# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Datasets Authors and the HuggingFace Datasets Authors. # Copyright 2022, 2023 Jim O'Regan for Språkbanken Tal # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Lint as: python3 """Datasets loader for Waxholm speech corpus""" from io import BytesIO import os import soundfile as sf from collections import namedtuple from copy import deepcopy from difflib import SequenceMatcher import datasets from datasets.tasks import AutomaticSpeechRecognition from datasets.features import Audio TRAIN_LIST = "alloktrainfiles" TEST_LIST = "testfiles" _DESCRIPTION = """\ The Waxholm corpus was collected in 1993 - 1994 at the department of Speech, Hearing and Music (TMH), KTH. """ _CITATION = """ @article{bertenstam1995spoken, title={Spoken dialogue data collected in the {W}axholm project}, author={Bertenstam, Johan and Blomberg, Mats and Carlson, Rolf and Elenius, Kjell and Granstr{\"o}m, Bj{\"o}rn and Gustafson, Joakim and Hunnicutt, Sheri and H{\"o}gberg, Jesper and Lindell, Roger and Neovius, Lennart and Nord, Lennart and de~Serpa-Leitao, Antonio and Str{\"o}m, Nikko}, journal={STH-QPSR, KTH}, volume={1}, pages={49--74}, year={1995} } @inproceedings{bertenstam1995waxholm, title={The {W}axholm application database.}, author={Bertenstam, J and Blomberg, Mats and Carlson, Rolf and Elenius, Kjell and Granstr{\"o}m, Bj{\"o}rn and Gustafson, Joakim and Hunnicutt, Sheri and H{\"o}gberg, Jesper and Lindell, Roger and Neovius, Lennart and Nord, Lennart and de~Serpa-Leitao, Antonio and Str{\"o}m, Nikko}, booktitle={EUROSPEECH}, year={1995} }""" _URL = "http://www.speech.kth.se/waxholm/waxholm2.html" class FRExpected(Exception): """Exception to raise when FR line was expected, but not read""" def __init__(self, line): msg = "Unknown line type (does not begin with 'FR'): " super().__init__(msg + line) class WaxholmDataset(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """Dataset script for Waxholm.""" VERSION = datasets.Version("1.1.0") BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ datasets.BuilderConfig(name="waxholm"), ] def _info(self): features = datasets.Features( { "id": datasets.Value("string"), "text": datasets.Value("string"), "phonemes": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), "audio": datasets.Audio(sampling_rate=16_000) } ) return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=features, supervised_keys=None, homepage=_URL, citation=_CITATION, task_templates=[ AutomaticSpeechRecognition(audio_column="audio", transcription_column="text") ], ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={ "split": "train", "files": TRAIN_LIST }, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TEST, gen_kwargs={ "split": "test", "files": TEST_LIST }, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, split, files): with open(f"./waxholm/{files}") as input_file: for line in input_file.readlines(): line = line.strip() parts = line.split(".") subdir = parts[0] audio_file = f"./waxholm/scenes_formatted/{subdir}/{line}" if not os.path.exists(audio_file): print(f"{audio_file} does not exist: skipping") continue text_file = f"{audio_file}.mix" if not os.path.exists(text_file): print(f"{text_file} does not exist: skipping") continue mix = Mix(text_file) samples, sr = smp_read_sf(audio_file) buffer = BytesIO() sf.write(buffer, samples, sr, format="wav") blank = Audio() yield line, { "id": line, "text": mix.text, "phonemes": mix.get_phoneme_list(), "audio": { "bytes": buffer.getvalue(), "sampling_rate": sr, } } def fix_text(text: str) -> str: replacements = text.maketrans("{}|\\[]", "äåöÖÄÅ") return text.translate(replacements) Label = namedtuple('Label', ['start', 'end', 'label']) class FR: def __init__(self, text="", **kwargs): # C901 if text and text != "": self.from_text(text) else: for arg in kwargs: prms = ["pm", "pm_type", "type", "frame", "seconds", "phone", "phone_type", "word", "pseudoword"] if arg in prms: self.