{"org_text": "St. Luke was a native of Antioch, the capital of Syria. He was by profession a physician; and some ancient writers say, that he was very skillful in painting. He was converted by St. Paul and became his disciple and companion in his travels, and fellow-labourer in the ministry of the Gospel. He wrote in Greek, about twenty-four years after our Lord's Ascension.", "whisper_text": " St. Luke was a native of Antioch, the capital of Syria. He was by profession a physician, and some ancient writers say that he was very skillful in pain. He was converted by St. Paul and became his disciple and companion in his travels and fellow laborer in the ministry of the gospel. He wrote in Greek about 24 years after our Lord's ascension.", "similarity": 0.9989811594958232, "phonetic_similarity": 0.8913043478260869, "timing_issue": false, "total_clip_length": 25.94, "text_match": false, "timings": [{"start": 0.0, "end": 6.24}, {"start": 6.8, "end": 13.6}, {"start": 13.6, "end": 20.32}, {"start": 20.32, "end": 25.2}], "timing_threshold": 3, "similarity_threshold": 0.8}