biotin & digestion. after stumbling upon an article in my health textbook i found that biotin is actually essential to digestion & also produced in the colon! i thought the biotin was what was causing my digestive issues (being constipated after the morning 'go). how is this possibl? . omy doc says i could have irritable bowel because my mother has it. i am 19. don't want to ask my dr. cause i want a second opinion on this. biotin is involved in the breakdown of carbs protein and fat but i have never heard it being used to treat digestive issues. additional biotin would only help if there was a deficiency which is not common (see this article for symptoms). you could always take a multivitamin which would cover you. i recommend addressing your diet and how to improve it to help your symptoms. getting a second opinion and seeing a registered dietitian who specializes in digestive issues can help. good luck! read more: constipation digestive disorders i bs with constipation
biotin & digestion. after stumbling upon an article in my health textbook i found that biotin is actually essential to digestion & also produced in the colon! i thought the biotin was what was causing my digestive issues (being constipated after the morning 'go). how is this possibl? . omy doc says i could have irritable bowel because my mother has it. i am 19. don't want to ask my dr. cause i want a second opinion on this.
biotin is involved in the breakdown of carbs protein and fat but i have never heard it being used to treat digestive issues. additional biotin would only help if there was a deficiency which is not common (see this article for symptoms). you could always take a multivitamin which would cover you. i recommend addressing your diet and how to improve it to help your symptoms. getting a second opinion and seeing a registered dietitian who specializes in digestive issues can help. good luck! read more: constipation digestive disorders i bs with constipation
will replacing full sugar soda with diet soda help one lose weight? . i keep seeing the same study cited over and over again claiming diet soda causes one to crave sweet things and may induce people to overeat. this has not been my experience and replacing sugar soda with diet soda has helped me lose weight and keep it off. is there any scientific consensus about this? just searching "diet soda and weight" on google gives a bunch of pages that keeps citing the same few studies. t his article on webmd explains the science and that yes websites and blogs tend to focus on the diet soda and weight gain and weight gain angle even though the evidence is scant. studies show that when used with a reduced calorie diet non-caloric drinks help people lose weight. there is some concern that regular diet soda consumption increases the risk for heart disease and stroke. but more studies are needed to confirm a relationship. if you find it works for you then that's all that counts. just keep an eye out for research on the health effects. good luck!
will replacing full sugar soda with diet soda help one lose weight? . i keep seeing the same study cited over and over again claiming diet soda causes one to crave sweet things and may induce people to overeat. this has not been my experience and replacing sugar soda with diet soda has helped me lose weight and keep it off. is there any scientific consensus about this? just searching "diet soda and weight" on google gives a bunch of pages that keeps citing the same few studies.
t his article on webmd explains the science and that yes websites and blogs tend to focus on the diet soda and weight gain and weight gain angle even though the evidence is scant. studies show that when used with a reduced calorie diet non-caloric drinks help people lose weight. there is some concern that regular diet soda consumption increases the risk for heart disease and stroke. but more studies are needed to confirm a relationship. if you find it works for you then that's all that counts. just keep an eye out for research on the health effects. good luck!
my child wants to eat constanly and is on concerta for adha. dont know if symptom or eating disorder. she use to have curbed appetite being on the medicine but now eats non stop. gorges herself and thinks she is hungry non stop. most helpful answer although the medication she is on often decreases appetite it can increase appetite in some people. i would visit a pediatric dietitian for an evaluation to make sure nothing else is going on. you can find a dietitian near you at eatright. org. in the meantime here are some things you can do at home: structure meals and snacks at the table and don't allow grazing between meals. provide a variety of food groups at meals (2-3 at snack and 4-5 at meals) especially protein rich foods and fiber (fruits vegetables whole grains beans) that help increase feelings of fullness. allow treats but provide them less often. encourage her to listen to feeling so fullness and remind her she can have more food at the next meal etc. allow at least an hour of day for physical activity. good luck!
my child wants to eat constanly and is on concerta for adha. dont know if symptom or eating disorder. she use to have curbed appetite being on the medicine but now eats non stop. gorges herself and thinks she is hungry non stop.
most helpful answer although the medication she is on often decreases appetite it can increase appetite in some people. i would visit a pediatric dietitian for an evaluation to make sure nothing else is going on. you can find a dietitian near you at eatright. org. in the meantime here are some things you can do at home: structure meals and snacks at the table and don't allow grazing between meals. provide a variety of food groups at meals (2-3 at snack and 4-5 at meals) especially protein rich foods and fiber (fruits vegetables whole grains beans) that help increase feelings of fullness. allow treats but provide them less often. encourage her to listen to feeling so fullness and remind her she can have more food at the next meal etc. allow at least an hour of day for physical activity. good luck!
i weigh 180 pounds and i want to lose 30 pounds. what is the fastest yet halthiest way i can achieve this? . i can barely go to the gym because of my hectic schedule and when i do its only for about 20 minutes because that is seriously all i can afford. people have suggested this thing called the 3 day diet but i think after that i will just gain it all back. people have also suggest a no carb no sugar diet but i really have no idea what that consists of. before i went to college i weighed 130 pounds i want to meet somewhere in the middle and be 150 which is a normal weight for being 5'9. . please help there are lots of healthy ways to lose weight but the key is to determine why you gained weight the the first place and work on that. is it a lack of activity? stress? not planing meals? poor cooking skills? diets work short-term but are more difficult to sustain over the long haul when those same issues that cause the weight gain come back. why go to the trouble of losing weight if your likely to gain it back? i suggest seeing a registered dietitian (you can find one at (eatright. org). a dietitian can help you figure out why you have gained weight and develop a realistic plan for moving forward and gradually losing weight. good luck! for more reading see: 5 surprising reasons you're gaining weight
i weigh 180 pounds and i want to lose 30 pounds. what is the fastest yet halthiest way i can achieve this? . i can barely go to the gym because of my hectic schedule and when i do its only for about 20 minutes because that is seriously all i can afford. people have suggested this thing called the 3 day diet but i think after that i will just gain it all back. people have also suggest a no carb no sugar diet but i really have no idea what that consists of. before i went to college i weighed 130 pounds i want to meet somewhere in the middle and be 150 which is a normal weight for being 5'9. . please help
there are lots of healthy ways to lose weight but the key is to determine why you gained weight the the first place and work on that. is it a lack of activity? stress? not planing meals? poor cooking skills? diets work short-term but are more difficult to sustain over the long haul when those same issues that cause the weight gain come back. why go to the trouble of losing weight if your likely to gain it back? i suggest seeing a registered dietitian (you can find one at (eatright. org). a dietitian can help you figure out why you have gained weight and develop a realistic plan for moving forward and gradually losing weight. good luck! for more reading see: 5 surprising reasons you're gaining weight
what is ideal level of hydration? is there a formula regarding height and weight? there are no recommendations of fluid by weight. it is generally accepted that drinking to thirst should be adequate unless you have certain medical conditions participate in intense or prolonged exercise or live in hot climates. the institute of medicine does have general fluid guidelines -- 11 or more cups per day for women and 15 or more for men. this includes fluid from food and beverages (even caffeinated drinks like coffee). see this article for more information.
what is ideal level of hydration? is there a formula regarding height and weight?
there are no recommendations of fluid by weight. it is generally accepted that drinking to thirst should be adequate unless you have certain medical conditions participate in intense or prolonged exercise or live in hot climates. the institute of medicine does have general fluid guidelines -- 11 or more cups per day for women and 15 or more for men. this includes fluid from food and beverages (even caffeinated drinks like coffee). see this article for more information.
is vitamin k the same thing as potassium. the reason i ask this question is because i have been taking lisinopril 20 mg twice a day. plus omega 3-6-9 twice daily. plus alive vitamin for women 50+ once a day. and i am worried about getting too much potassium. i did not know if vitamin k is the same thing as potassium. this vitamin does not list potassium or iron. so i figured it would be safe for me to take. also since i take 40 mg daily of lisinopril. would it hurt me to eat an occasional banana.? i just checked the alive vitamin for women 50+ and it does not appear to have potassium added. vitamin k is not the same thing as potassium. potassium is usually not added to multivitamins. you need to talk to your doctor about whether or nor you can have potassium rich foods like bananas while you are on lisinopril.
is vitamin k the same thing as potassium. the reason i ask this question is because i have been taking lisinopril 20 mg twice a day. plus omega 3-6-9 twice daily. plus alive vitamin for women 50+ once a day. and i am worried about getting too much potassium. i did not know if vitamin k is the same thing as potassium. this vitamin does not list potassium or iron. so i figured it would be safe for me to take. also since i take 40 mg daily of lisinopril. would it hurt me to eat an occasional banana.?
i just checked the alive vitamin for women 50+ and it does not appear to have potassium added. vitamin k is not the same thing as potassium. potassium is usually not added to multivitamins. you need to talk to your doctor about whether or nor you can have potassium rich foods like bananas while you are on lisinopril.
is 105 mg of vitamine b12 a dangerous dosage? . i am taking a multivitamin tablet that contains 100 mg with methycobalmin? and 5 mg of b12 as methycobalmin andadenosylcoalmin? am i taking too much daily of this vitamin? i think you mean micrograms (mcg) instead of milligrams (mg). if you really are taking 105mg that would equal 105 000mcg. the recommended amount of vitamin b12 for adults is 2. 4mcg. but there is no upper limit set by the institute of medicine because no adverse effects have been found with taking excess vitamin b12. because it is a water soluble vitamin it's potential for toxicity is low. most people get enough from diet unless they are vegetarians older or have a health condition that decreases the absorption of vitamin b12. for more on proper dosing and side effects see this webmd page.
is 105 mg of vitamine b12 a dangerous dosage? . i am taking a multivitamin tablet that contains 100 mg with methycobalmin? and 5 mg of b12 as methycobalmin andadenosylcoalmin? am i taking too much daily of this vitamin?
i think you mean micrograms (mcg) instead of milligrams (mg). if you really are taking 105mg that would equal 105 000mcg. the recommended amount of vitamin b12 for adults is 2. 4mcg. but there is no upper limit set by the institute of medicine because no adverse effects have been found with taking excess vitamin b12. because it is a water soluble vitamin it's potential for toxicity is low. most people get enough from diet unless they are vegetarians older or have a health condition that decreases the absorption of vitamin b12. for more on proper dosing and side effects see this webmd page.
is gaining weight and hemorroids a sign of menopause? . does weight gain and hemorrhoids have anything to do with menopause? i have gained a lot of weight and just recently got hemorrhoids. i haven't had my period since february 2013. is it possible for someone only 32 yrs old to go through menopause? it is possible to go through premature menopause before 40 but only a doctor can say for sure. weight gain especially in the midsection is related to menopause because the ovaries no longer produce estrogen and this changes the way fat is metabolized. hemorrhoids are not commonly associated with menopause and can happen to anyone especially if they are inactive drink little water and consume a diet low in fiber. not getting your periods is a serious manner so i highly recommend you see a doctor to rule out menopause or other health issues that could be going on. don't delay! for more on premature menopause see this webmd article
is gaining weight and hemorroids a sign of menopause? . does weight gain and hemorrhoids have anything to do with menopause? i have gained a lot of weight and just recently got hemorrhoids. i haven't had my period since february 2013. is it possible for someone only 32 yrs old to go through menopause?
it is possible to go through premature menopause before 40 but only a doctor can say for sure. weight gain especially in the midsection is related to menopause because the ovaries no longer produce estrogen and this changes the way fat is metabolized. hemorrhoids are not commonly associated with menopause and can happen to anyone especially if they are inactive drink little water and consume a diet low in fiber. not getting your periods is a serious manner so i highly recommend you see a doctor to rule out menopause or other health issues that could be going on. don't delay! for more on premature menopause see this webmd article
can u give a child simply garcinia. that is 75 pounds over weight i would not rely on a supplement to help a child lose weight. first off dietary supplements aren't regulated by the fda and their safety is not known. second no supplement alone can solve a weight problem. you need to find out why your child is carrying extra weight and work to change it. i highly recommend you see a pediatric dietitian who can help you learn not just what to feed your child but how to feed them. children are still growing so special care needs to be taken when it comes to diet and how they are treated about weight to prevent disordered eating. you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright. org
can u give a child simply garcinia. that is 75 pounds over weight
i would not rely on a supplement to help a child lose weight. first off dietary supplements aren't regulated by the fda and their safety is not known. second no supplement alone can solve a weight problem. you need to find out why your child is carrying extra weight and work to change it. i highly recommend you see a pediatric dietitian who can help you learn not just what to feed your child but how to feed them. children are still growing so special care needs to be taken when it comes to diet and how they are treated about weight to prevent disordered eating. you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright. org
is mineral water good for your diet. can mineral water replace vegetables in a healthy diet all water is beneficial for health. the amount of minerals in mineral water is minimal and should not be considered substitute for eating fruits and vegetables. fruits and vegetables contains high amounts of vitamins and minerals but also contain fiber and antioxidants that help maintain good health. here's some help getting started eating fruits and vegetables. good luck!
is mineral water good for your diet. can mineral water replace vegetables in a healthy diet
all water is beneficial for health. the amount of minerals in mineral water is minimal and should not be considered substitute for eating fruits and vegetables. fruits and vegetables contains high amounts of vitamins and minerals but also contain fiber and antioxidants that help maintain good health. here's some help getting started eating fruits and vegetables. good luck!
i am confused because my dr says to stay on a low protein diet because my ammonia level is 151. . however my total protein test is low at 5. 6 won't this effect my total protein result? usually when ammonia is high there is trouble with the liver since it is the organ that breaks down protein to ammonia. it is no longer standard practice to subscribe very low protein diets with liver disease (i'm not sure how much your doctor is recommending). the key is to eat the right amount of protein -- not too much but not too little. the total protein measures the amount of protein in the blood which could be affected by your diet. i recommend seeing a registered dietitian who can explain to you the amount of protein you need and how it relates to all of your blood levels. read more: total serum protein ammonia blood test
i am confused because my dr says to stay on a low protein diet because my ammonia level is 151. . however my total protein test is low at 5. 6 won't this effect my total protein result?
usually when ammonia is high there is trouble with the liver since it is the organ that breaks down protein to ammonia. it is no longer standard practice to subscribe very low protein diets with liver disease (i'm not sure how much your doctor is recommending). the key is to eat the right amount of protein -- not too much but not too little. the total protein measures the amount of protein in the blood which could be affected by your diet. i recommend seeing a registered dietitian who can explain to you the amount of protein you need and how it relates to all of your blood levels. read more: total serum protein ammonia blood test
can you please tell me daily doses for vitamins and daily servings of foods to increase low blood platelet counts? low platelets also called thrombocytopenia happen for a variety of reasons such as certain diseases and medications. the way to correct it is to treat the reason it is occurring by working with your doctor. in some cases deficiencies of vitamin b12 and folate can be the cause so supplements may be recommended. there is no one diet or specific foods that has been shown to increase platelets. for more on thrombocytopenia see this webmd article.
can you please tell me daily doses for vitamins and daily servings of foods to increase low blood platelet counts?
low platelets also called thrombocytopenia happen for a variety of reasons such as certain diseases and medications. the way to correct it is to treat the reason it is occurring by working with your doctor. in some cases deficiencies of vitamin b12 and folate can be the cause so supplements may be recommended. there is no one diet or specific foods that has been shown to increase platelets. for more on thrombocytopenia see this webmd article.
do i have ibs? 3 bowel movements a day. i'm a 20 year old male and lately i have been having about 3 small(not too small but smaller) bowel movements daily usually after each meal. . i eat a lot of fiber 35-40 grams per day and usually drink a lot of water. is this normal for my high fiber/lots of water diet or is this progression a sign of me possibly developing ibs or colitis? . for the record this bowel movement increase does coincide with a rise in my fiber intake prior to the rise i usually had a bowel movement daily. only a doctor can diagnose you with ibs or another related gastrointestinal disorder. but from what you have shared it seems your increase in bowel movements is due to your increase in fiber. especially if you are not feeling abdominal pain or bloating and your bowels are not hard or really loose. for more on the symptoms of ibs see this webmd article. if your daily bowel movements are due to increasing your fiber as i suspect your bowels will likely evolve to less frequent as your body adapts. if you feel something is wrong though don't hesitate to see your healthcare provider. best of luck to you!
do i have ibs? 3 bowel movements a day. i'm a 20 year old male and lately i have been having about 3 small(not too small but smaller) bowel movements daily usually after each meal. . i eat a lot of fiber 35-40 grams per day and usually drink a lot of water. is this normal for my high fiber/lots of water diet or is this progression a sign of me possibly developing ibs or colitis? . for the record this bowel movement increase does coincide with a rise in my fiber intake prior to the rise i usually had a bowel movement daily.
only a doctor can diagnose you with ibs or another related gastrointestinal disorder. but from what you have shared it seems your increase in bowel movements is due to your increase in fiber. especially if you are not feeling abdominal pain or bloating and your bowels are not hard or really loose. for more on the symptoms of ibs see this webmd article. if your daily bowel movements are due to increasing your fiber as i suspect your bowels will likely evolve to less frequent as your body adapts. if you feel something is wrong though don't hesitate to see your healthcare provider. best of luck to you!
does sugar feed cancer? according to the american cancer society's website: "no sugar intake has not been shown to directly increase the risk of getting cancer or having it get worse (progress). still sugars and sugar-sweetened drinks add large amounts of calories to the diet and can cause weight gain which we know can affect cancer outcomes. " it makes sense to eat a healthy whole food based diet with cancer which would naturally be low in added sugars but no one can say for sure if it feeds cancer. for more on diet see this webmd article. the american caner association is either being extremely negligent evasive or just plain ignorant when it comes to cancer. according to german doctor otto wartberg the "crux of his nobel thesis was that malignant tumors frequently exhibit an increase in anaerobic glycolysis -- a process whereby glucose is used as a fuel by cancer cells with lactic acid as an anaerobic byproduct -- compared to normal tissues. 1 the large amount of lactic acid produced by this fermentation of glucose from cancer cells is then transported to the liver. this conversion of glucose to lactate generates a lower more acidic ph in cancerous tissues as well as overall physical fatigue from lactic acid buildup. 2 3 thus larger tumors tend to exhibit a more acidic ph. 4 this inefficient pathway for energy metabolism yields only 2 moles of adenosine triphosphate (atp) energy per mole of glucose compared to 38 moles of atp in the complete aerobic oxidation of glucose. by extracting only about 5 percent (2 vs. 38 moles of atp) of the available energy in the food supply and the body's calorie stores the cancer is "wasting" energy and the patient becomes tired and undernourished. this vicious cycle increases body wasting. 5 it is one reason why 40 percent of cancer patients die from malnutrition or cachexia. 6 hence cancer therapies should encompass regulating blood-glucose levels via diet supplements non-oral solutions for cachectic patients who lose their appetite medication exercise gradual weight loss and stress reduction. professional guidance and patient self-discipline are crucial at this point in the cancer process. the quest is not to eliminate sugars or carbohydrates from the diet but rather to control blood glucose within a narrow range to help starve the cancer and bolster immune function. " to read more go to the april 2000 issue of nutrition science news or www. mercola. com/article/sugar/sugar_cancer.
does sugar feed cancer?
according to the american cancer society's website: "no sugar intake has not been shown to directly increase the risk of getting cancer or having it get worse (progress). still sugars and sugar-sweetened drinks add large amounts of calories to the diet and can cause weight gain which we know can affect cancer outcomes. " it makes sense to eat a healthy whole food based diet with cancer which would naturally be low in added sugars but no one can say for sure if it feeds cancer. for more on diet see this webmd article. the american caner association is either being extremely negligent evasive or just plain ignorant when it comes to cancer. according to german doctor otto wartberg the "crux of his nobel thesis was that malignant tumors frequently exhibit an increase in anaerobic glycolysis -- a process whereby glucose is used as a fuel by cancer cells with lactic acid as an anaerobic byproduct -- compared to normal tissues. 1 the large amount of lactic acid produced by this fermentation of glucose from cancer cells is then transported to the liver. this conversion of glucose to lactate generates a lower more acidic ph in cancerous tissues as well as overall physical fatigue from lactic acid buildup. 2 3 thus larger tumors tend to exhibit a more acidic ph. 4 this inefficient pathway for energy metabolism yields only 2 moles of adenosine triphosphate (atp) energy per mole of glucose compared to 38 moles of atp in the complete aerobic oxidation of glucose. by extracting only about 5 percent (2 vs. 38 moles of atp) of the available energy in the food supply and the body's calorie stores the cancer is "wasting" energy and the patient becomes tired and undernourished. this vicious cycle increases body wasting. 5 it is one reason why 40 percent of cancer patients die from malnutrition or cachexia. 6 hence cancer therapies should encompass regulating blood-glucose levels via diet supplements non-oral solutions for cachectic patients who lose their appetite medication exercise gradual weight loss and stress reduction. professional guidance and patient self-discipline are crucial at this point in the cancer process. the quest is not to eliminate sugars or carbohydrates from the diet but rather to control blood glucose within a narrow range to help starve the cancer and bolster immune function. " to read more go to the april 2000 issue of nutrition science news or www. mercola. com/article/sugar/sugar_cancer.