__dict__[arg] = kwargs[arg] else: print(f"Unrecognised argument: {arg}") def from_text(self, text: str): if not text.startswith("FR"): raise FRExpected(text) parts = [a.strip() for a in text.split("\t")] self.frame = parts[0][2:].strip() if parts[-1].strip().endswith(" sec"): self.seconds = parts[-1].strip()[0:-4] def split_phone(phone): if phone.startswith("$#"): phtype = 'I' phone_type = fix_text(phone[0:2]) phone_out = fix_text(phone[2:]) elif phone.startswith("$") or phone.startswith("#"): phtype = 'I' phone_type = fix_text(phone[0:1]) phone_out = fix_text(phone[1:]) else: print(phone) return None return { "type": phtype, "phone_type": phone_type, "phone": phone_out } for subpart in parts[1:-1]: subpart = subpart.strip() if subpart.startswith("$#") or subpart.startswith("$") or subpart.startswith("#"): phparts = split_phone(subpart) if phparts is not None: self.type = phparts['type'] self.phone_type = phparts['phone_type'] self.phone = phparts['phone'] elif subpart.startswith(">pm "): phparts = split_phone(subpart[4:]) if phparts is not None: self.pm_type = phparts['phone_type'] self.pm = phparts['phone'] elif subpart.startswith(">pm. "): phparts = split_phone(subpart[5:]) if phparts is not None: self.pm_type = phparts['phone_type'] self.pm = phparts['phone'] elif subpart.startswith(">w "): self.type = 'B' self.word = fix_text(subpart[3:]) self.pseudoword = False elif subpart.startswith(">w. "): self.type = 'B' self.word = fix_text(subpart[4:]) self.pseudoword = False elif subpart == "> XklickX" or subpart == "> XutandX": self.type = 'B' self.word = subpart[2:] self.pseudoword = True elif subpart.startswith("X"): if hasattr(self, 'type'): print(self.type, self.type == 'B') self.type = getattr(self, 'type', 'B') self.word = fix_text(subpart) self.pseudoword = True elif subpart == "OK": self.type = 'E' elif subpart == "PROBLEMS": self.type = 'E' def get_type(self): if "type" in self.__dict__: return self.type else: return "" def __repr__(self): parts = [] parts.append(f"type: {self.get_type()}") parts.append(f"frame: {self.frame}") if self.get_type() != 'E': parts.append(f"phone: {self.get_phone()}") if 'word' in self.__dict__: parts.append(f"word: {self.word}") if 'pm_type' in self.__dict__: parts.append(f"pm_type: {self.pm_type}") if 'pm' in self.__dict__: parts.append(f"pm: {self.pm}") if 'seconds' in self.__dict__: parts.append(f"sec: {self.seconds}") return "FR(" + ", ".join(parts) + ")" def fix_type(self): if self.is_type("B") and self.get_word() == "": self.pm_type = "$" self.phone_type = "$" self.type = "I" def get_phone(self, fix_accents=True): def fix_accents(phone, fix_accents=True): if not fix_accents: return phone return phone.replace("'", "ˈ").replace('"', "ˌ") if 'pm' in self.__dict__: return fix_accents(self.pm, fix_accents) elif 'phone' in self.__dict__: return fix_accents(self.phone, fix_accents) else: return None def is_silence_word(self, noise=False): if 'word' in self.__dict__: if not noise: return self.word == "XX" else: return self.word.startswith("X") and self.word.endswith("X") else: return False def is_type(self, type): if "type" in self.__dict__: return type == self.type else: return False def has_seconds(self): return "seconds" in self.__dict__ def get_seconds(self): if not self.has_seconds() and "frame" in self.__dict__: return int(self.frame) / 16000.0 else: return self.seconds def get_word(self): if self.has_word(): return self.word else: return "" def has_word(self): return "word" in self.__dict__ def has_pseudoword(self): return "pseudoword" in self.