' most popular book ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: In what year was the first patent for the pull-tab opener on cans obtained ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you stop junk snail mail ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I find the balance of my social security account ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where do lobsters like to live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Don McLean song laments the day Buddy Holly died ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What garment was named for Bradley , Voorhees and Day ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What racehorse won an Associated Press poll as the greatest horse of the 20th century ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What cigarette company urged us , `` Come to where the flavor is ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How can I gain access to a spy satelite ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a First World country ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the Ventura County police department that seized the county 's largest amount of cocaine ever ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is deconstructionism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What net game sees its women 's world amateur champions receive the Uber Cup ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What country , after Canada and Mexico , is closest to the U.S. ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the quickest and easiest way to get nail polish out of clothes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What 's a short ton ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you do a bibliography page ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Rona Barrett 's married name ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Equivalent term"], "length": 1713, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "eb0920252b7b3ccb7efa83fbb923c5a246702cbca576a134"} {"input": "Question: What is the capital of Yugoslavia ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where can I find out the top 1 singles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the Kentucky Horse Park located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In 1990 , what day of the week did Christmas fall on ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Whom did Lauren Bacall marry after her husband Humphrey Bogart died ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of night or darkness ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How is Answers.com different from KnowPost.com ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the `` Global Economy '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the oldest ethnological museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What do the Japanese call Japan ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What state capital comes last alphabetically ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why are there letters on the telephone ? Why are there no Q or Z ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the world 's best selling cookie ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Why did the Anglican church split from the Vatican ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What South American country won its first World Cup soccer title in 1978 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a fear of lice ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who wrote `` The Pit and the Pendulum '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the women 's suffrage amendment ratified ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What singer became despondent over the death of Freddie Prinze , quit show business , and then quit the business ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the theory of quantum leaps mean in simpler terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where was Richard Nixon when Gerald Ford became president ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the ` female ' counterpart to El Nino , which results in cooling temperatures and very dry weather ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which leg does a cat move with its left front leg when walking - its left rear or right rear leg ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who graced the airwaves with such pearls as `` Do ya lo-o-ove me ? Get naked , baby ! '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country boasts Ismail 's Palace and the Palace of King Farouk ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What percentage of Americans own their homes ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the highest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is the name of the president of Garmat U.S.A ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Of children between the ages of two and eleven , what percentage watch `` The Simpsons '' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What date is Richard Nixon 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What TV series saw many of its aquatic scenes shot at Silver Springs , Florida ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What hockey team did Wayne Gretzky play for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many double-word-score spaces are there on a Scrabble Crossword Game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I look at a perpetual calendar ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does psorisis disappear ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where are the headquarters of Eli Lilly ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is one of the languages of the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How old is the universe ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What team did baseball 's St. Louis Browns become ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the Fahrenheit equivalent of zero degrees centigrade ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: Who leads the star ship Enterprise in Star Trek ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the smallest thing seen under the most powerful microscope , and how big is it ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do doctors diagnose bone cancer ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the author of `` John Brown 's Body '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do Englishmen weigh themselves in ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: How can scientists predict weather by observing clouds ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much did Lucy Van Pelt originally charge for psychiatric sessions ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 's Mrs. Bridges 's job on TV 's Upstairs , Downstairs ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the medical term for cancer of the blood ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many sides does a heptagon have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the salary of a U.S. Representative ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How do I get my LAN card activated so that it can hook up to another computer without using a HUB ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is commonly considered the fifth sense ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the price for AAA 's liability auto insurance ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What kind of science is cosmology ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: In what city does Maurizio Pellegrin now live ?\nType: City\nQuestion: President Bush compared Saddam Hussein to whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the highest-ranking suit in bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is hypertext ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What film featured Shirley MacLaine as a prostitute and Jack Lemmon as a pimp ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Why do the chickenpoxs last so long ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the current immigration laws in US ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who danced into stardom with Fred Astaire in 1941 's You 'll Never Get Rich ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What athlete makes the most money from sports merchandise sales ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What organ contains the islands of Langerhans ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What Kentucky city calls itself The Horse Center of America ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many different types of skunks are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country in 1998 had the most suicides regardless of population size ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a fear of thunder ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What two presidents of the U.S. published books of poetry ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the horsepower of the shuttle boosters ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is Grenada 's main commodity export ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who portrayed The Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1692, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "7fab26eda8723e59049d81b51b96f5efd28dd042836bd01e"} {"input": "Question: Who is the Prime Minister of Canada ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who made the most appearances in the center square on Hollywood Squares ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is proposition 98 about ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How tall is Prince Charles ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What cards are bullets ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does it mean `` Rupee Depreciates '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the electronic device used to produce visual displays corresponding to electric signals ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are hook worms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Soviet leader owned a Rolls-Royce ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the pop singer whose song became the theme song for a brand of catsup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the nature of learning ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who discovered electricity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who created private detective Philip Marlowe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I easily remove red wine stains from t-shirts ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is her husband 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the history of the hairdryer ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What toy can you make sleep ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the normal resting heart rate of a healthy adult ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Where is the Henry Ford Museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of Roy Rogers 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What future Soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he got turned on to Marxism ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the various super-teams to which the Angel has belonged .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why did the world enter a global depression in 1929 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When did Fraze get his first patent for the pull-tab can ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name a ballet company Mikhail Baryshnikov has danced for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many casinos are in Atlantic City , NJ ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How does a submarine operate ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In the song `` Yankee Doodle , '' why did Yankee Doodle stick a feather in his cap and call it macaroni ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What people make up half the Soviet Union 's population ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What English queen had six fingers on one hand ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who provides telephone service in Orange County , California ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is one of the languages of the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word , magic ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When did World War I start ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What chapter of Gone with the Wind has Rhett Butler leaving Scarlett O 'Hara ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: Which came first , according to Genesis 1 : 2 : 22 - the chicken or the egg ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where can I find a case on Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1991 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the difference between a generator and an alternator ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of ruin ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What relative of the racoon is sometimes known as the cat-bear ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How does crosstalk relate to InSb thickness in infrared detectors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Dynasty star made her 2th Century-Fox debut in The Virgin Queen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did President Kennedy , Lee Harvey Oswald , and Jack Ruby all die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: The corpus callosum is in what part of the body ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who is the Incredible Hulk in reality ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Which of the Seven Dwarfs comes first alphabetically ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of the peace agreement imposed on Germany after World War I ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the 7 Wonders of the World ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When did Aldous Huxley write , `` Brave New World '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does the `` blue ribbon '' stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who portrayed Etta Place , companion to Butch Cassidey and the Sundance Kid ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is D.B. Cooper known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the virus HIV ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is the Henry Ford Museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What do the letters D.C. stand for in Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What architect originated the glass house designed the Chicago Federal Center had a philosophy of `` less is more , '' and produced plans that were the forerunner of the California ranch house ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the first American encyclopedia published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What James Michener book is subtitled Spanish Travels and Reflections ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the second-biggest-selling magazine in America ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the seven wonders of the world ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which Bloom County resident wreaks havoc with a computer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is ethylene ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the food of the Greek gods called ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What city was President William McKinley shot in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many websites are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What debts did Qintex group leave ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What happened in dogtown in 1899 to make that year remembered ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the Secretary of War in the Civil War during the Battle of Gettysburg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do humans catch zoonose diseases from ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name of scholar on whose literal translations from the Chinese and Japanese Ezra Pound depended ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of mammal is a colt ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What English queen had six fingers on one hand ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who lives at 39 Stone Canyon Way ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1674, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "865a91662df3b7ea2395045eefe5c355f76502b8654ca95d"} {"input": "Question: Who is the governor of Alaska ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What Georgia town did Scarlett O 'Hara condemn as being full of pushy people ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What jockey won 17 Triple Crown races ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What generation am I in ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What U.S. President showed a fondness for munching on bee pollen bars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do some people have two different color eyes ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Why was the L.A. office of Shea and Gould closed ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does `` Janelle '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find out the top 1 singles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who wrote Brave New World ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the San Francisco fire ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the titles of some R-Rated Sony Playstation games ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who killed Kurt Cobain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How was the Kennedy money made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What movie has made the most money ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I find free piano scores for popular music ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What dumb-but-loveable character did Maurice Gosfield play on The Phil Silvers Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many elephants are left on earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What New England state carries the telephone area code 27 ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What 's the biggest-selling U.S. magazine aimed at a black audience ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the largest libraries in the US ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What ratio of children of ages between two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Where can I find all the information I need to know about the English Civil War , 1642-1649 , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the only country you were allowed to drive into Israel from in 1979 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: On which date is the Ukrainians ' Christmas ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What doctor is synonymous with footwear and foot care ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is office automation ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 1964 film introduced the song My Kind of Town ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why do people shake hands to show friendliness ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What did the Confederate Constitution say about slavery ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What money was used by them ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name of the lady the Great Gatsby pines for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did Spielberg make `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is Butterfield 8 in Butterfield 8 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the U.S. Navy gunboat in the film The Sand Pebbles ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What tennis player has the nickname `` Nasty '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do you need to do to marry someone in jail ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What count did Alexandre Dumas write about ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of points ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is a nematode ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the main application of sodium hydrosulfite ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the home of the Rockettes ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What non-conformist abstract painter was dubbed Jack The Dripper by Time ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the typing practice sentence `` Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How long does a pig 's orgasm last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What country did the ancient Romans refer to as Hibernia ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When did Hitler come to power in Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why do recipe books recommend starting with cold water when you boil something ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the definition of the term `` weapons system '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of pregnancy ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where can I look at a perpetual calendar ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the present Pope named ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What trade did the 15th and 16th century Portuguese hope to control between Asia and Europe ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What did Cool Hand Luke go to jail for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How long do cardinal eggs incubate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What was Mel Gibson 's first movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many points is a disk in the center hole worth in Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Broadway musical featured the song , `` If I were a rich man ? ''\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is Desmond Tutu ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who is Snoopy 's arch-enemy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What football coach 's story was told in the movie Run to Daylight ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who 's the lead singer of the Led Zeppelin band ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did the war of 1812 affect Delaware ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the girl in Peter Sellers 's soup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the federal minimum wage ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many characters are in the Chinese alphabet ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the brilliant British economist behind its creation ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city was John F. Kennedy nominated for president in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a fear of water ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What century 's the setting for TV 's The Adventures of Robin Hood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the function of RAM ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1614, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "8fa68009baf3bf4fa0023bdafe07167ac6ea5121fa1c9f29"} {"input": "Question: Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How large is the Arctic refuge to preserve unique wildlife and wilderness value on Alaska 's north coast ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What South African producer had a 1988 profit of $836 million ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How did the Great Depression affect Japan 's history ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of the disease that actress Hunter Tylo 's baby girl has ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many Leos have been Pope ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the art of growing miniature trees ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How did ` stat ' come to be used as an expression for quickly ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When was the bar-code invented ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What European country 's monarchy was restored in 1975 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is meant by the term `` yield to maturity '' in reference to bonds ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What actor said in A Day at the Races : `` Either he 's dead or my watch has stopped '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many stations do you shoot from in the basketball game `` Around the World '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who served as inspiration for the schoolteacher portrayed by Robin Williams in `` Dead Poets Society '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first American in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are Cushman and Wakefield known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where can I get piano music for the Jamiroquai song Everyday for the midi ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Shalom ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How much waste does an average dairy cow produce in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Hermann Hesse book gave its name to a rock group ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What mammal of North America is the world 's longest-lived for its size ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What generation am I in ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What Batman character tools around on a Batcycle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are all the different types of pizza ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When did President Kennedy , Lee Harvey Oswald , and Jack Ruby all die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is an auto-commentary ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the president of Garmat U.S.A ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the world 's three largest oceans , in order of size ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was William F. Cody 's better-known name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I find out my biorhythm ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What company started out making pies , and wound up manufacturing plastic throwing toys ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do you tell somebody you like them ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's a Craps player called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What card game can feature dealer 's choice ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How can I determine the radius of an ellipse ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who wrote ` The Pines of Rome ' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a reliable site that I can download Heretic 2 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the real name of disc jockey `` Wolfman Jack '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Mexican leader was shot dead in 1923 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did Germany sign its nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What writer is famous for physically putting himself into the center of his subject matter ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What general direction does the journey in Around the World in 80 Days proceed in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What format was VHS 's main competition ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who portrayed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in The Desert Fox ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the founding member of the Pink Floyd band ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What do peacocks mate with ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What meat complemented sweet potatoes and peas in the first TV dinner ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What six-foot temperance advocate wielded her hatchet on saloons ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What mustachioed comedian portrayed Frankie in North to Alaska ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the sacred river of India ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: Who is Colin Powell ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is widely used to detect prenatal birth defects ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a person called that likes fire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many home runs did Lou Gehrig have during his career ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What organization was founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the fastest commercial automobile that can be bought in the US ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of parasites ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: On average , how many miles are there to the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was Hitler 's favorite movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What do penguins eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the life expectancy of an elephant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What state is known as the Hawkeye State ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What Peruvian city is home to the mummified body of Francisco Pizarro ?\nType: City\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1694, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "8a77b0de4617b701c0807158f2173d7025cdc5d019e22232"} {"input": "Question: What is the elevation of St. Louis , MO ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What did Jimmy Stewart invent ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's nature 's purpose for tornadoes ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When did the Jurassic Period end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is Sinn Fein ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What year did nylon stockings first go on sale ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many people in America snore ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What year did the first issue of `` Playboy '' come out ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What fictional character is known as the `` melancholy Dane '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the term that describes a word where only one usage has been recorded in all literature ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How long were Tyrannosaurus Rex 's teeth ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is the movie Jonathan Livingstone Seagull ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the major differences in the Catholic and Methodist religions ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does Salk vaccine prevent ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many millimeters are in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the oldest building in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When the Tutankhamun exhibit was on display in the U.S. , what moving company transported it ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the capital of Congo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is so powerful about Power Bars ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What ill-fated craft was captained by Ernst Lehmann ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Gimli as a central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name the creator of `` The Muppets '' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Cabarnet Sauvignon ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What did Delilah do to Samson 's hair ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many people hike ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who won the 1968 California Democratic primary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what film did Steven Spielberg 's dog star as the main character 's dog ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What astronomical phenomenon takes place in Jan. 1999 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What nuclear process takes place in an H-bomb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Hermann Hesse book gave its name to a rock group ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: On what river is Strasbourg built ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many web servers are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Ray Charles plays which instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What keeps clouds in the air ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why is poop sometimes different colors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where did Wile E. Coyote always get his devices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What President was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of drinking ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What do you call a `` twirl '' in ballet ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is it that walks on four legs , then on two legs , then on three ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country boasts the southernmost point in continental Europe ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many years of schooling after highschool does it take to become a neurosurgeon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much money does a back injury lawsuit get ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What New Hampshire hamlet rises early to vote first in U.S. presidential elections ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What species is a colt ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are some translations of the phrase `` Thank-you '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who founded the People 's Temple Commune ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the address of the famous Mexican star `` Thalia '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is her husband 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the words to `` My Way '' written by Paul Anka ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the literal meaning of `` D-DAY '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of blue for boys and pink for girls ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of crystals or glass ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many different countries export coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a `` node '' in computer terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the richest person in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which produces the longer sperm - an elephant or a mouse ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where does dew come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What island is home to statues called Mauis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What feud ended with a marriage in Kentucky on March 21 , 1891 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's the second-highest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Who made the most appearances in the center square on Hollywood Squares ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do they call a hamburger a hamburger when there is no ham ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the proof that houseplants metabolize carcinogens ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What war did the Potsdam Conference follow ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: Why are so many umbrellas black ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What company is being bought by Yahoo and how much is the deal worth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does INRI stand for when used on Jesus ' cross ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many Grammys did Michael Jackson win in 1983 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many visitors go to the Vatican each year ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1600, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "88c157a27c035f7c76e5ca566af652e618102b1673abba69"} {"input": "Question: What are semiconductors ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the origin and the meaning of the name , `` Hajo ? ''\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the largest libraries in the US ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What future movie treat was introduced to American colonists in 1603 by Native Americans ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Name a golf course in Myrtle Beach .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What film canine is buried in Pere-Lachaise cemetery in Paris ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is Nebraska 's most valuable resource ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name the person who burst through the screen in the Lite beer commercials .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you find the area of a circle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In what book can I find the story of Aladdin ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How much folic acid should a pregnant woman get each day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the best college in the country ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the difference and advantages of selecting a Super VHS VCR over plain VHS model ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Scrooge 's dead partner in Dickens 's A Christmas Carol ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much of the nation 's children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What amount of folic acid should an expectant mother take daily ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What did Andy Hardy 's father do for a living ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What spider makes a superb pet , even said to recognize its master ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where are diamonds mined ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why do people get calluses ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the oldest profession ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Who was the captain of the tanker , Exxon Valdez , involved in the oil spill in Prince William Sound , Alaska , 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who made the first gas engine ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the distinction of Erle Stanley Gardner 's The Case of the Terrified Typist ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What basketball player is credited with 23 , 924 rebounds ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the busiest air travel season ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the origin of the name Igor ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What former African leader held his country 's boxing title for nine years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Snoopy 's arch-enemy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Of children between the ages of two and eleven , what percentage watch `` The Simpsons '' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What are the names of the different toes ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What is the size of the student body at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who does Shakespeare 's Antonio borrow 3 , 0 ducats from ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is there information on the novel `` El Cid '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What strait links the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the nebbish that is Marvel 's official mascot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What five-time winner of the Kentucky Derby lost his first 25 races ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What `` little red car '' is mentioned in pop singer Prince 's hit song ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What will a kid eat the middle of , and save the chocolate on the outside for last ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are some tips for building a fire in a fireplace ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What sport features snatches and clean jerks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What city is sometimes called Gotham ?\nType: City\nQuestion: On average , how many miles are there to the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's distinctive about a palmiped 's feet ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How much do tuberculosis combatting drugs cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the chemical formula for napalm ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What are Kythnos , Siphnos , Seriphos and Mykonos ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Quetzalcoatl ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where can I get information concerning child custody files for the State of Utah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Green Bay Packers coach philosophized : `` There 's nothing that stokes the fire like hate '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the name of the temple that is located near the capital city of Laos ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What lake in Scotland is said to hold one or more monsters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who portrayed George M. Cohan in 1942 's Yankee Doodle Dandy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How far can a man travel in outer space ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What does 7847+5943 equal ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What member of The Little Rascals has an on-again , off-again sweetheart in Darla Hood ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do clouds form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What famous comic strip character died of acne ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the inventor of silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did Lee Harvey Oswald purchase his rifle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: McCarren Airport is located in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is Remembrance Day all about ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was Einstein 's birthplace ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many boys play the game in Winslow Homer 's 1872 painting Snap the Whip ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is considered the costliest disaster the insurance industry has ever faced ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who graced the airwaves with such pearls as `` Do ya lo-o-ove me ? Get naked , baby ! '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many Beanie Baby sites are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What were Baffin , Frobisher and Franklin looking for ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What female suspect in the game of Clue is single ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do recipe books recommend starting with cold water when you boil something ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the first king of England ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1736, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "bf74889c7fb521a442a03f2f1e9a763ae8b11af7654bc87b"} {"input": "Question: What is the murder rate in Windsor , Ontario ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was Einstein 's IQ ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the abbreviated expression for the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What was the sequel to The Pink Panther ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many different vegetation zones are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I get a complete listing of showtimes in my area ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the soft drink that is `` number one in the sun . ''\nType: Food\nQuestion: Why was Muhammad Ali stripped of his title and barred from boxing in 1967 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why does the sun shine only a short time in Alaska ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When will the millennium officially begin ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is pandoro ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do vending machines tell if your dollar is a 1 or a 5 ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who wrote the Farmer 's Almanac ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the highest-ranking suit in bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the favorite sport of Tom Wolfe 's The Pump House Gang ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who is Malaysia 's 43rd prime minister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Rotary engine cars were made by what company ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who took the toys donated for the Doodyville Orphans ' Fund and kept them for himself ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has the largest sheep population ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What company is being bought by Yahoo and how much is the deal worth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does Las Vegas mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are pushed and coupled in hump yards ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What did British companies stick 175 , 0 tons of tea into in 1982 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the first town to be chartered in Vermont ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What continent is Bolivia on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who made the most appearances in the center square on Hollywood Squares ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What causes an earthquake ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How much did Varian Associates try to sell its vacuum products division to the BOC group for ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is viscosity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country , after Canada and Mexico , is closest to the U.S. ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who starred in the movie The War of the Worlds ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many islands make up Antigua ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the correct way to abbreviate cc. at the bottom of a business letter ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: Name the two actress daughters of John Mills .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Nicolo Paganini ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: In the song `` Yankee Doodle , '' why did Yankee Doodle stick a feather in his cap and call it macaroni ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where did the Battle of the Bulge take place ?\nType: Other locationQuestion: Who portrayed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in The Desert Fox ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the stars made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How many mines can still be found in the Falklands after the war ended ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the American dollar equivalent for 8 pounds in the U.K. ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What 's the only mammal that can 't jump ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the use of a 24-hour clock instead of a 12-hour clock ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of bees ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many years did Shea & Gould practice law in Los Angeles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many millimeters are in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What kind of file has the extension .dbf ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are my legal rights in an automobile repossession in California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When will Jean Aeul publish her next book ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What color beans did the ancient Romans refuse to eat ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is the world 's highest peak ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What makes sperm ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is Rider College located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the five positions who are in the line of succession to the presidency .\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How do you measure the heat of the sun ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why do they call it a `` funny bone '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the difference between hair and fur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What President once told Gene Autry : `` Please give my regards to your wife Dale '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cigarette company urged us , `` Come to where the flavor is ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Steve Rogers 's profession when he 's not Captain America ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How many zeros are there in a trillion ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who killed Gandhi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Ernest Hemingway novel had the working title Fiesta ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What U.S. university boasts the largest library ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Name the Ranger who was always after Yogi Bear .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do windmills work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What card game derived its name from biritch , or Russian Whist ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the size of Argentina ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What female painter produced primitives of rural New England life ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a virtual IP address ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What holidays are celebrated in Ireland ?\nType: Event\n", "answers": ["Percent, fraction"], "length": 1617, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "3f7c51c87c672badc50c3b1ce85fff1f4688cf7a4f2916d7"} {"input": "Question: What is the deepest lake in the US ?\nType:", "context": "Question: When did Jaco Pastorius die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who were the five Marx brothers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What river is Windsor Castle on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What former royal palace has served as a granary , prison , arsenal , leper colony , mint , telegraph station and whorehouse before becoming an art museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the Loop ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What school does Tom attend in Tom Brown 's School Days ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Shea and Gould closed their Los Angeles office for what reason ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are people doing to help prevent the extinction of birds ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the population of Arcadia , Florida ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many corners does a spritsail have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does NECROSIS mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How do microwaves work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is software piracy ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who danced into stardom with Fred Astaire in 1941 's You 'll Never Get Rich ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Bonnie Blue Butler 's father ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the term glory hole mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What cooking oil has `` corn goodness '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What English word comes from the Old French covrefeu , meaning cover fire ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the most famous German word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What two body parts grow all your life ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What will a kid eat the middle of , and save the chocolate on the outside for last ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What was the name of the television show , starring Karl Madsen , that had San Francisco in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: For what disease is the drug Sinemet used as a treatment ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does the name Melissa mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What actor learned to play the saxophone and speak Russian for a role in a movie ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name of the lady the Great Gatsby pines for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the term for a limestone deposit rising from the floor of a cave ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the fastest growing state in the U.S.A. in 1998 ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Where did Indian Pudding come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you get dates with the `` Hooters '' girls ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When does the average teenager first have intercourse ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What animals do you find in the stock market ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How do I write to my Congressman ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How was the Kennedy money made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What city or state do the most gay men live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who made the first surfboard ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes play ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What is the oldest building in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many athletes did Puerto Rico enter in the 1984 Winter Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the address for the main government office in Rome , Italy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are Bellworts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What blew up at Lakehurst , New Jersey , on May 6 , 1977 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How long do you have to pay back debt after claiming chapter 11 bankruptcy ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Define Sinn Fein .\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many four star generals were there and who are they ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the seven virtues ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the Russian ambassador to Hungary during the 1956 uprising ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What feminist wrote Sexual Politics and Flying ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why does a candle go out when we blow on it ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the difference between Neoclassical art and Romanticism art ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What city is near the mouth of the Amazon ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a philanthropist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where do you find information about the Queensland National Competition Policy\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the Christian name of the title character in Our Miss Brooks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Bill Gross 's email address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who starred with Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times and The Great Dictator ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color flies closest to the staff on Belgium 's flag ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What was the verdict in the 1925 trial of John T. Scopes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which member of the Micronauts spent 1 years traveling the Microverse in the Marvel comics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What causes asthma ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the fastest fish in the world ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What animal has been called The Poor Man 's Cow ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What animal has the best hearing ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Name one of King Henry VIII 's wives .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is diabetes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the most powerful card in Euchre ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is her profession ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What format was VHS 's main competition ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What room did W.C. Fields keep his library in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How loud is thunder ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is a stratocaster ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1584, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e81151e43c230b0b037aa9e94739d19d36851fc6d82dac94"} {"input": "Question: What is pilates ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Name the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What phenomenon would you expect to read about in the monthly publication The Bigfoot News ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What do you say to a friend who ignores you for other friends ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the frequency of VHF ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What are values ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do you call a book of quotes ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What English playwright penned : `` Where the bee sucks , so shall I '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What does N est-ce pas mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Whose image is alleged to be on The Shroud of Turin ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the difference between carelessness and carefreeness ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What botanical marvel did Nebuchadnezzar build ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is it like to experience a near death episode ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the first animal into space ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many syllables are there in a line of hendecasyllabic poetry ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the nickname of the famous flyer who mistakenly flew to Ireland instead of to Los Angeles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is troilism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you use `` farther '' as opposed to `` further '' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What U.S. Congressman said : `` Keep the faith , baby '' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who did Sara Jane Moore try to assassinate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the term for a bet before cards are dealt ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What qualifications are there for individuals donating blood ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do Italians call Florence ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What U.S. President showed a fondness for munching on bee pollen bars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What European city do Nicois live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What can I do to get into an Ivy League school ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are some translations of the phrase `` Thank-you '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where is the Kalahari desert ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What famous comic strip character died of acne ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most popular contact lens color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What country is proud to claim Volcano National Park ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country covers 8 , 600 , 387 square miles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How do you ask a total stranger out on a date ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many people live in the Falklands ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of water ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is crabgrass ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the first name ` Breony ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name a golf course in Myrtle Beach .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What mountainous region of the world is the Lhasa Apso dog native to ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the youngest of the Beatles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What exactly is radiation ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do hermit crabs reproduce ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is Glasgow ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What diminutive American female gymnast stole the show at the 1984 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a specimen of basidiomycetes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What civil war was fought between 1936 and 1939 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How do I find out the exact time of a sunset for a particular day ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a wart ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does `` E Pluribus Unum '' on the penny mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a biologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What alloy do copper and tin form ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What company named one of its pens `` The Banana '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was Jinnah ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What are John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What must a Las Vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` tampon '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the average time it takes for a male to ejaculate ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the name of the song that Dracula plays on the organ ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What room did W.C. Fields keep his library in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the author of the book , `` The Iron Lady : A Biography of Margaret Thatcher '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Good Little Witch is Casper 's girlfriend ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city is graced by the Arch of Titus ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who did the Seven Mules block for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What stereo manufacturer is `` Slightly ahead of its time '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which cats pursued Tweety Pie in his first cartoon appearance ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is it that walks on four legs , then on two legs , then on three ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When was Florida admitted into the Union ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many American actors were nominated for the best actor Oscar for 1983 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which leg does a cat move with its left front leg when walking - its left rear or right rear leg ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who is the prophet of the religion of Islam ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Ray Charles plays which instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What year did Hitler die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many home runs did Lou Gehrig have during his career ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1612, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4d1366f1fced7b09378075ac467aa21626822e7fd875aad7"} {"input": "Question: What is hybridization ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was the first minimum wage ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: When was China 's first nuclear test ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was Marilyn Monroe 's real name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Mississippi 's state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why do eyes sometimes look red in photographs ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What card company sells Christmas ornaments ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What well-known actor is the father of star Alan Alda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many inches apart are adjacent pins in tenpin bowling ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does the word `` opera '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which NBA players had jersey number 0 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many visitors go to the Vatican each year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many miles is it from NY to Austria ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can I determine the radius of an ellipse ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who fired Maria Ybarra from her position in San Diego council ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of home surroundings ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When did CNN go on the air ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the most abundant element in the sun ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where did Sarge Steel get his metal hand ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What river flows through Vienna , Budapest and Belgrade ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What has been the most common Christian name of U.S. presidents ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of Darth Vader 's son ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do fuel injectors work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the 7 Wonders of the World ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How is water treated to make it safe to drink ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What effect does LSD have on the brain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What five-time winner of the Kentucky Derby lost his first 25 races ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What do the names Andrew and Christina mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city is the Kentucky Horse Park near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where is the largest post office building in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How is the new Ford Econoline van F25 V1 engine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the main blood vessels ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who is Henry Butler ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What are the unemployment statistics for the years 1965 and 1990 ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who created the World Wide Web , WWW ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does light travel through the void of space if there is no medium for it to ` wave ' or ` pulse ' .\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What state produces the best lobster to eat ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many miles is it from NY to Austria ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was Darius ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What city was President William McKinley shot in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What shape-shifting menace did Rom come to Earth to fight ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Nitrox diving ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I get a map of Prussia on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What South American capital is the world 's highest ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When did Spain and Korea start ambassadorial relations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What future Soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he got turned on to Marxism ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much caffeine is in a 16 oz cup of coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What species was Winnie the Pooh ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` mind '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What type of exercise burns the most calories ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who was the architect of Central Park ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Hitler 's minister of propaganda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country is the setting for Edgar Allan Poe 's The Pit and the Pendulum ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What comedian has a legendary reputation for stealing jokes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What direction do most baseball pitchers pitch toward ?\nType: Other locationQuestion: Rotary engines used to be made by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What baseball star turned down a $1 , 000-a-year contract because he felt he had n't earned it ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average age of a member of the team that worked on the Manhatten Project ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What city is the Kentucky Horse Park near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What indoor sport saw the Phoenix Inferno become the Phoenix Pride on July 14 , 1983 , when the temperature hit 111 degrees ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many lawyers are there in the state of New Jersey ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What beer advertised that it had `` three rings '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What was the name of the cook on Rawhide ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you recognize anorexia ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who moderated the first Kennedy-Nixon TV debate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who killed Kurt Cobain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the 5 words that use all of the letters in the alphabet , except Q , with no repeats .\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Where is Webster University ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Mississippi is nicknamed what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is an example of a famous rock band from the sixties ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What car was driven in the 199 release of `` Smokey and the Bandit '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Who is the fastest guitarist ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Catch-22 character is elected mayor of half a dozen Italian cities ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many fingers are used to draw a bow ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1599, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "67da3217593b0305047b9f3103ebe7fb507112a67d43a27a"} {"input": "Question: What is a parasite ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where can I find pictorial directions on how to build a very simple treehouse ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is celebrated during the week of February 21-27 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Why do they call it a `` funny bone '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why does a wheel , e.g. a car tire , appear to spin in the opposite direction as it slows down ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where do lobsters like to live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does verdandi mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the president of Bolivia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Jane Goodall famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the acronym for the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: How far is London UK from California ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What overalls are named for Dungri , a suburb of Bombay ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are amicable numbers ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the player 's name who played nose tackle for the Eagles in Super Bowl XV ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Santos-Dumont ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Woodrow Wilson served as president of what university ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What disease plagued Europe , Africa and Asia ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What interesting method was used to run the credits in the early Popeye cartoons ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who painted Mother and Child ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the estimated total U.S. whitetail deer population ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What ocean did the Titanic sink in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the mother of the man who would not be king , the duke of Windsor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do you get by adding Lactobacillus bulgaricus to milk ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When was the NFL established ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What comic of TV 's golden age went by the motto `` Anything for a laugh '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a Sioux language .\nType: Language\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What 's a `` Drinker respirator '' better known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is Grenada 's main commodity export ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When did Spain and Korea start ambassadorial relations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many cherubs are there on a Trivial Pursuit board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do bicornate animals have two of ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which Kevin Costner movie involves the Sioux Indians ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How much pizza do Americans eat in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What format was VHS 's main competition ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When did Princess Diana and Prince Charles get married ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What fruit-topped actress was known as The Brazilian Bombshell ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much did the first Barbie doll sell for in 1959 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the name of the company that manufactures the `` American Girl '' doll collection ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the definition of the term `` weapons system '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the two youngsters saved by the animated Moby Dick .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Olestra ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What facial feature did Walt Disney sport that none of Disney 's employees is allowed to ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the first Russian astronaut to do a spacewalk ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What nuclear process takes place in an H-bomb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many furlongs are there in a mile-and-a-quarter recetrack ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Nixon die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do I sing like Elvis Presley ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 1950 film won seven Oscars , including best picture ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many equal sides are there on a scalene triangle ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is worth seeing in Reims ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why is the mile 528 feet ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the population of Arcadia , Florida ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does the channel ESPN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What were the first bodies visited by spacecraft ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What group asked the musical question Do You Believe in Magic ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which infectious disease is the world 's deadliest ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What do I call the sons and daughters of my first cousins ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What did the pyramid-builders of Egypt mainly eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is a courier ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who would you use the Heimlich maneuver on ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what sport are these following numbers relevant : 118 , 126 , 134 , 142 , 15 , 158 , 167 , 177 , and 19 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are the 10 largest cities in the US ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where can I find detailed information about Manchukuo ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a transistor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How tall is the giraffe ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What does a deltiologist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where does dew come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What do you call a date that contains sequencing numbers , like 9-8-98 ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What female painter produced primitives of rural New England life ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What spy novelist served as Moscow correspondent for Reuter and The Times of London ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did Asia get its name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Erica Jong novel deals with Isadora Wing 's fear ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was named Admiral of the Ocean Seas and Viceroy and Governor General of all the islands he might discover , and also granted 10-?? of all profits of his voyage .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the president of Vichy France ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1680, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "37d3ef43380e769500db704720bacd131dc6bd09e5f040b3"} {"input": "Question: What is the name of Roy Roger 's dog ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the origin of the midwest slang , ` you 're darn tootin ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the abbreviated expression for the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What is the `` Global Economy '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Russian master spy lived in the U.S. under the name Emil Goldfus ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the ancient Romans refer to as Hibernia ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Shakespeare play opens with the line : `` Now is the winter of our discontent.