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Many mothers have a hard time with “time out,” and for good reasons. Typically timeout is a term used for isolating a child for a set period of time as a punishment for doing wrong, and it can be counterproductive to the discipline process. Expecting children to solve problems alone is unrealistic. Furthermore, the isolation can appear to force children away from the parent’s love. A “break” is a more valuable technique because it focuses on the heart and teaches children a more accurate picture of reality. When a child takes a break, the separation means missing out. The child is then motivated to repent in order to return to the benefits of family life. During a timeout, a child serves a sentence for a crime committed. The parent’s role is that of a police officer, to keep that child in time out until the sentence is served. During a break, the parent’s role is similar to that of the prodigal son’s father, who waited with open arms for the child to return. How refreshing that is for us whose children require a lot of discipline. The concept of a break shifts the responsibility from parental control to the child’s repentance. That truth alone makes a break the better approach. Here 4 ways to use a break instead of a timeout. 1. Quickly begin the break after misbehavior You might simply say, “Tyler, that was unkind. Take a Break in the doorway here, and come and see me when you’re ready to talk about this.” Or, “Sara, that attitude is not helpful. You need to take a Break on that blue chair until you settle down and are ready to talk with me.” 2. Stay calm A parent’s emotions can turn a discipline time into a volatile argument. It’s important for you to remain calm and matter-of-fact as you progress through the process. This allows the child to focus on the offense instead of on parental anger. 3. Choose an appropriate break location The best location for a break is a place away from any activity or stimulation. The bottom step, the hallway floor, or a chair in a quiet room might be appropriate. The child’s room, full of toys, may not be helpful. It’s best to choose a boring place where a child can think and is then motivated to return to the parent. 4. Ignore protests, excuses, and tantrums Some children resist taking a break and taunt parents into a battle. An angry child wants company and pushes a parent’s buttons to invite the parent into a fight. Ignore the tantrum and simply say, “We’ll talk about it after you take a break.” An angry child wants company and pushes a parent’s buttons to invite the parent into a fight. A break is an effective tool to motivate heart change in a child. It usually takes some time to develop this routine, but do the hard work, and you’ll use it regularly for years to come. Furthermore, your child will grow up learning the value of settling down and making heart-level changes. You may not see significant improvement right away, but keep at it, and over time your child will grow into a person who is able to make a mature response to correction. Tell us! What has been your most effective method of discipline?
June 24, 2017 June 24, 2017 June 28, 2017 The current education system is not producing enough engineers to meet market demand for several reasons, including misalignment of curriculum with companies’ demands, high students’ dropout levels in the Engineering programs, students’ motivational problems, and lack of adequate technological tools that improve the teaching and learning processes. This poses a great challenge for engineering education. Some of the current questions are: how to improve the quality of teaching engineering? What are the differences between engineering education and the education in other fields? What tools can be developed to improve the teaching and learning process?. Given these concerns, there is a growing number of Master’s thesis and PhD dissertations focusing on learning technologies, learning analytics, models and theories related to Engineering Education. These theses come from programs offered by colleges of education, or by departments of engineering education within colleges of engineering, or by programs in traditional engineering departments in colleges of engineering. This results in a wide spectrum of topics and perspectives that vary from education of engineering to engineering education. This paper focus on the evolution of engineering education research around the world by processing and analyzing dissertation documents and theses related to Engineering Education, utilizing a variety of data analysis techniques. The first approach includes the classification and ranking of the dissertation and theses by analyzing metadata fields such as: title, abstract, institution, topics, keywords, and date of publication. The second approach consisted of an unstructured search, using unsupervised learning clustering algorithms (Machine Learning) and information retrieval techniques for text analysis. With this approach the computer based on the abstract content, can group, classify and rank the documents and topics automatically without the need of additional metadata. Zapata Rivera, L. F., & Larrondo-Petrie, M. M. (2017, June), An Initial Study Applying Data Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques to Analyze Dissertations and Theses in the Engineering Education Field Paper presented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio. https://peer.asee.org/28250 ASEE holds the copyright on this document. It may be read by the public free of charge. Authors may archive their work on personal websites or in institutional repositories with the following citation: © 2017 American Society for Engineering Education. Other scholars may excerpt or quote from these materials with the same citation. When excerpting or quoting from Conference Proceedings, authors should, in addition to noting the ASEE copyright, list all the original authors and their institutions and name the host city of the conference. - Last updated April 1, 2015
Interlock systems are very important in radiotherapy because they enhance safety in the treatment area. The following are reasons for installing interlock systems in the radiotherapy: Interlock systems are divided into several types such as: Door interlocking systems: They are designed in radiation treatment rooms and they are directly connected to the control console of the machine. They are used to inform the radiation technologists when it is safe to run a treatment after they have detected the last person out of the treatment room. They are also used to alert a radiation technologist when/if the treatment room door is opened or when someone accidentally attempts to enter when the treatment is ongoing. All door interlock systems in radiotherapy should meet national and international safety standards. The entrance door should be fitted with two separate interlock switches which operate in a fail-to-safety manner. The two systems should operate in different ways, that is, in opposite modes, to avoid common-cause failures. Routine checks of the correct operations of the door interlock systems should be carried out by the radiation therapy technologist and their status should be recorded in the unit’s daily log. In case of any defects or deficiencies it should be reported and rectified before the next treatment. How the status of door and radiation from an accelerator operates: Machine interlocking systems: Machine interlock systems are designed to enhance safety and accuracy on a linear accelerator during a radiotherapy treatment. Purposes or reasons for installing machine interlocking systems includes: Example of linear accelerator interlocks: A Linear Accelerator Temperature A Linear Accelerator Gas Pressure A Linear Accelerator Water Level Fire interlocking systems: Fire interlocking systems are mostly connected to a fire detection system that automatically runs a siren on detecting heat or smoke. The system can be connected to the linear accelerator where it will immediately abort the treatment or any ongoing process. The radiotherapy technologist should confirm that everything has been shut down, secure the safety of the patient and immediately call the emergency team. 1. Clifford E. DeMagri B.E.; Jason W. Sohn M.S.; Vernon Smith Ph.D.; Alex Perec B.S.; David A. Larson M.D., Ph.D.; Michael C. Schell Ph.D. 1996. Method of Developing an Interlock System for Linac-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Retrieved from www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com on 10/1/2019 at 0540hrs 2. Argonne Physicist. Discussion of Linac Safety Systems. Retrieved from www.cse.anl.gov on 10/1/2019 at 0922hrs. 3. Frank Shields. 2018. Radiation Door Interlock System. Retrieved from www.frankshiels.com on 11/1/2019 at 0601 hrs. Dictionary of Cancer Terms Need help understanding a word? Here is an electronic resource that gives meaning to Cancer terms and their usage.
Rolls-Royce has revealed the design of its first electric race plane under its ACCEL (Accelerating the Electrification of Flight) program. The UK aeroengine manufacturer said, “Work will now begin on integrating the ground-breaking electrical propulsion system to enable the zero-emissions plane to make a run for the record books with a target speed of 300-plus miles per hour in late spring 2020.” Partners in ACCEL, which is half-funded by the UK’s Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) with the support of the UK government, include Oxford-based electric motor manufacturer YASA and Gloucester Airport, UK-based Electroflight. Also unveiled during an event held at Gloucester Airport on December 19, was the ionBird test airframe, which will be used to test the propulsion system before it is integrated into the aircraft. Tests are planned “over the next couple of months” including running the propulsion system up to full power along with airworthiness checks. Rolls-Royce said ACCEL will have the most power-dense battery pack ever assembled for an aircraft, enabling it to fly 200 miles (London to Paris) on a single charge of its 6,000 cells. The propeller is driven by three electric motors delivering more than 500 hp. Rolls said that “even during the record run, the all-electric powertrain will deliver power with 90 percent energy efficiency and, of course, zero emissions.” Rob Watson, director of Rolls-Royce Electrical, said: “Building the world’s fastest all-electric aircraft is nothing less than a revolutionary step change in aviation, and we are delighted to unveil the ACCEL project plane. This is not only an important step toward the world-record attempt, but will also help to develop Rolls-Royce’s capabilities and ensure that we are at the forefront of developing technology that can play a fundamental role in enabling the transition to a low-carbon global economy.” Gary Elliott, CEO of the Aerospace Technology Institute, added: “ACCEL will be a critical step in our understanding of how electric propulsion fits into that broader aspiration for the UK aerospace sector. We are also excited about the way it establishes a new and innovative supply chain, bringing together the best of the UK that includes cross-sector expertise, start-up energy, and critical domain leadership.” Rolls-Royce is also partnered with Airbus on the E-Fan X technology demonstrator project and with Norwegian airline Widerøe on a program that could replace its regional fleet of airliners with electric aircraft by 2030.
Schapiro’s analysis puts science to use in everyday life to reinforce the threat of climate change on the global economy. The costs of climate change are often talked about in terms of the loss of human life and environmental degradation, but the unprecedented amount of carbon in the atmosphere also has massive implications for the world economy. And when it comes to large companies that pollute and the governments that have the responsibility to regulate them, economic factors like those Mark Schapiro documents in Carbon Shock shouldn’t be overlooked. A journalist with a strong track record on the subject matter, Schapiro takes an in-depth look at this specific aspect of climate change. He does an excellent job of explaining a complicated web of interconnected economic impacts, from the way carbon offsets and credits function to how commodities from food to finance to fuel are already being affected, and how some businesses are trying to limit their risk. Schapiro uses a wide variety of sources and reports firsthand from a similarly wide range of locations. He uses the examples of cherry farmers and wine growers in California to illustrate how crop prices will fluctuate and how government crop insurance adds an often-overlooked cost for the average citizen. He analyzes how Brazil built its economic modernization around the use of green technology and uses that success to show how alternative energy wins on price when the true costs are factored in. He compares the cities of Pittsburgh, Manchester, and Guangzhou to illustrate different governments’ approaches to calculating and mitigating the cost of carbon and discusses the differences between the United States and the European Union when it comes to taxing the environmental costs of airline travel. This anecdotal approach is ideal for making the science real in terms of everyday life, while simultaneously reinforcing the far-ranging nature of the threat and the problems of inconsistent regulation around the globe. Perhaps the strongest part of the book is Schapiro’s thorough coverage of the cap-and-trade approach, as he documents the history of carbon exchanges and clearly lays out the pros and cons of a system where industries buy the right to further pollute, and where the same challenges of any commodities market—from theft to artificial price manipulation—apply. Schapiro explains these economic issues in an accessible way, shows approaches with varying degrees of success, and adds to the evidence that numerous industries will soon have to reckon with how best to pay monetary costs as well as environmental ones. Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The author of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the author for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
Called “Pediculus” or “Phthirus” in scientific terminology, commonly known as Crabs, they are external parasites that are transmitted from person to person most-commonly via sexual contact and grow rapidly when personal hygiene is poor. They are extremely small, despite the fact that they are very similar with crabs, which is why they are also called crustaceans. They have a flat shape, with three pairs of legs on either side of the body (from which it takes its descriptive name).pe, with three pairs of legs on either side of the body (from which it takes its descriptive HPV, “Human Papilloma Virus”, generates an incurable sexually transmitted disease, which unfortunately increases the long list of infections of this type. Genital warts or Condylomatosis, as it is also called this disease, comes from ancient times and because it cannot be cured, it makes the number of carriers to be growing. Chancroid or Soft Chancre is a sexually transmitted disease caused by “Haemophilus Ducreyi”, a bacterium (parasite) present on the mucous membranes of human and animal bodies. The condition is more common among men and, geographically, it occurs mostly in South-West Asia and Africa, but, unfortunately, it also makes its presence felt in North America or Europe. The bacterium “Neisseria Gonorrhoeae” bears the responsibility for the disease called Gonorrhea. The infection caused is a sexually transmitted one and can be passed from male to female or vice versa, during unprotected sex, regardless of how it is practiced (oral, vaginal or anal). The disease, also known as Clap, can be located in the throat, in the rectum, and also in the cervix (the lower part of the uterus or of the bladder), in the urethra (urinary canal) or in the vagina. Trichomoniasis is a disease caused by the protozoan (inferior animal, usually microscopic, unicellular) “Trichomonas vaginalis”. Typically, the parasite is present in the urinary tract, showing no symptoms and not affecting the body in any way other than in association with various other bacteria (bacillus coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc.). Herpes Simplex Type I and Herpes Simplex Type II are the two forms of the disease caused by the “Simplex” virus. Both types are contagious. Type I mainly affects the area of the mouth and makes its appearance especially during episodes of cold or flu with feverish state, and the Type II affects the genital area, being transmitted through unprotected sex. Unlike Type I Herpes, which is active and it may occasionally also affect the genital area (during episodes of oral sex), the Type II is contagious regardless of the type of sex practiced.
Using an EnvisionTEC 3D-Bioplotter, one of the most-utilized bioprinters on the market, researchers at Northwestern University have 3D printed tissue that mimics human bile duct. A bile duct plays a crucial role in the body, carrying bile from the liver to the intestine to facilitate digestion. Cancer of the bile duct has an alarmingly low survival rate, and treatment requires that the disease be caught early enough for the affected part of the bile duct to be removed. But there’s some good news for those suffering from conditions of the bile duct, as researchers at Northwestern University have 3D printed a mini-tissue that mimics it. The research is documented in a study entitled “Tailoring nanostructure and bioactivity of 3D-printable hydrogels with self-assemble peptides amphiphile (PA) for promoting bile duct formation”. Lead author Ming Yan and colleagues 3D printed a nanostructure consisting of peptides amphiphile, or PAs, bioink and bile duct cells, or cholangiocytes. The PAs and cholangiocytes were mixed with thiolated gelatin at 37°C and 3D printed at 4ºC using an EnvisionTEC 3D-Bioplotter, one of the most-utilized bioprinters on the market. The material retained integrity as the bioinks printed into filaments capable of supporting multi-layered scaffolds. The researchers stabilized the scaffold by cross-linking a derivative of ethylene glycol with calcium ions; scaffold stability was observed in culture for more than a month at a temperature of 37°C. The researchers also explored the use of a laminin-derived peptide (Ile-Lys-Val-Ala-Val, IKVAV) and the influence its inclusion in the bioink would have on the bile duct cells. Laminin is a molecule necessary for cell adhesion, and after bioprinting, the bile duct cells remained viable in vitro. Staining revealed the formation of functional bile-cell-based tube structures; when cultured in IKVAV bioink, the structures showed enhanced morphology, forming functional tubular structures. “3D-printing has expanded our ability to produce reproducible and more complex scaffold architectures for tissue engineering applications,” the abstract states. “In order to enhance the biological response within these 3D-printed scaffolds incorporating nanostructural features and/or specific biological signaling may be an effective means to optimize tissue regeneration. Peptides amphiphiles (PAs) are a versatile supramolecular biomaterial with tailorable nanostructural and biochemical features. PAs are widely used in tissue engineering applications such as angiogenesis, neurogenesis, and bone regeneration. Thus, the addition of PAs is a potential solution that can greatly expand the utility of 3D bioprinting hydrogels in the field of regenerative medicine.” This is the first time that a bioink-based system supplemented with PAs was used for bile duct tissue engineering. The research shows a lot of promise; the bioprinted bile ducts, as well as in-vitro systems created with the bioinks, have the potential to be valuable for research into bile duct cancer as well as the testing of treatments. Right now, bile duct cancer is a grave diagnosis to receive, but the enhanced research that could be made possible by this work offers hope for better understanding and more effective treatments. As a next step, the researchers now want to optimize the peptide concentration and test other signaling molecules within the bioinks to enhance the formation of functional tubular structures that mimic those found in the liver. Additional authors of the research paper include P.L. Lewis and R.N. Shah. Northwestern University’s research is documented in a study entitled “Tailoring nanostructure and bioactivity of 3D-printable hydrogels with self-assemble peptides amphiphile (PA) for promoting bile duct formation,” which you can access here.
The Unicode Collation Algorithm is an algorithm for sorting the entire Unicode character set. It provides linguistically correct comparison, ordering, and case conversion. The UCA was developed as part of the Unicode standard. SQL Anywhere implements the UCA using the International Components for Unicode (ICU) open source library, developed and maintained by IBM. The default UCA ordering sorts most characters in most languages into an appropriate order. However, because of the sorting and comparison variations between languages sharing characters, the UCA cannot provide proper sorting for all languages. For this purpose, ICU provides a syntax for tailoring the UCA. See Collation tailoring options. The UCA provides advanced comparison, ordering, and case conversion at a small cost in space and time. The mapped form of a string is longer than the original string. The algorithm provides sophisticated handling of more complex characters. Unlike the SQL Anywhere Collation Algorithm, the Unicode Collation Algorithm is only for use with single-byte and UTF-8 character sets, and it separates each character into one or more attributes. For letters, these attributes are base character, accent, and case. Non-letters typically have only one attribute, the base character. UCA compares character strings as follows: Compare the base characters. If one string of base characters differs from the other, then the comparison is complete. Accent and case are not considered. If the database is accent sensitive, compare the accents. If the accents differ, then the comparison is complete. Case is not considered. If the database is case sensitive, compare the case of each character. The original string values are equal if and only if the base characters, accents, and case are the same for both strings. Suppose UCA is used to compare the strings in the first column of the table below. The subsequent columns describe the three attributes for each string. Notice that the base characters are identical; the words differ only in accents and case. |noel||noel||none, none, none, none||lower, lower, lower, lower| |noël||noel||none, none, accent, none||lower, lower, lower, lower| |Noel||noel||none, none, none, none||upper, lower, lower, lower| |Noël||noel||none, none, accent, none||upper, lower, lower, lower| The following table shows the ordering that would occur in the four possible combinations of accent- and case-sensitivity using UCA: |Accent sensitive||Case sensitive||ORDER BY result||Explanation| Noel, noël, Noël, noel in any order Noel, noel in any order, noël, Noël in any order Noel, Noël in any order, noël, noel in any order |Discuss this page in DocCommentXchange. Send feedback about this page using email. |Copyright © 2009, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. - SQL Anywhere 11.0.1|
Any symptoms that center on the head and neck are magnified by the fact that this is the most highly innervated part of the human body. Thus eye pain, ear pain, mouth pain are all tolerated to a lesser degree than extremity pain. It is also true that the amount of anxiety associated with these symptoms is greater. The differential for facial numbness is diverse and lengthy. It includes demyelinating disease, trigeminal neuralgia, Bell’s palsy, stroke, inflammatory disease such as post viral neuritis, varicella zoster, neurofibromatosis, brain tumors, acoustic neuromas, sinus and middle dysfunctions including infection and barometric disease. Basically, follow the peripheral course of the fifth cranial nerve into the brain and then map the sensory connections to the rest of the brain and list the possible pathological influences on these anatomic areas. That creates a full differential diagnosis. Trigeminal neuralgia is estimated to occur at a rate of 1.6 per thousand (internationally.) Its etiology continues to be an item that is debated. One theory proposes that peripheral injury increases afferent firing in the nerve. Another theory implicates a failure of central inhibitory mechanisms. Anatomically, an abnormal vascular course of the superior cerebellar artery, aneurysms, tumors, and chronic meningeal inflammation may all irritate trigeminal nerve roots. Patients present with pain that is brief and paroxysmal, characterized as stabbing or shocklike. It is usually severe. Its distribution, since this is a peripheral problem, is along one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve and is usually unilateral. It lasts for a few seconds, but continues throughout the day. The associated numbness will come on early in the disease and often not be recalled by patients when compared to the pain. Bell’s palsy is primarily a muscular problem since it is a neuritis of the VIIth cranial nerve, but early on in its course, some numbness may be described. Demyelinating disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), can cause virtually any sensory deficit imaginable. MS is a demyelinization the CNS that typically presents with an variable combination of neurological as well as psychological dysfunctions. The disease may progress over years. A classic presentation for MS is involves the entities of optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, internuclear ophthalmoplegia, or paresthesias. Now MRI findings are also helpful in making the diagnosis. Typical findings on an MRI also help establish a diagnosis of MS. By convention, MS has been broken into the categories of definite, probable, or possible. Patients with an atypical presentation may also need evoked potential studies or cerebral spinal fluid studies to aid in the diagnosis. MS appears to be an autoimmune disease with characteristic lesions described as multicentric, multiphasic CNS inflammation and demyelination. With regard to an acute episode, national guidelines call for high-dose corticosteroids, e.g. oral or intravenous methylprednisolone, neurological evaluation and rehab, and initiation of a course to affect disease progression to possibly include interferon beta, glatiramer acetate, or linoleic acid. Further, azathioprine, mitoxantrone, intravenous immunoglobulin, plasma exchange, and intermittent courses of high-dose methylprednisolone were designated as appropriate only in designated circumstances. Finally, anti-viral medications, e.g. acyclovir or tuberculin, cladribine, long-term treatment with corticosteroids, hyperbaric oxygen, linomide, whole-body irradiation, myelin basic protein of any type were designated as not to be used in any circumstances. Acoustic neuromas can cause facial numbness if their growth impinges on the course of the trigeminal nerve. Usually, a neuroma of this size will also be causing tinnitus and/or vertigo. Even an inability of sinuses and middle ears to equilibrate barometric pressure has been implicated as a cause for facial numbness.
Portugal's first botanic garden 250 years, and one year, on My first visit to the Jardín Botánico da Ajuda was in June 2017, when I posted a few pictures as I holidayed through Portugal. My second visit was in May 2018, armed with expert advice on the history and restoration of this striking botanic garden from a talk by Cristina Castel-Branco, Ana Luisa Soares, Teresa Chambel and Francisco Rego at the European Botanic Gardens Congress, EuroGard, held in Lisbon. In attendance during my visit were reconstituted eighteenth century Lisbonites, including a transformation of the current Director of Jardín Botánico da Ajuda, Dalila Espírito Santo... Jardín Botánico da Ajuda was Portugual's first 'scientific' botanic garden, established in 1768 by the Italian naturalist Domenico Agonstino Vandelli. Born in Venice but living most of his life (and dying) in Lisbon, Vandelli wanted to collect and grow plants from throughout the extensive Portuguese empire. This struggling Dragon Blood Tree (Draceana draco), perhaps from the nearby island archipelago Madeira, was planted about the time the botanic garden began. Based on its deterioration over just the last 12 months (compare this image with the one I took in June 2017) I'd suggest 250 years is about the life span of this plant in cultivation. The pair of Ombú (Phytolacca dioica) I admired last time are doing much better. The botanic garden is only 3.5 hectares in size but packs a punch. It's divided in two, with a very formal parterre on the lower level and an assortment of specimen trees and small boutique gardens nestled beside a glasshouse on the upper. The entire garden has been lovingly restored over the last two decades so what I saw last year and this year is a long way from what visitors have experienced through the latter half of the twentieth century. The site works well as a place for growing exotic plants. It's sheltered from prevailing winds and has plenty of water available for irrigation. The basalt substrate add stability: for a few decades the country's royal family lived in a wooden hut (aka 'Royal Shack' or 'Royal Cabin') on this site after the Royal Palace was destroyed in the 1755 earthquake. In 1768 the botanic garden that we see today took shape, a combination of Italian parterre and enlightenment plant collecting. At the time it was a popular destination for locals, who would have looked a little bit like this. Through the next century it became more of a 'pleasure garden', then in the twentieth century a little more 'picturesque' (that is, more like a landscape painting). Fast forward to 1993 though and there are only 600 visitors each year, almost certainly not as well dressed, the garden was hardly maintained. Cristina and her crew stepped in, employing a head gardener born in France but trained at Kew Gardens, Emmanuel Speck. He stayed for two years, helping to establish the quality of horticulture they expected. They decided to revert to the 1768 plan, bearing in mind that an old botanic garden, like any garden, will often have many changes made to its design since inception and no one is intrinsically more worthy than another. There were a couple of more modern additions, such as an aromatic garden for visually impaired visitors and the conversion of the glass house into a restaurant (where the Prime Minister of Portugal was married, and the delegates from the conference gathered for drinks). For the anniversary celebrations in 2018 there were various events and activities, including a set of stamps to commemorate the occasion. For the younger readers, these were a kind of currency used to send emails before we invented computers and smart(alec) phones. While a key tenet of the restoration was to avoid 'dissonance', for the 250th year there was a cheeky 'intervention' of ceramics by António Vasconcelos Lapa. His Viagem ao Barroco ('Voyage/Journey to the Baroque') worked extremely well I thought.
Nutrition is important for your health at every stage of life, from pregnancy to late in life. As your body changes from a rapidly growing baby and teenager then slowing into adulthood and older age, your nutrient needs also change. Let’s look at how eating smart works for older adults. As you age, you need fewer calories. If we aren’t careful and cut back to match this decline, we could put on extra pounds even while eating exactly the same as when we were younger. Move it or lose it. Without being active, older adults can lose their muscle mass. This slows down metabolism, which is why calorie needs go down with age. This also affects strength and balance. Be sure to eat protein rich foods, like lean meats, beans, and seafood. Staying physically active also helps slow down or even reverse muscle loss. Vitamin and Mineral Needs At the same time your calorie needs are going down, your needs for certain nutrients are actually going up. This happens because your body isn’t as efficient at getting some nutrients, like Vitamins D, B12, zinc, calcium and iron, from foods. Many older adults need vitamin and mineral supplements to meet their needs. Your doctor can help choose the right ones for you. As we age, our intestines start to run a little slower, which increases the risk of constipation. To keep things moving, it is important to get enough fiber. Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods also are very nutritious, providing higher levels of important vitamins and minerals than convenience-type foods. Older adults are at a higher risk of dehydration because they are less aware of thirst signals from the body. Without feeling thirsty, it’s easy to forget to drink enough. Fluid needs go up with increased fiber intake also. Make sure to drink plenty of healthy drinks throughout the day. Drink more water, unsweetened coffee or tea and milk and less sugary drinks. Over the years, many older adults develop chronic diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or kidney disease. These diseases and the medicine used to treat them can change your dietary needs. Work with your doctor and/or dietitian to eat the best diet in order for you to manage your health. When you add up all these changes, your diet needs to be nutrient-dense and full of whole, nourishing food. There is less room for convenience-type foods high in fat, sugar and salt while still maintaining calorie balance and meeting nutrient needs. And when you think of it like that, it’s not too different from eating smart at any other time in your life. You can find more information on nutrition for healthy aging at these sites: National Institute on Aging’s What’s on Your Plate? NIH Senior Health’s Eating Well As You Get Older National Institute on Aging’s Healthy Eating After 50
Messy surroundings create unsafe environments Apart from the fact that littering is bad for animals and the environment, there is also a proven link between messy surroundings, lack of safety and criminality. Getting young students to take part and clean up their local area gives them insights that will last for life. And making it fun to do your bit and clean up together, while earning a bit of money for the classroom fund, is seen as an added bonus. Here at Fabege we regard Schysst Sjöstad as an important project to support, and this year we gave every school that took part a donation of SEK 25,000 to share between the classes that got involved. A whole day on sustainability This year for the first time, Fabege organised a Sustainability Day in Hammarby Sjöstad, to coincide with Schysst Sjöstad. “The Sustainability Day is an extension of Schysst Sjöstad, which has been going for six years, and will further highlight just how much importance we place on the sustainability issue here at Fabege,” explains Per Tyrén, Market Area Manager in Hammarby Sjöstad. The day kicked off with a breakfast seminar at our WAW office in Luma, where our customers got to hear about the future of the electric car and the status of the underground train link to the area. Stockholms Stadsmission’s Head of Fundraising, Adrienne Collin, was there to talk about recycling and social responsibility, while Linnea Grahn, Project Manager at Städa Sverige, spoke about the Schysst Sjöstad project and how they reach out to young people regarding sustainability issues. During the day, we also organised a clothing collection at Luma together with Stockholms Stadsmission. “We have created a sustainability strategy and we regard it as a natural element of our business model. That’s why it’s particularly enjoyable to spend a whole day focusing on initiatives and activities that make an immediately difference to the local environment in Hammarby Sjöstad,” says Mia Häggström, Head of Sustainability at Fabege. Examples of our sustainability initiatives in Hammarby Sjöstad include beehives on the roofs, a fish ladder to promote the survival of brown trout, and the installation of charging stations for electric cars. In addition, all Fabege’s service vehicles run on 100% green electricity. Did you know it takes... - 450–1,000 years for a plastic PET bottle to biodegrade. - 200–500 years for nature to break down an aluminium can. - 3–100 years for a cigarette butt to biodegrade. - 1 million years for nature to break down glass. So don’t chuck litter and cigarette butts on the ground, put them in a bin. Sort and recycle as much as you can. Each little contribution makes a big difference. No-one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
Anthropomorphize this! Ugly produce needs a friend That cucumber shouldn't be trashed; it is merely a senior citizen. In a study that produce marketers should note carefully, new research says “humanizing” ugly produce is one way to prevent waste. To anthropomorphize, or to assign attribute human form or personality to things that are not human, is something we do with animals, the weather, higher beings, our cars, robots, et cetera. Check out the University of Houston news release about the study here and the journal article “From Oldie to Goldie: Humanizing Old Produce Enhances Its Appeal,” published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research here. From that article, the authors say that our society values youth, and perhaps by association, youthful looking produce. However, they said there is another side to that coin: “Here we posit that the positive effect of anthropomorphism on old produce is driven by sentimental feelings of warmth toward humanized old produce, which could have overridden a possible negative impact resulting from the application of the “beautiful is good” lay theory.” More on the study, from the University of Houston news release: Pity the poor blemished banana. In a society that equates beauty with quality, the perception that blemished produce is less desirable than its perfect peers contributes to 1.3 billion tons f wasted food a year globally. That, in turn, raises the cost and environmental impact of feeding the world’s population. Researchers are suggesting a potential solution – they found that ‘humanizing’ produce can change consumer attitudes toward fresh fruits and vegetables that are showing signs of age. The work, published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, found that depicting imperfect-looking but still nutritious produce with human characteristics enhanced the food’s appeal. “We suggest that when old produce is humanized, it is evaluated more favorably, since it leads consumers to evaluate the old produce with a more compassionate lens,” the researchers wrote. Vanessa Patrick, Bauer Professor of Marketing at the University of Houston and a coauthor on the paper, said the researchers examined how attitudes toward human aging – “old is gold,” vs. “young is good” – translated to attitudes toward so-called “mature” produce. The project involved anthropomorphizing bananas, cucumbers and zucchini, or depicting the produce in ways that suggest human-like traits. Bananas, for example, were depicted sunbathing while reclining in a chaise. Cucumber slices were used to create a picture of a human face. “With fresh produce, aging promotes visible changes, much as it does in humans,” Patrick said. “That can create a connection with human qualities of aging when the food is anthropomorphized.” In the study, participants were shown depictions of both fresh and slightly-past-its-prime produce in both anthropomorphized and unadorned states. Those who saw the anthropomorphized aging produce rated it as more desirable than participants who saw the same produce without the anthropomorphic effects. Anthropomorphism didn’t affect perceptions of fresh produce. The researchers said the results suggest grocery store managers and other marketers should consider using similar strategies to promote produce that has begun to show signs of aging but remains nutritious and tasty. “Making food that would otherwise go to waste more appealing to consumers may allow store managers to avoid having to reduce the price for that older produce, which would improve the bottom line,” Patrick said. TK: If supermarket xyz only cares about the young and the beautiful produce, by gum we at chain abc care about all our fruit and vegetable family. Everyone - young and old, perfect or flawed, has a seat at our table. Research seems to say a strategy like that could be done, but who is brave enough to attempt it?