how does chemo effect blood sugar levels? . the morning after chemo treatment my blood sugar was 208 i'm usually in range under 120 with an occasional 140. my type 2 diabetes is diet controlled. some chemo drugs can elevate blood sugar levels. it's important to talk to your doctors about whether or not you need to add medication during your cancer treatment to help keep blood sugars controlled. good luck!
how does chemo effect blood sugar levels? . the morning after chemo treatment my blood sugar was 208 i'm usually in range under 120 with an occasional 140. my type 2 diabetes is diet controlled.
some chemo drugs can elevate blood sugar levels. it's important to talk to your doctors about whether or not you need to add medication during your cancer treatment to help keep blood sugars controlled. good luck!
how to eat flax seeds one of the easiest and convenient ways to add flax-seeds to your diet is by using flax-seed meal. most grocery stores sell it -- the seeds are already ground up for you. simply add spoonfuls to cereal like oatmeal baked goods (like pancakes and muffins) and in smoothies. it really doesn't have a taste (a bit nutty) and it's a great way to get more omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. for more recipes and info on the benefits of flax-seeds see this webmd article.
how to eat flax seeds
one of the easiest and convenient ways to add flax-seeds to your diet is by using flax-seed meal. most grocery stores sell it -- the seeds are already ground up for you. simply add spoonfuls to cereal like oatmeal baked goods (like pancakes and muffins) and in smoothies. it really doesn't have a taste (a bit nutty) and it's a great way to get more omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. for more recipes and info on the benefits of flax-seeds see this webmd article.
despite regular cardio exercise and eating healthy i can't seem to lose weight? . okay maybe i can't lose weight is misleading but i am losing muscle and gaining fat. my exercise includes running for an hour at least four times a week for over a month and eating includes eating salads eggs fruits and white meats like chicken (and none of the junk i won't even allow myself cheat days). in spite of the fact that i have lost 20lbs i don't look any thinner. in fact i've gained fat and it's becoming increasingly harder to continue keep the same running time and pace. it sounds like you are losing weight and your body is changing. here are some tips that might help: consider working with a certified personal trainer to help you incorporate strength training exercises to help build muscle while monitoring your body fat. try yoga as another way to build muscle mass. eat some protein with small amounts of carbohydrate after working out to help stimulate muscle growth (e. g. protein bar peanut butter on whole wheat toast greek yogurt with almonds). see this article for more on what to eat before and after workouts eat balanced meals which includes all the food groups -- fruit vegetables healthy fats whole grains low fat dairy and lean protein. a registered dietitian can help you develop an eating plan that helps you lose weight in a healthy way. to find one go to eatright. org even though it's hard try to be patient. it takes time to find a healthy lifestyle that works for you. get the support you need! i would suggest you visit this site - how to get ripped. there you can find a customized nutrition and weight training plan based on details you fill in. like age weight height metabolism and body type. you can also read my story it contains information about my struggle. meybe you will find it heplful. good luck the body responds to what is known as the said principle. specific adaptations to imposed demands. when you look at marathon runners they are generally thin but actually have a higher body fat % than sprinters. this is an adaptation when you run for long periods your body needs energy. if your exercise program has no variation your body adapts and begins to hold on to it's fat so that it has energy stores to be used during long runs. running/cardio is fine but mix in resistance training. muscle burns more calories than fat. this doesn't mean you will get bulky if that's a concern but by activating more muscle fibers your body will burn more calories helping to lose weight. circuit training can be a useful tool for this you will burn a lot of calories your heart rate will get up and you will increase muscle. the key is variation most personal trainers or at least good ones progress your workout through different stages to keep your body adapting. using simple tools like exercise selection # of sets # of reps time of rest in between can all help. one final piece of advice most supplements out there are junk. don't waste your money on false promises. a registered dietician can help you with meal planning if you need it. hope this helps if anyone want to loose the weight than exercise is the best way for him/her to losse the weight or to maintain the body. but in this busy life sometimes we wont get the time to do the workout or jogging etc. many people are asking here that without doing exercise we can loose the weight. there are many ways through which you can loose the weight one of the way to loose the weight is eat healthy and fresh food drink the healthy tea like green tea. green tea benefits-it is healthy tea it helps one for lossing weight is also helps to cure from diseases. so i think now you know that without doing the exercise you can also loose your weight by maintaining your diets by taking healthy food. you may be losing inches! not just lowering your number on the scale! <positive_smiley>
despite regular cardio exercise and eating healthy i can't seem to lose weight? . okay maybe i can't lose weight is misleading but i am losing muscle and gaining fat. my exercise includes running for an hour at least four times a week for over a month and eating includes eating salads eggs fruits and white meats like chicken (and none of the junk i won't even allow myself cheat days). in spite of the fact that i have lost 20lbs i don't look any thinner. in fact i've gained fat and it's becoming increasingly harder to continue keep the same running time and pace.
it sounds like you are losing weight and your body is changing. here are some tips that might help: consider working with a certified personal trainer to help you incorporate strength training exercises to help build muscle while monitoring your body fat. try yoga as another way to build muscle mass. eat some protein with small amounts of carbohydrate after working out to help stimulate muscle growth (e. g. protein bar peanut butter on whole wheat toast greek yogurt with almonds). see this article for more on what to eat before and after workouts eat balanced meals which includes all the food groups -- fruit vegetables healthy fats whole grains low fat dairy and lean protein. a registered dietitian can help you develop an eating plan that helps you lose weight in a healthy way. to find one go to eatright. org even though it's hard try to be patient. it takes time to find a healthy lifestyle that works for you. get the support you need! i would suggest you visit this site - how to get ripped. there you can find a customized nutrition and weight training plan based on details you fill in. like age weight height metabolism and body type. you can also read my story it contains information about my struggle. meybe you will find it heplful. good luck the body responds to what is known as the said principle. specific adaptations to imposed demands. when you look at marathon runners they are generally thin but actually have a higher body fat % than sprinters. this is an adaptation when you run for long periods your body needs energy. if your exercise program has no variation your body adapts and begins to hold on to it's fat so that it has energy stores to be used during long runs. running/cardio is fine but mix in resistance training. muscle burns more calories than fat. this doesn't mean you will get bulky if that's a concern but by activating more muscle fibers your body will burn more calories helping to lose weight. circuit training can be a useful tool for this you will burn a lot of calories your heart rate will get up and you will increase muscle. the key is variation most personal trainers or at least good ones progress your workout through different stages to keep your body adapting. using simple tools like exercise selection # of sets # of reps time of rest in between can all help. one final piece of advice most supplements out there are junk. don't waste your money on false promises. a registered dietician can help you with meal planning if you need it. hope this helps if anyone want to loose the weight than exercise is the best way for him/her to losse the weight or to maintain the body. but in this busy life sometimes we wont get the time to do the workout or jogging etc. many people are asking here that without doing exercise we can loose the weight. there are many ways through which you can loose the weight one of the way to loose the weight is eat healthy and fresh food drink the healthy tea like green tea. green tea benefits-it is healthy tea it helps one for lossing weight is also helps to cure from diseases. so i think now you know that without doing the exercise you can also loose your weight by maintaining your diets by taking healthy food. you may be losing inches! not just lowering your number on the scale! <positive_smiley>
if you have had most of large intestine removed could you develop a vitamin definciency? how would that be detected? even though the small intestine eventually adapts to the loss of the large intestine it is possible to have a nutrient deficiency or become dehydrated. it's a good idea to take a multivitamin drink adequate fluids and get blood work done per your gastro-intestinal (gi) doctor's recommendation. common nutrient (vitamin and minerals) deficiencies they would check for through blood tests include iron (anemia) b vitamins like b12 and vitamin d. be sure to check with your doctor on the type of tests you need.
if you have had most of large intestine removed could you develop a vitamin definciency? how would that be detected?
even though the small intestine eventually adapts to the loss of the large intestine it is possible to have a nutrient deficiency or become dehydrated. it's a good idea to take a multivitamin drink adequate fluids and get blood work done per your gastro-intestinal (gi) doctor's recommendation. common nutrient (vitamin and minerals) deficiencies they would check for through blood tests include iron (anemia) b vitamins like b12 and vitamin d. be sure to check with your doctor on the type of tests you need.
will niacin raise blood sugar? when the amounts of niacin taken exceed 3 grams (3000 mg) one of the potential side effects is high blood sugar. do not take such high levels without a doctor's supervision. for more on uses dosage and side effects see this webmd page. good luck!
will niacin raise blood sugar?
when the amounts of niacin taken exceed 3 grams (3000 mg) one of the potential side effects is high blood sugar. do not take such high levels without a doctor's supervision. for more on uses dosage and side effects see this webmd page. good luck!
finger tips crack/malnutrition? . my daughter has had problems with eating disorders for at least 15 years. her hair is getting thin and i wondered if the cracking of her finger tips could be a sign of not enough fat in her diet. she eats only about 3-5 grams of fat per day on an average. she is 32 years old. periods late. she did have a healthy child 3 years ago but has been unable to conceive again. she doesn't binge and purge. she's 5'5" and about 105 lbs. we had her at counseling when she was a teen but nothing works. yes brittle nails is a sign of inadequate nutrition along with thinning hair low body weight irregular or missed periods and always feeling cold. her diet does not sound adequate in fat or calories. it sounds like your daughter needs help before she would even consider having another child. maybe now that she is older and is a mom she can see the benefit of getting help. so i highly recommend encouraging her to go for treatment. for more on signs of an eating disorder/malnutrition see this webmd article.
finger tips crack/malnutrition? . my daughter has had problems with eating disorders for at least 15 years. her hair is getting thin and i wondered if the cracking of her finger tips could be a sign of not enough fat in her diet. she eats only about 3-5 grams of fat per day on an average. she is 32 years old. periods late. she did have a healthy child 3 years ago but has been unable to conceive again. she doesn't binge and purge. she's 5'5" and about 105 lbs. we had her at counseling when she was a teen but nothing works.
yes brittle nails is a sign of inadequate nutrition along with thinning hair low body weight irregular or missed periods and always feeling cold. her diet does not sound adequate in fat or calories. it sounds like your daughter needs help before she would even consider having another child. maybe now that she is older and is a mom she can see the benefit of getting help. so i highly recommend encouraging her to go for treatment. for more on signs of an eating disorder/malnutrition see this webmd article.
does microwaving infant formula destroy all the nutrients? . my boyfriend and i have been microwaving the formula for a few seconds just enough to make it warm. i mostly breast feed but i have had problems producing enough milk so when we supplement with formula we microwave it. my mom says it kills all the nutrients i say i don't think it does but im not a doctor! please help. i want to know so that if it does kill the nutrients i can stop doing that and do it a different way that will benefit my child. most helpful answer heating formula in the microwave will not destroy the nutrients but it is not recommended. the reason is it does not heat the milk evenly potentially resulting in milk that is hot in some areas and cold in others. a better way to warm up formula is by running it under warm water or placing it in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. just make sure the bottle is not to hot when you give it to your baby. congratulations on your baby
does microwaving infant formula destroy all the nutrients? . my boyfriend and i have been microwaving the formula for a few seconds just enough to make it warm. i mostly breast feed but i have had problems producing enough milk so when we supplement with formula we microwave it. my mom says it kills all the nutrients i say i don't think it does but im not a doctor! please help. i want to know so that if it does kill the nutrients i can stop doing that and do it a different way that will benefit my child.
most helpful answer heating formula in the microwave will not destroy the nutrients but it is not recommended. the reason is it does not heat the milk evenly potentially resulting in milk that is hot in some areas and cold in others. a better way to warm up formula is by running it under warm water or placing it in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. just make sure the bottle is not to hot when you give it to your baby. congratulations on your baby
i am restricting food and i've been feeling exhausted as well as having a low pulse. does this mean i'm anorexic? . i still have my period and i haven't been working out that much though. most helpful answer it is difficult to say whether or not you have anorexia based on the limited information you provide but what you are doing is problematic and could lead to an eating disorder. the signs and symptoms of anorexia include but are not limited to restricting food fear of gaining weight body weight of 85% ideal or less and exercising too much. here are more of the signs including physical symptoms. i suggest you get a physical and take care of yourself. if you are asking the question it is likely you could use some support either form a dietitian or psychologist who specializes in eating disorders. while you may not have an eating disorder disordered eating (eating too much or too little/obsessing about food) is very common and can have negative effects. don't delay getting help! your health and well being depend on it.
i am restricting food and i've been feeling exhausted as well as having a low pulse. does this mean i'm anorexic? . i still have my period and i haven't been working out that much though.
most helpful answer it is difficult to say whether or not you have anorexia based on the limited information you provide but what you are doing is problematic and could lead to an eating disorder. the signs and symptoms of anorexia include but are not limited to restricting food fear of gaining weight body weight of 85% ideal or less and exercising too much. here are more of the signs including physical symptoms. i suggest you get a physical and take care of yourself. if you are asking the question it is likely you could use some support either form a dietitian or psychologist who specializes in eating disorders. while you may not have an eating disorder disordered eating (eating too much or too little/obsessing about food) is very common and can have negative effects. don't delay getting help! your health and well being depend on it.
i notice that sugars are supposed to be under 25 grams per day. how is that possible when milk has 7 grams per glass? . isn't it best to get your calcium from foods rather than supplements? how can you eat any sugar at all and still meet the guidelines when you have 3 cups of milk per day for your health? the types of sugar people should limit in the diet are added sugars. sugars that are naturally occurring in milk yogurt and fruit would not count. added sugars would be the sugar that is added to a meal or drink (sugar to coffee or syrup on pancakes) or the addition of sweeteners during processing (granola/energy bars and soda). you can check the ingredient line for sources of added sugars such as brown rice syrup high fructose corn syrup malt syrup molasses corn sweetener honey syrup evaporated cane juice and fruit juice concentrate. for more on added sugars see this webmd article detailing the american heart association recommendations.
i notice that sugars are supposed to be under 25 grams per day. how is that possible when milk has 7 grams per glass? . isn't it best to get your calcium from foods rather than supplements? how can you eat any sugar at all and still meet the guidelines when you have 3 cups of milk per day for your health?
the types of sugar people should limit in the diet are added sugars. sugars that are naturally occurring in milk yogurt and fruit would not count. added sugars would be the sugar that is added to a meal or drink (sugar to coffee or syrup on pancakes) or the addition of sweeteners during processing (granola/energy bars and soda). you can check the ingredient line for sources of added sugars such as brown rice syrup high fructose corn syrup malt syrup molasses corn sweetener honey syrup evaporated cane juice and fruit juice concentrate. for more on added sugars see this webmd article detailing the american heart association recommendations.
what happens when glucose levels go over 250? my husband's is reading 500. he was recently diagnosed with diabetes. 500mg/dl is a very high blood glucose that needs attention from a health professional. the american diabetes association recommends the following blood glucose levels for people with diabetes: 70 to 130 mg/dl before meals and less than 180 mg/dl after meals. when blood sugar levels remain too high ketoacidosis can result (click on the link for more info) but that is more likely to occur in someone with type 1 diabetes. over time having high blood sugars puts people at risk for various complications. it's important you work with your doctor to lower your blood glucose level as is working with your dietitian/diabetes educator to make changes to your meal plan and/or medication. don't delay getting help! there is quite a learning curve when diabetes is first diagnosied but once you get it it will become easier. for more on blood sugar control see this webmd article
what happens when glucose levels go over 250? my husband's is reading 500. he was recently diagnosed with diabetes.
500mg/dl is a very high blood glucose that needs attention from a health professional. the american diabetes association recommends the following blood glucose levels for people with diabetes: 70 to 130 mg/dl before meals and less than 180 mg/dl after meals. when blood sugar levels remain too high ketoacidosis can result (click on the link for more info) but that is more likely to occur in someone with type 1 diabetes. over time having high blood sugars puts people at risk for various complications. it's important you work with your doctor to lower your blood glucose level as is working with your dietitian/diabetes educator to make changes to your meal plan and/or medication. don't delay getting help! there is quite a learning curve when diabetes is first diagnosied but once you get it it will become easier. for more on blood sugar control see this webmd article
just as there is "good" cholesterol (hdl) and "bad" cholesterol (ldl) there are also "good" triglycerides. explain? . i recently was made aware of good triglycerides. so i did some research and found this paper online <link> can a medical professional or scientist please explain what triglyceride remnants means in layman terms. need clarification on t"he mechanisms by which "bad" triglycerides develop explain why elevated triglycerides and low hdl--and patients with the metabolic syndrome--warrant special attention" why is this? none of the major health organizations emphasize good or bad triglycerides -- the study you found was from 2002 and i have found nothing more recent to support it. the key is to think of heart disease risk like a puzzle with many different pieces. risk factors include high triglycerides high total cholesterol high ldl (bad cholesterol) and low hdl (good cholesterol) high blood pressure hyperglycemia and abdominal fat. someone with metabolic syndrome has a cluster of all these risk factors (instead of just one or two) putting them at even higher risk. for more on how to lower triglycerides see this article and for more on optimal blood lipid levels see this one. good luck!
just as there is "good" cholesterol (hdl) and "bad" cholesterol (ldl) there are also "good" triglycerides. explain? . i recently was made aware of good triglycerides. so i did some research and found this paper online <link> can a medical professional or scientist please explain what triglyceride remnants means in layman terms. need clarification on t"he mechanisms by which "bad" triglycerides develop explain why elevated triglycerides and low hdl--and patients with the metabolic syndrome--warrant special attention" why is this?
none of the major health organizations emphasize good or bad triglycerides -- the study you found was from 2002 and i have found nothing more recent to support it. the key is to think of heart disease risk like a puzzle with many different pieces. risk factors include high triglycerides high total cholesterol high ldl (bad cholesterol) and low hdl (good cholesterol) high blood pressure hyperglycemia and abdominal fat. someone with metabolic syndrome has a cluster of all these risk factors (instead of just one or two) putting them at even higher risk. for more on how to lower triglycerides see this article and for more on optimal blood lipid levels see this one. good luck!
is there a special diet for acid reflex? while there isn't one diet for reflux there are some general diet recommendations. first you want to avoid caffeine found in beverages like coffee and tea and foods like chocolate. alcohol often makes reflux worse so keep intake minimal. you'll also want to note which foods make your symptoms worse. common triggers include fatty foods spicy foods citrus fruits and products made with tomatoes. some people can eat small amounts of certain items without an issue. keep a food journal to be sure. for other lifestyle changes you can make see this webmd article.
is there a special diet for acid reflex?
while there isn't one diet for reflux there are some general diet recommendations. first you want to avoid caffeine found in beverages like coffee and tea and foods like chocolate. alcohol often makes reflux worse so keep intake minimal. you'll also want to note which foods make your symptoms worse. common triggers include fatty foods spicy foods citrus fruits and products made with tomatoes. some people can eat small amounts of certain items without an issue. keep a food journal to be sure. for other lifestyle changes you can make see this webmd article.
total cholesterol 268- triglycerides 238- hdl 49- vldl cholest cal 48- ldl 171- are these counts serious? according to the american heart association a total cholesterol over 240 doubles your risk of heart disease compared to someone with a total cholesterol of 200. what adds to your risk is your high triglycerides combined with a high ldl (bad cholesterol). your hdl doesn't put you at increased risk but having a high hdl (60 or higher) is protective against heart disease. so yes you should take these numbers seriously. the good news is there's much you can do to improve your numbers including eating a healthy diet exercising and watching added sugars and alcohol consumption. for cholesterol basics see this article and for more on what those numbers mean see this one. take care of yourself!
total cholesterol 268- triglycerides 238- hdl 49- vldl cholest cal 48- ldl 171- are these counts serious?