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are fingernails made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is amezaiku ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city is . KDGE Radio located in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What Leoncavallo opera features a prologue by a clown ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was the first American encyclopedia published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What stereo manufacturer is `` Slightly ahead of its time '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What relative of the racoon is sometimes known as the cat-bear ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What German city do Italians call The Monaco of Bavaria ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many milliseconds in a second ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the oldest ethnological museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How fast must a spacecraft travel to escape Earth 's gravity ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: Who was Shakespeare 's Moorish general ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the largest U.S. city on the Great Lakes ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was archy , and mehitabel ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What year was the ATM first introduced ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a nematode ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does the speed the magnet spins in a generator affect the output of the generator ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How does a hurricane form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did the Maya people live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does caliente translate to in English ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the Jewish bible called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is osteichthyes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does laser stand for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do I love thee ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who portrayed `` Rosanne Rosanna-Dana '' on the television show `` Saturday Night Live '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What king boycotted Prince Charles 's wedding ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What soft drink tells us to `` Go Hawaiian '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What Las Vegas hotel burned in November , 1980 , with the loss of 84 lives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is `` the airline built for professional travelers '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where was the Ligurian Republic , 1797-185 , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the biggest `` thing '' humans have made ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 1964 film introduced the song My Kind of Town ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who said `` Give me liberty or give me death '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was actress June Havoc 's legendary sister ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two Japanese cities are spelled with the letters K , O , O , T and Y ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the Cleveland Indians also called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What playing card symbolizes death ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: How do I find the balance of my social security account ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What garment was named for Bradley , Voorhees and Day ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What garment was named for Bradley , Voorhees and Day ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is a fear of insanity ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who owns the St. Louis Rams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Woody Allen call the Japanese gangster film he dubbed into English as a comedy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I get cotton textiles importer details ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does rabies spread ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of the managing director of Apricot Computer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are bear and bull markets ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which breakfast cereal brought you `` the best each morning '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who should I call to get a tour of the New York Stock Exchange ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What auto race was Wilbur Reed the first to win three times ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What do you call a date that contains sequencing numbers , like 9-8-98 ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which member of the Micronauts spent 1 years traveling the Microverse in the Marvel comics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do we call the imaginary line along the top of the Rocky Mountains ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the word affiant mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the youngest age a boy or girl can have an orgasm ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What ill-fated craft was captained by Ernst Lehmann ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How many elevators do you ride to reach the top floor of the Empire State Building ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In what sport are these following numbers relevant : 118 , 126 , 134 , 142 , 15 , 158 , 167 , 177 , and 19 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are the cookies in Internet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the population of Arcadia , Florida ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What year did Rossetti paint `` Beata Beatrix '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are other ways of getting stretch marks besides pregnancy , weight loss , and weight lifting ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How many Vietnamese were there in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What group kidnaped Patricia Hearst ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is splatterpunk ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Animal"], "length": 1705, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "6075661e710f419b30971816ec6e975636d9fe33edf91cbc"} {"input": "Question: What is the world 's population ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Name the various super-teams to which the Angel has belonged .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What bowl game began as an East-West contest between Michigan and Stanford in 192 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What record company produced the 1978 movie The Wiz ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How old is too old for a child to not be talking ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What are the statistics for drunken drivers in Maryland ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What eating utensils are used for handicapped kids ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What toy can you make sleep ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the length of border between the Ukraine and Russia ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What hockey team did Wayne Gretzky play for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is false consciousness ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who made Stonehenge ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a heuristic ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What businesses in Alaska were affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When was the USSR dissolved ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How much did a knight 's armor weigh ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: Ray Charles is best known for playing what instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What are the capital cities of the two large countries that occupy the Iberian peninsula in Europe ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What Hollywood dog died in the arms of Jean Harlow in 1932 ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What famed strip of land is a 15-minute boat trip across the Venetian Lagoon from Venice ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many boys play the game in Winslow Homer 's 1872 painting Snap the Whip ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of the Latin battle cry : Ad arma , ad arma .\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What articles of clothing are tokens in Monopoly ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: In what city is the headquarters of Sinn Fein ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where did Ty Cobb grow up ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What President was buried at his ancestral home overlooking the Hudson River at Hyde Park , New York ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What has to be produced in a writ of habeas corpus ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What piece of jewelry is pictured on Monopoly 's Luxury Tax space ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the nature of snow and how is the formation of snow different from that of ice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Gerald Ford 's vice president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's a `` coup de poing '' to a French boxer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What TV series changed the names to protect the innocent ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many flavors of ice cream does Howard Johnson 's have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is spaceball played on ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Pope inaugurated Vatican International Radio ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the limits to `` self-defense ? ''\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Nobel laureate was expelled from the Philippines before the conference on East Timor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do ants have sex ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What layer of the atmosphere contains most of the ozone layer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How much folic acid should a pregnant woman get each day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What exactly is the purpose of the anteater ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How deep is a fathom ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What do a diamond and lump of coal have in common ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is Plc ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did the Maya people live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many times has Harold Stassen announced a drive for the White House ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the three animals in Sheila Burnford 's The Incredible Journey ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: The Jewish alphabet is known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Why are sometimes your hands cold , but the rest of you isn 't ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is the Bulls basketball team based ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does idle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In Sinclair Lewis ' `` Main Street , '' what was the name of the typical American town ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Dialing , 900 , 740-TREE to have a tree planted will cost how much ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the best way to overcome a fear ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What soft drink is most heavily caffeinated ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What does the name Jenna mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What color , s , appear on boxes of Kodak film ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What company 's trademark was His Master 's Voice ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How old was Lucille Ball when the show `` I Love Lucy '' premiered ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What ethnic group introduced the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What U.S. state are the Finger Lakes in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: When did the original Howdy Doody show go off the air ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are amicable numbers ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What South American city features the exclusive Copacabana Beach and Ipanema ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many major Nazi leaders went on trial after the war at Nuremberg ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Pope inaugurated Vatican International Radio ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does LOL mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where can I find a person 's address from a telephone number ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many cables support the main span of the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How does the car in `` Christine '' become possessed ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which medium is Hamblen the first singing cowboy in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a transistor ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Other number"], "length": 1660, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "9e493dfdeb1f43b0bf586b21f8f73e1080c0453c32228223"} {"input": "Question: What does cc in engines mean ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What card game derived its name from biritch , or Russian Whist ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the history of Valentine 's Day cards ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Italian leader had a lifelong fear of the evil eye ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I buy a pony on the Big Island for my daughter ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is hydroelectricity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of hair ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Judith Rossner novel was made into a film starring Diane Keaton ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I get information concerning child custody files for the State of Utah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What state has the most Indians ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What beer tells us , `` Grab all the gusto you can get . '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When was John D. Rockefeller born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where is Glasgow ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is Guam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How old was Gene Siskel ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is a fear of women ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where can I find the status of my tax return ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do you write a correct critical analysis of a poem ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was originally defined as one 1-millionth of the distance from the equator to the Pole ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is an Angelus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When the Tutankhamun exhibit was on display in the U.S. , what moving company transported it ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who thought he 'd never see a poem lovely as a tree ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was her real name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are different products of petroleum ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is a fear of reptiles ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What dangles over the tongue from the palate ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Why does it say on children 's cough syrup not to drive while using this medication ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where can I find examples of legal cases about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Robin Williams do ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Where is Sinn Fein 's headquarters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What sign is the best love match for a horoscope sign ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: Which country did Hitler rule ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are snowballs to a hot-rodder ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What time does Wee Willie Winkie run through the town ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many types of lemurs are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where were the 1936 Summer Olympics held ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who won the first general election for President held in Malawi in May 1994 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the second-most-used murder weapon in the U.S. ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What character did Tex Avery first create upon arriving at MGM ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does James Bond like his martinis ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many `` No '' answers was the What 's My Line ? panel allowed ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the average cost for four years of medical school ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was the nickname of model Leslie Hornby ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What breed of dog was the `` Little Rascals '' dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the student population at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Whom did Lauren Bacall marry after her husband Humphrey Bogart died ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the amount of money owed for illegally having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Where must a soccer goalie stand to be permitted to handle the ball ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is limbo ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's a Craps player called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is a wart ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is Webster University ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What credit card features a centurion on its face ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where is the Kentucky Horse Park located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find the lyrics for the song ` Getting Married Today ' from the musical ` Company ' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does RCA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How do you say 2 in Latin ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Connecticut ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Shea and Gould closed their Los Angeles office for what reason ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does the name Billie mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ?\nType: Other numberQuestion: What was Al Capone finally imprisoned for , in 1931 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where could I go to take a ride on a steam locomotive ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is endometriosis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the cookies in Internet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you get silly putty out of fabric ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many electoral votes does it take to win presidency ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What century 's the setting for TV 's The Adventures of Robin Hood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How was the Kennedy money made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What happens when a body part falls asleep ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which Doonesbury character was likely to turn into a werewolf ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the education system in the 1960 's ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is the father of the computer ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1568, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "5cc5f5c961f7b577dfaa8358352b7c546639540628871a2a"} {"input": "Question: What is an atom ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many colors are there in the spectrum ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I know how much money to save for retirement ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What shape-shifting menace did Rom come to Earth to fight ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is celebrated during the week of February 21-27 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's the word for broken glass or sharp rocks embedded in cement on top of a wall ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What company tabulates the ballots in voting for the Academy Awards ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a fear of touching ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What country is Kosovo a part of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does camera-ready art mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What did people use to freshen their breath before toothpaste ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What makes a tornado turn ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many people live in the Falklands ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Beethoven 's 9th symphony called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Asian leader was known as The Little Brown Saint ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose image is alleged to be on The Shroud of Turin ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What indoor sport saw the Phoenix Inferno become the Phoenix Pride on July 14 , 1983 , when the temperature hit 111 degrees ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the name of the song that Dracula plays on the organ ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who claims to have the greatest show on earth ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed Etta Place , companion to Butch Cassidey and the Sundance Kid ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How deep is a fathom ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How is the new Ford Econoline van F25 V1 engine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In 1990 , what day of the week did Christmas fall on ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the seven virtues ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the statistics for drunken drivers in Maryland ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the difference between a college and a university ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the name of a Salt Lake City newspaper ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the meaning of Jesus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What should you yell to hail a taxi in Madrid ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a ball that hits the foul pole called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What playing card symbolizes death ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: Who invented the Wonderbra ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does BTU mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What classical Spanish writer warned : `` All that glitters is not gold '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the nature of learning ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What two US biochemists won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1992 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the reason for the partition of the Anglican and Vatican churches ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long does a fly live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is `` Nine Inch Nails '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why do they call a hamburger a hamburger when there is no ham ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a fear of parasites ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who is the prophet that is most connected to the Dead Sea ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long ago was the Roe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme Court ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who invented batteries ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the difference between sleet and freezing rain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What should the temperature be set at while baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What is making love ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What state is the Filenes store located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many sides does a heptagon have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a storm surge ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Who developed potlatch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the country of giants twelve times the size of man in `` Gulliver 's Travels . ''\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the recommended daily requirement for folic acid for pregnant women ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which city in Canada is the least-populated ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many hostages were killed in the Entebbe raid ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Golden Rule ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What attorney-general ordered the closing of Alcatraz ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why is the universe flat , if it started by an explosion , shouldn 't it be a sphere ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What actress has received the most Oscar nominations ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a biologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long does it take light to reach the Earth from the Sun ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where does chocolate come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What animal has the biggest eyes ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What two body parts grow all your life ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who are the top ten richest people in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can SQL queries be improved ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the prophet of the Jewish people ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do they call it a `` funny bone '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was Charles Lindbergh 's wife ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1602, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "87c525d2fea468800172db577752e30afb5ac281ac15a4fb"} {"input": "Question: What is a thyroid ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What country has the best defensive position in the board game Diplomacy ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: A corgi is a kind of what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the Bernoulli Principle ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is pasta ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What President hit the jogging paths to enhance his athletic image and , sporting No. 39 , almost collapsed during the road race ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is endometriosis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the English translation for the word `` caliente '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What was the Bridge of San Luis Rey made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What Argentine boxer was shot dead outside a Nevada brothel in May ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the word for love of pain or abuse ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What celestial body has a diameter of 864 , 000 miles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When reading classified ads , what does EENTY : other stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: When did the supercontinent Pangaea break up ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What card game can feature dealer 's choice ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What title did Suzette Charles assume for two months in 1984 ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How can you tell when figs are ripe ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When did Amtrak begin operations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What state is the Filenes store located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What London street claims to be the world center for men 's tailoring ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What square is the geographical center of London ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find a review of Nightmare on Elm Street in a film journal ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the oldest building in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find the history of the Taiwanese language ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the girl in Peter Sellers 's soup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What square is the geographical center of London ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the conjugations of wake and woke ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What island group is Guadalcanal a part of ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does CNN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviatedQuestion: When did swimming become commonplace ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who developed the first polio vaccine ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the following famous people does not paint as a hobby ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the Vietnam War ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the cookies in Internet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do birds find their way back to the same place every year ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of the surname of Braun ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is artificial intelligence ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where do I find information for foreclosure properties on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where does the weird shape of the dinner fish knife originate from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many wings does a flea have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where did surfing originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the disease that actress Hunter Tylo 's baby girl has ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where can I find information on George Bush ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which of the following did not receive a 1983 `` Outstanding Mother Award '' from the National Mother 's Day Committee ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Silly putty was invented by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How far is London UK from California ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How does marijuana lead to other drugs ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are some of the significant historical events of the 1990s ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the fare cost for the round trip between New York and London on Concorde ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What do humans catch zoonose diseases from ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What William Styron book is about a black preacher who leads a slave revolt ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do you find out what is allowed to claim as a contibution for income tax purposes ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a term for behavior , appearance , or expression that violates the accepted standards of sexual morality ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where are good science sites on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is diabetes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do I keep cats out of my flower garden for good ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does Robin Williams do ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What U.S. university boasts the largest library ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who portrayed Renaud in Casablanca ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When does menstruation begin ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What province is Edmonton located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What 's the International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy usually called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How do you tell somebody you like them ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the Golden Rule ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who wrote Brave New World ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Catch-22 character is elected mayor of half a dozen Italian cities ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name given to the Islamic counterpart of the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Name the two youngsters saved by the animated Moby Dick .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can you prevent it ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does Venus Retrograde mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Broadway musical featured the song , `` If I were a rich man ? ''\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What well-known TV talk show host was a lay preacher by the time he was seventeen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the Baltic States ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is the Abominable Snowman said to wander ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What did Martin Luther post on the church door at Wittenberg ?\nType: Other entity\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1590, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "bb85a9ba81c5b2b43f42e74124bbdab7c367d48b11ccd4f4"} {"input": "Question: What is a panic disorder ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who said of Super Bowl III in 1969 : `` We 'll win- I guarantee it '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the leader of Brunei ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Ozzy Osbourne born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What were Babe Ruth 's Christian names ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the alphabet for Latin ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: Why did the world enter a global depression in 1929 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a fear of ruin ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does a chiropodist treat ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is Toulmin logic ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many Leos have been Pope ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are a baseball team 's firemen ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the words to the song sung by `` Banana in Pajamas '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Names of books by James A. Michener set in the following locations ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who portrayed Fatman in the television show , `` Jake and the Fatman '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were the causes of the Civil War ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What architect originated the glass house designed the Chicago Federal Center had a philosophy of `` less is more , '' and produced plans that were the forerunner of the California ranch house ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who 's the lead singer of the Led Zeppelin band ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a society ruled by elders ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What party was Winston Churchill a member of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 2th-century fictional character attends Pencey Prep School ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find a case on Americans with Disabilities Act of 199 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What chemical in red wine is good for the heart and what exactly does it do to your body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many muscles does the average adult use when going for a walk ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What nationality is Gorbachev ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What commodity 's shortage was the largest single factor in keeping North American cars off the roads during World War II ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How does a small businessman contact the Good Humor Ice Cream company to do business with them ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: The Iraqis launched their attack on Kuwait on what day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are emblazoned on the Jolly Roger ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why is Rush 's 2112 called 2112 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What organ contains the islands of Langerhans ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What interesting method was used to run the credits in the early Popeye cartoons ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What was the proper Laugh-In respones to : `` Say goodnight , Dick '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many megawatts will the power project in Indonesia , built by a consortium headed by Mission Energy of US , produce ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What were the causes of the Civil War ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the name of actor Rex Harrison 's son , who starred in a modestly popular TV show during the late 1960's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is a hydrogen bomb different from a nuclear bomb ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the date of Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country covers 8 , 600 , 387 square miles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What events happened January 26 , 1978 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What kind of guitar did Jimi Hendrix play ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: How did Jayne Mansfield die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How is an executioner determined ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name a technique widely used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who bestowed great power upon Captain Britain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the number of assassinations and attempts to assassinate in the U.S. since 1865 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` buffalo wings '' that is used as a menu item in bars across the nation for chicken wings in a spicey sauce ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which organization is the Security Council a part of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What causes someone to be ticklish ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city is terrorized by Dracula in The Night Stalker ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is Charles Lindbergh ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What Peruvian city is home to the mummified body of Francisco Pizarro ?\nType: CityQuestion: What is the name of the country which Hitler ruled ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where can an individual get a contact lens tested that burned the entire surface of eye when new ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does an ion drive work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is Luke Skywalker 's father ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you ask questions ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Las Vegas hotel burned in November , 1980 , with the loss of 84 lives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does a pedometer measure ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is chronic constipation a symptom of ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is office automation ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When is the Tulip Festival in Michigan ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the first English play written exclusively for children ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What kind of creatures are black , yellow , and brown bullheads ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why did Europeans first come to Australia and Oceania ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When was the first practical commercial typewriter marketed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is kept in Fort Knox that is so valuable ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What infectious disease is the world 's deadliest ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many bones are in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What pillar of the Dutch Renaissance painted Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What lawyer won the largest divorce settlement , $85 million , in U.S. history for Sheika Dena Al-Farri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Amsterdam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name a tiger that is extinct .\nType: Animal\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1754, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "af885f2dd88c3d1ef0278e145a56e0142e8dffa98da1725e"} {"input": "Question: What is Shakespeare 's nickname ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the C programming language ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Huckleberry Finn '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the dot on the letter i mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When Mighty Mouse was conceived , what was his original name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the following men was not married to Rita Hayworth ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Hungarian cardinal was first a state prisoner and then a refugee in the U.S. embassy 1956-1971 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many dots make up the symbol for `` because '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city did the Mormons establish as their headquarters in 1847 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do you get silly putty out of fabric ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is another term for the painful wrist syndrome ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What country was the setting of You Only Live Twice ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was Jinnah ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What kind of greeting is appropriate to send on Yom Kippur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was an `` Asiento '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much would a black-and-white 1-cent stamp be worth , Thomas Jefferson on it , ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What happened to Moon Maiden ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is La Nina ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do pointed letters mean to a handwriting analyst ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state has sagebrush as its state flower ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What 's distinctive about a palmiped 's feet ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the `` Dead Man 's Hand '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the largest variety of cactus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What literary classic centers on the search for a treasure in gold worth 7 , 0 pounds ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the theory of equivalence states ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why do recipe books recommend starting with cold water when you boil something ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How can I get some free technical information on Electric Vehicle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Japanese manufacturer is known for both its pianos and its motorcycles ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is Johnny Carson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who owns the rights on a TV program ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the term `` spaghetti western '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What type of betting is used in horse racing ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: When did Iraqi troops invade Kuwait ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What two New York Yankee pitchers swapped wives and families ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What New Hampshire hamlet rises early to vote first in U.S. presidential elections ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where did surfing originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What two major world religions began in India ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: How many years did it take James Joyce to write Ulysses ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why was Henry Ford 's first automobile calleda Model T & his second type of automobile , introduced in 1928 , called a Model A ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Chiricahua the name of ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the origin of thank you notes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the hardest substance in the human body ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What city houses the U.S. headquarters of Procter and Gamble ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How is ` qigong ' properly pronounced ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In what movie is the number nine found in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who are the nomadic hunting and gathering tribe of the Kalahari Desert in Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What game do Steve McQueen and Edward G. Robinson play in The Cincinnati Kid ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What comedian was banned from the Ed Sullivan Show for allegedly making an obscene gesture at the show 's host ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you select wine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the use of a 24-hour clock instead of a 12-hour clock ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the web address at which I can find the e-mail address of a member of the US House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much did Manchester United spend on players in 1993 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who was Jean Nicolet ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What does Inuit and Eskimo mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was the Parthenon built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the fine for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: PriceQuestion: What chemical in red wine is good for the heart and what exactly does it do to your body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What date is Boxing Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the only gland in humans that can regenerate itself ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: How far is Yaroslavl from Moscow ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the average cost for four years of medical school ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the most number of goals scored by a single team in an NHL hockey game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What island is home to statues called Mauis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What drug did Sigmund Freud become fascinated with while experimenting with the treatment of neurasthenia ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who won the rugby world cup in ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How did Asia get its name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What plant has the largest seed ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What `` magic '' does Mandrake employ ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What NFL team did Vince Lombardi end his coaching career with ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1704, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "729b220cc22edaa8183925bcf721e5cb9db1c61757a3db65"} {"input": "Question: What is the atomic weight of silver ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where can I find an Ask An Expert site ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many languages does the Pope speak ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who 's The King of Swing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the maximum length , in inches , of a first baseman 's glove ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who created the monster in Mary Shelley 's novel Frankenstein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is a neurosurgeon ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What cigarette company urged us , `` Come to where the flavor is ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Rona Barrett 's married name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Smartnet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did the term `` 69 '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What year did the first issue of `` Playboy '' come out ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who were the five Marx brothers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the environmental influences on plant genetics ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many member states are in the UN ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the only substance that gives food its `` taste '' when eaten ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What 's the name of the tiger that advertises for Frosted Flakes cereal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the name of Dolly Parton 's rarely seen husband ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I take a test that will tell me what I should be when I grow up ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many times a day should you take a prescription marked `` q.i.d . '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country 's capital is Lagos ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Irwin Allen bomb has Richard Widmark saying he 'll be `` the first officer in history to get his butt kicked by a mess of bugs ! '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What U.S. vice-president once declared : `` If you 've seen one slum , you 've seen them all '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are some ways to help someone with Chicken Pox ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What soft drink is most heavily caffeinated ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is Jane Goodall known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What actor came to dinner in Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What information can you tell me about actor James Cromwell ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How long did Shea and Gould practice law in Los Angeles ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who portrayed Maggio in the film From Here to Eternity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you do a topic outline ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What basketball maneuver did Bert Loomis invent ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does MSG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What task does the Bouvier breed of dog perform ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What city did the Flintstones live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who comprised the now-defunct comic book team known as the Champions ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the abbreviated form of the National Bureau of Investigation ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is SVHS ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are the only two states that incorporate the Confederate battle flag in their flags ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who won the first World Series ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 1964 film introduced the song My Kind of Town ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's been the ruin of many a poor boy in New Orleans ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who won World War II ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can you contact play producers and promoters on-line ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a pig in a poke ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does caliente translate to in English ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is Larry King 's occupation ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How many elevators do you ride to reach the top floor of the Empire State Building ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the Russian ambassador to Hungary during the 1956 uprising ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which is a real berry : blackberry , cranberry , raspberry , strawberry ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Why doesn 't www.answers.com have any answers to my questions ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What doctor is synonymous with footwear and foot care ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does most of the marijuana entering the United States come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I do this ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Shakespeare play opens with the line : `` Now is the winter of our discontent.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What date is Richard Nixon 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What bottled-up TV character was born in Baghdad ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What company makes impulse hardening equipment ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the difference between carelessness and carefreeness ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many calories are in a tomato ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was an `` Asiento '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a hormone ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What state is Niagara Falls located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who is Nicolo Paganini ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What are the largest deserts in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: When did Mount St. Helen last have a major eruption ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the first Gilbert and Sullivan opera ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the hair style called that new military recruits receive ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long do you have to pay back debt after claiming chapter 11 bankruptcy ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What are the Arabic Numerals from 1 to 10 ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Weight"], "length": 1688, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "ac4398fc1a1b445d618d926fd6a3ef39a9fea060924a4eac"} {"input": "Question: Who killed John F. Kennedy ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What film ends with the line : `` This is Mrs. Norman Maine '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the first doctor to successfully transplant a liver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When was the internal combustion engine developed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where is Glasgow ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long does a fly live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many disks does each player have in a four-handed game of Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What two South American countries do n't border Brazil ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Name the product that is `` at your grocer 's , at your fingertips . ''\nType: Product\nQuestion: What cable network bills itself as `` the family entertainer '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What product did Robert Conrad dare people to knock off his shoulder ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the cost of the drugs used in tuberculosis treatments ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the capital of Burkina Faso ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many times can a nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery be recharged ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: How do I find a city if I have the area code ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What product is for kids , and not for silly rabbits ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How tall is the giraffe ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What Russian city used to be called St. Petersburg and Petrograd ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What organ contains the islands of Langerhans ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What `` melts in your mouth , not in your hands '' .\nType: Food\nQuestion: What causes `` rolling thunder '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What government department did The Untouchables work for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What function does homeostasis have on the existence of an organism ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the estimated total U.S. whitetail deer population ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Kenyan city is the safari center for East Africa ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What century did art 's Romantic Period begin in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How fast can a Corvette go ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What piece of jewelry is pictured on Monopoly 's Luxury Tax space ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When did French revolutionaries storm the Bastille ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: When did Muhammad live ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the world 's largest distilling company ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Rona Barrett 's married name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Mao , the Chinese leader 's , full name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What state does Charles Robb represent ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is a fear of going to bed ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the occupation of Nicholas Cage ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What was the outcome of the 1945 Yalta Conference ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is there information on the novel `` El Cid '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the most populated city in the world ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is The Gay Science ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What female suspect in the game of Clue is single ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What wheel did Blaise Pascal invent in a search for perpetual motion ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the highest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What 's the most popular form of gambling with women in Las Vegas ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who succeeded Nikita Khrushchev as first secretary of the Communist Party ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What magazine paid $5 , 000 for an eight-millimeter film of John F. Kennedy 's assassination ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How far away is the moon ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What are tonsils for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Name an American made motorcycle .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What is the history of the soft drink Mr. Pibb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What kind of animals were in the Paleozoic era ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Occam 's Razor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the name Billie mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Stuart Hamblen is considered to be the first singing cowboy of which medium ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the literal meaning of `` D-DAY '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the first English circumnavigator of the globe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the life expectancy of an elephant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: By how much will the California state gas tax rise by the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What book is subtitled The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name a golf course in Myrtle Beach .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who 's the only U.S. president to have won a Pulitzer Prize ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a glory hole ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country did the Mau Mau Uprising take place in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What countries have the most auto thefts ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which mammal lives , breeds , eats , and sleeps underground ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: In which state are the Mark Twain National Forests ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Why are lions called `` King of the Jungle '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many points is a disk in the center hole worth in Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do you get a girl to have sex with you ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a hormone ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1613, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c180f344bd8bd450734da05ba9257f537c87f6685bee95a0"} {"input": "Question: What is a mirror made out of ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What country is bounded in part by the Indian Ocean and Coral and Tasman seas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does Ms. , Miss , and Mrs. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Iowa ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What does a heliologist study ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who played the father on `` Charles in Charge '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What explorers followed Columbus to the Americas ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of the football game that saw Fordham defeat Waynesburg State 12601 on September 3 , 1939 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who did Dita Beard work for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What London museum features a Chamber of Horrors ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who do Herb and Tootsie live next door to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What tale has the moral : `` He who wants everything gets nothing '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What war did Florence Nightingale tend the troops in ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 such a successful computer program ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the first X-Man to die in battle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the following actors worked in New York 's Yiddish Theater ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When does the average teenager first have intercourse ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where does dew come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where are the busiest ports in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the occupation of Mandy Rice-Davies ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is an aurora ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of King Camp Gillette ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What mountain range marks the border of France and Spain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: When did the Jurassic Period end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is Imam Hussain Ben Ali whom Shia people believe in ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What U.S. state lived under six flags ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who played Al Jolson in the Jolson Story ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the web address at which I can find the e-mail address of a member of the US House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What Scottish poet penned To a Mouse and To a Louse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How fast does the fastest car go ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What is Betsy Ross famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How did shipyard inspector James J. Kilroy designate equipment as being satisfactory ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where can I buy a pony on the Big Island for my daughter ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the words to the song sung by `` Banana in Pajamas '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does a tarantula eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What does the term glory hole mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the best-selling television soundtrack of all time ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What incident of 1933 did the German Nazis use to justify emergency decrees , imprisoning opponents and vesting more power in themselves ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What letter adorns the flag of Rwanda ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What are you caught in if a haboob blows up ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How far can a man travel in outer space ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What does ` PSI ' stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the salary of a U.S. Representative ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which thrilled taste buds first - Snickers or 3 Musketeers ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Name a movie that the actress , Sandra Bullock , had a role in .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What country did King Gustav V reign over from 197 to 195 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where is Glasgow ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the largest water conservancy project in China ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Which soft drink does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's the most powerful country in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Shalom ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Baretta 's cockatoo ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What country 's flag is field green ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the origin of blue for boys and pink for girls ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` Teddy bear '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Whose cover is that of an employee of Universal Import and Export ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the medical purposes of `` clitoridectomy '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What became the biggest cash crop in the U.S. in 1983 , surpassing corn ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the softest part of the body ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: How far is London UK from California ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What South American country won its first World Cup soccer title in 1978 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was Fred Astaire 's dancing partner 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of the football game that saw Fordham defeat Waynesburg State 12601 on September 3 , 1939 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How can I find out my biorhythm ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is The Gay Science ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What season is the setting for Shakespeare 's Midsummer Night 's Dream ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What measures did Clinton take to avoid the draft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is celebrated during the week of February 21-27 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What rock group raised a ruckus at the White House by singing American Woman ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where can I find information on becoming a journalist ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was named Admiral of the Ocean Seas and Viceroy and Governor General of all the islands he might discover , and also granted 10-?? of all profits of his voyage .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the highest hand in straight poker ?\nType: Other entity\n", "answers": ["Element and substance"], "length": 1689, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "1e8f992d97411a7f0a833383900a0bf3ab7e8adeade4ff83"} {"input": "Question: What is the sales tax in Minnesota ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who was the only U.S. President to wear a Nazi uniform ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was Queen Victoria born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the founding member of the Pink Floyd band ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What alloy do copper and tin form ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What book opens : `` At a certain village in La Mancha , which I shall not name.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do I change a file from an ART file to a JPEG or Bitmap file ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How is silk screening done ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Butterfield 8 in Butterfield 8 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What software offers inventors use of CAD-like design ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is President Nixon 's birthdate ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the first Sam Spade novel ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the two largest birds on earth ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What month of the year is there no television in Iceland ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a hydrogen bond ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many Fig Newtons are there to the pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Louisiana Senator won a seat that had been held by his father and mother ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Rider College ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the state motto of California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is pandoro ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When is the Thai New Year ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What movie did Steven Spielberg direct in 1975 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What bird can swim but can 't fly ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the length of border between the Ukraine and Russia ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What can be done about snoring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does SIDS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is a meerkat ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What did the Yalta Conference lead to ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the meaning of the name Tatiana ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who would you use the Heimlich maneuver on ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why did Europeans first come to Australia and Oceania ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is the official `` zero '' of the sea level ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the nature of learning ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of worms ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does caliente mean , in English ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many American actors were nominated for the best actor Oscar for 1983 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What film featured a snarly character named Kid Shelleen ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: At what age did Rossini stop writing opera ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How do you clean badly tarnished brass ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many years old is Benny Carter ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What percentage of Americans own their homes ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What causes rust ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What costume designer decided that Michael Jackson should only wear one glove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who 's baby was Sweet Pea on the Popeye cartoon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What detective lives on Punchbowl Hill and has 11 children ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is celebrated during the week of February 21-27 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many presidents have died on the 4th of July ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the chronic neurological autoimmune disease which attacks the protein sheath that surrounds nerve cells causing a gradual loss of movement in the body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is predicted to topple over between 2010 and 2020 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the literal meaning of `` D-DAY '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state records the least rainfall ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who are the top ten richest people in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who 's the only man to have won the Olympic decathlon twice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I enforce new rules to a group of youngsters who have been allowed to do as they please .\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much could you rent a Volkswagen bug for in 1966 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What exactly is the purpose of the anteater ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the first ten amendements passed ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is the nebbish that is Marvel 's official mascot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word Marijuana ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the star of the 1965 Broadway hit Golden Boy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the Mayo Clinic ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who did Napolean defeat at Jena and Auerstadt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the tree growing company .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country was Hitler the chancellor of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many were in attendance at the Last Supper ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who invented the lawnmower ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Ouija mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What college football team did Knute Rockne build into a power ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a good book to read for people who hate to read ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is Nicholas Cage 's profession ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What 's the second-biggest-selling magazine in America ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the origin of head lice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was Babe Ruth born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do cameras take pictures ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the difference between Neoclassical art and Romanticism art ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Other entity"], "length": 1619, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "eb260c330bdf871051d27c5e3caa4a7818cd13c10ccdaab0"} {"input": "Question: Which country gave New York the Statue of Liberty ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was the name of Hitler 's unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich in 1923 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is making love ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Hurricane Hugo ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How long does a pig 's orgasm last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What golfing accessory was patented by George Grant on December 12\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is a nanometer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can you contact play producers and promoters on-line ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What commodity 's shortage was the largest single factor in keeping North American cars off the roads during World War II ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name of scholar on whose literal translations from the Chinese and Japanese Ezra Pound depended ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does RCA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What should the oven be set at for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What film opens with an assassin tumbling from the Seattle Space Needle ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are amphibians ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is idealab ! ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why didn 't European colonial rule spread until after the first and second industrial revolutions ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does the E stand for in the equation E=mc2 ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many names are there for Eskimo people ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many propellers helped power the plane the Wright brothers flew into history ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When was the battle of the Somme fought ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is a Certified Nurse Midwife ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: The name of the actor who played the detective in the film Kindergarden Cop is what ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two baseball players make up the battery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the first names of the famous husband-and-wife acting team of Lunt and Fontanne ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was nicknamed The Little Corporal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which company that manufactures video-game hardware sells the `` super system '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the goat population of the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does 7847+5943 equal ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What Hungarian cardinal was first a state prisoner and then a refugee in the U.S. embassy 1956-1971 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of infinity ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do pointed letters mean to a handwriting analyst ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What are some children 's rights ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who was the first English circumnavigator of the globe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much was the minimum wage in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 software so successful ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who is the prime minister in Norway ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the lyrics to `` Smelly Cat '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What kind of dog is Scooby Doo ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What TV series features the adventures of a married couple named Jonathan and Jennifer ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name an American made motorcycle .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What kind of sports did they play in the years 1642-1649 , the English Civil War time ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was Scrooge 's dead partner in Dickens 's A Christmas Carol ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the Nazis occupy for 1 , CD NNS IN NNP NNP NNP .\nType: Country\nQuestion: On average , how long time does it take to type a screenplay ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What are some good exercises for kids to do ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What European city do Nicois live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Dialing , 900 , 740-TREE to have a tree planted will cost how much ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Where 's the GUM department store ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which company that manufactures video-game hardware sells the `` super system '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What company uses the unfamiliar faces of its celebrity spokespeople to promote the use of its product ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of the name Katie ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many feet more than 2 is the average height of the Great Wall of China ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many disks does each player have in a four-handed game of Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do Ouija Boards work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of the proverb `` A stitch in time saves nine '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What United States President had dreamed that he was assassinated ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What caused the Titanic to sink ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the average cost for four years of medical school ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How is a hydrogen bomb different from a nuclear bomb ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name the U.S. Senate majority leader and the Speaker of the House .