Colleges and universities have begun to accept that students on the spectrum have much to offer and that's a huge leap forward for our society. Still, to ensure success, parents and students must have a flexible plan that provides for the unexpected. When evaluating a student's readiness to attend college, ask yourself: Can he wake up and get ready for his day without assistance? Can he plan for assignments and tests--and stick to a schedule? Can he advocate for himself if things go wrong? Does he understand his disability and can he speak clearly about what he might need from staff and faculty? Understandably, many parents want to believe that their child will grow into the demands of college and that labeling their child as different will make things worse. While this might be true for some, for most, it's a plan for failure. It's hard enough for kids who haven't had learning or emotional challenges to survive the stresses of college life. Those who specialize in counseling students on the spectrum often suggest a multi-tiered plan that allows for a change in strategy if things don't go as planned. For instance, a student could have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C: Plan A: Head off to college and plan to evaluate progress monthly Plan B: If the college environment proves too stressful, have the student return home to attend community college while developing the specific skills that may have been lacking Plan C: Search out a less traditional post-secondary education option, such as a vocational school or certificate program Experts also recommend that expectations between parents and student are detailed in advance. For the sake of clarity, it is a good idea to have the student sign a contract with his parents specifying: The number of family phone calls per week That parents may check on grades even if the student is over 18 That the student will not withhold information about difficulties he may be having In return, parents agree to support the student both emotionally and financially as he pursues his desire to attend college When choosing a college, consider these factors: Does the school welcome students on the spectrum? What level of services do they provide? Is there mentorship, tutoring, life skills instruction, therapy? Is there flexibility in housing? Can a student get a single room (the most common request)? Is there any kind of supervised housing that might provide more daily maintenance support? Are there student-sponsored organizations on campus where students can gather to discuss the challenges they have in common? A last word: One final issue that stirs controversy in the college counseling community is whether or not students should disclose a disability prior to being accepted to a school. It's our opinion that they should, and that a school that balks at this information is not right for the student. More than anyone, a kid on the spectrum needs to be able to be herself.
পুরাণ, পুরাণশাস্ত্র, পুরাকথা, পুরাণবিজ্ঞান, শ্রুতি, পৌরাণিক কাহিনীসমূহ Noun(1) myths collectively; the body of stories associated with a culture or institution or person(2) the study of myths (1) You'd be pushed to find it in the popular mythology , though.(2) in popular mythology, truckers are kings of the road(3) It drew upon history, mythology and living memory of the Second World War.(4) These books are the primary source for our knowledge of the most ancient Indian mythology , forming the basis for the development of Hinduism.(5) Baird who has studied mythology since she was a child equips every card with a musing short story on its back cover.(6) These stories reflect the children's ideas and interests and influences range from ancient mythology to television.(7) For the past eight years, she has been teaching comparative mythology , a subject in which she has earned a doctorate.(8) In popular mythology , kids used to run away from home to do just that.(9) Ganesa was the god of wisdom and success in Hindu mythology(10) A perfect introduction to the history of mythology .(11) European history, geography and mythology is central to it.(12) this field includes archaeology, comparative mythology, and folklore(13) His execution in 1725 was to ensure his place in popular mythology .(14) The student of mythology may find some of this story interesting.(15) They provided indispensable services and became the subject of popular folklore and mythology .(16) Next week, another bit of popular mythology comes under our close examination. 3. folklore :: 4. folk tales :: 5. folk stories :: 6. lore :: 7. tradition :: Different Formsmythologies, mythologize, mythologizes, mythology English to Bengali Dictionary: mythology Meaning and definitions of mythology, translation in Bengali language for mythology with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of mythology in Bengali and in English language. Tags for the entry "mythology" What mythology means in Bengali, mythology meaning in Bengali, mythology definition, examples and pronunciation of mythology in Bengali language.
August 03, 2016 | By NACE Staff Spotlight for Career Services Professionals It’s almost a certainty that female college students going through the career exploration and hiring processes will encounter the gender pay gap. “There is no silver bullet choice of college major or professional field where the gender pay gap does not exist,” says Kevin Miller, senior researcher at the American Association of University Women (AAUW). “It exists across essentially all occupations in any given year.” More disturbing is the fact that the gender pay gap is actually larger for college graduates and those with advanced degrees than among workers without college degrees. “A college degree does usually lead to higher earnings,” Miller notes, “but women who graduate from college are still employed in a work force where discrimination and other factors result in a gap with men.” The gender pay gap is a multifaceted problem, with many factors contributing. The gender pay gap statistic most frequently cited—that women earn 79 percent of what men do, among full-time year-round workers—is a summary of the impact of all of these factors on American women in the work force, Miller explains. He points to several of the primary factors that contribute to the gender pay gap, such as: “It's important to point out, though, that educational and career choices are influenced by gender norms,” Miller points out. “Ninety-seven percent of child care workers are women and 96 percent of truck drivers are men, and truck drivers make significantly more than child care workers, on average.” Women who choose to enter male-dominated fields do tend to earn more. “But research also shows that when women enter a field in large numbers, average pay—even for men—drops as the field is perceived to be less prestigious,” Miller says. He explains that the factors above are tied up with gender norms and roles that change over time, but that change happens slowly. And these factors don’t account for all of the gap. Social scientists—including the staff of AAUW—have attempted to estimate the contributions of the specific factors above to the gender pay gap. Miller explains that when statistically controlling for all of the factors that are typically included in economic or educational surveys—age, race, education level of one's parents, college major, industry, occupation, and so on—there remains some gap that is still associated with gender. “This is what some refer to as the ‘unexplained’ gender pay gap, which some believe is the result of discrimination,” Miller says. “The estimates of this gap are smaller than the total gender pay gap, but are still significant. Among college graduates, AAUW estimates that, one year after college graduation, after controlling for numerous variables, women are still paid 7 percent less than similar men.” Sarah Spencer, AAUW program associate, offers some recommendations for career services practitioners to incorporate when counseling students about navigating the hiring process: In addition to these recommendations, AAUW offers several resources to help you and your students learn about and address the gender pay gap, including an annual research report titled The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap and salary negotiation workshops. Overall unemployment rate Bureau of Labor Statistics Unemployment rate, bachelor’s degree grads age 20 – 24 Bureau of Labor Statistics Average starting salary, Class of 2018 bachelor’s degree graduate Summer 2019 Salary Survey Increase in hiring projected for Class of 2020 over Class of 2019 Job Outlook 2020 Percent of Class of 2018 bachelor’s degree grads employed full time within six months of graduation First Destinations for the College Class of 2018
Welcome to Drumlin Co-op’s Resources Folder Drumlin Wind Co-op was Northern Ireland’s first community owned energy co-operative and we are enthusiastic to share the reality of ordinary people owning and managing the wind turbines that provide clean green electricity from a free, readily available and sustainable source. We hope that you will find something within this folder which is interesting and informative about local wind energy production. If you are involved in educating children or young people, the brief notes included with the contents list below may suggest some ways in which the resources could be used to promote their awareness and understanding. Educators may choose the level at which to focus any of these resources to suit the audience. As part of its commitment to local communities, Drumlin has provided some classroom sessions to Key Stage 2 pupils in eight schools close to our six turbines. During these, the value of renewable sources of energy and how wind turbines can make electricity were explained. A leaflet relating to this schools programme is included in the folder and we hope to respond to demand and expand our educational outreach in the future. Look out for additional resources which will be added here. We welcome feedback and suggestions to help us improve our provision, including our website resources so please direct any comments or questions to the Chair of Drumlin at firstname.lastname@example.org. 1.Drumlin Wind Energy leaflet A science and technology programme for Primary Schools investigating renewable energy. An outline source of information about Drumlin Co-op, wind energy and our pilot programme for schools. 2. Wind Energy Factsheet. A selection of snippets of information to stimulate thinking. 3. Practical Challenge Sheet sheet Sets a challenge to design and build a model turbine (ask us about suppliers of necessary resources). 4. Construction Presentation showing construction of a Drumlin turbine What skills and materials are needed? Careers. What problems might there be? How long would it take to plan? How much would a turbine cost?( approx £600,000 to buy install) How long would a turbine last?(design life 25 years) 5. Site location map for Drumlin Co-op’s 6 turbines Where is your nearest Drumlin turbine? Could you ask to visit? Geography opportunities! Apart from choosing a windy site – what other things would influence the choice of sites? 6. Drumlin photos of some of Drumlin’s turbines. What is your reaction? What do you like or not like about turbines? Does everyone react in the same way? Have a debate! Write a poem! Sketch a turbine! You can see here groups visiting Drumlin turbines (co-op members, site owner family, neighbours and a group of electrical engineering students). 7. Size matters montage Drumlin turbines are 250kW models. Consider the pros and cons of the different sized turbines. Which is best for the environment? 8. Windspeed and generation graph showing wind speed and electricity generation over a 24 hour period. Explore the close link (correlation) between how hard the wind blows and how much electricity is made, the units (wind speed in metres/second, electricity generation in watts, the 24 hour clock), or variation in wind speed during the period. If the wind speed is too high turbines switch off to avoid damage. 9. Ballyrobert monthly electricity generation in 2017. Note the variation and think of reasons for it. Would it be the same every year? How to make sure there is enough electricity to meet demand – problem solving opportunities – managing demand, energy storage, complementary technologies, electricity distribution networks. Thank you for visiting our website. Visit again to see updates.
A leading Irish historian has expressed concern that Ireland’s current friendship with Britain may curtail the centenary celebrations of the Easter Rising. There has been an increased concern by some groups in Ireland that the memories of the men and women who fought for their country nearly a hundred years ago, will not be properly honoured because of Ireland’s current strong relationship with Britain. Dr Brian P Murphy, a leading author on Irish history, was speaking at the annual Liam Lynch Commemoration Ceremony in Fermoy, County Cork (Lynch was an Irish nationalist soldier who died fighting for the Free State Army in the Civil War). Dr Murphy warned that Ireland must not be afraid to celebrate their past and the current bond between Ireland and Britain is not reason to forget the sacrifices made by the Irish nationalists of the early 20th century. Dr Murphy is a regular speaker on matters regarding Irish history. He is the author of ‘Patrick Pearse and the Lost Republican Ideal’ and ‘The Origins and Organisation of British Propaganda in Ireland’. The 100 year centenary of the Easter Rising will take place in less than two years’ time. It was one of the key events in Irish history. On the 24th April 1916, a group of Irish nationalists seized the General Post Office in Dublin and several other city strongholds. They declared Ireland an independent republic, with Pádraic Pearse reading aloud the Proclamation of Independence. It took five days of fighting before the Irish rebels reluctantly surrendered to the superior resources of the British Army. More than 1,500 were imprisoned, and 15 of the leaders were executed by firing squad. Ireland has since gained full independence from Britain, and the relationship between the two countries is now as strong as it has ever been. Queen Elizabeth II visited Ireland in 2011 Queen Elizabeth II visited Ireland in 2011, the first visit by a British monarch since the country had become an independent republic. She bowed her head at the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin and conceded that: “It would have been better if some action in the past had been done differently, or maybe not at all.” The admission was welcomed by the Irish public, and given the queen’s position, it was the closest thing Ireland would ever get in regards of an apology from Britain. During their terms as Irish President, Mary Robinson and Mary McAleese were both invited by the queen to attend ceremonies in Britain. Most citizens from both sides of the Irish Sea have welcomed the improved relationship between the two nations. However, Dr P Murphy has urged the Ireland not to let this get in the way of properly honouring those that fought and died for the freedom of their country. The Easter Rising was possibly the most important event in Ireland’s history. He said: “These developments provide a clear indication that a final refining and resolving of Ireland’s relationship with England may well be resolve by peaceful means if the political will is there.” He went on to stress though that the history and facts of Ireland’s struggle must be remembered fully, and not portrayed in “a less than authentic manner”. Dr Murphy’s views echoed President Michael Higgins’ recent comment that the “improved Anglo Irish relations should not lead to amnesia about the past”.
Before wind turbines and solar panels, nuclear generation was the latest and greatest green energy source. Splitting the atom was believed to be the way to power the future cleanly and cheaply. In recent years, nuclear generators have struggled to keep pace with the falling price of conventional fuels–primarily natural gas–and have failed to garner the government support given to the wind and solar industries. Worldwide, the construction of new nuclear reactors has largely stalled, leaving nuclear to produce around 5 percent of global energy. A new report released by the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) this week argues that nuclear generation is a key part of a low-carbon future and that changes to generator design and government regulation are needed to support the industry. With world electricity consumption set to increase 45 percent by 2040 though, a scalable clean energy solution is needed. And it seems that nuclear fits the bill. “Our analysis demonstrates that realizing nuclear energy’s potential is essential to achieving a deeply decarbonized energy future in many regions of the world,” says study co-chair Jacopo Buongiorno, the TEPCO Professor and Associate Department Head of the Nuclear Science and Engineering Department at MIT. He adds, “Incorporating new policy and business models, as well as innovations in construction that may make deployment of cost-effective nuclear power plants more affordable, could enable nuclear energy to help meet the growing global demand for energy generation while decreasing emissions to address climate change.” The researchers from MIT collaborated with staff from Idaho National Laboratory and University of Madison-Wisconsin and plan to present the report at events around the world in the coming weeks. Their focus on nuclear energy can play a key role in a global clean energy future–and how proper policy making can help achieve this goal. The study’s authors admit that the current approach to nuclear generator construction is deeply flawed. Projects frequently suffer from design flaws and are finished months or years behind schedule and grossly overbudget. “The recent experience of nuclear construction projects in the United States and Europe has demonstrated repeated failures of construction management practices in terms of their ability to deliver products on time and within budget,” they wrote. To solve these problems, the group advised changes to both construction management practices and the design and manufacture of the generators themselves. By shifting to a standardized reactor design, the cost of manufacture parts would decrease. At the same time, promoting specialization in the generator construction industry would further reduce costs by avoiding delays. “A shift towards serial manufacturing of standardized plants, including more aggressive use of fabrication in factories and shipyards, can be a viable cost-reduction strategy in countries where the productivity of the traditional construction sector is low,” says MIT visiting research scientist David Petti, study executive director and Laboratory Fellow at the Idaho National Laboratory. Even if these changes were enacted overnight, it would be years before the new generators could come into service. In the short term, this would likely hurt progress towards carbon emissions goals. To help prevent these early closures, the researchers advocated several different policy responses for state and national lawmakers, including zero-emissions credits — payments made to electricity producers where electricity is generated without greenhouse gas emissions —which have been tried in New York, Illinois, and New Jersey. “The role of government will be critical if we are to take advantage of the economic opportunity and low-carbon potential that nuclear has to offer,” says John Parsons, study co-chair and senior lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. “If this future is to be realized, government officials must create new decarbonization policies that put all low-carbon energy technologies (i.e. renewables, nuclear, fossil fuels with carbon capture) on an equal footing, while also exploring options that spur private investment in nuclear advancement.” They also recommended that the government provide funding support to allow people designing new reactors to share regulatory, research, and development costs, and to create production credits that reward the success of new designs. All of these approaches would be a much more aggressive nuclear policy than has been seen in decades. Right now, nuclear has struggled to gain widespread support in the U.S. and in other parts of the world. The researchers are hoping that their findings may help to change minds. In a “carbon-constrained” world, the power of the future may need to be nuclear.
Although it was 10 years ago today that the tanker Exxon Valdez crunched onto a reef in a pristine Alaskan sound, the ghost of America’s worst-ever oil pollution disaster still haunts its largest oil company. Forty million litres of crude oil gushed from the ruptured hull, contaminating 2,000 kilometres of the coastline of Prince William Sound, killing hundreds of thousands of seabirds, fish, seals, otters and whales. The clean-up, which continues today, has cost $US2.1 billion. But it is the Exxon Corporation’s stubborn fight to avoid a gigantic compensation payout which continues to outrage environmentalists, and which may cost the company most. Although it was September 1994 when a jury awarded $US5 billion ($7.9 billion) in damages against the company, Exxon is still contesting the award in the courts. As a result, the greatest merger in global corporate history is in jeopardy. In December, Exxon – which had operating revenues last year of $US118 billion, larger than the economies of many countries – announced it planned to take over the country’s second largest oil major, Mobil. If it gains regulatory approval, this would create the world’s largest company, a mega-corporation with 120,000 employees in more than 100 countries, and a stock market valuation of $US250 billion. But that’s a big “if”. Regulators are concerned that the merger would be a step back by the US oil industry towards the freebooting monopoly it enjoyed before 1911, when John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil – one of the world’s first multinationals and the predecessor of both Exxon and Mobil – was broken up in America’s most famous anti-trust case. Seizing advantage of this, environmentalists have asked Congress to stop, or at least delay, the merger until Exxon pays the $5 billion. During the long-running legal battle, there has been yet another extraordinarily damaging court decision against Exxon. In 1996, a US Federal judge found that the company and its lawyers had been party to an “astonishing ruse” to try to manipulate the jury that awarded those damages. Under a secret agreement before the case went to trial, Exxon agreed to pay seven Seattle seafood processors $70 million, on their undertaking to repay the company their 15 per cent share of any punitive damages awarded. In effect, Exxon was to get back $US745 million of its own $5 billion in the deal. When this came to light, Judge H. Russell Holland of the US District Court in Anchorage, Alaska, said that Exxon had “acted like Jekyll and Hyde … behaving laudably in public and deplorably in private”. Pub: Sydney Morning Herald Pub date: Wednesday 24 March 1999 Section: News And Features Sub section: Alaska – Features Word count: 460 Classification: Company/Exxon Corp Nature/Environment/Pollution/Water Pollution/Oil Spills Geographic area: Alaska Caption: In hot water … 11,000 workers cleaned up after the Exxon Valdez.
Poor looking teeth is easily avoidable. By practicing proper dental hygiene you can have a great smile. Read the article below for some dental care tips for achieving healthy, white teeth. Limit your consumption of acidic and sugary foods. Sugary foods will harm your teeth. Whenever you do indulge in sugary treats, eat them as part of a meal. In addition, as soon as you finish, immediately brush your teeth so that you can minimize the damage. If your gums bleed after brushing, visit your dentist. Bleeding gums could indicate gum disease, which might turn into a serious issue if left untreated. Gum disease can make you vulnerable to losing your teeth, bone loss, infection and even diabetes. You should brush shortly after each meal. The longer you let food and plaque sit on your teeth, the more damage will be done. If you brush within 30 minutes after eating you’ll significantly limit any damage from plaque. This is a good way to prevent a lot of dental issues and save money. If you have bad breath and cotton mouth, consider any prescription medicines you take as a possible cause. Cavities are more likely to arise when there is less saliva. Talk to your doctor to see whether or not your medication is causing your dry mouth. If that is the case, you might be able to try a different medication. If it is determined that your medication is not to blame, then your doctor can prescribe you a medication to treat dry mouth. Taking some fluoride supplements could strengthen your teeth. Fluoride can help your teeth and gums stay healthier. Still, be careful. One sign of too much fluoride is yellow spots on your teeth. Too much fluoride is not good for you, so try to keep your intake low. Use a non-alcohol based mouthwash, or a natural one, each day. These mouthwashes do not burn and are great for preventing bad breath. The alcoholic mouth washes can give you an hour or two of minty-fresh breath, you can also end up with a dry mouth. Dry mouth often leads to foul smelling breath. Rather than just using any tooth whitening product you see at the store, talk to your dentist about these products first. Some of the chemicals used in these products can damage your teeth. It is not easy to know which whitening products are safe and which are unsafe. Trust your dentist to recommend an appropriate whitening application that will suit you. If your dentist tells you that your teeth require a deep cleaning, obtain a second opinion. Your dentist may recommend it just to line his own pockets since it’s a pretty pricey procedure. When brushing, it is best to brush away from the gums. This grabs the food debris and gets it away from your gums so they are cleaned completely. Scrubbing side to side is fine, but just make sure it is followed up with a down and up motion. Your teeth will never stay in perfect condition when you get older. However, your goal is to maintain good oral health as long as possible. If you’d like to have healthy teeth until your dying day, read the following tips.…
New Program Seeks Growers To Help Curb Declining Bee Population Submitted by: MDG Advertising U.S. Bee Buffer Project is Providing Bee Forage Kits to California & North Carolina Land Owners San Francisco, CA (OPENPRESS) The U.S. Bee Buffer Project, a Pollinator Partnership (P2) initiative, is immediately seeking 300 farmers, ranchers and foresters in California and North Carolina to set aside small plots of land as bee buffer zones. The soon-to-be-established honey bee forage supports pollination-reliant crops, which represents one-third of the food we eat. "Honey bees play an integral role in the success of American agriculture," says Laurie Adams, executive director at the Pollinator Partnership. "By fostering the health and growth of bee colonies, farmers are helping to enrich their crops and, ultimately, improve their bottom line." Why Bees? Why Now? Honey bees are valuable to the nation's crops and economics, contributing approximately $15 billion to the U.S. economy each year. Still, U.S. bees are having trouble finding food to store for winter months; 2012-2013 winter losses totaled more than 30 percent of honey bee colonies nationwide. Specific to California's economy agribusiness community, the state's high-value crops requiring extensive pollination include: - Almonds annual state crop value 4,347,200,000 (U.S. dollars) - Berries annual state crop value 2,121,574,000 (U.S. dollars) - Avocados annual state crop value 386,449,000 (U.S. dollars) Specific to North Carolina's economy and agribusiness community, the state's high-value crops requiring extensive pollination include: - Blueberries annual state crop value 131,200,000 (U.S. dollars) - Apples annual state crop value 50,226,000 (U.S. dollars) - Cucumbers annual state crop value 16,422,000 (U.S. dollars) - Peaches annual state crop value 5,980,000 (U.S. dollars) - Squash annual state crop value 4,559,000 (U.S. dollars) Bee buffer zones help to offset losses for the bee industry while improving the health of crops and orchards within four miles. "We are excited to work with California farmers to improve bee habitat across the state," says Bill Lewis, President of the California State Beekeepers Association and U.S. Bee Buffer beekeeper partner. "This initiative is vital to encouraging a healthy pollinator habitat that results in a vibrant and diverse forage base for bee pollinators throughout the state, which is critically important to sustaining healthy bee colonies." Save bees. Protect crops. Help yourself. I started beekeeping on our farm in effort to help bees in our area and do something good for area farmers, as well as future generations," says Tom Hendrickson of Bennett Bunn Plantation in Zebulon, North Carolina. "We have since expanded our bee yard and now also use our hives as a learning lab in cooperation with the 5 County Beekeepers Association." "We are very eager to participate in the U. S. Bee Buffer Project; the benefits far outweigh the small amount of time and resources it takes to maintain our bee buffer," Hendrickson adds. Land owners in California and North Carolina willing to dedicate and maintain .25 to 3 acres collectively impacting 6,000 acres for an official bee buffer zone, can apply for the U.S. Bee Buffer Project. Those selected will receive free flower seed kits to plant in their buffers. To learn more, reference the U.S. Bee Buffer Frequently Asked Questions. To review eligibility requirements and complete participant application, visit http://beebuffer.com/. The U.S. Bee Buffer Project is sponsored in part by The Burt's Bees® Greater Good Foundation. WHAT IS A BEE BUFFER? A strip of land alongside crops full of pollinator plants creating vital, nutritious bee habitats. The buffer allows bees to forage on the plentiful nutrition in the diverse buffer areas, while also pollinating adjacent crops. Research has shown a little Bee Buffer can go a long wayjust one acre of pollinator-friendly plants is enough to impact 33 acres of farmland, together offering bees a broad expanse of diverse forage. Burt's Bees® has been offering distinctive earth-friendly, natural health and beauty care products for 30 years. From a beekeeper's backyard in Maine to the leading edge of natural, Burt's Bees knows natural body care solutions from head-to-toe and operates with The Greater Good™ top of mind. No parabens, phthalates, petrolatum or SLS and no animal testing.
Somewhere between the I Ching and the Magic 8 Ball lies Napoleon’s Oraculum, one of many fortune telling books popular in nineteenth century America. Napoleon’s Oraculum or Book of Fate, was allegedly discovered by one of Napoleon’s men in an Egyptian tomb during a military expedition in 1801. At Napoleon’s request it was translated by “a famous German scholar and antiquarian.” The Oraculum became one of the emperor’s most prized possessions and he consulted the book “before every important occasion.” It was found among Napoleon’s personal treasures after the defeat of his army at Leipzig in 1813. As it states in the 1839 edition of the Oraculum, “Happy had it been for him, had he abided or been ruled by the answers of this Oracle.” This story is highly unlikely for a number of reasons. The Rosetta Stone, which translates Egyptian hieroglyphs into Greek, was not fully deciphered until the 1820s. It would have been impossible for Napoleon’s “German scholar” to translate the Oraculum with the detail necessary for consultation. But more to the point, it is hard to imagine how a conquering emperor would use this book. The questioner is limited to a fixed list of thirty-two questions, most of which have nothing to do with military success. The answers tend to be little bits of conventional wisdom, more reminiscent of Poor Richard than of King Tut. The true origin of the Oraculum is unclear. Reportedly there were English translations in the 1820s but the most widely sold version was Boney’s Oraculum, or Napoleon’s Book of Fate, published in Ireland by James Duffy and Sons in 1830. The Oraculum was published in America in the 1830s and the book remained popular, with numerous editions, throughout the century. There were several twentieth century editions but the book is out of print today. Public Domain Review has two editions, one from 1839 and one from 1923. How to use Napoleon’s Oraculum for Divination To foretell the future, the diviner first selects a question from the printed list. Then the diviner draws five rows of lines, “taking care that each row shall contain more than twelve lines or marks; but by no means to do so studiously, or count the marks till the five rows are completed.” The lines are counted, and for each row if the number is even the user draws two stars, if odd one star: Using the arrangement of stars and the question number, the diviner looks up a symbol ( a letter, punctuation mark, or faux hieroglyph) from the “Key.” Then using the stars and the symbol, he or she looks up the answer to the question. The National Night Stick has developed a simple, online version called Napoleon’s Oraculum Interactif. Now you too can consult the Oraculum before major battles, just as Napoleon did! Public Domain Review:
Thanks to Robinsons Fruitshoot for sponsoring this post and inspiring me to share healthy & earth-friendly ways for packing kids’ lunches! Packing Kids’ Lunches Packing healthy lunches for kids is a popular topic all year ’round, whether it’s for school, summer camp, field trips or just a trip to the park. With Earth Day coming up in April, it’s a good reminder to do what we can to preserve the environment, by recycling, reusing, and reducing our waste. When you can pack a healthy lunch and keep some environmentally-friendly tips in mind, you’ll be teaching your children the value of their own little body’s health as well as the health of the planet. Here are 5 tips on packing kids’ lunches, in a healthy and earth-friendly way: 1. Taste the rainbow … and no, that doesn’t mean brightly colored candies! Choose vibrant colors of fruits, vegetables and grains that will interest and engage kids, with a healthy dose of vitamins and antioxidants. Some ideas that my kids love: - Blueberries or blackberries - Red grapes (instead of boring white grapes!) - Cucumber (leave the peel on for even higher nutrient content than the flesh!) - Cherry or grape tomatoes - Red, green, orange or yellow peppers - And what my kids won’t eat, but some will: fresh pea pods, or even the baked variety for a chip-like salty taste 2. Skip the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) While I would be a hypocrite to say I follow this guideline 100% of the time (I have my faves I won’t budge from – I’m human!), I do try to choose products that contain no high fructose corn syrup, such as bread and cereal, canned fruits, and fruit juice. 3. Green your lunch routine Try to use products that are eco-friendly instead of plastic disposable bags, such as reusable containers (look for BPA-free plastics), and reusable sandwich bags (I like this one that doubles as a placemat, above). If your kids’ lunchboxes are not filthy beyond repair, try to reuse them an extra year before buying a new one. 4. Keep cold foods cold, and hot foods hot Not only will foods taste as they’re meant to, but it’s a health hazard not to! Make sure to pack an ice pack for cold lunches (there are even fun ones for kids), and use a stainless steel food container to keep soups, pastas and other hot foods hot. Remember especially in warm weather and when kids are active with sports, it is important to hydrate! Water is 0 calories, 0 added sugar, 0 HFCS and so necessary for your body. It’s the single most important drink we should all be consuming! But kids are kids – and when yours want something more flavorful (ok – sweet!), a fruit juice like new Fruitshoot with no HFCS and options with no added sugar, will help quench their thirst and satisfy their fruity cravings! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ What tips do you have on packing a healthy lunch? How do you teach your kids to be earth-friendly? You may also like: You can find Fruitshoot mostly in the South, Southeast and Midwest, and hopefully across the country soon. There are 4 flavors: Apple, Orange, Strawberry/Raspberry and Berry Burst. Regular and no-added-sugar options are available. Fruitshoot has a no-spill cap which I totally dig. Plus it has no HFCS and is made from real fruit juice.
The vast Amazon forest may be hard to penetrate, posing a problem for authorities trying to stop illegal logging -- but there are still eyes in the sky keeping track of the destruction. For three decades, a group of researchers have been monitoring forest clearing, agriculture and land use thanks to satellites orbiting the Earth and beaming images to Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE). The center is located in Brazil's southeastern city of Sao Jose de Campos, far from the Amazon. But the thousands of satellite images sent to deforestation monitors give a pretty good idea of what's going on in the forest on a daily basis. "It's the only project in the world that does monitoring on this scale," program coordinator Claudio Almeida told AFP during a visit to the center, located near the mega-city of Sao Paulo. "All of the European Union would fit into the Amazon with a bit left over. So monitoring this means you have to be on top of remote sensing technology," he said. Born under dictatorship The program is the government's main way of tracking deforestation. During Brazil's dictatorship, between 1964 and 1985, its military rulers commissioned a satellite study to track the spread of deforestation into the interior. Amid mounting pressure from environment watchers, the government decided to track vegetation loss continuously from 1988. At first, a group of 50 specialists went over giant printed maps, marking the brown blocks in the green expanse on transparent paper. Back then, it took two years for a comprehensive study of one year's deforestation. These days, they get daily low-resolution images, and can alert environmental police a day after suspicious activity. "This allows a dynamism, speed in the policing," Almeida said. He added that it has become common for authorities to catch deforestation gangs in the act, soon after they started felling trees, thanks to satellite surveillance. It was the INPE that in November warned that deforestation of the Amazon had reached a 10-year-high, at 7,900 square kilometres (3,000 square miles) -- or one million soccer fields -- over the previous year. "This is worrying because we're well over the target estimate for 2020. The government committed to bringing deforestation down to 3,500 square kilometers by 2020," Almeida said. To boost monitoring capabilities, the INPE is working to launch its own, 100-percent domestically developed satellite, called Amazonia-1. In the bowels of the space studies center engineers huddle around two satellites taking shape. One is the Amazonia-1. A black shroud separates it from a bigger cousin: CBERS-4A, built jointly with Chinese scientists. The $300-million CBERS-4A -- standing for China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite -- is undergoing tests in the INPE's cavernous lab ahead of its planned launch next year, following on from previous jointly built satellites. The Amazonia-1, in comparison, is budgeted at $77 million, and is set to travel to space in 2020. Almeida stressed that it was "very important for Brazil to master this technology." But knowing about deforestation is one thing. Stopping it is another matter. Hopelessly understaffed and under-resourced environmental authorities struggle to effectively police crimes on the ground. There are also political headwinds growing. Even as Brazil boosts its hi-tech abilities to watch over the forest, its ultra-conservative president-elect Jair Bolsonaro has signalled he might relax environmental controls in favor of agricultural expansion when he takes power on January 1. (Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
Slip resistance is a crucial area of health and safety. Whether in a commercial building or a residential space, the risk of slipping is something that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) cares deeply about. It’s also something that designers and specifiers have to take very seriously. Whether or not a tile is slippery when wet depends upon several variables. Here’s a quick guide to controlling the risk so that safety is never compromised. Slipping occurs when two surfaces have so little friction that they cannot stop the flow of kinetic energy. All materials have an inherent slip risk. Coarse and rough grains are the least slippery. Smooth surfaces are the most. In addition to this, extra factors can have an influence. Cleaning detergents can leave a smooth, slippery sheen that renders an otherwise safe floor hazardous. Socks and other footwear can be too soft to generate friction, leading to a slip hazard. Water, oil, and other contaminants can also send anyone flying. Slip resistance is measured by a variety of HSE approved tests, such as the pendulum test. These give a surface an ‘a PTV Rating’. Porcelain tiles are treated to have different finishes. These finishes can alter the PTV rating. For instance, texture can be created through processes within manufacturing, using different molds to mimic the effects of bush hammering. Bush hammering creates miniature points of impact that make a surface look and feel like natural, weathered stone. In porcelain tile innovation, visual intensity is no barrier to creating a safe, anti-slip finish. As such, some porcelain tiles are designed specifically with slip resistance in mind. Examples of these include the lively Archipietra, the classic Torino, the subtle Ardosia, as well as the Corfe, the Signature, and the Basaltino. Drawn from client feedback and designer influence, these tiles are the most popular solutions in areas where water is likely. Whether in a bathroom or on the edge of a pool, texture is everything when it comes to staying safe. Natural stone can be an excellent surface for areas that may become wet. Different stones and various finishes have different slip resistances. If anti-slip properties are a concern, porcelain may be a better choice than natural stone. Slip resistance is at the heart of flooring research and development. Aesthetics, cost and availability remain crucial considerations for designers. The future of bespoke flooring solutions, commercial porcelain flooring, and anti-slip design are all moving in the direction of increased safety. To hear more about the health and safety requirements of porcelain, how it is tested and certified, or to learn the slip resistance of specific ranges, please contact us.