according to the american heart association a total cholesterol over 240 doubles your risk of heart disease compared to someone with a total cholesterol of 200. what adds to your risk is your high triglycerides combined with a high ldl (bad cholesterol). your hdl doesn't put you at increased risk but having a high hdl (60 or higher) is protective against heart disease. so yes you should take these numbers seriously. the good news is there's much you can do to improve your numbers including eating a healthy diet exercising and watching added sugars and alcohol consumption. for cholesterol basics see this article and for more on what those numbers mean see this one. take care of yourself!
does dry mouth often go along with constipation? while dry mouth is not considered a symptom of constipation it could be related because inadequate fluid/water intake is often one of the causes of hard stools. if the body needs more water it will reabsorb it from the stool in the colon making it more hard and dry. for more on constipation signs and causes see this webmd article.
does dry mouth often go along with constipation?
while dry mouth is not considered a symptom of constipation it could be related because inadequate fluid/water intake is often one of the causes of hard stools. if the body needs more water it will reabsorb it from the stool in the colon making it more hard and dry. for more on constipation signs and causes see this webmd article.
with gastroparesis: is liquid food like jevity good? already follow jackson siegelbaum diet for gastroparesis. jevity is typically used as a tube feeding but other oral supplements like ensure or glucerna (if you are diabetic) can be used. the jackson siegelbaum diet has three steps the first being liquids. there may be times you go back to liquids when symptoms worsen. liquids and low fiber foods tend to be tolerated the best for people with gastroparesis. oral supplements also make sense when weight and nutrition is a concern due to inability to eat regular meals. if you are concerned about your nutrition you can always see a dietitian -- you can find one at eatright. org. for more on diet for gastroparasis see this webmd article. good luck!
with gastroparesis: is liquid food like jevity good? already follow jackson siegelbaum diet for gastroparesis.
jevity is typically used as a tube feeding but other oral supplements like ensure or glucerna (if you are diabetic) can be used. the jackson siegelbaum diet has three steps the first being liquids. there may be times you go back to liquids when symptoms worsen. liquids and low fiber foods tend to be tolerated the best for people with gastroparesis. oral supplements also make sense when weight and nutrition is a concern due to inability to eat regular meals. if you are concerned about your nutrition you can always see a dietitian -- you can find one at eatright. org. for more on diet for gastroparasis see this webmd article. good luck!
how much biotin should i take to loose weight? . i have a back injury so i need something that will help me loose weight. although biotin plays a role in metabolism there are no studies to show it helps with weight loss. the key for weight loss is to make changes to diet and exercise. you can see a registered dietitian (go to eatright. org) or you can create your own plan here. for more on biotin uses see this webmd article. good luck!
how much biotin should i take to loose weight? . i have a back injury so i need something that will help me loose weight.
although biotin plays a role in metabolism there are no studies to show it helps with weight loss. the key for weight loss is to make changes to diet and exercise. you can see a registered dietitian (go to eatright. org) or you can create your own plan here. for more on biotin uses see this webmd article. good luck!
will multi vitamin help with celiac disease? . my husband has been on a gluten free diet for celiac disease less than a week. i want to start him on a multivitamin but it will not work until the small intestine is healed enough to absorb the vitamins. question: how long after starting gluten free diet will the small intestine start to absorb nutrients? there is no reason to wait to introduce a multivitamin as symptoms of celiac disease usually improve in a few days to weeks and this means absorption of nutrients increases as well. it will take longer for the intestines to completely heal and studies shows this varies from individual to individual (can take 2-5 years in adults and some may not experience full regeneration of the intestinal villi). it's also beneficial to get lab work done to see if there any specific nutrient deficiencies such as iron folic acid and vitamin d. in some cases additional supplementation will be needed. always consult your doctor. for more on diet and supplements for celiac disease see this webmd article.
will multi vitamin help with celiac disease? . my husband has been on a gluten free diet for celiac disease less than a week. i want to start him on a multivitamin but it will not work until the small intestine is healed enough to absorb the vitamins. question: how long after starting gluten free diet will the small intestine start to absorb nutrients?
there is no reason to wait to introduce a multivitamin as symptoms of celiac disease usually improve in a few days to weeks and this means absorption of nutrients increases as well. it will take longer for the intestines to completely heal and studies shows this varies from individual to individual (can take 2-5 years in adults and some may not experience full regeneration of the intestinal villi). it's also beneficial to get lab work done to see if there any specific nutrient deficiencies such as iron folic acid and vitamin d. in some cases additional supplementation will be needed. always consult your doctor. for more on diet and supplements for celiac disease see this webmd article.
should i give my 3 year old omega 3 supplement on top of her pediatrician prescribed vitamin? it depends on if your child is getting some through her diet. if she is eating fish at least twice a week she doesn't need to supplement with omega 3s. but if she eats no fish then it is unlikely she is getting enough docosahexaenoic acid (dha) and eicosapentaenoic acid (epa) which plays an important role in brain development. when looking at supplements check the specific amount (milligrams) of dha and epa in the product. the world health organization recommends 2-4 year old's get 100-150 milligrams of dha and epa (combined) daily. studies show most children only get 45 milligrams. always check with your healthcare provider.
should i give my 3 year old omega 3 supplement on top of her pediatrician prescribed vitamin?
it depends on if your child is getting some through her diet. if she is eating fish at least twice a week she doesn't need to supplement with omega 3s. but if she eats no fish then it is unlikely she is getting enough docosahexaenoic acid (dha) and eicosapentaenoic acid (epa) which plays an important role in brain development. when looking at supplements check the specific amount (milligrams) of dha and epa in the product. the world health organization recommends 2-4 year old's get 100-150 milligrams of dha and epa (combined) daily. studies show most children only get 45 milligrams. always check with your healthcare provider.
can being over weight cause arthritis in your feet? while excess weight doesn't necessarily cause arthritis in places like your feet it can exacerbate it or make it progress in a more rapid fashion. excess weight puts additional stress on joints making arthritis symptoms worse. losing weight will not cure arthritis but it can help slow down the progression of the disease. for more details on how this works see this webmd article. weight bearing joints like knee and ankle are most likely affected by arthritis. being overweight is a known risk factor of arthritis and even putting on 10 pounds may worsen the arthritis. while treating arthritis in obese and overweight individuals weight loss is considered as an important strategy.
can being over weight cause arthritis in your feet?
while excess weight doesn't necessarily cause arthritis in places like your feet it can exacerbate it or make it progress in a more rapid fashion. excess weight puts additional stress on joints making arthritis symptoms worse. losing weight will not cure arthritis but it can help slow down the progression of the disease. for more details on how this works see this webmd article. weight bearing joints like knee and ankle are most likely affected by arthritis. being overweight is a known risk factor of arthritis and even putting on 10 pounds may worsen the arthritis. while treating arthritis in obese and overweight individuals weight loss is considered as an important strategy.
can the paleo diet raise my cholesterol. my wife is on the paleo diet and i have joined her (to some degree). i eat two eggs every morning along with 2 pieces of bacon. i use coconut oil along with real butter to cook with. could these factors be raising my cholesterol? research shows that over the short-term low carbohydrate/high protein diets have beneficial effects on blood lipids especially raising the good kind of cholesterol hdl. it's important to note that some of the benefits seen in cardiovascular risk factors may be due to the weight loss that accompanies such diets. there isn't much data regarding the long-term effects on cholesterol especially ldl. some of the foods avoided on paleo help keep cholesterol (ldl) down such as oats and beans. so it is possible that your cholesterol could go up especially once you are done losing weight. i recommend getting lab work done so you can track your blood lipid levels. best paleo recipes books for good health<link>
can the paleo diet raise my cholesterol. my wife is on the paleo diet and i have joined her (to some degree). i eat two eggs every morning along with 2 pieces of bacon. i use coconut oil along with real butter to cook with. could these factors be raising my cholesterol?
research shows that over the short-term low carbohydrate/high protein diets have beneficial effects on blood lipids especially raising the good kind of cholesterol hdl. it's important to note that some of the benefits seen in cardiovascular risk factors may be due to the weight loss that accompanies such diets. there isn't much data regarding the long-term effects on cholesterol especially ldl. some of the foods avoided on paleo help keep cholesterol (ldl) down such as oats and beans. so it is possible that your cholesterol could go up especially once you are done losing weight. i recommend getting lab work done so you can track your blood lipid levels. best paleo recipes books for good health<link>
in the morning before i leave for work should i eat before exercising & how long do i wait before i start exercising? . i want to excersise in the moring before i leave for work but i am unsure if i should eat before exercising and if i eat should i wait before i start exercising. . while it's a good thing to eat before exercise eating in the morning will depend upon how much exercise you are getting. if you are going for a 30 minute run first thing you may be able to skip it. but if you are working hard for over an hour you'll need some energy such as a carbohydrate-rich small banana toast or half of an energy bar. try different strategies to see what works best for you. does that fuel first thing give you more energy? or does it bother your stomach? with time and trial and error you'll figure it out. see this webmd article for more on what to eat before during and after exercise congrats on your commitment to exercise!
in the morning before i leave for work should i eat before exercising & how long do i wait before i start exercising? . i want to excersise in the moring before i leave for work but i am unsure if i should eat before exercising and if i eat should i wait before i start exercising. .
while it's a good thing to eat before exercise eating in the morning will depend upon how much exercise you are getting. if you are going for a 30 minute run first thing you may be able to skip it. but if you are working hard for over an hour you'll need some energy such as a carbohydrate-rich small banana toast or half of an energy bar. try different strategies to see what works best for you. does that fuel first thing give you more energy? or does it bother your stomach? with time and trial and error you'll figure it out. see this webmd article for more on what to eat before during and after exercise congrats on your commitment to exercise!
why am i always hungry? . i am a 17 year old girl and i'm always hungry. i primarily eat healthy. no soda or chips. i eat 3-5 full meals a day. i eat oatmeal fruit veggies and meat. i drink over 10 glasses of water a day. i don't gain weight. i am 5'8 and 130lb. i am physically active. why am i so hungry? what can i do to stay full longer? most helpful answer here are some tips on how to stay full longer: make sure you get plenty of fiber to meals. fiber is found in fruits vegetables and whole grains. beans are really high in fiber and make great additions to salads and are good as a side dish. protein is also very filling so include a source at each meal -- nut butters meat eggs beans (fiber and protein) and tofu are all good sources. fat is very satisfying and adds extra calories so make sure you have a fat source at each meal. that might be nuts on your oatmeal avocado on a salad or sandwich or olive oil when roasting veggies. healthy fats such as those from plants and fish are the best health wise. dairy and/or non-dairy alternatives are important as your calcium needs are high. try greek yogurt with nuts milk in your oatmeal and cheese in sandwiches and mixed dishes. the key is to add as many food groups as possible for satisfaction nutrition and to manage your hunger. for more ideas see this webmd article.
why am i always hungry? . i am a 17 year old girl and i'm always hungry. i primarily eat healthy. no soda or chips. i eat 3-5 full meals a day. i eat oatmeal fruit veggies and meat. i drink over 10 glasses of water a day. i don't gain weight. i am 5'8 and 130lb. i am physically active. why am i so hungry? what can i do to stay full longer?
most helpful answer here are some tips on how to stay full longer: make sure you get plenty of fiber to meals. fiber is found in fruits vegetables and whole grains. beans are really high in fiber and make great additions to salads and are good as a side dish. protein is also very filling so include a source at each meal -- nut butters meat eggs beans (fiber and protein) and tofu are all good sources. fat is very satisfying and adds extra calories so make sure you have a fat source at each meal. that might be nuts on your oatmeal avocado on a salad or sandwich or olive oil when roasting veggies. healthy fats such as those from plants and fish are the best health wise. dairy and/or non-dairy alternatives are important as your calcium needs are high. try greek yogurt with nuts milk in your oatmeal and cheese in sandwiches and mixed dishes. the key is to add as many food groups as possible for satisfaction nutrition and to manage your hunger. for more ideas see this webmd article.
does biotin help reduce lactic acid build up. i started kick boxing and doing a lot more activity in an effort to get back into shape. i was told biotin would help break down the lactic acid build up in my muscles although biotin does play a role in amino acid metabolism there are no studies (that i can find) that show taking biotin decreases lactic acid production. if someone is deficient in biotin it could limit performance or muscle formation but that is unlikely. if you are getting enough through diet you probably don't need to supplement. for more on lactic acid and biotin see these articles: exercise and lactic acidosis biotin supplement guide
does biotin help reduce lactic acid build up. i started kick boxing and doing a lot more activity in an effort to get back into shape. i was told biotin would help break down the lactic acid build up in my muscles
although biotin does play a role in amino acid metabolism there are no studies (that i can find) that show taking biotin decreases lactic acid production. if someone is deficient in biotin it could limit performance or muscle formation but that is unlikely. if you are getting enough through diet you probably don't need to supplement. for more on lactic acid and biotin see these articles: exercise and lactic acidosis biotin supplement guide
my son is 3 years old and his level is 19. 3. he is now taking 800iu daily but what what could cause his levels to drop. my son's vitamin d level continues to drop and he is always getting sick. the dr recently increased his intake to 800 iu of vitamin d when his levels dropped to 19. 3. i took him back to the dr for further testing in an attempt ot find out why his levels were dropping but his dr couldn't figure it out. since his level has dropped from 24. 6 to19. 3 he has been sick twice. i know that his level was still too low but it had been going up then it dropped again. there are a variety of factors that can cause vitamin d blood levels to drop. first off if he's getting less sunlight or using more sunscreen than usual that could decrease the amount he gets exposed to. also if he is eating less food and drink with vitamin d (like milk) that could decrease it. if he carries excess weight that can also decrease blood levels of vitamin d. remember that the recommended daily allowance for his age is 600iu. when levels are low doctors usually give higher than recommended amounts while monitoring blood levels. the key is to work with your doctor on the right level of supplementation that will keep his levels up. for more on vitamin d deficiency in sick kids see this webmd article.
my son is 3 years old and his level is 19. 3. he is now taking 800iu daily but what what could cause his levels to drop. my son's vitamin d level continues to drop and he is always getting sick. the dr recently increased his intake to 800 iu of vitamin d when his levels dropped to 19. 3. i took him back to the dr for further testing in an attempt ot find out why his levels were dropping but his dr couldn't figure it out. since his level has dropped from 24. 6 to19. 3 he has been sick twice. i know that his level was still too low but it had been going up then it dropped again.
there are a variety of factors that can cause vitamin d blood levels to drop. first off if he's getting less sunlight or using more sunscreen than usual that could decrease the amount he gets exposed to. also if he is eating less food and drink with vitamin d (like milk) that could decrease it. if he carries excess weight that can also decrease blood levels of vitamin d. remember that the recommended daily allowance for his age is 600iu. when levels are low doctors usually give higher than recommended amounts while monitoring blood levels. the key is to work with your doctor on the right level of supplementation that will keep his levels up. for more on vitamin d deficiency in sick kids see this webmd article.
should post menapausal women take pre natal vitamins post menopausal women should not be taking prenatal vitamins because their nutritional needs are different. for example iron needs after menopause are 8mg compared to 27mg during pregnancy. calcium needs are higher in post menopausal women then pregnant women due to changes in bone synthesis. so make sure you take a multivitamin or individual supplements that match your needs. this webmd article describes how nutritional needs change during the life cycle.
should post menapausal women take pre natal vitamins
post menopausal women should not be taking prenatal vitamins because their nutritional needs are different. for example iron needs after menopause are 8mg compared to 27mg during pregnancy. calcium needs are higher in post menopausal women then pregnant women due to changes in bone synthesis. so make sure you take a multivitamin or individual supplements that match your needs. this webmd article describes how nutritional needs change during the life cycle.
i don't eat meat but i will eat fruit and veggies at times not very often. what vitamins should i be taking daily? fruit and veggies are full of vitamins and minerals like vitamins a and c. meat contains protein and minerals like iron and zinc. without knowing your age and what else you are eating it sounds like you could use a daily multivitamin with minerals if you don't eat much meat or fruit and veggies. find one that that provides 100% of the daily value for most vitamins and minerals. you can also get lab work done to see if you need additional iron or vitamin d. for more on how much to take see this webmd article. good luck!
i don't eat meat but i will eat fruit and veggies at times not very often. what vitamins should i be taking daily?
fruit and veggies are full of vitamins and minerals like vitamins a and c. meat contains protein and minerals like iron and zinc. without knowing your age and what else you are eating it sounds like you could use a daily multivitamin with minerals if you don't eat much meat or fruit and veggies. find one that that provides 100% of the daily value for most vitamins and minerals. you can also get lab work done to see if you need additional iron or vitamin d. for more on how much to take see this webmd article. good luck!
why have i all of a sudden started uncontrollably eating? . i am a 22 year old female. i'm 5 foot 3 inches tall i weigh 115 pounds i never can eat all my food. i usually eat like a bird. the last two weeks i've been eating like crazy i just can't seem to get full. my boyfriend think i need to go take a pregnancy test. there could be a variety of reasons your appetite is high. you can troubleshoot by asking some key questions: are you exercising more than usual? is there more stress in your life? are you getting less sleep? has your diet changed? some foods do a poor job of filling us up and this can be a factor in hunger (see article for filling foods below). pregnancy could be a factor but appetite usually doesn't increase until later. see articles: sleep less eat more? foods that curb hunger stress and eating
why have i all of a sudden started uncontrollably eating? . i am a 22 year old female. i'm 5 foot 3 inches tall i weigh 115 pounds i never can eat all my food. i usually eat like a bird. the last two weeks i've been eating like crazy i just can't seem to get full. my boyfriend think i need to go take a pregnancy test.
there could be a variety of reasons your appetite is high. you can troubleshoot by asking some key questions: are you exercising more than usual? is there more stress in your life? are you getting less sleep? has your diet changed? some foods do a poor job of filling us up and this can be a factor in hunger (see article for filling foods below). pregnancy could be a factor but appetite usually doesn't increase until later. see articles: sleep less eat more? foods that curb hunger stress and eating
mom has demensha i just saw something about grainbriain diet is it worth changing her diet now she is 83. this diet is low carb gluten free and suggets these 7 suplements from dr. david pealmudder. 1. dha. 2. resveratrol. 3. turmeric. 4. . probiotics. 5. . coconut oil. 6. . alpha-lipoic acid. 7. . vitamin d helping your mother improve her diet can certainly help. i believe grain brain may be referring to research that shows people with celiac disease have a higher risk of getting alzheimer's the most common form of dementia but i haven't read the book. i'm not saying a low carb gluten free diet won't be beneficial but it is not standard practice for treating dementia. the alzheimer's association and dementia. org recommend a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables that's low in saturated fat and includes healthy fats like those found in vegetable sources like olive oil and nuts. and some research shows a diet full of healthy carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (fruits vegetables and whole grains) may help with alzheimer's. from the supplements you mention coconut oil is often used even though there is no evidence its beneficial -- it may be worth a try as there's anecdotal evidence it helps. low levels of vitamin d has been linked to higher risk of dementia so it makes sense to get her levels checked. if she is low taking vitamin d is important. there has been some research showing that dha (and eating fish 3 times per week) can help but more research is needed. as people age the good bacteria in their gi tract decreases so a probiotic may be beneficial. before giving supplements check with her doctor. see this list of vitamins and supplements that may be beneficial for dementia. good luck!
mom has demensha i just saw something about grainbriain diet is it worth changing her diet now she is 83. this diet is low carb gluten free and suggets these 7 suplements from dr. david pealmudder. 1. dha. 2. resveratrol. 3. turmeric. 4. . probiotics. 5. . coconut oil. 6. . alpha-lipoic acid. 7. . vitamin d
helping your mother improve her diet can certainly help. i believe grain brain may be referring to research that shows people with celiac disease have a higher risk of getting alzheimer's the most common form of dementia but i haven't read the book. i'm not saying a low carb gluten free diet won't be beneficial but it is not standard practice for treating dementia. the alzheimer's association and dementia. org recommend a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables that's low in saturated fat and includes healthy fats like those found in vegetable sources like olive oil and nuts. and some research shows a diet full of healthy carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (fruits vegetables and whole grains) may help with alzheimer's. from the supplements you mention coconut oil is often used even though there is no evidence its beneficial -- it may be worth a try as there's anecdotal evidence it helps. low levels of vitamin d has been linked to higher risk of dementia so it makes sense to get her levels checked. if she is low taking vitamin d is important. there has been some research showing that dha (and eating fish 3 times per week) can help but more research is needed. as people age the good bacteria in their gi tract decreases so a probiotic may be beneficial. before giving supplements check with her doctor. see this list of vitamins and supplements that may be beneficial for dementia. good luck!
