--- task_categories: - question-answering - token-classification language: - en --- # Metaphors and analogies datasets These datasets contain word pairs and quadruples forming analogies, metaphoric mapping or sematically unacceptable compositions. - Pair instances are pairs of nouns A and B in a sentence of the form "A is a B". - Quadruple instances are of the form : < (A,B),(C,D) > There is an analogy when A is to B what C is to D. The analogy is also a metaphor when the (A,B) and (C,D) form a metaphoric mapping, usually when they come from different domains. ## Dataset Description - **Homepage:** - **Repository:** - **Paper:** - **Leaderboard:** - **Point of Contact:** Language : English ### Datasets and paper links | Name | Size | Labels | Description | | ---------: | :----- |:-------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `Cardillo` | 260 *2 | 1, 2 | Pairs of "A is-a B" sentences composed of one metaphoric and one literal sentence. The two sentences of a given pair share the same B term. | | `Jankowiak`| 120*3 | 0, 1, 2 | Triples of "A is-a/is-like-a B" sentences with exactly one literal, one semantic abnormal and one metaphoric sentence. | | `Green` | 40*3 | 0, 1, 2 | Triples of proportional analogies, made of 4 terms each. One stem is composed with 3 different pairs, to form exaclty one near analogy, one far analogy and one non analogic quadruple| | `Kmiecik` | 720 | 0, 1, 2 | Quadruples labelled as analogy:True/False and far_analogy: True/False| | `SAT-met` | 160?*5 | 0, 1, 2, 12 | One pair stem to combine with 5 different pairs and attempt to form proportional analogies. Only one forms an analogy with We additionally labelled the analogies as **metaphoric**:True/False| | Name | Paper Citation | Paper link | Dataset link | | ---------: | :------- | :------------------------------ |-----------------------------------------: | | `Cardillo` | | [Cardillo (2010)](https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13428-016-0717-1) [Cardillo (2017)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2952404/ ) | | | `Jankowiak`| | [Jankowiak (2020)]( https://link-springer-com.abc.cardiff.ac.uk/article/10.1007/s10936-020-09695-7) | | | `Green` | Green, A. E., Kraemer, D. J. M., Fugelsang, J., Gray, J. R., & Dunbar, K. (2010). Connecting Long Distance: Semantic Distance in Analogical Reasoning Modulates Frontopolar Cortex Activity. Cerebral Cortex, 10, 70-76. | [Green (20)]() || | `Kmiecik` |Kmiecik, M. J., Brisson, R. J., & Morrison, R. G. (2019). The time course of semantic and relational processing during verbal analogical reasoning. Brain and Cognition, 129, 25-34. | [Kmiecik (20)]() || | `SAT-met` | | [Turney (2005)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/0508053.pdf) | | ### Labels : - Pairs - **0** : anomaly - **1** : literal - **2** : metaphor - Quadruples : - **0** : not an analogy - **1** : an analogy but not a metaphor - **2** : an analogy and a metaphor or a far analogy - **12** : maybe a metaphor, somewhere between 1 and 2 ### Dataset Splits - Both lexical and random splits are available for classification experiments. - Size of the splits : - **train** : 50 % - **validation** : 10 % - **test** : 40 % - Additionally, for all datasets, the `5-folds` field gives frozen splits for a five-folds cross validation experiment with train/val/test = 70/10/20% of the sets. # Datasets for Classification - Task : binary classification or 3-classes classification of pairs or quadruples. Each pair or quadruple is to classify between anomaly, non-metaphoric and metaphoric. ## Pairs ### Datasets names & splits : | Original set | Dataset name | Split | |-------------:| :------------ | :------ | | Cardillo | Pairs\_Cardillo\_random_split | random | | | Pairs\_Cardillo\_lexical_split | lexical | | Jankowiac | Pairs\_Jankowiac\_random_split | random | | | Pairs\_Jankowiac\_lexical_split | lexical | ### Data fields : | Field | Description | Type | | -------------:| :------------ | ---- | | corpus | name of the orgiginal dataset | str | | id | instance