__dict__ def merge_frs(fr1, fr2, check_time=False): """ Merge FRS entries for plosives: by default, the period of glottal closure and the burst are separately annotated. """ if fr2.has_word(): return None if check_time: if fr1.get_seconds() != fr2.get_seconds(): return None if _is_glottal_closure(fr1.get_phone(), fr2.get_phone()): if not fr1.has_word(): return fr2 else: word = None if fr1.has_word(): word = fr1.word pword = None if fr1.has_pseudoword(): pword = fr1.pseudoword return FR(pm=fr2.pm, pm_type=fr2.pm_type, type=fr2.type, frame=fr2.frame, seconds=fr2.seconds, phone=fr2.phone, phone_type=fr2.phone_type, word=word, pseudoword=pword) SILS = { "K": "k", "G": "g", "T": "t", "D": "d", "2T": "2t", "2D": "2d", "P": "p", "B": "b" } def _is_glottal_closure(cur, next): return cur in SILS and next == SILS[cur] def _replace_glottal_closures(input): input += ' ' for sil in SILS: input = input.replace(f"{sil} {SILS[sil]} ", f"{SILS[sil]} ") return input[:-1] def _fix_duration_markers(input): input += ' ' input = input.replace(":+ ", ": ") return input[:-1] class Mix(): def __init__(self, filepath: str, stringfile=None, fix_type=True): self.fr = [] self.path = filepath if stringfile is None: with open(filepath) as inpf: self.read_data(inpf.readlines()) else: self.read_data(stringfile.split("\n")) if fix_type: for fr in self.fr: fr.fix_type() def read_data(self, inpf): # C901 """read data from text of a .mix file""" saw_text = False saw_phoneme = False saw_labels = False for line in inpf: if line.startswith("Waxholm dialog."): self.filepath = line[15:].strip() if line.startswith("TEXT:"): saw_text = True continue if saw_text: self.text = fix_text(line.strip()) saw_text = False if line.startswith("PHONEME:"): saw_phoneme = True self.phoneme = fix_text(line[8:].strip()) if line[8:].strip().endswith("."): saw_phoneme = False continue if saw_phoneme: self.phoneme = fix_text(line.strip()) if line[8:].strip().endswith("."): saw_phoneme = False if line.startswith("FR "): if saw_labels: saw_labels = False self.fr.append(FR(text=line)) if line.startswith("Labels: "): self.labels = line[8:].strip() saw_labels = True if saw_labels and line.startswith(" "): self.labels += line.strip() def check_fr(self, verbose=False) -> bool: """ Simple sanity check: that there were FR lines, and that the first was a start type, and last was an end type. """ if 'fr' not in self.__dict__: return False if len(self.fr) == 0: return False start_end = self.fr[0].is_type("B") and self.fr[-1].is_type("E") if verbose and not start_end: if not self.fr[0].is_type("B"): print(f"{self.path}: missing start type") if not self.fr[-1].is_type("E"): print(f"{self.path}: missing end type") return start_end def get_times(self, as_frames=False): """ get the times of each phoneme """ if not self.check_fr(verbose=True): return [] if as_frames: times = [int(x.frame) for x in self.fr] else: times = [float(x.seconds) for x in self.fr] return times def get_time_pairs(self, as_frames=False): """ get a list of tuples containing start and end times By default, the times are in seconds; if `as_frames` is set, the number of frames are returned instead. """ times = self.get_times(as_frames=as_frames) starts = times[0:-1] ends = times[1:] return [x for x in zip(starts, ends)] def prune_empty_presilences(self, verbose=False, include_noises=False): """ Remove empty silence markers (i.e., those with no distinct duration) """ self.orig_fr = deepcopy(self.fr) i = 0 warned = False def check_cur(cur, next): if verbose and not cur.has_seconds(): print(f"Missing seconds: {self.path}\nLine: {cur}") if verbose and not next.has_seconds(): print(f"Missing seconds: {self.path}\nLine: {next}") return cur.get_seconds() == next.get_seconds() and cur.is_silence_word() todel = [] while i < len(self.fr) - 1: if check_cur(self.fr[i], self.fr[i + 1]): if verbose: if not warned: warned = True print(f"Empty silence in {self.path}:") print(self.fr[i]) todel.append(i) i += 1 if todel is not None and todel != []: for chaff in todel.reverse(): del(self.fr[chaff]) def prune_empty_postsilences(self, verbose=False, include_noises=False): """ Remove empty silence markers (i.e., those with no distinct duration) """ if not "orig_fr" in self.