my mom suffers w/diverticulitis & is afraid to eat anything lest she aggravate the symptoms would ensure be beneficial? . she is 86 years old and under a dr's care. however because she fears making the symptoms worse she eats very little and has become very weak. she is down about 30 lbs. from what she was just a few months ago (down to about 110 lbs. ) dietary supplements like ensure can be beneficial for someone who is not getting enough nourishment through food. in addition to ensure i suggest taking your mother to see someone who can instruct her and what she can and cannot eat which might help to alleviate her fears. it's important she keep her weight and strength up. to find a dietitian near you go to eatright. org for more on diet and diverticulitis see this webmd article.
my mom suffers w/diverticulitis & is afraid to eat anything lest she aggravate the symptoms would ensure be beneficial? . she is 86 years old and under a dr's care. however because she fears making the symptoms worse she eats very little and has become very weak. she is down about 30 lbs. from what she was just a few months ago (down to about 110 lbs. )
dietary supplements like ensure can be beneficial for someone who is not getting enough nourishment through food. in addition to ensure i suggest taking your mother to see someone who can instruct her and what she can and cannot eat which might help to alleviate her fears. it's important she keep her weight and strength up. to find a dietitian near you go to eatright. org for more on diet and diverticulitis see this webmd article.
is it true that calcium makes garcinia cambogia ineffective? there is no research i can find that shows that calcium makes garcinia cambogia ineffective. it seems companies add potassium and calcium to increase its absorption. again i can find no studies that show that calcium increases or decreases absorption.
is it true that calcium makes garcinia cambogia ineffective?
there is no research i can find that shows that calcium makes garcinia cambogia ineffective. it seems companies add potassium and calcium to increase its absorption. again i can find no studies that show that calcium increases or decreases absorption.
how can you measure a serving of cooked pasta if the serving is 7 ounces when dry? while it varies depending on the type of pasta 8 ounces of dry pasta is anywhere from 3. 5 cups to 5 cups when cooked. my guess is 7 ounces is about 3 cups of cooked pasta. i hope that helps!
how can you measure a serving of cooked pasta if the serving is 7 ounces when dry?
while it varies depending on the type of pasta 8 ounces of dry pasta is anywhere from 3. 5 cups to 5 cups when cooked. my guess is 7 ounces is about 3 cups of cooked pasta. i hope that helps!
how should you add organic ground flaxseed to your diet? . one week my question is how to add organic ground flaxseed to my breakfast to. reduce:. bloating. gas. bowel movement smears although flaxseed makes a great addition to a healthy diet i am not aware of a specific amount that has been found to decrease the symptoms you mention. it's best to see a dietitian who specializes in gastrointestinal (gi) issues or a doctor. for more on potential causes gi distress see this webmd article. that being said to get flaxseed into your breakfast you can add spoonfuls to cereal like oatmeal baked goods (like pancakes and muffins) and to smoothies. it really doesn't have a taste (a bit nutty) and it's a great way to get more omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
how should you add organic ground flaxseed to your diet? . one week my question is how to add organic ground flaxseed to my breakfast to. reduce:. bloating. gas. bowel movement smears
although flaxseed makes a great addition to a healthy diet i am not aware of a specific amount that has been found to decrease the symptoms you mention. it's best to see a dietitian who specializes in gastrointestinal (gi) issues or a doctor. for more on potential causes gi distress see this webmd article. that being said to get flaxseed into your breakfast you can add spoonfuls to cereal like oatmeal baked goods (like pancakes and muffins) and to smoothies. it really doesn't have a taste (a bit nutty) and it's a great way to get more omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
what can i take for allergic conjunctivitis? allergic conjunctivitis one of the conditions that causes "pinkeye " requires a diagnosis from your health care provider as well as a prescription for treatment (steroids antihistamines decongestants). there are no over-the-counter products i recommend. non-treatment tips include good hand-washing hygiene avoid rubbing your eyes and avoid sharing eye products (makeup contact lenses).
what can i take for allergic conjunctivitis?
allergic conjunctivitis one of the conditions that causes "pinkeye " requires a diagnosis from your health care provider as well as a prescription for treatment (steroids antihistamines decongestants). there are no over-the-counter products i recommend. non-treatment tips include good hand-washing hygiene avoid rubbing your eyes and avoid sharing eye products (makeup contact lenses).
i have dry sinuses. what otc products will be the most helpful? saline nasal sprays or mists can be applied to the nasal cavity. avoid sharing spray bottles with other members of the family. there are many types of nasal sprays available in the otc aisle; be sure to ask your pharmacist for help with product selection.
i have dry sinuses. what otc products will be the most helpful?
saline nasal sprays or mists can be applied to the nasal cavity. avoid sharing spray bottles with other members of the family. there are many types of nasal sprays available in the otc aisle; be sure to ask your pharmacist for help with product selection.
for top health how many mgs of each amino acid should a woman be taking daily? the institute of medicine which sets daily reference intakes for macronutrients like protein do not specify specific amino acids. instead they recommend the diet containing 10-35% of protein. the rda for women is 46g and 56g for men. there is a total of 20 amino acids that come from protein sources -- 9 considered essential because the body cannot make them. people who consume animal products and soy do not need to worry as they contain all the essential amino acids. vegans in particular (no animal products) need to vary their protein sources to get all the amino acids they need. plant sources of protein when combined are considered complementary proteins because together they contain all the essential amino acids. examples include rice and beans and tortillas and beans. for more details about complementary proteins s ee this webmd article.
for top health how many mgs of each amino acid should a woman be taking daily?
the institute of medicine which sets daily reference intakes for macronutrients like protein do not specify specific amino acids. instead they recommend the diet containing 10-35% of protein. the rda for women is 46g and 56g for men. there is a total of 20 amino acids that come from protein sources -- 9 considered essential because the body cannot make them. people who consume animal products and soy do not need to worry as they contain all the essential amino acids. vegans in particular (no animal products) need to vary their protein sources to get all the amino acids they need. plant sources of protein when combined are considered complementary proteins because together they contain all the essential amino acids. examples include rice and beans and tortillas and beans. for more details about complementary proteins s ee this webmd article.
how do i lose the last 10 pounds? i eat relatively health vegetarian and stay active. am not overweight but not ideal. i've been a vegetarian since i was 10 and love vegetables and naturally low-fat foods. i exercise 3-4 times a week and enjoy hiking and walking as well and have since childhood. i've never been overweight but i've never been able to get to my "ideal" weight either. i'm 5'5' and 147lbs. my goal is 135. the closest i've ever managed was 140 (and i was practically starving myself). i do have mild hypothyroidism but it's under control. . any advice or notes on something i could change? we all have a genetic blueprint to how our big or small are body is supposed to be. when we eat healthy eat mindfully (meaning we don't eat past fullness often) and are active weight tends to take care of itself. if you are healthy (good blood pressure cholesterol etc. ) and not overweight there is no reason to get to an ideal weight. if you need to starve to get there then that tells me that is not the right weight for you. we are not all meant to be small and there is nothing magical about the ideal weight numbers. so my advice is that you focus on your healthy lifestyle and accepting your body as it is. you could focus more on different exercises and ways to increase fitness such as feeling stronger but i see no reason why you need to lose weight. i know our society says otherwise but spending all that energy on a weight that seems right for you may not be the best use of your time. best of health to you! i am not a fitness expert although i work for them but i wanted to offer an answer from my own personal experience. i had this same question not to long ago. i exercise 3-4 times a week eat healthy have 4 kids and 3 dogs who i run after or with all day long! but i was stuck at my target weight. i'm 5'6 i wanted to be 145. made it down to 165 from almost 190 about 6 months ago. my trainer also a good friend of mine said i needed to stop looking at the scale and focus on what was most important. being healthy and enjoying life. just as the last expert answer states. everyone is different. i stopped looking at the scale and put my efforts into enjoying the activities i love best and eating healthy but not limiting myself from foods i love or starving myself. i also change up my exercise routine regularly. i started doing hiit (you can google it) high intensity training classes. wow definitely felt the difference. about a week ago i went to my annual physical and weighed in for the 1st time in months. i was 155. i must be doing something right but what's different now is my outlook on my body and lifestyle. weight is just a number what's important to me is how i feel and having the energy to keep up with my very active family. it sounds like you are on the right path to a healthy fit life style. i wish you all the best and don't sweat the small stuff. enjoy life and save the sweat for the gym! <positive_smiley> -angel
how do i lose the last 10 pounds? i eat relatively health vegetarian and stay active. am not overweight but not ideal. i've been a vegetarian since i was 10 and love vegetables and naturally low-fat foods. i exercise 3-4 times a week and enjoy hiking and walking as well and have since childhood. i've never been overweight but i've never been able to get to my "ideal" weight either. i'm 5'5' and 147lbs. my goal is 135. the closest i've ever managed was 140 (and i was practically starving myself). i do have mild hypothyroidism but it's under control. . any advice or notes on something i could change?
we all have a genetic blueprint to how our big or small are body is supposed to be. when we eat healthy eat mindfully (meaning we don't eat past fullness often) and are active weight tends to take care of itself. if you are healthy (good blood pressure cholesterol etc. ) and not overweight there is no reason to get to an ideal weight. if you need to starve to get there then that tells me that is not the right weight for you. we are not all meant to be small and there is nothing magical about the ideal weight numbers. so my advice is that you focus on your healthy lifestyle and accepting your body as it is. you could focus more on different exercises and ways to increase fitness such as feeling stronger but i see no reason why you need to lose weight. i know our society says otherwise but spending all that energy on a weight that seems right for you may not be the best use of your time. best of health to you! i am not a fitness expert although i work for them but i wanted to offer an answer from my own personal experience. i had this same question not to long ago. i exercise 3-4 times a week eat healthy have 4 kids and 3 dogs who i run after or with all day long! but i was stuck at my target weight. i'm 5'6 i wanted to be 145. made it down to 165 from almost 190 about 6 months ago. my trainer also a good friend of mine said i needed to stop looking at the scale and focus on what was most important. being healthy and enjoying life. just as the last expert answer states. everyone is different. i stopped looking at the scale and put my efforts into enjoying the activities i love best and eating healthy but not limiting myself from foods i love or starving myself. i also change up my exercise routine regularly. i started doing hiit (you can google it) high intensity training classes. wow definitely felt the difference. about a week ago i went to my annual physical and weighed in for the 1st time in months. i was 155. i must be doing something right but what's different now is my outlook on my body and lifestyle. weight is just a number what's important to me is how i feel and having the energy to keep up with my very active family. it sounds like you are on the right path to a healthy fit life style. i wish you all the best and don't sweat the small stuff. enjoy life and save the sweat for the gym! <positive_smiley> -angel
why do vegetables taste so awful? . if vegetables are so healthy why do they taste so bad? i thought taste was our bodies' natural way of telling us what we should and shouldn't eat. i've always found a majority of vegetables to be unpalatable and try as i might to eat more of them it's a real challenge when i have to force them down my throat. i want to eat healthier but i don't want to constantly be eating things i don't like either. it could be that you are a super taster which means you are more likely to taste bitter compounds in vegetables. for more on this see this article. the key is to try different preparation methods until you find a vegetables you enjoy. here are some tips: try raw veggies with a dip you like such as ranch or hummus add vegetables like greens cucumber and celery to fruit smoothies (a high-powered blender is needed for harder vegetables) try greens in a salad with fruit nuts and a favorite salad dressing. roasting veggies brings out their natural sweetness -- two of my favorite vegetables to roast are broccoli and cauliflower. here are some recipes and tips. add vegetables to dishes you already like such as stir fries and casseroles. for more tips see this webmd article. the key is to experiment until you find enjoyable ways to eat veggies.
why do vegetables taste so awful? . if vegetables are so healthy why do they taste so bad? i thought taste was our bodies' natural way of telling us what we should and shouldn't eat. i've always found a majority of vegetables to be unpalatable and try as i might to eat more of them it's a real challenge when i have to force them down my throat. i want to eat healthier but i don't want to constantly be eating things i don't like either.
it could be that you are a super taster which means you are more likely to taste bitter compounds in vegetables. for more on this see this article. the key is to try different preparation methods until you find a vegetables you enjoy. here are some tips: try raw veggies with a dip you like such as ranch or hummus add vegetables like greens cucumber and celery to fruit smoothies (a high-powered blender is needed for harder vegetables) try greens in a salad with fruit nuts and a favorite salad dressing. roasting veggies brings out their natural sweetness -- two of my favorite vegetables to roast are broccoli and cauliflower. here are some recipes and tips. add vegetables to dishes you already like such as stir fries and casseroles. for more tips see this webmd article. the key is to experiment until you find enjoyable ways to eat veggies.
can you have hyperglycemia without being a diabetic? . my husband just had his physical and they administered blood tests after an 8-hour fasting. after seeing elevated blood sugar levels his doctor administered more extensive tests to check for diabetes. his mother and his brother were/are diabetic. his lab review stated the following "the glycohemoglobin was 6. 0 which indicates hyperglycemia but is not indicative of diabetes. " then there were suggestions of watching his diet losing weight (which he has lost about 15 lbs. in the last 2 years) a glycated hemoglobin a1c of 6. 0 (5. 7-6. 4 range) is considered pre-diabetes meaning your husband has elevated blood sugars and is at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. according to the centers for disease control 15-30% of people with pre-diabetes will be diagnosed with full blown diabetes in 5 years. so watching his diet moving more and losing weight if needed can help prevent the development of diabetes. to better understand glycated hemoglobin see this webmd article and for more on what to do after a pre-diabetes diagnosis see this one. good luck!
can you have hyperglycemia without being a diabetic? . my husband just had his physical and they administered blood tests after an 8-hour fasting. after seeing elevated blood sugar levels his doctor administered more extensive tests to check for diabetes. his mother and his brother were/are diabetic. his lab review stated the following "the glycohemoglobin was 6. 0 which indicates hyperglycemia but is not indicative of diabetes. " then there were suggestions of watching his diet losing weight (which he has lost about 15 lbs. in the last 2 years)
a glycated hemoglobin a1c of 6. 0 (5. 7-6. 4 range) is considered pre-diabetes meaning your husband has elevated blood sugars and is at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. according to the centers for disease control 15-30% of people with pre-diabetes will be diagnosed with full blown diabetes in 5 years. so watching his diet moving more and losing weight if needed can help prevent the development of diabetes. to better understand glycated hemoglobin see this webmd article and for more on what to do after a pre-diabetes diagnosis see this one. good luck!
during weight gain does a persons skin streach or does it grow to accomodate the extra fat? . i am curious to know if a persons weight gain causes the skin to grow or to stretch. i am already aware that rapid weight gain can cause the skin the tear leaving stretch marks. i am asking more in regards to morbidly obese people that weigh around 400-700 pounds. i am curious to know if the skin actually can stretch that much or if the adult body is forced to grow the skin as it stretches. skin contains elastic fibers that allow it to stretch during weight gain or recoil or shrink during weight loss. so someone who gains a large amount of weight does not grow new skin. their skin stretches to accommodate the accumulation of fat tissue.
during weight gain does a persons skin streach or does it grow to accomodate the extra fat? . i am curious to know if a persons weight gain causes the skin to grow or to stretch. i am already aware that rapid weight gain can cause the skin the tear leaving stretch marks. i am asking more in regards to morbidly obese people that weigh around 400-700 pounds. i am curious to know if the skin actually can stretch that much or if the adult body is forced to grow the skin as it stretches.
skin contains elastic fibers that allow it to stretch during weight gain or recoil or shrink during weight loss. so someone who gains a large amount of weight does not grow new skin. their skin stretches to accommodate the accumulation of fat tissue.
what type of food should be eaten if you have hemochromatosis below are general recommendations for diet and hemochromatosis. be sure to check with your healthcare provider for specifics on your condition. avoid alcohol any supplement with iron (such as a multivitamin with minerals) and iron-fortified cereals/food products do not take vitamin c supplements as it increases the absorption of iron drink vitamin-c rich juices (citrus) between meals consume less heme iron (meat/chicken/fish) than nonheme (plant sources of iron) -- see this article for sources of iron. heme sources are better absorbed which is why those should be consumed less often. avoid raw fish as people with hereditary hemochromatosis are at increased risk for infection. tea and coffee may decrease absorption of iron
what type of food should be eaten if you have hemochromatosis
below are general recommendations for diet and hemochromatosis. be sure to check with your healthcare provider for specifics on your condition. avoid alcohol any supplement with iron (such as a multivitamin with minerals) and iron-fortified cereals/food products do not take vitamin c supplements as it increases the absorption of iron drink vitamin-c rich juices (citrus) between meals consume less heme iron (meat/chicken/fish) than nonheme (plant sources of iron) -- see this article for sources of iron. heme sources are better absorbed which is why those should be consumed less often. avoid raw fish as people with hereditary hemochromatosis are at increased risk for infection. tea and coffee may decrease absorption of iron
when to stop losing weight. question is. 4-5 months ago i weighed 231lbs. i'm 41 5'11. i started. excersising 5-6 days a week bout an hour a day. started eating more fruits and nuts. mainly for breakfast and normal dinners just lower portions. i now weigh 188lbs. people tell me to quit losing weight? when. do i know to stop losing weight? i think it's important for you to get a physical and lab work done. you want to see what your blood lipids are (cholesterol etc) blood pressure and other health indicators. this will help you figure out the state of your health. you can also track your bmi here based on your age and gender to see where you fall. together with your healthcare provider you can decide when it's time to focus on weight maintenance instead of weight loss. there is no magic number and it's important to keep up your healthy habits to maintain good health and the weight loss you've achieved to date. you just need to make an informed decision. congrats on your weight loss!
when to stop losing weight. question is. 4-5 months ago i weighed 231lbs. i'm 41 5'11. i started. excersising 5-6 days a week bout an hour a day. started eating more fruits and nuts. mainly for breakfast and normal dinners just lower portions. i now weigh 188lbs. people tell me to quit losing weight? when. do i know to stop losing weight?
i think it's important for you to get a physical and lab work done. you want to see what your blood lipids are (cholesterol etc) blood pressure and other health indicators. this will help you figure out the state of your health. you can also track your bmi here based on your age and gender to see where you fall. together with your healthcare provider you can decide when it's time to focus on weight maintenance instead of weight loss. there is no magic number and it's important to keep up your healthy habits to maintain good health and the weight loss you've achieved to date. you just need to make an informed decision. congrats on your weight loss!
i never know when to take an antihistamine or decongestant so i end up buying a product with both. is that a good idea? it depends on your symptoms. antihistamines generally relieve allergy-type symptoms like itchy and watery eyes runny nose sneezing and itchy throat. decongestants are helpful to relieve sinus congestion and pressure as well as nasal congestion. rule of thumb: you want to take the smallest number of medications to treat most of your symptoms and to minimize the number of potential side effects. so if you have runny nose and watery eyes and no congestion an antihistamine-only product is a good choice. if you ever have questions about which over-the-counter medication to choose ask your pharmacist.
i never know when to take an antihistamine or decongestant so i end up buying a product with both. is that a good idea?
it depends on your symptoms. antihistamines generally relieve allergy-type symptoms like itchy and watery eyes runny nose sneezing and itchy throat. decongestants are helpful to relieve sinus congestion and pressure as well as nasal congestion. rule of thumb: you want to take the smallest number of medications to treat most of your symptoms and to minimize the number of potential side effects. so if you have runny nose and watery eyes and no congestion an antihistamine-only product is a good choice. if you ever have questions about which over-the-counter medication to choose ask your pharmacist.
when i eat spicy food within 15 minutes i get loose-motion. it is a real problem for me. please advice a solution. when i eat spicy food within 15 minutes i get loose-motion. also a growling sound comes from my stomach. it is a real problem for me. please advice a solution. it sounds like you have a sensitivity to spicy foods that is causing diarrhea (loose motion? ) after eating. although some people's gastrointestinal tract (gi) can't handle spicy foods without any side effects others are more sensitive. spicy foods can irritate the gi tract. if you want to avoid the loose bowels and stomach growling then it makes sense to avoid spicy food. if you really love spicy food you can cut back or manage your body's reaction. here are some tips on how to manage diarrhea. good luck!
when i eat spicy food within 15 minutes i get loose-motion. it is a real problem for me. please advice a solution. when i eat spicy food within 15 minutes i get loose-motion. also a growling sound comes from my stomach. it is a real problem for me. please advice a solution.