In Christianity, the sacrament of baptism is a ritual act of initiation; when we’re baptized, we become full members of our church community. As such, baptisms are conducted as part of our celebration of the Eucharist. Baptism is our response to a loving and graceful God; a God who seeks to be in relationship with us. We make promises to follow Jesus Christ, and in our prayers we invite the Holy Spirit to guide and shape our lives and our lives together as Christians. Baptism is about identity and belonging. It’s also about making a commitment that will shape how we intend to live our life. When we’re baptized, we promise to respect ourselves and one another; to grow in our ability to live in harmony and peace with one another; and to ask for forgiveness and be forgiving in our relationships. In baptism, we acknowledge our responsibility to resist behaviours and forces that are damaging and destructive. We also commit ourselves to the work of transforming our society into a place that reflects the love and mercy that God in Christ has for our world. In our baptismal ministry, we share in God’s own mission and ministry of transformation, reconciliation, healing, and salvation. In Anglican churches, it’s common to present infants and young children for baptism. Adults, teens, and older children may also seek baptism for themselves. When an infant or young child is presented for baptism, the child’s parents and sponsors (godparents) make the promises of baptism on behalf of the child. As such, it’s expected that parents and sponsors are themselves baptized. The parents and sponsors also promise to raise their child within the life of the church and the church community. Families come in all kinds of forms; sometimes the parents are of different religious traditions. Our priest can help guide you and amend the service to reflect your family life. At St. Augustine’s, individuals who wish to be baptized or parents who wish to present their child for baptism should speak to our priest. Baptisms are generally celebrated on feast days in the church calendar. Baptism is especially appropriate at the Easter Vigil or the Sunday after Easter; on the Day of Pentecost (late May/early June); on All Saints’ Day or the Sunday following (early November); and on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord (early January). Baptisms may also be celebrated during the visit of a bishop, or on other Sundays, such as a day when family members living far away are able to attend. Preparation for baptism includes a session (or class when numbers warrant) with our priest. During that session, we’ll look at the symbols of baptism, review the promises made in baptism, and discuss the details of the service. A rehearsal with the priest will take place shortly before the ceremony. Sometimes, parents aren’t ready to make the promises of baptism, or they simply wish to thank God for the blessing of their child. They may choose to celebrate a related service, called Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child. This service provides an opportunity for parents to give thanks for the birth or adoption of a child and to offer prayer for the life of the family. We pray together for God’s help as the family cares for and nurtures their child. Sometimes, people who’ve already been baptized (particularly at a young age or in another tradition) ask to be baptized again. This isn’t done in Anglican churches, as we recognize the validity of infant baptism and Christian baptism in other church contexts. However, such people may consider Confirmation or Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows. Please see our priest for more information on these rites.
Painting from the Ancient Ohio art series depicting an Archaic base camp along the Maumee River in northwest Ohio. 8000 B.C. to 500 B.C. Archaic hunters and gatherers continued the successful way of life of their Paleoindian ancestors, but moved about in a smaller area. They found new ways to harvest the rich natural bounty of Ohio's forests. Hunting and Gathering in Ohio's Forests The Archaic Period began at the end of the Ice Age. The climate had warmed and thick forests grew across Ohio. "Archaic people" is an archaeological convenience term used to refer to the technology and cultures of various people living at this time, as archaeologists have speculated based on the material record. Like the Paleoindians before them, Archaic people hunted large and small game animals, fished in the lakes and streams, and gathered nuts and berries. During the early part of the Archaic Period people were always on the move. Their shelters were tents made from wooden poles covered with bark or hides. Later in this period some groups began to settle down and focus on certain rich resources such as nuts or shellfish. They built sturdier houses and dug pits alongside for storing nuts and other foods. One of the Archaic people's more important natural resources was flint. They mined flint from several sources, but in Ohio, their favorite flints continued to be Upper Mercer flint from Coshocton County and Flint Ridge flint from Licking County. Tools made from flint supplied many of their needs, but new kinds of tools were added to the Archaic toolbox. Archaic people made sturdy axes from hard stone such as granite. They used these axes to chop down trees and shape the wood into dugout canoes and other useful forms. They also carved and polished pieces of a rock called slate making them into a variety of shapes. Many of these artistic carvings were used as weights or decorations for their spear-throwers. A spear-thrower, or atlatl, is a wooden shaft with a handle at one end and a hook at the other. The spear-thrower was used to catapult spears much farther and with more force than if they were thrown with the unaided arm. Hunting and gathering bands usually don't have chiefs. The leaders in the group are men and women who have earned the respect of the group because of their abilities at hunting, healing, or providing some other needed goods or services. Men and women were free to leave the band at any time to join another, or to fend for themselves. Late Archaic groups such as the Glacial Kame people also began to trade with distant groups for copper and sea shells. These special ornaments may have belonged to leaders or respected hunters or healers. When these people died, the objects were buried with them as symbols of their high status. - Lepper, Bradley T. Ohio Archaeology: An Illustrated Chronicle of Ohio's Ancient American Indian Cultures. Wilmington, Ohio, Orange Frazer Press, 2005.
The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Flight of Dragons, The Dragon Riders of Pern, How to Train a Dragon and Harry Potter are all books and films that explore dragons in one way or another. Appreciate A Dragon Day is a day set aside to celebrate this cultural icon Dragons have been part of culture and mythology for hundred if not thousands of years. Appreciate a Dragon Day is the opportunity to explore dragon history, which is long and varied. There are good dragons and bad dragons. Some can be found at sea others live in caves, some are part of mythology while others are pure fiction. Some are even in musicals like Pete’s Dragon. There are many dragon toys and stuffed animals as well as games like Dungeons and Dragons the first of a long line of role playing games. Our childhoods were filled with stories of princes going into caves to fight a dragon and rescue the princess. Christianity has at least two dragons associated with it, St. George and The Dragon, and The Book of Revelation, where the dragon is used as a symbol in St, John’s prophecy. Appreciate a Dragon Day was created by Donita K. Paul. Her purpose for this day is to explore the fascination people have had with dragons over the centuries and to become aware of their significance in culture. Ms. Paul also has a second reason to create this day and that is to promote literacy. Any attempt to get both children and adults reading more should be applauded. So how can you celebrate this day? Researching the history of dragons is certainly one way, getting together with friends to play a game of Dungeons and Dragons, starting to read one of the books listed above, or even spending some time drawing a dragon of your own. There is one other way to celebrate this day which I hesitate to mention. Playing Snap Dragon! Snap Dragon is a game that is at least two hundred years old. In England the game is played at Halloween or on Twelfth Night. The game is very easy to play and requires things you may already have in your home. You put on a plate a large quantity of raisons. You then douse the raisons with plenty of brandy and set them on fire. Then you pull as many of the raisons out as you can without getting burnt. This is actually a children’s game, but since alcohol; is involved adults may enjoy it too. However make sure the insurance on your house is paid up before attempting this game.
Estimating water use and yield of soybean (glycine max) under mulch and fertilizer in rainfed conditions in KwaZulu-Natal. Lembede, Lungile Phumelele. MetadataShow full item record South Africa is classified as a semi-arid country characterized by low and erratic rainfall. This poses major limitations to crop productivity, especially for smallholder farmers who rely on rainfed agriculture. This is worsened by lack of knowledge regarding best management practices that can improve crop yields attained by smallholder farmers. In addition, smallholder farmers lack access to markets and do not participate in the agricultural value chain. The Biofuel Regulatory Framework (DoE, 2014) seeks to include smallholder farmers in the biofuel feedstock value chain. However, a prerequisite to their meaningful participation in the value chain would be to increase their current levels of crop and water productivity. The main aim of this study was to estimate the yield and water use of soybean (Glycine max L.) under rainfed and smallholder farming conditions using the AquaCrop model. Secondary to this, the effect of mulch and fertilizer on soybean water use efficiency was assessed. Lastly, the Soil Water Balance model (SWB) was used to compare simulations made by AquaCrop for the non-mulched, full fertilizer treatment. Thereafter, the water use efficiency of soybean was calculated from crop water use and the final yield. The soybean trial was carried out at Swayimane, KwaZulu-Natal. The model simulations of crop water use and reference crop evapotranspiration were also used to calculate crop coefficients under non-standard conditions. Crop growth and yield parameters were measured to calibrate and evaluate model performance. Soil water content was monitored using Watermark sensors, along with climatic variables. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to detect significant interactions between treatments, while statistical indicators were used to evaluate model performance of AquaCrop and the SWB model. Mulching improved soil water content and reduced soil water evaporation, although the final yield and total water use efficiency was reduced. It is believed the yield reduction in mulched plots was mostly affected by nitrogen immobilization as a result of decaying straw mulch. Increasing soil fertility improved crop yield and water use efficiency in both mulched and non-mulched treatments. The AquaCrop model simulated the final yield and biomass fairly well, except in mulched treatments. The model simulated the highest yield in the mulched, fully fertilized plots, which is contrary to what was observed. This is because the model only accounts for improved soil water content and does not account for the complex interactions between the soil and mulch residue that resulted in nitrogen deficiency. The SWB model simulated fairly similar crop water use and yield to AquaCrop. The water use efficiencies obtained in this study were compared to that derived by Mengistu et al. (2014) for the same cultivar grown in a commercial farming environment at Baynesfield, KwaZulu-Natal. In comparison to commercial farmers, smallholder farmers tend to produce lower water use efficiencies. The modelled water use efficiency reported for Baynesfield was 1.277 kg m-3, compared to 0.359 kg m-3 obtained in this study for the non-mulched, full fertilizer treatment. According to AquaCrop, the mulched, full fertilizer treatment had a water use efficiency of 0.485 kg m-3. It is believed that the latter water use efficiency could have been achieved had enough nitrogen been available to the crop. In conclusion, implementing best management practices can help narrow the yield gap between smallholder and commercial farmers. It was evident from this study and others that agronomic practices have a significant impact on crop yield and ultimately, water use efficiency.
- Created by: emilyirish - Created on: 27-04-16 19:14 reindeer herding is the traditional industry for the sami population. there are two types of sami herding, the one where they stay in the forest for the majority of the year. the other happens on the sweedish norway boarder, this is where the reindeer herds travel across to summer and winter pastures. the sami people are the only people in the world who are legally allowed to farm and profit from reindeer herding. out of the 17,000 sami in sweeden 3,000 make their living from reindeer herding alone. the sami people own 850,000 reindeer out of the 4-5 million worldwide.... that is a big number. problems to reindeer herding there are several problems to reindeer herding. - modern development of the forest areas for farming and forestery mean that there is a limited supply of land for the traditional reindeer herding - the development and infrastructure often means permanent roads being constructed in the forests, this limits the aout of lichen that can grow in the forest area around the stubs of the trees. - due to the chopping down of trees in the forests snow displacement means that thereindeer have to dig deeper to find the food source underneath the snow - there is also problems with seperation of the herds menaing that the sami have to use non traditional methods to herd their reendeer such as snowmobiles and helicoptors. culture dying out? there are problems with modern technology encroaching on the sami people and their traditional economic activities. the modernisiation of the world means that many sami children have to go to boarding schools further south to get an education that is satisfactory by the european standards. the loss of traditional clothing in favour for newer more fashionable clothes means a loss of culture and traditions. there are just the few who participate in the traditional dress code. there is also a threat to the newer modern cultures encroaching for the development of the northern hemisphere there is less amd less people going into sami herding now adays due to the negative economic impacts reindeer herding. the sami culture the sami were origionally a nomadic, semi-nomadic culture that followed the reindeer herds to the summer and winter breeding and feeding herds. they inhabit the upper hemisphere of northen sweeden, norway, finland and russia. there are about 17,000 sami living in this secluded culture that is rich and sustainable. they love off the land and the reindeer herds by their skins, and their meat and their milk. the sami are the only people allowed to farm reendeer in the whole world!!!
“My advice to the younger generation is control your mental attitude. Try to look on the upside. If one has no sense of humor, one is in trouble!” – Betty White “A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower Betty White is a leadership role model for her impressive career, her positive mental attitude, and her inspirational acceptance of aging. On January 17th the former Golden Girl proudly defied aging stereotypes by celebrating her 90th birthday with honesty, laughter and wit. Apart from being a remarkable representative of her own generation, her self-effacing leadership style has made her a great public figure for today’s youth who have grown up in an anti-aging world. She is a proud spokesperson for the AARP, recently launching an amusing campaign for the association called “Get Over It, “a program that focuses on the subject of aging. The ability to laugh at oneself and to see the absurdity and silliness in life is a critical component of a healthy worldview. It is not difficult to understand why so many teachers and educational leaders experience a constant sense of being overwhelmed and stressed. Humor provides a valuable escape from our technology-driven world that demands immediate responses and around-the-clock access. Business author Daniel Goleman (Primal Leadership, 2002) agrees with Betty White and her admirers. He too insists that laughing is an important component of effective leadership. According to Goleman, laughter represents the shortest distance between two people because it instantly interlocks their brain-to-brain limbic systems. “Research on humor at work,” he writes, “reveals that a well-timed joke or playful laughter can stimulate creativity, open lines of communication, enhance a sense of connection and trust, and, of course, make work more fun.” The connection between laughter and leadership is a contemporary understanding. Laughter promotes: - Less stressful and volatile environments - Better personal health and well-being - More productive organizations, groups, and teams - Greater creativity - Longer attention span - Greater teacher retention Business owners and educators who laugh with their staff and students have more engaged, motivated and productive people, teams, and classes than those who see the leader’s role as separate and distant. As important as the aforementioned consequences of laughter might appear, however, the development of more meaningful relationships is perhaps the most valuable of all. The relationship of laughter to inter-personal wellbeing is long-established. It has often been said that the shortest route between two people is laughter. When developing a “sense of humor,” however, care should be taken not to become the office jokester or comedian. While people are drawn to others who are able to laugh, they are highly suspicious of leaders who are not serious-minded. As with all leadership qualities, it is important to cultivate a mature and balanced attitude. The ability to laugh is a valuable leadership quality. Since the role of a leader is arguably more challenging now than at any other time in our history, the desire to express a sense of humor is vital. While meeting the diverse needs of employees, teams, and students by providing the necessary organizational resources and support, successful leaders also understand the importance of using laughter to help develop meaningful relationships. Unfortunately, although research supports the need for entrepreneurs and educators to embrace a leadership style that is more collaborative and authentic, current reality indicates that many are unable – or unwilling – to move beyond self-protective hierarchical frameworks. Leonardo da Vinci continued to play as a child throughout his adult life thus baffling his contemporaries. Albert Einstein was famous for his pervasive, impish sense of humor. He sometimes presented his theories as jokes. Mark Twain wrote that the human race “has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” More recently, the CEO of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, quipped that the secret of his highly successful company lies in their ability “to focus on fun and profit … and know how the two go together.” Like da Vinci, Einstein, Twain, Kelleher and, the much-celebrated “great communicator” ex-president Ronald Reagan, Betty White’s appeal is undeniably her self-effacing sense of humor! In the end, the charm and length of life of these highly popular leaders speaks volumes for the potency of laughter.
Simplest Way To Handle The Difficult Situation Simplest Way To Handle The Difficult Situation one should never run away from any kind of situation. One can not and never look back during the up and downs of life. Everyone have to go through these phases of life. We all have sometime bad days or can say bad time. Responding with intelligence along with a empathy to most of the real life situations, with the required and implied emotions, is the basic requirement for to survive in today's world. Those who learn and applied the desired skills in their routine, can be a most achiever. Humans are born with the emotions, but to perform between the competitors, we need to take control on our own emotions. Owning uncontrollable emotions may pull back, while climbing the success stairs. Emotions along with the intelligence can root us to acknowledge a valuable feelings. Smart emotional behavior is a great combo of competencies demonstrating the ability we need to recognize while behaving. After self-awareness, we need to work on self-control. Self-regulations, motivations, self-awareness, empathy and social skills. These are the basic keys of emotions along with the desired senses. Smartly reacting while handling any real life situations, problems or issues strengthen us in resolving the same. We experience with the "n" number of emotions while performing in our day-to-day working. Rather than ignoring a feeling, the goal is to move toward it, into it, and eventually through it. Generally if we notice that a person react with anger, often sound more upset than really they are, because of allowing raw emotions to unchecked surface. Motivation for most people is an external facts. However, the motivation we required as an internal factor because the key phrase is "gain success". The person with the leadership potential are termed and motivated by the completely embedded desire to achieve for the sake of progress. During the person's tough time, who ever is standing whether parents, children's, partner, friends etc. They are actually at their part and have values for the person. Generally in good days mostly behave or build-up an atmosphere of togetherness. Where as in bad things very few stands with, for or next to others. So, always prepare for up and down in life, because up-down in life, because up-downs, loose-gain, and pass-fail are the bitter truth of humans life. Never have a much expectations from anyone in life reasoning that if they will not fulfill our expectations that hurts a lot and if we don't have any expectation still someone do something for us, than that may result a bouquet of happiness and support. Try to make self very strong and always think positive and do try to be always. Positive thought will help you to overcome of all the situations easily.
Black Cumin Seed Bountiful Black Cumin Seed can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks who used it as an invigorating tonic. Cleopatra counted on the seeds to keep her skin and hair beautiful, while King Tut was sure to be buried with an alabaster box of black cumin seeds. Botanical Name: Nigella sativa Botanical Family: Ranunculaceae Extraction Method: Supercritical extract Part of Plant Distilled: Seed Country of Origin: India Cultivation Method: Organic Composition: 100% Nigella sativa Consistency: Medium viscosity Scent Description: Deeply aromatic; pungent spicy Blends well with: Frankincense, Cumin, Oregano, Lavender, Sweet Thyme, Thyme, Peppermint, Mastic, Copal, Coriander, All Spice, Hyssop, Marjoram, Cardamom, and Fennel. Uses: Skin smoother and hair shiner. Spicy culinary scent. Fortifying. Kings, queens, and prophets have been singing the praises of black cumin seeds for over three millennia, and for good reason. As in any season, these tiny, ink black seeds have been used by ancient cultures and modern men and women as an invigorating tonic. The supercritical extract of these seeds is more potent than tinctures and infusions. This special process expresses a fulsome lipid full of fatty acids, including 45-65% linoleic acid and 1% of the rare eicosadienoic acid. It consists mainly of thymoquinone, cymene, and thujene plant compounds. This "seed for all things'" spicy aroma is a strengthening and heartening tonic. "The humble, yet immensely powerful seeds of the annual flowering plant, Nigella Sativa, have been prized for their properties since time immemorial. While frequently referred to among English-speaking cultures as Roman coriander, black sesame, black cumin, black caraway and onion seed, it is known today primarily as black seed, which is at the very least an accurate description of its physical appearance... The earliest record of its cultivation and use come from ancient Egypt. Black seed oil, in fact, was found in Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb, dating back to approximately 3,300 years ago. In Arabic cultures, black cumin is so known as Habbatul barakah, meaning the seed of blessing... Many of black cumin's traditionally ascribed health benefits have been thoroughly been confirmed in 458 published, peer reviewed studies... Sometimes the biblical reference to 'faith the size of a mustard seed moving mountains' comes to mind in connection with natural substances like black seeds. After all, do seeds not contain within them the very hope for continuance of the entire species that bore it? This super-saturated state of the seed, where life condenses itself down into an intensely miniaturized holographic fragment of itself, promising the formation of future worlds within itself, is the very emblem of life's immense and immortal power." Sayer Ji, GreenMedinfo
Carbohydrate Metabolism and Energy Levels Is your energy crashing after eating a pizza, white bread, fries, cookies, ice cream or pasta? The reason for this is literally a “sugar crash”. Let’s look at what’s going on here… As you eat a refined, or simple, carbohydrate, it begins to metabolize/break down in your mouth while chewing. As your body digests it, it causes a rapid spike in your blood sugar. In other words, your body has broken down the carbohydrate from the food into glucose/sugar and is just hanging out in your bloodstream. As blood sugar levels begin to rise, your pancreas secretes a hormone, insulin, to transport the glucose/sugar from your blood and deliver it into your cells to utilize for energy. Your cells need to deliver energy to your brain and muscles, so we can function properly! If there is a lot of blood sugar remaining even after insulin did its job, your body will store it to use for later. We can think back to our ancestors, before food was readily available to us, and they had limited amount of food, their bodies were still able to function by storing energy and burning it only when needed. Our bodies still work the same way today, however, we have so much food available to us that we tend to overeat, and we are just storing a lot of it as fat. To avoid rapid spikes in blood sugar, we can pair our carbohydrates with foods that slow down digestion time (which is a good thing). These foods include lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Having a well-balanced meal not only leaves you feeling fuller for longer, gives you energy, helps with portion control, but also provides many vitamins and minerals our bodies need! For example, if you eat a peanut butter sandwich on white bread and pretzels for lunch every day, you may be feeling groggy shortly after eating. Maybe swap out the pretzel sticks (that are considered “empty calories”) for some carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumber slices, peppers or other vegetables. You could also choose whole grain bread instead of white bread. This is because whole grain bread is less processed and has more fiber content that will also help to slow digestion. Remember, slowing digestion will help prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar, preventing that sugar crash later! If you eat a salad every day for lunch but find yourself hungry a couple of hours later, instead of reaching for chips, maybe reach for an apple with some peanut or almond butter, or a hard-boiled egg and some trail mix. It’s not just about the type of food, but the way we pair our foods! It is also important to vary our foods, an easy way to do this is to aim for eating the rainbow, and no I do not mean skittles... but a whole foods rainbow! Think of it like this…. Let’s say you have a brand new Jeep Wrangler that you love driving. You want to go on a road trip - would you only fill the gas tank halfway or one quarter of the way? No way! You would want to fill it with good quality fuel and a good amount, so you can drive a smoother, and father distance. That’s how our bodies work. Think of food as fuel for your body, be good to your body just as you would your Jeep Wrangler. About the Author Back to Posts
- Colonialism and Christianity in Mandate Palestine This book deals with some aspects of the Christians under the British Mandate in Palestine, a topic that has not been widely researched. Its main thesis is that the British Mandate in Palestine, acting as a form of colonial rule, brought about the marginalization of the Arab Christian minority, to the point of near-invisibility. Accordingly, this was largely due to its redefinition of Palestinian Christians as a political entity separate from the Muslim and Jewish populations (pp. 2–3). The introduction presents a survey of the Christian communities in Palestine on the eve of World War I that is, alas, too short and incomplete. It does not provide essential figures or estimates regarding their size and their sociocultural-economic features throughout the mandatory period. Chapter 1 deals with the Ottoman reforms (tanzimat) of the 19th century as influenced by the Western Powers. The author elaborates on the promise of equal citizenship rights to the Christians and Jews but not on the internal autonomy allowed to the non-Muslim recognized communities (millets). Robson maintains that the Ottoman reforms brought about the rise of a new, partially Westernized middle class shared by Muslims and Christians who did not define themselves politically in terms of their religious affiliation but rather in terms of their social status. To support this assumption, she portrays short biographies of five Christian personalities who were proponents of Palestinian Arab nationalism: Najib ‘Azuri, Khalil al-Sakakini, Najib Nassar, ‘Isa al-‘Isa. and Gregorius Hajjar. Based on secondary sources, this description does not tell much about their views, activities, and sense of social belonging that would support her thesis. Similarly, the author maintains that the Christian members of the Muslim-Christian associations, the earliest Palestinian national organizations during 1918–1920, saw themselves primarily as representatives of the new middle class, dedicated to some form of Arab independence and to anti-Zionism, not as representatives for a minority religious group (p. 42). However, she does not marshal convincing evidence to support this supposition. Chapter 2 discusses the adoption and expansion, or “reinvention” — as the author puts it — of the Ottoman millet system by the British Mandate as imported from the British colonial administrative concepts in Africa and Asia. She elaborates on the establishment in 1922 of the Supreme Muslim Council as an autonomous representative body for the Muslims that eliminated Christian representation and political activities. She does not discuss the British Mandatory legislation during its formative years regarding the status of religious communities and their measures of autonomy; the obligations and commitments to the League of Nations regarding religious freedom, minority rights, and the Jewish national home promise of the Balfour Declaration. Hence, the Religious Communities Ordinance 1926 was generally formulated to enable all sections of the population to apply for communal religious autonomy. Unlike the Jews and Muslims, none of the Christian communities made use of this ordinance mainly due to internal conflicts and dissensions. Chapter 3 examines the Arab Orthodox struggle for the Arabization of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the largest and most important Christian church in Palestine. The bitter struggle as supported by the Palestinian national movement met indecisive attitudes of the British administration, remained unresolved by the end of the mandate, and is still ongoing. Chapter 4 discusses attempts at creating [End Page 387] overall Arab Christian and Arab Protestant representative bodies which failed. Chapter 5 describes the emergence of the indigenous Arab community in the Anglican Bishopric in Jerusalem and its demand for an independent Arab national Episcopalian church, a demand that the British heads of the bishopric rejected. As a result, this small but important community did not get official recognition throughout the Mandate. On the whole, this book is fragmental. It does not discuss the Catholic communities and attempts made by Catholic Arabs such as the Greek Catholic Bishop Gregorius Hajjar to represent the Palestinian Christians. The book lacks a summary that would support its initial thesis regarding the marginalization of the Christians in Mandatory Palestine and the role...
Importance of Computer A computer is necessary for any modern person. - Working purpose: For example, for interior designing, exchanging emails, office work, working on official projects. - Necessary for study: To print abstracts and course papers, making presentations, sharing notes in more convenient way, easy access of browsing on different topics, gathering all type of information in a short period of time. - Entertainment centre: It can be used as a music centre, a cinema, a library, and a game console. - Connecting people: Internet facility in computer helps a person to interact and stay connected to their loved ones, friends, families etc. Each member of the family will find something interesting and useful for themselves. Therefore, buying a personal computer is only a matter of time and then enjoying the facility on first hand. There is no particular age restriction to facilitate oneself with the features a computer provides. PC FOR WORK Imagining a working setup or an office which do not have a computer on the premises is impossible. There are different needs for the different type of work such as, there are those where super-power computing is needed. But, for most works at home (and not only), the budget option is suitable. For example, a computer is needed for work related to various documentation and surfing the Internet. For such purposes, a laptop will be convenient, which is easier to carry with you on the road, work, business trip, etc., if necessary. Moreover, it does not take much space and you do not need to take care of special computer furniture in advance. Pc for Games Modern three-dimensional computer games are very demanding on computer resources. Therefore, the cost of a powerful entertainment centre will be much higher than that of a PC for everyday tasks or work. Typically, this computer uses the most advanced and high-tech solutions. A quad-core processor, a video card costing from a budget system unit and the size of a netbook, as well as a large amount of RAM (at least 4 GB) is what is needed to completely immerse the impressive video effects of modern games into the atmosphere. Of course, such “power” will satisfy the needs of all members of the family and will allow performing tasks of any complexity. Game computers are better to buy stationery, laptops and monoblocks are less suitable for these purposes. The fact is that in mobile devices there is no possibility to organize effective cooling of powerful components, which imposes serious limitations on the overall performance of the system. Moreover, powerful mobile solutions are very expensive and are designed for enthusiasts. The cost of the most productive notebooks and monoblocks are costly. However, even for such money, you do not get a top-end game system. PC for Everyday Tasks and Study In this case, the budget option will cope with most of the assigned tasks. The student will need a computer not only to bite the granite of science but also for recreation. And many adults will not mind diversifying their time with electronic entertainment. Music, modern games, movies and Internet entertainment are the essential companions of a modern home computer, which must be taken into account when choosing its configuration. Note that the higher the performance of the processor and video card, the better multimedia capabilities of the computer, and the price will depend heavily on these parameters. Still, you will get more effect from computer entertainment, while you are at the screen with a large diagonal. So if you do not have problems with a place to install a desktop PC, then a system unit with decent parameters will be a better option. At the same time, remember that with an equal price of a laptop and a desktop PC, the latter will always be more powerful and better in its technical characteristics. It is a technology with a screen of 21”-22”. 2.5 Hard drive with space for one extra device, a processor of 2C+ at 500MHz.Many people are using this for personal work and nowadays used in offices. This is a costly item due to its features and the negotiation of its price will increase its demand to more extent. Ellen Barkin is the founder of a technology hub in the United States. In this article, she explicates the significance of computer in the recent era as well. Moreover, she is also famous for providing a tutorial for Creative Logo Designing Services to students.
Verilog initial block A set of Verilog statements are usually executed sequentially in a simulation. These statements are placed inside a procedural block. There are mainly two types of procedural blocks in Verilog - initial and always initial [single statement] initial begin [multiple statements] end What is the initial block used for ? initial block is not synthesizable and hence cannot be converted into a hardware schematic with digital elements. Hence initial blocks do not serve much purpose than to be used in simulations. These blocks are primarily used to initialize variables and drive design ports with specific values. When does an initial block start and end ? initial block is started at the beginning of a simulation at time 0 unit. This block will be executed only once during the entire simulation. Execution of an initial block finishes once all the statements within the block are executed. The image shown above has a module called behave which has two internal signals called a and b. The initial block has only one statement and hence it is not necessary to place the statement within end. This statement assigns the value 2'b10 to a when the initial block is started at time 0 units. What happens if there is a delay element ? The code shown below has an additional statement that assigns some value to the signal b. However this happens only after 10 time units from execution of previous statement. This means that a is assigned first with the given value and then after 10 time units, b is assigned to 0. How many initial blocks are allowed in a module ? There are no limits to the number of initial blocks that can be defined inside a module. The code shown below has three initial blocks all of which are started at the same time and run in parallel. However, depending on the statements and the delays within each initial block, the time taken to finish the block may vary. In this example, the first block has a delay of 20 units, while the second has a total delay of 50 units (10 + 40) and the last block has a delay of 60 units. Hence the simulation takes 60 time units to complete since there is atleast one initial block still running until 60 time units. $finish is a Verilog system task that tells the simulator to terminate the current simulation. If the last block had a delay of 30 time units like shown below, the simulation would have ended at 30 time units thereby killing all the other initial blocks that are active at that time. initial begin #30 $finish; end Check out the flash example shown below to see how an initial block is executed in a simulation. Click here for a slideshow with simulation example !