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Texas city got its name from the Spanish for `` yellow '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many elephants are left on earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of actor Rex Harrison 's son , who starred in a modestly popular TV show during the late 1960's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first minimum wage ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many corners does a spritsail have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the supreme policy-making bureau of the Soviet Communist Party ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How can I easily remove red wine stains from t-shirts ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What were the first words spoken on a film sound track ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is Jell-O made from ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the celtic symbol for `` life '' ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: Where is the Mayo Clinic ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` buffalo wings '' that is used as a menu item in bars across the nation for chicken wings in a spicey sauce ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Country"], "length": 1766, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "246234b8bd50080971f652b2b0e5735f3762aa514eb2e032"} {"input": "Question: What is the capital of Mongolia ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Whose funeral train traveled from Washington D.C. to Springfield , Illinois ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much can a person be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What two South American countries do n't border Brazil ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where did makeup originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What causes canker sores in the mouth ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does a collier mine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How much does one ton of cement cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the longest place name in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What toy company is the world 's No.1 maker of female apparel ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many people have been killed in wars , armed conflicts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do the letters ZIP stand for in the phrase `` ZIP code '' ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who owns the rights on a TV program ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much did a McDonald 's hamburger cost in 1963 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the origin of the name ` Scarlett ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How much does it cost to have a tree planted by dialing , 900 , 740-TREE ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Why do oceans contain salt water instead of fresh water ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What time of day did Emperor Hirohito die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many endangered species are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the girl in Peter Sellers 's soup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What mountains lie between the Arkansas and Missouri rivers ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is Tetrinet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a golf ball made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Which city did Christian Crusaders fight to recapture from the Muslims ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How can you stop the itch from poison ivy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How did Socrates die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What common plant has a button , cap , cup , gills , and ring ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What is the name of the 1919 occurrence in which British troops killed over 3 unarmed Indian protestors ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the contents of proposition 98 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Whose biography by Maurice Zolotow is titled Shooting Star ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I buy movies on videotape online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What famed tennis tournament 's men 's singles title was Fred Perry the last Englishman to win ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many electoral votes does it take to win presidency ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When was cigarette advertising banned on television and radio ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are shooting stars ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What month were you born in if your birthstone is sardonyx ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where do the adventures of `` The Swiss Family Robinson '' take place ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can you define time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What color are tennis balls ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who 's the only man to have won the Olympic decathlon twice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did names come about ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many times a day does the typical person go to the bathroom ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why are electric cars less efficient in the northeast than in California ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the most common causes of death in the U.S. ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is George Lucas 's e-mail address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the starting salary for beginning lawyers ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the purpose of BIOS ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are my legal rights in an automobile repossession in California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the typing practice sentence `` Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the planet that the Ewoks live on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What date is Boxing Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the fastest commercial automobile that can be bought in the US ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What interesting method was used to run the credits in the early Popeye cartoons ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What beer is ` rockin ' America ? ''\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is chronic constipation a symptom of ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Which leg does a cat move with its left front leg when walking - its left rear or right rear leg ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What general direction does the journey in Around the World in 80 Days proceed in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the nickname of Pennsylvania ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many calories are there in soy sauce ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many equal sides are there on a scalene triangle ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What tale has the moral : `` He who wants everything gets nothing '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the chemical formula for napalm ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: When was the first Wall Street Journal published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the No. 1 killer in industrialized countries ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where can I find information on the Narragansett Indians and other tribes in Rhode Island ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What sport is played on the largest field ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do microwaves work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I get chemicals importers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What book is the follow-up to Future Shock ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What English playwright penned : `` Where the bee sucks , so shall I '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country is famous for Persian rugs ?\nType: Country\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1663, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "fd0b5fd5f649813292b08b654fce776e997b34c82f845c65"} {"input": "Question: What is the name of the chocolate company in San Francisco ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is Larry King 's occupation ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What are the first names of the famous husband-and-wife acting team of Lunt and Fontanne ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who discovered imaginary numbers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do the names Neil , Mary , and Anthony mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does Melissa mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why were red M&Ms discontinued then brought back ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the largest museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What British monarch 's lap did P.T. Barnum 's Tom Thumb sit in ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a chairbound basophobic fear ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the name of Joan Jett 's band ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a Jake brake ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What presidential press secretary dismissed Watergate as a third-rate burglary attempt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Archie Bunker 's son-in-law ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the only color Johnny Cash wears on stage ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What composer was awarded the Medal of Honor by Franklin D. Roosevelt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In South Korea , how many American Soldiers are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What World War I battle saw 6 , 0 troops killed in one day ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many flavors does Baskin & Robbins offer ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can I look up someone 's E-mail address on the Internet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What software offers inventors use of CAD-like design ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are Maid-Rites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Where do hyenas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the largest dam in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In what U.S. state was the first woman governor elected ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What country borders Denmark to the south ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where did the real St. Nicholas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the capital of Burkina Faso ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What spider makes a superb pet , even said to recognize its master ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: When did Charles Lindbergh die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was Jane Goodall ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What baseball star turned down a $1 , 000-a-year contract because he felt he had n't earned it ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is tumbled marble ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the fastest swimmer in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What TV station did Mary Richards work for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What chemicals are used in lethal injection ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are tannins ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the movie that starred Sharon Stone and Arnold Schwarzenegger ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What software offers inventors use of CAD-like design ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What year did Germany sign its nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which of the Seven Dwarfs comes first alphabetically ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the President of Pergament ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the last U.S. president to reinstate Selective Service registration ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What newspaper serves Salt Lake City ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the US Federal Government website for Standard Industrial Classification codes , SIC , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the most common nickname of U.S. college football teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country has the largest sheep population ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the food of the Greek gods called ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who discovered imaginary numbers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is amezaiku ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What novel inspired the movie BladeRunner ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the five richest countries in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is `` the soft drink for adults '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who portrayed W.C. Fields in the film W.C. Fields and Me ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who killed Kurt Cobain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a common dolphin ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of Burkina Faso ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What United States President had dreamed that he was assassinated ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find out the top 1 singles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Leon Uris novel dealt with the Russian capture of Berlin ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What must a Las Vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do they find an epicenter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of Boxing Day ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What mountain range extends from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Alabama ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What TV series features the adventures of a married couple named Jonathan and Jennifer ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What state did Helen Keller call home ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What fastener did Whitcomb Judson patent in 1893 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the United States ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does caliente mean , in English ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the five most expensive cities in the world ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What country is Kosovo a part of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are equity securities ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What court does Bob Woodward describe in The Brethren ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Group or organization of person"], "length": 1607, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "d33c805c80d525273ff55f3c2406efc9e81552492ce30f1f"} {"input": "Question: When was Ulysses S. Grant born ?\nType:", "context": "Question: When was the women 's suffrage amendment ratified ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many hours of work does it take a typist to complete a 100-page screenplay ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Toulmin logic ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What will a kid eat the middle of , and save the chocolate on the outside for last ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the deepest area of the Arctic Ocean ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Hitler 's unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich in 1923 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What exactly , specifically does sleep do for you ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How did the U.S. come into the possession of an empire in the wake of the Spanish-American War ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What countries earn the most from tourism ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What sea did the Romans call mare nostrum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Garry Kasparov famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a 2-sided object called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What two historical figures , who fought each other in a famous battle , each have a food named after them ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many bones are there in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What type of animal is the easiest kept pet there is ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the best ways to improve employee morale at low cost ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What film canine is buried in Pere-Lachaise cemetery in Paris ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was William Henry Harrison ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the `` 7-minute cigarette '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What money was used by them ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What company 's logo is a `` W '' in a circle ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does MSG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who founded the modern theory of probability ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country imposed the Berlin Blockade in 1948 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where did George of the Jungle live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: The lawyer who represented Randy Craft , what was his name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What lake is Sheboygan on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What happened on January 15 , 1969 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What Texas city got its name from the Spanish for `` yellow '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What occupation has the highest divorce rate ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What are some good medical sites for information ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who wrote the poem that starts `` I love your lips when they 're wet with wine and red with a warm desire '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What disease is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What President was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the 28 tenses in the English language ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the first domesticated bird ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: When reading classified ads , what does EENTY : other stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What tragedy befell the city of Dogtown in 1899 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How do I give a good massage ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is Kings Canyon ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was Monet ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How long does it take for your blood to make one complete trip through the body ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What are faults in the earth 's crust ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does ultraviolet light damage the DNA of skin cells ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who asked the musical question : `` Have you ever been to electric lady land ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Caribbean island is northeast of Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What overalls are named for Dungri , a suburb of Bombay ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country buys 25 percent of the world 's tea exports ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the largest shopping mall in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What nationality is Ileana Cotrubas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What has been the most common Christian name of U.S. presidents ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What TV series saw many of its aquatic scenes shot at Silver Springs , Florida ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I find information on George Bush ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What president 's ghost is said to haunt the White House ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What football bowl game 's first queen was Hallie Woods ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What happens when a body part falls asleep ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do you call a group of geese ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are the seven deadly sins ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What organization has a Security Council ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many states have a `` lemon law '' for new automobiles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Hub of London ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What percentage of Americans own their homes ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Which Doonesbury character was likely to turn into a werewolf ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is `` Global Schoolhouse '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who owns the St. Louis Rams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the lowest level of the American judiciary ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the name of the largest water conservancy project in China ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What did Esquire name Ash Hole of the Year for 1980 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What city 's theatrical district has been dubbed The Roaring Forties ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Mississippi is nicknamed what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What are the seven seas ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1608, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "d81973d8c9154fb49d94dad8fce08c940cb9697c531c9030"} {"input": "Question: What is amitriptyline ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What kind of greeting is appropriate to send on Yom Kippur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What tools do you use to crewel ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do they raise the cranes when building high-rise buildings ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many quarters equal a pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who created the character of Scrooge ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who wrote `` The Scarlet Letter '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color is the stripe along each side of a Coho salmon ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What does the name Calder mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Aspartame is also known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the name of the tiger that advertises for Frosted Flakes cereal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does Esa-Pekka Salonen look like ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What court does Bob Woodward describe in The Brethren ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the 1940 annual salary for a boilermaker ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What does the word affiant mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is the Kalahari desert ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why is the universe flat , if it started by an explosion , shouldn 't it be a sphere ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do you say , `` I love you '' in other languages ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where were the 1936 Summer Olympics held ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What year was the first automobile manufactured ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the greatest source of `` white '' magic in the Marvel Universe ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the most popular contact lens color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What product `` doubles your pleasure , doubles your fun '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Name the two blob members of the animated Herculoids .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does NECROSIS mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is HDLC ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where is Rider College located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who graced the airwaves with such pearls as `` Do ya lo-o-ove me ? Get naked , baby ! '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the largest sculpture in the world ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What suburban housewife and mother of three wrote The Feminine Mystique ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do heavier objects travel downhill faster ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does each of the utilities cost in Monopoly ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What United States President had dreamed that he was assassinated ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color is an Arctic fox in winter ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who is Archie Bunker 's son-in-law ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the `` Dead Man 's Hand '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What United States President had dreamed that he was assassinated ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is barnstorming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which country is Australia 's largest export market ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who played the father on `` Charles in Charge '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a film that has won the Golden Bear in the Berlin Film Festival ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was the Triangle Shirtwaist fire ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What English queen had six fingers on one hand ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which medium is Hamblen the first singing cowboy in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injection ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the second hardest substance ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What do you say to a friend who ignores you for other friends ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What actress holds the record for the most appearances on the cover of Life ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I read about Chiang Kai-shek ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Bombay duck ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the alphabet for Latin ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What occupation has the highest divorce rate ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What product is for kids , and not for silly rabbits ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What major airline has the best safety record in the world ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 19th-century writer had a country estate on the Hudson dubbed Sunnyside ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What late-night TV show features Larry , Bud , Melman and Toast on a Stick ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why is Rush 's 2112 called 2112 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the classic definition of tragic hero ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do you get by mixing gin and vermouth ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What net game sees its women 's world amateur champions receive the Uber Cup ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where is Webster University ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who wrote The Red Badge of Courage ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do telephones work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Boris Pasternak book sold 5 , 0 copies to become the fiction best-seller of 1958 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name the three races unleashed by the Celestials in Marvel comics .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does a spermologer collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What color were their horses ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: In which Tennessee Williams play is one of the characters killed and devoured by a mob of starving children ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What country received all the Nobel Prizes awarded in 1976 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What U.S. state ends with a G ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many Jews were executed in concentration camps during WWII ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which came first , according to Genesis 1 : 2 : 22 - the chicken or the egg ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was Thucydides ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How did Rocky Marciano die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why do horseshoes bring luck ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1644, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "523cf34b2fc652ae207acd377a178f1bc791acf15306551b"} {"input": "Question: Why does the moon turn orange ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where is the Kentucky Horse Park ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What causes asthma ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What city was President William McKinley shot in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who won the 1968 California Democratic primary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What fowl grabs the spotlight after the Chinese Year of the Monkey ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where in the United States do people live the longest ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the former residence of Scottish kings in Edinburgh ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where are the U.S. headquarters for Procter & Gamble ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What TV character said ; `` One of these days , Alice , pow , right in the kisser '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the capital of Uruguay ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When is the site www.questions.com going to open ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country borders the most others ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Name the Marvel team loosely based on DC 's Justice League of America ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the four largest mountain ranges on the Asian continent ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What class of animals makes up more than two-thirds of known species ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What was Joe Namath 's first contract worth ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What feminist wrote Sexual Politics and Flying ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who delivered his last newscast on March 6 , 1981 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed Renaud in Casablanca ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the number of assassinations and attempts to assassinate in the U.S. since 1865 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What product does `` Mrs. Olsen '' promote ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: In what year did Hitler gain power of Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the largest U.S. state east of the Mississippi ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What southeast Asian country has the Wang River joining the Ping River at Tak ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the highest-ranking suit in bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do they find an epicenter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the longest-running television series ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What capital is built around Monument Circle which contains soldiers and sailors monument ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What were first used by John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett in 1892 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What do Japanese school uniforms look like ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why do roosters sing at five o 'clock in the morning ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a handheld PC ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Microsoft established ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the oldest capital city in the Americas ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the definition of cecum ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much will gas be taxed in California by the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the capital of California ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How much did Mercury spend on advertising in 1993 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What Jewish holiday saw the start of the 1973 Mideast War ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Why do eyes sometimes look red in photographs ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What album put The Beatles on the cover of Time in 1967 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What NFL team did Vince Lombardi end his coaching career with ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What war added jeep and quisling to the English language ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation IOC stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What pseudonym did William Sydney Porter use in writing The Gift of the Magi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the U.S. highway death toll in 1969 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many `` No '' answers was the What 's My Line ? panel allowed ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does the word `` meta '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many zeros are there in a trillion ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of music ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many people did Randy Craft murder ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can you prevent it ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What dangles over the tongue from the palate ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What keeps clouds in the air ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why can 't ostriches fly ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What does CPR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is form drag ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What game is fatal to anybody over 21 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is a fear of sourness ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How do you get a pointsettia to turn red ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What two US biochemists won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1992 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What engineer invented the pull-tab can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What weapon did the crossed slits in English castles accommodate ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the chemical formula for napalm ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: Where can I find lyrics for R&B ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the Pope ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 1963 Joseph L. Mankiewicz film cost $28 million ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who invented the stethoscope ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the mission of Nike ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: When do MORMONS believe Christ was born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the name of actor Rex Harrison 's son , who starred in a modestly popular TV show during the late 1960's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many freckles does Howdy Doody have on his face ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why did the Anglican church split from the Vatican ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Reason"], "length": 1583, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4a2efc57a3257f4b4e76ec3ed65bfb12cfe67f97e686ea94"} {"input": "Question: What is the name of the leader of Ireland ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Why was Muhammad Ali stripped of his title and barred from boxing in 1967 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What medium is Stuart Hamblen the first singing cowboy in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a fear of speaking ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the term for a bet before cards are dealt ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What state does Charles Robb represent ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What direction do the best surfing beaches face ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I find info about rice importers in the world ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much iron is in your body ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many American soldiers remain unaccounted from the Vietnam war ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What instrument is Ray Charles best known for playing ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What is the claim to fame of Agra , India ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What five-time winner of the Kentucky Derby lost his first 25 races ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who holds the NFL record for most touchdowns in a season ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the gulf between Sweden and Finland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is real time processing ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many James Bond novels are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city is terrorized by Dracula in The Night Stalker ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many people have been killed in wars , armed conflicts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What sport is known for hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the location of Edinburgh , Scotland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why is the grass green ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What happened in the city of Dogtown in 1899 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What U.S. vice-president once declared : `` If you 've seen one slum , you 've seen them all '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the Baltic States ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What percentage of children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the time it takes a typist to type a screenplay that is 100 pages long ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What were the five opening words on Ben Casey ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What does IOC stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What will a compass do in outer space ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the Smithsonian Institute located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the snakes of New England ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who is Charles Lindbergh ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the real name of the singer , Madonna ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played Maria in the film West Side Story ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What game 's board shows the territories of Irkutsk , Yakutsk and Kamchatka ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What country was first to use the airplane as a weapon of war , against the Turks in Libya ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Name the various super-teams to which the Angel has belonged .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the real name of disc jockey `` Wolfman Jack '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city was Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a fear of being cold ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` barbeque '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What President dispatched a cruiser to carry Charles Lindbergh home after his epic flight ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: CNN 's first broadcast occurred on what date ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the literal meaning of `` D-DAY '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between a classical and an acoustic guitar ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What ocean did the Titanic sink in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many different types of skunks are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How often are quadruplets born ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is a fear of insanity ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What did people use to freshen their breath before toothpaste ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is carpal tunnel syndrome ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the word terrorism mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: Who used to make cars with rotary engines ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What state was Herbert Hoover born in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What ocean is the largest in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why do men snore ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many mines can still be found in the Falklands after the war ended ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many meters are in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What fastener did Whitcomb Judson patent in 1893 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of sourness ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: When was China 's first nuclear test ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What actress 's autobiography is titled Shelley : Also Known as Shirley ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where do the Blackhawks maintain their operations ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does CPR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Stuart Hamblen is considered to be the first singing cowboy of what ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What state does Charles Robb represent ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What George Harrison tune sounded too much like He 's So Fine by The Chiffons ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What color is most often used to symbolize truth ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What French designer declared : `` The jean is the destructor ! It is a dictator ! It is destroying creativity. The jean must be stopped ! '' ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1594, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a976a1c02e1b341e4fafdc3b5bc862d1a812cccd2cd484ad"} {"input": "Question: What is compounded interest ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was the name of the U.S. Navy gunboat in the film The Sand Pebbles ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How many calories are in a tomato ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why didn 't European colonial rule spread until after the first and second industrial revolutions ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What words in the English have two u 's back to back ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is `` the washed vodka '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of tree graces Lebanon 's flag ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: How do you fix squeaky floors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of thank you notes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How long does it take the typical American to eat 23 quarts of ice cream ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What five-time winner of the Kentucky Derby lost his first 25 races ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many men died building the Mackinaw Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What card game can feature dealer 's choice ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What fruit-topped actress was known as The Brazilian Bombshell ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport do the Cleaveland Cavaliers play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What do Japanese school uniforms look like ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the name of Miss India 1994 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How big is Australia ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: Aspartame is also known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What city or state do the most gay men live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a good book to read for people who hate to read ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is celebrated during the week of February 21-27 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: When did Mount St. Helen last have a major eruption ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What will a compass do in outer space ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When will Jean Aeul publish her next book ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What mammal of North America is the world 's longest-lived for its size ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: When did Israel begin turning the Gaza Strip and Jericho over to the PLO ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: On which flight did Fawaz Younis commit air piracy and hostage taking ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: Who are the presidents of Mexico and Indonesia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What four forms does gold occur in ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: When was Christ born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do I know how much money to save for retirement ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the best art and design school in the world ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where is Sinn Fein 's headquarters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. President was the first to breed mules ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What causes the body to shiver in cold temperatures ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What therapy attempts to elicit the `` primal scream '' ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What was Einstein 's IQ ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What 's the population of Mississippi ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: When was the first successful heart transplant for a human ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many astronauts manned each Project Mercury flight ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city was Bobby Kennedy assassinated in ?\nType: CityQuestion: How many bones are there in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does CPR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who took over as conductor of the Boston Pops after Arthur Fiedler 's long reign ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the French literary charcter who is chiefly famous for his enormous nose ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a multiplexer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is chromatology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many colonies did Germany get to keep after World War I ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What kind of animal is Babar ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the meaning of Jesus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is worth seeing in Reims ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the date of Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What creature scares people in the film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What other name were the `` Little Rascals '' known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the history of Hot Wheels cars , and how are they produced ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How big is Australia ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What U.S. state are the Finger Lakes in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What was the Vietnam War ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who led the opposition when Konrad Adenauer was Chancellor in Germany ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the better-known identity of John Merrick , the noble ogre of Victorian England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who said : `` What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Lenny Bruce say that got him arrested ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many different kinds of ice cream are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many years of bad luck follow breaking a mirror ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When was the USSR dissolved ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name the two actress daughters of John Mills .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where are the busiest Amtrak rail stations in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the one thing you need before you can purchase life insurance ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation for Original Equipment Manufacturer ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What title did Shevardnadze have during the Soviet era ?\nType: Title of a person\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1586, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "2346e2f34ef8d8ab90f6890d22e0d317f7cf5e5c54c70ddc"} {"input": "Question: How much was a ticket for the Titanic ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What whisky is `` known by the company it keeps '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What meter did Shakespeare use in writing : `` To be , or not to be , that is the question.. . '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the history of `` the toast '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Thucydides ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How many people were executed for Abraham Lincoln 's assassination ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the U.S. Navy hymn ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who 's The King of Swing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which city did Christian Crusaders fight to recapture from the Muslims ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where are the busiest Amtrak rail stations in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the largest and most expensive freeway construction project in the U.S. right now ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many miles of veins are in the circulatory system ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why does tuberculosis afflict people ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What type of hunting are retrievers used for ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many pairs of legs does a lobster have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. Government agency registers trademarks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which large U.S. city had the highest murder rate for 1988 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a `` node '' in computer terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find out the top 1 singles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who famously rode to warn the people of Massachusetts that the British were coming ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the President of Pergament ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What manufacturers are there in Texas ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How can I gain access to a spy satelite ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What company produces Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the three winter months in the southern hemisphere ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the only mammal that can 't jump ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How long was the TV mission of Star Trek 's Enterprise to be ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How do I know how much money to save for retirement ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who were the Picts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was William F. Cody 's better-known name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the current UN Secretary General ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What time does Wee Willie Winkie run through the town ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are Cobol , Fortran , and Pascal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What explosive do you get by mixing charcoal , sulfur and saltpeter ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How hot should the oven be when baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What is a cullion ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Hollywood dog died in the arms of Jean Harlow in 1932 ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the `` fourth dimension '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What sport do the Cleaveland Cavaliers play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How can you contact play producers and promoters on-line ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When did they canonize the Bible ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the only work by Michelangelo that bears his signature ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: In what year did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where was the Ligurian Republic , 1797-185 , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the second-most-used murder weapon in the U.S. ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does palindromic mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can I find information on George Bush ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Where was Richard Nixon when Gerald Ford became president ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How tall is the Matterhorn ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is the regular price ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Whose autobiography is titled Yes I Can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did the Jurassic Period end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does verdandi mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the Nordic nations ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What disease does Katharine Hepburn have that makes her voice shake ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How do birds find their way back to the same place every year ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was made the first honorary citizen of the U.S. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Lost Colony ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is the highest point in Japan ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is a firewall ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the first Russian astronaut to do a spacewalk ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are some important events of the 1830 's ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is a good book to read for people who hate to read ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What U.S. President showed a fondness for munching on bee pollen bars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What state does Charles Robb represent ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the name of the firm that makes Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who wrote `` The Scarlet Letter '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What company produces Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where was Tesla born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What effect does a prism have on light ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who created Big Ben ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the term for a bet before cards are dealt ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who built the first pyramid ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Price"], "length": 1582, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "74a1e748b82a9d4c53c859f073572c3a80c36592a5f55389"} {"input": "Question: What does the word fortnight mean ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What spider makes a superb pet , even said to recognize its master ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Name the two actress daughters of John Mills .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who created Dennis the Menace ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the location of McCarren Airport ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are amphibians ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the term for any four-sided figure ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What are the Twin Cities ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Whose first presidential order was : `` Let 's get this goddamn thing airborne '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average hours per months spent online by AOL users ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What country surrounds San Marino , the world 's smallest Republic ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who owns CNN ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does Zatanna perform her magic in DC comics ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do you fix squeaky floors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does an echidna look like ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the purpose of BIOS ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many people die of tuberculosis yearly ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the nickname of oddsmaker Jimmy Snyder ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` Teddy bear '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why was Washington , DC originally called District of Columbia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Broadway musical was inspired by Cervantes 's Don Quixote ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do you tell your parents you are dating an older man ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the name of the American ship sunk by a mine in Havana harbor , causing the Spanish-American war ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What is typhoid fever ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is carpal tunnel syndrome ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the famous battle between Texas and Mexico ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who was the first American citizen awarded the Albert Medal of the Society of Arts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who first broke the sound barrier ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the three winter months in the southern hemisphere ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many neurons are in the human brain ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where did the world come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is November 's birthstone ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What song put James Taylor in the limelight ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a portal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who made a boat out of gopher wood ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose funeral train traveled from Washington D.C. to Springfield , Illinois ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a flying mammal .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where can I get information concerning child custody files for the State of Utah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are emblazoned on the Jolly Roger ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many spaces follow a period at the end of a sentence ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When was the San Francisco fire ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who invented volleyball ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the nickname of oddsmaker Jimmy Snyder ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the maximum length , in inches , of a first baseman 's glove ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much does a new railroad coal car cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the capital of Seattle ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where is Webster University ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where was Lincoln assassinated ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many miles of corridors are in The Pentagon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is idealab ! ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who won the first World Series ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country 's capital was formed when Pesth and Buda merged ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I get chemicals importers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much was the minimum wage in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the website for the USA journal ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country are you in if you woo in the Wu dialect ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: The Iraqis launched their attack on Kuwait on what day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is Mississippi 's state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What do camels store in their humps ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who coined the term NN cyberspace `` in his novel NN Neuromancer '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the dialogue circle in cartoons called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who did Doris Day mean when she said : `` I call him Ernie because he 's certainly no Rock '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What will a kid eat the middle of , and save the chocolate on the outside for last ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What does the Latin ante mortem mean ?\nType: Definition of somethingQuestion: What 's the population of Biloxi , Mississippi ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who 's the only president buried in Washington\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Steve Rogers 's profession when he 's not Captain America ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What caused Harry Houdini 's death ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What did Jack exchange with the butcher for a handful of beans ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is DEET ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who is Westview High 's band director in Funky Winkerbean ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the VDRL test of blood ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the term 3 mean to a newspaper editor ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1541, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "fbbb9bbd508719779d6a003127b925ad1c457ea19a753f1d"} {"input": "Question: How old was Joan of Arc when she died ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What type of bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who delivered his last newscast on March 6 , 1981 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the best way to overcome a fear ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Name of scholar on whose literal translations from the Chinese and Japanese Ezra Pound depended ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a glory hole ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of California ?\nType: City\nQuestion: By how much will the California state gas tax rise by the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What Good Little Witch is Casper 's girlfriend ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long does the average domesticated ferret live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Name the blind sculptress in love with the Fantastic Four 's Thing .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Woodrow Wilson served as president of what university ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a fear of rejection ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What country was Hitler the chancellor of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What city does Orly Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a fear of sleep ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is thermal equilibrium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do I find out the exact time of a sunset for a particular day ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What do sailors use to measure time ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Which drug is commonly used to treat AIDS ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was Lauren Bacall 's first husband ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What amount of money did the Philippine ex-dictator Marcos steal from the treasury ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is a disaccharide ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the largest U.S. state east of the Mississippi ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the plural of gulf ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What was the birthplace of Edgar Allen Poe ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What good are mosquitoes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What were the achievements of Richard Nixon ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where did marijuana come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who invented the stock ticker in 1870 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did the neanderthal man live ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the powers and weaknesses of Green Lantern 's ring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who said `` the only thing we have to fear is fear itself '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What record company produced the 1978 movie The Wiz ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What U.S. vice-president once declared : `` If you 've seen one slum , you 've seen them all '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does Cos Cob , CT get its name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What five cards make up a perfect Cribbage hand ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is Langston Hughes ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who was Picasso ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is Steve Rogers 's profession when he 's not Captain America ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What was the date of CNN 's first broadcast ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What European city do Nicois live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who wrote The Collector ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Esquire name Ash Hole of the Year for 1980 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many colors are there in a rainbow ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the `` Global Economy '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of Uruguay ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was the name of the US helicopter pilot shot down over North Korea ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most popular last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the name Melissa mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many miles of corridors are in The Pentagon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who were the five Marx brothers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famous singing cowboy owns the California Angels baseball team ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which former Ku Klux Klan member won an elected office in the U.S. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which is the most-used computer program ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What ISPs exist in the Caribbean ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who created the comic strip , `` Garfield '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of fur ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many cherubs are there on a Trivial Pursuit board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How did the tradition of best man start ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the international radio code word for the letter F ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Who is Langston Hughes ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the West Virginia state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How long would it take to get from Earth to Mars ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I find a web address for a company ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the date of CNN 's first broadcast ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the music used in the new VW Beetle commercial where the car spins and changes colors ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How often are quadruplets born ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What United States President had dreamed that he was assassinated ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What TV station did Mary Richards work for ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How does hair curl ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What do you need to do to marry someone in jail ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do I impress a guy ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Lasting time of somethin"], "length": 1554, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "6935ef01f250692f0aefaddbee53881e2a78a1b33b5d38d8"} {"input": "Question: What colors need to be mixed to get the color pink ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What bread company used to feature stickers of the Cisco Kid on the ends of their packages ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many miles are there between Tel Aviv , Israel and Memphis , Tennessee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I find info about rice importers in the world ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much waste does an average dairy cow produce in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I find a list of all the companies in America that offer a direct stock purchase plan ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What comedian was born Allen Stewart Konigsberg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 1981 Candice Bergen-Jacqueline Bisset movie was a remake of 1943 's Old Acquaintance ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Georgia town did Scarlett O 'Hara condemn as being full of pushy people ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are all the different kinds of contraceptives ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the most popular sports car color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Where is Melbourne ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who killed Caesar ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer who represented Randy Steven Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the term for a group of geese ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which of the following famous people does not paint as a hobby ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much did the first Barbie doll sell for in 1959 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are the historical trials following World War II called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What count did Alexandre Dumas write about ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the longest war in U.S. history ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is another term for the painful wrist syndrome ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How can you define time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the rathaus in Frankfurt ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Where can I find the history of the Hungarian language ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country saw the origin of the Asian Flu ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a softball made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Who were the four famous founders of United Artists ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do oceans contain salt water instead of fresh water ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who made the largest cocaine seizure in Ventura County history ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do plants make food ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was Fred Astaire 's dancing partner 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What drug is often used to treat AIDS patients ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Which two states enclose Chesapeake Bay ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the U.S .\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are pomegranates ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many feet high is the hurdle in front of a runner 's steeplechase water jump ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What amount of money did the Philippine ex-dictator Marcos steal from the treasury ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What causes pneumonia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What do Englishmen weigh themselves in ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What appointments secretary to Richard Nixon went to jail ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who manufactures the software , `` PhotoShop '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the sequel to The Pink Panther ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is considered The First Lady of the American Stage ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who 's the founder and editor of The National Review ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a Certified Nurse Midwife ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you get rid on woodpeckers ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When is Dick Clark 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How did former WWF wrestler Rick Rude die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the 3rd president of the United States ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Nicholas Cage 's occupation ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What New Orleans D.A. claimed : `` My staff and I solved the assassination weeks ago '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the midwest slang , ` you 're darn tootin ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many gallons of water go over Niagra Falls every second ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I find detailed information about Manchukuo ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the name of the American literary era that includes 1896 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many inches over six feet is the Venus de Milo ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What predators exist on Antarctica ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where was chop suey invented ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What nationality is Ileana Cotrubas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is glass made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What does the term `` spaghetti western '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What did Warlock wear on his forehead in Marvel comics ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the difference between jazz and blues ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many bails are there in a cricket wicket ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does NAFTA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How long was the longest sneezing attack ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many South American countries have the letter Z in their names ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can SQL queries be improved ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What well-known TV talk show host was a lay preacher by the time he was seventeen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's a short ton ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country and western singer is known as The Silver Fox ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What causes the body to shiver in cold temperatures ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Color"], "length": 1632, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "d438bf5816a84739a076deedabbf6df043b4879582eeda96"} {"input": "Question: What is an antigen ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What Colorado city owns its own glacier ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What did the pyramid-builders of Egypt mainly eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who are the two sons of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What money was used here ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What kind of dog is Scooby Doo ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation AIDS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How is silk screening done ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many people was Randy Craft convicted of killing ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Frenchman claimed the following ? If God did not exist , it would be necessary to invent him . ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What California governor said : `` Inaction may be the highest form of action '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the use of a 24-hour clock instead of a 12-hour clock ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who declared : `` I am down on whores and I shan 't stop ripping them '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average hourly rate of American workers ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How many bends are there in a standard paper clip ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What information can you get me on Fairground Park in St. Louis\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who famously rode to warn the people of Massachusetts that the British were coming ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What time does Wee Willie Winkie run through the town ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who asked the musical question : `` Have you ever been to electric lady land ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the ten safest American cities for pedestrians ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn became queen of England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much stronger is the new vitreous carbon material invented by the Tokyo Institute of Technology compared with the material made from cellulose ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the three animals in Sheila Burnford 's The Incredible Journey ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many electoral college votes does Colorado have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city has the world 's longest subway system ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What Grand Slam golf tournament wasn 't held between 1940 and 1945 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What country was Erich Honecker the leader of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the oldest building in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the Amish religion ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What age is Benny Carter ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the name of the American swimmer who won seven gold medals in the 1972 Olympics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the Prophet of Medina ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does JESSICA mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are the words to the cd Eminem 's , or slim shady , `` My Name Is '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who wrote the Farmer 's Almanac ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was football star Elroy Hirsch 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the game bowling ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who moderated the first Kennedy-Nixon TV debate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first Funk 'N Lata , Brazilian group , success ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Caine Mutiny ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What horse did Zorro ride ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's father 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Grand Slam golf tournament wasn 't held between 1940 and 1945 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who portrayed `` Rosanne Rosanna-Dana '' on the television show `` Saturday Night Live '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first man to return to space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people live in Chile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who built the first successful stern wheel steamboat ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How old is Benny Carter ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What 's the slowest Olympic swimming stroke ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the history of the soft drink Mr. Pibb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What classical Spanish writer warned : `` All that glitters is not gold '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How much did the Iran-Contra investigation cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How long would it take to get from Earth to Mars ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What Nobel laureate was expelled from the Philippines before the conference on East Timor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the characters ' names in the Scooby-Doo cartoon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a Jellicle Cat ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What first name was Nipsy Russell given at birth ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can you get rust stains out of clothing ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name for clouds that produce rain ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How do I legally make my own will and testament ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What words in the English have two u 's back to back ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How many years is Johnnie Walker Black Label aged ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a Cartesian Diver ?\nType: Definition of somethingQuestion: Who was the first elected mayor of Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What general direction does the journey in Around the World in 80 Days proceed in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who created private detective Philip Marlowe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the nickname of model Leslie Hornby ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the Queen of Holland ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is Answers.com funded ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the second highest mountain peak in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What was the monster in Spielberg 's film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How much of the silver production is manufactured by independent silversmiths ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why do magnets attract ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What poem contains the line , `` grow old with me the best is yet to be '' .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1659, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "85968a31b5fdd71e6d45e7124e424847ba5d1b32c1f1ce63"} {"input": "Question: Who was the first person to reach the North Pole ?\nType:", "context": "Question: When did Princess Diana and Prince Charles get married ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are people doing to help prevent the extinction of birds ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why do girls have to wear training bras ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the feudal system ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why does tuberculosis afflict people ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the Viking Prince 's first name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why is Rush 's 2112 called 2112 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What golfing accessory was patented by George Grant on December 12\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What does CPR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the circumorbital hematoma ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the theory of quantum leaps mean in simpler terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many people did the United Nations commit to help restore order and distribute humanitarian relief in Somalia in September 1992 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What product on the market is good for hiding facial scars ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Why do some people have two different color eyes ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the traditional drink at the Kentucky Derby ?\nType: FoodQuestion: What is the `` Global Economy '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of fur ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who painted the Sistine Chapel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where can I find the status of my tax return ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can stocks be traded on-line ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name one of the major gods of Hinduism .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which way do you turn your Bic to increase the flame - clockwise or counterclockwise ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country was Erich Honecker the leader of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the best way to lose the flab under your chin and around your face ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Musician Ray Charles plays what instrument ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: Where must a soccer goalie stand to be permitted to handle the ball ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What kind of greeting is appropriate to send on Yom Kippur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What kind of meat is Fray Bentos synonymous with ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where can I find an Ask An Expert site ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the date of CNN 's first broadcast ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What sport is known for hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What were Baffin , Frobisher and Franklin looking for ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What U.S. state records the least rainfall ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Where is the human skin least sensitive ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: How long is the border between Canada and the 48 conterminous states ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is the chemiosmotic theory ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What were the ceremony traditions like during the Elizabethian times ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What Homerian epic chronicles events toward the end of the Trojan Wars ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where was the first zoo in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What crop failure caused the Irish Famine ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is hebephrenia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played Sally Rogers on The Dick Van Dyke Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much did Mercury spend on advertising in 1993 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 's the most common surname in America ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country imposed the Berlin Blockade in 1948 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What ocean does Mauritania border ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the best selling computer model ever ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What country was Erich Honecker the leader of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was Gerald Ford 's vice president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is false consciousness ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the biggest-selling U.S. magazine aimed at a black audience ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who led the opposition when Konrad Adenauer was Chancellor in Germany ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the word for love of pain or abuse ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What 's the Southern dish made of pigs ' small intestines ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who wrote The Secret Life of Walter Mitty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the President of Pergament ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the founding member of the Pink Floyd band ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What impenetrable system of French fortifications was built along the German frontier before World War II ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was the star of the 1965 Broadway hit Golden Boy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of slime ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: In what part of Africa is Mozambique located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What little boy and dog live in a shoe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most commonly-spoken language in Belgium ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: Who wrote `` The Scarlet Letter '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the No. 1 killer in industrialized countries ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a caldera ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who became president of the U.S. in 1789 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the protagonist 's name in Dostoevski 's `` The Idiot '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a gas release event ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is measured in curies ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1581, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "9a89e12f4c64eda441932465fd598c303398ef4db379d244"} {"input": "Question: What New York City structure is also known as the Twin Towers ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What delicacy is known indelicately as pickled roe ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What causes an earthquake ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What South Vietnamese president was assassinated by his generals in 1963 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 12-hour cold medicine uses the formula `` 6 , 6 , 12 '' in its ads ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is an annotated bibliography ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What army 's motto is Blood and Fire ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What product does `` Mrs. Olsen '' promote ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: When was the first flush toilet invented ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What happened on January 15 , 1969 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is a fear of strong light ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Whom did the Chicago Bulls beat in the 1993 championship ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the name of Kevin Costner 's movie about Sioux Indians ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How was Teddy Roosevelt related to FDR ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is Nicolo Paganini ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the smallest country in Africa ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who wrote Unsafe at Any Speed ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The operating system that runs on IBM-compatible machines is called what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How can you get rust stains out of clothing ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In what sport are these following numbers relevant : 118 , 126 , 134 , 142 , 15 , 158 , 167 , 177 , and 19 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term soda jerk ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why was Curious George curious ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What state is the Filenes store located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: When did humans first begin to write history seriously ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who played Maria in the film West Side Story ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is 55 times sweeter than cane sugar ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Name the ship Beany and Cecil sailed .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What type of currency is used in China ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What are tannins ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is Erykah Badu originally from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What lake is the source of the White Nile ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many Fig Newtons are there to the pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What color is Mr. Spock 's blood ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city is served by Tempelhol Airport ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's a short ton ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Aspartame is known by what other name ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many movies has Drew Barrymore been in ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many eyes does a bat have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What rock group raised a ruckus at the White House by singing American Woman ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What class is categorized as the bourgeoisie ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country borders the most others ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was the architect of Central Park ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the score of a forfeited baseball game ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the rounded part on the top of a matchbook called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is a term for behavior , appearance , or expression that violates the accepted standards of sexual morality ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is e-commerce ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a `` repeating voter '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What soft drink first appeared in the Old Corner Drug Store in Waco , Texas , in 1885 ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the recommended weight of a 15 year-old male that is 5 , 6 ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What is the average weight for a man ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What are the three most successful companies of our time ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was the only president to serve two nonconsecutive terms ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Amtrak begin operations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where did Bill Gates go to college ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many e-commerce companies are started every day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I get a complete listing of showtimes in my area ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What seven digits follow the area code in the number for long distance information ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: In which year was the cartoon character Chilly Willy created ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many votes in Congress dissented from the 1941 declaration of war with Japan ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who owns the rights on a TV program ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the prime minister in Norway ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are the rooftops in Canada green ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What direction do the best surfing beaches face ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I find the balance of my social security account ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bottle and a jar ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Broadway show introduced the song Some Enchanted Evening ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the four natural aids used in riding a horse ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What characteristics contribute to its `` intelligence '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many bytes are in a terabyte ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What TV family sometimes buys eclairs from Nelson 's Bakery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the battle of the Somme fought ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the titles of some R-Rated Sony Playstation games ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many more weeks of winter are there if a ground hog sees his shadow ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1608, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "60b0d4baa34981dddb033443dc66304e6566236b2f0dbc55"} {"input": "Question: What chain store is headquartered in Bentonville , Arkansas ?\nType:", "context": "Question: When did the art of quilting begin ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the length of border between the Ukraine and Russia ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How did former WWF wrestler Rick Rude die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do doctors diagnose bone cancer ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What clause in the U.S. Constitution may not be changed , altered or amended ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What father and son won the Medal of Honor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famed gangland slaughter cut into the membership of Bugs Moran 's outfit ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What does the word `` meta '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the first names of Rowan and Martin , the stars of TV 's Laugh-In ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the temperature today ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What are the chemicals used in glowsticks ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What was Al Capone finally imprisoned for , in 1931 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who is the head of the World Bank ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why was Washington , DC originally called District of Columbia ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Name the U.S. Senate majority leader and the Speaker of the House .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is King in Alley Oop 's home of Moo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do hermit crabs reproduce ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is Desmond Tutu ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How many colors was the 1940s collectible called a Donald Duck Rubber Boat ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What made the Finger Lakes in western New York state ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a `` False Moon '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is Shirley MacLaine ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What non-conformist abstract painter was dubbed Jack The Dripper by Time ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first Funk 'N Lata , Brazilian group , success ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: To what does Microsoft 's Windows 3 owe its success ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What facial feature typically contains about 55 hairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the bandleader mentor of Ella Fitzgerald with whom she cowrote `` A_Tisket , A-Tasket '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you recognize anorexia ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I tie a tie ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I contact answers.com ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Frenchman claimed the following ? If God did not exist , it would be necessary to invent him . ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What President served for five years , six months and 2 days ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many miles of veins are in the circulatory system ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which city in China has the largest number of foreign financial companies ?\nType: City\nQuestion: In Kafka 's Metamorphosis , the hero awakes one morning to find himself turned into what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name a civil war battlefield .\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much can a person be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are the residents of the island of Lesbos called ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the longest English word ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What do Caroll Baker , Tammy Grimes , Debbie Reynolds , and Judy Garland all have in common ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the only players eligible to score points in Roller Derby called ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is literary criticism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the midwest slang , ` you 're darn tootin ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What according to the Kinsey Institute , is the sexual preference of four percent of American males ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What religion has the most members ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: What 's the most delicate-tasting member of the onion family ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What U.S. state 's biggest lake is Lake Sam Rayburn ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What dangles over the tongue from the palate ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What is the real name of disc jockey `` Wolfman Jack '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the one Independent Member of Congress ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What effect does a prism have on light ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What city is often called The Insurance Capital of the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's the symbol for the zodiacal sign Gemini ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What World War II leader declared : `` The blow has been struck '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Spielberg direct `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What basketball player is credited with 23 , 924 rebounds ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are some colorful flowers that will bloom in the fall in New England ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What is the recommended weight of a 15 year-old male that is 5 , 6 ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: How many astronauts have been on the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was Thucydides ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What Peter Blatty novel recounts the horrors of Regan MacNeil 's possession by the devil ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does the theory of quantum leaps mean in simpler terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did the real St. Nicholas live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is amezaiku ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does the speed the magnet spins in a generator affect the output of the generator ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What do the letters CE stand for on so many products , particularly electrical , purchased now ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What ability has the silkworm moth lost through domestication ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What were the first frozen foods ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How much did Alaska cost when bought from Russia ?\nType: Price\n", "answers": ["Group or organization of person"], "length": 1709, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "0306aeb74c74c415bc065c5061623347e9bdf73e7950b0c6"} {"input": "Question: What are the spots on dominoes called ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the real name of disc jockey `` Wolfman Jack '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people died when the Estonia sank in 1994 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the state motto of California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What household products are there for adult acne ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Who was President Cleveland 's wife ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do they type Chinese characters on a keyboard ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who won two gold medals in skiing in the Olympic Games in Calgary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What President was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of the football game that saw Fordham defeat Waynesburg State 12601 on September 3 , 1939 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Name a French fascist party .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was Jane Goodall ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What country was Mikhail Gorbachev the leader of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What letter adorns the flag of Rwanda ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What is infomatics ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why is the mile 528 feet ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When did the Dow first reach ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many people were executed for Abraham Lincoln 's assassination ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What team did baseball 's St. Louis Browns become ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do you use an intranet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the species of Winnie the Pooh ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does Robin Williams do ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What did San Francisco 's Milt Harper grow that measured 24 inches from tip to tip in 1974 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the meaning of Jesus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who portrayed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in The Desert Fox ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the number of American soldiers deployed to South Korea ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Which Kevin Costner movie involves the Sioux Indians ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What African country is governed from Ouagadougou ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are the Arabic Numerals from 1 to 10 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Whom does Uncle Duke 's girl friend , Honey , room with ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the word for love of pain or abuse ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What ever happened to the once popular Yale Lock Company ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does a farrier put shoes on ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the business of the animated Sky Hawks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where can I find information about Bob Barr , representative from Georgia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What American won the world Grand Prix driving championship in 1978 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year did they build the Berlin Wall ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where in the United States do people live the longest ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the address for the main government office in Rome , Italy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a synonym for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: When is the Jimmy Buffett concert coming to the E center in Camden NJ ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where does Buzz Aldrin want to build a permanent , manned space station ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes play ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What state was Herbert Hoover born in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What baseball player was walked the most times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Whitcomb Judson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What was the first TV set to include a remote control ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What comedienne calls her sister-in-law Captain Bligh and her mother-in-law Moby Dick ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can you find the Venus flytrap ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What year did Germany sign its nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are amicable numbers ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many thousands of students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What facial feature typically contains about 55 hairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What year did Spielberg make `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where was the Ligurian Republic , 1797-185 , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the only East european country not tied to the ruble ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What New England state carries the telephone area code 27 ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What was the former residence of Scottish kings in Edinburgh ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the rounded part on the top of a matchbook called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many times was pitcher , Warren Spahn , a 20-game winner in his 21 major league seasons ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What does Robin Williams do ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Who wrote The Secret Life of Walter Mitty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What playing card symbolizes death ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What was the proper Laugh-In respones to : `` Say goodnight , Dick '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Asian city boasts the world 's biggest bowling alley ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Name four famous cartoon cats .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What city is near the mouth of the Amazon ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the historical trials following World War II called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the origin and the meaning of the name , `` Hajo ? ''\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the current ticket fare from from Cairo to Barbados ?\nType: Price\n", "answers": ["Equivalent term"], "length": 1622, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "7f733b8563f3a6aac3fe940f6a201bab76ee6b216aaaf4ba"} {"input": "Question: Where is Perth ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was Mae West 's last film ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where is the massive North Korean nuclear complex located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who invented the fountain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do some clothing labels say `` Use a nonchlorine bleach '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What developed a crack in 1835 while tolling the death of U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country was Kim Philby really working for ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What southeast Asian country has the Wang River joining the Ping River at Tak ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was the average life expectancy during the Stone Age ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What films featured the character Popeye Doyle ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the web address at which I can find the e-mail address of a member of the US House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why is black the color of mourning in the West ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which area produces the least acidic coffee ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What fruit-topped actress was known as The Brazilian Bombshell ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who said `` the only thing we have to fear is fear itself '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many boys play the game in Winslow Homer 's 1872 painting Snap the Whip ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What actor learned to play the saxophone and speak Russian for a role in a movie ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the company that manufactures the `` American Girl '' doll collection ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How long does it take the typical hen to lay 19 dozen eggs ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What chemical in red wine is good for the heart and what exactly does it do to your body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many people died when the Estonia sank in 1994 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many elephants are left on earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the fastest growing state in the U.S.A. in 1998 ?\nType: State\nQuestion: In what state was there an 11 million gallon oil spill ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Which city in Canada is the least-populated ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who wrote NN DT NNP NNP '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Shirley MacLaine ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How many times has Harold Stassen announced a drive for the White House ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who shot and killed himself while painting Wheatfield with Crows ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What percent of world 's fresh water is found in Canada ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What airport is on the Piccadilly subway line ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why do heavier objects travel downhill faster ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the three most populated countries in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's distinctive about a palmiped 's feet ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name a technique widely used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What U.S. vice-president once declared : `` If you 've seen one slum , you 've seen them all '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is habeas corpus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the United States ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the first U.S.-based team in the NHL ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is an example of a famous rock band from the sixties ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What Russian master spy lived in the U.S. under the name Emil Goldfus ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the previous name for the Commonwealth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What TV quiz show left the air in 1975 to the tune of Vera Lynn 's We 'll Meet Again ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Stephen King novel is set in a graveyard for pets ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: In what year was the movie the Ten Commandments released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many letters appear with the numbers 2 to 9 on a telephone dial ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a synonym for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many people live in the Falklands ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What feathered cartoon characters do Yugoslavians know as Vlaja , Gaja , and Raja ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who created `` The Muppets '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do chefs call The Master Spice ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where can I find book reviews of `` Turbulent Souls '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long was the OJ Simpson trial ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What camera company said , `` If you haven 't got the time , we 've got the camera ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many were in attendance at the Last Supper ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are hook worms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Garry Kasparov plays what game ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who was President Cleveland 's wife ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many websites are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many casinos are in Atlantic City , NJ ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What actor and World War II airman had a $5 , 0 bounty put on his head by Hermann Goering ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is p.m. an abbreviation for , as in 5 p.m. ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How far can a man travel in outer space ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many miles is it from NY to Austria ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does a dipsomaniac crave ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of fur ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Why do airliners crash vs. gliding down ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the name of Robert Fulton 's most famous steamboat ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What American won the world Grand Prix driving championship in 1978 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American sergeant lost both of his hands in combat during World War II and then went on to act in a single movie for which he won two Oscars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you say 2 in Latin ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who wrote The Look of Love after viewing Ursula Andress ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is home banking ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1762, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "fe4e5a937c7dc6f854351c43f5cfab0b9d27c14cc219fd22"} {"input": "Question: What state is the geographic center of the lower 48 states ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the fastest-growing comic strip of all time ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why is hockey so violent ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What American actress was the first to be called a `` vamp '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city is found in the city of OZ ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who are the top ten richest people in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many liberty bells have there been ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who won the Superbowl in ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the largest letter in Salvador Dali 's signature ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What was the 24-disc John Gabel Entertainer the first example of , in 1960 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What holidays or observances are celebrated in Italy ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the regular price ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What does R.E.M. stand for , as in the rock group R.E.M. ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What 's the highest hand in straight poker ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How high is the city of Denver ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is Toulmin logic ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where was Tesla born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where did the world come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is the Voyager project manager ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does the car in `` Christine '' become possessed ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who said `` the only thing we have to fear is fear itself '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What volcano showers ash on Sicily ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 such a successful computer program ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What British TV series inspired All in the Family ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many pounds are there in a stone ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: How hot should the oven be when making Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: How does the Elongated Man know a mystery is afoot ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Megan 's law ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has the largest sheep population ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What indoor sport saw the Phoenix Inferno become the Phoenix Pride on July 14 , 1983 , when the temperature hit 111 degrees ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What 's the difference between J.D. and LL.M. ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the most common nickname of U.S. college football teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In what county is Eckley Colorado ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is osteichthyes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city is Logan Airport in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is the fastest swimmer in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the address for the main government office in Rome , Italy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which language has the most words ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What 's another name for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who made the musical plea Be True to Your School ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who came up with the name , El Nino ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What athlete makes the most money from sports merchandise sales ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Hitler come to power in Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What kind of sports did they play in the years 1642-1649 , the English Civil War time ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where 's the GUM department store ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was chairman of the Senate select committee that tried to get to the bottom of Watergate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of gametophytic tissue ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How big is the largest diamond ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What TV character said ; `` One of these days , Alice , pow , right in the kisser '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do I have to do to get good grades in school ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the meaning of W.B. Yeat 's poem , `` The Three Hermits ? ''\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country saw the origin of the Asian Flu ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many Russians have landed on the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do the French call La Manche ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Name a Salt Lake City newspaper .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the first TV set to include a remote control ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What film marked Robert Redford 's directorial debut ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What count did Alexandre Dumas write about ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What nationality is Ileana Cotrubas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where did Sarge Steel get his metal hand ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What vehicles are raced in the Tour de France ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What author of the Days of Our Lives Cookbook signed on in 198 as Liz Chandler in TV 's Days of Our Lives ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many James Bond novels are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where did the 6th annual meeting of Indonesia-Malaysia forest experts take place ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the verdict in the trial of Lizzie Borden ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Winnie the Pooh is what kind of animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is viscosity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the different types of plastic ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is the fear of the computer called ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does caliente mean , in English ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the most sexy celebrity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What pseudonym did William Sydney Porter use in writing The Gift of the Magi ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is chromatology ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["State"], "length": 1614, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "3b20c1d16810a4a74fbb7c8940110cc55564b79e78b1f370"} {"input": "Question: What is the Ohio state bird ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How old is singer Freedy Johnston ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What South African producer had a 1988 profit of $836 million ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is main reason for that electric vehicles can 't be popular nowadays ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What layer of the atmosphere contains most of the ozone layer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How can you define time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Compaq 's mission statement ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Describe the Long March .\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the Titanic 's captain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is power steering ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where is the Valley of the Kings ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What measures did Clinton take to avoid the draft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What are the top five oil-producing countries in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When is the site www.questions.com going to open ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What TV series features the adventures of a married couple named Jonathan and Jennifer ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the US Federal Government website for Standard Industrial Classification codes , SIC , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the president of Vichy France ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many cards are dealt to each player in Gin Rummy ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many e-commerce companies are started every day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What did a 16th-century Aztec athlete get for putting a rubber ball through a ring ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When was Nostradamus born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What CBS soap opera was interrupted by the bulletin of John F. Kennedy 's assassination ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was Gerald Ford 's vice president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Russian city used to be called St. Petersburg and Petrograd ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is Samuel Pickering ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What state did Helen Keller call home ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Where can I get mailing lists ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was Nine Tailors , the television show from 1974 , about ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are values ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the best known villain of the 165 Gunpowder Plot ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What manufacturers are there in Texas ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How can I transport files from one computer to another ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of the game that Garry Kasparov plays ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Taiwan ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a fear of odors , body , ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What TV show premiered on January 15 , 1981 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is false consciousness ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What former president 's daughter has written a book titled Murder in the White House ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are emblazoned on the Jolly Roger ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What do bee hives do in cranberry bogs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What task does the Bouvier breed of dog perform ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the cultural origin of the ceremony of potlatch ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where can I find up-to-date coastal ocean surface temperature information , preferably along North America and the Caribbean ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the inventor of silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color is an Arctic fox in winter ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What did Jack exchange with the butcher for a handful of beans ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What fictional character is known as the `` melancholy Dane '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many member states are in the UN ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the Greek numerals ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the eighth day following the Nones in each month of the Roman calendar called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is a wart ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the famous battle between Texas and Mexico ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What card game can feature dealer 's choice ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are names of two old men who appear in the serial tv Muppets Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What international sport was originally called hurley ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where is the Abominable Snowman said to wander ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the U.S. Senate majority leader and the Speaker of the House .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Bombay duck ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's a male witch called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What car was driven in the 199 release of `` Smokey and the Bandit '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: In what year did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: In what year did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country has been called The Queen of the Antilles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does the channel ESPN stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What five-time winner of the Kentucky Derby lost his first 25 races ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does S.O.S. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many people are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 1981 Candice Bergen-Jacqueline Bisset movie was a remake of 1943 's Old Acquaintance ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What rock group raised a ruckus at the White House by singing American Woman ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When was the USSR dissolved ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why do roosters sing at five o 'clock in the morning ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What do you need to do to marry someone in jail ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Animal"], "length": 1647, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "5f9d42b8f405e3244f17601b8914540d55013a8f6e8fbbbc"} {"input": "Question: What is the brightest star ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is HTML ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What country has the most time zones , with 11 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What famous communist leader died in Mexico City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What novel inspired the movie BladeRunner ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do you say `` eat the day '' in Latin ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What game 's board shows the territories of Irkutsk , Yakutsk and Kamchatka ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: In what city is the famed St. Mark 's Square ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What Muhammad Ali maneuver was George Foreman the first victim of ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What was the name of the first Russian astronaut to do a spacewalk ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year was De Gaulle elected president of France ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which Doonesbury character was likely to turn into a werewolf ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What game does Garry Kasparov play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the protection rate of using condoms ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the plural of gulf ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Why does cotton get caught in belly buttons ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What California bridge was Don Brown the first to cross , on May 27 , 1937 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which oil company almost picked a word that meant `` stalled car '' in Japanese as its new international name ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the top ten most common girl names in the US ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What disease did August von Wassermann develop a specific test for in 196 ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is Martin Luther King Jr. 's real birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is George Lucas 's e-mail address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the nearest star to Earth ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the policeman become in the Canadian edition of Monopoly ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many different kinds of ice cream are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many people live in Chile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does `` Philebus-like '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of helium ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the Kashmir issue ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why does sound travel quicker through water than air ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Why do recipe books recommend starting with cold water when you boil something ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are a baseball team 's firemen ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What color bottles do good Rhine wines come in ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is Bombay duck ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What problems contributed to the high failure rate of Plains farmers in the 1800s ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Asian country once thrilled to the sport of cricket fighting ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was Eduard Shevardnadze 's job in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is power steering ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What century does Captain Video live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What then-derogatory term was applied to the painters Monet , Sisley , Pissarro , Renoir and Degas ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What foods contain vitamin B12 ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is a bone marrow transplant ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What carries sperm up into the pelvic region ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who famously rode to warn the people of Massachusetts that the British were coming ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name given to the Islamic counterpart of the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What kinds of animals are in Cambodia ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What southwestern state is dubbed The Silver State ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Why are eggs supposed to be stored small end down ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the colored part of the eye called ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Where was Tesla born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country boasts the southernmost point in continental Europe ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Margaret Thatcher known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What date is Boxing Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who invented Make-up ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What book opens : `` At a certain village in La Mancha , which I shall not name.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What hockey team did Wayne Gretzky play for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What kind of file has the extension .dbf ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How much stronger is the new vitreous carbon material invented by the Tokyo Institute of Technology compared with the material made from cellulose ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the best Internet business to go into ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What color Poker chip is usually assigned the lowest value ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How can you get rust stains out of clothing ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where can stocks be traded on-line ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which sex is denied voting rights in Kuwait ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which breakfast cereal brought you `` the best each morning '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When was Dick Clark born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What causes headaches ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the chemical composition of a Barbie ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What does Melissa mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did people respond to the idea of the first millenium ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the largest deserts in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do I start a bank ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does a nihilist believe in ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How did the U.S. come into the possession of an empire in the wake of the Spanish-American War ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many liberty bells have there been ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1585, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "bbfcb118b6a0beff1ab6bcf1660b429ff31b7817aac6f745"} {"input": "Question: Who was Abraham Lincoln ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What information can you tell me about actor James Cromwell ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What does a topophobic actor suffer from ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where was Christopher Columbus born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was the battle of the Somme fought ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the first American in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What count did Alexandre Dumas write about ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: From what cause does tuberculosis stem ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the conservationist who served as spokesperson for Post Grape Nuts ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which German president was pressured into appointing Hitler chancellor in 1933 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do pharmacists work on raised floors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What blood sport features a movement called a veronica ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the name of the gulf between Sweden and Finland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the difference between pop music and rock and roll ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What city 's theatrical district has been dubbed The Roaring Forties ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the United States ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How did names come about ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many square feet is Bill Gates ' home ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a caldera ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What alloy do copper and tin form ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is DEET ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What actor was the first man to appear on the cover of McCall 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What chapter of the Bible has the most verses ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What non-alcoholic syrup is made from pomegranate juice ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where does the Santa Fe Trail begin and end ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find a lesson plan for teaching the metric system conversion to American standard ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the Kentucky Horse Park ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the term for someone who hates mankind ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which company that manufactures video-game hardware sells the `` super system '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What color , s , appear on boxes of Kodak film ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who holds the career record for the most major league home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What causes panic attacks ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where do you find the answers for all these questions ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many feet are there in a fathom ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What group was formed in 1969 after police met resistance from patrons at the Stonewall , a Greenwich Village gay bar ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which thrilled taste buds first - Snickers or 3 Musketeers ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many cities are there in Utah ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a `` USB '' port on a computer ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Whose cupboard was bare ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a nematode ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What were the causes of the Civil War ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Madonna hocks which soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of the football game that saw Fordham defeat Waynesburg State 12601 on September 3 , 1939 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do wasps make their nests ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What date is Boxing Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What city does McCarren Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When was the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the normal resting heart rate of a healthy adult ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What are some interesting facts and information about dogsledding ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does the Latin ante mortem mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did they canonize the Bible ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you identify prime numbers ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What state produces the best lobster to eat ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What actor dressed up as Santa Claus and had a once-a-year affair with actress Shelley Winters every Christmas for many years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who killed Martin Luther King ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Thucydides ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is an aortic abdominal aneurysm ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a green bog ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What islands got their name from the Spanish baja mar , meaning shallow water ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the state motto of California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What currency is used in Australia ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What is the lens behind the iris in the eye called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What do you need to do to marry someone in jail ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does `` Janelle '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What year did Germany sign its nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a fear of worms ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Name Pittsburgh 's baseball team .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What brand of white rum is still made in Cuba ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Who is the famous movie star who also acted as sewer commissioner of Provo Canyon , Utah ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Candlemas Day ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many people was Randy Craft convicted of murdering ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Description of a person"], "length": 1580, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "93407117c5c49c8989c5560893358677df6ea48f66178ab1"} {"input": "Question: What is viscosity ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Name of scholar on whose literal translations from the Chinese and Japanese Ezra Pound depended ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do bee hives do in cranberry bogs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` Teddy bear '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where does the tennis star Stefan Edberg come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the price for AAA 's liability auto insurance ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many holes are there in a tenpin bowling ball ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was Hitler 's favorite movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is lung cancer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What planet gave bith to Superman ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose biography by Maurice Zolotow is titled Shooting Star ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What room did W.C. Fields keep his library in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Supergirl 's secret identity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who played the Ringo Kid in the 1939 film Stagecoach ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a urologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What card suit originally represented the peasant class ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Taiwan ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is a fear of thunder ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many blacks served in the Vietnam War\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name of heroine in `` Scruples '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the world 's highest peak ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What city contains the district of Hell 's Kitchen ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What Russian seaport has a name meaning `` Lord of the East '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was the name of the peace agreement imposed on Germany after World War I ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I get chemicals importers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What European country boasts the city of Furth , found where the rivers Rednitz and Pegnitz converge ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was The Pride of the Yankees ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Hitler come to power in Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What William Makepeace Thackeray novel was made into a film by Stanley Kubrick ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What must be exceeded to produce a sonic boom ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the recommended weight of a 15 year-old male that is 5 , 6 ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What beer advertised that it had `` three rings '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's a male `` cuckquean '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the most popular sports car color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who was Whitcomb Judson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where are the leading medical groups specializing in lung diseases ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why shouldn 't you remove a bee stinger with tweezers ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is Windsor Castle ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many bottles of wine were prisoners in the Bastille allowed per day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the definition of the term `` weapons system '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What function does homeostasis have on the existence of an organism ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What President 's favorite Biblical quotation was : `` Come now , and let us reason together '' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country are Godiva chocolates from ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What made the short-lived Star Hawks strip so unique ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many members of a family could be drafted in the U.S. military during World War II ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can you stop the itch from poison ivy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Alice Cooper 's real name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the slowest Olympic swimming stroke ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How fast do cheetahs run ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: Where did Honecker rule ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When did communist control end in Hungary ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the rounded part on the top of a matchbook called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How do you stop junk snail mail ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What city has the world 's longest subway system ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How high is the city of Denver ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Where are some great educational resources for parents and teachers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the rallying cry of the early American revolutionaries ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does the `` c '' stand for in the equation E=mc2 ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the name of the chronic neurological autoimmune disease which attacks the protein sheath that surrounds nerve cells causing a gradual loss of movement in the body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How do you get silly putty out of fabric ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many millimeters are in a mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What hair color can I use to just cover a little gray ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What magazine paid Ernest Hemingway $15 a word to write a bullfighting article ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find an Ask An Expert site ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many people in America snore ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is paracetamol ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did Hillary Clinton graduate college ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the weakest bone in the body ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What presidential press secretary dismissed Watergate as a third-rate burglary attempt ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1656, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "85189a86019c80861473ae5fec4a2a2ac6505770fcfb4326"} {"input": "Question: Where is the Shawnee National Forest ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What kind of wine is Spumante ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who was the author of `` John Brown 's Body '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long were Tyrannosaurus Rex 's teeth ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What World War II leader declared : `` The blow has been struck '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many seats does the Batmobile sport ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What kind of books does Fodor 's publish ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What barroom judge called himself The Law West of the Pecos ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between pop music and rock and roll ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which one of the Great Lakes is entirely within U.S. territory ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What two countries are separated by the Bering Strait ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What state is John F. Kennedy buried in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What Argentine boxer was shot dead outside a Nevada brothel in May ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many flavors does Baskin & Robbins offer ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What century did art 's Romantic Period begin in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the fastest-growing comic strip of all time ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What country saw the origin of the Asian Flu ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who wrote the bestselling Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa , published in 1857 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the word `` opera '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the effect of the Yalta Conference ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Why is the word `` abbreviation '' so long ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What term does a Czech use to describe a Pole ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: About how many Americans are still unaccounted for from the Vietnam war ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What countries earn the most from tourism ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: In what year did Joe DiMaggio compile his 56-game hitting streak ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How long was Mao 's 1930s Long March ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is hyperopia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long is human gestation ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What does a tarantula eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What shampoo prevents eczema , seborrhea , and psoriasis ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What fraction of a beaver 's life is spent swimming ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What well-known music personality is the father of an adopted son named Hans Christian Henderson ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first town to be chartered in Vermont ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is `` Vocal Sampling '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does MSG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What 's the Hungarian word for pepper ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: In the movie Groundshog Day what is the name of the character played by Andie MacDowell ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the most popular form of gambling with women in Las Vegas ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who was the second person ever to wear Iron Man 's armor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What song served as the closing theme of The Johnny Cash Show ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How can you get rust stains out of clothing ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Apollo 11 astronaut minded the store while Armstrong and Aldrin made history ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has the highest arson rate ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When does menstruation begin ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What kind of a sports team is the Wisconsin Badgers ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What writer is famous for physically putting himself into the center of his subject matter ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of U.S. Army sergeant 's stripes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the oldest living thing on earth ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name of the lady the Great Gatsby pines for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What female faith healer wrote the inspirational book I Believe in Miracles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Cruise Line does Kathie Lee Gifford advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When called upon to surrender , what American general replied , `` Sir , I have not yet begun to fight . '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the snowiest city in the U.S. ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are field effect transistors ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What gender is not allowed to vote in Kuwait ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where is the Henry Ford Museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the electronic device used to produce visual displays corresponding to electric signals ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the International Olympic Committee ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: How much energy is released when oxygen and hydrogen mix ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the U.S. location of Procter & Gamble corporate offices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who first broke the sound barrier ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does it take to be a hero ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many hearts does an octopus have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What sport was the first televised in the U.S. ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How do I contact Answers.com direct ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the four elements ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How many hours of work does it take a typist to complete a 100-page screenplay ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of music ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What famous soldier was born in Europe , died in Asia , and was laid to rest in Africa ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What country has the highest arson rate ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where is Amsterdam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What culture developed the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was Darth Vader 's son ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1665, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "9b1ca10af60da00beb5467500cf4c2b2c385c81c16593650"} {"input": "Question: What is the population of China ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What happened to Answers.com ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What New Orleans D.A. claimed : `` My staff and I solved the assassination weeks ago '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What jockey won 17 Triple Crown races ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are some important events of the 1830 's ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's the second-largest island in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many people did Randy Steven Craft murder ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the highest waterfall in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of the rock band Led Zeppelin 's name ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What British TV series inspired All in the Family ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a fear of everything ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the West Virginia state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Name the ship Beany and Cecil sailed .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many milligrams are in a gram ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can I get some free technical information on Electric Vehicle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the sequel to Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who discovered imaginary numbers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport is Chris Jogis a top player of ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are the rites accompanying the circumcision of a newly born-child in Judaism called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the fare cost for the round trip between New York and London on Concorde ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the claim to fame of Agra , India ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the AIM-54C Phoenix ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many pounds are there in a stone ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What weapon did the crossed slits in English castles accommodate ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many people on the ground were killed from the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie , Scotland , December 21 , CD .\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many three-letter permutations can be made from the four letters : c ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How loud is thunder ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What country saw the origin of the Asian Flu ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What are the chemicals used in glowsticks ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What are Maid-Rites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What African country was founded by freed American slaves in 1847 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What century does Captain Video live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What date did man first land on the moon ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: By how much will the California state gas tax rise by the year 2000 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What did Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi quit Saturday Night Live to become ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What comic strip sometimes features a mailman named Beasley ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who followed up his first two underwater thrillers with The Girl of the Sea of Cortez ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American sergeant lost both of his hands in combat during World War II and then went on to act in a single movie for which he won two Oscars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Windsor Castle ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How old is Britney Spears ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Where is Webster University ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the electronic device used to produce visual displays corresponding to electric signals ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How would someone go about becoming an organ donor ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a word whose letters can be rearranged to form a different word ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What 's the difference between sleet and freezing rain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are perfect tenses ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the most famous German word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: Where can I find out the top 1 singles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What group included Abbey Hoffman , Jerry Rubin , and Tom Hayden ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is color ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What product is for kids , and not for silly rabbits ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is a fear of reptiles ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What flag flies over Wake Island ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What city is found in the city of OZ ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What German city do Italians call The Monaco of Bavaria ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why do n't you guys have some sort of contest where you ask a question and whoever finds the answers wins a prize ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Name the 5 words that use all of the letters in the alphabet , except Q , with no repeats .\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What 's the proud claim to fame of the young women who formed Kappa Alpha Theta ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which large U.S. city had the highest murder rate for 1988 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where can I get information concerning child custody files for the State of Utah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are all the rivers in Europe ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where are there aborigines ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the price of Varian Associates ' vacuum products division ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is pandoro ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who did Arthur H. Bremer try to assassinate on May 15 , 1972 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the estimated total U.S. whitetail deer population ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation OAS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What time does Wee Willie Winkie run through the town ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What year was the NAACP founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What category does the color pink denote in the Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer Edition ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do companies cut paper so thin ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who starred in Singing in the Rain and The Singing Nun ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where 's the 19th hole on a golf course ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When is the site www.questions.com going to open ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the claim to fame of Agra , India ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Other number"], "length": 1685, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "6ed29e661cf0080174f978aaf9b9932b1d63447b7bf38cf7"} {"input": "Question: What are sunspots ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is a bourdon tube ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who painted the Sistine Chapel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What century does Captain Video live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Where is it planned to berth the merchant ship , Lane Victory , which Merchant Marine veterans are converting into a floating museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much can a person be fined for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Which sex is twice as likely to contract leprosy ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why do girls have to wear training bras ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many referees work a soccer game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What chemical in red wine is good for the heart and what exactly does it do to your body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who played the father on `` Charles in Charge '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the fax machine ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What is the name of the American literary era that includes 1896 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Why were red M&Ms discontinued then brought back ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do websites like Yahoo and Excite make money ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What planet would you visit to see Bebrenia , Arcadia , and Amazonis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What cathedral was Thomas Becket murdered in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can one find Mozambique ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What state in the U.S. has the most blacks ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What Good Little Witch is Casper 's girlfriend ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What explosive do you get by mixing charcoal , sulfur and saltpeter ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the U.S. location of Procter & Gamble corporate offices ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What made the Finger Lakes in western New York state ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the term for the side of the mountain that faces the prevailing winds ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What mountainous region of the world is the Lhasa Apso dog native to ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What feathered cartoon characters do Yugoslavians know as Vlaja , Gaja , and Raja ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year was the cannon invented ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the chemiosmotic theory ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the American ship sunk by a mine in Havana harbor , causing the Spanish-American war ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: From what cause does tuberculosis stem ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How does it make its colors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who followed up his first two underwater thrillers with The Girl of the Sea of Cortez ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What effect does friction have on perpetual motion ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What term means a sexual attraction between a male and a female ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What spy novelist served as Moscow correspondent for Reuter and The Times of London ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 19th-century painter died in the Marquesas Islands ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famed gangland slaughter cut into the membership of Bugs Moran 's outfit ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who is Stein Eriksen ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How is silk screening done ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the top five oil-producing countries in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where 's the Bernini-Bristol Hotel ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name given to a group of geese ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is so powerful about Power Bars ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When did Mount St. Helen last have a significant eruption ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the species of Winnie the Pooh ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: In 1990 , what day of the week did Christmas fall on ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many bones are in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the distinguishing mark on the `` Little Rascals '' dog ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: How many years do fossils take to form ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who would you use the Heimlich maneuver on ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is an auto-commentary ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the definition of spamming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are hook worms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Rotary engine cars were made by what company ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where can I find free piano scores for popular music ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What geological time do we live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What kind of education do I need to become a flight attendant ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where did the term `` 86ed '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the bridge over the river Kwai ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of going to bed ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many times has Harold Stassen announced a drive for the White House ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In what year did the Bounty mutiny happen ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does RCA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How can you tell when figs are ripe ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name the men 's cologne that is associated with the sea .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name a canine cartoon character other than Huckleberry Hound to have a voice by Daws Butler .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What actor dressed up as Santa Claus and had a once-a-year affair with actress Shelley Winters every Christmas for many years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Darth Vader 's son named ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What boxer 's life story is titled Raging Bull ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In Sinclair Lewis ' `` Main Street , '' what was the name of the typical American town ?\nType: City\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1665, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "39075a5e290556a5402205167608a2536ecf9ec552e98e0d"} {"input": "Question: What is the capital of Persia ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How much in miles is a ten K run ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What capital is built around Monument Circle which contains soldiers and sailors monument ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What film ends with the line : `` This is Mrs. Norman Maine '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which of the following rock 'n roll stars has a `` star '' on Hollywood Boulevard ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the average time to kiss somene ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What does the T.S. stand for in T.S. Eliot 's name ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How did Peabody and Sherman travel through time ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What state is the Filenes store located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How do I stop background noise in a car stereo ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was Mao 's second name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the scar-faced bounty hunter of The Old West .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much did Alaska cost when bought from Russia ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What erupts every hour at Yellowstone National Park ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does General Mills manufacture Cheerios ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In what U.S. state was the first woman governor elected ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who invented panties ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the brand name of the chemical daminozide ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the population of Mozambique ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is an Angelus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country is the biggest producer of tungsten ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a fear of parasites ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who invented the process to make condensed milk ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose old London come-on was : `` Buy my sweet lavender '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the brilliant British economist behind its creation ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did Jayne Mansfield die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the capital of Iowa ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What countries have the most auto thefts ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What do manatees eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Name the ship Beany and Cecil sailed .\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How many calories are there in soy sauce ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Broadway musical was inspired by Cervantes 's Don Quixote ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the words to the cd Eminem 's , or slim shady , `` My Name Is '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many calories are there in a glass of water ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is `` Vocal Sampling '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the principal river of Ireland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the origin of the Christmas tree ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who did Arthur H. Bremer try to assassinate on May 15 , 1972 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is lung cancer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What department store heir is responsible for raising a three-ton safe from the underwater wreckage of the Andrea Doria ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is carbon dioxide removed from natural gas ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What do you call a date that contains sequencing numbers , like 9-8-98 ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the only primate to lack pigment in the palms of its hands ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who does data collection in tourism ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What historical event happened in Dogtown in 1899 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What city gained renown for its pea-soup fogs ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What golfer has been called Ohio Fats and Blobbo ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many dollars a day did Arthur Frommer say you could get by on in Europe in 1968 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a heuristic ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name Dick Tracy 's two children .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the Mau Mau Uprising take place in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What debts did Qintex group leave ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is artificial intelligence ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Whose special bear 's creator was born on January 18 , 1779 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who used to make cars with rotary engines ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the per-capita income of Colombia , South America , ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What country is the origin of the band the Creeps ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the proof that houseplants metabolize carcinogens ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What city did the Flintstones live in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What does a deltiologist collect ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the name of the peace agreement imposed on Germany after World War I ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How can you define time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was Al Capone 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many varieties of twins are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Madonna hocks which soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What U.S. President was the first to breed mules ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do they get Teflon to stick to the pan ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many times was pitcher , Warren Spahn , a 20-game winner in his 21 major league seasons ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What South American capital is the world 's highest ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Name the various super-teams to which the Angel has belonged .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does `` Semper Fidelis '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["City"], "length": 1630, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a032ffad12a8da2b10fa70b628ddefdd6dc40c57c56eba04"} {"input": "Question: How much does the human adult female brain weigh ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What famous male vocalist has the same name as the composer of the opera Hansel and Gretel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What city did the Mormons establish as their headquarters in 1847 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who has more DNA - a man or a woman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between ninjitsu and kung fu ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between ninjitsu and kung fu ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which of the Seven Dwarfs comes first alphabetically ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the largest libraries in the US ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What radio station did Paul Harvey work for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: On what river is Strasbourg built ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who owns the St. Louis Rams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the name of Jacques Cousteau 's research ship ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What is moxie ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the Chivington Massacre ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who invented the paper clip ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the world 's four oceans ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many pitchers occupy the shelf beside the crouching woman in Edgar Degas 's 1886 painting The Tub ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When was the Congress of Vienna ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are super balls made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What city is graced by the Arch of Titus ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What do the red-and-white stripes on a barbershop pole stand for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Florida admitted into the Union ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What French designer declared : `` The jean is the destructor ! It is a dictator ! It is destroying creativity. The jean must be stopped ! '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What war added jeep and quisling to the English language ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What do manatees eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What direction do most baseball pitchers pitch toward ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What fictional character is known as the `` melancholy Dane '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What hymn did John Steinbeck get his title The Grapes of Wrath from ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does the donation process entail ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Silly putty was invented by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find the lyrics for the song ` Getting Married Today ' from the musical ` Company ' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What U.S. state is Dixville Notch in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What happened during the Blackhawk Indian war of 1832 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Hitler 's minister of propaganda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is fellatio ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What state produces the best lobster to eat ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What was Al Capone finally imprisoned for , in 1931 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Define the Pheonix Club ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country comes last in an alphabetical list ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: For what disease is the drug Sinemet used as a treatment ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Scandinavian country covers 173 , 732 square miles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How is the new Ford Econoline van F25 V1 engine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does Knight Ridder publish ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What British monarch 's lap did P.T. Barnum 's Tom Thumb sit in ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you recognize anorexia ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How does an ion drive work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What do bee hives do in cranberry bogs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What fraction of a beaver 's life is spent swimming ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What sport is played on the largest field ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What was the first English play written exclusively for children ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the most popular four-player game of all time ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the average cost for four years of medical school ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What 1963 Joseph L. Mankiewicz film cost $28 million ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's father 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Kashmir issue ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the shoe sizes of O 'Neal , Jordan , and Mutombo , the NBA players ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What multitalented Academy-award-winning director failed a college course in motion-picture production ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What state capital comes last alphabetically ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was Dwight Eisenhower 's favorite card game ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How much energy is released when oxygen and hydrogen mix ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many people in the world speak French ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who shot and killed himself while painting Wheatfield with Crows ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were the first bodies visited by spacecraft ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of being alone ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What do the French call La Manche ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What California bridge was Don Brown the first to cross , on May 27 , 1937 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was the first stained glass window made ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What do I call the sons and daughters of my first cousins ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What kind of nuts are used in marzipan ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the fastest-growing comic strip of all time ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is the youngest of the Beatles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does Buzz Aldrin want to build a permanent , manned space station ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the rarest coin ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What kind of sport is often associated with hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What sun-blasted , 14-mile wide valley is just north of the Mojave desert ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Weight"], "length": 1690, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "3330462260cd3227287ec4440d37253eefffa8e6654f2229"} {"input": "Question: When did the Hindenberg crash ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What Mediterranean island is home to the first Club Med ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who said of Super Bowl III in 1969 : `` We 'll win- I guarantee it '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the meaning of the name Ella ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a cullion ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does Choo Choo Charlie say ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does the Ouarterly Review of Doublespeak call an `` inoperative statement '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: When did Mount St. Helens last erupt ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who killed Martin Luther King ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which company created the Internet browser Mosaic ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where is the Valley of the Kings ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What holidays are celebrated in Ireland ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How is the election of a new Pope announced to the world ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What kind of organization is ` Last Chance for Animals ' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What caused the division between the Anglicans and the Vatican ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What money was used by them ?\nType: Currency name\nQuestion: What was the monster in Spielberg 's film `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What good are mosquitoes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a 2-sided object called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is a common anti-AIDS drug ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is Rona Barrett 's married name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many films are made by the major studios in a year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why is Thanksgiving on a Thursday ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who wrote NN DT NNP NNP '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the president of the Spanish government ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played Humpty Dumpty in the 1933 film Alice in Wonderland ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find correct tabs for Third Eye Blind songs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What device provided a new way to listen to music in 1963 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What ocean surrounds the Madeira Islands ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long does it take the Milky Way Galaxy to make one revolution ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is a turnkey contract ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Franz Kafka 's short story `` A Country Doctor '' trying to tell us ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What card company sells Christmas ornaments ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the predominant color of the Tab label ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How did former WWF wrestler Rick Rude die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What two baseball players make up the battery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What disease is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is June 's birthstone ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Mexican leader was shot dead in 1923 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the wolverine habits ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 1895 H.G. Wells novel was written under the title The Chronic Argonauts ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the former name of Zimbabwe ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is a research expedition in mountain climbing ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many people died because of a smoking problem in 1997 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is the prime minister of Australia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who has won the most Super Bowls ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does RCA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What are a baseball team 's firemen ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What function does a community 's water tower serve ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How fast do cheetahs run ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: When did Spielberg direct `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who are the top 10 richest people in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do I get a complete list of all the people that are living with the last name Kilvington ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much would a black-and-white 1-cent stamp be worth , Thomas Jefferson on it , ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where did Ty Cobb grow up ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I buy a good snowboard for less than $200 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the S&P 500 used for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What country boasts the most dams ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What role do fruits play in the survival of plants ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were the first words spoken on a film sound track ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many states have a lottery ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the most common elements in seawater ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where did Luther display his `` Ninety-Five Theses '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the length of border between the Ukraine and Russia ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Where can I find all the information I need to know about the English Civil War , 1642-1649 , ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the most common street name in America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What did the Yalta Conference lead to ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What court does Bob Woodward describe in The Brethren ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the verdict in the trial of Lizzie Borden ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the only two states that incorporate the Confederate battle flag in their flags ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Where is Microsoft 's corporate headquarters located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do plants make food ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who betrayed Norway to the Nazis ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1601, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "f94477ea9ecb0fe90ebb6b303ca57c09345c8c55b44cf148"} {"input": "Question: What is phenylalanine ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are the Cleveland Indians also called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 1942 espionage movie reunited director John Huston with Maltese Falconers Humphrey Bogart , Mary Astor , and Sidney Greenstreet ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When was General Manuel Noriega ousted as the leader of Panama and turned over to U.S. authorities ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What two Caribbean countries share the island of Hispaniola ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which is the best opening move in chess ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do you handle a hungry man ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which hair care product told us `` hate that gray , wash it away '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Name the food company that traveled to Soviet Georgia to film a series of ads .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where is Windsor Castle ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where did Bill Gates go to college ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Germany ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why do they call a hamburger a hamburger when there is no ham ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many people are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: In South Korea , how many American Soldiers are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What African animals are known as The Big Five ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is a fear of hell ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who found Hawaii ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a pyrotechnic display ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Colin Powell is most famous for what ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What writer is famous for physically putting himself into the center of his subject matter ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How was the element calcium named ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where can I find a tape or book to help me say , write and understand Japanese ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the movie Jonathan Livingstone Seagull ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the alveoli ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why do roosters sing at five o 'clock in the morning ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the best way to travel in Japan ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What was unusual about Alexandra 's appearance in Josie and the Pussycats ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many chairs are shown in Vincent Van Gogh 's 188 work The Artist 's Room in Arles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What actress starred in `` The Lion in Winter '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the Nazis occupy for 1 , CD NNS IN NNP NNP NNP .\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the best way to lose the flab under your chin and around your face ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is a wop ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Plc ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does RCA stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What American won the world Grand Prix driving championship in 1978 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What materials did the three little pigs use to build their houses ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Which one of the original seven Mercury program astronauts did not fly on any of the Mercury flights ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What tennis term is said to come from the French word for egg ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the term for a group of geese ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many varieties of apple are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who gave Abbie Hoffman his first dose of LSD ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I get a map of Prussia on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who released the Internet worm in the late 1980s ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which Bloom County resident wreaks havoc with a computer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is William Wordsworth ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the history of yo-yos ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the colored part of the eye called ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who do Herb and Tootsie live next door to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What baseball player was known as Charley Hustle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many sides does a heptagon have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Bill Gross 's email address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who has the only speaking role in `` Silent Movie '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who played the original Charlie 's Angels ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are field effect transistors ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did President Kennedy , Lee Harvey Oswald , and Jack Ruby all die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What stereo manufacturer is `` Slightly ahead of its time '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What sport features snatches and clean jerks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What weapon is the mythological character Apollo most proficient with ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When was Beethoven born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What attorney-general ordered the closing of Alcatraz ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fare cost for the round trip between New York and London on Concorde ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How much iron is in your body ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Madonna hocks which soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What U.S. President showed a fondness for munching on bee pollen bars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are some important events of the 1830 's ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What famed tennis tournament 's men 's singles title was Fred Perry the last Englishman to win ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What sport do you shag flies in ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What mountain range marks the border of France and Spain ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What are the top 5 tallest buildings in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What famous comedian recently tried without success to revive the play ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What caused the Lynmouth floods ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many cards is each player dealt in Contract Bridge ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1642, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "dcfa370cf40c062f62efab6a3082d37eac3a366612927cb8"} {"input": "Question: What causes gray hair ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many points is a bullseye worth in darts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is Mia Farrow 's mother ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What southwestern state is dubbed The Silver State ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What year was Janet Jackson 's first album released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country is proud to claim Volcano National Park ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What poet wrote : `` ... I have promises to keep , and miles to go before I sleep '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Li 'l Abner 's last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What fast-food magnate 's initials graced the left sleeve of the San Diego Padres ' baseball uniforms in 1984 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: The Iraqis launched their attack on Kuwait on what day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What did n't Rocky Marciano do in his pro boxing career ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What two commanders directed the forces in the Battle of El Alamein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are pushed and coupled in hump yards ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What must be exceeded to produce a sonic boom ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` blue moon , '' and how often do they occur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In the Miller Lite TV commercial , who is the creature ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many small businesses are there in the United States ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long does a fly live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is e-commerce ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the organizational structure of the New Delhi Indira Gandhi airport ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do you convert foot-pounds to foot-inches ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are `` darning needles '' and `` horse stingers '' better known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What do you call a date that contains sequencing numbers , like 9-8-98 ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who said `` What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Saddam Hussein was compared to whom by President Bush ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the Big Thompson flood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a fear of bees ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many continents are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does the name `` Justin '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What actor and World War II airman had a $5 , 0 bounty put on his head by Hermann Goering ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is saltpeter ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What `` little red car '' is mentioned in pop singer Prince 's hit song ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country buys 25 percent of the world 's tea exports ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What terrorist group was headed by Donald DeFreeze ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do anti-locking brakes work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a courier ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What movie did Steven Spielberg direct in 1975 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many bails are there in a cricket wicket ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of head lice ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What TV series saw many of its aquatic scenes shot at Silver Springs , Florida ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What province is Edmonton located in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What personality traits are Capricorns said to have ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What ice creams contain seaweed ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's the official animal of Canada ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does the name Billie mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the only color Johnny Cash wears on stage ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What city gained renown for its pea-soup fogs ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Germany ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many Russians have landed on the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was spawned the term `` MiG Alley '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: When was the last major eruption of Mount St. Helens ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the per-capita income of Colombia , South America ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who makes the `` Die Hard '' car battery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the medical term for cancer of the blood ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where do rocks come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What product `` doubles your pleasure , doubles your fun '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the best college in the country ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is troilism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you determine heating requirements for your home ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many people own pets ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I get a complete list of all the people that are living with the last name Kilvington ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What line of luggage is named after a famous American flier ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the last woman executed in England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many sides does an obelisk have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the odds of giving birth to twins ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is a word whose letters can be rearranged to form a different word ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is a fear of home surroundings ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Huckleberry Finn '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What film or films has Jude Law appeared in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where is Sinn Fein 's headquarters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the Christian name of the title character in Our Miss Brooks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What two vegetables are combined in succotash ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What year was the setting for American Graffiti ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the design of the ship Titanic ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is Nero Wolfe 's favorite drink during office hours ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Reason"], "length": 1617, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "3eefbe04d3be7b7a6a72227ba6575ba1aa39449ff3b14ecf"} {"input": "Question: What is a carcinogen ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What television network flogged its sports programming on Inga Nielsen 's body in 197 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does `` Philebus-like '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the operating system that runs on IBM-compatible machines .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the meaning of caliente , in English , ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country contains the westernmost point in South America ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was the first X-Man to die in battle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What is the meaning of thalassemia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many layers of yellow paint is a Faber Mongol pencil lucky enough to be sprayed with ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the cause of endangered species ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do the number 1 , 2 , and 4 mean on Dr. Pepper bottles ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What chapter of the Bible has the most verses ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: Who was the accused in The Trial of the Century , which opened Janurary 1 , 1935 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What took first prize in Omni magazine 's contest to find the `` ultimate unanswerable question '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When was Calypso music invented ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is form drag ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many times was pitcher , Warren Spahn , a 20-game winner in his 21 major league seasons ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How can I get a CCT diagram ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name a South African diamond producer ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What two baseball players make up the battery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In which Kevin Costner movie did Sioux Indians play a role ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where are the apartments in Saint John , New Brunswick ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is Stephen Hawking ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who played the title role in I Was a Teenage Werewolf ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Ben Casey 's boss ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. get most of its energy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the various super-teams to which the Angel has belonged .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What do manatees eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the four most widely-used languages in North America ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: Which infectious disease kills the most people worldwide ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who asked you to do the Loco-Motion with her in 1962 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Japanese electronics company was named for a coastal city northeast of Tokyo ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is `` the computer for the rest of us '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a bone marrow transplant ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who liberated 19th century Sicily and Naples ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Einstein 's IQ ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What beer advertised that it had `` three rings '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many times was pitcher , Warren Spahn , a 20-game winner in his 21 major league seasons ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does the term glory hole mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What game does Garry Kasparov play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What college football team did Knute Rockne build into a power ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was the first Lifesaver flavor ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What culture developed the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When it 's time to relax , what one beer stands clear ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: In what year did they build the Berlin Wall ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which produces the longer sperm - an elephant or a mouse ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When the Tutankhamun exhibit was on display in the U.S. , what moving company transported it ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the most popular form of gambling with women in Las Vegas ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where is the Orange Bowl ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What should the oven be set at for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the characters ' names in the Scooby-Doo cartoon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does e=mc2 mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many years did it take James Joyce to write Ulysses ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Rotary engines used to be made by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In My Antonia , how is Mr. Shimerda out of place on the farm ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What did Woody Allen call the Japanese gangster film he dubbed into English as a comedy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What New York Yankee was known as The Iron Horse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose first presidential order was : `` Let 's get this goddamn thing airborne '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the name of a hotel in Indianapolis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who led the Normans to victory in the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many dots make up the symbol for `` because '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What kind of animals were in the Paleozoic era ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What 's bottled in jeroboams ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What alloy do copper and tin form ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What does `` Janelle '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is hebephrenia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the shape of a football as stated in the NFL rulebook ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are my legal rights in an automobile repossession in California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What former royal palace has served as a granary , prison , arsenal , leper colony , mint , telegraph station and whorehouse before becoming an art museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a philanthropist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is your corpus callosum ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1713, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "e05426365861e1d2e2a6b56027ca3af108e4944390b0d7db"} {"input": "Question: Who was the first man to fly across the Pacific Ocean ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What does the name Billie mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the lowest highest elevation at 6 feet ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who led the Normans to victory in the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Broadway musical was inspired by Cervantes 's Don Quixote ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can one find Mozambique ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can you find the Venus flytrap ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the distinction of Erle Stanley Gardner 's The Case of the Terrified Typist ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What TV talk-show host lends his name to a line of men 's clothing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Scandinavian country covers 173 , 732 square miles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who is Archie Bunker 's son-in-law ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the best Internet business to go into ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many referees work a soccer game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do you fix squeaky floors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What animal migrates the farthest ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How do you clean badly tarnished brass ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How old was George Washington when he died ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What does BTU mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What baseball player was walked the most times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the best way to overcome a fear ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What presidential administration challenged Americans to explore The New Frontier ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are three ways in which wind is created on the earth ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is a bone marrow transplant ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How tall is Prince Charles ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is titanium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where can an individual get a contact lens tested that burned the entire surface of eye when new ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What facial feature did Walt Disney sport that none of Disney 's employees is allowed to ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the largest deserts in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is the largest dam in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of the 187s Irish terrorist group in Pennsylvania mining areas ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I find out what cities are in a certain area code ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I increase my biceps ' size ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In which Kevin Costner movie did Sioux Indians play a role ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the captain of the tanker , Exxon Valdez , involved in the oil spill in Prince William Sound , Alaska , 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the most heavily caffeinated soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is a Cartesian Diver ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What have you not let a tennis ball do if you volley ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name a South African diamond producer ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the most common elements in the Earth 's crust ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How did Super President gain his powers on the animated series ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I contact Answers.com direct ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are close encounters of the first and second kind ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does a chef coddle eggs in ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is Dick Clark 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is prepared mustard ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the West Virginia state animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What started in 1849 when gold was discovered at Sutter 's Mill ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who was the architect of Central Park ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the traditional drink at the Kentucky Derby ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When was the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the Peloponnesian League ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many different countries export coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the hair style called that new military recruits receive ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How long was the TV mission of Star Trek 's Enterprise to be ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How can I get someone 's phone number if I only have their screen name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 1966 boob tube bomb took astronauts back to prehistoric times ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How much money are Dumbo 's ears insured for ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who portrayed George M. Cohan in 1942 's Yankee Doodle Dandy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who won two gold medals in skiing in the Olympic Games in Calgary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fastest fish in the world ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is another word for diet ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How do I make fuel bricks from recycled newspaper ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who portrayed The Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What international organization was founded by Clara Barton ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who graced the airwaves with such pearls as `` Do ya lo-o-ove me ? Get naked , baby ! '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the high pitched sound that you hear in your ear every now and then , but then it goes away , after a while ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the largest museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the most commonly-spoken language in Belgium ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is a fear of thunder ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was in Death of a Salesman original movie , not 1985 ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1686, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "b5dbf95d4914cfa17d7f34d29feb0b7c577e77ac764422ac"} {"input": "Question: Who developed the Macintosh computer ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is ethylene ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What university football team did O.J. Simpson take to the Rose Bowl ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I install a tile floor ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What attracts tourists to Reims ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What do you call the feeling of having experienced something before ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What U.S. Government agency registers trademarks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What was American folk hero John Chapman 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What fraction of a beaver 's life is spent swimming ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What 's a short ton ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What enigmatic U.S. vice president was once tried and acquitted for treason in a plot to set up his own independent empire in the West ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where are zebras most likely found ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In Kafka 's Metamorphosis , the hero awakes one morning to find himself turned into what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the name of the vaccine for chicken pox ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What should you yell to hail a taxi in Madrid ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many referees work a soccer game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why was Curious George curious ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of neon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What do the names Andrew and Christina mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What famous meat company went out of business because it became known that the underworld had been selling them kangaroo meat ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the only East european country not tied to the ruble ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What architect originated the glass house designed the Chicago Federal Center had a philosophy of `` less is more , '' and produced plans that were the forerunner of the California ranch house ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What toy company is the world 's No.1 maker of female apparel ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What bay sparkles next to Miami , Florida ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What company started out making pies , and wound up manufacturing plastic throwing toys ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much money does the Sultan of Brunei have ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How many feet are there in a fathom ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a language spoken by the Sioux ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What 's the state motto of California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Darth Vader 's son ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Li 'l Abner 's last name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many yards are in 1 mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is the highest point in Japan ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: How many chairs are shown in Vincent Van Gogh 's 188 work The Artist 's Room in Arles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. Congressman said : `` Keep the faith , baby '' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did Luther display his `` Ninety-Five Theses '' ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of ruin ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` The Grinch Who Stole Christmas '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is Abigail Arcane related to the villainous opponent of the Swamp Thing ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of the football game that saw Fordham defeat Waynesburg State 12601 on September 3 , 1939 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: When did the original Howdy Doody show go off the air ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country has problems with hooligans ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What two European countries are joined by the Gran San Bernardo Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where is the actress , Marion Davies , buried ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What do flatfish eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many times was pitcher , Warren Spahn , a 20-game winner in his 21 major league seasons ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the seafaring name for the southern tip of South America ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who were the 1974 Oscar winners ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famous meat company went out of business because it became known that the underworld had been selling them kangaroo meat ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: In the past 8 years who have the MVP players for the NHL been ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose kidnaping was termed The Crime of the Century ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What book does Holden Caulfield appear in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why is the moon different sizes and colors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many U.S. presidents were assassinated during Queen Victoria 's reign ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the rites accompanying the circumcision of a newly born-child in Judaism called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How much could you rent a Volkswagen bug for in 1966 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Where is Mile High Stadium ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What company makes impulse hardening equipment ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What characteristics contribute to its `` intelligence '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: The Jewish alphabet is known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What sport can a free-legged pacer compete in ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How did the U.S. come into the possession of an empire in the wake of the Spanish-American War ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the chromosome number of an elephant ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a swatch ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the date of Boxing Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why do men snore ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How large is Missouri 's population ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What U.S. state has sagebrush as its state flower ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How do I find out what cities are in a certain area code ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who was Shakespeare 's Moorish general ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a farrier put shoes on ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How does a parachute work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much Coca Cola is drunk in one day in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When is the Jimmy Buffett concert coming to the E center in Camden NJ ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1738, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "0f9a8aca3f7f23f92294d2522a311e98119fb01ed311294d"} {"input": "Question: What is neurology ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What incident caused the canning of a summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What kind of sports team is the Buffalo Sabres ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What city is wiener schnitzel named for ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What country has problems with hooligans ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What soft drink tells us to `` Go Hawaiian '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: When will Jean Aeul publish her next book ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Hazmat stands for what ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does Ouija mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the starting salary for beginning lawyers ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the purpose of a car bra ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the name of the lawyer who represented Randy Steven Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why is poop sometimes different colors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who told all in Ball Four ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who seized power from Milton Obote in 1971 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is object-oriented design ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many children under 18 are victims of some sort of Physical Abuse each year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Don McLean song laments the day Buddy Holly died ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who played Lucas McCain on The Rifleman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many times a year does the American Gourd Society publish The Gourd ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the history of yo-yos ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What sports magazine has the largest circulation ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What actor dressed up as Santa Claus and had a once-a-year affair with actress Shelley Winters every Christmas for many years ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the most common breeding birds in the U.S. ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What 1963 Joseph L. Mankiewicz film cost $28 million ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the name of the American literary era that includes 1896 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What king was forced to agree to the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How loud is thunder ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What do humans catch zoonose diseases from ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which of these are authors ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Romania located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the Internet2 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much money are Dumbo 's ears insured for ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How do telephones work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did the Inuits live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When does the average teenager first have intercourse ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do doctors diagnose bone cancer ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is worth seeing in Reims ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was The Pride of the Yankees ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who said : `` What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How fast does the fastest car go ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: With whom did Bush compare Saddam Hussein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What mayor made so many TV appearances he was asked to join AFTRA in 1984 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is an aortic abdominal aneurysm ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What county is Chicago in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the exchange rate for Australian to American money ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is the best way to travel in Japan ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How is an executioner determined ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the most expensive car in the world ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the average salary of a paleontologist ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the temperature for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: Who wrote the Farmer 's Almanac ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the top vegetable crops in the world ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What country is Kosovo a part of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is an annotated bibliography ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What group asked the musical question Do You Believe in Magic ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the name of the lawyer who represented Randy Steven Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many people own pets ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which is the best opening move in chess ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What were first used by John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett in 1892 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which police department made the all-time biggest cocaine bust in Ventura County ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What river does the Grand Coulee Dam dam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is Columbia Tristar 's phone number ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: How many double-word-score spaces are there on a Scrabble Crossword Game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who won the 1968 California Democratic primary ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a `` node '' in computer terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the Hungarian word for pepper ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What percentage of children between the ages of two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is hebephrenia ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1587, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "9f68ffea3bd44bde6c8c923dcfee4006311af42e9107c5be"} {"input": "Question: What does Phi Beta Kappa mean ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What does God create in the first sentence of the Bible ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What should the oven be set at for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do you do a bibliography with an unknown author ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I find information on laundry detergent ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where did the Wright brothers make their first flight ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which Rockefeller was sometimes called `` JDR3 '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were the names of the three ships used by Columbus ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What is the difference between ninjitsu and kung fu ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How fast is light ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What U.S. senator once played basketball for the New York Knicks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What chemicals are used in lethal injection ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Colorado city owns its own glacier ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What English physician was born on January 18 , 1779 and went on to create two important inventions ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does the song Anything Goes take place ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What river flows past the Temple of Karnak ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does a submarine operate ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why did David Koresh ask the FBI for a word processor ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do you send a movie transcript to Hollywood so that it can be produced into a film ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Peruvian city is home to the mummified body of Francisco Pizarro ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where are the leading medical groups specializing in lung diseases ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the Ventura County police department that seized the county 's largest amount of cocaine ever ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is hydrogen ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What businesses in Alaska were affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What king was forced to agree to the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much did the Iran-Contra investigation cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was the name of the television show , starring Karl Madsen , that had San Francisco in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was The Pride of the Yankees ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the number of assassinations and attempts to assassinate in the U.S. since 1865 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: On which flight did Fawaz Younis commit air piracy and hostage taking ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What card company sells Christmas ornaments ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the most heavily caffeinated soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many people died on South Carolina highways in 1998 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many layers of yellow paint is a Faber Mongol pencil lucky enough to be sprayed with ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many times a year does the American Gourd Society publish The Gourd ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What New York City landmark has 168 steps to its crown ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where 's the 19th hole on a golf course ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can I gain access to a spy satelite ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is `` flintknapping '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the brand name of a chemical used to control ripening ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What would you add to the clay mixture to produce bone china ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How did Rocky Marciano die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was Al Capone finally imprisoned for , in 1931 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What letter is to the right of K on a typewriter keyboard ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What category does the color pink denote in the Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer Edition ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is Barbara Jordan ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What company was the original sponsor of TV 's Superman ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the Pennsylvania state income tax rate ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What country is the world 's largest importer of cognac ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When was London 's Docklands Light Railway constructed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many points is a bullseye worth in darts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are close encounters of the first and second kind ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What mammal of North America is the world 's longest-lived for its size ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What product 's ads claim that it `` eliminates odors , kills household germs , mold , and mildew '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What comic strip sometimes features a mailman named Beasley ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is Black Hills , South Dakota most famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was a Mae West on a World War II battleship ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do they find an epicenter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What president also became a supreme court justice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the proper Laugh-In respones to : `` Say goodnight , Dick '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What blood sport features a movement called a veronica ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How many people was Randy Craft convicted of killing ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the first king of England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of helium ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What drink is formed of tequila , orange juice and galliano ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are the powers and weaknesses of Green Lantern 's ring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What did Andy Hardy 's father do for a living ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Who would you use the Heimlich maneuver on ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was China 's first nuclear test ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many freckles does Howdy Doody have on his face ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who said : `` What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the life expectancy of an elephant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What was the name of the flight that Fawaz Younis hijacked ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1753, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "ec28c83d86786bc03d79c6f25e301f85f0fdba6018f20a7a"} {"input": "Question: What is fungus ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How did names come about ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the death toll of people dying from tuberculosis ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What American naval officer broke Japan 's isolationist policy in 1853 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was introduced commercially by Bayer A.G. of Leverkusen , in 1899 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of clouds ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What enigmatic U.S. vice president was once tried and acquitted for treason in a plot to set up his own independent empire in the West ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the world 's most common compound ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What are the names of Jack 's original roommates on Three 's Company ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin about ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How does an abacus work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which of the five senses develops first ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is fellatio ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which drug is commonly used to treat AIDS ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a fear of being cold ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What London museum features a Chamber of Horrors ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first X-Man to die in battle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name for clouds that produce rain ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Where can I find the names of all the 15 Pokemon ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is prepared mustard ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of trees ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What prompted the co-pilot of the Enola Gay to enter only `` My God '' in his log ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What according to the Kinsey Institute , is the sexual preference of four percent of American males ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What city does McCarren Airport serve ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is after death ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the world record for the longest hair ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many endangered species are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who made the deodorant that claimed that it `` actually builds up resistance to odor '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What type is a snail ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where does the U.S. rank among world countries in area ?\nType: Order, rank\nQuestion: What World War II leader declared : `` The blow has been struck '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the 5 words that use all of the letters in the alphabet , except Q , with no repeats .\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How many villi are found in the small intestine ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the longest English word ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What was the alternate to VHS ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What brand of jeans did Calvin Klein admit in a 1984 interview he felt more comfortable wearing ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: In Dana 's `` Two Years Before the Mast , '' what seafarers lived in an abandoned oven on the beach at San Diego ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I buy movies on videotape online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How big is Australia ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What are the largest deserts in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who played the father on `` Charles in Charge '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Darius ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What do goldfish lose if kept in dimly-lit or running water ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of passing high objects ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What state in the United States covers the largest area ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What 's the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was the first American world chess champion ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which side of the face do most artists tend to show more of in self-portraits ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where is Sinn Fein 's headquarters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the best way to lose the flab under your chin and around your face ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the cause of endangered species ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the author of `` John Brown 's Body '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do pointed letters mean to a handwriting analyst ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What kind of greeting is appropriate to send on Yom Kippur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Scottish poet penned To a Mouse and To a Louse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What effect does LSD have on the brain ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the four most widely-used languages in North America ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is the `` fourth dimension '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What sport features snatches and clean jerks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How long is the Coney Island boardwalk ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What 's the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What is the name of the pop singer whose song became the theme song for a brand of catsup ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country has problems with hooligans ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What film had Bette Davis creating a scandal by wearing a daring red gown to a society ball ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is Rona Barrett 's married name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Japanese city was once called Edo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many freckles does Howdy Doody have on his face ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is dew point ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a fear of strong light ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What were the first bodies visited by spacecraft ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What dumb-but-loveable character did Maurice Gosfield play on The Phil Silvers Show ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1631, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "2ad3442ea8cc11e6ff1aff960d9f94702c1d2f74e56276ed"} {"input": "Question: How far is the service line from the net in tennis ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What year did Hitler die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the 7 articles of the constitution ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do I know if I 'm jealous of someone ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How old is the Italian artist Maurizio Pellegrin ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What novel inspired the movie BladeRunner ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are the different approaches of systems analysis ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is one of the languages spoken by the Sioux called ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: How many times does the tide ebb and flow each day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the planet that the Ewoks live on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What else has the swastika stood for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What facial feature typically contains about 55 hairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the trademark of a Washington Redskin 's fan ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What was the `` Dead Man 's Hand '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do the names Neil , Mary , and Anthony mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many people live in cities ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What brand of white rum is still made in Cuba ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What cards are bullets ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name of King Arthur 's sword ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the address for the main government office in Rome , Italy ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the daily requirement of folic acid for an expectant mother ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is viscosity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In Waugh 's `` A Handful of Dust , '' what does the mad old man force the hero to do every afternoon ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: With whom did Bush compare Saddam Hussein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the distinguishing mark on the `` Little Rascals '' dog ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What U.S. city was named for St. Francis of Assisi ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is the president of Stanford University ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the only two states that incorporate the Confederate battle flag in their flags ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who led the Normans to victory in the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the longest chemical name , consisting of 35 letters ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the star of Leave It to Beaver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many three-letter permutations can be made from the four letters : c ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Russian master spy lived in the U.S. under the name Emil Goldfus ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I find out which cities have cable-modem access ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What cigar-chewing comedian observed : `` You 're only as old as the woman you feel '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Hermann Hesse book gave its name to a rock group ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the highest-ranking suit in bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the most commonly used 1 letter word in the English language ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How old is Benny Carter ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What famous New York City mayor wrote the hit song , `` Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are common methods used to regulate monopolies ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What was the nickname of German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much salt is in the oceans ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What product is for kids , and not for silly rabbits ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What hide-and-seek game is played around a tin can ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the difference between hair and fur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the most number of goals scored by a single team in an NHL hockey game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the population of the United States ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who is the head of the World Bank ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of neon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who led the Normans to victory in the Battle of Hastings ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many Fig Newtons are there to the pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the orgin of xoxoxox ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: The trials resulting from World War II are known as what ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Larry King 's job ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How do you clean an LCD monitor screen ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the name of Humphrey Bogart 's club in Casablanca ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many furlongs are there in a mile-and-a-quarter recetrack ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was known as the Time Master in comic books ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is time ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the weather like on the moon ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the Big Thompson flood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why do roosters sing at five o 'clock in the morning ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the distinction of Erle Stanley Gardner 's The Case of the Terrified Typist ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many shots can a stock M16 hold ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do bicornate animals have two of ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What is the origin of the typing practice sentence `` Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who is the author of the book , `` The Iron Lady : A Biography of Margaret Thatcher '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What exactly , specifically does sleep do for you ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the first stained glass window made ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is always trying to get the rent from Andy Capp ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the Arabic Numerals from 1 to 10 ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1672, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "1b82d9c3f648f0300c1e30f134e5e2e56a749c295ec94ed7"} {"input": "Question: What was the last year that the Chicago Cubs won the World Series ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many years of bad luck follow breaking a mirror ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What company 's trademark was His Master 's Voice ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Larry King 's occupation ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the origin of the rock band Led Zeppelin 's name ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do storms form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What films featured the character Popeye Doyle ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the most common nickname of U.S. college football teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` mind '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What fool is not so wise To lose an oath to win a paradise ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is an aurora ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Rotary engine cars were made by what company ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What kind of hat does Bat Masterson wear ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: When was the NFL established ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: In what city is the famed St. Mark 's Square ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How big is a baby bald eagle ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: How is Paraguay for vacations ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the origin of blue for boys and pink for girls ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What caused the Titanic to sink ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What caused the death of Bob Marley ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What novel has Big Brother watching ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does the number `` 5 '' stand for on FUBU clothing ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What currents affect the area of the Shetland Islands and Orkney Islands in the North Sea ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was Santos-Dumont ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who produces Spumante ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who sings the themes for `` Dawson 's Creek '' and `` Felicity '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is main reason for that electric vehicles can 't be popular nowadays ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the star of Leave It to Beaver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who killed Martin Luther King ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented batteries ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the two languages of Malta ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: Who taught Matt Murdock to use his extraordinary abilities in Marvel comics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the kids ' show from Canadian Public TV with the singing pineapple ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many people in Tucson ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What country saw the origin of the Asian Flu ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was Thatcher 's first name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Prewitt play in James Jones 's From Here to Eternity ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What is the web address at which I can find the e-mail address of a member of the US House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer for Randy Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the official `` zero '' of the sea level ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What beer 's name is translated as `` lion brew '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What did Delilah do to Samson 's hair ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In the past 8 years who have the MVP players for the NHL been ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the favorite sport of Tom Wolfe 's The Pump House Gang ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who owns the rights on a TV program ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of the director of the movie `` Jaws '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who founded the Unification Church ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What civil war was fought between 1936 and 1939 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What little boy and dog live in a shoe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find scientific data , `` research papers , '' on textile engineering ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are perfect tenses ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is Colin Powell ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is an urban legend ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where do the Grimace and Mayor McCheese live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Describe the Finnish music personality Salonen 's appearance .\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the only U.S. President to wear a Nazi uniform ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented the toothbrush ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What civil war was fought between 1936 and 1939 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who played the title role in The Romantic Englishwoman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the Thomas Edison Museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are some translations of the phrase `` Thank-you '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is Smokey The Bear 's middle name ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the dialogue circle in cartoons called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which hair care product told us `` hate that gray , wash it away '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What U.S. Government agency registers trademarks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was nicknamed The Little Corporal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of neon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who was the tallest U.S. president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the word LASER mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1579, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "6f6b792e2a35efdfea1cd445e39fa6d9f5554ad7be8d05b1"} {"input": "Question: Who invented the slinky ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is troilism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What disease is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many spaces follow a period at the end of a sentence ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who were the 1974 Oscar winners ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What name did football 's New York Titans adopt in 1963 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's men 's par on a 455-yard golf hole ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What famous singing cowboy owns the California Angels baseball team ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which mosquito 's bite draws blood , DT NN CC DT NN .\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What nationality was Jackson Pollock ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many times a day does the typical person go to the bathroom ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who invented the game bowling ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many flavors of ice cream does Howard Johnson 's have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What nuclear process takes place in an H-bomb ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How old is singer Freedy Johnston ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What organization is the Security Council a part of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are dingoes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the species of Winnie the Pooh ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is `` Nine Inch Nails '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the words to `` My Way '' written by Paul Anka ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the Hoover Dam constructed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What occupation has the highest divorce rate ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Who was Damocles ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who came up with the name , El Nino ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is an ecological niche ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the seven virtues ?\nType: Definition of somethingQuestion: Why does a candle need a wick ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How does light travel through the void of space if there is no medium for it to ` wave ' or ` pulse ' .\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How long does a human live ?\nType: Lasting time of somethinQuestion: Who was the architect of Central Park ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who portrayed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in The Desert Fox ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What nationality is Gorbachev ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country is the origin of the band the Creeps ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How high must a mountain be to be called a mountain ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What mountainous region of the world is the Lhasa Apso dog native to ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What breed of dog was the `` Little Rascals '' dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What should the temperature be set at while baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: Who were John F. Kennedy 's dogs ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the average weight for a man ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: CNN is the abbreviation for what ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who is the sexiest women in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first doctor to successfully transplant a liver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the two blob members of the animated Herculoids .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What five-time winner of the Kentucky Derby lost his first 25 races ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does MSG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who invented the lawnmower ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is digital audio used ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is goldenseal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What color , s , appear on boxes of Kodak film ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What do we call the imaginary line along the top of the Rocky Mountains ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the slowest Olympic swimming stroke ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What are the only players eligible to score points in Roller Derby called ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What do Italians call Florence ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What British commander surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown in 1781 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball at ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What sport features snatches and clean jerks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How can I find out what year a Beanie Baby was introduced ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What fraction of a beaver 's life is spent swimming ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Name four comic strips about pilots .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 19th-century painter died in the Marquesas Islands ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How big is a normal size penis for a 15-year-old ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What does the number 33 on the Rolling Rock beer bottle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which is heavier - cream or milk ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How do cameras take pictures ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does the word LASER mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What multitalented Academy-award-winning director failed a college course in motion-picture production ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the infamous feat of Germany 's U-2 submarine ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of touching ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where is Santa Lucia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the only substance that gives food its `` taste '' when eaten ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is typhoid fever ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many members of a family could be drafted in the U.S. military during World War II ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Santa Lucia ?\nType: Other location\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1590, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "7e22d6a219c6aae8a246db689dd2479c7cf500bff9452115"} {"input": "Question: What is cerebral palsy ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the zodiac sign for August 14 ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What is the Pennsylvania state income tax rate ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ship did Lloyd M. Bucher command ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What does snafu stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: When did CNN begin broadcasting ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the amount of money owed for illegally having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How can I search for a word within my own webpage ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When did the neanderthal man live ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a conifer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What three European countries begin with the letter A ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What jockey won 17 Triple Crown races ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many James Bond novels are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the half-life of P-32 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city is graced by the Arch of Titus ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What World War II leader declared : `` The blow has been struck '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why shouldn 't you remove a bee stinger with tweezers ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many feet high is the hurdle in front of a runner 's steeplechase water jump ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the probability that at least 2 out of 25 people will have the same birthday ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What animal 's tail is called a brush ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What engineer invented the pull-tab can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who did the Seven Mules block for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the prophet of the Jewish people ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the first Russian astronaut to do a spacewalk .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of Hitler 's unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich in 1923 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: In Sinclair Lewis ' `` Main Street , '' what was the name of the typical American town ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When did the art of quilting begin ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What color are school buses ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who was Lauren Bacall 's first husband ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first woman in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who created Maudie Frickett ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: CNN is owned by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's a male witch called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do camels store in their humps ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What city contains the district of Hell 's Kitchen ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the three winter months in the southern hemisphere ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What President dispatched a cruiser to carry Charles Lindbergh home after his epic flight ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What oldtime kids ' fare did TV Guide writer Jeff Greenfield call `` one of the most...subversive TV shows in American history '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What French seaport claims to be The Home of Wines ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What chemical in red wine is good for the heart and what exactly does it do to your body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the hair style called that new military recruits receive ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the English translation for the word `` caliente '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is leukemia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many cities are there in Utah ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which company created the Internet browser Mosaic ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What were the five opening words on Ben Casey ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: How old was Sir Edmund Hillary when he climbed Mt. Everest ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How much would a black-and-white 1-cent stamp be worth , Thomas Jefferson on it ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What steps can be taken to prevent diabetes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What percent liked Thatcher after she had been in power for a decade ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: Who played the father on `` Charles in Charge '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What book does Holden Caulfield appear in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What card company sells Christmas ornaments ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is real time processing ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is Charles Lindbergh ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who replaced Bert Parks as the host of The Miss America Pageant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many Marx Brothers were there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Nathan Hamill 's role in the new Star Wars prequel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are pomegranates ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the best hospital for orthopedics in the country ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What format was VHS 's main competition ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the Lost Colony ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Tom Wolfe book is about the Mercury astronauts ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why are electric cars less efficient in the northeast than in California ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What Scandinavian country covers 173 , 732 square miles ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many American soldiers are stationed in South Korea ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When did Hitler come to power in Germany ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is ouzo ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1633, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "6c50262227611d4c4309566426cc5e31a408b68b588e9dcd"} {"input": "Question: What is the most common eye color ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What were the first frozen foods ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: In which Kevin Costner movie did Sioux Indians play a role ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who sells Viagra ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the rallying cry of the early American revolutionaries ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's bottled in jeroboams ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why do pressure cookers save time in the kitchen ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How is Easter Sunday 's date determined ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How can I enforce new rules to a group of youngsters who have been allowed to do as they please .\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What problems contributed to the high failure rate of Plains farmers in the 1800s ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What line of candy products included Super Skrunch and Peanut Butter Oompas ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What country , after Canada and Mexico , is closest to the U.S. ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What actor 's autobiography is titled All My Yesterdays ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does caliente translate to in English ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the Peloponnesian League ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What buxom blonde appeared on the cover of more than 5 magazines ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find the schematics to the windshield wiper mechanism ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the most common elements in seawater ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where can I read about Chiang Kai-shek ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much did Alaska cost when bought from Russia ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is a fear of worms ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What time of year is air travel the heaviest ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is located in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How does psorisis disappear ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What toy can you make sleep ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What made Jane Goodall famous ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What two New York Yankee pitchers swapped wives and families ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who does Shakespeare 's Antonio borrow 3 , 0 ducats from ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the better-known identity of John Merrick , the noble ogre of Victorian England ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famous British actor lost his voice after an operation in 1966 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year did Thatcher become prime minister ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How much does the President get paid ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What does the number 33 on the Rolling Rock beer bottle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Jane Goodall famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What desert country borders Saudi Arabia , Iraq and the Persian Gulf ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does the donation process entail ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of cholera ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What bestselling modern poet was the co-founder of the famous City Lights Bookshop in San Francisco ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did Princess Diana and Prince Charles get married ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the name of `` The Muppets '' creator ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the most albums sold by one artist or band ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many calories are there in a Big Mac ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the shape of a football as stated in the NFL rulebook ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are the 28 tenses in the English language ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are all the different kinds of contraceptives ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does Nicholas Cage do for a living ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Where is Procter & Gamble based in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country is proud to claim Volcano National Park ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which sex is denied voting rights in Kuwait ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is swap math ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much energy is released when oxygen and hydrogen mix ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What name does the world know Renaissance artist Kyriakos Theotokopoulos by ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the Parthenon built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What relative of the racoon is sometimes known as the cat-bear ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is porphyria ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What river runs through Liverpool ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many colored squares are there on a Rubik 's Cube ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the powers and weaknesses of Green Lantern 's ring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What European country 's monarchy was restored in 1975 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a fear of rejection ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Name Dick Tracy 's two children .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the world population as of today ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What exactly is radiation ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who did Napolean defeat at Jena and Auerstadt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year was the NAACP founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What determines the value of the pearl ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does it mean `` Rupee Depreciates '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many points are there on a Backgammon board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What professional cricketer 's son wrote The War of the Worlds in 1898 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the probability that at least 2 out of 25 people will have the same birthday ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What are vermicilli , rigati , zitoni , and tubetti ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does JESSICA mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where 's the Bernini-Bristol Hotel ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many hummingbird eggs could fit in one ostrich egg ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Color"], "length": 1607, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "ea29ea4fd2b35bd7dc2d53ac018bfe8385058042214ce5cf"} {"input": "Question: What is a fuel cell ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How many years ago did Led Zeppelin release its last album ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is chronic constipation a symptom of ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does Freddy Freeman say to become Captain Marvel Jr. ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What author landed a 468-pound marlin without harness in the early 193 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What labor leader was last seen in the parking lot of a Michigan restaurant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was nicknamed The Little Corporal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the biggest `` thing '' humans have made ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which of the following was Rhodes Scholar ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the first domesticated bird ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What game does Garry Kasparov play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who played the Ringo Kid in the 1939 film Stagecoach ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ocean is the largest in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city boasts Penn 's Landing , on the banks of the Delaware river ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are all the southern states of the U.S. ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What kind of greeting is appropriate to send on Yom Kippur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How old was George Washington when he died ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What city is the Kentucky Horse Park near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What soft drink would provide me with the biggest intake of caffeine ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many chemical elements are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What river runs through Liverpool ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the main blood vessels ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What was Mel Gibson 's first movie ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is Win Rah ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What wild and crazy guy wrote a book called Cruel Shoes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is measured in curies ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did the Dow first reach ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many queen bees reign in a hive ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why did David Koresh ask the FBI for a word processor ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What percentage of American men are alcoholic ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What actor has a tattoo on his right wrist reading Scotland Forever ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What lake is Sheboygan on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many miles is it from NY to Austria ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is Australia Day ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of people took part in Shays ' Rebellion in Massachusetts in 1787 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a urologist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What dumb-but-loveable character did Maurice Gosfield play on The Phil Silvers Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the singular of dice ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What boxer 's life story is titled Raging Bull ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year was actress Joan Collins born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: When Superman needs to get away from it all , where does he go ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a caldera ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the highest continent ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: On average , how many miles are there to the moon ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: When did the royal wedding of Prince Andrew and Fergie take place ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What was the man 's name who was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What four-legged creature did a Cornell University study say would make man 's best companion in space ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many colored squares are there on a Rubik 's Cube ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How effective are condoms in protecting against AIDS ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What keeps clouds in the air ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How would I find the price of different organs that have been donated ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a softball made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How many people own pets ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which major diamond producer is based in South Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was the inventor of the stove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Karenna Gore , Al Gore 's oldest daughter , married to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many calories are there in a glass of water ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How did the months of the year get there name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where does Buzz Aldrin want to build a permanent , manned space station ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a bourdon tube ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why do we ask for the `` check '' and not the bill at a restaurant ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who is Langston Hughes ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What celebrity couple , when going through a divorce , divided their toilet paper into two equal piles ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What writer-journalist made his mark describing colorful Broadway and underworld characters ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What flower did Vincent Van Gogh paint ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What are the rites accompanying the circumcision of a newly born-child in Judaism called ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What city is sometimes called The Athens of Switzerland ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where can I buy a pony on the Big Island for my daughter ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many times a day should you take a prescription marked `` q.i.d . '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between a college and a university ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who first broke the sound barrier ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the wingspan of a condor ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who portrayed Renaud in Casablanca ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1608, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "258eac8ce0c51298894895f7e29dafecfbf9f3064de5fa3c"} {"input": "Question: What is the money they use in Zambia ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What percentage of American men are alcoholic ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What does God create in the first sentence of the Bible ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is the composer of `` Canon in D Major '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who won the 1967 Academy Award for Best Actor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state are the Finger Lakes in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How did Asia get its name ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the most common breeding birds in the U.S. ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What country borders Denmark to the south ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was the original Humpty Dumpty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How big is the largest diamond ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What does 7847+5943 equal ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Which of the following TV newsmen was a Rhodes scholar ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the `` c '' stand for in the equation E=mc2 ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who is the author of the book , `` The Iron Lady : A Biography of Margaret Thatcher '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were first used by John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett in 1892 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name the 5 words that use all of the letters in the alphabet , except Q , with no repeats .\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word ` posh ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: In what year did Ireland elect its first woman president ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name the child left on a doorstep at the beginning of Gasoline Alley .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famous communist leader died in Mexico City ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Ouija mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What song served as the closing theme of The Johnny Cash Show ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I find correct tabs for Third Eye Blind songs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which infectious disease is the world 's deadliest ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the name of the woman who was with John Belushi when he died ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where can I get a complete listing of showtimes in my area ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What TV series saw many of its aquatic scenes shot at Silver Springs , Florida ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why does it say on children 's cough syrup not to drive while using this medication ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What South American city has the world 's highest commercial landing field ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What robust U.S. President imported his own instructor after seeing a judo match ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who were the `` filthiest people alive ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the V-8 Juice slogan : `` the tastebud '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the most expensive car in the world ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What year was the NAACP founded ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of General Motors ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: How many countries are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Scottish poet penned To a Mouse and To a Louse ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country owns Corsica ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a reliable site that I can download Heretic 2 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of Randy Craft 's lawyer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the feudal system ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the alphabet for Latin ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: How do you use `` farther '' as opposed to `` further '' ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does a farrier put shoes on ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What film featured a snarly character named Kid Shelleen ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: About how many soldiers died in World War II ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does MSG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the correct way to abbreviate cc. at the bottom of a business letter ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: How old was Gene Siskel ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is `` flintknapping '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the television show , starring Karl Madsen , that had San Francisco in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the meaning of W.B. Yeat 's poem , `` The Three Hermits ? ''\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many quarts of whole milk is needed to make one pound of butter ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Grand Slam golf tournament wasn 't held between 1940 and 1945 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are the world 's four oceans ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What color , s , appear on boxes of Kodak film ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Who wrote The Collector ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What happens to used motor oil ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the only gland in humans that can regenerate itself ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the number 33 on the Rolling Rock beer bottle mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do you select wine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where does the weird shape of the dinner fish knife originate from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a fear of thunder ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the term for the side of the mountain that faces the prevailing winds ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How many people die from tuberculosis each year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Amsterdam ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What nation boarders Mozambique ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country did King Wenceslas rule ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where can I find a case on Americans with Disabilities Act of 199 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where did Bill Gates go to college ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What did John F. Kennedy consider his greatest blunder in office ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state does the Continental Divide leave to enter Canada ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How can I register my website in Yahoo for free ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Currency name"], "length": 1661, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "a9837859ef41605be174b64c0c25f85957d7822e8bcd528c"} {"input": "Question: What is the statue of liberty made of ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the definition of spamming ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name a female figure skater .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famous New York City mayor wrote the hit song , `` Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When did French revolutionaries storm the Bastille ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is InterLata Internet service ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What cards are bullets ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who are the top ten richest people in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who invented Astroturf ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first Holy Roman Emperor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of drinking ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many counties are in Indiana ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What store does Martha Stewart advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who made the musical plea Be True to Your School ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which area produces the least acidic coffee ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a `` USB '' port on a computer ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What did the pyramid-builders of Egypt mainly eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's the proud claim to fame of the young women who formed Kappa Alpha Theta ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a fear of thunder ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a fear of odors , body , ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Peter Blatty novel recounts the horrors of Regan MacNeil 's possession by the devil ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What are two plants that clothes are made from ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: How much did the minimum wage amount to in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was the food of the Greek gods called ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's the Southern dish made of pigs ' small intestines ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What Aesop 's fable has the moral : `` The race is not always to the swift. Slow and steady is bound to win '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is the leader of Brunei ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What chocolate company gives you a one-pound kiss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: A corgi is a kind of what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who is Shirley MacLaine ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the executor in a will ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many bones are there in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What famous singing cowboy owns the California Angels baseball team ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: Where can I get U.S. economic statistics ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the life span of the average monkey ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many three-letter permutations can be made from the four letters : c ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What New Hampshire hamlet rises early to vote first in U.S. presidential elections ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's the common name for acetylsalicylic acid ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How far do you have to run if you hit a home run ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who lives at 39 Stone Canyon Way ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the official animal of Canada ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many electoral votes does it take to win presidency ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What sound does Olympia , Washington , overlook ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the creator of `` The Muppets '' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did makeup originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was a California prayer book to an Old West gambler ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the sequel to The Pink Panther ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was Edward Albee 's first full-length play ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many colonies were involved in the American Revolution ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I find a review of Nightmare on Elm Street in a film journal ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose autobiography is titled Yes I Can ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many dogs pull a sled in the Iditarod ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name of heroine in `` Scruples '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are peanut butter cookies topped with crisscrosses ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is an arab strap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many shots can a stock M16 hold ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: On which dates does the running of the bulls occur in Pamplona , Spain ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where on the Web is Adventours Tours from Sydney , Australia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does Melissa mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where is South Bend ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What dangles over the tongue from the palate ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: When was Florida admitted into the Union ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: From what cause does tuberculosis stem ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What international organization was founded by Clara Barton ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What famous film and TV cowboy lent his name to a fast food chain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do you need to do to marry someone in jail ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does Las Vegas mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How can I find out my Moon sign ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Judith Rossner novel was made into a film starring Diane Keaton ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What first-aid product `` Helps the hurt stop hurting '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What do Italians call Florence ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What artist 's studio was the Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What racehorse won an Associated Press poll as the greatest horse of the 20th century ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is he doing now ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Element and substance"], "length": 1614, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "8f825483b0c8af273f5a50a479badf47b006fa59610fdcbf"} {"input": "Question: What is the location of Lake Champlain ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where can I get information and statistics on countries and nations ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can I search for a word within my own webpage ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does BMW stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who directed The Wild Bunch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the six-footed Musca domestica become when it enters a house ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the name of Roy Rogers 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who is Desmond Tutu ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where can I find a review of Nightmare on Elm Street in a film journal ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the country of giants twelve times the size of man in `` Gulliver 's Travels . ''\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does BTU mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What month of the year is there no television in Iceland ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Colorado city owns its own glacier ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many calories are there in a Big Mac ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who shot Billy the Kid ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year did Joe DiMaggio compile his 56-game hitting streak ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why do roosters sing at five o 'clock in the morning ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What store does Martha Stewart advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Which is the only Dick Tracy villain to appear three times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who penned : `` Neither a borrower nor a lender be '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do anti-locking brakes work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the Golden Rule ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the half-life of P-32 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What English playwright penned : `` Where the bee sucks , so shall I '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What percentage of American men are alcoholic ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What cheery fellow got the ZIP code 9971 from the U.S. Postal Service in 1963 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bottle and a jar ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who wrote the book , `` Huckleberry Finn '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first woman golfer to earn a million ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What college produced the most winning Super Bowl quarterbacks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was the tallest U.S. president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What college enlivens Hanover , New Hampshire ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What does a pedometer measure ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Whom did Friz Freleng add to the Warner Bros. cartoon ranks ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most important nation in the world , historically ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What U.S. state 's biggest lake is Lake Sam Rayburn ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Where is Mozambique located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is glass made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How many points is a bullseye worth in darts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where does Barney Rubble go to work after he drops Fred off in the `` Flintstones '' cartoon series ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a movie that Kevin Costner made about Sioux Indians ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who invented silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of books does Fodor 's publish ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What whisky is `` known by the company it keeps '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How old was George Washington when he died ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: In what city is the famed St. Mark 's Square ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the name of Kevin Costner 's movie about Sioux Indians ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does a topophobic actor suffer from ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was in Death of a Salesman original movie , not 1985 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the president of Vichy France ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become popular ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is hypertext ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the root of all evil ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does the word `` opera '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the chronic neurological autoimmune disease which attacks the protein sheath that surrounds nerve cells causing a gradual loss of movement in the body ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is a pyrotechnic display ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did CNN go on the air ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you get bubblegum out of carpet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What chocolate company gives you a one-pound kiss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` attic '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How can you be happy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many objects orbit the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the second-most-used murder weapon in the U.S. ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When is the Sun closest to the Earth ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is the father of the computer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What mammal of North America is the world 's longest-lived for its size ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What does the name Billie mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did cable cars first roll down Clay Street in 1873 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What group kidnaped Patricia Hearst ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is your favorite color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How many rings are there on a five-zone archery target ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name the men 's cologne that is associated with the sea .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which king signed the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How did Edith Bunker die ?\nType: Manner of an action\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1628, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "9e628b5cbbd4b9cf009d9bc2f01fb8d0648b115dfde912a5"} {"input": "Question: What is dianetics ?\nType:", "context": "Question: When did Iraqi troops invade Kuwait ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who became president of the U.S. in 1789 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the official animal of Canada ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the Taj Majal made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Who was the first black golfer to tee off in the Masters ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of stings ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What two Caribbean countries share the island of Hispaniola ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is the pig population of the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Whose cupboard was bare ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What African capital is named for a U.S. president ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the average salary of a paleontologist ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who was the star of Leave It to Beaver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What cards are bullets ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What barroom judge called himself The Law West of the Pecos ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does a scientific calculator work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the name of the Michelangelo painting that shows two hands with fingers touching ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why is Chicago named Chicago ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What was the name of the Titanic 's captain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What credit card features a centurion on its face ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why are there olives in martinis ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is hebephrenia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the most efficient way to start a barbeque ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is the name of the woman who was with John Belushi when he died ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which police department made the all-time biggest cocaine bust in Ventura County ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a fear of drinking ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What species is a colt ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is typhoid fever ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the symbol for the zodiacal sign Gemini ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What government department did The Untouchables work for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What animal causes the biggest threat to humans ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who is the leader of Brunei ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When was the last major eruption of Mount St. Helens ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the chances of pregnacy if the penis does not penetrate the vagina ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the best distance education university or college ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much in miles is a ten K run ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is the Thomas Edison Museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What shrubs can be planted that will be safe from deer ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: How long did the Paris Commune hold out for against the rest of France ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What two states is Washington D.C. between ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What does `` extended definition '' mean and how would one write a paper on it ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the shape of a football as stated in the NFL rulebook ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which ear can most people hear better with ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What D.H. Lawrence novel was originally titled Tenderness ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What three colors of ink are used to print a U.S. dollar bill ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Why do girls have to wear training bras ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is cunnilingus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which is the largest clock , diameter wise , in Europe ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 2th-century American poet wrote a four-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What new middle school was built in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania last year ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` jiggy '' as in getting jiggy with it ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many bones are there in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word nevermind ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many people does Honda employ in the U.S. ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Texas city got its name from the Spanish for `` yellow '' ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do you get a pointsettia to turn red ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name one of the major gods of Hinduism .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does IQ stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What appointments secretary to Richard Nixon went to jail ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a common dolphin ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How does it make its colors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does the name `` Sabrina '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What British general surrendered to the colonial army at Saratoga ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first elected mayor of Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which of the following men was not married to Rita Hayworth ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the Olympic motto ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the distinction of Erle Stanley Gardner 's The Case of the Terrified Typist ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many votes in Congress dissented from the 1941 declaration of war with Japan ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What year is etched on the Gold Medal of Excellence from the Paris Exposition depicted on a can of Campbell 's tomato soup ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What product on the market is good for hiding facial scars ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What country has the most time zones , with 11 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many types of lemurs are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do Ouija Boards work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did he get the title ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In 1990 , what day of the week did Christmas fall on ?