it sounds like you have a sensitivity to spicy foods that is causing diarrhea (loose motion? ) after eating. although some people's gastrointestinal tract (gi) can't handle spicy foods without any side effects others are more sensitive. spicy foods can irritate the gi tract. if you want to avoid the loose bowels and stomach growling then it makes sense to avoid spicy food. if you really love spicy food you can cut back or manage your body's reaction. here are some tips on how to manage diarrhea. good luck!
hello i'm a female 5'3 and going to be 19 next month is there anyway i can grow about 2 to 3 inches taller? girls are done growing earlier than boys usually by age 18. that doesn't mean you won't see any growth but it's just unlikely. i would focus on accepting your body size and keeping it healthy. see webmd fit teen 's section for tips on healthy eating and physical activity.
hello i'm a female 5'3 and going to be 19 next month is there anyway i can grow about 2 to 3 inches taller?
girls are done growing earlier than boys usually by age 18. that doesn't mean you won't see any growth but it's just unlikely. i would focus on accepting your body size and keeping it healthy. see webmd fit teen 's section for tips on healthy eating and physical activity.
ive been trying to loose wgt for mths with no results. i exer. have made my eat habit healthier. why cant i loose weight. i had my thyroid checked i changed my eating habits ive started exercising and i have not lost a pound. why? i am getting very depressed and somedays i feel that i'd rather be dead then fat. im 51 and extremely sad over my weight. i have never been this weight other then when i was preg. my normal weight is around 120 im 5'2" i have gotten to 160 and i hate it. help please. first off if you are thinking the thoughts you mentioned in your question seek help from a mental health professional. without knowing how much and what you are eating it's tough to say why you aren't losing weight. while eating healthy is good total calories are key to bringing weight down. i highly recommend you see a registered dietitian. he or she will work with you on your current diet changing habits that caused the weight gain and individualizing it all to your lifestyle and preferences. you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright. org. research also shows that body dissatisfaction and being hard on yourself is linked to weight gain over time. as tough as it be try to think more kindly towards your struggles and your body. practicing self care and self compassion are important (but overlooked) factors in successfully managing health and weight. hang in there! there might be some problems with your diet. try the zeltiq in nyc or visit www. bodytreatmentcenter. com for an effective way to reduce fats.
ive been trying to loose wgt for mths with no results. i exer. have made my eat habit healthier. why cant i loose weight. i had my thyroid checked i changed my eating habits ive started exercising and i have not lost a pound. why? i am getting very depressed and somedays i feel that i'd rather be dead then fat. im 51 and extremely sad over my weight. i have never been this weight other then when i was preg. my normal weight is around 120 im 5'2" i have gotten to 160 and i hate it. help please.
first off if you are thinking the thoughts you mentioned in your question seek help from a mental health professional. without knowing how much and what you are eating it's tough to say why you aren't losing weight. while eating healthy is good total calories are key to bringing weight down. i highly recommend you see a registered dietitian. he or she will work with you on your current diet changing habits that caused the weight gain and individualizing it all to your lifestyle and preferences. you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright. org. research also shows that body dissatisfaction and being hard on yourself is linked to weight gain over time. as tough as it be try to think more kindly towards your struggles and your body. practicing self care and self compassion are important (but overlooked) factors in successfully managing health and weight. hang in there! there might be some problems with your diet. try the zeltiq in nyc or visit www. bodytreatmentcenter. com for an effective way to reduce fats.
can you give a 10 month old rice milk instead of formula? . my 10 month old granddaughter is prohibited from having any dairy or soy. she is currently on a special formula that is extremely expensive and has to be special ordered (not available in any stores). if she should run out before the next shipment arrives do you think it would be okay to give rice milk or have rice milk alternately with the formula to reduce the amount of formula she consumes. she is eating food prepared by mom and processed in the "baby bullet". it is not recommended that children under two consume rice milk or other alternatives to milk or soy unless directed by a pediatrician or pediatric dietitian. the problem are these products are not designed to meet baby's needs and they low in fat protein and other key nutrients like iron. keeping her on formula is important until she turns one. after that you can discuss other options with her pediatrician depending on what else she is consuming. nutritionally rice and almond milk are not equivalent to cow's milk besides the fortification of calcium and vitamin d. for some kids older than one that may be okay but you need to check with a pediatrician. parents of children with two or more food allergies really should see a pediatric dietitian to ensure that their are meeting nutritional needs. the first two years are the most important in terms of nutrition as it is the time the brain is developing and growth is at it's highest.
can you give a 10 month old rice milk instead of formula? . my 10 month old granddaughter is prohibited from having any dairy or soy. she is currently on a special formula that is extremely expensive and has to be special ordered (not available in any stores). if she should run out before the next shipment arrives do you think it would be okay to give rice milk or have rice milk alternately with the formula to reduce the amount of formula she consumes. she is eating food prepared by mom and processed in the "baby bullet".
it is not recommended that children under two consume rice milk or other alternatives to milk or soy unless directed by a pediatrician or pediatric dietitian. the problem are these products are not designed to meet baby's needs and they low in fat protein and other key nutrients like iron. keeping her on formula is important until she turns one. after that you can discuss other options with her pediatrician depending on what else she is consuming. nutritionally rice and almond milk are not equivalent to cow's milk besides the fortification of calcium and vitamin d. for some kids older than one that may be okay but you need to check with a pediatrician. parents of children with two or more food allergies really should see a pediatric dietitian to ensure that their are meeting nutritional needs. the first two years are the most important in terms of nutrition as it is the time the brain is developing and growth is at it's highest.
what fruit and veggies are high in fiber and good for diabetes? all fruits and vegetables contain fiber and are beneficial for diabetes. non-starchy vegetables are especially beneficial because they contain little carbohydrate (and calories) for lots of fiber and vitamins and minerals. this includes leafy greens like spinach and kale broccoli green beans peppers and cauliflower. fruits are great to include with meals but make sure to count them a carbohydrate serving. fruit choices include strawberries apple pears dried fruit berries and cantaloupe. beans (black kidney pinto) are also rich in fiber and great to substitute meat at meals because they also contain protein. but they too count as carbohydrates so make sure you keep them in. for more about foods that help control blood sugar see this webmd article. and for more on carb counting check out this resource.
what fruit and veggies are high in fiber and good for diabetes?
all fruits and vegetables contain fiber and are beneficial for diabetes. non-starchy vegetables are especially beneficial because they contain little carbohydrate (and calories) for lots of fiber and vitamins and minerals. this includes leafy greens like spinach and kale broccoli green beans peppers and cauliflower. fruits are great to include with meals but make sure to count them a carbohydrate serving. fruit choices include strawberries apple pears dried fruit berries and cantaloupe. beans (black kidney pinto) are also rich in fiber and great to substitute meat at meals because they also contain protein. but they too count as carbohydrates so make sure you keep them in. for more about foods that help control blood sugar see this webmd article. and for more on carb counting check out this resource.
i am 16. can i drink ensure gold choclate flavoured? . i started to drink it from yesterday. i'm not sure which product is ensure gold as i just checked their website and couldn't find it. ensure is a liquid supplement targeted to older individuals or people who are sick who have a tough time getting enough nutrition from food. while it is not harmful for you to drink them the bigger question is why. if you want to gain wait eating real food is always the better option. if you look at the ingredient line you will see that there is quite a bit of added sugars. so once and while is fine but look to whole foods to get the bulk of nutrition in your diet.
i am 16. can i drink ensure gold choclate flavoured? . i started to drink it from yesterday.
i'm not sure which product is ensure gold as i just checked their website and couldn't find it. ensure is a liquid supplement targeted to older individuals or people who are sick who have a tough time getting enough nutrition from food. while it is not harmful for you to drink them the bigger question is why. if you want to gain wait eating real food is always the better option. if you look at the ingredient line you will see that there is quite a bit of added sugars. so once and while is fine but look to whole foods to get the bulk of nutrition in your diet.
when you can't digest food. my daughter is 38 and when she eats the food just sits in her stomach and rots making her sick. she can't hardly eat anything yet her weight still climbs. she had her gallbladder removed several years ago and has had this problem ever since. dr. put her on reglin (she is off that now) but all it did was make her feel like she had chronic fatigue syndrome. help. i'm sorry your daughter is having a hard time. i think it's best for her to get checked out by a gastroenterologist to rule out any underlying problems. you can also have her see a registered dietitian to check for food intolerances and diet concerns related to gallbladder removal. here are some other things that might help: eat smaller more frequent meals. avoid high fat foods such as high fat meats full-fat dairy and fried foods. keep portions of fat (oil butter nuts/seeds) small at meals. get adequate fiber through fruits vegetables and whole grains. if fiber intake has been low gradually increase it. watch for individual items that are hard to digest such as dairy products and beverages like caffeine. have your daughter keep a journal to note which foods bother her (and in what quantities) and if possible troubleshoot with a dietitian. good luck! speaking to a medical practitioner has to be the best thing that you have to advise your daughter. do an action now before it is too late. it is just like the same quick action that you have to do in dealing with unwanted fats. you can also check out www. bodytreatmentcenter. com for a fat removal in nyc.
when you can't digest food. my daughter is 38 and when she eats the food just sits in her stomach and rots making her sick. she can't hardly eat anything yet her weight still climbs. she had her gallbladder removed several years ago and has had this problem ever since. dr. put her on reglin (she is off that now) but all it did was make her feel like she had chronic fatigue syndrome. help.
i'm sorry your daughter is having a hard time. i think it's best for her to get checked out by a gastroenterologist to rule out any underlying problems. you can also have her see a registered dietitian to check for food intolerances and diet concerns related to gallbladder removal. here are some other things that might help: eat smaller more frequent meals. avoid high fat foods such as high fat meats full-fat dairy and fried foods. keep portions of fat (oil butter nuts/seeds) small at meals. get adequate fiber through fruits vegetables and whole grains. if fiber intake has been low gradually increase it. watch for individual items that are hard to digest such as dairy products and beverages like caffeine. have your daughter keep a journal to note which foods bother her (and in what quantities) and if possible troubleshoot with a dietitian. good luck! speaking to a medical practitioner has to be the best thing that you have to advise your daughter. do an action now before it is too late. it is just like the same quick action that you have to do in dealing with unwanted fats. you can also check out www. bodytreatmentcenter. com for a fat removal in nyc.
i am prone to recurrent uti. what can i change about my diet to prevent and treat urinary tract infections? . i am trying to alter my diet in order to better prevent urinary tract infections. i already am limiting caffeine and alcohol and am drinking lots of water. . i need a list of foods that are good for preventing and treating urinary tract infections. here are some foods that may help prevent urinary tract infections: cranberry products such as cranberries cranberry juice and cranberry extract. blueberries fresh berry or fruit juices fermented dairy products with probiotic bacteria (ask your doctor about probiotic supplements) cinnamon foods rich in vitamin a like sweet potatoes carrots spinach and kale for more on prevention see this webmd article.
i am prone to recurrent uti. what can i change about my diet to prevent and treat urinary tract infections? . i am trying to alter my diet in order to better prevent urinary tract infections. i already am limiting caffeine and alcohol and am drinking lots of water. . i need a list of foods that are good for preventing and treating urinary tract infections.
here are some foods that may help prevent urinary tract infections: cranberry products such as cranberries cranberry juice and cranberry extract. blueberries fresh berry or fruit juices fermented dairy products with probiotic bacteria (ask your doctor about probiotic supplements) cinnamon foods rich in vitamin a like sweet potatoes carrots spinach and kale for more on prevention see this webmd article.
what are normal b-12 levels in the blood? normal blood vitamin b12 levels are between 200-835 picograms per milliliter ( pg/ml). for more on blood levels see this article. and for food sources and recommended daily allowances see this one.
what are normal b-12 levels in the blood?
normal blood vitamin b12 levels are between 200-835 picograms per milliliter ( pg/ml). for more on blood levels see this article. and for food sources and recommended daily allowances see this one.
i m 26 year 54kg 168cm height guy my bone mass n strength not imprving even i have taken all calcium also do gym daily it looks like you are working hard to gain muscle strength and bone mass. as for bone mass you also need vitamin d because without it calcium cannot be deposited into bone. the best thing to do is get a blood test to see if you have enough vitamin d in your blood. your healthcare provider can help you decide on the appropriate level of supplementation if your vitamin d is low. without knowing your workouts and diet it's difficult to comment on your muscle strength goals. this webmd article will provide you with the basics. you can also see a certified personal trainer for additional help. good luck!
i m 26 year 54kg 168cm height guy my bone mass n strength not imprving even i have taken all calcium also do gym daily
it looks like you are working hard to gain muscle strength and bone mass. as for bone mass you also need vitamin d because without it calcium cannot be deposited into bone. the best thing to do is get a blood test to see if you have enough vitamin d in your blood. your healthcare provider can help you decide on the appropriate level of supplementation if your vitamin d is low. without knowing your workouts and diet it's difficult to comment on your muscle strength goals. this webmd article will provide you with the basics. you can also see a certified personal trainer for additional help. good luck!
my wife weighs 242lbs she only eats about 1500 calories a day and excercises. why can't she lose weight? . . my wife is 5ft 4inches tall weighs 242lbs and is a size 14-16 in pants sizes. she only eats about 1500 calories a day and exercises about 90+ minutes a day burning 800-1200 calories. she has been doing this for about 2 months and hasn't lost any weight. she has been diagnosed with ibs. she also has be test for hypothyroids and was negative. . . it's difficult to say exactly why your wife isn't losing weight without more information but here are some things to consider: how is she tracking her calories? it is possible that she is getting more than she thinks she is. seeing a registered dietitian can help her examine her food intake for hidden calories. high levels of activity mixed with low calorie intake may increase cortisol (levels stress hormone) and cause weight to stay where it is. this is a theory but i have seen it many times. your wife can experiment with cutting back the exercise or increasing her calorie intake. unless she's enjoying the exercise it likely isn't sustainable so i suggest she focused on doing something she enjoys. if your wife did not exercise at all before it is possible she is gaining some muscle mass and losing fat even the scale isn't moving. other factors can cause weight to plateau such as stress and lack of sleep. see this webmd article for more ideas. weight loss -- and especially weight loss maintenance -- can be a challenging task. i suggest your wife get help and support with the process. the key is to address the reasons for the weight gain in addition to tackling food and exercise. i had the same issue. 1-2hours a day in the gym cardio and weights 4-5 days a wk eating 1200 calories only lost 2 lbs in 4 months. turns out there is so much msg in food that it was hindering my progress. i switched to eating only organic food with light exercise and lost 5 lbs. in one week. i also stopped getting head aches and back aches. i even gained energy and improved disposition. (msg is an excitotoxin used to get mice fat and stay that way in order to research diabetes. -there are over 40 types of msg under different names and it is in 95 percent of foods you find in stores. ) <link>
my wife weighs 242lbs she only eats about 1500 calories a day and excercises. why can't she lose weight? . . my wife is 5ft 4inches tall weighs 242lbs and is a size 14-16 in pants sizes. she only eats about 1500 calories a day and exercises about 90+ minutes a day burning 800-1200 calories. she has been doing this for about 2 months and hasn't lost any weight. she has been diagnosed with ibs. she also has be test for hypothyroids and was negative. . .
it's difficult to say exactly why your wife isn't losing weight without more information but here are some things to consider: how is she tracking her calories? it is possible that she is getting more than she thinks she is. seeing a registered dietitian can help her examine her food intake for hidden calories. high levels of activity mixed with low calorie intake may increase cortisol (levels stress hormone) and cause weight to stay where it is. this is a theory but i have seen it many times. your wife can experiment with cutting back the exercise or increasing her calorie intake. unless she's enjoying the exercise it likely isn't sustainable so i suggest she focused on doing something she enjoys. if your wife did not exercise at all before it is possible she is gaining some muscle mass and losing fat even the scale isn't moving. other factors can cause weight to plateau such as stress and lack of sleep. see this webmd article for more ideas. weight loss -- and especially weight loss maintenance -- can be a challenging task. i suggest your wife get help and support with the process. the key is to address the reasons for the weight gain in addition to tackling food and exercise. i had the same issue. 1-2hours a day in the gym cardio and weights 4-5 days a wk eating 1200 calories only lost 2 lbs in 4 months. turns out there is so much msg in food that it was hindering my progress. i switched to eating only organic food with light exercise and lost 5 lbs. in one week. i also stopped getting head aches and back aches. i even gained energy and improved disposition. (msg is an excitotoxin used to get mice fat and stay that way in order to research diabetes. -there are over 40 types of msg under different names and it is in 95 percent of foods you find in stores. ) <link>
what do i need to expect when starting my sugar-free diet? . i've been wanting to quit sugar for awhile now ( i consume entirely too much! snack cakes sodas cereal etc) i was wondering about any dangers or anything that might help me to avoid the cravings that have tripped me up so often in the past. thanks. most people who eliminate up sugar have a hard time the first week or so and then feel better after that. the problem is that eventually most everyone who gives up sugar will eat it again -- and that is when the problems start. a better strategy might be to cut back on sugar -- and try to find more wholesome forms of sweet foods. instead of fighting against your sweet tooth which may cause the eventual "over-consumption " honor sweet cravings by finding more wholesome options. you can try a few squares of dark chocolate (be mindful and savor it) or bit of honey in your oatmeal that is topped with fruit and nuts. the result will be a diet that is much lower in sugar but higher in satisfaction. for more tips on dealing with sugar cravings see this webmd article. good luck with your health journey!
what do i need to expect when starting my sugar-free diet? . i've been wanting to quit sugar for awhile now ( i consume entirely too much! snack cakes sodas cereal etc) i was wondering about any dangers or anything that might help me to avoid the cravings that have tripped me up so often in the past. thanks.
most people who eliminate up sugar have a hard time the first week or so and then feel better after that. the problem is that eventually most everyone who gives up sugar will eat it again -- and that is when the problems start. a better strategy might be to cut back on sugar -- and try to find more wholesome forms of sweet foods. instead of fighting against your sweet tooth which may cause the eventual "over-consumption " honor sweet cravings by finding more wholesome options. you can try a few squares of dark chocolate (be mindful and savor it) or bit of honey in your oatmeal that is topped with fruit and nuts. the result will be a diet that is much lower in sugar but higher in satisfaction. for more tips on dealing with sugar cravings see this webmd article. good luck with your health journey!
why do i bloat up after dinner? we don't overeat and we eat a good diet but my wife and i bloat up hours every evening. this starts around thirty minutes after dinner and lasts up to a couple of hours. doesn't seem to matter what we eat. we usually take our multivitamin and fish oil tablets and then eat. we have tried cutting back but it still happens and has been going on for months possibly a year. there could be a few different reasons why you bloat. here are some ideas: too much sodium can cause water retention that makes you feel bloated. check the sodium of the meals you are consuming. eating quickly (and too much) can also cause abdominal distention. fat or rich foods that take longer to digest can increase bloating. it could be due to a lack of healthy bacteria in your gastro-intestinal tracts. try adding fermented foods like yogurt and kefir or even a probiotic to see if it helps. there are certain foods that may be making you feel bloated. see this webmd article for more of the details. if the bloating causes you problems and isn't helped by any dietary changes you should see your healthcare provider to rule out any medical causes. best of luck to you!
why do i bloat up after dinner? we don't overeat and we eat a good diet but my wife and i bloat up hours every evening. this starts around thirty minutes after dinner and lasts up to a couple of hours. doesn't seem to matter what we eat. we usually take our multivitamin and fish oil tablets and then eat. we have tried cutting back but it still happens and has been going on for months possibly a year.
there could be a few different reasons why you bloat. here are some ideas: too much sodium can cause water retention that makes you feel bloated. check the sodium of the meals you are consuming. eating quickly (and too much) can also cause abdominal distention. fat or rich foods that take longer to digest can increase bloating. it could be due to a lack of healthy bacteria in your gastro-intestinal tracts. try adding fermented foods like yogurt and kefir or even a probiotic to see if it helps. there are certain foods that may be making you feel bloated. see this webmd article for more of the details. if the bloating causes you problems and isn't helped by any dietary changes you should see your healthcare provider to rule out any medical causes. best of luck to you!