A small but fascinating exhibit remembering the Navajo Code Talkers of World War II is currently on display at the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum in San Diego. The exhibition, titled CELEBRATING 75 YEARS – CODE TALKERS: THE NAVAJO WEAPON, contains photos, documents, uniforms and historical artifacts that describe how the Navajo language was used to develop a code for secret tactical communication in the Pacific, in places like Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The Navajo code, which was classified until 1968, is the only spoken military code that was never deciphered. The exhibit explains: Many scholars credit Philip Johnston with initiating the Code Talker idea. Johnston was a Caucasian who grew up in Leupp, Arizona on the Navajo Reservation. He approached the Marine Corps in 1942 after the attack on Pearl Harbor and proposed using Native American Navajo language for combat communications. His knowledge of the Navajo culture led him to bring four Navajo volunteers to Camp Elliott in San Diego, California (an area that is now part of MCAS-Miramar) for a demonstration. Impressed with successful and efficient English and Navajo translations, the Marine Corps began recruiting Navajos. The first group of twenty-nine recruits entered boot camp, took courses in military communication procedures and developed the code. Approximately 400 Navajo recruited by the Marines learned the code. Working around the clock during the first two days of Iwo Jima, six Navajo Code Talkers sent and received over 800 messages, all without error. According to Major Howard Connor, 5th Marine Division Signal Officer, “Were it not for the Navajos, the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima”. The Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum is free and open to the public at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. The museum grounds contains over two dozen aircraft used during the proud history of Marine Corps aviation. It has the world’s largest and most complete collection of vintage aircraft flown by United States Marine pilots. The museum is looking to expand and I’m told they would really appreciate your help. For more info, click here. The museum exhibit explains the significance of various items worn by the Navajo Code Talkers. The red cap indicates the United States Marine Corps. The jewelry represents the Navajo or Diné, which translates “Children of God” or “The People”. The gold shirt represents corn pollen. The light-colored trousers represent Mother Earth. The abalone-colored shoes represents the sacred mountains. You can easily explore Cool San Diego Sights by using the search box on my blog’s sidebar. Or click a tag! You’ll find many interesting historical photographs!
Researchers led by Patrick Smith of the University of Sheffield in the UK recently showed that they could print neuronal and other types of biological cells using a piezoelectric ink-jet printer. The neuronal cells printed with the breakthrough technique, originally reported in the IOP journal Biofabrication, have nearly 90% viability and also stimulate neural processes more efficiently and for longer periods than non-printed control samples (Biofabrication 8 015017). The neural processes generated by the printed cells also proliferate as well as from the control samples, which means there is no discernible difference between these cells and those produced by conventional tissue engineering techniques. The results suggest the team’s precise printing technique could be exploited for lab-on-chip technologies and to fabricate neural networks for fundamental neuroscience studies and applications. “Ink-jet printing can be used to produce finer neuronal networks than produced by other techniques since the printed cells produce longer neural processes,” Smith explains. “The work in our Biofabrication paper proves that a large number of cell types can be ink-jet printed without any induced side-effects that can denature the cells, and this at higher range of experimental voltages (from 70 V to 230 V) not investigated before.” The benefits of ink-jet printing Smith’s lab at Sheffield is interested in applied inkjet printing in many diverse fields – including both biological and non-biological applications, and across industrial and lab-scale science. “The main focus of our work is to find out whether we can use ink-jet printing as a general fabrication route, and if can we add value using ink-jet printing as a means of manufacture,” he told Physics World. The team’s specializes in so-called reactive ink-jet printing, in which two reactants are deposited to form a product. “For in vitro tissue engineering, for example, we employ this approach to form alginate hydrogels,” Smith continues. “The work we reported in on in Biofabrication fits in well with this new direction of study.” Smith believes that the technique could directly compete with conventional approaches to tissue engineering, which involve manually seeding cells onto scaffolds. Ink-jet printing offers the advantage that it can produce large numbers of cells quickly, and it also creates reproducibly sized droplets that can be positioned with precision anywhere on a substrate. The important benefit of this new approach is that it can produce undamaged cells that can then proliferate and differentiate after the printing process. “Since the publication of this study, we have advanced in our research but still need to understand some of the behaviour we observed in printed neuronal cells,” continues Smith. “For example, why do these cells produce neural processes earlier and in greater number than control cells? And why are these neurites longer than those produced by control cells?” In their study, Smith and colleagues printed neuronal cells from hybrid cells, which are widely used in in vitro studies instead of primary-cultured neurons. Applying their technique to other types of neuronal cells might help them answer these questions. “The next step in our tissue engineering work is to investigate a larger range of cell types and print co-cultures that interact to form biologically relevant constructs,” Smith continues. The researchers hope that the interest generated in by their Biofabrication paper will help the team to form new collaborations in the future, both in the tissue engineering world and in other related areas such as controlled crystallization printing and even polymer printing. The team is also studying ink-drying behaviour, printed bioelectronics components, and additive manufacture.
What is this herbal medicine? Literally translated, ASHVAGANDHA (Winter Cherry/Withania somnifer) means ‘the smell and strength of a horse’ in Sanskrit, probably originating from the herb's odor and energizing benefits of its root. For over 3,000 years, the herb has been used to treat inflammation, fever, boost the immune system, improve memory and promote overall wellness. Researchers from the University of Leipzig, Germany, looked at the effects of Ashvagandha on the brain. The research showed that Ashvagandha led to increased acetylcholine receptor activity. The scholars concluded that the increase of activity in that particular neurotransmitter could account for the enhanced cognitive ability and memory attributed to Ashvagandha. Scholars at the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, conducted research which shows that many elements of Ashvagandha have antioxidant properties. The researchers found that the herb led to an increase in three different natural antioxidants: superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. The antioxidant effect of the active principals of Ashvagandha may explain the antistress, cognition-facilitating and anti-aging effects produced in clinical research. Ashvagandha is an erect shrub covered with wooly hairs, found extensively in India and North America. The root contains steroidal compounds which include the lactones Withaferin A and carbon-27-glycowithanolide, known collectively as the Withanolides. The Withanolides are responsible for the many medicinal applications of the herb. Ashvagandha also contains a fair amount of alkaloids including tropine, pseudotropine, isopelletrine, anaferine and saponins, which impart medicinal properties. - Adaptogenic and antistress: Ashvagandha is an unique herb with antistress and adaptogenic action that improves physical and mental fitness and helps with daily stress management. It increases physiological endurance and inhibits chronic stress-related physiological abnormalities. - Antioxidant: It is a powerful antioxidant which scavenges free radicals in cells that are responsible for premature aging. - Anti-inflammatory: Ashvagandha has proven anti-inflammatory properties which help in the management of inflammatory joint disorders. - General debility - As a daily health supplement to cope with stress - In the prevention and treatment of many stress-related diseases like arteriosclerosis, premature aging, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and malignancy - As an aphrodisiac One capsule, twice a day or as directed by your physician Each capsule contains 250mg extract of Amalaki Note: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your doctor.
The Digital Video Interface cable known as DVI is mostly used in the new generation video interface technology. It maximizes the quality of viewing in modern graphics cards and flat LCD screens. These types of cables mostly serve the computer segment. Mentioned below is the brief guide to give you a better understanding of the cable system. Basics of DVI formats The DVI cable eliminate the system of analogue conversion of videos from digital signals as it used to be in earlier VGA outputs. It provides direct digital connections link between LCD monitors and the source video. The Primecables with its online presence in the digital media provides the best quality cables to give an experience of high-quality streaming. Below are some of the popular cable types. This type of cable is used to connect video cards directly to the LCD screen. The digital video signal is produced by video cards (source). This gets converted to an analog signal at the VGA end and accepted by the monitor. The monitor reconverts it into a digital signal. This type of cable is used when the source output has DVI port and input has VGA port. Since there is a digital to analog conversion, you will find quality loss in viewing. This type of cable is typically connected to a CRT monitor or low budget screens. This cable provides the best of both the analog and digital worlds. It transmits analog-to-analog signal or digital-to-digital signals. All the above cables cannot be used in place of another and are not interchangeable in the sense that you cannot use DVI-D cable to connect the analog system, DVI-A to the digital system. As per the digital video interface cable standards, the cable can run up to 5 meters of maximum length. To get the maximum length, few manufacturers incorporate bigger monitors and stronger cards. You might experience viewing issues such as sparkling pixels, artifacts, flickering, and shaking for any cable-related issues. You can avoid length issues by using DVI-I cables or use signal boosters. Choosing the cable Before purchasing any cables, you will have to find out the DVI plugs connected to both the source and display. Recognizing the cable Single Link and Dual link cables, both have a solid flat blade. The difference lies in the set of pins. The former has 2 sets of 9 pins whereas the latter has 3 rows of 8 pins. There are four contacts around the blade with 1 set of 8 pins and another set with 4 pins. Both the single link and dual-link cables are similar to DVI-D cable with the addition of 4 contacts around the blade. Few projectors, Vesa display has pin-out that can carry both signal – analogue and digital with data. This type of connector is known as M1 connectors and has DVI style connectors. Thus, before connecting any source and display, the right cabling should be selected. If the pinouts (male & female) do not properly fit each other, you might be having trouble with the cable type. Go for the standard make cable available with the product instead of going opting for a customized solution.
What is a neurogenic bowel and bladder? Children with Spina Bifida higher on the spine (near the head) might have paralyzed legs and use wheelchairs. The damaged nerves cause varying degrees of paralysis (neuromuscular weakness) and decreased sensation. The connections between the brain, spinal cord, bladder, and bowel do not correctly send messages. Therefore, sensation and voluntary emptying of bowel and bladder are not always possible. This is called a “neurogenic” or “neuropathic” bladder or bowel. Urinary and bowel control in children and adolescents are important for short and long-term health, and also in the development of independence. Therefore, bowel and bladder continence is a central focus for children with SB. A neurogenic bladder either does not empty completely, causing urine to “back up” into the kidneys (which can cause permanent damage over time) or it leaks continuously (incontinence). Children with neurogenic bladder may have frequent urinary tract infections. Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC) This is the primary method to prevent problems and give the child social continence. In CIC, a small flexible tube is inserted into the bladder to drain the urine. It is a simple, quick procedure that takes no longer than it takes to urinate normally. Some children are not able to perform self-catheterization through the urethra. In such cases, the child may have a catheterizable “stoma” (surgical opening) in the belly button or side of the abdomen. This option makes it possible for many young children and teens to handle catheterization independently. If this isn’t already achieved before entering school, then learning self- catheterization should be included in the child’s IEP. The need for assistance should decrease with age. CIC is done every day, and as frequently as “anyone” would need to empty their bladder. Care & Storage of Catheters CIC is done with washed hands-gloves are not necessary. Some catheters can be easily disposed of, but some need to be washed out and laid out on a paper towel to dry. In such cases, public bathrooms would not be an acceptable place to leave them. The nurse’s office may be most appropriate. Bowel Management (Managing Incontinence & Constipation) Because most children with SB also experience difficulty controlling bowel movements, a bowel management program may be necessary for both health and social acceptance. As children grow older, bowel continence offers an enormous increase in the successful social development and self-esteem, which impacts overall success in school. Bowel management in school may include: - recognizing and reporting bowel accidents or soiled clothing - removing or replacing clothing - inserting suppositories - assembling supplies - cleaning up supplies and restroom - participating in bowel washouts or increasing personal responsibility for bowel program - communicating with school nurse or trusted employee or friend This information does not constitute medical advice for any individual. As special cases may vary from the general information presented here, SBA advises readers to consult a qualified medical or other professional on an individual basis.
Difference between Family and Friends The difference between friends and family has been controversial in recent history. Today there is a common saying that states that family is the friends that you choose. The biological and legal definition of family is the people that are related by blood or marriage. These include parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, great-aunts, great-grandparents, uncles, aunts, great-uncles and great-great-grandparents and so on. The most definitive feature is that families are as a result of an accident at birth. People do not have a choice over their families until they are old enough to marry to get married. That is when they choose those they would like to spend the rest of their lives with. On the other hand, friends are the people that we interact every day with. These are the people that we meet over the course of our lives and develop relationships that might last long or might be short lived. Family members are the people who hail from a common ancestry while friends are not related to people. According to a recently concluded research relationships between family members tend to last longer compared to those created via friendship. People who come from a common ancestry tend to be loyal to each other compared to friends who get into relationships to achieve certain goals. Families usually have more complicated ties compared to friendships. People come into this world inform of a family even if they do not know where they are they do exists. Friends are the people they meet in the course of their lives whom they do not have any blood relation with and develop relationships. Another major difference between friends and family is in the structures of each. The traditional American structure of a family tart with two people who get married and bear children who also bear children and the structure continue that trend. However, friendships do not have a specific structure that they follow. Friends are the people that we develop special bonds with and feel like we can share some of our information with. They are the people that other people feel comfortable when around. Friends share most private things among themselves that they do not share with their family members. The friend of an individual is in a position to know more about that particular individual compared to a family member. Today the notion that friends are the family that one chooses is beginning to shape many relationships and the traditional form of friendship. People today are showing more loyalty to their friend than their families. Cases have been reported all over the world where family members are killing each other over loyalty to their friends or for personal gain. Traditionally relationships between family members lasted for long periods compared to relationships forged over friendship. Additionally, relationships among family members tend to be steadier and firm compared to those among friends. A recently concluded research suggests that friends maintained more contact compared to relatives. Most friends still call each other to discuss certain matters affecting them and the solutions to these problems compared to family. Critics argue that this is because family members tend to be more judgmental compared to friends. Friends, on the other hand, can motivate one to get into trouble for their enjoyment while family members will tend to protect their relatives from trouble. Relationship among family members are based on the fact that these people shared a bloodline. However it is important to note that most people share secrets with friends as opposed to family. This is because they feel that they have some things in common with their friends that they do not experience with their family members. Friendships can only evolve into family that is through marriage or adoption while at the same time people have to be open and close to their family members for them to be considered as friends. - Is hacking a crime in the US - How popular is post rock - Are you in the 0 upvote club - What is the significance of your hometown - Will AI rule the future - Does temporal energy exist - Is the SSL necessary for email - What is the drinking age in Poland - Is bipolar disorder permanent or temporary - Which hormone is responsible for ovulation - What did you understand in life - Are used servers worth buying - What will India be like in 2047 - What are advancement opportunities - Do babies have long memories - What happens if everyone stops watching porn - Is NF3 polar or nonpolar - Is essar petrol outlet profitable - Is migraine a severe disease - Why cant I add friends
For an alternative energy source to stand a chance at replacing fossil fuels, it has to be reliable, so that the consumer doesn’t experience interruptions in power. This is an issue with many proposed sources of alternative energy: wind and waves are not constant, and solar power only provides energy during the day. What is needed is a way to store the energy provided at high-flux times so that it can be released more evenly over time. One solution to this problem is the use of a supercapacitor to temporarily store and release energy. A capacitor works by storing electrical energy, much like a battery. But whereas a battery stores energy through chemical reactions, a capacitor uses static electricity. Inside a capacitor are two metal plates separated by a non-conducting material, called a dielectric. When the capacitor is charged, positive charges build up on one metal plate and negative charges build up on the other, but the dielectric prevents them from coming into contact. This separation is what stores the charge. In nature, a thundercloud and the ground act as capacitors; a charge separation builds up (negative in the clouds, positive on the ground) until a flash of lightning discharges the stored electricity. Capacitors can be charged and discharged many times without wearing out. This provides an advantage over regular batteries, which, after their chemical reaction has been used up, are tossed into the garbage. Capacitors are also light and don’t contain any harmful metals or chemicals. The problem is that they don’t hold as much charge as batteries, so to manage large amounts of electricity, we have to use supercapacitors. The extra capacitance (the ability to hold electric charge) of a supercapacitor is due to an increase in the size of the plates and a decreased distance between them. The plates are again made of metal, but they are coated in a porous substance such as activated charcoal to give them a larger surface area. Additionally, there is no dielectric as in a capacitor; rather, there is a thin insulator separating the two plates, which allows opposite charges to build up on either side of the separator. Because of this double layer of charge, supercapacitors are also sometimes called electric double-layer capacitors. Supercapacitors are capable of holding thousands or millions of times more charge than regular capacitors. Though this is still much less charge than a battery can hold, the advantage is that supercapacitors can store and release energy nearly instantaneously, and the cycle of charging and discharging can be repeated up to a million times. So while batteries store more energy compared to mass, supercapacitors can release stored energy more quickly. The ability to temporarily store and quickly release large amounts of energy means that supercapacitors are useful in alternative energy applications. They are already being used with wind turbines, to smooth out intermittent wind power production. Unreliability is one of the biggest hurdles facing some readily available potential energy sources, but the use of supercapacitators could provide a solution, ensuring reliable alternative power to consumers.
Food Sensitivity Testing Food sensitivities are a common, but hidden cause of underlying inflammation and lethargy, and can contribute to conditions like asthma, congestion, chronic sinus infections, headaches, migraines, bloating, acid reflux, joint pain and many others. In the broadest sense, food sensitivities are a burden to your whole system. It's important to test, and remove any food sensitivities in order for your body to perform at its best. Food sensitivities are basically an inappropriate reaction by your immune system to foods you ingest. This process is actually a constant, underlying energy drain on your body. Your immune system is distracted, trying to deal with foods that it perceives as a threat - this process takes a lot of energy and of course there are the side effects that immune reactions cause throughout your body. Removing food sensitivities (and thus the causes of some symptoms) is an important place to start with diet. In our opinion, it is much more important to use this knowledge to guide your diet, rather than chasing the latest diet fad of the day. There just isn't one perfect diet for everyone. We're all individuals and different people have different tolerances to the foods they eat. There isn't one food that is particularly "bad" for everyone. As the saying goes "test, don't guess". Having the knowledge of which foods your system is sensitive to is powerful information and is a great way to really udnerstand your body, your diet and how you can really fine tune your health. Food Sensitivities vs Food Allergies There's a big difference. Food allergies are typically immediate, dramatic reactions to foods. Think coughing, wheezing, swelling, hives, vomiting, diarrhea. Oftentimes allergic reactions are severe and can even be life threatening (anaphylaxis). Food sensitivities are much different. These are more of a 'smoldering' reaction that occurs more slowly. Symptoms aren't life threatening but are more chronic in nature. Food sensitivities are completely different from food allergies! How the Test Works When a food sensitivity occurs, the immune system produces a protein (antibody IgG) in response to a food that it perceives as 'unfriendly'. IgG binds those specific food proteins and this complex then circulates throughout the body, causing symptoms. Symptoms of Food Sensitivites A variety of symptoms can occur; however these are the most common we've seen in 18 years of testing: Digestive problems (diarrhea, cramping, bloating, nausea, constipation, pain, etc) Headaches and Migraines Autoimmune diseases (aggravation) Behavioral issues in kids Frequent illness (sensitivities 'distract' your immune system keeping it from doing it's main job) We'll test for 96 different foods. Here's a list of the foods tested: Simple, At Home Testing, Confidential Results You'll receive a test kit which involves a simple and painless finger stick, collecting a small amount of blood, and then mailing it off to the lab - all of which can be done from your home. Take charge of your diet, and health. Test, don't guess! Sample 96 Food Report:
Anyone working in the food manufacturing or hospitality industry has a responsibility for ensuring that the food that they handle and serve is safe. Foodborne illnesses can be severe, which is why this commitment is taken so seriously. As a result, lots of people will undertake training and receive a certificate that demonstrates their knowledge. But who needs to take one of these courses, what do they involve, and how long does the certificate last? Contrary to what many people expect, the law does not require any kind of specific formal training to work with food, and therefore there is no particular legal status for a food hygiene certificate. However, UK and EU law does mandate that anyone that works with food has adequate training for their job. Taking the appropriate training and receiving a certificate fulfils this legal requirement, which is why many employers and governing bodies insist on this happening. By holding a food hygiene certificate, you are demonstrating that you’ve made best efforts to meet EU guidelines. Inadequate training could very well result in poor food hygiene standards, which is why it’s so important. There are three commonly recognised food safety certificates: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Level 2 is by far the most widely used and recognised, as it gives a very good understanding of all aspects of food hygiene. Level 1 covers only basic hazards, and Level 3 is aimed at managers and those implementing food safety policies. Ultimately, anyone working with food intended for consumption, whether they’re in food manufacturing, or a chef in a restaurant, should consider formal food hygiene training. In theory, there is no set time that a food hygiene certificate will last for, and the most widely used ones do not expire. However, the industry has generally decided as a convention that food safety certificates of all types should be renewed every three years at a minimum. This ensures that holders still have all of the knowledge and skills they need in order to carry on doing their job effectively. In addition, there could potentially be certain legal developments in that time, which would be covered during the training. In some organisations, such as the NHS, the certificate must be renewed every single year. If you’re self employed, and you are responsible fo your own training, then it’s especially important to recognise the need to re-qualify regularly. You may think that you have remembered all of the important points from your training, but you can’t know for sure until you have retaken it. The cost and time commitment of taking the training again is comparatively very small indeed compared with the repercussions of not maintaining a good standard of food hygiene. We’ve already discussed the main differences between the differing levels of food hygiene certificate, but let’s go through all of the main topics that training will cover for a Level 2 certificate. There are a variety of areas or modules to cover, and their aim is to ensure that you know everything you need to in order to safely store, handle and prepare food in any setting. By breaking them down into sections, they are easier to digest. Click the link for more information on what a level 2 food hygiene course entails, and how you can receive a food hygiene certificate on the Virtual College course page.
Coloboma - External and Internal Eye The embryonic fissure develops as an invagination of the optic vesicle and leaves a gap inferonasally to allow the entrance of the hyaloid artery. Fusion begins at the equator and then proceeds anteriorly and posteriorly. As such, colobomas are often found inferonasally and either in the anterior structures or posterior structures of the eye. This process is complete by the 5th week of gestation. Other relevant etiologic factors include nutrition and environmental exposure. Rat fetuses made deficient in retinol (Vitamin A) fail to close the optic fissure; this was prevented by supplementing with retinol. Colobomas can also be seen in children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Genetically, the regulation of globe development is complex. Recently, zebra fish deficient in FGF-Ras pathway components have been shown to develop ocular colobomas. Colobomas have been seen to demonstrate autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance in family studies. Some syndromes associated with eye colobomas include CHARGE syndrome, cat eye syndrome, Patau syndrome, and Treacher-Collins syndrome. Occasionally, colobomas co-present with microphthalmos, a condition in which one or both eye(s) is abnormally small. Colobomas of the eyelid are also holes in orbital structures, but arise from failure of fusion of epidermal progenitor cells, not components of the choroid fissure. Colobomas of the upper eyelid in particular can result in severe exposure keratopathy in infants. They can be seen as a component of the Fraser or Goldenhar syndromes. For more information, see OMIM. Q13.0 – Coloboma of iris 92828000 – Coloboma of eye - Iris nevi – melanotic macules on iris - Iris trauma – classic "teardrop" appearance - Aniridia – severe iris tissue hypoplasia - Morning glory disc – large, funneled disc with peripapillary elevation and pigmentation with straight radially exiting retinal vessels reminiscent of a "flower" pattern. - Congenital optic pits – herniation of dysplastic retina through defects in the lamina cribrosa resulting in yellowish depression of optic disc, commonly associated with posterior vitreous detachment and serous retinal detachment. - Optic nerve staphylomata – defect in sclera near the optic nerve resulting in bowl-shaped excavation of retina and choroid, often atrophic in appearance. The eyelid coloboma differential includes eyelid trauma and entropion (abnormal inward turning of the eyelid margin).
The idea of conservation as Federal management of land and water resources to ensure future sustainable use and boots on the ground service to public lands goes back many decades. While these are still important themes, we are just beginning to learn what conservation looks like for “Generation Like.” Children having authentic experiences in nature at a young age can no longer be taken for granted, yet is critical for developing conservation minded citizens. Competition for young peoples’ attention from digital media and social networking is fierce. Tremendous amounts of information, true, false and otherwise is available at our fingertips 24/7. A responsible Federal budget may no longer be able to financially support all of the conservation needs of our country. Increasing population and modern lifestyles are demanding more and more of our natural resources and environmental issues are becoming more and more complex. Undoubtedly, it is a real challenge to address all of these concerns in the modern conservation landscape but from my perspective, outdoor and environmental education offers a significant tool to do so and it is incredibly rewarding to try. At Nevada Outdoor School, we are continually musing on these issues and trying to bring innovative solutions to life. |NOS Executive Director Andy Hart (center) speaking on reconnecting youth with nature at the White House, March 18th, 2014. photo credit: Tami A. Heilmann, DOI| When engaging young Americans in conservation, it is important to be mindful of their reduced attention span and need for more timely gratification. Youth conservation service projects can be designed to do this, ensuring they can see the results of their efforts and still provide tangible physical benefit to the land. Of course, with youth, the physical outcomes of a project should be far secondary to the experience. Some of the greatest conservation minds our country has ever known did very little at a young age for our natural resources. Folks like John Muir and Aldo Leopold were documented to have been a bit rough with nature in their formative years, but the depth of connection and passion those experiences created propelled these leaders to ultimately benefit public lands in profound ways so that future generations could enjoy similar experiences. Even as part of formal outdoor and environmental education programs, youth need time for unstructured exploration. Likewise, youth propensity for technology shouldn’t be feared by those of us working hard to get them away from the computer screen and into nature. Certainly, we should instill in our children the value of putting technology away for a while and enjoying the natural sights and sounds around us. However, there are a variety of ways modern electronics can assist in authentic experiences in the outdoors. Some examples might be a camera with GPS location tagging, a digital water quality tool used for a citizen springs assessment or a hand held GPS used for a family EarthCaching adventure. Additionally, reflection remains an important aspect of any learning experience. We need to embrace the fact that reflection today may be quite appropriate in the form of blogging, tweeting or posting about that experience. While these are just two of the hurdles to overcome when engaging youth in the outdoors and conservation, we try not to be overwhelmed. Never forget that taking kids outside is supposed to be fun. The more fun it is, the more likely we are to see the next generation develop into conservation-minded adults, with the science background to think critically and make thoughtful decisions on conservation and land-use issues. This idea drives Nevada Outdoor School in our work, providing opportunities for youth and families to learn and grow outdoors and engaging as many as 1,000 students each month with inquiry-based, outdoor and environmental education initiatives.
A cold volcano seems like an oxymoron, but active “cryovolcanoes” may actually be spewing a super-chilled liquid into the atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan. The beauty of Cassini’s long and now extended mission is the numerous flybys the spacecraft is able to take of several of Saturn’s most interesting moons. We reported yesterday how scientists have been able to see how Enceladus’ surface and its geysers are changing over time, and now data collected during several recent flybys of Titan show alternations in that moon’s surface as well. “Cassini data have raised the possibility that Titan’s surface is active,” said Jonathan Lunine, a Cassini interdisciplinary scientist from the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, at the University of Arizona, Tucson . “This is based on evidence that changes have occurred on the surface of Titan, between flybys of Cassini, in regions where radar images suggest a kind of volcanism has taken place.” Rather than erupting hot, molten rock, it is theorized that the cryovolcanoes of Titan would erupt volatiles such as water, ammonia and methane. Scientists have suspected cryovolcanoes might populate Titan, and the Cassini mission has collected data on several previous passes of the moon that suggest their existence. Imagery of the moon has included a suspect haze hovering over flow-like surface formations. Scientists point to these as signs of cryovolcanism there. What led some Cassini scientists to believe that things are happening now were changes in brightness and reflectance detected at two separate and distinct regions of Titan. Reflectance is the ratio of light that radiates onto a surface to the amount reflected back. These changes were documented by Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer data collected on Titan flybys from July 2004 to March 2006. In one of the two regions, the reflectance of the surface surged upward and remained higher than expected. In the other region, the reflectance shot up but then trended downward. There is also evidence that ammonia frost is present at one of the two changing sites. The ammonia was evident only at times when the region was inferred to be active. Watch a video of the changes. “Ammonia is widely believed to be present only beneath the surface of Titan,” said Robert M. Nelson of JPL, a scientist for Cassini’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer team. “The fact that we found it appearing at times when the surface brightened strongly suggests that material was being transported from Titan’s interior to its surface.” Some Cassini scientists indicate that such volcanism could release methane from Titan’s interior, which explains Titan’s seemingly continuous supply of fresh methane. Without replenishment, scientists say, Titan’s original atmospheric methane should have been exhausted long ago. But other scientists aren’t certain that cryovolcanoes are responsible for the changes seen on Titan. Instead the changes might result from the transient appearances of ground “fogs” of ethane droplets very near Titan’s surface, driven by atmospheric rather than geophysical processes. Nelson has considered the ground fog option, stating, “There remains the possibility that the effect is caused by a local fog, but if so, we would expect it to change in size over time due to wind activity, which is not what we see.” An alternative hypothesis to an active Titan suggests the Saturnian moon could be taking its landform evolution cues from a moon of Jupiter. “Like Callisto, Titan may have formed as a relatively cold body, and may have never undergone enough tidal heating for volcanism to occur,” said Jeffrey Moore, a planetary geologist at the NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. “The flow-like features we see on the surface may just be icy debris that has been lubricated by methane rain and transported downslope into sinuous piles like mudflows.” But scientists will continue to analyze and collect more data in attempt to pinpoint exactly what is happening on Titan. Cassini’s next Titan flyby is scheduled for Dec. 21, when the spacecraft will come within 970 kilometers (603 miles) of its cloud-shrouded surface.
