# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Datasets Authors and the HuggingFace Datasets Authors. # Copyright 2022 Jim O'Regan # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Lint as: python3 """Datasets loader for Waxholm speech corpus""" from io import BytesIO import os import soundfile as sf import datasets from datasets.tasks import AutomaticSpeechRecognition from datasets.features import Audio TRAIN_LIST = "alloktrainfiles" TEST_LIST = "testfiles" _DESCRIPTION = """\ The Waxholm corpus was collected in 1993 - 1994 at the department of Speech, Hearing and Music (TMH), KTH. """ _CITATION = """ @article{bertenstam1995spoken, title={Spoken dialogue data collected in the {W}axholm project}, author={Bertenstam, Johan and Blomberg, Mats and Carlson, Rolf and Elenius, Kjell and Granstr{\"o}m, Bj{\"o}rn and Gustafson, Joakim and Hunnicutt, Sheri and H{\"o}gberg, Jesper and Lindell, Roger and Neovius, Lennart and Nord, Lennart and de~Serpa-Leitao, Antonio and Str{\"o}m, Nikko}, journal={STH-QPSR, KTH}, volume={1}, pages={49--74}, year={1995} } @inproceedings{bertenstam1995waxholm, title={The {W}axholm application database.}, author={Bertenstam, J and Blomberg, Mats and Carlson, Rolf and Elenius, Kjell and Granstr{\"o}m, Bj{\"o}rn and Gustafson, Joakim and Hunnicutt, Sheri and H{\"o}gberg, Jesper and Lindell, Roger and Neovius, Lennart and Nord, Lennart and de~Serpa-Leitao, Antonio and Str{\"o}m, Nikko}, booktitle={EUROSPEECH}, year={1995} }""" _URL = "http://www.speech.kth.se/waxholm/waxholm2.html" class WaxholmDataset(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """Dataset script for Waxholm.""" VERSION = datasets.Version("1.1.0") BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ datasets.BuilderConfig(name="waxholm"), ] def _info(self): features = datasets.Features( { "id": datasets.Value("string"), "text": datasets.Value("string"), "audio": datasets.Audio(sampling_rate=16_000) } ) return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=features, supervised_keys=None, homepage=_URL, citation=_CITATION, task_templates=[ AutomaticSpeechRecognition(audio_file_path_column="path", transcription_column="text") ], ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={ "split": "train", "files": TRAIN_LIST }, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TEST, gen_kwargs={ "split": "test", "files": TEST_LIST }, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, split, files): with open(f"./waxholm/{files}") as input_file: for line in input_file.readlines(): line = line.strip() parts = line.split(".") subdir = parts[0] audio_file = f"./waxholm/scenes_formatted/{subdir}/{line}" if not os.path.exists(audio_file): print(f"{audio_file} does not exist: skipping") continue text_file = f"{audio_file}.mix" if not os.path.exists(text_file): print(f"{text_file} does not exist: skipping") continue mix = Mix(text_file) samples, sr = smp_read_sf(audio_file) buffer = BytesIO() sf.write(buffer, samples, sr, format="wav") blank = Audio() audio_to_pass = blank.encode_example(value = {"bytes": buffer.getvalue(), "sampling_rate": sr, }) yield line, { "id": line, "text": mix.text, "audio": audio_to_pass } def fix_text(text: str) -> str: replacements = text.maketrans("{}|\\", "äåöÖ") return text.translate(replacements) class FR: def __init__(self, text: str): if not text.startswith("FR"): raise IOError("Unknown line type (does not begin with 'FR'): " + text) parts = [a.strip() for a in text.split("\t")] self.frame = parts[0][2:].strip() if parts[-1].strip().endswith(" sec"): self.seconds = parts[-1].strip()[0:-4] for subpart in parts[1:-1]: if subpart.startswith("$#"): self.type = 'I' self.phone_type = fix_text(subpart[0:2]) self.phone = fix_text(subpart[2:]) elif subpart.startswith("$"): self.type = 'I' self.phone_type = fix_text(subpart[0:2]) self.phone = fix_text(subpart[2:]) elif subpart.startswith("#"): self.type = 'B' self.phone_type = fix_text(subpart[0:2]) self.phone = fix_text(subpart[2:]) elif subpart.startswith(">pm "): self.pm_type = fix_text(subpart[4:5]) self.pm = fix_text(subpart[5:]) elif subpart.startswith(">pm. "): self.pm_type = fix_text(subpart[4:5]) self.pm = fix_text(subpart[5:]) elif subpart.startswith(">w "): self.type = 'B' self.word = fix_text(subpart[3:]) self.pseudoword = False elif subpart.startswith(">w. "): self.type = 'B' self.word = fix_text(subpart[4:]) self.pseudoword = False elif subpart.startswith("X"): if hasattr(self, 'type'): print(self.type, self.type == 'B') self.type = getattr(self, 'type', 'B') self.word = fix_text(subpart) self.pseudoword = True elif subpart == "OK": self.type = 'E' def __repr__(self): parts = [] parts.append(f"type: {self.type}") parts.append(f"frame: {self.frame}") if self.type != 'E': parts.append(f"phone: {self.phone}") if 'word' in self.__dict__: parts.append(f"word: {self.word}") if 'pm_type' in self.__dict__: parts.append(f"pm_type: {self.pm_type}") if 'pm' in self.__dict__: parts.append(f"pm: {self.pm}") parts.append(f"sec: {self.seconds}") return f"FR(" + ", ".join(parts) + ")" class Mix(): def __init__(self, filepath: str): self.fr = [] with open(filepath) as inpf: saw_text = False saw_phoneme = False saw_labels = False for line in inpf.readlines(): if line.startswith("Waxholm dialog."): self.filepath = line[15:].strip() if line.startswith("TEXT:"): saw_text = True continue if saw_text: self.text = fix_text(line.strip()) saw_text = False if line.startswith("FR "): if saw_labels: saw_labels = False self.fr.append(FR(line)) if line.startswith("Labels: "): self.labels = line[8:].strip() saw_labels = True if saw_labels and line.startswith(" "): self.labels += line.strip() def smp_probe(filename: str) -> bool: with open(filename, "rb") as f: return f.read(9) == b"file=samp" def smp_headers(filename: str): with open(filename, "rb") as f: f.seek(0) raw_headers = f.read(1024) raw_headers = raw_headers.rstrip(b'\x00') asc_headers = raw_headers.decode("ascii") asc_headers.rstrip('\x00') tmp = [a for a in asc_headers.split("\r\n")] back = -1 while abs(back) > len(tmp) + 1: if tmp[back] == '=': break back -= 1 tmp = tmp[0:back-1] return dict(a.split("=") for a in tmp) def smp_read_sf(filename: str): headers = smp_headers(filename) if headers["msb"] == "last": ENDIAN = "LITTLE" else: ENDIAN = "BIG" data, sr = sf.read(filename, channels=int(headers["nchans"]), samplerate=16000, endian=ENDIAN, start=512, dtype="int16", format="RAW", subtype="PCM_16") return (data, sr) def _write_wav(filename, arr): import wave with wave.open(filename, "w") as f: f.setnchannels(1) f.setsampwidth(2) f.setframerate(16000) f.writeframes(arr) #arr, sr = smp_read_sf("/Users/joregan/Playing/waxholm/scenes_formatted//fp2060/fp2060.pr.09.smp") #write_wav("out.wav", arr)