\nType: Date\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1599, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "f76354a020721f6b01013a7a6de69ac67d8252e39561572d"} {"input": "Question: What is genocide ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What did Richard Feynman say upon hearing he would receive the Nobel Prize in Physics ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What card game derived its name from biritch , or Russian Whist ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is the full classification of a lady bug ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What feminist wrote Sexual Politics and Flying ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the words to the song sung by `` Banana in Pajamas '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 1966 boob tube bomb took astronauts back to prehistoric times ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Prewitt play in James Jones 's From Here to Eternity ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: What is the average hours per months spent online by AOL users ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is measured in curies ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the chemical formula for napalm ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What Italian leader had a lifelong fear of the evil eye ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the ten safest American cities for pedestrians ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What were millions of kids wearing on their heads in 1955 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name the three races unleashed by the Celestials in Marvel comics .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the feudal system ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who wrote The Look of Love after viewing Ursula Andress ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How successful is arometherapy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What river flows past the Temple of Karnak ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What botanical marvel did Nebuchadnezzar build ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a cake of soap ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state comes last in an alphabetical list ?\nType: State\nQuestion: When was CNN 's first broadcast ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the words to the song sung by `` Banana in Pajamas '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many times has `` Louie , Louie '' been recorded ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I find a person 's address from a telephone number ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long does cocaine stay in your system ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is Beethoven 's 9th symphony called ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I find the best free evidence for debate about Russia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What singer sings `` Oh Boy '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does Venus Retrograde mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is Margaret Thatcher known for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the deepest area of the Arctic Ocean ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the term for a bet before cards are dealt ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Name the men 's cologne that is associated with the sea .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name the company that used the line , `` Even your best friend won 't tell you '' in its ad ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the fear of frogs ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What lake is the source of the White Nile ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are some fun things to do in Cozumel , Mexico for teenagers ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word ` posh ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where do quality drinks begin ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the `` 7-minute cigarette '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of sleep ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: For what reason did the Shea & Gould law firm close their L.A. office ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are binomial coefficients ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer who represented Randy Steven Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the developmental stages of a swimmer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What son of a 15-year-old Mexican girl and a half-Irish father became the world 's most famous Greek ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do they get Teflon to stick to the pan ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What kind of wine is Spumante ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What war added jeep and quisling to the English language ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What volcano showers ash on Sicily ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country does Ileana Cotrubas come from ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Which college did Dikembe Mutombo play basketball at ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is the prime minister of Australia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was lost and regained by poet John Milton ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What nationality is Ileana Cotrubas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where can I find correct tabs for Third Eye Blind songs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the target rate for M3 growth in 1992 ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What title did Shevardnadze have during the Soviet era ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: How many bends are there in a standard paper clip ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does SIDS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What kind of creatures are black , yellow , and brown bullheads ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Where do you find the answers for all these questions ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who directed Citizen Kane ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What desert has been called The Garden of Allah ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much do drugs to treat tuberculosis cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What is an example of a natural acid-base indicator ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How far is London UK from California ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What title does comedian Henry Youngman claim ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What animals do you find in the stock market ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What year did Degas create the bronze sculpture , `` Fourth Position Front ? ''\nType: Date\nQuestion: What police force did Mack Sennett create ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1631, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4fc23d9ec2244fa06173982e689adaaf5e3b2178d559ad28"} {"input": "Question: What is acetic acid ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What seven digits follow the area code in the number for long distance information ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What is the best place to live in the world , considering climate , civilization ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What journalist can be found in and around Walden Puddle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the shoe sizes of O 'Neal , Jordan , and Mutombo , the NBA players ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the Socratic method ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When did Muhammad live ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What labor leader was last seen in the parking lot of a Michigan restaurant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What type of bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What are close encounters of the first and second kind ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What did Englishman John Hawkins begin selling to New World colonists in 1562 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is thermal equilibrium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What lake is Sheboygan on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a film starring Jude Law ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the proof that houseplants metabolize carcinogens ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Which of the following people is not associated with Andy Warhol ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What army was founded by William Booth and his wife Catherine ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What were the five opening words on Ben Casey ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What term means a sexual attraction between a male and a female ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is dry ice ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much folic acid should a pregnant woman get each day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where did the name root beer come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What U.S. university boasts the largest library ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How does a rainbow form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does a pedometer measure ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How many quarts of whole milk is needed to make one pound of butter ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does the method called `` cold fusion '' create ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How deep is a fathom ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many grooves are on a dime 's edge ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name the fast food chain with the golden arches .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is a fear of points ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Where are some great educational resources for parents and teachers ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who is Karenna Gore , Al Gore 's oldest daughter , married to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does psorisis disappear ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What non-conformist abstract painter was dubbed Jack The Dripper by Time ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is considered The First Lady of the American Stage ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What killed Bob Marley ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What were the cities of Dickens 's A Tale of Two Cities ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What TV series features the adventures of a married couple named Jonathan and Jennifer ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Mississippi has what name for a state nickname ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Where is Poe 's birthplace ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In what movie is the number nine found in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where does most of the marijuana entering the United States come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What name does the world know Renaissance artist Kyriakos Theotokopoulos by ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What impenetrable system of French fortifications was built along the German frontier before World War II ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a caul ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How was the Kennedy money made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is DTMF ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What singer 's hit song inspired the Dolly Parton Stallone movie Rhinestone ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many countries watch MTV Europe ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What color is `` ash '' ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is celebrated during the week of February 21-27 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What 's the only work by Michelangelo that bears his signature ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What college produced the most winning Super Bowl quarterbacks ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I log on to home page at Headquarters U.S. European Command ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How much waste does an average dairy cow produce in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who built the first pyramid ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Why are sometimes your hands cold , but the rest of you isn 't ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Name the designer of the shoe that spawned millions of plastic imitations , known as ` jellies ' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What body of water does the Danube River flow into ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the outcome of the 1945 Yalta Conference ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the 1940 annual salary for a boilermaker ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: When was the G7 group of nations formed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the dumbest domesticated animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What country has the best defensive position in the board game Diplomacy ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What TV series features the adventures of a married couple named Jonathan and Jennifer ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the location of Edinburgh , Scotland ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who are cartoondom 's Super Six ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: When was John D. Rockefeller born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What company has built more than 2.5 billion little green houses since 1935 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What are the numbers that fit into Fermont 's last theorem ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who received the Will Rogers Award in 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who took the toys donated for the Doodyville Orphans ' Fund and kept them for himself ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What caused Shea & Gould to close their L.A. office ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many years ago did the ship Titanic sink ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1663, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "b03fe43e3f84615e5d4cbb554960ac46cbec8360c126575b"} {"input": "Question: What French ruler was defeated at the battle of Waterloo ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who is the prime minister of Japan ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What year did Apartheid start ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who was named Admiral of the Ocean Seas and Viceroy and Governor General of all the islands he might discover , and also granted 10-?? of all profits of his voyage .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many disks does each player have in a four-handed game of Crokinole ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the Internet2 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What famous meat company went out of business because it became known that the underworld had been selling them kangaroo meat ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Why is the word `` abbreviation '' so long ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is The Gay Science ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What kind of weapons were used in Medieval warfare ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where did makeup originate ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How can I get someone 's email address ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How long does it take the Milky Way Galaxy to make one revolution ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What country , after Canada and Mexico , is closest to the U.S. ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What color flies closest to the staff on Belgium 's flag ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Where is Procter & Gamble based in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find information about touring the Philippines ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is tyvek ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do insects do through their spiracles ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the first book of the Old Testament ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What populous state covers 49 , 576 square miles ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What are some science fair projects for 8th graders ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What did Benny Carter play ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is commonly considered the fifth sense ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When is President Nixon 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the best way to overcome a fear ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is literary criticism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What made the Finger Lakes in western New York state ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why did the Shea & Gould law firm leave Los Angeles ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the difference between New York-style and Chicago-style pizza ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does the E stand for in the equation E=mc2 ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What country was Mikhail Gorbachev the leader of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What TV comedian worked with White Fang , Black Tooth and Pookie the Lion ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of guitar did Jimi Hendrix play ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: Who invented Astroturf ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between New York-style and Chicago-style pizza ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What new games are available for Nintendo 64 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is a fear of color ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many colors are there in a rainbow ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What were the trials called which followed World War II ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who gave us the `` Rolling Writer '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Maria Theresa ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What are some children 's rights ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who is Robin Williams ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: When was Dick Clark born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How does a rainbow form ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What J.R.R. Tolkien book features Bilbo Baggins as the central character ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word assassinate ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is it planned to berth the merchant ship , Lane Victory , which Merchant Marine veterans are converting into a floating museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which organization is the Security Council a part of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Where can I find information about Bob Barr , representative from Georgia ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What English explorer discovered and named Virginia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many cherubs are there on a Trivial Pursuit board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many letters appear with the numbers 2 to 9 on a telephone dial ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What non-conformist abstract painter was dubbed Jack The Dripper by Time ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the fast food chain with the golden arches .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What were millions of kids wearing on their heads in 1955 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the name of a hotel in Indianapolis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the proof that houseplants metabolize carcinogens ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What English physician was born on January 18 , 1779 and went on to create two important inventions ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you stop junk snail mail ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is Tufts University ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How old was Stevie Wonder when he signed with Motown Records ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the most important nation in the world , historically ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who were the head writers for the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What percentage of the world 's plant and animal species can be found in the Amazon forests ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: How does an abacus work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1674, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "c4322f6a42e09bc70c2ef215a9fe275ae0049307e6411eb9"} {"input": "Question: How often does Old Faithful erupt at Yellowstone National Park ?\nType:", "context": "Question: In what country is a stuck-out tongue a friendly greeting ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When was the Berlin Wall erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is dextropropoxyphen napsylate ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the best college in the country ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What computer operating system is on the most computers ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: Who is the president of the Spanish government ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What American actress was the first to be called a `` vamp '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What type is a snail ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who is the Pope ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a softball made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What is the oldest ethnological museum in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the full name of the man who invented the multicolored game cube that has 42.3 quintillion potential combinations ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the organization that is presided by a Security Council .\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How can I find a list of celebrities ' real names ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What 's the most common nickname of U.S. college football teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who killed JFK ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's a perfect score in a gymnastics exercise ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How many trees go into paper making in a year ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What two countries fought the Hundred Years ' War ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who was the architect of Central Park ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a Canada two-penny black ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was the oldest U.S. president ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What product 's ads claim that it `` eliminates odors , kills household germs , mold , and mildew '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the Islamic counterpart to the Red Cross ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is Linux ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: The italian artist , Maurizio Pellegrin , is how old ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who did Sonny Liston succeed as world heavyweight boxing champion ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is gymnophobia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Microsoft established ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where do the Grimace and Mayor McCheese live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the seven seas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What famed London criminal court was once a feudal castle ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What cigarette company urged us , `` Come to where the flavor is ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who portrayed the title character in the film The Day of the Jackal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What chess outcome results when a player has no legal move ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is humidity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Rotary engines used to be made by whom ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: How long did the Paris Commune hold out for against the rest of France ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Langston Hughes ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Who said : `` Old soldiers never die ; they just fade away '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What spice do chefs pay the most for ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What did Jack exchange with the butcher for a handful of beans ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What South Vietnamese president was assassinated by his generals in 1963 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Whose biography by Maurice Zolotow is titled Shooting Star ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What molecules include fluorine , sodium and magnesium ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Which company that manufactures video-game hardware sells the `` super system '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is platinum ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a plant supplement ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between a preface and a foreword ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the Bulls basketball team based ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the capital of California ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do you convert foot-pounds to foot-inches ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What `` melts in your mouth , not in your hands '' .\nType: Food\nQuestion: When did the `` Star-Spangled Banner '' become the national anthem ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many Superbowls have the ers won ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the correct way to use `` may '' vs. `` might '' ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is a geoscientist ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country was Kim Philby really working for ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What number of American soldiers remain unaccounted from the Vietnam war ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What dog was dubbed The Mortgage Lifter ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was the first elected mayor of Washington , D.C. ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How deep is a fathom ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What Marx Brothers movie centers on a stolen painting ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was The Pride of the Yankees ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is damage to business and government caused by bureaucracy ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What fossilizes to form coprolite ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When was the G7 group of nations formed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the wingspan of a condor ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What are the four most widely-used languages in North America ?\nType: Language\n", "answers": ["Other number"], "length": 1581, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "5fb2eac7d91e559f656dc943b82c1b100b9bd954c34d61b8"} {"input": "Question: What hemisphere is the Philippines in ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What are the top 10 colleges in the United States in the field of engineering ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country 's flag is field green ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where do chihuahuas come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who graced the airwaves with such pearls as `` Do ya lo-o-ove me ? Get naked , baby ! '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What landmark Italian restaurant can be found at 239 West 48th Street , New York City ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's nature 's purpose for tornadoes ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a dental root canal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What else has the swastika stood for ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country was Hitler the chancellor of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How long does a pig 's orgasm last ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What Morris West novel deals with Russian bishop who becomes Pope ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What flag flies over Wake Island ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What were the first bodies visited by spacecraft ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many states have a `` lemon law '' for new automobiles ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the main application of sodium hydrosulfite ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What do Englishmen weigh themselves in ?\nType: Weight\nQuestion: What kind of creatures are the Canary Islands named for ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why do we have to go to school ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who discovered imaginary numbers ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How deep is a fathom ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What kind of people took part in Shays ' Rebellion in Massachusetts in 1787 ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was Buffalo Bill ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What cards are bullets ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's comic strip photographer Peter Parker 's secret identity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are hook worms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the motto of the Boy Scouts ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you throw a housewarming party ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Why does a woman have to be a virgin to be a nun ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the only vegetable that starts with `` z '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who played the Ringo Kid in the 1939 film Stagecoach ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are sometimes your hands cold , but the rest of you isn 't ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who created the monster in Mary Shelley 's novel Frankenstein ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What happens when lightning strikes a body of water ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the Statistical Abstract of the United States online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the rallying cry of the early American revolutionaries ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many zip codes are there in the U.S. ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who earns their money the hard way ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many yards are in 1 mile ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What does a chef coddle eggs in ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is a dangling participle ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the Cleveland Indians also called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is `` cat scratch fever '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does CPR stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What court does Bob Woodward describe in The Brethren ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who was the first American in space ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does snafu stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Where did the Wright brothers make their first flight ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the slowest Olympic swimming stroke ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What American League baseball team 's worst finish between 1926 and 1964 was fourth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who is the most sexy celebrity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many megawatts will the power project in Indonesia , built by a consortium headed by Mission Energy of US , produce ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the prophet of the Muslim people ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the word `` opera '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why is the development of space so important ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Dudley Do-Right 's horse 's name ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How does crosstalk relate to InSb thickness in infrared detectors ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What caused Shea & Gould to close their L.A. office ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's a short ton ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the food of the Greek gods called ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the feudal system ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many words are there in the Spanish language ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Why is Indiglo called Indiglo ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are fingernails made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Who sent the brief message `` I came , I saw , I conquered '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What actress 's autobiography is titled Shelley : Also Known as Shirley ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What holidays are celebrated in Ireland ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is an aurora ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What materials did the three little pigs use to build their houses ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What 's the American dollar equivalent for 8 pounds in the U.K. ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many different types of skunks are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the capital of Uruguay ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What country did the Nile River originate in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What actor has a tattoo on his right wrist reading Scotland Forever ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name the country which Honecker lived in .\nType: Country\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1590, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "f5cdfc2171a67449110d1bd5696cfee5a1e526e6943429e1"} {"input": "Question: What is the primary language in Iceland ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What film dramatized the Scopes monkey trial ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a fear of fur ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Colorado city owns its own glacier ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the four largest mountain ranges on the Asian continent ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What was the name of the lawyer who represented Randy Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most heavily caffeinated soft drink ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: How many hummingbird eggs could fit in one ostrich egg ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do you say I love you in Spanish ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: When was Nostradamus born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is difference between a poster and a print ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What famous singing cowboy owns the California Angels baseball team ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the official language of Algeria ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What 's the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What major Victorian novelist spent as much time working for the post office as he did writing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What continent 's second-highest peak is Mont Blanc ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What was Suzy Parker doing to earn $1 , 000 in the early 1950 's ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What wheel did Blaise Pascal invent in a search for perpetual motion ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which two products use a tiger as their symbol ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What U.S. general was court-martialled for criticizing American air power ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does MSG stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: Who makes the `` Die Hard '' car battery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What actor and World War II airman had a $5 , 0 bounty put on his head by Hermann Goering ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the trademark of a Washington Redskin 's fan ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What is the per-capita income of Colombia , South America , ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How successful is arometherapy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many Gutenberg Bibles are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What cathedral was Thomas Becket murdered in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Mexican leader was shot dead in 1923 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Lacan ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What scale measures earthquakes ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the number of American soldiers deployed to South Korea ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the nickname of Pennsylvania ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How many queen bees reign in a hive ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who moderated the first Kennedy-Nixon TV debate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do men snore ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How hot should the oven be when making Peachy Oat Muffins ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: How many members are in the California congressional delegation ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What were the cities of Dickens 's A Tale of Two Cities ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the name of a Greek god ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When are sheep shorn ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do hermit crabs reproduce ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What Hungarian cardinal was first a state prisoner and then a refugee in the U.S. embassy 1956-1971 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many sonnets did Shakespeare write ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who wrote The Night of the Iguana ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who wrote The Ugly Duckling ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the size of Argentina ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: How does the speed the magnet spins in a generator affect the output of the generator ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What drink is made up of rum , coconut milk and pineapple ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What state has the longest Great Lakes shoreline ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What was the worst hurricane ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who is reputed to be the greatest maker of violins ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why did the world enter a global depression in 1929 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What do I need to learn to design web pages ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the ` female ' counterpart to El Nino , which results in cooling temperatures and very dry weather ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What company is being bought by Yahoo and how much is the deal worth ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where in the Bible does it tell about Jesus Christ 's brothers and sisters ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What new year is celebrated on February 16th ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many electoral votes does it take to win presidency ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is the Keck telescope ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many e-commerce companies are started every day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is the actress , Marion Davies , buried ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Texas surgeon performed the first artificial heart transplant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the first American poet to win the Nobel Prize for literature , in 1948 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why does the sun shine only a short time in Alaska ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where did the term `` 69 '' come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is `` Nine Inch Nails '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term `` blue moon , '' and how often do they occur ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the benefits of home school ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the full name of the PLO ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many sperm cells are in an average ejaculation ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What flower did Vincent Van Gogh paint ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What Michelangelo sculpture is in Saint Peter 's Cathedral , Basilica , ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why are the rooftops in Canada green ?\nType: Reason\n", "answers": ["Language"], "length": 1622, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4d86285558400a759ac5b2c1e006b7307f1083b30c4a58f8"} {"input": "Question: Where is the tallest roller coaster located ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What significant battle was fought in Belgium in 1815 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What camera company said , `` If you haven 't got the time , we 've got the camera ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who 's played the most games for the New York Yankees ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why does a wheel , e.g. a car tire , appear to spin in the opposite direction as it slows down ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many grooves are on a dime ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Name of the lady the Great Gatsby pines for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many home runs did Lou Gehrig have during his career ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country was Hitler the chancellor of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is ethology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What famed library can you reach by dialing 22-287-5 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was Dubai 's first concrete house built ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How do you tell somebody you like them ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When do MORMONS believe Christ was born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name a movie about the Sioux Indians starring Kevin Costner .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What title did Shevardnadze have during the Soviet era ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Why is the moon different sizes and colors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the difference between Neoclassical art and Romanticism art ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What causes the body to shiver in cold temperatures ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Why do we call someone `` honey '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the oldest capital city in the Americas ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What are the chemicals used in glowsticks ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: How did Socrates die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What feud ended with a marriage in Kentucky on March 21 , 1891 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the name of the disease that actress Hunter Tylo 's baby girl has ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What does `` E Pluribus Unum '' on the penny mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Why are there letters on the telephone ? Why are there no Q or Z ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What occupation has the highest divorce rate ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the Viking Prince 's first name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What holidays are celebrated in Ireland ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What did brontosauruses eat ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What Stephen Sondheim ballad ends : `` Well , maybe next year.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How can SQL queries be improved ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What anesthetic did Queen Victoria allow to be used for the birth of her seventh child , in 1853 ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many pitchers occupy the shelf beside the crouching woman in Edgar Degas 's 1886 painting The Tub ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What book did Aaron Hass write ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the name of the Indian who became prime minister by beating Mrs. Gandhi in the 1977 election ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most popular sports car color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What 's the only work by Michelangelo that bears his signature ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What 's the name of the actress who starred in the movie , `` Silence of the Lambs '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is actress Goldie Hawn 's current actor boyfriend ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are geckos ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much folic acid should an expectant mother get daily ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a rhomboideus minor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What do you know about multicultural and multilingual schools ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What were the three prophecies the witches make to Macbeth ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the difference and advantages of selecting a Super VHS VCR over plain VHS model ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How high is the city of Denver ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who is the sexiest women in the world ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the biggest Indian airports ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many people die of tuberculosis yearly ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What type of betting is used in horse racing ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What President lived at 219 North Delaware Street , Independence , Missouri ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In a computer , what does SCSI mean ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What two cities usually mark the extremes of English Channel swims ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How big is our galaxy in diameter ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: The trials resulting from World War II are known as what ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What soft drink tells us to `` Go Hawaiian '' ?\nType: FoodQuestion: What actor said in A Day at the Races : `` Either he 's dead or my watch has stopped '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who holds the NFL record for most touchdowns in a season ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the second-largest island in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where did cable cars first roll down Clay Street in 1873 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the official language of Algeria ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What causes an earthquake ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What are the chemicals used in glowsticks ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Who wrote The Ugly Duckling ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What relative of Leo Tolstoy translated War and Peace eight times ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How far is London UK from California ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is the brand name of the chemical daminozide ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What events happened January 26 , 1978 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the distinction of Erle Stanley Gardner 's The Case of the Terrified Typist ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1706, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "98c2df915d12b7f92dbeee631e8a1d684afab44b599bd014"} {"input": "Question: Who was the first U.S. president to appear on TV ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is the most efficient way to start a barbeque ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who is the President of Pergament ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What war was fought by the Spanish as far as the Philippines ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What soft drink is most heavily caffeinated ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the origin of the term soda jerk ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was the second man to walk on the moon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is Nicolo Paganini ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: When was the first Wall Street Journal published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the probability that at least 2 out of 25 people will have the same birthday ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What bread company used to feature stickers of the Cisco Kid on the ends of their packages ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What city in Florida is Sea World in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is the only vegetable that starts with `` z '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What caused Shea & Gould to close their L.A. office ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: A corgi is a kind of what ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does each of the utilities cost in Monopoly ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What animals do you find in the stock market ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What Don McLean song laments the day Buddy Holly died ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is dry ice ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are all the different kinds of contraceptives ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the daily requirement of folic acid for an expectant mother ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between love and infatuation ?\nType: Description of somethingQuestion: What is the fine for having a dog on a beach ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What was Dwight Eisenhower 's favorite card game ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What shampoo prevents eczema , seborrhea , and psoriasis ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What was the price of Varian Associates ' vacuum products division ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What do you say to a friend who ignores you for other friends ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the highest mountain in the world ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: What is the most common cancer ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: In Hemingway 's `` Old Man and the Sea , '' what kind of fish does the old man catch ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the capital of California ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is the president of the Spanish government ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much do tuberculosis combatting drugs cost ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who was International Olympic Committee chairman at the 1936 Summer Games ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name a film in which Jude Law acted .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What happened to Pepsi Clear ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What flag flies over Wake Island ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where can I find a case on Americans with Disabilities Act of 199 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long did it take Stanley to find Livingstone ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How long does it take to hike the entire Appalachian Trail ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What card game can feature dealer 's choice ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What 's the most popular contact lens color ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is Doegs ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city was John F. Kennedy nominated for president in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What sport is Chris Jogis a top player of ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Which Ventura County police department seized the largest cocaine shipment in it 's history ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What clause in the U.S. Constitution may not be changed , altered or amended ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the second-largest island in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many different countries export coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who invented the toothbrush ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is typhoid fever ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of being cold ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What card game can feature dealer 's choice ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What do economists do ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are some interesting facts and information about dogsledding ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Dynasty star made her 2th Century-Fox debut in The Virgin Queen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What painter popularized soup cans and Brillo soap pad boxes ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did the term fireplug come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What desert country borders Saudi Arabia , Iraq and the Persian Gulf ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What movie did Steven Spielberg direct in 1975 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the star of Leave It to Beaver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the shape of a camel 's spine ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who wrote `` The Pit and the Pendulum '' ?\nType: IndividualQuestion: What century does Captain Video live in ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What company markets a shampoo `` for brunettes only '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What celestial body has a diameter of 864 , 000 miles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where is Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which type of submarine was bought recently by South Korea ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What Dynasty star made her 2th Century-Fox debut in The Virgin Queen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the largest city in Connecticut ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How long does it take the typical American to eat 23 quarts of ice cream ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Winnie the Pooh is what kind of animal ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who invented the fountain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the four most widely-used languages in North America ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What is the origin of the peace symbol ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What kind of sports did they play in the years 1642-1649 , the English Civil War time ?\nType: Sport\n", "answers": ["Individual"], "length": 1604, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "244e30fb0cfda33a9412059c74b88bc3e336ede2b4b6449a"} {"input": "Question: What day and month did John Lennon die ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What city is the setting for Puccini 's opera La Boheme ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How does the Nintendo `` Zapper '' work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Name the story by Chris Van Allsburg in the which a boy tries to become a great sailor ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who is the Greek God of the Sea ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the world 's four oceans ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the official language of Algeria ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What 's the traditional drink at the Kentucky Derby ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who should I call to get a tour of the New York Stock Exchange ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What spy novelist served as Moscow correspondent for Reuter and The Times of London ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the best place to live in the world , considering climate , civilization ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What turns blue litmus paper red ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why do people get calluses ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What square is the geographical center of London ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does a red flag mean in auto racing ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Whitcomb Judson ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What is the life expectancy of an elephant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the date of Boxing Day ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Argentine revolutionary fought with Castro and died in Bolivia in May , 1979 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What celestial body has a diameter of 864 , 000 miles ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was Thatcher 's approval rating after 10 years in power ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: How many years ago did the ship Titanic sink ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who 's the twin brother of the Greek goddess Artemis ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport is known for hooligans ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What are the titles of some R-Rated Sony Playstation games ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How did the U.S. come into the possession of an empire in the wake of the Spanish-American War ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What did Warlock wear on his forehead in Marvel comics ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Which gender has bigger thighs ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where did Indian Pudding come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What developed a crack in 1835 while tolling the death of U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the definition of low island ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the literary term for a play on words ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What species is a colt ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: When was the first Wall Street Journal published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country is located at 13 degrees North latitude and 10 degrees East longitude ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Candlemas Day ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the habitat of the chickadee ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who invented the Moog Synthesizer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What are the largest breweries in the world ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How do you measure the heat of the sun ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What ocean surrounds the Madeira Islands ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was the first Wall Street Journal published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What took first prize in Omni magazine 's contest to find the `` ultimate unanswerable question '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What happened to Phillip Taylor Kramer ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the root of all evil ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How did the 7th inning stretch get started ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What product on the market is good for hiding facial scars ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was organized as a Confederate veterans ' social club in Pulaski , in Tennessee , in 1866 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How is plastic made ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the name of the movie that starred Sharon Stone and Arnold Schwarzenegger ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What sport features slotbacks , tailbacks , and touchbacks ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What is Cabarnet Sauvignon ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state lived under six flags ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Which medium is Hamblen the first singing cowboy in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What cooking oil has `` corn goodness '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What city is served by McCarren Airport ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 1976 Deep Throat clone provides the leading lady with a second larynx ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What 's the rathaus in Frankfurt ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can I find online spelling , and punctuation drills for my 6th grader ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's father 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does James Bond like his martinis ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What do bee hives do in cranberry bogs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who provides telephone service in Orange County , California ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What athlete makes the most money from sports merchandise sales ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What effects do nitrates have on the environment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is the Bulls basketball team based ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the leading pecan and peanut growing state ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Who was the original Humpty Dumpty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was `` America 's recessed-filter cigarette '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What country was first to use the airplane as a weapon of war , against the Turks in Libya ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who were the Yankee 's frequent enemies ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: The lawyer who represented Randy Craft , what was his name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the largest U.S. state east of the Mississippi ?\nType: State\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1635, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4668c26ce817883731ac37280f732de85c72a65ce1a1e1d3"} {"input": "Question: What is the location of the Sea of Tranquility ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Where is Logan Airport ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How long would it take for a $ savings bond to mature ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What presidential administration challenged Americans to explore The New Frontier ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is narcolepsy ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Name the first private citizen to fly in space .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who owns the rights on a TV program ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the original Humpty Dumpty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Sinn Fein ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In what year was the Berlin Wall erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a synonym for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What does a phobophobe fear ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the tallest building in America in 1922 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the top ten all-time money making NFL teams ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where can one find Rider College ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When is the Tulip Festival in Michigan ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the five most expensive cities in the world ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do you say , `` I love you '' in other languages ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What golfing accessory was patented by George Grant on December 12\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who played the title role in My Favorite Martian ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who sang the song `` Hooked on a Feeling '' in the dancing baby episode of `` Ally Mcbeal '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the time it takes a typist to type a screenplay that is 100 pages long ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How many days does a typical mayfly live ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What amount of money did the Philippine ex-dictator Marcos steal from the treasury ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Why is the mile 528 feet ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the meaning of caliente , in English , ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who do Herb and Tootsie live next door to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were the first words spoken on a film sound track ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Darth Vader 's son ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is an Angelus ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What state is Mount McKinley in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What made the Finger Lakes in western New York state ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is the Kalahari desert ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What appointments secretary to Richard Nixon went to jail ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many bones are in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What African country was founded by freed American slaves in 1847 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When did CNN go on the air ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country did the Mau Mau Uprising take place in ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: In what year was the first patent for the pull-tab opener on cans obtained ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What famed gangland slaughter cut into the membership of Bugs Moran 's outfit ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How many states have a lottery ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much caffeine is in a 16 oz cup of coffee ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. state ends with a G ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the origin of the first name ` Breony ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When did President Kennedy , Lee Harvey Oswald , and Jack Ruby all die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many years of bad luck follow breaking a mirror ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who was the first American world chess champion ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What title does comedian Henry Youngman claim ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: Which two products use a tiger as their symbol ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How old is Jeremy Piven ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the origin of `` Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the shortest and the longest songs ever produced ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does the E stand for in the equation E=mc2 ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the origin of thank you notes ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many square feet is Bill Gates ' home ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the weakest bone in the body ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: How long is human gestation ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who was Maria Theresa ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: In what year was Gandhi assassinated ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is Occam 's Razor ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the most number of goals scored by a single team in an NHL hockey game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the languages spoken by the natives in Afghanistan ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: On which flight did Fawaz Younis commit air piracy and hostage taking ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: How do I contact answers.com ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What causes headaches ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was considered to be the father of psychology ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a leper ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How can your school march in the Macy 's Thanksgiving Parade ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How do I find out the exact time of a sunset for a particular day ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who portrayed Carl Bernstein in All the President 's Men ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which city in Canada is the least-populated ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many endangered species are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What do Hasidic Jews refrain from while dating ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Name the scar-faced bounty hunter of The Old West .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who does the advertizing for Frito-Lay ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the name of the Tokyo Stock Exchange ?\nType: Equivalent term\n", "answers": ["Other location"], "length": 1573, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4a2ba24a64fd970ca7d194dcd4b86c1519a4682c152cecbf"} {"input": "Question: What is the most popular sport in Japan ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What character narrates Treasure Island ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What kind of fish is a coney ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What Leoncavallo opera features a prologue by a clown ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What nationality is Gorbachev ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who did Dita Beard work for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of a book written by Aaron Hass ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was the role of the Medieval Guild ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a synonym for aspartame ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What year was Janet Jackson 's first album released ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does it mean `` Rupee Depreciates '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's a `` Drinker respirator '' better known as ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the procedure called for drilling a hole in your skull to acheive a higher consciousness ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What are different products of petroleum ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: At what age did Rossini stop writing opera ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who is the Voyager project manager ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who created the character of Scrooge ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a polyorchid man have at least three of ?\nType: Other entityQuestion: What age is Benny Carter ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How can I look up someone 's E-mail address on the Internet ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where did the marriage ceremony come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What Georgia town did Scarlett O 'Hara condemn as being full of pushy people ?\nType: City\nQuestion: On what river is Rome built ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Whose cupboard was bare ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did Benny Carter play ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What drink is made up of rum , coconut milk and pineapple ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` amen '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name the designer of the shoe that spawned millions of plastic imitations , known as ` jellies ' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What South Korean city is served by Kimpo International Airport ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What does G.M.T. stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What must a Las Vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How long does it take for your body to restore blood after you donate your blood ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: How does food color affect how you think it will taste ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where is Procter & Gamble based in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a Jake brake ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What can be done about snoring ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What phone number can I call to have a tree planted ?\nType: Postcode or other code\nQuestion: What is the geographical center of the US including Alaska and Hawaii ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is software piracy ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What city has a newspaper called The Plain Dealer ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What President dispatched a cruiser to carry Charles Lindbergh home after his epic flight ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the leader of Brunei ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ratio of children of ages between two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is yohimbine ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How do they type Chinese characters on a keyboard ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the name of the lawyer who represented Randy Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the only U.S. President to wear a Nazi uniform ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which is heavier - cream or milk ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 's a male witch called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is a Canada two-penny black ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the poetic meter of blank verse ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which police department made the largest cocaine seizure ever in Ventura County ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is Larry King 's job ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: When was Dick Clark born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Tokyo street glitters with famed department stores and nightclubs ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What 's the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does appropriates money mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the company that manufactures the `` American Girl '' doll collection ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the Bernoulli Principle ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Aspartame is also called what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What feud ended with a marriage in Kentucky on March 21 , 1891 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: When was Franklin D. Roosevelt stricken with polio ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the meaning of `` CPR '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the highest hand in straight poker ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does the River Seine empty into ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What date is Richard Nixon 's birthday ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What arch can you see from the Place de la Concorde ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the tragedy that struck the city of Dogtown in 1899 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who is the mathematician that won the Noble Prize for Literature in 1950 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What month of the year is there no television in Iceland ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 1964 film introduced the song My Kind of Town ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who was the Democratic nominee in the American presidential election ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of clouds ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was the lawyer who represented Randy Steven Craft ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What should you yell to hail a taxi in Madrid ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Sport"], "length": 1598, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "09189157c383685493b6b9748127dfacdae341732c15e2ab"} {"input": "Question: What does the acronym NASA stand for ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Who shared a New York City apartment with Roger Maris the year he hit 61 home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What book was F. Scott Fitzgerald working on when he died in Hollywood in 194 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was Eduard Shevardnadze 's job in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: When did Theo Rousseau paint the `` Forest of Fontaine '' ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is the prime minister in Norway ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a firewall ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are some translations of the phrase `` Thank-you '' ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Who built the first successful stern wheel steamboat ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who died 1 feet from where John F. Kennedy did ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the filling in the first golf balls ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is e-commerce ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What college did Joe Namath play football for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do I stop background noise in a car stereo ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the average cost for four years of medical school ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: How can I get rich quick ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is Supergirl 's secret identity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the current unemployment rate in the U.S. ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What 's the Red Planet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` tampon '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's men 's par on a 455-yard golf hole ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is a research expedition in mountain climbing ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where did the Inuits live ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who starred in the movie The War of the Worlds ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the five most expensive cities in the world ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How can I find a list of celebrities ' real names ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are the environmental influences on plant genetics ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What 's the geographic term for the submerged fringe of a continent ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Stuart Hamblen is considered to be the first singing cowboy of which medium ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the average date when most malls begin putting up Christmas holiday decorations ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is Nathan Hamill 's role in the new Star Wars prequel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a virtual IP address ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where does the weird shape of the dinner fish knife originate from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the Lost Colony ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What New Hampshire hamlet rises early to vote first in U.S. presidential elections ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What were millions of kids wearing on their heads in 1955 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who was the founding member of the Pink Floyd band ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of the typing practice sentence `` Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` tout de suite '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who is Prince Naseem Hamed ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Where does chocolate come from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is her husband 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does a chairbound basophobic fear ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What king boycotted Prince Charles 's wedding ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What wrestling star became `` The Incredible Hulk '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why was Muhammad Ali stripped of his title and barred from boxing in 1967 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What country did the ancient Romans refer to as Hibernia ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How long was the longest hiccup attack ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What countries have the largest areas of forest ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the closest G2 Spectrum Yellow Dwarf to Earth ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the five basic swimming strokes ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: Who was Randy Steven Craft 's lawyer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a fear of color ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How do you get a pointsettia to turn red ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: When did Mount St. Helens last erupt ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why are there olives in martinis ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Pittsburgh 's baseball team called ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How many emperors were there in the Roman Empire ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many votes in Congress dissented from the 1941 declaration of war with Japan ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What famous actress made her first appearance on stage at the age of five in the year 191 as `` Baby '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What took first prize in Omni magazine 's contest to find the `` ultimate unanswerable question '' ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What was the Ventura County police department that seized the county 's largest amount of cocaine ever ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What cigarette company urged us , `` Come to where the flavor is ? ''\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What country did King Gustav V reign over from 197 to 195 ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a fear of black people ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What country has the largest sheep population ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What chess outcome results when a player has no legal move ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What was the distinguishing mark on the `` Little Rascals '' dog ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: What is a fear of worms ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: Who was the author of the book about computer hackers called `` The Cuckoo 's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the history of Hot Wheels cars , and how are they produced ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What European country is home to the beer-producing city of Budweis ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Leoncavallo opera features a prologue by a clown ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is AFS ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many Canadians emmigrate each year ?\nType: Number of something\n", "answers": ["Expression abbreviated"], "length": 1705, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "745bf59e117d09eb87760787ba1a77c6d9525d100af11a97"} {"input": "Question: What is mold ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How long would it take for a $ savings bond to mature ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What famous actress made her first appearance on stage at the age of five in the year 191 as `` Baby '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do players try to do when the music stops in a game of musical chairs ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What President 's favorite Biblical quotation was : `` Come now , and let us reason together '' .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How old was George Washington when he died ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What country boasts the most cars per mile of road ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is a female rabbit called ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the term for a group of geese ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is Grenada 's main commodity export ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Whom does Uncle Duke 's girl friend , Honey , room with ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What bay sparkles next to Miami , Florida ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are vermicilli , rigati , zitoni , and tubetti ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the different approaches of systems analysis ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is an example of a natural acid-base indicator ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does `` extended definition '' mean and how would one write a paper on it ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are other ways of getting stretch marks besides pregnancy , weight loss , and weight lifting ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What future President became Senate majority whip under Harry Truman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the fear of the computer called ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are the living conditions in Cuba ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What country lies directly south of Detroit ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What ocean was Amelia Earhart flying over when she disappeared ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What kind of wine is Spumante ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 such a successful computer program ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What country is bounded in part by the Indian Ocean and Coral and Tasman seas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: When was the first flush toilet invented ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What novel inspired the movie BladeRunner ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who wrote `` The Pit and the Pendulum '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a virtual IP address ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What corporation does Madonna advertise for ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the American dollar equivalent for 8 pounds in the U.K. ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. vice-president said : `` Some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why is poop sometimes different colors ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many Beatles ' records went #1 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many species of sharks are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which is the wealthiest country in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: In the Miller Lite TV commercial , who is the creature ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What war did Johnny Reb and Billy Yank fight ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who was the inventor of the stove ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many minutes were there on the original GE College Bowl clock ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many different types of skunks are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of cold ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the poetic meter of blank verse ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What piano company claims its product is the `` Instrument of the immortals '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do they get Teflon to stick to the pan ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many languages are there in the world ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of crystals or glass ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What race is 1 , 137 miles long ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is her husband 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is widely used to detect birth defects ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the difference between a bachelor and a 1 bedroom apartment ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What season is the setting for Shakespeare 's Midsummer Night 's Dream ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who makes the `` Die Hard '' car battery ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the web address at which I can find the e-mail address of a member of the US House of Representatives ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was the first American encyclopedia published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What 's the most powerful country in the world ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is it like to experience a near death episode ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When Mighty Mouse was conceived , what was his original name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what year was actress Joan Collins born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What country is the worlds leading supplier of cannabis ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What is Mark McGwire 's e-mail address ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What African capital is named for a U.S. president ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How much time does the blinking of an eye take ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What island group is Guadalcanal a part of ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How far do you have to run if you hit a home run ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What country is the setting for Edgar Allan Poe 's The Pit and the Pendulum ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many watts make a kilowatt ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Melbourne ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How did Socrates die ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who markets Spaghetti-o 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How old is the Italian artist Maurizio Pellegrin ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the horsepower of the shuttle boosters ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How much folic acid should a pregnant woman get each day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's new in the postal world in 1999 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What toy company is the world 's No.1 maker of female apparel ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1620, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "f533cb0d1f6836afdbd9fa59c16ba02dee48b9dce8f9afd7"} {"input": "Question: When is the official first day of summer ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was paper made of in the late 16th century ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: What U.S. city is known as The Rubber Capital of the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What creature is the absolute fastest in moving in the world , birds , mammals , etc. , ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What is the average time to kiss somene ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What park contains Firehole River and Fairy Falls ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is June 's birthstone ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is cosmology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What island is home to statues called Mauis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What films featured the character Popeye Doyle ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the average time to kiss somene ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What magazine gives us the cream , not the skim ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the purpose of the SysRq key on my computer keyboard ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What continent pushes up the Executive Committee mountain range ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where on the Internet can I get information about the Fifth Amendment on the American Bill of Rights ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which comic book was not spawned directly from the pulp magazines ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How do telephones work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many people were executed for Abraham Lincoln 's assassination ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How much pizza do Americans eat in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What is the highest waterfall in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find detailed information about Manchukuo ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many flavors of ice cream does Howard Johnson 's have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Russian composer 's Prelude in C Sharp Minor brought him fame and fortune ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which major diamond producer is based in South Africa ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What year were the Olympic Games played in where Nadia Comaneci became popular ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What harmful chemicals are in bug spray ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Where was George Washington born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is California 's capital ?\nType: City\nQuestion: When was China 's first nuclear test ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Where is Procter & Gamble headquartered in the U.S. ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the medical purposes of `` clitoridectomy '' ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What three colors are on the French flag ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is Zionism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of hell ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How do you make a paintball ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many counties are in Indiana ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where is Poe 's birthplace ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How tall was the animated Frankenstein\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What court does Bob Woodward describe in The Brethren ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What English word comes from the Old French covrefeu , meaning cover fire ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: When does the Bible say the seasons started ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What do I need to do to take my dog with me to live in Dominica , West Indies for a year ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What well-known actor is the father of star Alan Alda ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long is the Coney Island boardwalk ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What was the largest city in the world to declare martial law in 1989 ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's the home of the Rockettes ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many stars are there on the Soviet Union 's flag ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What U.S. vice-president killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the international radio code word for the letter B ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What 1953 film won Frank Sinatra a best supporting actor Oscar ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes play ?\nType: Musical instrument\nQuestion: Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How is the element strontium purified ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What keeps clouds in the air ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What does storm wave mean in Japanese ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who is the current prime minister and president of Russia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: On what river is Rome built ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was the name of the daughter of the Virginia chief Powhatan that married John Rolfe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: When Superman needs to get away from it all , where does he go ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who shared a New York City apartment with Roger Maris the year he hit 61 home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What sport do the Cleaveland Cavaliers play ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What feud ended with a marriage in Kentucky on March 21 , 1891 ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Natick ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Name the highest mountain .\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: Who founded the People 's Temple Commune ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the name of the Wilkes plantation in Gone with the Wind ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who comprised the now-defunct comic book team known as the Champions ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are names of two old men who appear in the serial tv Muppets Show ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What prompted the co-pilot of the Enola Gay to enter only `` My God '' in his log ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What company started out making pies , and wound up manufacturing plastic throwing toys ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What baseball player was known as Charley Hustle ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the world championship sled dog race held each February ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What type of currency is used in China ?\nType: Currency name\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1627, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "218479b7f5e7c0262980327140cfff36f84b53b2cb244cdd"} {"input": "Question: How long is the Columbia River in miles ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How did people respond to the idea of the first millenium ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does it mean `` Rupee Depreciates '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How did the war of 1812 affect Delaware ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is a plant supplement ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: In what year did Joe DiMaggio compile his 56-game hitting streak ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Which killer whale died at Sea World of a fungal infection ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who penned : `` Neither a borrower nor a lender be '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What London museum features a Chamber of Horrors ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of the company name ` General Motors ' ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What was the minimum wage in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What Nevada center has been dubbed The Biggest Little City in the World ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How do they type Chinese characters on a keyboard ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What film marked Robert Redford 's directorial debut ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What countries have the largest areas of forest ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many thousands of students attend the University of Massachusetts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What food can I use to catch a possum ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is the longest-running television series ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: In the movie Groundshog Day what is the name of the character played by Andie MacDowell ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you do a topic outline ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which Beatles disc cover honors the Rolling Stones ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How did people respond to the idea of the first millenium ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was Mao , the Chinese leader 's , full name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the chemical reactivity of neon ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Which Ventura County police department seized the largest cocaine shipment in it 's history ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Who created private detective Philip Marlowe ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How much waste does an average dairy cow produce in a day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where was helium first discovered , hence its name ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Saddam Hussein was compared to whom by President Bush ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of the peace agreement imposed on Germany after World War I ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Who were John F. Kennedy 's dogs ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What was the name of Betty Boop 's dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How tall is the giraffe ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What kind of meat is Fray Bentos synonymous with ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Who invented the stock ticker in 1870 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a virtual IP address ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are some fun things to do in Cozumel , Mexico for teenagers ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What year did the Vietnam War end ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why do men snore ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How do they find an epicenter ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What were the first frozen foods ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What will a kid eat the middle of , and save the chocolate on the outside for last ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 1966 boob tube bomb took astronauts back to prehistoric times ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What actress 's autobiography is titled Shelley : Also Known as Shirley ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What piece of jewelry is pictured on Monopoly 's Luxury Tax space ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Where is Glasgow ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who replaced Bert Parks as the host of The Miss America Pageant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are pushed and coupled in hump yards ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What American sergeant lost both of his hands in combat during World War II and then went on to act in a single movie for which he won two Oscars ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the origin of music ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Where is Poe 's birthplace ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Caribbean cult did Marcus Garvey originate ?\nType: Religion\nQuestion: How do windmills work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What was the name of the first Watergate special prosecutor , later fired by Nixon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many grooves are on a dime ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What city was President William McKinley shot in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who is the son-in-law of Sen. Everett Dirkson who was also a senator in the '70 's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the full name of the PLO ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What is the best way to overcome a fear ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How do I impress a guy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What did Warlock wear on his forehead in Marvel comics ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: When was the first American encyclopedia published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What color is Chablis ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: Aspartame is also called what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is tyvek ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does IOC stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What exactly , specifically does sleep do for you ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What baseball team became the Minnesota Twins ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's comic strip photographer Peter Parker 's secret identity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name 11 famous martyrs .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where did the Wright brothers make their first flight ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which magazine is `` fine entertainment for men '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is Archimedes famous for ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What two cities usually mark the extremes of English Channel swims ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What did John Hinckley do to impress Jodie Foster ?\nType: Description of something\n", "answers": ["Distance, linear measure"], "length": 1625, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "00931a85ac36a559882280d7f885d6aa96737de71e862d60"} {"input": "Question: How many gallons of water are there in a cubic foot ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What exactly is the purpose of the anteater ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the oldest website on the Internet ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the history of Spartacus , the Roman slave and gladiator ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How do you select wine ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who lived on the shores of the Gitchee Gumee River ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the difference between a generator and an alternator ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How many years do fossils take to form ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What kind of creatures are black , yellow , and brown bullheads ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was Shakespeare 's Moorish general ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What author of the Days of Our Lives Cookbook signed on in 198 as Liz Chandler in TV 's Days of Our Lives ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What causes someone to be ticklish ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where is Mile High Stadium ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which of the following celebrities started his show-biz career as a disc jockey ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are Fortune 500 companies ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What actress holds the record for the most appearances on the cover of Life ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What wrestling star became `` The Incredible Hulk '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was Sherlock Holmes 's archenemy ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What baseball star turned down a $1 , 000-a-year contract because he felt he had n't earned it ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many boys play the game in Winslow Homer 's 1872 painting Snap the Whip ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are my legal rights in an automobile repossession in California ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What are the first six words of Dickens 's A Tale of Two Cities ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: What was the orca 's name that died of a fungal infection at Sea World ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: How many wives did Brigham Young have ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the Titanic 's captain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What film dramatized the Scopes monkey trial ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What was Fred Astaire 's dancing partner 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the name of the largest water conservancy project in China ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the Kashmir issue ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does INRI stand for when used on Jesus ' cross ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What 's the term for a limestone deposit rising from the floor of a cave ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: Which city in Canada is the least-populated ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What room did W.C. Fields keep his library in ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: When was the G7 group of nations formed ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What does palindromic mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many double-word-score spaces are there on a Scrabble Crossword Game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who were leaders of the Byzantine empire ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is the Isle of Man ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What nationality was Jackson Pollock ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What caused Harry Houdini 's death ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who shared a New York City apartment with Roger Maris the year he hit 61 home runs ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: In what movie is the number nine found in the title ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many points are there on a Backgammon board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin about ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Name the scar-faced bounty hunter of The Old West .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most number of goals scored by a single team in an NHL hockey game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the score of a forfeited baseball game ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What 19th-century painter died in the Marquesas Islands ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What day of the week sees the most fatal car accidents ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What are the benefits of a rowing machine ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When was the first Wall Street Journal published ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What was the date of CNN 's first broadcast ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is sound ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who played the original Charlie 's Angels ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many muscles does the average adult use when going for a walk ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where was Tesla born ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was Al Capone finally imprisoned for , in 1931 ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the only president to serve two nonconsecutive terms ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What CBS soap opera was interrupted by the bulletin of John F. Kennedy 's assassination ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where do chihuahuas come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of the peace symbol ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is Michael Jackson 's father 's name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the seven seas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What city is the Kentucky Horse Park near ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What 's the second-most-used vowel in English ?\nType: Letter like a-z\nQuestion: What 's the symbol for the zodiacal sign Gemini ?\nType: Symbols and sign\nQuestion: How can you tell if someone is lying ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Which of the five senses develops first ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How can I stop or slow down aging ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the oldest building in the United States ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What dog was dubbed The Mortgage Lifter ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who was the first doctor to successfully transplant a liver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What are the 7 principles of learning from the Institute for Research on Learning , IRL ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What company started out making pies , and wound up manufacturing plastic throwing toys ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Whose acceptance speech of more than 3 minutes prompted a time limit on Academy Award thank-yous ?\nType: Individual\n", "answers": ["Number of something"], "length": 1672, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "70c8efe58eec57a64f3840a02a96a15851e8a2d6dcda94d4"} {"input": "Question: What do you call a newborn kangaroo ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How can you stop the itch from poison ivy ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is the only modern language that capitalizes its singular first-person pronoun ?\nType: Language\nQuestion: What 1966 boob tube bomb took astronauts back to prehistoric times ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where can I find free piano scores for popular music ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What lake is Sheboygan on ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What political party is Sinn Fein a part of ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What book was F. Scott Fitzgerald working on when he died in Hollywood in 194 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What country contains the highest point in South America ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What 's the supreme policy-making bureau of the Soviet Communist Party ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's the second-biggest-selling magazine in America ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What did the forward-thinking Simon Brothers Bakery of Chicago insert into bagels to boost business ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the most efficient way to start a barbeque ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is a portal ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who protects DC Comics ' realm of dreams ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How do you find out what is allowed to claim as a contibution for income tax purposes ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What does `` Semper Fidelis '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who do Herb and Tootsie live next door to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who replaced Bert Parks as the host of The Miss America Pageant ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What country did the ancient Romans refer to as Hibernia ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country in 1998 had the most suicides regardless of population size ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Japanese city was once called Edo ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Which one of the original seven Mercury program astronauts did not fly on any of the Mercury flights ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are other ways of getting stretch marks besides pregnancy , weight loss , and weight lifting ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What are the seven deadly sins ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of Randy Craft 's lawyer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the mission of Nike ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is considered the costliest disaster the insurance industry has ever faced ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What are liver enzymes ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Which two inventors invented Post-its ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Caine Mutiny ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who discovered electricity ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What president kissed the Queen Mother on the lips ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a gandy dancer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the speed of the Mississippi River ?\nType: Speed\nQuestion: What 's the name of a hotel in Indianapolis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the term for someone who hates mankind ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the weakest bone in the body ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: What war added jeep and quisling to the English language ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What was Mao , the Chinese leader 's , full name ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where can I find a case on Americans with Disabilities Act of 199 ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the capital of Burkina Faso ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What radio , TV and movie character did Jackie Gleason and William Bendix play ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long does James Bond like his eggs boiled ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What is the tallest building in Japan ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What professional cricketer 's son wrote The War of the Worlds in 1898 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How does ultraviolet light damage the DNA of skin cells ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who is the monarch of the United Kingdom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What indoor sport saw the Phoenix Inferno become the Phoenix Pride on July 14 , 1983 , when the temperature hit 111 degrees ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What man-made waterways is 1.76 miles long ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What does the Greek word polis mean , as in Minneapolis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What Hermann Hesse book gave its name to a rock group ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What state is Mount McKinley in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the last name of Lucy and Linus from the Peanut 's comic strip ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the inventor of silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are Maid-Rites ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What country is Kosovo a part of ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Where are the busiest ports in the world ?\nType: Other locationQuestion: How long after intercourse does it take to find out if you are pregnant ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Which high schools are included in the South Florida Ice Hockey league ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 1981 Candice Bergen-Jacqueline Bisset movie was a remake of 1943 's Old Acquaintance ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What U.S. state 's biggest lake is Lake Sam Rayburn ?\nType: State\nQuestion: Name a Salt Lake City newspaper .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is a `` node '' in computer terms ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who invented the Moog Synthesizer ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Mikhail Gorbachev 's middle initial ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What TV series saw many of its aquatic scenes shot at Silver Springs , Florida ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Where did Freidreich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt , Prussian born explorer , go to school ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the Charlie perfume woman ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What age followed the Bronze Age ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: Who is the Incredible Hulk in reality ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. city was named for St. Francis of Assisi ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What did FCC chairman Newton Minow declare TV to be on May 9 , 1961 ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What was the name of the computer in ` 2001 : A Space Odyssey ' ?\nType: Product\n", "answers": ["Equivalent term"], "length": 1745, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "973d77aa7c0385e180ed9d8b746e097d982dcf4bceed0f40"} {"input": "Question: When is hurricane season in the Caribbean ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What was the name of Sergeant Preston of the Yukon 's lead dog ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: What soft drink would provide me with the biggest intake of caffeine ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What brand number graces the black label of a bottle of Jack Daniel 's ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who lived on the shores of the Gitchee Gumee River ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What 's the population of Mississippi ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Who was the president of Vichy France ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who was the star of Leave It to Beaver ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the current prime minister and president of Russia ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What film opens with an assassin tumbling from the Seattle Space Needle ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Who sued the Dannon yougurt company for using a character named Ron Raider for promotion ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. state is Dixville Notch in ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the country of origin for the name Thomas ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What country will hit the year 2 first ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Who developed potlatch ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the most populated city in the world ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Who directed the first Woody Woodpecker cartoon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation of General Motors ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What does the name Jenna mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: When was Richard Nixon born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who is always trying to get the rent from Andy Capp ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What do I need to learn to design web pages ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What British prime minister and U.S. president were seventh cousins once-removed ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the `` 7-minute cigarette '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What ethnic group introduced the idea of potlatch ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How much of the silver production is manufactured by independent silversmiths ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is chromatology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are Bellworts ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What are the benefits of a rowing machine ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What cable network bills itself as `` the family entertainer '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What movie has made the most money ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many James Bond novels are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Which king signed the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What color of dry wine should be served with veal roasts and chops ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: How does blood clot ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What medium is Stuart Hamblen the first singing cowboy in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the origin of the first name ` Breony ' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who wrote Brave New World ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a country that starts with the letter x ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What does the Greek word polis mean , as in Minneapolis ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What does the name `` Sheri '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What city in the U.S. experienced the most growth recently ?\nType: City\nQuestion: The second most popular sport worldwide is what ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What U.S. President was the first to breed mules ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How big is Australia ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: Who taught Matt Murdock to use his extraordinary abilities in Marvel comics ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How can I find a phone number of someone if I only know their email address ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What planet did Percival Lovell discover ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What ill-fated craft was captained by Ernst Lehmann ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What predators exist on Antarctica ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who 's won the most Oscars for costume design ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What California desert is dubbed High Desert ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the biggest Indian airports ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In what year was the Berlin Wall erected ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: How many Leos have been Pope ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is an urban legend ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is a swatch ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the Russian-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: Why is the universe flat , if it started by an explosion , shouldn 't it be a sphere ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Which ear can most people hear better with ?\nType: Organ of body\nQuestion: How many mountains have been named for Presidents in the continental USA ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What record company produced the 1978 movie The Wiz ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: How do you find the area of a circle ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Where can I read about Chiang Kai-shek ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: In which state are the Mark Twain National Forests ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How old is Jeremy Piven ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Why do oceans contain salt water instead of fresh water ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What auto race was Wilbur Reed the first to win three times ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: When was Ozzy Osbourne born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What Nantucket shipwreck killed more divers exploring it than the 52 people it sank with ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: Why does the sun shine only a short time in Alaska ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the second person ever to wear Iron Man 's armor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many American soldiers have died for their country to date ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What 's the name of the tiger that advertises for Frosted Flakes cereal ?\nType: Animal\n", "answers": ["Date"], "length": 1597, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "ca78e748275159deae808881ba6d1a3280f63c204a0555ed"} {"input": "Question: What is carbon dioxide ?\nType:", "context": "Question: Why was Curious George curious ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many were in attendance at the Last Supper ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is HTML ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What piece of jewelry is pictured on Monopoly 's Luxury Tax space ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What kind of animal is Babar ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Who won the Battle of Gettysburg ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many bones are there in the human hand ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who 's played the most games for the New York Yankees ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is Basque country located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is a gandy dancer ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who 's the only man to have won the Olympic decathlon twice ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was football star Elroy Hirsch 's nickname ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where is it planned to berth the merchant ship , Lane Victory , which Merchant Marine veterans are converting into a floating museum ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I get information about cystic fibrosis ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Which magazine is `` fine entertainment for men '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What U.S. city 's skyline boasts the Gateway Arch ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many penny-farthings are there on a Trivial Pursuit game board ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is actress Goldie Hawn 's current actor boyfriend ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What were Baffin , Frobisher and Franklin looking for ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is an urban legend ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How much money was the minimum wage in 1991 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who is the Voyager project manager ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many names are there for Eskimo people ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What female painter produced primitives of rural New England life ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What famous husband-and-wife team did radio ads for Blue Nun wine ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What South Korean city is served by Kimpo International Airport ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How many people died in the Vietnam war ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Russian city used to be called St. Petersburg and Petrograd ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Where did the marriage ceremony come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: When is the Jimmy Buffett concert coming to the E center in Camden NJ ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is the history of Valentine 's Day cards ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who was Lacan ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: How far away is the moon ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Caine Mutiny ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Compaq 's mission statement ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is hyperopia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the time it takes a typist to type a screenplay that is 100 pages long ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What city is found in the city of OZ ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How much money does each player get at the beginning of the game in Monopoly ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What two countries are linked by the Brenner Pass ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many e-commerce companies are started every day ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What company markets a shampoo `` for brunettes only '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What is the origin of the expression `` four-letter word '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: How is energy created ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is California 's capital ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What was the name of the first Watergate special prosecutor , later fired by Nixon ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Which condiment was once sold as a patent medicine ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: Where is Los Vegas ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many times larger than life size is the Statue of Liberty ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is HDLC ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: What cable network bills itself as `` the family entertainer '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What European race sees the winner of its mountain stage awarded a jersey with large red polka dots ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: How big is a baby bald eagle ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What is a fear of stings ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How many people have been killed in wars , armed conflicts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the brand name of the chemical daminozide ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: How do you dunk ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What is hyperopia ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What mountain range extends from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Alabama ?\nType: Mountain\nQuestion: How old was George Washington when he died ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who do Herb and Tootsie live next door to ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What U.S. city 's skyline boasts the Gateway Arch ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why is Microsoft 's Windows 3 software so successful ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who was the king who signed the Magna Carta ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does caliente translate to in English ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What is the name of the brilliant British economist behind its creation ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Nazi leader killed himself in jail just before he was to be executed as a war criminal ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why are there 12 people on a jury in criminal cases ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What U.S. state has the most blondes ?\nType: State\nQuestion: What is the name of actor Rex Harrison 's son , who starred in a modestly popular TV show during the late 1960's ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the size of Argentina ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: What month of the year is there no television in Iceland ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Why does cotton get caught in belly buttons ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What populous state covers 49 , 576 square miles ?\nType: State\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1610, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "844d4f0073817254ceb0f26f8226bb10a0fa48d10b56d6b7"} {"input": "Question: In which state would you find the Catskill Mountains ?\nType:", "context": "Question: When was Queen Victoria born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who delivered his last newscast on March 6 , 1981 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: On what avenue is the original Saks department store located ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What is the abbreviation for micro ?\nType: Abbreviation\nQuestion: What is the latitude and longitude of El Paso , Texas ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: Why do recipe books recommend starting with cold water when you boil something ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: How many times a day should you take a prescription marked `` q.i.d . '' ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What company was the original sponsor of TV 's Superman ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where did the name root beer come from ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is deconstructionism ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How many types of lemurs are there ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the classic definition of tragic hero ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was the claim to fame of King Camp Gillette ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is Compaq 's mission statement ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the origin of blue for boys and pink for girls ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is probability theory ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Who was Shakespeare 's Moorish general ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is Tetrinet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What day of the week was July 13 ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What is a fear of punishment ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What is the Internet2 ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What four U.S. states have active volcanoes ?\nType: State\nQuestion: How do I get another city 's newspaper ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: Who came up with the name , El Nino ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who established a Viking colony in Greenland about 985 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a good book to read for people who hate to read ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does the name `` Sheri '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: How come a doughnut has a hole in it ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What foods contain the most protein ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What are binomial coefficients ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the temperature for cooking ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What is the longest-running television series ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What is the most widely cultivated plant ?\nType: Plant\nQuestion: What was Franklin Roosevelt 's program for economic recovery called during the Great Depression ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is the cost of the drugs used in tuberculosis treatments ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What are the various ways in which one can measure IT User Satisfaction Level ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What year did nylon stockings first go on sale ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Name Li 'l Abner 's favorite Indian drink .\nType: Food\nQuestion: What interesting method was used to run the credits in the early Popeye cartoons ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: How do you write a correct critical analysis of a poem ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are some science fair projects for 8th graders ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What stringed weapon fires a bolt ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What president kissed the Queen Mother on the lips ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is the temperature for cooking ?\nType: Temperature\nQuestion: What did Warlock wear on his forehead in Marvel comics ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What bowl game began as an East-West contest between Michigan and Stanford in 192 ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What was Eduard Shevardnadze 's job in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What soft drink is most heavily caffeinated ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What is titanium ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the name of the police officer who tried to keep order in Top Cat 's neighborhood ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What ill-fated craft was captained by Ernst Lehmann ?\nType: Vehicle\nQuestion: What kind of patent did Ermal Fraze get in 1963 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country are you in if you woo in the Wu dialect ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What was Queen Victoria 's title regarding India ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What 's the maximum length , in inches , of a first baseman 's glove ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between khaki and chino ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What famed wall supports the Badaling turret ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who invented silly putty ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who said of Super Bowl III in 1969 : `` We 'll win- I guarantee it '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the requirements for becoming a citizen of Australia ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is a fear of home surroundings ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: How long ago did the Anglican church part from the Vatican ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Who is Zebulon Pike ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: What British female pop singing star of the 1960s and early 1970s was a child actress in the 1940s and '50s ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is it that walks on four legs , then on two legs , then on three ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: Why is Thanksgiving on a Thursday ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Where was `` I have fallen , and I can 't get up '' said first ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why does tuberculosis afflict people ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What type of performer is Ileana Cotrubas ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: How do you say 2 in Latin ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: The Kentucky Horse Park is close to which American city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Why is the mile 528 feet ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What piano company claims its product is the `` Instrument of the immortals '' ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: What 's men 's par on a 455-yard golf hole ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: What are Bellworts ?\nType: Definition of something\n", "answers": ["State"], "length": 1615, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "9607aa495ee45b517cab4b7663b50e2b5d2e6c3b103a7e83"} {"input": "Question: What is home equity ?\nType:", "context": "Question: How long is the world 's largest ship , in meters ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many astronauts manned each Project Mercury flight ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What layer of the atmosphere contains most of the ozone layer ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What is the Homelite Inc. home page ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What Leoncavallo opera features a prologue by a clown ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How much could you rent a Volkswagen bug for in 1966 ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What new year is celebrated on February 16th ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What is Tetrinet ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the word for broken glass or sharp rocks embedded in cement on top of a wall ?\nType: Word with a special property\nQuestion: When was the Big Thompson flood ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: Who 's The King of Swing ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What product 's ads claim that it `` eliminates odors , kills household germs , mold , and mildew '' ?\nType: Product\nQuestion: What do the Japanese call Japan ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What British commander surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown in 1781 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How long does it take for your blood to make one complete trip through the body ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: What war saw battles at Parrot 's Beak and Black Virgin ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: How far can a human eye see ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: What is ethology ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: The Jewish alphabet is known as what ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: How do windmills work ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: In 139 the papal court was forced to move from Rome to where ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who was the first Taiwanese President ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: On what river is Strasbourg built ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where does the weird shape of the dinner fish knife originate from ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the statistics for drunken drivers in Maryland ?\nType: Other number\nQuestion: How does the Elongated Man know a mystery is afoot ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What cooking oil has `` corn goodness '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 4-foot-9 actress in 1984 became the first performer to win an Oscar for playing a character of the opposite sex ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Where does Barney Rubble go to work after he drops Fred off in the `` Flintstones '' cartoon series ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Why are sometimes your hands cold , but the rest of you isn 't ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What mystery writer penned `` ...the glory that was Greece , and the grandeur that was Rome '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: The Orange Bowl is located in what city ?\nType: City\nQuestion: How tall is the giraffe ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: How many types of cheese are there in France ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What ratio of children of ages between two and eleven watch ` The Simpsons ' ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What President-to-be was the first member of Congress to enlist following the attack on Pearl Harbor ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is a film starring Jude Law ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Why are electric cars less efficient in the northeast than in California ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is a fear of sourness ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What Shakespeare play opens with the line : `` Now is the winter of our discontent.. . '' ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What well-known TV talk show host was a lay preacher by the time he was seventeen ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Mormon leader was said to have had 27 wives ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was Eduard Shevardnadze 's job in the Soviet Union ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What is the price for tuberculosis drugs ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: What does `` antidisestablishmentarianism '' mean ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What after-dinner treat was invented in 1916 at the George Jung noodle factory in Los Angeles ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What Spanish artist painted Crucifixion ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are the Twin Cities ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the best way to overcome a fear ?\nType: Techniques and method\nQuestion: What is `` the soft drink for adults '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What 1950 film won seven Oscars , including best picture ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many quarters equal a pound ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How many months does a normal human pregnancy last ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Dickens novel has David carrying the message `` Barkis is willin '' to Peggy ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What happened to Pepsi Clear ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is `` snoogans '' ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What 's the oldest capital city in the Americas ?\nType: City\nQuestion: What is `` the soft drink for adults '' ?\nType: Food\nQuestion: What meter was invented by C.C. Magee in 1935 ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What color Poker chip is usually assigned the lowest value ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: For what disease is the drug Sinemet used as a treatment ?\nType: Disease and medicine\nQuestion: What are super balls made of ?\nType: Element and substance\nQuestion: Who was the captain of the tanker , Exxon Valdez , involved in the oil spill in Prince William Sound , Alaska , 1989 ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many points is a bullseye worth in darts ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is HTML ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How far do you have to run if you hit a home run ?\nType: Distance, linear measure\nQuestion: Who did Bobby Fischer beat to win the world chess championship ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What is viscosity ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where are the tropical rain forest distributions ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What flag flies over Wake Island ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What chess outcome results when a player has no legal move ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: What baseball team became the Minnesota Twins ?\nType: Group or organization of person\nQuestion: Where can I find examples of legal cases about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What was called the world 's largest department store ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Definition of something"], "length": 1720, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "d282453f8c0d073dbaec6ed9d7feb7a244d73c2c54e4c9fb"} {"input": "Question: What is the active ingredient in baking soda ?\nType:", "context": "Question: What is object-oriented design ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: Where did he get the title ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Where can I find full written draft of CTBT ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What are the words to the Canadian National anthem ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What suburban housewife and mother of three wrote The Feminine Mystique ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What are birds descendents of ?\nType: Animal\nQuestion: Why do USA fax machines not work in UK , NNP ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the origin of the word `` tampon '' ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who invented basketball ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the men 's cologne that is associated with the sea .\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What color were their horses ?\nType: Color\nQuestion: What is one of the cities that the University of Minnesota is located in ?\nType: City\nQuestion: Whose funeral train traveled from Washington D.C. to Springfield , Illinois ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How many members are in the California congressional delegation ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How do I know someone is truly in love with me ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: What are manifest and latent function theories ?\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What was unusual about Alexandra 's appearance in Josie and the Pussycats ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What is the probability that at least 2 out of 25 people will have the same birthday ?\nType: Percent, fraction\nQuestion: What is the origin of the name Igor ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: What does an average daycare provider get paid in New England ?\nType: Price\nQuestion: Who are the two sons of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What was the name of the Titanic 's captain ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Why do the chickenpoxs last so long ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What is the meaning of W.B. Yeat 's poem , `` The Three Hermits ? ''\nType: Definition of something\nQuestion: What is the rounded part on the top of a matchbook called ?\nType: Equivalent term\nQuestion: What 's the first day of the week ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What card game can feature dealer 's choice ?\nType: Sport\nQuestion: Where can I buy movies on videotape online ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How much will the California be in the year 2000 ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What Metropolis landmark was first introduced in the Superman cartoons of the 1940 's ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many objects orbit the Earth ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Where can I find the names of all the 15 Pokemon ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who did Sara Jane Moore try to assassinate ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How you can raise your IQ ?\nType: Manner of an action\nQuestion: How many languages does the Pope speak ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: How long did it take Stanley to find Livingstone ?\nType: Lasting time of somethin\nQuestion: Why do the chickenpoxs last so long ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: Who were the `` filthiest people alive ? ''\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What award is the `` Oscar '' of advertising ?\nType: Other entity\nQuestion: What country borders Denmark to the south ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: What Jewish holiday saw the start of the 1973 Mideast War ?\nType: Event\nQuestion: What was the verdict in the trial of Lizzie Borden ?\nType: Description of something\nQuestion: Who portrayed Fatman in the television show , `` Jake and the Fatman '' ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Who did Napolean defeat at Jena and Auerstadt ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What former president 's daughter has written a book titled Murder in the White House ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: How big is our galaxy in diameter ?\nType: Size, area and volume\nQuestion: Who was the only U.S. President to wear a Nazi uniform ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: Name the two youngsters saved by the animated Moby Dick .\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What TV sitcom character had the maiden name Ethel Potter ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What Caribbean island is northeast of Trinidad ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: How many bends are there in a standard paper clip ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What is the difference between love and infatuation ?\nType: Description of somethingQuestion: When do MORMONS believe Christ was born ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What novel did Ian Fleming introduce James Bond in ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: How many times more than 3\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: What makes thunder ?\nType: Reason\nQuestion: What 's the world 's largest cathedral ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What country in 1998 had the most suicides regardless of population size ?\nType: Country\nQuestion: How many countries watch MTV Europe ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who is Peter Weir ?\nType: Description of a person\nQuestion: Silly putty was invented by whom ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What year did Jack Nicklaus join the Professional Golfers Association tour ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: What TV quiz show left the air in 1975 to the tune of Vera Lynn 's We 'll Meet Again ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: Name a novel written by John Steinbeck .\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: What does Larry King do for a living ?\nType: Title of a person\nQuestion: What 's the farthest planet from the sun ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: Who played the Ringo Kid in the 1939 film Stagecoach ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What does the abbreviation AIDS stand for ?\nType: Expression abbreviated\nQuestion: How many innings are there in a regulation softball game ?\nType: Number of something\nQuestion: Who did Dita Beard work for ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What songs were popular in 1948 ?\nType: Invention, book and other creative piece\nQuestion: When did President Kennedy , Lee Harvey Oswald , and Jack Ruby all die ?\nType: Date\nQuestion: On what continent is Mozambique ?\nType: Other location\nQuestion: What comedienne calls her sister-in-law Captain Bligh and her mother-in-law Moby Dick ?\nType: Individual\nQuestion: What record company was formed by Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss ?\nType: Group or organization of person\n", "answers": ["Food"], "length": 1624, "dataset": "trec", "language": "en", "all_classes": ["Food", "Date", "Order, rank", "Speed", "Disease and medicine", "Word with a special property", "Abbreviation", "Language", "Letter like a-z", "Other entity", "Animal", "Expression abbreviated", "Price", "Techniques and method", "Musical instrument", "Mountain", "Currency name", "Event", "Product", "State", "Individual", "Organ of body", "Reason", "Manner of an action", "City", "Religion", "Invention, book and other creative piece", "Distance, linear measure", "Temperature", "Postcode or other code", "Size, area and volume", "Sport", "Country", "Other location", "Lasting time of somethin", "Equivalent term", "Description of something", "Weight", "Vehicle", "Color", "Other number", "Definition of something", "Element and substance", "Description of a person", "Symbols and sign", "Number of something", "Plant", "Percent, fraction", "Group or organization of person", "Title of a person"], "_id": "4263e5dc07137c9c109cbc1842bd10e79833bb673769757e"}