Process Chapter 4.indd The quality of the fruit of any tree depends on the root system of the tree. When the roots are growing in deep, rich soil full of nutrients, the tree will be strong and healthy. The fruit of that tree will be juicy, sweet, and resistant to bugs and parasites. The tree rooted in poor quality soil will have little nutrition to carry up through the trunk to the branches and leaves. The tree will be weak and susceptible to disease. The quality of its fruit will be poor. We could return year after year and pluck the poor fruit from the tree, but that would not change the health of the tree. The tree would remain sickly and vulnerable, bearing bad fruit. The only way to cause a tree to produce good fruit is to attend to the roots. To make application to our life, if we address only the visible problems or our bad feelings (fruit), we will soon return to these problems and feelings in a short time. What we see as a problem (lying, stealing, anger, pornography) is not the real problem; it is a symptom of the real problem. There is a problem to deal with deeper down in our tree of life. That something has caused our fruit to be bad. We must address the root system because that is where the problem that we see truly begins. We need to deal with our anger, stealing, or depression by attacking the real causes (roots) in a biblical manner. We have to deal with the heart of our problem in order to overcome it. Note that the root system is equal to the heart. For example, if we have the fruit of depression, we have focused our heart on our wants, our perceived needs, our personal rights, our beliefs, and our desires. This results in a self-centered idolatrous heart, which is revealed by our thoughts, words, and actions. The quality of the fruit of a tree is determined by its root system, and similarly, the condition of our heart will be visible by our words and deeds. If the roots of a tree are sunk in fertilized ground that is enriched and full of nutrients, the tree will be strong and its fruit will be good. If the roots are sunk in bad soil and fertilized with poor quality additives or none at all, the roots will have little nutrition to carry up through the trunk to the branches and leaves. The tree will be weak and the quality of its fruit will be poor. Let us use whatever issue(s) we identified in the question above as fruit. Going back to the reasons why fruit is either of good or bad quality, we must conclude that there is a problem to deal with deeper down in our tree of life. Something has caused our fruit to be bad. We must return to the root system. In the case of humanity, we can say that the root system is equal to the heart. What this means is if we have the fruit of anger, depression, anxiety, immorality, drug or alcohol abuse, lying, etc., it is because our roots are embedded in a heart that is not focused on glorifying God. Instead, it is focused on our wants, perceived needs, personal rights, beliefs, and desires. When our heart is not focused on Him but instead is focused on something else, God calls that idolatry. Let's Keep in Touch! Subscribe to get our latest content by email. Never miss out on a special offer or opportunity!
What is Conflict? Conflict generally occurs when people find themselves in the midst of opposition. This may begin with disagreements or when differences are emphasized. Misunderstandings and stubbornness also often come into play. Unchecked, conflict can trigger stress, frustration, hostility, withdrawal, blaming, fear, mistrust, disappointment, defensiveness, resentment, and even retaliation. When managed productively, conflict can lead to stronger relationships, personal growth, understanding, and increased respect. After all, who really enjoys being angry all of the time? Your overall state of feeling and sense of well-being may improve as well. What Makes Conflict Worse? •In times of conflict, it may not be helpful to emphasize differences which may fuel further animosity. It is better to identify common ground. Avoidance does not make conflict go away – it only tends to push it underground and even if it is out of sight, people still don’t feel any better. Simply dismissing others and thinking you need to take care of everything on your own may only breed further resentment. Don’t continue to pursue a situation if you feel unsafe. •Don’t criticize, insult, blame, or call people names. Threatening or yelling tends to be perceived as aggressive and may lead to further hostility. Bringing up past situations or injustices may only add fuel to the fires of conflict. Trying to force others to give you what you want tends to increase frustration and breeds resentment. •Sometimes we think that if we just choose to “be nice” others will feel obligated to be nice in return. But who really likes to feel they “owe” someone being nice in return? Manipulating or tricking others may create even more difficulties and diminish trust once someone catches on. •Don’t take things personally or hold grudges as this may only increase your own stress level and solve nothing. Conflict Management Tips •Prepare for conflict. Choose an appropriate time and place for further conversation. Deal with emotions. Recognize you are entitled to your feelings, yet remember you choose how you want to convey feelings. Develop an anger management plan. Breathe. Relax. •Approach the other person. Create safety in responding to conflict. Create ground rules for safety. •Identify your positive intent. Let others know what positive outcome you would like in the situation – something that’s mutually beneficial to each other. Such as: “I’d like us to get along as well as possible” or “I’d like for us to figure out how to solve this problem together.” •Utilize assertive communication. Speak from your own experience. Raise issues using “I” statements. (Resist the temptation to blame or label the other person.) Be mindful of your words, tone of voice, and body language. •Apologize if things seem to get out of hand. (“I’m sorry we argued.”) •Seek to understand. Ask how others see the situation and how they feel about it. Listen. Don’t disagree or argue – remember understand does not equal agreement. Convey your understanding (“It seems like you want …”). •Focus on the problem NOT the person. Note behaviors or situations you’d like to have been different that are possible (vs. have the person change magically into another person). Focus on the current situation (not past ones). Be specific. Suggest positive solutions. •Begin to work toward solutions by brainstorming – begin to problem solve. Make statements such as “What do you think would be helpful in this situation?” “How can I be helpful to you?” Weigh pros and cons, agree to an approach, try it out, and come back together to review how it’s worked out at a later time. •Seek assistance when necessary. “Hey, maybe we could get our supervisor to help us work things out.” Mediation by a third party can be very helpful. •Some amount of conflict may always creep into our lives. However, we can reduce the potential negative impact of conflict by responding to it differently. Utilize the tools provided here, practice, and continue moving through conflict, rather than get stuck in it! You can do this!
A charming smile opens the door of happiness and knocks down the sadness surrounding it. It is the gateway to enter this beautiful world. The whole efforts of cosmetic dentist Toronto lie in achieving a “balanced smile”. Orthodontists treat the patient to create the harmonious balance between the patient and the world by creating the most attractive smile suited to every individual patient. This can be done by appropriate positioning of the teeth and gingival scaffold within the dynamic display zone. The smile arc is defined as the relationship of the contour of the incisal edges of the maxillary anterior teeth relative to the curvature of the lower lip. Based on this relationship, the types of smiles arcs are: 1) Straight arc 2) Consonant arc 3) Non- consonant arc Consonant arc: In this smile arc, a curvature is formed by the incisal edges of the maxillary anterior teeth parallel to the upper border of the lower lip. Here, the centrals should appear slightly longer than the canines along the incisal plane. Non-consonant arc or Reverse arc: In this arc, the incisal edges of the maxillary anterior teeth are curved in reverse to the upper border of the lower lip. Here, unlike the consonant arc, the centrals are shorter than the canines along the incisal plane which can be due to occlusal malfunction or loss of vertical dimension. Straight arc: In this smile arc the incisal edges of the maxillary anterior teeth form a straight line to the upper border of the lower lip. They provide better esthetics than a reverse smile. Based on these arcs, LR Rubin in 1950, classifies the smile into three toes: 1) The Commissure Smile 2) The Cuspid Smile 3) The complex Smile 1) The Commissure Smile: Found in 67% majority of the world’s population. The mouth corners are first pulled up and outwards and then the levators of the upper lip contract. Only the upper teeth are shown. The central incisors are the lowest incisal edge of the maxillary teeth. Some famous personalities having the commissure smiles are Dennis Quaid, Jennifer Aniston, Jerry Seinfeld, Frank Sinatra, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Audrey Hepburn. 2) The cuspid smile: Found in 31% of the population, in this smile the leavtor labiii superior is very much dominant. The lips take the shape of a diamond. First, the lips contract exposing the cuspid teeth. Later the mouth corners contract to pull lips upward and outward. The corners of the mouth are less superior to the lip height above the maxillary cuspids. There is a “gully wing” effect which allows the maxillary premolars turn. Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore, Sharon Stone, Linda Evangelista, and Tiger Woods have this type of smile. 3) The complex smiles: Found only in 2% of the world’s population, here both the upper and the lower lip get pulled up during the smile. The levators of both upper corners and the depressors of the lower lip contract simultaneously. Both upper and lower teeth are visible. Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, Cameron Diaz, and Britney Spears have this smile pattern. The Cosmetic dentist Toronto allows you to change the smiles you have with the orthodentistry methodology and look more pleasing and beautiful.
Once you’ve created a mesh surface with either the Edge Surface or Revolved Since tool, you can make modifications to it. For example, suppose you want to add a spout to the pitcher you created in the previous exercise. You can use grip” to adjust the individual points on the mesh to reshape the object. Here, you might take care how you select points. The UCS will become useful for editing meshes. as shown in the following exercise. 1. Zoom into the area shown in the first image. 2. Click the pitcher mesh to expose its grips. 3. Shift+click the grips shown in the second image. 4. Click the grip shown in the third image and slowly drag the cursor to the left. As you move the cursor, notice how the lip of the pitcher deforms. 5. When you have the shape of a spout similar to the second image , select that point. The spout is fixed in the new position. You can refine the shape of the spout by carefully adjusting the position of other grip points around the edge of the pitcher. Later, when you render the pitcher, you can apply a smooth shading value so that the sharp edges of the spout are smoothed out. This exercise shows how easy it is to make changes to a mesh by moving individual grip locations. You may want to know, however, that when you move mesh grips manually (as opposed to entering coordinates), their motion is restricted to a plane that is perpendicular to the current ucs. You can use this restriction to your advantage. For example, if you want to move the spout downward at a 30° angle, rotate the ucs so it is tipped at a 30° angle in relation to the top of the pitcher. Then edit the mesh grips as you did in the previous exercise. Another option would be to specify a relative coordinate as opposed to selecting a point. By specifying a coordinate, such as @.S<SO, you do not have to move the ucs. Using this method, however, removes you from the spontaneity of being able to select a point visually. Other Mesh-Editing Options You can use Modify >- Object >Polyline to edit meshes in a way similar to editing . polylines. When you choose this option and pick a mesh, you get the following prompt: Edit vertex/Smooth surface/Desmooth/Mclose/Nclose/Undo/eXit <X>: Here are the descriptions of these options: Edit Vertex Allows you to relocate individual vertices in the mesh. Smooth Surface This option is similar to the Spline option for polylines. Rather than having the mesh’s shape determined by the vertex points, the Smooth Surface option adjusts the mesh, so that mesh vertices act as control points that pull the mesh-much as a spline frame pulls a spline curve. Desmooth Reverses the effects of the Smooth Surface option. Mclose and Nclose Allow you to close the mesh in either the m or n direction. When either of these options is used, the prompt line changes, replacing Mclose or Nclose with Mopen or Nopen and allows you to open a closed mesh. The Edit Polyline tool on the Modify II toolbar performs the same function as Modify ~ Object >Polyline.
The Atlanta child murder was a notorious killer starting in July of 1979. The murders of African-American children and young men went on for twenty-two month. The signature of this killer would be that he would strangle them. He would abduct the children by sneaking into open windows, snatching them when they were playing outside or going from one place to another alone. From 1979 and 1981, the Atlanta child murderer murdered a total of 29 people. On the night of May 22, 1981, police investigators staked out at a local river where they had found multiple bodies dumped before. After hearing a splash at 2:00 A.M., they saw a car pulling away from the bridge. Wayne Williams was driving the car. They arrested him on the spot as a suspect. A few days after hearing the splash, police recovered a body out of the river. Because police detectives did not actually see the body dropped into the river, they could not directly accuse Williams of the crime. This made proving the deaths on him would be a lot more challenging and would heavily depend on forensic evidence. One of the key victim’s in the conviction of Wayne Williams was 11-year-old Patrick Baltazar. When Williams was asked if he knew him, he said that he had never met Patrick. Some of the techniques they used were fiber analysis, DNA sequencing, and hair analysis. Fiber analysis was a major forensic technique that was used to convict Williams. It can put someone at the scene of a crime. According to Locard’s exchange principle, when a person comes in contact with an object or person, a cross transfer of materials occurs. This was very true in the Williams case. The investigators examined fibers found on all the victims. After collecting and examining the fibers, they searched Williams house and car to find matches. All of the fibers found on the victims could be traced to his bedroom carpet, his bedspread, a yellow blanket found under that bed, a leather jacket, and a gray glove in his station wagon. Fiber analysis was just one of the forensic techniques that got Williams convicted. On Baltazar’s clothing, they found hairs, which they started to examine. The first thing that scientists did was determine if the hair was human or animal. They could conclude this by the medulla. The medulla is the collection of cells in the central canal of the hair that is unique to different animals and species. It turns out that there was both human hair and dog hair on the victim. They determined that the human hair was from the scalp because it showed little diameter variation and had more uniform distribution of pigment color. They compared the hairs found on Baltazar’s clothing to Williams’ hair using a comparison microscope. Trial scientists said that the hairs were consistent with each other, but because it was just sight, it was not exact science and...
Dangerous for health! 9 products that can not be reheated Few people cook food only once, since it is much more convenient to cook a lot and then heat it in portions. It is important to know that some products may become hazardous to health as a result. The habit of a huge number of people – immediately cook a lot of food, so that was enough for several times. It is worth knowing that there are some products that are forbidden to reheat, as this can lead to the fact that the food will become unhealthy and even dangerous to health. Reheated potatoes can not be called a harmful product, rather useless. Freshly prepared dishes contain a lot of healthy substances, but when reheated, they evaporate and the potatoes become useless for the body. Boiled potatoes instead of reheating better to add to salads. In cooking, using different mushrooms, which contain a large amount of vegetable protein. With repeated heat treatment, these products change their chemical composition, which can cause bloating, stomach pain and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors in one voice say that in no case can not reuse oil, because it will accumulate toxic substances that increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. That is why french fries, nuggets and the like are so bad. When reheating, the oil becomes more viscous and dark, so if you notice any changes in the structure of the product, it is better to dispose of it. Poultry dishes are very popular, especially considering the benefits of this meat. It is worth knowing that during secondary heat treatment the structure of proteins changes, and this may adversely affect the activity of the digestive system. It is better to use ready-made poultry in the cold in salads, sandwiches and other dishes. Useful vegetable, which is used to prepare salads, first and second courses. If you like to include it in recipes, then know that when reheated, the safe nitrates that make up the vegetable are converted into toxic substances and carcinogens. Do not take risks and cook a small amount of soup, or pay attention to recipes of cream soups, which are tasty and cold. Many people are used to cooking a large pot of borscht, but you should know that when this first course is reheated, the nitrates that make up the beets turn into nitrites. These substances can cause problems with the digestive system. In most cases, people use eggs immediately after cooking, but there are exceptions. Doctors do not recommend reheating scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs again, since these dishes will produce toxic substances. It is best to eat the remains cold. Such greens are not only tasty, but also useful, so it is included in the diet of people who monitor their health and body shape. There are also safe nitrates in spinach, like celery, which are converted into harmful substances due to reheating. To get maximum benefit from greens, do not give in to secondary heat treatment, but rather use it fresh, for example, for smoothies, salads and sandwiches. The danger of this popular side dish is no longer in reheating, but in storage conditions. Rice groats may contain spores of microorganisms that cause food poisoning, and they may not die during heat treatment. In the end, if you leave cooked rice to cool at room temperature, then the spores of bacteria will actively multiply and produce poisons. With repeated heat treatment to destroy harmful substances, most likely, will not work, so the risk of diarrhea and vomiting is significant. It is best to eat rice immediately after cooking, but if this is not possible, then keep the porridge at room temperature for no more than an hour, and in the refrigerator for no longer than a day. When reheating the side dish, use high temperatures.
The Magna Carta just celebrated its 800th birthday. On June 15, AD 1215, at Runnymede, a contingent of barons and lords presented King John of England a great charter (Latin: magna carta) guaranteeing certain rights to the people, outlining certain legal procedures, and detailing the ways in which the king could act towards the Church and the people according to and under the law. Here are 12 interesting things about the Magna Carta: - It began with God: “Know that, having regard to God and for the salvation of our soul, and those of all our ancestors and heirs, and unto the honor of God and the advancement of his holy Church and for the rectifying of our realm, we have granted as underwritten by advice of our venerable fathers, Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and cardinal of the holy Roman Church…” - There were originally 63 clauses contained in the document. Only three remain in force in modern British law in some form. - It was not always called the “Magna Carta.” Before the version that is most known appeared in 1225, it was simply called the “Charter of Runnymede,” from where it was signed. - It was meant to check the power of the king against tyrannical rule over his subjects and protect the rights of the common man. It put the king under the law. - John left the barons no choice but to use violence because he would not accede to their requests. They made him affix the Magna Carta with his seal. - King John did not like this and complained to Pope Innocent III about the charter. Hearing that John was loyal to the Holy See and a wise ruler, the pope nullified the document only months after it was signed. This was not because of what it guaranteed the people, but because it was obtained by violence. - Both John and Innocent died in 1216 as a war ensued because of the nullification. As part of a peace treaty, it was again confirmed that year, once more in 1217, and finally in the form most are familiar with in 1225. - It is widely thought that Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury, contributed a majority of the original charter. - It can be considered as a statement of the rights and privileges gained over the previous centuries prior to its existence that had recently been violated by the king. - In clause 39, an early form of due process and trial by jury can be seen as it states, “No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or disseized or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.” - It did something for the women of the time, at least for widows. In clauses 7 and 8 it stated that: “A widow, after the death of her husband, shall forthwith and without difficulty have her marriage portion and inheritance…” and “No widow shall be compelled to marry, so long as she prefers to live without a husband; provided always that she gives security not to marry without our consent, if she holds of us, or without the consent of the lord of whom she holds, if she holds of another.” - The original was written in Latin, not in English, and was a little over 4,000 words long. Why the Magna Carta Still Matters The Magna Carta remains important for the template it provided for the eventual form of modern democratic government under the law, limiting what those in authority can reasonably do to the citizenry. Authorities do not have carte blanche to act however they see fit. The Great Charter serves as an example and model to strive towards and reclaim, even 800 years after it was written. It guaranteed certain rights and privileges to the people that were inherently theirs; it served as the example for later charters and constitutions, including the US Constitution; it serves as a template moving forward from this modern obsession with the all-powerful state into a more just society, truly limiting rule and protecting true freedom and liberty; and it provided, and still provides, a template for differing parties to come together to ratify what is truly right. This cannot be accomplished only of our own volition. Acknowledging all that we have is from God and drawing from the graces in which He provides is the only way to have a truly just society and ensure we remain on the right path. Only in and under God is true freedom found and true liberty enjoyed. Happy Birthday Magna Carta! Check it out for yourself in honor of its 800 birthday. https://www.constitution.org/eng/magnacar.htm (Quotes of the Magna Carta in the text above taken from this site.)
The experiment for brick samples adopted the aggregates and powders composition of6 to 4. The critical granularity is 3mm and the composition includes 3 classes, as follows3~2mm 30%, 2~0.9mm 15%, 0.9~0.088mm 15%. Furthermore, the recycled concrete aggregate can also be used to mix self-compact high performance concrete, the slump and the slump spread of fresh concrete were over 245 mm and 560 mm respectively, the compressive strength at 28 days and 60 days were over 58.0 MPa and 67.3 MPa respectively, when the water/cement ratio was 0.40 and water content about 205kg/m3. The research base on the lab experiment and the main results are summarized as follows:1. The concrete aggregate samples which are collected on the spot are examined by GB/T14684-2001 Quick Alkali-silica Reaction , GB/T 14684-2001 Alkali-silica Reaction and Petrographic Experimental Method respectively. Tests were conducted on prisms of 25 cm×25 cm×50 cm fabricated with dam concrete(maximum aggregate of 80 mm),and standard 15 cm×15 cm×30 cm prisms,10 cm×10 cm×20 cm prisms which were made with the wet-screened components of dam concrete. The soil structure was expressed with fractal dimensions of particle size distribution (PSD), aggregate size distribution (ASD), and soil pore size distribution (SPD). Results showed that the fractal dimension of particle size distribution (PSD), the micro-aggregate size distribution (ASD) and the soil pore size distribution (SPD) can be used as the indices to evaluate the soil structure. This paper describes a preliminary study on the synthesis of glycopeptide-based triblock copolymers and their aggregate behavior in water. These curves were compared with the ones from flat aggregate surface on which mono-size spherical particles were packed. The shape of the curve of solid volume fraction versus the distance from the surface of the fiber is similar to that around a flat aggregate surface. Crystallization behavior of single or pauci chain aggregates of isotactic polystyrene Single and pauci chain aggregates of isotactic polystyrene (i-PS) were prepared by the freeze-drying process from dilute solutions with the concentration from 1×10-3 to 2×10-5 g/mL. The content of water stable aggregates in 18-year-old shrub land soil is higher than the 8-year-old shrub land, and the big aggregates (>amp;gt;5 mm) increased for the most part, by 67.4% and 59.0% in different layers, respectively. The contents of aggregates of over 0.25 mm in two shrub land soils in the upper layer (0-20 cm) increased by 4.6% and 14.1% compared with farmland. korshinski afforestation can increase the content of aggregates. We analyze images of concrete aggregate material and design computational measures for angularity, surface texture, and the shape of the particles. A microgranite, showing varying degrees of weathering with depth, has been investigated as a source of concrete aggregate for dam construction. The pavement contractor obtained some 250,000 tonnes of concrete aggregate by quarrying basalt from aa lava flows associated with highly vesicular basalt scoria ejected during Strombolian-type eruptions. In this study the engineering properties of Sandikli zeolithic tuffs and their possible use as concrete aggregate have been investigated. Use of recycled concrete aggregate in high-strength concrete An organizational system is considered, namely, an aggregate of certain elements that are hierarchically connected for fulfilling a collection of functions. This approach relies on the algebra of tuples, with the aid of which a system with many states is represented in the form of an aggregate of multiple relations, so that the system proves to be isomorphic to the algebra of sets. The complicated process of pollutant spread was modeled as an aggregate of four simpler models such as overland water flow, influent seepage, pollutants transport with surface runoff, and pollutant deposition (accumulation) on the land surface. In this fraction in the presence of GSH there is an aggregate of reactions taking place both in membranes (lipid peroxidation) and outside membranes (MDA conversion to methylglyoxal and further to neutral D-lactate). The model of spherical molecular aggregate of nonionic surfactant is proposed.
All submissions for this problem are available. The organizers of Radix TROIKA's , Robotic event, are preparing a track for the robot race. The outdoor nature of the track is a problem, as the weather isn't very pleasant. There is a chance of rain. Ankur and Geetanjali come up with a plan to keep water away from the track in case the rain gods decide to be cruel. Their main aim is to maximize water flow towards the pool, and minimize it to the track. They set up channels for the water to flow into a nearby pool. Some channels were of good quality, and some were of average quality. All amount of water could flow through the "good" channel, but only a certain amount of water could flow through the "average" one. Water always flowed from low to higher level.Given a network of such channels, determine the maximum amount of water that can flow to the pool. The water flows from level 1, and the pool is at level n. First line of input is the number of test cases t . For each test case ,next line contains ‘n’ the number of levels and ‘Q’ the quantity of water allowed by average channels to pass through them . Next line contains an integer ‘m’ ., then m lines follow consisting of two integers and a character per line ie., ‘A’,’B’, the two levels between which a channel is present and third character ie., ‘M’ if channel is of average quality or ‘G’ if channel is of good quality. Only one line per test case, the maximum lava that went to sea. - 1 ≤ t ≤ 100 - 2 ≤ n ≤ 200 - 1 ≤ Q ≤ 100000 - 1 ≤ m ≤ 500 Input: 1 5 1 5 1 2 M 1 3 M 3 4 G 4 5 M 2 5 M Output: 2 |Time Limit:||1 sec| |Source Limit:||50000 Bytes| |Languages:||C, CPP14, JAVA, PYTH, PYTH 3.6, PYPY, CS2, PAS fpc, PAS gpc, RUBY, PHP, GO, NODEJS, HASK, SCALA, D, PERL, FORT, WSPC, ADA, CAML, ICK, BF, ASM, CLPS, PRLG, ICON, SCM qobi, PIKE, ST, NICE, LUA, BASH, NEM, LISP sbcl, LISP clisp, SCM guile, JS, ERL, TCL, PERL6, TEXT, SCM chicken, PYP3, CLOJ, FS| Fetching successful submissions If you are still having problems, see a sample solution here.
Remember when we were in school and would get to read that humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, when you think what we breathe today, there is an enormous list. with some of the worst contenders like PM 2.5 and PM 10 taking considerable space. Here’s something we both can agree on: We have taken too much from this planet and in return, given back very little, if anything at all. There was no such thing as environment care in ancient times, but the ancestors believed that nature was supreme and it was unfair to fidget with it. So before coming to the reason why environment care is important, let’s talk about why environment care has become a necessity, than a choice. Some Fun Facts Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old; on the other hand, mankind has been in existence for the last 140,000 years. If you condensed earth’s lifespan into 24 hours then we have been here for merely 3 seconds. Still questioning the importance of environment care? We are the Homo sapiens, latin for ‘wise men’. but can we justify that title any longer? Let’s get done with the destruction of planet earth and start living on mars, yeah? Isn’t that where we are headed? Yes we split the atom, yes we made nuclear bombs, yes we have mastered machine making and are headed to artificial intelligence where robots will be making robots, and yes we are searching for new homes and galaxies, but did we ask ourselves once – why are we doing this? What are the consequences? We, being self-proclaimed the smartest species on the planet, could create such amazing things, yet were totally oblivious of its collateral damage? Choose Wisdom, Not just intelligence. In short, what can we do? - Educate yourself about the environment - Use public transport - Use reasonable amount of energy, from water to electricity - Skip red meat as much as possible - Drive slow and save fuel - Wash maximum clothes at one go - Use energy efficient appliances - Ignore air condition - Turn to e-vehicles - Use CNG vehicles - Grow your own food if possible - DO NOT USE PLASTIC - Cook your meals together - Plant trees The time is NOW Today, there is more pollution than ever before, bringing environment care at the center of our lives. We are cutting down trees at the pace like never before, we are breathing toxic air like never before, the quality of our food is worse than ever before, we have increased the speed of animal extinction 1000 times more than the normal rate, Let’s wake up from this deep slumber of ignorance before every animal species in our children’s book – from rhinos to tigers, from elephants to gorillas, – are all gone. You see, the secrets of environment care are all in the above mentioned small steps we take. Our environment is made up of lives that breathe and have energy in them. We need to be a lot more sensitive to our senses and that’s all environment care wants from you, in return for all the beauty it has to offer you.
Medical Dictionary Definitions A-Z List Medical Dictionary Definitions A - Z - «B»: Beals, Rodney K. Beals, Rodney K.: (1931- ) American orthopaedic surgeon who described a number of congenital malformation syndromes. After graduating from the University of Oregon Medical School in 1956, Dr. Beals joined the faculty of the Oregon Health Sciences University in 1961 and became head of the Division ... Beard: The hair that normally grows on the male face after puberty. Testosterone, the most potent of the naturally occurring androgens, causes the development of secondary sex features such as the beard that are characteristic of the adult male. Although there is normally hair on everyone's face, t... Beard ringworm: A superficial fungal infection of the skin, affecting the bearded area of the face and neck, with swellings and marked crusting, often with itching, sometimes causing the hair to break off. In the days when men went to the barber daily for a shave, this affliction was called barber's... Beat, premature: See: Extrasystole.... Beau lines: See: Beau's lines.... Beau's lines: Transverse lines or grooves across the fingernails; transverse depressions in the nail plate. Beau's lines are caused by temporary cessation of cell division in the proximal nail matrix. The condition may be caused by local disease of the nail fold, physical trauma to it, or a systemic... Beau-Reil cross furrows Beau-Reil cross furrows: See: Beau's lines.... Beaufort wind scale Beaufort wind scale: A widely used wind force scale whih is a simple numerical relationship to wind speed based on an observation of the effects of the wind. The Beaufort wind scale is of importance in preparations for a tropical storm or hurricane.... Becker muscular dystrophy Becker muscular dystrophy: A chronic, progressive muscle degeneration disease. A form of muscular dystrophy that is quite similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy, except that patients with Becker do produce some of the key protein, dystrophin, whereas those with Duchenne do not. Progression of the di... Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: An overgrowth syndrome, whose clinical manifestations typically include macrosomia (large body size), macroglossia (large tongue), omphalocele (exomphalos), organomegaly (enlarged organs), hemihypertrophy (overgrowth of one side of the body), neonatal hypoglycemia (low b... Bedblocker: See: Bed blocker.... Bed bug: A blood-sucking bug in the Cimex family that lives hidden in bedding or furniture, coming out at night to bite their victims.... Bed bugs: Bed bugs are small, oval, wingless insects of the family Cimicidae, which have a flat, reddish-brown body and feed on human and animal blood. Bed bugs are active at night and bite any areas of exposed skin. Bed bugs can infest a home and hide in crevices or cracks around beds or furnit... Bed sore: A painful, often reddened area of degenerating, ulcerated skin caused by pressure and lack of movement, and worsened by exposure to urine or other irritating substances on the skin. Untreated bed sores can become seriously infected or gangrenous. Bed sores are a major problem for pati... Bednet: Netting which is hung over the bed to keep out mosquitos and other insects. Bednets are an important form of mosquito control and a major modality for preventing malaria. Bednets can be treated with an insecticide. The insecticide may be long-lasting. If it is not, the net needs regular retr...
Ruawai Primary School, found near the shores of the Northern Wairoa River in the Kaipara Harbour participated in the Whitebait Connection Programme in term 2, 2012. The school staff and WBC Coordinator Nicki were hard pressed to find a nearby stream safe and interesting enough to investigate, as all waterways near the school are dug out drains which flow into the tidal Northern Wairoa River. So, it was decided to take the whole school to compare two of the Kaipara's most pristine freshwater environments – Kai Iwi Lakes and Trounson Kauri Park. After the in-class Whitebait Connection introduction and field trip preparation sessions the students along with parents and school staff travelled to Trounson Kauri Park to meet with Department of Conservation staff Darren, Matthew and Geoff. The students were ready and armed with many questions including: 1. What percentage of the world’s freshwater is in NZ? Do we have a lot of freshwater? 2. What are the main streams, rivers and lakes in Northland? In the Kaipara area? 3. What comes between salty and freshwater? What lives there? 4. Why doesn’t Whitebait live in salty water? 5. What plants and animals live in freshwater in NZ? What do they feed on and what sort of habitat do they need to survive? - How many species of eels do we have in our freshwater? - What freshwater fish do we have in Northland? How many species? - What native freshwater fish do we have? 6. Are most of our rivers and lakes polluted? How can we clean them up? The next field trip was to the Kai Iwi sand dune lakes where students investigated the unique life found in the crystal clear water. Matua Buck and Nicki from the Whitebait Connection provided plants from He Kakano Community Nursery for the students to contribute toward the revegetation of the Kai Iwi Lakes small catchment. In 2009 large pine trees covering the land around the popular freshwater lakes were removed with the goal of revegetating the area in native plants. “We can't wait until it is covered in trees again!” students said. Ruawai School students really proved they were kaitiaki of the freshwater environments by preparing posters, researching their local waterways and promoting care for the waterways to their families. Thank you Ruawai Primary staff, students and families for your dedication to learning, experiencing and caring for freshwater in the Kaipara!
Canadian Government builds on announcement to ban single-use plastics and hold companies responsible for plastic waste. Innovative Solutions Canada launched a new programme as part of the budget in 2017, with over CA$100mn dedicated to supporting innovative solutions to national problems. By issuing public challenges tailored to a specific outcome, rather than a product or process, they hope to produce novel solutions to modern problems through small businesses, by having the federal government act as their first customer. As part of this initiative the Canadian Government has been working to reduce plastic pollution in our oceans. Through their Fisheries and Oceans Canada division they have challenged small businesses to prevent plastic waste from entering the ocean, with a view to clean up waterways and to minimise the impact ocean fishing and pollution can have on marine biology. More than eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean. Lost, abandoned or discarded fishing gear (often referred to as ghost fishing gear) has proven to be a major contributor to this with 92% of encounters between marine animals and debris proving to be fatal, primarily due to ingestion or entanglement. The problem extends further than marine animals with the exponential rise of plastic pollution mirroring the rising global production. Plastics have now been deposited into the fossil record, with sediment layers precisely following plastic production over the past 70 years, showing just how much of our plastic can end up in the ocean. Yesterday, the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Public Services, Procurement and Accessibility, acting on behalf of the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, announced that two British Columbian fisheries have been given a grant to develop proofs of concept for their solution to pollution caused by fishing equipment through recycling. "Canada's coastal communities are leaders in protecting our marine environment. Through the Innovative Solutions Canada plastic challenges, we are supporting Canadian businesses in critical work which will help ensure the future health and sustainability of our oceans. Ocean Legacy Technologies and Shift Environmental Technologies show that small businesses can have an important role in transforming Canada to a circular economy which minimizes waste and makes the most of our resources," explained Wilkinson. Ocean Legacy Technologies received CA$150,000 to develop a marine plastics processing facility to recycle plastics from fishing and aquaculture equipment. This will include organic or non-organic contaminants and those found during shore clean-ups. Transforming these plastics into packing, consumer products and even art. Ocean Legacy Technologies have also produced user-generated mapping of ocean and shoreline plastic pollution hotspots and mobilised local cleaning efforts internationally. Shift Environment Technologies received CA$95,000 to develop a Marine Debris Sled to safely remove marine debris, along with ghost fishing gear and marine debris, from remote coastal regions in a more cost-effective way than current methods. The sled would be deployed from a ship or land-based centre to the beach head by tow vessel. Once filled with marine debris it would then be taken to a facility or collection point to be processed. The Canadian Government continues to work towards its goal of banning single-use plastics by 2021 and this is just one of many initiatives to tackle the growing problems faced by coastal communities across the globe.