how do i keep from waking up hungry? . i usually eat dinner between 6 and 8 at night but i'm always ravenously hungry when i wake up (between 5-6 on weekdays and 7-8 on weekends). sometimes i even wake up and struggle to get back to sleep due to hunger. i eat protein with every meal and eat several small meals a day the largest always being dinner in hopes of not waking up hungry. it's not a thyroid problem i've had that tested twice in the past 2 years and i'm 30 pounds overweight (failing to lose weight for 3 years now). in some cases waking up hungry would not be a problem but it sounds like it is affecting your quality of life. in addition to your protein source at dinner try including a big salad and/or soup whole grains and some healthy fat (olive oil avocado etc. ). eating from all the food groups helps increase feelings of fullness. you can also try a bedtime snack of something light like fruit with peanut butter or whole grain crackers and cheese. if you are staying up late this can increase hunger so getting to sleep early can help. you also want to make sure you get enough to eat earlier in the day including a good breakfast and lunch with in between healthy snacks. also make sure you are hydrated so that isn't being confused with hunger. for more tips on managing your hunger see this article. good luck! make sure that you are eating healthy for the whole day. have a packed breakfast with a glass of milk or fruit juice everyday and have a good dinner too. you may have your dinner earlier at night so you can sleep earlier but make sure that you don't sleep right after dinner at once. you may meditate before you go to sleep to get rid of stress. no surgery fat off - <link>
how do i keep from waking up hungry? . i usually eat dinner between 6 and 8 at night but i'm always ravenously hungry when i wake up (between 5-6 on weekdays and 7-8 on weekends). sometimes i even wake up and struggle to get back to sleep due to hunger. i eat protein with every meal and eat several small meals a day the largest always being dinner in hopes of not waking up hungry. it's not a thyroid problem i've had that tested twice in the past 2 years and i'm 30 pounds overweight (failing to lose weight for 3 years now).
in some cases waking up hungry would not be a problem but it sounds like it is affecting your quality of life. in addition to your protein source at dinner try including a big salad and/or soup whole grains and some healthy fat (olive oil avocado etc. ). eating from all the food groups helps increase feelings of fullness. you can also try a bedtime snack of something light like fruit with peanut butter or whole grain crackers and cheese. if you are staying up late this can increase hunger so getting to sleep early can help. you also want to make sure you get enough to eat earlier in the day including a good breakfast and lunch with in between healthy snacks. also make sure you are hydrated so that isn't being confused with hunger. for more tips on managing your hunger see this article. good luck! make sure that you are eating healthy for the whole day. have a packed breakfast with a glass of milk or fruit juice everyday and have a good dinner too. you may have your dinner earlier at night so you can sleep earlier but make sure that you don't sleep right after dinner at once. you may meditate before you go to sleep to get rid of stress. no surgery fat off - <link>
how do you get a chiled to eat healthy during the preoperational stage by using preoperational thought? . what are some characteristics of preoperational thinking that i can use with my child to get her to eat more healthy? the pre-operational stage between ages of 2 and 6 can be tough as there is a lot going on both physical and cognitively. children have slowed growth (and appetite) so their eating is erratic this is also the time that food neophobia (fear of new foods) peaks increasing picky eating. here are some things parents can to do encourage healthy eating: set structure at meals. that means eating regular meals and 1-2 snacks between in a focused way (preferably the kitchen table). children who graze on snacks may eat poor at mealtime because they have small bellies. follow the ellyn satter division of responsibility of feeding where parents decide the what when and where of feeding and children decide the whether and how much of eating. pressuring children to eat actually makes them eat less so allow your child to take the lead and you'll be surprised how much better they do over time. battles make mealtime a negative and eating suffers. eat together and model healthy eating habits. children learn by watching others eat -- encourage touching food or smelling it to get a child comfortable with new items. have children help with meal preparation and get them involved as much as possible. hands on leaning is always best at this stage as telling a young child a food is "healthy " translates to "it must taste bad. " always tell them it tastes good! build on foods the already accept. so if they like a certain sauce try a healthy item in that familiar sauce. if they like a certain dip try a new veggie with it. if they like breaded chicken try breaded veggies like zucchini. make sure there is always something at the table your child likes so they aren't overwhelmed with new food. they will be more likely to try something if they feel there is safe food there. it is not that tough to meet a child's nutritional needs at this stage. remember that a varied fruit intake can make up for low veggie intake. 2-5 year old's only need 2-3 ounces of protein per day. and always look at their eating over a week and not one day. it usually evens out. the good news is after 6 children become more open to food especially if mealtime has been a positive experience with them. never label them as picky and always have an expectant attitude when it comes to eating. good luck!
how do you get a chiled to eat healthy during the preoperational stage by using preoperational thought? . what are some characteristics of preoperational thinking that i can use with my child to get her to eat more healthy?
the pre-operational stage between ages of 2 and 6 can be tough as there is a lot going on both physical and cognitively. children have slowed growth (and appetite) so their eating is erratic this is also the time that food neophobia (fear of new foods) peaks increasing picky eating. here are some things parents can to do encourage healthy eating: set structure at meals. that means eating regular meals and 1-2 snacks between in a focused way (preferably the kitchen table). children who graze on snacks may eat poor at mealtime because they have small bellies. follow the ellyn satter division of responsibility of feeding where parents decide the what when and where of feeding and children decide the whether and how much of eating. pressuring children to eat actually makes them eat less so allow your child to take the lead and you'll be surprised how much better they do over time. battles make mealtime a negative and eating suffers. eat together and model healthy eating habits. children learn by watching others eat -- encourage touching food or smelling it to get a child comfortable with new items. have children help with meal preparation and get them involved as much as possible. hands on leaning is always best at this stage as telling a young child a food is "healthy " translates to "it must taste bad. " always tell them it tastes good! build on foods the already accept. so if they like a certain sauce try a healthy item in that familiar sauce. if they like a certain dip try a new veggie with it. if they like breaded chicken try breaded veggies like zucchini. make sure there is always something at the table your child likes so they aren't overwhelmed with new food. they will be more likely to try something if they feel there is safe food there. it is not that tough to meet a child's nutritional needs at this stage. remember that a varied fruit intake can make up for low veggie intake. 2-5 year old's only need 2-3 ounces of protein per day. and always look at their eating over a week and not one day. it usually evens out. the good news is after 6 children become more open to food especially if mealtime has been a positive experience with them. never label them as picky and always have an expectant attitude when it comes to eating. good luck!
should a diabetic avoid watermelon pineapple and raisins or is this sugar different because it's "natural" sugar? the key is not to avoid certain foods when you have diabetes but to be aware of the total carbohydrate in foods and keep intake consistent throughout the day. a small piece of fresh fruit 1/2 cup canned and 1/4 cup dried fruit contains about one carb serving (15g total carbohydrates). most people with diabetes can have between 3 and 5 carbohydrate servings at each meal and 1 to 2 at snack time. foods with added sugars are less nutritious than foods with natural sources of sugar but what counts for blood glucose control is watching total carbs. for good health healthier sources of carbohydrates are recommended including whole grains fruits and low fat dairy. make sure to work with your healthcare provider on the appropriate of carbohydrates for you. for more on carb counting see this article.
should a diabetic avoid watermelon pineapple and raisins or is this sugar different because it's "natural" sugar?
the key is not to avoid certain foods when you have diabetes but to be aware of the total carbohydrate in foods and keep intake consistent throughout the day. a small piece of fresh fruit 1/2 cup canned and 1/4 cup dried fruit contains about one carb serving (15g total carbohydrates). most people with diabetes can have between 3 and 5 carbohydrate servings at each meal and 1 to 2 at snack time. foods with added sugars are less nutritious than foods with natural sources of sugar but what counts for blood glucose control is watching total carbs. for good health healthier sources of carbohydrates are recommended including whole grains fruits and low fat dairy. make sure to work with your healthcare provider on the appropriate of carbohydrates for you. for more on carb counting see this article.
how to gain weight back from unexpected weight loss also having fatigue and nausea? . i have had an ongoing anxiety disorder for 3 years. i've finall found a med combination that works for me. venlafaxline and bupropion. i had been on the bupropion for about a year before so one drug was new. before i started this drug i started having unexplained naused food eversions and lots of fatigue i have dropped my weight from 105 to 91 pounds. am a personal trainer just trying to put on muscle but nothing is helping! i feel like im constantly forcing myself to eat. hcg= neg tsh= normal the key is to get the cause of the weight loss under control which it sounds like have started to do. as for weight gain you need to make food and eating a priority. frequent meals (5-<positive_smiley> may work better especially if you still having nausea. take advantage of the times your appetite is high which for most people with nausea is in the first half of the day. provide yourself with as many food groups as possible when you do eat-- grains protein dairy (or alternative) healthy fats and fruits and vegetables. so instead of just cereal in the morning top it with nuts and fruit and also have a boiled egg. at snack time have full fat yogurt with nuts and graham crackers. make sure you up the fat where you can such as adding a fat source to sandwiches like sliced avocado mayonnaise nut butters or hummus. add full fat dairy products to smoothies and soups and butter or nut butters to toast. protein sources are beneficial such as meats tuna (packed in oil) and beans. with time and vigilance you can get your weight back up. for more tips on healthy ways to gain weight see this webmd article. good luck!
how to gain weight back from unexpected weight loss also having fatigue and nausea? . i have had an ongoing anxiety disorder for 3 years. i've finall found a med combination that works for me. venlafaxline and bupropion. i had been on the bupropion for about a year before so one drug was new. before i started this drug i started having unexplained naused food eversions and lots of fatigue i have dropped my weight from 105 to 91 pounds. am a personal trainer just trying to put on muscle but nothing is helping! i feel like im constantly forcing myself to eat. hcg= neg tsh= normal
the key is to get the cause of the weight loss under control which it sounds like have started to do. as for weight gain you need to make food and eating a priority. frequent meals (5-<positive_smiley> may work better especially if you still having nausea. take advantage of the times your appetite is high which for most people with nausea is in the first half of the day. provide yourself with as many food groups as possible when you do eat-- grains protein dairy (or alternative) healthy fats and fruits and vegetables. so instead of just cereal in the morning top it with nuts and fruit and also have a boiled egg. at snack time have full fat yogurt with nuts and graham crackers. make sure you up the fat where you can such as adding a fat source to sandwiches like sliced avocado mayonnaise nut butters or hummus. add full fat dairy products to smoothies and soups and butter or nut butters to toast. protein sources are beneficial such as meats tuna (packed in oil) and beans. with time and vigilance you can get your weight back up. for more tips on healthy ways to gain weight see this webmd article. good luck!
how much juice milk and water should a toddler be drinking? i have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old. the american academy of pediatrics recommends no more than 4 to 6 ounces of 100% fruit juice for young children. at one year of age babies can switch from formula or breast milk to whole milk and it is recommended children get 2-3 cups but no more than 24 ounces. more than 24 ounces can increase the risk of iron deficiency since milk is poor source of iron and can fill up children's bellies. at 2 years 2 cups of milk is recommended but if a child doesn't drink milk he can get calcium from cheese and yogurt. children who don't drink milk will need a supplemental source of vitamin d. check with your pediatrician. as for total fluid requirements about 5 to 6 cups daily but don't push it. instead make water available between meals and milk and/or juice with meals.
how much juice milk and water should a toddler be drinking? i have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old.
the american academy of pediatrics recommends no more than 4 to 6 ounces of 100% fruit juice for young children. at one year of age babies can switch from formula or breast milk to whole milk and it is recommended children get 2-3 cups but no more than 24 ounces. more than 24 ounces can increase the risk of iron deficiency since milk is poor source of iron and can fill up children's bellies. at 2 years 2 cups of milk is recommended but if a child doesn't drink milk he can get calcium from cheese and yogurt. children who don't drink milk will need a supplemental source of vitamin d. check with your pediatrician. as for total fluid requirements about 5 to 6 cups daily but don't push it. instead make water available between meals and milk and/or juice with meals.
there are 8 teaspoons of sugar in a 12oz coke but how many nutritional grams of sugar are in a teaspoon? . i'm looking for a conversion of nutritional to measurement in order to regulate my macros. a teaspoon of sugar has about 4 grams of sugar. sodas and sugar-sweetened beverages have all added sugars. in products like yogurt pasta sauce milk and food with added fruit some of the sugar is naturally occurring (lactose in the milk for example). for more sugar facts see this article.
there are 8 teaspoons of sugar in a 12oz coke but how many nutritional grams of sugar are in a teaspoon? . i'm looking for a conversion of nutritional to measurement in order to regulate my macros.
a teaspoon of sugar has about 4 grams of sugar. sodas and sugar-sweetened beverages have all added sugars. in products like yogurt pasta sauce milk and food with added fruit some of the sugar is naturally occurring (lactose in the milk for example). for more sugar facts see this article.
can sweetners react to stomach ulcers i am not aware of sweeteners (sugars or artificial sweeteners) causing problems for stomach ulcers. that being said too much alcohol can make them worse. the key is finding out the cause of the stomach ulcer and getting the proper treatment. here is more about how diet can help.
can sweetners react to stomach ulcers
i am not aware of sweeteners (sugars or artificial sweeteners) causing problems for stomach ulcers. that being said too much alcohol can make them worse. the key is finding out the cause of the stomach ulcer and getting the proper treatment. here is more about how diet can help.
why is my 7 week old baby vomiting alot in amount after eating. my 7 week old will go thru a vomiting stage. we will go about 3-4 days without it and then one day she will be on the breast eating and will vomit what seems like the whole feeding and plus some sometimes. my fiance seems to think that she is eating to fast on the breast and should feed her more bottles. i do not feel that is the reason behind this issue because it has happened with a bottle feeding before. just in the last 24 hours she has vomited 3 while on the breast. while you want to check with your pediatrician it sounds like your baby is experiencing infant regurgitation also called spit up where the contents in the stomach reflux back into the esophagus. this occurs frequently in babies because the muscles at the lower esophageal sphincter muscle (responsible for keeping food from coming back up) are weak. your pediatrician should be able to tell you if it is problematic which usually happens when reflux causes problems such as inflammation swallowing problems poor weight gain and food refusal. for the most part frequent regurgitation is considered normal when growth is fine and the child eats with well with no other signs of distress. because you are breastfeeding there could be other things contributing such as an overactive letdown (milk comes out fast) and laying baby down right after feeding. a lactation consultant can help you troubleshoot feeding your baby to decrease vomiting. for more on this subject see this webmd article. congrats on your new baby!
why is my 7 week old baby vomiting alot in amount after eating. my 7 week old will go thru a vomiting stage. we will go about 3-4 days without it and then one day she will be on the breast eating and will vomit what seems like the whole feeding and plus some sometimes. my fiance seems to think that she is eating to fast on the breast and should feed her more bottles. i do not feel that is the reason behind this issue because it has happened with a bottle feeding before. just in the last 24 hours she has vomited 3 while on the breast.
while you want to check with your pediatrician it sounds like your baby is experiencing infant regurgitation also called spit up where the contents in the stomach reflux back into the esophagus. this occurs frequently in babies because the muscles at the lower esophageal sphincter muscle (responsible for keeping food from coming back up) are weak. your pediatrician should be able to tell you if it is problematic which usually happens when reflux causes problems such as inflammation swallowing problems poor weight gain and food refusal. for the most part frequent regurgitation is considered normal when growth is fine and the child eats with well with no other signs of distress. because you are breastfeeding there could be other things contributing such as an overactive letdown (milk comes out fast) and laying baby down right after feeding. a lactation consultant can help you troubleshoot feeding your baby to decrease vomiting. for more on this subject see this webmd article. congrats on your new baby!
after getting to goal weight can you switch from low carb to calorie counting? . i'm 5'5 and 174 pounds. i'm also 15 years old and i've made up my mind to diet. i just need to know whether after going to calorie counting for maintainance if i'd gain everything back. i'd like to lose 72 pounds. i believe this weight is okay for me because i don't have a large frame. it sounds like you are ready to make a change which is good. i do not recommend dieting at this age as you are still growing and research shows dieting (especially at younger ages) is associated with weight gain over the long run. instead of losing weight i highly recommend focusing on creating a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. speak with your parents about having everyone in the family eat well and exercise. have regular meals with plenty of fruits vegetables lean meats low fat dairy whole grains and healthy fats. a low carb diet means your diet will be deficient in key nutrients you need to grow and that includes calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. a recent study showed that young adults who ate intuitively focusing on hunger and fullness cues weighed less than those who had more controlled eating styles. so eat regular meals at the table stop when comfortably full and create healthy habits. you may not lose weight fast but the healthy habits will lead to weight that's right for your body type. seeing a pediatric dietitian can also help as they know what nutrients you need during this last stage of growth. to find a dietitian near you go to eatright. org. for more on teen nutrition see this webmd article.
after getting to goal weight can you switch from low carb to calorie counting? . i'm 5'5 and 174 pounds. i'm also 15 years old and i've made up my mind to diet. i just need to know whether after going to calorie counting for maintainance if i'd gain everything back. i'd like to lose 72 pounds. i believe this weight is okay for me because i don't have a large frame.
it sounds like you are ready to make a change which is good. i do not recommend dieting at this age as you are still growing and research shows dieting (especially at younger ages) is associated with weight gain over the long run. instead of losing weight i highly recommend focusing on creating a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. speak with your parents about having everyone in the family eat well and exercise. have regular meals with plenty of fruits vegetables lean meats low fat dairy whole grains and healthy fats. a low carb diet means your diet will be deficient in key nutrients you need to grow and that includes calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. a recent study showed that young adults who ate intuitively focusing on hunger and fullness cues weighed less than those who had more controlled eating styles. so eat regular meals at the table stop when comfortably full and create healthy habits. you may not lose weight fast but the healthy habits will lead to weight that's right for your body type. seeing a pediatric dietitian can also help as they know what nutrients you need during this last stage of growth. to find a dietitian near you go to eatright. org. for more on teen nutrition see this webmd article.
i had gastric by-pass surgery in 2005; haven't had much follow up. which blood tests and levels need to be checked? i highly recommend you go for follow up. if you can't go to the doctor who did your surgery then find another bariatric surgeon that can follow you. they will check your blood looking specifically at vitamin b12 vitamin d iron and folate levels. you also should be taking supplements on a normal schedule as well as following diet guidelines. both the doctor and dietitian can help keep you on track. don't delay!
i had gastric by-pass surgery in 2005; haven't had much follow up. which blood tests and levels need to be checked?
i highly recommend you go for follow up. if you can't go to the doctor who did your surgery then find another bariatric surgeon that can follow you. they will check your blood looking specifically at vitamin b12 vitamin d iron and folate levels. you also should be taking supplements on a normal schedule as well as following diet guidelines. both the doctor and dietitian can help keep you on track. don't delay!
why are sweets easier to digest? . i had a gastric bypass in november 2011. now i find that sweets (i. e. chocolate cake pie etc. ) are easier to digest than nutritious food. the doctor says i should cut down on sweets so i don't put the weight back on. how can i when they are easier to digest and i am hungry? in some people who have had gastric bypass surgery sources of sugar tend to cause dumping syndrome but that doesn't seem to be the case for you. it's true that some foods are easier to eat than others after surgery but the more often you eat wholesome foods such as vegetables grains and lean meats the easier they are to eat. this isn't just about weight but health. you have a small stomach now and not all of the nutrients you take in are absorbed. you need to choose food that is nutrient dense and make every bite count. that doesn't mean you can't eat any sweets but eat them less often than other more nutritious foods. take note of how you feel after eating? which foods fuel you to be active and life a full life? i think you will find that whole foods that are more nutritious satisfying and nurturing. you just have to give your body time to adapt to them instead of the easy foods that aren't doing you much good. good luck!
why are sweets easier to digest? . i had a gastric bypass in november 2011. now i find that sweets (i. e. chocolate cake pie etc. ) are easier to digest than nutritious food. the doctor says i should cut down on sweets so i don't put the weight back on. how can i when they are easier to digest and i am hungry?
in some people who have had gastric bypass surgery sources of sugar tend to cause dumping syndrome but that doesn't seem to be the case for you. it's true that some foods are easier to eat than others after surgery but the more often you eat wholesome foods such as vegetables grains and lean meats the easier they are to eat. this isn't just about weight but health. you have a small stomach now and not all of the nutrients you take in are absorbed. you need to choose food that is nutrient dense and make every bite count. that doesn't mean you can't eat any sweets but eat them less often than other more nutritious foods. take note of how you feel after eating? which foods fuel you to be active and life a full life? i think you will find that whole foods that are more nutritious satisfying and nurturing. you just have to give your body time to adapt to them instead of the easy foods that aren't doing you much good. good luck!
