--- license: mit --- We carefully collect 400 videos, each featuring dynamic scenes and rich in logical reasoning content. On average, these videos are 76.5 seconds long (5 FPS). The collection comprises 289 videos from VidOR, 55 videos from EpicKitchen, and 56 videos from Ego4D. Please `git clone` https://github.com/LilyDaytoy/OpenPVSG and organize your files according to the structure below. You can put the HF dataset in `data_zip` directory. ``` ├── assets ├── checkpoints ├── configs ├── data ├── data_zip │ ├── Ego4D │ │ ├── ego4d_masks.zip │ │ └── ego4d_videos.zip │ ├── EpicKitchen │ │ ├── epic_kitchen_masks.zip │ │ └── epic_kitchen_videos.zip │ ├── VidOR │ │ ├── vidor_masks.zip │ │ └── vidor_videos.zip │ └── pvsg.json ├── datasets ├── models ├── scripts ├── tools ├── utils ├── .gitignore ├── environment.yml └── README.md ``` Please run unzip_and_extract.py to unzip the files and extract frames from the videos. If you use zip, make sure to use `unzip -j xxx.zip` to remove junk paths. You should have your data directory looks like this: ``` data ├── ego4d │ ├── frames │ ├── masks │ └── videos ├── epic_kitchen │ ├── frames │ ├── masks │ └── videos ├── vidor │ ├── frames │ ├── masks │ └── videos └── pvsg.json ``` We suggest our users to play with `./notebooks/Visualize_Dataset.ipynb` to quickly get familiar with PSG dataset.