Electron spin resonance (ESR) of Fe3+ ions and of radiation-induced centers in quartz (E’, peroxy and Al centers) was studied to distinguish between burnt and unburnt stone tools and to determine their age. The yellow stone tool with a reddish edge discovered at the paleolithic site in Kamitakamori, northern Japan, was investigated. The ESR spectrum intensity of Fe3+ ions around g=4.3 and the color of the material changed at 600°C and 240°C, respectively, which indicates that the red part was heated at 240–600°C. The E′ center in the red part was used for dating because isochronal annealing experiments showed low thermal stability of the Al center and overlap of broad signals at g=2.0086 onto the peroxy center. Assuming the same efficiency of defect formation in the red part as of that in the laboratory-heated material at 450°C, the obtained age of 520–770 ka is in concordance with the ages of the tephra layers at the site. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Buy single article Instant access to the full article PDF. Price includes VAT for USA Subscribe to journal Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. Subscription will auto renew annually. This is the net price. Taxes to be calculated in checkout. Ikeya M.: New Applications of Electron Spin Resonance — Dating, Dosimetry and Microiscopy. Singapore: World Scientific 1993. Grün R.: Quat. Int.1, 65–109 (1989) Warashina T., Higashimura T., Maeda Y.: Br. Mus. Occ. Pap.19, 117–128 (1981) Toyoda S., Ikeya M., Dunnel R.C., McCutcheon P.T.: Appl. Radiat. Isot.44, 227–231 (1993) Bartoll J., Tani A., Ikeya M., Inada T.: Appl. Magn. Reson.11, 577–586 (1996) Aitken M.J.: Thermoluminescence Dating. London: Academic Press 1985. Griffiths D.R., Seeley N.J., Chandra H., Symons M.C.R.: PACT9, 399–409 (1983) Garrison E.G., Rowlett R.M., Cowan D.L., Holroyd L.V.: Nature290, 44–45 (1981) Porat N., Schwarcz H.P.: Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas.18, 203–212 (1991) Hirooka K., Tanaka A., Yamada A.: Takamori Site III1995, 33–40. Toyoda S.: Takamori Site II1993, 53–55. Nagatomo T., Uno M., Fujimoto K.: Takamori Site III1995, 17–21. Komura K., Yamazaki S. in: Proceedings of Todai International Symposium on Cosmochronology and Isotope Geoscience, pp. 119–122; Todai International Symposium on Cosmochronology and Isotope Geoscience, Tokyo, Japan 1996. Tokyo: University of Tokyo 1996. Yokoyama Y., Nguyen H.V.: C. R. Acad. Sci.292(III), 741–744 (1981) Hashimoto T., Notoya S., Shirai N.: Takamori Site II1993, 43–51. Toyoda S., Ikeya M.: Geochem. J.25, 437–445 (1991) About this article Cite this article Tani, A., Bartoll, J., Ikeya, M. et al. ESR study of thermal history and dating of a stone tool. Appl. Magn. Reson. 13, 561–569 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03162227 - Electron Spin Resonance - Electron Spin Resonance Spectrum - Electron Spin Resonance Signal - Stone Tool - Electron Spin Resonance Measurement
The main objective of all businesses is reducing expenses and maximizing on profit levels, having very many employees signifies that a company will pay a significant amount of cash like salaries and wages at the end of each month. However, with the improvement in technology, many systems have been formed tat assist most businesses in carrying out their different activities and roles. They are programmed and computerized for a distinct purpose. The systems and solutions are very beneficial to the running of all businesses, and a good example is the artificial intelligence pricing solutions. Daily, people are interacting with different technological units and solutions in one way of the other. The usage of mobile phones is one that is a necessity for many individuals world over. The pricing solutions have also become very useful to most businesses throughout the globe. Since all technological devices and solutions work better and effectively than humans, it is, therefore, means that they have been used instead of people in different organizations and businesses. This has caused an increase in unemployment levels around the globe. This is a situation that is not good in the present society. Idle people can, in turn, get involved in many destructive acts like theft and drug abuse. There are professionals who have the unique skills of designing this kind of intelligence on pricing solutions. It is a must for these experts to poses loads of knowledge when it comes to sorting technological issues. This will assist them in the designing of systems that function correctly, according to how they are programmed. The experts must also comprehend how well to install the units to meet the different needs of different companies. The systems have also assisted many firms in reducing the number of workers that they have to pay monthly. The results that are transmitted by the systems are similar as long as the programming and setting are done properly. What this means is that there is no variation of performance, no matter the season and time. These kinds of outcomes cannot be found in human beings. Because they are highly computerized, the artificial intelligence pricing processes are capable of processing and storing very large amounts of data in different big corporations. The pricing solutions are thus more dependable than dealing with people. Another benefit that is accrued from using these solutions is that they help in increasing accuracy while reducing the number of errors prevalent in operations and data. This is because they are properly programmed by the use of computers. They are also highly beneficial in making fact decisions and acting quickly in specific instances. However, there are systems that are not automatic. They are manually operated by technicians in the field who comprehend the best working of these systems. In such instances, besides the costs of maintenance, the operator should also be paid an amount for the services rendered. It is very critical for businesses and organizations to embrace the ideology of advancing operations using technology. This will ensure that there is increased efficiency and smooth operations in the industry. However, based on the above-highlighted points, it is up to the administration to use the artificial intelligence pricing solutions for their business operations.
Krampus is a demonic figure birthed from Austrian/Eastern European folklore that can be summarized as "the anti-Santa Claus." According to this mythos, while St. Nicholas (classic Santa Claus) spreads joy and gives presents to good boys and girls at Christmas time, Krampus visits homes to punish disobedient children. The appearance of Krampus in folklore varies a bit, but generally he is shown as an upright goat figure with wicked, curved horns, a long tongue, plus one human foot and one cloven hoof. He may leave bundles of birch sticks for bad kids or even beat them with the sticks. The Krampus legend also speaks of him drowning children in baskets, devouring them, and dragging them to hell. Fairy tales, myths, and legends of demons and monsters punishing or devouring children are common throughout all cultures. What makes Krampus unique is the growing popularity of the Krampusnacht (Night of Krampus) celebrations in the Alpine region (and parts of Germany) that celebrate the day of Krampus' reign (December 5). On this day, villagers dress up as the Krampus figure and chase onlookers, beating anyone unlucky enough to get caught on the legs with birch stick bundles. While the festival is said to be all in "good fun," onlookers are likely to leave sore and bruised if they caught the eye of a Krampus player. The origin of Krampus has never been 100% determined, though there are theories he originated from Nordic paganism. Regardless of origin and despite an attempt in 1923 Austria by the Fascist Christian Social Party to ban Krampus altogether, Krampus has persisted as an icon of European folklore used by parents to scare their children into behaving. Like other cultural "boogeymen," good behavior will ideally lead to being passed over by Krampus and, instead, finding presents and rewards from St. Nicholas on December 6 (traditionally, St. Nicholas Day). In the last ten years, the Krampus myth has traveled overseas to the United States to increased popularity, even leading to a Universal Studios film, Krampus (2015) with Adam Scott. Nowadays, Krampusnacht festivals have cropped up in certain areas of the United States, bringing a bit of Halloween into the Christmas season. Studying different cultural festivals and icons is never boring, and teaching children the value of obedience is an important aspect in educating them about discernment and keeping them safe (Ephesians 6:1-3). However, the festival of Krampusnacht raises a lot of red flags in its literal celebration of devil worship and promotion of debauchery and abuse—even if it's "all in good fun." God is the God of love—not a God who rejoices in the pain of others (Psalms 34:18; Psalm 10:17-18). Secondly, while fear may seem like a good motivator in keeping children or our younger siblings safe, fearmongering can lead to long-term dysfunctionality. Instead, we have repeated, beautiful opportunities to share the compassion, grace, and love of Christ through forgiveness, gentleness, and boundaries as they go through the difficult task of growing up (Ephesians 6:4). The focus of Christmas should never be about punishment (or rewards for that matter) but rather a celebration of our greatest gift: Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:21). Krampus is a part-goat, part-devil figure in Austrian/Eastern European folklore that is often summarized as "the anti-Santa Claus." Krampusnacht is December 5, the "Night of Krampus," when Krampus punishes bad boys and girls before St. Nicholas Day (December 6). Krampus is known for scaring, beating, eating, or even drowning "bad" children; he is the Austrian boogeyman. The popularity of Krampus has recently made its way to the United States, leading to Krampusnacht festivals. While all cultures are unique, it's important to remember that abuse, fear, and the literal devil worship of Krampus is at odds with the Christian faith and the character of God (Psalms 34:18; Psalms 10:17-18). Additionally, while obedience is important for children (Ephesians 6:1-3) as they grow in discernment and need extra safety nets, scaring them into obedience leads to dysfunctionality (Ephesians 6:4) rather than a foundation of security in God's love and care. September Grace is an aspiring novelist, book hoarder collector, and movie watcher. She has a black feline floof named Faust, an assortment of plants that seek global domination, and a distinct lack of awareness for where she is at any given moment.
Deep Learning (DL) has been around for a very long time, almost the little brother to Machine Learning. However, with the increased amounts of data available (2.5 Quintilian bytes produced per day) and a new generation of powerful computer platforms all based around cutting edge GPU processors, Deep Learning has grown to become an indispensable, intelligent utility for every industry in working with artificial intelligence. Deep Learning is currently the quickest way to develop systems that can, in certain areas, have better accuracy rates than humans, as well as an obviously swifter speed of processing data that gives superior decision-making results. And it is this reason that is driving the investment levels we are seeing globally. By 2024 it generally agreed that invest levels will hit between $600B and $900B as companies race to maximise on this new area of possibility. Deep Learning involves training a computational model with massive amounts of data so that the model can learn and adapt to the data that is being supplied. The model is then quizzed on this information and learns from experience. If the model gives an incorrect output, you retrain the model until it learns from the mistake. Ultimately, you are looking for the model to give you a very high accuracy rate in the answers to questions you are asking. In the past, these systems were less efficient than humans (error rate was higher), however that is no longer the case, with some models having better accuracy rates than their human designers. This is possibly the singular reason why investment levels into Deep Learning technologies are exploding. Big business now has the possibility to replace parts of the human workforce with intelligent programmes that can offer far higher levels of efficiency with equal or superior error rates to humans. Imagine a situation where two companies have equally good products or services to offer: One invests in Deep Learning and the other does not. One stays with traditional methods of doing business and does not see the future, or is simply slow to react (Blockbuster video). The other, however, see’s these future technological prospects and embraces that technology (Netflix). The outcome is obvious. Companies who do not look to the future will find themselves being forever squeezed and under constant pressure, with no way of adapting. Don’t let yourself be left behind. The path to AI or Deep Learning is not an easy one. It takes time to develop in-house skill sets, an understanding of the technology to create application benefits, and, of course, investment. As with all things, the benefits that DL can offer are constantly evolving; the limits of what is possible are being pushed to new levels. What we can do today will be obsolete with what we can do in just a few years from now. Therefore, the early adopters will have significant advantages in the market. Novatech are perfectly positioned to help you adapt your business; we have dedicated in-house professionals (Linux development teams, Deep Learning Architects, support services,) and a full consultancy approach to providing you with the best hardware and software and ecosystem solutions to help assist in your efforts.
If you are concerned about the constantly rising price of gas, but still want to use products that are all natural to power your car, and all the other appliances that you use, you will definitely want to learn more about biofuels. You can find many of these green fuels in the products that you use every day, and many of these solutions are affordable. What Are Biofuels Biofuels are defined as a solid, liquid, or gas fuel that is made from biological materials that have recently died. This makes them different from fossil fuels, which are produced from biological animals and plants that have died years ago. The most common source of biofuels are photosynthetic plants, and all over the world, these fuels are used to power stoves and some vehicles. This industry is starting to grow tremendously in Europe and Asia, and parts of the Americas are following this trend as well. Biofuels Research and Production There are three main ways to produce biofuels. First generation biofuels are produced from crops that have high sugar or oil content, such as sweet sorghum, sugar cane and soybeans. Cornstarch is also used to create this fuel, and after these crops have grown, yeast fermentation will produce ethyl alcohol, or ethanol. The use of corn and wheat for biofuel production is controversial since it is very energy intensive to grow and also removes huge quantities from the food supply chain. Second generation bio-fuels are made from non edible cellulosic plant materials or Biomass such as grass, leaves and non edible parts of crops. Biomass can also include animal materials. Second generation biofuels have several advantages over first generation methods in as much that they are produced from byproducts of the actual main crop harvest which would otherwise become waste. The feed-stock can also be grown on non arable land that, in many cases, does not need watering or fertilizing. Other second generation biofuel sources include waste vegetable oil and municipal solid waste Third generation biofuels are produced using algae that has a natural high oil content. It has the advantage of being able to be cultivated using land and water that is unsuitable for food production. In addition, algae can be manufactured into a wide range of fuels such as diesel, petrol and aviation fuel. Biofuels have been the center of a number of worldwide economic debates, such as the issue of carbon emissions levels in the air, and the food versus fuel debate. The impact that biofuels have on water resources is also a topic of discussion with country officials and farmers, since the materials needed to make these fuels are completely natural. Scientists and economists are also looking for ways to make sure that soil erosion is reduced while biofuel is being created, and of course, the cost of oil prices is a consideration as well.
By Ariel Rubissow Okamoto USGS scientists headed up river this June to see whether two Asian clams had also headed upstream with the drought. When there’s less fresh water flowing out to sea, salty ocean water intrudes inland, and changes the distribution of these pesky invertebrates. Potamocorbula like it saltier than Corbicula, and usually hang out in the Suisun Bay region. But scientists suspect drought conditions may have changed all that, and with it, how and when the contaminant selenium gets cycled through the estuarine food web via the clams. “If there’s a broader distribution of Potamocorbula, then we could potentially see an increased risk of exposure in predators because these clams are smaller and easier to eat, and accumulate more selenium, than Corbicula,”says the U.S. Geological Survey’s Robin Stewart. When diving ducks, sturgeon, and splittail eat the clams, the selenium can cause reproductive problems and deformities. Stewart hasn’t found any deformed split tail this year, but in prior drought years they’ve turned up at the pumps — although no one knows if the cause was selenium exposure or something else. Based on 17 years of monitoring — the results of which Stewart and her colleagues published last October in the Marine Ecology Progress Series — she sees a correlation between low flows and higher selenium in clams. What’s interesting though is when over the course of the year you see these spikes. “It’s not just the amount of dryness, but the timing of the dry period that is important when it comes to selenium,” says Stewart. “Typically there’s a mantra that selenium concentrations are higher in the fall than in the spring. But during prolonged periods of low flow we’ve seen high concentrations of selenium continuing through spring. This means fish and birds ready to spawn or nest are exposed during the most sensitive time. Stewart offers some rough baselines for managers: when spring fresh water flows are below 200 cubic meters persecond, selenium concentrations may range between 10-16 micrograms pergram – a range that is at the risky level. The good news is selenium doesn’t hang around. “It’s leaky, lost quickly from the tissues of organisms. It only gets high when animals are eating a high selenium food source like the clams,” says Stewart. ARO Influence of estuarine processes on spatiotemporal variation in bioavailable selenium – Stewart et al. MEPS 2013
The plastic orange mesh fences that once separated Ebola patients in the “red zone” from visitors in the “green zone” have collapsed. Corrugated metal roofing sheets flap in the wind. Some of the tents that served as isolation wards are still in good shape, but many of the tarps used as partitions are torn and frayed. “Here we are going through to what used to be the red zone,” says Dr. Michael Mawanda from the World Health Organization as he leads me through the grounds of a defunct 300-bed field hospital in Monrovia, Liberia. “As you can see, the structures over there, those are patient wards.” During this Ebola outbreak some of the largest Ebola isolation units ever constructed were built in Liberia. The country has 21 in total, many of which were built by the U.S. military as part of President Obama’s multibillion-dollar response to the crisis. But now that Liberia has been declared Ebola-free, the country is trying to figure out whether to tear down these field hospitals, repurpose them or keep them operational in case the disease makes a comeback This isolation unit, known as the Ministry of Defense ETU, opened in October. The last Ebola patient walked out the gate free of the virus on Feb. 11. Even though the current WHO protocols assume that the virus can’t survive on beds or medical equipment for more than a week, Mawanda’s team is still disinfecting everything here to reassure people that that there’s no risk to the public. “We are there to ensure that these processes happen — the cleaning process, the decontamination,” he says. They also decide “what should be repurposed, reused, and what shouldn’t be.” Leftover equipment, like drip stands and beds, can be reused at another hospitals, but they will be thoroughly sanitized first, says Mawanda’s colleague Ling Kituyi. “You can imagine yourself,” Kituyi says. “Even in the U.S., if you got something [that] came from an Ebola treatment unit, they might object and say, ‘How do we know that’s safe?’ ” Before anything can leave here, it has to be washed twice in a strong chlorine solution. There is still concern here that the outbreak might somehow come back, or that cases might come in from neighboring Sierra Leone or Guinea. So only 14 of Liberia’s 21 Ebola treatment units are being dismantled. The U.S. military built the majority of them. But those American-built field hospitals didn’t open until after the number of cases started to drop dramatically. Some of the U.S. Ebola treatment units or ETUs never saw a single patient. But Tolbert Nyenswa, who led the Liberian government’s Ebola response, defends the building of these unused field hospitals. When construction started, Nyenswa says, this is what Liberia was asking for. “When the U.S. came in, we gave them where ETUs [should be built] and the number of beds of ETUs to be built, and they did that effectively,” he says. Not to be outdone, the Chinese built the most lavish of any of the ETUs. While the others are in tented structures, the Chinese hospital is an air-conditioned, modular building. It offered patients private rooms and has closed-circuit video monitors so nurses could check on a patient without the danger of going to the bedside. But the Chinese ETU is right next to the national soccer stadium, and there’s now a fight over whether to move it, dismantle it or find some new use for the hospital where it stands. Compared with the problems Liberia had just a few months ago, the problem of what to do with too many Ebola treatment beds is a refreshing change.
Are You Clear What is Incontinence? 4 Types of Incontinence Since the 20th century, incontinence has been one of the five most common diseases in the world. According to relevant statistics, as many as 13 million people in the United States suffer from urinary incontinence, which affects about 10-15% of the elderly aged 65 and above. Most incontinence patients, out of shame, unwilling to tell their families. And, because of the irritant of urine, don’t deal with in time bring about skin festers infection. Once I didn’t know anything about incontinence, but unfortunately, last year my grandmother had a stroke and was paralyzed. In order to take care of her, I began to understand this disease. There are four types of incontinence: Stress Urinary Incontinence, Functional Incontinence, Overflow Incontinence and Urge Incontinence. Stress urinary incontinence is the most common incontinence in women. It is usually the result of pelvic floor muscles stretching after childbirth, weight gain, or certain surgeries. As a result of bladder, pelvic floor muscle weakness and other physical reasons, when the abdominal pressure on the bladder suddenly increased, it will lead to urine leak, such as cough, sneeze, laugh. People with functional incontinence often have some kind of cognitive impairment that prevents them from urinating properly. It is common in patients with senile dementia, even though the muscles controlling urination function is normal, but due to the impairment of cognitive function, the muscles cannot be controlled consciously, resulting in involuntary urine overflow. Overflow incontinence is usually due to weak bladder tension or urethral obstruction, which causes urine to overflow when the bladder is full. Patients often feel that the bladder is never completely empty, each time the process of urination is long and difficult, and still feel uncomfortable after urination. Such incontinence patients need to go to the hospital as soon as possible; Urge incontinence causes a strong urge to urinate and leakage of urine. This type of incontinence occurs so quickly that the patient does not even have time to enter the bathroom. Usually, the instability of the bladder and detrusor, such as hyperreflexia, spasms, dysregulation, etc. What should patients do? 1. Pay attention to diet and reduce the intake of stimulating food and drinks (such as chocolate, wine, carbonated drinks, etc.); 2. Daily care, through “Kegel” exercise to strengthen the function of bladder, prevent and improve stress incontinence; 3. Female incontinence can use estrogen replacement therapy to supplement the lack of estrogen in menopausal women, to prevent and treat senile vaginitis, stress urinary incontinence, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, etc. There are many brands of incontinence products in the market. My grandmother often uses Medicare®, which is well absorbed and breathable. If necessary, you can also order.
10 Facts about Biosphere Facts about Biosphere tell you about all zones of life and all ecosystems in the world. It engages the relationship between the living organisms with the global ecological system. There is no need to wonder that you will learn more about the interaction of the living organism with the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and lithosphere. Here are other interesting facts about biosphere that you can learn: Facts about Biosphere 1: the evolution of biosphere Biosphere has evolved. It started from the non living matter or simple organic compound which created the life. This process is called bioprocess which conducted around 3.5 billion years ago. Facts about Biosphere 2: the life of earth It is not easy for the scientists to determine the life of earth. However, they can estimate it after the discovery of the metasedimentary rocks from Western Greenland. The scientists believed that it was dated back around 3.7 billion years old. Facts about Biosphere 3: another evidence for the earth’s life Evidence was found in Western Australia. The discovery of microbial mat fossils made the scientists estimated that the earth was dated around 3.48 billion years ago. Facts about Biosphere 4: the general definition of biosphere Let’s find out the general definition of biosphere. Some people believe that it is the self regulating system which contains the ecosystem. Based on this general definition, we may believe that actually biosphere probably is occurred in other planets too. The BIOS-3 and Biosphere 2 are included as the artificial biosphere. Facts about Biosphere 5: the term biosphere In 1875, Eduard Suess took the credit of using the term biosphere for the first time. He defined this biosphere as the surface of earth where people could find life. Facts about Biosphere 6: the water and land on earth If you check out the pictures of earth from the satellite, you know that it contains more water than land. It is stated that more than 71 percent of the earth surface is water. Get facts about biology here. Facts about Biosphere 7: the microbes The microbes are included as the living organisms too. They can be found beneath the terrestrial surface of our planet. Get facts about adaptation here. Facts about Biosphere 8: the thickness If you have a question about the exact thickness of biosphere, it is very hard to do. Facts about Biosphere 9: the altitude The thickness is not easy to know because the birds can be found in various altitudes. For instance, you can find Rüppell’s vulture flying at 11,300 metres. Facts about Biosphere 10: the microscopic organism The microscopic organism can be seen not only beneath earth, but also on the upper atmosphere of earth. Do you like reading facts about biosphere?
Maintaining a healthy weight provides many health benefits, including the management of blood pressure. If you are overweight, then losing even a few pounds may help lower your blood pressure. Exercise and diet are often recommended as the treatment for high blood pressure. The link between weight gain and blood pressure Several studies have shown the relation between weight gain and high blood pressure. Weight gain in adults is an important risk factor for the development of hypertension. Constant blood pressure can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of long-term health consequences. Therefore, it is important to lower elevated blood pressure to avoid other health complications. Being overweight or obese puts you at a high risk of developing health issues. Losing even as little as 5 to 10 pounds bring a lot of health gains. If you are overweight, losing as few as 5 to 10 pounds may help bring back the normal levels of blood pressure. When you lose weight, the strain on your heart further reduces. Being overweight puts extra strain on heart, increasing the risk for causing hypertension or elevated blood pressure and damage to your blood vessels that can give rise to serious health threats. Blood pressure- A valid reason to lose weight According to a research study in America, gaining just 5 pounds can raise blood pressure. You might be aware of the health dangers of extra body weight, but researchers in this study found that even a small weight gain can lead to hypertension. Extra body weight is of the causes of blood pressure. Now the question arises what blood pressure is considered too high? Blood pressure readings more than 120/80mmhg is considered normal blood pressure. If the blood pressure readings are 130/80 or higher is considered high and is referred to as hypertension. If your blood pressure between 120 to 129 and less 80, it is considered elevated, but this doesn’t mean you have hypertension, this could be an indication for the development of the problem in the future. However, the future likelihood of developing hypertension can be reduced by adopting lifestyle changes that help to keep your blood pressure under control. Weight Loss to Lower Blood Pressure Research suggests losing some weight can cause a significant reduction in blood pressure. Weight loss is most successful when dietary changes are combined with more physical activities. It is important to maintain the changes in diet over the long run. Note that extreme diet doesn’t help. A perfect exercise routine will make you lose quickly with the necessary dietary modifications. Reducing salt intake, eating more fruits and vegetables, Regular exercise, limiting alcohol intake may help you achieve your goal of losing extra pounds. Although medicines may also be added as a treatment for high blood pressure. Exercise, in conjunction with dietary changes, is natural for blood pressure. If your health care professional recommends you lose weight in order to gain control over blood pressure, follow an effective exercise routine along with dietary changes. By strictly following this trick, you can easily beat one of the major causes of blood pressure and that is extra weight. The best and simple remedy for blood pressure is to move more and make smarter food choices. Gradually increasing your level of physical activity to moderate-intensity aerobic activity lowers the number of calories you eat and eat a healthy diet. You can also talk to your health care specialist about a healthy approach. Your health care professional can help you figure out how many calories your need for weight and advice you on dietary changes along with types of activities that best suits you. Trick to Lose Weight If you want to lose weight, make sure you eat fewer calories than you burn. Avoid any crash diet to lose your extra pounds quickly. The healthiest and long-lasting weight loss happens when you do it slowly by losing 1 to 2 pound of weight per week. It is possible to lose weight by cutting back 500 calories per day, by eating less, and moving more, you can lose about one pound a week. Follow these tips to help you lose on the road to healthy eating: - Choose high fibre foods- Foods rich in fiver includes vegetables, beans, whole grains, and dry peas, pasta, bread, and cereals. These foods are low calorie and are considered a good source of vitamins and minerals. - Limit serving size- When it comes to losing weight, it is not just the types of food you eat is important, but also the amount of food you consume. To lose weight, you need to reduce your calorie intake for which you need to limit your portion size. - Make a food diary- Write down what you eat, and when you eat. Note whether you skip breakfast, eat a large lunch, or had a snack while watching television. You keep a close eye on your eating habits, and you can achieve your weight loss goal. Weight is the ultimate natural remedy for blood pressure.
Centrally closed subgroup This article defines a subgroup property: a property that can be evaluated to true/false given a group and a subgroup thereof, invariant under subgroup equivalence. View a complete list of subgroup properties[SHOW MORE] This article defines a term that has been used or referenced in a journal article or standard publication, but may not be generally accepted by the mathematical community as a standard term.[SHOW MORE] A subgroup of a group is termed centrally closed or a CC-subgroup if the centralizer of any non-identity element of the subgroup lies inside the subgroup. Definition with symbols A subgroup of a group is termed centrally closed or a CC-subgroup if for any in , the group lies inside . Relation with other properties This subgroup property is transitive: a subgroup with this property in a subgroup with this property, also has this property in the whole group. ABOUT THIS PROPERTY: View variations of this property that are transitive | View variations of this property that are not transitive ABOUT TRANSITIVITY: View a complete list of transitive subgroup properties|View a complete list of facts related to transitivity of subgroup properties |Read a survey article on proving transitivity If is a CC-subgroup of and is a CC-subgroup of , then is a CC-subgroup of . The proof of this follows directly from the definitions. This subgroup property is trim -- it is both trivially true (true for the trivial subgroup) and identity-true (true for a group as a subgroup of itself). View other trim subgroup properties | View other trivially true subgroup properties | View other identity-true subgroup properties The trivial subgroup is clearly CC, and so is the whole group. Thus, the property of being a CC-subgroup is also a t.i. subgroup property Note that proper nontrivial CC-subgroups can occur only in a centerless group. Intermediate subgroup condition YES: This subgroup property satisfies the intermediate subgroup condition: if a subgroup has the property in the whole group, it has the property in every intermediate subgroup. ABOUT THIS PROPERTY: View variations of this property satisfying intermediate subgroup condition | View variations of this property not satisfying intermediate subgroup condition ABOUT INTERMEDIATE SUBROUP CONDITION:View all properties satisfying intermediate subgroup condition | View facts about intermediate subgroup condition Any subgroup that is CC in the whole group, is also CC in any intermediate subgroup. This is because the centralizer in any intermediate subgroup is contained inside the centralizer in the whole group.
Throughout Lent, we’ll be posting weekly reflections taken from Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) to assist us in preparing spiritually for Easter. These will be published in place of our weekly Dean’s message. To ponder: The way our global economy has developed has consequences for people’s lives. Pope Francis reflects on an economy of exclusion and inequality: Such an economy kills. How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points? This is a case of exclusion. Can we continue to stand by when food is thrown away while people are starving? This is a case of inequality. Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape. Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a “throw away” culture which is now spreading. Question: How does the global economy impact on me and the people I know? Are there choices I could make to resist its negative effects? To ponder: Our lifestyle affects others. Pope Francis reflects on a lifestyle that excludes: Almost without being aware of it, we end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own. The culture of prosperity deadens us; we are thrilled if the market offers us something new to purchase. In the meantime all those lives stunted for lack of opportunity seem a mere spectacle; they fail to move us. Question: How conscious am I of those who produce the goods I consume? How does this awareness affect the choices I make? To ponder: People can be oppressed by financial structures. Pope Francis reflects on a new idolatry of money: One cause of this situation is found in our relationship with money, since we calmly accept its dominion over ourselves and our societies. The current financial crisis can make us overlook the fact that it originated in a profound human crisis: the denial of the primacy of the human person! We have created new idols… man is reduced to one of his needs alone: consumption. While the earnings of a minority are growing exponentially, so too is the gap separating the majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few. Money must serve, not rule! T oday’s economic mechanisms promote inordinate consumption, yet it is evident that unbridled consumerism combined with inequality proves doubly damaging to the social fabric. Question: What part does money play in my life and in my decisions? How carefully do I think about what I choose to consume? To ponder: The gospel is about relationships and community, but the bonds that unite us can be weakened by our culture. Pope Francis reflects on a crisis in relationships: In the case of the family, the weakening of these bonds is particularly serious because the family is the fundamental cell of society, where we learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another; it is also the place where parents pass on the faith to their children. The individualism of our postmodern and globalized era favours a lifestyle which weakens the development and stability of personal relationships and distorts family bonds. Pastoral activity needs to bring out more clearly the fact that our relationship with the Father demands and encourages a communion which heals, promotes and reinforces interpersonal bonds. Question: How strong are the relationships in my life? What sort of pastoral activity in my parish is strengthening family and community life?