i use the two hour after meal method to check my sugar. sunday's reading was 246 monday's was 116. is this swing a sign? i'm not sure if the change in blood sugar you experienced is a sign but it might simply be a result of what you ate. did you eat the same amount of carbohydrates at both meals? if you had more carbohydrates on sunday that would explain the higher levels. recommended blood glucose levels 2 hours after eating is less than 140 mg/dl for people 50 or younger; less than 150 mg/dl for people ages 50-60 and less than 160 mg/dl for people over 60. for more on measuring blood glucose levels with diabetes see this webmd article.
i use the two hour after meal method to check my sugar. sunday's reading was 246 monday's was 116. is this swing a sign?
i'm not sure if the change in blood sugar you experienced is a sign but it might simply be a result of what you ate. did you eat the same amount of carbohydrates at both meals? if you had more carbohydrates on sunday that would explain the higher levels. recommended blood glucose levels 2 hours after eating is less than 140 mg/dl for people 50 or younger; less than 150 mg/dl for people ages 50-60 and less than 160 mg/dl for people over 60. for more on measuring blood glucose levels with diabetes see this webmd article.
i've been eating salads(no cheese) okra and asparagus and drinking about 80-100oz of water/day and constipated. i'm not sure what else to do. i eat vegetables(brocoli spinach asparagus okra pickles cucumbers tomatoes) and egg whites with a drop of olive oil and i drink tons of water. i mean i drink a lot of water. i weigh 130 and drink between 80-100oz a day. i exercise regularly and don't drink. i go for 5-9days without pooping and then i will have a painful hard poop the size of a newborn baby. any advice? . i'm also very bloated and pee all of the time. when it comes to constipation fiber hydration and moving are important. there are other sources of fiber you can include such as whole grains bran cereals beans and legumes a variety of fruit (especially prunes or fruit with skins like apples) and flaxmeal. adequate fat can also help and it sounds like you are getting very little as can sources of probiotics (yogurt/kefir in smoothies etc). for healthy fat sources try sliced avocado more olive oil and nuts and seeds (which also contain fiber). even though extra water can help just be careful about getting too much. while what you eat and exercise matter there are other causes of constipation like stress. see this article for more information. and if this don't improve with diet changes see your doctor. good luck! you have to add more fiber to your diet. you can try trusculpt if you want to reduce the appearance of fats in a faster way. check out www. bodytreatmentcenter. com.
i've been eating salads(no cheese) okra and asparagus and drinking about 80-100oz of water/day and constipated. i'm not sure what else to do. i eat vegetables(brocoli spinach asparagus okra pickles cucumbers tomatoes) and egg whites with a drop of olive oil and i drink tons of water. i mean i drink a lot of water. i weigh 130 and drink between 80-100oz a day. i exercise regularly and don't drink. i go for 5-9days without pooping and then i will have a painful hard poop the size of a newborn baby. any advice? . i'm also very bloated and pee all of the time.
when it comes to constipation fiber hydration and moving are important. there are other sources of fiber you can include such as whole grains bran cereals beans and legumes a variety of fruit (especially prunes or fruit with skins like apples) and flaxmeal. adequate fat can also help and it sounds like you are getting very little as can sources of probiotics (yogurt/kefir in smoothies etc). for healthy fat sources try sliced avocado more olive oil and nuts and seeds (which also contain fiber). even though extra water can help just be careful about getting too much. while what you eat and exercise matter there are other causes of constipation like stress. see this article for more information. and if this don't improve with diet changes see your doctor. good luck! you have to add more fiber to your diet. you can try trusculpt if you want to reduce the appearance of fats in a faster way. check out www. bodytreatmentcenter. com.
iron levels in blood to go lower? . i recently started to donate plasma to make extra money but at time my iron has been low but able to get it up to donate. as a kid i did have low iron in my blood. recently just two weeks i went to donate but my iron levels are way low and i don't understand why? i eat alot of food with high iron in it and alot of peanut butter. but still have not been able to get my iron level back up. i don't know why my iron levels have gone done? can you help me understand why? without knowing what you are eating and more about your history its tough to say why your iron levels are low. here are some tips for increasing your iron stores: animal sources (heme) of iron are better absorbed so if you are not a vegetarian increase heme sources (meat poultry and fish) at mealtime. vitamin c-rich foods increase the absorption of iron in plant sources (green veggies iron-fortified cereals and grains beans and raisins) so include them at meals often. see this list of iron rich foods and add key sources to your diet. if dietary changes don't change your iron levels ask your doctor about supplementation.
iron levels in blood to go lower? . i recently started to donate plasma to make extra money but at time my iron has been low but able to get it up to donate. as a kid i did have low iron in my blood. recently just two weeks i went to donate but my iron levels are way low and i don't understand why? i eat alot of food with high iron in it and alot of peanut butter. but still have not been able to get my iron level back up. i don't know why my iron levels have gone done? can you help me understand why?
without knowing what you are eating and more about your history its tough to say why your iron levels are low. here are some tips for increasing your iron stores: animal sources (heme) of iron are better absorbed so if you are not a vegetarian increase heme sources (meat poultry and fish) at mealtime. vitamin c-rich foods increase the absorption of iron in plant sources (green veggies iron-fortified cereals and grains beans and raisins) so include them at meals often. see this list of iron rich foods and add key sources to your diet. if dietary changes don't change your iron levels ask your doctor about supplementation.
i have high bp. i have noticed that it usually goes up if i have eaten a lot of sugar and/or starch. are these related? . i take quinipril 12. 5 mg twice daily. usually if i don't eat a lot of sugar i can go down to one pill a day as my blood pressure is 108 to 110 over 70 to 80. if i have a high sugar intake during the day i notice my blood pressure goes up to 140 to 146 over 80 to 90. am i reading into this or are they related? . . both my parents had diabetes. my last physical showed my blood sugar at 70. i do watch how much starch and sugar i eat because i am trying to avoid diabetes. sugar intake should not cause blood pressure to increase but foods high in sodium can. many convenience foods have sugar salt and fat. so it could be that the days you eat sugar you also get extra sodium causing your blood pressure to spike. if you want to avoid diabetes keep your weight in check eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. this webmd article provides more of the specifics on preventing diabetes from developing.
i have high bp. i have noticed that it usually goes up if i have eaten a lot of sugar and/or starch. are these related? . i take quinipril 12. 5 mg twice daily. usually if i don't eat a lot of sugar i can go down to one pill a day as my blood pressure is 108 to 110 over 70 to 80. if i have a high sugar intake during the day i notice my blood pressure goes up to 140 to 146 over 80 to 90. am i reading into this or are they related? . . both my parents had diabetes. my last physical showed my blood sugar at 70. i do watch how much starch and sugar i eat because i am trying to avoid diabetes.
sugar intake should not cause blood pressure to increase but foods high in sodium can. many convenience foods have sugar salt and fat. so it could be that the days you eat sugar you also get extra sodium causing your blood pressure to spike. if you want to avoid diabetes keep your weight in check eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. this webmd article provides more of the specifics on preventing diabetes from developing.
re:nutrition what are safe levels of saturated fat polyusaturated fat monousaturated fat sodium & carbohydrate. looking for a guide to safe levels of saturated fat polyunsaturated fat monounsaturated fat sodium and carbohydrates found in almost all foods for an average person 62 years old. they are on every label but nothing to say what is too high of safe levels for the average person. first off you want to get an idea of how many calories you need as some of the recommendations are based on a percentage of calories. according to the dietary guidelines someone your age would need: female sedentary: 1600 calories/male sedentary: 2000 female moderately active: 1800/male moderately active: 2400 female active: 2000/male active: 2600 as for fats the 2010 dietary guidelines recommend 7-10% of calories (or less) come from saturated fat. if you get about 2000 calories 10% is about 20grams. generally it is recommended that people replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats (found mostly in plants and fish) such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated to benefit heart health. you do not need to check grams for unsaturated fats but it is recommended people consume fish twice a week for beneficial omega-3 fats. for more details on fat see this article. there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake that is acceptable and recommended -- 45-65% of calories. carbohydrates are in many foods such as fruit milk bread and starchy vegetables. the institute of medicine recommends 130 grams to ensure adequate blood glucose for the brain. you want to minimize added sugars found in processed foods and drinks and instead get carbohydrates from whole foods such as whole grains fruits vegetables and dairy products. for more on the different types of carbohydrates see this article. limits on sodium range from 2300g - 1500mg. the dietary guidelines recommend 1500mg or less for those with certain health conditions and over 51 years of age. for more on how to lower sodium see this article. dietary recommendations now focus more on food patterns over specific nutrients. so focus more on getting healthy whole foods such as fruits vegetables whole grains lean proteins low fat dairy and healthy fats. good luck!
re:nutrition what are safe levels of saturated fat polyusaturated fat monousaturated fat sodium & carbohydrate. looking for a guide to safe levels of saturated fat polyunsaturated fat monounsaturated fat sodium and carbohydrates found in almost all foods for an average person 62 years old. they are on every label but nothing to say what is too high of safe levels for the average person.
first off you want to get an idea of how many calories you need as some of the recommendations are based on a percentage of calories. according to the dietary guidelines someone your age would need: female sedentary: 1600 calories/male sedentary: 2000 female moderately active: 1800/male moderately active: 2400 female active: 2000/male active: 2600 as for fats the 2010 dietary guidelines recommend 7-10% of calories (or less) come from saturated fat. if you get about 2000 calories 10% is about 20grams. generally it is recommended that people replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats (found mostly in plants and fish) such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated to benefit heart health. you do not need to check grams for unsaturated fats but it is recommended people consume fish twice a week for beneficial omega-3 fats. for more details on fat see this article. there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake that is acceptable and recommended -- 45-65% of calories. carbohydrates are in many foods such as fruit milk bread and starchy vegetables. the institute of medicine recommends 130 grams to ensure adequate blood glucose for the brain. you want to minimize added sugars found in processed foods and drinks and instead get carbohydrates from whole foods such as whole grains fruits vegetables and dairy products. for more on the different types of carbohydrates see this article. limits on sodium range from 2300g - 1500mg. the dietary guidelines recommend 1500mg or less for those with certain health conditions and over 51 years of age. for more on how to lower sodium see this article. dietary recommendations now focus more on food patterns over specific nutrients. so focus more on getting healthy whole foods such as fruits vegetables whole grains lean proteins low fat dairy and healthy fats. good luck!
can protein shakes help my 17 year old son gain weight? . . my son is very under weight. he eats but not enough to gain weight. his doctor recommends that he add 1000 more calories to his daily diet and increase protein for muscle mass build up. would weight gain protein shakes work? i think the main question you need to ask is why is your son eating so little and not gaining weight? is he a picky eater? sensitive to textures? has he been pressured to eat much of his life which can cause early satiety (fullness)? does he exhibit red flags for an eating disorder? if there is an underlying problem you need to work on that before the food part can get better. i highly recommend you see a pediatric dietitian to help you -- go to eatright. org to find one in your area. in the meantime here are some other things you can at home: to answer your question there is nothing magical about protein shakes that will help him gain weight. instead focus on increasing calories and nutrition where you can. you can try fruit smoothies with added protein (make sure he likes the taste)-- try fruit whole fat yogurt orange juice with added protein powder. have regular meals and snacks at the table in a relaxing atmosphere and without pressuring him to eat. include whole-fat dairy products such a whole milk whole yogurt and cheese. add fat to foods including avocado with sandwiches oil to veggies and peanut butter on bread. ensure adequate protien by including sources at meals and snacks (eggs nuts meat beans and dairy) the key is always to address the problem at its root. good luck!
can protein shakes help my 17 year old son gain weight? . . my son is very under weight. he eats but not enough to gain weight. his doctor recommends that he add 1000 more calories to his daily diet and increase protein for muscle mass build up. would weight gain protein shakes work?
i think the main question you need to ask is why is your son eating so little and not gaining weight? is he a picky eater? sensitive to textures? has he been pressured to eat much of his life which can cause early satiety (fullness)? does he exhibit red flags for an eating disorder? if there is an underlying problem you need to work on that before the food part can get better. i highly recommend you see a pediatric dietitian to help you -- go to eatright. org to find one in your area. in the meantime here are some other things you can at home: to answer your question there is nothing magical about protein shakes that will help him gain weight. instead focus on increasing calories and nutrition where you can. you can try fruit smoothies with added protein (make sure he likes the taste)-- try fruit whole fat yogurt orange juice with added protein powder. have regular meals and snacks at the table in a relaxing atmosphere and without pressuring him to eat. include whole-fat dairy products such a whole milk whole yogurt and cheese. add fat to foods including avocado with sandwiches oil to veggies and peanut butter on bread. ensure adequate protien by including sources at meals and snacks (eggs nuts meat beans and dairy) the key is always to address the problem at its root. good luck!
which is the most effective herbal remedy for weight loss? . i am suffering from obesity and feeling uncomfortable and also demoralized because of your extra pounds there is no convincing evidence that any herbal remedy will help people lose and maintain weight loss. here is the run down on the most promising ones. i highly recommend you spend some time figuring out why you carry excess weight and then focus on that. some people eat because they have dieted for years and feel deprived. others may eat because of stress or due to uncomfortable feelings. other simply eat very large portions and don't know when to stop which may be because they were raised to "clean their plates" and this habit continued. once you get a good handle on what is causing your weight you can then work on getting the help you need to deal with it. that might be seeing a therapist and registered dietitian (go to eatright. org to find one in your area). if you have significant health problems due to your weight you might even benefit from weight loss surgery or a medically supervised diet. for more tips on finding the right program for you see this article. most people can lose weight but it's keeping it off that is the hardest. if you work on the reasons you are overweight and not just the symptom of the weight itself you will be more likely to succeed. good luck! if you want to reduce your weight in herbal manner then honey will be the good solution for it. honey contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for its metabolism and hence is helpful in preventing obesity. dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water. stir the mixture and cover for half an hour. filter away any big particles and add a teaspoon of honey. take it in the morning with an empty stomach about half an hour before breakfast. this is the best home remedy for weight loss. one of the most effective herbal remedy i know is the apple cider vinegar. it contains a certain fiber which is known as the pectin which helps in flushing away fats and toxins. dr schweiger - <link> green tea.
which is the most effective herbal remedy for weight loss? . i am suffering from obesity and feeling uncomfortable and also demoralized because of your extra pounds
there is no convincing evidence that any herbal remedy will help people lose and maintain weight loss. here is the run down on the most promising ones. i highly recommend you spend some time figuring out why you carry excess weight and then focus on that. some people eat because they have dieted for years and feel deprived. others may eat because of stress or due to uncomfortable feelings. other simply eat very large portions and don't know when to stop which may be because they were raised to "clean their plates" and this habit continued. once you get a good handle on what is causing your weight you can then work on getting the help you need to deal with it. that might be seeing a therapist and registered dietitian (go to eatright. org to find one in your area). if you have significant health problems due to your weight you might even benefit from weight loss surgery or a medically supervised diet. for more tips on finding the right program for you see this article. most people can lose weight but it's keeping it off that is the hardest. if you work on the reasons you are overweight and not just the symptom of the weight itself you will be more likely to succeed. good luck! if you want to reduce your weight in herbal manner then honey will be the good solution for it. honey contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for its metabolism and hence is helpful in preventing obesity. dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water. stir the mixture and cover for half an hour. filter away any big particles and add a teaspoon of honey. take it in the morning with an empty stomach about half an hour before breakfast. this is the best home remedy for weight loss. one of the most effective herbal remedy i know is the apple cider vinegar. it contains a certain fiber which is known as the pectin which helps in flushing away fats and toxins. dr schweiger - <link> green tea.
if i am feeling really hungry after exercising what is the best thing to eat after a workout? . and i am a guy not sure if that matters. this depends on a few things. if you exercise first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon you could quickly follow up with a healthy breakfast or dinner. if your workout is during non-meal time it's best to have something to replenish your muscle carbohydrate stores (called glycogen) with a little bit of protein for muscle repair and synthesis. research shows that eating foods with a combination of carbohydrates and protein is best (4:1 ratio) for recovery. here are some examples: whole wheat toast with peanut butter fruit with nuts and seeds (trail mix) apple with nut butter fruit smoothie with added protein yogurt topped with nuts chocolate milk (research has shown this to be a great recovery drink) granola/protein bar with the right combination of carb and protein for more on what to eat before during and after exercise see this webmd article. i have a protein shake which relieves me of that felling of being hungry. protein! most protein shakes are specifically formulated for post workout fuel and also contain other useful ingredients for your muscles and recovery. if you want food cottage cheese tuna oatmeal peanut butter are good examples. you do need to eat before two hours. it is good unless it's liquid item then 1hr is sufficient. as for the hunger after exercising out you will always get hunger after even if you ate before. you burn a lot of calories when you workout and your body wants more. it's fine to eat after you workout. that's one of the few times that carbs are okay. after i workout i drink a carb drink that's 400 calories and 100 carbs. and then i drink my protein shake after that.
if i am feeling really hungry after exercising what is the best thing to eat after a workout? . and i am a guy not sure if that matters.
this depends on a few things. if you exercise first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon you could quickly follow up with a healthy breakfast or dinner. if your workout is during non-meal time it's best to have something to replenish your muscle carbohydrate stores (called glycogen) with a little bit of protein for muscle repair and synthesis. research shows that eating foods with a combination of carbohydrates and protein is best (4:1 ratio) for recovery. here are some examples: whole wheat toast with peanut butter fruit with nuts and seeds (trail mix) apple with nut butter fruit smoothie with added protein yogurt topped with nuts chocolate milk (research has shown this to be a great recovery drink) granola/protein bar with the right combination of carb and protein for more on what to eat before during and after exercise see this webmd article. i have a protein shake which relieves me of that felling of being hungry. protein! most protein shakes are specifically formulated for post workout fuel and also contain other useful ingredients for your muscles and recovery. if you want food cottage cheese tuna oatmeal peanut butter are good examples. you do need to eat before two hours. it is good unless it's liquid item then 1hr is sufficient. as for the hunger after exercising out you will always get hunger after even if you ate before. you burn a lot of calories when you workout and your body wants more. it's fine to eat after you workout. that's one of the few times that carbs are okay. after i workout i drink a carb drink that's 400 calories and 100 carbs. and then i drink my protein shake after that.
direct me to articles on meat allergies either at web md or elswhere on the internet. allergic to the protein in red meat. what foods hide meat in their ingredients. what can i eat to avoid meat? is drinking milk and dairy in the same category as red meat. is chicken and turkey considered meat. the term red meat applies to mammalian meats including beef pork and lamb. this does not include poultry like chicken or dairy products. be sure to check with your allergist as some people have allergies to one specific meat like beef and may be fine with others like pork. it's not common to have red meat as an ingredient but you do want to avoid soups or frozen dishes made with red meat or items with beef broth as an ingredient. always read a food label's ingredient line to be sure. here are some helpful webmd links for you: tips for avoiding red meat food allergies and intolerances allergies community
direct me to articles on meat allergies either at web md or elswhere on the internet. allergic to the protein in red meat. what foods hide meat in their ingredients. what can i eat to avoid meat? is drinking milk and dairy in the same category as red meat. is chicken and turkey considered meat.
the term red meat applies to mammalian meats including beef pork and lamb. this does not include poultry like chicken or dairy products. be sure to check with your allergist as some people have allergies to one specific meat like beef and may be fine with others like pork. it's not common to have red meat as an ingredient but you do want to avoid soups or frozen dishes made with red meat or items with beef broth as an ingredient. always read a food label's ingredient line to be sure. here are some helpful webmd links for you: tips for avoiding red meat food allergies and intolerances allergies community
how long does it take to bake 11ibs of chicken? . i am currently having to go gluten wheat and dairy free again and my cooking skills never strong to begin with are in even worse shape after eating a million salads finger foods and sliding down the hill to **** on a pile of pizza hamburgers and those $2 for 6 burritos that are the gluten equivalent of an insulin overdose. help! if you are referring to cooking a whole chicken (thawed) it is generally 20 minutes per pound at 350 f plus an additional 15 minutes. but cooking times will vary so make sure you cook the chicken until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees measuring at the thickest part. you can search chicken recipes online to get ideas. as for going gluten free the good news is there are a lot of gluten-free products on the market. this article will give you some ideas to get started. give yourself some time and you'll slowly add some healthy meals to your repertoire. if you have trouble a registered dietitian can help you. you can find one in your area at eatright. org.
how long does it take to bake 11ibs of chicken? . i am currently having to go gluten wheat and dairy free again and my cooking skills never strong to begin with are in even worse shape after eating a million salads finger foods and sliding down the hill to **** on a pile of pizza hamburgers and those $2 for 6 burritos that are the gluten equivalent of an insulin overdose. help!
