# PersianNER Named-Entity Recognition in Persian Language ## ArmanPersoNERCorpus This is the first manually-annotated Persian named-entity (NE) dataset (ISLRN 399-379-640-828-6). We are releasing it only for academic research use. The dataset includes 250,015 tokens and 7,682 Persian sentences in total. It is available in 3 folds to be used in turn as training and test sets. Each file contains one token, along with its manually annotated named-entity tag, per line. Each sentence is separated with a newline. The NER tags are in IOB format. According to the instructions provided to the annotators, NEs are categorized into six classes: person, organization (such as banks, ministries, embassies, teams, nationalities, networks and publishers), location (such as cities, villages, rivers, seas, gulfs, deserts and mountains), facility (such as schools, universities, research centers, airports, railways, bridges, roads, harbors, stations, hospitals, parks, zoos and cinemas), product (such as books, newspapers, TV shows, movies, airplanes, ships, cars, theories, laws, agreements and religions), and event (such as wars, earthquakes, national holidays, festivals and conferences); other are the remaining tokens.