Arts of the Islamic World The pilgrim flask form was widespread in both time and place and was produced in a variety of media, including Venetian glass, Central Asian leather, and Chinese ceramics. Some have suggested that the round, moon-shaped form originated in the Near East, but no matter what the origin, the various examples bear witness to travel of both people and technologies throughout the diverse cultural landscape of the Silk Route. This peacock-green pilgrim flask draws attention to the efforts of artists in seventeenth-century Safavid Iran to interpret the fine Chinese celadon wares widely exported under the Song (960–1279). Chinese products and designs were greatly admired and sought in Iran, where popular tradition and literature lauded the artistic talents of the Khitā’ī—natives of Cathay, a historical term referring to northern China. The lotus bud motif on this bottle may be inspired by Chinese images of the flower, but the molded composition of scrolling flowers and vines appears widely in Islamic vegetal decoration. Ceramic; earthenware, molded and covered with a green glaze early 17th century 8 11/16 x 6 11/16 x 4 1/8 in. (22 x 17 x 10.5 cm) (show scale) This item is not on view Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Pratt You may download and use Brooklyn Museum images of this three-dimensional work in accordance with a Creative Commons license . Fair use, as understood under the United States Copyright Act, may also apply. Please include caption information from this page and credit the Brooklyn Museum. If you need a high resolution file, please fill out our online application form For further information about copyright, we recommend resources at the United States Library of Congress , Cornell University , Copyright and Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for U.S. Libraries, Archives, and Museums , and Copyright Watch For more information about the Museum's rights project, including how rights types are assigned, please see our blog posts on copyright If you have any information regarding this work and rights to it, please contact email@example.com Pilgrim Flask, early 17th century. Ceramic; earthenware, molded and covered with a green glaze, 8 11/16 x 6 11/16 x 4 1/8 in. (22 x 17 x 10.5 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Pratt, 36.942. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 36.942_front_PS2.jpg) front, 36.942_front_PS2.jpg. Brooklyn Museum photograph, 2007 "CUR" at the beginning of an image file name means that the image was created by a curatorial staff member. These study images may be digital point-and-shoot photographs, when we don\'t yet have high-quality studio photography, or they may be scans of older negatives, slides, or photographic prints, providing historical documentation of the object. Not every record you will find here is complete. More information is available for some works than for others, and some entries have been updated more recently. Records are frequently reviewed and revised, and we welcome any additional information you might have.
GUANACASTE, Costa Rica — Annual rainfall has decreased by 52 percent this year in the Guanacaste region, according to the Instituto Meteorologico Nacional, affecting the hatching rates of turtles in Ostional, a mass nesting site for the Olive Ridley species. Approximately 70 kilometers from Nicoya, Ostional shore temperatures have been increasing and causing problems for the hatching rate of the Olive Ridley. “By this time, the rainfall would have already been at least two meters; however, this year it is probably less than half of that,” said Gerardo Chavez, a biology professor at the University of Costa Rica who is in charge of turtle research in Ostional. This year has been the most severe El Niño drought recorded since 1986, with sand temperatures rising to over 35 degrees Celsius, causing major problems for the eggs. The eggs rarely survive when the temperature approaches 35 degrees Celsius, Chavez said. “Over 35 degrees Celsius, they will all die.” In the middle of July, Chavez did a developmental assessment of the eggs on Playa Ostional, and found that a significant number from June’s arribada, or mass nesting, still buried in their nest in the sand were already dead. During a large arribada, which usually last four days, hundreds of thousands of female Olive Ridley turtles come to shore and each female lays approximately 100 eggs. The eggs that survive on the shores will usually hatch within 45 to 55 days after being laid, and the scent of the ocean will draw the hatchlings there. According to Francisco Ortiz, an Ostional native who has been a certified turtle tour guide for six years, even if the sand becomes too hot it is possible some of the eggs in the lower, cooler parts of the nests would be able to survive. However, many times the whole nest is affected when rising temperatures occur. Occasionally, if the temperature of the sand is determined to be too high for the eggs to survive, they will be taken out in hopes of assisting their survival, Ortiz said. The temperature of the sand where the eggs incubate not only determines their survival, but also the turtle’s gender. If the sand is 29 degrees Celsius, there is a 50 percent change they will be males or females. Below 28 degrees, male turtles will almost always develop. When the sand is above 31 degrees Celsius, primarily female turtles hatch. The University of Costa Rica is planning a reforestation program within 50 meters of the Ostional shoreline in hopes of creating cooler sand and increasing the male population rates in turtles. “There is a much higher population of female turtles because of the rising temperatures,” Chavez said. According to Chavez, the idea behind this project, which he unofficially calls “la Cortina Verde,” or green curtain, is to help the turtle hatching rates while having small human impact upon the turtles, to allow the species to naturally thrive. “When humans produce the change (for species) then some species can really struggle,” Chavez said. “I don’t believe that other sorts of projects going on (to counteract the effect of the drought), like an incubation habitat, is okay for the turtles.”
One of the ocean currents which particularly interests oceanographers and climatologists is the Gulf Stream. This current, originating in the Gulf of Mexico, transports enormous amounts of warm tropical waters to the North Atlantic and is the cause of Europe’s habitable climate. Climate predictions point to the fact that this will change in the future and affect especially the climate in countries of the Mediterranean region, with more dry spells. As global warming progresses, the North Atlantic will receive more precipitation and a greater amount of water from the melting of glaciers in Greenland, thus reducing the salinity of ocean water and weakening the Gulf Stream’s effects. The article published in Nature describes an alternative approach which suggests that flows from the Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic, near the tip of Africa, also are important in relation to future current systems in the North Atlantic. The Agulhas Current, located in the southwest of the Indian Ocean, transports high density salt water to the southern tip of Africa, where part of it escapes to the South Atlantic, contributing to the strength of the global circulation of this ocean. The study describes how this inflow of salt water from the Indian Ocean can compensate the decrease in salinity in the North Atlantic and therefore stabilise the Gulf Stream and the climate in Europe. These processes have been simulated using computational climate models. The article reviews information available until now and enumerates the steps which must be taken with the aim of carrying out a better assessment of the processes involved in this current system. To demonstrate the dynamics of the Agulhas Current, its sensitivity to climate change and the way it transmits its signals to the North Atlantic, researchers point out the need to combine long-term studies on temperature variation and salinity of the Agulhas Current, analyses on climate changes in the past and detailed computer simulation models. The existence of connections between the Agulhas Current and Europe’s climate has been the focus of study these past six years of the research group directed by Dr Rainer Zahn. The authors of the research article are members of a consortium of marine scientists from United States, Germany, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain working together with the objective of studying the effects of the Agulhas Current on regional and global climates. This group forms part of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), member of the International Council for Science. Other member institutions include the US National Science Foundation, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) and the International Marine Global Change Study (IMAGES).
- Block diagrams - Mathematical functions The Merkle's Puzzles algorithm describes a communication between two parties which allows to create a shared secret key. It is impossible to deduce the key by a potential eavesdropper. The key may be later use during the further communication, protected by the symmetric encryption. The protocol of the exchange of information between two parties (commonly referred to as Alice and Bob) is presented below. To determine the shared secret key, the following steps should be performed: - One of the parties (Alice) prepares a lot of messages, which consist of a unique random id and a unique random key. - Then, Alice encrypts each message using a weak cipher (for example a symmetric cipher with a secret 20-bit long key) and send all the encrypted messages to the second party (to Bob). - Bob chooses randomly one of the received encrypted messages and breaks its security using a brute force attack. - Bob informs Alice, what is the id value in the message selected by him. - At this point, both Alice and Bob possess the secret shared key, which was in the message chosen and broken by Bob. They can use it during the further communication. The main idea of the algorithm of Merkle's Puzzles is that the big number of messages is encrypted using a cipher weak enough to be broken by a brute force attack by the receiver. The secret unique key is specified by the message id transmitted without encryption. The attacker, who wants to capture the key, can overhear all messages. He would have to break many messages using brute force attacks, hoping to find the message which was chosen randomly. After its decryption, he would have had knowledge about the secret key. Therefore, the key which was used for encryption of the messages must be long enough, that decryption of a large number of messages would be practically impossible. Security of Merkle's Puzzles Assuming that decrypting one message using brute force attack requires n steps and that there are m messages, the establishment of the secret key takes Alice and Bob O(n+m) time. On the other hand, to discover the selected key, an eavesdropping intruder must perform calculations with complexity O(n*m). Quadratic complexity of decrypting is typically not considered secure enough against an attacker. Too long key (that means too big value of n) causes using the protocol quite inconvenient for its users. At present, there are more efficient and convenient ways to use encryption with public and private keys. Because the protocol does not provide authentication of the communicating parties, it is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. The attacker may establish two sessions of the protocol (one with Alice and one with Bob) and pretend to be the opposite side to each of them. He creates two symmetric keys and uses them in the communication with them (still pretending to be the opposite side to each of them).
Featured Image Source: NASA/GSFC NASA awarded a launch services contract to SpaceX for an Earth science mission on Tuesday, February 4. The contract is to deploy NASA's PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) spacecraft on a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, scheduled for December 2022. The PACE mission is an investment by NASA, to understand Earth's climate change, the spacecraft will give researchers insight to what is needed to protect our home planet. PACE will have the capability to provide worldwide data that includes: ocean color, cloud, and aerosol levels -all in an effort to get insights into oceanographic and atmospheric responses to Earth’s changing climate. NASA statement: "PACE will help scientists investigate the diversity of organisms fueling marine food webs and the U.S. economy, and deliver advanced data products to reduce uncertainties in global climate models and improve our interdisciplinary understanding of the Earth system." The total cost for NASA's PACE mission is approximately $80.4 million, which includes launch costs. SpaceX will launch the PACE spacecraft on a "flight-proven" Falcon 9, which means they aim to use a pre-flown Falcon 9 rocket first-stage booster. The President of SpaceX Gwynne Shotwell said in a company's statement: "SpaceX is honored to continue supporting NASA’s critical scientific observational missions by launching PACE, which will help humanity better understand, protect and preserve our planet." Once deployed, the 3,748 pound PACE spacecraft will operate in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of approximately 420 miles. PACE is equipped with an Ocean Color Imager, operating from ultraviolet to shortwave infrared that will allow studies of phytoplankton in the ocean, as well as two polarimeters to study properties of clouds, aerosols and the ocean. Since PACE will be in a sun-synchronous orbit, this will allow for consistent daylight conditions for imaging. PACE's data will help NASA scientists better understand how the atmosphere and ocean exchange carbon dioxide. The data will also reveal how aerosols might fuel phytoplankton growth in the ocean's surface. By measuring the distribution of phytoplankton, tiny plants and algae that sustain the marine food web it helps the assessment of advancing and maintaining ocean health. It will keep record of key atmospheric variables associated with air quality and Earth's climate as well over the course of 10 years. Spacecraft's data will help to track water resources, manage fisheries, forecast air quality, and monitor weather disasters. According to the agency, "novel uses of PACE data will benefit our economy and society."
Sorghum belongs to the grass family, and it is a genus of plants. There are total 25 different species available in the world, and 17 of them can be found in Australia. Some of them can also be found in Asia and Africa. Most of these species are used as fodder plants in the course of animal husbandry. You can either export them. However, they can grow naturally too. It is low in protein but very rich in fiber components. It is seen that the chemical composition of sorghum has a match with that of corn. This plan supplies grains for both human and animal feeds. Different Types of Sorghum The range of genetic diversity of sorghum is amazing. There are some species that do not have any physical or similarity with the other ones, and thus, it is difficult to recognize them as a member of this family. There are vegetable sorghums, popping shorghums, sorghums with vitamin A, tannin-free shorghums, aromatic sorghums and many more others. Some of them can be used as cereals because of their reach properties. Some of them are processed, and some are used naturally. Benefits of Using Sorghums - Sorghum is the source of unlimited nutrients for both human and animal bodies. - These nutrients are rich in content, and thus, consumption of the item in a regular manner can help you to maintain the balance of nutrients in your body to a great extent. - It has Vitamin B, thiamin, and niacin including iron and multiple dietary minerals. - It is good for the digestive system of our body. It is also good for cancer prevention. - At the same time, it is good for diabetes control. - It has magnesium, and this is really effective for the health of human bone. Those who are suffering from bone related diseases can get huge benefits from sorghum. Uses of Sorghum In countries like USA, UK, and Australia, this grain is wildly used for livestock feeds. It is used in large ethanol plants too. It is used for the production of alcohol beverages. It is a popular food in USA because it is a gluten-free food. It is used to produce leavened and unleavened bread. They can be eaten as sweet corn. Syrup from sweet sorghum is very common. Global Demand of Sorghum USA, UK, and Australia are the countries where you can see the extensive use of sorghum as livestock feed as well as human food. There are families where it is included in their daily diet. Thus, in such countries, the demand for this product is really very high. Those who are not capable of growing sorghum on their own try to import them from the areas where the cultivation of this item is very high. S. N. Export – A Leading Sorghum Exporter from Bulgaria, Ukraine S. N. Export is the name of a Bulgaria-based export company. We are in this industry for more than 30 years. We have a long list of clients. We export agro-products in Europe, Mediterranean Countries, Middle East, Asia, USA, Canada etc.
The sound of a proper English fry-up isn't as loud as they used to be The sound of a sizzling sausage is one of the great delights of breakfast prep, especially in Britain, where bangers can pop like firecrackers in the pan. They earned their name, so the story goes, during World War I, when meat was in short supply and Brits were forced to fill their bangers with rusk and water to make up for the pork paucity, creating a louder link (and a different taste than American sausages, which are typically sweeter, containing nonfat dry milk powder, among other cloying ingredients). But apparently the “banger” sobriquet isn’t as accurate a descriptor as it once was. As The Telegraph reports, based on the findings of a food scientist in Wiltshire, England, named Stuart Farrimond, who actually took it upon himself to measure the decibel levels produced by British sausage recipes since 1845, today’s bangers just aren’t as loud as they once were. Farrimond found that the volume of a modern sizzling breakfast banger had decreased by about half since World War II. The loudest sausages, according to his research, were Kentish bangers from the nineteenth century, at 78 decibels, louder than a flushing toilet or a vacuum cleaner but softer than an alarm clock or a garbage disposal; the softest sizzle was produced by the famed Lincolnshire banger, short, plump and flavored with sage, clocking in at 68 decibels, slightly louder than the volume created by normal human conversation or an air conditioner. That’s still relatively loud, of course, at least compared to other breakfast foods. The volume of sizzling bacon, for instance, clocks in below 55 decibels. Still, the Lincolnshire’s sound is a relatively sissy sizzle. The ostensible reason for the volume decrease, Farrimond tells The Telegraph, is that British bangers don’t contain as much liquid as they once did. "Today, sausages are made with higher quality, leaner pork and less water, meaning they may taste great, but don't quite hit the top notes of sizzle we used to hear in the past," he says. This news will probably come as a disappointment to food nostalgists, but the upside is that some modern British bangers taste better than they used to, and are healthier to boot.
FACTORS OF INFLUENCE Important tips for protecting your skin from external factors naturally Air pollution stresses out the skin, makes it drier, and causes spots of subliminal irritation, which when combined with other negative external or internal influences can lead to inflammation with redness, itchiness, burning, blisters or rashes. However, if enough of these spots of subliminal irritation are able to develop and worsen, they can result in any of the afore mentioned problems even without the help of other factors. Permanent contact with environmental pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, fine dust, and dirt particles increase the sensitivity of the skin and accelerate its aging process, because they encourage the formation of free radicals in the skin. Cigarette smoke also speeds up the development of wrinkles - even if the person exposed to it is just a passive smoker. When people with neurodermatitis come into contact with grass pollen, animal hair, or house dust, their skin often develops eczema in the places that have been touched. Our tip for beautiful, healthy skin: Protect your skin! Both at home and at work, you have to use cleaning products, acids, alkaline solutions, and solvents that are extremely unkind to your skin. Skin diseased triggered by malnutrition are rare in our affluent society. They occur predominantly in old people and people in need of care. In most cases, the skin becomes dry and sores wounds take longer to heal. A balanced diet with enough vitamins and minerals helps a person to have healthy skin, and eating the right foods becomes particularly necessary when the skin is confronted with harmful environmental factors, the sun, and a climate that is not kind to it. On the other hand, an excess of B vitamins can worsen acne, too much vitamin A can cause the skin to start peeling, and if large amounts of carotene are consumed on a regular basis, the skin can start to turn yellow. Certain foods can result in the onset of eczema, especially in people with neurodermatitis, but there are no general diet recommendations for sufferers of skin diseases. Our tip for beautiful, healthy skin: Eat healthily! A balanced diet with lots of fruit and fresh vegetables will provide your body with everything it needs and keep your skin healthy too. A moderate, humid climate is ideal for the skin. The sun, the wind, the heat, and the cold all stress the skin, dry it out, and accelerate its ageing process. In addition to the outdoor climate, the roomclimate around us plays a major role as well. Air-conditioning and heating systems have a profoundly negative effect on sensitive skin and an even worse effect on dry skin, particularly if rooms are not aired enough. As a consequence, the skin requires a great deal of care and protection. Our tip for beautiful, healthy skin: Make sure your room climate is healthy! Dry skin in particular suffers as a result of dry, overheated room air. Air your home regularly and increase the humidity levels by investing in a humidifier and some house plants! As a person gets older, their skin will normally become drier and thinner overall. The horny layer on the surface, however, will become thicker, which will reduce elasticity and contribute to a coarser, rougher surface. By introducing some anti-ageing measures at an early stage in life, you can slow down the aging process. But even if you do already have a few wrinkles, care can improve the general appearance of your skin and put decelerate further ageing. Our tip for beautiful, healthy skin: Get plenty of sleep! Sleep is the simplest beauty treatment. During stressful periods in particular, your skin needs enough sleep to recover.
Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Join Britannica's Publishing Partner Program and our community of experts to gain a global audience for your work! Thomas Randolph, 1st earl of Moray Thomas Randolph, 1st earl of Moray, (died July 20, 1332, Musselburgh, Midlothian, Scot.), nephew of King Robert I the Bruce of Scotland and a leading military commander in Robert’s successful struggle to gain independence from English rule; later he was regent for Robert’s young son and successor, David II (reigned 1329–71). Randolph was the son of one of Robert’s sisters. When Robert revolted against the English and claimed the Scottish throne (1306), Randolph joined the insurgency, but he was soon thereafter taken prisoner at the Battle of Methven. He did homage to King Edward I of England and fought in the English army against Robert until captured by the Scottish commander Sir James Douglas in 1308. Submitting to Robert, Randolph quickly became a trusted commander and adviser. Robert made him Earl of Moray in 1312 or 1314. By a brilliant tactical maneuver Moray captured Edinburgh Castle from the English in March 1314, and three months later he distinguished himself in the spectacular Scottish victory over Edward II of England at Bannockburn. With Douglas, Moray took Berwick-uponTweed from the English (1318), ravaged northern England (1319), and defeated an English army at Byland, Yorkshire (1322). In 1323 he persuaded Pope John XXII to recognize Robert’s right to the Scottish throne. Five years later he played a major role in negotiating the treaty by which England recognized Robert as king of Scots. Robert died in June 1329, and Randolph was regent for David II until his death. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: EnglandEngland, predominant constituent unit of the United Kingdom, occupying more than half of the island of Great Britain. Outside the British Isles, England is often erroneously considered synonymous with the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) and even with the entire United… ScotlandScotland, most northerly of the four parts of the United Kingdom, occupying about one-third of the island of Great Britain. The name Scotland derives from the Latin Scotia, land of the Scots, a Celtic people from Ireland who settled on the west coast of Great Britain about the 5th century CE. The… Scotland 1980s overviewIn the 1970s several Scottish performers, including the Average White Band and Rod Stewart (who was born in London to a Scottish family), had to relocate to the United States to experience wide-reaching success. At the turn of the 1980s, however, a small but significant music scene developed in…
Worried about airport security? See how grasses take care of you… Fortunately, most of us need not consider exactly how many measures are put in place to secure our air traffic. Even if we did, most measures are so subtle, that their presence is virtually unnoticeable. The most beautiful ones are part of nature and take advantage of a long-lasting relationship between plants and fungi. These fungi are called endophytes because they live inside plants (endo = inside) and in this particular case, we are talking about grasses. They have coexisted for thousands of years ensuring each other’s survival. While the grass feeds the endophyte with carbohydrates, and in return the endophyte produces chemicals that protect the grass against insect attacks. That sounds good, but how does that relate to flight security? CPH airport operates more than 260,000 takeoffs and landings every year and the number of incidents have so far been negligible. However low the number of incidents are, there is a track record of more than 70 annual bird-strikes, which can potentially produce terrible accidents. A birdstrike is a well-known phenomenon at all airfields and the usual way to combat the problem is to scare away birds using firearms and advanced radar warning systems. But the systems are not bulletproof, so to say, and sometimes bird flocks ignore the man made security measures and settle on an airfield in search for food. The food supply is plentiful in the hundreds of acres of grass paddocks around the runways. Insects and mice thrive on the undisturbed grasses, attracting lots of hungry birds. Copenhagen Airport decided to increase their efforts and to replace their entire grass sward with a grass mixture that has been specifically designed for this purpose. The grass mixture holds a very high content of endophytes, which ensures an exceptionally high insect resistance. This means that the birds will seek other hunting ground, where food is abundant. The mixture also includes grass species, which produces stiff stems. Once cut, these stems stand as spikes, giving birds a hard landing, should they decide to trespass. Copenhagen Aiport isn't the only airport taking advantage of the endophyte-grasses. The system is also being tested in other European airfields and in military bases. So, take a look out of the window next time you fly in. Your safety is in nature's hands.. Would you like to know more about endophyte grass? Contact us to here Endophytes are a good example of cooperation in nature paying off. Endophytes are common in wild grasses, and DLF's plant breeders have worked with endophytes in grasses for many years. The ability of endophytes to protect grass from insect infestation is in demand. This applies, for example, in New Zealand, where insects are a major problem in grasslands and where the endophyte grasses ensure that the grass benefits the livestock and is not destroyed by insect larvae.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will present details of a broad climate plan for Germany on Friday following a special Cabinet meeting. The direction Europe’s biggest economy takes on climate change is being closely watched around the world. Marathon overnight talks on the plan stretched more than 18 hours. German news agency dpa also reported that the country’s governing parties, who have been split over how best to cut the country’s greenhouse-gas emissions, achieved a breakthrough following all-night talks in Berlin. German voters have made clear they consider climate change the most pressing issue of the day. Students have embraced Swedish teenager activist Greta Thunberg’s weekly protests, holding large rallies – often during school-time on Fridays – that have received widespread support in major cities. On the back of this environmental concern, the German Green Party has seen a surge in support, finishing second in May’s elections for the European Parliament. Its success has spurred Germany‘s governing parties to take a stronger stance against global warming. A poll released on Friday by ARD television showed 63 percent of voters saying the government should prioritise climate protection over economic growth. Only 24 percent said economic growth should take priority. How big is the problem? Germany is the world’s sixth-largest state emitter of greenhouse gases, with a 2.1 percent share. It wants to cut those emissions by 55 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels. This would mean reducing Germany’s annual output of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from 866 million metric tonnes currently to 563 million tonnes by the end of the next decade. Failure to do so would cost Germany financially. Under European Union rules, the country could be fined billions of euros if it does not meet the bloc’s emissions reduction targets. Merkel has also warned that Germany could lose its position as a technological leader if it does not invest in future clean industries. Charging for carbon The biggest divide between Germany’s governing parties has been over how to charge for carbon emissions. Dpa reported that Merkel’s centre-right Union bloc and the centre-left Social Democrats have agreed to put an added price on transportation and heating fuels, starting at three euro-cents ($0.033) per litre (0.26 gallons) of diesel or petrol in 2021, rising to 10 euro-cents ($0.11) in 2026. The parties agreed to levy the charge with the help of an emissions trading system (ETS). The advantage of such a system over a hike in fuel taxes is that it can be integrated into the European Union’s existing ETS for heavy industry and the power sector. By setting a cap on the quantity of certificates available, and steadily reducing that level, Germany and the EU could also ensure emissions targets are met. German manufacturers – including the country’s powerful car-makers – have indicated they want a clear signal from the government on the path ahead. Dieter Kempf, head of Germany’s industrial lobby group BDI, urged the government to stop delaying decisions on climate and energy policy. He called for incentives to invest in climate-friendly technology but spoke out against bans on heavily polluting technology or strict targets for individual sectors. But Martin Kaiser, executive director of Greenpeace Germany, warned the government not to be beholden to industry, which has successfully blocked strict emissions targets in recent years. “Phasing out the combustion engine by 2025 is technically possible,” said Kaiser. While this seems unlikely, dpa reported the governing parties have agreed to ban the installation of new oil-burning furnaces from 2026. Merkel, who was Germany’s environment minister during the first UN climate conference in 1995, has repeatedly called tackling global warming a “vital question for humanity”. Her four terms of office, however, have not seen the kind of push that were hoped for. As other countries cut their emissions significantly, and set ever more ambitious targets, Germany’s emissions have stalled amid opposition from the country’s powerful industrial lobby. In a sign that she’s hoping to secure support for the deal, Merkel plans to attend the UN climate summit in New York next week, where she will deliver a speech on Monday. German Chancellor Angela Merkel will present details of a broad climate plan for Germany on Friday following a special Cabinet meeting. The direction Europe’s biggest economy takes on climate change is being closely watched around the world. Marathon overnight talks on the plan stretched more than 18 hours.
Excel AND function In Excel, the AND function tests one or more cells with separate conditions, if the conditions are all met, then TRUE value is returned; if any of the conditions is evaluate false, a FALSE value will be displayed. It is often used with other Excel functions. The syntax for the AND function in Excel is: Test multiple conditions, and returns TRUE if all arguments are met, otherwise, FALSE is returned. Example 1: Use AND function only Supposing, there are three columns which contain products, orders and salesman, now, you want to check which rows meet these conditions: Product = KTE, Order > 100, Salesman = Nicol. Please apply the following formula into a blank cell where you want to put the result, and then drag the fill handle down the cell to apply the formula, and you will get the following result: Example 2: Use IF and AND functions together It is a common usage for us to combine the IF and AND functions together. For example, you have a table contains the students’ test scores, both of the first and the second subject scores must be equal to or greater than 60, then the student passes the final exam, otherwise, fail the exam. See screenshot: To check if the student passes the exam or not, using the IF and AND functions together to solve it, please use this formula: This formula indicates that, it will return Pass, if a value in column B >=60 and a value in column C >=60. Otherwise, the formula returns Fail. See screenshot: Example 3: Use IF and AND functions together for calculation The IF AND functions can also perform calculations based on whether AND function is TRUE or FALSE. If you want to calculate the bonus or commission for your company staff based on their sales performance, for instance, if the person’s sales equals or greater than $50000, and his performance is A, then he will get 3% bonus, otherwise, he will no bonus. How to calculate the bonus in Excel quickly and easily? To calculate the bonus, please apply this formula: The above formula indicates, IF Sales are equal or greater than 50000, AND Performance is A grade, then multiply Sales by 3%, otherwise it will return 0. And then, you will get the following result as you need: Tip: If you want to calculate the bonus for the sales which are less than 50000 instead of returning 0, for example, multiply Sales by 1.5%, when Sales less than 50000, you should use this formula:
Motor Neuron Diseases Motor neuron disease is comprised of a group of severe nervous system disorders characterized by progressive degeneration of motor neurons. Neuron are the basic nerve cells combining to form nerves in the body. Motor neurons control the behavior of muscles. The cells controlling essential voluntary muscle activity – speaking, walking, breathing, and swallowing – are destroyed by progressive neurological disorders. Messages from nerve cells in the brain – upper motor neurons – are normally transmitted to nerve cells in the brain stem and spinal cord – lower motor neurons before being sent to particular muscle groups in the body. Upper motor neurons direct lower motor neurons to produce movements – like walking or chewing. Lower motor neurons control movement in the arms, legs, chest, face, throat, and tongue. When there are disruptions in the signals between the lowest motor neurons and the muscle, the muscles do not work properly. Gradually, muscles weaken and begin to waste away. Muscle loss begins to cause uncontrollable twitching – fasciculations. When there are disruptions in the signals between the upper motor neurons and the lower motor neurons, the limb muscles develop stiffness – spasticity. Movements become slow and effortful. Tendon reflexes – such as knee and ankle jerks – become overactive. Eventually – over time – the ability to control voluntary movement is lost. Motor neuron diseases affect: - The upper motor neurons leading from the brain to the brain stem (medulla) - The upper motor neurons leading from the brain to the spinal cord - The lower motor neurons leading from the spinal cord to the muscles of the body Symptoms of Damage to Motor Neurons - Spasms and exaggerated reflexes are indicative of damage to the upper motor neurons - Atrophy and weakness of muscles are indicative of damage to the lower motor neurons Keyword Searches for Motor Neuron Diseases - Motoneuron Disease - Motoneurone Disease - Motor Neuron Syndrome - Motor Neurone Disease Motor Neuron Diseases - Progressive Bulbar Palsy – also known as Bulbar Muscle Atrophy - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease - Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Kugelberg-Welander Syndrome - Duchenne’s Paralysis – also known as Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy - Werdnig-Hoffmann Disease - Juvenile Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Benign Focal Amyotrophy - Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Treatment for Pain The Multidisciplinary Team at Spine and Sports Medicine will design a treatment plan specifically tailored to treat motor neuron disease and increase your quality of life. The painful and debilitating symptoms of motor neuron disease can be relieved through: At Spine and Sports Medicine, effective treatment of motor neuron diseases can be achieved through a Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Team Approach. - Manual – hands on – Therapy - Therapeutic Exercises - High Tech Exercises - High Touch Exercises - Weight Resistance Exercises - Postural Corrections - Tailored Home Exercise Program Gold Standard Pain Management Other highly effective pain management treatment methods at Spine and Sports Medicine include: - Medical Massage Medical Insurance Coverage for Motor Neuron Diseases Therapeutic Treatment At Spine and Sports Medicine, there is no requirement for you to obtain an outside primary physician referral to have the cost of motor neuron disease treatment covered by your insurance plan. Most insurance plans cover the cost of treating the painful and debilitating symptoms stemming from a motor neuron disease. Our insurance experts will help you to determine your coverage and assist in processing your claims. Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Treatment in One Convenient Location Discover effective treatment of motor neuron disease provided by a multidisciplinary therapeutic practice in one convenient Midtown Manhattan location – at Madison Avenue and 40th Street. Reach out to the multidisciplinary team of pain management experts at Spine and Sports Medicine by clicking below – or – call 212.986.3888.