id | str | | set_id | id of the set containing the given instance in the multiple choice task | int | | label | 0, 1, 2 | int | | sentence | A is-a B sentence. | str | | A | A expression in the sentence | str | | B | B expression in the sentence | str | | A\_position | position of A in the sentence | list(int) | | B\_position | position of B in the sentence | list(int) | | 5-folds | frozen splits for cross validation | list(str) | ### Examples : | Name | Example | Label| | -------: | :------------------------------------- | :-------- | |Cardillo | | | |Jankowiac | | | ## Quadruples ### Datasets names & splits | Original set | dataset name | Split | | -------: | :------------------------------------- | :-------- | |Green | Quadruples\_Green\_random_split | random | | | Quadruples\_Green\_lexical_split | lexical | |Kmiecik | Quadruples\_Kmiecik\_random_split | random | | | Quadruples\_Kmiecik\_lexical\_split\_on\_AB | lexical AB | | | Quadruples\_Kmiecik\_lexical_split\_on\_CD | lexical CD | |SAT | Quadruples\_SAT\_random\_split | random | random | | | Quadruples\_SAT\_lexical\_split | lexical | lexical | ### Data fields : | Field| Description | Type | | -------------: | :------------ | :------------ | | corpus | Name of the orgiginal dataset | str | | id | Element id | str | | set\_id | Id of the set containing the given instance in the multiple-choice task datasets | int | | label | 0, 1, 2, 12 | int | | AB | pair of terms | list(str) | | CD | pair of terms | list(str) | | 5-folds | frozen splits for cross validation | list(str) | ### Examples : | Name | Example | Label| |-------: | :------------------------------------- | :-------- | |Green | | | |Kmiecik | | | | SAT | | | # Datasets for multiple choice questions or permutation - Task : One stem and multiple choices. The stem and its possible combinations are to be combined to form a sentence. The resulting sentence has a label <0,1,2>. ## Pairs ### Datasets names & splits : | Original set | dataset name | Split | | -----------|------| :---- | | Cardillo | Pairs\_Cardillo\_set | test only | | Jankowiac | Pairs\_Jankowiac\_set |test only | ### Data fields : | Field | Description | Type | | -------------: | :------------ | :------------ | | corpus | Name of the orgiginal dataset | str | | id | Element id | str | | pair_ids | Ids of each pair as appearing in the classification datasets. | list(str) | | labels | 0, 1, 2 | list(int) | | sentences | List of the sentences composing the set | list(str) | | A\_positions | Positions of the A's in each sentence | list(list(int)) | | B\_positions | Positions of the B's in each sentence | list(list(int)) | | answer | Index of the metaphor | int | | stem | Term shared between the sentences of the set. | str | | 5-folds | frozen splits for cross validation | list(str) | ### Examples : | Name | Stem | Sentences |Label| |-------: |-------: | :------------------------------------- | :-------- | |Cardillo | comet | The astronomer's obssession was a comet. | 1 | | | | The politician's career was a comet. | 2 | | Jankoviac | harbour | This banana is like a harbour | 0 | | | | A house is a harbour | 2| | | | This area is a harbour | 1 | ## Quadruples ### Datasets names & splits : | Original set | dataset name | Split | | ----------: | :------| :---- | | Green | Quadruples\_Green\_set | test only | | SAT | Quadruples\_SAT\_met_set | test only | ### Data fields : | Field | Description | Type | |-------------: | :------------ | :------------ | | corpus | name of the orgiginal dataset | str | | id | Element id | str | | pair\_ids | Ids of the instances as appearing in the clasification datasets | list(str) | | labels | 0, 1, 2, 12 | list(int) | | answer | temp | int | | stem | Word pair to compose with all the other pairs of the set | list(str) | | pairs | List of word pairs | list(list(str)) | | 5-folds | Frozen splits for cross validation | list(str) | ### Examples : | Name | Example | Label| |-------: | :------------------------------------- | :-------- | |Green | | | | | | | | SAT | | |