#!/bin/bash # this script is for deduping images based on tags after they have been interrogated using this extension # # the file removal instructions are written to remove_instructions.sh # you have to manually run remove_instructions.sh to remove the files # this script requires exiftool and feh # TODO: implement this in the extension # # Usage: # repo_dir=/path/to/repo # cd /path/to/images # # use tabs as field separator while read -r -d '\t' first_file second_file etc; do # images may be jpg jpeg or png first_image=$(basename "$first_file" ".txt") if [[ -f "$first_image.jpg" ]]; then first_image="$first_image.jpg" elif [[ -f "$first_image.jpeg" ]]; then first_image="$first_image.jpeg" elif [[ -f "$first_image.png" ]]; then first_image="$first_image.png" else echo "No image file found for $first_file" 1>&2 continue fi second_image=$(basename "$second_file" ".txt") if [[ -f "$second_image.jpg" ]]; then second_image="$second_image.jpg" elif [[ -f "$second_image.jpeg" ]]; then second_image="$second_image.jpeg" elif [[ -f "$second_image.png" ]]; then second_image="$second_image.png" else echo "No image file found for $second_file" 1>&2 continue fi feh -g 950x800+5+30 -Z --scale-down -d -S filename --title "$first_image" "$first_image"& pid1=$! feh -g 950x800+963+30 -Z --scale-down -d -S filename --title "$second_image" "$second_image"& pid2=$! read -p "Are $first_image and $second_image the same? " -n 1 -r REPLY &2 if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo "Not the same" 1>&2 continue fi # keep file with largest dimensions first_width=$(exiftool "$first_image" | grep -E '^Image Width' | cut -d ':' -f 2) first_height=$(exiftool "$first_image" | grep -E '^Image Height' | cut -d ':' -f 2) second_width=$(exiftool "$second_image" | grep -E '^Image Width' | cut -d ':' -f 2) second_height=$(exiftool "$second_image" | grep -E '^Image Height' | cut -d ':' -f 2) echo -e "$first_image: ${first_width}x${first_height}\t-\t$second_image: ${second_width}x${second_height}" 1>&2 first_product=$((first_width * first_height)) second_product=$((second_width * second_height)) if [ $first_product -eq $second_product ]; then read -p "Same size for 1) $first_image and 2) $second_image. Which one do you want to keep? (1/2) [skip]" -n 1 -r REPLY &2 if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[1]$ ]]; then echo "Keeping $first_file" 1>&2 echo rm "$second_file" "$second_image" elif [[ $REPLY =~ ^[2]$ ]]; then echo "Keeping $second_file" 1>&2 echo rm "$first_file" "$first_image" else echo "Skipping" 1>&2 fi elif [ $((first_width * first_height)) -gt $((second_width * second_height)) ]; then echo "Keeping $first_file" 1>&2 echo rm "$second_file" "$second_image" else echo "Keeping $second_file" 1>&2 echo rm "$first_file" "$first_image" fi kill $pid1 $pid2 done < <( ls -1 *.txt | while read f; do sed 's/, /\n/g' "$f" | sort | tr '\n' ',' | sed "s~,$~\t$f\n~" done | sort | awk -F'\t' '{ a[$1] = a[$1] == "" ? $2 : a[$1]"\t"$2; } END { for (i in a) { if (index(a[i], "\t") != 0) { print a[i]; } } }') > remove_instructions.sh