__dict__: self.orig_fr = deepcopy(self.fr) i = 1 warned = False def check_cur(cur, prev): if verbose and not cur.has_seconds(): print(f"Missing seconds: {self.path}\nLine: {cur}") if verbose and not prev.has_seconds(): print(f"Missing seconds: {self.path}\nLine: {prev}") return cur.get_seconds() == prev.get_seconds() and cur.is_silence_word() todel = [] while i < len(self.fr): if check_cur(self.fr[i], self.fr[i - 1]): if verbose: if not warned: warned = True print(f"Empty silence in {self.path}:") print(self.fr[i]) todel.append(i) i += 1 if todel is not None and todel != []: for chaff in todel.reverse(): del(self.fr[chaff]) def prune_empty_segments(self, verbose=False): """ Remove empty segments (i.e., those with no distinct duration) """ if not "orig_fr" in self.__dict__: self.orig_fr = deepcopy(self.fr) times = self.get_time_pairs(as_frames=True) if len(times) != (len(self.fr) - 1): print("Uh oh: time pairs and items don't match") else: keep = [] for fr in zip(self.fr[:-1], times): cur_time = fr[1] if cur_time[0] == cur_time[1]: if verbose: print(f"Empty segment {fr[0].get_phone()} ({cur_time[0]} --> {cur_time[1]})") else: keep.append(fr[0]) keep.append(self.fr[-1]) self.fr = keep def prune_empty_silences(self, verbose = False): self.prune_empty_presilences(verbose) self.prune_empty_postsilences(verbose) def merge_plosives(self, verbose=False): """ Merge plosives in FRs (in Waxholm, as in TIMIT, the silence before the burst and the burst are annotated separately). """ if not "orig_fr" in self.__dict__: self.orig_fr = deepcopy(self.fr) tmp = [] i = 0 while i < len(self.fr)-1: merged = merge_frs(self.fr[i], self.fr[i+1]) if merged is not None: if verbose: print(f"Merging {self.fr[i]} and {self.fr[i+1]}") i += 1 tmp.append(merged) else: tmp.append(self.fr[i]) i += 1 tmp.append(self.fr[-1]) self.fr = tmp def get_phone_label_tuples(self, as_frames=False, fix_accents=True): times = self.get_time_pairs(as_frames=as_frames) if self.check_fr(): labels = [fr.get_phone(fix_accents) for fr in self.fr[0:-1]] else: labels = [] if len(times) == len(labels): out = [] for z in zip(times, labels): out.append((z[0][0], z[0][1], z[1])) return out else: return [] def get_merged_plosives(self, noop=False, prune_empty=True): """ Returns a list of phones with plosives merged (in Waxholm, as in TIMIT, the silence before the burst and the burst are annotated separately). If `noop` is True, it simply returns the output of `prune_empty_labels()` """ if noop: if not prune_empty: print("Warning: not valid to set noop to True and prune_empty to false") print("Ignoring prune_empty") return self.prune_empty_labels() i = 0 out = [] if prune_empty: labels = self.prune_empty_labels() else: labels = self.get_phone_label_tuples() while i < len(labels)-1: cur = labels[i] next = labels[i+1] if _is_glottal_closure(cur[2], next[2]): tmp = Label(start = cur[0], end = next[1], label = next[2]) out.append(tmp) i += 2 else: tmp = Label(start = cur[0], end = cur[1], label = cur[2]) out.append(tmp) i += 1 return out def get_word_label_tuples(self, verbose=True): times = self.get_time_pairs() if len(times) == len(self.fr[0:-1]): out = [] labels_raw = [x for x in zip(times, self.fr[0:-1])] i = 0 cur = None while i < len(labels_raw) - 1: if labels_raw[i][1].is_type("B"): if cur is not None: out.append(cur) if labels_raw[i+1][1].is_type("B"): if verbose and labels_raw[i][1].get_word() == "": print("Expected word", labels_raw[i][1]) out.append((labels_raw[i][0][0], labels_raw[i][0][1], labels_raw[i][1].get_word())) cur = None i += 1 continue else: if verbose and labels_raw[i][1].get_word() == "": print("Expected word", labels_raw[i][1]) cur = (labels_raw[i][0][0], labels_raw[i][0][1], labels_raw[i][1].get_word()) if labels_raw[i+1][1].is_type("B"): if cur is not None: cur = (cur[0], labels_raw[i][0][1], cur[2]) i += 1 out.append(cur) return out else: return [] def get_dictionary(self, fix_accents=True): """ Get pronunciation dictionary entries from the .mix file. These entries are based on the corrected pronunciations; for the lexical pronunciations, use the `phoneme` property. """ output = {} current_phones = [] prev_word = '' for fr in self.fr: if 'word' in fr.