if you are referring to cooking a whole chicken (thawed) it is generally 20 minutes per pound at 350 f plus an additional 15 minutes. but cooking times will vary so make sure you cook the chicken until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees measuring at the thickest part. you can search chicken recipes online to get ideas. as for going gluten free the good news is there are a lot of gluten-free products on the market. this article will give you some ideas to get started. give yourself some time and you'll slowly add some healthy meals to your repertoire. if you have trouble a registered dietitian can help you. you can find one in your area at eatright. org.
my stomach always growls turns and feels bloated after i eat. i also have a lot of flatulence. what could be wrong? . i am not sure what is wrong with me. my stomach growls loudly and obnoxiously after i eat and it is very embarrassing not to mention the fact its very uncomfortable almost painful. i also have excessive flatulence in addition to this. i want to know what is wrong and i am tired of sitting in class with this issue it has been going on for at least 6 months now. i don't eat fast and i am definently not hungry and i have tried eating more frequent it doesn't help. there are a number of things that could be contributing to your gas symptoms. the growling stomach you mention is actually your intestines contracting from the movement of air through the intestines. here are some potential causes of your gas: taking in air through drinking with straws carbonated beverages chewing gum smoking and eating hard candies. eating too many gas-producing vegetables such as cauliflower broccoli cabbage brussels sprouts onions artichokes beans and asparagus. certain fruits like apples pears and peaches may cause problems. the inability to digest certain foods like lactose in milk. not enough beneficial bacteria in your gastro-intestinal system. this webmd article provides more details on potential causes of gas. you may want to see a registered dietitian and/or write down what you eat to spot problem foods. and if you continue to have pain or discomfort a doctor visit makes sense. i agree with all the information provided by maryann. other than that eating spicy and dry foods may cause bloating and flatulence. sip some hot water after your eating is over. add some curds/yogurt with sugar to your diet. this will help you a lot. i have a similar issue and it has lasted about two months. i feel full/bloated and really have not been eating much. i have been burping a ton. i thought i might be pregnant becuase i am a little nauseous too. my sister thought my burping was funny until it happened to her. she has been reading about hormone levels and found that melatonin is a hormone in your body and changes all the time like insulin levels. in the winter with lack of sunlight melatonin levels can be high and stay in the gut. her book said this creates high acid levels in the stomach and thus you will have more gas. we are trying full spectrum light therpy to get our circdian rhythm back to normal and maybe surpress day time melatonin from producing. do you still have symptoms?
my stomach always growls turns and feels bloated after i eat. i also have a lot of flatulence. what could be wrong? . i am not sure what is wrong with me. my stomach growls loudly and obnoxiously after i eat and it is very embarrassing not to mention the fact its very uncomfortable almost painful. i also have excessive flatulence in addition to this. i want to know what is wrong and i am tired of sitting in class with this issue it has been going on for at least 6 months now. i don't eat fast and i am definently not hungry and i have tried eating more frequent it doesn't help.
there are a number of things that could be contributing to your gas symptoms. the growling stomach you mention is actually your intestines contracting from the movement of air through the intestines. here are some potential causes of your gas: taking in air through drinking with straws carbonated beverages chewing gum smoking and eating hard candies. eating too many gas-producing vegetables such as cauliflower broccoli cabbage brussels sprouts onions artichokes beans and asparagus. certain fruits like apples pears and peaches may cause problems. the inability to digest certain foods like lactose in milk. not enough beneficial bacteria in your gastro-intestinal system. this webmd article provides more details on potential causes of gas. you may want to see a registered dietitian and/or write down what you eat to spot problem foods. and if you continue to have pain or discomfort a doctor visit makes sense. i agree with all the information provided by maryann. other than that eating spicy and dry foods may cause bloating and flatulence. sip some hot water after your eating is over. add some curds/yogurt with sugar to your diet. this will help you a lot. i have a similar issue and it has lasted about two months. i feel full/bloated and really have not been eating much. i have been burping a ton. i thought i might be pregnant becuase i am a little nauseous too. my sister thought my burping was funny until it happened to her. she has been reading about hormone levels and found that melatonin is a hormone in your body and changes all the time like insulin levels. in the winter with lack of sunlight melatonin levels can be high and stay in the gut. her book said this creates high acid levels in the stomach and thus you will have more gas. we are trying full spectrum light therpy to get our circdian rhythm back to normal and maybe surpress day time melatonin from producing. do you still have symptoms?
am blood sugar 86 - ate water 4 hamburger patties 1/4 c almonds 1/4 c cashews 1/4 cup plain yogurt next am 99 how? . i have candida and have been monitoring my blood sugar to ensure it doesn't go too high and further my problems. i don't understand how i can go from blood sugar of 86 one morning to 99 the next when i had no more than 31 carbs all day. please help me understand where i'm making my mistake. . water = carb free. 4 hamburger patties = (<1 each). 1/4 cup cashews = 8 carbs. 1/4 cup almonds = 8 carbs. 2 tblsp plain yogurt = 11 carbs in a cup diet is not the only factor that increases blood sugar. if you don't have diabetes your blood sugar will be tightly controlled either by increasing insulin to combat high carb intake or utilizing stored forms from the liver and muscles to be put back into the blood stream. so even though you take in little carbohydrates your body will aim to keep levels within a normal range. when the diet remains low in carbohydrates and the stored sources run low the body then turns fat into glucose but this also produces ketones which can have unpleasant side effects. don't forget your brain needs glucose! according to the institute of medicine individuals need 130g of carbohydrate for the brain to run efficiently. i would check with your healthcare provider or registered dietitian for the appropriate diet for your condition. if you have diabetes it's best to see a diabetes educator to help with any changes in diet as medication is also likely to change.
am blood sugar 86 - ate water 4 hamburger patties 1/4 c almonds 1/4 c cashews 1/4 cup plain yogurt next am 99 how? . i have candida and have been monitoring my blood sugar to ensure it doesn't go too high and further my problems. i don't understand how i can go from blood sugar of 86 one morning to 99 the next when i had no more than 31 carbs all day. please help me understand where i'm making my mistake. . water = carb free. 4 hamburger patties = (<1 each). 1/4 cup cashews = 8 carbs. 1/4 cup almonds = 8 carbs. 2 tblsp plain yogurt = 11 carbs in a cup
diet is not the only factor that increases blood sugar. if you don't have diabetes your blood sugar will be tightly controlled either by increasing insulin to combat high carb intake or utilizing stored forms from the liver and muscles to be put back into the blood stream. so even though you take in little carbohydrates your body will aim to keep levels within a normal range. when the diet remains low in carbohydrates and the stored sources run low the body then turns fat into glucose but this also produces ketones which can have unpleasant side effects. don't forget your brain needs glucose! according to the institute of medicine individuals need 130g of carbohydrate for the brain to run efficiently. i would check with your healthcare provider or registered dietitian for the appropriate diet for your condition. if you have diabetes it's best to see a diabetes educator to help with any changes in diet as medication is also likely to change.
how many grams of sugar per day. how may grams of sugar should you take in a day recommendations vary based on organization. for example the world health organization recommends keeping added sugar intake to 10% of total calories. for the average 2000 calorie-diet that's a maximum of 50 grams. the american heart association recommends 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and 9 for men (1 teaspoon of sugar has about 4g of sugar). the primary source of added sugars are soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages. for more on added sugars in the diet see this webmd article "sugar fix. " how many g of sugar per day for women is allowed <link> "most american women should eat or drink no more than 100 calories per day from added sugars and most american men should eat or drink no more than 150 calories per day from added sugars " states the aha. 8 books on body and sugar
how many grams of sugar per day. how may grams of sugar should you take in a day
recommendations vary based on organization. for example the world health organization recommends keeping added sugar intake to 10% of total calories. for the average 2000 calorie-diet that's a maximum of 50 grams. the american heart association recommends 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and 9 for men (1 teaspoon of sugar has about 4g of sugar). the primary source of added sugars are soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages. for more on added sugars in the diet see this webmd article "sugar fix. " how many g of sugar per day for women is allowed <link> "most american women should eat or drink no more than 100 calories per day from added sugars and most american men should eat or drink no more than 150 calories per day from added sugars " states the aha. 8 books on body and sugar
some of friends noticed that i look thinner but i regularly check my weight and it's still at 110-120lbs. am i sick? . this concerns me a bit coz i somewhat feel that i look thinner than before but puzzles me at the same time coz of the same results that i get. what could possibly be the reason behind this? and can you please suggest a diet for me to gain more weight or hence not look thinner? thank you. a lot! i would start at the doctor and get a physical to check the state of your health. this will include blood work weight measurements and blood pressure check etc. if all of that is healthy than focus on creating a healthy lifestyle. that means regular physical activity adequate sleep and regular balanced meals and in between snacks. if you are at a normal weight based on your height and weight history you may not need to gain weight. but if you focus on your health hopefully the right weight for you will follow. for some ideas on healthy ways to gain weight see this webmd article.
some of friends noticed that i look thinner but i regularly check my weight and it's still at 110-120lbs. am i sick? . this concerns me a bit coz i somewhat feel that i look thinner than before but puzzles me at the same time coz of the same results that i get. what could possibly be the reason behind this? and can you please suggest a diet for me to gain more weight or hence not look thinner? thank you. a lot!
i would start at the doctor and get a physical to check the state of your health. this will include blood work weight measurements and blood pressure check etc. if all of that is healthy than focus on creating a healthy lifestyle. that means regular physical activity adequate sleep and regular balanced meals and in between snacks. if you are at a normal weight based on your height and weight history you may not need to gain weight. but if you focus on your health hopefully the right weight for you will follow. for some ideas on healthy ways to gain weight see this webmd article.
how can i get my 4 month old to take naps during the day? how long should he be eating at each feeding? . my 4 month old used to sleep from 10pm to 6am occasionally waking around 4am before the time change. he would eat every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours during the day and would take a couple of long naps lasting anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. now he falls asleep as soon as the sun goes down around 6pm here and sometimes wakes up as early as 2 am now. if i get up and feed him he will wake every 2 hours for the rest of the morning and then will be up at sunrise for the day usually around 7am. he rarely naps when babies pass the 3-month mark they tend to need earlier bedtimes. i know it's hard when you have a good routine going but babies are changing fast. so go with the early bedtime but make sure you get a good feed in before putting him down. remember at this age babies usually can't stay up for more than 2 hours during the day. so look for those tired signs after he gets up in the morning and put him down for a morning nap. do the same about 2 hours after the morning nap and then the same in the afternoon. by 6 months most babies can stay up a bit longer and typically take 2 naps one in the early morning and one in the afternoon. if he is hungry he will wake to feed but should go back down. during growth spurts which typically occur at 3 and 6 months babies will wake and feed more often. when the growth spurt is over they will go back to more predictable feeding times. always trust that your baby knows when to be fed and respond appropriately. as for timing of feedings typically by 4 months they get quicker at eating but all babies are different. i'm not sure if you're breastfeeding or bottle feeding so it's tough to say. if you're breastfeeding and you baby is just using the breast for comfort and not really eating you might want to try holding your baby or doing something else to soothe him. for more on helping baby to sleep through the night read this section of webmd.
how can i get my 4 month old to take naps during the day? how long should he be eating at each feeding? . my 4 month old used to sleep from 10pm to 6am occasionally waking around 4am before the time change. he would eat every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours during the day and would take a couple of long naps lasting anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. now he falls asleep as soon as the sun goes down around 6pm here and sometimes wakes up as early as 2 am now. if i get up and feed him he will wake every 2 hours for the rest of the morning and then will be up at sunrise for the day usually around 7am. he rarely naps
when babies pass the 3-month mark they tend to need earlier bedtimes. i know it's hard when you have a good routine going but babies are changing fast. so go with the early bedtime but make sure you get a good feed in before putting him down. remember at this age babies usually can't stay up for more than 2 hours during the day. so look for those tired signs after he gets up in the morning and put him down for a morning nap. do the same about 2 hours after the morning nap and then the same in the afternoon. by 6 months most babies can stay up a bit longer and typically take 2 naps one in the early morning and one in the afternoon. if he is hungry he will wake to feed but should go back down. during growth spurts which typically occur at 3 and 6 months babies will wake and feed more often. when the growth spurt is over they will go back to more predictable feeding times. always trust that your baby knows when to be fed and respond appropriately. as for timing of feedings typically by 4 months they get quicker at eating but all babies are different. i'm not sure if you're breastfeeding or bottle feeding so it's tough to say. if you're breastfeeding and you baby is just using the breast for comfort and not really eating you might want to try holding your baby or doing something else to soothe him. for more on helping baby to sleep through the night read this section of webmd.
my daughter will eat nothing for days and will eat alot in 1 day then not eat for days agian. what is going on? . along with that when i tell her to eat something. she replies "food is disgusting. " i'm not sure what you mean by "days without food. " if she eats absolutely nothing for 3-4 days and then finally eats one day that would be problematic. you need to make sure her growth is on track by checking with her pediatrician. if she eats very few foods and tends to gag or choke a lot then have her evaluated by a feeding therapist (speech or ot) to rule out oral motor or sensory issues. this also might be a sign of an eating disorder -- for signs and symptoms see this post. if you suspect an eating disorder get her help right away. if she is young and picks at food for a few days and then eats quite a bit that is more normal especially if growth is on track. the best way to handle this is to provide balanced meals and snacks at regular intervals and make sure she sits for a period of time (10-15 minutes). do not pressure her to eat and let her know she doesn't have to -- but she does have to sit and join everyone at the table. children tend to eat better with a non-pressure approach feeding. pushing children to eat can cause early fullness and less food intake at meals. if there is any doubt take her in to the pediatrician for a double check. good luck!
my daughter will eat nothing for days and will eat alot in 1 day then not eat for days agian. what is going on? . along with that when i tell her to eat something. she replies "food is disgusting. "
i'm not sure what you mean by "days without food. " if she eats absolutely nothing for 3-4 days and then finally eats one day that would be problematic. you need to make sure her growth is on track by checking with her pediatrician. if she eats very few foods and tends to gag or choke a lot then have her evaluated by a feeding therapist (speech or ot) to rule out oral motor or sensory issues. this also might be a sign of an eating disorder -- for signs and symptoms see this post. if you suspect an eating disorder get her help right away. if she is young and picks at food for a few days and then eats quite a bit that is more normal especially if growth is on track. the best way to handle this is to provide balanced meals and snacks at regular intervals and make sure she sits for a period of time (10-15 minutes). do not pressure her to eat and let her know she doesn't have to -- but she does have to sit and join everyone at the table. children tend to eat better with a non-pressure approach feeding. pushing children to eat can cause early fullness and less food intake at meals. if there is any doubt take her in to the pediatrician for a double check. good luck!
what is tthe normal ideal weight for a 16 month old girl? i have one and she is 19lbs and 6 oz there is not one normal or ideal weight for babies and young toddlers. pediatricians track a child's growth using growth charts measuring weight height and head circumference. this shows how your child grows over time and what percentile they are at (comparison to other children). so if you child's height for weight is 50% percentile they are average. if they 80 percentile that means out of 100 kids there are 20 that are bigger and 80 that are smaller. what matters most isn't a child's weight/height percentile but that he/she is growing in a steady fashion. a child may be at 20 percentile on the small side but if that is where he/she has been tracking since birth it is likely a good weight for the baby. the same is true for higher percentiles. but when growth goes off the steady growth either up or down that may be a sign of concern. the world health organization growth charts are recommended for babies 0-24 months of age and can be found at <link> be sure to review growth with your pediatrician.
what is tthe normal ideal weight for a 16 month old girl? i have one and she is 19lbs and 6 oz
there is not one normal or ideal weight for babies and young toddlers. pediatricians track a child's growth using growth charts measuring weight height and head circumference. this shows how your child grows over time and what percentile they are at (comparison to other children). so if you child's height for weight is 50% percentile they are average. if they 80 percentile that means out of 100 kids there are 20 that are bigger and 80 that are smaller. what matters most isn't a child's weight/height percentile but that he/she is growing in a steady fashion. a child may be at 20 percentile on the small side but if that is where he/she has been tracking since birth it is likely a good weight for the baby. the same is true for higher percentiles. but when growth goes off the steady growth either up or down that may be a sign of concern. the world health organization growth charts are recommended for babies 0-24 months of age and can be found at <link> be sure to review growth with your pediatrician.
i am 17 male height 5'2''. want to increase height. boys stop growing at 20 years of age whereas girls stop growing around age 18 so there still is time. first make sure you are getting enough calories. this chart will give you an idea of how much you need based on your gender age and activity level. you also want to eat regular meals and in between snacks. aim for 4-5 food groups at main meals (lean protein fruit vegetable grain dairy and healthy fat) and 2-3 food groups in between meals. make sure you get adequate calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. you are at beak bone mass and need 1300mg calcium each day! most servings of dairy contain about 300mg (1 cup milk/yogurt and 1/5 ounce of cheese) so 3-4 daily servings helps you meet your needs. the american academy of pediatrics recommend children and adolescents take supplemental vitamin d if they can't get it through diet. remember vitamin d enhances calcium absorbtion. the recommended amount is 600iu but if you are low you may need more. you can also get blood work done to be sure. lastly adequate sleep is needed during times of growth so make sure you get to bed at a decent time at night. you may not be able to do anything about genetics but maximizing nutrition and taking care of yourself can only help you grow to your potential.
i am 17 male height 5'2''. want to increase height.
boys stop growing at 20 years of age whereas girls stop growing around age 18 so there still is time. first make sure you are getting enough calories. this chart will give you an idea of how much you need based on your gender age and activity level. you also want to eat regular meals and in between snacks. aim for 4-5 food groups at main meals (lean protein fruit vegetable grain dairy and healthy fat) and 2-3 food groups in between meals. make sure you get adequate calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. you are at beak bone mass and need 1300mg calcium each day! most servings of dairy contain about 300mg (1 cup milk/yogurt and 1/5 ounce of cheese) so 3-4 daily servings helps you meet your needs. the american academy of pediatrics recommend children and adolescents take supplemental vitamin d if they can't get it through diet. remember vitamin d enhances calcium absorbtion. the recommended amount is 600iu but if you are low you may need more. you can also get blood work done to be sure. lastly adequate sleep is needed during times of growth so make sure you get to bed at a decent time at night. you may not be able to do anything about genetics but maximizing nutrition and taking care of yourself can only help you grow to your potential.
i'm a female: age 19; weight 101 lbs; height 5'8. i want a bmi of 19. what should my diet look? . how long should it take to reach this bmi if i'm gaining weight at a healthy pace? if you pay close attention to your diet a sensible amount of weight gain would be about. 5 to 1 pounds per week. here are some tips: eat frequently including 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. include 4-5 food groups (dairy protein grains fruit vegetable and fat) at meals and 2-3 food groups at snacks add nutrient and calorie-dense foods to your meals such as sliced avocado with salads or sandwiches full fat dairy products fruit smoothies with meals chopped nuts in baked goods and topped on cereals and yogurt and nut butters on breads. regular exercise and weight training can help your appetite and build muscle. for more tips on diet for healthy weight gain see this webmd article. good luck!
i'm a female: age 19; weight 101 lbs; height 5'8. i want a bmi of 19. what should my diet look? . how long should it take to reach this bmi if i'm gaining weight at a healthy pace?
if you pay close attention to your diet a sensible amount of weight gain would be about. 5 to 1 pounds per week. here are some tips: eat frequently including 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. include 4-5 food groups (dairy protein grains fruit vegetable and fat) at meals and 2-3 food groups at snacks add nutrient and calorie-dense foods to your meals such as sliced avocado with salads or sandwiches full fat dairy products fruit smoothies with meals chopped nuts in baked goods and topped on cereals and yogurt and nut butters on breads. regular exercise and weight training can help your appetite and build muscle. for more tips on diet for healthy weight gain see this webmd article. good luck!
my daughter's daycare gave her yogurt that was in her backpack for a week. what should we do? watch for signs of food poisoning including abdominal pain vomiting fever and diarrhea. if those occur call or visit your healthcare provider and explain what happened. for more on food poisoning signs and symptoms see this article.
my daughter's daycare gave her yogurt that was in her backpack for a week. what should we do?
watch for signs of food poisoning including abdominal pain vomiting fever and diarrhea. if those occur call or visit your healthcare provider and explain what happened. for more on food poisoning signs and symptoms see this article.