Killer whales, or Orcas, are known for their vicious killing capabilities. However, no one has ever done a scientific study recording a case of killer whale infanticide. Researchers in Canada witnessed a horrifying situation. They watched a male killer whale drowning an infant that belonged to the same species. This incident of killer whale infanticide occurred on December 2, 2016, near the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. After witnessing the event in horror, the scientists conducted a study that they have now published in the journal Scientific Reports. The researchers, a group of marine scientists, didn’t expect to observe this horrifying event at the time when they embarked on a research expedition. They recorded on their vessel’s underwater microphones an alerting sound that was attributed to the presence of killer whales in the area. After they learned that the whales were in fact behind the noises on the microphones, the researchers noticed a splashing in the water that they attributed to the whales possibly hunting. However, after closer observation they found that an infant Orca didn’t come up to the surface. A male had the calf in its mouth and his mother was defending him, while and calf’s mother and others of the pod were chasing them. This is the first scientifically recorded observation of a killer whale infanticide. According to the study, infanticide has been observed in many different animals in the past, although never of killer whales. “Among terrestrial mammals, it is mostly reported in primates, carnivores and rodents,” the researchers noted in their study. “However, compelling evidence for infanticide in cetaceans [a group of animals containing whales, dolphins and porpoises] exists in just three species of dolphin.” Jared Towers, Cetacean ecologist who worked on the study told CBC News that he was distressed with the scene. However, to gather more information they could use for research purposes, Towers and his team decided to remain until the end of the terrifying event. Scientists attribute the infanticide to something referred to as “sexually selected behavior” since the offending male and his mother didn’t eat the remains of the infant. Sexually selected behavior means that a male killed the calf so that it can mate with its mother. “In other mammals, we know that in a lot of cases males kill infants, because it forces the infant’s mom into a fertile state much quicker,” Towers told CBC News. “Killer whale moms are notorious for helping their adult sons and daughters by sharing food with them and leading them, and maybe even providing mating opportunities for adult male offspring,” Towers added. The researchers who worked on the paper and witnessed the event are doubtful about the long-held assumption on how they understood the sexual behavior of orcas. Previously, researchers thought that female orcas are free-willed when it comes to picking up their mate and mating. They were often found at the top of the pod hierarchy. However, after a close-in encounter of the killer whale infanticide, Towers thinks that female Orcas are not as much free-willed like it was thought before. What they observed raises many questions about the way killer whales interact socially.
Our urinary system is a fine and rather intricate structure composed of major organs and systems that work together to filter liquids that get into our bodies through food and later remove leftover waste products. 1. Kidneys are one of the most vital organs that help filter urea from the blood that appeared as a result of protein breakdown from food. Additionally, kidneys, 2 fist sized organs located in the lower back area, filter liquids that we get from food and pass waste products down to the bladder for excretion. 2. The excess bodily fluids are pushed down from kidneys into thin tubes called urerters. The urerters pass this liquid into the bladder with the help of urerters’ muscle contractions. At times in patients suffering from kidney stones, small stone particles could be washed down thin urerters that get fully blocked requiring an emergency surgical procedure. 3. The bladder is another important organ in the urinary system that is shaped like a hollow sack positioned inside a pelvis. A bladder of an adult can hold about 2 cups of urine at a time. Once the bladder is full, we feel a strong urge to urinate. It’s recommended you empty your bladder regularly, about every 2-3 hours to avoid bladder infection. Once the urine gets too concentrated, your chances of developing bladder or urinary tract infections doubles. People with bladder infections cannot hold urine for a long time because the lining of the bladder is inflamed and it sends continuous messages to empty the bladder, though there might not be much urine at all. Urinary tract infections should not be taken lightly because the infection can spread to nearby organs, kidneys causing dangerous health situations. 4. Normally, if you are healthy a bladder is held tightly shut by special bladder muscles called sphincters. Unfortunately, many people suffer from urinary incontinence due to a variety of reasons, including age factors, pregnancy, chronic conditions or the urinary system and many more. 5. Once you relax the sphincters, the urine inside your bladder is gently released and drained through a special passage called urethra. A male’s urethra is much longer compared to a female’s. This fact makes females several times more likely to contract a urinary tract infection. 6. While females are prone to recurring UTI’s, male’s urinary system makes them susceptible to developing a host of male prostate problems. With age a male’s prostate enlarges which forces a urethra to tighten restricting a normal urinary flow. Very often male prostate problems may also lead to erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance problems. 7. Many doctors analyze patients’ urinary system facts by taking a simple urine sample that could tell a lot about their patients’ health. Protein in urine could be a sign of kidney problems. If sugar is found in urine, it can signal impending diabetes condition. Please read the article Dr. Stanley Hopkins wrote;
Old School Lessons and New School Methods Listen and learn : Lecture Sunday, June 23, 10:00–11:00 am See multiple examples of 21st century language arts pedagogy to increase student engagement and understanding of the world's most time-tested and approved classic literature so today’s students can benefit from the valuable lessons of yesterday’s stories. Come away with concrete ideas to modernize your lessons, not your lit! |Audience:||Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers| |Attendee devices:||Devices not needed| |Participant accounts, software and other materials:||Attendees may find it useful to have a Google account ready so that shared items are easily saved and manipulated, but there is no required technology.| |Focus:||Digital age teaching & learning| |Topic:||Instructional design and delivery| |Subject area:||Language arts| |ISTE Standards:||For Educators: The purpose of this session is to demonstrate to secondary English teachers how to leverage technology in order to bring new life and relevance to “old school” reading and writing lessons that make up the Language Arts Curriculum. Attendees will leave with several concrete examples of innovative projects, units, and activities that leverage technology to increase student engagement, student agency, and allow for self-paced learning and differentiation which aline with the ISTE standards for students. Attendees will also see how to adapt their current units and teaching methodologies through free, easily accessible technology that can be accessed by teachers and students. They will also learn some “analog” activities which incorporate ISTE standards, thus making the presentation appropriate for those in all types of ed tech situations, from 1:1 to one computer in the room. Finally, attendees will have the opportunity to reflect on a lesson currently in their teaching year and determine a course of action to bring that lesson into the “new school” realm. In order to achieve these outcomes, several technologies will be utilized and demonstrated, including but not limited to: Ozobot robots, Edpuzzle, Google sites, Twitter, and Actively Learn Overall, this session will employ direct instruction and audience participation to help attendees leave feeling that they are empowered to make positive changes to at least one lesson in the future. Section I: Introductions and how we got here Time: 5 minutes (approximate) Presenters will share their background and how they came to integrate technology, as well as a bit about the “old school” texts they use in class. Section II: Old School Texts, New School Tech Time: 20 minutes (approximate) Several examples of how technology was used to leverage student engagement and increase individual student success will be provided, with suggestions for use at both the middle and high school level. Self-paced units and PBLA’s through Google sites/LMS Robots meet Mythology Screencasting the story Macbeth’s movie trailer Section III: But what if I don’t have that new-fangled tech? Time: 20 minutes (approximate) Several examples of how the spirit of ISTE standards for students can still be achieved through a pedagogical shift will be shared, even if there is not abundant technology. Gamified Research Papers From Page to Screen Going Global with Author Tweets Section IV: Now What? Get those ideas down! Time: 5-10 minutes (approximate) Activity: Audience participation and discussion Attendees will work to create a collaborative document with their ideas of how to “new school” one lesson or text that they teach. Young, C. A. & Bush, J. (2004). Teaching the English language arts with technology: A critical approach and pedagogical framework. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial], 4(1). Retrieved from https://www.citejournal.org/volume-4/issue-1-04/english-language-arts/teaching-the-english-language-arts-with-technology-a-critical-approach-and-pedagogical-framework Literacy Instruction with Digital and Media Technologies "Literacy Instruction With Digital And Media Technologies." Reading Rockets. N. p., 2013. Web. 27 Sept. 2018. Because You Asked: How Tech Can Transform English/Language Arts Class from Good to Great - EdSurge News "Because You Asked: How Tech Can Transform English/Language Arts Class From Good To Great - Edsurge News." EdSurge. N. p., 2012. Web. 27 Sept. 2018
Adjective(1) extremely small in scale or scope or capability (1) But what they don't understand is that there is another equally important factor or set of factors at the micro level which are so very difficult for anybody to get at.(2) Indeed, self-employment and entrepreneurship in small and micro enterprises is fast becoming a viable option.(3) He said there are also challenges in intervening in existing very small and micro enterprises, although these are less than for the previous type of intervention.(4) Jodrell Bank, the radio astronomy observatory in the UK, uses a BBC micro from the early 1980s to steer one of their smaller dishes which tracks a pulsar in the Crab nebula.(5) It attracts Government funding through Business Link for Essex to give professional counselling and business planning training, for pre-start, start-up and micro businesses.(6) Power infrastructure is also on the agenda, often on a micro level, supplementing the large scale civilian reconstruction effort.(7) But the sale of the micro motorbikes could be far more widespread because they could be sold at markets or through newspaper ads where the seller is untraceable, Ms Foley added.(8) Fundamental to the success of the Edinburgh-based Johnston Press and other UK regional operators has been the more aggressive approach to selling advertising space at a micro level.(9) A resolution to this crisis requires a two-pronged approach that addresses both the macro and micro levels of the problem.(10) A micro camera fixed on the bumper displays three different colours on the rear view mirror along with beep sounds that increases in intensity if one is getting too close to hitting something.(11) I have a real soft-spot for Elite, having played it for many nights on a BBC micro .(12) So far on call tonight, we had a kid who coded requiring chest compressions and intubation, a newborn double-outlet right ventricle who needed lines, and a micro preemie who needs to be tapped.(13) One of the most persistent bottleneck to growth in Zambia over the decades, particularly at the micro level has been the dearth of finance capital for re-investment.(14) Human Settlements and Environment, acting under the sponsorship of the Jhabua District administration and zila panchayat is managing a micro watershed in this and other villages in the area.(15) The MMC micro can operate on either 3.3 volts or 1.8 volts, cutting power consumption up to one-sixth that of competing devices.(16) The real problem, both at a macro and a micro level, according to me, is the plummeting sex ratio. (1) micro- :: micro- Different Formsmicro, micros, microscopy English to Welsh Dictionary: micro Meaning and definitions of micro, translation in Welsh language for micro with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of micro in Welsh and in English language. Tags for the entry "micro" What micro means in Welsh, micro meaning in Welsh, micro definition, examples and pronunciation of micro in Welsh language.
George Zimmerman, accused and later acquitted of second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin, was shot on Monday. Zimmerman was driving by Trailhead Park, in Lake Mary. Since his acquittal in 2013, Zimmerman has led a life behind closed doors, out of the public’s eyes, shaken, and considerably paranoid. This case above exemplifies the overall public view of the Zimmerman’s case outcome—an unpopular decision voiced loud and clear across the nation. The Scene of the Incident Zimmerman’s shooter, had previously been involved in an altercation with in September. According to him, he was acting merely in self-defense. While Zimmerman was driving, the bullet broke through his window, causing shards of glass to fly into the vehicle. The bullet narrowly missed Zimmerman, as the injuries he sustained were merely from the impact of the shards that struck him. According to the Stand Your Ground law in Florida, the shooter’s claim of self-defense in order to protect himself, similar to the defense that was used in Zimmerman’s own trial. What Is the Stand Your Ground Law? Stand your ground means the use of force when there is impending threat or danger. It gives citizens the right to protect themselves legally without fear of punishment from the law for using the force. Other states that do not have this law require a citizen to refrain from using force as a form of self-defense. This is called “duty to retreat.” In states where Stand Your Ground is legal, however, this duty is removed. These are some situations where one may use force: - Another person who poses a threat is trying to enter your residence or dwelling - Another person trespassing on your private dwelling attacks you - If you are threatened or attacked in a location where you have the right to be in and the other does not This means that the perpetrator in an attack must have provoked the victim. In Zimmerman’s case, he was simply driving around the neighborhood. However, the shooter claimed that Zimmerman was brandishing his gun in front of the shooter, provoking him. Zimmerman’s defense team denies that he showed his gun to the shooter. While he does have a known history of aggression, and his infamous acquittal in 2013 of Trayvon Martin’s death, have made him a constant target. It is important that while Stand Your Ground laws have legal merit, the moral implications can have long-lasting consequences. It is also an entire different argument in court when trying to reason that self-defense using force was completely necessary in the case. Charged? Call us! As you can see in Zimmerman’s case, protecting one’s reputation is of the utmost importance. If you have been accused of a very serious criminal charge, you must obtain legal representation immediately. The first place you should turn to is the Miami criminal defense lawyers at Hager & Schwartz, P.A. We have more than 35 years of experience handling some of the most difficult criminal cases, securing countless acquittals and reduced charges. We offer free case consultations, and are available at all hours of the day—including weekends. Do not wait. Give us a call today!
Agriculture has a math problem. To feed an extra two billion people by 2050—the equivalent of six more United States—the world will need to increase crop production by 70% to 100%. But yield gains have slowed to just 1% a year, and the technology farmers rely on for those meager gains, such as pesticides, cause problems of their own. A Cambridge-based startup called Indigo, which announced a $56-million funding round today, thinks the solution may lie in probiotics for plants. By dosing seeds in healthy microbes, farmers can grow as much as 10% more food, and as the technology develops, yields may increase even more. The startup was inspired by research on the human microbiome—the trillions of microbes that live on and around us, affecting everything from our mood to how likely we are to get cancer. Plants, it turns out, have a microbiome of their own, and just as antibiotics wreak havoc on the human microbiome, pesticides and other chemicals have affected the health of crops. “The plant microbiome, the natural community of microbes that live inside of the plant, evolved with the plant over millions of years until modern technology has sort of systematically but unconditionally decimated them,” says CEO David Perry. “Those inventions were tremendous breakthroughs and allowed us to feed hundreds of millions of people, but they also had unintended negative consequences.” The researchers at Indigo have spent the last two years sequencing 40,000 microbes—the largest body of data that exists on the microbial makeup of plants—and figuring out how to bring those beneficial microbes back to farms. “What we do in concept is really simple: We go and try to identify what those lost beneficial microbes are, and we add them back in the form of a seed coating,” Perry says. “So it gets coated on the seed before it goes in the ground, and the result is a healthier plant.” Microbes can help plants grow with less water, in hotter weather, and in saltier soil—the types of stress that are becoming more common as the climate changes. While others have studied the plant microbiome, most are focused on the microbes living in soil. Because a small handful of soil can contain a billion microbes, however, it’s hard to tell which are actually interacting with the plant. The researchers decided to study the microbes inside of the plant instead. “We basically said look, plants have been growing in this soil for a million years, and they’ve already made this selection,” says Perry. “They’ve already sorted through and figured out which microbes are beneficial and which aren’t, and if you want to figure out which microbes are good for plants, look inside of the plant.” Because plants doused in the microbes are more resilient, they can also grow abundantly with fewer chemicals. The startup plans to initially sell its coating to farmers who are already coating seeds with things such as insecticide or fungicide, but over time, farmers should be able to reduce or even eliminate the other products. “I can imagine a time in the future where we look back on the time in history when we spread pesticides on hundreds of millions of acres and we think, ‘Thank God we don’t have to do that anymore,'” says Perry. “In theory, one can imagine sort of rebuilding healthy agriculture over time,” he says. “It’s going to take a long time . . . but you can imagine that at some point in the future it’s no longer necessary to add these back because we have these farming practices that nourish them as opposed to decimate them.” The probiotic coating could be especially helpful in parts of the developing world that are struggling with drought and can’t afford fertilizer to begin with. But Indigo’s first product, which they plan to launch this year, is designed for farmers growing major crops such as corn, soy, wheat, and cotton and who are already using advanced technology. The increase in yields could help begin to solve the problem of food production, especially in combination with other strategies, such as reducing food waste. “The increased use of modern agricultural practices, including pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, all of that stuff combined, yields about a 1% a year improvement,” says Perry. “So if we can take what we’re seeing and get it in customers’ hands, and then broadly get a 10%-improvement yield increase, that’s like jumping forward a decade in terms of our capacity to feed the world.”
9/162 Cathederal Street, Woolloomooloo, NSW, 2011 Call us now 02 9357 2710 Blood Clots are when blood which thickens or masses or lumps together and stops circulation. What to look for Our blood clots as part of a normal, healthy protective process however if any of the symptoms below occur blood clotting may be the cause: * Unexpected and remote pain in an arm or leg which can also include pins and needles sensation, numbness, or a cold feeling below the pain. Gangrene (tissue death) may occur if this is not seen to and treated. * A hard, bluish lump in a vein. * Sudden blindness in one eye may be due to a blood clot blocking a retinal artery. * Violent dizziness, or vertigo, that impairs your ability to stand or walk may be caused by a small blood clot blocking a cerebral artery. Our blood flows normally and freely through our veins and arteries and will clot as a normal, healthy defensive process. This is how any bleeding is stopped and our healing can begin. It is desirable, even vital, when a blood vessel is injured, but clot formation inside a healthy blood vessel is not normal and can be fatal. These types of clotting can indicate heart disease or venous diseases such as phlebitis. A clot that forms in the heart, blood vessel or vein and blocks circulation is called a thrombus. Tiny thrombi develop on blood vessel walls to heal minute injuries, then normally dissolve. If they don’t dissolve, they tend to slow the circulation and flow with the blood. When thrombosis occurs in one of the coronary arteries of the heart, a patient has a heart attack. If it occurs in the brain the patient has a stroke, in the leg vein can cause phlebitis and if it occurs in the artery supplying a limb, gangrene may be the result. Abnormal clotting results usually from one of the following – coronary heart disease, artery disease, prolonged immobilisation in which the blood clots because of poor circulation, after major surgery, pregnancy, taking the contraceptive pill, or it may be associated with cancer. Some individuals however may be more susceptible to this condition than others in which their blood clots more readily and easily than others. Blood will coagulate inside blood vessels if vessel walls are damaged or if circulation becomes unusually sluggish, as in atherosclerosis. Your doctor should prescribe drugs to help with this condition as well as aspirin. Blood clots may be removed during another heart operation but surgery to remove blood clots is rare and only performed in severe cases. Always inform your doctor before starting any other herbal remedies to ensure they will not interfere with your prescribed medication. Body/Mind – Massage may be very helpful if the blood clot is due to poor circulation. This should always be performed by a trained professional Massage may be very helpful if the blood clot is due to poor circulation. This should always be performed by a trained professional Herbal Therapies – Cayenne and ginkgo, Turmeric, bilberry, ginger, grape-skin extract, and gugulipid, an extract ofmyrrh, Garlic and onion, as is bromelain, a pineapple enzyme. Cayenne and ginkgo, Turmeric, bilberry, ginger, grape-skin extract, and gugulipid, an extract of myrrh, Garlic and onion, as is bromelain, a pineapple enzyme. Eat more oily fish such as tuna and sardines, fresh fruit and vegetables, fibre filtered water. Certain vitamins and minerals may also act as natural anticoagulants. Ask for advice about supplemental vitamin E and magnesium to prevent abnormal clots from forming. * Stick to the above recommended dietary lifestyle * Try to stay within your recommended weight range by exercising regularly and carefully. * Some doctors recommend daily doses of aspirin for patients at risk of abnormal clotting. But always do this under supervision of your doctor. When to seek further professional advice * you have angina or have any symptoms associated with stroke. * you experience sensory impairment.
This blog post was written by Revati Chawla, Lead-Prevention Programming at the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. The International HIV/AIDS Alliance’s mission is to put communities at the centre of the HIV/AIDS response in order to provide effective local solutions; as they work to end AIDS through community action. They are a 2018 Global Health Council Member. In July 2018, the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam brought together organisations, researchers, scientists and activists from across the globe to discuss new advances and priority areas to tackle the HIV epidemic. The global fight against new HIV infections A week earlier, UNAIDS warned that the HIV response is off-track, with new infections in 2017 remaining stubbornly high at 1.8 million. The International HIV/AIDS Alliance is part of the Global Prevention Coalition, which supports efforts to accelerate HIV prevention and reduce the level of new infections in countries most affected by the epidemic as set out in the HIV Prevention 2020 Road Map. The Roadmap charts a course for countries to achieve the global HIV primary prevention goals. Its headline target is to reduce new HIV infections by 75% from 2010 figures, to less than 500,000 per year by 2020. However, UNAIDS’ first progress report monitoring the implementation of the Road Map, released in May, shows that progress has been slow. Communities speak out on limited progress A series of shadow reports launched by the Alliance at AIDS 2018 provides an assessment of how each country is progressing against the 10-point action plan outlined in the Roadmap. Focusing on six countries – India, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Ukraine and Zimbabwe – the reports paint a picture of inconsistent engagement with civil society groups and little movement on the implementation of new accountability mechanisms that include community-based monitoring tools and initiatives. There is also an urgent need to address structural barriers, such as laws that criminalise drug use, sex work and same-sex behaviour that prevent people from accessing the services they want and need. For young people, laws requiring parental consent for HIV testing or access to SRHR services further impacts their right to health. Weak engagement with community groups and slow progress to reform outdated laws risk undermining efforts towards the HIV Prevention 2020 Roadmap. The Alliance’s shadow reports are a critical tool for communities to advocate to governments and donors to ensure HIV prevention receives adequate funding and that progress is not derailed by limited engagement with the communities most affected by the epidemic. Addressing the funding gap In a satellite session convened by the Alliance during the conference, representatives from governments, civil society and global health organisations, reflected on the current status of HIV prevention efforts and discussed the reports’ findings. Speaking out on the decisions made by governments and donors to prioritise finance for HIV treatment over prevention, Grace Kumwenda from PAKACHERE, a community based organisation in Malawi, said, “It’s not an either/or choice. Treatment should be funded, but prevention should also be funded equally. At the rate we are going now, we will not meet the 2020 prevention targets.” The shadow reports highlight clear gaps in community involvement in the HIV response in the six countries featured. Patchy progress and weak engagement with community groups risks undermining efforts towards the HIV Prevention 2020 Roadmap We must continue to assess progress in this area because if we are to meet global targets on prevention, governments must involve communities to develop effective responses for those most at risk of acquiring HIV and provide adequate resources to ensure their participation. About the Alliance The International HIV/AIDS Alliance was founded in 1993 to support community groups in countries that were most affected by the global AIDS crisis. We offered a vision and a way of working that would put communities at the centre of the response in order to provide effective local solutions. We now work with communities in over 40 countries to take local, national and global action on HIV, health and human rights. Learn more about the International HIV/AIDS Alliance.
Nigeria has the world’s highest number of out-of-school children. In the north, only 53% of primary school age children attend formal schooling. 25.8% of children between 12 and 17 years have no access to education, 27.2% children between 6 and 11 years do not attend school (UNICEF) - Increase school enrollment - Enhance access to education and quality learning - Increase community engagement in schooling - Train teachers to provide psychosocial support - Work with partners to provide livelihood-targeted programmes for emergency-affected adolescent and young adults Extreme poverty and hunger are predominantly rural, with smallholder farmers and their families making up a very significant proportion of the poor and hungry. Thus, eradicating poverty and hunger are integrally linked to boosting food production, agricultural productivity and rural incomes. Agriculture systems worldwide must become more productive and less wasteful. Sustainable agricultural practices and food systems, including both production and consumption, must be pursued from a holistic and integrated perspective. - Promote food security through sustainable smart agricultural activities - Empower Rural Farmers to help improve their productivity on sustainable basis Diseases like pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria – combined with underlying malnutrition – are responsible for most deaths of infants and children in Nigeria, and one of its highest rates of maternal, child and infant mortality, with 34% of under-five mortality occurring within the first 30 days of life. It has the fourth highest HIV burden in the world and tens of millions of Nigerians still do not have access to clean water and proper sanitation. 2,700 children die everyday from diseases that can easily be treated and cured (NDHS 2013). - Community outreach and advocacy on routine checkups - Community Mobilization/Sensitization - Improving access and quality of integrated HIV services for women and children - Strengthen primary health care systems with a focus on community platforms - Provide children and families in humanitarian crises with access to quality healthcare services Inequality in terms of income and opportunities has been growing rapidly and has adversely affected poverty reduction. More than half of Nigeria’s population live in poverty, most of them in the north of the country due to the Boko Haram insurgency and a lack of economic development. The lack of job opportunities is at the core of the high poverty levels, of regional inequality, and of social and political unrest in the country. - Empower youth and women in economic activities, social development and poverty alleviation through skills acquisition programmes. - Create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income - SMEs support to access finance and business development
Is the radiation of the communication tower harmful to us? Communication towers are generally divided into several types that are common to us: mobile communication base stations and PHS base stations. These base stations are generally set up in residential buildings or operating buildings, and their transmitter power is relatively small, generally 20 to 30 watts. The transmitting antennas are all directional antennas, and the electromagnetic waves are emitted slightly downwards in three directions. The main beam of the antenna beam is planned to be smaller, the vertical distribution is also narrower, and the electromagnetic wave is attenuated rapidly, and the attenuation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Therefore, although the base station is close to the surrounding buildings, the electromagnetic radiation water of the environmental active point of the building around the base station uniformly meets the legal limit of 40 mW/cm2. The surrounding environment of the base station is generally divided into the following three types: 1. Regarding the building of the base station, many people think that the antenna is on the top of the building. Then the downstairs is definitely very severe. In fact, this kind of knowing is wrong. The antenna is launched horizontally downwards. The building itself has The shielding effect of electromagnetic waves, so the building foundation of the antenna is not affected, the monitoring value is generally not detected to 1.0mW/cm2, and the vast majority are not detected. 2, the area of electromagnetic radiation is very large, the horizontal distance from the antenna is less than 30 meters, the height and antenna are appropriate, and there are windows or balconies in the main shooting direction of the antenna. At this time, the monitoring value outside the window or on the balcony is generally Not detected to 27mW/cm2, most of which is less than 10mW/cm2, the vast majority of indoor monitoring values are not detected. Third, regarding the horizontal distance of the antenna from the antenna is more than 30 meters, or the height is lower than the antenna, the monitoring value is generally not detected to 2mW/cm2, and the vast majority are not detected. Secondly, regarding the radio and television transmission tower, its transmission power is relatively high, ranging from tens of kilowatts to thousands of kilowatts. However, due to the high orientation of the antenna frame, it is generally 2-3 hundred meters, and the electromagnetic wave attenuation is very fast. Therefore, the surrounding electromagnetic radiation pollution is also generally better. For example, the central TV tower, from the current monitoring situation, the electromagnetic field strength around the day and the working environment is in line with the legal limit of 40mW/cm2. We used to be in the distance from the center TV. The tower is very close to the high-rise residents of the park, and the large value outside the window does not exceed 10mW/cm2. The indoors are generally not detected. Some of the serious pollution around the center is the medium wave broadcast tower, whose antenna height is generally lower than that of the TV tower, and the surrounding electromagnetic field intensity is slightly higher. The monitoring value of the electromagnetic radiation environment of the single high-rise roof channel closer to the tower is exceeded. The legal norm limit is 40V/m, and the environmental monitoring points of the floor with low floor or not directly facing the tower are in compliance with the specifications, and the indoor environmental monitoring value is generally not detected. Communication tower pollution is generally predicted before it is established, in order to prevent harm to residents.
Sep 10 2019 Brief guide on the best way to write a learning pupil research study employed in a group Work with any research study is really a process that is largely creative. Plus, in just about every united group, your projects style and approach to accomplishing tasks are designed in various means. Nevertheless, several years of training and types of the brightest victories of history let us formulate a few tips that are universal highlight one of the keys points that needs to be taken into consideration for every group that hopes and dreams of succeeding. All things are quite complicated as well as the exact same time simple. It is hard, as you want to put every thing away entirely – both intellectually and actually. Merely, because, in reality, on the road to victory you must do just three things: to put together a team that is ideal to fix the truth qualitatively and to present your choice perfectly. Tips about planning the work of re re solving an instance research The team usually has a week in order to present an exhaustive solution to the case. In line with the good student that is old, numerous groups postpone focus on the actual situation for the past day or two and on occasion even hours. Try not to repeat their errors! The triumph, grades and respect for the instructor usually are gotten by people apa 6th format citation generator who fairly distributed their energy and involved in re solving an incident research through the day that is first. We advice which you prepare the instance solution as follows: - 1-2 day. Thoughtfully browse the text, wanting to know very well what, in reality, they desire away from you. You ought to read actually very very carefully, in silence sufficient reason for a marker in your hand. Highlight key goals, formulate tasks. If you were to think it’s important, seek out additional information dedicated to the way it is, then make an effort to put forward a preliminary theory. Don’t neglect to devote time for you to issues that are organizational outline the decision framework and methodology of analysis, distribute responsibilities among downline. - Days 3-4. Work with parallel, accumulating and information that is gradually analyzing. The prepared areas of the clear answer are safer to be manufactured into slides at the same time and delivered to the group user that is getting back together the presentation that is final. - Times 5-6. Link most of the disparate parts together, create a clear decision, draw conclusions and framework exactly what you have got in the long run. - Time 7. Throughout the day, focus on the dwelling for the presentation, complete it, always check and double-check the data that are key. Make sure to invest the before presentation together with a team day. This isn’t just ideal for company, but additionally enjoyable. Don’t forget to organize a rehearsal of the presentation. Just like a consultant: take to a method with hypotheses Just starting to think over the instance, take to the method out employed by strategic specialists inside their work. To begin with, they structure the world of task: determine the boundaries associated with the project, divide it into components. As soon as the info is collected and precisely arranged, the consultant puts forward a theory, to ensure which he collects the facts that are necessary. All information is produced in a rational tree. Having made conclusions that are certain the framework of their theory, the consultant provides some options. One of them, one is chosen, by using which the task posed into the instance could be resolved. If none associated with options would work, you will need to test another theory. Make use of the approach to professionals if you want to possess specific experience. To start with, due to inexperience, you can easily miss many things and work out a big error. However you want to practice considering that the approach to hypotheses dramatically speeds within the procedure for solving a continuing business issue, hence re solving an incident study.
Pitfalls of Hinduism by Rishi Dayananda Losses and benefits of Hindu religion Pitfalls of Hinduism :- In the course of his extensive tours throughout the length and breadth of India, Dayanand has come into contract with Hindus of different creeds, sects and mental attainment. He studies of the Bedas and ancillary books and study of spurious books the following Pitfalls had developed in Hinduism :- - Idol Worship :- Instead of worship of formless, all powerful and All-pervading God, idols of imaginary gods and goddesses and dead person began to be worshipped. It was installed into the mind of the worshippers by the Crafty priests that those idols, when worshippers by the crafty priests that those idols, when worshipped would grant all kinds of booms and blessings. Men began to have full faith in their idols and neglected their duties. The idols which came to be worshipped included those of Ram, Krishna, Sita, Hanuman, Mahavir, Buddha, Shankaracharya. In addition, idols of imaginary gods and goddesses, Shiva, Shankar, Mahadev, Ganesh, Parbati, Kali, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Shakti, Durga, Vaishno-Devi Bhairon Devi, Sheranwali, are being worshipped by the Hindus. Pitfalls of Hinduism - Avtar-Vad i.e. Belief that God incarnates Himself. - Anti Vedic Literature- Such as puranas, and Scriptures of anti-Vedic creeds and faith. - Belief in Shraddha ceremonies in commomoratin of dead relatives. - Child marriage. “Hindu Marriage Act passed by the Government had done away with this evil. Pitfalls of Hinduism In his lectures, discussions and debates Dayanand criticized the then prevailing following creeds and faiths of Hindus which were anti-Vedic in many respects :- - Vama Marg. - Brahmo Samaj. - Prarthna Samaj. Pitfalls of Hinduism - Kabir Panth. - Dadu Panth. - Gosain Mat. - Swami Narayan Mat. - Radha Swami Mat. Dyanand did not believe in pilgrimage to holy places like Haridwar, Benaras, Dwarka, Som Nath, Jaggannth Puri, Gaya, Badrinath, Kedarnath etc. No merit whatsoever accrues on accunt of pilgrimage to these places. He has cited the following verse in Satyarth Prakash (P.308) to prove the utter futility of such like beliefs. Pitfalls of Hinduism “He who utters the name of Ganga even from a distance of 100 miles is freed from his sins.” Such a belief and text only encourage sins because the doer is convinced in his mind that all his sins would be effaced if he utters the word Ganga from a distance even. Pitfalls of Hinduism - Karam Narain Kapoor