__dict__: phone = fr.get_phone(fix_accents) if prev_word != "": if prev_word not in output: output[prev_word] = [] output[prev_word].append(current_phones.copy()) current_phones.clear() prev_word = fr.word current_phones.append(phone) elif fr.is_type("I"): phone = fr.get_phone(fix_accents) current_phones.append(phone) else: if prev_word not in output: output[prev_word] = [] output[prev_word].append(current_phones.copy()) return output def get_dictionary_list(self, fix_accents=True): """ Get pronunciation dictionary entries from the .mix file. These entries are based on the corrected pronunciations; for the lexical pronunciations, use the `phoneme` property. This version creates a list of tuples (word, phones) that preserves the order of the entries. """ output = [] current_phones = [] prev_word = '' for fr in self.fr: if 'word' in fr.__dict__: phone = fr.get_phone(fix_accents) if prev_word != "": output.append((prev_word, " ".join(current_phones))) current_phones.clear() prev_word = fr.word current_phones.append(phone) elif fr.is_type("I"): phone = fr.get_phone(fix_accents) current_phones.append(phone) else: output.append((prev_word, " ".join(current_phones))) return output def get_phoneme_string(self, insert_pauses=True, fix_accents=True): """ Get an opinionated phoneme string Args: insert_pauses (bool, optional): Insert pauses between words. Defaults to True. fix_accents (bool, optional): IPA-ify accents. Defaults to True. """ dict_list = self.get_dictionary_list(fix_accents) skip = ['p:', '.'] if insert_pauses: phone_strings = [x[1] for x in dict_list if x[1] not in skip] joined = ' p: '.join(phone_strings) else: phone_strings = [x[1] for x in dict_list if x[1] != "."] joined = ' '.join(phone_strings) joined = _replace_glottal_closures(joined) joined = _fix_duration_markers(joined) return joined def get_phoneme_list(self, insert_pauses=True, fix_accents=True): return self.get_phoneme_string(insert_pauses, fix_accents).split(' ') def get_compare_dictionary(self, fix_accents=True, merge_plosives=True, only_changed=True): """ Get pronunciation dictionary for comparision: i.e., where there is a difference between the canonical pronunciation and what was spoken """ if merge_plosives: self.merge_plosives() orig = self.get_dictionary_list(fix_accents) self.prune_empty_segments() new = self.get_dictionary_list(fix_accents) if len(orig) != len(new): words_orig = [w[0] for w in orig] words_new = [w[0] for w in new] skippables = [] for tag, i, j, _, _ in SequenceMatcher(None, words_orig, words_new).get_opcodes(): if tag in ('delete', 'replace'): skippables += [a for a in range(i, j)] for c in skippables.reverse(): del(orig[c]) out = [] i = 0 while i < len(orig): if orig[i][0] == new[i][0]: if orig[i][1] == new[i][1]: if not only_changed: out.append(orig) else: out.append((orig[i][0], orig[i][1], new[i][1])) i += 1 return out def smp_probe(filename: str) -> bool: with open(filename, "rb") as f: return f.read(9) == b"file=samp" def smp_headers(filename: str): with open(filename, "rb") as f: f.seek(0) raw_headers = f.read(1024) raw_headers = raw_headers.rstrip(b'\x00') asc_headers = raw_headers.decode("ascii") asc_headers.rstrip('\x00') tmp = [a for a in asc_headers.split("\r\n")] back = -1 while abs(back) > len(tmp) + 1: if tmp[back] == '=': break back -= 1 tmp = tmp[0:back-1] return dict(a.split("=") for a in tmp) def smp_read_sf(filename: str): headers = smp_headers(filename) if headers["msb"] == "last": ENDIAN = "LITTLE" else: ENDIAN = "BIG" data, sr = sf.read(filename, channels=int(headers["nchans"]), samplerate=16000, endian=ENDIAN, start=512, dtype="int16", format="RAW", subtype="PCM_16") return (data, sr) def _write_wav(filename, arr): import wave with wave.open(filename, "w") as f: f.setnchannels(1) f.setsampwidth(2) f.setframerate(16000) f.writeframes(arr) #arr, sr = smp_read_sf("/Users/joregan/Playing/waxholm/scenes_formatted//fp2060/fp2060.pr.09.smp") #write_wav("out.wav", arr)